Pvmatlab Manual
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pvmatlab MATLAB package for handling ParaVision data Copyright © 2013 Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH D-76275 Ettlingen, Germany All Rights Reserved Table of Contents 1 Introduction................................................................................................................3 2 Requirements and Installation...................................................................................3 2.1 System requirements.........................................................................................3 2.2 Installation..........................................................................................................4 3 Quick start..................................................................................................................5 4 Overview....................................................................................................................7 4.1 Data objects........................................................................................................7 4.2 File structure.......................................................................................................7 5 Data objects...............................................................................................................9 5.1 Common properties and methods......................................................................9 5.2 Raw data object................................................................................................10 5.3 Frame data object............................................................................................10 5.4 Cartesian k-space data object..........................................................................11 5.5 Image data object.............................................................................................12 6 Core data handling functions...................................................................................13 6.1 readBrukerParamFile.......................................................................................13 6.2 readBrukerRaw................................................................................................13 6.3 readBruker2dseq..............................................................................................14 6.4 convertRawToFrame........................................................................................15 6.5 convertFrameToCKData...................................................................................15 7 Warnings and Error messages................................................................................16 8 Feedback.................................................................................................................16 9 Appendix..................................................................................................................17 9.1 Some important parameters.............................................................................17 9.2 Required parameters........................................................................................18 10 Legal matters.........................................................................................................19 1 Introduction The pvmatlab package is a collection of tools for Bruker users who wish to use MATLAB for processing ParaVision raw data, for performing basic image reconstruction of Cartesian k-space data and for importing/exporting ParaVision images. To get started, it is recommend to read at least section 2.2 (Installation) and to work through chapter 3 (Quick start), which addresses the most common functions of pvmatlab using a test data set included in the package. Chapters 4 to 6 are dedicated to a somewhat more detailed description of the structure of pvmatlab, its functions and conventions. Some common warnings and error messages and what to do about them are listed in chapter 7. A word of caution: pvmatlab is distributed 'as is' without any warranty and without any claim of being bug-free or complete. The output produced by pvmatlab should always be checked thoroughly, otherwise the results based on it might be wrong or meaningless. Bruker does not provide customer support for pvmatlab like for a regular product and does not service the package regularly. However, if you notice bugs or malfunctions you may get a fix and also help other users of pvmatlab by notifying Bruker software support (see chapter 8). The pvmatlab package is provided for non-commercial use only, at your Bruker client site, and may not be modified or redistributed to other institutions. Requests for pvmatlab can be made via email at: mri-software-support@bruker.de. See also chapter 10. 