Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

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Amazon Redshift
Database Developer Guide
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Amazon Redshift: Database Developer Guide

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Table of Contents
Welcome ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Are You a First-Time Amazon Redshift User? ................................................................................. 1
Are You a Database Developer? ................................................................................................... 2
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 3
Amazon Redshift System Overview ...................................................................................................... 4
Data Warehouse System Architecture ........................................................................................... 4
Performance .............................................................................................................................. 6
Massively Parallel Processing .............................................................................................. 6
Columnar Data Storage ..................................................................................................... 7
Data Compression ............................................................................................................. 7
Query Optimizer ................................................................................................................ 7
Result Caching .................................................................................................................. 7
Compiled Code .................................................................................................................. 8
Columnar Storage ...................................................................................................................... 8
Internal Architecture and System Operation ................................................................................ 10
Workload Management ............................................................................................................. 11
Using Amazon Redshift with Other Services ................................................................................ 11
Moving Data Between Amazon Redshift and Amazon S3 ....................................................... 11
Using Amazon Redshift with Amazon DynamoDB ................................................................. 11
Importing Data from Remote Hosts over SSH ...................................................................... 11
Automating Data Loads Using AWS Data Pipeline ................................................................. 12
Migrating Data Using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) ......................................... 12
Getting Started Using Databases ........................................................................................................ 13
Step 1: Create a Database ......................................................................................................... 13
Step 2: Create a Database User .................................................................................................. 14
Delete a Database User ..................................................................................................... 14
Step 3: Create a Database Table ................................................................................................. 14
Insert Data Rows into a Table ............................................................................................ 15
Select Data from a Table ................................................................................................... 15
Step 4: Load Sample Data ......................................................................................................... 15
Step 5: Query the System Tables ............................................................................................... 16
View a List of Table Names ............................................................................................... 16
View Database Users ........................................................................................................ 17
View Recent Queries ......................................................................................................... 17
Determine the Process ID of a Running Query ..................................................................... 18
Step 6: Cancel a Query ............................................................................................................. 18
Cancel a Query from Another Session ................................................................................. 19
Cancel a Query Using the Superuser Queue ......................................................................... 19
Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources ................................................................................................ 20
Proof of Concept Playbook ................................................................................................................ 21
Identifying the Goals of the Proof of Concept .............................................................................. 21
Setting Up Your Proof of Concept .............................................................................................. 21
Designing and Setting Up Your Cluster ............................................................................... 22
Converting Your Schema and Setting Up the Datasets ........................................................... 22
Cluster Design Considerations .................................................................................................... 22
Amazon Redshift Evaluation Checklist ......................................................................................... 23
Benchmarking Your Amazon Redshift Evaluation .......................................................................... 24
Additional Resources ................................................................................................................. 25
Amazon Redshift Best Practices ......................................................................................................... 26
Best Practices for Designing Tables ............................................................................................. 26
Take the Tuning Table Design Tutorial ................................................................................ 27
Choose the Best Sort Key .................................................................................................. 27
Choose the Best Distribution Style ..................................................................................... 27
Use Automatic Compression .............................................................................................. 28
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Define Constraints ............................................................................................................
Use the Smallest Possible Column Size ...............................................................................
Using Date/Time Data Types for Date Columns ....................................................................
Best Practices for Loading Data .................................................................................................
Take the Loading Data Tutorial ..........................................................................................
Take the Tuning Table Design Tutorial ................................................................................
Use a COPY Command to Load Data ..................................................................................
Use a Single COPY Command ............................................................................................
Split Your Load Data into Multiple Files ..............................................................................
Compress Your Data Files ..................................................................................................
Use a Manifest File ...........................................................................................................
Verify Data Files Before and After a Load ............................................................................
Use a Multi-Row Insert .....................................................................................................
Use a Bulk Insert ..............................................................................................................
Load Data in Sort Key Order ..............................................................................................
Load Data in Sequential Blocks ..........................................................................................
Use Time-Series Tables .....................................................................................................
Use a Staging Table to Perform a Merge .............................................................................
Schedule Around Maintenance Windows .............................................................................
Best Practices for Designing Queries ...........................................................................................
Working with Advisor ................................................................................................................
Access Advisor .................................................................................................................
Advisor Recommendations .................................................................................................
Tutorial: Tuning Table Design .............................................................................................................
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................
Steps ......................................................................................................................................
Step 1: Create a Test Data Set ...................................................................................................
To Create a Test Data Set ..................................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 2: Establish a Baseline .......................................................................................................
To Test System Performance to Establish a Baseline .............................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 3: Select Sort Keys ............................................................................................................
To Select Sort Keys ..........................................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 4: Select Distribution Styles ...............................................................................................
Distribution Styles ............................................................................................................
To Select Distribution Styles ..............................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 5: Review Compression Encodings .......................................................................................
To Review Compression Encodings .....................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 6: Recreate the Test Data Set .............................................................................................
To Recreate the Test Data Set ............................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 7: Retest System Performance After Tuning .........................................................................
To Retest System Performance After Tuning ........................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 8: Evaluate the Results ......................................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Step 9: Clean Up Your Resources ................................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Summary ................................................................................................................................
Next Step ........................................................................................................................
Tutorial: Loading Data from Amazon S3 ..............................................................................................
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................
Overview .................................................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Steps ...................................................................................................................................... 71
Step 1: Launch a Cluster ........................................................................................................... 71
Next Step ........................................................................................................................ 72
Step 2: Download the Data Files ................................................................................................ 72
Next Step ........................................................................................................................ 72
Step 3: Upload the Files to an Amazon S3 Bucket ........................................................................ 72
...................................................................................................................................... 73
Next Step ........................................................................................................................ 73
Step 4: Create the Sample Tables ............................................................................................... 74
Next Step ........................................................................................................................ 76
Step 5: Run the COPY Commands .............................................................................................. 76
COPY Command Syntax .................................................................................................... 76
Loading the SSB Tables ..................................................................................................... 77
Step 6: Vacuum and Analyze the Database .................................................................................. 87
Next Step ........................................................................................................................ 88
Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources ................................................................................................ 88
Next ............................................................................................................................... 88
Summary ................................................................................................................................ 88
Next Step ........................................................................................................................ 89
Tutorial: Configuring WLM Queues to Improve Query Processing ............................................................ 90
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 90
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 90
Sections .......................................................................................................................... 90
Section 1: Understanding the Default Queue Processing Behavior ................................................... 90
Step 1: Create the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW View ................................................................ 91
Step 2: Create the WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW View ................................................................. 92
Step 3: Run Test Queries ................................................................................................... 93
Section 2: Modifying the WLM Query Queue Configuration ............................................................ 94
Step 1: Create a Parameter Group ...................................................................................... 94
Step 2: Configure WLM ..................................................................................................... 95
Step 3: Associate the Parameter Group with Your Cluster ...................................................... 96
Section 3: Routing Queries to Queues Based on User Groups and Query Groups ................................ 98
Step 1: View Query Queue Configuration in the Database ...................................................... 98
Step 2: Run a Query Using the Query Group Queue .............................................................. 99
Step 3: Create a Database User and Group ........................................................................ 100
Step 4: Run a Query Using the User Group Queue .............................................................. 100
Section 4: Using wlm_query_slot_count to Temporarily Override Concurrency Level in a Queue ......... 101
Step 1: Override the Concurrency Level Using wlm_query_slot_count .................................... 102
Step 2: Run Queries from Different Sessions ...................................................................... 103
Section 5: Cleaning Up Your Resources ...................................................................................... 103
Tutorial: Querying Nested Data with Amazon Redshift Spectrum .......................................................... 104
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 104
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 104
Step 1: Create an External Table That Contains Nested Data ........................................................ 105
Step 2: Query Your Nested Data in Amazon S3 with SQL Extensions .............................................. 105
Extension 1: Access to Columns of Structs ......................................................................... 105
Extension 2: Ranging Over Arrays in a FROM Clause ............................................................ 106
Extension 3: Accessing an Array of Scalars Directly Using an Alias ......................................... 108
Extension 4: Accessing Elements of Maps .......................................................................... 108
Nested Data Use Cases ............................................................................................................ 109
Ingesting Nested Data ..................................................................................................... 109
Aggregating Nested Data with Subqueries ........................................................................ 109
Joining Amazon Redshift and Nested Data ........................................................................ 110
Nested Data Limitations .......................................................................................................... 111
Managing Database Security ............................................................................................................ 112
Amazon Redshift Security Overview .......................................................................................... 112
Default Database User Privileges .............................................................................................. 113
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Superusers .............................................................................................................................
Users .....................................................................................................................................
Creating, Altering, and Deleting Users ...............................................................................
Groups ..................................................................................................................................
Creating, Altering, and Deleting Groups .............................................................................
Schemas ................................................................................................................................
Creating, Altering, and Deleting Schemas ..........................................................................
Search Path ...................................................................................................................
Schema-Based Privileges .................................................................................................
Example for Controlling User and Group Access .........................................................................
Designing Tables ............................................................................................................................
Choosing a Column Compression Type ......................................................................................
Compression Encodings ...................................................................................................
Testing Compression Encodings ........................................................................................
Example: Choosing Compression Encodings for the CUSTOMER Table ....................................
Choosing a Data Distribution Style ...........................................................................................
Data Distribution Concepts ..............................................................................................
Distribution Styles ..........................................................................................................
Viewing Distribution Styles ..............................................................................................
Evaluating Query Patterns ...............................................................................................
Designating Distribution Styles .........................................................................................
Evaluating the Query Plan ...............................................................................................
Query Plan Example .......................................................................................................
Distribution Examples .....................................................................................................
Choosing Sort Keys .................................................................................................................
Compound Sort Key ........................................................................................................
Interleaved Sort Key .......................................................................................................
Comparing Sort Styles ....................................................................................................
Defining Constraints ...............................................................................................................
Analyzing Table Design ...........................................................................................................
Using Amazon Redshift Spectrum to Query External Data ...................................................................
Amazon Redshift Spectrum Overview .......................................................................................
Amazon Redshift Spectrum Regions ..................................................................................
Amazon Redshift Spectrum Considerations ........................................................................
Getting Started With Amazon Redshift Spectrum .......................................................................
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................
Steps ............................................................................................................................
Step 1. Create an IAM Role ..............................................................................................
Step 2: Associate the IAM Role with Your Cluster ................................................................
Step 3: Create an External Schema and an External Table ....................................................
Step 4: Query Your Data in Amazon S3 .............................................................................
IAM Policies for Amazon Redshift Spectrum ...............................................................................
Amazon S3 Permissions ...................................................................................................
Cross-Account Amazon S3 Permissions ..............................................................................
Grant or Restrict Access Using Redshift Spectrum ...............................................................
Minimum Permissions .....................................................................................................
Chaining IAM Roles .........................................................................................................
Access AWS Glue Data ....................................................................................................
Creating Data Files for Queries in Amazon Redshift Spectrum ......................................................
Creating External Schemas ......................................................................................................
Working with External Catalogs ........................................................................................
Creating External Tables ..........................................................................................................
Pseudocolumns ..............................................................................................................
Partitioning Redshift Spectrum External Tables ..................................................................
Mapping to ORC Columns ...............................................................................................
Improving Amazon Redshift Spectrum Query Performance ..........................................................
Monitoring Metrics ..................................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Troubleshooting Queries ..........................................................................................................
Retries Exceeded ............................................................................................................
No Rows Returned for a Partitioned Table .........................................................................
Not Authorized Error .......................................................................................................
Incompatible Data Formats ..............................................................................................
Syntax Error When Using Hive DDL in Amazon Redshift .......................................................
Permission to Create Temporary Tables .............................................................................
Loading Data .................................................................................................................................
Using COPY to Load Data ........................................................................................................
Credentials and Access Permissions ...................................................................................
Preparing Your Input Data ...............................................................................................
Loading Data from Amazon S3 ........................................................................................
Loading Data from Amazon EMR ......................................................................................
Loading Data from Remote Hosts .....................................................................................
Loading from Amazon DynamoDB ....................................................................................
Verifying That the Data Was Loaded Correctly ...................................................................
Validating Input Data ......................................................................................................
Automatic Compression ...................................................................................................
Optimizing for Narrow Tables ..........................................................................................
Default Values ................................................................................................................
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................
Updating with DML ................................................................................................................
Updating and Inserting ...........................................................................................................
Merge Method 1: Replacing Existing Rows .........................................................................
Merge Method 2: Specifying a Column List ........................................................................
Creating a Temporary Staging Table .................................................................................
Performing a Merge Operation by Replacing Existing Rows ..................................................
Performing a Merge Operation by Specifying a Column List .................................................
Merge Examples .............................................................................................................
Performing a Deep Copy .........................................................................................................
Analyzing Tables ....................................................................................................................
Analyzing Tables ............................................................................................................
Analysis of New Table Data .............................................................................................
ANALYZE Command History .............................................................................................
Vacuuming Tables ...................................................................................................................
VACUUM Frequency ........................................................................................................
Sort Stage and Merge Stage ............................................................................................
Vacuum Threshold ..........................................................................................................
Vacuum Types ................................................................................................................
Managing Vacuum Times .................................................................................................
Vacuum Column Limit Exceeded Error ...............................................................................
Managing Concurrent Write Operations .....................................................................................
Serializable Isolation .......................................................................................................
Write and Read-Write Operations .....................................................................................
Concurrent Write Examples ..............................................................................................
Unloading Data ..............................................................................................................................
Unloading Data to Amazon S3 .................................................................................................
Unloading Encrypted Data Files ................................................................................................
Unloading Data in Delimited or Fixed-Width Format ...................................................................
Reloading Unloaded Data ........................................................................................................
Creating User-Defined Functions ......................................................................................................
UDF Security and Privileges .....................................................................................................
Creating a Scalar SQL UDF ......................................................................................................
Scalar SQL Function Example ...........................................................................................
Creating a Scalar Python UDF ..................................................................................................
Scalar Python UDF Example .............................................................................................
Python UDF Data Types ..................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

ANYELEMENT Data Type .................................................................................................
Python Language Support ...............................................................................................
UDF Constraints .............................................................................................................
Naming UDFs .........................................................................................................................
Overloading Function Names ...........................................................................................
Preventing UDF Naming Conflicts .....................................................................................
Logging Errors and Warnings ...................................................................................................
Tuning Query Performance ..............................................................................................................
Query Processing ....................................................................................................................
Query Planning And Execution Workflow ...........................................................................
Reviewing Query Plan Steps ............................................................................................
Query Plan ....................................................................................................................
Factors Affecting Query Performance ................................................................................
Analyzing and Improving Queries .............................................................................................
Query Analysis Workflow .................................................................................................
Reviewing Query Alerts ...................................................................................................
Analyzing the Query Plan ................................................................................................
Analyzing the Query Summary .........................................................................................
Improving Query Performance .........................................................................................
Diagnostic Queries for Query Tuning .................................................................................
Troubleshooting Queries ..........................................................................................................
Connection Fails .............................................................................................................
Query Hangs ..................................................................................................................
Query Takes Too Long ....................................................................................................
Load Fails ......................................................................................................................
Load Takes Too Long ......................................................................................................
Load Data Is Incorrect .....................................................................................................
Setting the JDBC Fetch Size Parameter .............................................................................
Implementing Workload Management ...............................................................................................
Defining Query Queues ...........................................................................................................
Concurrency Level ..........................................................................................................
User Groups ...................................................................................................................
Query Groups ................................................................................................................
Wildcards .......................................................................................................................
WLM Memory Percent to Use ...........................................................................................
WLM Timeout ................................................................................................................
Query Monitoring Rules ..................................................................................................
WLM Query Queue Hopping ....................................................................................................
WLM Timeout Queue Hopping .........................................................................................
WLM Timeout Reassigned and Restarted Queries ................................................................
QMR Hop Action Queue Hopping .....................................................................................
QMR Hop Action Reassigned and Restarted Queries ............................................................
WLM Query Queue Hopping Summary ..............................................................................
Short Query Acceleration ........................................................................................................
Maximum SQA Run Time .................................................................................................
Monitoring SQA ..............................................................................................................
Modifying the WLM Configuration ............................................................................................
WLM Queue Assignment Rules .................................................................................................
Queue Assignments Example ...........................................................................................
Assigning Queries to Queues ...................................................................................................
Assigning Queries to Queues Based on User Groups ............................................................
Assigning a Query to a Query Group .................................................................................
Assigning Queries to the Superuser Queue ........................................................................
Dynamic and Static Properties .................................................................................................
WLM Dynamic Memory Allocation ....................................................................................
Dynamic WLM Example ...................................................................................................
Query Monitoring Rules ..........................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Defining a Query Monitor Rule .........................................................................................
Query Monitoring Metrics ................................................................................................
Query Monitoring Rules Templates ...................................................................................
System Tables and Views for Query Monitoring Rules .........................................................
WLM System Tables and Views ................................................................................................
SQL Reference ...............................................................................................................................
Amazon Redshift SQL .............................................................................................................
SQL Functions Supported on the Leader Node ...................................................................
Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL ....................................................................................
Using SQL .............................................................................................................................
SQL Reference Conventions .............................................................................................
Basic Elements ...............................................................................................................
Expressions ....................................................................................................................
Conditions .....................................................................................................................
SQL Commands ......................................................................................................................
ABORT ..........................................................................................................................
ALTER DATABASE ...........................................................................................................
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES ............................................................................................
ALTER GROUP ................................................................................................................
ALTER SCHEMA ..............................................................................................................
ALTER TABLE .................................................................................................................
ALTER TABLE APPEND .....................................................................................................
ALTER USER ...................................................................................................................
ANALYZE .......................................................................................................................
ANALYZE COMPRESSION .................................................................................................
BEGIN ...........................................................................................................................
CANCEL .........................................................................................................................
CLOSE ...........................................................................................................................
COMMENT .....................................................................................................................
COMMIT ........................................................................................................................
COPY ............................................................................................................................
CREATE DATABASE ..........................................................................................................
CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA ............................................................................................
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ................................................................................................
CREATE FUNCTION .........................................................................................................
CREATE GROUP ..............................................................................................................
CREATE LIBRARY ............................................................................................................
CREATE SCHEMA ............................................................................................................
CREATE TABLE ...............................................................................................................
CREATE TABLE AS ...........................................................................................................
CREATE USER .................................................................................................................
CREATE VIEW .................................................................................................................
DEALLOCATE ..................................................................................................................
DECLARE .......................................................................................................................
DELETE .........................................................................................................................
DROP DATABASE ............................................................................................................
DROP FUNCTION ............................................................................................................
DROP GROUP ................................................................................................................
DROP LIBRARY ...............................................................................................................
DROP SCHEMA ...............................................................................................................
DROP TABLE ..................................................................................................................
DROP USER ...................................................................................................................
DROP VIEW ...................................................................................................................
END ..............................................................................................................................
EXECUTE .......................................................................................................................
EXPLAIN ........................................................................................................................
FETCH ...........................................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

GRANT ..........................................................................................................................
INSERT ..........................................................................................................................
LOCK ............................................................................................................................
PREPARE .......................................................................................................................
RESET ...........................................................................................................................
REVOKE .........................................................................................................................
ROLLBACK .....................................................................................................................
SELECT ..........................................................................................................................
SELECT INTO ..................................................................................................................
SET ...............................................................................................................................
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION ........................................................................................
SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................................
SHOW ...........................................................................................................................
START TRANSACTION ......................................................................................................
TRUNCATE .....................................................................................................................
UNLOAD ........................................................................................................................
UPDATE .........................................................................................................................
VACUUM ........................................................................................................................
SQL Functions Reference .........................................................................................................
Leader Node–Only Functions ...........................................................................................
Compute Node–Only Functions ........................................................................................
Aggregate Functions .......................................................................................................
Bit-Wise Aggregate Functions ..........................................................................................
Window Functions ..........................................................................................................
Conditional Expressions ...................................................................................................
Date and Time Functions .................................................................................................
Math Functions ..............................................................................................................
String Functions .............................................................................................................
JSON Functions ..............................................................................................................
Data Type Formatting Functions .......................................................................................
System Administration Functions ......................................................................................
System Information Functions ..........................................................................................
Reserved Words ......................................................................................................................
System Tables Reference .................................................................................................................
System Tables and Views .........................................................................................................
Types of System Tables and Views ............................................................................................
Visibility of Data in System Tables and Views .............................................................................
Filtering System-Generated Queries ..................................................................................
STL Tables for Logging ...........................................................................................................
STL_AGGR .....................................................................................................................
STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG ..................................................................................................
STL_ANALYZE .................................................................................................................
STL_BCAST ....................................................................................................................
STL_COMMIT_STATS .......................................................................................................
STL_CONNECTION_LOG ...................................................................................................
STL_DDLTEXT .................................................................................................................
STL_DELETE ...................................................................................................................
STL_DISK_FULL_DIAG ......................................................................................................
STL_DIST .......................................................................................................................
STL_ERROR ....................................................................................................................
STL_EXPLAIN .................................................................................................................
STL_FILE_SCAN ..............................................................................................................
STL_HASH .....................................................................................................................
STL_HASHJOIN ...............................................................................................................
STL_INSERT ...................................................................................................................
STL_LIMIT ......................................................................................................................
STL_LOAD_COMMITS ......................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

STL_LOAD_ERRORS .........................................................................................................
STL_LOADERROR_DETAIL ................................................................................................
STL_MERGE ...................................................................................................................
STL_MERGEJOIN .............................................................................................................
STL_NESTLOOP ..............................................................................................................
STL_PARSE ....................................................................................................................
STL_PLAN_INFO .............................................................................................................
STL_PROJECT .................................................................................................................
STL_QUERY ....................................................................................................................
STL_QUERY_METRICS ......................................................................................................
STL_QUERYTEXT ............................................................................................................
STL_REPLACEMENTS .......................................................................................................
STL_RESTARTED_SESSIONS .............................................................................................
STL_RETURN ..................................................................................................................
STL_S3CLIENT ................................................................................................................
STL_S3CLIENT_ERROR .....................................................................................................
STL_SAVE ......................................................................................................................
STL_SCAN ......................................................................................................................
STL_SESSIONS ...............................................................................................................
STL_SORT ......................................................................................................................
STL_SSHCLIENT_ERROR ...................................................................................................
STL_STREAM_SEGS .........................................................................................................
STL_TR_CONFLICT ..........................................................................................................
STL_UNDONE .................................................................................................................
STL_UNIQUE ..................................................................................................................
STL_UNLOAD_LOG ..........................................................................................................
STL_USERLOG ................................................................................................................
STL_UTILITYTEXT ...........................................................................................................
STL_VACUUM .................................................................................................................
STL_WINDOW ................................................................................................................
STL_WLM_ERROR ...........................................................................................................
STL_WLM_RULE_ACTION .................................................................................................
STL_WLM_QUERY ...........................................................................................................
STV Tables for Snapshot Data ..................................................................................................
STV_ACTIVE_CURSORS ....................................................................................................
STV_BLOCKLIST .............................................................................................................
STV_CURSOR_CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................
STV_EXEC_STATE ............................................................................................................
STV_INFLIGHT ................................................................................................................
STV_LOAD_STATE ...........................................................................................................
STV_LOCKS ....................................................................................................................
STV_PARTITIONS ............................................................................................................
STV_QUERY_METRICS .....................................................................................................
STV_RECENTS ................................................................................................................
STV_SESSIONS ...............................................................................................................
STV_SLICES ...................................................................................................................
STV_STARTUP_RECOVERY_STATE .....................................................................................
STV_TBL_PERM ..............................................................................................................
STV_TBL_TRANS .............................................................................................................
STV_WLM_QMR_CONFIG .................................................................................................
STV_WLM_CLASSIFICATION_CONFIG .................................................................................
STV_WLM_QUERY_QUEUE_STATE .....................................................................................
STV_WLM_QUERY_STATE ................................................................................................
STV_WLM_QUERY_TASK_STATE ........................................................................................
STV_WLM_SERVICE_CLASS_CONFIG ..................................................................................
STV_WLM_SERVICE_CLASS_STATE ....................................................................................
System Views .........................................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

SVV_COLUMNS ..............................................................................................................
SVL_COMPILE .................................................................................................................
SVV_DISKUSAGE .............................................................................................................
SVV_EXTERNAL_COLUMNS ..............................................................................................
SVV_EXTERNAL_DATABASES ............................................................................................
SVV_EXTERNAL_PARTITIONS ............................................................................................
SVV_EXTERNAL_SCHEMAS ...............................................................................................
SVV_EXTERNAL_TABLES ..................................................................................................
SVV_INTERLEAVED_COLUMNS ..........................................................................................
SVL_QERROR .................................................................................................................
SVL_QLOG .....................................................................................................................
SVV_QUERY_INFLIGHT ....................................................................................................
SVL_QUERY_QUEUE_INFO ...............................................................................................
SVL_QUERY_METRICS .....................................................................................................
SVL_QUERY_METRICS_SUMMARY .....................................................................................
SVL_QUERY_REPORT ......................................................................................................
SVV_QUERY_STATE .........................................................................................................
SVL_QUERY_SUMMARY ...................................................................................................
SVL_S3LOG ....................................................................................................................
SVL_S3PARTITION ..........................................................................................................
SVL_S3QUERY ................................................................................................................
SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY ................................................................................................
SVL_S3RETRIES ..............................................................................................................
SVL_STATEMENTTEXT .....................................................................................................
SVV_TABLES ..................................................................................................................
SVV_TABLE_INFO ............................................................................................................
SVV_TRANSACTIONS .......................................................................................................
SVL_USER_INFO .............................................................................................................
SVL_UDF_LOG ................................................................................................................
SVV_VACUUM_PROGRESS ................................................................................................
SVV_VACUUM_SUMMARY ................................................................................................
SVL_VACUUM_PERCENTAGE .............................................................................................
System Catalog Tables ............................................................................................................
PG_CLASS_INFO .............................................................................................................
PG_DEFAULT_ACL ...........................................................................................................
PG_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA ..................................................................................................
PG_LIBRARY ...................................................................................................................
PG_STATISTIC_INDICATOR ...............................................................................................
PG_TABLE_DEF ...............................................................................................................
Querying the Catalog Tables ............................................................................................
Configuration Reference ..................................................................................................................
Modifying the Server Configuration ..........................................................................................
analyze_threshold_percent .......................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
Examples .......................................................................................................................
datestyle ...............................................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
Example ........................................................................................................................
describe_field_name_in_uppercase ............................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
Example ........................................................................................................................
enable_result_cache_for_session ...............................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

extra_float_digits ....................................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
max_cursor_result_set_size ......................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
query_group ..........................................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
search_path ...........................................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
Example ........................................................................................................................
statement_timeout .................................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
Example ........................................................................................................................
timezone ...............................................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Syntax ...........................................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
Time Zone Formats .........................................................................................................
Examples .......................................................................................................................
wlm_query_slot_count ............................................................................................................
Values (Default in Bold) ...................................................................................................
Description ....................................................................................................................
Examples .......................................................................................................................
Sample Database ............................................................................................................................
CATEGORY Table ....................................................................................................................
DATE Table ............................................................................................................................
EVENT Table ..........................................................................................................................
VENUE Table ..........................................................................................................................
USERS Table ..........................................................................................................................
LISTING Table ........................................................................................................................
SALES Table ...........................................................................................................................
Time Zone Names and Abbreviations ................................................................................................
Time Zone Names ..................................................................................................................
Time Zone Abbreviations .........................................................................................................
Document History ..........................................................................................................................
Earlier Updates .......................................................................................................................

API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Are You a First-Time Amazon Redshift User?

• Are You a First-Time Amazon Redshift User? (p. 1)
• Are You a Database Developer? (p. 2)
• Prerequisites (p. 3)
This is the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
Amazon Redshift is an enterprise-level, petabyte scale, fully managed data warehousing service.
This guide focuses on using Amazon Redshift to create and manage a data warehouse. If you work with
databases as a designer, software developer, or administrator, it gives you the information you need to
design, build, query, and maintain your data warehouse.

Are You a First-Time Amazon Redshift User?
If you are a first-time user of Amazon Redshift, we recommend that you begin by reading the following
• Service Highlights and Pricing – The product detail page provides the Amazon Redshift value
proposition, service highlights, and pricing.
• Getting Started – Amazon Redshift Getting Started includes an example that walks you through the
process of creating an Amazon Redshift data warehouse cluster, creating database tables, uploading
data, and testing queries.
After you complete the Getting Started guide, we recommend that you explore one of the following
• Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide – The Cluster Management guide shows you how to
create and manage Amazon Redshift clusters.
If you are an application developer, you can use the Amazon Redshift Query API to manage clusters
programmatically. Additionally, the AWS SDK libraries that wrap the underlying Amazon Redshift
API can help simplify your programming tasks. If you prefer a more interactive way of managing
clusters, you can use the Amazon Redshift console and the AWS command line interface (AWS CLI). For
information about the API and CLI, go to the following manuals:
• API Reference
• CLI Reference
• Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide (this document) – If you are a database developer, the
Database Developer Guide explains how to design, build, query, and maintain the databases that make
up your data warehouse.
If you are transitioning to Amazon Redshift from another relational database system or data warehouse
application, you should be aware of important differences in how Amazon Redshift is implemented. For
a summary of the most important considerations for designing tables and loading data, see Amazon
Redshift Best Practices for Designing Tables (p. 26) and Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Loading
Data (p. 29). Amazon Redshift is based on PostgreSQL 8.0.2. For a detailed list of the differences
between Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL, see Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL (p. 307).
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Are You a Database Developer?

Are You a Database Developer?
If you are a database user, database designer, database developer, or database administrator, the
following table will help you find what you’re looking for.
If you want to ...

We recommend

Quickly start using
Amazon Redshift

Begin by following the steps in Amazon Redshift Getting Started to quickly
deploy a cluster, connect to a database, and try out some queries.
When you are ready to build your database, load data into tables, and
write queries to manipulate data in the data warehouse, return here to the
Database Developer Guide.

Learn about the
internal architecture of
the Amazon Redshift
data warehouse.

The Amazon Redshift System Overview (p. 4) gives a high-level overview
of Amazon Redshift's internal architecture.

Create databases,
tables, users, and other
database objects.

Getting Started Using Databases (p. 13) is a quick introduction to the
basics of SQL development.

If you want a broader overview of the Amazon Redshift web service, go to
the Amazon Redshift product detail page.

The Amazon Redshift SQL (p. 306) has the syntax and examples for
Amazon Redshift SQL commands and functions and other SQL elements.
Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing Tables (p. 26) provides a
summary of our recommendations for choosing sort keys, distribution keys,
and compression encodings.

Learn how to design
tables for optimum

Designing Tables (p. 118) details considerations for applying compression
to the data in table columns and choosing distribution and sort keys.

Load data.

Loading Data (p. 184) explains the procedures for loading large datasets
from Amazon DynamoDB tables or from flat files stored in Amazon S3
Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Loading Data (p. 29) provides for tips
for loading your data quickly and effectively.

Manage users, groups,
and database security.

Managing Database Security (p. 112) covers database security topics.

Monitor and optimize
system performance.

The System Tables Reference (p. 797) details system tables and views
that you can query for the status of the database and monitor queries and
You should also consult the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide to
learn how to use the AWS Management Console to check the system health,
monitor metrics, and back up and restore clusters.

Analyze and report
information from very
large datasets.

Many popular software vendors are certifying Amazon Redshift with their
offerings to enable you to continue to use the tools you use today. For more
information, see the Amazon Redshift partner page.
The SQL Reference (p. 306) has all the details for the SQL expressions,
commands, and functions Amazon Redshift supports.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Before you use this guide, you should complete these tasks.
• Install a SQL client.
• Launch an Amazon Redshift cluster.
• Connect your SQL client to the cluster master database.
For step-by-step instructions, see Amazon Redshift Getting Started.
You should also know how to use your SQL client and should have a fundamental understanding of the
SQL language.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Data Warehouse System Architecture

Amazon Redshift System Overview
• Data Warehouse System Architecture (p. 4)
• Performance (p. 6)
• Columnar Storage (p. 8)
• Internal Architecture and System Operation (p. 10)
• Workload Management (p. 11)
• Using Amazon Redshift with Other Services (p. 11)
An Amazon Redshift data warehouse is an enterprise-class relational database query and management
Amazon Redshift supports client connections with many types of applications, including business
intelligence (BI), reporting, data, and analytics tools.
When you execute analytic queries, you are retrieving, comparing, and evaluating large amounts of data
in multiple-stage operations to produce a final result.
Amazon Redshift achieves efficient storage and optimum query performance through a combination
of massively parallel processing, columnar data storage, and very efficient, targeted data compression
encoding schemes. This section presents an introduction to the Amazon Redshift system architecture.

Data Warehouse System Architecture
This section introduces the elements of the Amazon Redshift data warehouse architecture as shown in
the following figure.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Data Warehouse System Architecture

Client applications
Amazon Redshift integrates with various data loading and ETL (extract, transform, and load) tools
and business intelligence (BI) reporting, data mining, and analytics tools. Amazon Redshift is based on
industry-standard PostgreSQL, so most existing SQL client applications will work with only minimal
changes. For information about important differences between Amazon Redshift SQL and PostgreSQL,
see Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL (p. 307).
Amazon Redshift communicates with client applications by using industry-standard JDBC and ODBC
drivers for PostgreSQL. For more information, see Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL JDBC and
ODBC (p. 308).
The core infrastructure component of an Amazon Redshift data warehouse is a cluster.
A cluster is composed of one or more compute nodes. If a cluster is provisioned with two or more
compute nodes, an additional leader node coordinates the compute nodes and handles external
communication. Your client application interacts directly only with the leader node. The compute nodes
are transparent to external applications.
Leader node
The leader node manages communications with client programs and all communication with compute
nodes. It parses and develops execution plans to carry out database operations, in particular, the series
of steps necessary to obtain results for complex queries. Based on the execution plan, the leader node
compiles code, distributes the compiled code to the compute nodes, and assigns a portion of the data to
each compute node.
The leader node distributes SQL statements to the compute nodes only when a query references tables
that are stored on the compute nodes. All other queries run exclusively on the leader node. Amazon
Redshift is designed to implement certain SQL functions only on the leader node. A query that uses any
of these functions will return an error if it references tables that reside on the compute nodes. For more
information, see SQL Functions Supported on the Leader Node (p. 306).
Compute nodes
The leader node compiles code for individual elements of the execution plan and assigns the code to
individual compute nodes. The compute nodes execute the compiled code and send intermediate results
back to the leader node for final aggregation.
Each compute node has its own dedicated CPU, memory, and attached disk storage, which are
determined by the node type. As your workload grows, you can increase the compute capacity and
storage capacity of a cluster by increasing the number of nodes, upgrading the node type, or both.
Amazon Redshift provides two node types; dense storage nodes and dense compute nodes. Each node
provides two storage choices. You can start with a single 160 GB node and scale up to multiple 16 TB
nodes to support a petabyte of data or more.
For a more detailed explanation of data warehouse clusters and nodes, see Internal Architecture and
System Operation (p. 10).
Node slices
A compute node is partitioned into slices. Each slice is allocated a portion of the node's memory and
disk space, where it processes a portion of the workload assigned to the node. The leader node manages
distributing data to the slices and apportions the workload for any queries or other database operations
to the slices. The slices then work in parallel to complete the operation.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

The number of slices per node is determined by the node size of the cluster. For more information about
the number of slices for each node size, go to About Clusters and Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster
Management Guide.
When you create a table, you can optionally specify one column as the distribution key. When the table
is loaded with data, the rows are distributed to the node slices according to the distribution key that is
defined for a table. Choosing a good distribution key enables Amazon Redshift to use parallel processing
to load data and execute queries efficiently. For information about choosing a distribution key, see
Choose the Best Distribution Style (p. 27).
Internal network
Amazon Redshift takes advantage of high-bandwidth connections, close proximity, and custom
communication protocols to provide private, very high-speed network communication between the
leader node and compute nodes. The compute nodes run on a separate, isolated network that client
applications never access directly.
A cluster contains one or more databases. User data is stored on the compute nodes. Your SQL client
communicates with the leader node, which in turn coordinates query execution with the compute nodes.
Amazon Redshift is a relational database management system (RDBMS), so it is compatible with
other RDBMS applications. Although it provides the same functionality as a typical RDBMS, including
online transaction processing (OLTP) functions such as inserting and deleting data, Amazon Redshift is
optimized for high-performance analysis and reporting of very large datasets.
Amazon Redshift is based on PostgreSQL 8.0.2. Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL have a number of
very important differences that you need to take into account as you design and develop your data
warehouse applications. For information about how Amazon Redshift SQL differs from PostgreSQL, see
Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL (p. 307).

Amazon Redshift achieves extremely fast query execution by employing these performance features.
• Massively Parallel Processing (p. 6)
• Columnar Data Storage (p. 7)
• Data Compression (p. 7)
• Query Optimizer (p. 7)
• Result Caching (p. 7)
• Compiled Code (p. 8)

Massively Parallel Processing
Massively parallel processing (MPP) enables fast execution of the most complex queries operating on
large amounts of data. Multiple compute nodes handle all query processing leading up to final result
aggregation, with each core of each node executing the same compiled query segments on portions of
the entire data.
Amazon Redshift distributes the rows of a table to the compute nodes so that the data can be processed
in parallel. By selecting an appropriate distribution key for each table, you can optimize the distribution
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Columnar Data Storage

of data to balance the workload and minimize movement of data from node to node. For more
information, see Choose the Best Distribution Style (p. 27).
Loading data from flat files takes advantage of parallel processing by spreading the workload across
multiple nodes while simultaneously reading from multiple files. For more information about how to
load data into tables, see Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Loading Data (p. 29).

Columnar Data Storage
Columnar storage for database tables drastically reduces the overall disk I/O requirements and is an
important factor in optimizing analytic query performance. Storing database table information in a
columnar fashion reduces the number of disk I/O requests and reduces the amount of data you need to
load from disk. Loading less data into memory enables Amazon Redshift to perform more in-memory
processing when executing queries. See Columnar Storage (p. 8) for a more detailed explanation.
When columns are sorted appropriately, the query processor is able to rapidly filter out a large subset of
data blocks. For more information, see Choose the Best Sort Key (p. 27).

Data Compression
Data compression reduces storage requirements, thereby reducing disk I/O, which improves query
performance. When you execute a query, the compressed data is read into memory, then uncompressed
during query execution. Loading less data into memory enables Amazon Redshift to allocate more
memory to analyzing the data. Because columnar storage stores similar data sequentially, Amazon
Redshift is able to apply adaptive compression encodings specifically tied to columnar data types. The
best way to enable data compression on table columns is by allowing Amazon Redshift to apply optimal
compression encodings when you load the table with data. To learn more about using automatic data
compression, see Loading Tables with Automatic Compression (p. 209).

Query Optimizer
The Amazon Redshift query execution engine incorporates a query optimizer that is MPP-aware and
also takes advantage of the columnar-oriented data storage. The Amazon Redshift query optimizer
implements significant enhancements and extensions for processing complex analytic queries that often
include multi-table joins, subqueries, and aggregation. To learn more about optimizing queries, see
Tuning Query Performance (p. 257).

Result Caching
To reduce query execution time and improve system performance, Amazon Redshift caches the results
of certain types of queries in memory on the leader node. When a user submits a query, Amazon
Redshift checks the results cache for a valid, cached copy of the query results. If a match is found in the
result cache, Amazon Redshift uses the cached results and doesn’t execute the query. Result caching is
transparent to the user.
Result caching is enabled by default. To disable result caching for the current session, set the
enable_result_cache_for_session (p. 949) parameter to off.
Amazon Redshift uses cached results for a new query when all of the following are true:
• The user submitting the query has access privilege to the objects used in the query.
• The table or views in the query haven't been modified.
• The query doesn't use a function that must be evaluated each time it's run, such as GETDATE.
• The query doesn't reference Amazon Redshift Spectrum external tables.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compiled Code

• Configuration parameters that might affect query results are unchanged.
• The query syntactically matches the cached query.
To maximize cache effectiveness and efficient use of resources, Amazon Redshift doesn't cache some
large query result sets. Amazon Redshift determines whether to cache query results based on a number
of factors. These factors include the number of entries in the cache and the instance type of your
Amazon Redshift cluster.
To determine whether a query used the result cache, query the SVL_QLOG (p. 906) system view. If a
query used the result cache, the source_query column returns the query ID of the source query. If result
caching wasn't used, the source_query column value is NULL.
The following example shows that queries submitted by userid 104 and userid 102 use the result cache
from queries run by userid 100.
select userid, query, elapsed, source_query from svl_qlog
where userid > 1
order by query desc;
userid | query | elapsed | source_query
-------+--------+----------+------------104 | 629035 |
27 |
104 | 629034 |
60 |
104 | 629033 |
23 |
102 | 629017 | 1229393 |
102 | 628942 |
28 |
102 | 628941 |
57 |
102 | 628940 |
26 |
100 | 628919 | 84295686 |
100 | 628900 | 87015637 |
100 | 628891 | 58808694 |

For details about the queries used to create the results shown in the previous example, see Step 2: Test
System Performance to Establish a Baseline (p. 49) in the Tuning Table Design (p. 45) tutorial.

Compiled Code
The leader node distributes fully optimized compiled code across all of the nodes of a cluster. Compiling
the query eliminates the overhead associated with an interpreter and therefore increases the execution
speed, especially for complex queries. The compiled code is cached and shared across sessions on the
same cluster, so subsequent executions of the same query will be faster, often even with different
The execution engine compiles different code for the JDBC connection protocol and for ODBC and psql
(libq) connection protocols, so two clients using different protocols will each incur the first-time cost
of compiling the code. Other clients that use the same protocol, however, will benefit from sharing the
cached code.

Columnar Storage
Columnar storage for database tables is an important factor in optimizing analytic query performance
because it drastically reduces the overall disk I/O requirements and reduces the amount of data you need
to load from disk.
The following series of illustrations describe how columnar data storage implements efficiencies and
how that translates into efficiencies when retrieving data into memory.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Columnar Storage

This first illustration shows how records from database tables are typically stored into disk blocks by row.

In a typical relational database table, each row contains field values for a single record. In row-wise
database storage, data blocks store values sequentially for each consecutive column making up the
entire row. If block size is smaller than the size of a record, storage for an entire record may take more
than one block. If block size is larger than the size of a record, storage for an entire record may take
less than one block, resulting in an inefficient use of disk space. In online transaction processing (OLTP)
applications, most transactions involve frequently reading and writing all of the values for entire records,
typically one record or a small number of records at a time. As a result, row-wise storage is optimal for
OLTP databases.
The next illustration shows how with columnar storage, the values for each column are stored
sequentially into disk blocks.

Using columnar storage, each data block stores values of a single column for multiple rows. As records
enter the system, Amazon Redshift transparently converts the data to columnar storage for each of the
In this simplified example, using columnar storage, each data block holds column field values for as
many as three times as many records as row-based storage. This means that reading the same number
of column field values for the same number of records requires a third of the I/O operations compared
to row-wise storage. In practice, using tables with very large numbers of columns and very large row
counts, storage efficiency is even greater.
An added advantage is that, since each block holds the same type of data, block data can use a
compression scheme selected specifically for the column data type, further reducing disk space and
I/O. For more information about compression encodings based on data types, see Compression
Encodings (p. 119).
The savings in space for storing data on disk also carries over to retrieving and then storing that data in
memory. Since many database operations only need to access or operate on one or a small number of
columns at a time, you can save memory space by only retrieving blocks for columns you actually need
for a query. Where OLTP transactions typically involve most or all of the columns in a row for a small
number of records, data warehouse queries commonly read only a few columns for a very large number
of rows. This means that reading the same number of column field values for the same number of rows
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Internal Architecture and System Operation

requires a fraction of the I/O operations and uses a fraction of the memory that would be required for
processing row-wise blocks. In practice, using tables with very large numbers of columns and very large
row counts, the efficiency gains are proportionally greater. For example, suppose a table contains 100
columns. A query that uses five columns will only need to read about five percent of the data contained
in the table. This savings is repeated for possibly billions or even trillions of records for large databases.
In contrast, a row-wise database would read the blocks that contain the 95 unneeded columns as well.
Typical database block sizes range from 2 KB to 32 KB. Amazon Redshift uses a block size of 1 MB,
which is more efficient and further reduces the number of I/O requests needed to perform any database
loading or other operations that are part of query execution.

Internal Architecture and System Operation
The following diagram shows a high level view of internal components and functionality of the Amazon
Redshift data warehouse.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Workload Management

Workload Management
Amazon Redshift workload management (WLM) enables users to flexibly manage priorities within
workloads so that short, fast-running queries won't get stuck in queues behind long-running queries.
Amazon Redshift WLM creates query queues at runtime according to service classes, which define the
configuration parameters for various types of queues, including internal system queues and useraccessible queues. From a user perspective, a user-accessible service class and a queue are functionally
equivalent. For consistency, this documentation uses the term queue to mean a user-accessible service
class as well as a runtime queue.
When you run a query, WLM assigns the query to a queue according to the user's user group or by
matching a query group that is listed in the queue configuration with a query group label that the user
sets at runtime.
By default, Amazon Redshift configures one queue with a concurrency level of five, which enables up to
five queries to run concurrently, plus one predefined Superuser queue, with a concurrency level of one.
You can define up to eight queues. Each queue can be configured with a maximum concurrency level
of 50. The maximum total concurrency level for all user-defined queues (not including the Superuser
queue) is 50.
The easiest way to modify the WLM configuration is by using the Amazon Redshift Management Console.
You can also use the Amazon Redshift command line interface (CLI) or the Amazon Redshift API.
For more information about implementing and using workload management, see Implementing
Workload Management (p. 285).

