1 LAMMPS Short Manual
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MODMOL 25‐27 Feb 2008, Jouy‐en‐Josas olivier.vitrac@agroparistech.fr This document gathers several freely available sources. The result is freely distributable without guarantee or warrantee of any kind. LAMMPS LARGE SCALE ATOMIC MOLECULAR MASSIVELY PARALLEL SIMULATOR LAMMPS is a molecular dynamics program from Sandia National Laboratories. LAMMPS makes use of MPI for parallel communication and is a free open‐source code, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. LAMMPS was originally developed under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between two laboratories from United States Department of Energy and three other laboratories from private sector firms. It is currently maintained and distributed by researchers at the Sandia National Laboratories. Features INIT ATOM DEFINITION FORCE FIELDS SETTINGS For computational efficiency LAMMPS uses neighbor lists to keep track of nearby particles. The lists are optimized for systems with particles that are repulsive at short distances, so that the local density of particles never becomes too large. On parallel computers, LAMMPS uses spatial‐decomposition techniques to partition the simulation domain into small 3d sub‐domains, one of which is assigned to each processor. Processors communicate and store "ghost" atom information for atoms that border their sub‐domain. LAMMPS is most efficient (in a parallel computing sense) for systems whose particles fill a 3D rectangular box with approximately uniform density. FIX COMPUTE http://lammps.sandia.gov/ ACTIONS OUTPUTS http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/Manual.html 2 PRINCIPLES 1) Initialization units, dimension, boundary, atom_style, atom_modify. 2) Atom definition read_data,read_restart, lattice, region, create_box, create_atoms 3) Settings pair_coeff, bond_coeff, angle_coeff, dihedral_coeff, improper_coeff, kspace_style, dielectric, special_bonds neighbor, neigh_modify, group, timestep, reset_timestep, run_style, min_style, min_modify. compute, compute_modify, variable 4) Run run, minimize 3 SCRIPT # 3d Lennard‐Jones melt 1) Initialization 2) Atom definition units atom_style lj atomic lattice region create_box create_atoms mass fcc 0.8442 box block 0 20 0 20 0 20 1 box 1 1 1.0 velocity all create 3.0 87287 3) Settings 4) Run pair_style pair_coeff lj/cut 2.5 1 1 1.0 1.0 2.5 neighbor 0.3 bin neigh_modify every 20 delay 0 check no fix 1 all nve dump id all atom 10 dump.melt thermo 50 run 250 4 INIT atom_modify ATOM_STYLE atom_style style args boundary dimension newton processors units angle = bonds and angles ‐ e.g. bead‐spring polymers with stiffness atomic = only the default values bond = bonds ‐ e.g. bead‐spring polymers charge = charge dipole = charge and dipole moment dpd = default values, also communicates velocities ellipsoid = quaternion for particle orientation, angular velocity/momentum full = molecular + charge ‐ e.g. biomolecules, charged polymers granular = granular atoms with rotational properties molecular = bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers ‐ e.g. all‐atom polymers 5 INIT atom_modify atom_style BOUNDARY dimension newton processors boundary x y z x,y,z = p or s or f or m, one or two letters p is periodic f is non‐periodic and fixed s is non‐periodic and shrink‐wrapped m is non‐periodic and shrink‐wrapped with a minimum value units 6 INIT atom_modify atom_style boundary dimension newton processors UNITS units lj style real distance = sigma time = tau mass = one energy = epsilon velocity = sigma/tau force = epsilon/sigma distance = Angstroms time = femtoseconds mass = grams/mole energy = Kcal/mole velocity = Angstroms/femtosecond force = Kcal/mole‐Angstrom temperature = reduced LJ temperature temperature = degrees K pressure = atmospheres pressure = reduced LJ pressure charge = reduced LJ charge dipole = reduced LJ dipole moment electric field = force/charge charge = multiple of electron charge (+1.0 is a proton) dipole = charge*Angstroms electric field = volts/Angstrom 7 ATOM DEFINITION create_atoms create_box lattice READ_DATA read_data file read_restart region replicate atoms = # of atoms in system bonds = # of bonds in system angles = # of angles in system dihedrals = # of dihedrals in system impropers = # of impropers in system atom types = # of atom types in system bond types = # of bond types in system angle types = # of angle types in system dihedral types = # of dihedral types in system improper types = # of improper types in system xlo xhi = simulation box boundaries in x dimension ylo yhi = simulation box boundaries in y dimension zlo zhi = simulation box boundaries in z dimension xy xz yz = simulation box tilt factors for triclinic domain 8 LAMMPS Description ATOM DEFINITION create_atoms create_box lattice READ_DATA read_restart region replicate (1st line of file) 100 atoms 95 bonds 50 angles 30 dihedrals 20 impropers (this must be the 3rd line, 1st 2 lines are ignored) (# of bonds to be simulated) (include these lines even if number = 0) 5 atom types 10 bond types 18 angle types 20 dihedral types 2 improper types (# of nonbond atom types) (# of bond types = sets of bond coefficients) -0.5 0.5 xlo xhi -0.5 0.5 ylo yhi -0.5 0.5 zlo zhi (for periodic systems this is box size, for non-periodic it is min/max extent of atoms) (do not include this line for 2-d simulations) (do not include a bond, angle,dihedral,improper type line if number of bonds,angles,etc is 0) Masses 1 mass ... N mass Pair Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of atom types) Nonbond Coeffs (in old versions) (N = # of atom types) Bond Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of bond types) Angle Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of angle types) 9 Dihedral Coeffs ATOM DEFINITION create_atoms create_box lattice READ_DATA 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of dihedral types) Improper Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of improper types) BondBond Coeffs read_restart region replicate 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of angle types) BondAngle Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of angle types) MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of dihedral types) EndBondTorsion Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of dihedral