Machine Learning Resource Guide

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Machine Learning Mastery

Machine Learning Resource Guide
by Jason Brownlee, PhD

Copyright © 2014 Jason Brownlee, All Rights Reserved.

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Table of Contents
Beginner Books
Practical Books
Python Books
R Books
Stack Exchange
University Courses
Paid Courses
Other Videos
University Course Material
Undergraduate Level
Graduate Level
Software and Libraries
Jet Fuel
Connect With Me!


Hi there, my name is Jason from Thanks for downloading this
Machine Learning Resource Guide.
I have worked hard to collect and list only the best resources that will help you jump­start your
journey towards machine learning mastery. I’ve categorized the resources into main themes
such as videos, books and courses.
I’m certain you will find great value in the resources listed in this guide. Take your time and select
a medium or resource type you prefer and start working through resources one­by­one. Try not
to overload yourself. Remember to think hard about what you want from a resource and actively
take notes.
I’m interested to hear what resources you try, send me an email and let me know via or visit my site and leave a
comment. I hope to hear from you soon.
Jason Brownlee.


I read a lot of books, and even in this age of ebooks, I like having a lot of reference books on the
bookshelf. I also like having books in PDF form so I can search them quickly and pull out the
information I need.
The books listed in this section are grouped by a few different criteria that you may find useful, as
such you may see a few duplicates across the different lists of books.
I have provided links to each book on Amazon. The links are affiliate links which means I will get
a few cents from Amazon if you decide to buy a book.
My advice: Pick one book and read it, cover­to­cover.

Beginner Books
These are books for the absolute beginner to get a feeling for what machine learning or working
with data is all about. From a business and semi­technical perspective.

Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die
Data Science for Business: What you need to know about data mining and data­analytic
● Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight

Practical Books
If you are a programmer or engineer and are looking for a book with code examples to implement
or execute, these are books for you:

Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
Machine Learning for Hackers
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
Machine Learning in Action
Applied Predictive Modeling

You can learn more about these books in my blog post 6 Practical Books for Beginning Machine

Python Books
These are books for learning and applying machine learning if you are a python programmer.

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
Learning scikit­learn: Machine Learning in Python
Machine Learning in Action


Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, GitHub, and
● Natural Language Processing with Python
● Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and algorithms for analyzing images
● Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython
You can learn more about these books in my blog post: Python Machine Learning Books

R Books
If you are an R programmer or are looking at applying machine learning in R, these books are for

Applied Predictive Modeling
An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R
Practical Data Science with R
Machine Learning with R
Data Mining with R: Learning with Case Studies
Data Mining and Business Analytics with R
Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery

You can learn more about these books in my blog post: Books for Machine Learning with R

These are books for machine learning practitioners looking to go beyond the practical books and
deeper into theory. These are textbooks commonly used in undergraduate and postgraduate
university courses.


Machine Learning, by Tom Mitchell
Learning From Data, by Yaser Abu­Mostafa, Malik Magdon­Ismail and Hsuan­Tien Lin
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, by Kevin Murphy
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, by Christopher Bishop
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, by Trevor
Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman

You will have a lot of questions along your journey toward machine learning mastery and there
are excellent places where machine learning experts can answer those questions for you, if you
know where to look.
Each site listed below allows you to create an account for free and ask your question. Review
the types of questions and answers offered in each community before selecting the right
community for you to ask your question.
It is very likely your question has been asked and answered before. Try searching for it on each
community before posting.

Stack Exchange
The stack exchange sites are question and answer communities, so they are targeted towards
problem solving. You can post the specific questions you have, answer questions to which you
know the answer and (my favorite) read questions and answers to discover new methods and
There are four sites I like to dip into:
● Cross Validated: This site is useful for low­level questions on algorithms and statistical
● Quantitative Finance: (specifically the machine learning tag) This site is useful if you are
operating in the financial domain, but generally if you are working with time series data.
● Programmers: (specifically the machine learning tag) Great for specific code questions,
such as a problem with a given library or tool you are using.
● Stack Overflow: (specifically the machine learning tag) Again, like programmers, great for
specific questions with the implementation side of machine learning. It’s also the oldest
site and can cover machine learning algorithms and libraries.
There is a new site that has started up, but is still in beta, so it may not survive. It is called Data
Science and I am finding it very interesting for the general concerns of applied machine learning
(mix of code and math).

