OHMS User Guide
User Manual:
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Page Count: 16
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Glossary
- 3 Use of Plugins in OHMS
- 4 Architecture
- 4.1 OHMS:
- 4.2 OHMS-aggregator
- 4.3 OHMS OOB Agent (aka: HMS-core)
- 1) Provides Hardware Abstraction
- 2) Defines Models to be shared with South Bound partner developed plugins.
- 3) Defines Networking Models for Switches.
- 4) Manages Partner OOB Plugins.
- 5) Interfaces with HMS Aggregator over HTTP via REST.
- 6) Monitors Hardware Sensor states.
- 7) Discovers Rack Inventory.
- 8) Performs power operations on Servers/Switches
- 5 Functional Description (Workflows)
- 6 Build and Start OHMS
- 6.1 Building OHMS
- 1) On Windows, install the following software components viz. git bash, Spring Tool Suite (STS), JAVA 7, apache-maven and set up the environment variables as required by each of these components.
- 2) Open git bash terminal and run the command: git clone <repository-url>
- 3) Change the current directory to the newly created “MyOhms”.
- 4) Check if the bash shell is showing the current branch as “master”.
- 5) Run the command: git checkout development
- 6) Now to compile the codebase, run the command: mvn clean compile
- 7) One can also directly go ahead and build the codebase by running the command: mvn clean install
- 1)
- 8) Once it has been done successfully, open STS and import the project as an existing maven project.
- 6.2 Running OHMS (From Developer’s point of view)
- 1)
- 1)
- 1)
- 1) Update hms.properties
- 2) Update the hms_ib_inventory.json file (present at the location, set in step 1), with the proper host and switch details that one is going to use. (If the file is not there, then one needs to create the file at that location. A sample file can be fo...
- 1) Now go back to STS, do a refresh on the project and run the file HmsApp.java (present in hms-core/src/main/java) as a java application.
- 3)
- 4) Finally, run hms-aggregator as Run on server.
- 5) If both of them ran successfully then open any browser or REST client (such as postman) and invoke the URL:
- It should display all the servers present in the hms_ib_inventory.json file.
- 6.1 Building OHMS
- 7 OOB agent REST Endpoints
- 8 Aggregator REST Endpoints