Using Amazon Redshift with Other Services
Amazon Redshift integrates with other AWS services to enable you to move, transform, and load your
data quickly and reliably, using data security features.

Moving Data Between Amazon Redshift and Amazon
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a web service that stores data in the cloud. Amazon
Redshift leverages parallel processing to read and load data from multiple data files stored in Amazon S3
buckets. For more information, see Loading Data from Amazon S3 (p. 187).
You can also use parallel processing to export data from your Amazon Redshift data warehouse to
multiple data files on Amazon S3. For more information, see Unloading Data (p. 242).

Using Amazon Redshift with Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service. You can use the COPY command to load
an Amazon Redshift table with data from a single Amazon DynamoDB table. For more information, see
Loading Data from an Amazon DynamoDB Table (p. 206).

Importing Data from Remote Hosts over SSH
You can use the COPY command in Amazon Redshift to load data from one or more remote hosts, such
as Amazon EMR clusters, Amazon EC2 instances, or other computers. COPY connects to the remote hosts
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Automating Data Loads Using AWS Data Pipeline

using SSH and executes commands on the remote hosts to generate data. Amazon Redshift supports
multiple simultaneous connections. The COPY command reads and loads the output from multiple host
sources in parallel. For more information, see Loading Data from Remote Hosts (p. 200).

Automating Data Loads Using AWS Data Pipeline
You can use AWS Data Pipeline to automate data movement and transformation into and out of Amazon
Redshift. By using the built-in scheduling capabilities of AWS Data Pipeline, you can schedule and
execute recurring jobs without having to write your own complex data transfer or transformation
logic. For example, you can set up a recurring job to automatically copy data from Amazon DynamoDB
into Amazon Redshift. For a tutorial that walks you through the process of creating a pipeline that
periodically moves data from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift, see Copy Data to Amazon Redshift Using
AWS Data Pipeline in the AWS Data Pipeline Developer Guide.

Migrating Data Using AWS Database Migration
Service (AWS DMS)
You can migrate data to Amazon Redshift using AWS Database Migration Service. AWS DMS can
migrate your data to and from most widely used commercial and open-source databases such as Oracle,
PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Aurora, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, MariaDB, and
MySQL. For more information, see Using an Amazon Redshift Database as a Target for AWS Database
Migration Service.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 1: Create a Database

Getting Started Using Databases
• Step 1: Create a Database (p. 13)
• Step 2: Create a Database User (p. 14)
• Step 3: Create a Database Table (p. 14)
• Step 4: Load Sample Data (p. 15)
• Step 5: Query the System Tables (p. 16)
• Step 6: Cancel a Query (p. 18)
• Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources (p. 20)
This section describes the basic steps to begin using the Amazon Redshift database.
The examples in this section assume you have signed up for the Amazon Redshift data warehouse
service, created a cluster, and established a connection to the cluster from your SQL query tool. For
information about these tasks, see Amazon Redshift Getting Started.


The cluster that you deployed for this exercise will be running in a live environment. As long as
it is running, it will accrue charges to your AWS account. For more pricing information, go to the
Amazon Redshift pricing page.
To avoid unnecessary charges, you should delete your cluster when you are done with it. The
final step of the exercise explains how to do so.

Step 1: Create a Database
After you have verified that your cluster is up and running, you can create your first database. This
database is where you will actually create tables, load data, and run queries. A single cluster can host
multiple databases. For example, you can have a TICKIT database and an ORDERS database on the same
After you connect to the initial cluster database, the database you created when you launched the
cluster, you use the initial database as the base for creating a new database.
For example, to create a database named tickit, issue the following command:
create database tickit;

For this exercise, we'll accept the defaults. For information about more command options, see CREATE
DATABASE (p. 448) in the SQL Command Reference.
After you have created the TICKIT database, you can connect to the new database from your SQL client.
Use the same connection parameters as you used for your current connection, but change the database
name to tickit.
You do not need to change the database to complete the remainder of this tutorial. If you prefer not to
connect to the TICKIT database, you can try the rest of the examples in this section using the default
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 2: Create a Database User

Step 2: Create a Database User
By default, only the master user that you created when you launched the cluster has access to the
initial database in the cluster. To grant other users access, you must create one or more user accounts.
Database user accounts are global across all the databases in a cluster; they do not belong to individual
Use the CREATE USER command to create a new database user. When you create a new user, you specify
the name of the new user and a password. A password is required. It must have between 8 and 64
characters, and it must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one numeral.
For example, to create a user named GUEST with password ABCd4321, issue the following command:
create user guest password 'ABCd4321';

For information about other command options, see CREATE USER (p. 490) in the SQL Command

Delete a Database User
You won't need the GUEST user account for this tutorial, so you can delete it. If you delete a database
user account, the user will no longer be able to access any of the cluster databases.
Issue the following command to drop the GUEST user:
drop user guest;

The master user you created when you launched your cluster continues to have access to the database.


Amazon Redshift strongly recommends that you do not delete the master user.
For information about command options, see DROP USER (p. 507) in the SQL Reference.

Step 3: Create a Database Table
After you create your new database, you create tables to hold your database data. You specify any
column information for the table when you create the table.
For example, to create a table named testtable with a single column named testcol for an integer
data type, issue the following command:
create table testtable (testcol int);

The PG_TABLE_DEF system table contains information about all the tables in the cluster. To verify the
result, issue the following SELECT command to query the PG_TABLE_DEF system table.
select * from pg_table_def where tablename = 'testtable';

The query result should look something like this:
schemaname|tablename|column | type

|encoding|distkey|sortkey | notnull

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Insert Data Rows into a Table
0 | f
(1 row)

By default, new database objects, such as tables, are created in a schema named "public". For more
information about schemas, see Schemas (p. 115) in the Managing Database Security section.
The encoding, distkey, and sortkey columns are used by Amazon Redshift for parallel processing.
For more information about designing tables that incorporate these elements, see Amazon Redshift Best
Practices for Designing Tables (p. 26).

Insert Data Rows into a Table
After you create a table, you can insert rows of data into that table.


The INSERT (p. 520) command inserts individual rows into a database table. For standard bulk
loads, use the COPY (p. 390) command. For more information, see Use a COPY Command to
Load Data (p. 30).
For example, to insert a value of 100 into the testtable table (which contains a single column), issue
the following command:
insert into testtable values (100);

Select Data from a Table
After you create a table and populate it with data, use a SELECT statement to display the data contained
in the table. The SELECT * statement returns all the column names and row values for all of the data in a
table and is a good way to verify that recently added data was correctly inserted into the table.
To view the data that you entered in the testtable table, issue the following command:
select * from testtable;

The result will look like this:
(1 row)

For more information about using the SELECT statement to query tables, see SELECT (p. 532) in the
SQL Command Reference.

Step 4: Load Sample Data
Most of the examples in this guide use the TICKIT sample database. If you want to follow the examples
using your SQL query tool, you will need to load the sample data for the TICKIT database.
The sample data for this tutorial is provided in Amazon S3 buckets that give read access to all
authenticated AWS users, so any valid AWS credentials that permit access to Amazon S3 will work.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 5: Query the System Tables

To load the sample data for the TICKIT database, you will first create the tables, then use the COPY
command to load the tables with sample data that is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. For steps to create
tables and load sample data, see Amazon Redshift Getting Started Guide.

Step 5: Query the System Tables
In addition to the tables that you create, your database contains a number of system tables. These
system tables contain information about your installation and about the various queries and processes
that are running on the system. You can query these system tables to collect information about your


The description for each table in the System Tables Reference indicates whether a table is visible
to all users or visible only to superusers. You must be logged in as a superuser to query tables
that are visible only to superusers.
Amazon Redshift provides access to the following types of system tables:
• STL Tables for Logging (p. 798)
These system tables are generated from Amazon Redshift log files to provide a history of the system.
Logging tables have an STL prefix.
• STV Tables for Snapshot Data (p. 868)
These tables are virtual system tables that contain snapshots of the current system data. Snapshot
tables have an STV prefix.
• System Views (p. 896)
System views contain a subset of data found in several of the STL and STV system tables. Systems
views have an SVV or SVL prefix.
• System Catalog Tables (p. 935)
The system catalog tables store schema metadata, such as information about tables and columns.
System catalog tables have a PG prefix.
You may need to specify the process ID associated with a query to retrieve system table information
about that query. For information, see Determine the Process ID of a Running Query (p. 18).

View a List of Table Names
For example, to view a list of all tables in the public schema, you can query the PG_TABLE_DEF system
catalog table.
select distinct(tablename) from pg_table_def where schemaname = 'public';

The result will look something like this:

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
View Database Users

View Database Users
You can query the PG_USER catalog to view a list of all database users, along with the user ID
(USESYSID) and user privileges.
select * from pg_user;
| usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd |


| valuntil |

1 | t
| t
| t
| ******** |
masteruser |
100 | t
| t
| f
| ******** |
101 | f
| f
| f
| ******** |
simpleuser |
102 | f
| f
| f
| ******** |
poweruser |
103 | f
| t
| f
| ******** |
104 | t
| f
| f
| ******** |
(6 rows)

The user name rdsdb is used internally by Amazon Redshift to perform routine administrative and
maintenance tasks. You can filter your query to show only user-defined user names by adding where
usesysid > 1 to your select statement.
select * from pg_user
where usesysid > 1;
| usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd | passwd | valuntil |
------------+----------+-------------+----------+-----------+----------+---------+----------masteruser |
100 | t
| t
| f
| ******** |
101 | f
| f
| f
| ******** |
simpleuser |
102 | f
| f
| f
| ******** |
poweruser |
103 | f
| t
| f
| ******** |
104 | t
| f
| f
| ******** |
(5 rows)

View Recent Queries
In the previous example, you found that the user ID (USESYSID) for masteruser is 100. To list the five
most recent queries executed by masteruser, you can query the SVL_QLOG view. The SVL_QLOG view
is a friendlier subset of information from the STL_QUERY table. You can use this view to find the query
ID (QUERY) or process ID (PID) for a recently run query or to see how long it took a query to complete.
SVL_QLOG includes the first 60 characters of the query string (SUBSTRING) to help you locate a specific
query. Use the LIMIT clause with your SELECT statement to limit the results to five rows.
select query, pid, elapsed, substring from svl_qlog
where userid = 100
order by starttime desc
limit 5;

The result will look something like this:



| elapsed



API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Determine the Process ID of a Running Query
--------+-------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------187752 | 18921 | 18465685 | select query, elapsed, substring from svl_qlog order by query
204168 | 5117 |
59603 | insert into testtable values (100);
187561 | 17046 | 1003052 | select * from pg_table_def where tablename = 'testtable';
187549 | 17046 | 1108584 | select * from STV_WLM_SERVICE_CLASS_CONFIG
187468 | 17046 | 5670661 | select * from pg_table_def where schemaname = 'public';
(5 rows)

Determine the Process ID of a Running Query
In the previous example you learned how to obtain the query ID and process ID (PID) for a completed
query from the SVL_QLOG view.
You might need to find the PID for a query that is still running. For example, you will need the PID if you
need to cancel a query that is taking too long to run. You can query the STV_RECENTS system table to
obtain a list of process IDs for running queries, along with the corresponding query string. If your query
returns multiple PIDs, you can look at the query text to determine which PID you need.
To determine the PID of a running query, issue the following SELECT statement:
select pid, user_name, starttime, query
from stv_recents
where status='Running';

Step 6: Cancel a Query
If a user issues a query that is taking too long or is consuming excessive cluster resources, you might
need to cancel the query. For example, a user might want to create a list of ticket sellers that includes the
seller's name and quantity of tickets sold. The following query selects data from the SALES table USERS
table and joins the two tables by matching SELLERID and USERID in the WHERE clause.
select sellerid, firstname, lastname, sum(qtysold)
from sales, users
where sales.sellerid = users.userid
group by sellerid, firstname, lastname
order by 4 desc;


This is a complex query. For this tutorial, you don't need to worry about how this query is
The previous query runs in seconds and returns 2,102 rows.
Suppose the user forgets to put in the WHERE clause.
select sellerid, firstname, lastname, sum(qtysold)
from sales, users
group by sellerid, firstname, lastname
order by 4 desc;

The result set will include all of the rows in the SALES table multiplied by all the rows in the USERS table
(49989*3766). This is called a Cartesian join, and it is not recommended. The result is over 188 million
rows and takes a long time to run.
To cancel a running query, use the CANCEL command with the query's PID.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Cancel a Query from Another Session

To find the process ID, query the STV_RECENTS table, as shown in the previous step. The following
example shows how you can make the results more readable by using the TRIM function to trim trailing
spaces and by showing only the first 20 characters of the query string.
select pid, trim(user_name), starttime, substring(query,1,20)
from stv_recents
where status='Running';

The result looks something like this:
pid |
-------+------------+----------------------------+---------------------18764 | masteruser | 2013-03-28 18:39:49.355918 | select sellerid, fir
(1 row)

To cancel the query with PID 18764, issue the following command:
cancel 18764;


The CANCEL command will not abort a transaction. To abort or roll back a transaction, you must
use the ABORT or ROLLBACK command. To cancel a query associated with a transaction, first
cancel the query then abort the transaction.
If the query that you canceled is associated with a transaction, use the ABORT or ROLLBACK. command
to cancel the transaction and discard any changes made to the data:

Unless you are signed on as a superuser, you can cancel only your own queries. A superuser can cancel all

Cancel a Query from Another Session
If your query tool does not support running queries concurrently, you will need to start another session
to cancel the query. For example, SQLWorkbench, which is the query tool we use in the Amazon
Redshift Getting Started, does not support multiple concurrent queries. To start another session using
SQLWorkbench, select File, New Window and connect using the same connection parameters. Then you
can find the PID and cancel the query.

Cancel a Query Using the Superuser Queue
If your current session has too many queries running concurrently, you might not be able to run the
CANCEL command until another query finishes. In that case, you will need to issue the CANCEL command
using a different workload management query queue.
Workload management enables you to execute queries in different query queues so that you don't
need to wait for another query to complete. The workload manager creates a separate queue, called
the Superuser queue, that you can use for troubleshooting. To use the Superuser queue, you must be
logged on a superuser and set the query group to 'superuser' using the SET command. After running
your commands, reset the query group using the RESET command.
To cancel a query using the Superuser queue, issue these commands:
set query_group to 'superuser';

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources
cancel 18764;
reset query_group;

For information about managing query queues, see Implementing Workload Management (p. 285).

Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources
If you deployed a cluster in order to complete this exercise, when you are finished with the exercise, you
should delete the cluster so that it will stop accruing charges to your AWS account.
To delete the cluster, follow the steps in Deleting a Cluster in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management
If you want to keep the cluster, you might want to keep the sample data for reference. Most of the
examples in this guide use the tables you created in this exercise. The size of the data will not have any
significant effect on your available storage.
If you want to keep the cluster, but want to clean up the sample data, you can run the following
command to drop the TICKIT database:
drop database tickit;

If you didn't create a TICKIT database, or if you don't want to drop the database, run the following
commands to drop just the tables:



API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Identifying the Goals of the Proof of Concept

Building a Proof of Concept for
Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze
all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence tools. Amazon Redshift delivers
10 times faster performance than other data warehouses. It does so by using sophisticated query
optimization, columnar storage on high-performance local disks, machine learning, and massively
parallel query execution.
In the following sections, you can find a framework for building a proof of concept with Amazon
Redshift. The framework gives you architectural best practices for designing and operating a secure,
high-performing, and cost-effective Amazon Redshift data warehouse. This guidance is based on
reviewing designs of thousands of customers’ architectures across a wide variety of business types and
use cases. We compiled customer experiences to develop this set of best practices to help you identify
criteria for evaluating your data warehouse workload.
If you are a first-time user of Amazon Redshift, we recommend that you read Getting Started with
Amazon Redshift. This guide provides a tutorial for using Amazon Redshift to create a sample cluster and
work with sample data. To get insights into the benefits of using Amazon Redshift and into pricing, see
Service Highlights and Pricing Information on the marketing webpage.

Identifying the Goals of the Proof of Concept
Identifying the goals of the proof of concept plays a critical role in determining what you want to
measure as part of the evaluation process. The evaluation criteria should include the current challenges,
enhancements you want to make to improve customer experience, and methods of addressing your
current operational pain points. You can use the following questions to identify the goals of the proof of
• Do you have specific service level agreements whose terms you want to improve?
• What are your goals for scaling your Amazon Redshift data warehouse?
• What new datasets do you or your customers need to include in your data warehouse?
• What are the business-critical SQL queries you need to benchmark? Make sure to include the full range
of SQL complexities, such as the different types of queries (for example, ingest, update, and delete).
• What are the general types of workloads you plan to test? Examples might be extract transform load
(ETL) workloads, reporting queries, and batch extracts.
After you have answered these questions, you should be able to establish a SMART goal for building your
proof of concept.

Setting Up Your Proof of Concept
You set up your Amazon Redshift proof of concept environment in two steps. First, you set up the AWS
resources. Second, you convert the schema and datasets for evaluation.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Designing and Setting Up Your Cluster

Designing and Setting Up Your Cluster
You can set up your cluster with either of the following two node types:
• Dense Storage, which enables you to create very large data warehouses using hard disk drives (HDDs)
for a very low price.
• Dense Compute, which enables you to create high-performance data warehouses using fast CPUs,
large amounts of RAM, and solid-state disks (SSDs).
The goals of your workload and your overall budget should help you determine which type of node to
select. Resizing your cluster or switching to a different type of node is simply a button click in the AWS
Management Console. The following additional considerations can help guide you in setting up your
• Select a cluster size that is large enough to handle your production workload. Generally, you need at
least two compute nodes (a multinode cluster). The leader node is included at no additional cost.
• Create your cluster in a virtual private cloud (VPC), which provides better performance than an EC2Classic installation.
• Plan to maintain at least 20 percent free space, or three times as much memory as needed by your
largest table. This extra space is needed to provide these:
• Scratch space for usage and rewriting tables
• Free space required for vacuum operations and for re-sorting tables
• Temporary tables used for storing intermediate query results

Converting Your Schema and Setting Up the Datasets
You can convert your schema, code, and data with either the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) or
the AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). Your best choice of tool depends on the source of your
The following can help you set up your data in Amazon Redshift:
• Migrate from Oracle to Amazon Redshift – This project uses an AWS CloudFormation template, AWS
DMS, and AWS SCT to migrate your data with only a few clicks.
• Migrate Your Data Warehouse to Amazon Redshift Using the AWS SCT – This blog provides an
overview of how you can use the AWS SCT data extractors to migrate your data warehouse to Amazon

Cluster Design Considerations
Keep the following five attributes in mind when designing your cluster. The SET DW acronym is an easy
way to remember them:
• S – The S is for sort key. Query filters access sort key columns frequently. Follow these best practices to
select sort keys:
• Choose up to three columns to be the sort key columns
• Order the sort keys in increasing degree of specificity, but balance this with the frequency of use
For more guidance on selecting sort keys, see Choose the Best Sort Key and the AWS Big Data Blog
post The Advanced Table Design Playbook.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Amazon Redshift Evaluation Checklist

• E – The E is for encoding. Encoding sets the compression algorithm used for each column in each table.
You can either set encoding yourself, or have Amazon Redshift set this for you. For more information
on how to let Amazon Redshift choose the best compression algorithm, see Loading tables with
Automatic compression.
• T – The T is for table maintenance. The Amazon Redshift query optimizer creates more efficient
execution plans when query statistics are up-to-date. Use the ANALYZE command to gather statistics
after loading, updating or deleting data from tables. Similarly, you can minimize the number of blocks
scanned with the VACUUM command. VACUUM improves performance by doing the following:
• Removing the rows that have been logically deleted from the block, resulting in fewer blocks to scan
• Keeping the data in sort key order, which helps target the specific blocks for scanning.
• D – The D is for table distribution. You have three options for table distribution:
• KEY – You designate a column for distribution.
• EVEN – Amazon Redshift assigns the compute nodes with a round-robin pattern.
• ALL – Amazon Redshift puts a complete copy of the table in the database slice of each compute
• The following guidelines can help you select the best distribution pattern:
• If users frequently join a Customers table using the customer id value and doing so distributes
the rows evenly across the database slices, then customer id is a good choice for a distribution
• If a table is approximately 5 million rows and contains dimension data, then choose the ALL
distribution style.
• EVEN is a safe choice for a distribution pattern, but always results in data distribution across all
compute nodes.
• W – The W is for Amazon Redshift Workload Management (WLM). If you use WLM, you control the flow
of SQL statements through the compute clusters and how much system memory to allocate. For more
information on setting up WLM, see Implementing Workload Management (p. 285).

Amazon Redshift Evaluation Checklist
For best evaluation results, check the following list of items to determine if they apply to your Amazon
Redshift evaluation:
• Data load time – Using the COPY command is a common way to test how long it takes to load data.
For more information, see Best Practices for Loading Data.
• Throughput of the cluster – Measuring queries per hour is a common way to determine throughput.
To do so, set up a test to run typical queries for your workload.
• Data security – You can easily encrypt data at rest and in transit with Amazon Redshift. You also have
a number of options for managing keys, and Amazon Redshift also supports Single sign-on (SSO)
• Third-party tools integration – You can use either a JDBC or ODBC connection to integrate with
business intelligence and other external tools.
• Interoperability with other AWS services – Amazon Redshift integrates with other AWS services, such
as Amazon EMR, Amazon QuickSight, AWS Glue, Amazon S3 and Kinesis. You can use this integration
in setting up and managing your data warehouse.
• Backing up and making snapshots – Amazon Redshift automatically backs up your cluster at every 5
GB of changed data, or 8 hours (whichever occurs first). You can also create a snapshot at any time.
• Using snapshots – Try using a snapshot and creating a second cluster as part of your evaluation.
Evaluate if your development and testing organizations can use the cluster.
• Resizing – Your evaluation should include increasing the number or types of Amazon Redshift nodes.
Your cluster remains fully accessible during the resize, although it is in a read-only mode. Evaluate if
your users can detect that the resize is under way.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Benchmarking Your Amazon Redshift Evaluation

• Support – We strongly recommend that you evaluate AWS Support as part of your evaluation.
• Offloading queries and accessing infrequently used data – You can offload your queries to a separate
compute layer with Amazon Redshift Spectrum. You can also easily access infrequently used data
directly from S3 without ingesting it into your Amazon Redshift cluster.
• Operating costs – Compare the overall cost of operating your data warehouse with other options.
Amazon Redshift is fully managed, and you can perform unlimited analysis of a terabyte of your data
for approximately $1000 per year.

Benchmarking Your Amazon Redshift Evaluation
The following list of possible benchmarks might apply to your Amazon Redshift evaluation:
• Assemble a list of queries for each runtime category. Having a sufficient number (for example, 30 per
category) helps assure that your evaluation reflects a real-world data warehouse implementation.
• Add a unique identifier to associate each query that you include in your evaluation with one of the
categories you establish for your evaluation. You can then use these unique identifiers to determine
throughput for the system tables. You can also create a query_group to organize your evaluation
For example, if you have established a "Reporting" category for your evaluation, you might create a
coding system to tag your evaluation queries with the word "Report." You can then identify individual
queries within reporting as R1, R2, and so on. The following example demonstrates this approach.

[SELECT "Reporting" as query_category, "R1" as query_id,
* FROM customers]

When you have associated a query with an evaluation category, you can then use a unique identifier to
determine throughput from the system tables for each category. The following example demonstrates
how to do this.

select query, datediff(seconds, starttime, endtime)
from stl_query
querytxt like “%Reporting%”
and starttime >= '2018-04-15 00:00'
and endtime <'2018-04-15 23:59'

• Test throughput with historical user or ETL queries that have a variety of run times in your existing
data warehouse. Keep the following items in mind when testing throughput:
• If you are using a load testing utility (for example an open-source utility like JMeter, or a custom
utility), make sure that the tool can take the network transmission time into account.
• Make sure that the load testing utility is evaluating execution time based on throughput of the
internal system tables in Amazon Redshift.
• Identify all the various permutations that you plan to test during your evaluation. The following list
provides some common variables:
• Cluster size
• Instance type
• Load testing duration
• Concurrency settings
• WLM configuration
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Additional Resources

Need more help? See, Request Support for your Amazon Redshift Proof-of-Concept.

Additional Resources
To help your Amazon Redshift evaluation, see the following:
• Top 10 Performance Tuning Techniques for Amazon Redshift on the Big Data Blog
• Top 8 Best Practices for High-Performance ETL Processing Using Amazon Redshift on the Big Data
• Amazon Redshift Management Overview in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide
• Amazon Redshift Spectrum Getting Started

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Best Practices for Designing Tables

Amazon Redshift Best Practices
Following, you can find best practices for designing tables, loading data into tables, and writing queries
for Amazon Redshift, and also a discussion of working with Amazon Redshift Advisor.
Amazon Redshift is not the same as other SQL database systems. To fully realize the benefits of the
Amazon Redshift architecture, you must specifically design, build, and load your tables to use massively
parallel processing, columnar data storage, and columnar data compression. If your data loading and
query execution times are longer than you expect, or longer than you want, you might be overlooking
key information.
If you are an experienced SQL database developer, we strongly recommend that you review this topic
before you begin developing your Amazon Redshift data warehouse.
If you are new to developing SQL databases, this topic is not the best place to start. We recommend that
you begin by reading Getting Started Using Databases (p. 13) and trying the examples yourself.
In this topic, you can find an overview of the most important development principles, along with
specific tips, examples, and best practices for implementing those principles. No single practice
can apply to every application. You should evaluate all of your options before finalizing a database
design. For more information, see Designing Tables (p. 118), Loading Data (p. 184), Tuning Query
Performance (p. 257), and the reference chapters.
• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing Tables (p. 26)
• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Loading Data (p. 29)
• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing Queries (p. 32)
• Working with Recommendations from Amazon Redshift Advisor (p. 34)

Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing
As you plan your database, certain key table design decisions heavily influence overall query
performance. These design choices also have a significant effect on storage requirements, which in
turn affects query performance by reducing the number of I/O operations and minimizing the memory
required to process queries.
In this section, you can find a summary of the most important design decisions and presents best
practices for optimizing query performance. Designing Tables (p. 118) provides more detailed
explanations and examples of table design options.
• Take the Tuning Table Design Tutorial (p. 27)
• Choose the Best Sort Key (p. 27)
• Choose the Best Distribution Style (p. 27)
• Let COPY Choose Compression Encodings (p. 28)
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Take the Tuning Table Design Tutorial

• Define Primary Key and Foreign Key Constraints (p. 28)
• Use the Smallest Possible Column Size (p. 28)
• Use Date/Time Data Types for Date Columns (p. 29)

Take the Tuning Table Design Tutorial
Tutorial: Tuning Table Design (p. 45) walks you step by step through the process of choosing sort keys,
distribution styles, and compression encodings, and shows you how to compare system performance
before and after tuning.

Choose the Best Sort Key
Amazon Redshift stores your data on disk in sorted order according to the sort key. The Amazon Redshift
query optimizer uses sort order when it determines optimal query plans.
• If recent data is queried most frequently, specify the timestamp column as the leading column for
the sort key.
Queries are more efficient because they can skip entire blocks that fall outside the time range.
• If you do frequent range filtering or equality filtering on one column, specify that column as the
sort key.
Amazon Redshift can skip reading entire blocks of data for that column. It can do so because it tracks
the minimum and maximum column values stored on each block and can skip blocks that don't apply
to the predicate range.
• If you frequently join a table, specify the join column as both the sort key and the distribution key.
Doing this enables the query optimizer to choose a sort merge join instead of a slower hash join.
Because the data is already sorted on the join key, the query optimizer can bypass the sort phase of
the sort merge join.
For more information about choosing and specifying sort keys, see Tutorial: Tuning Table
Design (p. 45) and Choosing Sort Keys (p. 140).

Choose the Best Distribution Style
When you execute a query, the query optimizer redistributes the rows to the compute nodes as needed
to perform any joins and aggregations. The goal in selecting a table distribution style is to minimize the
impact of the redistribution step by locating the data where it needs to be before the query is executed.
1. Distribute the fact table and one dimension table on their common columns.
Your fact table can have only one distribution key. Any tables that join on another key aren't
collocated with the fact table. Choose one dimension to collocate based on how frequently it is joined
and the size of the joining rows. Designate both the dimension table's primary key and the fact table's
corresponding foreign key as the DISTKEY.
2. Choose the largest dimension based on the size of the filtered dataset.
Only the rows that are used in the join need to be distributed, so consider the size of the dataset after
filtering, not the size of the table.
3. Choose a column with high cardinality in the filtered result set.
If you distribute a sales table on a date column, for example, you should probably get fairly even data
distribution, unless most of your sales are seasonal. However, if you commonly use a range-restricted
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Use Automatic Compression

predicate to filter for a narrow date period, most of the filtered rows occur on a limited set of slices
and the query workload is skewed.
4. Change some dimension tables to use ALL distribution.
If a dimension table cannot be collocated with the fact table or other important joining tables, you
can improve query performance significantly by distributing the entire table to all of the nodes. Using
ALL distribution multiplies storage space requirements and increases load times and maintenance
operations, so you should weigh all factors before choosing ALL distribution.
To let Amazon Redshift choose the appropriate distribution style, don't specify DISTSTYLE.
For more information about choosing distribution styles, see Tutorial: Tuning Table Design (p. 45) and
Choosing a Data Distribution Style (p. 129).

Let COPY Choose Compression Encodings
You can specify compression encodings when you create a table, but in most cases, automatic
compression produces the best results.
The COPY command analyzes your data and applies compression encodings to an empty table
automatically as part of the load operation.
Automatic compression balances overall performance when choosing compression encodings. Rangerestricted scans might perform poorly if sort key columns are compressed much more highly than other
columns in the same query. As a result, automatic compression chooses a less efficient compression
encoding to keep the sort key columns balanced with other columns.
Suppose that your table's sort key is a date or timestamp and the table uses many large varchar columns.
In this case, you might get better performance by not compressing the sort key column at all. Run
the ANALYZE COMPRESSION (p. 382) command on the table, then use the encodings to create a new
table, but leave out the compression encoding for the sort key.
There is a performance cost for automatic compression encoding, but only if the table is empty
and does not already have compression encoding. For short-lived tables and tables that you create
frequently, such as staging tables, load the table once with automatic compression or run the ANALYZE
COMPRESSION command. Then use those encodings to create new tables. You can add the encodings to
the CREATE TABLE statement, or use CREATE TABLE LIKE to create a new table with the same encoding.
For more information, see Tutorial: Tuning Table Design (p. 45) and Loading Tables with Automatic
Compression (p. 209).

Define Primary Key and Foreign Key Constraints
Define primary key and foreign key constraints between tables wherever appropriate. Even though they
are informational only, the query optimizer uses those constraints to generate more efficient query
Do not define primary key and foreign key constraints unless your application enforces the constraints.
Amazon Redshift does not enforce unique, primary-key, and foreign-key constraints.
See Defining Constraints (p. 145) for additional information about how Amazon Redshift uses

Use the Smallest Possible Column Size
Don’t make it a practice to use the maximum column size for convenience.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Using Date/Time Data Types for Date Columns

Instead, consider the largest values you are likely to store in a VARCHAR column, for example, and size
your columns accordingly. Because Amazon Redshift compresses column data very effectively, creating
columns much larger than necessary has minimal impact on the size of data tables. During processing
for complex queries, however, intermediate query results might need to be stored in temporary tables.
Because temporary tables are not compressed, unnecessarily large columns consume excessive memory
and temporary disk space, which can affect query performance.

Use Date/Time Data Types for Date Columns
Amazon Redshift stores DATE and TIMESTAMP data more efficiently than CHAR or VARCHAR, which
results in better query performance. Use the DATE or TIMESTAMP data type, depending on the resolution
you need, rather than a character type when storing date/time information. For more information, see
Datetime Types (p. 326).

Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Loading Data
• Take the Loading Data Tutorial (p. 29)
• Take the Tuning Table Design Tutorial (p. 29)
• Use a COPY Command to Load Data (p. 30)
• Use a Single COPY Command to Load from Multiple Files (p. 30)
• Split Your Load Data into Multiple Files (p. 30)
• Compress Your Data Files (p. 30)
• Use a Manifest File (p. 30)
• Verify Data Files Before and After a Load (p. 31)
• Use a Multi-Row Insert (p. 31)
• Use a Bulk Insert (p. 31)
• Load Data in Sort Key Order (p. 31)
• Load Data in Sequential Blocks (p. 32)
• Use Time-Series Tables (p. 32)
• Use a Staging Table to Perform a Merge (Upsert) (p. 32)
• Schedule Around Maintenance Windows (p. 32)
Loading very large datasets can take a long time and consume a lot of computing resources. How your
data is loaded can also affect query performance. This section presents best practices for loading data
efficiently using COPY commands, bulk inserts, and staging tables.

Take the Loading Data Tutorial
Tutorial: Loading Data from Amazon S3 (p. 70) walks you beginning to end through the steps to
upload data to an Amazon S3 bucket and then use the COPY command to load the data into your tables.
The tutorial includes help with troubleshooting load errors and compares the performance difference
between loading from a single file and loading from multiple files.

Take the Tuning Table Design Tutorial
Data loads are heavily influenced by table design, especially compression encodings and distribution
styles. Tutorial: Tuning Table Design (p. 45) walks you step-by-step through the process of choosing
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Use a COPY Command to Load Data

sort keys, distribution styles, and compression encodings, and shows you how to compare system
performance before and after tuning.

Use a COPY Command to Load Data
The COPY command loads data in parallel from Amazon S3, Amazon EMR, Amazon DynamoDB, or
multiple data sources on remote hosts. COPY loads large amounts of data much more efficiently than
using INSERT statements, and stores the data more effectively as well.
For more information about using the COPY command, see Loading Data from Amazon S3 (p. 187) and
Loading Data from an Amazon DynamoDB Table (p. 206).

Use a Single COPY Command to Load from Multiple
Amazon Redshift automatically loads in parallel from multiple data files.
If you use multiple concurrent COPY commands to load one table from multiple files, Amazon Redshift
is forced to perform a serialized load. This type of load is much slower and requires a VACUUM process
at the end if the table has a sort column defined. For more information about using COPY to load data in
parallel, see Loading Data from Amazon S3 (p. 187).

Split Your Load Data into Multiple Files
The COPY command loads the data in parallel from multiple files, dividing the workload among the
nodes in your cluster. When you load all the data from a single large file, Amazon Redshift is forced to
perform a serialized load, which is much slower. Split your load data files so that the files are about equal
size, between 1 MB and 1 GB after compression. For optimum parallelism, the ideal size is between 1 MB
and 125 MB after compression. The number of files should be a multiple of the number of slices in your
cluster. For more information about how to split your data into files and examples of using COPY to load
data, see Loading Data from Amazon S3 (p. 187).

Compress Your Data Files
We strongly recommend that you individually compress your load files using gzip, lzop, or bzip2 when
you have large datasets.
Specify the GZIP, LZOP, or BZIP2 option with the COPY command. This example loads the TIME table
from a pipe-delimited lzop file.
copy time
from 's3://mybucket/data/timerows.lzo'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole'
delimiter '|';

Use a Manifest File
Amazon S3 provides eventual consistency for some operations. Thus, it's possible that new data won't
be available immediately after the upload, which can result in an incomplete data load or loading stale
data. You can manage data consistency by using a manifest file to load data. For more information, see
Managing Data Consistency (p. 189).
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Verify Data Files Before and After a Load

Verify Data Files Before and After a Load
When you load data from Amazon S3, first upload your files to your Amazon S3 bucket, then verify that
the bucket contains all the correct files, and only those files. For more information, see Verifying That the
Correct Files Are Present in Your Bucket (p. 191).
After the load operation is complete, query the STL_LOAD_COMMITS (p. 823) system table to verify
that the expected files were loaded. For more information, see Verifying That the Data Was Loaded
Correctly (p. 208).

Use a Multi-Row Insert
If a COPY command is not an option and you require SQL inserts, use a multi-row insert whenever
possible. Data compression is inefficient when you add data only one row or a few rows at a time.
Multi-row inserts improve performance by batching up a series of inserts. The following example inserts
three rows into a four-column table using a single INSERT statement. This is still a small insert, shown
simply to illustrate the syntax of a multi-row insert.
insert into category_stage values
(default, default, default, default),
(20, default, 'Country', default),
(21, 'Concerts', 'Rock', default);

See INSERT (p. 520) for more details and examples.

Use a Bulk Insert
Use a bulk insert operation with a SELECT clause for high-performance data insertion.
Use the INSERT (p. 520) and CREATE TABLE AS (p. 483) commands when you need to move data or a
subset of data from one table into another.
For example, the following INSERT statement selects all of the rows from the CATEGORY table and
inserts them into the CATEGORY_STAGE table.
insert into category_stage
(select * from category);

The following example creates CATEGORY_STAGE as a copy of CATEGORY and inserts all of the rows in
create table category_stage as
select * from category;

Load Data in Sort Key Order
Load your data in sort key order to avoid needing to vacuum.
If each batch of new data follows the existing rows in your table, your data is properly stored in sort
order, and you don't need to run a vacuum. You don't need to presort the rows in each load because
COPY sorts each batch of incoming data as it loads.
For example, suppose that you load data every day based on the current day's activity. If your sort key is
a timestamp column, your data is stored in sort order. This order occurs because the current day's data is
always appended at the end of the previous day's data. For more information, see Loading Your Data in
Sort Key Order (p. 235).
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Load Data in Sequential Blocks

Load Data in Sequential Blocks
If you need to add a large quantity of data, load the data in sequential blocks according to sort order to
eliminate the need to vacuum.
For example, suppose that you need to load a table with events from January 2017 to December
2017. Load the rows for January, then February, and so on. Your table is completely sorted when
your load completes, and you don't need to run a vacuum. For more information, see Use Time-Series
Tables (p. 32).
When loading very large datasets, the space required to sort might exceed the total available space. By
loading data in smaller blocks, you use much less intermediate sort space during each load. In addition,
loading smaller blocks make it easier to restart if the COPY fails and is rolled back.

Use Time-Series Tables
If your data has a fixed retention period, we strongly recommend that you organize your data as a
sequence of time-series tables. In this sequence, each table should be identical but contain data for
different time ranges.
You can easily remove old data simply by executing a DROP TABLE on the corresponding tables.
This approach is much faster than running a large-scale DELETE and saves you from having to run a
subsequent VACUUM process to reclaim space. You can create a UNION ALL view to hide the fact that
the data is stored in different tables. When you delete old data, simply refine your UNION ALL view to
remove the dropped tables. Similarly, as you load new time periods into new tables, add the new tables
to the view.
If you use time-series tables with a timestamp column for the sort key, you effectively load your data in
sort key order. Doing this eliminates the need to vacuum to resort the data. For more information, see
Load Data in Sort Key Order (p. 31).

Use a Staging Table to Perform a Merge (Upsert)
You can efficiently update and insert new data by loading your data into a staging table first.
Amazon Redshift doesn't support a single merge statement (update or insert, also known as an upsert)
to insert and update data from a single data source. However, you can effectively perform a merge
operation. To do so, load your data into a staging table and then join the staging table with your target
table for an UPDATE statement and an INSERT statement. For instructions, see Updating and Inserting
New Data (p. 216).

Schedule Around Maintenance Windows
If a scheduled maintenance occurs while a query is running, the query is terminated and rolled back
and you need to restart it. Schedule long-running operations, such as large data loads or VACUUM
operation, to avoid maintenance windows. You can also minimize the risk, and make restarts easier
when they are needed, by performing data loads in smaller increments and managing the size of your
VACUUM operations. For more information, see Load Data in Sequential Blocks (p. 32) and Vacuuming
Tables (p. 228).

Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing
To maximize query performance, follow these recommendations when creating queries.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Best Practices for Designing Queries

• Design tables according to best practices to provide a solid foundation for query performance. For
more information, see Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing Tables (p. 26).
• Avoid using select *. Include only the columns you specifically need.
• Use a CASE Expression (p. 655) to perform complex aggregations instead of selecting from the same
table multiple times.
• Don’t use cross-joins unless absolutely necessary. These joins without a join condition result in the
Cartesian product of two tables. Cross-joins are typically executed as nested-loop joins, which are the
slowest of the possible join types.
• Use subqueries in cases where one table in the query is used only for predicate conditions and
the subquery returns a small number of rows (less than about 200). The following example uses a
subquery to avoid joining the LISTING table.
select sum(sales.qtysold)
from sales
where salesid in (select listid from listing where listtime > '2008-12-26');

• Use predicates to restrict the dataset as much as possible.
• In the predicate, use the least expensive operators that you can. Comparison Condition (p. 341)
operators are preferable to LIKE (p. 346) operators. LIKE operators are still preferable to SIMILAR
TO (p. 348) or POSIX Operators (p. 351).
• Avoid using functions in query predicates. Using them can drive up the cost of the query by requiring
large numbers of rows to resolve the intermediate steps of the query.
• If possible, use a WHERE clause to restrict the dataset. The query planner can then use row order to
help determine which records match the criteria, so it can skip scanning large numbers of disk blocks.
Without this, the query execution engine must scan participating columns entirely.
• Add predicates to filter tables that participate in joins, even if the predicates apply the same filters.
The query returns the same result set, but Amazon Redshift is able to filter the join tables before the
scan step and can then efficiently skip scanning blocks from those tables. Redundant filters aren't
needed if you filter on a column that's used in the join condition.
For example, suppose that you want to join SALES and LISTING to find ticket sales for tickets listed
after December, grouped by seller. Both tables are sorted by date. The following query joins the tables
on their common key and filters for listing.listtime values greater than December 1.
select listing.sellerid, sum(sales.qtysold)
from sales, listing
where sales.salesid = listing.listid
and listing.listtime > '2008-12-01'
group by 1 order by 1;

The WHERE clause doesn't include a predicate for sales.saletime, so the execution engine is forced
to scan the entire SALES table. If you know the filter would result in fewer rows participating in the
join, then add that filter as well. The following example cuts execution time significantly.
select listing.sellerid, sum(sales.qtysold)
from sales, listing
where sales.salesid = listing.listid
and listing.listtime > '2008-12-01'
and sales.saletime > '2008-12-01'
group by 1 order by 1;

• Use sort keys in the GROUP BY clause so the query planner can use more efficient aggregation. A
query might qualify for one-phase aggregation when its GROUP BY list contains only sort key columns,
one of which is also the distribution key. The sort key columns in the GROUP BY list must include the
first sort key, then other sort keys that you want to use in sort key order. For example, it is valid to use
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Working with Advisor

the first sort key, the first and second sort keys, the first, second, and third sort keys, and so on. It is
not valid to use the first and third sort keys.
You can confirm the use of one-phase aggregation by running the EXPLAIN (p. 511) command and
looking for XN GroupAggregate in the aggregation step of the query.
• If you use both GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses, make sure that you put the columns in the same
order in both. That is, use the approach just following.
group by a, b, c
order by a, b, c

Don't use the following approach.
group by b, c, a
order by a, b, c

Working with Recommendations from Amazon
Redshift Advisor
To help you improve the performance and decrease the operating costs for your Amazon Redshift
cluster, Amazon Redshift Advisor offers you specific recommendations about changes to make. Advisor
develops its customized recommendations by analyzing performance and usage metrics for your cluster.
These tailored recommendations relate to operations and cluster settings. To help you prioritize your
optimizations, Advisor ranks recommendations by order of impact.
Advisor bases its recommendations on observations regarding performance statistics or operations data.
Advisor develops observations by running tests on your clusters to determine if a test value is within
a specified range. If the test result is outside of that range, Advisor generates an observation for your
cluster. At the same time, Advisor creates a recommendation about how to bring the observed value
back into the best-practice range. Advisor only displays recommendations that should have a significant
impact on performance and operations. When Advisor determines that a recommendation has been
addressed, it removes it from your recommendation list.
For example, suppose that your data warehouse contains a large number of uncompressed table
columns. In this case, you can save on cluster storage costs by rebuilding tables using the ENCODE
parameter to specify column compression. In another example, suppose that Advisor observes that your
cluster contains a significant amount of data in uncompressed table data. In this case, it provides you
with the SQL code block to find the table columns that are candidates for compression and resources
that describe how to compress those columns.
• Viewing Amazon Redshift Advisor Recommendations in the Console (p. 34)
• Amazon Redshift Advisor Recommendations (p. 35)

Viewing Amazon Redshift Advisor Recommendations
in the Console
You can view Amazon Redshift Advisor analysis results and recommendations in the AWS Management
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

To view Amazon Redshift Advisor recommendations in the console

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at https://


In the navigation pane, choose Advisor.


