MPASM Assembler, MPLINK Object Linker, MPLIB Librarian User's Guide User
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- MPASM Assembler, MPLINK Object Linker, MPLIB Object Librarian User’s Guide
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
- PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
- Part 1 – MPASM Assembler
- Chapter 1. MPASM Assembler Overview
- Chapter 2. Assembler Interfaces
- Chapter 3. Expression Syntax and Operation
- Chapter 4. Directives
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Directives by Type
- 4.3 access_ovr - Begin an Object File Overlay Section in Access RAM (PIC18 MCUs)
- 4.4 __badram - Identify Unimplemented RAM
- 4.5 __badrom - Identify Unimplemented ROM
- 4.6 bankisel - Generate Indirect Bank Selecting Code (PIC12/16 MCUs)
- 4.7 banksel - Generate Bank Selecting Code
- 4.8 cblock - Define a Block of Constants
- 4.9 code - Begin an Object File Code Section
- 4.10 code_pack - Begin an Object File Packed Code Section (PIC18 MCUs)
- 4.11 __config - Set Processor Configuration Bits
- 4.12 config - Set Processor Configuration Bits (PIC18 MCUs)
- 4.13 constant - Declare Symbol Constant
- 4.14 da - Store Strings in Program Memory (PIC12/16 MCUs)
- 4.15 data - Create Numeric and Text Data
- 4.16 db - Declare Data of One Byte
- 4.17 de - Declare EEPROM Data Byte
- 4.18 #define - Define a Text Substitution Label
- 4.19 dt - Define Table (PIC12/16 MCUs)
- 4.20 dtm - Define Table (Extended PIC16 MCUs Only)
- 4.21 dw - Declare Data of One Word
- 4.22 else - Begin Alternative Assembly Block to IF Conditional
- 4.23 end - End Program Block
- 4.24 endc - End an Automatic Constant Block
- 4.25 endif - End Conditional Assembly Block
- 4.26 endm - End a Macro Definition
- 4.27 endw - End a While Loop
- 4.28 equ - Define an Assembler Constant
- 4.29 error - Issue an Error Message
- 4.30 errorlevel - Set Message Level
- 4.31 exitm - Exit from a Macro
- 4.32 expand - Expand Macro Listing
- 4.33 extern - Declare an Externally Defined Label
- 4.34 fill - Specify Program Memory Fill Value
- 4.35 global - Export a Label
- 4.36 idata - Begin an Object File Initialized Data Section
- 4.37 idata_acs - Begin an Object File Initialized Data Section in Access RAM (PIC18 MCUs)
- 4.38 __idlocs - Set Processor ID Locations
- 4.39 if - Begin Conditionally Assembled Code Block
- 4.40 ifdef - Execute If Symbol Has Been Defined
- 4.41 ifndef - Execute If Symbol Has Not Been Defined
- 4.42 #include - Include Additional Source File
- 4.43 list - Listing Options
- 4.44 local - Declare Local Macro Variable
- 4.45 macro - Declare Macro Definition
- 4.46 __maxram - Define Maximum RAM Location
- 4.47 __maxrom - Define Maximum ROM Location
- 4.48 messg - Create User Defined Message
- 4.49 noexpand - Turn off Macro Expansion
- 4.50 nolist - Turn off Listing Output
- 4.51 org - Set Program Origin
- 4.52 page - Insert Listing Page Eject
- 4.53 pagesel - Generate Page Selecting Code (PIC10/12/16 MCUs)
- 4.54 pageselw - Generate Page Selecting Code Using WREG Commands (PIC10/12/16 MCUs)
- 4.55 processor - Set Processor Type
- 4.56 radix - Specify Default Radix
- 4.57 res - Reserve Memory
- 4.58 set - Define an Assembler Variable
- 4.59 space - Insert Blank Listing Lines
- 4.60 subtitle - Specify Program Subtitle
- 4.61 title - Specify Program Title
- 4.62 udata - Begin an Object File Uninitialized Data Section
- 4.63 udata_acs - Begin an Object File Access Uninitialized Data Section (PIC18 MCUs)
- 4.64 udata_ovr - Begin an Object File Overlayed Uninitialized Data Section
- 4.65 udata_shr - Begin an Object File Shared Uninitialized Data Section (PIC12/16 MCUs)
- 4.66 #undefine - Delete a Substitution Label
- 4.67 variable - Declare Symbol Variable
- 4.68 while - Perform Loop While Condition is True
- Chapter 5. Assembler Examples, Tips and Tricks
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Example of Displaying Count on Ports
- 5.3 Example of Port B Toggle and Delay Routines
- 5.4 Example of Calculations with Variables and Constants
- 5.5 Example of a 32-Bit Delay Routine
- 5.6 Example of SPI Emulated in Firmware
- 5.7 Example of Hexadecimal to ASCII Conversion
- 5.8 Other Sources of Examples
- 5.9 Tips and Tricks
- Chapter 6. Relocatable Objects
- Chapter 7. Macro Language
- Chapter 8. Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
- Part 2 – MPLINK Object Linker
- Part 3 – MPLIB Object Librarian
- Part 4 – Utilities
- Part 5 – Appendices
- Appendix A. Instruction Sets
- A.1 Introduction
- A.2 Key to 12/14-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Sets
- A.3 12-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Set
- A.4 14-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Set
- A.5 14-Bit Instruction Width Extended Instruction Set
- A.6 12-Bit/14-Bit Instruction Width Pseudo-Instructions
- A.7 Key to PIC18 Device Instruction Set
- A.8 PIC18 Device Instruction Set
- A.9 PIC18 Device Extended Instruction Set
- Appendix B. Useful Tables
- Appendix A. Instruction Sets
- Index
- Worldwide Sales and Service
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L
MPASM™ Assembler,
MPLINK™ Object Linker,
MPLIB™ Object Librarian
User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 2 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
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ISBN: 978-1-62077-002-3
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 3
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................................ 9
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE ................................................................... 17
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8 .................................................................. 33
Part 1 – MPASM Assembler
Chapter 1. MPASM Assembler Overview
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 49
1.2 MPASM Assembler Defined ............................................................................................................. 49
1.3 How MPASM Assembler Helps You ................................................................................................. 49
1.4 Assembler Migration Path ................................................................................................................ 49
1.5 Assembler Compatibility Issues ....................................................................................................... 50
1.6 Assembler Operation ........................................................................................................................ 50
1.7 Assembler Input/Output Files ........................................................................................................... 52
Chapter 2. Assembler Interfaces
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 61
2.2 MPLAB X IDE Interface .................................................................................................................... 61
2.3 MPLAB IDE v8 Interface .................................................................................................................. 61
2.4 Windows Interface ............................................................................................................................ 62
2.5 Command Line Interface .................................................................................................................. 63
Chapter 3. Expression Syntax and Operation
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 65
3.2 Text Strings ...................................................................................................................................... 65
3.3 Reserved Words and Section Names .............................................................................................. 67
3.4 Numeric Constants and Radix .......................................................................................................... 67
3.5 Arithmetic Operators and Precedence ............................................................................................. 69
Chapter 4. Directives
4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 71
4.2 Directives by Type ............................................................................................................................ 71
4.3 access_ovr - Begin an Object File Overlay Section in Access RAM (PIC18 MCUs) .................... 74
4.4 __badram - Identify Unimplemented RAM ...................................................................................... 75
4.5 __badrom - Identify Unimplemented ROM ...................................................................................... 76
4.6 bankisel - Generate Indirect Bank Selecting Code (PIC12/16 MCUs) ......................................... 77
4.7 banksel - Generate Bank Selecting Code ...................................................................................... 80
4.8 cblock - Define a Block of Constants ............................................................................................. 82
4.9 code - Begin an Object File Code Section ....................................................................................... 84
4.10 code_pack - Begin an Object File Packed Code Section (PIC18 MCUs) .................................... 85
4.11 __config - Set Processor Configuration Bits ............................................................................... 86
4.12 config - Set Processor Configuration Bits (PIC18 MCUs) ........................................................... 88
4.13 constant - Declare Symbol Constant .......................................................................................... 89
4.14 da - Store Strings in Program Memory (PIC12/16 MCUs) ............................................................. 90
4.15 data - Create Numeric and Text Data ........................................................................................... 92
4.16 db - Declare Data of One Byte ....................................................................................................... 94
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
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4.17 de - Declare EEPROM Data Byte .................................................................................................. 96
4.18 #define - Define a Text Substitution Label .................................................................................. 98
4.19 dt - Define Table (PIC12/16 MCUs) ............................................................................................100
4.20 dtm - Define Table (Extended PIC16 MCUs Only) ....................................................................... 100
4.21 dw - Declare Data of One Word ....................................................................................................101
4.22 else - Begin Alternative Assembly Block to if Conditional .......................................................102
4.23 end - End Program Block ............................................................................................................. 103
4.24 endc - End an Automatic Constant Block ....................................................................................103
4.25 endif - End Conditional Assembly Block ....................................................................................104
4.26 endm - End a Macro Definition ..................................................................................................... 104
4.27 endw - End a while Loop ............................................................................................................105
4.28 equ - Define an Assembler Constant ........................................................................................... 105
4.29 error - Issue an Error Message ................................................................................................. 106
4.30 errorlevel - Set Message Level .............................................................................................. 108
4.31 exitm - Exit from a Macro ...........................................................................................................111
4.32 expand - Expand Macro Listing ................................................................................................... 113
4.33 extern - Declare an Externally Defined Label ............................................................................ 114
4.34 fill - Specify Program Memory Fill Value ................................................................................. 116
4.35 global - Export a Label ..............................................................................................................119
4.36 idata - Begin an Object File Initialized Data Section .................................................................. 120
4.37 idata_acs - Begin an Object File Initialized Data Section in Access RAM (PIC18 MCUs) .......122
4.38 __idlocs - Set Processor ID Locations ......................................................................................123
4.39 if - Begin Conditionally Assembled Code Block ......................................................................... 125
4.40 ifdef - Execute If Symbol Has Been Defined .............................................................................127
4.41 ifndef - Execute If Symbol Has Not Been Defined .................................................................... 129
4.42 #include - Include Additional Source File .................................................................................. 130
4.43 list - Listing Options .................................................................................................................. 131
4.44 local - Declare Local Macro Variable ......................................................................................... 132
4.45 macro - Declare Macro Definition ................................................................................................ 134
4.46 __maxram - Define Maximum RAM Location ............................................................................... 136
4.47 __maxrom - Define Maximum ROM Location .............................................................................. 137
4.48 messg - Create User Defined Message ....................................................................................... 138
4.49 noexpand - Turn off Macro Expansion ........................................................................................ 140
4.50 nolist - Turn off Listing Output ..................................................................................................140
4.51 org - Set Program Origin ............................................................................................................. 141
4.52 page - Insert Listing Page Eject ...................................................................................................144
4.53 pagesel - Generate Page Selecting Code (PIC10/12/16 MCUs) ...............................................144
4.54 pageselw - Generate Page Selecting Code Using WREG Commands (PIC10/12/16 MCUs) ... 146
4.55 processor - Set Processor Type ...............................................................................................147
4.56 radix - Specify Default Radix ..................................................................................................... 148
4.57 res - Reserve Memory ................................................................................................................. 150
4.58 set - Define an Assembler Variable ............................................................................................152
4.59 space - Insert Blank Listing Lines ................................................................................................ 153
4.60 subtitle - Specify Program Subtitle .......................................................................................... 153
4.61 title - Specify Program Title ..................................................................................................... 154
4.62 udata - Begin an Object File Uninitialized Data Section ............................................................. 154
4.63 udata_acs - Begin an Object File Access Uninitialized Data Section (PIC18 MCUs) ................ 156
4.64 udata_ovr - Begin an Object File Overlayed Uninitialized Data Section ................................... 158
4.65 udata_shr - Begin an Object File Shared Uninitialized Data Section (PIC12/16 MCUs) ...........160
4.66 #undefine - Delete a Substitution Label .................................................................................... 162
4.67 variable - Declare Symbol Variable .......................................................................................... 163
4.68 while - Perform Loop While Condition is True ............................................................................ 165
Table of Contents
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Chapter 5. Assembler Examples, Tips and Tricks
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 169
5.2 Example of Displaying Count on Ports ........................................................................................... 170
5.3 Example of Port B Toggle and Delay Routines .............................................................................. 171
5.4 Example of Calculations with Variables and Constants ................................................................. 178
5.5 Example of a 32-Bit Delay Routine ................................................................................................ 180
5.6 Example of SPI Emulated in Firmware ........................................................................................... 182
5.7 Example of Hexadecimal to ASCII Conversion .............................................................................. 184
5.8 Other Sources of Examples ........................................................................................................... 185
5.9 Tips and Tricks ............................................................................................................................... 186
Chapter 6. Relocatable Objects
6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 189
6.2 Header Files ................................................................................................................................... 189
6.3 Program Memory ............................................................................................................................ 190
6.4 Low, High and Upper Operators ..................................................................................................... 191
6.5 RAM Allocation ............................................................................................................................... 194
6.6 Configuration Bits and ID Locations ............................................................................................... 195
6.7 Accessing Labels From Other Modules ......................................................................................... 196
6.8 Paging and Banking Issues ............................................................................................................ 197
6.9 Generating the Object Module ....................................................................................................... 198
6.10 Code Example .............................................................................................................................. 198
Chapter 7. Macro Language
7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 201
7.2 Macro Syntax ................................................................................................................................. 201
7.3 Macro Directives Defined ............................................................................................................... 202
7.4 Macro Definition ............................................................................................................................. 202
7.5 Macro Invocation ............................................................................................................................ 203
7.6 Macro Code Examples ................................................................................................................... 204
Chapter 8. Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
8.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 207
8.2 Assembler Errors ............................................................................................................................ 208
8.3 Assembler Warnings ...................................................................................................................... 215
8.4 Assembler Messages ..................................................................................................................... 218
8.5 Assembler Limitations .................................................................................................................... 220
Part 2 – MPLINK Object Linker
Chapter 9. MPLINK Linker Overview
9.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 223
9.2 MPLINK Linker Defined .................................................................................................................. 223
9.3 How MPLINK Linker Works ............................................................................................................ 223
9.4 How MPLINK Linker Helps You ..................................................................................................... 224
9.5 Linker Platforms Supported ............................................................................................................ 224
9.6 Linker Operation ............................................................................................................................. 225
9.7 Linker Input/Output Files ................................................................................................................ 226
Chapter 10. Linker Interfaces
10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 231
10.2 IDE Interface ................................................................................................................................ 231
10.3 Command Line Interface .............................................................................................................. 232
10.4 Command Line Example .............................................................................................................. 234
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
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Chapter 11. Linker Scripts
11.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 235
11.2 Standard Linker Scripts ................................................................................................................ 236
11.3 Linker Script Command Line Information ..................................................................................... 237
11.4 Linker Script Caveats ................................................................................................................... 238
11.5 Memory Region Definition ............................................................................................................ 239
11.6 Logical Section Definition ............................................................................................................. 244
11.7 STACK Definition .......................................................................................................................... 244
11.8 Conditional Linker Statements ...................................................................................................... 245
Chapter 12. Linker Processing
12.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 251
12.2 Linker Processing Overview ......................................................................................................... 251
12.3 Linker Allocation Algorithm ........................................................................................................... 252
12.4 Relocation Example ...................................................................................................................... 253
12.5 Initialized Data .............................................................................................................................. 254
12.6 Reserved Section Names ............................................................................................................. 254
Chapter 13. Sample Applications
13.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 255
13.2 How to Build the Sample Applications .......................................................................................... 255
13.3 Sample Application 1 - Templates and Linker Scripts .................................................................. 261
13.4 Sample Application 2 - Placing Code and Setting Config Bits ...................................................... 264
13.5 Sample Application 3 - Using a Boot Loader ................................................................................267
13.6 Sample Application 4 - Configuring External Memory .................................................................. 278
Chapter 14. Errors, Warnings and Common Problems
14.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 285
14.2 Linker Parse Errors ....................................................................................................................... 285
14.3 Linker Errors ................................................................................................................................. 287
14.4 Linker Warnings ............................................................................................................................ 292
14.5 COFF File Errors .......................................................................................................................... 293
14.6 Other Errors, Warnings and Messages ........................................................................................ 294
14.7 Common Problems ....................................................................................................................... 294
Part 3 – MPLIB Object Librarian
Chapter 15. MPLIB Librarian Overview
15.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 297
15.2 What is MPLIB Librarian ............................................................................................................... 297
15.3 How MPLIB Librarian Works ........................................................................................................ 297
15.4 How MPLIB Librarian Helps You .................................................................................................. 298
15.5 Librarian Operation ....................................................................................................................... 298
15.6 Librarian Input/Output Files .......................................................................................................... 298
Chapter 16. Librarian Interfaces
16.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 299
16.2 MPLAB X IDE Interface ................................................................................................................ 299
16.3 MPLAB IDE v8 Interface ............................................................................................................... 299
16.4 Command Line Options ................................................................................................................ 300
16.5 Command Line Examples and Tips .............................................................................................. 300
Chapter 17. Errors
17.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 301
17.2 Librarian Parse Errors .................................................................................................................. 301
17.3 Library File Errors ......................................................................................................................... 302
17.4 COFF File Errors .......................................................................................................................... 302
Table of Contents
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Part 4 – Utilities
Chapter 18. Utilities Overview and Usage
18.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 305
18.2 What are Utilities .......................................................................................................................... 305
18.3 Utilities Operation ......................................................................................................................... 305
18.4 mp2hex.exe Utility ........................................................................................................................ 306
18.5 mp2cod.exe Utility ........................................................................................................................ 306
Chapter 19. Errors and Warnings
19.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 307
19.2 Hex File Errors ............................................................................................................................. 307
19.3 COFF To COD Conversion Errors ................................................................................................ 307
19.4 COFF To COD Converter Warnings ............................................................................................. 307
19.5 COD File Errors ............................................................................................................................ 308
Part 5 – Appendices
Appendix A. Instruction Sets
A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 311
A.2 Key to 12/14-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Sets ........................................................................311
A.3 12-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Set .......................................................................................... 313
A.4 14-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Set .......................................................................................... 315
A.5 14-Bit Instruction Width Extended Instruction Set ..........................................................................317
A.6 12-Bit/14-Bit Instruction Width Pseudo-Instructions ....................................................................... 320
A.7 Key to PIC18 Device Instruction Set .............................................................................................. 322
A.8 PIC18 Device Instruction Set ......................................................................................................... 324
A.9 PIC18 Device Extended Instruction Set ......................................................................................... 328
Appendix B. Useful Tables
B.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 329
B.2 ASCII Character Set ...................................................................................................................... 329
B.3 Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion ............................................................................................. 330
Index ........................................................................................................................................ 331
Worldwide Sales and Service ............................................................................................... 337
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 8 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 9
This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide. Items discussed include:
• Document Layout
• Conventions Used
• Recommended Reading
• The Microchip Web Site
• myMicrochip Personalized Notification Service
• Customer Support
This document describes how to use the MPASM assembler, the MPLINK object linker,
and the MPLIB object librarian to develop code for PIC® microcontroller (MCU)
applications. All of these tools can work within the MPLAB® Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). For a detailed discussion about basic MPLAB IDE functions, refer
to MPLAB IDE documentation.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE – provides an overview of how to
use all of the tools in this manual together under the MPLAB X IDE. This is how most
developers will use these tools.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v.8 – provides an overview of how to
use all of the tools in this manual together under the MPLAB IDE v.8.
All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs
and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site
( to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
“DSXXXXXA”, where “XXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level of the
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB® IDE on-line help.
Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available on-line help files.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 10 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Part 1 – “MPASM Assembler”
•Chapter 1. “MPASM Assembler Overview” – describes what the MPASM
assembler is, what it does and how it works with other tools. Also, gives an
overview of operation and discusses input/output files.
•Chapter 2. “Assembler Interfaces” – reviews how to use the MPASM
assembler with MPLAB IDE and describes how to use the assembler on the
command line or in a Windows shell interface.
•Chapter 3. “Expression Syntax and Operation” – provides guidelines for using
complex expressions in MPASM assembler source files.
•Chapter 4. “Directives” – lists each MPASM assembler directive alphabetically
and describes the directive in detail, with examples.
•Chapter 5. “Assembler Examples, Tips and Tricks” – provides examples of
how to use the MPASM assembler directives together in applications.
•Chapter 6. “Relocatable Objects” – describes how to use the MPASM
assembler in conjunction with MPLINK object linker.
•Chapter 7. “Macro Language” – describes how to use the MPASM assembler’s
built-in macro processor.
•Chapter 8. “Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations” – contains a
descriptive list of the errors, warnings, and messages generated by the MPASM
assembler, as well as tool limitations.
Part 2 – “MPLINK Object Linker”
•Chapter 9. “MPLINK Linker Overview” – describes what the MPLINK object
linker is, what it does and how it works with other tools. Also, gives an overview of
operation and discusses input/output files.
•Chapter 10. “Linker Interfaces” – reviews how to use the MPLINK linker with
MPLAB IDE and describes how to use the linker on the command line.
•Chapter 11. “Linker Scripts” – discusses how to generate and use linker scripts
to control linker operation.
•Chapter 12. “Linker Processing” – describes how the linker processes files.
•Chapter 13. “Sample Applications” – provides examples of how to use the
linker to create applications.
-Sample Application 1 – explains how to find and use template files and
when to modify the generic linker script file.
-Sample Application 2 – explains how to place program code in different
memory regions, how to place data tables in ROM memory and how to set
configuration bits in C.
-Sample Application 3 – explains how to partition memory for a boot loader
and how to compile code that will be loaded into external RAM and executed.
-Sample Application 4 – explains how to create new linker script memory
section, how to declare external memory through #pragma code directive,
and how to access external memories using C pointers.
•Chapter 14. “Errors, Warnings and Common Problems” – contains a
descriptive list of the errors and warnings generated by the MPLINK linker, as well
as common problems and tool limitations.
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Part 3 – “MPLIB Object Librarian”
•Chapter 15. “MPLIB Librarian Overview” – decribes what the MPLIB object
librarian is, what it does and how it works with other tools. Also, gives an overview
of operation and discusses input/output files.
•Chapter 16. “Librarian Interfaces” – reviews how to use the MPLIB librarian
with MPLAB IDE and describes how to use the librarian on the command line.
•Chapter 17. “Errors” – contains a descriptive list of the errors generated by the
MPLIB librarian.
Part 4 – “Utilities”
•Chapter 18. “Utilities Overview and Usage” – lists the available utilities and
describes their usage.
•Chapter 19. “Errors and Warnings” – contains a descriptive list of the errors
generated by the utilities.
Part 5 – “Appendices”
•Appendix A. “Instruction Sets” – lists PIC MCU device instruction sets.
•Appendix B. “Useful Tables” – provides some useful tables for code
-ASCII Character Set – lists the ASCII Character Set.
-Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversions – shows how to convert from
hexadecimal to decimal numbers.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 12 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The following conventions may appear in this documentation:
Description Represents Examples
Arial font:
Italic characters Referenced books MPLAB IDE User’s Guide
Emphasized text the only compiler...
Initial caps A window the Output window
A dialog the Settings dialog
A menu selection select Enable Programmer
Quotes A field name in a window or
“Save project before build”
Underlined, italic text with
right angle bracket
A menu path File>Save
Bold characters A dialog button Click OK
A tab Click the Power tab
Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press <Enter>, <F1>
Courier font:
Plain Courier Sample source code #define START
Filenames autoexec.bat
File paths c:\mcc18\h
Keywords _asm, _endasm, static
Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa-
Bit values 0, 1
Constants 0xFF, ’A’
Italic Courier A variable argument file.o, where file can be
any valid filename
Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mpasmwin [options]
file [options]
Curly brackets and pipe
character: { | }
Choice of mutually exclusive
arguments; an OR selection
errorlevel {0|1}
Ellipses... Replaces repeated text var_name [,
Represents code supplied by
void main (void)
{ ...
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 13
This documentation describes how to use Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide.
Other useful documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are
available and recommended as supplemental reference resources.
Readme Files - readme.asm and readme.lkr
For the latest tool information and known issues, see the MPASM assembler readme
file (readme.asm) or the MPLINK object linker/MPLIB object librarian readme file
(readme.lkr). These ASCII text files may be found in the Readme folder of the
MPLAB IDE installation directory.
On-line Help Files
Comprehensive help files are available for MPASM assembler and MPLINK object
linker/MPLIB object librarian. In addition, debug output format (COFF) information is
also available in help.
C Compiler User’s Guides and Libraries
The MPLINK linker and MPLIB librarian also work with the MPLAB C Compiler for
PIC18 MCUs (formerly MPLAB C18). For more information on the compiler, see:
• MPLAB® C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs Getting Started (DS51295)
• MPLAB® C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs User's Guide (DS51288)
• MPLAB® C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs Libraries (DS51297)
• PIC18 Configuration Settings Addendum (DS51537) or on-line help file
MPLAB IDE Documenation
Information on the intergrated development environment MPLAB IDE may be found in:
• MPLAB® IDE User’s Guide (DS51519) – Comprehensive user’s guide.
• On-line help file – The most up-to-date information on MPLAB IDE.
PIC MCU Data Sheets and Application Notes
Data sheets contain information on device operation, as well as electrical
specifications. Applications notes demonstrate how various PIC MCU’s may be used.
Find both of these types of documents for your device on the Microchip website.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 14 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web
site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers.
Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following
•Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample
programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents,
latest software releases and archived software
•General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical
support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program
member listing
•Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip
press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices,
distributors and factory representatives
Microchip's personal notification service helps keep customers current on their
Microchip products of interest. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever
there are changes, updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or
development tool.
Please visit to begin the registration process and select
your preferences to receive personalized notifications. A FAQ and registration details
are available on the page, which can be opened by selecting the link above.
When you are selecting your preferences, choosing “Development Systems” will
populate the list with available development tools. The main categories of tools are
listed below:
•Compilers – The latest information on Microchip C compilers, assemblers, linkers
and other language tools. These include all MPLAB C compilers; all MPLAB
assemblers (including MPASM™ assembler); all MPLAB linkers (including
MPLINK™ object linker); and all MPLAB librarians (including MPLIB™ object
•Emulators – The latest information on Microchip in-circuit emulators.These
include the MPLAB REAL ICE™ and MPLAB ICE 2000 in-circuit emulators
•In-Circuit Debuggers – The latest information on Microchip in-circuit debuggers.
These include the MPLAB ICD 2 and 3 in-circuit debuggers and PICkit™ 2 and 3
debug express.
•MPLAB® IDE – The latest information on Microchip MPLAB IDE, the Windows®
Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools. This list is
focused on the MPLAB IDE, MPLAB IDE Project Manager, MPLAB Editor and
MPLAB SIM simulator, as well as general editing and debugging features.
•Programmers – The latest information on Microchip programmers. These include
the device (production) programmers MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator,
MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debugger, MPLAB PM3, and PRO MATE® II and
development (nonproduction) programmers MPLAB ICD 2 in-circuit debugger,
PICSTART® Plus and PICkit 1, 2 and 3.
•Starter/Demo Boards – These include MPLAB Starter Kit boards, PICDEM demo
boards, and various other evaluation boards.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 15
Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
• Distributor or Representative
• Local Sales Office
• Field Application Engineer (FAE)
• Technical Support
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.
Technical support is available through the web site at:
Documentation errors or comments may be emailed to
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 16 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 17
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
The MPASM™ assembler, the MPLINK™ object linker and the MPLIB™ object
librarian are typically used together under MPLAB® X Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) to provide GUI development of application code for PIC1X MCU
devices (PIC10/12/16/18 MCUs). The operation of these 8-bit language tools with
MPLAB X IDE is discussed here.
Additionally, the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (MPLAB C18) may be used with
the above tools. For more on this compiler, see the Microchip website
( for additional information and documentation.
These language tools were initially developed for use in Microsoft Windows® .
However, the MPASMX toolchain does function in Linux and Mac OS (with support
available for the “/” and “-” characters). The C18 toolchain also supports these
operating systems.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• MPLAB X IDE and Tools Installation
• MPLAB X IDE Projects
• Project Setup
•Project Example
MPLAB IDE includes the MPASM Toolsuite which consists of the MPASM assembler,
MPLINK linker, MPLIB librarian and other 8-bit utilities. Also, MPLAB IDE may be used
with the C18 Toolsuite that consists of the MPLAB C18 Compiler and compiler versions
of tools in the MPASM Toolsuite.
MPASM Toolsuite Installation
In order to use the PIC language tools with MPLAB IDE, you must first install MPLAB
IDE. The latest version of this free software is available at our website
( or from any sales office (back cover). When you install
MPLAB IDE, you will be installing the MPASM assembler, the MPLINK object linker and
the MPLIB object librarian as well.
The language tools will be installed, by default, in the directory:
•Windows OS - C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\mpasmx
• Linux OS - /opt/microchip/mplabx/mpasmx
•Mac OS - /Applications/microchip/mplabx/mpasmx
The executables for each tool will be:
• MPASM Assembler – mpasmx.exe
• MPLINK Object Linker – mplink.exe
• MPLIB Object Librarian – mplib.exe
• Other Utilities
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 18 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
All device include (.inc) files are also in this directory. For more on these files, see
MPASM assembler documentation.
All device linker script (.lkr) files are in the LKR subdirectory. For more on these files,
see MPLINK object linker documentation.
Template files are also included in the Template subdirectory for your use. Template
files are provided for absolute code (Code) and relocatable code (Object)
Code examples are also included in the Example subdirectory.
C18 Toolsuite Installation
The MPLAB C18 compiler and related tools must be acquired from Microchip
(standard, lite and evaluation versions available). The install includes the MPLAB C18
C compiler and compiler versions of tools in the MPASM Toolsuite.
The language tools will be installed, by default, in the directory:
•Windows OS - C:\Program Files\Microchip\mplabc18\version
•Mac OS - /Applications/microchip/mplabc18/version
• Linux OS - /opt/microchip/mplabc18/version
where version is the version of the compiler.
The executables for each tool will be:
• MPLAB C18 C Compiler - bin\mcc18.exe
• MPASM Assembler - mpasm\mpasmx.exe
• MPLINK Object Linker - bin\mplink.exe
• MPLIB Object Librarian - bin\mplib.exe
• Other Utilities - bin subdirectory
All device header (.h) files are in the h subdirectory. For more on these files, see
MPLAB C18 documentation.
All device include (.inc) files are in the mpasm subdirectory. For more on these files,
see MPASM assembler documentation.
All device linker script (.lkr) files are in the bin\LKR subdirectory. For more on these
files, see MPLINK object linker documentation.
All device library (.lib) files and precompiled start-up code (.o) are in the lib
subdirectory. For more on these files, see MPLAB C18 libraries documentation.
Code examples are also included in the example subdirectory.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
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Once MPLAB X IDE is installed on your PC, check the settings below to ensure that
the PIC1X language tools are properly recognized under MPLAB X IDE.
1. From the MPLAB X IDE menu bar, select Tools>Options to open the Options dia-
log. Click on the “Embedded” button and select the “Build Tools” tab.
2. Click on “MPASMX” under “Tool Collection”. Ensure that the paths are correct for
your installation of the MPASM assembler. This will ensure that the paths to the
linker, librarian and utilities are correct as all of these tools are part of the MPASM
3. For the optional MPLAB C18 C compiler, click on “C18” under “Tool Collection”.
Ensure that the paths are correct for your installation of the compiler. This will
ensure that the paths to the compiler and related assembler, linker, librarian and
utilities are correct as all of these tools are part of the C18 Suite.
4. Click OK.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
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A project in MPLAB X IDE is a group of files needed to build an application, along with
their associations to various build tools. Below is a generic MPLAB X IDE project.
MPLINK linker
list and object
library file
LINKER output
MPLIB librarian
Utility &
output file
script file (1)
(1) The linker can choose the correct
linker script file for your project.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
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In this MPLAB X IDE project, an assembly source file (prog.asm) is shown with its
associated assembler (MPASM assembler). MPLAB X IDE will use this information to
generate the object file prog.o for input into the MPLINK object linker. For more
information on the assembler, see the MPASM assembler documentation.
The C source file main.c is also shown with its associated MPLAB C18 C compiler.
MPLAB X IDE will use this information to generate an object file (main.o) for input into
the MPLINK object linker. For more information on the compiler, see the MPLAB C18
C compiler documentation listed in Recommended Reading.
In addition, precompiled object files (precomp.o) may be included in a project, with no
associated tool required. MPLAB C18 requires the inclusion of a precompiled standard
code module c018i.o, for example. For more information on available Microchip
precompiled object files, see the MPLAB C18 C compiler documentation.
Some library files (math.lib) are available with the compiler. Others may be built
using the librarian tool (MPLIB object librarian). For more information on the librarian,
see the MPLIB librarian documentation. For more information on available Microchip
libraries, see the MPLAB C18 C compiler documentation.
The object files, along with library files, are used to generate the project output files via
the linker (MPLINK object linker). MPLAB X IDE will automatically add the correct linker
script file (device.lkr) for your project. For more information on using linker script
files and the linker, see the MPLINK linker documentation.
The main output file generated by the MPLINK linker is the COF file (prog.cof). The
linker then uses the utility MP2HEX to generate the Hex file (prog.hex), used by
simulators, emulators, debuggers and programmers. For more information on linker
output files, see the MPLINK linker documentation. For more information on utilities,
see the related documentation.
For more on projects, see MPLAB X IDE documentation.
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DS33014L-page 22 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
To set up an MPLAB X IDE project for the first time, use the built-in Project Wizard
(File>New Project). In this wizard, you will be able to select a language toolsuite. For
more on the wizard, and MPLAB X IDE projects, see MPLAB X IDE documentation.
Once you have a project set up, you may then set up properties of the tools in MPLAB
1. From the MPLAB X IDE menu bar, select File>Project Properties to open a dialog
to set/check project build options.
2. MPASM: For “Conf: [default]” > “MPASMX”, select a tool from the tool collection
to set up.
3. MPLAB C18: For “Conf: [default]” > “C18”, select a tool from the tool collection
to set up.
a) C18 (TOP)
c) MCC18
The top level of the MPASM toolchain contains the following options.
Select a category, and then set up assembler options. For additional options, see MPASM assembler
documentation, Chapter 2. “Assembler Interfaces”.
Option Description Command Line
Build in absolute mode For assembly code projects, build using the assembler only, i.e.,
do not invoke the linker.
Option Description
Additional Options Enter additional command-line options. See the tool documentation for more options.
Option Description Click on option text to see more information in this tab, if available.
Generated Command
For selectable options, click this tab to see the equivalent command line option.
Option Description Command Line
Enable case sensitivity The assembler will distinguish between upper- and lower-case
Note: Disabling case sensitivity will make all labels uppercase.
Default Radix Set the default radix, either Hexadecimal, Decimal or Octal. -rradix
Preprocessor Macro
Add macro directive definitions. -dmacro
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
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Select a category, and then set up linker options. For additional options, see MPLINK object linker
documentation, Chapter 10. “Linker Interfaces”.
Option Description Command Line
Cross-reference file Create an cross-reference file. A cross-reference file contains a
listing of all symbols used in the assembly code.
Diagnostic level Select to display errors only; errors and warnings; or errors,
warnings and messages. These will be shown in the Output
Hex file format (absolute
assembly only)
When assembling a single file, the assembler may be used to
generate a hex file. Choose the format here.
When assembling multiple files, the assembler generates object
files which must be linked with the linker to generate a hex file.
Choose the hex file format for the linker in this case.
Option Description
Additional Options Enter additional command-line options. See the tool documentation for more options.
Option Description Click on option text to see more information in this tab, if available.
Generated Command
For selectable options, click this tab to see the equivalent command line option.
Option Description Command Line
Generate map file Create a map file. A map file provides information on the
absolute location of source code symbols in the final output.
It also provides information on memory use, indicating
used/unused memory.
Hex file format Choose the linker hex file format. -ahex-format
Library directories Browse to the path(s) of any libraries you want the linker to include
in the output. Manage the list of paths in the dialog.
Option Description
Additional Options Enter additional command-line options. See the tool documentation for more options.
Option Description Click on option text to see more information in this tab, if available.
Generated Command
For selectable options, click this tab to see the equivalent command line option.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 24 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
C18 (TOP)
The top level of the C18 toolchain contains the following options.
MPLAB C18: Setup for PIC18 Extended Instruction Set Use
To use the PIC18 MCU Extended Instruction set in your MPLAB C18 project, do the following:
• Enable “Extended Instruction Set” in the configuration bits by doing one of the following:
- In code, use CONFIG XINST=ON.
- In the Configurations Bits window, under XINST select “Enabled”.
•Select File>Project Properties, click on C18, and check “Enable extended instruction set. Click OK.
For a list of available instructions in the Extended Instruction set, see Section A.9 “PIC18 Device
Extended Instruction Set”.
Although the MPLAB C18 C compiler works with MPLAB X IDE, it must be acquired separately. The
standard version may be purchased, or a free (limited-feature) version may be downloaded. See the
Microchip website ( for details. This compiler supports PIC18X MCU devices.
A subset of command-line options may be specified in MPLAB X IDE. Select a category, and then set up
compiler options. For additional options, see the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs User’s Guide
(DS51288), also available on the Microchip website.
Option Description Command Line
Enable extended
instruction set
Build in extended mode. The selected device must support
extended mode and the correct configuration bit must be enabled.
See “MPLAB C18: Setup for PIC18 Extended Instruction Set Use”.
Enable stack analysis Generate a stack analysis report for use with third-party application
“Understand,” from Scientific Toolworks, Inc. See their web site at for more information.
This option is only supported on devices that support extended
mode. The checkbox for Enable extended instruction set must be
checked as well. (See the previous row in this table.)
Option Description
Additional Options Enter additional command-line options. See the tool documentation for more options.
Option Description Click on option text to see more information in this tab, if available.
Generated Command
For selectable options, click this tab to see the equivalent command line option.
Option Description Command Line
Code model Select a code (program memory/ROM) model. Choose from small
(64K bytes) or large (>64K bytes).
Data model Select a data (data memory/RAM) model. Choose from large (all RAM
banks) or small (access RAM only).
Enable multi-bank stack
Select a stack model. Choose from single bank or multiple bank. -Lmodel
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 25
Option Description Command Line
Treat char as unsigned Select to make ‘char’ types unsigned (0-256) instead of the default
signed (-128 to 127).
Enable integer
Select to enable integer promotions (ISO-mandated arithmetic
performed at int precision or greater.)
Enable verbose output Display all compiler outputs. --verbose
Default storage class Select the storage class, either auto (ANSI standard), static (ANSI
standard) or overlay (non-extended mode).
Diagnostics level Select to display errors only; errors and warnings; or errors, warnings
and messages. These will be shown in the Output window.
Preprocessor macro
Add macro directive definitions. -Dmacro
Include directories Enter a path to header (*.h) files. -I"inc"
Option Description Command Line
Optimizations Select to:
Enable/Disable all optimizations below.
Select optimizations that are Debug Friendly.
Customize the optimizations from the selections below.
Enable all optimizations View whether all options enabled. N/A
Enable duplicate string
Take two or more identical literal strings and combine them into a single
string table entry with a single instance of the raw data stored in
program memory.
Enable banking optimizer Remove MOVLB instructions in instances where it can be determined
that the Bank Select register already contains the correct value.
Enable unreachable code
Attempt to remove any code that can be provably demonstrated to not
execute during normal program flow.
Enable code
Attempt to reorder code sequences so that they appear in the order in
which they will be executed.
Enable tail merging Attempt to combine multiple sequences of identical instructions into a
single sequence.
Enable branch
Optimize branching. Some of the branch optimizations save program
space, while others may expose unreachable code.
Enable WREG tracking Remove MOVLW instructions in instances where it can be determined
that the Working register already contains the correct value.
Enable copy propagation Replace uses of x with uses of y for x y, as long as intervening
instructions have not changed the value of either x or y. This
optimization by itself does not save any instructions, but enables dead
code removal.
Enable redundant store
Remove redundant assignments of the form x y when the
assignment appears multiple times in an instruction sequence and the
intervening code has not changed the value of x or y.
Enable dead code
Remove dead code, i.e., values computed in a function which are not
used on any path to the function's exit or instructions which compute
only dead values.
Enable procedural
Reduce the size of the generated code by creating a procedure
containing the repeated code and replacing the copies with a call to the
Procedural Abstraction
For “Enable All” and “Custom” optimizations, set the desired number of
passes for procedural abstraction.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 26 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Option Description
Additional Options Enter additional command-line options. See the tool documentation for more options.
Option Description Click on option text to see more information in this tab, if available.
Generated Command
For selectable options, click this tab to see the equivalent command line option.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
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In this example, you will create an MPLAB X IDE project with multiple assembly files.
Therefore, you will need to use the MPASM assembler and the MPLINK linker to create
the final output executable (.hex) file.
• Run the Project Wizard
• Add Files to the Project
• Set Build Options
• Build the Project
• Build Errors
• Output Files
• Further Development
Run the Project Wizard
In MPLAB X IDE, select File>New Project to launch the wizard.
1. Choose Project: Select “Embedded” for the category and “C/ASM Standalone
Project” for the project. Click Next> to continue.
2. Select Device: Select the PIC16F877. Click Next> to continue.
3. Select Header: There is no header for this device so this is skipped.
4. Select Tool: Choose a development tool from the list. Tool support for the
selected device is shown as a colored circle next to the tool. Mouse over the cir-
cle to see the support as text. Click Next> to continue.
5. Select Compiler: Choose a version of the MPASMX assembler. Click Next> to
6. Select Project Name and Folder: Enter a project name, such as
MyAsmProject. Then select a location for the project folder. Click Finish to
complete the project creation and setup.
Once the Project Wizard has completed, the Project window should contain the project
tree. For more on projects, see the MPLAB X IDE documentation.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 28 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Add Files to the Project
Right click on the “Source Files” folder in the project tree. Select “New>Other” to open
the File wizard.
1. Choose File Type: Expand “Microchip Embedded” to see available file types.
Click “MPASM assembler” and select “main.asm”. Click Next> to continue.
2. Name and Location: Enter the name for the new file, in this case
example.asm. The location is the current project by default. Leave this for now.
Click Finish to create file.
Repeat the above steps to add another file, example2.asm, to the project. When you
are done, the project tree should now look as in Figure 4. The code for each file follows.
; File: example.asm
; This is the main file in the MPASM assembler/MPLINK linker example
; Use with example2.asm
PROG CODE ; Set the start of code from 16f877.lkr script
main ; Min code entry called from example2.asm
global main ; Define as global so can be used in example2.asm
nop ; Main does nothing -- Put your code here
goto main ; Our sample "main" is just an infinite loop
service ; Interrupt routine, called from example2.asm
global service ; Define as global so can be used in example2.asm
nop ; Interrupt code would go here
IDLOCS CODE ; ID location data, address is in 16f877.lkr
dw 0x0102
dw 0x0304
CONBITS CODE ; Set config bits from defines in
; Config address for device programmer is
; in 16f877.lkr
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE
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; File: example2.asm
; This is the second file in the MPASM assembler/MPLINK linker example
; Use with example.asm
extern main, service ; These routines are in Example.asm
STARTUP CODE ; This area is defined in 16f877.lkr,
; the linker script
goto main ; Jump to main code defined in example.asm
nop ; Pad out so interrupt service routine gets
nop ; put at address 0x0004.
goto service ; Points to interrupt service routine
Set Build Options
Select File>Project Properties or right click on the project name and select “Properties”
to open the Project Properties dialog.
1. Under “default>MPASMX”, select “MPASMX”.
2. Select “General” from the “Option Categories”. Ensure that the “Default Radix” is
3. Select “Output” from the “Option Categories”. Ensure that the “Diagnostics level”
is set to “Errors Only”. Then enter a file name for a “Cross-reference file”, i.e.,
4. Under “default>MPASMX”, select “MPLINK”.
5. Ensure that the “Hex File Format” is set to “INHX32”. Then enter a file name to
“Generate map file”, i.e.,
6. Click OK on the bottom of the dialog to accept the build options and close the
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 30 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Build the Project
Right-click on the project name, “MyASMProject”, in the project tree and select “Build”
from the pop-up menu.
The Output window should appear at the end of the build and display the build results.
Build Errors
If the build did not complete successfully, check these items:
1. Review the previous steps in this example. Make sure you have set up the lan-
guage tools correctly and have all the correct project files and build options.
2. If you modified the sample source code, examine the Build results in the Output
window for syntax errors in the source code. If you find any, correct the error, and
then try to build again. Some errors provide links to go to the source code line
that contains that error.
Output Files
View the project output files by opening the files in MPLAB X IDE.
1. Select File>Open File. In the Open dialog, find the project directory.
2. Under “Files of type” select “All Files” to see all project files.
3. Select “example.xrf”. Click Open to view the assembler cross-reference file in an
MPLAB X IDE editor window. For more on this file, see the MPASM assembler
documentation, Section 1.7.6 “Cross Reference File (.xrf)”.
4. Select File>Open File. In the Open dialog, select “”. Click Open to
view the linker map file in an MPLAB X IDE editor window. For more on this file,
see the MPLINK linker documentation, Section 9.7.7 “Map File (.map)”.
5. Select File>Open File. In the Open dialog, go to the build>default>production
directory. Select “example.lst”. Click Open to view the linker listing file in an
MPLAB X IDE editor window. When MPASM assembler is used with MPLINK
linker, this listing file may be generated. For more on this file, see the Utilities doc-
umentation, Section 18.3 “Utilities Operation”.
6. Select File>Open File. In the Open dialog, return to the project directory and then
go to the dist>default>production directory. Notice that there is only one hex file,
“example.hex”. This is the primary output file, used by various debug tools. Click
Open to view the hex file in an MPLAB X IDE editor window. For more on this
file, see the Utilities documentation, Section 18.3 “Utilities Operation”.
For this example, we used a multi-file project which requires the use of the linker
(relocatable code). But if you have a project with one assembly file, you could use only
the assembler (absolute code). The assembler is capable of generating its own list and
hex file.
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Further Development
Usually, your application code will contain errors and not work the first time. Therefore,
you will need a debug tool to help you develop your code. Using the output files
previously discussed, several debug tools exist that work with MPLAB X IDE to help
you do this. You may choose from simulators, in-circuit emulators or in-circuit
debuggers, either manufactured by Microchip Technology or third-party developers.
Please see the documentation for these tools to learn how they can help you. When
debugging, you will use Debug>Debug Project to run and debug your code. Please see
MPLAB X IDE documenation for more information.
Once you have developed your code, you will want to program it into a device. Again,
there are several programmers that work with MPLAB X IDE to help you do this. Please
see the documentation for these tools to see how they can help you. When
programming, you will use “Program Target Project” button on the debug toolbar.
Please see MPLAB X IDE documenation concerning this control.
MPLAB C18 example code that may be used to create a C code project may be found
in the compiler install example subdirectory. See also the MPLAB C Compiler for
PIC18 MCUs User’s Guide (DS51288).
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1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 33
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
The MPASM assembler, the MPLINK object linker and the MPLIB object librarian are
typically used together under MPLAB IDE to provide GUI development of application
code for PIC1X MCU devices (PIC10/12/16/18 MCUs). The operation of these 8-bit
language tools with MPLAB IDE is discussed here.
Additionally, the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (MPLAB C18) may be used with
the above tools. For more on this compiler, see the Microchip website
( for additional information and documentation.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• MPLAB IDE and Tools Installation
• MPLAB IDE Projects
• Project Setup
•Project Example
MPLAB IDE includes the MPASM Toolsuite which consists of the MPASM assembler,
MPLINK linker, MPLIB librarian and other 8-bit utilities. Also, MPLAB IDE may be used
with the C18 Toolsuite that consists of the MPLAB C18 C compiler and compiler
versions of tools in the MPASM Toolsuite.
MPASM Toolsuite Installation
In order to use the PIC language tools with MPLAB IDE, you must first install MPLAB
IDE. The latest version of this free software is available at our website
( or from any sales office (back cover). When you install
MPLAB IDE, you will be installing the MPASM assembler, the MPLINK object linker and
the MPLIB object librarian as well.
The language tools will be installed, by default, in the directory:
•C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
The executables for each tool will be:
• MPASM Assembler - mpasmwin.exe
• MPLINK Object Linker - mplink.exe
• MPLIB Object Librarian - mplib.exe
• Other Utilities
All device include (.inc) files are also in this directory. For more on these files, see
MPASM assembler documentation.
All device linker script (.lkr) files are in the LKR subdirectory. For more on these files,
see MPLINK object linker documentation.
Code examples and template files are included in the Template subdirectory.
Template files are provided for absolute code (Code) and relocatable code (Object)
development. Code examples are also included in the Example subdirectory.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 34 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
C18 Toolsuite Installation
The MPLAB C18 compiler and related tools must be acquired from Microchip
(standard, lite and evaluation versions available). The install includes the MPLAB C18
C compiler and compiler versions of tools in the MPASM Toolsuite.
The language tools will be installed, by default, in the directory:
•C:\Program Files\Microchip\mplabc18\version
where version is the version of the compiler.
The executables for each tool will be:
• MPLAB C18 C Compiler - bin\mcc18.exe
• MPASM Assembler - mpasm\mpasmwin.exe
• MPLINK Object Linker - bin\mplink.exe
• MPLIB Object Librarian - bin\mplib.exe
• Other Utilities - bin subdirectory
All device header (.h) files are in the h subdirectory. For more on these files, see
MPLAB C18 documentation.
All device include (.inc) files are in the mpasm subdirectory. For more on these files,
see MPASM assembler documentation.
All device linker script (.lkr) files are in the bin\LKR subdirectory. For more on these
files, see MPLINK object linker documentation.
All device library (.lib) files and precompiled start-up code (.o) are in the lib
subdirectory. For more on these files, see MPLAB C18 libraries documentation.
Code examples are also included in the example subdirectory.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
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Once MPLAB IDE is installed on your PC, check the settings below to ensure that the
language tools are properly recognized under MPLAB IDE.
1. From the MPLAB IDE menu bar, select Project>Set Language Tool Locations to
open a dialog to set/check language tool executable location.
2. In the dialog, under “Registered Tools”, select “Microchip MPASM Toolsuite”.
Click the “+” to expand.
