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Test Instrumentation Group Keithley Instruments, Inc. 28755Aurora Road Cleveland,Ohio 44139-1891 (216)X3-0400 . Fax: (216)498-2704 1-800-552-1115 INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 227 CURRENTSOURCE (AND MODEL 2271 PROGRAMMING OPTION) INSTRUCTIONMAMlAL Model 227 (and Model 2271 Programing Optionj OCOPYEICHT 1976, KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS,INC. FOURTHPRINTING, JAN. 1978, CLE"!%LAND,OHIO, U.S.A. MODEL227 WARNING EXTREMECARESHOULDBE TAILFNTO AVOID CONTACTWITR RIGH VOLTAGESWRENMAKING CONNECTIONS n, EXTh?2NALTERMIIULS OR WRENSERVICING TRE MODEL227 WITX TOP AND BOTT(3.lCOVERSRZMOVEV. RecommendedProcedures for User Safety: 0975 2. Make certain third-wire ground pin an line power card ls connected fo earth ground. This will ensure that the Model 227 chassis is at ground potential. 3. Before making connections anywhere on the front or rear panels, remove power to Model 227 by detaching the line power cord, or by setting the power switch to OFF, or by setting the OUTPUTSELECTORswitch to "SHORT" or "OPEN". Also, remove all external power Sources which may be connected between LO and CASE. 4. If the Model 227 LO terminal is to be floated above CASE, make certain metal link is removed between front panel LO and CASE terminals. 5. Make certain cable connections are well insulated and that no bare wires posed. Use connectors with fully enclosed and insulated virinS. 6. During calibration with top and/or bottom covers removed, extreme care must be Use insulated tools and gloves for taken to avoid contact with exposed circuitry. maximm safety. Various test points and adjustment circuitry my be up to 300 volts potential. that the are ex- iii CONTENTS MODEL227 CONTENTS SECTION PAGE SPECIFICATIONS __-----_________-____________ vi 1. GE- I&?,,mTION 2. INITIAI. PREPARATION__--------___------_--- 2 3. ,,PE&Q-ING INS'fRUCTIONS--________-__-______----- 8 4. *CcESSlJRIES _----__---_-__-_____---------------- 24 5. THEORYOF OPEP\ATION__--________________----------- 25 6. MAINTEN)JCE ---_--___---__-_____---------------- 27 7. REPmCE&,LE PARTS__-______--___-___-____I___ 39 SYNDICS iv __-__-_----_-_____________________ --__--------_____------------------------ 1 60 0975 MODEL227 ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 0975 Title Page FrQ"f panel. ____________-__-__--______I_____________----Rear Panel Showing Line Switches. --------------------------RecommendedMounting and Ventilation. -----------------------LQc*tiQ" of *ir Filter. ------------------------------------Voltage Levels Present at Front and Rear Panel Terminals. Front Panel Terminals and Controls. ---------------__-_--------- 1 2 3 3 ------ 7 8a.b.c 9 10 11 12 13 14a,b Rear p**e1 Terminals. -------------------------------------Output Selector Switch Positions. -----------------------------Voltage Output Versus % Rotation for Compliance Control. ------Connections as a Current Source with Resistive Load. ---------Connectians es a Current Sink wirh Resistive Load. -----------Connections as a Current Source with Capacitive Load. ---------Connecrfo"s as a Currenr Source with Inductive Load. ---------Power Limits when used as a Current Sink. --------------------- 15 16 17 Typical Output Impedance Versus Frequency for lOOOvA Range. ---Output Noise Versus Compliance Voltage. --------------------Output Noise Versus RC Time Conetant of External Load. ------- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Connections for Floating Operation. --------------------------Frequency Response for Voltage Programming. ------------------Use of Voltage Program Inpur to Modulate Current. -------------Rear panel Remote Progrenrming Connector. -------------------Compliance Progranrming up to 5OV. ---------------------------Compliance Programming up to 3OOV. ---------------------------Resistance Programming of Current. --------------------------Preferred Cabling Te.=,,"iques. __-______________--------------Model 1008 Single Rack Mounting Kit. -----------------------Overall Block Diagram of Model 227. ---------------------------Simplified Diagram of Current Source. ------------------------- 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Test Set-up for Model 22712271 Calibration. ------------------Location of Adjustments with Top Cover Removed. --------------Location of Adjustments with Bottom Cover Removed. ------------Chassis Assembly. ---------_______________________________----Compo"e"t Layout, PC-330. ------------____-____________________ component Layout, PC-331. ----------------------------------Component Layout, PC-342. ------------_-______________________ 36 Case 37 38 Case Outlines, Case Ourlines, Outlines, Integrated Circuits. ---------_--_-----_----- Integrated Circuits. ------------------------Transistors. __-_-------__-------____________ 5 7 7 9 10 11 11 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 20 21 21 22 23 24 26 27 36 38 38 41 53 55 56 57 58 59 SPECIFICATIONS MODELZL, SPECIFICATIONS Calibrated AS A DC CONSTANTCURRSNTSOURCE OUTPUT: current : ?l microampere (1000 microamperes full range) to tlOO0 milliamperes in four decade ranges; 3-digit in-line readout; 11% overrange to 1110. Voltage Compliance: *300 volts on 100 milliampere f50 volts on 1000 milliampere range and lauer. adjustable range. Compliance limit continuously from appraximately 3 volts t0 full voltage cam- et 25'C " 3*C GENERAL STABILITY: C(O.O05% of Betting + 0.005% of =ange)/Y Short-tefm stability up to 30 days is masked by thi temperature coefficient. LOADR!.?GULATION: t0.005% of range from no load to full load. LINE REGULATION: +O.OOS%of range for 10% change in line voltage. NOISE: Wideband noise less than (0.03% of range + 2 millivolts) ~llls above 5 Hz. plialXe. 1500 volts maximum off chassis ground. Floating: RESOLUTION: 0.005% af range, 3-digit readout. ACCURACY: ?(0.5% of Betting + 0.12% of range). AS A BIPOLAR PROGRAMMABLE CONSTANT-C”RRRN’f AMPLIFIER VOLTAGEPROGRAMMING (INPUT): DC-coupled o to tll volts. Input resistance 10 kilohm. Input must be isolated from Output load by greater than 106 ohms. TRANSFERFUNCTION t10 volts dc for f full-range CUTrent OUtpUt. Accuracy *0.5%, zero offset less than 0.1% of range. BANDWIDTH(-3dB): 600 Hz minimum. OPTIONALPROGRAMMING:Model 2271 option permits remote programming of Range, Magnitude, Polarity, Compliance Limit (See Model 2271). Specifications for Model 2271 Programming Option. Calibrated $.NGE SELECT: range. Closure* on ane af four lines :uRRRNTSET: Voltage Programming: Standard feature of 227. 227. see specifications selects of Model Programming: Transfer function: 10% of full range per kilohm (?O.S%). Zero at approximately 11 kilohms. Stability: adds +(0.01X of setting + 0.01% of range)/"C to Model 227 speciResistance must be isolated end shieldfication. ed. Resistance :Ol@LIANCE LIMIT: Closure" enables external canExternal operate: rrol af both span and limit. Open enables 227 front-panel control. Closure* enables compliance limit to span Select: be set fram 10 to 300 volts, open makes span 4 fO 50 volts. vi ENVIRONMENT: operating: humiO'C to 50°c. 0% to 80% relative dity up to 35'C. Requires approximately Z-inch top and 6-inch rear panel clearances for air movement * storage: -25'=C to 70°C. CONNECTORS:Output (front and rear), Voltage Programring Input (rear); Binding Post=. POWER: 90-110, 105-125, 195-235, 210-250 volts (switch selected), 50-60 Hz; 145 watts. DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: Style N, 5-l/4 in. half-rack, overall bench size 5-314 in. high x S-314 in. wide x 15-l/4 in. deep (145 x 220 x 385 mm). Net weight 24 pounds (lo,9 kg). et 25'C i: 3°C conlp11ance Limit set: Resistance programmed, nanlinear transfer function, OR yields high end of span, 25ko yields approximately mid span, open circuit yields law end. Resistance must be isolated end shielded. Logic "0" (sO.4V drop while sinkFlag (Output): ing 16mA t0 external power supply LO) appears when 227 16 in compliance limit. Logic "1" @2.4V at up to 400vA referenced to supply LO) appears when 227 is not in compliance limit. RRQUIRRDCONTROLLEVELS: *CLOSUP.Rz Closure to external power supply LO with, in 0.5 vale while sinking 5OmA (range-select for l-ampere range requires sinking lOOmA). OPEN E >2 kilohms referenced t0 external po"e= supply LO. EXTERNAL POWERSUPPLY: Requires external PO”e= supply of 5 te 6 volts @ ZOO&.. CONNECTOR:DAM-15s type mounts on 227 =ee= panel. ACCESSORIESSUPPLIED: Mating connector. 0975 MODEL227 GENERA,.INFORMATION SECTION 1. GENERAL l-l. INTRODUCTION. The Model 227 is a dc current source with full range current from 1 milliampere to The Model 227 provides a compli1000 milliamperes. ance up to 300 volts on lmA, lOmA, and lOOmAranges or up to 50 volts on 1OOOmA range. The output is bipolar. Load regulation is ?0.005% of range from no load to full load. l-2. FEATURES. a. Three digit readout has least significant digit continuously adjustable using Fine Current Control. Typical setability is 1 degree of rotation (which corresponds to 0.005% of full range). b. Compliance limit is adjustable e. Outpur can be floated d. Voltage programming input to i500 volts above case. is standard. e. Model 2271 Programming option factory installed. 0975 up to 300 valcs. is available INFORMATION 1-3. WARRANTY INPORMATION. The warranty ,is stated on the inside front c.over of the manual. If there is a need far service, contact your Keithley representative or authorized repair facility as given in our catalog. The Service Form supplied at the back of the manual should be used to provide the repair facility with adequare information concerning any difficulty. 1-4. CHANGENOTICE. Improvements or changes to the instrument not incorporated into rhe manual will be explained on a yellow change notice sheet attached to the inside back cover of the manual. 1-5. PROGRAMMING OPTION. The Model 2271 is a factory-installed option which enables remote programming of range, magnitude, polarity, and compliance. Current magnitude and compliance can be resistance programmed. Range and compliance maximum are selected by means of closure to external power supply comcm*. An external +5 volt supply is required to energize relay coils in the Model 2271. 1 INITIAL PREPARATION MODEL227 SECTION 2. INITIAL 2-l. GENERAL. This section provides information needed for incoming inspection and preparation for use. 2-2. INSPECTION. The Model 227 was carefully inspected both mechanically and electrically before shipment. Upon receiving the instrument, check for any obvious damage which may have occurred during transit. Report any damages to the shipping agent. To verify the electrical specifications, follow the procedures in Section 5. 2-3. PREPARATION b. Line Fuse Requirements. The Model 227 uses a 2-1/2A 3AG slo-blo fuse for the range 90-125V and a l-1/4A line fuse for the range 195-25OV. The Line Fuse is located an rear panel a8 shown in Figure 2. C. Line Power Connections. An accessory line cord ia furnished with the Model 227. The 3-wire, 8 foot (244 cm) line cord mates with the rear panel receptac P306. Extra line cords can be ordered from Keithley by specifying Keithley Part NO. CO-7. d. PREPARATIONFOR "SE. The Model 227 has a. How to Set Line Switches. two rear panel line switches which are used to select line voltage ranges of 90-llOV, 105-125V, 195-235V, or ZlO-250V as shown in Figure 2. The line switches are identified as 117/234V (S303) and LOW/NORM(5302). Once the line voltage to be used has been derermined, then the line voltage range should be selected from the four ranges available an the Model 227. For example, when the line voltage to be used is within the range from 105 to 125 volts, then the line switches should be set fo “117V” and "NORM" pasitions . If the line voltage to be used is within either of two overlapping ranges, such as 107 volts, then either range may be selected (117V, LOW, or 117V NORM, for this particular example). Line voltages which are not covered by my one of the four rages require an appropriate step-up or step-down transformer. FIGURE 2. Rear Mounting and Ventilation. 1. Bench Mounting. The Model 227 requires a 2 inch c1earanc.e above the tar, cover and ar least a 6 inch clearance at the back panel to allow for air circulation. Care should be taken to keep the filter an the top cover clear of any obstruction. (See Filter Replacement, paragraph 2-3 d3.) 2. Rack Mounting. The Model 227 can be rack mounted usins accessorv Model 1008 Sinele Rack Mounting Kit (and Model 2272 Rack Panel Adapter, which allows clearance over the tap cover of the Model 227). See Section 4 for installation instructions. The Model 227 requires 2 inch clearance above the top cover and at least 6 inch clearance at the back panel to allow for air cirCUlEdOlI. Care should be taken to keep the filter on the tap cover clear of an obstruction. Panel Showing Line Switches. 0975 MODEL22, INITIAL IMPORTANT The Model 227 has been designed to operate at up to 5O'C ambient temperature. Sufficient ventilation should be provided so that the fan which circulates air through the Model 227 is able to maintain a flow af.cooling air as shown in Figure 3. Should a fail"re of the fan occur or abnormal internal heating occur, the Model 227 automatically shuts down. The thermal c"t-""t in the Model 227 will operate regardless of the condition of the fan. 3. Filter Replacement. The air filter in the Model 227 is located as shown in Figure 4. The filter should be cleaned or replaced at least once per month under laboratory conditions, or more often when used in industrial environments. The filter can be checked and replaced by removing the top ccNer. Replace with Keithley Part No. 25791. RECOMMENDED CLEANINGINSTRUCTIONS: To clean the filter, remove top cover, detach filter from cover, flush filter with water, and recoat with Research Products "Super Filter Coat Adhesive". (Research Products Corp., 1015 E. Washington Avenue, Madison, WI. 53701.) CAUTION Read and underera"< the following safety Precautions before power is applied to the Model 227 or co"nections are made co any tKGIi"SlS. e. Safety Precautions. The Model 227 should be operated with care since potentially lethal voltages are present at various terminals on the front and rear panels. IMPORTANT whenever it is **ce**ary to turn power on or off to the Model 227, set the OUTPUTSELECTOR to SHORTor OPENand set the VOLTAGECOMPLIANCE control to minimum voltage. This will ensure that power turn an and t"fn off action "ill not affect the load. 1. How co Safely Disconnect the Load. The OUTPUT SELECTORSwitch (SlO4) should be used to safely disconnect the load from the Model 227 o"tp"t. a). SHORTPosition. This position should be used when disconnecting a resistive or inductive load. In this position, the Model 227 output currenf by-passes the output terminals. In addirion, a 10 ohm, l/2 watt resistor is connected across the o"tp"t terminal. As a result, th.e SHORTposition should not be used with capacitive loads greater than l!,F or external voltage supplies since damage to the Model 227 and the load could result. OPENPosition. This position should be b). used when disconnertina a caxacitive load. 1n this position, the Mod;1 227'auQut current bypasses the output terminals. The output terminals are open. Do not use this position with inductive loads since a high voltage may be instantaneously developed at the output terminals due to an interruption of current flawing through the inductance causing possible damage to the Model 227. FILTER SCREW \ III RACK MOUNTING HARDWARENOT SHOWNFOR CLARITY FIGURE 3. 0975 6 in. CLEARANCE AT BACK PANEL RecommendedMounting and Ventilation. PREPARATION I FILTER SCREW FILTER INSTALLED ON TOP COVER FIGURE 4. Location of Air Filter. INITIAL MODEL227 PREPARATION 2. How to Safely Use Front and Rear Terminals. (See Figure 5 and Table 2-l for a complete listing of all voltages present.) Terb). Front and Rear Panel LO Terminal. minals JllO (Black) and J108 (Black) can be at 500 volts if LO is floating above CASE (Green). Front and Rear Panel HI Terminal 0109, 4. 