Choose the cluster that you want to get recommendations for.


Expand each recommendation to see more details.

Amazon Redshift Advisor Recommendations
Amazon Redshift Advisor offers recommendations about how to optimize your Amazon Redshift
cluster to increase performance and save on operating costs. You can find explanations for each
recommendation in the console, as described preceding. You can find further details on these
recommendations in the following sections.
• Compress Table Data (p. 36)
• Compress Amazon S3 File Objects Loaded by COPY (p. 37)
• Isolate Multiple Active Databases (p. 38)
• Reallocate Workload Management (WLM) Memory (p. 38)
• Skip Compression Analysis During COPY (p. 40)
• Split Amazon S3 Objects Loaded by COPY (p. 41)
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

• Update Table Statistics (p. 42)
• Enable Short Query Acceleration (p. 43)
• Replace Single-Column Interleaved Sort Keys (p. 44)

Compress Table Data
Amazon Redshift is optimized to reduce your storage footprint and improve query performance by using
compression encodings. When you don't use compression, data consumes additional space and requires
additional disk I/O. Applying compression to large uncompressed columns can have a big impact on your
The compression analysis in Advisor tracks uncompressed storage allocated to permanent user tables.
It reviews storage metadata associated with large uncompressed columns that aren't sort key columns.
Advisor offers a recommendation to rebuild tables with uncompressed columns when the total amount
of uncompressed storage exceeds 15 percent of total storage space, or at the following node-specific
Cluster Size



480 GB


2.56 TB


4 TB


16 TB

Addressing uncompressed storage for a single table is a one-time optimization that requires the table to
be rebuilt. We recommend that you rebuild any tables that contain uncompressed columns that are both
large and frequently accessed. To identify which tables contain the most uncompressed storage, run the
following SQL command as a superuser.


ti.schema||'.'||ti."table" tablename,
raw_size.size uncompressed_mb,
ti.size total_mb
FROM svv_table_info ti
SELECT tbl table_id, COUNT(*) size
FROM stv_blocklist
WHERE (tbl,col) IN (
SELECT attrelid, attnum-1
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attencodingtype IN (0,128)
AND attnum>0 AND attsortkeyord != 1)
GROUP BY tbl) raw_size USING (table_id)
WHERE raw_size.size IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY raw_size.size DESC;

The data returned in the uncompressed_mb column represents the total number of uncompressed 1MB blocks for all columns in the table.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

When you rebuild the tables, use the ENCODE parameter to explicitly set column compression.
Implementation Tips
• Leave any columns that are the first column in a compound sort key uncompressed. The Advisor
analysis doesn't count the storage consumed by those columns.
• Compressing large columns has a higher impact on performance and storage than compressing small
• If you are unsure which compression is best, use the ANALYZE COMPRESSION (p. 382) command to
suggest a compression.
• To generate the data definition language (DDL) statements for existing tables, you can use the AWS
Generate Table DDL utility, found on GitHub.
• To simplify the compression suggestions and the process of rebuilding tables, you can use the Amazon
Redshift Column Encoding Utility, found on GitHub.

Compress Amazon S3 File Objects Loaded by COPY
The COPY command takes advantage of the massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture in Amazon
Redshift to read and load data in parallel. It can read files from Amazon S3, DynamoDB tables, and text
output from one or more remote hosts.
When loading large amounts of data, we strongly recommend using the COPY command to load
compressed data files from S3. Compressing large datasets saves time uploading the files to S3. COPY
can also speed up the load process by uncompressing the files as they are read.
Long-running COPY commands that load large uncompressed datasets often have an opportunity for
considerable performance improvement. The Advisor analysis identifies COPY commands that load large
uncompressed datasets. In such a case, Advisor generates a recommendation to implement compression
on the source files in S3.
Ensure that each COPY that loads a significant amount of data, or runs for a significant duration, ingests
compressed data objects from S3. You can identify the COPY commands that load large uncompressed
datasets from S3 by running the following SQL command as a superuser.

wq.userid, query, exec_start_time AS starttime, COUNT(*) num_files,
ROUND(MAX(wq.total_exec_time/1000000.0),2) execution_secs,
ROUND(SUM(transfer_size)/(1024.0*1024.0),2) total_mb,
SUBSTRING(querytxt,1,60) copy_sql
FROM stl_s3client s
JOIN stl_query q USING (query)
JOIN stl_wlm_query wq USING (query)
WHERE s.userid>1 AND http_method = 'GET'
AND aborted = 0 AND final_state='Completed'
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 7
HAVING SUM(transfer_size) = SUM(data_size)
AND SUM(transfer_size)/(1024*1024) >= 5

If the staged data remains in S3 after you load it, which is common in data lake architectures, storing this
data in a compressed form can reduce your storage costs.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

Implementation Tips
• The ideal object size is 1–128 MB after compression.
• You can compress files with gzip, lzop, or bzip2 format.

Isolate Multiple Active Databases
As a best practice, we recommend isolating databases in Amazon Redshift from one another. Queries
run in a specific database and can't access data from any other database on the cluster. However, the
queries that you run in all databases of a cluster share the same underlying cluster storage space and
compute resources. When a single cluster contains multiple active databases, their workloads are usually
The Advisor analysis reviews all databases on the cluster for active workloads running at the same time.
If there are active workloads running at the same time, Advisor generates a recommendation to consider
migrating databases to separate Amazon Redshift clusters.
Consider moving each actively queried database to a separate dedicated cluster. Using a separate cluster
can reduce resource contention and improve query performance. It can do so because it enables you
to set the size for each cluster for the storage, cost, and performance needs of each workload. Also,
unrelated workloads often benefit from different workload management configurations.
To identify which databases are actively used, you can run this SQL command as a superuser.

SELECT database,
COUNT(*) as num_queries,
AVG(DATEDIFF(sec,starttime,endtime)) avg_duration,
MIN(starttime) as oldest_ts,
MAX(endtime) as latest_ts
FROM stl_query
WHERE userid > 1
GROUP BY database;

Implementation Tips
• Because a user must connect to each database specifically, and queries can only access a single
database, moving databases to separate clusters has minimal impact for users.
• One option to move a database is to take the following steps:
1. Temporarily restore a snapshot of the current cluster to a cluster of the same size.
2. Delete all databases from the new cluster except the target database to be moved.
3. Resize the cluster to an appropriate node type and count for the database's workload.

Reallocate Workload Management (WLM) Memory
Amazon Redshift routes user queries to Defining Query Queues (p. 285) for processing. Workload
management (WLM) defines how those queries are routed to the queues. Amazon Redshift allocates each
queue a portion of the cluster's available memory. A queue's memory is divided among the queue's query
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

When a queue is configured with more slots than the workload requires, the memory allocated to these
unused slots goes underutilized. Reducing the configured slots to match the peak workload requirements
redistributes the underutilized memory to active slots, and can result in improved query performance.
The Advisor analysis reviews workload concurrency requirements to identify query queues with unused
slots. Advisor generates a recommendation to reduce the number of slots in a queue when it finds the
• A queue with slots that are completely inactive throughout the analysis
• A queue with more than four slots that had at least two inactive slots throughout the analysis
Reducing the configured slots to match peak workload requirements redistributes underutilized memory
to active slots. Consider reducing the configured slot count for queues where the slots have never been
fully utilized. To identify these queues, you can compare the peak hourly slot requirements for each
queue by running the following SQL command as a superuser.

generate_dt_series AS (select sysdate - (n * interval '5 second') as dt from (select
row_number() over () as n from stl_scan limit 17280)),
apex AS (
SELECT iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks, count(iq.slot_count) as
service_class_queries, sum(iq.slot_count) as service_class_slots
(select gds.dt, wq.service_class, wscc.num_query_tasks, wq.slot_count
FROM stl_wlm_query wq
JOIN stv_wlm_service_class_config wscc ON (wscc.service_class = wq.service_class
AND wscc.service_class > 5)
JOIN generate_dt_series gds ON (wq.service_class_start_time <= gds.dt AND
wq.service_class_end_time > gds.dt)
WHERE wq.userid > 1 AND wq.service_class > 5) iq
GROUP BY iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks),
maxes as (SELECT apex.service_class, trunc(apex.dt) as d, date_part(h,apex.dt) as
dt_h, max(service_class_slots) max_service_class_slots
from apex group by apex.service_class, apex.dt, date_part(h,apex.dt))
SELECT apex.service_class - 5 AS queue, apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks AS
max_wlm_concurrency, maxes.d AS day, maxes.dt_h || ':00 - ' || maxes.dt_h || ':59' as
hour, MAX(apex.service_class_slots) as max_service_class_slots
FROM apex
JOIN maxes ON (apex.service_class = maxes.service_class AND apex.service_class_slots =
GROUP BY apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks, maxes.d, maxes.dt_h
ORDER BY apex.service_class, maxes.d, maxes.dt_h;

The max_service_class_slots column represents the maximum number of WLM query slots in the
query queue for that hour. If underutilized queues exist, implement the slot reduction optimization by
modifying a parameter group, as described in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
Implementation Tips
• If your workload is highly variable in volume, make sure that the analysis captured a peak utilization
period. If it didn't, run the preceding SQL repeatedly to monitor peak concurrency requirements.
• For more details on interpreting the query results from the preceding SQL code, see the
wlm_apex_hourly.sql script on GitHub.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

Skip Compression Analysis During COPY
When you load data into an empty table with compression encoding declared with the COPY command,
Amazon Redshift applies storage compression. This optimization ensures that data in your cluster is
stored efficiently even when loaded by end users. The analysis required to apply compression can require
significant time.
The Advisor analysis checks for COPY operations that were delayed by automatic compression analysis.
The analysis determines the compression encodings by sampling the data while it's being loaded. This
sampling is similar to that performed by the ANALYZE COMPRESSION (p. 382) command.
When you load data as part of a structured process, such as in an overnight extract, transform, load
(ETL) batch, you can define the compression beforehand. You can also optimize your table definitions to
permanently skip this phase without any negative impacts.
To improve COPY responsiveness by skipping the compression analysis phase, implement either of the
following two options:
• Use the column ENCODE parameter when creating any tables that you load using the COPY command.
• Disable compression altogether by supplying the COMPUPDATE OFF parameter in the COPY command.
The best solution is generally to use column encoding during table creation, because this approach also
maintains the benefit of storing compressed data on disk. You can use the ANALYZE COMPRESSION
command to suggest compression encodings, but you must recreate the table to apply these encodings.
To automate this process, you can use the AWS ColumnEncodingUtility, found on GitHub.
To identify recent COPY operations that triggered automatic compression analysis, run the following SQL

WITH xids AS (
SELECT xid FROM stl_query WHERE userid>1 AND aborted=0
AND querytxt = 'analyze compression phase 1' GROUP BY xid
INTERSECT SELECT xid FROM stl_commit_stats WHERE node=-1)
SELECT a.userid, a.query, a.xid, a.starttime, b.complyze_sec,
a.copy_sec, a.copy_sql
FROM (SELECT q.userid, q.query, q.xid, date_trunc('s',q.starttime)
starttime, substring(querytxt,1,100) as copy_sql,
ROUND(datediff(ms,starttime,endtime)::numeric / 1000.0, 2) copy_sec
FROM stl_query q JOIN xids USING (xid)
WHERE (querytxt ilike 'copy %from%' OR querytxt ilike '% copy %from%')
AND querytxt not like 'COPY ANALYZE %') a
ROUND(sum(datediff(ms,starttime,endtime))::numeric / 1000.0,2) complyze_sec
FROM stl_query q JOIN xids USING (xid)
WHERE (querytxt like 'COPY ANALYZE %'
OR querytxt like 'analyze compression phase %')
GROUP BY xid ) b ON a.xid = b.xid
WHERE b.complyze_sec IS NOT NULL ORDER BY a.copy_sql, a.starttime;

Implementation Tips
• Ensure that all tables of significant size created during your ETL processes (for example, staging tables
and temporary tables) declare a compression encoding for all columns except the first sort key.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

• Estimate the expected lifetime size of the table being loaded for each of the COPY commands
identified by the SQL command preceding. If you are confident that the table will remain extremely
small, disable compression altogether with the COMPUPDATE OFF parameter. Otherwise, create the
table with explicit compression before loading it with the COPY command.

Split Amazon S3 Objects Loaded by COPY
The COPY command takes advantage of the massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture in
Amazon Redshift to read and load data from files on Amazon S3. The COPY command loads the data in
parallel from multiple files, dividing the workload among the nodes in your cluster. To achieve optimal
throughput, we strongly recommend that you divide your data into multiple files to take advantage of
parallel processing.
The Advisor analysis identifies COPY commands that load large datasets contained in a small number of
files staged in S3. Long-running COPY commands that load large datasets from a few files often have
an opportunity for considerable performance improvement. When Advisor identifies that these COPY
commands are taking a significant amount of time, it creates a recommendation to increase parallelism
by splitting the data into additional files in S3.
In this case, we recommend the following actions, listed in priority order:
1. Optimize COPY commands that load fewer files than the number of cluster nodes.
2. Optimize COPY commands that load fewer files than the number of cluster slices.
3. Optimize COPY commands where the number of files is not a multiple of the number of cluster slices.
Certain COPY commands load a significant amount of data or run for a significant duration. For these
commands, we recommend that you load a number of data objects from S3 that is equivalent to a
multiple of the number of slices in the cluster. To identify how many S3 objects each COPY command has
loaded, run the following SQL code as a superuser.

query, COUNT(*) num_files,
ROUND(MAX(wq.total_exec_time/1000000.0),2) execution_secs,
ROUND(SUM(transfer_size)/(1024.0*1024.0),2) total_mb,
SUBSTRING(querytxt,1,60) copy_sql
FROM stl_s3client s
JOIN stl_query q USING (query)
JOIN stl_wlm_query wq USING (query)
WHERE s.userid>1 AND http_method = 'GET'
AND aborted = 0 AND final_state='Completed'
GROUP BY query, querytxt
HAVING (SUM(transfer_size)/(1024*1024))/COUNT(*) >= 2
WHEN COUNT(*) < (SELECT max(node)+1 FROM stv_slices) THEN 1
WHEN COUNT(*) < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stv_slices WHERE node=0) THEN 2
END, (SUM(transfer_size)/(1024.0*1024.0))/COUNT(*) DESC;

Implementation Tips
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

• The number of slices in a node depends on the node size of the cluster. For more information about
the number of slices in the various node types, see Clusters and Nodes in Amazon Redshift in the
Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
• You can load multiple files by specifying a common prefix, or prefix key, for the set, or by explicitly
listing the files in a manifest file. For more information about loading files, see Splitting Your Data into
Multiple Files (p. 187).
• Amazon Redshift doesn't take file size into account when dividing the workload. Split your load data
files so that the files are about equal size, between 1 MB and 1 GB after compression. For optimum
parallelism, the ideal size is between 1 MB and 125 MB after compression.

Update Table Statistics
Amazon Redshift uses a cost-based query optimizer to choose the optimum execution plan for queries.
The cost estimates are based on table statistics gathered using the ANALYZE command. When statistics
are out of date or missing, the database might choose a less efficient plan for query execution, especially
for complex queries. Maintaining current statistics helps complex queries run in the shortest possible
The Advisor analysis tracks tables whose statistics are out-of-date or missing. It reviews table access
metadata associated with complex queries. If tables that are frequently accessed with complex patterns
are missing statistics, Advisor creates a critical recommendation to run ANALYZE. If tables that are
frequently accessed with complex patterns have out-of-date statistics, Advisor creates a suggested
recommendation to run ANALYZE.
Whenever table content changes significantly, update statistics with ANALYZE. We recommend running
ANALYZE whenever a significant number of new data rows are loaded into an existing table with COPY
or INSERT commands. We also recommend running ANALYZE whenever a significant number of rows are
modified using UPDATE or DELETE commands. To identify tables with missing or out-of-date statistics,
run the following SQL command as a superuser. The results are ordered from largest to smallest table.
To identify tables with missing or out-of-date statistics, run the following SQL command as a superuser.
The results are ordered from largest to smallest table.

ti.schema||'.'||ti."table" tablename,
ti.size table_size_mb,
ti.stats_off statistics_accuracy
FROM svv_table_info ti
WHERE ti.stats_off > 5.00
ORDER BY ti.size DESC;

Implementation Tips
The default ANALYZE threshold is 10 percent. This default means that the ANALYZE command skips a
given table if fewer than 10 percent of the table's rows have changed since the last ANALYZE. As a result,
you might choose to issue ANALYZE commands at the end of each ETL process. Taking this approach
means that ANALYZE is often skipped but also ensures that ANALYZE runs when needed.
ANALYZE statistics have the most impact for columns that are used in joins (for example, JOIN tbl_a
ON col_b) or as predicates (for example, WHERE col_b = 'xyz'). By default, ANALYZE collects
statistics for all columns in the table specified. If needed, you can reduce the time required to run
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

ANALYZE by running ANALYZE only for the columns where it has the most impact. You can run the
following SQL command to identify columns used as predicates. You can also let Amazon Redshift
choose which columns to analyze by specifying ANALYZE PREDICATE COLUMNS.
WITH predicate_column_info as (
SELECT ns.nspname AS schema_name, c.relname AS table_name, a.attnum as col_num,
as col_name,
WHEN 10002 = s.stakind1 THEN array_to_string(stavalues1, '||')
WHEN 10002 = s.stakind2 THEN array_to_string(stavalues2, '||')
WHEN 10002 = s.stakind3 THEN array_to_string(stavalues3, '||')
WHEN 10002 = s.stakind4 THEN array_to_string(stavalues4, '||')
ELSE NULL::varchar
END AS pred_ts
FROM pg_statistic s
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.starelid
JOIN pg_namespace ns ON c.relnamespace = ns.oid
JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = s.staattnum)
SELECT schema_name, table_name, col_num, col_name,
pred_ts NOT LIKE '2000-01-01%' AS is_predicate,
CASE WHEN pred_ts NOT LIKE '2000-01-01%' THEN (split_part(pred_ts,
'||',1))::timestamp ELSE NULL::timestamp END as first_predicate_use,
CASE WHEN pred_ts NOT LIKE '%||2000-01-01%' THEN (split_part(pred_ts,
'||',2))::timestamp ELSE NULL::timestamp END as last_analyze
FROM predicate_column_info;


For more information, see Analyzing Tables (p. 223).

Enable Short Query Acceleration
Short query acceleration (SQA) prioritizes selected short-running queries ahead of longer-running
queries. SQA executes short-running queries in a dedicated space, so that SQA queries aren't forced to
wait in queues behind longer queries. SQA only prioritizes queries that are short-running and are in a
user-defined queue. With SQA, short-running queries begin running more quickly and users see results
If you enable SQA, you can reduce or eliminate workload management (WLM) queues that are dedicated
to running short queries. In addition, long-running queries don't need to contend with short queries
for slots in a queue, so you can configure your WLM queues to use fewer query slots. When you use
lower concurrency, query throughput is increased and overall system performance is improved for most
workloads. For more information, see Short Query Acceleration (p. 291).
Advisor checks for workload patterns and reports the number of recent queries where SQA would reduce
latency and the daily queue time for SQA-eligible queries.
Modify the WLM configuration to enable SQA. Amazon Redshift uses a machine learning algorithm
to analyze each eligible query. Predictions improve as SQA learns from your query patterns. For more
information, see Configuring Workload Management.
When you enable SQA, WLM sets the maximum run time for short queries to dynamic by default. We
recommend keeping the dynamic setting for SQA maximum run time.
Implementation Tips
To check whether SQA is enabled, run the following query. If the query returns a row, then SQA is
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Advisor Recommendations

select * from stv_wlm_service_class_config
where service_class = 14;

For more information, see Monitoring SQA (p. 292).

Replace Single-Column Interleaved Sort Keys
Some tables use an interleaved sort key on a single column. In general, such a table is less efficient and
consumes more resources than a table that uses a compound sort key on a single column.
Interleaved sorting improves performance in certain cases where multiple columns are used by different
queries for filtering. Using an interleaved sort key on a single column is effective only in a particular case.
That case is when queries often filter on CHAR or VARCHAR column values that have a long common
prefix in the first 8 bytes. For example, URL strings are often prefixed with "https://". For singlecolumn keys, a compound sort is better than an interleaved sort for any other filtering operations. A
compound sort speeds up joins, GROUP BY and ORDER BY operations, and window functions that use
PARTITION BY and ORDER BY on the sorted column. An interleaved sort doesn't benefit any of those
operations. For more information, see Choosing Sort Keys (p. 140).
Using compound sort significantly reduces maintenance overhead. Tables with compound sort keys don't
need the expensive VACUUM REINDEX operations that are necessary for interleaved sorts. In practice,
compound sort keys are more effective than interleaved sort keys for the vast majority of Amazon
Redshift workloads.
Advisor tracks tables that use an interleaved sort key on a single column.
If a table uses interleaved sorting on a single column, recreate the table to use a compound sort key.
When you create new tables, use a compound sort key for single-column sorts. To find interleaved tables
that use a single-column sort key, run the following command.
SELECT schema AS schemaname, "table" AS tablename
FROM svv_table_info
WHERE table_id IN (
SELECT attrelid
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid IN (
SELECT attrelid
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attsortkeyord <> 0
GROUP BY attrelid
HAVING MAX(attsortkeyord) = -1
AND NOT (atttypid IN (1042, 1043) AND atttypmod > 12)
AND attsortkeyord = -1);

For additional information about choosing the best sort style, see the AWS Big Data Blog post Amazon
Redshift Engineering's Advanced Table Design Playbook: Compound and Interleaved Sort Keys.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Tutorial: Tuning Table Design
In this tutorial, you will learn how to optimize the design of your tables. You will start by creating
tables based on the Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) schema without sort keys, distribution styles, and
compression encodings. You will load the tables with test data and test system performance. Next, you
will apply best practices to recreate the tables using sort keys and distribution styles. You will load the
tables with test data using automatic compression and then you will test performance again so that you
can compare the performance benefits of well-designed tables.
Estimated time: 60 minutes
Estimated cost: $1.00 per hour for the cluster

You will need your AWS credentials (access key ID and secret access key) to load test data from Amazon
S3. If you need to create new access keys, go to Administering Access Keys for IAM Users.

• Step 1: Create a Test Data Set (p. 45)
• Step 2: Test System Performance to Establish a Baseline (p. 49)
• Step 3: Select Sort Keys (p. 52)
• Step 4: Select Distribution Styles (p. 53)
• Step 5: Review Compression Encodings (p. 57)
• Step 6: Recreate the Test Data Set (p. 59)
• Step 7: Retest System Performance After Tuning (p. 62)
• Step 8: Evaluate the Results (p. 66)
• Step 9: Clean Up Your Resources (p. 68)
• Summary (p. 68)

Step 1: Create a Test Data Set
Data warehouse databases commonly use a star schema design, in which a central fact table contains
the core data for the database and several dimension tables provide descriptive attribute information for
the fact table. The fact table joins each dimension table on a foreign key that matches the dimension's
primary key.
Star Schema Benchmark (SSB)
For this tutorial, you will use a set of five tables based on the Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) schema. The
following diagram shows the SSB data model.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Create a Test Data Set

To Create a Test Data Set
You will create a set of tables without sort keys, distribution styles, or compression encodings. Then you
will load the tables with data from the SSB data set.

(Optional) Launch a cluster.
If you already have a cluster that you want to use, you can skip this step. Your cluster should have at
least two nodes. For the exercises in this tutorial, you will use a four-node cluster.
To launch a dc1.large cluster with four nodes, follow the steps in Amazon Redshift Getting Started,
but select Multi Node for Cluster Type and set Number of Compute Nodes to 4.
Follow the steps to connect to your cluster from a SQL client and test a connection. You do not need
to complete the remaining steps to create tables, upload data, and try example queries.


Create the SSB test tables using minimum attributes.


If the SSB tables already exist in the current database, you will need to drop the tables first.
See Step 6: Recreate the Test Data Set (p. 59) for the DROP TABLE commands.
For the purposes of this tutorial, the first time you create the tables, they will not have sort keys,
distribution styles, or compression encodings.
Execute the following CREATE TABLE commands.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Create a Test Data Set



CREATE TABLE lineorder




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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Create a Test Data Set


Load the tables using SSB sample data.
The sample data for this tutorial is provided in an Amazon S3 buckets that give read access to all
authenticated AWS users, so any valid AWS credentials that permit access to Amazon S3 will work.

Create a new text file named loadssb.sql containing the following SQL.
copy customer from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/customer'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip compupdate off region 'us-west-2';
copy dwdate from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/dwdate'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip compupdate off region 'us-west-2';
copy lineorder from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/lineorder'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip compupdate off region 'us-west-2';
copy part from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/part'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip compupdate off region 'us-west-2';
copy supplier from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/supplier'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip compupdate off region 'us-west-2';


Replace  and  with your own AWS
account credentials. The segment of the credentials string that is enclosed in single quotes must
not contain any spaces or line breaks.


Execute the COPY commands either by running the SQL script or by copying and pasting the
commands into your SQL client.


The load operation will take about 10 to 15 minutes for all five tables.
Your results should look similar to the following.
Load into table 'customer' completed, 3000000 record(s) loaded successfully.
0 row(s) affected.
copy executed successfully
Execution time: 10.28s
(Statement 1 of 5 finished)
Script execution finished
Total script execution time: 9m 51s


Sum the execution time for all five tables, or else note the total script execution time. You’ll record
that number as the load time in the benchmarks table in Step 2, following.


To verify that each table loaded correctly, execute the following commands.
select count(*) from LINEORDER;

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step


from PART;
from DWDATE;

The following results table shows the number of rows for each SSB table.
Table Name












Next Step
Step 2: Test System Performance to Establish a Baseline (p. 49)

Step 2: Test System Performance to Establish a
As you test system performance before and after tuning your tables, you will record the following
• Load time
• Storage use
• Query performance
The examples in this tutorial are based on using a four-node dw2.large cluster. Your results will be
different, even if you use the same cluster configuration. System performance is influenced by many
factors, and no two systems will perform exactly the same.
You will record your results using the following benchmarks table.


Load time (five tables)
Storage Use
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Test System Performance to Establish a Baseline




Total storage
Query execution time
Query 1
Query 2
Query 3
Total execution time

To Test System Performance to Establish a Baseline

Note the cumulative load time for all five tables and enter it in the benchmarks table in the Before
This is the value you noted in the previous step.


Record storage use.
Determine how many 1 MB blocks of disk space are used for each table by querying the
STV_BLOCKLIST table and record the results in your benchmarks table.
select as table, count(*) as mb
from stv_blocklist, stv_tbl_perm
where stv_blocklist.tbl =
and stv_blocklist.slice = stv_tbl_perm.slice
and in ('lineorder','part','customer','dwdate','supplier')
group by
order by 1 asc;

Your results should look similar to this:
| mb
----------+-----customer | 384
| 160
lineorder | 51024
| 200
supplier | 152


Test query performance.
The first time you run a query, Amazon Redshift compiles the code, and then sends compiled code
to the compute nodes. When you compare the execution times for queries, you should not use the
results for the first time you execute the query. Instead, compare the times for the second execution
of each query. For more information, see Factors Affecting Query Performance (p. 266).


To reduce query execution time and improve system performance, Amazon Redshift caches
the results of certain types of queries in memory on the leader node. When result caching is
enabled, subsequent queries run much faster, which invalidates performance comparisons.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Test System Performance to Establish a Baseline

To disable result caching for the current session, set the enable_result_cache_for_session (p. 949)
parameter to off, as shown following.
set enable_result_cache_for_session to off;

Run the following queries twice to eliminate compile time. Record the second time for each query in
the benchmarks table.
-- Query 1
-- Restrictions on only one dimension.
select sum(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) as revenue
from lineorder, dwdate
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and d_year = 1997
and lo_discount between 1 and 3
and lo_quantity < 24;
-- Query 2
-- Restrictions on two dimensions
select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1
from lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and p_category = 'MFGR#12'
and s_region = 'AMERICA'
group by d_year, p_brand1
order by d_year, p_brand1;
-- Query 3
-- Drill down in time to just one month
select c_city, s_city, d_year, sum(lo_revenue) as revenue
from customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and (c_city='UNITED KI1' or
c_city='UNITED KI5')
and (s_city='UNITED KI1' or
s_city='UNITED KI5')
and d_yearmonth = 'Dec1997'
group by c_city, s_city, d_year
order by d_year asc, revenue desc;

Your results for the second time will look something like this:
SELECT executed successfully
Execution time: 6.97s
(Statement 1 of 3 finished)
SELECT executed successfully
Execution time: 12.81s
(Statement 2 of 3 finished)
SELECT executed successfully
Execution time: 13.39s

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step
(Statement 3 of 3 finished)
Script execution finished
Total script execution time: 33.17s

The following benchmarks table shows the example results for the cluster used in this tutorial.



Load time (five tables)

10m 23s


Storage Use










Total storage


Query execution time
Query 1


Query 2


Query 3


Total execution time


Next Step
Step 3: Select Sort Keys (p. 52)

Step 3: Select Sort Keys
When you create a table, you can specify one or more columns as the sort key. Amazon Redshift stores
your data on disk in sorted order according to the sort key. How your data is sorted has an important
effect on disk I/O, columnar compression, and query performance.
In this step, you choose sort keys for the SSB tables based on these best practices:
• If recent data is queried most frequently, specify the timestamp column as the leading column for the
sort key.
• If you do frequent range filtering or equality filtering on one column, specify that column as the sort
• If you frequently join a (dimension) table, specify the join column as the sort key.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Select Sort Keys

To Select Sort Keys

Evaluate your queries to find timestamp columns that are used to filter the results.
For example, LINEORDER frequently uses equality filters using lo_orderdate.
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey and d_year = 1997


Look for columns that are used in range filters and equality filters. For example, LINEORDER also
uses lo_orderdate for range filtering.
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey and d_year >= 1992 and d_year <= 1997


Based on the first two best practices, lo_orderdate is a good choice for sort key.
In the tuning table, specify lo_orderdate as the sort key for LINEORDER.


The remaining tables are dimensions, so, based on the third best practice, specify their primary keys
as sort keys.

The following tuning table shows the chosen sort keys. You fill in the Distribution Style column in Step 4:
Select Distribution Styles (p. 53).

Table name

Sort Key











Distribution Style

Next Step
Step 4: Select Distribution Styles (p. 53)

Step 4: Select Distribution Styles
When you load data into a table, Amazon Redshift distributes the rows of the table to each of the node
slices according to the table's distribution style. The number of slices per node depends on the node
size of the cluster. For example, the dc1.large cluster that you are using in this tutorial has four nodes
with two slices each, so the cluster has a total of eight slices. The nodes all participate in parallel query
execution, working on data that is distributed across the slices.
When you execute a query, the query optimizer redistributes the rows to the compute nodes as needed
to perform any joins and aggregations. Redistribution might involve either sending specific rows to
nodes for joining or broadcasting an entire table to all of the nodes.
You should assign distribution styles to achieve these goals.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Distribution Styles

• Collocate the rows from joining tables
When the rows for joining columns are on the same slices, less data needs to be moved during query
• Distribute data evenly among the slices in a cluster.
If data is distributed evenly, workload can be allocated evenly to all the slices.
These goals may conflict in some cases, and you will need to evaluate which strategy is the best choice
for overall system performance. For example, even distribution might place all matching values for a
column on the same slice. If a query uses an equality filter on that column, the slice with those values
will carry a disproportionate share of the workload. If tables are collocated based on a distribution key,
the rows might be distributed unevenly to the slices because the keys are distributed unevenly through
the table.
In this step, you evaluate the distribution of the SSB tables with respect to the goals of data distribution,
and then select the optimum distribution styles for the tables.

Distribution Styles
When you create a table, you designate one of three distribution styles: KEY, ALL, or EVEN.
KEY distribution
The rows are distributed according to the values in one column. The leader node will attempt to place
matching values on the same node slice. If you distribute a pair of tables on the joining keys, the leader
node collocates the rows on the slices according to the values in the joining columns so that matching
values from the common columns are physically stored together.
ALL distribution
A copy of the entire table is distributed to every node. Where EVEN distribution or KEY distribution place
only a portion of a table's rows on each node, ALL distribution ensures that every row is collocated for
every join that the table participates in.
EVEN distribution
The rows are distributed across the slices in a round-robin fashion, regardless of the values in any
particular column. EVEN distribution is appropriate when a table does not participate in joins or when
there is not a clear choice between KEY distribution and ALL distribution. EVEN distribution is the default
distribution style.
For more information, see Distribution Styles (p. 130).

To Select Distribution Styles
When you execute a query, the query optimizer redistributes the rows to the compute nodes as needed
to perform any joins and aggregations. By locating the data where it needs to be before the query is
executed, you can minimize the impact of the redistribution step.
The first goal is to distribute the data so that the matching rows from joining tables are collocated, which
means that the matching rows from joining tables are located on the same node slice.

To look for redistribution steps in the query plan, execute an EXPLAIN command followed by the
query. This example uses Query 2 from our set of test queries.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Select Distribution Styles

select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1
from lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and p_category = 'MFGR#12'
and s_region = 'AMERICA'
group by d_year, p_brand1
order by d_year, p_brand1;

The following shows a portion of the query plan. Look for labels that begin with DS_BCAST or
DS_DIST labels
XN Merge (cost=1038007224737.84..1038007224738.54 rows=280 width=20)
Merge Key: dwdate.d_year, part.p_brand1
-> XN Network (cost=1038007224737.84..1038007224738.54 rows=280 width=20)
Send to leader
-> XN Sort (cost=1038007224737.84..1038007224738.54 rows=280 width=20)
Sort Key: dwdate.d_year, part.p_brand1
-> XN HashAggregate (cost=38007224725.76..38007224726.46 rows=280
-> XN Hash Join DS_BCAST_INNER (cost=30674.95..38007188507.46
Hash Cond: ("outer".lo_orderdate = "inner".d_datekey)
Hash Cond: ("outer".lo_suppkey = "inner".s_suppkey)
Hash Cond: ("outer".lo_partkey =
-> XN Seq Scan on lineorder
-> XN Hash (cost=17500.00..17500.00 rows=56000
-> XN Seq Scan on part
Filter: ((p_category)::text =
-> XN Hash (cost=12500.00..12500.00 rows=201200
-> XN Seq Scan on supplier
Filter: ((s_region)::text =
-> XN Hash (cost=25.56..25.56 rows=2556 width=8)
-> XN Seq Scan on dwdate (cost=0.00..25.56 rows=2556

DS_BCAST_INNER indicates that the inner join table was broadcast to every slice. A DS_DIST_BOTH
label, if present, would indicate that both the outer join table and the inner join table were
redistributed across the slices. Broadcasting and redistribution can be expensive steps in terms of
query performance. You want to select distribution strategies that reduce or eliminate broadcast
and distribution steps. For more information about evaluating the EXPLAIN plan, see Evaluating
Query Patterns (p. 132).

Distribute the fact table and one dimension table on their common columns.
The following diagram shows the relationships between the fact table, LINEORDER, and the
dimension tables in the SSB schema.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Select Distribution Styles

Each table can have only one distribution key, which means that only one pair of tables in the
schema can be collocated on their common columns. The central fact table is the clear first choice.
For the second table in the pair, choose the largest dimension that commonly joins the fact table. In
this design, LINEORDER is the fact table, and PART is the largest dimension. PART joins LINEORDER
on its primary key, p_partkey.
Designate lo_partkey as the distribution key for LINEORDER and p_partkey as the distribution
key for PART so that the matching values for the joining keys will be collocated on the same slices
when the data is loaded.

Change some dimension tables to use ALL distribution.
If a dimension table cannot be collocated with the fact table or other important joining tables,
you can often improve query performance significantly by distributing the entire table to all of the
nodes. ALL distribution guarantees that the joining rows will be collocated on every slice. You should
weigh all factors before choosing ALL distribution. Using ALL distribution multiplies storage space
requirements and increases load times and maintenance operations.


CUSTOMER, SUPPLIER, and DWDATE also join the LINEORDER table on their primary keys; however,
LINEORDER will be collocated with PART, so you will set the remaining tables to use DISTSTYLE ALL.
Because the tables are relatively small and are not updated frequently, using ALL distribution will
have minimal impact on storage and load times.
Use EVEN distribution for the remaining tables.
All of the tables have been assigned with DISTKEY or ALL distribution styles, so you won't assign
EVEN to any tables. After evaluating your performance results, you might decide to change some
tables from ALL to EVEN distribution.

The following tuning table shows the chosen distribution styles.
Table name

Sort Key

Distribution Style
















You can find the steps for setting the distribution style in Step 6: Recreate the Test Data Set (p. 59).
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step

For more information, see Choose the Best Distribution Style (p. 27).

Next Step
Step 5: Review Compression Encodings (p. 57)

Step 5: Review Compression Encodings
Compression is a column-level operation that reduces the size of data when it is stored. Compression
conserves storage space and reduces the size of data that is read from storage, which reduces the
amount of disk I/O and therefore improves query performance.
By default, Amazon Redshift stores data in its raw, uncompressed format. When you create tables in an
Amazon Redshift database, you can define a compression type, or encoding, for the columns. For more
information, see Compression Encodings (p. 119).
You can apply compression encodings to columns in tables manually when you create the tables, or you
can use the COPY command to analyze the load data and apply compression encodings automatically.

To Review Compression Encodings

Find how much space each column uses.
Query the STV_BLOCKLIST system view to find the number of 1 MB blocks each column uses. The
MAX aggregate function returns the highest block number for each column. This example uses col
< 17 in the WHERE clause to exclude system-generated columns.
Execute the following command.
select col, max(blocknum)
from stv_blocklist b, stv_tbl_perm p
where ( and name ='lineorder'
and col < 17
group by name, col
order by col;

Your results will look similar to the following.
col | max
----+----0 | 572
1 | 572
2 | 572
3 | 572
4 | 572
5 | 572
6 | 1659
7 | 715
8 | 572
9 | 572
10 | 572
11 | 572
12 | 572
13 | 572
14 | 572
15 | 572

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Review Compression Encodings
16 | 1185
(17 rows)


Experiment with the different encoding methods.
In this step, you create a table with identical columns, except that each column uses a different
compression encoding. Then you insert a large number of rows, using data from the p_name column
in the PART table, so that every column has the same data. Finally, you will examine the table to
compare the effects of the different encodings on column sizes.

Create a table with the encodings that you want to compare.
create table encodingshipmode (
moderaw varchar(22) encode raw,
modebytedict varchar(22) encode bytedict,
modelzo varchar(22) encode lzo,
moderunlength varchar(22) encode runlength,
modetext255 varchar(22) encode text255,
modetext32k varchar(22) encode text32k);


Insert the same data into all of the columns using an INSERT statement with a SELECT clause.
The command will take a couple minutes to execute.
insert into encodingshipmode
select lo_shipmode as moderaw, lo_shipmode as modebytedict, lo_shipmode as modelzo,
lo_shipmode as moderunlength, lo_shipmode as modetext255,
lo_shipmode as modetext32k
from lineorder where lo_orderkey < 200000000;


Query the STV_BLOCKLIST system table to compare the number of 1 MB disk blocks used by
each column.
select col, max(blocknum)
from stv_blocklist b, stv_tbl_perm p
where ( and name = 'encodingshipmode'
and col < 6
group by name, col
order by col;

The query returns results similar to the following. Depending on how your cluster is configured,
your results will be different, but the relative sizes should be similar.
col | max
| 221
| 26
| 61
| 192
| 54
| 105
(6 rows)

The columns show the results for the following encodings:
• Raw
• Bytedict
• Runlength
• Text255
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step

• Text32K


You can see that Bytedict encoding on the second column produced the best results for this
data set, with a compression ratio of better than 8:1. Different data sets will produce different
results, of course.
Use the ANALYZE COMPRESSION command to view the suggested encodings for an existing table.
Execute the following command.
analyze compression lineorder;

Your results should look similar to the following.
| Column

Notice that ANALYZE COMPRESSION chose BYTEDICT encoding for the lo_shipmode column.


For an example that walks through choosing manually applied compression encodings, see Example:
Choosing Compression Encodings for the CUSTOMER Table (p. 127).
Apply automatic compression to the SSB tables.
By default, the COPY command automatically applies compression encodings when you load data
into an empty table that has no compression encodings other than RAW encoding. For this tutorial,
you will let the COPY command automatically select and apply optimal encodings for the tables as
part of the next step, Recreate the test data set.
For more information, see Loading Tables with Automatic Compression (p. 209).

Next Step
Step 6: Recreate the Test Data Set (p. 59)

Step 6: Recreate the Test Data Set
Now that you have chosen the sort keys and distribution styles for each of the tables, you can create the
tables using those attributes and reload the data. You will allow the COPY command to analyze the load
data and apply compression encodings automatically.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Recreate the Test Data Set

To Recreate the Test Data Set

You need to drop the SSB tables before you run the CREATE TABLE commands.
Execute the following commands.



part cascade;
supplier cascade;
customer cascade;
dwdate cascade;
lineorder cascade;

Create the tables with sort keys and distribution styles.
Execute the following set of SQL CREATE TABLE commands.

not null sortkey distkey,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null

CREATE TABLE supplier (
diststyle all;
CREATE TABLE customer (
diststyle all;


null sortkey,


null sortkey,
not null)

not null sortkey,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
varchar(8) not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Recreate the Test Data Set
diststyle all;


CREATE TABLE lineorder (





null distkey,
null sortkey,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null,
not null

Load the tables using the same sample data.

Open the loadssb.sql script that you created in the first step.


Delete compupdate off from each COPY statement. This time, you will allow COPY to apply
compression encodings.
For reference, the edited script should look like the following:
copy customer from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/customer'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip region 'us-west-2';
copy dwdate from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/dwdate'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip region 'us-west-2';
copy lineorder from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/lineorder'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip region 'us-west-2';
copy part from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/part'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip region 'us-west-2';
copy supplier from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/supplier'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
gzip region 'us-west-2';


Save the file.


Execute the COPY commands either by running the SQL script or by copying and pasting the
commands into your SQL client.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step


The load operation will take about 10 to 15 minutes. This might be a good time to get
another cup of tea or feed the fish.
Your results should look similar to the following.
Load into table 'customer' completed, 3000000 record(s) loaded successfully.
Script execution finished
Total script execution time: 12m 15s


Record the load time in the benchmarks table.



Load time (five tables)

10m 23s

12m 15s

Storage Use










Total storage


Query execution time
Query 1


Query 2


Query 3


Total execution time


Next Step
Step 7: Retest System Performance After Tuning (p. 62)

Step 7: Retest System Performance After Tuning
After recreating the test data set with the selected sort keys, distribution styles, and compressions
encodings, you will retest the system performance.

To Retest System Performance After Tuning

Record storage use.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Retest System Performance After Tuning

Determine how many 1 MB blocks of disk space are used for each table by querying the
STV_BLOCKLIST table and record the results in your benchmarks table.
select as "table", count(*) as "blocks (mb)"
from stv_blocklist, stv_tbl_perm
where stv_blocklist.tbl =
and stv_blocklist.slice = stv_tbl_perm.slice
and in ('customer', 'part', 'supplier', 'dwdate', 'lineorder')
group by
order by 1 asc;

Your results will look similar to this:
| blocks (mb)


Check for distribution skew.
Uneven distribution, or data distribution skew, forces some nodes to do more work than others,
which limits query performance.
To check for distribution skew, query the SVV_DISKUSAGE system view. Each row in SVV_DISKUSAGE
records the statistics for one disk block. The num_values column gives the number of rows in that
disk block, so sum(num_values) returns the number of rows on each slice.
Execute the following query to see the distribution for all of the tables in the SSB database.
select trim(name) as table, slice, sum(num_values) as rows, min(minvalue),
from svv_diskusage
where name in ('customer', 'part', 'supplier', 'dwdate', 'lineorder')
and col =0
group by name, slice
order by name, slice;

Your results will look something like this:
| slice |
-----------+-------+----------+----------+----------customer |
0 | 3000000 |
1 |
customer |
2 | 3000000 |
1 |
customer |
4 | 3000000 |
1 |
customer |
6 | 3000000 |
1 |
0 |
2556 | 19920101 | 19981230
2 |
2556 | 19920101 | 19981230
4 |
2556 | 19920101 | 19981230
6 |
2556 | 19920101 | 19981230
lineorder |
0 | 75029991 |
3 | 599999975
lineorder |
1 | 75059242 |
7 | 600000000
lineorder |
2 | 75238172 |
1 | 599999975
lineorder |
3 | 75065416 |
1 | 599999973
lineorder |
4 | 74801845 |
3 | 599999975
lineorder |
5 | 75177053 |
1 | 599999975
lineorder |
6 | 74631775 |
1 | 600000000
lineorder |
7 | 75034408 |
1 | 599999974

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Retest System Performance After Tuning
(28 rows)









The following chart illustrates the distribution of the three largest tables. (The columns are not to
scale.) Notice that because CUSTOMER uses ALL distribution, it was distributed to only one slice per

The distribution is relatively even, so you don't need to adjust for distribution skew.

