1 Page Soundstream Picasso PCA Class D Series Amp Manual
User Manual: Soundstream Picasso PCA Class D Series Amp Manual Troubleshoot Soundstream Picasso PCA Class D Series Amp |
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OWNER'S MANUAL PCA1000D / 1500D / 2000D / 3500D INTRODUCTION 2 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS 3 CONTROLS & FUNCTIONS 4~9 PLANNING & MOUNTING YOUR SYSTEM 10 WIRING DIAGRAM 11 ~12 ADJUSTING & TUNING 13 TROUBLE SHOOTING 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Amp lifie r's p rovid e hig h-p e rforma nc e sound re inforc e me nt for you'r mob ile a ud io e q uip me nt. The Multi-Mod e b rid g ing c a p a b ilitie s a llow fle xib ility in hosting se ve ra l d iffe re nt spe a ke r c onfig ura tions. To a c hie ve optimum pe rforma nc e , it is highly re c omme nde d tha t you re a d this Owne rs Ma nua l be fore be ginning insta lla tion. 2 TST™ (Twin Sta c k Te c hno lo g y )2 a mp lifie r's to d rive o ne vo ic e c o il, e ffe c tive ly d o ub ling the p o we r. C la ss D c irc uitry 1 O hm sta b le Hig h q ua lity FR-4 c irc uit b o a rd C o ntinuo usly va ria b le lo w-p a ss filte r : 5 0 Hz to 1 5 0 Hz (2 4 d B slo p e s) C o ntinuo usly va ria b le sub so nic filte r : 1 5 Hz to 4 0 Hz (2 4 d B slo p e s) Sub wo o fe r e q ua lize r c o ntro l : 0 ~ + 1 8 d B Va ria b le p ha se shift c o ntro l : 0 ~ 1 8 0 d e g re e Fre q ue nc y re sp o nse : 1 5 Hz-1 5 0 Hz Pla tinum RC A inp uts a nd o utp uts Inp ut se nsitivity : 2 0 0 mV-8 V O EM flo a ting g ro und inp ut Pla tinum 4 -g a ug e p o we r c o nne c to rs S/N Ra tio : 1 0 0 d B 0 . 3 0 % THD Inc lud e s PC A-RM re mo te b a ss c o ntro l FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS FEATURES Specifications MODEL CHANNEL RMS @ 4 OHM @ 2 OHM FUSES DIMENSIONS 30A x 3 11" x 2.6" x 12.6" 1100W x 1 Ch 1500W x 1 Ch 30A x 4 11 " x 2.6" x 15" 1500W x 1 Ch 2000W x 1 Ch None None PCA1000D 1 500W x 1 Ch 800W x 1 Ch PCA 1500D 1 800W x 1 Ch PCA20 00D 1 1100W x 1 Ch 1 2500W x 1Ch 300 0W x 1Ch PCA3500D @ 1 OHM 1000W x 1Ch 350 0W x 1Ch 11 " x 2.6" x 17.7" 11.1 " x 2.8" x 20.9" 3 CONTROLS & FUNCTIONS Controls & Functions PCA1000D / 1500D / 2000D FRONT 1 8 5 2 4 7 9 3 13 6 PCA1000D / 1500D REAR 14 PCA1000D: 30A X 3 PCA1500D: 30A X 4 10 11 12 PCA2000D REAR POWER REMOTE CONTROL 14 4 +12v REM 10 11 GND 12 PCA3500D FRONT 9 4 8 1 5 2 3 14 7 CONTROLS & FUNCTIONS Controls & Functions 6 PCA3500D REAR 13 11 10 12 5 CONTROLS & FUNCTIONS Controls & Functions 1. Input Level Adjustment LEVEL M IN M A X This c ontrol a djusts the a mplifie r's input se nsitivity. Input se nsitivity is va ria ble from 200 Millivolts to 8 volts. C loc kwise inc re a se s se nsitivity. C ounte rc loc kwise de c re a se s se nsitivity. The a mplifie r c a n be drive n to full powe r with a wide ra nge of signa l le ve ls. A lowe r signa l le ve l will re quire inc re a se d se nsitivity for full powe r. A highe r signa l le ve l will re quire de c re a se d se nsitivity. Avoid se tting se nsitivity lowe r tha n ne c e ssa ry a s this would introduc e unwa nte d distortion. 2. Low Pass Filter Control This c ontrol is used to set the desired low pa ss frequenc y (50 ~ 150HZ). The filter a c ts to c ut-off frequenc ies a bove the set-point. In genera l, the selec ted frequenc y should c losely ma tc h the resona nt frequenc y of the spea ker box. 3. Bass Boost Control By using the bass boost function, bass notes at 35Hz - 80Hz are emphasized as much as 18dB. 4. Phase Shift Control PCA1000D/1500D/2000D PCA3500D PHASE SHIFT SWITC H (0 AND 180 DEG REES): Allows you to c ha ng e the p ha se of your sub woofe r from 0 to 180 d e g re e s to he lp c omp e nsa te for timing d iffe re nc e s b e twe e n d rive rs. 6 6 CONTROLS & FUNCTIONS Controls & Functions 5. Subsonic Filter Control Variable Subsonic Filter (15Hz - 40Hz) : The Subsonic filter will roll off all of the unwanted frequencies below 15Hz - 40Hz. This will allow the amplifier to use that wasted power on the audible bandwidth. 