types) AngleTorsion Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of dihedral types) 10 AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs ATOM DEFINITION create_atoms create_box lattice READ_DATA 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of dihedral types) BondBond13 Coeffs 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of dihedral types) AngleAngle Coeffs read_restart region replicate 1 coeff1 coeff2 ... ... N coeff1 coeff2 ... (N = # of improper types) Atoms 1 molecule-tag atom-type q x y z nx ny nz (nx,ny,nz are optional ... see "true flag" input command) ... N molecule-tag atom-type q x y z nx ny nz (N = # of atoms) Velocities 1 vx vy vz ... N vx vy vz (N = # of atoms) Bonds 1 bond-type atom-1 atom-2 ... N bond-type atom-1 atom-2 (N = # of bonds) Angles 1 angle-type atom-1 atom-2 atom-3 ... N angle-type atom-1 atom-2 atom-3 (atom-2 is the center atom in angle) 11 (N = # of angles) ATOM DEFINITION create_atoms Dihedrals 1 dihedral-type atom-1 atom-2 atom-3 atom-4 ... N dihedral-type atom-1 atom-2 atom-3 atom-4 (atoms 2-3 form central bond) (N = # of dihedrals) create_box Impropers lattice READ_DATA 1 improper-type atom-1 atom-2 atom-3 atom-4 ... N improper-type atom-1 atom-2 atom-3 atom-4 (atom-2 is central atom) (N = # of impropers) read_restart region replicate comments blank lines are ignored lines starting with a # are echoed into the log file for commands, everything on a line after the last parameter is ignored 12 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff angle_style bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff dihedral_style improper_coeff improper_style kspace_modify kspace_style pair_coeff pair_modify pair_style pair_write special_bonds 13 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff Cross terms: class 1, 2 and 3 force fields angle_style bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff dihedral_style improper_coeff improper_style kspace_modify kspace_style pair_coeff pair_modify pair_style pair_write special_bonds The presence of cross terms in a force field reflects coupling between the internal coordinates. For example, as a bond angle is decreased it is found that the adjacent bonds stretch to reduce the interaction between the 1,3 atoms, as illustrated in Figure. Cross terms were found to be important in force fields designed to predict vibrational spectra that were the forerunners of molecular mechanics force fields, and so it is not surprising that cross terms must often be included in a molecular mechanics force field to achieve optimal performance. One should in principle include cross terms between all contributions to a force field. However, only a few cross terms are generally found to be necessary in order to reproduce structural properties accurately; more may be needed to reproduce other properties such as vibrational frequencies, which are more sensitive to the presence of such terms,. 14 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff TYPE I: CVFF (Covalent FF) angle_style bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff dihedral_style improper_coeff improper_style kspace_modify TYPE II: CFF (Consistent FF) kspace_style pair_coeff pair_modify pair_style pair_write special_bonds 15 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff ANGLE_STYLE bond_coeff bond_style dielectric angle_style none ‐ turn off angle interactions angle_style hybrid ‐ define multiple styles of angle interactions angle_style charmm ‐ CHARMM angle angle_style class2 ‐ COMPASS (class 2) angle angle_style cosine ‐ cosine angle potential angle_style cosine/delta ‐ difference of cosines angle potential angle_style cosine/squared ‐ cosine squared angle potential angle_style harmonic ‐ harmonic angle style dihedral_coeff dihedral_style improper_coeff Expression E = K (θ − θ 0 ) harmonic Examples 2 angle_style harmonic angle_coeff 1 300.0 107.0 K (energy/radian^2) theta0 (degrees) improper_style E = K (θ − θ 0 ) + KUB ( r − rUB ) 2 kspace_modify kspace_style Charmm pair_coeff 2 angle_style charmm K (energy/radian^2) theta0 (degrees) K_ub (energy/distance^2) r_ub (distance) angle_coeff 1 300.0 107.0 50.0 3.0 pair_modify E = Ea + Ebb + Eba pair_style pair_write special_bonds class2 Ea = K 2 (θ − θ 0 ) + K 3 (θ − θ 0 ) + K 4 (θ − θ 0 ) 2 3 4 Ebb = M ( rij − r1 )( rjk − r2 ) Eba = N1 ( rij − r1 ) (θ − θ 0 ) + N 2 ( rjk − r2 ) (θ − θ 0 ) angle_style class2 angle_coeff * 75.0 16 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff angle_style bond_coeff BOND_STYLE bond_style none ‐ turn off bonded interactions bond_style hybrid ‐ define multiple styles of bond interactions bond_style class2 ‐ COMPASS (class 2) bond bond_style fene ‐ FENE (finite‐extensible non‐linear elastic) bond bond_style fene/expand ‐ FENE bonds with variable size particles bond_style harmonic ‐ harmonic bond bond_style morse ‐ Morse bond bond_style nonlinear ‐ nonlinear bond bond_style quartic ‐ breakable quartic bond dielectric dihedral_coeff dihedral_style improper_coeff style Expression Examples improper_style E = K ( r − r0 ) kspace_modify kspace_style harmonic 2 bond_style harmonic bond_coeff 5 80.0 1.2 K (energy/distance^2) r0 (distance) pair_coeff pair_modify pair_style pair_write special_bonds K = K 2 ( r − r0 ) + K 3 ( r − r0 ) + K 4 ( r − r0 ) 2 class2 r0 (distance) K2 (energy/distance^2) K3 (energy/distance^2) K4 (energy/distance^2) 3 4 bond_style class2 bond_coeff 1 1.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 17 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff angle_style bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_style none ‐ turn off dihedral interactions dihedral_style hybrid ‐ define multiple styles of dihedral interactions dihedral_style charmm ‐ CHARMM dihedral dihedral_style class2 ‐ COMPASS (class 2) dihedral dihedral_style harmonic ‐ harmonic dihedral dihedral_style helix ‐ helix dihedral dihedral_style multi/harmonic ‐ multi‐harmonic dihedral dihedral_style opls ‐ OPLS dihedral style dihedral_coeff DIHEDRAL_STYLE improper_coeff Expression Examples E = K ⋅ ⎡⎣1 + d ⋅ cos ( n ⋅ φ ) ⎤⎦ harmonic K (energy) d (+1 or ‐1) n (integer >= 0) dihedral_style harmonic dihedral_coeff 1 80.0 1 2 improper_style E = K ⋅ ⎡⎣1 + cos ( n ⋅ φ − d ) ⎤⎦ kspace_modify kspace_style Charmm pair_coeff K (energy) n (integer >= 0) d (integer value of degrees) weighting factor (0.0 to 1.0) dihedral_style