Run an EXPLAIN command with each query to view the query plans.
The following example shows the EXPLAIN command with Query 2.
select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1
from lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and p_category = 'MFGR#12'
and s_region = 'AMERICA'
group by d_year, p_brand1
order by d_year, p_brand1;

In the EXPLAIN plan for Query 2, notice that the DS_BCAST_INNER labels have been replaced by
DS_DIST_ALL_NONE and DS_DIST_NONE, which means that no redistribution was required for those
steps, and the query should run much more quickly.
XN Merge (cost=1000014243538.45..1000014243539.15 rows=280 width=20)
Merge Key: dwdate.d_year, part.p_brand1
-> XN Network (cost=1000014243538.45..1000014243539.15 rows=280 width=20)
Send to leader
-> XN Sort (cost=1000014243538.45..1000014243539.15 rows=280 width=20)
Sort Key: dwdate.d_year, part.p_brand1
-> XN HashAggregate (cost=14243526.37..14243527.07 rows=280 width=20)
-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=30643.30..14211277.03
Hash Cond: ("outer".lo_orderdate = "inner".d_datekey)

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
To Retest System Performance After Tuning

Hash Cond: ("outer".lo_suppkey = "inner".s_suppkey)
-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_NONE
Hash Cond: ("outer".lo_partkey =



XN Seq Scan on lineorder


XN Hash



XN Hash


(cost=12500.00..12500.00 rows=188541

XN Seq Scan on supplier
Filter: ((s_region)::text =




XN Seq Scan on part
Filter: ((p_category)::text =



(cost=17500.00..17500.00 rows=56000

XN Hash (cost=25.56..25.56 rows=2556 width=8)
-> XN Seq Scan on dwdate (cost=0.00..25.56 rows=2556

Run the same test queries again.
If you reconnected to the database since your first set of tests, disable result caching for this session.
To disable result caching for the current session, set the enable_result_cache_for_session (p. 949)
parameter to off, as shown following.
set enable_result_cache_for_session to off;

As you did earlier, run the following queries twice to eliminate compile time. Record the second time
for each query in the benchmarks table.
-- Query 1
-- Restrictions on only one dimension.
select sum(lo_extendedprice*lo_discount) as revenue
from lineorder, dwdate
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and d_year = 1997
and lo_discount between 1 and 3
and lo_quantity < 24;
-- Query 2
-- Restrictions on two dimensions
select sum(lo_revenue), d_year, p_brand1
from lineorder, dwdate, part, supplier
where lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and p_category = 'MFGR#12'
and s_region = 'AMERICA'
group by d_year, p_brand1
order by d_year, p_brand1;
-- Query 3
-- Drill down in time to just one month
select c_city, s_city, d_year, sum(lo_revenue) as revenue
from customer, lineorder, supplier, dwdate

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and (c_city='UNITED KI1' or
c_city='UNITED KI5')
and (s_city='UNITED KI1' or
s_city='UNITED KI5')
and d_yearmonth = 'Dec1997'
group by c_city, s_city, d_year
order by d_year asc, revenue desc;

The following benchmarks table shows the results based on the cluster used in this example. Your results
will vary based on a number of factors, but the relative results should be similar.




Load time (five tables)

10m 23s

12m 15s
















Total storage



Query 1



Query 2



Query 3



Total execution time



Storage Use

Query execution time

Next Step
Step 8: Evaluate the Results (p. 66)

Step 8: Evaluate the Results
You tested load times, storage requirements, and query execution times before and after tuning the
tables, and recorded the results.
The following table shows the example results for the cluster that was used for this tutorial. Your results
will be different, but should show similar improvements.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 8: Evaluate the Results






Load time (five






























Total storage





Storage Use

Query execution time
Query 1





Query 2





Query 3





Total execution





Load time
Load time increased by 17.5%.
Sorting, compression, and distribution increase load time. In particular, in this case, you used automatic
compression, which increases the load time for empty tables that don't already have compression
encodings. Subsequent loads to the same tables would be faster. You also increased load time by using
ALL distribution. You could reduce load time by using EVEN or DISTKEY distribution instead for some of
the tables, but that decision needs to be weighed against query performance.
Storage requirements
Storage requirements were reduced by 45.4%.
Some of the storage improvement from using columnar compression was offset by using ALL
distribution on some of the tables. Again, you could improve storage use by using EVEN or DISTKEY
distribution instead for some of the tables, but that decision needs to be weighed against query
You verified that there is no distribution skew as a result of your distribution choices.
By checking the EXPLAIN plan, you saw that data redistribution was eliminated for the test queries.
Query execution time
Total query execution time was reduced by 31.4%.
The improvement in query performance was due to a combination of optimizing sort keys, distribution
styles, and compression. Often, query performance can be improved even further by rewriting
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step

queries and configuring workload management (WLM). For more information, see Tuning Query
Performance (p. 257).

Next Step
Step 9: Clean Up Your Resources (p. 68)

Step 9: Clean Up Your Resources
Your cluster continues to accrue charges as long as it is running. When you have completed this tutorial,
you should return your environment to the previous state by following the steps in Step 5: Revoke Access
and Delete Your Sample Cluster in the Amazon Redshift Getting Started.
If you want to keep the cluster, but recover the storage used by the SSB tables, execute the following


part cascade;
supplier cascade;
customer cascade;
dwdate cascade;
lineorder cascade;

Next Step
Summary (p. 68)

In this tutorial, you learned how to optimize the design of your tables by applying table design best
You chose sort keys for the SSB tables based on these best practices:
• If recent data is queried most frequently, specify the timestamp column as the leading column for the
sort key.
• If you do frequent range filtering or equality filtering on one column, specify that column as the sort
• If you frequently join a (dimension) table, specify the join column as the sort key.
You applied the following best practices to improve the distribution of the tables.
• Distribute the fact table and one dimension table on their common columns
• Change some dimension tables to use ALL distribution
You evaluated the effects of compression on a table and determined that using automatic compression
usually produces the best results.
For more information, see the following links:
• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing Tables (p. 26)
• Choose the Best Sort Key (p. 27)
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Next Step

• Choosing a Data Distribution Style (p. 129)
• Choosing a Column Compression Type (p. 118)
• Analyzing Table Design (p. 146)

Next Step
For your next step, if you haven't done so already, we recommend taking Tutorial: Loading Data from
Amazon S3 (p. 70).

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Tutorial: Loading Data from Amazon
In this tutorial, you will walk through the process of loading data into your Amazon Redshift database
tables from data files in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket from beginning to end.
In this tutorial, you will:
• Download data files that use CSV, character-delimited, and fixed width formats.
• Create an Amazon S3 bucket and then upload the data files to the bucket.
• Launch an Amazon Redshift cluster and create database tables.
• Use COPY commands to load the tables from the data files on Amazon S3.
• Troubleshoot load errors and modify your COPY commands to correct the errors.
Estimated time: 60 minutes
Estimated cost: $1.00 per hour for the cluster

You will need the following prerequisites:
• An AWS account to launch an Amazon Redshift cluster and to create a bucket in Amazon S3.
• Your AWS credentials (an access key ID and secret access key) to load test data from Amazon S3. If you
need to create new access keys, go to Administering Access Keys for IAM Users.
This tutorial is designed so that it can be taken by itself. In addition to this tutorial, we recommend
completing the following tutorials to gain a more complete understanding of how to design and use
Amazon Redshift databases:
• Amazon Redshift Getting Started walks you through the process of creating an Amazon Redshift
cluster and loading sample data.
• Tutorial: Tuning Table Design (p. 45) walks you step by step through the process of designing and
tuning tables, including choosing sort keys, distribution styles, and compression encodings, and
evaluating system performance before and after tuning.

You can add data to your Amazon Redshift tables either by using an INSERT command or by using a
COPY command. At the scale and speed of an Amazon Redshift data warehouse, the COPY command is
many times faster and more efficient than INSERT commands.
The COPY command uses the Amazon Redshift massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture to
read and load data in parallel from multiple data sources. You can load from data files on Amazon S3,
Amazon EMR, or any remote host accessible through a Secure Shell (SSH) connection, or you can load
directly from an Amazon DynamoDB table.
In this tutorial, you will use the COPY command to load data from Amazon S3. Many of the principles
presented here apply to loading from other data sources as well.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

To learn more about using the COPY command, see these resources:
• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Loading Data (p. 29)
• Loading Data from Amazon EMR (p. 196)
• Loading Data from Remote Hosts (p. 200)
• Loading Data from an Amazon DynamoDB Table (p. 206)

• Step 1: Launch a Cluster (p. 71)
• Step 2: Download the Data Files (p. 72)
• Step 3: Upload the Files to an Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 72)
• Step 4: Create the Sample Tables (p. 74)
• Step 5: Run the COPY Commands (p. 76)
• Step 6: Vacuum and Analyze the Database (p. 87)
• Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources (p. 88)

Step 1: Launch a Cluster
If you already have a cluster that you want to use, you can skip this step.
For the exercises in this tutorial, you will use a four-node cluster. Follow the steps in Amazon Redshift
Getting Started, but select Multi Node for Cluster Type and set Number of Compute Nodes to 4.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step

Follow the Getting Started steps to connect to your cluster from a SQL client and test a connection.
You do not need to complete the remaining Getting Started steps to create tables, upload data, and try
example queries.

Next Step
Step 2: Download the Data Files (p. 72)

Step 2: Download the Data Files
In this step, you will download a set of sample data files to your computer. In the next step, you will
upload the files to an Amazon S3 bucket.

To download the data files

Download the zipped file from the following link:


Extract the files to a folder on your computer.


Verify that your folder contains the following files.

Next Step
Step 3: Upload the Files to an Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 72)

Step 3: Upload the Files to an Amazon S3 Bucket
In this step, you create an Amazon S3 bucket and upload the data files to the bucket.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

To upload the files to an Amazon S3 bucket

Create a bucket in Amazon S3.

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://


Click Create Bucket.


In the Bucket Name box of the Create a Bucket dialog box, type a bucket name.
The bucket name you choose must be unique among all existing bucket names in Amazon
S3. One way to help ensure uniqueness is to prefix your bucket names with the name of your
organization. Bucket names must comply with certain rules. For more information, go to Bucket
Restrictions and Limitations in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.


Select a region.
Create the bucket in the same region as your cluster. If your cluster is in the Oregon region, click


Click Create.
When Amazon S3 successfully creates your bucket, the console displays your empty bucket in
the Buckets panel.


Create a folder.

Click the name of the new bucket.


Click the Actions button, and click Create Folder in the drop-down list.


Name the new folder load.


The bucket that you created is not in a sandbox. In this exercise, you will add objects
to a real bucket, and you will be charged a nominal amount for the time that you store
the objects in the bucket. For more information about Amazon S3 pricing, go to the
Amazon S3 Pricing page.

Upload the data files to the new Amazon S3 bucket.

Click the name of the data folder.


In the Upload - Select Files wizard, click Add Files.
A file selection dialog box opens.


Select all of the files you downloaded and extracted, and then click Open.


Click Start Upload.

User Credentials
The Amazon Redshift COPY command must have access to read the file objects in the Amazon S3 bucket.
If you use the same user credentials to create the Amazon S3 bucket and to run the Amazon Redshift
COPY command, the COPY command will have all necessary permissions. If you want to use different
user credentials, you can grant access by using the Amazon S3 access controls. The Amazon Redshift
COPY command requires at least ListBucket and GetObject permissions to access the file objects in
the Amazon S3 bucket. For more information about controlling access to Amazon S3 resources, go to
Managing Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources.

Next Step
Step 4: Create the Sample Tables (p. 74)
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 4: Create the Sample Tables

Step 4: Create the Sample Tables
For this tutorial, you will use a set of five tables based on the Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) schema. The
following diagram shows the SSB data model.

If the SSB tables already exist in the current database, you will need to drop the tables to remove them
from the database before you create them using the CREATE TABLE commands in the next step. The
tables used in this tutorial might have different attributes than the existing tables.

To create the sample tables

To drop the SSB tables, execute the following commands.



part cascade;

Execute the following CREATE TABLE commands.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 4: Create the Sample Tables




CREATE TABLE lineorder




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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step

Next Step
Step 5: Run the COPY Commands (p. 76)

Step 5: Run the COPY Commands
You will run COPY commands to load each of the tables in the SSB schema. The COPY command
examples demonstrate loading from different file formats, using several COPY command options, and
troubleshooting load errors.
• COPY Command Syntax (p. 76)
• Loading the SSB Tables (p. 77)

COPY Command Syntax
The basic COPY (p. 390) command syntax is as follows.
COPY table_name [ column_list ] FROM data_source CREDENTIALS access_credentials [options]

To execute a COPY command, you provide the following values.
Table name
The target table for the COPY command. The table must already exist in the database. The table can be
temporary or persistent. The COPY command appends the new input data to any existing rows in the
Column list
By default, COPY loads fields from the source data to the table columns in order. You can optionally
specify a column list, that is a comma-separated list of column names, to map data fields to specific
columns. You will not use column lists in this tutorial. For more information, see Column List (p. 407) in
the COPY command reference.
Data source
You can use the COPY command to load data from an Amazon S3 bucket, an Amazon EMR cluster, a
remote host using an SSH connection, or an Amazon DynamoDB table. For this tutorial, you will load
from data files in an Amazon S3 bucket. When loading from Amazon S3, you must provide the name of
the bucket and the location of the data files, by providing either an object path for the data files or the
location of a manifest file that explicitly lists each data file and its location.
• Key prefix
An object stored in Amazon S3 is uniquely identified by an object key, which includes the bucket name,
folder names, if any, and the object name. A key prefix refers to a set of objects with the same prefix.
The object path is a key prefix that the COPY command uses to load all objects that share the key
prefix. For example, the key prefix custdata.txt can refer to a single file or to a set of files, including
custdata.txt.001, custdata.txt.002, and so on.
• Manifest file
If you need to load files with different prefixes, for example, from multiple buckets or folders, or if
you need to exclude files that share a prefix, you can use a manifest file. A manifest file explicitly lists
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables

each load file and its unique object key. You will use a manifest file to load the PART table later in this
To access the AWS resources that contain the data to load, you must provide AWS access credentials (that
is, an access key ID and a secret access key) for an AWS user or an IAM user with sufficient privileges.
To load data from Amazon S3, the credentials must include ListBucket and GetObject permissions.
Additional credentials are required if your data is encrypted or if you are using temporary access
credentials. For more information, see Authorization Parameters (p. 404) in the COPY command
reference. For more information about managing access, go to Managing Access Permissions to Your
Amazon S3 Resources. If you do not have an access key ID and secret access key, you will need to get
them. For more information, go to Administering Access Keys for IAM Users.
You can specify a number of parameters with the COPY command to specify file formats, manage data
formats, manage errors, and control other features. In this tutorial, you will use the following COPY
command options and features:
• Key Prefix (p. 78)
• CSV Format (p. 78)
• NULL AS (p. 79)
• REGION (p. 80)
• Fixed-Width Format (p. 81)
• MAXERROR (p. 82)
• MANIFEST (p. 84)
• DATEFORMAT (p. 85)
• GZIP, LZOP and BZIP2 (p. 85)
• COMPUPDATE (p. 85)
• Multiple Files (p. 86)

Loading the SSB Tables
You will use the following COPY commands to load each of the tables in the SSB schema. The command
to each table demonstrates different COPY options and troubleshooting techniques.
To load the SSB tables, follow these steps:
1. Replace the Bucket Name and AWS Credentials (p. 77)
2. Load the PART Table Using NULL AS (p. 78)
3. Load the SUPPLIER table Using REGION (p. 80)
4. Load the CUSTOMER Table Using MANIFEST (p. 81)
5. Load the DWDATE Table Using DATEFORMAT (p. 85)
6. Load the LINEORDER Table Using Multiple Files (p. 85)

Replace the Bucket Name and AWS Credentials
The COPY commands in this tutorial are presented in the following format.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables

copy table from 's3:///load/key_prefix'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='

For each COPY command, do the following:
1. Replace  with the name of a bucket in the same region as your cluster.
This step assumes the bucket and the cluster are in the same region. Alternatively, you can specify the
region using the REGION (p. 397) option with the COPY command.
2. Replace  and  with your own AWS IAM
account credentials. The segment of the credentials string that is enclosed in single quotation marks
must not contain any spaces or line breaks.

Load the PART Table Using NULL AS
In this step, you will use the CSV and NULL AS options to load the PART table.
The COPY command can load data from multiple files in parallel, which is much faster than loading
from a single file. To demonstrate this principle, the data for each table in this tutorial is split into eight
files, even though the files are very small. In a later step, you will compare the time difference between
loading from a single file and loading from multiple files. For more information, see Split Your Load Data
into Multiple Files (p. 30).
Key Prefix
You can load from multiple files by specifying a key prefix for the file set, or by explicitly listing the files
in a manifest file. In this step, you will use a key prefix. In a later step, you will use a manifest file. The key
prefix 's3://mybucket/load/part-csv.tbl' loads the following set of the files in the load folder.

CSV Format
CSV, which stands for comma separated values, is a common format used for importing and exporting
spreadsheet data. CSV is more flexible than comma-delimited format because it enables you to
include quoted strings within fields. The default quote character for COPY from CSV format is a double
quotation mark ( " ), but you can specify another quote character by using the QUOTE AS option. When
you use the quote character within the field, escape the character with an additional quote character.
The following excerpt from a CSV-formatted data file for the PART table shows strings enclosed in
double quotation marks ("LARGE ANODIZED BRASS") and a string enclosed in two double quotation
marks within a quoted string ("MEDIUM ""BURNISHED"" TIN").
15,dark sky,MFGR#3,MFGR#47,MFGR#3438,indigo,"LARGE ANODIZED BRASS",45,LG CASE
22,floral beige,MFGR#4,MFGR#44,MFGR#4421,medium,"PROMO, POLISHED BRASS",19,LG DRUM
23,bisque slate,MFGR#4,MFGR#41,MFGR#4137,firebrick,"MEDIUM ""BURNISHED"" TIN",42,JUMBO JAR

The data for the PART table contains characters that will cause COPY to fail. In this exercise, you will
troubleshoot the errors and correct them.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables

To load data that is in CSV format, add csv to your COPY command. Execute the following command to
load the PART table.
copy part from 's3:///load/part-csv.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='

You should get an error message similar to the following.
An error occurred when executing the SQL command:
copy part from 's3://mybucket/load/part-csv.tbl'
credentials' ...
ERROR: Load into table 'part' failed.
[SQL State=XX000]

Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details.

Execution time: 1.46s
1 statement(s) failed.
1 statement(s) failed.

To get more information about the error, query the STL_LOAD_ERRORS table. The following query uses
the SUBSTRING function to shorten columns for readability and uses LIMIT 10 to reduce the number of
rows returned. You can adjust the values in substring(filename,22,25) to allow for the length of
your bucket name.
select query, substring(filename,22,25) as filename,line_number as line,
substring(colname,0,12) as column, type, position as pos, substring(raw_line,0,30) as
substring(raw_field_value,0,15) as field_text,
substring(err_reason,0,45) as reason
from stl_load_errors
order by query desc
limit 10;

query |
| line | column
| pos |
--------+-------------------------+-----------+------------+------------+-----+---333765 | part-csv.tbl-000 |
1 |
0 |
| field_text |
------------------+------------+---------------------------------------------15,NUL next,
| Missing newline: Unexpected character 0x2c f

The part-csv.tbl data files use the NUL terminator character (\x000 or \x0) to indicate NULL values.


Despite very similar spelling, NUL and NULL are not the same. NUL is a UTF-8 character with
codepoint x000 that is often used to indicate end of record (EOR). NULL is a SQL value that
represents an absence of data.
By default, COPY treats a NUL terminator character as an EOR character and terminates the record,
which often results in unexpected results or an error. Because there is no single standard method of
indicating NULL in text data, the NULL AS COPY command option enables you to specify which character
to substitute with NULL when loading the table. In this example, you want COPY to treat the NUL
terminator character as a NULL value.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables


The table column that receives the NULL value must be configured as nullable. That is, it must
not include the NOT NULL constraint in the CREATE TABLE specification.
To load PART using the NULL AS option, execute the following COPY command.
copy part from 's3:///load/part-csv.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
null as '\000';

To verify that COPY loaded NULL values, execute the following command to select only the rows that
contain NULL.
select p_partkey, p_name, p_mfgr, p_category from part where p_mfgr is null;

p_partkey | p_name | p_mfgr | p_category
-----------+----------+--------+-----------15 | NUL next |
| MFGR#47
81 | NUL next |
| MFGR#23
133 | NUL next |
| MFGR#44
(2 rows)

Load the SUPPLIER table Using REGION
In this step you will use the DELIMITER and REGION options to load the SUPPLIER table.


The files for loading the SUPPLIER table are provided in an AWS sample bucket. You don't need
to upload files for this step.
Character-Delimited Format
The fields in a character-delimited file are separated by a specific character, such as a pipe character ( | ),
a comma ( , ) or a tab ( \t ). Character-delimited files can use any single ASCII character, including one
of the nonprinting ASCII characters, as the delimiter. You specify the delimiter character by using the
DELIMITER option. The default delimiter is a pipe character ( | ).
The following excerpt from the data for the SUPPLIER table uses pipe-delimited format.

Whenever possible, you should locate your load data in the same AWS region as your Amazon Redshift
cluster. If your data and your cluster are in the same region, you reduce latency, minimize eventual
consistency issues, and avoid cross-region data transfer costs. For more information, see Amazon
Redshift Best Practices for Loading Data (p. 29)
If you must load data from a different AWS region, use the REGION option to specify the AWS region in
which the load data is located. If you specify a region, all of the load data, including manifest files, must
be in the named region. For more information, see REGION (p. 397).
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables

If your cluster is in the US East (N. Virginia) region, execute the following command to load the SUPPLIER
table from pipe-delimited data in an Amazon S3 bucket located in the US West (Oregon) region. For this
example, do not change the bucket name.
copy supplier from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/ssbgz/supplier.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
delimiter '|'
region 'us-west-2';

If your cluster is not in the US East (N. Virginia) region, execute the following command to load the
SUPPLIER table from pipe-delimited data in an Amazon S3 bucket located in the US East (N. Virginia)
region. For this example, do not change the bucket name.
copy supplier from 's3://awssampledb/ssbgz/supplier.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
delimiter '|'
region 'us-east-1';

Load the CUSTOMER Table Using MANIFEST
In this step, you will use the FIXEDWIDTH, MAXERROR, ACCEPTINVCHARS, and MANIFEST options to load
the CUSTOMER table.
The sample data for this exercise contains characters that will cause errors when COPY attempts to load
them. You will use the MAXERRORS option and the STL_LOAD_ERRORS system table to troubleshoot the
load errors and then use the ACCEPTINVCHARS and MANIFEST options to eliminate the errors.
Fixed-Width Format
Fixed-width format defines each field as a fixed number of characters, rather than separating fields with
a delimiter. The following excerpt from the data for the CUSTOMER table uses fixed-width format.




The order of the label/width pairs must match the order of the table columns exactly. For more
information, see FIXEDWIDTH (p. 408).
The fixed-width specification string for the CUSTOMER table data is as follows.
fixedwidth 'c_custkey:10, c_name:25, c_address:25, c_city:10, c_nation:15,
c_region :12, c_phone:15,c_mktsegment:10'

To load the CUSTOMER table from fixed-width data, execute the following command.
copy customer
from 's3:///load/customer-fw.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
fixedwidth 'c_custkey:10, c_name:25, c_address:25, c_city:10, c_nation:15, c_region :12,

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables

You should get an error message, similar to the following.
An error occurred when executing the SQL command:
copy customer
from 's3://mybucket/load/customer-fw.tbl'
ERROR: Load into table 'customer' failed.
details. [SQL State=XX000]

Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for

Execution time: 2.95s
1 statement(s) failed.

By default, the first time COPY encounters an error, the command fails and returns an error message. To
save time during testing, you can use the MAXERROR option to instruct COPY to skip a specified number
of errors before it fails. Because we expect errors the first time we test loading the CUSTOMER table
data, add maxerror 10 to the COPY command.
To test using the FIXEDWIDTH and MAXERROR options, execute the following command.
copy customer
from 's3:///load/customer-fw.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
fixedwidth 'c_custkey:10, c_name:25, c_address:25, c_city:10, c_nation:15, c_region :12,
maxerror 10;

This time, instead of an error message, you get a warning message similar to the following.
Load into table 'customer' completed, 112497 record(s) loaded successfully.
Load into table 'customer' completed, 7 record(s) could not be loaded. Check
'stl_load_errors' system table for details.

The warning indicates that COPY encountered seven errors. To check the errors, query the
STL_LOAD_ERRORS table, as shown in the following example.
select query, substring(filename,22,25) as filename,line_number as line,
substring(colname,0,12) as column, type, position as pos, substring(raw_line,0,30) as
substring(raw_field_value,0,15) as field_text,
substring(err_reason,0,45) as error_reason
from stl_load_errors
order by query desc, filename
limit 7;

The results of the STL_LOAD_ERRORS query should look similar to the following.
query |
| line | column
| pos |
| field_text |
--------+---------------------------+------+----------+------------+-----+-------------------------------+-----------+---------------------------------------------334489 | customer-fw.tbl.log
2 | c_custkey | int4
| -1 | customer-fw.tbl
| customer-f | Invalid digit, Value 'c', Pos 0, Type: Integ

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables
334489 | customer-fw.tbl.log
6 | c_custkey | int4
| -1 | Complete
| Complete
| Invalid digit, Value 'C', Pos 0, Type: Integ
334489 | customer-fw.tbl.log
3 | c_custkey | int4
| -1 | #Total rows
| #Total row | Invalid digit, Value '#', Pos 0, Type: Integ
334489 | customer-fw.tbl.log
5 | c_custkey | int4
| -1 | #Status
| #Status
| Invalid digit, Value '#', Pos 0, Type: Integ
334489 | customer-fw.tbl.log
1 | c_custkey | int4
| -1 | #Load file
| #Load file | Invalid digit, Value '#', Pos 0, Type: Integ
334489 | customer-fw.tbl000
1 | c_address | varchar
| 34 | 1
Customer#000000001 | .Mayag.ezR | String contains invalid or unsupported UTF8
334489 | customer-fw.tbl000
1 | c_address | varchar
| 34 | 1
Customer#000000001 | .Mayag.ezR | String contains invalid or unsupported UTF8
(7 rows)

By examining the results, you can see that there are two messages in the error_reasons column:

Invalid digit, Value '#', Pos 0, Type: Integ

These errors are caused by the customer-fw.tbl.log file. The problem is that it is a log file, not a
data file, and should not be loaded. You can use a manifest file to avoid loading the wrong file.

String contains invalid or unsupported UTF8

The VARCHAR data type supports multibyte UTF-8 characters up to three bytes. If the load data
contains unsupported or invalid characters, you can use the ACCEPTINVCHARS option to replace each
invalid character with a specified alternative character.
Another problem with the load is more difficult to detect—the load produced unexpected results. To
investigate this problem, execute the following command to query the CUSTOMER table.
select c_custkey, c_name, c_address
from customer
order by c_custkey
limit 10;

c_custkey |
-----------+---------------------------+--------------------------2 | Customer#000000002
| XSTf4,NCwDVaWNe6tE
2 | Customer#000000002
| XSTf4,NCwDVaWNe6tE
3 | Customer#000000003
| MG9kdTD
3 | Customer#000000003
| MG9kdTD
4 | Customer#000000004
4 | Customer#000000004
5 | Customer#000000005
| KvpyuHCplrB84WgAi
5 | Customer#000000005
| KvpyuHCplrB84WgAi
6 | Customer#000000006
| sKZz0CsnMD7mp4Xd0YrBvx
6 | Customer#000000006
| sKZz0CsnMD7mp4Xd0YrBvx
(10 rows)

The rows should be unique, but there are duplicates.
Another way to check for unexpected results is to verify the number of rows that were loaded. In our
case, 100000 rows should have been loaded, but the load message reported loading 112497 records.
The extra rows were loaded because the COPY loaded an extraneous file, customer-fw.tbl0000.bak.
In this exercise, you will use a manifest file to avoid loading the wrong files.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables

By default, when COPY encounters a character that is not supported by the column's data type, it skips
the row and returns an error. For information about invalid UTF-8 characters, see Multibyte Character
Load Errors (p. 214).
You could use the MAXERRORS option to ignore errors and continue loading, then query
STL_LOAD_ERRORS to locate the invalid characters, and then fix the data files. However, MAXERRORS
is best used for troubleshooting load problems and should generally not be used in a production
The ACCEPTINVCHARS option is usually a better choice for managing invalid characters.
ACCEPTINVCHARS instructs COPY to replace each invalid character with a specified valid character
and continue with the load operation. You can specify any valid ASCII character, except NULL, as the
replacement character. The default replacement character is a question mark ( ? ). COPY replaces
multibyte characters with a replacement string of equal length. For example, a 4-byte character would
be replaced with '????'.
COPY returns the number of rows that contained invalid UTF-8 characters, and it adds an entry to the
STL_REPLACEMENTS system table for each affected row, up to a maximum of 100 rows per node slice.
Additional invalid UTF-8 characters are also replaced, but those replacement events are not recorded.
ACCEPTINVCHARS is valid only for VARCHAR columns.
For this step, you will add the ACCEPTINVCHARS with the replacement character '^'.
When you COPY from Amazon S3 using a key prefix, there is a risk that you will load unwanted tables.
For example, the 's3://mybucket/load/ folder contains eight data files that share the key prefix
customer-fw.tbl: customer-fw.tbl0000, customer-fw.tbl0001, and so on. However, the same
folder also contains the extraneous files customer-fw.tbl.log and customer-fw.tbl-0001.bak.
To ensure that you load all of the correct files, and only the correct files, use a manifest file. The manifest
is a text file in JSON format that explicitly lists the unique object key for each source file to be loaded.
The file objects can be in different folders or different buckets, but they must be in the same region. For
more information, see MANIFEST (p. 396).
The following shows the customer-fw-manifest text.


"entries": [

To load the data for the CUSTOMER table using the manifest file

Open the file customer-fw-manifest in a text editor.
Replace  with the name of your bucket.
Save the file.


Upload the file to the load folder on your bucket.
Execute the following COPY command.
copy customer from 's3:///load/customer-fw-manifest'

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
fixedwidth 'c_custkey:10, c_name:25, c_address:25, c_city:10, c_nation:15,
c_region :12, c_phone:15,c_mktsegment:10'
maxerror 10
acceptinvchars as '^'

Load the DWDATE Table Using DATEFORMAT
In this step, you will use the DELIMITER and DATEFORMAT options to load the DWDATE table.
When loading DATE and TIMESTAMP columns, COPY expects the default format, which is YYYY-MM-DD
for dates and YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS for time stamps. If the load data does not use a default format,
you can use DATEFORMAT and TIMEFORMAT to specify the format.
The following excerpt shows date formats in the DWDATE table. Notice that the date formats in column
two are inconsistent.
19920104 1992-01-04
Sunday January 1992 199201 Jan1992 1 4 4 1...
19920112 January 12, 1992 Monday January 1992 199201 Jan1992 2 12 12 1...
19920120 January 20, 1992 Tuesday
January 1992 199201 Jan1992 3 20 20 1...

You can specify only one date format. If the load data contains inconsistent formats, possibly in different
columns, or if the format is not known at load time, you use DATEFORMAT with the 'auto' argument.
When 'auto' is specified, COPY will recognize any valid date or time format and convert it to the
default format. The 'auto' option recognizes several formats that are not supported when using a
DATEFORMAT and TIMEFORMAT string. For more information, see Using Automatic Recognition with
To load the DWDATE table, execute the following COPY command.
copy dwdate from 's3:///load/dwdate-tab.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
delimiter '\t'
dateformat 'auto';

Load the LINEORDER Table Using Multiple Files
This step uses the GZIP and COMPUPDATE options to load the LINEORDER table.
In this exercise, you will load the LINEORDER table from a single data file, and then load it again from
multiple files in order to compare the load times for the two methods.


The files for loading the LINEORDER table are provided in an AWS sample bucket. You don't
need to upload files for this step.
You can compress your files using either gzip, lzop, or bzip2 compression formats. When loading from
compressed files, COPY uncompresses the files during the load process. Compressing your files saves
storage space and shortens upload times.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading the SSB Tables

When COPY loads an empty table with no compression encodings, it analyzes the load data to determine
the optimal encodings. It then alters the table to use those encodings before beginning the load. This
analysis process takes time, but it occurs, at most, once per table. To save time, you can skip this step by
turning COMPUPDATE off. To enable an accurate evaluation of COPY times, you will turn COMPUPDATE
off for this step.
Multiple Files
The COPY command can load data very efficiently when it loads from multiple files in parallel instead
of loading from a single file. If you split your data into files so that the number of files is a multiple of
the number of slices in your cluster, Amazon Redshift divides the workload and distributes the data
evenly among the slices. The number of slices per node depends on the node size of the cluster. For more
information about the number of slices that each node size has, go to About Clusters and Nodes in the
Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
For example, the dc1.large compute nodes used in this tutorial have two slices each, so the four-node
cluster has eight slices. In previous steps, the load data was contained in eight files, even though the files
are very small. In this step, you will compare the time difference between loading from a single large file
and loading from multiple files.
The files you will use for this tutorial contain about 15 million records and occupy about 1.2 GB. These
files are very small in Amazon Redshift scale, but sufficient to demonstrate the performance advantage
of loading from multiple files. The files are large enough that the time required to download them and
then upload them to Amazon S3 is excessive for this tutorial, so you will load the files directly from an
AWS sample bucket.
The following screenshot shows the data files for LINEORDER.

To evaluate the performance of COPY with multiple files

Execute the following command to COPY from a single file. Do not change the bucket name.
copy lineorder from 's3://awssampledb/load/lo/lineorder-single.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
compupdate off
region 'us-east-1';


Your results should be similar to the following. Note the execution time.
Load into table 'lineorder' completed, 14996734 record(s) loaded successfully.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 6: Vacuum and Analyze the Database

0 row(s) affected.
copy executed successfully
Execution time: 51.56s


Execute the following command to COPY from multiple files. Do not change the bucket name.
copy lineorder from 's3://awssampledb/load/lo/lineorder-multi.tbl'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=;aws_secret_access_key='
compupdate off
region 'us-east-1';


Your results should be similar to the following. Note the execution time.
Load into table 'lineorder' completed, 14996734 record(s) loaded successfully.
0 row(s) affected.
copy executed successfully
Execution time: 17.7s


Compare execution times.
In our example, the time to load 15 million records decreased from 51.56 seconds to 17.7 seconds, a
reduction of 65.7 percent.
These results are based on using a four-node cluster. If your cluster has more nodes, the time savings
is multiplied. For typical Amazon Redshift clusters, with tens to hundreds of nodes, the difference
is even more dramatic. If you have a single node cluster, there is little difference between the
execution times.

Next Step
Step 6: Vacuum and Analyze the Database (p. 87)

Step 6: Vacuum and Analyze the Database
Whenever you add, delete, or modify a significant number of rows, you should run a VACUUM command
and then an ANALYZE command. A vacuum recovers the space from deleted rows and restores the sort
order. The ANALYZE command updates the statistics metadata, which enables the query optimizer to
generate more accurate query plans. For more information, see Vacuuming Tables (p. 228).
If you load the data in sort key order, a vacuum is fast. In this tutorial, you added a significant number of
rows, but you added them to empty tables. That being the case, there is no need to resort, and you didn't
delete any rows. COPY automatically updates statistics after loading an empty table, so your statistics
should be up-to-date. However, as a matter of good housekeeping, you will complete this tutorial by
vacuuming and analyzing your database.
To vacuum and analyze the database, execute the following commands.

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step

Next Step
Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources (p. 88)

Step 7: Clean Up Your Resources
Your cluster continues to accrue charges as long as it is running. When you have completed this tutorial,
you should return your environment to the previous state by following the steps in Step 5: Revoke Access
and Delete Your Sample Cluster in the Amazon Redshift Getting Started.
If you want to keep the cluster, but recover the storage used by the SSB tables, execute the following



Summary (p. 88)

In this tutorial, you uploaded data files to Amazon S3 and then used COPY commands to load the data
from the files into Amazon Redshift tables.
You loaded data using the following formats:
• Character-delimited
• Fixed-width
You used the STL_LOAD_ERRORS system table to troubleshoot load errors, and then used the REGION,
You applied the following best practices for loading data:
• Use a COPY Command to Load Data (p. 30)
• Split Your Load Data into Multiple Files (p. 30)
• Use a Single COPY Command to Load from Multiple Files (p. 30)
• Compress Your Data Files (p. 30)
• Use a Manifest File (p. 30)
• Verify Data Files Before and After a Load (p. 31)
For more information about Amazon Redshift best practices, see the following links:
• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Loading Data (p. 29)
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Next Step

• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing Tables (p. 26)
• Amazon Redshift Best Practices for Designing Queries (p. 32)

Next Step
For your next step, if you haven't done so already, we recommend taking Tutorial: Tuning Table
Design (p. 45).

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Tutorial: Configuring Workload
Management (WLM) Queues to
Improve Query Processing
This tutorial walks you through the process of configuring workload management (WLM) in Amazon
Redshift. By configuring WLM, you can improve query performance and resource allocation in your
Amazon Redshift routes user queries to queues for processing. WLM defines how those queries are
routed to the queues. By default, Amazon Redshift has two queues available for queries: one for
superusers, and one for users. The superuser queue cannot be configured and can only process one query
at a time. You should reserve this queue for troubleshooting purposes only. The user queue can process
up to five queries at a time, but you can configure this by changing the concurrency level of the queue if
When you have several users running queries against the database, you might find another configuration
to be more efficient. For example, if some users run resource-intensive operations, such as VACUUM,
these might have a negative impact on less-intensive queries, such as reports. You might consider adding
additional queues and configuring them for different workloads.
Estimated time: 75 minutes
Estimated cost: 50 cents

You will need an Amazon Redshift cluster, the sample TICKIT database, and the psql client tool. If you do
not already have these set up, go to Amazon Redshift Getting Started and Connect to Your Cluster by
Using the psql Tool.

• Section 1: Understanding the Default Queue Processing Behavior (p. 90)
• Section 2: Modifying the WLM Query Queue Configuration (p. 94)
• Section 3: Routing Queries to Queues Based on User Groups and Query Groups (p. 98)
• Section 4: Using wlm_query_slot_count to Temporarily Override Concurrency Level in a
Queue (p. 101)
• Section 5: Cleaning Up Your Resources (p. 103)

Section 1: Understanding the Default Queue
Processing Behavior
Before you start to configure WLM, it’s useful to understand the default behavior of queue processing in
Amazon Redshift. In this section, you’ll create two database views that return information from several
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 1: Create the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW View

system tables. Then you’ll run some test queries to see how queries are routed by default. For more
information about system tables, see System Tables Reference (p. 797).

Step 1: Create the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW View
In this step, you’ll create a view called WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW. This view returns information from the
following system tables.
You’ll use this view throughout the tutorial to monitor what happens to queues after you change the
WLM configuration. The following table describes the data that the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW view




The number associated with the row that represents a queue. Queue number
determines the order of the queues in the database.


A value that describes whether the queue is available only to certain user
groups, to certain query groups, or all types of queries.


The number of slots allocated to the queue.


The amount of memory, in MB per slot, allocated to the queue.


The amount of time a query is allowed to run before it is terminated.


A value that indicates whether wildcard characters are allowed in the WLM
configuration to match user groups.


A value that indicates whether wildcard characters are allowed in the WLM
configuration to match query groups.


The number of queries that are waiting in the queue to be processed.


The number of queries that are currently executing.


The number of queries that have executed.

To Create the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW View
1. Open psql and connect to your TICKIT sample database. If you do not have this database, see
Prerequisites (p. 90).
2. Run the following query to create the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW view.
create view WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW as
select (config.service_class-5) as queue
, trim (class.condition) as description
, config.num_query_tasks as slots
, config.query_working_mem as mem
, config.max_execution_time as max_time
, config.user_group_wild_card as "user_*"

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 2: Create the WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW View
, config.query_group_wild_card as "query_*"
, state.num_queued_queries queued
, state.num_executing_queries executing
, state.num_executed_queries executed
class.action_service_class = config.service_class
and class.action_service_class = state.service_class
and config.service_class > 4
order by config.service_class;

3. Run the following query to see the information that the view contains.
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;

The following is an example result.

Step 2: Create the WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW View
In this step, you’ll create a view called WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW. This view returns information from the
STV_WLM_QUERY_STATE (p. 892) system table.
You’ll use this view throughout the tutorial to monitor the queries that are running. The following table
describes the data that the WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW view returns.



The query ID.


The queue number.


The number of slots allocated to the query.


The time that the query started.


The state of the query, such as executing.


The number of microseconds that the query has spent in the queue.


The number of microseconds that the query has been executing.

To Create the WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW View
1. In psql, run the following query to create the WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW view.
create view WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW as
select query, (service_class-5) as queue, slot_count, trim(wlm_start_time) as start_time,
trim(state) as state, trim(queue_time) as queue_time, trim(exec_time) as exec_time
from stv_wlm_query_state;

2. Run the following query to see the information that the view contains.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 3: Run Test Queries

select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following is an example result.

Step 3: Run Test Queries
In this step, you’ll run queries from multiple connections in psql and review the system tables to
determine how the queries were routed for processing.
For this step, you will need two psql windows open:
• In psql window 1, you’ll run queries that monitor the state of the queues and queries using the views
you already created in this tutorial.
• In psql window 2, you’ll run long-running queries to change the results you find in psql window 1.

To Run the Test Queries
1. Open two psql windows. If you already have one window open, you only need to open a second
window. You can use the same user account for both of these connections.
2. In psql window 1, run the following query.
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following is an example result.

This query returns a self-referential result. The query that is currently executing is the SELECT
statement from this view. A query on this view will always return at least one result. You’ll compare
this result with the result that occurs after starting the long-running query in the next step.
3. In psql window 2, you'll run a query from the TICKIT sample database. This query should run for
approximately a minute so that you have time to explore the results of the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW
view and the WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW view that you created earlier. If you find that the query
does not run long enough for you to query both views, you can increase the value of the filter on
l.listid to make it run longer.


To reduce query execution time and improve system performance, Amazon Redshift caches
the results of certain types of queries in memory on the leader node. When result caching is
enabled, subsequent queries run much faster. To prevent the query from running to quickly,
disable result caching for the current session.
To disable result caching for the current session, set the enable_result_cache_for_session (p. 949)
parameter to off, as shown following.
set enable_result_cache_for_session to off;

In psql window 2, run the following query.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Section 2: Modifying the WLM Query Queue Configuration

select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid < 100000;

4. In psql window 1, query WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW and WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW and compare the
results to your earlier results.
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following are example results.

Note the following differences between your previous queries and the results in this step:
• There are two rows now in WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW. One result is the self-referential query for
running a SELECT operation on this view. The second result is the long-running query from the
previous step.
• The executing column in WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW has increased from 1 to 2. This column entry means
that there are two queries running in the queue.
• The executed column is incremented each time you run a query in the queue.
The WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW view is useful for getting an overall view of the queues and how many
queries are being processed in each queue. The WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW view is useful for getting a
more detailed view of the individual queries that are currently running.

Section 2: Modifying the WLM Query Queue
Now that you understand how queues work by default, you'll learn how to configure query queues in
WLM. In this section, you’ll create and configure a new parameter group for your cluster. You’ll create
two additional user queues and configure them to accept queries based on the queries’ user group or
query group labels. Any queries that do not get routed to one of these two queues will be routed to the
default queue at run time.

Step 1: Create a Parameter Group
In this step, you’ll create a new parameter group to use to configure WLM for this tutorial.

To Create a Parameter Group
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, choose Parameter Groups.
3. Choose Create Cluster Parameter Group.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 2: Configure WLM

4. In the Create Cluster Parameter Group dialog box, type wlmtutorial in the Parameter Group
Name field and type WLM tutorial in the Description field. You can leave the Parameter Group
Family setting as is. Then choose Create.

Step 2: Configure WLM
In this step, you’ll modify the default settings of your new parameter group. You’ll add two new query
queues to the WLM configuration and specify different settings for each queue.

To Modify Parameter Group Settings
1. On the Parameter Groups page of the Amazon Redshift console, click the magnifying glass icon next
to wlmtutorial. Doing this opens up the Parameters page for wlmtutorial.

2. Choose the WLM tab. Click Add New Queue twice to add two new queues to this WLM configuration.
Configure the queues with the following values.
• For queue 1, type 2 in the Concurrency file, test in the Query Groups box, and 30 in the %
Memory box. Leave the other boxes empty.
• For queue 2, type 3 in the Concurrency box, admin in the User Groups box, and 40 in the %
Memory box. Leave the other boxes empty.
• Don't make any changes to the default queue. WLM automatically assigns unallocated memory to
the default queue.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 3: Associate the Parameter Group with Your Cluster

3. Click Save Changes.

Step 3: Associate the Parameter Group with Your
In this step, you’ll open your sample cluster and associate it with the new parameter group. After you do
this, you’ll reboot the cluster so that Amazon Redshift can apply the new settings to the database.

