M 1350_Operational_Procedure_on_the_Whirlwind_Computer_Dec51 1350 Operational Procedure On The Whirlwind Computer Dec51

M-1350_Operational_Procedure_on_the_Whirlwind_Computer_Dec51 M-1350_Operational_Procedure_on_the_Whirlwind_Computer_Dec51

User Manual: M-1350_Operational_Procedure_on_the_Whirlwind_Computer_Dec51

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Digi ";;nl Gcm)?u:toI' Laho:cD.·tory

];!2.813a.(~htU!o'(;'i;n InB·:,;:l'!.iir;~o of

CamhZ'idgo;; HO.. t! seo!luc0..'c"b9



To &

Tho Mo.tI18111E':bicG Group

Do.te a

Dsoembol" 10" 1951

Abf:rlirnot:: Because of tho ev0l"' .... inol"0aoing numbol" of pTogrmna being op::n.'o.;bod:.;
it haa beon nOCe30s.:~y to ohanp.':e th0 nroceduT(,) o:? ()'lJc~Q:h;_:ng progt'"e~
on thE> COlupu:G0r 0 This itl 'bho f!ooond in a Dc:r:lc3 elf t;!Jl~eO ~:r;omCl!:"~.nclUlilfJ

'nhioh oxplo.in tho gonere.l prooodurfJ




on "t.hr:.~

In tho past yeax" o~ oOmpl'l"G6Id opol's.tion 0. greQ:b deal o.f <;'i:::p3l"'ionoo
haG boon gained 'i?n.:th regard to tho method of o~ara:ting unO. ·ti,?ouble<>lIshooting
progrc.un.s c, One of 'hho first things 0.. pr'ogl"ruIllnal" oPould ~ealiza is 'bhtS1"1:; "t:;h.o
proba.bility of a program performing oOl"rao'i;ly dUl"ing i~Gn i'iro"(j opore:bion
is very smallo 1'110 roa.oon £01" .'c.ihio is usually duf.:) 'to -bhe nogligence of ·t:iho
In hiG attemp'c to check the uhole pl~og:I::·o.m, hio e:ttentiol1 will
mainly b~ dirootsd ~Goi:~"ard hi:) logic and hie nuu1.)l"ioal mc-:;hodo If a.nd \lm.ell
h.e ohooko for tho poooibility of v.. mis'celco arising from- ~s.r1.OUD 15~t"GIQ) cVO:~:"c:~
sighto,l) f-rom tho copying from tho work ohaot 01" from e misunc101~:YGanding oi~
·bhe e:'4~ot funotion of: 0. comput~r op3X'a-bion, ·the prog:-ru.T1 '7111 hnvG beoomr.:J DO
subjec"t;:i..vo to him that o.ny suoh mio ....;a.kofl will uOUDJ.l;~t 1,)0 u.ndotoc~odo I.n
addi..I~ion to thio obl3taol'3 -hOO OOOUi'&"ence of a mistako iil typing OJ." of E>.
tape equipment m~.lfunc'bion is pooDi bIe!, e.nd Inst (but not loo.c.rt from S01m;
progrrumner 17 0 poin~ of via't1) ·thol"O io the slight poafJibil:i.~! of Q trrulsient
l1l9lfuncrbion oocurring during oom.putor operationo Bacau:Jo of the lfltt0l<> i"e
is fOl·tuna.te "that Vfhil"lnind laoko "bhe" ht.r.m.S.n property of baing s0nait:l ve to
i!Wul ts 0 Suopec.."ving the computer of mQl~lrunotiono io in :l t2Jelf nO"G '(;0 be
frowned upon" B".x'G "'co !loouna i'b of inoorreotly porfol"'ming \'d thou-'I,i ouffioit3nt
0'videnoe in analogouo to aocusing a mirror of rofleo'i:;:lng 0. i'alsa imr;!.ge
is now the oonfirn:.od opin:lon 0 f' those experienced ni i;h oomptrbel<> opa:ro.t~.on
that e. suooessful pI·ograII!Uar io on~ who quietly accspta notioo of an alD.1'1Il
and m.othodi,oe~ly inv0(3"tiigo;t:;es tho informa.tion· producod by th3 a.lru.~o '11h(!)o!)
ohould. he disoover. a. blundor, 110 io Daved 'blw humility of udve:r-biGing i'c
tlu-oughout "bhe labol"o.tory a.t'ld should he eliminate all pOfloibili·t:leo of So
porsono..l mis'bake and produoe conolusive evidanoo of ·vlher·!> the maohin9 mnl=
funotion did ocotU~~ h$ ic not only an offioient programmor but a capable
troublo-sheotor or uhom thoro oannot ba too manyo