charmm dihedral_coeff 1 120.0 1 60 0.5 pair_modify pair_style pair_write special_bonds class2 dihedral_style class2 dihedral_coeff 1 100 75 100 70 80 60 18 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff angle_style improper_style none ‐ turn off improper interactions improper_style hybrid ‐ define multiple styles of improper interactions improper_style class2 ‐ COMPASS (class 2) improper improper_style cvff ‐ CVFF improper improper_style harmonic ‐ harmonic improper bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff style Expression Examples dihedral_style E = K ( χ − χ0 ) improper_coeff IMPROPER_STYLE harmonic kspace_modify K (energy/radian^2) X0 (degrees) E = K ⋅ ⎡⎣1 + d ⋅ cos ( n ⋅ φ ) ⎤⎦ kspace_style pair_coeff 2 CVFF pair_modify K (energy) d (+1 or ‐1) n (0,1,2,3,4,6) improper_style harmonic improper_coeff 1 100.0 0 improper_style cvff improper_coeff 1 80.0 ‐1 4 pair_style pair_write special_bonds class2 improper_style class2 improper_coeff 1 100.0 0 19 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff angle_style bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff pair_style lj/charmm/coul/charmm ‐ CHARMM potential with cutoff Coulomb pair_style lj/charmm/coul/charmm/implicit ‐ CHARMM for implicit solvent pair_style lj/charmm/coul/long ‐ CHARMM with long‐range Coulomb pair_style lj/charmm/coul/long/opt ‐ optimized version of CHARMM with long‐range Coulomb pair_style lj/class2 ‐ COMPASS (class 2) force field with no Coulomb pair_style lj/class2/coul/cut ‐ COMPASS with cutoff Coulomb pair_style lj/class2/coul/long ‐ COMPASS with long‐range Coulomb pair_style lj/cut ‐ cutoff Lennard‐Jones potential with no Coulomb pair_style lj/cut/opt ‐ optimized version of cutoff LJ pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut ‐ LJ with cutoff Coulomb pair_style lj/cut/coul/debye ‐ LJ with Debye screening added to Coulomb pair_style lj/cut/coul/long ‐ LJ with long‐range Coulomb pair_style lj/cut/coul/long/tip4p ‐ LJ with long‐range Coulomb for TIP4P water pair_style lj/expand ‐ Lennard‐Jones for variable size particles pair_style lj/smooth ‐ smoothed Lennard‐Jones potential dihedral_style improper_coeff improper_style Van‐der‐Waals with Lorentz—Berthelot mixing rule kspace_modify kspace_style pair_coeff pair_modify PAIR_STYLE pair_write special_bonds Coulomb ⎡⎛ σ E = 4ε ij ⎢⎜ ij ⎢⎝⎜ rij ⎣ 12 6 ⎞ ⎛ σ ij ⎞ ⎤ ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ ⎠ ⎝ rij ⎠ ⎥⎦ σ + σ ij av.diameter = σ ij = ii 2 av.well depth = ε ij = ε ii + ε ij E= qi q j 4πε 0ε R rij ε 0 = 8.8542·10−12 C2 N −1m −2 ε R = 1 for a vacuum by definition 20 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff angle_style bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff dihedral_style improper_coeff improper_style kspace_modify kspace_style pair_coeff pair_modify PAIR_STYLE pair_write special_bonds pair_style hybrid ‐ multiple styles of pairwise interactions pair_style hybrid/overlay ‐ multiple styles of superposed pairwise interactions pair_style airebo ‐ AI‐REBO potential pair_style buck ‐ Buckingham potential pair_style buck/coul/cut ‐ Buckingham with cutoff Coulomb pair_style buck/coul/long ‐ Buckingham with long‐range Coulomb pair_style colloid ‐ integrated colloidal potential pair_style coul/cut ‐ cutoff Coulombic potential pair_style coul/debye ‐ cutoff Coulombic potential with Debye screening pair_style coul/long ‐ long‐range Coulombic potential pair_style dipole/cut ‐ point dipoles with cutoff pair_style dpd ‐ dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) pair_style eam ‐ embedded atom method (EAM) pair_style eam/opt ‐ optimized version of EAM pair_style eam/alloy ‐ alloy EAM pair_style eam/alloy/opt ‐ optimized version of alloy EAM pair_style eam/fs ‐ Finnis‐Sinclair EAM pair_style eam/fs/opt ‐ optimized version of Finnis‐Sinclair EAM pair_style gayberne ‐ Gay‐Berne ellipsoidal potential pair_style gran/hertzian ‐ granular potential with Hertizain interactions pair_style gran/history ‐ granular potential with history effects pair_style gran/no_history ‐ granular potential without history effects pair_style lubricate ‐ hydrodynamic lubrication forces pair_style meam ‐ modified embedded atom method (MEAM) pair_style morse ‐ Morse potential pair_style morse/opt ‐ optimized version of Morse potential pair_style resquared ‐ Everaers RE‐Squared ellipsoidal potential pair_style soft ‐ Soft (cosine) potential pair_style sw ‐ Stillinger‐Weber 3‐body potential pair_style table ‐ tabulated pair potential pair_style tersoff ‐ Tersoff 3‐body potential pair_style yukawa ‐ Yukawa potential 21 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff style Expression angle_style bond_coeff lj/cut E = Evdw ⎡⎛ σ ⎞12 ⎛ σ ⎞6 ⎤ = 4ε ⎢⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ r < rC ⎢⎣⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎥⎦ Examples pair_style lj/cut 2.5 pair_coeff 1 1 1 1.1 2.8 bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff lj/cut/coul /cut dihedral_style improper_coeff E = Evdw + C qi q j εr r < rC epsilon (energy units) sigma (distance units) cutoff (distance units) cutoff2 (distance units) pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut 10.0 8.0 pair_coeff 1 1 100.0 3.5 9.0 improper_style kspace_modify lj/class2 kspace_style E = Evdw 6 ⎡ ⎛ σ ⎞9 ⎛σ ⎞ ⎤ = ε ⎢2 ⎜ ⎟ − 3 ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣⎢ ⎝ r ⎠ pair_style lj/class2 10.0 pair_coeff 1 1 100.0 3.5 9.0 for r < rC pair_coeff pair_modify PAIR_STYLE pair_write special_bonds lj/class2/c oul/cut E = Evdw + C for r < rC qi q j εr pair_style lj/class2/coul/cut 10.0 8.0 pair_coeff 1 1 100.0 3.5 9.0 22 FORCEFIELD angle_coeff angle_style bond_coeff bond_style dielectric dihedral_coeff dihedral_style improper_coeff improper_style kspace_modify kspace_style pair_coeff EXAMPLES (when used, must appear after "read data" or "read restart" command) angle coeff 1 30.0 108.0 (angle style harmonic) angle coeff 1 30.0 108.0 30.0 2.5 (angle style charmm) angle coeff 1 30.0 108.0 (angle style cosharmonic) bond coeff 1 100.0 3.45 (bond style harmonic) bond coeff 1 30.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 (bond style fene/standard ) bond coeff 1 30.