To Associate the Parameter Group with Your Cluster
1. In the navigation pane, click Clusters, and then click your cluster to open it. If you are using the same
cluster from Amazon Redshift Getting Started, your cluster will be named examplecluster.

2. On the Configuration tab, click Modify in the Cluster menu.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 3: Associate the Parameter Group with Your Cluster

3. In the Modify Cluster dialog box, select wlmtutorial from the Cluster Parameter Group menu, and
then click Modify.

The statuses shown in the Cluster Parameter Group and Parameter Group Apply Status will change
from in-sync to applying as shown in the following.

After the new parameter group is applied to the cluster, the Cluster Properties and Cluster Status
show the new parameter group that you associated with the cluster. You need to reboot the cluster so
that these settings can be applied to the database also.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Section 3: Routing Queries to Queues
Based on User Groups and Query Groups

4. In the Cluster menu, click Reboot. The status shown in Cluster Status will change from available to
rebooting. After the cluster is rebooted, the status will return to available.

Section 3: Routing Queries to Queues Based on
User Groups and Query Groups
Now that you have your cluster associated with a new parameter group, and you have configured WLM,
you’ll run some queries to see how Amazon Redshift routes queries into queues for processing.

Step 1: View Query Queue Configuration in the
First, verify that the database has the WLM configuration that you expect.

To View the Query Queue Configuration
1. Open psql and run the following query. The query uses the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW view you created
in Step 1: Create the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW View (p. 91). If you already had a session connected
to the database prior to the cluster reboot, you’ll need to reconnect.
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;

The following is an example result.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 2: Run a Query Using the Query Group Queue

Compare these results to the results you received in Step 1: Create the WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW
View (p. 91). Notice that there are now two additional queues. Queue 1 is now the queue for the
test query group, and queue 2 is the queue for the admin user group.
Queue 3 is now the default queue. The last queue in the list is always the default queue, and that
is the queue to which queries are routed by default if no user group or query group is specified in a
2. Run the following query to confirm that your query now runs in queue 3.
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following is an example result.

Step 2: Run a Query Using the Query Group Queue
To Run a Query Using the Query Group Queue
1. Run the following query to route it to the test query group.
set query_group to test;
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

2. From the other psql window, run the following query.
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following is an example result.

The query was routed to the test query group, which is queue 1 now.
3. Select all from the queue state view.
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;

You'll see a result similar to the following.

4. Now, reset the query group and run the long query again:
reset query_group;
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 3: Create a Database User and Group

5. Run the queries against the views to see the results.
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following are example results.

The result should be that the query is now running in queue 3 again.

Step 3: Create a Database User and Group
In Step 1: Create a Parameter Group (p. 94), you configured one of your query queues with a user
group named admin. Before you can run any queries in this queue, you need to create the user group in
the database and add a user to the group. Then you’ll log on with psql using the new user’s credentials
and run queries. You need to run queries as a superuser, such as the masteruser, to create database users.

To Create a New Database User and User Group
1. In the database, create a new database user named adminwlm by running the following command in a
psql window.
create user adminwlm createuser password '123Admin';

2. Then, run the following commands to create the new user group and add your new adminwlm user to
create group admin;
alter group admin add user adminwlm;

Step 4: Run a Query Using the User Group Queue
Next you’ll run a query and route it to the user group queue. You do this when you want to route your
query to a queue that is configured to handle the type of query you want to run.

To Run a Query Using the User Group Queue
1. In psql window 2, run the following queries to switch to the adminwlm account and run a query as
that user.
set session authorization 'adminwlm';
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

2. In psql window 1, run the following query to see the query queue that the queries are routed to.
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Section 4: Using wlm_query_slot_count to
Temporarily Override Concurrency Level in a Queue
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;

The following are example results.

Note that the queue this query ran in is queue 2, the admin user queue. Any time you run queries
logged in as this user, they will run in queue 2 unless you specify a different query group to use.
3. Now run the following query from psql window 2.
set query_group to test;
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

4. In psql window 1, run the following query to see the query queue that the queries are routed to.
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following are example results.

5. When you’re done, reset the query group.
reset query_group;

Section 4: Using wlm_query_slot_count to
Temporarily Override Concurrency Level in a
Sometimes, users might temporarily need more resources for a particular query. If so, they can use the
wlm_query_slot_count configuration setting to temporarily override the way slots are allocated in a
query queue. Slots are units of memory and CPU that are used to process queries. You might override the
slot count when you have occasional queries that take a lot of resources in the cluster, such as when you
perform a VACUUM operation in the database.
If you find that users often need to set wlm_query_slot_count for certain types of queries, you should
consider adjusting the WLM configuration and giving users a queue that better suits the needs of their
queries. For more information about temporarily overriding the concurrency level by using slot count,
see wlm_query_slot_count (p. 955).
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 1: Override the Concurrency
Level Using wlm_query_slot_count

Step 1: Override the Concurrency Level Using
For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll run the same long-running SELECT query. We’ll run it as the
adminwlm user using wlm_query_slot_count to increase the number of slots available for the query.

To Override the Concurrency Level Using wlm_query_slot_count
1. Increase the limit on the query to make sure that you have enough time to query the
WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW view and see a result.
set wlm_query_slot_count to 3;
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

2. Now, query WLM_QUERY_STATE_VW use the masteruser account to see how the query is running.
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following is an example result.

Notice that the slot count for the query is 3. This count means that the query is using all three slots to
process the query, allocating all of the resources in the queue to that query.
3. Now, run the following query.
select * from WLM_QUEUE_STATE_VW;

The following is an example result.

The wlm_query_slot_count configuration setting is valid for the current session only. If that session
expires, or another user runs a query, the WLM configuration is used.
4. Reset the slot count and rerun the test.
reset wlm_query_slot_count;
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

The following are example results.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 2: Run Queries from Different Sessions

Step 2: Run Queries from Different Sessions
Next, run queries from different sessions.

To Run Queries from Different Sessions
1. In psql window 1 and 2, run the following to use the test query group.
set query_group to test;

2. In psql window 1, run the following long-running query.
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

3. As the long-running query is still going in psql window 1, run the following to increase the slot count
to use all the slots for the queue and then start running the long-running query.
set wlm_query_slot_count to 2;
select avg(l.priceperticket*s.qtysold) from listing l, sales s where l.listid <40000;

4. Open a third psql window and query the views to see the results.
select * from wlm_queue_state_vw;
select * from wlm_query_state_vw;

The following are example results.

Notice that the first query is using one of the slots allocated to queue 1 to run the query, and that
there is one query that is waiting in the queue (where queued is 1 and state is QueuedWaiting).
Once the first query completes, the second one will begin executing. This execution happens because
both queries are routed to the test query group, and the second query must wait for enough slots to
begin processing.

Section 5: Cleaning Up Your Resources
Your cluster continues to accrue charges as long as it is running. When you have completed this tutorial,
you should return your environment to the previous state by following the steps in Step 6: Find
Additional Resources and Reset Your Environment in Amazon Redshift Getting Started.
For more information about WLM, see Implementing Workload Management (p. 285).

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

Tutorial: Querying Nested Data with
Amazon Redshift Spectrum
Amazon Redshift Spectrum supports querying nested data in Parquet, ORC, JSON, and Ion file formats.
Redshift Spectrum accesses the data using external tables. You can create external tables that use the
complex data types struct, array, and map.
For example, suppose that your data file contains the following data in Amazon S3 in a folder named

{ Id: 1,
{Given:"John", Family:"Smith"},
Phones: ["123-457789"],
Orders: [ {Date: "Mar 1,2018 11:59:59", Price: 100.50}
{Date: "Mar 1,2018 09:10:00", Price: 99.12} ]
{ Id: 2,
{Given:"Jenny", Family:"Doe"},
Phones: ["858-8675309", "415-9876543"],
Orders: [ ]
{ Id: 3,
Name: {Given:"Andy", Family:"Jones"},
Phones: [ ]
Orders: [ {Date: "Mar 2,2018 08:02:15", Price: 13.50} ]

You can use Redshift Spectrum to query this data. The following tutorial shows you how to do so.
For tutorial prerequisites, steps, and nested data use cases, see the following topics:
• Prerequisites (p. 104)
• Step 1: Create an External Table That Contains Nested Data (p. 105)
• Step 2: Query Your Nested Data in Amazon S3 with SQL Extensions (p. 105)
• Nested Data Use Cases (p. 109)
• Nested Data Limitations (p. 111)

If you are not using Redshift Spectrum yet, follow the steps in the Getting Started with Amazon Redshift
Spectrum (p. 150) tutorial before continuing.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 1: Create an External Table That Contains Nested Data

Step 1: Create an External Table That Contains
Nested Data
To create the external table for this tutorial, run the following command.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE spectrum.customers (
phones array,
orders array>
LOCATION 's3://awssampledbuswest2/nested_example/customers/';

In the example preceding, the external table spectrum.customers uses the struct and array data
types to define columns with nested data. Amazon Redshift Spectrum supports querying nested data in
Parquet, ORC, JSON, and Ion file formats. The LOCATION parameter has to refer to the Amazon S3 folder
that contains the nested data or files.


Amazon Redshift doesn't support complex data types in an Amazon Redshift database table.
You can use complex data types only with Redshift Spectrum external tables.
You can nest array and struct types at any level. For example, you can define a column named
toparray as shown in the following example.
toparray array>>>>

You can also nest struct types as shown for column x in the following example.
x struct

Step 2: Query Your Nested Data in Amazon S3 with
SQL Extensions
Redshift Spectrum supports querying array, map, and struct complex types through extensions to the
Amazon Redshift SQL syntax.

Extension 1: Access to Columns of Structs
You can extract data from struct columns using a dot notation that concatenates field names into
paths. For example, the following query returns given and family names for customers. The given
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Extension 2: Ranging Over Arrays in a FROM Clause

name is accessed by the long path The family name is accessed by the long path

spectrum.customers c;

The preceding query returns the following data.

id | given | family
---|-------|------1 | John | Smith
2 | Jenny | Doe
3 | Andy | Jones
(3 rows)

A struct can be a column of another struct, which can be a column of another struct, at any level.
The paths that access columns in such deeply nested structs can be arbitrarily long. For example, see
the definition for the column x in the following example.

x struct

You can access the data in e as x.b.d.e.


You use structs only to describe the path to the fields that they contain. You can't access them
directly in a query or return them from a query.

Extension 2: Ranging Over Arrays in a FROM Clause
You can extract data from array columns (and, by extension, map columns) by specifying the array
columns in a FROM clause in place of table names. The extension applies to the FROM clause of the main
query, and also the FROM clauses of subqueries. You can't reference array elements by position, such as
By combining ranging over arrays with joins, you can achieve various kinds of unnesting, as explained
in the following use cases.

Unnesting Using Inner Joins
The following query selects customer IDs and order ship dates for customers that have orders. The SQL
extension in the FROM clause c.orders o depends on the alias c.

SELECT, o.shipdate
spectrum.customers c, c.orders o

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Extension 2: Ranging Over Arrays in a FROM Clause

For each customer c that has orders, the FROM clause returns one row for each order o of the customer
c. That row combines the customer row c and the order row o. Then the SELECT clause keeps only the and o.shipdate. The result is the following.

--|---------------------1 |2018-03-01 11:59:59
1 |2018-03-01 09:10:00
3 |2018-03-02 08:02:15
(3 rows)

The alias c provides access to the customer fields, and the alias o provides access to the order fields.
The semantics are similar to standard SQL. You can think of the FROM clause as executing the following
nested loop, which is followed by SELECT choosing the fields to output.

for each customer c in spectrum.customers
for each order o in c.orders
output and o.shipdate

Therefore, if a customer doesn't have an order, the customer doesn't appear in the result.
You can also think of this as the FROM clause performing a JOIN with the customers table and the
orders array. In fact, you can also write the query as shown in the following example.

SELECT, o.shipdate
spectrum.customers c INNER JOIN c.orders o ON true


If a schema named c exists with a table named orders, then c.orders refers to the table
orders, and not the array column of customers.

Unnesting Using Left Joins
The following query outputs all customer names and their orders. If a customer hasn't placed an order,
the customer's name is still returned. However, in this case the order columns are NULL, as shown in the
following example for Jenny Doe.

SELECT,,, o.shipdate, o.price
spectrum.customers c LEFT JOIN c.orders o ON true

The preceding query returns the following data.

id | given | family |
| price
----|---------|---------|----------------------|-------1 | John
| Smith
| 2018-03-01 11:59:59 | 100.5
2 | John
| Smith
| 2018-03-01 09:10:00 | 99.12
2 | Jenny | Doe

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Extension 3: Accessing an Array
of Scalars Directly Using an Alias
3 | Andy
(4 rows)

| Jones

| 2018-03-02

08:02:15 |


Extension 3: Accessing an Array of Scalars Directly
Using an Alias
When an alias p in a FROM clause ranges over an array of scalars, the query refers to the values of p
simply as p. For example, the following query produces pairs of customer names and phone numbers.

SELECT,, p AS phone
spectrum.customers c LEFT JOIN c.phones p ON true

The preceding query returns the following data.

given | family | phone
| Smith
| 123-4577891
Jenny | Doe
| 858-8675309
Jenny | Doe
| 415-9876543
| Jones
(4 rows)

Extension 4: Accessing Elements of Maps
Redshift Spectrum treats the map data type as an array type that contains struct types with a key
column and a value column. The key must be a scalar; the value can be any data type.
For example, the following code creates an external table with a map for storing phone numbers.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE spectrum.customers (
phones map,
orders array>

Because a map type behaves like an array type with columns key and value, you can think of the
preceding schemas as if they were the following.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE spectrum.customers (
phones array>,
orders array>

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Nested Data Use Cases

The following query returns the names of customers with a mobile phone number and returns the
number for each name. The map query is treated as the equivalent of querying a nested array of
struct types. The following query only returns data if you have created the external table as described

SELECT,, p.value
spectrum.customers c, c.phones p
WHERE p.key = 'mobile'


The key for a map is a string for Ion and JSON file types.

Nested Data Use Cases
You can combine the extensions described previously with the usual SQL features. The following use
cases illustrate some common combinations. These examples help demonstrate how you can use nested
data. They aren't part of the tutorial.
• Ingesting Nested Data (p. 109)
• Aggregating Nested Data with Subqueries (p. 109)
• Joining Amazon Redshift and Nested Data (p. 110)

Ingesting Nested Data
You can use a CREATE TABLE AS statement to ingest data from an external table that contains complex
data types. The following query extracts all customers and their phone numbers from the external table,
using LEFT JOIN, and stores them in the Amazon Redshift table CustomerPhones.

CREATE TABLE CustomerPhones AS
SELECT,, p AS phone
spectrum.customers c LEFT JOIN c.phones p ON true

Aggregating Nested Data with Subqueries
You can use a subquery to aggregate nested data. The following example illustrates this approach.

SELECT,, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM c.orders o) AS ordercount
spectrum.customers c

The following data is returned.






API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Joining Amazon Redshift and Nested Data
--------|----------|-------------Jenny | Doe
| Smith
| Jones
(3 rows)


When you aggregate nested data by grouping by the parent row, the most efficient way is the
one shown in the previous example. In that example, the nested rows of c.orders are grouped
by their parent row c. Alternatively, if you know that id is unique for each customer and
o.shipdate is never null, you can aggregate as shown in the following example. However, this
approach generally isn't as efficient as the previous example.

GROUP BY,, COUNT(o.shipdate) AS ordercount
spectrum.customers c LEFT JOIN c.orders o ON true,,

You can also write the query by using a subquery in the FROM clause that refers to an alias (c) of the
ancestor query and extracts array data. The following example demonstrates this approach.

SELECT,, s.count AS ordercount
spectrum.customers c, (SELECT count(*) AS count FROM c.orders o) s

Joining Amazon Redshift and Nested Data
You can also join Amazon Redshift data with nested data in an external table. For example, suppose that
you have the following nested data in Amazon S3.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE spectrum.customers2 (
phones array,
orders array>

Suppose also that you have the following table in Amazon Redshift.

id int,
price double precision

The following query finds the total number and amount of each customer's purchases based on the
preceding. The following example is only an illustration. It only returns data if you have created the
tables described previously.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Nested Data Limitations
SELECT,, COUNT( AS ordercount, SUM(p.price) AS
spectrum.customers2 c, c.orders o, prices p ON o.item =

Nested Data Limitations
The following limitations apply to nested data:
• An array can only contain scalars or struct types. Array types can't contain array or map types.
• Redshift Spectrum supports complex data types only as external tables.
• Query and subquery result columns must be scalar.
• If an OUTER JOIN expression refers to a nested table, it can refer only to that table and its nested
arrays (and maps). If an OUTER JOIN expression doesn't refer to a nested table, it can refer to any
number of non-nested tables.
• If a FROM clause in a subquery refers to a nested table, it can't refer to any other table.
• If a subquery depends on a nested table that refers to a parent, you can use the parent only in the
FROM clause. You can't use the query in any other clauses, such as a SELECT or WHERE clause. For
example, the following query isn't executed.

spectrum.customers c
WHERE (SELECT COUNT( FROM c.phones p WHERE p LIKE '858%') > 1

The following query works because the parent c is used only in the FROM clause of the subquery.

spectrum.customers c
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM c.phones p WHERE p LIKE '858%') > 1

• A subquery that accesses nested data anywhere other than the FROM clause must return a single value.
The only exceptions are (NOT) EXISTS operators in a WHERE clause.
• (NOT) IN is not supported.
• The maximum nesting depth for all nested types is 100. This restriction applies to all file formats
(Parquet, ORC, Ion, and JSON).
• Aggregation subqueries that access nested data can only refer to arrays and maps in their FROM
clause, not to an external table.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Amazon Redshift Security Overview

Managing Database Security
• Amazon Redshift Security Overview (p. 112)
• Default Database User Privileges (p. 113)
• Superusers (p. 113)
• Users (p. 114)
• Groups (p. 114)
• Schemas (p. 115)
• Example for Controlling User and Group Access (p. 116)
You manage database security by controlling which users have access to which database objects.
Access to database objects depends on the privileges that you grant to user accounts or groups. The
following guidelines summarize how database security works:
• By default, privileges are granted only to the object owner.
• Amazon Redshift database users are named user accounts that can connect to a database. A user
account is granted privileges explicitly, by having those privileges assigned directly to the account, or
implicitly, by being a member of a group that is granted privileges.
• Groups are collections of users that can be collectively assigned privileges for easier security
• Schemas are collections of database tables and other database objects. Schemas are similar to
operating system directories, except that schemas cannot be nested. Users can be granted access to a
single schema or to multiple schemas.
For examples of security implementation, see Example for Controlling User and Group Access (p. 116).

Amazon Redshift Security Overview
Amazon Redshift database security is distinct from other types of Amazon Redshift security. In addition
to database security, which is described in this section, Amazon Redshift provides these features to
manage security:
• Sign-in credentials — Access to your Amazon Redshift Management Console is controlled by your
AWS account privileges. For more information, see Sign-In Credentials.
• Access management — To control access to specific Amazon Redshift resources, you define AWS
Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts. For more information, see Controlling Access to
Amazon Redshift Resources.
• Cluster security groups — To grant other users inbound access to an Amazon Redshift cluster, you
define a cluster security group and associate it with a cluster. For more information, see Amazon
Redshift Cluster Security Groups.
• VPC — To protect access to your cluster by using a virtual networking environment, you can launch
your cluster in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For more information, see Managing Clusters in
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
• Cluster encryption — To encrypt the data in all your user-created tables, you can enable cluster
encryption when you launch the cluster. For more information, see Amazon Redshift Clusters.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Default Database User Privileges

• SSL connections — To encrypt the connection between your SQL client and your cluster, you can use
secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption. For more information, see Connect to Your Cluster Using SSL.
• Load data encryption — To encrypt your table load data files when you upload them to Amazon
S3, you can use either server-side encryption or client-side encryption. When you load from serverside encrypted data, Amazon S3 handles decryption transparently. When you load from client-side
encrypted data, the Amazon Redshift COPY command decrypts the data as it loads the table. For more
information, see Uploading Encrypted Data to Amazon S3 (p. 189).
• Data in transit — To protect your data in transit within the AWS cloud, Amazon Redshift uses
hardware accelerated SSL to communicate with Amazon S3 or Amazon DynamoDB for COPY, UNLOAD,
backup, and restore operations.

Default Database User Privileges
When you create a database object, you are its owner. By default, only a superuser or the owner of an
object can query, modify, or grant privileges on the object. For users to use an object, you must grant the
necessary privileges to the user or the group that contains the user. Database superusers have the same
privileges as database owners.
Amazon Redshift supports the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REFERENCES,
CREATE, TEMPORARY, and USAGE. Different privileges are associated with different object types. For
information on database object privileges supported by Amazon Redshift, see the GRANT (p. 516)
The right to modify or destroy an object is always the privilege of the owner only.
To revoke a privilege that was previously granted, use the REVOKE (p. 527) command. The privileges
of the object owner, such as DROP, GRANT, and REVOKE privileges, are implicit and cannot be granted
or revoked. Object owners can revoke their own ordinary privileges, for example, to make a table readonly for themselves as well as others. Superusers retain all privileges regardless of GRANT and REVOKE

Database superusers have the same privileges as database owners for all databases.
The masteruser, which is the user you created when you launched the cluster, is a superuser.
You must be a superuser to create a superuser.
Amazon Redshift system tables and system views are either visible only to superusers or visible to
all users. Only superusers can query system tables and system views that are designated "visible to
superusers." For information, see System Tables and Views (p. 797).
Superusers can view all PostgreSQL catalog tables. For information, see System Catalog Tables (p. 935).
A database superuser bypasses all permission checks. Be very careful when using a superuser role.
We recommend that you do most of your work as a role that is not a superuser. Superusers retain all
privileges regardless of GRANT and REVOKE commands.
To create a new database superuser, log on to the database as a superuser and issue a CREATE USER
command or an ALTER USER command with the CREATEUSER privilege.
create user adminuser createuser password '1234Admin';
alter user adminuser createuser;

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

You can create and manage database users using the Amazon Redshift SQL commands CREATE USER
and ALTER USER, or you can configure your SQL client with custom Amazon Redshift JDBC or ODBC
drivers that manage the process of creating database users and temporary passwords as part of the
database logon process.
The drivers authenticate database users based on AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
authentication. If you already manage user identities outside of AWS, you can use a SAML 2.0-compliant
identity provider (IdP) to manage access to Amazon Redshift resources. You use an IAM role to configure
your IdP and AWS to permit your federated users to generate temporary database credentials and log
on to Amazon Redshift databases. For more information, see Using IAM Authentication to Generate
Database User Credentials.
Amazon Redshift user accounts can only be created and dropped by a database superuser. Users are
authenticated when they login to Amazon Redshift. They can own databases and database objects (for
example, tables) and can grant privileges on those objects to users, groups, and schemas to control
who has access to which object. Users with CREATE DATABASE rights can create databases and grant
privileges to those databases. Superusers have database ownership privileges for all databases.

Creating, Altering, and Deleting Users
Database users accounts are global across a data warehouse cluster (and not per individual database).
• To create a user use the CREATE USER (p. 490) command.
• To create a superuser use the CREATE USER (p. 490) command with the CREATEUSER option.
• To remove an existing user, use the DROP USER (p. 507) command.
• To make changes to a user account, such as changing a password, use the ALTER USER (p. 377)
• To view a list of users, query the PG_USER catalog table:
select * from pg_user;
| usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd | passwd | valuntil |
1 | t
| t
| t
| ******** |
masteruser |
100 | t
| t
| f
| ******** |
101 | f
| f
| f
| ******** |
simpleuser |
102 | f
| f
| f
| ******** |
poweruser |
103 | f
| t
| f
| ******** |
104 | t
| f
| f
| ******** |
(6 rows)

Groups are collections of users who are all granted whatever privileges are associated with the group.
You can use groups to assign privileges by role. For example, you can create different groups for sales,
administration, and support and give the users in each group the appropriate access to the data they
require for their work. You can grant or revoke privileges at the group level, and those changes will apply
to all members of the group, except for superusers.
To view all user groups, query the PG_GROUP system catalog table:
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Creating, Altering, and Deleting Groups

select * from pg_group;

Creating, Altering, and Deleting Groups
Only a superuser can create, alter, or drop groups.
You can perform the following actions:
• To create a group, use the CREATE GROUP (p. 467) command.
• To add users to or remove users from an existing group, use the ALTER GROUP (p. 363) command.
• To delete a group, use the DROP GROUP (p. 502) command. This command only drops the group, not
its member users.

A database contains one or more named schemas. Each schema in a database contains tables and other
kinds of named objects. By default, a database has a single schema, which is named PUBLIC. You can use
schemas to group database objects under a common name. Schemas are similar to operating system
directories, except that schemas cannot be nested.
Identical database object names can be used in different schemas in the same database without conflict.
For example, both MY_SCHEMA and YOUR_SCHEMA can contain a table named MYTABLE. Users with the
necessary privileges can access objects across multiple schemas in a database.
By default, an object is created within the first schema in the search path of the database. For
information, see Search Path (p. 116) later in this section.
Schemas can help with organization and concurrency issues in a multi-user environment in the following
• To allow many developers to work in the same database without interfering with each other.
• To organize database objects into logical groups to make them more manageable.
• To give applications the ability to put their objects into separate schemas so that their names will not
collide with the names of objects used by other applications.

Creating, Altering, and Deleting Schemas
Any user can create schemas and alter or drop schemas they own.
You can perform the following actions:
• To create a schema, use the CREATE SCHEMA (p. 470) command.
• To change the owner of a schema, use the ALTER SCHEMA (p. 364) command.
• To delete a schema and its objects, use the DROP SCHEMA (p. 503) command.
• To create a table within a schema, create the table with the format schema_name.table_name.
To view a list of all schemas, query the PG_NAMESPACE system catalog table:
select * from pg_namespace;

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Search Path

To view a list of tables that belong to a schema, query the PG_TABLE_DEF system catalog table. For
example, the following query returns a list of tables in the PG_CATALOG schema.
select distinct(tablename) from pg_table_def
where schemaname = 'pg_catalog';

Search Path
The search path is defined in the search_path parameter with a comma-separated list of schema names.
The search path specifies the order in which schemas are searched when an object, such as a table or
function, is referenced by a simple name that does not include a schema qualifier.
If an object is created without specifying a target schema, the object is added to the first schema that is
listed in search path. When objects with identical names exist in different schemas, an object name that
does not specify a schema will refer to the first schema in the search path that contains an object with
that name.
To change the default schema for the current session, use the SET (p. 560) command.
For more information, see the search_path (p. 951) description in the Configuration Reference.

Schema-Based Privileges
Schema-based privileges are determined by the owner of the schema:
• By default, all users have CREATE and USAGE privileges on the PUBLIC schema of a database. To
disallow users from creating objects in the PUBLIC schema of a database, use the REVOKE (p. 527)
command to remove that privilege.
• Unless they are granted the USAGE privilege by the object owner, users cannot access any objects in
schemas they do not own.
• If users have been granted the CREATE privilege to a schema that was created by another user, those
users can create objects in that schema.

Example for Controlling User and Group Access
This example creates user groups and user accounts and then grants them various privileges for an
Amazon Redshift database that connects to a web application client. This example assumes three groups
of users: regular users of a web application, power users of a web application, and web developers.
1. Create the groups where the user accounts will be assigned. The following set of commands creates
three different user groups:
create group webappusers;
create group webpowerusers;
create group webdevusers;

2. Create several database user accounts with different privileges and add them to the groups.
a. Create two users and add them to the WEBAPPUSERS group:
create user webappuser1 password 'webAppuser1pass'
in group webappusers;

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Example for Controlling User and Group Access
create user webappuser2 password 'webAppuser2pass'
in group webappusers;

b. Create an account for a web developer and adds it to the WEBDEVUSERS group:
create user webdevuser1 password 'webDevuser2pass'
in group webdevusers;

c. Create a superuser account. This user will have administrative rights to create other users:
create user webappadmin

password 'webAppadminpass1'

3. Create a schema to be associated with the database tables used by the web application, and grant the
various user groups access to this schema:
a. Create the WEBAPP schema:
create schema webapp;

b. Grant USAGE privileges to the WEBAPPUSERS group:
grant usage on schema webapp to group webappusers;

c. Grant USAGE privileges to the WEBPOWERUSERS group:
grant usage on schema webapp to group webpowerusers;

d. Grant ALL privileges to the WEBDEVUSERS group:
grant all on schema webapp to group webdevusers;

The basic users and groups are now set up. You can now make changes to alter the users and groups.
4. For example, the following command alters the search_path parameter for the WEBAPPUSER1.
alter user webappuser1 set search_path to webapp, public;

The SEARCH_PATH specifies the schema search order for database objects, such as tables and
functions, when the object is referenced by a simple name with no schema specified.
5. You can also add users to a group after creating the group, such as adding WEBAPPUSER2 to the
alter group webpowerusers add user webappuser2;

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Choosing a Column Compression Type

Designing Tables
• Choosing a Column Compression Type (p. 118)
• Choosing a Data Distribution Style (p. 129)
• Choosing Sort Keys (p. 140)
• Defining Constraints (p. 145)
• Analyzing Table Design (p. 146)
A data warehouse system has very different design goals as compared to a typical transaction-oriented
relational database system. An online transaction processing (OLTP) application is focused primarily on
single row transactions, inserts, and updates. Amazon Redshift is optimized for very fast execution of
complex analytic queries against very large data sets. Because of the massive amount of data involved in
data warehousing, you must specifically design your database to take full advantage of every available
performance optimization.
This section explains how to choose and implement compression encodings, data distribution keys, sort
keys, and table constraints, and it presents best practices for making these design decisions.

Choosing a Column Compression Type
• Compression Encodings (p. 119)
• Testing Compression Encodings (p. 125)
• Example: Choosing Compression Encodings for the CUSTOMER Table (p. 127)
Compression is a column-level operation that reduces the size of data when it is stored. Compression
conserves storage space and reduces the size of data that is read from storage, which reduces the
amount of disk I/O and therefore improves query performance.
You can apply a compression type, or encoding, to the columns in a table manually when you create the
table, or you can use the COPY command to analyze and apply compression automatically. For details
about applying automatic compression, see Loading Tables with Automatic Compression (p. 209).


We strongly recommend using the COPY command to apply automatic compression.
You might choose to apply compression encodings manually if the new table shares the same data
characteristics as another table, or if in testing you discover that the compression encodings that
are applied during automatic compression are not the best fit for your data. If you choose to apply
compression encodings manually, you can run the ANALYZE COMPRESSION (p. 382) command against
an already populated table and use the results to choose compression encodings.
To apply compression manually, you specify compression encodings for individual columns as part of the
CREATE TABLE statement. The syntax is as follows:
CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name
data_type ENCODE encoding-type)[, ...]

Where encoding-type is taken from the keyword table in the following section.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compression Encodings

For example, the following statement creates a two-column table, PRODUCT. When data is loaded into
the table, the PRODUCT_ID column is not compressed, but the PRODUCT_NAME column is compressed,
using the byte dictionary encoding (BYTEDICT).
create table product(
product_id int encode raw,
product_name char(20) encode bytedict);

You cannot change the compression encoding for a column after the table is created. You can specify the
encoding for a column when it is added to a table using the ALTER TABLE command.
ALTER TABLE table-name ADD [ COLUMN ] column_name column_type ENCODE encoding-type

Compression Encodings
• Raw Encoding (p. 120)
• Byte-Dictionary Encoding (p. 120)
• Delta Encoding (p. 121)
• LZO Encoding (p. 122)
• Mostly Encoding (p. 122)
• Runlength Encoding (p. 124)
• Text255 and Text32k Encodings (p. 124)
• Zstandard Encoding (p. 125)
A compression encoding specifies the type of compression that is applied to a column of data values as
rows are added to a table.
If no compression is specified in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement, Amazon Redshift
automatically assigns compression encoding as follows:
• Columns that are defined as sort keys are assigned RAW compression.
• Columns that are defined as BOOLEAN, REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION data types are assigned RAW
• All other columns are assigned LZO compression.
The following table identifies the supported compression encodings and the data types that support the
Encoding type


Data types

Raw (no compression)



Byte dictionary


All except BOOLEAN





API Version 2012-12-01


Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compression Encodings

Encoding type


Data types



All except BOOLEAN, REAL, and



















Raw Encoding
Raw encoding is the default encoding for columns that are designated as sort keys and columns that are
defined as BOOLEAN, REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION data types. With raw encoding, data is stored in raw,
uncompressed form.

Byte-Dictionary Encoding
In byte dictionary encoding, a separate dictionary of unique values is created for each block of column
values on disk. (An Amazon Redshift disk block occupies 1 MB.) The dictionary contains up to 256 onebyte values that are stored as indexes to the original data values. If more than 256 values are stored in a
single block, the extra values are written into the block in raw, uncompressed form. The process repeats
for each disk block.
This encoding is very effective when a column contains a limited number of unique values. This encoding
is optimal when the data domain of a column is fewer than 256 unique values. Byte-dictionary encoding
is especially space-efficient if a CHAR column holds long character strings.


Byte-dictionary encoding is not always effective when used with VARCHAR columns. Using
BYTEDICT with large VARCHAR columns might cause excessive disk usage. We strongly
recommend using a different encoding, such as LZO, for VARCHAR columns.
Suppose a table has a COUNTRY column with a CHAR(30) data type. As data is loaded, Amazon Redshift
creates the dictionary and populates the COUNTRY column with the index value. The dictionary
contains the indexed unique values, and the table itself contains only the one-byte subscripts of the
corresponding values.


Trailing blanks are stored for fixed-length character columns. Therefore, in a CHAR(30) column,
every compressed value saves 29 bytes of storage when you use the byte-dictionary encoding.
The following table represents the dictionary for the COUNTRY column:
Unique data value

Dictionary index

Size (fixed length, 30 bytes per




API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compression Encodings

Unique data value

Dictionary index

Size (fixed length, 30 bytes per

United States of America






Sri Lanka











The following table represents the values in the COUNTRY column:
Original data value

Original size (fixed
length, 30 bytes per

Compressed value

New size (bytes)









United States of




United States of








Sri Lanka












Sri Lanka











The total compressed size in this example is calculated as follows: 6 different entries are stored in the
dictionary (6 * 30 = 180), and the table contains 10 1-byte compressed values, for a total of 190 bytes.

Delta Encoding
Delta encodings are very useful for datetime columns.
Delta encoding compresses data by recording the difference between values that follow each other in the
column. This difference is recorded in a separate dictionary for each block of column values on disk. (An
Amazon Redshift disk block occupies 1 MB.) For example, if the column contains 10 integers in sequence
from 1 to 10, the first will be stored as a 4-byte integer (plus a 1-byte flag), and the next 9 will each be
stored as a byte with the value 1, indicating that it is one greater than the previous value.
Delta encoding comes in two variations:
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compression Encodings

• DELTA records the differences as 1-byte values (8-bit integers)
• DELTA32K records differences as 2-byte values (16-bit integers)
If most of the values in the column could be compressed by using a single byte, the 1-byte variation
is very effective; however, if the deltas are larger, this encoding, in the worst case, is somewhat less
effective than storing the uncompressed data. Similar logic applies to the 16-bit version.
If the difference between two values exceeds the 1-byte range (DELTA) or 2-byte range (DELTA32K), the
full original value is stored, with a leading 1-byte flag. The 1-byte range is from -127 to 127, and the 2byte range is from -32K to 32K.
The following table shows how a delta encoding works for a numeric column:
Original data

Original size

Difference (delta)






Compressed value Compressed size

1+4 (flag + actual












1+4 (flag + actual



















LZO Encoding
LZO encoding provides a very high compression ratio with good performance. LZO encoding works
especially well for CHAR and VARCHAR columns that store very long character strings, especially free
form text, such as product descriptions, user comments, or JSON strings. LZO is the default encoding
except for columns that are designated as sort keys and columns that are defined as BOOLEAN, REAL, or

Mostly Encoding
Mostly encodings are useful when the data type for a column is larger than most of the stored values
require. By specifying a mostly encoding for this type of column, you can compress the majority of the
values in the column to a smaller standard storage size. The remaining values that cannot be compressed
are stored in their raw form. For example, you can compress a 16-bit column, such as an INT2 column, to
8-bit storage.
In general, the mostly encodings work with the following data types:
• SMALLINT/INT2 (16-bit)
• INTEGER/INT (32-bit)
• BIGINT/INT8 (64-bit)
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compression Encodings

Choose the appropriate variation of the mostly encoding to suit the size of the data type for the
column. For example, apply MOSTLY8 to a column that is defined as a 16-bit integer column. Applying
MOSTLY16 to a column with a 16-bit data type or MOSTLY32 to a column with a 32-bit data type is
Mostly encodings might be less effective than no compression when a relatively high number of the
values in the column cannot be compressed. Before applying one of these encodings to a column, check
that most of the values that you are going to load now (and are likely to load in the future) fit into the
ranges shown in the following table.

Compressed Storage Size

Range of values that can be compressed
(values outside the range are stored raw)


1 byte (8 bits)

-128 to 127


2 bytes (16 bits)

-32768 to 32767


4 bytes (32 bits)

-2147483648 to +2147483647


For decimal values, ignore the decimal point to determine whether the value fits into the range.
For example, 1,234.56 is treated as 123,456 and can be compressed in a MOSTLY32 column.
For example, the VENUEID column in the VENUE table is defined as a raw integer column, which means
that its values consume 4 bytes of storage. However, the current range of values in the column is 0 to
309. Therefore, re-creating and reloading this table with MOSTLY16 encoding for VENUEID would reduce
the storage of every value in that column to 2 bytes.
If the VENUEID values referenced in another table were mostly in the range of 0 to 127, it might make
sense to encode that foreign-key column as MOSTLY8. Before making the choice, you would have to run
some queries against the referencing table data to find out whether the values mostly fall into the 8-bit,
16-bit, or 32-bit range.
The following table shows compressed sizes for specific numeric values when the MOSTLY8, MOSTLY16,
and MOSTLY32 encodings are used:
Original value

Original INT
or BIGINT size

size (bytes)

compressed size

compressed size






















Same as raw
data size









Same as raw data size







API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compression Encodings

Runlength Encoding
Runlength encoding replaces a value that is repeated consecutively with a token that consists of
the value and a count of the number of consecutive occurrences (the length of the run). A separate
dictionary of unique values is created for each block of column values on disk. (An Amazon Redshift disk
block occupies 1 MB.) This encoding is best suited to a table in which data values are often repeated
consecutively, for example, when the table is sorted by those values.
For example, if a column in a large dimension table has a predictably small domain, such as a COLOR
column with fewer than 10 possible values, these values are likely to fall in long sequences throughout
the table, even if the data is not sorted.
We do not recommend applying runlength encoding on any column that is designated as a sort key.
Range-restricted scans perform better when blocks contain similar numbers of rows. If sort key columns
are compressed much more highly than other columns in the same query, range-restricted scans might
perform poorly.
The following table uses the COLOR column example to show how the runlength encoding works:
Original data value

Original size (bytes)

Compressed value

Compressed size





































Text255 and Text32k Encodings
Text255 and text32k encodings are useful for compressing VARCHAR columns in which the same words
recur often. A separate dictionary of unique words is created for each block of column values on disk.
(An Amazon Redshift disk block occupies 1 MB.) The dictionary contains the first 245 unique words in the
column. Those words are replaced on disk by a one-byte index value representing one of the 245 values,
and any words that are not represented in the dictionary are stored uncompressed. The process repeats
for each 1 MB disk block. If the indexed words occur frequently in the column, the column will yield a
high compression ratio.
For the text32k encoding, the principle is the same, but the dictionary for each block does not capture a
specific number of words. Instead, the dictionary indexes each unique word it finds until the combined
entries reach a length of 32K, minus some overhead. The index values are stored in two bytes.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Testing Compression Encodings

For example, consider the VENUENAME column in the VENUE table. Words such as Arena, Center, and
Theatre recur in this column and are likely to be among the first 245 words encountered in each block
if text255 compression is applied. If so, this column will benefit from compression because every time
those words appear, they will occupy only 1 byte of storage (instead of 5, 6, or 7 bytes, respectively).

Zstandard Encoding
Zstandard (ZSTD) encoding provides a high compression ratio with very good performance across diverse
data sets. ZSTD works especially well with CHAR and VARCHAR columns that store a wide range of long
and short strings, such as product descriptions, user comments, logs, and JSON strings. Where some
algorithms, such as Delta (p. 121) encoding or Mostly (p. 122) encoding, can potentially use more
storage space than no compression, ZSTD is very unlikely to increase disk usage. ZSTD supports all
Amazon Redshift data types.

Testing Compression Encodings
If you decide to manually specify column encodings, you might want to test different encodings with
your data.


We recommend that you use the COPY command to load data whenever possible, and allow the
COPY command to choose the optimal encodings based on your data. Alternatively, you can use
the ANALYZE COMPRESSION (p. 382) command to view the suggested encodings for existing
data. For details about applying automatic compression, see Loading Tables with Automatic
Compression (p. 209).
To perform a meaningful test of data compression, you need a large number of rows. For this example,
we will create a table and insert rows by using a statement that selects from two tables; VENUE and
LISTING. We will leave out the WHERE clause that would normally join the two tables; the result is that
each row in the VENUE table is joined to all of the rows in the LISTING table, for a total of over 32 million
rows. This is known as a Cartesian join and normally is not recommended, but for this purpose, it is a
convenient method of creating a lot of rows. If you have an existing table with data that you want to
test, you can skip this step.
After we have a table with sample data, we create a table with seven columns, each with a different
compression encoding: raw, bytedict, lzo, runlength, text255, text32k, and zstd. We populate each
column with exactly the same data by executing an INSERT command that selects the data from the first
To test compression encodings:
1. (Optional) First, we'll use a Cartesian join to create a table with a large number of rows. Skip this step
if you want to test an existing table.
create table cartesian_venue(
venueid smallint not null distkey sortkey,
venuename varchar(100),
venuecity varchar(30),
venuestate char(2),
venueseats integer);
insert into cartesian_venue
select venueid, venuename, venuecity, venuestate, venueseats
from venue, listing;

2. Next, create a table with the encodings that you want to compare.
create table encodingvenue (
venueraw varchar(100) encode raw,
venuebytedict varchar(100) encode bytedict,

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Testing Compression Encodings
venuelzo varchar(100) encode lzo,
venuerunlength varchar(100) encode runlength,
venuetext255 varchar(100) encode text255,
venuetext32k varchar(100) encode text32k,
venuezstd varchar(100) encode zstd);

3. Insert the same data into all of the columns using an INSERT statement with a SELECT clause.
insert into encodingvenue
select venuename as venueraw, venuename as venuebytedict, venuename as venuelzo,
venuename as venuerunlength, venuename as venuetext32k, venuename as venuetext255,
venuename as venuezstd
from cartesian_venue;

4. Verify the number of rows in the new table.
select count(*) from encodingvenue
(1 row)

5. Query the STV_BLOCKLIST (p. 869) system table to compare the number of 1 MB disk blocks used
by each column.
The MAX aggregate function returns the highest block number for each column. The STV_BLOCKLIST
table includes details for three system-generated columns. This example uses col < 6 in the WHERE
clause to exclude the system-generated columns.
select col, max(blocknum)
from stv_blocklist b, stv_tbl_perm p
where ( and name ='encodingvenue'
and col < 7
group by name, col
order by col;

The query returns the following results. The columns are numbered beginning with zero. Depending
on how your cluster is configured, your result might have different numbers, but the relative sizes
should be similar. You can see that BYTEDICT encoding on the second column produced the best
results for this data set, with a compression ratio of better than 20:1. LZO and ZSTD encoding also
produced excellent results. Different data sets will produce different results, of course. When a column
contains longer text strings, LZO often produces the best compression results.
col | max
-----+----0 | 203
1 | 10
2 | 22
3 | 204
4 | 56
5 | 72
6 | 20
(7 rows)

If you have data in an existing table, you can use the ANALYZE COMPRESSION (p. 382) command
to view the suggested encodings for the table. For example, the following example shows the
recommended encoding for a copy of the VENUE table, CARTESIAN_VENUE, that contains 38 million
rows. Notice that ANALYZE COMPRESSION recommends LZO encoding for the VENUENAME column.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Example: Choosing Compression
Encodings for the CUSTOMER Table

ANALYZE COMPRESSION chooses optimal compression based on multiple factors, which include percent
of reduction. In this specific case, BYTEDICT provides better compression, but LZO also produces greater
than 90 percent compression.
analyze compression cartesian_venue;
| Column
| Encoding | Est_reduction_pct
---------------+------------+----------+-----------------reallybigvenue | venueid
| lzo
| 97.54
reallybigvenue | venuename | lzo
| 91.71
reallybigvenue | venuecity | lzo
| 96.01
reallybigvenue | venuestate | lzo
| 97.68
reallybigvenue | venueseats | lzo
| 98.21

Example: Choosing Compression Encodings for the
The following statement creates a CUSTOMER table that has columns with various data types. This
CREATE TABLE statement shows one of many possible combinations of compression encodings for these
create table customer(
custkey int encode delta,
custname varchar(30) encode raw,
gender varchar(7) encode text255,
address varchar(200) encode text255,
city varchar(30) encode text255,
state char(2) encode raw,
zipcode char(5) encode bytedict,
start_date date encode delta32k);

The following table shows the column encodings that were chosen for the CUSTOMER table and gives an
explanation for the choices:

Data Type






CUSTKEY consists of
unique, consecutive
integer values. Since
the differences will be
one byte, DELTA is a
good choice.




large domain with few
repeated values. Any
compression encoding
would probably be




GENDER is very small
domain with many
repeated values.
Text255 works well
with VARCHAR columns
in which the same
words recur.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Example: Choosing Compression
Encodings for the CUSTOMER Table


Data Type






ADDRESS is a large
domain, but contains
many repeated words,
such as Street Avenue,
North, South, and
so on. Text 255 and
text 32k are useful for
compressing VARCHAR
columns in which the
same words recur. The
column length is short,
so text255 is a good




CITY is a large domain,
with some repeated
values. Certain city
names are used much
more commonly than
others. Text255 is
a good choice for
the same reasons as




In the United States,
STATE is a precise
domain of 50 twocharacter values.
Bytedict encoding
would yield some
compression, but
because the column
size is only two
characters, compression
might not be worth
the overhead of
uncompressing the




ZIPCODE is a known
domain of fewer than
50,000 unique values.
Certain zip codes
occur much more
commonly than others.
Bytedict encoding is
very effective when
a column contains
a limited number of
unique values.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Choosing a Data Distribution Style


Data Type






Delta encodings are
very useful for datetime
columns, especially if
the rows are loaded in
date order.