3. Select “Executables”. Click the “+” to expand.
4. Select “MPASM Assembler (mpasmwin.exe)”. Under “Location”, a path to the
executable file should be displayed. If no path is displayed, enter one or browse
to the location of this file. The default location is listed in “MPASM Toolsuite
5. Select “MPLINK Object Linker (mplink.exe)”. Under “Location”, a path to the
executable file should be displayed. If no path is displayed, enter one or browse
to the location of this file. The default location is listed in “MPASM Toolsuite
6. Select “MPLIB Object Librarian (mplib.exe)”. Under “Location”, a path to the
executable file should be displayed. If no path is displayed, enter one or browse
to the location of this file. The default location is listed in “MPASM Toolsuite
7. For the optional MPLAB C18 C compiler, select “Microchip C18 Toolsuite” and
expand “Executables”. Select “MPLAB C18 C Compiler (mcc18.exe)” and
check the install path. Ensure the other tools in this toolsuite point to the MPLAB
C18 installation subdirectories and not the directories for the “Microchip MPASM
Toolsuite”. The default location is listed in “C18 Toolsuite Installation”.
8. Click OK.
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A project in MPLAB IDE is a group of files needed to build an application, along with
their associations to various build tools. Below is a generic MPLAB IDE project.
MPLINK linker
list and object
library file
LINKER output
MPLIB librarian
Utility &
output file
script file(1)
(1)The linker can choose the correct
linker script file for your project.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
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In this MPLAB IDE project, an assembly source file (prog.asm) is shown with its
associated assembler (MPASM assembler). MPLAB IDE will use this information to
generate the object file prog.o for input into the MPLINK object linker. For more
information on the assembler, see the MPASM assembler documentation.
The C source file main.c is also shown with its associated MPLAB C18 C compiler.
MPLAB IDE will use this information to generate an object file (main.o) for input into
the MPLINK object linker. For more information on the compiler, see the MPLAB C
Compiler for PIC18 MCUs User’s Guide (DS51288).
In addition, precompiled object files (precomp.o) may be included in a project, with no
associated tool required. MPLAB C18 requires the inclusion of a precompiled standard
code module c018i.o, for example. For more information on available Microchip
precompiled object files, see the MPLAB C18 C compiler documentation.
Some library files (math.lib) are available with the compiler. Others may be built
using the librarian tool (MPLIB object librarian). For more information on the librarian,
see the MPLIB librarian documentation. For more information on available Microchip
libraries, see the MPLAB C18 C compiler documentation.
The object files, along with library files, are used to generate the project output files via
the linker (MPLINK object linker). Depending on your project, you may or may not need
to add a linker script file (device.lkr). For more information on using linker script files
and the linker, see the MPLINK linker documentation.
The main output file generated by the MPLINK linker is the COF file (prog.cof). The
linker then uses the utility MP2HEX to generate the Hex file (prog.hex), used by
simulators, emulators, debuggers and programmers. For more information on linker
output files, see the MPLINK linker documentation. For more information on utilities,
see the related documentation.
For more on projects, and related workspaces, see MPLAB IDE documentation.
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To set up an MPLAB IDE project for the first time, it is advisable to use the built-in
Project Wizard (Project>Project Wizard.) In this wizard, you will be able to select a
language toolsuite that uses MPASM assembler, e.g., the Microchip MPASM Toolsuite.
For more on the wizard, and MPLAB IDE projects, see MPLAB IDE documentation.
When a project is set up, set up properties of the tools in MPLAB IDE.
1. From the MPLAB IDE menu bar, select Project>Build Options>Project to open a
dialog to set/check project build options.
2. Click on the tool tab to modify tool settings.
- Build Options Dialog, MPASM Assembler Tab
- Build Options Dialog, MPLAB C17 Tab (If Installed)
- Build Options Dialog, MPLAB C18 Tab (If Installed)
- Build Options Dialog, MPLINK Linker Tab
- Build Options Dialog, MPASM/C17/C18 Suite Tab
3. Perform additional setup as required.
- MPLAB C18: Setup for PIC18 Extended Instruction Set Use
Build Options Dialog, MPASM Assembler Tab
Select a category, and then set up assembler options. For additional options, see
MPASM assembler documentation, Chapter 2. “Assembler Interfaces”.
General Category
Output Category
Note: MPASM assembler does not recognize include path information
specified in MPLAB IDE.
Generate Command Line
Disable case sensitivity The assembler accepts upper- and lower-case letters equally.
Note: Disabling case sensitivity will make all labels uppercase.
Extended mode Enable PIC18F extended instruction support.
Default Radix Set the default radix, either Hexadecimal, Decimal or Octal.
Macro Definitions Add macro directive definitions.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
Generate Command Line
Diagnostics level Select to display errors only; errors and warnings; or errors,
warnings and messages. These will be shown in the Output
cross-reference file
Create an cross-reference file. A cross-reference file contains a
listing of all symbols used in the assembly code.
Hex file format (for
single-file assemblies)
When assembling a single file, the assembler may be used to
generate a hex file. Choose the format here.
When assembling multiple files, the assembler generates object
files which must be linked with the linker to generate a hex file.
Choose the hex file format for the linker in this case.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 39
Build Options Dialog, MPLAB C17 Tab (If Installed)
Although the MPLAB C17 C compiler works with MPLAB IDE, it is no longer sold or
supported. See the Microchip website ( for details.
A subset of command-line options may be specified in MPLAB IDE in the Build Options
dialog, MPLAB C17 tab. Select a category, and then set up compiler options.
General Category
Memory Model Category
Optimization Category
Note: PIC17C MCUs are end-of-life devices. Consider migrating to PIC18X MCU
Generate Command Line
Diagnostics level Select to display errors only; errors and warnings; or errors,
warnings and messages. These will be shown in the Output
Default storage class Select the storage class, either ANSI-standard auto or static.
Macro Definitions Add macro directive definitions.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
Generate Command Line
Small near rom - program memory 8K,
near ram - data memory 256
Medium far rom - program memory > 8K,
near ram - data memory 256
Compact near rom - program memory 8K,
far ram - data memory > 256
Large far rom - program memory > 8K,
far ram - data memory > 256
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
Generate Command Line
Bank Selection Optimiza-
Select the level of bank selection optimization. Removes MOVLB
instruction in instances where it can be determined that the Bank
Select register already contains the correct value.
Level 0 - None.
Level 1 - Equivalent to -On1.
Level 2 - Equivalent to -On2.
Other Optimizations Select individual optimizations.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 40 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Build Options Dialog, MPLAB C18 Tab (If Installed)
Although the MPLAB C18 C compiler works with MPLAB IDE, it must be acquired
separately. The full version may be purchased, or a student (limited-feature) version
may be downloaded for free. See the Microchip website ( for
details. This compiler supports PIC18X MCU devices.
A subset of command-line options may be specified in MPLAB IDE in the Build Options
dialog, MPLAB C18 tab. Select a category, and then set up compiler options. For
additional options, see the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs User’s Guide
(DS51288), also available on the Microchip website.
General Category
Memory Model Category
Optimization Category
Generate Command Line
Diagnostics level Select to display errors only; errors and warnings; or errors,
warnings and messages. These will be shown in the Output
Default storage class Select the storage class, either auto (ANSI standard), static (ANSI
standard) or overlay (non-extended mode).
Enable integer promo-
Select to enable integer promotions (ISO-mandated arithmetic per-
formed at int precision or greater.)
Treat ‘char’ as unsigned Select to make ‘char’ types unsigned (0-256) instead of the default
signed (-128 to 127).
Extended mode See MPASM/C17/C18 Suite tab.
Macro Definitions Add macro directive definitions.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
Generate Command Line
Code Model Select a code (program memory/ROM) model. Choose from small
(64K bytes) or large (>64K bytes).
Data Model Select a data (data memory/RAM) model. Choose from large (all
RAM banks) or small (access RAM only).
Stack Model Select a stack model. Choose from single bank or multiple bank.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
Generate Command Line
Disable Disable optimization.
Debug Enable optimizations for debugging.
Enable All Enable all optimizations.
Custom Enable optimization and select individual optimizations.
Procedural Abstraction
For “Enable All” and “Custom” optimizations, set the desired num-
ber of passes for procedural abstraction.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
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Build Options Dialog, MPLINK Linker Tab
Select a category, and then set up linker options. For additional options, see MPLINK
object linker documentation, Chapter 10. “Linker Interfaces”.
All Options Category
Build Options Dialog, MPASM/C17/C18 Suite Tab
Select a category, and then set up output build options.
All Options Category
Generate Command Line
Hex file format Choose the linker hex file format or suppress output of the hex file.
Generate map file Create a map file. A map file provides information on the
absolute location of source code symbols in the final output.
It also provides information on memory use, indicating
used/unused memory.
Output file root Enter a root directory for saving output files.
Restore Defaults Restore tab default settings.
Use Alternate Settings
Text Box Enter options in a command-line (non-GUI) format.
Generate Command Line
Library Output
Build normal target
(invoke MPLINK)
The files in the project will be built for normal output using the
MPLINK linker (hex file, etc.)
To set linker options, see Build Options Dialog, MPLINK Linker
Build library target
(invoke MPLIB)
The files in the project will be built into a library using the MPLIB
librarian (lib file.)
Check “Build generic library” to build a library with the
generic-device instead of the selected device. This means the
library can be used with any device and not just the one currently
For more on libraries, see MPLIB object librarian documentation,
Chapter 16. “Librarian Interfaces”.
Single File Assembly Projects
Ask me Pop up a dialog to ask me, when a project contains a single file,
whether I want to generate absolute or relocatable code.
Generate absolute code Always generate absolute code, i.e., code generated by the
assembler not requiring a linker.
Generate relocatable
Always generate relocatable code, i.e., code generated using a
Other Controls
Extended mode Build in extended mode. The selected device must support
extended mode and the correct configuration bit must be enabled.
See “MPLAB C18: Setup for PIC18 Extended Instruction Set Use”.
Generate stack analysis
Generate a stack analysis report for use with third-party application
“Understand,” from Scientific Toolworks, Inc. See their web site at for more information.
This option is only supported on devices that support extended
mode. The checkbox for Extended mode must be checked as well.
(See the previous row in this table.)
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
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MPLAB C18: Setup for PIC18 Extended Instruction Set Use
To use the PIC18 MCU Extended Instruction set in your MPLAB C18 project, do the
• Enable “Extended Instruction Set” in the configuration bits.
- In code, use CONFIG XINST=ON.
- In the Configurations Bits window, under XINST select “Enabled”.
•Select Project>Build Options>Project. On the MPASM/C17/C18 Suite tab, check
the “Extended Mode” checkbox.
For a list of available instructions in the Extended Instruction set, see
Section A.9 “PIC18 Device Extended Instruction Set”.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
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In this example, you will create an MPLAB IDE project with multiple assembly files.
Therefore, you will need to use the MPASM assembler and the MPLINK linker to create
the final output executable (.hex) file.
• Run the Project Wizard
• Set Build Options
• Build the Project
• Build Errors
• Output Files
• Further Development
Run the Project Wizard
In MPLAB IDE, select Project>Project Wizard to launch the wizard. Click Next> at the
Welcome screen.
1. Select PIC16F84A as the Device. Click Next> to continue.
2. Set up the language tools, if you haven’t already. Refer to “MPLAB IDE Setup”.
Click Next> to continue.
3. Enter “Example” for the name of the project. Then Browse to select a location for
your project. Click Next> to continue.
4. Add files to the project. In the file listing box on the left of the dialog, find the
following directory:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\Example
Select Example.asm and Example2.asm. Click Add>> to add these files to the
project. Click Next> to continue.
5. Review the summary of information. If anything is in error, use <Back to go back
and correct the entry. Click Finish to complete the project creation and setup.
Once the Project Wizard has completed, the Project window should contain the project
tree. The workspace name is Example.mcw, the project name is Example.mcp, and
all the project files are listed under their respective file type. For more on workspaces
and projects, see MPLAB IDE documentation.
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DS33014L-page 44 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Set Build Options
Select Project>Build Options>Project to open the Build Options dialog.
1. Click on the MPASM Assembler tab. For “Categories: General”, check that the
“Default Radix” is set to “Hexadecimal”. For “Categories: Output”, check that the
“Diagnostics level” includes all errors, warnings and messages. Then check the
checkbox for “Generate cross-reference file”.
2. Click on the MPLINK Linker tab. For “Categories: (All Options)”, check that the
“Hex File Format” is set to “INHX32”. Then check the checkbox for “Generate
map file”.
3. Click on the MPASM/C17/C18 Suite tab. For “Categories: (All Options)”, check
that the “Build normal target (invoke MPLINK)” is selected.
4. Click OK on the bottom of the dialog to accept the build options and close the
5. Select Project>Save Project to save the current configuration of the Example
Build the Project
Select Project>Build All to build the project.
The Output window should appear at the end of the build and display the build results.
Build Errors
If the build did not complete successfully, check these items:
1. Review the previous steps in this example. Make sure you have set up the lan-
guage tools correctly and have all the correct project files and build options.
2. If you modified the sample source code, examine the Build tab of the Output win-
dow for syntax errors in the source code. If you find any, double-click on the error
to go to the source code line that contains that error. Correct the error, and then
try to build again.
Note: You also may right-click on the project name, “Example.mcp”, in the project
tree and select “Build All” from the pop-up menu.
PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 45
Output Files
View the project output files by opening the files in MPLAB IDE.
1. Select File>Open. In the Open dialog, find the project directory.
2. Under “Files of type” select “All files (*.*)” to see all project files.
3. Select “Example.xrf”. Click Open to view the assembler cross-reference file for
Example.asm in an MPLAB IDE editor window. For more on this file, see the
MPASM assembler documentation, Section 1.7.6 “Cross Reference File
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Select “”. Click Open to view the linker map
file in an MPLAB IDE editor window. For more on this file, see the MPLINK linker
documentation, Section 9.7.7 “Map File (.map)”.
5. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Select “Example.lst”. Click Open to view the linker listing
file in an MPLAB IDE editor window. When MPASM assembler is used with
MPLINK linker, the listing file is generated by the linker. For more on this file, see
the MPLINK linker documentation, Section 9.7.6 “Listing File (.lst)”.
6. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Notice that there is only one hex file, “Example.hex”. This
is the primary output file, used by various debug tools. You do not view this file
for debugging; use View>Program Memory or View>Disassembly Listing.
Further Development
Usually, your application code will contain errors and not build the first time. Therefore,
you will need a debug tool to help you develop your code. Using the output files
previously discussed, several debug tools exist that work with MPLAB IDE to help you
do this. You may choose from simulators, in-circuit emulators or in-circuit debuggers,
either manufactured by Microchip Technology or third-party developers. Please see the
documentation for these tools to determine how they can help you. When debugging,
you will need to set the Build Configuration to “Debug”. Please see MPLAB IDE
documentation concerning this control.
Once you have developed your code, you will want to program it into a device. Again,
there are several programmers that work with MPLAB IDE to help you do this. Please
see the documentation for these tools to see how they can help you. When
programming, you will need to set the Build Configuration to “Release”. Please see
MPLAB IDE documentation concerning this control.
For more information on using MPLAB IDE, consult the on-line help that comes with
this application or download printable documents from our website.
MPLAB C18 example code that may be used to create a C code project may be found
in the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs User’s Guide (DS51288).
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1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 47
Part 1 – MPASM Assembler
Chapter 1. MPASM Assembler Overview ................................................................... 49
Chapter 2. Assembler Interfaces ................................................................................ 61
Chapter 3. Expression Syntax and Operation ........................................................... 65
Chapter 4. Directives ................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 5. Assembler Examples, Tips and Tricks .................................................. 169
Chapter 6. Relocatable Objects ................................................................................ 189
Chapter 7. Macro Language ...................................................................................... 201
Chapter 8. Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations...................................... 207
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1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 49
Chapter 1. MPASM Assembler Overview
An overview of the MPASM assembler and its capabilities is presented.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• MPASM Assembler Defined
• How MPASM Assembler Helps You
• Assembler Migration Path
• Assembler Compatibility Issues
• Assembler Operation
• Assembler Input/Output Files
The MPASM assembler (the assembler) is a command-line or GUI application that
provides a platform for developing assembly language code for Microchip's PIC1X
microcontroller (MCU) families.
The assembler comes with and is used by MPLAB X IDE (mpasmx.exe) and MPLAB
IDE v8 (mpasmwin.exe). The MPLAB IDE v8 assembler is also available with the
MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (aka MPLAB C18). The assembler may also be
used in a stand-alone application (Windows OS only) or on the command line.
The MPASM assembler supports all PIC1X MCU devices, as well as memory and
KeeLoq® secure data products from Microchip Technology Inc. (Some memory and
KeeLoq devices were not supported in MPLAB IDE after v5.70.40.)
The MPASM assembler provides a universal solution for developing assembly code for
all of Microchip's PIC1X MCUs. Notable features include:
• MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB IDE v8 Compatibility
• Windows/Command Line Interfaces
• Rich Directive Language
• Flexible Macro Language
Since the MPASM assembler is a universal assembler for all PIC1X MCU devices,
application code developed for the PIC16F877A can be translated into a program for
the PIC18F452. This may require changing the instruction mnemonics that are not the
same between the devices (assuming that register and peripheral usage were similar).
Also, configuration settings may be different. The __CONFIG syntax with one operand
is not recognized by PIC18 and PIC16F1XXX MCUs. The rest of the directive and
macro language will be the same.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 50 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The MPASM assembler is compatible with the MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB IDE v8
integrated development environments and all Microchip PIC1X MCU development
systems currently in production.
The MPASM assembler supports a clean and consistent method of specifying radix
(see Section 3.4 “Numeric Constants and Radix”). You are encouraged to develop
using the radix and other directive methods described within this document, even
though certain older syntaxes may be supported for compatibility reasons.
The MPASM assembler can be used in two ways:
• To generate absolute code that can be executed directly by a microcontroller.
• To generate relocatable code that can be linked with other separately assembled
or compiled modules.
1.6.1 Generating Absolute Code
Absolute code is the default output from the MPASM assembler. This process is shown
When a source file is assembled in this manner, all variables and routines used in the
source file must be defined within that source file, or in files that have been explicitly
included by that source file. If assembly proceeds without errors, a hex file will be
generated, containing the executable machine code for the target device. This file can
then be used with a debugger to test code execution or with a device programmer to
program the microcontroller.
1.6.2 Generating Relocatable Code
The MPASM assembler also has the ability to generate a relocatable object module
that can be linked with other modules using Microchip's MPLINK linker to form the final
executable code. This method is very useful for creating reusable modules.
MPASM Programmer
code.asm MCU
MPASM Assembler Overview
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 51
Related modules can be grouped and stored together in a library using Microchip's
MPLIB librarian. Required libraries can be specified at link time, and only the routines
that are needed will be included in the final executable.
Refer to Chapter 6. “Relocatable Objects” for more information on the differences
between absolute and relocatable object assembly.
MPLINK linker
main.hex Programmer MCU
assembler librarian
assembler librarian
assembler librarian
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 52 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
These are the default file extensions used by the assembler and the associated utility
1.7.1 Source Code (.asm)
Assembly is a programming language you may use to develop the source code for your
application. The source code file may be created using any ASCII text file editor.
Your source code should conform to the following basic guidelines.
Each line of the source file may contain up to four types of information:
• Labels
• Mnemonics, Directives and Macros
• Operands
The order and position of these are important. For ease of debugging, it is
recommended that labels start in column one and mnemonics start in column two or
beyond. Operands follow the mnemonic. Comments may follow the operands,
mnemonics or labels, and can start in any column. The maximum column width is 255
White space or a colon must separate the label and the mnemonic, and white space
must separate the mnemonic and the operand(s). Multiple operands must be
separated by commas.
White space is one or more spaces or tabs. White space is used to separate pieces of
a source line. White space should be used to make your code easier for people to read.
Unless within character constants, any white space means the same as exactly one
Source Code (.asm) Default source file extension input to assembler.
Include File (.inc) Include (header) file
Listing File (.lst) Default output extension for listing files generated by
Error File (.err) Output extension from assembler for error files.
Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl, .hxh) Output extension from assembler for hex files.
Cross Reference File (.xrf) Output extension from assembler for cross reference
Object File (.o) Output extension from assembler for object files.
Note: Several example source code files are included free with the IDE.
MPASM Assembler Overview
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A label is used to represent a line or group of code, or a constant value. It is needed for
branching instructions (Example 1-1.)
Labels should start in column 1. They may be followed by a colon (:), space, tab or the
end of line. Labels must not begin with number.
Labels may be up to 32 characters long. By default they are case sensitive, but case
sensitivity may be overridden by a command-line option (/c or -c). If a colon is used
when defining a label, it is treated as a label operator and not part of the label itself. MNEMONICS, DIRECTIVES AND MACROS
Mnemonics tell the assembler what machine instructions to assemble. For example,
addition (add), branches (goto) or moves (movwf). Unlike labels that you create
yourself, mnemonics are provided by the assembly language. Mnemonics are not case
Directives are assembler commands that appear in the source code but are not usually
translated directly into opcodes. They are used to control the assembler: its input,
output, and data allocation. Directives are not case sensitive.
Macros are user defined sets of instructions and directives that will be evaluated in-line
with the assembler source code whenever the macro is invoked.
Assembler instruction mnemonics, directives and macro calls should begin in column
two or greater. If there is a label on the same line, instructions must be separated from
that label by a colon, or by one or more spaces or tabs. OPERANDS
Operands give information to the instruction on the data that should be used and the
storage location for the instruction.
Operands must be separated from mnemonics by one or more spaces, or tabs. Multiple
operands must be separated by commas.
Macros Operands Comments
| | | |
Dest equ 0x0B ;Define constant
org 0x0000 ;Reset vector
goto Start
org 0x0020 ;Begin program
Dest, 3
;This line uses 2 operands
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 54 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. COMMENTS
Comments are text explaining the operation of a line or lines of code.
The MPASM assembler treats anything after a semicolon as a comment. All characters
following the semicolon are ignored through the end of the line. String constants
containing a semicolon are allowed and are not confused with comments.
1.7.2 Include File (.inc)
An assembler include, or header, file is any file containing valid assembly code.
Usually, the file contains device-specific register and bit assignments. This file may be
“included” in the code so that it may be reused by many programs.
As an example, to add the standard header file for the PIC18F452 device to your
assembly code, use:
Standard header files are located in:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
1.7.3 Listing File (.lst)
An MPASM assembler listing file provides a mapping of source code to object code. It
also provides a list of symbol values, memory usage information, and the number of
errors, warnings and messages generated.
This file may be viewed in MPLAB X IDE by:
1. selecting File>Open File to launch the Open dialog
2. selecting “All Files” from the “Files of type” drop-down list
3. locating the desired list file
4. clicking on the list file name
5. clicking Open
This file may be viewed in MPLAB IDE v8 by:
1. selecting File>Open to launch the Open dialog
2. selecting “List files (*.lst)” from the “Files of type” drop-down list
3. locating the desired list file
4. clicking on the list file name
5. clicking Open
Both the MPASM assembler and the MPLINK linker can generate listing files. For
information on the MPLINK linker listing file, see 9.7.6 “Listing File (.lst)”.
To prevent assembler list file generation, use the /l- or -l- option or use with
MPLINK linker. (The linker list file overwrites the assembler list file.) Set the size of tabs
in the list file using the /t or -t option.
MPASM Assembler Overview
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 55
The product name and version, the assembly date and time, and the page number
appear at the top of every page.
The first column contains the base address in memory where the code will be placed.
The second column displays the 32-bit value of any symbols created with the set, equ,
variable, constant, or cblock directives. The third column is reserved for the
machine instruction. This is the code that will be executed by the PIC1X MCU. The
fourth column lists the associated source file line number for this line. The remainder
of the line is reserved for the source code line that generated the machine code.
Errors, warnings, and messages are embedded between the source lines and pertain
to the following source line. Also, there is a summary at the end of the listing.
The symbol table lists all symbols defined in the program.
The memory usage map gives a graphical representation of memory usage. 'X' marks
a used location and '-' marks memory that is not used by this object. The map also
displays program memory usage. The memory map is not printed if an object file is
Note: Due to page width restrictions, some comments have been shortened, indi-
cated by “..” Also, some symbol table listings have been removed, indicated
by “:” See the standard header,, for a complete list of
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 56 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPASM 03.70 Released SOURCE.ASM 4-5-2004 15:40:00
00001 list p=18f452
00002 #include
00001 LIST
00002 ; P18F452.INC Standard Header File, Version 1.4..
00845 LIST
0000000B 00003 Dest equ 0x0B
000000 00005 org 0x0000
000000 EF10 F000 00006 goto Start
000020 00007 org 0x0020
000020 0E0A 00008 Start movlw 0x0A
000022 6E0B 00009 movwf Dest
000024 960B 00010 bcf Dest, 3 ;This line uses 2 op..
000026 EF10 F000 00011 goto Start
00012 end
MPASM 03.70 Released SOURCE.ASM 4-5-2004 15:40:00 PAGE 2
A 00000000
ACCESS 00000000
: :
_XT_OSC_1H 000000F9
__18F452 00000001
MPASM 03.70 Released SOURCE.ASM 4-5-2004 15:40:00 PAGE 12
MEMORY USAGE MAP ('X' = Used, '-' = Unused)
0000 : XXXX------------ ---------------- XXXXXXXXXX------ ----------------
All other memory blocks unused.
Program Memory Bytes Used: 14
Program Memory Bytes Free: 32754
Errors : 0
Warnings : 0 reported, 0 suppressed
Messages : 0 reported, 0 suppressed
MPASM Assembler Overview
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1.7.4 Error File (.err)
The MPASM assembler, by default, generates an error file. This file can be useful when
debugging your code. The IDE will display the error information in the Output window.
The format of the messages in the error file is:
type[number] file line description
For example:
Error[113] C:\PROG.ASM 7 : Symbol not previously defined (start)
The error file may contain any number of MPASM assembler errors, warnings and
messages. For more on these, see Chapter 8. “Errors, Warnings, Messages, and
To prevent error file generation, use the /e- or -e- option.
1.7.5 Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl, .hxh)
The MPASM assembler and MPLINK linker are capable of producing ASCII text hex
files in different formats.
This file format is useful for transferring PIC1X MCU series code to Microchip
programmers and third party PIC1X MCU programmers. INTEL HEX FORMAT
This format produces one 8-bit hex file with a low byte, high byte combination. Since
each address can only contain 8 bits in this format, all addresses are doubled.
Each data record begins with a 9-character prefix and ends with a 2-character
checksum. Each record has the following format:
Format Name Format Type File Extension Use
Intel Hex Format INHX8M .hex 8-bit core device programmers
Intel Split Hex Format INHX8S .hxl, .hxh odd/even programmers
Intel Hex 32 Format INHX32 .hex 16-bit core device programmers
BB A two digit hexadecimal byte count representing the number of data bytes that will
appear on the line.
AAAA A four digit hexadecimal address representing the starting address of the data
TT A two digit record type that will always be '00' except for the end-of-file record, which
will be '01'.
HH A two digit hexadecimal data byte, presented in low byte/high byte combinations.
CC A two digit hexadecimal checksum that is the two's complement of the sum of all
preceding bytes in the record.
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The split 8-bit file format produces two output files: .hxl and .hxh. The format is the
same as the normal 8-bit format, except that the low bytes of the data word are stored
in the .hxl file, and the high bytes of the data word are stored in the .hxh file, and the
addresses are divided by two. This is used to program 16-bit words into pairs of 8-bit
EPROMs, one file for low byte, one file for high byte.
The extended 32-bit address hex format is similar to the hex 8 format, except that the
extended linear address record is output also to establish the upper 16 bits of the data
address. This is mainly used for 16-bit core devices since their addressable program
memory exceeds 64 kbytes.
Each data record begins with a 9-character prefix and ends with a 2-character
checksum. Each record has the following format:
BB A two digit hexadecimal byte count representing the number of data bytes that will
appear on the line.
AAAA A four digit hexadecimal address representing the starting address of the data
TT A two digit record type:
00 - Data record
01 - End of File record
02 - Segment address record
04 - Linear address record
HH A two digit hexadecimal data byte, presented in low byte/high byte
CC A two digit hexadecimal checksum that is the two's complement of the sum of all
preceding bytes in the record.
MPASM Assembler Overview
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1.7.6 Cross Reference File (.xrf)
A cross reference file contains a listing of all symbols used in the assembly code. The
file has the following format:
• The symbols are listed in the “Label” column, sorted by name.
• The “Type” column defines the type of symbol. A list of “Label Types” is provided
at the end of the file.
• The “File Name” column lists the names of the files that use the symbol.
• The “Source File References” column lists the line number of the corresponding
file in the “File Name” column where the symbol is defined/referenced. An asterisk
means a definition.
To prevent cross-reference file generation, use the /x- or -x- option.
1.7.7 Object File (.o)
The assembler creates a relocatable object file from source code. This object file does
not yet have addresses resolved and must be linked before it can be used as an
To generate a file that will execute after being programmed into a device, see
1.7.5 “Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl, .hxh)”.
To prevent object file generation, use the /o- or -o- option.
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1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 61
Chapter 2. Assembler Interfaces
There are several interfaces with which you may use the MPASM assembler,
depending on the assembler version. These interfaces are discussed here.
When MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE v8 is installed, the MPASM assembler is also
installed. In addition, the assembler may be obtained with the MPLAB C Compiler for
Topics covered in this chapter:
• MPLAB X IDE Interface
• MPLAB IDE v8 Interface
• Windows Interface
• Command Line Interface
The MPASM assembler is most commonly used with the MPLINK linker in an MPLAB
X IDE project to generate relocatable code. However, the assembler may be used in
MPLAB X IDE to generate absolute code (without the use of the MPLINK linker). For
more information on this use, see “PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB X IDE”.
The MPASM assembler is most commonly used with the MPLINK linker in an MPLAB
IDE project to generate relocatable code. For more information on this use,
see “PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8”.
The assembler may also be used in MPLAB IDE to generate absolute code (without
the use of the MPLINK linker or MPLAB IDE project) by using the QuickBuild feature.
To do this:
1. From the MPLAB IDE menu bar, select Project>Set Language Tool Locations to
open a dialog to set/check language tool executable location.
2. In the dialog, under Registered Tools, select “Microchip MPASM Toolsuite”. Click
the “+” to expand.
3. Select Executables. Click the “+” to expand.
4. Select MPASM Assembler (mpasmwin.exe). Under Location, a path to the
mpasmwin.exe file should be displayed. If no path is displayed, enter one or
browse to the location of this file. By default, it is located at:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\mpasmwin.exe
5. Click OK.
6. From the MPLAB IDE menu bar, select Project>Quickbuild to assemble the
specified asm file using the MPASM assembler.
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DS33014L-page 62 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPASM assembler for Windows provides a graphical interface for setting assembler
options. It is invoked by executing either mpasmx.exe (MPLAB X IDE) or
mpasmwin.exe (MPLAB IDE v8) in Windows Explorer, or from a command prompt.
Select a source file by typing in the name or using the Browse button. Set the various
options as described below. (Default options are read from the source file.) Then click
Assemble to assemble the source file.
Note: When MPASM assembler is invoked through an IDE, this options screen is
not available. For MPLAB X IDE, use the project properties dialog
(File>Properties) to set options. For MPLAB IDE v8, use the MPASM
Assembler tab of the Build Options dialog in MPLAB IDE (Project>Build
Options>Project) to set options.
Option Description
Radix Override any source file radix settings.
Reference: Section 4.43 “list - Listing Options”,
Section 4.56 “radix - Specify Default Radix”,
Section 3.4 “Numeric Constants and Radix”
Warning Level Override any source file message level settings.
Reference: Section 4.48 “messg - Create User Defined
Hex Output Override any source file hex file format settings.
Reference: Section 1.7.5 “Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl, .hxh)”
Generated Files Enable/disable various output files.
Reference: Section 1.7 “Assembler Input/Output Files”
Case Sensitivity Enable/disable case sensitivity. If enabled, the assembler will
distinguish between upper- and lower-case letters.
Assembler Interfaces
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 63
MPASM assembler can be invoked through the command line interface (command
prompt). For the assembler included with MPLAB X IDE:
Windows OS: mpasmx [/option1.../optionN] filename
Linux OS and Mac OS: mpasmx [-option1...-optionN] filename
option refers to one of the command line options
filename is the file being assembled
For example, if test.asm exists in the current directory, it can be assembled with the
following command:
mpasmx /e /l test.asm
If the source filename is omitted, the appropriate shell interface is invoked, i.e., a
Windows OS interface is displayed, which includes a Help button.
Tab Size Set the list file tab size.
Reference: Section 1.7.3 “Listing File (.lst)”
Macro Expansion Override any source file macro expansion settings.
Reference: Section 4.32 “expand - Expand Macro Listing”
Processor Override any source file processor settings.
Extended Mode Enable PIC18F extended instruction support.
Extra Options Any additional command-line options.
Reference: Section 2.5 “Command Line Interface”
Save Settings on Exit Save these settings in mplab.ini. They will be used the next
time you run the assembler.
Option Description
Option (/ or -) Default Description
? or hN/A Display the assembler help screen.
ahex-format INHX32* Generate .hex output directly from assembler,
where hex-format is one of {INHX8M | INHX8S |
See 1.7.5 “Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl, .hxh)” for
more information.
cOn Enable/Disable case sensitivity. If enabled, the
assembler will distiguish between upper- and
lower-case letters.
dlabel[=value]N/A Define a text string substitution, i.e., assign value to
e[+|-|path|=CON] On Enable/Disable/Set Path for error file.
e+ Enable
e- Disable
e path Enable/specify path
e=CON Enable to console; no file output
Overrides -q+ option
See Section 1.7.4 “Error File (.err)” for more
* Default is dependent on processor selected.
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l[+|-|path]On Enable/Disable/Set Path for list file
l+ Enable
l- Disable
l path Enable/specify path
See Section 1.7.3 “Listing File (.lst)” for more
m[+|-] On Enable/Disable macro expansion.
See Section 4.32 “expand - Expand Macro
Listing” for more information.
o[+|-|path]Off Enable/Disable/Set Path for object file.
o+ Enable
o- Disable
o path Enable/specify path
See Section 1.7.7 “Object File (.o)” for more
pprocessor_type None Set the processor type, where processor_type is
a PIC1X MCU device, e.g., PIC18F452.
q[+|-] Off Enable/Disable quiet mode (suppress screen
rradix Hex Defines default radix, where radix is one of {HEX |
DEC | OCT }.
See Section 4.43 “list - Listing Options” or
Section 4.56 “radix - Specify Default Radix” for
more information.
sOn Show progress window while assembling. For use
only on the command line (not within MPLAB IDE).
t8 Set the size of tabs in the list file.
See Section 1.7.3 “Listing File (.lst)” for more
wvalue 0 Set message level, where value is one of {0|1|2}.
0 all messages
1 errors and warnings
2 errors only
See Section 4.48 “messg - Create User Defined
Message” for more information.
x[+|-|path]Off Enable/Disable/Set Path for cross reference file.
x+ Enable
x- Disable
x path Enable/specify path
See Section 1.7.6 “Cross Reference File (.xrf)” for
more information.
y[+|-] Disabled Enable/Disable extended instruction set.
y+ Enable
y- Disable
Can only be enabled for processors which support
the extended instruction set and for the generic
processor PIC18CXXX. /y- overrides LIST
PE=type directive (see Section 4.43 “list -
Listing Options”.)
* Default is dependent on processor selected.
Option (/ or -) Default Description
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 65
Chapter 3. Expression Syntax and Operation
Various expression formats, syntax, and operations used by MPASM assembler are
described here.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Text Strings
• Reserved Words and Section Names
• Numeric Constants and Radix
• Arithmetic Operators and Precedence
A “string” is a sequence of any valid ASCII character (of the decimal range of 0 to 127)
enclosed by double quotes. It may contain double quotes or null characters.
The way to get special characters into a string is to escape the characters, preceding
them with a backslash ‘\’ character. The same escape sequences that apply to strings
also apply to characters.
Strings may be of any length that will fit within a 255 column source line. If a matching
quote mark is found, the string ends. If none is found before the end of the line, the
string will end at the end of the line. While there is no direct provision for continuation
onto a second line, it is generally no problem to use a second dw directive for the next
The dw directive will store the entire string into successive words. If a string has an odd
number of characters (bytes), the dw and data directives will pad the end of the string
with one byte of zero (00).
If a string is used as a literal operand, it must be exactly one character long, or an error
will occur.
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DS33014L-page 66 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
3.2.1 Escape Characters
The assembler accepts the ANSI ‘C’ escape sequences to represent certain special
control characters:
3.2.2 Code Examples
See the examples below for the object code generated by different statements
involving strings.
7465 7374 696E dw “testing output string one\n”
6720 6F75 7470
7574 2073 7472
696E 6720 6F6E
#define str “testing output string two”
B061 movlw “a”
7465 7374 696E data “testing first output string”
6720 6669 7273
7420 6F75 7470
7574 2073 7472
696E 6700
Character Description Hex
\a Bell (alert) character 07
\b Backspace character 08
\f Form feed character 0C
\n New line character 0A
\r Carriage return character 0D
\t Horizontal tab character 09
\v Vertical tab character 0B
\\ Backslash 5C
\? Question mark character 3F
\' Single quote (apostrophe) 27
\” Double quote character 22
\0OO Octal number (zero, Octal digit, Octal digit)
\xHH Hexadecimal number
Expression Syntax and Operation
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 67
You may not use the following words for label, constant or variable names:
• Directives (see Chapter 4. “Directives”).
• Instructions (see Appendix A. “Instruction Sets”).
• The word “main” (when using the assembler with an IDE). Do not use a “main”
label that cannot be reached by a simple reset and run, for example, a data label
named “main” or a routine named “main” that will only be accessed under certain
conditions, as with an interrupt.
In addition, the assembler has the following reserved section names:
MPASM assembler supports the following radix forms for constants: hexadecimal,
decimal, octal, binary, and ASCII. The default radix is hexadecimal; the default radix
determines what value will be assigned to constants in the object file when a radix is
not explicitly specified by a base descriptor.
Constants can be optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign. If unsigned, the value is
assumed to be positive.
Section Name Purpose
.access_ovr Default section name for access_ovr directive.
.code Default section name for code directive.
Default section names for idata and idata_acs directives,
Default section names for udata, udata_acs, udata_ovr and
udata_shr directives, respectively.
Note: The radix for numeric constants can be made different from the default radix
specified with the directives radix or list r=. Also, allowable default
radices are limited to hexadecimal, decimal, and octal.
Note: Intermediate values in constant expressions are treated as 32-bit unsigned
integers. Whenever an attempt is made to place a constant in a field for
which it is too large, a truncation warning will be issued.
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DS33014L-page 68 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The following table presents the various radix specifications:
Note Type Syntax Example
1 Binary B’binary_digits’ B’00111001’
2Octal O’octal_digits’ O’777’
3 Decimal D’digits’
4 Hexadecimal H’hex_digits’
5 ASCII A’character’
1. A binary integer is ‘b’ or ‘B’ followed by one or more of the binary digits ‘01’ in single
2. An octal integer is ‘o’ or ‘O’ followed by one or more of the octal digits ‘01234567’ in
single quotes.
3. A decimal integer is ‘d’ or ‘D’ followed by one or more decimal digits ‘0123456789’ in
single quotes. Or, a decimal integer is ‘.’ followed by one or more decimal digits
4. A hexadecimal integer is ‘h’ or ‘H’ followed by one or more hexadecimal digits
‘0123456789abcdefABCDEF’ in single quotes. Or, a hexadecimal integer is ‘0x’ or ‘0X’
followed by one or more hexadecimal digits ‘0123456789abcdefABCDEF’.
5. An ASCII character is ‘a’ or ‘A’ followed by one character in single quotes. Or, an ASCII
character is one character in single quotes.
Expression Syntax and Operation
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 69
Arithmetic operators may be used with directives and their variables as specified in the
table below.
The operator order in the table also corresponds to its precedence, where the first
operator has the highest precedence and the last operator has the lowest precedence.
Precedence refers to the order in which operators are executed in a code statement.
Note: These operators cannot be used with program variables. They are for use
with directives only.
Operator Example
$Current/Return program counter goto $ + 3
(Left Parenthesis 1 + (d * 4)
)Right Parenthesis (Length + 1) * 256
!Item NOT (logical complement) if ! (a == b)
-Negation (2’s complement) -1 * Length
~Complement flags = ~flags
low1Return low byte of address movlw low CTR_Table
high1Return high byte of address movlw high CTR_Table
upper1Return upper byte of address movlw upper CTR_Table
*Multiply a = b * c
/Divide a = b / c
%Modulus entry_len = tot_len % 16
+Add tot_len = entry_len * 8 + 1
-Subtract entry_len = (tot - 1) / 8
<< Left shift flags = flags << 1
>> Right shift flags = flags >> 1
>= Greater or equal if entry_idx >= num_entries
>Greater than if entry_idx > num_entries
<Less than if entry_idx < num_entries
<= Less or equal if entry_idx <= num_entries
== Equal to if entry_idx == num_entries
!= Not equal to if entry_idx != num_entries
&Bitwise AND flags = flags & ERROR_BIT
^Bitwise exclusive OR flags = flags ^ ERROR_BIT
|Bitwise inclusive OR flags = flags | ERROR_BIT
&& Logical AND if (len == 512) && (b == c)
|| Logical OR if (len == 512) || (b == c)
=Set equal to entry_index = 0
+= Add to, set equal entry_index += 1
-= Subtract, set equal entry_index -= 1
*= Multiply, set equal entry_index *= entry_length
/= Divide, set equal entry_total /= entry_length
%= Modulus, set equal entry_index %= 8
<<= Left shift, set equal flags <<= 3
>>= Right shift, set equal flags >>= 3
&= AND, set equal flags &= ERROR_FLAG
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|= Inclusive OR, set equal flags |= ERROR_FLAG
^= Exclusive OR, set equal flags ^= ERROR_FLAG
++ Increment(2) i ++
-- Decrement(2) i --
Note 1: This precedence is the same for the low, high and upper operands which apply to
sections. See Section 6.4 “Low, High and Upper Operators” for more
2: These operators can only be used on a line by themselves; they cannot be
embedded within other expression evaluations.
Operator Example
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 71
Chapter 4. Directives
Directives are assembler commands that appear in the source code but are not usually
translated directly into opcodes. They are used to control the assembler: its input,
output, and data allocation.
Many of the assembler directives have alternate names and formats. These may exist
to provide backward compatibility with previous assemblers from Microchip and to be
compatible with individual programming practices. If portable code is desired, it is
recommended that programs be written using the specifications contained here.
Information on individual directives includes syntax, description, usage, and related
directives, as well as simple and, in some cases, expanded examples of use. In most
cases, simple examples may be assembled and run by adding an end statement.
Expanded examples may be assembled and run as-is to give an demonstration of an
application using the directive(s).
Individual directives may be found alphabetically (in the following sections) or by type
(Section 4.2 “Directives by Type”).
There are six basic types of directives provided by the assembler.
1. Control Directives
2. Conditional Assembly Directives
3. Data Directives
4. Listing Directives
5. Macro Directives
6. Object File Directives
Note: Directives are not instructions (movlw, btfss, goto, etc.). For instruction set
information, consult your device data sheet.
Note: Although MPASM assembler is often used with MPLINK object linker,
MPASM assembler directives are not supported in MPLINK linker scripts.
See MPLINK object linker documentation for more information on linker
options to control listing and hex file output.
Note: Directives are not case-sensitive, e.g., cblock may be executed as
CBLOCK, cblock, Cblock, etc
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4.2.1 Control Directives
Control directives control how code is assembled.
•#define - Define a Text Substitution Label .............................................. p. 98
•#include - Include Additional Source File ............................................... p. 130
•#undefine - Delete a Substitution Label.................................................. p. 162
•bankisel - Generate Indirect Bank Selecting Code (PIC12/16 MCUs) ... p. 77
•banksel - Generate Bank Selecting Code ............................................... p. 80
•constant - Declare Symbol Constant ...................................................... p. 89
•end - End Program Block........................................................................... p. 103
•equ - Define an Assembler Constant......................................................... p. 105
•org - Set Program Origin........................................................................... p. 141
•pagesel - Generate Page Selecting Code (PIC10/12/16 MCUs)............. p. 144
•pageselw - Generate Page Selecting Code Using WREG Commands
(PIC10/12/16 MCUs).................................................................................. p. 146
•processor - Set Processor Type ............................................................. p. 147
•radix - Specify Default Radix ................................................................... p. 148
•set - Define an Assembler Variable .......................................................... p. 152
•variable - Declare Symbol Variable ....................................................... p. 163
4.2.2 Conditional Assembly Directives
Conditional assembly directives permit sections of conditionally assembled code.
These are not run-time instructions like their C language counterparts. They define
which code is assembled, not how the code executes.
•else - Begin Alternative Assembly Block to if Conditional ..................... p. 102
•endif - End Conditional Assembly Block ................................................. p. 104
•endw - End a while Loop ......................................................................... p. 105
•if - Begin Conditionally Assembled Code Block....................................... p. 125
•ifdef - Execute If Symbol Has Been Defined .......................................... p. 127
•ifndef - Execute If Symbol Has Not Been Defined ................................. p. 129
•while - Perform Loop While Condition is True ......................................... p. 165
4.2.3 Data Directives
Data directives control the allocation of memory and provide a way to refer to data
items symbolically, i.e., by meaningful names.
•__badram - Identify Unimplemented RAM ................................................ p. 75
•__badrom - Identify Unimplemented ROM................................................ p. 76
•__config - Set Processor Configuration Bits........................................... p. 86
•config - Set Processor Configuration Bits (PIC18 MCUs)....................... p. 88
•__idlocs - Set Processor ID Locations ................................................... p. 123
•__maxram - Define Maximum RAM Location ............................................ p. 136
•__maxrom - Define Maximum ROM Location............................................ p. 137
•cblock - Define a Block of Constants....................................................... p. 82
•da - Store Strings in Program Memory (PIC12/16 MCUs) ......................... p. 90
•data - Create Numeric and Text Data ....................................................... p. 92
•db - Declare Data of One Byte................................................................... p. 94
•de - Declare EEPROM Data Byte .............................................................. p. 96
•dt - Define Table (PIC12/16 MCUs) .......................................................... p. 100
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•dtm - Define Table (Extended PIC16 MCUs Only) .....................................p. 100
•dw - Declare Data of One Word..................................................................p. 101
•endc - End an Automatic Constant Block ..................................................p. 103
•fill - Specify Program Memory Fill Value ................................................ p. 116
•res - Reserve Memory............................................................................... p. 150
4.2.4 Listing Directives
Listing directives control the MPASM assembler listing file format. These directives
allow the specification of titles, pagination, and other listing control. Some listing
directives also control how code is assembled.
•error - Issue an Error Message................................................................p. 106
•errorlevel - Set Message Level ............................................................p. 108
•list - Listing Options ................................................................................p. 131
•messg - Create User Defined Message .....................................................p. 138
•nolist - Turn off Listing Output ................................................................p. 140
•page - Insert Listing Page Eject .................................................................p. 144
•space - Insert Blank Listing Lines.............................................................. p. 153
•subtitle - Specify Program Subtitle........................................................ p. 153
•title - Specify Program Title....................................................................p. 154
4.2.5 Macro Directives
Macro directives control the execution and data allocation within macro body
•endm - End a Macro Definition....................................................................p. 104
•exitm - Exit from a Macro..........................................................................p. 111
•expand - Expand Macro Listing .................................................................p. 113
•local - Declare Local Macro Variable.......................................................p. 132
•macro - Declare Macro Definition .............................................................. p. 134
•noexpand - Turn off Macro Expansion ......................................................p. 140
4.2.6 Object File Directives
Object file directives are used only when creating an object file.
•access_ovr - Begin an Object File Overlay Section in Access RAM (PIC18
MCUs)......................................................................................................... p. 74
•code - Begin an Object File Code Section.................................................p. 84
•code_pack - Begin an Object File Packed Code Section (PIC18 MCUs).p. 85
•extern - Declare an Externally Defined Label .......................................... p. 114
•global - Export a Label ............................................................................p. 119
•idata - Begin an Object File Initialized Data Section................................p. 120
•idata_acs - Begin an Object File Initialized Data Section in Access RAM (PIC18
MCUs)......................................................................................................... p. 122
•udata - Begin an Object File Uninitialized Data Section ...........................p. 154
•udata_acs - Begin an Object File Access Uninitialized Data Section (PIC18
MCUs)......................................................................................................... p. 156
•udata_ovr - Begin an Object File Overlayed Uninitialized Data Section .p. 158
•udata_shr - Begin an Object File Shared Uninitialized Data Section (PIC12/16
MCUs)......................................................................................................... p. 160
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4.3.1 Syntax
[label] access_ovr [RAM_address]
4.3.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of overlay data in Access RAM. If
label is not specified, the section is named .access_ovr. The starting address is
initialized to the specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is
specified. The space declared by this section is overlayed by all other access_ovr
sections of the same name. No code can be placed by the user in this segment.
4.3.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
access_ovr is similar to udata_acs and udata_ovr, except that it declares a
PIC18 Access-RAM, uninitialized-data section that can be overlayed with other overlay
access sections of the same name. Overlaying access sections allows you to reuse
access-bank data space.
4.3.4 See Also
extern global udata udata_ovr udata_acs
4.3.5 Simple Example
;The 2 identically-named sections are overlayed in PIC18 Access RAM.
;In this example, u16a is overlaid with memory locations used
;by ua8 and u8b. u16b is overlaid with memory locations used
;by u8c and u8d.
myaoscn access_ovr
u8a: res 1
u8b: res 1
u8c: res 1
u8d: res 1
myaoscn access_ovr
u16a: res 2
u16b: res 2
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4.4.1 Syntax
__badram expr[-expr][, expr[-expr]]
4.4.2 Description
The __maxram and __badram directives together flag accesses to unimplemented
registers. __badram defines the locations of invalid RAM addresses. This directive is
designed for use with the __maxram directive. A __maxram directive must precede
any __badram directive. Each expr must be less than or equal to the value specified
by __maxram. Once the __maxram directive is used, strict RAM address checking is
enabled, using the RAM map specified by __badram. To specify a range of invalid
locations, use the syntax minloc - maxloc.
4.4.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
__badram is not commonly used, as RAM and ROM details are handled by the include
files (*.inc) or linker script files (*.lkr).
4.4.4 See Also
4.4.5 Simple Example
__maxram 0x0BF
__badram 0x07-0x09, 0x0D-0xE
__badram 0x87-0x89, 0x8D, 0x8F-0x9E
movwf 0x07 ; Generates invalid RAM warning
movwf 0x87 ; Generates invalid RAM warning
; and truncation message
Note: badram is preceded by two underline characters.
