NCR_SCSI_Engineering_Notebook_Rev2_Oct85 NCR SCSI Engineering Notebook Rev2 Oct85
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MICROELECTRONICS DIVISION SCSI ENGINEERING NOTEBOOK 10/85 Rev. 2 Cooyrignt 1984, by NCR Corporation Coloraoo Spr1ngs, Coloraco All Rignts Reserveo Printed 1n U.S.A. Wnile the information nerein presentee ~aS been cnec~ec for ~o~, accut"'acy aY',d t"'sliaoility.,· NCR assumES t'",c. t"'esp.:.t"',sloillty f.:!}·" 2:!."t.""'e)·" 1':5 r:':'r' for tne infringement of any patents or otner rlgnts of t~iro partles, w~ic~ coule resu~t from its use. The puolicatlon ana alssemina~ion of tne enciosec i1'"lfot"f,1a't 1':'1'", cc,nfet"'s 1'",':' 1 iceY",se., by imol icat iO"(1 ':11'''' '::.t:1et"'wlse~ tt1'"ldet'" o·:",:,! j:}a~;e or oatent rlgnts owned by NCR. Mlcroelectronics Division Aeroplaza Drlve Colorado Sorlngs, Coloraco 80916 ~none: 800/525-2252 Telex: 45 2457 NCR MICRO CSP ~CR ~635 m[3~ Microelectronics AWAMA Hughes Associates. Int. 2913 Governors Dnve H~.AllS805 (205) s:n.91~ AAIlOHA 8H &BSales, Inc. 7353E.6IllAY'I!. SaltIsdale. ~ 852S1 (602)~ 8H &BSales. Inc. 1()41 W. ComobabI TIQOfl. ~ 85704 (602) 299- 1~ CA1..EORNIA Custorn~ Rd. 992S. San Jose. CA 95129 (~)2S2·~1 Ell1e AssocIates. Inc SIite 200 7SB5 Ronson Rd. San~.CA92111 (619) 27S-5441 Orion SIies. Inc. SuitllF 82S E. Colorado Blvd. Giendale. CA 91205 (818) 240-3151 Orion Sales, Inc 2!5UAamSt Tustm. CA 92S8O (714) 832-9667 COlORADO Bearoayne, Inc. Sua 110 2620~erRd. Aurora. CO kX)14 NCR Microelectronics Sales Representatives 4'3t.1attinRd. KANSAS Kebc:o. Inc. 16047E Kellogg Wdlita.KS6m:l (316) 733-1~1 Kebco, Inc. 10111 Santa F, 0riYe ~ Park. K5 66212 (913) 541-&431 Nom Palm Beach, KENT\JCICY CONNECTICUT Data Mart., Inc. 47 CIapboartI HI Rd. Guilford. CT 06437 (20314S3-{)575 flORIDA \JMoeI'SaI Mmting & Sales. Inc Fl33406 ~}&42"440 UnNersaI Marketing & Sales, Inc 355 GrIn! Ave. PO. Box 2582 Salelllle Beach, Fl32937 (n)m-2S8 1 GEOfIGA Hughes Associates, Inc. 1)45 AIIa~ Blvd. &;ts 122 NoIttos$. GA 30071 Technology Martteting Corporation 1819 Roma.'1 Ct. PO. Box 91 147 Louisville. KY 40291 (502) 499-7808 IlARYlAHO Mmtmn.lnc. 1688 Easl Guide Dr. RociMIIe. MD 20850 (:1)1)251-8890 IIICHIGAN (404)662"587 Westbay &Associa1es I.1.IfOCS lMlnia. MI48154 ElgIe Technical Sales, Inc. 1~ Hicics Road Roling Meadows, IL SXXl8 (312) 991-0700 IfOIAH.A Tec:hnoIogy MarkatJng Co!por1tion S99lnc1ustrial Dr CIrmei. IN 46032 (311) 844-8462 ~~ting 3428 W. Taylor St Fort Wayrte. IN 468Q.( (219) 432·5553 27476~ileRd. (313) 421·7460 NEWIIEXICO NeIco Electronix 4801 General Bradley. N.E. Albuquerque. NM87111 (505) 293-1399 NEW YORK Ontec Elec. Mk!. 167 Aande~ 51. Rochester. NY 14619 (716) 464-8636 0nIec Eltc. Mk!. 16 Gabriela Road P.O. BoxS25 Wappinger Falls, NY 12590 (914; 462·7188 Ontec EItt. Mk!. 161 FotTest Way P.O. Box 24 Camilus, NY 13131 (315) 672-&409 OC Associa1es 209 RoIie 9 W. Congers. NY 10920 (914)268-4435 NORTH CAAOUNA HIq'Ies Associates, Inc. 975 Walnll. St. _MESOTA ~.Inc. 7138 Rd Eden Prairie. MN 55344 Cary. He 27S 11 (919)467·7029 (EI2)~ ()HK) MISSISSIPPI Hughes Associates, Inc. 1204 Garden Lane P.O. Box 1541 Corinth. Miss. 38834 (601)287·2915 IIISSOURi Kebco,Inc. 75 WlrthIngIon Dr. Suile:m.e Beat Marketing, Inc. 3623 BrectsviIIe Rd. P.O. Box 177 Rd1IieId. OH 44286 (216) 659-3131 Bear Marketing Inc. 1563 E. Dorothy Lane Deyton. OH 45429 (513)52059 UTAH OI(UHQMA ION Associates. Inc =. Electrodyne. Inc. Suite 109 2480 South Main 51 SaIl UT &4115 (B01) 1 9726 E. 42nd Street Suite 122 Tulsa. OK 74145 (918)664-0186 WASHINGTON OREGON Electronic Component Electronic Component Sales 9311 5.E. 36th 51. Mercer Island. WA ~ (206) 232.g~1 Sales 15255 S.W. 72nd AYe =.OR97223 )2~2342 PENNSYlVANIA TCA Associates B01 Media Line Rd. Broomall. PA 19008 (215) ~2022 . TENNESSEE Hughes Associates, Inc. 732 White Oak Circle Morristown. TN 37814 (615) 581-5971 . TEXAS ION AssociaIes, Inc. 1504 109th Street Grand Prairie, TX 7S05O (214) 647-m5 ION Associates, Inc. 12731 Research B/Yd. &iteA100 Austin. TX 78759 (512) 331-7251 ION Associates, Inc. 6.»J Westpark Dr. Suite 310 Houston, TX T7'JS7 (713)9n~ CANADA Camec Representatives. Inc. 8 Stratheam AY'I!.-Unit "8 8ramp(on, Ontario, Canada L6T 4LB (4161791·5922 Camec RepresentatiYes, Inc. 1573 L.aperriere Ave. Ottawa Ontario, Canada 1<12 7T3 (613)725-3704 Carnec Representatives, Inc. Suite 116 3639 Sources Rd. 00Iard des Onneaux, Quebec, Canada H98 21<4 (514)583-6131 FARUST PCI, Hong Kong, LTD. 1145 Sonora Ct. Sunnyvale. CA 94068 (~) 7J3.4&13 UNITED KJNGOOM Manhattan Skyline Ud. Manhattan House 8ridgeRoad Madenhead Berkshire SL680B England Maindenhead (0628) 75851 Mar)1a'ld Heights. Me 63043 (314) 576-411 1 NCR Microelectronics Distributors 1lANHAT11N KYUNE, LTD. WYU LAIORATORIES AU8.UlA 4825 Ul'MI'SIIy SQ H\Il!Me. A.l. 3S&)S (205', 837.9l).J IlA.QYl.AND 9100 Gaithef Road ~."D2Oen NORTH CAROlINA 9801 ASoutham Pine B/Yd. Chatio!te, NC 28210 (3)1;921~ (704) 527~1B8 COHHECnClrT 112 Maln Strge: Illa!IGAH OHIO 4800 East 131st Stree1 ~CT0685' Livonia. l.Ii4E150 (313) 52> 1800 FlORlOA IIINHESOTA 10203 b Road EISI Minnetonka. loiN 55343 (612) 935-5444 f'203)~'515 221 N. Lake BIYd. AItamonIe ~ Ft:!VOl (3)5)~ 674 S. Miitary TIU 0wfIaId Beact~ F'1. ~ (XI5) 42&-68n GEOfQA 5853 ePeIchtrM Comers East Norcross, GA Dl92 (404) 448-1711 IJ.IfOIS 15&1 CInnen f)rio,te 9: Grow VIIage.1L m7 (312) 437.-0 INDIANA &4OB CatIe!Uce Drive ~,IN48250 (317) &4&-7300 IlASSACHUSETTS 44 HII1WII MnUl UxingIon, MA 02173 (617) 161-t200 13485~-nre NEW.