Choosing a Data Distribution Style
• Data Distribution Concepts (p. 129)
• Distribution Styles (p. 130)
• Viewing Distribution Styles (p. 131)
• Evaluating Query Patterns (p. 132)
• Designating Distribution Styles (p. 132)
• Evaluating the Query Plan (p. 133)
• Query Plan Example (p. 134)
• Distribution Examples (p. 138)
When you load data into a table, Amazon Redshift distributes the rows of the table to each of the
compute nodes according to the table's distribution style. When you run a query, the query optimizer
redistributes the rows to the compute nodes as needed to perform any joins and aggregations. The goal
in selecting a table distribution style is to minimize the impact of the redistribution step by locating the
data where it needs to be before the query is executed.
This section will introduce you to the principles of data distribution in an Amazon Redshift database and
give you a methodology to choose the best distribution style for each of your tables.

Data Distribution Concepts
Nodes and slices
An Amazon Redshift cluster is a set of nodes. Each node in the cluster has its own operating system,
dedicated memory, and dedicated disk storage. One node is the leader node, which manages the
distribution of data and query processing tasks to the compute nodes.
The disk storage for a compute node is divided into a number of slices. The number of slices per node
depends on the node size of the cluster. For example, each DS1.XL compute node has two slices, and
each DS1.8XL compute node has 16 slices. The nodes all participate in parallel query execution, working
on data that is distributed as evenly as possible across the slices. For more information about the
number of slices that each node size has, go to About Clusters and Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster
Management Guide.
Data redistribution
When you load data into a table, Amazon Redshift distributes the rows of the table to each of the node
slices according to the table's distribution style. As part of a query plan, the optimizer determines where
blocks of data need to be located to best execute the query. The data is then physically moved, or
redistributed, during execution. Redistribution might involve either sending specific rows to nodes for
joining or broadcasting an entire table to all of the nodes.
Data redistribution can account for a substantial portion of the cost of a query plan, and the network
traffic it generates can affect other database operations and slow overall system performance. To the
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Distribution Styles

extent that you anticipate where best to locate data initially, you can minimize the impact of data
Data distribution goals
When you load data into a table, Amazon Redshift distributes the table's rows to the compute nodes and
slices according to the distribution style that you chose when you created the table. Data distribution has
two primary goals:
• To distribute the workload uniformly among the nodes in the cluster. Uneven distribution, or data
distribution skew, forces some nodes to do more work than others, which impairs query performance.
• To minimize data movement during query execution. If the rows that participate in joins or aggregates
are already collocated on the nodes with their joining rows in other tables, the optimizer does not
need to redistribute as much data during query execution.
The distribution strategy that you choose for your database has important consequences for query
performance, storage requirements, data loading, and maintenance. By choosing the best distribution
style for each table, you can balance your data distribution and significantly improve overall system

Distribution Styles
When you create a table, you can designate one of three distribution styles; EVEN, KEY, or ALL.
If you don't specify a distribution style, Amazon Redshift uses automatic distribution.
Automatic distribution
If you don't specify a distribution style with the CREATE TABLE statement, Amazon Redshift applies
automatic distribution.
With automatic distribution, Amazon Redshift assigns an optimal distribution style based on the size
of the table data. For example, Amazon Redshift initially assigns ALL distribution to a small table,
then changes to EVEN distribution when the table grows larger. When a table is changed from ALL to
EVEN distribution, storage utilization might change slightly. The change in distribution occurs in the
background, in a few seconds. Amazon Redshift never changes the distribution style from EVEN to ALL.
To view the distribution style applied to a table, query the PG_CLASS_INFO system catalog view. For
more information, see Viewing Distribution Styles (p. 131).
Even distribution
The leader node distributes the rows across the slices in a round-robin fashion, regardless of the values
in any particular column. EVEN distribution is appropriate when a table does not participate in joins or
when there is not a clear choice between KEY distribution and ALL distribution.
Key distribution
The rows are distributed according to the values in one column. The leader node places matching values
on the same node slice. If you distribute a pair of tables on the joining keys, the leader node collocates
the rows on the slices according to the values in the joining columns so that matching values from the
common columns are physically stored together.
ALL distribution
A copy of the entire table is distributed to every node. Where EVEN distribution or KEY distribution place
only a portion of a table's rows on each node, ALL distribution ensures that every row is collocated for
every join that the table participates in.
ALL distribution multiplies the storage required by the number of nodes in the cluster, and so it takes
much longer to load, update, or insert data into multiple tables. ALL distribution is appropriate only
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Viewing Distribution Styles

for relatively slow moving tables; that is, tables that are not updated frequently or extensively. Small
dimension tables do not benefit significantly from ALL distribution, because the cost of redistribution is


After you have specified a distribution style for a column, Amazon Redshift handles data
distribution at the cluster level. Amazon Redshift does not require or support the concept of
partitioning data within database objects. You do not need to create table spaces or define
partitioning schemes for tables.
You can't change the distribution style of a table after it's created. To use a different distribution style,
you can recreate the table and populate the new table with a deep copy. For more information, see
Performing a Deep Copy (p. 221)

Viewing Distribution Styles
To view the distribution style of a table, query the PG_CLASS_INFO view or the SVV_TABLE_INFO view.
The RELEFFECTIVEDISTSTYLE column in PG_CLASS_INFO indicates the current distribution style for
the table. If the table uses automatic distribution, RELEFFECTIVEDISTSTYLE is 10 or 11, which indicates
whether the effective distribution style is AUTO (ALL) or AUTO (EVEN). If the table uses automatic
distribution, the distribution style might initially show AUTO (ALL), then change to AUTO (EVEN) when
the table grows.
The following table gives the distribution style for each value in RELEFFECTIVEDISTSTYLE column:

Current Distribution style











The DISTSTYLE column in SVV_TABLE_INFO indicates the current distribution style for the table. If the
table uses automatic distribution, DISTSTYLE is AUTO (ALL) or AUTO (EVEN).
The following example creates four tables using the three distribution styles and automatic distribution,
then queries SVV_TABLE_INFO to view the distribution styles.

create table dist_key (col1 int)
diststyle key distkey (col1);
create table dist_even (col1 int)
diststyle even;
create table dist_all (col1 int)
diststyle all;
create table dist_auto (col1 int);
select "schema", "table", diststyle from SVV_TABLE_INFO
where "table" like 'dist%';
| diststyle

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Evaluating Query Patterns





Evaluating Query Patterns
Choosing distribution styles is just one aspect of database design. You should consider distribution styles
only within the context of the entire system, balancing distribution with other important factors such as
cluster size, compression encoding methods, sort keys, and table constraints.
Test your system with data that is as close to real data as possible.
In order to make good choices for distribution styles, you need to understand the query patterns for
your Amazon Redshift application. Identify the most costly queries in your system and base your initial
database design on the demands of those queries. Factors that determine the total cost of a query
are how long the query takes to execute, how much computing resources it consumes, how often it is
executed, and how disruptive it is to other queries and database operations.
Identify the tables that are used by the most costly queries, and evaluate their role in query execution.
Consider how the tables are joined and aggregated.
Use the guidelines in this section to choose a distribution style for each table. When you have done so,
create the tables, load them with data that is as close as possible to real data, and then test the tables
for the types of queries that you expect to use. You can evaluate the query explain plans to identify
tuning opportunities. Compare load times, storage space, and query execution times in order to balance
your system's overall requirements.

Designating Distribution Styles
The considerations and recommendations for designating distribution styles in this section use a star
schema as an example. Your database design might be based on a star schema, some variant of a star
schema, or an entirely different schema. Amazon Redshift is designed to work effectively with whatever
schema design you choose. The principles in this section can be applied to any design schema.
1. Specify the primary key and foreign keys for all your tables.
Amazon Redshift does not enforce primary key and foreign key constraints, but the query optimizer
uses them when it generates query plans. If you set primary keys and foreign keys, your application
must maintain the validity of the keys.
2. Distribute the fact table and its largest dimension table on their common columns.
Choose the largest dimension based on the size of data set that participates in the most common join,
not just the size of the table. If a table is commonly filtered, using a WHERE clause, only a portion
of its rows participate in the join. Such a table has less impact on redistribution than a smaller table
that contributes more data. Designate both the dimension table's primary key and the fact table's
corresponding foreign key as DISTKEY. If multiple tables use the same distribution key, they will also
be collocated with the fact table. Your fact table can have only one distribution key. Any tables that
join on another key will not be collocated with the fact table.
3. Designate distribution keys for the other dimension tables.
Distribute the tables on their primary keys or their foreign keys, depending on how they most
commonly join with other tables.
4. Evaluate whether to change some of the dimension tables to use ALL distribution.
If a dimension table cannot be collocated with the fact table or other important joining tables, you
can improve query performance significantly by distributing the entire table to all of the nodes. Using
ALL distribution multiplies storage space requirements and increases load times and maintenance
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Evaluating the Query Plan

operations, so you should weigh all factors before choosing ALL distribution. The following section
explains how to identify candidates for ALL distribution by evaluating the EXPLAIN plan.
5. Use EVEN distribution for the remaining tables.
If a table is largely denormalized and does not participate in joins, or if you don't have a clear choice
for another distribution style, use EVEN distribution (the default).
To let Amazon Redshift choose the appropriate distribution style, don't explicitly specify a distribution
You cannot change the distribution style of a table after it is created. To use a different distribution
style, you can recreate the table and populate the new table with a deep copy. For more information, see
Performing a Deep Copy (p. 221).

Evaluating the Query Plan
You can use query plans to identify candidates for optimizing the distribution style.
After making your initial design decisions, create your tables, load them with data, and test them. Use
a test data set that is as close as possible to the real data. Measure load times to use as a baseline for
Evaluate queries that are representative of the most costly queries you expect to execute; specifically,
queries that use joins and aggregations. Compare execution times for various design options. When you
compare execution times, do not count the first time the query is executed, because the first run time
includes the compilation time.
No redistribution is required, because corresponding slices are collocated on the compute nodes. You
will typically have only one DS_DIST_NONE step, the join between the fact table and one dimension
No redistribution is required, because the inner join table used DISTSTYLE ALL. The entire table is
located on every node.
The inner table is redistributed.
The outer table is redistributed.
A copy of the entire inner table is broadcast to all the compute nodes.
The entire inner table is redistributed to a single slice because the outer table uses DISTSTYLE ALL.
Both tables are redistributed.
DS_DIST_NONE and DS_DIST_ALL_NONE are good. They indicate that no distribution was required for
that step because all of the joins are collocated.
DS_DIST_INNER means that the step will probably have a relatively high cost because the inner table
is being redistributed to the nodes. DS_DIST_INNER indicates that the outer table is already properly
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Query Plan Example

distributed on the join key. Set the inner table's distribution key to the join key to convert this to
DS_DIST_NONE. If distributing the inner table on the join key is not possible because the outer table is
not distributed on the join key, evaluate whether to use ALL distribution for the inner table. If the table is
relatively slow moving, that is, it is not updated frequently or extensively, and it is large enough to carry
a high redistribution cost, change the distribution style to ALL and test again. ALL distribution causes
increased load times, so when you retest, include the load time in your evaluation factors.
DS_DIST_ALL_INNER is not good. It means the entire inner table is redistributed to a single slice because
the outer table uses DISTSTYLE ALL, so that a copy of the entire outer table is located on each node. This
results in inefficient serial execution of the join on a single node instead taking advantage of parallel
execution using all of the nodes. DISTSTYLE ALL is meant to be used only for the inner join table.
Instead, specify a distribution key or use even distribution for the outer table.
DS_BCAST_INNER and DS_DIST_BOTH are not good. Usually these redistributions occur because the
tables are not joined on their distribution keys. If the fact table does not already have a distribution
key, specify the joining column as the distribution key for both tables. If the fact table already has a
distribution key on another column, you should evaluate whether changing the distribution key to
collocate this join will improve overall performance. If changing the distribution key of the outer table is
not an optimal choice, you can achieve collocation by specifying DISTSTYLE ALL for the inner table.
The following example shows a portion of a query plan with DS_BCAST_INNER and DS_DIST_NONE

XN Hash Join DS_BCAST_INNER (cost=112.50..3272334142.59 rows=170771 width=84)
Hash Cond: ("outer".venueid = "inner".venueid)
-> XN Hash Join DS_BCAST_INNER (cost=109.98..3167290276.71 rows=172456 width=47)
Hash Cond: ("outer".eventid = "inner".eventid)
-> XN Merge Join DS_DIST_NONE (cost=0.00..6286.47 rows=172456 width=30)
Merge Cond: ("outer".listid = "inner".listid)
-> XN Seq Scan on listing (cost=0.00..1924.97 rows=192497 width=14)
-> XN Seq Scan on sales (cost=0.00..1724.56 rows=172456 width=24)

After changing the dimension tables to use DISTSTYLE ALL, the query plan for the same query shows
DS_DIST_ALL_NONE in place of DS_BCAST_INNER. Also, there is a dramatic change in the relative cost
for the join steps.

XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=112.50..14142.59 rows=170771 width=84)
Hash Cond: ("outer".venueid = "inner".venueid)
-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=109.98..10276.71 rows=172456 width=47)
Hash Cond: ("outer".eventid = "inner".eventid)
-> XN Merge Join DS_DIST_NONE (cost=0.00..6286.47 rows=172456 width=30)
Merge Cond: ("outer".listid = "inner".listid)
-> XN Seq Scan on listing (cost=0.00..1924.97 rows=192497 width=14)
-> XN Seq Scan on sales (cost=0.00..1724.56 rows=172456 width=24)

Query Plan Example
This example shows how to evaluate a query plan to find opportunities to optimize the distribution.
Run the following query with an EXPLAIN command to produce a query plan.
select lastname, catname, venuename, venuecity, venuestate, eventname,
month, sum(pricepaid) as buyercost, max(totalprice) as maxtotalprice
from category join event on category.catid = event.catid
join venue on venue.venueid = event.venueid
join sales on sales.eventid = event.eventid
join listing on sales.listid = listing.listid
join date on sales.dateid = date.dateid

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Query Plan Example
join users on users.userid = sales.buyerid
group by lastname, catname, venuename, venuecity, venuestate, eventname, month
having sum(pricepaid)>9999
order by catname, buyercost desc;

In the TICKIT database, SALES is a fact table and LISTING is its largest dimension. In order to collocate
the tables, SALES is distributed on the LISTID, which is the foreign key for LISTING, and LISTING is
distributed on its primary key, LISTID. The following example shows the CREATE TABLE commands for
create table sales(
salesid integer not null,
listid integer not null distkey,
sellerid integer not null,
buyerid integer not null,
eventid integer not null encode mostly16,
dateid smallint not null,
qtysold smallint not null encode mostly8,
pricepaid decimal(8,2) encode delta32k,
commission decimal(8,2) encode delta32k,
saletime timestamp,
primary key(salesid),
foreign key(listid) references listing(listid),
foreign key(sellerid) references users(userid),
foreign key(buyerid) references users(userid),
foreign key(dateid) references date(dateid))
create table listing(
listid integer not null distkey sortkey,
sellerid integer not null,
eventid integer not null encode mostly16,
dateid smallint not null,
numtickets smallint not null encode mostly8,
priceperticket decimal(8,2) encode bytedict,
totalprice decimal(8,2) encode mostly32,
listtime timestamp,
primary key(listid),
foreign key(sellerid) references users(userid),
foreign key(eventid) references event(eventid),
foreign key(dateid) references date(dateid));

In the following query plan, the Merge Join step for the join on SALES and LISTING shows
DS_DIST_NONE, which indicates that no redistribution is required for the step. However, moving up
the query plan, the other inner joins show DS_BCAST_INNER, which indicates that the inner table is
broadcast as part of the query execution. Because only one pair of tables can be collocated using key
distribution, five tables need to be rebroadcast.
XN Merge (cost=1015345167117.54..1015345167544.46 rows=1000 width=103)
Merge Key: category.catname, sum(sales.pricepaid)
-> XN Network (cost=1015345167117.54..1015345167544.46 rows=170771 width=103)
Send to leader
-> XN Sort (cost=1015345167117.54..1015345167544.46 rows=170771 width=103)
Sort Key: category.catname, sum(sales.pricepaid)
-> XN HashAggregate (cost=15345150568.37..15345152276.08 rows=170771
Filter: (sum(pricepaid) > 9999.00)
-> XN Hash Join DS_BCAST_INNER (cost=742.08..15345146299.10
rows=170771 width=103)
Hash Cond: ("outer".catid = "inner".catid)
-> XN Hash Join DS_BCAST_INNER (cost=741.94..15342942456.61
rows=170771 width=97)

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Query Plan Example
Hash Cond: ("outer".dateid = "inner".dateid)
(cost=737.38..15269938609.81 rows=170766 width=90)
Hash Cond: ("outer".buyerid = "inner".userid)
(cost=112.50..3272334142.59 rows=170771 width=84)
Hash Cond: ("outer".venueid = "inner".venueid)
(cost=109.98..3167290276.71 rows=172456 width=47)
Hash Cond: ("outer".eventid =
-> XN Merge Join DS_DIST_NONE
(cost=0.00..6286.47 rows=172456 width=30)
Merge Cond: ("outer".listid =
-> XN Seq Scan on listing
(cost=0.00..1924.97 rows=192497 width=14)
-> XN Seq Scan on sales
(cost=0.00..1724.56 rows=172456 width=24)
-> XN Hash (cost=87.98..87.98
rows=8798 width=25)
-> XN Seq Scan on event
(cost=0.00..87.98 rows=8798 width=25)
-> XN Hash (cost=2.02..2.02 rows=202
-> XN Seq Scan on venue
(cost=0.00..2.02 rows=202 width=41)
-> XN Hash (cost=499.90..499.90 rows=49990
-> XN Seq Scan on users (cost=0.00..499.90
rows=49990 width=14)
-> XN Hash (cost=3.65..3.65 rows=365 width=11)
-> XN Seq Scan on date (cost=0.00..3.65 rows=365
-> XN Hash (cost=0.11..0.11 rows=11 width=10)
-> XN Seq Scan on category (cost=0.00..0.11 rows=11

One solution is to recreate the tables with DISTSTYLE ALL. You cannot change a table's distribution style
after it is created. To recreate tables with a different distribution style, use a deep copy.
First, rename the tables.


users rename to userscopy;
venue rename to venuecopy;
category rename to categorycopy;
date rename to datecopy;
event rename to eventcopy;

Run the following script to recreate USERS, VENUE, CATEGORY, DATE, EVENT. Don't make any changes to
create table users(
userid integer not null sortkey,
username char(8),
firstname varchar(30),
lastname varchar(30),
city varchar(30),
state char(2),
email varchar(100),
phone char(14),
likesports boolean,
liketheatre boolean,

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Query Plan Example
likeconcerts boolean,
likejazz boolean,
likeclassical boolean,
likeopera boolean,
likerock boolean,
likevegas boolean,
likebroadway boolean,
likemusicals boolean,
primary key(userid)) diststyle all;
create table venue(
venueid smallint not null sortkey,
venuename varchar(100),
venuecity varchar(30),
venuestate char(2),
venueseats integer,
primary key(venueid)) diststyle all;
create table category(
catid smallint not null,
catgroup varchar(10),
catname varchar(10),
catdesc varchar(50),
primary key(catid)) diststyle all;
create table date(
dateid smallint not null sortkey,
caldate date not null,
day character(3) not null,
week smallint not null,
month character(5) not null,
qtr character(5) not null,
year smallint not null,
holiday boolean default('N'),
primary key (dateid)) diststyle all;
create table event(
eventid integer not null sortkey,
venueid smallint not null,
catid smallint not null,
dateid smallint not null,
eventname varchar(200),
starttime timestamp,
primary key(eventid),
foreign key(venueid) references venue(venueid),
foreign key(catid) references category(catid),
foreign key(dateid) references date(dateid)) diststyle all;

Insert the data back into the tables and run an ANALYZE command to update the statistics.


users select * from userscopy;
venue select * from venuecopy;
category select * from categorycopy;
date select * from datecopy;
event select * from eventcopy;


Finally, drop the copies.
drop table userscopy;
drop table venuecopy;
drop table categorycopy;

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Distribution Examples
drop table datecopy;
drop table eventcopy;

Run the same query with EXPLAIN again, and examine the new query plan. The joins now show
DS_DIST_ALL_NONE, indicating that no redistribution is required because the data was distributed to
every node using DISTSTYLE ALL.
XN Merge (cost=1000000047117.54..1000000047544.46 rows=1000 width=103)
Merge Key: category.catname, sum(sales.pricepaid)
-> XN Network (cost=1000000047117.54..1000000047544.46 rows=170771 width=103)
Send to leader
-> XN Sort (cost=1000000047117.54..1000000047544.46 rows=170771 width=103)
Sort Key: category.catname, sum(sales.pricepaid)
-> XN HashAggregate (cost=30568.37..32276.08 rows=170771 width=103)
Filter: (sum(pricepaid) > 9999.00)
-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=742.08..26299.10 rows=170771
Hash Cond: ("outer".buyerid = "inner".userid)
-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=117.20..21831.99
rows=170766 width=97)
Hash Cond: ("outer".dateid = "inner".dateid)
-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=112.64..17985.08
rows=170771 width=90)
Hash Cond: ("outer".catid = "inner".catid)
(cost=112.50..14142.59 rows=170771 width=84)
Hash Cond: ("outer".venueid = "inner".venueid)
(cost=109.98..10276.71 rows=172456 width=47)
Hash Cond: ("outer".eventid =
-> XN Merge Join DS_DIST_NONE
(cost=0.00..6286.47 rows=172456 width=30)
Merge Cond: ("outer".listid =
-> XN Seq Scan on listing
(cost=0.00..1924.97 rows=192497 width=14)
-> XN Seq Scan on sales
(cost=0.00..1724.56 rows=172456 width=24)
-> XN Hash (cost=87.98..87.98 rows=8798
-> XN Seq Scan on event
(cost=0.00..87.98 rows=8798 width=25)
-> XN Hash (cost=2.02..2.02 rows=202
-> XN Seq Scan on venue
(cost=0.00..2.02 rows=202 width=41)
-> XN Hash (cost=0.11..0.11 rows=11 width=10)
-> XN Seq Scan on category (cost=0.00..0.11
rows=11 width=10)
-> XN Hash (cost=3.65..3.65 rows=365 width=11)
-> XN Seq Scan on date (cost=0.00..3.65 rows=365
-> XN Hash (cost=499.90..499.90 rows=49990 width=14)
-> XN Seq Scan on users (cost=0.00..499.90 rows=49990

Distribution Examples
The following examples show how data is distributed according to the options that you define in the
CREATE TABLE statement.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Distribution Examples

DISTKEY Examples
Look at the schema of the USERS table in the TICKIT database. USERID is defined as the SORTKEY
column and the DISTKEY column:
select "column", type, encoding, distkey, sortkey
from pg_table_def where tablename = 'users';
| encoding | distkey | sortkey
| integer
| none
| t
| character(8)
| none
| f
| character varying(30) | text32k | f

USERID is a good choice for the distribution column on this table. If you query the SVV_DISKUSAGE
system view, you can see that the table is very evenly distributed. Column numbers are zero-based, so
USERID is column 0.
select slice, col, num_values as rows, minvalue, maxvalue
from svv_diskusage
where name='users' and col=0 and rows>0
order by slice, col;
slice| col | rows | minvalue | maxvalue
| 0
| 12496 | 4
| 49987
| 0
| 12498 | 1
| 49988
| 0
| 12497 | 2
| 49989
| 0
| 12499 | 3
| 49990
(4 rows)

The table contains 49,990 rows. The rows (num_values) column shows that each slice contains about the
same number of rows. The minvalue and maxvalue columns show the range of values on each slice. Each
slice includes nearly the entire range of values, so there's a good chance that every slice will participate
in executing a query that filters for a range of user IDs.
This example demonstrates distribution on a small test system. The total number of slices is typically
much higher.
If you commonly join or group using the STATE column, you might choose to distribute on the STATE
column. The following examples shows that if you create a new table with the same data as the USERS
table, but you set the DISTKEY to the STATE column, the distribution will not be as even. Slice 0 (13,587
rows) holds approximately 30% more rows than slice 3 (10,150 rows). In a much larger table, this
amount of distribution skew could have an adverse impact on query processing.
create table userskey distkey(state) as select * from users;
select slice, col, num_values as rows, minvalue, maxvalue from svv_diskusage
where name = 'userskey' and col=0 and rows>0
order by slice, col;
slice | col | rows | minvalue | maxvalue
------+-----+-------+----------+---------0 |
0 | 13587 |
5 |
1 |
0 | 11245 |
2 |
2 |
0 | 15008 |
1 |
3 |
0 | 10150 |
4 |

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Choosing Sort Keys
(4 rows)

If you create a new table with the same data as the USERS table but set the DISTSTYLE to EVEN, rows
are always evenly distributed across slices.
create table userseven diststyle even as
select * from users;
select slice, col, num_values as rows, minvalue, maxvalue from svv_diskusage
where name = 'userseven' and col=0 and rows>0
order by slice, col;
slice | col | rows | minvalue | maxvalue
------+-----+-------+----------+---------0 |
0 | 12497 |
4 |
1 |
0 | 12498 |
8 |
2 |
0 | 12498 |
2 |
3 |
0 | 12497 |
1 |
(4 rows)

However, because distribution is not based on a specific column, query processing can be degraded,
especially if the table is joined to other tables. The lack of distribution on a joining column often
influences the type of join operation that can be performed efficiently. Joins, aggregations, and grouping
operations are optimized when both tables are distributed and sorted on their respective joining

If you create a new table with the same data as the USERS table but set the DISTSTYLE to ALL, all the
rows are distributed to the first slice of each node.
select slice, col, num_values as rows, minvalue, maxvalue from svv_diskusage
where name = 'usersall' and col=0 and rows > 0
order by slice, col;
slice | col | rows | minvalue | maxvalue
------+-----+-------+----------+---------0 |
0 | 49990 |
4 |
2 |
0 | 49990 |
2 |
(4 rows)

Choosing Sort Keys
When you create a table, you can define one or more of its columns as sort keys. When data is initially
loaded into the empty table, the rows are stored on disk in sorted order. Information about sort key
columns is passed to the query planner, and the planner uses this information to construct plans that
exploit the way that the data is sorted.
Sorting enables efficient handling of range-restricted predicates. Amazon Redshift stores columnar data
in 1 MB disk blocks. The min and max values for each block are stored as part of the metadata. If query
uses a range-restricted predicate, the query processor can use the min and max values to rapidly skip
over large numbers of blocks during table scans. For example, if a table stores five years of data sorted
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Compound Sort Key

by date and a query specifies a date range of one month, up to 98 percent of the disk blocks can be
eliminated from the scan. If the data is not sorted, more of the disk blocks (possibly all of them) have to
be scanned.
You can specify either a compound or interleaved sort key. A compound sort key is more efficient when
query predicates use a prefix, which is a subset of the sort key columns in order. An interleaved sort key
gives equal weight to each column in the sort key, so query predicates can use any subset of the columns
that make up the sort key, in any order. For examples of using compound sort keys and interleaved sort
keys, see Comparing Sort Styles (p. 142).
To understand the impact of the chosen sort key on query performance, use the EXPLAIN (p. 511)
command. For more information, see Query Planning And Execution Workflow (p. 257)
To define a sort type, use either the INTERLEAVED or COMPOUND keyword with your CREATE TABLE or
CREATE TABLE AS statement. The default is COMPOUND. An INTERLEAVED sort key can use a maximum
of eight columns.
To view the sort keys for a table, query the SVV_TABLE_INFO (p. 926) system view.
• Compound Sort Key (p. 141)
• Interleaved Sort Key (p. 141)
• Comparing Sort Styles (p. 142)

Compound Sort Key
A compound key is made up of all of the columns listed in the sort key definition, in the order they are
listed. A compound sort key is most useful when a query's filter applies conditions, such as filters and
joins, that use a prefix of the sort keys. The performance benefits of compound sorting decrease when
queries depend only on secondary sort columns, without referencing the primary columns. COMPOUND
is the default sort type.
Compound sort keys might speed up joins, GROUP BY and ORDER BY operations, and window functions
that use PARTITION BY and ORDER BY. For example, a merge join, which is often faster than a hash join,
is feasible when the data is distributed and presorted on the joining columns. Compound sort keys also
help improve compression.
As you add rows to a sorted table that already contains data, the unsorted region grows, which has
a significant effect on performance. The effect is greater when the table uses interleaved sorting,
especially when the sort columns include data that increases monotonically, such as date or timestamp
columns. You should run a VACUUM operation regularly, especially after large data loads, to re-sort and
re-analyze the data. For more information, see Managing the Size of the Unsorted Region (p. 231).
After vacuuming to resort the data, it's a good practice to run an ANALYZE command to update the
statistical metadata for the query planner. For more information, see Analyzing Tables (p. 223).

Interleaved Sort Key
An interleaved sort gives equal weight to each column, or subset of columns, in the sort key. If multiple
queries use different columns for filters, then you can often improve performance for those queries by
using an interleaved sort style. When a query uses restrictive predicates on secondary sort columns,
interleaved sorting significantly improves query performance as compared to compound sorting.


Don’t use an interleaved sort key on columns with monotonically increasing attributes, such as
identity columns, dates, or timestamps.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Comparing Sort Styles

The performance improvements you gain by implementing an interleaved sort key should be weighed
against increased load and vacuum times.
Interleaved sorts are most effective with highly selective queries that filter on one or more of the sort
key columns in the WHERE clause, for example select c_name from customer where c_region
= 'ASIA'. The benefits of interleaved sorting increase with the number of sorted columns that are
An interleaved sort is more effective with large tables. Sorting is applied on each slice, so an interleaved
sort is most effective when a table is large enough to require multiple 1 MB blocks per slice and the
query processor is able to skip a significant proportion of the blocks using restrictive predicates. To view
the number of blocks a table uses, query the STV_BLOCKLIST (p. 869) system view.
When sorting on a single column, an interleaved sort might give better performance than a compound
sort if the column values have a long common prefix. For example, URLs commonly begin with "http://
www". Compound sort keys use a limited number of characters from the prefix, which results in a lot
of duplication of keys. Interleaved sorts use an internal compression scheme for zone map values that
enables them to better discriminate among column values that have a long common prefix.
As you add rows to a sorted table that already contains data, performance might deteriorate over
time. This deterioration occurs for both compound and interleaved sorts, but it has a greater effect on
interleaved tables. A VACUUM restores the sort order, but the operation can take longer for interleaved
tables because merging new interleaved data might involve modifying every data block.
When tables are initially loaded, Amazon Redshift analyzes the distribution of the values in the sort
key columns and uses that information for optimal interleaving of the sort key columns. As a table
grows, the distribution of the values in the sort key columns can change, or skew, especially with date or
timestamp columns. If the skew becomes too large, performance might be affected. To re-analyze the
sort keys and restore performance, run the VACUUM command with the REINDEX key word. Because it
needs to take an extra analysis pass over the data, VACUUM REINDEX can take longer than a standard
VACUUM for interleaved tables. To view information about key distribution skew and last reindex time,
query the SVV_INTERLEAVED_COLUMNS (p. 905) system view.
For more information about how to determine how often to run VACUUM and when to run a VACUUM
REINDEX, see Deciding Whether to Reindex (p. 230).

Comparing Sort Styles
This section compares the performance differences when using a single-column sort key, a compound
sort key, and an interleaved sort key for different types of queries.
For this example, you'll create a denormalized table named CUST_SALES, using data from the
CUSTOMER and LINEORDER tables. CUSTOMER and LINEORDER are part of the SSB data set, which is
used in the Tutorial: Tuning Table Design (p. 45).
The new CUST_SALES table has 480 million rows, which is not large by Amazon Redshift standards, but it
is large enough to show the performance differences. Larger tables will tend to show greater differences,
especially for interleaved sorting.
To compare the three sort methods, perform the following steps:
1. Create the SSB data set.
2. Create the CUST_SALES_DATE table.
3. Create three tables to compare sort styles.
4. Execute queries and compare the results.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Comparing Sort Styles

Create the SSB Data Set
If you haven't already done so, follow the steps in Step 1: Create a Test Data Set (p. 45) in the Tuning
Table Design tutorial to create the tables in the SSB data set and load them with data. The data load will
take about 10 to 15 minutes.
The example in the Tuning Table Design tutorial uses a four-node cluster. The comparisons in this
example use a two-node cluster. Your results will vary with different cluster configurations.

Create the CUST_SALES_DATE Table
The CUST_SALES_DATE table is a denormalized table that contains data about customers and revenues.
To create the CUST_SALES_DATE table, execute the following statement.
create table cust_sales_date as
(select c_custkey, c_nation, c_region, c_mktsegment, d_date::date, lo_revenue
from customer, lineorder, dwdate
where lo_custkey = c_custkey
and lo_orderdate = dwdate.d_datekey
and lo_revenue > 0);

The following query shows the row count for CUST_SALES.
select count(*) from cust_sales_date;
(1 row)

Execute the following query to view the first row of the CUST_SALES table.
select * from cust_sales_date limit 1;
c_custkey | c_nation | c_region | c_mktsegment | d_date
| lo_revenue
----------+----------+----------+--------------+------------+----------1 | MOROCCO | AFRICA
| 1994-10-28 |

Create Tables for Comparing Sort Styles
To compare the sort styles, create three tables. The first will use a single-column sort key; the second
will use a compound sort key; the third will use an interleaved sort key. The single-column sort will use
the c_custkey column. The compound sort and the interleaved sort will both use the c_custkey,
c_region, c_mktsegment, and d_date columns.
To create the tables for comparison, execute the following CREATE TABLE statements.
create table cust_sales_date_single
sortkey (c_custkey)
as select * from cust_sales_date;
create table cust_sales_date_compound
compound sortkey (c_custkey, c_region, c_mktsegment, d_date)
as select * from cust_sales_date;
create table cust_sales_date_interleaved
interleaved sortkey (c_custkey, c_region, c_mktsegment, d_date)

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Comparing Sort Styles
as select * from cust_sales_date;

Execute Queries and Compare the Results
Execute the same queries against each of the tables to compare execution times for each table. To
eliminate differences due to compile time, run each of the queries twice, and record the second time.

Test a query that restricts on the c_custkey column, which is the first column in the sort key for
each table. Execute the following queries.
-- Query 1
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_single
where c_custkey < 100000;
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_compound
where c_custkey < 100000;
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_interleaved
where c_custkey < 100000;


Test a query that restricts on the c_region column, which is the second column in the sort key for
the compound and interleaved keys. Execute the following queries.
-- Query 2
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_single
where c_region = 'ASIA'
and c_mktsegment = 'FURNITURE';
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_compound
where c_region = 'ASIA'
and c_mktsegment = 'FURNITURE';
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_interleaved
where c_region = 'ASIA'
and c_mktsegment = 'FURNITURE';


Test a query that restricts on both the c_region column and the c_mktsegment column. Execute
the following queries.
-- Query 3
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_single
where d_date between '01/01/1996' and '01/14/1996'
and c_mktsegment = 'FURNITURE'
and c_region = 'ASIA';
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)
from cust_sales_date_compound
where d_date between '01/01/1996' and '01/14/1996'
and c_mktsegment = 'FURNITURE'
and c_region = 'ASIA';
select max(lo_revenue), min(lo_revenue)

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Defining Constraints
from cust_sales_date_interleaved
where d_date between '01/01/1996' and '01/14/1996'
and c_mktsegment = 'FURNITURE'
and c_region = 'ASIA';


Evaluate the results.
The following table summarizes the performance of the three sort styles.


These results show relative performance for the two-node cluster that was used for these
examples. Your results will vary, depending on multiple factors, such as your node type,
number of nodes, and other concurrent operations contending for resources.
Sort Style

Query 1

Query 2

Query 3


0.25 s

18.37 s

30.04 s


0.27 s

18.24 s

30.14 s


0.94 s

1.46 s

0.80 s

In Query 1, the results for all three sort styles are very similar, because the WHERE clause restricts
only on the first column. There is a small overhead cost for accessing an interleaved table.
In Query 2, there is no benefit to the single-column sort key because that column is not used in
the WHERE clause. There is no performance improvement for the compound sort key, because the
query was restricted using the second and third columns in the sort key. The query against the
interleaved table shows the best performance because interleaved sorting is able to efficiently filter
on secondary columns in the sort key.
In Query 3, the interleaved sort is much faster than the other styles because it is able to filter on the
combination of the d_date, c_mktsegment, and c_region columns.
This example uses a relatively small table, by Amazon Redshift standards, with 480 million rows. With
larger tables, containing billions of rows and more, interleaved sorting can improve performance by an
order of magnitude or more for certain types of queries.

Defining Constraints
Uniqueness, primary key, and foreign key constraints are informational only; they are not enforced by
Amazon Redshift. Nonetheless, primary keys and foreign keys are used as planning hints and they should
be declared if your ETL process or some other process in your application enforces their integrity.
For example, the query planner uses primary and foreign keys in certain statistical computations, to infer
uniqueness and referential relationships that affect subquery decorrelation techniques, to order large
numbers of joins, and to eliminate redundant joins.
The planner leverages these key relationships, but it assumes that all keys in Amazon Redshift tables are
valid as loaded. If your application allows invalid foreign keys or primary keys, some queries could return
incorrect results. For example, a SELECT DISTINCT query might return duplicate rows if the primary key
is not unique. Do not define key constraints for your tables if you doubt their validity. On the other hand,
you should always declare primary and foreign keys and uniqueness constraints when you know that
they are valid.
Amazon Redshift does enforce NOT NULL column constraints.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Analyzing Table Design

Analyzing Table Design
As you have seen in the previous sections, specifying sort keys, distribution keys, and column encodings
can significantly improve storage, I/O, and query performance. This section provides a SQL script that
you can run to help you identify tables where these options are missing or performing poorly.
Copy and paste the following code to create a SQL script named table_inspector.sql, then execute
the script in your SQL client application as superuser.
SELECT SCHEMA schemaname,
"table" tablename,
table_id tableid,
size size_in_mb,
WHEN diststyle NOT IN ('EVEN','ALL') THEN 1
END has_dist_key,
END has_sort_key,
WHEN encoded = 'Y' THEN 1
END has_col_encoding,
CAST(max_blocks_per_slice - min_blocks_per_slice AS FLOAT) / GREATEST(NVL
(min_blocks_per_slice,0)::int,1) ratio_skew_across_slices,
CAST(100*dist_slice AS FLOAT) /(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT slice) FROM stv_slices)
FROM svv_table_info ti
MIN(c) min_blocks_per_slice,
MAX(c) max_blocks_per_slice,
COUNT(DISTINCT slice) dist_slice
GROUP BY b.tbl,
WHERE tbl IN (SELECT table_id FROM svv_table_info)
GROUP BY tbl) iq ON iq.tbl = ti.table_id;

The following sample shows the results of running the script with two sample tables, SKEW1 and
SKEW2, that demonstrate the effects of data skew.

|has_ |has_ |has_
|size_|dist_ |sort_|col_
|_across_ |slices_
|key |encoding|slices
|category |100553 | 28 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
|100555 | 44 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
|100558 | 36 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
|listing |100560 | 44 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
|100563 | 175 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
|100566 | 30 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
|100562 | 52 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
|100547 |18978|
0 |
0 |
0 |
.15 |
|100548 | 353 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
|100551 | 32 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
|100549 | 82 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Analyzing Table Design


|100551 |

32 |

1 |

1 |

0 |

0 |


The following list describes the columns in the result:
Indicates whether the table has distribution key. 1 indicates a key exists; 0 indicates there is no key.
For example, nation does not have a distribution key .
Indicates whether the table has a sort key. 1 indicates a key exists; 0 indicates there is no key. For
example, nation does not have a sort key.
Indicates whether the table has any compression encodings defined for any of the columns. 1
indicates at least one column has an encoding. 0 indicates there is no encoding. For example,
region has no compression encoding.
An indication of the data distribution skew. A smaller value is good.
The percentage of slices populated. A larger value is good.
Tables for which there is significant data distribution skew will have either a large value in the
ratio_skew_across_slices column or a small value in the pct_slices_populated column. This indicates that
you have not chosen an appropriate distribution key column. In the example above, the SKEW1 table has
a .15 skew ratio across slices, but that's not necessarily a problem. What's more significant is the 1.56%
value for the slices populated for the SKEW2 table. The small value is an indication that the SKEW2 table
has the wrong distribution key.
Run the table_inspector.sql script whenever you add new tables to your database or whenever you
have significantly modified your tables.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Amazon Redshift Spectrum Overview

Using Amazon Redshift Spectrum to
Query External Data
Using Amazon Redshift Spectrum, you can efficiently query and retrieve structured and semistructured
data from files in Amazon S3 without having to load the data into Amazon Redshift tables. Redshift
Spectrum queries employ massive parallelism to execute very fast against large datasets. Much of the
processing occurs in the Redshift Spectrum layer, and most of the data remains in Amazon S3. Multiple
clusters can concurrently query the same dataset in Amazon S3 without the need to make copies of the
data for each cluster.
• Amazon Redshift Spectrum Overview (p. 148)
• Getting Started with Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 150)
• IAM Policies for Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 154)
• Creating Data Files for Queries in Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 164)
• Creating External Schemas for Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 165)
• Creating External Tables for Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 171)
• Improving Amazon Redshift Spectrum Query Performance (p. 179)
• Monitoring Metrics in Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 181)
• Troubleshooting Queries in Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 181)

Amazon Redshift Spectrum Overview
Amazon Redshift Spectrum resides on dedicated Amazon Redshift servers that are independent of
your cluster. Redshift Spectrum pushes many compute-intensive tasks, such as predicate filtering and
aggregation, down to the Redshift Spectrum layer. Thus, Redshift Spectrum queries use much less of
your cluster's processing capacity than other queries. Redshift Spectrum also scales intelligently. Based
on the demands of your queries, Redshift Spectrum can potentially use thousands of instances to take
advantage of massively parallel processing.
You create Redshift Spectrum tables by defining the structure for your files and registering them as
tables in an external data catalog. The external data catalog can be AWS Glue, the data catalog that
comes with Amazon Athena, or your own Apache Hive metastore. You can create and manage external
tables either from Amazon Redshift using data definition language (DDL) commands or using any other
tool that connects to the external data catalog. Changes to the external data catalog are immediately
available to any of your Amazon Redshift clusters.
Optionally, you can partition the external tables on one or more columns. Defining partitions as part
of the external table can improve performance. The improvement occurs because the Amazon Redshift
query optimizer eliminates partitions that don’t contain data for the query.
After your Redshift Spectrum tables have been defined, you can query and join the tables just as you
do any other Amazon Redshift table. Amazon Redshift doesn't support update operations on external
tables. You can add Redshift Spectrum tables to multiple Amazon Redshift clusters and query the same
data on Amazon S3 from any cluster in the same AWS Region. When you update Amazon S3 data files,
the data is immediately available for query from any of your Amazon Redshift clusters.
The AWS Glue Data Catalog that you access might be encrypted to increase security. If the AWS Glue
catalog is encrypted, you need the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key for AWS Glue to access
the AWS Glue catalog. AWS Glue catalog encryption is not available in all AWS Regions. For a list of
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Amazon Redshift Spectrum Regions

supported AWS Regions, see Encryption and Secure Access for AWS Glue in the AWS Glue Developer
Guide. For more information about AWS Glue Data Catalog encryption, see Encrypting Your AWS Glue
Data Catalog in the AWS Glue Developer Guide.