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.2 (bond style fene/shift) bond coeff 1 28.0 0.748308 0.166667 (bond style nonlinear) (dihedral style harmonic) dihedral coeff 1 10.0 1 3 dihedral coeff 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 (dihedral style multiharmonic) dihedral coeff 1 2.0 5 180.0 0.5 (dihedral style charmm) dihedral coeff 1 2.0 1 3.0 (dihedral style dreiding) improper coeff 1 20.0 0.0 (improper style harmonic) improper coeff 1 20.0 10.0 (improper style cvff) dielectric 1 pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 10.0 (pair style lj/cutoff) pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 8.0 10.0 (pair style lj/smooth) pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 2.0 10.0 (pair style lj/shift) pair coeff 1 2 1.0 30.0 2.5 (pair style soft) pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 10.0 (pair style class2/cutoff) pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 1.0 3.45 (pair style lj/charmm) pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 12.0 10.0 (pair style expo_6/cutoff) pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 12.0 10.0 12. 0 pair coeff 1 2 1.0 3.45 12.0 10.0 (pair style expo_6/smooth) pppm mesh 32 32 64 pppm order 5 special bonds amber special bonds 0.0 0.0 0.5 (pair style expo_6/spline) pair_modify pair_style pair_write special_bonds 23 SETTINGS communicate dipole group mass min_modify min_style neigh_modify NEIGHBOR reset_timestep run_style neighbor skin style neighbor 0.3 bin neighbor 2.0 nsq set shape timestep velocity This command sets parameters that affect the building of the pairwise neighbor list. All atom pairs within a cutoff distance equal to the their force cutoff plus the skin distance are stored in the list. Typically, the larger the skin distance, the less often neighbor lists need to be built, but more pairs must be checked for possible force interactions every timestep. 24 FIX fix fix_modify unfix 1 Xˆ = M obs M obs ∑X i =1 i 25 FIX FIX fix_modify unfix fix id all nve nve ‐ constant NVE time integration nve/asphere ‐ NVT for aspherical particles nve/dipole ‐ NVE for point dipolar particles nve/gran ‐ NVE for granular particles nve/limit ‐ NVE with limited step length nve/noforce ‐ NVE without forces (v only) fix ID group‐ID nve ID, group‐ID are documented in fix command nve = style name of this fix command fix id all nvt nvt ‐ constant NVT time integration via Nose/Hoover nvt/asphere ‐ NVT for aspherical particles nvt/sllod ‐ NVT for NEMD with SLLOD equations fix ID group‐ID nvt Tstart Tstop Tdamp keyword value ... ID, group‐ID are documented in fix command nvt = style name of this fix command Tstart,Tstop = desired temperature at start/end of run Tdamp = temperature damping parameter (time units) zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended keyword = drag fix id all npt npt ‐ constant NPT time integration via Nose/Hoover npt/asphere ‐ NPT for aspherical particles fix ID group‐ID npt Tstart Tstop Tdamp p‐style args keyword value ... xyz args = Pstart Pstop Pdamp Pstart,Pstop = desired pressure at start/end of run (pressure units) Pdamp = pressure damping parameter (time units) xy or yz or xz or aniso args = Px_start Px_stop Py_start Py_stop Pz_start Pz_stop Pdamp Px_start,Px_stop,... = desired pressure in x,y,z at start/end of run (pressure units) Pdamp = pressure damping parameter (time units) 26 FIX FIX fix_modify unfix fix ID group‐ID style args addforce ‐ add a force to each atom aveforce ‐ add an averaged force to each atom ave/atom ‐ compute per‐atom time‐averaged quantities ave/spatial ‐ output per‐atom quantities by layer ave/time ‐ output time‐averaged compute quantities com ‐ compute a center‐of‐mass coord/original ‐ store original coords of each atom deform ‐ change the simulation box size/shape deposit ‐ add new atoms above a surface drag ‐ drag atoms towards a defined coordinate dt/reset ‐ reset the timestep based on velocity, forces efield ‐ impose electric field on system enforce2d ‐ zero out z‐dimension velocity and force freeze ‐ freeze atoms in a granular simulation gravity ‐ add gravity to atoms in a granular simulation gyration ‐ compute radius of gyration heat ‐ add/subtract momentum‐conserving heat indent ‐ impose force due to an indenter langevin ‐ Langevin temperature control lineforce ‐ constrain atoms to move in a line msd ‐ compute mean‐squared displacement (i.e. diffusion coefficient) momentum ‐ zero the linear and/or angular momentum of a group of atoms nph ‐ constant NPH time integration via Nose/Hoover npt ‐ constant NPT time integration via Nose/Hoover npt/asphere ‐ NPT for aspherical particles nve ‐ constant NVE time integration nve/asphere ‐ NVT for aspherical particles nve/dipole ‐ NVE for point dipolar particles nve/gran ‐ NVE for granular particles nve/limit ‐ NVE with limited step length nve/noforce ‐ NVE without forces (v only) nvt ‐ constant NVT time integration via Nose/Hoover nvt/asphere ‐ NVT for aspherical particles nvt/sllod ‐ NVT for NEMD with SLLOD equations orient/fcc ‐ add grain boundary migration force planeforce ‐ constrain atoms to move in a plane poems ‐ constrain clusters of atoms to move as coupled rigid bodies pour ‐ pour new atoms into a granular simulation domain print ‐ print text and variables during a simulation rdf ‐ compute radial distribution functions recenter ‐ constrain the center‐of‐mass position of a group of atoms rigid ‐ constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body setforce ‐ set the force on each atom shake ‐ SHAKE constraints on bonds and/or angles spring ‐ apply harmonic spring force to group of atoms spring/rg ‐ spring on radius of gyration of group of atoms spring/self ‐ spring from each atom to its origin temp/rescale ‐ temperature control by velocity rescaling tmd ‐ guide a group of atoms to a new configuration viscosity ‐ Muller‐Plathe momentum exchange for viscosity calculation viscous ‐ viscous damping for granular simulations wall/gran ‐ frictional wall(s) for granular simulations wall/lj126 ‐ Lennard‐Jones 12‐6 wall wall/lj93 ‐ Lennard‐Jones 9‐3 wall wall/reflect ‐ reflecting wall(s) wiggle ‐ oscillate walls and frozen atoms 27 FIX fix EXAMPLES OF CONSTRAINTS (when used, must appear after "read data" or "read restart" command) fix_modify unfix assign fix 1 atom 200 assign fix 1 molecule 50 assign fix 1 type 2 assign fix 1 region 0.0 1.0 INF INF 0.0 1.0 assign fix 1 bondtype 4 assign fix 1 remainder fix style none fix style 1 setforce 0.0 NULL 0.0 fix style 1 addforce 1.0 0.0 0.0 fix style 1 aveforce 1.0 0.0 0.0 fix