6. Bridged Mode Switch PCA1000D/1500D/2000D PCA3500D 7. Low Level Input RCA jacks These inputs a re for signa l c a bles from the sourc e. Alwa ys use high qua lity shielded RC A c a bles. 8. Low Level OUT RCA jacks The LINE OUT a llows you to build multiple a mplifie r syste ms without ha ving to use splitter c ords to distribute the signa l. Now it is simply a ma tte r of bringing one set of RC AS into the first a mplifier, the n using the line out RC A ja c ks a s the fe e d to the ne xt a mplifie r. 7 7 CONTROLS & FUNCTIONS Controls & Functions 9. LED Indicator PCA1000D/1500D/2000D PCA3500D PWR(Powe r): This G REEN LED will illumina te whe n the a mp lifie r is turne d "O N". If it fa ils to illumina te , c he c k the p owe r c onne c tions to the Amp lifie r a nd fuse s. PROT(Protec tion): The a mplifier protec tion c irc uitry will disa ble the a mplifier if input overloa d, short c irc uit or extremely high tempera ture c onditions a re detec ted. When the protec tion mode is in opera tion, the LED indic a tor on the side pa nel will be illumina ted, indic a ting the a mplifier ha s gone into a self-preserva tion mode. If you observe tha t the Protec tion LED is lit, plea se c hec k the system c a refully to determine wha t ha s c a used the protec tion c irc uit to enga ge. The a mplifier c a n be reset by turning the remote power off a nd then on a ga in. If the a mplifier shut down due to a therma l overloa d c ondition, plea se a llow it to c ool down before resta rting. If the a mplifier shut down bec a use of a n input overloa d or short c irc uit, be sure to repa ir these c onditions before a ttempting to power up the a mplifier a ga in. 10. B+ Terminal (Battery positive) PCA1000D/1500D PCA2000D PCA3500D Due to the powe r re quire me nts of the Amplifie r, this c onne c tion should be ma de dire c tly to the positive (+ ) te rmina l of ba tte ry. For sa fe ty me a sure , insta ll a n in-line fuse Holde r (not inc lude d) a s c lose to the ba tte ry positive (+ ) te rmina l a s possible with a n a mpe re ra ting ; not to e xc e e d tota l va lue of fuse s in Amp. 11. Remote Power On PCA1000D/1500D 8 PCA2000D PCA3500D 12. B- Terminal (Chassis ground) PCA1000D/1500D PCA2000D PCA3500D To a void unwa nte d ig nition noise c a use d b y g round loop s, it is e sse ntia l tha t the Amp lifie r b e g round e d to a c le a n, b a re , me ta l surfa c e of the ve hic le s c ha ssis. Note : G RO UND WIRE SHO ULD NO T BE EXTENDED M O RE THAN 3 FT (1 METER). CONTROLS & FUNCTIONS Controls & Functions 13. Speaker terminals 14. Remote Control Input LEVEL PCA-RM REMOTE CONTROL PCA- RM MIN MAX Remote Bass Boost Control : PCA-RM Remote Bass Boost Control : This control adjusts the Bass Boost gain for the amplifier's speaker output (0 ~+18dB) 9 PLANNING & MOUNTING YOUR SYSTEM Planning and Mounting Your System 10 The mounting position of your Amplifie r will ha ve a gre a t e ffe c t on its a bility to dissipa te the he a t ge ne ra te d during norma l ope ra tion. Unde r norma l c onditions, the he a tsink will dissipa te suffic ie nt he a t to a void the rma l shutdown. Howe ve r ple a se do not insta ll the a mplifie r in a woode n box or simila r de vic e a s this will pre ve nt he a t dissipa tion into the a tmosphe re . Te mp e ra ture s in c a r trunks ha ve b e e n me a sure d a s hig h a s (1 5 5 'F) in the summe r time . sinc e the the rma l shut-d own p oint for the a mp lifie r is (1 5 8 'F) it is e a sy to se e tha t it must b e mounte d fo r ma ximum c o oling c a p a b ility. To a c hie ve ma ximum a d va nta g e of c onve c tion a ir flow in a n e nc lo se d trunk, mo unt the a mp lifie r in a horizonta l p ositio n. Cooling requirements are considerably relaxed when mounting inside the passenger compartment since the driver will not often allow temperatures to reach a critical point. Floor mounting under the seat is usually satisfactory