You can't view details for Redshift Spectrum tables using the same resources that you use for
standard Amazon Redshift tables, such as PG_TABLE_DEF (p. 940), STV_TBL_PERM (p. 886),
PG_CLASS, or information_schema. If your business intelligence or analytics tool doesn't
recognize Redshift Spectrum external tables, configure your application to query

Amazon Redshift Spectrum Regions
Redshift Spectrum is available only in the following AWS Regions:
• US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1)
• US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2)
• US West (N. California) Region (us-west-1)
• US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2)
• Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region (ap-south-1)
• Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region (ap-northeast-2)
• Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region (ap-southeast-1)
• Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region (ap-southeast-2)
• Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region (ap-northeast-1)
• Canada (Central) Region (ca-central-1)
• EU (Frankfurt) Region (eu-central-1)
• EU (Ireland) Region (eu-west-1)
• EU (London) Region (eu-west-2)
• South America (São Paulo) Region (sa-east-1)

Amazon Redshift Spectrum Considerations
Note the following considerations when you use Amazon Redshift Spectrum:
• The Amazon Redshift cluster and the Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same AWS Region.
• If your cluster uses Enhanced VPC Routing, you might need to perform additional configuration steps.
For more information, see Using Amazon Redshift Spectrum with Enhanced VPC Routing.
• External tables are read-only. You can't perform insert, update, or delete operations on external tables.
• You can't control user permissions on an external table. Instead, you can grant and revoke permissions
on the external schema.
• To run Redshift Spectrum queries, the database user must have permission to create temporary tables
in the database. The following example grants temporary permission on the database spectrumdb to
the spectrumusers user group.
grant temp on database spectrumdb to group spectrumusers;

For more information, see GRANT (p. 516).
• When using the Athena data catalog or AWS Glue Data Catalog, the following limits apply:
• A maximum of 10,000 databases per account.
• A maximum of 100,000 tables per database.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Getting Started With Amazon Redshift Spectrum

• A maximum of 1,000,000 partitions per table.
• A maximum of 10,000,000 partitions per account.
You can request a limit increase by contacting AWS Support.
These limits don’t apply to an Apache Hive metastore.
For more information, see Creating External Schemas for Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 165).

Getting Started with Amazon Redshift Spectrum
In this tutorial, you learn how to use Amazon Redshift Spectrum to query data directly from files on
Amazon S3. If you already have a cluster and a SQL client, you can complete this tutorial in ten minutes
or less.


Redshift Spectrum queries incur additional charges. The cost of running the sample queries in
this tutorial is nominal. For more information about pricing, see Redshift Spectrum Pricing.

To use Redshift Spectrum, you need an Amazon Redshift cluster and a SQL client that's connected to
your cluster so that you can execute SQL commands. The cluster and the data files in Amazon S3 must
be in the same AWS Region. For this example, the sample data is in the US West (Oregon) Region (uswest-2), so you need a cluster that is also in us-west-2. If you don't have an Amazon Redshift cluster, you
can create a new cluster in us-west-2 and install a SQL client by following the steps in Getting Started
with Amazon Redshift.
If you already have a cluster, your cluster needs to be version 1.0.1294 or later to use Amazon Redshift
Spectrum. To find the version number for your cluster, run the following command.
select version();

To force your cluster to update to the latest cluster version, adjust your maintenance window.

Steps to Get Started
To get started using Amazon Redshift Spectrum, follow these steps:
• Step 1. Create an IAM Role for Amazon Redshift (p. 150)
• Step 2: Associate the IAM Role with Your Cluster (p. 151)
• Step 3: Create an External Schema and an External Table (p. 152)
• Step 4: Query Your Data in Amazon S3 (p. 152)

Step 1. Create an IAM Role for Amazon Redshift
Your cluster needs authorization to access your external data catalog in AWS Glue or Amazon Athena and
your data files in Amazon S3. You provide that authorization by referencing an AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM) role that is attached to your cluster. For more information about using roles with
Amazon Redshift, see Authorizing COPY and UNLOAD Operations Using IAM Roles.


If your cluster is in an AWS Region where AWS Glue is supported and you have Redshift
Spectrum external tables in the Athena data catalog, you can migrate your Athena data catalog
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 2: Associate the IAM Role with Your Cluster

to an AWS Glue Data Catalog. To use the AWS Glue Data Catalog with Redshift Spectrum, you
might need to change your IAM policies. For more information, see Upgrading to the AWS Glue
Data Catalog in the Athena User Guide.

To create an IAM role for Amazon Redshift

Open the IAM console.


In the navigation pane, choose Roles.


Choose Create role.


Choose AWS service, and then choose Redshift.


Under Select your use case, choose Redshift - Customizable and then choose Next: Permissions.


The Attach permissions policy page appears. Choose AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
and AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess, if you're using the AWS Glue Data Catalog, or
AmazonAthenaFullAccess if you're using the Athena data catalog. Choose Next: Review.


The AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy gives your cluster read-only access to all Amazon
S3 buckets. To grant access to only the AWS sample data bucket, create a new policy and
add the following permissions.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::awssampledbuswest2/*"


For Role name, type a name for your role, for example mySpectrumRole.


Review the information, and then choose Create role.


In the navigation pane, choose Roles. Choose the name of your new role to view the summary, and
then copy the Role ARN to your clipboard. This value is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the
role that you just created. You use that value when you create external tables to reference your data
files on Amazon S3.

Step 2: Associate the IAM Role with Your Cluster
After you have created an IAM role that authorizes Amazon Redshift to access the external data catalog
and Amazon S3 on your behalf, you must associate that role with your Amazon Redshift cluster.

To associate the IAM role with your cluster

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at https://


In the navigation pane, choose Clusters.


In the list, choose the cluster that you want to manage IAM role associations for.


Choose Manage IAM Roles.


Select your IAM role from the Available roles list.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 3: Create an External Schema and an External Table


Choose Apply Changes to update the IAM roles that are associated with the cluster.

Step 3: Create an External Schema and an External
External tables must be created in an external schema. The external schema references a database in
the external data catalog and provides the IAM role ARN that authorizes your cluster to access Amazon
S3 on your behalf. You can create an external database in an Amazon Athena data catalog or an Apache
Hive metastore, such as Amazon EMR. For this example, you create the external database in an Amazon
Athena data catalog when you create the external schema Amazon Redshift. For more information, see
Creating External Schemas for Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 165).

To create an external schema and an external table

To create an external schema, replace the IAM role ARN in the following command with the role ARN
you created in step 1 (p. 150), and then execute the command in your SQL client.
create external schema spectrum
from data catalog
database 'spectrumdb'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/mySpectrumRole'
create external database if not exists;


To create an external table, run the following CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE command.


The Amazon S3 bucket with the sample data for this example is located in the us-west-2
region. Your cluster and the Redshift Spectrum files must be in the same AWS Region, so,
for this example, your cluster must also be located in us-west-2.
create external table spectrum.sales(
salesid integer,
listid integer,
sellerid integer,
buyerid integer,
eventid integer,
dateid smallint,
qtysold smallint,
pricepaid decimal(8,2),
commission decimal(8,2),
saletime timestamp)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales/'
table properties ('numRows'='172000');

Step 4: Query Your Data in Amazon S3
After your external tables are created, you can query them using the same SELECT statements that you
use to query other Amazon Redshift tables. These SELECT statement queries include joining tables,
aggregating data, and filtering on predicates.

To query your data in Amazon S3

Get the number of rows in the SPECTRUM.SALES table.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Step 4: Query Your Data in Amazon S3

select count(*) from spectrum.sales;



Keep your larger fact tables in Amazon S3 and your smaller dimension tables in Amazon Redshift,
as a best practice. If you loaded the sample data in Getting Started with Amazon Redshift, you
have a table named EVENT in your database. If not, create the EVENT table by using the following
create table event(
eventid integer not null distkey,
venueid smallint not null,
catid smallint not null,
dateid smallint not null sortkey,
eventname varchar(200),
starttime timestamp);


Load the EVENT table by replacing the IAM role ARN in the following COPY command with the role
ARN you created in Step 1. Create an IAM Role for Amazon Redshift (p. 150).
copy event from 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/allevents_pipe.txt'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/mySpectrumRole'
delimiter '|' timeformat 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS' region 'us-west-2';

The following example joins the external table SPECTRUM.SALES with the local table EVENT to find
the total sales for the top 10 events.
select top 10 spectrum.sales.eventid, sum(spectrum.sales.pricepaid) from
spectrum.sales, event
where spectrum.sales.eventid = event.eventid
and spectrum.sales.pricepaid > 30
group by spectrum.sales.eventid
order by 2 desc;

eventid | sum
--------+--------289 | 51846.00
7895 | 51049.00
1602 | 50301.00
851 | 49956.00
7315 | 49823.00
6471 | 47997.00
2118 | 47863.00
984 | 46780.00
7851 | 46661.00
5638 | 46280.00


View the query plan for the previous query. Note the S3 Seq Scan, S3 HashAggregate, and S3
Query Scan steps that were executed against the data on Amazon S3.
select top 10 spectrum.sales.eventid, sum(spectrum.sales.pricepaid)
from spectrum.sales, event
where spectrum.sales.eventid = event.eventid
and spectrum.sales.pricepaid > 30
group by spectrum.sales.eventid

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
IAM Policies for Amazon Redshift Spectrum
order by 2 desc;

----------------------------------------------------------------------------XN Limit (cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770628.65 rows=10 width=31)

XN Merge

(cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770629.13 rows=200 width=31)

Merge Key: sum(sales.derived_col2)

XN Network

(cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770629.13 rows=200 width=31)

Send to leader

XN Sort

(cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770629.13 rows=200 width=31)

Sort Key: sum(sales.derived_col2)



rows=200000 width=31)

XN HashAggregate

(cost=1055770620.49..1055770620.99 rows=200



Hash Cond: ("outer".derived_col1 = "inner".eventid)

rows=200000 width=31)


XN S3 Query Scan sales

rows=200000 width=16)

S3 HashAggregate


-> S3 Seq Scan spectrum.sales
location:"s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales" format:TEXT
(cost=0.00..2150.00 rows=172000 width=16)
Filter: (pricepaid > 30.00)

rows=8798 width=4)

XN Hash

(cost=87.98..87.98 rows=8798 width=4)

XN Seq Scan on event


IAM Policies for Amazon Redshift Spectrum
By default, Amazon Redshift Spectrum uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog in AWS Regions that support
AWS Glue. In other AWS Regions, Redshift Spectrum uses the Athena data catalog. Your cluster needs
authorization to access your external data catalog in AWS Glue or Athena and your data files in Amazon
S3. You provide that authorization by referencing an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Amazon S3 Permissions

that is attached to your cluster. If you use an Apache Hive metastore to manage your data catalog, you
don't need to provide access to Athena.
You can chain roles so that your cluster can assume other roles not attached to the cluster. For more
information, see Chaining IAM Roles in Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 158).
The AWS Glue catalog that you access might be encrypted to increase security. If the AWS Glue catalog
is encrypted, you need the AWS KMS key for AWS Glue to access the AWS Glue catalog. For more
information, see Encrypting Your AWS Glue Data Catalog in the AWS Glue Developer Guide.
• Amazon S3 Permissions (p. 155)
• Cross-Account Amazon S3 Permissions (p. 156)
• Policies to Grant or Restrict Redshift Spectrum Access (p. 156)
• Policies to Grant Minimum Permissions (p. 157)
• Chaining IAM Roles in Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 158)
• Controlling Access to the AWS Glue Data Catalog (p. 158)


If you currently have Redshift Spectrum external tables in the Athena data catalog, you can
migrate your Athena data catalog to an AWS Glue Data Catalog. To use the AWS Glue Data
Catalog with Redshift Spectrum, you might need to change your IAM policies. For more
information, see Upgrading to the AWS Glue Data Catalog in the Athena User Guide.

Amazon S3 Permissions
At a minimum, your cluster needs GET and LIST access to your Amazon S3 bucket. If your bucket is not in
the same AWS account as your cluster, your bucket must also authorize your cluster to access the data.
For more information, see Authorizing Amazon Redshift to Access Other AWS Services on Your Behalf.


The Amazon S3 bucket can't use a bucket policy that restricts access only from specific VPC
The following policy grants GET and LIST access to any Amazon S3 bucket. The policy allows access to
Amazon S3 buckets for Redshift Spectrum as well as COPY and UNLOAD operations.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:Get*", "s3:List*"],
"Resource": "*"


The following policy grants GET and LIST access to your Amazon S3 bucket named myBucket.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:Get*", "s3:List*"],
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::myBucket/*"


API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Cross-Account Amazon S3 Permissions

Cross-Account Amazon S3 Permissions
To grant Redshift Spectrum permission to access data in an Amazon S3 bucket that belongs to another
AWS account, add the following policy to the Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Granting
Cross-Account Bucket Permissions.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Example permissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::redshift-account:role/spectrumrole"
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Policies to Grant or Restrict Redshift Spectrum Access
To grant access to an Amazon S3 bucket only using Redshift Spectrum, include a condition that allows
access for the user agent AWS Redshift/Spectrum. The following policy allows access to Amazon S3
buckets only for Redshift Spectrum. It excludes other access, such as COPY and UNLOAD operations.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:Get*", "s3:List*"],
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::myBucket/*",
"Condition": {"StringEquals": {"aws:UserAgent": "AWS Redshift/Spectrum"}}

Similarly, you might want to create an IAM role that allows access for COPY and UNLOAD operations, but
excludes Redshift Spectrum access. To do so, include a condition that denies access for the user agent
"AWS Redshift/Spectrum". The following policy allows access to an Amazon S3 bucket with the exception
of Redshift Spectrum.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:Get*", "s3:List*"],
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::myBucket/*",
"Condition": {"StringNotEquals": {"aws:UserAgent": "AWS Redshift/

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Minimum Permissions


Policies to Grant Minimum Permissions
The following policy grants the minimum permissions required to use Redshift Spectrum with Amazon
S3, AWS Glue, and Athena.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

If you use Athena for your data catalog instead of AWS Glue, the policy requires full Athena access. The
following policy grants access to Athena resources. If your external database is in a Hive metastore, you
don't need Athena access.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Chaining IAM Roles
"Action": ["athena:*"],
"Resource": ["*"]


Chaining IAM Roles in Amazon Redshift Spectrum
When you attach a role to your cluster, your cluster can assume that role to access Amazon S3, Athena,
and AWS Glue on your behalf. If a role attached to your cluster doesn't have access to the necessary
resources, you can chain another role, possibly belonging to another account. Your cluster then
temporarily assumes the chained role to access the data. You can also grant cross-account access by
chaining roles. You can chain a maximum of 10 roles. Each role in the chain assumes the next role in the
chain, until the cluster assumes the role at the end of chain.
To chain roles, you establish a trust relationship between the roles. A role that assumes another role
must have a permissions policy that allows it to assume the specified role. In turn, the role that passes
permissions must have a trust policy that allows it to pass its permissions to another role. For more
information, see Chaining IAM Roles in Amazon Redshift.
When you run the CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA command, you can chain roles by including a commaseparated list of role ARNs.


The list of chained roles must not include spaces.
In the following example, MyRedshiftRole is attached to the cluster. MyRedshiftRole assumes the
role AcmeData, which belongs to account 111122223333.
create external schema acme from data catalog
database 'acmedb' region 'us-west-2'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole,arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/

Controlling Access to the AWS Glue Data Catalog
If you use AWS Glue for your data catalog, you can apply fine-grained access control to the data catalog
with your IAM policy. For example, you might want to expose only a few databases and tables to a
specific IAM role.
The following sections describe the IAM policies for various levels of access to data stored in the AWS
Glue Data Catalog.
• Policy for Database Operations (p. 158)
• Policy for Table Operations (p. 159)
• Policy for Partition Operations (p. 162)

Policy for Database Operations
If you want to give users permissions to view and create a database, they need access rights to both the
database and the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
The following example query creates a database.


API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Access AWS Glue Data
FROM DATA CATALOG DATABASE 'example_db' region 'us-west-2'
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::redshift-account:role/spectrumrole'

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required for creating a database.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following example query lists the current databases.

databasename = 'example_db1' or databasename = 'example_db2';

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to list the current databases.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [




Policy for Table Operations
If you want to give users permissions to view, create, drop, alter, or take other actions on tables, they
need access to the tables, the databases they belong to, and the catalog.
The following example query creates an external table.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Access AWS Glue Data

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE example_db.example_tbl0(
col0 INT,
col1 VARCHAR(255)
LOCATION 's3://test/s3/location/';

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to create an external table.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following example queries each list the current external tables.

SELECT * FROM svv_external_tables
WHERE tablename = 'example_tbl0' OR
tablename = 'example_tbl1';

SELECT * FROM svv_external_columns
WHERE tablename = 'example_tbl0' OR
tablename = 'example_tbl1';

SELECT parameters FROM svv_external_tables
WHERE tablename = 'example_tbl0' OR
tablename = 'example_tbl1';

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to list the current external tables.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Access AWS Glue Data
"Resource": [





The following example query alters an existing table.

ALTER TABLE example_db.example_tbl0
SET TABLE PROPERTIES ('numRows' = '100');

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to alter an existing table.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [




The following example query drops an existing table.

DROP TABLE example_db.example_tbl0;

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to drop an existing table.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Access AWS Glue Data






Policy for Partition Operations
If you want to give users permissions to perform partition-level operations (view, create, drop, alter, and
so on), they need permissions to the tables that the partitions belong to. They also need permissions to
the related databases and the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
The following example query creates a partition.

ALTER TABLE example_db.example_tbl0
ADD PARTITION (part=0) LOCATION 's3://test/s3/location/part=0/';
ALTER TABLE example_db.example_t
ADD PARTITION (part=1) LOCATION 's3://test/s3/location/part=1/';

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to create a partition.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following example query lists the current partitions.

SELECT * FROM svv_external_partitions
WHERE schemname = 'example_db' AND
tablename = 'example_tbl0'

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to list the current partitions.


"Version": "2012-10-17",

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Access AWS Glue Data


"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following example query alters an existing partition.

ALTER TABLE example_db.example_tbl0 PARTITION(part='0')
SET LOCATION 's3://test/s3/new/location/part=0/';

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to alter an existing partition.



"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following example query drops an existing partition.

ALTER TABLE example_db.example_tbl0 DROP PARTITION(part='0');

The following IAM policy gives the minimum permissions required to drop an existing partition.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Creating Data Files for Queries
in Amazon Redshift Spectrum




"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Creating Data Files for Queries in Amazon Redshift
The data files that you use for queries in Amazon Redshift Spectrum are commonly the same types of
files that you use for other applications such as Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and Amazon QuickSight.
If the files are formatted in a format that Redshift Spectrum supports and located in an Amazon S3
bucket that your cluster can access, you can query the data in its original format directly from Amazon
The Amazon S3 bucket with the data files and the Amazon Redshift cluster must be in the same
AWS Region. For information about supported AWS Regions, see Amazon Redshift Spectrum
Regions (p. 149).
Redshift Spectrum supports the following structured and semistructured data formats:
• RegexSerDe
• Optimized row columnar (ORC)
• Grok
• OpenCSV
• Ion


Timestamp values in text files must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS, as the
following timestamp value shows: 2017-05-01 11:30:59.000000.
We recommend using a columnar storage file format, such as Parquet. With a columnar storage file
format, you can minimize data transfer out of Amazon S3 by selecting only the columns you need.
To reduce storage space, improve performance, and minimize costs, we strongly recommend
compressing your data files. Redshift Spectrum recognizes file compression types based on the file
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Creating External Schemas

Redshift Spectrum supports the following compression types and extensions:
• gzip – .gz
• Snappy – .snappy
• bzip2 – .bz2
Redshift Spectrum transparently decrypts data files that are encrypted using the following encryption
• Server-side encryption (SSE-S3) using an AES-256 encryption key managed by Amazon S3.
• Server-side encryption with keys managed by AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS).
Redshift Spectrum doesn't support Amazon S3 client-side encryption. For more information, see
Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption.
Amazon Redshift uses massively parallel processing (MPP) to achieve fast execution of complex queries
operating on large amounts of data. Redshift Spectrum extends the same principle to query external
data, using multiple Redshift Spectrum instances as needed to scan files. Place the files in a separate
folder for each table.
You can optimize your data for parallel processing by the following practices:
• Break large files into many smaller files. We recommend using file sizes of 64 MB or larger. Store files
for a table in the same folder.
• Keep all the files about the same size. If some files are much larger than others, Redshift Spectrum
can't distribute the workload evenly.

Creating External Schemas for Amazon Redshift
All external tables must be created in an external schema, which you create using a CREATE EXTERNAL
SCHEMA (p. 449) statement.


Some applications use the term database and schema interchangeably. In Amazon Redshift, we
use the term schema.
An Amazon Redshift external schema references an external database in an external data catalog. You
can create the external database in Amazon Redshift, in Amazon Athena, or in an Apache Hive metastore,
such as Amazon EMR. If you create an external database in Amazon Redshift, the database resides in the
Athena data catalog. To create a database in a Hive metastore, you need to create the database in your
Hive application.
Amazon Redshift needs authorization to access the data catalog in Athena and the data files in
Amazon S3 on your behalf. To provide that authorization, you first create an AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM) role. Then you attach the role to your cluster and provide Amazon Resource Name
(ARN) for the role in the Amazon Redshift CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA statement. For more information
about authorization, see IAM Policies for Amazon Redshift Spectrum (p. 154).


If you currently have Redshift Spectrum external tables in the Athena data catalog, you can
migrate your Athena data catalog to an AWS Glue Data Catalog. To use an AWS Glue Data
Catalog with Redshift Spectrum, you might need to change your IAM policies. For more
information, see Upgrading to the AWS Glue Data Catalog in the Athena User Guide.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Creating External Schemas

To create an external database at the same time you create an external schema, specify FROM DATA
The following example creates an external schema named spectrum_schema using the external
database spectrum_db.
create external schema spectrum_schema from data catalog
database 'spectrum_db'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MySpectrumRole'
create external database if not exists;

If you manage your data catalog using Athena, specify the Athena database name and the AWS Region in
which the Athena data catalog is located.
The following example creates an external schema using the default sampledb database in the Athena
data catalog.
create external schema athena_schema from data catalog
database 'sampledb'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MySpectrumRole'
region 'us-east-2';


The region parameter references the AWS Region in which the Athena data catalog is located,
not the location of the data files in Amazon S3.
When using the Athena data catalog, the following limits apply:
• A maximum of 100 databases per account.
• A maximum of 100 tables per database.
• A maximum of 20,000 partitions per table.
You can request a limit increase by contacting AWS Support.
To avoid the limits, use a Hive metastore instead of an Athena data catalog.
If you manage your data catalog using a Hive metastore, such as Amazon EMR, your security groups must
be configured to allow traffic between the clusters.
In the CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA statement, specify FROM HIVE METASTORE and include the
metastore's URI and port number. The following example creates an external schema using a Hive
metastore database named hive_db.
create external schema hive_schema
from hive metastore
database 'hive_db'
uri '' port 99
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MySpectrumRole'

To view external schemas for your cluster, query the PG_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA catalog table or the
SVV_EXTERNAL_SCHEMAS view. The following example queries SVV_EXTERNAL_SCHEMAS, which joins
select * from svv_external_schemas

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Working with External Catalogs

For the full command syntax and examples, see CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA (p. 449).

Working with Amazon Redshift Spectrum External
The metadata for Amazon Redshift Spectrum external databases and external tables is stored in an
external data catalog. By default, Redshift Spectrum metadata is stored in an Athena data catalog. You
can view and manage Redshift Spectrum databases and tables in your Athena console.
You can also create and manage external databases and external tables using Hive data definition
language (DDL) using Athena or a Hive metastore, such as Amazon EMR.


We recommend using Amazon Redshift to create and manage external databases and external
tables in Redshift Spectrum.

Viewing Redshift Spectrum Databases in Athena
If you created an external database by including the CREATE EXTERNAL DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS clause
as part of your CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA statement, the external database metadata is stored in your
Athena data catalog. The metadata for external tables that you create qualified by the external schema is
also stored in your Athena data catalog.
Athena maintains a data catalog for each supported AWS Region. To view table metadata, log on to
the Athena console and choose Catalog Manager. The following example shows the Athena Catalog
Manager for the US West (Oregon) Region.

If you create and manage your external tables using Athena, register the database using CREATE
EXTERNAL SCHEMA. For example, the following command registers the Athena database named
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Working with External Catalogs

create external schema athena_sample
from data catalog
database 'sampledb'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/mySpectrumRole'
region 'us-east-1';

When you query the SVV_EXTERNAL_TABLES system view, you see tables in the Athena sampledb
database and also tables that you created in Amazon Redshift.
select * from svv_external_tables;

| tablename
| location
--------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------------------athena_sample | elb_logs
| s3://athena-examples/elb/plaintext
athena_sample | lineitem_1t_csv | s3://myspectrum/tpch/1000/lineitem_csv
athena_sample | lineitem_1t_part | s3://myspectrum/tpch/1000/lineitem_partition
| sales
| s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales
| sales_part
| s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_part

Registering an Apache Hive Metastore Database
If you create external tables in an Apache Hive metastore, you can use CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA to
register those tables in Redshift Spectrum.
In the CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA statement, specify the FROM HIVE METASTORE clause and provide
the Hive metastore URI and port number. The IAM role must include permission to access Amazon S3 but
doesn't need any Athena permissions. The following example registers a Hive metastore.
create external schema if not exists hive_schema
from hive metastore
database 'hive_database'
uri '' port 9083
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/mySpectrumRole';

Enabling Your Amazon Redshift Cluster to Access Your Amazon
EMR Cluster
If your Hive metastore is in Amazon EMR, you must give your Amazon Redshift cluster access to your
Amazon EMR cluster. To do so, you create an Amazon EC2 security group and allow all inbound traffic
to the EC2 security group from your Amazon Redshift cluster's security group and your Amazon EMR
cluster's security group. Then you add the EC2 security to both your Amazon Redshift cluster and your
Amazon EMR cluster.

To enable your Amazon Redshift cluster to access your Amazon EMR cluster

In Amazon Redshift, make a note of your cluster's security group name. In the Amazon Redshift
dashboard, choose your cluster. Find your cluster security groups in the Cluster Properties group.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Working with External Catalogs


In Amazon EMR, make a note of the EMR master node security group name.


Create or modify an Amazon EC2 security group to allow connection between Amazon Redshift and
Amazon EMR:
1. In the Amazon EC2 dashboard, choose Security Groups.
2. Choose Create Security Group.
3. If using VPC, choose the VPC that both your Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR clusters are in.
4. Add an inbound rule.
5. For Type, choose TCP.
6. For Source, choose Custom.
7. Type the name of your Amazon Redshift security group.
8. Add another inbound rule.
9. For Type, choose TCP.
10.For Port Range, type 9083.


The default port for an EMR HMS is 9083. If your HMS uses a different port, specify that
port in the inbound rule and in the external schema definition.
11.For Source, choose Custom.
12.Type the name of your Amazon EMR security group.
13.Choose Create.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Working with External Catalogs


Add the Amazon EC2 security group you created in the previous step to your Amazon Redshift
cluster and to your Amazon EMR cluster:
1. In Amazon Redshift, choose your cluster.
2. Choose Cluster, Modify.
3. In VPC Security Groups, add the new security group by pressing CRTL and choosing the new
security group name.
4. In Amazon EMR, choose your cluster.
5. Under Hardware, choose the link for the Master node.
6. Choose the link in the EC2 Instance ID column.

7. Choose Actions, Networking, Change Security Groups.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Creating External Tables

8. Choose the new security group.
9. Choose Assign Security Groups.

Creating External Tables for Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift Spectrum uses external tables to query data that is stored in Amazon S3. You can query
an external table using the same SELECT syntax you use with other Amazon Redshift tables. External
tables are read-only. You can't write to an external table.
You create an external table in an external schema. To create external tables, you must be the
owner of the external schema or a superuser. To transfer ownership of an external schema, use
ALTER SCHEMA (p. 364) to change the owner. The following example changes the owner of the
spectrum_schema schema to newowner.
alter schema spectrum_schema owner to newowner;

To run a Redshift Spectrum query, you need the following permissions:
• Usage permission on the schema
• Permission to create temporary tables in the current database
The following example grants usage permission on the schema spectrum_schema to the
spectrumusers user group.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide

grant usage on schema spectrum_schema to group spectrumusers;

The following example grants temporary permission on the database spectrumdb to the
spectrumusers user group.
grant temp on database spectrumdb to group spectrumusers;

You can create an external table in Amazon Redshift, AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, or an Apache Hive
metastore. For more information, see Getting Started Using AWS Glue in the AWS Glue Developer Guide,
Getting Started in the Amazon Athena User Guide, or Apache Hive in the Amazon EMR Developer Guide.
If your external table is defined in AWS Glue, Athena, or a Hive metastore, you first create an external
schema that references the external database. Then you can reference the external table in your
SELECT statement by prefixing the table name with the schema name, without needing to create the
table in Amazon Redshift. For more information, see Creating External Schemas for Amazon Redshift
Spectrum (p. 165).
For example, suppose that you have an external table named lineitem_athena defined in an Athena
external catalog. In this case, you can define an external schema named athena_schema, then query
the table using the following SELECT statement.
select count(*) from athena_schema.lineitem_athena;

To define an external table in Amazon Redshift, use the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE (p. 452) command.
The external table statement defines the table columns, the format of your data files, and the location
of your data in Amazon S3. Redshift Spectrum scans the files in the specified folder and any subfolders.
Redshift Spectrum ignores hidden files and files that begin with a period, underscore, or hash mark ( . , _,
or #) or end with a tilde (~).
The following example creates a table named SALES in the Amazon Redshift external schema named
spectrum. The data is in tab-delimited text files.
create external table spectrum.sales(
salesid integer,
listid integer,
sellerid integer,
buyerid integer,
eventid integer,
dateid smallint,
qtysold smallint,
pricepaid decimal(8,2),
commission decimal(8,2),
saletime timestamp)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales/'
table properties ('numRows'='172000');

To view external tables, query the SVV_EXTERNAL_TABLES (p. 904) system view.

By default, Amazon Redshift creates external tables with the pseudocolumns $path and $size. Select
these columns to view the path to the data files on Amazon S3 and the size of the data files for each
row returned by a query. The $path and $size column names must be delimited with double quotation
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Partitioning Redshift Spectrum External Tables

marks. A SELECT * clause doesn't return the pseudocolumns. You must explicitly include the $path and
$size column names in your query, as the following example shows.
select "$path", "$size"
from spectrum.sales_part
where saledate = '2008-12-01';

You can disable creation of pseudocolumns for a session by setting the
spectrum_enable_pseudo_columns configuration parameter to false.


Selecting $size or $path incurs charges because Redshift Spectrum scans the data files on
Amazon S3 to determine the size of the result set. For more information, see Amazon Redshift

Pseudocolumns Example
The following example returns the total size of related data files for an external table.
select distinct "$path", "$size"
from spectrum.sales_part;
| $size
---------------------------------------+------s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-01/ |
s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-02/ |
s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-03/ |


Partitioning Redshift Spectrum External Tables
When you partition your data, you can restrict the amount of data that Redshift Spectrum scans by
filtering on the partition key. You can partition your data by any key.
A common practice is to partition the data based on time. For example, you might choose to partition
by year, month, date, and hour. If you have data coming from multiple sources, you might partition by a
data source identifier and date.
The following procedure describes how to partition your data.

To partition your data

Store your data in folders in Amazon S3 according to your partition key.


Create one folder for each partition value and name the folder with the partition key and value.
For example, if you partition by date, you might have folders named saledate=2017-04-31,
saledate=2017-04-30, and so on. Redshift Spectrum scans the files in the partition folder
and any subfolders. Redshift Spectrum ignores hidden files and files that begin with a period,
underscore, or hash mark ( . , _, or #) or end with a tilde (~).
Create an external table and specify the partition key in the PARTITIONED BY clause.
The partition key can't be the name of a table column. The data type can be any standard Amazon
Redshift data type except TIMESTAMPTZ.


Add the partitions.
Using ALTER TABLE (p. 365) … ADD PARTITION, add each partition, specifying the partition
column and key value, and the location of the partition folder in Amazon S3. You can add multiple
partitions in a single ALTER TABLE … ADD statement. The following example adds partitions for
'2008-01-01' and '2008-02-01'.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Partitioning Redshift Spectrum External Tables

alter table spectrum.sales_part add
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-01/';
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-02/';


If you use the AWS Glue catalog, you can add up to 100 partitions using a single ALTER
TABLE statement.

Partitioning Data Examples
In this example, you create an external table that is partitioned by a single partition key and an external
table that is partitioned by two partition keys.
The sample data for this example is located in an Amazon S3 bucket that gives read access to all
authenticated AWS users. Your cluster and your external data files must be in the same AWS Region.
The sample data bucket is in the US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2). To access the data using Redshift
Spectrum, your cluster must also be in us-west-2. To list the folders in Amazon S3, run the following
aws s3 ls s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/

PRE saledate=2008-01/
PRE saledate=2008-02/
PRE saledate=2008-03/

If you don't already have an external schema, run the following command. Substitute the Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) for your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.
create external schema spectrum
from data catalog
database 'spectrumdb'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/myspectrumrole'
create external database if not exists;

Example 1: Partitioning with a Single Partition Key
In the following example, you create an external table that is partitioned by month.
To create an external table partitioned by month, run the following command.
create external table spectrum.sales_part(
salesid integer,
listid integer,
sellerid integer,
buyerid integer,
eventid integer,
dateid smallint,
qtysold smallint,
pricepaid decimal(8,2),
commission decimal(8,2),
saletime timestamp)
partitioned by (saledate char(10))
row format delimited
fields terminated by '|'

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Partitioning Redshift Spectrum External Tables
stored as textfile
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/'
table properties ('numRows'='172000');

To add the partitions, run the following ALTER TABLE commands.
alter table spectrum.sales_part add
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-01/'
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-02/'
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales_partition/saledate=2008-03/';

Run the following query to select data from the partitioned table.
select top 5 spectrum.sales_part.eventid, sum(spectrum.sales_part.pricepaid)
from spectrum.sales_part, event
where spectrum.sales_part.eventid = event.eventid
and spectrum.sales_part.pricepaid > 30
and saledate = '2008-01'
group by spectrum.sales_part.eventid
order by 2 desc;
eventid | sum
--------+--------4124 | 21179.00
1924 | 20569.00
2294 | 18830.00
2260 | 17669.00
6032 | 17265.00

To view external table partitions, query the SVV_EXTERNAL_PARTITIONS (p. 903) system view.
select schemaname, tablename, values, location from svv_external_partitions
where tablename = 'sales_part';
schemaname | tablename

| values

| location

| sales_part | ["2008-01"] | s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/
| sales_part | ["2008-02"] | s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/
| sales_part | ["2008-03"] | s3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/

Example 2: Partitioning with a Multiple Partition Key
To create an external table partitioned by date and eventid, run the following command.
create external table spectrum.sales_event(
salesid integer,
listid integer,
sellerid integer,
buyerid integer,

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Partitioning Redshift Spectrum External Tables
eventid integer,
dateid smallint,
qtysold smallint,
pricepaid decimal(8,2),
commission decimal(8,2),
saletime timestamp)
partitioned by (salesmonth char(10), event integer)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '|'
stored as textfile
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/'
table properties ('numRows'='172000');

To add the partitions, run the following ALTER TABLE commands.
alter table spectrum.sales_event add
partition(salesmonth='2008-01', event='101')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-01/
partition(salesmonth='2008-01', event='102')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-01/event=102/'
partition(salesmonth='2008-01', event='103')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-01/event=103/'
partition(salesmonth='2008-02', event='101')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-02/event=101/'
partition(salesmonth='2008-02', event='102')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-02/event=102/'
partition(salesmonth='2008-02', event='103')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-02/event=103/'
partition(salesmonth='2008-03', event='101')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-03/event=101/'
partition(salesmonth='2008-03', event='102')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-03/
partition(salesmonth='2008-03', event='103')
location 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/salesevent/salesmonth=2008-03/

Run the following query to select data from the partitioned table.
select spectrum.sales_event.salesmonth, event.eventname,
from spectrum.sales_event, event
where spectrum.sales_event.eventid = event.eventid
and salesmonth = '2008-02'
and (event = '101'
or event = '102'
or event = '103')
group by event.eventname, spectrum.sales_event.salesmonth
order by 3 desc;

salesmonth | eventname
| sum
| The Magic Flute | 5062.00

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Mapping to ORC Columns

| La Sonnambula
| Die Walkure

| 3498.00
| 534.00

Mapping External Table Columns to ORC Columns
You use Amazon Redshift Spectrum external tables to query data from files in ORC format. Optimized
row columnar (ORC) format is a columnar storage file format that supports nested data structures.
For more information about querying nested data, see Querying Nested Data with Amazon Redshift
Spectrum (p. 104).
When you create an external table that references data in an ORC file, you map each column in the
external table to a column in the ORC data. To do so, you use one of the following methods:
• Mapping by position (p. 177)
• Mapping by column name (p. 178)
Mapping by column name is the default.

Mapping by Position
With position mapping, the first column defined in the external table maps to the first column in the
ORC data file, the second to the second, and so on. Mapping by position requires that the order of
columns in the external table and in the ORC file match. If the order of the columns doesn't match, then
you can map the columns by name.


In earlier releases, Redshift Spectrum used position mapping by default. If you need to continue
using position mapping for existing tables, set the table property orc.schema.resolution to
position, as the following example shows.
alter table spectrum.orc_example
set table properties('orc.schema.resolution'='position');

For example, the table SPECTRUM.ORC_EXAMPLE is defined as follows.
create external table spectrum.orc_example(
int_col int,
float_col float,
nested_col struct<
"int_col" : int,
"map_col" : map>
) stored as orc
location 's3://example/orc/files/';

The table structure can be abstracted as follows.
• 'int_col' : int
• 'float_col' : float
• 'nested_col' : struct
o 'int_col' : int
o 'map_col' : map
- key : int
- value : array
- value : float

The underlying ORC file has the following file structure.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Mapping to ORC Columns

• ORC file root(id = 0)
o 'int_col' : int (id = 1)
o 'float_col' : float (id = 2)
o 'nested_col' : struct (id = 3)
- 'int_col' : int (id = 4)
- 'map_col' : map (id = 5)
- key : int (id = 6)
- value : array (id = 7)
- value : float (id = 8)

In this example, you can map each column in the external table to a column in ORC file strictly by
position. The following shows the mapping.
External Table Column Name

ORC Column ID

ORC Column Name

























Mapping by Column Name
Using name mapping, you map columns in an external table to named columns in ORC files on the same
level, with the same name.
For example, suppose that you want to map the table from the previous example,
SPECTRUM.ORC_EXAMPLE, with an ORC file that uses the following file structure.
• ORC file root(id = 0)
o 'nested_col' : struct (id = 1)
- 'map_col' : map (id = 2)
- key : int (id = 3)
- value : array (id = 4)
- value : float (id = 5)
- 'int_col' : int (id = 6)
o 'int_col' : int (id = 7)
o 'float_col' : float (id = 8)

Using position mapping, Redshift Spectrum attempts the following mapping.
External Table Column Name

ORC Column ID

ORC Column Name










API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Improving Amazon Redshift Spectrum Query Performance

When you query a table with the preceding position mapping, the SELECT command fails on type
validation because the structures are different.
You can map the same external table to both file structures shown in the previous examples by using
column name mapping. The table columns int_col, float_col, and nested_col map by column
name to columns with the same names in the ORC file. The column named nested_col in the external
table is a struct column with subcolumns named map_col and int_col. The subcolumns also map
correctly to the corresponding columns in the ORC file by column name.

Improving Amazon Redshift Spectrum Query
Look at the query plan to find what steps have been pushed to the Amazon Redshift Spectrum layer.
The following steps are related to the Redshift Spectrum query:
• S3 Seq Scan
• S3 HashAggregate
• S3 Query Scan
• Seq Scan PartitionInfo
• Partition Loop
The following example shows the query plan for a query that joins an external table with a local table.
Note the S3 Seq Scan and S3 HashAggregate steps that were executed against the data on Amazon S3.
select top 10 spectrum.sales.eventid, sum(spectrum.sales.pricepaid)
from spectrum.sales, event
where spectrum.sales.eventid = event.eventid
and spectrum.sales.pricepaid > 30
group by spectrum.sales.eventid
order by 2 desc;

----------------------------------------------------------------------------XN Limit (cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770628.65 rows=10 width=31)

XN Merge

(cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770629.13 rows=200 width=31)

Merge Key: sum(sales.derived_col2)

XN Network

(cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770629.13 rows=200 width=31)

Send to leader

XN Sort

(cost=1001055770628.63..1001055770629.13 rows=200 width=31)

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Improving Amazon Redshift Spectrum Query Performance
Sort Key: sum(sales.derived_col2)



rows=200000 width=31)

XN HashAggregate

(cost=1055770620.49..1055770620.99 rows=200



Hash Cond: ("outer".derived_col1 = "inner".eventid)

rows=200000 width=31)


XN S3 Query Scan sales

rows=200000 width=16)

S3 HashAggregate


-> S3 Seq Scan spectrum.sales location:"s3://
awssampledbuswest2/tickit/spectrum/sales" format:TEXT (cost=0.00..2150.00 rows=172000
Filter: (pricepaid > 30.00)


XN Hash

(cost=87.98..87.98 rows=8798 width=4)

XN Seq Scan on event

(cost=0.00..87.98 rows=8798

Note the following elements in the query plan:
• The S3 Seq Scan node shows the filter pricepaid > 30.00 was processed in the Redshift
Spectrum layer.
A filter node under the XN S3 Query Scan node indicates predicate processing in Amazon Redshift
on top of the data returned from the Redshift Spectrum layer.
• The S3 HashAggregate node indicates aggregation in the Redshift Spectrum layer for the group by
clause (group by spectrum.sales.eventid).
Following are ways to improve Redshift Spectrum performance:
• Use Parquet formatted data files. Parquet stores data in a columnar format, so Redshift Spectrum can
eliminate unneeded columns from the scan. When data is in text-file format, Redshift Spectrum needs
to scan the entire file.
• Use the fewest columns possible in your queries.
• Use multiple files to optimize for parallel processing. Keep your file sizes larger than 64 MB. Avoid data
size skew by keeping files about the same size.
• Put your large fact tables in Amazon S3 and keep your frequently used, smaller dimension tables in
your local Amazon Redshift database.
• Update external table statistics by setting the TABLE PROPERTIES numRows parameter. Use CREATE
EXTERNAL TABLE (p. 452) or ALTER TABLE (p. 365) to set the TABLE PROPERTIES numRows
parameter to reflect the number of rows in the table. Amazon Redshift doesn't analyze external
tables to generate the table statistics that the query optimizer uses to generate a query plan. If table
statistics aren't set for an external table, Amazon Redshift generates a query execution plan based on
an assumption that external tables are the larger tables and local tables are the smaller tables.
• The Amazon Redshift query planner pushes predicates and aggregations to the Redshift Spectrum
query layer whenever possible. When large amounts of data are returned from Amazon S3, the
processing is limited by your cluster's resources. Redshift Spectrum scales automatically to process
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Monitoring Metrics

large requests. Thus, your overall performance improves whenever you can push processing to the
Redshift Spectrum layer.
• Write your queries to use filters and aggregations that are eligible to be pushed to the Redshift
Spectrum layer.
The following are examples of some operations that can be pushed to the Redshift Spectrum layer:
• GROUP BY clauses
• Comparison conditions and pattern-matching conditions, such as LIKE.
• Aggregate functions, such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX.
• String functions.
Operations that can't be pushed to the Redshift Spectrum layer include DISTINCT and ORDER BY.
• Use partitions to limit the data that is scanned. Partition your data based on your most common
query predicates, then prune partitions by filtering on partition columns. For more information, see
Partitioning Redshift Spectrum External Tables (p. 173).
Query SVL_S3PARTITION (p. 919) to view total partitions and qualified partitions.

Monitoring Metrics in Amazon Redshift Spectrum
You can monitor Amazon Redshift Spectrum queries using the following system views:
• SVL_S3QUERY (p. 920)
Use the SVL_S3QUERY view to get details about Redshift Spectrum queries (S3 queries) at the
segment and node slice level.
Use the SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY view to get a summary of all Amazon Redshift Spectrum queries
(S3 queries) that have been run on the system.
The following are some things to look for in SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY:
• The number of files that were processed by the Redshift Spectrum query.
• The number of bytes scanned from Amazon S3. The cost of a Redshift Spectrum query is reflected in
the amount of data scanned from Amazon S3.
• The number of bytes returned from the Redshift Spectrum layer to the cluster. A large amount of data
returned might affect system performance.
• The maximum duration and average duration of Redshift Spectrum requests. Long-running requests
might indicate a bottleneck.