Although i~ U'ould seem that t? programmar ahou.1d double hiG ef£or"iiB
in o}-l..ocking his progrClll bafore ita ini·i:;ia.l operation:} this :1.0 :no·t 'boo casoo
Trup!) Iw should bo reasonably oonfident or i'bs working; bt1.t to 71G.stc ~birr~



1"()cl;:;ol::~,,~Q3 is aOll::Z~'lJ:.'"ilO \:;l!Dll ono cOi.l9idura i;110 PU}."1!"'DFJ0 02 "(;ho
r"i; \'Ih'1S' buil't; -(jo oOj;"vn!l l:L(Y(' -;;0 bo no::::o·i1oc.1" H:i:~(jb. ·t;his ~.Yl m5.l:1.d

ob:.Jcklllg m:;.d
eom)?u~o!" 1.1

c:o.d w!'bh c\ ff:"~ol" ~mcnr.rG of po.tioncn:J one co.U gi"\TJ tb:,.;) computer 110'(; 0;:.0,,;] '~ho
GolV'iY.1(; l:'i::; :l'.1.'.r'J.:)rioo..l problem bub r~l(3o 'GIla OhOi~O of' -(;r.-oublc'·'::ll~otillg
'i;b!) 8l:·l"OZ'(3 in hie pj;"Og~·t\111o TIO'ilO'.?Ol'":i like "(;110 fOl)D.G!o~!I -;jl\f) J.o."C'tiOi<;" r.rl1ouJ.d bo





OnJ uhou:td dooido

't'~"hut Cl"l"Oi" diQgr.oi:rG~,G :}.';:iQ.


JJ.8G\.J~;::m"y ol'l.1y o.f"4.;o1" 0. ouffioiont cmolmt o:r' lu-Goll:1gou":.i iuvootiga"~;:I.:~il hc.-::

mudo o

When 'Gha compu-bel- uo.o f-ll'~"b nJl.'.do aw.ilablo to "(;110 c.ppl:toe:hiono
gl"oup, oo.oh progt'e.mm.Gr OpOl"edi€ld hio oun progl"emo When alal:'m3 OOO\U'z'ocJ. it
was oommon 'bo Gee tho oomputsI' 01 ii id10 fOl'" loxgo pet'iodo or timo \'1hilG 'b11.o
progrl?JnID.91~ doopero;boly triad to guano nlw.t tho u·oubl0 '\70.·30
Uounlly no
'liould randomly o=~Olllin0 tho contento of como storago reg1.stora or opsra.te
"'~ha comput~r in an nordor-by-ol~dol·n fuohion to trace tho p~th of oon:\jrolo
.No·t infrequ.ently 0. ul"'ong button proooed or n [.t1i:Goh fOl"go'bton 9 undo~o ·t;ho
pl"OnOUl"lO of tho moment, rooultod in dost-ruction of tho oymP"GomrJ 1.10 ··;JC\O
. trying to dio.gnoooo 11Jlo tr.:ljority or thooo oituaJ'Giona ondod With tho no::lrti
pro gr emma1· :J his pat:toD.CO El:li an end~ dClIl!luding hiD tul"n and "tho wooful ' pro
grruumer, still puzzlec.111 roturning to hiD ofi"liooo Surpriflingly enough, hou. . .
ovor~ ho wao no-b puzzled too long nftcr 0.. systema.tio study of tho o.ln..-m
ini'oI'ID.8.tiono In aome Oo.S00 't7hon "hhroo or foUl" 6UC00fJO:J."V'O ho\.U"o of computt:l!.,>l
timo VIora t\vaile.blo" tho pl.·ogl1>~-umel· ''lUS ublo ·~o l·OOp~l·O:t;0 "j;ho progrc!ll,9.
o::omine e. fO'r1 opoo:tfio rog1o'litn:wo!t m.aka the U900000ry tood:1.fioa:bioDD!) o,nd
OUOOGoofully OpOl~ate hiD progrcmn Howowr!) 011 those r.ru.mua.l o:r.runi~.~biolln
and modifioetiono 'boole voluablE> ·i;irn.o o.nd oa.usod muoh unnocoooa.ry s"ta"cdn
on "uhe part of tha progromm.cl"o·

Today" by monno of opaoic.l Pl"'Ogramo (po at mor"bens) 5) it io pOBsibl0
to obtai.n printod l-ocorda of the contento of any ooo'bion of storage reg:Lotolo
in one of the fivo di.i'foTo.nt £01'"1110 in uhich 0. nord is nol'Dltll1y 'VJl-»itto:p.o I"b
10 0.100 pooaiblo to obto.in aubomaticolly printod
punohsd inf'orID.:\"Gion
aOGociatod TIith oa.oh oporation or m. th o0x;'(;uin oolootsv. oporat:1onc no thoy
orG oxaoutod by tho p;'·Ogl"'ruIlo Aloo 1} our input oquipmonot; is faot enougb. fOT
a. largo number 0 r pa.ramatGra to bo insortod in a. progl"'cm in 0. ~JCr:y o}10I*t
longth of timoo Thie oan b3 oopooio.l1y valua.ble to n progxoo.mm.ol'" '\-1110 110.0
limiting ro..nge tl"'oubloo a.nd ~indo it n9coosary to try a largo numbor. of
diffaron·:; valuos boroTo a. OUOOOEJcful op31'"ation 5.13 obi:ic.inodo With 0.11 "~hef30
faoilitiac it should !lot bo too dii"'ficult to nC"lUil"O ·bh9 nooeooary erro1;'
diagnootio informationo


