Logging And Log Management: The Authoritative Guide To Understanding Concepts Surrounding Management Undeanagement Anton Chuvakin & Kevin Schm

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Logging and Log

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Logging and Log
The Authoritative Guide to
Understanding the Concepts
Surrounding Logging and
Log Management
Dr. Anton A. Chuvakin
Kevin J. Schmidt
Christopher Phillips
Partricia Moulder, Technical Editor


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................. xv
ABOUT THE AUTHORS.......................................................................... xvii
ABOUT THE TECHNICAL EDITOR........................................................ xix
FOREWORD ........................................................................................... xxi
.......................................................................................... xxv

Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture................................. 1

Introduction................................................................................... 1
Log Data Basics............................................................................. 2
What Is Log Data?.................................................................... 2
How is Log Data Transmitted and Collected?....................... 4
What is a Log Message?.......................................................... 6
The Logging Ecosystem.......................................................... 7
A Look at Things to Come.......................................................... 15
Logs Are Underrated.................................................................. 16
Logs Can Be Useful..................................................................... 17
Resource Management.......................................................... 17
Intrusion Detection................................................................ 18
Troubleshooting..................................................................... 21
Forensics................................................................................. 21
Boring Audit, Fun Discovery................................................. 22
People, Process, Technology...................................................... 23
	Security Information and Event Management
(SIEM)........................................................................................... 24
Summary...................................................................................... 27


What is a Log?.................................................................. 29
Introduction................................................................................. 29
Definitions............................................................................... 29
Logs? What logs?........................................................................ 32
Log Formats and Types......................................................... 34
Log Syntax.............................................................................. 40
Log Content............................................................................ 44




Criteria of Good Logging............................................................ 46
Ideal Logging Scenario.......................................................... 47
Summary...................................................................................... 48


Log Data Sources.............................................................. 51
Introduction................................................................................. 51
Logging Sources.......................................................................... 51
Syslog...................................................................................... 52
SNMP....................................................................................... 58
The Windows Event Log....................................................... 62
Log Source Classification........................................................... 63
Security-Related Host Logs................................................... 64
Security-Related Network Logs............................................ 68
Security Host Logs................................................................. 68
Summary...................................................................................... 70


Log Storage Technologies................................................ 71

Introduction................................................................................. 71
Log Retention Policy................................................................... 71
Log Storage Formats................................................................... 73
Text-Based Log Files............................................................. 73
Binary Files............................................................................. 76
Compressed Files................................................................... 76
Database Storage of Log Data.................................................... 78
Advantages............................................................................. 78
Disadvantages........................................................................ 78
Defining Database Storage Goals......................................... 79
Hadoop Log Storage................................................................... 81
Advantages............................................................................. 82
Disadvantages........................................................................ 82
The Cloud and Hadoop............................................................... 82
	Getting Started with Amazon Elastic
MapReduce............................................................................. 83
Navigating the Amazon......................................................... 83
	Uploading Logs to Amazon Simple Storage
Services (S3)............................................................................ 84
	Create a Pig Script to Analyze an Apache
Access Log.............................................................................. 86
	Processing Log Data in Amazon Elastic MapReduce
(EMR)....................................................................................... 87
Log Data Retrieval and Archiving............................................. 89
Online...................................................................................... 90


Near-line.................................................................................. 90
Offline...................................................................................... 90
Summary...................................................................................... 90


syslog-ng Case Study....................................................... 93
Introduction................................................................................. 93
Obtaining syslog-ng................................................................... 93
What Is syslog-ngsyslog-ng?..................................................... 94
Example Deployment.................................................................. 95
Configurations........................................................................ 96
Troubleshooting syslog-ng......................................................... 99
Summary.................................................................................... 101


Covert Logging............................................................... 103
Introduction............................................................................... 103
Complete Stealthy Log Setup................................................... 105
Stealthy Log Generation...................................................... 105
Stealthy Pickup of Logs....................................................... 106
IDS Log Source...................................................................... 106
Log Collection Server........................................................... 107
“Fake” Server or Honeypot................................................. 109
Logging in Honeypots.............................................................. 110
Honeynet’s Shell Covert Keystroke Logger....................... 111
Honeynet’s Sebek2 Case Study........................................... 112
Covert Channels for Logging Brief.......................................... 113
Summary.................................................................................... 114

CHAPTER 7	Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation:
What Are We Looking For?............................................ 115
Introduction............................................................................... 115
Goals.......................................................................................... 115
Past Bad Things................................................................... 115
	Future Bad Things, Never Before Seen Things,
and All But the Known Good Things.................................. 117
Planning..................................................................................... 117
Accuracy............................................................................... 117
Integrity................................................................................ 118
Confidence............................................................................ 119
Preservation.......................................................................... 119
Sanitization........................................................................... 120
Normalization....................................................................... 120
Challenges with Time.......................................................... 121




Preparation................................................................................ 122
Separating Log Messages................................................... 122
Parsing.................................................................................. 122
Data Reduction..................................................................... 122
Summary.................................................................................... 125


Simple Analysis Techniques.......................................... 127
Introduction............................................................................... 127
Line by Line: Road to Despair................................................. 127
Simple Log Viewers.................................................................. 129
Real-Time Review................................................................ 129
Historical Log Review.......................................................... 130
Simple Log Manipulation..................................................... 131
Limitations of Manual Log Review.......................................... 134
Responding to the Results of Analysis................................... 135
Acting on Critical Logs........................................................ 135
Acting on Summaries of Non-Critical Logs........................ 137
Developing an Action Plan.................................................. 138
Automated Actions.............................................................. 140
Examples................................................................................... 140
Incident Response Scenario................................................ 140
Routine Log Review............................................................. 141
Summary.................................................................................... 142


Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation..................... 145
Introduction............................................................................... 145
Filtering..................................................................................... 147
Artificial Ignorance.............................................................. 147
Normalization............................................................................ 148
IP Address Validation.......................................................... 150
Snort...................................................................................... 150
Windows Snare..................................................................... 150
Generic Cisco IOS Messages............................................... 151
Regular Expression Performance Concerns....................... 152
Correlation................................................................................. 154
Micro-Level Correlation....................................................... 155
Macro-Level Correlation...................................................... 157
Using Data in Your Environment........................................ 161
Simple Event Correlator (SEC)............................................ 161
Stateful Rule Example.......................................................... 163
Building Your Own Rules Engine....................................... 169
Common Patterns to Look For................................................. 178


The Future................................................................................. 178
Summary.................................................................................... 180

CHAPTER 10 Statistical Analysis......................................................... 181
Introduction............................................................................... 181
Frequency.................................................................................. 181
Baseline..................................................................................... 182
Thresholds............................................................................ 186
Anomaly Detection............................................................... 186
Windowing........................................................................... 187
Machine Learning..................................................................... 187
k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN)................................................... 188
Applying the k-NN Algorithm to Logs............................... 188
	Combining Statistical Analysis with Rules-Based
Correlation................................................................................. 190
Summary.................................................................................... 191

CHAPTER 11 Log Data Mining............................................................. 193
Introduction............................................................................... 193
Data Mining Intro...................................................................... 194
Log Mining Intro....................................................................... 198
Log Mining Requirements........................................................ 200
What We Mine For?.................................................................. 201
Deeper into Interesting............................................................ 203
Summary.................................................................................... 205

CHAPTER 12 Reporting and Summarization....................................... 207
Introduction............................................................................... 207
Defining the Best Reports........................................................ 208
Authentication and Authorization Reports........................ 208
Network Activity Reports......................................................... 211
Why They Are Important..................................................... 211
Specifics Reports.................................................................. 212
Who Can Use These Reports............................................... 213
Resource Access Reports......................................................... 213
Why They Are Important..................................................... 213
Specifics Reports.................................................................. 213
Who Can Use These Reports............................................... 214
Malware Activity Reports........................................................ 215
Why They Are Important..................................................... 215
Specific Reports.................................................................... 215
Who Can Use These Reports............................................... 216




Critical Errors and Failures Reports........................................ 216
Why They Are Important..................................................... 216
Specifics Reports.................................................................. 216
Who Can Use These Reports............................................... 217
Summary.................................................................................... 217

CHAPTER 13 Visualizing Log Data...................................................... 219
Introduction............................................................................... 219
Visual Correlation..................................................................... 219
Real-Time Visualization............................................................ 220
Treemaps................................................................................... 221
Log Data Constellations........................................................... 222
Traditional Log Data Graphing................................................ 227
Summary.................................................................................... 229

CHAPTER 14 Logging Laws and Logging Mistakes........................... 231
Introduction............................................................................... 231
Logging Laws............................................................................ 231
Law 1—Law of Collection.................................................... 232
Law 2—Law of Retention.................................................... 232
Law 3—Law of Monitoring.................................................. 233
Law 3—Law of Availability................................................. 233
Law 4—Law of Security....................................................... 233
Law 5—Law of Constant Changes..................................... 234
Logging Mistakes..................................................................... 234
Not Logging at All................................................................ 235
Not Looking at Log Data...................................................... 236
Storing for Too Short a Time............................................... 237
Prioritizing Before Collection.............................................. 239
Ignoring Application Logs................................................... 240
Only Looking for Known Bad Entries................................. 241
Summary.................................................................................... 241

CHAPTER 15 Tools for Log Analysis and Collection........................... 243
Introduction............................................................................... 243
Outsource, Build, or Buy........................................................... 243
Building a Solution............................................................... 244
Buy......................................................................................... 245
Outsource.............................................................................. 246
	Questions for You, Your Organization, and Vendors......... 246
Basic Tools for Log Analysis.................................................... 247
Grep....................................................................................... 247
Awk....................................................................................... 249


Microsoft Log Parser............................................................ 251
Other Basic Tools to Consider............................................. 252
The Role of the Basic Tools in Log Analysis...................... 254
Utilities for Centralizing Log Information............................... 254
Syslog.................................................................................... 254
Rsyslog.................................................................................. 256
Snare...................................................................................... 256
Log Analysis Tools—Beyond the Basics................................. 257
OSSEC................................................................................... 257
OSSIM.................................................................................... 261
Other Analysis Tools to Consider....................................... 261
Commercial Vendors................................................................. 262
Splunk.................................................................................... 263
NetIQ Sentinel...................................................................... 264
IBM q1Labs........................................................................... 264
Loggly.................................................................................... 265
Summary.................................................................................... 265

CHAPTER 16	Log Management Procedures:
Log Review, Response, and Escalation........................ 267
Introduction............................................................................... 267
Assumptions, Requirements, and Precautions...................... 268
Requirements....................................................................... 269
Precautions........................................................................... 269
Common Roles and Responsibilities....................................... 269
PCI and Log Data...................................................................... 270
Key Requirement 10............................................................. 271
Other Requirements Related to Logging........................... 275
Logging Policy........................................................................... 277
	Review, Response, and Escalation Procedures
and Workflows........................................................................... 278
Periodic Log Review Practices and Patterns..................... 279
	Building an Initial Baseline Using a Log
Management Tool................................................................ 283
Building an Initial Baseline Manually................................. 285
Main Workflow: Daily Log Review..................................... 286
Exception Investigation and Analysis................................ 289
Incident Response and Escalation...................................... 291
Validation of Log Review......................................................... 293
Proof of Logging................................................................... 294
Proof of Log Review............................................................. 294
Proof of Exception Handling............................................... 294




Logbook—Evidence of Exception of Investigations............... 296
Recommended Logbook Format......................................... 296
Example Logbook Entry...................................................... 297
PCI Compliance Evidence Package......................................... 299
Management Reporting............................................................ 300
Periodic Operational Tasks...................................................... 300
Daily Tasks............................................................................ 300
Weekly Tasks........................................................................ 300
Monthly Tasks...................................................................... 301
Quarterly Tasks.................................................................... 302
Annual Tasks........................................................................ 303
Additional Resources................................................................ 303
Summary.................................................................................... 303

CHAPTER 17 Attacks Against Logging Systems................................ 305
Introduction............................................................................... 305
Attacks....................................................................................... 305
What to Attack?.................................................................... 306
Attacks on Confidentiality................................................... 307
Attacks on Integrity............................................................. 313
Attacks on Availability......................................................... 318
Summary.................................................................................... 327

CHAPTER 18 Logging for Programmers.............................................. 329
Introduction............................................................................... 329
Roles and Responsibilities....................................................... 329
Logging for Programmers........................................................ 331
What Should Be Logged?.................................................... 332
Logging APIs for Programmers........................................... 333
Log Rotation......................................................................... 335
Bad Log Messages............................................................... 336
Log Message Formatting..................................................... 337
Security Considerations........................................................... 340
Performance Considerations.................................................... 341
Summary.................................................................................... 342

CHAPTER 19 Logs and Compliance..................................................... 343
Introduction............................................................................... 343
PCI DSS...................................................................................... 344
Key Requirement 10............................................................. 345
ISO2700x Series......................................................................... 350
HIPAA........................................................................................ 353


FISMA........................................................................................ 360
NIST 800-53 Logging Guidance.......................................... 361
Summary.................................................................................... 366

CHAPTER 20 Planning Your Own Log Analysis System.................... 367
Introduction............................................................................... 367
Planning..................................................................................... 367
Roles and Responsibilities................................................... 368
Resources.............................................................................. 368
Goals...................................................................................... 370
Selecting Systems and Devices for Logging...................... 371
Software Selection.................................................................... 371
Open Source.......................................................................... 371
Commercial........................................................................... 372
Policy Definition........................................................................ 374
Logging Policy...................................................................... 374
Log File Rotation.................................................................. 375
Log Data Collection.............................................................. 375
Retention/Storage................................................................ 375
Response............................................................................... 376
Architecture............................................................................... 376
Basic...................................................................................... 376
Log Server and Log Collector.............................................. 377
	Log Server and Log Collector with Long-Term
Storage.................................................................................. 378
Distributed............................................................................ 378
Scaling........................................................................................ 378
Summary.................................................................................... 379

CHAPTER 21 Cloud Logging................................................................. 381
Introduction............................................................................... 381
Cloud Computing...................................................................... 381
Service Delivery Models...................................................... 382
Cloud Deployment Models.................................................. 383
Characteristics of a Cloud Infrastructure........................... 384
Standards? We Don’t Need No Stinking Standards!......... 385
Cloud Logging........................................................................... 386
A Quick Example: Loggly.................................................... 388
Regulatory, Compliance, and Security Issues......................... 390
Big Data in the Cloud................................................................ 392
A Quick Example: Hadoop.................................................. 394
SIEM in the Cloud..................................................................... 395




Pros and Cons of Cloud Logging............................................. 396
Cloud Logging Provider Inventory.......................................... 396
Additional Resources................................................................ 396
Summary.................................................................................... 398

CHAPTER 22 Log Standards and Future Trends................................ 401
Introduction............................................................................... 401
Extrapolations of Today to the Future.................................... 402
More Log Data...................................................................... 402
More Motivations................................................................. 404
More Analysis....................................................................... 405
Log Future and Standards........................................................ 406
Adoption Trends.................................................................. 410
Desired Future........................................................................... 410
Summary.................................................................................... 411

INDEX....................................................................................................... 413

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Dr. Anton A. Chuvakin
First, the most important part: I’d like to thank my wife Olga for being my
eternal inspiration for all my writing, for providing invaluable project management advice, and for tolerating (well, almost always tolerating…) my work on
the book during those evening hours that we could have spent together.
Next, I’d like to specially thank Marcus Ranum for writing a foreword for
our book.
Finally, I wanted to thank the Syngress/Elsevier crew for their tolerance of our
delays and broken promises to deliver the content by a specific date.

Kevin J. Schmidt
First off I would like to thank my beautiful wife, Michelle. She gave me the
encouragement and support to get this book over the finish line. Of course my
employer, Dell, deserves an acknowledgment. They provided me with support
to do this project. I next need to thank my co-workers who provided me with
valuable input: Rob Scudiere, Wayne Haber, Raj Bandyopadhyay, Emily Friese,
Rafael Guerrero-Platero, and Maro Arguedas. Robert Fekete from BalaBit IT
Security provided great input on the syslog-ng chapter. Ernest Friedman-Hill
provided valuable suggestions for the section on Jess in Chapter 9. Jimmy
Alderson, a past colleague of mine, graciously provided code samples for
Chapter 13. Finally, I would like to thank my co-authors, Anton and Chris, for
providing great content for a great book.

Christopher Phillips
I would like to thank my beautiful wife, Inna, and my lovely children,
Jacqueline and Josephine. Their kindness, humor, and love gave me inspiration and support while writing this book and through all of life’s many




endeavors and adventures. I would also like to thank my father for always
supporting and encouraging me to pursue a life in engineering and science.
Rob Scudiere, Wayne Haber, and my employer Dell deserve acknowledgment
for the valuable input they provided for this book. I would especially like to
thank my co-author Kevin Schmidt for giving me the opportunity to be part
of this great book. Kevin has provided tremendous guidance and encouragement to me over our many years together at Dell Secureworks and has helped
me grow professionally in my career. His leadership and security knowledge
have been inspiration to me, our customers, and to the many people he works
with everyday.

FM Header
the Authors
Dr. Anton A. Chuvakin is a recognized security expert in the field of log
management, SIEM, and PCI DSS compliance. Anton is the co-author of
Security Warrior (ISBN: 978-0-596-00545-0) and a contributing author to Know
Your Enemy: Learning About Security Threats, Second Edition (ISBN: 978-0-32116646-3); Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition (ISBN:
978-0-8493-7495-1); Hacker’s Challenge 3: 20 Brand-New Forensic Scenarios &
Solutions (ISBN: 978-0-072-26304-6); OSSEC Host-Based Intrusion Detection
Guide ( Syngress , ISBN: 978-1-59749-240-9); and others.
He has published dozens of papers on log management, correlation, data
analysis, PCI DSS, security management, and other security subjects. His blog,
www.securitywarrior.org, is one of the most popular in the industry. In addition, Anton has taught classes and presented at many security conferences
around the world; he recently addressed audiences in the United States, United
Kingdom, Singapore, Spain, Russia, and other countries. He has worked on
emerging security standards and served on the advisory boards of several
security start-ups.
Until recently, he ran his own consulting firm, Security Warrior. Prior to that,
he was a Director of PCI Compliance Solutions at Qualys and a Chief Logging
Evangelist at LogLogic, tasked with educating the world about the importance
of logging for security, compliance, and operations. Before LogLogic, he was
employed by a security vendor in a strategic product management role. Anton
earned his Ph.D. from Stony Brook University.
Kevin J. Schmidt is a senior manager at Dell SecureWorks, Inc., an
industry leading MSSP, which is part of Dell. He is responsible for the
design and development of a major part of the company’s SIEM platform.
This includes data acquisition, correlation, and analysis of log data.
Prior to SecureWorks, Kevin worked for Reflex Security, where he worked on an
IPS engine and anti-virus software. And prior to this, he was a lead developer and
architect at GuardedNet, Inc., which built one of the industry’s first SIEM platforms.
He is also a commissioned officer in the United States Navy Reserve (USNR).
He has over 19 years of experience in software development and design, 11
of which have been in the network security space. He holds a Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science.



the Authors

Christopher Phillips is a manager and senior software developer at Dell
SecureWorks, Inc. He is responsible for the design and development of the
company’s Threat Intelligence service platform. He also has responsibility for
a team involved in integrating log and event information from many thirdparty providers so that customers can have their information analyzed by
the Dell SecureWorks systems and security professionals. Prior to Dell
SecureWorks, Chris worked for McKesson and Allscripts, where he worked
with clients on HIPAA compliance, security, and healthcare systems integration.
He has over 18 years of experience in software development and design.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and an MBA.

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the Technical Editor

Patricia Moulder, CISSP, CISM, NSA-IAM, is a Senior Security Subject Matter
Expert and consultant. She holds a Master of Science in Technology from East
Carolina University. She has over 19 years’ experience in assessing network
security, auditing web applications, and wireless networks for commercial and
US government clients. Patricia served for five years as an adjunct professor in
network security for Sinclair Community College. She also has extensive cross
platform experience in SDLC application security auditing and data privacy
compliance standards.


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It’s been 25 years since I first encountered syslog. I was a newly minted system
administrator with a little cluster of Sun-2s surrounding a Sun-3, trying to
debug a UUCP connection over the phone with a friend, who told me “check
the log” and talked me through it. There was something that practically
hypnotized me about watching the syslog; I saw in retrospect that it was the
best way to see that my computer was actually doing something. Windowing
systems first showed me their value when they allowed me to have a window
open in the upper corner of my screen, with ‘tail –f /usr/spool/messages’
running; I could watch the emails work, the USENET news flow, processes
start and stop—I could see that my computer was actually doing something!
It wasn’t until years later when I experienced my first security incident, that I
discovered that logs were useful for looking at the past as well as function in the
present. By then it was already far past the time where a system administrator
could watch their logs in the corner of the screen. Nowadays it’d just be a blur.
Why are some of us fascinated with logs, while others could not care less about
them? I think it’s the association that system administrators make in their
minds between “the log is doing something” therefore “the computer is doing
something” and “it’s working so I am therefore happy.” My first log analysis
algorithm was simply:
If the syslog stops, the Pyramid’s I/O processor is wedged again

Any tool that saves you headaches time and time again becomes one that you
turn to time and time again. In the 25 years since I started working with syslogs
I have used them to:


Ferret out traces of a “shopping cart exhaustion attack” against a major
Extract where a piece of malware was dropped automatically in 1,000+









Spend some of my summer vacation analyzing 10 years of a supercomputer center’s logs and accidentally discovering I could detect major Linux
releases through log-volume alone
Build a data-replication system for a website, using syslogs as atomic
transaction records
Identify who had sent a threatening email to President Clinton @whitehouse.gov
Calculate how much time one of my software engineers was spending
playing Diablo II
Reconstruct a mangled database by parsing and replaying transactions
from 6 months of logs

And that’s in addition to the “usual stuff” like making sure things are working,
looking for unusual activity, and trying to figure out what failed and why.
Unlike virtually everything else about our computers, system logs allow us a
limited look back into the past—limited by what we collected, and how long
we kept it—but it’s a view, it’s something useful. This is why I’ve always said
that if you see a system with the logs turned off, it’s the system administrator’s
way of showing they don’t care to do their job. I don’t want to think about how
many times I’ve heard of an incident response in which critical systems had
their logs turned off “for performance reasons.” To someone like me, who is
fascinated with logs, that simply doesn’t compute: performance is easy to fix
with a faster processor or a flash disk. Without your logs, you’re flying blind.
Strangely, there aren’t a lot of good books about system logs. You would expect
there to be lots of them, given how generally useful logging can be, but there
aren’t. Perhaps it’s because the topic can be a little bit dry and utilitarian, and
it’s so—huge—you have to cover everything from the nuts and bolts of getting
the data back and forth to what to do with it once you’ve got it. And therein
lies one of the big problems: there’s no simple prescription for what to do with
your logs. There’s no useful “top 10 things to do with your syslog on Sunday”
because everyone’s logs are different and so are their needs. It’s hard to write
a book that basically says, “engage your brain, then go look at your logs and
think about what you see.” A security guy is going to see intrusion attempts.
A system administrator will see signatures indicating a correctly functioning
system. A CIO will see usage metrics and business justification. An auditor will
see a check-box that can be filled in. And so it goes. The trick is to explain to
all of those people that system logs are a general-purpose floor wax, dessert
topping, and foot-massager all rolled up in one—oh, and, by the way: do-ityourselfers only.
Perhaps it’s the do-it-yourself requirement of logging that makes it hard for
people to get excited about. This book that you’re holding is as close to a
cookbook for logging as you’re going to find, but there are no simple turn-key


recipes. Every idea is one that you have to think about, then adapt and apply
to your specfic situation. When I used to teach classes in system log analysis
(embarrassingly long ago!) I always knew that a certain number of people in
my class were going to go away unhappy: they had come with the expectation
that they’d leave with the One True Pie-chart That Reveals Everything or perhaps
the Mystical +5 Log Analysis Perl-script of Great Finding of Stuff. Instead, you get
frameworks for how to think about analyzing and sorting through data. I used
to put on the class prerequisites “must know how to program, in something”
and I fondly remember one guy whose preferred log analysis programming
language was MATLAB. Whatever gets you the data you’re looking for is the
best tool for the job.
It’s probably not appropriate to try to add my own advice in a foreword but I
will, anyway. The best way you can do something useful with your logs is to get
three or four smart people into a meeting room with some pizza and beer and
spend a couple hours just looking at your logs. Project them on a big screen so
everyone can see them, and just scroll back and forth and see what you’ve got.
Then, when you get bored, start asking yourself what you’ve got in there that
you want to know about, what you’d like to generate summaries about, what
might make a useful metric for system work accomplished, and what might
indicate a critical error. This book has more of the useful details for exactly how
to do that; but trust me, I’m right about the pizza and the beer.
I’ve probably already said too many things that you already know, and it’s time
for me to stop. Now, turn the page and read this book!
Marcus J. Ranum, CSO, Tenable Network Security, Inc.


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Welcome to Logging and Log Management: The Authoritative Guide to Understanding the Concepts Surrounding Logging and Log Management. The goal of this book
is to provide you, the Information Technology (IT) Professional, with an introduction to understanding and dealing with log data. Log data comes in many
forms and is generated by many types of systems. A long-running problem is
what one should do with all this log data and how to analyze it. This book
presents techniques and tools that can help you analyze your log data and find
malicious activity.
It used to be that system administrators perused log files to look for disk errors
or kernel panics. Today system administrators often do double duty as security
administrators. The need to better understand what to do with security log
data has never been more important. Security analysts are among the group
of IT professionals who must also keep up with log analysis techniques. Many
seasoned veterans have learned under “trial by fire” mode. This book aims to
distill what many people have taken years to learn by presenting material in a
manner that will allow you to understand the concepts quickly.
Let’s talk about an issue that has recently come to the forefront: regulatory
compliance. With the corporate oversight debacle that was Enron and others,
regulatory compliance is now a central theme for many corporate entities. The
focus is now on policy and procedure. Can you, as an IT engineer, show that
Bob was unable to access his corporate email account after he was let go? These
are the sorts of things that companies are being asked to prove. The system and
network logging landscape is changing in these and many other ways.

The audience for this book is anyone who is interested in learning more about
logging and log management. Here are some profiles of individuals who
should read this book.




System Administrator: You may be a system administrator who just inherited
the task of monitoring log data for your enterprise.
Junior Security Engineer: Maybe you’re a newcomer to network security and
want to learn about log analysis techniques.
Application Developer: Maybe you are interested in building a log analysis
system from the ground up. This book provides example code for doing just
that. The entire book, however, provides excellent background for why log
analysis is important. These areas should not be skipped.
Manager: Managers can gain great insights into topics such as log data collection, storage, analysis, and regulatory compliance. As previously mentioned,
these issues are ever more present in the corporate landscape and will continue
to be where IT professionals focus much of their time.

It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of concepts like networking, operating systems, and network security. However, you don’t need to
be a computer scientist or networking guru to understand the material in
this book. Topics that require background information are presented with
necessary detail. The Perl and Java programming languages are used to present
most code examples. You don’t have to be a Java guru to understand or follow
the code samples, so I encourage everyone to at least look over the examples
when they come up.

The format of this book is one that builds upon each previous chapter. Having
said this, many of the chapters can be read as one-offs. There are 22 chapters
in this book.

Chapter 1: Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture
Chapter 1 provides background information on logging systems. If you are
familiar with concepts like Syslog, SNMP, secure logging, log data collection,
storage, etc., then you can safely skip this chapter.

Chapter 2: What is a Log?
Chapter 2 takes time to describe what a log message is. Discussions include
why logs are important.


Chapter 3: Log Data Sources
Chapter 3 describes the Syslog protocol, SNMP, and the Windows Event Log.
Additionally, classes of log data sources are presented.

Chapter 4: Log Storage Technologies
This is a great chapter if you want to learn more about log retention, storage
formats, and storing logs in a relational database management system (RDBM).
We even present examples of how Hadoop can be used for this endeavor.

Chapter 5: Case Study: syslog-ng
This chapter provides insight into how syslog-ng is deployed in a real environment for log collection. We also discuss some of the more advanced features
of syslog-ng.

Chapter 6: Covert Logging
If you have the need to use collection logs in a covert manner, this chapter
provides lots of details on how to accomplish this task.

Chapter 7: Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation:
What Are We Looking for?
Before you begin analyzing log data, you first need to set goal, plan, and prepare for the task at hand. Topics covered in this chapter include looking for
past bad things, future bad things, and never before seen things.

Chapter 8: Simple Analysis Techniques
Before discussing advanced analysis techniques, the basics need to be covered.
This includes manual log analysis and the tools that enable this. In addition to
this, we discuss an advanced tool that can make reading Windows Event Logs
much easier. And of course we discuss the process of responding to the results
of log analysis.

Chapter 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation
This is an action-packed chapter. Chapter 9 presents techniques and tools that
can help you perform correlation in order to help find issues that simple manual log analysis may overlook. Topics covered include filtering, normalization,
taxonomy, correlation, and some common patterns to look for. Two valuable




sections in this chapter are for developers who are interested in building their
own correlation engine. Jess and Esper are covered to show how to build a
rules-based and stream-based engine.

Chapter 10: Statistical Analysis
Chapter 10 discusses how statistics can be used to perform analysis. Frequency
counting, baselines, thresholds, and anomaly detection are covered. We even
present the ways in which machine learning can be used for analysis.

Chapter 11: Log Data Mining
This chapter is devoted to log mining or log knowledge discovery—a different
type of log analysis, which does not rely on knowing what to look for. This
takes the “high art” of log analysis to the next level by breaking the dependence
on the lists of strings or patterns to look for in the logs.

Chapter 12: Reporting and Summarization
Chapter 12 looks at reporting as a way of log analysis. We specifically focus on
trying to define what the best reports are for log data.

Chapter 13: Visualizing Log Data
It is often useful to visualize log data. By visualize we don’t mean viewing alerts,
emails, or whatever your particular log analysis system may emit. What we are
more interested in discussing is viewing log data in the context of directed
graphs and other visual tools.

Chapter 14: Logging Laws and Logging Mistakes
This chapter covers common mistakes organizations have made (and, in fact, are
making) with logs. It also covers some of the general rules and dependencies—
perhaps too ambitiously labeled “laws”—that govern how organizations deal
with logs.

Chapter 15: Tools for Log Analysis and Collection
This chapter provides a review of open source and commercial toolsets
available for the analysis and collection of log data. The review will provide
the reader many options to choose from when choosing a toolset to manage
log data on a daily basis. Examples of using the tools for log analysis are
interspersed within the contents of the chapter with real-world examples of


using the tools to review common logging tasks and scenarios. The chapter
will help the reader review the set of tools available and find the right tool
for analyzing logs in their organization today.

Chapter 16: Log Management Procedures:
Log Review, Response, and Escalation
This chapter provides an introduction to log review, response, and escalation
for log management. Examples using Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data
Security Standard (DSS) will be a running theme throughout this chapter.
The idea is to illustrate how to apply the concepts in the real world. This
means examples are geared toward PCI standards, but they can easily be
adapted and extended to fit any environment. In essence, this chapter develops a set of steps and procedures you can begin using today. An added side
benefit of this chapter is insight into interpreting and applying standards to
log management.

Chapter 17: Attacks Against Logging Systems
This chapter covers attacks against logging, log analysis systems, and even
log analysts that can disrupt the use of logs for security, operation, and

Chapter 18: Logging for Programmers
This chapter will be useful for programmers of all kinds. This includes system administrators, Perl programmers, C/C++ programmers, Java programmers, and others. Basically, anyone who writes scripts, programs, or software
systems will benefit from the content in this chapter. It has often been said
that bad log messages are the result of bad programmers. While this is not
entirely true, this chapter aims to change this notion by providing concepts
and guidance to programmers and others on how better log messages can be
produced. More ultimately, this will help with debugging, information gathering, parse-ability, and increase overall usefulness of the log messages their
software generates.

Chapter 19: Logs and Compliance
This chapter is about logging and compliance with regulations and policies.
Chapter 19 will be a value to anyone who has to contend with regulatory




Chapter 20: Planning Your Own Log Analysis System
This chapter will provide practical guidance on how to plan for the deployment of a log analysis system. The chapter is not meant to provide a detailed
blueprint of how to install any particular log analysis system. Instead, material
is presented so that you can apply the concepts to any log analysis deployment situation in which you find yourself. This chapter will arm you with
questions to ask and items to consider during any such undertaking.

Chapter 21: Cloud Logging
Cloud computing is a hot topic right now. And it’s only getting hotter. As we
see traditional shrink-wrapped software migrate from company-owned data
centers to the cloud (it’s already happening), the opportunity for IT managers to spend less capital expenditure (CAPEX) on hardware, switches, racks,
software, etc., to cover things like log data collection, centralization, and storage, and even Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) will be
greatly reduced. This chapter introduces cloud computing and logging and also
touches on regulatory and security issues related to cloud environments, big
data in the cloud, SIEM in the cloud, pros and cons, and an inventory of a few
key cloud logging providers.

Chapter 22: Log Standards and Future Trends
This chapter provides an expert opinion on the future of log standards and
future developments in logging and log analysis.


Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Log Data Basics
A Look at Things to Come
Logs Are Underrated
Logs Can Be Useful
People, Process, Technology
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Case Studies

This book is about how to get a handle on systems logs. More precisely, it is
about how to get useful information out of your logs of all kinds. Logs, while
often under-appreciated, are a very useful source of information for computer
system resource management (printers, disk systems, battery backup systems,
operating systems, etc.), user and application management (login and logout,
application access, etc.), and security. It should be noted that sometimes the
type of information can be categorized into more than one bucket. User login
and logout messages are both relevant for both user management and security.
A few examples are now presented to show how useful log data can be.
Various disk storage products will log messages when hardware errors occur.
Having access to this information can often times mean small problems are
resolved before they become really big nightmares.
As a second example, let’s briefly consider how user management and security
logs can be used together to shed light on a user activity. When a user logs
onto a Windows environment, this action is logged in some place as a logon
record. We will call this a user management log data. Anytime this user accesses

Log Data Basics...........2
What Is Log Data?..............2
How is Log Data Transmitted
and Collected?........................4
What is a Log Message?....6
The Logging Ecosystem.....7
First Things First: Ask
Questions, Have a Plan.............. 8
Log Message Generation........... 8
Log Message Filtering and
Normalization............................. 9
Log Message Collection.......... 11
Logging in the Cloud............... 13
Log Analysis.............................. 14
Log Message Long-Term
Storage...................................... 14

A Look at Things to
Logs Are Underrated.16
Logs Can Be Useful...17
Resource Management....17
Intrusion Detection...........18
Boring Audit, Fun

People, Process,

Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00001-4
© 2013 Elseiver Inc. All rights reserved.



Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Security Information
and Event Management
(SIEM)......................... 24

various parts of the network, a firewall is more than likely in use. This firewall
also records network access in the form of whether or not it allowed network
packets to flow from the source, a user’s workstation, to a particular part of the
network. We will call this as security log data. Now, let’s say your company is
developing some new product and you want to know who attempts to access
your R&D server. Of course, you can use firewall access control lists (ACLs) to
control this, but you want to take it a step further. The logon data for a user
can be matched up with the firewall record showing that the user attempted
to access the server. And if this occurred outside of normal business hours,
you might have reason to speak with the employee to better understand their
intent. While this example is a little bit out there, it does drive home an important point. If you have access to the right information, you are able to do some
sophisticated things.
But getting that information takes some time and some work. At first glance
(and maybe the second one too) it can seem an overwhelming task—the sheer
volume of data can alone be daunting. But we think we can help “de-whelm”
you. We’ll present an overall strategy for handling your logs. We’ll show you
some different log types and formats. The point of using different log types
and formats is twofold. First, it will get you accustomed to looking at log messages and data so you become more familiar with them. But, second it will
help you establish a mindset of understanding basic logging formats so you
can more easily identify and deal with new or previously unseen log data in
your environment. It’s a fact of life that different vendors will implement log
messages in different formats, but at the end of the day it’s all about how you
deal with and manage log data. The faster you can understand and integrate
new log data into your overall logging system, the faster you will begin to gain
value from it.
The remainder of this chapter is geared toward providing a foundation for the
concepts that will be presented throughout the rest of this book. The ideas
around log data, people, process, and technology will be explored, with some
real-world examples sprinkled in to ensure you see the real value in log data.

So far we have been making reference to logging and log data without providing a real concrete description of what these things are. Let’s define these now
in no uncertain terms the basics around logging and log data.

What Is Log Data?
At the heart of log data are, simply, log messages, or logs. A log message is what a
computer system, device, software, etc. generates in response to some sort of stimuli.

Log Data Basics

What exactly the stimuli are greatly depends on the source of the log message. For
example, Unix systems will have user login and logout messages, firewalls will have
ACL accept and deny messages, disk storage systems will generate log messages
when failures occur or, in some cases, when the system perceives an impending
Log data is the intrinsic meaning that a log message has. Or put another way,
log data is the information pulled out of a log message to tell you why the log
message generated. For example, a Web server will often log whenever someone accesses a resource (image, file, etc.) on a Web page. If the user accessing
the page had to authenticate herself, the log message would contain the user’s
name. This is an example of log data: you can use the username to determine
who accessed a resource.
The term logs is really used to indicate a collection of log messages that will be
used collectively to paint a picture of some occurrence.
Log messages can be classified into the following general categories:





Informational: Messages of this type are designed to let users and
administrators know that something benign has occurred. For example,
Cisco IOS will generate messages when the system is rebooted. Care
must be taken, however. If a reboot, for example, occurs out of normal
maintenance or business hours, you might have reason to be alarmed.
Subsequent chapters in this book will provide you with the skills and
techniques to be able to detect when something like this occurs.
Debug: Debug messages are generally generated from software systems in
order to aid software developers troubleshoot and identify problems with
running application code.
Warning: Warning messages are concerned with situations where things
may be missing or needed for a system, but the absence of which will
not impact system operation. For example, if a program isn’t given the
proper number of command line arguments, but yet it can run without
them, is something the program might log just as a warning to the user or
Error: Error log messages are used to relay errors that occur at various levels
in a computer system. For example, an operating system might generate an
error log when it cannot synchronize buffers to disk. Unfortunately, many
error messages only give you a starting point as to why they occurred.
Further investigation is often required in order to get at the root cause
of the error. Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16 in this book will
provide you with ways to deal with this.
Alert: An alert is meant to indicate that something interesting has happened.
Alerts, in general, are the domain of security devices and security-related
systems, but this is not a hard and fast rule. An Intrusion Prevention System




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

(IPS) may sit in-line on a computer network, examining all inbound traffic.
It will make a determination on whether or not a given network connection is allowed through based on the contents of the packet data. If the IPS
encounters a connection that might be malicious it can take any number of
pre-configured actions. The determination, along with the action taken, will
be logged.
We will now turn to a brief discussion of how log data is transmitted and collected. Then we will discuss what constitutes a log message.

How is Log Data Transmitted and Collected?
Log data transmission and collection is conceptually simple. A computer or
device implements a logging subsystem whereby it can generate a message
anytime it determines it needs to. The exact way the determination is made
depends on the device. For example, you may have the option to configure the
device or the device may be hard coded to generate a pre-set list of messages.
On the flip side, you have to have a place where the log message is sent and collected. This place is generally referred to as a loghost. A loghost is a computer
system, generally a Unix system or Windows server, where log messages are
collected in a central location. The advantages to using a central log collector
are as follows:

It’s a centralized place to store log messages from multiple locations.
It’s a place to store backup copies of your logs.
It’s a place where analysis can be performed on you log data.

While this is all well and good, how are log messages transmitted in the first
place? The most common way is via the Syslog protocol. The Syslog protocol is a standard for log message interchange. It is commonly found on Unix
systems, but it exists for Windows and other non-Unix based platforms. But
basically there is a client and server component implemented over the User
Datagram Protocol (UDP), although many open source and commercial Syslog implementations also support the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
for guaranteed delivery. The client portion is the actual device or computer system that generates and sends log messages. The server side would typically be
found on a log collection server. Its main job is to take receipt of Syslog-based
log messages and store them to local disk storage where they can be analyzed,
backed up and stored for long-term use.
Syslog is not the only mechanism for log data transmission and collection. For
example, Microsoft implements their own logging system for Windows. It is
called the Windows Event Log. Things like user login and logoffs, application
messages, and so on are stored in a proprietary storage format. There are open
source and commercial applications that run on top of the Event Log which will

Log Data Basics

convert event log entries to Syslog, where they are forwarded to a Syslog server. We
will discuss the Windows Event Log in a little more detail in Chapters 3 and 16.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standards based protocol for managing networked devices. The protocol is based on two concepts:
traps and polling. A trap is merely a form of log message that a device or computer system emits whenever something has happened. A trap is sent to a management station, which is analogous to a loghost. A management station is used
to manage SNMP-based systems. Polling is where the management station is
able use SNMP to query a device for pre-defined variables such as interface statistics, bytes transferred in and out on an interface, etc. A key differentiator between
SNMP and Syslog is that SNMP is supposed to be structured with respect to data
format. But this not always found in practice. If you would like to learn more
about SNMP, see Essential SNMP (Mauro & Schmidt, 2005).
Databases have become a convenient way for applications to store log messages. Instead of generating a Syslog message, an application can write its log
messages to a database schema. Or in some cases, the Syslog server itself can
write directly a relational database. This has great advantages, especially around
providing a structured way to store, analyze and report on log messages.
Finally, there are proprietary logging formats. These are third-party devices and
applications which implement their own proprietary mechanisms for generating and retrieving log messages. In this realm the vendor either provides you
with an Application Programming Interface (API) in the form of C or Java
libraries, or you are left to implement the protocol on your own. The Windows
Event Log can be seen as a proprietary format, but it is often times viewed as an
unofficial logging standard, similar to Syslog, because it is so prevalent.
Some of the more common protocols we have discussed in this section:



Syslog: UDP-based client/server protocol. This is the most common and
prevalent mechanism for logging.
SNMP: SNMP was originally created for use in managing networked
devices. However, over the years, many non-networked systems have
adopted SNMP as a way to emit log message and other status type data.
Windows Event Log: Microsoft’s proprietary logging format.
Database: Structured way to store and retrieve log messages.
Common Proprietary Protocols:



LEA: The Log Extraction API (LEA) is Checkpoint’s API for gathering
logs from its line of firewall and security products.
SDEE: The Security Device Event Exchange (SDEE) is Cisco’s eXtensible Markup Language (XML)-based protocol for gathering log messages from its line of IPS products.
E-Streamer: E-Streamer is Sourcefire’s proprietary protocol for its IPS.




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Beware of Supported Logging Methods
Some devices will support multiple logging methods. For example, an IPS device might support
logging to a Syslog server and to a database system. The problem is that the Sylog version of
the log message may only be a summary of the real alert generated by the IPS and is missing
vital information. You might need to actually go to the database to get the full set of data. For
example, packet captures (PCAPs). A PCAP contains the parts of the network connection that
trigged the IPS to generate an alert or log message. This can be a critical piece of information
for analysis, reporting, etc.

What is a Log Message?
As we have already discussed, a log message is something generated by some
device or system to denote that something has happened. But what does a log
message look like? Let’s take a brief look at the answer to this question. This
will be covered in great detail throughout the book.
Understanding the answer to this question will set the stage for the remainder
of the book.
First off, the typical basic contents for a log message are the following:


It doesn’t matter if the message is sent via Syslog, written to Microsoft’s Event
Log or stored in a database. These basic items are always part of the message.
The timestamp denotes the time at which the log message was generated. The
source is the system that generated the log message. This is typically represented in IP address or hostname format. Finally, the data is the meat of a log
message. There is unfortunately no standard format for how data is represented
in a log message. Some of the more common data items you will find in a log
message include source and destination IP addresses, source and destination
ports, user names, program names, resource object (like file, directory, etc.),
bytes transferred in or out, etc.
The exact way a log message is represented depends on how the source of the
log message has implemented its log data system. As we mentioned previously,
Syslog is the most common format used by devices and computer systems. As
such, let’s look at a sample Syslog message. Figure 1.1 provides a sample for us
to consider.

Log Data Basics

FIGURE 1.1 Example Syslog Message

The sample from Figure 1.1 is a Syslog message generated from a Cisco router
and received on a loghost running a Syslog server. Note that the numbers 1, 2,
and 3 above the log message are not part of the log message, but are used as reference points for this discussion. Reference point 1 is the timestamp of when
the loghost received the log message. The timestamp includes the month, day,
hour, minute, and second of receipt. Reference point 2 is the IP address of the
Cisco router. Note that there is a colon after the IP address, which leads us to
reference point 3. Everything after the IP address and colon is the log message
data. It is a free form and contains a wealth of information. For example, one
of the primary pieces of information that can be relayed in a log message is
the priority of the log message. This is the vendor’s interpretation of what the
priority (sometimes called severity) of the log message is. In the case of Figure
1.1, the priority is embedded in this string: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN. The
number 5 denotes the severity. But what does a 5 mean? In cases like this you
will need to consult the vendor’s documentation in order to understand the
log message format and any associated meaning the data in the message can
relay. It should also be noted that the Syslog protocol has an inherit priority
scheme as well. This concept will be discussed in Chapter 2.
Now notice that the router message data contains a timestamp, which differs
from that of the one at reference point 1. This timestamp is from the router and
it indicates a possible date and time issue. Either the Syslog server’s system clock
is not correct or the router’s clock is wrong. At any rate, time synchronization
is something to take seriously, and you should be aware of system clocks that
are off, skewed, etc. At a minimum, clock skew can cause issues with log data
consistency and call into questioning any sort of analysis you may wish to do.
You may be wondering how in the world do we deal with the fact that log messages can have free-form text? Well, the next section discusses the notion of a
logging system and briefly discusses this and other topics.

The Logging Ecosystem
Now that we have discussed what a log data and log messages are at a high
level, let’s now look at how logs are used in an overall logging ecosystem. The
logging ecosystem, sometimes referred to as a logging infrastructure, are all the




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

components and piece parts that come together to allow for the generation,
filtering, normalization, analysis, and long-term storage of log data. Ultimately
our goal with such a system is to be able to use logs in ways that allow you to
solve problems. The exact problems you may need to solve depend on your
environment. For example, if you are a retail organization which processes
credit card transactions, there are various regulatory and compliance requirements you must adhere to. The remaining chapters in this book will expand on
the material presented in the rest of this section.
Let’s begin our discussion with some of the things you might have to think
about when you begin planning your logging infrastructure.

First Things First: Ask Questions, Have a Plan
Most organizations have a reason or set of reasons why logging must be
employed. It is rarely the case that it is done for fun. The following questions
are examples:




What regulatory and compliance requirements might we have to adhere to?
Certain regulations may require you to actually prove that you are in compliance. This can be in the form of reports which show you are logging things
like access to critical assets like accounting systems, credit card processing
systems, etc. Other proof comes in the form of auditors crawling through
various parts of your environment like device configuration repositories, bug
tracking systems, source code control systems, and so on. Chapters 12 and
16 will provide some detail on regulatory requirements and how it’s applied
to logging.
What long-term storage requirements might we need, i.e. how long might
we need to keep around log data? This can greatly affect the amount of
disk storage you will need to store your log data.
Will we be gathering log data from devices on a local area network (LAN)
or wide area network (WAN)? This might impact network connectivity or
throughput from log clients to the log server.
What exactly are we interested in collecting? If you are only interested
in gathering CPU performance information, then the exact way you go
about this is different from monitoring your firewall. Although monitoring CPU consumption on your firewall might also be a something you
care about, too.

Log Message Generation
We have discussed this before. Logs come from many sources such as:

Unix and Windows Systems.

Log Data Basics


Wireless Access Points.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Server.
AntiVirus (AV) Systems

The list goes on and on. The take-away here is that just about every device,
computer system, and application in your network is capable of logging. You
just need to know where to look. But beyond looking, you will need to configure your source system to actually log. The following three steps outline the
basic steps for enabling logging on most devices and systems:
1. Enable logging for your device. You will often find that you can turn on
and off logging.
2. Configure it to send log messages. Some systems are either on or off with
respect to what they log. In this case this step doesn’t apply. Other systems
allow you to tweak exactly what is logged in an effort not to impact resources
on the source system, for example.
3. Configure it to send a loghost for further collection and analysis. This is
pretty self explanatory.

Log Message Filtering and Normalization
Once a device or computer system is configured to generate log messages,
the next step is to filter and normalize the messages. Filtering deals with
including or excluding (exclusion is sometimes referred to as “dropping
on the floor” or drop) log messages based on the content in the log message. Some sources support this natively, or, in some cases, you might have
to employ the use of an agent, which effectively intercepts log messages
and filters them based on user defined rules. Deciding what to filter greatly
depends on your organization’s needs. For example, it might be perfectly
legitimate to drop Cisco router reboot messages during normal maintenance windows.
Normalization is the act of taking disparately formatted log messages and
converting them to a common format. The term event is typically used to
denote a normalized log message. Events are typically an intermediate state
for a log message. Think of an event as the currency of exchange in a logging
system. Typically, though, an event’s final resting place is a relational database, where analysis and reporting can be performed. When your log data is
in a common format it makes it much easier to manipulate the data so that
meaning can be derived from it. It should be noted that normalization typically takes place regardless of the source and protocol used (i.e. Syslog, SNMP,
database, etc.).




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Before we look at some simple examples, let’s discuss priorities. As we mentioned before, some log messages have a priority in the data itself, while
other log messages may have the priority missing. The notion of a priority
is something that you will need to normalize as well. A basic scheme is to
take a log message’s explicit and implicit priority and map it to some common scheme. An example is low, medium, and high scale. Descriptions of
each follow, but these are just meant as examples and to provide you with a
starting point:



Low: Low events are ones that are informational and do not need to be
addressed as they happen.
Medium: Medium events tend to be things that may need to be looked at
in a timely manner, but not necessarily immediately. For example, IPSs
tend to have the ability to block network traffic when the engine detects
malicious intent. This blocking of traffic is referred to as an action. If your
IPS emits a log message to this affect, then you know that the traffic was
blocked and you can investigate it at your leisure.
High: High priority events are ones that require immediate intervention.
Examples of high priority events include router reboots outside of sanctioned maintenance windows, IPS engine alerting of possible information
leakage, a network device dropping off the network for an extended period
of time, and so on.

But how is normalization accomplished? Normalization is covered in Chapter 9­
in detail, but let’s look at a simple example. The following is a Sourcefire IPS
Syslog message:
Jul 16 10:54:39 SourceFire SFIMS: [1:469:1] ICMP PING NMAP
[Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {ICMP} ->

There is a wealth of information in this message. In order to normalize it, we
use a technique called parsing. Parsing entails scanning the log message from
start to finish to pull out information we are interested in and place them into
normalized fields in the event. The following is an example set of more common fields used for normalization:
Type: Attempted Information Leak
Timestamp: July 16 2010, 10:54:39
Priority: High
Protocol: ICMP
Source IP Address:
Destination IP address:
Source Port: NULL

Log Data Basics

Destination Port: NULL
Raw log: Jul 16 10:54:39 SourceFire SFIMS: [1:469:1] ICMP PING NMAP
[Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {ICMP} ->
A few notes are in order:




Source and Destination IP addresses were easy to identify, since an arrow
(->) is used to denote directionality of the possible leakage.
We decided to make the priority of the event High since it is unlikely
that that traffic was blocked, so we will need to look at this attempt
Source and Destination ports are not part of the log message, so they are
both set to NULL.
Raw log contains the actual raw log message. This has the advantage of
preserving the raw log message.

Let’s look at another message from Snort:
Mar 12 18:02:22 snort: [ID 702911 local4.alert] [119:2:1]
(http_inspect) DOUBLE DECODING ATTACK {TCP} ->

We are fortunate in that the format is similar to the Sourcefire one. And, with
good reason. Snort is the open source version of Sourcefire. Now, note that
the source and destination IP address have a colon at the end of each as well
as a number. These numbers represent the source port and destination port
respectively. Also, this log message has no priority field, unlike the Sourcefire
message. This makes mapping to our priority scale a little harder. We have to
have intimate knowledge of this message, which means we will need to consult
the documentation for this alert.
Now let’s move on to look at what it means to collect log messages.

Log Message Collection
Figure 1.2 shows the basic concept behind log collection.
We have several different types of devices and systems all forwarding their
log messages to a log server. This log server might reside at a particular location and serve as the only server for the organization. This is fine if the
organization is small or isn’t geographically spread out. But in the case of
multiple sites that can span states or event countries, you might have the
need to have a distributed set of servers. Figure 1.3 shows this particular




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

FIGURE 1.2 Logical Layout of Device Logging to a Log Server for Collection

FIGURE 1.3 Logical Layout of a Distributed Logging Setup

Here we have our site specific log collector forwarding to a central log server.
Since the log collector resides in a different location from the log server, the
communication between the two is typically encrypted to prevent eavesdropping. While the log server is a central collection point, it too can take feeds of
log messages, as depicted by the Windows Server Farm in Figure 1.3.
This sort of setup has several advantages:


Redundancy: Your log data is stored in multiple places.
Store and forward: The log collector, if it ever loses connection to the log
server, can store up the logs and transmit them when the link comes back
up. This mitigates possible data loss.
Authentication: It is critical not only that the log collector can verify the
sender as a trusted source, the sender also needs to be able to trust the
system when it is sending logs.

Log Data Basics


Privacy: It is often the case that devices and systems that log do so without
the ability to encrypt their log messages. Since the log collector is on the
local network, the unencrypted data is sent to the local collector where it
is capable of sending the data upstream in a secure manner.

Now that we have presented the basics surrounding log data collection, let’s
now briefly discuss logging in the cloud.

Logging in the Cloud
Cloud computing has received a lot of press lately. Google lets you edit and
share documents in their cloud. Microsoft has similar initiatives as well. But
what about logging in the cloud? There are organizations such as Managed
Security Service Providers (MSSP) and cloud logging companies that effectively
allow you to point your log at them and they do the rest. Figure 1.4 shows the
conceptual view of logging in the cloud.
What exactly happens in the logging cloud? Things like filtering, normalization, analysis, and long-term storage. Cloud logging vendors offer their services for varying price points. They manage the complexity associated with a
traditional log collection system. Cloud logging is covered in more detail in
Chapter 21.

FIGURE 1.4 Logical Layout of Logging in the Cloud




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Log Analysis
Log message analysis, or simply log analysis, deals with analyzing log data
to derive meaning from it. Recall Figure 1.3 and its centralized collection
server. This is a central collection point and is crucial to analysis. Having
your data in a single place allows you to pull together or correlate log message together in order to derive meaning. This is especially crucial in a highly
distributed environment where you may have multiple remote log collectors
and you need to correlate log message received at one collector with those
received at another. Chapter 9 goes into more detail surround correlation
and analysis.

Log Message Long-Term Storage
The final topic of discussion is long-term storage. Figure 1.5 shows the addition
of a database to the log server.
The long-term data store is typically accomplished by using a relational database. It is also not uncommon to find small databases in use at remote log
collectors, too:



Reporting: Creation of reports which summarize log data for manager or
for compliance audits.
Forensic analysis: You might have the need to find out what a particular
user was doing a month ago on your network.
Backup: This is self-explanatory, but if keeping your log data, due to regulatory compliance, etc. you can never have too few copies of your data.

You are now up to speed on the components of a logging ecosystem. This
information will be revisited in Chapters 7, 15, and 20 as we tackle in more
detail the concepts presented in this section.

FIGURE 1.5 Addition of a Database for Long-Term Storage

A Look at Things to Come

Now let’s briefly look at what sort of things you will encounter in the rest of
this book. Since you can only extract good information from your logs if it’s
there to begin with, we’ll look at the things that generate log information, and
how to make them give you what you need. We’ll show you how to build an
infrastructure to collect, archive, and analyze log data. And along the way we’ll
try to present real-world examples and case studies.
We’re going to talk in detail about Unix and Syslog data, because a lot of applications use Syslog automatically, and many others have the capability to use it
(for example, most Cisco and Juniper devices speak Syslog). And, Syslog is the
only cross-platform logging utility with a built-in mechanism for forwarding
log messages to a central collection system. But we will talk about other types
of logs that you can find on your systems. And we’ll definitely talk about Windows logging, mostly in the context of getting your windows log data into your
centralized infrastructure.
If you are a programmer, we have a whole chapter just for you. One of the
biggest problems in analyzing log messages is that many of them are, frankly,
poorly written, and don’t have the information necessary to do anything useful
with them. Logs would be much easier to work with if they were better written
to begin with. For example, take a look at this log message:
Jun 21 14:38:25 rlogin: connection refused

What’s wrong with that message? It’s nice and explanatory, right? It informs us
that a connection to the rlogin service was refused. Aside from some annoying things like the fact that there’s no year or time zone, wouldn’t it be nice to
know where the connection was coming from that was refused? Wouldn’t it
be nice to know why it was refused? Maybe if you are diagnosing a problem,
and testing as you watch the log messages it isn’t so bad. But if you are looking
at the logs because someone is attacking your system, it really helps to know
where they’re coming from.
Now consider this log message:
Jun 21 14:38:25 somehost rlogin: connection refused from
because the address matches deny rule in hosts.allow: rlogind: all:

Isn’t that a lot better?
And here’s a virtually useless message (and no, we did not make it up):
May 21 00:00:07 baz.example.com kernel: "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00"




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Maybe it means something to the kernel developers for that system, but not
much help otherwise. It might as well say this:
May 21 00:00:07 baz.example.com kernel: something happened

Rather than just complain about lousy log messages, in our chapter for programmers we offer helpful suggestions on how to improve the quality of the
logs that your applications generate.

Logs are under-appreciated in many enterprise environments. Often logs are
completely ignored, and only noticed when disk space runs low. At that point
they are usually deleted without review. And in some cases, some of the messages in the logs might have indicated why the disk was full. We have certainly
had the experience of being asked to look at a compromised machine, and
upon inquiring as to where the logs were, we’re told “oh, they were just taking
up space so we deleted them.” In most of those cases, there wasn’t much we
could do for them.
Why are logs under-appreciated? Well, for a number of reasons. Vendors don’t
want you to use them. Vendors of intrusion detection systems are going to
tell you that you need the latest piece of technology (theirs being the best)
otherwise you’re toast. Vendors of IT management tools are going to tell you
that you need their expensive products, with little agents on every host that go
about reporting much of the same information that you find in your logs. But
of course, if you can get the information from your logs, you don’t need their
Logs aren’t “sexy” even to system administrators. It’s much cooler to get
the Gigawombat-3000 Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) which
includes Extra Sensory Perception that tells you about attacks before they happen. Especially when your favorite mailing list is going on nonstop about how
that is the latest thing in intrusion detection/prevention/anticipation/whatever. By the way, that Gigawombat you just bought also requires somebody to
analyze its logs…
Log analysis isn’t easy, and can be messy. As opposed to the “plug-and-pray”
approach, effective log analysis takes some work. Logs come in a variety of
shapes and sizes, and at times it can be difficult to extract information from
them. Syslog data can be especially bad, as much of the data is free-form text
(as we discussed earlier). As we’ll show you throughout this book, it takes
some energy just to get the good bits of data out of Syslog. Plus there can be
a lot of data to work with. For instance, some sites collect several gigabytes

Logs Can Be Useful

per week of log data, others that much in a day. Such volume can seem quite
overwhelming to begin with—and the administrator often ends up cobbling
together some scripts that look for a random set of things based on what they
saw in the logs at a particular time.
Effective log analysis also requires knowledge of your environment; you have
to know what’s good and bad for your network, what’s suspicious and what’s
normal. What’s bad or strange for you may be perfectly normal for someone
else. For instance, a user logging from foreign countries may be suspicious to
you, especially if all of your users are local. However, another site may have
users all over the place, so it’s difficult for them to determine what would be
considered unusual.
That’s part of the reason there are no true plug-in log analysis tools, because it’s
your environment and policies that dictate what you want to get out of your logs.
And finally, there’s not a lot of good information available on how to do log
analysis. Gee, maybe someone should write a book about it…

Beyond the many examples presented so far in this chapter, logs can tell you
a lot of things about what is happening on your network, from performance
information to fault detection to intrusion detection. Logs can be a good
source of “forensic” information for determining “what happened” after an
incident. And logs can make an audit trail for (what else?) auditing purposes.
The following sections are a list of use-cases that logs enable.

Resource Management
Logs contain a wealth of hidden riches. For example, a typical way to monitor
if a host is up or down is to use the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
to “ping” a host. But this is not foolproof. Successfully pinging a host tells you
that its network interface is configured. But sometimes a host can be crashed,
yet the interface still responds as long as it’s configured and has power. But seeing a message like:
May 24 02:00:36 somehost -- MARK -May 24 02:20:36 somehost -- MARK -May 24 02:40:36 somehost -- MARK -May 24 03:00:36 somehost -- MARK --

tells you that the system is operating enough so that Syslog can write messages.
(MARK messages are a special status message generated by the UNIX Syslog
daemon at regular intervals).




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Logs can not only tell you that a host is up, but also what the applications running on the host are doing. Failures, both hardware and software, often show
up in logs before the system actually fails. And when recovering from a failure,
logs often provide clues as to the cause.
Here’s a classic example of a failure that you can find in your logs:
May 21 08:33:00 foo.example.com kernel: pid 1427 (dd), uid 2 inumber
8329 on /var: filesystem full

Pretty informative! It shows that the var filesystem on the host has filled up.
The other information in the message shows the name and process-id of the
process that caused the error to occur. It even shows the i-node of the file being
written to. Now in this case, the process shown may not be the one that filled
up the disk, it may just be trying to write data after the partition had already
filled up. But it’s a starting point.

Intrusion Detection
Host logs (as opposed to NIDS logs) of course are very useful for intrusion
detection. For example:
Sep 17 07:00:02 host.example.com: sshd[721038]: Failed password for
illegal user erin from port 44670 ssh2

This log message shows a failed login attempt, using the username erin.
The words illegal user appear because there is no such account on the system. This message was the result of an attacker using an ssh-scanner which
attempts to log into a host via ssh, using a set of well-known commonly used
usernames and passwords. This example was selected from a set of several
thousand attempts done in a very short amount of time.
Host logs can be a better indicator of an intrusion than a NIDS. A NIDS can
tell you that an attack was attempted against a host, but usually cannot tell you
whether the exploit was successful. In our example above, a NIDS could only
detect that there had been a short ssh session, possibly that there were a very
large number of sessions in a short amount of time, but would be unable to
detect that authentication had failed, because a NIDS can only see what is happening on the wire. A host, if configured to log, can provide detail on what happened on the system. Of course this is not foolproof. You might log the wrong
things or disks could fill up. Or the attacker could erase the log files. This is
why it is critical to have your logs sent to a remote collection point. Even when
the attacker covers his tracks we will have the initial log messages on the collection point which will help shed some light on what might have happened.
In a more subtle example, here’s a message from Snort, an open source NIDS:

Logs Can Be Useful

Jan 2 16:19:23 host.example.com snort[1260]: RPC Info Query:
-> host.example.com:111
Jan 2 16:19:31 host.example.com snort[1260]: spp_portscan: portscan
status from 2 connections across 1 hosts: TCP(2), UDP(0)

These messages show that an attacker did a port scan of the network looking
for hosts running rcp.statd, which has had a number of vulnerabilities over the
years. The messages also show that the scanner was successful in connecting to
two hosts. But was the attack successful in gaining access to the machine? Was
the connection dropped by TCP-Wrappers? Snort doesn’t know. But more than
likely the system on which TCP-Wrappers is running did log if the connection
was dropped or not. If this system is set up to log, then you can correlate both
the Snort log message and the TCP-Wrappers log message to come up with
a better, more complementary picture of what is actually happening. Never
underestimate the ability to combine log messages from multiple sources to
paint a single, more informative picture.
Now look at this message found on one of the hosts:
Jan 02 16:19:45 host.example.com rpc.statd[351]: gethostbyname
error for ^X÷ÿ¿^X÷ÿ¿^Y÷ÿ¿^Y÷ÿ¿^Z÷ÿ¿^Z÷ÿ¿^[÷ÿ¿^[÷ÿ¿bffff750
bffff718 bffff719 bffff71a bffff71b_________________________

Well, it certainly looks like a buffer overflow was attempted or at the very least,
some sort of error has occurred. We know this because of the gibberish that
starts on the second line. This indicates that binary data is present, i.e. is nonprintable characters, in the log message, which is usually a bad indicator.

But was it successful? The next message gives us a clue:
Jan 02 16:20:25 host.example.com adduser[12152]: new user: name=cgi,
uid=0, gid=0, home=/home/cgi, shell=/bin/bash

This message shows an account being added to the system. The account has
the username cgi but has a user ID of 0 (the root uid). This is generally a bad
sign. Attackers like to create accounts that they can use to log back into the
machine, and they like to pick benign names that might go unnoticed on the




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Buffer Overflow
A buffer overflow is a type of attack that exploits a flaw in an application. The person exploits
the flaw by entering more data than the application can handle. This extra data injection can
have unwanted side effects like a crash or even, in extreme cases, where the perpetrator gains
control of the systems processor for arbitrary code execution (Peikari & Chuvakin, 2004).

system—names that look like they belong there. But the intruder wants to keep
his privileged access, so the account has to have the same uid (0) as root.
Now, the next message reads:
Jan 02 16:22:02 host.example.com PAM_pwdb[12154]: password for (cgi/0)
changed by ((null)/0)

The interesting part about this line is that it shows that the account password
was changed by a user with a null username, which is also a pretty bad sign, as
a user who had logged in using normal methods would have an actual username (“root” in this case).
So, in the example above, the NIDS was not able to tell us whether the attack was
successful, only that maybe an attack was attempted. The real information on
the attack was logged on the host. The NIDS can be good for telling you about
especially good times to look at your logs, but by itself does not give you a complete picture. Now it’s certainly the case that host logs won’t always indicate what
happened, but it’s pretty clear that NIDS and logs combined can be better than
NIDS alone. Recall the example from the introduction? Never underestimate the
power in combing log data together to find the proverbial needle in the haystack.
Logs tell you what is actually happening on your system(s). NIDS usually can’t
tell you about users attempting local exploits on a host, or users merely violating policy or committing some other undesirable activity. This is where host
intrusion detection systems (HIDS) fill the gap. HIDS monitor the running state
of a computer system. Things like users, directories, binaries, log files themselves, and other objects are monitored via checksums and other techniques to
detect when they have been altered by malicious users or compromised and/
or altered applications. As you may have guessed, HIDS systems emit log data
whenever suspected alteration of system resources may have occurred.
And with the increasing use of encrypted transport protocols, such as Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL), Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC), and other VPN technologies, it is becoming harder and harder for a NIDS to see the “interesting”
parts of network traffic.

Logs Can Be Useful

As alluded to above, user behavior is also contained in system logs. When a
user logs in and out, where from, etc. some logs such as process accounting
logs, tell you something about what the user did. And system “auditing” tools
such as the BSM can provide even more fine-grained detail as to user and system activity.

Logs are also invaluable for troubleshooting. Syslog was actually designed for
just that purpose. Diagnosing problems with daemons which are not connected to a console or tty can be quite difficult without logfiles to examine.
Plus Syslog is often where the kernel provides information about what it’s

Forensics is the process of building a picture of “what happened” after the
event is over. The picture is often built off of incomplete information, but the
credibility of the information available is critical. Logs can be an essential part
of the forensic process.
Logs, once recorded, are not altered through the course of normal use of the
system, meaning that they are a sort of “permanent” record. As such, they can
provide a somewhat accurate complement to other data on the system which
may be more susceptible to alteration or corruption.
Since logs usually have timestamps on each record, they provide a chronological sequence of events, not only showing what happened, but when it happened and in what order.
And logs forward to another host (usually a central log collector), also provide a source of evidence that is separate from the originating source. If the
accuracy of the information on the original source is called into question
(such as the issue of an intruder who may have altered or deleted logs), the
separate source of information may be considered an additional, more reliable source.
Likewise, logs from different sources, even different sites, can corroborate other
evidence and reinforce the accuracy of each source.
Logs serve to reinforce other evidence that is collected. Often, recreating the
picture of an event is not based on one piece or source of information, but data
from a variety of sources: files and their respective timestamps on the system,
user command history, network data, and logs. Occasionally logs may refute
other evidence, which in itself may indicate that other sources have been corrupted (e.g. by an intruder).




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Several years ago, a company had their Web server crash. The Web server logs showed what
looked like an attack that exploited a then-recently-announced Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability. The incoming connection was from another company in town. Someone in the IT group
remembered that a recently departed employee had started working for that company, and
the employee had not left on the best of terms. Now, their logs only showed the attack coming
from that company, but the accused attacker could have claimed that the logs were forged to
“frame” him. But in addition to the Web server logs, firewall logs at both companies showed the
same connections happening at the identical time, corroborating the logs. And the logs from
the attacker’s new company showed that it came from his desk computer. The final nail in the
coffin was that one of the people at the victim company called the ex-employee at his new job,
and he answered the phone, which placed him in front of his computer at the time of the attack.
The attacker eventually pled guilty to a misdemeanor.
Had the victim company only had their Web server logs, they might not have had enough
evidence to prove their case. Having supporting data from multiple sources, especially those
under control of different groups, makes it much harder to claim the evidence is incorrect or

The evidence shown in logs is at times indirect or incomplete. For example, a
log entry might show a particular activity, but not who did it. Or, as an example, process accounting logs show what commands a user has run, but not
the arguments to those commands. So logs can’t always be relied on as a sole
source of information. Although, when a host is compromised, the logs may
be the only source of reliable information, provided the host has been forwarding logs to a central log server. The logs up to the point when the host was
compromised can be trusted, but logs after the compromise are suspect at best.
But the logs you collected up to the event might help shed light on what happened or point you in the right direction.

Boring Audit, Fun Discovery
Auditing is a process that verifies a system or process is working as expected.
Logs are a part of any audit process, forming a part of the audit trail used.
Auditing is often done for policy or regulatory compliance. For instance, companies routinely have to do financial audits to make sure that what their financial statements say match what their books say, and that the numbers all add
up. In the US laws such as Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA essentially require certain types of transaction logging, and an audit trail that can be used to verify
user access to financial, respectively, patient data. Another example is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), a mandate that covers
logging around credit card transactions and cardholder data access. We will
discuss PCI in Chapter 16.

