Masternode Setup Guide Bitcoin Green BITG


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Bitcoin Green (BITG) Masternode Setup Guide:
A Bitcoin Green masternode requires 2500 BITG of collateral to operate. This guide will show
you how to get started with mining Bitcoin Green through masternode proof-of-stake. Start out
by downloading the BITG Wallet from ___ and running bitcoingreen-qt.
NOTE: You can run your hot wallet on a different computer than your cold wallets. This can
increase security by keeping your hot wallet (with coins) on your local computer. To do this,
complete steps 1-10 on your local machine’s wallet (editing masternode.conf), and then do the
rest on your VPS wallet (editing bitcoingreen.conf).
1. Click the Receive tab in your wallet. Create a new address and call it MN1 in the Label
field. Type 2500 in the Amount field. Click request payment to get an address.

2. This will be the address for your masternode collateral. Copy the Address field.

3. Next, send exactly 2500 BITG to this address from the Send tab. Click send to send the
transaction and click Yes to accept the fee.

4. Time to edit the Masternode Configuration file. Click on Tools and click “Open
Masternode Configuration File”. This should open in your text editor (Notepad).

5. Now we need to add 1 line of code to the Masternode Configuration file. This is easy. It
just takes a few steps. You need to fill out the following code format:
alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index
Your alias is your masternode name (MN1). Next, you need your VPS or host computer
IP address. If you use ZapHosting, this can be found on your user dashboard. The port
for Bitcoin Green is 9333. Your config file should now look like this:

6. Now go to your wallet, click Tools and click the Debug Console.

7. Type “masternode genkey” and press Enter. Copy the result.

8. Paste into your Masternode config file.

9. Go back to the debug console and type “masternode outputs” and press enter. Copy the
txhash and note the outputidx.

10. Paste the txhash into the masternode config file. Don’t forget the outputidx. Save the
masternode config file and then close the wallet.

11. Now you need to edit the wallet config file. Open the Wallet Configuration File from the
Tools menu.

12. When you open your wallet config, it should be blank. Below is what your config file
needs to be. Copy paste this into bitcoingreen.conf.

Add your IP:Port and masternodeprivkey. Also, change the rpcuser and rpcpassword to
something random. Keep everything else the same, then Save:

13. Restart the wallet. Now your masternode should show up in the Masternodes tab.

14. Next you have to edit your firewall. We need to open a port for the masternode. Open
Windows Firewall from the start menu. Click “Advanced Settings”.

15. Clicking “Advanced Settings” will open the firewall control panel. Click “Inbound Rules”.

16. Click “New Rule” on the upper right side and you will get this screen. Select Port.

17. Choose the port to allow. In this case it is 9333.

18. Click through, allow the connection, allow it in all places. Give it a name, it can be
anything you want. When you are done, you will be back on the Windows Firewall
control panel and you will see your new rule. You can now close the firewall control

19. Go back to your Masternodes tab and click Start All. Success! Now relax and wait for the
stakes to come in.

1. To run additional masternodes, start by completing steps 1-10 with the alias MN2 and
the port 9334. This means add a new line to the masternode.conf. Do this for each
masternode. Here’s what it looks like for 2 masternodes:

For each additional masternode you can increment the port by 1. You can only run 1
masternode per port. As for the alias, it can be anything you want. FYI - the main wallet
that holds your masternode.conf file and all your coins is called the “hot wallet”.
Next, you’ll have to open an instance of the Bitcoin Green wallet for each masternode.
Each masternode requires it’s own unique instance of Bitcoin Green. Your first
masternode is already running in the hot wallet instance. Opening additional instances
will allow you to run additional nodes on the same machine. These instances are called
“cold wallets”. They don’t need to hold any coins, they are just there to keep the port
open for BITG. In fact, the only thing that matters in the cold wallet is the
bitcoingreen.conf file. First, we’ll need to give the Bitcoin Green client a new blockchain
database to access.
tl;dr for each MN we need to run an empty BITG wallet to keep the right port open

2. Create a new folder. It can be anywhere on your computer. Copy the bitcoingreen-qt file
(from your Downloads or maybe C:\Program Files\BitcoinGreen) and paste it into the
new folder. Rename the qt file to BITGMN2. Then create another folder called
BITGMN2. Your screen should look like this:

3. Now open a new file on Notepad. Paste the following:
BITGMN2.exe -datadir=./BITGMN2
Save as “BITGMN2.bat” in your new folder and make sure to select All Files file type.
This creates an executable batch file.

Final Folder:

4. Now try to open the BITGMN2.bat file you have just created (Note: you must open the
batch (.bat) file to use BITGMN2 as the new directory).
If your main wallet is open, you will get errors. That’s okay. Even though you got errors,
it created the new directory that you will edit. Click through the errors, but the wallet will
not open. However, open the BITGMN2 folder you just created. It will now have a
bitcoingreen.conf file that you can edit.

5. Edit the new bitcoingreen.conf file with the config from step 12. It will be the same
except you will need to put the new port and masternode key. Don’t forget the “port=”
6. When you have finished editing the new config, press Save.
7. Make sure to open all the ports you are using in your firewall.
8. Open the wallet by clicking the batch file. Once your cold wallet is open you are good to
9. Return to your hot wallet and click start all. Your nodes should succeed.
10. When your nodes status still says ENABLED after 130 minutes, you will know your setup
worked successfully. You will not know until 130 minutes after starting the node. If the
node says missing after 130 minutes it will stop mining and your setup failed.
11. To save sync time, you can copy the entire blockchain into the new directory (just make
sure to delete the wallet.dat file and masternode.conf – and do it AFTER you paste them
in. Your wallet will spawn blank ones which is what you want)


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