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4.5.1 Syntax
__badrom expr[-expr][, expr[-expr]]
4.5.2 Description
The __maxrom and __badrom directives together flag accesses to unimplemented
registers. __badrom defines the locations of invalid ROM addresses. This directive is
designed for use with the __maxrom directive. A __maxrom directive must precede
any __badrom directive. Each expr must be less than or equal to the value specified
by __maxrom. Once the __maxrom directive is used, strict ROM address checking is
enabled, using the ROM map specified by __badrom. To specify a range of invalid
locations, use the syntax minloc - maxloc.
Specifically, a warning will be raised in the following circumstances:
• the target of a GOTO or CALL instruction is evaluated by the assembler to a
constant, and falls in a bad ROM region
• the target of an LGOTO or LCALL pseudo-op is evaluated by the assembler to a
constant, and falls in a bad ROM region
•a .hex file is being generated, and part of an instruction falls in a bad ROM region
4.5.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
__badrom is not commonly used, as RAM and ROM details are handled by the include
files (*.inc) or linker script files (*.lkr).
4.5.4 See Also
4.5.5 Simple Example
__maxrom 0x1FF
__badrom 0x2 - 0x4, 0xA
org 0x5
goto 0x2 ; generates a warning
call 0x3 ; generates a warning
org 0xA
movlw 5 ; generates a warning
Note: badrom is preceded by two underline characters.
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4.6.1 Syntax
bankisel label
4.6.2 Description
This directive is an instruction to the assembler or linker to generate the appropriate
bank selecting code for an indirect access of the register address specified by label.
Only one label should be specified. No operations can be performed on label. This
label must have been previously defined.
The linker will generate the appropriate bank selecting code. For 14-bit instruction
width (most PIC12/PIC16) devices, the appropriate bit set/clear instruction on the IRP
bit in the STATUS register will be generated. But for PIC16 extended instructions,
FSR0H is modified instead of IRP bit (as there is no IRP bit). If the indirect address can
be specified without these instructions, no code will be generated.
4.6.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive may be used with 14-bit instruction width PIC1X devices. This excludes
12-bit instruction width devices and PIC18 devices.
4.6.4 See Also
banksel pagesel
4.6.5 Simple Example
movlw Var1
movwf FSR ;Load the address of Var1 info FSR
bankisel Var1 ;Select the correct bank for Var1
movwf INDF ;Indirectly write to Var1
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4.6.6 Application Example - bankisel
This program demonstrates the bankisel directive. This directive generates the
appropriate code to set/clear the IRP bit of the STATUS register for an indirect access.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
group1 udata 0x20 ;group1 data stored at locations
;starting at 0x20 (IRP bit 0).
group1_var1 res 1 ;group1_var1 located at 0x20.
group1_var2 res 1 ;group1_var2 located at 0x21.
group2 udata 0x120 ;group2 data stored at locations
;starting at 0x120 (IRP bit 1).
group2_var1 res 1 ;group2_var1 located at 0x120.
group2_var2 res 1 ;group2_var2 located at 0x121.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
movlw 0x20 ;This part of the code addresses
movwf FSR ;variables group1_var1 &
bankisel group1_var1 ;group1_var2 indirectly.
clrf INDF
incf FSR,F
clrf INDF
movwf FSR
bankisel group2_var1
clrf INDF
incf FSR,F
clrf INDF
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.6.7 Application Example 2 - bankisel
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
bankisel EEADR ;This register is at location 100h
;in banks 2 or 3 so the IRP bit
;must be set. bankisel will set it
;but only where it is used.
movlw EEADR,W ;Put the address of the register to
;be accessed indirectly into W.
movwf FSR ;Copy address from W to FSR to set
;up pointer to EEADR.
clrf INDF ;Clear EEADR through indirect
;accessing of EEADR through FSR/INDF.
;It would have cleared PIR2 (00Dh)
;if bankisel had not been used to
;set the IRP bit.
goto $ ;Prevents fall off end of code.
end ;All code must have an end statement.
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4.7.1 Syntax
banksel label
4.7.2 Description
This directive is an instruction to the assembler and linker to generate bank selecting
code to set the bank to the bank containing the designated label. Only one label
should be specified. No operations can be performed on label. This label must have
been previously defined.
The linker will generate the appropriate bank selecting code:
For 12-bit instruction width (PIC10F, some PIC12/PIC16) devices, the appropriate bit
set/clear instructions on the FSR will be generated.
For 14-bit instruction width (most PIC12/PIC16) devices, bit set/clear instructions on
the STATUS register will be generated.
For PIC16 extended and PIC18 devices, a movlb will be generated. If the device
contains only one bank of RAM, no instructions will be generated.
4.7.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive may be used with all PIC1X devices. This directive is not needed for
variables in access RAM (PIC18 devices.)
4.7.4 See Also
bankisel pagesel
4.7.5 Simple Example
banksel Var1 ;Select the correct bank for Var1
movwf Var1 ;Write to Var1
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4.7.6 Application Example - banksel
This program demonstrates the banksel directive. This directive generates the
appropriate code to set/clear the RP0 and RP1 bits of the STATUS register.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
group1 udata 0x20 ;group1 data stored at locations
;starting at 0x20 (bank 0).
group1_var1 res 1 ;group1_var1 located at 0x20.
group1_var2 res 1 ;group1_var2 located at 0x21.
group2 udata 0xA0 ;group2 data stored at locations
;starting at 0xA0 (bank 1)
group2_var1 res 1
group2_var2 res 1
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
banksel group1_var1 ;This directive generates code
;to set/clear bank select bits
;RP0 & RP1 of STATUS register
;depending upon the address of
clrf group1_var1
clrf group1_var2
banksel group2_var1 ;This directive generates code
;to set/clear bank select bits
;RP0 & RP1 of STATUS register
;depending upon the address of
clrf group2_var1
clrf group2_var2
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.7.7 Application Example 2 - banksel
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
banksel TRISB ;Since this register is in bank 1,
;not default bank 0, banksel is
;used to ensure bank bits are correct.
clrf TRISB ;Clear TRISB. Sets PORTB to outputs.
banksel PORTB ;banksel used to return to bank 0,
;where PORTB is located.
movlw 0x55 ;Set PORTB value.
movwf PORTB
goto $
end ;All programs must have an end.
4.8.1 Syntax
cblock [expr]
4.8.2 Description
Defines a list of named sequential symbols. The purpose of this directive is to assign
address offsets to many labels. The list of names end when an endc directive is
expr indicates the starting value for the first name in the block. If no expression is
found, the first name will receive a value one higher than the final name in the previous
cblock. If the first cblock in the source file has no expr, assigned values start with
If increment is specified, then the next label is assigned the value of increment
higher than the previous label.
Multiple names may be given on a line, separated by commas.
cblock is useful for defining constants in program and data memory for absolute code
4.8.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute. For information on types
of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
Use this directive in place of or in addition to the equ directive. When creating
non-relocatable (absolute) code, cblock is often used to define variable address
location names. Do not use cblock or equ to define variable location names for
relocatable code.
4.8.4 See Also
endc equ
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4.8.5 Simple Example
cblock 0x20 ; name_1 will be assigned 20
name_1, name_2 ; name_2, 21 and so on
name_3, name_4 ; name_4 is assigned 23.
cblock 0x30
TwoByteVar: 0, TwoByteHigh, TwoByteLow ;TwoByteVar =0x30
;TwoByteLow =0x31
QueueHead, QueueTail
Double1:2, Double2:2
4.8.6 Application Example - cblock/endc
This example shows the usage of CBLOCK and ENDC directives for defining constants
or variables in data memory space. The same directives can be used for program
memory space also.
The program calculates the perimeter of a rectangle. Length and width of the rectangle
will be stored in buffers addressed by length (22H) and width (23H). The calculated
perimeter will be stored in the double-precision buffer addressed by perimeter (i.e.,
20H and 21H).
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
CBLOCK 0x20 ;Define a block of variables
;starting at 20H in data memory.
perimeter:2 ;The label perimeter is 2 bytes
;wide. Address 20H and 21H is
;assigned to the label perimeter.
length ;Address 22H is assigned to the
;label length.
width ;Address 23H is assigned to the
;label width.
ENDC ;This directive must be supplied
;to terminate the CBLOCK list.
clrf perimeter+1 ;Clear perimeter high byte
;at address 21H.
movf length,w ;Move the data present in the
;register addressed by 'length'
;to 'w'
addwf width,w ;Add data in 'w' with data in the
;register addressed by 'width'.
;STATUS register carry bit C
;may be affected.
movwf perimeter ;Move 'w' to the perimeter low
;byte at address 20H. Carry bit
;is unaffected.
rlf perimeter+1 ;Increment register 21H if carry
;was generated. Also clear carry
;if bit was set.
rlf perimeter ;Multiply register 20H by 2.
;Carry bit may be affected.
rlf perimeter+1 ;Again, increment register 21H
;if carry was generated.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.9.1 Syntax
[label] code [ROM_address]
4.9.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of program code. If label is not
specified, the section is named .code. The starting address is initialized to the
specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is specified.
4.9.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
There is no “end code” directive. The code of a section ends automatically when
another code or data section is defined or when the end of the file is reached.
4.9.4 See Also
extern code_pack global idata udata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.9.5 Simple Example
RESET code 0x01FF
goto START
4.9.6 Application Example - code
This program demonstrates the code directive, which declares the beginning of a
section of program code.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
CODE ;This is a relocatable code
nop ;section since no address is
;specified. The section name will
;be, by default, .code.
Note: Two sections in a source file may not have the same name.
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4.10.1 Syntax
[label] code_pack [ROM_address]
4.10.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of program code or ROM data where
a padding byte of zero is not appended to an odd number of bytes. If label is not
specified, the section is named .code. The starting address is initialized to
ROM_address or will be assigned at link time if no address is specified. If
ROM_address is specified, it must be word-aligned. If padded data is desired, use db.
4.10.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is commonly used when storing data into program memory (use with db)
or the EEPROM data memory (use with de) of a PIC18 device.
4.10.4 See Also
extern code global idata udata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.10.5 Simple Example
00001 LIST P=18Cxx
00003 packed code_pack 0x1F0
0001F0 01 02 03 00004 DB 1, 2, 3
0001F3 04 05 00005 DB 4, 5
00007 padded code
000000 0201 0003 00008 DB 1, 2, 3
000004 0504 00009 DB 4, 5
00011 END
Note: Two sections in a source file may not have the same name.
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4.11.1 Syntax
__config expr
__config addr, expr
__fuses expr
4.11.2 Description
Sets the processor's configuration bits. Before this directive is used, the processor
must be declared through the command line, the list directive, the processor directive,
a project if using MPLAB X IDE or Configure>Select Device if using MPLAB IDE. Refer
to individual PIC1X microcontroller data sheets for a description of the configuration
MCUs with a single configuration register
Sets the processor's configuration bits to the value described by expr.
MCUs with multiple configuration registers
For the address of a valid configuration byte specified by addr, sets the configuration
bits to the value described by expr.
Although this directive may be used to set configuration bits for PIC18 MCU devices, it
is recommended that you use the config directive (no underline characters). For
PIC18FXXJ devices, you must use the config directive.
4.11.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is placed in source code so that, when the code is assembled into a hex
file, the configuration values are preset to desired values in your application. This is
useful when giving your files to a third-party programming house, as this helps insure
the device is configured correctly when programmed.
Place configuration bit assignments at the beginning of your code. Use the
configuration options (names) in the standard include (*.inc) file. These names can
be bitwise ANDed together using & to declare multiple configuration bits.
4.11.4 See Also
config __idlocs list processor
Note: config is preceded by two underline characters.
Note: PIC18FXXJ devices do not support this directive. Use config directive (no
underline characters.)
Note: Configuration bits must be listed in ascending order.
Note: Do not mix __config and config directives in the same code.
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4.11.5 Simple Examples
Example 1: PIC16 Devices
#include ;include file with config bit definitions
__config _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF ;Set oscillator to HS,
;watchdog time off,
;low-voltage prog. off
Example 2: PIC17X Devices (MPLAB IDE v8 Support Only)
#include ;include file with config bit definitions
__config 0xFFFF ;default configuration bits
Example 3: PIC18 Devices
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
;code protect disabled.
;Oscillator switch disabled, RC oscillator with OSC2
;as I/O pin.
;Brown-OutReset enabled, BOR Voltage is 2.5v
;Watch Dog Timer enable, Watch Dog Timer PostScaler
;count - 1:128
;CCP2 pin Mux enabled
;Stack over/underflow Reset enabled
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4.12.1 Syntax
config setting=value [, setting=value]
4.12.2 Description
Defines a list of Configuration bit setting definitions. This list sets the PIC18 processor's
Configuration bits represented by setting to a value described by value. Refer to
individual PIC18 microcontroller data sheets for a description of the Configuration bits.
Available settings and values maybe found in both the standard processor include
(*.inc) files and the PIC18 Configuration Settings Addendum (DS51537).
Multiple settings may be defined on a single line, separated by commas. Settings for a
single Configuration byte may also be defined on separate lines.
Before this directive is used, a PIC18 MCU must be declared through the command
line, the list directive, the processor directive, a project if using MPLAB X IDE or
Configure>Select Device if using MPLAB IDE.
Another directive that may be used to set configuration bits for PIC18 MCU devices is
the __config directive, but this is not recommended for new code.
4.12.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is placed in source code so that, when the code is compiled/assembled
into a hex file, the configuration values are preset to desired values in your application.
This is useful when giving your files to a third-party programming house, as this helps
insure the device is configured correctly when programmed.
Place configuration bit assignments at the beginning of your code. Use the
configuration options (setting=value pairs) listed in the standard include (*.inc)
file or the addendum. The config directive can be used multiple times in the source
code, but an error will be generated if the same bit is assigned a value more than once,
CONFIG CP0=ON ;(An error will be issued since CP0 is assigned twice)
4.12.4 See Also
__config __idlocs list processor
Note: Do not mix __config and config directives in the same code.
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4.12.5 Simple Example
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
;code protect disabled
;Oscillator switch enabled, RC oscillator with OSC2 as I/O pin.
;Brown-OutReset enabled, BOR Voltage is 2.5v
;Watch Dog Timer enable, Watch Dog Timer PostScaler count - 1:128
;CCP2 pin Mux enabled
;Stack over/underflow Reset enabled
4.13.1 Syntax
constant label=expr [...,label=expr]
4.13.2 Description
Creates symbols for use in MPASM assembler expressions. Constants may not be
reset after having once been initialized, and the expression must be fully resolvable at
the time of the assignment. This is the principal difference between symbols declared
as constant and those declared as variable, or created by the set directive. Otherwise,
constants and variables may be used interchangeably in absolute code expressions.
4.13.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
Although equ or cblock is more generally used to create constants, the constant
directive also works.
4.13.4 See Also
set variable equ cblock
4.13.5 Examples
See the examples under variable.
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4.14.1 Syntax
[label] da expr [, expr2, ..., exprn]
4.14.2 Description
da - Data ASCII.
Generates a packed 14-bit number representing two 7-bit ASCII characters.
4.14.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is useful for storing strings in memory for PIC16 MCU devices.
4.14.4 Simple Examples
•da "abcdef"
will put 30E2 31E4 32E6 into program memory
•da "12345678" ,0
will put 18B2 19B4 1AB6 1BB8 0000 into program memory
•da 0xFFFF
will put 0x3FFF into program memory
4.14.5 Application Example - da
This example shows the usefulness of directive da in storing a character string in the
program memory of 14-bit architecture devices. This directive generates a packed
14-bit number representing two 7-bit ASCII characters.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
ORG 0x0000 ;The following code will be
;programmed in reset address 0.
goto start ;Jump to an address labelled
start ;Write your main program here.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
ORG 0x1000 ;Store the string starting from
Ch_stng da "PICmicro"
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 91
Directive da produces four 14-bit numbers: 2849, 21ED, 34E3, and 396F representing
the ASCII equivalent of PI, Cm, ic, and ro. See below for more information.
Sngl_ch da "A" ;7-bit ASCII equivalents of 'A'
;and a NULL character will be packed
;in a 14-bit number.
da 0xff55 ;Places 3f55 in program memory.
;No packing.
Determining 14-Bit Numbers
For the following statement:
Ch_stng da "PICmicro"
directive da produces four 14-bit numbers: 2849, 21ED, 34E3 and 396F representing
the ASCII equivalent of PI, Cm, ic and ro.
To see how the 14-bit numbers are determined, look at the ASCII values of P and I,
which are 50h(01010000) and 49h(01001001) respectively. Each is presented in 7-bit
as (0)1010000 and (0)1001001 respectively. The packed 14-bit number is
101000 01001001, which is stored as (00)101000 01001001 or 2849.
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4.15.1 Syntax
[label] data expr,[,expr,...,expr]
[label] data "text_string"[,"text_string",...]
4.15.2 Description
Initialize one or more words of program memory with data. The data may be in the form
of constants, relocatable or external labels, or expressions of any of the above. The
data may also consist of ASCII character strings, text_string, enclosed in single
quotes for one character or double quotes for strings. Single character items are placed
into the low byte of the word, while strings are packed two to a word. If an odd number
of characters are given in a string, the final byte is zero. On all families except the
PIC18 device family, the first character is in the most significant byte of the word. On
the PIC18 device family, the first character is in the least significant byte of the word.
4.15.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
When generating a linkable object file, this directive can also be used to declare
initialized data values. Refer to the idata directive for more information.
db and other data directives are more commonly used than data.
4.15.4 See Also
db de dt dtm dw idata
4.15.5 Simple Example
data reloc_label+10 ; constants
data 1,2,ext_label ; constants, externals
data "testing 1,2,3" ; text string
data 'N' ; single character
data start_of_program ; relocatable label
4.15.6 PIC16 Application Example - data
This example shows the usefulness of directive data in storing one or more words in
program memory.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
ORG 0x0000 ;The following code will be
;programmed in reset address 0.
goto start ;Jump to an address labelled
start ;Write your main program here.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
ORG 0x1000 ;Store the string starting from
Ch_stng data "M","C","U" ;3 program memory locations
;will be filled with ASCII
;equivalent of "M", "C" and
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 93
Directive data produces three 14-bit numbers: 004Dh, 0043h, and 0055h. 4Dh, 43h
and 55h are ASCII equivalents of “M”, “C” and “U”, respectively.
tb1_dta data 0xffff,0xaa55 ;Places 3fffh and 2a55h in
;two consecutive program
;memory locations. As program
;memory is 14-bit wide,
;the last nibble can store
;a maximum value 3.
4.15.7 PIC18 Application Example - data
This example shows the usefulness of directive data in storing one or more words in
program memory.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
ORG 0x0000 ;The following code will be
;programmed in reset address 0.
goto start ;Jump to an address labelled
start ;Write your main program here.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
ORG 0x1000 ;Store the string starting from
;1000H. In PIC18 devices, the
;first character is in least
;significant byte.
Ch_stng data "M","C","U" ;3 program memory locations
;will be filled with ASCII
;equivalent of "M", "C" and
Directive data produces three 16-bit numbers: 004Dh, 0043h, and 0055h. 4Dh, 43h
and 55h are ASCII equivalents of “M”, “C” and “U”, respectively. See
Section 4.10 “code_pack - Begin an Object File Packed Code Section (PIC18
MCUs)” for better use of memory.
Ch_stg1 data "MCU" ;2 program memory locations
;will be filled with two
;words (16-bit numbers),
;each representing ASCI
;equivalent of two
;characters. The last
;character will be taken as
;NULL in case odd number of
;characters are specified.
Directive data produces two words: 434Dh and 0055h. 434Dh represents “C” and “M”.
tb1_dta data 0xffff,0xaa55 ;Places ffff and aa55 in
;two consecutive program
;memory locations.
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4.16.1 Syntax
[label] db expr[,expr,...,expr]
4.16.2 Description
db - Data Byte.
Reserve program memory words with 8-bit values. Multiple expressions continue to fill
bytes consecutively until the end of expressions. Should there be an odd number of
expressions, the last byte will be zero unless in a PIC18 code_pack section.
4.16.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
When generating a linkable object file, this directive can also be used to declare
initialized data values. In this case, the values will be padded with 34 (RETLW) instead
of 00 as in examples. Refer to the idata directive for more information.
For PIC18 devices, use code_pack with db, since it is desired to not have bytes
padded with zeroes. See the description of code_pack for more information.
4.16.4 See Also
data de dt dtm dw idata code_pack
4.16.5 Simple Examples
Example1: PIC16 Devices
db 0x0f, "t", 0x0f, "e", 0x0f, "s", 0x0f, "t", "\n"
ASCII: 0x0F74 0x0F65 0x0F73 0x0F74 0x0a00
Example 2: PIC18 Devices
db "t", "e", "s", "t", "\n"
ASCII: 0x6574 0x7473 0x000a
4.16.6 PIC16 Application Example - db
This example shows the usefulness of directive db in storing one or more bytes or
characters in program memory.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
ORG 0x0000 ;The following code will be
;programmed in reset address 0.
goto start ;Jump to an address labelled
start ;Write your main program here.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
ORG 0x1000 ;Store the string starting from
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 95
Ch_stng db 0,"M",0,"C",0,"U" ;Ch_strng contains 3 14-bit
;numbers: 004Dh, 0043h, and 0055h.
;These are ASCII equivalents of
;"M", "C" and "U", respectively.
tb1_dta db 0,0xff ;Places 00ff in program memory
4.16.7 PIC18 Application Example - db
This example shows the usefulness of directive db in storing one or more byte or
character in program memory.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
ORG 0x0000 ;The following code will be
;programmed in reset address 0.
goto start ;Jump to an address labelled
start ;Write your main program here.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
ORG 0x1000 ;Store the string starting from
;1000H. In PIC18 devices, the
;first character is in least
;significant byte.
Ch_stng db "M","C","U" ;Ch_strng contains three 16-bit numbers:
;004Dh, 0043h, and 0055h. These are ASCII
;equivalents of "M”, "C" and "U",
;respectively. Information on storing data
;in both bytes of a program word on the
;PIC18 architecture can be found under the
;code_pack directive*.
tb1_dta db 0,0xff ;Places ff00 in program memory
* Section 4.10 “code_pack - Begin an Object File Packed Code Section (PIC18
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4.17.1 Syntax
[label] de expr [, expr, ..., expr]
4.17.2 Description
de - Data EEPROM.
This directive can be used at any location for any processor.
For PIC18 devices, reserve memory word bytes are packed. If an odd number of bytes
is specified, a 0 will be added unless in a code_pack section. See the description for
code_pack for more infomation.
For all other PIC1X MCU devices, reserve memory words with 8-bit data. Each expr
must evaluate to an 8-bit value. The upper bits of the program word are zeroes. Each
character in a string is stored in a separate word.
4.17.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is designed mainly for initializing data in the EE data memory region of
PIC1X MCU devices with EE data FLASH.
Make sure to specify the start of EEPROM data memory in your code. The table below
shows start addresses for different device families. However, always check your device
programming specification for the correct address.
4.17.4 See Also
data db dt dtm dw code_pack
4.17.5 Simple Example
Initialize EEPROM data on a PIC16 device:
org 0x2100
de "My Program, v1.0", 0
Device Address
Most PIC1X MCUs 0x2100
PIC18 MCUs 0xF00000
PIC16F19XX MCUs 0xF000
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4.17.6 PIC16 Application Example - de
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
org 0x2100 ;The absolue address 2100h is
;mapped to the 0000 location of
;EE data memory.
;You can create a data or character table starting from any
;address in EE data memory.
ch_tbl2 de "PICmicro" ;8 EE data memory locations
;(starting from 0) will be filled
;with 8 ASCII characters.
4.17.7 PIC18 Application Example - de
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
org 0xF00000 ;The absolue address F00000h is
;mapped to the 0000 location of
;EE data memory for PIC18 devices.
;You can create a data or character table starting from any
;address in EE data memory.
ch_tbl2 de "PICmicro" ;8 EE data memory locations
;(starting from 0) will be filled
;with 8 ASCII characters.
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4.18.1 Syntax
#define name [string]
4.18.2 Description
This directive defines a text substitution string. Wherever name is encountered in the
assembly code, string will be substituted.
Using the directive with no string causes a definition of name to be noted internally
and may be tested for using the ifdef directive.
This directive emulates the ANSI 'C' standard for #define. Symbols defined with this
method are not available for viewing using MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE v8.
4.18.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
#define is useful for defining values for constants in your program.
This directive is also useful with the ifdef and ifndef directives, which look for the
presence of an item in the symbol table.
4.18.4 See Also
#undefine #include ifdef ifndef
4.18.5 Simple Example
#define length 20
#define control 0x19,7
#define position(X,Y,Z) (Y-(2 * Z +X))
test_label dw position(1, length, 512)
bsf control ; set bit 7 in f19
Note: A processor-specific include file exists with predefined SFR names. It is
recommended that you use this file instead of defining the variables
yourself. See #include for how to include a file in your program.
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4.18.6 Application Example - #define/#undefine
This example shows the the usage of #define and #undefine directives. A symbol
name previously defined with the #define directive, is removed from the symbol table
if #undefine directive is used. The same symbol may be redefined again.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
area set 0 ;The label 'area' is assigned
;the value 0.
#define lngth 50H ;Label 'lngth' is assigned
;the value 50H.
#define wdth 25H ;Label 'wdth' is assigned
;the value 25H
area set lngth*wdth ;Reassignment of label 'area'.
;So 'area' will be reassigned a
;value equal to 50H*25H.
#undefine lngth ;Undefine label 'lngth'.
#undefine wdth ;Undefine label 'wdth'
#define lngth 0 ;Define label 'lngth' to '0'.
By using the above directives, lngth will be reassigned a value '0' and wdth will be
removed from the symbol list in the list (.lst) file. The label lngth must be undefined
before it can be defined as '0'.
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4.19 dt - DEFINE TABLE (PIC12/16 MCUs)
4.19.1 Syntax
[label] dt expr [, expr, ..., expr]
4.19.2 Description
dt - Define data Table.
Generates a series of RETLW instructions, one instruction for each expr. Each expr
must be an 8-bit value. Each character in a string is stored in its own RETLW instruction.
4.19.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is used when generating a table of data for the PIC12/16 device family.
If you are using a PIC18 device, it is recommended that you use the table read/write
(TBLRD/TBLWT) features. See the device data sheet for more information.
4.19.4 See Also
data db de dtm dw
4.19.5 Simple Example
dt "A Message", 0
dt FirstValue, SecondValue, EndOfValues
4.20.1 Syntax
[label] dtm expr [, expr, ..., expr]
4.20.2 Description
dtm - Define data Table using MOVLW.
Generates a series of MOVLW instructions, one instruction for each expr. Each expr
must be an 8-bit value. Each character in a string is stored in its own MOVLW instruction.
4.20.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”. This directive
is used when generating a table of data for the PIC16 extended device family.
4.20.4 See Also
data db de dt dw
4.20.5 Simple Example
dtm "A Message", 0
dtm FirstValue, SecondValue, EndOfValues
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4.21.1 Syntax
[label] dw expr[,expr,...,expr]
4.21.2 Description
dw - Data Word.
Reserve program memory words for data, initializing that space to specific values. For
PIC18 devices, dw functions like db. Values are stored into successive memory
locations and the location counter is incremented by one. Expressions may be literal
strings and are stored as described in the db data directive.
4.21.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
When generating a linkable object file, this directive can also be used to declare
initialized data values. Refer to the idata directive for more information.
While db is more common to use, you may use dw to store data in Flash PIC16FXXX
devices, as many of these devices can read all 14 bits of a program memory word at
run-time. See the PIC16F877A data sheet for examples and more information.
4.21.4 See Also
data db idata
4.21.5 Simple Example
dw 39, "diagnostic 39", 0x123
dw diagbase-1
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4.22.1 Syntax
4.22.2 Description
Used in conjunction with an if directive to provide an alternative path of assembly
code should the if evaluate to false. else may be used inside a regular program block
or macro.
4.22.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not an instruction. It is used to perform conditional assembley of code.
4.22.4 See Also
endif if
4.22.5 Simple Example
if rate < 50
incf speed, F
decf speed, F
4.22.6 Application Example - if/else/endif
See this example under if.
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4.23.1 Syntax
4.23.2 Description
Indicates the end of the program.
4.23.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
You will need at least one end directive in any assembly program to indicate the end
of a build. In a single assembly file program, one and only one end must be used.
Be careful not to include files which contain end as assembly will be prematurely
4.23.4 See Also
4.23.5 Simple Example
: ; executable code
: ;
end ; end of instructions
4.24.1 Syntax
4.24.2 Description
endc terminates the end of a cblock list. It must be supplied to terminate the list.
4.24.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute. For information on types
of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
For every cblock directive used, there must be a corresponding endc.
4.24.4 See Also
4.24.5 Examples
See the examples under cblock.
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4.25.1 Syntax
4.25.2 Description
This directive marks the end of a conditional assembly block. endif may be used
inside a regular program block or macro.
4.25.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
For every if directive used, there must be a corresponding endif.
if and endif are not instructions, but used for code assembly only.
4.25.4 See Also
else if
4.25.5 Examples
See the examples under if.
4.26.1 Syntax
4.26.2 Description
Terminates a macro definition begun with macro.
4.26.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
For every macro directive used, there must be a corresponding endm.
4.26.4 See Also
macro exitm
4.26.5 Simple Example
make_table macro arg1, arg2
dw arg1, 0 ; null terminate table name
res arg2 ; reserve storage
4.26.6 Application Example - macro/endm
See this example under macro.
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4.27 endw - END A while LOOP
4.27.1 Syntax
4.27.2 Description
endw terminates a while loop. As long as the condition specified by the while
directive remains true, the source code between the while directive and the endw
directive will be repeatedly expanded in the assembly source code stream. This
directive may be used inside a regular program block or macro.
4.27.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
For every while directive used, there must be a corresponding endw.
while and endw are not instructions, but used for code assembly only.
4.27.4 See Also
4.27.5 Examples
See the example under while.
4.28.1 Syntax
label equ expr
4.28.2 Description
The value of expr is assigned to label.
4.28.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
In a single assembly file program, equ is commonly used to assign a variable name to
an address location in RAM. Do not use this method for assigning variables when
building a linked project; use a res directive inside a data section directive (idata,
4.28.4 See Also
set cblock res idata udata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.28.5 Simple Example
four equ 4 ; assigned the numeric value of 4 to label four
4.28.6 Application Example - set/equ
See this example under set.
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4.29.1 Syntax
error "text_string"
4.29.2 Description
text_string is printed in a format identical to any MPASM assembler error message.
text_string may be from 1 to 80 characters.
4.29.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
You can use this directive to generate errors for yourself or others who build your code.
You can create any error message you wish, as long as it is no longer than 80
4.29.4 See Also
messg if
4.29.5 Simple Example
error_checking macro arg1
if arg1 >= 55 ; if arg is out of range
error "error_checking-01 arg out of range"
4.29.6 Application Example - error
This program demonstrates the error assembler directive, which sets an error
message to be printed in the listing file and error file.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
variable baudrate ;variable used to define
;required baud rate
baudrate set D'5600' ;Enter the required value of
;baud rate here.
if (baudrate!=D'1200')&&(baudrate!=D'2400')&&
error "Selected baud rate is not supported"
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 107
The if-endif code above outputs error if the baud rate selected is other than 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 Hz.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.30 errorlevel - SET MESSAGE LEVEL
4.30.1 Syntax
errorlevel {0|1|2|+msgnum|-msgnum} [, ...]
4.30.2 Description
Sets the types of messages that are printed in the listing file and error file.
4.30.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
Errors cannot be disabled. Warnings may be disabled using setting 2. Messages may
be disabled using settings 1 or 2. Also, messages may be disabled individually.
However, the setting of 0, 1, or 2 overrides individual message disabling or enabling.
Be careful about disabling warnings and messages, as this can make debugging of
your code more difficult.
The most common usage for this directive is to suppress “MESSAGE 302 - Operand
Not in bank 0, check to ensure bank bits are correct”. See the Simple Example for how
to do this.
4.30.4 See Also
list error
4.30.5 Simple Example
errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message
; known tested (good) code
errorlevel +302 ; Enable banking message
; untested code
4.30.6 Application Example - errorlevel
This program demonstrates the errorlevel assembler directive, which sets the type
of messages that are printed in the listing file and error file.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
errorlevel 0 ;Display/print messages,
;warnings and errors.
messg "CAUTION: This program has errors" ;display on build
Setting Affect
0Messages, warnings, and errors printed
1Warnings and errors printed
2Errors printed
-msgnum Inhibits printing of message msgnum
+msgnum Enables printing of message msgnum
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This message will display/print for error level 0.
errorlevel 1 ;Display/print only warnings
;and errors.
messg "CAUTION: This program has errors" ;display message
This message will NOT display/print for error level 1 or 2.
group1 udata 0x20
group1_var1 res 1 ;Label of this directive is not
;at column 1. This will generate
;a warning number 207.
Warning #207 will display/print for error level 0 or 1.
errorlevel -207 ;This disables warning whose
;number is 207.
group1_var2 res 1 ;label of this directive is also
;not at column 1, but no warning
;is displayed/printed.
errorlevel +207 ;This enables warning whose
;number is 207
group2 udata
errorlevel 2 ;Display/print only errors
group2_var1 res 1 ;label of this directive is not
;at column 1. This will generate
;a warning number 207.
Warning #207 will NOT display/print for error level 2.
errorlevel 1 ;Display/print warnings
;and errors.
group2_var2 res 1 ;label of this directive is not
;at column 1. This will generate
;a warning number 207.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
INTRT CODE 0x4 ;The code section named INTRT is
;placed at 0x4. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section INTRT
pagesel service_int ;Label 'service_int' is not
goto service_int ;defined. Hence this generates
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Error 113 will always display/print, regardless of error level.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the code
;section named 'PGM'. It is a
;relocatable code section since
;no absolute address is given along
;with directive CODE.
movwf group1_var1
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 111
4.31 exitm - EXIT FROM A MACRO
4.31.1 Syntax
4.31.2 Description
Force immediate return from macro expansion during assembly. The effect is the same
as if an endm directive had been encountered.
4.31.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
Use this directive to prematurely end a macro, usually for a specific condition. This is
similar to the C language command break.
4.31.4 See Also
endm macro
4.31.5 Simple Example
test macro filereg
if filereg == 1 ; check for valid file
error "bad file assignment"
4.31.6 Application Example - exitm
This program demonstrates the exitm assembler directive, which causes an
immediate exit from a macro. It is used in the example to exit from the macro when
certain conditions are met.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
result equ 0x20 ;Assign value 20H to label
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
add MACRO num1,num2 ;'add' is a macro. The values of
;'num1' and 'num2' must be passed
;to this macro.
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if num1>0xff ;If num1>255 decimal,
exitm ;force immediate return from
;macro during assembly.
if num2>0xff ;If num2>255 decimal,
exitm ;force immediate return from
;macro during assembly.
movlw num1 ;Load W register with a literal
;value assigned to the label
movwf result ;Load W register to an address
;location assigned to the label
movlw num2 ;Load W register with a literal
;value assigned to the label
addwf result ;Add W register with the memory
;location addressed by 'result'
;and load the result back to
endm ;End of 'add' MACRO
org 0010 ;My main program starts at 10H.
start ;The label 'start' is assigned an
;address 10H.
add .100,.256 ;Call 'add' MACRO with decimal
;numbers 100 and 256 assigned to
;'num1' and 'num2' labels,
;respactively. EXTIM directive in
;macro will force return.
;Remember '.' means decimal, not
;floating point.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 113
4.32.1 Syntax
4.32.2 Description
Expand all macros in the listing file. (This is the default behavior.) This directive is
roughly equivalent to the /m or -m- MPASM assembler command line option, but may
be disabled by the occurrence of a subsequent noexpand.
4.32.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute. For information on types
of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive may be useful when exploring a small range of code with many macros
in it.
4.32.4 See Also
macro noexpand
4.32.5 Simple Example
Code example:
;Define a macro to add two numbers
add macro num1,num2
movlw num1
movwf result
movlw num2
addwf result
;Use macro add
add .100,.90
Resulting listing file:
00029 expand
00030 add .100,.90
0010 3064 M movlw .100
0011 00A0 M movwf result
0012 305A M movlw .90
0013 07A0 M addwf result
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4.33.1 Syntax
extern label [, label...]
4.33.2 Description
This directive declares symbol names that may be used in the current module but are
defined as global in a different module.
The extern statement must be included before the label is used. At least one label
must be specified on the line. If label is defined in the current module, MPASM
assembler will generate a duplicate label error.
4.33.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
As soon as you have more than one file in your project, you may use this directive.
extern will be used in a file when a label (usually a variable) is used by that file.
global will be used in another file so that the label may be seen by other files. You
must use both directives as specified or the label will not be visible to other files.
4.33.4 See Also
global idata udata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.33.5 Simple Example
extern Function
call Function
4.33.6 Application Example - extern/global
The program main.asm, along with sub.asm, demonstrate the global and extern
directives, which make it possible to use symbols in modules other than where they are
defined. This allows a project to be split up into multiple files (two in this example) for
code reuse.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
delay_value res 1
GLOBAL delay_value ;The variable 'delay_value',
;declared GLOBAL in this
;module, is included in an
;EXTERN directive in the module
EXTERN delay ;The variable 'delay', declared
;EXTERN in this module, is
;declared GLOBAL in the module
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 115
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
movlw D'10'
movwf delay_value
xorlw 0x80
call delay
goto start
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
GLOBAL delay ;The variable 'delay' declared
;GLOBAL in this module is
;included in an EXTERN directive
;in the module main.asm.
EXTERN delay_value ;The variable 'delay_value'
;declared EXTERN in this module
;is declared GLOBAL in the
;module main.asm.
decfsz delay_value,1
goto delay
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4.34.1 Syntax
[label] fill expr,count
4.34.2 Description
Generates count occurrences of the program word or byte (PIC18 devices), expr. If
bounded by parentheses, expr can be an assembler instruction.
4.34.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is often used to force known data into unused program memory. This
helps ensure that if code ever branches to an unused area at run-time, a fail-safe
condition occurs. For example, it is not uncommon to see this used with the watchdog
timer (WDT) on a PIC16 device. Unused program memory would be filled with goto or
branch instructions to prevent execution of the clrwdt instruction in code, which
would cause the device to reset. See the device data sheet for more information on the
4.34.4 See Also
data dw org
4.34.5 Simple Examples
Example 1: PIC10/12/16 MCU’s
fill 0x1009, 5 ; fill with a constant
Example 2: PIC18 Devices
org 0x12
failsafe goto $
org 0x100
fill (goto failsafe), (0x8000-$)/2 ;Divide by 2 for
;2-word instructions
Note: For relocatable code, do not use a symbol in another section in the
expression expr.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 117
4.34.6 PIC16 Application Example - fill
The fill directive is used to specify successive program memory locations with a
constant or an assembly instruction.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
RST CODE 0x0000 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
fill 0, INTRPT-$ ;Fill with 0 up to address 3 -
;INTRPT addr. minus current addr.
INTRPT CODE 0x0004 ;The code section named INTRPT
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x4. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section INTRPT.
pagesel ISR ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto ISR ;ISR.
fill (goto start), start-$ ;Fill up to address 0Fh with
;instruction <goto start>.
CODE 0x0010
start ;Write your main program here.
fill (nop), 5 ;Fill 5 locations with NOPs.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
ISR ;Write your interrupt service
retfie ;routine here.
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4.34.7 PIC18 Application Example - fill
The fill directive is used to specify successive program memory locations with a
constant or an assembly instruction. For PIC18 devices, only an even number is
allowed to be specified as a count of locations to be filled.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
RST CODE 0x0000 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The instruction
;'goto start' is placed in
;code section RST.
goto start ;Jumps to the location labelled
fill 0, HI_INT-$ ;Fills 0 in 2 program memory
;locations: 0004 and 0006 -
;HI_INT addr. minus current addr.
HI_INT CODE 0x0008
goto INTR_H
fill (goto start),6 ;Fills 6 locations (each location
;is 2 bytes wide) with 3 numbers
;of 2 word wide instructions
;<goto start>
LO_INT CODE 0x0018
goto INTR_L
fill 10a9, start-$ ;Fills address 1Ch and 1Eh with
CODE 0x0020
start ;Write your main program here
fill (nop), 4 ;Fills 2 locations (4 bytes) with
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
INTR_H ;Write your high interrupt ISR here
INTR_L ;Write your low interrupt ISR here
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4.35 global - EXPORT A LABEL
4.35.1 Syntax
global label [, label...]
4.35.2 Description
This directive declares symbol names that are defined in the current module and
should be available to other modules. At least one label must be specified on the line.
4.35.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
When your project uses more than one file, you will be generating linkable object code.
When this happens, you may use the global and extern directives.
global is used to make a label visible to other files. extern must be used in the file
that uses the label to make it visible in that file.
4.35.4 See Also
extern idata udata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.35.5 Simple Example
global Var1, Var2
global AddThree
Var1 res 1
Var2 res 1
addlw 3
4.35.6 Application Example - extern/global
See this example under extern.
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4.36.1 Syntax
[label] idata [RAM_address]
4.36.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of initialized data. If label is not
specified, the section is named .idata. The starting address is initialized to the
specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is specified. No code can
be placed by the user in this segment.
The linker will generate a look-up table entry for each byte specified in an idata section.
You must then link or include the appropriate initialization code. Examples of
initialization code that may be used and modified as needed may be found with
MPLINK linker sample application examples.
The res, db and dw directives may be used to reserve space for variables. res will
generate an initial value of zero. db will initialize successive bytes of RAM. dw will
initialize successive bytes of RAM, one word at a time, in low-byte/high-byte order.
Data initialized using db or dw will be padded with 34 (RETLW) instead of 00. This is
because the idata directive reserves space in data memory while putting the
initialization values in program memory and the application code must then copy the
initialization values from program memory to data memory at runtime.
4.36.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
Use this directive to initialize your variables, or use a udata directive and then initialize
your variables with values in code. It is recommended that you always initialize your
variables. Relying on RAM initialization can cause problems, especially when using an
emulator, as behavioral differences between the emulator and the actual part may
This directive cannot be used across banks.
4.36.4 See Also
extern global udata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.36.5 Simple Example
LimitL dw 0
LimitH dw D'300'
Gain dw D'5'
Flags db 0
String db 'Hi there!'
Note: This directive is not available for 12-bit instruction width (PIC10, some
PIC12/PIC16) devices.
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4.36.6 Application Example - idata
This directive reserves RAM locations for variables and directs the linker to generate a
lookup table that may be used to initialize the variables specified in this section. The
Starting Address of the lookup table can be obtained from the Map (.map) file. If you
don’t specify a value in the idata section, the variables will be initialized with 0.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
group1 IDATA 0x20 ;Initialized data at location
group1_var1 res 1 ;group1_var1 located at 0x20,
;initialized with 0.
group1_var2 res 1 ;group1_var2 located at 0x21,
;initialized with 0.
group2 IDATA ;Declaration of group2 data. The
;addresses for variables under
;this data section are allocated
;automatically by the linker.
group2_var1 db 1,2,3,4 ;4 bytes in RAM are reserved.
;Values will be padded with 34(RETLW).
group2_var2 dw 0x1234 ;1 word in RAM is reserved.
;Values will be padded with 34(RETLW).
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.37.1 Syntax
[label] idata_acs [RAM_address]
4.37.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of initialized data in Access RAM. If
label is not specified, the section is named .idata_acs. The starting address is
initialized to the specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is
specified. No code can be placed by the user in this segment.
The linker will generate a look-up table entry for each byte specified in an idata section.
You must then link or include the appropriate initialization code. Examples of
initialization code that may be used and modified as needed may be found with
MPLINK linker sample application examples.
The res, db and dw directives may be used to reserve space for variables. res will
generate an initial value of zero. db will initialize successive bytes of RAM. dw will
initialize successive bytes of RAM, one word at a time, in low-byte/high-byte order.
4.37.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
Use this directive to initialize your variables, or use a udata directive and then initialize
your variables with values in code. It is recommended that you always initialize your
variables. Relying on RAM initialization can cause problems, especially when using an
emulator, as behavioral differences between the emulator and the actual part may
4.37.4 See Also
extern global udata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.37.5 Simple Example
LimitL dw 0
LimitH dw D'300'
Gain dw D'5'
Flags db 0
String db 'Hi there!'
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 123
4.38.1 Syntax
__idlocs expr
__idlocs addr, expr (PIC18 Only)
4.38.2 Description
For PIC12 and PIC16 devices, __idlocs sets the four ID locations to the hexadecimal
value of expr. For example, if expr evaluates to 1AF, the first (lowest address) ID
location is zero, the second is one, the third is ten, and the fourth is fifteen.
For PIC18 devices, __idlocs sets the two-byte device ID at location addr to the
hexadecimal value of expr.
Before this directive is used, the processor must be declared through the command
line, the list directive, or the processor directive.
4.38.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not commonly used, but does provide an easy method of serializing
devices. __idlocs can be read by a programmer. PIC18 devices can read this value
at run-time, but PIC12/16 devices cannot.
4.38.4 See Also
__config config list processor
4.38.5 Simple Example
Example 1: PIC16 Devices
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
__idlocs 0x1234 ;Sets device ID to 1234.
Note: idlocs is preceded by two underline characters.
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Example 2: PIC18 Devices
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
__idlocs _IDLOC0, 0x1 ;IDLOC register 0 will be
;programmed to 1.
__idlocs _IDLOC1, 0x2 ;IDLOC register 1 will be
;programmed to 2.
__idlocs _IDLOC2, 0x3 ;IDLOC register 2 will be
;programmed to 3.
__idlocs _IDLOC3, 0x4 ;IDLOC register 3 will be
;programmed to 4.
__idlocs _IDLOC4, 0x5 ;IDLOC register 4 will be
;programmed to 5.
__idlocs _IDLOC5, 0x6 ;IDLOC register 5 will be
;programmed to 6.
__idlocs _IDLOC6, 0x7 ;IDLOC register 6 will be
;programmed to 7.
__idlocs _IDLOC7, 0x8 ;IDLOC register 7 will be
;programmed to 8.
Note: The most significant nibble of __idlocs is always 0x0, according to the
programming specification.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 125
4.39.1 Syntax
if expr
#if expr
.if expr
4.39.2 Description
Begin execution of a conditional assembly block. If expr evaluates to true, the code
immediately following the if will assemble. Otherwise, subsequent code is skipped until
an else directive or an endif directive is encountered.
An expression that evaluates to zero is considered logically FALSE. An expression that
evaluates to any other value is considered logically TRUE. The if and while
directives operate on the logical value of an expression. A relational TRUE expression
is guaranteed to return a nonzero value, FALSE a value of zero.
if's may be nested up to 16 deep.
4.39.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not an instruction, but used to control how code is assembled, not how
it behaves at run-time. Use this directive for conditional assembly or to check for a
condition, such as to generate an error message.
4.39.4 See Also
else endif
4.39.5 Simple Example
if version == 100; check current version
movlw 0x0a
movwf io_1
movlw 0x01a
movwf io_2
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4.39.6 Application Example - if/else/endif
This program demonstrates the utility of if, else and endif assembly directives.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
variable cfab ;variable used to define
;required configuration of
cfab set .1 ;Set config to decimal .1
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
banksel TRISA
if cfab==0x0 ;If config==0x0 is true,
clrw ;assemble the mnemonics up to
movwf TRISA ;the directive 'else'. Set up PORTA
movlw 0xff ;as output.
movwf TRISB
clrw ;If config==0x0 is false,
movwf TRISB ;assemble the mnemonics up to
movlw 0xff ;the directive 'endif'. Set up PORTB
movwf TRISA ;as output.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 127
4.40.1 Syntax
ifdef label
#ifdef label
4.40.2 Description
If label has been previously defined, usually by issuing a #define directive or by
setting the value on the MPASM assembler command line, the conditional path is
taken. Assembly will continue until a matching else or endif directive is encountered.
4.40.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not an instruction, but used to control how code is assembled, not how
it behaves at run-time. Use this directive for removing or adding code during
debugging, without the need to comment out large blocks of code.
4.40.4 See Also
#define #undefine else endif ifndef
4.40.5 Simple Example
#define testing 1 ; set testing "on"
ifdef testing
<execute test code> ; this path would be executed.
4.40.6 Application Example - ifdef
#define AlternateASM ;Comment out with ; if extra
;features not desired.
#ifdef AlternateASM
MyPort equ PORTC ;Use Port C if AlternateASM defined.
MyTris equ TRISC ;TRISC must be used to set data
;direction for PORTC.
MyPort equ PORTB ;Use Port B if AlternateASM not defined.
MyTris equ TRISB ;TRISB must be used to set data
;direction for PORTB.
banksel MyTris
clrf MyTris ;Set port to all outputs.
banksel MyPort ;Return to bank used for port.
movlw 55h ;Move arbitrary value to W reg.
movwf MyPort ;Load port selected with 55h.
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4.40.7 Application Example 2 - ifdef
This program uses the control directive #define, along with the ifdef, else and
endif directives to selectively assemble code for use with either an emulator or an
actual part. The control directive #define is used to create a “flag” to indicate how to
assemble the code - for the emulator or for the actual device.
#define EMULATED ;Comment out with ; if actual part
#ifdef EMULATED ;If emulator used, add lines of
movlw 0xb0 ;initialization code to work around
movwf 0xf9c ;table read limitation.
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4.41.1 Syntax
ifndef label
#ifndef label
4.41.2 Description
If label has not been previously defined, or has been undefined by issuing an
#undefine directive, then the code following the directive will be assembled.
Assembly will be enabled or disabled until the next matching else or endif directive
is encountered.
4.41.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not an instruction, but used to control how code is assembled, not how
it behaves at run-time. Use this directive for removing or adding code during
debugging, without the need to comment out large blocks of code.
4.41.4 See Also
#define #undefine else endif ifdef
4.41.5 Simple Example
#define testing1 ; set testing on
#undefine testing1 ; set testing off
ifndef testing ; if not in testing mode
: ; execute this path
end ; end of source
4.41.6 Application Example - ifndef
#define UsePORTB ;Comment out with ; to use PORTC
#ifndef UsePORTB
MyPort equ PORTC ;Use Port C if UsePORTB not defined.
MyTris equ TRISC ;TRISC must be used to set data
;direction for PORTC.
