Microsoft SQL Server Hadoop Connector User Guide

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Microsoft® SQL Server® Connector
for Apache Hadoop
Version 1.0
User Guide
October 3, 2011

Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Legal Notice .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
What is SQL Server-Hadoop Connector? .................................................................................................................. 4
What is Sqoop? ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Supported File Types ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Before You Install SQL Server-Hadoop Connector........................................................................................................ 5
Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 1: Install and Configure Cloudera’s Distribution Including Hadoop ................................................................. 5
Step 2: Install and Configure Sqoop.......................................................................................................................... 5
Step 3: Download and install the Microsoft JDBC Driver ......................................................................................... 5
Download and Install SQL Server-Hadoop Connector .................................................................................................. 7
Example Import Commands ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Example 1: Import to delimited text files on HDFS .................................................................................................. 8
Example 2: Import with the split-by option .............................................................................................................. 8
Example 3: Import to SequenceFiles on HDFS .......................................................................................................... 8
Example 4: Import to tables in Hive ......................................................................................................................... 8
Example Export Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Example 1: Export data from a delimited text on HDFS ........................................................................................... 9
Example 2: Export data from a delimited text file or Sequence File on HDFS with a user-defined number of
mappers. ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Example 3: Export data from delimited text or sequence file on HDFS using a staging table ................................. 9
Data Types .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Known Issues .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Troubleshooting and Support ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Security Notes ............................................................................................................................................................. 15

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Legal Notice
This document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other
Internet Web site references, may change without notice. Some examples depicted herein are provided for
illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred. This
document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You
may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

Some information relates to pre-released product which may be substantially modified before it’s commercially
released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

What is SQL Server-Hadoop Connector?
Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop (SQL Server-Hadoop Connector) is a Sqoop-based connector
that facilitates efficient data transfer between SQL Server 2008 R2 and Hadoop. Sqoop supports several
This connector extends JDBC-based Sqoop connectivity to facilitate data transfer between SQL Server and
Hadoop, and also supports the JDBC features as mentioned in the SQOOP User Guide on the Cloudera website. In
addition to this, this connector provides support for nchar and nvarchar data types.
With SQL Server-Hadoop Connector, you import data from:

tables in SQL Server to delimited text files on HDFS
tables in SQL Server to SequenceFiles files on HDFS
tables in SQL Server to tables in Hive*
result of queries executed on SQL Server to delimited text files on HDFS
result of queries executed on SQL Server to SequenceFiles files on HDFS
result of queries executed on SQL Server to tables in Hive*
Note: importing data from SQL Server into HBase is not supported in this release.

With SQL Server-Hadoop Connector, you can export data from:
 delimited text files on HDFS to SQL Server
 sequenceFiles on HDFS to SQL Server
 hive Tables* to tables in SQL Server
* Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop ( We recommend to use hive-0.7.0-cdh3u0 version of
Cloudera Hive.

What is Sqoop?
Sqoop is an open source connectivity framework that facilitates transfer between multiple Relational Database
Management Systems (RDBMS) and HDFS. Sqoop uses MapReduce programs to import and export data; the
imports and exports are performed in parallel with fault tolerance.

Supported File Types
The Source / Target files being used by Sqoop can be delimited text files (for example, with commas or tabs
separating each field), or binary SequenceFiles containing serialized record data. Please refer to section 7.2.7 in
the Sqoop User Guide for more details on supported file types. For information on SequenceFile format, please
refer to the Hadoop API page.

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Before You Install SQL Server-Hadoop Connector
The following requirements and steps explain how to prepare your system before installing SQL Server-Hadoop

This User Guide assumes your environment has both Linux (for Hadoop setup) and Windows (with SQL Server
setup). Both are required to use the SQL Server-Hadoop Connector.

Step 1: Install and Configure Cloudera’s Distribution Including Hadoop
The first installation step is to install and configure Cloudera’s Distribution Including Hadoop Update 1 (CDH3U1)
on Linux. This is available for download from the Cloudera site at
We also support Cloudera’s CDH3U0 distribution of Hadoop for this connector, but we recommend Cloudera’s
CDH3U1 distribution of Hadoop. Set the HADOOP_HOME environment variable to the parent directory where
Hadoop is installed.