2 Requirements and Installation 2.1 System requirements As pvmatlab is a collection of MATLAB functions, the minimum system requirements are determined by MATLAB (see http://www.mathworks.de/support/sysreq/). MATLAB is available for Windows, Linux and Mac platforms, therefore pvmatlab can be run on all these platforms, however, it has only been tested on Linux. A basic MATLAB installation, release R2008a or later, is required. Earlier releases do not support the object oriented code used in pvmatlab. No additional MATLAB toolboxes are needed. However, the core functions of pvmatlab could be used with earlier MATLAB releases or with Octave 3.6 or later, see chapter 6. ParaVision data sets generated by versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.1, 5.1_Icon and 6.0 have been tested, but data acquired with different versions of ParaVision may work, too. If large data sets need to be processed, additional memory requirements can be estimated as follows: For each double precision complex value of raw data, 16 bytes of memory are needed. For example, a 3D raw data set with a matrix size of 256 x 256 x 256, acquired with a four-channel receive array and four repetitions uses 3 4 GB of memory. Reducing the data precision to “single” (see chapter 5), will bring the additional memory requirement down to 2 GB. During the processing, copies of the data need to be made, so the recommended additional RAM size is two times the required memory for the biggest raw data set, at the very least. If the memory requirements exceed the available RAM, MATLAB will use swap space on the file system which will slow down data processing considerably. Exceeding the swap capacity will cause MATLAB to stop with an “out of memory” error. 2.2 Installation 1. Extract the archive pvmatlab.tar.gz into a folder of your choice. For example copy pvmatlab.tar.gz to the MATLAB working folder /home/nmrsu/matlab, and run [nmrsu@host matlab]$ tar xvzf pvmatlab.tar.gz By extracting the archive, the subfolder pvtools will be created. This path will be referred to as “the pvmatlab folder” in the following, for this example it reads /home/nmrsu/matlab/pvtools. 2. Add the pvmatlab folder including its subfolders to the MATLAB path: For adding the paths permanently, use the MATLAB command >> pathtool Select “Add with Subfolders”, choose the pvmatlab folder and then select “Save”. For adding the pvmatlab folder only temporarily, run >> addBrukerPaths or include the command inside MATLAB scripts that use pvmatlab functions. 3. For information about the installed version of pvmatlab use >> bruker_version This completes the installation of pvmatlab. The file pvmatlab.tar.gz can be deleted or moved to a different location. 4 3 Quick start In this chapter, the main functions are presented as one would typically use them. With the MATLAB script BrukerExample.m provided in the pvmatlab folder, the steps of this quick start guide can be reproduced in MATLAB. A sample data set of a kiwi is used in these examples, which is also contained in the pvmatlab folder. 1. Launch MATLAB and change into the pvmatlab folder 2. In the Command Window run >> edit BrukerExample MATLAB will open the example script. 3. Initialization of paths Evaluate the initialization cell with. This code sets the paths to the pvmatlab functions and to the test data set: addBrukerPaths; baseDir = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); pathTestData = fullfile(baseDir,'TestData/2/pdata/1'); 4. Importing raw data The next set of commands demonstrates how raw data are imported into a raw data object (for more details concerning objects see chapter 5): rawObj = RawDataObject(pathTestData); numSlices = rawObj.Acqp.NI; plot(real(rawObj.data{1}(1,:,319))); The raw data of experiment number 2 can now be accessed (in this example by plotting echo number 319) as well as the associated method and acquisition parameters (in this example the number of images, Acqp.NI) 5. Preparing image reconstruction Before the raw data can be reconstructed, they need to be sorted into k-space correctly. This is done by creating and initializing a CKDataObject. Also, the reco parameters need to be read from disk: kdataObj = CKDataObject(pathTestData); kdataObj = kdataObj.readReco; 5 6. Reconstructing