MyPort equ PORTB ;Use Port B if UsePORTB defined.
MyTris equ TRISB ;TRISB must be used to set data
;direction for PORTB.
banksel MyTris
clrf MyTris ;Set port to all outputs.
banksel MyPort ;Return to bank used for port.
movlw 55h ;Move arbitrary value to W reg.
movwf MyPort ;Load port selected with 55h.
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4.42.1 Syntax
#include include_file
#include "include_file"
#include <include_file>
include include_file
include "include_file"
include <include_file>
4.42.2 Description
The specified file is read in as source code. The effect is the same as if the entire text
of the included file were inserted into the file at the location of the include statement.
Upon end-of-file, source code assembly will resume from the original source file. Up to
5 levels of nesting are permitted. Up to 255 include files are allowed.
If include_file contains any spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes or angle
brackets. If a fully qualified path is specified, only that path will be searched. Otherwise,
the search order is:
• current working directory
• source file directory
• MPASM assembler executable directory
4.42.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
You should use the include directive once to include that standard header file for your
selected processor. This file contains defined register, bit and other names for a
specific processor, so there is no need for you to define all of these in your code.
4.42.4 See Also
#define #undefine
4.42.5 Simple Example
#include ;standard include file
#include "c:\Program Files\" ;user defines
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4.43.1 Syntax
list [list_option, ..., list_option]
4.43.2 Description
Occurring on a line by itself, the list directive has the effect of turning listing output on,
if it had been previously turned off. Otherwise, one of a list of options can be supplied
to control the assembly process or format the listing file.
4.43.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.43.4 See Also
errorlevel expand noexpand nolist processor radix
4.43.5 Simple Example
Set the processor type to PIC18F452, the hex file output format to INHX32 and the
radix to decimal.
list p=18f452, f=INHX32, r=DEC
Option Default Description
b=nnn 8 Set tab spaces.
c=nnn 132 Set column width.
f=format INHX8
Set the hex file output. format can be INHX32, INHX8M, or
Note: Hex file format is set in the IDE (Build Options dialog.)
free FIXED Use free-format parser. Provided for backward compatibility.
fixed FIXED Use fixed-format parser.
mm={ON|OFF} On Print memory map in list file.
n=nnn 60 Set lines per page.
p=type None Set processor type; for example, PIC16F877. See also
Note: Processor type is set in MPLAB IDE or MPLAB X IDE
pe=type None Set processor type and enable extended instruction set, for
example; LIST pe=PIC18F4620
Only valid with processors which support the extended instruction
set and the generic processor PIC18XXX. Is overridden by
command-line option /y- or -y- (disable extended instruction set).
Note: Processor type is set in MPLAB IDE or MPLAB X IDE
r=radix hex Set radix: hex, dec, oct. See also radix.
st={ON|OFF} On Print symbol table in list file.
t={ON|OFF} Off Truncate lines of listing (otherwise wrap).
w={0|1|2} 0 Set the message level. See also errorlevel.
x={ON|OFF} On Turn macro expansion on or off.
Note: All list options are evaluated as decimal numbers by default.
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4.44.1 Syntax
local label[,label...]
.local label[,label...]
4.44.2 Description
Declares that the specified data elements are to be considered in local context to the
macro. label may be identical to another label declared outside the macro definition;
there will be no conflict between the two.
If the macro is called recursively, each invocation will have its own local copy.
4.44.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
If you use a macro more than once and there is a label in it, you will get a “Duplicate
Label” error unless you use this directive.
4.44.4 See Also
endm macro
4.44.5 Simple Example
<main code segment>
len equ 10 ; global version
size equ 20 ; note that a local variable
; may now be created and modified
test macro size
local len, label ; local len and label
len set size ; modify local len
label res len ; reserve buffer
len set len-20
endm ; end macro
4.44.6 Application Example - local
This code demonstrates the utility of local directive, which declares that the specified
data elements are to be considered in local context to the macro.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
incr equ 2 ;Assembler variable incr is set
;equal to 2.
add_incr macro ;Declaration of macro 'add_incr'.
local incr ;Local assembler variable 'incr'.
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The same name incr is used in the main code, where its value is set to 2.
incr set 3 ;Local 'incr' is set to 3, in
;contrast to 'incr' value
;of 2 in main code.
clrw ;w register is set to zero
addlw incr ;w register is added to incr and
;result placed back
endm ;in w register.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
clrw ;W register set to zero.
addlw incr ;W register is added with the
;value of incr which is now equal
;to 2.
add_incr ;W register is added with the
;value of incr which is now equal
;to 3 (value set locally in the
;macro add_incr).
clrw ;W register is set to zero again.
addlw incr ;incr is added to W register and
;result placed in W register.
;incr value is again 2, not
;affected by the value set in the
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.45.1 Syntax
label macro [arg, ..., arg]
4.45.2 Description
A macro is a sequence of instructions that can be inserted in the assembly source code
by using a single macro call. The macro must first be defined, then it can be referred to
in subsequent source code.
Arguments are read in from the source line, stored in a linked list and then counted.
The maximum number of arguments would be the number of arguments that would fit
on the source line, after the label and macro terms. Therefore, the maximum source
line length is 200 characters.
A macro can call another macro, or may call itself recursively. The maximum number
of nested macro calls is 16.
Please refer to Chapter 7. “Macro Language” for more information.
4.45.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.45.4 See Also
endm exitm local
4.45.5 Simple Example
;Define macro Read
Read macro device, buffer, count
movlw device
movwf ram_20
movlw buffer ; buffer address
movwf ram_21
movlw count ; byte count
call sys_21 ; subroutine call
;Use macro Read
Read 0x0, 0x55, 0x05
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4.45.6 Application Example - macro/endm
This code demonstrates the utility of macro directive, which is used to define a macro.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
result equ 0x20 ;Assign value 20H to label
ORG 0x0000 ;The following code will be placed
;in reset address 0.
goto start ;Jump to an address whose label is
add MACRO num1,num2 ;'add' is a macro. The values of
;'num1' and 'num2' must be passed
;to this macro.
movlw num1 ;Load W register with a literal
;value assigned to the label
movwf result ;Load W register to an address
;location assigned to the label
movlw num2 ;Load W register with a literal
;value assigned to the label
addwf result ;Add W register with the memory
;location addressed by 'result'
;and load the result back to
endm ;end of 'add' MACRO
ORG 0x0010 ;Main program starts at 10H.
start ;The label 'start' is assigned an
;address 10H.
add .100,.90 ;Call 'add' MACRO with decimal
;numbers 100 and 90 assigned to
;'num1' and 'num2' labels,
;respectively. 100 and 90 will be
;added and the result will be in
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4.46.1 Syntax
__maxram expr
4.46.2 Description
The __maxram and __badram directives together flag accesses to unimplemented
registers. __maxram defines the absolute maximum valid RAM address and initializes
the map of valid RAM addresses to all addresses valid at and below expr. expr must
be greater than or equal to the maximum page 0 RAM address and less than 1000H.
This directive is designed for use with the __badram directive. Once the
__maxram directive is used, strict RAM address checking is enabled, using the RAM
map specified by __badram.
__maxram can be used more than once in a source file. Each use redefines the
maximum valid RAM address and resets the RAM map to all locations.
4.46.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not commonly used in user code, as RAM and ROM details are
handled by the include files (*.inc) or linker script files (*.lkr).
4.46.4 See Also
4.46.5 Simple Example
See the examples for badram.
Note: maxram is preceded by two underline characters.
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4.47.1 Syntax
__maxrom expr
4.47.2 Description
The __maxrom and __badrom directives together flag accesses to unimplemented
registers. __maxrom defines the absolute maximum valid ROM address and initializes
the map of valid ROM addresses to all addresses valid at and below expr. expr must
be greater than or equal to the maximum ROM address of the target device. This
directive is designed for use with the __badrom directive. Once the __maxrom
directive is used, strict ROM address checking is enabled, using the ROM map
specified by __badrom.
__maxrom can be used more than once in a source file. Each use redefines the
maximum valid ROM address and resets the ROM map to all locations.
4.47.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not commonly used in user code, as RAM and ROM details are
handled by the include files (*.inc) or linker script files (*.lkr).
4.47.4 See Also
4.47.5 Simple Example
See the examples for badrom.
Note: maxrom is preceded by two underline characters.
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4.48.1 Syntax
messg "message_text"
4.48.2 Description
Causes an informational message to be printed in the listing file. The message text can
be up to 80 characters. Issuing a messg directive does not set any error return codes.
4.48.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive may be used to generate any desired message. It can be useful with
conditional assembly, to verify in the assembled program which code was built.
4.48.4 See Also
4.48.5 Simple Example
mssg_macro macro
messg "mssg_macro-001 invoked without argument"
4.48.6 Application Example - messg
This program demonstrates the messg assembler directive, which sets a message to
be printed in the listing file and error file.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
variable baudrate ;variable used to define
;required baud rate
baudrate set D'5600' ;Enter the required value of
;baud rate here.
if (baudrate!=D'1200')&&(baudrate!=D'2400')&&
error "Selected baud rate is not supported"
messg "only baud rates 1200,2400,4800,9600 & 19200 Hz "&&
"are supported"
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 139
The if-endif code outputs error and messg if the baud rate selected is other than
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 Hz.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.49.1 Syntax
4.49.2 Description and Usage
Turns off macro expansion in the listing file.
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute. For information on types
of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.49.3 See Also
4.49.4 Simple Example
Code example:
;Define a macro to add two numbers
add macro num1,num2
movlw num1
movwf result
movlw num2
addwf result
;Use macro add
add .100,.90
Resulting listing file:
00029 noexpand
00030 add .100,.90
4.50.1 Syntax
4.50.2 Description and Usage
Turn off listing file output.
This directive suppresses the information required for the listing file and source-level
debugging. This will prevent the ability to debug the source code.
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.50.3 See Also
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4.51.1 Syntax
[label] org expr
4.51.2 Description
Set the program origin for subsequent code at the address defined in expr. If label is
specified, it will be given the value of the expr. If no org is specified, code generation
will begin at address zero.
For PIC18 devices, only even-numbered expr values are allowed.
When generating an object file, the org directive is interpreted as introducing an
absolute CODE section with an internally generated name. For example:
L1: org 0x200
is interpreted as:
.scnname CODE 0x200
where .scnname is generated by the assembler, and will be distinct from every name
previously generated in this context.
4.51.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute. For information on types
of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
org is commonly used in single-file assembly programs whenever code needs to be
placed at a particular location. Commonly used values are 0x0 (reset), 0x4 (PIC16
device interrupt vector), 0x8 (PIC18 device high-priority interrupt vector) and 0x18
(PIC18 device low-priority interrupt vector).
4.51.4 See Also
fill res end
4.51.5 Simple Example
int_1 org 0x20
; Vector 20 code goes here
int_2 org int_1+0x10
; Vector 30 code goes here
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4.51.6 PIC16 Application Example - org
This example shows the usage of the org directive. Code generation begins at an
address specified by org address. The origin of a data table also can be specified by
this directive. A data table may be placed either in a program memory region or in an
EE data memory region, as in case of a PIC1X device with EE data FLASH.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
org 0x0000 ;The following code will be
;placed in reset address 0.
goto Main ;Jump to an address whose label
;is 'Main'.
org 0x0004 ;The following code will be
;placed in interrupt address 4.
goto int_routine ;Jump to an address whose label
;is 'int_routine'.
org 0x0010 ;The following code section will
;placed starting from address 10H.
; ;Write your main program here.
goto Main ;Loop back to 'Main'.
org 0x0100 ;The following code section will
;be placed starting from address
; ;Write your interrupt service
; ;routine here.
retfie ;Return from interrupt.
org 0x1000 ;You can create a data or
;character table starting from
;any address in program memory.
;In this case the address is
ch_tbl1 da "PICwithFLASH" ;6 program memory locations
;(starting from 1000h) will
;be filled with six 14-bit
;packed numbers, each
;representing two 7-bit ASCII
org 0x2100 ;The absolute address 2100h is
;mapped to the 0000 location of
;EE data memory in PIC16Fxxx.
;You can create a data or
;character table starting from
;any address in EE data memory.
ch_tbl2 de "PICwithFLASH" ;12 EE data memory locations
;(starting from 0) will be
;filled with 12 ASCII
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4.51.7 PIC18 Application Example - org
This example shows the usage of the org directive. Code generation begins at an
address specified by org address. The origin of a data table also can be specified by
this directive. A data table may be placed either in a program memory region or in an
EE data memory region, as in case of a PIC1X device with EE data FLASH.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
org 0x0000 ;The following code will be
;programmed in reset address 0.
goto Main ;Jump to an address whose label is
org 0x0008 ;The following code will be
;programmed in high priority
;interrupt address 8.
goto int_hi ;Jump to an address whose label is
org 0x0018 ;The following code will be
;programmed in low priority
;interrupt address 18h.
goto int_lo ;Jump to an address whose label is
org 0x0020 ;The following code section will
;be programmed starting from
;address 20H.
; ;Write your main program here.
goto Main ;Loop back to 'Main'
org 0x0100 ;The following code section will
;be programmed starting from
;address 100H.
; ;Write your high priority
; ;interrupt service routine here.
retfie ;Return from interrupt.
org 0x0200 ;The following code section will
;be programmed starting from
;address 200H.
; ;Write your low priority
; ;interrupt service routine here.
retfie ;Return from interrupt.
org 0x1000 ;You can create a data or
;character table starting from any
;address in program memory. In
;this case the address is 1000h.
ch_tbl1 db "PICwithFLASH"
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4.52.1 Syntax
4.52.2 Description and Usage
Inserts a page eject into the listing file.
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.52.3 See Also
list subtitle title
4.53 pagesel - GENERATE PAGE SELECTING CODE (PIC10/12/16 MCUs)
4.53.1 Syntax
pagesel label
4.53.2 Description
An instruction to the linker to generate page selecting code to set the page bits to the
page containing the designated label. Only one label should be specified. No
operations can be performed on label. label must have been previously defined.
The linker will generate the appropriate page selecting code:
For 12-bit instruction width (PIC10F, some PIC12/PIC16) devices, the appropriate bit
set/clear instructions on the STATUS register will be generated.
For 14-bit instruction width (most PIC12/PIC16) devices, a combination of BSF and
BCF commands will be used to adjust bits 3 and 4 of the PCLATH register. For PIC16
extended devices, a movlp instruction is generated to set the page. If the device
contains only one page of program memory, no code will be generated.
For PIC18 devices, this command will do nothing as these devices do not use paging.
4.53.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive saves you from having to manually code page bit changes. Also, since it
automatically generates code, the code is much more portable.
If you are using relocatable code and your device has more than 2k program memory
(or 0.5K for 12-bit instruction width devices), it is recommended that you use this
directive, especially when code must jump between two or more code sections.
If you wish to indicate the start address of a RETLW table or a jump table for computed
GOTOs, you must use the pageselw directive.
4.53.4 See Also
bankisel banksel
4.53.5 Simple Example
pagesel GotoDest
goto GotoDest
pagesel CallDest
call CallDest
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4.53.6 Application Example - pagesel
This program demonstrates the pagesel directive, which generates the appropriate
code to set/clear PCLATH bits. This allows easier use of paged memory such as found
on PIC16 devices.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM0 CODE 0x500 ;The code section named PGM1 is
;placed at 0x500.
pagesel page1_pgm ;address bits 12 & 11 of
;page1_pgm are copied to PCLATH
;4 & 3 respectively.
goto page1_pgm
PGM1 CODE 0x900 ;The code section named PGM1 is
;placed at 0x900. Label
;page1_pgm is located in this
page1_pgm ;code section.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.54.1 Syntax
pageselw label
4.54.2 Description
An instruction to the linker to generate page selecting code to set the page bits to the
page containing the designated label. Only one label should be specified. No
operations can be performed on label. label must have been previously defined.
The linker will generate the appropriate page selecting code. For 12-bit instruction
width (PIC10F, some PIC12/PIC16) devices, the appropriate bit set/clear instructions
on the STATUS register will be generated. For 14-bit instruction width (most
PIC12/PIC16) devices, MOVLW and MOVWF instructions will be generated to modify the
PCLATH. If the device contains only one page of program memory, no code will be
For PIC18 devices, this command will do nothing as these devices do not use paging.
4.54.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive saves you from having to manually code page bit changes. Also, since it
automatically generates code, the code is much more portable.
If you are using relocatable code and your device has more than 2k program memory
(or 0.5K for 12-bit instruction width devices), it is recommended that you use this
directive, especially when code must jump between two or more code sections.
You must use this directive instead of pagesel if you wish to indicate the start address
of a RETLW table or a jump table for computed GOTOs. Only then will all the 5 top-most
bits of the PC will be loaded with the appropriate value when an 8-bit offset is added to
the PC. The 256-word boundaries will still have to be considered, as discussed in
Application Note AN586.
4.54.4 See Also
bankisel banksel
4.54.5 Simple Example
pageselw CommandTableStart ;Get the byte read and use it to
movlw CommandTableStart ;index into our jump table. If
addwf Comm.RxTxByte,w ;we crossed a 256-byte boundary,
btfsc STATUS,C ;then increment PCLATH. Then load the
incf PCLATH,f ;program counter with computed goto.
movwf PCL
goto GetVersion ;0x00 - Get Version
goto GetRTSample ;0x01 - Get Real Time sample
goto Configure ;0x02 - stub
goto Go ;0x03 - stub
goto ReadBuffer ;0x04 - Read Buffer, just sends Vout
goto AreYouThroughYet ;0x05
goto CommDone ;0x06
goto CommDone ;0x07
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4.55 processor - SET PROCESSOR TYPE
4.55.1 Syntax
processor processor_type
4.55.2 Description
Sets the processor type to processor_type.
4.55.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not generally used as the processor is set in MPLAB IDE or MPLAB X
IDE projects. If it must be set in code, use processor or the list directive option p=
to set the processor.
4.55.4 See Also
4.55.5 Simple Example
processor 16f877a ;Sets processor to PIC16F877A
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4.56.1 Syntax
radix default_radix
4.56.2 Description
Sets the default radix for data expressions. The default radix is hex. Valid radix values
• hex - hexadecimal (base 16)
• dec - decimal (base 10)
• oct - octal (base 8)
You may also specify a radix using the list directive. For specifying the radix of
constants, see Section 3.4 “Numeric Constants and Radix”.
4.56.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
For many programs, the default radix, hex, is used and there is no need to set the radix.
However, if you need to change the radix in your program, you should exercise care,
as all numeric values following the radix declaration will use that radix value. See the
radix example for more on the implications of changing the radix.
Use the radix directive or the list directive option r= to change the radix in your
4.56.4 See Also
4.56.5 Simple Example
radix dec
4.56.6 Application Example - radix
This example shows the usage of the radix directive for data presentation. If not
declared, then the default radix is in hex(adecimal).
list r=dec ;Set the radix as decimal.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
movlw 50H ;50 is in hex
movlw 0x50 ;Another way of declaring 50 hex
movlw 50O ;50 is in octal
movlw 50 ;50 is not declared as hex or
;octal or decimal. So by default
;it is in decimal as default radix
;is declared as decimal.
radix oct ;Use ’radix’ to declare default
;radix as octal.
movlw 50H ;50 is in hex.
movlw 0x50 ;Another way of declaring 50 hex.
movlw .50 ;50 is in decimal.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 149
movlw 50 ;50 is not declared as hex or
;octal or decimal. So by default
;it is in octal as default radix
;is declared as octal.
radix hex ;Now default radix is in hex.
movlw .50 ;50 is declared in decimal.
movlw 50O ;50 is declared in octal
movlw 50 ;50 is not declared as hex or
;octal or decimal. So by default
;it is in hex as default radix
;is declared as hex.
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4.57.1 Syntax
[label] res mem_units
4.57.2 Description
Causes the memory location pointer to be advanced from its current location by the
value specified in mem_units. In relocatable code (using MPLINK linker), res can be
used to reserve data storage. In non-relocatable code, label is assumed to be a
program memory address.
Address locations are defined in words for PIC12/16 MCUs, and bytes for PIC18
4.57.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
The most common usage for res is for data storage in relocatable code.
4.57.4 See Also
fill org equ cblock
4.57.5 Simple Example
buffer res 64 ; reserve 64 address locations of storage
4.57.6 Application Example - res
This example shows the advantage of res directive in developing relocatable code.
The program calculates the perimeter of a rectangle. Length and width of the rectangle
will be stored in buffers addressed by length and width. The calculated perimeter
will be stored in the double-precision buffer addressed by perimeter.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
UDATA ;This directive allows the
;following data to be placed only
;in the data area.
perimeter res 2 ;Two locations of memory are
;reserved for the label
;'perimeter'. Addresses of the
;memory locations will be
;allocated by the linker.
length res 1 ;One location of memory is
;reserved for the label 'length'.
;Address of the memory location
;will be allocated by the linker.
width res 1 ;One location of memory is
;reserved for the label 'width'.
;Address of the memory location
;will be allocated by the linker.
Start CODE 0x0000 ;Following code will be placed in
;address 0.
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Here the directive code has the same effect as org. But org is used with MPASM
assembler to generate absolute code and code is used with MPLINK linker to generate
an object file. code is also different in that an address is not normally specified; the
linker handles the allocation of space, both in program Flash and data RAM memory.
goto PER_CAL ;Jump to label PER_CAL
CODE ;CODE directive here dictates that
;the following lines of code will
;be placed in program memory, but
;the starting address will be
;decided by the linker.
clrf perimeter+1 ;Clear the high byte of the label
movf length,w ;Move the data present in the
;register addressed by 'length'
;to 'w'.
addwf width,w ;Add data in 'w' with data in the
;register addressed by 'width'.
;STATUS register carry bit C
;may be affected.
movwf perimeter ;Move 'w' to the perimeter low
;byte at address 20H. Carry bit
;is unaffected.
rlf perimeter+1 ;Increment register 21H if carry
;was generated. Also clear carry
;if bit was set.
rlf perimeter ;Multiply register 20H by 2.
;Carry bit may be affected.
rlf perimeter+1 ;Again, increment register 21H
;if carry was generated.
The previous two lines of code will multiply (by left-shifting one bit) the intermediate
result by 2.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.58.1 Syntax
label set expr
label .set expr
4.58.2 Description
label is assigned the value of the valid MPASM assembler expression specified by
expr. The set directive is functionally equivalent to the equ directive except that set
values may be subsequently altered by other set directives.
4.58.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
Because set directive values may be altered by later set directives, set is particularly
useful when defining a variable in a loop (e.g., a while loop.)
4.58.4 See Also
equ variable while
4.58.5 Simple Example
area set 0
width set 0x12
length set 0x14
area set length * width
length set length + 1
4.58.6 Application Example - set/equ
This example shows the usage of the set directive, used for creating symbols which
may be used in MPASM assembler expressions only. The symbols created with this
directive do not occupy any physical memory location on the microcontroller.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
perimeter set 0 ;The label 'perimeter' is
;assigned value 0.
area set 0 ;The label 'area' is assigned
;value 0.
The value assigned by the set directive may be reassigned later.
lngth equ 50H ;The label 'lngth' is assigned
;the value 50H.
wdth equ 25H ;The label 'wdth' is assigned
;the value 25H.
The value assigned by the equ directive may not be reassigned later.
perimeter set 2*(lngth+wdth) ;Both 'perimeter' and
area set lngth*wdth ;'area' values are
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4.59.1 Syntax
space expr
spac expr
4.59.2 Description and Usage
Insert expr number of blank lines into the listing file.
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.59.3 See Also
4.59.4 Simple Example
space 3 ;Inserts three blank lines
4.60.1 Syntax
subtitle "sub_text"
stitle "sub_text"
subtitl "sub_text"
4.60.2 Description and Usage
sub_text is an ASCII string enclosed in double quotes, 60 characters or less in
length. This directive establishes a second program header line for use as a subtitle in
the listing output.
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.60.3 See Also
list title
4.60.4 Simple Example
subtitle "diagnostic section"
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4.61.1 Syntax
title "title_text"
4.61.2 Description and Usage
title_text is a printable ASCII string enclosed in double quotes. It must be 60
characters or less. This directive establishes the text to be used in the top line of each
page in the listing file.
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
4.61.3 See Also
list subtitle
4.61.4 Simple Example
title "operational code, rev 5.0"
4.62.1 Syntax
[label] udata [RAM_address]
4.62.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of uninitialized data. If label is not
specified, the section is named .udata. The starting address is initialized to the
specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is specified. No code can
be generated in this segment. The res directive should be used to reserve space for
4.62.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
For relocatable code, this directive is used to create a data (RAM) section. For absolute
code, do not use this directive. Use directives equ or cblock.
This directive cannot be used across banks.
4.62.4 See Also
extern global idata udata_acs udata_ovr udata_shr
4.62.5 Simple Example
Var1 res 1
Double res 2
Note: Two sections in the same source file are not permitted to have the same
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4.62.6 Application Example - udata
This program demonstrates the udata directive, which declares the beginning of a
section of uninitialized data. udata does not set (initialize) the starting value of the
variables; you must do this in code.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
group1 udata 0x20 ;group1 data stored at locations
;starting at 0x20.
group1_var1 res 1 ;group1_var1 located at 0x20.
group1_var2 res 1 ;group1_var2 located at 0x21.
group2 udata ;Declaration of group2 data. The
;addresses for variables under
group2_var1 res 1 ;this data section are allocated
group2_var2 res 1 ;automatically by the linker.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
banksel group1_var1
clrf group1_var1
clrf group1_var2
banksel group2_var1
clrf group2_var1
clrf group2_var2
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.63.1 Syntax
[label] udata_acs [RAM_address]
4.63.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of access uninitialized data. If label
is not specified, the section is named .udata_acs. The starting address is initialized
to the specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is specified. This
directive is used to declare variables that are allocated in access RAM of PIC18
devices. No code can be generated in this segment. The res directive should be used
to reserve space for data.
4.63.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is similar to udata, except that it is used only for PIC18 devices and will
only place variables in access RAM. PIC18 devices have an area of RAM known as
access RAM. Variables in access memory can be used no matter where the bank
select register (BSR) is pointing. It is very useful for frequently-used and global
4.63.4 See Also
extern global idata udata udata_ovr udata_shr
4.63.5 Simple Example
Var1 res 1
Double res 2
4.63.6 Application Example - udata_acs
This program demonstrates the udata_acs directive. This directive declares the
beginning of a section of uninitialized data.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
group1 udata_acs 0x20 ;group1 data stored at access
;RAM locations starting at 0x20.
group1_var1 res 1 ;group1_var1 located at 0x20.
group1_var2 res 1 ;group1_var2 located at 0x21.
group2 udata_acs ;Declaration of group2 data. The
;addresses for data under this
;section are allocated
;automatically by the linker.
group2_var1 res 1 ;All addresses be will allocated
group2_var2 res 1 ;in access RAM space only.
Note: Two sections in the same source file are not permitted to have the same
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RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The instruction
;'goto start' is placed in
;code section RST.
goto start ;Jumps to the location labelled
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the code
;section named PGM. It is a
;relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
clrf group1_var1,A ;group1_var1 initialized to zero
clrf group1_var2,A ;group1_var2 initialized to zero
clrf group2_var1,A ;group2_var1 initialized to zero
clrf group2_var2,A ;group2_var2 initialized to zero
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
In the code above, “A” references the access RAM. This A designation can be explicitly
stated by the code, but is not needed since the assembler will automatically locate
variables in access memory, if possible.
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4.64.1 Syntax
[label] udata_ovr [RAM_address]
4.64.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of overlayed uninitialized data. If
label is not specified, the section is named .udata_ovr. The starting address is
initialized to the specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is
specified. The space declared by this section is overlayed by all other udata_ovr
sections of the same name. It is an ideal way of declaring temporary variables since it
allows multiple variables to be declared at the same memory location. No code can be
generated in this segment. The res directive should be used to reserve space for data.
4.64.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is similar to udata, except that it allows you to reuse data space by
“overlaying” one data area on another. It is used for temporary variables, as each data
section may overwrite (and thus share) the same RAM address locations.
4.64.4 See Also
extern global idata udata udata_acs udata_shr
4.64.5 Simple Example
Temps udata_ovr
Temp1 res 1
Temp2 res 1
Temp3 res 1
Temps udata_ovr
LongTemp1 res 2 ; this will be a variable at the
; same location as Temp1 and Temp2
LongTemp2 res 2 ; this will be a variable at the
; same location as Temp3
Note: Two sections in the same source file are not permitted to have the same
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4.64.6 Application Example - udata_ovr
This program demonstrates the udata_ovr directive. This directive declares the
beginning of a section of overlayed uninitialized data.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
same_var udata_ovr 0x20 ;Declares an overlayed
;uninitialized data section
;named'same_var' starting at
var1 res 1 ;location 0x20.
same_var udata_ovr 0x20 ;Declares an overlayed
;uninitialized data section
var2 res 1 ;with the same name as the one
;declared above. Thus variables
;var1 and var2 are allocated
;at the same address.
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
banksel var1 ;Any operation on var1 affects
movlw 0xFF ;var2 also since both variables
movwf var1 ;are overlaid.
comf var2
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.65.1 Syntax
[label] udata_shr [RAM_address]
4.65.2 Description
This directive declares the beginning of a section of shared uninitialized data. If label
is not specified, the section is named .udata_shr. The starting address is initialized
to the specified address or will be assigned at link time if no address is specified. This
directive is used to declare variables that are allocated in RAM that is shared across all
RAM banks (i.e. unbanked RAM). No code can be generated in this segment. The res
directive should be used to reserve space for data.
4.65.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: relocatable. For information on
types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is similar to udata, except that it is only used on parts with memory
accessible from multiple banks. udata_shr sections are used with SHAREBANK
locations in the linker script, where as udata sections are used with DATABANK
locations in the linker script. See the data sheet for the PIC16F873A for a specific
4.65.4 See Also
extern global idata udata udata_acs udata_ovr
4.65.5 Simple Example
Temps udata_shr
Temp1 res 1
Temp2 res 1
Temp3 res 1
4.65.6 Application Example - udata_shr
This program demonstrates the udata_shr directive. This directive declares the
beginning of a section of shared uninitialized data. This directive is used to declare
variables that are allocated in RAM that is shared across all RAM banks (i.e. unbanked
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
shared_data udata_shr ;Declares the beginning of a data
;section named 'shared data',
var res 1 ;which is shared by all banks.
;'var' is the location which can
;be accessed irrespective of
;banksel bits.
bank0_var udata 0X20 ;Declares beginning of a data
var0 res 1 ;section named 'bank0_var',
;which is in bank0. var0 is
;allocated the address 0x20.
Note: Two sections in the same source file are not permitted to have the same
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bank1_var udata 0xa0 ;Declares beginning of a data
var1 res 1 ;section named 'bank1_var',
;which is in bank1. var1 is
;allocated the address 0xa0
bank2_var udata 0x120 ;Declares beginning of a data
var2 res 1 ;section named 'bank2_var',
;which is in bank2. var2 is
;allocated the address 0x120
bank3_var udata 0x1a0 ;Declares beginning of a data
var3 res 1 ;section named 'bank3_var',
;which is in bank3. var3 is
;allocated the address 0x1a0
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
banksel var0 ;Select bank0.
movlw 0x00
movwf var ;var is accessible from bank0.
banksel var1 ;Select bank1.
movlw 0x01
movwf var ;var is accessible from bank1
banksel var2 ;Select bank2.
movlw 0x02
movwf var ;var is accessible from bank2
banksel var3 ;Select bank3.
movlw 0x03
movwf var ;var is accessible from bank3
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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4.66.1 Syntax
#undefine label
4.66.2 Description
label is an identifier previously defined with the #define directive. The symbol
named is removed from the symbol table.
4.66.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is most often used with the ifdef and ifndef directives, which look for
the presence of an item in the symbol table.
4.66.4 See Also
#define #include ifdef ifndef
4.66.5 Simple Example
#define length 20
#undefine length
4.66.6 Application Example - #define/#undefine
See this example under #define.
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4.67.1 Syntax
variable label[=expr][,label[=expr]...]
4.67.2 Description
Creates symbols for use in MPASM assembler expressions. Variables and constants
may be used interchangeably in expressions.
The variable directive creates a symbol that is functionally equivalent to those created
by the set directive. The difference is that the variable directive does not require that
symbols be initialized when they are declared.
The variable values cannot be updated within an operand. You must place variable
assignments, increments, and decrements on separate lines.
4.67.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is most used for conditional assembly code.
4.67.4 See Also
constant set
4.67.5 Simple Example
variable RecLength=64 ; Set Default
; RecLength
constant BufLength=512 ; Init BufLength
. ; RecLength may
. ; be reset later
. ; in RecLength=128
. ;
constant MaxMem=RecLength+BufLength ;CalcMaxMem
Note: variable is not used to declare a run-time variable, but a variable that is
used by the assembler. To create a run-time variable, refer to the directives
res, equ or cblock.
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4.67.6 Application Example - variable/constant
This example shows the the usage of the variable directive, used for creating
symbols which may be used in MPASM assembler expressions only. The symbols
created with this directive do not occupy any physical memory location of
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
variable perimeter=0 ;The symbol 'perimeter' is
;initialized to 0
variable area ;If a symbol is declared as
;variable, then initialization
;is optional, i.e. it may or may
;not be initialized.
constant lngth=50H ;The symbol 'lngth' is
;initialized to 50H.
constant wdth=25H ;The symbol 'wdth' is
;initialized to 25H.
;A constant symbol always needs
;to be initialized.
perimeter=2*(lngth+wdth);The value of a CONSTANT cannot
;be reassigned after having been
;initialized once. So 'lngth' and
;'wdth' cannot be reassigned. But
;'perimeter' has been declared
;as variable, and so can be
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4.68.1 Syntax
while expr
.while expr
4.68.2 Description
The lines between the while and the endw are assembled as long as expr evaluates
to TRUE. An expression that evaluates to zero is considered logically FALSE. An
expression that evaluates to any other value is considered logically TRUE. A relational
TRUE expression is guaranteed to return a non-zero value; FALSE a value of zero.
A while loop can contain at most 100 lines and be repeated a maximum of 256 times.
while loops can be nested up to 8 deep.
4.68.3 Usage
This directive is used in the following types of code: absolute or relocatable. For
information on types of code, see Section 1.6 “Assembler Operation”.
This directive is not an instruction, but used to control how code is assembled, not how
it behaves at run-time. Use this directive for conditional assembly.
4.68.4 See Also
endw if
4.68.5 Simple Example
while is not executed at run-time, but produces assembly code based on a condition.
View the list file (*.lst) or disassembly window to see the results of this example.
test_mac macro count
variable i
i = 0
while i < count
movlw i
i += 1
test_mac 5
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4.68.6 Application Example - while/endw
This example shows the usefulness of directive while to perform a loop while a certain
condition is true. This directive is used with the endw directive.
#include ;Include standard header file
;for the selected device.
variable i ;Define the symbol 'i' as a
mydata udata 0x20 ;Allocate RAM for labels
reg_hi res 1 ;reg_hi and reg_lo.
reg_lo res 1
RST CODE 0x0 ;The code section named RST
;is placed at program memory
;location 0x0. The next two
;instructions are placed in
;code section RST.
pagesel start ;Jumps to the location labelled
goto start ;’start’.
shift_right macro by_n ;Beginning of a macro, which
;shifts register data n times.
;Code length generated after
;assembly, varies depending upon
;the value of parameter 'by_n'.
i=0 ;Initialize variable i.
while i< by_n ;Following 3 lines of assembly
;code are repeated as long as
;i< by_n.
Up to 100 lines of codes are allowed inside a while loop.
bcf STATUS,C ;Clear carry bit.
rrf reg_hi,F ;reg_hi and reg_lo contains
rrf reg_lo,F ;16-bit data which is rotated
;right through carry.
i+=1 ;Increment loop counter i.
i cannot increment to more than 255 decimal.
endw ;End while loop. The loop will
;break here after i=by_n.
endm ;End of 'shift_right' macro.
PGM CODE ;This is the beginning of the
;code section named PGM. It is
;a relocatable code section
;since no absolute address is
;given along with directive CODE.
movlw 0x88 ;Initialize reg_hi and
movwf reg_hi ;reg_lo for observation.
movlw 0x44
movwf reg_lo
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shift_right 3 ;Shift right 3 times the 16-bit
;data in reg_hi and reg_lo. This
;is an example. A value 8 will
;shift data 8 times.
goto $ ;Go to current line (loop here)
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Chapter 5. Assembler Examples, Tips and Tricks
The usage of multiple MPASM assembler directives is shown through examples.
Directives are assembler commands that appear in the source code but are not
opcodes. They are used to control the assembler: its input, output, and data allocation.
Many of the assembler directives have alternate names and formats. These may exist
to provide backward compatibility with previous assemblers from Microchip and to be
compatible with individual programming practices. If portable code is desired, it is
recommended that programs be written using the specifications contained within this
For a reference listing of all directives discussed in examples here, please see Chapter
4. “Directives”.
Topics covered are:
• Example of Displaying Count on Ports
• Example of Port B Toggle and Delay Routines
• Example of Calculations with Variables and Constants
• Example of a 32-Bit Delay Routine
• Example of SPI Emulated in Firmware
• Example of Hexadecimal to ASCII Conversion
• Other Sources of Examples
• Tips and Tricks
Note: Although MPASM assembler is often used with MPLINK object linker,
MPASM assembler directives are not supported in MPLINK linker scripts.
See MPLINK object linker documentation for more information on linker
options to control listing and hex file output.
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Directives highlighted in this example are:
5.2.1 Program Functional Description
This simple program continually increases the count on PORTA and PORTB. This
count may be displayed in software in the SFR or Watch(es) window of the IDE, or in
hardware on connected LEDs or a scope. The count may be slowed down using a
delay routine (see other examples.)
Once the count has increased to 0xFF, it will roll over to 0x00 and begin again.
The application is written as absolute code, i.e., you use only the assembler to
generate the executable (not the assembler and linker).
The standard header file for the processor selected is included using #include. The
port output data latches are then cleared. Port A must be set up for digital I/O as, on
power-up, several pins are analog. Data direction registers (TRISx) are cleared to set
port pins to outputs. A loop named Loop is entered where the value of each port is
increased indefinitely until the program is halted. Finally, the program is finished with
an end.
5.2.2 Commented Code Listing
;Toggles Port pins with count on PIC18F8720
;PortA pins on POR:
; RA5, RA3:0 = analog inputs
; RA6, RA4 = digital inputs
;PortB pins on POR:
; RB7:0 = digital inputs
#include ;Include file needed to reference
;data sheet names.
clrf PORTA ;Clear output data latches on Ports
clrf PORTB
movlw 0x0F ;Configure Port A for digital I/O
movwf ADCON1
clrf TRISA ;Set data direction of Ports as outputs
clrf TRISB
incf PORTA,F ;Read PORTA, add 1 and save back.
incf PORTB,F ;Read PORTB, add 1 and save back.
goto Loop ;Do this repeatedly - count.
end ;All programs must have an end directive.
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Directives highlighted in this example are:
•udata, res
•banksel, pagesel
Items covered in this example are:
• Program Functional Description
• Commented Code Listing
• Header Files
• Register and Bit Assignments
• Program Memory CODE Sections and Paging
• Interrupts
5.3.1 Program Functional Description
This program continually alternates the output on the Port B pins from 1’s to 0’s. Two
delay routines using interrupts provide the timing for the alternating output. If LEDs
were attached to Port B, they would flash (1=on, 0=off).
The type of PIC1X MCU is set in the IDE, so does not need to be set in code. However,
if you wish to specify the MCU, as well as radix, in code, you may do so using the
processor and radix directives, or list command, i.e., list p=16f877a, r=hex.
The application is written as relocatable code, i.e., you must use both the assembler
and linker to generate the executable. See PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB
X IDE or PIC1X MCU Language Tools and MPLAB IDE v8 for information on how to
set up a project using assembler files and a linker script.
The standard header file for the processor selected is included using #include.
Registers are assigned using the udata, res and equ directives. Sections of code are
created using the code statement. Data memory banking and program memory paging
is accomplished as needed using banksel and pagesel directives. Finally, the
program is finished with an end.
5.3.2 Commented Code Listing
;* MPASM Assembler Control Directives *
;* Example Program 1 *
;* Alternate output on Port B between *
;* 1's and 0's *
#include ;Include header file
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MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB IDE v8 have many header files (*.inc) available for
supported devices. These can be found in the installation directory. See
Section 5.3.3 “Header Files” for more on headers.
udata ;Declare storage of RAM variables
DTEMP res 1 ;Reserve 1 address location
DFLAG res 1 ;Reserve 1 address location
DFL0 equ 0x00 ;Set flag bit - 0 bit of DFLAG
Set DTEMP to be a temporary register at a location in RAM determined at by the linker.
Set DFLAG to be the flag register at a location following the DTEMP register. Set DFL0
to a value to represent a bit in the DFLAG register, in this case 0. See the Additional
Comments section for more information.
rst code 0x00 ;Reset Vector
pagesel Start ;Ensure correct page selected
goto Start ;Jump to Start code
Place the reset vector at program memory location 0x00. When the program resets, the
program will branch to Start.
intrpt code 0x04 ;Interrupt Vector
goto ServInt ;Jump to service interrupt
Place interrupt vector code at program memory location 0x04, since this device
automatically goes to this address for interrupts. When an interrupt occurs, the program
will branch to the ServInt routine.
isr code 0x08 ;Interrupt Service Routine
banksel OPTION_REG ;Select Option Reg Bank (1)
bsf OPTION_REG, T0CS ;Stop Timer0
banksel INTCON ;Select INTCON Bank (0)
bcf INTCON, T0IF ;Clear overflow flag
bcf DFLAG, DFL0 ;Clear flag bit
retfie ;Return from interrupt
For the PIC16F877A, there is not enough memory to add a pagesel ServInt
statement to insure proper paging. Therefore, the ISR code needs to be specifically
placed on page 0. See Section 5.3.7 “Interrupts” for more on the ISR code.
;* Main Program *
code ;Start Program
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Begin program code. Because no address is specified, the program memory location
will be determined by the linker. See Section 5.3.5 “Program Memory CODE
Sections and Paging” for more on code.
clrf PORTB ;Clear PortB
banksel TRISB ;Select TRISB Bank (1)
clrf TRISB ;Set all PortB pins as outputs
banksel INTCON ;Select INTCON Bank (0)
bsf INTCON, GIE ;Enable Global Int's
bsf INTCON, T0IE ;Enable Timer0 Int
First, set up Port B pins to be all outputs using the data direction (TRISB) register. Then
set up Timer 0 and interrupts for later use.
movlw 0xFF
movwf PORTB ;Set PortB
call Delay1 ;Wait
clrf PORTB ;Clear PortB
pagesel Delay2 ;Select Delay2 Page
call Delay2 ;Wait
pagesel Loop ;Select Loop Page
goto Loop ;Repeat
Set all Port B pins high and wait Delay 1. Then, set all Port B pins low and wait Delay
2. Repeat until program halted. This will have the effect of “flashing” the pins of Port B.
;* Delay 1 Routine - Timer0 delay loop *
movlw 0xF0 ;Set Timer0 value
movwf TMR0 ;0x00-longest delay
;0xFF-shortest delay
clrf DFLAG
bsf DFLAG, DFL0 ;Set flag bit
banksel OPTION_REG ;Select Option Reg Bank (1)
bcf OPTION_REG, T0CS ;Start Timer0
banksel DFLAG ;Select DFLAG Bank (0)
TLoop ;Wait for overflow: 0xFF->0x00
btfsc DFLAG, DFL0 ;After interrupt, DFL0 = 0
goto TLoop
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Use Timer 0 to create Delay 1. First, give the timer an initial value. Then, enable the
timer and wait for it to overflow from 0xFF to 0x00. This will generate an interrupt, which
will end the delay. See Section 5.3.7 “Interrupts” for more information.
;* Delay 2 Routine - Decrement delay loop *
decdly code 0x1000 ;Page 2
Place Delay2 routine at program memory location 0x1000, on page 2. (See
Section 5.3.5 “Program Memory CODE Sections and Paging” for more on code.)
This code was placed on a page other than 0 to demonstrate how a program functions
across pages.
movlw 0xFF ;Set DTEMP value
movwf DTEMP ;0x00-shortest delay
;0xFF-longest delay
DLoop ;Use a simple countdown to
decfsz DTEMP, F ;create delay.
goto DLoop ;End loop when DTEMP=0
Use the time it takes to decrement a register DTEMP from an initial value to 0x00 as
Delay 2. This method requires no timers or interrupts.
End of the program, i.e., tells the assembler no further code needs to be assembled.
5.3.3 Header Files
A header file is included in the program flow with the #include directive.
#include ;Include header file
Angle brackets, quotes or nothing at all may used to enclose the name of the header
file. You may specify the complete path to the included file, or let the assembler search
for it. For more on search order, see the discussion of the #include directive in
Section 4.42 “#include - Include Additional Source File”
A header file is extremely useful for specifying often-used constants, such as register
and pin names. This information can be typed in once, and then the file can be included
in any code using the processor with those registers and pins.
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5.3.4 Register and Bit Assignments
You can specify your own registers and bits by using the udata, res and equ
directives, as is done in the following lines.
udata ;Declare storage of RAM variables
DTEMP res 1 ;Reserve 1 address location
DFLAG res 1 ;Reserve 1 address location
DFL0 equ 0x00 ;Set flag bit - 0 bit of DFLAG
DTEMP and DFLAG are assigned one address location in RAM each by the linker. For
illustrative purposes, suppose the locations selected by the linker are the general
purpose registers (GPRs) 0x20 and 0x21. DFL0 is assigned the value 0x00 and will be
used as the name for pin 0 in the DFLAG register.
The directives udata and res are used in relocatable code to define multiple registers
instead of equ. For more on these directives, see:
•Section 4.62 “udata - Begin an Object File Uninitialized Data Section”
•Section 4.57 “res - Reserve Memory”
•Section 4.28 “equ - Define an Assembler Constant”
5.3.5 Program Memory CODE Sections and Paging
The code directive is used to specify sections of relocatable code. For absolute code,
the org directive is used. See Chapter 6. “Relocatable Objects” for more on the
differences between relocatable and absolute code. For more on these directives, see:
•Section 4.9 “code - Begin an Object File Code Section”
•Section 4.51 “org - Set Program Origin”
If no code directive is used, code generation will begin at address zero. For this
example, code is used to specify code at 0x00 (reset address), 0x04 (interrupt
address), 0x08 (interrupt service routine) and 0x1000 (Delay 2 address). It does not
explicitly set the program start address, but allows the linker to place the code
appropriately. Since the linker places addressed code first, and then attempts to place
the relocatable code, based on size, the likely program memory usage is shown below.
Bank 0 Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3
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Since the actual location of the main code (.code section) is unknown, pagesel
directives must be used to ensure that program branches to other sections are correct.
rst code 0x00 ;Reset Vector
pagesel Start
goto Start
code ;Start Program
pagesel Delay2 ;Select Delay2 Page
call Delay2 ;Wait
pagesel Loop ;Select Loop Page
goto Loop ;Repeat
For more on this directive, see Section 4.53 “pagesel - Generate Page Selecting
Code (PIC10/12/16 MCUs)”
5.3.6 Banking
In this example, Port B must be configured, causing a switch to data memory bank 1 to
access the TRISB register. This change to bank 1, and subsequent return to bank 0, is
easily accomplished using the banksel directive.
banksel TRISB ;Select TRISB Bank (1)
clrf TRISB ;Set PortB as output
banksel INTCON ;Select INTCON Bank (0)
bsf INTCON, GIE ;Enable Global Int's
bsf INTCON, T0IE ;Enable Timer0 Int
Two other routines also use banksel to access the Option register (OPTION_REG).
For more on this directive, see Section 4.7 “banksel - Generate Bank Selecting
Page 0
rst 0x0000
intrpt 0x0004
isr 0x0008
.code (Start) 0x0010
Page 1 0x0800
Page 2 decdly (Delay2) 0x1000
Page 3
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5.3.7 Interrupts
The Delay 1 routine in this program uses the Timer 0 overflow interrupt as a timing
mechanism. Once the interrupt occurs, the program branches to the interrupt vector.
Here code is located to jump to a location where interrupt-handling code is found.
intrpt code 0x04 ;Interrupt Vector
goto ServInt ;Jump to service interrupt
The interrupt-handling code, also known as the interrupt service routine or ISR, is
generated by the programmer to handle the specific requirements of the peripheral
interrupt and the program. In this case, Timer 0 is stopped and its flag bit is cleared, so
it may be run again. Then, the program-defined flag bit is cleared. Finally, retfie
takes the program back to the instruction that was about to be executed when the
interrupt occurred.
isr code 0x08 ;Interrupt Service Routine
banksel OPTION_REG ;Select Option Reg Bank (1)
bsf OPTION_REG, T0CS ;Stop Timer0
banksel INTCON ;Select INTCON Bank (0)
bcf INTCON, T0IF ;Clear overflow flag
bcf DFLAG, DFL0 ;Clear flag bit
retfie ;Return from interrupt
When the program code begins to execute again, the cleared flag bit DFL0 now causes
the delay loop TLOOP to end, thus ending Delay 1 routine.
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Directives highlighted in this example are:
•#define, #undefine
•constant, variable
Items covered in this example are:
• Program Functional Description
• Commented Code Listing
• Using Watch(es) Windows
5.4.1 Program Functional Description
This program performs several calculations using defined constants and variables.
The application is written as relocatable code, i.e., you must use both the assembler
and linker to generate the executable.
The standard header file for the processor selected is included using #include.
Sections of code are created using the code statement.