5107). These terminals provide current output up to the maximum compliance voltage as set on rhe Model 227 (either by front panel range switch or by Model 2271 Remote Programming). As a result, the terminals can be up to 305 volts above LO (Black) depending o" range selected. If ehe LO eerminal is floating at 500 volts above CASE (Green), the" up to 805 volts can be present at HI. Far operator safety, set COMPLIANCE LIMIT to minimum or set OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch to "SHORT" or "OPEN". Voltages c). VOLTAGE PROGRAMMING Terminal. Terminals JlOl (Blue) and 5102 (Black) float at output HI potential and can be up to 306 volts above oufp"f LO (Black). MONITORTerminals. Terminals 5103 d). CURRENT and 3104 float at output HI potential and can be up to 305 vales above ouepue LO. e) . VOLTSMONITORTerminal. Terminal J105 is a buffered oucpur and can be up to 305 volrs above output LO. Terminal 5106 at the same poteneia1 as output LO. TABLE 2-l. at Front and Rear Panel Terminals. Maximum Voltage Referenced ea CASE Jill Grounded LO I Floating LO Ci*C"it Desig. 5107 (Rear) 305 " 305 " OUTPUTLO OUTPUTLO JllO (Front) JlO8 (Rear) 0" 0" I 500 " 500 " VOLTS MONITORHI VOLTSMONITORLO J105 5106 305 " 0" I 805 " 500 " CURRENTMONITORHI* CURRENTMONITOR LO* 5103 5104 VOLT PROGRAM HI* VOLT PROGRAM LO* JlOl RESISTANCEPROGRAM In* RESISTANCEPROGRAM Lo* 5401, pi" 2 5401, pi" 10 J109 (Front) I I 5102 I 305 " 306 V 306 " 306 " 306 " 306 " 805 " 805 " I I 805 " 806 " 806 " 806 " RO6 " 806 " *IMPORTANT fused by FlOl which is a type 8AG fast-acting fuse rated at 0.125 amperes. A short circuit to output LO will cause the fuse to blow within 5 seconds. w: Instantaneous currenf could exceed ZOOmAuntil fuse blows. These terminals are 1174 INITIAL PREPARATION MODEL 227 CURRENT MONITOR J104 0.125A t 1V = FR 5103 WMNING! THESEPOINTS CAN SAVE A COMPLIANCEVOLTAGEUP TO 305 VOLTSAT 100 MILLIAMPERES. EXCEPT FOR OUTPUTRIGS ALL POINTS ARE INTEZ?NALLYFUSED. VOLTS MONITOR HI J105 REAR PANEL FRONT PANEL OUTPUT HI t 5107 J109 LOAD JllO * J108 E OUTPUT LO OUTPUT LO S108 Jill A FIGURE 5. ""lt=ge FLOAT/GROUND SWITCH THIRD WIRE ON LINE CORD Levels Present at Front -L and Rear Panel Tern,inals. 5 INITIAL PREPARATION 00*t*01 or MODEL227 C""*ector Front Panel Power Switch (S301) Applies power to instrument. OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch (S104) Sets output configuration. connect the output load.) Range Switch (SlOl) Sets full range current end 1OOOmA). Decade Selector These switches rent output. to 10, while justable. Fine Current Switches (S102, S103) Control C"RRENTPolarity (R124) Switch (S105) (Should be used to safely dis- are used with Fine Current Control to set curEach switch has discrete decade steps from 1 the Fine Current Control is continuously ad- 2-3e 3-3f 3-3g Adjusts current between 0.000 to 0.011 times full range. This control is continuously adjustable. Typical setability of 1 degree of rotation or 0.005% of full range. 3-3g sees output 3-3e polarity. Adjusts XZETER "/A Switch (S106) Sets meter to read voltage 'IETER Xl/X10 Switch (5107) Sets meter sensitivity COMPLIMIT Indicates (X104) 3-3b in decade stepe (lOOOuA, lOmA, lOOmA, VOLTAGECOMPLIANCE(RlOl) Indicator Paraaraph Description compliance voltage compliance limit up to 300 volts. 3-3d or current. for scale factor limit of Xl or x10. mode when lighted. 3-4a.l Dutput RI (JlOS) C""necti"" to output HI. (In parallel with 5107.) 3-2al Output LO (JllO)* Connection to output LO. (In parallel with 5108.) 3-2al CASE (X11)* FLOAT/GROUND Switch (SlO8) Chassis ground. (Connected to third wire ground.) Connects LO end CASEwhen set to GROUND. 3-2al Provides inputs and outputs for range, current, end voltage control. (Available when Model 2271 option is installed.) 3-2b2 5102) Provides input 3-2bl CURRENT MONITOR(5103, 5104) Provides output for monitoring current (1" = Full VOLTSMONITOR(JlO5, 5106) Provides output for monitoring voltage (up to 300 volts) 3utput HI, LO (5107, 5108) Outputs which are in parallel Rear Panel REMOTE PROGRAM (5401) TOLTAGEPROGRAM(JlOl, for voltage programing. with front Range). panel HI and LO. 3-2a3 3-2a2 3-2al NOTE* On some models a Shorting link is provided to connecf LO end CASE. On models presently manufactured, banana type terminals are used instead of binding post type and the shorting link is no longer used. A front panel FLOAT/GROUND Switch has been added to permit a connection between LO end CASE for grounded applications. 0975 MODEL227 INITIAL PREPARATION I - 0975 7 Ii OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS MODEL227 SECTION 3. OPERATING 3-1. GENERAL. This section provides information to operate the Model 227 es a current eource or progremmeble current amplifier. 3-2. HOW TO MAKE CONNECTIONS 8. OutPut Co""ectio"s. 1. current Output. Output current is provided at the red (HI, JlO9) and black (LO, JllO) be"e"e p0st.8 OXIthe front panel. The green (CASE, ~111) banana post is internally connected to chassis and line cord ground. Whe",connecti"g a load to the Model 227 "se a cable rated at 1000 volts and 1 ampere. A second set of banana posts are provided on the rear panel (red, 5107 end black, 5108). Make certain no connections are made to rear panel terminals when the front panel output terminals are being used. Set compliance contwl to minimum and OUTPUT SELECTORto either SHORTor OPENbefore co""ecti,,"s are made. 2. VOLTAGEMONITOROutput. The rear panel VOLTS MONITORbanana post (JlOS) permits the user‘ to monitor the out&t voltage bf the Model 227 without disturbing the outp,,t current. This buffered output has a" output resistance of 10 kilohms. As a result a voltmeter having greeter than 100 megohms input resistance should be used to keep the loading error below 0.01%. 3. CURRENTMONITOROutput. The rear panel CURRENT MONITORbanana posts (blue. 3103. and white. 5104) permits the usa to &,"itbr the current of the Model 227. This output provides a 1 volt dc level corresponding to full range output curre"t. Output resistance is 10 kilohms. Both blue and white terminals are floatine. at the outhit HI voitage. Monitor voltage polarity is opposite of o"tput current polarity. b. Input connect.ions. 1. VOLTAGEPROGRAM Input. The yellow (5101) a.ld white (5102) banana poets petit the user to set the o"tput current of the Model 227 ofi a given range wing a voltage from 0 to t10 volts. The input is dc coupled and has 8" input resistance of 1OK ohms. The o"tput current can also be modulated by using e signal generator with floating o"tput. The transfer characteristics of the voltage program input is show" in Figure 19. See Section 3-7 for a detailed discussion of voltage programming. When the Model 2231 Remote 2. PROGRAM Option. Program option is installed, the Model 227 can be remotely programmed to select range, current level, A 15-pi" connector (5401) and compliance voltage. is provided when the Model 2271 is installed atlthe See Section 3-S for a detailed discussion factory.' of the remote program option. INSTRUCTIONS 3-3. HOWTO SET OUTPUTCURRENT. a. Set OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch (S104) to either "SHORT" or "OPEN" standby positions to eliminate the possibility of shock or damage to the load. (See also Section 2-3e for important safety precautions.) b. Apply power to instrument s301. C. using Power'Switch Determine compliance voltage d. Set VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEControl desired maximum voltage. 1. This control sets the compliance 3 volts to 50 volts up to 300 volts on required. (RlOl) to the is continuously variable end voltage limit from apprax. maximum on 1OOOm.A range and lower ranges. 2. This control has a tapered resistance such that greater resolution is provided far compliance voltage settings under 60 volts. Figure 9 shows the voltage output vereus % rotation of the control. &5,. f. Set current polarity using Polarity Set current range using Range Witch Switch (SlOl). 1. This-switch sets the maximum current in fout decades (lOOO@. lOmA, lOOmA, and 1OOOmA). 2. The dial is designated in terms of engineering units, either PA (microamperes) or mA (milliamperes). 3. Full range is determined by the decimal point position (lighted) and the engineering unit dieplayed (PA or mA). Sl!;) Set current outpltt using Decade Switches (S102. and Fine Current Control (R124). 1. The Decade Switches set the two most significant digits in decade steps from 0 to 10. 2. The Fine Control provides continuous adjustment of the least significant digit with typical setability of 1 degree of rotation (corresponding to 0.005% of full range). The dial has a maximum readout of 10 plus approximately 10% adjustment beyond 10. h. Connect the load es described in Section i. Sef OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch to "ON". 3-2a. 1. When set to "ON" the Model 227 can develop "P to 50 volts at 100OmAor 300 volts at lOOmA. 2. Care should be take" when connecting the Model 227 to inductive or capacitive loads. see Sections 2-3e and 3-4b. 0975 OPERATlNG INSTRUCTIONS MODEL 227 iI KITPUT HI T FIGURE 8a. LOAD "OPEN" POSITION NO VOLTAGE IS DEVELOPE ACROSS OUTPUT TERMINALSi II XITPUT LO 1 -i .: I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘.. 2 IUTPUT HI I FIGURE 8b. "ON" POSITION .“7‘ 1 I- 3I SHORT LOAD i( IUTPUT LO 7 .I OPEN I cfo4c 1 - iC IUTPUT HI y FIGURE 8~. NO VOLTAGE IS DEVELOPE 1 i 1 < /001PuT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-...... FIGURE Sa,b,c. 1174 I 1 LOAD "SHORT" POSITION ACROSS OUTPUT TERMINAL V=IxR Output Selector Switch LD 1 : Positions. 9 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS MODEL227 TABLE 3-1. Sumnary of Current Settings. Range Settings Max. Dial Settings Max. Voltage Max. Power to Load 1000 mA 1110. mA 1000 UA 11.10 mA. 1110. "A 5ov 3oov 3oov 3oov 55.5w 33.3w 3.338 0.333w 100 mA 10 mA 3-4. 111.0 r&A 2. Operation as a Current Sink. The Model 227 can be used as a current sink as shown.& Figure 11. In this case, the current flow is into rhe Model 227. The output voltzige V, is a function of E, I , and RL where: ", = E - I RL E = external I = c"rrent RL = load resistance How to Use with 1. Operation can deliver Resistive Loads. as a Current Source. When the Model 227 is connected so a6 to. .' sink current (that is, power is delivered to the Model 227 by an external power supply), care should be taken to limit the a constant power delivered to the terminals of the Model 227 as shown in Figures 14a and 14b. If power dissipated within the Model 227 exceeds these limitations overheating and damage to the Model 227 could occur. For example, if the external power supply is capable of delivering greater than 700 milliamperes, then the voltage across the Model 227 output terminals must be less than 50 volts (approximately 46 watts maximum internal dissipation allowed). The Model 227 current UD to the compliance is set-by use of the Range and Decade Dials an the franc panel. With a resistive load as shown in Figure 10, the voltage developed across the load resistance RL is: V = I x RL. If the compliance voltage setting V, is less than the voltage V , then the Model 227 "ill automatically limit the voltage to V, and the LIMIT indicator will be lighted. voltage setting. Current ,nn_ source on Model 227 m OPERATINGCONSIDERATIONS. a. voltage setting /COMPLIANCE LIMIT ON 100 MA AND LOWERRANGES 275250225zoo- COMPLIANCE LIMIT ON 1000 mA RANGE 2 5 25- APPROX 45' ROTATION Ob 20 ;o 3b 4b 50 6b 7b 20 do d0 PERCENT ROTATION OF COMPLIANCE CONTROL FIGURE 9. 10 Voltage Output Versus % Rotation for Compliance Control. 1174 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS MODEL 22, .,...........................................~....... ~ +% *..i 1. ; . . . . . . . . . .%". . . . . ..-.............*....... RESk;j 1 V- ~. . . . . . . . . . . i IxRt FOR RESISTIVE LOAD MODEL 227 WILL DELIVER DIALED CURRENT UP TO COMPLIANCE VOLTAGE FIGURE 10. Connections as a Current Source with Resistive V=E-V Load. 0 FOR RESISTIVE LOAD MODEL 227 WILL DELIVER DIALED CURRENT UP TO COMPLIANCE VOLTAGE VO = Vc OUTPUT VOLTAGE VO MUST REMAIN WITHIN THE AREA SHOWNIN FIGURE 15a OR 15b TO AVOID DAMAGETO MODEL 227 FIGURE 11. 1174 Connections as a Current Sink with Resistive Load. 11 INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING b. How to Use with Capacitive MODEL227 or Inductive Loads. 1. Capacitive Load. When a capacitive load is connected, the Model 227 delivers a constant current until the voltage developed reaches the compliance voltage setting V,. The voltage V, charges to a maximum V, according to the fallowing equation: dt up to Vc (maximum) where C = load capacitance When using a capacitive load, it is preferred to "se the "OPEN" standby position when not making measurements to avoid shock hazard due to compliance voltage at the o"tp"t terminals. Do not "se ehe "SHORT" position since the voltage on the capacitive load will be discharged. V, = $ I TABLE 3-2. comparison of Accuracy for Typical Output current 1mA 1mA lll!A l!llA I 2. Inductive Load. When an inductive load is connected, the Model 227 delivers a constant current the same as for a resistive load. However, to maintain stability the ratio load inductance L (Henries) to load resistance R (ohms) should be smaller than approximately lo-&. This ratio is non-linear and depends on the amount of inductance and the range so that larger values of L/R may be needed to prevent oscillations. A typical calculation of the L-Co-R ratio is as follows: For R = 1000 ohms and L = 1 millihenry, L,R = 1 x 10-311 = 1 x 10-S lO"Q If oscillations occur at the output, add series resistance to lower the L-to-R ratio. When using an inductive load, it is preferred to use the "SHORT" standby position when not making measurements to avoid shock hazard due to open terminals. Also, the current should be dialed to zero before disconnecting an inductive load. C. How to Use the Compliance Control. The compliamce control sets the maximum comcJiance from BDI)TOXirately 3 volts to 50 volts on the 1OOOmA range'and from approximately 3 volts to 300 volts on lmA, lOmA, and lOOmAranges. The compliance voltage should be preset with no load connected. The front panel irieter can be used as a guide to setting compliance. (set METERswitches to V and Xl or Xl0 as appropriate.) The rear panel VOLTS MONITORoutput can be used to adjust the compliance more accurately. Use a voltmeter with an input resistance of at least 100 megohms to avoid loading error at VOLTS MONITORo"tp"t. The control has a tapered characteristic such that the first 50% of rotation represents a variation from 3 to 60 volts to allow more resolution at lower Decade Did Settings b. o-o-1 O-1-0 1-o-o 10-O-O current settings. Range settiw, Total Accuracy lOOOm4 lOOmA 1omA 1OOOliA il.205 ISA t.125 mA 0'17 f.0062 mA .mA HOWto Determine Stability. 1. Time Stability. Stability wirh time is taken into account by the basic accuracy specification; (See also Temperature Stability in the fallowing paragraph.) 2. Temperature Stability. Stability is specified of range + 50ppml'C of dial setting). The lowest full range for the best possible stability should be selected. Maximum allowable ambient as k(SOppm/'C temperature is 5O'C. c. How to Determine Line Regulation. Line regulation is t(.OO5% of full range) for a corresponding 10% change in line voltage. For example, far a naminal line voltage 115V, the variation would be +11.5V. d. How to Determine Load Regulation. The load regulation is specified as ?(.005% of full range) for a change from no-load to full-load. The no-load to full-load variation corresponds co an output campliace voltage change of from 0 to 3OOv on the lmA, lOmA, and lOOmAranges and from 0 to 50V on the 1000 mA range. e. How to Determine 0"tp"t Resistance. 1. DC Output Resistance. The effective output resistance of the Model 227 can be determined by calculations from the load regulation specification. For the lOOmArange: x lOSO and % regulation RL = 3 Since % regulation - 100 x then RIJ = 100 RL mgr or R. = 100 x 3 x 103 .005 = .005%. RL Ro + RL = 6 x 107n COmpliSnCSS. 3-5. MEASUREM%NT CONSIDERATIONS. a. How to Determine Dial Accuracy. The accuracy is specified as f(0.5% of o"tp"t + 0.12% of range). Since the total accuracy of the Model 227 is the sum of the reading accuracy and the full range acc"rac;;-the user should select the lowest full range for best possible accuracy. Table 3-2 shows the total accuracy for typical dial settings. 