&SEY 45Rl4S Pile Brook. ~ 07058 (201)m.3S10 1. NEW'tDRK \I8stII PalMy East \tIstaI,NYl3850 ~7) 748211 a.o FUpott Pm FIirport, NY 14450 (71&) 381·7070 eo Crossways Perk West ~,NYl17i7 151&) 921~700 0eYeIand. OH 44105 (216) 587-36OC\ 4433lnterpoint BIvC. Deyton, OH 45424 (513)23&9900 PENHSYlYAHtA 261 Gibraltar Road Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 67....aoo 2S9 Kappa OrNe =PAl5238 (412) .zm TEXAS 9!Kl1 &met Road Austin. TX 78758 (512) B3>4OOO 13710 Omega Road OllIs. TX 75244 (214)_7300 5853 Point West Drive HousIon, TX 77036 (71~_55SS ARIZONA 8155 North 24th Street Pt1oenix. ~ 85021 (602) 2G2232 1010 E. Ptnnsytvania $ljte203 T\t:SOr.. AZ 85714 (6)2) 884-7082 CALFOAHIA 124 Maryland 51. El Seg;m:l, CA 90245 (213) 322~100 17872 Cowan M. Nne, CA 92714 (714)~ SarI=, 9S25=:;Or. 92123 9171 3000 Bowers Ave. Santa am. CA 95051 (G)n7-2500 11151 SIJ\ Center Or. AMdIo Ccn:lova. CA 95670 ~16) 6J8.S282 (619) OREGON 5289 N.E. Elam "IbIlg Pkwy. 8Idgl00 HiIlsIJoro, OR 97124 (503)~ TEXAS 1810 Glt8llvile Or RdIirdson, TX 1~1 (214) 235-9953 2120 Breaker Lane S\ite F AISin, TX 78758 (512) 834-9957 11001 SouthWIicrest &;te100 Houston, TX 77099 UNITED KIHGOOM Manlla!tan House 8ridgeRoad Maidenhead Beruhire Sl6 80B E~and Matr\denhead (0628j 75a51 (713)8~ UTAH 1959 5. 41~ West Sar. City, UT 841 ()4 ~1) 974-9953 WASHINGTON 1750 132ndA'I8. H.E. Bellevue. WA BX6 (206) 453-8300 COlORADO 451 Easl.1241h M. 'TIIomton, CO 80241 (:m) 457-9953 MD-60S 0485 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. IV. v. NCR SCSI Product Families A. NCR 5385/86 Product Family B. NCR 5380 Product Family C. Choosing the Right Product Family for Your Design D. Differences Between the NCR 5385E and the NCR 5386 NCR 5385/86 state ~~chine Operation NCR 5385S Synchronous Operation SCSI Accommodates Flexible System Arch1tectures (Article) SCSI Packaging Options I. NCR SCSI PRODUCT FAMILIES NCR 5385/86 PRODUCT FAMILY fhe NCR 5385, which was the first general purpose SCSI protocol controller available in the market, has been replaced by the upgraded NCR 5385E (lienhay,ced ll ) . The NCR 5386 is primat"i ly a cClst reduced version of the 5385E, with a few additional features such as pass parity and the ability to suppress spurious phase changes. Shortly following the introduction of the 5386, a synchronous version (the NCR 5386S) will be available. This device is capable of supporting 3.3 Mbyte operation using a synchronous (offset of one) handshake. In spite of continuing enhancements, these devices have Maintained pin and software compatibility. Future upgrades such as higher offsets, faster transfer rates, lower power CMOS, and on-chip bus transceivers are being plaY"IY"led. IY"I add it iCIY", to the staY"ldat"'d 48-piYI DIP, these devices are available in 52 or 68-pin J-Ieaded PLCC (surface Mounted) packages. To provide a Single-chip open-collector interface to the SCSI bus, NCR 8310 General Purpose 48 mA Bus Transceiver may be used as a companion chip with any members of the NCR 5385/86 family. A summary of the product family is listed below. NCR 5385 First family Member - Replaced by the NCR 5385E NCR S385E Currently in production Supports latest ANSC timings (Post Revision 10) Manufactured until the NCR 5386 is in production NCR 5386 - Samples currently available Superset of the NCR 5385/85E - Production availability 2/85 NCR 5386S Samples available 1/86 Identical to NCR 5386 with synchronous operation to 3.3 Mbytes/sec NCR 8310 Samples available Production 12/85 Single-chip open-collector bus interface -1- the NCR 5380 PRODUCT FAMILY The NCR 5380 was the first SCSI interface device to provide on-chip open-collector 48 mA bus transceivers. This provides for low parts count and direct SCSI bus interfacing. Since the 5380 is an NMOS device, and not susceptible to latch-up like CMOS, the single ground pin is adequate to handle 14 signals sinking 48 rnA simultaneously. (When operating as a Target device, a maximum of 14 signals May be siMultaneously active.) Inductance problems are avoided by purposely slowing each signals turn-on time. This provides the added benefit of reducing the RF generated due to switching signals. However, to maintain ground integrity, it is recommended that inexpensive sockets not be used. To accommodate differential-pair operation, the 4B-pin NCR 5381 can be used. This device allows use of the internal open-collector bus transceivers and provides the additional signals necessary to control external differential-pair bus transceivers. SCSI is finding its way into lap-top computing. To provide t~e lowest power possible, the 53C80/81 will be introduced in the 4th quarter of 1985. Since CMOS is susceptible to latch-up, four additional ground lines have been provided. Due to this consideration, the part has maintained functional compatibility but not pin compatibility. Additionally, the REQ/ACK response time has been considerably improved over its NMOS counterpart. ~ll of these devices are available in standard DIP or surface mountable PLCC packaging. A summary of the devices is listed below. NCR 5380 On-chip open-collector bus transceivers - Currently in production NCR 5381 Supports external differential-pair bus transceivers Samples available Production 12/85 NCR 53C80 Functionally equivalent to the NCR 5380 - Samples available 11/85 NCR 53C81 Functionally equivalent to the NCR 5381 - Samples available 12/85 -2- CHOOSING THE RIGHT PRODUCT FAMILY FOR YOUR DESIGN The NCR 5385/86 family and the NCR 5380 family are all fully featured SCSI protocol controller devices. Both product lines support nearly every option available in the proposed SCSI standard and can be used in a variety of configurations. However, differences between the faMilies will make one device more appropriate than another for your application. REASONS TO CHOOSE THE NCR 5385/86 PRODUCT FAMILY You probably would need an NCR 5385E or NCR 5386 if the most important factors influencing your choice are: * * * Performance System Integrity Guaranteed Compatibility PERFORMANCE All members of the NCR 5385/86 product family are