Hor10V0r, in9.omuoh 0.0 all thio po·tontic.l infol''lUQ:h:1on tcltoo 0001=
puiior time in being procured;> no l"'oquot:rta for ouoh d.v.;be should bD mndo
uniiil the progrem has fa.ilod to operate and auffioieD:G time spon'h deoiding
'ilhQ.:li info~tion '\Ji11 bo noododo In ol·dor for tho progI"e.mmor to oomply
u1th ouoh a. domand!) th9 computer .Dol'2£ldulo m1!B'(j bo ouoh that ho \1111 not
bs ltopt tmiting fo? too rooult.B or tho errot" dio.gnoa·i;io "taoto To aooomplish thio and 'ho avoid tio-up0l> a.t lenct tln'oa hourly oomputar psriodo,o
oeraratea by at leeot too hourop uhould be ooltoduled each dayo Thio rnuld
pr~vido the e..bili ty to opara:ta or -Gotl"°G 0. program. a.t loo.at fOUl" timOD during
e VI'ook and yet no"1; conaumq moro th'2.D. c.' half hour 0 r oomputor timoo

Sinco Vd~..."'y 1 :l"C'liIo '(jimo 1J'111 1;::'1 £3p:Dn'~ :LlJ. Oc.oh 0 pOl'~"L\,;jion of 0. p;."ogt'!,'-"::;t~: -Gho pl"ooonco of i:iho prcgrmnmsI!" :Jhould no'c bo n()C008C'SY"
A re;U11o.l'"
o:I~I::.rr·o:~cl~ ahoulc1 1;0 o.bl0 ,to I"LiZJ. .jvho prog:,'wl by n:cl"'oJ.y fol10'r:ing '.\ t:!'.~,:,~,:;:;.10
i~l:':li 01' inr;rb!ruo'(jionn 0
l'G 11!:ls boon found '\;ho:c mol"O prog:."ttmD can bo 0P3:L"la:{;od
dUid.ng n ccmptrcoz p~riod :l.r j:b 10 "'cho :.·ospono1b:tlj:hy o:f: ono or 'Gt:o mOll ~(iO
OPOZ'O:C9 all of tho p140 €l'C.nlO ~ l"'e.ther 'bhan if' acoh pro gleill1l.YIl01" opOl'ato'.3 h5.o
o-rrilo To ino!'oa~o o£fioic.ncy fUr-'lih3:'''!J :t{; r..ao bD0n :requ..()8'~od ~bha;G no manuo.l
oont?ol or 'bho progl"C~. bo noooncJm"y in ordor £01" it 1;0 00 opo!'U'Gad (:i.~Oo
flip ...fJ.op 1:6gist0l~1J cCll"baining p(!.l~am:Zltors, mo.uu.a.l photogl:'cp hyJ) O-'i.iOo)"
Should "hho progl"t:.nmloX- fool 'th3 o.bsoluto neod '~o opol·~d:;o hie own prog~"om~
ho \,:;i11 bo o~lowod.? OD. reqt1i:Jrrl:i!l ona fi:Ni00n l:m:lnuto por:J.od c. wGek". 'It
lU01 0 -1;imo io noedod it rilll bD gt"ontod t~ough ·tho hoad of -i.;he mat!wn1o.tioo
groupo Fol~ progro.nw 'bhat haV0 boon tOtJ'i;od (l.ud zOGqu5~r'o long periodtl of'
OP31'a.tion J.;o produco su.rfioie~:lt do.'~(?~, en civon1ug (Johodulo,:) uhioh co.n bo
~vo.l:'iod dopondiug on 'bha numb::J::~'" of p?'''og:'l.''o..'Uo p.ild "bhe e.moun:G of date.,9 t:ill
be t\VCoila.bloo


Tho l\c"but'.l mo ohani 0;:: of." oporo;t;ing 0. progl"C'..m on '~jho cOmputol l~0cz>
quiI."'oO .iGUo l"'oquioi i-;ion forms
Tho fir01; l"OqUOS'(;S tho pl"oper(l.-Gion of tho
FlOl"'.oY.'l"i·co~ \;o.pa and 'bho s~cond,:) tho o.c·(ju.al Op(;)l'oo.:biollo
Should (~n o.le.nn
ooct1r in tho 0p3T'o..tion of tho Pl"ogl"'o.m 'GhOi;O is (.\ ~\ihil~d requio:1t~.on :'rh-i oh
l~aquoo"iio em crl."' 01' dlag.noo-G:i.o {;oot of tho Opsl"'f.yGiono
(Soo M= 13fil)