as long as there is at least 1 inch of clearance (2.54 cm) above the Amplifier's fins for ventilation. A. Select a suitable location that is convenient for mounting, is accessible for wiring. And has ample room for air circulation and cooling. B. Use the amplifier as a template to mark the mounting holes. Remove the Amplifier and drill holes. Use extreme caution, inspect underneath surface before drilling! C. Secure the Amplifier using the screws provided. Bridging Two Amplifier's WIRING DIAGRAM PCA1000D / 1500D / 2000D SUB WOOFER 1 OHM M ASTER AM P BRIDGED SWITCH : MASTER POSITION SLAVE AMP BRIDGED SWITCH : SLAVE POSITION SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 2 OHMS 11 WIRING DIAGRAM PCA3500D SUB WOOFER 1 OHM Bridging Two Amplifier's M ASTER AMP REAR SLAVE AM P REAR 12 FRONT SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 2 OHMS FRONT The a mplifie r a utoma tic a lly turns on a fe w se c onds a fte r you turn your ve hic le 's ignition switc h to AC C or O N or turn on your a uto sound syste m, depe nding on how you wire d the syste m. The PO WER indic a tor on the top of the a mplifier lights whe n the a mplifie r is on. Important : Your amplifier requires 30 amps or more of power from your vehicle's battery during operation. To protect your battery from discharging, do not operate the amplifier unless your vehicle is running. Adjusting The Audio Level For the be st pe rforma nc e , you must se t G AIN (MIN / MAX) on the side of the a mplifie r to a djust the le ve l of the a udio signa ls tha t e nte r the a mplifie r. ADJUSTING & TUNING Tuning on the Amplifier 1. Use a screwdriver to turn GAIN (MIN / MAX) fully counterclockwise to MIN. 2. Turn the auto sound system's volume control to about one-third of its full range. 3. Adjust GAIN (MIN / MAX) to a comfortable listening level. 4. Turn up the auto sound system's volume control until the sound begins to distort. Then immediately turn the volume down to a point just before where the distortion began. Caution : Never turn up the auto sound system's volume control more than needed to adjust the audio level, more than two thirds of its maximum volume. 5. Adjust GAIN (MIN / MAX) until the sound is at the maximum level you want the amplifier to produce. 6. Adjust the auto sound system's volume control to a comfortable listening level. RESPONSE (dB) +20dB FREQUENCY RESPONSE BASS BOOST ON +10dB 35 0dB 80 -10dB -20dB -30dB 10 45 100 500 1K 5K 20K 50K FREQUENCY (Hz) NOTE: Ra ising the Ba ss frequenc y a llows higher frequenc ies to rea c h the ba ss spea kers while bloc king lower frequenc ies from midra nge spea kers. Lowering the Ba ss frequenc ies a llows lower frequenc ies to rea c h the midra nge spea kers while bloc king higher frequenc ies from ba ss spea kers. 13 TROUBLE SHOOTING Trouble Shooting SYMPTOMS NO SOUND AMP NOT SWITCHING ON CHECK Is the power LED illuminated? (NO) Check all fuses to amplifier. Be sure Turn-on lead is connected check signal leads. Check gain control. Check Tuner/Deck volume level. Clean contacts on fuse holders. Is the Diagnostic LED illuminated? (YES) Check for speaker short or amplifier overheating. No power to power wire Repair power wire or connections. No power to remote wire with receiver on Check connections to radio. Burnt or broken fuse NO SOUND IN ONE CHANNEL Replace fuse Check Speaker Leads Inspect for short circuit or an open connection. Check Audio Leads Reverse Left and Right RCA inputs to determine if the problem is occurring before the amp. AMP TURNINGCheck Speaker load impedance OFF MEDIUM / HIGH VOLUME Be sure proper speaker load impedance recommendations are observed. PROTECTION Shut down LAMP ON Turn radio down Wait for AMP to cool Speaker wires shorted 14 REMEDY (If you use an ohmmeter to check speaker resistance, please remember that DC resistance and AC impedance may not be the same.) Separate speaker wires and insulate
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