People, Process, Technology

Logs can also be used for compliance to technical policies, such as a security
policy. For example, if you have policies about what services are allowed on
your network, an audit of various logs can be used to verify that only those services are running. For example, Windows has an Application event log which
contains log messages of services that are started and stopped by the operating
Audit trails are also used for accountability, as such, logs can be used for nonrepudiation. For instance, if someone claims that they never received a particular email, mail logs can be used to verify that claim and show the message
was either delivered or not, much like having a signed receipt from a mail
carrier. Or, in another example, if a user claims that they were not logged in
when a certain event occurred, logs can show whether or not that statement
was true.
Having an organized approach to log analysis can also turn a boring audit into
“fun discovery.” What does that mean? Well, for example, we’ll show you tools
you can use to extract from your logs a list of all the services running on a host.
You might be surprised to find out some of the things that you are running
(didn’t know you had an IRC server on your network, eh?). Sometimes such
discoveries show policy violations and on occasion, they show an intruder
who’s silly enough to start a service that leaves log records behind.
Auditing user activity can show you things you didn’t know about. In the Unix
environment, there is a utility called sudo. It allows you, as a regular user, to
execute administrator commands without needing to know the administrator
password. Looking at sudo, logs can show you who has been running administrator commands. That information can be invaluable when someone accidentally erases an entire filesystem and you’re trying to figure out who did it.
If you allow users to log in remotely, you might find it quite interesting to see
where they’re logging in from. If you see a user logging in from two places at
the same time that are geographically distant from each other, that might be
something you want to investigate. (We’ve heard that cell phone companies do
exactly that to detect cloned cell phones.)
Let’s shift gears away from how useful logs are to how effective people, process
and technology are in the overall log analysis picture.

An effective log analysis strategy is not just a set of tools but a combination of
people, process, and technology.
The technology is the combination of tools you use. But it’s not enough to have
a collection of the latest hip tools, you need to know what to do with them.




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Process determines what you do with those tools. How are you going to manage the log data, make sure it contains the information you want, and be able to
extract the information you need? A process is required for doing those things.
A documented process for handling log data can be essential for using logs as
evidence in court. Being able to show how you regularly collect and preserve
log data may make the difference as to whether your log data is admissible as
evidence. Reporting can aid in this and Chapter 12 touches on this.
And it takes people to drive and execute on the process. Human intelligence is
also required to decide what particular log messages mean in the context of a
particular situation.
In the intrusion example, is an example of the human involvement required.
The computer doesn’t know that those log records indicate an intrusion. It
takes a person to look at them and say “Wait, that’s not quite right, why is an
account being created with a uid of 0?” Another example of such a situation
is when a host suddenly becomes unreachable. Since you were in a morning
meeting where it was announced that network maintenance was going to occur
at 3pm, you use that information to determine if the outage is related to this
work or not.

No book on log management would be complete without a discussion on
SIEM. SIEM is an industry in its own. SIEM tools provide a means to analyze,
in real time, security events. It also provides mechanism for reporting, visualization, long-term storage, etc. We will not spend a lot of time on SIEM in this
book. But Chapter 15 discusses some open source SIEM tools.
The following two case studies explain how log data helped solve to real-world

In a recent investigation, one of the authors had to look at a compromised server that was
running at a small internet service provider (ISP). The system was apparently destroyed by the
attacker, possibly due to frustration stemming from his inability to penetrate further into the
network, or out of sheer malevolence.
One morning, company support team was alerted by a customer who was trying to download a driver update. He reported that the FTP server “was not responding” to his connection
attempts. Upon failing to login to the FTP server remotely via secure shell, the support team

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

member walked to a server room only to discover that the machine crashed and would not
reboot. The reason was simple—no operating system was found on the disk.
While the machine itself was apparently compromised and all host-side evidence, including logs, were gone (yes, the logs may have been recoverable using “forensic” tools, but that’s
outside the scope of this book). But the network segment on which the server was located was
behind a firewall, and the firewall was set to log at maximum level.
The firewall logs were searched for any messages occurring over the previous 24 h which
contained the IP address of the compromised server, providing a record of all connections to
and from the server for the previous day. From those logs, they were able to establish that:
■	Several

hours prior to the time of the crash, someone probed the IP addresses of the FTP
server from the outside. There were several connection attempts to various ports on the
server, some not successful (such as TCP port 25) and some successful (port TCP 21—FTP).
■	The attacker connected several times to the FTP port, with TCP session times ranging
from several seconds up to ten minutes.
■	The attacker uploaded a file to the FTP server.
■	It appeared that the attacker managed to establish an interactive command session with
the server. The firewall logs did not give any detail about the contents of the TCP session,
so it was impossible to determine exactly what the attacker did. But it appears highly
likely that he managed to exploit the FTP server and install his own software on it.
■	The logs then showed connection attempts from the FTP server to outside hosts, which
were blocked by the firewall as a result of rules on the firewall restricting outbound traffic.
These failed attempts were most likely the intruder unsuccessfully attempting to access
other machines from the compromised server.
So, even simple firewall logs can shed significant light on an incident where there would
otherwise be no useful information. This example would have benefitted from a central loghost
as well. The logs would have been stored off host and could have been retrieved.

Virus Tracking Through Antivirus Logs
Antivirus logs are often seen as mundane and useless. However, AV logs can prove invaluable as a piece of evidence to prove that the system is infected or compromised. Different AV
vendors log their messages in different ways. In the case of the AV data used in this example,
the AV system logged to the Windows Event Log.
In one case, a Windows system was showing unusual behavior:

Slow system response for local programs.
Slow networking on the same LAN segment as the system in question.
Extraneous processes running even when no user is using the systems.

Logs from a network security monitoring tool also revealed that the system was a source of
significant scanning activity. At that stage the machine was disconnected from the network.
The system administrators suspected some sort of malware (e.g. virus, worm, etc.), but the
system was running an antivirus program that was believed to be up to date.
A review of antivirus logs on the system revealed a number of interesting things. First, there
were a number of messages indicating failed updates due to low disk space. That explained
why the system was not fully protected.
Then there were some messages showing the AV software responding to viruses:




Logs, Trees, Forest: The Big Picture

Virus Found!Virus name: W32.Welchia.B.Worm in File: C:\WINNT\
system32\drivers\svchost.exe by: Manual scan. Action: Quarantine
Virus Found!Virus name: W32.Randex.gen in File: C:\WINNT\system32\
wumgrd.exe by: Manual scan. Action: Quarantine succeeded:
These messages indicate viruses which were found and “quarantined” or stopped:
Virus Found!Virus name: Backdoor.IRC.Bot in File: C:\WINNT\system32\
mfm\msrll.exe by: Manual scan. Action: Clean failed: Quarantine
But this message shows a “backdoor” called “Backdoor.IRC.Bot” was detected, but not stopped.

A backdoor is a piece of software or application program that allows a user to gain access to a
computer system without being noticed. It is often the case that backdoors are used for malicious purposes (Skoudis & Zeltser, 2004)

The interesting thing about the above message is that while the first two malware instances were dealt with, the last was only detected but not cleaned out.
The malware (an IRC backdoor bot) enabled the attackers to gain control over
the system and to use it to scan other hosts for vulnerabilities.
Figure 1.6 shows a subset of the antivirus logs imported into Excel, showing
just the actions taken with regard to Backdoor.IRC.Bot. Excel is being used here
to more easily show the AV log messages.
The example indicates that the backdoor may have been on the system since
at least May. It also confirms that the backdoor was not quarantined by the
antivirus software.
The highlighted messages in Figure 1.7 show that around the time the backdoor appeared in May, the system was infected by both the Welchia and W32.
Randex.gen worms, either of which could have installed the backdoor. In fact,

FIGURE 1.6 Sample Antivirus Logs


FIGURE 1.7 Sample Antivirus Logs for a Specific Time Period

the reference for W32.Randex.gen (http://securityresponse.symantec.com/
avcenter/venc/data/w32.randex.gen.html#technicaldetails) says that the worm
is known to “open backdoor ports and open connections to predetermined
IRC servers and wait for commands from an attacker.”
The log entries above also show that the system was a “rats nest” of malware,
only some of which was successfully cleaned (albeit often after the successful
infection and system modification).
So, in this situation, without the antivirus logs, it would have been difficult or
impossible to determine when the infection happened, or that the antivirus
software had failed to update itself.

This chapter presented concepts surrounding logging, logs, log messages, and
log data. The piece parts of a logging ecosystem were discussed including log
message generation, filtering and normalization, collection, analysis, and
long-term storage. These concepts set the ground work for what is to come in
the rest of the book. Additionally examples of how useful log data can be were
presented, along with ways logs helped solve two real-world problems.

Mauro, D. R., & Schmidt, K. J. (2005). Essential SNMP (2nd ed.) Beijing: O’Reilly.
Peikari, C., & Chuvakin, A. (2004). Overflow attacks. In Security warrior (p. 161). Beijing: O’Reilly
& Associates, Inc.
Skoudis, Ed., & Zeltser, L. (2004). Backdoors. In Malware: Fighting malicious code (p. 124). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 2004.


This page is intentionally left blank


What is a Log?

Logs? What logs?
Criteria of Good Logging

What is a log? A secret
Let’s crack it now!
Resist it will furiously
Haiku 2: Anton


Logs? What logs?.......32
Log Formats and Types...34
Log Syntax.........................40
Log Content......................44

Criteria of Good
Ideal Logging Scenario.....47


In Chapter 1 we talked about logs, but what are we actually talking about?
We’re not talking about trees, mathematics, nor ship’s logs...so let’s start from
the definitions. Having a clear definitions around logging data is important
because so many discussions in this area and that being high level and fuzzy,
thus not useful for security analysts and network engineers.

Many of the terms used in logging, log analysis, and log management—
including these very terms we just used—have vague, misleading, or multiple
meanings. In some cases, the terms are “borrowed” from other disciplines (and
we use that word loosely), in some cases, they’re just used differently by different people. In other cases, they used to be specific, but then got corrupted by
tool vendor marketing departments. This vagueness only muddies the waters
of what is already a difficult sea to navigate.
Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00002-6
© 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.



What is a Log?

So, what should the logs convey? Are logs here to warn us or to be ignored?
If logs are so important, how can it happen that they are ignored so often
(and they are!)? The blatant cases of organizations that were compromised
by hackers and never knew it, despite having all the evidence in their logs
for months and occasionally years after the breach. Do we have to look at
logs if everything is seemingly going fine with our computers, related software
running on them as well as network devices?
Ideally, logs should not only serve for answering the ever-important “what’s
wrong” question. They are also useful for answering many other questions,
including “how well we are doing?” “will anything be wrong in the near
future?,” “did we do enough to protect something?” as well as they whole slew
of audit-related questions such as “who did what.” Note that the latter are
useful not only when we know that something wrong has happened.
Thus, logs analysis tools should not be broken out of their shrink wraps only when
something goes wrong. Ongoing log review must eventually become a habit, a daily
routine—something akin to brushing one’s teeth. Regulations today compel organization to adopt such good hygiene habits, while many organization are resisting.
So, is it OK to only look at logs when all hell breaks loose? The best answer to
that is “that is the least you should do” but there are lots of other ways of using
the log contents beyond that.
Here are the definitions of the terms that we will be using them throughout
this book.
“An event is a single occurrence within an environment, usually involving an
attempted state change. An event usually includes a notion of time, the occurrence,
and any details the explicitly pertain to the event or environment that may help
explain or understand the event’s causes or effects” (source: http:/cee.mitre.org
and specifically http://cee.mitre.org/docs/CEE_Architecture_ Overview-v0.5.pdf).
Event categories group events based upon one or more event categorization methodologies. Example methodologies include organization based upon what happened during the event, the involved parties, device types impacted, etc.
“An event field describes one characteristic of an event. Examples of an event
field include date, time, source IP, user identification, and host identification.”
(source: http://cee.mitre.org/docs/CEE_Architecture_Overview-v0.5.pdf)
“An event record is a collection of event fields that, together, describe a single
event. Terms synonymous to event record include “audit record” and “log entry””
(source: http://cee.mitre.org/docs/CEE_Architecture_Overview-v0.5.pdf)
A log is a collection of event records. Terms such as “data log,” “activity
log,” “audit log,” “audit trail,” “log file,” and “event log” are often used

I ntroduction

to mean the same thing as log. (source: http://cee.mitre.org/docs/
An audit is the process of evaluating logs within an environment (e.g. within
an electronic system). The typical goal of an audit is to assess the overall status
or identify any notable or problematic activity. (source: http://cee.mitre.org/
Recording is the act of saving the event fields associated with a single event as an
event record. (source: http://cee.mitre.org/docs/CEE_Architecture_Overviewv0.5.pdf))
“Logging is the act of collecting event records into logs. Examples of logging
include storing log entries into a text log file, or storing audit record data in
binary files or databases.” (source: CEE Architecture Document 2011) (source:
On the other hand, a security incident is an occurrence of one or more security
events that indicate that Something Bad happened in the environment. The
Something Bad might be unauthorized access to a system, theft of information, denial or service, or a range of other, sometimes organization-specific
activities. Security incidents also often involve being woken up at odd hours
of the morning, and are usually unwelcome (sometimes at the cost of “we’d
rather not know” delusion).
On the audit side, log records may be used as all or part of an audit, and as we
will show throughout this book, good logging will help with auditing. But logging alone is not auditing, and log messages are not necessarily an audit trail.
It should be noted that sometimes people differentiate between logging and
auditing based on trust factor. Logging can be produced by system and user
applications, servers, OS components, while auditing is produced by more
trusted components such as the kernel or trusted computing based (TCB).
Such a distinction is used in Windows operating systems.
“Alert or Alarm” is an action taken in response to an event, usually intended
to get the attention of someone (or something). Sometimes people say that
log files contain alerts. Specifically, some intrusion detection logs are actually
collection of IDS alerts. In our book, we will treat an alert as an action taken
when a particular log message needs to be relayed to a user quickly. We will
treat alarms to mean the same as alerts.
Also, by now the reader recognized that logs are produced by various entities,
such as dedicated security devices, application software, operating systems, network infrastructure components, etc. We will adopt a generic term device to
indicate a source of security-relevant logs. Thus, a security NIPS appliance and
Apache Web server become devices for the purposes of this definition. There




What is a Log?

are reasons to believe that some of the Internet-enabled home appliance of the
future will also have logs and the nightmare scenario of “my toaster crashed
again” will be resolved by looking at its log file…
Now that we are armed with the terms, let’s look at some examples and thus
into the nature of log and logging.

Most operating systems have some type of logging capability and generate log
messages. However, many computer users (and this include system administrators, however surprising it might sound) don’t know the logs exist, let alone
look at them. Let’s study three primary reasons for logging across the entire
spectrum of log sources.
First, Security logging is focused on detecting and responding to attacks, malware infection, data theft, and other security issues. The classic example of
security-focused logging is recording of user authentication (login) and other
access decisions with the purpose of analyzing whether anybody has access to
the resource without proper authorization.
Next, Operational logging is performed to provide useful information to system operators such as to notify them of failures and potentially actionable
conditions. Operational logging might also be used for service provisioning
and even financial decisions (access-based pricing, Web server access logs are
a common example of logs used for business not just for IT operations). This
category is extremely broad and covers a very large number of log types.
Also, Compliance logging often overlaps significantly with security logging since
regulations are commonly written to improve security of systems and data. It
is important to know the difference between two types of compliance logging:
regulations and mandates that affect the IT such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, ISO, ITIL,
etc,. AND system regulations such as common criteria and other mandates on
system design and security.
Finally, Application debug logging is a special type of logging that is useful to
application/system developers and not system operators. Such logging is typically disabled in production systems but can be enabled on request. Many of
the messages in debugging logs can already be analyzed by the application
developer with full knowledge of application internals and sometimes also
with possession of application source code.
These four types of logging are produced by nearly all log sources (event producers), but are analyzed and consumed differently and by different systems
(event consumers).

Logs? What logs?

Operating system produce logs from the above spectrum. For example, Windows
XP as well as Vista and Windows 7 have a logging system, called the Event Log.
When particular things happen on the system, the operating system or an application will write some information to the Event Log. For example, when a Windows
program crashes, there is often an option to see “More details,” which most users
cheerfully ignore. That information is what ends up in the Event Log.
Savvy “power users” have known where to find the Event Viewer (Figure 2.1)
since the “bad old days” of Windows NT 3.5.
Unix systems have a logging technology called syslog, that harks from the days
of early Unix sendmail program in the 1980s. Like Windows, the operating system itself and some applications write message to syslog. If the system administrator has not disabled logging or removed the logs files (“because the disk
was getting full”), he/she might see entries like this:
Nov 11 22:41:00 ns1 named[765]: sysquery: findns error (NXDOMAIN) on

The entry contains a date, host name, name of the service that generated the
message as well as the message itself. This particular message indicates an
attempt to do a DNS lookup on a non-existent domain.
Some applications generate their own logs. Web site administrators may be
familiar with Web server logs.

FIGURE 2.1 Windows Event Log Shown in Event Viewer




What is a Log? - - [09/Oct/2001:11:43:34 -0400] "GET /resume/ HTTP/1.0"
200 1100 - - [09/Oct/2001:11:48:31 -0400] "GET /security
HTTP/1.1" 301 322 - - [09/Oct/2001:11:48:31 -0400] "GET /security/
HTTP/1.1" 200 759 - - [09/Oct/2001:11:52:20 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200

This set of log entries show requests to a Web server from various sources (left)
with the date and time of the request, locations of requested documents, and
response codes (200,301, etc.) indicating the status of document delivery. Specifically, 200 indicates that the document was shown (“OK” code) and 301
indicates that its is moved to another location (Google for “http response
codes” to find the detailed into on them!)
Web server logs are commonly analyzed for utilization and other ecommerce,
marketing and others reasons. Web site administrators often mine Web server
logs to study customer profiles and learn about their behavior, as well as other
marketing-related tasks. In addition, Web server logs are used to study Web
server performance and Web site usability.
The following is an example of a Snort NIDS “alert” log message.
Nov 14 13:04:14 ns1 snort: [111:16:1] (spp_stream4) TCP CHECKSUM
CHANGED ON RETRANSMISSION (possible fragroute) detection {TCP} ->

Note that in case of Snort these messages are called alerts, while some other
NIDS / NIPS vendors call them alarms or even something else entirely. In all
cases, they are actually just log messages that one might want to use to raise an
alert to an operator or security analyst on duty.
All of the logging systems shown above are useful for security log analysis.
Unix, Windows, and Web server logs can contain important clues about the
organization's security posture.
These are just a few example of common logging systems. We will talk at length
about these and other systems in Chapters 9 and 15.

Log Formats and Types
Before we discuss the formats and other information, we should note that any
logging mechanism used for purposes listed above can be logically defined as
four components:

Logs? What logs?


Log transport.
Log syntax and format.
Log event taxonomy.
Logging settings, configuration, and recommendations.

These primary distinctions will be used throughout this report as well as other
documentation produced under this project. Let’s review their key concepts in
Log transport is simply a way of moving log messages from one place to another.
There are many event transport protocols in existence—syslog, WS-Management,
and numerous proprietary and product-specific log transport protocols—as well
as logging mechanisms without its own transport method (e.g., local log file
only). A proper log transport mechanism must preserve the integrity, and availability and (if required) confidentiality of log data, preserve log format and meaning as well as allow for an accurate representation of all the events that occurred,
with correct timings and event sequence. The most important requirement for
log transport is to preserve the integrity of individual logs—event records—and
of the event stream/log as a whole.1 Even more important is the preservation of
each log entry correct time stamp.
Here is some well-known log transport mechanisms:

syslog UDP.
syslog TCP.
encrypted syslog.
Regular file transfer such as FTPS or SCP.

For example, syslog UDP is by far the most popular log transport mechanism
today used by millions of Unix-derived systems and Network Devices. Despite
having multiple extreme weaknesses (such as lack of guaranteed message and
availability), syslog is still the #1 way to move log data around.
Log syntax and format defines how the log messages are formed, transported,
stored, reviewed, and analyzed. In the most trivial case, each event record
could be treated as a text string and the event consumer could perform a full
text search on the log and hope for consistency. But for reliable automated
event analysis, it’s necessary that event consumers and producers understand
and agree on the syntax of the event record.
1 As

you can notice, some of the historical a popular mechanisms for transporting log data do
not fit this requirement—such as syslog UDP.




What is a Log?

Here is some well-known log formats:




W3C Extended Log File Format (ELF) (http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-logfile.
Apache access log (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/logs.html).
Cisco SDEE/CIDEE (http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/ips/
ArcSight common event format (CEF) (http://www.arcsight.com/
Syslog (RFC3195 and newer RFC5424).
IDMEF, an XML-based format (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4765.txt).

Regarding the last item, the term “syslog” is commonly applied to both a way
to move messages over port 514 UDP (syslog transport) and to create log messages with a few structured elements (syslog format).
In particular, each field of every formatted event record contains some information in some representation. Although perhaps obvious to a human being,
it’s not at all clear that “Sun 12 3 2010 11:11pm” and “2010-12-03T11:11:00Z”
represent the same time. Moreover, in the first example, the time is not really
known due to lack of time zone information, and the date is ambiguous due to
regional date order preference concerns (March 12 or December 3). Here are a
few examples of various format that log files:
CEF:0|security|threatmanager|1.0|100|detected a \| in
message|10|src= act=blocked a | dst=
Apache CLF: - - [18/Feb/2000:13:33:37 -0600] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 5073 - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif
HTTP/1.0" 200 2326
#Version: 1.0
#Date: 12-Jan-1996 00:00:00
#Fields: time cs-method cs-uri
00:34:23 GET /foo/bar.html
12:21:16 GET /foo/bar.html