style 1 rescale 300.0 300.0 100 20.0 0.5 fix style 1 hoover/drag 50.0 50.0 0.001 fix style 1 langevin 50.0 50.0 0.01 12345 1 1 1 fix style 1 springforce 10.0 NULL NULL 1.0 fix style 1 dragforce 10.0 ‐5.0 NULL 2.0 1.0 fix style 1 shake 3 0.001 100 28 COMPUTES COMPUTE compute_modify uncompute compute ID group‐ID style args compute 1 all temp compute newtemp flow temp/partial 1 1 0 compute 3 all ke/atom centro/atom ‐ centro‐symmetry parameter for each atom coord/atom ‐ coordination number for each atom displace/atom ‐ displacement of each atom group/group ‐ energy/force between two groups of atoms ke/atom ‐ kinetic energy for each atom pe ‐ potential energy pe/atom ‐ potential energy for each atom pressure ‐ total pressure and pressure tensor reduce ‐ combine per‐atom quantities into a single global value rotate/dipole ‐ rotational energy of dipolar atoms rotate/gran ‐ rotational energy of granular atoms stress/atom ‐ stress tensor for each atom temp ‐ temperature of group of atoms temp/asphere ‐ temperature of aspherical particles temp/deform ‐ temperature excluding box deformation velocity temp/dipole ‐ temperature of point dipolar particles temp/partial ‐ temperature excluding one or more dimensions of velocity temp/ramp ‐ temperature excluding ramped velocity component temp/region ‐ temperature of a region of atoms 29 minimize tolerance maxiter maxeval ACTIONS delete_atoms delete_bonds displace_atoms displace_box minimize RUN temper run N keyword values N = # of timesteps zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended keyword = upto or start or stop or pre or post or every run 10000 run 1000000 upto run 100 start 0 stop 1000 run 1000 pre no post yes run 100000 start 0 stop 1000000 every 1000 print "Protein Rg = $r“ 30 run 100000 every 1000 NULL OUTPUT DUMP dump_modify restart thermo thermo_modify thermo_style dump ID group‐ID style N file args ID = user‐assigned name for the dump group‐ID = ID of the group of atoms to be dumped style = atom or bond or dcd or xtc or xyz or custom N = dump every this many timesteps file = name of file to write dump info to args = list of arguments for a particular style undump write_restart dump myDump all atom 100 dump.atom dump 2 subgroup atom 50 dump.run.bin dump 4a all custom 100 dump 1 all xtc 1000 file.xtc 31 OUTPUT dump dump_modify restart THERMO thermo_modify thermo_style undump write_restart thermo_style style args style = one or multi or granular or custom args = list of arguments for a particular style one args = none multi args = none granular args = none custom args = list of attributes possible attributes = step, atoms, cpu, temp, press, pe, ke, etotal, enthalpy, evdwl, ecoul, epair, ebond, eangle, edihed, eimp, emol, elong, etail, vol, lx, ly, lz, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo, zhi, pxx, pyy, pzz, pxy, pxz, pyz drot, grot, c_ID, c_ID[n], f_ID, f_ID[n], v_name step = timestep atoms = # of atoms cpu = elapsed CPU time temp = temperature press = pressure pe = total potential energy ke = kinetic energy etotal = total energy (pe + ke) enthalpy = enthalpy (pe + press*vol) evdwl = VanderWaal pairwise energy ecoul = Coulombic pairwise energy epair = pairwise energy (evdwl + ecoul + elong + etail) ebond = bond energy eangle = angle energy edihed = dihedral energy eimp = improper energy emol = molecular energy (ebond + eangle + edihed + eimp) elong = long-range kspace energy etail = VanderWaal energy long-range tail correction vol = volume lx,ly,lz = box lengths in x,y,z xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi = box boundaries pxx,pyy,pzz,pxy,pxz,pyz = 6 components of pressure tensor drot = rotational energy of dipolar atoms grot = rotational energy of granular atoms c_ID = global scalar value calculated by a compute with ID c_ID[N] = Nth component of global vector calculated by a compute with ID f_ID = global scalar value calculated by a fix with ID f_ID[N] = Nth component of global vector calculated by a fix with ID v_name = global value calculated by an equal‐style variable with name 32 TOOLS amber2lammps binary2txt ch2lmp DESCRIPTION Python scripts for converting files back‐and‐forth between the AMBER MD code and LAMMPS converts one or more binary LAMMPS dump file into ASCII text files contains tools for converting files back‐and‐forth between the CHARMM MD code and LAMMPS chain LAMMPS data file containing bead‐spring polymer chains and/or monomer solvent atoms data2xmovie converts a LAMMPS data file into a snapshot suitable for visualizing with the xmovie tool eam generate converts an analytic formula into a tabulated embedded atom method (EAM) setfl potential file lmp2arc converting LAMMPS output files to the format for Accelrys's Insight MD code lmp2cfg tool for converting LAMMPS output files into a series of *.cfg files which can be read into the AtomEye visualizer lmp2traj tool for converting LAMMPS output files into 3 analysis files matlab / MSLAB several MATLAB scripts for post‐processing LAMMPS output micelle2d msi2lmp pymol_asphere restart2data thermo_extract vim , xmovie creates a LAMMPS data file containing short lipid chains in a monomer solution tool for creating LAMMPS input data files from Accelrys's Insight MD code (formerly MSI/Biosysm and its Discover MD code) tool for converting a LAMMPS dump file that contains orientation info for ellipsoidal particles into an input file for the PyMol visualization package converts a binary LAMMPS restart file into an ASCII data file reads one of more LAMMPS log files and extracts a thermodynamic value (e.g. Temp, Press) X‐based visualization package that can read LAMMPS dump files and animate them 33 MODMOL 25‐27 Feb 2008, Jouy‐en‐Josas olivier.vitrac@agroparistech.fr # MSLAB starts within $PROJECT # example of line to be added/updated in ~/.bashrc export PROJECT="~/project" This document is based on our own contribution. The result is freely distributable without guarantee or warrantee of any kind. Custom LAMMPS installation Important definitions for LAMMPS in this ./.bashrc (use LAMRC to see the related HELP) FILE: ~/.bashrc Installation parameters ======================= topaze: open a ssh connection on topaze see also: GENKEY, EXPORTKEY (to make it possible a SSH connection without password on cluster nodes) $PROJECT: main directory of LAMMPS projects (TO BE CHECKED with "echo $PROJECT") LAMMPS scripts must be located in $PROJECT (default) or in its subdirectories (e.g. examples) LAMMPS jobs are automatically stored in $PROJECT/XXXXX (where X=[A-Z0-9]) see also: LSLAM, CDLAM, TREELAM Included directories bin/ LAMMPS executables (several versions are available) executions with MPICH should be avoided, LAM/MPI must be preferred as it is integrated with SUN GRID ENGINE bin/tools/ other executables doc/ documentation make/ make directory (for advanced users) examples/ examples pizza/ PYTHON interface to LAMMPS (see PIZZA) installation file has been modified to match $PROJECT NB: PIZZA works on LINUX and WINDOWS XP/Vista MSLAB (Matlab with the toolbox MS) requires: > a directory $PROJECT/../codes/MS where all MS functions are located > a script $PROJECT/startms.m where the GLOBAL variables LAMMPS and PATHPROJECT are defined > The variable LAMMPS must be updated to your needs (e.g. define your e-mail). NB: MSLAB works on LINUX and WINDOWS XP/Vista 35 CUSTOM LAMMPS JOB FILE: ~/.bashrc Typical job $PROJECT/XXXXX =========================== Each job directory contains initially: a LAMMPS executable: e.g. lmp_g++_lam_all_100208 (last version 10/02/08 for LAM/MPI, including all modules) a LAMMPS input file: e.g. long.in.lj additional data files: e.g. data.micelle (see LAMJOB to add user files) 3 shell scripts: run.sh: submit the job on the cluster via SUN GRID ENGINE manual queueue and execution on the cluster via: $PROJECT/XXXXX/run.sh (or ./run.sh) lammpsscript.sh: (e.g. long.in.sh) main launcher via MPIRUN (can be used direclty on TOPAZE) manual execution on TOPAZE via: $PROJECT/XXXXX/lammpsscript.sh (or ./lammpsscript.sh) prior a manual execution on TOPAZE, an active lamboot is required and subsequently a lamhalt (lamboot and lamhalt lines in the scrip are inactivated by default in the script since they are managed automatically by the SUN GRID ENGINE) mpi.sh: MPI argument (to used only by lammpsscript.sh) After/during execution, several files are created: jobid: jod id to be used with qstat -j jobid project.log: log file project.out: standard output (STDOUT) project.err: standard error (STDERR) lammps.log: additional log (default) see also: MSLAB, PIZZA, RMLAMJOB, CLLAMJOB, LAMAN, TREELAM, PSSEARCH 36 FILE: ~/.bashrc BASH WRAPPERS DESCRIPTION cdlam cd into a LAMMPS dir/path cllamjob or cllammpsjob clean LAMMPS jobs via MSLAB ccllamjob jobname1 [jobname2][jobname3] [jobname4] ... exportkey export RSA key on the cluster exportkey firstnode [lastnode] genkey RSA genkey (require for SSH) genkey killsearch kill a process on all nodes msi2lmp laman lamjob, lammpsjob USAGE cdlam localpath killsearch processname [username] [firs convert a MSI project into a Lammps msi2lmp msiproject [class] [ff] [print] [ffpath] data file help on LAMMPS script command laman [lammps_command] lamjob mylammpsscript cmd [numproc] [jobname] [jobpath] Prepare/queue/run a LAMMPS job via [jobpath] [datafile1][datafile2]… MSLAB on the cluster cmd = run, script or runone lamrc or lammpsrc display a general help via .bashrc lslam ls into a LAMMPS dir/path mslab matlab with MS (text mode) pizza PYTHON extension for LAMMPS (custom installation) pssearch search a process on all nodes rmlamjob or rmlammpsjob remove LAMMPS jobs via MSLAB treelam tree all LAMMPS projects u list all jobs for the current user lamrc lslam localpath mslab, see "help MS" for detailed funct pizza pssearch processname [username] [firstn rmlamjob jobname1 [jobname2][jobname3] [jobname4] ... treelam, treelam long, treelam short u 37 PATH: $PROJECT/../codes/MS MSLAB FUNCTIONS cllammpsjob lamdumpread readlog DESCRIPTION clean a or several LAMMPS jobs (remove the LAMMPS executable) read LAMMPS dump file (all fields are identified after the keyword 'ITEM:' and the following values are assumed to be numerical) LAMMPS log files create and launch a LAMMPS job on the cluster (as defined in global variables: PROJECTPATH and LAMMPS) lammpsjob lmp2cfg LAMMPS dump file to Extended CFG Format (No velocity) to be used msi2lmp converts a MSIproject (MSIproject.car, MSIproject.mdf) into a LAMMPS data file readdump_all readdump_one all timesteps from a LAMMPS dump file LAMMPS dump file one timestep at a time readlog LAMMPS log files readrdf to read Radial Distribution Funtion output from LAMMPS rmlammpsjob scandump remove a or several LAMMPS job(s) (delete the entire directories created by LAMMPSJOB) to scan LAMMPS dump file MS (Molecular Studio) Toolbox for Matlab include 254 functions Main contributor: O. Vitrac LINUX CAPAPLE, WIN32/64 COMPATIBLE 38 MSLAB custom installation % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % STARTMS (PATH: $PROJECT/startms.m) – MATLAB SCRIPT MINIMUM setup configuration for MS on UNIX machines It works also on WINBOXES (Note: MS was designed on WIN32 machines) FILE: $PROJECT/startms.m This script defines two global variables PROJECTPATH (string) and LAMMPS (structure) A new user must update PROJECTPATH and possibly some fields in LAMMPS PROJECTPATH: defines the main directory for all LAMMPS projects When the environment variable $PROJECT exist, its value is assigned to PROJECTPATH (default behavior) If not the script definition is used. LAMMPS: object used to generate all required BASH scripts to submit a job instance (with MPIRUN or not, with SUN GRID ENGINE or not) In future versions, this variable will be replaced by a single XML file. Customizable fields in LAMMPS include: LAMMPS.bin: bin/ directory in PROJECTPATH (all required binaries are assumed to be located there) NB: Tools are expected to be located in bin/tools (see MSI2LMP) Makefiles are located in PROJECTPATH/make LAMMPS.lammps: filename of LAMMPS executable (several versions of LAMMPS can be used according to MPI, compilation options...) % LAMMPS.maxnumproc: max number of processors, which can be invoked (theoretically 1000, 16 could be an acceptable value on MIGALE) % LAMMPS.email: contact e-mail (use to send e-mails during main job events) % % The local variable localMS define the relative path from the location of startms, where MS is installed. % By default, MS is outside PROJECT (safe behavior). Update its content to your need. 39 MODMOL 25‐27 Feb 2008, Jouy‐en‐Josas olivier.vitrac@agroparistech.fr # PIZZA and MSLAB starts within $PROJECT # example of line to be added/updated in ~/.bashrc export PROJECT="~/project" This document is based on our own contribution. The result is freely distributable without guarantee or warrantee of any kind. PIZZA.py custom installation FILE: $PROJECT/pizza/src/pizza.py #!