SARA R4 / N4 AT Commands Manual
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SARA-R4/N4 series Size-optimized LTE Cat M1 / NB1 / GPRS modules AT Commands Manual Abstract Description of standard and proprietary AT commands used with u-blox cellular modules. UBX-17003787 - R09 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Document Information Title SARA-R4/N4 series Subtitle Size-optimized LTE Cat M1 / NB1 / GPRS modules Document type AT Commands Manual Document number UBX-17003787 Revision and date R09 15-Jun-2018 Disclosure restriction u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Products, names, logos and designs described herein may in whole or in part be subject to intellectual property rights. Reproduction, use, modification or disclosure to third parties of this document or any part thereof without the express permission of u-blox is strictly prohibited. The information contained herein is provided “as is” and u-blox assumes no liability for the use of the information. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time. For most recent documents, visit Copyright © 2018, u-blox AG u-blox is a registered trademark of u-blox Holding AG in the EU and other countries. UBX-17003787 - R09 Page 2 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Preface Applicable products This document applies to the following products: Name SARA-R404M SARA-R410M SARA-R412M SARA-N410 Type number SARA-R404M-00B-00 SARA-R410M-01B-00 Modem version K0. L0. Application version N.A. N.A. PCN reference UBX-17047084 UBX-17051617 SARA-R410M-02B-00 L0. A02.00 UBX-18010263 SARA-R410M-52B-00 SARA-R412M-02B-00 SARA-N410-02B-00 L0. M0.04.01 L0. A02.05 A01.04 A02.05 UBX-18020937 UBX-18019641 UBX-18020938 How to use this Manual The u-blox Cellular Modules AT Commands Manual provides the necessary information to successfully design in and configure the applicable u-blox cellular modules. This manual has a modular structure. It is not necessary to read it from the beginning to the end. The following symbols are used to highlight important information within the manual: An index finger points out key information pertaining to module integration and performance. A warning symbol indicates actions that could negatively impact or damage the module. Summary table The summary table on the top of each command section is a quick reference for the user. command_name Modules TOBY-L2 MPCI-L2 LISA-U110 LISA-U120 LISA-U130 LISA-U2 LEON-G1 SARA-G3 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Attributes full No No No Response time - Error reference - It is composed of two sections: • Modules: lists all the modules that support the command. The modules are grouped in rows by cellular standard (i.e. L for LTE high data rate (Cat 3 and above), R for LTE low data rate (Cat 1 and below), U for UMTS/HSPA, G for GSM/GPRS). In each row the modules are grouped by: form factor (i.e. SARA, LISA), platform technology (e.g. SARA-G), platform generation (e.g. SARA-G3), product name (e.g. SARA-G350) and ordering code (e.g. SARA-G350-00S). In example: if 'LISA-U2' is reported, the command applies to all the modules having LISA form factor, second chipset version provided with any release of firmware. • Attributes o Syntax - full: the command syntax is fully compatible among all the products listed in the "Modules" section - partial: the products support different syntaxes (usually backward compatible with respect to previous cellular standards) o PIN required - Yes: it is necessary to insert the PIN before the set and/or read command execution - No: the PIN insertion is not needed to execute the command o Settings saved - Profile: the command setting can be saved in a personal profile as specified in Chapter 1.2 - NVM: the command setting is saved in the non-volatile memory as specified in Chapter 1.2 - No: the current command setting is volatile and cannot be saved o Can be aborted UBX-17003787 - R09 Preface Page 3 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Yes: the command execution can be aborted if a character is sent to the DCE during the command execution - No: the command cannot be aborted during the command execution o Response time: estimated maximum time to get the final result code for the AT command execution. More precisely, the command response time measures the time from the complete acquisition of the command line to the issuing of the command result code. This kind of response time is generally lower than the time measured by the application on the DTE, because the issuing of the command on the DTE is influenced by the AT interface characteristics (e.g. the synchronous/asynchronous transfer type, the selected baudrate, etc.), by power saving and flow control, which introduce a variable latency in the command acquisition by the DCE. - For example, the maximum expected response time shall be extended if the communication with the module is carried out on a MUX virtual port, because in this case the command line and the result code are transferred via a specific protocol running on the physical port, that might introduce additional communication delay due to framing and retransmissions. Similarly, the maximum expected response time of AT commands accessing the SIM shall be extended if the module is using a remote SIM card via SAP instead of the local SIM card. If the response time for a command is left blank (actually "-"), it is an "immediate" response. It means that the command is executed without asynchronous requests to the protocol stack or the internal applications, which usually require time to be answered: the command execution is synchronous (implying that no long blocking processing is done) and lasts a negligible time (the command response is issued by the module in typically less than 10 ms, and in any case less than 1 s). The response time shall be extended if the issued AT command triggers a service that cannot be served immediately due to concurrent access to the same service or resource via AT commands issued on a different communication port or from internal applications; typical examples are registration commands and SIM access, that can be also autonomously triggered by the module (e.g. auto-COPS) and can therefore postpone the execution of the AT commands issued by the user. o Error reference: reference to the error result codes listed in the Appendix A u-blox Technical Documentation As part of our commitment to customer support, u-blox maintains an extensive volume of technical documentation for our products. In addition to our product-specific technical data sheets, the following manuals are available to assist u-blox customers in product design and development. AT Commands Manual: This document provides the description of the AT commands supported by u-blox cellular modules. System Integration Manual: This document describes u-blox cellular modules from the hardware and the software point of view. It provides hardware design guidelines for the optimal integration of the cellular module in the application device and it provides information on how to set up production and final product tests on application devices integrating the cellular module. Application Notes: These documents provide guidelines and information on specific u-blox cellular module hardware or software topics. See Related documents for application notes related to your cellular module. Questions If you have any questions about u-blox Cellular Hardware Integration, please: • Read this manual carefully • Contact our information service on our homepage • Read the questions and answers on our FAQ database Technical Support Worldwide Web Our website ( is a rich pool of information. Product information, technical documents and helpful FAQ can be accessed 24h a day. UBX-17003787 - R09 Preface Page 4 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual By E-mail If you have technical problems or cannot find the required information in the provided documents, contact the nearest of the Technical Support offices by email. Use our service pool email addresses rather than any personal email address of our staff. This makes sure that your request is processed as soon as possible. You will find the contact details at the end of the document. Helpful Information when Contacting Technical Support When contacting Technical Support please have the following information ready: • Module type (e.g. SARA-G350-00S-00) and firmware version (e.g. 08.49) • Module configuration • Clear description of your question or the problem • A short description of the application • Your complete contact details UBX-17003787 - R09 Preface Page 5 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Contents 1 AT command settings......................................................................................................11 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 General operation.............................................................................................................16 2.1 2.2 3 Multiplexing mode +CMUX............................................................................................................................ 19 General.................................................................................................................................21 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 5 Start up and initialization.............................................................................................................................. 16 AT commands types...................................................................................................................................... 16 IPC - Inter Processor Communication........................................................................19 3.1 4 Definitions..........................................................................................................................................................11 Storing of AT commands setting................................................................................................................ 14 S-parameters....................................................................................................................................................14 Manufacturer identification +CGMI.............................................................................................................21 Manufacturer identification +GMI...............................................................................................................21 Model identification +CGMM.......................................................................................................................22 Model identification +GMM..........................................................................................................................22 Firmware version identification +CGMR................................................................................................... 22 Firmware version identification +GMR...................................................................................................... 23 IMEI identification +CGSN............................................................................................................................23 IMEI identification +GSN.............................................................................................................................. 24 Identification information I.......................................................................................................................... 24 TE character set configuration +CSCS................................................................................................... 25 International mobile subscriber identification +CIMI.............................................................................26 Card identification +CCID........................................................................................................................... 26 Repeat last command A/............................................................................................................................ 