Headquarters DMZ Network


124 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/124 Most logs today, sadly, do not follow any specific or predetermined format (or only followed for a very small part of the message, such as timestamp) and can be considered free-form text. 37 38 CHAPTER 2: What is a Log? There are various aspect of log formats. First, is the file in binary or ASCII format? Can a read the log file with a simple text browser or editor, or will he or she need a conversion tools to get to the information? The obvious example of a human readable or ASCII log is Unix syslog. If you opened the book to this section, here is an example: Nov 15 23:16:26 ns1 sshd2[12579]: connection from "" Web servers, firewalls, and many applications on all platforms log to text files which can be easily viewed. Note however that human-readable, text, and ASCII log formats are not exactly synonymous. Unicode text (not ASCII) is not uncommon, and not every human can (or ever will be willing to!) read a complicated nested XML-formatted log file with long lines and numerous tags, etc. The most common example of a binary file is Windows Event log. The reader might object that the Event Log is easily readable. But reading the Event Log requires using the Event Viewer. This utility converts the binary log (typically stored in files with an Evt extension in c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\ directory) into a human-readable event, as shown in Figure 2.2. Some other common binary formats are the Unix wtmp file, which contains login records and the pacct which contains process accounting information. While strictly not a log format, Tcpdump binary format can be defined as a format for logging network packet data, thus falling in the same category. Why do programmers choose to log data in binary format? It sure would be simpler for us humans if all logs were text-based and easy to read! But there are compelling reasons for binary logging: Performance and space. If one has to log many thousands of records per second, the task could strain even modern CPUs. And system users usually have a reasonable expectation that logging will not disrupt system performance. In fact, one of the most common arguments against logging is that “it will impact performance.” Our response to that is usually “and what will performance be like when the system crashes and you have no idea why?” Binary format log entries are usually smaller (have less entropy), thus take less processing to format and write. Since the messages are usually smaller than ASCII message, the log files take up less disk space, and less IO when being transported. Also, binary logs usually require less processing to parse, and have clearly delineated fields and data types, making analysis more efficient. An ASCII log parser has to process more data, and often has to use pattern matching to extract the useful bits of information. Logs? What logs? FIGURE 2.2 Windows XP Event Log A compressed log is by definition a binary log, which provides further reasons for binary logging: it can be compressed. Just as obvious, if a log file is in an encrypted format, it has to be binary as well. Another reason for binary logs is that they are harder to read. How is that an advantage? Due to “security by obscurity,” many believe that it makes their log files “more secure.” Another type of log format is the relational database, which isn’t really text nor binary, or could be considered a very fancy binary format. A relational database stores binary records in a table for high-performance addition (called “insertion”) and retrieval (called “selection”), defined by a database schema. A database schema is simply a method of defining records in a table and tables in the entire database. 39 40 CHAPTER 2: What is a Log? Another important distinction between log types is whether the format is open or proprietary. An open format means that the format is documented somewhere, possibly in a standard document (such as ISO, ANSI, or an Internet Standard) or in a reference document (such as an RFC). A proprietary format may or may not be documented and is usually used by one specific device vendor. Proprietary formats are often undocumented, however, and one is at the mercy of the vendor for log reading and processing tools. One might be able to understand a proprietary text format just by studying it (“reverse-engineering”—even though the term is more commonly used for binary formats). However, one runs the risk of misinterpreting the meaning of a particular fields, or it’s data type, or range of values, and end up with rather useless or misleading results. Logging settings, configuration, and recommendations is a common way for event producers and system operators to decide on what events to log and what logging to enable on each individual device. With a common way of expressing events, it is possible to advocate for what events products should generate. While it should be expected that a firewall should log events such as blocked connection attempts, there is no standard logging rules today. It is also important to not only be concerned with what events to log, but also what information details should be logged for each event. There’s no industry-wide recommendation in this area today. One common example is PCI DSS compliance. Specifically, PCI DSS logging prescribes (see Figure 2.3) that each log entry at least contain user name, type of an event, date and time, success or failure indication, name of affected component as well as the system that originate in the event (these in fact present a very useful set of commonly used log details). Many other industry organizations have created their own recommendations in regards to events and details to be logged. There is a way to generalize and summarize some of these recommendations, as done below in this report. Log Syntax Every log file of any format also has a syntax. Log syntax is conceptually similar to a syntax of a language, such as English. A sentence in human language syntax typically contains a subject, a predicate, sometimes a predicative, as well as complements and attributes. Sentence syntax covers the relations between the sentence members and their meaning. Note that syntax does not address the message contents. In other words, syntax deals with how we structure what we choose to say, and not what specific words we use. Logs? What logs? FIGURE 2.3 PCI DSS Requirement Source: PCI DSS Standard, v 2.0 So what does syntax mean in the context of log messages? Well, each log message has a structure to it. Some types of log messages have portions of human language in them. Regardless, log messages each consist of patterns of information of various types. Based on regulations, one can define a common set of log fields that have to be present in every log entry for it to be useful. For example, a very common set of fields is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date/time (and, ideally, a time zone as well). Type of log entry. System that produced it. Application or component that produced in. Successful failure indication. Severity, priority, or importance of a log message (typically present in all syslog messages). 7. For logs related to user activities in any way, a username recorded as well. Network device manufacturers commonly follow the above in most of their logs, but they are notable exceptions where logs out lacking some of the details. What is there in a log sentence? Let’s try a “syntactic analysis” of a single syslog line. We will use a syslog message as an example of one of the most flexible (and chaotic) log formats. Nov 16 00:26:24 ns1 named[765]: check_hints: A records for J.ROOTSERVERS.NET class 1 do not match hint records 41 42 CHAPTER 2: What is a Log? Isn’t that nicely obscure! We purposefully choose a fairly long and esoteric line. We can say that a “subject” (answers “what” question) is a named process that noted that the user should “check_hints” (“predicate”) for a specific DNS server and that this happened around 00:26 on November 16 (appallingly, syslog does not have a year in its timestamp, as will be explained in more detail in Chapter 2). Just for the curious, what really happened here is one of the root DNS servers has its IP address changed, but this DNS server in question (the one that produced the above log line) still has the old information in its configuration files (see, for example, an article “Some error messages and problems with DNS” at http://www.reedmedia.net/misc/dns/ errors.html). Why does the syntax of a log message matter? Log syntax is important for any kind of automated analysis of log data—which is the main subject of this book. Before the intelligent conclusions can be made from log data we need to split the log into its parts, according to its syntax. Some log analysis-related software products (commercial and open-source) have developed “message schemas” to define the syntax of various types of logs. Such schema is designed to fit just about any message that can occur in various log files from devices, systems, application and other sources. It may be obvious to the reader how most of our log message examples above fit into such schema. For example, this Dragon NIDS message: 2004-09-11 23:01:40|dralion1|IIS:DECODEBUG|||2611|80|T||6|tcp,dp=80,sp=2611| easily fits into the general schema as shown in Table 2.1. The message indicates that a server was hit by a IIS Web server exploit (either launched by a hacker or malware, such as a worm) from The exploit is related to Unicode decoding by the Internet Information Services (IIS)—a standard Windows Web server. Note that some data is also added when the message is collected (by the log analysis solution). Note that EVENT, EVENT_TYPE, and various names (DNS, NetBIOS, etc.) were added by a log analysis system to complete the picture drawn by the Dragon intrusion detection system. What about those data that are specified to a particular type of a log source such as from an unusual applications (although we’re not sure if we’ve seen any “usual” application logs lately). In this case one might get away with using generic “custom” fields for storing such data. It’s messy, but unfortunately that’s the nature of log analysis today. Logs? What logs? Table 2.1 Example Event Attributes Fields Example EVENT DEVICE_TYPE DEVICE IMPORTANCE EVENT_TYPE DEVICE_EVENT_TYPE OCCUR_TIMESTAMP COLLECT_TIMESTAMP PROTOCOL_NET PROTOCOL_APP SOURCE_IP SOURCE_DNS SOURCE_NBT SOURCE_MAC SOURCE_PORT DESTINATION_IP DESTINATION_DNS DESTINATION _NBT DESTINATION_MAC DESTINATION_PORT NETWORK BYTES_XFERRED EVENT_COUNT STATUS eid656539475ha1 Dragon NIDS dralion1 High Web Attack IIS:DECODE-BUG 2004-09-11 23:01:40 2004-09-11 23:01:43 TCP HTTP Evil.attacker.com 2611 Poor.Webserver.com Poor-Web 80 1 Overall, knowing log file syntax is critical before any kind of analysis is approached. The fact that some people can do such analysis in their heads doesn’t discount its value; it just shows one trivial case where such thing is possible (as well as highlights some advantages humans have over machines). In most cases, the automated system analyzing logs need to have an understanding of a log syntax, usually encoded in some template. Overall, various system and device vendors use a few select types of logging coupled to a few common syntax choices (defined in the previous section). For example, some security logging is done in XML for easier and more informationrich integration with. A lot of operational logging is done via syslog and using unstructured text or semi-structured messages. Similarly, a lot of debugging logs is either syslog or even temporary text files. High-performance logging is often binary and in proprietary format. Common device logging options are summarized in Table 2.2. 43 44 CHAPTER 2: What is a Log? Table 2.2 Pros/Cons of Logging Mechanisms XML logging Syslog text logging Text file logging Proprietary logging Consumption mode Common use case Mostly machine reading Security logging Mostly manual reading Operational logging, debugging logging Only machine reading Highperformance logging Example Cisco IPS security appliance Use when a rich set of structure information need to be transferred from producing to consumer and then analyzed Relatively low performance, large log message sizes Most routers and switches Only manual reading Debugging logging (enabled temporarily) Most application debugging Add structure such as name = value to simplify automated analysis; use for most operational uses Add structure to enable automated analysis, if the logs are to be left enabled during operations Lack of log message structure makes automated analysis complicated and expensive Typically the logs can only be understood by the application developers Recommendation Disadvantages Checkpoint firewall logging, packet capture Use for super high performance uses only Not human readable without a dedicated application that can convert binary into text Among other notable logging methods, a few network devices log into commaseparated (CSV) or ELF formats (mentioned above). These are relatively less common. Log Content So we have talked about log format and syntax, but the real meat in is their content. Content of logs is commonly defined a taxonomy of what the logs actually mean. As a result, log event taxonomy is an unambiguous way of classifying logged events. If multiple systems log the same event, it should be expected that their taxonomy description of that event are identical. A computer should be able to immediately determine whether two logs refer to the same type of event. In order to make this happen, there needs to be a collection of well-defined words that can be combined in a predictable fashion—a log taxonomy. Presumably these words would describe the type of activity, the actors involved, the outcome, and other relevant event data. Logs? What logs? There are no well-defined public standards on event taxonomies yet, even though some are in development. However, most security information and event management and some log management vendors on the market today have developed a log taxonomy that is utilized inside their products. Sadly, every vendor has used slightly different foundational principles for their taxonomy. Content is a difficult topic, there’s a lot of stuff to look at, sometimes it’s inconsistent, incomplete, or misleading. We’ll be looking at log content in Chapters 8, 9, and 11 starting with the next chapter. In this section we’ll give an overview of the types of information that one can expect to find, what one might want to find, and what one could only dream of having logged. Logs can contain information about user activity: who’s logged in, what they were doing, mail they received and sent, etc. Logs can tell you about things that are broken or are going to break, such as disk errors. Logs can tell you that things are working fine and give you information about resource utilization and performance. Logs can contain information about status changes, starts and stops, etc. And logs can sometimes tell you about intrusion attempts, and occasionally indicate a successful intrusion. The types below cover the entire spectrum of security, operations and debugging messages, these are: 1. Change Management: Records of system changes, component changes, updates, account changes, and anything else that might be subject to a change management process; these logs typically split into add, delete, update, and modify records. These can cross the line between security and operational types. 2. Authentication and Authorization: Records of authentication and authorization decisions (such as successful or failed logins to the device) and especially privileged user logins of the most common security messages and should be produced by every application and every network device. These are the security messages that often find operational uses as well (such as to track who utilized a particular system). 3. Data and System Access: Related to the previous types, records of access to application components, data (such as file or database tables) find common security as well as performance/operational uses. In some cases these messages are not enabled all the time and are only generated insensitive environments. 4. Threat Management: From traditional intrusion alerts to other activities that violate security policies, this types of messages is produced by Network Devices that have a dedicated security function (such as firewalls). 5. Performance + Capacity Management: A broad category of messages related to system performance and capacity management, including various 45 46 CHAPTER 2: What is a Log? thresholds, memory and computing capability utilization and other finite resource utilization. These are very common operational messages that sometimes find security use as well. 6. Business Continuity + Availability Management: Most systems will produce a log when the system is being shutdown or started; other types of continuing tea and availability messages related to backups, redundancy or utilization of business continue itty features. These are very common operational messages with infrequent security use. 7. Miscellaneous errors and failures: Other types of system errors that the designers decided to bring to users attention are classified here; these are not critical operational messages that might or might not require an action by the device administrator. 8. Miscellaneous debugging messages: Debugging logs are typically created at the discretion of individual developers and are extremely hard to classify; most debugging logs are not left enabled in operational production environments. CRITERIA OF GOOD LOGGING As we will show in various examples throughout this book, there are many cases where the information logged is incomplete or sometimes just useless. So what makes a “good” log? What information is necessary for a log message to be usable for intrusion detection, resource management, or auditing? There are many kinds of logs and even more kinds of log-producing devices 5, so it is hard to define a single criterion. In general, logs should tell you: n n n n n What happened (with appropriate detail; “Something happened” is not usually particularly useful). When did it happen (and when did it start and end, if relevant). Where did it happen (on what host, what file system, which network interface, etc.). Who was involved. Where he, she or it came from. The above list is the set of absolute essentials—the “5 W’s of Logging”. These are taken from other disciplines where they are used: journalism, criminal investigation, and other disciplines. For icing on the cake, many people would also like to see: n n n Where do I get more information. How certain should I be that the above is really what happened? What is affected. Criteria of Good Logging And since we are allowed to dream, one would also like to know: n n n What will happen next. What else happened that I should care about. What should I do about it. Of course, in some cases the latter items are dependent on the particular environment—what your site should do about a particular event might not be the same as what another site should do. As organizations have finally taking network device and—to an extent—server logging under control, the next battle front is clearly in application logging. After getting used to neat Cisco ASA or other firewall logs and Linux “password accepted” messages, security incident investigators have been thrust into horrific world application logging while trying to respond to the next wave of attacks. These logs might miss details here and there and not always be useful, but at least they are familiar. Problems with many today’s application logs are truly staggering: logs are often simply missing, critical details are omitted, no standard form or content are anywhere to be found. On top of this, many security practitioners had to deal with debugging logs masquerading as security audit logs. Table 2.3 illustrates the key difference between two types of application logs. While debugging logs are present in application frameworks more frequently than well-designed security audit logs, using them for investigations often presents an exercise in frustration since key details needed for incident response and forensics might not be recorded in debug logs. Chapter 18 provides more detail on this topic. Ideal Logging Scenario So if we could have logging just the way we wanted it, what information we would like to see in logs and how should it be presented? Table 2.3 Logging and Timing Issues Intended consumer Condition for logging Content of log messages Scope of what should be logged Time scope Audit Logs Debug Logs Security, audit Always on Attacks, activities, faults Known in advance System operator, developer Sometimes on Faults, failures, errors Not known Useful for years Useful for hours/days 47 48 CHAPTER 2: What is a Log? Table 2.4 Critical Versus Accounting Logs Critical log / “act now” Accounting log / “keep in mind” Faults that can affect system operations Attacks that are successful Attacks that have a high chance of being successful System reaching capacity or maximum of some value System changes possibly leading to security and availability problems System crash Failed login Hardware failure Security-relevant configuration change System status messages Attack attempts and probes Low impact attacks Unauthorized connection detected System reaching a relatively high value of some parameter Various system changes System startup/shutdown Successful login Hardware status message Routine and automated configuration change Connection established/terminated We would like to see only the stuff we need to know about at the moment, no more—no less. Of course this is a pipe dream, so we will settle for having more information than that—events of various severities so that log analysts can make a decision based on the circumstances. On a high-level, we would prefer to separate information into two categories: Deal with now (urgent), and deal with later (not urgent). The first is a high priority log that is clear and actionable. Wherever an entry is added to that log, it should be conveyed to the operator or analyst for immediate action. There should also be no confusion about what action to take. The second log contains records that don’t necessarily require immediate action. These events will, however, provide important information when summarized, over time, or for auditing or forensic analysis. To summarize, we would like to see: Table 2.4 is not a comprehensive list, but it gives an idea of things that ideally should be logged and how. It is possible to come up with more than two priority levels, but the concept continues to the be same. In fact, in reality there are usually at least three, the third being the “ignore” log—messages that are useless or unimportant. SUMMARY This chapter introduced the reader to general concepts log files, audit trails, and other log related things. References n n Logs come in all shapes and forms, but you can look at the similarly by looking at the common denominators in them. There’s a big difference between what logs actually contain and what we would like the to contain, which make log analysis a challenge. In addition to that very basic conclusion—YOU MUST LOG!—we have to remind our readers that the importance of logging will ONLY GROW. In particular, the need to analyze application behavior for security issues across distributed and also cloud-based application calls for us to finally get logging under control. Software architects and developer need to “get” logging—there is NO other way since infrastructure logging from network devices and operating systems won’t cut it for detecting and investigating application level threats. Security teams will need to guide developers and architects tours useful and effective logging. REFERENCES Common event expression. Web, September 26, 2011. . Event log monitoring, event log management, syslog monitoring. Web, September 26, 2011. . Log analysis mailing list “World Domination” thread. . Some error messages and problems with DNS. ). Syntax resources on the web. . 49 This page is intentionally left blank CHAP TER 3 Log Data Sources INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: n n Logging Sources Log Source Classification CONTENTS Introduction................51 Logging Sources........51 Syslog.................................52 INTRODUCTION The first step of the log analysis process is to understand what a log source is. Some applications and systems log by default, some do not. In some cases, the application may be sending log data, but there is nothing to receive it. In this chapter, we are going to show how to get basic logging enabled for systems and applications. Since the default settings for some applications/systems are not necessarily sufficient, we are also going to show how you can improve the quality of your logs by tuning application settings. And in a few cases, we show tools that you can use to augment the logs with information not provided by the application. The overall goal is to provide examples that will help get you thinking about how you can set up logging in your environment and also augment what you already have. Basic Logging with syslogd.... 53 Syslog Message Classification............................ 54 The “Mark” Facility.................. 55 Syslog Priority........................... 55 Syslog.conf................................ 56 The Mark Interval..................... 57 Syslogd Output......................... 58 The Syslog Protocol.................. 58 SNMP.................................58 Managers and Agents.............. 59 SNMP Traps and Notifications.............................. 59 SNMP Get.................................. 60 SNMP Set.................................. 60 Issues with SNMP as a Log Data Alternative................ 60 The Windows Event Log.....................................62 LOGGING SOURCES Log Source Classification..............63 We’ll first look at various logging systems and the format of the data they collect. Log sources fall into two general categories: Security-Related Host Logs..........................64 Push-based. Pull-based. With push-based log sources, the device or application emits a message either to local disk or over the network. If it’s over the network, you must have a log collector ready to receive this message. The three main push-based sources are Logging and Log Management http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00003-8 © 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. Operating System Logs........... 64 Network Daemon Logs............ 66 Application Logs...................... 68 Security-Related Network Logs...................................68 Network Infrastructure Logs........................................... 68 51 52 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources Security Host Logs............68 Host Intrusion Detection and Prevention.......................... 68 Summary....................70 CONFIGURATION Configuring Log Data Sources This chapter will provide an example syslog configuration for Unix. We will not provide examples of different log source types. The reason being is most log sources will either have ample documentation provided by the vendor or, in the case of open source log sources, Google searches can provide guidance on configuring such tools. Syslog, SNMP, and the Windows Event Log. These are protocols over which log message are transmitted. Technically, the Windows Event Log encompases the protocol, transport mechanism, storage, and retrieval. With pull-based, an application pulls the log message from the source. This method almost always relies on a client-server model. Most systems which operate in this manner store their log data in some proprietary format. For example, Checkpoint offers the OPSEC C library which developers can use to write applications to pull Checkpoint firewall logs. Other products use databases like MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL, etc. to store their data. Pulling logs from a database is somewhat easy and can be done in a script or program. Let’s take a look at the three most common log source protocols. Up first is a look at the syslog protocol. Syslog You have already seen syslog message examples in Chapters 1 and 2. This section is more about the protocol itself. Syslog is used on Unix system by the kernel and many applications for logging messages. Syslog was originally built for collecting debugging information. As a result, it has some limitations that are not optimal for security log analysis. Regardless, syslog has become the most common method of recording application events on UNIX based systems. Syslog consists of the syslog daemon (syslogd). It is normally started and stopped at boot and shutdown, respectively. Applications communicate with syslogd via the syslog(3) library calls. Syslogd receives log records from applications and the kernel via a Unix domain socket. Syslogd can also optionally receive data from remote hosts via UDP messages on port 514. Modern versions and syslog replacements such as rsyslog and syslog-ng also work with TCP. Syslogd behavior is controlled by a configuration file, usually /etc/syslog.conf. The daemon reads log messages from the Unix domain socket /dev/log (the name may vary between flavors of Unix/Linux), and writes to one or more output files or forwards the logs via UDP to a collection host. Changes to the Logging Sources configuration file require sending a SIGHUP to the syslogd process to re-read the new configuration. Syslogd is normally started at boot time, but to start it manually, just run “syslogd.” Standard arguments to syslogd allow specifying the location of the configuration file, the “mark interval” (explained below), whether or not to accept data from the network, and the path to the Unix domain socket. The particular names for the options vary with different flavors of Unix/Linux. For instance, Linux uses “-r” to enable accepting logs from other hosts (“remote”), whereas OSX uses “-u” for the same thing. Some versions of syslogd accept remote messages automatically, without requiring any command-line arguments. These options usually have default values, the command-line arguments are used to override the defaults. Consult your local man page for information specific to your operating system. The content of the default syslogd configuration file (/etc/syslog.conf) also varies between distributions. Most configurations do not log everything by default, and some log different things to different files. You should always examine the syslog configuration file to determine if it is logging the things you want it to log. Basic Logging with syslogd So, how to get started logging with syslogd? We recommend a simple approach: log everything to a single file on the local host (we’ll talk much later on about whether or not logging everything is a good idea in the long run). Logging everything to a single file has two advantages. First, you can browse one file and see what’s being logged. And if you don’t know what’s being logged, how are you going to make decisions on what should be logged where, anyways? Second, since later we’re going to be forwarding this message to a central loghost, the local copy remains for troubleshooting and backup purposes. To get everything logged in one file, put this in syslog.conf (the meaning and syntax of this is explained later): *.debug /var/log/messages You can use a different pathname if you like, this is the one we’re going to use as an example. If you do, you may have to create the (empty) file before syslog will write to it (we’ll say more about that later in the chapter). You can comment out other lines in the file, to avoid redundantly writing the same information to more than one file. Place a “#” in front of the lines that you want to comment out or disable. Use ps to get the process-ID of your syslog daemon (syslogd) 53 54 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources # ps -ef | grep syslog root 3344 1 0 Oct20 ? 00:00:01 syslogd -m 0 send a SIGHUP to the process: kill –HUP 3344 and look in the file /var/log/messages. You should see a message like this: Oct 23 17:08:22 somehost syslogd 1.4.1: restart. possibly followed by (a lot of) other messages. Voila! You are now recording everything that is being sent to the syslog daemon. It is important to note that on some versions of Unix, the syslog daemon does not listen for incoming requests from remote systems by default. This means that remote systems that have application that can emit Syslog log messages will not be able to log to a central place, i.e. a central log server. In most cases a special flag will need to be passed to the syslog daemon at startup. Recall that on most flavors of Linux this is the −r option, while OS-X uses a −u option. Consult your syslog daemon’s manual to be certain. Soon we’ll discuss what the messages that you are seeing in your log file mean. But right now we’re going to explain what you just did from a configuration standpoint. Syslog Message Classification Syslog messages have two attributes used by syslogd to decide how to route them: a facility and a priority. The facility is intended to give a general classification of where the message was generated. The priority ... The facility is one of a fixed set—you can’t make up your own facility and just start using it. The set of facilities you can use are: auth Authpriv Cron Daemon Kern Lpr Mail Mark News Syslog User Non-sensitive authentication information. On Linux, the name “security” can also be used. Sensitive authentication information (things that you might not want in a generally readable log file) Cron activity Messages from any daemon Messages generated by the kernel Messages from the printing system Messages from the mail transport agent Internal messages generated at a regular interval Messages from the Usenet news system Messages from the syslog daemon Messages from command-line utilities (e.g. logger) Logging Sources Uucp local0 through local7 Messages from the uucp system Messages from “custom” applications. Intended for things like in-house applications. The names of these facilities vary slightly between different Unix/Linux distributions, and some OSes have a few categories that the others don’t. For example, OS-X also has a facility called “install.” Solaris 9 does not have the “syslog” or “authpriv” facilities. Consult your man pages for your operating system. Note that the application programmer chooses the facility, and there are no restrictions on the choice. A programmer could choose to use the mail facility or the kern facility, even if her programs were neither a mail program nor a kernel program. The “Mark” Facility There is one special facility called “mark.” This facility is used internally by syslog, which generates a mark message at regular intervals like the following: Oct 23 17:54:00 somehost -- MARK – The purpose of the mark facility is to verify that the syslog daemon is working even if no messages have been received by it. Mark messages are useful for monitoring whether a system is up and running, and for determining when a host has crashed—you use the time of the last mark message before the crash to determine (approximately) the time of failure. The default interval, if not specified on the command line, is twenty minutes, but some distributions have startup scripts which turn off the mark messages completely (with a mark interval of zero). Syslog Priority The priority of a message is ostensibly to indicate the importance of a message. The set of available priorities is (in increasing order of severity): n n n n n n n n debug. info. notice. warn. err. crit. alert. emerg. Again, the priority attached to any given event is chosen by the application programmer, so there are no guarantees that the severity is actually meaningful. 55 56 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources The practical application of the combination of facility and priority is that it is used by the syslog daemon for a rudimentary form of filtering of messages. This filtering is specified in the syslog.conf file. Syslog.conf The syslog.conf file contains one or more lines with the following format ... ... The specifies which types of messages to which the given line applies, and specifies what to do with that message. The is a combination of a facility and a priority separated by a period, e.g. daemon.debug. A given selector will match all messages of that facility at the specified priority or higher. This means that kern.info matches kern.info up though kern.crit (or whatever the highest priority is). Traditional syslog does not allow you to specify only a single priority to match, only the lowest priority to match. Multiple facilities can be given for a single priority by separating them with commas, e.g. daemon,lpr.debug specifies both daemon.debug and lpr.debug. “*” can be used in place of a facility name to specify all facilities. Multiple selectors can be given on the same line by separating them with a “;”, e.g. daemon,info;mail.crit. Finally, the keyword “none” can be given as a priority, which negates any previous selectors on the same line, which can be used with a wildcard to select everything except a particular facility, e.g. *.info;mail.none” will select everything at the info priority, except for messages for the mail facility. The selector and the action are separated by the character. While newer versions of syslogd will accept in addition to , older versions die a rather ugly death if is found on the line. The action taken for a selector can be one of three things: append the message to a file or a pipe, forward the message to syslogd on another host, and/or write the message to a user’s terminal. The most common action used is to append the message to a file, by specifying the full path to the file. For example: mail.debug /var/log/mail.log On many versions of syslogd, the file has to already exist for syslogd to write to it; syslogd will not create the file if it does not exist. If the file does not exist, you can create the file with touch or if you prefer, cp /dev/null (the advantage of using touch is that will not be destroyed if it already exists, which is useful for shell scripts). The same action can be used to write messages to devices. The most common example is to write to the system console (/dev/console). In ancient times, Logging Sources consoles were actually hardcopy terminals (e.g. decwriters), and “important” messages would be written to the console so that when the system crashed, the administrators could go look at the printout and try and deduce what was happening at the time of the crash. Of course, in those days, systems were much slower, and fewer services were running, so the amount of information printed on the console was manageable. Plus, in those days, disks were expensive, and paper was relatively inexpensive. Forwarding log messages to another host is done by giving a hostname with “@” prepended to it as the action, e.g. *.info @loghost.mydomain The loghost may be a hostname or an IP address. The advantage of specifying an IP address is that messages will be forwarded even if DNS is not working when the syslog daemon is started. Messages to the remote host are sent via UDP, and no response is expected, so a failure of the remote host will not prevent syslogd from running on the local host (this is both good and bad, we will discuss it more below). Finally, the third possible action is to write the message to a user’s terminal. The user, of course, must be logged in for the message to appear. This is done by just specifying the username in the action, e.g.: kern.crit kjs This example will cause all kernel messages of priority crit and higher to be written to any tty owned by anton. Note that this action should be used judiciously, sending *.debug to user “anton” will probably make anton rather unhappy. Messages can be sent to all users by specifying “*” as the action. This special case is usually reserved for very critical events, normally those which indicate an impending system crash, e.g.: kern.emerg * Some syslog daemons have additional features which can be controlled through the configuration file. For example, some syslogds allow you to limit from which hosts the loghost will accept syslog messages. We recommend you Read the Fine Man page for your system(s) to find out what extra features you might have. The Mark Interval As we mentioned above, the frequency of the “mark” message can usually be set as a command-line argument, with a granularity of one minute. The default is usually twenty minutes. There are trade-offs in determining the “right” 57 58 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources interval for mark messages. A small value such as one minute will give you pretty precise timing as to when a host (or at least, the syslog daemon) is up or down. However, if you have thousands of hosts sending mark messages to your central loghost every minute, you’re going to have an awful lot of traffic on your network just for those messages. But you’ll probably want to have some mark interval, so that you can verify that syslog is actually working. Syslogd Output Syslogd writes messages as ASCII text, terminated with newlines. So no special viewer is needed for reading the files, any text viewer will work. However, we do not recommend using “vi” or any other editor for examining the log files. For one thing, log files can get really big, and your editor may very well choke on them. But more importantly, reading log files with a text editor creates the risk that you’ll inadvertently modify the log file, which can be a big no-no if you need the log data for legal or business purposes. And it’s good system administration practice to not use a text editor on a file unless you intend to modify the file. The Syslog Protocol For many years, the standard RFC for the Syslog protocol was RFC3194 (http:// www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3164.txt). Now RFC5424 (http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc5424) is the new proposed draft standard for the Syslog protocol. In other words, RFC5424 obsoletes RFC3194. RFC5424 is a much-needed revamp of the older Syslog protocol. One of the biggest changes to the protocol is the specification of timestamps that adhere to RFC3339 (http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc3339). The older protocol didn’t specify much in the way of a timestamps. If you were lucky the log message you received contained the bare minimum of month, day, hour and, second. Typically there was no year in the timestamp and time zone information was nonexistent. This made it very difficult from an analysis standpoint. RFC5424 also adds structured data such as name=value pairs to syslog which promises to dramatically simplify automated log analysis. We encourage you to review the RFCs presented and get a basic feel for what the protocol is and has to offer. SNMP SNMP was designed to meet the growing needs of network managers. Since the early 1990s, SNMP has been integrated into almost every network-able system you can think of, including many network security systems. SNMP is a protocol for querying and ­configuring devices. SNMP traps and notifications are a particular type of SNMP message which is generated by a device when a Logging Sources particular event occurs. While the SNMP protocol as a whole is not a logging system, SNMP traps or notifications can be considered types of log messages. While many network devices are capable of sending event information via syslog, some are not, especially some older devices, thus SNMP traps and notifications are a method of getting event information from devices which you otherwise could not collect. And in some cases, the type of information sent via SNMP is different than that sent over Syslog. There are multiple versions of SNMP, versions 1, 2, and 3, commonly known as SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3. Covering SNMP in fine detail is beyond the scope of this book, so we’ll just focus on traps/notifications, gets and sets. The following sections introduce these topics, but first we need to discuss the concept of managers and agents. Managers and Agents SNMP managed devices are typically controlled by a network management station (NMS). The NMS polls devices periodically, querying for status information, sends configuration changes as necessary. The NMS also listens for traps or notifications. In this manner, the NMS functions similarly to a centralized log collector. The primary reason to support SNMP is so log events can be exported to traditional NMS’s like HP’s OpenView. But they can also be exported to log collection systems. The exact manner of configuring SNMP traps varies with each device. This document at the following link describes in more detail how to configure all aspects of SNMP on IOS 12: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_2/ configfun/configuration/guide/fcf014.html. This document is a good mix of general introduction to SNMP as well as practical guide to configuring SNMP which, while geared toward IOS, is general enough that it can be used as a guide to other systems. As with syslog, something has to be listening for the SNMP traps. The receiver can be a NMS, or you can run some SNMP daemon on your favorite flavor of Unix. Net-SNMP is the most popular open source SNMP toolkit. It is comprised of useful command-line tools and an SNMP trap daemon (snmpd) which runs on most flavors of Unix and Windows. The official Web site is http://www.net-snmp.org/ SNMP Traps and Notifications SNMP traps are part of the SNMPv1 protocol. SNMP notifications are part of the SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 protocols. The key difference between traps and notifications is that notifications include the ability for the receiver to send an acknowledgement back to the sender. The device has to be configured to 59 60 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources generate the message, including which events generate messages, and where to send the messages. As with Syslog, SNMP is implemented over UDP, and thusly suffers from the same reliability issues as Syslog. In 2002, CERT found vulnerabilities with many commercial implementations of SNMP. Today this is largely a forgotten issue, and vendors have tried to put their best foot forward in addressing these security issues. But it is nonetheless worthwhile to be aware of its existence. SNMPv2 notifications allow for an acknowledgement to be sent back from the receiver, at least providing more reliable message delivery than unidirectional UDP messages. Also as with syslog, SNMPv1 traps are sent in clear text and are not authenticated. They are therefore subject to the same types of spoofing attacks. SNMPv2 notifications are also sent in clear text. SNMPv3 has optional authentication of messages, which protects against spoofing attacks at the cost of some CPU cycles at both the sender and receiver. SNMP Get The SNMP protocol allows for a get operation which allows you to retrieve information from a device or system. What exactly can you get? This varies greatly depending on what the device in question has implemented. For example, routers will track things like bytes sent and received for each interface. Operating systems will often allow you to get information on CPU usage, memory usage, etc. It is possible for you to get information from a device or system which can aid you in log analysis. But, in reality, this is neither practical nor a reality. In the network management world there is a concept called trap-directed polling. This means that when you receive an SNMP trap of some sort, you initiate a poll of the device using an SNMP get to retrieve additional information to further correlate or validate the trap you just received. But, in general, security devices which send traps do just that: they send traps but don’t track anything which can be “gotten.” SNMP Set For completeness we will briefly discuss the SNMP set. As its name implies, the SNMP set allows you to change the value of something on a remote system. For example, network bridges implement a certain specification which allows you to use and SNMP set to turn a switch port up and down. In order to do this you need to know the MAC address of the host attached to the particular port. Issues with SNMP as a Log Data Alternative As mentioned earlier, one big problem with Syslog messages is that there is no standardized format. This means that vendor ABC’s log messages will more Logging Sources than likely be different than vendor XYZ’s. With SNMP, however, the situation is only slightly better. SNMP makes use of what is called a MIB, or Management Information Base. At a high level this is a definition of, among other things, which traps or notifications a particular system supports. The following is a notification from the Snort MIB: sidaAlertGeneric NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sidaSensorVersion, sidaSensorAddressType, sidaSensorAddress, sidaAlertTimeStamp, sidaAlertActionsTaken, sidaAlertMsg, sidaAlertMoreInfo, sidaAlertSrcAddressType, sidaAlertSrcAddress, sidaAlertDstAddressType, sidaAlertDstAddress, sidaAlertSrcPort, sidaAlertDstPort, sidaAlertImpact, sidaAlertEventPriority, sidaAlertSrcMacAddress, sidaAlertDstMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sida Alert Generic Trap is sent whenever an event is detected by snort (rules) and no specific Alert is found applicable." ::= { sidaAlertTypes 1 } It’s not important to look at the details of the structure and meaning of this notification. We just want to give a general idea of what SNMP is about. One thing to point out is the OBJECTS section of the definition. These are the individual event details that will be sent in the notification. For example, the sidaSensorVersion is defined in the same MIB as: sidaSensorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " the version number of the sensor that detected the event." ::= { sidaSensorEntry 3} This gives us an idea of what this particular detail may look like, in this case it’s a string that represents the version of Snort which reported the notification. 61 62 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources Unfortunately, even though MIBs provide a strong framework for providing well formatted, understandable messages, vendors rarely provide such. There are a number of ways in which vendors screw it up. For example, the MIB may not match up with the actual trap or notification sent by the device or system. Or, changes are made to the underlying SNMP implementation, and the MIB is not updates and quickly gets out of sync. Then when end users like us go to use the MIB to figure out what the traps might look like, they are at best confused, if not completely misled. Finally, instead of spending time creating a MIB much like the Snort one above, a vendor will create a trap that sends a single variable in the trap, as a free-form text string. The result is equally difficult to parse as Syslog messages. In fact, many vendors just take the exact same message they would send as a Syslog message and wrapper it in an SNMP trap. So SNMP may not be the best thing for collecting log information, but it may be the only way to get it from some devices. The Windows Event Log Microsoft decided a long time ago to invent their own log sourcing and collection system. This system is called the Event Log. It has evolved over the years and has been around almost as long as Windows. Today’s Event Log has some advanced features. The Event Log is used to collect and review primarily two types of logs: Windows Logs. Application Logs. Windows Logs encompasses at least Application, Security, and System. Of importance is the Security log. This is where logons, logoffs, resource access (shares, files, etc.) are logged. The Application Logs are pretty self-explanatory. Applications can write to this log to relay status, errors, and other noteworthy items. Let’s take a quick look at an Event Log. To launch the viewer you can run by going here: Control Panel->System and Security->Administrative Tools>View Event Logs. This brings up the Event Viewer. Figure 3.1 shows the viewer. On the left pane of the window are the various log message types. In the middle are the actual log message for the type you have selected (in this case Security). Below the log message in the middle are the details for the log message. If you double-click the log message, you will get a pop-up message similar to that in Figure 3.2. Log Source Classification Figure 3.2 shows details of the log message you selected. Depending on the type of log message you will see things like the following: Event Id (4624 in Figure 3.2). Account name. Domain. Resource (in the case of file or directory access). Status (was the request successful or not). While what the built-in log viewer shows you is great, http://eventid.net/ is a resource you can use to get more insight into what a given event means. If you have the Event Id you can use this Web site to pull up more detail on the event. Figure 3.3 is a snippet from this Web site for the Event Id 4624. As you can see, there is more content beyond that found in the actual log detail in Figure 3.2. Chapters 8 and 15 discuss the Windows Event Viewer in terms of ease of management of this invaluable resource. LOG SOURCE CLASSIFICATION The following sections provide examples of applications and systems which generate log data. FIGURE 3.1 Windows Event Viewer 63 64 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources FIGURE 3.2 Event Detail For Event 4624 Security-Related Host Logs This category covers host logs produced by operating system components, various network services logs as well as other applications running on the system. While many of the messages are only or primarily produced for performance tracking, audit or troubleshooting reasons, a vast majority of them is also useful for security. Operating System Logs Operating systems log an amazing variety of messages. Let’s review some of the security relevant types of messages produced by the operating systems: Log Source Classification FIGURE 3.3 Windows Event Viewer n Authentication: user logged, failed to log and so on. Example (Linux syslog): Jan 2 08:44:54 ns1 sshd2[23661]: User anton, coming from, authenticated. This example is a Linux syslog line related to remote user authenticating with Secure Shell (SSH) daemon: n System startup, shutdown, and reboot. Example (Linux syslog): Nov 4 00:34:08 localhost shutdown: shutting down for system reboot 65 66 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources This example is a Linux syslog line related to system shutdown: n Service startup, shutdown and status change. Example (Solaris syslog): Nov 5 13:13:24 solinst sendmail[412]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting daemon (8.11.6+Sun): SMTP+queueing@00:15:00 This example is a Linux syslog line related to sendmail daemon starting up: n Service crash. Example (Linux syslog): Jan 3 12:20:28 ns1 ftpd: service shut down This example is a Linux syslog line related to FTP server shutting down involuntarily (it might be due to a crash or a kill command): n Miscellaneous status messages. Example (Linux syslog): Nov 20 15:45:59 localhost ntpd[1002]: precision = 24 usec This example is a Linux syslog line related to a time synchronization daemon (NTPD) Overall, the operating system messages are considered security-relevant for two main reasons: 1. They are useful for intrusion detection, since successful and failed attacks often leave unique traces in the logs. Host intrusion detection systems (HIDS) and security information and event management systems (SIEMs) collect the messages and can make judgments about the past and upcoming (in case of seeing traces of attacker’s reconnaissance activity in logs) threats. 2. They are also useful for incident response, (see Chapter 16) since successful attacks will happen despite the presence of various security safeguards. As we noted in many chapters, logs are paramount for incident response since they allow the investigators to “piece together” the disjoint pieces of the intrusion puzzle. Network Daemon Logs Network daemons usually log security-relevant messages of the following categories: n Connection established to the service. Log Source Classification Example (Linux syslog): Dec 26 06:45:14 ns1 popper[14251]: (v4.0.5) POP login by user "anton" at ( This message from a Linux syslog shows a successful connection to a POP3 mail daemon by a remote user “anton.” n Connection failed to server. Example (Linux syslog): Dec 28 01:54:16 ns1 xinetd[14923]: FAIL: telnet libwrap from= This message from a Linux syslog shows a connection failure (due to access controls) to a telnet service. n Connection was established, but access was not allowed. Example (Linux syslog): Dec 13 08:45:00 ns1 sshd2[18120]: connection lost: 'Connection closed.' This message from a Linux syslog shows an unsuccessful connection to the Secure Shell server. n Various failure messages. Example (Linux syslog): Dec 26 06:47:12 ns1 sendmail[14259]: iBQBkZc14259: lost input channel from [] to MTA after rcpt This message from a Linux syslog shows a failure of a sendmail daemon to continue talking to a client (likely a spam program). n Various status messages. Example (Linux syslog): Dec 26 06:47:12 ns1 sendmail[14259]: iBQBkZc14259: from=, size=0, class=0, nrcpts=2, proto=SMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=[] This message from a Linux syslog indicates a successful Email tranfer. The network daemon logs are usually as useful as the general operating system logs. In fact, they are commonly logged to the same place; for example, on Unix and Windows the same logging mechanism is commonly used. 67 68 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources Network daemons present of the most common entryways into the system remotely and many of the attacks are targeted against them. Thus, having robust logging is crucial in this environment. Application Logs Applications also log an amazing variety of messages. We can boil down the types of things applications log to a single list: n n n n Application user activity. Privileged user activity. Routine but critical activity. Reconfiguration. Security-Related Network Logs This category covers network logs generated by network infrastructure. Routers and switches generate an amazing variety of log messages, which are related to their operation as well as traffic passing through them. Network Infrastructure Logs Network infrastructure includes routers, switches and other devices that comprise networks and tie desktops and servers together. Logs from such devices play a critical role in security. The most common messages fall into the following categories: n n n n n Logins and logouts. Connection established to the service. Bytes transferred in and out. Reboots. Configuration changes. Security Host Logs This category covers host logs from applications with a security mission running on a host for protection. Unlike the above logs that might or might not be relevant to security in each specific case, these security logs are always interesting since they relate to attacks, intrusions, compromises infections, etc. However, in many cases the security gear will be lying to you, producing false alarms of various types (such as the well-known “false positives.”) Host Intrusion Detection and Prevention Host intrusion detection systems (HIDS) and intrusion prevention systems (HIPS) definition and mission have evolved since early 1990s when the first Log Source Classification commercial systems of that type were introduced. By the way, the first systems actually looked at logs and tried to apply intrusion trace signatures to those logs. The HIDS mission was extended to also watch for file systems changes and other unauthorized system modifications. Nowadays, such systems detect and block a wide variety of network, operating system and application attacks. While HIDS only alert, HIPS can also block attacks based on signatures, dynamic rules or other mechanisms. Most of the event records generated by such systems are related to: n n Reconnaissance or probe detected. Changes to executable files. Example (Dragon HIDS): 2002-10-11|10:38:38|labdragon-hids|FTP:NESSUSPROBE|||0|0|I||0|target:,file:messages| This message from a Dragon host sensor (formerly known as Dragon Squire) shows a Nessus vulnerability scanner probe detected by watching the FTP log. n Attack detected. Example (Linux syslog): Dec 26 06:47:12 ns1 sendmail[14259]: iBQBkZc14259: lost input channel from [] to MTA after rcpt This message from a Linux syslog shows: n Attack detected and blocked. Example (Linux syslog): Dec 26 06:47:12 ns1 sendmail[14259]: iBQBkZc14259: lost input channel from [] to MTA after rcpt This message from a Linux syslog shows: n Successful intrusion detected. Example (Linux syslog): Dec 26 06:47:12 ns1 sendmail[14259]: iBQBkZc14259: lost input channel from [] to MTA after rcpt 69 70 CHAPTER 3: Log Data Sources This message from a Linux syslog shows: n Insecure system reconfiguration or corruption. Example (Dragon HIDS): 2002-10-11|10:32:11|labdragonhids|FILE:DELETED|||0|0|I||0|target:,f ile:/etc/inetd.conf| This message from a Dragon host sensor (formerly known as Dragon Squire) shows a critical system file deletion alert. n Authentication or authorization failed. Example (Dragon HIDS): 2002-10-11|10:38:38|labdragon-hids|LOGINFAILED|||0|0|I||0|target:,file:messag es| SUMMARY This chapter covered a lot of ground. The focus was on presenting concepts by way of example. The ideas presented in this chapter are by no means exhaustive. They are meant to give you a basis for what is possible so you can go on to solve problems in your own environment. CHAP TER 4 Log Storage Technologies INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: n n n n n n Log Retention Policy Log Storage Formats Database Storage of Log Data Hadoop Log Storage The Cloud and Hadoop Log Data Retrieval and Archiving CONTENTS Introduction................71 Log Retention Policy..........................71 Log Storage Formats.......................73 Text-Based Log Files........73 Flat Text Files............................ 74 Indexed Flat Text Files............. 