capable of 2.0 Mbyte/sec operation using the asynchronous SCSI handshake. The NCR 5386 provides 3.3 Mbyte/sec operation using the synchronous (offset of one) handshake. Future products in this family will support faster transfer rates and greater offsets. The NCR 5380 product family is rated at 1.5 Mbyte/sec operation and is currently not planned to ~upport synchronous operation. Even if your transfer requirements are less than 1.5 Mbyte/sec operation, the NCR 5380 has longer REQ/ACK response times than the combination of the NCR 5385/86 and the associated bus transceiver delay. Because of this delay, your overall transfer rate could be reduced depending on the cable length being used and the response of the other SCSI bus devices. Additionally, the NCR 5385/86 family supports a slightly faster MPU interface. This could prevent the insertion of wait states if the device is being addressed by high-end processors. SYSTEM INTEGRITY Many designs have the requirement to maintain parity throughout the system. The NCR 5386 and 5386S will optionally pass, or check and pass, parity through the chip. The NCR 5380 family does not SUppOt~t this feature. GUARANTEED COMPATIBILITY The NCR 5380 product is firmware oriented thus adherance to the SCSI protocol is the responsibility of the programmer. It is imposible to violate any of the SCSI speCifications using the NCR 5385/86 device. (3) ~EASONS TO CHOOSE THE NCR 5380 PRODUCT FAMILY You probably would need an NCR 5380 or NCR 5381 if the most important factors influencing your choice are: * * * * Board Space Cost Flexibility Low-power BOARD SPACE The NCR 5380 family was the first SCSI interface device to include on-chip open-collector bus transceivers. By providing the high-current transceivers on-chip, fewer parts are required to implement the interface and the device pin-out requirements are reduced. Even though the 5385/86 family does not have on-chip bus transceivers, the NCR 8310 provides a convenient single-chip bus interface. Future members of the 5385/86 product line will include the bus transceivers on chip. Another board savings feature is the absence of a clock pin. No clock circuitry, resistors, or capacitors are required to make the device operate. The exclusive process-independant, free-running internal oscillator is unique to the NCR 5380 (patent pending). COST NCR 5380 and the NCR 5386 products are comparably priced, however the NCR 5386 requires an external bus transceiver. Since the NCR 5380 requires fewer parts and uses less board space, it is a less expensive solution. ~he FLEXIBILITY Since the NCR 5380 is a register-oriented device and most bus signals may be freely asserted or sampled, it is capable of supporting variations of the SCSI interface such as XSASI and SCSI/PLUS. XSRSI is the interface used by XEBEC on many of its products and varies slightly from the proposed SCSI standard. SCSI/Plus is a proposed superset for the SCSI interface that allows up to 64 bus devices compared to the 8 devices specified by the X3T9.2 subcommittee. This flexibility a1s0 makes it a perfect tool for use in SCSI testing, analyzing, and bus emulating equipment. Additionally, the versatility of the NCR 5380 allows it to be used non-SCSI applications such as industrial control busses, local lID communication links, and other interfaces requiring 48 ma sink capability_ LOW POWER CONSUMPTION Jhe NCR 5380 typically draws 110 rna of current, while the NCR 53C80 raws only a few microamps. This makes the them ideal products for "low-power applications. (4) In DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE NCR 5385E AND THE NCR 5386 The NCR 5386 is primarily a cost reduced version of the NCR 5385E. Eventually, the NCR 5386 will replace the NCR 5385E since it's intended to be superset of this device. The NCR 5386, however, does have a few improvements that are significant in some implementations. The following list will help you decide if you can design with the NCR 5385E or if you need an NCR 5386 for your development. Detailed information concerning these changes may be found in the NCR 5386 SCSI Protocol Controller Data Sheet. ITEM #1 - PASS PARITY The NCR 5386 provides an option so that the integrity of the parity bit is maintained through the chip. In this mode, parity may be passed or checked and passed between the SCSI bus and the DMA data path. Using this mode sacrifices pin compatibility with the NCR 5385E device. To support this operation, the ID register must be written with the appropriate device 10. Pin 14, previously 100, may now be used for data bus parity (DP). Pins 12 and 13 in this mode are not used. ITEM *2 - SUPPRESS SPURIOUS PHASE CHANGE INTERRUPTS ~-------------------------------------------------- When operating as an initiator, interrupts are generated by the NCR _ 5385E when phase changes occur on the SCSI bus. This chip determines a phase change by sampling the phase signals (C/D, MSG, I/O) for a period of twelve clock cycles. If the phase lines have indeed changed, BSYI is sampled for an additional twelve clocks to insure that the target is still connected. Since the phase change interrupt can be generated before a bus request (REQ) occurs, a system could realize performance advantages if the target changed the phase lines before the actual transfer were to take place. If a disk controller received a command to read a secto~ of information, it may change the phase lines to a Data In phase before the data was ready to be transferred. By doing this, the host can be serVicing the phase change interrupt while the disk is seeking to read the proper sector. However, most controllers do not operate in this fashion and the scheme used by the NCR 5385E could create multiple phase change interrupts with certain products. To reduce the number