images from Cartesian k-space The k-space object provides a reconstruction method .reco that operates on the raw data it has been initialized with and creates an image object as output. Both objects provide a viewer to visualize the k-space data and the image, respectively: kdataObj.viewer; imageObj = kdataObj.reco('all', 'image'); imageObj.viewer; 7. Importing / Exporting ParaVision images The image object can also be used to import images created by the ParaVision reconstruction pipeline: imageObj = ImageDataObject(pathTestData); imageObj.viewer; For exporting an image, the path must be specified and visualization parameters need to be generated. Then the writeImage routine can be called: imageObj = imageObj.setDataPath('imagewrite', 'export/2/pdata/1'); imageObj = imageObj.genExportVisu('genmode','auto'); imageObj.writeImage; pvmatlab will then generate a subfolder in the export folder, named _ followed by the specified expno/pdata/procno. In this case the image (2dseq) and visu parameters (visu_pars) are exported to export/Kiwi_pvmatlab/2/pdata/1/ 6 4 Overview This chapter contains a brief overview of how the pvmatlab package is organized and how it interacts with the ParaVision data structure. Effectively, pvmatlab translates the ParaVision data stored in the file system into MATLAB objects and vice versa. 4.1 Data objects The MATLAB components handling the raw data and image data are implemented as objects. Apart from the actual data, an object can contain additional information about the data (acquisition parameters, method parameters, etc.). In addition, the object contains matlab code (“methods”) working with its data, e. g., an import routine and a data viewer. size = [256 .data CKDataObj .Acqp.NI 0.0241 0.0929 0.0172 0.0287 0.0005 0.0094 0.0125 0.0233 0.0160 ... + + + + + + + 128 0.0066i 0.0402i 0.0620i 0.0527i 0.0112i 0.0077i 0.0035i 0.0335i 0.0175i 1 0.0533 0.1404 0.0002 0.0809 0.0370 0.0041 0.0394 0.0029 0.0302 1 + + + + + + + 1 0.0210i 0.0049i 0.0641i 0.0650i 0.0387i 0.0525i 0.0220i 0.0074i 0.0137i 5] 0.0258 0.1222 0.0099 0.1082 0.0131 0.0498 0.0536 0.0022 0.0713 + + + + + + + + – 0.0496i 0.0111i 0.0540i 0.0442i 0.0120i 0.0789i 0.0174i 0.0129i 0.0156i 5 .viewer There are three types of raw data objects, “RawDataObject”, “FrameDataObject” and “CKDataObject” and one image object, “ImageObject”. 4.2 File structure ParaVision stores all data associated with an MR experiment in a file system tree. Each study (with raw data, image data, parameters) is stored in a separate folder (for example /opt/PV5.1/data/nmrsu/nmr/TestData) and can be copied to any other location for processing with MATLAB. There are binary files containing the actual raw or image data, and parameter files in text format, containing all necessary parameters to interpret the binary data. For a detailed description of all parameters please refer to the ParaVision manual. A small selection of parameters most relevant to pvmatlab is given in section 9.1. 7 The files that are relevant for pvmatlab can be found in the following locations in the ParaVision data tree: TestData/ ↳ subject 2/ ↳ acqp fid rawdata.job0, .job1, ... method pdata/ ↳ 1/ ↳ 2dseq reco visu_pars study folder subject parameters folder for each experiment (expno) acquisition parameters acquired raw data acquired raw data method parameters folder for processed data folder for processed data set (procno) reconstructed image reconstruction parameters visualization parameters text text binary binary text text binary text text The following sketch shows how the data objects and files depend on each other: Acquisition Data fid Acquisition Parameters job0...n acqp method RawDataObject(path, Arguments) FrameDataObject(path, Arguments) CKDataObject(path, Arguments) RawDataObject FrameDataObject CKDataObject Import: Import: FrameDataObject(RawDataObject) CKDataObject(FrameDataObject) Empty: RawDataObject() Empty: FrameDataObject() Empty: CKDataObject() For example, a FrameDataObject can be created from an fid file and an acqp parameter file, and a CKDataObject can then be created from this FrameDataObject by calling frameObj = FrameDataObject(pathTestData); kdataObj = CKDataObject(frameObj); 8 5 Data objects Usually, the data objects can be used as described in chapter 3. In that case, they automatically take care of setting paths, reading the parameter files and then loading the data. This chapter briefly describes the variables and routines of the data objects in case you would like to control this process manually. 