75 INTRODUCTION Storage of logs and being able to quickly retrieve and analyze logs is a critical issue within an organization. Log records retained by small- to mediumsized businesses can grow into the size of terabytes or petabytes of data very quickly. This data is stored in a variety of formats in an organization and we will explore the numerous retention strategies to match environmental and compliance needs. LOG RETENTION POLICY Developing a log retention policy will lay the groundwork for reviewing the retention topics covered in this chapter. The policy that you design for your organization will drive many of the decisions that will need to be made about the type of storage, size, cost, retrieval speed, and archive and destruction requirements for your log data. We will go through a process of creating a retention strategy, based on the following factors explained below. A number of stakeholders from the security, compliance, and business management groups in your organization should be involved in the plan creation process to end up with a logical, useful, and Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00004-X © 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. Binary Files.......................76 Compressed Files.............76 Database Storage of Log Data.................78 Advantages.......................78 Disadvantages..................78 Defining Database Storage Goals....................79 What to Store?.......................... 79 Fast Retrieval............................ 80 Reporting................................... 81 Hadoop Log Storage........................81 Advantages.......................82 Disadvantages..................82 The Cloud and Hadoop.......................82 Getting Started with Amazon Elastic MapReduce.......................83 Navigating the Amazon..............................83 Uploading Logs to Amazon Simple Storage Services (S3)........84 71 72 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies Create a Pig Script to Analyze an Apache Access Log........................86 Processing Log Data in Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)............87 appropriately scoped plan that will not be overly cost prohibitive, but still meet the needs of the organization. The following items should be reviewed when developing your log retention policy: Log Data Retrieval and Archiving............89 There a number of robust compliance requirements placed on many industries today. Examples include the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) with a very specific log retention period of one year, PCI DSS section 10.7 (PCI Security Standards Council, 2010); the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) rules mention specific times for specific types of logs; other regulations call for retention of specific types of logs but do not state a time period. This guidance helps lay the foundation and minimum requirements for a retention policy. 2. Review the organization’s risk posture: Online................................90 Near-line............................90 Offline................................90 Summary....................90 References..................91 1. Assess applicable compliance requirements: n Internal versus external risks drive the retention period for various parts of your network. The length of time and importance of the logs may vary wildly in each of these risk areas for an organization. Keep in mind that if you focus on using logs for investigating the internal threats, the retention period needs to be longer, as such incidents are often not discovered for years, but when discovered, cause an urgent need to “get to the bottom of it!” 3. Look at various log sources and the size of the logs generated: n Firewalls, servers, databases, web proxies—not only based on need, but also on the typical log volume and the size and type of each log record generated. There is a wide variety on the volume of logs you will get from each type of device or application. For example, logs from the main firewalls will generate a massive volume of logs and as such should most likely only be stored for 30 days simply due to the storage requirements of long-term retention of this log data. However, an organization’s compliance needs, such as PCI DSS, and the criticality of the main firewall should be closely evaluated to determine if a longer retention period is required. Also you may have log sources that produce logs that you don’t have the tools necessary to analyze the logs, like custom applications and unsupported operating systems. 4. Review available storage options: n n Log storage options range from disks, DVDs, WORMs, tape, RDBMS, log-specific storage, and cloud-based storage. A decision on this is mostly about price, capacity, and speed of access and—what is VERY important is the ability to get to the right log records in a reasonable period of time. Tape is known to be a cheap option, but is notorious Log Storage Formats for its inability to efficiently search the stored records and may require human intervention to locate the proper tape and restore the data for analysis. The longevity of the media will need to be considered here as well and how often the media should be rewritten to meet a retention period requirement. For example, seven years for cheap writable CDs or DVDs is probably a stretch. Technology formats age and the availability to purchase drives for reading tapes and disks may become scarce. Table 4.1 is an example of an online business that focused most of the security strategy outwards. Table 4.1 Example Retention Policy for an Online Business (Chuvakin, 2011) Type Network Storage Tier Retention Period Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Firewall Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Internal Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Internal Internal Online 90 days Online 30 days Online Archive 90 days 3 years Archive Archive 5 years 1 year Servers All Critical Other The retention time and the space requirements to retain the logs in an organization can be overwhelming at first. The rest of this chapter will review the types of log formats that will be encountered and strategies to maintain and store log files in accordance with the policy for your organization. LOG STORAGE FORMATS In this section, we will cover a number of log storage formats. Our network devices, applications, and operating systems produce a multitude of different formats and in many cases the logs will be stored in a text-based, binary, or compressed format. Text-Based Log Files Text-based logging is the most abundant type of log found due to low cost for systems to generate these types of logs and the inclusion of frameworks in many existing computer languages that ease the generation of text-based logs. The popularity and abundance of systems that log to text-based files is a result of the many benefits to this format. 73 74 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies Benefits: n n n It is a very inexpensive operation in terms of CPU and I/O resources for an application to write to a text-based log file. The format is typically human readable and can be processed and reviewed with common text manipulation tools, such as grep and awk, that are native to many flavors of the Unix/Linux operating systems. A number of common text-based log formats exist, such as syslog, that ease operational and security team’s ability to centralize and parse logs in a common way and create a more powerful log management system. Flat Text Files Flat text files are in many ways as the name implies, a flat schema-less file that may follow a common pattern or be free form. Typically a system will create a new log file and continue to append to this file as long as there is disk space or until a system process, like logrotate that we will discuss later, instructs the system to begin a new log file and archive the current one. This format tends to be in chronological order with the oldest events at the beginning of the file and the most current activity at the end. One of the more common formats adopted by many systems is the syslog format. From Chapters 1, 2, and 3, we learned that many servers are configured to send their logs via syslog on port 514 utilizing the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The logs sent via syslog exist on disk prior to being sent and have a very simple and specific format. The following is a typical syslog formatted log message: May 1 00:14:54 Mac-mini kernel[0]: HFS: Very Low Disk: freeblks: 0, dangerlimit: 334 May 1 00:30:47 Mac-mini kernel[0]: add_fsevent: unable to get path for vp 0xffffff80154a3d10 (system.log; ret 22; type 4) May 1 00:30:47 Mac-mini kernel[0]: add_fsevent: unabled to get a path for vp 0xffffff80154a3d10. dropping the event. May 1 06:45:55 Mac-mini kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero May 1 15:15:20 Mac-mini kernel[0]: 0 0 AppleUSBCDC: start - initDevice failed May 1 15:15:20 Mac-mini kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000A2700229F4191 0x5ac 0x1266 0x1 A notable benefit of long-term storage of log data in flat text files is the abundance of tools to read and review data in this format. There are many tools on every platform that can easily access and read data in this format. This becomes an important feature if you will need to read and review the data 5,7, or 10 Log Storage Formats SYSLOG Syslog is a very widely used logging format and is the defacto logging format across many systems including Unix/Linux. Though it is heavily used, it has not been formally standardized. Due to the lack of standardization, implementations may vary widely across systems and may make cross-platform correlation of events difficult in some environments. The more common use of syslog is the BSD syslog protocol and is defined at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3164.txt. Though not a true standard, this reference can be used to help correlate data across systems that adhere to this RFC. years in the future and will need tools capable of processing and correlating events. Indexed Flat Text Files One of the limitations organizations quickly run into with flat text files is the ability to query, sort, and retrieve key elements from a flat text quickly to find meaningful trends across the platforms they are managing. Also, as the log files quickly grow into gigabytes, terabytes, and petabytes of data, using traditional grep, awk, and text-based search tools because an exercise in patience and quickly becomes a very time-intensive process. Indexed flat text files are a way of organizing data from the log files so the key elements of the logs can be queried more quickly. Many organizations may start off adopting indexed flat text log files as their organizations grow and they begin centralizing their log information and quickly realize they need structure to generate reports and to aid in the destruction of log data once it has aged beyond the required retention period. Indexed flat files share many of the advantages of flat text files with quick data insertion and maintaining a human-readable format to the data. An example of flat file indexing is a strategy used by a log retention utility which we will discuss in Chapter 15, OSSEC. OSSEC organizes logs it receives in the following directory structure: /var/ossec/logs/alerts/2011 /var/ossec/logs/alerts/2011/Jan /var/ossec/logs/alerts/2011/Feb /var/ossec/logs/alerts/2011/Mar … From the structure, it is noted that logs are organized based on the year and month the log event was received. So if we wanted to review the web server logs from January 2011, we could go to the directory “/var/ossec/logs/alerts/2011/ Jan” and begin using our analysis tools on the January logs. 75 76 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies There are also a number of utilities designed to generate indexes to speed the searching and analysis of logs. One of the more powerful utilities is Apache Lucene Core at http://lucene.apache.org/core/. Lucene is a Java-based framework that aids in the generation of indexes to enable full text search logging and integrating into utilities to aid in the searching and analysis of logs. Binary Files Binary log files as the name indicates are machine-readable log files that applications generate that require special utilities or tools to read and process them. Some examples of the more common binary log files you will encounter in environments are Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) logs and Windows Event logs. In many environments with mainframes or custom applications, the log files may also be encoded in binary or machine-specific formats like Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) that will need tools to decode them and read them on Intel and PC hardware platforms. The long-term storage of binary log files will pose a number of challenges to your organization. Items to consider before storing and retaining binary log files in their native format are: n n The availability of tools to read the log files 5, 7, or 10 years in the future. It is probably highly unlikely that you will keep a Windows NT server around 10 years from now to read and perform forensics on your legacy IIS 6.0 web server logs! Binary log files tend to be efficient in terms of usage of disk space. However, they also do not compress well. Compressed binary files can occupy 90% of their original size. By contrast, text-based files may only occupy 10% of their original size when compressed. This may increase the storage space needs for binary files compared to text-based logging. Compressed Files Most of the systems that generate logs will typically begin a new log file once a log grows to a specific size, or a configured time period of daily, weekly, monthly, etc (Kent and Souppaya, 2006). The previous log file is typically renamed and archived on the system’s disks in an uncompressed format so it can still be easily accessed and queried. As a log file ages, a log file becomes less relevant for day-to-day reports, and log review tasks, but is still critical for meeting the compliance retention period and in performing forensics. In many cases we will still want the log files to be quickly accessible, but with a smaller footprint on disk to save precious space for additional logging and other system process needs. Compressing the log files on the system is a mechanism that will address these needs and save precious disk space. Log Storage Formats On Unix/Linux systems, there is a handy utility called logrotate that will help manage the number of log files you retain and additionally compress logs. The following shows an example configuration file for logrotate to rotate syslog messages. There is additional information on this utility for the reader at http:// linuxcommand.org/man_pages/logrotate8.html: (Troan and Brown, 2002) # sample logrotate configuration file compress /var/log/messages { rotate 5 weekly postrotate /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd endscript } Let’s review the settings and how they help us rotate, compress, and maintain our syslog events. Table 4.2 Logrotate Settings, Example for Compressing and Retaining Syslog Messages (Chuvakin, 2011) Setting Configuration Value Notes Rotate 5 Weekly N/A postrotate / endscript /sbin/killall-HUP syslogd The setting will retain the latest five message files before removing the log files from the system. The log will be rotated once a week. Other options in logrotate are monthly and daily rotations. This allows a script to be run after log rotation occurs. In this example, we need to restart syslogd to get it to start a new log file. Table 4.2 shows the analysis of logrotate configuration script. Unix/Linux systems have compression toolset equivalents for many of the standard tools. The tools zgrep and zcat can read and retrieve data from compressed files just like their cousins grep and cat can work on uncompressed files. However, there are a number of tools that will not be able to work on compressed files natively. To utilize the full set of tools many times, the file will need to be decompressed and space should be allocated to meet this analysis need. To avoid obsolescence when choosing a compression format, it is good 77 78 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies to pick a compression format that has several years of use and is available on multiple platforms. On Unix/Linux tar and zip formats have had a long history of use and PKZip format compression files are a common format on Windows. Just like with binary files, we want to limit the obsolesce of the toolsets used to decompress and access log data in the future. DATABASE STORAGE OF LOG DATA Many of the storage techniques discussed till this point require direct access to systems and specialized toolsets for log review. This is fast and efficient, but in many cases our ability to create summary reports, filter, and correlate log data across hosts is severely limited. Many organizations find that writing log information to a database is useful in opening access to stakeholders that need log information in a format that can be quickly searched and queried, and to facilitate the setup and use of front-end tools in the log review process. Advantages One of the primary advantages of using a database for log retention is the ease with which you can use standard SQL queries to search and retrieve log records quickly. Database systems have robust user access and permission systems for accessing data and may already be part of your organization’s backup and recovery plan. Many standard tools exist to query databases. These tools allow log data to be queried via a common toolset to retrieve data rather than using platform-specific tools on each individual system that may require specialized knowledge and access. Built-in support in many programming languages for working with data in databases allows front-end tools to be developed for realtime viewing and analysis of log data. In chapter 15, we will discuss a number of tools that already have built-in support for writing directly to a database. This reduces the need to develop and maintain specialized in-house systems to load log data into a database. Also, this will aid in centralizing log data into a database system and a number of tools we explore in Chapter 15 already have tools that can be used for front-end analysis and review. Disadvantages Storing log information into a database system is not without its own set of issues and risks though. Writing log messages to a database comes at a significant cost. Writing data to the database will be significantly slower than writing to a local on disk text file due to network latency, database SQL parsing, index updates, and committing the information to disk. Disk space requirements for log storage will also be higher in a database due to the number of index files needed to perform fast search and retrieval, and the limited options available Database Storage of Log Data to compress the data in the database. Database systems are used for many purposes in an organization and are subject to the risk of data loss when there is a database outage, maintenance, or upgrade to support logging or other internal systems. When log entries are no longer needed based on our retention policy, data destruction can also be problematic. If not properly planned or partitioned, deleting log data can take a very long time. Log data is typically very large and log data destruction could instruct the database system to remove millions or billions or more rows individually and update all indexes for the removed data. Defining Database Storage Goals The key in avoiding a number of disadvantages we laid out is developing storage goals when moving data into a database. A plan should be defined to align the storage needs with the organization’s log retention plan we discussed earlier in this chapter. A good plan upfront will reduce future maintenance outages, data restores and rebuilds, and deployment and operations resource needs in the future. We will review a number of critical areas to focus on in developing your database log storage plan. What to Store? A critical question in designing the storage of logs into a database is “What to store?” When using the database as the central repository and online tool for daily log review and analysis, you will want to retain all the log entries and log fields in the database. A number of syslog replacements in Chapter 15, rsyslog and syslog-ng, come with pre-built database schemas and configuration options to directly move syslog into database storage and store all the fields of the syslog message. You may need to write your own utilities and develop your own database schema for less common binary and application logs to maintain your log data in the database. Good analysis and an effort to retain all fields will avoid the situation in reviewing a critical system breach and realizing that there is critical information missing to do a full analysis. In many organizations, the disadvantages of using a database as the primary log storage are too great from a log security or infrastructure perspective. It is also possible that the volume of data cannot be supported by the database infrastructure without impacting customers or other critical systems. A hybrid storage approach may work best in these situations where the original log data is retained on the source system or a centralized syslog server, but one or more of the following is stored in the database to facilitate analysis and reporting systems: n Header Info—Typically includes the timestamp of an event and the IP addresses involved in the event. Storage of this information alone 79 80 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies n n is useful in building trending information to determine hosts that are overreporting, underreporting, or linkages of event trends between systems. Body—Typically the message of the event. Storage of this information in a database system is useful in building a real-time alerting system. For example, seeing the same failed login message in high frequency could be queried and reported on quickly. Analysis and summary results—Custom scripts and tools may be in use on each system to determine trends and summarize results. Storage of this analysis in a central repository would ease reporting of event analysis across the enterprise and ease the development of centralized auditing and summary reports for an organization with lower overall database storage and scalability requirements. Fast Retrieval After defining what will be stored, some analysis and review will need to be done to optimize the database for fast retrieval of relevant data. A critical item will be to define the columns in the database that will be used for daily review or part of common queries for reporting and alerting. A recommended approach when storing syslog data would be to create database indexes on these common syslog fields: n n n n Priority—severity or relative importance of the message. Date and Time—indicate when an event occurred. Generating Host—system generating the event. Message—details on the event that occurred. A recurring theme with log data is that the storage size will continue to grow. Even in a database that is indexed and optimized for your queries, searching over trillions and trillions of rows can become slow and cumbersome. Many database systems support partitioning. Partitioning allows a logically single database table to be split into smaller chunks. With log data, partitioning a database table based on date and time is a logical approach and will provide the following benefits: n n n Improved data insertion speed as a smaller physical file will be appended to and smaller index files are updated on each insertion. Query performance can be improved for some queries as small chunks of data are reviewed and filtered by the database system. Bulk deletion can be accomplished by removing a data partition when a set of log data is beyond the retention period. This dramatically improves the destruction of log data over individual deletes in a single large database. Hadoop Log Storage n n Some systems allow seldom used partitions to be migrated to slower cheaper storage options. Individual partitions can be taken offline for database maintenance. This can allow the database to be maintained for optimal performance without affecting the insertion of new log data. Reporting Organizations will typically need to generate reports off of log data to support the auditing and review of log data with external auditors and internal stakeholders. Additional sets of reporting tables are usually necessary to allow reports to be generated quickly and on demand. These tables should include summary counts of key items relevant to the organization and can be calculated by backend processes on a timed basis to speed front-end tool data retrieval. Generating this information on the fly can take a significant amount of time and changes to the reporting structure can be expensive. The following are areas to consider generating summary reporting data on and should be included as possible additions to the storage system to facilitate reporting: n n n n Analysis results—these are typically a combination of log entries that indicate something interesting that needed to be reviewed or acted on. Number of events by severity per host—this can be useful in finding attack patterns in an organization or pinpointing trouble areas quickly. Time-based summary counts—many organizations will need to have a daily, weekly, or monthly report to share with the organization and rollup summaries counts based on these time periods will automate and speed up this reporting. Reporting based on network or device type—certain portions of your network may require different reporting needs or fall under different compliance frameworks. PCI is common use case where only payment card processing segment of the network may have special reporting and auditing needs. This requires additional reporting tables to support separate auditing requirements. HADOOP LOG STORAGE Many of the challenges with a traditional database are the scalability of the system as log data increases and spikes in activity require excess storage and system capacity. Hadoop is a relatively new alternative to a traditional database system. Traditional database systems are built utilizing fast high-end hardware with fast SAN storage to support a large number of simultaneous users and requests, and meet data storage needs. Hadoop systems by contrast are typically built utilizing commodity PC Intel hardware running Linux and 81 82 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies a few terabytes of local storage on each node of a cluster of machines with no RAID. A Hadoop cluster consists of a few slave nodes and at least one master node. Additional space and capacity can be added by simply adding another node to the cluster. Companies like Yahoo and Facebook use Hadoop today to support their applications with petabytes of information quickly being processed and searched with end-user status updates and search queries. Advantages Hadoop shares many of the advantages of a traditional database system. Hadoop allows for the quick retrieval and searching of log data rather than using platform-specific query tools on each system. Hadoop scales well as data size grows by distributing search requests to cluster nodes to quickly find, process, and retrieve results. Hadoop is built primarily in Java and tools can be developed for real-time viewing and analysis of log data. Hadoop stores data as a structured set of flat files in Hadoop’s Distributed File System (HDFS) across the nodes in the Hadoop cluster. This allows Hadoop to support faster data insertion rates than traditional database systems. Hadoop is also fault tolerant making multiple copies of data across the cluster nodes so if a single node fails the data can still be retrieved from other nodes in the cluster. Disadvantages Hadoop is a powerful system for log storage, but has a number of shortcomings that may impact your organization. There is currently limited direct support for Hadoop by many of the existing logging tools. Rsyslog has recently added the ability to write syslog messages to a Hadoop cluster, but for most other log sources a tool will need to be developed to insert your log data into Hadoop. The set of tools available to directly query and report on data in Hadoop is also very limited. Organizations will need to develop and maintain custom front-end systems for real-time analysis and review as few options already exist to meet this need. THE CLOUD AND HADOOP Amazon has recently added a new offering called the Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR). This system combines many services from Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to provide an in the cloud Hadoop instance. This offering allows organizations to pay for only the computing and storage options they need. This option can be an alternative for organizations that do not want to build and invest in an in-house instance of Hadoop. However, a careful evaluation should be made in reviewing this as an option. Most notable the time to write The Cloud and Hadoop data to an in the cloud solution will be significantly higher as the data is no longer in close proximity to many of the hosts generating logs. Also, organizations with long log retention periods may find that the costs are greater due to the growing storage size and long-term storage period. Getting Started with Amazon Elastic MapReduce In the next sections, we will walk through a simple example of getting log data into Amazon EMR, parsing the logs using Pig language MapReduce Job, evaluating and reviewing the analysis output of this job. To go through these examples, you will need an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. To get started, sign up for an account at http://aws.amazon.com/. Navigating the Amazon To utilize Amazon EMR for log retention and analysis, we will be using several services available from Amazon to load our data in the cloud, and to parse and analyze it. We will load our log data into the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) from our individual servers. Amazon S3 is an online storage web service that allows us to store an unlimited amount of data, at a cost of course, that is very scalable and provides data security and redundancy. The data we upload into Amazon S3 will be stored in named buckets. Buckets are a method in Amazon S3 that allows us to create separate named data storage area for the data we upload. Once we have uploaded our data into Amazon’s S3 storage, we will create a MapReduce job to process our log data using the Hadoop Pig language. MapReduce is the Hadoop framework for distributing the computational work of processing large data sets into a set of jobs. Amazon EMR is the Amazon in the cloud implementation of MapReduce that runs on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) framework. We will write our MapReduce jobs utilizing Pig AMAZON WEB SERVICES ACCOUNT Charges and your account The examples and steps illustrated in this section will incur charges to your Amazon Web Services account. There will be charges for storage of log files uploaded to the Amazon S3 storage buckets and compute costs for the execution time needed to process the logs in Amazon EC2. The costs of running the examples will depend on the time you spend on the examples and the amount of storage you use. For more details on Amazon Web Service pricing, review the information at http://aws.amazon.com/pricing before running and experimenting with the examples below. 83 84 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies FIGURE 4.1 High-Level Amazon Elastic MapReduce Log Processing Example and its Pig Latin job language for manipulating our log data. Pig is a utility from the Apache project that is a subproject of Hadoop that aids in the creation of MapReduce programs utilizing its simple language Pig Latin. Amazon EMR includes Pig to aid in processing the data we will upload to the S3 data infrastructure. The high-level diagram in Figure 4.1 illustrates the flow of the processes involved in our example. Uploading Logs to Amazon Simple Storage Services (S3) We will need to load our log data into Amazon S3 so that we can process the data with our Pig script. There are numerous ways to get your data loaded into Amazon S3 and Amazon provides an API for organizations that would like to integrate Amazon S3 storage into their existing applications. For our example, we will be using a third-party command line utility s3cmd. The Cloud and Hadoop S3CMD AND AMAZON Support for s3cmd s3cmd is not an officially supported utility by Amazon and is currently in beta. For more information about the utility and information on the setup, use, and configuration of it, visit the tool’s website at http://s3tools.org/s3cmd We will create a bucket in the Amazon S3 storage console named “apacheaccesslog-bucket.” This will be the storage location for our web server access logs, pig parsing script, and the resulting reports. We create the storage bucket and upload our Apache webserver access log via the following commands: $ s3cmd mb s3://apache-accesslog-bucket Bucket ‘s3://apache-accesslog-bucket/’ created $ s3cmd put /var/log/httpd/access_log s3://apache-accesslog-bucket/ accesslog /var/log/httpd/access_log -> s3://apache-accesslog-bucket/accesslog [1 of 1] 1203 of 1203 100% in 0s 1825.23 B/s done. We now have our log data loaded in the cloud! We can review the log data we have uploaded to Amazon in our S3 management console from https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home. Figure 4.2 shows Apache access log loaded into Amazon S3. This was a simple example of loading the data into Amazon’s S3 storage. The s3cmd command line utility can be integrated into a logrotate script FIGURE 4.2 Apache Access Log Loaded into Amazon S3 85 86 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies like the one we discussed earlier in the chapter. This approach would help automate the process of loading log information off of an end point server to the Amazon cloud once a log file has been rotated. Amazon S3 does not natively accept syslog feeds. However, Amazon does have an extensive API to build your own utilities and in Chapter 15 we will discuss a syslog alternative, rsyslog, which has built-in support for Hadoop that can be used for your own private Hadoop infrastructure and perhaps extended to Amazon EMR. Create a Pig Script to Analyze an Apache Access Log We would like to parse our data and get useful intelligence about what is going on in our environment. In web access logs, it is often useful to research remote hosts that are generating a larger number of HTTP access errors. Access and other HTTP errors have a status code of 400 or greater. We can create a script in Pig’s language Pig Latin to parse our log we uploaded, and provide us counts by IP address of all the remote hosts in the log generating these types of errors. The following Pig script will perform the heavy lifting to generate us a report: --- setup piggyback functions. Useful pig function library -register file:/home/hadoop/lib/pig/piggybank.jar DEFINE ApacheCommonLogLoader org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.apachelog.CommonLogLoader(); --- import log file and parse into individual components -logs = LOAD ‘$INPUT’ USING ApacheCommonLogLoader as (remoteHost, hyphen, user, time, method, uri, protocol, statusCode, responseSize); --- Filter Apache GET requests from the log where the HTTP status code is 400 or greater -logsfiltered = FILTER logs BY method == ‘GET’ AND statusCode >= 400; -- The Cloud and Hadoop -- Retrieve the remote host list that generated the HTTP errors -logsremoteaddr = FOREACH logsfiltered GENERATE remoteHost; --- Group parsed information by the remote hosts performing GET requests -- and create counts on the number of times the host generated an error -groupedByRemote = GROUP logsremoteaddr BY remoteHost; statusCounts = FOREACH groupedByRemote GENERATE group AS remoteHost, COUNT(logsremoteaddr) AS numStatus; ---Store HTTP status error report to S3 -STORE statusCounts INTO ‘$OUTPUT’; In order to use this script, we will need to upload our Pig script to Amazon S3. To follow along in later sections, upload the script to our Amazon S3 bucket at s3://apache-accesslog-bucket/HttpStatusCodeReport.pig. Processing Log Data in Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) Now that we have our data loaded in Amazon S3 and our report script, we can create an Amazon EMR job to process our log data. A new job can be created from the Amazon EMR console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce/home. From the Elastic MapReduce console, choose “Create New Job Flow” to define a new job to process our Apache access log. We will create a job called “Apache Log Parse Job” and utilize our own pig application to generate a report. LEARN MORE ABOUT PIG LATING Pig Latin To learn more about the Pig Latin language go to http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.7.0/piglatin_ ref1.html. 87 88 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies FIGURE 4.3 Create a New Amazon EMR Job Flow Figure 4.3 shows how to create a new Amazon EMR Job Flow. Next, we will use the pig script HttpStatusCodeReport.pig to process our log. We set the parameters of the script to run, our log file to parse, and where we would like our report to be stored. Figure 4.4 shows how to configure the Amazon EMR Job Flow parameters. FIGURE 4.4 Amazon EMR Job Flow parameters Log Data Retrieval and Archiving FIGURE 4.5 Running Amazon EMR Job Flow Instance In configuring our Amazon Elastic Compute (EC2) instances, we will configure the lowest setting with only an instance count of one. For larger environments processing gigabytes of logs, you will want to configure multiple jobs for the different log types and multiple instances to keep up with the volume of logs you receive on a daily basis. This will take some research and experimentation for your environment, but fortunately Amazon EMR has the scalability and flexibility to accommodate a wide range of computing needs. The remaining settings we will leave at their defaults for this example. At the end, we will choose “Create Job Flow” to create and start our processing of our access log. Figure 4.5 shows a running Amazon EMR Job Flow instance. After our Job Flow has completed, we have a report generated on Amazon S3 in a directory called “access-error-by-ip.” The log file uploaded for this example generates the following report: 3 3 1 From the results, we can see remote host IP addresses,, and generated an HTTP status error and the number of times an error occurred for each IP. LOG DATA RETRIEVAL AND ARCHIVING There are multiple options available for the physical storage of logs. A key in reviewing each option will be the retrieval and access speed of each medium. In general, the higher access speed options also have the highest cost. In log 89 90 CHAPTER 4: Log Storage Technologies management we discuss online, near-line, and offline storage of logs and their relative costs and access speed. Online Online log information is information that can be immediately accessed and retrieved. This is typically the most expensive option, as dedicated hardware must by powered on and available for immediate retrieval. Online storage can be the physically attached disks to a server, a database system, or storage area network (SAN) systems. Typical storage costs for online storage systems are roughly $1.30 per gigabyte. Near-line Near-line storage is the in between state between online and offline storage. Near-line systems typically do not require human intervention and data is retrieved as part of an optical storage jukebox or robotic tape system. Access times for this type of storage are typically high and can range from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the system. The costs vary widely for nearline storage systems, but are typically half the cost of online storage options. Near-line storage is also highly scalable by adding additional tapes or optical disks to increase capacity. Offline Offline storage is the slowest and cheapest option. Offline systems typically require human intervention to retrieve an optical disk or tape, and restore the data onto online or near-line storage systems for data access. Offline storage is highly scalable with the purchase of additional optical disks or tapes and systems are typically cheaper than near-line storage. The issue for both near-line and offline storage will be the expected shelf life of the storage medium. The generally accepted shelf life of a CD/DVD is roughly 2 to 5 years and roughly the same life span for tape (National Archives). As you approach the end of the media life span, you will need to rerecord data to media if you have a longer retention policy than the life of the media. SUMMARY Log storage is an important consideration when it comes to logging. This chapter introduced you to the concepts surrounding the storage of logs. Many examples were given, including an introduction to Amazon’s Hadoop interface. References REFERENCES Chuvakin, A. (2011). SANS Sec434 Log Management Course Material, slide 108. Kent, K., & Souppaya, M. (2006). Guide to computer security log management. . National Archives. Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about optical storage media: Storing temporary records on CDs and DVDs. . PCI Security Standards Council (2010). PCI DSS v2.0. Retrieved July 7, 2012 from PCI Security Standards, October. . Troan, E., & Brown, P (2002). logrotate. . 91 This page is intentionally left blank CHAP TER 5 syslog-ng Case Study INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: n n n n Obtaining syslog-ng What Is syslog-ngsyslog-ng? Example Deployment Troubleshooting syslog-ng CONTENTS Introduction................93 Obtaining syslog-ng..93 What Is syslog-ngsyslog-ng?..94 Example Deployment................95 Configurations..................96 INTRODUCTION You might be asking, “Why do I need a new or different syslog daemon?” That’s a good question. For many years the standard syslog protocol found on Unix systems was good enough for its purposes. As time went on, and the needs of users, applications, systems, and organizations changed, it became clear that something new was needed. syslog-ng began as an attempt to provide users with more options and features than could be found in a stock syslog daemon. It has grown over the years from open source software to a full-fledged, commercial-grade software with varying levels of enterprise-level support options available. This chapter will provide high-level details on some of its more useful features, as well as a discussion of a real-world deployment. It should be noted that syslog-ng comes in a free and enterprise edition. The enterprise edition is not free and it enables features that you cannot use with the free version. Log Sources.............................. 96 Local syslog-ng Server............. 97 Global syslog-ng Server........... 98 Database logging..................... 98 Troubleshooting syslog-ng....................99 Summary..................101 References................101 OBTAINING SYSLOG-NG The best place to obtain the latest version of syslog-ng for your particular platform is to visit this Web site: http://www.balabit.com/network-security/ syslog-ng/opensource-logging-system/downloads/upgrade. Providing step-by-step installation instructions is really beyond the scope of this chapter. Earlier versions of syslog-ng required supplemental libraries and tools Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00005-1 © 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 93 94 CHAPTER 5: syslog-ng Case Study installed. Today’s syslog-ng comes with everything bundled in a single download. The syslog-ng Web site contains many sources of information to aid you in installation, setup and administration at http://www.balabit.com/network-security/ syslog-ng/opensource-logging-system/support/documentation/. WHAT IS SYSLOG-NGSYSLOG-NG? As we stressed before, classic syslog has multiple problems. For example, UDP is used as the transport. UDP is unreliable. But sometimes a conscious decision is made to forgo guaranteed delivery for the non-blocking and low-overhead nature of UDP. It might be the case that this is more important to you than the features of TCP, which do incur some overhead because of its connection-oriented nature. Another issue is security. The standard Syslog protocol neither supports secure transmission of log data, nor does it specify authentication. syslog-ngsyslog-ng one of the options out there that attempts to solve many of them without “changing the world.” To this end, some of the more noteworthy syslog-ng features include: n n n n n n TCP support: This allows for more reliable transmission of syslog data. Transport Layer Security (TLS): syslog-ng natively supports the TLS protocol. This feature allows for both the secure transmission of syslog messages as well as mutual authentication of the source sender and the recipient of syslog messages. These are critical features in today’s environments where log data must not be tampered and often has to be kept confidential due to regulatory compliance issues, legal issues, etc. It should be noted that TLS can only be used over TCP. Database support: syslog-ng supports sending syslog messages to a remote database. As of version 3.3, MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite 3 are supported. A major advantage to this feature is that it allows for log data to be stored in a relational database. This makes reporting, searching, and other analysis techniques very easy. The downside to this, however, is that the raw log message is not preserved in the database. This can have an impact on chain of custody if your log data is ever needed for criminal prosecution. IPv4 and IPv6 support: syslog-ng supports sending and receiving syslog to and from both types of networks. Flexible filtering: syslog-ng is able to filter on various fields in the syslog message. Macros are created from what is filtered, which can be used to write messages to files or directories. Message rewriting: It is possible to create rules to rewrite fields in a syslog message. For example, you can supplement missing or incomplete data in a message. Example Deployment n n Processing the message body: syslog-ng allows you to process and parse the actual log message. The current version of syslog-ng (3.3) can separate the columns of CSV-formatted log messages, that is, columns separated by commas, tabulators, or other delimiters, for example, Apache logs. High performance: syslog-ng is geared towards handling high message rates, and—of course, depending on the exact configuration and processing requirements—can reliably handle hundreds of thousand messages per second. Let’s look brief example of one of the more advanced features of syslog-ng. It can process the message using a fast and flexible pattern matching engine to extract the useful information from the message body. For example, a login message of an OpenSSH server looks like the following: Accepted password for joe from port 42156 ssh2. This can be described with a syslog-ng pattern like: Accepted @QSTRING:authentication_method: @ for @QSTRING:username: @ from @QSTRING:client_address: @ port @NUMBER:port:@ @ QSTRING:protocol_version: @ As you can see, the changing parts of the log message are parsed using special variables. The names assigned to the parsed message parts become syslog-ng macros, and can be used in filters, file names, database column names, and so on. The advantage of this pattern matching method over others (for example, regular expressions) is that it is much faster, more scalable, and the patterns are easier to read, understand, and maintain. It is also possible to trigger actions if a log message matches a pattern: with some tweaking, this can be used to send out alerts when specific events are detected. For a complete reference of this feature, see chapter Processing message content with a pattern database in The syslog-ng Administrator Guide. These features and many other concepts are covered in detail in the 3.0 Administration guide: http://www.balabit.com/sites/default/files/syslog-ng-v3.0-guideadmin-en_0.pdf. EXAMPLE DEPLOYMENT In this example setup there are three components to the deployment: 1. Client machines which send syslog via UDP to local collection server. The client machines are running stock syslog daemons. 95 96 CHAPTER 5: syslog-ng Case Study 2. Local collection server which receives syslog from client machines. This system is running syslog-ng. 3. Global collection server which receives logs from the local collection server over TCP with TLS enabled. Figure 5.1 depicts the deployment. The local syslog-ng server will channel all the collected data to a remote site, where another syslog-ng server is installed. Such a site might be the globally centralization site, a backup “log drop” or some other environment, connected to our syslog-ng collection server via a WAN. Due to this, log data transfer needs to be protected by encryption. The easiest way to accomplish it will be by using syslog-ng’s built-in TLS support. So, after we deploy syslog-ng on both syslog-ng servers, it’s time to start configuring logging on all the systems. Configurations In this section we cover the basics required to configure our setup. A thorough treatment of configuring syslog-ng is beyond the scope of this chapter; see the syslog-ng Administration guide for complete details on using syslog-ng. For consistency, we will refer to our central log server that collected logs over UDP as and the remote log server will be called In this scenario we will assume that all logs are being collected. In real life, filters can be applied at multiple locations to curb the flood of data. Log Sources For modern Linux systems running vanilla syslog, we need just this line in etc/syslog.conf*.* @ FIGURE 5.1 Shows Our Example Deployment / Example Deployment Syslog daemon needs to be restarted; which is usually accomplished by /etc/init.d/syslog restart For older Solaris 7 or 8 systems, the changes are similar *.debug @ And then restart via: /etc/init.d/syslog stop ; /etc/init.d/syslog start For recent FreeBSD systems, the changes are similar. For recent OpenBSD systems, the changes are similar to Linux: *.* @ And restart: kill–SIGHUP 'cat /var/run/syslog.pid' For HP-UX systems, the changes are: *.debug @ And restart. Finally, syslog-ng needs the following configuration file implemented: source src { unix-stream("/dev/log"); internal(); }; destination loghost { udp(""); }; log { source(src); destination(loghost); }; In case of an existing syslog-ng configuration the above needs to be merged in. As you can guess, the daemon (in the case, the syslog-ng daemon) needs a restart. Local syslog-ng Server This system will receive UDP messages from various sources and will forward them over the TCP-based tunnel to the other machines. TLS is the best way to accomplish this (Schroder, 2010). The following list outlines the basic steps required in getting this feature working: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create an X.509 certificate using a tool like openssl. Copy the certificate to the local syslog-ng server. Using a tool like openssl, create a hash file based on the X.509 certificate. Create a TLS configuration statement which uses the following syslog-ng configuration block. 97 98 CHAPTER 5: syslog-ng Case Study destination demo_tls_destination { tcp("" port(6514) tls(ca_dir("/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/ca.d"))); }; Section 3.13 of the 3.0 Administration guide provides more detail on these and all features of syslog-ng. Global syslog-ng Server The global server will receive message encrypted using TLS. The basic steps to configure it to receive such messages are as follows: 1. Copy the X.509 certificate to the server. 2. Copy the private key of the certificate to the server. 3. Configure the global server to receive encrypted log messages. source demo_tls_source { tcp(ip( port(6514) tls(key_file("/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/key.d/syslog-ng.key") cert_file("/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/cert.d/syslog-ng.cert")) ); }; Again, be sure to see Section 3.13 of the 3.0 Administration guide for more details. Database logging The global syslog-ng forwards copies of the log messages it receives to a MySQL database. The database serves as a structured and searchable store of what is received from remote log collection points. The main advantage of this kind of setup is that analysis and searching can be performed without impacting remote systems, or needing to remotely log into these systems and search log file by hand. A second advantage is that you have yet another place where log data is stored. This can be ideal in situations where the global collection server crashes or becomes unavailable. The following is a sample syslog-ng configuration for MySQL: options { use_fqdn(yes); }; destination d_sql { sql( type(mysql) host("") username("root") password("") database("logs") Troubleshooting syslog-ng table("messages_${FULLHOST_FROM}_${R_YEAR}${R_MONTH}${R_DAY}") columns("datetime", "host", "program", "pid", "message") values("$R_DATE", "$FULLHOST_FROM", "$PROGRAM", "$PID", "$MSGONLY") indexes() ); }; log { destination(d_sql); }; Some items are worth pointing out. n n n n The database name is logs. syslog-ng will automatically create a table named messages_${FULLHOST_FROM}_${R_YEAR}${R_MONTH}${R_DAY}, which means each host that sends log messages will have its own set of tables, segmented by the year, month, and day the log messages are sent. syslog-ng will also automatically create the columns for the table, namely datetime, host, program, pid, and message. By default the SQL type used for each column will text. You can override the default type. In the options section of the configuration, use_fqdn(yes); is specified. Without this option set and without DNS in use, the source of your messages, which will be an IP address, would only record the first octet of the IP address. With this option specified, the full IP address will be used in the table name as well as the record itself. Section 8.2.5 of the 3.0 Administration guide discusses this feature in great detail. TROUBLESHOOTING SYSLOG-NG One the most important things to keep an eye on is when syslog-ng begins to drop packets (Open Source Information Security, 2010). This can be an indicator that your syslog-ng server is getting overloaded with incoming messages. In order to keep any eye on this, you first need to enable stats collection in syslogng. The following global configuration options are needed to control this: options { stats_freq(10); stats_level(2); }; 99 100 CHAPTER 5: syslog-ng Case Study The first statement turns on stats generation in the form of a syslog message. The variable passed to the option is the number of seconds that syslog-ng will write the message to whatever destination you have specified in your configuration. Here we are emitting stats every 10 s. The second option specifies the level. There are three levels, 1, 2, and 3. The default is 1, but in order to get the particular data we need, we need to specify 2. The following is a sample stats message generated by syslog-ng: Nov 30 12:32:35 172 syslog-ng[1343]: Log statistics; processed='source(s_net)=0', processed='src.file(s_local#2,/ proc/kmsg)=0', stamp='src.file(s_local#2,/proc/kmsg)=0', processed='source(s_local)=1', processed='src.host(172)=1', stamp='src.host(172)=1291138345', processed='src.udp(s_ net#0)=0', stamp='src.udp(s_net#0)=0', processed='src. internal(s_local#0)=1', stamp='src.internal(s_ local#0)=1291138345', dropped='dst.file(d_messages#0,/ var/log/messages)=0', processed='dst.file(d_messages#0,/ var/log/messages)=1', stored='dst.file(d_messages#0,/ var/log/messages)=0', processed='center(received)=0', processed='destination(d_messages)=1', processed='center(queu ed)=0' The item we are interested in is the dropped= item. It shows, for the given destination, if it had to drop any messages. Each destination you have specified in your configuration will be represented here. There is a downside to enabling this feature. Per the syslog-ng manual, levels 2 and 3 can cause increased CPU and memory usage by the syslog-ng process. On top of this, enabling these features requires a restart of syslog-ng, which may not be feasible if you run in a highly available environment. There is an alternative way to detect if UDP packets are getting dropped: using the netstaty command: # netstat -us Udp: 169412 packets received 170 packets to unknown port received. 0 packet receive errors 167002 packets sent # The output of this command shows if any UDP packets were dropped. This is a simple but effective way to troubleshoot things. References SUMMARY syslog-ng provides many advanced features which take log data transmission and collection to a new level. With features like TCP transmission support, TLS, and logging to a database, syslog-ng is an excellent replacement for the stock Unix syslog daemons that are featureless and don’t provide much value. The example deployment presented in this chapter provides a glimpse into a real-world setup. REFERENCES Schroder, C. (n.d.). Build a secure logging server with syslog-ng (Part 2). EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet—News, trends and advice for network managers. N.p. Web. November 29, 2010. . Open source information security: Syslog-NG performance tuning. Open Source Information Security. N.p., n.d. Web. November 29, 2010. . 101 This page is intentionally left blank CHAP TER 6 Covert Logging INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: n n n Complete Stealthy Log Setup Logging in Honeypots Covert Channels for Logging Brief Evil can be covert Can good be? It can, for a reason Haiku 8: Anton INTRODUCTION While common sense and various regulations compel us to focus on protecting logs from various attacks, one of the protection methods that we can use is making the log files and logging infrastructure hidden from the attackers, who seek to undermine it. Encryption, secure agent-based log collection and integrity checking are useful (and, in many cases, also mandatory), hiding your logging and log collection architecture from the attacker has a unique appeal of “winning the battle” for secure logging without firing a single shot. After all, encryptions and other measures will be your fallback mechanism, if an attacker discovers that he is being covertly logged. However, years of running honeypots and even whole networks of them—honeynets—leads the chapter author to believe that it is unlikely for most attackers. Such cover infrastructure is one rare case in security technology where the defender might actually score an advantage. CONTENTS Introduction..............103 Complete Stealthy Log Setup.................105 Stealthy Log Generation.......................105 Hiding Logging....................... 105 Hiding Logging with Misdirection............................ 106 Stealthy Pickup of Logs.................................106 IDS Log Source................106 Log Collection Server.....107 “Fake” Server or Honeypot.........................109 Logging in Honeypots................110 Honeynet’s Shell Covert Keystroke Logger..............................111 Honeynet’s Sebek2 Case Study................................112 Covert Channels for Logging Brief...........113 Summary..................114 References................114 103 Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00006-3 © 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 104 CHAPTER 6: Covert Logging This section covers this specific methodology. It is singled out due to its importance, ability to be combined with other techniques, its use in honeypots as well as a number of myths surrounding hidden logging. The idea of stealthy logging is certainly appealing, especially if it is sometimes interpreted like this: why secure, encrypt and protect log collection components if we can just hide them from the would-be attackers and they will be completely immune. Others, on the other hand, play the “security by obscurity” argument and say that hiding logging is futile, since the attackers can always find it. As usual, both extreme points of view are the farthest from the truth. For it to become clear, let us briefly digress a bit and explain why “security by obscurity” is considered to be bad security. First, “security by obscurity” should really be known as “security by obscurity ONLY.” If your protective measures are solely reliant on attackers’ not knowing some critical piece of information about your infrastructure, said security measure, security technology in use, etc. what happens if they do learn it? Security wall comes thumbing down! On the other hand, security of the environment can be significantly enhanced by hiding important information from plain view, but still not relying on them being secret. The trivial example is: what if your computers are not connected to the internet and armed guards are posted next to each terminal. Does it mean that you have to use Post-It notes to “broadcast” your password? No, it still makes sense to keep them secret even though their disclosure will no break your security. Similarly, hiding the pieces of your logging infrastructure help to improve security of your otherwise solid security measures such as hardened log servers, cryptographic tunneling, and trusted access controls. Now, let’s review what logs can we hide and where. We will start from an insightful example of “hidden” logging encountered and then utilized by one of the authors early in his security career. It worked surprisingly well for the task at hand. It is well known that an amateur attacker breaking into Unix and Linux systems will first kill the syslog daemon to prevent logging from being accumulated locally and sent to a remote log server. This will be done by something similar to “killall syslogd” command. So, in this small company network, the system administrator has compiled another copy of a syslog daemon, named it “cachefd” (or some other similarly obscure, “Unix-sounding” process name) and let it run using a configuration file in his home directory. This file configured log files to be accumulated in some non-standard directory (such as, for example, an obscure /usr/src/kernel). Thus, the amateur attackers (who were perceived to be the main threat to this particular company—and, as we know, to most companies nowadays as well) were effectively prevented from Complete Stealthy Log Setup terminating logging. Admittedly, such scheme relies on the company actually looking at the log files and having a periodic log review or near-real-time log monitoring capability. Now, advanced security practitioners (authors included) may laugh at such “secure logging,” but amateur attackers observed in honeypots never went beyond killing the syslog daemon and never looked for any other logging mechanisms, hidden or otherwise. Thus, the above measure would have been in fact 100% effective… We will start our journey into hidden logging from a classic example of a stealthy sniffer for syslog pickup. It is used by one of the authors in the honeynet and was also reported to be effectively used in production environments as well (see, for example, Bauer, 2002). COMPLETE STEALTHY LOG SETUP In this section we will discuss a complete stealthy log setup using syslog and log pickup using a sniffer. We’ll cover log generation, transfer, and pick up. Stealthy Log Generation Stealthy log generation presents a challenge since it is that very likely that the program producing logs will reside on a compromised information asset. Picking logs via packet capture is nearly always stealthy, but generation of logs is harder to hide. In general, there are two options that they can exploit: n n Hide logging altogether. Hide logging and present a fake logging daemon for the attacker to kill and feel good about. Obviously, there are other techniques as well such as making a log daemon unkillable logging via kernel privileges. Hiding Logging Hidden daemons via kernel capabilities or a dedicated loadable kernel module (LKM) on Unix and Linux is well known. Essentially, we are talking about a rootkit for logging. There are two additional choices: n n A separate hiding module or a general-purpose hiding program that can obscure other running processes (such as our logging). Most root kits work using this principle. A dedicated hidden login module. Honeynet Project Sebek tool works on this method, even though it can also hide other programs. 