27 Mobile equipment control and status.......................................................................28 5.1 Module switch off +CPWROFF.................................................................................................................... 28 5.2 Set module functionality +CFUN................................................................................................................ 28 5.3 Indicator control +CIND................................................................................................................................ 30 5.4 Configuration of indicator control +UCIND............................................................................................... 31 5.5 Mobile termination event reporting +CMER............................................................................................ 32 5.6 Clock +CCLK....................................................................................................................................................34 5.7 Set greeting text +CSGT.............................................................................................................................. 34 5.8 Automatic time zone update +CTZU........................................................................................................ 35 5.9 Report mobile termination error +CMEE.................................................................................................. 36 6 Call control.........................................................................................................................37 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 Dial command D.............................................................................................................................................. 37 Call answer A.................................................................................................................................................. 38 Hook control H................................................................................................................................................ 38 Automatic answer S0................................................................................................................................... 38 Network service............................................................................................................... 40 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 Subscriber number +CNUM..........................................................................................................................40 Signal quality +CSQ....................................................................................................................................... 40 Extended signal quality +CESQ...................................................................................................................42 Operator selection +COPS............................................................................................................................43 Radio Access Technology (RAT) selection +URAT..................................................................................45 Network registration status +CREG.......................................................................................................... 46 Network selection control +PACSP............................................................................................................ 49 Channel and network environment description +UCGED...................................................................... 49 Edit Verizon wireless APN table +VZWAPNE.......................................................................................... 54 Read RSRP values +VZWRSRP................................................................................................................. 56 UBX-17003787 - R09 Contents Page 6 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 7.11 Read RSRQ values +VZWRSRQ................................................................................................................. 56 7.12 eDRX setting +CEDRXS............................................................................................................................... 57 7.13 eDRX read dynamic parameters +CEDRXRDP....................................................................................... 58 7.14 Set MNO profile +UMNOPROF.................................................................................................................. 59 7.15 Band selection bitmask +UBANDMASK.................................................................................................. 60 8 Security.............................................................................................................................. 62 8.1 8.2 8.3 9 Short Messages Service............................................................................................... 66 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 10 Enter PIN +CPIN.............................................................................................................................................. 62 Facility lock +CLCK........................................................................................................................................ 63 Change password +CPWD........................................................................................................................... 64 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 66 Select message service +CSMS................................................................................................................. 66 Preferred message storage +CPMS...........................................................................................................67 Preferred message format +CMGF............................................................................................................68 Save settings +CSAS.................................................................................................................................... 69 Restore settings +CRES...............................................................................................................................69 New message indication +CNMI................................................................................................................. 70 Read message +CMGR................................................................................................................................. 73 New message acknowledgement to MT +CNMA.................................................................................... 75 List message +CMGL.................................................................................................................................. 76 Send message +CMGS.................................................................................................................................79 Write message to memory +CMGW........................................................................................................ 80 Send message from storage +CMSS....................................................................................................... 81 Set text mode parameters +CSMP........................................................................................................... 81 Delete message +CMGD............................................................................................................................. 82 Service center address +CSCA..................................................................................................................83 Read concatenated message +UCMGR...................................................................................................84 List concatenated message +UCMGL..................................................................................................... 86 Send concatenated message +UCMGS...................................................................................................89 Write concatenated message to memory +UCMGW...........................................................................90 More messages to send +CMMS...............................................................................................................91 Sending of originating data via the control plane +CSODCP.............................................................. 91 Terminating data reporting via control plane +CRTDCP.....................................................................92 V24 control and V25ter............................................................................................... 94 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 94 Circuit 109 behavior &C............................................................................................................................... 94 Circuit 108/2 behavior &D........................................................................................................................... 94 DSR override &S........................................................................................................................................... 96 Flow control &K.............................................................................................................................................96 DTE-DCE character framing +ICF.............................................................................................................98 DTE-DCE local flow control +IFC............................................................................................................... 99 Set flow control \Q..................................................................................................................................... 100 UART data rate configuration +IPR.........................................................................................................101 Return to on-line data state O............................................................................................................... 102 Escape character S2................................................................................................................................. 102 Command line termination character S3.............................................................................................103 Response formatting character S4.......................................................................................................104 Command line editing character S5......................................................................................................104 Pause before blind dialling S6................................................................................................................ 105 Connection completion timeout S7.......................................................................................................105 Command dial modifier time S8............................................................................................................ 106 Automatic disconnect delay S10............................................................................................................106 Escape prompt delay (EPD) S12............................................................................................................. 107 Command echo E......................................................................................................................................107 Result code suppression Q..................................................................................................................... 108 DCE response format V.......................................................................................................................... 108 Result code selection and call progress monitoring control X........................................................ 109 Reset to default configuration Z...........................................................................................................109 UBX-17003787 - R09 Contents Page 7 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 10.25 10.26 11 SIM management.......................................................................................................... 112 11.1 11.2 11.3 12 Firmware installation +UFWINSTALL..................................................................................................... 144 Firmware update Over AT (FOAT) +UFWUPD...................................................................................... 145 Antenna detection +UANTR..................................................................................................................... 146 Power saving control (Power SaVing) +UPSV....................................................................................... 146 End user test +UTEST............................................................................................................................... 147 Internal temperature monitor +UTEMP................................................................................................. 155 Power Saving Mode Setting +CPSMS.................................................................................................... 156 Power Saving Mode Assigned Values +UCPSMS................................................................................ 158 Set LWM2M FOTA URCs +ULWM2MSTAT..........................................................................................159 Cancel LWM2M FOTA Download +ULWM2M=0................................................................................ 159 LWM2M configuration +UFOTACONF.................................................................................................. 160 Last gasp configuration +ULGASP........................................................................................................ 161 GPIO..................................................................................................................................163 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 16 PDP contexts and parameter definition.................................................................................................. 119 PPP LCP handshake behaviour.................................................................................................................121 PDP context definition +CGDCONT......................................................................................................... 121 Packet switched data configuration +UPSD......................................................................................... 123 GPRS attach or detach +CGATT............................................................................................................. 128 PDP context activate or deactivate +CGACT........................................................................................129 Enter PPP state/GPRS dial-up D*............................................................................................................. 131 Show PDP address +CGPADDR............................................................................................................... 133 GPRS event reporting +CGEREP............................................................................................................. 133 GPRS network registration status +CGREG........................................................................................135 Manual deactivation of a PDP context H...............................................................................................137 UE modes of operation for EPS +CEMODE..........................................................................................137 EPS network registration status +CEREG...........................................................................................138 Delete non-active PDP contexts +CGDEL............................................................................................ 140 Configure the authentication parameters of a PDP/EPS bearer +UAUTHREQ............................. 141 PDP IP configuration when roaming +UDCONF=75........................................................................... 142 Enable/Disable data when roaming +UDCONF=76............................................................................. 142 System features...........................................................................................................144 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 14.11 14.12 15 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................115 Bearer Independent Protocol status indication +UBIP.........................................................................115 Read the USAT profile +CUSATR.............................................................................................................116 Write the USAT profile +CUSATW...........................................................................................................117 Enable USAT terminal URCs +UCUSATA............................................................................................... 117 Packet switched data services.................................................................................119 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 14 Generic SIM access +CSIM......................................................................................................................... 112 Read the SIM language +CLAN................................................................................................................. 112 SIM states reporting +USIMSTAT............................................................................................................113 SIM toolkit...................................................................................................................... 115 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 13 Set to factory defined configuration &F.............................................................................................. 110 Display current configuration &V...........................................................................................................110 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................163 GPIO select configuration command +UGPIOC.................................................................................... 167 GPIO read command +UGPIOR................................................................................................................ 169 GPIO set command +UGPIOW................................................................................................................. 169 File System..................................................................................................................... 171 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 File tags.......................................................................................................................................................... 171 Download file +UDWNFILE........................................................................................................................ 172 List files information +ULSTFILE............................................................................................................ 173 Read file +URDFILE.....................................................................................................................................174 Partial read file +URDBLOCK....................................................................................................................175 Delete file +UDELFILE................................................................................................................................ 175 Partial download file +UDWNBLOCK.......................................................................................................176 UBX-17003787 - R09 Contents Page 8 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 16.8 17 DNS................................................................................................................................... 178 17.1 18 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................180 IPv4/IPv6 addressing.................................................................................................................................. 180 Create Socket +USOCR..............................................................................................................................181 SSL/TLS mode configuration on TCP socket +USOSEC.................................................................... 182 Set socket option +USOSO...................................................................................................................... 183 Get Socket Option +USOGO..................................................................................................................... 184 Close Socket +USOCL................................................................................................................................186 Get Socket Error +USOER........................................................................................................................ 186 Connect Socket +USOCO.......................................................................................................................... 187 Write socket data +USOWR................................................................................................................... 188 SendTo command (UDP only) +USOST.................................................................................................190 Read Socket Data +USORD..................................................................................................................... 191 Receive From command (UDP only) +USORF......................................................................................192 Set Listening Socket +USOLI................................................................................................................. 194 HEX mode configuration +UDCONF=1.................................................................................................. 195 Set socket in Direct Link mode +USODL............................................................................................. 195 UDP Direct Link Packet Size configuration +UDCONF=2..................................................................197 UDP Direct Link Sending timer configuration +UDCONF=3............................................................. 197 Timer Trigger configuration for Direct Link +UDCONF=5................................................................ 198 Data Length Trigger configuration for Direct Link +UDCONF=6....................................................199 Character trigger configuration for Direct Link +UDCONF=7.......................................................... 199 Congestion timer configuration for Direct Link +UDCONF=8........................................................ 200 Socket control +USOCTL....................................................................................................................... 200 Configure Dormant Close Socket Behavior +USOCLCFG................................................................202 SSL/TLS......................................................................................................................... 203 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 20 Resolve name / IP number through DNS +UDNSRN.............................................................................178 Internet protocol transport layer............................................................................180 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 18.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 18.14 18.15 18.16 18.17 18.18 18.19 18.20 18.21 18.22 18.23 18.24 19 File system limits........................................................................................................................................ 177 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 203 SSL/TLS certificates and private keys manager +USECMNG..........................................................203 SSL/TLS security layer profile manager +USECPRF.......................................................................... 206 AT+USECMNG command example........................................................................................................ 209 Notes..............................................................................................................................................................210 FTP....................................................................................................................................211 20.1 FTP service configuration +UFTP............................................................................................................ 211 20.2 FTP command +UFTPC............................................................................................................................ 213 20.3 FTP error +UFTPER................................................................................................................................... 216 21 HTTP.................................................................................................................................217 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 22 HTTP control +UHTTP................................................................................................................................ 217 HTTP advanced control+UHTTPAC....................................................................................................... 220 HTTP command +UHTTPC....................................................................................................................... 221 HTTP protocol error +UHTTPER............................................................................................................. 223 GNSS...............................................................................................................................224 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.8 22.9 22.10 22.11 22.12 NMEA............................................................................................................................................................ 224 GNSS power management +UGPS........................................................................................................ 224 Assisted GNSS unsolicited indication +UGIND................................................................................... 226 GNSS profile configuration +UGPRF..................................................................................................... 227 Aiding server configuration +UGSRV.................................................................................................... 229 GNSS aiding request command +UGAOS............................................................................................ 230 Send of UBX string +UGUBX.................................................................................................................... 231 GNSS indications timer +UGTMR.......................................................................................................... 232 Get GNSS time and date +UGZDA........................................................................................................ 232 Get GNSS fix data +UGGGA.................................................................................................................. 233 Get geographic position +UGGLL.......................................................................................................... 234 Get number of GNSS satellites in view +UGGSV...............................................................................234 UBX-17003787 - R09 Contents Page 9 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 23 22.13 Get recommended minimum GNSS data +UGRMC..........................................................................235 22.14 Get course over ground and ground speed +UGVTG........................................................................236 22.15 Get satellite information +UGGSA........................................................................................................237 22.16 Ask for localization information +ULOC.............................................................................................. 237 22.17 Localization information request status unsolicited indication +ULOCIND................................ 240 22.18 GNSS sensor configuration +ULOCGNSS........................................................................................... 241 2 I C.................................................................................................................................... 243 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 24 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 243 I2C open logical channel +UI2CO............................................................................................................ 243 I2C write to peripheral +UI2CW...............................................................................................................244 I2C read from peripheral +UI2CR............................................................................................................ 245 I2C read from peripheral register +UI2CREGR.....................................................................................245 I2C close logical channel +UI2CC............................................................................................................ 246 MQTT.............................................................................................................................. 247 24.1 MQTT profile configuration +UMQTT.................................................................................................... 247 24.2 MQTT Will Topic configuration +UMQTTWTOPIC............................................................................. 250 24.3 MQTT Will Message configuration +UMQTTWMSG.......................................................................... 251 24.4 Save/Restore MQTT profile from NVM +UMQTTNV..........................................................................252 24.5 MQTT command +UMQTTC................................................................................................................... 252 24.6 MQTT error +UMQTTER.......................................................................................................................... 255 A Appendix: Error result codes.....................................................................................256 A.1 Mobile termination error result codes +CME ERROR...........................................................................256 A.2 Message service error result codes +CMS ERROR.............................................................................. 260 A.3 Firmware install final result codes.......................................................................................................... 264 A.4 FOAT error result codes.............................................................................................................................264 A.5 Internal TCP/UDP/IP stack class error codes........................................................................................ 264 A.6 Internet suite error classes....................................................................................................................... 266 A.7 MQTT error codes........................................................................................................................................270 B Appendix: AT Commands List...................................................................................275 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 C Parameters stored in profiles.................................................................................................................... 292 Parameters stored in non volatile memory............................................................................................ 293 Saving AT commands configuration....................................................................................................... 294 Estimated command response time....................................................................................................... 294 Multiple AT command interfaces............................................................................................................ 295 Appendix: UDP Direct Link workflow...................................................................... 297 C.1 Data from the IP network to the external port.......................................................................................297 C.2 Data from the external port to the IP network......................................................................................297 D Appendix: Glossary.......................................................................................................299 Related documents..............................................................................................................302 Revision history.................................................................................................................... 306 Contact.................................................................................................................................... 307 UBX-17003787 - R09 Contents Page 10 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 1 AT command settings u-blox cellular modules provide at least one physical serial interface that is compliant to V.24 [26]. When the module is powered on, it enters the command mode. For more details on command mode, see Chapter 1.1. For module and hyper terminal connection and settings see the corresponding evaluation kit user guide. 1.1 Definitions In this document the following naming conventions are used: • MT (Mobile Terminal) or DCE (Data Communications Equipment): u-blox cellular module • TE (Terminal Equipment) or DTE (Data Terminal Equipment): terminal that issues the command to the module • TA (Terminal Adaptor): the function, integrated in the MT, of supporting AT command interface according to the applicable standards • ME (Mobile Equipment): equivalent to MT, it is used to refer to the device itself regardless of the inserted SIM card The terms DCE and DTE are used in the serial interface context. SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 u-blox cellular modules can implement more than one interface between the DTE and the DCE, either virtual interfaces (multiplexer channels) or physical interfaces (UART, USB, SPI, etc., when available). Each interface works as specified by the followings definitions. If not differently stated, all the subsequent descriptions are applicable to each interface. Appendix B.5 describes the different behaviour among the interfaces in reference to the AT command interface. See the corresponding module data sheet for the list of available AT command interfaces. The DCE/MT interface can operate in these modes: • Command mode: the DCE waits for AT command instructions. The DCE interprets all the characters received as commands to execute. The DCE may send responses back to the DTE indicating the outcome of the command or further information without having received any commands by the DTE (e.g. unsolicited response code - URC). Any communication in the command mode (in both directions) is terminated by the command line termination character. • Data mode: the DCE transfers data after having sent the "CONNECT" string; all the characters sent to the DCE are intended to be transmitted to the remote party. Any further characters received over the serial link are deemed to be from the remote party, and any characters sent are transmitted to the remote party. The DCE enters data mode immediately after it makes a Circuit Switched Data (CSD) or Packet Switched Data (PSD) connection. • Online command mode: the DCE has a data connection established with a remote party, but treats signals from the DTE as command lines and sends back responses and unsolicited indications to the DTE. 1.1.1 Switch from data mode to online command mode It is possible to switch from data mode to online command mode (when a data connection is established) in the following ways: • with the escape sequence: for more details see the S2 command description • via a DTR transition: during data mode, the current DTR state is not important, but only its transition. Furthermore, only the DTR transition from ON to OFF is detected; it can be used to control the switch to online command mode, or to command mode (the data connection is released). For more details see the Table 6 and the Table 7 To switch back to data mode from online command mode the O command is used. For more details see also the &D command. 1.1.2 Command description The AT commands configure and enable the cellular module functionalities according to 3GPP normative and u-blox specifications. The AT commands are issued to the module via a hyper terminal through a command line and are described in the following sections. A general description of each command is provided including the functionalities, the correct syntax to be provided by the TE/DTE, the allowed responses and an example. UBX-17003787 - R09 1 AT command settings Page 11 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual The command description defines each named parameter with its type, its range (valid / acceptable values), the default value (when available) and the factory-programmed value (when applicable). For default value it is intended the value automatically set if the parameter is omitted and at the module power-on (if the command setting is not stored in NVM/profile). For factory-programmed value it is intended the value set at the module power-on when the setting is not modified respect with the manufacturer setting; it is valid for the commands that store the setting in NVM/profile. The summary table on the top of each command section and the Appendix B lists all the u-blox cellular modules that support that command. The example provided in the command description refers only to the handling provided by the command. It may be not valid for all the products which the document is applied to. The list of allowed values for a specific product is provided in the corresponding "Defined values" section. In this documentare intentionally omitted in the command syntax. If a parameter is omitted, no value will be inserted between the two commas indicating the interested parameter in the command line sent by the DTE. 1.1.3 Default values If the command parameters are optional, they can be left out in the command line. If not otherwise specified, the default values are assumed as follows: • For parameters of type Number, the default value is 0 • For parameters of type String, the default value is an empty string 1.1.4 Command line The AT commands are typically issued to the cellular modules using a command line with the following generic syntax: "AT" Where: • "AT": prefix to be set at the beginning of each command line • : command name string; it can have a "+" character as prefix • : string consisting of the parameters value following the syntax provided in this manual The following rules are used when describing the command syntax: o <...>: the name in angle brackets is a parameter. The brackets themselves do not appear in the command line o [...]: the square brackets represent the optional parameters of a command or an optional part of the DCE information text response. Brackets themselves do not appear in the command line. When a parameter is not given, the value will be set to the default value provided in the command description • Parameter types: o Number: positive and negative counting numbers, as well as zero {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,...}. o String: sequence of characters enclosed within quotation marks (" "). : command line termination character; the factory-programmed termination character is The maximum length of the command line is the maximum number of characters which can be accepted on a single command line (including the command line termination character). The command line is not case sensitive unless autobauding is enabled; in this case the prefix "AT" must be typed either as "AT" or "at"; other combinations ("aT" or "Ta") are not allowed. When writing or sending an SMS, Ctrl-Z or ESC terminates the command; is used between the two parts of the SMS (address and text). The serial interface driver generally does not allow a new command until the previous one has been terminated by "OK" final result code or by an error result code. In specific cases (see the abortability attribute), the command execution may be aborted if a character is sent to DCE before the command has ended. UBX-17003787 - R09 1 AT command settings Page 12 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Concatenation of AT commands More than one AT command can be entered on the same command line. The "AT" prefix must be provided only at the beginning of the command line. Each command must be separated by using a semicolon as delimiter only if the command has a "+" character as prefix. Example: ATI;+CGATT?;+COPS? If a command in the command line causes an error, or is not recognized as a valid command, then the execution is terminated, the remaining commands in the command line are ignored and an error result code is returned. If all the commands are correctly executed, only the "OK" final result code of the last command is returned. SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 Not all the commands can be entered with other commands on the same command line: +CMGW, +CMGS, +USOWR, +USOST, +UDWNFILE must be used by themselves. 1.1.5 Notes SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 • The maximum length of the command line is 1024 characters. • String parameter type limitations - The following characters are not allowed in the parameter string: o 0x00 (NUL) o 0x0D (CR) o 0x15 (NAK) o 0x22 (") o 0x2C (,) 1.1.6 Information text responses and result codes The AT command response comprises an optional information text string and a final result code that can assume the format as follows: • Verbose format: Information text response(s): Final result code: • Numerical format: Information text response(s): Final result code: where • is the command line termination character • is the linefeed character SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 The V AT command configures the result code in numeric or verbose format. The command line termination character can be set with S3 AT command. The linefeed character can be set with S4 AT command. Table 1 lists the allowed result codes. Verbose OK Numeric 0 CONNECT RING NO CARRIER 1 2 3 ERROR 4 NO DIALTONE BUSY NO ANSWER CONNECT 6 7 8 9 UBX-17003787 - R09 Result code type Description Final Command line successfully processed and the command is correctly executed Intermediate Data connection established Unsolicited Incoming call signal from the network Final Connection terminated from the remote part or attempt to establish a connection failed Final General failure. The AT+CMEE command configures the error result format Final No dialtone detected Final Engaged signal detected (the called number is busy) Final No hang up detected after a fixed network timeout Intermediate Same as CONNECT including also the data rate (data call). 1 AT command settings Page 13 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Verbose Numeric Command aborted 3000 Result code type Description In case of data/fax call, see Circuit 108/2, +++ behaviour for the different &D: summarizing table to return in command mode and disconnect the call. Final Command execution aborted issuing a character to the DCE Table 1: Allowed result codes SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 The AT commands can not be aborted, except if explicitly stated in the corresponding AT command description. Intermediate outputs as well as descriptive outputs of a command are formatted as information text responses; if more than one string has to be printed out (see for example the +CGDCONT command description), additional command line termination and linefeed characters may be inserted for sake of readability. If the command is not accepted by the MT an error result code will be displayed. The AT+CMEE command configures the error result code format as follows: • "+CMS ERROR: " for SMS-related AT commands • "+CME ERROR: " for any other AT commands where represents the verbose or numeric error result code depending on the +CMEE AT command setting. The most typical error result codes are the following: • If the command is not supported or unknown, either "+CME ERROR: unknown" or "+CME ERROR: operation not supported" is sent • If the command syntax is wrong, "+CME ERROR: operation not supported" is sent ("+CMS ERROR: operation not supported" for SMS related commands) The list of all the possible error result codes is available in Appendix A.1 and Appendix A.2. For some commands only the "ERROR" final result code is displayed and is documented in the command description. The proprietary AT commands supporting the following features implement a different error management and provide different error result codes: • Firmware update Over AT command and over the air: see the Appendix A.3 and Appendix A.4 • TCP and UDP connections, FTP and HTTP: see the Appendix A.5, Appendix A.6, Appendix A.6.1, Appendix A.6.2 The corresponding sections provide more details for retrieving the error result codes for these operations. 1.2 Storing of AT commands setting Several user settings may be stored in the cellular module's memory. Some are directly stored in the non volatile memory (NVM), while the others are organized into two personal profiles. The first profile is the default profile, whose data is by default loaded during the module's power on. Appendix B.2 lists the complete settings that can be directly stored in NVM and the corresponding commands. Appendix B.1 lists the complete settings stored in the profiles and the corresponding commands. SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 The module does not store the AT commands setting in the profiles. 1.3 S-parameters The S-parameters, as specified in ITU-T recommendation V250 [20], constitute a group of commands that begin with the string "ATS". They are generally indicated as S registers and are used to configure the way the module operates. Their syntax is: ATS ? ATS = The number following the "ATS" is the referenced S parameter. u-blox cellular modules support the following set of S-parameters ( ): UBX-17003787 - R09 1 AT command settings Page 14 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual AT command S0 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S10 S12 S Number 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 Description Automatic answer setting Escape character setting Command line termination character setting Response formatting character setting Command line editing character setting Pause before blind dialling setting Connection completion timeout setting Command dial modifier time setting Automatic disconnect delay setting Escape prompt delay setting If a other than those listed above is introduced, the S command returns an error result code (+CME ERROR: operation not supported). UBX-17003787 - R09 1 AT command settings Page 15 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 2 General operation 2.1 Start up and initialization The characteristics of the boot of the cellular device vary from module to module and are described in the corresponding System Integration Manual; during this phase the module might be not responsive on the AT interface until all necessary SW modules have been installed (e.g. USB drivers); monitoring of the greeting text, where supported, can help in detecting the successful end of the boot phase. A complete start up to be able to operate on the cellular network can take place only with a SIM card. If the SIM card has enabled the PIN check, some commands answer with "+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required" and most cellular functionalities are not started. After entering the required PIN via the +CPIN command, or if booting with a SIM with disabled PIN check, SIM initialization is carried out and a lot of SIM files are read: it is possible that some commands (e.g. phonebook AT commands) are affected by this preliminary phase, resulting in a temporary error response. 2.1.1 Auto-registration If the +COPS parameter in the profiles or in NVM is left to its factory-programmed value 0 or set to 1, after SIM initialization, all u-blox modules will automatically perform PLMN selection and registration for circuit switched/non EPS services as well as packet switched/EPS services. Auto-registration (sometimes called also "auto-COPS", not to be confused with automatic =0) will be triggered also at SIM insertion, for modules supporting SIM hot insertion, or at SIM driver recovery, occurring when the communication with the SIM card is re-established by the module after an unrecoverable error, caused e.g. by mechanical vibrations or electrical interference. If no SIM is inserted in the module, the module will anyway select a cell of the cellular network and try to maintain synchronization with it in limited service. The radio access technology selected by the module at start up is defined by the parameter of the +URAT command; afterwards the module will reselect the RAT based on the requirements of the cellular standards it complies with and it is not possible to force it to remain in a given RAT unless it is locked on it via +URAT or on a specific cell via +UCELLLOCK (if supported). The user can retrieve the result of the auto-registration by polling the registration status commands (e.g. +CREG/+CGREG/+CEREG/+CIREG) or enabling their unsolicited notifications. If auto-COPS is running, at boot time or at SIM insertion, network service commands issued by the user might have a longer response time than expected; this is particularly visible when the module is switched on in a jammed condition, or with a roaming SIM card that shall perform several registration attempts before gaining access to a VPLMN. In case of failures of the automatic registration whose cause cannot be retrieved via +CEER, it is suggested to disable auto-COPS starting the module in +COPS:2 or in airplane mode +CFUN:4 and trigger registration with AT commands. 2.1.2 Operational restrictions Operational restrictions may derive from several settings: PIN required, SIM lock, invalidation of the IMEI or SIM credentials by the Mobile Network Operator (MNO) during the registration procedure, FDN enabled. Restrictions to access the network are also applied by the module in any one of these conditions: • In eCall only state (for all modules supporting the eCall feature) • In minimum functionality power modes (+CFUN: 0, +CFUN: 4, +CFUN: 19, +CFUN: 127), and even if the module is restarted in +CFUN: 4 or +CFUN: 19 modes, because they are persistent In case the module is in operational restricted state, it may reject all or specific service requests (e.g. operator selection, connection establishment). 2.2 AT commands types 2.2.1 Action command An action command forces the DCE to print information text or execute a specific action for the command. A typical example of this command type is the provision of the factory-programmed settings of the DCE like manufacturer name, firmware version, etc. UBX-17003787 - R09 2 General operation Page 16 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 2.2.2 Set command A set command configures the preferred settings for the specified command. The set command is the only way to set the preferred settings in the DCE. For some commands it is possible to store the current settings in the profile or in the non volatile memory and retrieve them in another connection. 2.2.3 Read command A read command provides the current setting of the command parameters. It is used to find out the current command configuration. 2.2.4 Test command A test command provides the list of the values allowed by each parameter of the command. 2.2.5 Unsolicited Result Code (URC) An unsolicited result code is a string message (provided by the DCE) that is not triggered as a information text response to a previous AT command and can be output, when enabled, at any time to inform the DTE of a specific event or status change. The URC can have the same name of the command that enables it (e.g. +CREG) or can be enabled by another command (e.g. the +CMTI URC must be enabled by AT+CNMI AT command). URCs presentation deferring Since the URCs are text responses issued by the DCE without being requested by the DTE, their occurrence is completely uncorrelated to an AT command execution. Therefore, a collision between a URC and an AT command response might occur and it may lead the DTE to misunderstand the URC as part of the AT command's text response or viceversa. The module avoids this collision by delaying the URCs presentation in case the AT command interface is busy. The AT command interface can be busy in the following cases: • During a data call (data mode) • During the execution of an AT command in command or online command mode The command execution starts when the command line is completed by the command line termination character and the AT interpreter in the module accepts it; the command execution ends when the final result code for the command is sent out. Inside this period, the module is not allowed to send the not buffered URCs. For most of the messages, the DCE needs to be configured whether or not to send a URC. After enabling, for most of the URCs, if the AT command interface is busy, the pending URCs are buffered and their sending to the DCE is deferred. The RING indication is always generated as an unsolicited result code. The NO CARRIER indication is generated as an unsolicited result code when it has not to be considered the final response for the executing command (e.g.: ATH); in case it is handled as an unsolicited result code, it follows the rule of the other URCs. Generally, the buffered URCs are sent to the terminal as soon as the terminal exits the data mode or the command execution is terminated. An exception to this behavior is implemented for the following URCs classes: Class Reception of a new SMS related URCs +CIEV URCs AT command to configure the class AT+CNMI AT command AT+CMER AT command For the above classes, it is possible to select the presentation strategy in case of AT interface busy according the 3GPP TS 27.007 [2]; the buffering or discarding are the two possible choices (URCs are lost in the latter case). This is done by means of the corresponding AT command (see the AT command listed in the table above). If the URCs are enabled or for the three described classes of URCs, the buffered URCs are sent out only when the AT interface is in idle again; this occurs as soon as: • The data mode is released (the data call is disconnected) • The final result code for an AT command is issued The DTE should wait some time (the recommended value is at least 20 ms) after the reception of an AT command final result code or URC before issuing a new AT command to give the DCE the opportunity to UBX-17003787 - R09 2 General operation Page 17 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual transmit the buffered URCs. Otherwise the collision of the URCs with the subsequent AT command is still possible. In case multiple AT interfaces are available, it should be advisable to use one of the different AT interfaces to manage all the user enabled URCs, while use the others ones to send AT commands and receive their responses. Anyway URCs related to external causes (e.g. RING) are issued on all interfaces. 2.2.6 Intermediate Result Code (IRC) An intermediate result code is a string message (provided by the DCE) which provides to the DTE some information about the processing status of the pending AT command. UBX-17003787 - R09 2 General operation Page 18 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 3 IPC - Inter Processor Communication 3.1 Multiplexing mode +CMUX +CMUX Modules SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time partial No No No - Attributes Error reference +CME Error 3.1.1 Description Enables the multiplexing protocol control channel as defined in 3GPP TS 27.010 [46]. The command sets the parameters for the control channel. The result code is returned using the old interface speed. The parameters become active only after sending the OK result code. The usage of +CMUX command during the multiplexing is not allowed. The multiplexer configuration is as follows: Channel Control channel SARA-R404M-00B / SARA-R410 Channel 0 M-01B SARA-R410M-02B / SARA-R410M- Channel 0 52B / SARA-N4 AT commands / data GNSS tunneling connection Channel 1 - 3 Channel 1 - 2 SAP (SIM Access Profile) Channel 3 Table 2: Multiplexer configuration 3.1.2 Syntax Type Set Read Syntax AT+CMUX= [, [, [, [, [, [, [, [, ]]]]]]] AT+CMUX? Test AT+CMUX=? Response OK Example AT+CMUX=0,0,,1500,50,3,90 OK +CMUX: ,[ ], , , , , , OK [, ] OK +CMUX: (list of supported +CMUX: (0),(0),,(1-1509),(1-255),(0 s),(list of supported 5),(2-255),, s),(list of supported s),(list of supported s), (list of supported s),(list of supported s),(list of supported s),(list of supported s), (list of supported s) OK 3.1.3 Defined values Parameter Type Number Number Number UBX-17003787 - R09 Description Multiplexer transparency mechanism: • 0: basic option The way in which the multiplexer control channel is set up: • 0 (default value): UIH frames used only • 1: UI frames used only See Notes for the parameter applicability. Transmission rate. The allowed range is 0-7. 3 IPC - Inter Processor Communication Page 19 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Parameter Type Number Number Number Number Number Number Description This parameter is ignored and the value 0 is always displayed in case of read command. Maximum frame size: • Allowed range is 1-1509. • The default value is 31. Acknowledgement timer in units of ten milliseconds. The allowed range is 1-255. This parameter is ignored and the value 253 is always set. Maximum number of re-transmissions: • Allowed range is 0-5. • The default value is 3. Response timer for the multiplexer control channel in units of ten milliseconds. The allowed range is 2-255. This parameter is ignored and the value 254 is always set. Wake up response timer. The allowed range is 0-255. This parameter is ignored and the value 0 is always displayed in case of the read command. Window size, for advanced operation with Error Recovery options. The allowed range is 0-255. This parameter is ignored and the value 0 is always displayed in case of the read command. 3.1.4 Notes • • • If the multiplexer protocol is not started (the +CMUX set command has not been issued or returned an error result code) and AT+CMEE is set to 2, the +CMUX read command returns the following error result code: +CME ERROR: operation not allowed. For complete compatibility between u-blox products, leave the unsupported/unused parameters blank (which are reported as blank by the +CMUX test command). must be lower than or equal to . SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 • can only assume the value 0. • , , values are ignored, since the related timers are not implemented. • The command is only supported on the UART interface. It cannot be used on the USB port. UBX-17003787 - R09 3 IPC - Inter Processor Communication Page 20 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 4 General 4.1 Manufacturer identification +CGMI +CGMI Modules SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Attributes Error reference +CME Error 4.1.1 Description Text string identifying the manufacturer. 4.1.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+CGMI Response Example u-blox AT+CGMI=? OK OK OK Test 4.1.3 Defined values Parameter Type String Description Manufacturer name 4.2 Manufacturer identification +GMI +GMI Modules SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Attributes Error reference +CME Error 4.2.1 Description Text string identifying the manufacturer. 4.2.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+GMI Response Example u-blox OK OK 4.2.3 Defined values Parameter UBX-17003787 - R09 Type String Description Manufacturer name 4 General Page 21 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 4.3 Model identification +CGMM +CGMM Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.3.1 Description Text string identifying the model identification. 4.3.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+CGMM Response Example LISA-U200 AT+CGMM=? OK OK OK Test 4.3.3 Defined values Parameter Type String Description Name of model 4.4 Model identification +GMM +GMM Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.4.1 Description Text string identifying the model identification. 4.4.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+GMM Response Example LISA-U120 OK OK 4.4.3 Defined values Parameter Type String Description Name of model 4.5 Firmware version identification +CGMR +CGMR Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.5.1 Description Returns the firmware version of the module. UBX-17003787 - R09 4 General Page 22 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 4.5.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+CGMR Response Example 11.40 AT+CGMR=? OK OK OK Test 4.5.3 Defined values Parameter Type String Description Firmware version 4.6 Firmware version identification +GMR +GMR Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.6.1 Description Returns the firmware version of the module. 4.6.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+GMR Response Example 11.40 OK OK 4.6.3 Defined values Parameter Type String Description Firmware version 4.7 IMEI identification +CGSN +CGSN Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time partial No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.7.1 Description Returns the product serial number, the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of the MT. 4.7.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+CGSN[= ] Response Example 004999010640000 Test AT+CGSN=? OK +CGSN: (list of supported s) OK +CGSN: (0-3,255) OK OK 4.7.3 Defined values Parameter UBX-17003787 - R09 Type String Description Serial number, by default the IMEI 4 General Page 23 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Parameter Type Number Description It indicates the requested serial number type. Depending on value, the parameter in the information text response provides different information: • 0 (default value): International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) • 1: International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) • 2: International Mobile station Equipment Identity and Software Version number (IMEISV) • 3: Software Version Number (SVN) • 255: IMEI (not including the spare digit), the check digit and the SVN 4.7.4 Notes SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 • The parameter is not supported. • The response to the test command does not provide the information text response. 4.8 IMEI identification +GSN +GSN Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.8.1 Description The commands handling is the same of +CGSN. 4.8.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+GSN[= ] Response Example 004999010640000 AT+GSN=? OK OK OK Test 4.8.3 Defined values See +CGSN AT command. 4.9 Identification information I I Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time partial No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.9.1 Description Returns some module information as the module type number and some details about the firmware version. The information text response of ATI9 contains the modem version and the application version of the module where applicable; it returns "Undefined" where not applicable. 4.9.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax Ordering code request ATI[0] Response Example ATI0 OK SARA-G350-00S-00 OK UBX-17003787 - R09 4 General Page 24 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Type Syntax Modem and application version request ATI9 Response , OK Example ATI9 29.90,A01.00 OK 4.9.3 Defined values Parameter Type String String String Description Product type number Module modem version Module application version. Where not applicable the module provides "Undefined" 4.10 TE character set configuration +CSCS +CSCS Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.10.1 Description Selects the TE character set. The selected character set is actually used for encoding/decoding of only the AT commands' string type parameters whose description explicitly references the +CSCS setting itself. 4.10.2 Syntax Type Set Syntax AT+CSCS= Response OK Example AT+CSCS="IRA" Read AT+CSCS? +CSCS: OK +CSCS: "IRA" Test AT+CSCS=? OK OK +CSCS: (list of supported 's) +CSCS: ("IRA","GSM","PCCP437", "8859-1","UCS2","HEX") OK OK 4.10.3 Defined values Parameter Type String Description • • • • • • UBX-17003787 - R09 "IRA" (factory-programmed value): International Reference Alphabet (ITU-T T.50) "GSM": GSM default alphabet (3GPP TS 23.038) "PCCP437": PC character set Code Page 437 "8859-1": ISO 8859 Latin 1 character set "UCS2": 16-bit universal multiple-octet coded character set (USO/IEC10646); UCS2 character strings are converted to hexadecimal numbers from 0000 to FFFF; e.g. "004100620063" equals three 16-bit characters with decimal values 65, 98 and 99 "HEX": character strings consist only of hexadecimal numbers from 00 to FF; e.g. "032FE6" equals three 8-bit characters with decimal values 3, 47 and 230; no conversions to the original MT character set shall be done 4 General Page 25 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 4.11 International mobile subscriber identification +CIMI +CIMI Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full Yes No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.11.1 Description Request the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity). 4.11.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+CIMI Response Example 222107701772423 AT+CIMI=? OK OK OK Test 4.11.3 Defined values Parameter Type Number Description International Mobile Subscriber Identity 4.12 Card identification +CCID +CCID Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.12.1 Description Returns the ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card ID) of the SIM-card. ICCID is a serial number identifying the SIM. 4.12.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax AT+CCID Response +CCID: Example +CCID: 8939107800023416395 Read AT+CCID? OK +CCID: OK +CCID: 8939107900010087330 AT+CCID=? OK OK OK Test 4.12.3 Defined values Parameter Type String Description ICCID of the SIM card 4.12.4 Notes • The command needs of the SIM to correctly work. UBX-17003787 - R09 4 General Page 26 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 4.13 Repeat last command A/ A/ Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 4.13.1 Description Repeats the previously executed command again. Only the A/ command cannot be repeated. If autobauding is active, the MT is not able to recognize the command and the command A/ cannot be used. 4.13.2 Syntax Type Action Syntax A/ UBX-17003787 - R09 Response Example 4 General Page 27 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 5 Mobile equipment control and status 5.1 Module switch off +CPWROFF +CPWROFF Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No < 40 s Error reference +CME Error 5.1.1 Description Switches off the MT. During shut-down current settings are saved in module's non-volatile memory. Using this command can result in the following command line being ignored. See the corresponding System Integration Manual for the timing and the electrical details of the module power-off sequence via the +CPWROFF command. 5.1.2 Syntax Type Action Test Syntax AT+CPWROFF AT+CPWROFF=? Response OK OK Example 5.2 Set module functionality +CFUN +CFUN Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time partial No No No Up to 3 min Error reference +CME Error 5.2.1 Description Selects the level of functionality in the MT. SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 If the syntax +CFUN=15 or +CFUN=16 (resets) or +CFUN=127 is used, the rest of the command line, placed after that will be ignored. SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 A SW reset via AT+CFUN=1,1 triggers signalling attempts whose number is internally counted by the SW and limited based on mobile network operators' thresholds. The AT&T RPM feature (see also the +URPM AT command) limits the number of SW resets per hour, and might cause the AT command to return an error result code. 5.2.2 Syntax Type Set Syntax AT+CFUN= [, ] Response OK Read AT+CFUN? +CFUN: , Test AT+CFUN=? Example AT+CFUN=1 OK +CFUN: 1,0 OK OK +CFUN: (list of supported 's), (list of supported 's) +CFUN: (0,1,4,6,7,8,15,16),(0-1) OK OK UBX-17003787 - R09 5 Mobile equipment control and status Page 28 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 5.2.3 Defined values Parameter Type Number Description Selected functionality: • 0: sets the MT to minimum functionality (disable both transmit and receive RF circuits by deactivating both CS and PS services) • 1 (factory-programmed value): sets the MT to full functionality, e.g. from airplane mode or minimum functionality • 4: disables both transmit and receive RF circuits by deactivating both CS and PS services and sets the MT into airplane mode. Airplane mode is persistent between power cycles triggered by +CFUN=16 or +CPWROFF (where supported) • 6: enables the SIM-toolkit interface in dedicated mode and fetching of proactive commands by SIM-APPL from the SIM-card • 7 or 8: disables the SIM-toolkit interface and fetching of proactive commands by SIM-APPL from the SIM-card • 9: enables the SIM-toolkit interface in raw mode and fetching of proactive commands by SIM-APPL from the SIM-card • 15: MT silent reset (with detach from network and saving of NVM parameters), without reset of the SIM card • 16: MT silent reset (with detach from network and saving of NVM parameters), with reset of the SIM card • 19: sets the MT to minimum functionality by deactivating CS and PS services and the SIM card • 127: sets the MT in a deep low power state "HALT" (with detach from the network and saving of the NVM parameters); the only way to wake up the module is a power cycle or a module reset Reset mode. This parameter can be used only when is 1, 4 or 19. • 0 (default value): do not reset the MT before setting it to the selected • 1: performs a MT silent reset (with detach from network and saving of NVM parameters) with reset of the SIM card before setting it to the selected Number Number • • • • 0: MT is switched on with minimum functionality 1: MT is switched on 4: MT is in "airplane mode" 19: MT is in minimum functionality with SIM deactivated Number • 6: the SIM-toolkit interface in dedicated mode and fetching of proactive commands by SIM-APPL from the SIM-card are enabled 0, 7 or 8: the SIM-toolkit interface is disabled; fetching of proactive commands by SIM-APPL from the SIM-card is enabled 9: the SIM-toolkit interface in raw mode and fetching of proactive commands by SIM-APPL from the SIM-card are enabled • • 5.2.4 Notes SARA-R4 / SARA-N4 • =16, 19 and 127 are not supported. • =5 is returned in the information text response to the read command if the device is in Factory Test Mode (FTM). • =15 resets the SIM card. • To reset the module issue the AT+CFUN=15 command. SARA-R404M / SARA-R410M-01B • =6, 7, 8 and 9 are not supported. UBX-17003787 - R09 5 Mobile equipment control and status Page 29 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 5.3 Indicator control +CIND +CIND Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time partial No No No - Error reference +CME Error 5.3.1 Description Provides indication states related to network status, battery information and so on. The set command does not allow setting the values for those indications which are set according to module state (see parameter). The list of indications for set and read commands follows the indexes reported in the parameter, so that the first corresponds to "battchg" and so on. For more details see the 3GPP TS 27.007 [2]. 5.3.2 Syntax Type Set Syntax AT+CIND=[ [, [,...]]] Response OK Example AT+CIND= Read AT+CIND? +CIND: [, [,...]] OK +CIND: 5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Test AT+CIND=? OK +CIND: (list of s) OK OK +CIND: ("battchg",(0-5)),("signal", (0-5)),("service",(0,1)),("sounder", (0,1)),("message",(0,1)),("call",(0,1)), ("roam",(0,1)),("smsfull",(0,1)),("gprs", (0-2)),("callsetup",(0-3)),("callheld",(0 ,1)),("simind",(0-2)) OK 5.3.3 Defined values Parameter Type Number String Description Range of corresponding used to identify the service when an unsolicited indication is provided Reserved by the norm and their ranges; it may have the values: • • • • • • • UBX-17003787 - R09 "battchg": battery charge level (0-5) "signal": signal quality. See mapping in the note below "service": network service availability o 0: not registered to any network o 1: registered to the network o 65535: indication not available "sounder": sounder activity, indicating when the module is generating a sound o 0: no sound o 1: sound is generated "message": unread message available in storage o 0: no messages o 1: unread message available "call": call in progress o 0: no call in progress o 1: call in progress "roam": registration on a roaming network o 0: not in roaming or not registered o 1: roaming o 65535: indication not available 5 Mobile equipment control and status Page 30 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Parameter Type Description • "smsfull": indication that an SMS has been rejected with the cause of SMS storage full o 0: SMS storage not full o 1: SMS storage full • "gprs": PS indication status: o 0: no PS available in the network o 1: PS available in the network but not registered o 2: registered to PS o 65535: indication not available • "callsetup": call set-up: o 0: no call set-up o 1: incoming call not accepted or rejected o 2: outgoing call in dialling state o 3: outgoing call in remote party alerting state • "callheld": call on hold: o 0: no calls on hold o 1: at least one call on hold • "simind": SIM detection o 0: no SIM detected o 1: SIM detected o 2: not available 5.3.4 Notes • • • If the battery charging is not supported, "battchg" always returns 5 (full charge). The values cannot be changed with +CIND set. The following mapping of "signal" value to the power level exists: "signal" value 0 1 2 3 4 5 Power level (< -105 dBm or unknown) (< -93 dBm) (< -81 dBm) (< -69 dBm) (< -57 dBm) (>= -57 dBm) 5.4 Configuration of indicator control +UCIND +UCIND Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time full No No No - Error reference +CME Error 5.4.1 Description Allows the configuration of unsolicited results for indications with +CIEV. 5.4.2 Syntax Type Set Syntax AT+UCIND=[ ] Response OK Example AT+UCIND=7 Read AT+UCIND? +UCIND: OK +UCIND: 7 Test AT+UCIND=? OK OK UBX-17003787 - R09 OK 5 Mobile equipment control and status Page 31 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 5.4.3 Defined values Parameter Type Number Description The unsigned integer (0 to 4095) is a bitmask representing the list of the indications active for +CIEV URC reporting. The bit position corresponds to the indicator order number (see the parameter of +CMER). The least significant bit is used for the first indicator. The bits corresponding to unused indicator order numbers (greater than 13) must be set to 0 (setting a greater than 4095 causes an error). The default value is 40 95 (all the indications are enabled). 5.5 Mobile termination event reporting +CMER +CMER Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time partial No No No - Error reference +CME Error 5.5.1 Description Configures sending of URCs from MT to DTE for indications. The parameter controls the processing of URCs specified within this command. The URC is generated each time an indicator which is defined in +CIND command changes status. The code is actually submitted to MT according to the +CMER settings. The command +UCIND allows enabling or disabling indicators. 5.5.2 Syntax Type Set Syntax AT+CMER=[ [, [, [, [, ]]]]] Response OK Read AT+CMER? +CMER: , , , , Test Example AT+CMER=1,0,0,2,1 OK +CMER: 1,0,0,0,1 OK OK +CMER: (list of supported +CMER: (0-3),(0),(0),(0-2),(0,1) 's),(list of supported OK 's),(list of supported 's),(list of supported 's), (list of supported 's) AT+CMER=? OK +CIEV: , URC 5.5.3 Defined values Parameter Type Number Description • • • 0 (default value): buffer URCs in the MT 1: discard URCs when the V.24 interface is reserved for data; otherwise directly display them on the DTE 2: buffer URCs in MT when the V.24 interface is reserved and flush them after reservation; otherwise directly display them on the DTE 3: same as 1 Number • 0: no keypad event reporting Number • 0: no display event reporting Number • • 0: no indicator event reporting 1: indicator event reporting using the +CIEV URC. Only the indicator events which are not caused by +CIND shall be indicated by the MT to the DTE. 2: indicator event reporting using the +CIEV URC. All the indicator events shall be directed from MT to DTE. • • UBX-17003787 - R09 5 Mobile equipment control and status Page 32 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual Parameter Type Number Number UBX-17003787 - R09 Description • 0: MT buffer of URCs defined within this command is cleared when 1...3 is entered • 1: MT buffer of URCs defined within this command is flushed to the DTE when 1...3 is entered (the OK final result code shall be given before flushing the codes). Indicates the indicator order number. The name in the brackets indicates the corresponding parameter of +CIND; is the new value of indicator: • 1 ("battchg"): provides the battery charge level (0-5) • 2 ("signal"): provides the signal quality o 0: < -105 dBm o 1: < -93 dBm o 2: < -81 dBm o 3: < -69 dBm o 4: < - 57 dBm o 5: >= -57 dBm • 3 ("service"): provides the network service availability: o 0: not registered to the network o 1: registered to the network • 4 ("sounder"): provides the sounder activity: o 0: no sound o 1: sound is generated • 5 ("message"): provides the unread message available in storage: o 0: no messages o 1: unread message available • 6 ("call"): provides the call in progress: o 0: no call in progress o 1: call in progress • 7 ("roam"): provides the registration on a roaming network: o 0: not in roaming o 1: roaming • 8 ("smsfull"): provides the SMS storage status: o 0: SMS storage not full o 1: SMS Storage full (an SMS has been rejected with the cause of SMS storage full) • 9 ("gprs"): provides the GPRS indication status: o 0: no GPRS available in the network o 1: GPRS available in the network but not registered o 2: registered to GPRS o 65535: PS service indication is not available • 10 ("callsetup"): provides the call set-up: o 0: no call set-up o 1: incoming call not accepted or rejected o 2: outgoing call in dialing state o 3: outgoing call in remote party alerting state • 11 ("callheld"): provides the call on hold: o 0: no calls on hold o 1: at least one call on hold • 12 ("simind"): provides the SIM detection: o 0: no SIM detected o 1: SIM detected o 2: not available 5 Mobile equipment control and status Page 33 of 307 SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands Manual 5.6 Clock +CCLK +CCLK Modules Attributes SARA-R404M SARA-R410M-01B SARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52B SARA-R412M SARA-N4 Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time partial No NVM No - Error reference +CME Error 5.6.1 Description Sets and reads the real-time clock of the MT. 5.6.2 Syntax Type Set Syntax AT+CCLK=