5.1 Common properties and methods The data objects “RawDataObject”, “FrameDataObject”, “CKDataObject” and “ImageObject” have common fields (properties), and matlab code (methods) to contain and load data and parameters. These are property method responsible for Filespath setDataPath Paths to parameter and data files Acqp readAcqp Acquisition parameters Method readMethod Method parameters Visu readVisu Visualization parameters Reco readReco Reconstruction parameters Subject readSubject Subject parameters HeaderInformation - - - setPrecision Internal representation of data data specific, see sections 5.2-5.5 Actual data For example, after creation of an object anyObj, the function myObj = myObj.setDataPath('auto','/home/nmrsu/TestData/2/pdata/1'); will set the paths to all parameter files automatically. With the command myObj = myObj.setDataPath('acqp','/home/nmrsu/myacqp'); only the acqp path is set. The property Filespath.path_to_acqp then contains '/home/nmrsu/myacqp', the other paths are empty. A subsequent call of readAcqp myObj = myObj.readAcqp; will result in “myacqp” to be read to myObj.Acqp instead of the acqp file created by ParaVision in the expno folder. Other parameter structs in myObj remain unchanged. All objects also provide a function for setting the precision of the data. In case memory is a limitation, consider setting the precision to 'single' (8 bytes per complex data point instead of 16 bytes) on initializing. Default is 'double'. myObj = RawDataObject(pathTestData, 'dataPrecision', 'single' ); 9 To reduce the precision of an existing object, use: myObj = myObj.setPrecision('single'); 5.2 Raw data object The RawDataObject represents the original raw data as an unsorted sequence of acquired scans of length ScanSize. The data from an fid or job file is stored in a matrix with dimensions Raw data sizes (numReceiveChannels, ScanSize, numScansPerChannel) These matrices are stored in the data property in a 1D Cell-Array. The following code creates a raw data object, sets the paths to the parameter files and to the fid file, reads the acquisition parameters and calls the specific method “readRaw” to load the raw data: rawObj rawObj rawObj rawObj = = = = RawDataObject; rawObj.setDataPath('auto','/home/nmrsu/TestData/2'); rawObj.readAcqp; rawObj.readRaw; The fid data matrix is now located in myRawObj.data{1}. For a minimum set of acqp parameters required for loading raw data see section 9.2. 5.3 Frame data object The FrameDataObject represents the raw data as a set of frames, i. e., the data are put into an imaging context. For converting data from a RawDataObject into frames, more acquisition parameters are required, namely the ACQ_dim, ACQ_phase_factor, and ACQ_obj_order. Based on these parameters, the scans are sorted into separate objects (e. g. slices), and reordered in case the acquisition was interleaved. The resulting data matrix reflects this structure and the number of repetitions: Frame data sizes (ScanSize, numScansPerFrame, numReceiveChannels, numObjects, numRepetitions) A FrameDataObject can be generated from a RawDataObject frameObj = FrameDataObject(rawObj); or directly from disk frameObj = FrameDataObject('/home/nmrsu/TestData/2'); 10 5.4 Cartesian k-space data object The CKDataObject represents the raw data in Cartesian k-space according to the encoding scheme used in the acquisition method. For converting data from a FrameDataObject into k-space, method parameters are required, namely 'PVM_Matrix', 'PVM_EncSteps1', and, for 3D, 'PVM_EncSteps2'. Currently, the methods RARE, FLASH, MSME and FISP are supported. The sizes of the data matrix are: Cartesian k-space sizes (dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, numReceiveChannels, numObjects, numRepetitions) A CKDataObject can be created directly from disk as described in chapter 3 or from a FrameDataObject kdataObj = CKDataObject(frameObj); The CKDataObject provides a viewer method (.viewer) to display the k-space data in a MATLAB figure, and a .reco method to perform basic Fourier reconstruction. The reconstruction requires a set of parameters in the Reco property. Usage of .reco method outObj = kdataObj.reco(recopart, ['image'], ['RECO_Parametername', ParameterValue], ...); Input (optional in square brackets) recopart A string or cell array of strings of reconstruction steps to perform. 