of interrupts generated, the NCR 5386 provides a Valid Phase Enable bit (bit 3) in the Control Register. This bit, when set (1), causes the NCR 5386 to generate a phase change interrupt only when REQ becomes active. When this bit is reset, operation will be identical to the NCR 5385E. (5) rEM *3 - EXTRA DREQ SUPPRESSED When the NCR S385E is transferring data in the DMA mode, DREQ will go active one additional time after the Transfer Counter reaches zero. No data is transferred for this additional DREQ and no DMA response is expected. The NCR 53S6 has been modified to suppress this additional DREQ. For most this change will be transparent in your system. However, some designs have hardware and/or software that expect this additional DREQ. Please be aware of this change when upgrading to the NCR 5386. ITEM *4 - TRANSFER COUNTER IN TARGET RECEIVE MODE When operating the NCR 538SE in a Target receive mode and an exit condition occurs (Pause command issued or parity error occurred), the Transfer Counter is decremented one additional time before exiting the state machine. The NCR 53S6 has been modified so that the Transfer Counter accurately [eflects the number of bytes that have been transferred. Systems that Jake use of this value need to be aware of this change. For most users this change is transparent. ITEM #5 - ACCESS TO DATA REGISTER II The NCR S38SE has a doubly-buffered data register but provides only status of and access to only one of these registers. In some applications it is important to know whether one or two bytes of data remain in the chip. The NCR S3S6 will use bit 0 of the Auxiliary Status Register as a flag for indicating that Data Register II is full. Data Register II may now be accessed by performing a CPU read to device register eight (A3-A0=1000). ITEM *6 - PAUSE COMMAND MODIFICATION If a Target designed with the NCR S3SSE wishes to halt a Target send operation in order to change to a new bus phase, he must issue the Pause command. With the NCR S3SSE, the Pause command requires that one or two bytes of data be sent to the chip before a new command can be 'ssued. The Target send state machine has been modified in the NCR 5386 so that a new command may be issued immediately after the Pause command. (6) ~TEM #7 - CHANGES MADE TO ACCOMMODATE SASI AND XSASI CONTROLLERS ~----------------------------------------------------- ---------- Several low-end controllers do not monitor BSY during the selection process. Additionally, they do not check to see if more than two ID's are active on the bus during this phase. Both conditions are requirements of the proposed ANSI specification. The NCR 53B5E while Moving from Arbitration into Selection, asserts SBEN/ while the data bus is tri-stated. This causes all the data signals on the SCSI bus to go active for approximately three clock cycles. During this time both BSYOUT and SELOUT are active. Since low-end controllers, such as the Xebec 81410 do not monitor BSY, but detect SEL and their ID active, they become falsely selected. The NCR 5386 has been modified so that Xebec S1410 type controllers may be properly selected without using additional control circuitry. Some controllers in this class also allow the phase lines to change while ACK is still active on the SCSI bus. If this phase change occurs while the Target is changing from the Status to the Message In phase, the NCR 53S5E will leave ACK asserted on the SCSI bus. The chip is tricked into thinking that the Status byte Just transferred was a Message In byte and leaves ACK active so that the message may be reJected. At this point an out-of-sequence Message Accepted command may be issued to de-assert ACK. The Message In byte may now be transferred. 1he NCR 5386 will not require this out-of-sequence Message Accepted command and ACK signal will return to its inactive state. (7) II. NCR 5385/86 STATE MACHINE OPERATION A. Initiator Output state B. Target Receive State Machine c. Initiator Input state Mach1ne D. Target Send State Machine Mach~ne NCR 5385 STATE MACHINE OPERATION ~ TAT ~--- .. M A ~ ~ H I N ~ --~--_.& ·TARGET REQUEST A TRANSFER REQ (SCSI) GOES ACTIVE DREQ GOES ACTIVE TO REQUEST FIRST BYTE S6- ENABLE ACK TO GO OFF WHEN REO GOES INAC7!V~ DATA REGISTER GOES FULL THEN: ss-~c~ (SCSI) GOES (SCSI - DRE8 OUTPU~ ~EG!ST~R) GO~S ACTlV~ - DATA REGISTER 1 FUL~ I~ RES~~ - DISABLE ACK FROM GOiNG OFF / S2. (SCSI) IS ~NA8~ED 70 GO ACTIVE w~EN RE~ :S ACK ~ECEIVEJ S.l - ,r: ~~ANSFER CDUN7ER _ ~NA8LE ACK WHEN REO 70 ZE~O. S~T r~AG TO EXIT INlTIA70R OU7PUT STATE. TO GO GJ~S :NAC7iV~ !~AC~IVE - DISABLE ACK FROM GOING ON - DECREMENT TRANSFER COUNTER rep = CLOCK PERIOD - 100 NS < rep < 200 NS - -1- ~p 51 - DECREMENT TRANSFER COUNTER - ENABLE REO (SCSI) TO GO ACTIVE WHEN ACK GOES INACTIVE S2 - DELAY ONE CLOCK PERIOD (rCP) 53 - WAIT FOR DAiA REGISTER 3 TO GO FULL & FOR DATA REGISTER- 1 TO GO EMPTY* THEN: - ENABLE REQ TO GO ACT!VE WHEN ACK GOES INACTIVE LOAD DATA REGISTER 3 !NTQ SAT A REGISTER - DREO SET DATA REGISTER - S4 - SET 1 FULL FLAG DECREMENT TRANSFER COUNT~R (NOTE: THE TRANSF£R IS OECREMENTEC BEFOR THE BYTE IS TRANSFE~RED TO KEEP THE THROUGHPUT UP.) IF TRANSFER COUNTER GOES TO ZERO. SET FLAG TO EXIT TARGET RECEIVE. rCP = CLOCK PERIOD 100 ~S ~ rCP ~ 200 NS * DATA REGISTER 3 IS LOADED WHEN ACK GOES ACTIVE. -2- TARGET REQUESTS A TRAN5FER (SCSI) GOES ACTIVE) (R~Q ACK GOES ACTIVE AND SCSI INPUT DATA REGISTER IS LOADED, (DATA REGISTER 3)* S1- THEN: - WAIT FOR REO TO GO ACTIVE STATE S4) (F~OM TRANSFER COUNTER IS DECREMENTED ACK IS DISABLED FROM GOING ACT!VE S2 - ENABLE ACK TO GO. INACT I VE WHEN REQ GOES INACTIVE S3 - WAIT FOR DATA REGISTER EMPTY TO GO THEN: - LOAD DATA REGIS~ER FROM DA7A REGISTER 3 - SET DREQ - SET DATA REGISTER 1 FULL FL~G S4 - WAIT FOR ACK TO GO INACTIVE THEN: - ENABLE ACK TO GO ACTIVE