12 TABLE 3-3. Output Resisfance Range 1000 10 100 1000 “A mA mA mA for Model 227. Output Resistance x x x 1 x 6 6 6 10'0 10'0 10'0 lo60 1174 FOR CAPACITIVE LOAD MODEL 227 WILL DELIVER DIALED CURRENT UNTIL COMPLIANCE VOLTAGE ", IS REACHED FIGURE 12. Connections as a Current Source with Capacitive road. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-... ~ LOAD INDUCTANCE CL) %. . .._........_.._..................................i FOR INDUCTIVE LOAD MODEL 227 WILL DELIVER DIALED CURRENT UP TO COMPLIANCE VOLTAGE FIGURE 13. Connecrions as a current source with Inductive Load. MODEL 227 OPERATING 1NSTR"CTIONS \ COMPLIANCE LIMIT \ 100 MILLIAMPERE RANGE CHARACTERISTIC OUTPUT VOLTAGE MUST REMAIN WITHIN THIS AREA TO AVOID DAMAGETO MODEL 227 \ I 0 I 10 I 20 I 30 I 40 I 50 I 60 I 70 I 80 I 90 SINKING CURRENT r G I I I 100 110 120 *MILLIAMPERES COMPLIANCE LIMIT 40- I 5 it: 2 z 2 2 301000 MILLIAMPERE RANGE 20- OUTPUT VOLTAGE MUST REMAIN WITHIN THIS AREA TO AVOID DAMAGETO MODEL 227 E: % d z CHARACTERISTIC 10' s 5 z nI 0 14 IdO I 200 I 300 I I I 400 500 600 SINKING CURRENT 7:O I 800 I 900 I I I 1000 1100 1200 *MILLIAMPERES 1174 MODEL227 OPEiATING INSTRUCTIONS lO’Q-109 108 - 5 2 2 lo3 -Jo1 I 0.01 ’ 0.1 FREQUENCY HZ FIGURE 15. Typical I 100 I 1000 I 10K Output Impedance Versus Frequency For lOOOvA Range. 2. AC Output Impedance. The output impedance of the current source can be considered a shunt capacity across the dc output resistance. TABLE 3-4. output Capacifance Typical values of output impedance versus frequency far the IOOOpArange of the Model 227 are show! in Figme 15. NOTE The ac output impedance should be considered when using the Model 227 as an amplifier since the loading error will be a function of frequency of the signal generator. For example, if the load resistance is 300k0, the loading error at 10 HZ will be approx- 1174 15 MODEL227 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS f. How to Determine Output Noise. The Model 227 output noise is composed of two components: line frequency ripple (lZO/lOQ Hz) and high frequency noise. 1. tially Line Frequency Ripple. This noise is essena constant percentage of range. 2. *t*nt High Frequency Noise. voltage. 0.3- - This noise is a con- The sum of the t"o components can bg platted versus compliance voltage 88 shcwn in FigFre 16. The rms of range-current noise as a percent of the Model 227 range cm be obtained in two ways. First, the percent noise at a specific compliance voltage can be determined. For example, for a compliance voltage of 5 volts, the percent noise would be 0.07% as read from Figure 16 of 5 volts or 0.0035 volts rms. Secondly, by multipIyi"g the percent noise (0.07%) times the Model 227 range, a resultant current noise con be deFor example, for a 5 volt compliance and a termined. 1OOOuA full range, the rms current noise would be 0.07% x lOOOvA - 0.7uA. From Figure 16, it is evident that a low compliance voltage high-frequency noise is dominant. At high compliance voltages, line frequency If high frequency noise at low ripple is dominant. compliance voltages is objectional, a filter capacitor my be placed acr"ss the load. A typical frequency versus noise plot is shown in Figure 17 for 1 volt For a give" RC the noise as a % of full compliance. range can be read directly. COMPLIANCE VOLTAGE FIGDIE 16. 0.3- 1000 100 10 1 . _.. OUtput Noise Versus Compliance "alrage, - I "a.1 ' TIME CONSTANT CRC) I I Illll' I I I lllll' 10 1.0 -MICROSECONDS I I IIIII' 100 MODEL227 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS MODEL 227 CURRENT -SnllRrF - -. . -- _I_ OUTPUT LO< 1 1 E; E 1 I "RVLJI"" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..” .." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.. ..-... j - -L. - -E- v= Et FOR RESISTIVE LOAD MODEL 227 WILL DELIVER DIALED CURRENT UP TO COMPLIANCE VOLTAGE V. = Vc OR UNTIL CURRENT LIMIT OF EXTERNAL VOLTAGE SOURCE IS EXCEEDED FIGURE 18. Connections HOWTO FLOAT THE MODEL227. The Model 227 can 3-6. be floated up to rt500 volts off chassis ground with less than 5ppm of full range change in outpur current per volt off ground. For floating operation, the fronr panel FLOAT/GROUND Switch must be set to FLOAT. A filter capacitor Cl12 (.OZmfd) is connected between the low and ground banana posts to minimize line freThe low to ground isolation is approxquency pickup. imately 10' ohms. gee note. a. Extended Compliance Voltage. A typical example In this of flaatine ooeration is shown in Fieure lg. example, the Model 227 can be used w&h a voltage supply such as Keithley Model 240A to extend the maximum The Model 227 then compliance voltage to 800 volts. can be adjusted far a compliance voltage of +2OOV to for Floating Operation. +eoov or -200v to -8OOV. Since the maximum current output of the Model 240A is 20 milliamperes, the dialed current on the Model 227 should not exceed this maximum. b. Precautions when "elng a" &xternaL YoUage Source. When a" external voltage source is connected in series with the Model 227 output, care should be take" to observe the power limits shown in Figures 14a and 14b when sinking current. For example, if the external voltage source is capable of delivering 60 milliamperes at 300 Volts (or 7oomA at 50x9, a shorted load could cause the Model 227 to sink current causing excessive power dissipation and possible damage to the Model 227. NOTE 0" some models a shorting link is provided to connect LO and CASE. On models presently manufactured, banana type terminals are used instead of binding post type and the shorting link is "a longer used. A front panel FLOAT/GROUND Switch has bee" added to permit a connection between LO and CASE for grounded applications. 0975 17 MODEL'227 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS DC li'OO I I I I I III 1000 1 I I I AT DC AN INPUT OF 1OV SETS THE CURRENT OUTPUT TO FULL RANGE (10-0-O 2 O- IIlll'°K DIALED CURRENT) -- E 1 E k2 2 tli-1Ol 2 - 1 AT 600 HZ -- I B gz 1 z K 2 -202 1DK FREQUENCY- FIGURE 19. HZ Frequency Response for Voltage Programing FRONT PANEL DIAL SETTING VOLTAGE PROGRAM INPUT SIGNAL GENERATOR % MODULATED OUTPUT MODEL 227 OUTPUT LOAD b CLIPPING - -.-\, TYPICAL OUTPUT FOR COMPLIANCE LIMIT LESS THAN PEAK OUTPUT. 0 FIGURE 20. "se of "olfage Program Input to Modulate Current. OPERATINGINSTR"CTIONS MODEL 227 HOWTO USE VOLTAGEPROGRAM INPUT. The Model 3-7. 227 provides a voltage program input (standard) for applications requiring remote current control, or use as a bipolar constant-cu==ent amplifier o= ac modulated constant-cu==ent source. The transfer function for voltage programming is +I0 volts dc for t full The output current is a sum Of Voltage range output. programming input & front panel dial settings. Range can he set by the front panel controls the optional Model 2271. The input to the Voltage Programing terminals must be isolated from output load h" ereat.er than 106 Ohms. % error to Voltage Program or use as a 1. get the current in section 3-3. 3. (dc level) as described Apply modulation signal from Signal Generator. 4. Adjust the % modulation as desired by monitoring the Model 227 output using an ac coupled oscil1OSCOp~. Figure 20 shows a typical modulated CUTrent ourpur. NOTE The Model 227 Compliance Control may be adjusted to suit the measu=ement. However, if the modulated signal causes the output to exceed the Compliance Limit. then the Model 227 output will be clipped. Bipolar setting: The transfer function accuracy and offset can be expressed by the fallowing equation: TABLE 3-5. Snecificarians for Model 2271 Proaranrminn Option. Calibrated RANGESELECT: Closure* on ane.of fovr lines range. CVRRENTSET: Voltage Programming: Standard feature gee specifications of 227. 227. output 2. con*ect sign*1 Generator to Voltage Program input. The Voltage Program input is dc-coupled Amplifier. rh L bandwidth (-3dB) fo 600 Hz minimum. 1wut re- error + 0.1%) h. Ho" to "se as an AC Modulated Constant-Current Source. The Voltage Program input can also be used in conjunction with the front panel dial settings to provide modulated current outputs. NOTE How range) = i(O.5% $ The input floats at the output HI volrage and must be isolated by greater than lo6 ohms. Since Volfage Program input may he floating at up to 300 volts, the signal generator (or dc voltage source) must float at this potential. Figure 19 shows a typical frequency response for the Voltage Program inpur. Voltage programming is also possible in the REMOTE PROGRAM mode. When used in cambination with resistance programming, the resultant output is the sum of resistance and "drag?? programming. NOTE Maximum input to voltage program input is If an input greater rhan e15 volt is t15v. applied accidently, the Model 227 o"fp"t CUTrent is internally limited so as naf to exteed approximately 180% of full range. Recovery is automatic "he" the avervo1rage is removed. a. (full selects of Model Resistance Programming: Transfer function: 10% of full range per kilohm (t0.5%). Zero at approximately 11 kilahms. Stability: adds t(O.Ol% of setting + 0.01% of =ange)/'C to Model 227 speResistance must be isolated and c3xication. shielded. COMPLIANCE ISMIT: Closure* enables external co"External operate: tral of both spa,, and limit. Open enables 227 front-panel control. span Select: Closure* enables compliance limit to be set from 10 to 300 volts, open makes span 4 to 50 volts. at 25'C 2 3'C Compliance Limit Set: Resistance programmed, nonlinear transfer function, 00 yields high end of span, 25kn yields approximately aid span, open circuit yields low end. Resistance must be isolaced and shielded. Flag (Output): Logic "0" (xO.4V drop while sinking 16nA to external power supply LO) appears when 227 is in compliance limit. Logic "1" (:>2.4V at up to 400,iA referenced to supply Lo) appears when 227 is not in compliance limit. REQUIRRECONTROL LEVVELS: *CLOSUREs closure to external power supply LO with in 0.5 volt while sinking 5OmA(range-select for l-ampere range requires sinking lOOmA). OPENz .2 kilohms referenced to external power supply LO. EXTERNALPOWER SUPPLY: Requires external pawe= supply of 5 to 6 volts @ 2ooaA. CONNECTOR:DAM-15s type mounfs on 227 rear panel. ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Mating con*ecto=. 19 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS MODEL227 TABLE 3-6. Pin Out for Model 2271 Progr; -Pin No. Functional Description Compliance Setting Current Setting Remote Program LOW t5 Volts Power Supply Input Compliance Limit Monitor 3-a. HOW TO 6 7 8 9 10 lOmA Range set 1OOOmA Range See Compliance Limit Compliance Setting Current setting 11 12 13 14 15 Remote Program Low +5 Volt common 10001lA Range Set lOOmARange set 300V Compliance Set RESISTANCEPROGRAM-COMP RESISTANCEPROGRAM -CURRENT 1000&4 = LO" REMOTECOMPLIANCE = LOW I RESISTANCEPROGRAM-COMP RESISTANCEPROGRAM--CURRENT "SE THE MODEL2271 PROGRAMMING OPTION. a. HOWto Make Connections. When the Model 2271 is installed, a 15-pi" connector is furnished on the rear panel as shorn-i" Figure 21. A summary of pin locaeions is given in Table 3-6. 1. Auxiliary +5V Power Supply. The user must furnish m external rmwer sumlv. The sumh must be capable of energizing a r& coil with'ae"ominal 3.9V pull-in voltage (at 20'0. (Temperature coefficient is approximately 0.0133Vf'C up t" 50°C.) A" additimal 0.2 ""lt (10 at 2OOmA)drop should he allowed for wiring plus up fo 0.5 volt drop for closure Co graund (when rbe relay coil is energized). As a result, a nominal +5V to +6" power supply should be used depending on the individual measurement circumstances (such as ambient temperature .ZC.). The external 5 volt supply musf be connecred between 5401 pins 4 (+) and 12 (common). I FIGURE 21. For the Rear Panel Remote Programming Connector. 300" Rcom WO = 2. HO" to 4. Pro~.ram Set front Compliance. panel compliance t" minimum. b). Determine the required compliance range, either 50V or 300V. If 300V maximum compliance is desired, c""nect pi" 15 to common (pi" 12). If 50V maximum compliance is desired, leave pin 15 unconnected. Determine magnitude of compliance desired 4. and select appropriate resistance from either of the following relationships: Compliance Range: 7.4 x 103 - 24.3 Ecom - 3.37 Ecom For the SOVCompliance Range: RcOm (kR) = 1.24 x LO3 - 24.3 EcOm &ml - .56 where R,, is the programming resistor is the compliance limit voltage. and Scorn d). After the resistance is connected between pins 1 and 9, the" connect pi" a to coma" fo enable the remoee compliance control. 1174 I MODEL 227 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS 1K 10K PROGRAMMED RESISTANCE-OHMS- FIGURE 22. 1OOK 1M 10M 1OOM 10M 1OOM Compliance Programming up to SOV. ll 10K 1K PROGRAMMED RESISTANCE-OHMS- FIGURE 23. 1174 1OOK 1M Compliance Programming up to 3OOV. 21 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL227 PRO&RAMMEDRESISTANCE- If resistance exceeds 23kR, the Model 227 will go into current limit. Recovery is auto- FIGURE 24. Resistance Programming of current. IMPORTANT If pin 8 on the Rem"te Program connect"r is not grounded, then the maximum compliance limit will be determined by the front panel Range Switch setting. For example, if the Range Switch is eet to 10 milliampere and the current range is sef remotely on the 10 milliampere range (pi" 6 grounded), then the maximum compliance voltage would be approximately 300 volts. Hcwever, if the current range is sef remotely on the 1000 milliampere range (pi" 7 grounded), then the maximum compliance voltage would he approximately 90 volts rather than the 50 volts given in the *pec1fic*ti0**. As a result, the current ~,aput would not have guaranteed regulation for compliance voltages beween 50 and 90 volts on the 1000 milliampere range. NOTE When in external compliance (pin 8 = common), if is possible to select 300V maximum on rhe 1 amp range which will result in compliance voltages up to 9ov. Above 5ov compliance voltage, the Model 227 may have excess noise and poor stability, and for this reason, the 50V maximum compliance should be selected when on 1OOOmA range. 22 3. How to Use Compliance Limit Monitor. This output allavs the user to manitar whether or not the Model 227 is in voltage limit mode. When the compliance limit is reached, the front panel LIMIT lamp will turn on and pin 5 on 5401 will be in low state. When LIMIT is "ON", pi" 5 will sink up to l&A with no more than 0.4V drop. When the LIMIT is "OFF", rhe high stare depends on the voltage level of the user-furnished 5V pwer source (greater than 2.4V). 4. How to Program the Current Control (nesistance Pro~ramminp). The magnitude of the current O”tp”t is a function of the resistance connected between pins 2 and 10 on 5401. The transfer function is given by the follaring equation: = (1.1 - Rp x lo-+) x Full Range = resistance in ohms F. = current in same units as rmge. IO also R = (1.1 Full Range Current ) x 104 NOTE Set Polarity switch t" "+" to assure rated accuracy. Output accuracy for resistance programming can be expressed as a 4 of full range output 88 follows: Rp - 11) 5: accuracy (full range) = +(0.5x [ ] + 0.12%) whe:IR 10 "here Rp = resistance in kilohms (103$,). 1174 REMOTE PROGRAMMING CONNECTOR 5401 TRIAXIAL CABLE BOX-WITHIN-BOX CONFIGURATION t------_I f CASE 1 GROUND RESISTANCE BETWEEN540; PIN 10 AND CHASSIS OR MODEL 227 LOW SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1012 OHMSTO MAINTAIN ACCURACYTO WITHIN 0.005%. ALSO, RESISTANCE BETWEEN5401 PINS 1 AND 9 SHOULD BE GREATER THAN 109 OHMS. FOT example, for full range output Rp = 21kO. and % accuracy equals the following: % accuracy = ?