Tho 'beplZlo oi.' m!:~in p1;~of9."omo 'l.-7:tll ba numbored tloil1g n oc\.pitt:.l ~~
ao tho prolix Po.Ild o.ny ioodifion:iiionfl ,\1il1 bo indica"cod by i'bo f11:.0 numbo:i::"~
pl'Oooodod by tl dash ( ... ) 0 For o:::rcmp10:t 'Gape nUlIlbo:r:" 0:1.::: hundi'ed cmd fi.t"l.bo\~'n
modifiocdiion oi:-..t would 1:0 \v?i~tQn U!J T 615
6 0 All pC.lncmeJ~er te.p~ num=
bero ,\1i11 hD.;~},o a oo.pi'bal P an a pror~.xo Tho file numboI~ uill corr0ol'ond
to tho mnin progz'omvo filo nu.mb:31" and tho e..o'cuul p!lrrun~rbOi." numbor \7111
roll~l e. du,aho
For e==~Plploj) "tho sooond :Jo~v of i?al"'e.m~:l'\;or,(' :n :;:'1: e 1'l.Lui~1jer
615 'could bo P 615 .,,' 2"0 Th91-oi'oro if' 011,3 'l1ished "ho oporo:bo to.po oi:rr: hundl.~ed
and fif'boon modi.f-loa:b:Lon nix togo-'Ghor wi'bh 'bha socond aot or po.re.rnS"i;0TS!>, tho
o.sosmblod tapa 'Would ol)naio"c or l,f 615 u. 6 o.nd :P 615 "" 20 lioto 'bh.lt'!.t eo.
parw'1letor numbor diotinguiohsD between CG'·co of' pru:-emctol"u in 0. given filo,9
not oo"bo of po.rarr..etez~s o.sl3ooicd;ocl 'flith a. aingle modif'icu:biol1c,

A t'2 pnraJ.l1$te:rt ' io dof'inad 0.0 v_ oot Ol:" Hclu"bchf7 of valuooo ~~ho
tOl~ olutoh '10 uood to omphao5.zo ~Gh0 fa.o·:'; that 0.11 tho valueo of on0 ptll"o..m'Go::, are :l'ead in on one movomonti of tho pho'booleotric'r'olldol-"C clu:boho
T~(J pl"ooodure 't1l\e doo:1dod on ill order to nid -i.;hG oporetol' in dio"tingu·!l.ohing
par~'Uotors Be they ara rend ino
Also,9 i'G has boen dooided -co l-Oquost l'i~C=
gro.mmel"'s not to roe.d in not:" soto of po.ram'Zltol'>S by tl"o.noforring oontrol 'ho


Pllra.1l1eter 'bepo!3 mll co filod aepa.l"e:bely!)u.nd in 5-5 .... 6 fOTm ,71.11 bo dil~'"
£rom regular tnlj0 ut!i11bor's by 0. double 810.0h bo"Gt100n ths main
numbar end po..:t-omo'tm.· nurabo:\" 0


pl.". p5~ !j')l, V6 t:: T615 - 6
p3, pt, p"3; p'~015.s p2 ~, P615 ". 2
p,31 \'Ji11 oause I!.\ l3illglo sle.oh in thD 5"",5..,.6 tape numbal"(~
v~lTI:F'1?J 't'rill oo.uoe a. doublo elaah in '1.;h9 5 . . . 5... 6 ta.pa numboro

, ?loa3


-(jhc; i:~p.utj p:r'(}gJ."'~.m,(J At '\;110 rrr0.30!.J; '(-;51110 ':;h~,G Pj;'o.G\;:J.CO io r..n:1DCOIJt;-J.bl0 to
·(;1;'c.nt:ion'l; e~'ror:J j.n 'bJ2,t:: l"OD.d o;,Jsrclotiou" Tharef"o:t:o!) Yil!ml i~'.· Pl'Og-ltJ.Tjl :~.G roc.dy
:~-',,!,' :Hi13 no:d:; ncrt; of Pt'.l'>runOt0~;'tJ '\.i1:0 p:. .·ogl·c.m ohould (;-1.;op :'l.'ld u)_l(,.~'1 ';~~'/j q??::n."[;'.CI
·(~:,:,t., <:'0 :r:'nc"d :Lu 'cha !?Qj~[!moJl:oI' 0
l'h:tn g:::"uo'i;ioo ~:]S.11 J:lO'C only ('.DOU!',) .;.:;><~ pro"'"
G~"'£I"!lililOl." of go'b'tiin[; hiD part',mct::ll." :i.i.l'bo C3'G01"C.gb oO!'l'o(r~ly lJT),:G ",7111 :~'.vo:1.d.
oonfuoing 'bb,o ()pOr0:~or l"'oge:::-di:ng t1hioh pnro.tll0tor~ ha:tTC! boun road ino Thin
is o. very 'i:iempol"'(3J,"'Y oi tUc,L(;lOn 'J.nd progl"'!:.urunoTfJ '0111. bo informed ,(,lhon :L'b he,D
oDon cOl.~l·eo-todo