WHEN REO GOES ACTIVE - DISABLE ACK FROM GOING OFF IF TRANSFER COUNTER GOES TO Z~~O, SET FLAG TO EXIT INITIATOR INPuT STATE Tep = CLOCK PERIOD 100 NS ~ rCP ~ 200 NS * DATA REGISTER 3 IS LOADED WHEN ACK GOES ACTIVE -3- 51 - WAIT FOR DATA REGISTER 1 TO GO FULL AND FOR THE PREVIOUS BY7E OF DATA TO BE TRANSFERRED (REQ GOES' INACTIVE) - DATA REGISTER 2 IS LOADED DREQ GOES ACTIVE DATA REGISTER 1 FULL :S RESET THEN: S2 - ENABLE REQ TO GO ACTIVE WHEN ACK GOES INACTIVE S3 - DECREMENT TRANSFER COUNTER S4 - IF TRANSFER COUNTER EQUAL ZERO. SET FLAG TO EXiT TARGET SEND STATE I ~ rep = CLOCK PERIOD 100 NS ~ rep ~ ~- 200 NS III. NCR 5385S SYNCHRONOUS OPERATION NCR 5386S Synchronous Operation The NCR 5386S SCSI Protocol Controller is pin and software compatible with the NCR 5385E and 5386 but may additionally be used to transfer data in a synchronous fashion. Using a 10 Mhz clock the NCR 53868 is capable of transferring data up to 3.3 MBytes/sec. The following information describes how to invoke the synchronous operation and what is required to achieve to maximum data rate. CONTROL REGISTER The control register is used to notify the NCR 53868 whether data phases are to be transferred synchronously or asynchronously. (NOTE: All SCSI devices Must first establish that they are transferring synchronously through the SCSI message system. Also, only data phases may be transferred synchronously. This allows both synchronous and asynchronous devices to share th~ same bus.) Bits 4-7 of this register have been defined to support synchronous operation. The use of these bits are described below: CONTROL REGISTER 1 o 1 PDM 1 TP6 1 TP5 1 8VN 1 VPE 1 PE 1 RE 1 1 1 1 SE 1 7 1 6 1 3 4 5 111 1 1 1 I 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 of J. 1 1 1 1-----------86S---------1-86--1------85E--------I I I I 1 BIT 0 Select Enable Wherl this bit is a Ill" the chip will l""'esp.:lnd t,:. any attempt to select it as a Target. When it i s a " 0 " , the chi p w i l l i 9 nc. t" e a 1 I se 1 e c t i CI n attempts. BIT 1 Reselect EYlable WheYI this bit is a "111 the chip will t .... espc1nd tel aYIY t"'ese 1 ect i clr, at tempt s. When SE·t t.:, a "tZl" the chip will ignore all reselection attempts. BIT 2 Parity Enable When the pat"ity eY,able bit is set to a "1", the chip generates and checks parity on all transfers on the SCSI bus. When this bit is not set, parity is generated but not checked. BIT 3 Valid Phase Enable Whey, this bit is set tCI a "1", the chip generates an interrupt for phase changes only when REQ becomes active. When bit 3 is a "0", btlS sel'''vice iy,tert"upts al'''e geY'tet"'ated if the phase lines are stable for twelve clocks and BSV is active for twelve clocks after the phase lines have stablized. (1) IT 4 SYYlchroYlc,uS SCSI When this bit is set to a "1", the chi p is con-· ~igured to transfer all data phases across the SCSI bus using the synchronous offset of one handshake. When this bit is a zero, the chip will handshake data as the NCR 5385E and the 5386 in an asynchronous ~ashion. BIT 5,6 Transfer Period aIT 7 Pulsed DMA Mode The Transfer Period bits are provided so you may program the NCR 53868 to ma~ch the transfer rate of your application. These bits determine the minimuM REQ cycle time and are only used when operating as a Target device. These transfer period bits are only used in synchronous data transfers. TP6 TP5 0 0 1 1 IZI 1 0 1 MINIMUM REQ CYCLE TIME 3 Pe","iods 3.5 C 1 clck Pen'iods 4 Clock Pel'''i t:lds 4.5 Cloc~. Pe ..... iods In order to acheive the maximum synchronous transfer rate the optional Pulsed DMA handshake may be used. This handshake is compatible with the flyby mode used with the AMD 9516 DMA device. The primary difference with this handshake is that the DACKI input signal must be pulsed in response to the DREQ output. Restl'''ict ioY,s elY, the DACKI pulse a"r"e desc::y'i bEd in the synchronous timing diagrams. This Mode is optional and not required for synchronous operation or evaluation but m~y be necessary to acheive the desir~d transfer rate. (2) iDENTIFICATION In the 10 Register Bit 6 is used to identifiy the device as an NCR 53869. This read only bit notifies the controlling software that synchronous data transfers are supported. If this bit is not set then the device is either an NCR 5385E or NCR 5386. SYNCHRONOUS TIMING DIAGRAMS Pulsed DMA Operation MIN MAX 70 130 4t Name Desct. . i pt i orl 1 tcd CLK lClw tel DREQ active 2 tdl DACKI active 3 tdd eLK high aftet" DREQ tCI DACKI lClw to meet mi rli mum cycle time (300 Y",s) tCI DREQ ll;)w 4121 4 tl'''d RDI arid DACKI cl:lr'cLn. . ·. . . er't 1 y active 5 trdl Mi Y",imum tdd + tt. . d to meet fIli Y"limum cycle time (3121121 Y",sec) 7 UNITS twr WRI arid DACKI cclr'cul'''t. . er't 1 y active twrl Mi Y',in1um tdd + twt" tel meet cycle time (3121121 Y",s) r.l 80 Y'lsec nsec' (757) 90 220 Y,sec nsec 60 i r,i mum 17121 (3) r.sec " " • ------T 1 --- ~ ----..... ---, ---T 2 ----- --~ ------T 3 ------- .~ elK --lL-----J lL------l .. I ,I I ,i ,I " DREQ T1 " .. t' " I.' I I' I l l l I ~-----',Ll l I I tI Ji /' I I' ' '" ' ,I J , ,I ,I I I I I l } I \L...-'- ,I ~-- t ~ d.j ---. ----il ________ : ·tdl-.-. -.--------"----tr·d ---------..: DACK/------------------------------~" \ ~- ~------ I \~_____________J/ --- -- - --- --- - -- - --- -t DA CK/ -.-.;...-----------------------.\ ~ . - -- ---t t-· d 1 ------------- ~ I . .\ l: \ l: \, ~- FIGURE 1 -------.- --- t t 1.1......· - - - - - - - -"":/~ IJ.t t-· l : 1 -------.