(0.5% r++ NOTE n,e temperature coefficient of the Model 2271 adds $(0.01% of setting/"C + 0.01% of range/Y) to the Model 227 SpecificaThus the total Model 22712271 toetions. fficient could be expressed as 1-(*0.015% of serting/oc + 0.015% of range/*C). For remote programing, the temperature coefficient can be expressed as fOllOWS: + 0.12%:) = 20.62% (of full range) 5. "ow to Program Range. Range can be set to any of the four ranges by grounding the appropriate line as shown in Table 3-7. TO use the Model 2271. set the Range switch to REMOTEPROGRAM. I TABLE 3-7. Remote Range Selection. I Condition of Lines %T.C. (full Ranae Desired 1Pin 6 1 Pin 7 1Pin 13 I Pin 14 1mA OPEN OPEN GND OPEN NOTE When range changing, if all four pins are open simultaneously, the Model 227 will not have a currenf output (output terminals are open). To avoid relay arcing either program the currenf back to zero or make-beforebreak the connections to the range lines when changing range. If more than one pin is closed, the higher current range is enabled. For example, if all four pins are closed to ground, the 1000mArange is selected. Typical pull-in time for all relays is 30 milliseconds. 'Qpical release time is 10 milliseconds. 1174 I RX example, at a full t.c. I range) = i-(0.015 [EP$-+ = to.o3%/?z. range setting, + O.OlS)/"C. the 6. Preferred Cabling Techniques. Since the Model 227 could be affected by excessive cable capacity, a triaxial cable (shield within a shield) should be used with the inner shield connected to pin 2 on 5401, and the outer shield connected to CASE. Insulation between shields should be rated at 1000 volts especially for floating applications. Box-within-a-box cansrruction should be used for all circuitry used in resistance programming. NOTE The maximum allowable capacitance berween 5401 pins 1 or 10 and chassis is 300pF unless compensating capacitance Cp is installed across the current programming resistor Rp as follows: Cp - [%C - 1 x 1O-7l where R,, - load resistance 23 MODEL227 SECTION 4. ACCESSORIES Model 1008 Single Rack Mounting Kit. Applications: The Model 1008 adapts Keithley Style Assembly Instructions: "N" instruments for S-114 in. x 19 in. mounting with 1. Secure Half Rack Panel (Item 1) to Bracket 11 in. depth behind front panel. The kit is also Angle (Item 2) using two socket screws (Item 6). useable with 14 in. depth instruments. 2. Remove Side Dress Panels (left and right) from Parts List: instrument. Item Keithley 3. Secure Bracket Angles (left and right) to inNO. Description Part No. WY. strument. (Half Rack Panel may be located on the 1 Half Rack Panel 1 25815B left or right to suit mounting requirements.) Use 2 Bracket Angle 1 26757C Phillips Screws (Items 4 and 5) as shown in Figure 3 Bracket Angle 1 26794C 26 for 14 in. depth instruments. Use longer screw 4 Phillips Screws (5/g") 6 /B-32 (Item 7) and Kep nut (Item 8) for 11 in. depth in5 Phillips Screws (l/Z") 4 #6-32 *trume*t* . 6 7 8 Socket Screws (318") Phillips Screws (5/V) Kep Nut, #6-32 2 4 4 FIGURE 24 1110-32 116-32 86-32 26. Model 1006 Single Rack Mounting Kit. 0975 THEORYOF OPERATION MODEL 227 SECTION 5-l. GENERAL. This section 5-2. CumENT SOURCECIRCUITRY. describe cion. a. Lhe blade1 contains 227 and Model Basic Power Supplies. 2271 5. THEORY information circuit to opera- (See schematic 26227D.) 1. Transformer Connections. Line power is applied to the Model 227 via a 3-wire line c"rd (P306) Power switch 5301 disconnects one side of line. Fuse F301 protects the Model 227 from over-c"rre"t. Line switches 5302 and S303 connect to tapped, primary windings on transformer T301 to suit the line voltage available. (See Specifications.) 2. Pa* cannections. The fan (B301) is connected to T301 primary windings ORNand BLK. The connection is made such that a nominal 117 volts is always applied to the fan. When the Model 227 is set for "LO" line operation (90 to 110 volts), transformer T301 steps up the voltage (auta-rransformer action) to a nominal 117 Volts. 3. LO" Voltage Supplies. This supply is Powered a) . *12v (VS supply). byc~~ndy;fTLtaPPed secondary windings (GRN- YEL/ . Diodes CR306 and CR307 Prbvide a fullwave rectified voltage of approximately 30 volts. Integrated circuit U302 is a series-regulator which Provides a" output of +12 volts referenced to "OVS". Resistors 8313 and R314 form a voltage divider. Integrated circuit 0304 is a unitygain amplifier which regulates "OVS" with respect q306 to -12 volts (-12VS). output tr*nsistors to 4310 increase the current drive capability of u304. 112v (vc Supply). This supply is powered b). by secondary windings TEL-YRL. The secondary voltage is half-wave rectified by diode CR305. Integrated circuit U301 is a series-regulator which provides a" output of +12 volts referenced to "OVD". Amplifier U303 provides similarly to U302 as described in paragraph a) above. 4. High Voltage Supplies. These supplies include an unregulated 86 volt supply and a unregulated 340 volt supply which is "piggy-backed" on the 86 volt supply which when regulated together, give a "et output of approximately 325 volts. +86 Volt Supply. This supply is powered 4. by secondary windings BLU-BLU. The seGondary voltage is full-wave rectified by diode CR304. 1174 OF OPERATION b). +325 Volt Supply. This supply is powered by secondary windings RED-REDand XL"-EL". The secondary voltage is full-wave rectified by diode bridge CR302. Divider network (R305, R306, and R307) senses the +325 output and compares it to the zener diode reference (CR303, R309). The error voltage developed by differential amplifier q304 and Q305 is applied to driver transistor Q3Ol and output transistor q302. Resistor R304 is used to sense the current output of the 325" S"PPlY. The voltage developed across R304 is applied to q303 via divider R301 and R310. If the Output current of the 325V supply increases beyond approximately 18OmA. transistor Q303 conducts and turns off transistor Q301. Hence, the output voltage of q302 IS decreased, causing a fold-back current limiting action. When faldback occurs, the current is reduced to approximately 30 to 4OmAat a" output of approximately 86 volts. If oyer-current is present for greater than 1.5 milliseconds, full fold-back occurs. I" normal operation, the Model 227 should "of experience an over-current condition beyond 500 microseconds, so that recovery is automatic. A temporary overload condition can occur when the Model 227 output is shorted (either by use of OUTPUTSELECTORwitch or direct connection at the output terminals). Therm& Breaker. This them1 circuit4. breaker ('X301) protects the Model 227 in the event of excessive temperative rise. The breaker is designed to open at approximately 185OF. b. Reference Amplifier Circuitry. The output of this circuitrv urovides a stable +lV reference valtage for the &e"t source regulator. Integrated circuits U102 and "103 are summing amplifiers. The sener reference (CRllO) is switched by Polarity Switch S105 to provide either +6.2V at the input of U103 (via resistors R148, R128, and R129). Feedback resistors R150, R114, R115, Rl16, Rl30, R125, R126, and R127 are selected by use of Decade Switches S102 and S103. The output of U103 is varied from OV t" +4V (where 4V = full range [10-O-O dial setting]). Potentiometer R129 is a calibration adjustment which adjusts the gain of U103. The output of Ill03 is applied to U102 through summing resistor R121. (Voltage programing is su* med through R122 and R123. Capacitor Cl06 filrerr, the voltage programming input to prevent slew-rate limiting.) The gain of U102 is set by resistors R121 and RllV to provide a "et gain of 0.25 or an output of 1 volt for full range (10-0-O). 25 THEORYOF OPERATION MODEL227 HV OHV LINE POWER *12vo VOLTAGE PROGRAM *12vs L) COMPLIANCE REFERENCE b COMPLIANCE CONTROL Overall VOLTAGE CONTROL COMPLIANCE LIMIT INDICATOR ( FIGURE 27. + Block Diagram of Model 227. is a bridgeC. Bridge Current Source. This circuit Integrated circuit "205 and confinuration renularor. associated circuitry maintains-the current output to the dialed setting. The output current is regulated by comparing the voltage drop across the range resistor (R215, R216, R215, and R218) to the reference amplifier output (U102, pin 6). Any difference voltage causes a" output at U205 pi" 6 which drives output stages Q201 through Q208. A positive output current flows out of the RI terminal, through the load, and into a unity gain inverting amplifier made up of U206 and output stage composed of Q209 and Q212. The action of the bridge output causes the voltage across the load co be split evenly between the current source and the unity gain inverting amplifier. This configuration permits a voltage swing from +300 volts to -300 volts, using a single 300 volt supply. 2. Compliance Limit Circuitry. The reference voltage is applied to integrated circuit "201, a unity-gain; non-inverting amplifier. The "utput of U201 drives U202, a" inverting, summing amplifier. The outputs of U201 and U202 are equal and apposite polarity. These outputs are applied t" U7.03 and U204, differential transconductance amplifiers. (Differential transconducrance amplifiers provide a" output current proportional to the difference voltage at the input.) The reference voltage is compared at the transconductance amplifier inputs to divider outputs (R201, R202, R207, and R208) which sense the voltage across the Model 227 When the output voltage of the output terminals. Model 227 reaches the Compliance Voltage Limit (pre-set on the front panel or via the Model 2271), any further increase in voltage causes the transconductance amplifiers to "sink" or %ource" current through R117 and R213 via gating diodes CR111 (6-11, and 16-l), thus cancelling out the voltage applied t" U205. The COMPLIANCE LIMIT Indicator DS104 is controlled by UlOlE and UlOlB. When both UlOlC and Q102 turn off (for limiting condition), the action causes the COMPLIANCELIMIT Indicator to be lighted. d. Compliance Control Circuitry. This circuitry controls the maximum compliance voltage which can be developed on a give" range. 1. Compliance Reference. Transistor QlOl and zener diode CR101 form a reference source which provides a constant-current through potentiometer RlOl, the front panel VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEcontrol. The voltage developed across RlOl is 9.12V on lOOOvA, lOmA, and lOOmAranges; and 1.64V "n 1OOOmA range. 26 e. Miscellaneous Circuitry. 1. Decimal Point Indicators. Indicators DSlOl, DS102, and DS103 are driven as part of the differential amplifier (UlOlA, UlOlB) from the "-12VS" and are selected by contacts on Range Switch SlOl. 1174 THEORYOF OPERATION MODEL227 I REF I- I I I OUTPU 1 COMPLIANCE b HI FIGORF, 28. Simplified Diagram of Current Source. 2. output Selector Switch (5104). This switch disconnects the output terminals from the current Section 3 for SO"TCe. see operating Inser"ctio"s, a discussion of switching. When switch S107 is set, to x10, the current developed through Ml01 is a function of R133, R149, R147, and &(M, where: IM = VOUT i @, + RI33 + RI47 + R149) 3. Volts Monitor Circuit. This output is provided by integrated circuit U104, a unity-gain, no"-inverting amplifier. This circuit buffers the voltage developed at the output 8" that no loading error can result at RI and LO output terminals. The atput of Volts Monitor is the same p"te"tia1 es Output HI and LO (up to 305 volts). Since R143 and R144 provide source resistance of 10 kilohms, loading of Volts M""it"r should be take" in consideration. Current Reading. When Switch S106 is set b). to "A", the meter is connected between 1~104output and “OVS”. When Switch S107 is set ta, XI, the current developed through Ml01 is a function of R133 and s where: 1~ + Vm f (RM + Rl33) 4. Current Monitor Circuit. This output provides -1 volt (km) for a + full range (10-0-O). Fuse FlOl pr"tects this ""tput against accidental short circuits. This voltage is developed between the buffered o"tp"t of U104 and “OVSR”. 5. Meter circuit. the outpa of U104. Meter Ml01 is driven from Reading. When switch S106 is set a) . Voltage to "V", the meter is connected between U104 output and output LO. The meter mO"eme"t is for When Switch S107 is set to full range reading. XI, the current developed through Ml01 is a function of ~133, R145, R146, Rl47, and G, where: (R145 + Rl46) R147 IM* VOUT i (R133 + 'k + R145 + R146 + R147) 0975 when Switch S107 is set to x10, the current developed through Ml01 is a function of R133, R149, and RM where: IM+vQI i (RM+R133 +Rl49) 6. Power ON/OFF Transient Suppression Circuit. This circuit (located on board PC-396) minimizes the effect of power surge when power to the Model 227 is applied "I‘ removed. 5-3. PROGRAMMING OPTION (MODEL2271). a. Renee Prowamming. Range selectian is acconr plished by energizing relays, (by closure to ground or through a saturated transistor). Relay coils K401, K402, K403, K404, and K405 are connected to the "8~8 external +5 volt supply (5401, pi" 4). Closure to ground at 5401 pins 6, 7, 13, or 14 energizes the relay coils. If the 1OOOmA range is selected, relay K405 transfers the ""fp~f srage from 325 volt supply to 86 volt supply. The user +5 v"lt supply is switched by relay K408 which is energized "hen the range switch is set to REMOTE. 27 MODEL227 THEORYOF OPERATION b. External Compliance. Closure to ground et 5401, pin 8 enables external control. When energized relay K407 selects the External Compliance mode. Complia"ce span. Closure to ground et 5401, pii. energizes relay K406. When energized, K406 sets the maximum compliance limit to 300 volts. Contacts K406A set the compliance reference voltage to 9.12 volts maximum. Contacts K406B change the supply voltage et the output stage from 06 volts to 325 volts. d. Current Setting. (Resistance Programming). Integrated circuits U402 end U401 end zener diode CR409 farm a 100 microampere reference current source. The current source drives the external programming resistor connected between 5401, pins 2 end 10. The voltage across the proSrammi"S resistor (at the ~,aput of U401, pin 6) is fed to summing amplifier U403 via resistor R426. Diode CR409 end summing resistors R411 end R412 form the reference voltage. As a result, the output of U403 is es follows: V, = (Rp x lOO,,A) - 1.1 valts (See Section 3-8b4 for further discussion of this transfer function.) Clamping diodes DS401 end DS402 prevent the output of U403 from going to far negative end enable FET switch Q402 to turn full off. Transistors Q406, Q405, end Q407 are for overload protecti0*. FET Switch Q402 is driven by both II406 end 9401. When the Model 227 is switched out of "REMOTE PROG”, (Range Switch 5101) transistor Q401 turns off. Transistor Q403 turns on, turning off FET Switch Q402, end as a result, disconnects the remote program reference voltage from the Model 227. If the reference voltage at pin 6 of U903 goes above approximately 1.2 volts, U406 turns an Q403 which turns off Q402 disabling the remote program reference to Model 227 ceusing the output to go to approximately zero. e. Compliance Limit Programming. Integrated circuit U404 is a summing amplifier. Reference zener diode develops a current through summing resistors R405, R415, end R417 and program resistor (5401 pins 1 end 9). Diode CR414 is a protection device. When relay K406 is energized, the 9.1 volt reference voltage is selected by connecting the proper gain at U404. f. Compliance Limit (FLAG). Transistor Q404 (NPN) is connected collector to emitter between 5401 pins 5 end 12. When the Model 227 goes into compliance limit phototransistor U405 turns off, causing trensister Q404 to seturete (low state). NOTE Should it be necessary to ramove the Model 2271 Option from the Model 227 chassis, connector J206A, furnished with each 22712271 (show" on schematic 26226E) must be installed et P206. Connector J206A is a te"-pi" Berg Connector with jumper wires between pins A end C: D end G. 28 0975 MAINTENANCE MODEL227 SECTION MAINTENANCE 6. b. Line Voltage Setting. Set the Line Switches (5302 end 5303) in accord with paragraph 2-3 in Section 2. 6-1. GENERAL. This section contains information necessary to maintain the instrument. Included are procedures for electrical Performance Checks, Calibration, Troubleshooting. c. 6-2. REQUIREDTEST EQUIPMENT. Recommendedtest equipment for checking end maintaining the instrument is given in Table 6-1. Test equipment other then recommendedmay be substituted if specifications equal or exceed the scared characteristics. 6-3. PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION. Use the following procedures LO verify proper operation of the instrument . All measurements should be made et ambient temperature of approximately 25'C f. 3'C end relative humidity below 60%. If the instrument is out of specification at any point, perform a complete calibration as given in Paragraph 6-4. For each function that is checked, an additional uncertainty due to temperature coefficient should be considered if the ambient temperature is beyond the temperacure range indicated above. a. Fuse Checks. Preliminary Check. 