'r:b..o pClrfol~nnoo requost f'Oi:"m (DL .., 324) io 'bo b~ tL.')Od3D..oh 'ti~.r:lCl
thoro huo boon a ormng.o in '(;110 mo.in prog}:C'J.n or '(;11,9 pOorO,lU8tm:"oo Tho form
io divided in"Go tl~'O aoc'bionos -tiho fj.l·st Doing J(jlw I'oquioi'l.;:lon i'ccoli'l (J.lld
. -tiho second 'cho indiorrh:Lon of uhe.t ho.ppenodo In, f':lll:1.ng OU'G t;ho :.·oqu.io~:~ion
!H30'bion,9 one nIltS't; indiuo:{;0 .!cho f·ollC'~1:blg l~


Tho kind


'cupo to bo

13000.'1.100 or tho



in o'bor::lgo ospllci'i;:r


tIy) udd2:(j:1.on

of magnetio ta.pe iJG Doon ~,,7ill b0 poaoibla "~O ~ot\d in l~o:.;:o ...,
writoi" otnnde.rd ·co.po" oOl).V'ol"'i; i'e!! (\nd opsl"n:co '{;11:o 'Pl"OC;1-~
Ronco '~h9 11800D:Ji'GY of' Im.m,1:1llg '\.;110'(;1101:'
tD.PO ia :ttl 5 ... 5·... 6 or F'lozO\7ri'cor £01%10



Tho kind of) oU'tipu-t; oCluipmont and '07ho'bh0;~ i'~; is nutomo.:;;1.oal1y
OlOt mC'Jlue.l1y oontrol1od o
('lP 200 (0»)
Tll0!o(-J e10~in01;r.UO'bi0110 TIhich -:;,111 P!'illt qp 1.28 (d) j r:mu.·. ch
(qp 106~ ~) 9 ciond pbotogr8c'il (qB 0) t1.utomo:Gi c}C'..llyo If ·Ch~3
- c..
outpv:b in o.u't;om.a;bictho o'~he:t~ equipmo~:l'c elm bo lorG on 'I':d'bh
no ,of'i'oc'li o Va'hh manuel oont:rol thZl O·t.hOT oqu:lpm$n~; hor; '{;O
l:lu '\;ul"nod of£ 0


Tho t1.me ClOnOUmDr.l by "boo progTDlll boi?oro 0.uy o:e "'cho output:;
oquil:JTI1orrb l"ovpondo 0
In ordor for the OPOI,'o,'GOI' to avoid oOllf'uai1.3g e. Iongtlw com··
puta;Ciion "i"n:bh a. olosed loop!} It~ noods to lC110W o.PPi.·o:tim~tol~i
h017 long tho compt\tation ohoulc:l la.oto


.Tho total ·l:iimo oOnDUllJ!Jd by ~;ho pTogl"cn £l"Olll -'GIlD momen"i:; :1:('; ifJ
roud ~.n tmtil :i.t 10 Q.u·~omBi.iio!.111y Ol' 1.lW.nuc.l1y r:rboppodo

Thir.; infcrmat7..on is n00doc1 :tn ordor fOl'" tho

opore.·bo~· ·~o


. oulC"..to o.ppro::lmo:boly hC1C'J m:lny progI'V.Dm h~ ~i 11 b0 a.blo ':;0
oporc.to 9 CUld e.l0 0 t;o d0toi.:"nlino. if oomotliLng in \'n'"ong ui'~!ih
LGh~ program should i:1.; oonJ~inuo 'GO !'u.n o":]ortho eotimn't;od
iimo by f:J. £o.:lr m.arg:lno


The OlllOltYl"C of ou'iipu'~ 0
The opera,tor. muo';i Imm;l how l11lloh do:cn ia to be 0 bta.ined o Pr.o ...
gT~mo huvo boon knotiil 'GO orr in suoh 0. "GD.y tha:b J.:;hs outpu-b
oquipment io con7JtClntly boing Don'\; 110ll00noo 0 Aloo.? ,'{jho pl"'Ogl"anl
'f1~y b~)

aot ';;0 'bu.t·n ou'h

tl g!)0C'.'t; amOt'jllt

':If do:b!.l bu-'G 'iihr) p?ogrcllmn-ol1)

S~~i~m\n" a,nau!;].