Step 2: Install and Configure Sqoop
The next step is to install and configure Sqoop, if not already installed, on the master node of the Hadoop cluster.
We recommend downloading and installing SQOOP 1.3.0-cdh3u1 (sqoop-1.3.0-cdh3u1.tar.gz ) from
For detailed instructions about using Sqoop, see the Sqoop User Guide at . SQL Server – Hadoop Connector
has backward compatibility with Sqoop-1.2.0, but, we recommended using Sqoop 1.3.0.
After installing and configuring Sqoop, verify the following environment variables are set on the machine with
Sqoop installation, as described in the following table. These must be set for SQL Server-Hadoop Connector to
work correctly.
Environment Variable

Value to Assign
Absolute path to the Sqoop installation directory

Step 3: Download and install the Microsoft JDBC Driver
Sqoop and SQL Server-Hadoop Connector use JDBC technology to establish connections to remote RDBMS servers
and therefore needs the JDBC driver for SQL Server. To install this driver on Linux node where Sqoop is already

Visit and download
Copy it on the machine with Sqoop installation.
Unpack the tar file using following command: tar –zxvf sqljdbc__enu.tar.gz. This will create a
directory “sqljdbc_3.0” in current directory.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Copy the driver jar (sqljdbc_3.0/enu/sqljdbc4.jar) file to the $SQOOP_HOME/lib directory on machine
with Sqoop installation.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Download and Install SQL Server-Hadoop Connector
After all of the previous steps have completed, you are ready to download, install and configure the SQL ServerHadoop Connector on the machine with Sqoop installation.
The SQL Server–Hadoop connector is distributed as a compressed tar archive named sqoop-sqlserver-1.0.tar.gz.
Download the tar archive from , and save the archive on the same machine
where Sqoop is installed.
This archive is composed of the following files and directories:
File / Directory
Microsoft SQL
Connector User
SQL Server
Connector for
Apache Hadoop

Is a shell script that installs the SQL Server – Hadoop Connector files into the
Sqoop directory structure.
Contains instructions to deploy and execute SQL Server – Hadoop Connector.

Contains the sqoop-sqlserver-1.0.jar file
Contains the configuration files for SQL Server – Hadoop Connector.
Contains the third party notices.

EULA for the SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop

To install SQL Server–Hadoop Connector:
1. Login to the machine where Sqoop is installed as a user who has permission to install files
2. Extract the archive with the command: “tar –zxvf sqoop-sqlserver-1.0.tar.gz”. This will create “sqoopsqlserver-1.0” directory in current directory
3. Change directory (cd) to “sqoop-sqlserver-1.0”
4. Ensure that the MSSQL_CONNECTOR_HOME environment variable is set to the absolute path of the
sqoop -sqlserver-1.0 directory.
5. Run the shell script with no additional arguments.
6. Installer will copy the connector jar and configuration file under existing Sqoop installation

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Example Import Commands
You’re now ready to use SQL Server-Hadoop Connector. The following examples import data from SQL Server to
HDFS or Hive.
The assumption is that you are running the commands from the $SQOOP_HOME directory on the master node of
the Hadoop Cluster, where Sqoop is installed.

Example 1: Import to delimited text files on HDFS
The following command imports data from TPCH lineitem table in SQL Server to delimited text files in
/data/lineitemData directory on HDFS:
$bin/sqoop import --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem -target-dir /data/lineitemData

Example 2: Import with the split-by option
The following command specifies split-by column to compute the splits for mappers:
$bin/sqoop import --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem -target-dir /data/lineitemData --split-by L_ORDERKEY -m 3

Example 3: Import to SequenceFiles on HDFS
The following command imports data in SequenceFiles on HDFS:
$bin/sqoop import --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem -target-dir /data/lineitemData --as-sequencefile

Example 4: Import to tables in Hive
The following command imports data from lineitem tables in SQL Server to a table in Hive:
$bin/sqoop import --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem -hive-import
For using Hive import, ensure that hive is installed and HIVE_HOME is set to the parent directory where hive is

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Example Export Commands
The following examples export data from HDFS or Hive to SQL Server. The assumption is that you are running the
commands from the $SQOOP_HOME directory on the master node of the Hadoop Cluster, where Sqoop is

Example 1: Export data from a delimited text on HDFS
The following command exports data from a delimited text file /data/lineitemData on HDFS to lineitem table in
tpch database on SQL Server .
$bin/sqoop export --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem -export-dir /data/lineitemData

Example 2: Export data from a delimited text file or Sequence File on HDFS with a
user-defined number of mappers.
The following command exports data from a delimited text file on HDFS with user defined number of mappers.
$bin/sqoop export --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem -export-dir /data/lineitemData -m 3
The following command exports data from a sequential file on HDFS. In the following example, the “--jar-file
 --classname  ” parameters specify the jar file and the appropriate class
name that needs to loaded from this jar file. For more details on these options, see the Sqoop User Guide.
$bin/sqoop export --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem -export-dir /data/lineitemData -m 3 --class-name  --jar-file 

Example 3: Export data from delimited text or sequence file on HDFS using a staging
The following command uses a staging table and specifies to first clear the staging table before starting the
$bin/sqoop export --connect
'jdbc:sqlserver://;username=dbuser;password=dbpasswd;database=tpch' --table lineitem
--export-dir /data/lineitemData --staging-table lineitem_stage --clear-staging-table
Note: For current release, using “--direct” option for running Sqoop import / export tools would make no
difference in execution of import / export flow.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Data Types
The following table summarizes the data types supported by this version of the SQL Server – Hadoop Connector.
All other SQL Server types (e.g., XML, geography, geometry, sql_variant) not mentioned in the table below are not
supported at this time.
Data type
Exact numeric

SQL Server
Data Type

Sqoop Data Type


-2^63 to 2^63-1



0 or 1



- 10^38 +1 to 10^38 - 1



-2^31 to 2^31-1



-2^15 to 2^15-1


- 214,748.3648 to
0 to 255



- 1.79E+308 to -2.23E-308,
and 2.23E-308 to



- 3.40E + 38 to -1.18E - 38,
and 1.18E - 38 to 3.40E





SQL server data type



The ISO synonym for real
is float(24)
Date and time


0001-01-01 through 999912-31
January 1, 1 A.D. through
December 31, 9999 A.D.