- ----- -- -~ PULSED DMA OPERATION (10 MHz) ~~rget Role Hay.dshake MIN tt Name Descri pt ioY. e tmY'. tmx tc0 tel tc2 tc3 tal 100 Minimum REQ assel'''t i OY. time Maximum REQ assel'''t i c.n time Minimum REQ cycle time (TPe"5=00) 3 Minimum REQ cycle time (TP6,5=01) 3.5 4 Mi rti mum REQ cycle time (TP6,5=10) Mi Ylimum REQ cycle time (TP6,5=11) L... 5 ACKI active pt"' i Cit"' to rlext REQI to meet specified tl'''arlsfet'' pel'''icld 80 9 10 11 12 13 14 NOTE: A minimum deasset"t ic.rl pel'''iod clf 90 nsec correct opel'''at iClra. CtY', MAX UNITS 200 Yisec rlsec Pe~"'il:.ds Pel'"'ic.ds Cl.:lck Pel'''i,=:tds C 1.:lck Pel'''ic.ds rlsec ACKI must be meet fell'"' Iyti t iator" RClle Harldshake .. Name 15 tra 16 tay. 17 tax Desct'" i pt i Clrl MIN REQ/ active to ACK/ active Minimum ACKI assertion period Maximum ACKI assertion period 100 MAX 70 200 UNITS r,sec nsec r,sec A minimum deassertion period of 90 nsec on REQI must be meet for grrect operation. ~OTE: (6) t·ll-- R FIGURE 2 REQ/ . , .... I C" .... __I.) ~ 8 0':' / ro· . l /l ( / / /l ,l , I .. \ I' ,I I' ,,I I l 1 \ ~tmn ,,l" , I ... TARG~T / I / I' l I ROLE OPERATION , II \ / // \, I \, \,, \ , I I, l \ \,,, '\, I I \ ,, 'I I \ \ ... ~ \ , 'I 1 -~ ~- --- t m::< ~- -------------.t c 0 ---------- -~ -- - - - - -...: ;...- ------------------ tel -------_. -- ~ ~- ----------------------- t c 2 ----------.. ~- ---------------------------- t c 3 - ---- ----- ~ .-------- t::..l --------~., " I" " ...,rL.../ ·'" A"I-- \ ,III \'1, ______________________________________ ' ~. ~J FIGURE 3 - NCR 53868· INITIATOR OPERATION REQ/ \ l \ I I I 'I / l I II I ~ \, I, \ / t r a - - -~ -- - - -~ --- -t a>:: - - - -- --- -~ - - -------.t , \ li~ ~. r' - - -~ IV. SCSI ACCOMMODATES FLEXIBLE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES SCSI ACCOMMODATES FLEXIBLE SYS~EM ARCHITECTURES The SCSI interface is rapidly gaining acceptance as a standard for interconnecting intell igent peripheral device s. Mu ch of the standard's success may be directly attributed to the flexibility that the interface v e r sa til i ty the of architectures will mul ti-tasking, offers. In order standard, SCSI described: be mul ti-user, to demonstrate four unique the sy stem single-user/single tasking, and mul ti-processing systems. These examples represent actual product offerings that span a range of computing requi rements. The SCSI interface provides a ..cost-effective available, '. solution for the differing readily needs of each c0nf lS1ur ation. SINGLE-USERISINGLE-TASKING SYSTEMS The personal computer products, which make up a maj or i ty of the computers sold, may be generally user/single-tasking system. a sequential manner. characterized In these ~stems as a single- I/O is performed in For example, if you wish to store a file to disk and then read another file from disk, you would wait for the first task to complete before the second task can be performed. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of products which represent this category. Because the SCSI interface operates with generic device types, the system may be designed to intelligent mass storage devices. (1) operate with a variety of This allows the user a choice of configurations that meet his performance and storage capacity requirements. Flexibility is important, but product cost is the primary concern for this class of computer. A hard disk drive and a controller board may account for as much as 50% of the system cost. drive manufacturers interfaces that controller. have interface However, traditionally provided to bus with the the host increasing Disk drive-level through a disk integration of controller electronics, several manufacturers are finding it less costly to provide an integrated SCSI controller directly on the disk drive. Obviously, a single board is less expensive than two boards, plus the hardware required to interconnect the boards. Less obvious is the savings realized by achieving higher manufacturing yields on the drive's head/drive assembly. as a logical surface storage defect mapping, device and Since the disk is addressed the controller manages the the manufacturer's assembly yields are increased, thereby reducing the overall product cost. MULTI-~ASKING In SYSTEMS single-tasking performance operations. suffers or single-threaded due to the enviromnents, sequential nature of system all 1/0 Seek and rotational latencies, associated with the -2- disk drive, may occupy up to 70% of the time required to access a sector of information. In single-user/mul ti-tasking systems, "dead" time, the transferring data SCSI to standard to take advantage of this allows devices remove themselves from other I/O operations may be initiated. not the bus, actively so that Therefore, multiple disk drives may be seeking data simultaneously, providing for higher bus util ization. The drive which locates its data first will reselect the host and complete the transfer. block diagram of a Figure 2 shows a single-user/multi-tasking system. Many workstations are being designed around this architecture. Since these systems are more sophisticated, additional devices such as optical disks and tape back-up units may optionally' be added. The SCSI bus is easily expanded to include additional devices, without since the SCSI occupying interface valuable supports backplane generic slots. device Again, types, all peripherals may be upgraded to the user's performance and storage r eq ui rement s. MULTI-USER SYSTEMS In today's office environment, personal computers are stand-alone dev ices However, tha t suppor t if data individual needs to be productivi ty shared -3- requirements. between users, then the system components need to be networked. Local area networks, such as Omninet, Ethernet, Arcnet and Appletalk, may be used to accompl ish this interf aci ng task. Since da ta is shared be tween these various components, fileservers are used as common storage elements. Fileservers, in many cases, are personal modified to support multi-user file management. computers Figure 3 shows a common fileserver implementation. In some cases, the