1. Set OUTPUTSELECTORswitch 2. Set Range Switch f" 1000uA. 3. Ser Decade Switches to 10-0-O. 4. Set Polarity 5. Set METERSwitches f" "X10" end "A". 6. Set VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEto "0" (minimum). 7. Put External 8. Set Power Switch to "ON". 9. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "ON". 10. to "SHORT". Switch t" "+". short on Model 227. Set VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEto 1OV. 1. Check the line fuse (F301) on the rear panel. For nominal 117V line operation, use a 2.5A type 3AG Slo-Blo fuse. For 234V line operation, use a 1.25A type 3AG Sla-Blo fuse. 11. Observe Meter (MlOl) reading. ing should be (+) full range. 2. Check the internally installed protection fuse (FlOl). This fuse is located on circuit board PC-330 near the front panel. Remove the top c"ver fo gain access to the circuit board. 13. Observe meter (MlOl) reading. should be (-) full range. 12. Set Polarity If the Line Fuse (F301) is blown or missing, the Model 227 will be inoperable. If the protection fuse (FlOl) is blown or missing, the Model 227 will be operable, except the rear panel Current Monitor end Voltage Programing rermi**1*. 0975 A Digital Voltmeter B Resisfence C Voltage D Resistance source BOX Reading for Range Settings 15. If all ranges are indicated correctly, ceed to normal verification pracedure. I"PORTANT The Model 227 vi11 not either J206B (Used o" missing. To order en specify Keithley Part TABLE 6-l. RecommendedTest Equipment for Performance Verification. Description to "-". 14. Verify Meter readings t10, +lOO, and ~1OOti. NOTE Item switch Current read- Minimum Specifications l.OOOOOVi(O.OlS% of mg + 0.015% of rdg) z1o*n input * 1OOR+ 0.01%. 0.12w 10ppm/Y 1kC ? 0.02%, 0.12W lOppm/'C 1on ? 0.022, 1w lOppm/'C 10 f 0.022, low 1oppm/*c 0 to UOVdc 0.01% of setting tc c 3oppm/*c * 0.002% of range 0 to 22kn f 0.02% of pro- operate properly if Model 2271) or J206A are extra connector for J206A, No. 272048. Mfr. Model Keithley 190 Vishey Vishay v53-100 V53-1K Fluke 34l.B I GR 14336 29 ! ~ MODEL227 1. If a check is diately after dial accuracy voltage error Dia.1 Accuracy (10-0-O). 4. set. Range to lOmA. b). Set Decade Dials to 10-O-O*. c) . Connect Resisrmce output of Model 227. i(O.00449 (B), 1000 * 0.01% to 4. d). Connect DMM(A) across output e). Set COMPLIANCEto 1OV. f) . set OUTPUTSELECTORro "ON". 9). set Polarity h) . Verify of Model 227. reading set Polarity j). Verify is l.OOOOOV reading is l.OOOOOV %f OUTPUTSELECTORf0 "SHORT". b). Set 2. Did Accuracy (O-O-O). a). Set Decade Dials b). Set Polarity Cl. Verify d) . set to O-O-O*. Verify +o.o012v. e) . 3. to reading reading Perform steps 2a) through 269 above. f). Perform steps 3a) through 3e) above. a). Set OUTPUTSELECTORfo "SHORT". b). Set Range to lOOmA. is 0.00000 b). Set Polarity Perform steps Id) through lj) 4. Perform atepe 2a) through 2e) above. f). Perform steps 3a) through 3e) above. is 0.00000 Cl. Verify to O-10-0*. to W'. that the voltage reading +o.o017v. d) . set Polarity 4. Verify to rY-9*. thae rhe voltage reading is 0.10000 *o.o017v. NOTE Other dial settings can be checked if desired. Accuracy for all other settings should be checked to allowable voltage error as fOllDWS: +(o C"rrenr + 0 0012) _ . 005 x Dfa1ed current Range . NOTE* least fully 30 significant since dial digit should be set careis a variable control. e. a). Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT". b) . set Range to 1ooomA. (B), 1R + 0.02% to our- d). Perform steps Id) through lj) e) . Perform steps 2a) through 2e) above. f). Perform ste,,s 3a) through 3e) above. Voltage Program Verification Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT". 2. Set 3. Set Decade Dials Range to above. (1000uA Range). 1. 1000pA. 4. Connect Resistance Model 227 output. 5. above. Dial Accuracy (1OOOmARange). C). Connect Resistance put of Model 227. is 0.10000 (B), 1OQ t 0.02% to o"t- d). Dial Accuracy (0-10-O). 4. above. Dial Accuracy (lOOmA Range). 6. Set Decade Dials (B), lOOOn + 0.02% to 4. nn-v'. that voltage lOOOvA. Perform steps Id) through lj) f0.0012V. Polarity to Connect Resistance 4. put of Model 227. to "iJ'. that voltage Range d) . 5. iO.OO612V. + 0.00064) a). to nn-tl. that voltage Curre"r Range Dial Accuracy (lOOOvA Range). +O.O0612V. 0. x Dia1ed current Connect Resistance 4. output of Model 227. to "+I. rhat voltage made on dial accuracy imea complete recalibration, rhe should be checked LO allowable as follo"s: fo O-O-O. (B), lOOOn f 0.02% to the Connece DMM(A) across ourput of Model 227. 1174 MODEL227 6. input. MAINTENANCE Connect Voltage Source (Cl fo VOLTS PROGRAM h. NOTE Make certain that Voltage Source (0 is capable of floating to +300". Also make certain no connection is made between the Voltage Source low terminal and chassis (CASE). 7. Sef Voltage source (C) for +1ov OUtpUt. 8. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "ON". 9. Verify that reading an DMM(A) is l.OOOOOV Voltane Program Verification 1. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT". 2. See Range to 1OOOmA. 3. 227 Connect Resisfance OUtpUt. i. ser Voltage source (C) for -lov 11. Verify *O.O06V. 12. Verification 1. 13. Verify *o.o01v. hc output. reading on DMM(A) is 0.00000" NOTE If desired, other inpvt levels could be checked. Output accuracy should be verified as follows: Allovable Voltage error = Voltage $"rce (C) + o.ool) t(o.005 x NOTE If verification is performed immediately after recalibration, then output accuracy should be verified as follows: Allowable Voltage error = +(o.oo441 x,Valtage source (C) + 0.001) 10 f. Voltage Proaram Verification (lOmA Range). 1. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT". 2. set Range to lOmA. 3. 227 4. g. Connect Resistance output. Repeat steps e5 through e13 Voltage Program Verification (lOOmA Fanne). 1. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT". 2. set Range co lOOmA. 3. Connect Resistance 227 output. 4. 1174 Sef O"TP"T SELECTORfo "SHORT". 3. Select the 1OOOuArange by closure pin 13 to common. 4. Disable the External Of 5401 pin 8 to coma*. 5. Set voltage PANELCONTROL. (B), lo,, ? 0.02% to Model Repeat steps e5 through e13. of 5401 Compliance by opening compliance to 1OV "sing FRONT 6. Connect Resistance Box (D) to c"rrent r&mming inputs at 5401, pins.2 and 10. 7. Set c"rrent for "zero" by'applying ohma using Resistance Box (D). 8. 227 Connect Resistor output. 9. pro- 11 kll- (B) lOOOn, 0.01% to Model Conxvxt DMM (A) co Model 227 o"tp"t. 10. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "ON". 11. Verify that DMMreading is 0.00000 + 0.0012V. 12. Set current for "- full range" by applying 21 kilohms "sing Resistance Box (D). 13. (B), 1OOC? 0.02% to Model Option (Model 2271). Set Range Switch to "REMOTEPROGRAM". NOTE 2. for 0 volts of Programing To guarantee specification, rhe Model 2271 calibration should be done with the Made1 227 polarity switch in the "+" position. output. that reading on DMM(A) is l.OOOOOV see Voltage source (0 (B), ln k 0.02% to Model Repeat steps e5 through e13. 4. kO.OO6V. 10. (1OOOmARange). Verify that D"M reading is -1.00000 t 0.0062V. 14. Set current for "+ full range" by applying 1 kilohm "sing Resistance Box CD). 15. Verify that DMMreading is +l.OOOOO+ 0.0062V. 16. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT". 17. Verify other ranges. Select appropriate range by closure 'COc"mn"n (pin 12). Ra"p.Z lomA lOomA 1ooOmA Repeat steps 17 through Pi" Closure pin 12 to pi" pin 12 to pin pin 12 to pin 116 for each 6 14 7 range selected. 31 MODEL227 MAINTENANCE NOTE CAUTION Other settings of output current can be checked if desired by using the following accuracy relationship: Allowable Voltage error = i(O.005 x 1% ;,'i resistance Extreme care should be taken eo avoid contact with voltages at various points on the chassis when the line cord is connected. IMPORTANT ;o:031 + 0.0012) Follow the exact calibration sequence since many adjustments are interelated. where Rp = applied. b. If verification is performed immediately after recalibration, the output accuracy should be verified as fallows: Allowable Voltage error Fuse Checks, 1. Check zhe line fuse (F301) on the rear panel. For nominal 117V line operation, us8 a 2.5A type 3AG Slo-Blo fuse. For 234V line operation, use a 1.25A type 3AG Slo-Blo fuse. = +(0.00426 x 1% ;,'1; ;ol;03] + 0.00055) 2. Check the internally installed protection fuse (FlOl). This fuse is located on circuit board PC-330 near the front panel. Remove the top cover to gain access to the circuit board. When the Model 2271 is to be used with the Model 227, the Model 2271mw.t be installed prior to calibration af,the 227, since the Model 2271 affects the Model 227 calibration. Calibration of the Model 227 should be performed prior to performing the Model 2271 procedure. If the Line Fuse (F301) is blown or missing, the Model 227 will be inoperable. If the protection fuse (F101) is blown or missing, the Model 227 will be operable, except the rear panel Current Monitor and Voltage Programming terminals. NOTE The reconrmended recalibration period for the Model 227 is 12 months from factory calibraticm. If the complete calibration is performed using equipment specified, the Model 227 or Model 22712271 vi11 be usesble for an additional 12 months within published speciIf repairs are made after initial fications. calibration, the'complete calibration proce dures should be performed. C. Line Voltage d. Preliminary Setting. (S302 and 5303) in accord with tion 2. 5-4. ADJUS'lMENT/CALIBRATION PROCEDURE.The follcwing adjustments should be performed when any specification has been determined to be out-of-tolerance. The Performance Check given in paragraph 6-3 should be performed prior to this Calibration Procedure. If any step in the Calibration Procedure cannot be performed properly, refer to the Troubleshooting Procedure (paragraph 6-5) or contact your Keithley repreAll measurements should be sentative or the factory. made at ambient temperature of 25'C f 3'C and relative humidity below 60%. a. Chassis Assembly. To gain access to the adjustments in the printed circuit boards, remove four scre"* on TOP Cover and Bottom cover. the Line Switches paragraph 2-3 in Sec- Set Check. 1. Set OUTPUTSELECTORswitch 2. Set Range Switch to lOOO,,A. 3. Set Decade Switches to 10-0-O. 4. Set 5. Set METER 6. Set VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEto "0" (minimum). 7. Put External 8. Set Power Switch to "ON". 9. Set OUTPUTSELECTOR to “ON. 10. to "SHORT". Switch to "+". Polarity Switches to "X10" and "A". short on Model 227. Set VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEto 10". TABLE 6-2. RecommendedTest Eaui~ment far Calibration. *tern 32 E Digital F 0*ci110*c0pe 5mV/div. sensitivity G Digital 3-l/2 Voltmeter Voltmeter Mfr. Model of mg + 0.015% of rdg) Keithley 190 lHRz bandwidth Tektronix --- Keithley 168 Minimum Specifications Description l.OOOOOV t(O.OlS% digits, 0 * lOOOV, 20.2% of rdg 1174 MAINTENANCE MODEL 227 Current read- Observe Meter (MlOl) reading. 11. ing should be (+) full range. 12. Set Polarity 14. Verify Meter readings *lo, t100, and ?lOOOmA. NOTE To keep the sinks, place 227, offset justments. could cause which could Reading for Range Settings If all ranges are indicated correctly, 15. ceed to normal verification procedure. of 1. Set controls as indicated (except "a external short). in paragraph 5-3~ 2. Remove the Model 227 top cover and bottom cover. potentiometer R306 on circuit Connect DVM (Item G) between +325V and 0 W test point. 4. 5. Adjust potentiometer ing of +325” + 1V. board test point R306 far a voltage read-. Remove top and bottom covers. 2. Connect DVM (G) to output. 3. Set Decade Dials 4. Set Polarity 5. set VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEto maximum. 6. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "ON". 7. set Range to 1ooomA. a. Adjust f 0.3v. +55v 9. If thermal breaker TX301 is open or faulty, no voltage reading can be made. 10. 2. watt) connect to output kilohm resistive terminals. a 30 load (l%, 10 (Item F) across the re3. Connect Oscilloscope sisrive load to monitor the compliance voltage. Oscilloscope must be ac coupled. 4. Set the front panel VOLTAGE COMPLIANCEcontrol (RlOl) to maximum (fully clockwise). 5. Set Range Switch to "lOOmA". 6. Set Decade Dials 7. Set OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch to "ON". to 1-O-O. R220 fully 10. Adjust potentiometer tions to zero. 11. DO step 8 to insure R102 for a" output of to 11-1'. Check output voltage 12. set Range to 1oOmA. 13. Set Polarity Adjust 2 1v. to I'+". potentiometer 15. Set Polarity 16. Check output voltage. RI.04 for a" output of to "-'I. 17. Readjust potentiometer R104 on that polarity with the lowest absolute value of voltage for i(305V '1V). 18. Repeat steps 11 through 17 until all readings are within tolerance. NOTE clockwise before R220 to reduce oscillano oscillation Switch to "f". potentiometer set Polarity 14. +305v Polarity with highest voltage does "or have to be within the 55 _+0.3V or 305 ? 1V. But should be no greater than 58 or 320. a. Adjust the VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEcontrol (RlOl), until compliance Limit indicator (05104) just lights (monitor oscillation on scope). 9. Set potentiometer performing step 10. to 10-10-10. 11. Readjust potentiometer R102 o" that polarity &&;V;"' lowest absolute value of voltage for f(55V Bias Adjustment. 1. Set controls as indicated in paragraph 5-3c, steps 1 through 8 (except no output short). occurs. 12. Monitor voltage across R225 (0.39ff2) should be O.O12V, no more than 0.01%'. 0975 1. NOTE f. correct air flow across the heat the top cover (loose) on the Model just enough to gain access to adOtherwise internal power dissipation excessive temperature variation void the calibration. pro- Power Supply Adjustment. 3. hcate PC-331. 50V and 300V Compliance Adjust. Switch to "-I'. 13. Observe meter (MlOl) reading. should he (-) full range. e. g. h. Current Zero Adjust. 1. Connect a 1000 resistive 2. Set Decade Dials 3. set Range to 1omA. CCW.) load to output. to O-O-O*. (set R124 fully 33 MODEL227 MAINTENANCE 4. Cmmecf DVM (E) across outpur load. 5. Set OUTPUTSELECTORCO "ON". 4. Connect DVM (E) acro8s VOLTS MONITOR(HI-LO), on rear panel. 6. Set Polarity reading. to "+'I and take note of voltage 7. Set Polarity reading. to "-" and take note of voltage 8. ndjust potentiometer R118 so that the absoluee value of the voltages in steps 6 and 7 are within lO,," of each other. "I = Blue (3105) LO = Black (J106) 6. Adjust potentiometer o.oooov + o.oao1v. k. NOTE Output polarity should change opposite Polarity Switch settings. 9. Set Fine Control fully). to R124 far O-O-5 (set 5 care- 10. D"M (Item E) should read 0.005V 2 O.OOOlV if not, So to step 11. If vithin tolerance, go to Section 6-Pi below. NOTE Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT" between measuremenrs. 11. loosen knob an Fine Conrrol and align knob to "5" position (without disturbing potenfiometer setting). NOTE Do not disturb i. R124 setting set Range to lOmA. 2. Set Decade Dials Meter Calibration. 1. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "SHORT". 2. Set Decade Dials 3. Adjust mechanical 4. set Decade Dials 5. set Range to lOmA. 6. Set METERSwitch to Xl and A, 7. see Polarity 8. SBL OUTPUTSELECTORto "ON". 9. Adjust potentiometer set 10. to O-O-O. zero as necessary. to 1-o-o. to "+". R133 for full Polaricy to “-“. 12. Set Meter Switch to X10 and A. 13. Set Decade Dials to 10-0-O. by alternately 14. Check both polarities ing Polarity Switch to "+'I and "-". to 10-O-S. 15. Check to see the meLer error than =5x. switch- is no greater 6-5. MODEL2271 ADJDSRIRNTICALIBRATION. Wdel 2271 Installed in Model 227). 4. Connect D"M (E) across output 5. set VOLTAGECOMPLIANCEto 10. a. 6. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "ON". 