Reddit is a community of communities called sub­reddits. A given subreddit can be question and
answer site, a link sharing site or (more typically) a mix of the two.
A few subreddits I frequent include:


Machine Learning: Contains of mix of “how do I get started” and more advanced links to
machine learning blog posts. Also good for linking to your own projects to get some


Computer Vision: Mostly questions on computer vision questions both theoretical and
practical (such as libraries).
Natural Language: Focus on natural language processing, providing a good mix of
questions and links to relevant articles and blog posts.
Statistics: Discussion on statistical software and methods, great for digging deeper into a
given method or algorithm.
Data Science: Mostly links to posts that straddle data analysis and machine learning.
Big Data: Focused posts and discussions on the big data ecosystem.

There are other sub­reddits on relevant and related topics, but I have not found them as useful.

Quora is a question and answer site that is divided into topics, much like reddit but only
questions and answers. The questions are typically good and the answers high quality. Unlike
the stack exchange sites, they are typically less technical, less problem focused and more
A few Quora topics I frequent include:

Machine Learning: Useful for high­level questions on algorithms, processes, resources
and getting started. A good mix.
● Statistics: Focus on deeper statistical methods and algorithms, but includes a lot of
machine learning content.
● Data Mining: Good questions with a focus on the applied side of machine learning, but a
lot of overlap with Machine Learning.
● Data Science: Much like the Data Mining and Machine learning topics, the questions are
typically a higher level.
There are many other topics that might be useful, not limited to Data Analysis, Predictive
Analytics, NLP and Computer Vision. Also there are topics on specific methods such as SVM,
Deep Learning, Classification, and R.

There are some other great communities around that I could not classify as easily.

MetaOptimize Q+A: Like Cross Validated, this is a question and answer site that is great
for lower level questions on specific algorithms and methods. Maths and theory heavy.
● Kaggle Forums: Great for discussion around specific competitions and datasets, and full
of great nuggets of advice for feature engineering, ensembling and refining your test
● Data Tau: A social news site with a focus on links to posts on data and machine learning
relate topics. Low traffic and useful links.


Videos are a great way to learn about machine learning, both for lecture and tutorial content.

University Courses
There are university courses that are offered online for free by organizations such as Coursera
and edX. They include video lectures, homework that is assessed, quizzes and tests. Some of
the courses also have just the video lectures listed on sites like YouTube. Try searching.

Stanford: Machine Learning, by Andrew Ng
Stanford: Probabilistic Graphical Models, by Daphne Koller
Caltech: Learning from Data, by Yaser Abu­Mostafa
University of Toronto: Neural Networks for Machine Learning, by Geoffrey Hinton
University of Washington: Machine Learning, by Pedro Domingos
University of Washington: Introduction to Recommender Systems, by Joseph Konstan
and Michael Ekstrand
● University of Washington: Introduction to Data Science, by Bill Howe

Paid Courses
There are paid courses on Machine Learning offered by organizations such as Udemy. You pay
a fee and have access to the premium content to learn something specific.

Udemy: An Intro to Machine Learning with Web Data, by Hilary Mason
Udemy: Advanced Machine Learning, by Hilary Mason
Udemy: Introduction to R, by Jagannath Rajagopal
Udemy: Working with Big Data, by Pearson

Other Videos


Machine Learning Category on VideoLectures.Net
“Getting In Shape For The Sport Of Data Science” ­ Talk by Jeremy Howard
Facebook Tech Talk: Peter Norvig on big data

University Course Material
There is a popular trend for top­level technical universities to put course materials online
including lecture videos, slides, homework and assignments. This material can be used for
Some universities make the materials easier to find than others, MIT is a shining light in this
regard with their OpenCourseWare initiative.