11,,··1 ;)50

-:tl'Jly dOll:L;'o o:~t:Ly 8. :~\'·iJ.!r~;iOi~ of) '~;hi~\ J~o dot(-.i'mino ·':JhQ-;:;~1;)Y' ~{jh::.J
progt-"ClJl :i.n ()rJok"c.'·~i7.1,g COX'i'GC-;'jl::lo
-{;h:;; }?t"Dg::'CDl O;=C8'.)ci.:,; '~h'J


affitjt1Jl:b at dn:~.r.'.. pl'odioi~oc1SI t.~tO Pl"'OU):'C1l1 l::ill 'be s,\;0PP;;1d 1:1~::m.:1:tl:V'o

If till::: p.:cogrG!!l ·did porform t\'):;'r0crl;ly:; t:hon dio p~'{J ;~7:'~:~1~. :·:'i::.~r 1.>::
oporc.tod :lll c,:n o";]olllng p();{'iOt~. 1'01..· 0.Q lC!lg a '::;:L'1l0 r-.G :.I. t.:: )!r;odcdo
In -tihia \7ay 'cns 1~ndli1:J.g of t'~·":.lg3;-r.2il~\ llI.tdQ::' {; (\.~I·~i CC\U be ')::p:3di'Gor}o



~rh0 .~;yp:J

of: s'co::,"uge ..~O 1:0 uU(:Hlo
avuilo.bJ.() BO'bs of S'hOi.."Lgcc) Tho ,~il"gt h,fMJ 0.
oap~.oi·l:;y of 'C"(;f;o hundl"Ocl and :t'i:ft;yc!'ni::~ 'r:)gis'~ol"'El (·\0 ... ~l.s7 (0) ~
32 .... ·2;] 7 (d) ) and is rc£'orz'cd to ns Eu:il:. A, l~egu~\e.ro . ThirJ
is not 'GO bo usod in (l.n~r not] pzoog!·o.ms" Tho fJ0COnl~ hao a. o~lpn=
oity of 320 rogistOi."i3 0..1.0 ·".6S r{ (0);> 96 .- 'll5 (d) ) c.na. in
l'Of01.~l"'cd ·~o v.o Btn~1c A, e:~lirt\.,
Th:i.!} 13 tot.o ua0.d \1.1 cJ.l ct.:~rJ0C
nhsl"o 320 l:'0gio,.'liers fJ.l"O auf£~io:tel:r\io Tho ·;:;h.:.rd hO.D ., cr~p?oi·~y
of 0110 thousand 'l.T~"Gnty ...i\~tu!· J:"egi[Jt~)ro' (-iO .~, 20a7( 0) 1> ~):~.
l056(d) ) ~ c.nd Ie r0f'0rrod 'GO, as Dank
'I'1ti.o ie avaL': 'lbl~31
only unoffioielly bUG may be U·90d Tlh0nevOt' jU~l'O '::;hun i);\O
l"agil:rbo,,"s ClrO noco30m-OY(..') io'blo und v-.:..]~.
bo off:tcio.l1y a part of Vfn1.rltrlnd by tho f:tl.~t;:~; 0 i' the y0a~~
(1952) 0 Progro..."!![; Tf!"i'(jt0n ilor B~ A CR1.1 end 'la: 11 ba 0P-C,1."c\;od
:tn 1;3o.ok D 'rJhCll ~"ve:!.lo.blc ~ bui:; thnfH3 d0r371.g,no;bod l'C Bank B Tdll


eJ;'O 'lih~'co


only bo por.."£ol"l1IZlc1 \7MU -l;lle full Buuk B 'In c.vllilf:.tl t;)"


Tho pru."(:'mot~ro ';7Jhich ure 'co ro uDod liDtod in "\;ho il.:(iice:r;od
plo.ao -rn,th the !!pprop:rio.tc ono of 'tho' :t'our poanibl.o iJ,""r'Grt~o ...-.





Tho r':cmr PODl3ib:1.1ities




To h9 r'(;lo.d in b0~Ol·O opera"ting 't:hs mc:.i}:l }?:;;"Of7"eJllo U.\\ ~)o
o-:;op a.ftor Z'oa.d.,..:1n or mc.ill progl'mil and ~0c.d¢'·in th()
p~.rc\mtrbol" b9i~c.l·e opcl~C\.ting --.. or stop afl'(;0l~ !'o(v::l... in
of '~;h0 pl~oceding pnrcm~;fcol'" end 1'00.d 'tihie pat~Clm:3t0~>
ill. b~roro operfxh:tllf,o)


'l'o 1)e l·ae.d in only if no n11"\1."h\ O(ICtU·S. in proood:1l1g
opora:{;iono (io 0 okip thio pe.Tamo·bG~ ahollld au alal.~m
ooour' b9101:'o it io road ino)