7. set Polarity 8. Monitor output 1. connect external +5v Supply at 5401 pin 4 (+5V) and pin 12 (common). External supply should be rated at +5" to +6" at 200 milliamperes. NOTE Calibration of the Model 2271 must be done with Model 227 Front Panel Polarity Switch in "+" position to insure meeting specification. b. Current Source Ad,"st. to "4'. voltage 9. AdJust potentiometer 1.0050" I' 0.00017". ,,. Volts Monitor terminals. range (lo) 11. Readjust potentiometer R133 so that error between f and - polarity is equal. of "5". 3. Connect a 100 ohm (O.Ol%, lOppm/'C, l/SW) resistive load to the output. 34 I(135 for an Output of readmg. Full Range Current Calibration. 1. Set OUTPUTSELECTORto "ON". 5. of DVM. RI29 for an output Of Zero Adjust. 1. Set Decade Dials to O-O-O. 2. set Range to lomA. 3. connect short *cross output. Power supply Connections. 1. Connect test set-up as shown in Figure 29. 2. Set Range to Remote ProSraminR. 3. connect 5401 pin 6 to pin 12 (common) GOenable 1OmArange. 1174 MAINTENANCE MODEL 227 4. Monitor voltage across 1kC resistor D"M (A). Voltage should be approximately using 10&&V. e. Iterative Curtent Cal/Zero Adiust. Repeat steps c and d until both conditions are satisfied. NOTE 5. Adjust potentiometer R438 as necessary so that voltage across resistor is the same with switch closed or open (readings to be within UOpV). C. Resistance Pronram Zero Adjust. 1. See 227 Polariry Switch to "+". 2. Connect a llkn resistor tween 5401 pins 2 and 10. (0.02X, 1/4W) be- connect a loon resistor Model 227 output terminals. (O.Ol%, 112W) *t 3. 4. tive 5. Co~ect D"" (A) across resistor range). d. (most sensi- Turn OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch to "ON". 6. Adjust potentiometer ing is 0.00000 t ZOOVJ. Current Cal. (- Full R412 so that DVMreadRange). 1. Co,,r,e~r a 21kO resistor t"een 5401 pins 2 and 10. (0.022, 2. Connect a 1000 resistor terminals. at Model 227 output 3. Connect D"M (A) across resistor. 4. Adjust potentiometer u" reading at output. 1174 Set the Zero Adjust (R412) in opposite polarity an equal amount to error 80 that interation will converge with fewest number of operations. If potentiometer R407 does not allow sufficient adjustment range. jumper across R406 may have to be cut or reinstalled. 114W) be- (1V Range.) R407 for -1.00000 C 150 f. Current Verification (+ Fvll Range). 1. Connect a lk0 resistor 5401 pins 2 and 10. (O.OZ%, 1/4W) between 2. Connect a 100 resistor terminals. at Model 227 output 3. connect DVM (A) *cros* resistor (1V range). 4. Check to see that output on DVM (A) is +l.OOOOO t 55OvV reading at output. 5. 8. Set SELECTORSwitch to "SHORT". Ext. Compliance Limit 1. connect 3401 pin 8 to pin 12 (common). 2. Remove connections 10 (leave open). 3. (Maximuml. between 5401 pins 2 and connect DVM (A) at Model 227 output. 35 MAINTENANCE 4. MODEL227 Cannect.5401 pin 15 to pin 12 (common). CAUTION Up to 300 volts is present at various rear panel cermina1s a* well es internal circuit points. 5. Connect 5401 pin 1 to pin 9. 6. Connect a 1kR resistor pins 2 and 10. (0.02%) beween 3401 7. Set OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch to "ON". 8. Record voltage reading at output. 9. Connect a 21kn resistor (0.02%) between 5401 pins 2 and 10. (Remove 1kR resistor). 10. Compare reading of srep 9 to that of step 10. 11. Select resistor value (1kR or 21kn) which gives the lowest (absolute value) reading. 12. With this resistor installed, adjust potentiometer R405 for a reading of 305V t 1V. a. in Model Power Supply Check. 1. Connect external+12 volt supply (needed only for check-out purposes) to printed circuit board PC-342. Connector 5405 pi" F should be +12" with respect to pin B. Connector 5405 pi" E should be -12V with respect to pin B. 2. CD”“ect exCer”al +5V supply to connector 5401 pin 4, (+SV) end pin 12 (cormon). External supply should be rated at +5V to t6V et 200 milliamperes. b. Relay Check. (An ohmmeter is required for this check to verify open circuit and short circuit conditions . ) NOTE Connect 5404 pin B fo 12V common (5405, pi" B) co energize relay K408. This action conneccs the +5V supply co Model 2271 circuitry. 1. Remote Compliance Limit (Relay K407). 13. Set OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch to "SHORT". Momentarily connect 5401 pi" 8 to pi" 12 (+kmo"~ to energize K407. 14. Remove connection 15. Set OUTPUT SELECTORSwitch to "ON". b). Check condition of relay G and D using a" Ohmmeter. 16. Output voltage 17. Set OUTPUTSELECTORSwitch to "SHORT". 2. 18. Remove connection Momentarily connect 5401 pin 15 to pin I.2 4. (common) to energize K406. h. at 5401, pi" 15. should read 55V _C 2V. between 5401 pins 1 and 9. Ext. Com~llance Limit (Minimum). 1. Connect a lkn resistor and 10. 5401 pin 15 to Connect DVM (A) across output. 12. is made between 4. Sef OUTl’“T SELECTORSwitch to "ON". 5. Voltage at output should be lass than 9" (positive). Connect 21kO resistor and 10. Compliance Range (Relay K406). c) . Contacts should close (zero resistance) when closure to comma,,is made. 3. 6. 3OOV resistance) pin Connect volts c) . Contacts should open (infinite when closure to commonis made. et 3405 Check condition of relay b). K end H "sin8 en Ohmmeter (H). 2. Make certain M connection 5401 pins 1 and 9 (open). confects between J401 pins 2 NOTE between 5401 pins 2 7. Voltage et output should be less than 9V vo1rs (negative). 8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 with 5401 pi" 15 not connected to pi" 12. "c&age reading should be less then k3.5V. 36 6-6. MODEL2271 CHECKOUT (Not Installed 227). d) . Check condition of relay pins 5 and 6 or across R419. contacts contacts et 5405 at K406A Resistance should change from 00 to approx4. imately 20kQ when closure to cocaon is made. Leave 5401 pi" 15 to pi" 12 connected for f). next test. 3. 1OOOmA Range (Relays K404, K405, end K406). a). Momentarily connect 3401 Check condition of relay b). K and H "sin8 an ohonnerer. pin 7 and contacts Contacts should open (infinite 4. when closure to commonis made. pin 12. at 5405 resistance) d) . Check condition of relay contacts pin K and pi" C using a" Ohmmeter (B). at 5404 1174 MAINTENANCE MODEL227 b). Check condition pin K and A. f). Remove connections between pins 7, 12, and 15 before proceeding to next step. 4. c. a). Momentarily mnnecf 5401 pin 14 to pin 12 (common) fo energize relay K403. of relay contacts Current through the 312Q resistor should be 16mA. Set the +5 volt supply to achieve the C"lTC2*t. 2. Voltage between 5401 pin 5 and pin 12 should (Leave resistor connected for be less than f0.4V. next seep.) 3. Connect a 3600 resistor (5X, 1/2W) between 5406 pin A and 5405 pin F (+12V supply). at 5404 4. connect a jumper wire between 5406, pin B to 5405, pin B (12V common). c) . Contacts should close (zero resistance) when closure to commonis made. 6. Check. NOTE a). Momenrarily connect 5401 pin 6 to pin 12 (comon) to energize relay K402. of relay Compliance Monitor contaces at 5404 1OmARange (Relay K402). b). Check condition pin K and E. at 5404 1. Connect a 312Q resisror (5%. 1/2W) between 5401 pin 5 and pin 4 (+5V supply). Contacts should close (zero resistance) cl. when closure to cormnonis made. 5. contacts C). Contacts should close (zero resistance) when closure to common is made. lOOmARange (Relay K403). b). Check condition pi" K and F. of relay 5. 1OOOpARange (Relay K401). Voltage at 5401 pin 5 should be greater than +2.4V. a). Momentarily connect 5401 pin 13 to pin 12 (common) to energize relay K401. 6. Disconnect resisrors and jumper. NOTE Should it be necessary to remove the Model 2271 Option from the Model 227 chassis, con,,ector J206A. furnished with each 22712271 (shown on schematic 262263) must be ins&led at P206. Connecror J206A is a ten-pin Berg Connector with jumper wires between pins A and C; D and G. 0975 37 MAINTENANCE MODEL227 FIGURE 30. F1Gw.E 31. 38 Location Location of Adjustments with Top Cover Removed. of Adjustments with Bottom Cover Removed. 1174 REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL227 SECTION 7. REPLACEABLE for 7-1. GENERAL. This section contains information ordering replacement parts. The parts list is arranged in alphameric order af their Circuit Designations. 7-2. ORDERINGINFORMATION. To place an order or to obtain information concerning replacement parts, contact your Keithley representative or the factory. See the inside front cover of the manual for addresses. When ordering, include the following information: a. Insfrument: Model Number b. Instrument C. Part Description d. Circuit e. Keithley 1174 Serial Designation Number (if applicable) 7-3. PARTS SCHmTIC IlI*GRAMs. a, Power Supply (26227D). This schematic describes the line-operated power supply, including fuses, fan, and thermal circuit-breaker. Circuit designation series 1s "300". b. Current Source (262263). This schematic describes the range switching, regulating amplifiers, reference amplifier, and other controls. Circuit designation series is "100" for Switch Board, PC-330 and "200" far Mother Board, PC-331. C. Model 2271 Programming Option (266083). This schematic describes the controls for range, current, Circuit designation series is "400". and compliance. Stock Part Number. 39 REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL227 TABLE 7-1. PC Board Desiznnatian Series Series 100 200 300 400 Description Page No. Designation Switch Board Amplifier > Mother Board Power Supply Remfe Programming Circuit (Model 2271) PC-330 PC-331 PC-331 PC-342 52 54 54 57 TABLE 7-2. Mechanical Parts List Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 40 Description Chassis Assembly Front Panel Assembly Front Scr&, Panel Slotted, 6-32 x 318 Front Panel Overlay Rear Panel Side Extrusion Left Side Extrusion Right Corner Bracket Screw, Socket, 6-32 x l/4 Screw. Phillips, 6-32 x l/4 Clip for Side Dress Side Dress Panel Top Cover Assembly Top Cover Screw, Socket, 6-32 x 5116 Bottom Cover Assembly Bottom cover Screw, Socket, 6-32 x S/16 Feet Assembly Feet Ball Tilt Bail Screw, Phillips, 6-32 Kep Nut, 6-32 Qty. Per Assembly Keithley Part No. 1 92 25565C 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 FA-101 255608 t 25787B 1 4 25566C 25568B 26000C 25899C 25555B 25564B 25563B 4 4 24322B FE-6 1 17147B 4 4 32 32 1174 MODEL227 REPLACEABLE PARTS FIGURE 32. 1174 Chassis Assembly. 41 MODEL227 REPLACEABLEPARTS TABLE 7-3. Cross-Reference of Manufacturers AWE”. 42 Name and Address ALCO Alto Electronics Products, Lawrence, MA. 01843 A-B AliRE”. Inc. Name and Address GRIFF Griffith Allen-Bradley Corp. Milwaukee, WI. 53204 HOW Howard Industries Racine, "I. 53404 AMMON Ammo*Instr"me"ts, 1°C. Manchester, NH. 03105 IEE Industrial Electric Engineers, "an Nuys, CA. 91405 AMPRX Amperex Elkgrove Village, IEC International Long Island, BECK Beckman Instruments, Inc. Fullerton, CA. 92634 IRC IRC Division Burlington, IA. BELD Belden Manufacturing Co. Chicago, IL. 60644 LITF" Littlefuse, Inc. Des Plaines, IL. BERG Berg Electronics, Inc. New Cuberland, PA. 17070 MAL Mallory capacitor Indianapolis, IN. 46206 CENLB Centralab Division Milwaukee, WI. 53201 MOLBX Malex Duners Grave, IL. 60515 CLARO Clarostat Manufacturing Dover, NH. 03820 MOT Motorola Semiconductor Products, Phoenix, AZ. 85008 COMPI Components, Inc. Biddeford, ME. 04005 NAT National Semiconductor Corp. Danbury, CN. 06810 c-w Continental-Wirt Electronics Philadelphia, PA. POTT Potter Company weeson, MI. 39191 CTS CTS corporation Elkarc, IN. 46514 RCA RCA COrpOration Somerville, NJ. DALE Dale Electronics, Inc. c01umbus, NB. 68601 SOL Solitron Devices, Inc. Tappan, NY. 10983 DELCO Delco Electronics Div. Kokomo, IN. 46901 SPRAG Sprague Electric Company Visalia, CA. 93278 DICK Dickson Electronics Corp. Scottsdale, AZ. 85022 SUPER Superior Bristol, ED1 Electronic Devices Inc. Yonkers, NY. 10710 s-c Switchcraft, IDC. Chicago, IL. 60630 ERIE Erie Technological Erie, PA. 16512 FAIR Fairchild Instruments Corp. Mountain View, CA. 94040 TEPRO Tepro Clearwater, FUSE Fusetran (Bussman Mfg. Div.) St. Louis, HO. 63107 TEXAS Texas Instruments Dallas, TX. 75231 G-E General Electric Company Syracuse, NY. 13201 THERM Therm-O-Disc., Inc. Mansfield, OH. 44907 IL. 60007 Co., Inc. Products, Carp. Inc. TK!fPL Temple Tecate, Plastic Electronics NY 11746 Inc. Corp. 52601 60016 In 08876 Electric Co. CN. 06012 CA. 92080 FL. 33517 1174 REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL227 REPLACEABLE PARTSLIST (Schematics 26226E,and 26227D3) CAPACITORS Mfr. Code Mfr. Deslg. Keithley Part No. t . COMPI COMPI ERIE CO&PI COMPI AMPFS ERIE ERIE CENLB ERTE CENLB ERIE TD2-20-106-20 TD2-20-106-20 8?1-Z5UO-103M TDl-20-475-20 TD2-20-106-20 C2SOAE/PlOOK 8?1-25UO-103M 871-ZSUO-103M DD-101 ml-zwo-203M DD-221 S?l-25UO-103M C1?9-10M C179-10M C22-O.OlM C179-4. JM C179-10M C178-0.m c22-o.olM C22-O.OlM C64-100P C22-0.02M C64-220P c22-o.olM 7 .. 4 5 .. 1 .. .. 1 1 1 .. CENLB CENLB ERIE ERIE ERIE SPRAG SPRAG 2 .. 1 2 . 2, .. 1 .. .. . 2 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *.. COMPI COMPI CENLB IEC COMPI COMPI ERIE CENLB CENLB CENLB POTT POTT CENLB DD-220 C64-22P DD-220 C64-22P 8131050651334M C23?-0.33M 811-Z5"0-2O3M c22-0.0% 811-ZSUO-203M c22-0.02M loss-D22 C64-0.0022M C64-0.0022M lOSS-D22 lOSS-D47 C64-0.0047M ... ... TDl-20-475-20 C179-4.7M TDl-20-475-20 c179-4.7M DD-101 C64-1OOP CM4?0-6A C220-0.047M TDl-20-475-20 C179-4.7M TDl-20-475-20 C1?9-4.7M 80800025RO-102K C64-O.OOlM DD-471 C64-47OP DD-471 C64-470P DD-471 C64-47OP SMlA-0.1uF c73-0.l.M SMlA-O.l"F C?3-0.m DD-101 C64-1OOP . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . MAL G-E CENLB POTT TmL COMPI COMPI TE+PL COMPI COMFI AMPRK COMPI TC?S-20@ 86F183M-940uF DD-681 SHIA-O.luF 411-4?0,,F TD2-20-106-20 TDZ-20-106-20 411-470pF TD2-20-106-20 TDZ-20-106-20 C280AEIP47K TDl-20-226-20 1 1 1 .. 2 .. .. .. . .9 1 1 Description Cl01 Cl02 Cl03 Cl04 Cl05 Cl06 Cl07 Cl08 Cl09 Cl10 Cl11 Cl12 lOvF, 2OV, ETT. . . lOuF, 20", ETT. . . O.OluF, 5OOV, CerD. 4.?uF, ZOV, ETT . . IOpF, 20". ETT. . O.lliF, ZSOV, MtF. . O.OluF, SOOV, CerD. O.Ol!lF, 5oov. cerIl. lOOpP, 1000". CerD. 0.02uF. 5OOV. CerD. 220pF, IOOOV, CerD. O.OW, SOOV, CerD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c201 c202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 c209 c210 CZll c212 C213 c214 c215 C216 c217 C218 c219 c220 c221 c222 22pF, lOOOV, CerD . 22pF, lOOOV, CerD . 0.33uF, 5OV, CerF . O.OZuF, 50OV, Gem. 0.02~F, 5OOV, CerD. 0.0022uF. lOOOV, Cerll 0.0022uF. 1OOOV.CerD 0.0047uF. 1OOOV.CerD Not U&d: . . .'. . . 4.?uF, 2OV, ETT . . . 4.?uF, 20", ETT . . . lOOpF, lOOO", CerD. . O.O4?,,F, 6OOV, MPF. . 4.7@, ZO", ETT . . 4.7uF. 20". ETT . . . O.OOl,,F, lbOOV, CerD. 47OPP, lOOOV, cem. . 4?0PF, 1000", CerD. . 470pF. 1000". CerD. . O.lvF, 4OOV;My . . . O.lpF, 4OOV, My . . . 100pF, 1000", CerD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . c301 C302 c303 c304 c305 C306 c307 C308 c309 c310 C311 C312 2OpP, 450". ETB . . 940pF, lOOV, FAL. . 680pF, lOOOV, CerD. O.luF, BOOV,My . . 4?0uF, 50", FJ& . . 1O,,F, 20", ETT. . . lO,,F, 20V. ETT. . . 470°F. 50". FAL . . lO,,F, 20V;ETT. . . lO,,F, 2OV, ETT. . . O.O4?vF, 250". MtF. 22,iF, ZOV, ETT. . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . * . 0178 . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . CB-20 C239-940M C64-6SOP c73-o.lM C246-47OM C179-10M C1?9-10M C246-470M C1?9-1OM C179-1OM C178-o.o4?M C179-22M .. 1 3 . . 3 .. .. 43 MODEL22, REPLACEABLEPARTS DIODES Mfr. Code CR101 CR102 CR103 ml04 CR105 ml06 ml07 CR108 ml09 ml10 CR111 CR112 CR201 CR202 CR203 CR204 CR205 CR206 CR207 CR208 zener, 2.6V ... Re,Ctifi6&', ?h& 75v. .................... R‘JCtifieI, %& 75', ................. Rectifier, 7.%& 7%. ................ Rectifier, 75!& 75V. ................ RBCtifier, 75mA. 75V. ................ zener, 5.b . :. : : : : : : : . . * . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . CR210 CR211 CR212 zener, 5.8V . . . . . I . . . . zener, 5.m . . . . . . . . . . zener, 6.3V, 250 m" . . . , . . zener, zov, 2w. . . . . . . . . zener, zov, 2w. . . . . . . . . Rectifier, 75.d. 75v. . . . . . Rectifier, 75x& 75V. . . . . . Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. . . . , . Rectifier* .75mA. 75v. . . . . . ..Rectifier; 3A, iOV (lN4139) Rectifier, 75mA, 75v. . . . : : Rectifier, 75wA. 75v. . . , , . .~~ Not Used......................... Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. ................ Rectifier, 75ti, 75V. ................ Diode Network ................. Diode Network ................. CR301 CR302 CR303 CR304 CR305 CR306 CR307 Four-diode, full-wave bridge, ZA, 1OOV. ...... Four-diode, full-wave bridge, l.SA, 400V. ..... zener. 24V, 0.25W ................. Rectifier, 3A, 400V ................ Rectifier, lb., 8oov ................ ReCtifieI, l& 8oov ................ Rectifier, IA, ROOV................ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * TEXAS TEZAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS DICK DICK DICK M-S DICK DICK TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS SOL TEXAS TEXAS .. . TEXAS TEXAS FAIR FAIR Mfr. Desig. lN702A lN914 lN914 lN914 lN914 lN914 lN706 l&706 lN706 lN827A Selected ZEZZOD5 ZEZZOD5 lN914 lN914 lN914 lN914 3A50 lN914 lN914 ... ~lN914 lN914 FSA2619M FSA2619M Keithley Part No. t . DZ-33 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 DZ-1 DZ-1 DZ-1 286198 DZ-52 DZ-52 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-34 RF-28 RF-28 ... RF-28 RF-28 DN-2 DN-2 1 13 .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. 1 2 .. *. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. ED1 EDI DICK ED1 MOT MOT MOT PD-10 PF-40 lN723 RABo40 4006 4006 4006 RF-36 RF-46 DZ-17 RF-47 RF-38 RF-38 w-38 1 1 1 1 3 .. ,. Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. t . IEE IEB IEE IEE 7345-AS25 7345-AS25 7345-AS25 7345-8825 PL-57 PI.-57 PL-57 PL-57 4 .. .. .. Mfr. Code Mfr. De&. Keithley Part NO. t . DISPLAYS circuit De+%. DSlOl DS102 DS103 DS104 Description pilot pilot pilot pilot Lamp, Lamp, Lamp, Lamp, 6V. 6V. 6V. 6V. .................. .................. .................. .................. FUSES Description FlOl F"BB, 0.125A, SAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITFD 361.125 Fu-5 F301 F301 ~"ee, 1.25A, 25OV, 3AG, SLO-BLO (234V). ....... Fuse, 2.5A, 25OV, 3AG, SLO-BLO (117V) ........ FUSE FUSE MDX-1.25 MDA-Z.5 FU-28 FU-45 Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. t . POM PO" POM POM PGM 2854-4 2854-9 2854-6 2854-9 2854-6 BJ-9-4 BJ-9-9 M-9-6 BJ-9-9 BJ-9-6 1 2 2 .. .. 1 CONNECTORS no1 5102 5103 5104 no5 44 ~*nena banana Banana *mana ~~,,ana Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Yellow ................ White. ................ Blue ................. White. ................ Blue ................. 0178 REPLACEABLEPARTS MODEL227 CONNECTORS (Cont'd) Circuit Desig. 5106 5107 J108 J109 .I110 Jlll 5201 5202 5203 3204 5205 5206 5207 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 Banana Banana banana banana banana Banana Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Black. ......... Red. .......... Black. ......... Red (Modified BJ-9-Z). . Black (Modified BJ-9-O). Green (Modified 85-9-S). musing, lo-pins. .......... See Model 2271. ........... 'dousing, Z-pins, MINI-PV. ...... Not Used. .............. Housing, 10 pins. .......... Housing, lo-pins. .......... See Model 2271. ........... Housing, )-pins, MINI-PV. ...... musing, lo-pins. .......... Housing, z-pins ........... Housing, lo-pins. .......... Rousing, S-pins, MINI-PV. ...... Line Cord, 3-wire, Sft., gray vinyl PlOl-111 Not Used. .............. P201 P202 P203 P204 P205 P206 P207 P301 P302 P303 P304 P305 P306 lo-pins ............... lo-pins ............... z-pins. ............... Not Used. .............. lo-pins ............... lo-pins ............... lo-pins ............... 3-pins ................ lo-pins ............... Plug. z-pins. ............ lo-pins ............... 5-pins ................ Line Receptacle ........... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ . ........ Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. POM POM POM POM POM POM 2854-O 2854-2 2854-O 2854-2 2854-O 2854-5 BJ-9-O BJ-9-2 BJ-9-0 BERG ... BERG ... BERC BERG ... BERG BERG MOLEX BERG BERG BELD 20052 CS-237 I.. CS-266 ... CS-237 CS-237 ... CS-270 CS-237 CS-275 CS-237 CS-251 co-7 . . . . . . . . *.. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ KI KI KI ... KI KI KI KI KI 65039-035 ... 20052 20052 65039-034 20052 2139-2 20052 65039-040 Special ..* ... . .. ... ... ... ... . .. ... 2402-2A ... EAc301 274848-Z 274848-O 274848-S e . 2 1 .. 1 1 1 5 .. 1 .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 1 . *. .. 242498 24249A 242498 I.. 24249A 242498 242498 242498 242498 CS-277 2424911 24249A CS-254 10 10 2 .. 10 10 10 1; 1 10 5 1 TUNSISTORS Circuit Desig. QlOl 0102 PNp, PNp, Q201 Q202 NPN, Case 6203 Q204 9205 Q206 Q207 9208 Q209 9210 .Q211 Q212 9301 6302 Q303 4304 Q305 6306 9307 1075 Mfr. Desig . Keirhley Parr No. FAIR FAIR 2N5139 2N5139 TG66 TG-66 2 RCA DELCO FAIR MOT 2N3439 DTS-409 2113565 2N5190 2N5193 2N4355 DTS-409 285416 283439 285416 DTS-409 DTS-409 TG-93 3 5 4 2 2 1 .. 2 .. .. .. .. Code NPN, NPN, NPN, PNP. PNP, NPN, PNP, PNP, PNP, NPN, NPN, Case Case TO-106. . . . . . . . . . . . ....... TO-106. . . . . . . . . . . . ....... TC-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Type, 3.5A, lOOW, TO-3 Case. Case TC-106. . . . . . . . . . . . Power Type, Case TO-220. . . . . . Power Type, 4OW, 4A, Case TO-220 . Case TO-106. . . . . . . . . . . . Power Type, 3.5A, lOOW, TO-3 Case. Power Type, lA, lOW, Case TC-5 . . Case TO-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Type, lA, lOW, Case TO-5 . . Pcver Type, 3.5A, lOOW, TC-3 Case. Power Type, 3.5A, lOOW, TO-3 Case. NPN, Case TO-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . NPN, Power Type, 3.5A, lOOW, TO-3 Case. NPN, Case TO-106. . . . . . . . . . . . NPN, Case TO-106. . . . . . . . . . . . NPN, Case TO-106. . . . . . . . . . . . PNP, Power Type, &A, 4OW, Case TO-220 . NPN, Power Type, 4A, 4OW, Case TO-220 . ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOT FAIR DELCO RCA RCA RCA DELCO DELCO * . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . RCA DELCO FAIR FAIR FAIR MOT MOT 2313439 DTS-409 2~3565 2N3565 2~3565 2N5193 2N5190 To-113 TG-39 TG-108 TG107 TO90 TG113 To105 m-93 TO105 TO113 TC-113 TO93 TG-113 TO39 TG39 TG-39 TG-107 TO108 t . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 REPLACEABLEPARTS MODEL227 RESISTORS Circuit Desis. RlOl R102 R103 R104 RIO5 RlO6 R107 RlOS Rlo9 RllO RJ.11 R112 RI13 R114 Rl15 R116 R117 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R125 R126 R127 Rl28 R129 R130 R131 R132 R133 R134 R135 R136 R137 R138 R139 Rl40 R141 P.l42 R143 R144 R145 R146 R147 R148 R149 8150 R151 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 46 Description 5kC, Var. ........... ZOkR, Cermet. ......... 3.3kn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . : . . lkR, Cermer .......... 499il. 1%. 0.12W. MeF. ..... 5.6kti, lb%, 0.25W, Cmp . . . . 1370, l%, O.SW, MtF . . . . . . 1000, 10%. 0.25W, Camp. . . . . l.Skn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . . , . lkn, lo%, 0.25W, Cm,, . . . . 3.9kQ, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . . . . lOOR, lO%, 0.5w, camp . loon, lO%, o.sw, corn* . 12oot7, 0.1%. O.lZW, MtF ............... SOOR, O.l%, O.lZW, MtF. 4000, O.l%, O.lZW, MtF. lkn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . lOkn, Cennet. . . . . . lkn, 0.1X, O.lZW, MtF . 8200, 10%. O.ZSW, Camp. 4.02k0, l%, O.lZW, MtF. 6.5kQ, O.l%, O.l2w, MtB 2.5k0, O.l%, O.lZW, MtP 500, Cermet . . . . . . 12on. 0.5%. 0.12w.. Mm. 800, 0.5%, O.lZW, MtF . 4002, 0.5%. O.lZW, MtF . 1.69k0, 1%, O.IZW, MtF. 1kR. Cermet . . . , . . 160& O.S%, O.l2W, MtF. ............... 6813, 1X, 0.5W, MtF . . 681n. 1%. O.SW. MtF . . SOOn; C&met. : . . . . 100, lO%, 0.5w, camp. . lOOk0, Cemet . . . . . lMQ, 10X, O.ZSW, Camp , lOOka, lo%, 0.25W, Camp lOOkR, lo%, 0.25W, Camp lkn, 10%. 0.25W, Camp . Not Used l.Skn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp S.ZkC, 10X, 0.25W, Camp 8.2k0, lo%, O.ZSW, Camp l.Skn, lo%, O.ZSW, Camp 66.5kR, l%, O.SW, MtF . 66.5kn, l%, 0.5W, MtF . l.ZlM& 1%, 0.5W, MtF . 4.02k0, l%, O.l2W, MtF. 3.57kn. 1%. 0.12W. MtF. 16000. 0.1%. 0.12W. MtF lkn. 0.1%. 0.12W. MtF . 249kn, l%, O.SW, MtF. . 249kn, 1X, 0.5W, MfF. . 33kn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp. 3.3kR, 10%. 0.25W, Camp 3.32kn. 1%. 0.12W., MtF. 3.32k0, I%, O.l2W, MtF. 7.68k0, 1X, O.lZW, MtF. 7.68k0, l%, O.l2W, MtF. 3.3kn, 104, 0.25W, Camp 33k0, lo%, 0.25W, Camp. 3300, lo%, 0.25W, Camp. 33On, lo%, O.ZSW, Camp. Z.Zkn, 10X, 0.25W, Camp z.zkn, lO%, 0.25w, camp ................ ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ................ ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . * . . . . . Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. CLARO BECK A-B BECK IRC A-B IRC A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B DALE DALE DALE A-B BECK DALE A-B DALE DALE DALE 47-5kn RP105-5K RP89-20K 89P-2OkQ R76-3.3K CB-332-10% RP89-lK 89P-lkQ R-88-499 CEA-TO-499 CB-562-10% R76-5.6K R94-137 CEC-TO-137Q CB-101-10% R76-100 R76-1.5K CB-152-10% R76-1K CB-IOZ-10% R76-3.9K CB-392-10% Rl-100 ED-101-10% ED-101-10% Rl-100 MFF-l/S-T212000 Rl76-1200 MFF-l/8-TZ-8000 R176-800 MFF-l/8-TZ-400n R176-400 R76-1K CB-lOi-10% RP89-10K 89P-10kR R168-1K MFF-l/8-lk0 CB-821-10% R76-820 MFF-l/8-T94.02kRR177-4.02K MFF-l/8-TZ-6.5K R176-6.5K MPF-l/8-T22.5kO R176-2.5K RP106-50 550-5on R234-120 MFF-l/8-120Q R234-80 MFF-l/8-80!? R234-40 MFF-l/8-40n MFF-l/8-1.69kR R206-1.69K 89P-lkn RP89-1K mF-1/8-16on R234-160 R94-681 CEC-TO-681n CEC-TO-681n R94-681 89P-5003 RP89-500 Rl-10 ED-lOO-10% RP89-100K 89P-100kR R76-1M CB-105-10% R76-100K CB-104-10% R76-100K CB-104-10% CB-102-10% R76-1K 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 .. 1 1 1 .. .. 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 .. .. 1 1 1 2 .. .. R76-1.8K CB-182-10% R76-8.2K CB-822-10% R76-8.2K CB-822-105: R76-1.8K CB-182-10% CEC-TO-66.5kQ R94-66.5K R94-66.5K CEC-TO-66.5kn R94-1.2l.M CEC-TO-1.2l"P MFF-l/8-T94.02kRRl77-4.02K CEA-TO-3.57kR R88-3.57K MFF-l/8-T21600R Rl76-1600 R-168-lk MFF-l/8-1kQ R94-249K CEC-TO-249kn R94-249K CEC-TO-249kn R76-33K CB-333-10% R76-3.3K CB-332-10% CEA-TO-3.32kQ R88-3.32K RSS-3.32K CFA-TO-3.32kn R88-7.68K CRA-TO-7.68kn CEA-TO-7.68kR R88-7.68K R76-3.3K CB-332-10% R76-33K CB-333-105: R76-330 CB-331-10% CB-331-10% R76-330 R76-2.2K CB-222-10% R76-2.2K CB-222-10% 2 2 .* .. 2 .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 2 .. 2 4 4 .. 2 .. .. .. 2 .. 2 .. CTS DALE DALE DALE DALE BECK DALE IRC IRC BECK A-B BECK A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B IRC IRC IRC DALE IRC DALE DALE IRC IRC A-B A-B IRC IRC IRC IRC A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B Keithley Part No. f . 0776 REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL227 RESISTORS(Cont'd) circuit Desiyz. Description R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R222 R223 R224 R225 R226 R227 R228 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 R234 R235 R236 R237 R238 R239 R240 R241 R242 R243 R244 soon, O.l%, lW, MfF . . 90R, 0.1%. 0.25W. MtF . . 9% O.l%, 5w. ww. . . . 1n, 0.1%. low, WW. . . 68k0, 10%. 0.25W, Cap. . loon, O.5W, "a= . . . . 6818, l%, 0.5W, MtF . . . 681n, 1X, 0.5W, MtF . . . 1.5k$,, 10%. 0.25W, Camp . 470, 10X, 0.25W, Camp . . 0.39G. 5%, 2w, ww . . . . 0.39n, 54, 2w, ww . . . . 47n, lo%, 0.25W. Camp . . 1.5kn, 10%. 0.25W. Camp . 820~. 10%. 0.25W, Camp. . 15On, lo%, 0.25W, Camp. . 1500, 10%. 0.25W, Camp. . IkR. 1%. 0.5W, MtF. . . . 1.5!b, iO%, 0;25W, Come . Ikn, 1%. 0.5W. MtF. . . . 3.3kR, 10X, 0.25W. Come . 333k0, 1%. 0.5W, MtF. . 3.32kn, I%, O.l2W, MtF. . 10kn, IO%, 0.25W, Come. . 3.32kn, 1%. O.lZW, MfF. . 333wl, 14, 0.5W, MtF. . . 3.3kR. 10%. 0.25W. Comu . 333kfi, 1%;0.5W, I&. : . lOOn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp. . 1000, lo%, 0.25W, Camp. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R308 R309 R310 R311 R312 F.313 R314 P.315 F.316 R317 . . 5.49kn. 1%, O.l2W, MtF. . . lOOksI, 10X, ZW, Camp. . . . 1.5ksI, lo%:, 0.25W, Come . . ZOR, 5%. 2w, ww * . 9 . . . 32.4kn, 1X, O.lZW, MtF. . . 10kn, 0.5W, "as . . . . 464kn, l%, 0.5W, MtF. . * . . . lOOk0, 10%. lW, Camp. . 47kn, 10%. 2w, camp . * . . * . 464kn, 1X, 0.5W, MtF. . . . lOkD, 10%. 0.25W. ComP. . . 10kR. 10%. 0.25W, ComP. 16.63k0, O.L%, O.lZW, MtF .............. 16.63kn, O.l%, O.l2W, MtF .............. loks, 10X, 0.25W. Camp. ............... 68$,, 10%. 0.25W, Camp ................ 68n, 10X, 0.25W, Camp ................ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part NO. TEP RCL TEPRO TEPRO A-B BECK IRC IRC A-B A-B IRC IRC A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B IRC A-B IRC A-B IRC IRC A-B IRC IRC A-B TRC A-B A-B TS-I 7009 TS5-9* TSlO-10 CB-623-10X 72PMR-1OOQ CEC-TO-681n CEC-TO-681n CB-152-10% CB-470-101 BWH-ZW-.39Q IN"-2W-.39s, CB-470-10% CB-152-10% CB-821-10% c8-151-10% CB-151-10% CRC-TO-lk0 CB-152-10% CEC-TO-lkn CB-332-10% CEC-TO-333kn CEA-TC-3.32kn CB-103-10% CF.A-TO-3.32kn CEC-TO-333kO CB-332-10% CRC-TO-333kn CB-IOl-10% CB-lOl-10% R249-900 R95-90 R232-9 R231-1 R76-68K RP97-100 R94-681 R94-681 R76-1.5K R76-47 RZOl-0.39 R201-0.39 R76-47 R76-1.5K R76-820 R76-150 R76-150 R94-1K R76-1.5K R94-1K R76-3.3K R94-333K R88-3.32K R76-10K R88-3.32K R94-333K R76-3.3K R94-333K R76-100 R76-100 . .. 1 2 .. 2 .. .. .. 3 .. 4 .. .. .. .. 2 .. IRC A-B A-B IRC IRC BECK IRC A-B A-B IRC A-B A-B DALE DALE .4-B A-B A-B CEA-TO-5.49kn HB-104-10% CB-152-10% BWn-2w-20* CF.&TO-32.4kn 72PNblOkn CEC-TO-464kO GB-104-10X HB-104-10X CEC-TO-464kn CB-103-10% CB-103-10X MPF-l/8-16.63kn HFF-l/8-16.63kn CB-103-10X CB-680-10X CB-680-10X R88-5.49K R3-100K R76-1.5K RZOl-20 R88-32.4K RP97-10K R94-464K R2-100K R3-47K R94-464K R76-10K R76-10K R176-16.63K R176-16.63K R76-10K R76-68 R76-68 1 1 .* 1 1 1 2 1 .l .. .. .. 2 .. .. 2 .. Mfr. Mfr. Keithley _rare .NO. . - -LEE 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 SWITCHES Cir.Xlit De&?. SlOl s102 5103 s104 s105 S106 s107 % 5302 s303 0178 De*crlpti.On Range, Rotary Type. . . . . . current, x100, Rotary Type. . Current, X10, Rotary Type . . Output Selector, Rotary Type. Switch, Slide, DPDT . . . . , Switch. Slide. DPDT . . . . . Switch. Slide. DPDT . . . . . LO (Ground-Flost) SPST Switch, Toggle, StDT. . : : : Switch. :DPDT. . . . . . . . . sviec :h, DPDT. . . . . . . . . “CZSLg. . . . . . . . : . . ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... KI KI KI KI s-c s-c S-C c-w ALCO c-w c-w SW-360 SW-363 SW-363 SW-361 SW-365 46206LR SW-394 XW2776 SW-394 XW2776 SW-392 SW-236 isa%sT GG350PC-DPDT SW-318 GG350PC-DPDT SW-318 ... ... BYi 1 2 .. 1 I 2 .. .. 1 2 .. 47 REPLACEABLEPARTS MODEL227 INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS Circuit Desk. Description UlOl no2 U103 U104 Transistor Array, 1Cpin DIP. . . . Operational Amplifier, 8-pin DIP. . Operational Amplifier, 8-pin, TO-99 Operational Amplifier, 8-pin, TO-99 . . . . . . Case. Case. . . . . U201 u202 U203 U204 u205 U206 Operational Operational Operational Operational Operational Operational , . . . . . Case. Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . u301 U302 u303 U304 12V ReRulator, Case TO-220. . . . . . . . . 12V Regulator, Case TO-220 (*Selected IC-60) Operational Amplifier, S-pin DIP. . . . . . Operational Amplifier, 8-pin DIP, . . . . . Amplifier, Amplifier, Amplifier, Amplifier, Amplifier, Amplifier, 8-pin 8-pin S-pin, S-pin, 8-pin 8-pin DIP. , DIP. . TO-99 TO-99 DIP. . DIP. . , . . . . . . . . . . . Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. t . RCA FAIR NAT NAT CA3086 Special LM308H LM308H IC-53 IC-77 X-67 X-67 1 1 2 .. NAT LM307N LM307N CA3080 CA3080 Special LM301AN IC-61 IX-61 IC-91 IC-91 IC-76 IC-24 2 .. 2 .. 1 1 UGH7812393 IC-60 U9T7741393 2 .. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAT RCA RCA FAIR NAT 9 . FAIR . . 9 . * . FAIR FAIR UGH7812393 *26839A FAIR U9T7741393 IC-42 IC-42 Mfr. Code Mfr. De&g. Part HOW 3-90-8010 FM-l Special FN-2 ME-96 TR-148 1 1 36T21 TB-1 1 .. MISCELLANEOUS Circuit D.ZQ. B301 Ml01 T301 TK301 ----_ __- 48 Description Fan, 105CFM, 115V, 60 Hz, 19W .......... Meter, 250uA, linerar movement ......... .Transfomer ................... Thermal Breaker, SPST, Open: 185'F, Closed: 135'F Dial, Dial, Dial, Dial, Knob, snob, for for for far far far selector switch 5102. . . . . . selector switch 5103. . . . . . output control R124 . . . . . . Range Switch SlOl . . . . . . . Output Selector Switch 5104 . . Voltage Compliance Control RlOl . . . . . . . . . . . * AWHON KI THERM . . . . . . . . . . . . KI KI KI KI KI KI -- _--- -- Keithley No. qtr. 257818 25781.A 257838 25785A 2515lA 251518 0975 KEPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL22, CiXT"iE Desig. c501 C502 c503 Parts Located on PC-396 (See Schematic 272660 CAPACITORS Mfr. Mfr. Code Desig. Description TD2-20-106-20 corn1 lOF,20V,ETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TDl-20-474-20 CONPI 0.47 F, 2ov, ETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . co*1 TDl-20-475-20 4.7 F, 2OV, ETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keiehley Part NO. C-179-1OM c-179-0.47M C-179-4.7M WY. .. 