105 106 CHAPTER 6: Covert Logging Finally it should be noted that if an attacker deploys a rootkit based on similar principles it might interfere with our log hiding. Hiding Logging with Misdirection If we utilized the above techniques but also leave default logging infrastructure in place—for the attacker to kill—it is very likely that most attackers will not beat further and would assume that there is no more login going on. This simply requires creating a separate instance of syslog connecting it to the infrastructure (see next section) and then leaving the default one in place, with some functionality is able so that it does not interfere with real logging. Stealthy Pickup of Logs Here is how one can set up a somewhat covert pickup of NIDS, firewall, or other syslog-based logs. We will use a sniffer to pick up the logs on the log server. First, what do we protect? This method will defend against attacks on the central log collection servers by hiding their identity or even redirecting the wrath of the attacker onto a different server of our choosing (possibly, a “log server” honeypot, configured to log and analyze attacks aimed at log servers). Used in combination with the above stealthy logging, it can also defend against the attacks on local logging capabilities. The main idea is that we will not be using a listening daemon to pick-up User Datagram Protocol (UDP)-based syslogs, but use a sniffer off a stealth interface (i.e. one with no IP configured) instead. In combination with some other tricks, it will allow us to deflect the interest of the attacker away from the valuable log collection server. Now, in light of our description of “security by obscurity,” it does not mean that the log server should not be hardened to the best of our ability and protected against unauthorized access and malicious attacks. Let’s consider what we should configure on each of the above: IDS Log Source Here we will configure the destination for syslog-based logs. We will need to forward the logs somewhere; instead of sending them to the collection server we will send them to either the “fake” server or to a random IP address on our network (that has no host sitting on it)—or, better, a honeypot. If we are sending the system logs or other logs we will modify the standard / etc/syslog.conf file, such as by adding: *.*  @fakeserver Complete Stealthy Log Setup Where ‘fakeserver’ stands for the name or IP address of our decoy server (hopefully, it will have of a telltale name). Or: *.*   @ where “” is an IP on the same LAN segment which has no host on it. The above will likely work only on Linux and modern BSD variants. On older Solaris systems we will need to specify message priorities (which cannot be a wildcard, like on Linux) like: *.crit  @fakeserver In case of a popular Snort IDS running on Unix or Linux as a fake logging source, the above recipe works as the alert forwarding is performed by a syslog daemon and not by Snort. The same trick can be performed on a commercial Sourcefire Snort appliance, for as long as syslog is the mechanism of choice. In case of a Snort IDS running on Windows (not really common but still seen in some environments) as a fake logging source, we will modify its own configuration file snort.conf wherever it is located. It will be edited to have: output alert_syslog: host=, LOG_AUTH LOG_ALERT Thus, the configuration on a log server will be no different from the normal. However, should the attacker want to attack the log server upon compromising this system or an IDS sensor, it will be redirected down the wrong track or, in fact, “the right track” for us to study their behavior… Log Collection Server This is where most of the important changes occur. Here we will pick up the logs off the network by using a sniffer program. There are several choices to make here. First is: should this server have an IP address? If it has two network cards (the ideal choice) we can make one a management interface (with an IP address) while the other will be the sniffing interface (with no IP address, but a sniffer program running on it). This configuration provides the best combination of manageability and security. We will describe such a configuration here. On the management interface we will configure access controls via a firewall (such as Linux iptables, a standard firewall code included in every Linux system). This interface will have some remote access service running (ssh is the standard for Unix remote management). On a sniffing interface with no IP address (often called a stealth interface), we install the sniffer program. There are many choices, here but the main one boils down to: should we use a general-purpose sniffer (such as tcpdump 107 108 CHAPTER 6: Covert Logging packet sniffer) to pick up the logs off the wire and then extract them from the recorded traffic manually or use a purpose-built sniffer. The drawbacks of the former are numerous. We will need some mechanism to extract logs from capture traffic and convert them back to some standard format such as syslog and then combine them with other logs. Also, such sniffer will record data in binary format and we will need to convert it to text before we can analyze it. However, many popular sniffers are well audited for security flaws and might provide a better solution to be exposed to a hostile network. One might argue about the word “exposed” here, since there is seemingly no way for an attacker to know that there is sniffing going on and thus attack it. Unfortunately, the truth is different. Exploits against sniffers running on stealth interfaces are known and even tcpdump, the grand-daddy of all sniffers, has not escaped this fate. Using a dedicated log sniffer allows for easy integration with other logging infrastructure pieces. For example, we can pick up the syslog logs off the wire and immediately send them to another system, such as an analysis server. We will discuss two such logging solutions: plog (written by Marcus Ranum a few years ago) and passlogd (written by Christian Void). Plog can be obtained at http://www.ranum.com/security/computer_security/code/ and passlogd can be downloaded from http://freecode.com/projects/passlogd. Plog is a tool to sniff the traffic for syslog messages and forward them to /dev/ log (a syslog devices used for application to forward messages to a syslog daemon running on a Unix system). While we try to stay away from rephrasing manuals and listing command line options, we will make an exception for these important tools. Here is an example of plog in action on the honeynet system: # ./plog –i eth1 The above command line starts the plog (it forks and becomes a daemon process) and makes it sniff the eth1 network interface for syslog-formatted messages on UDP port 514 directed toward any system. The downside of the above configuration is that the messages will appear to originate from the system running plog and not from the actual source of the messages on the network. It is used to pick up logs emitted from the honeypot victim server onto the LAN. The messages are aimed at the other system that is not even equipped with a syslog daemon. This is done to confuse the attacker! Passlogd is a similar tool that can be used for the same purpose. The main differences lie in having more options and an added ability to associate messages with sources and destinations as captured on the wire. For example: Mon May 5 14:22:42 2001 baby to mama: <23> su[821]: Authentication succeeded for user ’anton’ Complete Stealthy Log Setup Before using passlogd one should keep in mind that the versions before 0.1e have serious bug that can be exploited even on the sniffing stealth interface (just as we hinted above). Not only is the vulnerability known, but the working exploit is actually posted publicly. Here is how a modified passlogd sniffer program was used by one of the authors on the honeynet: $ passlogd […] The above command captured all the syslog messages sent from the victim server in the honeypot to another system (which had to syslog daemon installed). Both can be setup on the log collection server to sniff logs and immediately send them somewhere else or integrate with other collected log files. One more important comment needs to be made about sending logs to nonexisting servers. For the UDP packet to be sent, the sending server needs to hear a response from some server on the network that it is willing to receive IP connection. Since this is accomplished via ARP (Address Resolution Protocol, that maps IP to MAC hardware addresses), a little ARP spoofing is in order. This is how it can be done: # arp -s 00-05-00-e5-8a-28 The above command needs to be run on the server that runs the sniffer, but the MAC address can belong to any machine on the network. IP address does not even have to exist on the network. “Fake” Server or Honeypot This particular server is not required for the setup, but it is a very good idea to have it. The reason is that if the attacker will see that there is no server listening for the logs, there has to be something “funny” going on and that security of this environment is much stronger than initially suspected (on the other hand, an amateur attacker might thing that the syslog server crashed or was misconfigured by the administrators.) There are several options for this server. It can have a minimum secure syslog daemon running and nothing else. In this can it may or may not be configured for actual log pickup, but its real purpose will be to provide a extremely hardened target to waste attackers resources. The second option is to set up a full-blown honeypot on this IP address. That sounds like a good idea since the advanced attackers have a chance of being stuck in its “honey” after compromising the system sending logs to it. Guidelines on setting up honeypots go beyond this book. Look at the references section for some books with information on the subject. In this chapter we will address some honeypots logging issues, but not the detailed setup guidelines. 109 110 CHAPTER 6: Covert Logging LOGGING IN HONEYPOTS While the references in the end provide a lot of material on the honeypots, we will provide some brief definition and background. A honeypot is a “dummy” target machine set up to observe hacker attacks. A honeynet is a network built around such dummy machines in order to lure and track hackers as they step through the attack process. By studying realworld attacks, researchers hope to predict emerging trends in order to develop advance defenses. Lance Spitzner, the founder of one such tracking endeavor known as the Honeynet Project (http://www.honeynet.org), defines a honeypot as “a security resource whose value lies in being probed, attacked or compromised.” The Honeynet Project, that one of the authors works with, differentiates between research and production honeypots. The former are focused on gaining intelligence about attackers and their techniques, while the latter are aimed at decreasing the risk to IT resources and providing advance warning of incoming attacks on the network infrastructure as well as possibly diverting attacks from real “crown jewels.” As we mentioned above, honeypots are the environment where logs are the most likely to be attacked, corrupted, and prevented. And it is also the environment where protecting logs by hiding the logging technology makes the most sense as other honeynet infrastructure is also hidden from the attacker. On the other hand, the environment has added difficulties as well since we need to log much more details on the honeypot activities than in most production environments. What do we log in the honeypot? 1. 2. 3. 4. Network transaction recording Network traffic recording Host activity recording IDS alerts Let’s briefly look at the above log types. Network transaction recording in a honeypot includes network layers 3 and 4 data such as source and destination IP addresses, protocols, and ports. This data is usually capture by a honeynet’s firewall and a network monitoring tools (such as flow collector) as well as a network IDS. Network transactions include inbound communication and connection attempts from the Internet, internal connections between the machines within the honeynet, and the most ominous outbound communications initiated from the honeypot. Network traffic recording logs can be considered an exclusive feature of honeypots as compared to production networks, as very few can afford to log all Logging in Honeypots the packets traversing the network. It includes a complete recording of network communication in raw binary format. Host activity recording includes the recording of the attacker’s activities (such as keystrokes and attacker’s impact on the system) as well as other host process activities, occurring at the same time (standard application and operating system logs files). IDS alerts, the last log category emanating from a honeypot, are the main method of becoming aware of what is going on in the honeypot. They add structure to network traffic analysis and allow you to take action based on what is going on in the honeypot. Obviously, all the above logs need to be protected. First, we need to make sure that the events occurring on the honeypot are logged even after system standard non-stealthy logging capabilities are destroyed by the attacker. As we mentioned before, in most Unix honeynet compromises the attackers kills the logging daemon as one of his first actions. Honeynet’s Shell Covert Keystroke Logger A simple example of honeypot logger is a Honeynet Project’s bash shell patch, improved by one of the authors. It can be downloaded from the Honeynet Project tool pages http://www.honeynet.org/tools/index.html. The tool allows to log the keystrokes typed in a “bash” shell prompt (the most important to capture on the honeypot since they show what the attacker did on the system) and to transfer them from the honeypot to a collection server. For those from the Windows part of the world, “bash” shell is the standard command line interpreter on most Linux systems and is the main mechanism used by remote (and many local) users to interact with the system. Since we are discussing covert logging we will focus on the covert properties of this tool. The main protection it can muster against the honeypot “guest” or attacker is that its presence is hidden. Amateur attackers who are caught in the honeypots usually do not suspect that the very system shell is working against them. They usually disable history logging and think that their keystrokes are not saved anywhere. Bash shell forwards the commands to a remote machine directly via the UDP protocol without utilizing any host programs. The bash binary itself contains a UDP sender, which sends the packets to the wire. UDP communication is ideally suitable for the covert log transfer task at hand (to remind, UDP is also used by a standard syslog logger). UDP is somewhat harder to detect than Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (for example, UDP communication will not always show in netstat), does not require “root” privileges 111 112 CHAPTER 6: Covert Logging (unlike more esoteric covert data transmission methods such as Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) payloads or connectionless TCP data transfer discussed in the works on network covert channels), and thus can be used straight by the shell binary run by the attacker, even if he does not possess “root” privileges. Another protection of this logging channel is “destination spoofing” (described above). UDP destination is hardcoded to be a non-relevant server or even another honeypot, as described above. Note that this spoofing does not refer to the usual IP spoofing (that can be called “source spoofing”), but just sending the UDP datagrams to non-existent or non-listening hosts and picking them up via a sniffer. This allows you to mask the position of the receiving log server. This is possible since UDP protocol is connectionless and the log packets can be sent to a machine that does not explicitly choose to accept them. Here is the example bash log: T=17:19:15-12222004. PI=11354 UI=0 ./dumbscan –B 10.11 The format includes time and date of the command execution (17:19 am on December 22, 2004 in the above example), UNIX process ID of the shell (it can be used to track different shell sessions), the UNIX user ID (0 means that the user is “root”), and the executed command. “./dumbscan –B 10.11” (an attempt to scan a B class of IP addresses from to for whatever exploit). This covert logger can also be used to monitor users in production environments. The stealthiness of such logging mechanism is not that high, since it can be easily sniffed by the attacker on the honeypot. Also, it can be detected by looking at the “bash” shell binary. To resolve these problems, Honeynet Project came up with Sebek2 covert logger, briefly covered in the next section. Honeynet’s Sebek2 Case Study Sebek by the Honeynet Project (http://www.honeynet.org/papers/sebek.pdf) is the best example of a covert logger. It has facilities for both covert audit collection and log information transfer from the source systems to the log collection server. Sebek2 can be obtained at the Honeynet project’s tools’ page, referenced above. It can collect much more information, including keystrokes entered in applications as well as entered passwords. What is more interesting for us in this chapter is its protection measures, presenting the ultimate in stealthy logging (this side of “white hat–black hat divide,” of course). Covert Channels for Logging Brief These are the protections available in Sebek2 (as of 12/2004): n n n Hidden process: Sebek2 doesn’t modify any program on the system, but exists as a hidden kernel module. It can also exist in a compiled-in form, embedded in the main kernel code during compilation, presenting the extra-stealthy option. Hidden content: unlike the bash shell above, Sebek2 encrypt all the data transmitted off the system, using SSL. Sniffing protection: Sebek modifies the kernel to block its packets from being sniffed by the honeypot. Thus, even the rare attacker who tries to monitor the local network will now know that he is being watched. For more details on Sebek architecture and use refer to the whitepaper “Know Your Enemy: Sebek” located at http://www.honeynet.org/papers/sebek.pdf. Sebek can be used in production environments for user and potential intruder activity monitoring in a highly clandestine manner. There are several benefits for that type of hidden logging in a production environment. Those include an obvious bonus to forensics analysis (a lot of evidence is available) and an ability to watch trusted users (such as system administrators). The latter comes very handy when the possibility of audit destruction by a trusted attacker is high. On the other hand, the main disadvantage is a sheer volume of logged data. Such logging is much more detailed and granular than most standard auditing system mechanisms. COVERT CHANNELS FOR LOGGING BRIEF Going beyond Sebek places us firmly in the realm of covert channels, an exciting area but the one likely outside the scope of this book. We will briefly discuss the modern covert channels and their use for logging. The classic notion of “covert channels” (first formalized in the “Light Pink Book” from the NSA Rainbow Series) is all but irrelevant today. The more modern instances of covert channels deal with covert information transfer using basic TCP/IP protocols as well as common application protocols. Admittedly, the protocols from lower layers (such as CDP mentioned below) can also be used. For example, many of the fields in the TCP (also UDP) and IP headers are somewhat undefined (e.g. The type of service (TOS)/Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)TOS/ECN field), unset (padding), set to random values (like the initial sequence number), set to varied values (IP ID), or are optional (such as options). This very important fact creates possibilities for covertly adding the information to transmit without breaking the TCP/IP standard (and thus losing the packet) and making the packet appear anomalous (and thus triggering 113 114 CHAPTER 6: Covert Logging the detection systems). Also, many of the higher layer protocols, such as HTTP can be configured to carry data (such as via the HTTP tunnel tool) that is used to channel a shell session through a sequence of web accesses. More specifically, there are tools to transfer data, possibly log data, over Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)—a non-routable protocol that is used for network device communication. Where one might choose to use such degree of stealth for logging? Honeynets or closely monitored production servers in high-security environments are two possibilities. SUMMARY This sectioned covered the covert and stealthy logging. It can be used to enhance the protection of logging infrastructure in addition (to avoid being “security by obscurity”) to other security measures. The important lessons of this chapter are: n n n Stealthy logging tools can be used for beneficial purposes. Honeypots are an environment where stealthy logging is usually found. Stealthy logging can ultimately be discovered, that is why it should not be the only protection available. REFERENCES A guide to understanding covert channel analysis of trusted systems (ncsc-tg-030 version-1, “Light Pink Book”) , National Computer Security Center, November 1993. Bauer, M. (2002). Stealthful sniffing, intrusion detection and logging. . Honeynet Project (2004). Know Your Enemy. (2nd ed.). AWL. Know Your Enemy: Sebek . Spitzner, L. (xxxx). Honeypots: tracking hackers. CHAP TER 7 Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation: What Are We Looking For? INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: n n n Goals Planning Preparation INTRODUCTION So far we’ve covered the basics of what log data is, log data architectures, centralized logging, log retention, and a few other topics. Now it’s time to get into log analysis. But before we can start talking about techniques and approaches, we need to set some groundwork for what it takes to get to the point where you can actually begin analyzing log data. This chapter will cover three important topics: Goals, Planning, and Preparation. Log analysis goals are, as the name implies, the goals of what you want to accomplish via log analysis. Planning is the next step in the process of getting to log analysis. We plan out our approach to log analysis. Finally we will cover Preparation. This deals with preparing your log data and environment to handle the activity of log analysis. GOALS The goals of analysis can be varied depending on your particular needs. If you are a banking institution you will have different goals from those of a restaurant chain. There are however a set of higher level goals which can apply to mostly everyone. CONTENTS Introduction..............115 Goals.........................115 Past Bad Things..............115 Future Bad Things, Never Before Seen Things, and All But the Known Good Things.......117 Planning...................117 Accuracy..........................117 Integrity...........................118 Confidence......................119 Preservation....................119 Sanitization.....................120 Normalization..................120 Challenges with Time.................................121 Preparation...............122 Separating Log Messages.........................122 Parsing.............................122 Data Reduction...............122 Data Compression.................. 123 Data De-duplication............... 123 After Hours Data Transmission........................... 124 Summary..................125 Past Bad Things The primary goal is to be cognizant of things which have already happened and be able to alert on them. This section provides sample past bad things. Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00007-5 © 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 115 116 CHAPTER 7: Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation: What Are We Looking for? Creating New User (Windows): EvntSLog:423: [AUS] Fri Oct 05 11:59:09 2001: HANDCUFFS/Security (624) - "User Account Created: New Account Name: tbird New Domain: HANDCUFFS New Account ID: S-1-5-21-1647595427-22557637-10392760241001 Caller User Name: Administrator Caller Domain: HANDCUFFS Caller Logon ID: (0x0,0x2B79) Privileges- " EvntSLog:424: [AUS] Fri Oct 05 11:59:09 2001: HANDCUFFS/Security (626) - "User Account Enabled: Target Account Name: tbird Target Domain: HANDCUFFS Target Account ID: S-1-5-21-1647595427-225576371039276024-1001 Caller User Name: Administrator Caller Domain: HANDCUFFS Caller Logon ID: (0x0,0x2B79) " EvntSLog:425: [AUS] Fri Oct 05 11:59:09 2001: HANDCUFFS/Security (628) - "User Account password set: Target Account Name: tbird Target Domain: HANDCUFFS Target Account ID: S-1-5-21-1647595427-225576371039276024-1001 Caller User Name: Administrator Caller Domain: HANDCUFFS Caller Logon ID: (0x0,0x2B79) " SSH CRS-32 Attack: sshd[6169]: fatal: Local: Corrupted check bytes on input. sshd[6253]: fatal: Local: crc32 compensation attack: network attack detected sendmail Exploits: Jul 21 01:25:49 ariel sendmail[308]: BAA00307: to=lamarbroc@delphi. com, ctladdr=":/bin/mail root@ariel.sdsc.edu daemon useralert product MAD proto ip src elendil dst host additionals: attack=blocked_connection_port_scanning Chapter 9 will show you how correlation can be used to tackle this problem with ease. Planning Future Bad Things, Never Before Seen Things, and All But the Known Good Things Aside from being able to recognize things that are known bad things, you will want to be able to detect things that you don’t know about, have never seen before, or are outside of what you already know about. Why is this critical? As attackers evolve their techniques, normal means of detecting outside-the-norm behavior, e.g. looking at your log data for things you know about, will eventually become the attacker’s way into your environment. This sort of analysis is generally not easily accomplished by manual review of logs. It requires more sophisticated techniques. Chapter 11 discusses using data mining techniques while Chapter 10 shows how statistical analysis can be used to identify things you have never seen, among other things. PLANNING Requirements for log analysis systems are as critical as what your goals are. If you don’t understand the key concepts in planning an analysis system, you will sort of be lost. This section will focus on higher level concerns about the planning of a system. These concerns will serve as a blueprint of sorts which you can refer to when logging at commercial and open source solutions, managed security providers, or even if you want to build your own system. Accuracy Accuracy is the cornerstone of any logging system. But what exactly are the implications on a logging system? Accuracy, quite frankly, is ensuring that any log data received, processed, archived, etc. is free from defects or misleading information in any way. In other words, the data that received is what you or your logging systems intended it to be. One issue is that of false positives. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are one source of false positives. For example, an IDS may report malicious traffic that either isn’t malicious or may not represent a true vulnerability on the target system. One solution to this would be for the IDS to consult a vulnerability database to cross reference possible malicious behavior. Further yet, your IDS could also implement a policy scheme whereby user and group profiles are used to create acceptable network usage of individuals. Cutting down on false positives can help keep clutter down to a minimum. Obviously if you are consuming log data from vendors, you have almost no control over what is transmitted. But in the event that you are planning to write a custom logging system, keep in mind that, much like human conversations and interactions, it is often useful to keep things brief and to the point. 117 118 CHAPTER 7: Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation: What Are We Looking for? One final area regarding accuracy involves the notion of timestamps. A timestamp is the date and time that some event occurred. Almost every security application on the planet uses timestamps. Furthermore, most of these applications send along a timestamp with any log messages they forward upstream. The problem is that different vendors use differing formats. Some use a UNIX epoch, while others either use a standard formatted string for date and time or, worse yet, make up their own. The main standard with regard to timestamps is the ISO 8601 standard. An example ISO 8601 timestamp follows: 2004-07-21T11:44:44+00:00 The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS+/−H. There is a literal “T” in the timestamp in order to delineate between the date and time. The +/− is an offset for GMT. Additionally, RFC 3339 defines date and time formats for use on the Internet. Finally, here are a few samples of log timestamps from various systems: n n n n n n n n Fri Aug 31 15:44:13 2007 10/Jul/2006:00:02:20 −0400 Jan 11 10:36:21 10/21/2005 11:11:38 2004-08-06 10:32:53 12/2/2003,3:29:05 PM 07-06-200400:00:49 As you can see, log timestamp formats are a real problem. Sadly, you will most likely have to deal with timestamps in formats like this. Integrity Integrity deals with trusting the source, and sometimes the content, of log ­messages. If you are relying on log data from commercial log data, then you are at the mercy of the vendor. Some vendors get it. For example, some commercial products already make use of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to not only authenticate clients and servers, but also for encryption of data itself. Other vendors rely on plain-old syslog or making use of the SNMP. Sure, the latest version of SNMP (version 3) makes allowances for security and encryption, but many vendors do not support it as of yet. In the event that you are relying on a vendor’s insecure log data, you can use something like STunnel (http://www. stunnel.org). STunnel is a generic application (written in C) that allows you to forward and receive any type of data over an SSL tunnel. It does come in handy when you need secure communication but either don’t have control over the data itself, or you don’t have time to figure out a particular SSL API. Planning Yet another solution is to send data in clear, but make use of dedicated network links which you know are free from prying eyes and hands. This is an expensive proposition, however, since you may already have network links that are multi use. Obviously you can’t use these links for sensitive data transmission. One last tidbit of information regarding integrity deals with digital signatures. If you digitally sign your log data, you can be assured that it is authentic. Some regulatory bodies may require this level of integrity within your system, if log data ends up being used as evidence in a criminal investigation. Confidence We are reminded of the scene from the movie War Games where, just as Joshua tried to convince NORAD that nuclear destruction was fast approaching, an operator at some console announces over a loudspeaker that confidence was high. Confidence has to do with how sure you are that what happened, or is happening, is an actual event worth caring about. Some products attempt to do this by placing a priority or severity on a given event. This conceptual notion might be in the form of high, medium, or low, or it may be a sliding scale from 0 to 99. Many Cisco devices, for example, use a scale of 0 through 7. Confidence in reality goes a bit deeper than a simple priority scheme. True confidence is derived from knowing all you can about your network and infrastructure. SIEM systems are useful in this regard. The SIEM marketplace is one that is fairly new and ever evolving. SIEMs are typically enterprise applications that sit atop all the security devices in a network. This includes, but is not limited to, firewalls, IDSes, vulnerability scanners, databases, and applications. All these systems feed into the SIEM, where the SIEM can either use statistical algorithms to analyze log data or allow an operator to create custom rules that look for specific patterns in the log data. The benefit of creating custom rules is that it allows for an abstraction of a potential security threat to be caught based on heterogeneous log data. (firewalls and IDSes for example). This is at the heart of confidence: the taking inputs from many areas (often disjoint) and deriving a more mature (and accurate) fact from the set of all inputs. Preservation Preservation is the idea that log data should not be altered in any way whatsoever. This is a must if you ever plan to use a piece of log data to prosecute malicious actions. For example, many security device vendors provide their own notion of the type of potential attack, e.g. a firewall drop, an IDS port sweep, and so forth. It is critical this information not get altered at all during any point of the log system receipt, processing, analysis and archival. 119 120 CHAPTER 7: Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation: What Are We Looking for? The argument has been made time and time again that some vendors classify events poorly. Some savvy network security engineer may feel that she knows best and wants to rename a given event’s type description from that of the vendor supplied one, which the engineer is confident is more expressive of the “real” intrusion, threat, breach, etc. The motive is pure, however the method may not be. In this scenario, the engineer should have a log system that allows for this mapping to occur independent of the original data. Sanitization Confidentiality of log data can sometimes be a concern when dealing with log systems. For example, you may have user account information or IP addresses that you don’t want transmitted over a network link. Or possibly you are transmitting logs to a third-party vendor and you want to keep certain things ­private. There are two main techniques for log sanitization. The first is to detect and either replace or remove the entries you want sanitized. For example, and IP address of may become xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. This alerts someone viewing the sanitized log entry that there was an IP address in the log file. The other technique is based on a scheme where the removed log data can be reconstructed at some later point. For example, the sanitized information may be extracted and placed into a secure file. Normalization Normalization, as it pertains to log and analysis systems, is an interesting topic. What we are now concerned with is normalizing vendor data into a format we as security and network analysts can manipulate, report on, etc. In other words we are concerned with creating a well-known log event format. Many security vendors choose their own logging format regardless if Syslog or SNMP is used. To make matters worse, some vendors choose to provide a proprietary software development kit (SDK) to access their application’s internal data formats. This can be a real problem mainly when you actually want to process log messages to extract pieces of data like IP addresses and port information. Normalization, sometimes referred to as unification, is essentially the act of mapping many different vendors’ log data format to one that is well known, i.e. one that you have come up with. As we saw in Chapter 4, defining a logical scheme for storing data is one piece of the normalization puzzle. By coming up with a data schema which meets the needs of your application or organization, you can easily map almost any vendor’s log event data, no matter how verbose or unwieldy, to your own. This makes things like forensic mining and historical searching much easier since you know the format of the data up front. Chapter 9 expands on this topic by discussing parsing and normalization. Planning Challenges with Time Our final topic in the planning section is that of time synchronization. Time is a very critical component of investigation after the fact. Logs can show with exact certainty that something happened. Here are some challenges with time and log data: n n n n n n n n Completely false timestamp in logs—a dead battery or another hardware failure is a common reason for seeing time stamps that have no connection to reality whatsoever. It’s always 5PM somewhere: which time zone are your logs in? Many log files will contain no time zone in the logs themselves; one needs to take care of noting down in which time zone the logging system was located. Are you in drift? Your clock might be—admittedly NTP clock drift cause time deviations at the order of seconds, but even this might change the sequence of events (e.g. did he launched an attack first or did he try to login first—thus seeing the login banner?) Using UTC time on all systems might resolve this issue. Syslog forwarder mysteries: his time vs. my time—less common more likely in the future as people adopt buffering syslog servers (such as syslog-ng or commercial systems that can store-and-­ forward logs). In this case, one needs to make sure that a syslog message contains the time of the event and not the time of the delayed log transmission. So, which one is right? Systems with two timestamps! Some of the systems will have more than one timestamp and one will possess a high degree of certainty about which is the time of the event. If something got logged at 5:17AM, when did it happen? Log lag is real as well, especially for logging processes or programs execution. For example, some systems will log the process execution when the program terminates or exits and not when it is launched. 5:17 in logs, sadly, may mean 5:17AM or 5:17PM (17:17). Some older systems make that mistake. Finally, can you trust your NTP time source? Do you have an SLA with the time provider? The answer to this is likely “no.” This is admittedly very esoteric but needs to be at least considered briefly. Here are some rules of thumb to abide by to mitigate these challenges. n n n NTP religiously; run a time server that synchronizes with a guaranteed time server (e.g. time.nist.gov). Implement time synchronization across all the logging systems with the above NTP server. Note down the time zone when receiving and centralizing logs (make sure to use EST, EST, PDT, or GMT+/−N format). 121 122 CHAPTER 7: Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation: What Are We Looking for? n n n If timing mechanism fails and you end up with January 1970, you can try to use other logs to correlate—however, justifying the timing procedure in court will be an uphill battle. To account for log lag mentioned above—know the system that logs! For higher levels of assurance investigate trusted time protocols (look up ANSI X9.95:2005). PREPARATION Our final topic is that of preparation. Preparation deals with gearing up to get down, so to speak. Here we want to make sure we have prepared our environment and log data so we can not only analyze it, but store it, report on it, etc. Separating Log Messages If you can separate your log messages by host and then by service, this can make analysis much easier. It can also make the following tasks much easier, too: Develop a set of unique patterns: Easier to do if you separate messages by service. Identify the “variables” in each pattern: Type and range. Check for false positives (in pattern matches) and corrupt data. Storing patterns: Can be a flat text file, database, etc. Parsing Parsing deals with taking a raw log message and extracting feature information from it. These features include the source of the log message, timestamp of when the log occurred, source and destination IP information, user information, etc. This allows you to gain a greater understanding of your log data because you can work with the piece parts of the log message for detailed ­analysis, reporting and so on. Chapter 9 goes into detail about parsing and the concepts surrounding it. Data Reduction It is important to understand data reduction techniques in order to not only efficiently transmit log data from its source to an intermediate processing server, but to also store the data efficiently as well. Some of these techniques, however, do come at a price. Some impact the CPU performance of the source host system, receiving host system, or both. The gains had by some of these techniques sometimes outweights the system impact. If you are able to send Preparation less data over your network, i.e. you utilize less bandwidth, which could be a gain if you have limits of how much data you can transmit over your network. Data Compression Data compression deals with taking a sting of bytes and compressing it down to a smaller set of bytes, whereby it takes either less bandwidth to transmit the string or to store it to disk. The compressed string is then re-inflated by the receiving side or application. The downside is that there is a performance impact on both the sender and receiver when the data has to be compressed and then inflated on the other end. There are two ways in which compression can be applied to log analysis. One is when we transmit our normalized events from the log aggregator to the processing server for analysis and/or archival. The other way to use compression is at the database level. This is largely a function of what your particular database ­vendor supports. Data De-duplication In the normal course of log data collection, duplicate event data is often received. Technically speaking, the notion of duplicate event data almost never applies to security log data. What you end up with is the same sort of event that has some variable characteristic. For example, let’s say an attacker is port scanning hosts on your network. For each of these probe attempts, your IDS will more than likely create separate events. The event type may be the same (port sweep or some such type), but the attacker’s source IP address and port may differ for each event, especially if spoofing is employed, but the destination IP address (the attacked host) will be the same for each event. Security log events fall into two main categories: those which are informational and those which are of real operational and/or tactical value. Informational messages are things like system start up or shut down. Operational or tactical log data are events reported from your IDS, firewall and such. SSH login failure attempts, for example, are of particular operational interest. The goal is to come up with a unique identifier for an event which will allow for seemingly disparate events to be lumped together logically into a single event, differentiated only by a count of how many times the event in question. This count allows hundreds and thousands of events to occur with a single event representing all occurrences. This saves a tremendous amount of space. There are several pieces of information in log data which can help you with de-duplication. They are: n n Source of the Log Event (IDS, FW, etc.) Source IP Address 123 124 CHAPTER 7: Analysis Goals, Planning, and Preparation: What Are We Looking for? n n n Source Port Destination IP Address Destination Port. Source of the Log Event: The source of the log event is the device, software, etc. which generated the event. This has several implications. Many security products are moving toward management server architecture. This means that instead of every device reporting individually to a log server, each device will report to a management system which forwards events to the log server on behalf of one or more devices. This is a more efficient and scalable way for vendors to transmit log events to third-party receivers. The downside is that, whether SNMP or Syslog is used, the physical source of the log event is the management server, i.e. the IP address of the management server will be what we see in the Syslog message. In order to identify the sensor which actually generated the event, the management server will place the origin of the event inside the log message it emits to the log server. Note that we are using the term sensor in a general sense; a sensor could be a firewall, IDS and so forth. Now, much like the non-standardization of event log formats, the format of the origin field is vendor specific. It may be the IP address or hostname of the sensor, or it could be some unique identifier. This is a fact to be aware of when you may want to use the source of the log event as part of your de-duplication uniqueness key. Source IP Address: The source IP address is from where the attack originated. In practice, this is not enough to guarantee uniqueness. This is due mainly to the fact that attackers may spoof one or more source IP address. Source Port: The source port is the randomly created port of the origin of the source system. Again, due to spoofing this is generally not reliable enough for de-duplication. Destination IP Address: The destination IP address is the IP of the target s­ ystem. This is generally the one thing that will remain static during the duration of an attack. This is a good candidate to aid in our de-duplication efforts. Destination Port: In the event that a port scan attack is happening, the IDS will report many different ports for the same destination IP address. For many attacks, there will be one destination IP address and one destination port. D ­ estination port is a somewhat good candidate for inclusion into our de-duplication process. After Hours Data Transmission This topic is not technically a data reduction technique, but it does bare mention in this chapter. This technique works well for transmission from your aggregator to the main/analysis server. The basic principal is that you determine Preparation a time of day to transmit events for which you don’t necessarily wish to have analyzed, but you do want to archive the data. For example, if you have very strict firewall rules in place, you may not care about seeing or analyzing firewall accepts, permits, and so on, but you still have a need to archive all of these events. With after-hours transmission, you could send these firewall events at some time, say 3AM, when network traffic is at a minimum. Also not analyzing these events on your server can reduce the load and leave CPU cycles available for events of a more dire nature to be dealt with. The steps to accomplish this technique are quite straightforward. First, you need to have a way to detect and segregate the log messages you wish to­transmit at a later time. This can be done via using built-in facilities in syslog-ng or whatever your system supports. These messages need to be kept on the log aggregation point, but stored in a place where they can’t impact the comingand-going of higher priority events. Second, a date and/or time will need to be declared in order to define when events should be transmitted. Finally, when the time comes, transmit events to the main server for analysis and/or archival. You will also need to a way to communicate to the server that these events are not to be analyzed; it doesn’t always make sense to process these events if you are transmitting them at some later date and time. It should be noted that if your particular log analysis tool doesn’t support this concept, you might have to create your own solution using scp, rsync, or some other tool. One issue to be aware of is that if you allow for time ranges to be specified, e.g. 3AM to 4AM, you may have the situation where an hour is not enough time to transmit all the segregated event data. You now must make a decision: do you stop sending the events, or do you keep going regardless of the time, until all the events are sent? It really depends on your particular requirements, or simply what your gut tells you is the right thing to do. SUMMARY Before log analysis can commence, you need to make sure you have your ducks in a row. This includes setting your goals, planning your log analysis system, and preparing your log data for analysis. The remaining chapters in this book will go into more detail on many of the concepts introduced in this chapter. 125 This page is intentionally left blank CHAP TER 8 Simple Analysis Techniques INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: n n n n n Line by Line: Road to Despair Simple Log Viewers Limitations of Manual Log Review Responding to the Results of Analysis Examples INTRODUCTION Manually reading logs should be reserved as a punishment in the appropriate circle of Hell. However, lacking good, automated tools, one will always fall back to manual review, thus we are reviewing it in this chapter. Having a firm foundation in the basics will serve you well. Additionally we will provide insight into responding to the results of log analysis. But why do we perform log analysis? Here are some of the reasons: n n n n n Compliance and Regulatory Concerns. Situational Awareness on Your Network. Infrastructure ROI. Measuring Security. Incident Response. LINE BY LINE: ROAD TO DESPAIR As we are starting up with a subject of manual analysis, let’s try to go through a log file from a Nokia IPSO platform (a variant of BSD Unix) that is used for a Checkpoint Firewall-1, line by line, as a beginner system administrator or a security analyst just to get a feel for the process: Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00008-7 © 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. CONTENTS Introduction..............127 Line by Line: Road to Despair.................127 Simple Log Viewers.....................129 Real-Time Review...........129 Historical Log Review....130 Simple Log Manipulation...................131 Log Parser and Log Parser Lizard: A Better Way to Sift Through Windows Logs......... 132 Limitations of Manual Log Review......................134 Responding to the Results of Analysis....................135 Acting on Critical Logs.................................135 Acting on Summaries of Non-Critical Logs........137 Developing an Action Plan..................................138 Automated Actions........140 Examples..................140 Incident Response Scenario...........................140 Routine Log Review.......141 Summary..................142 References................143 127 128 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques Mar 25 15:56:42 cp41 [LOG_NOTICE] xpand[370]: Sending trap request (to default addresses).. Mar 25 15:56:42 cp41 [LOG_NOTICE] xpand[370]: Trap sent Mar 25 15:56:42 cp41 [LOG_NOTICE] xpand[370]: Configuration changed from by user admin for page /opt/syswatch/templates/ configuration Mar 25 15:57:00 cp41 [LOG_INFO] /USR/SBIN/CRON[18212]: (root) CMD (/etc/hourly 2>&1 >>/var/log/hourly) Mar 25 15:58:11 cp41 [LOG_NOTICE] xpand[370]: Configuration changed from localhost by user admin Mar 25 15:58:24 cp41 [LOG_INFO] sshd-x[16837]: Generating new 768 bit RSA key. Mar 25 15:58:25 cp41 [LOG_INFO] sshd-x[16837]: RSA key generation complete. Mar 25 15:59:05 cp41 [LOG_INFO] sshd-x[18383]: Accepted publickey for ROOT from port 36710 ssh2 Let’s quickly analyze the log file now: 1. OK, so the first line indicates sending of an SNMP trap. Looks perfectly normal. 2. Second, same thing, looks like a success status that a trap was sent. 3. Next, looks like some configuration change done by “admin” from an IP address Might or might not be normal, depends upon what else we know. 4. The next line indicates that a process was run from cron, a facility to run programs periodically in the background. This looks normal. 5. Line five is also a configuration change, although unattributed to a specific user, can’t tell whether it’s important, but looks like IPSO considers it a low priority. 6. Next two messages are related to a routine activity by a sshd remote access daemon, that regenerates the encryption key every predefined time period. To be ignored. 7. The last of our batch indicates that the “root” has connected from the same IP that we observed the above change from. This might be normal, unless the previous configuration change was by itself malicious. Aren’t you getting frustrated? And we just analyzed about 3 min from the life of this specific computer systems; just eight lines of logs or 762 bytes. Now, imagine that we had a month of logs from this busy system. We will be talking about gigabytes and millions of lines of logs. Suddenly, a manual reviews sounds like a deeply troubled process. Indeed, manual log review doesn’t scale, to put it mildly. However, we will still fall back to it in some circumstance, such as lacking tools or needing a quick glance on something very specific. Simple Log Viewers As an additional complication, we were familiar with this log format and had general environment knowledge of Unix, IPSO, etc. Often the analyst will have to learn all that from scratch. As we pointed out in earlier chapters, binary and other non-readable format will also complicate the situation significantly. Thus, logs might be hard to read as well as hard to understand, which hampers manual analysis. SIMPLE LOG VIEWERS Let’s now look at some simple viewers in Unix and Windows and how they help. Real-Time Review On most Unix and Linux flavors, there are several tools that can assist with log analysis. Some of them help with real-time log viewing, while others help with reviewing historical logs. We will start from the classic: # tail –f /var/log/messages This command will show the last lines in the standard Unix messages file and the new lines that appear after the command is launched. This is by far the simplest real-time log viewer, albeit the least useful in most circumstances. However, it is quite handy if all that is needed is a look at the system log records as they appear, for example, during a new program test or a daemon crash. The above command may be enhanced with filtering by using the standard Unix string matching utility—grep: # tail –f /var/log/messages | grep sshd This command will only show messages produced by the secure shell daemon, such as: Dec 12 17:31:56 ns1 sshd[4095]: refused connect from Dec 12 17:37:34 ns1 sshd[484]: Generating new 768 bit RSA key. Dec 12 17:37:34 ns1 sshd[484]: RSA key generation complete. To further enhance the above real-time log viewing, we can throw in a tee command that will help us to look at the data as well as send it to a file: # tail –f /var/log/messages | grep sshd | tee file-of-latest-sshd-logs. txt 129 130 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques This command shows log lines will also be recorded to a file “file-of-latestsshd-logs.txt.” For the fans of less, they can use this Unix command in wait mode to perform the same feat: # less /var/log/messages Now, press “F” for the less to go into the “tail” mode and show the latest and newly arriving data. In Windows environment, a bundled Event Viewer can be run to monitor newly arriving log records in each of the three logs. It will be covered in the next section on simple historical log viewers. Historical Log Review Now that we mentioned less, we can start talking about looking at stored logs. Obviously, any text editor on your platform of choice can be used to look at the plain text logs. There is one caveat however! Some log files are very large, as we mentioned before. Thus, not every text editor will handle them efficiently (if at all). Just try loading a 1 GB file in Windows notepad (without success) and you’d get the point. Other editors will work, but operation will be extremely slow. Thus, you’d want to have something lightweight, but, on the other hand, with search and other useful features. On Unix, more and less utilities usually fit the bill. They can handle large files (gigabyte sizes) as well as have search. Following our policy not to rephrase manual pages, we refer the reader to the output of a man command on his or her Unix/ Linux system. Typing man more and man less will show the information. Sometimes, more details help can be obtained by an info command, such as: $ info less On Windows, the only bundled tool is an Event Viewer. Here we will mention that it allows perusing the three standard Windows logs (Application, Systems, and Security), waiting for new events and displaying them as they arrive (by clicking “Refresh”), as well as filtering and sorting. Figure 8.1 shows the viewer. As described,1 some of the more interesting features of the Windows 7 Event Viewer include: n n n Working with individual events as XML. Subscribing to events on remote machines using event subscriptions. Saving filters as custom views. 1 http://www.razorleaf.com/2009/11/event-viewer-top-5/. Simple Log Viewers FIGURE 8.1 Windows 7 Event Log Viewer n n Logging your own custom events in the application log. Running a task in response to an event. The above tools will show you logs, but most likely you will start wishing for more right away. Can we filter for that? Summarize like this? Slightly change format? This is where some tools will help. Simple Log Manipulation We will start from Unix, since it has more tools for that purpose, and will go to Windows afterwards. We established that we can look at logs in real time on Unix using tail and less and use many of the file viewing tools (such as cat, more, or less) for looking at stored files. Let’s first summarize what are we aiming at while using the simple tools and then we will show how to do it: 1. Log filtering: We want to only see specific stuff. 2. Log reformatting: Modifying the way we see it. 3. Log summarization: Seeing a condensed view. As we mentioned above, grep in combination with tail allows for simple filtering. Grep can also help with more advanced filtering on large log files. Here is a scatter of examples of common log filtering tasks with grep: # grep –ev 'ssh|telnet' /var/log/messages 131 132 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques See all messages with the exception of those containing ssh and telnet: | # grep –f patterns /var/log/messages See all messages matching the patterns from a file “patterns.” Other tools enhance the power of grep are tail and head. They are used to look at the front and end parts of a log file. For example: # tail – 1000 /var/log/messages | grep ailed The above looks for records with a string “ailed” (aiming to catch both “Failed” and “failed” since grep is case-sensitive) in the last 1000 lines of a messages file. Similarly, # head – 1000 /var/log/messages | grep ailed looks for records with a string “ailed” in the first 1000 lines of a messages file. If you add awk and sort tool to the mix, we can do a lot more with the logs. For example, we can view what devices and systems has logged to our file: # cat messages | awk '{print $4}' | sort –u On our test system the above gives: ns1 ns2 ns-backup Those are the names of three Unix systems logging to the server, we just extracted this summary information from a bunch of logs. This example brings us into sorting and simple summaries of logs. In fact, awk allows writing complicated (both in functionality and in comprehension) scripts to process the log files, but we will focus only on commands used here. Log Parser and Log Parser Lizard: A Better Way to Sift Through Windows Logs On Windows, the Event Viewer allows us to filter, sort, and extract logs to files. On a typical Windows system filtering is limited to: n n n n n Event type. Event category. Event ID. Source computer. Source application or system component name. Simple Log Viewers n n User name. Date and time range. For somewhat more advanced analysis of Windows logs we can use Log Parser with Log Lizard. Log Parser is a Microsoft Windows add-on which gives you an SQL-like interface to the Windows Event Log. For example, here is a query which will retrieve all rows from the System Windows event log: SELECT * FROM System By itself it is a command-line tool, which makes it difficult to use in any analytical way. This is where Log Lizard comes in. It’s a GUI which puts a nice interface around Log Parser. Installation of the two tools is very easy and straightforward. You can obtain them from the following places: 1. Log Parser: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displayla ng=en&id=24659. 