Troubleshooting Queries in Amazon Redshift
Following, you can find a quick reference for identifying and addressing some of the most common and
most serious issues you are likely to encounter with Amazon Redshift Spectrum queries. To view errors
generated by Redshift Spectrum queries, query the SVL_S3LOG (p. 918) system table.
• Retries Exceeded (p. 182)
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Retries Exceeded

• No Rows Returned for a Partitioned Table (p. 182)
• Not Authorized Error (p. 182)
• Incompatible Data Formats (p. 182)
• Syntax Error When Using Hive DDL in Amazon Redshift (p. 183)
• Permission to Create Temporary Tables (p. 183)

Retries Exceeded
If an Amazon Redshift Spectrum request times out, the request is canceled and resubmitted. After five
failed retries, the query fails with the following error.

S3Query Exception (Fetch), retries exceeded

Possible causes include the following:
• Large file sizes (greater than 1 GB). Check your file sizes in Amazon S3 and look for large files and file
size skew. Break up large files into smaller files, between 100 MB and 1 GB. Try to make files about the
same size.
• Slow network throughput. Try your query later.

No Rows Returned for a Partitioned Table
If your query returns zero rows from a partitioned external table, check whether a partition
has been added for this external table. Redshift Spectrum only scans files in an Amazon S3
location that has been explicitly added using ALTER TABLE … ADD PARTITION. Query the
SVV_EXTERNAL_PARTITIONS (p. 903) view to find existing partitions. Run ALTER TABLE ADD …
PARTITION for each missing partition.

Not Authorized Error
Verify that the IAM role for the cluster allows access to the Amazon S3 file objects. If your external
database is on Amazon Athena, verify that the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role
allows access to Athena resources. For more information, see IAM Policies for Amazon Redshift
Spectrum (p. 154).

Incompatible Data Formats
For a columnar file format, such as Parquet, the column type is embedded with the data. The column
type in the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE definition must match the column type of the data file. If there is a
mismatch, you receive an error similar to the following:
Task failed due to an internal error.
File 'https://s3bucket/location/file has an incompatible Parquet schema
for column ‘s3://s3bucket/location.col1'. Column type: VARCHAR, Par

The error message might be truncated due to the limit on message length. To retrieve the complete error
message, including column name and column type, query the SVL_S3LOG (p. 918) system view.
The following example queries SVL_S3LOG for the last query executed.
select message

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Syntax Error When Using Hive DDL in Amazon Redshift
from svl_s3log
where query = pg_last_query_id()
order by query,segment,slice;

The following is an example of a result that shows the full error message.
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––S3 Query Exception (Fetch). Task failed due to an internal error.
File 'https://s3bucket/location/file has an incompatible
Parquet schema for column ' s3bucket/location.col1'.
Column type: VARCHAR, Parquet schema:\noptional int64 l_orderkey [i:0 d:1 r:0]\n

To correct the error, alter the external table to match the column type of the Parquet file.

Syntax Error When Using Hive DDL in Amazon
Amazon Redshift supports data definition language (DDL) for CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE that is similar to
Hive DDL. However, the two types of DDL aren't always exactly the same. If you copy Hive DDL to create
or alter Amazon Redshift external tables, you might encounter syntax errors. The following are examples
of differences between Amazon Redshift and Hive DDL:
• Amazon Redshift requires single quotation marks (') where Hive DDL supports double quotation marks
• Amazon Redshift doesn't support the STRING data type. Use VARCHAR instead.

Permission to Create Temporary Tables
To run Redshift Spectrum queries, the database user must have permission to create temporary tables in
the database. The following example grants temporary permission on the database spectrumdb to the
spectrumusers user group.
grant temp on database spectrumdb

to group spectrumusers;

For more information, see GRANT (p. 516).

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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Using COPY to Load Data

Loading Data
• Using a COPY Command to Load Data (p. 184)
• Updating Tables with DML Commands (p. 216)
• Updating and Inserting New Data (p. 216)
• Performing a Deep Copy (p. 221)
• Analyzing Tables (p. 223)
• Vacuuming Tables (p. 228)
• Managing Concurrent Write Operations (p. 238)
A COPY command is the most efficient way to load a table. You can also add data to your tables using
INSERT commands, though it is much less efficient than using COPY. The COPY command is able to
read from multiple data files or multiple data streams simultaneously. Amazon Redshift allocates the
workload to the cluster nodes and performs the load operations in parallel, including sorting the rows
and distributing data across node slices.


Amazon Redshift Spectrum external tables are read-only. You can't COPY or INSERT to an
external table.
To access data on other AWS resources, your cluster must have permission to access those resources and
to perform the necessary actions to access the data. You can use Identity and Access Management (IAM)
to limit the access users have to your cluster resources and data.
After your initial data load, if you add, modify, or delete a significant amount of data, you should follow
up by running a VACUUM command to reorganize your data and reclaim space after deletes. You should
also run an ANALYZE command to update table statistics.
This section explains how to load data and troubleshoot data loads and presents best practices for
loading data.

Using a COPY Command to Load Data
• Credentials and Access Permissions (p. 185)
• Preparing Your Input Data (p. 186)
• Loading Data from Amazon S3 (p. 187)
• Loading Data from Amazon EMR (p. 196)
• Loading Data from Remote Hosts (p. 200)
• Loading Data from an Amazon DynamoDB Table (p. 206)
• Verifying That the Data Was Loaded Correctly (p. 208)
• Validating Input Data (p. 208)
• Loading Tables with Automatic Compression (p. 209)
• Optimizing Storage for Narrow Tables (p. 211)
• Loading Default Column Values (p. 211)
• Troubleshooting Data Loads (p. 211)
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Credentials and Access Permissions

The COPY command leverages the Amazon Redshift massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture
to read and load data in parallel from files on Amazon S3, from a DynamoDB table, or from text output
from one or more remote hosts.


We strongly recommend using the COPY command to load large amounts of data. Using
individual INSERT statements to populate a table might be prohibitively slow. Alternatively, if
your data already exists in other Amazon Redshift database tables, use INSERT INTO ... SELECT
or CREATE TABLE AS to improve performance. For information, see INSERT (p. 520) or CREATE
TABLE AS (p. 483).
To load data from another AWS resource, your cluster must have permission to access the resource and
perform the necessary actions.
To grant or revoke privilege to load data into a table using a COPY command, grant or revoke the INSERT
Your data needs to be in the proper format for loading into your Amazon Redshift table. This section
presents guidelines for preparing and verifying your data before the load and for validating a COPY
statement before you execute it.
To protect the information in your files, you can encrypt the data files before you upload them to your
Amazon S3 bucket; COPY will decrypt the data as it performs the load. You can also limit access to your
load data by providing temporary security credentials to users. Temporary security credentials provide
enhanced security because they have short life spans and cannot be reused after they expire.
You can compress the files using gzip, lzop, or bzip2 to save time uploading the files. COPY can then
speed up the load process by uncompressing the files as they are read.
To help keep your data secure in transit within the AWS cloud, Amazon Redshift uses hardware
accelerated SSL to communicate with Amazon S3 or Amazon DynamoDB for COPY, UNLOAD, backup,
and restore operations.
When you load your table directly from an Amazon DynamoDB table, you have the option to control the
amount of Amazon DynamoDB provisioned throughput you consume.
You can optionally let COPY analyze your input data and automatically apply optimal compression
encodings to your table as part of the load process.

Credentials and Access Permissions
To load or unload data using another AWS resource, such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon
EMR, or Amazon EC2, your cluster must have permission to access the resource and perform the
necessary actions to access the data. For example, to load data from Amazon S3, COPY must have LIST
access to the bucket and GET access for the bucket objects.
To obtain authorization to access a resource, your cluster must be authenticated. You can choose either
role-based access control or key-based access control. This section presents an overview of the two
methods. For complete details and examples, see Permissions to Access Other AWS Resources (p. 424).

Role-Based Access Control
With role-based access control, your cluster temporarily assumes an AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM) role on your behalf. Then, based on the authorizations granted to the role, your
cluster can access the required AWS resources.
We recommend using role-based access control because it is provides more secure, fine-grained control
of access to AWS resources and sensitive user data, in addition to safeguarding your AWS credentials.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Preparing Your Input Data

To use role-based access control, you must first create an IAM role using the Amazon Redshift service
role type, and then attach the role to your cluster. The role must have, at a minimum, the permissions
listed in IAM Permissions for COPY, UNLOAD, and CREATE LIBRARY (p. 427). For steps to create an IAM
role and attach it to your cluster, see Creating an IAM Role to Allow Your Amazon Redshift Cluster to
Access AWS Services in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
You can add a role to a cluster or view the roles associated with a cluster by using the Amazon Redshift
Management Console, CLI, or API. For more information, see Authorizing COPY and UNLOAD Operations
Using IAM Roles in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
When you create an IAM role, IAM returns an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role. To execute
a COPY command using an IAM role, provide the role ARN using the IAM_ROLE parameter or the
CREDENTIALS parameter.
The following COPY command example uses IAM_ROLE parameter with the role MyRedshiftRole for
copy customer from 's3://mybucket/mydata'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::12345678901:role/MyRedshiftRole';

Key-Based Access Control
With key-based access control, you provide the access key ID and secret access key for an IAM user that is
authorized to access the AWS resources that contain the data.


We strongly recommend using an IAM role for authentication instead of supplying a plain-text
access key ID and secret access key. If you choose key-based access control, never use your AWS
account (root) credentials. Always create an IAM user and provide that user's access key ID and
secret access key. For steps to create an IAM user, see Creating an IAM User in Your AWS Account.
To authenticate using IAM user credentials, replace  and '

The AWS IAM user must have, at a minimum, the permissions listed in IAM Permissions for COPY,

Preparing Your Input Data
If your input data is not compatible with the table columns that will receive it, the COPY command will
Use the following guidelines to help ensure that your input data is valid:
• Your data can only contain UTF-8 characters up to four bytes long.
• Verify that CHAR and VARCHAR strings are no longer than the lengths of the corresponding columns.
VARCHAR strings are measured in bytes, not characters, so, for example, a four-character string of
Chinese characters that occupy four bytes each requires a VARCHAR(16) column.
• Multibyte characters can only be used with VARCHAR columns. Verify that multibyte characters are no
more than four bytes long.
• Verify that data for CHAR columns only contains single-byte characters.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon S3

• Do not include any special characters or syntax to indicate the last field in a record. This field can be a
• If your data includes null terminators, also referred to as NUL (UTF-8 0000) or binary zero (0x000),
you can load these characters as NULLS into CHAR or VARCHAR columns by using the NULL AS
option in the COPY command: null as '\0' or null as '\000' . If you do not use NULL AS, null
terminators will cause your COPY to fail.
• If your strings contain special characters, such as delimiters and embedded newlines, use the ESCAPE
option with the COPY (p. 390) command.
• Verify that all single and double quotes are appropriately matched.
• Verify that floating-point strings are in either standard floating-point format, such as 12.123, or an
exponential format, such as 1.0E4.
• Verify that all timestamp and date strings follow the specifications for DATEFORMAT and
TIMEFORMAT Strings (p. 432). The default timestamp format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, and the
default date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
• For more information about boundaries and limitations on individual data types, see Data
Types (p. 315). For information about multibyte character errors, see Multibyte Character Load
Errors (p. 214)

Loading Data from Amazon S3
• Splitting Your Data into Multiple Files (p. 187)
• Uploading Files to Amazon S3 (p. 188)
• Using the COPY Command to Load from Amazon S3 (p. 191)
The COPY command leverages the Amazon Redshift massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture
to read and load data in parallel from files in an Amazon S3 bucket. You can take maximum advantage
of parallel processing by splitting your data into multiple files and by setting distribution keys on your
tables. For more information about distribution keys, see Choosing a Data Distribution Style (p. 129).
Data from the files is loaded into the target table, one line per row. The fields in the data file are
matched to table columns in order, left to right. Fields in the data files can be fixed-width or character
delimited; the default delimiter is a pipe (|). By default, all the table columns are loaded, but you can
optionally define a comma-separated list of columns. If a table column is not included in the column
list specified in the COPY command, it is loaded with a default value. For more information, see Loading
Default Column Values (p. 211).
Follow this general process to load data from Amazon S3:
1. Split your data into multiple files.
2. Upload your files to Amazon S3.
3. Run a COPY command to load the table.
4. Verify that the data was loaded correctly.
The rest of this section explains these steps in detail.

Splitting Your Data into Multiple Files
You can load table data from a single file, or you can split the data for each table into multiple files. The
COPY command can load data from multiple files in parallel. You can load multiple files by specifying a
common prefix, or prefix key, for the set, or by explicitly listing the files in a manifest file.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon S3


We strongly recommend that you divide your data into multiple files to take advantage of
parallel processing.
Split your data into files so that the number of files is a multiple of the number of slices in your cluster.
That way Amazon Redshift can divide the data evenly among the slices. The number of slices per node
depends on the node size of the cluster. For example, each DS1.XL compute node has two slices, and
each DS1.8XL compute node has 32 slices. For more information about the number of slices that each
node size has, go to About Clusters and Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
The nodes all participate in parallel query execution, working on data that is distributed as evenly as
possible across the slices. If you have a cluster with two DS1.XL nodes, you might split your data into four
files or some multiple of four. Amazon Redshift does not take file size into account when dividing the
workload, so you need to ensure that the files are roughly the same size, between 1 MB and 1 GB after
If you intend to use object prefixes to identify the load files, name each file with a common prefix. For
example, the venue.txt file might be split into four files, as follows:

If you put multiple files in a folder in your bucket, you can specify the folder name as the prefix and
COPY will load all of the files in the folder. If you explicitly list the files to be loaded by using a manifest
file, the files can reside in different buckets or folders.
For more information about manifest files, see Example: COPY from Amazon S3 using a
manifest (p. 435).

Uploading Files to Amazon S3
• Managing Data Consistency (p. 189)
• Uploading Encrypted Data to Amazon S3 (p. 189)
• Verifying That the Correct Files Are Present in Your Bucket (p. 191)
After splitting your files, you can upload them to your bucket. You can optionally compress or encrypt
the files before you load them.
Create an Amazon S3 bucket to hold your data files, and then upload the data files to the bucket. For
information about creating buckets and uploading files, see Working with Amazon S3 Buckets in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
Amazon S3 provides eventual consistency for some operations, so it is possible that new data will not be
available immediately after the upload. For more information see, Managing Data Consistency (p. 189)


The Amazon S3 bucket that holds the data files must be created in the same region as your
cluster unless you use the REGION (p. 397) option to specify the region in which the Amazon
S3 bucket is located.
You can create an Amazon S3 bucket in a specific region either by selecting the region when you create
the bucket by using the Amazon S3 console, or by specifying an endpoint when you create the bucket
using the Amazon S3 API or CLI.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon S3

Following the data load, verify that the correct files are present on Amazon S3.

Managing Data Consistency
Amazon S3 provides eventual consistency for some operations, so it is possible that new data will not
be available immediately after the upload, which could result in an incomplete data load or loading
stale data. COPY operations where the cluster and the bucket are in different regions are eventually
consistent. All regions provide read-after-write consistency for uploads of new objects with unique
object keys. For more information about data consistency, see Amazon S3 Data Consistency Model in the
Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
To ensure that your application loads the correct data, we recommend the following practices:
• Create new object keys.
Amazon S3 provides eventual consistency in all regions for overwrite operations. Creating new file
names, or object keys, in Amazon S3 for each data load operation provides strong consistency in all
• Use a manifest file with your COPY operation.
The manifest explicitly names the files to be loaded. Using a manifest file enforces strong consistency.
The rest of this section explains these steps in detail.

Creating New Object Keys
Because of potential data consistency issues, we strongly recommend creating new files with unique
Amazon S3 object keys for each data load operation. If you overwrite existing files with new data, and
then issue a COPY command immediately following the upload, it is possible for the COPY operation
to begin loading from the old files before all of the new data is available. For more information about
eventual consistency, see Amazon S3 Data Consistency Model in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

Using a Manifest File
You can explicitly specify which files to load by using a manifest file. When you use a manifest file, COPY
enforces strong consistency by searching secondary servers if it does not find a listed file on the primary
server. The manifest file can be configured with an optional mandatory flag. If mandatory is true and
the file is not found, COPY returns an error.
For more information about using a manifest file, see the copy_from_s3_manifest_file (p. 395) option
for the COPY command and Example: COPY from Amazon S3 using a manifest (p. 435) in the COPY
Because Amazon S3 provides eventual consistency for overwrites in all regions, it is possible to load stale
data if you overwrite existing objects with new data. As a best practice, never overwrite existing files with
new data.

Uploading Encrypted Data to Amazon S3
Amazon S3 supports both server-side encryption and client-side encryption. This topic discusses the
differences between the server-side and client-side encryption and describes the steps to use client-side
encryption with Amazon Redshift. Server-side encryption is transparent to Amazon Redshift.

Server-Side Encryption
Server-side encryption is data encryption at rest—that is, Amazon S3 encrypts your data as it uploads
it and decrypts it for you when you access it. When you load tables using a COPY command, there is no
difference in the way you load from server-side encrypted or unencrypted objects on Amazon S3. For
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon S3

more information about server-side encryption, see Using Server-Side Encryption in the Amazon Simple
Storage Service Developer Guide.

Client-Side Encryption
In client-side encryption, your client application manages encryption of your data, the encryption keys,
and related tools. You can upload data to an Amazon S3 bucket using client-side encryption, and then
load the data using the COPY command with the ENCRYPTED option and a private encryption key to
provide greater security.
You encrypt your data using envelope encryption. With envelope encryption, your application handles all
encryption exclusively. Your private encryption keys and your unencrypted data are never sent to AWS,
so it's very important that you safely manage your encryption keys. If you lose your encryption keys, you
won't be able to unencrypt your data, and you can't recover your encryption keys from AWS. Envelope
encryption combines the performance of fast symmetric encryption while maintaining the greater
security that key management with asymmetric keys provides. A one-time-use symmetric key (the
envelope symmetric key) is generated by your Amazon S3 encryption client to encrypt your data, then
that key is encrypted by your master key and stored alongside your data in Amazon S3. When Amazon
Redshift accesses your data during a load, the encrypted symmetric key is retrieved and decrypted with
your real key, then the data is decrypted.
To work with Amazon S3 client-side encrypted data in Amazon Redshift, follow the steps outlined in
Protecting Data Using Client-Side Encryption in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide, with
the additional requirements that you use:
• Symmetric encryption – The AWS SDK for Java AmazonS3EncryptionClient class uses envelope
encryption, described preceding, which is based on symmetric key encryption. Use this class to create
an Amazon S3 client to upload client-side encrypted data.
• A 256-bit AES master symmetric key – A master key encrypts the envelope key. You pass the master
key to your instance of the AmazonS3EncryptionClient class. Save this key, because you will need
it to copy data into Amazon Redshift.
• Object metadata to store encrypted envelope key – By default, Amazon S3 stores the envelope key
as object metadata for the AmazonS3EncryptionClient class. The encrypted envelope key that is
stored as object metadata is used during the decryption process.


If you get a cipher encryption error message when you use the encryption API for the first time,
your version of the JDK may have a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) jurisdiction policy file
that limits the maximum key length for encryption and decryption transformations to 128 bits.
For information about addressing this issue, go to Specifying Client-Side Encryption Using the
AWS SDK for Java in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
For information about loading client-side encrypted files into your Amazon Redshift tables using the
COPY command, see Loading Encrypted Data Files from Amazon S3 (p. 195).

Example: Uploading Client-Side Encrypted Data
For an example of how to use the AWS SDK for Java to upload client-side encrypted data, go to Example
1: Encrypt and Upload a File Using a Client-Side Symmetric Master Key in the Amazon Simple Storage
Service Developer Guide.
The example shows the choices you must make during client-side encryption so that the data can
be loaded in Amazon Redshift. Specifically, the example shows using object metadata to store the
encrypted envelope key and the use of a 256-bit AES master symmetric key.
This example provides example code using the AWS SDK for Java to create a 256-bit AES symmetric
master key and save it to a file. Then the example upload an object to Amazon S3 using an S3 encryption
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon S3

client that first encrypts sample data on the client-side. The example also downloads the object and
verifies that the data is the same.

Verifying That the Correct Files Are Present in Your Bucket
After you upload your files to your Amazon S3 bucket, we recommend listing the contents of the
bucket to verify that all of the correct files are present and that no unwanted files are present. For
example, if the bucket mybucket holds a file named venue.txt.back, that file will be loaded, perhaps
unintentionally, by the following command:
copy venue from 's3://mybucket/venue' … ;

If you want to control specifically which files are loaded, you can use a manifest file to
explicitly list the data files. For more information about using a manifest file, see the
copy_from_s3_manifest_file (p. 395) option for the COPY command and Example: COPY from Amazon
S3 using a manifest (p. 435) in the COPY examples.
For more information about listing the contents of the bucket, see Listing Object Keys in the Amazon S3
Developer Guide.

Using the COPY Command to Load from Amazon S3
• Using a Manifest to Specify Data Files (p. 193)
• Loading Compressed Data Files from Amazon S3 (p. 193)
• Loading Fixed-Width Data from Amazon S3 (p. 194)
• Loading Multibyte Data from Amazon S3 (p. 195)
• Loading Encrypted Data Files from Amazon S3 (p. 195)
Use the COPY (p. 390) command to load a table in parallel from data files on Amazon S3. You can
specify the files to be loaded by using an Amazon S3 object prefix or by using a manifest file.
The syntax to specify the files to be loaded by using a prefix is as follows:
copy  from 's3:///'

The manifest file is a JSON-formatted file that lists the data files to be loaded. The syntax to specify the
files to be loaded by using a manifest file is as follows:
copy  from 's3:///'

The table to be loaded must already exist in the database. For information about creating a table, see
CREATE TABLE (p. 471) in the SQL Reference.
The values for authorization provide the AWS authorization your cluster needs to access the Amazon
S3 objects. For information about required permissions, see IAM Permissions for COPY, UNLOAD,
and CREATE LIBRARY (p. 427). The preferred method for authentication is to specify the IAM_ROLE
parameter and provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an IAM role with the necessary
permissions. Alternatively, you can specify the ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY parameters
and provide the access key ID and secret access key for an authorized IAM user as plain text. For more
information, see Role-Based Access Control (p. 424) or Key-Based Access Control (p. 425).
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon S3

To authenticate using the IAM_ROLE parameter, replace  and  as
shown in the following syntax.
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam:::role/'

The following example shows authentication using an IAM role.
copy customer
from 's3://mybucket/mydata'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole';

To authenticate using IAM user credentials, replace  and '

The following example shows authentication using IAM user credentials.
copy customer
from 's3://mybucket/mydata'
access_key_id ''
secret_access_key ''
delimiter '|';

To load encrypted data files that are gzip, lzop, or bzip2 compressed, include the GZIP, LZOP, or BZIP2
option along with the master key value and the ENCRYPTED option.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon EMR

copy customer from 's3://mybucket/encrypted/customer'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole'
master_symmetric_key ''
delimiter '|'

Loading Data from Amazon EMR
You can use the COPY command to load data in parallel from an Amazon EMR cluster configured to
write text files to the cluster's Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) in the form of fixed-width files,
character-delimited files, CSV files, or JSON-formatted files.

Loading Data From Amazon EMR Process
This section walks you through the process of loading data from an Amazon EMR cluster. The following
sections provide the details you need to accomplish each step.
• Step 1: Configure IAM Permissions (p. 196)
The users that create the Amazon EMR cluster and run the Amazon Redshift COPY command must
have the necessary permissions.
• Step 2: Create an Amazon EMR Cluster (p. 197)
Configure the cluster to output text files to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). You will need
the Amazon EMR cluster ID and the cluster's master public DNS (the endpoint for the Amazon EC2
instance that hosts the cluster).
• Step 3: Retrieve the Amazon Redshift Cluster Public Key and Cluster Node IP Addresses (p. 197)
The public key enables the Amazon Redshift cluster nodes to establish SSH connections to the hosts.
You will use the IP address for each cluster node to configure the host security groups to permit access
from your Amazon Redshift cluster using these IP addresses.
• Step 4: Add the Amazon Redshift Cluster Public Key to Each Amazon EC2 Host's Authorized Keys
File (p. 199)
You add the Amazon Redshift cluster public key to the host's authorized keys file so that the host will
recognize the Amazon Redshift cluster and accept the SSH connection.
• Step 5: Configure the Hosts to Accept All of the Amazon Redshift Cluster's IP Addresses (p. 199)
Modify the Amazon EMR instance's security groups to add ingress rules to accept the Amazon Redshift
IP addresses.
• Step 6: Run the COPY Command to Load the Data (p. 199)
From an Amazon Redshift database, run the COPY command to load the data into an Amazon Redshift

Step 1: Configure IAM Permissions
The users that create the Amazon EMR cluster and run the Amazon Redshift COPY command must have
the necessary permissions.

To configure IAM permissions

Add the following permissions for the IAM user that will create the Amazon EMR cluster.
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Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon EMR



Add the following permission for the IAM role or IAM user that will execute the COPY command.


Add the following permission to the Amazon EMR cluster's IAM role.

Step 2: Create an Amazon EMR Cluster
The COPY command loads data from files on the Amazon EMR Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
When you create the Amazon EMR cluster, configure the cluster to output data files to the cluster's

To create an Amazon EMR cluster


Create an Amazon EMR cluster in the same AWS region as the Amazon Redshift cluster.
If the Amazon Redshift cluster is in a VPC, the Amazon EMR cluster must be in the same VPC group.
If the Amazon Redshift cluster uses EC2-Classic mode (that is, it is not in a VPC), the Amazon EMR
cluster must also use EC2-Classic mode. For more information, see Managing Clusters in Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC) in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
Configure the cluster to output data files to the cluster's HDFS. The HDFS file names must not
include asterisks (*) or question marks (?).


The file names must not include asterisks ( * ) or question marks ( ? ).

Specify No for the Auto-terminate option in the Amazon EMR cluster configuration so that the
cluster remains available while the COPY command executes.


If any of the data files are changed or deleted before the COPY completes, you might have
unexpected results, or the COPY operation might fail.

Note the cluster ID and the master public DNS (the endpoint for the Amazon EC2 instance that hosts
the cluster). You will use that information in later steps.

Step 3: Retrieve the Amazon Redshift Cluster Public Key and
Cluster Node IP Addresses
To retrieve the Amazon Redshift cluster public key and cluster node IP addresses for your
cluster using the console

Access the Amazon Redshift Management Console.
Click the Clusters link in the left navigation pane.
Select your cluster from the list.
Locate the SSH Ingestion Settings group.
Note the Cluster Public Key and Node IP addresses. You will use them in later steps.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon EMR

You will use the Private IP addresses in Step 3 to configure the Amazon EC2 host to accept the
connection from Amazon Redshift.
To retrieve the cluster public key and cluster node IP addresses for your cluster using the Amazon
Redshift CLI, execute the describe-clusters command. For example:
aws redshift describe-clusters --cluster-identifier 

The response will include a ClusterPublicKey value and the list of private and public IP addresses, similar
to the following:

"Clusters": [
"VpcSecurityGroups": [],
"ClusterStatus": "available",
"ClusterNodes": [
"PrivateIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn",
"NodeRole": "LEADER",
"PublicIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn"
"PrivateIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn",
"NodeRole": "COMPUTE-0",
"PublicIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn"
"PrivateIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn",
"NodeRole": "COMPUTE-1",
"PublicIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn"
"AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod": 1,
"PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "wed:05:30-wed:06:00",
"AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Amazon EMR


"NodeType": "ds1.xlarge",
"ClusterPublicKey": "ssh-rsa AAAABexamplepublickey...Y3TAl Amazon-Redshift",

To retrieve the cluster public key and cluster node IP addresses for your cluster using the Amazon
Redshift API, use the DescribeClusters action. For more information, see describe-clusters in the
Amazon Redshift CLI Guide or DescribeClusters in the Amazon Redshift API Guide.

Step 4: Add the Amazon Redshift Cluster Public Key to Each
Amazon EC2 Host's Authorized Keys File
You add the cluster public key to each host's authorized keys file for all of the Amazon EMR cluster nodes
so that the hosts will recognize Amazon Redshift and accept the SSH connection.

To add the Amazon Redshift cluster public key to the host's authorized keys file

Access the host using an SSH connection.
For information about connecting to an instance using SSH, see Connect to Your Instance in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide.


Copy the Amazon Redshift public key from the console or from the CLI response text.


Copy and paste the contents of the public key into the /home//.ssh/
authorized_keys file on the host. Include the complete string, including the prefix "ssh-rsa "
and suffix "Amazon-Redshift". For example:
ssh-rsa AAAACTP3isxgGzVWoIWpbVvRCOzYdVifMrh… uA70BnMHCaMiRdmvsDOedZDOedZ AmazonRedshift

Step 5: Configure the Hosts to Accept All of the Amazon
Redshift Cluster's IP Addresses
To allow inbound traffic to the host instances, edit the security group and add one Inbound rule for each
Amazon Redshift cluster node. For Type, select SSH with TCP protocol on Port 22. For Source, enter the
Amazon Redshift cluster node Private IP addresses you retrieved in Step 3: Retrieve the Amazon Redshift
Cluster Public Key and Cluster Node IP Addresses (p. 197). For information about adding rules to an
Amazon EC2 security group, see Authorizing Inbound Traffic for Your Instances in the Amazon EC2 User

Step 6: Run the COPY Command to Load the Data
Run a COPY (p. 390) command to connect to the Amazon EMR cluster and load the data into an
Amazon Redshift table. The Amazon EMR cluster must continue running until the COPY command
completes. For example, do not configure the cluster to auto-terminate.


If any of the data files are changed or deleted before the COPY completes, you might have
unexpected results, or the COPY operation might fail.
In the COPY command, specify the Amazon EMR cluster ID and the HDFS file path and file name.
copy sales
from 'emr://myemrclusterid/myoutput/part*' credentials

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Remote Hosts
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole';

You can use the wildcard characters asterisk ( * ) and question mark ( ? ) as part of the file name
argument. For example, part* loads the files part-0000, part-0001, and so on. If you specify only a
folder name, COPY attempts to load all files in the folder.


If you use wildcard characters or use only the folder name, verify that no unwanted files will be
loaded or the COPY command will fail. For example, some processes might write a log file to the
output folder.

Loading Data from Remote Hosts
You can use the COPY command to load data in parallel from one or more remote hosts, such Amazon
EC2 instances or other computers. COPY connects to the remote hosts using SSH and executes
commands on the remote hosts to generate text output.
The remote host can be an Amazon EC2 Linux instance or another Unix or Linux computer configured
to accept SSH connections. This guide assumes your remote host is an Amazon EC2 instance. Where the
procedure is different for another computer, the guide will point out the difference.
Amazon Redshift can connect to multiple hosts, and can open multiple SSH connections to each host.
Amazon Redshifts sends a unique command through each connection to generate text output to the
host's standard output, which Amazon Redshift then reads as it would a text file.

Before You Begin
Before you begin, you should have the following in place:
• One or more host machines, such as Amazon EC2 instances, that you can connect to using SSH.
• Data sources on the hosts.
You will provide commands that the Amazon Redshift cluster will run on the hosts to generate the text
output. After the cluster connects to a host, the COPY command runs the commands, reads the text
from the hosts' standard output, and loads the data in parallel into an Amazon Redshift table. The text
output must be in a form that the COPY command can ingest. For more information, see Preparing
Your Input Data (p. 186)
• Access to the hosts from your computer.
For an Amazon EC2 instance, you will use an SSH connection to access the host. You will need to access
the host to add the Amazon Redshift cluster's public key to the host's authorized keys file.
• A running Amazon Redshift cluster.
For information about how to launch a cluster, see Amazon Redshift Getting Started.

Loading Data Process
This section walks you through the process of loading data from remote hosts. The following sections
provide the details you need to accomplish each step.
• Step 1: Retrieve the Cluster Public Key and Cluster Node IP Addresses (p. 201)
The public key enables the Amazon Redshift cluster nodes to establish SSH connections to the remote
hosts. You will use the IP address for each cluster node to configure the host security groups or firewall
to permit access from your Amazon Redshift cluster using these IP addresses.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Remote Hosts

• Step 2: Add the Amazon Redshift Cluster Public Key to the Host's Authorized Keys File (p. 203)
You add the Amazon Redshift cluster public key to the host's authorized keys file so that the host will
recognize the Amazon Redshift cluster and accept the SSH connection.
• Step 3: Configure the Host to Accept All of the Amazon Redshift Cluster's IP Addresses (p. 203)
For Amazon EC2 , modify the instance's security groups to add ingress rules to accept the Amazon
Redshift IP addresses. For other hosts, modify the firewall so that your Amazon Redshift nodes are
able to establish SSH connections to the remote host.
• Step 4: Get the Public Key for the Host (p. 204)
You can optionally specify that Amazon Redshift should use the public key to identify the host. You
will need to locate the public key and copy the text into your manifest file.
• Step 5: Create a Manifest File (p. 204)
The manifest is a JSON-formatted text file with the details Amazon Redshift needs to connect to the
hosts and fetch the data.
• Step 6: Upload the Manifest File to an Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 205)
Amazon Redshift reads the manifest and uses that information to connect to the remote host. If the
Amazon S3 bucket does not reside in the same region as your Amazon Redshift cluster, you must use
the REGION (p. 397) option to specify the region in which the data is located.
• Step 7: Run the COPY Command to Load the Data (p. 205)
From an Amazon Redshift database, run the COPY command to load the data into an Amazon Redshift

Step 1: Retrieve the Cluster Public Key and Cluster Node IP
To retrieve the cluster public key and cluster node IP addresses for your cluster using the

Access the Amazon Redshift Management Console.


Click the Clusters link in the left navigation pane.


Select your cluster from the list.


Locate the SSH Ingestion Settings group.
Note the Cluster Public Key and Node IP addresses. You will use them in later steps.

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Remote Hosts

You will use the IP addresses in Step 3 to configure the host to accept the connection from Amazon
Redshift. Depending on what type of host you connect to and whether it is in a VPC, you will use
either the public IP addresses or the private IP addresses.
To retrieve the cluster public key and cluster node IP addresses for your cluster using the Amazon
Redshift CLI, execute the describe-clusters command.
For example:
aws redshift describe-clusters --cluster-identifier 

The response will include the ClusterPublicKey and the list of Private and Public IP addresses, similar to
the following:

"Clusters": [
"VpcSecurityGroups": [],
"ClusterStatus": "available",
"ClusterNodes": [
"PrivateIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn",
"NodeRole": "LEADER",
"PublicIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn"
"PrivateIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn",
"NodeRole": "COMPUTE-0",
"PublicIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn"
"PrivateIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn",
"NodeRole": "COMPUTE-1",
"PublicIPAddress": "10.nnn.nnn.nnn"

API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Remote Hosts


"AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod": 1,
"PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "wed:05:30-wed:06:00",
"AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
"NodeType": "ds1.xlarge",
"ClusterPublicKey": "ssh-rsa AAAABexamplepublickey...Y3TAl Amazon-Redshift",

To retrieve the cluster public key and cluster node IP addresses for your cluster using the Amazon
Redshift API, use the DescribeClusters action. For more information, see describe-clusters in the Amazon
Redshift CLI Guide or DescribeClusters in the Amazon Redshift API Guide.

Step 2: Add the Amazon Redshift Cluster Public Key to the
Host's Authorized Keys File
You add the cluster public key to each host's authorized keys file so that the host will recognize Amazon
Redshift and accept the SSH connection.

To add the Amazon Redshift cluster public key to the host's authorized keys file

Access the host using an SSH connection.


For information about connecting to an instance using SSH, see Connect to Your Instance in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide.
Copy the Amazon Redshift public key from the console or from the CLI response text.


Copy and paste the contents of the public key into the /home//.ssh/
authorized_keys file on the remote host. The  must match the value for the
"username" field in the manifest file. Include the complete string, including the prefix "ssh-rsa "
and suffix "Amazon-Redshift". For example:
ssh-rsa AAAACTP3isxgGzVWoIWpbVvRCOzYdVifMrh… uA70BnMHCaMiRdmvsDOedZDOedZ AmazonRedshift

Step 3: Configure the Host to Accept All of the Amazon Redshift
Cluster's IP Addresses
If you are working with an Amazon EC2 instance or an Amazon EMR cluster, add Inbound rules to the
host's security group to allow traffic from each Amazon Redshift cluster node. For Type, select SSH with
TCP protocol on Port 22. For Source, enter the Amazon Redshift cluster node IP addresses you retrieved
in Step 1: Retrieve the Cluster Public Key and Cluster Node IP Addresses (p. 201). For information about
adding rules to an Amazon EC2 security group, see Authorizing Inbound Traffic for Your Instances in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide.
Use the Private IP addresses when:
• You have an Amazon Redshift cluster that is not in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and an Amazon EC2 Classic instance, both of which are in the same AWS region.
• You have an Amazon Redshift cluster that is in a VPC, and an Amazon EC2 -VPC instance, both of
which are in the same AWS region and in the same VPC.
Otherwise, use the Public IP addresses.
For more information about using Amazon Redshift in a VPC, see Managing Clusters in Virtual Private
Cloud (VPC) in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Remote Hosts

Step 4: Get the Public Key for the Host
You can optionally provide the host's public key in the manifest file so that Amazon Redshift can identify
the host. The COPY command does not require the host public key but, for security reasons, we strongly
recommend using a public key to help prevent 'man-in-the-middle' attacks.
You can find the host's public key in the following location, where  is the
unique name for the host's public key:



Amazon Redshift only supports RSA keys. We do not support DSA keys.
When you create your manifest file in Step 5, you will paste the text of the public key into the "Public
Key" field in the manifest file entry.

Step 5: Create a Manifest File
The COPY command can connect to multiple hosts using SSH, and can create multiple SSH connections
to each host. COPY executes a command through each host connection, and then loads the output
from the commands in parallel into the table. The manifest file is a text file in JSON format that
Amazon Redshift uses to connect to the host. The manifest file specifies the SSH host endpoints and the
commands that will be executed on the hosts to return data to Amazon Redshift. Optionally, you can
include the host public key, the login user name, and a mandatory flag for each entry.
The manifest file is in the following format:


"entries": [
"command": "",
“publickey”: “”,
"username": “”},
"command": "",
“publickey”: “”,
"username": “host_user_name”}

The manifest file contains one "entries" construct for each SSH connection. Each entry represents a single
SSH connection. You can have multiple connections to a single host or multiple connections to multiple
hosts. The double quotes are required as shown, both for the field names and the values. The only value
that does not need double quotes is the Boolean value true or false for the mandatory field.
The following table describes the fields in the manifest file.
The URL address or IP address of the host. For example,
"" or ""
The command that will be executed by the host to generate text or binary (gzip, lzop, or bzip2)
output. The command can be any command that the user "host_user_name" has permission to run.
The command can be as simple as printing a file, or it could query a database or launch a script. The
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading Data from Remote Hosts

output (text file, gzip binary file, lzop binary file, or bzip2 binary file) must be in a form the Amazon
Redshift COPY command can ingest. For more information, see Preparing Your Input Data (p. 186).
(Optional) The public key of the host. If provided, Amazon Redshift will use the public key to identify
the host. If the public key is not provided, Amazon Redshift will not attempt host identification. For
example, if the remote host's public key is: ssh-rsa AbcCbaxxx…xxxDHKJ
enter the following text in the publickey field: AbcCbaxxx…xxxDHKJ.
(Optional) Indicates whether the COPY command should fail if the connection fails. The default is
false. If Amazon Redshift does not successfully make at least one connection, the COPY command
(Optional) The username that will be used to log on to the host system and execute the remote
command. The user login name must be the same as the login that was used to add the public key to
the host's authorized keys file in Step 2. The default username is "redshift".
The following example shows a completed manifest to open four connections to the same host and
execute a different command through each connection:


"entries": [
"command": "cat loaddata1.txt",
"publickey": "ec2publickeyportionoftheec2keypair",
"username": "ec2-user"},
"command": "cat loaddata2.txt",
"publickey": "ec2publickeyportionoftheec2keypair",
"username": "ec2-user"},
"command": "cat loaddata3.txt",
"publickey": "ec2publickeyportionoftheec2keypair",
"username": "ec2-user"},
"command": "cat loaddata4.txt",
"publickey": "ec2publickeyportionoftheec2keypair",
"username": "ec2-user"}

Step 6: Upload the Manifest File to an Amazon S3 Bucket
Upload the manifest file to an Amazon S3 bucket. If the Amazon S3 bucket does not reside in the same
region as your Amazon Redshift cluster, you must use the REGION (p. 397) option to specify the region
in which the manifest is located. For information about creating an Amazon S3 bucket and uploading a
file, see Amazon Simple Storage Service Getting Started Guide.

Step 7: Run the COPY Command to Load the Data
Run a COPY (p. 390) command to connect to the host and load the data into an Amazon Redshift table.
In the COPY command, specify the explicit Amazon S3 object path for the manifest file and include the
SSH option. For example,
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading from Amazon DynamoDB

copy sales
from 's3://mybucket/ssh_manifest' credentials
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole'
delimiter '|'


If you use automatic compression, the COPY command performs two data reads, which
means it will execute the remote command twice. The first read is to provide a sample for
compression analysis, then the second read actually loads the data. If executing the remote
command twice might cause a problem because of potential side effects, you should disable
automatic compression. To disable automatic compression, run the COPY command with the
COMPUPDATE option set to OFF. For more information, see Loading Tables with Automatic
Compression (p. 209).

Loading Data from an Amazon DynamoDB Table
You can use the COPY command to load a table with data from a single Amazon DynamoDB table.


The Amazon DynamoDB table that provides the data must be created in the same region as your
cluster unless you use the REGION (p. 397) option to specify the region in which the Amazon
DynamoDB table is located.
The COPY command leverages the Amazon Redshift massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture to
read and load data in parallel from an Amazon DynamoDB table. You can take maximum advantage of
parallel processing by setting distribution styles on your Amazon Redshift tables. For more information,
see Choosing a Data Distribution Style (p. 129).


When the COPY command reads data from the Amazon DynamoDB table, the resulting data
transfer is part of that table's provisioned throughput.
To avoid consuming excessive amounts of provisioned read throughput, we recommend that you not
load data from Amazon DynamoDB tables that are in production environments. If you do load data from
production tables, we recommend that you set the READRATIO option much lower than the average
percentage of unused provisioned throughput. A low READRATIO setting will help minimize throttling
issues. To use the entire provisioned throughput of an Amazon DynamoDB table, set READRATIO to 100.
The COPY command matches attribute names in the items retrieved from the DynamoDB table to
column names in an existing Amazon Redshift table by using the following rules:
• Amazon Redshift table columns are case-insensitively matched to Amazon DynamoDB item attributes.
If an item in the DynamoDB table contains multiple attributes that differ only in case, such as Price and
PRICE, the COPY command will fail.
• Amazon Redshift table columns that do not match an attribute in the Amazon DynamoDB table are
loaded as either NULL or empty, depending on the value specified with the EMPTYASNULL option in
the COPY (p. 390) command.
• Amazon DynamoDB attributes that do not match a column in the Amazon Redshift table are
discarded. Attributes are read before they are matched, and so even discarded attributes consume part
of that table's provisioned throughput.
• Only Amazon DynamoDB attributes with scalar STRING and NUMBER data types are supported. The
Amazon DynamoDB BINARY and SET data types are not supported. If a COPY command tries to load
an attribute with an unsupported data type, the command will fail. If the attribute does not match an
Amazon Redshift table column, COPY does not attempt to load it, and it does not raise an error.
The COPY command uses the following syntax to load data from an Amazon DynamoDB table:
API Version 2012-12-01

Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide
Loading from Amazon DynamoDB

copy  from 'dynamodb://'
readratio '';

The values for authorization are the AWS credentials needed to access the Amazon DynamoDB table. If
these credentials correspond to an IAM user, that IAM user must have permission to SCAN and DESCRIBE
the Amazon DynamoDB table that is being loaded.
The values for authorization provide the AWS authorization your cluster needs to access the Amazon
DynamoDB table. The permission must include SCAN and DESCRIBE for the Amazon DynamoDB table
that is being loaded. For more information about required permissions, see IAM Permissions for COPY,
UNLOAD, and CREATE LIBRARY (p. 427). The preferred method for authentication is to specify the
IAM_ROLE parameter and provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an IAM role with the necessary
permissions. Alternatively, you can specify the ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY parameters
and provide the access key ID and secret access key for an authorized IAM user as plain text. For more
information, see Role-Based Access Control (p. 424) or Key-Based Access Control (p. 425).
To authenticate using the IAM_ROLE parameter,  and  as shown in
the following syntax.
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam:::role/'

The following example shows authentication using an IAM role.
copy favoritemovies
from 'dynamodb://ProductCatalog'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole';

To authenticate using IAM user credentials, replace  and '

The following example shows authentication using IAM user credentials.
copy favoritemovies
from 'dynamodb://ProductCatalog'
access_key_id ''
secret_access_key '

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Keywords                        : Amazon Redshift, AWS Redshift, Redshift, Redshift Spectrum, cluster, data warehouse, developer, sample data, database, database developer
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