To be

l"oad il1 only if O,lC'.l'lm, OCCUZ"G in
(i~oo nktp tl1is parrum9t~~


oocm,I-a in preoeding


pro coding

unleoc un



To be i."so.d in 17h~rbhor or not ala...~ occ\:rrad in
pl-oceding opo~ation~ (io 00 . tl"Y thio parnmct0l;"l
no Iltat"tar wllo;ti lmppono in. prooeding OpeI"lhtiono

numb01ro is T,~:64"'5 and ! have
"'cha :Cil"S't ty~v t'.?9
to bo read in beforo opeTating the main progrmn;3 'chID ftif-'Gh ·ttnd sixth to bo

Lot UD c.oattmo tha:h roy

oovan pal'"rune't;oZ"s -co b'eJ tl"iedo


progi"~'1m i

0 )


~~p ()

Lei.; uo rUl~bher £letJumo .IGhat

(13oparc.i?oly) only if no c.lo.~m oooura in "(;1:.0 procoding opora:iiiono,9 thSit;
~\ paramc:rhoI" t'Jhioh proviclso useful informa.tion v:tn oom.e Ot.'l.:cput;

third io

Ei0mce ~.iJ_duu

n. .·1S50

Fogo 13

ou tJlw,;i; mig1rt'i 11.:.\70 OO(.r~):·l"'Qd -(;~) n. fo':-: :rogio\;Gl"o in ·i.;ho Gvo1.1'b of e.n c~l2.rm51
tll...1:ti '1;ho fC,ut..'lih in e.. p.J.l"mm;.d~Gl"l ':~:hioli rosotn ::~ny 1'0081 h1e ()h.nngos :In '~ho
r,:';··(J:~~::C:ln. cnd 'Goot the 13 G'Von:bh i~ a IJurm:n.etor ~1hioh -crios CI. riw.:11 ~~ 7/~; .::/r
· ...... ~J.~,:.!;Ug which. at'o uaod to torre 'bhc :a.~ang;, limii:tj of -'Gila p:COgl·CJ!lo
D~\l·t\1nD·GClo no'~up ·.;;ouJ.d



4S{~ =


P "1:5 /1




P 46'.1
P 464
P 4.-6t;l;

equisi tion fOl'lnl

tho prograTh'Ul\;)l" etlong with the assembled


and inOlUdeD if poooiblo, a oopy of tho sample datuo

.!J'..32~!:.9 uri"bing iih0 ri10~ or tape, nt'.mbeT ill th0 upper' lof-tJ) yom~ ne.mo~
problGTIl l1u.mbor;) (roque!J'~ numbol? ~1ill be i'ilJ.ad in by ope:ro;\:jor):J tha typo of
ta.pa to bo used£, tr..0 '~9 oil output whiah 'tn.l! b:;) automatioally oalled into
pla.y by -hlw progrrun,$ the mnouvx of eOooh OU1;llUt oxp0ctod or desiTod,p 'hho
8'coTG.ge l~egistal'B usod (Bank A if no morc tho.n rogist0l"S. 96 to 415 d.eoimal r:z
140 to 637 oote.l!) Ballk B o"'G1wr~it30).? end Iv.erlilY,1) lis·G in prop0T order 'bOO
numbora of tho val iouo ootiS of parOln.9te~:"o9 if falY's to bo used and oirole for


each the


one of the four indioated poaoihilitieso





PtJ.go 'l

C\ p2·cg:o.~Cl.'inr:l{)r



'!,:;·J.nnoo J,
C•.110. IlltuY\:;

h~ l.l:~.y OpD1.·D."~G Xl:LO 0":.i']1 pI"O~rl".~s\

nO'b 'Ga!;:'j


-iihD.:'1. 15 1illi:lE'::-::'r:

0-:1:; ill.UO'~i
'~;,~.. ::)3:O'l1';j

Ll;~oo:i.D.l a.l'TUl1.gCTUI.;)iJ.{; 0

F'Ol"forrtlC\.noo HOCl11.0c't;13 rJlf.)"Y be oub1.5:t;'t:oa 1:Dforo 'Gh:) noeded ':';::\DO:::
The prclgrrun '1.;;111 g0n01·o.lJ.~· b~) pnr'i'lOi:mod D
iJ? poooiolo(j:ln ~1o f'.!':Nlt ow ~(~cond aooignod cC:::1l.m:bol" po:... :tod £o11o'~r:h10

boon oomnlo'r.;01y

I"coo:l.P"(j of' roquorJ'iJ nnd complo-::;1.on 01 tap30




dingnooio da.tf.!, (poo\i moI'-i~OUl or o"l;h,ri:!'\-;ico) on pros!:'o..mD
DrAGI~OSIS TEST REQtJES'l' fOI'Ill lJT..t"",329 D

. "Ghioh havo ilcdlod, i')i1:~ out -tl:.~ EHRDR
'cr) bo t):vaile.blo nud dO:Jcri bod noono