2. Log Parser Lizard: http://www.lizard-labs.net/log_parser_lizard.aspx. Figure 8.2 shows the Log Parser Lizard GUI. Some of the features of Log Parser combines with Log Parser Lizard include: n n n Charting. Customized searching. Limiting the rows returned. FIGURE 8.2 Log Parser Lizard Screenshot 133 134 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques n n Export of results returned via queries. And many more. The Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit provides a great introduction to Log Parser (Giuseppini and Burnett, 2004). You can use this reference to understand how it works and what features are available via the query language. Log Parser Lizard has online documentation and forums which both provide a good starting point to learn more about this useful tool. LIMITATIONS OF MANUAL LOG REVIEW At this stage it should become clear that while manual log review and using simple tools and commands certainly has its place in log analysis, it should not be relied upon as a main mechanism for log analysis. The obvious limitations include: n n n n n Manual log review just doesn’t scale up with the increasing log file sizes: we looked at eight lines, but a more realistic task is to look at 8 million. In large-scale enterprise environments, logs are often produced at the rate of 20,000 log records per second. Manual log analysis will break and become ineffective and inefficient at a much lower logging rate. Manual log review is easy for easy logs: when the file is pretty-much self-explanatory and tells you that something specific has failed it can be interpreted manually, but in case of a more obscure and undocumented log source, the approach fails flat on its face. The effort needed to interpret each line will go from a second of quick thinking to hours of research online and in other sources. Simple tools and manual review will likely never yield a big picture of what is going on in the computing environment, but more advanced tools can produce such a picture from log data. In addition to confusing and obscure formats, in many cases the analysis will require relating logs from multiple sources together. Such activity can indeed be performed manually but the time needed will go up by a large margin (compared to just looking at one log file). Such correlated should better be left to the automated tools. Last but not least, such activity is usually extremely boring. While this is a problem by itself, boredom usually saps the efficiency of an analyst faster than he can say “beer.” Overall, as long as we don’t ask too much of our manual log review activities, they definitely have this place. We summarize the results of this in the summary section at the end of the chapter. Responding to the Results of Analysis RESPONDING TO THE RESULTS OF ANALYSIS One might think that since the book is about log analysis, we will stop when the analysis is complete and we know for sure what was going on. However, the only real practical purpose of the analysis is to act after it is complete. While the emphasis of the book is obviously on the analysis itself, this brief chapter reviews a spectrum of actions, which are usually performed based on log analysis. In particular, relevance of logs to incident response will be discussed, since sometimes the logs reveal that the incident has taken place. Up to this point, we have pursued log analysis for various, now it is time to tie various reasons we analyzed logs to real-world actions. We will deal with actions on two levels: a micro level (what to do if you see a specific line or an indication in a log file) and macro level (what kind of process improvements needs to be implemented as a result of log analysis). Acting on Critical Logs If you see something like this in your network intrusion detection logs: 2004-12-02|00:46:58|dralion1|SSL:COMPROMISESHELL|||443|2328|X||6|tcp,dp=2328,sp=443| which is then followed by this:  004-12-02|00:47:02|dralion1|HIPORT:SHELL2 UNAME|||443|2328|X||6|tcp,dp=2328,sp=443| your action should be swift, decisive as well as planned and prepared. For those who didn’t know, the above messages from the Enterasys Dragon Network Intrusion Detection system reliably indicate that the target server (with an address has been compromised by an attacker (from Note that in the Dragon messages above the source and destination are reversed since the NIDS detected the response from the victim system to the attacker that indicates that an attacker has obtained interactive access to the target Web server. Just for reference, the above Dragon messages are interpreted in Table 8.1. This example aims to indicate that for some messages the required action is obvious: jump to your incident response plan right away. What are some of the log files, messages that usually trigger an immediate action that does not require much deliberation (or, rather, all deliberation can happen in advance)? Table 8.2 has specific examples of actions to take on critical logs. Note that the actions in Table 8.2 are not provided as a comprehensive “What to Do Guide” for all the circumstances in life, but to illustrate that logs can often be actionable. 135 136 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques Table 8.1 Definition of Dragon Log Message Fields Field Meaning 2004-12-02| 00:46:58| dralion1| SSL:COMPROMISE-SHELL||| 443| 2328| X|| 6| tcp,dp=2328,sp=443| Date of the logged event Time of the logged event Host name of the log producing machine Attack name as classified by the NIDS vendor Source IP Destination IP Source port Destination port Unused in this case Protocol (where 6 stands for TCP Other information Table 8.2 Summary of Actions to Take on Critical Log Messages Critical Log Required Action Faults that can affect system operations If system operation is lost, a backup system needs to be brought up Initiate the incident response and recovery process for the compromised machine Initiate the incident response and recovery process for the compromised machine Bring additional capacity or risk losing the entire system Reverse the changes if unauthorized to avoid the problems A backup system needs to be brought up Check for signs of compromise if an attacker managed to guess the password If system operation is lost, a backup system needs to be brought up Reverse the changes if unauthorized Investigate who accessed the system and why Attacks that are successful Attacks that have a high chance of being successful System reaching capacity or maximum of some value System changes possibly leading to security and availability problems System crash Numerous failed logins Hardware failure Security-relevant configuration change Unauthorized connection detected In this section we looked at a simple case of acting on logs, since we didn’t have to design and implement a complicated plan. In addition, we only provided a summary of actions. In real-life, for example, “Investigate who accessed the system and why” might evolve into a prolonged multi-day investigative process. Responding to the Results of Analysis Acting on Summaries of Non-Critical Logs This section touches upon acting on aggregates of non-critical logs. The volume of firewall, router, or host messages does not invoke such an immediate response as the above critical messages from Dragon NIDS do. Just the fact that a connection was denied by a firewall usually does not map into instantaneous action by the user watching the logs (it is also unlikely that somebody is viewing those logs in near real time). However, a combination of such messages will often invoke an indirect action (otherwise, why even analyze the stuff that never leads to an action?). As was pointed by Marcus Ranum “most log files are useless, and that most organizations are better off deleting their files and saving the disk space for something that’s actually productive” (Garfinkel, 2005). The reason this was proclaimed is that if you never look at your log files (and thus, never act), there is absolutely no sense in keeping them. While nowadays in this regulatory compliance era one can claim that he keeps the logs “for compliance reasons,” the above argument still applies since if neither you nor the compliance auditor looks at the logs and acts based on what they find—they are still useless. In the 2011 Verizion Data Breach Report, it was discovered that very high percentage of incidents had evidence in log messages of the breach, but no one was paying attention to the logs. This is a clear-cut proof that log analysis can indeed pay off. We hope by that time the reader is already convinced that he not only needs to retain log files, not only to review and analyze them, but also act on them in order to derive the maximum value out of them. There are several paths from seemingly non-actionable logs to action. We summarize some of the most common ones below: 1. Acting on a summary or trend: A lot of non-actionable messages often translate into action due to a developing trend or some new knowledge deduced from the summary. 2. Acting on a correlated event or a group of events: Often, a known combination of non-critical events falls into a critical pattern due to their sequence and timing. 3. Acting on a discovered pattern or unusual sequence of non-critical events: Using advanced log analysis tools, one can sometimes mine a new suspicious pattern out of otherwise normal and harmless log records. Let’s consider examples of the above three possibilities in detail. Summaries and trends are a common result of log analysis. A long log file might be summarized into a brief “Top 10 Attacks” or “Top Suspicious IP Addresses” or an infinite number of other useful summaries. Often, such summary view 137 138 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques will prompt an action. For example, it might become obvious from a “Top Bandwidth Users” report that the top three users in the company utilize 90% of available bandwidth. This can quickly lead to a disciplinary action, especially if such bandwidth is used to share files on P2P or to download non-work related materials. Similarly, an observation of a router CPU utilization log over a long period of time might reveal periods of unusually high activity, leading to an investigation possibly discovering attacker communication with a compromised system. Correlation (described in Chapter 9) will often lead to groups of unimportant events to be flagged. A connection here, a failed login there, and an application launch in some other place might mean a system compromise or insider abuse of system privileges. For example, if an administrator access to a system is spotted at 3 AM, it might not mean anything bad, just slightly suspicious. If the administrator then tries to access several applications and then connects to a database and starts loading data, it might raise a flag, but still not mean anything bad. If, however, the final action is a large data download attempted from the same system, we know that an intrusion have likely taken place and it is time to act. Thus, by putting together a rule to watch for such activity, we can provide a (much needed!) action on relatively unimportant events. Pattern discovery in logs is a novel area in log analysis (described in Chapters 10 and 11). It provides a highly effective and automated way of discovering new knowledge in logs and thus making ultimately boring and routine logs into actions. For example, a log file might be discovered to contain a repeating pattern of connections from a seemingly diverse set of source IP addresses. When presented, this pattern might be interpreted as a new exploitation tools, covertly tried on a company network. It can then lead to a set of actions by a security team and even community at large. Table 8.3 summarizes more examples of how actions are associated with nonactionable logs. Table 8.3 shows that even innocuous and routine events will often require an action if they are analyzed appropriately and can save a lot of headache by predicting the trouble early. Developing an Action Plan The above examples allow us to generalize and come to a valuable “Last step of log analyses”—action. Such a plan will incorporate all possible results of analysis (as well as actions if the result doesn’t fit the defined results) and cover both critical and informational alerts. Responding to the Results of Analysis Table 8.3 Summary of Actions Associated With Non-Actionable Logs Accounting Log / “keep in mind” Path to Action Action Needed System status messages Correlated Attack attempts and probes Correlated summary Low impact attacks Trend System reaching a relatively high value of some parameter Trend Various system changes Correlated System startup/shutdown Summary Successful login Correlated Hardware status message Summary Connection established/terminated Discovery A pattern of system status messages might indicate unauthorized system use, leading to an investigation and then disciplinary action A pattern of probing might indicate that an advanced attacker is seeking to break in and strengthening of security defenses (an action!) is needed A growth in low impact attack might coincide with an increase of more damaging attacks, that need to be acted on A sharp increase in such messages indicates either an intrusion or overall system instability; both need an action to restore performance A pattern of system change messages might indicate unauthorized system reconfiguration, leading to an investigation and then disciplinary action A large number of system shutdowns in a certain time period might indicate that system became unstable and needs fixing A successful logging coming at the heels of a long string of failed login indicates that a brute forcing password attack has succeeded. Summarizing hardware status messages across various systems might help pinpoint systems having the most problem, leading to overall optimization program and improved performance Log mining can help to discovery an connection pattern indicative of a new hacking tool, leading to a need to strengthen security defenses 139 140 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques Admittedly, a plan will have a close relation to an incident response plan (see Chapter 16), but will also cover some of the early signs of danger (not constituting the incident) as well as changes in normal patterns of activity. A typical incident response plan will include communication, escalation, and response. Chapter 16 shows how to develop such a plan based around log data, along with insights in how to tailor it toward your environment. Automated Actions We covered the planning and different types of actions, but one critical action possibility was left outside the scope: automated action. Why plan and have people execute that action if you can program a system to do them automatically? While this is very tempting, real-life implementation of it faces a large number of challenges. What are some of the possible automated actions? What kind of environment and what kind of circumstances call for their implementation? In many cases of critical logged events, automated action is certainly appropriate. For example, here is how one of the authors uses log-driven automated action in the honeynet. Admittedly, the criticality of a honeypot environment is lower than that of the production system, however the risks are often the same or even higher. One of the most critical requirements for the honeypot is that it is always monitored. Thus, if some monitoring features fail, the operation of the honeypot should be halted. This is logically similar to the feature of several operating systems that can be configured to fail gracefully if audit collected stops workings. Since the honeypot uses multiple monitoring mechanisms, the main failure scenario is the disk space exhaustion: if there is no space, no monitoring can function and record the attacker’s steps. Thus, a script runs a “df” command AND watches the /var/log/messages file for the traces of “wite failure—check your disk space,” “n space left on device,” “disk full” or “insufficient storage available at the moment” messages. In case such messages appear in the syslog or the “df” command shows that partitions holding log data are 100% full, the script will run and block all access to and from honeypot network via a special firewall configuration request. EXAMPLES This section will cover two examples of action on logs: log analysis in emergency incident response and routine analysis conclusions review. Incident Response Scenario This scenario deals with a company that was attacked. Incident investigators have analyzed (or, rather, tried to analyze, as logs were destroyed). “Rats R Us” Examples is a global leader in end-to-end rat management for business and consumers. The Web site provides a significant part of the company revenue they have built a DMZ architecture with two firewalls that protects publicly available servers (Web, Email, etc.). One sunny day of May 2005, the intrusion prevention system started generating a huge volume of alerts related to IRC (Internet Relay Chat) program use on the company network. The first action from the above log observation was to take a machine online— a drastic action indeed. This provides an example of acting on a critical log, similar to the above case of Dragon NIDS alert. The incident investigators have tried looking for the logs, but all were erased. Next, the analysts have tried looking at the external connectivity logs on a firewall. As you know from above, such logs are not immediately actionable, but need to be summarized, correlated, or mined. However, summaries didn’t really help in this case and no advanced log analysis tools were available to the investigators. The firewall contained its normal noise and, even though there might have been some interesting events, discovering them would have required having a starting point. Otherwise, it was just a mix of random IP addresses connecting through the firewall and no indication of which one was the attacker. Thus, they were unable to take action based on such logs and the incident remained largely unresolved. The overall and final action taken was to formulate generic security recommendation. That included installing a security information and event management (SIEM) product, so that even routine logs can be analyzed proactively and acted upon. Routine Log Review Now, let’s take a look at the same company after all the incident findings and lessons learned have been implemented and the company is more proactive in log analysis and review. To remind, the company made sure that the logs were configured to be sent to a commercial log collection and analysis product—SIEM—that can securely transfer and preserve them as well as perform advanced analytics on logs in real time and over the long term. For all practical purposes, “Rats R Us” was now in logging paradise. Let’s take an example of how they now act on logs, routine, and others. The company now has a clear plan to act on logs. Every day the company runs various log summaries and trends to observe the “big picture” of security. Those include “Top Attacked Ports,” “Top Event Types,” “Top Growing Event Types,” as well as “Top Bandwidth Users” inside the company. Those are acted if some unusual things are observed in them or if 141 142 CHAPTER 8: Simple Analysis Techniques whatever metric is growing dramatically. Similarly, if the number of connection events goes down (“Summary of Network Connection” report), another action is defined since it might indicate that the servers’ performance is affected. Other, less-common but very effective summaries include “Least Common Event Types,” “Previously Unseen Events,” and “Correlated Events.” These help to discover rare but critical events in logs. SUMMARY This chapter looked at trying to assault the log problem by force: using manual log review and simple tools. In reality, this is similar to trying to attack a well-defended fortress with just clubs and not siege weapons: theoretically, it can be done, but it will take a huge crowd or a lot of time (and, likely both). In addition, a lot of attackers will die in the process and this is not something you want happening with your valuable IT personnel. The next chapter focuses on more automate analysis tools and techniques. The important points to remember from this chapter are: n n The time to use the methods and techniques from this chapter: n A quick glance at the logs is all that is needed (such as to check something quickly). n A log volume is not too large. n The analyst is familiar with the log formats to be reviewed. n The log files to be analyzed contain high-severity critical alerts, that are immediately actionable without any further analysis. The time not to use the methods a techniques from this chapter: n n n n A big picture view or a trend is needed (such as for a senior manager). A high degree of automation and intelligence is needed in log analysis. Logs are diverse and located in different places. A large volume of sparse and non-critical logs needs to be distilled into something actionable. References REFERENCES Garfinkel, S. (2005, April 1). Another look at log files. CSO. Web March 25, 2012. . Giuseppini, G., & Burnett, M. (2004). Microsoft log parser toolkit. Rockland, MA: Syngress. Verizion 2011 data breach report. Verizion. Web June 1, 2012. . 143 This page is intentionally left blank CHAP TER 9 Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation INFORMATION IN THIS CHAPTER: n n n n n Filtering Normalization Correlation Common Patterns to Look For The Future INTRODUCTION In the world of logging and log management, a large part of an administrator’s time is spent reviewing logs for potential problems. In the past, this task was largely manual. Log analysis systems today provide automated mechanisms to help alleviate this burden. This chapter provides insight into this process. While no particular product is used, plenty of examples are given on the topics of filtering, correlation, parsing, rules, and so on. The goal is to provide you with the necessary concepts so you can use them no matter what logging system you use. At the heart of this chapter are three large concepts: filtering, normalization, and correlation. Filtering is the act of taking in raw log data, determining if you want to keep it. The output of filtering is a normalized log data. This data is an input to correlation. Correlation is the act of matching a single normalized piece of data, or a series of pieces data, for the purpose of taking an action. Figure 9.1 shows the logical flow of this process. Let’s briefly describe each step in the process: 1. Raw Log Data: This is what you start with. This is the first input into the process. 2. Filter: In the filter stage we look for log messages that we care about and don’t care about. The ones we don’t care about can be “dropped” in order Logging and Log Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-59-749635-3.00009-9 © 2013 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. CONTENTS Introduction..............145 Filtering....................147 Artificial Ignorance.........147 Normalization...........148 IP Address Validation.....150 Snort.................................150 Windows Snare...............150 Generic Cisco IOS Messages.........................151 Regular Expression Performance Concerns.........................152 Correlation...............154 Micro-Level Correlation......................155 Field Correlation..................... 156 Rule Correlation...................... 156 Macro-Level Correlation......................157 Rule Correlation...................... 158 Vulnerability Correlation........ 158 Profile (Fingerprint) Correlation.............................. 159 Anti-Port Correlation.............. 160 Watch List Correlation........... 160 Geographic Location Correlation.............................. 161 Using Data in Your Environment....................161 Simple Event Correlator (SEC)................................161 SEC Basics.............................. 162 Real-World Examples............. 163 145 146 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation Stateful Rule Example...........................163 Vulnerability Correlation Example.................................. 166 Cisco IOS Configuration Changes.................................. 166 Promiscuous Mode Detection................................. 168 Keywords to Watch For.......... 168 Application Exit Codes.......... 169 Final Words on SEC................ 169 Building Your Own Rules Engine...................169 Rules-Based Engine Using Jess............................... 170 Stream-Based Engine Using Esper............................. 177 Common Patterns to Look For...............178 The Future................178 Summary..................179 Reference..................180 to reduce load on the overall system. In Figure 9.1, this is shown with an arrow going to an exceptions store. This can be used to review the lessinteresting log messages at a later time. 3. Normalization: In this step we take the raw log data and map its various elements (source and destination IP, etc.) to a common format. This is important for the correlation step. When a raw log message is normalized, the typical term for what results is an event. This term will be used throughout this chapter to denote a normalized log message. Another step in the normalization process is that of categorization. This means that a log message is transformed into a more meaningful piece of information. For example, a vendor might only provide something like “ID = 6856” in the log message. But this sting of characters, per the vendor, is a login failure. It is the job of the person writing the normalization steps to do this transformation. A nice side effect of doing this is that it makes writing correlation rules more robust and intuitive. More on this later. 4. Correlation: Correlation will often lead to groups of individually unimportant events to be flagged. A connection here, a failed login there and an application launch in some other place might mean a system compromise or insider abuse of system privileges. The two basic forms of correlation are rules-based and statistical. 5. Action: An action is generally what you do after a correlation has occurred. Figure 9.1 shows several kinds (this list is by no means exhaustive): a. To Analysts: If you have a log monitoring interface (generally some sort of GUI), this is where you send your high-priority events that require immediate attention. FIGURE 9.1 Basic Flow for Filtering and Correlation Filtering CORRELATION CONCEPTS General concepts The authors of this book have a combined experience in this space approaching 20 years. We present the concepts in a general so as to provide you with the foundation needed when it comes to selecting or using a logging system. Of course, we do show some actual tools which can be used to solve correlation needs. b. Alerts: This is generally a hybrid of sending an event to an analyst. In this scenario an alert might be a grouping of events which indicate something at a high level has occurred. c. Email: This can be used as a means to alert on-call staff after hours. d. Long-term Storage: Long-term storage is where you keep your log data and normalized events. This is a prerequisite for reporting, auditing, long-term analysis, etc. Let’s now take a look at what is involved in filtering. FILTERING Filtering boils down to the following operations: 1. Keeping or discarding log data you care about. 2. Parsing the raw log message into a common format so you can more easily analyze the data. As you may already know, vendors do not standardize log message formats between each other. For example, Cisco’s log message format is totally different from Palo Alto Networks or Sonicwall, and so on regardless of the fact that each vendor may use Syslog as the underlying message transport. The power of step number 2 allows for disparate log data formats to be in one common normalization format. This is the key for efficient analysis and correlation (more on this later). But how do you go about knowing what you want to keep or not keep? Let’s look at a high-level example. Artificial Ignorance The Great Marcus Ranum coined the phrase “Artificial Ignorance” back in 1997. At the heart of this concept is a mechanism for finding log data that you are familiar with so that you can find things you don’t yet know about. He provided the following UNIX shell commands to aid in this process: (Ranum, 1997). 147 148 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation cd /var/log cat * | \ sed -e 's/^.*demo//' -e 's/\[[0–9]*\]//' | \ sort | uniq -c | \ sort -r -n > /tmp/xx In the sed command, the “demo” string is the name of the system on which the commands are running. The idea is to strip this and the preceding timestamps in the log messages so we can reduce the variability in the log data. This is the key! When you run this command you will see output similar to the following: 297 cron: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/at) 167 sendmail: alias database /etc/aliases.db out of date 120 ftpd: PORT 61 lpd: restarted 48 kernel: wdpi0: transfer size=2048 intr cmd DRQ ... etc The number preceding the log message shows how many times the log message was seen in log files. As you get to the bottom of the output, you will notice the numbers getting smaller and smaller. The idea is that these are log messages you may not know about because they occur less frequently than the others. As he shows in his article, you can take the things you know about, place them in an ignore file so you can exclude things you know about. Most log analysis systems provide mechanisms to perform filtering. But it is important to err on the side of keeping more data than filtering it out. The example provided in this section was merely to acquaint you with the concept so you know about it and understand its usefulness. The next section on normalization takes us to the next step in the process. NORMALIZATION The next step after filtering is normalization. It is assumed that at this point you already know what log data you would like to keep. Normalization means we take known log messages, parse them for piece part components (timestamps, IP addresses, etc.) and turn them into a common format. This common format has historically been arrived at via the use of a Relational Database System (RDBMS) or some other lower level format (binary on disk, etc.). However, in today’s big data and No SQL movements, more and more vendors are moving away from databases because they do not scale. Normalization The steps to normalizing a raw log message are: 1. Get documentation for product or products you are using. 2. Read the documentation for descriptions of what the raw log data looks like and what each field is. 3. Come up with the proper parsing expression to normalize the data. Most log analysis systems utilize a regular expression implementation to parse the data. 4. Test the parsing logic on sample raw log data. 5. Deploy the parsing logic. Regardless of the ending storage mechanism used for normalized events, certain fields are more common and useful than others. These include: n n n n n n n Source and Destination IP addresses: These are very useful during the correlation process. Source and Destination Ports: These are used to understand what services are trying to be accessed or are accessed. Taxonomy: A taxonomy is a way to categorize and codify a log message’s meaning. For example, all device vendors generate some sort of login message. These typically map to login successes, failures, attempts, etc. An example taxonomy for a login success might be: login.success. The reason a taxonomy is critical is because it allows you to group like messages together (from an analysis standpoint) without caring about the particular vendor who generated the log message. Timestamps: In the world of log data, we typically care about two types of timestamps: the time the log message was generated on the device and the time the logging system received the log message. User Information: If provided, it is often good to capture any user information (username, command, directory location, etc.). Priority: Some log messages come with some sort of priority contained in the log message. This is obviously the vendor’s assessment of the priority of the log message, but this might not match up with your thoughts on the matter. So as part of normalization, you need to understand how a particular log message impacts your environment. Typical values for priority are low, medium, and high. Raw Log: As part of the normalization process, you want to keep the raw log data around. This is used to ensure the validity of the normalized event. Another use case is that of log retention. You might have a requirement to keep your raw log data for X period of time. There are two solutions to this. You can store the raw log as part of the normalized event or you can store it on disk and provide for a means to “get back to” the raw log message from the normalized event. 149 150 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation Let’s run through a few examples on normalization which will help drive the concept home. IP Address Validation It is often important to be able to recognize an IP address. We have seen the following used many times: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ While this will catch IP addresses like, it will also catch an invalid IP address like 300.500.27.900. The key to coming up with a regular expression for matching IP addresses is to not only detect the dotted-quad, but also make sure that each octet is in the proper range. The following regular expression will validate an IP address: ^([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\. ([01]?\ d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$ Note that the expression is broken up onto two lines, however, it should be all on one line. Further note that this expression will detect an IP address of, which some network types might say is invalid. However, some security systems report spoofed IP addresses as, so detecting this IP is valid in certain contexts. Snort Snort (www.snort.org) is an open source intrusion detection system. Here’s a sample Syslog message generated by Snort: Feb 24 12:05:03 snort: [1:1002:2] WEB-IIS cmd.exe access [Classification: Web Application Attack] [Priority: 1]: {TCP} -> It’s a Microsoft IIS exploit. The following Perl snippet will parse the data: my($a,$b,$c,$type,$class,$priority,$proto,$srcip,$srcport,$dstip,$dst port) = $message =∼ /\[(.*?):(.*?):(.*?)\] (.*?)\[Classification: (.*?)\]\[Priority: (.*?)\]: {(.*?)} (.*?):(.*?) -> (.*?):(.*?)$/; Of course you will want to verify any IP addresses against the regular expression supplied in the previous section. Windows Snare Snare (http://www.intersectalliance.com/projects/BackLogNT/) is an agentbased tool for finding and detecting abnormal system usage. Windows Snare Normalization is an agent for Microsoft Windows which is capable of reading Windows Event Log and forwarding Syslog messages to a host. The following is a sample of Windows Snare event: Oct 29 13:54:50 MSWinEventLog 0 Security 238 Fri Oct 29 13:54:50 2011 593 Security kjs User Success Audit KJS600 Detailed Tracking A process has exited: Process ID: 1452 Image File Name: C:\ windows\system32\ssbezier.scr User Name: kjs Domain: GUARDED Logon ID: (0x0,0x2577F) 181 According to the Snare manual, each item in the Syslog message is separated via a tab character. The following Perl snippet will parse Windows Snare messages: my($cruft,$criticality,$sourceName1,$count,$dateTime,$eventId,$sourceN ame2, $user,$sidType,$eventLogType,$computerName,$categoryString,$dataString, $expandedString,$md5) = split(/\t/,$message); We use the split() function since everything is delimited by a tab. The names of the variables returned by split() are pretty self-explanatory as to what each of the items are. A good variable for setting a type might be $eventLogType, which is “Success Audit” in the example event. However, the Snare documentation provides definitions for all the possible event IDs which are generated by Snare; the event ID (variable $eventId) above is 593. It might make more sense to create a Perl hash with the keys being all the event IDs Snare knows about. You can obtain Snare from http://sourceforge.net/projects/snare/. Also see Chapter 15 for an example of Snare installation. Generic Cisco IOS Messages Cisco IOS is the operating system used to run Cisco routers, switches, and other devices. It can emit an impressive amount of varying log messages. The following is an example of an IOS SecurityEvent: Nov 19 15:32:33 list 110 denied tcp ->, 1 packet The following Perl snippet will parse this event: my($category,$severity,$type,$srcip,$srcport,$dstip,$dstport) = $x =∼ /%(.*?)-(.*?)-(.*?):.* (.*?) \((.*?)\) -> (.*?) \((.*?)\) /g; Almost all IOS messages contain an identifier of the form%category-severitytype. The code above shows a severity of six. Cisco defines the following severities: {0 | emergencies} System is unusable. {1 | alerts}Immediate action needed. 151 152 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation {2 | critical}Critical conditions. {3 | errors}Error conditions. {4 | warnings}Warning conditions. {5 | notifications}Normal but significant conditions. {6 | informational}Informational messages. {7 | debugging} Debugging messages. A more generic way to parse IOS message would be as follows: my($category,$severity,$type,$rest) = $x =∼ /%(.*?)-(.*?)(.*?):(.*?)$/g; This will capture the category, severity, and type, and place the remainder of the message in the $rest variable. Go to http://www.cisco.com/web/about/security/intelligence/identify-incidentsvia-syslog.html for a discussion on identifying incidents with Cisco firewalls and IOS routers. Regular Expression Performance Concerns Due to the fact that regular expressions are based on the computer science concept of Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA), you need to be aware of the fact that writing regular expressions could impact performance for tasks you perform over and over again. For example, if you want to extract a substring from many log messages you are normalizing, you can craft a regular expression that will pull out the text you want. This is useful if you kind of know where the string appears in the message, but is not entirely sure. For example, look at the following Perl script: #!/usr/bin/perl my $text = "I would like to get the following IP address:"; for(my $a=0; $a<100000; $a++) { } my($IP) = $text =∼ m/: (.*)$/; We know that the IP address appears after the colon. So We crafted a regular expression which grabs all characters after the colon. Since We use parentheses around the regular expression, Perl will return what it matches, if anything, in array context. This is why We use the syntax my($IP) = … When We time the run of this script, here is what We get: $ time ./regex.pl real 0m0.727s Normalization user 0m0.724s sys 0m0.003s This may seem like a good time (0.727 s) for performing this regular expression match 100,000 times. A sub-second runtime is great. However, there is a way to get even better performance, and it doesn’t involve any regular expressions at all. Perl has a substr() function which will return a substring from a text string, given and offset. Let’s now consider the following modified script: #!/usr/bin/perl my $text = "I would like to get the following IP address:"; for(my $a=0; $a<100000; $a++) { } my $IP = substr $text, 46; We now use the substr() function since We know the IP address starts at offset position 46. When We time this run, here is what We see: $ time ./substr.pl real 0m0.103s user 0m0.100s sys 0m0.003s This run time (0.103 s) is much better. This is because the substr() function goes directly to the position we wish. It doesn’t have to search the string for pattern matches. Using substr() only works if the data you wish to extract always appears at the same offset position in the string. Unfortunately, things are not always this easy in real-world processing. Vendors have a tendency to have many different event formats, and things like IP addresses, ports, etc. will often appear in different positions in the message. This is a real pain to deal with to say the least. For those of you who may be inclined to write your own parsing system using a language like Java, you can use its overloaded indexOf() method for the String class which allows for finding the beginning portion of a substring. This can make finding arbitrary portions of a substring, no matter where it lies in the string, pretty easy. The next section takes to the next crucial step in the process: correlation. 153 154 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation CORRELATION The goal of this section is to provide plenty of examples using tools and concepts so you can get a feel for what correlation is about. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to provide an exhaustive set of correlation examples. Part of the process of creating correlations is to understand your own environment and the specific needs of your users, analysts, and so on. Alright, now let’s define what is meant by the term correlation. One of MerriamWebster’s definitions for correlation is as follows: the state or relation of being correlated; specifically: a relation existing between phenomena or things or between mathematical or statistical variables which tend to vary, be associated, or occur together in a way not expected on the basis of chance alone. This definition is sort of vague and doesn’t fully capture the intent of correlation as it relates to log data analysis. Alright, so what does correlation means to system and network professionals? Well, what it means to log analysis is that we are interested in tying together several similar or dissimilar events in a single piece of knowledge that something much larger is happening, as opposed to getting an incomplete view of what’s happening by simply looking at single events. This is accomplished by the creation of rules in some sort of a language, which model situations that are of interest to security and network administrators and analysts. For example, if we receive log data from firewalls and IDSes, we can capture reconnaissance attempts followed by a firewall policy violation with the following rule: If the system sees an event E1 where E1.eventType=portscan followed by an event E2 where E2.srcip=E1.srcip and E2.dstip=E1.dstip and E2.eventType=fw.reject then doSomething This rule, expressed in pseudocode, details how two disjoint events can be tied together. The rule looks at two different events from two different network security systems. The first one is a portscan, which would be detected by IDS. The next event, denoted by E2, is generated by a firewall. It reflects that an attempt was made to access a host that has a firewall policy to exclude all but certain trusted hosts. Note that the rule contains the phrase “followed by,” this doesn’t necessarily mean that this event has to follow immediately, although it could. What is meant by this is that at some point in the future the fw.reject event must occur in order for the rule to perform the doSomething action (Email, alert, etc.). It should be noted that using fw.reject and portscan for the Correlation two E1 and E2 eventTypes are simply arbitrary categorizations (taxonomy) for these event types. What we have seen is how useful stateful rule engine (SREs) are. They afford the administrator and analyst the ability to create rules which can detect arbitrary sequences or patterns. This is where simply looking at Syslog files and trying to correlate these events yourself is next to impossible. The downside is that, as the name indicates, there is a notion of state that must be maintained in order to perform the tests. This is seen in the rule above when we compare event E1’s srcip to event E2’s srcip. You cannot do this unless you have some way to keep events in some sort of peripheral view or storage layer. One way this can be accomplished is to naively use your archival data store as the persistence layer. The SBR engine can simply mine the database for event sequences which match one or more rules. This is a very costly proposition, because to do it right requires vast amounts of SQL queries and in-memory manipulation of event data. You will take a good I/O hit, as well as impact other applications which may be trying to use the archival database. A better solution is to cut a feed of the event data prior to it that goes to longterm storage. As the data is received either at the aggregator (if this is also where you are performing your analysis) or on the analysis server itself, you feed the data some sort of system message queue like a System V queue, where it is consumed and processed by the SBR engine. As the SBR consumes event data, it has to keep these events around in memory so it can apply rules to these events. The problem is that if we never age these events out of memory then we can eat up the RAM on the system. So this is why it is imperative that we age out events as the data itself becomes invalid. One way to accomplish this is to set a time-to-live (TTL) for each rule in the engine. More specifically, we could set TTL’s for each step in the rule. For example, in the rule above, we would not start tracking events until we get an event with an eventType of portscan. Once this happens our TTL starts ticking. If we don’t see an event that meets the requirements of the next stage of the rule by the time the TTL is reached, we can reset the rule and discard all the events that we are tracking for this rule. Micro-Level Correlation Micro-Level correlation is concerned with correlating fields within a single event or set of events. Micro-Level correlation is sometimes referred to as atomic correlation. This is where normalization of raw event data is crucial to effectively perform atomic correlation. The remainder of this section will present topics pertaining to atomic correlation, along with examples. 155 156 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation Field Correlation Field correlation provides a mechanism for discovering items of interest in one or more fields within normalized event data. For example, you may be interested when your IDS detect activity targeting your Web server. The most logical thing to do is to look for events which have port 80 or 443 as the destination port. Event types are yet another valuable source for field correlation. Many firewalls emit event types like accept, drop, and so forth. It is often times useful to be able to correlate events based on event type names. If you are concerned about unwanted access attempts to a particular server, you can correlate events which have an event type of drop and a destination IP address of the server in question. Rule Correlation Rule correlation deals with crafting a rule which is able to model a certain behavior. Recall the pseudocode example from before: If the system sees an event E1 where E1.eventType=portscan followed by an event E2 where E2.srcip=E1.srcip and E2.dstip=E1.dstip and E2.eventType=fw.reject then doSomething This rule models a behavior pattern. While it is pseudocode, you can see that the rule is trying to find the situation where an attacker is port scaning a host and at the same time is causing a firewall to reject his attempts. In order for rule correlation to be affective, the following is a minimum functionality list for a rule engines: n n Stateful Behavior: Systems which implement correlation are sometimes referred to as engines. Furthermore, rule correlation engines are sometimes referred to as stateful rule engines or stateful business rule engines. This stateful operation is exhibited by modeling behavior which is of interest to a security engineer. A single stateful rule may consist of one or more states. For example, one state may look for all events with destination port 80 (HTTP). If an event comes into the engine which matches this criteria, then a next state in the rule might now look for all events which have a certain source IP address (maybe to look for unauthorized Web server access). If this second state is reached then we perform some action. Counting: One very useful tool is also a simple one: counting. This basically allows you to create a rule which waits for an event to occur a Correlation n n n n n number of times before an action is taken. There is also counting unique occurrences of an event. This is also very useful because it can be used to detect situations where someone is scanning the same port across a bunch of different destination hosts. Timeout: Most, if not all stateful rule engine implementations use memory to perform their analysis, etc. This allows for speed and efficiency. We’ll call the memory an engine uses working memory. As you add more and more data to the engine’s working memory, this can cause not only the engine to slow down, but impact the overall performance of the host system. Timing or aging out events which haven’t matched a rule in a certain time period is very critical to maintaining an effective engine. For example, you may want to set a default age-out period of five minutes. Rule Reuse: You obviously want to lessen the burden of creating rules. From the example rule above, the following is a single condition in the rule itself: If the system sees an event E1 where E1.eventType=portscan. A rule can have many conditional statements. It is always beneficial to be able to reuse components like these in other rules create. Priorities: Priorities are useful in that they can dictate the order in which a rule or set of rules will be performed. Language: All rule engines implement some sort of language or pseudo language for specifying rules. What’s en vogue today is using XML as a pseudo language, but We have seen rule engines also use Lisp. Some use proprietary formats. The thing to keep in mind is that you want to have a language which is easy to learn and use. Action: It almost goes without saying that performing actions is what rule correlation is all about. There has to be a mechanism in your rules engine to do something. Just knowing something happened is often not good enough. As with rule reuse, there should be a mechanism in place to create actions which can be reused by many rule sets. Not all rules engines will have these features. Even if you decide to build your own implementation of an engine, you may choose to have some of these features, but not all. It is good to be aware of the things which are crucial to successful rules processing. A few of the later sections discuss building your own rule engine. Macro-Level Correlation Macro-Level correlation is concerned with pulling in other sources of information in order to further validate or gain intelligence on your event stream. This technique is sometimes referred to as fusion correlation. One example of macro-correlation is taking vulnerability scan data into account and comparing it inline with event data coming into your analysis system. 157 158 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation If your IDS detect port scans to a series of hosts on your networks, it would be nice to know if these hosts actually exist, and if so do any vulnerabilities exist on these hosts. As with micro-correlation, normalization of your raw event data is important. This also extends to the other data sets you would like to bring into the correlation process. For example, having username to full name mappings can be very useful, as can a user’s roles on a particular system. This data is referred to as context data. Operating systems like Windows or Unix will insert some context information into the log messages they generate. If you want to get more detailed information for a user, you will need to do a second gathering step by pulling it out of an LDAP server or Active Directory server. The remainder of this section will preset concepts and examples of fusion correlation. Rule Correlation Much like micro-level correlation, macro-level correlation makes use of rule correlation. One of the main differences is that rule correlation in micro-level correlation systems can often transition to a rule in macro-level correlation which can be used either as input back into other micro-level rules or simply actions which write to text files, create help desk tickets, etc. Vulnerability Correlation Vulnerability scanners help find hosts and other systems which are vulnerable to known attacks. All scanners provide at least the following information: Vulnerable Host: Hostname or IP Address. Vulnerable Service or Port: Sendmail Port (25), etc. Remediation Steps: Patch version of Sendmail, etc. Most scanners (commercial or otherwise) are designed to be run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It is up to the user to run the scan by hand or to schedule it to run at a preset time and date. The notion of real-time vulnerability scanning has recently begun to get addressed by IDS vendors like Sourcefire (http://www.sourcefire.com). Sourcefire employs Real-time Network Awareness (RNA) as a form of real-time vulnerability analysis. In threat analysis, we can combine vulnerability scan data with real-time event data, in order to help reduce false positives. For example, if your IDS detect a port scan is occurring across several hosts in your network, then the chances are that it will report a range of ports which have been scanned. Furthermore, it is likely that some of these reported ports may not be active. If you routinely scan your network for vulnerabilities, you can use this information along with the IDS messages you get in real time to verify if there is indeed an open port on the host in question and whether or not it’s vulnerable. Correlation Profile (Fingerprint) Correlation Information gathered through banner snatching, OS fingerprints, vulnerability scans, and remote port scans can be beneficial from a forensic standpoint. Moreover, this data can be used to gain better insight into who might be attacking you and also aid in prosecution. As part of normal correlation (rule correlation, for example), an action can be setup to initiate one of these forensic-gathering tasks as events of a particular nature come into the system. This gathered information can then be stored to a database for later use. Nmap is a tool which is able to perform OS fingerprinting, among other things. Nmap is available at http://www.insecure.org/nmap. Here is a basic fingerprinting run of Nmap: $ sudo nmap -A Starting Nmap 5.21 (http://nmap.org) at 2012-03-25 18:03 EDT Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00038s latency). Not shown: 991 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 139/tcp open netbios-ssn 445/tcp open netbios-ssn 2869/tcp open http Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP) |_html-title: Service Unavailable 49152/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 49153/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 49154/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 49158/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC 49160/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC MAC Address: 68:A3:C4:4D:4A:FF (Unknown) Device type: general purpose Running: Microsoft Windows Vista|2008|7 OS details: Microsoft Windows Vista SP0 - SP2, Server 2008, or Windows 7 Ultimate (build 7000) Network Distance: 1 hop Service Info: OS: Windows Host script results: |_nbstat: NetBIOS name: KEVIN-PC, NetBIOS user: , NetBIOS MAC: 68:a3:c4:4d:4a:ff | smb-os-discovery: 159 160 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation | OS: Windows 7 Professional 7600 (Windows 7 Professional 6.1) | Name: WORKGROUP\KEVIN-PC |_ System time: 2012-03-25 18:04:10 UTC-4 |_smbv2-enabled: Server supports SMBv2 protocol HOP RTT ADDRESS 1 0.38 ms OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at http://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 56.55 seconds $ The—A option instructs Nmap to perform fingerprinting. Anti-Port Correlation Most, if not all firewalls emit log messages based on allowed or denied packets and other events. Anti-port correlation deals with using open port information along with firewall data to be able to detect attacks in the slow or low category. Nmap can be used to track open ports on your systems. The following pseudocode shows the basic idea: if (event E1.dstport != (Known_Open_Ports on event E1.dstip)) then doSomething One attack this technique can help detect is worm activity. In general, however, it can help detect when an attacker is trying to access a system’s ports or services which don’t exist. There are several ways to track open port information. One way is to regularly run Nmap and keep track of open ports. As you receive events you can compare the destination ports from both firewalls and IDSs against the known open ports. Another way to do this is to keep a list of hosts and ports up to date by hand, rather than relying on Nmap. This technique is only viable if you have a fairly static environment. Watch List Correlation It is sometimes beneficial to be able to know when events are received which target a host or even a network. The opposite is often true; you may want to place the source of an attack on a watch list, i.e. the attacker. Often times this can be in the form of external intelligence gathered from different places such as Dshield (http://www.dshield.org/). Dshield has a list of top 10 attackers which you can place on your own watchlist. SANS also has similar information: http://isc.sans.org. Correlation Geographic Location Correlation Many network management platforms employ the use of a network map to visualize devices in the enterprise. As alarms and such are generated, nodes on the map light up to indicate trouble. While this type of map in the security world is of marginal value, what is really valuable is the ability to graph threats in real time as they occur. This requires some unusual processing. The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) is one resource that can help with this. ARIN (http:// www.arin.net) is the Internet number registry for North America, the Caribbean, and sub-equatorial Africa. Internet providers, companies, etc. go through ARIN for networks. ARIN collects contact information on these organizations. ARIN does not collect latitude and longitude information, but you can obtain airport codes or reverse lookup of IP addresses from WHOIS records. The ARIN Web site has tools which you can use to query its services for information on IP addresses and networks, especially contact information. While plotting attacks on a map based on this information isn’t 100% accurate, it does go a long way to helping track down evil doers. VisualRoute is a tool which can be used to visualize which routes packets take from one place to another. See http://www.visualware.com/ personal/products/visualroute/index.html for information. Using Data in your Environment Using data about your environment is one of the best sources of correlated data you can use. As was mentioned in the Macro-Level Correlation section, this data is considered context. For example, if you know your company’s holiday schedule, you can use this information to raise an alert when you see access to internal resources when everyone is at home. Some of the more common environmental triggers you can use include: n n n n n n n Vacation schedules. Business hours. Holiday schedule. Access rights to internal resources. Repeating network “events,” e.g. vulnerability scans. Scheduled backups of systems, data stores, etc. Maintenance schedule, e.g. router configuration changes and reboots, OS patching, etc. These things can be used to aid in determining if some behavior is legitimate or outside of normal boundaries. Simple Event Correlator (SEC) The Simple Event Correlator (SEC) is a Perl-based tool which implements a simple correlation system. It is available at http://kodu.neti.ee/~risto/sec/. 161 162 CHAPTER 9: Filtering, Normalization, and Correlation SEC was developed to fill the gap between open source log analysis tools and commercial systems. It has robust syntax for creating rules which can do simple things to very complex things. Rules can be chained together to form models of behavior, which can be used to detect known situations or help diagnose or discover unknown situations. At the heart of SEC’s engine is the notion of contexts. A context can be thought of as a place holder for some occurrence of an event or series of events. It is the context notion which allows SEC act in a stateful manner. This is a very critical feature for being able to detect multiple log message patterns which when combined indicate something of interest. We’ll see some useful examples soon. SEC Basics The purpose of this section is not to present SEC in its entirety, but rather to present the key features. The installation of SEC is very straightforward, so instead of showing this, I’ll present practical SEC rule examples. But for now, let’s look at the various rule types which SEC supports: n n n n n n n n n Single—Single matches an event and performs an action. SingleWithScript—SingleWithScript matches an event and gets the return code from a script or program it runs. SingleWithSuppress—SingleWithSuppress matches an event and then ignores any subsequent matches for t seconds. Pair—Pair combines two or more events into a single event, within a given time range. PairWithWindow—PairWithWindow is similar to Pair, but it waits t seconds for the next event to arrive. SingleWithThreshold—SingleWithThreshold counts matching events within a time window and up to a threshold. An action is fired once the threshold is met, and no other events will be considered during the remainder of the time window. SingleWith2Thresholds—SingleWith2Thresholds counts matching events within time window t1 and executes an action when the first threshold is reached. The count is reset and matched events are counted for t2 seconds. Execute another action if the count falls below the second threshold within time window t2. Suppress—Suppress doesn’t match events and cannot execute actions. Calendar—Calendar executes actions at specific time, via a configuration similar to UNIX crontab entries. SEC rules have the following basic format: type= ptype=RegExp pattern= Correlation desc= action= We’ll see some actual examples in a little bit. SEC supports many actions, but only the more generic ones will be presented here: write []: The write command will write event text to filename. A dash (“-”) can be used to write to standard out. shellcmd : A shell command or program will be executed. spawn : This is identical to shellcmd, except the output of the shell command or program is fed back into SEC. This means you can write SEC rules to correlate this output. event [

