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GMXPBSA 2.1: a GROMACS tool to perform MM/PBSA and computational alanine scanning C. Paissonia, D. Spiliotopoulosa,b, G. Muscoa, A. Spitaleria,c,* a Biomolecular NMR Unit, S. Raffaele Scientific Institute , via Olgettina 58, Milan 20132, Italy b Present address: Computational Structural Biology Biochemisches Institut Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH- 8057 Zürich, Switzerland. c Drug Discovery and Development, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego 30, Genoa 16163, Italy. * Corresponding author at: Drug Discovery and Development, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego, 30, Genoa 16163, Italy. E-mail address: 1. Introduction MM/PBSA is a versatile method to calculate the binding free energies of a protein–ligand complex [1]. It incorporates the effects of thermal averaging with a force field/continuum solvent model to post-process a series of representative snapshots from MD trajectories. MM/PBSA has been successfully applied to compute the binding free energy of numerous protein–ligand interactions [25]. The method expresses the free energy of binding as the difference between the free energy of the complex and the free energy of the receptor plus the ligand (end-state method). This difference is averaged over a number of trajectory snapshots [6]. Of note, the MM/PBSA approach allows for a rapid estimation of the variation in the free energy of binding, with the caveat that generally it does not reproduce the absolute binding free energy values. Nevertheless, it usually exhibits good correlations with experiments, thus representing a fair compromise between efficiency and efficacy for the calculation and comparison of binding free energy variations. The theory underlying MM/PBSA approach has been described previously [6]. Briefly, the binding free energy of a protein molecule to a ligand molecule in solution is defined as: ΔGbinding = Gcomplex – (Gprotein + Gligand) (1) A MD simulation is performed to generate a thermodynamically weighted ensemble of structures. The free energy term is calculated as an average over the considered structures:= + – T (2) The energetic term EMM is defined as: EMM = Eint + Ecoul + ELJ (3) where Eint indicates bond, angle, and torsional angle energies, and Ecoul and ELJ denote the intramolecular electrostatic and Lennard-Jones energies, respectively. The solvation term Gsolv in Eq. 4 is split into polar Gpolar and nonpolar contributions, Gnonpolar: Gsolv = Gpolar + Gnonpolar (4) GMXPBSA 2.1 calculates Gpolar and Gnonpolar with Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS) program [7]. The polar contribution Gpolar refers to the energy required to transfer the solute from a continuum medium with a low dielectric constant (ε=1) to a continuum medium with the dielectric constant of water (ε=80). Gpolar is calculated using the non linearized or linearized Poisson Boltzmann equation. The nonpolar contribution Gnonpolar is considered proportional to the solvent accessible surface area (SASA): Gnonpolar = γ SASA + β (5) where γ = 0.0227 kJ mol–1 Å–2 and β = 0 kJ mol–1 [8]. The dielectric boundary is defined using a probe of radius 1.4 Å. Herein, we present an updated and revised version of the tool, GMXPBSA 2.1 (Fig. 1). We have introduced in GMXPBSA 2.1 the following improvements with respect to the previous version [11]: control of the input and output options; automatic setup and a posteriori CAS calculations; CAS calculations on a single residues or on a set of residues simultaneously; handling of multiple protein-ligands MD simulations to allow comparisons between different ligands; handling of multiple protein-ligands MD simulations to allow comparisons (e.g. between wild-type complex and non-alanine mutants); handling of APBS calculations on a multi core system (distributed calculations in cluster). possibility to use custom van der Waals radii; check and restart of the failed MM/PBSA calculations; statistical analysis of the results. 2. Program usage 2.1 GMXPBSA 2.1 calculation workflow GMXPBSA 2.1 is a user-friendly suite of Bash/Perl scripts that efficiently streamlines the set up procedure and the calculation of binding free energies for an ensemble of complex structures generated by GROMACS MD engine. The program workflow, (Figures 1 and 2) consists of three different sequential steps comprising: 1. In this step, the tool exploits the script to setup the system and to perform preliminary calculations including: check of the required input files and directories; extraction of the frames of the complex from the MD simulations, subsequently split in the protein and the ligand components by the GROMACS tools; calculation of the Coulomb energy contributions using either GROMACS tools or the “coulomb” program available in the APBS suite, and Lennard-Jones term using GROMACS. If the computational alanine scanning (CAS) calculation is required, the script performs alanine mutations on the defined residues on every single extracted frames removing the side chains atoms of the target residues up to the beta C atom (CB atom) and then recalculating the Coulomb and the Lennard-Jones energy contributions of the structure containing the alanine mutant. It also generates the grid and the input to perform the APBS calculations for each frame of the simulation. The latter task is critical, since deletion of artefacts in the MM/PBSA calculation requires an exact matching of the grid setup between all the system components (complex, protein and ligand). 2. In this step, the script computes the solvation polar and nonpolar energy contributions using APBS program. These calculations can be distributed on a cluster or on a multi core workstation. 3. In this last step, the script combines for all the frames the single terms, and respectively, in order to calculate the final binding free energy value. It also checks and tries to fix errors and/or failures occurring in the preceding step 2 (APBS calculations). Statistical analysis is also performed computing average and standard error (SE). The SE is calculated as follows: SE = σ/√N, where σ is the standard deviation and N is the number of structures (MD frames) used in the calculation. The average Coulomb and Lennard-Jones values, the polar and nonpolar solvation terms are calculated along each trajectory. If a value differs from the average more than two standard deviations it is considered as an outlier and the corresponding frame is excluded from the final calculation. However, it is always possible to check for outlier frames, since their reference-numbers are stored in the WARNING.dat file. 2.2 Installation and execution of the program Once the source code of the program GMXPBSAtool.tar.gz has been downloaded the user should perform the following steps: 1. extract the source code in a user defined location, e.g.. /home/myprogram/, by typing tar zxvf GMXPBSAtool.tar.gz; set the GMXPBSAHOME environment variable in bash: export GMXPBSAHOME=/home/myprogram/GMXPBSAtool; change the /home/myprogram to whatever directory is appropriate for your machine; verify write permissions in the directory tree, and execute permissions for the, and scripts. $GMXPBSAHOME should be also added to the PATH. 2. In order to perform MM/PBSA calculations, the user has to run the tool by typing $GMXPBSAHOME/