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.


Sqoop Data type Range
MAX_VALUE: 2^63-1
MIN_VALUE: -2^63 (9223372036854775808)
No range specification
found (non-lossy)
MAX_VALUE: 2^31-1
MIN_VALUE: -2^31 (2147483648)
No range specification
found (non-lossy)

MAX_VALUE: 2^31-1
MIN_VALUE: -2^31 (2147483648)
No range specification
found (non-lossy)
MAX_VALUE: 2^31-1
MIN_VALUE: -2^31 (2147483648)
MAX_VALUE: (2-2^52)·2^1023 or
MIN_VALUE: 2^-1074 or
MAX_VALUE: (2-2^23)·2^127 or
MIN_VALUE: 2^-149 or
int year, int month, int
Year - the year minus
Must be 0 to 8099.
(Note that 8099 is 9999
minus 1900.)
month - 0 to 11
day - 1 to 31

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide
Data type

SQL Server
Data Type

SQL server data type
Date Range: 0001-01-01
through 9999-12-31
January 1,1 A.D. through
December 31, 9999 A.D.

Sqoop Data Type

Time Range: 00:00:00
through 23:59:59.9999999


Date Range: 1900-01-01
through 2079-06-06
January 1, 1900, through
June 6, 2079


Time Range:
00:00:00 through 23:59:59
2007-05-09 23:59:59 will
round to
2007-05-10 00:00:00


Date Range:
January 1, 1753, through
December 31, 9999


Time Range:
00:00:00 through


Character strings



00:00:00.0000000 through

Fixed-length, non-Unicode
character data
With a length of n bytes.
n must be a value from 1
through 8,000.
Variable-length, nonUnicode character data. n
be a value from 1 through


Sqoop Data type Range
int year, int month, int
date, int hour, int minute,
int second, int nano:
year - the year minus
month - 0 to 11
date - 1 to 31
hour - 0 to 23
minute - 0 to 59
second - 0 to 59
nano - 0 to 999,999,999
int year, int month, int
date, int hour, int minute,
int second, int nano:
year - the year minus
month - 0 to 11
date - 1 to 31
hour - 0 to 23
minute - 0 to 59
second - 0 to 59
nano - 0 to 999,999,999
int year, int month, int
date, int hour, int minute,
int second, int nano:
year - the year minus
month - 0 to 11
date - 1 to 31
hour - 0 to 23
minute - 0 to 59
second - 0 to 59
nano - 0 to 999,999,999
int hour, int minute, int


hour - 0 to 23
minute - 0 to 59
second - 0 to 59
Up to 8,000 characters


Up to 8,000 characters

Varchar(max) not

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide
Data type
Unicode character

SQL Server
Data Type


Binary strings



SQL server data type
Fixed-length Unicode
character data of
n characters. n must be a
From 1 through 4,000.
Variable-length Unicode
character data, n can be a
Value from 1 through
Nvarchar(max) not
Fixed-length binary data
with a length of n bytes,
where n is a value from 1
through 8,000.
Variable-length binary
n can be a value from 1
through 8,000.

Sqoop Data Type

Sqoop Data type Range


Up to 4,000 unicode


Up to 4,000 unicode

Up to 8,000 bytes

Up to 8,000 bytes

Varbinary(max) not

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Known Issues
This JDBC-based connector is an extension of Sqoop and the open issues in Sqoop also occur in this connector.
For a detailed description of Sqoop known issues, see .
The use of --driver switch does not function correctly and hence avoid using --driver switch for the SQL Server
connector to work. Use the --connect switch instead.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Troubleshooting and Support
This JDBC-based connector is an extension of Sqoop. For troubleshooting and support details with respect to
Sqoop, see the Sqoop User Guide on the Cloudera site.

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

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Microsoft SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop 1.0 User Guide

Security Notes

For secure communication between the Hadoop nodes, we recommend users to configure IPsec or similar
technologies. This will help prevent the Man-In the Middle attack.
You can refer the following link:


We recommend using the “escaped-by” and “enclosed-by” switches provided in Sqoop.


To ensure secure communication between the Hadoop nodes and SQL Server use “encrypt=true” in the
connection string. For details refer to the following link on MSDN. This is recommended but is not tested with the current release.

Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation.

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