5.4.2 Commented Code Listing
;* MPASM Assembler Control Directives *
;* Example Program 2 *
;* Perform calculations *
#include ;Include header file
#define Tdistance1 50 ;Define the symbol
#define Tdistance2 25 ;Define the symbol
#undefine Tdistance2 ;Remove Tdistance2 from
;the symbol table
The #define directive was used to define two substitution strings: Tdistance1 to
substitute for 50 and Tdistance2 to substitute for 25. Then #undefine was used to
remove Tdistance2 from the symbol table, i.e., Tdistance2 can no longer be used
to substitute for 25.
udata 0x20 ;Set up distance_reg
distance_reg res 1 ;at GPR 0x20
The udata and res directives are used to assign distance_reg to register 0x20. For
more on these directives, see example 1.
rst code 0x00 ;Reset Vector
pagesel Start
goto Start
code ;Start Program
clrf distance_reg ;Clear register
movlw Tdistance1 ;Move value of Tdistance1
movwf distance_reg ;into distance_reg
constant distance1=10 ;Declare distance1
;a constant symbol
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Declare a constant symbol, distance1, with a value of 10. Once a constant is
declared, its value cannot be altered.
variable distance2 ;Declare distance2
;a variable symbol
Declare a variable symbol, distance2. The variable directive does not require the
symbol to be initialized when declared.
distance3 set 10 ;Define a value for
;the symbol distance3
Define symbol distance3 as 10.
distance2=15 ;Give distance2 an
;initial value
distance2=distance1+distance2 ;Add distance1
;to distance2
Variable assignments, increments and decrements must be placed on separate lines.
distance3 set 15 ;Change value of distance3
distance2=distance2+distance3 ;Add distance3
;to distance2
movlw distance2 ;Move value of distance2
movwf distance_reg ;into distance_reg
goto Start ;Loop back to Start
5.4.3 Using Watch(es) Windows
Once the program begins, the value of Tdistance1 is placed into distance_reg.
This can be observed in a Watches window in MPLAB X IDE or a Watch window in
MPLAB IDE v8. The value of distance_reg will become 50. The symbol
Tdistance1 will not be found in the Watch(es) window symbol list, as symbols defined
using the #define directive are not available for viewing in the IDE because they are
not RAM variables.
The final lines of the example program write the final value of distance2 to
distance_reg. If you had a Watch(es) window open to see distance_reg loaded
with the value of 50, you will see it change to 3A. Remember that the radix is
hexadecimal, so hex addition was used to determine the distance2 value.
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DS33014L-page 180 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Directives highlighted in this example are:
•macro, endm
5.5.1 Program Functional Description
A delay routine is needed in many applications. For this example, delay increments are
20 us, with the routine having a range of 40 us to 23.8 hours. (This assumes a 4 MHz
5.5.2 Commented Code Listing
;Each loop takes 20 clocks, or 20 us per loop,
;at 4MHz or 1MIPS clock.
;Turn off in config bits WDT for long simulations
udata 0x20
Dly0 res 1 ;Stores 4 bytes of data for the delay count
Dly1 res 1 ;Dly0 is the least significant byte
Dly2 res 1 ;while Dly3 is the most significant byte
Dly3 res 1
goto $+1 ;delay 2 cycles
goto $+1 ;delay total of 4 cycles
;Take the delay value argument from the macro, precalculate
;the required 4 RAM values and load the The RAM values Dly3
;though Dly0.
movlw (DLY-1) & H'FF'
movwf Dly0
movlw (DLY-1) >>D'08' & H'FF'
movwf Dly1
movlw (DLY-1) >>D'16' & H'FF'
;Bytes are shifted and anded by the assembler to make user
;calculations easier.
movwf Dly2
movlw (DLY-1) >>D'24' & H'FF'
;Call DoDly32 to run the delay loop.
movwf Dly3
call DoDly32
ENDM ;End of Macro definition
RST CODE 0x00 ;Reset Vector
pagesel TestCode
goto TestCode
CODE ;Code starts here
Dly32 D'50000' ;Max 4 billion+ (runs Dly32 Macro,
;1 sec in this case).
nop ;ZERO STOPWATCH, put breakpoint here.
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goto TestCode ;Go back to top of program and
;run the delay again.
;Subroutine, called by the Macro Dly32 (20 Tcy per loop)
movlw H'FF' ;Start with -1 in W
addwf Dly0,F ;LSB decrement
btfsc STATUS,C ;was the carry flag set?
clrw ;If so, 0 is put in W
addwf Dly1,F ;Else, we continue.
btfsc STATUS,C
clrw ;0 in W
addwf Dly2,F
btfsc STATUS,C
clrw ;0 in W
addwf Dly3,F
btfsc STATUS,C
clrw ;0 in W
iorwf Dly0,W ;Inclusive-OR all variables
iorwf Dly1,W ;together to see if we have reached
iorwf Dly2,W ;0 on all of them.
iorwf Dly3,W
btfss STATUS,Z ;Test if result of Inclusive-OR's is 0
goto DoDly32 ;It was NOT zero, so continue counting
retlw 0 ;It WAS zero, so exit this subroutine.
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DS33014L-page 182 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Directives highlighted in this example are:
• #define
•udata, res
5.6.1 Program Functional Description
This program is used to emulate SPI function in firmware.
The application is written as relocatable code, i.e., you must use both the assembler
and linker to generate the executable.
The list directive is used to define the processor and set listing file formatting. The
standard header file for the processor selected is included using #include. SPI
variables are declared using #define. Program registers are assigned using the
udata and res directives. Sections of code are created using the code statement.
External code is accessed using global.
5.6.2 Commented Code Listing
; Emulates SPI in firmware
; Place byte in Buffer, call SPI_Out - sends MSB first
LIST P=18F4520 ;define processor
#include <P18F4520.INC> ;include file
list c=132, n=0 ;132 col, no paging
#define Clk LATB,0 ; SPI clock output
#define Dat LATB,1 ; SPI data output
#define Bus LATB,2 ; busy indicator
;Variable definitions
Buffer res 1 ; SPI transmit data
Counter res 1 ; SPI transmit bit counter
DelayCtr res 1
clrf Counter ; init bit counter
bsf Counter,7
bcf Clk ; clear clock
bcf Dat ; clear data out
bsf Bus ; indicate busy
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Lup movf Counter,W ; get mask
andwf Buffer,W ; test selected bit
btfss STATUS,Z ; was result zero?
bsf Dat ; set data
bsf Clk ; set clock
bcf Clk ; clear clock
bcf Dat ; clear data
rrncf Counter,F ; test next bit
btfss Counter,7 ; done with byte?
bra Lup ; no
bcf Bus ; indicate not busy
global SPI_Out, Buffer
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Directives highlighted in this example are:
•udata, res
5.7.1 Program Functional Description
This program converts a hexadecimal byte into two ASCII bytes.
The application is written as relocatable code, i.e., you must use both the assembler
and linker to generate the executable.
Program registers are assigned using the udata and res directives. Sections of code
are created using the code statement. External code is accessed using global.
5.7.2 Commented Code Listing
; get a hex byte in W, convert to 2 ASCII bytes in ASCIIH:ASCIIL
; req 2 stack levels
Variables udata
HexTemp res 1
ASCIIH res 1
ASCIIL res 1
movf HexTemp,W
andlw 0x0F ; get low nibble
call DecHex
movwf ASCIIL
swapf HexTemp,F
movf HexTemp,W
andlw 0x0F ; get high nibble
call DecHex
movwf ASCIIH
sublw 0x09 ; 9-WREG
btfss STATUS,C ; is nibble Dec?
goto HexC ; no, convert hex
movf HexTemp,W ; convert DEC nibble to ASCII
andlw 0x0F
addlw A'0'
movf HexTemp,W ; convert HEX nibble to ASCII
andlw 0x0F
addlw A'A'-0x0A
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Short examples of use for each directive are listed under each directive topic. See
Chapter 4. “Directives”.
Examples of use for multiple directives are available from the following sources:
• readme.asm - Serial EEPROM Support
• Application Notes, Technical Briefs
- Website -
• Code Examples and Templates
- MPLAB X IDE/MPLAB IDE v8 installation directory
- Website -
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To reduce costs, designers need to make the most of the available program memory in
MCUs. Program memory is typically a large portion of the MCU cost. Optimizing the
code helps to avoid buying more memory than needed. Here are some ideas that can
help reduce code size. For more information, see Tips ‘n Tricks (DS40040).
• TIP #1: Delay Techniques
• TIP #2: Optimizing Destinations
• TIP #3: Conditional Bit Set/Clear
• TIP #4: Swap File Register with W
• TIP #5: Bit Shifting Using Carry Bit
• TIP #6: Using External Memory
5.9.1 TIP #1: Delay Techniques
•Use GOTO Next Instruction instead of two NOPs.
•Use CALL Rtrn as quad, 1 instruction NOP (where Rtrn is the exit label from
existing subroutine).
NOP ;2 instructions, 2 cycles
GOTO $+1 ;1 instruction, 2 cycles
Call Rtrn ;1 instruction, 4 cycles
MCUs are commonly used to interface with the “outside world” by means of a data bus,
LED’s, buttons, latches, etc. Because the MCU runs at a fixed frequency, it will often
need delay routines to meet setup/hold times of other devices, pause for a handshake
or decrease the data rate for a shared bus.
Longer delays are well-suited for the DECFSZ and INCFSZ instructions where a
variable is decremented or incremented until it reaches zero when a conditional jump
is executed. For shorter delays of a few cycles, here a few ideas to decrease code size.
For a two cycle delay, it is common to use two NOP instructions which uses two
program memory locations. The same result can be achieved by using GOTO $+1. The
$ represents the current program counter value in MPASM assembler. When this
instruction is encountered, the MCU will jump to the next memory location. This is what
it would have done if two NOP’s were used, but since the GOTO instruction uses two
instruction cycles to execute, a two-cycle delay was created. This created a two-cycle
delay using only one location of program memory.
To create a four cycle delay, add a label to an existing RETURN instruction in the code.
In this example, the label Rtrn was added to the RETURN of subroutine that already
existed somewhere in the code. When executing CALL Rtrn, the MCU delays two
instruction cycles to execute the CALL and two more to execute the RETURN. Instead
of using four NOP instructions to create a four cycle delay, the same result was
achieved by adding a single CALL instruction.
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5.9.2 TIP #2: Optimizing Destinations
• Destination bit determines W or F for result
• Look at data movement and restructure
Example: A + B A
3 instructions2 instructions
Careful use of the destination bits in instructions can save program memory. Here,
register A and register B are summed and the result is put into the A register. A
destination option is available for logic and arithmetic operations. In the first example,
the result of the ADDWF instruction is placed in the working register. A MOVWF
instruction is used to move the result from the working register to register A. In the
second example, the ADDWF instruction uses the destination bit to place the result into
the A register saving an instruction.
5.9.3 TIP #3: Conditional Bit Set/Clear
• To move single bit of data from REGA to REGB
• Precondition REGB bit
• Test REGA bit and fix REGB if necessary
4 instructions3 instructions
One technique for moving one bit from the REGA register to REGB is to perform bit
tests. In the first example, the bit in REGA is tested using a BTFSS instruction. If the
bit is clear, the BCF instruction is executed and clears the REGB bit, and if the bit is set,
the instruction is skipped.The second bit test determines if the bit is set, and if so, will
execute the BSF and set the REGB bit, otherwise the instruction is skipped. This
sequence requires four instructions.
A more efficient technique is to assume the bit in REGA is clear, and clear the REGB
bit, and test if the REGA bit is clear. If so, the assumption was correct and the BSF
instruction is skipped, otherwise the REGB bit is set. The sequence in the second
example uses three instructions because one bit test was not needed.
One important point is that the second example will create a two cycle glitch if REGB
is a port outputting a high. This is caused by the BCF and BTFSC instructions that will
be executed regardless of the bit value in REGA.
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5.9.4 TIP #4: Swap File Register with W
The following macro swaps the contents of W and REG without using a second register.
Needs: 0 TEMP registers, 3 Instructions, 3 Tcy
An efficient way of swapping the contents of a register with the working register is to
use three XORWF instructions. It requires no temporary registers and three
instructions. Here’s an example:
W REG Instruction
10101100 01011100 XORWF REG,F
10101100 11110000 XORWF REG,W
01011100 11110000 XORWF REG,F
01011100 10101100 Result
5.9.5 TIP #5: Bit Shifting Using Carry Bit
Rotate a byte through carry without using RAM variable for loop count:
• Easily adapted to serial interface transmit routines.
• Carry bit is cleared (except last cycle) and the cycle repeats until the zero bit sets
indicating the end.
list p=12f629
buffer equ 0x20
bsf STATUS,C ;Set ‘end of loop’ flag
rlf buffer,F ;Place first bit into C
bcf GPIO,Dout ;Precondition output
btfsc STATUS,C ;Check data - 0 or 1?
bsf GPIO,Dout
bcf STATUS,C ;Clear data in C
rlf buffer,F ;Place next bit into C
movf buffer,F ;Force Z bit
btfss STATUS,Z ;Exit?
goto Send_Loop
Related Topic: TIP #3: Conditional Bit Set/Clear
5.9.6 TIP #6: Using External Memory
To use external memory, the maximum allowable address must be redefined by using
the _MAXROM directive. For example, when using the PIC18F87J10 in extended
microcontroller mode, the _MAXROM directive must be used as follows:
#include <>
; 87J10 Configuration for external memory
org 0x0000
goto 0x10000
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Chapter 6. Relocatable Objects
MPASM assembler, used with MPLINK object linker, has the ability to generate and link
precompiled object modules. Writing source code that will be assembled to an object
module is slightly different from writing code used to generate an executable (hex) file
directly. MPASM assembler routines designed for absolute address assembly will
require minor modifications to compile correctly into relocatable object modules.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Header Files
• Program Memory
• Low, High and Upper Operators
• RAM Allocation
• Configuration Bits and ID Locations
• Accessing Labels From Other Modules
• Paging and Banking Issues
• Generating the Object Module
• Code Example
The Microchip-supplied standard header files (e.g., should be used
when generating object modules. These header files define the special function
registers for the target processor.
See 4.42 “#include - Include Additional Source File” for more information.
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Program memory code must be organized into a logical code section. To do this, the
code must be preceded by a code section declaration (See 4.9 “code - Begin an
Object File Code Section”) to make it relocatable.
If more than one code section is defined in a source file, each section must have a
unique name. If the name is not specified, it will be given the default name .code.
Each program memory section must be contiguous within a single source file. A section
may not be broken into pieces within a singe source file.
The physical address of the code can be fixed by supplying the optional address
parameter of the code directive. Situations where this might be necessary are:
• Specifying Reset and interrupt vectors
• Ensuring that a code segment does not overlap page boundaries
Reset code 0x0lFF ;Fixed address
goto Start
Pgm code ;Address determined by the linker
Absolute Code Equivalent Relocatable Code
Start clrw
code ;Address determined
;by the linker.
Start clrw
Prog1 org 0x0100
movlw 0x0A
movwf var1
Prog1 code 0x0100 ;Start at 0x0100
movlw 0x0A
movwf var1
Relocatable Objects
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Low, high and upper operators are used to return one byte of a multi-byte label value.
If low is used, only bits 0 through 7 of the expression will be used. If high is used, only
bits 8 through 15 of the expression will be used. If upper is used, only bits 16 through
21 of the expression will be used.
Operator precedence information may be found in 3.5 “Arithmetic Operators and
There are some restrictions involving these operators with relocatable symbols. For
example, the low, high and upper operators must be of the form:
[low|high|upper] (relocatable_symbol + constant_offset)
•relocatable_symbol is any label that defines a program or data memory
•constant_offset is an expression that is resolvable at assembly time to a value
between -32768 and 32767
Either relocatable_symbol or constant_offset may be omitted.
Operands of the form:
relocatable_symbol - relocatable_symbol
will be reduced to a constant value if both symbols are defined in the same code or data
In addition to section operators, there are section pseudo-instructions.
These operators and instructions only have meaning when an object file is generated;
they cannot be used when generating absolute code.
Operator Definition
low Return low byte of operand.
high Return high byte of operand.
upper Return upper byte of operand.
scnsz_low Return low byte of section size.
scnsz_high Return high byte of section size.
scnsz_upper Return upper byte of section size.
scnend_low Return low byte of section end operand.
scnend_high Return high byte of section end operand.
scnend_upper Return upper byte of section end operand.
scnstart_low Return low byte of section start operand.
scnstart_high Return high byte of section start operand.
scnstart_upper Return upper byte of section start operand.
Pseudo-Instruction Definition
scnend_lfsr scnend_lfsr n,s, where n is 0, 1, or 2 (as with the LFSR
instruction) and s is a string which is taken to be the name of a
section. This instruction loads LFSR with the end address of the
scnstart_lfsr scnstart_lfsr n,s, where n is 0, 1, or 2 (as with the LFSR
instruction) and s is a string which is taken to be the name of a
section. This instruction loads LFSR with the start address of the
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DS33014L-page 192 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The general operators, low, high and upper, may be used to access data in tables.
The following code example was taken the p18demo.asm file provided with PICDEM
2 Plus demo board. The excerpt shows how “Microchip” is read from the table and
displayed on the demo board LCD.
stan_table ;table for standard code
; ptr:
data " Voltmeter " ;0
data " Buzzer " ;16
data " Temperature " ;32
data " Clock " ;48
data "RA4=Next RB0=Now" ;64
data " Microchip " ;80
data " PICDEM 2 PLUS " ;96
data "RA4=Set RB0=Menu" ;112
data "RA4= --> RBO= ++" ;128
data " RB0 = Exit " ;144
data "Volts = " ;160
data "Prd.=128 DC=128 " ;176
;**************** STANDARD CODE MENU SELECTION *******************
movlw .80 ;send "Microchip" to LCD
movwf ptr_pos
call stan_char_1
;----Standard code, Place characters on line-1----
call LCDLine_1 ;move cursor to line 1
movlw .16 ;1-full line of LCD
movwf ptr_count
movlw UPPER stan_table ;use operators to load
movwf TBLPTRU ;table pointer values
movlw HIGH stan_table
movlw LOW stan_table
movf ptr_pos,W
clrf WREG
addwfc TBLPTRH,F
addwfc TBLPTRU,F
Relocatable Objects
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tblrd *+
movff TABLAT,temp_wr
call d_write ;send character to LCD
decfsz ptr_count,F ;move pointer to next char
bra stan_next_char_1
movlw "\n" ;move data into TXREG
movwf TXREG ;next line
btfss TXSTA,TRMT ;wait for data TX
goto $-2
movlw "\r" ;move data into TXREG
movwf TXREG ;carriage return
btfss TXSTA,TRMT ;wait for data TX
goto $-2
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DS33014L-page 194 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
RAM space must be allocated in a data section. Five types of data sections are
• udata - Uninitialized data. This is the most common type of data section.
Locations reserved in this section are not initialized and can be accessed only by
the labels defined in this section or by indirect accesses. See 4.62 “udata -
Begin an Object File Uninitialized Data Section”.
• udata_acs - Uninitialized access data. This data section is used for variables that
will be placed in access RAM of PIC18 devices. Access RAM is used as quick
data access for specified instructions. See 4.63 “udata_acs - Begin an Object
File Access Uninitialized Data Section (PIC18 MCUs)”.
• udata_ovr - Uninitialized overlaid data. This data section is used for variables that
can be declared at the same address as other variables in the same module or in
other linked modules. A typical use of this section is for temporary variables. See
4.64 “udata_ovr - Begin an Object File Overlayed Uninitialized Data
• udata_shr - Uninitialized shared data. This data section is used for variables that
will be placed in RAM of PIC12/16 devices that is unbanked or shared across all
banks. See 4.65 “udata_shr - Begin an Object File Shared Uninitialized Data
Section (PIC12/16 MCUs)”.
• idata - Initialized data. The linker will generate a lookup table that can be used to
initialize the variables in this section to the specified values. When linked with
MPLAB C17 or C18 code, these locations will be initialized during execution of the
startup code. The locations reserved by this section can be accessed only by the
labels defined in this section or by indirect accesses. See 4.36 “idata - Begin
an Object File Initialized Data Section”.
The following example shows how a data declaration might be created.
Absolute Code
Use cblock to define variable register locations (See 4.8 “cblock - Define a Block
of Constants”.) Variable values will need to be specified in code.
cblock 0x20
HistoryVector ;Must be initialized to 0
InputGain, OutputGain ;Control loop gains
Templ, Temp2, Temp3 ;Used for internal calculations
Note: The ability to use access, overlaid or shared data varies by device. Consult
your device data sheet for more information.
Relocatable Objects
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 195
Equivalent Relocatable Code
Use data declarations to define register locations and initialize.
HistoryVector db 0 ;Initialized to 0
InputGain res 1 ;Control loop gains
OutputGain res 1
Templ res 1 ;Used for internal calculations
Temp2 res 1
Temp3 res 1
If necessary, the location of the section may be fixed in memory by supplying the
optional address parameter. If more than one of each section type is specified, each
section must have a unique name. If a name is not provided, the default section names
are: .idata, .udata, .udata_acs, .udata_shr, and .udata_ovr.
When defining initialized data in an idata section, the directives db, dw, and data can
be used. db will define successive bytes of data memory. dw and data will define
successive words of data memory in low-byte/high-byte order. The following example
shows how data will be initialized.
00001 IDATA
0000 01 02 03 00002 Bytes DB 1,2,3
0003 34 12 78 56 00003 Words DW 0x1234,0x5678
0007 41 42 43 00 00004 String DB "ABC", 0
Configuration bits and ID locations can still be defined in a relocatable object using the
following directives:
•Section 4.11 “__config - Set Processor Configuration Bits”
•Section 4.12 “config - Set Processor Configuration Bits (PIC18 MCUs)”
•Section 4.38 “__idlocs - Set Processor ID Locations”
Only one linked module can specify these directives. They should be used prior to
declaring any code sections. After using these directives, the current section is
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DS33014L-page 196 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Labels that are defined in one module for use in other modules must be exported using
the global directive (see 4.35 “global - Export a Label”.) Modules that use these
labels must use the extern directive (see 4.33 “extern - Declare an Externally
Defined Label”) to declare the existence of these labels. An example of using the
global and extern directives is shown below.
InputGain res 1
OutputGain res 1
global InputGain, OutputGain
global Filter
: ; Filter code
extern InputGain, OutputGain, Filter
Reading res 1
movlw GAIN1
movwf InputGain
movlw GAIN2
movwf OutputGain
movf Reading,W
call Filter
Relocatable Objects
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In many cases, RAM allocation will span multiple banks, and executable code will span
multiple pages. In these cases, it is necessary to perform proper bank and page set-up
to properly access the labels. However, since the absolute addresses of these variable
and address labels may not be known at assembly time, it is not always possible to
place the proper code in the source file. For these situations two directives, banksel
(4.7 “banksel - Generate Bank Selecting Code”) and pagesel (4.53 “pagesel -
Generate Page Selecting Code (PIC10/12/16 MCUs)”), have been added. These
directives instruct the linker to generate the correct bank or page selecting code for a
specified label. An example of how code should be converted is shown below.
Hard-Coded Banking and Paging
Use indirect addressing (FSR) and the Status register for banking and paging,
Varl equ 0x10 ;Declare variables
Var2 equ 0x30
movlw InitialValue
bcf FSR, 5 ;Data memory Var1 bank (0)
movwf Varl
bsf FSR, 5 ;Data memory Var2 bank (1)
movwf Var2
bsf STATUS, PA0 ;Program memory page 1
call Subroutine
Subroutine clrw ;On Page 1
retlw 0
BANKSEL for Banking and PAGESEL for Paging
Use banksel and pagesel for banking and paging, respectively.
extern Var1, Var2 ;Declare variables
movlw InitialValue
banksel Varl ;Select data memory Var1 bank
movwf Varl
banksel Var2 ;Select data memory Var2 bank
movwf Var2
pagesel Subroutine ;Select program memory page
call Subroutine
Subroutine clrw ;Page unknown at assembly time
retlw 0
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Once the code conversion is complete, the object module is generated automatically
in the IDE or by requesting an object file on the command line or in the shell interface.
When using MPASM assembler for Windows, check the checkbox labeled "Object
File." When using the command line interface, specify the /o or -o- option. The output
file will have a .o extension.
Since an eight-by-eight bit multiply is a useful, generic routine, it would be handy to
break this off into a separate object file that can be linked in when required. The
absolute code file can be broken into two relocatable code files: a calling file
representing an application and a generic routine that could be incorporated in a library.
This code was adapted from application note AN617. Please see the Microchip website
for a downloadable pdf of this app note.
; Input: fixed point arguments in AARGB0 and BARGB0
; Output: product AARGxBARG in AARGB0:AARGB1
; Other comments truncated. See AN617.
#include ;Use any PIC16 device you like
LOOPCOUNT EQU 0x20 ;7 loops needed to complete routine
AARGB0 EQU 0x21 ;MSB of result out,
AARGB1 EQU 0x22 ;operand A in (8 bits)
BARGB0 EQU 0x23 ;LSB of result out,
;operand B in (8 bits)
clrf AARGB1 ;Clear partial product before testing
movlw D'11'
movwf AARGB0
movlw D'30'
movwf BARGB0
call UMUL0808L ;After loading AARGB0 and BARGB0,
;call routine
goto $ ;Result now in AARGB0:AARGB1,
;where (B0 is MSB)
movlw 0x08
movf AARGB0,W
rrf BARGB0, F
btfsc STATUS,C
goto LUM0808NAP
goto LOOPUM0808A
clrf AARGB0
retlw 0x00
goto LUM0808NA
Relocatable Objects
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rrf BARGB0, F
btfsc STATUS,C
addwf AARGB0, F
rrf AARGB0, F
rrf AARGB1, F
goto LOOPUM0808
retlw 0
; Input: fixed point arguments in AARGB0 and BARGB0
; Output: product AARGxBARG in AARGB0:AARGB1
; Other comments truncated. See AN617.
#include ;Use any PIC16 device you like
Reset CODE 0x0
pagesel TestCode
goto TestCode
banksel AARGB1
clrf AARGB1 ;Clear partial product before testing
movlw D'11' ;Load in 2 test values
movwf AARGB0
movlw D'30'
movwf BARGB0
pagesel UMUL0808L
call UMUL0808L ;After loading AARGB0 and BARGB0,
;call routine
goto $ ;Result now in AARGB0:AARGB1,
;where (AARGB0 is MSB)
; Input: fixed point arguments in AARGB0 and BARGB0
; Output: product AARGxBARG in AARGB0:AARGB1
; Other comments truncated. See AN617.
#include ;Use any PIC16 device you like
LOOPCOUNT RES 1 ;7 loops needed to complete routine
AARGB0 RES 1 ;MSB of result out,
AARGB1 RES 1 ;operand A in (8 bits)
BARGB0 RES 1 ;LSB of result out,
;operand B in (8 bits)
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DS33014L-page 200 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
movlw 0x08
movf AARGB0,W
rrf BARGB0, F
btfsc STATUS,C
goto LUM0808NAP
goto LOOPUM0808A
clrf AARGB0
retlw 0x00
goto LUM0808NA
rrf BARGB0, F
btfsc STATUS,C
addwf AARGB0, F
rrf AARGB0, F
rrf AARGB1, F
goto LOOPUM0808
retlw 0
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 201
Chapter 7. Macro Language
Macros are user defined sets of instructions and directives that will be evaluated in-line
with the assembler source code whenever the macro is invoked.
Macros consist of sequences of assembler instructions and directives. They can be
written to accept arguments, making them quite flexible. Their advantages are:
• Higher levels of abstraction, improving readability and reliability.
• Consistent solutions to frequently performed functions.
• Simplified changes.
• Improved testability.
Applications might include creating complex tables, frequently used code, and complex
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Macro Syntax
• Macro Directives Defined
• Macro Definition
• Macro Invocation
• Macro Code Examples
MPASM assembler macros are defined according to the following syntax:
label macro [arg1,arg2 ..., argn]
where label is a valid assembler label that will be the macro name and arg is any
number of optional arguments supplied to the macro (that will fit on the source line.)
The values assigned to these arguments at the time the macro is invoked will be
substituted wherever the argument name occurs in the body of the macro.
The body of a macro may be comprised of MPASM assembler directives, PIC1X MCU
assembly instructions, or MPASM assembler macro directives (local for example.)
The assembler continues to process the body of the macro until an exitm or endm
directive is encountered.
Note: Macros must be defined before they are used, i.e., forward references to
macros are not permitted.
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DS33014L-page 202 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
There are directives that are unique to macro definitions. They cannot be used out of
the macro context.
•4.45 “macro - Declare Macro Definition”
•4.31 “exitm - Exit from a Macro”
•4.26 “endm - End a Macro Definition”
•4.32 “expand - Expand Macro Listing”
•4.49 “noexpand - Turn off Macro Expansion”
•4.44 “local - Declare Local Macro Variable”
When writing macros, you can use any of these directives PLUS any other directives
supported by the assembler.
String replacement and expression evaluation may appear within the body of a macro.
Arguments may be used anywhere within the body of the macro, except as part of
normal expression.
The exitm directive provides an alternate method for terminating a macro expansion.
During a macro expansion, this directive causes expansion of the current macro to stop
and all code between the exitm and the endm directives for this macro to be ignored.
If macros are nested, exitm causes code generation to return to the previous level of
macro expansion.
Note: The previous syntax of the “dot” format for macro specific directives is no
longer supported.
Command Description
arg Substitute the argument text supplied as part of the macro invocation.
#v(expr)Return the integer value of expr. Typically, used to create unique variable
names with common prefixes or suffixes. Cannot be used in conditional
assembly directives (e.g. ifdef, while).
Macro Language
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Once the macro has been defined, it can be invoked at any point within the source
module by using a macro call, as described below:
macro_name [arg, ..., arg]
where macro_name is the name of a previously defined macro and arguments are
supplied as required.
The macro call itself will not occupy any locations in memory. However, the macro
expansion will begin at the current memory location. Commas may be used to reserve
an argument position. In this case, the argument will be an empty string. The argument
list is terminated by white space or a semicolon.
The following macro:
define_table macro
local a = 0
while a < 3
entry#v(a) dw 0
a += 1
When invoked, would generate:
entry0 dw 0
entry1 dw 0
entry2 dw 0
entry3 dw 0
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DS33014L-page 204 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The following are examples of macros:
• Literal to RAM Conversion
• Constant Compare
7.6.1 Literal to RAM Conversion
This code converts any literal of 32 bits to 4 separate RAM data values. In this example,
the literal 0x12345678 is put in the desired 8 bit registers as 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, and
0x78. Any literal can be “unpacked” this way using this macro.
udata 0x20
Out0 res 1 ; LSB
Out1 res 1 ; :
Out2 res 1 ; :
Out3 res 1 ; MSB
Unpack32 MACRO Var, Address ;Var = 32 bit literal to be unpacked
BANKSEL Address ;Address specifies the LSB start
movlw Address ;Use FSR and INDF for indirect
movwf FSR ;access to desired address
movlw Var & H'FF' ;Mask to get LSB
movwf INDF ;Put in first location
movlw Var >>D'08' & H'FF';Mask to get next byte of literal
incf FSR,F ;Point to next byte
movwf INDF ;Write data to next byte
movlw Var >>D'16' & H'FF';Mask to get next byte of literal
incf FSR,F ;Point to next byte
movwf INDF ;Write data to next byte
movlw Var >>D'24' & H'FF';Mask to get last byte of literal
incf FSR,F ;Point to last byte
movwf INDF ;Write data to last byte
ENDM ;End of the Macro Definition
Start ;TEST CODE for Unpack32 MACRO
Unpack32 0x12345678,Out0 ;Put Unpack Macro here
goto $ ;Do nothing (loop forever)
Macro Language
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 205
7.6.2 Constant Compare
As another example, if the following macro were written:
#include ""
; compare file to constant and jump if file
; >= constant.
cfl_jge macro file, con, jump_to
movlw con & 0xff
subwf file, w
btfsc status, carry
goto jump_to
and invoked by:
cfl_jge switch_val, max_switch, switch_on
it would produce:
movlw max_switch & 0xff
subwf switch_val, w
btfsc status, carry
goto switch_on
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1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 207
Chapter 8. Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
Error messages, warning messages and general messages produced by the MPASM
assembler are listed and detailed here. These messages always appear in the listing
file directly above each line in which the error occurred. Limitations of the assembler
tool are also listed.
The messages are stored in the error file (.err) if no MPASM assembler options are
specified. If the /e- or -e- option is used (turns error file off), then the messages will
appear on the screen. If the /q or -q (quiet mode) option is used with the /e- or -e-,
then the messages will not display on the screen or in an error file. The messages will
still appear in the listing file.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Assembler Errors
• Assembler Warnings
• Assembler Messages
• Assembler Limitations
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DS33014L-page 208 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPASM assembler errors are listed numerically below:
User error, invoked with the error directive.
102 Out of memory
Not enough memory for macros, #define’s or internal processing.
103 Symbol table full
No more memory available for the symbol table.
104 Temp file creation error
Could not create a temporary file. Check the available disk space.
105 Cannot open file
Could not open a file. If it is a source file, the file may not exist. If it is an output file, the
old version may be write protected.
To check for write-protect, right-click on the file named by MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE
v8 in Windows. Choose “Properties” and see if “read-only” is checked. If it is, it cannot
be modified by the IDE and will generate this error message. This often happens when
you save your project to a CD-R or similar write-once media as a backup, and then
copy the data to your computer. Copying to a CD marks all files as read-only (they
cannot be changed on a CD-R), and when you copy the files, the attributes move with
them making them all read-only on your hard drive. A good way to prevent this is to
archive all of the files in one file, such as a *.ZIP, and then restore them from CD. The
archive will preserve the original file attributes.
106 String substitution too complex
A string substitution was attempted that was too complex. Check for nesting of
107 Illegal digit
An illegal digit in a number. Valid digits are 0-1 for binary, 0-7 for octal, 0-9 for decimal,
and 0-9, a-f, and A-F for hexadecimal.
108 Illegal character
An illegal character in a label. Valid characters for labels are alphabetic (a..f, A..F),
numeric (0-9), the underscore (_), and the question mark (?). Labels may not begin with
a numeric.
109 Unmatched (
An open parenthesis did not have a matching close parenthesis. For example,
DATA (1+2.
110 Unmatched)
An close parenthesis did not have a matching open parenthesis. For example,
DATA 1+2).
111 Missing symbol
An equ or set directive did not have a symbol to which to assign the value.
Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 209
112 Missing operator
An arithmetic operator was missing from an expression. For example, DATA 1 2.
113 Symbol not previously defined
A symbol was referenced that has not yet been defined. Check the spelling and
location of the declaration of any symbols used in your code. Only addresses may be
used as forward references. Constants and variables must be declared before they are
This sometimes happens when #include files are used in your project. Since the text
from an include file is inserted at the location of the #include statement, and you may
have labels used before that point, you can get this error. Also, the error may occur due
to a typing error, spelling mistake or case change in your label. MyLabel is not the
same as Mylabel unless case sensitivity is turned off (it is on by default). Additionally,
goto MyLabel will never locate the code at Mylabl or Mylable. Check for these
sorts of mistakes first. As a general rule, put your include files at the top of each file. If
this seems to cluttered, you may include files within other include files.
114 Divide by zero
Division by zero encountered during an expression evaluation.
115 Duplicate label
A label was declared as a constant (e.g., with the equ or cblock directive) in more
than one location.
116 Address label duplicated or different in second pass
The same label was used in two locations. Alternately, the label was used only once
but evaluated to a different location on the second pass. This often happens when
users try to write page-bit setting macros that generate different numbers of instructions
based on the destination.
117 Address wrapped around 0
For PIC12/16 devices, the location counter can only advance to 0xFFFF. After that, it
wraps back to 0. Error 117 is followed by error 118.
118 Overwriting previous address contents
Code was previously generated for this address.
119 Code too fragmented
The code is broken into too many pieces. This error is very rare, and will only occur in
source code that references addresses above 32K (including configuration bits).
120 Call or jump not allowed at this address
A call or jump cannot be made to this address. For example, CALL destinations on the
PIC16C5x family must be in the lower half of the page.
121 Illegal label
Labels are not allowed on certain directive lines. Simply put the label on its own line,
above the directive. Also, high, low, page, and bank are not allowed as labels.
122 Illegal opcode
Token is not a valid opcode.
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DS33014L-page 210 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
123 Illegal directive
Directive is not allowed for the selected processor; for example, the __idlocs
directive on devices with ID locations.
124 Illegal argument
An illegal directive argument; for example, list foobar.
125 Illegal condition
A bad conditional assembly. For example, an unmatched endif.
126 Argument out of range
Opcode or directive argument out of the valid range; for example, TRIS 10.
127 Too many arguments
Too many arguments specified for a macro call.
128 Missing argument(s)
Not enough arguments for a macro call or an opcode.
129 Expected
Expected a certain type of argument. The expected list will be provided.
130 Processor type previously defined
A different family of processor is being selected.
131 Processor type is undefined
Code is being generated before the processor has been defined. Note that until the
processor is defined, the opcode set is not known.
132 Unknown processor
The selected processor is not a valid processor.
133 Hex file format INHX32 required
An address above 32K was specified.
134 Illegal hex file format
An illegal hex file format was specified in the list directive.
135 Macro name missing
A macro was defined without a name.
136 Duplicate macro name
A macro name was duplicated.
137 Macros nested too deep
The maximum macro nesting level was exceeded.
138 Include files nested too deep
The maximum include file nesting level was exceeded.
Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 211
139 Maximum of 100 lines inside WHILE-ENDW
A while-endw can contain at most 100 lines.
140 WHILE must terminate within 256 iterations
A while-endw loop must terminate within 256 iterations. This is to prevent infinite
141 WHILEs nested too deep
The maximum while-endw nesting level was exceeded.
142 IFs nested too deep
The maximum if nesting level was exceeded.
143 Illegal nesting
Macros, if's and while's must be completely nested; they cannot overlap. If you have
an if within a while loop, the endif must come before the endw.
144 Unmatched ENDC
endc found without a cblock.
145 Unmatched ENDM
endm found without a macro definition.
146 Unmatched EXITM
exitm found without a macro definition.
147 Directive/operation only allowed when generating an object file
The instruction/operand shown only has meaning when a linkable object file is
generated. It cannot be used when generating absolute code.
148 Expanded source line exceeded 200 characters
The maximum length of a source line, after #define and macro parameter
substitution, is 200 characters. Note that #define substitution does not include
comments, but macro parameter substitution does.
149 Directive only allowed when generating an object file
Certain directives, such as global and extern, only have meaning when a linkable
object file is generated. They cannot be used when generating absolute code.
150 Labels must be defined in a code or data section when making an
object file
When generating a linkable object file, all data and code address labels must be
defined inside a data or code section. Symbols defined by the equ and set directives
can be defined outside of a section.
151 Operand contains unresolvable labels or is too complex
When generating an object file, operands must be of the form [high|low]([relocatable
address label]+[offset]).
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DS33014L-page 212 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
152 Executable code and data must be defined in an appropriate section
When generating a linkable object file, all executable code and data declarations must
be placed within appropriate sections.
153 Page or Bank bits cannot be evaluated for the operand
The operand of a pagesel, banksel or bankisel directive must be a relocatable
address label or a constant.
154 Each object file section must be contiguous
Object file sections, except udata_ovr sections, cannot be stopped and restarted
within a single source file. To resolve this problem, either name each section with its
own name or move the code and data declarations such that each section is
contiguous. This error will also be generated if two sections of different types are given
the same name.
155 All overlaid sections of the same name must have the same starting
If multiple udata_ovr sections with the same name are declared, they must all have
the same starting address.
156 Operand must be an address label
When generating object files, only address labels in code or data sections may be
declared global. Variables declared by the set or equ directives may not be exported.
157 ORG at odd address
For PIC18 devices, you cannot place org at an odd address, only even. Consult your
device data sheet.
158 Cannot use RES directive with odd number of bytes
For PIC18 devices, you cannot use res to specify an odd number of bytes, only even.
Consult your device data sheet.
159 Cannot use FILL directive with odd number of bytes
For PIC18 devices, you cannot use fill to fill with data an odd number of bytes, only
even. Consult your device data sheet.
160 CODE_PACK directive not available for this part;substituting CODE
The code_pack directive can only be used with byte-addressable ROM.
161 Non-negative value required for this context.
Some contexts require non-negative values.
162 Expected a section name
Some operators and pseudo-operators take section names as operands. The lexical
form of a section name is that of an identifier, optionally prefixed with a ‘.’.
163 __CONFIG directives must be contiguous
Do not place other code between __config directive declarations.
164 __IDLOC directives must be contiguous
Do not place other code between __idloc directive declarations.
Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 213
165 extended mode not available for this device
This PIC18 device does not support extended mode.
166 left bracket missing from offset operand
The left bracket is missing from an offset, e.g., [0x55.
167 right bracket missing from offset operand
The right bracket is missing from an offset, e.g., 0x55].
168 square brackets required around offset operand
Square brackets are required around an offset, e.g., [0x55]
169 access bit cannot be specified with indexed mode
When using indexed mode, the access bit cannot be specified.
170 expression within brackets must be constant
The expression specified within brackets is not a constant value.
171 address specified is not in access ram range of [0x60, 0xFF]
When making use of Access RAM, addressing must occur within the specified Access
Bank range.
172 PCL, TOSL, TOSH, or TOSU cannot be destination of MOVFF or
These registers cannot be written to with movff or movsf commands.
174 __CONFIG directives must be listed in ascending order
List config directive configuration registers in ascending order, e.g.,
175 __IDLOCS directives must be listed in ascending order
List __idlocs directive ID registers in ascending order, e.g.,
__idlocs _IDLOC0, 0x1
__idlocs _IDLOC1, 0x2
__idlocs _IDLOC2, 0x3
176 CONFIG Directive Error:
An error was found in the config directive syntax.
177 __CONFIG directives cannot be used with CONFIG directives
Do not mix __config directives and config directives when assigning configuration
bits in your code.
178 __CONFIG Directive Error
An error was found in the __config directive syntax.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 214 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
179 Instruction is not supported on this device
This error would occur when an instruction is used in code which is not supported on
the particular family/architecture.
180 RES directive cannot reserve odd number of bytes in PIC18 absolute
This error would occur if you try to reserve an odd number of bytes using a PIC18
device and assemble in absolute mode (Quickbuild). For example:
org 0x0
a res 1
If you try to Quickbuild the above PIC18 MCU program, you will see error 180 and
warning 231.
An internal application error has occurred. (### is the value of the last defined error plus
Contact your Microchip Field Application Engineer (FAE) or Microchip support if you
cannot debug this error.
Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 215
MPASM assembler warnings are listed numerically below:
201 Symbol not previously defined
The symbol being #undefined was not previously defined.
202 Argument out of range. Least significant bits used
Argument did not fit in the allocated space. For example, literals must be 8 bits.
203 Found opcode in column 1
An opcode was found in column one, which is reserved for labels.
204 Found pseudo-op in column 1
A pseudo-op was found in column one, which is reserved for labels.
205 Found directive in column 1
A directive was found in column one, which is reserved for labels.
206 Found call to macro in column 1
A macro call was found in column one, which is reserved for labels.
207 Found label after column 1
A label was found after column one, which is often due to a misspelled opcode.
208 Label truncated at 32 characters
Maximum label length is 32 characters.
209 Missing quote
A text string or character was missing a quote. For example, DATA 'a.
210 Extra “,”
An extra comma was found at the end of the line.
211 Extraneous arguments on the line
Extra arguments were found on the line.
212 Expected (ENDIF)
Expected an endif statement, i.e., an if statement was used without an endif.
213 The EXTERN directive should only be used when making a .o file
The extern directive only has meaning if an object file is being created. This warning
has been superseded by Error 149.
214 Unmatched (
An unmatched parenthesis was found. The warning is used if the parenthesis is not
used for indicating order of evaluation.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 216 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
215 Processor superseded by command line. Verify processor symbol
The processor was specified on the command line as well as in the source file. The
command line has precedence.
If you are using an IDE with the assembly, set the device to match the source file from
File>Project Properties (MPLAB X IDE) or Configure>Select Device (MPLAB IDE v8).
216 Radix superseded by command line
The radix was specified on the command line as well as in the source file. The
command line has precedence.
217 Hex file format specified on command line
The hex file format was specified on the command line as well as in the source file. The
command line has precedence.
218 Expected DEC, OCT, HEX. Will use HEX
Bad radix specification.
219 Invalid RAM location specified
If the __maxram and __badram directives are used, this warning flags use of any RAM
locations declared as invalid by these directives. Note that the provided header files
include __maxram and __badram for each processor.
220 Address exceeds maximum range for this processor
A ROM location was specified that exceeds the processor's memory size.
221 Invalid message number
The message number specified for displaying or hiding is not a valid message number.
222 Error messages cannot be disabled
Error messages cannot be disabled with the errorlevel command.
223 Redefining processor
The selected processor is being reselected by the list or processor directive.
224 Use of this instruction is not recommended
The instruction is being obsoleted and is not recommended for current use. However,
it is still supported for legacy reasons.
225 Invalid label in operand
Operand was not a valid address. For example, if the user tried to issue a CALL to a
MACRO name.
226 Destination address must be word aligned
The destination address is not aligned with the start of a program memory word. For
this device, use even bytes to specify address.
227 Substituting RETLW 0 for RETURN pseudo-op
Using retlw 0 instead of return to resume program execution.
Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 217
228 Invalid ROM location specified
The data memory location specified is not valid for the operation specified or is
229 extended mode is not in effect -- overridden by command line
A command-line option has disabled extended mode operation.
230 __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive
Although you may still use the __config directive for PIC18 MCU devices, it is
strongly recommended that you use the config directive (no leading underscores)
instead. For PIC18FXXJ MCUs, you must user the config directive.
231 No memory has been reserved by this instruction
This warning would appear if an instruction which is meant to reserve memory cannot
actually reserve that memory. For example:
org 0x0
a res 1
The above PIC18 assembly program is attempting to reserve one byte (a res 1) but
this is not valid for a PIC18 MCU as each word size is two bytes.
232 STATUS register has no IRP or RP1 or RP0 bits
For PIC16 extended instruction devices, you are trying to access a non-existent bit of
the STATUS register (IRP or RP1 or RP0 bits).
An internal application error has occurred. (### is the value of the last defined warning
plus 1.)
However, it is not severe enough to keep your code from assembling, i.e., it is a
warning, not an error.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 218 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPASM assembler messages are listed numerically below:
User-definable message, invoked with the messg directive (see Section 4.48 “messg
- Create User Defined Message”).
302 Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are correct.
This is a commonly seen reminder message to tell you that a variable that is being
accessed in not in bank 0. This message was added to remind you to check your code,
particularly code in banks other than 0. Review the section on banksel
(Section 4.7 “banksel - Generate Bank Selecting Code”) and bankisel
(Section 4.6 “bankisel - Generate Indirect Bank Selecting Code (PIC12/16
MCUs)”) and ensure that your code uses bank bits whenever changing from ANY bank
to ANY other bank (including bank 0).
Since the assembler or linker can't tell which path your code will take, you will always
get this message for any variable not in bank 0. You can use the errorlevel
command to turn this and other messages on and off, but be careful as you may not
spot a banking problem with this message turned off. For more about errorlevel,
see Section 4.30 “errorlevel - Set Message Level”.
A similar message is 306 for paging.
303 Program word too large. Truncated to core size.
The program word (instruction width) is too large for the selected device’s core
(program memory) size. Therefore the word has been truncated to the proper size.
For example, a 14-bit instruction would be truncated to 12 bits to be used by a
304 ID Locations value too large. Last four hex digits used.
Only four hex digits are allowed for the ID locations.
305 Using default destination of 1 (file).
If no destination bit is specified, the default is used. Usually code that causes this
message is missing the ,W or ,F after the register name, but sometimes the bug is due
to typing movf instead of movwf.
It is best to fix any code that is causing this message. The default destination could not
be where you want the value stored, and could cause the code to operate strangely.
306 Crossing page boundary -- ensure page bits are set.
Generated code is crossing a page boundary. This is a reminder message to tell you
that code is being directed to a label that is on a page other than page 0. It is not an
error or warning, but a reminder to check your page bits. Use the pagesel directive
(Section 4.53 “pagesel - Generate Page Selecting Code (PIC10/12/16 MCUs)”)
before this point and remember to use another pagesel if returning to page 0.
The assembler can't tell what path your code will take, so this message is generated
for any label in a page other than 0.You can use the errorlevel command to turn
this and other messages on and off, but be careful as you may not spot a paging
problem with this message turned off. For more about errorlevel, see
Section 4.30 “errorlevel - Set Message Level”.
A similar message is 302 for banking.
Errors, Warnings, Messages, and Limitations
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 219
307 Setting page bits.
Page bits are being set with the LCALL or LGOTO pseudo-op.
308 Warning level superseded by command line value.
The warning level was specified on the command line as well as in the source file. The
command line has precedence.
309 Macro expansion superseded by command line.
Macro expansion was specified on the command line as well as in the source file. The
command line has precedence.
310 Superseding current maximum RAM and RAM map.
The __maxram directive has been used previously.
311 Operand of HIGH operator was larger than H’FFFF’.
High byte of address returned by high directive was greater than 0xFFFF.
312 Page or Bank selection not needed for this device. No code
If a device contains only one ROM page or RAM bank, no page or bank selection is
required, and any pagesel, banksel, or bankisel directives will not generate any
313 CBLOCK constants will start with a value of 0.
If the first cblock in the source file has no starting value specified, this message will
be generated.
314 LFSR instruction is not supported on some versions of the 18Cxx2
See message 315 for more information.
315 Please refer to Microchip document DS80058A for more details
A downloadable pdf of this document, PIC18CXX2 Silicon/Data Sheet Errata, is
available from the Microchip website.
316 W Register modified.
The working (W) register has been modified
317 W Register not modified. BSF/BCF STATUS instructions used
The working (W) register has not been modified
318 Superseding current maximum ROM and ROM map.
Operation will cause maximum ROM to be exceeded.
An internal application error has occurred. (### is the value of the last defined message
plus 1.)
However, it is not severe enough to keep your code from assembling, i.e., it is a
message, not an error.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 220 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
8.5.1 General Limitations
• If a fully qualified path is specified, only that path will be searched. Otherwise, the
search order is: (1) current working directory, (2) source file directory, and (3)
MPASM assembler executable directory.
• There is a source file line limit (expanded) of 200 characters.
• MPLAB X IDE v1.40 and above has a parallel make facility and will attempt to
compile multiple source files simultaneously if your PC has a multi-core
processor. The assembler is not compatible with parallel make and you should
disable parallel make when using the assembler by itself or as part of MPLAB C18
(see Tools>Options, Embedded tab, Project options sub-tab).
8.5.2 Directive Limitations
• Do not use #includes in macros.
•if directive limits
- Maximum nesting depth = 16
•include directive limits
- Maximum nesting depth = 5
- Maximum number of files = 255
•macro directive limits
- Maximum nesting depth = 16
•while directive limits
- Maximum nesting depth = 8
- Maximum number of lines per loop = 100
- Maximum iterations = 256
8.5.3 MPASM Assembler Versions before v5.39 (MPLAB IDE v8)
There is an assembler command-line length limit of 255 characters.