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Keywords                        : Computers, Security, General, Information Technology, Management Information Systems, Logging and Log Management, First Edition (2013) 463pp 978-1-59749-635-3
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Logging and Log Management: The Authoritative Guide to Understanding the Concepts Surrounding Logging and Log Management introduces information technology professionals to the basic concepts of logging and log management. It provides tools and techniques to analyze log data and detect malicious activity.
.The book consists of 22 chapters that cover the basics of log data; log data sources; log storage technologies; a case study on how syslog-ng is deployed in a real environment for log collection; covert logging; planning and preparing for the analysis log data; simple analysis techniques; and tools and techniques for reviewing logs for potential problems. The book also discusses statistical analysis; log data mining; visualizing log data; logging laws and logging mistakes; open source and commercial toolsets for log data collection and analysis; log management procedures; and attacks against logging systems. In addition, the book addresses logging for programmers; logging and compliance with regulations and policies; planning for log analysis system deployment; cloud logging; and the future of log standards, logging, and log analysis.
.This book was written for anyone interested in learning more about logging and log management. These include systems administrators, junior security engineers, application developers, and managers.

  • Comprehensive coverage of log management including analysis, visualization, reporting and more
  • .
  • Includes information on different uses for logs -- from system operations to regulatory compliance
  • .
  • Features case Studies on syslog-ng and actual real-world situations where logs came in handy in incident response
  • .
  • Provides practical guidance in the areas of report, log analysis system selection, planning a log analysis system and log data normalization and correlation
  • .



Title : Logging and Log Management: The Authoritative Guide to Understanding the Concepts Surrounding Logging and Log Management Publisher : Newnes Subject : Computers, Security, General, Information Technology, Management Information Systems, Logging and Log Management, First Edition (2013) 463pp 978-1-59749-635-3 Creator : Anton Chuvakin, Kevin Schmidt, Chris Phillips Date : 2012:12:13 00:00:00-07:00 Language : en Format : application/pdf Identifier Scheme : amazon Identifier : 1597496359, Rf8M_X_YTUoC, 9781597496353 Metadata Date : 2017:03:24 12:08:21.572048-06:00 Creator Tool : Elsevier Rating : 8 Timestamp : 2017:03:24 12:07:41.482990-06:00 Author link map : {"Chris Phillips": "", "Anton Chuvakin": "", "Kevin Schmidt": ""} Title sort : Logging and Log Management: The Authoritative Guide to Understanding the Concepts Surrounding Logging and Log Management Author sort : Chuvakin, Anton & Schmidt, Kevin & Phillips, Chris Isbn : 9781597496353 Document ID : uuid:7f2c333a-60b3-469a-9e99-2cac3fe46357 Instance ID : uuid:db8492a6-6495-44a4-b56c-025f80ea768b Marked : True ISBN : 9781597496353 Aggregation Type : book Publication Name : Logging and Log Management Copyright : Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Volume : Cover Display Date : 2013 Is Part Of : urn:isbn:978-1-59749-635-3 Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 463
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