'all' = {'quadrature', 'phase_rotate', 'zero_filling', 'FT', 'sumOfSquares', 'transposition'} 'image' If given, outObj is of type ImageObject (see section 5.5) 'RECO_Parametername', Additional reconstruction parameters ParameterValue Output outObj A CKDataObject, in which the specified recoparts have been performed on the data. If the argument 'image' is provided, outObj is an ImageObject Example kdataObj = kdataObj.setDataPath('reco','TestData/2/pdata/1/reco'); kdataObj = kdataObj.readReco; imageObj = kdataObj.reco('all','image'); 11 5.5 Image data object The ImageObject contains a set of reconstructed images in its “data” property, which can be created by reconstructing k-space data of a CKDataObject (see section 5.4), or by loading images reconstructed by ParaVision (see chapter 3). In the latter case, the data representation as frame groups is read from the visu_pars parameter file. The sizes of the image matrix in the data property are: Image sizes (dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, FrameGroupDim1, FrameGroupDim2, ...) The ImageObject provides a viewer method (.viewer) to display the images in a MATLAB figure, and a .writeImage method to write the image data into the ParaVision files 2dseq and visu_pars. For writing images to the disk, a path needs to be set by calling .setDataPath imageObj = imageObj.setDataPath('imagewrite', 'export/2/pdata/1'); Note: The target folder will not be the exact path specified to setDataPath, but a folder “ _ ” based on the subject and study parameters will be created above the expno folder. For example, with subjectID “Kiwi” and studyID “pvmatlab”, the target folder is export/Kiwi_pvmatlab/2/pdata/1 In addition, a valid set of visu parameters in the exportVisu property of the ImageObject is required, which can be generated via imageObj = imageObj.genExportVisu('genmode',genmode, ['TemplatePath',path]); Input (optional in square brackets) genmode Parameter source for generating the exportVisu struct. Options:'Visu', 'Template', 'Subject', 'auto', default is 'auto'. 'TemplatePath', Path to a visu template file. Default is expno/visu_pars path The exportVisu parameters are based on the structure of data and on all available parameter structs (genmode 'auto') or on the parameter source specified in genmode. Alternatively, the Visu parameters can be set manually using .setExportVisu imageObj = imageObj.setExportVisu(parameterName,parameterValue); To clear all or one specific parameter, use imageObj = imageObj.setExportVisu('all','clear'); imageObj = imageObj.setExportVisu(parameterName,'clear'); With the path and visu parameters set, the image data can be exported by calling imageObj.writeImage; 12 6 Core data handling functions This chapter lists the core functions of pvmatlab that are used by the methods of the data objects. They can also be used on their own and do not require object support, therefore these functions also work with MATLAB releases earlier than R2008a and possibly also with Octave. 6.1 readBrukerParamFile Reads Bruker JCAMP parameter files (subject, acqp, method, reco, visu_pars) into a struct. Usage paramStruct = readBrukerParamFile(filename); Input filename Full path and name of the parameter file paramStruct Structure containing parameter variables. The parameter names are derived from the JCAMP tags. Output Example Acqp = readBrukerParamFile('TestData/2/acqp'); 6.2 readBrukerRaw Reads Bruker raw data (fid or rawdata.job*) into a matrix or cell array of matrices. Usage data = readBrukerRaw(Acqp, path_to_dataFile, ['specified_NRs', NR_array], ['specified_Jobs', job_array], ['precision', precision_str]); Input arguments (optional in square brackets) Acqp An acqp struct as generated by the function readBrukerParamFile('path/acqp') path_to_dataFile Full path and name (fid/rawdata.job0) of the raw data file 'specified_NRs', A list of repetitions to be read, starting with 1, when NR_array using a standard fid file 'specified_Jobs', A list of jobs to read, the first job being job number 0. If job_array only the fid-file should be read use 'specified_Jobs',[ -1 ] 13 'precision', precision_string Precision of the imported data: 'single' or 'double'. Single precision uses 4 bytes to represent a (real) floating point number, 'double' uses 8 bytes. Default is 'double'. Output data • If path_to_dataFile contains only an fid file, data is a cell with a 3D matrix of size (ScanSize, numScans, numChannels) • If path_to_dataFile contains only job files, data is a cell array {job0, job1, job2, ...}, in which job* are 3D matrices of size (numChannels, ScanSize, numScans) • If path_to_dataFile contains an fid and job files, data will be a cell array {fidFile, job0, ...