mere fact of having multiple users dramatically reduces system responsiveness, which is so important in mul ti-user env irornnents. However, since the SCSI bus supports data rates at 1.5 Mbytes/sec in an Mbytes/sec using a ~his not suffer. capability allows utilization. ~ndhronous a~nchronous mode and up to 4 handshake, system performance need fast transfer rate coupled with the disconnect for high data throughput and efficient bus Additionally, these transfer rates match or exceed the performance of the commonly used local area networks (LANs). The SCSI interface supports several conunands to accommodate multi-user systems by providing increased system performance and shared file protection. Sear ch conunands, implemented in the fileserver or the disk controller, allow key words to be searched locally rather than occu~ing the LAN or the SCSI bus with large data transfers. while reducing These commands increase the system performance the bus bandwidth requirements. -4- To keep shared files from being accessed simultaneously, the Reserve and Release commands may be used to manage file activity. Reserved files are not available to other users until the files have been Released by the current users. Aside from expensive sharing system devices, color resources data, fileservers resources. plotters, Laser and even may be printers, copiers may in the multi-user envirorunent. allows the f ileserver to be used easily The to large act storage as SCSI share shared interface reconf igured for specif ic system req ui rement s. MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEMS Systems supporting multiple operating acquisition, communication processors have support thei r requi re a the used multi-processing or backplane as well time data dedica.ted architectures These as an to systems intelligent The SCSI interface, with its multi-host provides the needed functionality at a fraction of backplane cost. In addi tional to file tran sfers individual processors and mass storage devices, communications Futhermore, real other requirements. communica tions bus peripheral interface. capability, processors, traditionally local systems, can be accomplished across freedom from increased design flexibili ty. a multi-processor backplane form be tween inter-processor the SCSI interface. factors provides Figure 4 shows a block diagram of ~stem. -5- Since the SCSI interface is limited to directly supporting up to eight bus devices, this may preclude the use of the standard SCSI interface in complex multi-processing configurations. SCSI/Plus (tm) addresses this I imitation by taking advantage of unused bus phases to provide a binary selection phase, up to selection phase. 64 bus devices Using the binary may be supported. SCSI/Plus is a superset of the SCSI standard and the different bus devices may co-exist on the same bus. SUMMARY The systems described configurations architectures. incorporate that a range of SCSI system personal dollar multi-user level use systems. the a few of backbone products, requirements, and fully from a product category, SCSI offers ne cessa ry variety a of many their needed to spanning several- integrated integrated bus circuits, devices of manufacturers. cost-effective performance, feat ure s uniqueness to make it a truly usable standard. SCSI/Plus is a trademark of Aropro Computers, Inc. -6- the to, several-hundred-thousand- Additionally, available the as computers readily pr ov ide s article are The standard offers the flexibility hundred-dollar board in this are In each solution that and vendor I ~ HO--iT -~ I FICi-lJRE 1 - SI~lfPLE SC~~SI C~ONFI(;lJRATION l)l)tic~al Disl{ Dl'i,7e C~AD/CAE lVORKI ex> I STATION "''1. '---' ••••'1.'1.. .......~./. ./ BIJS Tape I)ri\le '~I '." ~-t./// J?IG1~TRE 2 - Flopp~y~/Hal'd I)isl{ Cl111troller ~/ITJLTI-T~~SI(ING SC~SI S)~STE~f TJsel" 1 Tape DI'ive L;\N lJS€l" File 2 Sel',7el' . Laser Pl"ill I \0 I TJS€l" :3 Disl~ Dl"i,;:re FIGlJRE :3 - 'S(~SI IN i\ 1\..flJLTI -lJSER S)TSTE1.f .. ... ~ //L . _ _ LISP Prr)CeSS()l' ~Iass 1\.fS-DOS Stol~age (~o -r)1 0CeSS()1' 1 I ..... o U Stlt)-s,rsteITl L) if1 I C~ 0 1111111111 i C~ a ti 0 11 S . . . . . //~.-----' W ............. U ", .'. if1 FIC;lJRE 4 ~ •• r ... ' - - - - - - ' ./ lJNIX (:0 -proceSSOI" ~flJLTI - PRO(~~ESSOR l_TSE OF SCSI BlJS v. SCSI PACKAGING OPTIONS NCR MICROELECTRONICS SCSI PRODUCTS Listed and shown below are the packages that the NCR 5380, 5381 5385E,5386,5386S and 8310 SCSI products are either currently available in or will be available in. Product availability and lead-time is also shown. Please note that if a package is not listed that would be of interest to you, please contact NCR Microelectronics in Colorado Springs on (800)-525-2252 or (303)-596-5612. NCR 5380 40 pin DIP NCR 5380 44 pin J lead PLCC Samples: Production: Lead-time: Now Now 8 weeks 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 00 DB7 OB6 OB5 DB4 OB3 082 OB1 OBO NCR 5380 OBP GNO SEL BSV ACK 14 ATN RST 1/0 15 16 17 c/o 18 MSG 19 20 REO A2 A1 Voo Samples: Production: Now January, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks ~ I~ ~ (, Db3 ~ G Q U ..... ~ ::z Q t.t. 5 I.) .... oJ Q Q t.!. 4\ ..... Q 40 D6 39 7 DIl2 8 381 D7 OBI 9 J7 m 10 , A2 361 Al OBi' . 