8.5.4 MPASM Assembler Versions before v3.30 (MPLAB IDE v8)
Assembler versions before v3.30 (v3.2x and earlier) have limitations based on the
generation a COD file for debugging and the support of a command-line version,
• There is a 62 character length restriction for file and path names in the debug
(COD) file produced by MPASM assembler. This can cause problems when
assembling single files with long file names and/or path names.
- Shorten your file name or move your file into a directory closer to the root
directory (shorten the path name), and try assembling your file again.
- Create a Mapped drive for the long directory chain.
- Use the linker with the assembler, and not the assembler alone, to generate
your output. There is no character restriction with MPLINK linker.
• The command-line version of the assembler (mpasm.exe) has the following
- File names are limited to 8.3 format.
-config directive not supported.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 221
Part 2 – MPLINK Object Linker
Chapter 9. MPLINK Linker Overview ........................................................................ 223
Chapter 10. Linker Interfaces.................................................................................... 231
Chapter 11. Linker Scripts......................................................................................... 235
Chapter 12. Linker Processing ................................................................................. 251
Chapter 13. Sample Applications ............................................................................. 255
Chapter 14. Errors, Warnings and Common Problems .......................................... 285
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 222 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 223
Chapter 9. MPLINK Linker Overview
An overview of the MPLINK object linker and its capabilities is presented.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• MPLINK Linker Defined
• How MPLINK Linker Works
• How MPLINK Linker Helps You
• Linker Platforms Supported
• Linker Operation
• Linker Input/Output Files
MPLINK object linker (the linker) combines object modules generated by the MPASM
assembler or the MPLAB C18 C compiler into a single executable (hex) file. The linker
also accepts libraries of object files as input, as generated by the MPLIB object
librarian. The linking process is controlled by a linker script file, which is also input into
MPLINK linker.
For more information on MPASM assembler, see Chapter 1. “MPASM Assembler
Overview”. For more information on MPLAB C18, see C compiler documentation
listed in “Recommended Reading”.
MPLINK linker performs many functions:
• Locates Code and Data. The linker takes as input relocatable object files. Using
the linker script, it decides where the code will be placed in program memory and
where variables will be placed in RAM.
• Resolves Addresses. External references in a source file generate relocation
entries in the object file. After the linker locates code and data, it uses this
relocation information to update all external references with the actual addresses.
• Generates an Executable. Produces a .hex file that can be programmed into a
PIC1X MCU or loaded into an emulator or simulator to be executed.
• Configures Stack Size and Location. Allows MPLAB C18 to set aside RAM space
for dynamic stack usage.
• Identifies Address Conflicts. Checks to ensure that program/data do not get
assigned to space that has already been assigned or reserved.
• Provides Symbolic Debug Information. Outputs a file that the IDE uses to track
address labels, variable locations, and line/file information for source level
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 224 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPLINK linker allows you to produce modular, reusable code. Control over the linking
process is accomplished through a linker script file and with command line options. The
linker ensures that all symbolic references are resolved and that code and data fit into
the available PIC1X MCU device.
MPLINK linker can help you with:
• Reusable Source Code. You can build up your application in small, reusable
• Libraries. You can make libraries of related functions which can be used in
creating efficient, readily compilable applications.
• MPLAB C18. The Microchip compiler for PIC18 devices requires the use of
MPLINK linker and can be used with precompiled libraries and MPASM
• Centralized Memory Allocation. By using application-specific linker scripts,
precompiled objects and libraries can be combined with new source modules and
placed efficiently into available memory at link time.
• Accelerated Development. Since tested modules and libraries don't have to be
recompiled each time a change is made in your code, compilation time may be
MPLINK linker is supported under Windows 2000/XP, Windows Vista, Linux and Mac
MPLINK Linker Overview
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 225
The MPLINK linker combines multiple input object modules and library files, per the
linker script file, into a single output COF file. Utilities can be used to generate
executable code (.hex) or a linker listing file (.lst) from the COF file. A map file can
also be generated to aid in debugging.
The linker is executed after assembling or compiling relocatable object modules with
the MPASM assembler and/or MPLAB C18 C compiler. The actual addresses of data
and the location of functions will be assigned when the MPLINK linker is executed. This
means that you may instruct the linker, via a linker script, to place code and data
somewhere within named regions of memory, or, if not specified, to place into any
available memory.
The linker script must also tell the MPLINK linker about the ROM and RAM memory
regions available in the target PIC1X MCU device. Then, it can analyze all the input
files and try to fit the application's routines into ROM and assign its data variables into
available RAM. If there is too much code or too many variables to fit, the linker will give
an error message.
The MPLINK linker also provides flexibility for specifying that certain blocks of data
memory are reusable, so that different routines (which never call each other and which
don't depend upon this data to be retained between execution) can share limited RAM
When using a C compiler, libraries are available for most PIC MCU peripheral functions
as well as for many standard C functions. The linker will only extract and link individual
object files that are needed for the current application from the included libraries. This
means that relatively large libraries can be used in a highly efficient manner.
The MPLINK linker combines all input files and ensure that all addresses are resolved.
Any function in the various input modules that attempts to access data or call a routine
that has not been allocated or created will cause the linker to generate an error.
Finally the linker calls the MP2HEX utility to generate the executable output. The
MPLINK linker also generates symbolic information for debugging your application with
the IDE (.cof and .map files). A list file (.lst) can also be generated by calling the
MP2COD utility.
library file
script file*
* The linker will select this file for you.
main.o prog1.o
MPLINK linker
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 226 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The MPLINK linker combines multiple object files into one executable hex file.
Input Files
Output Files
9.7.1 Object File (.o)
Object files are the relocatable code produced from source files. The MPLINK linker
combines object files and library files, according to a linker script, into a single output
Object files may be created from source files by MPASM assembler and library files
may be created from object files by MPLIB librarian.
9.7.2 Library File (.lib)
Libraries are a convenient way of grouping related object modules. A library file may
be created from object files by MPLIB librarian. For more on the librarian, see Chapter
15. “MPLIB Librarian Overview”.
9.7.3 Linker Script File (.lkr)
Linker script files are the command files of MPLINK linker. For more information on
linker scripts, see Chapter 11. “Linker Scripts”.
Standard linker script files are located in:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\LKR
During the link process, if MPLINK linker is unable to resolve a reference to a symbol,
it will search libraries specified on the command line or in the linker script in an attempt
to resolve the reference. If a definition is found in a library file, the object file containing
that definition will be included in the link.
Object File (.o) Relocatable code produced from a source file.
Library File (.lib) A collection of object files grouped together for convenience.
Linker Script File (.lkr) Description of memory layout for a particular
COFF Object Module File
(.cof, .out)
Debug file used by MPLAB IDE v6.xx and later.
Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl,
Hexadecimal file with no debug information. Suitable for use
in programming.
This file is generated by the utility MP2HEX.
Listing File (.lst) Original source code, side-by-side with final binary code.
Note: Requires linker can find original source files.
This file is generated by the utility MP2COD.
Map File (.map) Shows the memory layout after linking. Indicates used and
unused memory regions.
MPLINK Linker Overview
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 227
9.7.4 COFF Object Module File (.cof, .out)
MPLINK linker generates a COFF file which provides debugging information to MPLAB
IDE v6.xx or later.
9.7.5 Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl, .hxh)
Both the MPASM assembler and the MPLINK linker can generate a hex file. For more
information on this format, see Section 1.7.5 “Hex File Formats (.hex, .hxl, .hxh)”.
For MPLINK linker, mp2hex.exe uses the COF file to generate the hex file. To prevent
hex file generation, use the /x or -x option.
9.7.6 Listing File (.lst)
An MPLINK linker listing file provides a mapping of source code to object code. It also
provides a list of symbol values, memory usage information, and the number of errors,
warnings and messages generated.
This file may be viewed in MPLAB X IDE by:
1. selecting File>Open File to launch the Open dialog
2. selecting “All Files” from the “Files of type” drop-down list
3. locating the desired list file
4. clicking on the list file name
5. clicking Open
This file may be viewed in MPLAB IDE v8 by:
1. selecting File>Open to launch the Open dialog
2. selecting “List files (*.lst)” from the “Files of type” drop-down list
3. locating the desired list file
4. clicking on the list file name
5. clicking Open
Both the MPASM assembler and the MPLINK linker can generate listing files. For
information on the MPASM assembler listing file, see Section 1.7.3 “Listing File
An alternative to a listing file would be to use the information in the Disassembly
window, View>Disassembly in MPLAB IDE v8 or Window>Debugging>Disassembly in
The MPLINK linker uses the mp2cod.exe utility to generate the linker list file from the
COF file. To prevent linker list file generation, use the /w or -w- option.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 228 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The MP2COD utility version and list file generation data appear at the top of each page.
The first column contains the base address in memory where the code will be placed.
The second column is reserved for the machine instruction. This is the code that will be
executed by the PIC MCU. The third column displays disassembly code. The fourth
column lists the associated source code line. The fifth column lists the file associated
for the source code line.
MP2COD 3.80.03, COFF to COD File Converter
Copyright (c) 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.
Listing File Generated: Tue Nov 02 14:33:23 2004
Address Value Disassembly Source File
------- ----- ------------------- --------------------------------------- ----
#include (1)
LIST (2)
; P18F452.INC Standard Header File,... (2)
LIST (2)
udata (1)
Dest res 1 (1)
RST code 0x0 (1)
000000 ef16 GOTO 0x2c goto Start (1)
000002 f000
PGM code (1)
00002c 0e0a MOVLW 0xa Start movlw 0x0A (1)
00002e 6f80 MOVWF 0x80,0x1 movwf Dest (1)
000030 9780 BCF 0x80,0x3,0x1 bcf Dest, 3 (1)
000032 ef16 GOTO 0x2c goto Start (1)
000034 f000
end (1)
(1) = D:\Projects32\PIC18F452\SourceReloc.asm
(2) = C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\
Note: Due to page width restrictions, some comments have been shortened, indi-
cated by “..” Also, associated file names have been replaced by numbers,
i.e., (1) and (2). See the end of the listing of the actual file paths and names.
MPLINK Linker Overview
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 229
9.7.7 Map File (.map)
The map file generated by MPLINK linker can be viewed by selecting File>Open File
in MPLAB X IDE (or File>Open in MPLAB IDE v8) and choosing the file you specified
in the MPLINK linker options. It provides information on the absolute location of source
code symbols in the final output. It also provides information on memory use, indicating
used/unused memory. This window is automatically reloaded after each rebuild.
The map file contains four tables. The first table (Section Info) displays information
about each section. The information includes the name of the section, its type,
beginning address, whether the section resides in program or data memory, and its size
in bytes.
There are four types of sections:
• initialized data (idata)
• uninitialized data (udata)
• initialized ROM data (romdata)
The following table is an example of the section table in a map file:
Section Info
Section Type Address Location Size(Bytes)
--------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Reset code 0x000000 program 0x000002
.cinit romdata 0x000021 program 0x000004
.code code 0x000023 program 0x000026
.udata udata 0x000020 data 0x000005
The second table (Program Memory Usage) lists program memory addresses that
were used and provides a total usage statistic. For example:
Program Memory Usage
Start End
--------- ---------
0x000000 0x000005
0x00002a 0x00002b
0x0000bc 0x001174
0x001176 0x002895
10209 out of 32786 program addresses used, program memory utilization is 31%
The third table in the map file (Symbols - Sorted by Name) provides information about
the symbols in the output module. The table is sorted by the symbol name and includes
the address of the symbol, whether the symbol resides in program or data memory,
whether the symbol has external or static linkage, and the name of the file where
defined. The following table is an example of the symbol table sorted by symbol name
in a map file:
Symbols - Sorted by Name
Name Address Location Storage File
------- -------- -------- -------- ---------
call_m 0x000026 program static C:\PROGRA~1\MPLAB\ASMFOO\sampobj.asm
loop 0x00002e program static C:\MPASM assemblerV2\MUL8X8.ASM
main 0x000024 program static C:\PROGRA~1\MPLAB\ASMFOO\sampobj.asm
mpy 0x000028 program extern C:\MPASM assemblerV2\MUL8X8.ASM
start 0x000023 program static C:\PROGRA~1\MPLAB\ASMFOO\sampobj.asm
H_byte 0x000022 data extern C:\MPASM assemblerV2\MUL8X8.ASM
L_byte 0x000023 data extern C:\MPASM assemblerV2\MUL8X8.ASM
count 0x000024 data static C:\MPASM assemblerV2\MUL8X8.ASM
mulcnd 0x000020 data extern C:\MPASM assemblerV2\MUL8X8.ASM
mulplr 0x000021 data extern C:\MPASM assemblerV2\MUL8X8.ASM
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 230 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The fourth table in the map file (Symbols - Sorted by Address) provides the same
information that the third table provides, but it is sorted by symbol address rather than
symbol name.
If a linker error is generated, a complete map file can not be created. However, if the
/m or -m option was supplied, an error map file will be created. The error map file
contains only section information; no symbol information is provided. The error map file
lists all sections that were successfully allocated when the error occurred. This file, in
conjunction with the error message, should provide enough context to determine why
a section could not be allocated.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 231
Chapter 10. Linker Interfaces
MPLINK object linker usage is discussed.
When MPLAB X IDE/MPLAB IDE v8 or MPLAB C18 is installed, the MPLINK linker
(mplink.exe) is also installed.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• IDE Interface
• Command Line Interface
• Command Line Example
The MPLINK linker is commonly used with the MPASM assembler in an MPLAB X IDE
or MPLAB IDE v8 project to generate relocatable code. For more information on this
use, see the MPASM assembler on-line Help file.
The linker may also be used in the IDE with the MPLAB C18 C compiler. For more
information on Microchip compilers, see the MPLAB C18 C compiler documentation
listed in “Recommended Reading”.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 232 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
MPLINK linker can be used in the IDE or directly from a command line.
When used in an IDE, all of MPLINK linker's options are available through the Project
Properties dialog (File>Project Properties) for MPLAB X IDE or MPLINK Linker tab,
accessed from the Project>Build Options dialog, in MPLAB IDE v8.
When using MPLINK linker in a batch file, or directly from the command line, the linker
is invoked with the following two syntaxes:
mplink lkrscript partnumber objfiles [libfiles] [options]
mplink partnumber objfiles [libfiles] [options]
lkrscript is the name of a linker script file. All linker script files must have the
extension .lkr. It is not necessary to add the linker script file name to the command
line if you will be using the generic linker script, as described in the next paragraph.
However if you have your own modified script, you must include the name on the
command line.
partnumber indicates the part number for the device, as in 18f4520 for PIC18F4520.
For Windows OS, you specify the part number by /ppartnumber. For Linux or Mac
OS, you specify the part number by -ppartnumber.
If no linker script name is provided, the part number will be used to determine the
generic linker script to build the project. The linker will search the lkr directory to find
the generic linker script for that part. The lkr directory is located at the same location
as the MPLINK linker executable. The linker will construct the name of the generic
linker script by adding an ‘_g.lkr’ to the string value of the part number, as in
As of MPLINK linker v4.38, even is a linker script is provided, the part number must also
be provided.
objfile is the name of an assembler or compiler generated object file. All object files
must have the extension .o.
libfile is the name of a librarian-created library file. All library files must have the
extension .lib.
option is one of the linker command-line options described below. For Windows OS,
use a backslash and then the option. For Linux or Mac OS, use a dash and then the
Linker Interfaces
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There is no required order for the command line arguments; however, changing the
order can affect the operation of the linker. Specifically, additions to the
library/object directory search path are appended to the end of the current
library/object directory search path as they are encountered on the command
line and in command files.
Library and object files are searched for in the order in which directories occur in the
library/object directory search path. Therefore, changing the order of directories
may change which file is selected.
The /o or -o option is used to supply the name of the generated output COFF file for
the IDE debugging. Also generated is an Intel format hex file for programming. This file
has the same name as the output COFF file but with the file extension .hex. If this
option is not supplied, the default output COFF file is named a.out and the
corresponding hex file is named a.hex.
Option (/ or -) Description
a hexformat Specify format of hex output file.
dDo not generate a list file.
gGenerate report file for stack analysis.
h, ? Display help screen.
iGenerate a list file without a COD file.
k pathlist Add directories to linker search path.
l pathlist Add directories to library search path.
m filename Create map file filename.
n length Specify number of lines per listing page. (0 = No pagination)
o filename Specify output file filename. Default is a.out.
qQuiet mode (no errors or warnings).
u sym[=value] Specify multiple macros, where sym is a macro with alphanumeric
characters and value is a numerical value. If a value is not
provided, 0 will be used.
vVerbose mode (all errors and warnings).
wSuppress the mp2cod.exe utility. Using this option will prevent the
generation of a list file (.lst) and a COD file (.cod).
xSuppress the mp2hex.exe utility. Using this option will prevent the
generation of a hex file (.hex, .hxl, .hxh).
zsymbol=value Adds the symbol defined into the symbol table. For example,
/z__ICD2RAM=1 adds __ICD2RAM to the symbol table with a
value of 1.
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An example of an MPLINK linker command line is shown below.
Windows OS:
mplink myscript.lkr /p18f452 main.o funct.o math.lib /m /o main.out
Linux or Mac OS:
mplink myscript.lkr -p18f452 main.o funct.o math.lib -m -o main.out
This instructs MPLINK linker to use the myscript.lkr linker script file to link the input
modules main.o, funct.o, and the precompiled library math.lib. It also instructs
the linker to produce a map file named main.o and funct.o must have
been previously compiled or assembled. The output files main.cof and main.hex
will be produced if no errors occur during the link process. The project applies to a
PIC18F452 device.
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Chapter 11. Linker Scripts
Linker script files are used by the linker to generate application code. You no longer
need to add a device-specific linker script file to the command line or your MPLAB X
IDE or MPLAB IDE v8 project; the linker will find the appropriate file for you as long as
a device has been specified. However, if you want to use a non-standard linker script
file, you will have to add that manually.
Depending on the hardware debug tool you want to use, you may need to set certain
conditional symbols on the command line (see Example 11.8.4) or to select the Build
Configuration as “Debug” in MPLAB IDE v8 only.
Linker script files are the command files of the linker. They specify:
• Program and data memory regions for the target part
• Stack size and location (for MPLAB C18)
• A mapping of logical sections in source code into program and data regions
Linker script directives form the command language that controls the linker's behavior.
There are four basic categories of linker script directives. Each of these directives, plus
some useful linker script caveats, are discussed in the topics listed below.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Standard Linker Scripts
• Linker Script Command Line Information
• Linker Script Caveats
• Memory Region Definition
• Logical Section Definition
• STACK Definition
• Conditional Linker Statements
Note: Linker script comments are specified by '//', i.e., any text between a '//' and
the end of a line is ignored.
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Standard linker script files are provided for each device and are located, by default, in
the directory: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\LKR.
Standard linker scripts are named with the following convention partnumber_g.lkr.
For example, the standard linker script for PIC16F872 is 16F872_g.lkr. The
standard linker scripts contain conditional linker statements and the IDE uses the /u
command line flag to utilize these statements for different builds such as debug or no
debug. You can modify a local copy of the standard linker script and use it in your
Linker Scripts
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The MPLAB Project Manager can set this information directly. You probably only need
to use these if you are linking from the command line.
11.3.1 LIBPATH
Library and object files which do not have a path are searched using the
library/object search path. The following directive appends additional search
directories to the library/object search path:
LIBPATH libpath
where libpath is a semicolon-delimited list of directories.
To append the current directory and the directory C:\PROJECTS\INCLUDE to the
library/object search path, the following line should be added to the linker script
11.3.2 LKRPATH
Linker script files that are included using a linker script INCLUDE directive are
searched for using the linker script file search path. The following directive appends
additional search directories to the linker script file search path:
LKRPATH lkrpath
where lkrpath is a semicolon-delimited list of directories.
To append the current directory's parent and the directory C:\PROJECTS\SCRIPTS to
the linker script file search path, the following line should be added to the linker script
11.3.3 FILES
The following directive specifies object or library files for linking:
FILES objfile/libfile [objfile/libfile...]
where objfile/libfile is either an object or library file.
To specify that the object module main.o be linked with the library file math.lib, the
following line should be added to the linker script file:
FILES main.o math.lib
Note: More than one object or library file can be specified in a single FILES
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11.3.4 INCLUDE
The following directive includes an additional linker script file:
INCLUDE cmdfile
where cmdfile is the name of the linker script file to include.
To include the linker script file named mylink.lkr, the following line should be added
to the linker script file:
INCLUDE mylink.lkr
Some linker script caveats:
• You may need to modify the linker script files included with MPLINK linker before
using them.
• You may wish to reconfigure stack size to use MPLAB C18 with MPLINK linker.
• You will need to split up memory pages if your code contains goto or call
instructions without pagesel pseudo-instructions (directives.)
• You must not combine data memory regions when using MPLINK linker with
MPLAB C18 C compiler. MPLAB C18 requires that any section be located within a
single bank. See MPLAB C18 documentation for directions on creating variables
larger then a single bank.
Linker Scripts
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The linker script describes the memory architecture of the PIC1X MCU. This allows the
linker to place code in available ROM space and variables in available RAM space.
Regions that are marked PROTECTED will not be used for general allocation of program
or data. Code or data will only be allocated into these regions if an absolute address is
specified for the section, or if the section is assigned to the region using a SECTION
directive in the linker script file.
11.5.1 Defining RAM Memory Regions
The following directives are used for variable data in internal RAM. The formats for
these directives are as follows.
Banked Registers
Unbanked Registers
Access Registers (PIC18 devices only)
Linear Data Memory (PIC16F1xxx devices only)
DATABANK NAME=memName START=addr END=addr SHADOWED=linear0:addr
memName Any ASCII string used to identify an area in RAM.
addr A decimal (e.g., .30) or hexadecimal (e.g., 0xFF) number specifying an
[ ] An optional keyword.
PROTECTED A keyword that indicates a region of memory that only can be used
when specifically identified in the source code. The linker will not use
the protected area.
SHADOWED A keyword that maps a data memory range to the specified linear data
region linName at an address in that region.
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Based on the RAM memory layout shown in PIC16F877A Register File Map, the
DATABANK and SHAREBANK entries in the linker script file would appear as shown in
the examples below the map.
RAM Memory Declarations for PIC16F877A - Banked Memory
//Special Function Registers in Banks 0-3
//General Purpose RAM in Banks 0-3
RAM Memory Declarations for PIC16F877A - Unbanked Memory
//General Purpose RAM - available in all banks
SHAREBANK NAME=gprnobnk START=0x170 END=0x17F
Address Bank 0 Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3
10h T1CON —
General Purpose
RAM (Banked)
General Purpose
RAM (Banked)
:: :
20h General Purpose
RAM (Banked)
General Purpose
RAM (Banked)
General Purpose RAM (Unbanked):
Linker Scripts
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Based on the RAM memory layout shown in PIC18F8680 Register File Map, the
ACCESSBANK entries in the linker script file would appear as shown in the examples
below the map.
RAM Memory Declarations for PIC18F8680 - Access Memory
Address Range Bank Data Memory Map Access Bank
000h-05Fh Bank 0 Access RAM Access RAM Low
060h-0FFh GPRs
100h-1FFh Bank 1 GPRs
:: :
C00h-CFFh Bank 12 GPRs
D00h-DFFh Bank 13 CAN SFRs
E00h-EFFh Bank 14 CAN SFRs
F00h-F5Fh Bank 15 CAN SFRs
F60h-FFFh SFRs Access RAM High
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Based on the RAM memory layout shown in PIC16F1939 Register File Map, the
LINEARMEM entries in the linker script file would appear as shown in the examples
below the map.
RAM Memory Declarations for PIC16F1939 - Linear Memory Region
DATABANK NAME=gpr0 START=0x20 END=0x6F SHADOW=linear0:0x2000
DATABANK NAME=gpr1 START=0xA0 END=0xEF SHADOW=linear0:0x2050
DATABANK NAME=gpr2 START=0x120 END=0x16F SHADOW=linear0:0x20A0
DATABANK NAME=gpr3 START=0x1A0 END=0x1EF SHADOW=linear0:0x20F0
DATABANK NAME=gpr4 START=0x220 END=0x26F SHADOW=linear0:0x2140
DATABANK NAME=gpr5 START=0x2A0 END=0x2EF SHADOW=linear0:0x2190
DATABANK NAME=gpr6 START=0x320 END=0x36F SHADOW=linear0:0x21E0
DATABANK NAME=gpr7 START=0x3A0 END=0x3EF SHADOW=linear0:0x2230
DATABANK NAME=gpr8 START=0x420 END=0x46F SHADOW=linear0:0x2280
DATABANK NAME=gpr9 START=0x4A0 END=0x4EF SHADOW=linear0:0x22D0
DATABANK NAME=gpr10 START=0x520 END=0x56F SHADOW=linear0:0x2320
DATABANK NAME=gpr11 START=0x5A0 END=0x5EF SHADOW=linear0:0x2370
Address Range General Purpose Registers Bank Linear Data Memory Map
20h-6Fh 80 bytes (GPR0) Bank 0 2000h
A0h-EFh 80 bytes (GPR1) Bank 1 2050h
120h-16Fh 80 bytes (GPR2) Bank 2 20A0h
: :::
5A0h-5EFh 80 bytes (GPR11) Bank 11 2370h
620h-66Fh 48 bytes and Unimplemented
Bank 12 |
6A0h-6EFh Unimplemented (GPR13) Bank 13 |
: : : |
F20h-F6Fh Unimplemented (GPR30) Bank 30 23EFh
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11.5.2 Defining ROM Memory Regions
The CODEPAGE directive is used for program code, initialized data values, constant
data values and external memory. It has the following format:
CODEPAGE NAME=memName START=addr END=addr [PROTECTED] [FILL=fillvalue]
The program memory layout for a PIC16F877A microcontroller is shown below.
Based on this map, the CODEPAGE declarations are:
memName Any ASCII string used to identify a CODEPAGE.
addr A decimal (e.g., .30) or hexadecimal (e.g., 0xFF) number specifying an
[ ] An optional keyword.
FILL A keyword used to specify a value which fills any unused portion of
a memory block. If this value is in decimal notation, it is
assumed to be a 16-bit quantity. If it is in hexadecimal notation
(e.g., 0x2346), it may be any length divisible by full words (16
PROTECTED A keyword that indicates a region of memory that only can be used
by program code that specifically requests it.
Memory Address
Reset Vector Start: 0000h
Interrupt Vector Start: 0004h
User Memory Space 0005h - 07FFh
User Memory Space 0800h - 0FFFh
User Memory Space 1000h - 17FFh
User Memory Space 1800h - 1FFFh
ID Locations 2000h - 2003h
Reserved 2004h - 2005h
Device ID 2006h
Configuration Memory Space 2007h
Reserved 2008h - 20FFh
EEPROM Data 2100h - 21FFh
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Logical sections are used to specify which of the defined memory regions should be
used for a portion of source code. LINEARMEM is an example of a logical section.
To use logical sections, define the section in the linker script file with the SECTION
directive and then reference that name in the source file using that language's built-in
mechanism (e.g., #pragma section for MPLAB C18).
The section directive defines a section by specifying its name, and either the block of
program memory in ROM or the block of data memory in RAM which contains the
SECTION NAME=secName { ROM=memName | RAM=memName }
secName is an ASCII string used to identify a section.
memName is a previously defined ACCESSBANK, SHAREBANK, DATABANK, or
The ROM attribute must always refer to program memory previously defined using a
CODEPAGE directive. The RAM attribute must always refer to data memory previously
defined with a ACCESSBANK, DATABANK or SHAREBANK directive.
To specify that a section whose name is filter_coeffs be loaded into the region of
program memory named constants, the following line should be added to the linker
script file:
SECTION NAME=filter_coeffs ROM=constants
To place MPASM source code into a section named filter_coeffs, use the
following line prior to the desired source code:
filter_coeffs CODE
Only MPLAB C18 requires a software stack be set up. The following statement
specifies the stack size and an optional DATABANK where the stack is to be allocated:
STACK SIZE=allocSize [RAM=memName]
allocSize is the size in bytes of the stack and memName is the name of a memory
previously declared using a ACCESSBANK, DATABANK or SHAREBANK statement.
To set the stack size to be 0x20 in the RAM area previously defined by gpr0, the
following line should be added to the linker script file:
STACK SIZE=0x20 RAM=gpr0
Linker Scripts
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Generic linker scripts contain conditional statements and macros to accommodate
several different methods for linking code:
• Debug vs. Release - MPLAB IDE v8 Only (e.g., for the MPLAB REAL ICE
in-circuit emulator)
• C code vs. Assembly
• PIC18 Extended Microcontroller mode vs. Traditional mode
Being able to use one linker script instead of several simplifies application
MPLINK linker accepts IF/ELSE type conditional statements in the linker scripts, as
discussed below. Several macros are used in support of the conditional statements.
Also, certain directives are useful with these conditional statements.
Two syntaxes are accepted for these conditional statements:
Conditional 1
Conditional 2
Only one macro is allowed after this directive. If the macro is defined before, the if
clause will be parsed by the linker. Complex conditions must be constructed using
nested if-else clauses. #ELSE
No macro is allowed after this directive. The else clause will be parsed only in case that
the if clause is not. #FI
No macro is allowed after this directive. It identifies the end of if or else clause.
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11.8.2 Macros
Depending on what you want to do, macros may be set and used with conditional
statements to determine how the linker script will be interpreted by the linker.
If you are using MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE v8, all macros listed in Table 11-1 will
automatically be set for you. For MPLAB IDE v8, the only exception is Debug vs.
Release, which must be selected under the Build Configuration. See MPLAB IDE
documentation for more on how to set the Build Configuration.
If you are using the command line, you must set the macros yourself. The macros that
are available for you to set are listed below. On the command line, precede the macro
with /u. See Section 11.8.4 “Examples of Use” for some examples.
11.8.3 Supporting Directives
The #DEFINE directive may be used to define a macro or define it and set its value.
The ERROR directive can be used within an if-else clause. #DEFINE
This directive is used in the generic linker scripts to calculate the beginning and end of
the debug sections in code and data memory.
Through this directive, you can define an macro and associate a numerical value to it.
The value can only be calculated using an ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘/’ or ‘*’ operator over two previously
defined macros. Complex calculations must be constructed using combination of
multiple #DEFINE directives.
The following syntaxes are accepted:
#DEFINE newmacro macro1 + macro2
#DEFINE newmacro macro1 - macro2
#DEFINE newmacro macro1 / macro2
#DEFINE newmacro macro1 * macro2
newmacro may not be a previously defined macro.
macro1 and macro2 are previously defined macros. The numerical values associated
to these macros will be used to calculate a numerical value for newmacro. ERROR
An ERROR directive has been added to MPLINK linker. This directive allows you to stop
the linker and emit the message in front of it on the standard output. The syntax of this
directive is:
Macro Use
_CRUNTIME Link C code or mixed C code and assembly.
_EXTENDEDMODE Use PIC18 extended microcontroller mode.
_DEBUG Specify debug mode, as opposed to release or production mode.
_DEBUGCODESTART Set the start in program memory of the debug executive. I.e.,
_DEBUGCODELEN Set the size of the debug executive. I.e.,
_DEBUGDATASTART Set the start of data memory reserved registers. I.e.,
_DEBUGDATALEN Set the amount of data memory reserved. I.e.,
Linker Scripts
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11.8.4 Examples of Use
In these examples, the generic linker script for PIC18F6722 is used to demonstrate
how different options for building a project can be selected.
1. Building a C project, Extended mode:
mplink.exe /p18F6722 /u_CRUNTIME /u_EXTENDEDMODE <other flags>
2. Building a C project for PIC18F6722 with debug sections for code at 0x1fd80 and
for data at 0xef4, Traditional (non-extended) mode:
mplink.exe /p18F6722 /u_CRUNTIME /u_DEBUG /u_DEBUGCODESTART=0x1fd80
<other flags>
3. Building a Assembly project, no debug:
mplink.exe /p18f6722 <other flags>
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Generic Linker Script - 18f6722_g.lkr
// File: 18f6722_g.lkr
// Generic linker script for the PIC18F6722 processor
FILES c018i_e.o
FILES clib_e.lib
FILES p18f6722_e.lib
FILES c018i.o
FILES clib.lib
FILES p18f6722.lib
CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED
Linker Scripts
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#ELSE //no debug
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr13
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr14
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Chapter 12. Linker Processing
Understanding how MPLINK linker processes files and information can be useful to
keep in mind when writing and structuring your application code.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Linker Processing Overview
• Linker Allocation Algorithm
• Relocation Example
• Initialized Data
• Reserved Section Names
A linker combines multiple input object modules into a single executable output
module. The input object modules may contain relocatable or absolute sections of code
or data which the linker will allocate into target memory. The target memory architecture
is described in a linker script file. This linker script file provides a flexible mechanism
for specifying blocks of target memory and for mapping sections to the specified
memory blocks. If the linker cannot find a block of target memory in which to allocate a
section, an error is generated. The linker combines like-named input sections into a
single output section. The linker allocation algorithm is described in
Section 12.3 “Linker Allocation Algorithm”.
Once the linker has allocated all sections from all input modules into target memory, it
begins the process of symbol relocation. The symbols defined in each input section
have addresses dependent upon the beginning of their sections. The linker adjusts the
symbol addresses based upon the ultimate location of their allocated sections.
After the linker has relocated the symbols defined in each input section, it resolves
external symbols. The linker attempts to match all external symbol references with a
corresponding symbol definition. If any external symbol references do not have a
corresponding symbol definition, an attempt is made to locate the corresponding
symbol definition in the input library files. If the corresponding symbol definition is not
found, an error is generated.
If the resolution of external symbols was successful, the linker then proceeds to patch
each section's raw data. Each section contains a list of relocation entries which
associate locations in a section's raw data with relocatable symbols. The addresses of
the relocatable symbols are patched into the raw data. The process of relocating
symbols and patching section is described in Section 12.4 “Relocation Example”.
After the linker has processed all relocation entries, it generates the executable output
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The linker allocates memory areas to allow maximum control over the location of code
and data, called "sections," in target memory. There are four kinds of sections that the
linker handles:
1. Absolute Assigned
2. Absolute Unassigned
3. Relocatable Assigned
4. Relocatable Unassigned
An absolute section is a section with a fixed (absolute) address that cannot be changed
by the linker. A relocatable section is a section that will be placed in memory based on
the linker allocation algorithm.
An assigned section is a section that has been assigned a target memory block in the
linker script file. An unassigned section is a section that has been left unassigned in this
The linker performs allocation of absolute (assigned and unassigned) sections first,
relocatable assigned sections next, and relocatable unassigned sections last. The
linker also handles stack allocation.
12.3.1 Absolute Allocation
Absolute sections may be assigned to target memory blocks in the linker script file. But,
since the absolute section's address is fixed, the linker can only verify that if there is an
assigned target memory block for an absolute section, the target memory block has
enough space and the absolute section does not overlap other sections. If no target
memory block is assigned to an absolute section, the linker tries to find the one for it.
If one can not be located, an error is generated. Since absolute sections can only be
allocated at a fixed address, assigned and unassigned sections are performed in no
particular order.
12.3.2 Relocatable Allocation
Once all absolute sections have been allocated, the linker allocates relocatable
assigned sections. For relocatable assigned sections, the linker checks the assigned
target memory block to verify that there is space available; otherwise an error is
generated. The allocation of relocatable assigned sections occurs in the order in which
they were specified in the linker script file.
After all relocatable assigned sections have been allocated, the linker allocates
relocatable unassigned sections. The linker starts with the largest relocatable
unassigned section and works its way down to the smallest relocatable unassigned
section. For each allocation, it chooses the target memory block with the smallest
available space that can accommodate the section. By starting with the largest section
and choosing the smallest accommodating space, the linker increases the chances of
being able to allocate all the relocatable unassigned sections.
12.3.3 Stack Allocation
The stack is not a section but gets allocated along with the sections. The linker script
file may or may not assign the stack to a specific target memory block. If the stack is
assigned a target memory block, it gets allocated just before the relocatable assigned
sections are allocated. If the stack is unassigned, then it gets allocated after the
relocatable assigned sections and before the other relocatable unassigned sections
are allocated.
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The following example illustrates how the linker relocates sections. Suppose the
following source code fragment occurred in a file:
/* File: ref.c */
char var1; /* Line 1 */
void setVar1(void) /* Line 2 */
var1 = 0xFF; /* Line 3 */
Suppose this compiles into the following assembly instructions:
0x0000 MOVLW 0xFF
0x0001 MOVLB ?? ; Need to patch with var1's bank
0x0002 MOVWF ?? ; Need to patch with var1's offset
When the compiler processes source line 1, it creates a symbol table entry for the
identifier var1 which has the following information:
Symbol[index] => name=var1, value=0,, class=extern
When the compiler processes source line 3, it generates two relocation entries in the
code section for the identifier symbol var1 since its final address is unknown until link
time. The relocation entries have the following information:
Reloc[index] => address=0x0001 symbol=var1 type=bank
Reloc[index] => address=0x0002 symbol=var1 type=offset
Once the linker has placed every section into target memory, the final addresses are
known. Once all identifier symbols have their final addresses assigned, the linker must
patch all references to these symbols using the relocation entries. In the example
above, the updated symbol might now be at location 0x125:
Symbol[index] => name=var1, value=0x125,, class=extern
If the code section above were relocated to begin at address 0x50, the updated
relocation entries would now begin at location 0x51:
Reloc[index] => address=0x0051 symbol=var1 type=bank
Reloc[index] => address=0x0052 symbol=var1 type=offset
The linker will step through the relocation entries and patch their corresponding
sections. The final assembly equivalent output for the above example would be:
0x0050 MOVLW 0xFF
0x0051 MOVLB 0x1 ; Patched with var1's bank
0x0052 MOVWF 0x25 ; Patched with var1's offset
Note: This example deliberately ignores any code generated by MPLAB C18 to
handle the function's entry and exit
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MPLINK linker performs special processing for input sections with initialized data.
Initialized data sections contain initial values (initializers) for the variables and
constants defined within them. Because the variables and constants within an
initialized data section reside in RAM, their data must be stored in nonvolatile program
memory (ROM). For each initialized data section, the linker creates a section in
program memory. The data is moved by initializing code (supplied with MPLAB C18
and MPASM assembler) to the proper RAM location(s) at start-up.
The names of the initializer sections created by the linker are the same as the initialized
data sections with a _i appended. For example, if an input object module contains an
initialized data section named .idata_main.o the linker will create a section in
program memory with the name .idata_main.o_i which contains the data.
In addition to creating initializer sections, the linker creates a section named .cinit
in program memory. The .cinit section contains a table with entries for each
initialized data section. Each entry is a triple which specifies where in program memory
the initializer section begins, where in data memory the initialized data section begins,
and how many bytes are in the initialized data section. The boot code accesses this
table and copies the data from ROM to RAM.
Both the MPASM assembler and the MPLAB C18 C compiler have reserved names for
certain types of sections. Please see the documentation for these tools to ensure that
you do not use a reserved name for your own section. The linker will be unable to
generate the application if there is a section naming conflict.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 255
Chapter 13. Sample Applications
You can learn the basics of how to use MPLINK linker from the four sample applications
listed below. These sample applications can be used as templates for your own
• How to Build the Sample Applications
• Sample Application 1 - Templates and Linker Scripts
- How to find and use template files
- When to modify the generic linker script file
• Sample Application 2 - Placing Code and Setting Config Bits
- How to place program code in different memory regions
- How to place data tables in ROM memory
- How to set configuration bits in C
• Sample Application 3 - Using a Boot Loader
- How to partition memory for a boot loader
- How to compile code that will be loaded into external RAM and executed
• Sample Application 4 - Configuring External Memory
- How to create new linker script memory section
- How to declare external memory through #pragma code directive
- How to access external memories using C pointers
To build the sample applications, you will need the MPASM assembler, the MPLINK
linker and, for some sample applications, the MPLAB C compiler for PIC18 MCUs
(formerly MPLAB C18) installed on your PC. The assembler and linker are
automatically installed with MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB IDE v8, or may be acquired
separately on the Microchip website or the C compiler CD-ROM. A free demo (student)
version of the C compiler may be obtained on the Microchip website. The full C
compiler must be purchased separately.
By default, the tool executables are located as specified in the tables below.
Executables Default Paths to Executables
mpasmwin.exe C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
mplink.exe C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
Executables Default Paths to Executables
mpasmx.exe C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\mpasmx
mplink.exe C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\mpasmx
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 256 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
To ensure the IDE sees the installed tools:
• For MPLAB X IDE, go to Tools >Opt ions, Embedded button, Build Tools tab to
check the paths.
• For MPLAB IDE v8, go to Project>Set Language Tool Locations, “Microchip
MPASM Toolsuite”, “Executables”, and check the tool paths.
To use the examples, see:
• Using MPLAB IDE v8
• Using the Command Line
13.2.1 Using MPLAB X IDE
MPLAB X IDE provides a GUI method of developing your code. BUILDING APPLICATIONS
To build an application with MPLAB X IDE:
1. Use the Project wizard to create a project (File>New Project).
a) Choose Project: Select “Embedded” for the category and “C/ASM Stand-
alone Project” for the project. Click Next> to continue.
b) Select Device: Select the device. Click Next> to continue.
c) Select Header: Select the header for this device if used.
d) Select Tool: Choose a development tool from the list. Tool support for the
selected device is shown as a colored circle next to the tool. Mouse over the
circle to see the support as text. Click Next> to continue.
e) Select Compiler: For assembly applications, select “MPASMX”. For C code
applications or combined C code and assembly applications, select “C18”.
Click Next> to continue.
f) Select Project Name and Folder: Enter a project name and then select a
location for the project folder. Click Finish to complete the project creation
and setup.
2. Once the project is created, add the sample files to your project, e.g.,
source1.c, source2.asm and (if customized) script.lkr.
3. Right click on the project name in the project tree and then select “Properties” to
set up language tool options.
- For MPLAB C compiler for PIC18 MCUs sample applications, click “MCC18”
and enter CompilerInstallationPath\lib under “Include Path”, where
CompilerInstallationPath is the location where the C compiler is
installed on your system.
- Select “MPLINK” and then enter a map file name next to “Generate map file”.
Executables Default Paths to Executables
mcc18.exe C:\mcc18\bin
mpasmwin.exe C:\mcc18\mpasm
mplink.exe(2) C:\mcc18\bin
Note 1: Future C compiler versions may be located at:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB C18.
2: Use mplink.exe and not _mplink.exe. The executable file
_mplink.exe is not a stand-alone program.
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 257
4. Right click on the project name in the project tree and select “Build” to build the
application. If your project contains a single assembly file with no linker script file,
you will be asked if you want to build “absolute” code or “relocatable” code. The
sample applications should be built as relocatable code.
5. If the application fails to build, check that the environment variables discussed in
the next section were set correctly during tool installation.
6. If the application build successfully, use Debug>Debug Project to run and debug
your application or Run>Run Project to run your application. To program it into a
device, click the “Program Target Progect” button on the debug toolbar.
13.2.2 Using MPLAB IDE v8
MPLAB IDE provides a GUI method of developing your code. BUILDING APPLICATIONS
To build an application with MPLAB IDE:
1. Use the Project Wizard under the Project menu to create a project.
- Select the device specified in the sample application.
- For assembly applications, select the “Microchip MPASM Toolsuite” as the
active toolsuite. For C code applications or combined C code and assembly
applications, select the “Microchip C18 Toolsuite” as the active toolsuite.
Make sure the executable paths are correct, as per Table 13-1 or Table 13-3,
- Name the project and place it in its own folder.
- Add the sample files to your project, e.g., source1.c, source2.asm and (if
customized) script.lkr.
2. Once the project is created, select Project>Build Options>Project to open the
Build Options for Project dialog.
- For MPLAB C compiler for PIC18 MCUs sample applications, click the
Directories tab and enter CompilerInstallationPath\lib under
“Library Path”, where CompilerInstallationPath is the location where
the C compiler is installed on your system.
-Click the MPLINK Linker tab and then click the “Generate map file” checkbox
to select it.
3. Select from the Build Configuration list (see below) whether you will be develop-
ing your application (Debug) or are ready to program it into a device (Release).
Setting this control will set the value for the macro _DEBUG found in the linker
script file. Other macros in the linker script (e.g., _CRUNTIME) are automatically
set by MPLAB IDE.
4. Select Project>Build All to build the application. If your project contains a single
assembly file with no linker script file, you will be asked if you want to build
“absolute” code or “relocatable” code. The sample applications should be built as
relocatable code.
5. If the application fails to build, check that the environment variables discussed in
the next section were set correctly during tool installation.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 258 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. EXAMPLE
As an example, consider Sample Application 3, C code mixed boot loader/application.
To build an application with MPLAB IDE:
1. Use the Project Wizard under the Project menu to create a project.
- Select PIC18F8722 as the device.
- Select the “Microchip C18 Toolsuite” as the active toolsuite. Make sure the
executable paths are correct, as per Table 13-3.
- Name the project and place it in its own folder.
- Add the sample files to your project, i.e., c018i_mod.c, mixed.asm and
- View the Project window (View>Project) to see your project files.
2. Once the project is created, select Project>Build Options>Project to open the
Build Options for Project dialog.
- Click the Directories tab and enter C:\mcc18\lib under “Library Path”.
-Click the MPLINK Linker tab and then click the “Generate map file” checkbox
to select it.
3. Select “Debug“ from the Build Configuration list on the Project Manager toolbar.
4. Select Project>Build All to build the application.
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 259
13.2.3 Using the Command Line
The command line provides a platform independent method to develop your code. BUILDING APPLICATIONS
To build an application on the command line:
1. The listed Environment Variables need to be set as specified. To set these vari-
ables, go to the Command prompt and type SET to view and set the variables.
In Windows OS, go to Start>Settings>Control Panel>System, Advanced tab,
Environment Variables button. View and edit variables here.
a) PATH - Make sure the executables can be found, as per Table 13-1 and
Table 13-3.
b) MCC_INCLUDE - If MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs is used, this should
point to the \h subdirectory of the C compiler installation directory.
2. For C code compilation, use the following:
mcc18 -pdevice source1.c
where device is the device representation (e.g., 18F8772 for the PIC18F8722
device) and source1.c is the C code source file example. For multiple files,
leave a space between each file.
3. For MPASM assembly (with MPLAB X IDE), use the following:
Windows OS: mpasmx /pdevice source2.asm
Linux or Mac OS: mpasmx -pdevice source2.asm
where device is the device representation and source2.asm is the assembly
code source file example. For multiple files, leave a space between each file.
4. For MPLINK linking of files to create an application, use the following. The exam-
ple is for Windows OS and is shown on two lines, but you should type on one.
mplink /pdevice /u_macro source1.o source2.o
/l c:\mcc18\lib /m
or (for a modified linker script):
mplink modified.lkr /pdevice /u_macro source1.o source2.o
/l c:\mcc18\lib /m
Option Description
device The device representation.
modified.lkr The modified linker script file.
_macro A conditional macro (e.g., _CRUNTIME). For more details, see
Section 11.8 “Conditional Linker Statements”.
source1.o A C code object file.
source2.o An assembly code object file.
c:\mcc18\lib The library path, only needed if the MPLAB C compiler for PIC18
MCUs was used, as here to generate source1.o from
source1.c. The map file.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 260 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. EXAMPLE
As an example, consider Sample Application 3, C code mixed boot loader/application.
To build an application on the command line:
1. The listed Environment Variables need to be set as specified.
a) PATH - Make sure the executables can be found, as per Table 13-3.
b) MCC_INCLUDE - Point to the c:\mcc18\h subdirectory.
2. For C code compilation, use the following:
mcc18 -p18F8722 c018i_mod.c mixed.c
3. For MPLINK linking of files to create an application, use the following. The exam-
ple is for Windows OS and is shown on two lines, but you should type on one.
mplink mixed.lkr /pdevice /u_CRUNTIME c018i_mod.o mixed.o
/l c:\mcc18\lib /m
If you want to link for debug mode or PIC18 extended mode, see
Section 11.8 “Conditional Linker Statements”.
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 261
In the MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE v8 installation, assembly source code templates
and generic linker script files are provided for most devices supported by the IDE. The
source code templates give you a starting point from which to begin coding. The
generic linker scripts are used automatically by the linker to simplify application
development. Or you may modify a linker script and then manually add it on the linker
command line or to the project.
This first general example will discuss templates and linker scripts.
13.3.1 Locating Templates and Linker Script Files
For MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IDE v8 installed in the default location, source code
templates may be found at:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\Template
in the following subdirectories:
•Code - Contains absolute assembly code examples by device
•Object - Contains relocatable assembly code examples by device
The relocatable source code template 18F8722TMPO.ASM for the PIC18F8722 may
be found in the Object directory. This template provides oscillator setup, example
variable and EEPROM setup, reset and interrupt handling routines, and a section main
for application code.
For MPLAB X IDE installed in the default location, the generic linker script files may be
found at:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\LKR
The generic linker script file for the PIC18F8722 would be 18f8722_g.lkr. This file
defines initialization files, program code sections, GPR sections, and access memory
sections. These definitions are grouped based on debugger or programmer usage, and
regular or extended memory usage.
Program memory sections specified by the template code and linker script are
compared below.
Linker Script Section
(Not debug or extended) Template Source Code Section
page - ROM code space RESET_VECTOR - Reset vector
HI_INT_VECTOR - High priority interrupt
0x0018 LOW_INT_VECTOR - Low priority
interrupt vector
High_Int - High priority interrupt handler
Low_Int - Low priority interrupt handler
Main - Main application code
idlocs - ID locations
config - Configuration bits CONFIG - Configuration settings
devid - Device ID
eedata - EEPROM data DATA_EEPROM - Data EEPROM
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DS33014L-page 262 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
13.3.2 Modifying Templates and Linker Script Files
For this sample application, assembly code is added to the template but the generic
linker script is not edited.
In general, you will modify templates to create your own application code but you
should not need to modify the generic linker script file. Still, there are reasons why you
might want to customize a linker script, as shown in the other sample applications.
In addition, a case where you might want to modify the linker script is when you want
to use a C code data object that is larger than 256 bytes, such as a large array. This
application is discussed in the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs Getting Started
(DS51295), FAQ-10.
Modified 18F8722TMPO.ASM
In the template, add the following udata section:
; Oscillator Selection:
;Array variables
array UDATA
element1 RES 1
element2 RES 1
element3 RES 1
element4 RES 1
element5 RES 2
;Variable definitions
Then, in the main code portion, add the following program code:
;Start of main program
; The main program code is placed here.