} Example data = readBrukerRaw(Acqp,'TestData/2/fid','precision','single'); 6.3 readBruker2dseq Reads Bruker images (2dseq files) into a matrix Usage image = readBruker2dseq(path_to_2dseq, Visu, ['imageType', ForceType],['dim5_n', DimArray]) ; Input arguments (optional in square brackets) path_to_2dseq Full path and name of the 2dseq image file Visu A visu struct as generated by the function readBrukerParamFile('path/visu_pars') 'imageType', ForceType Force image type to be 'complex' or 'real'. Default is 'auto', which reads the image type from the visu parameters 'dim5_n', DimArray Increase output dimensionality. Normally all frames are indexed in the 5th dimension. dim5_n expands the 5th dimension, e. g., with 24 visuFrames: 'dim5_n', [3 4 2] Output image 14 complex or real image matrix with dimensions (dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dimVisuFrame). With 'dim5_n' option, the dimensions are (dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5_n(1), dim5_n(2), dim5_n(3), ...) 6.4 convertRawToFrame Sorts the scans read by readBrukerRaw into frames Usage frame = convertRawToFrame(data, Acqp, ['specified_NRs', NRarray]); Input arguments (optional in square brackets) data A raw data matrix (fid/rawdata.job*), as read by the function ReadBrukerRaw. Make sure it is not a cell or cell array. Acqp An acqp struct as generated by the function readBrukerParamFile('path/acqp') 'specified_NRs', NRarray A list of repetitions to be converted. Output frame 5D frame matrix with size (ScanSize, numScansPerFrame, numReceiveChannels, numObjects, numRepetitions) 6.5 convertFrameToCKData Sorts the frames generated by convertRawToFrame into a k-space matrix. The methods currently supported are RARE, FLASH, MSME and FISP. Usage ckdata = convertFrameToCKData(frame, Acqp, Method, ['specified_NRs', NRarray], ['useMethod', useMethod]); Input arguments (optional in square brackets) frame Frame data as generated by convertRawToFrame Acqp An acqp struct as generated by the function readBrukerParamFile('path/acqp') Method A method struct as generated by the function readBrukerParamFile('path/method') . This input is only required if useMethod is true 'specified_NRs', NRarray A list of repetitions to be converted. useMethod Indicates if parameters from the method file should be used. Default is true. Output ckdata 7D matrix with Cartesian k-space data, with dimensions (dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4,numChannels,numObjects,numRepetitions) 15 For more functions see >> doc Contents and the MATLAB source code documentation. 7 Warnings and Error messages • Warning: Template can't be read. Proceeding without template During image export, the method ImageDataObject.writeImage tries to read a template visu parameter file in the expno path. If there is none, the remaining parameter files are used to generate the visu parameters. • Warning: You are using an unsupported acquisition method. Most probably your result will be incorrect. This warning occurs during conversion of frame data k-space data for methods other than RARE, MSME, FLASH, FISP. Check results carefully! • Cannot open parameter file. Problem opening file /opt/PV5.1/.../visu_pars A set of parameters is required for the operation but the parameter file is missing. • Warning: It's recommended to read the reco-file first. ??? Reference to nonexistent field 'RECO_transposition'. For running the CKDataObject.reco function, a set of reco parameters is needed. Either call kdataObj.readReco to read an existing reco parameter file, or specify the kdataObj.Reco structure yourself. 8 Feedback If you notice a problem with a pvmatlab function that is not addressed in this manual, you should first make sure that the problem persists after reinstalling pvmatlab (see section 2.2) and is thus not caused by any adaption of the pvmatlab code. If this is the case, verify that the problem is reproducible and send an email with a description of the issue to Bruker software support (mri-software-support@bruker.de), including 16 • Circumstances in which the malfunction occurs • Computer platform, ParaVision version, MATLAB version • Exact contents of error messages (if any) • Anything else that could help reproduce the problem, e. g. sample data or saved MATLAB workspace. Attachments should be smaller than 5 MB, send larger files only when Bruker software support requests them. 9 Appendix 9.1 Some important parameters Parameter name In file Description ACQ_method acqp Name of the acquisition method e. g. RARE, FLASH ACQ_dim acqp Acquisition dimension, 1D / 2D / 3D ACQ_size acqp Dimensions