For rom.l1'~ l~lUl3 of 0. "ijoo1jed progrt.IlJ'. fill out ';;ho P.;fofJ.."cr,l :?o~"·~
i'orm0.l.!00 Roqtl0f.r;~ form. 1]L·",32 11 (J.a 1.n A) but iudice:lio tUldc·:,- (J01JEIEl~TS 'i;;ho:~
rODul JGo m'o Q,j!poot.ad 00 1jhe"G '1.;ho Ill"ogrEJn CEl.t'l bo :Jc~l(;)dulod for 2. Dj.gh';; l·U1!
if dosired by '1;110 opori.:'.to:,· \) RDGul to obo1.tld be (~v~;).:I.l0.bl·3 i;li'bh:tn (,1 day in


cc. S 0 0


Tho original copy o:? '~ho P:OOgl·t'.!lL Pt31"i"ormr..r.wo R0q't'L08'~ -J1:tl1 'bs

!'O·t;U1"l10d "liO ::lOU (~S Doon flO 'Gh,~ p:r'ogrr~m has b~$ll PO)';~~;Olr.![:3d!) "G og::rt;ht~l~ r;I~:Gh
t'Jl~l printed or ptt::lcnod l"'9 st11'\:;iJ CI
IL"'..di0Ettion of (\'(lY l'")cdlv;;:-zl ill the pl'>Ogl:·~~l":l~)
,{ll'ch ouch pClSmnCy;';o:l' 1 i'Jii()U, oopt'.r~~~01y;~ io r:;l"(J'Oll ''::U tho flC':t.llh PJ.1Y pl2Crt;ott'
gf.'s.phs 'rJill bo dol~.vol"od ·~o ~r(:.'u iUl ';';00 .fm:m of frl;~.. :tp~J 0:( 35 mill. llo[p.\;i·v,,:,~o
on tho day f'o1101j"ing JG!:lO prow."cJil ~ a po,t".tormc.t\00 and CJ2Y pl:"into mo:y 03
reqTJ.(;}(l.."l.isd th:)no (S00 Tj~.1333) 0

At tache(l :


n__ ?.,.,




.Needed by-~---------=-"o:--haar









Program #________________.....


Parameter. fl·
Fill in Title, Author, and File Ii; indicate when the tapEr must· be ready '"forl'use;: fill out a' .
separate requisition for each modification of the program and for each-new'-parameter; check the
applicable line in items 1, 2,3, and 4; till in items, and/or 6 i.f desired; fill in the
desired program or parameters on this' sheet or on a suitable fo-rm (a) . securely· attached to this
r~quisi tion.
This is a complete pro gram (or parameter.) 0.
·Attach to



Octal addresses are' used throughout.

Control·-transterred to
read in.

Decimal addresses· are ··.U8ed"1;brou~aut.o

iypeand'bave converteci.


to' conventional.



Type in conventional. form but do not

5-5-6 form

convert to

Prepare direct.l.y ill

,-$-6 form (no more

.~·4·registers-may:··beinvolved) 0



'address of zero
---.. temporary register
address of


1st order'



vx2" -.,' . .
···separation.;constant .
revxl ----·address of l.st nmltiple
length constant of'
multilengtb. print
rout:ine o



·File in SUBROUTINE LibraI7~' . LSR



Make obsOlBte all previous programs (or parametera2 .as tlifi case maybe) iii thiS rile except
3 h $6" 7" 8 9 ie' ll.· lao .1). 'lh 15

-those cirelech'.:O


Hake obsolete ·File #(s) ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __







Room. 221...:_______


~J.le :n=

:D Short


OLong Ru:a




, ,

reM dFiIMh6e



If the expected total time for the operation of the main program and au,
Parrumeters is more than ten minutesDthe~ogram Bhoul~ be'listed aa,~


long runo
.' {b;l The regular operator
The .program. is to be' operatedbYi::l '.
by ________



The programmer) Deed riot
Be' pr~~ent . during
and '
the operatl.ono
Should there be any questionsooClMIT phone #......__ home _ _ __


1. .




tape only
t::flexo tape only
-r:l>-5-6 an~ flexo

The output equipin.ent is expected to, 'start operating within
______ seconds after the start of the progr~·
The' program is expected to run, 'for ' .
mino total and' print
"lines" punch
. ' inohes~ .. phot6graph
, record
blockS on magnetic tape~ read
blocks on
.. magnetic tape
The prOgrmmShould~toP. automatically Oy'r
' e stopped'manuallyo
If the program runa or more "than
'minutes or ________
it should be stopped manuallyo

~oope & camera
~gnetio tape


' .



The following is the list and sequence' of It-apes to be operated o
E~ch lille is to be a separate operation of main progra.m~para.m.eters and interpretive routine,o'










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