Undergraduate Level

MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence (provide a machine learning focus)
MIT 15.075 Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis
Stanford CS229 Machine Learning (SEE site)
Stanford Statistics 315a Modern Applied Statistics: Elements of Statistical Learning
Stanford Statistics 315b Modern Applied Statistics: Elements of Statistical Learning II
Caltech Learning from Data

Graduate Level


MIT 6.867 Machine Learning
MIT 6.825 Techniques in Artificial Intelligence (related machine learning topics)
MIT 9.520 Statistical Learning Theory and Applications
MIT 9.641 Introduction to Neural Networks
MIT 15.097 Prediction: Machine Learning and Statistics
MIT 18.465 Topics in Statistics: Statistical Learning Theory
Harvard CS281 Intelligent Machines: Perception, Learning, and Uncertainty (also CS181)
Cornell CS6784 Advanced Machine Learning
CMU 10­701 Machine Learning (videos here and here)

Software and Libraries
There are a lot of software and libraries that you could use for machine learning.
Below are some best­of­breed software tools and libraries that are useful for learning and
practicing machine learning.

WEKA (GUI, Java)
Scikit­Learn (Python)
Octave (an open source MatLab)
BigML (in the browser)

If you are just starting out, I recommend using the Weka graphical user interface. For example,
you can run your first classifier in 5 minutes flat.
If you are struggling with which programming language to use, check out my post:
Best Programming Language for Machine Learning.
If you are a Java programmer you may be interested in my post: Java Machine Learning.


Competitions are common with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning conferences. Take a
look at the webpages for some of the popular conferences and you will very likely find current
active machine learning competitions.
Competitive machine learning can be a great way to learn new data preparation and modelling
techniques. People in and around competitive machine learning can provide a wealth of tips,
resources and different ways of approaching the same problem. The competitions can also be a
great way to test out methods and ideas.



I have a passion for helping programmers and engineers get started and kick ass with machine
learning. You can shortcut your machine learning journey with a number of the guides and
courses that I have created for you.


Self­Study Guide to Machine Learning: (Start Here!) Discover the structured framework
for self­studying machine learning that includes 4 competency levels and focused
objectives and activities for each level.
● Machine Learning Foundations: Discover the concepts and definitions of machine
learning and have the confidence to explain it to friends and colleagues.
● Conquer Self­Limiting Beliefs in Machine Learning: Discover your own self­limiting beliefs
that are halting you from getting started or making progress in the field of machine
● Machine Learning Matters: Discover why machine learning matters to you and why it
matters to the world.


Applied Machine Learning Process: Discover the structured step­by­step process for
applying machine learning to your own problems now and in the future. Includes a clear
6­step framework with activities and questions to answer at each step along the way.
● Jump­Start Scikit­Learn: Discover the Python machine learning library scikit­learn in this
lightweight recipe book. Contains 35 recipes ready to copy and paste for data handling,
supervised learning, regularization algorithms, ensemble methods and advanced topics.
● Jump­Start Weka: Discover the Weka machine learning workbench including
step­by­step tutorials for analyzing data, applying machine learning algorithms and
designing and interpreting machine learning experiments.
● Beginning Weka: [Video Course] Discover the process of applied machine learning with
step­by­step tutorials and worked case study problems using the Weka machine learning
workbench. The feature of this course are the 3 real­world case studies with step­by­step
tutorials and videos.


Small Projects Methodology: Discover the blueprint for learning and practicing applied
machine learning with 4 project types and 90 project ideas.
● Algorithm Description Template: Discover a strategy for learning a machine learning
algorithm fast. I used this strategy to learn and describe 45 nature inspired algorithms
that I turned into a book.
● Clever Algorithms: Nature­Inspired Programming Recipes: Discover 45 nature­inspired
algorithms described consistently using a structured algorithm template. All algorithms
include a working implementation in Ruby.


Jet Fuel


Super Bundle: [Get It All!] In this bundle you get a copy of all current and all future
standalone machine learning mastery guides and courses. As a part of this super bundle
you will be emailed as new guides are added in the future so that you can download them
at no extra cost.

Connect With Me!
Hey, my name is Jason. I’m from Australia and I have a Masters and Phd in Artificial Intelligence,
I’ve written books on algorithms, consulted for startups and I work on tropical cyclone forecasting
systems. I get a lot of satisfaction helping programmers make their start and kick some ass with
machine learning.
I am 33 years old, married with a young son and in my free time I like to read books, code, write
articles and participate in machine learning competitions.

You can learn more about me and my story by clicking here.
Reach out to me, I’d love to hear from you and your goals with machine learning.
Contact me via email on
Follow me on:



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