of each object, e. g. [128 128 64] for 3D NI acqp Number of objects (slices) NR acqp Number of repetitions ACQ_obj_order acqp Order in which the objects are measured ACQ_jobs acqp Size of each job and more ACQ_jobs_size acqp Number of jobs PVM_Matrix method Dimension of encoding matrix PVM_EncSteps1 method Phase encoding steps PVM_EncSteps2 method Phase encodings in second phase encoding direction (3D) VisuCoreFrameType visu_pars Type of the image: complex / real VisuFGOrderDesc visu_pars Contains the FrameGroup dimensions VisuCoreDim visu_pars Image dimension 1D / 2D / 3D VisuCoreSize visu_pars Dimensions of each visuFrame e.g. [128 128 64] in 3D VisuCoreFrameCount visu_pars Number of visuFrames in one data set. VisuCoreDataSlope visu_pars Scaling factor of image data VisuCoreDataOffs visu_pars Scaling offset of image data 17 9.2 Required parameters The following table lists the minimum set of parameters that are required for the respective functions Functions Condition ReadBrukerRaw Parameter Required parameters struct Acqp GO_raw_data_format BYTORDA NI NR ACQ_size GO_data_save GO_block_size AQ_mod Acqp ACQ_jobs ACQ_jobs_size Acqp NI NR ACQ_size ACQ_phase_factor ACQ_obj_order ACQ_dim Acqp NI NR ACQ_size ACQ_dim AQ_mod useMethod == true Method PVM_Matrix PVM_EncSteps1 PVM_Matrix is 3D Method PVM_EncSteps2 Visu VisuCoreWordType VisuCoreByteOrder VisuCoreSize VisuCoreFrameCount VisuCoreDataSlope VisuCoreDataOffs VisuCoreDim VisuCoreDimDesc RawDataObject.readRaw raw data in job files convertRawToFrame FrameDataObject.calcFrameData convertFrameToCKData CKDataObject.calcKData readBruker2dseq ImageDataObject.readImage ImageType not set Visu OR ImageType == 'auto' 18 VisuCoreFrameType 10 Legal matters In the following, the term “BRUKER” refers to Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH, RudolfPlank-Str. 23, 76275 Ettlingen, while the term “CLIENT” refers to the person or institution receiving the MATLAB package for handling ParaVision data, pvmatlab. The MATLAB package for handling ParaVision (pvmatlab) is provided to CLIENT for non-commercial use at CLIENT's site. It is not allowed to use pvmatlab or any of its parts in a product or software package that is distributed or sold to third parties. The pvmatlab package must not be used for studies on humans. The pvmatlab package is provided 'AS IS', without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose (Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the exclusion may not apply to you). Neither BRUKER nor its dealers or distributors assume liability for any alleged or actual damage, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, arising in any way out of the use of or the inability to use pvmatlab. By providing CLIENT with pvmatlab, it is not implied that BRUKER will also provide customer support to CLIENT, should problems occur with using the package or as a consequence thereof. Also BRUKER does not guarantee that pvmatlab is serviced regularly. All rights are reserved. In particular, this document, the pvmatlab source code and the test data are protected by copyright. They may not be reproduced, adapted, transmitted, or stored in any form by any process (electronic or otherwise) without the specific written consent of BRUKER. Exempt from this regulation are reproduction, adaption, transmission and storage that are necessary to use pvmatlab efficiently at CLIENT's site, and to enable CLIENT's personnel access to pvmatlab functionality. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. ParaVision is a registered trademark of Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH in Germany, in the United States of America and other countries; Bruker is a registered trademark of BRUKER-PHYSIK AG. Product names of other manufacturers are used solely to identify their products and BRUKER is in no way associated or affiliated with these companies. In particular, MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.; Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other countries; Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States of America and other countries; Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. 19
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 19 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Language : en-US Title : pvmatlab manual Author : Martin Haas Subject : MATLAB package for handling ParaVision data Creator : Writer Producer : OpenOffice.org 3.1 Create Date : 2013:05:24 10:59:50+02:00EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools