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The Newsletter of the R Project News Volume 6/2, May 2006 Editorial by Paul Murrell Welcome to the first regular issue of R News for 2006. This is a bumper issue, with a thirteen contributed articles. Many thanks to the contributors and reviewers for all of the enthusiasm and effort that they put into these articles. This issue begins with some “methodological” papers. Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl, Thomas Stabla, and Florian Camphausen introduce their distr package, which provides a set of S4 classes and methods for defining distributions of random variables. This is followed by an article from David Clifford and Peter McCullagh on the many uses of the regress package, then Lukasz Komsta describes his outliers package, which contains general tests for outlying observations. The next set of articles involve applications of R to particular settings. David Kane and Jeff Enos describe their portfolio package for working with equity portfolios. Roman Pahl, Andreas Ziegler, and Inke König discuss the GroupSeq package for de- Contents of this issue: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4 Classes for Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . The regress function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Processing data for outliers . . . . . . . . . . . Analysing equity portfolios in R . . . . . . . . . GroupSeq: Designing clinical trials using group sequential designs . . . . . . . . . . . Using R/Sweave in everyday clinical practice . changeLOS: An R-package for change in length of hospital stay based on the AalenJohansen estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balloon Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drawing pedigree diagrams with R and graphviz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 6 10 13 21 26 31 35 38 signing clinical trials. Using Sweave in clinical practice is the topic of Sven Garbade and Peter Burgard’s article, while M. Wangler, J. Beyersmann, and M. Schumacher focus on length of hospital stay with the changeLOS package. Next, there are three graphics articles. Nitin Jain and Gregory Warnes describe the “balloonplot”, a tool for visualizing tabulated data. Jung Zhao explains how to produce pedigree plots in R, and Brian Ripley and I describe some improvements in R’s font support for PDF and PostScript graphics output. SAS users struggling to make the transition to R might enjoy Søren Højsgaard’s article on his doBy package and the contributed articles are rounded out by two pieces from Robin Hankin: one on the onion package for normed division algebras and one on the ResistorArray package for analysing resistor networks. David Meyer provides us with a review of the book “R Graphics”. This issue accompanies the release of R version 2.3.0. Changes in R itself and new CRAN packages Non-Standard Fonts in PostScript and PDF Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The doBy package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normed division algebras with R: Introducing the onion package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resistor networks R: Introducing the ResistorArray package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The good, the bad, and the ugly—Review of Paul Murrell’s new book: “R Graphics” . . . Changes in R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changes on CRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Foundation News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . News from the Bioconductor Project . . . . . . Forthcoming Events: DSC 2007 . . . . . . . . . 41 47 49 52 54 54 64 70 70 71 Vol. 6/2, May 29, 2006 that have appeared since the release of R 2.2.0 are described in the relevant regular sections. There is also an update of individuals and institutions who are providing support for the R Project via the R Foundation and there is an announcement and call for abstracts for the DSC 2007 conference to be held in Auckland, New Zealand. A new addition with this issue is “News from the Bioconductor Project” by Seth Falcon, which describes important features of the 1.8 release of Bio- 2 conductor packages. Finally, I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming useR! 2006 conference. It has attracted a huge number of presenters and promises to be a great success. I hope to see you there! Paul Murrell The University of Auckland, New Zealand paul@stat.auckland.ac.nz S4 Classes for Distributions 1 From R News CDF of AbscontDistribution Quantile of AbscontDistribution 30 Density of AbscontDistribution 0 grid 10 20 p(x)(grid) 0.4 0.8 R contains powerful techniques for virtually any useful distribution using the suggestive naming convention [prefix]as functions, where [prefix] stands for r, d, p, or q, and is the name of the distribution. There are limitations of this concept: You can only use distributions that are already implemented in some library or for which you have provided an implementation. In many natural settings you want to formulate algorithms once for all distributions, so you should be able to treat the actual distribution as if it were a variable. You may of course paste together a prefix and the value of as a string and then use eval(parse(....)). This is neither very elegant nor flexible, however. Instead, we would prefer to implement the algorithm by passing an object of some distribution class as an argument to a function. Even better, though, 0.0 Motivation > require("distr") Loading required package: distr [1] TRUE > N <- Norm(mean=2,sd=1.3) > P <- Pois(lambda=1.2) > (Z <- 2*N+3+P) Distribution Object of Class: AbscontDistribution > plot(Z) > p(Z)(0.4) [1] 0.002415384 > q(Z)(0.3) [1] 6.70507 > r(Z)(10) [1] 11.072931 7.519611 10.567212 3.358912 [5] 7.955618 9.094524 5.293376 5.536541 [9] 9.358270 10.689527 d(x)(grid) 0.06 0.12 distr is an R package that provides a conceptual treatment of random variables (r.v.’s) by means of S4– classes. A mother class Distribution is introduced with slots for a parameter and for methods r, d, p, and q, consecutively for simulation and for evaluation of the density, c.d.f., and quantile function of the corresponding distribution. All distributions of the base package are implemented as subclasses. By means of these classes, we can automatically generate new objects of these classes for the laws of r.v.’s under standard mathematical univariate transformations and under convolution of independent r.v.’s. In the distrSim and distrTEst packages, we also provide classes for a standardized treatment of simulations (also under contamination) and evaluations of statistical procedures on such simulations. we would use a generic function and let the S4dispatching mechanism decide what to do at runtime. In particular, we would like to automatically generate the corresponding functions r, d, p, and q for the law of expressions like X+3Y for objects X and Y of class Distribution, or, more generally, of a transformation of X, Y under a function f : R2 → R which is already realized as a function in R. This is possible with package distr. As an example, try1 0.00 by Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl, Thomas Stabla, and Florian Camphausen 0 20 grid Figure 1: 0 20 grid 0.0 0.4 0.8 p(x)(grid) density, c.d.f. and quantile function of Z version 1.7 on, additionally some startup message is shown after require(); confer Ruckdeschel et al. (2005, Section 5). ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 29, 2006 Comment: N and P are assigned objects of classes "Norm" and "Pois", respectively, with corresponding parameters. The command Z <- 2*N+3+P generates a new distribution object and assigns it to Z — an object of class "AbscontDistribution". Identifying N, P, Z with r.v.’s distributed according to these distributions, L(Z) = L(2N + 3 + P). Hence, p(Z)(0.4) returns P( Z ≤ 0.4); q(Z)(0.3) returns the 30%-quantile of Z; r(Z)(10) generates 10 pseudo random numbers distributed according to Z; and the plot command produces Figure 1. Concept Our class design is deliberately open so that our classes may easily be extended by any volunteer in the R community; loose ends are multivariate distributions, time series distributions, and conditional distributions. As an exercise, the reader is encouraged to implement extreme value distributions from package evd. The greatest effort will be the documentation. As to the naming of the slots, our goal was to preserve naming and notation from the base package as far as possible so that any programmer familiar with S could quickly use our distr package. In addition, as the distributions already implemented in R are all well tested and programmed, we use the existing r, d, p, and q-functions wherever possible, simply wrapping them in small code sniplets to our class hierarchy. All this should make intensive use of object orientation in order to be able to use inheritance and method overloading. Contrary to the standard R-functions like rnorm, we only permit length 1 for parameters like mean, because we see the objects as implementations of univariate random variables, for which vector-valued parameters make no sense; rather one could gather several objects with possibly different parameters in a vector or list of distributions. Of course, the original functions rnorm, etc., remain unchanged and still allow vector-valued parameters. Organization in classes Loosely speaking, distr contains distribution classes and corresponding methods, distrSim simulation classes and corresponding methods, and distrTEst an evaluation class and corresponding methods. The latter two classes are to be considered only as tools that allow a unified treatment of simulations and evaluation of statistical estimation (perhaps also later, tests and predictions) under varying simulation situations. R News 3 Distribution classes The Distribution class and its descendants implement the concept of a random variable/distribution in R. They all have a param slot for a parameter, an img slot for the range of the corresponding r.v., and r, d, p, and q slots. Subclasses At present, the distr package is limited to univariate distributions; these are derived from the subclass UnivariateDistribution, and as typical subclasses, we introduce classes for absolutely continuous (a.c.) and discrete distributions — AbscontDistribution and DiscreteDistribution. The latter has an extra slot support, a vector containing the support of the distribution, which is truncated to the lower/upper TruncQuantile in case of an infinite support. TruncQuantile is a global option of distr described in Ruckdeschel et al. (2005, Section 4). As subclasses we have implemented all parametric families from the base package simply by providing wrappers to the original R-functions of form [prefix] . More precisely, as subclasses of class AbscontDistribution, we have implemented Beta, Cauchy, Chisq, Exp, Logis, Lnorm, Norm, Unif, and Weibull; to avoid name conflicts, the F-, t-, and Γ -distributions are implemented as Fd, Td, Gammad. As subclasses of class DiscreteDistribution, we have implemented Binom, Dirac, Geom, Hyper, NBinom, and Pois. Parameter classes The param slot of a distribution class is of class Parameter. With method liesIn, some checking is possible; for details confer Ruckdeschel et al. (2005). Simulation classes and evaluation class Simulation classes and an evaluation class are provided in the distrSim and distrTEst packages, respectively. As a unified class for both “real” and simulated data, DataClass serves as a common mother class for both types of data. For simulations, we gather all relevant information in the derived classes Simulation and, for simulations under contamination, ContSimulation. When investigating properties of a procedure by means of simulations, one typically evaluates this procedure on a lot of simulation runs, giving a result for each run. These results are typically worth storing. To organize all relevant information about these results, we introduce an Evaluation class. For details concerning these groups of classes, consult Ruckdeschel et al. (2005). ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 29, 2006 Methods We have made available quite general arithmetical operations for our distribution objects, generating new image distributions automatically. These arithmetics operate on the corresponding r.v.’s and not on the distributions. (For the latter, they only would make sense in restricted cases like convex combinations.) 4 Convolution A convolution method for two independent r.v.’s is implemented by means of explicit calculations for discrete summands, and by means of the FFT2 if one of the summands is a.c. This method automatically generates the law of the sum of two independent variables X and Y of any univariate distributions — or, in S4-jargon, the addition operator "+" is overloaded for two objects of class UnivariateDistribution and corresponding subclasses. Affine linear transformations We have overloaded the operators "+", "-", "*", and "/" such that affine linear transformations that involve only single univariate r.v.’s are available; i.e., expressions like Y=(3*X+5)/4 are permitted for an object X of class AbscontDistribution or DiscreteDistribution (or some subclass), producing an object Y that is also of class AbscontDistribution or DiscreteDistribution (in general). Here the corresponding transformations of the d, p, and q-functions are determined analytically. Unary mathematical operations The math group of unary mathematical operations is also available for distribution classes; so expressions like exp(sin(3*X+5)/4) are permitted. The corresponding r-method consists in simply performing the transformation on the simulated values of X. The corresponding (default-) d-, p- and q-functions are obtained by simulation, using the technique described in the following subsection. Construction of d, p, and q from r For automatic generation of new distributions, in particular those arising as image distributions under transformations of correspondingly distributed r.v.’s, we provide ad hoc methods that should be overloaded by more exact ones wherever possible: Function RtoDPQ (re)constructs the slots d, p, and q from slot r, generating a certain number K of random numbers according to the desired law, where K is controlled by a global option of the distr package, as described in Ruckdeschel et al. (2005, Section 4). For a.c. distributions, a density estimator is evaluated along this sample, the distribution function is estimated by the empirical c.d.f., and, finally, the quantile function is produced by numerical inversion. Of course the result is rather crude as it relies only on the law of large numbers, but in this manner all transformations within the math group become available. 2 Details R News Overloaded generic functions Methods print, plot, and summary have been overloaded for our new classes Distribution (package distr), DataClass, Simulation, ContSimulation (package distrSim), as well as EvaluationClass (package distrTEst), to produce “pretty” output. For Distribution, plot displays the density/probability function, the c.d.f. and the quantile function of a distribution. For objects of class DataClass — or of a corresponding subclass — plot graphs the sample against the run index, and in the case of ContSimulation, the contaminating variables are highlighted by a different color. For an object of class EvaluationClass, plot yields a boxplot of the results of the evaluation. Simulation For the classes Simulation and ContSimulation in the distrSim package, we normally will not save the current values of the simulation, so when declaring a new object of either of the two classes, the slot Data will be empty (NULL). We may fill the slot by an application of the method simulate to the object. This has to be redone whenever another slot of the object is changed. To guarantee reproducibility, we use the slot seed. This slot is controlled and set through Paul Gilbert’s setRNG package. For details confer Ruckdeschel et al. (2005). Options Contrary to the generally preferable functional style in S, we have chosen to set a few “constants” globally in order to retain binary notation for operators like "+". Analogously to the options command in R, you can specify a number of these global constants. We only list them here; for details consult Ruckdeschel et al. (2005) or see ?distroptions. Distribution options include • DefaultNrFFTGridPointsExponent • DefaultNrGridPoints • DistrResolution to be found in Kohl et al. (2005) ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 29, 2006 Examples 0.4 Exact and approximated density NormApprox 0.2 As our packages are completely written in R, there are no dependencies on the underlying OS. After some reorganization the three packages distr, distrSim, and distrTEst, as described in this paper, are only available from version R 2.2.0 on, but there are precursors of our packages running under older versions of R; see Ruckdeschel et al. (2005). For the control of the seed of the random number generator in our simulation classes in package distrSim, we use Paul Gilbert’s package setRNG, and for our startup messages, we need package startupmsg — both packages to be installed from CRAN. Packages distr, distrSim, and distrTEst are distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL Version 2, June 1991 (see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). Norm(0,1) 0.0 System/version requirements etc. −4 > > > > > > > N <- Norm(0,1) # a standard normal U <- Unif(0,1) U2 <- U + U U4 <- U2 + U2 U8 <- U4 + U4 U12 <- U4 + U8 NormApprox <- U12 - 6 In the 3rd to 6th line, we try to minimize the number of calls to FFT for reasons of both time and accuracy; in the end, NormApprox contains the centered and standardized 12-fold convolution of Unif(0, 1). Keep in mind, that instead of U <- Unif(0,1), we might have assigned any distribution to U without having to change the subsequent code — except for a different centering/standardization. For a more sophisticated use of FFT for convolution powers see nFoldConvolution.R in the demo folder. Next we explore the approximation quality of NormApprox for N (0, 1) graphically (see Figure 2): R News 0 2 4 2 4 Error −4 In the demo folder of the distr package, the interested reader will find the sources for some worked out examples; we confine ourselves to discussing only one (the shortest) of them — NormApprox.R: In basic statistic courses, 12-fold convolution of Unif(0, 1) variables is a standard illustration for the CLT. Also, this is an opaque generator of N (0, 1)–variables; see Rice (1988, Example C, p. 163). −2 −0.004 0.000 These options may be inspected/modified by means of distroptions() and getdistrOption() which are defined just in the same way as options() and getOption(). par(mfrow = c(2,1)) x <- seq(-4,4,0.001) plot(x, d(NormApprox)(x), type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "Density", main = "Exact and approximated density") lines(x, d(N)(x), col = "red") legend(-4, d(N)(0), legend = c("NormApprox", "Norm(0,1)"), fill = c("black", "red")) plot(x, d(NormApprox)(x) - d(N)(x), type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "\"black\" - \"red\"", col = "darkgreen", main = "Error") lines(c(-4,4), c(0,0)) Density • TruncQuantile > > > + + > > + + > + + + > "black" − "red" • RtoDPQ.e 5 Figure 2: −2 0 densities of N (0, 1) and NormApprox and their differ- ence Details/odds and ends For further details of the implementation, see Ruckdeschel et al. (2005). In particular, we recommend Thomas Stabla’s utility standardMethods for the automatic generation of S4-accessor and -replacement functions. For more details, see ?standardMethods. For odds and ends, consult the web-page for our packages, http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/ /math/org/mathe7/DISTR/. Acknowledgement We thank Martin Mächler and Josef Leydold for their helpful suggestions in conceiving the package. John Chambers also gave several helpful hints and insights. We got stimulating replies to an RFC on r-devel by Duncan Murdoch and Gregory Warnes. We also thank Paul Gilbert for drawing our attention to his package setRNG and making it available in a stand-alone version. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 Bibliography J. M. Chambers. Programming with Data. A guide to the S language. Springer, 1998. URL http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/departments/ sia/Sbook/. M. Kohl, P. Ruckdeschel, and T. Stabla. General Purpose Convolution Algorithm for Distributions in S4-Classes by means of FFT. Technical Report. Also available under http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/ math/org/mathe7/RUCKDESCHEL/pubs/comp.pdf, Feb. 2005. J. A. Rice. Mathematical statistics and data analysis. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, Pacific Grove, California, 1988. 6 P. Ruckdeschel, M. Kohl, T. Stabla, and F. Camphausen. S4 Classes for Distributions— a manual for packages distr, distrSim, distrTEst, version 1.7, distrEx, version 0.4-3, May 2006. http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/ math/org/mathe7/DISTR. Peter Ruckdeschel Matthias Kohl Thomas Stabla Florian Camphausen Mathematisches Institut Universität Bayreuth D-95440 Bayreuth Germany peter.ruckdeschel@uni-bayreuth.de The regress function An R function that uses the Newton Raphson algorithm for fitting certain doubly linear Gaussian models. by David Clifford and Peter McCullagh Introduction The purpose of this article is to highlight the many uses of the regress function contained in the regress package. The function can be used to fit linear Gaussian models in which the mean is a linear combination of given covariates, and the covariance is a linear combination of given matrices. A NewtonRaphson algorithm is used to maximize the residual log likelihood with respect to the variance components. The regression coefficients are subsequently obtained by weighted least squares, and a further matrix computation gives the best linear predictor for the response on a further out-of-sample unit. Many Gaussian models have a covariance structure that can be written as a linear combination of matrices, for example random effects models, polynomial spline models and some multivariate models. However it was our research on the nature of spatial variation in crop yields, McCullagh and Clifford (2006), that motivated the development of this function. We begin this paper with a review of the kinds of spatial models we wish to fit and explain why a new function is needed to achieve this. Following this we discuss other examples that illustrate the broad range of uses for this function. Uses include basic random effects models, multivariate linear models and examples that include prediction and smoothing. The techniques used in these examples can also R News be applied to growth curves. Spatial Models McCullagh and Clifford (2006) model spatial dependence of crop yields as a planar Gaussian process in which the covariance function at points z, z0 in the plane has the form σ02 δ z− z0 + σ12 K (| z − z0 |) (1) with non-negative coefficients σ02 and σ12 . In the first term, Dirac’s delta is the covariance function for white noise, and is independent on non-overlapping sets. The second term is a stationary isotropic covariance function from the Matérn class or power class. McCullagh and Clifford (2006) proposed that the spatial correlation for any crop yield is well described by a convex combination of the Dirac function and the logarithmic function associated with the de Wijs process. The de Wijs process (de Wijs, 1951, 1953) is a special case of both the Matérn and power classes and is invariant to conformal transformation. The linear combination of white noise and the de Wijs process is called the conformal model. We examined many examples from a wide variety of crops worldwide, comparing the conformal model against the more general Matérn class. Apart from a few small-scale anisotropies, little evidence was found of systematic departures from the conformal model. Stein (1999) is a good reference for more details on spatial models. It is important to point out that the de Wijs process and certain other boundary cases of the Matérn family are instances of generalized covariance functions corresponding to intrinsic processes. The fitting ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 of such models leads to the use of generalized covariance matrices that are positive definite on certain contrasts. Such matrices usually have one or more negative eigenvalues, and as such the models cannot be fitted using standard functions in R. Clifford (2005) shows how to compute the generalized covariance matrices when yields are recorded on rectangular plots laid out on a grid. For the de Wijs process this is an analytical calculation and the spatialCovariance package in R can be used to evaluate the covariance matrices. In order to illustrate exactly what the spatial model looks like let us consider the Fairfield Smith wheat yield data (Fairfield Smith, 1938). We wish to fit the conformal model to this dataset and to include row and column effects in our model of the mean. Assume at this point that the following information is loaded into R: the yield y and factors row and col that indicate the position of each plot. The plots are 6 inches by 12 inches in a regular grid of 30 rows and 36 columns with no separations between plots. Computing the covariance matrix involves two steps. The first stage called precompute is carried out once for each dataset. The second stage called computeV is carried out for each member of the Matérn family one wishes to fit to the model. require("spatialCovariance") foot <- 0.3048 ## convert from ft to m info <- precompute(nrows=30,ncols=36, rowwidth=0.5*foot, colwidth=1*foot, rowsep=0,colsep=0) V <- computeV(info) The model we wish to now fit to the response variable y observed on plots of common area | A| = 0.0465m2 is y ∼ row + col + spatial error where the spatial error has generalized covariance structure Σ = σ02 | A| I + σ12 | A|2 V. (2) The fact that yield is an extensive variable means one goes from Equation 1 to Equation 2 by aggregating yield over plots, i.e. by integrating the covariance function over plots. We fit this model using the regress function. One can easily check that V has a negative eigenvalue and hence the model cannot be fitted using other packages such as lme for example. require("regress") model1 <- regress(y~row+col,~V,identity=TRUE) In order to determine the residual log likelihood relative to a white noise baseline, we need to fit the model in which σ12 = 0, i.e. Σ = σ02 | A| I. The residual log likelihood is the difference in log likelihood between these two models. R News 7 > BL <- regress(y~row+col,~,identity=TRUE) > model1$llik - BL$llik [1] 12.02406 > summary(model1,fixed.effects=FALSE) Maximised Resid. Log Likelihood is -4373.721 Linear Coefficients: not shown Variance Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error identity 39243.69 2139.824 V 60491.21 19664.338 The summary of the conformal model shows that the estimated variance components are σ̂02 | A| = 39.2 × 104 and σ̂12 | A|2 = 6.05 × 104 . The standard errors associated with each parameter are based on the Fisher Information at the point of convergence. Random Effects Models Exchangeable Gaussian random effects models, also known as linear mixed effects models Pinheiro and Bates (2000), can also be fitted using regress. However the code is not optimised to use the groupedData structure like lmer is and regress cannot handle the large datasets that one can fit using lmer, Bates (2005). The syntax for basic models using regress is straightforward. Consider the example in Venables and Ripley (2002)[p. 286] which uses data from Yates (1935). In addition to the treatment factors N and V, corresponding to nitrogen levels and varieties, the model has a block factor B and a random B:V interaction. The linear model is written explicitly as ybnv = µ + αn + βv + ηb + ζbv + bnv (3) where the distribution of the random effects are 2 ) and ηb ∼ N (0, σ B2 ), ζbv ∼ N (0, σ B:V bnv ∼ N (0, σ 2 ), all independent with independent components, Venables and Ripley (2002). The regress syntax mirrors how the model is defined in (3). oats.reg <- regress(Y~1+N+V,~B+I(B:V), identity=TRUE,data=Oats) Similar syntax is used by the lmer function but the residual log likelihoods reported by the two functions are not the same. The difference is attributable in part to the term + 12 log | X > X |, which is constant for comparison of two variance-component models, but is affected by the basis vectors used to define the subspace for the means. The value reported by regress is unaffected by the choice of basis vectors. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 8 While the regress function can be used for basic random effects models, the lmer function can be used to fit models where the covariance structure cannot be written as a linear combination of known matrices. The regress function does not apply to such models. An example of such a model is one that includes a random intercept and slope for a covariate for each level of a group factor. A change of scale for the covariate would result in a different model unless the intercept and slope are correlated. In lmer the groupedData structure automatically includes a correlation parameter in such a model. See Bates (2005) for an example of such a model. Multivariate Models Using regress In this section we show how to fit a multivariate model. The example we choose to work with is a very basic multivariate example but the method illustrates how the complex models can be fitted. Suppose that the observations are i.i.d bivariate normal, i.e. (µ, Σ) where Yi ∼ N 2 ρσ σ σ µ1 1 2 1 . The goal is µ = µ2 and Σ = 2 ρσ1σ2 σ2 (µ1 , µ2 , σ12 , σ22 , γ to estimate the parameter = ρσ1σ2 ). Let Y denote a vector of the length 2n created by concatenating the observations for each unit. The model for the data can be written as Y ∼ N ( Xµ, In ⊗ Σ) where X = 1 ⊗ I2 and 1 is a vector of ones of length n. Next we use the fact that one can write Σ as Σ = σ12 1 0 0 0 +γ 0 1 1 0 + σ22 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 + γ In ⊗ 0 1 1 0 + σ22 In ⊗ 0 0 0 . 1 The code to generate such data and to fit such a model is given below, note that A ⊗ B = kronecker(A,B) in R. library("regress") library("MASS") ## needed for mvrnorm n <- 100 mu <- c(1,2) Sigma <- matrix(c(10,5,5,10),2,2) Y <- mvrnorm(n,mu,Sigma) ## this simulates multivariate normal rvs y <- as.vector(t(Y)) X <- kronecker(rep(1,n),diag(1,2)) V1 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),2,2) V2 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1),2,2) V3 <- matrix(c(0,1,1,0),2,2) sig1 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V1) R News reg.obj <- regress(y~X-1,~sig1+sig2+gam, identity=FALSE,start=c(1,1,0.5)) The summary of this model shows that the estimated mean parameters are µ̂1 = 1.46 and µ̂2 = 1.78. The estimates for the variance components are σ̂12 = 9.25, σ̂22 = 10.27 and γ̂ = 3.96. The true parameter is (µ1 , µ2 , σ12 , σ22 , γ = ρσ1σ2 ) = (1, 2, 10, 10, 5). Maximised Residual Log Likelihood is -315.48 Linear Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error X1 1.461 0.304 X2 1.784 0.320 Variance Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error sig1 9.252 1.315 sig2 10.271 1.460 gam 3.963 1.058 A closed form solution exists for the estimate of 1 > Σ in this case, Σ̂ = n− 1 (Y − Ȳ ) (Y − Ȳ ) where Y denotes the n × 2 matrix of observations. Our computed result can be checked using: > Sig <- var(Y) > round(Sig, 3) [,1] [,2] [1,] 9.252 3.963 [2,] 3.963 10.271 to express the model as Y ∼ N ( Xµ, D ) where D = σ12 In ⊗ sig2 <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V2) gam <- kronecker(diag(1,n),V3) It may be of interest to fit the sub-model with equal variances, σ 2 = σ12 = σ22 , a case for which no closed form solution exists. This model can be fitted using the code shown below. The estimate for σ 2 is σ̂ 2 = 9.76 and we can see that the difference in residual log likelihood between the sub-model and the full model is only 0.16 units. > sig <- sig1+sig2 > reg.obj.sub <- regress(y~X-1,~sig+gam, + identity=FALSE,start=c(1,.5)) > summary(reg.obj.sub) Maximised Residual Log Likelihood is -315.65 Linear Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error X1 1.461 0.312 X2 1.784 0.312 Variance Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error sig 9.761 1.059 gam 3.963 1.059 ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 9 The argument start allows one to specify the starting point for the Newton-Raphson algorithm. Another argument pos allows one to force certain parameters to be positive or negative, in this example we may only be interested in cases with negative correlation. By default the support for the variance components is the real line. Prediction and Smoothing regress can also be used to implement smoothing and best linear prediction, McCullagh (2005)[example 5]. Stein (1999) notes that in the geostatistical literature best linear prediction is also known as kriging and in effect BLP( x) = E(Y ( x)|data) for an out-of-sample unit whose x-value is x. Smoothing usually requires the choice of a bandwidth in each example, Efron (2001), but bandwidth selection occurs automatically through REML estimation of polynomial spline models. This is best illustrated by the cubic spline generalized covariance function (Wahba, 1990; Green and Silverman, 1994). The cubic spline model has a two-dimensional kernel spanned by the constant and linear functions of x. Consequently the model matrix X must include ∼ 1 + x, but could also include additional functions. ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● 2.0 ●● ● ● ● ●● the observed values. This experiment can be carried out in the following four steps. ## 1: Data simulation n <- 101 x <- (0:100)/100 prb <- (1 + cos(2*pi*x))/2 ## indicator which x-values are observed obs <- (runif(n) < prb) mu <- 1 + x + sin(3*log(x+0.1))/(2+x) ## full data y <- mu + rnorm(n,0,0.1) ## 2. Fit the cubic spline to observed data one <- rep(1,n) d <- abs(x %*% t(one) - one %*% t(x)) V <- d^3 X <- model.matrix(y~1+x) fit <- regress(y[obs]~X[obs,],~V[obs,obs], identity=TRUE) ## 3. BLP at all x given the observed data wlsfit <- X%*%fit$beta blp <- wlsfit + fit$sigma[1]*V[,obs] %*% fit$W%*%(y-wlsfit)[obs] ## 4. Plot of results plot(x[obs],y[obs], xlab="x",ylab="y") lines(x,mu,lty=2) lines(x,blp) The results of this experiment can be seen in Figure 1. The points are the observed data, the solid line is the best linear predictor and the dashed line shows the function used to generate the data. Bibliography ● ● ●● ● ● 1.5 y ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● D. Bates. Fitting linear mixed models in R. RNews, 5 (1), May 2005. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● D. Clifford. Computation of spatial covariance matrices. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14(1):155–167, 2005. ● ● 1.0 ●● ● 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x Figure 1: Smoothing spline and best linear predictor fitted by REML. In the code below we simulate data as in Wahba (1990)[p. 45], but after generating data for one hundred points in the unit interval we take a sample of these points to be used for fitting purposes. The goal of fitting a smooth curve to the data is achieved by the best linear predictor, which is a cubic spline. The spline is computed at all x-values and has knots at R News H. de Wijs. Statistics of ore distribution. Part I: frequency distribution of assay values. Journal of the Royal Netherlands Geological and Mining Society, 13: 365–375, 1951. New Series. H. de Wijs. Statistics of ore distribution. Part II: Theory of binomial distribution applied to sampling and engineering problems. Journal of the Royal Netherlands Geological and Mining Society, 15:125– 24, 1953. New Series. B. Efron. Selection criteria for scatterplot smoothers. Annals of Statistics, 2001. H. Fairfield Smith. An empirical law describing heterogeneity in the yields of agricultural crops. Journal of Agricultural Science, 28:1–23, January 1938. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 10 P. Green and B. Silverman. Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models. Chapman and Hall, London, 1994. W. Venables and B. Ripley. Modern Applied Statistics with S. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 4th edition, 2002. P. McCullagh. Celebrating Statistics: Papers in honour of Sir David Cox on his 80th birthday, chapter Exchangeability and regression models, pages 89– 113. Oxford, 2005. G. Wahba. Spline Models for Observational Data. SIAM, Philadephia, 1990. P. McCullagh and D. Clifford. Evidence for conformal invariance of crop yields. Accepted at Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2006. J. Pinheiro and D. Bates. Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS. New York : Springer-Verlag, 2000. M. Stein. Interpolation of Spatial Data: Some Theory for Kriging. Springer, 1999. F. Yates. Complex experiments. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Supplement), 2:181–247, 1935. David Clifford, CSIRO Peter McCullagh, University of Chicago David.Clifford@csiro.au pmcc@galton.uchicago.edu Processing data for outliers by Lukasz Komsta The results obtained by repeating the same measurement several times can be treated as a sample coming from an infinite, most often normally distributed population. In many cases, for example quantitative chemical analysis, there is no possibility to repeat measurement many times due to very high costs of such validation. Therefore, all estimates and parameters of an experiment must be obtained from a small sample. Some repeats of an experiment can be biased by crude error, resulting in values which do not match the other data. Such values, called outliers, are very easy to be identified in large samples. But in small samples, often less than 10 values, identifying outliers is more difficult, but even more important. A small sample contaminated with outlying values will result in estimates significantly different from real parameters of whole population (Barnett, 1994). The problem of identifying outliers in small samples properly (and making a proper decision about removing or leaving suspicious data) is very old and the first papers discussing this problem were published in the 1920s. The problem remained unresolved until 1950s, due to lack of computing technology to perform valid Monte-Carlo simulations. Although current trends in outlier detection rely on robust estimates, the tests described below are still in use in many cases (especially chemical analysis) due to their simplicity. Dixon test All concepts of outlier analysis were collected by Dixon (1950) : R News 1. chi-squared scores of data 2. score of extreme value 3. ratio of range to standard deviation (two opposite outliers) 4. ratio of variances without suspicious value(s) and with them 5. ratio of ranges and subranges The last concept seemed to the author to have the best performance and Dixon introduced his famous test in the next part of the paper. He defined several coefficients which must be calculated on an ordered sample x(1) , x(2) , · · · , x(n) . The formulas below show these coefficients in two variants for each of them when the suspicious value is lowest and highest. r10 = r11 = r12 = x(2) − x(1) x(n−1) − x(1) x(2) − x(1) x(n−2) − x(1) r20 = r21 = r22 = x(2) − x(1) x(n) − x(n−1) , x(n) − x(1) x(n) − x(1) , , x(n) − x(n−1) x(n) − x(2) x(n) − x(n−1) x(n) − x(3) x(3) − x(1) x(n) − x(n−2) , x(n) − x(1) x(n) − x(1) x(3) − x(1) x(n−1) − x(1) x(3) − x(1) x(n−2) − x(1) , , x(n) − x(n−2) x(n) − x(2) x(n) − x(n−2) x(n) − x(3) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The critical values of the above statistics were not given in the original paper, but only discussed. A year later (Dixon, 1951) the next paper with critical ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 11 values appeared. Dixon discussed the distribution of his variables in a very comprehensive way, and concluded that a numerical procedure to obtain critical values is available only for sample with n = 3. Quantiles for other sample sizes were obtained in this paper by simulations and tabularized. Dixon did not publish the 0.975 quantile for his test, which is needed to perform two-sided test at 95% confidence level. These values were obtained by interpolation later (Rorabacher, 1991) with some corrections of typographical errors in the original Dixon table. The simple formula for approximating critical values of G value (range to standard deviation) was given by David, Hartley and Pearson (1954): v u u 2(n − 1)tα2 /n(n−1),n−2 G=t n − 2 + tα2 /n(n−1),n−2 (12) The ratio of variances used to test for two outliers on the same tail (9) is not available to integrate in a numerical manner. Thus, critical values were simulated by Grubbs and must be approximated by interpolation from tabularized data. Grubbs test Another criteria for outlying observations proposed by Dixon were discussed at the same time by Grubbs (1950). He proposed three variants of his test. For one outlier G= | xoutlying − x| S2 , U = 21 s S (7) Cochran test The other test used to detect crude errors in experiment is the Cochran test (Snedecor and Cochran, 1980). It is designed to detect outlying (or inlying) variance in a group of datasets. It is based on simple statistics - the ratio of maximum (or minimum) variance to the sum of all variances: For two outliers on opposite tails S2 xmax − xmin G= , U = 22 s S C= (8) S22 S2 (9) where S21 is the variance of the sample with one suspicious value excluded, and S22 is the variance with two values excluded. If the estimators in equation (7) are biased (with n in denominator), then simple dependence occurs between S and U: U = 1− 1 G2 n−1 (10) and it makes U and G statistics equivalent in their testing power. The G distribution for one outlier test was discussed earlier (Pearson and Chekar, 1936) and the following formula can be used to approximate the critical value: s G = tα /n,n−2 n−1 n − 2 + tα2 /n,n−2 (11) When discussing (8) statistics, Grubbs gives only G values, because U was too complicated to calculate. He writes “. . . the limits of integration do not turn out to be functions of single variables and the task of computing the resulting multiple integral may be rather difficult.” R News (13) The critical value approximation can be obtained using the following formula: For two outliers on the same tail U=G= S2max ∑ S2 C= 1 1 + (k − 1) Fα /k,n(k−1),n (14) where k is the number of groups, and n is the number of observations in each group. If groups have different length, the arithmetic mean is used as n. The R implementation Package outliers, available now on CRAN, contains a set of functions for performing these tests and calculating their critical values. The most difficult problem to solve was introducing a proper and good working algorithm to provide quantile and p-value calculation of tabularized distribution by interpolation. After some experiments I have decided to use regression of 3rd degree orthogonal polynomial, fitted to four given points, taken from the original Dixon or Grubbs table, nearest to the argument. When an argument comes from outside of tabularized range, it is extrapolated by fitting a linear model to the first (or last) two known values. This method is implemented in the internal function qtable, used for calculation of Dixon values and Grubbs values for two outliers at the same tail. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 12 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.6 0.2 quantile 0.8 1.0 these functions can perform all of the tests mentioned above. Additionally, there is an easy way to obtain different kinds of data scores, by the scores function. It is also possible to obtain the most suspicious value (the largest difference from the mean) by the outlier function. If this value is examined and proved to be an outlier, it can be easily removed or replaced by the arithmetic mean by rm.outlier. 0.8 1.0 quantile alpha Figure 1: Interpolated quantile curves of Dixon test for n = 3 (solid), n = 4 (dashed), n = 5 (dotted) and n = 6 (dotdashed). The proposed algorithm provides a good continuity-like effect of quantile calculation as shown on Figures (1) and (3). Critical values can be obtained by qdixon, qgrubbs, qcochran. The corresponding reverse routines (calculating p-values) are named pdixon, pgrubbs, pcochran. The continuity effect of reverse functions is depicted on Figure (2) 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 alpha Figure 3: Interpolated quantile curves of Grubbs test for two outliers on one tail; n = 4 (solid), n = 5 (dashed), n = 6 (dotted) and n = 7 (dotdashed). 0.12 Examples 0.06 > x = c(56.5,55.1,57.2,55.3,57.4,60.5) > dixon.test(x) 0.04 p−value 0.08 0.10 Suppose we have six measurements, where the last one is visually larger than the others. We can now test, if it should be treated as an outlier, and removed from further calculations. 0.02 Dixon test for outliers 0.00 data: x Q = 0.5741, p-value = 0.08689 alternative hypothesis: highest value 60.5 is an outlier > grubbs.test(x) 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 Grubbs test for one outlier Q Figure 2: Interpolated p-value curve of Dixon test for n = 4, with percentage points given in original Dixon table The most important functions implemented in the package are: dixon.test, grubbs.test and cochran.test. According to the given parameters, R News data: x G = 1.7861, U = 0.2344, p-value = 0.06738 alternative hypothesis: highest value 60.5 is an outlier > scores(x) # this is only example, not recommended for small sample [1] -0.2551552 -0.9695897 0.1020621 -0.8675276 0.2041241 [6] 1.7860863 > scores(x,prob=0.95) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE > scores(x,prob=0.975) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE > ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 As we see, both tests did not reject the null hypothesis and the suspicious value should not be removed. Further calculations should be done on the full sample. Another example is testing a simple dataset for two opposite outliers, and two outliers at one tail: > x = c(41.3,44.5,44.7,45.9,46.8,49.1) > grubbs.test(x,type=11) 13 C = 0.0407, df = 5, k = 8, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: Group 1 has inlying variance sample estimates: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.2 2.5 2.9 3.5 3.6 3.9 4.0 7.9 > The tests show that first group has inlying variance, significantly smaller than the others. Grubbs test for two opposite outliers data: x G = 2.9908, U = 0.1025, p-value = 0.06497 alternative hypothesis: 41.3 and 49.1 are outliers > x = c(45.1,45.9,46.1,46.2,49.1,49.2) > grubbs.test(x,type=20) Grubbs test for two outliers Bibliography V. Barnett, T. Lewis. Outliers in statistical data. Wiley. W.J. Dixon. Analysis of extreme values. Ann. Math. Stat., 21(4):488-506, 1950. data: x U = 0.0482, p-value = 0.03984 alternative hypothesis: highest values 49.1 , 49.2 are outliers W.J. Dixon. Ratios involving extreme values. Ann. Math. Stat., 22(1):68-78, 1951. > D.B. Rorabacher. Statistical Treatment for Rejection of Deviant Values: Critical Values of Dixon Q Parameter and Related Subrange Ratios at the 95 percent Confidence Level. Anal. Chem. , 83(2):139-146, 1991. In the first dataset, the smallest and greatest value should not be rejected. The second example rejects the null hypothesis: 49.1 and 49.2 are outliers, and calculations should be made without them. The last example is testing for outlying variance. We have calculated variance in 8 groups (5 measurements in each group) of results and obtained: 1.2, 2.5, 2.9, 3.5, 3.6, 3.9, 4.0, 7.9. We must check now if the smallest or largest variance should be considered in calculations: > v = c(1.2, 2.5, 2.9, 3.5, 3.6, 3.9, 4.0, 7.9) > n = rep(5,8) > cochran.test(v,n) Cochran test for outlying variance data: v C = 0.2678, df = 5, k = 8, p-value = 0.3579 alternative hypothesis: Group 8 has outlying variance sample estimates: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.2 2.5 2.9 3.5 3.6 3.9 4.0 7.9 > cochran.test(v,n,inlying=TRUE) Cochran test for inlying variance data: v F.E. Grubbs. Sample Criteria for testing outlying observations. Ann. Math. Stat. , 21(1):27-58, 1950. E.S. Pearson, C.C. Chekar. The efficiency of statistical tools and a criterion for the rejection of outlying observations. Biometrika , 28(3):308-320, 1936. H.A. David, H.O. Hartley, E.S. Pearson. The distribution of the ratio, in a single normal sample, of range to standard deviation. Biometrika , 41(3):482493, 1954. G.W. Snedecor, W.G. Cochran. Statistical Methods. Iowa State University Press , 1980. Lukasz Komsta Department of Medicinal Chemistry Skubiszewski Medical University of Lublin, Poland luke@novum.am.lublin.pl Analysing equity portfolios in R Using the portfolio package by David Kane and Jeff Enos Introduction R is used by major financial institutions around the world to manage billions of dollars in equity (stock) portfolios. Unfortunately, there is no open source R R News package for facilitating this task. The portfolio package is meant to fill that gap. Using portfolio, an analyst can create an object of class portfolioBasic (weights only) or portfolio (weights and shares), examine its exposures to various factors, calculate its performance over time, and determine the contributions to performance from various categories of stocks. Exposures, performance and contributions are the basic building blocks of portfolio analysis. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 14 One Period, Long-Only Consider a simple long-only portfolio formed from the universe of 30 stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) in January, 2005. Start by loading and examining the input data. > library(portfolio) > data(dow.jan.2005) > summary(dow.jan.2005) symbol Length:30 Class :character Mode :character > p <- new("portfolioBasic", + date = as.Date("2004-12-31"), + id.var = "symbol", in.var = "price", + sides = "long", ret.var = "month.ret", + data = dow.jan.2005) An object of class "portfolioBasic" with 6 positions Selected slots: name: Unnamed portfolio date: 2004-12-31 in.var: price ret.var: month.ret type: equal size: quintile name Length:30 Class :character Mode :character > summary(p) Portfolio: Unnamed portfolio price Min. : 21.0 1st Qu.: 32.1 Median : 42.2 Mean : 48.6 3rd Qu.: 56.0 Max. :103.3 cap.bil Min. : 22.6 1st Qu.: 53.9 Median : 97.3 Mean :126.0 3rd Qu.:169.3 Max. :385.9 sector Industrials :6 Staples :6 Cyclicals :4 Financials :4 Technology :4 Communications:3 (Other) :3 month.ret Min. :-0.12726 1st Qu.:-0.05868 Median :-0.02758 Mean :-0.02914 3rd Qu.: 0.00874 Max. : 0.04468 Long: symbol name AA ALCOA INC MO ALTRIA GROUP INC AXP AMERICAN EXPRESS CO AIG AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP BA BOEING CO CAT CATERPILLAR INC sector cap.bil month.ret 140 Materials 27.35 -0.060789 214 Staples 125.41 0.044681 270 Financials 70.75 -0.051488 294 Financials 171.04 0.009441 946 Industrials 43.47 -0.022600 1119 Industrials 33.27 -0.082199 price 31.42 61.10 56.37 65.67 51.77 97.51 The DJIA consists of exactly 30 large US stocks. We provide a minimal set of information for constructing a long-only portfolio. Note that cap.bil is market capitalization in billions of dollars, price is the per share closing price on December 31, 2004, and month.ret is the one month return from December 31, 2004 through January 31, 2005. In order to create an object of class portfolioBasic, we can use this data and form a portfolio on the basis of a “nonsense” variable like price. R News weight 1 Top/bottom positions by weight: id pct 1 AIG 16.7 2 CAT 16.7 3 IBM 16.7 4 JNJ 16.7 5 MMM 16.7 6 UTX 16.7 > head(dow.jan.2005) 140 214 270 294 946 1119 count 6 In other words, we have formed a portfolio of the highest priced 6 stocks out of the 30 stocks in the DJIA. The id.var argument causes the portfolio to use symbol as the key for identifying securities throughout the analysis. in.var selects the variable by which stocks are ranked in terms of desirability. sides set to long specifies that we want a long-only portfolio. ret.var selects the return variable for measuring performance. In this case, we are interested in how the portfolio does for the month of January 2005. The default arguments to portfolioBasic form equal-weighted positions; in this case, each of the 6 stocks has 16.67% of the resulting portfolio. The defaults also lead to a portfolio made up of the best 20% (or quintile) of the universe of stocks provided to the data argument. Since 20% of 30 is 6, there are 6 securities in the resulting portfolio. Exposures Once we have a portfolio, the next step is to analyse its exposures. These can be calculated with respect to both numeric or factor variables. The method exposure will accept a vector of variable names. > exposure(p, exp.var = c("price", "sector")) numeric variable exposure 1 price 85.1 ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 sector variable exposure 2 Industrials 0.500 1 Financials 0.167 3 Staples 0.167 4 Technology 0.167 15 (3M), up almost 3%. The contrib (contribution) of each stock to the overall performance of the portfolio is simply its weight in the portfolio multiplied by its return. The sum of the 6 individual contributions yields -1.7%. Contributions The weighted average price of the portfolio is 85. In other words, since the portfolio is equalweighted, the average share price of AIG, CAT, IBM, JNJ, MMM, and UTX is 85. This is a relatively high price, but makes sense since we explicitly formed the portfolio by taking the 6 highest priced stocks out of the DJIA. Each of the 6 stocks is assigned a sector and 3 of them are Industrials. This compares to the 20% of the entire universe of 30 stocks that are in this sector. In other words, the portfolio has a much higher exposure to Industrials than the universe as a whole. Similarly, the portfolio has no stocks from the Communications, Cyclicals or Energy sectors despite the fact that these make up almost 27% of the DJIA universe. Performance Time plays two roles in the portfolio class. First, there is the moment of portfolio formation. This is the instant when all of the data, except for future returns, is correct. After this moment, of course, things change. The price of AIG on December 31, 2004 was $65.67, but by January 5, 2005 it was $67.35. The second role played by time on the portfolio class concerns future returns. ret.var specifies a return variable which measures the performance of individual stocks going forward. These returns can be of any duration — an hour, a day, a month, a year — but should generally start from the moment of portfolio formation. In this example, we are using one month forward returns. Now that we know the portfolio’s exposures at the start of the time period, we can examine its performance for the month of January. > performance(p) Total return: -1.71 % Best/Worst performers: id weight ret contrib 2 CAT 0.167 -0.08220 -0.01370 3 IBM 0.167 -0.05234 -0.00872 6 UTX 0.167 -0.02583 -0.00431 1 AIG 0.167 0.00944 0.00157 4 JNJ 0.167 0.02018 0.00336 5 MMM 0.167 0.02790 0.00465 The portfolio lost 1.7% of its value in January. The worst performing stock was CAT (Caterpillar), down more than 8%. The best performing stock was MMM R News The contributions of individual stocks are not that interesting in and of themselves. More important is to examine summary statistics of the contributions across different categories of stocks. Consider the use of the contribution method: > contribution(p, contrib.var = c("sector")) sector variable weight contrib roic 5 Communications 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 6 Conglomerates 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 7 Cyclicals 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 8 Energy 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 1 Financials 0.167 0.00157 0.00944 2 Industrials 0.500 -0.01336 -0.02671 9 Materials 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 3 Staples 0.167 0.00336 0.02018 4 Technology 0.167 -0.00872 -0.05234 10 Utilities 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 contribution, like exposure, accepts a vector of variable names. In the case of sector, the contribution object displays the 10 possible values, the total weight of the stocks for each level and the sum of the contributions for those stocks. Only 4 of the 10 levels are represented by the stocks in the portfolio. The other 6 levels have zero weight and, therefore, zero contributions. The sector with the biggest weight is Industrials, with half of the portfolio. Those 3 stocks did poorly, on average, in January and are therefore responsible for -1.3% in total losses. There is only a single Technology stock in the portfolio, IBM. Because it was down 5% for the month, its contribution was -0.87%. Since IBM is the only stock in its sector in the portfolio, the contribution for the sector is the same as the contribution for IBM. The last column in the display shows the roic — the return on invested capital — for each level. This captures the fact that raw contributions are a function of both the total size of positions and their return. For example, the reason that the total contribution for Industrials is so large is mostly because they account for such a large proportion of the portfolio. The individual stocks performed poorly, on average, but not that poorly. Much worse was the performance of the Technology stock. Although the total contribution from Technology was only 60% of that of Industrials, this was on a total position weight only 1/3 as large. In other words, the return on total capital was much worse in Technology than in Industrials even though Industrials accounted for a larger share of the total losses. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 Think about roic as useful in determining contributions on the margin. Imagine that you have the chance to move $1 out of one sector and into another. Where should than initial dollar come from? Not from the sector with the worst total contribution. Instead, the marginal dollar should come from the sector with the worst roic and should be placed into the sector with the best roic. In this example, we should move money out of Technology and into Staples. contribution can also work with numeric variables. 16 in.var: price ret.var: month.ret type: linear size: quintile > summary(p) Portfolio: Unnamed portfolio Long: Short: count 6 6 weight 1 -1 > contribution(p, contrib.var = c("cap.bil")) cap.bil rank variable weight contrib roic 1 1 - low (22.6,50.9] 0.167 -0.013700 -0.08220 2 2 (50.9,71.1] 0.333 0.000345 0.00103 4 3 (71.1,131] 0.000 0.000000 0.00000 3 4 (131,191] 0.500 -0.003787 -0.00757 5 5 - high (191,386] 0.000 0.000000 0.00000 Analysing contributions only makes sense in the context of categories into which each position can be placed. So, we need to break up a numeric variable like cap into discrete, exhaustive categories. The contribution function provides various options for doing so, but most users will be satisfied with the default behavior of forming 5 equal sized quintiles based on the distribution of the variable in the entire universe. In this example, we see that there are no portfolio holdings among the biggest 20% of stocks in the DJIA. Half the portfolio comes from stocks in the second largest quintile. Within each category, the analysis is the same as that above for sectors. The worst performing category in terms of total contribution is the smallest quintile. This category also has the lowest roic. Top/bottom positions by weight: id pct 12 UTX 28.57 5 IBM 23.81 2 CAT 19.05 8 MMM 14.29 1 AIG 9.52 10 PFE -9.52 9 MSFT -14.29 11 SBC -19.05 6 INTC -23.81 4 HPQ -28.57 Besides changing to a long-short portfolio, we have also provided a value of “linear” to the type argument. As the summary above shows, this yields a portfolio in which the weights on the individual positions are (linearly) proportional to their share prices. At the end of 2004, the lowest priced stock in the DJIA was HPQ (Hewlett-Packard) at $20.97. Since we are using price as our measure of desirability, HPQ is the biggest short position. Since we have not changed the default value for size from “quintile,” there are still 6 positions per side. > plot(p) Weight vs. in.var One Period Long-Short 0.3 Having examined a very simple long-only portfolio in order to explain the concepts behind exposures, performance and contributions, it is time to consider a more complex case, a long-short portfolio which uses the same underlying data. 0.1 ● ● 0.2 ● weight ● ● ● 0.0 ● ● −0.1 ● ● −0.2 −0.3 ● ● 20 40 60 80 100 price (in.var) An object of class "portfolioBasic" with 12 positions Weight distribution 25 20 count > p <- new("portfolioBasic", + date = as.Date("2004-12-31"), + id.var = "symbol", in.var = "price", + type = "linear", sides = c("long", + "short"), ret.var = "month.ret", + data = dow.jan.2005) 15 10 5 0 −0.2 Selected slots: name: Unnamed portfolio date: 2004-12-31 R News 0.0 0.2 weight Figure 1: Plot of a portfolioBasic object. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 Figure 1 shows the result of calling plot on this portfolio object. The top plot displays the relationship between position weights and their corresponding in.var values, while the bottom plot shows a histogram of position weights. The display for the exposure object is now somewhat different to accommodate the structure of a long-short portfolio. 17 ure 2. Since all numeric exposures are grouped together, a plot of numeric exposure may only make sense if all numeric variables are on the same scale. In this example, the only numeric exposure we have calculated is that to price. > plot(exposure(p, exp.var = c("price", + "sector"))) numeric exposure > exposure(p, exp.var = c("price", "sector")) numeric variable long short exposure 1 price 92.6 -24.2 68.4 price sector variable long short exposure 2 Industrials 0.6190 0.0000 0.6190 1 Financials 0.0952 0.0000 0.0952 3 Staples 0.0476 -0.0952 -0.0476 5 Communications 0.0000 -0.2381 -0.2381 4 Technology 0.2381 -0.6667 -0.4286 0 20 40 60 exposure sector exposure Industrials Financials The long exposure to price is simply the weighted average of price on the long side of the portfolio, where the weighting is done in proportion to the size of the position in each stock. The same is true on the short side. Since a linear weighting used here emphasises the tail of the distribution, the long exposure is greater than the long exposure of the equal weighted portfolio considered above, $93 versus $85. Since the weights on the short side are actually negative — in the sense that we are negatively exposed to positive price changes in these stocks — the weighted average on the short side for a positive variable like price is also negative. Another way to read this is to note that the weighted average price on the short side is about $24 but that the portfolio has a negative exposure to this number because these positions are all on the short side. One reason for the convention of using a negative sign for short side exposures is that doing so makes the overall exposure of the portfolio into a simple summation of the long and short exposures. (Note the assumption that the weights on both sides are equal. In future versions of the portfolio package, we hope to weaken these and other requirements.) For this portfolio, the overall exposure is 68. Because the portfolio is long the high priced stocks and short the low priced ones, the portfolio has a positive exposure to the price factor. Colloquially, we are “long price.” A similar analysis applies to sector exposures. We have 62% of our long holdings in Industrials but zero of our short holdings. We are, therefore, 62% long Industrials. We have 24% of the longs holdings in Technology, but 67% of the short holdings; so we are 43% short Technology. Calling plot on the exposure object produces a bar chart for each exposure category, as seen in FigR News Staples Communications Technology −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 exposure Figure 2: Plot of an exposure object for a single period. Bar charts are sorted by exposure. The performance object is similar for a long-short portfolio. > performance(p) Total return: 2.19 % Best/Worst performers: id weight ret 2 CAT 0.1905 -0.08220 5 IBM 0.2381 -0.05234 12 UTX 0.2857 -0.02583 3 DIS -0.0476 0.02986 1 AIG 0.0952 0.00944 8 MMM 0.1429 0.02790 6 INTC -0.2381 -0.04019 10 PFE -0.0952 -0.10152 11 SBC -0.1905 -0.06617 4 HPQ -0.2857 -0.06581 contrib -0.01566 -0.01246 -0.00738 -0.00142 0.00090 0.00399 0.00957 0.00967 0.01260 0.01880 The portfolio was up 2.2% in January. By default, the summary of the performance object only provides the 5 worst and best contributions to return. HPQ was the biggest winner because, though it was only down 7% for the month, its large weighting caused it to contribute almost 2% to overall performance. The 19% weight of CAT in the portfolio placed it as only the third largest position on the long side, but its -8% return for the month made it the biggest drag on performance. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 18 The contribution function provides similar output for a long-short portfolio. > contribution(p, contrib.var = c("cap.bil", + "sector")) cap.bil rank variable weight contrib roic 1 1 - low (22.6,50.9] 0.0952 -0.01566 -0.16440 2 2 (50.9,71.1] 0.3810 0.01399 0.03671 3 3 (71.1,131] 0.0952 0.01260 0.13235 4 4 (131,191] 0.3095 -0.00103 -0.00334 5 5 - high (191,386] 0.1190 0.01202 0.10098 sector variable weight contrib roic 1 Communications 0.1190 0.0112 0.0939 6 Conglomerates 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7 Cyclicals 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 8 Energy 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 Financials 0.0476 0.0009 0.0189 3 Industrials 0.3095 -0.0191 -0.0616 9 Materials 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4 Staples 0.0714 0.0106 0.1488 5 Technology 0.4524 0.0183 0.0404 10 Utilities 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 roic by cap.bil (22.6,50.9] (50.9,71.1] (131,191] (191,386] 0.00 0.05 0.10 roic roic by sector Communications Conglomerates Cyclicals Energy Financials Industrials Materials Staples Technology Utilities −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 Object of class "performanceHistory" Number of periods: 12 Period range: 2003-12-31 -- 2004-11-30 Data class: performance Object of class "contributionHistory" Number of periods: 12 Period range: 2003-12-31 -- 2004-11-30 Data class: contribution Variables: currency sector liq.w 0.15 roic Figure 3: Plot of a contribution object for a single period. R News Object of class "exposureHistory" Number of periods: 12 Period range: 2003-12-31 -- 2004-11-30 Data class: exposure Variables: numeric currency sector Note that the portfolios analysed in this object were created on a monthly frequency for 2004 using a universe of the 500 largest global stocks each month. Market capitalization in billions of dollars (cap.bil) was used as a measure of desirability, so the portfolio is long the mega-large caps and short the merely typical large caps. We have designed the architecture of the portfolio package so that working with multi-period portfolios is similar to working with single period portfolios. For starters, we can call the exposure method on objects of class portfolioHistory just as we called them on objects of class portfolio. An added call to summary prints a summary of the returned object. (71.1,131] −0.05 Analysing a portfolio for a single time period is a useful starting point, but any serious research will require considering a collection of portfolios over time. The help pages of the portfolio package provide detailed instructions on how to construct a portfolioHistory object. Here, we will just load up the example object provided with the package and consider the associated methods for working with it. An object of class "portfolioHistory" Contains: > plot(contribution(p, contrib.var = c("cap.bil", + "sector"))) −0.10 Multi-Period, Long-Short > data(global.2004.history) > global.2004.history As in the last example, the weight column reflects the proportion of the portfolio invested in each category. In this case, we have 45% of the total capital (or weight) of the long and short sides considered together invested in the Technology sector. We know from the exposure results above that most of this is invested on the short side, but in the context of contributions, it does not matter on which side the capital is deployed. −0.15 Plotting objects of class contribution produces output similar to plotting exposures, as can be seen in Figure 3. This time, however, we see values of roic plotted against the categories that make up each contrib.var. For numeric variables, roic for each interval is shown; numeric intervals will always appear in order. > summary(exposure(global.2004.history)) Mean exposure: numeric ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 11 1 19 variable long short exposure cap.bil 109.20 -10.483 98.71 liq.w 1.22 0.822 2.04 currency variable 6 JPY 8 SEK 5 HKD 1 AUD 7 NOK 9 SGD 3 EUR 4 GBP 2 CHF 10 USD long 0.062978 0.000948 0.000000 0.001242 0.000000 0.000000 0.179902 0.113589 0.042340 0.598999 short -0.158931 -0.040208 -0.017283 -0.005734 -0.003949 -0.000438 -0.176904 -0.109119 -0.019232 -0.468202 exposure -0.095952 -0.039260 -0.017283 -0.004491 -0.003949 -0.000438 0.002998 0.004470 0.023108 0.130797 sector variable 10 Utilities 3 Cyclicals 7 Materials 6 Industrials 2 Conglomerates 9 Technology 8 Staples 5 Financials 4 Energy 1 Communications long 0.00803 0.04980 0.00112 0.04147 0.00000 0.08784 0.24521 0.24544 0.10328 0.19144 short -0.08832 -0.12475 -0.05876 -0.09762 -0.00356 -0.08730 -0.23168 -0.19245 -0.03456 -0.05385 exposure -0.080290 -0.074945 -0.057636 -0.056152 -0.003563 0.000545 0.013532 0.052982 0.068719 0.137588 The difficulty in considering exposures — basically a static concept about how the portfolio looks at this moment — in the context of a time series of portfolio objects is that it is not obvious how to summarize the exposures over time, especially in the context of a portfolio whose overall size is changing. In this release of the portfolio package, we will simply report the average exposure for all time periods. For this example portfolio, it is easy to see that the portfolio is long the biggest stocks. The average market capitalization is over $100 billion on the long side versus only $10 billion on the short side. This cap exposure causes the portfolio to take a similar “bet” on liquidity, since larger stocks are, on average, more liquid than smaller stocks. The liq.w variable is our measure of liquidity — basically how much stock is traded on a “typical” day — scaled to have mean 0 and variance 1 for the universe. The currency and sector exposures are, likewise, simple averages of the of the 12 monthly exposures. Even though the portfolio is constructed without reference to currency or sector, it still ends up with non-trivial exposures to these variables. In a typical month, the portfolio is 14% long Communications and 10% short Japan. Plotting the exposureHistory object yields box and whisker plots of net exposure for each exposure variable, as in Figure 4. R News > plot(exposure(global.2004.history)) numeric exposure AUD CHF EUR GBP HKD JPY NOK SEK SGD USD ● ● cap.bil liq.w currency exposure ● 0 20 40 60 80 100 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −0.10 exposure 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 exposure sector exposure Communications Conglomerates Cyclicals Energy Financials Industrials Materials Staples Technology Utilities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −0.1 ● 0.0 0.1 0.2 exposure Figure 4: Plot of an exposureHistory object. The performance method aggregates performance for each individual time period into an overall figure and provides a listing of the largest contributions. > summary(performance(global.2004.history)) Performance summary (frequency = 12): ret mean -0.0081 mean (ann) -0.0971 sd 0.0152 sd (ann) 0.0527 sharpe -1.8439 Best period: date ret 2004-03-31 2004-03-31 0.0149 Worst period: date ret 2004-10-31 2004-10-31 -0.0292 Top/Bottom performers (total contribution): id contrib 140 EBAY 0.00423 231 MRW.LN 0.00387 234 MU 0.00357 338 XOM 0.00337 196 JNJ 0.00333 211 LTR -0.00416 323 VOLVB.SS -0.00453 329 WLP -0.00474 227 MON -0.00494 11 5201 -0.00555 ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 20 The best month for the portfolio was April 2004 when it earned 1.5%. The worst month was a loss of almost 3% in November. The biggest contributor on the positive side was EBAY. The mean annualized return of the portfolio is almost -10%; the annualized volatility is 5.3%. Sharpe ratios — defined1 as the mean return divided by the standard deviation of return — are generally not provided for unprofitable portfolios, but the ratio here is -1.8. Note that the portfolioHistory object does not keep a record of every position for each time period. By design, it only retains summary information, albeit on a stock-by-stock basis. We want to be able to use this package for high frequency data — say, a decade worth of daily portfolios — so it is not easy (or even possible) to manipulate an object which maintains information for every stock for each time period. As with the exposure method, the contribution method works with portfolioHistory objects in the same way that it works with portfolio objects. > summary(contribution(global.2004.history)) 3 3 0.0668 -0.00136 -0.0197 4 4 0.0952 -0.00167 -0.0156 5 5 - high 0.4144 0.00384 0.0090 Again, the basic approach consists of calculating the contributions for each time period separately, saving those results, and then presenting an average for the entire period. Figure 5 shows the plot of the resulting contributionHistory object. As with exposure history, the box and whisker plot shows the median and quartile range of variable values over the given time period. > plot(contribution(global.2004.history)) roic by currency AUD CHF DKK EUR GBP HKD JPY NOK SEK SGD USD ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −0.1 0.0 0.1 ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −0.10 roic 0.00 0.05 roic roic by liq.w contrib -0.00014179 0.00000868 0.00000000 -0.00104765 -0.00048120 0.00011748 0.00005111 -0.00012765 -0.00111390 -0.00000963 -0.00534746 roic -0.02622 -0.00291 0.00000 -0.00620 -0.00409 -0.00720 -0.00273 -0.03745 -0.04674 -0.01264 -0.00996 sector variable 1 Communications 11 Conglomerates 2 Cyclicals 3 Energy 4 Financials 5 Industrials 6 Materials 7 Staples 8 Technology 9 Utilities Communications Conglomerates Cyclicals Energy Financials Industrials Materials Staples Technology Utilities ● ● −0.2 Mean contribution: currency variable weight 1 AUD 0.003488 2 CHF 0.030786 11 DKK 0.000000 3 EUR 0.178403 4 GBP 0.111354 5 HKD 0.008641 6 JPY 0.110954 21 NOK 0.001974 7 SEK 0.020578 31 SGD 0.000219 8 USD 0.533601 roic by sector weight 0.12610 0.00179 0.08961 0.07077 0.22484 0.07153 0.03067 0.24511 0.09007 0.04950 contrib 0.0008478 -0.0000746 -0.0025430 0.0008145 -0.0010191 -0.0014918 -0.0002470 -0.0036175 0.0002594 -0.0011930 liq.w variable weight contrib roic 1 1 - low 0.2628 -0.00390 -0.0140 2 2 0.1607 -0.00545 -0.0349 roic 0.00814 -0.01039 -0.02863 0.01384 -0.00416 -0.01990 -0.01246 -0.01483 0.00231 -0.02607 ● 1 − low ● ● 2 ● 3 ● 4 ● 5 − high −0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 roic Figure 5: Plot of a contributionHistory object. Conclusion The current release of the portfolio package is meant to serve as a proof-of-concept. Relatively sophisticated portfolio analytics are possible using an open source package. Although money management is largely a zero-sum game — every dollar that I make is a dollar that someone else has lost — there is no reason why we might not cooperate on the tools that we all use. David Kane and Jeff Enos Kane Capital Management, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA david@kanecap.com and jeff@kanecap.com 1 The definition of the Sharpe ratio subtracts the risk free rate from the mean return in the numerator. But, in the context of a long-short portfolio, this is typically ignored. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 21 GroupSeq: Designing clinical trials using group sequential designs by Roman Pahl, Andreas Ziegler, and Inke R. König Introduction Clinical trials are the gold standard to prove superiority of new interventions. An attractive variant to these studies is to use group sequential designs (Ziegler et al., 2003). Widely used since their introduction in the 1970s and 1980s, many different versions of group sequential designs have been developed. Common to all these designs is their complex computation for which software tools are required. In this context, existing software tools like ADDPLAN (http://www.addplan.com/) often are not free of charge, making it valuable to consider freely distributed software alternatives. GroupSeq provides a set of several methods for computing group sequential boundaries of well established group sequential designs, among others the designs by Pocock (1977) and O‘Brien and Fleming (1979). More precisely, the original designs are approximated by the α-spending function approach which was introduced by Lan and DeMets (1983) and Kim and DeMets (1987), for which a Fortran program by Reboussin et al. (2003) has been available. For GroupSeq, the latter implementation was completely recoded in R, and, in addition, new features were added. For instance, GroupSeq allows one to calculate exact Pocock bounds beside the estimated ones obtained by the α-spending approach. Furthermore, as an important feature, this application is embedded in a graphical user interface (GUI) using the Tcl/Tk interface in the R tcltk package. Note that there is also a graphical user interface by Reboussin et al. (2003) although it only runs under Windows. In contrast, the GroupSeq GUI is available on several platforms, and, moreover, provides customization possibilities; i.e., the user may create as many windows as desired. Thus, he or she may perform multiple tasks such as computing and comparing several designs at the same time. The computations yield valid results for any test which is based on normally distributed test statistics with independent increments, survival studies, and certain longitudinal designs. Using the α-spending function approach, interim analyses need not be equally spaced, and their number need not be specified in advance. R News Group sequential tests This paper only gives a basic introduction to group sequential designs. For a comprehensive overview of this topic, see, e.g., Jennison and Turnbull (2000) and Wassmer (2001). The classical theory of testing goes back to Neyman and Pearson (1928) and is based on a sample of fixed size. In this sample, the null hypothesis H0 is tested against an alternative hypothesis H1 . A significance level α has to be defined a priori, which implies the probability of the null hypothesis being falsely rejected. Importantly, the evaluation always takes place at the end after all observations have been made. By contrast, group sequential designs allow consecutive testing, with possible rejection of the null hypothesis after observation of each group in a sequence of groups. Therefore, the significance levels corresponding to each group have to be adjusted appropriately. Many different group sequential designs have been developed. The main difference among these is the manner of allocating the specific significance levels. A further distinction consists in equally sized groups as in classical group sequential testing (Pocock, 1977; O‘Brien and Fleming, 1979) versus unequally sized groups (Kim and DeMets, 1987). Determining critical regions Normally one wants to compare two population mean values µ1 and µ2 —i.e., one wants to tests the null hypothesis H0 : µ1 = µ2 against the alternative hypothesis H1 : µ1 6= µ2 . Consider a standard normally distributed Z statistic X1 − X2 Z= q 2 σ1 /n1 + σ22 /n2 (1) with X 1 , X 2 being the means of two independent samples of sizes n1 , n2 which are distributed as N (µ1 , σ12 ) and N (µ2 , σ22 ). Assuming n1 = n2 = n and σ12 = σ22 = σ 2 , analogously to (1), one can define a statistic per group k : r X − X 2k nk Zk = 1k σ 2 The standardized overall statistic until group k then is defined as √ ∑kj=1 n j Z j ∗ Zk = q ∑kj=1 n j ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 22 In contrast to Z1 , Z2 , ..., ZK , the Z1∗ , Z2∗ , ..., ZK∗ are statistically dependent on each other. The joint multivariate normal distribution of Z1∗ , Z2∗ , ..., ZK∗ therefore has to be computed numerically. A specific group sequential design is characterized by its regions ξk with k=1, 2, ..., K-1, where ξk denotes the region in which the study continues; i.e., H0 has not been rejected by then. The last acceptance region in the sequence is denoted ξK , and the probability of type I error for test K is given by ! 1 − PH0 K \ { Zk∗ ∈ ξk } , k=1 where PH0 denotes the distribution of Zk∗ under H0 . One obtains the corresponding power with regard to the alternative hypothesis H1 by ! 1 − PH1 K \ { Zk∗ ∈ ξk } . k=1 The α-spending function approach The α-spending function, or use function, approach was introduced by Lan and DeMets (1983) and Kim and DeMets (1987). It allows analyses at arbitrary points of time in the study and hence of arbitrarily sized groups. This is achieved via the α-spending function α ∗ (tk ) which determines the type I error "spent" until time point tk , with k denoting the k-th interim analysis. Usually, the entire period of analysis is standardized to one so that 0 < t1 < t2 < ... < tK = 1, with tk = ∑ik=1 ni / N. Given the maximum sample size N and the αspending function α ∗ (tk ), the critical regions are obtained by recursive calculation. Setting t1 = n1 / N, one obtains PH0 (| Z1∗ | ≥ u1 ) = α ∗ (t1 ) (2) for the first critical region. Analogously to (2), the remaining probabilites are obtained by PH0 ( k\ −1 The program by Reboussin et al. (2003) constituted the basis for GroupSeq. Recoding in R followed the software engineering principles of unitization and re-usability; i.e., the tasks were divided into many subfunctions, which also allows improvement in further development. One goal consisted in maintaining the performance of the application. This was achieved by converting the “low level syntax” of Fortran into R specific functions as well as vector and matrix operations. Some algorithms also were slightly improved, e.g., by using Newton’s method for optimization, replacing a bisection method. The interested reader is referred to the source code which is commented in detail. As it turned out, the performance of GroupSeq is generally comparable with the Fortran implementation. Notable differences occur only when the number of interim analyses rises to more than ten. This, however, will usually not occur in practice. Still, efficiency could be improved by outsourcing some computations into compiled C/C++ code. A main focus was on improving the user interface. At the time of development of GroupSeq, the Fortran program only provided a command line interface. Because of this, GroupSeq was embedded in a GUI using Tcl/Tk, making it available for every platform on which R runs. The customization of the GUI is left to the user who may create a separate window for each task, which allows any arrangement and positioning on the desktop. For those who are familiar with the program by Reboussin et al. (2003), the menu structure of that program was retained in GroupSeq. Additionally, GroupSeq provides new features that are not part of the program by Reboussin et al. (2003). Specifically, new functionality is included that allows the user to compute exact Pocock bounds. {| Zi∗ | < ui } ∩ | Zk∗ | ≥ uk ) = α ∗ (tk ) − α ∗ (tk−1 ). i =1 The α-spending function approach thus is a very flexible tool for designing various studies because neither group size nor number of interim analyses have to be specified in advance. All calculations performed by GroupSeq are based on the α-spending approach. In this context, the classic designs are estimated as special cases by the following α-spending functions: • Pocock: α1∗ (tk ) = α ln[1 + (e − 1)tk ] • O’Brien and Fleming: √ α2∗ (tk ) = 4 1 − Φ Φ−1 (1 − α /4)/ tk R News Implementation Package features GroupSeq provides a GUI using the Tcl/Tk interface in the R tcltk package. Hence, GroupSeq’s usage is almost self-explanatory. After loading the package, the program starts automatically. The user will see the menu shown in Figure 1. A task is chosen by selecting an appropriate line and confirming with “Perform Selected Task”. For the purpose of multitasking, the user may open as many task windows as desired. Every task is processed independently. Choosing task “-1- Compute Bounds” will lead to the dialog box given in Figure 2. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 23 The user may choose between (1) and (2) which are estimates of the classic designs by Pocock (1977) and O‘Brien and Fleming (1979), respectively. (3) corresponds to the design proposed by Kim and DeMets (1987), and (4) to a family of functions proposed by Hwang et al. (1990). Finally, (5) calculates the exact bounds for the Pocock design. All GroupSeq operating windows are designed so that irrelevant information is concealed. For example, if the user chooses to use unequal time points and different spending functions for upper and lower bounds, the window will appear as shown in Figure 3, with GroupSeq providing meaningful default values. Figure 1: Menu on program start. The number of interim analyses is selected by a drop down menu at the top of the window. An α-spending function can be selected and must be confirmed by the “CONFIRM FUNCTION” button. Figure 2: Window after “-1- Compute Bounds” was chosen. R News Figure 3: User specification in “-1- Compute Bounds”. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 Figure 4: Displaying results of calculated bounds. 24 Figure 6: Saved results (viewed in Mozilla Firefox). Pressing the “CALCULATE” button at the bottom of the window initiates the calculation, and each of the results is shown in a new, separate window. Figure 4 gives an example. The parameter values that were used in the computation are shown at the top part of the window, and the most important parameters can also be seen in the blue window title bar. This feature helps the user to keep track of many windows when elaborating many designs at once. The results of the computation are presented in a table. In the case of task -1-, the resulting bounds, α spent per stage, and α spent in total are displayed. In a next step, the resulting critical bounds can be visualized by choosing “Show Graph” (see Figure 5) which requires the R graphics environment. Figure 5: Graphical visualization of results. By using the option “Save to file”, the results may be saved into a table in common *.html-file format, which conserves meta information and therefore provides the possibility of further processing (see Figure 6). R News Figure 7: “-2- Compute drift given power and bounds” was chosen. Choosing task “-2- Compute drift given power and bounds” from the main menu will lead to the window shown in Figure 7. Besides specifying the deISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 sired power, the user may enter specific bounds instead of computing them with a spending function. Activating the corresponding check box changes the current window as shown in Figure 8. Calculating the effect under the alternative hypothesis leads to the window shown in Figure 9. 25 The table contains exit probabilities (i.e., 1 − β) corresponding to the probability per stage of rejecting the null hypothesis under the alternative. The effect (drift) hereby is implicitly given by the pre-specified power. The cumulative exit probabilities, in turn, sum up to the power at last analysis. Task “-3- Compute drift given power and bounds” works the other way around. Specifying a certain drift, which, again, corresponds to the expected effect size at last analysis (see Figure 10), exit probabilities, resulting in the overall power at last analysis, are calculated. The computation, of course, also depends on the given bounds and interim times. Figure 10: User enters drift in Task -3- window (detail). Finally, users may select task “-4- Compute confidence interval”. As shown in Figure 11, the confidence level and the overall effect (as a Z-value) have to be entered. Figure 8: User enters specific bounds. Figure 9: Displaying results of calculated drift under re-specified power (here: Exact Pocock Bounds were used). R News Figure 11: User enters confidence level and desired effect in Task -4- window (detail). ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 26 C. Jennison and B. W. Turnbull. Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2000. K. Kim and D. DeMets. Design and analysis of group sequential tests based on the type I error spending rate function. Biometrika, 74:25–36, 1987. K. K. G. Lan and D. L. DeMets. Discrete sequential boundaries for clinical trials. Biometrika, 70:659– 663, 1983. J. Neyman and E. S. Pearson. On the use and interpretation of certain test criteria for purposes of statistical interference. Biometrika, 20A:263–295, 1928. Figure 12: Resulting confidence interval (Two-Sided-Bounds). The window displaying the calculated confidence interval differs somewhat from the other windows (see Figure 12), as no table is presented. The bounds still can be visualized using “Show Graph”, however. Future development Future versions of GroupSeq will include additional software ergonomic improvements such as a status bar during calculation. Additionally, an “undo” function will be added, as well as a feature to let users specify their own default values, thereby achieving more efficiency in frequent use of GroupSeq. Furthermore, it is planned to implement adaptive group sequential designs. Bibliography I. K. Hwang, W. J. Shih, and J. S. DeCani. Group sequential designs using a family of type I error probability spending functions. Statistics in Medicine, 9:1439–1445, 1990. P. C. O‘Brien and T. R. Fleming. A multiple testing procedure for clinical trials. Biometrics, 35:549–556, 1979. S. J. Pocock. Group sequential methods in the design and analysis of clinical trials. Biometrika, 64: 191–199, 1977. D. M. Reboussin, D. L. DeMets, K. Kim, and K. K. G. Lan. Programs for Computing Group Sequential Boundaries Using the Lan-DeMets Method, Version 2.1. 2003. URL http://www.biostat.wisc. edu/landemets/. G. Wassmer. Statistische Testverfahren für gruppensequentielle und adaptive Pläne in klassischen Studien. Alexander Mönch Verlag, Köln, 2001. A. Ziegler, G. Dahmen, I. R. König, G. Wassmer, P. Hildebrand, and M. Birth. Accelerating clinical trials by flexible designs. Good Clinical Practice Journal, 10:16–19, 2003. Roman Pahl roman.pahl@gmx.de Andreas Ziegler ziegler@imbs.uni-luebeck.de Inke R. König Inke.Koenig@imbs.uni-luebeck.de Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics University at Lübeck, Germany Using R/Sweave in everyday clinical practice by Sven Garbade and Peter Burgard The Sweave package by Friedrich Leisch is a powerful tool to combine R with LATEX facilities for text formatting (R Development Core Team, 2005; Leisch, R News 2002a,b). Sweave allows the dynamic generation of statistical reports by using literate data analysis. A further application of Sweave is the package vignette (Leisch, 2003). An introduction to the abilities of Sweave can be found on Friedrich Leisch’s Home- ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 page (URL: http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch/) and in several publications, for example Leisch (2002b,c). Some issues ago Damian Betebenner wrote an article on how to use R/Sweave in batch mode for automatic generation of prototype reports (Betebenner, 2005). His article pointed out very helpful and instructive notes on how to combine R and Sweave in batch processing and how to use control structures with Sweave. Our article focuses on a combination of R/Sweave/TclTk in batch mode to produce statistical reports of a neuropsychological examination. The emphasis of this article is on the background, functional range and handling of our tool and its use in our hospital. Background and Motivation We routinely use the computer based neuropsychological test-battery CORTEX (COntextual Reaction Time EXercises) in our metabolic polyclinic for clinical diagnostics, monitoring and evaluation. A neuropsychological test-battery is a set of several psychological tests, each testing a specific function of the brain. The emphasis of our tests is on cognitive skills, namely visual short term memory, detection and recognition abilities. The results from the tests give an insight into a patient’s cognitive state, and are useful for further diagnostics and treatment recommendations. Currently six different tests are bundled in the battery. An investigation with all six tests lasts about one hour. Here we describe briefly the six tests; for a more detailed description of some of these tests and their theoretical background see Burgard et al. (1997). The first test is a simple visuomotor reaction task requiring the testee to press the button of a response panel as fast as possible after a square appears on the monitor screen (Test Reaction). The test CPT (Continuous Performance Task) measures sustained attention by a binary choice task. The testee is required to press the response button of the dominant hand as quickly as possible when four dots appear, and the response button of the non-dominant hand when three or five dots appear. The LDT (Letter Detection Task) requires the testee to scan four letters displayed in a rectangular layout around the center of the computer screen for one, two or three target letters. The number of target letters determines task difficulty. In the VWM (Visual Working Memory) task the testee sees a 7×7 matrix filled with black and white squares for one second. After a retention interval of four seconds, the previous matrix and three other matrixes are shown, and the testee has to click on the previously shown matrix. Task difficulty is determined by similarity between the target matrix and the three comparative matrixes. The Dual Task contains three R News 27 different tasks and the testee has to deal with visual and auditory stimuli. In the first task, the testee has to press a response button as fast as possible when a particular tone among other tones is played; in the second task, large or small rectangles are displayed in random order and the testee has to press a button when the small rectangle appears. The third task is a combination of both; i. e., the testee has to press a response key when the small rectangle or the particular tone is played. The Tracking task is a test of the ability of eye-hand coordination. The testee has to pursue manually with the mouse pointer a randomly moving target on the computer screen. The target is presented among 10 other moving objects. To complicate this task, the movements of the mouse pointer are delayed. The results of each test are saved as integer variables in a tab-separated text file. The neuropsychological tests and the analysis tool for generating statistical reports are implemented on a notebook computer running a Debian GNU/Linux system. The response panel is connected to the computer with a USB data acquisition board (USB-DUX). Using a notebook guarantees mobility and the neuropsychological examinations can be arranged in almost every room in our clinic. The motivation for the present project was the need for a tool which could be easily operated by psychologists, nurses, physicians, etc., to generate immediately after testing a statistical report based on the results of the neuropsychological tests. Handling and functional range A screen-shot of the main window is shown in Figure 1. A click on the Help button starts a PDF viewer showing an instruction manual, and the Quit button closes the application. The process to generate a statistical report with our tool can be summarized in four steps: 1. The user selects with radio buttons the neuropsychological test for which a report should be generated. 2. The user browses the file system and chooses one or more raw data files associated with the selected neuropsychological test. Choosing data files from several testees as well as repeated measurements of the same testee is possible. 3. The user can add information about the testee and investigator not provided by the data files from the neuropsychological test-battery, for example, names, diagnosis, date of birth, etc. 4. When all raw data files are selected, the user generates the statistical report with a single mouse click. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 28 Figure 1: Screen shot of the main window. The label on top of the Data frame indicates that no data files are selected. The main window has four frames with several buttons. The following paragraphs describe briefly the functions and use of the program. Data. The first frame, Data, integrates buttons for loading and exporting data files. On top of this group, information about how many data files were loaded by the user and for which test the report will be generated is displayed. The data frame can be exported to a tab-separated text file with a click on the Export data button. The variables in the data frame could be inspected by a click on Variables . A click on the Create Data button opens the dialog shown in Figure 2. The dialog provides buttons for browsing the filesystem, selecting, deleting and inspecting raw data files saved by the neuropsychological test-battery. Once a file is selected, its name and path are shown in the list. The callback function for the Add button opens a file selection dialog to browse the file system. With Remove the user can delete a marked data file from the list. The File Info button calls a function to display the content of a marked data file. The Load button calls a function which does sev- eral computations. First, duplicate entries are identified. Then the selected files shown in the list widget are merged into a data frame. Clicking on the Cancel button closes the dialog without applying any changes. Test. The Test frame is a set of several radio buttons. The value of the activated radio button defines the Sweave file associated with a statistical report. The value is also used to create the window title and label in Figure 2. Report. The Create Report button calls the function responsible for constituting the correct command generating the statistical report. When the report is created successfully, a PDF viewer will be started showing the generated report. Personal Data. Clicking the button in this frame opens a new window where the user can add information not provided by the raw data from the testbattery (see Figure 3). These data concern the name of the testee, diagnosis and date of birth, the values of medical parameters, the investigator’s name, and Figure 2: The dialog for creating the data frame with some raw data files selected. The last file in the list is marked by a mouse click. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 29 Figure 3: The dialog for adding additional information about testee and investigator. possible remarks. Only information that is present is included in the statistical report. The red label in the Personal Data frame in the main window (see Figure 1) changes to a green colored label "Personal data loaded" when any text is supplied. When all characters from the text entries are deleted, the label color changes back to red and the label text to "No personal data loaded." Variables and statistics The results of each neuropsychological test are saved as integer variables in a tab-separated text file, one row per trial and one column per variable. The data files are saved in separate directories, one directory for each neuropsychological test. The amount of saved data depends on the neuropsychological test. Examples of saved variables are the reaction time a testee needed to respond to the appearance of a stimulus, the number of stimuli on the screen the testee had to attend to, the mode of the response, e. g., wrong, correct or false alarm (that is the testee reported that there was a target to respond to, but indeed there was none), or the distance in pixels between the mouse pointer and the target to pursue. Because all variables are saved as integers, the program recodes integer variables representing a grouping variable into a factor variable, e. g., 0/1 to wrong/correct response. The raw data files from the test-battery provide no information about the ID (Identification Number) of the testee or date of psychological examination. But the file name does: The ID, date and number of the examination are extracted from the filename. The names of the data files have the pattern id_date_time.dat, e. g. 004_041110_1513.dat for testee 004 tested on 10 November 2004 at 15:13 o’clock (see marked file in Figure 2). A function splits the filename at the underscores and builds three factor variables coding the ID, date and time of examR News ination and the session, that is the number of examination. The first part code of the filename is only evaluated until the first dot ".", e. g. 001 and 001.MSUD result in the same ID 001. This gives the investigator the possibility to include some more information into the file name without disturbing the computation of the ID, date and session factors. The statistical reports are compiled using the basic LATEX article class and have about three to five pages, depending on the neuropsychological test. Each report consists of a fixed part, that is a header and a basic analysis, and a second part covering a detailed statistical description of the variables acquired by the neuropsychological test. The header contains a logo, the address of our hospital, a title, and the issue date of the report. Then variables from the text entries of the personal data dialog (see Figure 3) are included, when available. The subsequent basic analysis lists the number of testees, trials and dates of examination, and names of the data files the statistics are based on. The second part describes the results of the neuropsychological test by tables and graphics, mostly scatter plots and trellis graphics. The statistical reports were designed to give a first glance into the data, and therefore they have a primarily descriptive character. In most cases, for each variable of interest (e. g. the reaction time from the Reaction test) the mean, median and standard deviation across testees and number of examinations are computed and displayed graphically. So a report allows the comparison of the results from one or more testees at several dates of examination. Some remarks about the implementation In principle, our tool has two parts: An R/TclTk function containing all routines for the graphical user interface (GUI) and data manipulation, and several ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 30 Sweave style files with R/LATEX routines for dynamic generation of statistical reports. A simple flowchart of the tool is shown in Figure 4. The GUI was built with the tcltk package that comes with R. For a short but comprehensive introduction to the tcltk package see Dalgaard (2001), the Homepage of Wettenhall and of course the R help pages. The R/TclTk function holds the rank of a "master" function. It provides dialogs for the user and defines and calls R functions to generate a data frame suitable to load within an Sweave file. Further it constitutes the correct command to generate the desired statistical report. The code chunks in Sweave files have no access to variables within the running "master" function. To supply the Sweave files with all necessary data, the "master" function saves an R image which includes all variables and a data frame created from the selected raw data files. The variables are, for example, names, investigator, and diagnosis that come from the dialog in Figure 3, as well as some other variables that might be used to create a statistical report, e. g., the value of the activated radio button in the Test frame in the main window, and the path and names of the selected raw data files. To generate the statistical report, two Sweave processes are started sequentially. Both Sweave processes load the previously saved R image. An Sweave process first evaluates the test-specific Sweave file; the second Sweave command processes the template Sweave file and includes the previoulsy generated test-specific LATEX file. The resulting LATEX file is then processed by pdfLATEX using the texi2dvi() function in package tools. When the report is generated successfully, a PDF reader showing the statistical report is started. Because the program has to deal with different Sweave and R files, each report is built in a separate directory which includes an Sweave file for the test-specific routines and sometimes an additional file with R functions. The template Sweave file and the R image are stored in a shared directory. In this way, a more maintainable structure can be achieved. Summary Our purpose was to introduce a tool we developed with a combination of R, Sweave and the tcltk package and which we now use routinely in our everyday clinical practise. The sophisticated statistical analysis and graphic capabilities of R can be bundled with Sweave and TclTk to build an application allowing the user to generate a comprehensive report of a neuropsychological examination immediately after test- Figure 4: Simple flowchart of the application. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 ing, even without statistical expertise. This software is currently in a testing phase and under active development. We still are adapting some of the statistical reports to the needs of the users and maybe we will expand the number of tests of our neuropsychological test-battery and therewith the range of statistical reports our tool supports. But so far, we can point out that using R/Sweave/TclTk is much more powerful compared to data analysis of test results in the past. Some of the neuropsychological tests we briefly reported about ran formerly in an old version of MS-DOS, and subsequent data analysis was a bit hampered because exporting the raw data from an examination to a statistical analysis system was necessary. After reprogramming the neuropsychological tests on a modern computer system with the facilities of R, it was a relatively simple matter to combine the neuropsychological testbattery with a convenient tool for exploring the data. One further improvement we are considering is an interface for connecting our tool to a data base system. This offers the opportunity to save and reload easily the data from an examination. Acknowledgment We would like to thank an anonymous reviewer who gave us helpful remarks on a previous version of this manuscript, as well as suggestions about how to improve our code. Bibliography D. Betebenner. Using control structures with Sweave. R News, 5(1):40–44, May 2005. URL http://CRAN. R-project.org/doc/Rnews/. P. Burgard, F. Rey, A. Rupp, V. Abadie, and J. Rey. Neuropsychologic functions of early treated patients with phenylketonuria, on and off diet: re- 31 sults of a cross-national and cross-sectional study. Pediatric Research, 41:368–374, 1997. P. Dalgaard. A primer on the R-Tcl/Tk package. R News, 1(3):27–31, September 2001. URL http: //CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/. F. Leisch. Sweave: Dynamic generation of statistical reports using literate data analysis. Presented at ”Österreichische Statistiktage 2002”, Vienna, Austria, October 23–25 2002a. F. Leisch. Sweave, part I: Mixing R and LATEX. R News, 2(3):28–31, December 2002b. URL http: //CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/. F. Leisch. Sweave user manual. URL http://www. ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch/Sweave. Institut für Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2002c. F. Leisch. Sweave, part II: Package vignettes. R News, 3(2):21–24, October 2003. URL http:// CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/. R Development Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2005. URL http://www.R-project.org. ISBN 3-900051-07-0. USB-DUX. uk/. URL http://www.linux-usb-daq.co. J. Wettenhall. URL http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/ ~wettenhall/RTclTkExamples/. Sven Garbade and Peter Burgard University Hospital for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Department of General Pediatrics METABNET - Epidemiological Register D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany www.metabnet.de Sven.Garbade@med.uni-heidelberg.de changeLOS: An R-package for change in length of hospital stay based on the Aalen-Johansen estimator by M. Wangler, J. Beyersmann, and M. Schumacher Introduction Length of hospital stay (LOS) is used to assess the utilization of hospital resources, the costs and the R News general impact of a disease. Change in LOS due to a complication is frequently used to assess the impact and the costs of a complication. Prominent examples include nosocomial infections and adverse drug events. In a data analysis, it is important to regard the timing of events: A complicaISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 32 • Describe multi-state models 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 • plot the temporal dynamics of the data illustrated by transition probabilities (function plot.aj(...)): 0.5 Estimate of P02(0,t) 0.6 0.7 0.8 ^ P02(0,t ) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 Estimate of P01(0,t) 0.7 0.8 ^ P01(0,t ) 0.0 tion can only have an effect on LOS, once it has occurred. Classical methods of two-group comparison, including matching, are commonly used, but inadequate. Multi-state models provide a suitable framework for analyzing change in LOS. For an overview on multi-state models cf. (Andersen and Keiding, 2002). Change in LOS has been considered in a multi-state framework by (Schulgen and Schumacher, 1996), (Schulgen et al., 2000), (Beyersmann et al., 2006) and (Beyersmann, 2005). We introduce an R package to adequately analyze change in LOS. The R package is based on multi-state model theory. The main features are: 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 5 Time t 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time t Figure 2: Cumulative Incidence Functions • Compute and plot transition probabilities (Aalen - Johansen estimator) • Compute and plot change in LOS The estimation techniques used are fully nonparametric, allowing for a time-inhomogeneous Markov process, i.e. the future development of the process depends only on the state currently occupied; the Markov assumption may be dropped for estimation of state occupation probabilities (Glidden, 2002). However, at present, adjusting for covariates is not included. In both these aspects, the package changeLOS differs from the package msm. Change in LOS The model The following model is used to analyze change in LOS due to a complication, or in general, an intermediate event: No complication 0 Simple example: Competing Risks - 2 Discharge 3 Complication - 1 Q Q Q Q s Q - 3 Death A simple example for a multi-state model is the competing risks model, shown in the following figure: Figure 3: Multi-state model: change in LOS 1 1 Alive 0 P PP PP PP q 2 P Discharge The first step is to describe the mult-state model with the function msmodel(...): Death Figure 1: Multi-state model: competing risks With our R package changeLOS it is possible to: • describe the state names and possible transitions (function msmodel(...)): 0 1 2 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE 1 TRUE TRUE FALSE 2 TRUE FALSE TRUE • compute the Aalen-Johansen estimator for the matrix of transition probabilities (function aj(...)): P(s, t), time interval (s, t]. These are the Cumulative Incidence Functions: P01 (0, t), P02 (0, t) R News ## possible transitions > tra <- matrix(F, 4, 4) > diag(tra) <- T > tra[1, ] <- T > tra[2, 3:4] <- T ## describe the multi-state model > my.model <- msmodel(c("0","1","2","3"), tra, cens.name="cens") The data set A real data set (Grundmann et al., 2005) comes with the package and can be loaded by > data(los.data) > los.data[1:4,] and looks like the following example: ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0.9 80 0 10 20 30 Now each row represents a transition. E.g. for the patient with the id 41 there are two entries: one entry for the transition from state 0 to state 1 and one entry for the transition from state 1 to state 2. The Aalen-Johansen estimator > my.trans <- trans(model=my.model, observ=my.observ) computes the Aalen - Johansen estimator for the matrix of transition probabilities P(u−, u) for all observed transition times u. The entry (l, m) of the matrix denotes the estimated probability that state m has been reached by time u given state l has been occupied just before time u. The estimator for P(u−, u) is described by (Andersen et al., 1993) at the bottom of p. 288. Non-diagonal entries (h, j) are given as the number of observed transitions from state h to state j, divided by the number of individuals in state h just prior to time u. The diagonal elements are chosen such that the sum of each row equals 1. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 70 80 50 60 70 80 50 60 70 80 ^ P03(0,t) 0.6 80 0 10 20 30 0.9 ^ P13(0,t) 0.6 0.6 ^ P12(0,t) 0.0 0.3 Estimate of P13(0,t ) 0.9 40 Time t 0.3 Estimate of P12(0,t ) time 3 20 20 40 6 26 . 50 0.3 ^ P02(0,t) Time t to 2 3 1 2 1 cens . 40 Time t 0.9 Time t 0.0 from 0 0 0 1 0 1 . 0.6 0.0 0 0 id 12 32 41 41 175 175 . ^ P01(0,t) 0.3 ^ P00(0,t) Then the data set looks like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 . Estimate of P01(0,t ) 0.9 > plot(my.aj,c("0","0","0","0","1","1"), c("0","1","2","3","2","3")) Estimate of P03(0,t ) > my.observ <- prepare.los.data(x=los.data) The temporal dynamics of the data can be illustrated by the transition probabilities: 0.0 Before further computations, the patient-orientated data set los.data must be transformed to a transition-orientated data set: > my.aj <- aj(my.trans,s=0,t=80) 0.6 los.data has one row per patient and includes the variables j.01, j.02, j.03, j.12, j.13 and cens.The variables starting with ’j’ will hold the time when a respective transition(or ’jump’) was observed. E.g., the third patient experiences a complication 20 days after admission to hospital and is being discharged 40 days after admission. Entries for non-observed transitions have to be set to infinity, which is represented in R by Inf. In addition, if a patient is censored, i.e. still in hospital by the end of the study, the variable cens is set to the time when censoring occurred. If the patient is not censored, it is set to Inf. The Aalen-Johansen estimator for P(s, t) can then be computed as matrix product of all matrices P(u−, u) for all transition times u in (s, t]: 0.3 cens Inf Inf Inf 26 . Estimate of P00(0,t ) j.13 Inf Inf Inf Inf . 0.0 j.12 Inf Inf 40 Inf . 0.9 j.03 Inf 20 Inf Inf 0.6 j.02 3 Inf Inf Inf . 0.3 j.01 Inf Inf 20 6 . Estimate of P02(0,t ) adm.id 12 32 41 175 . 0.0 1 2 3 4 . 33 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time t 0 10 20 30 40 Time t Figure 4: Aalen -Johansen estimator for P00 (s, t), P01 (s, t), P02 (s, t), P03 (s, t), P12 (s, t), P13 (s, t) Epected change in LOS The function clos estimates the expected change in length of stay (LOS) associated with an intermediate event (IE), using the Aalen-Johansen estimator for the matrix of transition probabilities. > los <- clos(model=my.model,observ=my.observ) los will be a an object of class clos. This object is a list which contains among others the following arguments: • cLOS: change in LOS • e.given.1: estimates E( LOS | state 1 on day t ) for each day • e.given.0: estimates E( LOS | state 0 on day t ) for each day • weights: weights for the weighted average R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 34 • trans: matrices of transition probabilities P(u−, u) for all observed transition times u The expected change in LOS is computed as the difference between e.given.1 and e.given.0 for each day and the overall change in LOS cLOS as a weighted average of these quantities. Figure 5 shows the graph obtained by plotting change in LOS: No - 1 Complication complication 0 J J J J J J JJ JJ ^ ^ 3 5 2 4 Discharge Death Discharge Death 0.05 0.10 Figure 6: Progressive disability model Here, the first state carries information on whether or not an individual has passed through the intermediate state. 60 80 Intermediate event by time t No intermediate event by time t 40 Summary 0 20 Expected LOS 100 120 0.00 Weights 0.15 > plot(los, xlim=c(0,80), ylim.1=c(0,120)) can be computed with our R package changeLOS: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time t Figure 5: Expected change in LOS due to a complication visualized > summary(los) The summary for objects of class clos displays the following values (absolute and in percent): • Number of observed patients In order to get realistic information on change in LOS due to a complication, it is crucial to adequately account for the timing of events. This can be achieved as outlined by (Beyersmann et al., 2006). However, while tools of standard survival analysis have become an integral part of most statistical software packages, the multi-state methods envisaged by (Beyersmann et al., 2006) and (Beyersmann, 2005) are less accessible. We have introduced the R package changeLOS so that it is freely available, easy to use and allows people to visualize the situation at hand. changeLOS is an R package to: • Number of patients being discharged • describe any multistate model • Number of patients who die • compute and visualize transition probabilities (Aalen-Johansen estimator) • Number of patients being censored • Number of patients who experienced the intermediate event (IE) • Number of patients who experienced the IE being discharged • Number of patients who experienced the IE and died • Number of patients who experienced the IE and were censored Progressive Disability Model Change in LOS and impact of an intermediate event on mortality can also be investigated in a so-called progressive disability model, shown in Figure 6. This multi-state model can be described and the Aalen-Johansen estimator for transition probabilities R News • compute and visualize change in LOS Bibliography P. Andersen, Ø. Borgan, R. D. Gill, and N. Keiding. Statistical models based on counting processes. Springer Series in Statistics. New York, NY: Springer., 1993. P. Andersen and N. Keiding. Multi-state models for event history analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 11(2):91–115, 2002. J. Beyersmann. On change in length of stay associated with an intermediate event: estimation within multistate models and large sample properties. PhD thesis, University of Freiburg, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Germany, 2005. URL www.freidok. uni-freiburg.de/volltexte/1843/. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 J. Beyersmann, P. Gastmeier, H. Grundmann, S. Bärwolff, C. Geffers, M. Behnke, H. Rüden, and M. Schumacher. Use of Multistate Models to Assess Prolongation of Intensive Care Unit Stay Due to Nosocomial Infection. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 27:493-499, 2006. D. Glidden. Robust innference for event probabilities with non-Markov data. Biometrics, 58:361–368, 2002. H. Grundmann, S. Bärwolff, F. Schwab, A. Tami, M. Behnke, C. Geffers, E. Halle, U. Göbel, R. Schiller, D. Jonas, I. Klare, K. Weist, W. Witte, K. Beck-Beilecke, M. Schumacher, H. Rüden, and P. Gastmeier. How many infections are caused 35 by patient-to-patient transmission in intensive care units? Critical Care Medicine (in press), 2005. G. Schulgen, A. Kropec, I. Kappstein, F. Daschner, and M. Schumacher. Estimation of extra hospital stay attributable to nosocomial infections: heterogeneity and timing of events. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 53:409–417, 2000. G. Schulgen and M. Schumacher. Estimation of prolongation of hospital stay attributable to nosocomial infections. Lifetime Data Analysis, 2:219–240, 1996. Matthias Wangler mw@imbi.uni-freiburg.de Balloon Plot Graphical tool for displaying tabular data by Nitin Jain and Gregory R. Warnes Introduction Numeric data is often summarized using rectangular tables. While these tables allow presentation of all of the relevant data, they do not lend themselves to rapid discovery of important patterns. The primary difficulty is that the visual impact of numeric values is not proportional to the scale of the numbers represented. We have developed a new graphical tool, the “balloonplot”, which augments the numeric values in tables with colored circles with area proportional to the size of the corresponding table entry. This visually highlights the prominent features of data, while preserving the details conveyed by the numeric values themselves. In this article, we describe the balloonplot, as implemented by the balloonplot function in the gplots package, and describe the features of our implementation. We then provide an example using the “Titanic” passenger survival data. We conclude with some observations on the balloonplot relative to the previously developed “mosaic plot”. ative magnitude of the corresponding component. The area of each circle is proportional to the frequency of data. (The circles are scaled so that the circle for largest value fills the available space in the cell.) As a consequence, the largest values in the table are “spotlighted” by the biggest circles, while smaller values are displayed with smaller circles. Of course, circles can only have positive radius, so the radius of circles for cells with negative values are set to zero. (A warning is issued when this “truncation” occurs.) Of course, when labels are present on the table or provided to the function, the graphical table is appropriately labeled. In addition, options are provided to allow control of various visual features of the plot: • rotation of the row and column headers • balloon color and shape (globally or individually) • number of displayed digits • display of entries with zero values • display of marginal totals Function description • display of cumulative histograms The balloonplot function accepts a table (to be displayed as found) or lists of vectors for x (column category), y (row category) and z (data value) from which a table will be constructed. The balloonplot function creates a graphical table where each cell displays the appropriate numeric value plus a colored circle whose size reflects the rel- • x- and y-axes group sorting R News • formatting of row and column labels • traditional graphics parameters (title, background, etc.) ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 36 Example using the Titanic data set For illustration purposes, we use the Titanic data set from the datasets package. Titanic provides survival status for passengers on the tragic maiden voyage of the ocean liner “Titanic”, summarized according to economic status (class), sex, and age. Typically, the number of surviving passengers are shown in a tabular form, such as shown in Figure 1. title(main=list("Circle area is proportional to\ number of passengers", cex=0.9), line=0.5) detach(survived) BalloonPlot : Surviving passengers BalloonPlot : Surviving passengers Circle area is proportional to number of passengers 1st 2nd 3rd 5 ● 11 ● 13 0 29 1 ● 13 ● 14 0 28 Male 57 ● ● 14 75 ● 192 338 Female 140 ● 80 ● 76 ● ● 20 316 203 118 178 212 711 Class Class Age Sex Child Male 1st 5 ● 2nd ● 11 3rd ● 13 Age Sex Child Male 1 ● ● 13 ● 14 Male Female 57 ● 140 ● 14 80 ● 75 ● 76 ● 192 ● 20 Figure 1: Tabular representation of survived population by gender and age Figure 1 was created by calling balloonplot with the balloon color set to match the background color and most options disabled. Note that one must actively focus on the individual cell values in order to see any pattern in the data. Now, we redraw the table with light-blue circles (‘balloons’) superimposed over the numerical values (Figure 2). This is accomplished using the code: library(gplots) data(Titanic) # Convert to 1 entry per row format dframe <- as.data.frame(Titanic) # Select only surviving passengers survived <- dframe[dframe$Survived=="Yes",] attach(survived) balloonplot(x=Class, y=list(Age, Sex), z=Freq, sort=TRUE, show.zeros=TRUE, cum.margins=FALSE, main= "BalloonPlot : Surviving passengers" ) R News ● 0 Adult Adult ● 0 Female Female Crew Crew Figure 2: Balloon plot of surviving individuals by class, gender and age With the addition of the blue “spotlights”, whose area is proportional to the magnitude of the data value, it is easy to see that only adult females and adult male crew members survived in large numbers. Also note the addition of row and column marginal totals. Of course, the number of surviving passengers is only half of the story. We could create a similar plot showing the number of passengers who did not survive. Alternatively, we can simply add survival status as another variable to the display, setting the color of the circles to green for passengers who survived, and magenta for those who did not (Figure 3). This conveys considerably more information than Figures 1 and 2 without substantial loss of clarity. The large magenta circles make it clear that most passengers did not survive. To further improve the display, we add a visual representation of the row and column sums (Figure 4). This is accomplished using light grey bars behind the row and column headers. The length of each bar is proportional to the corresponding sum, allowing rapid visual ascertainment of their relative sizes. We have also added appropriately colored markers adjacent to the headers under “Survived” to emphasize the meaning of each color. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 37 BalloonPlot : Passenger Class by Survival, Age and Sex BalloonPlot : Passenger Class by Survival, Age and Sex Circle area is proportional to number of passengers Circle area is proportional to number of passengers Class 1st 2nd 3rd Crew Class 1st 2nd 3rd Crew Survived Age Sex No Child Male 0 0 ● 35 0 35 Female 0 0 17 0 17 Adult Male Female Yes Child ● ● 154 ● 387 118 ● 670 13 ● 89 5 11 1 Male ● 57 Female ● 140 ● 80 ● 76 20 316 325 285 706 885 2201 Male ● ● ● 3 109 13 0 29 13 14 0 28 14 ● 75 192 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 338 Figure 3: Balloon plot of Titanic passengers by gender, age and class. Green circles represent passengers who survived and magenta circles represent the passengers who did not survive. attach(dframe) colors <- ifelse( Survived=="Yes", "green", "magenta") balloonplot(x=Class, y=list(Survived, Age, Sex), z=Freq, sort=FALSE, dotcol=colors, show.zeros=TRUE, main="BalloonPlot : Passenger Class \ by Survival, Age and Sex") points( x=1, y=8, pch=20, col="magenta") points( x=1, y=4, pch=20, col="green") title(main=list("Circle area is proportional to \ number of passengers", cex=0.9), line=0.5) detach(dframe) It is now easy to see several facts: • A surprisingly large fraction (885/2201) of passengers were crew members • Most passengers and crew were adult males • Most adult males perished • Most women survived, except in 3rd class • Only 3rd class children perished R News Age Sex No Child Male 0 0 ● 35 0 35 Female 0 0 17 0 17 ● Adult 1329 4 Female Adult ● Survived Male Female Yes ● Child ● ● 154 ● 387 118 ● 670 1329 4 13 ● 89 5 11 1 Male ● 57 Female ● 140 ● 80 ● 76 20 316 325 285 706 885 2201 Male Female Adult ● ● ● ● 3 109 13 0 29 13 14 0 28 14 ● 75 192 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 338 Figure 4: Balloon plot of all the passengers of Titanic, stratified by survival, age, sex and class Perhaps the most striking fact is that survival is lowest among 3rd class passengers for all age and gender groups. It turns out that there is a well known reason for this difference in survival. Passengers in 1st and 2nd class, as well as crew members, had better access to the lifeboats. Since there were too few lifeboats for the number of passengers and crew, most women and children among the 1st class, 2nd class and crew found space in a lifeboat, while many of the later arriving 3rd class women and children were too late: the lifeboats had already been filled and had moved away from the quickly sinking ship. Discussion Our goals in developing the balloonplot were twofold: First, to improve ability of viewers to quickly perceive trends. Second, to minimize the need for viewers to learn new idioms. With these goals in mind, we have restricted ourselves to simple modifications of the standard tabular display. Other researchers have pursued more general approaches to the visual display of tabular data. (For a review of that work, see Hartigan and Kleiner (Hartigan and Kleiner, 1981) or Friendly (Friendly, 1992).) One of the most popular methods developed by these researchers is the mosaic plot (Snee, 1974). We have previously experimented with mosaic plots. Unfortunately, we found that they do not lend themselves to rapid ascertainment of trends, particularly by untrained users. Even trained users find that they must pay careful attention in order to decode the visual information presented by the mosaic plot. In contrast, balloonplots lend themselves to very quick perception of important trends, even for ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 users who have never encountered them before. While there are, of course, tasks for which mosaic plot is preferable, we feel that the balloonplot serves admirably to allow high-levels patterns to be quickly perceived by untrained users. Conclusion Using the well worn Titanic data, we have shown how balloonplots help to convey important aspects of tabular data, without obscuring the exact numeric values. We hope that this new approach to visualizing tabular data will assist other statisticians in more effectively understanding and presenting tabular data. We wish to thank Ramon Alonso-Allende allende@cnb.uam.es for the discussion on R-help which lead to the development of balloonplot, as well as for the code for displaying the row and column sums. 38 Bibliography M. Friendly. Graphical methods for categorical data. Proceedings of SAS SUGI 17 Conference, 1992. J. A. Hartigan and B. Kleiner. Mosaics for contingency tables. Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on the Interface. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. R. D. Snee. Graphical display of two-way contingency tables. The American Statistician, 28:9–12, 1974. Gregory R. Warnes, Pfizer Inc., USA gregory.r.warnes@pfizer.com Nitin Jain, Smith Hanley Inc, USA nitin.jain@pfizer.com Drawing pedigree diagrams with R and graphviz by Jing Hua Zhao Representation of pedigrees Human genetic studies often involve data collected from families and graphical display of them is useful. The wide interest in such data over years has led to many software packages, both commercial and noncommercial. A recent account of these packages is available (Dudbridge et al., 2004), and a very flexible package Madeline (http://eyegene.ophthy. med.umich.edu/madeline/index.html) is now released under the GNU General Public License. A comprehensive list of many packages, including the package LINKAGE (Terwilliger and Ott, 1994) for human parametric linkage analysis and GAS (Genetic Analysis System, http://users.ox.ac.uk/ ~ayoung/gas.html) for some other analyses, can be seen at the linkage server at Rockefeller University (http://linkage.rockefeller.edu). Here I describe two functions in R that are able to draw pedigree diagrams; the first being plot.pedigree in kinship developed for SPLUS by Terry Therneau and Beth Atkinson and ported to R by the author, and the second pedtodot in gap based on David Duffy’s gawk script (http://www2.qimr.edu.au/davidD/Course/ pedtodot) that requires graphviz (http://www. graphviz.org). Both are easy to use and can draw many pedigree diagrams quickly to a single file, therefore can serve as alternatives to some programs that only offer interactive use. The key elements to store pedigrees using a database is via the so-called family trios each containing individual’s, father’s and mother’s IDs. Founders, namely individuals whose parents are not in the pedigree, are set to be zero or missing. Individual’s gender (e.g. 1=male, 2=female) is included as auxiliary information, together with pedigree ID in order to maintain multiple pedigrees in a single database, each record of which indicates a node in the pedigree graph. R News For instance, information for pedigree numbered 10081 in genetic analysis workshop 14 (GAW14, http://www.gaworkshop.org) is shown as follows. pid id father mother sex affected 10081 1 2 3 2 2 10081 2 0 0 1 1 10081 3 0 0 2 2 10081 4 2 3 2 2 10081 5 2 3 2 1 10081 6 2 3 1 1 10081 7 2 3 2 1 10081 8 0 0 1 1 10081 9 8 4 1 1 10081 10 0 0 2 1 10081 11 2 10 2 1 10081 12 2 10 2 2 ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 10081 10081 10081 10081 13 0 0 14 13 11 15 0 0 16 15 12 39 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Here all IDs are integers with obvious meanings just described, and the variable affected indicates if an individual is alcoholic (1=nonalcoholic, 2=alcoholic) according to DSMIIIR and Feighner definition ALDX1 in the dataset. In human genetic linkage studies, this is also called pre-makeped format since these IDs can also be string variables, e.g. individuals’ names, and a utility program makeped in LINKAGE can be used to generate the serial integer IDs and perform simple checks on errors in family structure(s). Suppose this is kept in a text file called 10081.pre, we use it has function plot.pedigree for drawing pedigree diagrams. As an S3 function for class ‘pedigree’, it can be used as plot if supplied with argument with class ‘pedigree’. library(kinship) attach(pre) par(xpd=TRUE) ped <- pedigree(id,father,mother,sex,affected) plot(ped) This gives Figure 1. We can use R devices such as postscript to keep the diagram as an outside file, e.g., postscript("10081.ps"); plot(ped); dev.off(). Either postscript or pdf format can hold more than one pedigree diagrams. pre <- read.table("10081.pre",header=TRUE) to read it into object pre. 3 2 10 The pedigree-drawing algorithm Typically, in a pedigree diagram males and females are shown in squares and circles, respectively. Spouses can form marriage nodes from which nodes for children are derived. It is also customary to draw pedigree diagrams top down, so that children at a given generation could have children of their own in the next generation. This implies that the conceptually simple algorithm for pedigree drawing would involve sorting members of a pedigree by generation and align members of the same generation horizontally and those at different generations vertically. In other words, the family is drawn as a directed graph with members as nodes and ordered by their generation numbers. The algorithm could be more involved if there are marriage loops in the family, i.e. overlapping generations, or if the pedigree is too large to fit in a single page. More details on the algorithmic aspects of pedigree-drawing (Tores and Barillot, 2001) can be found for interested readers. Fortunately, there is software publicly available that implements this algorithm. Among these the most notable is graphviz (http://www.graphviz. org) consisting of programs dot, dotty, neato and lneato. In the following section two implementations of the pedigree-drawing algorithm with or without use of graphviz will be described. Drawing pedigree diagrams with R and graphviz via plot.pedigree in kinship Package kinship was developed for linear mixed and mixed-effects Cox models of family data, but R News 1 8 4 5 6 9 7 13 11 15 12 16 14 Figure 1: Pedigree 10081 by kinship via pedtodot in gap The diagram produced by plot.pedigree in kinship is a still image so that nodes in the pedigree graph can not be pulled and dragged. This might not be trivial to implement. However, we can use graphviz to achieve this. A nice feature of the package its ability to interpret dot language, which is in ASCII format that allows for text-editing. Keeping this in mind, we can simply generate a dot file for given pedigree(s) using dot syntax. library(gap) pedtodot(pre) By default, this generates 10081.dot which can be used by dot, e.g. dot -Tps -ofigure2.ps 10081.dot giving Figure 2. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 40 3 8 1 4 2 5 6 to generate a complete list of pedigree diagrams available from the web site http://www.mrc-epid. cam.ac.uk/~jinghua.zhao/r-progs.htm. 10 7 11 13 12 15 Summary and further remarks 9 14 16 Figure 2: Pedigree 10081 by dot Alternatively, we use library(gap) pedtodot(pre,dir="forward") Besides dot, we can also use neato -Tps -o figure3.ps 10081.dot, giving a more liberal graph (Figure 3). Its unusual looking makes it appealing for exposing the peeling algorithm in the likelihood calculation of pedigrees. 5 6 9 16 7 4 15 8 12 2 1 3 10 11 14 13 Further information about the two functions is available from the packages themselves. Note that plot.pedigree in kinship does not require pedigree ID be specified, while pedtodot in gap does. Unlike plot.pedigree, pedtodot requires graphviz to visualize graphics, but can be edited with dotty, and be printed out in multiple pages when a pedigree diagram is too big to fit in a single page. Both can produce a set of pedigree diagrams in a single file. Although makeped is a utility program in LINKAGE, this function is also available in package gap. If the pedigree file is in post-makeped format, then the option makeped=TRUE can be used. However, pedtodot can also use string IDs, or file in the socalled GAS format in which gender can take values ‘m’, ‘f’, etc. Most pedigrees in current studies have moderate sizes, therefore sparse two-dimensional arrays are used to keep track of marriages and children from them, which are in turn used in generating dot script. This is less efficient than the original gawk script in that the latter use individual IDs directly to index the marriage arrays, leading to shorter code and better use of memory. In addition, further improvement is possible by introducing other features available in the dot language. It is notable that R package sem has function path.diagram to generate dot file and the Bioconductor (http://www.bioconductor.org) package Rgraphviz also uses graphviz. If more such packages appear, it is desirable to be familiar with the dot language and/or have support for it in R. Although as yet human genetic linkage and genomewide association analysis is not widely conducted with R, this might change in the near future, as has been demonstrated by the great success of the Bioconductor project. I believe the two R functions described in this note will be very useful to researchers in their genetic data analysis. Figure 3: Pedigree 10081 by neato A single file containing all pedigree diagrams can be generated through the use of R sink command and screen output using sink=FALSE option in pedtodot. For example, given that all the pre-makeped pedigrees are contained in the object gaw14ped, we can use the following command, sink("gaw14.dot") pedtodot(gaw14ped,sink=FALSE) sink() R News Bibliography F. Dudbridge, T. Carver, and G. Williams. Pelican: pedigree editor for linkage computer analysis. Bioinformatics, 20(14):2327–2328, 2004. F. Tores and E. Barillot. The art of pedigree drawing: algorithmic aspects. Bioinformatics, 17(2):174–179, 2001. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 J. Terwilliger and J. Ott. Handbook of Human Genetic Linkage. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2001. 41 Jing Hua Zhao MRC Epidemiology Unit jinghua.zhao@mrc-epid.ac.uk Non-Standard Fonts in PostScript and PDF Graphics by Paul Murrell and Brian Ripley Introduction By default, all of the text produced by R graphics devices uses a sans-serif font family (e.g., Helvetica), and in a PostScript or PDF plot only text in Western European languages has been handled until recently. This article describes several ways in which the range of font families has been extended for R 2.3.0. It has been possible to change the overall font family that is used to draw text within a plot (Murrell, 2004), but the choice of font family for PDF and PostScript devices was largely restricted to the set of Adobe Core 14 fonts—Helvetica (4 faces), Times (4 faces), Courier (4 faces), Symbol, and ZapfDingbats (see Table 1). As from R 2.3.0 much more choice is available. The examples in this article are written following the conventions needed for a modern Unix-alike operating system such as Linux, but will work with minor changes (for example to the locale names) on most other R platforms including Windows. A little terminology will be helpful. A character is an abstract concept, and a glyph is a visual representation of a character. Characters can have more than one representation, for example crossed and uncrossed sevens, and the variants on Greek letters much loved by mathematicians (see ?plotmath). This matters as East Asian languages may write the same character in different ways.1 Minor conveniences The default font family on a PDF or PostScript device can be controlled using the family argument. For example, the expression pdf(family="Times") opens a PDF device with the default font family set to Times (a serif font). This is the simplest way to select a font family, if the same font (possibly in different faces, e.g. bold) is to be used for all of the text in a plot. Prior to R 2.3.0, only a fixed set of font families could be specified via the family argument (mostly related to the Adobe Core 14 fonts), but it is now possible to specify any valid font family as the default. For example, the expression pdf(family="mono") opens a PDF device with the default font family set to be a mono-spaced font (by default Courier on PDF and PostScript devices). The section on “Font databases” later in this article will clarify what constitutes a “valid” font family. Changing font family in-line While it has been possible for some time to be able to change the font family within a plot (e.g., have the title in Times and the remaining labels in Helvetica), in the traditional graphics system, this change could only be made via the par() function. It is now also possible to specify the family argument in low-level traditional graphics functions. For example, if the default font family was sans-serif, adding a label to a plot with a serif font used to require code of the form . . . > op <- par(family="serif") > text("A label") > par(op) # restore the setting . . . but now the same thing can be achieved by the following code. > text("A label", family="serif") Interationalization As Martin Maechler likes to say, R has ‘for ever’ supported ISO Latin 1, the character set of the major2 Western European languages. Further internationalization features were introduced into R in version 2.1.0 (Ripley, 2005), which allowed users in nonWestern-European locales to use variable names and produce output in their native language. There was good support for graphical devices on Windows, and as from R 2.3.0 on NT-based versions of Windows it is even possible to change to another language and output in that language. The support for the X11() graphics device was as good as the X server could provide, often limited by 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_unification 2 The definition is rather circular, as those are the languages written in Latin-1. Icelandic is the most prominent exception. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 42 Table 1: Predefined font families for the PDF and PostScript devices which cover most of the Adobe Core 14 fonts. The Adobe Core fonts are usually available with Adobe (Acrobat) Reader and in PostScript printers and viewers. The ZapfDingbats font is always included in PDF files produced by R, being used to draw small circles. "Helvetica" Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique Symbol "Times" Times Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic Symbol the availability of glyphs unless extras fonts were installed and are selected. These features did not at first include graphical output on PDF or PostScript devices, but this has been much improved in R 2.3.0, with support for many Eastern European and Asian locales. European and Cyrillic fonts "Courier" Courier Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique Symbol On systems without access to UTF-8 locales, we can achieve the same thing by switching to a Latin-2 locale: a Windows4 user could write > Sys.setlocale(category="LC_CTYPE", locale="polish") > grid.text(" Dzie\xf1 dobry is 'hello' in Polish ") R now automatically selects an appropriate encoding for PDF and PostScript output based on your locale. In multi-byte locales such as those using UTF8, an appropriate single-byte encoding is chosen, so now the PDF and PostScript devices allow encodings other than ISO Latin 1. For example, consider the character ń, which is needed in a Polish locale to write ‘hello’. This character is part of the ISO Latin 2 character set. For demonstration purposes, we will temporarily switch to a Polish locale using the following call: It is still possible to explicitly specify an encoding when starting the pdf device if the automated selection is not correct on your platform. This process ought to work well whenever the language you want can be written in a single-byte locale: this includes all the Western and Eastern European, Cyrillic and Greek languages written in ISO 8859-1 (Western), -2 (Eastern), -5 (Cyrillic), -7 (Greek), -13 (Baltic rim), 15 (Western with Euro) and KOI8-R, KOI8-U and the equivalent Microsoft codepages. > Sys.setlocale(category="LC_CTYPE", locale="pl_PL.utf8") Installed fonts Now when we start a PDF or PostScript device, it automatically selects an ISO Latin 2 encoding so that the appropriate characters are available. To show an example for users who do not have a Polish keyboard, we will use an explicit Unicode escape sequence to enter the character we want. This will only work in UTF-8 locales in R > library(grid) > pdf("polish.pdf", width=3, height=0.8) > grid.text(" Dzie\u0144 dobry is 'hello' in Polish ") > dev.off() Dzień dobry is ’hello’ in Polish By specifying the correct encoding you can create a PDF or PostScript file that contains the correct description of the characters you want, but if you actually want to view or print that text, you also need to have an appropriate font installed on your system that contains the relevant characters. In the above example we were fortunate because the default Helvetica font does include the glyph ń. In general, you may have to specify an appropriate font (and ensure that it is installed on your system!). The section “Font databases” will describe the issue of specifying new fonts in detail. Even if the glyph is known to R, it may not be known to your viewer. For example, to view nonWestern European languages with Adobe Reader you may need to install a Central European font pack.5 A word of warning: the Adobe Core fonts are often replaced by clones. This happens both in 3 Unicode escape sequences will work in all locales in R 2.3.1 on platforms which support multi-byte character sets. 2000 or later, or (untested) a Polish-language version of 95/98/ME. 5 http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html 4 NT4, R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 PostScript viewers (ghostscript uses the equivalent URW fonts) and PDF viewers (recent versions of Adobe Reader use multiple-master fonts) as well as in some printers. So it can be hard to tell if you have exceeded the set of glyphs that can reasonably be assumed to be always available. If you use anything beyond ISO Latin 1, it is safest to embed the fonts (see below). However, for local use where upto-date URW fonts can be assumed the coverage is much wider including Eastern European and Cyrillic glyphs. CJK fonts Some support has also been added for locales with very large character sets, such as the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) ideographic languages. On PDF and PostScript devices, it is now possible to select from a small set of font families covering many of the glyphs used in writing those languages. There are tens of thousands of (originally) Chinese characters which are common to Chinese (where they are called hanzi), Japanese (kanji), and Korean (hanja). However, different glyphs may be used, for example in Simplified Chinese (used in most of PR China and in Singapore) and Traditional Chinese (used in Taiwan and some of PR China). For example, the following code selects one of the CJK font families to display ‘hello’ in (Traditional) Chinese. > pdf("chinese.pdf", width=3, height=1) > grid.text("\u4F60\u597D", y=2/3, gp=gpar(fontfamily="CNS1")) > grid.text( "is 'hello' in (Traditional) Chinese", y=1/3) > dev.off() 43 Again, R does not check whether the fonts are properly installed on your system. For example, in order to view the file chinese.pdf with Adobe Reader, you will have to download the Traditional Chinese font pack.6 The CJK font families available in R have been chosen because they are widely (or freely) available for common print or viewing technology. Table 2 lists the font families and where they can be obtained. The CJK fonts can be used in mathematical formulas (see ?plotmath), but the metric information on the sizes of characters is not as good as for Type 1 fonts, so the result may not be aesthetically pleasing. Note that in this example we did not need to select an appropriate UTF-8 locale. It will in fact work in any UTF-8 locale, and also in the older multi-byte locales used on Unix-alikes (such as EUC-JP) and in the double-byte locales used on Windows for the CJK languages. Font databases In the previous two sections we mentioned that, in addition to having the correct encoding, you may also have to specify an appropriate font in order to get all of the characters that you need. Here is an example where that becomes necessary: we want to write ‘hello’ in Russian and the Cyrillic characters are not included in Helvetica; so we need to specify a font that does contain Cyrillic characters. (A simpler workaround would be to use the URWHelvetica family which does since 2002 include Cyrillic glyphs, but the versions installed with ghostscript on Windows are from 2000. So we need to illustrate a more general procedure.) Again, we will pretend to be Russian temporarily by setting the locale for the R session: > Sys.setlocale(category="LC_CTYPE", locale="ru_RU.utf8") is 'hello' in (Traditional) Chinese Note that we select the CJK font family only to display Chinese: although these font families can display English, they do so poorly. You should switch back to a more standard font such as Helvetica for producing Latin characters. The appropriate CJK fonts include non-Chinese glyphs, for example Hiragana and Katakana for use in Japanese and Hangul for use in Korean. Now the single-byte encoding is automatically set to ISO Latin 5, but we must also specify a font that contains Cyrillic characters. We will generate a new one using the function Type1Font() and specifying the font name and a path to metric (.afm) files for the font. The font used in this example is from the PSCyr font pack7 . For this demonstration, the files have only been downloaded to a local directory (not formally installed) to keep the path manageable8 . The following command creates a Type 1 font object. 6 http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html 7 ftp://ftp.vsu.ru/pub/tex/font-packs/pscyr 8 The location of the installed .afm files will vary depending on your system. Most of the fonts used in this article are from T X packages, E so on a Linux system they might reside in /usr/share/texmf/fonts/afm/public/ . R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 44 Table 2: The CJK fonts available for use in R. These were collected from examples found on various systems, and suggestions of Ei-ji Nakama. Font family name in the font database PostScript font name PDF font name "Japan1" HeiseiKakuGo-W5: a Japanese printer font. Linotype KozMinPro-Regular-Acro: from the Adobe Reader 7.0 Japanese Font Pack "Japan1HeiMin" HeiseiMin-W3: a Linotype Japanese printer font. HeiseiMin-W3-Acro: a version of the PostScript font, from the Adobe Reader 4.0 Japanese Font Pack. "Japan1GothicBBB" GothicBBB-Medium: a Japanesemarket PostScript printer font. GothicBBB-Medium "Japan1Ryumin" Ryumin-Light: a Japanese-market PostScript printer font. Ryumin-Light "Korea1" Baekmuk-Batang: a TrueType font found on some Linux systems, and from ftp: //ftp.mizi.com/pub/baekmuk/. HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro: from the Adobe Reader 7.0 Korean Font Pack "Korea1deb" Batang-Regular: a TrueType font found on some Linux systems, probably the same as Baekmuk-Batang. HYGothic-Medium-Acro: from the Adobe Reader 4.0 Korean Font Pack. "CNS1" (Traditional Chinese) MOESung-Regular: from Ken Lunde’s CJKV resources; can be installed for use with ghostscript MSungStd-Light-Acro: from the Adobe Reader 7.0 Traditional Chinese Font Pack. "GB1" (Simplified Chinese) BousungEG-Light-GB: a TrueType font found on some Linux systems, and from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/non-gnu/ chinese-fonts-truetype/. STSong-Light-Acro: from the Adobe Reader 7.0 Simplified Chinese Font Pack. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 > RU <- Type1Font( "TimesNewRomanPSMT-Regular", c("fonts/afm/public/pscyr/times.afm", "fonts/afm/public/pscyr/timesbd.afm", "fonts/afm/public/pscyr/timesi.afm", "fonts/afm/public/pscyr/timesbi.afm")) This next command registers the Type 1 font in the font database for PDF devices. The database records all valid font family names for use with PDF devices. After this, for the duration of the current R session, the font family "RU" can be used as a font family name in graphics functions. > pdfFonts(RU=RU) Now we can use this font family like any other and to produce Cyrillic characters (we do not assume a Russian keyboard so fake typing the Cyrillic keys by specifying the appropriate Unicode values9 ). > pdf("russian.pdf", width=3, height=0.8) > grid.text("\u0417\u0434\u0440 \u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432 \u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 is 'hello' in Russian (Cyrillic)", gp=gpar(fontfamily="RU")) > dev.off() Здравствуйте is ’hello’ in Russian (Cyrillic) A separate function, postscriptFonts(), is provided for querying and modifying the font database for PostScript devices, and there is a CIDFont() function for defining new CJK (CID-keyed) fonts10 . Embedding fonts The Russian example above is not quite complete yet. If you try to view it with Adobe Reader, it will almost certainly not look as we intended11 . The problem is that Adobe Reader knows nothing about the PSCyr font so it substitutes a font it knows about, trying to make it look as close as possible to the font we’ve asked for. By defining a Type 1 font object, we have given R enough information about the Cyrillic font to create 45 a PDF or PostScript file, but if we want to view that file or print it, we may also have to install the font for the viewing software or the printer. Furthermore, if we want to share the file with someone else (e.g., put it on the web), then that someone else may have to install the font. The best solution to all of these problems is to embed (enough of) the font within the file itself. This means that the font becomes part of the document and viewing software or printers do not need any additional information to display or print the text. (Note that licence restrictions on the fonts may limit or prohibit this approach.) The new R function embedFonts() performs this task (by calling ghostscript12 ). Here is how to embed the PSCyr fonts for the russian.pdf plot; the file russianembed.pdf is the result. Because we have the fonts in a local directory, we must specify a font path so that ghostscript knows where to find the font. > embedFonts("russian.pdf", outfile="russianembed.pdf", fontpaths="fonts/type1/public/pscyr") For most of the examples in this article we have embedded the fonts using this function, which is why you can view all of these different character sets without having to download any extra fonts. A Computer Modern fonts example Computer Modern fonts are the fonts designed by Donald Knuth for the TEX system (Knuth, 1984) and are the default fonts used in LATEX (Lamport, 1994). For a long time, it has been possible to make use of Computer Modern fonts to produce PostScript plots specifically for inclusion in LATEX documents via a special "ComputerModern" font family (see ?postscript). However, this mechanism does have some limitations: some characters are not available (e.g., less-than and greater-than signs, curly braces, and a number of mathematical symbols) and, more importantly, it does not work for PDF output. A simple way to avoid these restrictions is to use a different set of Computer Modern fonts that contain a more complete set of characters. Gaining access to a wider set of Computer Modern characters can be achieved simply by using a version of the Computer Modern fonts that has 9 This series of Unicode characters has been broken across lines for this article due to typesetting limitations; do not reproduce these line breaks if you want to try this code yourself. Also, as there are at least three incompatible single-byte encodings for Russian, we do not attempt to show how this might be done other than on a UTF-8 system. 10 Defining a new CID-keyed font for use with PDF devices requires in-depth knowledge of Adobe font technology and the font itself, so is not recommended except perhaps for expert users. 11 What this actually looks like for you will depend on the fonts you have installed for Adobe Reader, however it is unlikely that you will have the PSCyr fonts so it should at least look different to the “correct” output; on a vanilla Linux system, the Cyrillic characters are all missing, and the Latin text is a serif font. 12 Ghostscript should be installed already on most Linux systems and is available as a standard download and install for Windows (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/). You may need to tell R where ghostscript is installed via the environment variable R_GSCMD. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 been reordered and regrouped for different encoding schemes. We will use two such fonts in this example. The first set of fonts is the CM-LGC font pack13 , which provides a Type 1 version of most of the Computer Modern fonts with an ISO Latin 1 encoding (e.g., a less-than sign will produce a less-than sign, not an upside-down exclamation mark as in TEX). The second font is a special Computer Modern symbol font14 developed by Paul Murrell which covers almost all of the Adobe Symbol encoding (for producing mathematical formulas). The following code demonstrates the use of the CM-LGC fonts and the special Computer Modern symbol font to produce a PDF format “plot” that includes mathematical symbols. The fonts have again been unpacked in a local directory. First of all, we define a new Type 1 Font object for these fonts and register it with the PDF font database: > CM <- Type1Font("CM", c(paste("cm-lgc/fonts/afm/public/cm-lgc/", c("fcmr8a.afm", "fcmb8a.afm", "fcmri8a.afm", "fcmbi8a.afm"), sep=""), "cmsyase/cmsyase.afm")) > pdfFonts(CM=CM) Now we can use this font family in a PDF plot: pdf("cm.pdf", width=3, height=3, family="CM") # ... much drawing code ommitted ... dev.off() Finally, we can embed these fonts in the document so that we can embed the plot in other documents (such as this article) for anyone to view or print. > embedFonts("cm.pdf", outfile="cmembed.pdf", fontpaths= c("cm-lgc/fonts/type1/public/cm-lgc", "cmsyase")) The final result is shown in Figure 1. Summary With R 2.3.0, it is now easier to produce text in PDF and PostScript plots using character sets other than English. There is built-in support for a wider range of encodings and fonts and there is improved support for making use of non-standard fonts in plots. There is also now a utility for embedding fonts so that plots can be more easily included in other documents and shared across systems. We believe that it is now possible for users to produce high-quality graphical output in all human 46 languages with a sizeable number of R users. Anyone whose native language is not covered is invited to contribute suitable encoding files and locale mappings so our coverage can be extended. Computer Modern Font Comparison cm−lgc cmr cmsyase R News ∑≠ ∏ ... cmsy Figure 1: A “plot” that demonstrates the use of Computer Modern fonts in PDF output. Acknowledgements Ei-ji Nakama provided the initial patch of the C code for non-ISO Latin 1 encodings in multi-byte locales, and for CJK (CID-keyed) font support, and he and colleagues have patiently explained Japanese typography to us. Bibliography D. Knuth. The TEXbook. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1984. L. Lamport. LATEX: a document preparation system. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994. P. Murrell. Fonts, lines, and transparency in R graphics. R News, 4(2):5–9, September 2004. URL http: //CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/. B. D. Ripley. Internationalization features of R 2.1.0. R News, 5(1):2–7, May 2005. URL http://CRAN. R-project.org/doc/Rnews/. Paul Murrell The University of Auckland, New Zealand paul@stat.auckland.ac.nz Brian D. Ripley University of Oxford, UK ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk 13 http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/cm-lgc.html, 14 http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/R/CM/CMR.html < > { } ... and available as a package for some Linux systems. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 47 The doBy package by Søren Højsgaard This article is not about rocket science; in fact it is not about science at all. It is a description of yet another package with utility functions. I have used R in connection with teaching generalized linear models and related topics to Ph.d. students within areas like agronomy, biology, and veterinary science at the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. These students, many of whom are familiar with the SAS system, have almost all come to appreciate R very quickly. However, they have also from time to time complained that certain standard tasks are hard to do in R – and certainly harder than in SAS. The doBy package is an attempt to make some of these standard tasks easier. Airquality data The presentation of the package is based on the airquality dataset which contains air quality measurements in New York, May to September 1973. (Note that months are coded as 5, . . . , 9). > head(airquality) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day 41 190 7.4 67 5 1 36 118 8.0 72 5 2 12 149 12.6 74 5 3 18 313 11.5 62 5 4 NA NA 14.3 56 5 5 28 NA 14.9 66 5 6 The result above can clearly be obtained in other ways. For example by using the aggregate function, the summarize function in the Hmisc package or by > a <- by(airquality, airquality$Month, + function(d) { + c(mean(d[, c("Ozone", + "Wind")], na.rm = T), + diag(var(d[, c("Ozone", + "Wind")], na.rm = T))) + }) > do.call("rbind", a) However, my students have found this somewhat cumbersome! The orderBy function Ordering (or sorting) a data frame is possible with the orderBy function. Suppose we want to order the dataframe by Temp and by Month (within Temp) and that the ordering should be decreasing. This can be achieved by: > x <- orderBy(~Temp + Month, + data = airquality, decreasing = T) The first lines of the result are: 120 122 121 123 126 127 Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day 76 203 9.7 97 8 28 84 237 6.3 96 8 30 118 225 2.3 94 8 29 85 188 6.3 94 8 31 73 183 2.8 93 9 3 91 189 4.6 93 9 4 Again, this can clearly be achieved in other ways, but presumably not with so few commands as above. The summaryBy function With the summary procedure of SAS (PROC SUMMARY) one can easily calculate things like “the mean and variance of x for each combination of two factors A and B”. To calculate mean and variance of Ozone and Wind for each combination of Month, do: The splitBy function Suppose we want to split data into a list of dataframes, e.g. one dataframe for each month. This can be achieved by: > x <- splitBy(~Month, data = airquality) > summaryBy(Ozone + Wind ~ Month, + data = airquality, FUN = c(mean, + var), prefix = c("m", + "v"), na.rm = TRUE) 1 2 3 4 5 Month m.Ozone m.Wind v.Ozone v.Wind 5 23.62 11.623 493.9 12.471 6 29.44 10.267 331.5 14.207 7 59.12 8.942 1000.8 9.217 8 59.96 8.794 1574.6 10.407 9 31.45 10.180 582.8 11.980 R News Information about the grouping is stored as a dataframe in an attribute called groupid: > attr(x, "groupid") 1 2 3 4 5 Month 1 2 3 4 5 ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 The sampleBy function Suppose we want a random sample of 50% of the observations from a dataframe. This can be achieved with: > sampleBy(~1, frac = 0.5, data = airquality) Suppose instead that we want a systematic sample of every fifth observation within each month. This is achieved with: > sampleBy(~Month, frac = 0.2, + data = airquality, systematic = T) The subsetBy function Suppose we want to take out those rows within each month for which the the wind speed is larger than the mean wind speed (within the month). This is achieved by: > subsetBy(~Month, subset = "Wind>mean(Wind)", + data = airquality) Note that the statement "Wind>mean(Wind)" is evaluated within each month. The esticon function Consider a linear model which explains Ozone as a linear function of Month and Wind: > airquality <- transform(airquality, + Month = factor(Month)) > m <- lm(Ozone ~ Month * Wind, + data = airquality) > coefficients(m) 48 > Lambda <- rbind(c(0, -1, 0, + 0, 0, 0, -10, 0, 0, 0), + c(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 10, + -10, 0, 0), c(0, 0, + 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 10, + -10, 0), c(0, 0, 0, + 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 10, + -10)) > esticon(m, Lambda) Confidence interval ( WALD ) level = 0.95 beta0 Estimate Std.Error t.value 1 0 1.2871 10.238 0.1257 2 0 -22.9503 10.310 -2.2259 3 0 0.9954 7.094 0.1403 4 0 15.9651 6.560 2.4337 DF Pr(>|t|) Lower.CI Upper.CI 1 106 0.90019 -19.010 21.585 2 106 0.02814 -43.392 -2.509 3 106 0.88867 -13.069 15.060 4 106 0.01662 2.959 28.971 In other cases, interest is in testing a hypothesis of a contrast H0 : Λβ = β0 where Λ is a matrix. For example a test of no interaction between Month and Wind can be made by testing jointly that the last four parameters in m are zero (observe that the test is a Wald test): > Lambda <- rbind(c(0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), c(0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, + 0), c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)) > esticon(m, Lambda, joint.test = T) 1 (Intercept) Month6 Month7 50.748 -41.793 68.296 Month8 Month9 Wind 82.211 23.439 -2.368 Month6:Wind Month7:Wind Month8:Wind 4.051 -4.663 -6.154 Month9:Wind -1.874 When a parameter vector β of (systematic) effects have been estimated, interest is often in a particular estimable function, i.e. linear combination λ > β and/or testing the hypothesis H0 : λ > β = β0 where λ is a specific vector defined by the user. Suppose for example we want to calculate the expected difference in ozone between consequtive months at wind speed 10 mph (which is about the average wind speed over the whole period). The esticon function provides a way of doing so. We can specify several λ vectors at the same time by row–binding of λ > : R News X2.stat DF Pr(>|X^2|) 22.11 4 0.0001906 For a linear normal model, one would typically prefer to do a likelihood ratio test instead. However, for generalized estimating equations of glm–type (as dealt with in the packages geepack and gee) there is no likelihood. In this case esticon function provides an operational alternative. Observe that another function for calculating contrasts as above is the contrast function in the Design package but it applies to a narrower range of models than esticon does. Final remarks The ease in using the data oriented functions lies in that 1) the formula language is used in the specification of both the variables and the grouping and 2) the functions take a data argument. My “biologically oriented” students (and ditto collegues) seem to appreciate that. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 49 On their wishlist are facilities along the line of the ESTIMATE and LSMEANS statements available in many SAS procedures (including GLM, MIXED and GENMOD) for easy specification of various contrasts (LSMEANS is sometimes also denoted “population means”). While LSMEANS are often misused (and certainly misinterpreted) such facilities would be nice to have in R. I would like to encourage anyone who has implemented such facilities in a reasonable level of gen- erality to come forward. Søren Højsgaard Statistics and Decision Analysis Unit Department of Genetics and Biotechnology Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences Tjele, Denmark sorenh@agrsci.dk Normed division algebras with R: Introducing the onion package • x(λy + µz) = λxy + µxz Hamilton was one of many mathematicians to attempt to extend the complex numbers to a third dimension and discover what would in our terminology be a three dimensional normed division algebra. We now know that no such thing exists: division algebras all have dimension 2n for n some nonnegative integer. Hamilton came upon the multiplicative structure of the quaternions in a now-famous flash of inspiration on 16th October 1843: the quaternions are obtained by adding the elements i, j, and k to the real numbers and requiring that • (λy + µz)x = λyx + µzx i2 = j2 = k2 = i jk = −1. The eccentric cousin and the crazy old uncle by Robin K. S. Hankin Preface An algebra is a vector space V over a field (here the real numbers) in which the vectors may be multiplied. In addition to the usual vector space axioms, one requires, for any λ, µ ∈ and x, y, z ∈ V: R where multiplication is denoted by juxtaposition; note the absence of associativity. A division algebra is a nontrivial algebra in which division is possible: for any a ∈ V and any nonzero b ∈ V, there exists precisely one element x with a = bx and precisely one element y with a = yb. A normed division algebra is a division algebra with a norm ||·|| satisfying ||xy|| = ||x|| ||y||. There are precisely four normed division algebras: the reals themselves ( ), the complex numbers ( ), the quaternions ( ) and the octonions ( ); the generic term is “onion”, although the term includes other algebras such as the sedenions. The R programming language (Development Core Team, 2004) is well-equipped to deal with the first two: here, I introduce the onion package, which provides some functionality for the quaternions and the octonions, and illustrate these interesting algebras using numerical examples. C H R O Introduction Historically, the complex numbers arose from a number of independent lines of inquiry and our current understanding of them (viz z = x + iy; the Argand plane) developed over the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. R News (1) A general quaternion is thus written a + bi + c j + dk with a, b, c, d being real numbers; complex arithmetic is recovered if c = d = 0. Hamilton’s relations above, together with distributivity and associativity, yield the full multiplication table and the quaternions are the unique four dimensional normed division algebra. However, Hamilton’s scheme was controversial as his multiplication was noncommutative: a shocking suggestion at the time. Today we recognize many more noncommutative operations (such as matrix multiplication), but even Hamilton had difficulty convincing his contemporaries that such operations were consistent, let alone worth studying. The octonions The fourth and final normed division algebra is that of the octonions. These were discovered around 1844 and are an eight-dimensional algebra over the reals. The full multiplication table is given by Baez (2001). Package onion in use A good place to start is function rquat(), which returns a quaternionic vector of a specified length, whose elements are random small integers: ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 > > > > library(onion) x <- rquat(5) names(x) <- letters[1:5] print(x) Re i j k a 4 3 2 3 b 3 2 4 3 c 2 3 2 4 d 1 4 3 4 e 3 1 1 4 This quaternionic vector, of length 5, is of the form of a four-row matrix. The rownames are the standard basis for quaternions, and their entries may be manipulated as expected; for example, we may set component k to be component j plus 10: > k(x) <- j(x) + 10 > x a b c d e Re 4 3 2 1 3 i 3 2 3 4 1 j 2 4 2 3 1 k 12 14 12 13 11 Quaternionic vectors behave largely as one might expect. For example, we may concatenate a with a basis quaternion (the four bases are represented in the package by H1, Hi, Hj, and Hk) and multiply the result by the first element: > c(x, Hk) * x[1] a b c d e Re -141 -170 -149 -170 -125 -12 i 24 -3 18 9 23 2 j 16 4 12 23 -11 -3 k 96 100 72 65 81 4 And indeed we may explicitly verify that quaternionic multiplication is not commutative using the commutator() function, returning xy − yx: > y <- rquat(5) > commutator(x, y) a b c d e Re 0 0 0 0 0 i 20 12 32 98 62 j -42 -48 -24 -44 -40 k 2 12 -4 -20 -2 It is possible to verify that quaternionic multiplication is associative using function associator(x,y,z) which returns ( xy) z − x( yz) and is thus identically zero for associative operators: > associator(x, y, rquat(5)) Re i j k a 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 R News c 0 0 0 0 d 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 50 Compare the octonions, which are not associative: > associator(roct(3), roct(3), + roct(3)) Re i j k l il jl kl [1] [2] [3] 0 0 0 472 -408 242 -158 112 -66 -106 -408 84 -492 128 506 506 54 -700 250 298 610 -160 518 -768 Many transcendental functions operate on onions, via a reasonably straightforward generalization of the complex case. Consider the square root, defined as exp(log( x)/2). That this obeys similar rules to the usual square root √ be demonstrated √ may for octonions by calculating x x − x, and showing that its modulus is small: > x <- roct(3) > Mod(sqrt(x) * sqrt(x) - x) [1] 7.601583e-15 5.291934e-15 [3] 4.110825e-15 showing acceptable accuracy in this context. However, many identities that are true for the real or complex case fail for quaternions or octonions; for example, although log( x2 ) = 2 log( x), it is not generally the case that log( xy) = log( x) + log( y), as we may verify numerically: > x <- rquat(3) > y <- rquat(3) > Mod(log(x * x) - 2 * log(x)) [1] 0.000000e+00 3.845925e-16 [3] 0.000000e+00 > Mod(log(x * y) - log(x) - log(y)) [1] 0.0000000 0.6770686 1.1158104 Practical applications I now show the quaternions in use: they can be used to rotate an object in 3D space in an elegant and natural way. If we wish to rotate vector v, considered to be a triple of real numbers, we first identify its three components with the imaginary part of a quaternion with zero real part (i.e., v = 0 + v1 i + v2 j + v3 k). Then the transformation defined by v −→ v0 = zvz−1 ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 H 51 where z ∈ , is a rotation1 . Note that the noncommutativity of the quaternions means that the mapping is not necessarily the identity. This scheme may be used to produce Figure 1. Translating between quaternionic rotation and (say) the equivalent orthogonal matrix is straightforward. > > > > + + + > + + + > + + + + > + + + Conclusions data(bunny) par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) par(mai = rep(0.1, 4)) p3d(rotate(bunny, H1), box = FALSE, d0 = 0.4, r = 1e+06, h = NULL, pch = 16, cex = 0.3, theta = 0, phi = 90, main = "z=1 (identity)") p3d(rotate(bunny, Hi), box = FALSE, d0 = 0.4, r = 1e+06, h = NULL, pch = 16, cex = 0.3, theta = 0, phi = 90, main = "z=i") p3d(rotate(bunny, H1 - Hj), box = FALSE, d0 = 0.4, r = 1e+06, h = NULL, pch = 16, cex = 0.3, theta = 0, phi = 90, main = "z=1-i") p3d(rotate(bunny, Hall), box = FALSE, d0 = 0.4, r = 1e+06, h = NULL, pch = 16, cex = 0.3, theta = 0, phi = 90, main = "z=1+i+j+k") Quaternions and octonions are interesting and instructive examples of normed division algebras. Quaternions are a natural and efficient representation of three dimensional rotations and this paper includes a brief illustration of their use in this context. Octonions’ applicability to physics is currently unclear, but a steady trickle of papers has appeared in which the octonions are shown to be related to spinor geometry and quantum mechanics (see Baez, 2001, and references therein). Reading the literature, one cannot help feeling that octonions will eventually reveal some deep physical truth. When this happens, the onion package ensures that R will be ready to play its part. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the many stimulating and helpful comments made by the R-help list over the years. Bibliography J. C. Baez. The octonions. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 39(5):145–205, 2001. R Development Core Team. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2004. URL http://www.R-project.org. ISBN 3-900051-07-0. G. Turk. The Stanford bunny, 2005. Stanford University Computer Graphics Laboratory, http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/3Dscanrep/. Figure 1: The Stanford Bunny (Turk, 2005) in various rotations, plotted using p3d(). Depth cue is via progressive greying out of points further from the eye, as though viewed through a mist Robin Hankin National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way Southampton United Kingdom SO14 3ZH r.hankin@noc.soton.ac.uk 1 The real part of v0 is again zero and thus may be interpreted as a three-vector. It is straightforward to prove that v · w = v0 · w0 . In R idiom, one would numerically verify these identities by evaluating d <- (z*v/z) %.% (z*w/z) - v %.% w (where v,w,z are quaternions) and observing that Mod(d) is small. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 52 Resistor networks R: Introducing the ResistorArray package Electrical properties of resistor networks by Robin K. S. Hankin Introduction Many elementary physics courses show how resistors combine in series and parallel (Figure 1); the equations are Rseries = R1 + R2 1 Rparallel = . −1 R1 + R2 −1 (1) (2) However, these rules break down for many systems such as the Wheatstone bridge (Figure 2); the reader who doubts this should attempt to apply equations 1 and 2 and find the resistance between points A and B in the general case. R1 R2 R1 Figure 1: Two resistors in series (top) and parallel (bottom) 2 R 24 R 12 1 R 23 R 23 Matrix formulation The general problem of determining the resistance between two nodes of a resistor network requires matrix techniques1 . Consider a network of n nodes, with node i connected to node j by a resistor of resistance Ri j . Then the network has a “conductance matrix” L with − 1 / Ri j if i 6= j Li j = (3) 1 / R if i = j. ∑k:k6= j kj Thus L is a symmetrical matrix, whose row sums and column sums are zero (and therefore is singular). Then the analogue of Ohm’s law (viz V = IR) would be Lv = i (4) R2 A the steady states of such systems are generally of interest. Package ResistorArray has been applied to such diverse problems as the diffusion of nutrients among fungal hyphae networks, the propagation of salinity between (moored) oceanographical buoys, and hydraulic systems such as networks of sewage pumps. 4 B R 34 3 Figure 2: The Wheatstone bridge This paper introduces ResistorArray (Hankin, 2005), an R (R Development Core Team, 2005) package to determine resistances and other electrical properties of such networks. Although this paper uses the language of electrical engineering, the problem considered is clearly very general: many systems are composed of isolated nodes between which some quantity flows and where v = (v1 , . . . , vn ) is a vector of potentials and i = (i1 , . . . , in ) is a vector of currents; here i p is the current flow in to node p. Equation 4 is thus a restatement of the fact that charge does not accumulate at any node. Each node of the circuit may either be fed a known current2 and we have to calculate its potential; or it is maintained at a known potential and we have to calculate the current flux into that node to maintain that potential. There are thus n unknowns altogether. Thus some elements of v and i are known and some are unknown. Without loss of generality, we may partition these vectors into known and unknown parts: v = (vk 0 , vu 0 )0 and i = (iu 0 , ik 0 )0 . Thus the known elements of v are vk = (v1 , . . . , v p )0 : these would correspond to nodes that are maintained at a specified potential; the other elements vu = (v p+1 , . . . , vn )0 correspond to nodes that are at an unknown potential that we have to calculate. The current vector i may similarly be decomposed, but in a conjugate fashion; thus elements iu = (i1 , . . . , i p )0 correspond to nodes that require a certain, unknown, current to be fed into them to 1 The method described here is a standard application of matrix algebra, but does not appear to be described in the literature. Many books and papers, such as Doyle and Snell (1984), allude to it; but a formal description does not appear to have been published. 2 This would include a zero current: in the case of the Wheatstone bridge of Figure 2, nodes 2 and 3 have zero current flux so i and i 2 3 are known and set to zero. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 maintain potentials vk ; the other elements ik = (i p+1 , . . . , in )0 would correspond to nodes that have a known current flowing into them and whose potential we seek. Equation 4 may thus be expressed in terms of a suitably partitioned matrix equation: k u i A B v = k (5) T u B C v i where, in R idiom, A=L[1:p,1:p], B=L[1:p,(p+1):n], and C=L[(p+1):n,(p+1):n]. Straightforward matrix algebra gives (6) vu = C−1 ik − B T vk iu = A − BC−1 B T vk + BC−1 ik (7) Equations 6 and 7 are implemented by circuit(). Package ResistorArray in use Consider the Wheatstone Bridge, illustrated in Figure 2. Here the resistance between node 1 and node 4 is calculated; all resistances are one ohm except R34 , which is 2 ohms. This resistor array may be viewed as a skeleton tetrahedron, with edge 1–4 missing. We may thus use function tetrahedron() to generate the conductance matrix; this is R> L <- tetrahedron(c(1, 1, Inf, 1, 1, 2)) [1,] [2,] [3,] [4,] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] 2 -1 -1.0 0.0 -1 3 -1.0 -1.0 -1 -1 2.5 -0.5 0 -1 -0.5 1.5 Observe that L[1,4]==L[4,1]==0, as required. The resistance may be determined by function circuit(); there are several equivalent methods. Here node 1 is earthed—by setting it to zero volts—and the others are given a floating potential; viz v=c(0,NA,NA,NA). Then one amp is fed in to node 4, zero amps to nodes 2 and 3, and node 1 an unknown current, to be determined; viz currents=c(NA,0,0,1). The node 1-to-node 4 resistance will then be given by the potential at node 4: R> circuit(L, v = c(0, NA, NA, NA), + currents = c(NA, 0, 0, 1)) $potentials [1] 0.0000000 0.5454545 0.4545455 [4] 1.1818182 $currents [1] -1 0 R News 0 1 53 Thus the resistance is about 1.181818Ω, comparing well with the theoretical value of 117/99Ω. Note that the system correctly returns the net current required to maintain node 1 at 0 V as −1 A (which is clear from conservation of charge). The potential difference between nodes 2 and 3 indicates a nonzero current flow along R23 ; currents through each resistor are returned by function circuit() if argument give.internal is set to TRUE. Conclusions Package ResistorArray solves a problem that is frequently encountered in electrical engineering: determining the electrical properties of resistor networks. The techniques presented here are applicable to many systems composed of isolated nodes between which some quantity flows; the steady states of such systems generally have an electrical analogue. This paper explicitly presents a vectorized solution method that uses standard numerical techniques, and discusses the corresponding R idiom. Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the many stimulating and helpful comments made by the R-help list over the years. Bibliography P. G. Doyle and J. L. Snell. Random walks and electric networks. The Mathematical Association of America, 1984. R. K. S. Hankin. ResistorArray: electrical properties of resistor networks, 2005. R package version 1.0-9. R Development Core Team. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2005. URL http://www.R-project.org. ISBN 3-900051-07-0. Robin Hankin National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way Southampton United Kingdom SO14 3ZH r.hankin@noc.soton.ac.uk ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 54 The good, the bad, and the ugly—Review of Paul Murrell’s new book: “R Graphics” by David Meyer At the DSC 2001 workshop in Vienna, Ross Ihaka presented an overview on the “old” R graphics system using the title: “The good, the bad, and the ugly”, basically meaning that the traditional graphics system, albeit flexible, was getting old and the interface was cumbersome in several aspects. Think, e.g., of the mysteries of the dozens of par() parameters whose lengthy help page most useRs keep browsing on a regular basis to filter out the appropriate settings. Thanks to Paul Murrell’s new book, the secrets of both traditional graphics and the new, modern grid system get unveiled, preventing useRs from writing “ugly” code. Starting from scratch, both architectures are presented and compared in detail, complemented with illustrative examples and summary tables. The text not only covers basic elements such as points, lines, segments, and text, but also discusses the most important high-level plot functions available in base R, as well as some popular extension packages such as scatterplot3d. In addition, a clear effort has been made to enable the readers to develop their own graphical methods, in the R spirit of “users becoming developers”. The first part of the book covers the traditional graphics system. It starts with some simple plots using plot() and friends, and proceeds with a detailed chapter on customizing, covering all low-level and high-level par() settings, multiple plots, annotation, and more complex, superposed plots. Even experienced users will discover “new” features. For example, most people will be familiar with line types— but what about the various line join and line ending styles, or the correct handling of fonts? The second part is devoted to grid, the new graphics system developed by the book author himself. Murrell chooses a practical approach and first introduces the lattice package, R’s version of Trellis graphics. After giving an overview on all high-level lattice functions, the author provides customization examples. Only after this “teaser” is the reader confronted with the basic elements of the grid package. The text explains the idea behind concepts like units, graphical context, viewports, and how existing plot elements can easily be integrated in more complex displays. Particular emphasis is given to the possibilities of interactive plot modifications and off-screen computations. Finally, a whole chapter is devoted to the development of new grid-based functions and objects that can be reused by others. Paul Murrell’s book is the first publication entirely devoted to R graphics, written by the authoritative expert in the field. It is definitely a must-have for novices and professionals alike, the ultimate guide to the power (and beauty) of R graphics. David Meyer Department of Information Systems and Operations, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Wien, Austria david.meyer@wu-wien.ac.at Changes in R by the R Core Team • all.equal() is more stringent, see the PR#8191 bug fix below. User-visible changes • In the grid package there are new ’arrow’ arguments to grid.line.to(), grid.lines(), and grid.segments() (grid.arrows() has been deprecated). The new ’arrow’ arguments have been added BEFORE the ’name’, ’gp’ and ’vp’ arguments so existing code that specifies any of these arguments *by position* (not by name) will fail. R News • The data frame argument to transform() is no longer called ’x’, but ’_data’. Since this is an invalid name, it is less likely to clash with names given to transformed variables. (People were getting into trouble with transform(data, x=y+z).) ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 New features • arima.sim() has a new argument ’start.innov’ for compatibility with S-PLUS. (If not supplied, the output is unchanged from previous versions in R.) • arrows() has been changed to be more similar to segments(): for example col=NA omits the arrow rather than as previously (undocumented) using par("col"). • as.list() now accepts symbols (as given by as.symbol() aka as.name()). • atan2() now allows one complex and one numeric argument. • The ’masked’ warnings given by attach() and library() now only warn for functions masking functions or non-functions masking nonfunctions. • New function Axis(), a generic version of axis(), with Date and POSIX[cl]t methods. This is used by most of the standard plotting functions (boxplot, contour, coplot, filled.contour, pairs, plot.default, rug, stripchart) which will thus label x or y axes appropriately. 55 • cov.wt() is more efficient for ’cor = TRUE’ and has a new ’method’ argument which allows ’Maximum Likelihood’. • do.call() gains an ’envir’ argument. • eigen() applied to an asymmetric real matrix now uses a tolerance to decide if the result is complex (rather than expecting the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues to be exactly zero). • New function embedFonts() for embedding fonts in PDF or PostScript graphics files. • fisher.test() now uses p-values computed via hypergeometric distributions for all 2 by 2 tables. This might be slightly slower for a few cases, but works much better for tables with some large counts. There is a new option to simulate the p-value for larger than 2 x 2 tables. • for() now supports raw vectors as the set of indices. • getNativeSymbolInfo() is vectorized for the ’name’ argument. It returns a named list of NativeSymbolInfo objects, but is backward compatible by default when called with a character vector of length 1, returning the NativeSymbolInfo object. • pbeta() now uses TOMS708 in all cases and so is more accurate in some cases (e.g. when lower.tail = FALSE and when one of the shape parameters is very small). • help.search() no longer attempts to handle packages installed prior to R 2.0.0, and reports the current path to the package (rather than where it was originally installed: this information is not shown by the print() method). • [qr]beta(), [qr]f() and [qr]t() now have a non-centrality parameter. • Added "hexmode" to parallel "octmode". • [rc]bind() and some more cases of subassignment are implemented for raw matrices. (PR8529 and 8530) • The number of lines of deparsed calls printed by browser() and traceback() can be limited by the option "deparse.max.lines". (Wish of PR#8638.) • New canCoerce() utility function in "methods" package. • [pq]chisq() are considerably more accurate for moderate (up to 80) values of ncp, and lower.tail = FALSE is fully supported in that region. (They are somewhat slower than before.) • chol(pivot = TRUE) now gives a warning if used on a (numerically) non-positive-definite matrix. • chooseCRANmirror() consults the CRAN master (if accessible) to find an up-to-date list of mirrors. R News • install.packages() now does tilde expansion on file paths supplied as ’pkgs’. • install.packages() has additional arguments ’configure.args’ and ’clean’ which allow the caller to provide additional arguments to the underlying R CMD INSTALL shell command when installing source packages on a Unix-alike. • is.loaded() has a new argument ’type’ to confine the search to symbols for .C, .Fortran, .Call or .External: by default it looks for a symbol which will match any of them. It is now internal and not primitive, so argument matching works in the usual way. • The symmetry test for matrices used in eigen() has been “exported” as the ’matrix’ method of a new S3-generic isSymmetric(). • .leap.seconds and the internal adjustment code now know about the 23rd leap second on 200512-31: the internal code uses a run-time test to see if the OS does. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 56 • The ’col’ argument of legend() now defaults to par("col") (which defaults to "black", the previous default), so that the lines/symbols are shown in the legend in the colour that is used on the plot. • plot.xy() now takes its default arguments from the corresponding par() settings, so points(type="l") and lines(type="p") behave in the same way (and more obviously, also for type="b"). • log2() and log10() call C functions of the same name if available, and will then be more likely to be precise to machine accuracy. • poly() has a new argument ’raw’, mainly for pedagogical purposes. • new.packages() gains a ... argument to pass e.g. ’destdir’ to install.packages(). (Wish of PR#8239.) • nls() now supports ’weights’. • The class "POSIXlt" now supports fractional seconds (as "POSIXct" has always done). The printing of fractional seconds is controlled by the new option "digits.secs", and by default is off. • The vector passed as the first argument of the ’fn’ and ’gr’ arguments of optim() has the names (if any) given to argument ’par’. • postscript() supports family = "ComputerModernItalic" for Computer Modern with italic (rather than slanted) faces. • options(expressions) is temporarily increased by 500 during error-handling. This enables e.g. traceback() to work when the error is reaching the limit on the nesting of expressions. • The postscript()/pdf() font metrics for the 14 standard fonts (only, not the rest of the common 35) have been updated to versions from late 1999 which cover more glyphs. There are also a few differences in the metrics and hence the output might be slightly different in some cases. • page() accepts general R objects, not just names (and previously undocumented) character strings. This allows the object to be specified as a call, for example. More options are allowed in its ’...’ argument. • pairs() allows a wider class of inputs, including data frames with date and date-time columns. • par() and the in-line use of graphical parameters produce more informative error messages, distinguishing between non-existent pars and inappropriate use of valid pars. Graphical parameters ’family’, ’lend’, ’ljoin’ and ’lmitre’ can now be set in-line. There is no longer a warning if non-settable pars are used in-line, but there is an appropriate warning if unknown pars are passed. • The way families can be specified for postscript() and pdf() has been expanded to include CID-keyed fonts, with new functions Type1Font() and CIDFont() to set up such fonts families. • prettyNum() has new arguments ’preserve.width’ and ’zero.print’. When the former is not "none", as in calls from format() and formatC(), the resulting strings are kept at the desired width when possible even after adding of ’big.mark’ or ’small.mark’. • proc.time() and system.time() now record times to 1 ms accuracy where available (most Unix-like systems). The length limit for the ’family’ parameter has been increased to 200 bytes, to allow for the names of some CID-keyed fonts in multi-byte locales. • The initialization methods for the quasi() family have been changed to depend on the variance function, and in particular to work better for the "mu(1-mu)" variance function. (PR#8486) • The pdf() device now allows ’family’ to be specified in the same generality as postscript(). • read.table() gains a ’flush’ argument passed to scan(). • The pdf() device writes /FontDescriptor entries for all fonts except the base 14, and does not write font entries for unused fonts. • Plotmath allows ’vartheta’, ’varphi’ and ’varsigma’ (or ’stigma’) as synonyms for ’theta1’, ’phi1’ and ’sigma1’, and the help page has a note for TeX users. R News • require() now takes a ’lib.loc’ argument. • The second argument ’size’ to sample() is required to have length 1, so that errors when supplying arguments are more easily detected. • The default is now compress = !ascii in save() (but not save.image). ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 • scan() and write.table() now have some interruptibility, which may be useful when processing very large files. • A new heuristic test, seemsS4Object() is supplied, along with a similar C-level test, R_seemsS4Object(object). The test detects probable S4 objects by their class’s attribute. See the help page. • S3 classes can now be made non-virtual S4 classes by supplying a prototype object in the arguments to setOldClass(). • splinefun() returns a function that now also has a ’deriv’ argument and can provide up to the 3rd derivative of the interpolating spline, thanks to Berwin Turlach. • stopifnot(A) now gives a better error message when A has NAs, and uses "not all TRUE" when A has length >= 2. • str()’s default method has a new argument ’strict.width’ which can be used to produce strict ’width’ conforming output. A new options(str = list(strict.width = *)) setting allows one to control this for a whole session. • summary.nls() has a new argument ’correlation’ that defaults to FALSE (like summary.lm). • Sys.sleep() has sub-millisecond resolution on Unix-alikes with gettimeofday(). • Sys.time() now has sub-millisecond accuracy on systems supporting the POSIX call gettimeofday, and clock-tick accuracy on Windows. • The new function timestamp() adds a time stamp to the saved command history on consoles which support it. • New function tcrossprod() for efficiently computing x %*% t(x) and x %*% t(y). • The suffix used by tempfile() is now in hex on all platforms and guaranteed to be at least 6 hex digits (usually 8). • trace() now works more consistently and more like its documentation, in particular the assertions about old tracing being removed for new. For debugging purposes (of R) a mechanism for debugging the trace computations themselves was added. See trace.R. • The implementation of trace() has beem made more general by calling a function to do the trace interaction, and recover() now detects trace calls to trim the irrelevant code underneath. R News 57 • unserialize() can now also read a byte stream from a raw vector. • The useDynLib() directive in the NAMESPACE file now accepts the names of the native/foreign symbols that are to be resolved in the DLL for use in .C/.Call/.Fortran/.External calls. These can be used as regular R variables instead of the (routine name, PACKAGE) pairs currently recommended. Alternative names can be given for the R variables mapping to these symbols. The native routine registration information can also be used directly via useDynLib(name, .registration = TRUE). See the ’Writing R Extensions’ manual for more details. checkFF() (package ’tools’) has been updated accordingly. • validObject() has an option complete=TRUE that recursively checks the objects in the slots. Not used when new(...) checks validity. • New Vectorize() function, a wrapper for mapply(). • write.ftable() has gained an argument ’append = FALSE’ (thanks to Stephen Weigand). • On Unix-alikes, X11() now has arguments to request the initial position of the window, and ’gamma’ defaults to the value of getOptions("gamma"). These changes are consistent with the windows() device. • X11() and the Unix-alike data entry window can have properties (including geometry) set by X resources: see their help files. • xy.coords() & xyz.coords() now have NULL defaults for their ’y’ or ’y’ and ’z’ arguments. This is more consistent with their earlier documentation, and may be convenient for using them. • Non-syntactic names of list elements are now printed quoted by backticks rather than double quotes. • There is some basic checking for imminent C stack overflow (when the evaluation depth and the user interrupts are checked). On systems with suitable OS support (not Windows), segfaults from C stack overflow are caught and treated as an R error. New function Cstack_info() reports on stack size and usage. options(expressions) reverts to the default of 5000 now that stack checking is in place. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 • Package tcltk does not try to initialize Tk on Unix-alikes unless a DISPLAY variable is present. This allows packages dependent on tcltk to be installed without access to an X server. • The code used to guess timezone offsets where not supplied by the OS uses a different algorithm that is more likely to guess the summertime transitions correctly. • Package tools contains translation tables ’Adobe_glyphs’ and ’charset_to_Unicode’. • Changed the environment tree to be rooted in an empty environment, available as emptyenv(). baseenv() has been modified to return an environment with emptyenv() as parent, rather than NULL. • gettext has been updated to 0.14.5. 58 • Treatment of signature objects and method definition objects has been modified to give cleaner printing and more consistency in the treatment of signatures. A sometimes useful utility, methodSignatureMatrix(), is now exported. • R refrains from printing a final EOL upon exiting the main loop if the quiet flag is on and if the save action is known (e.g. this is true for –slave). Deprecated & defunct • The deprecated and undocumented use of atan() with two arguments has been removed: instead use atan2(). • write.table0() is defunct in favour of write.table(). • PCRE has been updated to version 6.4. • format.char() is defunct format.default(). • The method $.DLLInfo resolves the specified symbol in the DLL, returning a NativeSymbolInfo object. Use [[ to access the actual values in the DLLInfo object. • Support for the long-deprecated (and no longer documented) arguments –min-vsize – min-nsize –max-vsize –max-nsize –vsize –nsize of R CMD BATCH has been removed. • On systems with either vasprintf or both va_copy and a vsnprintf which reports the size of buffer required, connections such as gzfile() and bzfile() can now write arbitrarily long lines, not just 100000 chars. • The ’debian’ subdirectory has been removed from the sources. • The R session temporary directory is now set in C code using the same algorithm whether or not the shell front-end is used and on all platforms. This looks at environment variables TMPDIR, TMP and TEMP in turn, and checks if they point to a writable directory. • Some of the classical tests put unnecessary restrictions on the LHS in the formula interface (e.g., t.test(x+y ~ g) was not allowed). • On suitably equipped Unix-alike systems, segfaults, illegal operations and bus errors are caught and there is a simple error-handler which gives the user some choice as to what to do in interactive use. [Experimental.] On Windows access violations and illegal instructions are caught with a simple error handler. [Experimental.] • Tracebacks now include calls such as .C/.Fortran/.Call, which will help if errors occur in R code evaluated by compiled code and in tracebacks presented by the segfault etc handlers. R News in favour of • The ’vfont’ argument of axis() and mtext() has been removed: use par(family=) instead. • The unused graphical parameter "type" has been removed: it invited confusion with the ’type’ argument to default methods of plot(), points() and lines(). • nlsMethod() and profiler() are no longer exported from the stats namespace (and nlsMethod.plinear() is no longer registered as a method, as nlsMethod() was not generic). • The re-named tcltk functions tkcmd, tkfile.tail, tkfile.dir, tkopen, tkclose, tkputs, and tkread are now formally deprecated. • Argument ’col’ of bxp() is now formally deprecated. • Use of NULL as an environment is deprecated and gives a warning. • postscriptFont() is deprecated in favour of Type1Font() (which is just a change of name). • La.chol() and La.chol2inv() are deprecated (they have since R 1.7.0 been the same as the default options of chol() and chol2inv()). • La.svd(method = "dgesvd") is deprecated. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 • The use of install.R and R_PROFILE.R files in packages is deprecated: use the DESCRIPTION file instead to arrange to save an image or to load dependent packages. The following command-line options to INSTALL are deprecated (use the fields in the DESCRIPTION file instead): -s –save –no-save – lazy –no-lazy –lazy-data –no-lazy-data • Graphical parameter ’tmag’ (which is long unused) is deprecated. Internationalization A set of patches supplied by Ei-ji Nakama has been incorporated. • New postscript encodings for CP1253, CP1257 and Greek (ISO 8859-7). • Support for East Asian CID-keyed fonts in pdf() and postscript(). Although these usually contain Latin characters no accurate AFMs are available and so CID-keyed fonts are intended only for use with CJK characters. • Wide-character width functions wc[s]width are provided that overcome problems found with OS-supplied ones (and those previously used by R on Windows). This means that doublewidth CJK characters are now supported on all platforms. It seems that the width of some characters (and not just CJK characters) depends on which CJK locale’s fonts are in use and also on the OS. 59 • There are some message translations into Spanish. Installation changes • The encoding files for pdf()/postscript() have been moved to directory ’enc’ in package ’grDevices’. • Support for MBCS is only enabled if iconv is found and it supports enough conversions. (libiconv does.) • In an MBCS locale, make check now translates the graphics examples from Latin-1. This ensures that they will work correctly in UTF-8: it is possible that in other MBCS locales they will now fail (rather than work completely incorrectly). • There is a new test, ’test-Docs’, which as part of ’make check-devel’ tests the code in the documentation. Currently it runs doc/manual/R{exts,intro}.R and the compiled code in Rexts.c. • The workaround to allow an external LAPACK-containing BLAS such as libsunperf to be used with the internal LAPACK has been removed. If you have such a library you may now need to use –with-lapack. It is no longer possible to use some older versions of libsunperf, e.g. Forte 7 on 64-bit builds. • A substitute for mkdtemp is provided, so it is now always used for R_TempDir. Revised wide-character classification functions are provided for use on Windows, AIX and MacOS X to replace deficient OS-supplied ones. • Most of the functions checked for by ’configure’ also have declarations checked for in the appropriate header. • There is support for MBCS charsets in the pictex() graphics device, and rotated (by 90 degrees) text may work better. • The top-level documentation files AUTHORS, COPYING.LIB, COPYRIGHTS, FAQ, RESOURCES, THANKS have been moved to doc, and COPYING and NEWS are installed there. The file Y2K has been removed from the distribution. • The \u (and \U except on Windows) notation for characters which is supported by the parser in all MBCS charsets is now always interpreted as a Unicode point, even on platforms which do not encode wchar_t in Unicode. These are now a syntax error in single-byte locales. • The default encoding for postscript() and pdf() is chosen to be suitable for the current locale, if that is a single-byte locale which is supported. This covers European (including Greek) and Cyrillic languages. In UTF-8 locales, a suitable single-byte encoding is chosen for postscript() and pdf(), and text translated to it. • xfig() gains an ’encoding’ argument. R News • The extension .lo is no longer used in building R (only in the optional build of libRmath.so): this allows a considerable simplification of the Makefiles. • Direct support for f2c has been removed: it can still be used via a script which makes it look like a Fortran compiler. (src/scripts/f77_f2c is an example of such a script.) • There is a new flag SAFE_FFLAGS which is used for the compilation of dlamc.f. It is set by configure for known problem cases (recent g77 and gfortran), but can be overridden by the user. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 • The standard autoconf macros for large-file support are now used, and these are enabled unless –disable-largefile is specified. This replaces –enable-linux-lfs (and is now selected by default). • Visibility attributes are used where supported (gcc4/gfortran on some platforms, also gcc3/g77 on FC3 and partially elsewhere). The main benefit should be faster loading (and perhaps better optimized code) in some of the dynamic shared objects (e.g. libR.so and stats.so). • The *PICFLAGS are taken to be -fpic rather than -fPIC where possible. This will make no difference on most platforms: -fPIC is needed on Sparc (and still used there), but -fpic should give slightly better performance on PowerPC (although -fPIC is used on PPC64 as it is needed to build libR.so there). • More use is made of inlining for small utility functions such as isReal. Because this can only be done portably with C99 constructs (and we know of no actual implementation), this is only done for the GNU C compiler. • There is an experimental feature to allow shared installations of sub-architectures. See the R-admin manual. • All platforms now use R’s internal implementation of strptime, which allows fractional seconds. (The major platforms were already using it.) • The dlcompat work-around for old Mac OS X systems (<= 10.2) has been removed. External dlcompat must be installed if needed. Utilities • R CMD check now uses an install log by default. • R CMD check works for packages whose package name is different from the directory name in which it is located. • R CMD INSTALL now uses more randomness in the temporary directory name even on systems without mktemp -d. • R CMD f77 has been removed now that f2c is no longer supported. • The version string shown in the startup message and by "R –version", and that stored in variable R.version.string, are now in exactly the same format. R News 60 • The base name of a help file needs to be valid as part of a file:// URL, so R CMD check now checks that the names are ASCII and do not contain % . • R CMD check now warns about unknown sections in Rd files, and invalid names for help, demo and R files, as well as unlikely file names in the ’src’ directory. The latter is controlled by option –check-subdirs and by default is done if checking a tarball without a configure script. R CMD build excludes invalid files in the ’man’, ’R’ and ’demo’ subdirectories. • \usepackage[noae]{Sweave} in the header of an Sweave file supresses auto-usage of the ae package ("almost European" fonts) and T1 input encoding. Documentation • Rd format now allows \var{} markup inside \code{} and \examples{}. • Markup such as --, ---, < and > is handled better when converting .Rd files to [C]HTML. • There is new markup \link[=dest]{name} to generate a link to topic ’dest’ which is shown as ’name’, and \linkS4class{abc} which expands to \link[=abc-class]{abc}, for crossreferencing the recommended form of documentation for S4 classes. Package Installation • There is now some support for Fortran 90/95 code in packages: see ‘Writing R Extensions’. • Installation of man sources and demos is now done by R code. The restrictions on the names of help files, R files and of demos are now enforced (see ‘Writing R Extensions’). • Packages that contain compiled code can now have more than one dot in their name even on Windows. • The Meta/hsearch.rds database saved now contains LibPath="". This information is now always recreated when help.search() is run, but the field is retained for back-compatibility. • update.packages() now has a ’...’ argument to be passed to install.packages(), including the formerly separate arguments ’destdir’ and ’installWithVers’. • Make macros AR and RANLIB are now declared in etc/Makeconf for use by packages that wish to make static libraries. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 C-level facilities • qgamma and rgamma in Rmath.h now check for non-positive arguments. • The BLAS that ships with R now contains the complete set of double-complex BLAS routines, rather than just those used in R. has been corrected to add the missing double-precision BLAS functions drotmg and drotm, and to exclude lsame (which is a Lapack auxiliary function and is now declared in ). It also includes the double complex routines added for this release of R provided Fortran doublecomplex is usable on the platform. • and now declare all the entry points as ’extern’. • The flag SAFE_FFLAGS is made available to packages via etc/Makeconf and R CMD config. It can be used where optimization needs to be defeated, e.g. in LAPACK setup. • getNativeSymbolInfo has a withRegistrationInfo argument which causes the address field to be a reference to the registration information if it is available for that symbol. If the registration information is not available, the address is a reference to the native symbol. The default is FALSE which is backward compatible, returning just the address of the symbol and ignoring registration information. • errorcall and warningcall are now declared in (they might be needed in frontends). • R_FlushConsole and R_ProcessEvents are now declared in . • The R_Sock* functions supporting socket connections are no longer declared in R-ftp-http.h as they are not loaded into R itself, and are now hidden in the module’s DLL on suitable systems. Bug fixes • Quoted arguments to the R script after – args are now passed quoted to the R executable and so will be shown as expected by commandArgs(). (They were previously split at whitespace even inside quotes on Unix-alikes but not on Windows.) • axis() now supports pars ’xaxp’/’yaxp’ as inline arguments. R News 61 • sort() now does not return inappropriate attributes such as "dim" and "tsp": it only returns names. sort(x, partial=) no longer returns unsorted names, and drops names (since it is supplied for efficiency). • Use of non-central F in pf() gives accurate values for larger ncp. • R CMD build –binary does a better job of cleaning up after failure to re-make vignettes. • reg-test-1.R tested system(intern=TRUE) which depends on popen and so is not supported on all platforms. • Changed apparent mis-spelling of "Gibraltar" in dataset ’eurodist’. • sysconf() is now used to find the number of clock ticks/second: under some circumstances glibc reported CLK_TCK = 60 when the true value was 100. • identical() was not allowing for embedded nuls in character strings. (NB: the comparison operators including == do not, and never will.) • The profile() and profiler() methods for "nls" objects now support algorithm = "plinear" and algorithm = "port". • The signal handlers for signals USR1 and USR2 where not restored if the signal arrived when interrupts were suspended. • Certain combinations of S4 inheritance could cause inherited methods to override some directly specified methods. • Some cases of named signatures in calls to setMethod() caused errors. • all.equal() is now more consistent and "picky" about mismatching attributes, in particular names(); this is a part of the propositions by Andy Piskorkski (PR#8191). • load() when applied to a connection leaves it open/not as it found it, and checks explicitly for having a binary readable connection. • The p-values given by stat.anova() (called from several anova() methods) are now NA (rather than spurious) if non-nested models give rise to changes in deviance with a different sign from changes in degrees of freedom. • Built-ins were reported as the relevant call in Clevel error()s iff R profiling was in progress. Now they are never reported. • Too-long signatures (with no names) were not being caught in setMethod(). ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 • Slot names in prototype() are being more thoroughly checked. • signif() is more likely to follow the ’round to even’ rule for exactly representable numbers, e.g. signif(0.25, 1). (Related to PR#8452.) • nls() now works correctly with some lowdimensional fits, e.g. with one or zero nonlinear parameters. • glm() could give an inappropriate error message if all possible coefficients were invalid (e.g. a log-linear binomial model with no intercept and a not all positive predictor). • solve() gives clearer error messages for some incorrect usages. (PR#8494 and similar) 62 • nls(algorthm="port") was always taking positive numeric differences and so could exceed the upper bounds. • methods:::.asEnvironmentPackage() not allowing for versioned installs. was • .find.package() now reports which package(s) it cannot find in case it stops with an error. • The standard Unix-alike version of file.show() gives an informative message if it cannot open a file rather than the (possibly incorrect) ’NO FILE’. • window() did not allow non-overlapping ranges with extend = TRUE. (PR#8545) • The gaussian() family was missing the ’valideta’ component (which could be needed for the "inverse" link function). • pbinom(size = 0) now returns correct values (not NaN). (PR#8560) The starting values supplied by the gaussian family could be invalid for the "log" and "inverse" link functions. This is now reported. • [dp]binom(x, *) for x < 0 now always returns 0 (PR#8700). Analogous change in pgeom(), pnbinom() and ppois(). • data.matrix() did not work correctly on zerorow data frames. (PR#8496 and other problems.) • [dqpr]geom() and [dpqr]nbinom() now all consistently accept prob = 1 but not prob = 0. qgeom(prob=1) now gives the correct values (not -1). • The DSC comments in the files from postscript(onefile=FALSE) now label all files as having page 1 of 1, as some other software seems to expect that. • The axis labels chosen for logarithmic axis are now less likely to be linear and inappropriate (when the range is more than 10 and less than 100). (PR#1235) • Staircase lines (types "s" and "S") are now drawn continuously rather than a point at a time and so line types, mitring and so on work. (PR#2630) • Calling par(mfg) before doing any plotting resulted in NewPage never being called on the device, which in turn resulted in incorrect output for postcript() and pdf() devices. (Reported by Marc Schwartz in discussion of the non-bug PR#7820.) • terms.formula needed to add parentheses to formulae with terms containing ’|’. (PR#8462) • pbirthday() and qbirthday() now also work for very improbable events — those you are typically *not* interested in. • Only source help files starting with an upperor lower-case letter or digit and extension .Rd or .rd are documented to be processed. This is more liberal in that starting with a digit is now also allowed, but the rule is now enforced. R News • INSTALL on Unix-alikes was not loading dependent packages when preparing for lazyloading. • qcauchy(1) now gives +Inf instead of just a very large number. • df(0, f1, *) now properly returns Inf, 1, or 0 for f1 < , = , or > 2. • qbinom(), qnbinom() and qpois() now use a better search and normally reach the answer very quickly when it is large (instead of being slow or infinite-looping). • pt(x, df) lost accuracy in the far tails (when |x| > 1e154) for small df (like df = 0.001 for which such extremes are not unlikely). • dbeta(x, a, b) underflowed internally and incorrectly gave 0 for very small x and a. • None of the warnings about convergence failures or loss of precision in nmath (distribution and special functions) were being reported to the R user. • dnt was missing from standalone nmath (under Unix-alikes). • split() now accepts factors with numeric (but not storage mode integer) codes. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 63 • The utilities such as ’check’ now report active version numbers again, as SVN ’last changed revision’ numbers. • is(obj, Cl) could wrongly report TRUE when Cl was a classUnion and multiple inheritance was involved. • addmargins() did not accept a name for ’FUN’, only an expression. • confint[.lm / .default] used label "100 %" for level = 0.999 • ’+’ for POSIXt objects now takes the tzone from whichever object has it, so date+x is the same as x+date if x is numeric. • Empty entries (i.e., extraneous ",") in NAMESPACE files now give a better error message early at parsing time instead of a less comprehensible one later at load time. • mean.default() and var() compute means with an additional pass and so are often more accurate, e.g. the variance of a constant vector is (almost) always zero and the mean of such a vector will be equal to the constant value to machine precision. (PR#1228) sum(), prod(), mean(), rowSums() and friends use a long double accumulator where available and so may be more accurate. (This is particularly helpful on systems such as Sparc and AMD64 where long double gives considerably greater exponent range and precision than double.) • read.dcf() now gives a warning on malformed lines. • add1.[g]lm now try harder to use the environment of the formula in the orginal fit to look for objects such as the ’data’ and ’subset’ arguments. • gaussian()$aic was inconsistent with e.g. the lm results from AIC() and extractAIC() for weighted fits: it treated the weights as case weights and not variance factors. • system() on Unix-alikes ignored non-logical values of ’intern’ and treated ’intern = NA’ as true. • as.table() now produces non-NA rownames when converting a matrix of more than 26 rows. (PR#8652) • Partial sorting used an algorithm that was intended only for a few values of ’partial’ and so could be far slower than a full sort. It now switches to a barebones full sort for more than 10 values of ’partial’ and uses a more efficient recursive implementation for 2...10. • summary.glm() returned an estimate of dispersion of Inf for a gaussian glm with zero residual degrees of freedom and then treated that as a known value. It now uses the estimate NaN, which is consistent with summary.lm(). • Sys.sleep() on Unix-alikes was restricted to about 2147 seconds and otherwise might never have returned. (PR#8678) R News • all.equal(n1, n2) could erroneously return NA when n1, n2 contained large integers. • anova.mlm() didn’t handle multi-df effects properly in the single-model case (PR#8679) • anova.mlm() had its colnames mangled by data.frame() (needed check.names=FALSE). • summary.glm() gave an NA estimate of dispersion for fits with zero weights. (PR#8720) • qhyper() had too small a tolerance for rightcontinuity on some platforms so was not always an inverse to phyper(). • rownames<-.data.frame() tested the length(s) of the replacement value(s) before coercion, which can change the length (e.g. for class "POSIXlt"). Ditto dimnames<-.data.frame(). • max() and min() ignored the largest/smallest representable integer, as well as Inf/-Inf. (PR#8731) • write.table() assumed factors had integer codes: it now allows malformed factors with numeric codes (and otherwise throws an error). • Worked around a Solaris restriction which meant that Sys.sleep() was only effective for times of up to one second. • sink(, split=TRUE) now works correctly, but is allowed only on platforms that support va_copy or __va_copy. (PR#8716) • factanal(), prcomp() and princomp() now only check that columns in the model frame that will be used are numeric (they previously also checked columns which were part of negative terms in the formula). • Misuse of $ in apply could corrupt memory. (PR#8718) • apply() could fail if the function returned NULL (e.g. if there was a single row). • registerS3method() failed due to a typo. (It was almost never used.) ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 • Registering an S3 method for an S3 generic in another package that was converted to an S4 generic in the same package as the S3 method, registered the method in the wrong place. • Recall() used lookup for the function in use and so could fail if that was an S3 method not on the search path. • Rdconv -t Ssgm failed if it encountered \link[opt]{arg}. • uniroot() did not give a warning (as documented) if it failed to converge in ’maxiter’ steps. (PR#8751) • eapply (and as.list.environment) did not work for the base environment/namespace. (PR#8761) • Added protection in configure against systems for which using xmkmf fails to eport a C or C++ 64 compiler. • expand.grid() was constructing a data frame ’by hand’ and so setting integer row.names (which are documented to be character). It now sets character row names, and row.names.data.frame() coerces to character. • qbeta() used == on volatile doubles for its convergence test, which failed with gcc 3.3.x on ix86 Linux. We now use a less fragile test (and lose a negligible amount of accuracy). • ls.str() was missing inherits=FALSE, and so could have reported on an object of the same name but a different mode in the enclosure of the given environment. • logLik.nls assumed that sigma^2 had been estimated, but did not count this in the ’df’ attribute. Changes on CRAN by Kurt Hornik New contributed packages BayesTree Software accompanying the paper “Bayesian Additive Regression Trees” by Chipman, George and McCulloch (2005), see http://gsbwww.uchicago.edu/fac/robert. mcculloch/research. By Hugh Chipman and Robert McCulloch. BayesValidate Implements the software validation method described in the paper “Validation of Software for Bayesian Models using Posterior Quantiles” (Cook, Gelman, and Rubin, 2005). It inputs a function to perform Bayesian inference as well as functions to generate data from the Bayesian model being fit, and repeatedly generates and analyzes data to check that the Bayesian inference program works properly. By Samantha Cook. CTFS The CTFS Large Plot Forest Dynamics Analyses. By Pamela Hall. CVThresh Carries out a level-dependent crossvalidation method for the selection of a thresholding value in wavelet shrinkage. This procedure is implemented by coupling a conventional cross validation with an imputation method due to a limitation of data length, a power of 2. It can be easily applied to classical leave-one-out and k-fold cross validation. Since R News the procedure is computationally fast, a leveldependent cross validation can be performed for wavelet shrinkage of various data such as a data with correlated errors. By Donghoh Kim and Hee-Seok Oh. DescribeDisplay Produce publication quality graphics from output of GGobi’s describe display plug-in. By Hadley Wickham, Di Cook, and Andreas Buja. FLCore Contains the core classes and methods for FLR, a framework for fisheries modeling and management strategy simulation in R. Developed by a team of fisheries scientists in various countries. More information can be found at http://flr-project.org/, including a development mailing list. By the FLR Team and various contributors. Initial design by Laurence T. Kell & Philippe Grosjean. FactoMineR Exploratory data analysis. By François Husson, Sébastien Lê, and Jérémy Mazet. FortranCallsR Teaches how to implement Fortran Code calling R functions. By Diethelm Wuertz. FracSim Perform simulation of one- and twodimensional fractional and multifractional Lévy motions. By S. Déjean and S. Cohen. FunCluster Performs a functional analysis of microarray expression data based on Gene Ontology & KEGG functional annotations. From expression data and functional annotations ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 FunCluster builds classes of putatively coregulated biological processes through a specially designed clustering procedure. By Corneliu Henegar. GammaTest A suite of Gamma test analysis tools. By Samuel E. Kemp. GroupSeq Performing computations related to group sequential boundaries. The computations are done via the alpha sending approach i.e., interim analyses need not to be equally spaced, and their number need not to be specified in advance. It is appropriate for any trial based on normally distributed test statistics with independent increments, survival studies, and certain longitudinal designs. Among other things it computes critical boundaries for various spending functions and for prespecified power and drift. Confidence intervals are also obtained. The package provides this in a GUI and users have the option of graphical output of the results and/or saving designs into ‘.html’ file tables allowing further processing. By Roman Pahl. HSAUR Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the book “A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R” by Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006. The first chapter of the book, which is entitled “An Introduction to R”, is completely included in this package, for all other chapters, a vignette containing all data analyses is available. By Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn. JointGLM Joint modeling of mean and dispersion through two interlinked GLM’s. By Mathieu Ribatet and Bertrand Iooss. LoopAnalyst Tools to conduct Levins’ Loop Analysis. Loop analysis makes qualitative predictions of variable change in a system of causally interdependent variables, where “qualitative” means sign only (i.e., increases, decreases, non change, and ambiguous). This implementation includes output support for graphs in ‘.dot’ file format for use with visualization software such as graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org). Loop Analyst provides tools for the construction and output of community matrices, computation and output of community effect matrices, tables of correlations, adjoint, absolute feedback, weighted feedback and weighted prediction matrices, and feedback, path and loop enumeration tools. By Alexis Dinno. LowRankQP Routines and documentation for solving quadratic programming problems where the hessian is represented as the product of two matrices. By J. T. Ormerod and M. P. Wand. R News 65 PK Estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters. By Martin J. Wolfsegger and Thomas Jaki. QCA Performs the Quine-McCluskey algorithm for Qualitative Comparative Analysis, as described in “The Comparative Method. Moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies” by Charles C. Ragin, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. It currently handles about 8 conditions and one outcome. While theoretically it could handle more conditions, it requires a lot of computer resources and is memory hungry; future versions will have more functions to address this problem, as well as functions for fuzzy-set QCA. The package doesn’t currently handle missing values in the data, therefore it is not yet possible to perform simplifying assumptions. By Adrian Dusa. RBloomberg Fetch data from Bloomberg. By Robert Sams. RWeka An R interface to Weka (Version 3.4.7). Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks written in Java, containing tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. Both the R interface and Weka itself are contained in the RWeka package. For more information on Weka see http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/. By Kurt Hornik, with contributions from Christian Buchta, Torsten Hothorn, Alexandros Karatzoglou, David Meyer, and Achim Zeileis. RcppTemplate Package template illustrating the use of the Rcpp R/C++ interface class library. By Dominick Samperi. Rmdr R-Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR), a nonparametric and genetic modelfree alternative to logistic regression for detecting and characterizing nonlinear interactions among discrete genetic and environmental attributes. By Mounir Aout, with contributions from C. Wachter. StoppingRules Stopping rules for microarray classifiers. By Wenjiang J. Fu et al. (functions) and M. T. Mader (packaging). VDCutil The VDC system is an open source digital library system for quantitative data. This package supports on-line analysis using VDC and Zelig, accuracy, and R2HTML. By Micah Altman and Akio Sone. actuar Collection of functions related to actuarial science applications, namely credibility theory and risk theory, for the moment. The package also includes the famous Hachemeister (1975) data set. By Vincent Goulet and Sébastien Auclair. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 aplpack Functions for drawing some special plots: stem and leaf, bagplot, Chernoff faces, and an inspection of a 3-dimensional point cloud. By Peter Wolf. blockrand Create randomizations for block random clinical trials. Can also produce a PDF file of randomization cards. By Greg Snow. calibrate Draw calibrated scales with tick marks on (non-orthogonal) variable vectors in scatterplots and biplots. By Jan Graffelman. classInt Choose univariate class intervals for mapping or other graphics purposes. By Roger Bivand. clusterRepro Validate microarray clusters via reproducibility. By Amy Kapp and Rob Tibshirani. cocorresp Fits predictive and symmetric cocorrespondence analysis (CoCA) models to relate one data matrix to another data matrix. More specifically, CoCA maximizes the weighted covariance between the weighted averaged species scores of one community and the weighted averaged species scores of another community. CoCA attempts to find patterns that are common to both communities. Original Matlab routines by C.J.F. ter Braak and A.P. Schaffers. R port by Gavin L. Simpson. Function simpls based on simpls.fit from package pls by Ron Wehrens and BjornHelge Mevik. coxrobust Fit robustly proportional hazards regression model. By Tadeusz Bednarski and Filip Borowicz. crq Quantile regression for randomly censored data. By Stephen Portnoy, with contributions from Tereza Neocleous and Roger Koenker. cwhmisc A bundle of miscellaneous functions by Christian W. Hoffmann. Contains packages cwhmath, cwhplot, cwhprint, cwhstring, cwhstat, and cwhtool. data.table Data frames without rownames. The white book specifies that data frames must have rownames. This package defines a new class data.table which operates just like a data.frame, but uses up to 10 times less memory, and can be up to 10 times faster to create (and copy). It also takes the opportunity to allow subset() and with() like expressions for subscripting. By Matt Dowle. denpro Provides tools to visualize (1) multivariate density functions and density estimates with level set trees, (2) level sets with shape trees, (3) multivariate data with tail trees, (4) scales of multivariate density estimates with R News 66 mode graphs and branching maps, and (5) anisotropic spread with 2D volume functions and 2D probability content functions. With level set trees one visualizes mode structure, with shape trees one visualizes shapes of level sets of unimodal densities, and with tail trees one visualizes connected data sets. The kernel estimator is implemented but the package may be applied for visualizing other density estimates, which have to be setwise constant. By Jussi Klemelä. diveMove Functions to filter and summarize timedepth recorder (TDR) data, and miscellaneous functions for handling location data. By Sebastian P. Luque. doBy Facilities for groupwise computations. Søren Højsgaard. By drc Non-linear regression analysis for multiple curves with focus on concentration-response, dose-response and time-response curves used, for example, in environmental sciences, pharmacology, toxicology and weed science. By Christian Ritz and Jens Strebig. ecodist Dissimilarity-based analysis functions including ordination and Mantel test functions, intended for use with spatial and community data. By Sarah Goslee and Dean Urban. femmeR Plot and summarize results calculated by the modeling environment FEMME (Soetaert, 2002). By Henrik Andersson, Andreas Hofmann and Karline Soetaert. financial Time value of money, cash flows and other financial functions. By Lukasz Komsta. fuzzyRankTests Fuzzy rank tests and confidence intervals. By Charles J. Geyer. gamair Data sets used in the book “Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R” by Simon Wood, CRC, 2006. By Simon Wood. ggplot Grammar of graphics based plots for R. See http://had.co.nz/ggplot/ for more information. By Hadley Wickham. glmpath A path-following algorithm for L1 regularized generalized linear models and Cox proportional hazards model. By Mee Young Park and Trevor Hastie. grnnR Synthesizes a generalized regression neural network from the supplied training data, P(atterns) and T(argets). By Arnold Arrington. gsubfn Miscellaneous string utilities. Grothendieck. By G. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 haplo.ccs Estimates haplotype and covariate relative risks in case-control data by weighted logistic regression. Diplotype probabilities, which are estimated by EM computation with progressive insertion of loci, are utilized as weights. By Benjamin French and Thomas Lumley. hddplot Use known groups in high-dimensional data to derive scores for plots. Cross-validated linear discriminant calculations determine the optimum number of features. Test and training scores from successive cross-validation steps determine, via a principal components calculation, a low-dimensional global space onto which test scores are projected, in order to plot them. Further functions are included for didactic purposes. By John Maindonald. hdrcde Computation of highest density regions in one and two dimensions and kernel estimation of univariate density functions conditional on one covariate. By Rob Hyndman. hybridHclust Hybrid hierarchical clustering via mutual clusters. By Hugh Chipman and Rob Tibshirani, with tsvq code originally from Trevor Hastie. igraph Routines for creating and manipulating graphs, and graph visualization. It can handle graphs with millions of vertices and edges. By Gabor Csardi. km.ci Computes various confidence intervals for the Kaplan-Meier estimator, namely: Petos CI, Rothman CI, CI’s based on Greenwoods variance, Thomas and Grunkemeier CI and the simultaneous confidence bands by Nair and Hall and Wellner. By Ralf Strobl. knnFinder Finds the p number of near neighbors for every point in a given data set in O( M log M) time. By Samuel E. Kemp. kzft Functions implementing KolmogorovZurbenko Fourier transform based periodograms and smoothing methods. By Wei Yang and Igor Zurbenko. lmomco Implements the statistical theory of Lmoments including L-moment estimation, probability-weighted moment estimation, parameter estimation for numerous familiar and not-so-familiar distributions, and L-moment estimation for the same distributions from the parameters. L-moments are derived from the expectations of order statistics and are linear with respect to the probability-weighted moments. L-moments are directly analogous to the well-known product moments; however, Lmoments have many advantages including unbiasedness, robustness, and consistency with R News 67 respect to the product moments. This package is oriented around the FORTRAN algorithms of J.R.M. Hosking, and the nomenclature for many of the functions parallels that of the Hosking library. Numerous additional features are added to aid in extension of the breadth of L-moment application. Much theoretical extension of L-moment theory has occurred in recent years. E.A.H. Elamir and A.H. Seheult have developed the trimmed L-moments, which are implemented in this package. Further, recent developments by Robert Serfling and Peng Xiao have extended L-moments into multivariate space; the so-called sample L-comoments are implemented here. The supported distributions with moment type shown as L (Lmoments) or TL (trimmed L-moments) include the Cauchy(TL), Exponential(L), Gamma(L), Generalized Extreme Value(L), Generalized Lambda(L/TL), Generalized Logistic (L), Generalized Normal(L), Generalized Pareto(L/TL), Gumbel(L), Normal(L), Kappa(L), Pearson Type III(L), and Wakeby(L). By William H. Asquith. longitudinal General data structures and functions for longitudinal data with multiple variables, repeated measurements, and irregularly spaced time points. It also implements a shrinkage estimator of dynamical correlation and dynamical covariance. By Rainer OpgenRhein and Korbinian Strimmer. lsa Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). The basic idea of LSA is that texts do have a higher order (latent semantic) structure which, however, is obscured by word usage (e.g., through the use of synonyms or polysemy). By using conceptual indices that are derived statistically via a truncated singular value decomposition (a twomode factor analysis) over a given documentterm matrix, this variability problem can be overcome. By Fridolin Wild. lspls Implements the LS-PLS (least squares — partial least squares) method described in for instance Jørgensen, K., Segtnan, V. H., Thyholt, K., Næs, T. (2004) A Comparison of Methods for Analysing Regression Models with Both Spectral and Designed Variables. Journal of Chemometrics, 18(10), 451–464. By Bjørn-Helge Mevik. mapLD Measures linkage disequilibrium and constructs haplotype blocks using the method described in Gabriel et al (2002) and Wall & Prichard (2003). By Peter Hu and Jared Lunceford, with contributions from Xiang Yu, Bret Musser and Peggy Wong. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 68 monreg Estimates monotone regression and variance functions in a nonparametric model. By Kay Pilz and Steffanie Titoff, with earlier developments by Holger Dette and Kay Pilz. with nonresponse. This package streamlines the process of Raking by creating the special rake class, which is essentially a summary of the sample weights. By Toby Dylan Hocking. nltm Implements nonlinear transformation models (proportional odds, Gamma frailty, proportional hazards, ) for survival analysis, see Tsodikov (2003) “Semiparametricmodels: a generalized self-consistency approach”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 65, Part 3, 759–774. By Gilda Garibotti and Alexander Tsodikov. rankreg Obtain rank regression estimator for the AFT model with right censored data. Testing a given value of the regression coefficient and Re-sampling variance estimator can also be computed. By Mai Zhou; Splus original of aft.fun by Jin Zhezhen. numDeriv Accurate Numerical Derivatives. Paul Gilbert. By nws Coordination and parallel execution facilities, as well as limited cross-language data exchange, using the netWorkSpaces server developed by Scientific Computing Associates, Inc. By Nick Carriero with support and contributions from Gregory R. Warnes. pbatR A frontend to the PBAT software, automatically reading in the output from the pbat program and displaying the corresponding figure when appropriate (i.e., PBAT-logrank). Includes support for multiple processes. By Christoph Lange (PBAT) and Thomas Hoffmann (R interface). pcaPP Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit. By Peter Filzmoser, Heinrich Fritz, and Klaudius Kalcher. polyapost Generate dependent samples from a nonfull dimensional polytope via a Markov Chain sampler. By Glen Meeden and Radu Lazar. portfolio Classes for analyzing and implementing portfolios. By Jeff Enos and David Kane. pwr Power analysis functions along the lines of Cohen (1988). By Stéphane Champely. quantregForest Quantile Regression Forests is a tree-based ensemble method for estimation of conditional quantiles. It is particularly well suited for high-dimensional data. Predictor variables of mixed classes can be handled. By Nicolai Meinshausen. rJava Low-level interface to Java VM very much like .C/.Call and friends. Allows creation of objects, calling methods and accessing fields. By Simon Urbanek. rake Raking a survey data set entails re-weighting a sample by making the sample marginal totals agree with the population marginal totals for two survey response variables. Raking is a robust technique that is often useful for dealing R News rda Shrunken Centroids Regularized Discriminant Analysis for classification in high dimensional data. By Yaqian Guo, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. relaimpo Provides several metrics for assessing relative importance in linear models. These can be printed, plotted and bootstrapped. The recommended metric is lmg, which provides a decomposition of the model explained variance into non-negative contributions. There is a version of this package available that additionally provides a new and also recommended metric called pmvd. If you are a non-US user, you can download this extended version from Ulrike Groemping’s web site. By Ulrike Groemping. rggobi An interface from R to ggobi for programmatic dynamic, interactive visualization. By Duncan Temple Lang, Debby Swayne, Hadley Wickham, and Michael Lawrence. riv Finds a robust instrumental variables estimator using a high breakdown point S-estimator of multivariate location and scatter matrix. By Beat Kaufmann, with contributions from R. H. Zamar and G. V. Cohen-Freue. roblm Robust regression estimators. Salibian-Barrera. By Matias robustbase “Essential” Robust Statistics. The goal is to provide tools for analyzing data with robust methods. This includes regression methodology including model selections and multivariate statistics where we strive to cover the upcoming book “Robust Statistics, Theory and Methods” by Maronna, Martin and Yohai; Wiley 2006. By Valentin Todorov, Andreas Ruckstuhl, Matias Salibian-Barrera, and Martin Maechler, based on code by many authors, notably Peter Rousseeuw, Christophe Croux, see file ‘Copyrights’. rrp Random Recursive Partitioning method to match, missing data imputation and nonparametric classification and prediction. By S. M. Iacus. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 rtiff Read TIFF format images and return them as a pixmap object. Because the resulting object can be very large for even modestly sized TIFF images, images can be reduced as they are read for improved performance. This package is a wrapper around libtiff (http://www.libtiff. org), on which it depends. By using libtiff’s high-level TIFFReadRGBAImage function, this package inherently supports a wide range of image formats and compression schemes. It also provides an implementation of the Ridler Autothresholding algorithm for easy generation of binary masks. By Eric Kort. rv Simulation-based random variable object class. By Jouni Kerman. scope Calculate, per data frame row, a value that depends on information in a relevant subset of rows and columns. These functions create and refine scope objects, which identify relevant rows on a per-row basis. Columns can be aggregated within relevant scopes to aid identification of a row of interest, from which an arbitrary column value can be selected. By Tim Bergsma. scuba Dive profiles, decompression models and gas calculations for scuba diving. By Adrian Baddeley. seas Capable of deriving seasonal statistics, such as “normals”, and analysis of seasonal data, such as departures. This package also has graphics capabilities for representing seasonal data, including boxplots for seasonal parameters, and bars for summed normals. There are many specific functions related to climatology, including precipitation normals, temperature normals, cumulative precipitation departures and precipitation interarrivals. However, this package is designed to represent any timevarying parameter with a discernible seasonal signal, such as found in hydrology and ecology. By M. W. Toews. seewave Functions for analyzing, manipulating, displaying, editing and synthesizing time waves (particularly sound). This package processes time analysis (oscillograms and envelopes), spectral content, resonance quality factor, cross correlation and autocorrelation, zero-crossing, dominant frequency, 2D and 3D spectrograms. By Jérôme Sueur, Thierry Aubin and Caroline Simonis-Sueur. smatr Provides methods of fitting bivariate lines in allometry using the major axis (MA) or standardised major axis (SMA), and for making inferences about such lines. The available R News 69 methods of inference include confidence intervals and one-sample tests for slope and elevation, testing for a common slope or elevation amongst several allometric lines, constructing a confidence interval for a common slope or elevation, and testing for no shift along a common axis, amongst several samples. By David Warton, translated to R by John Ormerod. spgwr Functions for computing geographically weighted regressions based on work by Chris Brunsdon, Martin Charlton and Stewart Fortheringham, http://ncg.nuim.ie/ncg/ GWR/index.htm. By Roger Bivand and Danlin Yu. ssanv Functions to calculate sample size for twosample difference in means tests. Does adjustments for either nonadherence or variability that comes from using data to estimate parameters. By Michael Fay. sudoku Generates, plays, and solves Sudoku puzzles. The GUI playSudoku() needs package tkrplot if you are not on Windows. By David Brahm and Greg Snow, with contributions from Curt Seeliger and Henrik Bengtsson. surveillance A framework for the development and the evaluation of outbreak detection algorithms in routinely collected public health surveillance data. Currently contains an implementation of the procedures described in Stroup et al (1989) and Farrington et al (1996), a Bayesian approach and the method used at the Robert Koch Institute, Germany. Contains several real-world data sets and the ability to simulate outbreak data. By M. Höhle, C. Lang, and A. Riebler. tcltk2 A series of widgets (themed controls, tktable, combobox, multi-column list, etc.) and various functions (under Windows: DDE exchange, access to the registry and icon manipulation) to supplement tcltk. By Philippe Grosjean. tgp Bayesian semiparametric and nonstationary regression by treed Gaussian processes with jumps to the limiting linear model (LLM). Special cases also implemented include Bayesian linear models, linear CART, stationary separable and isotropic Gaussian process regression. Provides 1-d and 2-d plotting functions (with projection and slice capabilities) and tree drawing, designed for visualization of tgp-class output. By Robert B. Gramacy. truncgof Goodness-of-fit tests and some adjusted exploratory tools allowing for left truncated data. By Thomas Wolter. tsfa Extraction of Factors from Multivariate Time Series. By Paul Gilbert and Erik Meijer. ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 twang Functions for propensity score estimating and weighting, nonresponse weighting, and diagnosis of the weights. By Greg Ridgeway, Dan McCaffrey, Andrew Morral. untb Utilities for biodiversity data. Includes the simulation of ecological drift under Hubbell’s Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity, and the calculation of various diagnostics such as Preston curves. By Robin K. S. Hankin. wccsom SOM networks for comparing patterns with peak shifts. By Ron Wehrens. 70 Other changes • Packages fdim and sound were resurrected from the Archive. • Packages Malmig, nlrq and nprq were moved from the main CRAN section to the Archive. Kurt Hornik Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org R Foundation News by Kurt Hornik New supporting members Donations and new members Axel Benner (Germany) Gordon Blunt (UK) Christopher Brown (USA) Seth Falcon (USA) Jutta Gampe (Germany) Jerome Goudet (Switzerland) Philippe Grosjean (Belgium) Leopoldo E. Guzman (USA) Lorenz Gygax (Switzerland) Matthias Kohl (Germany) Ralph Leonhardt (Germany) A.I. McLeod (Canada) Katharine Mullen (Netherlands) Christophe Pouzat (France) Michael H. Prager (USA) Manel Salamero (Spain) Keith Satherley (Australia) Gordon Smyth (Australia) Arthur J. Stock (Canada) Matthew Wilkes (UK) Alejandro Veen (USA) Donations Christof Schramm (Germany) Gordon Blunt (UK) BC Cancer Agency (Canada) David Kinniburgh (UK) Richard Leeuw (USA) New benefactors Numbers Internation Pty Ltd, Australia Institute of Mathematical Statistics, USA New supporting institutions Department of Statistics, University of California at Los Angeles, USA Department of Statistics, Brigham Young University, USA Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung (MPI), Rostock, Germany Center für digitale Systeme, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Kurt Hornik Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org News from the Bioconductor Project by Seth Falcon On April 27, 2006 the Bioconductor project released version 1.8 designed for the 2.3 release series of R. This release brings 35 newly contributed packages for a total of 173 packages. The sustained increase in the number of contributed packages demonstrates that the ideas of “publishing software, R News not just papers about software” and “reproducible research” have been adopted by many bioinformaticians around the world. To help navigate the growing collection of packages, we’ve implemented a categorization system, inspired by Achim Zeileis’ and Kurt Hornik’s ctv package, called biocViews. The views generated by biocViews integrate Bioconductor’s three main ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 package repositories (software, annotation data, and experiment data) and provide users with assistance in finding packages appropriate for their analysis needs. You can see the views for yourself by browsing to http://bioconductor.org/packages/ 1.8/BiocViews.html. The views that a given package appears in are determined through the biocViews field in the package’s ‘DESCRIPTION’ file. Developers can control the categorization of their packages by setting the values of this field. Another new addition with the 1.8 release is a collection of microarray annotation support packages for Affymetrix GeneChips. These cdf and probe packages are produced by the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute (MBNI) at the University of Michigan. These new packages are fundamentally different from standard packages based on the Affymetrix probe set designations; each probe sequence is blasted against the current UniGene build and then filtered using a particular annotation source such as GenBank, Entrez Gene, ENSEMBL, or Tigr. Only those probes that blast to a unique genomic sequence are retained, so each probe set interrogates only one transcript. There are also packages designed for special situations such as analyzing chimpanzee samples with human chips, and packages with 3’ biased probe sets for analyzing samples that may contain degraded mRNA. A word of caution is perhaps in order. The results obtained using the new packages will be different from those obtained with the standard packages; despite the advantage of more up-to-date annotation source data, it is not clear that the results based upon the new cdf packages should be preferred. For more information, visit the MBNI web page http: //brainarray.mhri.med.umich.edu/Brainarray/ 71 Database/CustomCDF/genomic_curated_CDF.asp. Looking towards the 1.9 release, the core team will be working on improvements to allow Bioconductor to work with larger datasets and focusing on integrating new core classes that will allow representation of data from array-based technologies such as SNP and tiling arrays. To this end, we have begun a redesign of our annotation data packages to allow them to use SQLite rather than R environments as the underlying data storage mechanism. This will provide additional flexibility, a slight decrease in disk use, and a significantly smaller memory footprint. The SQLitebased annotation packages will have a compatibility layer that will allow most programs that work with the current annotation packages to continue to function without change. However, we recommend interested users to familiarize themselves with the RSQLite package. Many of our users are unable to process their microarray data on their current hardware due to memory limitations and we anticipate these problems to increase as more investigators attempt to process larger numbers of arrays simultaneously and as high-throughput technologies like SNP chips and tiling arrays become more popular. To address these issues, we will be working on bounded memory algorithms. As a starting point, we will implement a microarray normalization routine that will allow processing of an arbitrary number of arrays while requiring memory for just three arrays. Seth Falcon Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center sfalcon@fhcrc.org Forthcoming Events: DSC 2007 The fifth conference on Directions in Statistical Computing will take place in Auckland, New Zealand, on February 15 and 16, 2007. This conference will deal with future directions in (open source) statistical computing and graphics. A web page offering more information on DSC 2007 and on-line registration is available at http:// www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/dsc-2007/ Please send all abstracts to dsc-2007@stat.auckland.ac.nz. We hope to see you in Auckland! Call for Papers The organizing committee: Paul Murrell, Ross Ihaka, David Scott, and Thomas Yee. dsc-2007@stat.auckland.ac.nz We invite abstracts on topics presenting innovations or exciting applications of statistical computing. R News ISSN 1609-3631 Vol. 6/2, May 2006 Editor-in-Chief: Paul Murrell Department of Statistics The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland Editorial Board: Torsten Hothorn and John Fox. Editor Programmer’s Niche: Bill Venables Editor Help Desk: Uwe Ligges Email of editors and editorial board: firstname.lastname @R-project.org R News 72 R News is a publication of the R Foundation for Statistical Computing, communications regarding this publication should be addressed to the editors. All articles are copyrighted by the respective authors. Please send submissions to regular columns to the respective column editor, all other submissions to the editor-in-chief or another member of the editorial board (more detailed submission instructions can be found on the R homepage). R Project Homepage: http://www.R-project.org/ This newsletter is available online at http://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/ ISSN 1609-3631
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