Module 1 Pharmacy Program V8x V8
User Manual: Module 1 - Pharmacy Program V8
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User Guide CKS Software Version 8 – Pharmacy Program Document Version: 3.10.11 UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 1 Module 1 : Pharmacy Program In this module you are shown how to: Create a new script for a new patient Create a new script for an existing patient Dispense medication from a patient profile Do an “Over the Counter” prescription Send claims through to medical aids, real-time. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS – MODULE 1: PHARMACY PROGRAM 1. Overview - Dispensing Menu Option Descriptions.......................................................... 4 2. a. Regular Script ............................................................................................................. 4 b. Re-Write a Script ........................................................................................................ 4 c. Medication History ...................................................................................................... 4 d. Recall a Script ............................................................................................................ 4 e. Price a Script .............................................................................................................. 4 f. Reprint Original Copy / Invoices / Labels ..................................................................... 4 g. Print to Follows ........................................................................................................... 4 h. OTC Direct (No Script) ................................................................................................ 4 i. Label Function ............................................................................................................ 4 j. Claim Replies ............................................................................................................. 4 Log into Pharmacy ............................................................................................................ 5 3. a. Create / Update Profiles.............................................................................................. 5 Dispensing ........................................................................................................................ 7 a. Regular Script ............................................................................................................. 7 I. Deleting an Item ........................................................................................... 12 II. MMAP Pricing ........................................................................................... 13 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Re-Write a Script ...................................................................................................... 13 Medication History .................................................................................................... 14 Recall a Script .......................................................................................................... 16 Price a Script ............................................................................................................ 17 Reprint original Copy / Invoices / Labels ................................................................... 18 Print To Follows ........................................................................................................ 19 OTC Direct (No Script) .............................................................................................. 21 Label Function .......................................................................................................... 22 Claim Replies ........................................................................................................... 23 UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 3 1. Overview - Dispensing Menu Option Descriptions a. Regular Script This option would be used to dispense a prescription for: 1. 2. a new patient, an ‘OTC’ item b. Re-Write a Script This is an editing function. It will allow you to edit the profile and any of the medications while keeping the same RX number. c. Medication History This file contains all the medication history for a patient. Use this option to do a repeat for a patient. Also used to dispense a new script for an existing patient. d. Recall a Script Use this option to do a repeat for a patient if you have the previous RX number. e. Price a Script This option will allow you to price a prescription for a patient. f. Reprint Original Copy / Invoices / Labels This option will allow you to reprint a script copy, medication labels, trailer labels, delivery labels and any other dispensing labels you need to reprint. g. Print to Follows This option will allow you to print the ‘To Follows’ that need to be prepared. It will also allow you to delete ‘To Follows’ that have previously been dispensed. h. OTC Direct (No Script) Use this option to dispense OTC scripts. This option does not print a copy. The pharmacist dispensing the script, would have to choose a valid patient profile to dispense the OTC script to. i. Label Function This option allows you to print a free type label, i.e. it does not affect your stock levels or RX numbers in any way. j. Claim Replies This option allows you to view the response of a real-time claim that has been processed. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 4 2. Log into Pharmacy At the Login screen enter the User number you are going to use: This will take you to the Unisolv Login. a. Create / Update Profiles From the Pharmacy Main Menu, select: <1> Maintain Patient Information New Profile: Type the surname of the person you wish to add to the profiles and press. At the surname display, press Regular Script Pharmacist Name: Password: Type in your code andfor new. This will allow you to capture details for the patient. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 5 Existing Profile: Type the first couple of characters of the surname you are looking for and press . This will display a list of all possible matches. If the surname is in the list, press the corresponding line number to select it. If not press the down arrow key to continue searching, otherwise press to type the surname again. These are the important fields to : Option Surname: Initials: First Name: Identity #: Sex: Address: A/C No: Alt: BLK: Telephone numbers: Medical Aid Code: Medical Aid No.: Doctor: Doctor Practise Nr: Description The surname for the patient / main member you are creating the profile for. The patient’s initials. Type the first name/s for the patient exactly as it appears on his medical aid card as this could lead to a rejection of a claim at a later stage. Type the identity number for the patient correctly as it appears on his medical aid card. Type the gender for the patient. This is the address for the customer. If the pharmacy and debtors programs are linked together and the debtor has an account, the account number can be entered here to allow for levies to be written to the debtor’s account directly. This is an alternative debtor’s account which is used by Claim Settlement to charge unpaid medical aid claims to. If the profile is blocked due to outstanding levies / claims not paid, this could be set. These are the numbers the patient could be contacted on. Make sure this is correct for the medical aid the patient belongs to, as errors here could lead to rejections later on. Type this as it appears on the customer’s medical aid card. Make sure this is correct as errors can lead to rejections. Select the doctor the patient will be getting scripts from. Make sure this is correct as errors could lead to rejections later on. This will then take you into a new screen where you are able to enter details for any additional members to the main member. Insert the information for the dependant (as above) .When finished, press to exit. Also, if there are no dependants for the main member, press to exit. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 6 Press to accept the changes and save it. 3. Dispensing a. Regular Script Make sure your CAPS lock is ON From the Unisolv Master Menu, select: <1> Pharmacy Program This will take you into the Pharmacy Program. When entering the Pharmacy Program, it displays the system date. Press to accept this. From the Pharmacy Program Main Menu, select: <2> Process . Type your password and press to add the patient’s allergies onto the profile for future reference. If parameters are set up correctly and the pharmacy and debtors programs are linked and there is an account number in the UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 8 < T > Temp Medical Aid < L > Label profile, you are able to view the patient’s debtor’s information. This is used when the customer gets Over the Counter medication and does not want to process it through his medical aid, you have the option to change the medical aid for the particular script. This is used to print a label with the customer’s name and address. Could be used as a delivery label. After pressing. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 7 Surname: Type the first couple of characters of the surname you are looking for and press . If the surname you are looking for is displayed in the list press the corresponding line number and press . If the surname is not in the list, press the down arrow key to continue searching or press to search again. If it is a script for a new patient, type the surname and press to create a new profile. This will allow you to capture all the customer’s details on a new profile. This will display the details for the profile you have chosen. Options are as follows: Option < 1 – 9 > Dependants < U > Update < M > Messages < A > Allergies < D > Debtor Info Description If it is the correct profile chosen / created, press to dispense for the Main member. If it is the correct profile chosen / created, type the number for the dependant you wish to dispense for. If details on the profile need to be changed, press to update. This will take you through ALL the options on the profile. This will allow you to create a message on the profile for the patient. Press for the main member or typing the correct number for a dependant, you will be prompted to choose whether you are about to process an item that is (items that are) on prescription or not. This will determine the calculation of the appropriate dispensing fee as per the new pricing regulations 2004. Pat or Doctor: Select the correct option for the script in order for the correct calculation to take place. If a tier structure has been implemented on the system the above option would not appear and the calculations would be done automatically. Drug Name: Type the first couple of characters for the item you are looking for and press . This will display a list of possible matches. If the item you wish to dispense is displayed in the list press the corresponding line number, otherwise press to search again. If the stock and pharmacy systems are correctly linked and barcodes are captured in stock, the barcode of the item can be scanned at this point. If you would like to dispense a Mixture or any compounded product, you would press at this point. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 9 Mixture Name: Drug Name: Type in the name you wish to call the mixture and press . Insert the drugs you wish to add to the mixture including the quantities thereof. The program will automatically add the quantities and calculate the pricing. If you have finished adding all the drugs into the mixture and everything is correct, press . The mixture will be placed on the script as follows: Quantity: At the quantity field you enter the quantity needed. If you leave this field blank and press CKS Software will show the options e.g. 28’s or 30’s. Press the corresponding line number for the pack size you wish to dispense. Not Dispensed: If you would like to make the item ‘Not Dispensed’, press at the quantity field and select ‘N/D’. (OTC – Over the counter i.e. no dispensing fee or broken bulk, etc) CKS SOFTWARE calculates the price automatically.) UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 10 Change Price: Should you wish to change it, you can – CKS SOFTWARE will prompt you “Enter YES to confirm price override” as a double check. The price shown at this point will be the Single Exit Price (SEP) for those items. Generic Equivalents: If you would like to give a generic equivalent of the drug you have chosen, press in the price field. This will display a list of all the relevant generics for the item. To select the drug you wish to dispense, press the line number to select it. Number or repeats: If there are any repeats to be done from this prescription, type the number of repeats needed. This will be used when the repeat script is processed. Days Supply: Medical aids require this to be filled in, in order to control substance abuse. ICD10 Code: From 1 July 2005, Medical Schemes are requiring pharmacies to enter an ICD10 code for items dispensed. Directions: Type the directions for the patient on how to use the drug correctly. To Follows: After the Directions type “[XX TF]” where XX is the amount to follow e.g. “[10TF]”. Once the script has UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 11 been processed, you will be prompted “Deliver or Collect?” Select the preferred option. After one item has been added onto the script, press to add more if necessary. After all drugs have been dispensed, you have the following options: Option < 0 > Exit < 1 > Copy < 2 > Auto (3-5) < 3 > Price < 4 > Labels < 5 > Store < 7 > Charge Description This will take you out of the script. If you have not stored the script already, a message will appear and warn you that it has not been saved, do you wish to continue. After the script has been saved this will take you back to the Pharmacy Main Menu. This will print the copy for the script. This does not store the script. This will automatically price the script, print the medication and script labels as well as store the script. This will price the script. This is where you go to print the labels. Script, medication, delivery, etc., labels can be printed using this option. This will save the information for the script to the medication history. If there was a levy payable or if it was a Private script, you have the option to charge this amount directly to the patients’ account (if it exists and parameters are set correctly). After the script has been stored, the ‘transaction’ has been completed successfully. I. Deleting an Item If after you have entered an item and the patient no longer needs it, go back up to the item using the ‘up arrow’ key. Press and then again to clear the line, then type “DELETE” and . UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 12 II. MMAP Pricing If MMAP Pricing is applied to a particular item on a script for a particular Medical Scheme, the following option will be given: In the example above, the total price of the 15 Amoxil 250mg Capsules is R47.18. According to the menu at the top of the screen a MMAP Price of R41.53 is applied to the selected drug. The difference the member will have to pay, on top of any levy to be paid. You have the following choices: 1. Accept 2. Replace 3. Reduce Price 4. Override MMAP This accepts the MMAP price and lets the customer pay this difference. This will let you replace the item with a generic equivalent. This will let you override the total price of the drug e.g. if a selling price of R41.53 is okay, the claim will be at the correct MMAP price and the patient will not have to pay any difference. (The difference is absorbed by the business) This lets you override the MMAP price and claim the full price of R47.18. b. Re-Write a Script This will allow you to edit a script as mentioned above. If you do not need to print the copy and the labels again, always remember to press “<5> Store” to exit from the script, otherwise the script will not be stored. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 13 c. Medication History If a patient needs a repeat and does not have a script number, use this option. It will list all the medication in the patient’s history file. It is also best practice to use this option when dispensing a new script to an existing patient. From the Pharmacy Program Main menu, select: <2> Process Medication History Surname: Type the first couple of characters of the patient’s surname and press . Select the correct patient from the list displayed. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 14 This will display the patient’s profile. If all the details on the patient’s profile are correct, press to continue with the script. A list of all the medication dispensed to the particular patient will be displayed. To select an item press , the item is selected and it will look like this, e.g. >>DISPRIN CV To deselect an item move the cursor opposite the item on the list and press . To skip an item press and the cursor will move to the next item in the history. This will then take you to the dispensing screen as follows: At this stage you are able to press to ‘auto complete’ the script or press to continue. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 15 If you are busy dispensing and the patient then requires another item form his/her history, enter through as if you are going to add another item onto the script. Type in a and , this will bring up all the relevant history. The items that are already selected will appear, e.g. <>DISPRIN d. Recall a Script Use this option to do a repeat for a patient if you have the original script number. When using this option a new script number is allocated and the script is stored as a new script. From the Pharmacy Program Main Menu, select: <2> Process Recall a Script You will be prompted for a script number. Type this in and press . The profile that was used for the particular script will be displayed on the screen. If all the details on the profile are still correct and there are no changes to be done, press to continue. The list of items that were dispensed on the particular script will now be displayed on the screen. Select the items as before (medication history) and press to continue dispensing. At the dispensing screen you can now press to auto complete the script or press to continue. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 16 e. Price a Script This option will allow you to price a prescription for a patient. If the patient decides not to take the medication, you can exit the screen without having affected anything, however if the patient decides to accept the script, you can allocate the correct profile and store it as a script. From the Pharmacy Program Main menu, select: <2> Process Price a Script Medical Aid Code: If the patient wants to have the drugs priced on his medical aid, type in the medical aid code accordingly. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 17 Select whether this is a script done for a doctor or medication given OTC (PAT). Add the items you wish to dispense onto the script as before. When finished you will have the following options at the top of your screen: Options < 0 > Exit < 1 > Copy < 3 > Price < 8 > Profile Next f. Description This will take you out of the pricing option without storing the information for a script. If the customer requests a copy, this can be printed and given to him. The copy will indicate that this was a “QUOTE ONLY” This will calculate the totals for the drugs with any levies, dispensing fees and give a total the customer would need to pay. If the customer accepts the price and decides to take the medication you are able to add this to his profile and therefore, this is stored. Whilst busy with the script, if you press you are able to add a next item to the script. Reprint original Copy / Invoices / Labels This option allows you to reprint a script copy, medication labels, trailer labels, delivery labels and any other labels you need to reprint. From the Pharmacy Program main menu, select: <2> Process Reprint Copy / Invoices / Labels UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 18 Script Number: Type the script number you wish to reprint the copy or labels for. This will display the profile for which the script has been done. You have the following options: Option < C > Copy < L > Label < D > Dispensing Label Menu Description This will reprint the script copy for you. This will reprint the profile (delivery) label for you. This will give you the option to reprint any of the labels available in the Pharmacy program. g. Print To Follows This option will allow you to print the “To Follows” that need to be prepared. It will also allow you to delete “To Follows” that have previously been dispensed. From the Pharmacy Program Main menu, select: <2> Process Print to Follows Type in the Pharmacist code and password and press . Choose which of the following options you wish to use to print the report with. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 19 Depending on the selection you have made, the drugs to be sent as “To follows” will be displayed in that particular sequence. Options are as follows: Option < S > Select for Printing < D > Select to Delete to End Description By pressing you are able to select which drugs you want to print for. This will print the labels for the particular drugs. This will allow you to select the script you wish to delete. Pressto go back to the menu. If you have selected “S” it will allow you to select drugs. Press to select tthe drugs you wish to process. If an item has been selected it will be displayed as follows: >>>00188160/01M.. If you wish to skip an item and select another item, press . After all items / scripts have been selected, press and the labels will be printed. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 20 h. OTC Direct (No Script) Use this option to dispense OTC scripts. This option does not print a copy. . From the Pharmacy Program Main Menu, select: <2> Process OTC Direct (No Script) Type the Pharmacist’s name and press . If there is a password, type it and press . Surname: At the surname field, type the first couple of characters of the surname you are looking for and press . A list of possible matches will be displayed. Press the corresponding line number to select the surname you wish to dispense for. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 21 Add the drugs onto the script as before (Regular script options). After adding all the drugs to the script, you will have the following options: Option < 0 > Exit < 2 > Auto < 4 > Label < 5 > Update Stock Next i. Description This will take you out of the script without saving it. This option will store the script and exit to the dispensing menu. This option will allow you to print labels for the script if necessary. If the medication is given to the customer, use this option to update the stock accordingly. After entering one item on the script, press to be able to add another to the script. Label Function This option allows you to print a free type label, i.e. it does not affect your stock levels or RX numbers in any way. These labels can also be stored for future use. From the dispensing main menu, select: Code: Label Function If you have already created labels and you know the code the label you wish to print, type the number and press . If you want to create a new label, press to create a new code. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 22 You will be able to create details for a new label, as follows: Language: Translate: On one Line: Date line 1 – 9: Number to print: English / Afrikaans If you type the details of the label in one language and you wish to print the label in the other language, say “Y” to translate it. If set to “Y” you will have one line to enter the details of the label. Type any details you wish to have on the label. The number of labels that should be printed at one time. The options after you have captured the details for the label are as follows: Options Print & Store < P > Print & Delete < U > Update < D > Delete j. Description This will print the number of labels as requested as well as store the label information for future use. If you only want to print the specific label once, press “P” to print the number of copies requested. The label will be printed and removed off the system. If you wish to change any details for the label, press “U” to update those. Use this option if you wish to delete the label information without printing it. Claim Replies This option will allow you to view the response of a realtime claim. This option will allow you to view the claim reply of any script that has been sent through realtime to the medical aids. UCS Technology Services PTY (LTD) – Pharmacy Program Manual (V3.10.11) 23
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Page Count : 23 Producer : Nitro PDF PrimoPDF Create Date : 2011:10:12 14:09:09-02:00 Modify Date : 2011:10:12 14:09:09-02:00 Title : Microsoft Word - Module 1 - Pharmacy Program V8.docx Creator : PrimoPDF Author : MaritzaEXIF Metadata provided by