1 .. DIODES CR501 CR502 CR503 CR504 CR505 Rectifier, Keithley Part NO. RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 KI KI Mfr. Desig. ........ ........ Keirhley Part No. 24249A 24249A Mfr. Code INTSL INTSL INTSL INTSL Mfr. Desig. ITE4392 SELECTED ITE4392 IT34392 Keithley Part NO. Mfr. Code Keithley Part No; R-76-lM R-76-100K R-76-l&! A-B Mfr. Desig. CB-105-10X CB-104-10X CB-105-10% CB-821-10% CB-104-10% CB-104-10% CB-105-10'6 CB-105-10X CB-102-10% Mfr. Code BERG BERG Mfr. Desig. 65039-040 65039-040 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75!& 75V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75luA. 75v . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . TEXAS TEXAS DeSCKiptiOU Rectifier, Rectifier, Rectifier, Rectifier, Mfr. Desig. lN914, lN914 lN914 lN914 lN914 Mfr. Code TEXAS circuit Desig. 75mA, 75v 75m.A. 75V JSmA, 75V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEXAS TEXAS QtY. .. . .. .. .. CONNECTOKS CirCUit Mfr. Code Description De&g. 5-pins........................ 5+ns.............. P501 P502 * . . . . . . . . . t . .. . TRANSISTORS circuit Desig. q501 N-Ghan N-Chan N-Chan N-Chan 4502 Q503 q504 JPET, JFET, JFET, JPET, Case Case Case Case RllO. RllO. RllO. P.llO. ............... ............... ............... ............... TG77 QtY. 4 .. .. TG-77 .. 27283A* TG-77 RESISTORS CirC"it Desig. R501 R502 R503 R504 R505 R506 R507 R508 Ii509 Description lMn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp ................ lOOkn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp ............... lMQ, 10X, 0.25W, Camp ................ 820kn, 10X, 0.25W, Camp ................ lOOkn, 10X, 0.25W, Camp ............... lOOk& 10X, 0.25W, Camp ............... lMn, 10X, 0.25W, Camp ................ IMQ, 10X, 0.25W, Cap ................ lkR, IO%, 0.25W, Cap ................ A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-S A-B A-B Qfy. .. .. .. 1 .. .. R-J6-820K R-76-1OOK R-J6-100K .. R-J6-lM R-76-lM R-76-1K .. .. CABLES cbmxtt nesig. J501 5502 Description connector, Con"ector, musing, Housing, 5-pins 5-pins . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keithley Part No. CS-251 CS-251 t . 2 .. NOTE Cables J501 and 5502 connect between PC-396 and PC-331 as shown on schematic 272&X. through P216 are located on PC-331 (See schematic 27266C and 266263). 0975 Connections P208 49 MODEL2271 REPLACZABLEPARTS CAPACITORS Circuit Desig. c401 C402 c403 c404 c405 C406 c407 loom. 1ooov. CerD. 33pk;lOOOV;CerD . O.lvF, 25OV, MtF. . 1.2@, 2OV, ETT . . 1,2pF, ZOV, ETT . . 0.33UF, 5ov, CerF . O.Ol@, 5oov, CerD. Description ........... . . Recrifier~, 75mA, 75V. . . . ........... Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. . ........... . * Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. . ........... . . Rectifier, 75mA, 7%. , . . . . . . Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. . . . . * . . Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. . . . . . . . Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. . Rectifier, 75,& J5V. ................ ............ Zeaer, 6.2V, lJ4W (Selected). Rectifier, 75mA, 75V. ................ izener, 5.8V ..................... Rectifier, lA, 800V ................. Rectifier, 75mA, JSV. ................ 2ener, 15v. ..................... Circuit Desig. 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 P401 P402 P403 P404 P405 P406 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . DISPLAYS circuit DeSig. DS401 DS402 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . DIODES circuit De&g. CR401 CR402 CR403 CR404 CR405 CR406 CR407 CR408 CR409 CR410 CR411 CR412 CR413 CR414 . . . . . . . Description LED, 2V, 4OmA(red) ................. LED, 2V, 4OmA(r.ed) ................. *Selected from Keithley PL-61 i Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. f . CENLB CENLB AMPRX corn1 corn1 ERIE ERIE DD-101 I)D-330 C280AEfPlOOK TDl-20-125-20 TDl-20-125-20 8131050651-33413 871-ZSUO-103M C64-1OOP C64-33P ClJ8-0.1 c179-1.2M c179-1.2M C237-0.33M c22-o.om 1 1 1 2 .. 1 1 Mfr. Code Mfr. De&. Keithley Part No. t . TEDS TEKAS TECAS KI TEKAS DICK MOT TEXAS DICK lN914 lN914 1N914 lN914 lN914 lN914 lN914 lN914 -lN914 lNJ06 4006 lN914 lNJ18 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 RF-28 w-28 RF-28 RF-28 28227A RF-28 DZ-1 RF-38 RF-28 DZ-18 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. t . LITRb LITRO RL209 RL209 26746A* 26746A* 2 .. Mfr. Code Mfr. DesiR. Keithley Part NO. t . CAN BERG BERG BERG BERG BERG BERG &ii DAM-15s 20052 20370 20052 20052 65039-035 65039-035 DAM-15P cs-303 CS-237 CS-251 CS-237 CS-237 CS-266 CS-266 cs-304 1 3 1 .. .. 2 .. 1 Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. t . BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB BAR BAB MB K2T-6V-1 K2T-6V-1 KZT-6V-1 Km-6V-1 KZT-6V-1 KZT-6V-1 K2T-6V-1 K2T-24V-1 RL-42 RL-42 RL-42 RL-42 RL-42 RL-42 RL-42 RL-43 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 TEXAS TBXAS TELL3 TEXAS TEXAS CONNECTORS Description 15-pin, Remote Program (Female) ........... lo-pin ........................ 5-pin .. ,* ...................... lO-pin ........................ lo-pi" ........................ 2-pin ........................ 2-lli* ........................ 15-pin, mate for Remote Program (Furnished) part of circuit Mfr. Code ..... board, pc-342 ............ RELAYS circuit DeSig. K401 K402 K403 K404 K405 K406 K407 K408 50 Description DPDT.6V ....................... DPDT.6V ....................... DPDT.6V ....................... DPDT.6V ....................... DPDT.6V ....................... DPDT,6V ....................... DPDT,6V. ...................... DPDT.24V ...................... 0776 MODEL2271 REPLACEABLEPARTS TRANSISTORS Circuit Desip. 0401 6402 q403 0404 6405 Q406 Q407 DescriDtion NPN. Case TO-92 . , . JFET............. NPN, Case TO-92 ....... NPN. Case TO-92 ....... PNP; Power Type, Case NPN, Case TO-106. . , NPN, Case TO-106. . . . . . . Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. t . MOT MOT 283904 2N4391 2N3904 2N3904 TG-47 TG-80 TG-47 TG-47 3 1 .. .. RCA FAIR FAIR 2135416 2103565 2N3565 TG-105 TG-39 TG-39 : .. Mfr. Code Mfr. De&z. Keithley Part No. t . A-B A-B DALE A-B BECK IRC BECK DALE DALE DALE DALE BECK DALE A-B IRC A-B IRC DALE DALI? A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B A-B DALE IRC A-B A-B IRC IRC DALE DALE A-B A-B DALE DALE IRC CB-223-10% CB-563-10% MFF-l/2-T9 CB-182-10% 89P-50K CEA-TO-l.lkn 89P-2K MFF-l/8-T9-499K MFF-l/8-T9-499K MFF-l/8-T9-475K MFF-l/8-T9-49.9K 89P-50K MFF-l/8-T9CB-223-10% CBA-TO-1Okn CB-225-10% CBA-TO-1OkR MFF-l/8-6.04K MFF-l/8-28K CB-332-10% CB-104-10% CB-472-10% CB-105-10% CB-103-10% CB-472-10% mF-l/8-1OK CEA-TO-II. J5K CB-103-10% CB-223-10% CRA-TO-9.09K CBA-TO-1K MFF-l/8-1OK MFF-l/8-T9-29.4K GB-104-10% CB-104-10% MFF-l/8-T9-3.09K MFP-l/8-T9-3.09K 89P-50K Cm-TO-715 R76-22K R76-56K Rl71-499K RJ6-1.8K RP89-50K R88-l.lK RP89-2K R177-499K R177-499K R177-475K R177-49.9K P.P89-50K R177-1K R76-22K R88-10K R76-2.X R88-10K R179-6.04K R179-28K R76-3.3K R76-100K R76-4.7K R76-IN R76-10K RJ6-4.7K Rl68-10K R88-4.75K R76-10K R76-22K R88-9.09K R88-1K Rl68-10K R177-29.4K R2-100K R76-100K R177-3.09K Rl77-3.09K RP89-50K R88-715 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 *. 1 1 .. 1 .. 2 1 .. 1 1 1 2 2 1 .. .. 2 1 .. .. 1 1 .. 1 1 .. 2 .. 1 1 Mfr. Code Mfr. Desig. Keithley Part No. t . NAT NAT FAIR FAIR FAIR FAIR LH308N* W308H Special UGT7741393 FCD820 UGT7741393 MOT MOT TO-5. . . . . . . . . . RESISTORS Circuit Desig. R401 R402 R403 It404 R405 R406 R407 R408 R409 R410 R411 R412 R413 R414 R415 R416 R417 R418 R419 R420 R421 R422 R423 R424 R425 R426 R427 R428 R429 R430 R431 R432 R433 R434 R435 R436 R437 R438 R439 Description 22kO~,lo%, 0.25W, Camp. . 56k0, 10%. 0.25W, Camp. . 499kR. 0.5%, 0.5W, MtF. , 1.8k0, lo%, 0.25W, Cmp . 50kn, Cermet. . . . . . . l.lko, l%, O.lZSW, MtF. . 2kc7, Cemet . . . . . . . 499kR, 0.12%. 1W. MtF . . 499k0, 0.12%, 1W; MfF . . 475kn. 0.12X, lw, MtF . . 49.9k51, O.lZ%, lw, MtF. . SOkR, Cermet. . . . . . . lkn, 0.12%, lW, MtF . . . 6.8kR. 10%. 0.25W. Cow . lOkn, l%, O.l25W, MtF . . Z.ZMn, 10%. 0.25W, Camp . lOkR, l%, O.l25W, MtP . . 6.04kn, O.l%, O.l25W, MtF 28kR, O.l%, O.l25W, MtF . 3.3kn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . 100kQ. 10%. 0.25W. Corm . 4.7kR; 10%; 0.25W; Cm; . lMn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . . 2.2k0, lo%, 0.25W, Cmp . 4.7kR, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . lOkn, l%, O.l25W, MtF . . 4.75kn, lZ, O.lZSW, MfF . lOkR, 10%. 0.25W, Camp. . 22kn, lo%, 0.25W, Camp. . 9.09kn. 1%. O.l25W, MtF . lkn, l%, O.l25W, MtF. . . lOk0, l%, O.l25W, MtF . . 29.4kn. 0.12%._, 1W. MtF. . lOOkQ, lo%, l.OW, Cap. . lOOkR, lo%, 0.25W, Camp . 3.09k*, 0.122, lW, MtF. . 3.09k0, 0.12%. lW, MtF. . 50k0, Cermet. . . . . . . 715fi, 1%. O.l25W, MtF . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . * . . . . . . . . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... INTRGRATEDCIRCUITS Circuit Desig. u401 U402 "403 II404 II405 II406 0975 Description Operational Operational Operational Operational Amplifier, E-pin Amplifier, 8-pin, Amplifier, 8-pin Amplifier, 8-pin Isoiat~r, 6-pin DIP . . . . Operariowl Amplifier, 8-pin DIP (*Selected). Case TO-99. . DIP. . . . . . DIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIP. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264268 K-67 IC-77 IC-42 IC-82 IC-42 1 1 1 2 1 .. 51 COMPONENTS LOCATED circuit Desig. Location Code Cl01 Cl02 Cl03 Cl08 Cl09 Cl10 Cl11 04 F-4 F-2 03 P-5 F-l B-3 &3 A-3 A-2 F-3 CR104 ml05 CR106 CR107 CRlO8 CR109 ml10 F-4 F-3 F-4 C-3 B-3 C-3 E-2 B-2 D-2 A-l DSlOl us102 DS103 DS104 E-l F-l C-l G-4 FlOl E-l Cl05 Cl06 Cl07 q101 circuit Desig. ON PC-330 Location Code circuit Desig . C-3 Rlo2 RI03 Rlo4 R105 RlO6 R107 R108 R109 RllO RI11 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 RI17 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R125 R126 R127 R128 Rl29 R130 R131 H-4 F-4 G-4 F-4 F-4 G-3 G-3 63 C-3 F-2 F-4 F-4 B-2 c-2 c-2 D-3 c-4 C-2 B-3 B-3 c-3 c-3 D-2 D-2 D-2 A-2 A-4 D-2 A-3 RI32 R133 R134 R135 R136 RI37 R138 R139 Rl40 R141 Code A-3 c-4 E-4 A-l E-l F-2 F-2 F-2 R143 R144 R145 Rl46 R147 R148 R149 c-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-4 D-4 A-2 D-3 SlOl s102 5103 s104 s105 S106 5107 62 B-2 C-l E-3 A-2 c-3 D-4 u102 u103 In04 c-3 B-3 E-2 R142 . Location A I B I C I DI E I FlG H 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 A I 6 IClDlE FIGURE 33. component Layout, FIG PC-330. REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL227 COMPONENTS LOCATEDON PC-331 circuir Desip. c201 c202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 c210 c211 c212 c213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 c219 c220 c221 c222 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-3 A-4 B-4 A-4 B-2 c-2 B-2 c-4 c-5 C-6 C-6 A-6 A-5 B-5 B-7 B-5 A-6 D-7 c301 C302 c303 c304 c305 C306 c307 C308 c309 C3LO c311 C312 K-2 L-2 K-4 L-6 K-6 H-7 H-7 .,-6 H-5 H-5 K-5 L-6 CR201 CR202 CR203 CR204 CR205 CR206 B-3 A-3 c-3 9302 D-6 C-6 9306 54 CR207 CR208 CR209 CR210 CR211 CR212 c-7 A-6 A-7 c-3 D-2 CR301 CR302 CR303 CR304 CR305 CR306 CR307 L-4 K-4 L-7 G-4 K-S K-5 K-5 P201 P202 P203 P205 P206 A-4 A-4 B-l C-l B-2 Q201 q202 Q203 Q204 Q205 0206 Q207 Q208 Q209 Q210 9211 9212 D-4 G-5 D-3 D-3 D-3 c-3 07 c-4 C-6 D-7 D-7 R-5 Q301 K-5 J-5 L-5 K-6 K-6 H-5 9303 Q304 q305 C-6 Q307 H-5 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R2.u R212 R213 R214 a215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R222 R223 R224 R225 R226 R227 R228 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 R234 R235 R236 R237 R238 A-2 A-l B-4 A-3 A-2 A-2 B-3 B-3 A-3 A-3 c-4 B-4 B-2 B-4 A-4 B-4 B-5 c-5 c-4 c-2 c-2 D-2 D-3 D-3 R-3 R-3 c-3 D-3 c-3 D-5 D-5 c-5 D-7 C-6 A-6 A-6 A-7 A-6 Location Code R239 R240 R241 R242 R243 R244 A-7 B-5 A-7 B-6 B-5 B-5 R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R308 R309 RX10 R311 R312 R313 R314 R315 R316 R317 K-5 L-4 L-5 K-6 L-7 K-7 ~-6 L-5 K-6 L-5 J-7 .F7 H-6 H-6 H-6 x-6 H-6 5302 S303 M-l M-2 TK301 n-6 UZOI u202 U203 U204 u205 U206 A-2 R-4 B-4 R-4 B-2 B-6 u301 U302 u303 II304 K-7 H-6 s-7 H-7 1174 I L :I’ ii’ ;/ ..:;:’ h I COMPONENTS LOCATEDON PC-342 circuit LWXti0lI Code circuit Desig. c401 C402 c403 c404 c405 C406 c407 c-3 G-3 G-3 E-2 E-2 G-3 F-2 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 D-l G-2 c-2 E-2 G-l CR401 CR402 CR403 CR404 CR405 CR406 CR407 CR408 CR409 CR410 CR411 CR412 CR413 CR414 B-2 B-2 c-2 c-2 D-1 E-l F-l G-2 A-2 c-3 c-3 B-3 c-3 G-3 K401 K402 K403 K404 K405 K406 K407 K408 B-l R-3 B-3 c-2 "-2 E-2 F-2 G-2 q401 Q402 F-3 D-2 D-3 F-l B-3 G-3 c-3 DS401 US402 03 G-3 Desig. q403 Q404 q405 Q406 a407 R401 R402 R403 R404 8405 R406 R407 R408 R409 R41.0 R411 R412 R413 R414 R415 R416 R417 R418 R419 R420 R421 R422 D-3 B-3 A-3 B-3 G-l A-3 A-l A-3 A-3 A-2 G-2 G-l D-3 P-3 G-2 G-2 G-3 G-2 F-3 F-3 G-l F-l 1 FIGURE 35. Component Layout, PC-342. circuit Desig. Locatfo, Code 8423 R424 R425 R426 R427 R428 R429 R430 R431 R432 R433 R434 R435 R436 R437 R438 R439 F-l F-l F-l E-3 E-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 F-3 Ii-3 G-3 F-3 A-2 A-2 A-2 G-2 II401 U402 u403 u404 u405 U406 F-3 B-3 R-3 G-3 G-l D-3 MODEL 227 REPLACEABLEPARTS COMPONENTS LOCATED ON PC-396 Location Circuit c501 C502 c503 B-3 B-2 A-2 CR501 CR502 CR503 CR504 CR505 B-2 B-l B-2 A-3 A-3 P501 P502 c-2 A-2 c-3 Q501 I A I I Circuit Location Q502 4503 4504 C-l B-3 B-l R501 R502 R503 R504 R505 R506 R507 R508 R509 B-3 B-2 B-l B-2 A-l A-2 A-l A-2 A-2 B c I 1 1 2 2 3 3 FIGURE 36. 0178 I component Layout, PC-396. 57 REPLACEABLE PARTS MODEL227 KEITHLEY PART NO. IC-2,24 KEITHLEY PART NO. IC-42 TO-99 0tw1 + %I 0 04v- 2 3 4 -INWT +,NP”I v- KEITHLEY PART NO. IC - 53 KEITHLEY PART NO. IC -60 LEAD DESIG. CO-l FIGURE 37. 58 Case Outlines, Integrated Circuits. 0178 MODEL227 KEITHLEY PART NO. IC-61 IC 76 KEITHLEY PART NO. IC-77 KEITHLEY PART NO. IC-67 KEITHLEY PART NO. IC- 82 P1lxJP.E38. 0178 Case Outlines, Integrated Circuits. 59 MODEL227 REPLACEABLE PARTS KEITHLEY PART NO. IC -91 KEITHLEY PART NO. DN-2 JEDEC TO-116 TO-99 LEAD DESIG. TO- 3 GE’ LEAD +iQJ DESIG. f?J TO-5 qJ$ TO-5 TO-3 LEAD -e) DESIG. z2 E +ii) LEAD DESIG. B+$ g6 E BomoM YIEW 60 TO-92 Bc.2T.m Ylrn TO-106 B%) C 0178 --T-l+ L I +” z : ,o z --- -----: ---. -------------------i AAd.A.4 -j-j=+ r :S310N - % B : B - x - 7 - h - I u - * - w - c - L - m - ,e - I I I I“I -----__ --A____ KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. 28775 AURORA ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO 44139 SERVICE MODEL NO. SERIAL NO. FORM P.O. NO; DATE NAME CITY ADDRESS Describe readings, problem and symptoms using chart recordings, etc.) quantitative cl3. cl4. List the positions the instrument. Describe 6. i--:t,;:i El . El - additional Show a block diagram of your measurement system including (whether power is turned on or not). Also describe signal 5. List Cl . 7 Ll STATE -ZIP data whenever (Attach El I PHONE COMPANY cl1. R- input of fi controls and switches on both signal source levels, frequencies. and describe all cables used in the experiment describe all other equipment used in the possible sheets (enclose as necessary). all instruments source. front and rear connected panels of etc. (length, experiment. shielding, Give etc.). control settings Environment: (Factory, controlled laboratory, Where is the measurement being performed? out-of-doors, etc.) Variation? Frequency? What power line voltage is used? "F. Rel. Humidity? Variation? Ambient temperature? "F. Other Additional Information. please describe below.) (If special modifications have been made by the user,
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