/usr/local/bin/python –I # Pizza.py toolkit, www.cs.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/pizza.html ... ... # modules needed by pizza.py import sys, commands, os, string, exceptions, glob, refrom time import clock # Customization by O. Vitrac boxname = os.name if boxname.find("nt") >=0: PIZZAROOT = os.path.normpath("C:\Data\Olivier\INRA\Codes\mslab\pizza") print "NT system" else: PIZZAROOT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.environ.get('PROJECT'),'pizza')) print "assume a LINUX machine" os.chdir(PIZZAROOT) print "current path: %s (default directory for data)" % os.getcwd() print "available functions in src:\n\n %s\n" % os.listdir(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PIZZAROOT,'src'))) ... ... # ALL SCRIPTS ARE NOW LAUNCHED FROM PIZZAROOT: $PROJECT/pizza FILE: $PROJECT/pizza/src/DEFAULTS.py # Pizza.py toolkit, www.cs.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/pizza.html # Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories... ... import osPIZZA_TOOLS = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'src'))] PIZZA_SCRIPTS = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'scripts'),os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'examples')] PIZZA_EXCLUDE = ["pizza", "DEFAULTS", "vizinfo"] 41 CUSTOM PIZZA TEST # simple test of chain tool # creates tmp.data.chain file (see test_chain.py) c = chain(500,0.7,1,1,2) c.seed = 54321 c.build(25,10) c.mtype = 2 c.btype = 2 c.blen = 1.5 c.dmin = 1.2 c.id = "end1" c.build(10,25) c.write("tmp.data.chain") print "all done ... type CTRL-D to exit Pizza.py" 42 http://www.cs.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/pizza.html PIZZA Functions animate.py Animate a series of image files cdata.py Read, write, manipulate ChemCell data files chain.py Create bead‐spring chains for LAMMPS input cfg.py Convert LAMMPS snapshots to CFG format clog.py Read ChemCell log files and extract species data data.py Read, write, manipulate LAMMPS data files dump.py Read, write, manipulate dump files and particle attributes ensight.py Convert LAMMPS snapshots to Ensight format gl.py 3d interactive visualization via OpenGL gnu.py Create plots via GnuPlot plotting program histo.py Particle density histogram from a dump image.py View and manipulate images log.py Read LAMMPS log files and extract thermodynamic data matlab.py Create plots via MatLab numerical analysis program mdump.py Read, write, manipulate mesh dump files pair.py Compute LAMMPS pairwise energies patch.py Create patchy Lennard‐Jones particles for LAMMPS input pdbfile.py Read, write PDB files in combo with LAMMPS snapshots plotview.py Plot multiple vectors from a data set rasmol.py 3d visualization via RasMol program raster.py 3d visualization via Raster3d program svg.py 3d visualization via SVG files vcr.py VCR‐style GUI for 3d interactive OpenGL visualization vec.py Create numeric vectors from columns in file or list of vecs vtk.py Convert LAMMPS snapshots to VTK format xyz.py Convert LAMMPS snapshots to XYZ format 43 PIZZA with GUI #ADD the export line to your bash or type it: $ export PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/src/public/PyOpenGL‐ 3.0.0a6/:/usr/local/src/public/modules‐python/Imaging‐ 1.1.6/PIL/:/usr/local/public/python‐2.4.3/lib/python2.4/site‐ packages/Numeric/:/usr/local/genome/mgcat1.24‐linux32‐ py23/:/usr/local/src/public/ctypes‐1.0.2/build/lib.linux‐x86_64‐ 2.3/:/usr/local/public/python‐2.4.3/lib/python2.4/site‐packages/setuptools‐0.6c7‐ py2.4.egg/:/usr/local/src/public/Togl‐1.7/" $ \pizza # \ is used to override the current alias ssh –Y username@topaze.jouy.inra.fr Check: echo $DISPLAY 44 MODMOL 25‐27 Feb 2008, Jouy‐en‐Josas olivier.vitrac@agroparistech.fr This document gathers several freely available sources. The result is freely distributable without guarantee or warrantee of any kind. BEAD‐SPRING POLYMER MELT FENE: Finite Extendible Nonlinear Elastic Model (here: 2880 beads, 2715 bonds) $PROJECT/bin/tools/chain <$PROJECT/examples/example.def.chain >$PROJECT/chain/data.chain Polymer chain definition 0.8442 592984 2 0 rhostar random # seed (8 digits or less) # of sets of chains (blank line + 6 values for each set) molecule tag rule: 0 = by mol, 1 = from 1 end, 2 = from 2 ends 160 16 1 1 0.97 1.02 number of chains monomers/chain type of monomers (for output into LAMMPS file) type of bonds (for output into LAMMPS file) distance between monomers (in reduced units) no distance less than this from site i-1 to i+1 (reduced unit) 5 64 2 2 1.05 1.12 number of chains monomers/chain type of monomers (for output into LAMMPS file) type of bonds (for output into LAMMPS file) distance between monomers (in reduced units) no distance less than this from site i-1 to i+1 (reduced unit) 46 FILE: $PROJECT/examples/example.def.chain BEAD‐SPRING POLYMER MELT FENE: Finite Extendible Nonlinear Elastic Model (here: 2880 beads, 2715 bonds) # PIZZA-PYTHON SCRIPT using the method CHAIN # Such script is equivalent to # $PROJECT/bin/tools/chain <$PROJECT/examples/example.def.chain # >$PROJECT/chain/data.chain N = 2880 # total number of monomers rhostar = 0.8442 # density #c = chain(N,rhostar) #setup box with N monomers at reduced density rho c = chain(N,rhostar,1,1,1) #x,y,z = aspect ratio of box (def = 1,1,1) c.seed = 592984 #set random # seed (def = 12345) c.mtype = 1 c.btype = 1 c.blen = 0.97 c.dmin = 1.02 c.build(160,16) #set type of monomers (def = 1) #set type of bonds (def = 1) #set length of bonds (def = 0.97) #set min dist from i-1 to i+1 site (def = 1.02) #create 160 chains, each of length 16 c.mtype = 2 c.btype = 2 c.blen = 1.05 c.dmin = 1.12 c.build(5,64) #set type of monomers (def = 1) #set type of bonds (def = 1) #set length of bonds (def = 0.97) #set min dist from i-1 to i+1 site (def = 1.02) #create 5 chains, each of length 64 c.write("data.chain") #write out all built chains to LAMMPS data file pizza FILE: $PROJECT/pizza/examples/example_chain_data.py 47 # SCRIPT derived from FENE beadspring benchmark BEAD‐SPRING POLYMER MELT FENE stands for the finitely extensible nonlinear elastic model of a long‐chained polymer. It simplifies the chain of monomers by connecting a sequence of beads with nonlinear springs. The spring force law is governed by inverse Langevin function or approximated by the Warner's relationship: 160+5‐mer chains and FENE bonds: 2,880 monomers for 104 timesteps reduced density 0.8442 (liquid) force cutoff of 2^(1/6) sigma neighbor skin = 0.4 sigma neighbors/atom = 5 (within force cutoff) NVE time integration units lj atom_style bond special_bonds 0.0 1.0 1.0 read_data data.chain neighbor neigh_modify 0.4 bin every 1 delay 1 bond_style bond_coeff bond_coeff fene 1 30.