; *** main code goes here ***
banksel element1 ;Select element1 bank
movlw 0x55 ;Move literal
movwf element1,1 ;to element1
movff element1,element2 ;Move element1
rrcf element2,1,1 ;to element2, right shift
movff element2,WREG ;element2, move to WREG
movwf element3 ;Move WREG to element3,
rrcf element3,1,1 ;right shift and
movff element3,element4 ;move to element4
rrcf element4,1,1 ;Right shift element4
movff element4,element5 ;and move to element5 low byte
rrcf element4,1,1 ;Right shift element4
movff element4,element5+1 ;again and move to element5 high byte
goto Loop
;End of program
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 263
13.3.3 Building the Application
To build the application, see Section 13.2 “How to Build the Sample Applications”.
Then, to continue development with the IDE, you could place the element variables in
a Watch(es) window to see their values, remembering to change element5 to a 16-bit
value (Properties dialog, Watch Properties tab).
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 264 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
This example is for the PIC18F8720 in extended microcontroller mode.
The file eeprom2.asm places interrupt handling code at 0x20000 (external memory.)
The assembly code directive, INTHAND CODE, places the code that follows into the
INTHAND section. The modified linker script file (eeprom.lkr) maps the INTHAND
section to the CODE region that begins at 0x20000.
The file eeprom1.c has a 0x1000 element data table in program memory in the same
code page with the interrupt handlers. The data table is defined in C using the #pragma
romdata directive to place the table in a section called DATTBL. The modified linker
script file maps the DATTBL section to the CODE region that begins at 0x20000.
Additionally, configuration bits are set in C using the #pragma config directive.
The main function in the C file is placed in the default CODE section because there is
no section directive explicitly assigned.
For additional information, you may wish to reference:
• PIC18F8720 Device Data Sheet (DS39609)
• MPLAB C18 C Compiler User’s Guide (DS51288)
• External Memory Interfacing Techniques for the PIC18F8XXX (AN869)
Program memory sections specified by the code and linker script are compared below.
Specific sections highlighted in this sample application (SA2) are noted.
SA2 Program
Memory Address
Linker Script Section
(Not debug or extended) Source Code Section
page - On-chip Memory STARTUP
PROG - Main Application Code
eeprom - External Memory INTHAND - Interrupt Handler
DATTBL - Data Table
idlocs - ID Locations
config - Configuration Bits CONFIG - Configuration Settings
devid - Device ID
eedata - EE Data
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 265
13.4.1 C Source Code - eeprom1.c
/* eeprom1.c */
#include <p18f8720.h>
#define DATA_SIZE 0x1000
/* Data Table Setup */
#pragma romdata DATTBL // Put following romdata into section DATTBL
unsigned rom data[DATA_SIZE];
#pragma romdata // Set back to default romdata section
/* Configuration Bits Setup
The #pragma config directive specifies the processor-specific
configuration settings (i.e., configuration bits) to be used by
the application. For more on this directive, see the "MPLAB C18
C Compiler User's Guide" (DS51288). */
#pragma config OSCS = ON, OSC = LP // Enable OSC switching and LP
#pragma config PWRT = ON // Enable POR
#pragma config BOR = ON, BORV = 42 // Enable BOR at 4.2v
#pragma config WDT = OFF // Disable WDT
#pragma config MODE = EM // Use Extended MCU mode
/* Main application code for default CODE section */
void main( void )
while( 1 )
} // end while
} // end main
13.4.2 Assembler Source Code - eeprom2.asm
; eeprom2.asm
list p=18f8720
; place interrupt handling code in here
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DS33014L-page 266 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
13.4.3 Linker Script - eeprom.lkr
The linker script file eeprom.lkr is a modified version of the generic linker script file
18f8720_g.lkr. Modify the generic linker script as follows to create eeprom.lkr.
Add EEPROM codepage information:
//EEPROM codepage
CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED
Then add section information for the EEPROM sections:
SECTION NAME=INTHAND ROM=eeprom // Interrupt handlers
SECTION NAME=DATTBL ROM=eeprom // Data tables
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr13
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr14
13.4.4 Building the Application
To build the application, see Section 13.2 “How to Build the Sample Applications”.
Then, to continue development with MPLAB IDE v8:
1. Though the configuration bits in code set the microcontroller mode to external,
you must tell the IDE the range of external memory you wish to use. Select Con-
figure>External Memory. In the dialog, click “Use External Memory” and enter
“0x1FFFFF” as the “Address Range End”. Click OK.
2. Select Project>Build All to build the application again.
13.4.5 Absolute Method
Instead of adding SECTION lines to the linker script, you could add the absolute
address in code, i.e.,
INTHAND code 0x20000
However, if you need to place additional code in the CODEPAGE eeprom area, you
would need to know the disassembly code length of the interrupt handler to determine
the absolute address at which to place this additional code. Also, if you edit the interrupt
handler code, you would need to remember to change the address of the additional
Therefore, it is usually easier not to place code absolutely but to allow the linker script
to place code for you.
Note: MPLAB X IDE does not yet support External Memory views.
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 267
A boot loader is a special program that, when programmed into the target PIC
microcontroller, is responsible for downloading and programming relocatable
application code into the same target PIC microcontroller. The relocatable application
or "user" code is typically transferred to the boot loader through serial communications,
such as RS232.
13.5.1 C Compiler Usage
This section discusses how to use the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (the C
compiler) when developing bootloader and related appliation code.
There are three examples showing how to modify the C compiler linker scripts and how
to use the #pragma code directive in the source code for the C compiler boot loader
project. To better understand how the code corresponds to locations in device program
memory, see “C Compiler Memory Map”.
Example 1 shows how to configure the C compiler linker script and suggests how to
use code directives for the C compiler boot loader. See “Example 1: C
Compiler Boot Loader”.
Example 2 shows the C compiler linker script configuration and suggested code
directives for the C compiler application targeted for a microcontroller that is running
the C compiler boot loader. See “Example 2: C Compiler Application”.
Example 3 is a mixed language example using the C compiler application targeted for
a microcontroller, such as the PIC18F8720 with a limited boot block size, running an
MPASM boot loader. A boot loader written in C code will typically require more program
memory than a boot loader written in assembly and therefore requires a microcontroller
with a larger boot block region, such as the PIC18F8722. See “Example 3:
Mixed Language Boot Loader/Application”.
Boot loader and application code written for the C compiler must use the C compiler
linker scripts to command the linker to place the compiled C source code into
appropriate program memory sections. Typically, boot loader code is compiled and
linked for a destination in the "boot" section of the target microcontroller's program
memory. The "application" code is compiled and linked for a destination inside the user
section of program memory.
To build the C compiler sample application, refer to Section 13.2 “How to Build the
Sample Applications”. C COMPILER MEMORY MAP
The first two C compiler boot loader examples are demonstrated using a PIC18F8722
which offers a configurable boot block size of 2K, 4K or 8K bytes. The remaining
program memory is available for the relocatable application code and data tables. For
these two examples it is assumed the boot block is configured for 2K bytes and requires
modification to the C compiler linker script file in order to accommodate the selected
boot block size.
The third example, a mix of an MPASM assembler boot loader and C compiler source
code, uses the PIC18F8720. For the corresponding memory map, see
Section “Assembler Memory Map”.
For the first two examples, program memory sections specified by the code and linker
script are compared below. Specific sections highlighted in these sample application
(SA3) examples are noted.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 268 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
This example shows a section of linker script modified to accomodate the boot loader
Boot Loader Linker Script
The partial C compiler linker script file shown below demonstrates the modifications
required to the generic linker script when building the C compiler boot loader source
code files. The MPLINK linker will use this configuration to link the compiled source
code into the boot program memory region starting at 002Ah. The vector locations will
be specified in the boot loader source code using the appropriate #pragma code
CODEPAGE NAME=vectors START=0x0 END=0x29
CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED
CODEPAGE NAME=eedata START=0xF00000 END=0xF003FF
SA3 Program
Memory Address
Linker Script Section
(Not debug or extended) Source Code Section
vectors - Reset, Interrupts Vectors, IntH, IntL
boot - Boot Loader Boot
page - Remapped Vectors
and User Code
R_vectors, R_IntH, R_IntL, Boot
Loader Updated Application Code
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 269
Boot Loader Source Code
The C compiler boot loader code can be composed of one or more aggregate
relocatable C source files that are compiled and linked together during build time. In
this example, the source code file uses the #pragma code directive to instruct the
linker to place the interrupt vectors at memory locations 0008h and 0018h. A "main"
function must be included, as this is called from the C compiler startup code that is
added during link process.
#include <p18cxxx.h>
#define RM_RESET_VECTOR 0x000800 // define relocated vector addresses
#define RM_LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR 0x000818
/** VECTOR MAPPING *******************************************/
#pragma code _HIGH_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000008
void _high_ISR (void)
_asm goto RM_HIGH_INTERRUPT_VECTOR _endasm
#pragma code _LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000018
void _low_ISR (void)
_asm goto RM_LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR _endasm
/** BOOT LOADER CODE ******************************************/
#pragma code
void main(void)
//Check Bootload Mode Entry Condition
if(PORTBbits.RB4 == 1) // If not pressed, User Mode
_asm goto RM_RESET_VECTOR _endasm
//Else continue with bootloader code here ...
#pragma code user = RM_RESET_VECTOR // This address defined as 0x800 above
// or can be defined in header file
/** END OF BOOT LOADER ****************************************/
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 270 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. EXAMPLE 2: C COMPILER APPLICATION
This example shows a section of linker script modified to accomodate the application
Application Linker Script
The boot loader linker script file may be used when building the C compiler application
source code files. The linker will use this configuration to link the compiled source code
into the page1 program memory region above the protected boot loader region.
Application Source Code
The C compiler application code can be composed of one or more aggregate
relocatable C source files that are compiled and linked together during build time. In the
code snippet shown below, the source code file uses the #pragma code directive to
instruct the linker to place the relocated reset and interrupt vectors at the appropriate
memory locations. A main function must be included, as this is called from the C
compiler startup code that is added during the link process. The linker automatically
includes this C compiler initialization code provided in file c018i.c and must be
accessed by the application code through an "in-line" assembly goto instruction
shown below.
#include <p18cxxx.h>
/** VECTOR MAPPING *******************************************/
extern void _startup (void); // See c018i.c in your C18 compiler dir
#pragma code _RESET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000800
void _reset (void)
_asm goto _startup _endasm
#pragma code _HIGH_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000808
void _high_ISR (void)
#pragma code _LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000818
void _low_ISR (void)
/** APPLICATION CODE******************************************/
#pragma code
void main(void)
; // Main application code here
/** END OF APPLICATION ***************************************/
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 271 EXAMPLE 3: MIXED LANGUAGE BOOT LOADER/APPLICATION
This example shows the linker script, startup code, and source code modifications
needed to accommodate a mixed language application which employs a boot loader.
Mixed Language Linker Script
The partial C compiler linker script file shown below demonstrates the required
modifications when building the mixed assembly boot loader/C code application. The
linker will use this configuration to link the compiled source code into the user program
memory region above the protected boot loader. In this linker script example, the C
compiler start-up file c018i.o has been remarked out, preventing the linker from
linking this object file to the project. Instead it will use the modified file in the next
FILES c018i_e.o
FILES clib_e.lib
FILES p18f8722_e.lib
// FILES c018i.o <-- Note this line to be ignored by linker
FILES clib.lib
FILES p18f8722.lib
CODEPAGE NAME=vectors START=0x0 END=0x29
Mixed Language c018i.c Modifications
For a typical C compiler application, the c018i.c startup code normally specifies
program memory location 0000h as the entry section and is linked into the project by
the linker when specified in the MPLAB C18 linker script. Since the C compiler
application code in this example has been relocated to program memory address
0200h because of the boot loader, it is necessary to change the code section
_entry_scn definition in c018i.c file as shown below and to add the c018i.c
source file to the project for recompiling and linking.
#pragma code _entry_scn=0x000200
_entry (void)
_asm goto _startup _endasm
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 272 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Mixed Language Source Code
The C compiler application code can be composed of one or more relocatable C source
files that are compiled and linked together during build time. In the code snippet shown
below, the source code file uses the #pragma code directive to instruct the linker to
place the relocated reset and interrupt vectors at the appropriate memory locations. A
main function must be included, as this is called from the C compiler startup code that
is added during the link process.
#include <p18cxxx.h>
/** VECTOR MAPPING *******************************************/
#pragma code _HIGH_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000208
void _high_ISR (void)
; // ISR goes here
#pragma code _LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x000218
void _low_ISR (void)
; // ISR goes here
/** APPLICATION CODE******************************************/
#pragma code
void main(void)
; // Main application code here
/** END OF APPLICATION ***************************************/
13.5.2 Assembler Usage
This section discusses how to use the MPASM assembler (the assembler) when
developing bootloader and related appliation code.
There are three assembler examples showing suggested linker script modifications
and appropriate source code directive usage for a boot loader and application project.
To better understand how the code corresponds to locations in device program
memory, see Section “Assembler Memory Map”.
The modified linker script file provided in this example is designed to support all three
of the following examples. See Section “Assembler Linker Script”.
Example 1 shows an assembler boot loader. See Section “Example 1:
Assembler Boot Loader Source Code”.
Example 2 shows a multiple module relocatable assembler application. See
Section “Example 2: Assembler Application Source Code”.
Example 3 incorporates both the assembler boot loader and multiple module
relocatable assembler application as a single program memory image. See
Section “Example 3: Assembler Boot Loader/Application Source Code”.
To build the assembler sample application, refer to Section 13.2 “How to Build the
Sample Applications”.
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 273 ASSEMBLER MEMORY MAP
The boot loader typically resides in the "boot block" region of the PIC18F8720's
program memory, which is the first 512 bytes of memory, from location 0000h to 01FFh.
The remaining program memory, starting at location 0200h, is available for relocatable
application code and data lookup tables. Other PIC18F microcontrollers offer larger
boot block regions and will require slightly different linker script modifications than what
is represented in this example. However, the concepts shown here can be migrated to
these other PIC microcontrollers.
For this example, program memory sections specified by the code and linker script are
compared below. Specific sections highlighted in this sample application (SA3)
example are noted.
To protect the boot block and vector memory regions, the linker script file uses modified
CODEPAGE directives to establish these memory regions and uses the PROTECTED
modifier to prevent the linker from assigning any relocatable code that is not explicitly
assigned to these regions.
The section of modified generic linker script below shows how the linker can assign the
relocatable application code to the user code memory region (page) that is not
protected. The other program memory regions can only be populated if the CODE
directive used in the source files specifies placement of code within these protected
memory regions. This linker script file is designed to accommodate all three boot loader
design considerations demonstrated in this chapter.
boot.lkr - The linker script file for boot loader and application code example projects.
CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED
CODEPAGE NAME=eedata START=0xF00000 END=0xF003FF
SA3 Program
Memory Address Linker Script Section Source Code Section
vectors - Reset, Interrupts Vectors, IntH, IntL
boot_code - Boot Loader Boot
page - Remapped Vectors,
User Code, Data Tables
R_vectors, R_IntH, R_IntL,
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 274 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. EXAMPLE 1: ASSEMBLER BOOT LOADER SOURCE CODE
In this example, the boot loader is a single source file that will not be linked with any
other source code at build time. The CODE directives used in the boot loader source
code instructs the linker to place the reset and interrupt vectors at their appropriate
program memory locations for the PIC microcontroller and to place the starting location
of the boot loader executable code just above this region starting at location 002Ah.
The program memory section names Vectors, IntH and IntL are used with the
CODE directive to instruct the linker to place the assembled code that follows each
directive at the specified program memory location. In this case, the boot loader is not
linked with any application code so the relocated reset and interrupt vectors, 0208h,
0218h and 022Ah are assumed and therefore are explicitly coded.
18Fboot.asm - This is an example of how the startup portion of a boot loader could be configured when
designing and programming only the boot loader code into the target PIC microcontroller.
; *****************************************************************************
; 18Fboot.asm
; *****************************************************************************
LIST P=18F8720
; *****************************************************************************
Vectors code 0x0000
VReset: bra Boot_Start
IntH code 0x0008
VIntH: bra 0x0208 ; Re-map Interrupt vector to app's code space
IntL code 0x0018
VIntL: bra 0x0218 ; Re-map Interrupt vector to app's code space
; *****************************************************************************
Boot code 0x002A ; Boot loader executable code starts here
; Logic to determine if bootloader executes or branch to user's code
; ...
bra 0x022A ; Branch to user's application code
; ...
; end of boot loader code section
; *****************************************************************************
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 275 EXAMPLE 2: ASSEMBLER APPLICATION SOURCE CODE
In this example the application code is composed of several relocatable source files
that are assembled and linked together during build time. The relocatable reset and
interrupt vector locations are defined in main.asm and are assigned to a specific
program memory location by the CODE directive.
main.asm - This is a sample of the startup portion of a main source code file that contains the relocated
reset and interrupts and is the main entry point into the application.
; *****************************************************************************
; main.asm
; *****************************************************************************
LIST P=18F8720
; *****************************************************************************
R_vectors code 0x200
RVReset: ;Re-mapped RESET vector
bra main
R_IntH code 0x208 ;Re-mapped HI-priority interrupt vector
;High priority interrupt vector code here
R_IntL code 0x218 ;Re-mapped LOW-priority interrupt vector
;Low priority interrupt vector code here
user_code code 0x22A
; Entry into application code starts here
; ....
; end of main code section
; *****************************************************************************
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 276 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. EXAMPLE 3: ASSEMBLER BOOT LOADER/APPLICATION SOURCE
The final example demonstrates the possibility of combining both the boot loader and
application code into a single program memory image that can be programmed into a
target microcontroller at the same time. Since the boot loader will be assembled and
linked with the application source code files, any references to external labels, defined
in the application code, must be resolved by the linker. To accomplish this, the GLOBAL
directive used in main.asm and the EXTERN directive used in the boot loader source
file allow the linker to resolve the relocated reset and interrupt vector labels defined in
main.asm and referenced in the 18Fboot_r.asm. For this example, the same boot.lkr
linker script file used in the previous examples is used to link the boot loader and
application files together.
18Fboot_r.asm - This sample version of the boot loader allows for relocatable vectors that are defined, not
in the boot loader, but in the application source code.
; *****************************************************************************
; 18Fboot_r.asm
; *****************************************************************************
LIST P=18F8720
; Declare labels used here but defined outside this module
extern RVReset, RVIntH, RVIntL
; *****************************************************************************
Vectors code 0x0000
VReset: bra Boot_Start
IntH code 0x0008
VIntH: bra RVIntH ; Re-map Interrupt vector
IntL code 0x0018
VIntL: bra RVIntL ; Re-map Interrupt vector
; *****************************************************************************
Boot code 0x002A ; Define explicit Bootloader location
; Determine if bootloader should execute or branch to user's code
; ....
bra RVReset ; Branch to user's application code
; Else Bootloader execution starts here
; ....
; *****************************************************************************
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 277
main_r.asm - This is a sample version of a main source code file that uses the GLOBAL directive to make
the relocatable reset and interrupt vector labels available to the boot loader.
; *****************************************************************************
; main_r.asm
; *****************************************************************************
LIST P=18F8720
; Define labels here but used outside this module
global RVReset, RVIntH, RVIntL
; *****************************************************************************
R_vectors code 0x200
RVReset: ;Re-mapped RESET vector
bra main
R_IntH code 0x208 ;Re-mapped HI-priority interrupt vector
;High priority interrupt vector code here
R_IntL code 0x218 ;Re-mapped LOW-priority interrupt vector
;Low priority interrupt vector code here
user_code code 0x22A
; Entry into application code starts here
; ....
; end of main code section
; *****************************************************************************
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DS33014L-page 278 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Most of the larger pin count PIC microcontrollers have the ability to interface to external
8- or 16-bit data FLASH or SRAM memories through the External Memory Bus (EMB).
The PIC18F8722, for example, has 128K bytes of internal program memory (00000h -
1FFFFh). But, when configured for Extended Microcontroller mode, external program
memory space from locations 20000h through 1FFFFFh becomes externally
addressable through the EMB created from the I/O pins.
The use of a linker script file can be extended to other external memory-mapped
devices such as programmable I/O peripherals, real-time clocks or any device that has
multiple configuration or control registers that can be accessed through an 8- or 16-bit
data bus.
13.6.1 C Compiler Usage
This section discusses how to use the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (the C
compiler) when developing external memory appliation code.
The C compiler linker script file for the PIC18F8722 is modified to instruct the linker that
a new memory region is available by adding a CODEPAGE definition as shown below.
The use of the PROTECTED modifier prevents the linker from assigning random
relocatable code to this region. The name xsram is arbitrary and can be any desired
name. What is important are the START and END addresses, which should match the
physical memory address reange of the external memory being used.
In addition to the new CODEPAGE, a new logical SECTION is created and assigned to
the program memory region specified in the associated CODEPAGE definition.
In the C compiler application's source code file, the #pragma romdata directive
instructs the linker to allocate the SRAM's starting address to the memory region
specified by the SRAM_BASE logical section definition. The physical address is provided
by the xsram codepage directive at 20000h. Since the memory region occupied by the
SRAM is program memory, not data memory, the rom qualifier is required in the
declaration of the char array variable, sram[]. In addition, this memory region is
beyond a 16-bit address range (64Kbyte) and therefore requires the use of the far
qualifier in order for C pointers to correctly access this region.
#pragma romdata SRAM_BASE ;Assigns this romdata space at 0x020000
rom far char sram[]; ;Declare an array at starting address
To build the C compiler sample application, refer to Section 13.2 “How to Build the
Sample Applications”.
The large memory model must be used in this project.
• At the end of Step 2, click the MPLAB C18 tab and chose the Category of
“Memory Model” from the drop-down list. Under “Code Model”, click “Large code
mode (>64K)“.
• For the command line, use the -ml option when compiling.
Note: MPLAB X IDE does not yet support External Memory views.
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 279 C COMPILER MEMORY MAP
The table below shows the memory mapping for the PIC18F8722 when used with the
1Mbyte external SRAM device. Notice that the first 128K bytes of the external memory
region is overlapped with the 128K bytes of internal program memory space and
therefore cannot be accessed using the external memory bus. Without any additional
external memory address decoding, the first 128K bytes of the SRAM are not
accessible and therefore the first addressable location of SRAM is 20000h, as used in
this example (SA4).
The sections of modifed PIC18F8722 C compiler generic linker script file shown below
demonstrates suggested modifications for external memory applications.
First the CODEPAGE statement is added.
CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED
Then the external memory section is added.
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr13
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr14
Address LInker Script Section Source Code Section
0x01FFFF 0x000000
page - Reset, Interrupt
vectors and On-chip
xsram - External Memory SRAM_BASE - romdata
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 280 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. C COMPILER SOURCE CODE
This is a simple code example showing the use of #pragma romdata for declaration
of external memory and the use of C pointers for accessing this memory region.
If you are using MPLAB IDE v8 to run this example, remember to enable external
memory (Configure>External Memory) to see this extra memory in the Program
Memory window.
#include <p18F8722.h>
// Microprocessor mode - a memory mode that supports external memory.
#pragma config MODE = MP
#pragma romdata SRAM_BASE // Assigns this romdata space at 0x20000
rom far char sram[]; // Declare an array at starting address
#pragma code
void main(void)
rom far char* dataPtr; // Create a "far" pointer
dataPtr = sram; // Assign this pointer to the memory array
*dataPtr++ = 0xCC; // Write low byte of 16-bit word to SRAM
*dataPtr = 0x55; // Write high byte of 16-bit word to SRAM
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 281
13.6.2 Assembler Usage
This section discusses how to use the MPASM assembler (the assembler) when
developing external memory appliation code.
In an assembler application's source file, using a simple #define or equ directive
provides an easy way to define the SRAM starting address, which can be used to set
up the table pointers prior to a table read or table write operation.
#define SRAM_BASE_ADDRS 0x20000 ;Base addrs for external
;memory device
#define SRAM_END_ADDRS 0x1FFFFF ;End addrs (not required)
Accessing the external program memory through table reads and table writes requires
the table pointer register be set up with the appropriate address as shown by the
following example.
movlw upper (SRAM_BASE_ADDRS)
movlw high (SRAM_BASE_ADDRS)
movlw low (SRAM_BASE_ADDRS)
To build the assembler sample application, refer to Section 13.2 “How to Build the
Sample Applications”. ASSEMBLER MEMORY MAP
The figure below shows the memory mapping for the PIC18F8722 when used with the
1Mbyte external SRAM device. Notice that the first 128K bytes of the external memory
region is overlapped with the 128K bytes of internal program memory space and
therefore cannot be accessed using the external memory bus. Without any additional
external memory address decoding, the first 128K bytes of the SRAM are not
accessible and therefore the first addressable location of SRAM is 20000h, as used in
this example (SA4).
Address LInker Script Section Source Code Section
0x000029 0x000000
vectors - Reset, Interrupts vectors
page - On-chip Memory prog - Main Program
xsram - External Memory SRAM_BASE_ADDRS
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 282 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. ASSEMBLER LINKER SCRIPT
The modifed PIC18F8722 assembler linker script file shown below demonstrates
suggested modifications for external memory applications.
First the CODEPAGE statements are added.
CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED
Then the vectors, program, and external memory section is added.
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr13
STACK SIZE=0x100 RAM=gpr14
Sample Applications
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 283 ASSEMBLER SOURCE CODE
This is a simple code example showing the definition of the external memory SRAM
address at 20000h and how to write a 16-bit value to two consecutive memory locations
using the table pointer register and table write instruction.
If you are using MPLAB IDE v8 to run this example, remember to enable external
memory (Configure>External Memory) to see this extra memory in the Program
Memory window.
#include <>
; Microprocessor mode - a memory mode that supports external memory.
#define SRAM_BASE_ADDRS 0x20000 ; Base addrs for external memory device
#define SRAM_END_ADDRS 0x1FFFFF ; End addrs (not required)
vectors code
bra main
prog code
; Example - how to write "0x55CC" to first word location in external SRAM memory
movlw upper (SRAM_BASE_ADDRS)
movlw high (SRAM_BASE_ADDRS)
movlw low (SRAM_BASE_ADDRS)
movlw 0xCC
movwf TABLAT
tblwt*+ ; Writes "0xCC" to byte location 0x020000;
; Increments table pointer to next location
movlw 0x55
movwf TABLAT
tblwt* ; Write "0x55" to byte location 0x020001;
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DS33014L-page 284 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 285
Chapter 14. Errors, Warnings and Common Problems
Error messages and warning messages are produced by the MPLINK linker. These
messages always appear in the listing file directly above each line in which the error
Common problems and limitations of the linker tool are also listed here.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Linker Parse Errors
• Linker Errors
•Linker Warnings
• COFF File Errors
• Other Errors, Warnings and Messages
• Common Problems
MPLINK linker parse errors are listed alphabetically below:
Could not open 'cmdfile'.
A linker script file could not be opened. Check that the file exists, is in the current search
path, and is readable.
Illegal <filename> for FILES in 'cmdfile:line'.
An object or library filename must end with .o or .lib respectively.
Illegal <filename> for INCLUDE in 'cmdfile:line'.
A linker script filename must end with .lkr.
Illegal <libpath> for LIBPATH in 'cmdfile:line'.
The libpath must be a semicolon delimited list of directories. Enclose directory name
which have embedded spaces in double quotes.
Illegal <lkrpath> for LKRPATH in 'cmdfile:line'.
The lkrpath must be a semicolon delimited list of directories. Enclose directory names
which have embedded spaces in double quotes.
Invalid attributes for memory in 'cmdfile:line'.
A CODEPAGE, DATABANK, or SHAREBANK directive does not specify a NAME,
START, or END attribute; or another attribute is specified which is not valid.
Invalid attributes for SECTION in 'cmdfile:line'.
A SECTION directive must have a NAME and either a RAM or ROM attribute.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 286 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Invalid attributes for STACK in 'cmdfile:line'.
A STACK directive does not specify a SIZE attribute, or another attribute is specified
which is not valid.
-k switch requires <pathlist>.
A semicolon delimited path must be specified. Enclose directory names containing
embedded spaces with double quotes. For example:
-k ..;c:\mylkr;"c:\program files\microchip\mpasm suite\lkr"
-l switch requires <pathlist>.
A semicolon delimited path must be specified. Enclose directory names containing
embedded spaces with double quotes. For example:
-l ..;c:\mylib;"c:\program files\microchip\mpasm suite"
-m switch requires <filename>.
A map filename must be specified. For example: -m
Multiple inclusion of library file 'filename'.
A library file has been included multiple times either on the command line or with a
FILES directive in a linker script file. Remove the multiple references.
Multiple inclusion of linker script file 'cmdfile'.
A linker script file can only be included once. Remove multiple INCLUDE directives to
the referenced linker script file.
Multiple inclusion of object file 'filename'.
An object file has been included multiple times either on the command line or with a
FILES directive in a linker script file. Remove the multiple references.
-n switch requires <length>.
The number of source lines per listing file page must be specified. A length of zero will
suppress pagination of the listing file.
-o switch requires <filename>.
A COFF output filename must be specified. For example: -o main.out
Unknown switch: 'cmdline token'.
An unrecognized command line switch was supplied. Refer to the Usage
documentation for the list of supported switches.
Unrecognized input in 'cmdfile:line'.
All statements in a linker script file must begin with a directive keyword or the comment
Delimiter //.
Errors, Warnings and Common Problems
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 287
MPLINK linker errors are listed alphabetically below:
Absolute code section 'secName' must start at a word-aligned address.
Program code sections will only be allocated at word-aligned addresses. MPLINK will
give this error message if an absolute code section address is specified that is not
Configuration settings have been specified for address 0x300001 in
more than one object module. Found in 'foo.o' previously found in 'bar.o'
This error is issued when MPLAB C18's #pragma config directive has been used in
two separate .c files (e.g., foo.c and bar.c) with settings specified from the same
configuration byte. Set configuration bits for a given byte in a single .c file.
Conflicting types for symbol ‘symName’.
Symbol symName is defined in different locations as different types.
Could not find definition of symbol 'symName' in file ‘filename’.
A symbol symName is used without being defined in file filename.
Could not find file 'filename'.
An input object or library file was specified which does not exist, or cannot be found in
the linker path.
Could not open map file 'filename' for writing.
Verify that if filename exists, it is not a read-only file.
Could not resolve section reference ‘symName’ in file 'filename'.
The symbol symName is an external reference. No input module defines this symbol.
If the symbol is defined in a library module, ensure that the library module is included
on the command line or in the linker script file using the FILES directive.
Could not resolve symbol 'symName' in file 'filename'.
The symbol symName is an external reference. No input module defines this symbol.
If the symbol is defined in a library module, ensure that the library module is included
on the command line or in the linker script file using the FILES directive.
Device not specified. Use '/p' option to specify a device
If the device is not specified, this error will be generated. For Windows OS, you specify
the device by /pdevice. For Linux or Mac OS, you specify the device by -pdevice.
device represents the device name without a “PIC” or “dsPIC” preface, as in 18F8722
instead of PIC18F8722.
Duplicate definition of memory 'memName'.
All CODEPAGE and DATABANK directives must have unique NAME attributes.
Duplicate definitions of SECTION 'secName'.
Each SECTION directive must have unique NAME attributes. Remove duplicate
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 288 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
File ‘filename’, section ‘secName’, performs a call to symbol ‘symName’
which is not in the lower half of a page.
For 12-bit devices, the program counter (PC), bit 8, is cleared in the CALL instruction
or any modify PCL instruction. Therefore, all subroutine calls or computed jumps are
limited to the first 256 locations of any program memory page (512 words long.)
Inconsistent length definitions of SHAREBANK 'memName'.
All SHAREBANK definitions which have the same NAME attribute must be of equal
Internal Coff output file is corrupt.
The linker cannot write to the COFF file.
Memory 'memName' overlaps memory 'memName'.
All CODEPAGE blocks must specify unique memory ranges which do not overlap.
Similarly DATABANK and SHAREBANK blocks may not overlap.
Mixing extended and non-extended mode modules not allowed
The linker cannot link a mixture of extended mode modules and non-extended mode
modules. Extended and non-extended memory modes apply to PIC18 devices.
When using MPASM to create object file modules, extended memory mode is
enabled/disabled on the command line using the /y or -y option. In the IDE, select
File>Project Properties (MPLAB X IDE) or Project>Build Options, MPASM Assembly
tab (MPLAB IDE v8), and check/uncheck the option “Extended Mode”.
When using MPLAB C18 to create object file modules, extended memory mode is
enabled/disabled on the command line using the --extended option. In the IDE,
select File>Project Properties (MPLAB X IDE) or Project>Build Options, MPLAB C18
tab (MPLAB IDE v8), and check/uncheck the option “Extended Mode”.
When using linker scripts, those with the suffix _e apply to extended mode use.
MPASM's __CONFIG directive (found in 'bar.o') cannot be used with
either MPLAB C18's #pragma config directive or MPASM's CONFIG
directive (found in 'foo.o')
This error message is issued when MPASM assembler's __CONFIG directive is
specified in a .asm file (e.g., bar.asm) and MPLAB C18's #pragma config directive
is specified in a .c file (e.g., foo.c). Set configuration bits using either MPASM
assembler's __CONFIG directive or MPLAB C18's #pragma config directive.
Multiple map files declared: 'filename1', 'filename2'.
The -m <mapfile> switch was specified more than once.
Multiple output files declared: 'filename1', 'filename2'.
The -o <outfile> switch was specified more than once.
Multiple STACK definitions.
A STACK directive occurs more than once in the linker script file or included linker script
files. Remove the multiple STACK directives.
No input object files specified.
No input object or library file was specified to the linker. Enter files to link.
Errors, Warnings and Common Problems
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 289
Overlapping definitions of SHAREBANK 'memName'.
A SHAREBANK directive specifies a range of addresses that overlap a previous
definition. Overlaps are not permitted.
{PCL | TOSH | TOSU | TOSL} cannot be used as the destination of a
MOVFF or MOVSF instruction.
The MOVFF instruction has unpredictable results when its destination is the PCL,
TOSH, TOSU, or TOSL registers. MPLINK will not allow the destination of a MOVFF
instruction to be replaced with any of these addresses.
Processor types do not agree across all input files.
Each object module and library file specifies a processor type or a processor family. All
input modules processor types or families must match.
Section {absolute|access|overlay|share} types for 'secName' do not
match across input files.
A section with the name secName occurs in more than one input file. However, in some
files it is marked as either an absolute, access, overlay or shared section, and in some
it is not. Change the section's type in the source files and rebuild the object modules.
Section 'secName' can not fit the absolute section. Section 'secName'
start=0xHHHH, length=0xHHHH.
A section which has not been assigned to a memory in the linker script file can not be
allocated. Use the -m <mapfile> switch to generate an error map file. The error map
will show the sections which were allocated prior to the error. More memory must be
made available by adding a CODEPAGE, SHAREBANK, or DATABANK directive, or
by removing the PROTECTED attribute, or the number of input sections must be
Section 'romName' can not have a 'RAM' memory attribute specified in
the linker script file.
Use only the ROM attribute when defining the section in the linker script file.
Section 'secName' can not fit the section. Section 'secName'
A section which has not been assigned to a memory in the linker script file can not be
allocated. Use the -m <mapfile> switch to generate an error map file. The error map
will show the sections which were allocated prior to the error. More memory must be
made available by adding a CODEPAGE, SHAREBANK, or DATABANK directive, or
by removing the PROTECTED attribute, or the number of input sections must be
Section 'secName' contains code and can not have a 'RAM' memory
attribute specified in the linker script file.
Use only the ROM attribute when defining the section in the linker script file.
Section 'secName' contains initialized data and can not have a 'ROM'
memory attribute specified in the linker script file.
Use only the RAM attribute when defining the section in the linker script file.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 290 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Section 'secName' contains initialized rom data and can not have a
'RAM' memory attribute specified in the linker script file.
Use only the ROM attribute when defining the section in the linker script file.
Section 'secName' contains uninitialized data and can not have a 'ROM'
memory attribute specified in the linker script file.
Use only the RAM attribute when defining the section in the linker script file.
Section 'secName' has a memory 'memName' which can not fit the
absolute section. Section 'secName' start=0xHHHH, length=0xHHHH.
The memory which was assigned to the section in the linker script file either does not
have space to fit the section, or the section will overlap another section. Use the
-m <mapfile> switch to generate an error map file. The error map will show the
sections which were allocated prior to the error.
Section 'secName' has a memory 'memName' which can not fit the
section. Section 'secName' length='0xHHHH'.
The memory which was assigned to the section in the linker script file either does not
have space to fit the section, or the section will overlap another section. Use the
-m <mapfile> switch to generate an error map file. The error map will show the
sections which were allocated prior to the error.
Section 'secName' has a memory 'memName'' which is not defined in the
linker script file.
Add a CODEPAGE, DATABANK, or SHAREBANK directive for the undefined memory
to the linker script file.
Section 'secName' type is non-overlay and absolute but occurs in more
than one input file.
An absolute section with the name secName may only occur in a single input file.
Relocatable sections with the same name may occur in multiple input files. Either
remove the multiple absolute sections in the source files or use relocatable sections
Starting addresses for absolute overlay section ‘secName’ do not match
across all input files.
A section with the name secName occurs in more than one input file. However, its
absolute overlay starting address varies between files. Change the section's address
in the source files and rebuild the object modules.
Symbol 'symName' has multiple definitions.
A symbol may only be defined in a single input module.
Symbol 'symName' is not word-aligned. It cannot be used as the target of
a {branch | call or goto} instruction.
The target of a branch, call, or goto instruction was at an odd address, but the
instruction encoding cannot reference addresses that are not word-aligned.
Errors, Warnings and Common Problems
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 291
symbol 'symName' out of range of relative branch instruction.
A relative branch instruction had symName as its target, but a 2’s compliment encoding
of the offset to symName wouldn't fit in the limited number of instruction bits used for
the target of a branch instruction.
The _CONFIG_DECL macro can only be specified in one module. Found
in 'foo.o' previously found in 'bar.o'
This error is issued when MPLAB C18's _CONFIG_DECL macro is specified in two
separate .c files (e.g., foo.c and bar.c). Set configuration bits by using the
_CONFIG_DECL macro in only one .c file.
The _CONFIG_DECL macro (found in 'foo.o') cannot be used with
MPASM's __CONFIG directive (found in 'bar.o')
This error is issued when MPLAB C18's _CONFIG_DECL macro is used in a .c file
(e.g., foo.c) and MPASM assembler's __CONFIG directive is used in a .asm file (e.g.,
bar.asm). Set configuration bits using either the _CONFIG_DECL macro from MPLAB
C18 or the __CONFIG directive in MPASM assembler.
The _CONFIG_DECL macro (found in 'foo.o') cannot be used with either
MPLAB C18's #pragma config directive or MPASM's CONFIG directive
(found in 'bar.o')
This error is issued when MPLAB C18's _CONFIG_DECL macro is used in a .c file
(e.g., foo.c) with either MPLAB C18's #pragma config directive in a second .c file
(e.g., bar.c) or MPASM assembler's __CONFIG directive in a .asm file (e.g.,
bar.asm). Set configuration bits by using only one of _CONFIG_DECL, #pragma
config, or __CONFIG directive.
TRIS argument is out of range '0xHHHH' not between '0xHHHH' and
Check the device data sheet to determine acceptable hex values for the TRIS register
you are using.
Undefined CODEPAGE 'memName' for SECTION 'secName'.
A SECTION directive with a ROM attribute refers to a memory block which has not
been defined. Add a CODEPAGE directive to the linker script file for the undefined
memory block.
A SECTION directive with a RAM attribute refers to a memory block that has not been
defined. Add a DATABANK or SHAREBANK directive to the linker script file for the
undefined memory block.
Undefined DATABANK/SHAREBANK 'memName' for STACK.
No input object files specified. At least one object module must be specified either on
the command line or in the linker script file using the FILES directive.
Unknown section type for 'secName'.
The section type for ‘secName’ needs to be defined.
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Unknown section type for 'secName' in file 'filename'.
An input object or library module is not of the proper file type or it may be corrupted.
Unsupported processor type in file ‘filename’.
A processor was specified that is not currently supported by the linker. See the Readme
file for a list of supported devices.
Unsupported relocation type.
A relocation type was specified that is not currently supported by the linker.
MPLINK linker warnings are listed alphabetically below:
Fill pattern for memory 'memName' doesn't divide evenly into unused
section locations. Last value was truncated.
If a fill pattern is specified for a ROM section, but the free space in that section isn't
evenly divisible by the fill pattern size, this warning will be issued to warn of incomplete
'/a' command line option ignored with '/x'
/x or -x prevents the generation of a .hex file. Therefore, specifying the format of hex
output file with /a or -a is irrelevant.
'/n' command line option ignored with '/w'
/w or -w prevents the generation of a .lst file. Therefore, specifying the number of lines
per listing page with /n or -n is irrelevant.
Errors, Warnings and Common Problems
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 293
All the COFF errors listed below indicate an internal error in the file's contents. Please
contact Microchip support if any of these errors are generated.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read file header.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read line numbers.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read optional file header.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read raw data.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read relocation info.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read section header.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read string table.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read string table length.
• Coff file 'filename' could not read symbol table.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write file header.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write lineinfo.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write optional file header.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write raw data.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write reloc.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write section header.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write string.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write string table length.
• Coff file 'filename' could not write symbol.
• Coff file 'filename', cScnHdr.size() != cScnNum.size().
• Coff file 'filename' does not appear to be a valid COFF file.
• Coff file 'filename' has relocation entries but an empty symbol table.
• Coff file 'filename' missing optional file header.
• Coff file 'filename' section['xx'] has an invalid s_offset.
• Coff file 'filename', section 'secName' line['xx'] has an invalid l_fcnndx.
• Coff file 'filename', section 'secName' line['xx'] has an invalid l_srcndx.
• Coff file 'filename', section 'secName' reloc['xx'] has an invalid r_symndx.
• Coff file 'filename' symbol['xx'] has an invalid n_offset.
• Coff file 'filename' symbol['xx'] has an invalid n_scnum.
• Coff file 'filename', symbol['xx'] has an invalid index.
• Could not find section name 'secName' in string table.
• Could not find symbol name 'symName' in string table.
• Could not open Coff file 'filename' for reading.
• Could not open Coff file 'filename' for writing.
• Could not read archive magic string in library file 'filename'.
• Unable to find aux_file name in string table.
• Unable to find section name in string table.
• Unable to find symbol name in string table.
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If you are using the linker with any of the utilities, i.e., MPLIB librarian or you have not
used the linker options /w or /x (Windows OS) or -w or -x (Linux or Mac OS), then
you may need to look in the utility troubleshooting sections for your error.
• MPLIB Librarian - Chapter 17. “Errors”
• MP2COD and/or MP2HEX - Chapter 19. “Errors and Warnings”
Although I set up listing file properties with MPASM assembler directives, none
of these properties is appearing in my listing file.
Although MPASM assembler is often used with MPLINK object linker, MPASM
assembler directives are not supported in MPLINK linker scripts. See
Section 10.3 “Command Line Interface” for control of listing and hex file output.
How do I split up linear memory in the linker script file?
Currently the only name linear memory can be is linear0 and nothing else due a
limitation in the linker. This prevents your from splitting the linear memory region
because names other than linear0 cannot be used.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 295
Part 3 – MPLIB Object Librarian
Chapter 15. MPLIB Librarian Overview .................................................................... 297
Chapter 16. Librarian Interfaces ............................................................................... 299
Chapter 17. Errors...................................................................................................... 301
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Chapter 15. MPLIB Librarian Overview
An overview of the MPLIB object librarian and its capabilities is presented.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• What is MPLIB Librarian
• How MPLIB Librarian Works
• How MPLIB Librarian Helps You
• Librarian Operation
• Librarian Input/Output Files
MPLIB object librarian (the librarian) combines object modules generated by the
MPASM assembler or the MPLAB C18 C compiler into a single library file. This file may
then be inputted into the MPLINK object linker.
A librarian manages the creation and modification of library files. A library file is simply
a collection of object modules that are stored in a single file. There are several reasons
for creating library files:
• Libraries make linking easier. Since library files can contain many object files, the
name of a library file can be used instead of the names of many separate object
files when linking.
• Libraries help keep code small. Since a linker only uses the required object files
contained in a library, not all object files which are contained in the library
necessarily wind up in the linker's output module.
• Libraries make projects more maintainable. If a library is included in a project, the
addition or removal of calls to that library will not require a change to the link
• Libraries help to convey the purpose of a group of object modules. Since libraries
can group together several related object modules, the purpose of a library file is
usually more understandable than the purpose of its individual object modules.
For example, the purpose of a file named math.lib is more apparent than the
purpose of power.o, ceiling.o, and floor.o.
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The MPLIB librarian can help you in the following ways:
• The librarian makes linking easier because single libraries can be included
instead of many smaller files.
• The librarian helps keep code maintainable by grouping related modules together.
• The librarian commands allow libraries to be created and modules to be added,
listed, replaced, deleted, or extracted.
The librarian combines multiple input object modules, generated by the MPASM
assembler or MPLAB C18 C compilers, into a single output library (.lib) file. Library
files are used in conjunction with the MPLINK linker to produce executable code.
The MPLIB librarian combines multiple object files into one library (.lib) file.
Input Files
Output Files
15.6.1 Object File (.o)
Object files are the relocatable code produced from source files. The MPLIB librarian
combines several object files into a single library file.
15.6.2 Library File (.lib)
A library file may be created from object files by the MPLIB librarian or may be an
existing standard library.
mult.o add.o object
library file
MPLIB librarian
Object File (.o) Relocatable code produced from source files.
Library File (.lib) A collection of object files grouped together for
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 299
Chapter 16. Librarian Interfaces
How to use MPLIB librarian is discussed here. For information on how librarian output
can be used with the MPASM assembler and the MPLINK linker, see the
documentation for these tools.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• MPLAB X IDE Interface
• MPLAB IDE v8 Interface
• Command Line Options
• Command Line Examples and Tips
The MPLIB librarian may be used to create library files to be used in an MPLAB X IDE
The MPLIB librarian may be used with MPLAB IDE to create a library file from project
object files instead of an executable (hex) file.
With your project open in MPLAB IDE, select Project>Build Options>Project. In the
Build Options dialog, click on the MPASM/C17/C18 Suite tab. Click the radio button
next to “Build library target (invoke MPLIB)”. Then click OK. Now when you build your
project, you will be building a library file.
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MPLIB librarian is invoked with the following syntax:
Windows OS: mplib [/q] /{ctdrx} LIBRARY [MEMBER...]
Linux or Mac OS: mplib [-q] -{ctdrx} LIBRARY [MEMBER...]
Example of Use - Windows OS
Suppose you wanted to create a library named dsp.lib from three object modules
named fft.o, fir.o, and iir.o. The following command line would produce the
desired results:
mplib /c dsp.lib fft.o fir.o iir.o
To display the names of the object modules contained in a library file named dsp.lib,
the following command line would be appropriate:
mplib /t dsp.lib
MPLIB librarian creates library files that may contain only a single external definition for
any symbol. Therefore, if two object modules define the same external symbol, the
librarian will generate an error if both object modules are added to the same library file.
To minimize the code and data space which results from linking with a library file, the
library's member object modules should be as small as possible. Creating object
modules that contain only a single function can significantly reduce code space.
(/ or -) Description Detail
cCreate library creates a new LIBRARY with the listed MEMBER(s)
dDelete member deletes MEMBER(s) from the LIBRARY; if no MEMBER is
specified the LIBRARY is not altered
qQuiet mode no output is displayed
rAdd/replace member if MEMBER(s) exist in the LIBRARY, then they are
replaced, otherwise MEMBER is appended to the end of
tList members prints a table showing the names of the members in the
xExtract member if MEMBER(s) exist in the LIBRARY, then they are
extracted. If no MEMBER is specified, all members will be
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 301
Chapter 17. Errors
MPLIB librarian detects the following sources of error and reports them.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Librarian Parse Errors
• Library File Errors
• COFF File Errors
MPLIB librarian parse errors are listed alphabetically below:
Invalid Object Filename
All object filenames must end with '.o'.
Invalid Switch
An unsupported switch was specified. For a list of supported switches, refer to
command line options.
Library Filename is Required
All commands require a library filename. All library filenames must end with '.lib'.
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Library file processing errors are listed alphabetically below:
Could not build member 'memberName' in library file 'filename'.
The file is not a valid library file or it is corrupted.
Could not open library file 'filename' for reading.
Verify that filename exists and can be read.
Could not open library file 'filename' for writing.
Verify that if filename exists, it is not read-only.
Could not write archive magic string in library file 'filename'.
The file may be corrupted.
Could not write member header for 'memberName' in library file
The file may be corrupted.
File 'filename' is not a valid library file.
Library files must end with .lib.
Library file 'filename' has a missing member object file.
The file not a valid object file or it may be corrupted.
'memberName' is not a member of library 'filename'.
memberName can not be extracted or deleted from a library unless it is a member of
the library.
Symbol 'symName' has multiple external definitions.
A symbol may only be defined once in a library file.
For a list of COFF File Errors, see MPLINK linker Section 14.5 “COFF File Errors”.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 303
Part 4 – Utilities
Chapter 18. Utilities Overview and Usage ............................................................... 305
Chapter 19. Errors and Warnings ............................................................................. 307
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Chapter 18. Utilities Overview and Usage
An overview of the 8-bit utilities and their capabilities are presented.
Topics covered in this chapter:
• What are Utilities
• Utilities Operation
• mp2hex.exe Utility
• mp2cod.exe Utility
Utilities are tools available for use with the assembler and/or linker. The MPLIB object
librarian is a utility that was discussed in the previous sections.
The utilities MP2HEX and MP2COD work with the MPLINK object linker to generate
executable code (.hex) or a linker listing file (.lst) from the linker COF file. The Hex
file is used by simulators, emulators, debuggers and programmers.
Utility Description
mplib.exe Creates, modifies and extracts files from libraries. See Part 3
– “MPLIB Object Librarian” for more information.
mp2hex.exe Generates a Hex file from a COF file.
mp2cod.exe Generates a COD and list file from a COF file.
output file
output files
prog.hex prog.lst
MPLINK linker
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Use this utility to take the MPLINK linker output COF file and create a Hex file. A Hex
file contains no debug information but may be programmed directly into a device.
The MPLINK linker /x or -x option will result in the linker not using this utility.
Use this utility to take the MPLINK linker output COF file and create a COD file and a
list file. A COD file is a legacy debug file that is no longer used. A list file generated by
this utility is specific to the linker (see Section 9.7.6 “Listing File (.lst)”.)
The MPLINK linker /w or -w option will result in the linker not using this utility.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 307
Chapter 19. Errors and Warnings
Error messages and warning messages are produced by the 8-bit utilities. These
messages always appear in the listing file directly above each line in which the error
• Hex File Errors
• COFF To COD Conversion Errors
• COFF To COD Converter Warnings
• COD File Errors
Selected hex format does not support byte addresses above 64kb; use
INHX32 format!
Your code addresses more than 64 Kbytes of program memory, but your selected hex
format cannot support this. Switch to INHX32 format.
Could not open hex file ‘filename’ for writing.
The hex file was never created due to other errors, or an existing hex file is
Source file ‘filename’ name exceeds file format maximum of 63
The COD file name, including the path, has a 63-character limit.
Coff file 'filename' must contain at least one 'code' or 'romdata' section.
In order to convert a COFF file to a COD file, the COFF file must have either a code or
a romdata section.
Could not open list file 'filename' for writing.
Verify that if filename exists and that it is not a read-only file.
Could not open source file 'filename'. This file will not be present in the
list file.
The referenced source file could not be opened. This can happen if an input
object/library module was built on a machine with a different directory structure. If
source level debugging for the file is desired, rebuild the object or library on the current
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DS33014L-page 308 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
All the COD file errors listed below indicate an internal error in the file's contents.
Please contact Microchip support if any of these errors are generated.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper debug message table.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper Index.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper line info table.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper local vars table.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper long symbol table.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper memory map table.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper name table.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a proper symbol table.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a properly formed first directory.
• Cod file 'filename' does not have a properly formed linked directory.
• Could not open Cod file ‘filename’ for reading.
• Could not open Cod file ‘filename’ for writing.
• Could not write ‘blockname’ block in Cod file ‘filename’.
• Could not write directory in Cod file ‘filename’.
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 309
Part 5 – Appendices
Appendix A. Instruction Sets .................................................................................... 311
Appendix B. Useful Tables ........................................................................................ 329
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1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 311
Appendix A. Instruction Sets
PIC1X MCU instruction sets are used in developing applications with MPASM
assembler, MPLINK object linker and MPLIB object librarian.
Instructions listed here are grouped either by instruction width or device number.
Topics covered are:
• Key to 12/14-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Sets
- 12-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Set
- 14-Bit Instruction Width Instruction Set
- 14-Bit Instruction Width Extended Instruction Set
- 12-Bit/14-Bit Instruction Width Pseudo-Instructions
• Key to PIC18 Device Instruction Set
- PIC18 Device Instruction Set
- PIC18 Device Extended Instruction Set
Use this key to determine the meaning of abbreviations in the 12- and 14-bit instruction width
instruction sets tables.
Width Devices Supported
12 Bit PIC10F2XX, PIC12C5XX, PIC12CE5XX, PIC16X5X, PIC16C505
14 Bit PIC12C67X, PIC12CE67X, PIC12F629/675, PIC16X
16 Bit PIC18X
Field Description
Register Files
dest Destination either the WREG register or the specified register file location. See d.
fRegister file address (5-bit, 7-bit or 8-bit).
nFSR or INDF number (0 or 1).
pPeripheral register file address (5-bit).
rPort for TRIS.
xDon’t care (‘0’ or ‘1’).
The assembler will generate code with x = 0. It is the recommended form of use for
compatibility with all Microchip software tools.
kLiteral field, constant data or label.
kk 8-bit.
kkk 12-bit.
mm Pre-post increment-decrement mode selection.
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bBit address within an 8-bit file register (0 to 7).
dDestination select bit.
d = 0: store result in WREG
d = 1: store result in file register f (default)
iTable pointer control.
i = 0: do not change.
i = 1: increment after instruction execution.
sDestination select bit.
s = 0: store result in file register f and WREG
s = 1: store result in file register f (default)
tTable byte select.
t = 0: perform operation on lower byte.
t = 1: perform operation on upper byte.
' ' Bit values, as opposed to Hex value.
Named Registers
BSR Bank Select Register. Used to select the current RAM bank.
PCL Program Counter Low Byte.
PCH Program Counter High Byte.
PCLATH Program Counter High Byte Latch.
PCLATU Program Counter Upper Byte Latch.
PRODH Product of Multiply High Byte.
PRODL Product of Multiply Low Byte.
TBLATH Table Latch (TBLAT) High Byte.
TBLATL Table Latch (TBLAT) Low Byte.
TBLPTR 16-bit Table Pointer (TBLPTRH:TBLPTRL). Points to a Program Memory location.
WREG Working register (accumulator).
Named Bits
C, DC, Z, OV, N ALU Status bits: Carry, Digit Carry, Zero, Overflow, Negative.
TO Time-out bit.
PD Power-down bit.
GIE Global Interrupt Enable bit(s).
Named Device Features
PC Program Counter.
TOS Top-of-Stack.
WDT Watchdog Timer.
Misc. Descriptors
( ) Contents.
, Assigned to.
< > Register bit field.
Field Description
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 313
Microchip’s baseline 8-bit microcontroller family uses a 12-bit wide instruction set. All
instructions execute in a single instruction cycle unless otherwise noted. Any unused
opcode is executed as a NOP.
The instruction set is grouped into the following categories: byte-oriented file register
operations, bit-oriented file register operations, and core literal and control operations.
Instructions. Additionally, instructions that apply to both 12-bit and 14-bit devices are
shown in Section A.6 “12-Bit/14-Bit Instruction Width Pseudo-Instructions”.
Instruction opcode is show in hex by making certain assumptions, either listed in the
key or as a footnote. For more information on the opcode bit values for each instruction,
as well as the number of cycles per instruction, status bits affected and complete
instruction details, see the relevant device data sheet.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
1Ef*ADDWF f,d Add W and f WREG + f dest
16f*ANDWF f,d AND W and f WREG .AND. f dest
06f CLRF f Clear f 0 f
040 CLRW Clear W 0 WREG
26f*COMF f,d Complement f .NOT. f dest
0Ef*DECF f,d Decrement f f - 1 dest
2Ef*DECFSZ f,d Decrement f, skip if zero f - 1 dest, skip if zero
2Af*INCF f,d Increment f f + 1 dest
3Ef*INCFSZ f,d Increment f, skip if zero f + 1 dest, skip if zero
12f*IORWF f,d Inclusive OR W and f WREG .OR. f dest
22f*MOVF f,d Move f f dest
02f MOVWF f Move W to f WREG f
000 NOP No operation
36f*RLF f,d Rotate left f
32f*RRF f,d Rotate right f
0Af*SUBWF f,d Subtract W from f f - WREG dest
3Af*SWAPF f,d Swap halves f f(0:3) f(4:7) dest
1Af*XORWF f,d Exclusive OR W and f WREG .XOR. f dest
* Assuming default bit value for d.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
4bf BCF f,b Bit clear f 0 f(b)
5bf BSF f,b Bit set f 1 f(b)
6bf BTFSC f,b Bit test, skip if clear skip if f(b) = 0
7bf BTFSS f,b Bit test, skip if set skip if f(b) = 1
register f
register f
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Hex Mnemonic Description Function
Ekk ANDLW kk AND literal and W kk .AND. WREG WREG
9kk CALL kk Call subroutine PC + 1 TOS, kk PC
004 CLRWDT Clear watchdog timer 0 WDT (and Prescaler if assigned)
Akk GOTO kk Goto address (k is nine bits) kk PC(9 bits)
Dkk IORLW kk Incl. OR literal and W kk .OR. WREG WREG
Ckk MOVLW kk Move Literal to W kk WREG
002 OPTION Load OPTION Register WREG OPTION Register
8kk RETLW kk Return with literal in W kk WREG, TOS PC
003 SLEEP Go into Standby Mode 0 WDT, stop oscillator
00r TRIS r Tristate port r WREG I/O control reg r
Fkk XORLW kk Exclusive OR literal and W kk .XOR. WREG WREG
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 315
Microchip’s midrange 8-bit microcontroller family uses a 14-bit wide instruction set.
This instruction set consists of 36 instructions, each a single 14-bit wide word. Most
instructions operate on a file register, f, and the working register, WREG (accumulator).
The result can be directed either to the file register or the WREG register or to both in
the case of some instructions. A few instructions operate solely on a file register (BSF,
for example).
The instruction set is grouped into the following categories: byte-oriented file register
operations, bit-oriented file register operations, and core literal and control operations.
Additionally, instructions that apply to both 12-bit and 14-bit devices are shown in
Section A.6 “12-Bit/14-Bit Instruction Width Pseudo-Instructions”.
Instruction opcode is show in hex by making certain assumptions, either listed in the
key or as a footnote. For more information on the opcode bit values for each instruction,
as well as the number of cycles per instruction, status bits affected and complete
instruction details, see the relevant device data sheet.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
07df ADDWF f,d Add W and f W + f d
05df ANDWF f,d AND W and f W .AND. f d
01'1'f CLRF f Clear f 0 f
01xx CLRW Clear W 0 W
09df COMF f,d Complement f .NOT. f d
03df DECF f,d Decrement f f - 1 d
0Bdf DECFSZ f,d Decrement f, skip if zero f - 1 d, skip if 0
0Adf INCF f,d Increment f f + 1 d
0Fdf INCFSZ f,d Increment f, skip if zero f + 1 d, skip if 0
04df IORWF f,d Inclusive OR W and f W .OR. f d
08df MOVF f,d Move f f d
00'1'f MOVWF f Move W to f W f
0000 NOP No operation
0Ddf RLF f,d Rotate left f
0Cdf RRF f,d Rotate right f
02df SUBWF f,d Subtract W from f f - W d
0Edf SWAPF f,d Swap halves f f(0:3) f(4:7) d
06df XORWF f,d Exclusive OR W and f W .XOR. f d
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
4bf BCF f,b Bit clear f 0 f(b)
5bf BSF f,b Bit set f 1 f(b)
6bf BTFSC f,b Bit test, skip if clear skip if f(b) = 0
7bf BTFSS f,b Bit test, skip if set skip if f(b) = 1
register f
register f
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DS33014L-page 316 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
3Ekk ADDLW kk Add literal to W kk + WREG WREG
39kk ANDLW kk AND literal and W kk .AND. WREG WREG
2'0'kkk CALL kkk Call subroutine PC + 1 TOS, kk PC
0064 CLRWDT Clear watchdog timer 0 WDT (and Prescaler if assigned)
2'1'kkk GOTO kkk Goto address (k is nine bits) kk PC(9 bits)
38kk IORLW kk Incl. OR literal and W kk .OR. WREG WREG
30kk MOVLW kk Move Literal to W kk WREG
0062 OPTION Load OPTION register WREG OPTION Register
0009 RETFIE Return from Interrupt TOS PC, 1 GIE
34kk RETLW kk Return with literal in W kk WREG, TOS PC
0008 RETURN Return from subroutine TOS PC
0063 SLEEP Go into Standby Mode 0 WDT, stop oscillator
3Ckk SUBLW kk Subtract W from literal kk - WREG WREG
006r TRIS rTristate port r WREG I/O control reg r
3Akk XORLW kk Exclusive OR literal and W kk .XOR. WREG WREG
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 317
Some of Microchip’s midrange 8-bit microcontroller family use a 14-bit wide extended
instruction set. (Consult your device data sheet to see if you device uses an extended
instruction set.) This instruction set consists of 41 instructions, each a single 14-bit wide
word. Most instructions operate on a file register, f, and the working register, WREG
(accumulator). The result can be directed either to the file register or the WREG register
or to both in the case of some instructions. A few instructions operate solely on a file
register (BSF, for example).
The instruction set is grouped into the following categories: byte-oriented file register
operations, byte-oriented skip operations, bit-oriented file register operations,
bit-oriented skip operations, core literal operations, core control operations, core
inherent operations and C-compiler optimized operations. Additionally, instructions that
apply to both 12-bit and 14-bit devices are shown in Section A.6 “12-Bit/14-Bit
Instruction Width Pseudo-Instructions”.
Instruction opcode is show in hex by making certain assumptions, either listed in the
key or as a footnote. For more information on the opcode bit values for each instruction,
as well as the number of cycles per instruction, status bits affected and complete
instruction details, see the relevant device data sheet.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
07df ADDWF f,d Add W and f W + f d
3Ddf ADDWFC*f,d Add with Carry W and f W + f + C d
05df ANDWF f,d AND W with f W .AND. f d
37df ASRF*f,d Arithmetic Right Shift
35df LSLF*f,d Logical Left Shift
36df LSRF*f,d Logical Right Shift
01'1'f CLRF f Clear f 0 f
01xx CLRW Clear W 0 W
09df COMF f,d Complement f .NOT. f d
03df DECF f,d Decrement f f - 1 d
0Adf INCF f,d Increment f f + 1 d
04df IORWF f,d Inclusive OR W with f W .OR. f d
08df MOVF f,d Move f f d
00'1'f MOVWF f Move W to f W f
0Ddf RLF f,d Rotate left f
0Cdf RRF f,d Rotate right f
register f
register f
7......0 C
register f
register f
register f
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 318 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
02df SUBWF f,d Subtract W from f f - W d
3Bdf SUBWFB*f,d Subtract with Borrow W from f f - W - B d
0Edf SWAPF f,d Swap halves f f(0:3) f(4:7) d
06df XORWF f,d Exclusive OR W and f W .XOR. f d
* Operation in 14-bit extended instruction set but not 14-bit instruction set.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
0Bdf DECFSZ f,d Decrement f, skip if zero f - 1 d, skip if 0
0Fdf INCFSZ f,d Increment f, skip if zero f + 1 d, skip if 0
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
4bf BCF f,b Bit clear f 0 f(b)
5bf BSF f,b Bit set f 1 f(b)
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
6bf BTFSC f,b Bit test, skip if clear skip if f(b) = 0
7bf BTFSS f,b Bit test, skip if set skip if f(b) = 1
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
3Ekk ADDLW kk Add literal to W kk + WREG WREG
39kk ANDLW kk AND literal and W kk .AND. WREG WREG
38kk IORLW kk Incl. OR literal and W kk .OR. WREG WREG
002k MOVLB*kMove literal to BSR k BSR
31'1'kk MOVLP*kk Move literal to PCLATH kk PCLATH
30kk MOVLW kk Move Literal to W kk WREG
3Ckk SUBLW kk Subtract W from literal kk - WREG WREG
3Akk XORLW kk Exclusive OR literal and W kk .XOR. WREG WREG
* Operation in 14-bit extended instruction set but not 14-bit instruction set.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
32kk BRA*kk Relative branch PC + kk PC
000B BRW*Relative branch with W PC + W PC
2'0'kkk CALL kkk Call subroutine PC + 1 TOS, kkk PC
000A CALLW*Call subroutine with W PC + 1 TOS, W PC
2'1'kkk GOTO kkk Goto address (k is nine bits) kk PC(9 bits)
0009 RETFIE Return from Interrupt TOS PC, 1 GIE
34kk RETLW kk Return with literal in W kk WREG, TOS PC
0008 RETURN Return from subroutine TOS PC
* Operation in 14-bit extended instruction set but not 14-bit instruction set.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 319
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
0064 CLRWDT Clear watchdog timer 0 WDT (and Prescaler if assigned)
0000 NOP No operation
0062 OPTION Load OPTION register WREG OPTION Register
0001 RESET*Software device reset TOS PC
0063 SLEEP Go into Standby Mode 0 WDT, stop oscillator
006r TRIS rTristate port r WREG I/O control reg r
* Operation in 14-bit extended instruction set but not 14-bit instruction set.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
31'0'nk ADDFSR*n, k Add Literal to FSRn FSR(n) + k FSR(n)
MOVIW*mm n
n mm
Move INDFn to W, with pre/post inc/dec
Move INDFn to W, with pre/post inc/dec
Move INDFn to W, Indexed Indirect.
MOVWI*mm n
n mm
Move W to INDFn, with pre/post inc/dec
Move W to INDFn, with pre/post inc/dec
Move W to INDFn, Indexed Indirect.
* Operation in 14-bit extended instruction set but not 14-bit instruction set.
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 320 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
The following pseudo-instructions are applicable to both the 12-bit and 14-bit
instruction word devices. These pseudo-instructions are alternative mnemonics for
standard PIC1X instructions or are macros that generate one or more PIC1X
instructions. Use of these pseudo-instructions is not recommended for new designs.
These are documented mainly for historical purposes.
Mnemonic Description Equivalent
Operation(s) Status
ADDCF f,d Add Carry to File BTFSC
ADDDCF f,d Add Digit Carry to File BTFSC
BkBranch GOTO k -
BC k Branch on Carry BTFSC
BDC k Branch on Digit Carry BTFSC
BNC k Branch on No Carry BTFSS
BNDC k Branch on No Digit Carry BTFSS
BNZ k Branch on No Zero BTFSS
BZ k Branch on Zero BTFSC
CLRC Clear Carry BCF 3,0 -
CLRDC Clear Digit Carry BCF 3,1 -
CLRZ Clear Zero BCF 3,2 -
MOVFW f Move File to W MOVF f,0 Z
NEGF f,d Negate File COMF
SETC Set Carry BSF 3,0 -
SETDC Set Digit Carry BSF 3,1 -
SETZ Set Zero BSF 3,2 -
SKPC Skip on Carry BTFSS 3,0 -
SKPDC Skip on Digit Carry BTFSS 3,1 -
SKPNC Skip on No Carry BTFSC 3,0 -
SKPNDC Skip on No Digit Carry BTFSC 3,1 -
SKPNZ Skip on Non Zero BTFSC 3,2 -
SKPZ Skip on Zero BTFSS 3,2 -
SUBCF f,d Subtract Carry from File BTFSC
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 321
SUBDCF f,d Subtract Digit Carry from File BTFSC
TSTF f Te st F il e MOVF f,1 Z
Mnemonic Description Equivalent
Operation(s) Status
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 322 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Use this key to determine the meaning of abbreviations in the PIC18 (16-bit instruction width)
instruction sets tables.
Field Description
Register Files
dest Destination either the WREG register or the specified register file location. See d.
fRegister file address.
f8-bit (0x00 to 0xFF).
f' 12-bit (0x000 to 0xFFF). This is the source address.
f” 12-bit (0x000 to 0xFFF). This is the destination address.
r0, 1 or 2 for FSR number.
xDon’t care (‘0’ or ‘1’).
The assembler will generate code with x = 0. It is the recommended form of use for
compatibility with all Microchip software tools.
zIndirect addressing offset.
z' 7-bit offset value for indirect addressing of register files (source).
z” 7-bit offset value for indirect addressing of register files (destination).
kLiteral field, constant data or label.
kk 8-bit.
kkk 12-bit.
Offsets, Increments/Decrements
nThe relative address (2’s complement number) for relative branch instructions, or the direct
address for Call/Branch and Return instructions.
The mode of the TBLPTR register for the table read and table write instructions.
Only used with table read (TBLRD) and table write (TBLWT) instructions:
No Change to register
Post-Increment register
Post-Decrement register
Pre-Increment register
aRAM access bit
a = 0: RAM location in Access RAM (BSR register is ignored)
a = 1: RAM bank is specified by BSR register (default)
bBit address within an 8-bit file register (0 to 7).
dDestination select bit
d = 0: store result in WREG
d = 1: store result in file register f (default)
sFast Call/Return mode select bit
s = 0: do not update into/from shadow registers (default)
s = 1: certain registers loaded into/from shadow registers (Fast mode)
' ' Bit values, as opposed to Hex value.
Named Registers
BSR Bank Select Register. Used to select the current RAM bank.
FSR File Select Register.
PCL Program Counter Low Byte.
PCH Program Counter High Byte.
PCLATH Program Counter High Byte Latch.
PCLATU Program Counter Upper Byte Latch.
PRODH Product of Multiply High Byte.
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 323
PRODL Product of Multiply Low Byte.
STATUS Status Register
TABLAT 8-bit Table Latch.
TBLPTR 21-bit Table Pointer (points to a Program Memory location).
WREG Working register (accumulator).
Named Bits
C, DC, Z, OV, N ALU Status bits: Carry, Digit Carry, Zero, Overflow, Negative.
TO Time-out bit.
PD Power-down bit.
PEIE Peripheral Interrupt Enable bit.
GIE, GIEL/H Global Interrupt Enable bit(s).
Named Device Features
MCLR Master clear device reset.
PC Program Counter.
TOS Top-of-Stack.
WDT Watchdog Timer.
Misc. Descriptors
( ) Contents.
Assigned to.
< > Register bit field.
Field Description
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 324 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Microchip's new high-performance 8-bit microcontroller family uses a 16-bit wide
instruction set. This instruction set consists of 76 instructions, each a single 16-bit wide
word (2 bytes). Most instructions operate on a file register, f, and the working register,
WREG (accumulator). The result can be directed either to the file register or the WREG
register or to both in the case of some instructions. A few instructions operate solely on
a file register (BSF, for example).
The instruction set is grouped into the following categories: byte-oriented file register
operations, bit-oriented file register operations, control operations, literal operations
and memory operations. Additionally, extended mode instructions are shown in
Section A.9 “PIC18 Device Extended Instruction Set”.
Instruction opcode is show in hex by making certain assumptions, either listed in the
key or as a footnote. For more information on the opcode bit values for each instruction,
as well as the number of cycles per instruction, status bits affected and complete
instruction details, see the relevant device data sheet.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
27f* ADDWF f,d,a ADD WREG to f WREG+f dest
23f* ADDWFC f,d,a ADD WREG and Carry bit to f WREG+f+C dest
17f* ANDWF f,d,a AND WREG with f WREG .AND. f dest
6Bf* CLRF f,a Clear f 0 f
1Ff* COMF f,d,a Complement f .NOT. f dest
63f* CPFSEQ f,a Compare f with WREG, skip if
f–WREG, if f=WREG, PC+4 PC
else PC+2 PC
65f* CPFSGT f,a Compare f with WREG, skip if f >
f–WREG, if f > WREG, PC+4 PC
else PC+2 PC
61f* CPFSLT f,a Compare f with WREG, skip if f <
f–WREG, if f < WREG, PC+4 PC
else PC+2 PC
07f* DECF f,d,a Decrement f f–1 dest
2Ff* DECFSZ f,d,a Decrement f, skip if 0 f–1 dest, if dest=0, PC+4 PC
else PC+2 PC
4Ff* DCFSNZ f,d,a Decrement f, skip if not 0 f–1 dest, if dest 0, PC+4 PC
else PC+2 PC
2Bf* INCF f,d,a Increment f f+1 dest
3Ff* INCFSZ f,d,a Increment f, skip if 0 f+1 dest, if dest=0, PC+4 PC
else PC+2 PC
4Bf* INFSNZ f,d,a Increment f, skip if not 0 f+1 dest, if dest 0, PC+4 PC
else PC+2 PC
13f* IORWF f,d,a Inclusive OR WREG with f WREG .OR. f dest
53f* MOVF f,d,a Move f f dest
MOVFF f',f” Move f' to fd” (second word) f' f”
6Ff* MOVWF f,a Move WREG to f WREG f
03f* MULWF f,a Multiply WREG with f WREG * f PRODH:PRODL
6Df* NEGF f,a Negate f -f f
37f* RLCF f,d,a Rotate left f through Carry
register f
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 325
47f* RLNCF f,d,a Rotate left f (no carry)
33f* RRCF f,d,a Rotate right f through Carry
43f* RRNCF f,d,a Rotate right f (no carry)
69f* SETF f,a Set f 0xFF f
57f* SUBFWB f,d,a Subtract f from WREG with
WREG–f–C dest
5Ff* SUBWF f,d,a Subtract WREG from f f–WREG dest
5Bf* SUBWFB f,d,a Subtract WREG from f with
f–WREG–C dest
3Bf* SWAPF f,d,a Swap nibbles of f f<3:0> dest<7:4>, f<7:4> dest<3:0>
67f* TSTFSZ f,a Test f, skip if 0 PC+4 PC, if f=0, else PC+2 PC
1Bf* XORWF f,d,a Exclusive OR WREG with f WREG .XOR. f dest
* Assuming default bit values for d and a.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
register f
register f
register f
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DS33014L-page 326 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
91f* BCF f,b,a Bit Clear f 0 f<b>
81f* BSF f,b,a Bit Set f 1 f<b>
B1f* BTFSC f,b,a Bit test f, skip if clear if f<b>=0, PC+4PC, else PC+2PC
A1f* BTFSS f,b,a Bit test f, skip if set if f<b>=1, PC+4PC, else PC+2PC
71f* BTG f,b,a Bit Toggle f f<b> f<b>
* Assuming b = 0 and default bit value for a.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
E2n BC n Branch if Carry if C=1, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
E6n BN n Branch if Negative if N=1, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
E3n BNC n Branch if Not Carry if C=0, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
E7n BNN n Branch if Not Negative if N=0, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
E5n BNOV n Branch if Not Overflow if OV=0, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
E1n BNZ n Branch if Not Zero if Z=0, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
E4n BOV n Branch if Overflow if OV=1, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
D'0'n BRA n Branch Unconditionally PC+2+2*nPC
E0n BZ n Branch if Zero if Z=1, PC+2+2*nPC, else PC+2PC
CALL n,s Call Subroutine 1st word
2nd word
PC+4 TOS, n PC<20:1>,
if s=1, WREG WREGs,
0004 CLRWDT Clear Watchdog Timer 0 WDT, 0 WDT postscaler,
1 TO,1 PD
0007 DAW Decimal Adjust WREG if WREG<3:0> >9 or DC=1,
else WREG<3:0> WREG<3:0>;
if WREG<7:4> >9 or C=1,
else WREG<7:4> WREG<7:4>;
GOTO n Go to address 1st word
2nd word
n PC<20:1>
0000 NOP No Operation No Operation
Fxxx NOP No Operation No Operation (2-word instructions)
0006 POP Pop top of return stack (TOS) TOS-1 TOS
0005 PUSH Push top of return stack (TOS) PC +2TOS
D'1'n RCALL n Relative Call PC+2 TOS, PC+2+2*nPC
00FF RESET Software device reset Same as MCLR reset
0010* RETFIE s Return from interrupt
(and enable interrupts)
BSRs BSR, PCLATU/PCLATH are unchanged.
0012* RETURN s Return from subroutine TOS PC, if s=1, WREGs WREG,
PCLATU/PCLATH are unchanged
0003 SLEEP Enter SLEEP Mode 0 WDT, 0 WDT postscaler,
1 TO, 0 PD
* Assuming default bit value for s.
Instruction Sets
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 327
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
0Fkk ADDLW kk Add literal to WREG WREG+kk WREG
0Bkk ANDLW kk AND literal with WREG WREG .AND. kk WREG
09kk IORLW kk Inclusive OR literal with WREG WREG .OR. kk WREG
LFSR r,kk Move literal (12 bit) 2nd word
to FSRr 1st word
kk FSRr
010k MOVLB k Move literal to BSR<3:0> kk BSR
0Ekk MOVLW kk Move literal to WREG kk WREG
0Dkk MULLW kk Multiply literal with WREG WREG * kkPRODH:PRODL
0Ckk RETLW kk Return with literal in WREG kk WREG
08kk SUBLW kk Subtract WREG from literal kk–WREG WREG
0Akk XORLW kk Exclusive OR literal with WREG WREG .XOR. kk WREG
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
0008 TBLRD* Table Read Prog Mem (TBLPTR) TABLAT
0009 TBLRD*+ Table Read with post-increment Prog Mem (TBLPTR) TABLAT
000A TBLRD*- Table Read with post-decrement Prog Mem (TBLPTR) TABLAT
000B TBLRD+* Table Read with pre-increment TBLPTR +1 TBLPTR
000C TBLWT* Table Write TABLAT Prog Mem(TBLPTR)
000D TBLWT*+ Table Write with post-increment TABLAT Prog Mem(TBLPTR)
000E TBLWT*- Table Write with post-decrement TABLAT Prog Mem(TBLPTR)
000F TBLWT+* Table Write with pre-increment TBLPTR +1 TBLPTR
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 328 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Some PIC18 devices have an extended mode of operation for use with the MPLAB C18
compiler. This mode will change the operation of some instructions listed in
Section A.8 “PIC18 Device Instruction Set” and add the instructions listed in this
In general, you should not need to use the extended instruction set. However, if
needed, the extended mode is set using a special device configuration bit. For more on
extended mode, see the MPLAB C18 C Compiler User’s Guide (DS51288) and your
device data sheet. To set up your IDE project for use with extended mode, see the
MPASM online help for Section “MPLAB C18: Setup for PIC18 Extended
Instruction Set Use” (MPLAB X IDE) or Section “MPLAB C18: Setup for PIC18
Extended Instruction Set Use” (MPLAB IDE v8).
Instruction opcode is shown in hex by making certain assumptions, either listed in the
key or as a footnote. For more information on the opcode bit values for each instruction,
as well as the number of cycles per instruction, status bits affected and complete
instruction details, see the relevant device data sheet.
Hex Mnemonic Description Function
E8fk ADDFSR f,k Add literal to FSR FSR(f)+k FSR(f)
E8Ck ADDULNK k Add literal to FSR2 and return FSR2+k FSR2, (TOS) PC
0014 CALLW Call subroutine using WREG (PC + 2) TOS, (W) PCL,
MOVSF z’,f” Move z’ (source) to 1st word,
f” (destination)2nd word
((FSR2)+z’) f”
MOVSS z’,z” Move z’ (source) to 1st word,
z” (destination)2nd word
((FSR2)+z’) ((FSR2)+z”)
EAkk PUSHL k Store literal at FSR2,
decrement FSR2
k FSR2),
E9fk SUBFSR f,k Subtract literal from FSR FSR(f-k) FSR(f)
E9Ck SUBULNK k Subtract literal from FSR2 and return FSR2-k FSR2, (TOS) PC
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 329
Appendix B. Useful Tables
Some useful tables are included for reference here. The tables are:
• ASCII Character Set
• Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
This table displays the standard ASCII character set in nibbles.
Most Significant Nibble
0NUL DLE Space 0 @ P ` p
1SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
2STX DC2 " 2 B R b r
3ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
4EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
5ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u
6ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
7Bell ETB ' 7 G W g w
8BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
9HT EM ) 9 I Y i y
ALF SUB * : J Z j z
BVT ESC + ; K [ k {
CFF FS , < L \ l |
DCR GS – = M ] m }
ESO RS . > N ^ n ~
FSI US / ? O _ o DEL
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 330 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
This table describes how to convert hexadecimal to decimal. For each HEX digit, find
the associated decimal value. Add the numbers together
For example, HEX A38F converts to 41871 as follows:
High Byte Low Byte
HEX 1000 Dec HEX 100 Dec HEX 10 Dec HEX 1 Dec
1 4096 1 256 1 16 1 1
2 8192 2 512 2 32 2 2
3 12288 3 768 3 48 3 3
4 16384 4 1024 4 64 4 4
5 20480 5 1280 5 80 5 5
6 24576 6 1536 6 96 6 6
7 28672 7 1792 7 112 7 7
8 32768 8 2048 8 128 8 8
9 36864 9 2304 9 144 9 9
A 40960 A 2560 A 160 A 10
B 45056 B 2816 B 176 B 11
C 49152 C 3072 C 192 C 12
D 53248 D 3328 D 208 D 13
E 57344 E 3584 E 224 E 14
F 61440 F 3840 F 240 F 15
HEX 1000’s Digit HEX 100’s Digit HEX 10’s Digit HEX 1’s Digit Result
40960 768 128 15 41871 Decimal
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 331
__badram................................................................. 75
__badrom................................................................. 76
__config ............................................................86, 195
__fuses .................................................................... 86
__idlocs...........................................................123, 195
__maxram .............................................................. 136
__maxrom .............................................................. 137
_CRUNTIME .......................................................... 246
_DEBUG ................................................................ 246
_DEBUGCODELEN............................................... 246
_DEBUGCODESTART .......................................... 246
_DEBUGDATALEN................................................ 246
_DEBUGDATASTART ........................................... 246
_EXTENDEDMODE............................................... 246
_mplink.exe............................................................ 256
.asm ....................................................................21, 37
.c .........................................................................21, 37
.cof ..............................................................21, 37, 227
.hex .............................................................21, 37, 227
.hxh ........................................................................ 227
.hxl ......................................................................... 227
.lib ...............................................................21, 37, 226
.lkr ...............................................................21, 37, 226
.lst .......................................................................... 227
.map ....................................................................... 229
.o .................................................................21, 37, 226
.out ......................................................................... 227
#define ..................................................................... 98
#include...........................................................130, 189
#undefine ............................................................... 162
$ ............................................................................... 69
Absolute Code, Generating...................................... 50
Access Section
Overlayed ......................................................... 74
access_ovr............................................................... 74
ACCESSBANK ...............................................239, 244
Accessing Labels From Other Modules ................. 196
Absolute.......................................................... 252
Relocatable..................................................... 252
Stack............................................................... 252
AND, logical ............................................................. 69
Arithmatic Operators ................................................ 69
ASCII Character Set .............................................. 329
Assembler Command Line Options
?........................................................................ 63
a........................................................................ 63
c ........................................................................ 63
d ........................................................................ 63
e ........................................................................ 63
h ........................................................................ 63
l ......................................................................... 64
m ....................................................................... 64
o ........................................................................ 64
p ........................................................................ 64
q ........................................................................ 64
r......................................................................... 64
s ........................................................................ 64
t ......................................................................... 64
w ....................................................................... 64
x ........................................................................ 64
y ........................................................................ 64
badram ..................................................................... 75
badrom ..................................................................... 76
Bank Selecting ......................................................... 80
Bank Selecting, Indirect ........................................... 77
Banking .......................................................... 176, 197
bankisel .................................................................... 77
banksel............................................................. 80, 197
Bit Assignments ..................................................... 175
Blank Listing Lines ................................................. 153
Block of Constants ........................................... 82, 103
Boot Loader............................................................ 267
Build Options...................................................... 22, 38
Build Project
Command Line................................................ 259
MPLAB IDE............................................. 256, 257
Caveats, Linker Script ............................................ 238
cblock ....................................................................... 82
COD file.................................................................. 220
code ..........................................................84, 190, 195
Code Section.................................................... 84, 175
Code Section, Packed.............................................. 85
code_pack................................................................ 85
Code, Absolute.......................... 50, 190, 194, 197, 198
Code, Relocatable.............................50, 190, 195, 197
Calling File ...................................................... 199
Defining Module .............................................. 196
Library Routine................................................ 199
Referencing Module........................................ 196
CODEPAGE................................................... 243, 244
COF File............................................................. 21, 37
COFF Object Module File ...................................... 227
Command Line Interface
Assembler ......................................................... 63
Librarian .......................................................... 300
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 332 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Linker .............................................................. 232
Comments................................................................ 54
Common Problems
Linker .............................................................. 294
Compiler ............................................ 21, 24, 37, 39, 40
Conditional Assembly Directives.............................. 72
else ................................................................. 102
endif ................................................................ 104
endw ............................................................... 105
fi ...................................................................... 104
if ...................................................................... 125
ifdef ................................................................. 127
ifndef ............................................................... 129
while................................................................ 165
Conditional Linker Statements ............................... 245
config........................................................................ 88
Config Bits...................................................86, 88, 195
Configuration Bits........................................86, 88, 195
constant.................................................................... 89
Constant Compare ................................................. 205
Block Of .................................................... 82, 103
Declare.............................................................. 89
Define.............................................................. 105
Control Directives..................................................... 72
#define .............................................................. 98
#include........................................................... 130
#undefine ........................................................ 162
constant ............................................................ 89
end .................................................................. 103
equ .................................................................. 105
org................................................................... 141
processor ........................................................ 147
radix ................................................................ 148
set ................................................................... 152
variable ........................................................... 163
Create Numeric and Text Data................................. 92
Customer Support .................................................... 15
da ............................................................................. 90
Byte................................................................... 94
EEPROM Byte .................................................. 96
Word ............................................................... 101
data .................................................................... 65, 92
Data Directives......................................................... 72
__badram.......................................................... 75
__badrom.......................................................... 76
__config ............................................................ 86
__fuses ............................................................. 86
__idlocs........................................................... 123
__maxram ....................................................... 136
__maxrom ....................................................... 137
cblock................................................................ 82
config ................................................................ 88
da ...................................................................... 90
data ................................................................... 92
db ...................................................................... 94
de ...................................................................... 96
dt ..................................................................... 100
dtm .................................................................. 100
dw.................................................................... 101
endc ................................................................ 103
fill..................................................................... 116
res ................................................................... 150
Data Section
Access Uninitialized ........................................ 156
Initialized ......................................................... 120
Initialized Access.............................................122
Overlayed Uninitialized ................................... 158
Shared Uninitialized ........................................ 160
Uninitialized..................................................... 154
Data, Initialized....................................................... 254
DATABANK .................................................... 239, 244
db ............................................................................. 94
de ............................................................................. 96
Command Line................................................ 247
MPLAB IDE .....................................................235
Decrement................................................................ 70
define........................................................................ 98
Delete a Substitution Label ....................................162
Directives.................................................................. 53
Directives, Assembler............................................... 71
Directives, Linker.................................................... 237
Conventions ...................................................... 12
Layout ................................................................. 9
dt ............................................................................ 100
dtm ......................................................................... 100
dw..................................................................... 65, 101
EEPROM................................................................ 264
Data Byte .......................................................... 96
Start Address .................................................... 96
Eight-by-Eight Multiply............................................ 204
else......................................................................... 102
end ......................................................................... 103
endc........................................................................ 103
endif........................................................................ 104
endm ...................................................................... 104
endw....................................................................... 105
Environment Variables ................................... 259, 260
equ ......................................................................... 105
error........................................................................ 106
Error File........................................................... 57, 207
errorlevel ................................................................ 108
Assembler ....................................................... 208
COFF .............................................................. 293
COFF to COD Converter................................. 307
Librarian Parse................................................ 301
Linker .............................................................. 287
Linker Parse .................................................... 285
Escape Sequences .................................................. 66
Examples, Application
#define .............................................. 99, 178, 182
#include........................................................... 170
#undefine .................................................. 99, 178
bankisel ....................................................... 78, 79
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 333
banksel ........................................ 81, 82, 171, 180
cblock................................................................ 83
code ...........................................................84, 171
constant ...................................................164, 178
da...................................................................... 90
data..............................................................92, 93
db.................................................................94, 95
de...................................................................... 97
else ................................................................. 126
end.................................................................. 170
endc .................................................................. 83
endif ................................................................ 126
endm........................................................135, 180
endw ............................................................... 166
equ...........................................................152, 171
error ................................................................ 106
errorlevel......................................................... 108
exitm ............................................................... 111
extern.............................................................. 114
fill .............................................................117, 118
global ...............................................114, 182, 184
idata ................................................................ 121
if ...................................................................... 126
ifdef ..........................................................127, 128
list ............................................................148, 182
local ................................................................ 132
macro.......................................................135, 180
messg ............................................................. 138
org............................................................142, 143
pagesel ....................................................145, 171
radix ................................................................ 148
res............................................ 150, 171, 182, 184
set ............................................................152, 178
udata........................................ 155, 171, 182, 184
udata_acs ....................................................... 156
udata_ovr........................................................ 159
udata_shr........................................................ 160
variable ....................................................164, 178
while................................................................ 166
Examples, Simple
__badram.......................................................... 75
__badrom.......................................................... 76
__config ............................................................ 87
__idlocs........................................................... 123
__maxram......................................................... 75
__maxrom......................................................... 76
#define .............................................................. 98
#include .......................................................... 130
#undefine ........................................................ 162
bankisel............................................................. 77
banksel ............................................................. 80
cblock................................................................ 83
code .................................................................. 84
code_pack ........................................................ 85
config ................................................................ 89
data................................................................... 92
db...................................................................... 94
de...................................................................... 96
dt..................................................................... 100
dw ................................................................... 101
else ................................................................. 102
end .................................................................. 103
endm ............................................................... 104
equ .................................................................. 105
error ................................................................ 106
errorlevel ......................................................... 108
exitm ............................................................... 111
extern .............................................................. 114
fill..................................................................... 116
global .............................................................. 119
idata ........................................................ 120, 122
if ...................................................................... 125
ifdef ................................................................. 127
ifndef ............................................................... 129
list.................................................................... 131
local................................................................. 132
macro ...............................................113, 134, 140
messg ............................................................. 138
org................................................................... 141
pagesel ................................................... 144, 146
processor ........................................................ 147
radix ................................................................ 148
res ................................................................... 150
set ................................................................... 152
space ........................................................ 74, 153
subtitle............................................................. 153
title .................................................................. 154
udata ............................................................... 154
udata_acs ....................................................... 156
udata_ovr ........................................................ 158
udata_shr ........................................................ 160
variable ........................................................... 163
while................................................................ 165
Executable Files................................................. 21, 37
Execute If Symbol Defined..................................... 127
Execute If Symbol Not Defined .............................. 129
exitm....................................................................... 111
expand ................................................................... 113
Export a Label ........................................................ 119
Extended Microcontroller Mode ............................. 264
extern ............................................................. 114, 196
External Label ........................................................ 114
External Memory .................................................... 188
fi ............................................................................. 104
Error ................................................................ 207
Listing................................................................ 73
FILES ..................................................................... 237
fill............................................................................ 116
Final Frontier .......................................................... 153
Generic Linker Script Example............................... 248
Generic Linker Scripts............................................ 261
global...................................................................... 119
Header Files............................................130, 174, 189
Hex Files ...............................................21, 37, 57, 227
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 334 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion ..................... 330
high .................................................................. 69, 191
ID Locations ................................................... 123, 195
idata ............................................................... 120, 194
idata_acs ................................................................ 122
idlocs ...................................................................... 123
if ............................................................................. 125
else ................................................................. 102
end .................................................................. 104
ifdef ........................................................................ 127
IFDEF/ELSE/FI in Linker Scripts............................ 245
ifndef ...................................................................... 129
INCLUDE ............................................................... 238
include.................................................................... 130
Include Additional Source File................................ 130
Include File............................................................... 54
Increment ................................................................. 70
Initialized Data........................................................ 254
Input/Output Files
Assembler ......................................................... 52
Librarian .......................................................... 298
Linker .............................................................. 226
Instruction Operands.............................................. 191
Instruction Sets ...................................................... 311
12-Bit Core.............................................. 313, 320
12-Bit/14-Bit Cores.......................................... 320
14-Bit Core...................................................... 315
PIC18 Device .................................................. 322
Internet Address, Microchip...................................... 14
Interrupt Handling
PIC16 Example ................ 109, 117, 142, 172, 177
PIC18 Example ....................................... 118, 143
Labels....................................................................... 53
LIBPATH ................................................................ 237
Librarian Command Line Options
c ...................................................................... 300
d ...................................................................... 300
q ...................................................................... 300
r....................................................................... 300
t ....................................................................... 300
x ...................................................................... 300
Library File ..........................................21, 37, 226, 298
Library Path.................................................... 257, 258
Assembler ....................................................... 220
LINEARMEM.......................................................... 239
Linker Command Line Options
? ...................................................................... 233
a ...................................................................... 233
d ...................................................................... 233
g ...................................................................... 233
h ...................................................................... 233
i ....................................................................... 233
k ...................................................................... 233
l ....................................................................... 233
m ..................................................................... 233
n ...................................................................... 233
o ...................................................................... 233
q ...................................................................... 233
u ...................................................................... 233
v ...................................................................... 233
w.............................................................. 233, 306
x .............................................................. 233, 306
z ...................................................................... 233
Linker Processing................................................... 251
Linker Scripts.......................................21, 37, 226, 235
Debug Tool...................................................... 235
Standard.......................................................... 236
Linux Support ........................................................... 17
list ........................................................................... 131
Listing Directives ...................................................... 73
error................................................................. 106
errorlevel ......................................................... 108
list.................................................................... 131
messg.............................................................. 138
nolist................................................................ 140
page ................................................................ 144
space............................................................... 153
subtitle............................................................. 153
title................................................................... 154
Listing File .................................................. 54, 73, 227
LKRPATH............................................................... 237
local ........................................................................ 132
Logical Sections ..................................................... 244
low .................................................................... 69, 191
Mac Support............................................................. 17
Code Examples...............................................204
End.................................................................. 104
Exit .................................................................. 111
Expand ............................................................ 113
No Expansion.................................................. 140
Text Substitution ............................................. 202
Usage.............................................................. 203
macro ..................................................................... 134
Macro Directives.......................................................73
Defined............................................................ 202
endm ............................................................... 104
exitm................................................................ 111
expand ............................................................ 113
local................................................................. 132
macro .............................................................. 134
noexpand ........................................................ 140
Macro Language .................................................... 201
Macro Syntax .........................................................201
Macros...................................................................... 53
Macros in Linker Scripts ......................................... 246
main.......................................................................... 67
Map File...........................................229, 256, 257, 258
Maximum RAM Location ........................................ 136
Maximum ROM Location........................................ 137
maxram .................................................................. 136
maxrom .................................................................. 137
MCC_INCLUDE ............................................. 259, 260
Fill.................................................................... 116
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 335
Reserve .......................................................... 150
Memory Regions.................................................... 239
Message ................................................................ 138
Assembler....................................................... 218
messg .................................................................... 138
Mnemonics............................................................... 53
mp2cod Utility ........................................................ 306
mp2hex Utiltiy ........................................................ 306
MPASM Assembler.............................................22, 38
MPASM Assembler Overview.................................. 49
mpasm.exe ............................................................ 220
mpasmwin.exe ....................................................33, 34
mpasmx.exe............................................ 17, 18, 49, 61
MPLAB C18 C Compiler ......................... 21, 24, 37, 40
MPLAB IDE Build Options Dialog
MPASM Assembler Tab ................................... 38
MPASM/C17/C18 Suite Tab ............................. 41
MPLAB C17 Tab............................................... 39
MPLAB C18 Tab............................................... 40
MPLINK LinkerTab ........................................... 41
MPLIB Librarian Overview ..................................... 297
MPLIB Object Librarian.................................21, 37, 41
mplib.exe................................................. 17, 18, 33, 34
MPLINK Linker Overview....................................... 223
MPLINK Object Linker ............................ 21, 23, 37, 41
mplink.exe............................................... 17, 18, 33, 34
myMicrochip Personalized Notification Service ....... 14
noexpand ............................................................... 140
nolist....................................................................... 140
NOT, logical ............................................................. 69
Object File.................................................59, 226, 298
Object File Directives ............................................... 73
access_ovr........................................................ 74
bankisel............................................................. 77
banksel ............................................................. 80
code .................................................................. 84
code_pack ........................................................ 85
extern.............................................................. 114
global .............................................................. 119
idata ................................................................ 120
idata_acs ........................................................ 122
pagesel ........................................................... 144
pageselw......................................................... 146
udata............................................................... 154
udata_acs ....................................................... 156
udata_ovr........................................................ 158
udata_shr........................................................ 160
Object Files, Precompiled ...................................21, 37
Object Module, Generating .................................... 198
Operands ................................................................. 53
Operators, Arithmatic ............................................... 69
Options, Command Line
Assembler......................................................... 63
Librarian.......................................................... 300
Linker .............................................................. 232
OR, logical ............................................................... 69
org .......................................................................... 141
page ....................................................................... 144
Page Eject.............................................................. 144
Page Selection ....................................................... 144
Page Selection - WREG......................................... 146
pagesel........................................................... 144, 197
pageselw ................................................................ 146
Paging ............................................................ 175, 197
PATH.............................................................. 259, 260
Processing, Linker.................................................. 251
processor ............................................................... 147
Processor, Set.........................................131, 147, 171
Program Memory ................................................... 190
Projects .............................................................. 20, 36
PROTECTED ......................................................... 239
Radix ........................................................................ 67
radix ....................................................................... 148
Radix, Set................................................131, 148, 171
RAM Allocation....................................................... 194
RAM Memory Regions, Defining............................ 239
Reading, Recommended ......................................... 13
Register Assignments ............................................ 175
relocatable................................................................ 59
Relocatable Code, Generating................................. 50
Relocatable Objects............................................... 189
res .......................................................................... 150
Reserved Section Names, Assembler ..................... 67
Reserved Words, Assembler ................................... 67
ROM Memory Regions, Defining ........................... 243
Sample Applications, Linker................................... 255
Scripts, Linker ........................................................ 235
Search Order, Include Files ................................... 130
SECTION ....................................................... 239, 244
set .......................................................................... 152
Set Program Origin ................................................ 141
SHAREBANK ................................................. 239, 244
Simple ................................................................ 75, 76
Source Code ...................................................... 21, 37
Source Code File, Assembly.................................... 52
space...................................................................... 153
Stack ...................................................................... 244
STACK SIZE .......................................................... 244
Standard Linker Scripts.......................................... 236
Store Strings in Program Memory............................ 90
subtitle.................................................................... 153
Symbol Constant...................................................... 89
Symbols, In Expressions.......................................... 69
Table, Define.......................................................... 100
Templates .............................................................. 261
Text Strings .............................................................. 65
Text Substitution Label............................................. 98
Tips and Tricks
Bit Shifting Using Carry Bit.............................. 188
Assembler/Linker/Librarian User’s Guide
DS33014L-page 336 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Conditional Bit Set/Clear................................. 187
Delay Techniques ........................................... 186
Optimizing Destinations .................................. 187
Swap File Register with W .............................. 188
Using External Memory................................... 188
title.......................................................................... 154
Troubleshooting ..................................................... 207
udata .............................................................. 154, 194
udata_acs....................................................... 156, 194
udata_ovr ....................................................... 158, 194
udata_shr ....................................................... 160, 194
undefine ................................................................. 162
Unimplemented RAM ............................................... 75
Unimplemented ROM............................................... 76
upper ................................................................ 69, 191
Utilities Overview and Usage ................................. 305
Declare............................................................ 163
Define.............................................................. 152
Local ............................................................... 132
Assembler ....................................................... 215
COFF to COD Converter................................. 307
Linker .............................................................. 292
Watch Window ....................................................... 179
Watches Window.................................................... 179
Web Site, Microchip ................................................. 14
while ....................................................................... 165
White Space............................................................. 52
Windows Shell Interface........................................... 62
Windows Support ..................................................... 17
1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS33014L-page 337
DS33014L-page 338 1994-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
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