11 3S 34 5 3 8 0 NCR I VDu NC AO CND 12 lOW ~ CND l3 33 A0 SEL 14 32 Tm1 ~ BSY 15 31 Rfffi READY ACt 16 30 EOI' AlN 11 29 DAC[ 18 EO'P lOR IRa ORO CS 19 20 21 22 IE ~ ~ ~ e- 23 24 2S 26 27 28 u z I~ Cf 0- le eo: co:: Q co:: .... >< c::> co:: NCR 5381 48 pin DIP NCR 5381 68 pin J Lead PLCe Samples: Production: Now Now Samples: Production: November, 1985 January, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks Lead-time: 8 weeks 00 SINGLEND DB7 ARB 01 07 A2. DBO DBP tGS GNO TGS SELIN BSYIN ACK ATN ASTIN 1/0 CIO MSG REO SELOUT A1 RSTOUT VDO OBEN AO lOW RESET EOP DACK READY lOR IRQ ORO CS BSYOUT NCR 5385E 68 pin J-lead PLCC NCR 5385E 48 pin DIP Samples: Production: Now Now Samples: Production: November, 1985 January, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks Lead-time: 8 weeks 02 vee 01 D3 D0 u ~ u " I .... ... '" . . Q u Q ;:: ~ I 1 1 u ... :; ~ ;; ~ Q ('7 (,., (,\ U u u ATN IGS 04 05 06 07 I/O 11 )e IS YOUT I/O BSYOUT C/D Il )7 517 RESET SB7 SB6 C/D MSG ACK REQ 102 TOi roo ARB eLK BSY IN SELIN INT NCR 5385E " ("I 1>1 ~c IU ('0 IfC NC II )'1 ~c "SC 14 S6 51. IfC I~ ss SIS ACl I. S4 514 JEQ 17 5) 513 52 lie SB2 S81 580 SBP SELOJT A0 OACK AI " (,1 SBS SBEN GNO " .,~ SB4 5B3 Jill WR OREQ CS TGS A3 A2 m m m Ie II C • S 3 I S E 19 51 512 20 so SII All 21 49 $I, CLI 22 41 SIP ISYU Z3 41 SELOUT sE1.J1f 24 46 ro lie n 4S lie IIC 44 lie 26 27 ~ ze 29 . ... u lO. II n i u '" : : )) )4 )S )6 37 3e 19 40 41 42 43 u u ...... . :: .. ~ .. ..... r: . . u 4 a . ..,or. NCR 5385E 52 pin J Lead PLCC NCR 5386 48 pin DIP Samples: Production: January, 1986 February, 1986 Samples: Production: December, 1985 February, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks Lead-time: 8 weeks t; ....'" III :oJ "" ... c ! 1/0 e!u ....C :.J ~ ~ ~2 1 ..., Q 'd 4 C oro .:> Q Q ~ ~" 4'1 loS 47 s 9 "sc 10 MC II Acr 12 REQ 13 m 14 TiiT 15 TDl 16 ARB 17 eLl 16 ISHII 19 SELIN 20 II C It 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U lE 5 3 8 5 E 27 Q lE U 28 29 .... 40 .... '"' 30 31 32 ~ III C U .... ~ Q H, IIC 4~ BSYOUT 44 SB7 4) SB6 0 SB5 41 SB4 40 SB3 39 SB2 38 SBl 37 SBe 36 SBP n SELOUT 34 iO 33 t 02 01 DO RESET ATN IGS 110 c/o MSG ACK REO 102 101 (OP) 100 ARB elK BSYIN SELIN INT SBEN es. AO A1 GND vee 03 04 05 06 07 BSYOUT SB7 SB6 SB5 SB4 SB3 SB2 SB1 SBO SBP SElOUT RD WR DREQ TGS DACK A3 A2 '.1 '; (. NCR 5386 68 pin J Lead PLCC NCR 5386 52 pin J Lead PLCC Samples: Production: February, 1986 March, 1986 Samples: Production: February, 1986 March, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks Lead-time: 8 weeks - . -. '" ;:; ::: '; v v ~ ;; :; ; '"'" t.l ~, ~ Co: 0(; _c " I/O '1 C/D 11 ~ "'\ til U CoO ., )~ ~c H ~s YOUT )1 5.7 )6 516 N5C " ~e oCI I' atQ If 19 CLl 15tH SHU - ... f. '" :.J Q ~ ~ ~ -,2 .., .. '" - .. '" co co '}II '" a ~ "I ,,7 oJ> 1/0 1\ 'I, IIC c/p 9 ,s eSYOUT "SC 10 (,,, SII7 4) SI6 )) 51' IIC II )' 51' AC( 12 42 SIS )) Sil IEQ 13 ' 1 SU rn 14 ill IS m 16 38 " SI.l S" 41 Sir AU 17 37 Sl' 47 S£LOUT eLI: 18 )6 sap U iD 19 3S SELOUT 4) ae iD u ae 20 14 )2 NCR \8 5386 " )' saz )0 SII 20 11 J2 U 24 lie n lie '" W 16 m m m •• 1 ...... til 0- 24 Z1 J8 29 )0 11 )l H ~ ~ ... g ~ : :; )' .. u n )6 ~ ~ " : )8 lor; B ... u 40 0' '" .\ I; 42 ~ 4) ~ ISTIIi SELI" 21 E 22 2l 24 Ep : 2S :; 26 ~ NCR '0 SI] 5386 ]9 sa2 27 ... Z u 28 ~ 29 .... ~ 30 31 32 .,. c ~ ... ::... u II I; NCR 53865 68 pin J Lead PLCC NCR 53865 48 pin DIP Samples: Production: February, 1986 March, 1986 Samples: Production: March, 1986 May, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks Lead-time: 8 weeks 02 01 DO RESET ATN IGS 110 C/O MSG ACK REO 102 101 (OP) 100 ARB eLK BSYIN SELIN INT SBEN CS. AO A1 GND vce 03 04 05 06 07 BSYOUT SB7 SS6 SB5 SB4 SS3 SB2 SB1 SSO SBP SELOUT RD WR DREO TGS DACK A3 A2 ~ ~ . y .. , • ..... .. " . : ;; I I . ~ u u : : ....r •• : ., .,... ., ., ., :; ~ ~ .e IV .0 .c .e •• " .c 110 C/. lise .c ace IEQ m liT II . . .. 'J J) If m " zo AI. U U SltLU Z4 ISYOUT Sf 5.' ,. 5 •• n sn " s •• )) 51) u .e NCR 5386 S SI 51! )0 Sli •• s.r .. ., eLI U lUll U . ') IICn .e u )) ,. " ~ ~ I. Jl ~ I. ~ I. )0 - E JI )I n ~ : -: .. ]' u :: )I ~ ,. .... u "0 " 'I '] <:T t: ~ ~ 5 .. SlLOVT iD .e Ie NCR 8310 68 pin J-Lead PLCC NCR 8310 48 pin DIP Samples: Production: December, 1985 January, 1986 Samples: Production: January, 1986 February, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks Lead-time: 8 weeks • DO .1 ~ ---M011 • 1D111~ CDtI6'l D2 .s 02 a os ~ ~-. ., 42 ~ MOlt,,~ .., 1118'" ~ '0 IDIIPtl " . HDC tIGSI '2 ... D '3 p' . - 1'01', 0' 1DII5IJ 10M) M03I ~ MD •• 1A"•• fHCOOf )6 )6 ~7 )6 . DI. ~. 07 1021 lOll (RSTI~£IN Ydd 4110180 N£H (YG$I ,. » IDOl MFI ISfLII ,S ~ O4KNI !MYII M ~ \fIS~OISTIl MAGI .,.ctUI 11 32 ISfl.OOT) FOIST MAli IATH/I (tIsrollT) GOUT (lllST" 30 lATH I AI H80I lIIO'I " " 31 M£I 20 ze PDI ... " (C/Dt\ 2' a (fIEOIII3 tMSGII 22 27 ... SG182 l"'£011 23 a lACK' AO 2_ 2S (tISYIN, GIH HGI t4tIl' F... (5(l"" £OIJT( 8' NCR 8310 52 pin J Lead PLCC Samples: Production: January, 1986 March, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks NCR 53C80 44 pin J-Lead PLCC NCR 53C80 48 pin DIP Samples: Production: December, 1985 February, 1986 Samples: Production: January, 1986 February, 1986 Lead-time: 8 weeks Lead-time: 8 weeks 'Ihi"' 48 r.ST' 47 t;ND 41, 4:1 bSYI SELl "TNI 41. ~ 43 (, nB:>1 01141 DB31 DB21 II C R YSS 3:5 DiP ~: IEQ D8P/ )i REOI 1) 36 ACl/ lEADY 14 35 1/01 5 ) C 80 34 CliO Al 16 33 c/o/ A2 17 )2 HSC/ IfC 18 31 He CS/ 19 30 DO ICJJ/ 20 29 Dl 2f 28 02 D:" 22 27 OJ D6 23 2& D4 D5 24 25 VOD IORI 18 38 CND 15 08, 36 13 12 AO 37 lEADY DACJI 4" OltQ eND 11 I~ 8 39 FlJPI 41 9 12 10 I: IltQ '55 DRQ 4~ .. 2 DB2 DBOI 9 44 2 > Dil 40 IRQ :; 411 411 38 IESET II 41 4 > 39 DB11 8 :; IE I~ ~ I~ 411 411 7 ToP "DAcl He RESITI / ~ eND 42 He I; Ig I: D"M A' AI :5 3 C" NCR eo , AC[- ITo 14 32 1:5 31 YS5 31 c/o - 29 ~ A2 16 E- 17 18 19 I~ I~ 2. po. Q 21 00 Q 22 23 .,.. Q Q Q > 24 .. Q 2:5 26 .... Q Q C'oO - .. 27 Q 28 Q
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2014:09:18 10:45:30-08:00 Modify Date : 2014:09:18 10:01:11-07:00 Metadata Date : 2014:09:18 10:01:11-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.55 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:fabc921a-296e-c14e-9a15-714dcae856ab Instance ID : uuid:19017519-e9e9-e546-9696-82fc7ed638be Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 46EXIF Metadata provided by