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 2 30.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 pair_style pair_modify pair_coeff pair_coeff lj/cut 1.20 shift yes 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.12 2 2 1.5 1.1 1.20 fix fix 1 all nve 2 all langevin 1.0 1.0 10.0 904297 thermo timestep 100 0.012 run 10000 48 # DEMO: bidisperse (advanced ex.) # 26/02/08 echo $PROJECT lslam examples FILE: $PROJECT/examples/bidisperse.demo # current queue # ls available templates # PROJECT 1) BOX CREATION AND MINIMIZATION #========================================== lamjob examples/in.bidisperse.relax script 1 test.birelax [] def.chain.bidisperse in.bidisperse.nvt # copy templates, generate scripts cdlam test.birelax # cd into the new project $PROJECT/bin/tools/chaindata.chain.bidisperse # generate chains on a lattice nano in.bidisperse.relax # edit the relaxation script (no change required) ./run.sh u # launch/submit the job on a single proc # STEP 2) NVT DYNAMICS #===================== echo $QUEUE export QUEUE="stage.q“ # check your job # current queue # change queue (empty assign the default “long.q”) lamjob test.birelax/in.bidisperse.nvt run 4 test.binvt [] bidisperse.relax.restart.10000 # generate/submit the dynamics on 4 procs u # check your job 49 ALL ATOM SIMULATION EXAMPLE 1: CVFF (no warnings), shrink boundary conditions msi2lmp $PROJECT/examples/decane I CVFF lamjob examples/in.decane script 1 decane [] decane.lammps05 units atom_style boundary real full s s s fix 1 all nvt 298.0 298.0 100.0 dump 1 all atom 100 dump.decane pair_style lj/cut 10.0 bond_style harmonic angle_style harmonic dihedral_style harmonic improper_style none decane minimize 1000 run read_data decane.lammps05 neighbor neigh_modify 2.0 bin delay 5 timestep 2.0 thermo_style thermo multi 50 1.0e-4 100 10000 FILE: $PROJECT/examples/in.decane 50 ALL ATOM SIMULATION EXAMPLE 2: CVFF (warnings), shrink boundary conditions msi2lmp $PROJECT/examples/Epicatechin I cvff lamjob examples/in.Epicatechin script 1 Epicatechin [] Epicatechin.lammps05 units atom_style boundary real full s s s pair_style lj/cut 10.0 bond_style harmonic angle_style harmonic dihedral_style harmonic improper_style cvff read_data Epicatechin.lammps05 Epicatechin neighbor neigh_modify 2.0 bin delay 5 timestep 2.0 thermo_style thermo multi 50 fix 1 all nvt 298.0 298.0 100.0 dump 1 all atom 100 dump.decane minimize 1000 run 1.0e-4 100 10000 51 FILE: $PROJECT/examples/in.Epicatechin ALL ATOM SIMULATION EXAMPLE 3: CFF (warnings), periodic boundary conditions, NPT msi2lmp $PROJECT/examples/BHT/ethanol_BHTx1 II cff91 lamjob examples/BHT/in.ethanol_BHTx1 script 1 BHT [] ethanol_BHTx1.lammps05 units atom_style boundary BHT in 200 molecules of ethanol real full p p p thermo_style thermo pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut 10.0 8.0 bond_style class2 angle_style class2 dihedral_style class2 improper_style class2 multi 50 fix 1 all npt 298.0 298.0 100.0 xyz 1.0 1.0 1.0 dump 1 all atom 1000 dump.ethanol_BHTx1 run 10000 read_data ethanol_BHTx1.lammps05 neighbor neigh_modify 2.0 bin delay 5 timestep 1.0 52 FILE: $PROJECT/examples/BHT/in.ethanol_BHTx1 MODMOL 25‐27 Feb 2008, Jouy‐en‐Josas olivier.vitrac@agroparistech.fr This document gathers several freely available sources. The result is freely distributable without guarantee or warrantee of any kind. LEARNING PYTHON 54 LEARNING PYTHON 55 LEARNING PYTHON 56 LEARNING MATLAB http://www.mathworks.com/access/ helpdesk/help/techdoc/index.html?/ access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/learn_ 57 matlab/bqr_2pl.html 58 59 VISUALIZATION OF DUMP FILES http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Development/Download/do wnload.cgi?PackageName=VMD Version 1.8.6 (2007‐04‐07) 60 WIN2LINUX Solutions http://cygwin.com/ (free) # Cygwin with SSHD: requires zlib, tcpwrappers, openssh # Install mkpasswd ‐l > /etc/passwd mkgroup ‐l > /etc/group exit # Relogin which sshd ssh‐host‐config ‐y cygrunsrv ‐S sshd sc description sshd # create public key ssh‐keygen ‐t dsa # send key cat .ssh/*.pub | ssh ovitrac@topaze.jouy.inra.fr tee ‐a .ssh/authorized_keys # autologin ssh ovitrac@topaze.jouy.inra.fr http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtat ham/putty/download.html (free) 61 WIN2LINUX Solutions http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming (free) http://winscp.net/eng/docs/lang:fr (free) 62 WIN2LINUX Solutions http://www.sftpdrive.com/ SHAREWARE http://www.vmware.com/products/server/ 63 (VMWARE SERVER: currently Free) MODMOL 25‐27 Feb 2008, Jouy‐en‐Josas olivier.vitrac@agroparistech.fr This document gathers several freely available sources. The result is freely distributable without guarantee or warrantee of any kind. $PROJECT\make\lammps‐ 31Jan08\src\MAKE\Makefile.g++_lam_all_100208 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • # g++ = RedHat Linux box, g++, LAM, FFTW # INRA\Olivier Vitrac 13/02/08 (for LAMMPS 10/02/08) # # Compilation is ok # >> TEST EXAMPLE: # >> cd $PROJECT/../testlam; ./lmp_g++_lam > BUG REPORT # The MPIRUN hangs. # cd $PROJECT/../testlam;lamboot; mpirun ‐np 1 lmp_g++_lam $@ # Individual dependencies DEPENDS = $(OBJ:.o=.d) include $(DEPENDS) 65 66
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : Yes Tagged PDF : Yes XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.0-c316 44.253921, Sun Oct 01 2006 17:14:39 Create Date : 2008:02:27 01:20:18+01:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat PDFMaker 8.1 for PowerPoint Modify Date : 2008:02:27 01:21:50+01:00 Metadata Date : 2008:02:27 01:21:50+01:00 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows) Format : application/pdf Creator : Olivier Title : Slide 1 Document ID : uuid:d983043d-7145-47ca-ae7c-a33b15eb6251 Instance ID : uuid:46dd7cdc-d730-4702-a781-b040dd9a6d6b Page Count : 66 Page Layout : SinglePage Author : OlivierEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools