SC28 6483 2_OS_VS_COBOL_Compiler_and_Library_Programmers_Guide_Jun84 2 OS VS COBOL Compiler And Library Programmers Guide Jun84
SC28-6483-2_OS_VS_COBOL_Compiler_and_Library_Programmers_Guide_Jun84 SC28-6483-2_OS_VS_COBOL_Compiler_and_Library_Programmers_Guide_Jun84
User Manual: SC28-6483-2_OS_VS_COBOL_Compiler_and_Library_Programmers_Guide_Jun84
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SC28-6483-2 File No. S370-24 Program Product IBM OS/VS COBOL Compiler and Library Programmer's Guide Program Number 5740-CB1 5740-LM1 -- ----~- - - - --------,,--_ ... ~-~ -~- First Edition (June 1984) Changes are made periodically to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication. Products are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for copies of this product and for technical information about this product should be directed to your IBM marketing representative. A Program Comment Form (for your comments about the PROFS/PO product) and a Reader's Comment Form (for your comments about this book) are provided at the back of this publication. If the Program Comment Form has been removed, address comments to: IPS Product Support Center, IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 152560, Irving, Texas 75015-2560. If the Reader's Comment Form has been removed, address comments to: IBM Corporation, Department 6DD, 220 Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, Texas 75062. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984 Who Should Read this Book? If you are a business professional who has a need for the decision-making tools available on the IBM Personal Computer as well as the principal support functions available on the IBM Professional Office System (PROFS), or if you want to know how to use the PROFS Personal Computer Connection (PROFS/PC2), you should read this book. What this Book Will Tell You This book, Using the PROFS Personal Computer Connection, tells you how to install PROFS/PC2, what you need to know and do before you use the product, how to use PROFS/PC2, how to tailor the main menu to suit your needs, and how to respond to the messages you may get from time to time while you are using PROFS/PC2. You should read the "Introduction" to get an orientation to the whole system and to perform the tasks, especially the one-time tasks, necessary for you to use PROFS/PC2. The "Introduction" tells you how to: • Install PROFS/PC2. • Log on to the VM host where you're running PROFS. (A host system is the data processing system to which To the Reader Vll The COBOL communications user must write a message control program (MCP) to handle messages transmitted between remote stations and the central computer before they can be processed by a COBOL program. General te lecommunica tions access method (TCAM) information, as veIl as specific guidelines for creating an HCP, can be found in the publications: Q~LVS1_Q~1~_~a!l~g~mgnt_fQI_~Y2ig! f.£Qg!:ammg~§, Order No. GC26-3837 Q§LY§~_§Y2t§ill_~~Q9~~IDID!ng_~!Q~~~Yl __ Q~t~ ~~n~g§ill§n~, Order No. GC26-3830 Q§LY§1_822§§2_~§tbQg_§§~Y!2§2' Order No. GC26-3840 QSLYS2_A~~e~~_MetbQ~_Ser~i~e~, !~_Q~!~~1g£Qm~n!£atiQft2-!~2 ~ethQg_1I£!~1~Qn~Ei~_aUg-la~liti~, No. onent: Access No. GT26-38 3 Order No. GC30-2042 !BM_Q~/VS TCAM_£~Qg£a~~~2_~uig~, Order Order GC26-3841 QSL~~_1~a~g!2' Order No. GC26-3795 No. GC30- 2041 The list of publications that follows contains the title and IBM form number of each IBM publication referred to in this publication: OSL.!.L!irtua 1 ll2~!!~H~_A££22_~ihQ1. Order No. GC26-3838 ~AM1-Programmer~2~gigg, OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, Order No. GTOO-0303 OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions, Order No. GTOO-030S !l1Q1.Q_CML!l§g£..!.2_Guide_f~_£Q~Q1. No. Order .Q.SL.!~_1I~g3~_1!~!:~!:.I.i. __ 1i!!~ag~_!g!lQ!:,: gnd_~QadeLl1~2§ag:g2' Order SC28-6469 No. Q.§L!~_1i!!kage_~di No. !]I1_Q~_£O BO ~_!!!lg~~£ t i!.~Lllg~.!rn_I§!:.!!in~!. tOL£u,HLLoagfi, Order GC26-3813 QS/V~l_£!~i!!g_~nd_Y~_~Y!Q~, No. Order GC24-S0 90 Order OS/VS JCL Reference publications: No. Order Order No. GC24- 5100 Order No. GC28-0692 OS/VS Checkpoint/Restart, Order No. GTOO-0304 QSLV~l_~tQ£~~_~§li~glg~, No. Order GC24-50 94 .QUVSL~lQ!:~~Esti~!&§., No. Order GC28-0604 Q~_11~Ql_~Q~Ql_f£Q!Et~_Iermi~1 l!§~C2_Q!iig~-A!lL.Refe~!l£g, Order IBM No.. Q§LY§~_§Y2t§ill_~~Q9~~IDID!ng_~!Q~~~Y: SC28-6433 as/vs Data Management publications: Order Nos. GC28-0708 OS/VS1 Utilities, Order No. GC26-3901 OS/VS2 Utilities, Order No. GC26-3902 Q~!S_~Q£!L~g£g:g_£~Q~~~'s Ggig~, Order No. Q~VSl~£~, Order OS ~Q£lL~£g~_~~2g~a~§!:':~§_~~~, Order No. SC33-4001 GC24-5099 Q~VSl-4£l~£!i£~, De~ygging:-i~i~, GC 24-5093 and GC28-0709 GC28-0671 Q~!~1-~£~Refe£gn£~, ~!~1 Q§Qygg!ng_tl~nggQQ~, GC28-0667 OS/VS~_~~leas~_~_~Yiq~, No. User' 2_Guide and_IH~I~£g!!.£§, O.rder No. SC28-6465 No. Q~vs~~~nniag_Quide_IQ£_gg!ga§g_2, Order No. GC38-1007 SC33-4035 Q~~Q!:lL~~~~Install~tiQn_R~f§~!!£~ Material, order No. SC33-4004 Q~!~_~Q..tiL~!ti:gg_IY.2ta!lation Ref~£'~B.£g ~~i.!!l, Order No. SC33-4034 The OS/VS COBOL Compiler and Library, Release 2, is designed according to the specifications of the followinq industry standards (as understood and inte.r preted by IBM as of April, 1976): • The highest level of American National Standard COBOL, X3.23-1974 (excepting the Report Writer Module). ANS COBOL X3.23-1974 is compatible with and identica 1 to In terna tional Organization for Standardization/Draft International Standard (ISO/DIS) 1989-COBOL.· • The highest level of American National standard COBOL, X3.23-1968 (including the Report Writer module). ANS COBOL X3.23-1968 is compatible with and identical to ISO/R 1989-1972 Programming Language-COBOL. Quick Reference to PROFS is a handy reference card to PROFS tasks. Use it as a quick memory jogger. (Order no. GX20-2408) IBM Personal Computer Publications For more information about the PC, you may want to refer to the following books: Disk Operating System, Version 2.0 or 2.1 tells you how to use DOS on the PC. (Order no. 6024001) IBM Personal Computer 3278/79 Emulation Control Program User's Guide explains how to use your IBM PC or IBM PC XT with the IBM PC 3278/79 Emulation Control Program, that is, the program that lets you emulate, or imitate, the functions of an IBM 3278 typewriter keyboard and either the IBM 3278 Model 2 Display Station or the IBM 3279 Model 2A Color Display Station. (Order no. 1502422) IBM 3270 Personal Computer Control Program User's Guide and Reference explains keys, functions, and procedures that are used to perform tasks on the IBM 3270 Personal Computer. The IBM 3270 Personal Computer Control Program is designed to operate on the IBM 3270 Personal Computer machine configuration 5271 standard models 2, 4, and 6, when installed with IBM Personal Computer Disk Operating System, Version 2.0 or 2.1. (Order no. 1837434) X PROFS/PC2 The PROFS Personal Computer Connection (PROFS/PC2) lets you work with selected PROFS tasks on the IBM Personal Computer. By using the 3278/79 adapter, the PC 3270, or the IBM Asynchronous Communications Adapter, you can transfer DOS files from the PC to the host system and you can transfer files from the host system to the PC. (Throughout this book, the PC 3270, both hardware and software, and a PC with the 3278/79 adapter card and the 3278/79 Control Program are referred to as the "PC 327x.") Then you can work with these files either on the PC in a stand-alone mode or on the host system. You can move your incoming mail from PROFS to PROFS/PC2 to open and respond to at a more convenient time or place. PROFS/PC2 lets you look at, reply to, forward, erase, file, and resend notes. You can also create new notes. Actions you take during note processing can be transferred to the PROFS host system for processing or distribution to other PROFS users. If you have an optional printer attached to your Personal Computer, PROFS/PC2 lets you print PROFS documents that you've transferred from the host system. What You Need to Use PROFS/PC 2 Hardware You can perform both host-attached and stand-alone tasks by means of anyone of the following products: • IBM Personal Computer or IBM Personal Computer XT with the following: Introduction 1-1 18 INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • 18 Executing a COBOL Program • • • • 18 Compilation Linkage Editing • • • • • • • 19 19 Loading 19 Execution • • • • • • • • • Operating System Environments 19 19 OS/VS 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • OS/VS2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . 19 Conversational Monitor system 19 JOB CONTROL PROCEDURES • Control Statements. • • Job Management • • • • • • Preparing Control statements • Name Field • • • opera tion Field •••••• Operand Field • • • • . • Co mmen ts Fie 1 d • • • • • • • Conventions for Character Delimiters • Rules for Continuing Control statements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Notation for Describing Job Control statements • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • JOB statement • • • • • • . • • • • Identifying the Job (jobname) ••• Job Parameters • • • • • • . Supplying Job Accounting Information • • • • • • • Identifying the Programmer . Displaying All Control statements, Allocation, and Termination Messages (MSGLEVEL) ••••• specifying Conditions for Job Termination (CONm • • • • . • • Requesting Restart for a Job (FD) • Resubmitting a Job for Restart (RESTART) ••••••••••••• priority Scheduling Job Parameters • • Setting Job Time Limits (TIME) • • • Assigning a Job Class (CLASS) • Assigning Job Priority (PRTY) ••• Requesting a Message Class (MSGCLASS) • • • • • • • • • • • Specifying Main Storage Requirements for a Job (REGION) Holding a Job for Later Execution • Specifying Address Space (ADDRSPC) • EXEC Statement • • • • • • • • • • • . • Identifying the step (stepname) Positional Parameters • • • • • • Identifying the Program (PGM) or Procedure (PROC) • • • • • • • • • • Keyword Pa rameters • • • • • • • • Specifying Job step Accounting Information (ACCT) • • • • • • Specifying Conditions for Bypassing or Executing the Job Step (CO ND) •••.•••• • 20 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 34 34 35 Passing Information to the processing Program (PARM) • options for the Compiler • • • options for the Lister Feature • • • Options for Use Under TSO Only • . • options for the Linkage Fditor • • . opt ions for the Loa der . . . options for Execution .•.•• Requesting Restart for a Job Step (RD) • • • • • . . . • . Priority Scheduling EXEC Parameters Establishing a Dispatching Priori ty (DPRTY) • • • • . • • • . . Setting Job step Time Limits (TIME) specifying Main storage Requirements for a Job step (REGION) • . • • • . . • • . • Specifying Address Space (ADDRSPC) • DD Statement • • . . • • • . . . . · Additional DD statement Facilities • • • JOBLIB and STEPLIB DD Statements • • · SYSABEND and SYSUDUMP DD Statements · SYSCHK DD statement • . • • . . · JOBCAT AND STEPCAT DD statements . PROC Statement • • • • · PEND Statement . • • · Command Statement . • . . • . • • • . · Delimiter statement • . • Null S ta tement • • . • Co mmen t St a tement • . • . · BATCH compilation . . •• · Data Set Requirements · compiler • • • • • • SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, SYSUT4, SYSUT5, SYSUT6 • • SY SIN • SYSPRI NT . SYSTERM • SYSPUNCH • . . • • ..• .• SYSLIN • • . SYSLIB and/or Other COpy Libraries • Linkage Editor . • • . SYSLIN • • • SYSPRINT • • SYSTERM . • • SYSLMOD .• SYSUT1 . • • SYSLIB • • . .••..• User-Specified Data Sets . . loader • . . • SY SLIN • • ••• . • . • . • SYSLIB . • • . • . . •. • SYSLOUT • • • • . . Execution Time Data Sets . • • . . . . DISPLAY Statement . • • • • ACCEPT statement . • . . .•.. EXHIB!T or TRACE Statement . COBOL Debugging Aid s . . • . Abnormal TerminationDu~r COUNT option . • • . • • • . COBOL Subr outineLibra ry • • • • . . 37 38 44 45 47 47 48 49 50 50 50 51 51 51 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 75 76 76 76 76 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81 USER NON-VSAM FILE PROCESSING 82 User-Defined Files • • • • • • • 82 File Names and Data Set Names • • 82 Specifying Information about A File • 83 File Processing Techniques • • • • 83 Data Set organization • • • • • 83 Accessing a Physical Sequential File • 85 Specifying ASCII File Processing. 90 processing ASCII Files • • • • • • • • 91 Block Prefix. . • • • • • • • • 91 Handling Numeric Data Items from ASCII Files • • • • • • • • • • • • 92 Direct File processing • • • • • • • • 92 Dummy and capacity Records • • • • • 94 Sequential Creation of Direct Data Se t •. • • • . • • • . . • • • . • 9 5 Random Creation of a Direct Data Set • • • • • • • • • 97 sequential Reading of Direct Data Sets • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 98 Ra ndom Reading, TJpda ting, an d Adding to Direct Data Sets 98 Multi v'ol ume Da ta Sets 99 File Organization Field of the System-Name • • • • • • • .100 Randomizing Techniques. • • • • 101 Relative File processing. • • • . 110 Sequential Creation • • 111 sequential Reading • • • • • • 112 Random Access • • • • • • • • • • • 112 Indexed Sequential File Processing • • 119 Indexes • • • • . • • . • • • • • • 120 Indexed Sequential File Areas • • • 122 Creating Indexed Sequential Files .123 Reading or Updating Indexed Sequential Files Sequentially • • • 127 Accessing an Indexed Sequential File Randomly • • • • • .129 Using the DD Statement • • • . • • • . • 131 creating a Non-VSAM Data Set • • . • • 131 Creating Unit Record Data Sets • • • 133 Creating Data Sets on Magnetic Tape 133 Creating sequential (BSAM or QSAM) Data Sets on Mass storage Devices .133 Creating Direct (BDAM) Data Sets •• 134 Creating Indexed (BISAM and QISAM) Data Sets • • • • • • • • • • • • • 134 Creating Data Sets in the output Stream • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 134 Examples of DD Statements Used To Create Data Sets. . • • • • • .135 Retrieving Previously Created Non-VSAM Data sets. • • • • • • .138 Retrieving cataloged Data Sets • • • 138 Retrieving Noncataloged (KEEP) Da ta Set s •• • • • • • • • • • • • 139 Retrieving Passed Data sets .139' Retrieving Data through an Input Stream • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 139 Examples of DD statements Used to Retrieve Data Sets • • • • • • • • • 140 DD Statements that Specify Unit Record Dev ices • • • • • • 141 Cataloging a Data Set • • 141 Generation Data Groups • • 141 Naming Data Sets • • • 142 Extending Non-VSAM Data Sets • • • 142 Additional File Processing Information .142 Da ta Con trol Block • • • • • • • • 143 Overriding DCB Fields • • • • • • .143 Identifying DCB Information .143 Error processing for Non-VSAM COBOL Files • • • • • • • • • • • • 143 Volume Label in g • • • • • • • 154 Standard Label Format • • • 155 Standard User Labels • • .155 User Label Totaling • • • 156 Nonstandard Label Format .156 Nonstandard Lapel processing .157 User Label Procedure. .157 ASCII File Labels • • • • • • • • • 158 ASCII Standard Label Processing • • 159 ASCII User Label Processing .159 User Label Exits. • • • .159 NON-VSAM RECORD FORMATS • • • 160 .160 Fixed-Length (Format F) Records Unspecified (Format U) Records • • • 161 Variable Length ~ormat ~ Records • • • 161 .164 APPLY WRITE-ONLY Clause Spanned (Format S) Records • . • • • 164 S-Mode Capabilities •• • • • • .165 Sequential S-Mode Files (QSAM) for Tape or Mass Storage Devices. .165 Source Language Considerations • • • 166 processing Sequential S-Mode Files (Q SAM) • • • • • • • • • • • • .166 Directly Organized S-Mode Files (BDAM and BSAM) ••.••••• .168 Source Language Considerations • • • 168 Processing Directly Organized S-Mode Files (BDAM and BSAM) .169 OCCURS Clause with the DEPENDING ON option • • • • • • • • • 170 VSAM FILE PROCESSING. .173 Types of VSAM Data Sets • • • • • .173 Entry-Sequenced Data Sets • • • 173 Key-Sequenced Data,Sets .173 Relative Record Data Sets . • • 174 Access Method Services . • • • • • • • • 174 The DEFINE Command. • • • • .174 Functions of the DEFINE Command • • 174 Specification of the DEFINE Command 175 Defining a Master Catalog: DEFINE MASTERCATALOG • . • • • . • • . • • 175 Defining a User Catalog: DEFINE USERCATALOG • • • • . • • • • . • • 176 Defining a VSAM 'Data Space: DEFINE .176 SP ACE • • . • • • • • 177 Defining a KSDS Defining an RRDS • .179 Defining an ESDS • • • • • • • • 179 Reusable Data Sets •• .179 Miscellaneous DEFINE Cluster Considerations. • • • • • • • .180 COBOL File Processing Considerations • • 180 File Processing Techniques. . • • 180 ESDS P rocessinq • • • • . 180 KSDS and RRDS Processing. .181 Password Usage. • • • • • .181 Current Record Pointer. .181 Use of the START Verb .183 Error Processing Opti ons • • • 183 The Importance of Status Key. .183 Invalid Key • • • • • • • • • • • • 183 EXCEPTION/ERROR Procedure • • 183 Error Handling Considerations .184 Opening a VSAM File • • • • • .185 Opening an Unloaded File • • • • • • 185 Opening an Empty File • • • • • 185 opening a File Containing Records • 186 OPEN status Key Values • • • • • • • 186 Dynamic Invocation of Access Method Services for KSDS and RRDS Data Sets • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 186 Initial Loading of Records into a File • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 188 Writing Records into a VSAM File • • • 188 ESDS Considerations • . • • • • • • 189 KSDS Considerations - (ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL) • . . • • . • • • • • • 189 KSDS Considerations - (ACCESS IS RANDOM/DYNAMIC) • . • • • • • • 189 RRDS Considerations • . • • • • • • 189 Rewriting Records On a VSAM File • • • 189 ESDS Considerations • . • • • .189 KSDS considerations • . • • • • 189 Reading Records on a VSAM File • • 189 ESDS Considerations • . • • • • 189 KSDS Considerations - (ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL) • • • • • • • • • • • • 190 KSDS Considerations - (ACCESS IS RANDOM) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 190 KSDS Considerations - (ACCESS IS DYNAMIC) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 190 RRDS Considerations • • • • • • • • 190 Deleting Records on a File. • • .190 status Key settings for Action Requests • • • • • • • • • • • • .190 C1 os in g a F i 1 e • • • • • • • • • • 191 COBOL Language Usage with VSAM • • • • • 193 Writing a VSAM Data Set • • 193 Retrieving Records From A VSAM Data Set • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 195 Updating A VSAM Data Set. • • • .198 Job Control Language For VSAM File Processing • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 201 DD Statement for a User Catalog .201 DD Parameters Used with VSAM • • • • .201 VSAM-Only JCL Parameters • • • • • • .201 Converting Non-VSAM Files to VSAM Files 201 using COBOL ISAM Programs With VSAM Files • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 202 VSAM Features Not Available Through COBOL • • • • • • • 202 LISTER FEATURE • • .203 Operation of the Lister Feature • • • .203 Programming considerations • • • .203 The Listing • • • • • • • • • • .203 The Output Deck • • • • • • • • .204 Reformatting of Identification and Environment Divisions • • • • • • 204 Data Division Reformatting • • • .204 Procedure Division Reformatting • • • 207 Summary Listing • • 209 The Source Listing • • .210 Format Conventions • .210 Type Indicators • • 211 The Summary Listing • • • • • .211 General Appearance • • • 211 The output Deck • • • • • • • • • • .211 Specifying the Lister .212 SYMBOLIC DEBUGGING FEATURES .213 Use of the Symbolic Debugging FeaturE::S • • • .213 ST ATE Option • • • • • • • .213 .214 FLOW option • • • • • . • SYMDMP Option • • • • • • • • .214 Object-Time Control Cards .215 .216 DEFAULT SYSDBG DATA SET Symbolic Debugging under Information Management System (PP5734-XX6, .217 5740-XX2) •••••••. Sample Program -- TESTRUN .217 Debugging TESTRUN .218 .231 OUTPUT • • • • • • • • .231 Compiler output Displaying a List of Diagnostic Messages • • • • . • • • • 238 Object Module · • • 239 Linkage Editor Output · .240 Comments on the Module Map and Cross Reference List • .242 '.242 Linkage Editor Messages .243 Loader output • . • . . . • . .243 COBOL Load Module Execution Output .246 Requests for output .246 Operator Messages .246 System output PROGRAM CHECKOUT · .247 .247 • .247 SYNTAX-Checking Only compilation . Debugging Language • • • . • • • . • • • 247 Debugging Lines • • • • • • . . .248 Declarative Procedures--use for .248 Debugging • • • • • • • • • • • .251 TRACE, EXHIBIT, and ON • . • • • .251 Following the Flow of Control Displaying Data Values during .251 Execution • • • • . . • . • • .253 Testing a Program Selectively Testing Changes and Additions to Programs . • • • • • • • . • . .254 • 254 Abend Dumps . • • • • • • • • User-Ini tiated Dumps . . • • · .254 .255 Errors That Can Cause a Dump Input/Output Errors · .255 Errors Caused by Invalid Data .255 .256 Other Errors • • • . • • .257 Completion Codes • • . • • Finding Location of Program Interruption'in COBOL Source Program Using the Condensed Listing 259 Using the Abnormal Termination Dump .260 Finding Data Records in an Abnormal Termination Dump • • • • • • • . . . 268 Locating Data Areas for Spanned Records • • . • • . • • • • . . • • 274 Locating TCAM Data Areas. • • .275 Incomplete Abnormal Termina tion .277 Scratching Non-VSAM Data Sets .278 .278 Obtaining Execution statistics .279 Debugging and Testing • • • • .279 Optimization Methods • . • • • Resequencing the Program. .279 .279 Insight into SYMDMP output • . 1 i s t er f ea t u r e Common Expression Elimination . • • 279 Backward Movement . • • • • • • 279 Unrolling . • •• .280 Jamming . • • • • • . • • 280 Unswitching • . 280 Incorporating Procedures Inline • . 281 Tabling • • • • • • • . • .281 Efficiency Guidelines . • 281 PR OG RAMM IN G TECHNIQU ES • . • .282 Gene ra 1 Considerations • . • • • • 282 Spacing the Source Program Listing .282 Coding considerations • • 282 Environment Division • • • • • • • • . • 282 APPLY WRITE-ONLY Clause •• 282 QSAM Spanned Records • . . • • • • • 282 APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW Clause • • 283 APPLY CORE-INDEX Clause • • • . . . 283 BDAI1-W File Organization • • .283 Data Division • . • . • • • • • • .283 Overall Considerations • • • . • • • • 283 Maximum Data Division Size • • . . • 283 Prefixes. . • . • .283 Level Numbers • • • • • .284 File Section. • • • • • • • .284 RECORD CONTAINS Clause • • 284 Communication Section • • • • • • • • 284 CD Entries. • • • • • • • • • 284 Working-Storage Section • • 285 Separate Modules • • • • .285 Locating the Working-Storage Section in Dumps • • • .285 Data Description • · .285 REDEFINES Clause • .285 RENAMES Clause. • • 286 PICTURE Clause • • .286 SIGN CIa use • .287 USAGE Clause • • • .288 special considerations for DISPLAY and COMPUTATIONAL Fields. • .290 Data Formats in the Computer • • • • 290 .Proced ure Di vision • • . • . • • • • • • 292 Modularizing the Procedure Division .292 Main-Line Routine • • • 292 Processing Subroutines. • .292 Input/Output Subroutines. • .293 Collating Sequences • • 293 Use of the UPSI Switches • • 293 Intercepting I/O Errors • • • • • • • 293 Errors That May Escape Detection • • 294 Intermediate Results. • • • • • • 294 Intermediate Results and Binary Data Items. • • • • • • • 294 Intermediate Results and COBOL Library Subroutines • • 294 Intermediate Results Greater than 30 Digits •• • • • · .294 Intermediate Results and Floating-Point Data Items • .294 Intermediate Results and the ON SIZE ERROR Option • • 295 Verbs • • • • • • • • .295 .295 CALL Statement • CANCEL Statement · .295 CLOSE Statement • .295 COMPUTE statement • .295 IF Statement • • • .295 MOVE Statement • • • .296 NOTE statement. . • • • • .296 OPEN Statement • • • • • • • • • • . 296 PERFORM Verb • • • • • • • . • • • . 2~6 READ INTO and WRITE FROM Options • . 296 WRITE ADVANCING with LINAGE, FOOTING, and END-OF-PAGE . .297 RECEIVE Statement • • • • • • • • • 297 SEND Statement. • • . • . . .297 ENABLE/DISABLE Statements .297 START Statement .298 STRING Statement. • . • • • 298 TRANSFORM Statement .298 UNSTRING Statement • • . .299 Using the Report writer Feature . • 299 REPORT Clause in FD .299 summing Technique . • 300 Use of SUM. • . • • . • .300 SUM Routines. . . . • • .300 output Line Overlay • • • • .301 Page Breaks . • 302 WITH CODE Clause . • • . • • 302 Control Footings and Page Format • • 303 Floating First Detail Rule .304 Report writer Poutines • • • • .304 Table Handling Considerations .304 Subscri pts • • • • • .304 Index-Names .305 Index Data Items. • .305 OCCURS Clause • • 305 DEPENDING ON Option • • • 305 SET Statement . • • • .306 SEARCH Statement. • . . .307 Building Tables • • • • • • • 309 Queue Structure Considerations. • .309 Accessing Queue Structures through COBOL • • • • • • • • • • • • . 312 Specifying ddnames with Elementary Sub-Queues. • • . • • • • • .313 Rules for Queue Structure Description • • • • • • • .315 CALLING AND CALLED PROGRAMS .316 Specif ying Linkage • • • • • • • .316 Linkage in a Calling COBOL Program • • 317 Linkage in a Called COBOL Program • • 317 Dynamic Subprogram Linkage • • . • • 318 Correspondence of Identifiers in Calling and Called Programs • • 322 File-Name Arguments • • • • • • .322 Linkage in a Calling or Called Assembler-Language Program • • • • 322 Conventions Used in a Calling Assembler-Language Program • • • • • 323 Conventions Used in a Called Assembler- Language Program • • • • 325 Communication with Other Languages • • 326 Sample CALLING and CALLED Programs • . • 327 Link-Editing Programs •• • • .331 Specifying Primary Input. • .332 Specifying Additional Input .332 INCLUDE Statement .333 LIBRARY Statement .333 ALIAS Statement .333 NAME Statement. • .333 ENTRY Statement .334 ORDER Statement .334 PAGE Statement. • .334 p·rograms Compiled with the DYNAM and/or Resident options • • • • • • .334 Specifying DYNAM/RESIDENT • .335 Specifying NODYNAM/RESIDENT • .335 specifying NODYNAM/NORESIDENT .336 Linkage Editor Processing • .338 Example of Linkage Editor Processing. • • • • • • • • • .339 Overlay Structures • • • • • • e • • • • 340 Considerations for overlay. • .340 Linkage Editing with Preplanned Overlay • • • • • • • • • • .340 Dynamic Overlay Technique • • 341 Loading Programs • • • • • • • • .346 Specifying Primary Input • • • .346 Specifying Additional Input • .346 LIBRARIES • • • • • • • • • .347 Kinds of Libraries • • • • • .347 System Libraries Used in COBOL Applications • • • • • • • .347 Link Library. • • • • • • 347 Procedure Library • • 348 Sort Library • • • • .348 COBOL Subroutine Library • • • 348 Libraries Created by the user • • 349 Automatic Call Library. • .349 COBOL Copy Library. • .349 COpy Statement • • • • • • • • 351 BASIS Card. • • • • • • • • • .351 JOB Libr ary • • 353 Sharing COBOL Library Subroutines • • • 353 Concatenating the Subroutine Library .353 Creating and Changing Libraries • • 354 USING THE CATALOGED PROCEDURES • • • • • 356 Calling Cataloged Procedures.. • .356 Data Sets Produced by Cataloged Procedures. • • • • • . • • • .356 Types of Cataloged Procedures •• 357 programmer-Written Cataloged Procedures. • • • • • • . • • • .357 Testing Programmer-Written Procedures. • • • • • • • • • • 357 Adding Procedures to the Procedure Library • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • 357 IBM-Supplied cataloged Procedures • • 358 Procedure Naming Conventions. .359 Step' Names in Procedures • • • • • • 359 unit Names in Procedures.. • .359 Da ta Set Names in Procedures • • • • 359 COBUC Procedure • • 359 'COBUCL Procedure • • • . • • • • • . 359 COBULG Procedure. • • .359 COBUCLG Procedure • . 361 COBUCG Procedure. • .361 Modifying Existing Cataloged Procedures 362 overriding and Adding to cataloged Procedures. • • • • • • • • • • • • 362 Overriding and Adding to EXEC Statements. • • • • • • • .362 Examples of Overriding and Adding to EXEC Statements • • . • • • • • • 362 Testing a Procedure as an In-Stream Pr ocedur e • • • • • • .363 Overriding and Adding to DD Statements ••••• • .364 Examples of Overriding and Adding to DD statements • • • • • .364 using the DDNAME Parameter. • .366 Examples of Using the DDNAME Parameter • • • • • • • • .' • • 366 USING THE SORT/MERGE FEATURE. .368 Sort/Merge DD Sta temen ts • • • ...368 Sort Input DD Statements • • .368 sort output DD statements .368 Sort Work DD Statements • • • • • • • 368 SORTWKnn Data Set considerations • • 368 Input DD Statement. • .369 OU t put DDS tat men t • • • • . • 36 9 SORTWKnn DD statements. • • • • 369 Additional DD Statements. • .370 Sharing Devices between Tape Data Sets .370 Using More Than One Sort/Merge Statement in a Job • • • • • • • • • • . 370 SORT Program Example • • . • • • • • . • 370 cataloging SORT/MERGE DD Statements • • 371 Linkage with the SORT/MERGE Program • • 371 Completion Codes • • • • • • • • • • 371 Terminating the Sort Program from the COBOL PROGRAM • • • • • • • .372 Locating Sort/Merge Record Fields • . • 372 Locating Last Record Released to Sort/Merge by an Input procedure • .372 .372 Sort/Merge Checkpoint/Restart Efficient program Use •• • • .372 Data Set Size • • • • • • • . .373 Main storage Requirements • • • • • • 373 .373 Sort/Merge Diagnostic Messages Defining Variable-Length Records • .374 .374 Sorting Variable-Length Records Sort/Merge for ASCII Files • • .375 Other Collating Sequences . . . 375 OS/VS Sort/Merge Debug Feature .377 USING THE SEGMENTATION FEATURE .378 Using the Perform Statement in a Segmented Program • • • . • • • .378 Operation . • • . • • • • • • • • • • 379 LANGLVL Option and Re-Initialization .379 Compiler Output • • • • • • • • • • • 379 USING THE CHECKPOINT/RESTART FEATURE • • 394 .394 Taking a Checkpoint Checkpoint Methods • • • • .394 DD statement Forma ts • • • • . . • 394 Designing a Checkpoint • • • . • .396 Messages Generated during Checkpoint .396 Restarting a Program • .396 RD Parameter • • • .396 .397 Automatic Restart .397 Deferred Restart • CHECKPOINT/RESTART DATA SETS .398 USING THE COMMUNICATION FEATURE .401 Writing a Message Control Program .404 Functions of the Message Control Progra m • • . • • .404 User Tasks . • . • • • • • . . • • • • 404 Defining the Buffers. • • . • .426 Activating and Deactivating the Message Control Program • . • . • • 426 Defining the MCP Data sets and Process Control Blocks. • .427 Defining Terminal and Line Control Areas • • • • • : • • • • • .427 Designing the Message Handler • • • 429 ANS Standard MCP Requirements •• 432 ENABLE/DISABLE: Operator Command Interface • • • • • • • • • • • • • 432 ENABLE/DISABLE--KEY Phrase • • • • • 433 ENABLE/DISABLE INPUT TERMINAL • • • 433 ENABLE/DISABLE INPUT (without TERMINAL) ••••.••• .434 ENABLE/DISABLE OUTPUT •• 434 Specifying Characteristics for Symbolic Destinations • • • • • • • 435 communications Job Scheduling (CJS) 436 Summary of ANS Standard MCP Requirements • • • • • • • • • . • • 441 JCL for the MCP • • • • . . • • • .444 Assembling, Link-Editing, and Executing an MCP • • • • .444 Assemblinq an MCP • • 445 Link-Edi ti ng an MCP • • • • • • • • 445 Executing an MCP • • • • • 445 Writing a TCAM-Compatible COBOL Program 446 ~esting a COROL TP Program.. • .446 Communicating between a COBOL Program and the MCP • • • • 449 Defining the Interface. • • • .449 Activating the Interface • • • • • • 455 Transferring Messages between the COBOL Program and the MCP • • • •• 455 Deacti va ting the Interface • • • • • 455 Additional Interface Considerations 455 Using TCAM Service Facilities •• 456 MACHINE CONSIDERATIONS • . • • • Minimum Machine Requirements Compiler Size Requirements • OS/VS2 and the Region Parameter Intermediate Data Sets Under OS/VS2, Release 1 • • • • • • • Execution Time Considerations Sort/Merge Feature Considerations APPENDIX A: SAMPLE PROGRAM OUTPUT • • • • .457 • 457 .457 .457 • .458 • .458 • .460 .461 APPENDIX B: COBOL LIBRARY SUBROUTINES .472 Subroutines for Subprogram Linkage • • • 472 ENTER Subroutine (ILBONTRO) •• 472 NORES Initialization Subroutine (ILBOBEGO) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 472 Object-Time Options Subroutine (I LBO P RM0 ) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 7 2 STOP RUN Subroutine (ILBOSRVO) • • • 472 STOP RUN Messages Subroutine (ILBOMSGO) . • • • • . • • • • • • • 472 STOP RUN Termination Subroutine ~LBOSTTO} . • • • • • • • • • • • • 472 Object-Time Program Operations • • • • • 473 COBOL Library Conversion Subroutines .473 Separate Sign Subroutine (ILBOSSNO) 473 COBOL Library Arithmetic subroutines .476 COBOL Library Subroutines for Testing Conditions at Object Time • • • • • • 476 Class Test Subroutine (ILBOCLSO) •• 476 COMPARE Subroutine (ILBOVCOO) .476 Compare with Figurative constant Subroutine (ILBOIVLO) •••• .476 COBOL Library Data Manipulation .476 Subroutines •• • • • • • • • • MOVE Subroutine (ILBOVMOO and ILBOVM01) • • • • • • . • • • • • • 476 MOVE Subroutine for System/370 (ILBOSMVO) • • • • • • • • • • .476 MOVE to Alphanumeric-Edited Field Subroutine (ILBOANEO) • • • . • • • 476 MOVE to Numeric-Edited Field Subroutine (ILBONEDO) • • • 476 MOVE Figurative Constant (ILBLOANFO) ••••••• .477 TRANSFORM Subroutine (ILBOVTRO) • • 477 STRI NG Subroutine (ILBOSTGO) • • • .477 UNSTRING Subroutine (ILBOUSTO) • • . 477 IN SPECT Subroutine (ILBOl NSO) .477 COBOL Library Data ~anagement .477 Subroutines • . • • • • • • • . DISPLAY, TRACE, and EXHIBIT .477 Subrou tine (IL BODSPO) •••• DISPLAY Subroutine (ILBODSSO) .477 .477 ACCEPT subroutine (ILBOACPO) • Generic Key START Subroutine (ILBOSTR 0) • • • . . • . • • • • • .478 Checkpoint Subroutine (lLBOCKPO) • • 478 Wait Subroutine (ILBOWAT) .478 Error Intercept Subroutine .478 (I LBOE RR0) . . • • • • . • Error Intercept Subroutine .478 (ILBOSYNO) •• • • • • Label Handling SUbroutine (1LBOLBLO) • • . • . .478 Printer overflow Subroutine (ILBOPTVO) • • • • • • • • · • • 478 Printer spacing Subroutine (ILBOSPAO) • • • • • • • • · . . 478 B5AM WRITE/CLOSE and BDAM OPEN .478 Subroutine (ILBOS AMO) .••• • • 478 B5AM READ Subroutine (ILBOSPNO) .479 Q5AM I/O Subroutine (ILBOQIO) DCB Exit Subroutine (ILBOEXTO) · . • 479 VSAM Initialization Subroutine (1LBOINTO) • • . . • • • • • • • • • 479 VSAM open and Close Subroutine (1LBOVOCO) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 479 VSAM Action Request Subroutine .479 (1LBOVIO 0) • • • • • • • • • • .479 RECEIVE Subroutine (ILBORECO) RECEIVE Initialization Subroutine (1LBORNTO) • • • • • • • • • • • 479 Queue Analyzer Object-Time .479 Subroutine (ILBOSQAO) Queue Structure Description Subroutine (ILBOQSUO) •••• .479 Messag e Count Subroutine (ILBOMSC) .479 Queue Structure Scan (Communications) subroutine (1LBOQSS) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 479 Job Scheduler Subroutine (ILBOSCD) .479 ENABLE/DISABLE Subroutine (ILBONBL) 480 Communications Job scheduler Utility (ILBOCJS) • • . • • • • • • 480 Declarative Save Area Chaining Subroutine (ILBOCHNO) • • • • • • • 480 GETCORE Subroutine (ILBOCMMO) .480 SEND Subroutine (ILBOSNDO) • • • • • 480 SEND Initialization SUbroutine (ILBOSNTO) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 480 COBOL Library Subroutines for Special Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 480 Sort/Merge Feature Subroutine (I L BO S RT 0) • • • • • • • • • • • • .480 Merge Subroutine (ILBOMRGO) • .480 Sort Subroutine (ILBOSMGO) • • • • .480 sort Deb ug S ubro utin e (I LBOSDBO) • .480 Alternate Collating Sequence Compare Subrou ti ne (ILBOAC S) • • . .481 SEARCH Subroutine (ILBOSCHO) • • • • 481 Segmentation Subroutine (II.BOSGMO) .481 GO TO DEPENDING ON Subroutine (ILBOGDOO) • • • • • • . • • • • • • 481 Date-and-Time Subroutine (ILBODTEO) 481 3886 optical Character Reader Interface Subroutine (ILBOOCRO) • . 481 ABEND Request Subroutine (ILBOABNO) 481 Ob ject -Time Debuggin g • • • • • • • • .481 Debug Control Subroutine (ILBODBGO) 481 Use-for-Debugging Subroutine (I LB OB UG ) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 482 Flow Trace S ubrou tin e (ILBOFLWO) • . 482 Statement Number Subroutine (ILBOSTNO) • • . • • • • • • • • • • 482 Symbolic Dump Subroutine (ILBOD10 and ILBOD20) • • • • • • • • • • • • 482 SYMDMP Error Message Subroutine (IL BODBEO) • • • • • • . • • . • • .482 COUNT Initialization Subroutine (ILBOTCOO) • • • • • • . • • ~ • • • 482 COUNT Frequency Subroutine (ILBOCT10) • • • • • • . • • • • • • 482 COUNT Termination Subroutine (ILBOTC20) • • • • • • . • • • • 482 COUNT Print Subroutine (ILBOTC30) .482 Object-Time Debugging under Information Management System (PP5734-XX6) • • .483 SPIE Subroutine (ILBOSPIO) • • . • • 483 Calling And Storage Information .483 APPENDIX C: FIELDS OF THE DATA CONTROL BLOCK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 490 APPENDIX D: COMPILER OPTIMIZATION .496 Performance Considerations • • • • . • .496 Block Size for compiler Data Sets .496 How Buffer Space Is Allocated to Buffers • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 497 APPENDIX E: INVOCATION OF THE COBOL COMPILER AND COBOL COMPILED PROGRAMS • • 499 Invoking the COBOL compiler • • 499 Invoking COBOL compiled Programs • • • 500 APPENDIX F: SOURCE PROGRAM SIZE CONSIDERATIONS • • • • • • • .501 Compiler Capacity • .501 Minimum Configuration SOURCE PROGRAM Size • • • • • • • • • .501 Effective storage Considerations • • • • 501 Linkage Editor capacity • .502 APPENDIX G: INPUT/OUTPUT ERROR CONDITIONS. • • • • • • • • • • • 504 APPENDIX H: CREATING AND RETPIEVING INDEXED SEQUENTIAL DATA SF.TS • • • .510 Creating an Indexed Data Set • • . . 510 Retrieving an Indexed Data Set • • . 512 APPENDIX I: CHECKLIST FOR JOB CONTROL PROCEDURES • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 514 compilation • • • • • • • • . • . . . . 514 Case 1: Compilation Only -- No Object Module Is to Be Produced • . 514 Case 2: Source Module from Input Stream. • • • • • • • .514 Case 3: Object Module Is to Be Punched . • • • • • • • • . • • . • 514 Case 4: Object Module Is to Be Passed to Linkage Editor. • • .514 Case 5: Object Module Is to Be Saved • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • 515 Case 6: COpy Statement in COBOL Source Module or a BASIS Card in the Input Stream. • . • . • • .515 Linkage Editor . • . . • . . • . • • . • 515 Case 1: Input from Previous Compilation in Same Job . • • • . . 515 Case 2: Input from System Input St re am • • • • . • . . . . • • • • • 515 Case 3: Input Not from Compilation in Same Job • • • • • .515 Case 4: Output to Be Placed in Link Library. . • . • • • • .516 Case 5: output to Be Placed in Private Library • • • • • . • • • . 516 Case 6: output to Be Used Only in this Job. • • • • • • • • .516 Execution Time. • • . • • • • .516 Case 1: Load Module to Executed Is in Link Li brary • . • .516 Case 2: Load Module to Be Executed Is a Member of Private Library ••• 516 Case 3: Load Module to Be Executed Is Created in Previous Linkage Editor Step in Same Job • . 517 Case 4: Abnormal Termination Dump .517 Case 5: DISPLAY Is Included in Source Module • • • • . • . . • • • 517 Case 6: DISPLAY UPON SYSPUNCH Is Included in Source Module • • • • • 517 Case 7: ACCEPT Is Included in Source Module (Except for Format 2 or ACCEPT MESSAGE) • . . • • . . • . 517 Case 8: Debug Statements EXHIBIT or TRACE Are Included in Source Module • • • • • . • • • . • . . • • 517 Case 9: Object Time Symbolic Debugging a pt ions .517 Case 10: COUNT Option ..•. .517 Fe y • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX J: FIELDS OF THE GLOBAL TABLE .519 Task Global Table . • 519 Program Global Tab Ie • • . • . • • 527 APPENDIX K: DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES Compile-Time Messages Object-Time Messages • completion Codes • Informative Messages • . . ., .529 . • 529 .529 .529 .529 Diagnostic Messages -- MCS Consid erations • • . COBOL Object Program Unnumbered Messages • • . • • • Queue Analyzer Messages • • • • • • • .537 · .538 • .539 APPENDIX L: RESOLVING COBOL COMPILER PROBL~MS • .543 AFPENDIX M: 3886 OPTICAL CHARACT~R READER PROCESSING •••• OCR COBOL Capabilities • . • . • • • · .544 • .544 OCR I/O Requests • • • . • • • • • . 544 OCR STATUS KEY. • • • . • • . • :545 Implementing an OCR Application .549 Document Design . . . . . • .. .549 Do cu men t Des c rip t ion • . . . . • . 550 COBOL File and Record Descriptions • . 552 Procedural Code . . • • • . . • . 552 Exception Handling with ILBOOCRP . . 552 Sample Program • . . • . • . • • . • • 553 Format Pecord Assembly Example . • • 553 Processing Tapes from the 3886 OCR, Model 2 . • • 560 INDEX .561 Figure 1. Job Control Procedure 21 Figure 2. Using a Cataloged Procedure 21 Figure 3. Control Statements • 22 Figure 4. General Format of Control 23 Statements • • • • • • • • 26 Figure 5. JOB Statement • • • • • 33 Figure 6. EXEC Statement • • • • Figure 7. Significant Characters for Compiler 0 ptions .......... . • 38 Figure 8. Compiler, Linkage Editor, 46 and Loader PARM options •••• Figure 9. The DD Statement (Part 1 53 of 3) • .. • • • • • • • • • • .. Figure 9. The DD Statement (Part 2 of 3) • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • 54 Figure 10. Device Class Names Required for IBM-Supplied Cataloged Procedures • • • • . .. .. • • • • • 59 Figure 11. Mass Storage Volume states 64 Figure 12. Data Set References 66 Figure 13. Example of a Batch Compilation • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • 72 Figure 14. Creation of Four Toad Modules with Programs PROG1 and PROG2 and BASIS Library Members PAYROLL and PAYROLL2 • • • • • • • 73 Figure 15. Data Sets Used for Compilation • • • • • • • • • 75 Figure 16. Data Sets Used for linkage 77 Editing • • • • • • • • • Figure 17. Determining the File • • 84 Processing Technique • .. • • Figure 18. COBOL Clause for Physical sequential File Processing • • • • • • 86 Figure 19. DEN Values ....... 86 Figure 20. DD statement Parameters Applicable to Physical sequential OUTPUT Files • • .. • • • • . • . • . • • 89 Figure 21. DD statement Parameters Applicable to Physical sequential INPUT and 1-0 Files •• • • • • • • • • 90 Figure 22. Directly organized Data as 93 it Appears on a Mass storage Device Figure 23. Sample Format of the First Two Tracks of a Direct File • . • • • • 94 Figure 24. Sample Space Allocation for sequentially Created Direct Files . 96 Figure 25. Sample Space Allocat~on for Randomly Created Direct Files • • • 97 Figure 26. Mass Storage Device • 103 Overhead Formulas • • • • Figure 27. Mass Storage Device .103 Capacities ••••••••• Figure 28. Mass storage Device Track .104 capacity ••••••••• Figure 29. Partial List of Prime Numbers (Part 1 of 2) • • • • • • • • • 105 Figure 30. Sample Program for a Randomly Created Direct File (Part of 2) .•••••.••.•••• .106 Figure 31. Direct File Processing on Mass Storage Devices • . • • • • • .108 Figuri~32. JCL Applicabie to Directly Organizeq Files ....... 109 & • • • • Figure 33. Relatively Organized Data as it Appears on a Mass Storage nevice .111 Figure 34. Sample Format of Two Tracks of a Relative File • • • . • 111 Figure 35. Sample program for Rela ti ve File Processing (Part of 4) • 114 Figure 36. Relative File Processing on Mass Storage Devices • 118 Figure 37. JCL Applicable to Relatively organized Files · • 120 Figure 38. Track Index • • 120 Figure 39. cylinder Index • 121 Figure 40. Blocked Records on an Indexed File • • • . • • • • • • 121 Figure 41. Unblocked Records on an Indexed File • • . • • • • • • • • • . 122 Figure 42. Cylinder Overflow Area • • • 123 Fi~ure 43. Independent Overflow Area .123 Figure 44. DD statement Parameters Applicable to Indexed Files opened as Output . • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • 126 Figure 45. Example of DD Statements for New Indexed Files • • • . • • . • • 127 Figure 46. DD statement Parameters Applicable Indexed sequential Piles Opened as INPUT or 1-0 • . . . • . • • . 129 Figure 47. Indexed sequential Pile Processing on Mass Storage Devices • • 131 Figure 48. DD Statement Parameters Frequently Used in Creating Data sets .132 Figure 49. Parameters Frequently Used in Retrieving PreviouslY Created Data Sets . • • • • . • • • . . . . • • . . 138 Figure 50. Parameters Used To Specifv unit Record Devices . • . • • • • • • . 141 Figure 51. Links between the SELECT Statement, the DD statement, the Data Set Label, and the Input/Output Statements • . • . • • • . • • · . 143 Figure 52. Flow of Control in COBOL After Error Detected on . BSAM/QISAM/BDAM/BISAM I/O.· . • • • • • 145 Figure 53. Flow of Control in COBOL 147 ~fter Error Detected on QS,AM I/O jig~~e 54. ·Ex~mpl~ of Use of GIVING Option in Error Declarative (Part 1 of 3) •••••••••••••••• • Figure 55. Recovery from an Invalid Key Condition or from an Input/Output Error • • • • . • . • • • . Figure 56. Input/Output Error Processing Pacilities • • • • F i q u r e 5 7 • Ex it Lis t C od e s • • • • · Figure 58. Parameter List Formats Figure 59. Label Routine Return Codes Figure 60. Fixed-length (Format F) Records . • • • . • • • • , • • • Figure 61. Unspecified (Format U) Records • • • • • • • • • . • • . Figure 62. Unblocked V-Mpde Records Figure 63. Blocked V-~ode Records · . 150 .154 .155 • 158 .158 158 .160 • 161 .162 . 162 Figure 64. Fields in Unblocked V-Mode Records • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 163 Figure 65. Fields in Blocked V-Mode Records •• • • • • • • • • .163 Figure 66. First Two Blocks of VARIABLE-FILE-2 • • • • • • .164 Figure 67. Control Fields of an S-Mode Record • • • • • • • • • .166 Figure 68. One Logical Record Spanning Physical Blocks • • • • • • • • 166 Figure 69. First Four Blocks of SP AN- F I L E • • • • • • • • • • • • • 167 Figure 70. Advantage of S-Mode Records Over V-Mode Records • • 167 Figure 71. Direct and Sequential Spanned Files on a Mass Storage Device 168 Figure 72. Calculating Record Lengths When Using the OCCURS Clause with the DEPENDING ON option • • • • • • . • • • 171 Figure 73. Defining a VSAM Indexed Data Set (KSDS) with Both Primary and Alternate Keys • • • • • • • • • • • • • 178 Figure 74. status Key Values And Their Meanings. • • • • • • • • • .184 Figure 75. Error Handling Actions Based on COBOL Program Coding.. • .185 Figure 76. (Part 1 of 2) Status Key Values for OPEN Requests. • • • • .187 Figure 77. (Part 1 of 2) Status Key Values for Action Requests. • • • .192 Figure 78. COBOL Statements Frequently Used for Writing into a VSAM Data Set • • • • • • • • • . • . • 194 Figure 79. COBOL Statements Frequently Used for Retrieving Records From a VSAM Data Set • • • • • • • • • • 196 Figure 80. COBOL statements Frequently Used for Updating a VSAM Data Set • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • 199 Figure 81. Sample Identification and Environment Division Output Listing •• 204 Figure 82. Sample Data Division output Listing • • • • • • • • • • • • • 206 Figure 83. Sample Procedure Division Qutput Listing • • • • • • • • • • • • • 208 Figure 84. Sample Summary Listing • • • 209 Figure 85. Individual Type Codes Used in SYMDMP output • • • • • • • • • • • 219 Figure 86. Using the SYMDMP Option to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 1 of 11) •••••••••••••• • .220 Figure 87. Examples of Compiler Output (Part 1 of 4) • • • • • • • .232 Figure 88. A Program that Produces compiler Diagnostics and Explanations .239 Figure 89. Glossary Definition and Usage • • • • • • • • • • • • • .239 Figure 90. Symbols Used in the Listing and Glossary to Define Compiler-Generated Information .240 Figure 91. Linkage Editor output Showing Module Map and Cross-Reference List. • • . . • • • • • • . • • • . 241 Figure 92. Module Map Format Example .244 Figure 93. Execution Job Step output .245 Figure 94. system Message Identification Codes . • . • • • . • . 246 Figure 95. Program with USE FOR DEBUGGING • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . . 250 Figure 96. Example of Program Flow • . • . . . • • . • • • . • • 252 Figure 97. Selective Testing of B • . . 253 Figure 98. COBOL Program That will Abnormally Termina te (Part 1 of 3) • • .264 Figure 99. Load List of program That will Abnormally Terminate .267 Figure 100. Program with Data Interrupt (Part 1 of 5) .269 Figure 101. Locating the QSAM Logical Record Area • • . • • . . • . • • . • . 274 Figure 102. Logical Record Area and Segment Work Area for BDAM and BSAM Spanned Records • • • • • • . • • . • • 275 Figure 103. Fields of the RECEIVE Queue Block • • . •. • . • • • • • 276 Figure 104. Fields of the SEND Queue Block . • • • • . • • • • • .276 Figure 105. Structure of a TCAM Record .277 Figure 106. Codes Used in the TCAM Control Byte • • . • • • . • • • . • . 278 Figure 107. Data Format Conversion • . 289 Figure 108. Relationship of PICTURE to storage Allocation • ~ • • • • • . • 292 Figure 109. Treatment of Varying Values in a Data Item of PICTURE S9 • • 292 Figure 110. Using the STRING Statement • • • • • . • . • • .298 Figure 111. Using the UNSTRING Statement • • • • • • . • • • .299 Figure 112. Sample Showing GROUP INDICATE Clause and Resultant Execution Output • • . • • . • • . • . • • • • . 302 Figure 113. Format of a Report Record When the CODE Clause is Specified .302 Figure 114. storage Layout for Table Reference Example • • • • .306 Figure 115. Rules for the SET Statement • • • • . • • • _ • .307 Figure 116. A Queue Structure with Three Levels of Sub-Queues • • • • • • 310 Figure 117. A Sample Queue structure Descripion • • . • • . . • . • • • • . 311 Figure 118. Sample Message Retrieval options • • • • • • • • • • • 313 Figure 119. Using ddnames with Queue Structures ••••...••• .314 Figure 120. Format for Input to Queue structure Description Routine .315 Figure 121. Calling and Called Programs. • • • • . • . . • • • • .316 Figure 122. Sample Calling and Called Programs Using Dynamic CALL and CANCEL Stat e men t s ( Pa r t 1 0 f 3) •••• • 3 19 Figure 123. Linkage Registers .322 Figure 124. Effect of STOP RUN Statement • • • • • • • • . • • • .325 Figure 125. Sample Linkage Coding Used in a Calling Assembler-Language Program . • . . • • • . • • . • • • • • 326 Figure 126. Sa_pIe calling and Called Programs (Part 1 of 7) • • • • . . .327 Figure 127. Save Area Layout and contents ••••••.••••• .332 Figure 128. CALL with DYNAM and RESIDENT ••••••••.•• • .335 Figure 129. CALL With NODYNAM and RESIDENT. • • • . • • • • • • • .335 Fioure 130. CALL with NODYNAM and RESIDENT With CALL Literal Option • • • 336 Figure 131. CALL With NODYNAM and NONRESIDENT • • • . • • • . • • • .336 Figure 132. Sample JCL for Called/Calling Programs Compiled with the DYNAM and RESIDENT options .337 Figure 133. Sample JCL Used for a Calling Assembler-Language Program and a Called COBOL Program • • . • • • .338 Figure 134. Specifying primary and Additional Input to the Linkage Editor 339 Figure 135. overlay Tree Structure • . 341 Figure 136. Sample Deck for Linkage-Editor Overlay Structure • • • • 342 Figure 137. Sample COBOL Main Program and Assembler-Language Subprogram using Dynamic overlay Technique (Part 1 of 3) • • • • • • • • •• • .343 Figure 138. Format of a Library • • . 348 Figure 139. Entering Source statements into the COpy Library • • • • 350 Figure 140. Updating Source statements in a COpy Library. • . .350 Figure 141. COBOL Statements to Deduct Old Age Tax • • • • • • • . • . 352 Figure 142. Programmer Changes to Source Program • • • • • • . • • • • • • 352 Figure 143. Changed COBOL Statements to Source COpy Library Statements .352 Figure 144. Concatenating the Subroutine Library • • • • • • • • • • 354 Figure 145. Example of Adding Procedures to the Procedure Library •• 358 Figure 146. Statements in the COBUC Procedure • • • . • • • • • .360 Figure 147. Statements in the COBUCL Procedure • • • • • • • • • • • • • 360 Figure 148. Statements in the COBULG Procedure • • • • • • . • • • • . • 360 Figure 149. Statements in the COBUCLG Procedure • • • • • • • • • • • • • 361 Figure 150. Statements in the COBUCG Procedure • • • • • • • • • •• 361 Figure 151. Sort Feature Control Cards • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 370 Figure 152. Sorting Variable-Length Records Whose File-name Description and sort-File-name Description Correspond .376 Figure 153. Segmentation of Program SAVECORE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 378 Figure 154. Sample segmentation Program (Part 1 of 14) •••• • .380 Figure 155. Restarting a Job at a Specific Checkpoint Step •• 398 Figure 156. Using the RD Parameter •• 399 Figure 157. Modifying Control Statements Before Resubmitting for Step Restart. • • • • • • • • • • • 399 Figure 158. Modifying Control Statements Before Resubmitting for Checkpoint Restart • • • • • ,. • .400 Figure 159. Message Flow between Remote stations and a COBOL Program •• 402 Figure 160. A Message Control Program for Communication Application (Part 1 of 20) • • • • •• • • • • • • 406 Figure 161. Macros that can be coded in a Message Handler • • . • . 430 Figure 162. Replacing the Mer Jobname CSECT • • • • . • • • . • .433 Figure 163. Exam?le of Message Formation for a Fixed Line Size Destination Supporting Vertical positioninq . • • • • • • • • • . .437 Figure 164: Communications Job Scheduling • • • . • . . . • • • • • • . 439 Figure 165. Sample CJS Application (Part 1 of 2) •••••••• .440 Figure 166. ANS Standard MCP Requirements (part 1 of 2) • • . • • . . 442 Figur& 167. Sample JCL for Testing a Communication Job without TCAM. .4u7 Figure 168. Sample JCL for Running a Communication Job in a Quasi-Terminal Environment . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . 448 Figure 169. Sample JCL for Running a Communication Job with a Remote Terminal • • . • • • . • . . . . • • • .448 Figure 170. Creating a TCAM Data Set for Testing without Terminals (Part 1 of 2) •••••••••• • • • • .451 Figure 171. A COBOL Program That Processes TCAM Messages (Part 1 of 2) .453 Figure 172. Functions of corOL Library Conversion Subroutines (Part 1 of 2) ••••••••• • • • • • 474 Figure 173. Function of COBOL Library Arithmetic Subroutines • • • • . 475 Figure 174. Calling and storage Information for COBOL Library Subrou tines (Part 1 of 6) .484 Figure 175. Data control Block Fields for Physical Sequential Files (QSAM) . . 491 Figure 176. Data Control Block Fields for Direct and Relative Files Accessed Sequentially (BSAM) • . . • . . . • • • 492 Figure 177. Data Control Block Fields for Direct and Relative Files Accessed Randomly (BDAM) • • . • . . • • • . . • 493 Figure 178. Data Control Block Fields for Indexed Sequential Files Accessed Sequentially (QISAM) • • . • . • • . • • 494 Figure 179. Data Control Block Fields for Indexed sequential Files Accessed Randomly (BISAM) • • • • • • . • • • . . 495 Figure 180. sample Constant Area Used in SYNADAF Processing (Part 1 of 3) • • 505 Figure 181. A Sample Job to get a .507 Dump of a Constant Area • • • • Figure 182. Creating an Indexed Data set • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • .511 Figure 183. Area Arrangement for Indexed Data Sets • • • • • • • • .512 Figure 184. Retrieving an Indexed Data Set. • • • • • • • • • • • • .513 Figure 185. General Job Control Procedure for Compilation • • • • • • • 514 Figure 186. General Job Control Procedure for a Linkage Editor Job step 516 Figure 187. General Job Control Procedure for an Execution-Time Job St e p • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • 51 7 Fiqure 188. Fields of th~ Task Global Table (Part 1 of 3) • • • • • • • .520 Figure 189. Fields of the Program Global Table •••• • • • • • • 527 Figure 190. Format of COBOL Parameter Data Area . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 545 Figure 191. IBM-supplied Data Division COpy Member (Part 1 oi 2) .546 Figure 192. IBM-supplied Procedure Di vision COP Y Member (Part 1 of 2) • • .548 Figure 193. OCR STATUS KEY Values (Part 1 of 2) • • • • • • • • • • • • • 550 Figure 194. Requesting OCR Functions and Information Returned • • • • • • • • 553 Figure 195. Sample Document • . • • • • 555 Figure 196 ... Format Record Assembly Coding Example. • • • • . • • . • .556 Figure 197. Sample Data . . . • . • • • 557 Figure 198. Sample COBOL OCR Processing Program (Part 1 of 3) .558 An OS/VS COBOL program can be processed by the IBM Operating System. The operating system consists of a number of E!Q£gssing ££Qg~§ and a £2~!£~~g~~. The processing programs include the COBOL compiler# service programs, and any user-written programs. The control program supervises the execution or loadi ng of the processing programs; controls the location# storage, and retrieval of data; and schedules jobs for continuous processing. A request to the operating system for facilities and scheduling of program execution is called a .iQ.l!.. For example# a job could consist of compiling a program by utilizing the COBOL compiler. A job consists of one or more jQQ stg£2# each of which specifies execution of a program. The programmer can make requests to the operating system by using job control sta temen ts. Each job is headed by a JOB statement that identifies the job. Each job step is headed by an EXEC statement that describes the job step and calls for execution. Included in each job step are data definit.ion (DD) statements, which describe data sets and request allocation of input/output devices. £!1!!Qgl or in both (if they are not the same). The catalog itself is a data set residing on one or more mass storage devices. It is organi2ed into indexes that relate each data set name to its location-the volume in which it resides and its position within the volume. Only the data set name and DISP parameter need be specified to identify a cataloged data set to the sys tern. The catalog is originally created by a utility program. Once the catalog exists, any non-VSAM data set residing on either a mass storage device or a magnetic tape volume can be cataloged automatically by use of a catalog subparameter in a DD statement that refers to the data set. VSAM data sets are cataloged through Access Method Services. Several input/output devices grouped together and given a single name when the system is generated constitute a g,gyic~ class. Each device class can be referred a collective name. For example# one device class called SYSDA could consist of all the mass storage devices in the installation; another called SYSSQ c6uld consist of all the mass storage devices and tape devices. to-by The data processed by execution of any processing program must be in the form of a g~1~-2g1A data set is a named, organized collection of one or more records that. are logically related. Information in a data set mayor may not be restricted to a specific type# purpose# or storage medium. A data set may be# for example, a source program, a library of SUbroutines, or a group of data records that is to be processed by a COBOL program. Four basic operations are performed to execute a COBOL program: A data set resides in one or more A volume is a unit of external storage that is accessible to an input/output device. For example, a volume may be a reel of tape or it may be a mass storage device. COMPILATION • compilation - Linkage editing -Loading • Execution !.Qlumg§_ To facilitate retrieval of a data set, the serial nrimber of the volume upon which it resides can be entered, along with the data set name l in either the system £S.glog of data sets (SYSCTLG) or in the VSAM 18 Com pila tion is the process of translating a COBOL source program into a series of instructions comprehensible to the computer, i.e., machine language. In operating system terminology, the input (source program) to the compiler is called the 2QQ££~~Qgule_ The output (compiled source program) from the compiler is called the obj~£~_mod~le. LINKAGE EDITING OS/VS1 The linkage editor is a service program that prepares object modules for execution. It can also be used to combine tvo or more separately compiled object modules into a format suitable for execution as a single program. The executable output of the linkage editor is called a !Q~g_~dule, which must always be stored as a member of a partitioned data set. The OS/VS1 control program divides storage into a numbe~ of discrete areas called partitions. Job steps are directed to these partitions using a priority scheduling system; that is, jobs are not executed as encountered in the job stream· but according to a priority code. The OS/VS1 control program provides for: • priority scbeduling of jobs using the class code In addition to processing object modules, the linkage editor can combine previously edited load modules, with or without multiple object modules, to form one load module. During the process of linkage editing, external references between different modules are usually resolved. • Concurrent scheduling and execution of up to 15 separately protected jobs • Reading one or more input streams Por furtber information about the various optional features of the OS/Vs1 control program. see tbe publication Q~!li1 fl~nning_ang_U2~_~g1~g· LOADING OS/VS2 The Loader is a service program that processes object and load modules, resolves any references to subprograms, and executes the loaded module. All these functions are performed in one step. The Loader cannot produce load modules for a program library. For detailed information on the Loader, see the publication Q~LY~_1ift~~g~£~itQ~ ~n~_Lo~Q~~, where a discussion of invoking the Loader can be found in "Using the Loader." The OS/VS2 control program divides storage into areas called regions. Like OS/VS1, the OS/V52 control program uses a priority scheduling system and provides for concurrent execution of up to 255 tasks. In addition, the OS/VS2 control program provides for assignment of storage regions on a variable basis according to a region code. For further information about the various optional features of the 05/'52 control program, see the publication !2~!~~ glgnni~_gng_a§g_~g1~~· EXECUTION Actual execution is under supervision of the control proqram,which obtains a load module from a library, loads it into main storage, and initiates execution of the machine language instructions contained in the load mod ule. The IBM as/vs COBOL Compiler and Library operates under control of OS/VS1 or OS/VS2 (with or without TSO), and under the CMS component of VM/370. OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 can operate as independent systems or under control of VM/370. CONVERSATIONAL MONITOR SYSTEM The Conversational Monitor System (CMS) is a time-sharing system that depends upon the control program component of Virtual Machine Facility/310 (VM/370) for real computer management. eMS provides an extensive range of conversational programming capabilities a t. a remote terminal. The CMS command language simplifies file and data handling through the use of simple terminal commands. For a detailed description on the use of the OS/VS COBOL Compiler and Library under CMS, see the publication 1~H-Y~Ll1Q_£~~ Use£~~ ~~igg_!Q£_£Q~Q1. This guide contains a list of restrictions and limitations· for using the OS/VS COBOL Compiler under CMS. Introduction 19 communication between the COBOL programmer and the job scheduler is effected through nine job control statements (hereinafter called control statements): 1. Job sta tement 2. Execute statement 3. Data Definition statement 4. PROe statement 5. PEND statement 6. Command Statement 7. Delimiter statement 8. Null Statement 9. Comment Statement. Parameters coded in these control statements aid the job scheduler in regulating the execution of jobs and job steps, retrieving and disposing of data, allocating input/output resources, and communicating with the operator. The job_§ll!ill!gnt (hereinafter called the JOB statemen~ marks the beginning of a job an4, when jobs are stacked in the input stream, marks the end of the control statements for the preceding job. It may contain accounting information for use by an installation's accounting routines, give conditions for early termination of the job, regulate the display of job scheduler messages, assign job priority, request a specific class for job scheduler messages, specify the amount of main storage to be allocated to the job, and hold a job for later execution. The ~~~tatem~nt (or EXEC statement) marks the beginning of a job step and identifies the program to be executed or the cataloged procedure to be used. It may also provide job step accounting information, give conditions for bypassing the job step, pass control information to a processing program, assign a time limit for the execution of the job step and specify the amount of main storage to be allocated. The datLde.fiJl.itiQ1L§.tate~!l! (or DD statement) describes a data set and 20 requests the allocation of input/output resources. The DD statement parameters identify the data set, give volume and unit. information and disposition, and describe the labels and physical attributes of the data set. The £.RQ~§ls.lgm~:nl appears as the first control statement in a cataloged procedure or an in-stream procedure and is used to assign default values to symbolic parameters defined in the procedure. The g~lilLsts.lgmg!ll appears as the last control statement in an in-stream procedure and marks the end of the in-stream procedure. For further information about in-stream procedures, refer to the topic "Testing a Procedure as an In-Stream Procedure" in the chapter "Using t.he Cataloged Procedures." The £.Q!!.nnd_§!ate!!~n! is used by the operator to enter commands through the input stream. Commands can activate or daactivate system input and output units, request printouts and displays, and perform a number of other operator functions. The delimiter statement and the null 2i~~i are markers-in-an input stream. The delimiter statement is used, when data is included in the input stream, to separate the data from subsequent control statements. The null statement can be used to mark the end of the control statements for the entire job {preventing subsequent statements from being associated with this job) • The comment statement can be inserted before or-after-;Uy-control statement and can contain any information deemed helpful by the person who codes the control statements. Comments can be coded in columns 4 through 80. The comment cannot be continued onto another statement. If the comment statement a ppears on a system output listing, it can be identified by the appearance of asterisks in colUmns 1 through 3. The sequence of cont.rol statements required to specify a jo,b is called a jQQ control procedure. For example, the job control procedure shown in Figure 1 CQuld be placed in the input stream to compile a COBOL source module. , r- IIIJOB1 IIISTEP1 JOB EXEC PGM=IKFCBLOO,PARM=DeCK 1/ISYSUT1 DD OSNAME=&&UT1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK, OSNAME=&&UT2, UNIT=SYSSQ,SPACE= (TRK, DSNAME=&&UT3, UNIT=SYSSQ,SPACE= (TRK, OSNAME=&&UT4,UNIT=SYSSQ,SPACE=(TRK, SYSOUT=A S YSOUT= B IIISYSUT2 DO IIISYSUT3 IIISYSUT4 IIISYSPRINT JIISYSPUNCH DD DD 00 DD DD IIISYSIN I (source deck) f/* J J (40» (40» (40» (40» I J f I I I I I * 1 L-- Figure .J 1. Job Control Procedure In the illustration, JOB1 is the name of the job. The JOB statement indicates the beginning of a job. STEPl is the name of the single job step in the job. The EXEC statement specifies that the IBM OS/VS COBOL Compiler (IKPCBLOO) is to execute the job. The statement also specifies that a card deck of the object module is to be produced (PARM=DECK) • The SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, SYSUT4, SYSUT5 (if the SYMDMP or TEST option is spec if ied in the PARM parameter of the EXEC card), and SYSUT6 (if the LVL option is specified in the PARM parameter of the EXEC card) DD statements define utility data sets, used by the compiler to process the source module. The names of the data sets defined by SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SISUT3, SYSUT4, SYSUTS and SYSUT6 are &&UT1, S&UT2, &&UT3, &&UT4, &&UTS and &&UT6, respectively. SYSUT1 must be on a mass storage device (UNIT=SYSDA). The system will allocate 40 tracks of space to SYSUT1 [SPACE=(TRK, (40»]. The other four utility data sets are assigned either to any available tape, in which case the SPACE parameter is ignored, or to a mass storage unit (UNIT=SYSSQ). The SYSPRINT DO statement defines the da ta set tha t is to be printed. SYSOUT= A is the standard designation for data sets whose destination is the system output device, usually indicating that the data set is to be listed on a printer. The SYSPUNCH DD statement defines the data set that is to be punched. By convention, SYSOUT=B designates a card punch. The SYSIN DD state.ent defines the data set (in this case, the source module) that is to be used as input to the job step. The asterisk (*) indicates that the input data set follows in the input stream. The delimiter (/*) statement separates data from subsequent control statements in the input stream. output from this job step includes any diagnostic messages associated with the compilation. They are printed in the data set specified by SYSPRINT. Note: S ISO A, SYSSQ, IBM-specified device are to be used, they at system generation A, and Bare class names. If they must be incorporated time. To avoid rewriting these statements, and the possibility of error, the programmer may place frequently used procedures on a system library called the procedure library. A procedure contained in the procedure library is called a cataloged 2~~~~~. A cataloged procedure can be called for execution by placing in the input stream a simple procedure that may require only the JOB and EXEC statements. If slightly mOdified, the procedure in the previous example can be cataloged, i.e., placed in the procedure library. For example, if it vere cataloged and given the name CATPROC, it could be called for execution by placing the statements shown in Figure 2 in the input stream. , t" IIIJOB2 JOB IIISTEPA EXEC IIISTEP1.SYSIN DO J (source deck) 11* PROC=CATPROC * I t I I , _____________- - J I Figure 2. Using a Cataloged Procedure In Figure 2, JOB2 is the name of the job. STEPA is the name of the single job step. The EXEC statement calls the cataloged proced ure containing STEP1 to execute the job step (PROC=CATPROC). Job Control Procedures 21 A procedure can be tested before it is placed in the procedure library by converting i t into an in::§.tr!!S.!Lprocedut:~. An in-stream procedure can be executed any number of times during a job. For further information about in-stream procedures, refer to the topic "Testing a Procedure as an In-stream Procedure" in "Using the Cataloged Procedures. l1 • i The section "Control Statements," below, shows the format and use of the parameters and subparameters that can be specified for each job control statement. Some parameters of the statements are described only briefly. Por further information, see the publication QSLIL!l~.L~~~!!£~. The syntactic format descriptions in this chapter can be used as a reference for the exact format and for the use of each parameter. Func tion I-----_t__ ,JOB I Indicates the beginning of a I I nev job and describes that I t job. ~ I IIndicates a job step and I describes that job step; I indicates the load module or I cataloged procedure to be I executed. I lDescribes data sets, and J controls device and volume , assignment. ,EXEC I J "User Pile Processing" and "Appendix I: Checklist for Job Control Procedures" explain, with numerous examples, the preparation of job control procedures. UDa ta Set Requirelllen ts" describes required and optional data sets for compilation, linkage editing, and execution time job steps. The chapter "Using Cataloged Procedures" provides informa tion about using and modifying cataloged procedures. , IS ta temen t I , , I tDD I I • -+-- , -t 1 1 I f 1 I I I I ~ I 1 1 -f J IdelimiterlSeparates data sets in the I I input stream from control I , , statements; it ma y folloll , J each data set that appears inl I I I the input stream, e.g., afterl I I a COBOL source module punchedl I ) deck. , I I ~ Icomment lcontains miscellaneous remarks 1 I t a nd notes wri t ten by the f J I programmer; it may appear 1 J J anywhere in the job stream 1 I J after the JOB statement , , I (except wi thi n data or I J I -______________ source) • t LL _ J Figure The COBOL programmer uses the control statements shown in Figure 3 to compile, linkage edit, and execute programs. JOB MANAGEMENT Control statements are processed by a group of operating system routines known collectively as job management. These job management routines interpret control statements and commands, control the flow of jobs, and issue messages to both the operator and the programmer. Job management comprises tvo major components: a job scheduler and a master scheduler. The job_§chegul~ is a set of routines that reads input streams, analyzes control statements, allocates input/output resources, issues diagnostic messages to the programmer, and schedules job flow through the system. 22 J. control Statements The master scheduler is a set of routines-that accepts operator commands and acts as the operator's agent within the system. It relays system messages to the operator, performs system functions at his request, and resp_onds to his inquiries regarding the status of a job or of the system. The master scheduler also relays all communication between a processing program and the opera tor. PREPARING CONTROL STATEMENTS Except for the comment statement, control statements are identified by the initial characters // or 1* in card columns 1 and 2. The comment statement is identified by the initial characters 1/* in columns 1 through 3. Control statements may contain four fields: name, operation, operand, and comment, as shown in Figure 4. , i- t J J I J I J I I I t f r- I , i tL-______________ 'optional. __ • t •J -f • • .. Fields 4 I 11213 I I JOB comments' Job operand' I Il/Iname operand EXEC comlllents' Execute J 1I/Iname l operand comments 1 Data Definitionl It/lname' DD operand co.ments l Procedure Il/tname' PROC operation (command) operand Command I 1111 Delilli ter comments' I 11*1 Null J 1I1I comments Comment 1 11/1* Pend I 1I/Iname 1 PEND r--- , statement t Columns , , ,, t t I I I comments' I .,I I I J Figure 4. General Format of Control statements The name contains from one through eight alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. The name begins in card column 3. It is followed by one or more blanks. The name is used, as follows: • To identify the control statement to the operating system • To enable other control statements in the job to refer to information contained in the named statement The operand field is preceded and followed by one or more blanks and may continue through column 71 and onto one or more continuation cards. It contains the parameters or subparameters that give required and optional information to the operating system. Parameters and sub parameters are separated by commas. A blank in tbe operand field causes the system to treat the remaining data on the card as a comment. There are two types of parameters: positional and keyword (Figures 5, 6, and 9). f2~tiQn~1~~met~: • To relate DD statements to files named in a COBOL source program The operation field is preceded and followed by one or more blanks. It may contain one of the following operation codes: JOB EXEC DD PROe PEND If the statement is a delimiter statement, there is no operation field and comments may start after one blank. Positional parameters are the first parameters in tbe operand field, and they must appear in the specified sequence. If a positional parameter is omitted and other positional parameters follow, the omission must be indicated by a comma. If other positional parameters do not follow, no comma is needed. Keyword Parameters: A keyword parameter may be placed anywhere in the operand field following the positional parameters. A keyword parameter consists of a keyword, followed by an equal sign, followed by a single value or a list of subparameters. If there is a subparameter list, it must be enclosed in parentheses or single quotation marks; the subparameters in the list mllst be separated by commas. Keyword parameters may appear in any sequence. Sub parameters are either positional or keyword. positional and keyword subparameters for job control statements are shown in Figures 5, 6, and 9. positional subparameters appear first in the parameter and must be in the specified sequence. If a positional sub para meter is Job Control Procedures 23 omitted and other positional sub parameters follow, a comma must indicate the omission. optional comments must be separated from the last parameter (or the 1* in a delimiter statement) by one or more blanks and may appear in the remaining columns up to and including column 71. An optional cOllment may be continued onto one or more continuation cards. Comments can contain blanks. 1 through 71 of cards or card images. If the total length of a statement exceeds 11 columns, or if a parameter is to be placed on separate cards, theoperatinq system continuation conventions must be used •. To continue an operand field: 1. Interrupt the field at the end of a complete parameter or subparameter, including the comma that follows it, at or before column 11. 2. Include any commments desired by following the interrupted field with at least one blank. Note: comments in the optional comments fIeld follow different procedures from those on the comment statement. 3. Optionally, code any nonblank character in column 12. CONVENTIONS FOR CHARACTER DELIMITERS 4. Code the identifying characters II in columns 1 and 2 of the following card or card image. 5. continue the interrupted operand beginning in any colUmn from 4 through Commas, parentheses, and blanks are interpreted as character delimiters. If they are not intended by the programmer to be used as delimiters, the fields in which they appea r must be enclosed in single quotation marks, indicating that the enclosed information is to be treated as a single field. When an apostrophe (or a single quotation mark, since the same character is used for either) is to be contained within such a field, it must be shown as two consecutive sinili-!l!!Qtatio!!' marks (5-8 punch), ~Qi as a double quotation mark (1-8 punch). For eXample, Wm. 16. comments other than those on a comment statement can be continued onto additional cards after the operand has been completed. To continue a comments field: 1. Interrupt the Gomment at a convenient place. 2. Code a nonblank character in column O'Connor should be shown as 'Wm. O· 'Connor' This convention applies to three fields: programmer's name in the JOB statement, information in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement, and accounting information in the JOB and EXEC statements. RULES POR CONTINUING CONTROL STATEMENTS Except for the comment statement, control statements are contained in columns 24 72. 3. Code the identifying characters II in columns 1 and 2 of the following card or card image. 4. Continue the comments field beginning in any column after column 3. Any control statements in the input stream that the job scheduler considers to contain only continued comments will print on a system output listing with a 11* in columns 1 through 3. Comments written on a comment statement cannot be continued. NOTATION FOR DESCRIBING JOB CONTROL STATEMENTS 4. The notation used in this publication to define the syntax of job control statements is as follow s: 1. The set of symbols below define control statements, but they are never written in an actual statement. Name Joins lower-case letters, words, and symbols to form a single variable Itor" symbol { } Indicate that the enclosed is a group of related items, only one of which is required brackets [ Indicate that the enclosed are optional items. Brackets are also used with alterna ti yes to indicate that a default is assumed if no alternative is listed ellipsis 2. 3. 5. Lower-case letters, words, and symbols appearing in a control statement definition represent variables for which specific information is substituted in the actual statement. 6. Blanks are used in Figures 5, 6, 8, and 9 to improve the readability of control statement definitions. In actual statements, blanks would be interpreted as delimiters. Indicates alternatives braces superscript Hot~: Many of these defaults can be changed at system generation time. £Y£.QQ§~ hyphen Indicates that the preceding item or group of items can be repeated 1 2 3 The JOB statement is the first statement in the sequence of control statements that describe a job. The JOB statement can contain the following information: 1. Name of the job. 2. Accounting information relative to the job. 3. programmer's name. 4. Indication of whether or not the job control statements are to be printed on the system output listing. 5. Conditions for terminating the execution of the job. 6. Job priority assignment, job scheduler message class, and real or virtual region size. Indicates a footnote reference Stacked items, enclosed in either brackets or braces, represent alternative items. No more than one of the stacked items can be written by the programmer. Upper-case letters and words, numbers, and the set of symbols listed below are written in an actual control sta teme nt exactly as shown in the statement definition. (Any exceptions to this rule are noted in the definition of a control statement.) An underscore indicates a default option. If an underscored alternative is selected, it need not be written in the actual statement. pigure 5 is a general format of the JOB statement. .Identifying the Job Name single quotation mark asterisk comma equal sign parentheses period slash • = ( ) / {jobn~.!!n The jobname identi.fies the job to the job scheduler. It must satisfy the positional, length. and content requirements for a name field. No two jobs being handled by a priority scheduler should hav~ the same jobname. Job Control Procedures 25 • i i 1 ,Name IOperation, Operand i &-tI ~ I I I I t gQsi!iQ.!!al..f.Yamet~ J I I I Illjobname JOB H ([account-number] [*accounting-information) 1 2 3] I I I I I 1[,programmer-name]· 5 1 I I J I. '.Kglwo£~n~1~:&2 1 H MSGLE VEL= (x, y) ]6 I [TIME= (minutes, seconds) ] I [ CLASS=jobclass) I I(COND= «code,operator) [, {code, operator) ] .... 7) 8 I(PRTY=job priority] I I I [ MSGCt ASS=classname] I H REGION=valueK] I J(RD=reguestJ J I * I J[RESTART=<{ stepname } [,checkid]) f I stepname.procstepname I I[NOTIFY=user id]9 , I r { HO LD } ] 10 • I L TYPRUN= SCAN J I I 1 , I I I ~ : [ADDRSPC= 1 1 1 ] I I t ] J f , 1 , {~i!i} ] : 1-_ -L-.:: ~ J t If the information specified (account-number and/or accounting- informa tion) conta ins I I blanks, parentheses, or equal signs, the information must be delimited by single I , quotation marks instead of parentheses. I 21f only account-number is specified, the delimiting parentheses may be omitted. I 3The maximum number of characters allowed between the delimiting quotation marks is J 142. I 4If programmer-name contains any special characters other than the period, it must be J enclosed within single quotation marks. J 5The maximum number of characters allowed for programmer-name is 20. I 6X = 0, 1, or 2 is the JCL message. 1 Y = 0 or 1 is the allocation message level. I Note that the value 1 may be used in place of (1~1). I 7The maximum number of repetitions allowed is 7. I 8If only one test is specified, the o~ter pair of parentheses may be omitted. , 9For TSO only. 110SCAN is for OS/VS1 only. l.- Figure 1 I I J , 1 I 1 1 J , I I I .J 5. JOB Sta tement r-, J (acctt,additional accounting infocmation) J 1.- For job accounting purposes,tbe JOB statement can be used to supply information to an installa tion' s accounting procedures. To supply job accounting information, code the positional parameter first in the operand field. 26 ---' Replace the term "acctl" with the account number to which the job is charged; replace the term "additional accounting informationttwith other items required by an installationts accounting routines. The requirement can be established with a cataloged procedure for the input reader. otherwise, the account number ,is considered optional. • subparameters of additional accounting information must be separated by commas. • The number of characters in the account number and additional accounting information must not exceed a total of 142. • If the list contains only an account number, the programmer need not code the parentheses. • If the list does not contain an account number, the programmer must indicate its absence by coding a comma preceding the additional accounting information. • If the account number or any subparameter of additional accounting information contains any special character {except hyphens), the programmer must enclose the number or subparameter in apostrophes (5-8 punch). The apostrophes are not passed as part of the information. The person responsible for a job codes his name or identification in the JOB statement, following the job accounting information. This positional parameter is also passed to an installation'S routines. As a system generation option, the programmer's name can be established as a required parameter. The requirement can also be established with a cataloged proced ure for the in pu treader. otherwise, this parameter is considered optional. Di~J215lzing All Control_st~1~~n12L AllocaliQll~~d Te£~instiQn_~g~g~§ 111~GLEn!J.. The MSGLEVEL parameter indicates whether or not the programmer wants control statements and/or allocation and termination messages to appear .in his output listing. TO receive this output, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB statement. , r- I I 1. ~ The letter "x" represents a job control language message code and can be assigned the value 0, 1, or 2. When x = 0 is specified, only the JOB statement, incorrect control statements, and associated diagnostic messages are displayed. When x = 1 is specified, input statements, cataloged procedure statements, and symbolic SUbstitution of parameters are displayed. When x = 2 is specified, only input statements are displayed. The letter "y" represents an allocation message code and can be assigned the value o or 1. When y = 0 is specified, no allocation, termination, or recovery messages are displayed, unless an ABEND occurs during problem program execution. If an ABEN D occurs, termina tion messages are di spla yed. When y = 1 is specified, all allocation, termination, and recovery messages are displayed. • If the value 1 is selected for both codes, the value may be specified once without the parentheses; i.e., MSGLEVEL=l is the same as MSGLEVEL= (1, 1). • The number of characters in the name cannot exceed 20. • The default values are taken from the reader procedure. • If the name contains special characters other than periods, it must be enclosed in apostrophes. If the special characters include apostrophes, each must be shown as two consecutive apostrophes, e.g., 'T.O·'NEILL'. • If an error occurs on a control statement that is continued onto one or more cards, only one of the continuation cards is printed with the diagnostic messages. • If the job accounting information is not coded, the programmer must indicate its absence by coding a comma preceding the programmer-name. • If neither job accounting information nor prog rammer-name is prese nt# the programmer need not code commas to indicate their absence. ~~cifYing_conditiQn§_tor_~Q~_Iermi~ati~ EQlifrL To eliminate unnecessary use of computing time, the programmer might want to base ·the continuation of a job on the successful completion of one or more of Job Control Procedures 27 Replace the word flrequest" with: its job steps. At the completion of each job step, the processing program passes a number to the job scheduler as a return code. The CONDparameter provides the means to test each return code as many as eight times. If anyone of the tests is satisfied, subsequent steps are bypassed and the job is termina ted. To specify conditions for job termination, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB statement. , ~ ICOND=«code,operator), •• , (code,operator») L--- J See the COND parameter on the EXEC statement for a discussion of the operator values and the codes issued by the compiler and linkage editor at the end of a job step. to permit automatic step restart HC to suppress the action of the CHKPT macro instruction and not to permit automatic restart or deferred restart NR to request that the CHKPT macro instruction be allowed to establish a cheCKpoint, but not to permit automatic restart. Deferred restart is permitted through specification of RESTART on the resubmitted job. RNC -- to permit step restart and to suppress the action of the CHKPT macro instr uction Each of these requests is described in greater detail in the following paragraphs. RD=R: If the processing programs used by the job do not include any CRKPT macro instructions, RD=R allows execution to be resumed at the beginning of the step that causes abnormal termination. If any of the programs do include one or CHKPT macro instructions, step restart can occur if a step abnormally terminates before execution of a CHKPT macro instruction; thereafter, checkpoint restart can occur. !2!~: • The subparameters EVEN and ONLY cannot be specified as part of the COND parameter on the JOB statement. The restart facilities are used in order to minimize the time lost in reprocessing a job that abnormally terminates. These facilities permit execution of jobs that abnormally terminate to be automatically restarted. Execution of a job can be automatically restarted at the beginning of the job step that abnormally terminated (step restart) or within the step (checkpoint restart). In order for checkpoint restart to occur, the CBKPT macro instruction must have been executed in the processing program prior to abnormal termination. The CHRP!' instruction is activated by the COBOL source language RERUN clause. The RD parameter specifies that step restart can occur or that the action of the CHKPT macro instruction is to be suppressed. To request that step restart be permitted or to request that the action of the RERUN clause be suppressed, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of . the JOB statement. • L--,___________________________________________ ~ RD=request I 28 R RD=NC or RD=RNC: RD=NC or RD=RNC should be specified to suppress the action of all CHKPT macro instructions included in the programs. When RD=HC is specified, neither step restart nor checkpoint restart can occur. When RD=RNC is specified, step restart can occur. RD=!!!.: BD=NR permits a CHKPT macro instruction to establish a checkpoint, but does not permit automatic restart. Instead, at a later time, the job can be resubmitted and execution can begin at a specific checkpoint. (Resubmitting a job for restart is discussed later.) Before automatic step restart occurs, all data sets in the restart step with a status of OLD or MOD, and all data sets being passed to steps following the restart step, are kept. All data sets in the restart step with a status of NEW are deleted. Before a utoma tic checkpoint restart oc~urs, all data sets currently in use by the job are kept. If the RD parameter is omitted and no checkpoints are taken, automatic restart cannot occur. I.f the RD parame~er is omitted but one or more checkpoints are taken, automatic checkpoint restart can occur. Replace the word stepname with the name of the step in which execution is to be restarted. Replace the term "checkid" with the 1- to 16-character name that identifies the checkpoint within the step. • For as/VS1 restart can occur only if MSGLEVEL=1 is coded on the JOB statemen t. • If step restart is requested, each step must be assigned a unique step name. • If no RERUN clause is specified in the user's program, no checkpoints are written regardless of the disposition of the RD parameter. If the RESTART parameter is not specified on the JOB statement of the resubmitted job, execution is repeated. • For detailed information on the checkpoint/restart facilities, see the publication OSLYS Ch~.!££oint/Restart. • If execution is to be restarted at or within a cataloged procedure step, give both the name of the step that invokes the procedure and the procedure step name, as helow. The restart facilities can be used if the job is abnormally terminated and the programmer wants to reSUbmit the job for execution. These facilities reduce the time required to execute the job since execution of the job is resumed, not repeated. "1 J If execution is to be restarted at a particular job step, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB statement before resubmitting the job. r------------·------------------------------REST ART=s tepname "1 I L- Replace the word "stepname" with the name of the step at which execution is to be restarted. Replace step name with an asterisk (*) if execution is to be restarted at the first job step. If execution is to be restarted at a particular checkpoint within a particular job step, code the keyword parameter in th~ operand field of the JOB statement before resubmitting the job. r--------I L- t RESTART=stepname.procstepname Execution of a resubmitted job can be restarted at the beginning of a step (step restart) or within a step (checkpoint restart) • In order for checkpoint restart to occur, a program must previously have had a checkpoint record written. The RESTART parameter specifies where execution is to be restarted. 1 If execution is to be restarted at a checkpoint r the resubmitted job must inclUde an additional DD statement. This DD statement defines the checkpoint data set and has the ddname SYSCHK. Do not include a SYSCHK DD statement if step restart is to be performed. • If step restart is performed, generation data sets that were created and cataloged in steps preceding the restarted step must not be referred to in the restart step or in steps following the restart step by means of the same relative generation numbers that were used to create them. For example, a generation data set assigned a generation number of +1, would be referred to as 0 in the restart step or steps following the restart step. • Backward references cannot be made to steps that precede the restart step using the following keyword parameters: PGM, COND, SUBALLOC, and VOLUME=REF, unless in the last case the referenced statement includes ~OLUME=SER=(sert). • For detailed information on the checkpoint/restart facilities, see the publication OS/VS_Che£~.Qoint/rtest~.£!. -----------------, BESTART=(stepname,checkid) J ___________ J Job Control Procedures 29 PRIORITY SCHEDULING JOB PARAMETERS ~tting to make the job part of the group of jobs to be time-sliced. Time-slicing permits the processing of tasks of equal priority so that each is executed for its specified period of time. At system generation* a group of contiguous partitions are selected to be used for time-slicing, and each partition is assigned at least one job class. If the job is to be time-sliced, specify a class that was assigned only to the partitions selected for time-slicing. Job Time Limits It.!l1ID.. To assign a limit to the computing time used by a job, code the keyword parameter in the operand field. -----, T 1l'lE= (min utes, seconds) '-- • J Such an assignment is useful in a multiprogramming environment where more than one job has access to the computing system. The time is coded in minutes and seconds to represent the maximum time for execution of a job. Assigning Job PrioritLlfR!!l • The number of minutes cannot exceed 1439 and the number of seconds cannot exceed 59. If the job is not completed in this time it is terminated. • If the job requires use of the system for more than 24 hours (1q39 minutes) specify TIME=1440. This number suppresses job timing. To assign a priority other than the default job priority (as established in the input reader procedure), code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB statement. I 1 PRTY-=nn Replace the letters "nn" with a decimal number from 0 through 13 {the highest priority number is 1~. • If the time limit is given in minutes only, the parentheses need not be coded; e.g., TIME=5. • If the time limit is given in seconds, the comma must be coded to indicate the absence of minutes; e.g., TIME=(,45). • If the TIl'lE parameter is omitted, the default job time is assumed. If an installation provides time-slicing facilities in a system with OS/VS2. the PRTY parameter can be used to make the job part of a group of jobs to be time-sliced. At system generation, the priority of the time-sliced group is selected. If the job priority number specified corresponds with the priority number selected for time-slicing, then the job will be time-sliced. If the PHTY parameter is omitted, the default job priority is assigned to the job. To assign a job class to a job. code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB statement. r---------------------------------------------, I CLASS=jobclass J ~ ~ MQ!~: Whenever possible, avoid using priority 13. This is used by the system to expedite processing of jobs in which certain errors were diaqnosed. It is also intended for other special uses by future feat ares of systems with priority schedulers. The meaning and use of the term "jobclass" is pre-defined by each installation. If the CLASS pa rameter is omitted, the default job class of A is assigned to the job. • If an installation provides time-slicing facilities in an OS/'S1 system, the CLASS parameter can be used 30 With the quantity and diversity of data in the output stream, an installation may want to separate different types of output data into different classes. Each class is directed to an output writer associated with a specific output unit. The MSGCLASS parame"ter allolls routing of all messages issued by the job scheduler to an output class other than the normal message class, A. If the REGION parameter is omitted or if a region size smaller than the default region size is requested. it is assumed that the default value is that established by the input reader procedure. To choose such a class, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB statement. r------------------MSGCLASS=x The REGION parameter can be used lIith either the VIRT or REAL options of the ADDRSPC parameter. I L ------------------~ Replace the letter "x" with an alphabetic {A-Z) or numeric (0-9) character. An output writer, which is assigned to process this class, will transfer this data to a specific device. • Region sizes for each job step can be coded by specifying the REGION pa rameter in the EXEC sta temen t for each job step. However. if a REGION parameter is present in the JOB statement, it overrides REGION parameters in EXEC statements. If the MSGCLASS parameter is omitted, job scheduler messages are routed to the standard output class, A. • For information on storage requirements to be considered when specifying a region size, see the appropriate ~.tQ£g9.~_~1!!!~1~2 publication. • For a more detailed discussion of output classes, see the appropriate pI a!l!!.iruI_~.!l d Ug.Ji!!i de. ~~g£ifying~aiD-~orage ~Q!LjREGIONl Reguirement2 TO temporarily prevent a job from being selected for processing. code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB sta temen t. for_~ For jobs that require an unusual amount of main storage, the JOB statement provides the REGION parameter. The REGION parameter specifies the maximum amount of main storage to be allocated to the job. This amount must include the size of those components required by the user's program that are not resident in main st?rage. The REGION parameter is used in conjunction with the ADDRSPC parameter to determine the total amount of main storage available to a program and to either allow or disallow paging. JiQig: The REGION parameter has different meanings for OS/VS1 and OS/VS2. see the publication Q§'L~_J.£L~~£!i£,g2 for detailed information. r--------------------------1--------------' IL ______________________ TYFRUN={HOLD _______________ JI §f~ The job is then held until a RELEASE command is issued by the operator. This specification is particularly useful when one job must be run after another job has terminated. HOLD specifies that the job is to be held until the operator issues a RELEASE command. SCAN (for OS/YS1 only) specifies that the JCL for a job is to be scanned for syntax errors but that the job is not to be executed. If SCAN is specified for OS/YS2, a JCL error viII occur. To specify a region size, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the JOB statement. , REGION=(nnnnnxK(,nnnnnyK) I To request the maximum amount of main storage required by the job, the term "nnnnnx" should be replaced with the number of 1024-byte areas allocated to the job, e. g., REGION-=52K. This number can range from 1 to 5 digits but cannot exceed 16383. To take advantage of the storage facilities offered by OS/VS1 and OS/VS2, always specify ADDRSPC = '1FT or omit the parameter. , VIRT} ADDRSPC= { REAL I I ..J L- Job Control Procedures 31 Note that the compiler and its object code, including library subroutines, can run VIRTUAL, and should be run that way unless a non-COBOL program in the partition requires the REAL option. positional, length, and content requirements for a name field. The programmer must specify a stepname if later control statements refer to the step. POSITIONAL The EXEC statement defines a job step and calls for its execution. It contains the following information: 1. 2. The name of a load module or the name of a cataloged procedure that contains the name of a load module that is to be executed. The load module can be the COBOL compiler, the linkage editor, the loader, or any COBOL proqram in load module form. Accounting information for this job step. PA~AMETERS Id.!m,tifiing the JERQ£l. Progra!!~f~l1L.Q.Lel:Q£!ltg!!!:~ The EXEC statement identifies the program to be executed in the job step with the PGM parameter. To specify the COBOL compiler, code the positional parameter in the fifst position of the operand field of the EXEC statement. .J -----------------,I PGM=IKFCBLOO 3. Conditions for bypassing the execution of this job step. 4. Computing time for a job step or cataloged procedure step, and main storage region size. It indicates that the COBOL compiler is the processing program to be executed in the job step. 5. Compiler, linkage editor, or loader options chosen for the job step. To specify the linkage editor* code the positional parameter in the first position of the operand field of the EXEC statement. Figure 6 is the general format of the EXEC sta teme nt. H~i~: If the information specified is normally delimited by pa rentheses but contains blanks, parentheses, or equal signs, it must be delimited by single quotation marks instead of parentheses. The stepname identifies a job step within a job. It must satisfy the 32 .J L .-----J ----------------------,I PGM=IEWL L-- J This indicates that the linkage editor is the processing program to be executed in the job step. The PGM parameter depends upon the type of library in which the program resides. If the job step uses a cataloged procedure, the EXEC statement identifies it with the PROC parameter, in place of the PGM parameter. --, I I rr------------·---r----~ JOper-1 lationl Operand J lName I-- I J-+ II t ~ I I I I J PGM =progname III( stepna me)1 I EX EC 1 J I PGM=*.stepname.ddname 4 J I PRoC=procname • ' J procname J I 1 PGM=*.stepname.procstep.ddnalie , I 1 I I I I J I I .qACCTz } J 'l~ACCT.procstep ,J "1 I~COND2 } J I ~COND. procstep J J t t J J J~PARM.procstep I J I J~TIME l J : : t J :I : J J I I I (code, operator[ ,stepname(. procstep]]) ••• ) 6 7J '. 3 a 9J = (option[.option] ••• ) t 10 , = f J I = valueK] t I , t request] J lff~;~~i. procstep} J t (value 1, _alae 2)] I J = 1 {VIRT}] REAL 1 lstepname is required when information from this control statement is referred to in 1 later job step. 1 I 1 I I I J ZIf this format is selected, it may be repeated in the EXEC statement once for each step in the cataloged procedure. 3If the information specified contains any special characters except hyphens, it must be delimited by single quotation ~arks instead of parentheses. .If accounting-information contains any special charactecs except hyphens, it must be delimited by single quotation marks. 5The maximum number of characters allowed between the delimiting quotation marks or parentheses is 142. 6The maximum number of repetitions allowed is 7. 7If only one test is specified, the outer pair of parentheses may be omitted. alf the only special character contained in the value is a comma, the value may be enclosed in quotation marks. 9The maximum number of characters allowed between the delimiting quotation marks or parentheses is 100. t f J 1 I t , f .. al , ,,t J I I I t J 1 J J I I .J L- Figure I J t = {IIi nutes, secondS.] } I OREGION. procstep I :~:~. procstep} J I } T1f1E .procstep J J I t II~ADDRSPC} IOADDRSPc.procstep r----------L----'--J , 3 - SJ 1 I J t I l ~R EG 10 N t t , (accounting-information) 'IU{PARM2} I I t I I J ~ywor4 Pa~!~£! 1 • J I 6. EXEC statement Job Control Proceduces 33 1 •. Tem~xary libra£i~ are temporary partitioned data sets created to store a prograa until it is ~sed in a later job step of the same job. This type of library is particularly useful for storing the program output of a linkage editor run until it is executed in a later job step. To execute a program from a temporary library, code the positional parameter in the first position of the operand field of the EXEC statement. statements for several steps, each of which executes a particular program. Cataloged p.rocedures are members of a library named SYS1.PROCLIB. To request a cataloged procedure, code the posi tiona 1 parame ter in the first position of the operand field of the EXEC statement. , -, r- JL - -_ ___ PROC= procna me __-J , PGM=*.stepname.ddname Replace the term p.rocname with t.he unqualified name of the cataloged procedure (see "Using the DD statement" for a discussion of qualified names). J -----------------~ The asterisk (*) indicates the cur~ent job step. Replace the terms stepname and ddname with the names of the job step and the DO statement within the procedure step, respectively, in which the temporary library is created. If the temporary library is created in a catalogued procedure step, in order to call it in a later job step outside the procedure, give both the name of the job step that calls the procedure and the procedure stepname by coding the positional parameter in the first position of the operand field of the EXEC statement. ---------------------------, 2. 34 ~~£iIYiQg_~QQ_S1~E_!££Q~nliQg_InfQt~~liQn 1A£CTl The §I2tem librg£Y is a partitioned data set named SYS1.LINKLIB that contains nonresident control pt'ogram routines, and proce.ssor programs. To execute a program that resides in the system library, code the positional parameter in the first position of the operand field. When executing a multistep job, or a job that uses cataloged procedures, the programmer can use this parameter so that jobsteps are charged to separate accounting areas. To specify items of accounting information to the installation accounting routines for this job step, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement. PGM=progname 3. KEYWORD PARAMETERS PGM=*.stepname.procstepname.ddname _________ •_____________________________J, r- I A procedure may be tested before it is placed in the procedure library by converting it into an in-stream procedure and placing it within the job step itself. In-stream procedures are discussed in the section, "Testing a Procedure as an In- streamProced ure" in the chapter "Using the Cataloged Procedures." liQ1~: ---------, Replace the term progname with the member name or alias associated with this program. This same keyword parameter can be used to execute a program that resides in a 1?ri v~!.g lib~£~. Private libraries are made available to a job wi th a special DD statement (see ·'Additional DD statement Facilities"). Instead of executing a particular program. a job step may use a £~taloged-E£Q£~g~£~. A cataloged procedure can cont.ain control I , ACCT=(accounting information) ____________________Jt Replace the term "accounting information" ~ith one or more sub parameters separated by commas. If both the JOR and EXEC statements contain accounting information, the installation accounting routines decide how the accounting infot'mation shall be used for the job step. To pass acc6unting information to a step within a cataloged procedure, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement. , , , ACCT. procstep= (accounting information) '-------- I The compiler issues a return code of 1& when any of the following are detected: ---------------,~ • BASIS member-name is specified and no member of that name is found procstep is the name of the step in the cataloged procedure. This specification overrides the ACCT parameter in the named procedure step, if one is pcesent. • Required device not available • Not enough main storage is available for the tables required for compilation ~Qg£if Yi J!9.~Q!!d i liQ!UL.iQL.!U!Ea§.§.i n 9._Q£. ~!g£utiD.9.-th~~Q!LSt~CONDl. • A table exceeded its maximum size The execution of certain job steps is based on the success or failure of preceding steps. The COND parameter provides the means to: • A permanent input/output error has been encoun tered on an external device • Make as many as eight tests on return codes issued by preceding job steps or cataloged procedure steps, which were completed normally. If anyone of the tests is satisfied, the job step is bypassed. The return codes have a correlation with the severity level of the error messages. With linkage editor messages, for example, the rightmost digit of the message number states the severity level; this number is multiplied by 4 to get the appropriate return code. With the COBOL compiler. 04, 08, 12, and 16 are equal to the severity flags: W, C, E, and D, respectively. • Specify that the job step is to be executed even if one or more of the preceding job steps abnormally terminated or only if one or more of the preceding job steps abnormally terminated. TO specify conditions for bypassing a job step, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement. I , 1 COND={(code,operator,[stepname), ••• , 1L- ________________ (code ,opera tor, [s tepname ]) _ Normal conclusion 04 Warning messages have been listed, but program is executable. 08 Ercor messages have been listed; execution may fail. 12 Severe errors have occurred; execution is imp~ssible. 16 Terminal errors have occurred; execution of the processor has been terminated. GT GE EQ I LT , LE J NE The term "code" may be ceplaced by a decimal numeral to be compaced with the job step return code. The return codes for both the compiler and the linkage editor are: 00 The term "operator" specifies the test to be made of the relation between the programmer-specified code and the job step return code. Replace the term operator with one of the following: (greater than) (greater than or equal to) (equal to) (less than) (less t.han or equal to) (not equal t.o) The term "stepname" identifies the previously executed job step that issued the return code to be tested and is replaced by the name of that preceding job step. If stepname is not specified, code is compared to the return codes issued by all preceding steps in the job. Replace the term stepname with the name of the preceding job step that issues the return code to be tested. If the programmer codes COND={(4,GT,STEP1) , (8,EQ,STEP2») the statement is interpreted as: "If 4 is greater than the return code issued by STEP1, or if STEP2 issues a return code of 8, this job step bypassed." Job Control Procedures 35 only when one or more of the preceding job steps have abnormally terminated. However, if any return code tests specified in this job step are satisfied, the step is bypassed. • If only one test is made, the programmer need not code the outer parentheses, e.g., COND=(12,EQ,STEPX). • If each return code test is made on all preceding steps, the programmer need not code the terms stepname, e.g., COND= { (4 ,GT) , (8 ,EQ) ) • • When the return code is issued by a cataloged procedure step, the programmer may want to test it in a later job step outside of the procedure. In order to test it, give both the name of the job step that calls the procedure and the procedure stepname, e.g., COHD=«code,operator. stepname.procstep), ••• ). When a job step abnormally terminates. the COND parameter on the EXEC statement of the next step is scanned for the EVEN or ONLY subparameter. If neither is specified, the job step is bypassed and the EXEC statement of the next step is scanned for the EVEN or ONLY subparameter. If EVEN or ONLY is specified, return code tests, if any, are made on all previous steps specified that executed and did not abnormally terminate. If anyone of these tests is satisfied, the step is bypassed. otherwise, the job step is executed. If the programmer codes Abnormal termination of a job step normally causes subsequent steps to be bypassed and the job to be terminated. By means of the COND parameter, however, the programmer can speci.fy execution of a job step after one or more preceding job steps have abnormally terminated. For the COND parameter, a job step is considered to terminate abnormally if a failure within the user's program once it has received control. (If a job step is abnormally terminated during scheduling because of failures such as job control language errors or inability to allocate space, the remainder of the job steps are bypassed, whether or not a condition for executing a later job step was specified.) COND=EVEN the statement is interpreted as: "Execute this step even if one or more of the preceding steps abnormally terminated during execution." If COND=ONLY is coded, it is interpreted as: "Execute this step only if one or more of the preceding steps abnormally terminated during execution." If the COND parameter is omitted, no return code tests are made and the step will be bypassed when any of the preceding job steps abnormally terminate. To specify the condition for executing a job step, co de the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement. r- I EVEN} __ COHD= { ONLY IL---______________________ .J The EVEN or excl usi ve. be coded in return code between, or ONLY subparameters are mutually The subparameter selected can combination with up to seven tests, and can appear before, after return code tests, e.g., COND= (EVEN, (4.GT,STEP3)) CORD= ((8,GE,STEP1), (16,GEt ,ONLY) The EVEN subparameter causes the step to be executed eYen when one or more of the preceding job steps have abnormally terminated. However, if any return code tests specified in this job step are satisfied, the step is bypassed. The ONLY subparameter causes the step to be executed 36 • When a job step that contains the EVEN or ONLI subparameter refers to a data set that vas to be created or ca taloged in a preceding step, the data set will not exist if the step creating it was bypassed. • When a jobstep that contains the EVEN or ONLY subparameter refers to a data set that vas to be created or cataloged in a preceding step, the data set may be incomplete if the step creating it abnormally terminated. • When the job step uses a cataloged procedure, the programmer can establish return code tests and the EVEN or ONLY subparameter for a procedure step by including, as part of the keyword COND, the procedure stepname, e.g., COND.procstepname. This specification overrides the COND parameter in the named procedure step if one is present. The programmer can code as many parameters of this form as there are steps in the cataloged procedure. • TO establish one set of return code tests and the EVEN or ONLY subparameter for all steps in a procedure, code the parameter without a procedure stepname. This specification replaces all COND parameters in the procedure if any are present. COND Job steps following a step that abnormally terminates are normally bypassed. If a job step is to be executed even if a preceding step abnormally terminates, specify this condition, along with up to seven return code tests: To pass options to a compiler, the linkage editor, loader~ or the execution step within the named cataloged procedure step~ code the k.eyword parameter in the operand field. , ~ This will pass options to the compiler~ linkage editor, loader, or object program when anyone of them is called by the PGM parameter in the EXRC statement or to the first step in a cataloged PARM.procstep=(option[,option] ••• ) IIISTEP3 EXEC PGM=CONVERT, Xl tIl COND=(EVEN, (4,EQ,STEP1»_ _ , ._ . ._ _ _ _- "I L- Here, the step is executed if the return code test is not satisfied, even if one or more of the preceding job steps abnormally terminated. If a job step is to execute only when one or more of the preceding steps abnornally terminate, replace EVEN in the above example with ONLY. If the EXEC statement calls a cataloged procedure, the programmer can establish return code tests and the EVEN or ONLY subparameter for a procedure step by.coding the CON.D parameter followed by the name of the procedure step to which it applies: , ,--IliSTEP4 EXEC ANALYSIS,COND. XI tIl REDUCE=(16,EQ.STEP4.LOOKUP),ONLY) ••••• -------------------------------------------~ Here, the cataloged procedure step named REDUCE will be executed only if a preceding job step has abnormally terminated and the procedure step named LOOKUP does not issue a return code of 16. The programmer can code as many COND parameters of this type as there are steps in the procedure. ~§sing Inform£!tiQD._12-t.~ J Any PARM parameter already appearing in the procedure step is deleted. and the PARM parameter that is passed to the procedure step is inserted. A maximum of 100 characters may be written between the parentheses or single quotation marks that enclose the list of options. The COBOL compiler selects the valid options of the PARK field for processing by looking for significant characters (usually three) of each key option word. When the keyword is identified. it is checked for the presence or absence of the prefix NO, as appropriate. The programmer can make the most efficient use of the option field by using the significant characters instead of the entire option. Figure 1 lists the significant characters for each option (see "Options for the Compiler" for an explanat ion of each). Processing Pr rullll!Llf AR 1ft. For processing programs that require control information at the time they are executed. the EXEC statement provides the PARK parameter. To pass information to the program, code thekeyvord parameter in the operand field. 1 PARM=(Option[,option] ••• ) Job Cont.rol Procedures 37 , ...----- J I ,Option J- I , I I I I I I , ADV APOST BATCH B crF CDECK CLIST Siqnificant Characters ADV I APO I I , • I BAT BUF CDE Cl.I CSY J I CSYNTAX COUNT 1 COU I DECK J I J DAAP DUMP DTN AM I I I DMA I .,1 I 1 J I •I •J ENDJOB f END J PDE FLO I I 1 LCOLl/LCOL2 LIB I t J I LAG, LAGW J , FDECK FLAGE tV) FLOW LANGLVL , ,, LIB I I LINECNT LOAD J J I J LSTONLY/LSTCO~P J , J I LVL L132/L120 I I , ~ NUM OPTIMIZE J I I PMAP J I I J I J NAME 1 DEC DUM DYN LANGLVL OL1/0L2 CNT LOA LSTO/LSTC LVL L13/L12 NAM NUM I J J J • When an option and its default (such as IREF and NOXREP) are both specified~ J the last encountered option is generally the one assumed. (Exceptions to this rule are cited in the option descriptions.) Accordingly, the programmer may change one of the many options without repunching the entire EXEC card. t I , J I J I J PRINT I PRI • QUOTE RESIDENT 1 1 ! I QUO RES SEQ SIZ J J SEQ SIZE I I I SOURCE J SPACE I STATE SUPMAP S XREF SYMDMP SYNTAX , I 1 , J J 1 t 1 I J J , j t S Ysx t I f SYN J SIS TEE TERM J 1 I I I I t I VERB TES TRU VBS VBR VER XRE ZWB .L-- 1-. Figure STA SUP SIR SYH I TEST TRUNC VBSUM VBa E1" XREF ZWB SOU ACE 7. I I I I J I• I J J J , , J I I I 1 J SIZE=yyyyyyy indicates the amount of main storage~ in bytes, available for compilation (see "Machine Considerations"). The COBOL default value is 131,072 bytes, or 128K. BUF=yyyyyy indica t~..s the a mount. of main storage to be allocated to buffers. If both SIZE and BUF are specified, the amount allocated to buffers is included in the amount of main storage available for compilation (see "Appendix D: Compiler optimization" for information about how buffer size is determined). HQ~: The SIZE and BUF compile-time parameters can be given in multiples of K, where K=1024 decimal bytes. Por example, 131,072 decimal bytes can be specified as 128K. .J Significant Characters for Compiler options Note: The compiler recognizes the significant characters to set the proper options. If an option is incorrectly spelled, the compiler default option is used. The IBM-supplied default options indicated by an underscore in the following 38 PARM=fSIZE=160000,PMAP'. This is the recommended (that is~ most efficient) technique. other ways of specifying special characters in the PARM parameter are described in OS/VS_Jf~ IHi~fg.£g!l£g • J J t • When a subparameter contains an equal sign, the entire information field of the PARM parameter must be enclosed by single quotation marks instead of parentheses~ e.g., 1 OPT PMA J discussion can be changed when the compiler is installed. The forma"t of the PARM parameter is illustrated in Figure 8. LANGLVL Pll) specifies whether the 1968 or the 1974 American National Standard COBOL definition (as understood and interpreted by IBM) is to be used when compiling those source elements whose meaning has changed. LANGLVL(1) tells the compiler to use the 1968 ANS standard (X3.23-1968) if the compiler encounters any of those source elements whose definition has changed; this interpretation would be the one that was used by Release 1 of the compiler. LANGLVL(2) tells the compiler to use the 1974 ANS standard (X3.23-1974) when encounteringany--offhose-rede-:fl.ned elements. LANGLVL(2) is the default. Generally speaking, the language level supported by the Release 2 compiler includes all of that supported by Release 1. The Release 2 compiler will accept not only source programs written in the new (1974) language, but also source programs that were or are written in the older (1968) language. However, the superset relationship between the new and the older languages is not absolute; there are a few exceptions-elements whose meaning has changed because of ANS redefinition. It is only these few elements that are controlled by the LANGLVL option. (These elements are identified in Section III of Appendix A of IBM VS COBOL for OS/VS.) Language-elements whose meanings did not change from 1968 ANS to 1974 ANS (the vast majority of the language) are unaffected by the LANGLVL option, as are all IBM extensions and those language elements new in the 1974 ANS definition. The compiler accepts all such elements regardless of the LANGLVL specification. LANGLVL affects only that small percentage of elements whose definition changed from 1968 to 1974. Job Control Procedures 3~.1 The LANGLVL specification does affect the operation of the PIPS flagger. When the FIPS .L Vt option has been specified, selecting the 1968 ANS standard will cause FIPS flagging to be done to those corresponding specifications; selecting the 1974 ANS standard causes FIPS flagging to be done according to the newer specifications. SO!!~CE NOSOURCE indiGates whether or not the source module is to be listed. CLIST NOCLIST ----Indicates whether or not a condensed listing is to be produced. If specified, the procedure portion of the listing will contain generated card numbers (unless the NUM option is in effect), verb references, and the location of the first instruction generated for each verb. Global tables, literal pools, register assignments, and information about the Working-storage section ar~ also provided. CLIST and PMAP are mutually exclusive options. (If both are specified, COBOL rejects the one specified first.) illustration of the use of these options, see the "Output" section. VERB NOVERB indicates whether procedure-names and verb-names are to be listed with the associated code on the object-program listing. VERB has meaning only if PMAP or CLIST is in effect. VERB is automatically in effect if SYMDMP, STATE, or TEST is in effect. NOVERB yields more efficient compilation. Note: If READY TRACE debugging statements are used in the program, VERB will cause paragraph-names rather than card numbers to be displayed at execu tion time. LO'1D NOLOAD indicates whether or not the object module is to be placed on a mass storage device or a tape volume so that the module can be used as input to the linkage editor. If the LOAD option is used. a SIS LIN DD statement must be specified. DECK !fQDE~! indicates module is option is statement IQt~: In nonsegmented programs, verbs are listed in source order. In segmented programs, the root segment is first, followed by the indiVidual segments in order of ascending priority. aQ. DMAP NODM1P -----rndicatesw hether or not a glossary is to be listed. Global tables, literal pools, reqister assignments, and information about the Working-Storage section are also provided. PMAP NOPMAP ----indicates whether or not register assignments, global tables, literal pools, information about the Working-storage section, and an assembler-language expansion of the source modules are to be listed. CLIST and PKAP are mutually exclusive options. (If both are specified, COBOL rejects the one specified first. ) !21~: If anyone of the options CLIS~, DMAP, and PKAP is specified, the comp1ler will produce a message giving the hexadecimal length and starting address of the Working Storage Section. Fo.r an NOSEQ whether or not the object to be punched. If the DECK used. a SYSPUNCH DD must be specified. . indicates whether or not the comp1ler is to check the sequence of the source module statements. If the statements are not in sequence, a message is printed. l!.21~: For examples ofwha t the SO UReE. DMAP, PMAP. and SEQ options produce, see "Output. " LINECNT=nn indicates the number of lines to be printed on each page of the compilation source card listing. The number specified by nn must be a 2-digit integer from 01 to 99. If the LINECNT option is omitted, 60 lines are printed on each page of the output 1 isting. Job Control Procedures 39 The compiler regu~res three lines of what the user has specified for its headings. (For example, if ~ll=55 is specified, then 52 lines are printed on each page of the output listing.) 12tg: 6. The LANGLVL option controls the version of FIPS that will he used. Requesting LANGLVL{l)--the 1968 ANS standard--causes flagging to be done according to the 1972 FIPS specifiea tions. Requestinq LANGLVL{2)--the 1974 ANS standard--causes flagging to be done according to the 1975 FIPS speci fications. 7. Generally,FIPS flagging will not be done if the compiler has detected any source errors (that is, if the return code is not zero). The only exceptions concern a few W-level messages (such as IKF1100-W) that are purely informational; detecting these will not prevent FIPS flagging. The FLAGE option should not be used, since W-Ievel messages will not be listed and results are unpredictable. 8. If the compiler detects a D-Ievel error, PIPS will not execute, nor will any of the compiler's usual messages or listings be produced. A return code of 16 will be the only indication that this has occurred. To overcome this difficulty, recompile with a specification of NOLVL, then remove the source errors as ipdicated by the compiler, and finally recompile -again with LVL. ~li~ NOZWB indicates whether or not the compiler generates code to strip the sign from signed external decimal field when comparing this field to an alphanumeric field. If ZWB is specified, the signed external decimal field is moved to an intermediate field, in which its sign is removed, before it is compared to the alphanumeric field. ZWB complies with the ANS standard; NOZWB should be used when, for example, input numeric fields are to be compared with SPACES. a LVL=A/B/C/D NOLVL -----specifies what level of FIPS (Federal Information Processing standard) flagging is to be used.- -- A-~- B, -C, and D correspond to the levels Low, Low-Intermediate, High-Intermediate, and Full, respectively. If flaggin9 is specified, source clauses and statements that do not conform to the specified level of lIPS are identified. See the publication IBll Y~.-£QBOL fQLQ~L!§ for a complete list of the statements flagged at each level. Not,g§: 1. If LVL is the SYSGEN default6 its assigned val~e can be overridden at compile time with any level except NOLVL. If NOLVL is the SYSGEN default, it can be overridden at compile time with any level. 2. If the LVL option is in effect, the SYSUT6 data set must be specified. 3. If both LVL=A/B/C/D and TERM are specified, the compiler listing output to SYSPRINT for options such as SOURCE, PMAP, and XRE? are not produced. 40 4. The option SOURCE is automatically turned on if LVL is specified. If TERM is off, a listing is produced. If TERM is on, there is no listing. (See note 3.) 5. If both LVL and BATCH are specified, LVL is rejected. ~!~! FLAGE indicates the type of messages that are to be listed for the compilation. FLAGW indicates that all warning and diaqnostic messages are to be listed. FLAGE indicates that all error messages are to be listed, but that the warning messages are not to be liste-d. Note. With the use of FLAGE, and only W-Ievel errors, the return code will be zero. SUPMAP NOSUPMAP --indicates whether or not the object code listing, and object module and link edit -decks are to be suppressed if an E-Ievel or D-level message is generated by the compiler. 1lR.!£l!1 SPACE2 SPACE.3 indicates the type of spacing that is '':0 be used on the source card listing generated when SOURCE is speCified. SPACE1 specifies single spacing, SPACE2 specifies double spacing, and SPACE3 specifies triple spacing. TRUNC !!QnYl!~ applies to movement of COMPUTATIONAL arithmetic, fields. If TRUNC (standard truncation) is specified and the number of digits in the sending field is greater than the number of digits in the receiving field, the arithaetic item is truncated t.o the number of iigits specified in the PICTURE clause of the receiving field when moved. If NOT,RUNC is specified, movement of th~ 1 tem -rs dependent on -the size of the field (halfword, full word). SYMDMP NOll!tlH1f requests a formatted dump of the data area of the object program at abnormal termination. with this option, the programmer may also request dynamic dumps of specified data-names at strategic points during program execution. See "Symbolic Debugging Features" for more information. 1. If the SYMDMP option is in effect, the SYSUTS data set must be specified, and the NULLFILE or DUMMY parameter should not be specified on its DD statement. 2. If the BATCH option is requested, SYMDHP is rejected. 3. If WITH DEBUGGING MODE is specified and one or more USE FOR DEBUGGING statements are in the program, the SYMD~P option is rejected. 4. Specification of the SYMDMP option automatically yields the OPTIMIZE feature, discussed below, and rejects the STATE option because SYMDMP output includes STATE output at abnormal termination. WlQ1~ APOST indicates to the compiler that either the double quote (It) or the apostrophe! (') is acceptable as the character to delineate literals and ~o U~A that character in the generation ot figurative constants. STATE NOST AT E ----indicates whether or not the number o'f the COBOL statement being executed at the time of an abnormal termination is desired. STATE identifies the number of the statement and the number of the verb being executed. If the STATE option is used, a SYSDBOUT DO statement must be specified at execution time for the output data set on which the statement number message can be written. For more information, see "Debugging Facilities" in the cha pter "Program Checkout. 11 FLOWr =nn] NOFLOW ---indicates whether or nO,t a formatted trace is desired for a va,riable number of procedures execu ted before an abnor ma 1 termination. The number of procedures traced is specified by nn, where DD may be any integer value from one to 99. FLOW[=nn] must be specified at compile time to generate the necessary trace linkage; however, specifying .nn may be deferred until execution time. If an is omitted, the default value is employed. This value is either 99 or that specified at program product installation. specifying NOFLOW at compile time precludes specification of the Flow Trace option at execution time. A S'{SDBOUT DO statement must be includad for the output data set on lfhich the trace can be written. See "Options for Execution" for more Information. For a disc ussion of the FLOW, 5T AT E, and SYMDMP options, and their value to the COBOL programmer, see the chapter entitled "Symbolic Debugging Features." A SYSDBOUT, SYSDBG, and debug file DD codes are required at execution time. OPTIMIZE NOOPTIMIZE causes optimized object code to be generated by the compiler, considerably reducinq t.he use of object program main storage. In general, the greater the number of COBOL Procedure Division source statements, the greater the percentage of reduction in the amount of main storage required. Igt~: The optimizer feature is automatically in effect when the SYMDMP or TEST feature is specified. Job Control Procedures 41 a DMAP) , depending on hu~ much work the compiler had completed before the error was discovered. SYNTAX CSYNTAX NOSYNIAX NOCSYNTAX indicates whether object code generation is to be suppressed--that is, vhetbe~ the compiler will only scan the source text for syntax' errors (with appropriate error messages being produced) • 5. SJNTAX causes syntax checking only, with absolute suppression of object code generation. CSYNTAX causes syntax checking ~ith conditional object code generation: a full compilation is produced ~slong as no errors exceed the W or C level; if one or m6re E-level. or higher. sever ity errors are discovered, the compiler· does not generate the object code. NOSYNTAX causes normal compilation, with both syntax checking and object code generation. 1. DECK SYMDMP TRUNe NOSUPMAP FLOW STATE PMAP 2. 3. 4. 42 NUM NONUM -----indicates whether or not line numbers have been recorded in the input and, rather than compiler-generated source numbers, should be used in error messages, as well as in PMAP, CLIST, STATE, XREF, SIREF, and FLOW. NOHUM indicates that the compiler-generated numbers should be used in error messages as well as in PMAP, CLIST, STATE, XREF, SIREF, and FLOW. When the SYNTAX option is in effect, all of the following compile-time options are suppressed: LOAD XREF SXREF CLIST OPTIMIZE Note: If when the NUM option is in effect the compiler discovers a non-numeric character in a line number or if ascending numeric sequence is broken, the compiler invalidates the number. The compiler then takes the last valid card number in sequence, adds a 1 to that number and begins genera~ing card numbers from that point. The increment is 1. Six digits is the maximum sequence number. The card that follows 999999 will he flagged and NUM, SY~DMP, and TEST canceled. STATE and FLOW will not be canceled. NAM.E COUNT VBSUti VBREF DMAP Unconditional syntax checking is assumed if all of the following co~pile-time options are specified: NOLOAD NOCLIST SUPMAP NOXREF NOSXREF NOPMAP NODECK CSYNTAX and SYNTAX are mutually exclusive. CSYNTAX will override SYNTAX. When .CSYNTAX has been specified and an E-Ievel or higher error is detected, the final pa.rts of . the compilation procedure execution of phases 60, 62, 63, or 64 (which deal with code generation) are not executed. Beca use of this, any existing syntax errors that could only he detected by these latter phases of compilation will l!2i be discovered and made known to the user during the CSYNTAX run; they will only come to light during a later full compilation- If LSTCOMP is in effect, the statement number generated· by the lister feature is used regardless of NUM or NONUM specification. IREF @!RM If CSYNTAX is specified and an E or D-Ievel diagnostic message is encountered before or during the operation of phase 21 or during the operation of phases 30, 40, 45, 50, or 51, the SYNTAX option replaces CSYNTAX, and the options listed in Note 1 above are suppressed. However, certain types of output may be produced (for example, indica teswhe ther or not a cross-reference listing is produced. If IREF is s,pecified, an unsorted listing is produced with data-names and procedure-names appearing in two parts in source order. SIBEP t!QU1U~! indicates whether Or not a sorted cross-reference listing is produced. If SIREr is specified, a sorted listing is produced with data-names and procedure-names in alphanumeric order. LIB .l2ll!! indicates whether or not a COpy and/or a BASIS request will be part of the COBOL source input stream. If no library facilities are to be used, the specification of NOLIB will save compilation time. BATCH NOB.A~l! • XREF and SIBEF are mutually exclusive. If both are specified, COBOL rejects the one specified first. • Some data names used in STRING, UNSTRING, SEARCH, and USE FOR DEBUGGING statements are not part of the compiler-generated code, and therefore will not appear in an IREF or SIREF listing. • Group names in a MOVE CORRESPONDING statement will not be listed in an XREF or SXREF listing; however, the elementary names within those groups will be listed. • Because most of the Report writer code is generated before the compiler creates the dictionary, most of the Report Writer data names do not appear in an XREF or SXREF listing. indicates whether or not multiple programs and/or subprograms are to be compiled with a single invocation of the compiler. In the BATCH environment all compiler options specified on the EXEC card, plus all default options, will apply to every program in the batch unless specific options are overridden on the CBL card, which must be included for each proqram. See "Batch compilation" for more information on batch compilations and the CBL card. When BATCH is specified, the LVL and SyftDKP options will be rejected. In addition, the BUP, L120/L132, and SIZE options are precluded froa use on a Job Control Procedures 42.1 CBL card and will be rejected if speci fied. NAME NONAME -----rndicates whether or not programs in a batch compilation environment will be link-edited into one or more load modules. If NAME is specified~ each succeeding program in the batch will be link-edited into a separate load module. This option will remain in effect for the entire compilation unless NONAME is specified on the CBL card for an individual program. If NONAME is specified on the eBL card, no name will be generated for this compilation. Names for the load modules vill be formed according to the rules for forming module names from the PROGRAM-ID. See "Batch Compi.lation" for more details on batch compilation and the CBL card. !Q.!.~: If the BATCH option is not specified, NONAME will be in effect. RESIDENT !Q.!liSIQEN! requests the COBOL Library Management feature. When one program in a given region/partition requests the RESIDENT option, the main program and all subprograms in that region/partition should also request it. Note: The RESIDENT option is automatically in effect when the DYNAM option is invoked. DYNAM NOQIlll1 causes subprograms invoked through the CALL literal statement to be dynamically loaded and through the CANCEL statement to be dynamically deleted at object time (instead of link-edited with the calling program into a single load module). Note: When both NORESIDENT and i~~iNAM are either specified or implied by default, and a CALL identifier statement occurs in the source statement being compiled, the COBOL Library Management Facility option (RESIDENT) is automatically in effect. A printed statement of this is given in the compiler output. (For a discussion of the COBOL Library Management FacilitJ~ see the section "Sharing COBOL Library Subrou"tines" in the "Libraries" chapter.) 2!.§! SYSx indicates whether SYSOUT or SYSOUx, where x must be alphanumeric (that is~ 0-9 or A-Z except for T), is the ddname of the file to be used for debug output (READY TRACE, EXHIBI~ or DISPLAY statement. The specification in the program that is first to ~ccess the file is chosen. ENDJOB NOEND.JOB ---indicates whether or not, at the end of each run-unit (which is assumed to begin with the highest-level COBOL program called), the COBOL library subroutine I1BOSTTO is to be called to delete modules and free main storage acquired through GETMAINs issued by COBOL library subroutines. ENDJOB takes effect either at a STOP RUN in any program, or at a GO BACK statement in a main program only. Violation of the restriction against mixing RES and NORES modules within a run-unit may cause an unpredictable execution-time abend when ENDJOB is in effect, even in programs which ran successfully without ENDJOB. ~Q!~: When a non-COBOL program, such as IMS or an installation-defined assembler program, links to COBOL load modules many times within a job step, the resulting accumulation of GETMAIN-acquired areas and loaded modules may result in execution-time abends. In order to prevent fragmentation and overload of storage in such an environment~ the ENDJOB compiler option must be specified. This will cause ILBOSTTO to be loaded at the normal termination of the run-unit to free all GETMAIN areas and~ in a RES environment, to delete any loaded subroutines and dynamically-invoked subprograms. The only GETMAIN areas not freed by ILBOSTTO are those obtained when opening a random indexed BISAM file for which the options APPLY CORE-INDEX and/or TRACK-AREA IS integer CHARACTERS have been specified; before terminating, the user should close such files within the COBOL program. since ILBOSTTO is always loaded, it must be made available at execution time (by placing it in the link pack area or by specifying the COBOL library on a STEPLIB DO statement for the GO step). If ILBOSTTO is not placed in the link pack area, it should be explicitly deleted by the invoker of the COBOL run-unit; otherwise, one copy of this subroutine will remain in the user region after the run-unit has completed. Job control Procedures 43 1)21 NOlDV indicates whether or not records for files with WRITE ••• lDVANCING need reserve the first byte for the control character. ADV specifies that the first byte need not be reserved, but that the compiler will add one byte to the LRECL for the control character. COUNT !!Q.£QON~ indicates whether or not code is to be generated to produce verb execution summaries at the end of problem program exeqution. Each verb is identified by procedure-name and by statement number# and the number of times i t was used is indicated. In addition, the percentage of verb execution for each verbvith respect to the execution of all verbs is given. A summary of all executable verbs used in a program and the number of times they are executed is provided. COUNT implies VERB. COUNT requires both SYSDBOUT and SYSCOUNT DD statements at execution time. For a more detailed discussion on the use of the COUNT option, see the chapter "Program Checkout. II Q2~~ NODUMP' specifies whether the compiler should produce a dump or an informative message in the event it encounters a D-level ("disaster") error condition during its processing. The compiler will abnormally terminate after producing the dump/message. DUMP specifies that a dump (but no message) is to be produced. This dump will contain a four-digit user completion code. See Appendix K for more information on these codes. (Note: The most frequent cause of comprler abend is insufficient SIZE value--a user completion code of 0003. In this case, rerun the program specifying a larger value.) NODUMP specifies that the compiler is to produce an informative message (but no dump) • If analysis of does not solve Appendix L for in calling IBM the the the for message or dump problem, see procedure to follow assistance. VBSUM ~QY~§2~ provides a brief summary of verbs used in the source program and a 44 count of how often each verb appeared. This option provides the user with a quick search for specific types of statements. VBSUM implies VERB. VBREF ~QY~B£![ provides a cross-reference of all verbs used in the program. This option provides the programmer with a quick index to any verb the program. VBREF implies VERB and VBSUM. There are five compiler options for using the lister feature of the compiler. Note that either LSTONLY or LSTCOMP must be selected for the other four options to have meaning unless the BATCH option is specified. In a batch compilation, if some or all of the programs are to be compiled using the lister feature, L120 or L132 must be specified in the FARM field of the EXEC card, even if LSTCOMP or LSTONLY are to be specified on the CBL card. For detaile~ information on the use of the lister, see the chapter "The Lister Feature." The options are listed in Figure 6, 'where: LSTONLY LSTCOMP NOLST ----indicates whether the lister feature is to be used. LSTONLY specifies that a reformatted listing is to be produced bat that no compilation is to occur. LSTCOMP specifies that both a ref ormat ted list ing is t.o be prod uced and compilation is to occur in the same job step. PO.ECK NOPDECK ---indicates whether a copy of the reformatted source program is to be written on the SYSPUNCH data set. Since FDECK has meaning only with either LSTONLY or LSTCOMP, the lister oatput will be both a reformatted listing and a reformatted deck. CDECK NOCOECK ----riidicateswhether or not COpy statements are to be expanded into COpy members in the SYSPONCH output. The COpy members are to be expanded in the reformatted deck requested through FDECK. If CDECK is specified with NOFDECK, only the expanded COpy sta tements are produced. LeOL1 1&OL2 indicatesvhether the Procedure Division part of the listing is to be in single or double column format. Job Control Procedures 44.1 L120 L1ll indicates whether the length of each line of the reformatted listing is to be 120 or 132 characters long. Time sharing provides the COBOL programmer with facilities for entering, compiling, and testing programs at his terminal. (For further information on the Time Sharing Option, see the Program Product publication !~~~~_COBOL_fIQm~!~~min~! ~!r's-2uide andR~feIj!l!£g.) These options are listed in Figure 8, where: In addition to the preceding compiler options, the following options are designed for ~se with the Time Sharing option (T50). Job Control Procedures 45 r • , , J Compiler: I , {PARM PARM. , procstep } =([ SIZE=yyyyyyy][ • BUF=yyyyyy][ , LANGLVL (1/~J) I 1 1 J I r,PMAP ] J l r,SUPMAP L,liOP!t!f r,LOAD lrNOLOAD L,NOSUPl1Afj r, TRUNC] I I I [,2. £lil] PA J r,STATE I , I J J L,!iOSII1Ql1f [.BATCH J J t I r,RESIDENT J I r,ADV , r,TERM J J . J r,SYNTAX J 1 [,NAM.E ,!ONAUj J I J[,LIB l , !!QLI Jij J [, VERB] ,NOVERB [,DYNAM] , NODll.!!1 r,ZWB l!NOZWB ~'LSTONLY l l!r,DUMP NODUlt~ ,~OUNT ..] , I I I I I I J I I [,LVL=A/B/C/D] l! l!Q CS lB.!!! [.COUNT] L,NOADV , r,PRINT {(*)S } L,l'!2fR!!I (dsname) ..] r,CSYNTAX ] , ~1!QJO 11 ] ] L-l!Q~!REF_ J lr NOTEll.r! [,ENDJOB L,!!QB]SI1!EN! J f,SXBEF I I • I t r,OPTIM1ZE .. L, !!.QI~~! j ] L,lioOPTIH1Zr; L. NO~Il!IAI 1 r,TEsT 1 lrFtAGE , LSTCOMP l lr !21H!!1j r,NUM [,§YSI] ,SYS·x 1 6J[,LCOL1 6J .1£QL2 1NO~ t ~ [,FDECK 6l ,!fop Q~~.K j 1 r [.CDECK 6l f,L 11~ , Noc~g j ~ L 120 r.L, VBSUMBS!!!!jl 6l j NO V ]> VBREF NOVBllI:: 1~3 1Lin kage Editor: 1 I I {PARM PARM. procst.ep }. = [fl{MAP}l X REP' J [ , LIST] [.OVLY]) ~ :I {!!::. procstep} t = [:~:Al~] [::~:ES] [, EP=name ] r ~;~~LL] [,PRINT [:~~rt;!] ] , !!QPR1!~. [: ;i;::!~~~J 1~ J Execution: I I {PARM} [FLowr:nn DEBUG ] I PARM. procstep :: {[ user parameters]/ !!Ql1&! • NODE BUG [, UPSI (nnnnnnnn) ] J t [, A1XBLD ] r ,QUEUE{value-list) ]) lZ3 I , NOA.IIJaI! .----------------------------------------------------------11 If the information specified conta ins any special, it must be delimited by I single quotation marks instead of parentheses. ,ZIf the only special character contained in the value is a cOlima. the value may be I enclosed in parentheses or quotation marks. 13 Themaximum number of characters allowed between the deli1liting quotation marks or 1 parentheses is.100. ,-These options should be used in the Time Sharing environment only. J STso-only forma t. 16 These options are used to request the lister fea ture. 1]· '- [, I I f I I : I t , f I , I , I I I f , I I I I , I I I ------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------~ Figure 46 I I I I I I I I I I ILoader: f I , I I J r, Q!loT~l ~APOSTj r,l1£AGW] l!l!Q!!LE! ,l!OFLOW r,SYMDMP I r.XREF [,FLOW[:nnJl ,!211!I£H t t ] [,SEQ l , NOSEQj lr!QJl!~!ij L-NOCLISIj L, NOS!!!~ ,SPACE2 "SPACE3 l r,DECK l r, CLIST [,LINECNT=nn]lrl!QtRU!£ l [,SOUBCE [,DMAP ] , NOSOURCEJ ' NODMAP 8. compiler, Linkage Editor, and Loader PARM Options PRINT (*) specify FLOW, STATE, COUNT, SYMDMP, or BATCH. } { (dsname) l!Q.PRll! indicates whether or not the program listing is to be suppressed, placed on the out pu t data set specified by dsname, or displayed at the terminal. If PRINT is specified, the listing will include page headings, line numbers of the statements in error, message identificati~n numbers, severity levels, and message texts (as well as any other output requested by SOURCE, CLIST, DMAF, P~AP, XREF, or SIBEF). If (*) is specified instead of data-set name, the printed output is sent to the term inal. If PRINT alone is specified, a listing data set is created on secondary storage and named according to standard da ta set naming conventions. NOPRINT specifies that no listing is to be printed. If nei ther PRINT nor NOPRINT is specifiedand anyone or more of the options SOURCE, CLIST, DMAP, XREF, or PMAP are specified, PRINT is the default. Otherwise, NOPRINT is the default. If PRINT is specified in a non-TSO environment, it is ignored. TERM NOTERlI ---indicates whether or not progress and diagnostic messages are to be printed on the SISTERM terminal data set. The severity level of the messages may be controlled by the FLAG option. If PRINT (*) is specified, then NOTERM is the default, to ensure that messages appear only once. If TERM is specified in a non-TSO environment, the output that normally goes to the SISTERM DO data set is written on the SYSTERM file if a SYSTERM DD card bas been included. If there is no SISTERM DD card, a warning message is issued. TEST NOTEST --indicates whether or not the program can be debugged at the terminal using the program product IBM OS COBOL Interactive Debug (Program Number 5734-CB4). A program that is compiled without the TEST option is unacceptable to the Interactive Debug command processor. Complete information on COBOL Interactive Debug is contained in IBM as COBOL l!!1tla£ti.!LQgQuq Ierir1!9.1:Q~~ If the TE,T option is in effect, the SISUT5 data set must be specified. The TEST option is rejected if both WITH DEBUGGING MODE is specified and one or more USE FOR DEBUGGING statements are in the program. QEtions for the Links!SULj~gilQ!: MAP indicates that a map of the load module is to be listed. If MAP is specified, XREF cannot be specified, but both can be omitted. XREF indicates that a cross-reference list and a module map are to be listed. If XREF is specified, MAP cannot be specified. LIST indicates that any linkage editor control statements associated with the job step ~re to be listed. OVLY indicates that the load module is to be in the format of an overlay structure. This option is required when the COBOL Segmentation feature is used. The format of the PARM parameter is illustrated in Figure 8. For examples of what the MAP, XREY, and LIST options produce, see "Output. tI Linkage edito.r control statements and overlay stru~tures are explained in "Calling and Called Programs." There are other PARM options for linkage editor processing that describe additional processing options and special attributes of the load module (seethe publication QS.L!S._1!n.!.a~~{!itor an.S! Load,g,!;l.. MAP NO MAP ----indicates whether or not a map of the loaded module is to be produced that lists external names and their absolute addresses on the SYSLOUT data Guide~nd Ref~£ID!£~. set. If the SYSLOUT DD statement is not used in the input deck, this When TEST is in effect, the COBOL option is ignored. An example of a compiler produces optimized object code. module map is shown in "output." When you specify TEST, you cannot also Job Control Procedures 47 R.~~ NOBES indicates whether or not an automatic search of the link padt area queue is to be made. This search is always made after processing the primary input (SYSLIN), and before searching the SYLIB data set. When the RES option is specified, the CALL option is automatically set. CA~!:. NOCALL (NCAL) indicates whether or not an automatic sea rch of the S ISLl B da ta set .1s to be made. If the SYSLIB DD statement is not used in the input deck, this option is ignored. The NOCALL option causes an automatic NORES. LET NOLET -----indicates whether or not the loader will try to execute the object program when a severity level 2 error condition is found. S.I~~=1QQI1 SIZE=size specifies the size, in bytes, of dynamic main storage that can be used by the loader. This storage must he larqe enouqh to accommodate the object program. EP=name specifies the external name to be assigned as the entry point of the loaded program. ERINT NOPRINT indicates whether or not diagnostic messages are to be produced on the SYSLOUT data set. The format of the PARM parameter is illustrated in Figure 8. The default options, indicated by an underscore, can he changed a t system genera tion with the LOADER macro instruction. These options are specified through the PARM parameter, as illustrated in Figure 8. Note that a slash must immediately precede the first COBOL-defined option coded. (If user parameters themselves are to include a slash or slashes, then an additional, trailing slash must be added to demark the user parameters' end. All data following the last slash is considered to be COBOL system parameter information, and will not be passed to the program.) 48 If an execution-time parameter field is passed to a program, a load of the library subroutine ILBOPRM will be issued. If this subroutine is not available to the loader, an 806 abend may occur. One way to circumvent this problem is to place an INCLUDE SYSLIB(ILBOPRM) statement in the link edit SYSLIN data stream, which would link this subroutine into the load data set. User Parameters The programmer can code any parameters he wishes to pass to a main COBOL program. For information on how to access such parameters, see the "USING option" as described in I~~-I~_£Q]Q~ foL-QUVS. FLOV[ =nn] NOFLOW - - - I f the FLOW option is specified at compile time for a trace of procedure names, at execution time a value for un may be specified that overrides any value set at compile time. If FLOW is requested at compile time with no value for !U!., a value should be specified at execution time. A default of 99 is assumed for lHl if it is not specified at either step and PLOW is in effect; otherwise, nn is as previously specified. The PLOW trace may be suppressed at execution time by specifying NOFLOW. FLOW cannot be specified as an option for exedution if it is not specified at compilet~me or if NOFLOW is in effect by default. See the sections "Debugging Facilities" and "Options for the Compiler" for additional information. DEBUG NODEBUG DEBUG indicates that USE FOR DEBUGGING declarative procedures are in the program and should in fact be activated during th~s execution. NODEBUG indicates that even though such declarative procedu.resvere included in the program, they are not desired and their execution is to be suppressed. (Note that this DEBUG switch has meaning only if the source program was compiled with the WITH DEBUGGING MODE clause.) UP 51 (n nnnnnnn) assigns values (either ~ero or one) to the eight switches UPSI-O, UPSI-1, UPSI-2, ••• UPSI-7. (The default values are zeros.) These values are then available in the COBOL program through the condition names associated with them in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph. AIXBLD NOAIXBItA2 for VSAM KSDS and RRDS data sets, AIXBLD indicates that COBOL should invoke Access Method Services to complete the file and index definition procedures. NOAIXBLD indicates that the user has already performed such definitions himself ahead of time, and has no need for this service. In general, better performance is obtained if the user provides such definitions himself (NOAIXBLD). If AIXBLD is specified, substantial amounts of additional storage are required for COBOL execution (the exact amount depending on specific Job Control Procedures 48.1 system configuration). Also, a SYSPRINT DO card is necessary for any Access Method Services messages that may be produced. For more detail, see "Dynamic Invocation of Access Method services for KSDS and RRDS output Data sets" in the section "VSAM File Processing." QUEUE{value-list) specifies a queue-name structure (in value-list) which is the strQcture that viII cause this program to be scheduled for execution. For more detail, see "Communications Job Schedulinq" in the section "Using the Communications Feature." The restart facilities can be used in order to minimize the time lost in reprocessing a job that abnormally terminates. These facilities permit the automatic restart of jobs that were abnormally terminated during execution. The programmer uses this parameter to tell the operating system: (1) whether or not to take checkpoints during execution of a progra m, and (2) whether or not to restart a proqram that has been interrupted. A checkpoint is taken by periodically recording the contents of storage and registers during execution of a program. The RERUN clause in the COBOL language facilitates taking checkpoint readings. Checkpoints are recorded onto a checkpoint data set. Execution of a job can be automatically restarted at the beginning of a job step that abnormally terminated (step restart) or within the step (checkpoint restart). In order for checkpoint restart to occur, a chec kpoint must have been taken in the processing program prior to abnormal termination. The RD parameter specifies that step restart can occur or that the action of the CHKPT macro instruction is to be suppressed. To request that step restart be permitted or to request that the action of the CHKPT macro instruction be suppressed in a particular step, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement. rRD=request J JL-____________________________________________ Replace the word "request" with: a to permit automatic step restart. The programmer must specify at least one RERUN clause in order to take checkpoints. Ne to suppress the action of tbe CHKPT macro instruction and to prevent automatic restart. No checkpoints are taken; no RERUN clause in the COBOL program is necessary. NR to request that the CHKPT macro instruction be allowed to establish a checkpoint, but to prevent automatic rest~rt. Tbe programmer must sp..eeify at least one RERUN clause in order to take checkpoints. RNC -- to permit step restart and to suppress the action of the CHKPT macro instruction. No checkpoints are taken; no RERUN clause in the COBOL program is necessary. Each request is described in greater detail in the following paragraphs. RD=!: If the processing programs used by this step do not include a RERUN statement, RD=R allows execution to be resumed at the beginning of this step if i t abnormally terminates. If any of these programs do include one or more CHKPT macro instructions (through the use of the RERUN clause), step restart can occur if this step abnormally terminates before execution of a CHKPT macro instruction; thereafter, checkpoint restart can occur. RD=NC or RD=RNC: RD=NC or RD=RNC should be specified to suppress the action of all CHKPT macro instructions included in the programs used by this step. When RD=NC is specified, neither step restart nor checkpoint restart can occur. When RD=RNC is specified, step restart can occur. !Q=NR: RD=NR permits a CHKPT macro instruction to establish a checkpoint, but does not permit automatic restarts. However, a resubmitted job could have execution start at a specific checkpoint. Before automatic step restart occurs, all data sets in theresta rt step vi th a status of OLD or MOD, and all data sets being passed to steps following the restart step, are kept. All data sets in the restart step with a status of NEW are Job Control Procedures 49 deleted. Before automatic checkpoint restart occurs, all data sets currently in use by the job are kept. If the RD parameter is omit ted and no CHKPT macro instructions are e.%ecuted, automatic restart cannot occur. If the RD parameter is omitted but one or more CHKPT macro i.nst.ructions are executed, automatic check.point restart can occur. • If the RD parameter is specified on the JOB statement, RD parameters on the job's EX EC statements are • Restart can occur only if MSGLEVEL=1 is coded on the JOB statement. step, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement. , DPRTY:(value 1.value 2) Both "value 1" and "value 2" should be replaced with a number from 0 through 15. "Value 1" represents an internal priority value. "Value 2" added to "value 1" represents the dispatching priority. The higher numbers represent higher priorities. A default value of 0 is assumed if no number is assigned to "value 1." A default value of 11 is assumed if no number is assigned to "value 2." • If step restart is requested for this step, assign the step a unique step name. • Whenever possible, avoid assigning a number of 15 to "value 1." This number is used for certain system tasks. • When this job step uses a cataloged procedure, make restart request for a single procedure step by including, as part of the RD parameter, the procedure stepname, i.e., RD.procstepname. This specification overrides the RD parameter in the named procedure step if one is present. Code as many parameters of this form as there are steps in the cataloged procedure. • If "value 1" is omitted, the comma must be coded before "value 2" to indicate the absence of "value 1," e.g., DPRTY= (. 14) • • If "value 2" is omitted, the parentheses need not be coded, e.g., DPRTY:12. • When the step uses a catalogea procedure, a dispatching priority can be assigned to a single procedure step by including the procedure step nalle in the DPRTY parameter, i.e., DPRTY.procstepname={value 1, value 2). This parameter may be used for each step in the cataloged procedure. • To specify a restart request for an entire cataloged procedure, code the RD parameter without a procedure stepname. This specification overrides all RD parameters in the procedure if any are present. • .If no RERUN clause is specified in the user's program, no checkpoints are written, regardless of the disposition of the RD parameter. • To assign a single dispatching priority to an entire cataloged procedure, code the DPRTY parameter without a procedure step name. This specification overrides all DPRTY parameters in the procedure if there are any. • For detailed information on the checkpoint/restart facilities, see the publication Q~!~_Check2ointLR~1art. .E§!:~blishing-LDis2fttcli.l!.9.-f.riQ1::itL'DPR.n1.. To assi gn a limit to the computing time used by a single job step, a cataloged procedure, or a cataloged procedure step, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement • (OS/VS2 only) The DPRTY parameter allows the programmer to assign to a job step, a dispatching priority different from the priority of the job. The dispatching priority determines in what sequence tasks use main storage and computing time. To assign a dispatching prior ity to a job 50 I r- J TIME=(minutes,seconds) L-___________________________________ such an assignment is useful in a multiprogramming environment where more than one job has access to the computing system. ftinutes and seconds represent the maX1mum number of minutes and seconds allotted for execution of the job step. To specify a region size, code the keyword parameter in the operand field of the EXEC statement. , REGION= (nnnnnK) • If the job step requires use of the system for 24 hours (1440 minutes) or longer. the programmer should specify. TIME=1440. Using this number suppresses timing. The number of seconds cannot exceed 59. • If the time limit is given in minutes only, the parentheses need not be coded; e.g., TIME=5. • If the time limit is given in seconds. the comma must be coded to indicate the abse.nce of minutes; e.g., TIME=(,45). e When the job step uses a cataloged procedure, a time limit for a single procedure step can be set by qualifying the keyword TIME with the procedure step name; i.e •• TIME. procstep= (minutes.seconds). This specification overrides the TIME parameter in the named procedure step if one is present. As many parameters of this form can be coded as there are steps in the cataloged procedure. I To request the maxillu. amount of main storage required by t.he job, replace the term "nnnnn" with the maximum number of contiguous 1024-byte areas allocated to the job step. e.g., REGION=52K. This number can range from 1 to 5 digits but must not exceed 16383. If the REGION parameter i~ omitted or if a region size smaller than the default region size is requested, it is assumed that the default value is that establiShed by the input reader procedure. eRegion sizes for each job step can be coded by specifying the BEGION pa rameter in the EXEC sta temen t for each job step. However, if a REGION parameter is present in t.he JOB statement, it overrides REGION parameters in EXEC statements. • To set a time limit for an entire procedure, the TIME keyword is left unqualified. This specification overrides all TIME parameters in the procedure if any are present. • For information on storage requirements to be considered when specifying a region size, see the appropriate st~gg~E§!im~!~§ publication. e If this parameter is omitted, the standard job step time limit is assigned. ~~g£ if y,!.ng.J1 a i.!L..~.!Q~~ Reg!!irem,,gn t ~Qb S!~-'REGION)_ s f or ~ TO take advantage of the storage facili ties offered by OS/VS 1 and OS/VS2, always specify AOORSPC=VIRT. r- The REGION parameter permits the programmer to specify the size of the main storage region to be allocated to the associated job step. The REGION parameter specifies the maximum amount of main storage to be allocated to the job. This amount must include the size of those components required by the userts program that are not resident in main storage. 1 I ADDRSPC= VI.!!!} { REAL Note that the compiler and its object code, including library subroutines, can run VIRTUAL, and should be run that way unless a non-COBOL program in the partition requires the REAL option. The REGION parameter is used in conjunction with the ADDRSPC parameter to determine the total amount of main storage available to a program and to either allow or disallow paging. !21~: The REGION parameter has different meanings for OS/VS1 and OS/V52. See the publicationOSLVS_~£1_~!..!ic~§ for detailed information. The data de£inition (DO) statement identifies each data set that is to be used in a job step, and it furnishes info.rmation about the data set. The DD statement specifies input/output facilities requir~d Job Control Procedures 51 for using the data set; it also establishes a logical relationship between the data set and input/output references in the program named in the EXEC statement for the job step. Figure 9 is a general format of the DD statement. 52 Parameters ,used most frequently for COBOL ptograms are discussed in detail. The other parameters (e.g •• SEP and AFr) are mentioned briefly. For further information, see the publication Q~LY~_J~b ~~~. , , .-- ---_ ..,. ... Operand 1 operation I ~. rI i ----~----~-------~ 1 I DD t } • {ddname (see below and next page) ~ III I I procste p. ddna me 1 I IName L- ,• ----------------------.------~------------------------~ a r I Operand 2 . I I •I [ DUKMY] I I t I I [DDNAME=ddname] 12 I I , , j DSNAMEl f { DSN J J I I I = dsname dsname (element) *. ddname *.stepname.ddnalle *.stepname.procstep.ddname &&nalle &&name(element) NUtLF.ILE , (QNAME=processname)l4 ! [nCB= I (liS[:s::.:ttributeSl DCB=( , I I *.ddname *.stepname.ddname ·*.stepname.procstep.ddnaae J [SEP= (SU bparalleter list) ,AFF=ddname • [COPIEs=nnn] t :I ] -l J 7 [ .SIlbParaaeter-list 1,] 11 [ OUTLIM=nuliber] [TEBM~;1 :I t f2§i tioM.~bpa!:~iG : , [UNIT= (name[ ,[n/P][,DEl'ERllt: ,SEP=(list ~NIT=(AFF=ddnaae) I [!les= (character set code ,FOLD I , ·l!ll2IUyREnu.nU§. up to 8 ]) . . [ , VilIFY])] o. f I 9] 11 13 .... f See :I L-__________ .~_____, notes a.____________________________________________________________________ t end of fig ure. Figure 9. . I I I ~ The DD Statement (Part 1 o.f 3) Job Control Procedures S3 , .-- I Operand 2 lI I : SPACE= ( • J ----i I {~~~ , (primary-quantity[,secondary-quantity], } averaqe-record-length , I I 1 [directory- or index-quantity]) [ , RLSE] J J , riXLG ,ALX . [ ,CONTIG , I [ , ROUND]) I• SPACE= (ABSTR, (quantity ,beginning-address[ , directory- or index-quantity]») • : SPLIT= (n, I , ~ SUBALLOC=( J {CYL } average-record-length {~!~ , {primary-quant.ity[ ,secondary-quantity])) }, (primary-quantity[ ,secondary-quantity] I 1 1 1 I J [.directory-qnantity». {::::::me.ddname . } stepname.procstep.ddname sequence number 1.[ volume count][.J : SER= (volume-serial-n umber( Yolume-serial-nu mber ]I 0 • • • {~~~~:=me } *.stepname.ddname *.stepname.procstep.ddname 1----------------------I See notes at end of figure )ll ) f I t J J 1 I I I I .,I I J L- 54 , t !~~g~UKE} =~ PRIVATE l.[ RETAIN l.[ volulle Figure J I J I : REF:: I , J I I ,average-record-length i ,, , 9. The DD statement (Part 2 of 3) r0- t operand 2 ..- , I I NL I I NSL SUL I LABEL= ([ data-set-sequence-number] .. ~1 t ~M J BU , AUL At t i[Drsp: ( [ l!.RR~ OLD ,DELETE ,KEEP ,PASS SHR MOD 1 1 1 r. PASSWORDl [f',OUT IN J ~NOPWREA~ , EXPDT=yydddl [ • RETPD=xxxx J [ ,CATLG .UNCATLG [s YSOUT= (classname[ .. program-name]( , form-no. ])] t rFeB= (image-id L [,ALIGN]) , V ERIPY "J I [AMP=(subparameters) 15] lI tThe name field must be blank vhen concatenating data sets. I 1 ZA 11 parameters are optional to allow a programmer flexibility in the use of the DD J I statement; however, a DO statement with a blank operand field is meaningless. I I 3It the positional parameter is specified, keyword parameters other than DeB cannot be I I specified. J I ·For OS/VS2 only. 1 t sIt sub parameter-list consists of only .2{!g subparameter and no leading comma J I (indicating the omission of a positional subparameter) is required, the delimiting I t parentheses may be omitted. I 1 61f subparameter-list is omitted, the entire parameter must be omitted. I 1 7See "UseI:'-Defined Files" fo.r the applicab le subpa rameters. 1 I eSee the publication Q~!~~£1-Ref~~£g. . I f 9If only name is specified, the delimiting parentheses may be omitted. I 1 10 rf only one volume-serial-number is specified, the delimiting parentheses may be t , omitted. I 11 t The SEP and AFF parameters should not be confused with the SEP and AFF subparameters 1 J of the UNIT parameter. J J 1 1z The value specified may contain special characters if the value is enclosed in 1 a postrophes. If the only special character used is the hyphen. the value need not bel I J enclosed in apostrophes. If DSNAME is a qualified name, it may contain periods t without being enclosed in apostrophes. I ,13The unit address may contain a slash, and the unit type number may contain a hyphen, I 1 without being enclosed in apostrophes, e. g., UNIT=293/5,UNIT=2400-2. I J14The QNAME= parameter is used in COBOL teleprocessing and must be the name of a TeAM I 1 destination queue. 1 J lSThis parameter is for use with VSAM only. The subparameters are described in the J ! chapter "VSAM File Processing." f .I L- Fiqure 9. The DD Statement (Part 3 of 3) Job Control Procedures 55 DL~f~~~~Chan~illg_Qatg_Qg!i~itgr_fQ£ 1i~.!!.Lf.!~!g ddname (Identifying the DD statement) is used: InID!:L~!!!.) specifies the delimiter to be used instead of /* or II to terminate data defined in the input st~eam. Assigning a different delimiter allows the standard delimiter f/* or II) to be used as data in the input stream. The DLM pa~ameter has meaning only on DD* and DO DATA statements. The data must be terminated with the characters assigned in the DLM parameter. • To identify data sets defined by this DD statement to the compiler or linkage editor (see "Compiler Data Set Requirements" and "Linkage Editor Data Set Requirements"). • To relate the data sets defined in this DD statement to a file described in a COBOL source program (see "User-Defined Files"). • TO identify this DD statement to other control statements in the in put stream. procstep. ddname is used to alter or add DD statements in cataloged procedures.. The step in the cataloged procedure is identified by procstep. The ddname identifies either one of the following: • A DO statement in the cataloged procedure that is to be modified by the DD statement in the input stream. • A DO statement that is to be added to the OD statement in the procedure step. !_~!.tl~r ~!:~n) (DefininLQg,ta_in an Inl!ut indicates that data immediately follows this DD statement in the input stream. This parameter is used to specify a source deck or data in the input stream. The data cannot contain II or 1* in the first two character positions of any record unless the DLM parameter is used. If (while scanning JCL) the system encounters a card that does not begin with II, it logically inserts a IISYSIN DD * card before it. The SYSIN data set thus created is delimited by the next 1* or II job control card encountered. DA TA ParSll!!tter (De!.ining.-Q~!a in an .Input, Streaa) also indicates a JCL deck or data in the input stream. The end of the data set must be indicated by a delimiter statement. The data cannot contain /* in the first two characters of any recprd unless the DLK parameter 'is used. The DD DATA statement must be the last DD statement of the job step. II may appear in the first and second positions in the record, for example, when the data consists o.f control statements of a procedure that is to be cataloqed. 56 DUMMY ParameterlBypassing_!!g.!l£g Allocation and ~Yi-QEQ£a~iQll§-2n_~h~~2i~ §.gi) allows a program to attempt I/O operations on a data set during execution without the operating systemfs pe~forming actual operations on the da ta set. (Programs compiled with the LANGLVL(2) option can specify the COBOL source statement SELECT OPTIONAL to obtain this ability and thus avoid supplying a dummy DD statement.) The DUMMY parameter is valid only for COBOL input sequential data sets. No device allocation# external storage allocation, or cataloging takes place for dummy data sets. When the DUMMY parameter is specified, a read request to an "opened" file results in an end of data set exit. For a VSAM data set, if DUMMY is specified, an attempt to read results in an end-of-data condition. AMP='AMORGt must be specified if DUMMY is specified; see "VSAM-only JCL Parameter" in the chapter "VSAM Pile processing. " NO!&..:. Compiler work. files (including SYSUT5 and SYSUT6) cannot be described as DD DUMMY. Data in the input stream is temporarily transferred to a direct-access device for later high-speed retrieval. Normally, the system stores it in a format that is not under control of the programmer. However, in some situations the programmer may be able to assign his own values through use of the BLKSIZE subparameter of the DCB parameter. He may also indicate the number of buffers to be assigned to transmitting the data, through use of the BurNO parameter. For example, he may assign the following: DCB=(BLKSIZE=800,BUFNO=2) In YS1 and VS2 Release 2 ~nd later, maximum performance is obtained for SYSIN and SYSOUT data sets when BLKSIZE=80 and BUrN0:1 are used. If not supplied by the problem program, i t can be supplied by the DCB parameter on the DD statement. If omitted from both sources, the defaults are BLKSIZE=80 and BUFNO=2. • Sim~~2: For data sets that are not cataloged. • Reference names: For data sets whos;-na;es-;r;-given in the DSNAME parameter of another DD statement in the same job. Jll1i!1Lf£!:~U!~g!tl-1Rg~gr vi.llil2 pa cgJ!! Q~L.!S2_w i tIL TSQ) specifies that space is to be reserved in internal tables so that data set requirements that arise during a TSO terminal session can be satisfied. This allows deferred definition of a data set until it is required. During LOGON processing for T50, no devices or external storage are allocated to a data set defined by a DD DYNAM statement. When a data set is required, the actual device and external storage for the data set is then allocated. see the publication .Q~LVS2 TSO Guide, Order No. GC28-0644, for further information. !Q!.g: No other parameter can be specified on a DD statement where DYNAH is specified. ~Q~!~~-f£~~ete!:-1p02~~nin~he Deiinitio! QI._£ Dat£_SeU defines a pseudo da ta set that. will assume the characteristics of a real data set if a subsequent DD statement of the step is labeled with the specified ddname. When the DDNAME parameter is specified, it must be the first parameter in the operand. All other parameters, except the DeB subparameters BLKSIZE, BUPNO, and OIAGNS, are ignored and should be omitted when the DDNAME parameter appears (see "Using the cataloged procedures"). The ddname specifies a DD statement that, if present, supplies the attributes of the data set. If it is not present, the statement is ignored. DS!!ME Pa~A!~~~Igenti!Yin~lh~~ata~~lt allows the programmer to specify the name of the data set to be created or to refer to a previously created data set. Various types of names can be specified (see "using the DO statement" for a discussion of the various names) as follows: • :t:J!llI--!U!alifi.g9.-D.n~.:. For da ta sets to be retrieved from or stored in the system cat alog. • Gen~ation 9A1.sL9.!:Q!:uL.!!n~i. For an entire generation data group. or any single generation thereof. • I~~pora~~_n£~~~ For temporary data sets that are to be named for the duration of one job only. If the DSNAME parameter is omitted, the operating system assigns a unique name to the data set. (This parameter should be supplied for all except temporary data sets to allow future referencing of the data set.) DSNAKE may be coded DSN. ~SNAMI-SYQQa~a~~te!:~ dsname specifies the fully qualified name of a data set. This is the name under which the data set can be cataloged or otherwise identified on the volume. dsname (element) specifies a particular generation of a generated data group, a member of a partitioned data set. or an area of an indexed data set. To indicate a generation of a generated data group, the element is a zero or a signed integer. TO indicate a member of a partitioned data set, the element is a name. To indicate an area of an indexed data set. the element is PRIME, OYFLOW, or INDEX (see "Using the DD statement" for information about generation data groups and examples of partitioned data sets). *. ddname indicates that the DSNAKE parameter (only) is to be copied from a preceding DO statement in the current job step. *.stepname.ddname indicates that the DSNAME parameter (only) is to be copied from the DD statement, ddname, that occurred in a previous step. stepname, in the current job. If this form of the subparameter appears in a DD statement of a cataloged procedure, stepname refers to a previous step of the procedure, or. if no such step is fOllnd , t o a previous step of the current job. *.stepname.procstep.ddname indicates that the OSNA"E parameter (only) is to be copied from a OD statement in a cataloged procedure. The EXEC statement that called for Job Control Procedures 57 a cataloged data set or from a preceding DD statement (see the publication QS.LILJCL._R~fe~~ for detailed information about the DCB s ubpa ra meter) • execution of the procedure, as well as the step and DD statement of the procedure, must be identified. &&name allows the programmer to supply a temporary name for a data set that is to deleted at the end of the job. The ope.rating system subs-t.i tutes a unique symbol for this sub parameter. The programmer can use the temporary name in other steps to refer to the data set. The same symbol is substituted for each recurrence of this name within the job. Upon completion of the job, the name is dissociated from the data set. The same temporary name can be used in other jobs without ambiguity. be &&name (element) allows the programmer to supply a name for a member of a temporary partitioned data set that will be deleted at the end of the step. NtJLLFILE serves the same function as the DUMMY parameter (described above). Q!!I~~~~~~_lnefinin]L!a~_Oata t2-~ A££es§ed-IlLTCA1U. specifies the name of a TPROCESS macro that def~nes a destination queue for messages that are to be processed by an application program and creates a process entry ~or the queue in the Terminal Table (see the section "Defining Terminal and Line Control Areas" in the chapter entitled "Using the Teleprocessing Featu.-re tf ) . Not!t: The DCB parameter is the only parameter that can be coded on a DD statement with the QNAME parameter. The only operands that may be specified as subparameters are BLKSIZE, BtJ~L, LRECL, OPTCD, and RECFM. DCll_~~teLjDe§£Iibin£L1l!e 11H~_Da ta~etl Altributes of allows the programmer to specify at execution time, rather than at compilation time, information for completing the data control block associated with the data set (see "Execution Time Data Set Requirements" and "Additional File Processing Information" for further information about the data control block and DCB subparameters). The first subparameter of this parameter may be used to copy DCB attributes from the data set label of 58 and AFLf.Srame~jQ£!i.m.izi!!g.£.ha nn~! Usage) allow the programmer to optimize the use of channels among groups of data sets. SEP indicates channel separation and APr indicates channel affinity. SEP and APF are ignored for any data sets that have been allocated devices by the automatic volume recognition (AVR) option. ,S,lP If neither parameter is supplied, any available channel, consistent with the UNIT parameter requirement, is assigned. The affinity parameter groups two or more data sets so that they can be separated from another data set requesting channel separation. For indexed sequential data sets these parameters are written in the same way as those for any data set. For VSAM data sets, these parameters should not be used if the data and its index reside on unlike devices. They can be used in succeeding DO statements to refer to the first DD statement. ~efining an indexed sequential da ta set. However, the second and third OD statements cannot request separation from or affinity to one aaother because they are unnamed. Thus, to establish channel separation and affinity for all of the areas, the name subparameter of the UNIT parameter must be used to request specific dey ices on specific chann~ls. UNll-fArameter (Requesting_a UnitL specifies the quantity and types of input/output devices to be allocated for use by t.he data set. If the UNIT parameter is not specified in the current DD statement~ there are several ways in which the unit information may be inferred by the system: • If the current data set has already been created and it is either beinq passed to the current step, or if it has been cataloged~ any unit name specified in this DO statement is ignored. • If the REP subparameter of the VOLUME parameter is specified, the current data set is given affinity with the data set referred to; that data set's defining DD statement provides the unit information. installation at system generation time. • If the current data set is to operate in the split cylinder mode with a previously defined data set, it will reside on the unit specified in the DD statement for the previous da ta set. The block size specified in the source program (in the BLOCK CONTAINS clause or in the record description) must not exceed the maximum block size permitted for the device. For example. the maximum block size for the IBM 2314 is 1294 characters. and the maximum block size for the IBM 2400 series is 32.760 characters. • If the current data set is to use space suballocated from that assigned to a previously defined data set, it will reside on the same unit as the data set from which the space is obtained. liot~: When device-independence is specified by use of UT as the device class in the ASSIGN statement in the Environment Division, the device chosen by the system will be dependent on the OD statement. Therefore. if the user's installation has both an IBM 2314 and an IBM 3330 that may be used as utility devices, the user should write • If the current data set is assigned to the standard output class (sysOUT is specified), it is written on the unit specified by the operator for class A. If the current data set is in the input stream (defined by a DD * or DD DATA statement), the DD statement defining the data set should not contain a UNIT parameter. If this parameter specifies a mass storage device for a data set being created, it is also necessary to reserve the space the data set will occupy, using another parameter of the DO statement. For Vs~M data sets, the APF and sEP subparameters should not be used if the da ta and its index reside on unlike devices. Depending on the way in which the space will be used, the SPACE, SPLIT, or sUBALLOC parameter can be specified. These parameters are discussed under individual headings. BLOCK CONTAINS 7294 CHARACTERS (or any number smaller than 7294) to ensure that the block can be contained on orie track. n specifies the number of devices to be allocated to the data set. If this parameter is omitted. 1 is assumed. p specifies parallel mount. DEFER indicates deferred mounting. Deferred mounting cannot be specified for a new output data set on a mass storage device or for an I5AM data set. For VSAM data sets, it indicates that the volumes are not to be mounted until access method services requires them. If the UNIT parameter specifies a tape device, no SPACE, SPLIT, or SUBALLOC parameters are required. The UNIT parameter must be specified if VOLUME=SER is specified in the DD statement. name specifies the name of an input/output device, a device class name, or any meaningful combination of input/output devices specified by an installation. (Mass storage devices and magnetic tape devices can be combined. No other device type combination is allowed.) Names and device classes are defined at system generation time. The device class names that are required for IBM cataloged procedures and are normally used by most installations are shown in Figure 10. These names can be specified by the sEP=(list of up to eight ddnames) specifies unit separation. AFF=ddname specifies unit affinity. r-------.--- , , , . I 1Class NamelClass FunctionslDevice Type I ----.f Imass storage I IsY55Q I writing Imagnetictape I I Jreading • I +~ 1mass storage I ISysDA I writing , I f treading ~ Figure 10. J Device Class Names Required for IBM-Supplied Cataloged ProcedUres Job Control Procedures 59 a DD statement for a job that is a system task. RT should not be specified on DD*, DD DATA and SYSOUT DD statements. ~QR~a~a!~!~I-1Re~Y~2ti~g_Additional Q~!~ Set~ie§L is specified when more than one copy of the output data sets is desired. It can be specified only with the SISOUT parameter on the same DD statement. The maximum number of copies that can be requested is 255. For further information on the use of the COPIES parameter, see the publication OSLVS JCL~g£Yi~g2. TS indicates to the system that the input or output data being defined is coming from or going to a time sharing terminal. If TSO is not in use. the DD statement containing the TERM parameter is treated as a DO DUMMY statement. Only the DeB parameter can be specified with TERM=TS; any other parameters specified on the same DD statement are ignored.' QQItIfi-fg~et~_lS~~f~n[_Qut~l_Re£Qrd t.i.ID.i!) is specified. for OS/VS1 only. to limit the number of logical records to be included- in the output data set being routed through the output stream. For OS/VS2, OUTLIM is ignored. When the limit is reached, an exit provided by the system Management Facilities option is taken to a user-supplied routine that determines whether to cancel the job or increase the limit. If the exit routine is not supplied, the job is canceled. The largest number that can be specified is 16717215. The OUT LIM parameter has meaning only if the system Management Facilities option is in use in the system and job, and step data collection was selected at system generation. OUTtIN is iqnored unless SISOUT is coded in the operand field of the same DD statement. If OUTLIN is not specified. the system default will be used unless SYSODUMP or SYSABEND is being processed; in this case no output limiting is done. H!H!1~I1!m.tlgLl!fQ.tiiL.~ll telLof ~pecia 1 Deyice) speci fies different in.forma tion for OS/VS1 and OS/VS2. For VS1. the TERM parameter notifies the system to the presence of an RTAM (Remote Terminal Access Method) device used with RES (Remote Entry Services). For VS2 with TSO, the TERM parameter notifies the system that a data set is coming from or going to a time sharing terminal. See the publication ~~~~~l~~l~pecifYin~~h~~ct~~_~~1-fQt a 1403 or 3211 Printex:) describes the character set to be used for printing an output data set on a 1403 or 3211 printer. In order to use a particular special character set, an image of the character set must be contained in SYS1.IMAGELIB, and the chain or train corresponding to the character set must be available for ~se. The UCS parameter. the DDNAME parameter, and the DCB subparameters RKP, CYLOPL. and INTVL# are mutually exclusive. For further information on the ues parameter, see the publication Q~L!~~llt.~!!L£!:QllU!!!illL.L i h:>.!i._ j!atLManagem!Ult· Q~~SuQ~a~~~!~£~: character set code identifies the special character set to be used for printing the data set. POLO specifies that the chain or train corresponding to the desired character set is to be loaded in the fold mode. The fold mode is described in the publication il!L2811_~2ntroL!!nit, Order No. GA24-3112. QUllLRE~_~t!!!! .f.tQg~m.ti~LQy.ide, Order No. GC28-6818, for detailed information on Remote Entry Services. / l~R~~~~.ete~: RT indicates that a remote unit record device is in use for iTA" and that the usual allocation processing is to be bypassed. RT can only be specified on 60 VERIFY specifies that the operator is to verify that the correct chain or train is mounted be:fore the data set is printed. If the VERIFY subparameter is specified and the FOLD sub parameter is not, a comma must precede VERIFY since FOLD is a positional subpa rameter and its absence IIUSt be indicated. to write a record. The directory quantity is used when initially creating a partitioned data set (PDS), and it specifies the number of 256-byte records to be reserved for the directory of the PDS. It can also specify the number of cylinders to be allocated for an index area embedded within the prime area when a new 15AM data set is being defined (see the publication Q~L!~~k_E~f~~~). ~~A~E Pail.!!!.f~L1!!.!.Q.£lli!lg_~2§2iQraq~ ~2~£~ specifies space to be allocated in a mass storage volume. Although SPACE has no meaning for tape volumes, if a data set is assigned to a device class that contains both mass storage devices and tape devices, SPACE should be specified. For VSAM data sets, space i~ allocated through access method services. forms of the SPACE parameter may be used, with or without absolute track address (ABSTR). The ABSTR parameter requests that allocation begin at a specific address. li~: The directory contains the name and the relative position, within the data set, for each member of a partitioned data set. The name requires eight bytes, the location four bytes. Up to 62 additional bytes can be used for additional information. For a directory of a partitioned data set that contains load modules, the minimum directory requirement for each member is 34 bytes. TWO ~{f~~:T~Ub£A£S~1~f§~ } TRK CYL average-record-Iength specifies the unit of measurement in which storage is to be assigned. The units may be tracks (ABSTR o·r TRK), cylinders (CIL), or records (average-record-length, expressed as a decimal number). In addition, the AB5TR sub parameter indicates that the allocated space is to begin at a specific track address. If the specified tracks are already allocated to a nothe r da ta set, the y will not be reallocated to this data set. For I5AM data sets, only t.he elL or ABSTR subparameter is permitted. When an I5AM data set is defined by more than one DD statement, all must specify either elL or AB5TRi if some statements contain CYL and others ABSTR, the job will be abnormally terminated. Noi~: (p.r ima ry-qua nti ty[ , seconda ry-qua ntit y) (,directory- or index-quantity]) specifies thea moun t of space to be allocated jor the data set. The primary quantity indicates the number of records, tracks, or cylinders to be allocated when the job step begins. For 15Al"l data sets, this subparameter specifies the number of cylinders for the prime, overflow, or index area (see ftExecutionTime Data Set Requirements lt ) . The secondary quantity indicates how much additional space is to be allocated each time previously allocated space is exhausted. This sl1bparameter must !!Q.! be specified when defining an I51K data set. If a secondary quantity is specified for a sequential data set, the program may receive control when additional space cannot be allocated RLSE indicates that all unused external storage assigned to this data set is to be released when processing of the data set is completed. ~~iG } { CONTIG qualifies the request for the space to be allocated to the data set. MXIG requests the largest single block of storage that is greater than or equal to the space requested in the primary quantity. ALX requests the allocation of additional tracks in the volume. The operating system will allocate tracks in up to five blocks of storage, each block equal to or greater than the primary quantity. CONTIG requests that the space indicated in the primary quantity be contiguous. If this subparameter is not specified, or if any option cannot be fulfilled, the operating system attempts to assign contiguous space. rf there is not enough contiguous space, up to five noncontiguous areas are allocated. ROUND indicates that allocation of space for the specified number of records is to begin and end on a cylinder boundary. It can be used only when average record length is specified as the first subparaaeter. quanti ty specifies the number of tracks to be allocated. For an IS1ft data set, this Job Control Procedures 61 quantity must be equivalent to an integral number of cylinders; it specifies the space for the prime, overflow, or index area (see "Execution Time Data Set Requirements") • beginninq address specifies the relative number of the track desired, .here the first track of a volume is defined as O. (Track 0 cannot be requested.) The number is automatically converted to an address based on the particular device assigned. For an ISAM data set this number must indicate the beginning of a cylinder. directory quantity defines the number of 256-byte records to be allocated for the directory of a It also new partitioned data set. specifies the number of tracks to be allocated for an index area embedded within the prime area when a new indexed data set is being defined. In the latter case, the number of tracks must be equivalent to an integral number of cylinders (see the publication Q.sLlS_~CL_l!eference). ~PL~£g~g~~_1!1!~1ing_~~§§-sto£aqe ~Ei!£& is specified when other data sets in the job step require space in the same mass storage volume, and the user wishes to minimize access-arm movement by sharing cylinders with the other data sets. The device is then said to be operating in a split cylinder mode. In this mode, two or more data sets are stored so that portions of each occupy tracks within every allocated cylinder. ~ot~: SPLIT should not be used a) when one of the data sets is an ISAM data set, or b) under VS2 Release 2 or later. !! indicates the number of tracks per cylinder to be used for this data set if CYL is specified. If the average record length is specified, ~ is the percentage of the tracks per cylinder to be used for this data set. } eYL { average-record-length indicates the units in which the space requirements are expressed in the next subpa ca meter. The units may be cylinders (CIL) or physical records (in which case the average record 62 length in bytes is specified as a decimal number not exceeding 65,535). If the average record length ~s given, and the data set is defined to have a key, the key length must be given in the DeB parameter of this DD sta tement. primary-quantity defines the number of cylinders or space for records to be allocated to the entire group of data sets. secondary-quantity defines the number of cylinders or space for records to be allocated each time the space allocated to any of the data sets in the group has been exhausted and more data is to be written. This quantity will not be split. A group of data sets that share cylinders in the same device is defined by a sequence of DD statements. The first statement in the sequence must specify all parameters except secondary quantity, which is 6ptional. Each of the statements that follow the first statement must specify only I, the amount of space required. SQBALLOC Parameter lAllQ£giinq_Mas§_~lQrag~ ~acel permits space to be obtained from another data set for which contiguous space was previously allocated. This enables data sets to be stored in a single volume. Space obtained through suballocation is removed from the original data set, and may not be further suballocated. The SUBALLOC parameter should not be used to obtain space for an 151M data set, nor should it be used under VS2 Release 2 or later. Except for the subparameters described below, the subparameters in the SUBALLOC parameter ha ve t he salle meaning as those described in the SPACE parameter .. SUBALLoe Subparameters: ddname indicates that space is to be suballoca ted from the da ta set defined by the DD statement. ddname, that appears in the current step. stepname.ddname indicates that space is to be suballocated from the data set defined by the DD statement, ddname, occurring in a previous step, stepname. If this form of the sub parameter appears in a DD statement in a cataloged procedure, stepname refers to a previous step of the procedure, or if no such step is found, to a previous step of the current job. stepname.procstep.ddname indicates that space is to be suballocated from a data set defined in a cataloged procedure. The first term identifies the step that called for execution of the procedure, the second identifies the procedure step, and the third identifies the DD statement that originally requested space. !Q1YME-1!Q1L~~~~~t~~-1~g£ifying_yolumg In£ormatiQnl specifies information about the volume{s) on which an input data set resides, or on which an output data set will reside. A volume can be a tape reel, or a mass storage device. Volumes can be used most efficiently if the programmer is familiar with the states a volume can assume. Volume states involve tvo criteria: the type of data set the progrdmmer is defining and the manner in which the programmer requests a volume. Data sets can be classified as one of two types, !~QQ£a£I or !!Q~!gmQorary. A temporary data set exists only for the duration of the step that creates it. A nontemporary data set can exist after the job is completed. The programmer indicates that a data set is temporary by coding: theUNIT parameter. Such a data set is deleted at the end of the job. The manner in which the programmer requests a volume can be considered specific or nQR2~cif!£. A s~ecific reference is implied whenever a volume with a specific serial number is requested. Anyone of the following conditions denotes a specific volume reference: • The data set is cataloged or passed from an earlier job step. • VQLUPlE=SER is coded in the DD sta tement. • VOLUME=REF is coded in the DD statement, referring to an earlier specific volume reference. All other types of volume references are nonspecific. (Nonspecific references can be made only for new data sets, in which case the system assigns a suitable volume.) The state of a volume determines when the volume will be demounted and what kinds of data sets can be assigned to it. ~a§~stor~Vol~~g2: Mass storage volum es differ from ta pe volumes in that they can be shared by two or more data sets processed concurrently by more than one job. Because of this difference, mass storage volumes can assume different volume states than tape volumes. The volume state is determined by one characteristic from each of the following groups: Mount Allocation ~haracter!sti£§. ~ha£a£t!ll:i§!i£§ Per manent ly Resident Reserved Removable Public Private storage • DSN AM E=&&name • No DSNAME parameter • DISP=(NEW,DELETE). either explicitly or implied, e.g •• DISP={,DELETE) • DSNAME=reference, referring to a DD statement that defines a temporary data set. All ot.her data sets are considered nontemporary. If the programmer attempts to keep or catalog a passed data set that was declared temporary. the system changes the disposition to PASS unless DEPER was specified in ~~!!g~1!1_£~id~Qi volumes are always mounted. The permanently resident characteristic applies automatically to: • All physically permanent volumes, such as 2305 Fixed Head storage. • The volume from which the system is loaded (the IPL volume). • The volume containing the system data sets SYS1.LINKLIB, SYS1.PBOCLIB, and job scheduler queue. Job Control Procedures 63 • Other volumes can be designated as perma nently resident in a special member of SYS1.PROCLIB named PRESRES. Permanently resident volumes are always public. The £~2~sl characteristic applies to volumes that remain mounted until the operator issues an UNLOAD command. They are reserved by a MOUNT command referring to the unit on which they are mounted or by a system parameter library entry. The !:tlQvable characteristic applies to all volumes that are neither permanently resident nor reserved. Removable volumes do not have an allocation characteristic when they are not mounted. A reserved volume becomes removable after an UNLOAD command is issued for the unit on which it resides. 1 , t +----+-----1 r--------------~ I J Allocation , ,Characteristic I I Mo un t 1-------,j ~ ICharacteristic ,public tPrivate ,storagel ~ I + • ~ IPermanently Jsystem lsystem 'system I I Resident Jparm. lparm. lparm. I Jlibrary ,library ,library1 I J J or I 1 I t ,Default I I I .. Isystem t I parm. t tlibrary JlibrarYI 1 or 1 or t JMOUNT IMOUNT ,MOUNT 1 ,command lcommand Icommand) 'Reserved 1system I parm. Ilibrary I or I • I I 1 , -t- J I- L = Not I +------~ fDefault ,VOLUME= I I IPRIVATE J JRemovable fna Jsystem 1 parm. --L na .J-_ _ _ _ J I ~ t applicable .J The allocation characteristics, public, private, and storage, indicate the availability status of a volume for assignment by the system to temporary data sets, and, if the volume is removable, when it is to be demounted. A Eubli£ volume is used primarily for temporary data sets and, if it is permanently resident, for frequently used data sets. It must be requested by a specific volume reference if a data set is to be kept or cataloged on it. If a public volume is removable, it is demounted only when its unit is required by another volume. The programmer can change a public volume to private status by specifying VOLUME:PRIVATE. A priv~~ volume must be requested by a specific volume reference. A new data set can be assigned to a private volume by specifying VOLUME=PRIVATE. If the volume is reserved, it remains mounted until the operator issues an UNLOAD command for the unit on which it resides. If it is removable, it viII be demounted after it is used, unless the programmer specifically requested that it be retained (VOLUftE=.RETAIN) or passed (DISP:,PASS). Once a removable volume has been made private, it vill ultimately be demounted. To use it as a public volume, it must be remounted. A 2~~ volume is used as an extension of main storage, to keep or catalog non temporary data sets having nonspecific volume requests. Th~ programmer can assign the PRIVATE option to storage volumes. Figure 11 shows how mass storage volumes are assigned their mount and allocation characteristics. 64 Figure 11. Mass Storage Volume States ~~g~lic raEe_!Ql~~2: The volume state of a reel of magnetic tape is also determined by a combination of mount and allocation characteristics: Mount ~ha!:~£1~ti21i£2. Reserved Removable Allocation £hf!!:a£te!:i§li£§ Private Scratch The reserved-scratch combination is not a valid volume state. Reserved tape volumes assume their state-when the operator issues a MOUNT command for the unit on which they reside. Thev remain mounted until the operator issues a corresponding UNLOAD command. Reserved tapes must be requested by a specific volume reference. A remoyabl~ tape volume is assigned the 2rivate characteristic when one of the following occurs: • It is requested with a specific volume reference. • It is requested for allocation to a non temporary data set. • The VOLUME parameter is coded with the PRIVATE option. A removable-private volume is demoanted after its last use in the job step, unless the programmer . requests that it be retained. the All other tape volumes are assigned £emovable~sc£~tch state. The tape volumes remain mounted until their unit is required by another volume. vol~~_PaI~~!Q!-fg£ili1i~§: The facilities of the VOLUME parameter allow the programmer to: • Bequest private volumes (PRIVATE) • Request that private volumes remain mounted until the end of the job ( RETAIN) read or written. The yolume sequence number is meaningful only if the data set is cataloged and earlier volumes are omi t ted. volume-count specifies the number of volumes required by the data set. Unless the SER or REP subparameter is used this subparameter is required for every multivolume output data set. SER specifies one or more serial numbers for the volumes required by the data sets. A volume serial number consists of one to six alphanumeric characters. If it contains fewer than six characters, the serial number is left justified and padded with blanks. If SER is not specified and DISP is not specified as NEW, the data set is assumed to be cataloged. and serial numbers are retrieved from the catalog. A volume serial number is not required for new output data sets. Two volumes should not have the same serial number. When the SER parameter is included, the volume is treated as PRIVATE commencingllith allocation for the current job step. If this subparameter is specified, the UNIT parameter must also be specified. • Select volumes when the data set resides on more than one volume (volume-sequence-number) • Request more than one nonspecific volume (volume-count) • Identify specific volumes (SER and REF) These facilities are all optional. The programmer can omit the VOLUME parameter when defining a new data set, in which case the system assigns a suitable public or scratch volume. !QbQHE ~ub~~!g~§~ PRIVATE indicates that the volume on which space is being allocated to the data set is to be made private. If the PRIVATE, SER, and REF subparameters are omitted for a new output data set, the system assigns the data set to any suitable public or scratch volume that is available. RETAIN indicates that this volume is to remain mounted after the job step is completed. Volumes are retained so that data may be transmitted to or from the data set, or so that other data sets may reside in the volume. If the data set requires more than one volume, only the last volume is retained; the other volumes are previously dismounted. Another job step indicates when to dismount the volume by omitting RETAIN. If each job step issues a RETAIN for the volume, the retained status lapses when execution of the job is completed. volume-sequence-number is a 1- to 4-digit number that specifies the sequence number of the first volume of the data set that is REF indicates that the data set is to occupy the same volume(s) as the data set identified by dsname *.ddname, *.stepname.ddname, or *.stepname. procstep.ddname. Figure 12 shows the data set references. If SER or REP is not specified, the control program will allocate any nonprivate volume that is available. 1!lllt_£ll~!.~!tt!:_lQ~2.~!:ibin£LD.~iL~~t._1&llell specifies information about the label or labels associated with the data set. If a data set is passed from a previous job step, label information is retained from the DD statement that specified DISP=(,PASS). A LABEL parameter, if specified in the DD statement receiving the passed data set, is ignored. If the LABEL parameter is omitted and the data set is not being passed. standard labeling is assumed. The operating system verifies mounting when the label parameter specifies standard labels (SL) or standard and user labels (SUL). Nonstandard labels can be specified only when installation- Job Control Procedures 65 rI I Option I IREP=dsname Refers to -, I I SA data set named dsname rIREF=*.ddname f I ,------+1------------------------------------------------------4 IA data set indicated by DD statement ddname in the J ,current job step I I -~ I REF=*.stepname. ddname ,A da ta set indicated by DD statement ddname in the job t I Jstep stepname t II -f fREP=*.stepnalle.p,rocstep.ddname, A data set indicated by DD statement ddname in the • t I cataloqed procedure step procstep called in the job step. ILII stepname (see "Using t he Cataloged Proced urestI) f ____ J f r- Figure 12. Data set References written routines to write and process nonstandard labels have been incorporated into the operating system (see "User Label Processing" and the publication Q~L~~~La~~ls for information about writing these routines). 1!~E~YRE~a!~'ter~: data-set-sequence-number is a 4-digit number that identifies the relative location of the data set with respect to the first data set in a tape volume. (Fo,r example, if t.bere are three data sets in a magnetic tape volume, the third data set is identified by data set sequence number 0003.) If the data set sequence number is not specified, the operating system assumes that it is 0001. (This option should not be confused with the volume sequence number, which represents a particular volume for a data set.) nonstandard label. SUL indicates IBft standard and user labels. EXPDT=yyddd RETPD=xxxx specifies how long the data set shall exist. The expiration date, EXPDT=yyddd, indicates the year tyy) and the day (ddd) that the data set can be deleted. The period of retention, RETPD=xxXX, indicates the period of time, in days, that the data set is to be retained. If neither is specified, the retention period is assumed to be zero. PASSWORD indicates that the data set is to be made accessible only when the correct password is issued by the operator. The operating system assigns security protection to the data set. In order to retrieve the data set, the operator must issue the password on the console. NOPWREAD indicates that the data set can be read without the password, but the correct password must be issued by the opera tor be'fore the da ta set can be changed, extended, or deleted. IN specifies the kind of label used for the data set. AL indicates American Nationa 1 standard labels. AUL indicates American National Standard user labels. BLP indicates tha t the system is not to perform label processing for the tape data set. LTK indicates that the data set bas a leadingtapellark. A, indicates that the data set has standard labels and another subparameter follows. NL indicates no labels. SL indicates IBM standard labels. NSL indicates 66 indicates that the data set is to be processed for input on1 y. OUT indicates that the data set is to be processed for output only. nrsp Paramete£~~ifying_~gi~~~1-~l~!!§ s!lLDi§l!2§iti,on} describes the status of a data set and indicates what is to be done with it after its last use, or at the end of the job. The job,scheduler executes the requested disposition functions at the completion o.f the associated job step. If the step is not executed because of an error found by the system before trying to initiate the step (e.g., an error in a job control language statement) , the remaining statements are read and interpreted; hovever, none of the succeeding steps are executed, and the requested dispositions are not performed. This parameter can be omitted for data sets created and deleted during a single job step. Additional information about the relationship between the DISP parameter and the volume table of contents is contained in "Additional File Processing Information." !H.~g~ubllara meters: NEW indicates that the data set is being generated in this step. If the status is omitted, the NEW subparameter is assumed. NEW is assumed. If the volume serial number is given, it is assumed that the data set is on the specified volume. DELETE causes the space occupied by the data set to be released for other purposes at the end of the current step. If the da ta set is ca taloged, an d the catalog is used to locate it, reference to the dataset is removed from the catalog. If it is on a mass storage device, all references are removed from the volume table of contents, and the device space is made available for use by other data sets. If the data set is on tape, the volume in which the data set resides is then a vail able for use by other da ta sets. KEEP ensures that the data set remains intact until a DELETE parameter is exercised in either th~ current job orsome subsequent job. If the data set is on a mass storage device, it remains tabulated in the volume table of contents after completion o.f the job. When the volume containing the data set is to be dismounted, the operator is advised of the disposi tion .. OLD indicates that the data set specified in the DSNAME parameter already exists. SUR has meaning only in a multiprogramming environment for existing data sets that reside on mass storage volumes. This subparameter indicates that the data set is part of a job in which operations do not prevent simultaneous use of the data set by another job. FO.r a non-VSAM data set that is to be shared, the DD statement DISP para meter should be specified as DISP=SHR for every re.ference to the data set in a job. Unless this is done, the data set cannot be used by a concurrently operating job, and the job viII have to vait until the particular file is free. PASS indicates that the data set is to be referred to in a later step of the current j6b, at which time its disposition may be determined. When a subsequent reference to this data set is encountered, its PASS status lapses unless another PASS is issued. The final disposition of the data set should be specified in the last DD statement referring to the data set within the current job. While a data set is in PASS status, the volume(s) on which it resides are, in effect, retained; that is, the system will attempt to avoid demounting them. If demounting is necessary, the system will ensure proper remounting, through operator messages. The unit name specified on the DD statement in the receiving step must be consistent with the unit name in the passing step .. l!21g: For VSAM data sets, this subparameter alone does not guarantee that sharing will take place. For information see the chapter "Data Security and Integrity" in the publication Q~~-yir1~al~~~~ !£~§2-~hod_J.VSAML.f!.:2g£gmmer.!.§ ~uidg. MOD causes logical positioninq after the last record in the data set. It indicates that the data set already exists and that it is to be added to, rather than read. When MOD is specified and neither the volume serial number is given nor the data set cataloged or passed from an earlier job step, MOD is ignored and CATLG causes the creation, at the end of the job step, of an index entry in the system catalog pointing to the data set. The data set ca n be referred to by name in subsequent jobs, without the need for volume serial number or device type information from the Job control Procedures 67 programmer. Cataloging also implies KEEP. UNCATLG causes the index entry that points to this data set to be removed from the index structure at the end of this step. The data set is not deleted. If it is on a mass storage volume, reference to it remains in the volume table of contents. JiQig: The absence of DELETE, KEEP# PASS, CATLG, and UNCATLG indicates that no special action is to be taken to alter the permanent or temporary status of this data set. If the data set was created in this job, it will be deleted at the end of the current step. If the data set existed before this job, it will be kept. The third subparameter indicates the disposition of the data set in the event the job step terminates abnormally. This is the conditional disposition subparameter. Explanations for DELETE, KEEP, CATLG, and UNCATLG are the same as those for normal termination. The f~llowing points should be noted when using the third sub parameter. • If a conditional disposition is Dot specified and the job step abnormally terminates, the requested disposition (the second subparameter) is performed. • Data sets that were passed but not received by subsequent steps because of abnormal termination will assume the conditional disposition specified the last time they were passed. If a conditional disposition was not specified at that tiae, all new data sets are deleted and all other data sets are kept. related to a particular output unit. Valid values for the SYSOUT parameter are A through Z and 0 through 9. A is the standard output class. H21~: Classes 0 through 9 should not be used except in cases where the other classes are not sufficient. These classes are intended for future features of systems. (classname[ , program-name][ ,form-no]) classname specifies the class associated with the output device to which the output data set is to be written. output writers route data from the output classes to system output devices. The DD statement tor this data set can also include a unit specification describing the intermediate mass storage device and a.D estimate of the space required.. If there is a special installation program to handle output operations, its program-name should be specified. Program-name is the member name of the program, which must reside in the system library. If the output data set is to be printed or punched on a specific type of output form, a 4-digit form number should be specified. Porm-no. is used to instr uct the opera tor of the form to be used in a message issued at the time the data set is to be printed. • If both the program-name and form-no. are omitted, the delimitinq parentheses can be omitted. • If the Direct SYSOUT Writer is used to write a data set, both the form-no. and program-name are ignored. All parameters on the DD statement, i.e., UNIT or SPACE, are also ignored • • A conditional disposition other than DELETE for a temporary data set is invalid and the system assumes that it is DELETE. ~I~QU'l Paramtlg!:-1RQutinSLl!!!ta ihg~~~reagl set throu!!!! schedules a printinq or punching operation for the data set described by the DD statement. ~I~QQI~ubearameters: classname speci fies the system output class on which the data set is to be written. A class name is an installation specified 1-character name designating the oat put class to which the data set is to be written. Each classname is 68 f£~~~~~mgte~~eg£ifYiRY-Qut~t f£in!.g!:_~~_3525_£~~~_Pun£~) fQ£-s-1l1! is used to select the forms control image to be used to print an output data set on a 3211 printer, or a 3525 card punch with the read feature. The FCB parameter will be ignored if the data set is not written to either one of these devices. The FCB parameter, the DDNAME parameter and the DCB subparameters RKP, CYLOFL, and INTVL, are mutually exclusive. l£!LSubparameters: illage-id identifies the image to be loaded into the forms control buffer. For further information on the forms control buffer. see the publication as/vs Dat~ fOL~ystem Proqrammer§. !1~~~U!!!§U ALIGN VERIFY requests the operator to check the alignment of the printer forms before the data set is printed or to verify that the image displayed on the printer is the desired one. !tlf_pa~~L1SJ2.gcifyinq 'y~AM Information fo£ Proce2§.i.n.g) specifies information to be used for processing by VSAM. The AMP parameter and its subparameters are described under "VSAM-only JCL Parameter" in the chapter "VSAM File Processing". available to later job steps. Only one JOBLIB statement may be specified for a job but more than one library may be specified on a JOBLIB statement. The JOBLIB statement is meant to concatenate existing private libraries with the system library. It need not be specified for load mod Illes created in the job or for permanent members of the system library (see "Checklist for Job Control statements" and "Libraries" for examples) • The STEPLIB DD statement may appear in any position among the DD statements for the job step. The library should be defined as OLD. If the library is to be passed to other job steps, the second subparameter of the DISP parameter should be coded PASS. A later job step may then refer to the library by coding its STEPLIB DO statement as follows: //STEPLIB DD DSNAME=*.stepname.STEPLIB, X II DISP=(OLD,PASS) By specifying certain ddnames, the programmer can request the operating system to perform additional functions. The operating system recognizes these spec ia 1- purpose ddna mes: The STEPLIB statement overrides the JOBLIB statement if both are present in a job step. • JOBLIB and STEPLIB to identify private user libraries SYSABEND AND SYSUDUMP OD STATEMENTS • SYSABEND and SYSUDUMP to identify data sets on which a dump may be written The ddnames SYSABENO or SYSUDUMP identify a data set on which an abnormal termination dump may be written. The dump is provided for job steps subject to abnormal termination. • SYSCHK to identify t he checkpoint da ta set written during the original execution of a processing program. • JOBCAT and STEPCAT to identify VSAM user catalogs. The SYSABEND DO statement is used when the programmer wishes to inclUde in his dump the problem program storage area, the system nucleus, and the trace table if the trace table option had been requested at system generation time. JOBLIB AND STEPLIB DD STATEMENTS The JOBLI Band STEPLI B DD statements are used to concatenate a userts private library with the system library (SYS1.LINKLIB). Use of JOBLlB results in the system library being combined with the private library for the duration of a job; use of STEPLIB, for the duration of a job step. During execution, the library indicated in these statements is scanned for a module before the system library is searched. The JOBtlB DD statement must appear immediately after the JOB statement and its operand field must contain at least the DSNAME and OISP parameters. The DISP parameter must contain PASS as the second subparameter if the library is to be made The SYSUOUMP DO statement is used when the programmer wishes to include only the problem program storage area. The programmer may rout the dump directly to an output writer by specifying the SISOUT parameter on the DD statement. In a mul ti programming environment, the progra IDIDer may also define the intermedia te direct-access device by specifying the UNIT and SPACE parameters. SYSCHK DO STATEMENT The SYSCHK DO statement is required when a job is being submitted for deferred checkpoint/restart. It defines a Job Control Procedures 69 checkpoint data set written during the original execution of a processing program. For detailed information about the checkpoint/restart facilities. see the publication ~L!~Ch~£~ointL~2taI1. term PEND in the operation field. The PEND statement is not used for cataloged procedures. For further information about in-stream procedures, see .fTesting a procedure as an In-Stream Procedure" in "Osing the Cataloged Procedures." The SYSCHK DD statement must immediately precede the first EXEC statement of the resubmitted job when restart is to begin at a checkpoint. The RESTART parameter must be included on the JOB statement; otherwise the SYSCHK DD statement will be ignored. Different SYSCHK DD statement parameter spec if ication rules apply depending on whether the checkpoint data set is cataloged or not. These rules are discussed in detail in the publication Q~LY~J£1_Refer~n£g. JOBCAT AND STEPCAT DD STATEMENTS The JOBCAT DD statement specifies the VSAM user catalog that is to be available throuahout a VSAM processing job, while the STEPCAT DD statement specifies the VSAM user ca talog that is to be a vailable for a single job step in a VSAM processing job. For more detailed information on the facilities provided by the JOBCAT and STEPCAT DD statements, as well as the specification rules, see the publication ~~L!~Vi~YA1-~iQ~~~ AC£g22_~ethog_J!~!~l ££Qg~~g£~_~~!de. The PRGC statement may appear as the first control statement in a cataloged procedure and must appear as the first control statement in an in-stream procedure. The PROe statement must contain the term PRoe in its operation field. For a cataloged procedure, the PRce statement assigns default values to symbolic parameters defined in the procedure; its operand field must contain symbolic parameters and their default values. The PRGe statement marks the beginning of an in-stream procedure; its operand may contain symbolic parameters and their defa ul t va lues. The PEND statement must appear as the last control statement in an in-stream procedure and marks the end of the in-stream procedure. It must contain the 70 The opera tor issues commands to the system via the console or a command statement in the input stream. Commands can also be issued to the system via a command statement in the input stream. However, this should be avoided since commands are executed as they are read and may not be synchronized with execution of job steps. Command statements must appear immediately before a JOB statement r an EXEC statement, a null statement, or another command statement. The command statement contains identifying characters VI) in colUmns and 2, a blank name field, a command, and, in most cases, an operand field. The operand field specifies the job name, unit name, or other information being considered. Note: A command statement cannot be continued, it must be coded on one card or card image. The delimiter statement marks the end of a data set in the input stream. The identifying characters 1* must be coded into columns 1 and 2. the other fields are left blank. Comments are coded as necessary. 1iQ!.~: The end of a data set need not be marked in an input stream that is defined by a DD * statement. The null statement is used to mark the end of a job in an input stream. It causes the card reader file to be effectively closed. The identifying characters II are coded into columns 1 and 2, and all remaining columns are left blank. The comment statement is used to enter any information considered helpful by the programmer. It may be inserted anywhere in the job control statement stream after the JOB statement. (The comment statement contains a slash in columns 1 and 2, and an asterisk in column 3. The remainder of the card contains comments.) Comments are coded in columns 4 through 80, but a com men t may not be con tinued 0 nto another statement. When the comment statement is printed on an output listing, it is identified by the appearance of asterisks in columns 1 through 3. The batch compile feature is used to compile multiple programs or subprograms with one invocation of the compiler. The object programs produced from the batch compilation may be link-edited into either one load module or separate load modules. This feature must be requested at compile time by specification of BATCH in the PARM field or, if a cataloged procedure is used, in the PARM.COB field of the EXEC card. In the BATCH mode, all options specified on the EXEC card, as well as all default options, apply to every program in the batch unless specific options are overridden, via the CBL card, for an individual compilation. The CBL card must be the first card in each program within a batch mode. The CBL card, in addition to separating logical program units, may be used to change existing options (as they were specified or defaulted to on the EXEC card) for that individual program, and has the following format: . r-I JCBL [option 1X,option 2] ••• [,option'n] , L- , • A sequence number may appear in columns 1 through 6 of the CBL card. • In most cases, an option specified on the CBL card overrides the corresponding EXEC card option for compilation of that one program only. However, this is not true in the case of options that require use of a file that will be used in a subsequent compilation in the batch, or in a subsequent job step. Generally speaking, it is unwise to use the CBL card to specify any such option, because use of that file in compilation may cause an abend. Options in this category are LOAD, LIB, DECK, FDECK, and CDECK. If some programs in a batch compilation require the use of one of these options and the other programs do not, specify the option on the EXEC card, and then specify the NO ••• form of the option on those CBL cards where the option is not wanted. For example, if programs 2, 3, and 5 in a batch compilation require FDECK and programs 1 and 4 require NOFDECK, then FDECK should be specified (or defaulted to) on the EXEC card, and NOFDECK specified on the CBL cards for programs 1 and 4. (It would not be possible to specify or default to NOFDECK on the EXEC card and then override it with FDECK on a CBL card.) • If a CBL card is present and BATCH is not specified on the EXEC card, the CBL card is regarded as an invalid statell ent. • If the compiler NAME option is specified on the CBL card, a linkage editor NAME control card is generated for this compilation, facilita ting the link-editing of the program into a separate load module. • The output of a batch compilation may be executed only if the member name specified at compile time is the name specified at execution time. J • I --J The letters £]1 may appear in any three consecutive columns 1 through 12, and the option{s) specified may be any PARM compiler option (s) gxc~H~!. SIZE, BUF, BATCH,. L120, L132, SYMDMP. and LVL, which are ignored if indicated. • The batch option may be used in conjunction with BASIS. This facility provides the COBOL programmer with th~ ability to combine a (multiple) BASIS library member{s) and/or a (multiple) COBOL source program(s) with one invocation of the compiler. • The BATCH option and the ~YMDMP option are mutually exclusive. Job Control Procedures 71 When the batch option is used in combination with BASIS, the following rules apply: 1. All the BASIS library members to be compiled must be members of the partitioned data set(s) referred to by the SYSLIB DD data set name(s). 2. Each BASIS library member must contain only one source program. Figure 13 shows that with one invocation of the COSUCL cataloged procedure (see the chapter "Using the Cataloged Procedures"), the programs COMPILE1, COMPILE2, and COMPILE3 are compiled and two load modules created as follows: r-----------------Illjobname IIICOMPILE , IICOB. SYSIN 1. COMPILE1 and COMPILE2 are link-edited together to form one load module with the member name of COMPILE2. a typical calledlcalling situation. (For further discussion of articulation between COBOL programs, see the chapter "Called and calling Programs".) In this case~ the entry point o.f the load module is still the first program, COMPILE1. 2. COMPILE3 is link-edited to create the load module with the member name of COMPILE3. Figure 14 shows that with one invocation of the COBUCL procedure the programs PROG1 and PROG2 and BASIS library members PAYROLL and PAYROLL2 are compiled and four load modules are created. (An example of how to execu.te load mod ules created wi th the BATCH feature using the procedure COBUCL is qi ven in Figure 1.3.) , JOB EXECl 1, BATCH, MSGL EVEL= 1 COBUCL,PARM.COB:'BATCH,NAME' DD * I CBL NONAME ID DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. COMPILE1. I I J I I J I J CBL NAME ID DIV IS.ION. PROGRAM-ID. COMPILE2. I , J I I CBL NAME ID DIVISION. PROGRAft-ID. COMPILE3. 1/* IIILKED.SYSLMOD DD J t I t I I DSN=BATCHRON,SPACE=(TRK, (10,5,2) 1/* ••••• J J IIICOMPILE2 EXEC IIISTEPLIB2 DD III (Cards needed to execute PGM=COMPILE2 DSN=BATCHRUN2,DISP=SHR,.... CO~PILE1 and COftPILE2) 1/* '1ICOftPILEJ EXEC PGM=COftPILE3 'IISTEPLIB DD DSN=BATCHRUN. DISP=SHR... •• III (Cards needed to execute COMPILE3) 1/* I I I t , I • J ~ ~ 11In the compile step, no special JCt is needed for SISLIN because the cosueL cataloged I I procedure is used (see the cba pter 1IUsing The cataloged Procedures"). I 12 In the link-edit step, a partitioned data I .L-____________________________ .______________ ___ set is created with the DSN of BATCHRUN. Figure 13. 72 Example of a Batch Compilation , ,Jlljobname IIICOMP ~//COB.SYSLIB I//COB.SYSIN J CBL I JOB 1,BATBASIS,MSGLEVEL=1 EXEC COBUCL,PARM.COB='BATCH,NAME,LIB' DD DSN=LIB1?OS, ••• l DD NAME, NOLI B IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. PROG1. I t I I I I * J , ,, J •I f NAME PAYROLL NAME PAYROLL2 NAME, NOLIB IDENTIFICATION DIVISION PROGRAM-ID. PROG2. J CBL JBASIS 1 CBL fBASIS , CBL 1 I t J 1/* J I /LKED. SYSLl10DZ DD J I J I I I f I DSN=BATCHBAS,SPACE=(TRK, (10,5,~ ), ••• •I 1/* I- J1This partitioned data set contains as separate members PAYROLL and PAYROLL2. !ZThe load mod~les of these four COBOL programs exist as separate members of a I partitioned data set named BATCHBAS. -f , J J ~ Figure 14. ~ creation of Four Load Modules with Programs PROG1 and PROG2 and BASIS Library Members PAYROLL and PAYROLL2 Default Unblocked ~ta COMPILER A number of data sets may be defined for a compilation job step; six of these (SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, SYSUT4, SYSIN, and SYSPRINT) are always required. SYSUT5 is required if the SYI1DMP or TEST option is invoked. SYSUT6 is required if FIPS flagging is requested. Additional data sets (SYSLIN. SYSPUNCH, SYSTERI1, and SYSLIB and/or other COpy libraries) are optional. For compiler data sets other than utility data sets, a logical record size can be specified by using the LRECL and BLKSIZE subparameters of the DCB parameter. The values specified must be permissible for the device on which the data set resides. LRBCL equals the logical record size, and BLKS.IZE equals LRECL multipl.ied by a, where n is equal to the blocking factor. If this information is not specified in the DD statement, it is assumed that the logical record sizes for the unblocked data sets have the following defa ul t values: Val~_ll!Yl£.2l. S~l SYS.IN SYSLIN SYSPUNCH SYSLIB or other COpy libraries SYSPRINT SYSTERfIl 80 80 80 80 121 or 133 121 !Q~: The default for SYSPRINT has a value of 133 if 132 is selected with LSTCOMP or LSTONLY. The ddname that must be used in the DD statement describing the data set appears as the heading for each description that follows. Figure 15 lists the function, device requirements, and allowable device classes for each data set. (See" Appendix D: Compiler Optimization" for further information on blocked compiler data sets other than utility data sets.) The DD statements using these ddnames define utility data sets that are used by the compiler when processing the source module. The data set defined by the SYSUT1 Dn statement must be on a mass storage device. Except for SYSUT5, which is needed at execution time, these data sets are Job Control Procedures 73 temporary and have no connection with any other job step. For example, the DD statement include the results of the default or specified options of the PARM paramete.r (i.e •• diagnostic messages, the object code listing) • For e.xample .. in the DD statement //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK, (40,10» / /SYSPRI NT specifies that the data set is to be written on any available mass stor~ge device, with a primary allocation of 40 tracks. Additional tracks, if required, are to be allocated in groups of 10. The data set is to be deleted at the end of the job step (by default). The NULLPILE or DUMMr parameter or the RLSE subparameter of the SPACE para meter should never be specified for any of these data sets. In addition, the data sets must be single volume, since the compiler uses the TCLOSE facility extensively and TeLOSE will not reposition multivolume data sets. DO SYSOUT=A SYSOUT is the disposition for printer data sets. and A is the standard output class .for printe.r da ta sets. IQi~: The data set defined by the SYSTERM DD statement is used for certain compiler output for a TSO terminal user when the TERM option is specified. The compiler output consists of diagnostic and progress messages and compiler statistics. For example: //SYSTERt1 DD TERf'l=TS The data set defined by the SYSIN DD statement contains the input for the compiler, i.e., the source module statements that are to be processed. The data set assigned to this DD statement is a sequential data set, or a member of a partitioned data set. It may be part of the input stream. If so, it is commonly referred to as a SYSIN data set. For example, IISYSIN DD * specifies that the input data set follows in the input stream. TERM=TS indicates that the SYSTER~ data set is to be directed to the TSO terminal. The data set defined by the SYSPUNCH DD statement is used to punch an object module deck or. if FDECK or CDECK is specified, to punch a source deck. This data set can be directed to a card punch.. mass storage device, or magnetic tape. For example. in the DD statement IISYSPUNCH DD SYSOUT=B SYSOUT is the disposition for punch data sets, and B is the standard output class for punch data sets. This data set is used by the compiler to prod uce a listing. OutPllt may be directed to a printer, a mass storage device, or a magnetic-tape device. The listing will 74 Note: The SYSPUNCH DD statement is not required if NODECK is in effect. SYSPUNCH may be either a sequential da ta set or a member of a PDS. . .-- J I ddnalle ' Type - Function 1 1 J Device Requirements -+- Allowable Device Classes • --of 1Card reader 1SYSSQ. SYSDA, or th~1 IIntermediate storagelinput stream device, I • (specified h y DO * , I lor DD DATA) I .' I -+, ---I ,SYSPRINT I IWriting the storage 1Printer ISYSSQ, SISDA, stand-I J (required) I ,map, listings, and IIntermediate storagelard output class A t I I I and messages I I I f, . I -+, fSYSTERM J ,Writing diagnostic loutput device I I 1 {optional) I land progress messageslTSO t e r m i n a l , I f,II t ~ fSYSPUNCH , IPunching the object ,Card punch ISYSCP, SYSSQ, SYSDA" I (optional)J Jmodule deck IMass storage Istandard output I I I . ,Magnetic tape Jclass B I f ~ I I I I JSYSLIN, Icreating an object ,Mass storage ,SY55Q, SYSDA t I (optional), Imodule data set as ,Magnetic tape 1 I a J ,output from the com- I t I I t Ipiler and input to I J J I I Ithe linkage edi tor J 1 1 f-I I f f --f ISYSUT1 I Utility IWork data set needed ,Mass storage lSYSD1 J I (required) I I by the c o m p i l e r . I I I I Idnring compilation I 1 • I-,''I --+f JSYSUT2 t ,Work data set needed ,Mass storage lSYSSQ, SYSDA f , (required) 1 I by the compiler J Magnetic tape 1 I I I Jdurinq compilation J ' I t f~ IJ J of ,SYSUT3 I ,Work data set needed lMass storage ISYSSQ, SYSDA J I (required) • I by the compiler I Magnetic tape 1 1 I • Iduring compilation I I I II lI t --t fSYSUT4) IWork data set needed ,Mass storage JSYSSQ. SYSDA J I (required) t f by the compiler I Magne tic tape J t , 1 Jduring compilation , I , • , ' ' I f ~ ISYSUT5 J ,Work data set needed (Mass storage fSYSSQ, SYSDA J I I 1when SYMDMP or TEST ll1aqne tic t a p e ) I I I ,option is in effect t t J I-I I -+I --f I SYSUT6 J Utility I Work data set needed ,Mass storage I SYSSQ, SYSDA I I I t \f hen LiL option is in, Magne tic ta pe I , I • ,effect I I 1 I-• iJ 1 --f ,SYSLIB I Library Joptional user source IMass storage ISY5DA t J and/or I tprogram libraries , I I lother COPYI J I J J Ilibraries I . I , J I (optional) I . I I t I-I -'--.Lof IIQt.~: Once created, a SYSUT5 data set can be moved only to a device of the same type. I ,That is, if the SYSUT5 data set is put on tape at compile time, that data set cannot bel I moved .to a disk at execution time. The SYSHT5 da ta set must be unblocked. I ISYSIN Jlnput/outputlReading the source I (required)' Iprogram • ., I I I J ~ Figure 15. J Data Sets Used for compilation ~YS~IN an object module. It may be on a mass storage or magnetic tape device. For example: The device defined by the SISLIN DD statement is used by the compiler to store Job Control Procedures 75 IISYSLIN DO II II II OSNAME=&&GOFILE, DISP= (MOD,PASS) , UNIT= SISD A, x X I SPACE=(TR~,{30,10») The temporary name of the data set is GOFILE, the parameter DISP=(MOD,PASS) indicates that the data is to be created or added to in this job step and is to be passed to another job step, which may be the linkage editor step. The device to be assigned for storage is a mass storage device on which 30 tracts are initially allocated to the data set. If more space is needed, tracks are allocated 10 at a time. Note: The SYSLIN DO statement is not SYSLIN may be either a data set or a member of a POSe ~;~~ired if NOLOAD is in effect. These DD statements define the libraries (PDS's) that contain the data requested by COpy state~nts (in the source module) or by a BASIS card in the input stream. The DD statement must be SYSLIB if a BASIS library is to be included, or if the COpy statement does not specify a library name (by qualifying the text name). Libraries must always be on mass storage devices. Note that more than one partitioned data set may be used for the library function by concatenating them with SYSLIB (see "Libraries" for an example). Although only one SYSLIB statement may be used in a compilation job step, multiple user-defined COpy libraries may be used. For example, in the DD statements //SYSLIB /IHOUSELIB //PRIVLIB The SYSLIB and other COpy library DD statements are not required if NOLIB is in effect. DD DSNAME=USERLIB,DISP=OLO DDOSNA ME='COPYX, DISP=OLD DD DSNAME=COPY~,DISP=OLD the names of the source libraries are USERLIB* COPYX, and COPYZ. DISP=OLD indicates that the libraries have been created in a previous job and are cataloged, or have been created in a prev ious ste p in this job. No other information need be given if the specified libraries ha ve been ca taloged. LINKAGE .EDITOR pive data sets are required for linkage editor processing. Others may be necessary if secondary input is specified. In the following discussions, the ddname that must be used in the DD statement describing the data set appears as the heading for each description of the particular data set. For any user-defined data set, the ddnaae is defined by the programmer. Pigure 16 lists the function, device requirements* and allowable device classes for each data set. The SYSLIN DD statement defines the data set that is primary input to linkage editor processing. Norma 11 y this data set consists of the output from a previous compilation job step. The primary input may also be linkage editor control statements, such as the INCLUDE, LIBRA.RY, or OVERLAY statements (see "Calling and Called Programs"). The input device assigned to this data set is either the device transmitting the input stream. if the input is an object module deck, or a device designated by the programmer. However, the data set may simply be passed from the previous compilation job step. For example, in the DD statement //5YSLI5 II When concatenating SYSLIB, the library with the largest blocksize must be specified in the first DD statement. 76 DSNAME=*.STEPNAME.SYSLIN, DISP=(OLD,DELETE) X the data set is defined in the SISLIN DD statement contained in the compiler job step, STEPNAME. DISP=(OLD.DELETE) indicates that the data set was created in a previous job step and is to be deleted at the end of this job step. SYSPRINT The data set defined by the SYSPRINT DD statement is used ,by the linkage editor to produce a listing. For example: I/SYSPRINT Notes: Maximum b10cksize for any COpy library is 16K (there is no such restriction for BASIS). DD OD SYSOUT=! Output may be directed to a printer or to an intermediate data set. The listing aa, include any options specified by the PAIU! parameter of the EXEC statement (a module map or cross reference list, diagnostic or informative messages, etc.). ,.-- -r------, , I ' I I I ddname .-,SYSLIN I (required) , I-ISYSPRINT I (required) , I I ISYSLMOO I (required) ....- ISYSUT1 I {required) r-- Device, Allowable I J Type J Function 1 Requirements 1 Device Classes , I I -+I ~ IInputl I primary input data, IMass storage ,SYSSQ, SYSDA, or the inputl loutput I normally the output IMagnetic tape J stream device (specifiedt 1 I of tbe compiler ,Card reader. by DO * or DD DATA) I • I I , of , IDiagnostic messages IPrinter lSISSQ, standard output I I I Informative messages ,Intermediate I class A I t I Kodule map J storage J I J t Cross-reference list I J I ' I , -+-i I loutput data set for IMass storage ISYSDA I J I the load m o d u l e , I J 1 t i t ., lutilitylwork data set IMass storage ISISDA t I I 1 I I +----t I I of I LibrarYI Automatic call librarY1Mass storage ISISDA I I I (SYS1.COBLIB is the, f I 1 I name of the COBOL I I I J J subrou tine library) ' I I ISYSLIB I (required) I for COBOL ,Library I subroutines 1 I1 I SYSTERM I I (required, J if TERM op- I , tion is I I specified) I II IUser-specified, J (optional) I , 1 L- I J I I Numbered erro,r/warning) Printer I I messages ITSO terminal I I J I J I I I I I Additional object I modules and load 1 modules --t J J I I I t ' I-+.. IMass storage ISYSDA, SYSSQ I I Magnetic tape I • ' Figure 16. I I J I ---+ I ' I • .J --L-- Data Sets Used for Linkage Editing The SISTER! DD statement is optional: it describes a data set that is used only for numbered error/warning messages. Although intended to define the terminal data set when the linkage editor is being used under TSO, the SYSTERM DD statement can be used in any environment to define a data set consisting of numbered error/warning messages that supplements the SISPRINT data set. SYSTER" output is defined by including a SISTER" DD sta'tement and speci.fying TER" in the PARM field of the EXEC statement. When SYSTERM output is defined, numbered messages are then vri tten to both the SYSTERft and SISPRINT data sets. The SYSTER! DD statement is specified as follolls: The SYSLMOD DD statement defines the output data set, in this case the lo~d module. The load module must be placed in a library as a named member. The library can be the Link Library (SYS1.LINKLIB) or a private user-defined library. such libraries must always reside on a mass storage device, and space for the library is allocated when the library is created. For example, in the DO statement IISISJ.MOD DD DSNAME=SYS 1. LINKLIB(MEMBER) , X DISP=OLD II the load module, ME~BER, is stored as a member of the link library. DISP=OLD indicates that the library is already created and additions are to be made to it. IISISLliOD IISYSTERM DO SYSOUT:! 1/ II II II DD DSNAME=LIBl (BALANCE), DISP=(NEW,CATLG) , VOLUME=SER=111111, SPACE={TRK, (40,10,1», UNIT=SYSDA Job Control Procedures x X X X 11 The load module, BALANCE, is to be a member of a library, LIB1, which is to be created in this job step, with BALANCE as its firstmember. The mass storage volume to which it is directed is identified by the serial number, 111111. A primary quantity of 40 tracks is allocated to the library with an additional allocation for one 256-byte record to be used for the directory. If more space is needed for the library, tracks are added, 10 at a time. (However, no additional space can be allocated for the directory.) Additional data sets may be defined for linkage editor processing. ~hese data sets may be used as additional input sources of object modules or load modules. They may also be concatenated with the primary input data set or the automatic call library (see "Libraries"). IQt~: LOADER If the load module is placed in a pri vate libr ary, the JOBLI B or STEPLID DD statements must be specified in subsequent jobs that execute load modules from the library. The SYSUT1 DD statement defines a utility data set used by the linkage editor when processing object modules and load modules. The data set must be on a mass storage device. It is a temporary data set and has no connection with any other job step. For example: One data set (SISLIN) is required for loader processing. Three are optional (SYSLIB, SYSLOUT and SYSTERl'I). (These ddnames can be changed during system generation with the LOADER macro instruction.) In addition, any DD statements and data required by the loaded program mus·t be included in the input deck. In the following discussions, the default ddnaae for the DO statement describing the da ta set appears as the heading for each description of the particula.r data set. IISYSUTl DD UNIT=SISDA,SPACE=(TRK,{40,10» The data set is initially allocated 40 tracks on any available mass storage device. If more space is neededj tracks are added, 10 at a time. A temporary name is assigned to the data set for the job step. The SYSLIN DD statement defines the data set that is primary input to the loader. This input can be either object modules produced by the COBOL compiler or load modules produced by the linkage editor, or both. The loader allows both object module and load module conca tenation on SISLIN. The data sets defined by the SISLIN DD statements can be either sequential data sets or members of a partitioned data set, or both. The SYSLIB DD statement assigns the named partitioned data set to the automatic call library from which modules may be automatically obtained by the linkage editor to resolVe external references. //SYSLIB DD DSNAME;SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=SHR This statement assigns the COBOL subroutine library to the automatic call library. When there is a possibility that the compiler ~dy have generated calls to any COBOL library subroutines, the SISLIB statement must be specified (see "Appendix B: COBOL Library subroutines" for a list of library subroutines, their functions, and entry points). 78 The SYSLIB DD statement defines the data set containing IBM or user-vri tten library routines to be included in the loaded program. The SYSLIB data set is searched when unresolved references remain after processing SYSLIN and, optionally, searching the link pack area of OS/VS2 or the resident reenterable modules feature of OS/VS1. The library may contain either object modules or load mod Illes but not both. The data set defined by the SISLIB DD statement must be a partitioned data set. where: n The SYSLOUT DO statement defines the data set used for error and warning messages and for an optional map of external references. The data set must be a sequential data set. The record format of S YSLOU'!' is always ass umed to be F BSA. is the blocking factor SYSPUNCH must be on a device where blocking is permitted. For example: IISYSPUNCH II II II EXECUTION TIME DATA SETS Any number of data sets may be used for execution time processinq. These data sets, or files, are identified in the source program, and each must be described by a DD statement. The ddname is used to link the DD statement to the COBOL ASSIGN clause in the source program that specifies the ddname. DD statement requirements for the DISPLAY, ACCEPT, EXHIBIT, and TRACE statements are discussed in the following text. DD statements that specify COBOL debugging aids and an abnormal termination dump are also discussed. Use of either the Sort or the RERUN feature requires additional DD statements. For information about these statements, see "Using the sort Feature" and .fUsing the CheckpointlRestart Feature." DO x UNIT=SYSSQ, DCB= (RECFM=FB, BLKSIZE=160), LABEL= (, NL) X X When the UPON option is omitted, SYSOUT is the default option. identifier} DISPLAY { literal IISYSOUT DD applicable parameters It is assumed that SYSOUT is an unblocked data set that has a line width of 121 characters (1-byte for the control character) • Por example: The DISPLAY statement requires an associated DD statement unless the data is to be displayed on the console. The DD statements needed for each form of the DISPLAY statement are as follows: !n.!!l?!.~L.1 : DISPLAY { identifier} I/SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A However. the prog.rammer can specify an alternate line width, recording mode, andlor a blocked data set by using the DCB parameter. To specify an alternate line width, the subparameters of the DCB parameter are used as follows: LRECL=line width+1,BLKSIZE=LRECL value ••• UPON SYSPUNCH literal To specify a blocked da ta set, the subparameters are used as follows: IISYSPUNCH DD applicable parameters RECF!=FBA,LRECL=line width+1, BLKSIZE=n* (LRECL value), It is assumed that SI~UN£!! is an unblocked data set that has a logical record length of 80 characters. For example: where: IISYSPUNCH DD SYSOUT=B However, the programmer can specify a blocked data set by using the subparameters of the DCB parameter as follows: n is a blocking factor SYSOUT must be on a device where blocking is permitted. The extra character in LRECL allows for the carriage control character. For example, to specify an alternate line width, the following SYSOUT statement can he used. IIS1S0UT RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=n*80 II DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=(LRECL=133, X BLKS'IZE= 133) Job Control Procedures 79 For example: To specify a blocked data set, the following SYSOUT statement can be used. DD IISYSOUT II II II II II IISYSIN DD * (data) DSNAM E=PRINTOUT, U NIT= Sf SD A, ••• , DC B= (REeF M=.FB A, x X X 1* LRECL=121, X X However, the programmer can specify a blocked data set bI using the subparameters of the DCB parameter as follows: BLKSI ZE=605) , VOLUME=SER=111111 Note: If the problem uses the Sort/Merge feature, remember that SYSOUT is the default error message data set, and a conflict can arise. See "Additional DD Statements" in the chapter "Using the Sort/Merge Feature" for suggested solutions. RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=n*80 where: ~ is the blocking factor ~!.llli~_l : SYSIN must be on a device where blocking is permitted. For example: The DISPL}Y statement can use a mnemonic-name rather than a system-name. l/SYSIN DISPLAY identifier} { Ii teral ••• UP3N mnemonic-name . SYSPUNCH} . { SYSOUT II II UNIT=2400, ••• , DCB= (RECFM=PB, BLKSIZE=160) # LABEL= (, Nt) x X X . where mnemonic-name is associated with the word SYSPUNCH or SYSOUT in the Environment Di vision. II DD II If a logical record length of other than 80 cha.racters is desired, it must be specified in the LRECL field of the DCB parameter. DD applicable parameters The EXHIBIT or TR.ACE statement requires a SYSOUT DD statement as discussed fat: O.ISPLA Y. The ACCEPT statement requires an associated DD statement unless the data is being accepted from the console, format 2 of the ACCEPT statement is used, or ACCEPT MESSAGE is used (making possible use of the options DATE, DAY, and TIME). The OD statements for each form of the ACCEPT statement are as follows: ACCEPT identifier When the FROM option is omitted, SYSIN is the default option. DD IISYSIN ~xam1?le applicable parameters liQte: If the job step already includes a SYSOUT DD statement for some other use, another may not be inserted since all SYSOUT output from any source in the job step will be merged onto the one SYSOUT data set defined for that job step. .1£ one or more of the options FLOW, STATE, and SYMDMP is in effect, the following DD statement must be used: IISYSDBOUT DD applicable parameters If the output is routed through the output stream and written on a syst~m output device, the following may be used: 2: IISYSOBOUT DD SYSOUT=A ACCEPT identifier PROM mnemonic-name where mnemonic-name is associated with the word SYSIN in the Environment Division. The recording mode is FBA. The user can, however, specify a blocked data set and alternate recording mode by using the DCB subparameters. IISYSIN DD applicable parameters It is assumed that SYSIN is an unblocked da ta set tha t has a logical record length of 80 characters. 80 !Qte: It unblocked 121 bytes character) is assumed that SYSDBOUT is an data set that has a line width of (one byte for a control • See the chapter "Symbolic Debugging Features" in this manual. The following DO statement must be used to make the COBOL library module ILBODBEO available at execution time: IISTEPtIB DO DSN=SIS1.COBLIB.OISP=SHR with the SYMDMP option which could include the aonormally terminating program and its callers, up to and including the main program. The IISYSABEND or IISYSUDUMP DD card need not be included. For a discussioa of the symbolic dumping option, as well as of other COBOL symbolic debugging options, see the chapter entitled "Symbolic Debugging Features." If an error message is printed by the debugging modules, the COBOL library module ILBODBEO is loaded dynamically from SYS1.COBLIB. This module is not link edited into the COBOL object program. If the COUNT option is in effect, the following DD statement must be used: To obtain an operating system hexadecimal dump in case the job is abnormally terminated by the system, or by executing the COBOL statemen t CALL tILBOABNO' USING iAentifier, one of the following DO statements must be used: / /SYSD BOUT DD applicable parameters IISYSABEND DO applicable parameters. Pot example, if the output is routed through the output stream and written on a system output device, the following may be used: IISYSUDUMP OD applicable parameters. IISYSDBOUT DD SYSOUT=A The dump provided when the SYSABEND DD statement is used inclUdes the system nucleus, the program storage area, and a . trace table, if the trace table option vas requested at system generation. The SYSUDUMP DO statement provides a dump of the program storage area. The applicable para meters a re those for a ph ysical sequential data set. If the dump is routed through the output stream and written on a system output device, the following DD statement may be used: IISYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A If a COBOL program abnormally terminates. then a formatted dump is provided for all COBOL programs compiled !Qi~: In addition to the SYSDBOUT DO statement, the SYSCOUNT OD statement must also be used: /ISYSCOUNT DD SYSOUT=A The user may concatenate a library of selected COBOL Object-time subroutines with the link library. (For information on how this can be accomplished, see the section "Sharing COBOL Library Subroutines" in the chapter entitled "Libraries lt ) . Job Control Procedures 81 This section describes the processing of non-VSAM files. A description of VSAM file processing is in the section "VSAM File Processing." !!~::nEFINED FILES Files that are processed in a COBOL program must be described as data sets to the operating system. Whenever a file is specified in a program by the following statement: SELECT [ OPTIONAL] file-name ASSIGN TO assignmen t-name this file must be described in an FD file-name entry and in a DD statement in the execution-time job step. The ddname in the DD statement is a portion of the assignment-name (sometimes also known as "system-name tt ) specified in the ASSIGN TO clause. In the assignment-name UT-2400-S-TAXRATE TAXRATE is the ddname portion of the assignment-name. li21g: The device-number specified in the assign ment-n ame is ignored by the compiler. Actual device allocation is a function of the DD statement. requires changing input/output statements and recompiling the program. Changing a DD statement when a program is executed is a simple procedure. As an example, consider a COBOL program that might be used in exactly the same way for several different master files. It might contain the clause SELECT MASTER ASSIGN TO DA-3330-D-MASTERA •••• In that case, the following DD statements, Y§~t di~!lI_ti~. would assign the different named data sets to the program: //ftASTERA //ftASTERA //I1ASTERA DD DD DD DSNAME=MASTER1, ••• DSNAME=MASTER2, ••• DSNAME=MASTER3 •••• If the first DD statement appears in the job step that calls for execution of the program, any reference within the program to MASTER is a reference to the data set named MASTER1; if the second DO statement appears, the reference is to MASTER2; if the third, the reference is to MASTER3. However, if a file-name within a program is always to be applicable to only a single data set, the names might be written as follows: SELECT TAXRATE ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-TAXRATE ••• The applicable DD statement might be: FILE NAMES AND DATA SET NAMES //TAXRATE The terms nfile" (COBOL usage) and "data set" (operating system usage) have essentially the same meaning. There may, however, be a difference between the file-name and the da ta set name. The data set name always represents a specific data set. The file-name can. at different times, represent different data sets. The DD sta tement allows a programmer to select. at the time his program is executed, the specific data set that is to be associated with a particular file-name. This facility can be especially powerful when applied to input data sets. The file-name is a name known within the COBOL progra m. Chanqing a file-name 82 DD DSNAME=TAXRATE, ••• Of the names, the ddname portion of the assignment-name that appears in the ASSIGN clause and the ddname of the DD statement must always be the same. The file-name and the data set name may be the same, or they may be different. (Of course. the file-name in the SELECT sentence must be the same as the FD name.) If t40 or more files on direct-access devices have the same ddname and are open at the same time (i.e., the output from the files is being merged into one data set), the files must have no conflicting attributes. The foregoing also applies to SYSOUT data sets if they are written on an intermediate direct-access device. The use of the DISPLAY~ EXHIBIT, or READY TRACE verbs causes the library to open the target ddname (SYSOUT~ SYSPUNCH, etc.) If the programmer has also assigned one of his output files to the same ddna.e, he must ensure that he has opened, written, and closed his file before the first execution of any of the previously mentioned verbs. The full range of facilities available in BPAH are not available to the COBOL programmer. A partitioned data set may be referred to in COBOL only by treating its .members as physical sequential data sets. Additional considerations when using the sort feature are described under "Additional DD statements" in the chapter "Using the sort Feature." DATA SET ORGANIZATION SPECIFYING INFORMATION ABOUT A FILE Some of the information about the file must always be specified in the PO entry, SELECT sentence, APPLY, and other COBOL clauses. at he.r informat ion must be specified in the DD statement. For example, the amount of space allocated for a mass storage output file must be specified in the DD statement by the SPACE~ SPLIT, or SUBALLOC parameters. certain characteristics of files cannot be expressed in the COBOL language, and may be specified on the OD statemen t for the file by the DCB parameter. This parameter allows the programmer to specify information for completing the data control block associated with the file (see "Additional File processing Information" for a discussion of the data control block, and "Appendix C: Fields of the Data Control Block"). Each file used in the program must be referred to by a particular file processing technique. Fou r p.rocessinq techniques are discussed in this publication. They are physical sequential (QSAt1), direct (BSAM, BDAM), relative (BSAM, BDAM), and indexed (OISAM, BISAH). A non-YSAM data set used by a COBOL program can have one of four types of organization: physical sequential, direct, relative, and indexed. The first type (sequential) may be on any input/output device that is supported. All other types must be on mass storage devices (see Figure 11 for information in determining the file processing technique to be used, according to data set organization). 1. A £.hz2icU-2~gj!!H!tia! data set is one in Which records are organized solely on the basis of their successive physical positions. 2. A ~i£g£! data set is one in which records are referred to by use of relative trac,! addressing. An ACTUAL KEY specifies the track relative to the first track allocated to the data set and identifies the record on the track. 3. A £elatiY~ data set is one in which records are referred- to by use of relative ~£~ addressing. A NOMINAL KEY identifies the record location relative to the first record in the data set. 4. An iridexed data set is one in wbich records are arranged on the tracks of a mass storage device so as to permit access in logical sequence (according to a key that is part of every record). A separate index or set of indexes maintained by the system indicates the location of each record. This permits random, as well as sequential, access to any record. A fifth processing technique, called partitioned data organization (BPAM), is· discussed throughout the publication, when it is used for program storage. A eartiti~1 data set (PDS) is composed of named, independent groups of sequential data" each of which is called a memb~. Each member has a simple name stored in a directory that is part of the data set and that contains the location of each member's starting point. Partitioned data sets are used to store programs, and are often referred to as li~~ries. User Non-VSAK File Processing 83 I . • .- i I I I File Processing J Requirements I ,Write, r~ad, and f update standard I sequential file Permissible J I I ,ACCESS Clause and Record Formats, JFile I t )Organization Field..-i I Device IProcessingJorganization J I(N) in system-namelBlockedlUnblocked,Requirements ,Techniqne ,Clause f I I . I +-I -i IACCESS SEQUENTIAL IF,V,S JF,V,U ) Mass storage IQSAM ,Sequential I I or ACCESS clausel , J Magnetic Tape, , (defaul t) I J is omitted t I IUnit Record J I I I N=S I J I 1 I • I I I I I -f---------i I ACCESS SEQUENTIAL I IF I Mass Storage laSAM I Should not be I or omitted J I I I ,specified 'N=Rt I J I I t J II Wri te and read a I mass storage file f with relative J record addressing I I--+J Read and update I ACCESS RANDOM I a mass storage I N=R I file with relative I I record addressing J I-I ICreate and read a IACCESS SEQUENTIAL I mass storage file I or omit ted ,with relative ,N=D I track addressing I I-t! Create, read, update, JACCESS RANDOM J and insert into a I N=D or W(REWRITE) I mass storage file -, , with relative I ,I track addressing • J t I I I I JF 1 J J I I ) I I IF,V,U,S I t I ' • I I I I IF, V, U, S I t I I I I J I I-J I J ,Create a mass ,ACCESS SEQUENTIAL JF IF , I I storage file with , or omitted I indexed sequential I N=I I I organization I I I I I-iI I ,Read and update IACCESS SEQUENTIAL IF IF I a mass storage t or omit ted I J I filevitb indexed I N=I I I I organization I I I II f I tRead, update, and JACCESS RANDOM IF IF , insert into I N=I I I I a mass storage I I J , f ilewith indexed I I I I random I 1 I Il - orqani'Zation I " --...L-L-" Figure 17. 84 Determining the File Processing Technique I I 1 I I .. I Mass Storage ,BDAli I I t ' I I I I t I I I -~ ,Mass storage ,BSAM J J t I I I I I I I I +-----i I Hass Storage I BDAM I I , f , I , I I • I , • I I -t Illass Storage JQISAM I I , I f I I J f I I I ~ I~ass storage IQISAM I J I I I I J J I , I I .. ,Mass Storage IBISAM I J f I I I , I , I I I t I I• J .1.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - ' is the first character of the data. If the WRITE BEFOBE/AFTER ADVANCING statement or the WRITE AFTER POSITIONING statement is not used, the first byte of the record is treated as data by the punch or printer. ACCESSING A PHYSICAL SEQUENTkAL PILE A physical sequential file may only be accessed sequentially, i.e., records are read or written in the order in which they appear on the file. The file processing technique used to create and retrieve a pbysical sequential file is QSAM (Queued sequential Access Method). Figure 18 shows the COBOL clauses that may be used with these files. Special considerations for these clauses are as follows: 1. 2.' The RESERVE clause can be used to specify more buffer areas, allowing overlap of input/output operations with the processing of data. If this clause is not used, additional buf.fers may be specified by using the BUFNO option in the DD statement. If no additional buffer areas are specified, two buffers are reserved by the system. When the SA~E AREA clause is specified for the file, the number of buffers used is determined from the RESERVE clause or if the RESERVE clause is not present, it is given a default of two. The BUFNO option in the DD statement is ignored if the SAME AREA clause is specified. If a WRITE AFTER POSITIONING statement is used, the record size specified in the FD entry must allow for the carriage control or stacker select character, even though the character is not to be printed or punched. For example, if the record size specified in the FD entry is 121, the actual record is 121 characters; however, only 120 characters are printed or punched. If the NOADV compiler is specified and a WRITE BEFORE/AFTER ADVANCING statement is used, the situation is the same as above; the record size specified in the FD entry must allow for the control character, even though the character is not to be printed. The compiler may direct extra records, containing the appropriate control Characters, to the file to effect printer spacing as. specified in the WRITE BEFORE/AFTER ADVANCING sta tement. These extra records are for spacing purposes only and will not appear externally if the file is assigned to an online printer. However, if the file is assigned to a device that does not recognize the control characters (for example. a tape or a direct-access device), the extra records are written onto the file. These extra records are produced only if ADVANCING more than three lines is specified or if both the BEFORE and AFTER options are specified for a file. l. If the input device is the card reader, RECORDING MODE IS F should be specified. If RECORDING ~ODE IS V or S is specified, the first 8 bytes of the record viII be interpreted as the control bytes required for files with format V or 5 records. 4. If physical seguen tia 1 files are on magnetic tape, the record block size should be at least 18 bytes. Records less than 18 bytes in length will be read vith no problems, unless a parity check occurs. If a parity check occurs while reading a record less than 18 bytes, it will be treated as a noise record and skipped over. 5. The S (standard) option can be specified in the DCB BECFM subparameter for a fixed/blocked record data set with only standard blocks (i.e •• having no truncated blocks or unfilled tracks within the data set, except for the last block of the last track). If a fixed/blocked data set is created through the use of an American National standard COBOL program, a truncated physical block may be written only by the executions of the CLOSE or CLOSE UNIT (or REEL) statement. Use of the standard block option (particularly .for direct-access devices having the Rotational positional Sensing feature) results in significant I/O performance improvements. 6. The T (TRACK OVERFLOW) option can be specified for the DCB RECF~ When the ADV compiler option is specified and a WRITE BEFORE/AFTER ADVANCING statement is used, the record size specified in the FD entry should be the same as the record to be printed. (The compiler adds one to the length specified in the FD when it sets the logical record length in the DCB.) Not~: • If the immediate destination of the record is a device that does not recognize a carriage control or stacker select character, the system assumes that the control character User Non-YSAK File Processing 85 Data Management Techniques Device Type Access Method KEY Clauses QSAM TAPE SEQUENTIAL NOT ALLOWED OPEN Statement INPUT Access Verbs J [REVERSED NO REWIND CLOSE Statement READ [INTO] AT END [REEL] [WCK ] NO REWIND POSITIONING DISP [LEAVE ] REREAD DISP 1-------- -----------WRITE [FROM] OUTPUT [O~MN] LEAVE REREAD DISP [{ BEFORE} AFTER ADVANCING] [AFTER POSITIONING] 1-------EXTEND QSAM MASS STORAGE SEQUENTIAL NOT ALLOWED INPUT READ [INTO] AT END 1------- 1-----------OUTPUT 1-------- 1-0 WRITE [FROM) INVALID KEY WRITE [FROM) [{ BEFORE} ADVANCING] AFTER [AFTER POSITIONING) EXTEND 1---- - [UNIT) [LOCK) --- 1----------- 1------READ [INTO) AT END WRITE [FROM) [LOCK) INV ALID, KEY REWRITE [FROM) Figure 18. COBOL Clause £or Physical seGJuential File processing subparameter of the DD statement for QSAM files with RECORDING MODE V, 5, or F. Specification of the T option is equivalent to including the APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW option in the source program, but use of the T option in the DD statement allows the user to make his selection at object time. Figures 20 and 21 show the parameters in the DD statement that may be used with physical sequential .files. All parameters except the DCB are descr ibed in "Job Control Procedures." Additional DCB subparameters not shown in the illustration are required for use with the Sort/Merqe feature (see the chapter "Using the Sort/Merge Feature"for information on these parameters). The DCB subparameters that ca.D be specified in the DD statement for physical sequential files are as follows: 86 DCB=[ DEN= CO, 1,213.14} ] [ ,TRTCH= (CI EfT, ET} ] [,PRTSP= {O J 1 j213} ] ( ,MODE::: {C J E} ] [ , STACK: { 1 '2} ] [,OPTCD={WICJWCITIQ1Z} ] r ,BLKSIZE=integer ] [ , B UFNO:integer ) [,EROPT:::(ACCfSKPIABE} ] [,RECFM=C F IVlulDIB/SITJ[AIMJ1J (,DIAGNS=TRACE) ( , F tJNe= {I I R J PI Wf 0 J X JT} ] DE N= {O 11 J 2,3} can be used with magnetic tape, and specifies a value for the tape recording density in bits per inch as listed in Figure 19. If no value is specified, 800 bits-per-inch is assumed for 7-track tape, 800 bits-per-inch for 9-track tape without dual density and 1600 bits-per-inch for 9-track tape with dual density, depending on the inst.al1ation's generic definitions for unit names. , , i 1 I 1 I I• JDEN Valuel I 0 I I 1 I 2 I 1 3 I I 4 I 1 Tape Recording Density (Bits per inch) 1 Track • 200 556 800 • I I f I , 9 Trac.k I I 800 I• I 1600 6250 t- ---J Fiqure 19. DEN Values TRTCH={C1EITIET} is used with 1-track tape to specify the tape recordinq technique, as follows: C - Specifies that the data-conversion feature is to be used; if data conversion is not available, only format F and format U records are supported by the control program. E - specifies that even parity is to be used; if omitted, odd parity is assumed. T - Specifies that BCD to EBCDIC conversion is required. ET- specifies that even parity is to be used and BCD to EBCDIC con version is required. PETS P= {O 11 12 t 3} specifies the line spacing on a printer as 0, 1, 2, or 3. If PRTSP is not specified, 1 is assumed. The PRTSP subparameter is valid only if the unit specified for the file is a printer. It is not valid if the file is a report file, nor is it valid if the WRITE statement with the BEFOREI AFTRR ADVANCING option or WRITE AFTER POSITIONI NG is specified in the COBOL source program. Single spacing always is assumed for a printer unless other information is supplied. MODE= {CI E} can be used ~ith a card reader, a card punch or a card-read punch and specifies the mode of operation as follows: C - Specifies card image (column binary) mode. E - Specifies EBCDIC code. If this info.rmation is not supplied by any source, E is assumed. ST ACK= {112} can be used with a card reader, a card punch, or a card-read punch, and it specifies which stacker bin is to receive the card. Either 1 or 2 is specified. If this information is not supplied by any source, 1 is assumed. STACK should not be used when the WRITE sta tement :with the AFTER ADVANCING or POSITIONING option is used to specify pocket selection. OPTeD= {WICI TI QI Z} requests an optional service provided by the system as follows: W - To perform a write validity check (on mass storage devices only). C - To process using the chained scheduling method (see the publication OSLV~_Data Kanag~~l ~ervic~Guid~) •. T - To request user totaling facility. Q - To translate to or from ASCII on tape Z - TO request the search direct option (see the publication QU!~ ~A!~_H~n~~m~~~£vic~Guide). HQ!~ If the validity check is specified, the system verifies that each record transferred from main storage to mass storage is written correctly. Standard recovery procedures are initiated if an error is detected. BLKSIZ E=integer is used to specify the block size. This clause is used only when BLOCK CONTAINS 0 RECORDS vas specified at compile time. BUFNO=number of buffers is used to specify the number of buffers to be assigned to the file when neither the RESERVE nor the SAME AREA clause is specified for the file in the source program. The maximum number is 255. EROPT={ACClsKPtABE} specifies the options to be executed if an error occurs in writing or readinq a record as follows: ACC - To accept the error block for processing. User Non-VSAM File Processing 87 SKP - To skip the error block. ABE - To terminate the job. There are two cases when the subparameter can be specified: • If no error processing declarative (USE sentence) is specified, the option is taken immediately. • If an error processing declarative is specified, the option is taken after the error declarative returns control via a normal exit (and only if that is the case). If no option is specified, ABE is assumed. RECFM={F/vluID[BISIT] [AIM]} specifles the form-a-t-of-Ehe records on the data set (see the JCL manual for the ways in which these individual subparameters can be combined). Only the Sand T subparameters have meaning for COBOL; COBOL ignores all others. F - records are of fixed length. S - to expect the data set to consist of standard blocks. T - to use the TRACK OVERFLOW option (this specification has the same effect as including the APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW option in the source program) • A - records contain ANS device control characters. M - records contain machine code control characters. DIAGNS=TRACE specifies the open/Close/EOV trace option which gives a module-by-module trace of Open/Close/EOV·swork area and the DCB. The Generalized Trace Facility with the proper options specified must be active in the system while the job that requested the trace is running; the options are MODE=EXT and TRACE=USR. FUNC={IJRIPIWIOIXIT} specifies the type of data set to he opened for the 3525 Card-Read-Punch-Print as folloWS: I R - P V - records are of variable length. W D- U - records are of undefined length. X - interpret-punch data set. read punch print data protection for a punch data set printer two-line printer. D - ASCII records of variable length. T - B - records are blocked. por the valid combinations of these values see the publication OSL!~_~l! Refer~. r-----------------------------------------------------------------, Device I r---------------------+---------------------T---------___________ ~---------------------J I Parameter I Mass Stcrage I Tape I Unit Record I I ~ype ~agnetic ~---------------------+---------------------~---------------------~---------------------~ I DSNAME I as I ~---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------i I UNIT I as I ~---------------------+-------------------------------------------T---------------------~ I VOLUME I as I na I ~---------------------+---------------------T---------------------+---------------------~ I LABEL ] SI. I SL BIP ] NI I I I SUI. I NL I. 'IM I I I I I NSI. Al I I J ] I SUL AVI. I I ~---------------------+---------------------+---------------------i---------------------i I SPACE I as I na I ~---------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------~ I SUEALLOe ) as I na I ~---------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------~----i I SPLI'I I as I na I ~---------------------+-------~-------------~---------------------T---------------------~ I DISP I NEw {,KEEP I SySOU~=A,B... I I ] MOC g PASS ] I I I l J I ,CA~LG I ,DELETE I I ~---------------------t---------------------T---------------------+---------------------~ I DeB Device Dependent] OP~CD=W, WC I ~R~eH, DEN I PRTSP, ~CDE, STACK I ~---------------------+---------------------~---------------------t---------------------i I DCB General 1 OF~ec=e/~, BUFNO, BLKSIZE w EROP~=ABE I EFOF'I=Ace I I ] RECFM=as IUnblocked Record J t I 1 I I I I f r---------------------------------, •I J Logical Record J L--._ _ _ _ __ < ·-----------Fixed Length-----------> J 1. Figure 60. t I J -.I Fixed-length (Format F) Records Format U is provided to permit the processing of any blocks that do not conform to F, V, or S formats. Format U records are shown in Figure 61. The optional control character C, as discussed under "Fixed-Length {Format F) Records," may be used in each logical record. The programmer specifies format u records by including RECORDING MODE IS U in the file description (FD) entry in the Data Division. U-mode records may be specified only for direct or physical sequential fi lese If the RECORDING MODE clause is omitted, and BLOCK CONTAINS [integer-1 TO] in teger-2. •• does not specify integer-2 less than the maximum level-01 record, the compiler determines the recording mode to be U if the file is direct and one of the following conditions exist: • The FD entry contains two or more level-01 descriptions of different lengths. • A RECORD CONTAINS clause specifies a range of record lengths. Each block on the external storage media is treated as a logical record. There are no record-length or block-length fields. When a READ INTO statement is used for a U-mode file, the size of the longest record for that file is used in the MoiE statement. All other rules of the MOVE sta tement apply. !Q!.~: Illustrations of Format U records do not take into account either the key field required when direct organization is used or ASCII block prefixes. See "processing ASCII Files" for more information. t I I ~ I 1 I I I Figure 61. A record description contains an OCCURS clause with the D~PENDING ON option. V-mode records# unlike U-mode or F-mode records, are preceded by fields containing control information. These control fields are illustrated in Figures 62 and 63. The first four bytes of each block contain control information (eC): LL -- represents two bytes designating the length of the block (including the fCC' field). BB -- represents two bytes reserved for system lise. The first four bytes of each logical record contain control information (cc): bb -- represents two bytes reserved for ~ system use. For unblocked V-mode records (Figure 62). the Data portion + CC + cc constitute the block. Format U Record Logical Record L-____________________ • • 11 -- represents two bytes designating the logical record length (including the 'cc' field). Logical Record r--~ I -_ C _ 1 _ _ _ _Data L ___________________ • The FD entry contains two or more level-01 descriptions of different lengths. • The RECORD CONTAINS clause specifies a range of record lengths. • A record description contains an OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option. r- The programmer specifies format V records by including RECORDING MODE IS V in the file description entry in the Data Division. V-mode records may be specified only for direct or physical sequential files. If the RECORDING ~ODE clause is omitted and BLOCK CONTAINS (integer-1 TO] integer-2... does not specify integer-2 less than the maximum level-01 record# the compiler determines the recording mode to be format V if the file is physical sequential and one of the following conditions exist: --' Unspecified (Format U) Records For blocked V-mode records (Figure 63), the Data portion of each record + the cc of each record + CC constitute the block. Non/VSAM Record Formats 161 r-----------------------------------------,] I / PD VARIABLE-FILE-l RECORDING MODE IS V BLOCK CONTAINS 35 TO 80 CHARACTERS RECORD CONTAINS 27 TO 72 CHARACTERS DATA RECORD IS VARIABLE-RECORD-1 LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD. 01 VARIABLE-RECORD-l. LOGICAL RECORD 05 F.IRLD-A PIC PIC 05 "FIELD-B 05 FIELD-C OCCURS DEPENDING ON FIELD-B PIC ] I 4 4 variable J ] <--bytes-><--bytes--><------tytes------->/ I r----T----T----T----T-------------------, I LL I EE i I ____ 11 I ____ bb I ___________________ Data // IL----i-___ JI)J ~ ~ Figure 62. J IL-------_________________________________ ~ I~ / u CC'· • cc Q ] I I Unblocked V-Mode Records Variable-length record descriptions, for input and output files, must not define space for the control by tes. Control bytes are automatically provided when a record is written and are not communicated to the user when a file is read. Although they do not appear in the descriptions of logical records, control bytes do appear in the buffer areas of main storage. The compiler automatically allocates input and output buffers that are large enough to contain the required control bytes. X (20) • 99. 1 TO 10 TIMES 9 (5) • The LABEL RECORDS clause is always required. The DATA RECORD(S) clause is never required. If the RECORDING MODE clause is omitted, the compiler determines the mode as V since the record associated with VARIABLE-FILE-1 varies in length depending on the contents of FIELD-B. The RECORD CONTAINS clause is never required. The compiler determines record sizes from the record description entries. The BLOCK CONTAINS clause is also not required, since the compiler assumes unblocked records if the clause is omitted. Note: Record length calculations are affected by the following: When variable-length records are written on unit record devices, control bytes are neither printed nor punched. They do appear, however, on other external storage devices. V-mode records moved from an input buffer to a working storage area will be moved without the control bytes. • When the BLOCK CONTAINS clause with the RECORDS option is used, the compiler adds four bytes to the logical record length and four more bytes to the block length. !21g: When a READ INTO statement is used for a V-mode file# the size of the current record for that file is used in the MOVE statement. All other rules of the MOVE statement apply. For considerations when using OCCURS DEPENDING ON, see the section "Programming Techniques." • When the BLOCK CONTAINS clause with the CHARACTERS option is used, the user must include each cc • CC in the length calculation. In the definition of VARIABLE-FILE-1, the BLOCK CONTAINS clause specifies eight more bytes than does the RECORD CONTAINS clause. Four of these bytes are the logical record control bytes and the other four are the block control bytes. Consider the following physical sequential file consisting of unblocked V-mode records: r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1st 2nd 3rd I I I I I Logical Record -- Logical Record Logical Reccrd - ----.._--./'..... ~ --- --~ r----T----T----T----T-----------T----T----T----------T----T----T----------, IL ____ LL I ____ EE I ____ 11 J ____ tb J ___________ DA~A-l I ____ 11 I ____ bb] __________ DATA-2 / ____ 11 J ____ bb iI __________ DA~A-3 JI ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I {block control ~{record control~ I IL______________________________________________________________________________________ bytes) bytes) _ Figure 63. 162 Blocked V-Mode Records In Example 1, assume that FIELD-B contains the value 02 for the first record of a file and FIELD-B contains the value 03 for the second record of the file. The first two records will appear on an external storage device and in buffer areas of main storage as shown in Figure 64. As mentioned previously, the RECORDING MODE, RECORD CONTAINS, and DATA RECORDS clauses are unnecessary. By specifying that each block contains three records, the programmer allows the compiler to provide space for three records of maximum size plus additional space for the required control bytes. Hence, 316 character positions are reserved by the compiler for each output buffer. If this size is other than tha t .required, the BLO.CK CONT IINS clause with the CHARACTERS option should be specified. If the block size is to be specified at execution time by use of the BLKSIZE subparameter on an associated DD card, BLOCK CONTAINS 0 CHARACTERS must be specified. If the file described in Example 1 had a blocking factor of 2, the first two reco.rds would appear on an external storage medium as shown in Figure 65. ~xample 1: If VARIIBLE-FILE-2 is blocked, with space allocated for three records of maximum size per block, the following FD entry could be used when the file is created: PD VARIABLE-FILE-2 RECORDING MODE IS V BLOCK CONTAINS 3 RECORDS RECORD CONTAINS 20 TO 100 CHARACTERS DATA RECORDS ARE VARIABLE-RECORD-1, VARI ABLE-RECOR 0-2 LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD. 01 VARIABLE-RECORD-l. 05 FIELD-A PIC X(20). 05 FIELD-B PIC 1(80). 01 VARIABLE-RECORD-2. 05 FIELD-I PIC X(20). Note: Blocked var iable-Iength records are permitted only when the file processing technique is physical sequential. In Example 2, assume that the first six records written are five records followed by one 20-character record. The first two blocks of VARIABLE-FILE-2 vill appear on the external storage device as shown in Figure 66. r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1I I 1st Block 2nd Block _____ _ ~ I _ I r----T--T----T--T-------T--T-------T-------T----T--T----T T -- -- T--T--T---- --T1 45 I BB bIFIELD-AI 03 IFIELD-CIFIELD-CIFIELD-C II LI0040IBBI0036IbbIFIELD-AI02IFIELD-CIFIELD-CI00 ____ __ ____ __ _______ __ _______ _______ ____ __ IOO41I ____ b __ _______ __ _______ _______ _______ JI I I II I I Note: Lengths appear in decimal notation for illustrative purposes. IL __________________________________________________________ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--------------------------------------J Figure 64. Fields in Unblocked V-Mode Records r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1st Recerd 2nd Record I I :I 10081IBBI0036IbbIFIELD-AI02IFIELD-CIFIELD-CI0041IbbIFIEID-AI03)FIEID-CIFIELD-CIFIELD-CI r-~--T--T----T--T---::::T--T-------T----~-T-=---T--T-~-----T--T::::---T---~---T--~-~-, II I l ____ I ~ I Note: __ ~ ___ ~_,_~ Lengths _______ a~pear ~ __ ~ _______ ~ _______ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ _______ in decirral notation fer illustrative ~ __ ~ _______ ~ _______ ~ _______ rur~oses. JI I I Il _______________________________________________________________________________________ JI Figure 65.. Fields in Blocked V-Mode Records Non/VS AM BecordFormat-s 163 r-----------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------, I I I II 1st Block _ 2nd Block ~ r---T--T---T--T----T---T--T----T---T--T--- ~ -~-T--T---T--T----T---T--T----T--T--T----' bb i Da ta 13161BBI1041bbiDatal1041bbiDatal1041 L___ __ ___ ____ ___ __ ____ ___ __ i___ 2361BBII041bbiDatal1041bbiDatal241bbiDatai __ ____ ___ __ ____ __ i ____ J ~ ~ ~_~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i_~i I I I II I I I Note: Lengths appear in decimal notation for illustrative purposes. I IL _________________________________________________________________________________________________ JI Figure 66. First Two Blocks of VARIABLE-FILE-2 The buffer for the second block is truncated after the sixth WRITE statement is executed since there is not enough space left for a maximum size record. Hence, even if the seventh WRITE to VARIABLE-PILE-2 is a 20-character record, it will appear as the first record in the third block. This condition can be eliminated by using the APPLY WRITE-ONLY clause when creating files of variable-length blocked records. Note: Illustrations of unblocked Format V records do not take into account either the key field required vhen direct organization is used or ASCII block prefixes. See the description of format D records under "Processing ASCII Files". 4 • i i • ~ 't -,---,---~---, 1236Jbbl24lbblData)104lbb,DataJl04,bblDatal Using the APPLY WRITE-ONLY clause causes a buffer to be truncated only when the next record does not fit in the buffer. That is, if the next three WRITE statements to the file specify VARIABLE-RECORD-2, the block is created containing six logical records, as shown below: l!Q!'~: The APPLY WRITE-ONLY clause is used to make optimum use of buffer space when creating a physical sequential file with blocked V- mode records. When using the APPLY WRITE-ONLY clause, records must not be constructed in buffer areas. An intermediat.e work area must be used with a WRITE FROM statement. Suppose VARIABLE-FILE-2 is being created with the following file description entry: FD 01 01 VARIABLE-FILE-2 RECORDING ~ODE IS V BLOCK CONTAINS 316 CHARACTERS DATA RECORDS ARE VARIABLE-RECORD-1, VARIABLE-RECORD-2 LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD. VA RI ABLE-BECOH 0-1. 05 FIELD-A PIC X(20). 05 FIELD-B PIC X(80). VARIABI.E-RECORD-2. 05 FIELD-X PIC X(20). The first three WHITE statements to the file create one 20-character record followed by two 10Q-character records. without the APPLY WRITE-ONLY clause, the buffer is truncated after the third WRITE statement is executed since the maximum size record no longer fits. The block is written as shown below: 164 A spanned record is a logical record that may be contained in one or more physical blocks. Format S records may be specified for direct (BOAM, BSAM) files and for physical sequential (QSAM) files assigned to magnetic tape or to mass storage devices. When creating files with S-mode records, if a record is larger than t.he remaining space in a block, a segment of the record is wri t. ten to fill the block. The remainder of the record is stored in the next block or blocks, as required. When retrieving a file with S-mode records, only complete records are made available to the user. Spanned records are preceded by fields containing control information. Figure £7 illustrates the control fields. BDF (Block Descriptor pield): described in the Data Division with the following file description entry: LL -- represents tvo bytes designating the length of the physical block (including the block descriptor field itself). FD SFItE RECORD CONTAINS 250 CHAHACTERS BLOCK CONTAINS 100 CHARACTERS BB -- represents two bytes reserved for system use. SDP (Segment Descriptor pield): 11 -- represents two bytes designating the length of the record segment (including the segment descriptor field itself). bb -- represents two bytes reserved for system use. NQte: There is only one block descriptor field at the beginning of each physical block. There is, however, one segment descriptor field for each record segment within the block. Figure 68 also illustrates the concept of record segments. Note that the third block contains the last 50 bytes of REC-1 and the first 50 bytes of REC-2. Such portions of logical records are called record segments. It is therefore correct to say that the third block contains the last segment of REC-1 and th€ fiest segment of REC-2. The first block contains the first segment of REC-l and the second block contains an intermediate segment of REC-l. S-MODE CAPABILITIES Each segment of a record in a block, even if it is the entire record, is preceded by a segment descriptor field. The segment descriptor field also indicates whether the segment is the first, the last, or an intermediate segment. Each block includes a block descriptor field. These fields are not described in the Data Division; provision is automatically made for them. These fields are not available to the user. A spanned blocked file may be described as a file composed of physical blocks of fixed length established by the programmer. The logical records may be either fixed or variable in length and that size may be smaller, equal to, or larger than the physical block size. There are no required relationships between logical records and physical block sizes. Records of a spanned file may only be blocked when organization is sequential (QSAM). A spanned unblocked file may be described as a file composed of physical blocks each containing one logical record or one segment of a logical record. The logical records may be either fixed or variable in length. When the physical block contains one logical record, the length of the block is determined by the logical record size. When a logical record has to be segmented, the system always writes the largest physical block pos.sible. The system segments the logical record when the entire logical record cannot fit on the track. Figure 68 is an illustration of block.ed spanned records of SFILE. SFILE is Formatting a file in the S-mode allows the user to make the most efficient use of external stoeage while organizing data files with logical recoed lengths most suited to his needs. 1. Physical record lengths can be designated in such a manner as to make the most efficient use of track capacities on mass storage devices. 2. The user is not required to adjust logical eecord lengths to maximum physical record lengths and their device-dependent variants when designing his data files. 3. The user has greater flexibility in transferring logical records across DASD types. Spanned record processing viII not be supported on unit record devices. SEQUENTIAL S-MODE FILES (QSAM) FOR TAPE OR MASS STORAGE DEVICES When the spanned format is used for QSAM files, the logical records may be either fixed or variable in length and are comple tely independen t of physical record length. A logical record may span physical records. A physical record may contain one or more logical records and/or segments of logical records. Non/VSAM Record Formats 165 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,I I I <--4 bytes---> <--4 bytes--> <----------------Variable bytes------------------> I I I I I LL I EE I 11 I bb I Data Record or Segment I I I ~-----~------~~-----~-----~/------------------------- _______________________ J I I I I BDF SCF I L I _______________________________________________________________________________________ JI r------T------T------T------T-------------------------------------------------, Figure 67. Control Fields of an S-Mode Record , ,.I I (--------100 bytes-------> (--------100 bytes-------> J r---------.--------------~ REC-1 _ REC-1 G L----__________________ "1 1 J I t J , 1st Block J 1 G <-50 bytes-> <-50 bytes-> ~------------- REC-l I REC-2 .L ----' 3rd Block 2nd Block J I I I I I f L-_ _ _ __ oJ Figure 68. One Logical Record Spanning Physical Blocks The user specifies S-mode by describing the file with the following clauses in the file description (FD) entry of his COBOL program: • BLOCK CONTAINS integer-2 CHARACTERS • Integer-2 is less than the maximum length of a variable level-01 FD entry (i.e., an entry containing one or more OCCURS clauses with the DEPENDING ON option). Except for the APPLY WRITE-ONLY, APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW. WRITE BEFORE ADVANCING. WRITE AFTER ADVANCING, or WRITE AFTER POSITIONING clauses. all the options for a variable file apply to a spanned file. • RECORD CONTAINS [integer-l TO] integer-2 CHARACTERS • RECORDING MODE IS S The size of t h~ physical record must be specified using the BLOCK CONTAINS clause with the CHARACTERS option. Any block size may be specified. Block size is independent of logical record size. Suppose a file has the following file description entry: The size of the logical record may be specified by the RECORD CONTAINS clause. If this clause is omitted, the compiler will determine the maximum record size from the record descriptions under the FD. Format S may be specified by the RECORDING l!ODE IS S clause. If this clause is omitted, the compiler viII set the recording mode to S if the BLOCK CONTAINS inteter-2 CHARACTERS clause vas specified and either of the following conditions exist: 166 SPAN-FILE BLOCK CONTAINS 100 CHARACTERS LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS DATAREC. 01 DATAREC. 05 FIELD-A PIC X (100). 05 FIELD-B PIC X (50). Figure 69 illustrates the first four blocks of SPAN-FILE as they would appear on external storage devices (i.e •• tape or mass storage) or in buffer areas of main storage. 1. • Integer-2 is less than the largest fixed-length level-01 PD entry. FD The RECORDING MODE clause is not specified. The compiler determines the recording mode to be S since the block size is less than the record size. 2. One advangage of S-mode reco.rds over V-mode records is illustrated by a file with the following characteristics: The length of each physical block is 100 bytes, as specified in the BLOCK CONTAINS clause. All required control fields, as well as data, must be contained within these 100 bytes. BECORD CONTAINS 50 TO 150 CHARACTERS 2. BLOCK CONTAINS 350 CHARACTERS 3. The first five records written are 150, 150, 150, 100, and 150 characters in length. No provision is made for the control fields within the level-Ol entry DATAREC. 3. 1. For V-mode records, buffers are truncated if the next logical record is too large to be completely contained in the block (Figure 70). This results in more physical blocks and more inter-record gaps on the external storage device. The preceding discussion dealt with S-mode records which were larger than the physical .blocks that contained them. It is also possible to have S-mode records which are equal to or smaller than the physical blocks that contain them. In such cases. the RECORDING HODE clause must specify S (if so desired) since the compiler cannot determine this by comparing block size and record size. HQ1~: For V-mode records, truncation occurs: 1. buffer When the maximum level-01 record is too large. r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I 4 4 92 <-bytes-><-bytes-><-----------bytes-------------> 4 4 58 4 30 I <-bytes-><-bytes-><---bytes---><-L)ytes-><--nytes---> I ILL ILL L ___ r---T---T---T----T------------------------------, III I bn I ______________________________ DATAREC (1) L___ IBB ___ ___ I ____ J ~ ~ ~ ~ r---T---T---T----T-------------T---T----T-----------, I IBB III I bb I DATAREC ( l ) III I bb IDATld{EC (2) II ~ ___ ~ ___ ~ ____ _____________ ~ 1st Block ~ ___ ____ L ___________ J ~ I I I I I I I 2nd Block 4 4 92 <-bytes-><-bytes-><-----------bytes-------------> 4 4 28 4 bO <-bytes-><-bytes-><--bytes---><-bytes-><---oytes---->I ILL bb I______________________________ DATAREC (2) L___ IBB ___ III ___ I ____ JI ILLL BB III bb I DA'l'AREC (2) III bb I_____________ DAT ALI:.C (3) I II ___ I ___ ___ I____ ___________ ___ I ____ r---T---T---T----T------------------------------, ~ ~ ~ ~ r---T---T---T----T-----------T---T----T-------------, I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ I I _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JI 4th Block 3rd Block Figure 69. First Four Blocks of SPAN-FILE r------------------------------------------T--------------------------------------------, RECORDING MODE IS V ] RECCRDING MODE IS S I I ~------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------~ I I I r-----T-----' II Il _____ 150 I _____ 150 JI ~ I I '--v--' "--'v--" Rl I I R2 r-----T-----' r-----' G Jl _____ 150 I _____ 100 JI G IL_____ 150 JI ~ "-v--" R3 '--v--' R4 "--'v--" I 1 I r-----T-----T-----' 150 J _____ 150 i I _____ 50 JJ ]I IL_____ ~ 1 R5] '--v--' Rl r-----T-----T-----' G IL_____ 100 i I _____ 100 i I _____ 150 JI '-v--'" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - v - " R2 R3 R4 ~ R5 ] I I I II I I I I J ~------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------~ The enclosed diagrarrs are for illustrative purposes only. Neither takes into I laccount the space required for control fieldsu L_______________________________________________________________________________________ JI I Note: Figure 70. Ad vantage of S-Mode Records Over V-Mode Records Non/VSAM Record Formats 167 2. If APPLY WRITE-ONLY or SAME RECORD AREA is specified and the actual logical record is too large to fit into the remainder of the buffer. For S-mode records, all blocks are 350 bytes in length and records that are too large to fit entirely into a block will be segmented. This results in more efficient use of external storage devices since the number of inter-record gaps are minimized (Figure 70). A second advangage of S-mode proce~sing over that of V-mode is that the user 1S no longer limited to a record length that does not exceed the track of the mass storage device selected. Records may ipan tracks* cylinders, extents, and volumes. QSAM spanned records differ from other QSAM record formats because of an allocation of an area of main storage known as the "Logical Record Area." If logical records span physical blocks, COBOL will use this Logical Record Area to assemble complete logical records. If logical records do not span blocks (i.e., they dre contained within a single physical block) the Logical Record Area is not used. Regardless, only complete logical records are made available to the user. Both READ and WRITE statements should be thought of as manipulating comple te log ical records not record segments. The allocation of a Logical Record Area may be a disadvantage to the COBOL user. Additional main storage, consisting of 36 bytes + the maximum record length, will always be required. The Logical Record Area is discussed in detail in "Finding Data Records in an Abnormal Termination Dump." DIRECTLY ORGANIZED S-MODE FILES (BDAM AND BSAM) When S-mode is used for directly organized files. only unblocked records are permit ted. Logical records may be either fixed or variable in length. A logical record will span physical records if* and only if, it spans tracks. A physical record will contain only one logical record or a segment of a logical record. A track may contain a segment of a logical record, or seg ment s of tvo logical records and/or whole logical records. Records may span tracks, cylinders, and extents. but not volumes. The user specifies S-mode by describing the file with the following clauses in the file description (FD) entry of his COBOL program: • BLOCK CONTAINS integer-2 CHARACTERS • RECORD CONTAINS [integer-1 TO] integer-2 CHARACTERS • RECORDING MODE IS S The size of a logical record may be specified by the RECORD CONTAINS clause. If this clause is omitted, the compiler ., rJ I I I j sequential Pile 3 r-----r--------~~--------------, JL ____ P,1 - 4 I I I I r- j I J L I I I I 1 I Direct File R2 R3 - L_____________ I .J J R3 J J I R4 ,------, r---R2 , G 1 R3 I G Lt _ _ _ _ _ _ -..J L -_ _ _ _ -J ...-- , R3 ) '--- .J r-----------~--------------_, L - - -_______-L--_____________- - JJ I R1 '-------I ••• 2nd track ••• R3 , r ••• 1st track ••• ••• 3rd track ••• ,..------------., r------, I R3 f G Jt.-._ _R4 I _ _ _- J .J ••• 4th track ••• ,------, J R4 I 1..-_ _ _.-4 L- 168 I I I I J I I I I J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .JI • Figure 71. I I I I I I t Direct and sequential Spanned Files on a Mass Storage Device will determine the maximum record size from the record descriptions under the PD. The spanned format may be specified by the RECORDING MODE IS S clause. If this clause is omitted, the compiler will set the recording mode to S if the BLOCK CONTAINS integer-2 CHARACTERS clause was specified and integer-2 is less than the greatest logical record size. This is the only use of the BLOCK CONTAINS clause. It is otherwise treated as comments. ~£Q£g~sillg Di£~~1Y-Q£g~n!~~1_~=tt~Qg_fi!g2 111D§.AMl... When processing directly organized files, there are two advantages spanned format has over the other record formats: 1. The physical block size is determined by either: 1. The logical record length. 2. The track capacity of the device being used. IQ!~: Even when the spanned format is used, the COBOL restriction on the length of logical records must be adhered to (i.e., a maximum length of 32,767 characters). 2. If, for example, the track capacity of a mass storage device is 7294 characters, any record smaller than 7294 characters may be written as a sinqle physical block. If a logical record is greater than 7294 characters, the record is segmented. The first segment may be contained in a physical block of up to 7294 bytes, and the remaining segments must be contained in succeeding blocks. In other vords, a logical record will span physical blocks if, and only if, it spans tracks. Figure 71 illustrates four variable-length records (Rl, R2, R3, and R4) as they would appear in direct and sequential files on a mass storage device. In both cases, control fields have been omitted for illustrative purposes. For both files, assume: 1. BLOCK CONTAINS 7294 CHARACTERS (track capacity = 7294) 2. RECORD CONTAINS 500 TO 8000 CHARACTERS In the sequential file, each physical block is 7294 bytes in length and is completely filled with logical records. The file consists of three physical blocks, occupies three tracks, and contains no inter-record gaps. In the direct file, the physical blocks vary in length. Each block contains only one logical record or one record segment. Logical record R3 spans physical blocks oaly because it spans tracks. The file consists of seven physical blocks, occupies more than three tracks, and contains three inter-record gaps. Logical record lengths may exceed the lenqt h restriction of the track cap~city of the mass storage device. If, for example, the track capacity of a mass storage device is 2000 bytes, this does not represent the maximum l~ngth of the logical record that can be specified (even when the device does not have a Track Overflow feature) • s-mode records give the user the same facility as the Track Overflow feature. If neither RECORDING MODE IS S nor APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW is specified, only complete logical records can be written on any single track. This means that when a track has only 900 unoccupied bytes and a record of 1000 bytes is to be added, it viII be written on the next available track. This is inefficient, since a 900 byte segment could be added to the current track by means of either APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW or RECORDING MODE IS S. IQi~: If a choice exists between Track Overflow and S-mode records, neither has any particular advantage over the other with regard to the efficient use of storage space. The disadvantage of BSAM and EDAM spanned records is similar to that mentioned for QSAM. A segment work area is always allocated which occupies additional main storage. Like QSAM, the processing of B5AM and BDAM spanned records relies on an interaction between buffers, segment work areas, and Logical Record Areas. For QSAM, input-output buffers are used as the segment work area and complete logical records are assembled in a Logical Record Area before being made available to the user if the record is segmented. If the record is not segmented, the logical recordis made a vailable to the user wi thin the buffer unless the SAME ABEl clause is specified. For B5AM and BDAM. input-output buffers are used as a Logical Record Area and a separate segment work area must be Non/VSAM Record Formats 169 allocated. Segment work areas and Logical Record Areas are described fully in "Finding Data Records in an Abnormal Termination Dump." the buffer size is calculated from the longest level-01 record description entry __ In Figure 72, the buffer size is determined by the description of RECORD-1 (RECORD-1 need not be the first record description under the FD). If a record description contains an OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option, the record length is variable. This is true for records described in an FD as well as in the Working-storage section. The previous sections discussed four different record formats. Three of them, V-mode, U-mode, and S-mode. may contain one or more OCCURS clauses with the DEPENDING ON option. During the execution of a READ statement, the length of each level-01 record description entry in the FD will be calculated (Figure 72). The length of the variable portions of each record will be the product of the numeric value contained in the object of the DEPENDING ON option and the length of the subject of the OCCURS clause. In Figure 72, the length of FIELD-1 is calculated by multiplying the contents of CONTROL-1 by the length of FIELD-1; the length of FIELD-2, by the product of the contents of CONTROL-2 and the length of FIELD-2; the length of FIELD-3 by the contents of CONTROL-3 and the length of FIELD-3. The following section discusses some factors that affect the manipulation of records containing OCCURS clauses with the DEPENDING ON option. The text indicates whether the factors apply to the File ~D) or Working-Storage sections, or both. The compiler calculates the length of records containing an OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option at two different times, as follows (the first applies to YD entries only, the second to both FD and Working-Storage entries) : 1. When a file is read and the object of a DEPENDING ON option is within the record. 2. When the object of the DEPENDING ON option is changed as a result of a move to it or to a group that contains it. (The length is not calculated when a move is done to an item which redefines or renames it.) Since the execution of a READ statement makes available only one record type (i.e., RECORD-1 type, RECORD-2 type, or RECORD-3 type), two of the three record descriptions in Figure 72 will be inappropriate. In such cases, if the contents of the object of the DEPENDING ON option does not conform to its picture, the length of the corresponding record will not be calculated. For the contents of an item to conform to its picture: • An item described as USAGE WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 77 01 CO NTROL-1 WORKAREA-1 PIC 99. PIC 9(6)V99. SALARY-HISTORY. 05 SALARY OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON CONTROL-1 PIC 9(6)V99. The Procedure Division statement MOVE 5 TO CONTROL-1 will cause a recalculation of the length of SALARY-HISTORY. MOVE SALARY (5) TO WORKAREA-1 will not cause the length to be recalculated. The compiler permits the occurrence of more than one level-01 record, containing the OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option, in the same FD entry (Figure 72). If the BLOCK CONTAINS clause is omitted, 170 must • An item described as USAGE COMPUTATIONAL-3 must contain internal decimal data. • consider the following example: DISPLA~ contain decimal data. An item described as USAGE COMPUTATIONAL must con~ain binary data. • An item described as USAGE DISPLAY or USAGE COMPUTATIONAL-3 must conform to the rules for the numeric class test condition: If the PICTURE for the item does not contain an operational s~ the item being tested conforms only if the contents are unsigned numeric. If the PICTURE clause for the item does contain an operational sign, the identifier being tested conforms only if the item is elementary signed numeric. In the EBCDIC collating sequence for signed items, valid embedded operational signs are hexadecimal C, D, and E; for items described with the SIGN IS SEPARATE clause, valid operational signs are + (hexadecimal 4E) and - (hexadecimal 60). ,.PD INPUT-FILE DATA BECOROS ARE BECORD-1 RECORD-2 RECORO-3. 01 01 RECORD-1. PIC 99. 02 CONTBOL-1 02 FI EL 0-1 OCCU RS 1 TO 10 TIM.ES DEPENDING ON CONTROL-1 PIC 9 (5) • RECORO-2. PIC 99. 02 CONTROL-2 02 PI ELD- 2 OCCURS 1 TO 5 TIMES DEPENDING ON CONTROL-2 PIC 9 (4) • 01 BECORD-3. PIC XX. 02 FILLER PIC 99. 02 CONTROL-3 02 FIELO-3 OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES OEPEN DING ON CONTROL-3 L-_ _ _ __ Figure 72. PIC X(4). calculating Record Lengths When Using the OCCURS Clause with the DEPENDING ON option The following example illustrates the length calculations made by the system when a READ statement is executed: 3. The length of TABLE-3 is calculated asing the contents of field B. 4. The length of TABLE-a is calculated using the contents of field E. FD 01 RECORD-l. 05 A PIC 99. 05 B PIC 99. 05 C PIC 99 OCCURS 1 TO 5 TIMES DEPENDING ON A. 01 RECORD-2. 05 D PIC XX. 05 E PIC 99. 05 F PIC 99. 05 G PIC 99 OCCURS 1 TO 5 TIMES DE,PENDING ON F. WORKING-STORAGE $ECTION. 01 TABLE-3. 05 H OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON B. 01 TABLE-4. 05 I OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON E. When a record is read. lengths are determined as follows: The user should be aware of several additional factors that affect the successful manipulation of variable-length records. The following example illustrates a group item {i.e •• REC-1) whose subordinate items contain an OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option and the object of that DEPENDING ON option. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 REC-l. 05 FIELD-1 PIC S9. 05 FIELD-2 OCCURS 1 TO 5 TIMES DEPENDING ON FIELD-l PIC X(S). 01 REC-2. 05 REC-2-DATA PIC X (50) • The results of executing a MOVE to the group item REC-1 will be affected by the follow ing: • The length of REC-l may have been calculated at some time prior to tbe execution of this MOVE statement. The user should be sure that the current length of REC-l is the desired one. • The length of REC-l may never have been 1. The length of RECORD-l is calculated using the contents of field A. calculated at all. In this case, the result of the move will be un peed ic ta hIe. 2. The length of RECORD-2 is calculated asing the contents of field F. • After the move, since the contents of FIELD-1 have been changed, an attempt Non/VSAM Record Formats 171 will be made to recalculate the length of REC-l. This recalculation, however, will be made only if the new contents of FIELD-l conform to its picture. In other words, if FIELD-l does not contain an external decimal item, the length of REC-l will not be recalculated. !!Qig: According to the COBOL description, FIELD-2 can occ~r a maximum of five times. If, however, FIELD-l contains an external decimal item whose value exceeds five, the length of REC-l will still be calculated. One possible consequence of this invalid calculation will be encountered if the ~ser attempts to initialize REC-l by moving zeros or spaces to it. This initialization would inad vertently dele te part of the adjacent data stored in REC-2. The following example applies to updating a record containing an OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option and at least one other subsequent entry. In this case, the subsequent entry is another OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option. WORKING-STOP AG E SECT rON. 01 VARIABLE-REC. OS FIELD-A PIC X (10). 05 CONTROL-l PIC S99. 05 CONTROL-2 PIC S99. 05 VARY-FIELD-1 OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON CONTROL-1 PIC X(5) . 05 GROUP-ITEM-1. 10 VARY-FIELD-2 OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON CONTROL-2 PIC X (9) . 01 STORE-VARY-FIELD-2. 03 GROUP-ITEM-2. 05 VARY-FLD-2 OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON CONTROL-2 PIC X(9) . 172 Assume tbat CONTROL-l contains the value 5 and VARY-FIELD-l contains 5 entries. In order to add a sixth field to 'ARY-FIELD-l, the following steps are required: MOVE GROUP-ITEM-1 TO GROUP-ITEM-2. ADD 1 TO CONTROL-1. MOVE 'additional field' TO VARY-FIELD-1 (CONTROL-1). MOVE GROUP-ITEM-2 TO GROUP-ITEM-1. Note: When an FD contains multiple 01-level entries, the following restriction applies: The object of an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause must be in the fixed portion of all the records within that FD (not just in the fixed portion of the record it is described in). Stated another way, the minimum size of each 01-level record must exceed the highest position of the object of an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause appearing in any 01-level record in that FD. Thus, the following coding would be wrong, and could cause an abend: FD 01 RECORD-1. 02 FIELDA PIC X (200) • 02 FIELDB PIC 99. 02 FIELDC PIC XX OCCURS 1 TO 25 TIMES DEPENDING ON FIELDB. 01 RECORD-2. 02 FIELDD PIC X(100). For a discussion of the use of the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause in a sort proqra m, see "sorting Varia.ble-Length Records." VSAM is a high-performance access method of OS/VS for use with direct-access storage. VSAM provides high-speed retrieval and storage of data, ease of use (including simplified Jet statements), data protection against unauthorized access, central control of data management functions, cross-system compatibility, and device independence. VSAM data sets can be processed by the COBOL programmer after they have been defined through use of the VSAM multifunction utility program known as Access Method Services. This utility (described in the publications Q~I~l A££~§§.J~lhoL§.g£yi£~ a nd Q~Lv SL!~2§ ~~lhod~g~vi£g§) will describe data sets, load records into them if desired, and perform numerous other tasts--such as converting existing ISAM and SAM data sets to VSAM format. COBOL allows access to the three major types of VSAM data sets: entry-sequenced (ESDS), key-sequenced (KSDS) and relative record (RRDS). The primary difference between the three is the order in which tbeir data records are stored and retrieved. Records are stored in an entry-sequence data set without respect to the contents of the records. The sequence is determined by the order in whicb the records are presented for inclusion in the data se~ that is, their entry sequence. Nev records are stored at the end of the data set. Records can be retrieved sequentially only, that is, in the order they were stored in the da ta set. Records are stored in a key sequenced data set in key sequence: that is, in the order defined by tbe collating sequence of the primary key field in each record. Each record has a unique value in the primary key field, such as employee number or invoice number. VSAM uses the key associated with each record to insert or retrieve a record in the data set. The order can be random or sequential. Records a re stored in a relative record data set in rela ti ve record number sequence. The data set may be described as a string of fixed-length slots, each of which is identified by a number which gives its position relative to the first such slot. new records are inserted either sequentially in the next available slot, where they assume that relative record number, or according to a relative record number that the programmer specifies. Records may be retrieved either sequentially or by specific relative record namber. ENTRY-SEQUENCED DATA SETS An entry-sequenced data set has no index associated with it. Records are added at the end of the data set. The data set can be accessed sequentially only; the access is similar to QSAM except that tape s~orage or unit record devices cannot be used with VSAM. KEY-SEQUENCED DATA SETS The index and distributed free space are the most distinctive features of a key-sequenced data set. The index relates key values to the data records in the data set. A record's key field and position are the same for every record in the data set; its value cannot be altered. VSAM uses the index t.o locate a record for retrieval and to locate the collating position for insertion. Multiple indexing is also available. means that a record may bave both a primary key and up to 254 alternate, or secondary, keys. An alternate key may be any field in the data record that has a fixed length and position. (Tn spanned records, the al terna te key must be in the first control interval.) Alternate keys serve the same function in accessing data, but allow the user additional flexibility in bis processing. In contrast to the primary key, values of these alternate keys need not be unique. ~his When a key-sequenced data set is defined (through Access Method Services), free space can be distributed in two ways: by leaving some space at the end of all the VSAM File Processing 173 used control intervals l and by leaving some control intervals completely empty. Space becomes available within a control interval when a record is shortened or deleted. This space can then be used by VSAMwhen a record is lengthened in place or inserted into the control interval. and EXPORT commands provide a way to transfer data sets from one system to another. The BLDINDEX command builds alternate indexes for VSAM KSDS data sets. The VERIFY command provides a data set recovery service for VSAM data sets by verifying that the end of the data set indicated in the catalog is the same as the real data set end. RELATIVE RECORD DATA SETS THE DEFINE COMMAND A relative record data set has no index. In its string of fixed-length slots, only the rela ti ve record number--a number from to a, where n is the maximum number of records that can be stored in the data set--identifies the record. Each record occupies one slot, and is stored and retrieved according to the relative record number of that slot. The record's contents and entry sequence are unimportant. Records in a relati ve record data set are grouped together in control intervals, just as they are in a entry-sequenced or key-sequenced data set. Each control interval contains the same number of slots. The size of each slot is the record length specified by the user when he defined the da ta set. The DEFINE command must he used to define: 1. Master catalog: catalog in which all VSAM data sets must be entered. 2. User catalog: optional catalog in which VSAM data sets may be entered. J. Data space: by VSAM. 4. VSAM data set{s): data sets that are to be processed by VSAM. 5. Any alternate indexes and alternate paths. space which is to be used In order to process a VSAM data set, the above must be done in the order indicated. Therefore it is necessary to fully understand the DEFINE command, its functions, and its specification. Access Method Services is a utility program that must be used before any COBOL program can process VSAM files. A number of user-entered commands initiate the Access Method Services programs. There are two types of commands: functional and modal. The functional commands inyoke the desired Access Method Services function, while the modal commands control the sequence of execution of the functional commands. For more information on modal commands as well as for complete details on the specification and uses of Access Method Services, see the publication Q~S Access ~~thod services. There are a number of important functional commands: DEFINE, ALTER, DELETE, LISTCAT, REPRO, PRINT, IMPORT, EXPORT, BLDINDEX, and VERIFY. The commands DEFINE, ALTER, DELET E, and LISTC!! are used to create, modify, remove and list entries in the VSA! catalog. The REPRO and PRINT commands reproduce data sets either as nev data sets or as printed output. The IMPORT 1 A control interval is the uni t of information that VSAM transfers between virtual and auxiliary storage. 174 Functions of the DEFIU~.!!SU!.9. An object, in VSAM terminology, is: • A VSAM catalog • A VSAM data set (KSDS, RRDS, or ESDS) • A VSAM data space • A VSAM KSDS alternate index and path Data sets must be introduced to the system and defined as entries in either the master or user catalog. Non-VSAM data sets may also be cataloged in a VSAM catalog. All VSAM and non-VSAft data sets are introduced to the system with the DEFINE command. There are two steps in the creation of an object: (1) defining the ob ject to the system and (2) generating its contents. The DEPINE command does not generate the contents of any object except for the entries in the master and user catalogs. The process of defining a VSAM object includes allocation of storage space, initialization of catalog entry contents, and, in the case of defining catalogs, possible initialization of the object's storage space. the data space automatically created are placed in the master catalog. The following is an example of defining a VSAM master catalog: IIIUJOB1 I/STEP IISYSPRINT ~ecification of the-I!MINLCoDlmng The DEFINE command has the following format: IIVOL IISYSIN EXEC DD DO DD DEPINE DEFINE object parameters JOB PGM=IDCAMS SYSOUT=A DISP=OLD,UNIT=2314, VOL=SER=MYVOL * MASTERCATALOG{NAME + (M ASTCATL) FILE (VOL) t VOLUME(myvol) RECORDS + (300 10) The definable objects are as follows: • MASTERCATALOG: specifies that the VSAM master catalog is to be defined. • OSERCATALOG: specifies that a VSAM user catalog is to be defined. + MASTERP W(111111) UPDATEPW (222222) READPW (333333» + + 1+ Note the following concerning the JCL used. • SPACE: specifies that a VSAM data space is to be defined. • PGM=IDCAMS is required to invoke Access Method Services. • CLOSTER: specifies that a data set is to be defined. • MYVOL is the volume serial number of the volume on which the master cataloq is to reside. I/VOL is the DD statement identifying that volume. • ALTERNATEINDEX: specifies that an alternate index for a KSDS is to be defined and have space allocated. • PATH: establishes the relationship between an alternate index and its data set (base cluster) • • NONVSAM: specifies that a data set not having the VSAM data set organization is to be cataloged in a VSAM ca talog. For each data set there is an associated valid parameter list. See the publication Q~L!S A££g§2~~thQg_~~£yi£~§ for the specification rules for DEFINE and its associated objects and parameters. In this example the following parameters were used: • NAME (objectname). This is a required parameter. The objectname is cataloged and is the name that must be used in all future references to the master catalog. • FILE (dname). This is a required parameter identifying the JeL statement that specifies the device and volume which are to contain the master catalog. The associated JCL statement should specify DISP=OLD. For dname, the name of the JCL statement that specifies the device and volume to contain the master catalog is substi tuted • .I2gfininLa-11a§teL£ataloY..i..~&!':!!i~ ll~ERCAllLOQ The DEFINE MASTERCATALOG command is used in YS1 to set up the master catalog. (In YS2, this command only creates a user catalog. The VS2 master catalog is created at system-generation time.) It is the first Access Method Services command ever used since without a master catalog other objects cannot be defined. Defining a master catalog automatically creates the data space necessary to contain the catalog. Entries for both the master catalog itself and the volume containing • VOLUME (volser). This is a required parameter that specifies the volume to contain the master catalog. • RECORDS (primary[ secondary]). This is a required parameter that specifies the amount of space to be allocated in terms of the number of records the space is to hold. The capacity of the allocated space is device independent. The size of the primary extent is specified by primary. Once the primary extent is filled, the data space can expand to include a maximum of 15 secondary exte-nts if the size of VSAM File Processing 175 secondary extents is specified through secondary. For primary and secondary, the number of records the master catalog is to be able to hold is substituted. Note that every KSDS requires three catalog entries: one each for the cluster, data component, and index component. Every ESDS requires two catalog entries: one for the cluster and one for the data component. • MASTERPW (password). This optional parameter specifies a master level password for the master catalog being defined. The master level password is the highest level that can be specified; it allows all operations. If a master level password is not supplied but other levels are, the highest level supplied password becomes the password for all higher levels including the master level. The master catalog must be password protected if any VSAM clusters are to he protected. • UPDATEPW (password). This optional parameter specifies an update level password. The password permits read and write operations against the master catalog. The master catalog must be password protected if any VSAM clusters are to be protected. • READPW (password). This optional parameter specifies a read level password for the master catalog being defined. The read level password permits read operations against the master catalog. The master catalog must be password protected if any VSAM clusters are to be protected. • CATALOG (mastercatname/password). This pa rame ter specifies the name and password of the master catalog that contains the entry for the user catalog being defined. This parameter is required only when the master catalog is password protected. For mastercatname, the name of the master catalog is substituted. Por password, the update or higher level pa,sword is substituted. The DEFINE SPACE command is used to define VSAM data spaces or to reserve volumes for future use by VSAM. A VSAM data space is space on a direct access volume that is owned and managed by VSAM. Clusters cannot be de.fined without the UNIQUE attribute unless a VSAM data space is defined to contain them. A VSAM data space may include several extents on the same volume but it cannot span volumes. The volume containing the data space is owned by the catalog containing the entry for the space. Data spaces on several volumes can be defined at one time. The following is an example of def~ning a VSAM data space: //ltYJOB2 //STEP / /SYSPRI NT· //SPACDD JOB EXEC DD DO //SYSIN DO PGM=IDCAMS SYSOUT=A DISP=OLD~UNIT=2314, VOL=SER=MYVOL DEFINE * SPACE{VOLUME{MYVOL)FILE+ + (SPACDD) CYLINDERS(30 5) CATALOG+ (M ASTCATL/22222 2) * In this example the following parameters were used: The DEFINE USERCATALOG command is used to set up user catalogs. When a user catalog is defined, a data space to containthe catalog is automatically created. An entry for the volume containing the data space is placed in the user catalog being defined. Entries for the user catalog being defined are placed in the master catalog and in the user catalog itself .. The parameters that may be used with DEFINE USERCATALOG are the same as those described for DEFINE MASTERCATALOG with one exception. There is an additional parameter that may be used with DEPINE USERCATALOG as follows: 176 • VOLUMEs{volser[ ••• ]). This required parameter specifies the volumes to contain the data spaces. If more than one volume is specified, each volume will contain a data space of the same size. .• FILE (dname) • This required parameter identifies the JCL statement that specifies the devices and volumes to be used for space allocation. [For dname, SUbstitute the name of the JCL statement that specifies the devices and volumes to be used for space allocation.] All volumes must be of the same device type. • CYLtNDERS(primary[secondary]). This parameter specifies the amount of space to be allocat.ed in t.erms of cylinders. The capacity of the allocated space is device dependent. Either this parameter or the TRACKS or RECORDS parameter must be specified. The size of the primary extent. is specified by primary. O'nce the primary extent. is filled, the data space can expand to include a maximum of 15 secondary extents if the size of secondary extent.s is specified through secondary. For primary and secondary, the number of cylinders to be allocated t.o the data space is substituted. • CATALOG(catname(/password][ dname]). This par aile te.r specifies the name and password of the catalog in which the data space is t.o be defined. (For catname, s~bstitute the name of the catalog that is to contain the entry for the data space.] This parameter is specified if the desired catalog is not the default catalog (see Defaults below). If the catalog is password protected, the password must be specified. If the desired catalog is neither the master catalog nor a catalog identified by a JOBCAT or STEPCAT DD statement, the na me of the DD sta tement identifying the catalog must be specified. For dname, the name of the DD statement that identifies the desired catalog is substituted. Defaults: The data space is defined in the catalog identified as STEPCAT. If STEPCAT is not provided, the data space is defined in the catalog identified as JOBCAT. If JOBCAT is not provided. the data space is defined in the master ca talog. Figure 73 is an example of defining an indexed VSAM data set. DEFINE CLUSTER is used to define the attributes of all VSAM data sets and to catalog the data sets in a VSAM catalog. This command does not put any records into the VSAM data set. COBOL permits reference only to a KSDS cluster; in other words, the KSDS's data and index components cannot be defined separately. The DEFINE CLUSTER command establishes the primary keys for the records. If only primary keys are to be used, then only this DEFINE CLUSTER command is needed. If alternate keys are also to be used (as in this example), they are established with the DEFINE ALTERNATEINDEX and DEFINE PATH commands. In addition (after the base cluster is filled with records), a follow-on job must be run to specify the BLDINDEX command (see the Access Method Services manual). In this example the following parameters were used: • NAME(objectname}. This is a required parameter. It must be specified at the cluster level. • FILE identifies the DD statement specifying the device and volume that are to contain the VSAM object being defined. • VOLUME (volser [ ••• ]). This is a required parameter that specifies the volumes to contain the object. More than one volume can be specified; the volumes actually allocated are listed. • RECORDS (primary ( secondary]) specifies the amount of space to be allocated in terms of the number of records the space is to hold. VSAM File Processing 177 ,.------ '1 I //MYJOB3 J //STEP 1 //SYSPRINT I //MYDD 1 / /SYSIN I DEFINE f J 1 f I DEFINE t I • DEFINE JOB EXEC DD DD DD PGM=IDCAMS SYSOUT=A VOL=SER=MYVOL,UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=OLD • CLUSTER (NAME (SAMPLE) FILE (MYDD) VOLUME (MIVOL) + RECORDS (500 50) RECORDSIZE (45 80) + PREESPACE{25 10) SUBAL'LOCATtON INDEXED + + KEYS (8 2) UPDATEPW (RD(iNDWRT) READPW (BEADONLY) ATTEMPTS(O»,CATALOG(MASTCATL/222 22~ ALTERNATEINDEX(NAME(ALTX) RELATE (SAMPLE) + t PI LE (MYDD 1) VOLUME (MY VOL) RECORDS (SOD 50) KEYS~ 15) UNIQUEKEY UPDATEPW(RDANDWRT) READPW(READONLY)+ ATTEMPTS (0» CATALOG(MASTCATL/222 222) UPGRADE PATH (NAME (PATHX) PATH ENTRY (ALTX) UPDATE + CATALOG (MASTCATL/222 222) * ~ 73. Defining a VSAM Inde.xed Data Set (KSDS) • RECORDSIZE(average maximum) specifies the average and maximum lengths of the records in the data component of the cluster. This is a required parameter. The size specified can be from 1 to 32,761. The number substituted for average should be the number of bytes that is the average length of all logical records. The number substituted for maximum should be the maximum length of the largest logical record. FREESPACE(cipercen~ capercent]) specifies the amount of space that is to be left free after any allocation and after any split of control intervals and control areas. The amount is specified as a percentage. For cipercent, the percentage of unused space desired in each control interval is specified. For capercent, the percentage of unused space desired in each control area is specified. • SUBALLOCATION specifies that a portion of an already defined VSUI data space is to be suballocated to the object. Objects with the SUBALLOCATION attribute do not appear in the VTOC. Only the name of the data space that contains the object appears there. • INDEXED specifies that the cluster being defined is for a KSDS. • KEYS (length position) specifies the length of the keys in a KSDS and their position within the records. The length of the keys is specified by length; the displacement of the keys within the record is specified by 118 J I I I I I I I I I J t f I I I J Figure • t with Both Primary and Alternate Keys position. The first character in a record is at displacement O. • UPDATEPW(password) specifies an update level password for the data set being defined. The update level password permits input and update (READ, START, DELETE, WRITE, REWRITE) operations against the logical r~cords of the data set. • READPW(passvord) specifies a read level password for the object being defined. The read level password permits input (READ, START) opecations against the logical records of the data set. • ATTEMPTS (number) specifies the maximum number of times the operator can try to enter a correct password in response to a prompting message. This parameter should always specify 0 as the number. • CATALOG (catname[ /password][ dnam.e]) specifies the name of the catalog into which the cluster is to be defined. The name of the catalog is substituted for catname. If the catalog is password protected, the password must also be supplied. The name of the DD statement identifying the catalog must be specified if the catalog is neither the master catalog nor a catalog identified by a JOBCAT or STEPCAT DD statement or if the catalog obtained through the default is not the desired catalog~ For dname, substitute the name of the DD statement that identifies the catalog_ • RELATE specifies the name of the base cluster, as given in the (NAME(name)} field of the DEPINE CLUSTER for this data set. This is a required parameter. • UNIQUEKEY/NONUNIQUEKEY specifies whether each alterna te key points to only one data record or to more than one. If to more than one, then NONUNIQUEKEY must be specified and tke COBOL program must contain the WITH DUPLICATES phrase in the associated ALTERNATE RECORD KEY. A specification of UNIQUEKEY requires that the COBOL program not have such a WITH DUPLICATES phrase. modifications, the DEFINE CLUSTER portion of Figure 73 could be used to define an RRDS: 1. Change INDEXED to NUMBERED. 2. Remove the KEYS parameter. 3. Remove the FREESPACE parameter. 4. Change the RECORDSIZE parameter so that the average and maximum value specifications are the same. • UPGRADE specifies that this alternate index is to be kept up to date when its base cluster is modified. This is a required parameter. • PATHENTHY specifies the name of the alternate index, as given in the (NAME(name» field for the related DEFINE ALTERNATEINDEX. This is a required parameter. • UPDATE specifies that the base cluster's upgrade set is to be allocated when the path is opened. This allows updating of alternate indexes (see UPGRADE above), and is a required parameter. Defining an ESDS is quite similar to defining a KSDS. with the following modifications, the DEFINE CLUSTER portion of Figure 73 could be used to define an ESDS: 1. Change INDEXED to NONINDEXED. 2. Remoye the KEy'S parameter. 3. Remove the FREESPACE parameter. !~DIIIQ!!1-fARAMETER~: Additional parameters are valid for DEFINE CLUSTER, ALTERNATEINDEX, and PATH. Complete details on the use of these parameters are in the publication OS/YS_Ac~~ethod_seryice2. Defining an RRDS is quite similar to defining a KSDS. with the following If a COBOL program wishes to use a VSAM data set for a workfile (that is, use the data set again and again during the course of processing), the REUSE parameter must be included in the DEFINE CLUSTER specification. and the data set must be opened OUTPUT. (Its status is then "unloaded.") ESDS and RRDS data sets and KSDS data sets without alternate indexes can be reused in this manner. VSAM File Processing 179 !1iscellaneous DEFINE~stgk Considerations The control interval is the unit of transmission of data to and from main storage. VSAM determines the size of the control interval based upon the amount of BUFFERSPACE specified and the size of the RECORDSIZE specified. If BUFFERSPACE is not specified and if the size of the records permits, VSAM uses the optimum size for the data component control in tervals and 512 as the size of the index component control intervals. CQBOL nil PROCESS~~IDERAT.IONS The f il e processing considera ti ons of importance to the COBOL programmer are: the file processing techniques available, the current record pointer, the START statement, and the error processing options available. 180 FILE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES The COBOL user has three different file processing techniques available to him: sequential, random, and dynamic fa combination of sequential and random). The technique to be used is specified through the ACCESS clause of the SELECT statement. An ESDS can only be processed sequentially. Therefore, the ACCESS clause need not be specified since the default is sequen tial. CURRENT RECORD POINTER A KSDS or an RHOS can be processed sequentially, randomly, or both sequentially and randomly. To process sequentially, ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL is specified. To process randomly, ACCESS IS RANDOM is specified. To process both sequentially and randomly, ACCESS IS DYNAMIC is specified. ACCESS IS DYNAMIC provides the greatest flexibility since most of the capabilities of both sequential and random processing are available. Subsequent to an OPEN statement processing can be switched from sequential to random and vice-versa, as many times as desired. The current record pointer (CRP), a conceptual pointer. is applicable only to sequential requests for ESDS, RRDS, and KSDS. Basically, the current record pointer indicates the next record to be accessed by a sequential request; the CRP has no meaning for random processing or output operat.ions. The CRP is affected only by the OPEN, START and READ statements; it is not used or affected by the WRITE, REWRITE, or DELETE statements. In general, the last request on a file that establishes the CRP (OPEN, READ, or START) must have been successful in order for the sequential READ to be successful. Example 1: PASSWORD USAGE If ·the sequence of 1/0 operations on a file with ACCESS IS DYNAMIC and opened 1-0 is: The following procedures must be used when password support is employed with the VSAM da ta sets: READ WRITE READ NEXT • Through Access Method Services (at DEPINE time), the programmer must passliord-protect the base cluster (as opposed to the data and its index separately). This is the password specified with the RECORD or RELATIVE KEY. If the data set is a KSDS with alternate keys, then the programmer must also password-protect either the path to the base cluster via an alternate index, or the alternate index itself. This is the password specified with the ALTERNATE RECORD KEY. • In the COBOL program, the user must specify the correct level of the password: read-only, update, and so on. Failure to do so will cause a rejection of the action request which violates the protection. • In the COBOL program, the password (if present for the data set) must be specified for every ALTERNATE RECORD KEY defined in the program--regardless of whether any accessing will ever actually be done using them. (This requirement does not apply if the file is opened only for OUTPUT and the user does not request a dynamic invocation of Access Plethod services via the AIXBLD option.) the BEAD NEXT will get record 11 if the previous READ was successful. If the previous READ was not successful, the STATUS KEY will be set to 94 (No Current Record Pointer) when the READ NEXT is attempted. This occurs independently of the success of the intervening WRITE. Generally, a READ NEXT must be preceded by a request that establishes the CRP (OPEN, START, READ, READ NEXT). If the request that establishes the CRP is unsuccessful, the READ NEXT causes the STATUS KEY to be set to 94. Example 2: In this example, ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL is specified for a KSDS; therefore, records are retrieved in ascending key sequence starting at the position indicated by the CRP. (CRP at record with lowest key in file) OPEN INPUT (Set record key to 10) START READ (Set record key to 5) START READ READ. • All required passwords must be correctly specified for the file before the COBOL OPEN viII succeed. (After setting record key to 10) (After setting record key to 44) READ (CRP at record 10) (Read record 10) (CRP at record 5) (Read record 5; CRP set to record 6) (Read record 6; CRP set to record 7) (Read record 7:CRP set to record 8) VSAM File processing 181 Note that the CRP can be moved around randomly through the use of the START statement but all reading is done sequentially from that point. The REWRITE failed because record 74 was not read before the REWRITE was attempted. If the START request for record key 5 had failed with no record found~ the subsequent READ requests would have failed because there would have been no current record pointer. In this exa mple ~ ACCESS IS DYNAMIC is specified for a KSDS with an alternate record key, AIXKEY, defined. Assume that the file contains eight records whose primary and alternate key values are as follows: Example 5: Example 3: In this example ACCESS IS DYNAMIC is spec ified. Theref ore~ records are accessed randomly if a READ is specified and sequentially if READ NEXT is specified. The highest key is 44. OPEN INPUT (Set record key to READ (CRP is set to lowest key on file) 8th 5) READ NEXT READ NEXT (Read record 5; set CRP to record 6) (Read record 6; set CRP to record 7) (Read record 7; set (CRP to record 8 (set record key to 43) s'r ART BEAD NEXT (Set record Key to 47) START READ NEXT (Position CRP to record 43) (Read record 43; set CRP to 44) (Fails - no CRP) The last READ NEXT failed because the preceding START vas unsuccessful; in this data set there is no record 47. Example 4: In this updating example, ACCESS IS DYNAMIC is specified: the REWRITE statement does not affect the CRP. OPEN 1-0 (Set record Key to 10) RE AD REWRITE READ NEXT (CRP is set to first record on file) (Read record 10; set CRP to record 11) (Updates record 10; CRP remains at record 11) (Read record 11; set CRP to record 12) (Set record key to 74) REWRITE READ NEXT (Fails - record not found in this data set (Read record 12; set CRP to record 13) Note that although the last REWRITE failed, the following READ NEXT was successful. 182 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th OPEN 1-0 5 10 15 100 70 80 20 25 85 75 30 35 40 50 95 55 (CRP is set to the first record of file and the key of reference is the primary key) (set record key to 10) READ (without KEY clause) Read second record; set CRP to third record) (set alternate key to 50) READ KEY IS AIXKEY (the key of reference is the alternate key; read siith record; set CRP to eigh th record) READ NEXT (the key of reference remains the alternate key; read eighth record; set CRP to second record) (set primary key to 45 and a1 terna te key to 90) WRITE (write ninth record; CRP remains at second record; the key of reference also remains the alternate key) READ NEXT (read second record; CRP is set to fifth record) (set alternate key to 100) START KEY = AlXKEY (CRP is set to first record; the key of reference is the alterna te key) READ NEXT (read first record; CRP is set so that the next sequential read results in the AT END condition) READ NEXT (The AT END condition is raised; CRP is undefined) USE OF THE START VERB In some of the preceding examples, the START verb vas used to position the CRP. Then the READ (for ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL) and READ NEXT (for sequential pr ocessing when ACCESS IS DYNAMIC) retrieves the record pOinted to by the CRP as established by the START. Example: 05 RECORD-KEY. 10 GEN11. 15 GEN12 15 GEN13 10 GEN14 PIC 99. PIC 99. PIC 9. In this example, GEN12, GEN11, or RECORD-KEY could be used as the data-name in the "KEY IS relational data-name" option of the START statement. The lengths would be 2, 4, and 5 respectively. GEN13 and GEN14 could not be used as they are not in the le.ftmost part of RECORD-KEY. %he Importance of~1~2-K~Y All errors in processing a VSAM file, whether a logic error on the part of the COBOL programmer or an I/O error on the external storage media, return control to the COBOL program. Upon return to the COBOL program, the Status Key will indicate the status of the last request on the file. Figure 74 indicates the possible value of the status Key and their associated general meanings. Harn,!!Hl: It is essential that all VSAM files have a status Key associated with them and that the proqrammer always check the contents of the status Key after each IIO request. If status Key is not used (and an EXCEPTION/ERROR procedure is not present), serious errors will go undiscovered by the program--which does nQ! abend. The continued processing in such a situation may produce results that are not only destructive but difficult to detect. Assume that the value of RECORD-KEY is 01472: • START file-name KEY=GEN11 would position the CRP to the first record on the file whose key has 0147 in the first 4 bytes. • START filename KEY > GEN12 would position the CRP to the first record in the file whose key has the first two bytes greater than 01. If the INVALID KEY option is specified in the statement causing an invalid key condition, control is transferred to the INVALID KEY imperative-statement. Any EXCEPTION/ERROR declarative procedure specified for this data set is not executed. If the FILE-STATUS clause is specified, a value is placed into the Status Key to indicate INVALID KEY condition. ERROR PROCESSING OPTIONS The error processing options available to the COBOL programmer are INVALID KEY, EXCEPTION/ERBOR procedure, and STATUS KEY. These options can be used in combination with each other. The EXCEPTION/ERROR procedure is invoked only when a file is in the open status. VSAM File Processing 183 .-J I --.....,- - - - - ------.----r- i • status Key 11 Value I Meaning I 0 Isuccessful Completion I ,Status Key 21 I I Value , Meaning I , f f 1 I 0 iNo Further Information I I f I ~ J I t 2 I Duplicate Key Found, And I t I I 1 Program Specified the 1 J I " D U P L I C A T E S Option I I--------t-I I ., I 1 fAt End (no next logical record" 0 ,No Further Information I J Jar an OPTIONAL file not avail1 J able a t OPEN time) J J I I-I I ., I ( I 0 INo Further Information I -------.--1-,-- J ' -+- I~ ----- I J "I 2 t In valid Key f ' I II I I I I • I J I I I Sequence Error l------t J 1 I 2 I I I ., I JDuplicate Key Found, But tDuplicate Keys Not Allowed I l-------+ .. 'J ., ., J I No Record Found I J .. I f I t 4 I Boundary Violation on WRITEJ I ' J to VSAM indexed or relative, I f I I file (space not found to I I I 1 1 add requested record) I i-----------fI J of I ] JPermanent Error (data check, I 0 ,No Further Information , J I pari ty check, transmission" J f I lerror) • 4 ,Boundary Violation on WRITE, I I J ,to sequential VSAM file I I I I I (space not found to add .1 I I I !requested record) I i-------+_ --+ i ., ,9 )other Errors t 0 INO Further Information I I f , . I of I I I 1 ,Password Failure t I I I-------t , t I J 2 ILogic Error I t I t I J 3 ,Resource Not Available 1 I I • I ---1 1 1 t 4 INo current Record Pointer I J J I 1Par sequential Request t I II--------t ---1 • J I 5 IInvalid Or Incomplete File I I I I IInformation I • 1 1---. ~ J I , 6 I No DD Card f 1 I ~ I I I I J J J I i J J J , r L Figure 74. 1- J 7 I The data set was not pro- I Iperly closed; an implicit' I VERIFY has therefore been I J issued, and the file then I I successfully opened. I _--1- Status Key Values And Their Meanings Figure 75 is a table of actions taken for all the combinations of AT END, INVALID KEY and EXCEPTION/ERROR Procedure based on the first character of the status Key return. Note that the return is always to 184 I J 3 the next sentence unless the request that caused the error contained on AT END or INVALID KEY clause. Note also that the EXCEPTION/ERROR Procedure is executed only if the file is in the open status. j .- ..... ,--- I First Diqi t of I I Statl1s Key I rI I 0 I I 1-------.. . - I I I 1 I t j -T, 1 I IReturn to AT JReturn to next sen'END/INVALID KEY)tence after execution I add['ess. ,of EXCEPTION/ERROR I ,Procedure. I J -+- I I J , I I • I I I I I IReturn to next IReturn to next 1sentence. I sentence. I I I I I , a-I , I 9 IReturn to next JReturnto next , Jsentence. ,sentence. I I I I I • IL-______________-4'J _______________•___ t 3 ~,_______________ Figure 75. -+ ,Return to AT IReturn to next JEND/INVALID KEYlsentence. J address.. I t , ,Return to AT ,Return to next 'END/INVALID KEYJsentence. laddress. I 2 1 , No EXCEPTION/ERROR P['ocedure I wi th EXCEPTION/ERROR P['ocedu['e I ------------111--,--------------~ J AT END INo AT END I AT END I No AT END , lor INVALID KEY lor INVALID KEY lor INVALID KEY lor INVALID KEY I I -+J +i JReturn to next jReturn to next IReturn to next 1Return to next , I sentence. ,sentence. I sentence. J sen tence. I -+- JReturn to AT JReturn to next senlEND/INVALID KEYltence after execution Jadd['ess. lof EXCEPTION/ERROR J IProcedure. I + IReturn to next )return to next senI senten ce after t tence a execution Jexecution of lof EXCEPTION/ERROR lEXCEPTION/ERRORIProcedure. j Procedure. , -+- , .. 1 I I I .. I I J 1 , I I J J I ... IReturn to next IReturn to next. sen1 Isentence after Itence after execution I lexecution of lof EXCEPTION/ERROR I J EXCEPTION/ERRORt P['ocedure. J J Procedure. _____________ I ____________________ JI ~ ~ Error Handling Actions Based on COBOL p['ogram Coding. OPENING A VSAM FILE • Any other request--w ill fail, wi th status key set to 92 VSAM files can be opened INPUT, OUTPUT, EXTEND, or 1-0. ~nd first • WRITE--will succeed, if a valid request, and any subsequent request will be treated as if made to a loaded file. 2Eening an Unloaded File An unloaded file is a file that has never contained records. opened OUTPUT or EXTEND. If unloaded file is opened I-v operation is: It is normally While certain types of unloaded files may also be successfully opened INPUT or I-a, the following conditions will occur if atte~pts are then made to access it. If unloaded file is opened INPUT and operation is: • READ sequential--will fail, • NOTE: A WRITE to a sequentiallyaccessed file is not a valid request when opened I-a. • READ sequential (if first request)--will fail, wit.h status .key set to 10 • READ random (if first request)--will fail, with status key set to 23 • START {if first request)--will fail, with status key set to 23 with status key set to 10 • READ random--will fail, with status key set to 23 • START--will fail. with status key set to 23 • REWRITE/DRLETE sequential (if first request)--will fail, with status key set to 92 • REWRITE/DELETE random or dynamic (if first request)--vill fail with status key set to 23 VSAM File Processing 185 An empty file is a previously created file from which all records have been deleted.' It can be opened EXTEND, INPUT or 1-0. After opening, the first READ request viII cause an AT END condition (Status Key = 10) or an INVALID KEY condition (Status Key = 23), depending on the access mode of the file. An empty file cannot be -opened OUTPUT. A file containing records cah be opened INPUT, EXTEND or I-a. If a KSDS is opened EXTEND, the first record to be added must have its record key higher than the highest record key on the file when it vas opened. If the record key is not higher the statQS key will be set to 92. For an ESDS, the records are added after the last record on the file. An RRDS cannot be opened EXTEND. If any of the OPEN rules are violated the file is not opened and the Status Key is set to the appropriate value. See Figure 76 for the OPEN Status Key values and their meanings. QIB~mic IB~Q£A1ion_Qf-!££~~§~ethog ~gU ices-.t.Q!--K~L~ d RR DS_Q a t a_~i2. (NO~: The following feature is provided only to assure compliance vith the 1974 ANS COBOL standard X3.23-1974. Use of the feature will necessarily adversely affect execution-time performance.) 186 As described earlier, the user must employ Access Meth od Ser vices to def ine all VSAM files and their indexes ahead of time--outside of the COBOL program. Normally at this time, the user specifies the size of the filets records, and (for KsDs) the lengths and offsets of primary and any alternate keys. He also builds the actual alternate indexes. However, if he wishes, the user may choose to omit these elements of the definition procedure and have COBOL automatically perform them later when the file is opened for OUTPUT processing. COBOL does this by obtaining the correct record and key specifications from the program's source statements, and then issuing the Access ~ethod Services ALTER and BLDINDEX commands. If this is the user's choice, he must make it known to COBOL by including the object-time {GO-step) option A1XBLD. (He must also ensure that the Access Method Services program is available for his COBOL program to invoke.) For an RRDS, COBOL will then fill in the record size information. For a KSDS, COBOL will fill in record size, and length and displa~ement for primary keys. If the KsDs has alternate keys, COBOL also fills in their length and displacement, and issues the BLDINDEX command. (Because the BLDINDEX command can be issued only after a base cluster is loaded, COBOL first fills it with dummy records, then issues the BLDINtiEX command, and then erases them.) Because the large Access Method services program must be presen.t when. t.he COBOL program is run with this feature, substantial extra main storage is required. Use of the AIXBLD feature also requires the user to provide a sYSPRINT DD card for Access Method Services messages. If this card is missing, OPEN failure will result (status Key = 95). either COBOL itself detected one of these conditions ••• •.. or VSAM found an error and returned one of the following VSAM error codes* 00 None 100 (if AIXBLD was specified) 128 (if file is optional) 160 (if file was to be opened for input) 30 None 132,144,164,176, 184 - 90 Failure of an attempt to write a dummy record to or delete a dummy record from the file. Such a failure may occur in the following cases: 96,108,116,192, 196,200,204,208, 212,216,220,224, 236,240,244 (plus any other VSAM codes not appearing elsewhere in this table) If the Status Key given to the user was ••• -- an indexed file is opened for OUTPUT and the access mode is either RANDOM or DYNAMIC. a file to be opened I-O has just been created. -- the object-time option AIXBLD was specified and the file has at least one alternate record key. Failure of attempt to use a CBMM,macro. Failure of attempt to a BLDL system macro; this macro is used when the programmer has specified the object-time option AIXBLD. 91 None 152 92 The file to be opened is already open. 4 * COBOL's VSAM-processing subroutines retrieve the VSAM return code from the ACBERFLG field of the Access Control Block (ACB) by issuing a SHOWCB macro, translate it into 0ne of the status key values above (as prescribed by the ANS standard), and move that value into the STATUS KEY field where it becomes accessible in the user's program. An explanation of the meanings of the VSAM return codes can be found in the VSAM Programmer's Guide. Figure 76. (Part 1 of 2) status Key Values for OPEN Requests VSAM File Processing 187 If the Status Key given to the user was ••• 93 either COBOL itself detected one of these conditions •.• ••• or VSAM found an error and returned one of the following VSAM error codes* COBOL cannot obtain sufficient virtual storage for: 136 168 -- the general work area used by the COBOL VSAM-interface modules. -- the Access Control Block (ACB) address list area during the OPEN process. -- the work area required for the invocation of Access Method Services. -- processing of the uspr declarative. 95 i The ENDRBA of a file to be opened OUTPUT is not zero. The length and/or offset of the key of each cluster do not match those in the catalog. A KSDS cluster is to be opened as a COBOL sequential (ESDS) file. 100 (if AIXBLD was not specified) 104,108,148, 160 (if a file is not to be opened for INPUT) 180,188,232 An attempt was made to either alter the record size and/or key information of a cluster or build alternate indexes, and Access Method Services returned a non-zero return code. * 96 No DD card is present for a path to be opened. 128 (if a file is not optional) 97 OPEN is successful for a data set with alternate keys opened I-a, EXTEND, or OUTPUT, and an implicit VERIFY has occurred. 118 COBOL's VSAM-processing subroutines retrieve the VSAM return code from the ACBERFLG field of the Access Control Block (ACB) by issuing a SHOWCB macro, translate it into one of the status key values above (as prescribed by the ANS standard), and move that value into the STATUS KEY field where it becomes accessible in the user's program. An explanation of the meanings of the VSAM return codes can be found in the VSAl-1 Programmer's Guide. Figure 76. (Part 2 of 2) status Key Values for OPEN Requests INITIAL LOADING OF RECORDS INTO A PILE I nitial loading refers to wri ti~g records into a file after it is opened for the first time; this is distinctly different than writing records into an empty file (a previously created file from which all records have been deleted). not conserve any free space in the file and, as a result# any future inserts require the file to be dynamically reorganized. When the file is unloaded and is opened EXTEND, it is processed exactly the same as it would be had it been opened OUTPUT. WRITING RECORDS INTO A VSAM FILE It is recommended that initial loadinq of records into a KSDS always be done sequentially. This assists in optimizing performance for the initial loading process as well as for any subsequent processing on the file. Loading records randomly does to a file; it does not replace an existing 188 The COBOL WRITE statement adds a record record on the file. The record to be written must not be larger than the maximum record size specified when the file was defined. Records are written sequentially. The records must be written in ascending key sequence. If the file is opened EXTEND, the record keys of the records to be added must be hiqher than the highest record key on the file when the file was opened. For example, a file containing records whose records keys are 2, 4, 6. 8 and 10 is opened EXTEND; the following actions take place for the sequence of operations shown: WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE {record {record {record (record key key key key 8) 9) 12) 11) SK SK SK SK 92 = 92 00 = 21 If many records are to be added to the end of a file, it is recommended that sequential processing be used. It assists in optimizing processing for both the addition of records as well as later retrieval of them. Ka1!~--&Qnaderat.1.211§_=-1!££M~_IS iA!rnQUlUNAM.Itl When a file has alternate keys, the records must be written using their primary keys. For a sequential request, the first record written will have relative record number one, the second two, the third three, and so on. If a RELATIVE KEY data item was included by the user in the file control entry statement, the relative record number of the record just written will be placed in the data item. The file must be opened I-O; if not, the record is not rewritten and the Status Key is set to 92. The record to be rewritten must first be read by the COBOL program; the record may then be rewritten. If there was no preceding READ, or if the preceding READ vas not successful, the record is not rewritten and the Status Key is set to 92. If an attempt is made to change the length of the record to be rewritten, the status Key is set to 92. The file must be opened 1-0; if not, the record is not rewritten and the Status Key is set to 92. The length of the record can be changed; the value of the record key cannot be changed. For ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL, or files containing spanned records, the record to be rewritten must first be read by the COBOL program. The REWRITE then updates the record that was read. If the REWRITE is not preceded by a successful READ of the record to be rewritten, the rewrite is not done and the status Key is set to 92. For ACCESS IS RANDOM/DYNAMIC, and for records that are not spanned, the record to be rewritten need not be read by the COBOL program. TO update a record, the key of the record to be updated is moved to the RECORD KEY data-name and then the REWRITE is issued. Reviting must always be done by the primary key. COBOL does, however, allow a user to change the alternate key contents while rewriting the record. READING RECORDS ON A VSAM FILE The COBOL READ statement is used to access records on a file. The file must be opened INPUT or 1-0; if not 4 the record is not read and the status Key is set to 92. REWRITING RECORDS ON A VSAft FILE The COBOL REWRITE statement is used to replace an existing record in the file. The records are read in the sequence in which they were written. VSAM File Processing 189 BA!QOK_£!Q~l~~!Hg: Records are read randomly according to the value placed in the record key field. Records are read sequentially beginning at the position of the Current Record Pointer. If the Current Record Pointer is not defined at the time the READ is issaed, the READ fails and the Status Key is set to 94. . The Current Record Pointer is unde£ined if a START is unsuccessful. For example: OPEN 1-0 filename READ (Set Record Ke y to 10) START READ (Set Record Key to 20) S'f ART READ READ RE AD (Set Record Key to 8) START READ CRP set to first record on file. First record is read. Fails--no record fOl1nd. SK=23. Pails--no CRP. SK = 94. success ful. Record 20 is read. EOP encountered; SK= 10. Logic error;SK=92 Successful. Record 8 is read. Records are read in the order specified in the COBOL program. For example, to readthe record whose Record Key is 10, the RECORD KEY field must be set to 10 and then a READ is issued. 1105 Considerations If a RELATIVE KEY data item was .specified for a sequential READ, the relative record number of the record just read will be placed in the data item. DELETING RECORDS ON A FILE The COBOL DELETE statement is used to remove an existing record on a KSDS. DELETE cannot be used with an ESDS. The file must be opened 1-0; if not, the record is not deleted and the Status Key is set to 92. For ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL, or files containing spanned records, the record to be deleted must first be read by the COBOL program. The DELETE then removes the record that was read. If the DELETE is not preceded by a successful READ of the record to be deleted, the deletion is not done and the Status Key is set to 92. For ACCESS IS RANDOM/DYNAMIC, and for records that are not spanned, the record to be deleted need not be read by the COBOL program. To delete a record, the key of the recdrd to be deleted is moved to the RECORD KEY data-name and the DELETE is issued. STATUS KEY SETTINGS FOR ACTION REQUESTS Records can be read sequentially or randomly. The READ NEXT statement is used for sequential accessing while the READ statement is used for random accessing. Within any given program, both sequential and random processing may be performed. Figure 77 is a summary of the status Key values that can occur for action requests. Status Key 92 has numerous possible causes as described below. Status Key 92 can be caused by: • Any request against a file that is not open. ~!QQENTIAL PRO£!~!]2: Records are read sequentially beginning at the position of the Current Record Pointer. If the Current Record Pointer is undefined when the READ NEXT is issued, the record is not read and the Status Key is set to 94. The Current Record Pointer is undefined if the previous START or READ was unsuccessful. See the discussion of current Record Pointer for more details and examples of the effect of different COBOL statements on the positioning of the Current Record Pointer. 190 • Any request that is not allowed for the option that vas specified with the OPEN statement. For example, an attempt is made to read a file that was opened as OUTPUT or an attempt is made to rewrite on a file opened as INPUT.' • Any attempt to write or rewrite a record longer than the maximum record size specified when the file vas defined. • Any attempted action on a file after the end-of-file conditio n has occurred. This is applicable to ESDS. BRDS. and KSDS; however. on an RRDS or KSDS a START or READ can be issued to set the Current Record Pointer to another point in the file so that processing may continue. For example: 1. ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL OPEN READ READ READ START READ 2. Successful EOF encountered Logic error To reset Current Record Pointer Successful ACCESS IS DYNAMIC OPEN READ READ READ NEXT NEXT NEXT successful EOF encountered Logic error READ READ NEXT Random READ to reset CRP Successful • An attempt to revrite, when access is sequential, after an unsuccessful READ. • An attempt to delete, when access is sequential, after an unsuccessful READ. This applies to KSDS and RRDS only, since DELETE is not legal for ESDS. CLOSING A FILE If the user attempts to close a file which has already been closed, COBOL returns a status key value of 92. When performing a CLOSE request, VSAM itself may detect an error and return one of the following codes to COBOL: 132, 144, 164, 176, or 184. COBOL willtrans1-ate this VSAM code into a STATUS KEY of 30. VSAM File Processing 191 If the Status either COBOL itself discovered one of these Key given to conditions ••. was ••• or VSAM found an error and returned one of the following VSAM error codes· -----..- - . 02 Permissible duplicate key follows for READ, or permissible duplicate key is created on one or more alternate indexes for WRITE or REWRITE. (This is the case when the feedback field of the RPL contains 8 but the LERAD exit is not taken.) 10 READ is issued for the first time to an optional file. None 4 (if the request was not START) Sequential READ is issued to an empty file opened for INPUT. 21 None 22 None 23 Random READ or START issued to an empty file opened for INPUT. Relational operator GREATER THAN was specified in a START and the key contains HIGH-VALUE. -_... - 12,96 8 4 (if the request was START) 16 192 I Current record pointer failed for sequential READ because key used in the previous READ contained HIGH-VALUE. 24 Relative record key contains a value larger than allowed. 28 (if the file is not ESDS) 148 30 SYNAD exit taken due to an I/O error. 140 34 None 28 (if the file is ESDS) 90 Failure of attempt to use a CBMM macro. 32,64,68,72,76, 80,84,104,112, 116,132,136,144, 196,200 (plus any VSAM codes not appearing elsewhere in this table) * COBOL's VSAM-processing subroutines retrieve the VSAM return code from the RPLFDBK field of the Request Parameter List (RPL) , translate it into one of the status key values above (as prescribed by the ANS standard) , and move that value into the STATUS KEY field where it becomes accessible in the user's program. An explanation of the meanings of the VSAM return codes can be found in the VSAM Programmer's Guide. Figure 77. 192 (Part 1 of 2) status Key Values for Action Requests -.--- --1 If the Status either COBOL itself discovered one of these ---~r VSAM found a~ Key given to conditions ••• I;~ror and returned I was •.• one of the following VSAM error codes* 92 36,44,92,100, 108,152,204 Impermissible request (action does not match j file's open mode). I !File is not open. IEnd-of-file condition had been raised by the previous operation, and a sequential READ is issued, or a REWRITE is issued when access mode is sequential, or a DELETE is issued and the access mode is sequential. Access m6de is sequential, and the last I/O request for the file (prior to a REWRITE or DELETE) was not a successful READ. READ issued to an optional file is not the first !READ request. The key value of a record to be added to an indexed file opened EXTEND is not the highest among record key values in the file. 93 Insufficient virtual storage for the user declarative processing. 20,24,40 94 The current record pointer (maintained by ILBOVIO) is undefined for this sequential READ. 88 * COBOL's VSAM-processing subroutines retrieve the VSAM return code from the RPLFDBK field of the Request Parameter List (RPL), translate it into one of the status key values above (as prescribed by the ANS standard), and move that value into the STATUS KEY field where it becomes accessible in the user's program. An explanation of the meanings of the VSAM return codes can be found in the VSAM Programmer's Guide. Figure 77. (Part 2 of 2) Status Key Values for Action Requests functions are performed. Most significant to the COBOL programmer is whether the data set is defined as ESDS, KSDS or RRDS. The COBOL language statements which are directly related to VSAM processing are in the publication IIHLVS COBQ!::_!Q!:_Q~VS. The following pa.ragraphs intended only to highlight and summarize the basic language statements used in writing a VSAM-file-processing COBOL program. WRITING A VSAM DATA SET The COBOL programmer can use VSAM in three basic ways: to write, to retrieve, and to update records in a data set. However, prior to processing a VSAM data set, it is an absolute necessity that the previously discussed Access-Method Services The COBOL language statements frequently used to fill in a VSAM data set are summarized in Figure 78. Examples 1 and 2 illustrate the creation of an ESDS and a KSDS respectively. VSAM File Processing 193 ESDS r---------,,Environment I SELECT J Division J ASSIG N FILE STATUS J •I PASSWORD t J ACCESS MODE I J I , J J J I I J I lJ Data Division i I-- I 1 FD entry J LABEL RECORDS I JProcedure I OPEN OUTPUT J Division t OPEN EXTEND I 1 WRITE JL-_ _ _ _ _ _ - -I' - CLOSE Figure 78. KSDS RRDS -,--SELECT I SELECT J ASSIGN t ASSIGN I ORGANIZATION f ORGANIZATION f IS INDEXED I IS RELATIVE) RECORD KEY J RELATIVE KEY I ALTERNATE I FILE STATUS J RECORD KEY I I FILE STATUS I J PASSWORD PASSWORD I I ACCESS MODE ACCESS MODE J I , -+- 1 ] FD entry J FD entry LABEL RECORDS f LABEL RECORDS J OPEN OUTPUT OPEN EXTE.ND WRITE CLOSE -+-OPEN J OUTPUT J WRITE I CLOSE I -'-- -t I J I I I COBOL st atements Frequently Used for Wri ting into a VSAM Data set Example 1: This example shows the creation of a COBOL ESDS. The PILE STATUS facility is used to monitor all 1/0 operations in the program. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FI LE-CONTROL. SE.LECT I NREC ASSIGN TO UR-2540R-S-INFILE. SELECT OUTREC ASSIGN TO AS-OUTFILE FILE STATUS IS CHK. PARA3. WRITE OUTMASTER. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. GO TO PARA2. PARA4. CLOSE INREC OUTREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. FINIT. STOP RUN. CHKRTN. DI SPLAY • I/O ERROR. STATUS KEY VALUE IS' CHK. GO TO FINIT. Note that in this example any Status Key return other than 00 causes transfer of control to paragraph CHKRTN. This usercreated routine can determine the exact cause of the error by checking the status Key. Once the cause is determined, instructions can be issued according to the user's desired response to each type of error. Example 2: DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. PO INREC LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED DATA RECORD IS INMASTER. 01 INMASTER PIC X(80). FD OUTREC LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS OUTMASTER. 01 OUTMASTER PIC X(80). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 CHK PIC 99 VALUE ZEROS. PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA 1. OPEN INPUT INREC OUTPUT OUTREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA2. READ INREC INTO OUTKASTER AT END GO TO PARA4. 194 This example shows the creation of a COBOL KSDS; this program performs the same function as Example 1 except that now a KSDS is being created. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT IHREC ASSIGN TO UR-2540R-S-INFILE. SELECT OUTREC ASSIGN TO DA-2319-0UTFILE ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED RECORD KEY IS ARG-1 FILE STATUS IS CHK. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD INREC LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED DATA RECORD IS INMASTER. 01 INKASTER PIC X (80) • PO OUTREC LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS OUTMASTER. 01 OUTMASTER. 05 FILLER PIC X. 05 ABG-1 PIC XXX. 05 REM PIC X(76). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION 77 CBK PIC 99 VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA1. OPEN INPUT INREC OUTPUT OUTREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA2. READ INREC INTO OUTMASTER. AT END GO TO PARA4. PARA3. WRITE OUTMASTER. IF CHK IS NOT 00 GO TO CHKRTN. = GO TO PARA2. PARA4. CLOSE INREC OUTREC. IF CllK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. FINIT. STOP RUN. CHKRTN. DISPLAY 'I/O EBROR. STATUS KEY VALUE IS' CHK. GO TO FINIT. Note that in this example any status Key return other than 00 causes transfer of control to paragraph CHKRTN. This usercreated routine can determine the exact cause of the I/O er~or by checking the Status Key. Once the cause is determined r instructions can be issued according to the user's desired response to each type of error. Example 3: This example also shows the creation of a COBOL KSDS, but with the addition 6f an alternate key; this program serves the same function as Example 2. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT I.NREC ASSIGN TO UR-2540R-S-INFILE. SELECT OUTREC ASSIGN TO DA-2319-00TFILE ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED RECORD KEY IS ARG-1 ALTERNATE RECORD KEY IS ARG-2 FILE S~ATUS IS CHK. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECT.ION. FD INREC LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED DATA RECORD IS IN~ASTER. 01 INMASTER PIC 1(80). PO OUTREC LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS OUTMASTER. 01 OUTMASTER. 05 FILLER PIC X. 05 ARG-1 PIC XXX. 05 ARG-2 PIC XXXXX. 05 REM PIC Xn1). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION 77 CHK PIC 99 VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA 1. OPEN INPUT INREe OUTPUT QUTREC. IF CHK IS NOT 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA2. READ INREC INTO OUTMASTER. AT END GO TO PARA4. PARA3. WRITE OUTMASTER. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. = GO TO PARA2. PARA4. CLOSE INREC OOTREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKFTN. PINIT. STOP RUN. CHKRTN. DISPLAY 'I/O ERROR. STATUS KEY VALUE IS' CHK. GO TO FINIT. Note that in this example any Status Key return other than 00 causes transfer of control to paragraph CHKRTN. This user-created routine can determine the exact cause of the error by checking the status Key. Once the cause is determined, instructions can he issued according to the user's desired response to each type of error. RETRIEVING RECORDS PROM A VSAM DATA SET ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. The COBOL language statements frequently used to retrieve records from a VSAM data set are summarized in Fiqure 79. Examples 3 and 4 illustrate the retrieval of records from an ESDS and KSDS, respectively. VSAM File Processing 195 ESDS RRDS , SELECT ASSIGN ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED RELATIVE KEY ALTERNATE RECORD KEY FILE STATUS PASSWORD ACCESS riODE I I I I I I I I KSDS r ~-------- I Environment I Division I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SELECT ASSIGN FILE STATUS PASSWORD ACCESS MODE SEI,ECT ASSIGN ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED RECORD KEY ALTERNATE RECORD KEY FILE STATUS PASSWORD I ACCESS MODE l---------+--------+------ +------- I Da ta I FD entry I FD entry I FD entry I LABEL RECORDS I Division I LABEL RECORDS I LABEL RECORDS I ~ I --+I OPEN INPUT I Procedure I OPEN INPUT I OPEN INPUT I Division I READ ••• AT END I READ I READ ILI ____________ CLOSE I _ CLOSE I _ CLOSE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L ~ Figure 79. ~ This example shows the retrieval of records from the ESDS created in example 1. The records are then printed. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT I NREC ASSIGN TO AS-OUTFILE FILE STATUS IS CHK. SELECT PREC ASSIGN TO UR-1403-S-PFILE. DIVISION. PI LE SECTION. FD INRBC LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS INMASTER. 01 INMASTER PIC X(80). FD PREC LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED DATA RECORD IS POUT. a1 POUT PIC X (80) • WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 CHK PIC 99 VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA1. OPEN INPUT INREC OUTPUT PREC. IF CHK IS NOT 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA2. READ INREC INTO POUT AT END GO TO PARA4. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA3. WRITE POUT. GO TO PAPA2. PARA4. CLOSE OUTREC PREC. 196 I I --t I I JI COBOL Statements Frequently Used for Retrieving Records From a VSAM Data Set Example 4. DllTA ~ IF CHK IS NOT 00 GO TO CHKRTN. FIN IT. S!'OP RUN. CHKRTN. DISPLAY 'IIO ERROR. STATUS KEY VALUE IS' CHK. GO TO FINIT. Note that in this example any Status Key return other than 00 causes transfer of control to paragraph CHKRTN. This usercreated routine can determine the exact cause of the error by checking the Status Key. Once the cause is determined, instructions can be issued according to the user's desired response to each type of error. Example 5: This example shows the retrieval of records from the KSDS created in example 2. Note that in the Procedure Division there is a switch from sequential processing to random processing; this is permitted since ACCESS IS DYNAMIC is specified in the Environment Division. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT INREC ASSIGN TO OUTFILE ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED ACCESS IS DYNAMIC RECORD KEY IS ARG-1 FILE STATUS IS CHK. SELECT PREC ASSIGN TO UR-1403-S-PFILE. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD INREC LABEL RECOPDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS INMASTER. 01 INMASTER. 05 FILLER PIC x. 05 ARG-1 PIC XXX. 05 ARG-2 PIC XX. as ARG-3 PIC XX. as FILLER PIC X(72). FD PREC LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED DATA RECORD IS POUT. a 1 POUT PIC X (80) • WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 CHK PIC 99 VAL UE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA1. OPEN INPUT INREC OUTPUT PREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA2. MOVE 003 TO ARG-1. START INREC. PARA3. READ INREC NEXT AT END GO TO PARA4. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CEKRTN. IF ARG-2 IS = 02 GO TO PARA4. IF ARG-3 IS NOT = 73 GO TO PARA3. WRITE POUT FROM INMASTER. GO TO PARA3. PARA4. MOVE 101 TO ARG-1. READ INREC INVALID KEY GO TO CHKRTN. WRITE POUT FROM INMASTER. MOVE 103 TO ARG-1. READ INREC INVALID KEY GO TO CHKRTN. WRITE POUT FROM INMASTER. PARAS. CLOSE INREC PREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. FINIT. STOP RUN. CHKR TN. DISPLAY 'I/O ERROR. STATUS KEY VALUE IS ' CHK. GO TO FINIT. Note that in this example any Status Key return other than 00 causes 'transfer of control to paragraph CHKRTN. This user created routine can determine the exact cause of the I/O error by checking the Status Key. Once the cause is determined, instructions can be issued according to the users desired response to each type of error. Example 6: This example shows the retrieval of records from the KSDS created in example 3. Since ACCESS IS RANDOM is specified in the Environment Division, random processing of the file is done in the Procedure Division. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT INREC ASSIGN TO OUTFILE ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED ACCESS IS RANDOM RECORD KEY IS ARG-1 ALTERNATE RECORD KEY IS ARG-2 FILE STATUS IS CHK. SELECT PREC ASSIGN TO UR-1403-S-PFILE. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD INREC LABEL RECORDS ARE S~ANDARD DATA RECORD IS INMASTER. 01 INMASTER. 05 FILLER PIC X. 05 ARG1 PIC XXX. 05 ARG-2 PIC xxxxx. 05 ARG-3 PIC XX. 05 ARG-4 PIC XX. 05 FILLER PIC X(67). FD PREe LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED QATA RECORD IS POUT. 01 POUT PIC X(80). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 CHK PIC 99 VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA 1. -- -OPEN INPUT INREC OUTPUT PFEC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKP.TN. PARA2. MOVE 003 TO ARG-1. PARA3. READ INREC INVALID KEY GO TO CHKRTN. IF CHK IS NOT 00 GO TO CHKRTN. IF ARG-3 IS = 02 GO TO PARAS. IF ARG-4 IS NOT = 73 GO TO PARA4. WRITE POUT FROM INMASTER. ADD 010 TO ARG-1. GO TO PARA3. PARA4. SUBTRACT 001 FROM ARG-1. GO TO PARA3. PARAS. MOVE 101 TO ARG-2. READ INREC KEY IS ARG-2 INVALID KEY GO TO CHKR TN. WRITE POUT FROM INMASTER. MOVE 103 TO ARG-2. READ INREC KEY IS AP.G-2 INVALID KEY GO TO CHKRTN. WRITE POUT FROM INMASTER. PARA6. CLOSE INREC PREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. FINIT. = VSAM File Processing 197 STOP RUN. CHKRTN. user's desired response to each type of error. DISPLAY 'IIO ERROR. STATUS KEY VALUE IS ' CHK. GO TO FINIT. UPDATING A VSAM DATA SET Note that in this example any Status Key return other than 00 causes transfer of control to paragraph CHKRTN. This user created routine can determine the exact cause of the IIO error by checking the Status Key. Once the cause is determined, instructions can be issued according to the 198 The COBOL language statements frequently used to update a VSAM data set are summarized in Figure 80. Examples 7 and 8 illustrate the updating of an ESDS and KSDS respectively. ESDS RRDS KSDS • i , IEnvironment I Division I • I I (SELECT IASSIGN IFILE STATUS I PASSWORD IACCESS ~ODE I , t J I ,SELECT ,ASSIGN ,ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED I RECORD KEY I ALTERNATE RECORD KEY JFILE STATUS JPASSWORD IACCESS MODE r----------~I~------------+I----------·------ , , ,SELECT IASSIGN 10RGANIZATION IS RELATIVE I RELATIVE KEY 1FILE STATUS IPASSWORD ,ACCESS MODE I I I I I I , I I +- ~ I Data J FD en try I PD entry I FD en try I I Division ILABEL RECORDSJLABEL RECORDS JLABEL RECORDS t t- ------+-1-+ I ~ I Procedure IOPEN EXTEND ,For ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL: ,For ACCESS IS SEQUENTIAL: t I Division IWRITE J OPEN EXTEND I OPEN 1-0 I I I CLOSE J WRITE I READ •• AT END t , I J CLOSE J REWRITE I I I or 1 t DELETE J I I I o r t CLOSE J I ,OPEN 1-0 I t f I J READ ••• AT END 1 OPE.N 1-0 I I J I REWRITE I READ AT END t 1 I I I BEWRITE, , 1 1CLOSE I DELETE t J I I CLOSE· I t I ' I ~ I IFor ACCESS IS RANDOM: IFor ACCESS IS RANDOM: t I f OPEN 1-0 , OPEN 1-0 , t I READ I R~AD , I I W·RITE , WRITE I , J REWRITE , REWRITE t I I DELETE I DELETE 1 I J CLOSE I CLOSE I I I , ~ I ,For ACCESS IS DYNAMIC vithlFor ACCESS IS DYNAMIC with I I ,Sequentili-froce§§.!!!g l~gY~ntial_R..r~gssillil I I I OPEN 1-0 t OPEN 1-0 I 1 I READ NEXT ••• AT END J READ NEXT ••• AT END , I I WRITE t WRITE 1 • , REWR IT E ) REWRITE 1 J J START • START J J t DELRTE , DELETE t I 1 CLOSE t CLOSE I J I --+--~ I JFor ACCESS IS DYNAMIC withlFor ACCESS IS DYNAMIC with 1 1 I Random processing I Bando.!!_.P ro9Z.§.§ing 1 I I OPEN 1-0 J OPEN 1-0 I I J READ 1 READ I , 1 WRITE , WRITE , I ,REWRITE t REWRITE , , J DELET.E J DELETE t 1 CLOSE , _____________________________ CLOSE L-___________,___ I _JJ ~,__________, Figure 80. ~ COBOL statements .Frequently used for Updating a VSAl'1 Data set VSAM Pile Processing 199 Example 7: This example shows the updating of records from the ESDS data set created in Example 1. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. Example 8: This example shows the updating of selected records in the KSDS created in Example 2; the records to be updated by the contents of CARDPILE. Note the use of the DELETE statement; this could not be used with an ESDS. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT INREC ASSIGN TO AS-OUTFILE FILE ST ATUS IS CHK. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD INREC LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS INMASTER. 01 INMASTER. 05 FtD1 PCI X(3) 05 FLD2 PIC X(3). 05 FLD3 PIC X(74). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 CHK PIC 99 VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE Dr VISION. PARA1. OPEN 1-0 OUTREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA2. READ TNREC AT END GO TO PARA4. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PAR A3. IF FLD2 IS NOT: 373 GO TO PARA2. MOVE 374 TO FLD2. REWRITE INMASTER. IF CHK IS NOT: 00 GO TO CHKRTN. GO TO PA RA2. PARA4. CLOS E IN REC. IF CHK IS NOT 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PI NIT. STOP RUN. CHKRTN. DISPLAY tI-O ERROR. STATUS KEY VALUE .IS' CHK. GO TO FINIT. Note that in this example any status Key return other than 00 causes transfer of control to paragraph CHKRTN. This llsercreated routine can determine the exact cause of the I/O error by checking the Status Key. Once the cause is determined, instructions can be issued according to the users desired response to each type of error. 200 INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT CAR.DFILE ASS.IGN TO UR-2540R-S-INREC. SELECT INREC ASSIGN TO INlItE ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED ACCESS IS RANDOM RECORD KEY IS ARG-l FILE STATUS IS CHK DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. PD CARDFILE LABEL RECORD IS OMITTED DATA RECORD IS INCARD. 01 INCARD 05 CARDKEY PIC XXX. 05 FILLER PIC X (77) • PD INREC LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS .INMASTER. 01 IN MASTER. 05FILLEB PIC X. 05 ARG-l PIC XXX. 05 ARG-2 PIC XX. 05 ARG-3 PIC XX. 05 FILL.ER PIC X (72) • WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 CHK PIC XX VALUE ZEROS. PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA 1. OPEN INPUT CARDFILE 1-0 INBEC. IF CHK IS NOT == 00 GO TO CHKRTN. PARA2. READ CARDFILE AT END GO TO PARA3. MOVE CARDKEY TO ARG-l. READ INREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. IF ARG-2= 01 DELETE INREC RECORD GO TO PARA2. IF ARG-3 : 75 MOVE 74 TO ARG-3 REWRITE INMASTER. GO TO PARA2 PARA3. CLOSE CARDFILE lNREC. IF CHK IS NOT = 00 GO TO CHKRTN. INIT. STOP RUN. HKRTN. DISPLAY ·1/0 ERROR. STATUS KEY VALUE IS· CHK 'LAST RECORD PROCESSED IS' CARDKEY. GO TO PI NIT. lote that in this example any status Key 'eturn other than 00 causes transfer of :ontrol to paragraph CHKRTN. This user:reated routine can determine the exact :a use of t he I/O error by checking the ;tatus Key. Once the cause is determined, .nstr~ctions can be issued according to the lsers desired response to each type of ~rror. of the first alternate record key defined would have to be ABCD1. The ddname for the alternate path of the second alternate record key defined would have to be ABCD2, and so on. If the combination of base cluster ddname and sequence number exceeds eight characters, the base cluster portion of the ddname must be truncated at the right to reduce the concatenated result to eight characters. For example, if a base cluster's ddname is ABeDEFGH, then the first alternate path's ddname should be ABCDEFG1, the tenth should be ABCDEF10, and so forth. The following example shows the connection between a program using two alternate indexes and the required DD statements. The base cluster is named XYZ, and the first alternate index' pathname is PATHONE and the other's PATHTWO. ~R.QCESSI!Hi //ABCD //ABCD1 //ABCD2 JCL is greatly simplified for VSAft since ill VSAM data sets must be cataloged through Access Method services. In most =ases~ specification of the following DD statement will suffice: FILE-CONTROL. SELECT filename ASSIGN TO ABCD RECORD KEY IS whatever ALTERNATE RECORD KEY IS CITY ALTERNATE RECORD KEY IS PRICE I/ddname The key CITY relates to the alternate index whose pathname is PATHONE, and the key PRICE relates to the alternate index whose pathname is PATHTWO. lOB CONT ROL L ANGU AGE DD FO!i_.!~!t1.111.~ DSNAME=dsname,DISP={OLDISHR) The dsname must be the same as the one specified for this data set through Access Method Services. If the user specifies the COBOL option AIXBLD, then the DD statement must also include the parameter AMP='AHORG'. DD STATEMENTS FOR ALTERNATE INDEXES When alternate indexes are used in the COBOL program, the user must specify not only a DD statement for the base cluster, but also one DD statement for each alternate path. The ddname for the base cluster is the one declared in the COBOL program. However, no language mechanism exists to explicitly declare ddnames for alternate paths in the program. Therefore, the following convention has been established and must be adhered to by the user. The ddname for each alternate path is to be formed by concatenating its base cluster ddname with an integer--beginning with'1 for the path associated with the first alternate record defined for that file in the COBOL program, and being incremented by 1 for each path associated with each successive alternate record definition for that file. For example, if a base cluster's· ddname were ABCD, then the ddname for the alternate path DD DD DD DSN=XYZ,DISP=OLD DSN=PATHONE,DISP=OLD DSN=PATHTWO,DISP=OLD DO STATEMENT FOR A USER CATALOG If a data set in a job step is defined in a user catalog, it is also necessary to identi£y the user catalog by means of either a JOBCAT (Example 1) or STEPCAT (Example 2) DO statement. Example 1: //EX1 /IJOBCAT JOB ·DD /1 EXEC DSNAME=usercatalogname, OISP=SHR Example 2: //EX2 JOB EXEC //STEPCAT DD 1/ DSNAME=usercatalogname, OISP=SHR DD PARAMETERS USED WITH VSAM Although the operating system does not disallow OS/VS DD parameters and subparameters that do not apply to a VSAM data set, the COBOL programmer should be VSAM File Processing 201 aware that some of the DD parameters and subparameters have certain additional meanings when used with V5AM. For complete information on the meanings of the OS/VS DD parameters and subparameters, as well as the potential problems which exist if care is not taken, see Q.UVS-li!:lj!s.!2!.QIaiH~ AC£~~_Metho~'VSA~L_f!oqrs.m~~~_~ig~. the IS AM interface. For complete details on the conversion process, see the VSAM .EtQ9.11n~.!.2.£Y.i de. Not all of VSAM's facilities can be used directly through a COBOL program. These unavailable features include: VSAM-ONLY JCt PARAMETERS • Alternate indexing for ESDS VSAM has one JCt parameter of its ovn: AMP. AMP, and its associated subparameters, is used mainly in conjunction with specifications made through Access Method Services. The AMP parameter takes effect when the data set defined by the nn statement is opened. For details on the use and specification of AMP, see the YllLP r OSll:gj!l!~~!..!L2.YiQg. • Multiple string processing • Skip-sequential processing (key-ordered sequential/direct) • Addressed-direct processing • Control-interval (low-level) processing • Journaling support • Alternate index as end-use object (as base cluster instead of path) processing Both SAM and 15AM data sets can be converted to VSAM data sets so that they may be processed by a COBOL program using VSAM. The conversion is done through Access Method Services. Essentially, the conversion process consists of defining a VSAM data set as the target for the data set being converted. Then through the appropriate Jct and the REPRO command, the conversion is accomplished. For a complete description of the conversion process, see OSIIS VSAM Access l1~.t!lod Servi£!!§.. Existing COBOL programs written to process 1SAft files can be used to process VSAM files by going through VSUI's ISAM interface. To do this, the programmer need only make some JCL changes in the COBOL ISAM program. The EXEC card should specify the desired processing program, as usual: the DD card should be changed to a VSAM DD card as desc.ribed above under "Job Control Language for VSAM File Processing." Certain APlP subparameters might be used for running an ISAa processing program with 202 • GET-previous processing • Asynchronous processing It is possible to open a VSAM data set concurrently under two separate FDs in a COBOL program if the assign clauses of the SELECT.statements refer to the same DDNAME. When the ACB is generated, COBOL takes the GENCB default of 'DDN', which indicates DDNAME sharing to VSAM. In such a case, VSAM will share the same buffers and control blocks for the two ACBs, and data integrity is preserved. If the user program attempts to access records within the same control interval by using the two separate file definitions, lock-out may occur. If the program contains two SELECT statements for the file but uses different DDNAMEs, the file can still be opened. However, data set names are not shared, and VSAM will use two completely separate buffer pools and control block structures. In this case, the integrity of the data set is not preserved, and updates to the file may be lost. Note. Even when the spanned format is used, the COBOL restriction on the length of logical records must be adhered to (that is, a maximum length of 32,767 characters) . The lister feature of the IBM OS/VS COBOL Compiler can be used by the COBOL programmer to produce a COBOL source listing that is reformatted and cross-referenced to increase intelligibility and conserve space. optionally, a reformatted source deck can be produced. The lister output can be produced either with or without compilation occurring. The lister accepts source programs vritten in OS/'S COBOL, analyzes the source statements, and produces the reformatted and cross-reference source program. The output is either in the form of a listing or as a listing and a punched deck. This reformatted source output follows indenting conventions imposed by the lister to increase readability, and contains cross-references between data items and Procedure Division statements, between PERFORM statements and paragraph names, etc. optionally, the lister produces a new source deck that matches the output listing except that cross-reference information is ollit ted. Thus the lister can be used to p.rocess sourCe decks for uniformity of indenting and for highlighting of statements such as IF, GOTO, etc., or it can be used to obtain a cross-referenced source listing as permanent documentation of a production program, or for use as an aid in program analysis and debugging. Various options permit printing the Procedure Division listing in two columns to conserve space and the inclusion of BASIS and COpy statements. programs first be compiled using the SYNTAX option, and syntax errors corrected before invoking the lister feature. If the lister function is used and there are syntactical errors, lister processing will be terminated. The syntax check~ng in the lister feature is different from the checking done by the standard compiler. Syntax checking is usually more stringent in the lister than in the compiler. Some syntax errors that are recognized but corrected by the standard compiler may be flagged as errors when using the lister. The listing produced by LISTER will be reformatted for that portion of the program that was syntactically correct. If LSTCOMP was specified, the SOURCE option will be forced on. Since lister reformats the user's COBOL program, compilation of the program, if LSTCOMP is in effect, viII be different from a non-lister compilation of the same program. Por example: lurthe~_nQ~2: 1. different~ 2. SKIP/EJECT cards will have no functional value with lister. 3. BASIS card will be dropped from the lister listings. 4. FIPS messages will be based on the reformatted lister listings. 5. Suppress option of COpy will ha ve no effect. 6. sequence checking will not take place for a lister sum. 7. Source statements copied from a user-created library as a result of a COpy statement are not reformatted. However, statements which begin in columns 8-11 will be indented to column 8 in the lister output, and those which begin in columns 12-72 will be indented to column 12. 8. Lister terminates upon detecting a syntax error in the COBOL source program. When such an error is detected, lister issues an error flag to signal that the following source cards are to be passed on without processing. Lister then treats the balance of the program as comment cards. !21~: Lister ignores the carriage control statements SKIP and EJECT. When LISTER is in effect, the NUM option has no meaning. PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS The lister is designed to operate most efficiently on syntactically correct COBOL source, and does not have the expanded error handling of the full compiler. It is therefore highly recommended that the user Lister sequence numbers may be Lister Feature 203 In addition to the condition mentioned above, unusual termination of lister can occur if the source program contains: THE LISTING The reformatted output listing is divided into four parts: • Too many (approximately 80 or more) consecutive *-comments cards. 1. lone-page introduction.hich summarizes briefly lister codes, conventions, uses. 2. The Identification and Environment Divisions. Too many (approximately 100 or more) consecutive cards for a single data item. 3. Detailed, cross-referenced, reformatted Data and Procedure Divisions. If one of the above three conditions occurs, the file written on SYSUT2 is incomplete. 4. The Summary listing. • • Too many (approximately 100 or more) consecutive blank cards. 204 These (except the introduction) are described briefly below, and in grea"ter detail in subsequent sections. Figure 81 is an example of reformatted Identification and Environment Divisions. (The note shown is not produced by the lister program.) THE OUTPUT DECK DATA DIVISION REFORMATTING The deck produced optionall y by the lister may be saved either in card form or in a COPY/BASIS library. This output reflects the reformatted source program. The output deck is described in detail later in this chapter. REFORMATTING OF IDENTIFICATION AND ENVIRONMENT DIVISIONS The lister reformats the Identification Division statements only by imposing indenting conventions. Statements are indented two positions, and continuations, if any, are indented six additional positions. Environment Division statements are reformatted by imposing indenting conventions and by appending cross-reference information to SELECT statements in the FILE CONTROL section. Thus, in reading the FILE CONTROL section, there are direct references to the file description statements in tbe Data Division. The lister reformats the Data Division principally by imposing indenting conventions. In addition, it aligns PICTURE. VALUE and other clauses vertically to improve readability and facilitate visual checking. such clauses as REDEFINES and OCCURS are highlighted as a result of the alignment. All indenting is with respect to the left margin, which con tans the statement number. FDs and level-77 items are indented zero, level-01 items are indented two and level-02 items are indented four. Level 03 and lover are each indented two from the last higher level item, up to seven levels of indentation. Use of this convention, makes the overall structure of each file and group data item immediately apparent to the reader of the listing. The most striking change in the appearance for the Data Division listing is 1 IDENTlf!CATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. TESTRUN. 2 3 AUTHOK. PROGRAMMER NAM~. 4 INSTALLATION. NEW YORK PROGRAMMING CENTER. 5 DATE-MRITTEN. JULY 1Z, 19b8. R:~iRk~~PI~~~·p:g~Ri~'~XI6BEEN WRITTEN AS A SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR COBOL USERS. IT ~REATES"AN OUTPUT fiLE AND READS IT BACK AS INPUT. 10 ENVIRON~~NT DIVISICN. 11 CONFIGUkATION SECTION. 1Z SOURCe-COMPUTER. 18M-3/0-168. 13 OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-310-168. 14 INPUT-OuTPUT SECTION. ' 15 fiLE-CONTROL. 16 SEU:CT A~!~tN1TO UT-Z ... OO-S-SAMPLE. 11 SELeCT fILE-Z ASSIGN TO UT-Z ... OO-S-SAHPLE. 9 1} 229 CD Note: CI) Refers to FD statement numbers in the Data Division. P'iqure 81. Sa1lple Identification and En vironBlen t Division Outpu tListing Lister Feature 204.1 the addition, at the right of each statement, of cross-references that identify the statement number of each Data Division or Procedure Division statement that redefines, changes, reads, tests, or otherwise refers to the data item. When the number of such refe.rences is too great to fit on the line, the lister prints as many as there are room for, on the line, and prints the remainder as a footnote at the bottom of the page. D Data item changed by REDEFINE or RENA"E Q Queried by IF, WHEN, or UNTIL .R Referred to by a READ, ACCEPT, or similar statement u Da ta i tea unchanged (used as a source field) The eight codes used in the Data Division are: W Referred to by a WRITE, GENERATE, DISPLAY, or similar statement c Data item changed (such as by ADD or MOVE) x Used as an index, subscript, or object of a DEPENDING ON statement E Data i tea refe.rred to by Env ironment Division statement (SELECT) or by some Procedure Division input/output operation (OPEN, CLOSE, INITIATE, etc.) Use of these codes is depicted in Figure 82, which is an example of a reformatted Data Division. (The notes shown in the figure are not produced by the lister.) Lister Feature 205 18 DATA DIVISION. 20 FILE SECTION. FD FILc-l LABEL RECORDS ARE uMlTTED BLOC K CONT AI NS 5 Rc:CORDS ReCORD CONTAINS 2u CHARACTERS R~CORDING MaCE IS r DATA RECORD IS RECuRD-I. 01 ReCORD-I. 02 FlfLD-A \28 PICTURE IS X(20). 2<; FD FILc:-2 LABEL RECORDS ARE uMITTED S,-OCK CONTAI fl.S 5 ReCORDS ReCORD CONTAINS 20 CHARACTERS ReCORDING MOCE IS f DATA RECORD IS RECuRD-2. 35 01 RcCORD-2. 36 02 FIELD-A PICTURE IS X(20). 37 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 38 11 KOUNT SVNE PI~TUR~ S99 COMPo 63C ,61C ,69X, llX, 17Q ~g ~r ~Y~f~~. SVN PI TUR S99 COMPo 63C,68C,12U 4l 02 ALPHABET PICTURE Xl26J VALUE "ABCDEFGHIJKLHNOPQRSTUVWXVZ". 420 42 02 ALPHA REDEFINES AL~HABET OCCURS 26 TIMES PICTURE X. 41/69U 43 02 D~PENDENTS PIC A(ZOJ VALUE "01234012340123401234012340-. 440 44 02 DePEND REDEFINES DePENDENTS OCCURS 26 TIMES PICTURE X. ~43111U 45 01 WGRK-RECORD. 5 74W,75W,86R,91W 05 NAME-fIELD PICTURE X. 69C 46 47 05 FILlER PICTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 48 05 R~CORD-NO PICTURE 9999. 72C 4 4<; 05 FlLLER PICTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 50 05 LuCATION PICTURE AAA VALUE IS "NYC". !1 05 FILLER PICTURE X VALUE SPACE. !2 05 Nu-Of-DEPENDENTS PICTURE XX. 11C,~9Q,90C ~~ 0105REE~~~i~ PICTURE X(1) VALUE ~S SPACES. 55 02 A PICTURE S9(4) VALUE 1234. 560 56 02 B REDEFINES A PICTURE S9(7) CDHPUTATIONAL-3. 5517(C,10U rI:: -- 5 A 42 41 50 58 107 1~0 ALPhA AlPHADE:T 8 8EGIN CfBUG-CONTENTS OEBUG-I TEM OEtlUG-LlNE Di:BUG-NAME OEBUG-l>UB-l CE8UG-SUB-2 CEBUG-SUB-3 OEPENu OEPENuENTS FIElO-A FIElO-A FIlE-~ FIlE-.. KCUNT lABl:l-RETURN lDCATlON MORE-LABELS NAME-rl ElO No-OF-uEPENOENTS CURREI~T-DATE: III H2 113 lJ.4 115 110 't't 43 28 ~6 21 .i.9 .,Il lui 50 99 40 j2 ~9 '>8 48 .j5 ;)4 luO 103 lu4 100 lu5 1.12 ~(MeEK PRINT-l>WITCH RECORu-NO RECORu-2 RECORuA Rf TURI~-COOt: SORT-~.uRE-SIZE SORT-rilE-SIZE SOj(T-rtt:SSAGE SOkT-MuOt-SIZE SCRT-"I:TURN STi:P-.1. STEP-, STEP-.;j STEP-4 STEP-;, STEP-o STEP-I STEP-o TAllY T IME-uF-OAY WHEN-~uMPllEO WORK-Kt:CORO '-7 RECOR ... -l 01 06 73 16 80 05 &8 '.13 91 108 11.;9 45 The INPUT-0UTPUT ~ection contains references to one data item in F'ILF-1 a!lrl one nata item in F'II.E-::>. F'ILF.-1 i~ referencE'c1 once from th" INPtTT-0lJ"'PUT sectiC"ln ann three times from the Procer'!ure Division. The Procedure Division contains four intra rE'ferences. Figure 84. Sample Summary Listing Lister FeatUre 209 THE SOORCE LISTING • Verbs • EL.SE/OTHERWISE The source listing 'of the Identification, Environment, and Data Divisions ma y be considered as having three "columns." The leftmost contains a statement number, or is blank if the line is either a comment or a continuation of the preceding statement or line. The second contains the reformatted COBOL statements. The third (not present as an independent column in the Procedure Division) contains references to 9r from other statements in the source program. Thus, each line of the output listing contains a numbered source statement or its unnumbered continuation, and a reference or series of references to all other statements in t.he source proqrall that refer to it. If the series of references is too long to fit on the line, the lister prin·ts as many as viII fit, followed by a letter indicating a footnote. The footnote contains the remainder of the references. • AT END (o.nlywhen follow iog SEARCH)., Inde1\tation of the new statement is made according to the following rules: 1. Data Division • FDs and level 77 items are indented zero. • Level 01 items are indented zero in the Linkage and Working Storage sections and two in the File and Report sections • Each subsequent lower level within an 01 item is indented two more than the preceding higher level, up to a maximum of 14 character positions or 7 levels. Procedure Division The source listing of the procedure Division is normally printed in double-column format, wi th each column divided as described above. This format approximately doubles the span of logic that can be seen on one page or one facing-page spread. • Section names are indented zero • Paragraph names are indented two • Unconditionally executed verbs are indented four • Verbs executed under a single condition, such as IF or AT END, are indented six Regardless of whether the source code follows indentation conventions, the lister indents statements according to their type, and according to hierarchy where applicable. This feature of the lister makes file and record structure immediately visible and also helps to identify groups of related statements such as IF/ELSE and nesting of IFs. Note: If blank lines are present in the orIginal source, the lister eliminates them and renumbers the statements accordingly. 12rmat Conventions New statements are indented from the left margin, which contains the statement number. The liste.r treats the followinq as new statements: • Division and section headers • Paragraph names • Level numbers or level indicators (FD, RD, etc.) 210 • The first IF in a nest is indented four, subsequent nested IFs are indented an additional two at each level up to a maximum of 14 character positions or 6 levels. • ELSEs are indented to the same position as the IF to which they co.rrespond. 3. Continuation lines in all divisions are indented six with respect to the first line of the continued statement. !2~£acing within a statement and on continuation lines is usually one space. within the Data Division, however, PICTURE and VALUE are aligned as nearly as possible into columns so that they may be found and compared easily. Words are never split at the end of a line unless the word to be split is a nonnumeric literal that will not fit on a single continuation line. appear to the right of the statement or continuation line. References following paragraph or section names appear immediately to the right of the name, separated by a blank. References following other types of statements appear as far to the right as possible depending on the ~~~B£~ number of blanks available on the line. Each reference consists of a statement number and a type indicator. When references are in series, they are separated by coamas and are in ascending ~h~ Lister Feature 210.1 if ithin the Data Division, a reference series may end with an alphabetic footnote indicator. The footnote contains the remaining references to that data item. In the Pr oced ure Di vision, the reference may also be a footnote indicator, b~t the footnote is different in appearance. In the Procedure Division-, the footnote is actually an on-page replica of the Data Division statement referred to bI the footnoted statement. This replica is complete ·with all other references to the data item from other portions of the program. To conserve space in the listing, the lister does not repeat a footnote if it appears at the bottom of either of the two preceding pages but instead reuses the same footnote letter in the new reference. As mentioned above, a reference consists of a statement number and a type indicator. The type indicator provides immediate information as to what is being done by the statement referred to. Tvo sets of type indicators are used by the lister: one for the Data Division and one for the Procedure Division. within the Data Division, the type indicators are: C Data item changed (such as by ADD or MOVE) D Data item REDEFINED or RENAMED E Data item referred to by Environment Division statement (SELECT) or by some Procedure Division input/output operation (OPEN, CLOSE, INITIATE, etc.) Q Queried by IF, WHEN, or UNTIL R Referred to by a READ, ACCEPT or similar statement U Data item unchanged (used as a source field) W Referred to by a WRITE, GENERATE, DISPLAY, or similar statement X Used as an index, subscript, or object of a DEPENDING ON statement G P T GO TO PERFORM (PERFORM) THBU THE SUMMARY LISTING The summary is useful both as an analysis and as a troubleshooting aid. USing the summary listing, the user can ascertain quickly which data areas are most referred to, which procedures refer to them most often, and the nature of those references. The number of references to undefined symbols and the number of incorrectly coded COBOL statements can also be ascertained. Each division or section header, and each FD, RD, or SD begins a new entry in the summary listing. The entry consists of the header line, and beginning on the next line, the total number of each kind of reference to that section from within itself (INTRA), and from outside itself (FROM). These are followed by similar information for references the section makes to others outside itself (TO). The type indicators used for references are the same as those used in the source listing. In large programs, with either no sections or very large sections in the Procedure Division, the lister summary may not be very helpful. This can be remedied by adding SECTION statements to the source program at appropriate points. If SECTION statements are being added to a program that already contains some, it is very important to make certain that both implicit and explicit reference qualifiers are not invalidated. THE OUTPUT DECK within the Procedure Division, the type indicators are: A B E ALTER (ALTER) TO PROCEED TO INPUT or OUTPUT PROCEDURE (SORT Feature) optionally, the lister can produce a new COBOL source deck that reflects the reformatted source listing. This deck eay be saved in a BASIS library, used directly as input to the compiler, or punched into cards. As a result of reformatting, the nev deck may contain more cards than the original, but the difference is not great enough to cause any appreciable increase in compilation time. The output deck differs from the listing as follows: Lister Feature 211 1. References, footnotes. and blank lines are omi t ted. 2. Literals will be repositioned if needed to assure proper continuation. 3. statement numbers are converted to card numbers. a. The statement n umber is mul tiplied by 10, and leading zeros added as necessary to fill columns 1 through 6. b. Comment and continuation cards are numbered one higher than the preceding card. The lister feature is specified in the PARM field of the EXEC card through five compiler options. The combination of options that are selected determine both the format and contents of the lister output. Either LSTONLY or LSTCOMP must be specified for the other options to have meaning, unless BATCH is specified. In a batch compilation, if some or all of the programs are to be compiled using the lister feature, L120 or L132 must be specified in the PARM field of the EXEC card--even if LSTCOMP or LSTONLY are specified on the CSL card. The five lister options are described below. Note that the IBM-supplied defaults are indicated by an underscore; they can be changed when the compiler is installed. The lister options are as follows: LSTONLY LSTCOMP HQ.1~1 212 indicates whether the lister feature is to be used. LSTONLY specifies that a reformatted listing is to be produced but that no compilation is to occur. LSTCOMP specifies that both a reformatted listing is to be produced and compilation is to occur in the same jo b step. FDECK NOFDECK --indicates whether a copy of the reformatted source program is to be written on the SYSPUNCH data set. Since FDECK has meaning only with either LSTONLY or LSTCOMP. the lister output will be both a reformatted listing and a reformatted deck. COpy statements within the source progtam will be produced as COpy statements, or, if CDECK is in effect. the expansion of the COpy statement will be produced. CDECK 1!QCDEC! indicates whether or not COpy statements are to be converted to comment statements in the output listing and the COpy members are to be expanded. CDECK may be specified with FDECK or NOFDECK. With FDECK, the source deck produced will contain the expansion of COpy statements; with NOFDECK, only the expansions of COpy statements are produced. LCOL1 LCQL2 indicates whether the Procedure Division part of the listing is to be in single-or double- column format. L120 L132 indicates whether the length of each line of the reformatted listing is to be 120 or 132 characters long. A programmer using the IBM OS/iS COBOL Compiler under the I Bf! Operating System, has several methods available to him for testing and debugging his programs. Use of the symbolic debugging features are described in detail in this chapter. .. Appendix A: A sample Program t ' contains an example of a program run without the symbolic debugging features. The chapter "Program Checkout" contains information useful for finding the instruction that causes the abnormal termination and then correcting the problem. The chapters "Output" and "Using the Checkpoint/Restart Feature" include a discussion of compiler output and a description of taking checkpoints and restarting programs, respecti vely. The program product IBM os COBOL Interactive Debug (Program Number 5734-CB4) enables the user to debug his COBOL programs from a TSO terminal. To be acceptable for Interactive Debug, a program must be compiled with the TEST compiler opt.ion. TEST overrides FLOW, STATE, SYMDMP and COUNT. Hovever, note that TEST may not be specified with BATCH, since BATCH overrides TEST. TEST will also be cancelled if the program con tains USE FOR DEBUGGING statements. Interactive Debug is described in greater detail in the "Program Checkout" part of this publication. liQl~: USE OF THE SYl'lBOLIC DEBUGGING FEATURES As an aid to debugging, compiler options can be requested that provide additional diagnostic information for an abnormal termination other than one caused by "Canceled by Operator" or exceed ingthe system-state time slice. Three user options are available for object-time debugging -- the statement number option (STATE), the flow trace option (FLOW), and the symbolic dump option (SYMDMP). The STATE option causes the ~umber of the card for the last verb executed before termination to be printed out. The FLOW option causes a trace of the last user-specified number of procedures executed to be printed out (with a default of 99). Both STATE and FLOW cause the PROGRAM-ID, the completion code~ and the last problem PSi to. be printed olit. The SYf!DKP option enables the user to request a symbolic formatted dump of the data area of the object program for an abnormal termination, or to request dynamic dumps of data areas at strategic points during execution. Use of th'ese features requires no sou.rce language coding; rather the user specifies these options at compile time, through job control language. operation of the SYMDf1P option is dependent on execution-time control cards. Fig~re 86 illustrates the output generated for each of these features. When any of the debugging options is specified, the programmer must: • Request the option at compile time by specifying it in the PARM field or, if a cataloged procedure is used. in the PARM.COB field. • Itlclude a //SYSDBOUT DD card for the debug output data set at execution time. • Make the COBOL library available at execution time by specifying the following DD statement: //STEPLIB DD DSN=subr-libname,DISP=SHR, VOL=SER=volser~UNIT=unit (This is necessary because certain COBOL library subroutines are loaded dynamically from the subroutine library only as needed; they are not link-edited into the COBOL object program. ) • If the COBOL program being debugged is to be invoked from a higher-leVel non-COBOL program, the programmer must ensure that the non-COBOL program calls the COBOL libra.ry subroutine ILBOSTPO before calling any COBOL program.. For further information on this point. see the section "calling and Called Programs" in this manual. If the STATE option is in effect and an abnormal termination occurs, the printed output includes the compiler-generated card number or~ if NUM is in effect, the card sequence number for the last verb executed. Violation of the rule against mixing RES and NORES programs in a single run unit may result in erroneous information from STATE. Symbolic Debugging Features 213 [-'.2"02 t ion If the FLOW option is in effect, a formatted list containing the PROGRAM-ID and either the compiler-generated card number or the line number (if NOM is in effect) of the last n executed procedures is printed on SYSDBOUT. The number of procedures traced can vary from 1 to 99 and is specified by the programmer. The number of procedures to be traced may be specified at compile time via either the PARH parameter or, if a cataloged procedure is used, the PARK. COB field. This number may be overridden at execution time via the PARS parameter or, if a cataloged procedure is used, the PARM.GO parameter. If the number of procedures traced is specified at neither compile time nor execution time, either the default value of 99 or the value specified at program product installation viII be employed. When using FLOW or NOFLOW at execution time, the option JlY.2i be preceded by a slash t1 /ft. (See Fi gure 8 for an exa mple. ) If batch compilation is used, FLOW can be specified at compile time and remain in effect for every program in the batch. To suppress a trace for a particular program within the batch, the programmer should specify NOFLOW a t execution time as the last parameter in the PARK field for that p~oqram, or change the CBL card. For more information, see the sections "Options for the Compiler" and ftoptions for Execu tion.n By specifying a //SYSDTERM DD card in addition to the //SISDBOUT OD card, dynamic dump output will he written onto SYSDTEBM while the abend dump output will go to SYSDBOUT. SYMDMP output will be formatted at 55 lines to ~he page. NO!~: The TSO programmer should assign slSqTERM to the terminal since dynamic dump outptlt is interruptable. SYSDBOUT should be flssigned to a direct access data set which could be listed at the terminal after the ABEND is complete. The abnormal termination dump consists of the following parts: 1. An abnormal termination message, including the number of the statement and of the verb being executed at the time of an abnormal termination. 2. selected areas in the Task Global Table. 3. A formatted dump of the Data Division including: (a) For an SD -- the card number, the sort-file-name, the type, and the sort record. (b) l!Q.!.~: The FLOW option is completely independent of the READY/RESET TRACE feature of the debugging language. ~MDMP 012.ti.2n If the SYMDMP option is in effect, a symbolic formatted dump of the object program' s data area is produced when the program abnormally terminates. (The SYMDMP option cannot. be llsed if the source program contains USE FOR DEBUGGING and WITH DEBUGGING MODE.) This option also enables the programmer to request dynamic dumps of specified data-names at strategic points dur ing program execu tion. If two or more COBOL programs are link-edited together and one of them terminates abnormally, a formatted dump is produced for all programs in the calling sequence compiled vith the SIKDMP option. up to and including the main program in the reverse order of their calling sequence. (The terminating program itself need not have been compiled with the 51 MDMP option.) 214 For an PD -~ for VSAM: OPEN/CLOSE status, card number, organization, access mode, last IIO operation, file status, and the fields of the record. Por non-VSAM: the card number, the file-name, the type, the ddname, the URca and/or DCB status, the contents of the DRCB and/or DCB in hexadecimal, and the fields of the record; also, for QSAK, the file status. tc) For an RD -- the card number, the report-name, the type. the report line, and the contents of PAGE-COUNTER and .LINE-COUNTER if present. (d) For a CD -- the CD itself in its implicit format, as well as the area containing the message data currently being buffered. Ie) For an index name -- the name, the type, and the contents in decimal which represents an actual displacement from the beginning of the table that corresponds to an occurrence. Dumber in the table. The value is calculated as the occurrence number minus one, multiplied by the length of the entry that is indexed by this index-name. The symbolic dump opt ion is requested at compile time via the SYMDMP option, through the PARM parameter of the EXEC card. operation of the symbolic dump option is dependent on object-time control cards placed io the SYSDBG data set (see also the "Default SYSDBG Data Set" section that follows). This data set must consist of unblocked SO-byte records. If the ~bject-time control cards are not present, SYKDMP is canceled at execution time. These cards are discussed below. 8. Braces enclosing stacked items indicate that a choice of one item mY§! be made by the programmer. 9. All punctuation marks and special characters shown in the statement formats other than hyphens, brackets, braces, and underscores, must be punched exactly as shown. This includes commas, parentheses, and the equal sign. RQ!~: Blanks may be SUbstituted for commas. .&Qnti!!~iQ.n_~g,£.2:§: To continue either the prog.ram-control ca.rd or the line-control card, the proqramme·r must code a nonblanle ch aracter in colu mn 72 of the contin ued card. Individual keywords and data-names cannot be sp1i t between cards. The operation of the SYKDMP option is determined by two types of control cards: Program-control card -- required if abnormal termination and/or dynamic dumps are requested. Line-control card -- required only if dynamic dumps are requested. ~nt~!~j:atement rlac~!!l~i: If a main program is compiled with the SYMD.MP option, or if at least one subprogram called by the main program is a COBOL pr~gram compiled with the SYMDMP option, the control cards may either follow or precede the programmer's data, if any, in the input stream: //GO IIGO.SYSDBG EXEC DD ~yntax Rules: The fields of both the program-control card and the line-control card must conform to the fQllo1!fing rules: 1. Control cards are essentially free form, i.e., parameters coded on these cards can start in any column. However, parameters may not extend beyond column 11. PGM= * (user s control cards) 1 1* I/GO.SYSIN DD * {user's data cards, if any} /* 2. Each parameter except the last must be immediately followed by a comma or a blank. For an example of the control statements used to compile a program .with the SYMDMP option, see Figure 86. 3. No commas are needed to acco~nt for optional parameters that are not specified. 4. All upper-case letters in IBM documentation represent specifications that are to appear in the actual stateme.nt exactly as shovn. frog£~J!=~Qntrol Cards: A program-control card must be present at execution time for any program requesting a SYMDMP service. program-control cards have the following fo.rmat: 5. All lower-case letters represent generic terms that are to be replaced in the actual statement. 6. Brackets are used to indicate'that a specification is optional and is not alvays required in the statement. 7. Brackets enclosing stacked items indicate that a choice of one item may, but need not, be made by the programmer. ,ENTRY. program-id,ddname [ ,NOENTRY Jr,~ (HEX) 1 (~U [,PDS] prograll-id is a 1- to S-character program-name of a COBOL program compiled with the SYMDftP option. This parameter is required and must appear first on the program-control card. ddnall_e is the execution-time ddname of the file that was produced at compile time on Symbolic Debugging Features 215 SYSUT5. This parameter is required and must follow the program~id. ENTRY !!Q.EN.I!U ENTRY is used to provide a trace of a program-name when several programs are link-edited together. Each t.ime the program whose PROGRAM-ID matches the "program-id" parameter is entered, its name is displayed. HEX !Q!!EI is optional and Iefers to the forma~ of the Data Division area i~ the abnormal termination dump. If HEX is specified, level-Ol items are provided in hexadecimal. Items subordinat.eto level-01 items are print~d in EBCDIC, if possible. Level-77 items are provided both in EBCDIC and hexadecimal. If HEX is not specified, items subordinate to level-Ol items and level-77 items are provided in EBCDIC. If these items are unprintable, hexadecimal notation is provided. PDS is optional and allows the user to specify that the debug file, which was produced at compile time on SYSUT5 and whose name is ddname, is a partitioned data :'set. In this case, SYMDMP assumes that program-id is the name of a member in that debug file. This option is intended to reduce the number of execution-time DD cards required for debug files, when many programs compiled with the SYMDMP option are executed together in a COBOL run-unit. Since each such program requires a unique debug file, each program-control card could contain a unique program-id (member), the same ddname, and PDS. Note: The user should be aware that the debug file produced at compile time contains device-dependent relative block addresses embedded in the data blocks and is, therefore, unmovable. The only way to alter a member in an existing partitioned debug file is through recompilation replacement. User attempts to compress the data set through IEBCOPY or move the data set to another data' set through IEHMOVE will be rejected by these utilities. Further, the user should not create a partitioned data set from several compiler-created sequential debug files. SYMDMP will produce message IKF164I and will cancel debug output for any program whose debug file has been moved. The only exception is. that a sequential debug, 216 file can be moved to another sequential data set on a,device of the same type. kine-control Cards: Line-control cards have the following format: line-num[, (verb-num) ][ ,ONn[ ,m( ,k]]] ~ [: ::~~~X)] IwALL1( 11[:~~~~) ] ,namel ITHRU name21 ••• !~ line-num indicates the card number associated with the point in the Procedure Division at which the dynamic dump is to be taken. The card number is eith~r the compiler-generated number or, if NUMis in effect~ the user's 'number in card columns 1 through 6. The number must be that of a card containing a section name, procedure name, conditional verb, or imperative verb. verb-num indicates the position of the verb in the card indicated by "line-num" before whose execution a dynamic dump is taken. When "verb-num" is not specified, the value 1 is assumed; when specified, "verb-num" must follow "line-num" and may not exceed 15. ON n[,m[ ,it]] is equivalent to the COBOL statement ON n AND EVERY m ·UNTIL it... This option limits the request.ed dynamic dumps to specifi~d times. For example, "ON n"would result in one dump, given the nth time "line-num" is reached during execution. "ON n,m" would result in a dump the first time at the nth execution of "line-num" and thereafter at every mth execution until end-of-job. K limits the number of dumps to the kth occurrence of "line-num". HEX NOHEI refers to the format of the Data Division areas provided in the dynamic dump. If HEX is specified, level-Ol items are provided in hexadecimal. Items subordinate to level-01 items are printed in EBCDIC, if possible. Level-77 items are printed in both EBCDIC and hexadecimal. If HEX is not specified, items subordinate to level-Ol items and level-77 items are provided in EBCDIC. If the items are unprintable, hexadecimal notation is provided. Note that if "namel" is specified and it represents a group item and HEX has not been specified, neither the group nor the elementary items in the group will be provided in hexadecimal. namel [TRRU name2] represents selected areas of the Data Division to be dumped. with the TURU option, a range of data-names appearing consecutively in the Data Divisionis dumped. "namel" and "name2 n may be qualified but not subscripted. If the programmer wishes to see a subscripted item. specifying the name of the item without the subscript results in a dump of every occurrence of that item. results in a dump of everything that would be du.ped in the event of an abnormal termination for the program specified in the "program-idA parameter in the preceding program-control card. one use of ALL allows the programmer to receive a formatted dump at normal return from the program. To do this, the programmer must ensure that the generated statement nuaber of the line 00 which a STOP RUN, EXIT PROGRAH, or GOBACK statement appears is specified as the "line-num lt paramete.r. DEFAULT SI~RBG PATA SET If the programmer fails to define a SYSDBG data set, the SYMD~P routines generate a default SYSDBG data set equivalent to the following job control language: symbolic Debugging Features 216.1 IISYSDBG DD * prog-id SYSUT5 debugging or COUNT, i.e., FLOW. STATE, SYMDMP or COUNT options. They must be executed as a logical pair only once per COBOL run unit. If COBOL program A calls COBOL program B, either A or B or both can be compiled with debugging, but only the highest level program compiled with debugging or COUNT options should contain CALL 'ILBOSPIO' statements. The first execution of ILBOSPIO issues a SPIE macro instruction to trap the old program PSi in the event of a program check before STAB gets control at abnormal termination. The second execution of ILBOSPIO resets any previous SPIE at task normal termination. At abnormal termination, ILBODBGO will reset the prev ious SPIE. 1* where: prog-id is the name of the first program compiled with the SYftDltP option encountered in the run-unit. If the programmer has provided a SY5UT5 DD statement referring to the file produced during the compilation of proq-id on SYSUT5. the effect of this default data set is to produce normal SYftD~P output on an abend. If a run-unit includes one or more programs that have been compiled with the S!"D~P option and the programmer desires to suppress the normal SY~DHP output on an abend, either of the following methods may be used: • omit the SYSUT5 DD statement from the execution step. This will cause the following message to be produced and SYMDMP output to be cancelled: IKF168I UNSUCCESSFUL OPEN OF DEBUG FILE • Finally, any CALL 'ILBOSPIO' statements written in a COBOL program compiled without any of the above options cause the subroutine to return control with no action (SPIE is not issued) • If IMS will link to a COBOL load module many times in a job step, the ENDJOB compiler option should be specified. For additional information, see the discussion of the ENDJOB option in the section "Options for the Compiler" in this manual. • define the SYSDBG data set as IISYSDBG DD DUMMY This will cause the following message to be produced and SYMDMP to be cancelled: IKF174I SYMDMP CANCELLED. CARDS FOUND. NO CONTROL Execution of a COBOL program compiled with the options STATE, FLOW, SYMDMP, or COUNT under IMS. requires the COBOL programmer to write an explicit CALL statement to subroutine ILBOSPIO in his source program, i.e., CALL 1ILBOSPIO'. Figure 86 contains selected portions of output from a program that utilizes the Symbolic Debugging feature. In the following description of the program and its output, letters identifying the text correspond to letters in the program listing. (SYMDMP itself provides no page headings or numberings on its output.) Because the SYMDMP option is requested in the PARM parameter of the EXEC card, the logical unit SYSUT5 must be assigned at compile time. ® The PARM parameter specifications on the EXEC card indicate that an alphabetically ordered cross-reference dictionary, a flow trace of 10 procedures, and the SYMDMP option are being requested along with other options. © An alphabetically ordered cross-reference dictionary of data-names and procedure-names is produced by the compiler as a result of the SXREF specification in the PARM parameter of the EXEC card. • There should be one CALL statement written at the beginning of the Procedure Division and following each ENTRY statement in the program. • There should be one CALL statement ~ritten at each exit point in the program, i.e., preceding each GOBACK, EXIT PROGRAM or STOP RUN statement. • These CALL statements are effective only in a COBOL program compiled with Symbolic Debugging Features 217 ® The file assigned at compile time to SYSUT5 to store SYMDMP information is assigned to SYSUTS at execution time. ® The SYMDMP control cards placed in the input stream at execution time are printed along with any diagnostics. CD (b) SYSUTS is the ddname of the SYSUT5 file at execution time. Q) ® The second card is a line-control card which requests a (HEX) formatted dynamic dump of KOUNT, NAME-FIELD, NO-OF-DEPENDENTS, and RECORD-NO prior to the first and every fourth execution of generated card number 70. The third card is also a line-control card which requests a (HEX) formatted dynamic dump of WORK-RECORD and B prior to the execution of generated card number 81. The type code combinations used to identify data-names in abnormal termination and dynamic dumps are defined. Individual codes are illustrated in Figure 8S. @ The dynamic dumps requested by the first line-control ca rd. ® The dynamic dumps requested by the second line-control card. Program interrupt information is provided by the system when a program termina tes abnormally. The statement number information indicates the number of the verb and of the statement being executed at the time of the abnormal termination. The name of the program containing the statement is also provided. ® 218 • Message IKF1821 appears after any record N that is part of a closed file; the status of a file is described in M If the record is part of a closed file, the contents of the record are not printed; instead, the message appears. Message IKF182I is described more fully in "Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages" in this publication .. ® The contents of the fields of the Working-storage section are provided in the format requested on the program-control card. © The value associated with each of the possible subscripts is provided for each of the data items described with an OCCURS clause. ® Asterisks appearing within the EBCDIC representation of the value of a given field indicate that the type and the actual content of the field conflict. !Ql~: When the SYMDMP option is used, level numbers appear "normalized" in the symholic d UJllP prod uced. For example, a group of data items described as: 01 RECORDA. 05 FIELD-A. 10 PIELD-A1 PIC X. 10 FIELD-A2 PIC X. viII appear as follows in SYMDMP output: o1 RECORDA ••• 02 FtELD-A ••• 03 FIELD-A1 ••• 03 FIELD-A2 ••• A fl08 trace of the last 10 procedures executed is provided because FLOW=10 vas specified in the PARM parameter of the EIEC card. Selected areas of the Task Global Table are provided as part of the abnorma I termination dump. @ The fields of records associated with each FD are provided in the format requested on the program-control card. ® The first card is the program-control card where: (a) TESTRUN is the PROGRAM-ID. @ applicable, are provided in hexadecimal. For VSAM: the card number, OPEN/CLOSE status, organization, access mode, last I/O operation~ and file status. For each non-VSAM file-name, the generated card Dumber, the filet ype, the file status (if QSAM), the file organization, the DCB status, and the fields of the DCB and DECB, if 1. Reference to the statement number tion 0 provided by t.h.e SYMDMP option shows that the abnormal termination occurred during the execution of the first verb on card 81. 2. Generated card number 81 contains the statement COMPUTE B = B + 1. 3. 4. Through verification of the contents of B at the time of the abnormal termination ® it can be seen that the usage of B (numeric packe~ conflicts with the value contained in the data area reserved for B(n umeric displav) • The abnormal termination occurred during an attempt to perform an addition on a display item. , J .. J A I I t I I I B 1 1 I More complex errors may require the use of dynamic dumps to isolate the problem area. Line-control cards are included in TESTRUN merely to illustrate how they are used and what output they produce. Code I I I Meaning Alphabetic Binary Display Edited Subscripted Item Floating Point Numeric Packed Decimal signed overpunch Sign Leading Overpunch Sign Trailing Separate Sign Leading Separate Sign Trailing 0 E * F N p 'S Ot aT SL ST L- Figure 85. .i.-- Indiv idual Type Codes Used in SYMDl'1P Output symbolic Debugging Features 219 IIT~STRUN II JOB ('A.~C~U'J,'BETHKE MSGCLASS=~ 1550 J&3',MSGLEVEL=(1,lJ,CLASS=A, ••• ScTUP TAPE SCRTCH RING=YES ~/I EXEC VSCBLCLG, ~ -II PARM.COB='uMAP,P~AP,SXREF,FLOWc10,SYMDMP,QUOTE,NORES', II GOOMP='SYSyUT=S', II SYSUT5c'&&SY~UT5,0ISP=(,PASS", II PARM.lKEOc'LISJ,lfT,XREF' XXCVS20CLG PROC PROG-IKfC8l00, XX COBOMP='SYSOUT=A', XX ~OOMP=DUMMY, XX ~ARMCOB='LOA',RGN~OBc128K,CONOCOB='(16,LT", XX PARMLKO='llST,XRE~,LfT',RGNlKED=128K,CONOLKO='(5,LT,COB)', XX PARMGO=",RGNGO=1~2K,CONOGO='((5,LT,COB,,(5,LT,LKED')', XX ~OSET='&GOSET',GO='GO', XX ~1=CBlCOMPL,V1=CBlOEV,Ul=SYSOA, XX ~2=CBLCOMPL,V2.C6~OEV,U2=SYSOA, XX ~~=C8LUPM,V3=CBlO~V,J3=SYSOA, XX ~~=CVS20LIB,V~=CBlOEV,U~=SYSDA, XX S5=CVS20lIB,V5=CB~OEV,U5=SYSOA, XX So=CVS20LIB,V6=CB~DfV,U6=SYSOA, XX ~7=CVS20LIB,V7=CB~OEV,U7·SYSOA, XX SB=CVS20LIB,V8=CBLOCV,U8=SYSOA, XX ~9=CVS20LIB,V9='S~R=CBLOEV',U9cSYSOA, XX SlOc'SYS1.LINKlIB',V10=,UIO= XXCuB EXEC PGM=&PROG,REGION=&RGNCOB,CONO=&CONOC08, XX PARM='LOA,NOlIB,SjZE=128K,BUF=12K,PMA,OMA,SXR,OPT,RES,&PARMCOB' XXSfEPLIB 00 OSN=&Sl,VOL=SER=&Vl,UNIT=&Ul,OISP=SHR XX 00 OSN=&S2,VOL=SER=&V2,UNIT=&U2,OISP=SHR XX 00 OSN=&S~,VOL=SER=&V3,UNIT=&U3,0ISP=SHR IICuB.SYSPRINT 00 ~Y~OUT=S X/SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A XXSYSUOUMP 00 &COBOMP XXSYSUTl 00 UNIT=SYSuA,~PACE=(TRK,(25,3»,OSN=&SYSJT1 XXSYSUT2 00 UNIT=SYSuA,SPA:E=(TRK,(2S,3,),OSN=&SYSUT2 XXSYSUT3 00 UNIT=SYSuA,SPACE=(TRK,(ZS,3)),OSN=&SYSUT3 XXSYSUT~ 00 UNIT=SYSuA,SPACE.(TRK,(25,3),OSN=&SYSUT~ ~XXSYSUTS DO UNIT=SYSuA,SPA:E=(TRK,(25,3»,OSN=&SYSUT5 ~ XXSYSUT6 DO UNIT-SYSuA,SPACE=(TRK,(25,3),OSN=&SYSUT6 XXSYSLIN 00 OSNAME=&~dADSET,OISP=(MOO,PASS),UNIT=SYSOA, XX ~PACE=(80,(500,10u)J IICuB.SYSIN 00 • Figure 86. 220 llMVS031 00001000 00002000 00003000 OOOO~OOO 00005000 00006000 00007000 00008000 00009000 00010000 00011000 00012000 00013000 00014000 00015000 00016000 00017000 00027000 0:)028000 00029000 00030000 00031000 00032000 00033000 0003~000 00035000 00036000 00037000 00:)38000 00039000 OOO~OOOO 000~10(\0 Using the SyftDftP option to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 1 of 11) 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 000·08 00009 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 100010 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION: 100020 PROGRAM-ID. TESTRUN. 10003'0 AUTHOR. PROGRAMMER NAME. 100040 INSTALLATION. NEW YORK PROGRAMMING CENTER. DATE-WRITTEN. JULY 12, 1968. 100050 100060 DATE-COMPILED. JUN 11,1974. REMARKS. THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN WRITTEN AS A SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR .100070 COBOL USERS. IT CREATES AN OUTPUT FILE AND READS IT BACK AS 100080 INPUT. 100090 100100 100110 100120 100130 100140 100150 100160 100170 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. iBM-360-H50. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-360-H50. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT FILE-l ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-SAMPLE. SELECT FILE-2 ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-SAMPLE. 100180 100190 100200 100210 100220 100225 100230 100240 100250 100260 100270 100280 100290 100300 100310 100320 100330 100340 DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD FILE-l LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED BLOCK CONTAINS 100 CHARACTERS RECORD CONTAINS 20 CHARACTERS RECORDING MODE IS F DATA RECORD IS RECORD-l. 01 RECORD-i. 02 FIELD-A PICTURE IS X(20). FD FILE-2 LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTLD BLOCK CONTAINS 5 RECORDS RECORD CONTAINS 20 CHARACTERS RECORDING MODE IS F DATA RECORD IS RECORD-2. 01 RECORD- 2. 02 FIELD-A PICTURE IS x(20). 100350 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 KOUNT PICTURE S99 COMP SYNC. 100360 100370 77 NOMBER PICTURE S99 COMP SYNC. 100375 01 FILLER. 02 ALPHABET PICTURE X(26) VALUE "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ". 100380 100395 02 ALPHA REDEFINES ALPHABET PICTURE X OCCURS 26 TIMES. 02 DEPENDENTS PICTURE X(26) VALUE "0123401234012340123401234 100405 100410"0". 100420 02 ,DEPEND REDEFINES DEPENDENTS PICTURE X OCCURS 2b TIMES. 100440 01 WORK-RECORD. 100450 02 NAME-FIELD PICTURE X. 100460 02 FILLER PICTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 100470 02 RECORD-NO PICTURE 9999. 100480 02 FILLER PICTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 100490 02 LOCATION PICTURE AM VALUE 1S "NYC". 100500 02 FILLER PICTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 02 NO-OF-DEPENDENTS PICTURE XX. 100510 100520 02 FILLER PICTURE X(7) VALUE IS SPACES. 100521 01 RECORDA. Figure 86. Using the SYMDMP option to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 2 of 11) symbolic Debugging Features 221 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 00086 100522 100523 100530 100540 100550 100560 100570 100580 100590 100600 100610 100620 100630 100640 100650 100660 100670 100680 100690 100700 100710 100720 100730 100731 100740 100750 100760 100770 100780 02 A PICTURE S9(4) VALUE 1234. 02 B REDEFINES A PICTURE S9(7) COMPUTATIONAL-3. PROCEDURE DIVISION. BEGIN. NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING OPENS THE OUTPUT FILE TO BE CREATED AND INITIALIZES COUNTERS. STEP-l. OPEN OUTPUT FILE-l. MOVE ZERO TO KOUNT NOMBER. NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING CREATES INTERNALLY THE RECORDS TO BE CONTAINED IN THE FILE. WRITES THEM ON TAPE, AND DISPLAYS THEM ON THE CONSOLE. STEP-2. ADD 1 TO KOUNT, ADD 1 TO NOMBER, MOVE ALPHA (KOUNT) TO NAME-FIELD. MOVE DEPEND (KOUNT) TO NO-OF-DEPENDENTS. MOVE NOMBER TO RECORD-NO. STEP-3. DISPLAY WORK-RECORD UPON CONSOLE. WRITE RECORD-1 FROM WORK-RECORD. STEP-4. PERFORM STEP-2 THRU STEP-3 UNTIL KOUNT IS EQUAL TO 26. NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING CLOSES OUTPUT AND REOPENS IT AS INPUT. STEP-5. CLOSE FILE-l. OPEN INPUT FILE-2. NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING READS BACK THE FILE AND SINGLES OUT EMPLOYEES WITH NO DEPENDENTS. STEP-6. READ FILE-2 RECORD INTO WORK-RECORD AT END GO TO STEP-8. COMPUTE B = B + 1. STEP-7. IF NO-OF-DEPENDENTS IS EQUAL TO "0" MOVE "Z" TO NO-OF-DEPENDENTS. EXHIBIT NAMED WORK-RECORD. GO TO STEP-6. STEP-8. CLOSE FILE-2. STOP RUN. CD DATA NAMES DEFN A ALPHA ALPHABET 000058 000044 0000113 000059 000047 0000115 000029 000037 000017 000018 000040 000053 000049 000055 00'0041 000051 000028 000036 000057 000048 B DEPEND DEPENDENTS FIELD-A FIELD-A FILE-1 FILE-2 KOUNT LOCATION NAME-FIELD NO-OF-DEPENDENTS NOMBER RECORD-NO RECORD-1 RECORD-2 RECORDA WORK-RECORD Figure 86. 222 I CROSS-REFERENCE DICTIONARY REFERENCE 000068 000081 000070 000064. 000077 000064 000068 000070 000064 000071 000072 000080 000072 0{)Q072 000080 000068 000077 000085 000070 000082 0000b8 000071 000080 000083 OGOO'/ll using the SyftDMP option to Debag the Program TESTRUN (Part 3 of 11) PROCEDURE NAMES DEFN BEGIN STEP-1 STEP-2 STEP-3 STEP-4 STEP-5 STEP-6 STEP-7 STEP-8 000061 000064 000068 000072 000074 000077 000080 000082 000085 CARD ERROR MESSAGE 14 58 IKF1l83I-W IKF2190I-W REFERENCE 000074 000074 000083 000080 IBM-370 IS ONLY VALID COMPUTER-NAME. IBM-360 SPECIFICATION IGNORED. PICTURE CLAUSE IS SIGNED, VALUE CLAUSE UNSIGNED. ASSUMED POSITIVE. IEC130I SYSLIB DD STATEMENT MISSING IEF142I - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0004 IEF285I VSCBL1.LMOD KEPT IEF285I VOL SER NOS= DB143 • IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000011 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000012 DEL~TED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000013 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000014 DELETE':> IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.SYMDBG PASSED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000015 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF2851 SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.LKEDINP PASSED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF2851 SYS74162.T203933.SVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000016 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.SVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000017 SYSOUT IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.S0000018 SYSIN IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.S0000018 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF3731 STEP /COB / START 74162.2054 IEF374I STEP /COB / STOP 74162.2058 CPU OMIN 12.17SEC STOR VIRT 128K XXIKED EXEC PGM=lEWL,PARM="XREF,LIST,LET',COND=(S,LT,COB),REGION=128K 00800190 XXSYSLIB DD DSN=VSCBL1.LIB,DISP=SHR,UNIT=2314,VOL=SER=DB143 00800200 XXSYSLIN DO DSN=&LKEDINP,DISP=COLD,DELETE) 00800210 xx DD DDNAME=SYSIN 00800220 XXSYSUT1 DD SPACE=C1024,(SO,20»,UNIT=C2314,SEP=SYSLIN) 00800230 XXSYSLMOD DD DSN= &LMODLIB (MBRNAME) , UNIT= (2314 ,SEP= (SYSLIN, SYSUTl», *00800240 XX DISP=CMOD,PASS),SPACE=(1024,(50,20,l» 00800250 //LKED.SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=G X/SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A 00800260 IEF236I ALLOC. FOR TESTRUN LKED IEF237I 233 ALLOCATED TO SYSLIB IEF237I 250 ALLOCATED TO SYSLIN IEF237I 234 ALLOCATED TO SYSUT1 IEF237I 235 ALLOCATED TO SYSLMOD IEF237I 230 ALLOCATED TO 3YSPRINT Figure 86. Using the SYKDKP option to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 4 of 11) Symbolic Debugging Features 223 XXSYSLIB DO OSN=&S4,vOl=SER=&V4,UNIT=&U4,DISP=SHR XX uD DSN=&S5,VOL=SEk=&V5,JNIT=&U5,DISP=SHR XX UO DSN=&S9,VOL=&V~,UNIT=&U9,DISP=SHR XXSiSUTI 00 UNIT=(SY~OA,SEP=(SYSLIN,SYSLMOD)),SPACE=(1024,(50,20)) IllKEO.SYSPRINT 00 SYSOUT=S X/SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A XXG~ EXEC PGM=*.LKEO.SrSlMOO,PARM='&PARMGOI~REGION=&RGNGO,COND=&:ONO~O XXSTEPlIB DO OSN=&S6,VOL=SER=&V6,UNIT=&U6,OISP=SHR XX uO OSN=&S8,VOl=SEk=&V8,UNIT=&Ua,DISP=SHR XX uD OSN=&S1,VOL=SEK=&V1,UNIT=&U1,DISP=SHR XX uO OSN=&SI0,VOL=&VIO,UNIT=&UI0,0ISP=SHR IIGu.SYSOUT 00 SYSuUT=S X/SYSOUT DO SYSOUT=A XXSYSUOUMP DO &GOOMP IIGu.SYSDBOUT DO SYSDUT=S ~IIGu.SYSUT5 00 OSN=&&SYSUT5,DISP=(OlD,PASS) ~-~/Gu.SAMPLE DO UNIT=2~00,LABEL=(,NL"DISP=(NEW,OELETE) IIGu.SYSOBG DO * 00041000 00048000 00049000 00050000 00051000 00052000 00053000 00054000 00055000 00056000 00051000 00058000 II Figure 86. 224 Using the SYMDMP option to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 5 of 11) ~SYMDMP CONTROL CARDS ~TESTRUN,SYSUT5 (!)-70,ON 1,4, (HEX) ,KOUNT ,I'4AMf-FIELD,NO-OF-DEPENOENTS,RECORD-NO 0- S1 ,(HEX),WORK-RECORD,B NO ERRORS FOUND IN CONTROL CARDS C!)........ TYPE MEAN H'G ~OOt A AN ANt: o Dt: F FO Nfl NB-S NO NO-OL NO-OT ND-SL ND-ST Nf: NP NP-S ~~ESTRUN LaC Oj5158 • CODES USED IN SY'MDMP OUTPUT .. ,. .. ,. .. ALPHABETIC ALPHANUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC EDITED DISPLAY (STERLING NONREPORT) DISPLAY EDITED (STERLING REPORT) FLOATING POINT (COMP-1/COMP-2) • FLOATING POINT DISPLAY (EXTERNAL FLOATING POINT) .. NUMERIC BINARY UNSIGNED (COMP) ,. NUMERIC BINARY SIGNED = NUMERIC DISPLAY UNSIGNED (EXTERNAL DECIMAL) .. NUMERIC DISPLAY OVERPUNCH SIGN LEADING .. NUMERIC DISPLAY OVERPUNCH SIGN TRAILING = NUMERIC DISPLAY SEPARATE SIGN LEADING .. NUMERIC DISPLAY SEPARATE SIGN TRAILING ,. NUMERIC EDITED .. NUMERIC PACKED DECIMAL UNSIGNED (COMP-3) .. NUMERIC PACKED DECIMAL SIGNED ,. SUBSCRIPTED AT CARD 000070 CARD LV NAME 00004U 77 KOUNT (HEX) TYPE VALUE NB-S +01 0001 A Ci51S8 00004~ 02 NAME-FIELD AN OiS1A3 00005~ 02 No-OF-DEPENuENTS AN (HEX) 01579A TEST~UN 00005! 02 RECORD-NO (HEX) NO AT CARD 000070 Lee CARD C;5i58 COO04u LV NA,ME 77 KOUNT TYPE VALUE NB-S +05 0005 AN E (HEX) a751Sd •• •••• 00000000 0000 00C04;,J 02 NAME-FIELD OSiA.;) oel)osZI 02 NO-OF-OEPENuENT S AN 3 CiSHA 000054 02 Rf:CORt-NO NO 0004 figure 86. Using the SYMDMP OFtion to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 6 of 11) symbolic Debugging Features 225 TESTRUN LeC 0;~~58 AT CARD 000010 LV NAME C"RD ce004u 17 KOUNT (HEX) OB1Sd 00004'.t 02 NAME-FI ELD O!:1A~ 00005~ 02 C157SA 00005J. 02 RECORD-NO 1 ESTKUN LeC VALUE NB-S +09 0009 AN NO-OF-DEPEN~ENTS AT CARD 000010 LV NAME CARD AN 2 NO 0008 TYPE VALUE NB-S +13 0000 02 NAME-fIELD AN M 00005;;, 02 NO-OF-DEPENuENTS AN 00005A. 02 RECORD-NO NO e i 5; 58 0OO04u 77 KOUNT C151S8 aa(,a4~ C157A3 C75 79A (HEX) TESTRUN Lec TYPE "T CARD 000010 CARD LV NAME TYPE VALUE NB-S +11 0011 02 NAME-FIELD AN Q 00005;.. 02 NO-OF-DEPENuENTS AN 0 00('05J. 02 RECORD-NO NO 0016 '15158 00004u 71 KOUNT 0; 51So 00004':11 a;!: 1A3 51SA (HEX) ('j ldlRUN Lee "T CARD 000010 CARD LV NAME TYPE VALUE NB-S +21 0015 02 NAME-F'IELD AN U 00005;;1 02 NO-OF-DEPENuENTS AN 4 00005J. 02 RECORD-NO NO 0020 015158 0OO04u 17 KOUNT Clj79t1 00004~ Oi51H CiSHA (HEX) TESTRUN LeC AT CARD 00001C CARD LV NAME TYPE VALUE NB-S +25 0019 02 NAME-FIELD AN Y 00005:1 02 NO-OF-DEPENuENTS AN 3 00005J. 02 RECORD-NO NO 0024 TYPE VALUE CHiSS 00004') 71 KOUNT Ci 5178 00004:.1 C151A3 OJ 5HA (E)-rESTRUN lec Oi5HS Oi57C;A 0;51SI: Ci51CiF C'i 51A2 C; 51A3 00u04u 01 weRK-RECoRl) .... "''"'V'7 " ... NAMf=flflO a BiA5 000051.1 00005! 00005, 00005..., OOOOS't 00005:1 OOOOSg C151eo 00005~ Figure 86. 226 (HEX) AT CARD 000081 CARD LV NAME C15 7S8 C157';3 0012 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 (HEX) A ., FILLER RECORD-NO FILLER LOCATION FIllER NO-Of-OEPENIJENT S FILLER AN NO AN A AN AN AN NP-S 02 B (HEX) C140FOFO FOF14005 E8C340FO 40404040 40404040 A 0001 NYC 0 *1*2*3* F1F2F3C4 Using the SJtlDKP Option to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 7 of 11) COBOL ABEND DIAGNOSTIC AIDS PFCGIlAM TEST RUN (D----lAST PSW BEFO"E AbEND FF8500u7f:G075F46 SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE = OC7 (D----LAST CARD NUMdt:R/VERB NUM8ER EJlECUTED -- CARD NUMBER OOOOH/VERB NUMBER 01. r;;'\ \V--TESTRUN FLOW TRACE 0000"o 000072 000068 u00072 000068 000072 000068 000072 000077 0000(10 DATA DIVISION DUMP OF TESTRUN CD-IASI<. GLOBAL TABLE S ~Vt AREA HITCH TALLY sellT SAVE ENTRY-SAVE SORT CORE S41E HT COOt: sun RET kOl'I<.ING CELLS seRT FILE SHE SORT MODE S.LE PH-VN TBL IGT-VN TBL HSi::RVEO U/IGTH OF V., TBl tIlBR RET RESeRVED (BG R14SAVE COBUl I NOIC ... TOR A( INIT 11 (HUG TA8LE PTR SLBCOM ADDR seRT-MESSAGe S ¥ SuUT DCNAf'lE " ESERVED (CBLL 10 C(MPILED POlNTER COUNT TABLE ADDRESS HSERVED CBG RllSAVE C(UNT CHAIN ADDRESS PRell CELL PTR UNLSED 1 A LENGTH HSI:RVED PCS LIT PTR (HUGGING CC fOR INIT.AL INPUT (VERFLOW CELLS LOC 0759Du 0759fu 075A1u D75A11l 075A 1.. o 75AZ... 01SA2- .. 075AZo 015AZ .. 075AZe 075A3u 075A5u 075A 70 075A9u 075ABu 075ADu 075AFu 075Blu 075B3u 075850 015800 07580'0 075860 075801. 075B 7u 07587'0 075B70 075B 71 07587u 075B7 .. 075B8u 075B8't 075B8d 075B81. 075B9't 015B9~ 075B90 075B9u 075B9.. 075 BAu 075BAIl 015BAI. 075BBo 075BB't 075B8:.1 0758BI. 0758(; .. 0758C" 0758CI. (NONE. EL CELLS 0756011 CECIlADR CELLS (NONt:) f Ie CELLS 075601. CE 8UG TKANSfl:R (NONEI (HUG CARD (NONEI (tEUG BLL (NONEI CEBUG VLC ( NONE~ Cf8UG MAX (NONEI HSI:RVED (NONEI DEBUG PTR (NONEI HI''' STORAGt 0758Eu Ell CEloLS 075Bco ~LC CELLS (NONEJ S8L CELLS (NONEI INDEX CELLS (NONEI (THR (SEE MI:MORY MAP) 075Bfu 075C1u I.PSI=OCO('oOuo Figure 86. VALUE 0030C4C2 OOOOOOlA 00076176 3D02804B 00000000 00000000 00075C9C 00000000 0000 0000 04400000 000756B8 50077EFO 00000000 20000000 00000000 00075793 000758C8 00075C18 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000 00 00 40075f3C 6007839C 000756B8 00000558 00078098 SYSOUT E3 80 OOOC 00075740 00000000 00000000 00075C9C 00000000 00075C98 00000000 000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00074f80 00074890 50075F24 000758C8 00075688 00075758 00075C 18 600lFC3C 40075F3C 0007AA7() 00075900 0007AA iC 000 7AA 70 00076082 000156B8 50075F24 00075758 46075f36 58800108 00000000 01000000 500760E6 000756B8 00000000 00000000 00075900 00076082 000757F4 5820DlA 8 00000000 60075048 00075960 00000000 00000000 12D474E8 0007AA1C 0007AC10 F870D210 00000000 00075D8C 00018C80 00075758 00000000 00000000 0007AC10 0007BFE8 80075900 C0560700 00000000 00076F6A 0007795A 0007AA1C 00000000 00000000 00075900 000756B8 000000 1A 07F20000 00000000 00075DAO 80075900 00076082 00000000 OOOOOOlA 00075C9C De FOFOOO 000009C8 00000000 00000000 00075900 000756B(I 00000000 000758CII 00015C18 00000000 00014EOO 00075D9E OOOOOOlA OOOOOOlA 00075C9C 00000000 00000000 00 00000000 000756B8 0007AA 70 00075758 00000000 00000000 00000D1C 00000000 00000000 00075779 00075793 00075DF6 00075DF6 OA00098A 15130000 tising the SYMDKP option to Debug 00000000 80075900 OOOODOO() 00000000 th~ Program TESTRUN (Part 8 of 11) symbolic Debugging Features 227 DATA DIVISION DUMP OF TESTRUN CARD Lee ® • 000017 LV NAME TYPE C151f4 Ci! 814 C15834 DCB 00002d IKf1821 ® 01 RECORO-l 02 fIELD-A AN UNINlTIALIZED OR INVALID BASE ADDRESS FOR DATA ITEM ABOVE. • 0000ld FD FILE-2 QSAM (if 59()0 015920 DCB 015940 ~C1"1O P C15158 C15 i 5A C15160 000030 000037 000041.1 000044 01 RECORD-2 02 FIELD-A 77 KOUNT 77 NCMBER 00004~ 01 FILLER 02 ALPHABET 02 ALPHA 00004j 000044 @---015160 0151t! 015162 01516.::1 015164 C/SltS (15166 C15U7 015768 C15169 01576A 01 SHS (/516e C15160 C1516t: C1516f 015710 C,5111 0;5712ClS"11..; 05174 Pigure 86. 228 FILE: CLOSED ORGANIZATION: PHYSICAL SEQUENTI~L LAST SUCCESSFUL 110 STMT: CLOSE FILE STATUS: 00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 00830000 0001AA01 00004000 000000 46000001 000757BC E2C1D4D7 03e54040 02000048 00000001 08000001 oooooe 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000014 00000001 00000000 000000 UNINITIALllED OR INVALID BASE ADDRESS FOR DATA ITEM ABOVE. C!)~------~.~00002~ IKf1821 VALUE QSAM FD FILE-1 FILE: OPEN ORGANIZATION: PHYSICAL SEQUENTIAL LAST SUCCESSFUL 1/0 STMT: READ FILE STATUS: 00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000005 0083C300 0501AAOO 00004000 0007A8 46077F8C 900758C8 00ce4BOO 007DC414 12D474E~ 00BEI01B 01000001 000000 20202020 0007A920 0007AAD4 0007AA70 00000014 00000001 00000000 00~06A AN NB-S NB-S AN "'AN (SUBH 1 2 A 0001 NYC 0 +26 +26 ABCDEFGHIJKL~NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 3 A B C 4 5 D E 6 F 7 8 9 10 G H 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I J K L M N o P Q R S T U Using the SYMDMP option to DebQg the Program TESTBUN (Part 9 of 11) DATA DIVISION DUMP OF TESTRUN Lee CARD 015175 C15116 C15777 (;; 5718 Ci 5719 01571A 00004j 000047 LV NAME TYPE 22 23 24 25 20 02 DEPENDENTS 02 DEPEND (SUBU--® 1 2 3 4 5 6 0571A (15116 01571C Ci511D C; 571E (; 571F C1 ~ lea Ci 51H C151Si. C; 51C~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C151BA C; 518B 01518C 075780 Ci5HE Oi578F C,ii 5790 (ilS7H (1575L C,151S3 C1S7A2 000040 000049 OC005u 000054 00005,00005.;) 000054 015 7A3 DODOS:; C151A5 C;51BC (;5180 3 4 0 1 2 :3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 10 0751S5 Cl5H6 0157e? (B7El8 Ci51S9 000050 00005] aC005d 00005~ 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 3 4 0 WORK-RECORD ~ NAME-FIELD FILLER RECORD-NO FILLER LOCATION fILLER NO-OF-DEPENuENTS FILLER AN AN NO AN A AN AN AN 01 RECORDA 02 A 02 B CARD LV NAME A 0001 NYC 0 ND-OT NP-S +1234 *1*2*3*;:--0 FlF2F3C4 TYPE VALUE (HEX) lOC V W X Y Z 01234012340123401234012340 0 1 2 7 8 9 (i 51C4 (75158 (:;57«;5 0157SA (ii51SE C7 57Sf AN *AN VALUE END OF COBOL DIAGNOSTIC AIDS Figure 86. Using the SYMDMP Option to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 10 of 11) Symbolic Debugging Features 229 IEC130I SYSDTERM DO STATEMENT MISSING A 0001 NYC 0 B 0002 NYC 1 C 0003 NYC 2 D 0004 NYC 3 E 00·05 NYC 4 F 0006 NYC 0 G 0007 NYC 1 H 0008 NYC 2 I 0009 NYC 3 J 0010 NYC 4 K 0011 NYC 0 L 0012 NYC 1 M 0013 NYC 2 N 0014 NYC 3 o 0015 NYC 4 P 0016 NYC 0 Q 0017 NYC 1 R 0018 NYC 2 S 0019 NYC 3 T 0020 NYC 4 U 0021 NYC 0 V 0022 NYC 1 W 0023 NYC 2 X 0024 NYC 3 Y 0025 NYC 4 Z 0026 NYC 0 COMPLETION CODE - SYSTEM=OC7 USER=OOOO IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.LMODLIB PASSED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= DC151 • IEF285I VSCBL1.LIB KEPT IEF285I VOL SER NOS= DB143 • IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.SYMDBG DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.SVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000021 SYSOUT IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.SVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000022 SYSOUT IEF285I VOL SER HOS= 33300l. IEF2851 SYS74162.T203933.SVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000023 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF2851 SYS74162.T203933.SVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000024 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.R0000025 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= L00001. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933. RVOOO.TESTRUN. S0000026 SYSIN IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.S0000026 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231400. IEF373I STEP /GO / START 74162.2059 IEF3741 STEP /GO / STOP 74162.2105 CPU OMIN 09.72SEC STOR VIRT IEF285I SYS74162.T203933.RVOOO.TESTRUN.LMODLIB DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= DC151 • .LEF375I JOB /TESTRUN / START 74162.2054 IEF376I JOB /TESTRUN / STOP 74162.2105 CPU OM IN 24.96SEC Figure 86. 230 Using the SyftDMP opti~n 64K to Debug the Program TESTRUN (Part 11 of 11) The compiler, linkage editor, COBOL load module, and other system components can produce output in the form of printed listings, punched card decks, diagnostic or informative messages, and data sets directed to tape or mass storage devices. This chapter describes the outpu t listings that can be used to document ana debug programs and the format of the output modules. The same COBOL program is used for each example. "Appendix A: Sample Program output" shows the output formats in the context of a complete listing generated by a sample program. The output of the compilation job step may include: • A printed listing of the job control statements • Device allocation and deallocation messages from the job scheduler • A printed listing of the statements contained in the source module • A glossary of compiler-generated information about data • A printed listing of the object code • Compiler diagnostic messages • System messages • Disposition messages from the job scheduler • An object module • A cross-reference listing • A cond ensed list ing containing source card numbers and the location of the generated instruction for each verb • Compiler statistics • Reformatted source code, either with or without a compilation, through the lister feature of the OS/VS COBOL Compiler. For details, see the chapter "Lister Feature." Diagnostic messages associated with the compilation of the source program are automatically generated as output. The other forms of out put may be requested in the PARM parameter in the EXEC statement. The level of diagnostic messages printed depends upon the FLAGW or FLAGE options. All output to be listed is written on the device specified by the SYSPRINT DD statement. spacing of the source listing and the number of lines per page can be controlled by the SPACEn and LINECNT options. Figure 87 contains a portion of the compiler output listing shown in "Appendix A: Sample Program Output. It Each type of output is numbered. and each format within each type is lettered. The text following Figure 87 is an explanation of the illustration. output 231 IIT~STRUN JOB II MSGClASS=~ ***~ETUP II II II II II CD EXEC TAPE SCRTCH CVS2'OCl G, 1550 J63',MSGlEVEl=(1,1),ClASS=A, llMVS037 RING=YES PARM.tOB='uMAP,P~AP,SXREF,FlOW~10,SV~DMP,QUGTE,NJRES', GODMP='SYSuUT=S', SYSUT5='&&SY~UT5,DISP=(,PASS)', PARM.lKED='lISf,lET,XREF' XXCVS20ClG PROC PROG=I~FCBLOO, XX ~OBDMP='SYSOUT=A', XX "UDMP=DUMMY, XX PARMCOB='lOA',RGN~Oo=128K,CONDCOB='(16,lT)', XX PARMlKD='lIST,XREf,LcT',RGNlKED=128K,CONOLKD='(5,lT,COB)', XX PARMGO=",RGNGO=l~2K,CONOGO='(5,lT,COB),(5,lT,lKEDJJ', XX ~OSET='&GOSET',GO='Gu', XX ~1=CBLCOMPl,V1=C~LDEV,U1=SYSDA, XX ~~=CBLCOMPl,V2=C8lDEV,U2=SYSDA, XX ~3=CBlUPM,V3=CBlD~V,U3=SVSDA, XX S4=CVS20LIB,V4=CBLDEV,U4=SYSDA, XX ~5=CVS20lIB,V5=C8LDEW,U5=SVSDA, XX ~6=CVS20lIB,V6=CBLDEV,U6=SYSDA, XX ~7=CVS20lIB,V7=C8LDcV,U7=SYSDA, XX ~8=CVS20lIB,V8=CBLDEV,UB=SYSDA, XX ~9=CVS20lIB,V9='ScR=:Bl)EV',U9=SYSDA, XX ~10='SYS1.lINKlIB',V10=,J10= XXCuB EXEC PGM=&PROG,RE~ION=&R~NCOB,COND=&CONDCOB, XX PARM='lOA,NOLIB,SlZE=128K,BUF=12K,P~A,D~A,SXR,OPT,RES,&P~RM:OB' XXSTEPLIB DO DSN=&S1,VOL=SER=&V1,UNIT=&U1,DISP=SHR XX DO DSN=&S2,VOL=SER=&V2,UNIT=&U2,DISP=SHR XX DO bSN=&S3,VGL=SER=&V3,UNIT=&U3,DISP=SHR IICuB.SYSPRINT DO ~YSuUT=S X/S~SPRINT DO SYSOUT=A XXSYSUDUMP 00 &COBDMP XXSYSUT1 DO UNIT=SYSuA,SPACE=(TRK,(25,3),JSN=&SYSUT1 XXSYSUT2 DO UNIT=SYSuA,SPA:E=(TRK,(25,3)),DSN=&SYSUT2 XXSYSUT3 DO UNIT=SYSvA,SPACE=(TRK,(25,3)),DSN=&SYSUT3 XXStSUT~ DO UNIT=SYSuA,SPACE=(TRK,(25,3)),)SN=&SYSUT4 XXStSUT5 DO UNIT=SYSuA,SPACE=(TRK,(25,3)),DSN=&SYSUT5 XXSYSUT6 DO UNIT=SYSuA,SP~:E=(TRK,(25,3»,DSN=&SYSUT6 XXSYSlIN 00 DSNAME=&~OAuSET,OISP=(MOD,PASS) ,UNIT=SYSD~, XX ~PACE=(80,(500,10v)) IICub.SYSIN DO * IEf23bI IEF237I IEf2311 IEf237I IEF237I IEF237I IEF237I IEFt37I IEf237I IEF237I IEf237I IEF2371 IEF237I IEf237I ALLOC. FOR TESTRUN C08 5CO ALLOCATED TO STEPl,B 5CO ALLOCATED TO 5CO ALLOCATED TO JES ALLOCATED TO SYSPR!NT JES ALLOCATED TO SYSUOJ~P 272 ALLOCATED TO SYSUT~ 150 ALLOCATED TO SYSUT~ 272 ALLOCATED TO SYSUi~ 272 ALLOCATED TO SYSUT~ 272 ALLOCATED TO SYSUT~ 272 ALLOCATlD TO SYSUTc 272. ALLUCATED TO SYSUN JES ALLOCATED TO SYSIN Figure 87. 232 ('A=~C~O'),'BETHKE Examples of Compiler Output (Part 1 of 4) 00001000 00002000 00:)03000 OOOOftOOO 00005000 00006000 00007000 00008000 00009000 00010000 00011000 00012000 00013000 0001ftOOO 00015000 03016000 00017000 03:>27000 00028000 00029000 00030000 00031000 00032000 00033000 OOOHOOO 00035000 00036000 00037000 00038000 J0039000 00040000 00041000 .)(,(.01 J(002 Gu(03 10(01IJ IOENTIFICATION uIVISION. Tt~TkUN. WOu2" PROGRAM-IO. 10003IJ AUTHOR. PROGRAMMLR ~AME. INSTALLATION. PALO ALTO O~VELOPMENT CENTER. 10u04" 1 0005.) DATE WRITHN. AJGLlST c, 1976. 10GOt,u DATe-COMPILED. ~UG l4,1976 J(,(;~4 J(,C';5 oece6 Que C2 10074u STEP-7. IF NO-Gr-JtPENOENTS IS EQUAL TO "0" MOVE "Z" TO lJU751J NO-OF-OcPENIJE~T!). EXI-'IBIT NAMED 1I0RK-RECORD. GO TO 100701.1 ST=P-6. 10017u STEP-B. CLOSE FlLt-2. le07tlv STOP RUIIl. U..JC E3 COC/:4 00Cb Ju0co o ®CD INTKNl IMr-IE DNM=1- ... 'ttl Otl.M=I-,,('8 LVL FO 01 02 FO 01 02 ON1~=1-.d;j9 CD ONM=i-c;.u6 ONM=1-",..:6 DNM=1-,.;,. 7 ON "1 =.i.-", ° 7 DNI1= 1-.. 02 ONM=1-.. ~B DNM=l-JLl ONM=l-.;.jQ 01'11'1=1-.;)48 DNM=1-.;;c, 8 ONM=1-.d34 ONM=1-"?utl ONM=1- ... 28 ON'1=1-'t42 ONM=1-"?61 DNM=1-"?7!> ONM=l-4':13 77 77 01 (2 02 02 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 02 02 DN:~=2-",00 ON'1=",-u<:6 ONM=<:-IJ40 01'11'1=2-.)00 ONM=2- . .t11 CD CD SOURC", '44ME F IL E-L RECORu-i FIELlJ-A F IlE-, RECOR..,-Z FIELD-A KOUNT NOMB£n. F [LLE~ AlPHAoET ALPHA OEP':NuENTS DEPEN.; BAS E OCB=OI Bl= 1 Bl=1 OCf:\=02 Bl=2 BL=2 P·L=3 Bl=3 E1L=3 BL=3 PL=3 BL=3 Bl=3 BL=3 Bl=3 Bl =3 BL=3 BL=3 Bl=3 BL=3 BL=3 BL=3 BL=3 Bl=3 BL=3 WORK-I\E~JkO NAME-t-Ie:lD FILLcl\ RECORu-i~u FIlU:K LOCAT!u'< FILlEK NO-OF-DEPENDENTS FILLtK RECOR.)A A B DISH 000 003 000 000 000 002 008 008 008 022 022 040 040 041 042 046 041 04A 04B 040 058 058 058 CD I NTRNl NAME DNM=1-148 0·"1 .... = 1-168 ONM=1-1B'3 )NM=1-206 ONM=1-226 DNM=1-247 0~11= 1-267 DNM=I-282 ONM=i-2Q8 DNM=1-312 DNM= 1-3 30 )~"'=1-348 DNM= 1-368 JIIlM=1-384 0'4"'=1-408 DNM=1-428 DNM=1-442 DNM=1-461 ONM=1-475 O~"'= 1-493 ONM=2-000 ONM= 2-026 DNM=2-040 DNM=2-060 GN~=2-071 CD DEFI'HTlO\j OS O:LZO OS 2J( OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS JS OS OS OS OS OS DS OS OS DS OS OCL20 2J( 1-i IH OCL52 26C lC 2t..~ 1C OCl20 1: IC 4: IC 3C 1: 2( 1C OCL4 4C 4P CD JSClGE QSb.M :;POUP DJSP QSAM R CD J ;t M F GP~UP DIS P C(l!olP CQ"IP GROUP OISP [lISP OISP )JSP GROLJP JISP DISP (1 J [,ISP-~IM OISP C'ISP OISP ()ISP DISP GPOUP DISP-NM COMP-3 MEMOR¥ MAP CD 00318 TGT SAVe: AREA SWITCH TALLY SJRT SAVE ENTRY-SAVE 00318 00360 00364 00368 0036C 00370 SORT CORE SIZE lITERAL PLOl (HEX) 00000001 00044000 00:> t:!ll (l IT +0 J C C5Cl;l (LI 1+Z .. ) DI~PLAY 0"lAIC10 0IJOuuv00 PGT DEBUG LINKAGE A~EA OVEkFLOW CELLS VIRTUAL CEllS PKUCEOURE NAME ~ELLS GENEKATED NAME ~ELlS OCB AuORESS CELLS VNI CELLS LITERAL S iJ[ SPLAY LITERAl~ PROCEDURE BlOC~ CELLS I RE ... 6 xEG 7 REG 8 OOOOODOO 48140000 '\o/ORK-RECiJRu' CD REGISTER 00000008 LITERALS (BCl)) (iC5D4 (lTl+3,,) CD 0000001C COOOOOOO AS~l 00560 00560 0056C 00570 0059C 0059C 005AO 005A8 005BO 00504 D05EO GNMEIH /jl =3 t3L =1 til =2 (D..lORKING-STLJRII ... E STAf 00060A 000610 0006.14 58 FO C 024 05 IF 00uOO040 58 fO C 028 05 ft5d III C 040 50 40 1 024 0": O~ 4011 C 020 511 10 D 234 92- Of o 234 5t1 BO C 080 FCi C 02 .. 0.5 If sa ® EQU EQU l L bALR DC * * 11 ,oao( 0,121 15,024(0,12) 1,15 X'OOOOO030' EQU L BALR DC L BALR L L MVC ST MVI * 15,024( 0,12) 1,15 X'OOOOO040' 15,028(0,12) H,15 1,040(0,12) 4,024(:),1) 01113,4) ,020(12) 1,23"( 0, 13) 234(13),X'OF' *STEP-l CD 6ft DPEN *S1AT1STICS* saURCE *OPTIONS IN ErfECT* *OPTIUNS IN EFfECT* *UPTIONS IN ErfECT* *OPTluNS IN ErfECT* *OPTIDNS IN EffECT* *OPTIUNS IN EifECT* *OPTIUNS IN EffECT* PN=03 OTA NAME,) OEFN A ALPHA ALPI-ABET DEPENDENTS FIELO-A FIELO-A fiLE-l FlLE-2 KOl;NT LOCATION (;00058 000044 .;00043 ,,00059 000041 .100045 ;)00029 ()00037 000011 000C18 liJOO40 1100053 N~ME-FIELO :JOO049 ND-Of-DEPENOLNTS !,;CM8ER RECORD-NO RECOKD-l RECCRD-2 RECGKDA WCRK-RECORD 000055 UOO041 000051 000028 1100036 000051 liOO048 PROCeDURE "'AMeS !-EFN B OcPE'~D t BEGIN STEP-l STEP-2 STEP-3 STEP-4 STEP-5 STEP-6 STEP-7 STEP-8 Figure 87. 234 VI IlBOflWlI V( IlBOOB(4) DCB=l V(tLBOEXTO) SA3=1 SA3'"'1 RECORDa 86 DATA DIVISION STA1EMfNTS = 25 PROCEDURE DIVISION SrArE~ENTS = 21 SIZE = 1~1072 BUF 12288 LINECNT = 57 SPACEl, FLAGW, SEQ, SOURCE DHAP, PMAP, NOCLIST, NOSUPMAP, NOXREF, SXREF, LOAD, NODECK, QUOTE, ~OTPJN:, FLO~= 10 NOTEkM, NONUM, NOBATCH, NONA~E, COMPILE=Ol, NOSTATE, NJREStDENT, NODYNAM, NDLI8, NQSYNTAX OPTI~IL~, SYMDMP, NOTEST, VERB, lWB, SYST, NOE~DJOB, NJLVL NOLST , ~JFOfCK,NOCDECK, LeOL2, L120, DUMP, NOADV , NOPRtNT, ~OCOUNI, NOVBSUM, NOVBREF, LANGLVL(2) DEBUG rlL~ SIZE = 2 tiLOCKS, 1024 BYTES CROSS-REFERENCE DieT IONARY ® PBl=l V( IlBOFUHI REFERENCE 000068 000081 000070 0000b4 000011 000064 000068 000010 000064 000071 000072 000080 000012 000012 000080 000068 000077 000085 000010 OU0082 000068 000071 000080 000083 000014 REFERENCE 000061 OOOCl64 000068 000072 CiuOO74 000077 000080 ,,00082 000085 000014 000074 000083 000080 Examples of Compiler Output '(Part 3 of 4) CARD I ®S58 @ ERROR MESSAGE IKFIOu71-W IKF21~01-W I EF1421 TESlRJN COB - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0004 IEF28S1 ('tlL .. .:Jt1PL KEPT IEf2851 VOL SER NOS= CBLDEV. IEf2851 CliL(;UMPL KEPT IEF28.:11 VOL ~E~ NOS= CBLDEV. I EF285I CBLJPM KEPT I EFldSl VOL SER NOS= CBLDEV. I Ef28'!:)I JES~.JOBOOOS9.S00103 SYSOUT I CF2851 JES~.JOBOOO59.S00104 SYSOUT I EF285 I SYS70237.T091056.RAOuO.TEST~UN.SYSUTl DE LETED I EF285I VOL SER NOS= 222222. lEF285I SYS/o237.T0910S6.RAOuO.TESTRUN.SYSUT2 DELETED IEf285I VOL SER NOS= 000000. I Ef265I SYS7b237.T091J56.RAOuO.TESTRUN.SYSUT3 DELETED IEF28S1 VOL SER NOS= 222222. 1 Ef285 I SYSlb237.T09105b.RAOuD.TESTRUN.SYSUT4 DELETED IEf285I VOL SER NOS= 22222~. I EF285 I SYSlb237.T091056.RAOvO.TESTRUN.SYSUT5 PASSED lEf2851 VOL SER NOS= 222222. I Ef28S1 SYS76237.T091056.RAOuO.TESTRUN.SYSUT6 DELETED I Ef285 I VOL SER NOS= 222222. IH2S~1 SYSlo237.T091056.RA~vO.TESTRUN.LOADSET PASSED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 22.2222. IEF2851 JtS~.JOBOOOS9.S10101 SYSIN IEf37~I STEP IGOB / START 761:.:'7.0910 IEF37 Z HrTl~~' IUOOB:; 1L H'(l'f'~ IlBOOBr.~ 171f, 30F~ I~ IlB~O%O Il'OFlHl ILSJEKTO 1L'005PO Il80COMO 5&( 5Q4 IL~OFl" zou llP(OFl~ [UI'E1T 1l~(1PSP [UI'COMO Ile~Fl~ $U"PESOlVEPt H I IHOtO.O IlP(1PEG $U~~ESOlVEOI HI ® ~g~~ ~~T EXIST "~~ "AS ~E£ hi AuOtO TO PArA SFT STEP WA ... c.XC:CUTEl' - CONO cooe 0000 ,YSloZ37. TO~1056.PAu"O.1 Eo T"U~.LOAJSET OEUTl U lEfl't,d TESTP.JN lKt:O [~F~.~I ltf2H!)1 I r:fL8:.> J PA5SfO IEfl~,1 RAuIolO.llSTfI ur-.. GOSET VUl SEI< M1S= VOOOOO. B VLl Hk ~US= CHlOEV. \~:~:;~ ~~~~~~!B;'U5= KEPT IEF2d~1 I 7.v·nl IfF.H"t1 STI.:P IlKEO / ~Tl1P 1t- ... .;)7.0-l11 cpu QMJI'-l $E:K ~y~ ICJ~.J Figure 91. 1. KEPT CblOioV. OFLE1t:LJ SYSOJT ::)1.5'J~FT Vlj.,-T Linkage Editor putpu t Show ing !!Iodule ttap and Cross-Reference List Ih~ob control statements. These statements are listed because ftSGLEVEL= (1,1) is specified on the JOB statement for this job, shown in Figure 87. 3. This message lists the FARM options that vere specified. 4. 2. Allocation messages from the joh These messages provide information about the device allocation for the data - sets in the job step. For example, the message schedul~. .IEF2311 ~inka~~~ilQ~_!nt~ative~~ssaq~. Linka~editor informative messag~. This is a disposition message describing the disposition of the load module. A. Name of the load module specified in the DSNAME parameter of the SYSLftOD DD statement B. Text of message 230 ALLOCATED TO SYSUT1 indicates that the data set for SYSUT1 has been assigned to the device 230. output '241 5. ~~~~aE. The module map is listed when either the XREF or the MAP option is specified in linkage editor processing. The module map shows all control sections in the output module and all entry names in each control section. The control sections are arranged in ascending order according to their assigned origins. All entry names are listed below the control section in which they are defined. Each COBOL program is a control section, and any COBOL library subroutine is a separate control section (except as noted under segmentation) • A. B. C. D. 6. 2~2 Ent~I. The entry names within each control section and their relative location. A called program may have more thaD one entry point. For a called COBOL program, the entry points are the same as the names specified by the ENTRY statements in the source program. Entry addr~§2. The relative address of the instruction with which processing of the module begins. It will alvays be lNIT1 if the COBOL program is the main program of the load module. 1Qial lengill. The total number of bytes, in hexadecimal notation, of the load module. It is the sum of the lengths of all control sections. Location. The relative location In the-Program where another program is called. B. ~I.mbol referg!!£~. c. In control section. The control se;;tiontbatcOntains the entry point. The name of the entry point of the called program. For example, 4~O is the location where a COBOL subroutine is called. ILBOSRV1 is the entry point of the called program. ILBOSRVO is the control section that contains the entry point ILBOSTP1. ~n1!Q!_2~£tiQn. Under this heading the name, origin, and length of each control section is listed. Name. The name of the control section. This name is the PROGBAM-ID name in the main COBOL program or a called program. Each control section that is obtained from a library by an automatic library call is indicated by an asterisk. 2£igin. The relative origin in hexadecimal notation. ~~g!h. The number of bytes in each control section in hexadecimal notation. A. If IBEY is specified, the cross reference list appears before the Entry Address. 7. Q!§RQ§itiQD_~~~gg~_!~Q!_the-iQQ ~ch~!~~. These messages contain information about the disposition of the data sets. COll!ll!1LQIL th~gy.l!LJ1Sl.R._9.nd ~.fg~n~~_1i~1 CrQ,§2 The severity of linkaqe editor diagnostic messages may affect the production of the module map and the cross reference list. Since various processing options will affect the structure of the load module, the text of the module map and cross reference list viII sometimes provide additional information. For example, the load module may have an overlay structure. In this case, a module map will be listed for each segment in the overlay structure. The cross reference list is the same as that previously discussed, except that segment numbers also are listed to indicate the segment in which each symbol appears. 1!st!Qg_!h~nkag~_lditor control ~~a~gs~!!§: If the LIST option is specified, linkage editor control statements, such as OVERLAY and LIBRARY, are listed. Cro.2§~efeu!!£~-1J&1. T.he cross reference list, as well as a module map, is listed if the .XREF option is specified. The ftlP and IREF options should not be specified together. The cross reference list provides the following information: The linkage editor generates tvo types of messages: module disposition messages and error/warning messages. A description of the messages can be found in the publication OSL~_ki.nka~_!gitor and ~a£~~. A complete list of the error/warning messages is included in the publication OS/ll_Ke§sag~LibrarI': Linkll~ • A syst em dUllp !~!.t.2LAn~g~_"e§gg~. • Debugging information ~: Loader output consists of a collection of diagnostic and error messages, and, if KAP is specified, a storage map of the loaded program. The output data set, SYSLOUT is sequential and blocked as specified by the user in the-DCB. For better performance, the user can also specify the number of buffers to be allocated. Diagnostic messages include a loader heading and a list of options requested by the user. The error messages, identifying the source of error, will be written when the error is detected. After processing is complete, an explanation of the error will be written. A complete list of loader error messages is found in the publication Q~LVS Message L~ll:LL-1i!l1s~e Editor LogdeJ;:_~2§gg§· The map includes the name and absolute address for each control section and entry point defined in the program. It is vr it ten on S ISLOUT concurren tIy vith input processing so it appears in order of input ESD items. The total size and storage extent also are included. Figure 92 is an example of a module map. If a program ends abnormally and one of the options FLOW, STATE, or SYMDMP is in effect and the SYSDBOUT DD card has been included, debugg ing informa tion appears in the program listing (see the chapter entitled "Symbolic Debugging Features"). A dump as well as system diagnostic messages are generated automatically if a program contains errors that cause abnormal termination. l!Q:t~: If a COBOL program abnormally terminates, then a formatted dump is provided for all COBOL programs compiled with the SyftDMP option which could include the abnormally terminating program and its callers, up to and including the main program. For a discussion of the SYMDMP option as well as of other COBOL symbolic debugging options, see the chapter entitled "Symbolic Debugging Features." Figure 93 shows an example of output from the execution job step. The following text is an explanation of the illustration. 1. Ih~_job_£Qni~Q!_§tate~gnt§. These statements are listed because MSGLEVEL=(1,1) is specified in the JOB statement for this job. 2. Ihe_job~!lQ£~liQn..J!g§saggs f£Q.ID._th~ jQ~2chedy!g£. These messages indicate the device that is allocated for each data set defined for the job step. The output generated by program execution (in addition to data written in program output files) can include: 3. ~i22Q§iiiQn_ID.g§§a~ga_t£Q~thg-iQ.h 4. R£Qg!:il_Q!!i.2y.i_Q!t_I?!::!.llig£. 5. ~2!!..2Q.le • Data displayed on the console, or on the printer • Cards • Messages to the operator • system informative messages • system diagnostic messa;e 2£h~d~le£. These messages are contained in the as/vs message library. . The results of execution of the TRACE and EXHIBIT NAMED statements appear on program listing. outI!ui. Data is printed on console as a result of execution of DISPLAY UPON CONSOLE. output 243 VS LOADER OPTIONS USED - PRINT.MAP.LET,CALL.RES,NOTERM,SIZE=98304,NAME=**GO NAME TYPE ADDR TYPE NAME TESTRUN SD 60010 INCLUDE SYSLIB(ILBODSP) IEW1141 ILBOCOM * ILBOCOMO* SD 60940 ILBOSR * ILBOSRS * LR 60A3A ILBODSP * ILBOSTPO* LR 60A42 ILBOEXTO* LR 61SA2 ILBODBG * ILBODBG4* ILBODBG3* LR 615CE I LBOFLW2 * ILBOFLW1* LR 621FE ILBOBEGO* LR 6277A ILBOCMM * TOTAL LENGTH ENTRY ADDRESS IEW1141 60940 60A3A 60DCO 615CO 61502 62202 627E8 NAME ILBOSRV * ILBOSRV1* ILBODSPO* ILBODBGO* ILBODBG5* ILBOMSG * ILBOCMMO* 2B68 60010 WARNING - CARD RECEIVED NOT AN OBJECT RECORD Figure 92. 244 LR LR SD SO LR LR SO ADDR Module Map Format Example TYPE SD LR LR LR LR SD LR ADDR 60AOO 60A3E 60DC2 615C2 61506 62678 627EA NAME ILBOSRVO* ILBOSTP1* ILBODSSO* ILBODBG1* ILBOFLW * ILBOMSGO* I LBOCMM1 * TYPE LR LR LR LR SO LR LR ADDR 60A3A 60A3E 60DC2 61SC6 621F8 6267A 627EE NAME ILBOSR3 * ILBOST * ILBOEXT * ILBODBG2* ILBOFLWO* ILBOBEG * TYPE LR LR SD LR LR SD ADDR 60A3A 60A42 615AO 61SCA 621FA 62778 -_ IEf2361 ALLOC. FOR TESTRUN GO IEF2371 232 ALLOCATED TO PGM= •• DD IEF237I 235 ALLOCATED TO STEPLIB IEP237I 250 ALLOCATED TO DD1 IEf2371 250 ALLOCATED TO SYSDBOUT IE.2371 250 ALLOCATED TO SYSUDUMP IEl237I 250 ALLOCATED TO SYSOUT IEJi2371 250 ALLOCATED TO SYSPUNCH n:f2371 582 ALLOCATED TO SAMPLE lXGO EXEC PGM= •• LKED.SYSLMOD.COND=((5,LT.COE). (5.LT.LKED» XXSTEPLIB DD DSN=VSCBL1. LIB, DISP=SHR. UNIT=2314. VOL=SER=DB143 XXDDl DD DSN=iSYMDBG.DISP=(QLD.DELETE) / ;GO. SYSDBOUT DD SYSOUT=G x/SYSDBOUT DD SYSOUT=A I/GO. SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=G X/SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A /IGO.SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=G X/SYSCUT DD SYSOUT=A XXSYSPUNCH DD SYSOUT=E ,l/GO.SAMI?:t,E DD UNIT=240Q.),Al;!EL=(.I!!:t..).DISP=(NEW.DELETE) WORK-RECORD WCRK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WCRK-RECORC WORK-RECORD WCRK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WCRK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WCRK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WOR1I:-RECORD WORK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WOR1I:-RECORD WORK-RECORD WCRK-RECORD WOR1I:-RECORD WORK-RECORD WORK-RECORD WOR1I:-RECORD WORK-RECORD WORK-RECORD = = = = = = = = = = A B C D E F G H I J = K = L = M = N = 0 = P = Q = R = S = T = U = V = W = X = Y = Z 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC NYC 00800300 00800310 00800320 00800330 Z 1 2 3 4 Z 1 2 3 4 Z 1 2 3 4 3 4 Z 1 2 3 4 Z A 0001 NYC 0 B 0002 NYC 1 C 0003 NYC 2 D 0004 NYC 3 E 0005 NYC 4 F 0006 NYC 0 G 0007 NYC 1 H 0008 NYC 2 I 0009 NYC 3 J 0010 NYC 4 11: 0011 NYC 0 L 0012 NYC 1 M 0013 NYC 2 N 0014 NYC 3 o 0015 NYC 4 P 0016 NYC 0 Q 0017 NYC 1 R 0018 NYC 2 S 0019 NYC 3 T 0020 NYC 4 U 0021 NYC 0 V 0022 NYC 1 W 0023 NYC 2 X 0024 NYC 3 Y 0025 NYC 4 Z 0026 NYC 0 IEF1421 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000 IEf2851 SYS74163. T204211. RVOOO. TESTRUN. LMODLIB PASSED IEf285I VOL SER NOS= 231402. IEf2851 V5CBLl. LIB KEPT IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= DB143 • IEf2851 SYS74163.T204211.RVOOO.TESTRUN.SYMDBG DELETED IEf2851 VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEf2851 SYS74163.T204211. SVOOO.TESTRUN. ROOOOOll SYSOUT IEf2851 VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEf2851 SYS74163. T204211. SVOOO. TESTRUN. R0000012 DELETED IEf2851 VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEf2851 SYS74163. T204211. SVOOO.TESTRUN. R0000013 SYSOUT IEF2851 VOL' SER NOS= 333001. IEF2851 SYS74163.T204211.SVOOO.TE5TRUN. R0000014 DELETED IEf2851 VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEf2851 SYS74163.T204211.RVOOO.TESTRUN. R0000015 DELETED IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= L00001. IEF2851 SYS7416 3. T204211. RVOOO. TE5TRUN. S0000016 SYSIN IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF2851 SYS74163.T204211.RVOOO.TESTRUN.50000016 DELETED IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 333001. IEF373ISTEP /GO I START 74163.2056 n.F3741 STEP ;GO / STOP 74163.2109 CPU OMIN 09.47SEC STOR VIRT IEf2851 5YS74163. T204211. RVOOO. TESTRUN. LMODLIB DELETED IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 231402. IEF3751 JOB /TESTRUN I START 74163.2046 IEF3761 JOB /TESTRUN / STOP 74163.2109 CPU OMIN 24. 47SEC Figure 93. 00800270 00800280 00800290 6411: Execution Job step output output 245 Both SYSUDUMP and SYSABEND viII usually produce the following whe~ an abnormal termination occurs: some system control blocks~ work areas (in addition to user modules), and system modules, and--under VS2--GTF trace records if that system service is running. SYSABEND normally also produces the system nucleus. REQUESTS FOR OUTPUT 1. The programmer can request data to be displayed by using the DISPLAY statement and including the following in the job control procedure: //SYSOUT 2. 3. DD SYSOUT=A Message to the operator can also be displayed on the console when requested in th e so urca program (DISPLAY UPON CONSOLE'). The programmer can request debugging informa tioD in case of an abnormal termination by specifying FLOW, STATE, or SYMDMP and including the following in the job control procedure: //SYSDBOUT DD SYSOUT=A In addition, the SYSUT5 DD statement is required for compilation and the SYSDBG DD statement is required at execu tion time. Dumps and debugging facilities are further 'explained in "Program Checkout. ff OPERATOR MESSAGES The COBO.L load module may issue opera tor messages. A complete list of these messages and required operator responses can be found in "Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages.·' MCS considerations are discussed there also. The following DD statement must be used to make the COBOL library module ILBOBEG available at execution time. / /STEPLIB DD DS N=subr-libname, DISP=SHR If an error message is printed by the debugging modules, the COBOL library module ILBOBEG is loaded dynamically from the subroutine library. This module is not link edited into the COBOL object program. By specifying- a //SYSDTERM DD card in addition to the //SYSDBOUT DD card, dynamic dump output will be written onto SYSDTERM while the abend dump output will go to SYSDBOUT. l!Q.ig: The TSO programmer should assign SYSDTERM to the terminal since dynamic dump output is interruptable. 5YSDBOUT should be assigned to a direct access data set which could be listed at the terminal after the ABEND is complete. ~. The programmer can request a full dump, in case his program is terminated abnormally, by including one of the following in the job control procedure: either Informative and diagnostic messages may appear in the listing during execution of any job step. Further information about system diagnostics is found in the appropriate~LIS._!esg~_t.ib£ary publication. COBOL messages and associated documentation forth is compiler can be displayed by running the.ERRMSG program described earlier in "Output ... Each of these messages contains an identification code in the first three columns of the message to indicate the portion of the operating system that generated the message. Figure 94 lists these codes, along with an identification of each. , ,Code I ,ICE ,lEA ,IEC ,IEF IIKF IIER I lEW 11GB / /SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT= A or / /SY5 ABEND :DD SYSOUT=A 246 • , i I I I I I I I I f , Identification A A A A A A A 1 Figure 94. message message message message message message message message from from from from from from from from ,I the Sort program. I the supervisor. I data management. I the job scheduler. I the COBOL compiler., the Sort Program. I the linkage edt tor. , the Sort prograll. • J System Message Identification Codes A programmer using the COBOL compiler under OS/VS has several methods available to him for testing and debugging his programs or revising thea for increased efficiency of operation. The lister feature provides the COBOL programmer with reformatted source code that contains complete cross-reference information at the source level. TEST has the following effects on other compiler options: TEST overrides FLOW, STATE, SY!DKP and COUNT. However, BATCH overrides TEST. TEST is also overridden if the source program contains USE FOR DEBUGGING and WITH DEBUGGING MODE statements. TEST requires the debug file, SYSUT5. The syntax-checking options can be specified to save progra mmer and machine time while checking the source statements for syntax errors. The COBOL debugging language can be used by itself or in conjunction with other COBOL statements. A dump can also be used for program checkout. For a discussion of the COBOL symbolic debugging options, see the chapter entitle~ "Symbolic Debugging Features." The execution frequency statistics option, COUNT, facilitates testing, debugging# and optimizing by causing verb execution counts to be generated at the end of the execution of a compiled program. The statistics provide the COBOL programmer with information that aids user program optimization by identifying heavily-used portions of the COBOL source program. They are also useful to the programmer in debugging by providing verification that all parts of a program have been executed. The program product IBM OS COBOL Interactive Debug (Program Number S734-CB4) enables the user to debug his COBOL programs from a terminal under TSO, the Time Sharing Option of thoe operating System. with its own debugging command language, Interactive Debug gives the user several object-time debugging capabilities including: starting and stopping program execution at selected points, altering the logical floll of prog ram execution, manipUlating data, and displaying such things as selected source statements, file status and content, and various kinds of program execution traces. How to accomplish these operations is described fully in IBM-2LCOBOLI!l~il,£tive Debug 121~: %~~:!ina 1 u§g£'~ig!LaJ!~fer~1l£~. Specifying the TEST compiler option allows a COBOL program to be debugged by the Interactive Debug user. A program that is compiled without the TEST option is unacceptab leta the Interactive Debug command processor. When the user requests the lister ·feature, each COBOL statement is begun on a 'new line and is indented in such a way as to make tke logie of the program readily apparent by highlighting level numbers, nested IF statements, etc. For complete information, see the chapter "Lister Feature. " SYNTAX-CHECKING ON~CO~I1!!ION The compiler checks the source text for syntax errors and then generates the appropriate error messages, but does not botber to produce object code. With the syntaX-Checking feature, the programmer can request a compilation either conditionally, with object code produced only if no messages or just w- or C-level messages are generated, or unconditionally, with no object code produced regardless of message level. For a discussion of the syntaX-Checking options, SYNTAX and CSYNTAX, see the section "Options for the Compiler" under "Job Control Procedures." The COBOL debugging language is designed to aid the COBOL programmer in producing an error-free program in the sho.rtest possible time. The sections that follow di sc uss the use of the various types of debugging language and other methods of program checkout. Program Checkout 247 DEBUGGING LINES The user can include debugging lines (any COBOL statement with a D in column 7) in his program to assist in locating logic er.rors. Through inclusion of the WITH DEBUGGING MODE source clause (essentially a compile-time switch), the statements are made part of the object code and will be executed in line vith the rest of the program. Removal of th.e WITa DEBUGGING MODE clause causes debugging lines to be treated as comments only; they viII not be executed. A program con ta ining debugging lines must be syntactically correct in both these modes. (The execu tion-time option DEBUG/NODEBUG has no control over debugging lines; it only affects USE FOR DEBUGGING declaratives--as explained belov.) 2. 32K. 3. A SEARCH or SEARCH ALL statement that refers to identifier-1 as the table to be searched viII not result in an invocation of the-USE FOR DEBUGGING declarative procedure. If identifier-1 is referred to elsewhere in the statement (for example, as an operand of a WHEN condition), the associated declarative will be invoked. 4. When identifier-l is the object of an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause, the contents of the DEBUG-CONTENTS subfield of DEBUG-ITEM viII be unpredictable if all three of the following conditions are true: a) ident ifier-1 is changed in the same statement as the data item whose size and/or location is affected by that change, and DECLARATIVE PROCEDURES--USE FOR DEBUGGING The USE FOB DEBUGGING featare provides the user with the ability to create his own procedures to examine the internal status of his program during its execution. The USE FOR DEBUGGING statement identifies which program elements it wishes to monitor. COBOL then gives the associated procedure control vhen these e.tements are referenced during execution. The procedure also is given access to the DEBUG-ITEM special register. which has been automatically filled with the pertinent current status information. b) the change occurs following the reference to the data item, and c) the data item is not subscripted and/or inde xed. 5. The USE FOR DEBUGGING procedures can be controlled by two switches: t.he WITH DEBUGGING MODE source clause for compile-time, and the DEBUG/NODEBUG option for execution-time. WITH DEBUGGING MODE indicates that the procedures are to be compiled as executable code; if WITH DEBUGGING MODE is omitted, the procedures are treated only as comments. Specification of the DEBUG option at execution time indicates that the procedures compiled into the code are in fact bo be executed; if NODEBUG is specified. t.he procedures are bypassed. The general rules for USE FOR DEBUGGING declarative procedures and the DEBUG-ITE~ special register can be found in IB~-Y~ ~QBOL fQ~Q~L!2. The following considerations also apply: 1. 248 Including USE FOR DEBUGGING declarative procedures and a WITH DEBUGGING MODE clause precludes the use of the SYMDMP and TEST options. If SYMDMP and/or TEST are specified in such a case, they will be rejected. The DEBUG-ITEM special register is variable in length, and depends on the size of the character string it is to contain. This length cannot exceed If identifier-1 appears in a MOVE statement and is subscripted or indexed, and if either of the following is also true: a) the subscript or index is changed in the MOVE prior to the reference to identifier-1, or ~ an occuns DEPENDING ON object that affects the size or address of identifier-1 is changed in the MOVE prior to the reference to identifier-l, then the DEBUG-ITEM values will reflect identifier-l' s address and size just prior to execution of that MOVE. 6. Procedures performed from a USE FOR DEBUGGING declarative will .never cause invocation of another USE FOR DEBUGGING declarative. 7. A USE FOR DEBUGGING filename can only be a VSAM or QSAM file. Figure 95 shows an elementary example of USE FOR DEBUGGING. The program is the same TESTRUN Ilsed several ti mes elsewhere in this manual. Here it has been slightly modified through the addition of the debugging phrase (encircled 1) and a simple declarative (encircled 2). In this example, t he programmer wishes to temporarily trap certain input items (ALPHA D's and M's) and boost their index values by one so that they become E's and N's (encircled 3). Notice that the DEBUG-CONTENTS special register allows the programmer to reference items without asing subscripting. Notice also that the subscript value can be modified in the declarative section without affecting that value in the body of the program (i.e., DEBUG-SUB-1 is only a copy). By removing the WITH DEBUGGING MODE clause from the CONFIGURATION SECTION and recompiling, t he programmer can disable the debugging declarative--even though the declarative statements are left in the source program. Program Checkout 249 ~ \!J IDENTifiCATION UIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. TE~TDBUG. AUTHOR. PROGRAMMER NAME. INSTALLATION. PALJ ALTO DEVELOPMENT CENTER. DATE WRITTEN. AUGUST S. 1976. DA~fM~~~~!Lf~isS~~o~~1A9~XS BEEN WRITTEN AS A SAMPLE PRO~R~M fOR COBOL USERS. IT CREATES AN OUTPUT fiLE AND READS IT BACK AS INPUT. \ ENVIRONMENT DIV,SION. CONfIGURATION S~CTION. 3~~~~~:~g~~~l~~: Ig~:~~8-rl~~ DEBUGGING MODE. INPUT-OUTPUT SE~TION. fI LE-CONTROL. SELECT fILE-1 ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-SAMPLE. SELECT fILE-2 ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-SAMPLE. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. fD fILE-1 LABEL kECORUS ARE OMITTED BLOCK CONTAl NS 100 CHARACT ERS RECORO CONTAINS 20 CHARACTERS RECORDING MuDE IS f DATA RECORD IS RECORD-I. 01 RECORD-l. 02 FIELD-A PICTURE IS XI20J. fD FILE-2 LABEL RECORUS ARE OMITTED BLOCK CONTA,NS 5 RECORDS RECORD CONTAINS 20 CHARACTERS RECORDING MuDE IS f DATA RECORD IS RECORD-2. 01 RECORD-2. 02 fIELD-A PICTURE IS XI20J. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 KOUNT PI(.. TURE S99 COMP SYNC. 77 NOMBER PICTURE S99 COMP SYNC. 01 FILLER. 02 ALPHABET PICTURE X(26J VALUE "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTJV~XYZ·. 02 ALPHA REuEflNES ALPHABET PICTURE X OCCURS 26 TIMES. 02 DEPENDENrS PICTURE XI26J VALUE "0123401234012340123401234 "0". 02 DEPEND R~DEFINES DEPENDENTS PICTURE X OCCURS 26 TIMES. 01 WORK-RECORu. \ 02 NAME-fIELD PICTURE X. 02 FILLER P1CTJRE X VALUE IS SPACE. 02 RECORO-Nu PICTURE 9999. 02 fILLER PICTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 02 LOCATION PICTURE AAA VALUE IS "NYC". 02 FILLER P,CTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 02 NO-OF-Df~E~DENTS PICTURE XX. 02 FILLER P,CTuRE X(7) VALUE IS SPACES. PROCEDURE DIVIS,ON. DECLARATIVES. DEBUG-SECTION S~CTION. USE FOR DEBuGGING ON ALL REfERENCES OF ALP~A. IF DEBUG-COI'4TENTS = "0" OR "M" ADD 1 Tv Dt8UG-SUB-1 MOVE ALPHA(DEBUG-SUB-1J TO NAME-FIELD. END DECLARATIVE~. BEGIN. NOTE THAT ThE FDLLOWING OPENS THE OUTPUT FILE TO ~E :REATED AND INITIAL,lES COUNTERS. STEP-I. OPEN OUTPUT FILE-I. MOVE ZERO TO KOUNT NOMBER. NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING CREATES INTERNALLY THE RECORDS TO BE CONTAINED II~ THE FILE. WRI TES THEM ON TAPE. AND DISPLAYS THEM ON THE CONSOLE. STEP-2. ADD 1 Tv KOUNT. ADD 1 TO NOMBER. MOVE ALPHA IKOUNTI TO NAME-FIELD. MOVE DEPEND IKOUNTJ TO NO-Of-DEPENDENTS. MOVE NO~BER TO RECORD-NO. STEP-3. DISPLAY HORK-RECORD UPON CONSJLE. WRITE RECORD-1 FROM WORK-RECORD. STEP-4. PERfORM STEP-2 THRU STEP-3 UNTIL KOUNT IS EQUAL TO 26. NOTE THAT ThE fOLLOWING CLOSES OUTPUT AND REOPENS IT AS INPUT. STEP-5. CLOSE F,L~-l. OPEN INPUT FILE-2. NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING READS BACK THE FILE AND SINGLES OUT EMPLOYEES W,TH NO DEPENOENTS. STEP-6. READ FILE-2 RECORD INTO WORK-RECORD AT END GO TO STEP-8. STEP-7. If ND-Of-L>EPENDENTS IS EQUAL TO "0" MOVE "Z" TO NO-OF-'DEP EN"ENTS. EXHI BIT NAMED WORK-RECORD. GO TO STEP-6. STEP-So CLOSE f,LE-2. STOP RUN. WORK-RECORO = A 0001 NYC Z hG~K-RECORD = 8 0002 NYC 1 hORK-RECORD = C 0003 NYC 2 ~CIIK-RECORC = E 0004 NYC 3 hGRK-RECORD = E 0005 NYC 4 hORK-RECORD = F 0006 NYC Z hC/OK-RECORD = G 0007 NYC 1 NYC 2 CD~:~=~:~~Eg:g ~ ~ ggg~ NYC 3 h(IIK-RECORD = J 0010 NYC 4 hGIIK-~ECORD = K 0011 NYC Z h(IIK-RECORD = l 0012 NYC 1 HORK-RECORD = N 0013 NYC 2 WORK-RECORD = N 0014 NYC 3 "ORK-RECORD = 0 0015 NYC 4 WORK-KECORD = P 0016 NYC Z ~ORK-RECORD = W 0017 NYC 1 hORK-RECORD = R 0018 NYC 2 WCRK-RECORD = S 0019 NYC 3 WCliK-RECORC = T 0020 NYC 4 hC/OK-RECORD = U 0021 NYC Z IIORK-RECORO = V 0022 NYC 1 I'IOIlK-RECORD = W 002~ NYC 2 hORK-RECORD = X 0024 NYC 3 haRK-RECORD = Y 0025 NYC 4 "CRK-RECORD = l 0026 NYC Z ~ Pigure 95. 250 Program with USE POR DEBUGGING. TRACE, EXHIBIT, AND ON Three additional debugging language statements are TRACE, EXHIBIT, and ON. Anf one of these statements can be used as often as necessary. They can be interspersed throughout a COBOL source program, or they can be in a packet in the input stream to the compiler. statement can be used to isolate the problem record. The statement should be placed where control passes only once for each record that is read. When the contents of the counter equal the number of the record (as specified in th~ ON statement), a trace can be taken on that record. The following example shows a way in which the processing of the 200th record could be selected for a TRACE statement. Col. Program debugging statements may not be desired after testing is completed. A debugging packet can be removed -after testing. This allows elimination of the extra object program coding generated for the debugging statements. 8 1 RD-BEe. RD-REC. PARA-NM-l. DEBUG The ou t pu t prod uced by th e TR ACE and EXHIBIT statements is listed on the system logical output device (SYSOUT). If these statements are used, the SYSOUT DD statement must be specified in the execution time job step. The following discussions describe ways to use the debugging language. The READY TRACE statement causes the compiler generated card numbers for each paragraph na me to be listed on the system output unit when control passes to that point. The output appears as a list of card numbers. If the VERB option is in effect during compilation, paragraph-names rather than card numbers will be displayed. To reduce e.xecution time, a trace can be stopped with a RESET TRACE statement. The READY TRACE/RESET TRACE combination is helpful in examining a particular area of the program. The READY TRACE statement can be coded so that the trace begins before control passes to that area. The RESET TRACE statement can be coded so that the trace stops when the program has passed the area. The two trace statements can be used together where ·the flow of control is difficult to determine, e.g., with a series of PERFORM statements or with nested condi tionals. Another way to control the amount of tracing, so that it is done conditionally, is to use the ON statement with the TRACE statement. When the COBOL compiler encounters an ON statement, it sets up a mechanism such as a counter that is incremented during execution whenever control passes through the ON statement. For example, if an error occurs when a specific record is processed, the ON ON 200 READY TRACR. ON 201 RESET TRACE. If the TRACE statement were used without the ON statement, the processing of every record would be traced. A common program error could be either (1) failing to break a loop, or (2) unintentionally creating a loop. If many iterations of the loop are required before it can be determined that there is a program error, the ON statement can be used to initiate a trace only after the expected number of iterations has been completed. Notes: 1. If an error occurs in an ON statement, the diagnostic message may refer to the previous statement number. 2. When READY TRACE encounters a ·paragraph that is repetitively executed, it does not write out a separate record for each individual execution of the paragraph. Instead, it simplifies its output by keeping an internal count, and writing out a single summary record only when the paragraph iteration finally finishes. This record identifies the number of times the paragraph was executed. READY TRACE output is built to contain multiple paragraph entries on each print line. 3. In the event the paragraph iteration is a nonending loop, READY TRACE output does not include the current print line being built. Therefore, READY TRACE output never identifies the paragraph as having been entered at all. In the event of an ABEND, the last print line of READY TRACE data may not be printed. When either a non-ending loop or abnormal ending of a task occurs ,- the current print Proqram Checkout 251 line is available in the current SYSOUT buffer. A programmer can display the value of a data item during program execution by using the EXHIBIT statement. The three forms of this statement display (1) the names and values of the identifiers or nonnumeric 252 literals listed in the EXHIBIT statement (EXHIBIT NAMED) whenever the statement is encountered during execution, (2) the values of the items listed in this statement only if the value has changed since the last execution (EXHIBIT CHANGED) and (3) the names and values of the items listed in the statement only if the values have changed si.nce the previous execution (EXHIBIT CHANGED NAMED). The first time such a statement is executed, all values are considered changed and are displayed. The preceding is an example of checking at regular intervals (every tenth record). A check of any unusual conditions can be made by using various combinations of COBOL statements in the debug packet. For example: IF OVERTIMEHRS GREATER THAN 2.0 EXHIBIT NAMED PAYRCDHRS In connection with the previous example, this statement could cause the entire pay record to be displayed whenever an unusual condition (overtime e~cee~ing ivo hours) is encoun tered. The EXHIBIT CHANGED statement also can be used to monitor conditions that do not occur at regular intervals. The values of the items are listed only if the value has changed since the last execution of the statement. For example, suppose the program calculates postage rates to various cities. The flow of the program might be as shown in Figure 96. l!Q.t~: The combined total le.ngth of all items displayed vi th EXHIBIT CHANGED and EXHIBIT CHANGED NAMED cannot exceed 32,767 bytes. The length of anyone operand must be less than or equal to 256 bytes. The length of a "NAME" must be less than or equal to 120 characters. Data can be used to check the accuracy of the program. For example, the programmer can display specified fields from records, work the calculations himself, a nd com pare his calculations vi th the output from his program. The coding for a payroll problem could be: Col. 1 r-----------------------------------------, J I I I I 1 8 1 I ~ --------J- ~ READ INPUT DATA FOR. CITY 1 GROSS-PAY-CALC. COMPUTE GROSS-PAY BATE-PER-HOUR (HRSWKD + 1.5 OVERTIKEHRS). NET-PAY-CALC .. * * I I , NET-PAY-CALC SAMPLE-1. ON 10 AND EVERY 10 EXHIBIT NAMED RATE-PEB-HOOB, HRSWKD, OVERTIMEHRS, GROSS-PAY. This coding will cause the values of the four fields to be listed for every tenth data record before net pay calculations are made. The output could appear as: RATE--PER-HOUR :: 4.00HRSWKD :: 40.0 OVEBTIKEHRS = 0.0 GROSS-PAY:: 160.00 RATE-PER-HOUR = 4.10 iRSWKD 40.0 OVERTIMEHRS = 1.5 GROSS-PAY:: 113.23 RATE-PER-HOUR :: 3.35 HRSWKD 40.0 OVERTIMEHRS : 0.0 GROSS-PAY = 134.00 = = l!Q!!!: Decimal points are included in this example for clarity, but actual printouts depend on the data description in the program. ] I V r-----------, ] I I l-----T----- J I J CITY 1 ] J DEBUG ---T--- 1 CALCULATE I ~ RATE FOR I I I I I I I I <------® I V r-----------, I I EXHIBIT CHANGED J I l-----T----- J I ] I ~ 1 I 1 ) J I I ) ] I I V I ~ I I I I I I I I L---__ ~-----------------------------------J Figure 96. Example of Program Flow Program Checkout 252.1 The EXHIBIT CHANGED statement in the program could be: EXHIBIT CHANGED STATE CITY RATE The output from the EXHIBIT CHANGED statement could appear as: 01 02 03 01 10 02 15 03 04 10 A debug packet allows the programmer to select a portion of the program for testing. The packet can include test data and can specify operations the programmer wants performed. When the testing is completed, the packet can be removed. The flow of control can be selectively altered by.the inclusion of debug packets, as shown in Figure 97. 01 02 0.3 04 20 01 10 15 rI , ...---------, J I I The first column contains the code for a state 6 the second column contains the code for a citY6 and the third columB contains the code for the postage rate. The value of an item is listed only if it is changed since the previous execution. For example, since the postage rate to city 02 and 03 in state 01 are the same 6 the rate is not printed for city 03. The EXHIBIT CHANGED NAMED statement lists the na me of the da ta item and the value of that item if the value has changed. For example 6 the program might calculate the cost of various methods of shipping to different cities. After the calculations are made, the following statement could be in the program: J J , ~ I •I 1 I I V J . L-- L--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - , r--------, 1 J t A I J, J, I I I I I I I I I 1 I I t I I I START 1• 1 f I I t --, r- ,• I I I DEBUG PACKET FOR A I 1 I I I .J , -.J I .--- V f J B I 1. J 4 EXHIBIT CHANGED NAMED STATE CITY RAIL BUS 'rRUCK AI R The output from this statement could appear as: STATE = 01 CITY = 01 RAIL = 10 BUS = 14 TRUCK = 12 AIR = 20 CITY = 02 CITY = 03 = 04 CITY TRUCK BUS = 06 AIR = 15 = 02 , I RAIL = 30 BUS = 25 = 28 AIR = 34 TRUCK = 20 AIR = 30 Note that the name of the item and its value are listed only if the value has changed since the previous execution. • '-- I V r-------l J J J C • I• I I ,, f I Figure 91. I I I r-- I I I DEBUG PACKET FOR C .J -" .I r- I V I STATE = 02 CITY = 01 TRUCK = 25 CITY I• I I t f 1 STOP RUN , I I I Selective Testing of B In this program, A creates data, B processes it, and C prints it. The debug packet for A simula tes test data. It is first in the program to be executed. the packet, the last statement is GO TO B, In Program Checkout 253 which permits A to be bypassed. After B is executed with the test data, control passes to the debug packet forC, which contains a GO TO statement that transfers control to the end of the program, bypassing C. be included. This pr intou t is called an abnormal termination dump and in VS1 is identified by the heading *** ABDUMP REQUESTED *** If a SYSABEND DD statement is specified, the contents of the nucleus is also printed. If a program runs correctly but changes or additions can make it more efficient, a debug packet can be used to test changes without modifying the original source program. If neither a SYSUDUMP nor a SYSABEND DD statement is included in the execution~time job step, or its specification has been destroyed, an indicative dump is produced. This dump does not contain a printout of main storage and is not given under OS/VS2. If the changes to be incorporated are in the middle of a paragraph, the entire paragraph, v ith the changes included, must be written in the debug packet. The last statement in the packet should be a GO TO statement that transfers control to the next procedure to be executed. All dumps include a completion code designating the condition that caused the termination. The completion code consists of a system code and a user code. Only one of the codes is nonzero. A nonzero system code indicates that the control program detected the error. There are usually several ways to perform an operation. Alternative methods can be tested by putting them in debug packets. The COBOL programmer can request dynamic dumps via a compile-time option. The SYKDMP option, requested in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement, produces a symbolic formatted dump of the data area of the object program if the program abnormally terminates •. At execution time, the user can also request a dynamic dump at any point in the Procedure Division. The source program library facility can be used for program checkout by placing a source program in a library (see "Libraries"). Changes or additions to the program can be tested by using the BASIS card and any number of INSERT and DELETE cards. Such changes or additions remain in effect only for the duration of the run. If a serious error occurs during execution of a program, the job may be abnormally terminated; any remaining steps are bypassed, and a dump is generated. The programmer can use the dump for program checkout. (However, any pending transfers to an external device may not be completed. For example, if a READY TRACE statement is in effect when the job is abnormally terminated, the last,card number may not appear on the external device.) In cases where the abnormal termination does not go to completion, a dump is not produced. This situation may cause duplicate name definition when the next job is run, and is discussed at the end of this section. If a SYSUDUKP DD statement has been included in the execution-time job step, the system will provide the programmer with a p.cintout. in hexadecimal and EBCDIC format, of main storage. Those areas occupied by the problem program and its data at thet.ime the error occurred., viII 254 • If a COBOL program abnormally terminates, then a formatted dump is produced for all COBOL programs compiled with the SYMDMP option which could include the abnormally terminating program and its callers, up to and including the main program. • The explanation of the system-genera ted completion codes and a complete description of the dumps are contained in the appropriate Deb~ggill~~uidg. For a discussion of the COBOL sym bolie debugging options, see the chapter entitled "symbolic Debugging Features. It USER-INITIATED DUMPS The COBOL programmer can cause a dump at any pre-specified point in his program by coding a call to t he libra ry suhr~ utine ILBOABNO, in the following manner: 71 MOVE COMP-CODE PIC S999 CaMP. nnn TO COMP-CODE. CALL • ILBOABNO t USI NG COI!P-CODE. in the file may be invalid. The compiler does not generate a test to check the sign position for a valid configuration before the item is used as an operand. The three-digit number nnn vill become the identifier in the Unnn user abend code produced with the resultant dump. ERRORS THAT CAN CAUSE A DUMP 3. Following is a discussion of some error conditions that can cause a program to be abnormally terminated and a dump to be listed. Note: A Numeric class test, "IF Numeric", for signed data items, allows C, D, and F as valid signs. For external decimal items this includes X'C1' through X'C9' and X'D1' through X'D9' and X'F1' through X'F9' as valid last bytes. For internal decimal items, this includes X'1C' through X'9C', X'1D' through X'9D', and X'1F' through X'9F' as valid last bytes. Certain invalid numeric data items, such as EBCDIC A through R in the last byte of an external decimal numeric it~m, and EBCDIC <, *, %, @, (, ) , " , I ,-i, ?, and" in the last byte of an internal decimal item, are considered valid numeric items for an "IF Numeric" test. Errors can occur while a COBOL file is being processed. For example, during data transmission, an input/output error may occur that cannot be corrected. In some situations, this will result in the job being terminated (see Figures 52 and 53). Referring to an input area (non-VSAM/QSAM) before both an OPEN and a READ statement are issued can cause unpredictable results, because base locator (BL) cells and registers are not properly initia 1i%ed. Another error that can cause termination is an attempt to read a file whose records are of a different size than those described in the source program. The section "Add itional File Processing Information" contains more information about input/output errors. 4. Tbe SIZE ERROR option is not specified for tbe COMPUTE statement and the result of the calculation is larger than the specified resultant COMPUTATIONAL data name. Using the result in a subsequent calcula tion might cause an error. 5. The SIZE ERROR option is not specified· for a DIVIDE statement. and an attempt is made to divide by zero. 6. The USAGE specified for a redefining data item is different from the USAGE specified for the redefined item. An error results wheri the item is referred to by the wrong name for the, current content. 7. A record containing a data item described by an OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON Qat~~~~ option. may cause data items in the record to be affected by a change in the value of Abnormal termination of a job occurs when a data item with an invalid format is processed in the Procedure Division. Some of the program errors are: 1. A data item in the Working-storage Section is not initialized before it is used, causing invalid data to be picked up. 2. An input file or received message contains invalid da ta or data incorrectly defined by its data description. For example, the contents of the sign position of an internal or external decimal data item If a group item is moved to a group item and the subordinate data descriptions are incompatible, the nev data in the receiving field may not match the corresponding data descriptions. (conv~rsion or editing is not performed in a move involving a group item.) Program Checkout 255 gllg=!!sl!~ during the course of program execu tion. This may result in incorrectly described data. Addit lonal informa tion about how to correct this situation is included in "programming Techniques." 8. 9. 10. The data description in the Linkage section of a called program does not correctly describe the data defined in the calling program. A subscript or index set at zero will address data outside the range of the t.ab Ie. 15. If either HIGH-VALUE or LOW-VALUE is moved to internal or external decimal fields and those fields are used for comparisons, computations, or subscripting, a data exception will occur. HIGH-VALUE and LOW-VALU E the hexadecimal values X'PF' and X'OO., respectively (unless these values have heen altered by a user-defined collating sequence). Some common errors that occur when clearing group items in storage are: a. PJovingALL ZEROS to a group level item to clear several counters causes an invalid sign to be generated in all of the elementary fields except the lowest order field. b. ftoving SPACES to a group level item will put invalid data in any numeric field in that group. c. Moving 0 to a group level item moves one zero and pads the rest of the fields with blanks. Failure to initialize counters produces incorrect results. No initial values are generated by the compiler unless specifically instructed to do so with a VALUE clause. If such fields are defined as decimal, internal or external, invalid signs may result in addition to unpredictable initial values. If defined as binary, they will cause unpredictable results and, further, if used in subscripting, may exceed the range of the associated OCCURS clause and cause data to be fetched or stored erroneously. An addressing exception may occur if the uninitialized subscript generates a bad address. 12. Not testing to insure that a or index does not exceed the the associated OCCURS clause to fetching and storing data to some incorrect locations. 256 14. Blanks read into data fields defined as numeric generate an invalid sign. 11. 13. An addressing exception may occur if the Initi alized inde.x generates an address outside the range of the machine, or a protection exception if data is stored outside the partition of this program. Addit ional 1/0 errors may occ ur tha t viII result in an abnormal termination (these are listed below). For QSAM files, however, the user can employ the FILE STATUS clause to intercept many of these errors; bis program can then identify and deal with them, and thus prevent the abend from occur ing. 1. No DD statement is included for a file described in the source program and an attempt is made to access the file. When an OPEN statement for the file is executed, the system console message is written. The programmer can elect to direct the operator to continue processing his program, but any READ, WRITE, REWRITE, or START associated with the unlocated file will fail. (A READ for a missing optional file# however, will follow end-of-file processing rules.) A similar situation exists when a file is closed WITH LOCK and an attempt is made to reopen it. 2. A file is not opened and execution of a READ or WRITE statement for the file is attempted, or a MOVE to a record area in the file is attempted. 3. A GO TO statement, with no procedure name following it, is not properly initialized with an ALTER statement before the first execution of the GO TO sta temen t. 4. Reference is made to an item in a file after end of data. This includes the use of the TERMINATE statement of the subscript range of may lead from and Failure to initialize an index produces incorrect resl11ts. No initial values are generated by the compiler unless a SET statement is executed. When indexinq is then specified, the range of the OCCURS clause may be exceeded and cause data to be fetched or stored erroneously. Report writer feature, if the CONTROL FOOTING, PAGE FOOTING, or REPORT FOOTING contain items that are in the file (e.g., SOURCE data-name, where data-name refers to an item in the file) • 5. 6. In a blocked and/or multiple-buffered file, information in a record is unavailable after a WRITE. 7. A READ is issued for a data set referenced on a DO DUMMY statement. The AT END condition is sensed Block size for an F-format file is not an integral multiple of the record lengt h. Program Checkout 256.1 immediately and any reference to a record in the data set produces unpredictable results. 8. A STOP RUN statement is executed before all files are closed. 9. A SORT did not execute successfully. The programmer may check SORT-RETURN. 10. An input/output statement is issued for a file after the AT END branch is taken, without closing and reopening the file. 11. A SEND or RECEIVE statement is issued when a message control program is not running. 12. A SEND or RECEIVE statement is issued for a QNAK! (i. e. , the "QNAKE=" parameter of the DD card) that is unknown to the message cont rol program. 2. In addition to errors that can result in an abnormal termination, errors in the source program can occur that cause parts of the program to be overlaid and the corresponding object code instructions to become invalid. If an attempt is then made to execute one of these instructions~ an abnormal termination may result because the operation code of the instruction is invalid, the instruction results in a branch to an area containing invalid instructions, or the instruction results in a branch to an area outside the program, such as an address protected area. 043--Error occurred during the attempted opening of a TCAM application program data set, as described below. a. A value of 01 in reg~ster 0 indicates the attempted opening of a TCAM application program data set without an active message control program (MCP) in the system. b. A value of 02 indicates that the QNAME= parameter of a DD statement associated with an input or output DCB for a COBOL program is not the name of a process entry defined in the terminal table. c. A value of 03 indicates that the process entry named by the QNAME= parameter of a DD statement associated with a COBOL program is currently being used by another COBOL progra m. d. A value of 04 indicates that insufficient main storage was available in the MCP to build internal control blocks associa ted with the COBOL program interface. Specify a larger region or partition size in the JOB statement for the MCP. e. A value of 05 indicates that insufficient main storage was available in the COBOL work area to build internal control blocks. specify a larger region or partition size in the JOB statement for the COBOL program. Some COBOL source program errors that can cause this overlaying are: 1. Using a subscript whose value exceeds the maximum specified in the associated OCCURS clause. 2. Using a data-name as a counter whose value exceeds the maximum value valid for tha tcoun ter. 3. 046--Error occurred during the termination of the TeAM MCP because the COBOL program data set was still open. specify the STOP RUN statement when COBOL processing is complete. Ensure that all COBOL programs have terminated processing before deactivating the MCP. 4. OC1--0peration Exception: SYSTEM COMPLETION CODES The following cases represent some of the errors that can occur in a COBOL program and the interrupt or completion code associated with them. These errors do 'not necessarily cau,se an abnormal term~nation at the time they are recognized and do not always hold true. (See Appendix K for COBOL-initiated u-type completion codes.) 1. 013--Check register 2 of registers at the entry to ABEND. This address points to the DCB in conflict. a. When the interrupt is at 000048 or at 004800, look for a missing DD card or an unopened file. b. When the interrupt is at 000050, look at register 1 of the registers at entry to ABEND. Add hexadecimal 28 to the address found in register 1. This should point to the ~D name of a missing DD statement. Program Checkout 257 c. When the interrupt is at 00004A, look for a missing card, i.e., a. Data field was not initialized. b. Input record numeric field contains blanks. c. Subscript o.r index value exceeded maximum and invalid data vas refe.renced. d. Data vas moved from the DISPL'AY field to the COMPUTATIONAL or COftPUTATIONAL-3 field at group level. Therefore, no conversion vas provided. e. The figurative constants ZERO or LOW-VALUE moved to a group level numeric field. f. Omission of USAGE clause or erroneous USAGE clause. g. Incorrect Linkage section data definition, passing parameters in wrong order~ omission or inclusion of a parameter, failure to carry over a USAGE clause when necessary, or defining the length of a parameter incorrectly. //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A any missing JCL card, or the wrong name of a JCL card. Add hexadecimal 28 to the address found in register 1 at entry to ABEND. This should point to the DD name of the DD statement in error. d. 5. 6. OC4--Protection Exception: a. Check for the block size and record size being equal for variable record input or output. b. Check for missing SELECT statement. c. If inte.rrupt is at 004814, check for an attempt to READ an unopened input file or a missing DD card. d. Check for an uninitialized index or subscript. e. If a QSAM file with FILE STATUS opened OUTPUT, check for a missing DD card. Subscript or index value may have exceeded maximum and instruction or table area was overlaid. b. Check for an improper exit from a procedure being operated on by a PERFORM statement. c. Check for duplicate close of an input or output file if DS formatting discontinued. d. A sort is being attempted with an inc orrect ca tal og proced ure. e. Attempting to reference an input/output area before a READ or OPEN statement, respectively. f. 258 8. 001--1/0 Error: a. Register 1 of the SVRB points to the DCB which caused the input/output problem. Look for input record and blocking errors. That is, the input does not agree with t·he reco.rd and blocking descriptions in the DCB, the COBOL file description, or the DD statement LREeL parameter. b. Attempted to READ after EOF has been sensed. c. Attempted to write to a QSAM file that has previously encountered end of file (taken a B37 exit), and set the file status to X'34' and/or entered the INVALID KEY routine. OCS and OC6--Addressing and Specification Exception: a. 7. When interrupt is at 00004F, look for inconsistent JeL or check the system-name in the COBOL program. Check for initialized subscript or index value. OC7--Data Exception: 9. 002--Register 2 of registers at the entry to ABEND contains the address of the DCB for the file causing the input/output problem. Check the DCB list for the specific file. 10. 013--Error during execution of an OPEN EXTEND statement. Ensure that the· system OPEN EXTEND facility is available. OPEN EXTEND requires at least OS/VS1 Release 6, or OS/VS2 Release 7 with SU8. 11. 213--Error during execution of OPEN statement for data set on mass storage device, as follows: a. DISP parameter of DD statement specified OLD for output data set. Program Checkout 258.1 b. 12. 13. Input/output error cannot be corrected when reading or writing the DSCB. Recreate the data set or resubmit the job. 214--Error during CLOSE for data set on tape; there is an input/output error that cannot be corrected either in tape positioning or volume disposition. Resubmit the job and inform the field engi~eer if error persists. 08 An uncorrectable input/output error occurred when the control program attempted to search the directory of the library indicated as containing the requested program. 18. BOA--Insufficient contiguous main storage for linkage to some phase of the compiler. The programmer should see if secondary data-set allocation has caused an extra DEB to be built at lower main storage addresses within the region. If sOv this problem can be corrected by assigning sufficient primary extents for the data set in question. See ttData set Requirements" for further information. If this error occurs When a non-COBOL program (such as IMS or an installation-defined assembler program) links to a COBOL load module many times in a job step. the programmer should determine if the NOENDJOB option was used; if so, specifying the ENDJOB option may correct the problem. 19. 813--Error during execution of an OPEN statement in verification of labels: 237--Error at EOV: a. Incorrect volume serial number specified in SER subparameter of VOLUME parameter of DD statement. b. Incorrect volume mounted. c. Incorrect labels. 14. 400--1f this completion code is generated during a compile step, the member to be compiled has not been extracted from the source library for compilation. 15. 413--Error during execution of an OPEN statement for a data set on tape: a. Volume serial number was not specified for input data set. b. Volume could not be mounted on the a llocated device. c. There is an input/output error in reading the volume label that cannot be corrected. a. Volume serial number specified in VOLUME parameter of DD statement is incorrect. b. Data set name spe"cified in DSNAME 16. 804--The error occurred dnring a GETMAIN. If this error occurs when a non-COBOL program (such as IMS or an installation-defined assembler progra~ links to a COBOL load module lIany times in a job step, the programmer should determine if the NOENDJOB option was used; if so, specifying the ENDJOB option may correct the problem. 17. 806--The error occurred during execution of a LINK, XCTL, ATTACH, or LOAD macro instruction. An error was detected by the control program routine for the BLDL macro instruction. The contents of register 15 indicate the nature of the error: 04 The requested program was not found in the indicated private, job, or link library. parameter is incorrect. c. Wrong volume is mounted. 20. 906--The system use count limit was exceeded during the execution of a LINK, XCTL, LOAD, or ATTACH macro. If this error occurs when a non-COBOL program (such as 1MS or an installation-defined assembler program) links to a COBOL load module many times in a job step, the programmer should determine if the NOENDJOB option was used; if so, specifying the ENDJOB option may correct the problem. Finding L0£9.11.Q!!._2U!:QQrall InterruptiQ! £Q~Q1_liQY!:£~_fIQg[a~-Y2in~_th~_Condensed 1isting To determine the location of the interruption, the programmer should proceed as follows: Program Checkout 259 1. From first page of dump: a. Get coapletion code and prograa interruption storage location. Not~: The information in this section about the use of the abnormal termination dump applies only when running under OS/VS1. For information about the abnormal termination dumps under OS/VS2, see the publication,~2 Deb~g!lliLQ.y.ig~. b. 2. 3. 4. Determine the starting address of the program (PRB address+20). Froll Ii nkage editor listing: a. Determine storage address for each module. Add starting -address of the program to origin of each module. b. Determine module in which interrapt storage location falls. c. Determine relative address. Subtract module storage address from interrupt location. From Procedure Division map: a. Find the highest previous relative address in the condensed listing. That statement is in error. b. Get line number and verb of COBOL source statement. From source listing find the line number and verb of source statement causing program interruption. USING THE ABNORMAL TERMINATION DUMP The programmer can also determine the cause of an abnormal termination with the following material: 1. The COBOL program object code listing. 2. A knowledge of the layout of the COBOL object module. 3. The full abnormal termination dump in conjunction with the linkage editor map or cross reference list. A description of the linkage editor output and of the COBOL object code listing is found in "output." Figure 91 shows the layout of the COBOL program object module. 260 The abnormal termination dump provides the address at which the load module has been loaded (load address) and the address of the instruction that caused the interrupt. The programmer computes the load module area by adding the load address to the load module length* as shown in the linkage editor output. It is now possible to determine whether the instruction falls within the load module. If it does not* the interrupt could have resulted from an improper branch to a point outside the load module or an error occurring in another part of the system. If the instruction does fall within the load module. the programmer now determines in which part: the main program, a COBOL library subroutine* or a called program. The ranges of the various parts are determined by adding their relative origins, as showb in the linkage editor output. to the load address. If the instruction occurred in an object module generated for a COBOL program. (i.e., the main program), the programmer can determine whether or not the instruction vas one of the generated object code instructions. He can determine the address of the first instruction in the Procedure Div~sion (as found in the object code listing) by adding its relative location to the location of the object module (load address plus relative "origin). If it was one of the object code instructions, a similar technique can be used to locate the exact instruction. If it was not one of these instructions. the error has occurred in another part of the object module. Control possibly went there because of an improper branch. If the instruction that initiated the dump occurred in a COBOL library SUbroutine. or if the original program called another program and the instruction occurred in the called program* the instruction can be located by a similar teChnique. The linkage editor cross reference list indica tes the locations where the call to th~ program or subroutine in question was made. The following general rules can be used to determine the cause of the dump and the error. 1. Determine the COBOL statement that generated the code leading to the program check. a. The top of the system dump will tell the address of the PC (Program Chec~ instruction and the type of PC. Locate the instruction in the core dump. b. Determine the relocation factor of the program from the linkage editor map. subtract the relocation factor from the address of the invalid instruction. c. The address that results may be located in the procedure division map generated by the MAP option. (The coding shown at this location of the map should correspond to the instruction located in step one. ) d. Preceding the address and code found in step three, find the sequence number of the corresponding COBOL statement in the listing and the number of the element in the sentence that gen era ted t he cod e. 2. Be sure the COBOL statement is coded properly. 3. If tbe statement is coded properly, go back to the main storage dump and determine the type of PC. a. If it is a data exception, the programmer will probably find tha t the instruction is a decimal instruction, and that one of the fields either will not have a valid sign or will contain digits other than 0 to 9. To determine tbis, it will be necessary to find the fields in main storage. Inspect bits 4 through 7 of the lOlli-order byte for a valid sign (A through F). If one is not present, this is the cause of the pc. If one or both of the fields being operated on are d,efined as external decimal, the programmer will find one or more pack instructions immediately ahead of the pc instruction. From these determine the address of the external decimal field that generated the invalid sign. several common causes of data exceptions are given in "Errors Caused by Invalid Data." b. If it is a protection except~on, one possible cause is that a base register used in the instruction has not been initialized. Base registers in COBOL are initialized at different times. For QSA~ and VSAM input files the register is initialized at OPEN; for other input files, the register is not initialized until the first §~~§~!B! read. For output files, the registers are initialized ~uring the p~ocessing of the OPEN statement. When faced with a protection exception, the programmer should go to the COBOL source program to ascertain that no data has been moved prior to the time when base registers are initialized. c. If an addressing or specification exception occurs, the programmer may find upon inspection (but not always) that registers have been unexpectedly modified and the problem becomes one of finding out how. Two possible approaches are: (1) Check the addresses in registers 14 and 15 against the address of the PC instruction. If the address of the PC instruction is equal to or slightly larger than the address in register 15, the address probably is in a subroutine, and the address in register 14 should be the return address. A BAL or BALR instruction probably viII precede the return address. The programmer should look for this particularly when the problem is not with a COBOL statement. If the PC instruction has an address equal to or a bit larger than the address in register 14, then the programmer probably has just returned from a subroutine, and register 15 should still be pointing to the entry address of the subroutine. The proqrammer should check the coding to see if this could reasonably be so, and check the entry points listed on the linkage editor map. If this approach bears further action, a listing of the subroutine vould be needed Program Checkout 261 Thus, the range is from ® to @ + ®. Since the address @ falls within this range, the instruction initiating the dump must be within the load module. or the instructions from the dump must be interpreted. (~ If the foregoing step does not locate the error, the programmer should check back through the dump to see what exists between the PC instruction and the last unconditional branch in order to determine the possible course of events. 3. within the load module of the instruction indicated in the INTERRUPT entry, subtract the load address from the address of the instruction. 4. To determine whether or not the instruction occurred in the object module generated for the program, compare its relative location Q) - ® with the total length, @, of the object module. If the relative location were greater than the size of the object module, then the error would not be part of this program. A relative location between the size of the object module, @ , and the total length ® would indicate that the abnormal termination had occurred in one of the COBOL library subroutines. Such an error could be located by comparing the relative location with the relative origin of the subroutines. In this example, (6) - Q) is less than the object module size (2), so the instruction occurred in the main program. 5. To determine whether or not the abnormal termination occurred in one of the object code instructions generated as a result of a statement in the Procedure Division of the source program, compare its relative location with the relative location of the first generated instruction in the Procedure Divisi-on, ®. In this example, the relative location of the instruction is greater than that of the first generated instruction and so it can be found by locating the corresponding relative location. The immediately preceding object code instruction then is the instruction that initiated the dump, (J). In this example, it is an instruction generated as a result of a COMPUTE statement. Checking back to the source program listing, the corresponding statement 18, ® , is located and tB' is seen to be the data-name that caused the trouble. Data item B is defined in the Data Di vision, as a COKPUTATIONAL- 3 or internal decimal item, but the value at B is there as a result of a VALUE clause for A, the item that B redefines. This value is in external decimal format since there is no USAGE clause specified. The configuration of A is invalid for B and results in an interrupt. The sample COBOL program ABEND and its output, shown in Figure 98, illustrates in detail the way in which an object code listing, a cross-reference table, and an abnormal termination dump can be used together to debug a program. The circled numerals in the figures are cited in the associated text. Note that all values are expressed in hexadecimal format unless otherwise indicated. In that example, the completion code in the dump, indicates the condition causing the abnormal termination. If the system part of the code is nonzero, the explanation can be found in the appropriate Qg!!!!ggill.LGuidg. In the program ABEND, the completion code is OC7; invalid data is the reason for termination. CD, suggested below are general procedures for locating and correcting the source statement responsible for abnormal termination. 1. The INTERRUPT hhhhhb. entry, @, gives the hexadecimal address of the instruction following the instruction that initiated the interrupt and caused the dump_ This address can be used to determine the relative location of the instruction in the load module (see item 4 below). 2. To determine the main storage area occupied by the load module, add the total length of the module, in hexadecimal format, to its load address. The load address can be obtained from the EPA entry, ®, of the CDB specification. The last six digits of this entry are the address of the entry point (INIT1) in the COBOL program. The total length of the load ~odule is indicated in the TOTAL LENGTH entry, in the linkage editor output. The highest location in the load module is: ®, ® 262 +@ TO determine the relative location ®, ~~terminin~th~Q£a£iQll-2f_sn_A~~!Q When Ry.!!!!inLlll!!2.mically: When running dynamically, the programmer should do the following to determine whether the abend occurred in the main program. 1. Figure 99 is a Load List of the same program shown in Figure 98, but compiled with the DYNAM option. The compiler produces a Load List that contains the COBOL subroutine library names and the addresses used in the program. These are anything beginning with ILBO. ® The programmer is particularly interested in any ILBO subroutine that does not end in a zero, such as ILBORNT, ILBOREC, ILBODSP, etc. 2. In this case, the abend has occurred at To determine whether this is with1n the main program, go to the Load List, and look for the subroutine with its address closest to that of the abend, which is at ® 3. Look below to the second part of the Load List. This contains the length of the subroutines that begin at the address specified above. In this case at ® ' under the LN column, the ®. program Checkout 263 OOOul ,cee2 O("1l03 C('CC4 OOCC5 OCiCC6 00007 lloce8 O';CCS COCIC OOOH 0("012 CC C.L3 CO 0 14 OUC15 COC;16 00(17 OOC;ld uOCH 00001 00002 00003 00()04 000(i5 00006 00007 0(;008 00009 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 a001S 00016 00017 00018 00019 IuENTIfICATION uIVlSION. PROGRAM-ID. AdEhD. REMARKS. THIS IS A ~ROGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE THE TERM£NATION OF A PROGRAM. ENVIR~NHfNT DIViSION. CONfIGURATION SeCTION. SOURCE-~HPUTER. I&H-370-168. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IbM-37U-168. ABNOR~AL DATA DIVI SION. wORKING-STORAGE SE~TIDN. 01 RECORDA. 02 A PICTU~E 59(4J VALUE 1234. 02 B KEDEf!~tS A PICTURE S9(7J COMPUTATIONAl-3. PROCEDURE DIV fS£ON. ft:'\ CGMPUTE B = B to 1. \!J STOP RUN. LVL 01 02 02 INTRNL NAMt: DNM=J.-u32 DNM=1-u52 DNM=1-vb3 SLlURCe NAME RECOR&JA A BASE Bl=l Bl=l BL=l B (!) OISPL 000 000 000 INTRNL N~ME DNM=1-032 DNM=i-052 DNI1=1-063 OEF INI TION DS OCL4 os 4C DS 4P US~GE DISP~N"I COMP-3 MEMOKr MAP LITE~AL TGT 000A8 SAVE AREA SWITCH TAllY SOH.T SAVE ENTRY-SAVE SORT CORE SIZE RH CODE SORT RET WUH.KING CEllS SORT fILE SIZE SORT MODE SIZE PGT-VN TBl TGT-VN TBL RES':RVED OOOA8 OOOFO OOOf4 OOOFS OOOFC 00100 00104 0010b 00108 00238 0023C 00240 00244 00248 UNCIL CEllS PfMC TL CElLS PfMSAV CELLS VN CEllS SAVE AREA =2 SAVE AREA =3 XSASW CEllS XSA CELLS PARAM CEllS RPTSAV AREA CHECKPT CTR 002CO 002CO 002CO 002CO 002CO 002eO 002CO 002CO 002eO 002eO 002eO PGOL ,HEXJ OCZCU (LIT+OJ lC PGT OVERfLOW CElLS VIRTUAL CEllS PROCEDURE NAME ~ELlS GENERATED NAME ~ELLS DCB ADDRESS CELLS VNI CELLS II TERALS DISPLAY LITERAL~ 002eo 002eo 002CO 002Ce 002Ce 00200 00200 00200 00201 HGISTER AS')IGNMENT REb b BL =1 ~ORKING-STORA~~ Figure 98. 264 (l GRJUP STARTS AT LOCATIUN OJOAO fOR A LENGTH OF 00008. COBOL Program That will Abnormally Terminate (Part 1 of 3) R Q ld l'i COMPuTE 000202 000202 000208 00020E 0002E4 0002i:4 0002E8 0002EA STOP ooooae 000014 000018 00001A 000011: 000020 000024 000020 OC002A 00002e. 0(,0030 000034 000038 00003C 000040 000044 000048 000084 000088 000090 000098 *STAT,STICS* SOURCE *OPTIDNS IN EffECT* *OPTIUNS IN EffECT* *OPTluNS IN EffECT* *OHlDNS IN Effl:CT* *OPTIONS IN EffECT* *CfTIUNS IN ErFECT* ®F8 START 10 0 208 C 010 FA 43 0 20B 6 000 Fd 33 6 000 D 20C GN=Ol 5& FU e 008 01 FF 51.1 00 5 008 INIT2 EQU *206(8,13),010(1,12) CD7 ZAP AP 20B(5,13),000(4,6) 000(4,6),20C(4,13) ZAP EQU l BCR ST CL",2c.~D5e4404040 01 BCR LA BCR AOCON ADCON ADCON ADCON ADCON AOCON ADCON OS DC DC DC DC OOIJOO~CO 00vOOOA8 00v00202 OUv002 EA 001.100000 F If-24BF4F24BF 5F2 ChAC 140F lF66B40 FH-9F7F6 lIT+D DNM=1-63 TS=D4+1 ONM=1-~3 * 15,008(0,12) 15,15 13,008(0,5) DC DC BCR LI4 BCR E5J;209Fl 07 00 9d 9f F 024 07 fF 90 02 1 034 01 FE 41 F(; 0 001 07 FE 001JOO:i2A 001.100000 00",00000 TS=Ol TS=04 V( IlBOSRVU X'C1e2C505C4404040' X'E5E2D9F1' 0,0 9,15,024(15) 15,15 034(l),X'02' 15,14 15,001(0,0) 15,14 L4( INIT3) L4(INITl) L4(INITU L4(PGT) L4 CTGT) L4( START) L4(1NIT2) 15F X'OOOOOOOO' X'F1F24BF4F24BF5F2' X'C1E4C140F1F66B40' X'FlF9f1F6' 19 DATA DIVISION STATEMENTS = 3 PROCEDURE DIVISIQ~ STATE~E~TS = SIZE = 1~1012 BUF 12288 LINECNT = 51 SPACE1, FLAGW, SEQ, SOJRCE DHAP, PMAP, NOCLIST, NOSUPMAP, NOXREf, SXREF, LOAD, ~ODECK, APO~T, ~OTRUNC, NOFLO~ NOTERM, NuNUM, NOBATCH, NONAME, COMPILE=Ol, NOSTATE, NORESIDENT, NDDYNA~, ~JLIB, NQSVNTAX NOOPTIMIZ~, NOSYMOMP, NOTEST, VERB,. ZWB, SYST, NOENDJOB, NOLVL NOLST , NuFDECK,NOCDECK, LCOL2, L120, DUMP, ~OADV , NOPRINT, NOCOUNl, NOVBSUM, NOVBREF, LANGLVU2) RECORD~ 2 Ft4-LEVEL LIhKAGE EDITtJR OPTluNS SPECIFIED L1ST,LET,XREF D~FAULT OPTION(S) USJ;O SIlE=(196606,65536) CROSS REFERENCE TABLE ENTRY CCNTROl SECTION I'\AME OldGIN AefND LlO ILBOCOMO* 390 ILE(;SRV * 5uO LENGTH 390 LOCATION NAME LOCATION NAME LQCA fION NAME lO:ATt [w ILBOCOM 390 I LBOSRVO ILBOSRVl 50A 50E 48E 990 128 ILtLCI'IM * ABS 38B E4~ NAME 169 ILBUBEG * ILeOMSG * CD ILBOBEGO 992 I LBOCMMO ABA I LBOMSGO E4A I LBOS R5 ILBOSTP1 50A 50E IUlaCMM1 ABE 50A 512 lLBDSR3 I LBOST I UJSR. lLBOSTP) 50A 512 F2 LeCAT ION _ Rt:fERS TO SYMBOL I LBOSRVO 2eo ILBOSRV1 2e8 ILBOCllM 850 858 I LBOBEGO ILBOSND2 860 tl'\TRY ALORE:S~ 00 !I\I CONTROL SEC TI ON ILBOSRV I LBOSRV ILBOCOMO I lBOBEG $UNRE SOL VEO ( W) LOCATI ON 2C4 2bO 854 B5C REFERS TO SYMBOL IN CC'NTIlOL SECT lC'N ILBOSR5 ILBOSRV ILBOCO~O ILBOCO~O ILBOCM~O ILBOCMM IlBO'"'SG ILBOMSGO TCTAL LENGTH F40CD DOtS NOT E:XlST BuT HAS BEEN ADDEO TO OATA SET ~***Gu Al.THOKIZATION CODE: IS u. Figure 98. COBOL Program That will Abnormally Terminate (Part 2 of 3) Program Checkout 265 JGE AdENO STEP GO CGMPlE:TICN COuE SYSTEM = vC7 PSW AT ENTRY TO ABEND DATE 76229 TIME 124329 10 000 PAGE 0001 CD ILC 6 078020Uu 0007539E I NTC 0007 ASCS UOFE8A2B ~SC "UCB MCC .:.MCT TeB 70312B fwUP SPL RSM XWH Fill TCBS ouxa JBNI SWTl C 1E2C3C2 00000000 007FF548 89737AIF 007Ff008 00000039 00FE89C8 00000000 (JOOOOOOO ASCB WSP LUA ewST uUMP 007F0900 007fC5A8 01074fBO 00000000 007f004C 00000000 00703250 00000000 E3C3C240 00000000} 00000000 xdP r-lSS /"SA LTC :. TAB KESV eXT2 TMSAV ,,10 KPT eVENT PIE t'K-flG TCB IQf: TCT lOBRC .. ECB "B(R xPtJ. uBTB KESV 00fE7E68 OOF E8Af 8 00FE88E8 02235000 FFFFOOOO 00000001 00FF2A48 00FE8370 00001410 00000000 80010000 00000000 00000000 807FC960 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 BWOP CPUS CSCB JSTl TMCH LOCK FMCT J8NS SRBT DEB FLG TME ECB USER XCPO RESV RESV ESTA SWAS RESV 00FE6B08 00000001 00FE8BI0 0000011 E 00000000 00000000 002'00000 00FE8B20 00000000 00708798 OOOOFFFF 00000000 81 74 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00709F30 00000000 oon C'1SF 10SQ TS6 ECB ASXa LSQH XMPQ LGCB ATME TID LLS JST TSF SQF EXT BAK FOE UKY SC B RES 00000000 001 EOOOIt 00000000 807F0790 007FF300 00000000 00000000 00000000 03336000 007C 0020 00703640 00703128 20000000 00000000 00000000 007FCAOO 00000000 007C8600 00000000 00000000 SVRB lOOP EJST US ET SilCT QECB IQEA VGTT CMP JL6 NTC O-PQE "1010 BITS RTMWII SWA CPVI GTF RESV 00000000 E242) 07B 00000000 8973742F 02570000 00000000 000):)00:) 0(0)00:)0 9JOC7JJO 007C B~ 50 00000000 007fF548 00000000 OOOOOJOJ 007DE:98 0070C050 0040FFFF 00000000 0)000) J:l TPN JPQ OTC AQE JSCB OAP lOTI' RESV B'fTl SYN: 00000000 OF 180: 00 10731000 OOlFF630 0)0:»)00 'tJOOOOOO OJOOOOOO OOOOJJOO sro~ XJST QSCV SSP.l' MECB RTIIA PCTT 00000000 007D3ltEO 007FCAOO 007C8Cl~ 007FBF8't OOJOOOOO 00000000 00000000 480'tOO:l) SV~8 00000000 ~ ES V 00000000 ACl lilt: RBS 7C9F9B xESV 00000000 RcSV 00000000 RTPSWl 07802000 0001539E RTPSW2 00060007 0007COCO flG1 00000000 WI..-L-IC 00060007 xESV 00000000 APSW 00000000 SZ-STAB 001100B2 FL-COE 007034EO PSW 07802000 0007539E IoI/TTR 00000000 WT-LNK 00703128 KG 0-7 00703B50 00074FF8 00000040 007F26F4 007F2600 007F:AOO 007C0018 FDOOOOOO xG 8-15 007C8150 807FC960 00000000 007FCFEO 70DCA602 00074FBO 40DCAeFC 007:8180 SVRB 7F0900 00000000 RTPSW2 00000000 xESV 00000000 xESV 00000000 RTPSII1 00000000 JOOOJ"OO flG1 20000000 wC-L-IC 00020033 Fl-COE 00000000 PS~ :HOrlOOJ 00Dlt[l59J I\I::SV OCOOOOuO "PSloI 00000000 SZ-STAB 001900;::2 "/TTR 00000000 .. T-U~K 007C9F98 007F25 F4 00:H53A4 50075416 00075160 0007536F xG 0-7 00(,00000 50075432 00000040 000750(0 0007531.10 00J7516/\ OJ075392 5JJ753 EC xG 8-15 00075370 000753EA 000750(0 007F0900 00FE8A28 0003AA64 00000000 00703128 "XTSA 00000000 50075432 00018C30 900C 7000 0070EC98 FF000368 40000101 00000000 00000000 RESV 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ;,CB PRB LOAe LIST NE OOuOOOOO RSP-COE uOH7660 CNT 00010001 CD CDE NCOE 0000000 ... NCDE 00FEH7.; 7D34EO FE7660 Xl/MJ 007C3000 XLlMJ 00FE7680 EPA 000750CO EPA 00F2AOOO RSP 007C9F98 NM GO RBP 00000000 NM IGG019DK JS E 000100JO USE 000300JJ un 0620000 ATTR 1')22000 SAVE AREA TRAI..E GO SA MAS eNTERED VIA LINK u74FBO .. 01 00000000 00074FF8 FOOOOOOO HSA 0;)000000 R:.< 00000040 R8 007C8150 LSA 00075168 R3 007F26F4 R9 807FC960 RET 00018C80 R4 007F2600 RIO 00000000 EPII 000750CO R5 007FCAOO Rll 007FCFEO RO 007D3B50 R6 007COO18 R12 700CA602 wD1 00000000 HS" 0007H BO R2 00000000 R8 00000000 lSA 00000000 R3 00000000 R9 00000000 RET 00000000 R4 00000000 R10 00000000 EPA 00000000 R5 00000000 Rll 00000000 RO 00000000 P6 OOOOOOOJ R12 00000000 HSA 00074FBO R2 00000000 R8 00000000 lSA 00000000 R3 00000000 R9 00000000 RET 00000000 R4 00000000 RIO 00000000 Rll EPA 00000000 R5 00000000 00000000 RO 00000000 P6 00000000 R12 00000000 Xl x7 SA 0751b8 00000000 00000000 K1 x7 INTERkUPT AT u7539E CD PRCCf:I:DING 8AI..K VIA REG 13 SA 075168 GO .. 01 00000000 1<1 00000000 1\7 00000000 WAS eNTERED VIA LINK REGS AT ENTRY TO A8END fLTR 0-6 OOOOOOOOOOOuOOOO 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 REGS 0-7 REGS 8-1:> 00000000 00015370 00000040 000750(0 000753A4 00075380 00075160 00075392 LOAC MODULE C"i 5(CO C15CEO (j~lGG 01H20 Ci5HO 007F26F4 000750CO 50075416 0007516/\ 0007536F 500753EC GO 90ECUOOC 9602J.034 0007:.392 OOOOuOOO OOOOuOOO Figure 98. 266 :;.0075432 ,,00753,,11 185D05FO 07FE41FO 000753AA 00000000 00000000 458vFOI0 000 ... 07fE 000",0000 OOOuOOOO Flf,4Bf4 CIC2C505 000753EA OOuOOOOO 00000000 F24BF5F2 C4404040 000750CO 00000000 00000000 C1E4C740 E5 E£ D9F1 000750CO 00000000 00000000 FlF66B40 0700989 F 00075380 00000000 00000000 F1F9F7F6 F02407FF 00075168 00000000 00000003 00000000 *••••••• O•• O. AB END VSR 1 •••• O••• * * ••••••. 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••• * *••...••....•.•.•.....•........•. * * •••••••.••..•••••••.••••.••.•..•. +: *•••.•••• 12.42.52AUG H,. 1976 •••• COBOL Program That Will Abnormally Terminate (Part 3 of 3) * LOAD 1I ST NE 0018EbE8 NE 001CA008 NE 00 .. 00000 RSP-CDE .. Of:3558 RSP-CDE v07l:iE918 RSP-CDE .. 07CAE30 CNT 00010001 CNT 00010000 CNT 00010000 RSP-CDE )018E6F8 RSP-COE 0078E958 NE 0018E8F8 NE 001CH20 (NT OO(HOCOO (NT (l00100» CDE 7fC860 fC3558 78E6f8 ,78E718 78E918 78E938 78E958 78E978 7CAE30 7CAE50 NCDE NCDE NCDE NCDE NCDE NCDE NCDE NCDE NCOE NCDE OOOOOOOv 7FC240 fC3578 78E8E8 78E908 7CA180 7FCC90 Sl 00000010 Sl 00000010 SZ 00000010 SZ 00000010 SZ 00000010 Sl 00000010 00fC31~v 0078E93" 0078E6fd 0078E97a 0078E91o 007CAE5u 007BE95.. 007fC8bv 007CAE3u RBP R8P R8P RBP RBP RBP R8P RBP 007CA5C8 00000000 007fD900 00000000 007FD900 00000000 007FD900 00000000 R8P 007FD900 RBP 00000000 NM GO NM NM NM NM NM NM NM ILBONTR O NM NM ,II RBEBi EPA 00015BE8 XlIMJ 007Fe 240 LIS E 00010000 000755F2 000755E8 0007611A 00076118 ()007b4AA EPA 000764AA 007BE718 007BE8E8 OHBE93B 0078E908 007BE978 007CAl BO 007CH50 007FCC90 OO):>()()) 00010000 00000000 0001(\000 0000(\000 000100JO 0000(\000 00010000 NO Nu NO NU NO NO OOUOOOOI 00000001 OUOOOO01 00UOOO01 00000001 00000001 80000418 80000100 80000490 80000390 CEe 102760 7D27AO 7027CO 7u.21EO 702600 C87D'tODO 00240000 E2E2Li6C2 OC70c.798 Of 000900 OlC5E2F2 00140010 00704000 0001.10000 OOOuOOOO 007Li278C OOOuOOOO 0070FE68 00000000 00000000 00000000 ~ 00702810 8f074030 00000000 007027F4 8S8H1U ADR LN XL e~l LN B AOP. LN ~.TTP OB20000 l11COOO 1320000 3110000 3~20000 3710000 3320000 1710000 13200CO -- 02 B R~uEFINES A PICTURE S9(7) COMPUTATIONAL-3. 10053.; PROCeDURE DIVISiON. 10054<1 BEGIN. 10055.; NOTE THAT ThE FOLLOWING OPENS THE OUTPUT FILE TO BE CREATED 100561.1 AND INITIAL~ZES COUNTERS. 10057<1 STEP-1. OPEN OUTPUT FILE-1. MOVE ZERO TO KOUNT NO~BER. 100581.1 NOTE THAT THE FGLLOwlNG CREATES INTERNALLY T~E RECORDS TO BE 1C059(1 CONTAINED IN THE FILE, WR1TES THEM ON TAPE. AND DISPL~YS l0060u THEM ON THE CONSOLE. 10061u STEP-2. AOD 1 Tu KJUNT, ADD 1 TO NOMBER, ~OVE AL~HA IKOUNT) TO 100b20 NAME-FIELO. 10063u MOVE DEPEND (KUUNT) TO NO-OF-DEPENDENTS. MOVE NOMBER TO RECORD-NO. 10064" 10065u STEP-3. DISPLAY WO~K-~ECORD UPON CONSOLE. WRITE RECORD-1 FROM WORK .... RECORD. 100661.1 100671.1 STEP-4. PERFORM STEP-2 THRU STEP-3 UNTIL KOUNT IS EQUAL TO 26. 1006SU NOTE THAT TnE fOLLOWING CLOSES OUTPUT AND REOPENS IT AS 1C069u INPUT. l0070u STEP-5. CLOSE FlLE-l. OPEN INPUT FILE-2. 1001lu NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING READS BA:K THE FILE AND SINGLES OUT lOC72u EMPLOYEES WiTH NO DEPENDENTS. 10073U STEP-6. READ FI~E-~ RECORD INTO WORK-RECORD AT END GO TO STEP-~. COMPUTE ti = B + 1. 10013J. 10C74u STEP-7. IF NO-Qt"-DEPENDENTS I S EQUAL TO "D" MOVE HZ" TO No-OF-DEPENuENTS. EXHIBIT NAMED WORK-RECORD. GO TO 10075u 10076U STEP-6. 100770 STEP-8. CLOSE F1LE-Z. 10078u STOP RUN. Figure 100. Program with Data Interrupt (Part 1 of 5) Program Checkout 269 I NTRNL NAME ONH;I-448 DNM;I-H.8 ONM;I-489 ONM;1-,06 ONM;I-,26 ONM;I-';47 ONH;I-,1>1 ONI1;I-,82 ONM;1-,98 ONM;I-.H2 ONM;1-.;>~0 DNM;I-.;I48 ONI1;I-.)68 DNM; 1-.;; 84 ONM;1-.. 08 ONM=I-'t211 ONM=I-442 ONM;l-..ol ONM;1- .. 75 ONM=1-~93 ONM;2-uiH) DNM;2-1.126 DNM;2-u40 ONM=2-lJoO 0,~M;2-1J71 LVL fO 01 02 fO 01 02 77 77 01 02 02 02 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 SOURCe; NAME BAS E OCB=Ol Bl=l Bl=l OCB;02 BL=2 BL=2 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 BL=3 Bl=3 BL=3 BL=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 Bl=3 FIlE-~ RECORu-l fI ELIJ-A fllE-.:: RECORu-2 fIElD-A KOUNT NOM8En f i l l E" AlPHAoET ALPHA OEP EN"E'lT S OEPENu ~ORK-KECORO NAME-t- I El 0 fILlEn. RECORu-~J FIlLEl\ lOCAT!ON flLlEn NO-Of-DEPENDENTS fILLE" RECORuA g~ ~- E 61 t4 64 <4 61: 0005E4 0005E4 (1005E4 0005E8 0005EC 0005EE 5btlUC080 5d FO C 024 05 i f 00vOu()3D PN=OZ START 0005F2 0005F2 0005F6 0005F8 0005FC 000600 000602 OOOt:Ob 00060A 000010 000614 000618 00061C 000620 000626 00062A 0006.?C u00630 00063b 00063A 00063C 000640 000646 58 FO C 024 05 1F 00uOO\.l40 5d FO C 028 05 Ef(140 58 10 58 40 024 DL 02 4 Cll 50 10 0 234 92 OF D 234 90 80 D 234 41 lJ o 234 Dol 03 o 060 58 F(' C 030 0:> EF 58 10 C 040 UZ 03 D 360 sa FO C 030 05 EF 5d 70 o 200 02 01 6 000 02 01 6 002 00064C 00064C 000650 000652 000656 00065A 00065E 000662 000666 00066A 000t:6E 0000"12 000670 JG067A 00067C 000680 00068 .. 000688 00068E 000692 000690 00069A 00069C ODObAIl 0006A4 Fu C 024 05 iF 00vOuu .. 4 48 3(; C 0:'2 4A 30 6 000 40 3\.1 6 000 4~ ~Li C 052 4A 30 6 002 40 30 6 002 41 4\.1 6 008 48 30 6 COO 5C 20 COSO lA 43 5B 4\.1 C 050 5u 40 D 220 58 Ul 0 220 Do<: 00 6 040 E 000 41 40 6 0<:'2 4<1 3U 6 000 5L 2U C 050 lA 43 58 itO C 050 50 40 o 224 58 fU o 224 EQU EQU L L BAlR DC * * 11,080(0,lZ) 15,024( (1,lZI 1.15 X' 00000030' EQU L BALR DC L BALR L L MVC ST MVI * 15,024(0,12) 1,15 X' OOOOOO~O' 15,028( O,1Z) 14,15 1,040(0,12) 4,024(0,11 ? 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S ST l * 15, 024( 0,121 1,15 X' 0000004lt' 3, 052( 0,121 3,000(0,61 3,00010,61 3, )52(0.121 3,002(0.61 3,00210,61 4,OJ8(0,61 3,000(0,61 2, 050( 0,121 4,3 4,05010,121 4,220(0,131 14,220(0,131 04011,6),000(141 4,022(0,61 3,000(0,6) 2,05010.121 4,3 4,050(0,121 4,224(0.13) 15,22410,131 VIIUlGFUHI lIT+2 DNM=1-261 DNM=1-U 7 LIT+2 DNM=1-2 ~ 2 DNM=1-Z82 DN"l=1-330 DNM=1-2 ~ 7 lIT+O LI T+O SBS= 1 SBS=l DN"'=1-408 DNH=1-3E:e DNM=1-267 L IT+O D~!"=1-330 LIT+O SBS=2 SBS=2 Proqram with Da ta Interrupt (Part 3 of 5) Program Checkout 211 STEP GO JOB TeSTRUN CC~PLETION TIME 202B35 DATE 76236 PAGE' 0('01 000 10 SYSTEM '" uC7 COOE P Slol AT ENTRY TO ABEND 0180200 ... (i0015F46 ILC 6 INTC 0001 ASCB uOFCOCAO ASCS 1 OSP LOA r;WST uUMP IISC ... uce I~I,;C :;MCT r;B 7COB60 KilP /ISS FSA LTC :> TAB Ki::SV eXT2 fMSAV dID kPT "VENT FW')P SPL RSM XWST Fill TebS OJXB JaNI SWTl C lE2C3C2 00000000 001FF548 891CAF22 OC1FFOOa 00000058 00FCOC40 00000000 00000000 001FD900 00101690 o 1014FBO 00000000 001FD04C 00000000 001COC88 00000000 E3C3C2't0 00000000 00000000 !'IE PK-FlG rCB ! QE TCT JObf(C AEC6 AbCR kTMl u8Til KESV 00FE83FB 00FC0070 00FCOB60 4016BOOO FFFFOOOO 00000001 00FF2CC8 00fE8B98 00001410 BW)P CPUS CSCB JSTL TMCH LOCK FMCT JBNS SRBT DEB FlG THE ECB USER XCPD RESV RESV ESTA SWAS RESV 00000000 80010000 00000000 00000000 a01FC010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 DOFBCA2B 00000001 00FCDD88 OOOOOllE 00000000 00000000 00290000 00fCD098 00000000 00703B80 OOOOFFfF 00000000 0010EFB4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000000 00100F30 00000000 CMSF IOSQ TSB ECB ASX8 lSQH . XMPQ lGCB ATME 0000:>000 00200006 00000000 801F0190 001FF300 OOOOJJOO 00000000 00000000 33E16000 TID 00105020 0010EA'€0 001:0860 20000000 00000000 00000000 001FCAOO 00000000 UKY (J07011AO SCB OOOOOOOJ RES 00000000 SVRB lOOP EJST USET SWCT QECB IQEA VGTT CMP JlB NTC D-PQE MOlD BITS RTMWA SWA CPVI GTF llS JST lSF SOF EXT BAK FOE HSV JJJ)JJ:> 114E0079 OOOOOO!)! 891C998,6. 1AOCOOOO 0000(1000 00000000 00000000 900C1000 D:>7D1fOO 00000000 001FF548 00000»:> 00000000 0J1C01DO 00101820 0040FF F F OOOOOJ()O 00000000 J)O(»JOO OF35ECOO FFOF2000 O:HFF630 00000000 4)OOJJOO OJO()JOOO 00(100000 SYNC STOP XJ ST QSCV SSR8 "IECe PTWA p:rr TRN JPQ OTe AQE JSCB DAR lOT" RESV 00000000 001AC(l90 001FCAOJ 001:0:F8 :>0700F6ft 00000000 00000000 00000000 eVTl 48040000 SVAB OOJ()()OOO RESV 00000000 ACT IVt; RBS PRB 00015F46 RTP SII2 00060001 00000000 ReSV 00000000 RTPSWI 01802000 000160FF 02000000 W.. -L-IC 00060001 00000000 SZ-STAB 00110082 Fl-COE 00101 E08 PSI' :>7902JJJ 00000000 AI'SW 00:> 15F"'!> ... /TTR 00000000 Wl-lNK 007CDB60 0()10501B 00000040 001F26F4 007F26DO 001FCAOO FDOOOOOO k.G 0-7 007CFOIO 00074FF8 807FCOI0 00000000 001FCCOB 10OC4602 0001ftF!l0 kG d-15 0010EF90 007DEFCO "'JDC~8 FC 1CF040 KESV f'LGl "ES~ SVRB 1F0900 KES \I 00000000 RTPSWI 00000000 00000000 RTPSW2 00000000 00000000 KESV 00000000 20000000 ."C-L-I C 00020033 flGl 00000000 SZ-S TAB 00190022 KESV 00000000 AP5W Fl-: DE 00000000 PSW 010:1000 000"'85'1J 001CF040 o,//TTR 00000000 IIT-lNK 1)1)01515!! 40015F3C 0001AA10 40015F3C 0000001A 000158C8 00015!>[18 kG 0-7 0001UlC kG 8-15 0001AA10 00076082 000156BB 00015C9C 00015C 18 00015900 50015F24 E>OOlFC 3C 0001AA10 EXTSA 40015F3C 00018C30 001C0860 0J7F0900 OOFCOCAO 0003AA64 00000000 FFOO0368 001C0100 40000101 900C 1000 O()OOOOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOJOO:lOO RES V :'CB SVRB 1F0900 kESli 00000000 RTPSW1 00000000 00000000 RTPSW2 000:>0000 kESV 00000000 00000000 02000000 >iC-L-IC 0002000C fLGl APSW SZ-STAB 00190022 Fl-COE 00000000 :l00:>B20E KESV 00000000 00000000 PS~ J7)C2JJJ .T~lNK 001F0900 .. /TTR 00000000 KG 0-1 OOOOOO~O 007C0600 00FE4040 0080E600 001COB60 0070800 500 ... B01C 007C0100 KG 8-15 00700E68 00000000 00700F50 00100ECO 0J7C07FO 001CD91t4 50D482e:: 00000000 eXTSA 00000:l00 001C0418 000003B4 001F0964 0)00:>:>0:) 20FOOOOO 00000000 00000:)00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 :'CB 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 RESV OOJO:>JJ:> LOAD LI ST NE NE NE NE NE 001DEOBO OOlACOSO 0070EOEO 00lDEB4a OOuuOOOO RSP-CDE RSP-CDE RSP-CDE RSP-CDE RSP-COE IJOFE8[)[)0 .. OFECFOO IJOFa02AO u07DE140 1J01D1928 CNT CNT CNT CNT CNT 00010001 00010001 00010001 00010000 00010000 CDE 10lE08 H80DO FE8EBO fECFOO 1AC010 1 AC090 FBD2AO FCD100 IDE140 7DEB28 70EB58 1DEACO 701928 7CB01O Figure 100. 272 NCOE NCOE NCDE NCDE NCOE NCDE NCOE NCDE NCDE NC DE NCOE NCOE NCOE NCDE OOOOOOOu 00FE9n", 00FE08~u 00FEE18u 0010EB2o 001AC07u 00FCD10 ... 00FCE18" 0010EACu 0010El't ... 001CBOlu 001DES!)" 001DIEO .. 0010192c! 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TESTRUN FLOW TRACE 0000.,8 000072 000068 1)00072 000068 000072 090068 000072 000077 000080 Figure 100. Program with Data Interrupt (Part 5 of 5) Program Checkout 273 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 21 24 I DCB ~----------T------~---T------------------------~ ~ J DCBBUFCB I -----------~----T-----~------------------------ r--------------- I 12 8 V Buffer Area r-----------T--------T-------------------------~ IA (Area) I Buffers I l-----------~---T----~-------------------------J <-----BUFCB-----+----> I r--------------- I V Logical Record Area I J I I I I 5 J 24 6 32 r-------T---T------------T--------T-------------I I I J I l _______ ~ ___ ~ ____________ ________ ~ ~" control data ~ _____________ _ ~ I I I I variable data record origin J displacement field l _________________________________________________________ Figure 101. ~ _____________________________ J Locating the QSAM Logical Record Area Area-Address points to the origin of the Logical Record Area. Q~jl: QSAM (sequential) spanned records allocate a Logical Record Area in Which complete logical records may be assembled (see "Record Formats"). Figure 101 illustrates the relationship between the DCB, the Buffer Areas, and the Logical Record Area. 1. The DCB contains the DCBBUFCB field at a displacement of 21 bytes from the origin of the DCB. The contents of DCBBUFCB points to the origin of tb~ Buffer control Block (BUFCB) in the Buffer Area. 2. The BUFeB field contains an Area-Address (A(Area» at a displacement of 8 bytes from the origin of the Buffer Area. The 274 3. The Logical Record Area contains a displacement field at a displacement of 5 bytes from its origin. This field contains a value from 0 to 8 indicating the number of bytes the record has been displaced. The contents of this 1-7 byte field must be added to the value 24 (the first byte in the variable data record origin area) in order to locate the beginning of the logical data record within the Logical Record Area. Note tha t the first 4 bytes of the Logical Record Area are control data indicating the length of the Logical Record Area (including the 4 bytes of control data). !iQ.i£: The Logical Record Area is .not alloca ted for QS AM records formatted in V, u, or l' mode. r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, variable 4 variable <----bytes----><-bytes-><----------bytes----------> r--------------T----T--T--------------------------~ IL______________ REC-ID I ____ LL 1111 Maximum 01 ~ __ L ____________________________ ~ ~ ~ Logical Record Area J 18 variable 4 variable <--------bytes-------> <--bytes--><-bytes-><--------bytes--------> I I J r----------------------T---------T----T----T----------------------~ IL ______________________ BUFCB I _________ REC-ID I ____ LL' ____ III ____________________ Data Segment ~ I I I ----------~---~----- -----------------~----------------I Buffer Segment Work Area I Control Block I IL ______________________________________________________________________________________ _ ~ Figure 102. ~ ~ ~ Logical Record Area and Segment Work Area for BDAM and BSAM Spanned Records ~~A~-And_]DA~: BSAM and BDAM (direct) spanned records allocate a Segment Work Area. This work area is used for temporary storage of record segments before a complete logical record is assembled in the Logical Record Area. Figure 102 illustrates the Logical Record Area and the Segment Work Area. 2. The DECB address plus 12 bytes points to the beginning of the Logical Record Area. 1. The DECB address plus 12 bytes points to the beginning of the Segment Work Area. 2. The DCB address plus 100 bytes points to the beginning of the Logical Record Area. The segment work area is not allocated for BSAM and BDAM records formatted in v, U, or F mode. Noi~: The following discussion illustrates the relationship between the DCB, the Logical Record Area, and the segment Work Area as shown in Figure 102. 1. The DeB address plus 100 bytes points to the b~ginning of the BUFCS (Buffer Control Block). 2. The contents of the BL assigned to the level-Ol entry in an FD points to the Logical Record Area labeled "Maximum 01" in Figure 102 (see Figure 98 for an example of the BL pointer.) In a teleprocessing application, control blocks, called fU!~!lSLhlQ£!'§, are created for a given partition/region. For input operations, the number of queue blocks created agrees with the number of queues accessed. For output operations r however r only one queue block is created for each partition/region. The numerals within the boxes in Figures 103 and 104 refer to the numbered paragraphs below. 1. !!~Alt out~y! 1. ~ The DeB address plus 76 bytes points to the beginning of the BUFCB (Buffer Control Block). The TGT address plus 440 bytes points to the SUBCOM field (see Figure 184 in Appendix J: "pields of the Global Table"). The fullword at X'50' bytes into SUBCOlt points to the first RECEIVE queue block. The fullword at Program Checkout 275 X'S4' off SUBCOM points to the SEND queue block. In both =ases, the first field contains the data control block (DC B) • Hela ti ve Location 0 58 2. At X'S8' bytes into either a RECEIVE or a SEND queue block, the first byte of the 4-byte field indicates whether the address that follows represents a TCAM buffer or a BSAM buffer. If the two high-order bits are on, the address contained in the next three bytes is for a TeAM buffer. 5C 5E 60 61 62 !.21~: For TCAM there is only one buffer; for BSAft there is one buffer for each queue. 64 68 6C Rela ti ve Location , Field 0 RQBDCB , RQBUFAD I J j 58 I 70 -, r- 2 Field , I IHADCB lI l- SQBUFAD I t i f r 74 f I t I I lJ lI lI I I SQBUFSIZ 2 3 J -I SQlIORER 8 I f SQBENDIC 10 I SQBRECDL 12 Reserved SQBDNLH ,. SQBlIPLFH • SQBPBFH 17 18 t I f I I I i I ~ 19 lI , SQBFSTOA 20 I SQBFSTOL 21 I t I .. I L-- Figure 104. Fields of the SEND Queue Block I---------~ SC I RQBUFSIZ .3 5E •I RQBSUMGV 4 60 74 18 7A 90 98 99 9A 9B 9C AO Figure 103. t--- , ., , I 5 t RQBNEXT 6 J f I RQBAMTL 7 J l- I f RQBDTS 9 I I--BQBDDNAM 11 , I I- ~ 12 13 14 I--1 I I I I Reserved RQBNBL RQBQN AlIE 4. The BQBSOllGV field of the RECEIVE queue block indicates the number of bytes of data given to the user for this request. - 5. The RQBDECB field of the RECEIVE queue block contains the data event control block (DECB). 6. In the RECEIVE queue block, the RQBNEXT field provides the address of the next queue block. If this field is zero_ there are no additional queue blocks. 1. The RQB1MTL field of the RECEIVE queue block indicates the amount of data being held from the last request. 8. For BSA! only, the SQHORER field of the SEND queue block indicates the number of unused bytes left in the buffer. 9. The 22-byte RQBDTS field of the . RECEIVE queue block contains the date and time of the last message received from this queue, as well as the source of the message. I I--- RQBRECDL I I--RQBHELDC I I--RQBISITP I In ei ther a RECEIVE Or a SEND queue block, this field specifies the size of the buffer, whose format is pictured in Figure 105. (For a list of codes used in the TCAM control byte, see Figure 106.) I RQBDECB I I 3. 15 16 J , , , I I I I I I I I Fields of the RECEIVE Queue Block 10. 216 The SQBENDIC field of the SEND queue block contains the end indicator (in zoned decimal) specified in the COBOL source statement. 11. The RQBDDNAM field contains the ddname for the queue block specified in the COBOL teleprocessing program. 12. The RQBRECDL field in the RECEIVE queue block and the SQBRECDL field in the SEND queue block contain the record delimiter specified in the MCP. 13. The RQBHELDC field in the RECEIVE queue contains a character that, in some instances, is the next data character. 14. The RQBISITP field in the RECEIVE queue block is a switch byte. 15. The RQBNBL field contains the enable/disable link. The RQBQNAME field contains the TCAM queue name. 11. The SQBDNLH field contains the head of the DNL (destination name list). 18. The SQBMPLFH field contains the free list head of the MPL {message phrase list). 19. The SQBPBFH field contains the free list head of the PB (phase buffer). 20. The SQBFSTOA field contains the free storage pointer. 21. The SQBFSTOL field contains the free storage length. 5 6 • A dump (ABDUMP) is produced by the system. • The data sets in the job steps are disposed of as specified in the DISP parameter (i.e., kept, deleted, etc.). This is indicated in the job scheduler disposition messages produced for the job step. • Temporary data sets, including those passed from previous job steps, are deleted. 16. 1 If a job is abnormally terminated and the abnormal termination process goes to completion, the following procedures are carried out: When the abrrormal termination process does not go to completion (i.e., no end of dump message is present), none of these procedures will be carried out. Those data sets in the job step that were in existence previous to the point at which the error condiiion occurred will remain in effect. For data sets on direct access volumes, the names will remain tabulated in the Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) of the volume (see "Additional File processing Information" for details on the VTOC). The result of an incomplete abnormal termination is that space needed by a subsequent job will be unavailable, or, if the same job is then Dermn, duplicate name definition will result for those dat. sets that are newly created in the job step. This is true for temporary data sets for which the system has assigned the name, as well as data sets for which the programmer has assigned the name. 14 ========I===I===============I===~_~=====_ ~'-v-'~ V prefix TCAM Source 1D control Byte _ _- ~ __ Data Note: The prefix, the TCAM control byte. and the source 1D must be user specified for a SAM file~ However, if the user invokes the SEND statement to create a SAM 'file for subsequent input" then the COBOL compiler adds bytes 1 through 13 (see Figure 148 in the chapter entitled "Using the Teleprocessing Feature"). Figure 105. structure of a TCAM Record Program Checkout 271 r- , , I Code IMeaning ~ I I X'Fl'tThe first block of a multiblock I J message , I J X'F5'JThe first block of a multiblock I I message, wi th end of segment I I indicated I I X'40'JAn intermediate data block , I J X'F4 t )An intermediate data block, with • • end of segment indicated I-I I X'F2'IThe last block of a multiblock 1 Jmessage r I ~ I , J I I I ~ I I I I -i I I I t t X'F6',The last block of a multiblock I t message, with end of segment f I indica ted I f J r-~ i 1 I , Xt F7')A single block message, with end I 1 1 I X'P3'IA single block message I Jot segment indicated 1-- I Information on how to use these utility programs is contained in the publication OS/VS Utilities. OBTAINING EXECUTION STATISTICS Execution statistics are invoked via the COUNT option at compile time and the presence of SYSDBOUT and SYSCOUNT DD statements at execution time. No source language coding changes are required. COUNT facilitates testing, debugging, and optimizing by providing the programmer with verb counts at the following times: I • Figure 106. If the programmer wishes to obtain a listing of the names of all the data sets on a volume, including system-assigned internal names, he can use the uti.lity program IEHLIST. This program provides a listing of the VTOC of the volume. Codes Used in the TeAM Control Byte • • • • STOP RUN GOBACK in the main program Abnormal termination of a job. At CANCEL time, verb counts for the canceled program and any of its subprograms. SCRATCHING NON-VSAM DATA SETS When COUNT is specified, the following items should be taken into account: To avoid duplicate name definition and to ensure that space will be a vailable for newly created data sets, the programmer can scratch his direct-access volume data sets hy using the utility program IEHPROGM. To scratch such a data set means to remove its data set label (which includes its name) from the VToe and to make the space assigned to it available for reallocation. Scratching does not uncatalog any cataloged data sets. This is done by the UNCATLG option of the IEHPROGM. If a DSNAME parameter has been specified in the DD statement for the data set, the IEHPROGM utility program requires the name of the data set. Fdr data sets named by the programmer, the specified name is the dsname. For data sets for which the DSNAME=&&name convention has been used, an internal name 1. When COUNT is specified, the compiler divides the program into blocks of verbs. When the statistics are printed, the last block o.f verbs executed in each program u~it is indicated. If the program abnormally terminates, the statement causing the abnormal termination can be determined (by using the symbolic debugging features, for example). The programmer should then subtract one from the verb count for each verb flagged which follows the abending verb. 2. If COUNT is requested, the user may need to increase the REGION parameter on his load module EXEC card. The dynamic space required for COUNT is approximately 512 bytes plus 80 bytes per program unit being monitored, and four bytes per count block (seethe compiler output statistics). The requirements for each program uni tare rounded to the next 128-byte boundary. 3. The OTHERWISE verb is treated as if the user coded the ELSE verb. 4. Both the SYSDBOUT and SYSeOUNT DD statements must be specified at execution time. is assigned by the system, where job!ig,~ is the name of the job and M!!~ is from the &&name. If no DSNAME parameter is specified, an internal name is assigned by the system. For data sets with no DSNAME param~ter there exists an option by which the programmer can specify that all such data sets on the volume be scratched, without having to specify their names. 278 2. All infrequently used paragraphs or sections should be grouped together and apart from frequently-used routines. 3. The most frequently-referenced data items should be placed in the beginning of the Working-Storage section. The execution statistics clearly identify the following areas of the program: • untested and weakly tested areas of the proqram • The last blocks entered and executed • Possible sources of unnecessary code • The most heavily ~sed parts of the program; that is, those parts most susceptible to changes. OPTI~IZATIONMETHODS Based on execution frequency, the following types of optimization can be implemented by the user: Insight into SYMDMP out~! The area where dynamic symbolic dumps are to be used can be pointed to by the execution statistics. Knowledge of what area of code is executed and how often it is executed should give the user information on what sections should be further investigated. • Resequencing the program • Insight into SY~DMP ~Q~mon Expression Elimina~iQQ • Common expression elimination • Backward movement • Unrolling • Jamming • Unsw itch ing • Incorporatimg procedures in line This technique is designed to eliminate unnecessary arithmetic calculations. An arithmetic expression calculation is considered unnecessary if it represents a value calculated elsewhere that wi~l always be used without modification. One such example would be an arithmetic expression whose operands are not .redefined or reeval ua ted, but the expression is recalculated. • Tabling • Efficiency guidelines Backward Note, however, that each optimization technique can result in more inefficient code if the statistics used in optimizing the program are not representative of the normal program flow. In addition, it is recommended that any optimization methods implemented be documented in the program. Sg2~guencing the Prog£A! The COBOL Procedure Division should be organized as follows: 1. 111 frequently-used paragraphs or sections should be located near the routines that use them. Movem~nl This technique facilitates moving calculations and other operations from an area of code frequently executed to an area less frequently executed. For example* an expression calculated within a PERFORM procedure (using a Format 2, 3, or 4 PERFORM statement) which always yields the same value for that PERFORM statement could be calculated inline or in another procedure which would be executed just prior to the regularly executed PERFORM procedure. Another example might be an expression which is calculated in many procedures which are often executed by va y of a·PERFORM in succession. This expression could be removed from all the procedures and calculated just once prior to the procedures. Program Checkout 279 ADD 1 TO WEEK-NUM. ADD GROSS-SALARY {WEEK-NU~ TO YEARLY-G ROSS. ADD NET-SALARY (WEEK-NUM) TO YEARLY-NET. Procedures which are frequently executed may be expanded so that the statements within the procedure are repeated, with slight modification, to reduce the procedure overhead. For example, PERFOR M YEARLY-GROSS-CALC VARYING WEEK-NO FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL WEEK-NO GREATER THAN 52. YEARLY-GROSS-CALC. ADD GROSS-SALARY (WEEK-NO) TO YEARLY-GROSS could be replaced by PERFORM KOUNT=O PERFORM YEARLY-GROSS-CALC VARYING WEEK-NO FROM 1 BY 4 UNTIL WEEK-NO GREATER TH AN 52. YEARLY-GROSS-CALC. ADD GROSS-SALARY GROSS-SALARY GROSS-SALARY GROSS SALARY YEARLY-GRO SS. Procedures may contain tests that result in the same action for any set of executions of that procedure. In such a case, the test can be removed from the procedure and the procedure duplicated. For example, if "SWITCH" is not changed within the loop, replace (WEEK-NO), (WEEK-NO.1), (WEEK-NO.2), (WEEK-NO.3) TO In addition, indexing might be useful in this exa mple. JOBS-TOTAL-CAL JOB-NUM TIMES. JOB-TOTA.L-CAL .. ADD 1 TO KOUNT ADD JOB-COST (KOUNT) TO TOTAL-JOB-COST. IF SWITCH = 0 ADD JOB-EXPENSE (KOUNT) TO TOTAL-EXPENSES ELSE ADD JOB-EXPENSE (KOUNT) OVERHEAD TO TOTAL-EXPENSES. ADD JOB-INCOME (KOUNT) TO TOTAL INCOME .. IF SWITCH = 0 ADD JOB-PROFIT (KOUNT) TO TOTAL-PROFITS ELSE COMPUTE TOTAL-PROFITS = TOTAL-PROFITS • JOB-INCOME (KOUNT) JOB-COST (KOUNT) - JOB-EXPENSE (KOUNT) - OVERHEAD. by In some instances, tvo procedures can be merged into one procedure, thereby saving some procedure overhead. An example of this might be replacing MOVE 0 TO WEEK-NUM. PERFORM YEARLY-GROSS-CAL 52 TIMES. MOVE 0 TO WEEK-NUM. PERFORM YEARLY-NET-CAL 52 TIMES. YEARLY-GROSS-CAL. ADD 1 TO WEEK-NUM. ADD GROSS-SALARY (WEEK-NUM) TO YEARLY-GROSS. YEARLY-NET-CAL. ADD 1 TO WEEK-NUM. ADD NET-SALARY (WEEK-NUM) TO YEARLY-NET. by MOVE 0 TO WEEK-NUM. PERFORM YEARLY-CAL 52 TIMES. YEARLY-CAL. 280 KOUNT = 0 IF SWITCH = 0 PERFORM JOB-TOTAL-CAL-O JOB-NUft TIMES ELSE PER FORM JOB-TOTAL-CAL-l JOB-NUM TIMES. JOB-TOTAL-CAL-O. ADD 1 TO KOONT. ADD JOB-COST. (KOUNT) TO TOTAL-JOB-COST. ADD JOB-EXPENSE (KOUKT) TO TOTAL/EXPENSES. ADD JOB-INCOISE (KOUNT) TO TOTAL-INCOKE. ADD JOB-PROFIT (KOnNT) TO TOTAL-PROFITS. JOB-TOTAL-CAL-1. ADD 1 TO KOUNT ADD JOB-COST (KOUNT) TO TOTAL-JOB-COST ADD JOB-EXPENSE (KOUNT), OVERHEAD TO TOTAL- EXPENSE ADD JOB-INCOME (KOUNT) TO TOTAL-INCOliE COMPOTE TOTAL-PROFITS = TOTAL-PROFITS • JOB-IHCOME (KOUNT) - JOB-COST (KOUNT) - JOB-EXPENSE (KOUNT) ~ OVERHEAD. Ia£Q£22r~ting Procedures I~ Based on module size, number of repetitions, modification activities, future expansion considerations, and frequency statistics, small procedures can be moved inline to minimize overhead require.ents. This technique is designed to replace many IF statements by one table-look-up statement, or by one computed GO TO statement. For example, if the same data item is tested in many successive IF statements to set the value of another data item to some constant, and the range of tested values of the original data item is limited, then a predetermined table of values could be used to assign the value of the second data item. Similarly, many consec uti ve sta temen ts of the form "IF data-item-1 = some-constant GO TO some-procedure" could be replaced by one computed GO TO statement. Based on execution frequency statistics, the following types of coding inefficiencies may be removed. 1. Unaligned decimal places in arithmetic or numer ic comparison operand s. 2. Different size operands in moves, comparisons, or arithmetic operations. 3. Mixed usage in arithmetic or numeric comparison operands. 4. Display usage in arithmetic operands or one numeric operand and one display operand in a comparison. 5. SYNC missing for COMP or COMP-1, -2, or -4 items. 6. Inefficient COMP type picture; that is, no sign or more than 9 digits in a COMP item and no sign, even number of digits, or more than 16 digits in COMP-3 items. 7. certain calls to object-time subrout ines. 8. Indexing instead of subscripting and vice versa. 9. Noncomputational subscripts. Program Checkout 281 Some techniques for increasing the efficiency of a COBO.L program are described in this chapter. It is divided into seven parts. The first four parts deal in general with coding a COBOL program. The fifth is concerned with the Report writer feature, the sixth with table handling, and the seventh with queue structure descript ion. • All frequently used subroutines should be loaded near each other. This can be done via linkage editor control cards. • PDs for files that will be opened at the same time should be grouped together. • The most frequently referenced data items should be placed in the beginning of the Working Storage section. • The COBOL Procedure Division should be organized generally as follows: There are four statements that can be coded in any or all of the four divisions of a source program: SKIP1, SKIP2, SKIP], and EJECT. These statements provide the user with the ability to control the spacing of a source listing and thereby improve its readability. a. All frequently used paragraphs or sections should be located near the routines that use them. b. All infrequently used paragraphs or sections should be grouped together and apart from frequently used routines. These suggestions will aid efficiency: • Use the RES option and place frequently used COBOL subroutines into the Paged Link Pack Area. • Avoid repetitive sequences of CALL CANCEL for the same subprograms. • If a short subprogram is referenced only once or twice (and is not an unusual situation routine), then its code should be incorporated in the calling program, if convenient. • subprograms should be loaded near the programs which use them. This can be done via linkage editor control cards. To make optimum use of buffer space allocated when creating a physical sequential file with blocked V-mode records, the programmer may use the APPLY WRITE-ONLY clause for the file. Use of this option causes a buffer to be truncat.ed only when the next record does not fit in the buffer. (If the APPLY WHITE-ONLY clause is not specified, the buffer is truncated when the maximum size record will not fit in the space remaining in the buffer.) When using APPLY WHITE-ONLY, all the WRITE statements must have FROM options. None of the subfields of the associated records may be referred to by procedure statements and they may not be the object of the DEPENDING ON option in an OCCURS clause. • Se gman ta tion in many cases is no longer desirable. • Data-names of constant value should be grouped together. Data-names whose values vary during execution should also be grouped together and should be separate from those of constant value. 282 Except for APPLY WRITE-ONLY, ADVANCING, POSITIONING. and APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW, all the options for variable length record files apply to spanned records. For non-VSAM files~ the APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW clause makes more efficient use of direct access storage space by using the Track overflow feature. If APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW is specified, a record that does not fit on a track vill be partially written on that track and the remainder vill be written on the next available track. OVERALL CONSIDERATIONS The absolute maximum of the Data Division (excluding Linkage Section) is 1,044,480 bytes. (This includes File, Working-Storage, Communication, and Report Sections.) Other maximum lengths (in bytes) are: The use of the APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW option requires that Track Overflow be specified at system generation time. • data description entry -- 32,767 • variable length table -- 32,767 • fixed-length group item (including fixed~length table) in Working-Storage or Linkage section -- 131,071 To minimize processing time with indexed sequential files accessed randomly, the programmer should use the APPLY CORE-INDEX clause. Use of this option causes the highest level index to be brought into main storage for input/output operations. This speeds processing by eliminating the extra time needed to search the index on the volume. Assign a prefix to each level-01 item in a program, and use this prefix on every subordinate item (except FILLER) to associate a file with its records and work-areas. For example, MASTER is the prefix used here: FILE SECTION. FD MASTER-INPUT-PILE 01 The use of BDAM-W for file organization results in less system generated coding than for BDAK-D. When BDAM-D is used and a WRITE statement is issued, extra code must be generated to compare the contents of the ACTUAL KEY of the WRITE statement with the key of the preceding READ statement to determine whether the system should add or update a record. If the keys are the same the record is updated. If the keys are different the record is added. BDAM-W eliminates this comparison step. The system adds a record when a WRITE statement is issued and updates a record when a REWRITE statement is issued. ih2 MASTER-INPUT-RECORD. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION~ 01 MASTER-WORK-AREA. 05 MASTER-PAYROLL PICTURE 9(3). 05 MASTER-SSNO PICTURE 9(9). If files or work-areas have the same fields, use the prefix to distinguish between them. Por example, if three files all have a date field, instead of DATE, DAT, and DA-TE, use MASTER-DATE, DETAIL-DATE, and REPORT-DATE. Using a unique prefix for each level-01 and a11 subordinate fields makes it easier for a person unfamiliar with the program to find fields in the program listing, and to know which fields are logically part of the same record or area. When asing the MOVE statement with the CORRESPONDING option and referring to individual fields, redefine or rename programming Techniques 283 «corresponding" names with the prefixed unique names. This technique eliminates excessive qualifying. For example: 01 MST-WORK-AREA. p**) 05 SAME-NAMES. 10 LAST-NAME PIC ••• 10 FIRST-NAME PIC ••• 10 PAYROLL PIC ••• 05 01 DIFF-NArtES REDEFINES SAME-NAMES. 10 MST-LAST-NAME PIC ••• 10 MST-FIRST-NAME PIC ••• 10 MST-PAYROLL PIC ••• RPT-WORK-AREA. 05 SAME-NAMES. (***) 10 PAYROLL PIC ••• 10 PILLER PIC ••• 10 FIRST-NAME PIC ••• 10 FILLER PIC ••• 10 LAST-N AM EPIC ••• The programmer should use the RECORD CONTAINS integer CHARACTERS clause in order to save himself as well as any future programmer the task of counting the data record description positions. Also, the compiler can then diagnose errors if the data record description conflicts with the RECORD CONTAINS clause. COMMUNICATION SECTION The Communication Section of a COBOL program must be specified if the program is to take advantage of the Teleprocessing Feature (TP). Through the inclusion of communication Description (CD) entries, the programmer establishes communication between the COBOL object program and the Message Control Program (KCP). PROCEDURE DIVISION. IF MST-PA~ROLL IS EQUAL TO HDQ-PAYROLL AND MST-LAST-NAME IS NOT EQUAL TO PRRV-LAST-NAME MOVE CORRESPONDING MST-WORK-AREA TO RPT-WORK-AREA. !Qte: Fields marked with a triple asterisk (***) in the foregoing listing must have exactly the same nalles for their fields in order to be considered corresponding. The same names must not be the redefining ones, or they viII not be considered to correspond. When specified, the communication Section must contain at least one CD entry. For example, a single CD entry vould be sufficient for applications with either an input or an output message but not both. A COBOL TP. program that is both to receive and to send messages must contain at least two! CD entries, as below. subo~dinate CD cd-name FOR INPUT. CD cd-name FOR OUTPUT. The CD entry may instead be pre-written and included in the user-created library. The prog.rallmer may then include the entry in a COBOL program by means of a COpy statement. CD cd-name COpy library-name. The programmer should use videly incremented level numbers, i.e., 01_ 05, 10, 15, etc., instead of 01, 02, 03, 04, etc •• in order to allov rooll for future insertions of group levels. For readability, indent level numbers. Use level-8S numbers for codes. Then. if the codes must be changed, the Procedure Division coding for tests need not be changed. The input CD contains such information as input queue and sub-queue nalles, message date and time, the source, the Ilessage text length_ the end key. the message status key, and the message count. The output CD contains the text length, the destination count, a status key and error key (both possibly repeating), and the name of the output queue. For inforaa tion about t.he CD formats possible, see the publication I.Bft IS FILE SECTION 284 COBOL_t2!-2~!~. 'Multiple input and output CD entries may be specified. No~: The required inclusion of the parameter DATE=YES in all input TPROCESS entries whose destination is ~ COBOL program results in the placing of the date and time of message entry in the input CD (see the section "Additional Interface Considerations" in the chapter entitled "Using the Teleprocessing Feature"). Alternatively, the programmer may locate this section in object-time dumps by including the following two statements in the program, in the order given: 77 FILLER PICTURE X(44), VALUE "PROGRAM IXXIXXXX WORKING-STORAGE BEGINS HERE". 01 FILLER PICTURE 1(42), VALUE "PROGRAM IXXI1XXX WORKING-STORAGE ENDS HEREII. WORKING-STORAGE SECT ION In a large program, the programmer should plan ahead for breaking the programs into separately compiled modules, as follows: These tvo nonnumeric literals will appear in all dumps of the program, delineating the Working-Storage Section. The program-name specified in the PROGRAM-ID clause should replace the XXXXXIII in the literal. DATA DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. When employing separate modules, an attempt should be made to combine entries of each Working-storage section into a single level-01 record (or one level-O 1 record for each 32K bytes). Logical record areas can be indicated by use of level-02, level-OJ etc., entries. A CALL statement with the USING option is more efficient when a single item is passed than when many level-01 and/or level-77 items are passed. When t his method is employed, mistakes are more easily avoided. Areas that do not have VALUE clauses should be separated from areas that do need VALUE clauses. VALUE clauses (except for level-aa items) are invalid in the Linkage section. When the Working-storage section is one level-01 item with no VALUE clauses, the COpy statement can easily be used ,to include the item as the description of a Linkage section in a separately compiled module. The Procedure Div ision opera tions that most often require adjustment of data items include the MOVE statement, the IF statement when used in a relation test, and arithmetic operations. Efficient use of data description clauses, such as REDEFINES, RENAMES PICTURE, and USAGE, avoids the generation of extra code. !~~IR~~IA-!R~~: The main storage area can be used more efficiently by writing different data descriptions for the same data area. For example, the coding that follows shows how the same area can be used as a "ork area for the records of several input files that are not processed concurrently: WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. WORK-AREA-FILE 1. (largest record description for FILE1) 01 See" Use of segmentation FeatUre" for more in formation on how to modularize the Procedure Division of a COBOL program. 01 WDRK-AREA-FILE2 REDEFINES WORK-ABEA-FILE1. (largest record description for FILE2) 1£Q.£ating.-the~rkillil-ston~_~g£ti2!lJ.!l DUll!! When anyone or more of the options PMAP, CLIST, and DKAP are specified, both the location and the length (in hexadecimal) of the Working-storage Section, if any, are provided (see the section "Options for the compiler" in the chapte.r entitled IIJob control Procedures tt ) . !1!~!~!T!_§RQQe~~ND DE~~RIPIIQ~~: Program data can often be described more efficiently by providing alternate groupings or data descriptions for the same data. For ex~mple# a program refers to both a field and its subfields, each of which is more efficiently described with a Programming Techniques 285 different usage. This can be done with the REDEFINES clause as follows: 66 66 01 PAYROLL-RECORD. 05 EMPLOYEE-RECORD PICTURE 1(28). 05 EMPLOYEE-FIELD REDEFINES EMPLOYEE-RECORD._ PIC X(23). 10 NAME 10 NUMBERX PIC S9(5) COMP SYNC. 05 DATE-RECORD PIC X(10). 66 15 FILE-3 PICTURE x. SUM-X REHAMES FIELD-I. SUM-Xt REHABES FIELD-X THRU FIELD-Y. SUM-XIZ RENA8ES FIELD-X THRU FIELD-Z. If each level-15 item contained either an A or an I, a programmer could find out how many files contained an A by doing a complete tally of files in QUT-BEC: EXAMINE SUM-IYZ TALLYING ALL "A" As an example of different data descriptions specified for the same data, the following illustrates how a table {TABLEA) can be initialized: 05 VALUE-A. 10 A1 PICTURE S9(9) COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS ZEROES. 10 A2 PICTURE S9(9) COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 1. 10 05 or a programmer might just want to tally the files in FIELD-X: EXAMINE SUM~X TALLYING ALL "A" In short, renaming fields can lead to better utilization of coding, storage. and time by facilitating the streamlining of Procedure Division operations. A100 PICTURE S9(9) COMPUTATIONAL VALUE IS 99. TABL EA REDEFINES VALUE-A PICTURE S9{9) COMPUTATIONAL OCCURS 100 TIMES. Note: Caution should be exercised when a ~;~;fining or redefined item is used as a subscript. If the value of a redefining item is changed in the Procedure Division and the redefined item is used as a subscript, or vice versa, then no new calculation for the su bscript is performed. DECIMAL-POllL!.Ll2!l1ENI: procedure Division operations are most efficient when the decimal positions of the data items involved are aligned. If they are not. the compiler generates instructions to align the decimal positions before any operations involving the data ~te.s can be executed. This is referred to as ~all~. Assume, for example, that a program contains the following instructions: WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. A PICTURE S999V99. B PICTURE 599V9. 77 77 By permitting a programmer to rename various fields, the RENAMES clause enables alternate, possibly overlapping, groupings of elementary data. The following example shows how three fields of a record can be rena med: 01 286 OUT-REC. 05 FIELD-X. 10 SUMMARY-GROUPX. 15 FILE-l PICTURE 15 FILE-2 PICTURE 15 FILE-3 PICTURE 05 FIELD-Y. 10 SUMMARY-GROUPY. 15 FILE-l PICTURE 15 FILE-2 PICTURE 15 FILE-3 PICTURE 05 FIELD-Z. 10 SUMMARY-GROUPZ. 15 FILE-1 PICTURE 15 FILE-2 PICTURE x. x. x. X x. PROCEDURE DIVISION. ADD ATO B. Time and internal storage space are saved by defining Bas: 77 B PICTURE S99V99. If it is inefficient to define B differently. a one-time conversion can be done, as explained in "Data Format Conversion ••t X. X. X. FIELDS OF UNEQUAL LENGI!!: When a data ite. is moved to another data item of a differen t length, the following should be considered: • If the items are external decimal items, the compiler generates instructions to insert zeros in the high-order positions of the receiving field when it is the larger. • If the items are nonnumeric, the compiler generates instructions to insert spaces in the low-order positions of the receiving field (or the high-order positions if the JUSTIFIED RIGHT clause is specified. This generation of extra instructions can be avoided if the sending field is described with a length equal to or greater than the receiving field~ y§~_of S!g~: The absence or presence of a plus or minus sign in the description of an arithmetic field often can affect the efficiency of a program. The following paragraphs discuss some of the considerations. !!g,£imal_It~§: The sign position in an internal or external decimal item can contain: 1. A plus or min us sign. If S is specified in the PICTURE clause, a plus or minus sign is inserted when either of the following conditions prevails: a. The item is in the Working-storage section and a VALUE clause has been specified. b. A value for the item is assigned as a result of an arithmetic operation during execution of the program. If an external decimal item is punched, printed, or displayed, an overpunch vill appear in the low-order digit. In EBCDIC, the configuration for low-order zeros normally is a nonprintable character. tov-order digits of positive values will be represented by one of the letters A through I (digi ts 1 through 9); loworder digits of negative values will be represented by one of the letters J through R (digits 1 through 9). 2. A hexadecimal F. If S is not specified in the PICTURE clause, an F is inserted in the sign position when either of following conditions exists: a. The item is in the Working-storage Section and a VALUE clause has been specified. b. A value for the item is developed during the execution of the program. An F is treated as positive, but is not an overpunch. 3. An invalid configuration. If an internal or external decimal item contains an invalid configuration in the sign position, and if the item is involved in a procedure Division operation, the program will be aDnormally terminated. Items for which no S has been specified are treated as absolute values. Whenever a value (signed or unsigned) is stored in, or moved in an elementary move to an unsigned item, a hexadecimal P is stored in the sign position of the unsigned item. For example, if an arithmetic operation in volves signed opera+lds and an unsigned result field, compiler-generated code will insert an F in the sign position of the result field when the result is stored. t!!!!,§,ll~item§.> For internal and external decimal items used as input, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the input data is valid. The compiler does not generate a test to ensure that the configuration in the sign position is valid. When a group item is involved in a mQY~, the data is mo ved wi thout regard to the level structure of the group items involved. The possibility exists that the configuration in the sign position of a subordinate numeric item may be destroyed. Therefore, caution should be exercised in moves involving group items with subordinate numeric fields or vi th other group operations such as READ or ACCEPT. This clause, which specifies both the position and the mode of the operational sign for a numeric data description entry, is required only when an explicit description of the sign's properties is necessary. The SIGN clause may be specified for either a numeric data description entry whose PICTURE contains the character ~ or a group item that contains at least one such numeric data description entry. The numer ic data description entries to which the SIGN clause applies must be described, implicitly or explicitly, as USAGE IS DISPLAY. Only one SIGN clause may be associated with any given numeric data description entry. The format of the SIGN clause is as follows: Programming Techniques 287 SI~~ IS LEADING { l [SEPARATE CHARACTER] TRAILING Q§~_of_iA~~~fAR!~_fHARACTE~_QptiQll: The programmer can elect to consider the character ~ in the PICTURE character string as a separate character or not, as he chooses. If the SEPARATE CHARACTER option is specified: • The position of the character taken to be a digit position. ~ The following eight cases show how data conversions are h~ndled on mixed elementary items for names, data comparisons, and arithmetic operations. Moves to and from group items, without the CORRESPONDING option, as well as comparisons involving group items, are done without conversion. is not I~Ll!2.!g_Q!!:!!: • The character S is counted in determining th; size of the data item. • The characters ,+, and ,_t are used for the positive and the negative operational signs, respectively. Converts DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data. I.Q_&Q.!!!.P!£~-ILlla: converts DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data. .I~~rforLAr.i!:.h!MU.i~Q'pg£ll.iQ!l§: • If neither the character ' . ' nor the character t_' is present in the data at object time, an error takes place and the program ABENDS. Whether or not the SEPARATE CHARACTER option is in effect, the operational sign is assumed to be associated with either the LEADING or the TRAILING digit position, as spec;ified, of the elementary numeric data item. This clause should be written at the highest level possible. Converts DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data. I2-Move~~a: Converts DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data and then to COMPUTATIONAL data. Converts DISPLAY to COMPUTATIONAL-3 and then to COMPUTATIONAL or converts both DISPLAY and COMPUTATIONA.L da ta to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data. I2-£ompa~Qata: ~.f~rfQD!LAr i!l!H ti~per a!;.i.2n.2: Converts DISP~AY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 or COMPUTATIONAL data. ~Al!-fQliMAT CONV~~!Q!: Operations involving mixed, elementary numeric data formats require conversion to a common format. This usually means that additional storage is used and execution time is increased. The code generated must often move data to an internal work area, perfora any necessary conversion, and then execute the indicated operation. Often, too, the result may have to be converted in the same way (see Figure 101). If it is impractical to use the same data formats throughout a program, and if two data items of different formats are frequently used together, a one-time conversion can be effected. For example, if A is defined as a COMPUTATIONAL item and B as a COMPUTATIONAL-3 item, A can be moved to a work area that has been defined as COMPUTATIONAL-3. This move causes the data in A to be converted to COMPUTATIONAL-3. Whenever A and B are used in a Procedure Division operation, reference can be made to the work area rather than to A. Using this technique, the conversion is performed only once, instead of each time an operation is performed. 288 I2-~QYg~a: Moves COMPUTATIONAL-3 data to a work field and then converts COMPUTATIONAL-3 data to COMPUTATIONAL data. Da ta: Converts COMPUTATIONAL data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 or vice versa, depending on the size of the field. l.Q_~ml?are I~.f~~tQ£~-A~thn~ii~~ratio~§: Converts COMPUTATIONAL data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 or vice versa, depending on the size of the field. 10 Move Data! Con verts COMPUTATION AL data to COMPUTITIONAL-3 data in a vork field, then moves the work field. 10 Compare Data: Converts COMPUTATIONAL to COMPUTITIONIL-3 data or vice versa, depending on the size of the field. •J Converted r--------~------ I I I I , I J Bytes Required • Usage fI IDISPLAY 11 per digit (except J(externallfor V) I decillal) I I I ,I , for I I Arithmetic I Typical Use loperations ,Special Characteristics t I --t --+ I IInput froll cards~1 Yes 1Kay be used for numeric I I output to I fields up to 18 digits. I cards. 1 istingsl J long. I I I IFields over 15 digits I I I J I 1 require extra inI I ) t I I structions if used in J I I , I I computations. I rI I I + -f IDISPLAY ,1 per character (ex- JInput from cards., Yes ,Converted to I I (externallcept for V) J output to I I COMPUTATIONAL-2 I Ifloating I I cards~ listingsl I format via COBOL , Ipoint) I 1 I I library subroutine. , .1 ------ll~ I I .. ICOMP-3 ,1 byte per 2 digits IInput to a reportlso.etimes ,Requires less space thanl f(internallplus 1 byte for the I item Iwhen a I DISPLAY. I ,decimal) Ilow-order digit and J Ismall I J t ,sign I Arithmetic fieldsl COMP-3 I convenient form for J I I I J item is J decimal alignment. I " J J used with I I f J ,Work areas Ja small ICan be used in I f I 1 JCOMP I arit.hmetic computaI " I I item. J tions without I J 1 I I J converS1on. I I f J J IFields over 15 digits 1 I t I J I require a subroutine t I J J J I when used in I I 1 I I J computations. t ~-----~ ICOMP I (binary) , I , • I J r- 12 if 1SN~4 I 14 if 5SN~9 I 18 if 10SN~18 ,where N is the number lof 9s in the PICTURE tclause +---- lCOftP-1 ,4 I (internal, Ifloating J Ipoint) I I J J J J I ~ (short-precisio~ i -+ ., ,Subscripting I Sometimes I f for both IArithmetic fieldsjmixed and I tunmixed J Jusages 1 I , I J t I I IFractional expo- t No I nentiation I I +---- ICOMP-2 18 (long-precision) I (internal, If loating I ,point) I L I t ' I I , 1 I I I I f ,Fractional expo- I • nentiation whenl I more precision I J is required I I Figure 107. 1 • No , IRounding and testing forI J the ON SIZE ERROR con-l I dition are cumbersome I I if calculated result J J is greater than 9(9). 1 ,Fields of over 9 digits t I require more handling. I t ~ ITends to produce less I accuracy if more than J 11 significant digits J are required and if J the exponent is big. J Requires floatingI point feature. J ISame as COMPUTATIONAL-1 I f 1 . I I I t I I J -f J J 1 1 J Data Format Conversion Programming Techniques 289 10 P~~m Arll.h!!fll..i&-2~rati2D§: Converts COMPUTATIONAL to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data or vice versa, depending on the size of the field. ~OMPUTAIIONAL to Numeric DISPL!!: IQ_~Data: Converts COMPUTATIONAL data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data and then to DISPLAY data. IQ._£ompare ~atg: Converts DISPLAY to COMPUTATIONAL or both COMPUTATIONAL and DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data, depending on the size of the field. !Y.!I!.l!I~..R!~fL1Y FIELD.§: Zeros are not inserted into numeric DISPLAY fields by the instruction set. When numeric DISPLAY data is moved, the compiler generates instructions that insert any necessary zeros into the DISPLAY fields. When numeric DISPLAY data is compared, and one field is smaller than the other, the compiler generates instructions to move the smaller item to a work area where zeros are inserted. ~Q~!IIONAL-l IQ Perform Arithmetic Ol!!KgtiQ.n§: Depending on the size of the field, converts DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL data, or both DISPLAY and COMPUTATIONAL data to COHPUTATIONAL-3 data in which case the result is generated in a COMPUTATIONAL-3 work area and then converted and moved to the DISPLAY result field. AND COMPUT!TIOHAL-l-lIEbQ~: If an arithmetic operation involves a mixture of short-precision and long-precision fields, the compiler generates instructions to expand the short-precision field to a long-precision field before the operation is executed. ~Q!1f.YtllI.QNAL::.J._~I~1Q~: The compiler does not have to generate instructions to insert high-order zeros for ADD and SUBTRACT statements that involve COMPUTATIONAL-) data. The zeros are inserted by the instruction set. I2_llQ!.!LQ.g,ta: Con verts COMPUT ATIONAL-3 data to DISPLAY data. IQ_£Qmpar~~atg! Converts DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data. The result is generated in a COHPUTATIONAL-3 work area and is then converted and moved to the DISPLAY result field. :r.Q_EerfQll_!rithm~ti~!ll?!!1::At.iQ!!§: converts all DISPLAY data to COMPUTATIONAL-3 data. The result is generated in a COMPUTATIONAL-3 work area and is then converted to DISPLAY and moved to the DISPLAY result field. The various COBOL data formats and how they appear in the computer in EBCDIC (Extended Binary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code) format are illustrated by the following examples. More detailed information about these data formats appears in the publication I!H1_~Y2!~!!Ll1Q Principles-2f o~rati2!, order No. GA22-1000. Numeric_~I~fk!I_l~xi~£~~Q~imail: Suppose the value of an item is -1234, and the PICTURE and USAGE are: PICTURE 9999 DISPLAY. or ~~!.grnal_Floating,::Point to_A!U.-Qlher: When an external floating-point item is to be used in an airthmetic operation or in data manipulation, precision errors may occur due to required conversions. !!!!~l_lloati!!g=fQiJ!L1Q-A!l.LQther: When an item described as COMPUTATIONAL-lor COMPUTATIONAL-2 (internal floating-point) is used in an operation with another data format, the item in the other data format is always converted to internal floa ting- point. If necessary, the internal floating-point result is then converted to the format of the other data item. 290 PICTURE S9999 DISPLAY. The item appears in the computer in the following forms respectively: Il -___ Fi i I ____ F2 i I ____ F3 I ____ F4 JI ~ --.-- Byte Il - -__ Fi I F2 I F3 I D4 I i ____ i ____ L~J Byte 1111 Hexadecimal F is treated arithmetically as plus in the low-order byte. The hexadecimal character D represents a negative sign. 1011 0010 I 1110 I - - ' - - -_ _ J sign position COftPUT.!IIO!i!L-3_lInt~l Deci!all: Suppose the value of an item is +1234. and its PICTURE and USAGE are: PICTURE 9999 COMPUTATIONAL-3. or PICTURE S9999 COMPUTATIONAL-3. The item appears in the computer in the following forDls, respectively: ~in~~I_I~~~~ni£gl~t!Qn: A binary item is allocated storage ranging from one halfword to two words, depending on the number of 9s in its PICTURE. Figure 108 is an illustration of how-the compiler allocates this storage. Note that it is possible for a value larger than that implied by the PICTURE to be stored in the item. For example, PICTURE S9{Q) implies a maximum value of 9,999, although it could actually hold the number 32,767. Because most binary items are manipula ted according to their allotted storage capacity, the programmer can ignore this situation. For the following reasons, however, there are some cases where he must be careful of his data: IL ____ 01 J.I ____ 23 ..1I=.J I 4F I Byte IL ____ 01 .l.-___ I 23 J.-:;.;:::::;:;:.J I 4C ) 1. When the ON SIZE ERROR option is used, the size test is made on the basis of the maximum value allowed by the picture of the result field. If a size error condition exists, the value of the result field is not altered and control is given to the imperative statements specified by the error option. 2. When a binary item is displayed or exhibited, the value used is a function of the number of 9s specified in the PICTURE clause. 3. When the actual value of a positive number is significantly larger than its picture value, a 1 could result in the sign position of the item, causing the item to be treated as a negative number in subsequent operations. Byte Hexadecimal F is treated ari thmetically as positive. The hexadecimal character C represents a plus sign. l!Q!£: since the low-order byte of an internal decimal number always contains a sign field. an item with an odd number of digits can be stored more efficiently than an item with an even number of digits. Note that a leading zero is inserted in the fo.regoing exam ple. ~OMPUTATIONAL jBinaJ;.Il.: suppose the value of an item is 1234, and its PICTURE and USAGE are: PICTURE 59999 COMPUTATIONAL. The item appears in the computer in the following form: 0000 0100 1101 0010 sign position Figure 109 illustrates three binary manipulations. In each case, the result field is an item described as PICTURE 59 CO!PUTATIONAL. One halfvord of storage has been allocated; and no ON SIZE ERROR option is involved. Note that if the ON SIZE ERROR option had been specified, it would have been executed for cases Band C. CO"PUXA'l'IOnL-l-2~_~QROTAI.IOl'!!lt.=£ 1l1oatinLf2intl.: A O-bit in the sign position means the number is positive. Negative numbers are represented in two's complement fora; thus, the sign position of a negative number viII always contain a 1-bit. For example -1234 would appear as follows: Suppose the value of an item is +1234. and that its USAGE is COMPUTATIONAL-1, the item appears in the computer in the following form: 101100 001110100 1101 0010 0000 0000 00001 _______ --L--___ _ ~'-4' S 1 31 1 8 Programming Techniques 291 r- J , J PICTURE 1---------------+ J 59 through 59 (4) J I I 159 (5) I tb rough S9 (9) S9 (10) through S9 (18) I J r- 1 f Case t t---t- I A iB I i- , t Assigned storage I I f I I I , 2,147,483,647J one fullword I• I 9,223,372,036,854,775,8071 two fullwords ------.1 ----------------------~ Relationship of PICTURE to storage Allocation Hexadecimal Result of Binary Calculation , Decimal Equivalent 0008 I I I f I C J , 32,767) one halfword I J _________________________~__ L Pigure 108. Maximum Working Value OOOA Cl50 8 10 50000 , Ac tual Decimal Value I Display or I in Halfword of storage I Exhi bi t Value I +8 +10 -15536 L- I I f I -+ I ~ 8 0 6 .&. Figure 109. is the sign position of the number. Bits 1 through 7 are the exponent (characteristic) of the number. Bits 8 through 31 are the fraction (mantissa) of the number. Main-Line RQutine A O-hit in the sign position indicates tha t the sign is pI us. A 1 , of .I Treatment of Varying ValUes in a Data Item of PICTURE S9 maintain and document. In addition, modularization makes it simple to break down a program using the segmentation feature, thereby resulting in a more efficient segmented program. Modularization of the Procedure Division involves organizing it into at least three functional levels: a main-line routine, processing subrolltines, and input/output subroutines. S I of l-bit in the sign position indicates that the sign is minus. This form of data is referred to as floating-point. The example illustrates short-precision floating-pOint data (COl'1PUTATIONAL-1) • In long-precision (COMPUTATION AL-2), t he fraction length is 56 bits. (For a detailed explanation of floating-point representation, see the publication LBM_~ste~Ll10-frin£ipl~of Q2~tatiQn, Order No. GA22-7000. This routine should be short, simple, and contain all the major logical decisions of the program. This routine controls which second-level SUbroutines are executed and in what order. All second-level subroutines should be invoked from the main-line routine by PERPOR8 statements. PROCEDURE DIVISIQ! A program can often be made more efficient or easier to debug in the Procedure Di vision with some of the techniques described below. KODULARIZING THE PROCEDURE DIVISION When the Procedure Division is modularized, programs ar~ easier to 292 These should be broken down into as many functional levels as necessary, depending on the complexity of the program. These must be completely closed subroutines, with one entry point and one exit pOint. The entry point should be the first statement of the subroutine. The exit point should be the EXIT statement. The processing subroutines can perform only lower level subroutines; return to the higher level subroutine (processing subroutine) must be made by a GO TO statement, which references the EXIT statement. ln~t/Output Subroutines These should be the lowest level subroutines, since all higher level subroutines should have access to them. There should be one OPEN subroutine and one CLOSE subroutine for the program, and only one functional (READ or WRITE) subroutin~ for each file. One READ or WRITE subroutine per file, which is always performed, has several advantages: 1. Coding can be added to count records on a file, transform blanks into zeros, check for 9s padding, etc. 2. Input and output files can be reformatted without changing the logic of the prog ram. 3. DEBUG statements can be added during testing to create input or to DISPLAY formatted output, instead of having to create a test file. COLLATING SEQUENCES The combination of the PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE clause and the SPECIAL NAMES alphabet-name clause(s) offers the programmer flexibility in estahlishing or al tering the collating seq uence used in the following operations: the various forms of non-numeric comparisons, HIGH/LOW-VALUE, SEARCH ALL, and SORT/MERGE. The alphabet used may be EBCDIC (d~noted as NATIVE, which is also the defaul~, ASCII (denoted as STANDARD-1>, or one or more programmer-defined alterations of the EBCDIC sequence. The alphabet identified through the PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE clause will be used for all occurences of non-numeric compares, HIGH/LOW-VALUE, and SEARCH ALL. However, each separate SORT/MERGE operation can override that general specification by including its own COLLATING ~EQUENCE clause. For QSAM files, the CODE-SET clause of the FD statement can be used to identify the file as being either EBCDIC or ASCII. When an ASCII file is identified in this manner, the corresponding DD card need not specify DCB=(OPTCD=Q ••• ) or DeB= (RECFM=D ••• ). USE OF THE UPSI SWITCHES The flexibility of programs can be greatly increased through use of the execution-time svi tches UPSI-O, UPSI-1, ••• UPSI-7 (see "Options for Execution t' in the section "Job Control procedtlres"). A program can be written to deal with many potential situations, and then directed (when it is to begin execution) as to which particular situations are current during that run. For example, a program might be designed to read File A and create File B; these two procedures are always to be done. However, on certain irregular occasions, a sp~cial report is also to be written to Pile C. These special occasions are externally determined--the program could not normally know of or internally determine them. But by using an UPSI switch, this difficulty can be overcome. The code for the production of File C is written predicated on an IF statement that tests the associated condition name of an UPSI switch: if on, the special report is produced; if off, it is skipped. For everyday executions of the program, the installation supplies the UPSI object-time parameter with that particular switch set to zero. When occasion demands that the special report be printed, the installation sets the UPSI object-time parameter switch to one, and the program's logic then writes out the report. Because there are eight UPS! switches, controlled variation of a much more complex nature can be obtained by a user. INTERCEPTING I/O ERRORS COBOL offers a variety of techniqUes the programmer can employ to intercept and handle I/O error situations. Use of these techniques (INVALID KEY, USE AFTER ERROR/EXCEPTION~ and FILE STATUS) gives a programmer not only the power to prevent abnormal termination, but also flexibility in his response. FILE STATUS--valid for 'SAM and QSAM files--can be used separately or in combination with one of the other two teChniques. COBOL automatically fills in the key field immediately after every I/O operation, so tbat the program can be designed to examine it and take action accordingly. (If FILE STATUS is specified but not interrogated by a program after an I/O operation, results are unpredicatble.) programming Techniques 293 If a logic error occurs because thel1ser attempts a READ or WRITE against an unopened file, an associated USE ERROR declarative will not get control. If such a.n error occurs when the file has been closed but not reopened, the wrong USE ERROR decla.rative may get control. However, such a situation can be circumvented by using FILE STATUS to test for successful open before performing the READ/WRITE. 2. the length of the scaled divisor plus the length of the scaled dividend is greater than 16 bytes. The lengths of the operands are internal decimal. 3. the 2.ca1eg diviggng is greater than 30 digits. (A scaled dividend is a number that has been multiplied by a power of ten in order to obtain the desired number of decimal places in the quotient.) INTERMEDIATE RESULTS The compiler treats arithmetic statements as a succession of operations and sets up intermediate result fields to contain the results of these operations. Examples of such statements are the arithmetic statements, and statements containing arithmetic expressions. The publication IB~_VS_~OBQt-1Q£_~L!2 describes the algorithms used by the compiler to determine the number of places reserved for intermediate result fields. If an operation involving binary operands requires an intermediate result greater than 18 digits, the compiler converts the operands to internal decimal before performing the operation. If the result field is binary, the result will be converted from internal decimal to binary_ Whenever the number of digits in a decimal intermediate result is greater than 30, the field is truncated to 30 digits. A warning message viII be generated at compile time, and program flow will not be interrupted at execution ti·me. This truncation may cause a result to be incorrect. If binary or internal decimal data is in accord with its data description, no interrupt can occur because of an overfloW condition in an intermediate result. This is due to the truncation described in the preceding paragraph. If the possibility exists that an intermedia te result field may exceed ]0 digits, truncation can be avoided by the specification of floating-point operands (CORPUTATION AL- 1 or COMPUTATION AL- 2) ; however, accuracy may not be maintained. If an intermediate result will not be greater than nine digits, the operation is performed most efficiently on binary data fields. l~i~£!~gig~~2Qlts ang_E!Qating~fQi!! DaY_Il£!!!2 In t e il§uli~.:t£ Res ul1§.-and ~ 0 BQL1ib I:~.r.Y ~ub£Qy.tin.~§. If a decimal multiplication operation requires an intermediate result greater than 30 digits, a COBOL library subroutine is used to perfo.rm the multiplication. The result of this multiplication is then truncated to 30 digits. A COBOL library subroutine is used to perform division if: 1. 294 the scaled divisor is equal to or greater than 15 dig its. If a floating-point operand has an intermediate result field in which exponent overflow occurs, the job will be ahnormally terminated. If the exponent is a Iloating-point item or has a PICTURE specifying decimal places, the subroutine ILBOFPWO is called,and the exponentiation is executed in floating-point arithmetic. Note: The base is always treated as a positive number, regardless of sign, and the answer is always a positive number. Caution should therefore be exercised when using noninteger exponents. Caution: A COMPUTE or DIVIDE statement which-stores its intermediate results in only a floating-point field may produce a slightly different final answer than a similar COMPUTE or DIVIDE statement which stores its intermediate results in both a floating-point and a fixed point field. This is because of the different precisions of the fixed- and floating-point fields. Programming Techniques 294.1 I!li~gdiate~.2.Yl!:§-2Jlg-1he~!,!_SIZE ERRQll Q£!:ion The ON SIZE ERROR option applies only to the final calculated results and not to intermediate result fields. COBOL processing environment. That is, a CANCEL statement issued for a subprogram that bas been dynamically loaded causes the storage occupied by the subprogram to be freed. As a result, a subsequent call to the subprogram functions as if it were the first. CANCEL CALLED-PROGRAM. VERBS !Qi~: A program other than the original caller may issue a CANCEL statement referring to a called program. The CALL statemen t permits communication bet. ween a COBOL object program and one or more COBOL subprograms or other language subprograms. A called program may be entered either at the beginning of the Procedure Division or later in the program. When a subprogram is called, it may already be main storaqe resident and be link-edited with the main program, or it may be specified as dynamic and link-edited into a separate load module. Dynamic loading, via the CALL statement, enables the user to load a subprogram only when it is actually needed. The first dynamic call to a subprogram brings in a fresh copy of that subprogram. Any subsequent calls to the same subprogram, by either the original caller or another subprogram in the same region/partition, cause a branch to the same copy of the subprogram in its last-used state, until the user deletes it (see the section on the "CANCEL Statement"). The ON OVERFLOW phrase can be included in the CALL statement to circumvent abnormal termination when there is insufficient main storage available for dynamically loading the called program. The imperative statement associated with the ON OVERFLOW will gain control in such a situation, allowing the user to handle the problem in a manner of his own choosing and continue execution. (The conditions handled by ON OVERFLOW are equivalent to the following completion codes: 106C, 804, BOA, and 878.) For examples of both static and dynamic CALL statements, see the section "Dynamic subprogram considerations" in the chapter entitled "Calling and Called Programs." The CANCEL statement permits dynamic deletion of COBOL subprograms from the There are two ways in which to use the CLOSE statement when closing several files: CLOSE DETAIL-FILE MASTER-FILE. or CLOSE DETAIL-FILE. CLOSE MASTER-FILE. Each CLOSE statement for a file requires the use of a storage ar~a that is directly proportional to the number of files being closed. Closing more than one file with the same statement is faster than when using a separate statement for each file. However, separate statements require less storage. COMPUTE Statement The use of the COMPUTE statement generates more eff icient coding than does the use of individual arithmetic statements because the compiler can keep track of internal work areas and does not have to store the results of intermediate calculations. It is the user's responsibility, however, to insure that the data is defined with the level of significance required in the answer. Nested and compound IF statements should be avoided as the logic is difficult to debug_ Programming Techniques 295 When a HOVE statement with the CORRESPONDING option is executed, data items are considered CORRESPONDING only if their respective data names are the same, including all implied qualification, up to, but not including, the data-names used in the HOVE statement itself. PERFORM is a useful verb if the programmer adheres to the following rules: 1. Always execute the last statement of a series of routines being operated on by a PERFORM statement. When branching out of the routine, make sure control will eventually return to the last statement of the routine. This statement should be an EXIT statement. Although no code is generated, the EXIT statement allows a programmer to recognize immediately the extent of a series of routines within the range of a PERFORM statement. 2. Always either PERPORM routine-name THRU routine-name-exit, or PERFORM section-name. APERFORM paragraph-name can cause trouble for the programmer trying to maintain the program. For example, if a paragraph must be broken into two paragraphs, the programmer must examine every statement to determine whether or not this paragraph is within the range of the PERFORM statement. Then all statements referencing the paragraph-name must be changed to PERFORM THiU statements. For example, AA 01 05 05 01 BB 10 10 EE 10 XX 05 CC DD 05 FF BB 10 10 yy 10 CC DD FF The statement MOVE CORRESPONDING AATO xx will result in moving cc and DD but not FF because FF of EE does not correspond to FF of IY). Note: The other rules for MOVE CORRESPONDING, of course, must still be satisfied. An asterisk (*) should be used in place of the NOTE statement, because there is the possibility that when NOTE is the first sentence in a paragraph, it will inadvertently cause the whole paragraph to be treated as part of the NOTE. Use READ INTO and WRITE FROM, and do all processing in the Working-Storage Section. This is suggested for three reasons: 1. Debugging is much simpler. working-storage areas are easier to locate in a dump than are buffer areas. And, if files are blocked, it is much easier to determine which record in a block was being processed when the abnormal termination occurred. 2. Trying to access a record area after the AT END condition has occurred (for example, AT END MOVE HIGH-VALUE TO INPUT-RECORD) can cause problems if the record area is only in the Pile Section. 3. WRITE FROM allows multiple writes of the same record (not possible when using the record area because of buffering techniques) . QfEN Statement There are two ways in which to use the OPEN statellentwhen opening several files: OPEN INPUT INFILE UPDATES OUTPU'l' OUTFILE or OPEN INPUT INFILE OPEN INPUT UPDATES OPEN OUTPUT OUTFILE Each OPEN statement for a file requires the use of a storage area that is directly proportional to the number of files being opened. Opening more than one file with the same statement is faster than using a separate statement for each file. However, separate statements require less storage. 296 BQt~: The programmer should be aware that additional time is used to execute the mOVe operation involved in each READ INTO or WRITE FROM instruction-. e. The END-OF-PAGE imperative is executed (if one was specified). The features LINAGE, WITH FOOTING, and END-OF-PAGE imperative-statement give the programmer added flexibility and control in physical sequential (QSAM) output operations. When these featllres are used in combination with the BEFORE/APTER • ADVANCING nn LINES clause of the WRITE statement, however, care must be exercised. In the discussion below, notice that END-OF-PAGE imperatives are executed after WRITEs, and theLI BAGE-COUNTER may be p~inting to the next logical page (instead of to the current footing area)vhen the imperative gains control. Note: Files using LINAGE are treated as-if the ADV compile option had been specified. • When only AFTER is specified for the file, ASA control characters are used. For ADVANCING nn LINES, COBOL first calculates the sum of LINAGE-COUNTER and nne (For ADVANCING PAGE, see Case 2 below.) Subsequent actions depend on the size of this value, as follows: • When only BEFORE is specified for the file, machine control characters are used. • When both BEFORE and AFTER are specified for output operations, machine control characters are used. When the ADVANCING option is used for the WRITE statement, library subroutine ILBOSPA is called to handle the spacing. The carriage control characters are determined as follows: £~§~--If advance would be within the current logical page body (i.e., value is not greater than the established LINAGE value): a. b. The WRITE takes place (either before or after advancing nn lines, as specified in the program). LINAGE-COUNTER is incremented by nne c. If FOOTING was speciifed, and the advance falls within the footing area (that is, greater than or equal to the established FOOTING value), the END-OP-PAGE imperative is executed (if one vas specified). £~2g_~--If advance lIould go beyon4 the current logical page body (i.e., value is greater t han the established LINAGE value): a. A new value is established for LINES-AT-TOP. h. The WRITE takes place before or .after (as specified by the prog ram) the dey ice is positioned to the first line of the next lO 1 program of BI J I I J Calling program of ct I I f I J I >. , I .I ----I I I t I I I , t .J L- Figure 121. , C Calling and Called Programs LI NKAGE IN A CALLI NG COBOL PROGR AM LINKAGE IN A CALLED COBOL PROGRAM A calling COBOL program must contain the following statement at the point at which another prog ram is to be called: A called COBOL program must contain two st.a temen ts. CALL litera1-1 { } One of the following statements must be inserted to name the point where the program is to be entered: identifier-l (USING identifier-list] [ON OVERFLOW imperative-statement]. ENTRY literal-1 [USING identifier-list]. or Literal-1 or the contents of identifier-1 must be either the name of the program that is being called or the name of an entry point in the called program. The first eight characters of literal-1 or identifier-1 are used to make the correspondence between the calling program and the called program. The identifier-list is one or more data-names, called identifiers and separated by blanks, that are to be passed to the called progra m. If the called program is an 'assembler-language program, the identifier in the USING phrase may also he a file-name or a procedure-name. If the identifier in the USING phrase is a file-name, the COBOL compiler passes the address of the DCB for a queued file, or the address of the DECB for a basic file, as this entry of the identifier-list. The identifier may not be a VSAM file name. This can be used to test bits in the DCB or DECB or to enter some options in the DCB. However, when changing a field of the DCB, precautions should be taken not to contradict the information in other fields or the information in the object code supplied by the compiler, job control langUage, or other sources. When the identifier in the USING phrase is a procedure-name, the value passed is the beginning address of the procedure. If no identifiers are passed, the USING clause is omit ted. If a non-standard return is executed to a procedure name in a program compiled with OPT, RES, or DYN options, unpredictable results may occur. The ON OVERFLOW imperative statement will gain control if the called program cannot be dynamically loaded during" execution time (situation equivalent to completion code 106-C, 804, 80A, or 878). This allows the user to continue processing. ON OVERFLOW only has meaning if a program is to be dynamically loaded (see the "Dynamic Subprogram Linkage'· section later in this chapter). PROCEDURE DIVISION [USING identifier-list]. The literal-1 or PROGRAM-ID is the name of the entry point in the called program. It is the same name that appears in the CALL statement of the program that calls this program that the compiler uses. The identifier-list is one or more data-names that correspond to the identifier-list of the CALL statement of the calling program. Each data name of the identifier-list must be defined in the Linkage section of the Data Division and must have a level number of 01 or 77. One of the following statements must be inserted at the point at which control is to be returned to the calling program: GOBAeR. or EXIT PROGRAM. The GOBAeK or EXIT PROGRAM statement enables restoration of necessary registers and returns control to the point in the calling program immedia tely following the calling sequence. Note: The GOBACK and EX!T PROGRAM statements may be used in a main program, with the result that any COBOL program can be used as either a calling or a called program, if written with this end in mind. If a GOBICK statement appears within the main program, control is returned immediately to the system; if an EXIT PROGRAM statement appears, it is simply regarded as a null instruction. A called program may pass a completion to its caller by storing a value in RETURN-CODE. The calling program may interrogate RETURN-CODE after a return is made from a called program to determine the comple tion code. Calling and Called Programs 311 !Qi~: RETURN-CODE may also be used to pass a completion code to the system at the end of a run uni t. only CALL identifier statements are dynamic; when NODYNAM is in effect, CALL literal statements are static. (For a discussion of the formats possible with the CALL statement, see the publication lfiL!~ £QB01_foLQ~L!~· ) with the dynamic subprogram linkage feature, a called program need Dot be link-edited with the main program. It may instead be link-edited into a separate load module, so that at execution time it is loaded if S!!d onIY_i! it is called. Accordingly, the first dynamic call to a subprogram obtains a fresh copy of the subprogram. Subsequent calls to the same subprogram, by either the original caller or any other subprogram in the same region/partition, result in a branch to the same copy of the subprogram in its last-used state until the subprogram is canceled. The first call following a CANCEL statement results in a branch to a fresh copy of the subprogram. Specification of the DYNAM option in the PARM field of the EXEC statem~nt (see the section on "Compiler Options" in the chapter entitled "Job Control Procedures~ makes all calls dynamic. If NODYNAM is in effect, through either user specification at compile time or as the default option. 318 For an example of a COBOL program that takes advantage of the dynamic CALL/CANCEL feature, see Figure 122. 1. When th~ dynamic CALL is used, the main program and all subprograms in one region/partition should take advantage of the COBOL Library Management Facility (see the 1t Librar ies" cha pter) • Progra ms compiled under pre-Version 4 COBOL compilers cannot be dynamically called. Even when the DYNAM option is not specified a program with CALL identifier or CANCEL identifier state~ents requires the Library Management Feature. 2. The USING option should be included in the CALL statement only if there is a USING option in the called entry point. 3. It is recommended that calling programs use the ON OVERFLOW facility. r- II/CALLJOB II/STEP1 II/COB.SYSIN JOB user information EXEC COBUCL,PARM.COB=·DYNAM,RESIDENT' DD * IDENTIPICATION DIVISION PROGRAM-ID. SUBPROG1. AUTHOR. J. SMITH REMARKS. THIS SUBPROGRAM IS CALLED BY THE MAIN PROGRAM. IT ISSUES A MESSAGE TO INDICATE WHETHER IT IS IN INITIAL OR LAST-USED STATE, AND THEN RETURNS TO THE MAIN PROGRAM. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. IB8-370. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 SWITCH PIC 9 VALUE O. PROCEDURE DIVISION. IF SWITCH=O DISPLAY 'SUBPROG1 CALLED -- IN INITIAL STATE' GO TO RETURN-POINT. DISPLAY 'SUPROG1 CALLED -- IN LAST-DSED STATE'. RETDRN-POINT. AD D 1 TO SWITCH. EX IT PROGRAM. -, 1 I I I I I • I t I I• I t I I I t I I I I I I t I /* J I/LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=SUBPROGS(SUBPROG1) ,UNIT=2114.VOL=SER=XXXXXX, II DISP= (NEW, KEEP) , SPACE= (TRK, (5,1,1» I I .,J 1* t- IliQl~: When a subprogram is called dynamically, the (NAME andlor ALIAS) option of the Ilinkage editor is used to identify the module that is accessed by an as/vs LOAD macro tat execution time (see the section entitled "Link-editing COBOL Programs"). I I • • Figure 122. .J Sample Calling and Called Programs Using Dynamic CALL and CANCEL statements (Part 1 of 3) Calling and Called Programs 319 r • IIICALLJOB2 '1ISTEP1 II/COB.SYSIN f • I I I I f • r t I I • , I I 1/* 1//LKED.SYSI.f10D JOB user information EXEC COBUCL,PARM.COB:'DYNAM,RESIDEN'.r' DD * . IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SUBPROG2. AUTHOR. J. SMITH REMARKS. THIS SUBPROGRAft IS CALLED BY THE MAIN PROGRAft. IF IT IS IN INITIAL STATE, IT ISSUES A MESSAGE TO THAT EFFECT AND RETURNS TO THE MAIN PROGRAM. IF NOT, IT ISSUES A MESSAGE ~HAT IT IS IN THE LAST-USED STATE, CANCELS SUBPROG1 VIA A CANCEL IDENTIFIER, AND RETURNS TO THE MAIN PROGRAM. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION DIVISION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. IBM-370. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 SWITCH PIC 9 VALUE O. 77 CANCL-ID PIC 1(8). PROCEDURE 01 VISION. IF SWITCH=O DISPLAY 'SUBPROG2 CALLED -- IN INITIAL STATE' GO TO RETURN-POINT. DISPLAY 'SUBPROG2 CALLED -- IN LAST-USED STATE'. DISPLAY 'SUBPROG2 CANCELLING SUBPROG1'. MOVE lSUBPROG1' TO CANeL-ID. CANCEL CANeL-ID. RETURN-POI NT. ADD 1 TO SWITCH. EXIT PROGRAM. DD DSN=SUBPROGS (SUBPROG2) ,UNIT=2314,VOL=SER=XXXXXX,DISP:OLD 1/* ~ Figure 122. 320 I I I I I I I I I I J I • I I ~ Sample calling and Called Programs Using Dynamic CALL and CANCEL Statements (Part 2 of 3) -------------------,I r 1//CALLJOB3 II/STEPl IlcOB.SYSII JOB user information EXEC COBUCL,PARK.COB='DYNAK,RESIDENT' DD IDENTIPICATION DIVISION. PROGRAK-ID. MAINPROG. AUTHOR. J. SIUTB REMARKS. THIS IS A MAIN PROtRAK. IT CALLS SUBPROGl AND SUBPBOG2 TWICE. ON THE FIRST CALL, EACH SUBPROGRAK SHOULD BE A PRESH COpy (THAT IS, IN INITIAL STATE). ON THE SECOND CALL, EACH SUBPROGRAM SHOULD BE IN ITS LAST-USED STATE. WHEN SUBPROG2 IS CALLED THE SECOND TIME, IT CANCELS SUBPROG1. THEN MAINPROG CALLS SUBPROGl AGAIN, AND AGAIN AFRESH COpy OF THIS SUBPROGRAlt SHOULD BE KADE AVAILABLE. THE OUTPUT PROK· THIS RUH SHOULD READ AS FOLLOWS: 'BEGIN MAINPROG. 8AINPROG CALLING SUBPROG1. SUBPROGl CALLED -- IN INITIAL STATE. ftAINPROG CALl.ING SUBPROG2. SUBPROG2 CALLED -- IN INITIAL STATE. MAINPROG CALLING SUBPROG1. SUBPROGl CALLED -- IN LAST-USED STATE. ftAINPRQG CALLING SUBp·aOG2. SUBPROG2 CALLED -- IN LAST-USED STATE. SUBPROG2 CANCELLING SUBPROG1. MAINPROG CALLING SUBPROG1. SUBPROG1 CALLED -- IN INITIAL STATE. ftAINPROG CANCELLING SUBPROGl AND SUBPROG2. END MAINPROG.' ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONPIGURATION SECTION. SOURCE-CO~PUTER. IBM-370. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 SWITCH PIC 9 VALUE O. 71 CALLID PIC X(8). PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISFLAY 'BEGIN 8AINPROG'. ST AR T-CAtL S. IF SWITCH IS LESS THAN 2 PERFORM CALL1, PERFORM CALL2, GO TO START-CALLS. PERF ORlt CALL 1. DISPLAY 'MAINPROG CANCELLING SUBPROGl AND SUBPROG2'. CANCEL 'SUBPROG1'.' SUBPROG2'. DISPLAY 'END ftAINPROG'. STOP RUN. CALL 1. MOVE 'su BPROG l' -ro CALLI D. DISPLAY 'KAINPROG CALLING SUBPROG1'. CALL CAL LID. CALL2. KOVE 'SUBPROG2' TO CAtLID. DISPLAY 'ftAINPROG CALLING SUBPROG2'. CALL CALLID. ADD 1 TO SWITCH. I I * J I I 1 J I , , 1 I I I J ! I I , I I t 1 I I I I j I I t I I I I t I I I t I I I J t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1* I/ILKED.SYSLftOD DD DSN=SUBPROGS(8AINPBOG).UNIT=2314,VOL=SER=XXXXXX,DISP=OLD II/GO EXEC PGK=ftAIHPROG IIISTEPLIB DD DSN=SUBPROGS,UNIT=23l4, VOL=SER=XXXXXX,DISP=OLD IIISISOUT DD SYSOUT=A 1/* I Figure 122. .J Sample Calling and Called Programs Using Dynamic CALL and CANCEL Statements (Part 3 of 3) Calling and Called programs 321 ~Q£r es I?Q!H!!m£!L2.Lllg.n.ti fi~2-in._~~lling: ~u~_Ca!leg-f£ogr~2 The number of data-names in the identifier list of a calling program must be the same as the number of data-names in the identifier list of the called program. There is a one-to-one correspondence; that is, the first identifier o£ the calling program is passed to the first identifier of the called program, the second identifier of the calling program is passed to the second identifier of the called program, and so forth. Only the address of an identifier list passed. Consequently, the data-name that is an identifier of the calling program and the data-name that is the corresponding identifier of the called program both refer to the same locations in main storage. The pair of names, however, need not be identical, but the data descriptions must be equivalent. For example, if an identifier of the calling program is a level-77 data-name of a character string of length 30, its corresponding identifier of the called program could also be a level-77 data-name of a character string of length 30, or the identifier of the called program could be a level-01 name with subordinate names representing character strings whose combined length is 30. ~s Although all identifiers of the called program in the ENTRY statement must be ,.I Register I Register 1 Number I Use tI t Jidentifier I I I 13 JSave Area I I I j J 14 I Return f J I I I I i 15 I Entry Point l I I described with level numbers of 01 or 77, there is no such restriction made for identifiers of the calling program in the CALL statement. An identifier of the calling program may be a qualified name or a subscripted name. FILE-NAME ARGUMENTS A calling COBOL program tha t ca lIs an assembler-language prog.ram can pass file-names, in addition to data-names, as identifiers. For a queued file, the file-name is passed as the address of the DeB (Data Control Block) and for a basic file, the file-name is passed as the address of the DECB (Data Event control Block). A VSAM file name cannot be passed. LINKAGE IN A CALLING OR CALLED ASSEMBLER-LANGUAGE PROGRAM In a COBOL program, the expansions of the linkage statement provide the saVe and return coding that is necessary to establish linkage between the calling and the called programs. Assembler-language programs must be prepared in accordance with the basic linkage conventions of the oper~ting system. Figure 123 shows the conventio.ns for use of general registers as linkage registers. • I I I ---I I I Address of the list that is passed to the called program. I I f Address of a n area (of 18 fullwords) to be used by the called I program to save registers. I • t I I Address of the location in the calling program to which f control should be returned after execution of the called I f program. I f I I I Address of the entry poi.nt in the called program to which •I I control iS,to be transferred. J Con tents ____~I~------------------------------------------------ t- Regis,ter 15 is also used as a return code register. The return code indica tes • whether or not an y exceptional conditions occurred during execution of the called I program. When control is returned to the COBOL program, it automatically moves the IL-______________________ contents of register___ 15 into the special register RETURN-CODE. • 1 Figure 121. 322 Linkage Registers , ~ I I I f ~~!U.smtiQJHL. Use g,.J..!L.L~IIiB.g !§~Ule!:-Languagg_f[.ogr9J! A calling assembler-language progra. must reserve a save area of 18 vords, beginning on a fullvord boundary. to be used by the called program for saving registers. It must load the address of this area into register 13. If the program is to pass identifiers, an identifier list must be prepared, and the address of the identifier list must be loaded into register 1. The calling program must load the address of the return point into register 14, and it must load the address of the entry point of the called program into register 15. The identifier list is a group of contiguous fuilifords, each of which is an address of a data item to be passed to the called program. The identifier list must begin on a fullvord boundary. The high-order bit of the last identifier, by convention, is set as a flag of one to indicate the end of the list. Figure 125 shows a portion of an assembler-language program that illustrates the conventions used in a calling program. chain pointer from there, and executes a RETURN to the caller of the main program. Execution of the GOBACK statement in a COBOL subprogram causes a return to the routine that called it. However, execution of this statement in a COBOL main program causes STOP RUN processing to occur (see above) • The compilation option ENDJOB causes the STOP RUN subroutine to free all main storage acquired during the run unit, and to delete any subprograms or subroutine library modules that were loaded during the run unit. The only parts of the run unit left after a STOP RUN with ENDJOB has executed are any load modules that were loaded by an assembler-language program rather than a COBOL proq.ram. and the library subroutine ILB05TT. These must be deleted by an assembler-language calling program. If the compilation option RESTDENT is used, it must be used by all COBOL programs in a run unit. It causes linkage to library subroutines to he established at execution time, rather than at link edit time, and maintains a list of all subroutine library modules for which it has issued a LOAD. 7he-A§§~bler-1an~~_b~11er-A2_Main f~gra.!!: In an all-COBOL environment, the first COBOL program in the run unit that is invoked for execution becomes the main program. It may be invoked via an EXEC JCL card. or by linkage from some other program. The fact that it is the first one invoked under the task establishes it as a main program. The main pcogram calls a library subroutine which (1) initializes the subroutine communications data area ILBOCOM, and (2) saves a pointer to the register save area of the main program. (A main program also executes a GOBACK statement is if STOP RUN had been coded. See below.) Any COBOL program in voked after the COBOL main program has begun to execute is considered a subprogram. A COBOL subprogram knows it is a subprogram rather than a main program because when it gets control, ILBOCOM has already been in it ia .li zed. Execution of the STOP RUN statement by any COBOL program causes a library subroutine to be called which terminates the run unit. This subroutine closes COBOL DCBs (such as SYSIN, SYSOUT, and SYSDBOUT), and resets certain flags and fields in ILBOCOM. If ENDJOB (see below) is in effect, it performs further cleanup. Then it picks up the main program save area (register 13) pointer that was saved when ILBOCOM vas initialized, follows the save area back The compilation option DYNAH causes dynamic LOADs and DELETEs to be done for subprograms specified in CALL and CALL CANCEL statements in COBOL programs in a run unit. It maintains a list of all subprograms it loads in the run unit. When a COBOL program is invoked by Job Management via an EXEC JCL card, the situation is straightforward. The COBOL progra m so invo.ked is the main program and begins the run unit.· A STOP RUN statement causes a return to the system. RESIDENT and DINAH may be used to improve efficiency of main storage utilization. The ENDJOB option is not important, in this case, because Job Management frees main storage and deletes load modules used by the jobstep task when it terminates. A COBOL program may also be invoked by use of CALL, LOAD and CALL, LINK, or ATTACH. If this is done, then the following cautions must be observed: 1. Use the ENDJOB option to make sure the region or partition is cleared of GETMAIN-acquired storage and loaded modules when the run unit ends. Then, after the run unit has ended, have the calling program issue a DELETE for module ILBOSTT. If LOAD was used in an assembler language program to bring in any subprograms, a DELETE should also be issued for those modules. Calling and Called Pcograms 323 2. COBOL does not support concurrent running of multiple COBOL subtasks in one reg~on or partition. If a COBOL subtask is attached, it must terminate before the next one is attached. Multiple subtasks may work in very limited circumstances. The following would definitely prevent multiple subtasking from working: RESIDENT or DYNAM options, or use of the same data set by two different subtasks. The COBOL subroutine library provides a means whereby an assembler-language program rna y become a main progra m; t bis is accomplished by a call to the library subroutine entry point ILBOSTPO, which causes ILBOCOM to be loaded and initialized. If this is done first, all COBOL programs subsequently called will behave as subprograms. This provides several other ad vantages for certain types of applications: execution of a GOBACK to the calling assembler-language routine will not cause STOP RUN processing--COBOL DCBs will remain open, no storage will be freed, no subroutines deleted; the assembler-language main program can continue calling its sub programs and adding to its open data sets until one of the subprograms executes a STOP RUN. Execution of a STOP RUN will cause return to the caller of the assembler-language program, rather than to the assembler-language program itself. f t t- t Called COBOL Called COBOL Compiled with NORESIDENT option L- 324 The CALL to ILBOSTPO may not be used if the COBOL program is invoked by LINK or ATTACH. 5. If DYNAH is used, all COBOL programs must be link edited in separate load modules. Case 1. Caller should have a v-type address constant for ILBOSTPO and should call ILBOSTPO using it. Library subroutine ILBOSRV must be included in the link edit, but ILBOCOM must not be. The COBOL program may then be called as a subroutine. Case 2. Caller should have a V-type address constant for ILBOSTPO and should call ILBOSTPO using it. Library subroutine ILBOSRV. must be included in the link edit of the caller, but ILBOCOM must not be. No library subroutines should be included in the link edit of the called COBOL program. After the call to ILBOSTPO, caller should issue a LOAD for the called COBOL program. The COBOL program may then be called as a subroutine. -, t Together f I Case 1 Case 2 f I I Case 3 J I I J I , I t----------t I J I I 4. Caller and COBOL I prog ram Linked i separately f t Program compiled J t wi th RES ID ENT 1 , opt.ion If NORESIDENT is used, all programs and subroutines must be link edited together. Case 3. Caller should have a V-type address constant for ILBOSTPO and should r--------------~--------------------r----- I Caller and COBOL I progr am Linked 3. In Cases 1, 2, and 3, the CALL to ILBOSTPO interface is being used. In Case 4, it is not. The subroutine ILBOSRV must be included in the link edit of the calling program. J If RESIDENT is used, ILBOCOM must not be included in any link edit. Please note that the link edit of ILBOSRV to serve the ILBOSTPO interface must ~eave a weak external reference for ILBOCOM unresolved. The following table distinguishes the procedures for initialization with several representative types of program linkage. If this type of processing is desired, the assembler-language program must issue a CALL to the library subroutine entry point ILBOSTPO before making any call to a COBOL program. (Please note that ILBOSTPO destroys the contents of Registers 0 and 1.) The following considerations apply to the use of the CALL to ILBOSTPO (within a single run unit): 1. 2. , Case 4 I I I I --' call ILBOSTP using it. The COBOL program may then be called as a subroutine. with the NORES option, all subroutines vill be link edited into the load module. Case 4. Caller must LOAD the COBOL module, then call it. Caller may use LINK or ATTACH instead of LOAD, CALL, and DELETE. Figure 124 is an example of Case 2 and illustrates one fairly typical and useful configuration for assembler-language programs calling COBoL-language routines. COBOL1 is a transaction processor of some type. ASM1 collects transactions and passes them to 15M2, which passes them one at a time to COBOL1. When all transactions are done, 15M2 calls COBOL2 to execute a STOP RUN, perform ENDJOB cleanup, and .return to 1SM1. Because ASM2 has first called ILBOSTPO, all COBOL programs in the run unit will behave as subprograms. Thus when COBOL1 returns control to ASM2 after a call, it remains in main storage in its last-used state. There is no overhead ior clean~p or for reinitialization on the succeeding call. COBOL1 can return control by either an EXIT PROGRAM or a GOBACK. (Because it is behaving as a subprogram, GOBACK is equivalent to EXIT PROGRAM.) ENDJOB processing is not done for any of the exits from COBOL1-.--It is only done once, in response to the STOP RUN in COBOL2. Two of the several possible ways to compile and link edit this application are: 1. Compiling with ENDJOB and NORESIDENT. A5M2, COBOL 1, COBOL2, and all required library subroutinesliould be link edited together. ASM1 would issue a LOAD,f?r, ASM2, then CALL it. Upon rece~v1ng control again, ASM1 would DELETE ASM2." 2. Compiling with ENDJOB and RESIDENT. ASM2 and ILBOSRV would have to be link edited together. COBOL 1 could also be included. In that case, ASM1 would issue a LOAD for ASM2, then CALL it. ASM2 would have to issue a LOAD for COBOL2 before calling it. When control is returned to ASM1, it must issue a DELETE for ASM2, COBOL2, and ILBOSTT. CALL ASMI .- CALL ILBOSTPO ASM~ LOAD-f- CALL ---0 COBOLI EXIT PROGRAM or GOBACK CALL EXIT PROGRAM or GOBACK CALL EXIT PROGRAM or GO BACK CALL COBOL~ STOP RUl\. Figure 124. Effect of STOP RUN Statement A called assembler-language program must save the registers and store other pertinent information in the save area passed to it by the calling program (the layout of the save area is shown in Figure 127). A called program must also contain a return routine that (1) loads the address of the save area back into register 13, (2) restores the contents of other registers, loading the return address in register 14, and (3) optionally, sets flags in the high-order eight bits of word 4 of the save area to 1's to indicate that the return occurred. It can then branch to the address in register 14 to complete the return. Figure 126 (Part 6) shows a portion of an assembler-language program that illustrates the conventions used in called p~ogram$ that are also calling programs. F~gure 133 shows the JCL suggested for compiling, link-editing, and executing a calling assembler-language program and a called COBOL program. Calling and Called Programs 325 .r- I t J I LA 13,AREA LOADS THE ADDRESS OF THIS PROGRAM'S SAVE AREA INTO * R E G I S T ER 13. t 1 f I I , I AREA OS 18F I I RESERVES 18 WORDS FOR THE SAVE AREA l •f f I I I I J j J I J * * * * CALLING SEQUENCE LA 1,ARGLST CALL COBREGN2 * * * I I LOADS INTO REGISTER 1 THE ADDRESS OF THE IDENTIFIER I LIST TO BE PASSED. TRANSFERS CONTROL TO THE ENTRY I POINT OF TUE CALLED PROGRAM. (THE CALL MACRO J INSTRUCTION GENERATES CODING THAT LOADS A V-TYPE , ADDRESS CONSTANT -- COBREGN2 -- INTO REGISTER 15 ANDI PLACES INTO REGISTER 14 THE RETURN ADDRESS, THAT IS" THE ADDRESS OF THE FIRST BYTE FOLLOWING THE MACRO I EXPANSION. I J• I I f • * PARAMETER LIST J I OS OF THIS PAR AMETER LIST CONTAINS ONLY ONE ARGUMENT. I ARGLST DC xtSO' FIRST BYTE OF LAST ARGUMENT (ONLY I • f DC AL3(ARGUMEN~ ARGUMENT IN THIS PROGRAM) SETS BIT 0 I I ARGUMENT DC C'1' TO 1. I l\ -f I JiQ.t~: Since the calling program containing this coding could previously have been I I called by a nother program, it also could establish linkage between the save area it has I Ireceived and the save area it passes to the called program. It vould store in word I ,three of the old save area the address of the new save area, and it would store in tlordl t two of the new sa ve area the address of the old save area. I .I L- Figure 125. Sample Linkage Coding Used in a calling Assembler-Language Program COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER LANGUAGES An American National Standard COBOL program may communicate at object time with programs written in other source program languages, such as COBOL F, PL/I, and FORTRAN. However, such communication must follow the same conventions discussed above under' "Linkage in a Called or Calling Assembler-Language Program." The relatively few problems that may arise in using American National Standard COBOL with COBOL F usually have to do with slightly different boundary alignments, slack-byte insertion, different meanings for the same reserved word, and so on. There is a greater disparity between American Nat ional standa.rd COBOL and FORTRAN, much of it stemming from the basic differences in the applications for which these languages were developed. (FORTRAN is process oriented and does comparatively li ttle file processing; COBOL, on the other hand, is definitely file oriented and is not mathematically self-sufficient.) Care must be taken, therefore, in attempting to pass arguments between American National Standard COBOL and FORTRAN programs. 326 The use of COBOL and PL/I together requires a number of important considerations. See the pUblications OSLvS linkage Editor and Loader and either Q~ 'llLLQptiJ!i;inL£oml!ileLf!:Q9.~~lIlm~~~2 GU!Q~, Order No. SC33-0006 ot: PLII as Checkout compiler: Prollg,.!!.m.g~S Order No. SC33-0007. GuiQ~, Abnormal terminations in non-COBOL programs calling COBOL programs compiled with either the STATE or the SYMDMP option (see the chapter entitled "symbolic Debugging Features") cause generation of the following .m.isinformation: • Incorrect number for the statement responsible for the abnormal termination. The last COBOL statement in the called program executed before the return to the calling non-COBOL program is given in the "Last Card Number Executed" message. • Incorrect PROGRAM-ID when sucll an abnormal termination occurs after return from the called COBOL program. ThePROGRAM-ID message contains the user-specified name for the called COBOL program .. The following set of programs- (Figure 126) contains a sample COBOL main-line program. COB MAIN, which calls COBOL and assembler-language programs using arguments that represent a data-item and a file-name. Some of the called programs (COBOL1, COBOL1B, and ASSMPGM) are themselves calling programs. Program COBREGNO is called by several programs, each of which enters at a different entry point within the program. , IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAR-ID. COBKAIN. E NVIRONftENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. IBM-370. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBH-310. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT FILE-X ASSIGN TO UR-2540R-S-INFILE. I-O-CONT ROL. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD ll~~=.!RECORD CONTAINS 80 CHARACTERS LABEL RECORD IS OMITTED. o 1 I N-=.RE~.~ 05 TYPEN PIC I. 105 HOLDER PIC X. 05 FILLER PIC 1(78). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 SIGNAL PIC X(8). PROCEDURE DIVISION. I I I I I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I •J t 1 I t I I t I I I I , , I I 1 OPEN INPUT FILE-X. tn~-jaf FiLE-iA'l'END GO TO CLOSE-FILE. I t I I CALL 'COBOL1' USING IN-REC. J I t J I I t I I I I I CALL 'COBREGN1' USING IN-REC. f t I• CALL 'ASSMRTN' USING SIGNAL. 1 , I , I CLOSE-FILE. CLOSE FILE-X. I I I IL-______________________ STOP RUN. .__________________------.________________. _______ I J t I 1 I J Figure 126. Sample calling and Called Programs (Part 1 of 7) Calling and Called Programs 327 r------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------,I I I IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. I PROGRAft-ID. COBOL1. I ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. I CONFIGURATION SECTION. I SOURCE-COMPUTER. IBM-370. I OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370. I INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. I FILE-CONTROL. I-O-CONTROL. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 TRANS-CO.BL PIC X (7). LINKAGE SECTION. 01 PASS-REC. 05 FILLER PIC X. 05 TRANS-VALUE PIC X. 05 FILLER PIC X(78). PROCEDURE DIVISION USING PASS-REC. I f I I I I I I I CALL 'COBOL1A' USING TRANS-COBL. CALL 'COBOLIB' USING TRANS-COBL. GOBACK. Figure 126. Sample Calling and Called Programs (Part 2 of 7) ., .--- I IDENTIFICATIO N DIVISION. I PROGRAM-ID. COBOL1A. J ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. I CONFIGURATION SECTION. IB~-370. I SOURCE-COMPUTER. • OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370. J INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. I FI LE-CONTROL. I I-O-CONTROL. I DATA DIVISION. I FILE SECTION. 1 WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. I LINKAGE SECTION. t 77 TRANS-COB 1 A PIC X(7). I PROCEDURE DIVISION USING TRANS-COB1A. I j I t GOBACK. I I t J I I t I I t , I I I I I I J I -' Figure 126. 328 Sample Calling and Called Programs (Part 3 of 7) , .--- IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. COBOL lB. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. IBM-370. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. PI LE-CONTROL. I-O-CONTROL. DATA DIVIS ION. FILE SECTION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 TRANS-CQBREGN PIC X(7). LINKAGE SECTION. 77 TRANS-COB1B PIC X(7). PROCEDURE DIVISION USING TRANS-COB1B. I I 1 I t I I , 1 1 I I t J I J I t I ,, CALL 'COBREGNO' USING TRANS-COBREGN. t 1 GOBACK. 1 .J Figure 126. Sample calling and Called Programs (Part 4 of 7) r----- ----''1 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. COBREGNO. ENVIRONftENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. IBM-370. SOURCE-COMPUTER. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. I-O-CONTROL. DATA DIVIS ION. FILE SECTION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. LINKAGE SECTION. 77 TRANS-COB PIC X(7). 77 TRANS-ASSM PIC 1(4). 01 P1SS-R EC. 05 PILLER PIC x. 05 TRANS-VALUE PIC X. 05 FILLER PIC 1(18). PROCEDURE DIVISION USI NG TRANS-COB. t I , I I I I , , I t I I 1 I I I t I I , , I I B. GOBACK. ENTRY 'COBREGN1' USING PASS-BEC. I I t C. •J GOBACK. ENTRY 'COBREGN2' USING TRANS-ASSM. I I I t I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,J GOBACK. 1- Figure 126. Sample Calling and Called Programs (Part 5 of 7) Calling and Called Programs 329 rj ASSMPGM 1 START a PRI NT NOGEN ENTRY ASSMRTN I I ESTABLISHES ASSMRTN AS AN EXTERNAL NAME THAT CAN BE 1 J REFERRED TO I.N ANOTHER PROGRAM. f * USING ASSMRTN,15 J I J I * SAVE ROUTINE I ASSMRTN SAVE ( 14,12) STORES THE CONTENTS OF REGISTERS 14, 15, 0, AND 1 • J IN WORDS 4, 5, 6, AND 7 OF THE SAVE AREA. I f * THESE ARE CONVENTIONAL LINKAGE REGISTERS. f I * REGISTERS 2 THROUGH 12, WHICH ARE NOT • t * ACTUALLY USED FOR LINKAGE, ARE SAVED IN SUBSEQUENT, I * WORDS OF THE SAVE AREA. THE EXPANDED CODE OF THE J I * SAVE MACRO INSTRUCTION USES REGISTER 13, WHICH I I * CONTAINS THE ADDRESS OF THE SAVE AREA, IN f J * EPFECTING THE STORAGE OF REGISTERS. I f * LR 10,15 I t DROP 15 I I USING ASSMRTN,10 I I LR 11,13 LOADS THE ADDRESS OF THE SAVE AREA INTO REGISTER 11" 1 WHICH WILL SUBSEQUENTLY BE USED TO REFER TO THE I I * SAVE AREA. J I * I J LA 13,AREA LOADS THE ADDRESS OF THIS PROGRAM'S SAVE AREA INTO J t REGIST ER 13. I I * I I 13,8(11) STORES THE ADDRESS OF THIS PROGRA~'S SAVE AREA INTO I ST f WORD 3 OF THE SAVE AREA OF THE CALLING PROGRAM. I I * I f 11,4(13) STORES THE ADDRESS OF THE PREVIOUS SAVE AREA INTO ST I j WORD 2 OF THIS PROGRAM'S SAVE ARRA. I * B PROCESS I I DS AREA 18F RESERVES 18 WORDS FOR THE SAVE AREA. I I• LOADS INTO REGISTER 2 THE ADDRESS OF THE IDRNTIFIER-, L 2,0(1) J PROCESS LIST PASSED TO THE PROGRAM. THE ADDRESS OF THE I J * IDENTIFIER-LIST IS ALWAYS PASSED IN REGISTER 1, I f * WHICH IS USED HERE AS THE BASE REGISTER TO GET THEI I * ADDRESS. SUBSEQUENT REFERENCES TO THE IDENTIFIER I J * WILL USE REGISTER 2 AS THE BASE REGISTER FOR THAT I * ADDRESS. (IF A VARIABLE-LENGT~ IDENTIFIER-LIST • I• * COULD BE USED IN CALLING THIS PROGRAM, EACH I f * IDENTIFIER WOULD BE TESTED FOR A ONE IN THE I t * HIGH-ORDER BIT.) I * I I {User-written program statements} t I I I I I * CALLING LASEQUENCE LOADS INTO REGISTER 1 THE ADDRESS OF THE IDENTIFIER-I 1,ARGLS'f t LIST TO BE PASSED. I I * I I CALL COBREGN2 TRANSFERS CONTROL TO THE ENTRY POINT OF THE CALLED 'J J PROGRAM. [TBE CALL MACRO INSTRUCTION GENERATES I * CODING THAT LOADS A V~TYPE ADDRESS CONSTANT -J * COBREG N2 -- INTO REGISTER 15 AND PLACES INTO I I * REGISTER 14 THE RETURN ADDRESS (THAT IS, THE I I * ADDRESS OF THE FIRST BYTE FOLLOWING THE MACRO I t * EXPANS ION) ]. I J * I I {User-written program statements} I L- _______________________________ I , , , , , , • Figure 126. 330 , ~------------------ Sample Calling and Called Programs (Part 6 of 7) I -----, f * CALLING SEQUENCE LA 1, ARGl.ST * CALL * * * * * * COBREGN2 , LOADS INTO REGISTER 1 THE ADDRESS OF THE IDENTIFIE"RLIST TO BE PASSED. I J I J TRANSFERS CONTROL TO THE ENTRY POINT OF THE CALLED PROGRAM. [THE CALL MACRO INSTRUCTION GENERATES CODING THAT LOADS A V-TYPE ADDRESS CONSTANT -COBREGN2 -- INTO REGISTER 15 AND PLACES INTO REGISTER 14 THE RETURN ADDRESS (THAT IS, THE ADDRESS OF THE FIRST BYTE FOLLOWING THE MACRO EXPAN SION) ]. I I I J I I I I I I RETURN ROUTI NE 1 L 13,4( 13) LOADS THE ADDRESS OF THE PREVIOUS SAVE AREA 1 BACK INTO REGISTER 13. I I RETURN(14,12) ,T,RC=(15) THIS RETURN MACRO INSTRUCTION RESTORES THE SAVED I REGISTERS (14, 15, AND 0 THROUGH 12). THE RETURNI ADDRESS IS RESTORED TO REGISTER 14, AND THE I EXPANSION INCLUDES A BRANCH TO THAT INSTRUCTION. J THE Ir' IN THE RETURN MACRO INSTRUCTION CAOSES I THE EIGHT HIGH-ORDER BITS OF WORD 4 OF THE SAVE 1 AREA TO BE SET TO ONES AS AN INDICATION THAT THE , RETURN HAS OCCURRED. THE RC=(15) PARAMETER I INDICATES THAT THIS PROGRAM IS PASSING A RETURN 1 CODE IN REGISTER 15. t (User-written program statements} * * * * * * * * * * PARAMETER LIST OF DS ARGLST DC X' 80' AL3 (ARGUMENT) DC ARGUMENT DC C' l' END Figure 126. t THIS PARAMETER LIST CONTAINS ONLY 1 ARGUMENT. FIRST BYTE OF LAST ARGUMENT (ONLY ARGUMENT IN THIS PROGRAM) SETS BIT 0 '1'0 1. J J J J 1 t Sample Calling and Called Programs (Part 7 of 7) Each time an entry point is specified in a called program, an ext~gL!!.a.!!lQ is defined (except when a program is compiled using the DYNAH and RESIDENT compiler options). An external name is a name that can be referred to by another separately compiled or as~embled program. Each time an entry name is speCified in a calling program, an ~~~al_ref~~£~ is defined except when a program" is compiled using the DYNAM and RESIDENT compiler options. An external reference is a symbol that is defined as an external name in another separately compiled or assembled program. The linkage editor resolves external names and references and combines calling and called progr ams into a forma t sui table for execution together, i.e., as a single load module except when programs are compiled with dynamic CALL statements and/or the RESIDENT option (see the section entitled "Programs Compiled with the DYNAH and/or RESIDENT options"). Load modules of both calling and called programs are used as input to the linkage editor. There are two kinds of inputr primary and additional. ~£ima£~ input consists of a sequential data set that contains one or more separately compiled object modules and/or linkage editor control statements. The primary input can contain object modules that are either calling or called programs or both. ,!ggiti2!lg! input consists of object modules or load mod ules that are not part of the primary input data set but are to be included in the load module. The additional input may be in the form of (1) a sequential data set consisting of one or more object modules with or without linkage editor control statements, or (2) libraries containing object modules with or without linkage editor control statements, or (3) libraries consisting of load modules. Note that the secondary input (all libraries and/or data sets) must be composed of either all object modules or all l..Qg,g modules, but it cannot contain both types. The additional input is ~pecified by Calling and Called Programs 331 r-------------------------------------------------------------------------.. -------------,I I Word Area I No. No. Contents I ~-------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------~ I 1 AREA Used by COBOL. I I I I I I I I I I I 2 AREA +4 Address (passed by the calling program) of the save area used by the calling program. This is the address of a save area that was passed to the called program by the program that called the called program. 3 AREA +8 Address (stored by the called program) of the next save area, that is, the save area that the called program provides for a program that it calls. The called p~ogram need not reserve a save area if it does not, in turn, call another program. 4 AREA +12 Return address (contents of register 14) stored by the called program. 5 AREA +16 Entry pOint address (contents of register 15) stored by the called program. 6 AREA +20 Contents of register 0 (stored by the cal.1..ed program). 7 AREA +24 Contents of register 1 (stored by the called program); that is, the address of the identifier list passed to the called program. 8 AREA +28( Contents of registers 2 through 12 (stored by the called program). I I AREA +68 Il ______________________________________________________________________________________ 18 _ ~ Figure 127. Save Area Layout and Contents linkage editor control statements in the primary input and a DD statement for each additional input data set. Addi tional input may contain either calling or called programs or both. !21~: Each additional input data set may itself contain external references or names and linkage editor control statements that specify more additional input. SPECIFYING PRIMARY INPUT The pri rna ry input data set is specified for linkage editor processing by the SYSLIN DD statement. The linkage editor must always have a primary inpu t data set specified by a SYSLIN DD statement whether or not there are called or calling programs and even if the primary input data set contains only linkage editor control statements. The SYSLIN DD statement that specifies the primary input is discussed in "Linkage Editor Data Set Requirements" (see "Example of Linkage Editor Processing" for a discussion of how to specify a primary in pu t data set that cont ains more than one object module along with linkage editor control statements). 332 SPECIFYING ADDITIONAL INPUT Additional input data sets are specified by linkage editor control statements and a DD statement for each additional input data set. The linkage editor control statements that specify additional input are INCLUDE and LIBRARy.1 A primary input data set may consist entirely of such statements. The INCLUDE and LIBRARY statements may be pla~ed before, bet ween, or after object modules or other control statements in either primary or additional input data sets. One method of using these statements is shown in Figure 134. !Q1~: Additional input often contains members of libraries (see "Specifying Libraries as Additional Input" in uLibraries"). 1The operation field in a linkage editor control statement must start after column 1. The operand field must be preceded by at least one blank. The INCLUDE statement is used to include an additional input da·ta set. that is either a member of a library or a sequential data set. The format is: r------------~-------------- I operation Operand t-------+-I INCLUDE I I , L-___________ ~ ---------------,I , ddname( (member-name I [,member-name] ••• ) ] I [,ddname[(member-name [ _, member-name ])_]] ••• ____ _ ••• __ __ _ _ _ JI • The ALIAS statement specifies additional names for the output library member, and can also display names of additional entry points. If a load module has more than one entry point or more than one CSECT and the user wishes to access that alternate entry at execution time via a dynamic CALL, he should specify an ALIAS with the same symbolic name as the desired entry point or CSECT. The format is: . ~ JOperationl Operand , I I 'lsymbol [,SymbOl IALIAS I ,external I I external name\ l where ddname indicates the name of the DD statement that specifies the library or sequential data set, and member-name is the name of the library member t hat is to be included. Member-name is not used w'hen the additional input data set is not a member of a partitioned data set. The LIBRARY statement is used to include additional input that may be required to resolve external references. The format is: where symbol specifies an alternate name for the load module, and external name specifies a name that is defined as a control section name or entry name in the output module. If the linkage-editor input includes an ALIAS statement, the symbolic name specified is identified with the relative location of the entry point or CSECT name that matches the ALIAS. If there is no matching entry point or CSECT name, the ALIAS is identified with relative location zero in the load module. liQ!~: If the us~r plans to dynamically call a subprogram at an ENTRY point, an ALIAS card is required in the link-edit step for that entry point. r- t operation Operand r-----------~---- I LIBRARY I I I ______________ ~L ~ ddname(member-name [,member-name] ••• ) [,ddname(member-name C,member-name ••• ]) ] ••• _________________________________ J where ddname indicates the name of the DD statement that specifies the library, and member-name is the name of the member of the library. The LIBRARY statement differs from the INCLUDE statement in that libraries specified in the LIBRARY statement are not searched for additional input until all other processing, except references reserved for the automatic library call, 1S co.pleted by the linkage editor. Any additional module specified by an INCLUDE sta teaent is incorporate d immediately, vheneyer the INCLUDE statement is encountered. The NAME statement specifies the name of the load module created from the preceding input modules and serves as a delimiter for input to the load module. The NAME statement may be used to assign a symbolic name to a load module. This symbo.lic name is entered in the directory of the partitioned data set that contains the module, and allows the module to be accessed at execution time by an OS/VS LOAD, LINK, XCTL, or ATTACH macro. The format is: operation Operand NAME member-name ( (R) ] L - -_ _ _ ~ where member-name specifies the name to be assigned to the load module tha t is created Calling and Called Programs 333 from the preceding input modules, and {R) indicates that this load module replaces an identically named module in the input module library. (If the module is not a replacement, the parenthesized value (R) has no effect.) If the linkage-editor input includes a NAME statement, the symbolic name specified is always identified with relative location zero in the load module, unless there is an ENTRY statement specifying a different location. The PAGE statement aligns a control section or named common area on a 4K page boundary in the load module. For OS/VS2, if the ALIGN2 attribute is specified on the EXEC statement for the linkage editor job step, use of the PAGE statement aligns the specified control sections or common areas on 2K page boundaries within the load module.' Its format is: The ENTRY statement specifies the symbolic name of the first instruction to b~ executed when the program is called by its module name for execution. An ENTRY statement should be used whenever a module is reprocessed by the linkage editor. If more than one ENTRY statement is encountered, the first statement specifies the main entry point; all other ENTRY statements are ignored. Its format is: I , r- "1 loperation IOperand a I 'ENTRY lexternalname ., L- the name of the control section to be sequenced, and P specifies that the starting address of the control section or named common area is to be on a page houndary within the load module. When P is specified, the control sections or common areas are aligned on 4K page boundaries unless the ALIGN2 attribute is specified on the EXEC statement. J _____________,--J wh.ere extern alname is defined as either a control section name or an entry name in a linkage editor input module. i ----------, JOperationlOperand I • ., I PAGE I f J~common-area-name{ [ f Ifsectname ~ I ~ I ------------~ I Ikommon-area-namelJ ' J ~sectname ~ I ________-4'__,______________ J ~ ~~ where common-area-name is the name of the common area to be aligned on a page boundary, and csectname is the name of the control section to be aligned on a page boundary. QiDER Statemen1 The ORDER statement specifies the sequence in which control sections or named common areas are to appear in the output load module.' When multiple ORDER statements are used, their sequence further determines the sequence of the control sections or named common areas in the output load module; those named on the first statement appear first, and so forth. Its forma t i s : r- , -, I operation ,operand lI IORDER ~ommon-area-name} [ (P) ] [ sectname I I l- • •l - ~ ommon-a rea-name} J sectname I [ (P) ] I --f J .,• J ] where common-area-name is the name of the common area to be sequenced, csectname is 334 • --' PROGRAMS COMPILED WITH THE ~,P_!.~i~AND/OR RESIDENT OPT.IONS In the usual called/calling situation, all references to any subprogram or library subroutines generated in an object program result in a V-type address constant ('CON) that mast be resolved by the linkage editor. Therefore, at link-edit time, the modules referred to by VCONs are made a part of a single load module containing the object program and all required subprograms and library routines. When the object program is executed, all those required routines are present in the user region for the entire execution step, even though they may have been used only at the beginning of the main program and never invoked again. with dynamic linkage, on the other hand, the user can invoke a called program when it is needed and retain it for only the period needed. Subprograms invoked through the CALL literal statement are dynamically loaded using the operating System LOAD macro if DYNAK is specified. Before the CALL subprogram is executed, linkage is effected for all COBOL library subroutines required by the subprogram. Simila.rly, use of the CANCEL statement makes i t possible to dynamically delete subprograms at object time. r--, I I CALL ,.----, I I CALL .----, I I ICOBA~'-------->tcoBB~'-------->lcOBC. I tliteral "'---_J I Iliteral '----.J ----------------Figure 128. CALL I , L--J with DYNAM and RESIDENT ~ecif1ing NODYNAM/RES!~~liI Figure 122 is an exam'ple of a job compiled with th~ ~YNaM and RESIDENT options. Pigurei 128 through 131 in this section illustrate for called/calling programs the relationship betvee~ the possible combinations of the DINAH/RESIDENT options and the identifier, and literal options of the CALL and CANCEL statements. Figure 131 shows the JCt necessary for compiling, link-editing, and executing a calling COBOL program and a called COBOL program when both of the prog,rams in voke the DINAH and RESIDENT compiler options. When a program is compiled with DIN AM and RESIDENT, no external references are generated. Therefore, while the program may refer to other modules, no references are resolved by the linkage editor. In such a case, the only input to the linkage editor is the program itself. Any module the program refers to must exist in load module form in a library that is available to the system at execution time. The link-editing that takes place varies with the combinations of the DYNAM(NODYNAM) and RESIDENT (NOR ESIDENT) options in effect. What would seem to be the most representative link-edit situations are discussed in the sections that follow. Wh~n NODYNAM and RESIDENT are specified Jor the called/calling situation pictured in Figure 129, a dynamic situation occurs 'because of the inclusion of CALL identifier in the calling programs. That is, because the name of the called subprogram is not available until execution time, a CALL identifier sta tement cannot be used in a static situation. In Figure 129, if NORESIDENT had been 'either s~ecified or implied by default, it would have been overridden with RESIDENT. The compiler automatically recognizes the requiremen t for the library management feature by the presence of either a CALL identifier or CANCEL identifier in the source program. .t!otg: A printed indication of the compiler options in effect appears in the statistics section of the compiler output. (Por examples of compiler statistics, see the chapter entitled "out put.lJ) r--1 Figure 129. When both DYNAH and RES IDENT are specified for the called/calling situation pictured in Figure 128, first the main program COBA is compiled and link-edited; then each of the tvo subprograms COBB and COBC is compiled and link-edited separately,· thereby producing th.ree separate modules. Then the main program is executed. In this situation, 'all external references are dynamically resolved. Therefore, no VCONs are generated for the address of an external symbol that would be used in a static situation (that is, a CALL literal without the DYNAH option) to effect branches to other programs. ...-----, ,.---, I J CALL t I CALL I I jCOBAr----->ICOBB' > ICOSCI 1 lidentifierf lidentifierl CALL With NODYNAM and RESIDENT In contrast with Figure 128, the called/calling situation pictured in Figure 130 invokes the CALL literal option. Again the,proqrams are compiled in the order COBA, COBB, and COBC. The CALL literal statements included in programs COBA and COBB result in static calls that must be resolved by the linkage editor. Therefore, the three program units are ,enjoined as a single module. However, with the COBOL Library Management Feature in effect, linkage to the library is dynamic. That is, the required COBOL object-time library subroutines are not link-edited, bu~ linkage is effected dynamically at object time. IQ!~: When including both dynamic and static CALL statements in the same run unit, the programmer should not dynamically Calling and Called Programs 335 call a ny sub programs tha t are otherwise called statically. To do so might cause multiple copies of the called program to be created and, therefore, produce unpredictable results. The combination of RESIDENT and NODYNAM should be used only if required library subroutines are in fact permanently resident, or if all calls to COBOL subprograms are dynamic. If the library subroutines are not permanen t1y resident, they will be loaded into the region or partition during program execution. This could cause storage fragmentation if a sta.tic call is made to a COBOL subprogram, because the subroutines required by a subprogram can only be removed from the region by a CANCEL statement for the subprogram, and a CANCEL is invalid for a subprogram that is statically called. CALL literal---> COBA COBB Management Feature is not in effect, and all CALL statements result in static calls that must be reso1Yed by the linkage editor. one load module is produced for the programs COBA, COBB, COBC, and all of the necessary COBOL library subroutines. The NODYNAM/NORESIDENT set of options should be used only when the user does not intend to use the CALL or CANCEL identifier statement or the Library Management Peature. If either a CALL identifier or a CANCEL identifier statement appears in any one program, the Library Management Feature is in effect for tha!. program only. This situation may result in a duplication of subprograms and COBOL library subroutines within the user region/partition, thereby causing unpredictable results. CALL literal--> CALL literal---) COBC rI I COBA 1 COBB CALL litera1--) COBC i ICOBOL Library Subroutinesl '-- 130. CALL with NODYNAM and RESIDENT With CALL Literal Option For the called/calling situation pictured in Figure 131, the COBOL Library 336 Pigure 131. CALL With NODYNAM and NONRESIDENT ,I//JOBY II/STEPl , JOB EXEC 1 PGM=IKFCBLOO,PARM='LOAD,DYNAM,RESIDENT' f I I t I I II/SYSLIN II/SYSIN DO DD I• {SiOllrce modille for COBMAIN, a calling COBOL proqram} I I 1/* al/STEP2 IIISYSLMOD II/SISLIN 'I/SYSIN I NAME 11* IIISTEP3 II/SYSLIN IIISYSIN I I 11* IIISTEP4 IIISYSLMOD IIISYSLIN II/SYSIN I NAME 41* II/STEPS II/STEPLIB t DSNA8E=&&LINKOS1,DISP=(MOO,PASS).UNIT=SYSSQ,SPACE=(TRK, (10,10» I I * I t , I CALL 'COBSUB' I I EXEC PGM=HEWL DD DSNAME=£&GOFILE,DISP=(ftOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSSQ,SPACE={TRK,(10,10,10» DO DSNAME=&&LINKDS1,OISP=(OLD,DELETE) DO COBMAIN I t * EXEC DD DD I I I I 1 I PG M=IKFt:;BLOO, PARM=' LOAD, DY NAM, RESID.ENT' OSNAME=&&LINKDS2,DISP=(MOO,PASS) ,UNIT=SYSSQ,SPACE=(TRK, (10,10» * t {Sollrce module for COBSUB, a called COBOL program} 1 J EXEC PGM=HEVL DO DSNAME=&&GOFILE,DISP=(OLD.PASS) DD OSNAMR:&&LINKDS2,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) DO COBSUB ) I J I * EXEC DD ) I , PG M=COBMAI N OSNAME=&&GOFILE,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) J 11* J L. Figure 132. .J Sample JCL for Called/Calling Proqrams Compiled with the DYNAM and RESIDENT Options Calling and Called "Programs 337 r- IIICALLPEOG I IISTEP 1 I JOB EXEC I I PGM=IKFCBLOO¥PARft= (LOAD,NClDECK) f I t IIISYSLIN tI I IIISYSIN t 1/* IIISTEP2 til fllSYSGO IIISYSIN J I 1/* IIISTEP3 III DD DSN=&&TEMPLIB1,UNIT=SYSSQ,DISP=(NEW,PASS), SPA C E= (TR K, (1 0, 1) ) DD * {Source module for COBSUB¥ a called COBOL program) X EXEC PGM=ASMBLR,PARM=(LOAD,NODECK), COND=(9,LT,STEP1)1 DD DSN=&&TEMPLIB1,DISP=(MOD,PASS) DD * (Source module for ASSMMAIN, a calling assemblerlanguage program) X I I I I I I J I I I I I I J J EXEC PGM=HEWL,PARM=(LIST,XREF,LET), CO ND= { (9, LT , S TEP 1 ) , (5 , LT, STEP 2) ) I f t I I I X J t I IllPROGLIBl IIISISLIN I I f/* IIISTEP4 III 111SYSOUT DD DD INCLUDE ENTRY DSN=&&TEMPLIB1,DISP=(OLD~PASS) * , , I I I I PROGLIB1~ ASSMMAIN3 EXEC PGM=*.STEP3.SYSLMOD,COND=({9,LT,STEP1), (5,LT,STEP2), (5,LT,STEP~) DD SYSQUT=A X ~ J ~ ,lThis example was chosen to illustrate the testing of condition codes. , 12See the discussion under the INCLUDE stateJlent. f 13 Because the COBOL program is compiled first and the linkage editor cannot identify the I proper entry point, the ENTRY statement must be included. • ~ Figure 133. J Sample JeL Used for a Calling Assembler-Language Program and a Called COBOL Program LINKAGE EDITOR PROCESSING The linka ge edi tor fi rst processes the primary input and any additional input specified by INCLUDE statements. All external references in the primary that refer only to other modules in the included input are resolved first. If there are still unresolved references after this inpu t is processed ,the automatic call library, which includes libraries specified by the SYSLIB DD statement and by the LIBRARY statements, is searched to resolve the references. The automatic call library generally will contain the COBOL library 338 subroutines. (Externar references to these subroutines are generated by the COBOL compiler when statements in the source module require certain functions to be performed, such as some da ta conversions.) If the additional input contains external references andlor linkage editor control statements, the references are resolved in the same way. Data sets specified by the INCLUDE statement are incorpora ted when the s ta temen t is encountered. Data sets specified by the LIBRARY statement are used only when there are unresolved references after all of the other processing is completed. , r- IIIJOBI IllSTEPl JOB EXEC I• I I II/SISLIN II/SYSIN I I I DD DD 11* I I I I I I I I f I 1 PGK=IKFCBLOO,PARM=LOAD DSNAME=&&GOFILE,DISP=(MOD,PASS), UNIT=SYSSQ,SPACE= (TRK, (10,10,) * (Source module for COBftAIN) IIISTEP2 I I I EXEC PGM=IKFCBLOO,PARM=LOAD IIISYSLIN DD DD DSNAME=*.STEP1.SYSLIN,DISP=(MOD,PASS) I• I I I I f , IIISISIN I I * J I I I I I I I I I (Source module for COBOL1) I 11* IIISTEP3 EXEC PGM=IKFCBLOO,PARM=LOAD DD DD DSNAME=*.STEP2.SYSLIN,DISP=(MOD,PASS} I f •I IIISYSLIN Il/SYSIN I I I * I I J I I I (Source module for COBOL1A) I 1/* IIISTEP4 I , EXEC PGM=IEWL J I I I J f I IIISYSLIB IIISYSU10D III IIIOBLIB IIIADDLIB IIISYSLIN III I I DD DD DD DO DD DD INCLUDE LIBRARY DSNAME=SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=OLD DSNAKE=PGMLIB(CALPGM),DISP=(NEW,KEEP),UNIT=3340,X SPACE= (1024, (50,20,2» ,VOLUME=SER=LIBPAK DSNAME=OBJLIB, DISP=OLD DSNAME=MYLIB,DISP=OLD DSNAME=&&GOFILE,DISP={OLD,DELETE) X J J 1 I t t * OBLIB (CO BOL 1 B, ASSHPGK) ADDLI B (COBREGNO) 1 ~ 1/* I L J Figure 134. Specifying Primary and Additional Input to the Linkage Editor Figure 134 shows the control statements for a job that separately compiles three source modules (one is a calling program and two are called programs) and places them in one data set as primary input for the linkage editor. The linkage editor then links them together with additional input {called programs that are members of the specified librarie~ to form one load module. STEPl compiles a source module call ed COBKlIN, STEP2 compiles a source module called CDBOL1, and STEP3 compiles a source module called COBOL1A. The object module from each step is placed in the sequential data set called &&GOFILE. (Since MOD and PASS are specified for &&GOFILE in the SYSLIN DD statement in STEP1, the object modules COBOL1 and COBOL1A are placed in the data set behind the ob ject mod ule COB~AIN. When SYSSQ is not a mass storage device, the SPACE paramete.r is ignored.) Calling and Called Programs 339 Through the linkage mechanism, CALL COBOL1 ••• , all subprograms plus COBMAIN must be link-edited together to form one module 42,000 bytes in size. Therefore, COBl1AIN would require 42 ,000 bytes of storage in order to be executed. In STEP4, the linkage editor uses the &&GOFILE data set as primary input, and thecataloged libraries MILIB, OBJLIB, and SYS1.COBLIB as additional input. (The INCLUDE. anel LIBRARY statements become part of the primary input through the DD statement following the SYSLIN DD statement. * If the subproqrams needed do not fit into main storage, the following two techniques of overlay are available to the COBOL programmer: The object modules of the data set &&GOFILE and the members COBOL1B and ~SSMPGM of OBJLIB are processed first. If there are unresolved references after this input is processed, the linkage editor searches the automatic call library, which includes the COBOL subroutine library and member COBREGNO of MYLIB, to resolve these references. OBJLIB is specified in the OBLIB DD statement and MYLIB in the ADDLIB DD sta tement.• • preplanned overlay using the linkage editor • Dynamic overlay using assembler language macro instructions during execution ~: After linkage editor processing is completed, a new library, PGMLIB, is crea ted with CALPGM. as a member. CALPGM contains COBMAIN, COBOL1, COBOL1A, COBOL1B, ASSMPGM, and, possibly, COBOL subroutines and COBREGNO. If it is necessary to conserve main storage, it can be accomplished by applying the overlay technique to called and calling programs. Called programs that do not need to be in main storage at the same time can be given the same relative storage address and then loaded at di.fferent times during execution when they are needed. In this way, the same storage space can be used for more than one called program. Note: The use of execution-time debugging aids (SYMDMP, STATE, FLOW, COUNT, and so forth) when utilizing overlay structures is not recommended. Doing so may result in uppredictable operations within the STAE and debugging ,routines, or even abends. Assume that the six programs illustrated in Figure 125 have the following load mod u Ie si 'Zes: program Module SiZe (in Bytes) , ~• eOBM AIN CO BO.L 1 COBOL1A COBOL 1B COBREGNO ASSMPGM 11,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 13,000 I I J J I I r- I I-J J I 1 I f L- 340 --L- .J The largest load module that can be processed under OS/VS1 is 524,288 bytes. If a load module exceeds this limit, i t should be divided. Onder OS/VS2, larger load modules are permitted. The ON OVERFLOW phrase should be used with the CALL statement to handle any such size errors. The preplanned linkage editor facility permits the Leuse of storage locations already occupied. By judiciously modulari'Zing a program and using the linkage editor overlay facility, a program that is too large to fit into storage at one time can be exec~ted. In using the preplan ned overlay technique, the programmer specifies to the linkage editor which subprogLams are to overiay each other. The subprograms specified are processed as part of the program by the linkage editor, so they can be automatically placed in main storage for execution when requested by the program. The resulting output of the linkage editor is called an overlay structure. It is possible, at linkage edit time, to set up an overlay structure by using the COBOL source language linkage statement and the linkage editor OVERLAY statement. These sta temen ts enable a user to call a subprogram that is not actually in storage. The details for setting up the linkage editor control statements for accomplishing this procedure can be found in the publication Q~L!~_1inKa~Ed;itQ.Land b.Q9.~!ll:· In a linkage editor run, the programmer specifies the overlay points in a program by using OVERLAY statements. The linkage editor treats the entire input as one program, resolving all symbols and inserting tables into the program. These tables are used by the control program to bring the overlay subprograms into storage automatically when called. Figure 135 is an overlay tree structure illustrating how the six programs in Figure Calling and Called Progrcuns 340.1 -or- I I I Root Segment COBMA! N COBREGNO , j I r- I I Segment 2 (CO.BOL1} I I Segment 5 {ASSMPGM} I I t J , r J J Segment 3 {COBOL1 Ti} I I I I I Segment 4 {COBOL 1 B} I I t I I I I J I I J _.L- J J --L- i I I I 1 J t -L- Figure 135. Overlay Tree structure 126 could be positioned in main storage at execution time using preplanned linkage editor overlay. Figure 136 shows the deck arrangement required to achieve the overlay illustrated in Figure 135. The OVERLAY statements specify to the linkage editor that the overlay structure to be established is one in which the called programs of COBOL1 (COBOL1A and COBOL1B) overlay each other when called for execution, and that ASSMPG8 and COBOL1 and its called program overlay each other when called. Rou tine COBREGNO is placed wi th COB8AIN in the root segment of the overlay structare because it is called by three of the routines in the program, the largest of which is ASSMPGM. Utilizing COBREGNO as an individual overlay segment would not have resulted in a net decrease in the amount of main storage required for execution because the minimum amount of main storage needed wonld have to contain COBPJAIN" ASS8PGPl. and COBREGNO at the same~ime. creating another overlay segment for COBREGNO would only have added to the amount of time required for program execution. In preparation for the dynamic overlay each part of the program brought into storage independently should be processed separately by the linkage edi tor. (Hence, each part must be processed as a separate load module.) To execute the entire program" the programmer must: techni~ue" 1. specify the main program in the EXEC sta tement. 2. Bring the separately processed load modules into storage when they are required# by asing the appropriate supervisor linkage macro instructions. This is accomplished during execution. Calling and Called Programs 341 r-----------------JOB IIIOVERLAY II/STEPl II/SY5LIB II/SYSPRINT t I/SYSUT 1 "ISYSLMOD EXEC DD DD DD DD NY83937800,COS!O.MSGLEVEL=1 PGM=IEWL,PARM='OYLI,LIST,XREP',LET' DSNAftE=SYS1.COBLIB.DISP=SHR SYSOUT=A UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024, (50,20» ----------------,I I ,t I I I t I I I I DSNA~E=&GODATA(~UN),DISP=(NEW,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, X tl/ SPACE=(1024,(50,20,1») DO I//SYSLIN I {COBMAI N f (COBREGNO I , object deck} object deck} ,OVERLAY ALPHA I {COBOLl object deck} * , I t IOVERLAY BET A I {COBOL1A I I I I object deck} J fOVERLAY BETA I {COBOL1B , I object deck} 1 IOVERLAY ALPHA t (ASSMPGM l/* '- ___ Figure 136. I I object deck} Sample Deck for Linkage-Editor Overlay Structure The dynamic overlay technique can be used to overlay subprograms during execution. To accomplish dynamic overlay of subprogra ms, the programmer must write an assembler language subprogram that employs the LINK macro instruction to call each COBOL subprogram. For a detailed description of the LINK macro instruction, see the publication QU!L~Y£~I.viso.t: ~g£~icg§~nd Ma££Q_!nstr~1!Q~2. In using the dynamic overlay techn.l.que, the main program communicates with the assembler language subprogram by using the COBOL language CA'LL statement. The CALL statement can be used to pass the name of the COBOL subprogram (to he linked) and the spec ified pa rame ter list to the assembler language subprogram. This procedure is the same for each CALL used in the main program. Hence, each CALL results in linking with a subprogram through the assembler language subprogram. When the COBOL subprogram is finished executing, i t returns control to the assembler language subprogram, which in turn returns to the main program. The process is repeated for each CALL to the assembler-language subprogram. Dynamic overlay requires that a programmer have detailed knowledge of the linkage conventions, assembler language, and the LINK macro instruction with its features and restrictions. 342 I I ,---------.1 Figure 137 contains an example of a COBOL main program, PROGMAST, and an assembler language subprogram, LINKRTN. The two programs are link-edt ted 'together as a single load module. At execution time, the assembler-language subprogram dynamically fetches COBOL subprograms (OPH, BILL, CRDT, TRNF, and LCK, none of which are shown in the example) for the main progra m using the LI NK macro instruction. The COBOL subprograms are stored in a private library, DYNLINK. The parameter list passed to LINKRTN contains three identifiers, TRANS-REC, COM-WORD, and SWITCH, two of which (TRANS-REC and SWITCH) are referenced by LINKRTN, and two of which (TRANS-REC and COM-WORD) are referenced by the COBOL subprograms fetched. LINKRTN passes the same parameter list i t receives to the COBOL subprograms fetched. LINKRTN determines from identifier TRANS-REC which subprograms to fetch, and from SWITCH when to open and close the library DYNLINK. !!Qt~: In st ructur ing a progra m wi t.h either the preplanned overlay techniqUe or the dynamic overlay technique, special consideration must be given to the presence of the TRANSFORM table and the class test tables, which are members of the COBOL object-time library (see "Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines"). The TRANSFORM table is link-edited with a COBOL program if the TRANSFORM statement is used. Similarly, one or more of the class test tables is present in a COBOL load module if a class test is performed or if the OCCURS DEPENDING ON option is used. For these tables, which contain no executable code and are not branched to but are merely referenced, the compiler designates A-type address constants (ADCONs) and EXTRN references, rather than v-type address constants (VCONs). Accordingly, the overlay structure segment containing the table(s) must be either the root segment or a segment that is higher in the same leg as the segment containing the reference (s) to the table (s) • r , I I I I I IDENTIFICATION DIVISIOL PROGRAft-ID. PROGMAST. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. IBM-370. OBJECT-COMPUTER. 181'1-370. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT FILE-Y ASSIGN TO UR-2540R-S-INFILE. I-O-CONTROL. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. PD FILE-Y RECORD CONTAINS 80 CHARACTERS LABEL RECORD IS OMITTED. 01 TRANS- REC. 05 ACCOUNT- NU MBEE PIC 9 (1 0) • 05 TRANSACTION PIC 9(4). 05 NAME PIC X(20). 05 LOCATION PIC 1(20). 05 METER-READING PIC 9(6). 05 DA YTE PIC 9 (6) • 05 FILLER PIC X (8). 05 AMOUNT PIC 9(6). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 COM-WORD PIC X(12}. 77 SWITCH PIC 9 VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. t t , f 1 t I I t I I I J t J B.. C. t , • I OPEN INPUT FILE-Y. READ FILE-Y AT END GO TO END-RUN. CALL 'GETUM' USING TRANS-BEC COM-WOBD SWITCH. t I J I I 1 f END-RUN. CLOSE FILE-Y ~ MOVE 2 TO SWITCH. PERFORM c. STOP RUN. ~ Figure 137. J Sample COBOL Main Program and Assembler-Language Subprogram Using Dynamic Overlay Technique (Part 1 of 3) Calling and Called Proqrams 343 , r- , ,, I LINKRTN t J 2 1 I J , I t I I •I * * * * * * * * * * * START 0 PRINT NOGEN ENTRY GETUM THE SECOND WORD CONTAINS THE ADDRESS OF COM-WORD, TO WHICH THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT REFER BUT WHICH IS USED BY ROUTINES THIS PROGRAM LATER LINKS TO. THE THIRD WORD CONTAINS THE ADDRESS OF SWITCH USED BY THIS PROGRAM TO CHECK THE STATUS OF THE PRIVATE LIBRARY DYNLINK GETUM J 1 t I t I J 1 USING SAVE LR DROP USING GETUM,15 (14,12) 10, 15 15 GETUM, 10 I.R 11,13 LA 1 3, SAVE AR E A ST 13,8(11) ST 11,4(13) L 5,0(1) USING PARAMLST,5 I I * B J SAVEAREA DS t I f I I t J I J , , t I OPENLIB * * * * * I t I I I , 6,8 (1) 0(6),C'l' IN1TREG SH CLOSLIB OPEN (DYNLINK) 01 O(6),C·1· L I NITREG LA 2,RTNlST 3,6 TRANS ACT, 0 (2) LA FINDRTN * ERRMSG EXIT t * etc BE LA BCT HVC WTO L SR REGISTER 5 LOADED WITH ADDRESS OF TRANS-BEC REGTER 5 IS USED AS THE BASE REGISTER TO REFERENCE TRANS-BEC. REGISTER 6 LOADED WITH ADDRESS OF SWITCH. CHECK SWITCH STATUS. IF SiITCH = 1, DYNLINK IS ALREADY OPEN; INITIALIZE REGISTERS. IF SWITCH> 1, DYNLINK IS NO LONGER NEEDED; CLOSE DYNLINK. IF SWITCH = 0 THE FIRST TIME THROUGH, OPEN DYNLINK. SET SWITCH SO THAT OPEN IS BYPASSED ON FUTURE ENTRY. INITIALIZE REGISTERS 2 AND 3 FOR LOOK-UP. TRANSACT CONTAINS THE TRANSACTION CODE THAT DETERMINES iHICH ROUTINE TO FFTCH. GETRTN I I I I I J 1 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I • I I I I I I I I PRODUCE ERROR MESSAGE IF tRANSACT CONTAINS AN INVALID CODE. t t I SET REGISTER 15 TO ZERO. I PARAMETER INDICATES THAT THIS I PROGRAM IS PASSING A RETURN CODE IN REGISTERI 15. I THE RC=(15) I DYNAMIC OVERLAY ROUTINE GETRTN * * L 1,24(11) LA LINK 4,4(0,2) E PLOC=(4) ,DCB=DYNLINK B I RESTORE REGISTER 1 TO ORIGINAL STATUS. PASS REGISTER 4 TO NAME OF ROUTINE TO BE FETCHED. HAVE THE CONTROL PROGRAM FETCH THE ROUTINE POINTED TO BY REGISTER 4 FROM PRIVATE LIBRARY DYNLINK. EXIT L- Figure 137. 344 , I I 2,12(0,2) 3,FINDRTN ERRMSG+28(4) ,TRANSACT 'INVALID TRANSACTION' 13,4(13) 15,15 RET UR N ( 1 4 ., 1 2) , T , RC= (' 5 ) I I I I I I OPENLIB 18F ell BE , J TABLE LOOK-UP ROUT IN E I I I I I f UPON ENTRY TO THIS PROGRAM, REGISTER 1 POINTS I TO A FIXED-LENGTH PARAMETER LIST OF THREE I WORDS. I THE FIRST WORD CONTAINS THE ADDRESS OF I RECORD TRANS-REC. f I I I I I I -' Sa~ple COBOL Main Program and Assembler-Language subprogram Using Dynamic Overlay Technique (Part 2 of 3) r- I I I I CLOSLIB I RTNLST I * * t CLOSE (DYNLINK) B EXIT * AS THE TABLE SEARCHED BY THE TABLE LOOK-UP I ROUTINE, RTNLST CONTAINS A LIST OF ALL VALIDI t TRANSACTION CODES AND THE NAMES OF THE ROUTINES FETCHED TO HANDLE THE TRANSACTIONS! DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC C'0100' CL8'OPN' C'0200' CL8'BILL' TRANSACTION CODE I ROUTINE NAME ASSOCIATED WITH ABOVE TRANSACTIONI I I EQU. AMOUNT 1 t CLa'CRDT' I 1 C '0400' CLa I TRNF' C'OSOO' CLatLCK' t t * DDNAME=SYNLNKDD,DSORG=PO,MACRF=U) DCB TO DEFINE PRIVATE LIBRARY REFERRED TO IN LINK MACRO INSTRUCTION. DSECT DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS END t C '0300' * * I I OF * * TRANSREC ACCTNUM TRANSACT NAME LOCATION METERRD DATE 1 EQO DeB PARAMLST • DS * DYNLINK CLOSE PRIVATE LIBRARY. OCL80 CL 10 CL4 CL20 CL20 CL6 CL6 CLa CL6 I I I I t I I I DSECT USED BY REGISTER 5 TO REFER TO TRANSREC. THE RECORD DESCRIPTION CORRESPONDS TO t ~HAT OF TRANS-REC IN PROGMAST. 1 , t 1 1 J t t I I t I IQ1~: Had a job or step library (requiring either a JOBLIB or STEPLIB DO statement in J the job control for execution of the main program) been used instead of a private I library (which for this example requi.res a DD statement named DYNLNKDD) , responsibility) for the opening and closing of the library would have been with the control program andl not with LNKRTN. I I The use of a private library, in conjunction with the LINK DCB parameter, reduces tol fa minimum the amount of ________ search .______________________________ time needed to retrieve member __ modules from a library. .________________ .--------J1 ~ Figure 131. Sample COBOL Main Program and Assembler-Language subprogram Using Dynamic Overlay Technique (Part 3 of ~ Calling and Called Programs 345 The loader resolves external names and references and combines calling and called programs into a format slli table for execution as a single load module. For information on invoking the loader, see "Using the cataloged Procedures." When the dynamic call is used, all subprograms to be called dynamically must have been processed by the linkage editor. The loader may be used only to resolve references to subprograms invoked by static calls. otherwise, load modules of both calling and called programs are used as input to the loader. There are tvo kinds of input, primary and additional. £.rima£! input consists of one or more separately compiled object modules and/or load modules. ~llditioD~l input consists of object modules or load modules that are not part of primary input data sets but are to be included in the load module. The additional input may be in the form of {1) libraries containing object modules, or (2) libraries containing load modules. Addi tional input may contain either calling or called programs or both. If these sabroutines reside in the Link Pack Area, their external references are not resolved. When the RES loader option is specified, the loader always searches the Link Pack Area for modules before searching the SISLIB data set. If the RES compiler opt. ion is specified, subroutine ILBONTRO controls all subroutine intercommunication SO that unresolved external references in the Link Pack Area present no problem. If, however, the NORES compiler option is specified, ILBONTRO is 346 not invoked and unresolved external references in the Link Pack Area may prevent successful subroutine execution. 'Therefore, in order to prevent the loader frolt searching the Link pack Area, the NORES loader option should be specified in conjunction with the NORES compiler option. This viII cause the loader to search for ,required modules in the SYSLIB data set, bypassing the Link Pack Area search. If COBOL subroutines that have external references which vould need to be resolved do not reside in the Link pack Area, either the RES or NORES loader option is acceptable. (Subroutine external references are listed in Pigure 174.) SPECIPYING PRIMARY INPUT The pri mary input data set is speci fied for loader processing by the SISLIN DD statement. The loader must always have a primary input data set whether or not there are calling or called programs. The SISLIN DD statement that specifies primary input is discussed in the section "Data Set Requirements." SPECIFYING ADDITIONAL INPUT Additional input data sets are specified by the SYSLIB DD statement. The SYSLIB DD statement is discussed in the section "Data Set Requirements." Note: The overlay facility can not be used with the loader. Libraries are an integral part of the operating system. Some libraries have system-supplied names and system-supplied data. Other libraries have system-supplied names but may contain user-specified data. Still other libraries have both user-supplied names and user-supplied data. Libraries, in general, are made up of partitioned data sets. Any library with a user-supplied name and user-supplied data is always a single partitioned data set, which is a collection of independent sets of sequentially organized data, called members. All of the members within a partitioned da ta set ha ve the same characteristics as that of record format. When used to store programs, a partitioned data set containing load modules can contain only load modules; it cannot contain both load modules and object modules. A member of a partitioned data set can be replaced o.r deleted. The system actGally accomplishes this by modifying or deleting the directory pointer to the member. T he space occupied by the origLnal member is not available for reUse either until the MOVE or COpy control statement of the IEHMOVE utility program is used or the compress facility of the IEBCOP! utility program is used. The space previously occupied by the replaced or deleted member is thus made available. (Por further details, see the publication Q~~ J1.:.t.ilit!~1U~· ) Each partitioned data set is headed by a directory of entries pointing to the members that make up the library. Each member has a unique member name. A partitioned data set must reside on a single mass storage device, but some libraries can consist of a concatenation of more than one partitioned data set.• Figure 138 shows the format of a library that is a single partitioned data set of four members. Space for the members of such a library and its directory is requested in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement when the library is created. Additional members can be added to a library at a later time. Additional space cannot be allocated for the directory, however. Directory space is allocated for the entire library when the library is created. If the original allocation was not large enough, the IEHMOVE utility program can be used to expand the directory size. If the directory is filled, no addi tio.nal members can be added to the library. Following is an example of a DD statement that might be used to create a lib.rary: IIDD1 II 1/ 1/ /1 DO DSNAME=FILELIB (FILE1) , DISP=(NEW,CATLG), UNIT= 2314, SPACE=(TRK, (40,10,3», VOLUME=SER=111111 This statement specifies that a library nailed FILELIB is to be created and cataloged in this job step. Its first lIember is named FILE1. Initial space allocated for data sets is to be 40 tracks, with addit ional allocation to be made, as necessary, in units of 10 tracks. In addition, space for three 256-byte records is to be allocated for the directory. The volume serial number is 111111. x KINDS OF LIBRARIES A programmer can use libraries already provided by the system, or he can create libraries of his own. In addition, certain library names recognized by the system may be assigned to partitioned data sets provided by the system. by the programmer, or both. These libraries and their uses are discussed in the following paragraphs. SISTEK LIBRARIES USED IN COBOL APPLICATIONS The link library is a partitioned data set. that contains load modules to be executed. Unless non-resident control program routines and IBM-supplied processing progra ms specified otherwise, a load module name in an EXEC statement is to be fetched from the link library. Operating system programs, such as the COBOL compiler, are usually contained in this libra ry. X X X The link library can be used by the programmer to store executable load modules at link-edit time. However. any attempt to Libra.ries 347 r------------T-------------T-------------T-------------T--------------, 1 Entry for I Entry for ) Entry for I l Entry for Directory { __ 1 ~-~=~~=~-~---l--~=~~=~-~---l--~=~~::-=---l--~:~~:~-~--_l ~~~=_~------~ 1 I Member C ~ INote I 21 r----------------------------------------T-------------T-------i------~ J ~ ) I Note 2 Member B I I Member K I I ~----------------------------------------~-------------~--------------~ 1 1 I Library Members Member K I r--------------------------------T------------------------------------~ J I ] I Member K Member A I I t------------T-------------------~------------------------------------~ 1 I Member A ) I J Note 3 I r------------~--------------------------------------------------------~ ) I IL_______,______________________________________________________________ Note 3 JI Notes: ~pace available in directory. 2. 3. Figure 138. Space available from deleted members. Space can be recovered through utility programs IEHMOVE and IEBCOPY. Space available in library. Format of a Library write in this library will cause a message to be issued to the operator if the library is write-protected or if its expiration or retention date has not yet occurred. Under these conditions, no data may be written unless authorized. The link library is identified in a job control statement as SYS1.LINKLIB, or by default as specified by the system link list. The procedure library is a partitioned data set whose members are the cataloged procedures at an installation. They may include the cataloged procedures provided by I BM. Procedures writ ten at the installation can be added to the procedure library with the IEBUPDTE utility program (see "Using the Cataloged Procedures"). The system name for the procedure library is SYS1.PROCLIB. 348 ~rt Library The sort library is a partitioned data set that contains load modules from which the sort program is produced. It may be identified. by the name SYS1.S0RTLIB (see "Using the sort/Merge Featllre"). The COBOL subroutin'e library is a partitioned data set that contains the COBOL library subroutines in load module form. These subroutines may be included in a COBOL load module or dynamically loaded to perform such functions as data conversion and dOUble precision arithmetic. The COBOL programmer does not refer directly to these subroutines; in most cases calling sequences to them are generated at compile time from certain Procedure Division statements, and they are incorporated into the load module at link-edit time or loaded at program initialization time. A listing of subroutine names, functions, entry points, and size is given in Appendix B; also noted are those subroutines explicitly called by the COBOL program. Availability at Execution-Time: Usually, COBOL library subroutines needed in the user's program will be automatically link-edited into the load module, and the user need not concern himself with their availability. However, certain situations will require that subroutines not normally linked be available during program execution. To satisfy this requirement, the user can either make sure that the COBOL library is available to the system loader at execution time, or specifically include the subroutines in his load module--by using an INCLUDE SYSLIB (subroutine names) in the link edit SYSLIN data stream. LIBRARIES CREATED BY THE USER A programmer can create members of the link library, the procedure library, and the job library. fie can also create partitioned data sets for use in the copy library, the automatic call library, and the job library. In addition, he can create partitioned data sets to be used as libraries for additional input to the linkage editor, and he can create libraries whose members are source program entries. The situations, and the subroutines required, are as follows: 1. STATE compiler option was specified. Subroutine ILBOSTNO will be required if an abend occurs. 2. TEST compiler option was specified. ILBOCOMO will be required. 3. COUNT compiler option was specified. ILBOTC2 and ILBOTC3 will be required. 4. SYMDMP compiler option was specified. ILBOD01, ILBOD10 through ILBOD14, and ILBOD20 through ILBOD26 will be required. 5. COUNT, FLOW, STATE, or SYMDMP compiler option was specified. If an informative message needs to be issued, ILBODBEO will be required. 6. Execution-time options (PARM field on EXEC statement) will be passed. ILBOPRMO will be required. In the event the DYNAMIC or RESIDENT compiler option was specified, then all subroutines will be loaded (and required to be available) at execution time. The automatic call library, defined by the SYSLIB DD statement in the link-edit job step, contains load modules or object modules that may be used as secondary input to the linkage editor. If the library contains object modules, it may also contain control statements. External symbols that are undefined after all primary input has been processed cause the automatic library call mechanism to search the automatic call library for modules that will resolve the references, unless the NeAL option is specified. The COBOL subroutine library must be specified for the automatic call library if any of the subroutines will be needed to resolve ext.ernal references. Other partitioned data sets may be concatenated as shown in the fo11owing example: IISYSLIB DD DSNAME=SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=SffR // DD DSNAME=MYLIB,DISP=SHR In this case, both the COBOL subroutine library and the partitioned data set named KILIB are available to the automatic library ca 11. The system name for the COBOL subroutine library may be SYS1.COBLIB. Libraries 349 -----------------------------------------------,I r- IIICATALOG III 1//SYSUT2 III III III III IIISYSPRINT IIISYSIN •. I '·1 I I t I '.1 11* JOB EXEC DD user information PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARK=(NEW) DSNAKE=COPYLIB,UNIT=J330, DISP=(NEW,KEEP), VOLUME=SER=111111, SPACE~(TRK,(15,10,2), DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80,RECFM=F) SYSOUT= A I , X I , I X X X I I f I I I I I I I I DO DO * ADD NAME=CFI LEA, L£VEL=OO, SOURCE=O, LIST=ALL NUMBER NEW1=10,INCR=5 BLOCK CONTAINS 13 RECORDS RECORD CONTAINS 120 CHARACTERS LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS FILE-OUT. ENDUP "- Fiqure 139. r-- IIIU PDATE III IIISYSUT1 Entering Source Statements into the COpy Library JOB EXEC DD III til III t/ISYSUT2 III III II/SYSPRINT I/ISYSIN 1./ , I. / DD user information PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARK=(MOD) DSNAME=COPYLIB,UNIT=3340, DISP=(OLD,KEEP) , VOLUME=SER=111111, DCB=(RECFM=F,BLKSIZE=80) DSNAME=COPYLIB,UNIT=3340, DISP=(OLD,KEEP) , VOLUME=SER=111111 SYSOUT=A DD DD * CHANGE NAME=CFILEA,LEVEL=Ol,SOURCE=O,LISf=ALL BLOCK CONTAINS 20 RECORDS ENDUP , '------, x X X I I I J I X X X 00000010 t I J I I I ,t 11* I "- .J Figure 140. Updating Source Statements in a COpy Library !2!~: If the partitioned data set named in the SYSLIB DD statement contains load modules, any data set concatenated with it must also be a load module partitioned data set. If the first contains object modules, the others must also contain object modules. The linkage editor LIBRARY control statement has the effect of concatenating any specified member names with the automatic call library. programmer. The programmer can inclUde these statements or programs into a program at compile time. He calls them with the COBOL COpy statement or BASIS card. To enter or update source statements in the copy library, a utility program must be used. IEBUPDTE is the IBM-supplied utility program used to catalog procedures. A full discussion of the sta tements used in this program may be found in the publication Q~L!LUti!.ilie2· !1i!ximulLBl2.£LSiz~L The maximum block size for the copy library is restricted to 16K. ~ltiEl~_Lib£arie2: The COBOL copy library is a user-created library consisting of statements or entire COBOL programs frequently used by the 350 If more than one copy library is being used. the COpy statement must include the phrase INIOF library-name, where library~name is the ddname identifying the particular partitioned data set to be copied from. (If this qualifying phrase is omitted, the default ddname becomes SYSLIB or its alternate.) !!l!dating sou££~~:t~!!ts: Figure 140 illustrates the method to update source statements in a copy library member inserted in the previous example. la!e&in~~~g~ate!~nts: SISUT1 and SYSUT2 describe the data sets. Note that changes may be made on the same data set (identified on the DSNAME parameter). The utility statement CHANGE indicates that the new entry of CFILEA replaces the old entry. Alternatively, the UPDATE IN PLACE parameter of the change statement could have been used to avoid moving the entire member, (CILEA, to the 1irst available area in the file. The sequence number of the altered statement must be supplied. This number, 00000010, is indicated in columns 13 through 80 of the replacement source statement. Note that, although in the insert example (see Figure 139 -- NU~BER statement) the number was coded as 10 without leading zeros, the program assigns an 8-characterfield to a sequence number and pads with leading zeros if necessary. When updating a sequence number in a library, these leading zeros must be included. Figure 139 illustrates the method to insert source statements into a copy library member. The . / ADD statement is a utility statement that copies CFItEA into the library called COPYLIB. CFILEA describes an FD entry. The NUMBER statement assigns a sequential numbering system to the statements in the library. The first statement is assigned number 000010 and each succeeding statement is incremented by 5. The entries following the utility statements are the actual source statements to be stored. The ENDUP statement signals the end of the entries to be inserted. The same procedure can be used to store entire source programs. Libraries 350.1 At compile time, COPYLIB is identified on a DD statement; for example: IISYSLIB II II DD DSNAME=COPYLIB, VOLUME=SER=111111, DISP=SHR,UNIT=2314 x The statements included in the DOWORK procedure viII immediately follow the paragraph-name, replacing the words COpy DOWORK. X 1. The SUPPRESS option of the COpy statement viII be ignored if LISTER or FIPS is requested. 2. Results may be unpredictable if a CURRENCY SIGN IS = is specified (only alloved with LANGLVL(l) and a PICTURE character string is part of pseudo-text and contains a floating currency sign. R~UievilHL~.Qll£~~tatements: Members of the cataloged library can be retrieved using the COpy statement or BASIS card. 3. first line of the COpy statement itself. A copy statement itself can never be a debugging line; if it contains a D and WITH DEBUGGING mode is not specified, the COpy statement will nevertheless be processed. PD FILEA COpy CFILEA 4. The compiler translates this instruction to read: FDFILE A BLOCK CONTAINS 2 ORE CORDS RECORD CONTAINS 120 CHARACTERS LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS FILE-OUT. Note that CFILE! itself does not appear in the statement. CEILEA is a name ide tifying the entries. It acts as a header record but is not itself retrieved. The compiler source listing, however, will print out the COpy statement as the programmer wrote it. The COpy statement permits the programmer to include previously stored source statements into any portion of the program. Assume a procedure named DOWORK vas stored with the following statements: •1 ,.1 •1 ADD NAME=DOWORK,LEVEL=OO, SOUR CE=O, LIST=ALL NUMBER SEQ1=400,INCR=10 COMPUTE QTY-ON-HAND = TOTAL-USED-NUftBER-ON-HAND. MOVE-QTY-ON-HAND TO PRINT-AREA. BNDUP To retrieve the stored member, nOWORK, the programmer writes: paragraph-name. In order for the text copied to have a o inserted in column 7 (debugging line indicator), the D must appear on the The COpy statement permits the progra mmer to include stored source statements in any of the four divisions. If the programmer wishes to retrieve the member, ClILEA, stored in the previous examples, he writes the statement: No more than 150 COPY-REPLACING pairs may be specified in a source program. If this limit is exceeded, message IKFI20I is issued by the compiler, and COPY statements over the limit are ignored. Frequently used source programs, such as a payroll program, can be inserted into the copy library. The BASIS card brings in an entire source program at compile time. Calling in a program eliminates the need for the programmer to handle a program each time he wants to compile it. The programmer may, however, alter any statement in the source program by referr ing to its COBOL sequence number vi th an INSERT or DELETE statement. The INSERT statement viII add new source statements after the sequence number indicated. The DELETE statement viII eliminate the statements indicated by the sequence numbers. The programmer may delete a single statement with one sequence number • or he may delete more than one statement, separating by a hyphen -the first and last sequence numbers to be deleted. Note: The COBOL sequence number is the 6-diqit number that the programmer aSSigns in columns 1 through 6 of the source cards • This sequence number has nothing to do with the sequence numbers assigned in simulated columns 73 through 80 by the IEBUPDTE utility program. The sequence numbers COPY nOWORK. Libraries 351 .-- ----" IEBUPDTEI Sequence, I COBOL I Sequence 1M y.:ID. be.£2_ .ID!.!!!h~£2_J ,000730 J000735 ,000740 TAX-PAYR. 1000750 ,000760 PAY-WRITE. 1000770 I I IF ANNUAL-PAY GREATER THAN 15,000 GO TO PAY-WRITE. 000001051 IF ANNUAL-PAY GREATER THAN 15,000 - BASE-PAY GO TO LAST-TAX. 000001101 000001151 COMPUTE TAX-PAY = BASE-PAY * .025 000001201 MOVE TAX-PAY TO OUTPUT-TAX. 000001251 MOVE BASE-PAr TO OUTPUT-BASE. 00000130, ADD BASE-PAY TO ANNUAL-PAY. ,000850 STOP RUN. , I I I 000002401 L- Figure 141. COBOL Statements to Deduct Old Age Tax --------------------------------"f .-I I I I J IBASIS PAYROLL ID~LETE I I I I 000730-000740 1000730 1000735 1000740 TAX-PAYR. Figure 142. IF ANNUAL-PAY GREATER THAN 17800 GO TO PAY-WRITE. IF ANNUAL-PAY GREATER THAN 17800 - BASE-PAY GO TO LAST-TAX. COMPUTE TAX-PAY -= BASE-PAY * .044. • ____ - J Programmer Changes to Source Program assig~ed by IEBUPDTE are used to apdate source statements in the copy library. Changes made using these numbers are intended to be permanent changes. The COBOL sequence numbers are used to update COBOL source statements at compile time. Such changes are in effect for the one run only. Assume that a company payroll program is kept as a source program in the copy library. The name of the progra m is ,PAYBOLL. During a particular year, old age tax is taken out at a rate of two and a half percent each week for all personnel until earnings exceed $15,000. The coding to accomplish this is sh own in Figure 141. NoW, ho:wever, due to a change in -the old age tax laws, tax is to be taken out until earnings exceed $17,800 and a new percentage is to be placed. The programme~ cab code these changes as shown in Figure 142. The altered program viII contain the coding shown in Figure 143. Note that changes lIaae through use of the INSERT and DELETE statements remain in effect for the one run only. Note: If both the COpy statement and the BASIS card are used, the library containing the member specified in the BASIS card must be defined first. The COpy libraries concatenated with the B'ASIS library may be d.efined and re.ferenced in any order (see "Appendix I: _Checklist for Job Control ~r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1000730 1000735 1000740 TAX-PAYR .. 1000750 1000760 PAY-WRITE. 1000770 I I I t000850 IF ANNUAL-PAY GREATER THAN 17800 GO TO PAY-WRITE. IF ANNUAL-PAY GREATER THAN 17800 - BASE-PAY GO TO LAST-TAX. COMPUTE TAX-PAY = BASE-PAY * .044. ~OVE TAX-PAY TO OUTPUT-TAX. MOVE BASE-PAY TO OUTPUT-BASE. ADD BASE-PAY TO ANNUAL-PAY. STOP RUN. L- Figure 143. 352 I I I I t I I I I I .I Changed COBOL Statements to Source COpy Library Statements procedures"). For a discussion of special considerations when using BASIS with'the BATCH option. see "Batch Compilation." A library of load modules can be created by use of the SYSLMOD DO statement in the linkage editor job step, as discussed in "Job ,Library." The job library consists of one or more partitioned da ta sets that contain load modules to be executed. It is specified by the JOBLIB DD statement that must precede the EXEC statement of the first step of a job. Partitioned data sets assi9n~dto the job library are concatenated with the link library so that any load module is obtained automatically when its name appears in the PGM= parameter of the EXEC statement. The following statements illustrate how three cataloged partitioned data sets can be assigned to the job library: Use of the COBOL Library Management Feature makes it possible for all programs in the 'same or different regions/partitions to share one copy of the COBOL library subroutines. That is. the most economical use of main storage is made when the most frequently used COBOL library subroutines are placed in the OS/VS2 link pack area (LPA), or the OS/VS1 resident reenterable routine (RRR) area, rather than in each region/partition. To make the most effective use of the Library Management Feature, and to use the IBM cataloged procedures whether or not Library Management is needed, the user should concatenate the COBOL subroutine library with the system link library, or specify it to be used as such a library in the appropriate system parameter library member. //l1YJOB //JOBLIB // // //STEPl JOB DD DSNAME=MYLIB1.DISP=(OLD.PASS) DD DSNAM E=MYL IB2, DISP= (OLD. PASS) DD DSNAME=MYLIB3,DISP=(OLD,PASS) EXEC //STEP2 EXEC These statements specify that the job library containing th.e data sets MYLIB1, MYLIB2. and MYLIB3 is to be concatenated with the link library. When a load module is named in an EXEC statement in any step of the job. the directories of the job library viII be searched for the name. When a job library is specified for a job. the link library is searched for a named load module only when the module is not found in the job library. Partitioned data sets'used in the job library can be created by specifying the partitioned data ,et name and the member name in the SYSLMOD DD statement when each member is processed by the linkage editor. !~litio~l 11UUlLt-2_ the LinJi~Mll2!:: Libraries of object modules (with or without linkage editor control statements) and libraries of load modules can be used as additional input to the linkage editor. Members are specified by use of the INCLUDE and LIBRARY linkage editor control statements. A library of obj~ct modules and control statements can be created by use of the IEBUPDTE utility program. The user may request the COBOL Library Management Feature at compile time, via the RESIDENT option (see the section "Options for the Compiler" in the chapter entitled "Job Control Procedures"). CONCATENATING THE SUBROUTINE LIBRARY TO concatenate the subroutine library wi th the link libra ry, the user execu tes the IEBUPDTE utility program to add a member named LNKLSTOO to SYS1.PARML1B, specifying the library desired (that is, either the entire COBOL subroutine library or a pri va te library containing user ....selected COBOL library subroutines). Note that the library containing the subroutines must be cataloged. An installation that is planning to use the Library Management Feature will find it convenient to include frequently used COBOL library subroutines in the 05/VS2 LPA or the OS/VS1 RRR area. Infrequently used subroutines are then brought into the region/partition as required. To add COBOL subroutines to the RRR area. the user invokes the IEBUPDTE utility program to add a member named IEAIGGXX (see Note 2 in Figure 143) to SYS1.PARMLIB, specifying all names and aliases for the COBOL library subroutines to be included. Then, at an initial program load (1PL) time, the operator ident ifies the link list to the Libraries 35.3 ·. system, which subsequently places the identified COBOL subroutines in main storage in the RRR area. Figure 144 illustrates how an installation can accomplish both these functions in one operation. The encircled letters in the figure refer to the JCL suggested A to concatenate the COBOL subroutine library (SYS1.COBLIB) with the system link library (SYS1.LINKLIm, and then B to place the user list of desired COBOL library subroutines and their aliases to the RRR. (For further information, see the publication ~LX.L£QBO.L£Q!!!.£ilg: and l£!brarY-l..nstalla ti2n~f~~!lce Materi~!.) 1. If the user does not wish to place any COBOL subroutines in the RRR area, he need not execute the portion of the IEBUPDTE utility program that adds IEAIGGXX to SYS1.PARML1B shown above. He may still make use of the Library Management Feature. However, all required library subroutines will be loaded into his own region/partition when they are needed by one or more programs, and deleted when they are no longer needed. Thus, not all library subroutines needed by all programs in •f//CATLG ,./ 1.. / ADD ,//SYSPBINT II/SYSUT 1 II/SYSUT2 I/ISYSIN , 2. If one or more programs in a given region/partition request the COBOL Library Management Feature, then the main program and all subprograms in that region/partition must use it. Otherwise, the multiple copies of COBOL library subroutines resident at one time may cause unpredictable resul ts. A programmer can create or change a partitioned data set in one of three ways: (1) through the use of DO statements, (2) through the use of utility programs, and (3) through the use of certain linkage editor control statements. , JOB EXEC DD DD DD DD REPL '1/ the region need be resident a t the same time. In this case, however, the user must supply a job control card at execution time pointing to the COBOL subroutine library or to his own private library of COBOL subroutines. (For a discussion of the various COBOL library subroutines available to the programmer, see "Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines. tt) user information PGM=IEBDPDTE,PARM=MOD SYSOUT=A DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB,DISP=SHR DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB,DISP=SHR I I *NAME=LNKLSTOO,LIST=ALL I J I I I SYS1.LINKL1B,SYS1.COBLIB NAME=IEAIGG01,LIST=ALL SYS1962(562Bl,NAME1,ALIAS1, ••• SYS1.L1NKLIB,NAME,ALIAS J I I 1.H21~ , , I t 1. t I J '.1 1/* ENDUP ~ I-- J I •12. I I I I I I ,3. J I I The name used on the card after the REPL statement must identify the data set (SYS1.COBLIB) to be concatenated with the system link library, and is selected by the installation. (Note that this data set must be cataloged.) I I I I The last two digits of the member-name specified in the ADD statement can vary, butt the digit.s specified here must also be specified in the RAM·: parameter used at IPL I time. For example, if IEAIGG02 were specified, 'RAM=02' would be required at 1PL I time. For OS/VS2 Release 1 * modify the IEA1GGOO member of SYS 1. PARMLIB as I explained in OSL!S2-I1!itializati21L21HL1.!!ning_2.Yide, GC28-0681. For OS/VS2 Releasel 2 and later# use IEALPOO instead of 1EAIGGOO. I f The names and aliases of the COBOL library subroutine members to be made resident 1 must be specified by the installation in the ADD statement. The system searches J the last name first; in this case# ALIASl is searched last. The user should, I therefore, specify the most frequently used name last. _ _ _ _ _ _ JI 1.- Figure 144. 354 I I Concatenating the Subroutine Library The DD statement can be used to create libraries as is discussed at the beginning of this chapter. In addition, DD statements can be used to add members to existing libraries, including the link library, and to retrieve members of existing libraries. Utility programs can be used to create libraries such as those used in the copy library or as secondary input to the linkage editor. In addition, utility programs can be used to move, copy, and replace members of an existing library; to add, delete, and renumber the records within an existing library; and to assign sequence numbers to the records of a new library. Linkage editor control sta tements can be used to make changes to members of a library of load modules. The name of a member can be changed or additional names can be specified. Additional entry points can be identified, existing entry points can be deleted, and portions of a load module can be deleted or replaced. For further information, see the publication Q~L1~1in~~g_~~iiQ£_~nd LQ~~g~. Libraries 355 A cataloged procedure is a set of job control statements placed in a partitioned data set called the procedure library (SYS1.PROCLIB) _ It can be retrieved from the library by using its member name in an EXEC sta teme nt of a job step in the input stream. Frequently used procedures, such as those used for compiling and linkage editing, can be cataloged to simplify their subsequent use. A cataloged procedure can contain statements for the processing of an entire job, or it can contain statements to process one or more steps of a job, with the remaining steps defined by job control statements in the input stream. A job can use several cataloged procedures, each processing one or more of the job steps. A job can also call for execution of the same cataloged procedure in more than one job step. This chapter describes the following: proc~dure COBUC to process the job step STEPQ. A job step that calls for execution of a cataloged procedure can also contain DD statements that are applicable to the job steps of the cataloged procedure. A job that calls for execution of a cataloged procedure may. in other steps, call for execution of other cataloged procedures, call for other executions of the same cataloged procedure. or call directly for execution of load modules. The following example shows a job control procedure that calls both cataloged procedures and load modules. //JOBl //STEPA lICOB.SYSIN JOB EXEC DD CQBUC * (source mod ule) 1* I/STEPl. EXEC PG!!=IEWL • How to call cataloged procedures • The types of cataloged procedures, including those supplied by IBM for use with COBOL source programs (DD statements for the linkage editor) • How to add procedures to the procedure library • How to modify existing procedures for the current job step only //STEPE EXEC PGM=*.STEPL.SYSLMOD • How to override and add to cataloged procedure~ (DD statements for user-defined files) • How to use the DDNAME parameter in ca ta loged proced ures A cataloged procedure is called by a job that appears in the input stream. The job must consist of a JOB statement and an EXEC statement that specifies the cataloged procedure name in the positional parameter (either procnalle or PROC=procname). For example: The IBM-supplied cataloged procedure COBUC for compilation is used to process STEPA. The COB.SYSIN DD statement is required to define the input to the compiler. The remaining statements in the procedure refer to execution of the linkage editor and the subsequent load module. //STEPQ EXEC cosue //STEPQEXEC PROC=COBUC Either of these EXEC sta tements could be used to call the IBM-supplied cataloged 356. Data sets produced during execution of a ca taloged procedure can be used in subsequent job steps. They can also be called as follows: //jobnaae JOB 1234,J.SltITH /ISTEPA EXEC PROCED //PROC1.SYSIN DD * 2. A DD statement with JOBtIB in the name field 3. A DO statement wi th an operand field 4. A DD statement with DAT.A in the operand field 5. The delimiter statement (source module) 1* Ilstepname EXEC PGM=*.STEPA.PROC2.SYSLMOD * in the (DD statements for user-defined files) The cataloged procedure PROCED is composed of tvo job steps, PRoel and PROC2, that compile and linkage edit the source module. The programmer can write his own procedures" and catalog them, o.r he can use the five COBOL cataloged procedures provided by IBM. PROGRAMMER-WRITTEN CATALOGED PROCEDURES The programmer can write cataloged procedures, consisting of EXEC and DD statements, vhich incorporate job control proced ures he uses frequen tl y. For example, the programmer may wish to catalog an EXEC statement and the associated DD statements for a job step that ,specifies execution of a program. In this way, the DO statements need not be specified each time the program is executed. In writing a procedur,e for cataloging, the programmer must follow these rules: • Another ca taloged procedure cannot be referred to, i.e., only the , PGM=proqname form in an EXEC statement can be used. Note, however, that a cataloged procedure may contain a DD statement that refers to a cataloged data set. • SYSABEND or SYSU DUMP DD statements should not be cataloged because they cannot be overridden. • The .following statements cannot be used in a cataloged procedure: 1. The JOB statement A procedure can be tested before it is placed in the procedure library by converting it into an in-stream procedure and executing it any number of times during a job. For further information about in-stream procedures. refer to the section "Testing a procedure as an In-Stream Procedure". The IEBUPDTE utility program is used to add procedures to the procedure library. A description of the use of this program is given in the publication Q~L!~_utiliti~. In Figure 145, two procedures are added to the procedure library (SYS1.PROCLIB). All control statements are in the input stream. The first procedure is for a COBOL compilation. Mass storage volumes are specified for the four utility data sets, and 100 tracks are allocated for each utility data set. This cataloged procedure is named COBD!. The second procedure is also for a COBOL compilation. Unlabeled tape volumes are specified for three utility data sets; for the fourth, SISUT1, a mass storage device must be specified. This cataloged procedure is named COBTP. Job control statements: the EXEC card specifies that the IEBUPDTE program is to be executed, and PARM=NEW is used because all data is read from one source, i.e., the input stream. utility statements: the ADD statement specifies the member name of the procedure, the level modification ~O, first run} and the source of the modification (0, user-supplied) • The NUMBER statement specif~es the sequence numbers for records in the member. The first record of the cataloged procedure is numbered 00000010, and subsequent records are incremented by tens. Using the Cataloged Procedures 357 ,.._--I Job ,Control • Language I Sta tements I I IUtility IStatements IIADPROC IISTEP1 JOB EXEC IISYSPRINT "DD DD DD IIS1SUT2 IISYSIN 1234,J.DUBOB PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW SYSOUT=A DSNAME=SYS 1. PROCLIB,DISP=OLD DATA , ·1 .1 ADD NUMBER NAME=COBDA, LEVEL= 00. SQURCE=O NEW1=00000010,INCR=00000010 J IICOB IISYSUT1 IISYSUT2 IISYSUT3 IISYSUT4 EXEC PG8=IKFCBLOO UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE= (TRK, (100,10» UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE= (TRK, (100,10) UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(100,10» UNIT=S1SDA,SPACE= (TRK. (100,10» I I I First JProcedure •I I fUtility 1Sta tements t , DD DO DD DO IISYSPRINT DO IISYSPUNCH DO .1 ·1 ADD NUMBER EXEC DD DO IISYSUT2 DD IISYSUT3 DO IISYSUT4 IISYSPRINT DO IISYSPUNCH DD IICOB IISYSUT1 I ISecond I Procedure I I I I ,Delimiter ,Statements L- .1 SYSOUT=! SYSQUT=B NAME=COBTP,LEVEL=OO,SOURCE=O NEll l= 10, I NCR= 10 PGM=IKFCBLOO UNIT=S1SDA,SPACE=(TRK, (100,10» UN1T=2400, LABEL= (, NL) UNIT=2400,LABEL=(,N~ UNIT=2400,LABEL~(,N~ S1SOUT=A SYSOUT=B ENDUP 1* .I Figure 145. Example of Adding Procedures to the Procedure Library Note that leading zeros in the NUMBER statement are not necessary, as indicated in the example for the COBTP procedure. IBM-SUPPLIED CATALOGED PROCEDURES IBM distributes cataloged procedures with the program product, which can be incorporated when the system is generated. Five of the procedures are for use with co BO L prog ra ms. 1. COBUC provides for compilation. 2. COBUCL provides compilation and linkage editing. 3. COBULG provides linkage editing and execution. 4. COBUCLG provides for compilation, linkage editing, and execution. 5. COBUCG provides for compilation and loading. 358 These procedures may be used with any of the job schedulers released as part of the IBM operating system. When parameters required by a particular scheduler are encountered by another scheduler that does not require those parameters, either they are ignored or alternative parameters are substi tuted automa tically. The five cataloged procedures are shown in Fig ures 146 through 150. (Space allocations in these procedures are in terms of record lengths on the 2314 disk storage de vice. ) Note tha t when DSN AM E=&& is used in a DD statement the specified data set is given a unique name by the operating system. and it is assumed to be a temporary data set that will be deleted when the job is completed. If the data set is to be kept, the DD statement can he overridden with a permanent data set name, and the appropriate parameters can be specified. !!.Q!&: If the compiler options are not explicitly supplied with the procedure, default options established at the installation apply. The programmer can override these default options by using an EXEC statement that includes the desired options (see "Overriding and Adding to EXECStatements" and "Overriding Cataloged Procedures Using Symbolic Parameters"). Procedure names begin with the abbreviated name of the processor program# which, in the case of the COBOL procedures, is COB. The processor's abbreviated name is followed by the processor's level indica tor (U) and then by C (compile), L (linkage edit), G (go -- i.e., execute), or combinations of them. Hence, procedure COBUC is a single-step procedure that compiles a program using the COBOL processor; COBUCLG is a 3-step procedure wherein the first step compiles a program using COBOL, the second step link-edits the output of the first step, and the third step executes the output of the linkage editor. Data Set Names in Procedur~§ When DSNAME=&&name is used in a DD statement, the specified data set is given a unique name by the scheduler, and it is assumed to be a temporary data set that will be deleted when the job terminates. If the data set is to be retained, the DD statement must be overridden with a permanent data set name and appropriate DISP parameters. The eOBUC procedure is a single-step procedure to execute the COBOL compiler. It produces a punched object deck. Figure 145 shows the statements that make up the COBUC cataloged procedure. The following DD statement must be supplied in the input stream: IICOB.SYSIN DD * (or appropriate defining an input data set) ~arameters optionally, the delimiter statement (/*) may follow the source module. In a cataloged procedure, the step name is the same as the abbreviated processor name (LKED). The step that executes a compiled and link-edited program is named GO. For example, in the procedure named COBUCLG, the first step is named COB, the second step is named tKED, and the third ,step is named GO. The COBUCL procedure is a two-step procedure to compile and link-edit using the COBOL compiler. Figure 146 shows the statements that make up the cataloged procedure. The COB job step produces an object module that is input to the linkage editor. Other object modules may be added as illustrated in Example 5 under "Using the DDNAME Parameter." The tvo unit names used in IBM-supplied cataloged procedures are as follows: SYSSQ any magnetic tape or mass storage device SYSDA any mass storage device The following DD statement, indicating the location of the source module, must be supplied in the input stream: IICOB.SYSIN DD A pool of units must be assigned to these unit names during the system generation procedure. For example, only 2314 Disk storage Drives might be assigned to the SYSSQ name. Thei again, both 2400 Magnetic Tape units and 2314 Disk storage Drives might be assigned to the SYSSQ name. Once a pool of devices is assigned to these classes, device selection is done by the Job Scheduler. * (or appropriate parameters) The COBULG cataloged procedure is a tva-step procedure to link-edit and execute the output of a COBOL compilation. Figure 148 shows the statements that make up the procedure. using the Cataloged Procedures 359 The following DD statement indicating the location of the object module must be supplied in the input stream: statement must also be supplied in the input stream. IIGO.SYSIN IILKED.SYSIN DD * If the COBOL program refers to SYSIN in the execution step, the following 00 .- IIICOB DO * (or appropriate parameters) (or appropriate parameters) If the COBOL program refers to other data sets in the execution step such as user-defined files, DD statements that define these da ta sets must also be provided. I/ISYSUT4 EXEC PGM=IKFCBLOO,PARM='DECK,NOLOAD,SUPMAP',REGION=128K DO SYSOOT=A DO SYSQUT=B DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(100,100» DD UNIT=5YSDA,SPACE=(460,{100,100» DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,{700,100j) DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE={460, (700,100) Figure 146. statements in the COBUC Procedure IIISYSPRINT JIISYSPUNCH f /ISYSOTl 1115YSOT2 IIISYSUT3 ------, I I I f I I I , r IIICOB f/ISYSPRINT 1/ISYSUTl 1//SY5UT2 '1ISYSUT3 IIISYSUT4 IIISYSLIN 1// I//LKED 1// IIISYSLIN III I/ISYSLMOD III t 115YSLIB 1/ISYSUT 1 III 1115 YS PRINT EXEC PGM=IKFCBLOO,REGION=128K DD SYSOOT=A DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100») DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,{700,100) DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460, (100,100» DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,10~) DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE= (80, (500,100» EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='LIST,XREP,LET',COND=(5,LT,COB), REGION=96K DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET, DISP= (OLD ,DELETE) DD DDNAME=SYSIN DD DS NAME=&&G05ET, DISP= (NEW, PASS) , UN1T=SI5D A, ' SPACE= (1024, (50,20,1) .DD DSNAME=S IS 1. COBLIB. D1SP=SHR DD UN IT = (SY SD A, SEP= (SYSLIN, Syst !tOD) ) , SPACE=(1024,{SO,20) DD SYSOUT=A t X X X X .- IIILKED II/SYSLIN 'I/SY5LMOD III IIISYSL1B '1ISYSUT1 III IIISYSPRINT ItlGO 360 I I I I I I I • statements in the COBUCL Procedure , EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='LIST,IREF,LET',REGION=128K DD DDNAftE=S ISIN DD DSNAME=&&GOSET (GO) ,DISP={NEW ,PASS) ,UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE={1024,{SO,20,1)) DD DSNAME=SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=SHR DD UNIT=(SYSDA,SEP={SYSLIN,SYSLKOD», SPACE= (1024, (50,20) ) DD SYSOUT=A EXEC PGM=*.LKED.SYSLBOD,COND=(S,LT,LKED) , I X X J I I I I I I .J '- Figure 148. •f J '-- Figure 147 • I I I I I I I Statements in the COBULG Procedure , , IIICOB IIIGO EXEC PGM=IKFCBLOO~ PARK=SUPftAP ~ REGION= 128K DD SYSOUT=A DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=~60~(700~100») DD UNIT=SYSDA~SPACE=(460,(700,100» DD UNIT=SYSDA.SPACE=(460,(700~100» DD UNIT=SYSDA~SPACE=(460,(700,100» DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE: (80, (500,100» EXEC PGH=IEWL,PARK='LIST,IREF ,LET' ,COND= (S,LT,COB) , REGlON=96K DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DlSP=(OLD,DELET~ Dn DDNAKE=SISIN DD .oSNAHE=&&GOSET(GO) ,DISP=(NEW,PASS),UNIT=SISDA, SPACE= (1024, (50,20,1» DD DSNAME=SYS 1. COSL IB;.oISP=SHB DD UNIT=(SISDA,SEP=(SYSLIN,SISL~OD» , SPACE=(1024,(50,20» DO SISOU'1'=A EXEC PGM=*.LKED.SISLMOD,COND=«5,LT,COB) ,(5,LT,LKED» Figure 149. Statements in the COBUCLG Procedure II/SISPRINT ,//SYSUT1 IIISYSUT2 II/SYSUT) '1ISYSUT4 II/SISLIN 1// .IILKED III '/ISISLIN tIl IIISYSL80.o tIl II/SYSLIB IIISISUT1 III IIISYSPRINT • t X X X X .J r- IIICOB I/ISYSPRINT II/SISUTl II/SISUT2 IIISISUT3 II/SISUT4 IIISISLIN III IIIGO II/SYSLIN IIISYSLOUT IIISISLIB EX EC PGM=IK FCBLOO ,PARM=' LOAD' ,R EGlON= 12 8K DD SYSOUT=A DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460, (700,100)) DD UNIT=SISDA,SPACE=(460,(700,10~} DD UNIT=SYSDA~SPACE=(460,(700,100» DO UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100» X DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET.DISP=(MOD,PASS)~ UNIT=SYSDA.SPACE=(80,(500,100» EXEC PGM=LOAOER,PARM=·MAP,LET'.COND:(5~LT,COB),REGION=106K DD DSNAl'tE=* .COB. SIS LIN. DISP= (OLD, DELETE) DD SYSOUT=A DD DSNAME=SYS1. COBLIB,DISP=SHR . I Figure 150. Statements in the COBUCG Procedure location of the input data set must also be supplied: The COBUCLG procedure is a three-step procedure to compile, link-edit~ and execute using the COBOL compiler. Fiqure 149 shows the statements that make up the procedure. The COB job step produces an object module that is input to the linkaqe editor. Other object modules may be added as illustrated in Example 5 under "Using the DDNAKE Parameter." The followinq DD statement, indicating the location of the source module, must be supplied in the input stream: IICOB.SYSIN DD * (or appropriate parameters) If the COBOL program refers to SY SIN, the following DD statement indicating the IIGO. SISI N DD * (or appropriate parameters) If the COBOL program refers to other data sets, DO statements that define these data sets must also be supplied. The COBUCG procedure is a two-step procedure to compile, load, and execute using the COBOL compiler and as loader. Figure 150 shows the statements that make up the procedure. The COB job step produces an object module that is input to the loader. using the Cataloged Procedures 361 a cataloged procedure step is to be tested, the name of the step in' the procedure (procstep) must be qualified by the name of the step that called for execution of the cataloged procedure (stepname). The following DD statement, indicating the location of the source module. must be supplied in the input stream: /ICOB.SYSIN DD * (or appropriate parameters) 2. If the COBOL program refers to SYSIN. the following DD statement indicating the location of the input data set must also be supplied: specify in the operand field of the EXEC statement calling the procedure only the keyword parameters and sub parameters, for example: COND=(subparameters) //GO.SYSIN DD * If a multistep procedure is being called, the specified parameters (with the exception of PARM) apply to all steps in the procedure. The PARM keyword subparameters override the first EXEC statement and nullify any subsequent PARM keyword subparameters. The COND and ACCT parameters apply to all steps in the procedure. To override PARM parameters in job steps other than the first, the pre vious method can be used. (or appropriate parameters) If the CO BOL program refers to other data sets, the DD statements that define these data sets must also be supplied. Existing cataloged procedures can be permanently modified by using the IEBUPDTE utility prog ram descrihed in the publication OSLY~ Utili!ie2_ IQ!~: A parameter in an EXEC statement cannot be partly overridden; it must be overridden in its entirety. Any parameter not overridden remains as originally defined. 1~~Qt~~iding_~g_Adding_1Q_~!~£ ~at~ts Any parameter in a cataloged procedure except the PGM=progname parameter in the EXEC statement can be overridden. Parameters or statements not specified in the procedure can also be added. When a cataloged procedure is overridden or added to, the changes apply only during one execution. OVERRIDING AND ADDING TO EXEC STATE!ENTS An EXEC statement can be overridden or added to in one of two ways: 1. 362 This section contains examples of overriding and adding to the EXEC statement. The procedures overridden or added to are the IBM procedures shown in Figures 146 through 150. !~~~E1~1: The following example shows the overriding of one parameter in the EXEC statement of the one procedure step in the IBft-supplied COBUC procedure. The statements appear in the input stream as follows: Iljobname IISTEPA /1 JOB 1234,J.SMITH EXEC COBUC,PARM.COB='DECK, NOLOAD,BOP=4000, x X SIZE=9600' Specify, in the operand field of the EXEC statement calling the procedure, the keyword, the procedure step-name and the subparameters, for example: /1 //COB.SYSIN DD COND.procstep=(subparameters) 1* If a multistep procedure is being modified, parameters in the calling EXEC statement must be specified step by step; i.e., t.he parameters for one step must be specified before those of the next step. If the return code of !Q~~: In actual use the PARM.COB parameter cannot be continued in this manner. In the PARM parameter that is overridden, the DECK and NOLOAD options were specified. They are incl ud ed again si nee the parameter must be overridden in its entirety. The * (source module) information is here enclosed in single quotation marks, since subparameters that contain equal signs must be enclosed in this manner. Note that all overriding parameters for one step of the procedure must be specified before those for the next step. ~!!!1!£lg_l.: Ex~~£1g_!: The following example shows the overriding of two parameters and the adding of another in the EXEC statement of one procedure step of the IB~-supplied COBUCLG procedure. The statements appear in the input stream as shown: /Ijobname IISTEPA II II II IICOB. SYSIN JOB 1234,J.SMITH EXEC COBUCLG, PAR". LKED= X (MAP,LIST) ,ACCT=(1234), X COND.LKED=(9,LT, X STEPA. COB) DD * The following example shows the overriding of parameters on all EXEC statements in the IBM-supplied COBUCLG procedure. The statements appear in the input stream as shown: Iljobname JOB 1234,J.SMITH /Istepname EXEC COBUCLG, X II PARM= (LOADrPMAP) , X II COND=(3,LT)r X II ACCT=(123456,DEPTQ) /ICOB.SYSIN DO * (source module) (source module) 1* 1* Note: In actual use the COND.LKED and piii.LKED parameters cannot be continued in this manner. For the linkage editor job step in the above example, the COND and PARM parameters have been overridden and the ACCT parameter added. The PARM options are added to the procedure step COB and nullify-t.he PARM options in the LKED and GO steps. The COND and ACCT parameters apply to all steps in the proced ure. E.~ampl!t_l: The following example shows the overriding of individual parameters in more than one procedure step of the IBM-supplied COBUCLG procedure. The statements appear in the input stream as shown. Iljobname Iistepnaroe II II II IICOB. SYSIN JOB 1234,J.SMITH EXEC COBUCLG,PARM.LKED=OVLY, X COND.GO=«5,EQ, X stepname.COB), X (5,EQ,stepname.LKED» DD * TESTING A PROCEDURE AS AN IN-STREAM PROCED URE A procedure can be tested before it is placed in the procedure library by converting it into an in-stream procedure and executing it any number of times during a job. In-stream procedures are described in detail in the publication oS/vs~£1 ~rvic~. (source module) 1* !Qte: In actual use the COND.GO statement cannot be continued in this manner. The PARM option OiLY replaces the PARM sub parameters of the link-edit job step. The COHD option EQ (equal to) replaces the option LT (less than) in the execution job step. An in-stream procedure is a series of job control language statements enclosed within a PROC statement and a PEND statement. The following example shows how to convert the eOBUC procedure (Figure 146) into an in-stream procedure and execute it twice. pemember that in actual use the parameters cannot be continued in this manner. ) Using the Cataloged Procedures .363 IICONVERT IIINSTREAM JOB parameters, individual subparameters may be overridden. 1234, YOUR NAME PRoe IICOB EXEC PGM=IKFCBLOO,PARM=' DECK, NOLOAD, SUPS Apt, REGION=128K SYSOUT=A IISYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=B IISYSPUNCH DD DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1, IISISUTl UNIT=SY SOA, II SPACE={460,6700,100» II OSNAME=&&SYSU"T2, OD IISYSUT2 UNIT=SYSDA, II' SPACE={460,6700,100» II DD 115YSUT3 OSNAME=&&SYSUT3, UNIT=SYSDA, II SPACE=(460,6700,100» 1/ DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT4, IISYSUT4 ONIT=SYSD A, /1 SPACE={460,6700,100» II PEND IIEND.PROC EXEC INSTREAM II ... IICOB. SYSIN DD X X X X • To nullify a keyword parameter (except the DeB and AMP parameters), write, in the overriding DD statement, the keyword and an equal sign followed by a comma. For example, to nullify the use of the ONIT parameter, specify UNIT:, in the overriding DD statement. X X X X X • A parameter can be nullified by specifying a mutually exclusive parameter. For example, the SPACE parameter can be nullified by specifying the SPLIT parameter in the overriding DD statement. X (input data) • The DUMMY parameter can be nullified by omitting it and specifying the DSNAME parameter in the overriding DD sta temen t. OVERRIDING AND ADDING TO DO STATEMENTS • To override DD statements in a concatenation of data sets, the programmer must provide one DD statement for each data set in the concatenation. only the first DD statement in the concatenation should be named. However, if a DD statement to be changed follows one (or more) DD statement(s) to be left intact, the first overriding statement(s) should ha ve a blank operand. A DD statement can be overridden or added to by using a OD statement whose name is composed of the procedure step-name that qualifies the ddname of the DD statement being overridden, as follows: • If the DDNAME=ddname parameter is specified in a cataloged procedure, it cannot be overridden; rather it can refer to a DD statement supplied at the time of execution. 1* II EXEC INSTREAM IICOB.SYSIN DD *(input data) 1* Ilprocstep.ddname DD (appropriate parameters) ~~~21~2_Qt-Q~~££i~!ng_an~_Addi~to_Q~ ~tatn~n1§ Entire OD statements can also be added. There are rules that must be followed when overriding or adding a DD statement within a ste p in a procedure. • Overriding DD statements mast be in the same order in the input stream as they are in the cataloged procedure. • DO statements to be added must follow overriding DD statements. There are some special cases that should be kept in mind when overriding a DD statement. • All parameters are overridden in their entirety, except for the DCB and AMP parameters. Within the DCB and AMP 364 This section contains examples of overriding and adding to parameters in DD statements. The procedures overridden or added to are the IBM procedures shown in Figures 146 through 150. The DDNAME parameter is not used in these examples, although it can be useful with the cataloged procedures. The use of the DDNAKE parameter is described in detail later in this chapter. Rxample 1: The following example shows the overriding of DD statements in the IBM-supplied COBUCLG procedure. Iljobname Ilstepname IICOB.SISLIN IICOB. SYS.IN JOB 1234,J.SftITH EXEC COBUCLG DO DSNAME=GOFILE DD * (source 1I0dule) 1* IILKED.SYSLIN DO II OSNAftE=*.COB.SYSLIN, DISP=(OLD,CATLG) in the procedure and must precede those statements being added. x JOB EXEC DD DD Iljobname Iistepname IICOB.?YSUT2 IICOB.SYSLIN II II 1* DD IICOB. SYSIN (other DD statements for user-defined files) 1234,J.SMITH COBUC,PARM.COB=(LOAD) SPACE=,UNIT=SYSSQ DSNAME=&&GOFILE, DISP=(MOD.PASS), UNIT=SYSSQ x X * (source module) 1* 1* (subsequent job steps) The name of the data set in SYSLIN in the procedure step COB is changed to GOFILE. The name of the data set of SYSLIN in the proced ure step LKED is changed to a reference to the SYSLIN DD statement in the COB procedure step, and the data set name GOFILE is cataloged. The following example shows the adding of DO statements to the IBM-$upplied COBUCLG procedure. ~~A~~~1: Iljobname /Istepname JOB 1234,J.SMITH EXEC COBUCLG, PARM. COB= (D.ECK, LOAD, Pl'lAP) II SYSOUT=B IICOB.SYSPUNCH DD //COB.SYSIN DD * x (source module) 1* IIGO.TRANSACT DD The device class on the COB.SYSUT2 DD statement is changed to SYSSQ, and the SPACE parameter is nullified. Therefore, mass storage devices cannot be allocated. Any tape volumes to be assigned must have standard labels. The COB.SYSLIN DD statement is changed so that it passes the object module to subsequent job steps. DSNAME=JUNE,DISP=OLD (other DD statements for user-defined files) 1* lfQte: In the foregoing ex am pIe TRAN SACT is a cataloged data set. When a data set is cataloged, it is sufficient to refer to it by DSNAl'lE and DISP=OLD. The PARM.COB option DECK and the SYSPUNCH DD sta teBlent are added to obtain a punched object module. The PARM option Pl'lAP is added to obtain a listing of the assembler language expansion of the source mod ule. ~I.~~_~: The following example sho,vs overriding and adding to DD statements at the same time in the IBM-sllpplied COBUC proced ure. Note tha t overriding statements must be in the same sequence as they appear The following example shows how to concatenate a data set with a data set defined in the COBULG procedure. nampl~!:!.: Iljobname /Istepname JOB EXEC 1234,J.SMITH COBULG IILKED.SYSLIB II DD DD (blank operan d field] (parameters] 1* Instead of the blank operand field, parameters could have been used to override the SYSLIB statement; the data set defined by the unnamed DD statement would then be concatenated to the data set that was redefined by overriding. Note that a number of libraries could be concatenated to the SYSLIB data set. For example: I/LKED.SYSLIB II II DD DD DD DSNAME=USERLIB,DISP=OLD DSNAME=MYLIB,DISP=OLD Using the cataloged Procedures 365 When using the DDNAME parameter, the programmer should also keep the following in mind: The DDNAME parameter is used to define a dummy data set that can assume the characteristics of an actual data set, defined by a subsequent DD statement within the step. If a matching DD statement is found, its characteristics, with the exception of its ddname, replace those of the statement using the DDNAME parameter. If a matching DD statement is not found within the step, the data set defined by the DDNAME parameter remains a dummy. This section contains examples shoving the use of the DDNAME parameter with ca ta loged procedures. • The name of the DD statement referred to does not replace the name of the referencing statement. • If a statement that contains the DDNAME pa rame ter is overridden, it is nullified. • If overriding is performed with a statement that contains the DDNAME parameter, all parameters in the overridden statement are nullified. The following OD statements: liS 1 IID1 IID2 The rules for using the DDNAME parameter are as follows: liD 3 EXEC DD DD DD PGM=progname DDNAME=D3 (parameters!. Y, Z) (parameters U, T, V) will result in the same data definition produced by the following statements: • A backward reference (e.g., *.ddname) to a DD statement referred to by a DDNAME cannot be used because the statement that is referred to loses its identity. • A backward reference to a statement containing a DDNAME parameter can be used, but only after the statement to which the DDNAME parameter refers has been encountered. If a backward reference is used before the dummy data set (defined by DDNAME) has been given real characteristics, these real characteristics will not be transferred to the DD statement that contains the backward reference. For example, if DCB=*. dd name is used (where ddna me is the name of a statement containing an unresolved DDNAME parameter), the DCB fields that are transferred are blank. • Unnamed DD statements can be placed after a statement containing the DDNAME parameter (indicating concatenation), but unnamed DD statements cannot be placed af·ter a statement referred to by a DDNAME parameter. • The DONAME parameter can be used a maximum of five times in a step, but each DDNAME parameter must .refer to a different statement. • The ODNAME parameter cannot be used in a JOBLIB statement. • The DDNAME parameter is not to be used to refer to a DD statement with the DYNAM pa rameter specified .. 366 IIS1 IID1 1102 EXEC PGM=progname DO (parameters U,T,V) DD (parameters X, Y, Z) EXAMPLES OF USING THE DDNAME PARAMETER ExamI!lLl: The following example shows how to override the first DD statement in a cataloged procedure with a DO * statement, and allow subsequent statements to be processed. The cataloged procedure (PROC3) is as follows: IISTEP 1 IIDD1 IIDD2 EXEC PGM=progname DD (any para meters) DD (any parameters) The job procedure in which the overriding takes place appears in the in~ut stream as follows: /IJOB1 liS 1 IISTEP1.DDl IID1 JOB 1234,J.SMITH EXEC PROC3 DD DDNAME=Dl DD * The STEP1.DDl statement overrides the DDl statement; the DD2 statement is processed; th en the D1 statement is processed. ExamElLl: Tnefollowing example shows how to override the first DD statement in a cataloged procedure with a DD * statement and how to add a DD statement. The cataloged procedure (PROe3) is as follows: IISTEPl IIDD1 IIDD2 EXEC PGM=prognalle DO (any parameters except DATA or *) , DD (an y parameters e.xcept DATA or *) The job procedure in wbich the overriding takes place appears in the input stream as follows: IIJOB2 1151 IISTEP1.DOl IISTEP1. D03 lIDO 4 JOB l234,J.5KITH EXEC PROe) DD DONAME=DD4 (any parameters except 00 DATA or *) DO * The DD4 statement effectively overrides the DDl statement, after the DD2 statement has been processed and the 003 statement has been added. !~uple-1: The following example sholfs how to concatenate a data set in the input stream with a data set defined by a DO statement in a cataloged procedure. The cataloged procedure (PROC3) is as follows: IISTEPl 11001 IIDD2 EXEC PGM=progname DD (any parameters except DATA or *) DD (any parameters except DATA or *) DATA or *) (any parameters except DATA or *) DO IIDD2 The job procedure in which the concatenation takes place appears in the input ,stream as follows: IIJOB4 IIS1 JOB EXEC I/STEP1.DD2 OD DD II IISTEP1.D03 DO DO 11004 1234, J.SMITH PROC3 (blank operand field) DDNAME=DD4 (any parameters except DATA or *) * Example~: The following example shows how the statement DD DDNAME=SYSIN in the IBM-supplied COBUCLG procedure can be used to add more object modules as input to the linkage editor. The statements appear in the input stream as follows: Iljobname Iistepname JOB EXEC IICOB.SYSIN DO ·1234,J.SMITH COBUCLG * (source deck) 1* IILKED.SYSIN DD * (first object module) The job procedure in Which the concatenation takes place appears in the input stream as follows: JOB IIJOB3 EXEC 1151 IISTEP1.DDl DD DD II DD IIDD3 1234,J. Sf! ITH PROe3 (blank operand field) DDN AME=DD3 * The data set in the input stream is concatenated with the data set defined by the DDl statement after the 0.02 statement has been processed. Ixample 9: Ifhe following example shows how to concatenate a data set in the input stream ~ith a data set defined by a DD statement in a cataloged procedure and how to add a DD statement. The cataloged procedure (PROe3) is as follows: //STEPl IIDDl EXEC PGft=progname DD (any parameters except (last object module) 1* (IIGO. car ds) The COBUCLG procedure contains the following tvo statements in the linkage edit step: 1/5YSL1N DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET, II OISP=(OLD,DELETE) II DD DDNAME=SYSIN x The result of concatenating SYSIN with SISLIN is that when SISLIN (input to linkage editor) is read, SYSIN is also read and linked with it. For example, if ILBODSPO is one of the object modules in the SYSIN stream, it will be linked with SISLIN. The ILBODSPO module from SIS1.COBLIB will not be used. Using the Cataloged Procedures 367 To use the Sort/Merge feat~re of the OS/VS CO BOL Compiler, sort/merge fea ture statements are written in the COBOL source program. These statements are described in tae publication IBM_~£Q~Q~_!Q£_OSL!~. The Sort/Merge program itself is described in the appropriate ~QrtLMeilSl-Rt.Qg,t:~n~~§ of the system-name in an ASSIGN clause in the COBOL source program. When the GIVING option is specified, the compiler generates an output procedure that will open the data set, return the records, write the records, and close the data set. Guig~. Use of the full COBOL sort/Merge feature requires the program product OS/VS sort/Merge, 5740-S111. The os Sort/Merge, 5734-S.M1, may only be ased if COBOL sort alone is used--without alternate collating sequence and without merge. (If 5134-SM1 is used, it may issue message IGH067I, "INVALID EXEC OR ATTACH PARAMETER." This will have no effect on operations, and may be safely ignored.) DD statements must be written in the execution-time job steps of the procedure to describe the data sets used by the sort/merge program. DD statements for data sets used during the sort/merge process are described below. ~Qte: The sort/Merge Checkpoint Restart feature is available to the programmer through the use of the RERUN statement. Three types of data sets can be defined for the sort program in the execution time job step: input, output, and work. In addition~ data sets must be defined for the use of the system during the sorting 'Operation. ·For MERGE, work DD statements are required. The maximum number of files that can be merged is 8. SORT INPUT DD STATEMENTS The input data set is associated with a ddname that appears as the ddname portion of the system-name in an ASSIGN clause in the COBOL source program. When the USING option is specified, the compiler will generate an input procedure that will open the data set, read the records, release the records a nd close the da ta set. SORT OUTPUT DD STATEMENTS The output data set is associated with a ddname that appears as the ddname portion 368 SORT WORK DD STATEMENTS The sort program requires at least three work data sets. The ddname for each DD statement is in the form SORTWKnn, where nn is a decimal number. The ddnames for the required data sets must be SORTWK01~ SORTWK02, and SORTWK03. Additional work data sets may be defined, but their ddnames must be consecutively numbered, beginning with 04. Intermediate data sets (i.e., SQRTWKnn data sets) for a sort/merge may be assigned to either magnetic tape or mass storage devices. All of the intermediate storage for one sort/merge must be assigned to the same device type. These may not be on both 7-track and 9-track tape units in the same sort. Anyone of the following devices may be used for intermediate storage: IBM 2400-series Magnetic Tape Unit (7or 9-track) IBM 3400-series Magnetic Tape unit (9-track) IBM 2314/2319 Direct Access storage Facility IBM 3330 Direct Access storage Facility IBM 3340 Direct Access Storage Facility IBM 3350 Direct Access storage Facility The ~£!LH~£~f£Qg£~~~~2 Gui~ contains detailed informa tion about these devices. Since spanned records can be input to and output from the sorting operation, it is the user's responsibility to assign the sort work files to mass storage devices whose track sizes are larger than the logical record size of the records being sorted. An s-mode file whose logical record length is greater than its track size may be sorted by assigning the work files to a magnetic tape unit. If data sets not involved in the sorting or merging operation are assigned to tape units, t~ese tape units may be used as sort work files by using the UNIT=AFF parameter. Por exaaple, if PAYROLL is specified as the ddname of the ASSIGN clause in a SELECT statement, the tape unit assigned to PAYROLL could be used as a sort work file by using the following DD statement: SORXWKnn DD statement§ SORTWKnn data sets may be contained on tape or mass storage volumes. When mass storage space is assigned, only the primary allocation is used by the sort, and it must be con tiguous. Note that the SORTWKnn data sets: //PAYROLL DD UNIT=2400, ••• //SORTWK02 DD UNIT=AFP=PAYROLL ••• The input data set must reside on a physical device, a magnetic tape unit, a mass storage device, or in the system input stream. The following example shows DD statement paralleters that could be used to define a cataloged input data set. //1 NSORT II DD DSNAME=INPT, DISP=(OLD,DELETE) x 1. May nQi be spread over more than one device type. 2. May R2i be on 1-track tape when the input data set is on 9-track tape. 3. May be on 1-track tape when the output data set is on 9-track tape. 4. Cannot use the data conversion feature if they are on 7-track tape. The TRTCH subparameter must reflect this. 5. May be on 9-tracK tape when the input data set is on 7-track tape. These parameters cause the system to search the catalog for a data set named INPT (DSNAME parameter) • When found, the data set is associatedvith the ddname INSORT and used by the sort program. The control program obtains the unit assignment and volume serial number from the catalog, and displays a mounting message to the operator. The DISP parameter indicates that the data set has already been created (OLD). It also indicates that the data set should be deleted (.DELETE) after the current job step. ~Ull!ill_~~le_!: The output DD statement must define all of the characteristics of the output data set. The following example shows DD statement parameters that could be used to characterize an output data set: ~QRTWKnn_~~g~le B: The following DO statement parameters could be used to define a mass storage intermediate storage data set: //OUTSORT II DD DSNAftE=OUTPT, UNIT=2400, DISP= (NEW, CATLG) The DISP parameter indicates that the data set is unknown to the operating system (NEW) and that it should be cataloged (CATLG) under the name OUTPT (DSHAME parameter). The UNIT parameter specifies that the data set is on a 2400-series tape unit. x The following DD statement parameters could be used to define a tape intermediate storage data set: IISORTWKOl DD II x UNIT=2400,LABEL=(,NL), VOLUME=SER=DUMMY These para meters spec ify an unlabeled data set on a 2400-series tape unit. Since the DSNAME parameter is omitted, the system assigns a unique name to the data set. The omission of the DISP parameter causes the system to assume that the data set is new and that it should be deleted at the end of the current job step. The 2400-series tape units are explicitly of the 9-track format. IISORTiKOl DD II UNIT=2314, SPACE=(TRK, (200) "CONTIG) X These parameters specify a mass storage data set with a standard label (LABEL parameter default value). The SPACE parameter specifies tha t the data set is to be allocated 200 contiguous tracks. The system assigns a unique name to the data set and deletes it at the end of the job step. Using the sortlMerge Feature 369 • The input data set and the output data set. ADDITIONAL DD STATEMENTS The sortlmerge program .requires two additional DD statements: IISYSOUT DD The AFF subparameter of the UNIT parameter can be used to associate the input data set with either the SORTWK01 data set or the output data set. The subparameter can appear in the DD statement for SORTWK01 or output. SYSOUT=A which defines the system output data set. IISORTLIB II DD DSNAME=SYS 1. SORTtIB, DISP=SHR x which defines the library containing the SORT/MERGE modules. !Ql~: At OS/VS sortlMerge installation time, t.he programmer can designate that SortlMerge diagnostic messages be printed on a specified data set. The FLAG option determines whether t.he messages directed to this data set are either uncorrectable-error messages or both informational and uncorrectablele-error SortlMerge messages. In either case, uncorrectable-error messages are displayed on the console. SYSOOT is the default data set that is modified by the FLAG option. If there are DISPLAY or EXHIBIT statements in the COBOL program, the SortlMerge messages cannot be routed to the same data set designated for the output of the DISPLAY andlor EXHIBIT statements. Therefore, one of the following courses of action should be considered: • The SortlMerge default data set should be changed at installa tion time by specifying the PRINT=parameter and selecting a DD name other than SYSOUT. At execution time, the selected DD name must be specified on a DD statement. • In the COBOL source program, a DD name other than SYSOur should be placed in the SORT-MESSAGE special register prior to the SORT statement. At execution time, the selected DD name must be specified in a DD statement. • At compile time, the SYSOUx option can be used to designate a file for COBOL DISPLAY output other than SYSOUT. Therefore, sort/Merge messages can go to the SYSOUT file. USlNG_MOgE_IH!!-Q!~_~QEIL~~RGt-STATE~~NT_I! .L~Q!! More than one SORTIMERGE statement may be used in a single program or in two or more programs that are combined into a single load module. SORT PROGRAM EXAMPLE The control cards in Figure 151 could be used with the sample program that illustrates the Sort feature. A description of the Sort Feature can be found in the publication I!!lL.l~~Q!!Q!:_fQ.£ OS~. •IIISORTEST JOB III III EXEC DD IIISORTJS3 JIICOB.SySIN J J I J I I I I '1IGO.SORTWK01 DO III III IIIGO.SORTWK02 DD III 11/ '1IGO.SORTWK03 DD III III DD III • The inpu t data set and the first intermediate storage data set (SORTWKO 1) • 370 * (COBOL source program) IIIGO.OUTSORT A single t~pe unit may be assigned to two sort data sets when the data sets are one of the following pairs: NY838670165, 'J.SMITH', MSGLEVEL=l COBUCLG ill IIIGo.SYSOUT IIIGO. SORTL! B JI/ IIIGO.INFILE III III DD DO DD XI I I I I I I I I I , I UNIT=2314, xt SPACE=(TRK,(200), XI ,CONTIG) I UNIT=2314, SPACE=(TRK,(200), XI ,CONTIG) I UNIT=2314, XI SPACE={TRK,(200), XI ,CONTIG) I UNIT=183, XI LABEL=(,NL), XI VOLUME=SER=NONE 1 SYSOUT=A I OSNAME=SYS1.S0RTLIB,Xi OISP=SHR I UNIT=182, XI LABEL= (, NL) , XI VOLUME=SER=DUMMY I ~ Figure 151. , XI X, J Sort Feature control Cards The minimum number of SORTiKnn data sets are used; the sort operation can be optimized by using additional work data sets (see the appropriate So£1~~ o 16 Successful completion of Sort/Merge Unsuccessful completion of Sort/Merge g~Q~~me~~~~). SUCCESSFU1_~OMPLETlQN: When a Sort/Merge application has been successfully executed, a completion code of zero is returned and the sort terminates. since repeated use of the sort/Merge feature often involves the same execution time DD statements. the user may wish to catalog them (see "Using the Cataloged Procedures"). communication between the Sort/Merge program and the COBOL program is maintained by the COBOL library subroutine ILBOSMGO. This routine links to the sort/Merge program using the load module name SORT. It is the user's responsibility to set up his LINKLIB/STEPLIB in such a way that an alias or load module name of SORT/MERGE points to the first module of the Sort/Merge program he wishes to use. The programmer must also designate via the appropriate SORTLIB DD statement the library of the sort/Merge program he wishes to use. If the INPUT PROCEDURE option of the SORT/MERGE statement is specified, exit E15 of the Sort/Merge program is used. The return code indicating "insert records" is issued vhen a RELEASE statement is encountered, and the return code indicating "do not return" is issued when the end of the procedure is encountered. If the OUTPUT PROCEDURE option is specified, exit E35 of the Sort/Merge program is used. The return code indicating "delete records" is issued when a RETURN statement is encountered, and the return code indicating "do not return" is issued when the end of the procedure is encountered. (For additional information, about the Sort/Merge program, see the appropriate Sort/M~r~l:Q~uur' s Gull~.) The Sort/Merge program returns a comp letion code upon termina tion. This code may be interrogated by the COBOL program. The codes are: UN~UCCESSFUL_COMP1.ETIQli: If the sort/merge, during e.xecution, encounters an error that will not allow it to complete successfully, it returns a completion code of 16 and terminates. (Poss.ible errors include an out-of-sequence condition or an input/output error that cannot be corrected.) The s.Q.rtLt1.~r.9.g-f£Qg£~m.!!tg~~ §Yil~ contains a detailed description of the conditions under which this termination will occur. The returned completion code is stored in a special register called SORT-RETURN by the COBOL library subroutine; an unsuccessful termination of the sort may then be tested for and appropriate action specified. Note that the contents of SORT-RETURN will change with the execution of a SORT statement. The following is an example of the use of SORT-RETURN with the sort feature: SORT SALES-RECORDS ON ASCENDING KEY CUSTOMER-NUMBER, DESCENDING KEY DAYTE, USING FN-1, GIVING PN-2. IF SORT-RETURN BOT EQUAL TO ZERO, DISPLAY 'SORT UNSUCCESSFUL- UPON CONSOLE, STOP RUN. If no references to SORT-RETURN are made in a program, an unsuccessful sort will generate the following message: IKF888I- UNSUCCESSFUL SORT FOR SD SORT-FILE DDNAME See "Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages" for a description of action to be taken. A normal Sort/Merge operation will produce the following messages from the OS/iS Sort/Merge program: ICE036I, ICE0371, ICE038I, ICE045I, ICE049I, ICE052I. ICE0541, and ICE055I. Other messages may appear depending on the COBOL options specified. If the OS Sort/Merge program product is used, the same messages will appear with the same numbers, but the three-character prefix will be different. Using the Sort/Merge Feature 311 TERMINATING THE SOBT PROGRAM FROM THE COBOL PROGRAM By placing the value 16 in the special register SORT-RETURN during the execution of an input or output proceaure~ the COBOL program can terminate the OS Sort/Merge program product immediately after executing the next RELEASE or RETURN statement. When control returns to the statement following the Sort statement~ the special register SORT-RETURN will contain 16 to indicate an unsuccessful completion. Records defined under a COBOL SD are assigned a BLL {Base Locator for Linkage Section) ~ or a BL (Base locator) if SAME RECORD AREA is specified. Location of a given data item in an object-time dump when the record in which it is contained references a BLL can be determined as follows: 1. From the compilation determine: a. 2. The displacement of the item (see Data Division Map). h. The relati ve address of the BLL CELLS (see the Memory Map Table). c. The BLL number. From the dump~ determine the relocation factor (USE/EP). Add the relative address of the BLL CELLS to the relocation factor to obtain the absolute BLL CELLS address in the dump. 4. Each BLL is 4 bytes long: they are located in ascending sequence~ beginning in the dump at the address computed in Step 3 BLL=1 is the first 4 bytes, BLL=2 is the second 4 bytes, etc. Find the appropriate 4 bytes. 372 1. From the Data Division map, determine the BLL number of the SORT/M.ERGE file being processed at the time of program termination. Assume it is BLLn. 2. From the Task Global Table map, determine the location of the BLL cells in the COBOL object program. 3. The ~th BLL in the main storage dump will point to the last record released to SORT/MERGE. Note: This BLL is initialized vhen control Is-first transferred to the input procedure. Thus, if the program terminates before control ever goes to the input procedure, the BLL will not be initialized. Also, with a USING clause in a SORT statement, the BLL viII not be initialized. listing~ 3. 5. For debugging purposes, it ~s sometimes useful to determine the last input record released to the Sort/Merge program. The following procedure should be used: The 4 bytes obtained in step 4 contain the absolute base address of the desired record. Add the item's displacement to it to obtain the absolute address of the leftmost byte of the field in the dump. ~RT/MERGE CHECKPOINT/REST!!! The CHECKPOINT/RESTART feature is available to the programmer using the COBOL SORT/MERGE sta tement. In order to ini tiate a checkpoint, the programmer uses DO statements and the RERUN clause. The DD statement for use in taking a checkpoint is discussed in "Using the Checkpoint/Restart Feature ••• The RERUN clause is used to indicate that checkpoints are written, at logical intervals determined by the sort/merge program, during the execution of all SORT/MERGE statements in the program. This RERUN clause is fully described in the publication I~~Q~_Fu!! Amg~~D-!atio~l ~ll!!dal:g_~Q]Hll! • The information you give the sort/Kerge program about the application i t is to perform he~ps the sort and merge phases to produce a fast, efficient sort or merge. when you do not supply information such as data set size and record format, the program must make assumptions, which, if incorrect, lead to ineffiency. DATA SET SIZE The most important information one can give is an accurate data set size using the SORT-FILE-SIZE special register. If the exact number of records in the input data set is known, that number should be used as the value. If the exact number is not known, an estimate should be made. When the Sort/Merge program has accurate information about data set size, it can make the most efficient use of both main storage and intermediate storage. MAIN STORAGE REQUIREMENTS If the maximum amount of main storage to be used by the sort/Merge progra m was not specified at installation time, the program assumes a ma ximu.m of 15,500 bytes. The sort program requests 12,000 bytes leaving 3500 bytes for system functions. Performance usually improves as the program is given more main storage. A minimum of 44K bytes of main storage is normally needed for efficient execution of the sort/merge program, and performance may increase as more main storage is made a va ilable. If the amount of main storage was specified at system generation time, it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the Sort/Merge program has at least that much main storage available in addition to the space needed for Data Management and the COBOL program. If this amount of main storage is not available, the program will terminate abnormally. The programmer may alter, dynamically within the COBOL program, the main storage default values for the Sort/Merge program. The SORT-CORE-SIZE special register may be used to communicate changes to the Sort/Merge program. In general, a positive value placed in SORT-CORE-SIZE denotes the amount of storage the progra mmer is allocating for use by the Sort/Merge program. For example, the statement "MOVE 30000 TO SORT-CORE-SIZE" means that 30000 bytes of storage are available to the Sort/Merge program. Accordingly. if 30000 is moved to SORT-CORE-SIZE, COBOL communicates to sort/Merge that 30000 bytes of storage are available to it. There are, in addition, two other uses for SORT-COR E- SI ZE. Special considerations apply when a Sort/Merge program product is used. If the program prod uct is installed with the SIZE=MAX option, the program allocates all reaa1n1ng available main storage in a region for its own use. If an input procedure then attempts to open a file, an 80A abnormal termi na tion may resul t if buffers and necessary data management modules have not already been loaded, since no more space is available. If i~stead, a negative value is placed in the special register prior to execution of the sort, the program uses the default SIZE option specified at installation, but, if S!Z E=MAX was speci fied, sets aside tha t a.bsolu te value before obtaining the remainder. Also, if ALL '9' (or +999999) is moved to SORT-CORE-SIZE prior to a sort operation, the program executes with the SIZE=MAX option, regardless of the installed value, while reserving 6K bytes of main storage for use by the data management routines and buffers. The sort/Merge program product may also be installed with a default reserved main storage parameter that will be used if no negative value is passed from COBOL. For additional information about these options see the appropriate ~QI..tL!1flI.9..LIn§.iaJ..!atiQJl ~glgI.~n£g_~anYal· Changing the main storage allocation can be useful when a sort/merge application is to be run in a multiprogramming environment. By reducing the amount of main storage allocated to sort/merge, so that other programs can have the storage they need to operate simultaneously, the performance of sort/merge is impaired. However, if this allocation is increased, so that a large sort/merge application runs more efficiently, the performance of other jobs sharing the multiprogramming environment is impaired, if not made altogether impossible. The messages generated by the sort/Merge programs Feature are listed in the appropriate ~QI.iL~~£g~_In§.1~1!~liQn igfereli£~~anY~l and ~Q£!L~gI.~g uogran~I.~-1iuid~. When the Sort/Merge program is installed, the user can elect to have messages sent to the printer, in which case a DD card with a ddname of SYSQUT must be included in the job step. The programmer can dynamically alter the ddname of the file on which Sort/Merge is to vrite its messages. If Sort/Merge has been installed with provision for routing its messages to the printer, then the programmec can place in the SORT-MESSAGE special register the ddname that Sort/Merge is to substitute Using the sort/Merge Fea ture .373 forSYSOUT, for message routing. For example, when the statement MOVE "SORTDDNM" '1'0 SORT-MESSAGE is executed before sort is initiated, then the sort writes its printer messages to the data set SORTDDNM rather than to SISOUT. If SORT-MESSAGE is not refered to in the program, the ddname that was specified at sort/Merge installation time is the default value. One technique for specifying the sort/merge print file ddname vould be to include source language and job control language statements as follows: SORTING VARIABLE-LENGTH RECORDS Figure 152 illustrates one way to sort variable-length records described by the OCCURS clause with the DEPENDING ON option. If the FD's (file-name description) and the SD's (sort·file-name description) are defined as in this figure, where the record descriptions of the FDts and the SD correspond, possibilities for error arise. It is suggested, therefore, that the user consider the following: 1. 01 SORT-PARAMETERS. 05 PARAMETER-COUNT PIC 9(4) USAGE COMP. 05 SORT-DDNAME PIC X(8). • SORT SORT-FILE USING INPUT-FILE ••• Imme!!illelY_1ll::g£edinLth~2Qtl oper~lio.!! vould probably lead to incorrect results. This statement implies a READ ••• INTO statement; that is, after INPUT-FILE has been read~ the record is moved to AAA. However, because the user must set the length of this recei vinq field prior to moving 1 to AAA but cannot do so, the compiler may use an incorrect length that results in abnormal termination. Instead, the user should substitute an input procedure for the USING option, as in the section of code labeled PARA2B in the example. IF PARAMETER-COUNT IS NOT EQUAL TO 0 MOVE SORT-DDNAME TO SORT-MESSAGE. //GOSTEP EXEC PGM=program-name, PARM:' SORTDDNM t !Q!~: This technique of assigning a unique value to SORT-MESSAGE without modifying or recompiling the program can also be applied to the special registers SORT-CORE-SIZE, SORT-MODE-SIZE, and SORT-FILE-SIZE. specification of the statement 2. Similarly, the statement SORT SORT-FILE... If the input Decords used are of variable length, the record length that occurs most freguentl y in the input data set (modal lengt~ should be put into the spec ia I register SORT-MODE-SIZE. This value is used to help define a data set based on a particular length. If a value is not specified, the SORT/MERGE program assumes it is equal to the average of the maximum and minimum record lengths in the input data set. If, for example, the data set contains mostly small records and just a few long records, the SORT/MERGE program would assume a high modal length and would allocate a larger record storage area than necessary. Conversely, if the data set contains just a few short records and many long records, the SORT/MERGE program would assume a low modal length and might not allocate a large enough record storage area to sort data. For a complete discussion, see the appropriate SortLlag!:.ili! Programmer' 2 Qgidg. 374 GIVING OUTPUT-FILE would probably yield incorrect results. Before OUTPUT-FILE is written out, the record is moved to AA. The correct length of this receiving field must be set before the moye~ but use of the GIVING option precl udes this. To a void error, the user should substitute an output procedure for the GIVING option, as in section PARA3B of the example. 3. If a SORT record contains an item with an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause and the size of the SORT record description with the minimum number of occurences of the item represent the smallest SORT record, the minimum SORT record length is not reflected in the minimum record length parameter passed to SORT. This may result in inefficient SORT performance. The problem can be avoided by specifying a dummy SORT record of a fixed length (no OCCURS DEPENDING ON) with the size of the smallest SORT record described with OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses. to be sorted or merged. No buffer offset may be given with the sort/merge feature. For sorting ASCII files, the normal EBCDIC collating sequence is provided unless the user specifies otherwise. To specify a sort/merge using the ASCII collating sequence, the proqrammer may include and identify a program collating sequence of STANDARD-1 (equivalent to ASCII). If LANGLVL(1) is specified, the programmer may alternatively include the "C" organization entry in the ASSIGN clause for the file-name associated with the file Through use of the COLLATING SEQUENCE clause of the sort/merge feature, the programmer can ident ify other (non-EBCDIC and non-ASCII) collating sequences to be used. See "Collating Sequences" in the section "Programming Techniques." Using the sort/Merge Feature 315 Part 1 r- IIDENTIFICATION DIVISION. IPROGRAft-ID. VLSORT. IENVIRONBENT DIVISION. ,INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. I FI.LE-CONTROL. t SELECT •••• I SELECT •••• a SELECT •••• I DATA DIVISION. ,FILE SEC'rION. fFD INPUT-FILE. I LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED I DATA RECORD IS A. ,01 A. I 02 B PIC 99. J 02 C OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON B. 03 D PIC 99. J 03 E PIC xx. J IF'D OUTPUT- FILE LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED I DATA RECORD IS AA. I 101 AA. 02 BB PIC 99. I 02 CC OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES J DEPENDING ON BB. J 03 DD PIC 99. 03 EE PIC xx. SD SORT-FILE DATA RECORD IS AAA. 01 AAA. 02 BBB PIC 99. 02 CCC OCCURS 1 TO 10 TIMES DEPENDING ON BBB. 03 DOD PIC 99. 03 EEE PIC xx. , ~----------------, Part 2 •I I I J I •I J J I j J J I J J J J j , • • J I I • using a sort input procedure, the RELEASE ••• FROM clause, which implies a MOVE and then a RELEASE, should always be preceded by a MOVE that sets the length of the receiving' field (AAA, in this example). 2When using a sort output procedure, the RETURN _ •• INTO clause, which implies the RETURN and then a MOVE, should ~!~~ be used. There is no way for the user to set the correct length of the receiving field. 1 When Figure 152. 316 , IPROCEDURE DIVISION. I IPAR1 SECTION. I 1 SORT SORT-PILE ASCENDING KEY BBB I t INPUT PROCEDURE PAR2 I I OUTPUT PROCEDURE PAR3. I STOP RUN. • JPlR2 SECTION. I JPAR2A. I I OPEN INPUT INPUT-FILE. I ,PAR2B. I I READ INPUT-FILE AT END GO TO PAR2C. I I MOVE B TO BBB. I RELEASE AAA FROM A.l I I GO TO PAR2B. I IPAR2C. I I CLOSE INPUT-FILE. I I PAR2-EXIT. I EXIT. I ,PAR3 SECTION. I ,PAR 3A. I t OPEN OUTPUT OUTPUT-FILE. I I PARlB. I , RETURN SORT-FILE AT END GO TO PAR3C.2 J MOVE BBB TO BB. I WRITE AA FROM AAA. I GO TO PAR3B. ,PAR3C. I CLOSE OUTPUT-FILE. IPAR3-EXIT. I EXIT. I I I Sorting Variable-Length Records Whose File-nalle Description and Sort-File-name Description correspond os/vs SORT/MEJGE DEBUG F~!IYj1 A DEBUG control statement may be included a t execution time to assist in debuggin g sort/Berge problems. The ABEND operand of the DEBUG' statement can be used to override the HOIBERD default of the installation keyword ERRET. The format of the COBOL SORT-DEBUG statement is: bDEBUGb operands The operands and their meanings are as follows: ABEND } { NOABEND overrides the generated defaul t for action to be taken when the program encounters an uncorrectable error. CLOCK Instructs the program to measure elapsed and CPU times for the different PEER phases. FLAG (x+ [,x< ••• ,XO]) Instructs the program to print PEER informa tion messages (ICE120-124). The values which may be given to x are as follows: li) 0 C P R E Messages from all phases (ICE120-124) Phase 0 messages ICE120) Phase 1 messages (ICE 121) Phase 2 (partit ion) messages (ICE124) Phase 2 (reduct ion) messages (ICE122) Phase 3 messages (ICE123) CTRO=value The program should keep a count of work I/O operations; when the count reaches "value", it should ABEND. EM=value "Value" should be used as the maximum number of string s to be merged in the final merge pass. RM=value "Value" should be used as the maximum number of strings to be merged in intermediate merge passes. CB=value "Value·' is the number of Phase RB=value "Value If is the num ber of Phase 2 work buffers. EB=value "Value fl is the number of Phase 3 work buffers. BT=value Instructs the program to calculate the blocking factor for intermediate storage in such a way that ttvaluettis the number of buffers per track. For more detailed information on the DEBUG feature and the messages generated by the use of the above operands, see the publication OS/V~~rt/l1er~~gram~2 Q.ui9.!!Operands must be separated by commas. Operands may be continued on a second card either by following the last operand on card 1 by a comma and continuing on card 2 in columns 2-16, or by having a nonblank character in column 72 of card 1 and work buffers. continuing in column 16 of card 2. Comments may be continued on a second card by having a nonblank character in column 12 of card 1 and continuing in column 16 of card 2. Use of the COBOL SORT-DEBUG sta tement requires the following DD statemen t: //SRTCDS DD * DEBUG Statement OS/VS Sort/Merge Debug Feature 311 , Although Release 2 of the OS/VS COBOL compiler will accept a source program containing segmentation specifications, it will not produce an actual overlay structure. Instead, it combines all segments into one single object program in segment order, and allows the paging of the VS operating system to perform any overlay. The absence of actual COBOL-performed overlay is usually not a problem in the OS/VS environment, since adequate main storage is available for even the largest programs. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370 SEGMENT-LIMIT IS 15. The following discussion is provided only for those users who--while recognizing that this compiler will not provide overlay--nevertheless wish to write or maintain programs that include segmentation statements. segmentation provides a means of dividing the Procedure Division of a source program into sections. Through the use of a system of priority numbers, certain sections are designated as fixed segments (either fixed permanent or fixed overlayable) and others as independent segments. suppose that the program SAVECORE is segmented as shown in Figure 153. Only those segments having priority numbers less than the segment limit of 15 are designated as fixed permanent. Sections in the fixed permanent segment (SECTION-1, SECTION-2, and SECTION-4) are those that must be available for reference at all times, or those to which reference is made frequently. They are distinguished here by the fact that they have been assigned priority numbers less than the program's segment limit. Fixed overlayable segments are sections that are less frequently used. These sections are sometimes made available in the state in which they were last used (see I~~_VS CQ]Q~_!Q£_Q~Ll~). They are distinguishable here by the fact that they have been assigned priority numbers greater than the segment limit, but less than 50. Independent segments are those assigned priority numbers greater than 49 and less than 100 (section-5 and section-7 in this example). 378 SAVECORE. DA TA DIVISION. , I , PROCEDURE DIVISION. SECTION-1 SECTION 8. I 1 SECTION-2 SECTION 8. I I I I SECTION-3 SECTION 16. SECTION-4 SECTION 8. SECTION-5 SECTION 50. SECTION-6 SECTION 16. SECTION-7 SECTION 50. , J I J t I I I I• I t J 1 J J t I f 1..-- Figure 153. ----' Segmentation of Program SAVECORE USING THE PERFORM STATEMENT IN A SEGMENTED PROGRAM When the PERFORM statement is used in a segmented program, the programmer should be aware of the following: • A PERFORM statement that appears in a section whose priori ty-nl1mber is less than the segment limit can have within itsra nge only (a) sectionslili th priority-numbers less than 50, and (b) sections wholly contained in a single segment whose priority-number is greater than 49. jQtg: As an extension to American National Standard COBOL, the as/vs COBOL Compiler allows sections with any priority-number to fall within the range of a PERFORM statement. • A PERFORM statement that appears in a section whose priority-number is equal to or greater than the segment limit can have within its range only (a) OS/VS Sort/Merge Debug Fe'atures 378.1 sections with the same priority-number as the section containing the PERFORM statement, and {b) sections with priority-numbers that are less than the segment. limi t. liQte: As an extension to American National Standard COBOL, the OS/VS COBOL Compiler allows sections with any priority-number to fall within the range of a PERFORM statement. • When a procedure-name in a segment with a priority-number less than the segment limit referred to by a PERFORM statement in a segment with a priority-number greater than the segment limit, the independent segment will be reinitialized upon exit from the PERFORM. segment. Called subprograms are loaded with the fixed portion of the main program and assigned a priority of zero. otherwise, the program executes just as if it were not segmented. LANGLVL OPTION AND RE-INITIALIZATION The LANGLVL compile option chosen by the user affects the degree and manner of re-initialization COBOL will perform on independent segments, since there is a difference between the 1968 and 1974 ANS definitions. For further details, consult the language manual I~~-Y~_CO~1-f~Q~L!~. COMPILER OUTPUT OPERATION Execution of the object program begins in the root segment; i.e., the first segment in the permanent segment. If the program contains no permanent segments, or if the first section to be executed in the program is not part of the root segment, the compiler generates a dummy segment thatwill initiate the execution of the first independent segment. All global t~bles, literals, and data areas" are part of the root segment. Called object-time subroutines are also part of the root The output produced by the compiler is a group of segments organized by priority number. Segments whose priority is greater than the segment limit (or 49, if no SEGMENT-LIMIT clause is specified) consist of executable instructions only. The PMAP output is given in this sequence: the root segment first, followed by all other segments in ascending order by priority number. Figure 154 shows the output of a sample segmentation program. Using the Segmentation Feature 319 OOOCl coe02 C0003 00004 COC05 000C6 00007 ccce8 (0009 C(;010 00011 000l~ OCC13 00014 GOe15 \le016 00C17 00018 00C19 00020 cooa 00022 00023 OCC24 00025 OCC26 00027 00028 OCC':5 00030 OOC~l 00e32 00033 CCC34 0(;035 00036 cceH 00038 eOC35 oce40 OOCH 0()e42 00043 00044 C0045 00e46 ~OC47 00048 00e49 OOC~C 00C51 {)OC~2 OOO!:"; 00e54 00055 00e56 00057 00006u 00007u 000081.1 00009u OOOlOu OOOllu 000121.1 00013u 000141.1 000151.1 00016IJ 000171.1 00018IJ u()019u 00020u 000211.1 000221.1 00023IJ 00024u 000251.1 0(0261.1 000271.1 000281.1 00029u 00030u 00031u 00032IJ 00033u 00034u 000351.1 000381.1 00039u 0()040u 000411.1 00042<1 000431.1 u0044U 00045.) 000461.1 000471.1 0004eu 00049\J 00050u 000511.1 00052u 000531.1 00054u 000551.1 00056u 00057u 00058u 000591.1 000601.1 000611.1 000621.1 000631.1 000641.1 Fiqure 154. 380 IDENTIFICATION uIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SE~-SAMPLE. AUTHOR. PROGRAMMER-NAME. REMARKS. SPECIAL OPEKATUR INSTRUCTIONS - NONE. INPUT REQUIKED - NONE. PURPOSE TO CREATE A SINGLE FILE ON DISK USING QSAM/DTFSD, AND READ IT BACK. PROGRAM UStS SEGMENTATION WITH FILE PROCESSING SPREAD OVER THE PERMANENT, OVERLAYABLE FIXED, AND INDePENDENT SEGMENTS. EXPECTED RE~ULTS START TeST SEG-SAMPLE (EACH SeGMENT DIS~LAYS ITS SEGMENT NUM8ER AND FUNI.TlUN) END TEST SEG-SAMPLE SUCCESSFUL RUN SECTION~ WHILE WRITING APPEAR IN ORDeK BU, 20, 30, 60, 40. SECTION~ WHILE READING APPEAR IN ORD~K 80, 60, 30, 40, 20. ERROR INDICATIONS **ERROR DISK SEQ 1/0** **ERROR END OF EXTENT WRITING AFTER (RECORD) •• **ERROK UNeXPECTED EOF READING AFTER RECuRD (RECNO)** **ERROR EOf NOT FOUND** **RECORu IS (RECNO) SHOUlu BE (RECNO)** PROGRAM CONTAINS PERFORMS FROM 8ASE SECTION TO PERMANENT, OVERLAYABLE FIXED, AND INDEPENDENT SEGMENh. ALSO COnlTAINS PERFORMS FROM INDEPENDENT TO PERMANENT AND fROM OVERLAYABLE FIXED TO PERMANENT SEGMENTS. ALSO CUj~TAINS PERFORMS ENTIRELY WITHIN A SEGMENT IN IN EACH CATEGORY. ENVIRONMENT DIV4S1UN. CONFIGURATION S~CTION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. 18M-370. OBJECT-COMPUTER. IBM-370 MEMORY SIZt 6~000 CHARACTERS SEGMENT-LIM4T IS 25. INPUT-OUTPUT SEI.TION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT FILt-l ASSIGN TO DA-2314-S-DKSQ01A. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD FILE-1 RECORDING MuDE IS f LABEL RECORuS OMITTED DATA RECORD IS RECfDl. 01 RECFDl PICTuRE X(83J. WORKING-STORAG~ SECTION. 77 ERRORSW PIC A VALUE SPACE. 77 ERC TFL PIC SS9 VALUE ZERO. 77 MSGHDR PIC X(~2) VALUE '**ERROR DISK SEQ 1/0*.'. Sample segmentation Program (Part 1 of 14) 00154790 00154820 00154830 00154e40 00154850 00154860 00154870 00154880 00154~90 00154900 00154910 00154920 00154940 00154950 00154970 00154980 00154990 00155000 00155010 00155020 00155030 00155040 00155050 00155060 00155070 001550l'0 00155110 00155120 00155130 00155140 00155150 00155160 00155170 001551l'0 00155190 00155200 00155210 00155220 00155230 00155240 00155250 00155260 00155270 00155280 00155290 00155300 00155310 00155320 00155330 00155340 00155350 00155360 OCJe58 OC(!:S 00060 OOOH 000€:2 00e63 eCC€:4 00e65 OeC6i: ooe67 00e68 COC6S 00C70 00071 ooell Lloon (;OC;;4 OCC75 00016 0((77 00078 Loe 7S CtC ec 00C81 00Cf2 00ce3 OOC84 OOCSS 00086 aocn 00088 coe8Ci cc.C9C aocH 0C.CS2 a(JOS3 00094 ac.cCiS OOOS6 ooeC;l OOOCi8 00099 OOlCO 00101 00102 001C3 OOl04 00105 00106 00107 001e8 OOles 00110 OOHl OOll2 00113 00114 000651i 00006.) 000671i 000681i 000691i D00701i ooe71u ooonu OOD73v 000741.1 00075v 00076tJ 000771i 00078u OC079tJ 00080u 00081u 00082u 00083u 00084tJ 000851i 000861i 0008711 00088u OG089u 000901.1 000911.1 00092tJ 000931.1 00094u 000951i 000961i 00097tJ 00098u 000991i 001001i 00101tJ 00l02v 00103v 001041.1 001051i 001061i 00107tJ 00108v ()0109v OOllOv OOlllv 001121i 001l3u 001l4tJ 001151.1 (J01l6v 0011N 001l8v 00lJ.9u 001",Ov 00121v Figure 154. 77 MSGEOX PIC AC3b) VALUE '**ERKOR END OF EXTENT WRITING AF~ER ' . MSGEOF PIC X(37) VALUE '**ERKOR UNEXPECTED EOF READING AFTER '. 77 MSGNEF PIC X(,3) VALUE. '**ERROR EOF NOT FOUND •• •• 01 REC1. 02 REC-ID. 03 REC-HD PI' X(4) VALUE ·RECD·. 03 REC-NO PIC S9(4) VALUE ZERO. 02 FILLER PIC A(75) VALUE SPACES. 66 RECIO ReNAMES REC-ID. 01 VER-REC. 02 VER-ID. 03 VER-HD PIC X(4J VALUE ·RECD·. 03 VER-NO PIC S9(4) VALUE ZERO. PROCEDURE DIVIS£ON. BASE-SECTION SE~TION O. DISPLAY 'START TEST SEG-SAMPLE·. OPEN OUTPUT FIL E-l. PERFORM W-8tJ-0 THRU W-80-9. PERFORM W-3v-0 THRU W-30-9. PERFORM W-ou-O THRU W-60-9. PERFORM W-4u-0 THRU W-40-9. BASE-50. CLOSE FILE-L. OPEN INPUT ~ILc-l. PERFORM R-8U-O THRU R-80-9. GO TO R-60-v. BASE-60. PERFORM R-4u-0 THRU R-40-9. READ FILE-l INTO RECl AT END GO TO BASE-70. DISPLAY MSGriDR DISPLAY MSGNEF MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW. BASE-70. CLOSE FILE-h BASE-90. IF ERRORSW LS eQUAL TO 'E' DISPLAY 'ENu TeST SEG-SAMPLE UNSUCCESSFUL RUN' ELSE DISPLAY 'ENu TtST SEG-SAMPLE SUCCESSFUL RUN'. STOP RUN. SECTION-20 SECTLON 20. W-20-0. DISPLAY 'SE~TION 20 WRITE'. NOTE ENTEREu BY PERFORM FROM W-80-0. PERFORM W-£L-O THRU W-21-9 5 TIMES. W-20-9. EX IT. W-21-0. WRITE RECFDL FROM RECl INVALID KEY DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY MSGcOX RECIO MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO BASE-;)O. ADD 0001 TO REC-NO. W-21-9. EXIT • R-20-0. 00155370 00155380 00155390 00155400 00155410 00155420 00155430 00155440 00155450 00155460 00155470 00155480 00155490 00155500 00155510 00155520 00155530 77 00155550 00155560 00155510 00155580 00155590 00155600 00155610 00155620 00155630 00155640 00155650 00155660 00155610 00155680 00155690 00155700 00155710 00155120 00155730 00155760 00155770 00155780 00155790 00155800 00155810 00155820 00155830 00155840 00155850 00155860 00155870 00155880 00155890 00155900 00155910 00155920 00155930 Sample Segmentation Program (Part 2 of 14) Using the segmentation Feature 381 ce1l5 co lJ.6 ce1l7 00118 00J.l9 001,,0 00121 00122 OC1,,3 00124 00125 00126 00127 OC128 00129 00130 00131 00132 00123 00134 COU5 OOUe 00137 CCUB 001221J 001231J 001241J 001251.1 001260 00l27u 00128v 001291.1 001301.i 001311.1 001321J 001331.1 001341.i 001351.1 001361.i 001371.1 00138u 001391.1 00140;) 001411.1 001421.i 0014301 001441.1 001451J 0013<; 00146.J COHO 00147;) 001481.1 001491.1 001501.1 001511.1 001521.1 001530 00154v oe155u 001561.1 001571.1 001581.1 001591.1 001601.1 001611.1 001621.1 001631.1 0(;1641.1 001651.1 001661J 00167u 001681.1 001691.1 001701.1 001711.1 001721.1 001731.1 001741.1 001751J 001761.i 00n7u 001781.1 CO 141 a0142 00143 00144 00145 C(146 00147 0014e 00149 (0150 C0151 001!2 a 01!3 Cul!4 00155 00156 00157 00158 CO l5S 00160 OOHI caHl 001(:3 a( It4 CO it5 00166 00167 00168 00169 CC 17(; 00171 Figure 154. 382 DISPLAY 'SE~TIUN 20 READ'. NOTE ENTEREO BY PERFORM FROM BASE-40. PERFORM R-2.-0 THRU R-21-9 5 TIMES. R-20-9. EXIT. R-21-0. READ FILE-1 INTO RECl AT END DISPLAY MSGMDR DISPLAY MSGEOF ADD 4 TO ER~TFL MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO R-21-:i. IF REC-ID I~ NuT EQUAL TO VER-ID DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY 'EXPECTED' VER-ID ' FOUND' REC-ID ADD 1 TO ER~TFL MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW MOVE REC-ID TO VER-ID. ADD 1 TO VE~-Nu. R-21-9. IF ERCTFL l~ GREATER THAN 3 GO TO BASE-70. SECTION-30 SECT!ON 30. W-30 .... 0. DISPLAY 'SE~TIuN 30 WRITE'. NOTE ENTEREu bY PERFORM FROM BASE-SECTION. PERFORM W-3!-0 THRU W-31-9 11 TIMES. W-30-9. EXIT. W-31-0. WRITE RECFD~ FROM RECl INVALID KEY DISPLAY MSGMDR DISPLAY MSG~OX RECIO MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO BASE-~O. ADD 0001 TO RtC-NO. W-31-9. EXIT. R-30-0. DISPLAY 'St~TIUN 30 READ'. NOTE ENTEREu BY GO TO FROM R-60-0. PERFORM R-3~-0 THRU R-31-9 11 TIMES. GO TO BASE-oO. R-31-0. READ FILE-l INTO RECl AT END DISPLAY MSGMDR DISPLAY MSGEOF ADD 4 TO ER~TFL MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO R-31-:7. IF REC-ID l~ NOT EQUAL TO VER-ID DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY 'EXPECTED' VER-ID ' FOUND ~ REC-ID ADD 1 TO ER~TFL MOVE IE' TO ERRORSW MOVE REC-IO TO VER-ID. ADD 1 TO VEK-NU. R-31-9. IF ERCTFL I~ GREATER THAN 3 GO TO BASE-70. SECTION-40 SECT!ON 40. W-40-0. DISPLAY 'SE~TIUN 40 WRITE'. NOTE ENTEREu BY PERFORM FROM BASE-SECTION. PERFORM W-4.-0 THRU W-41-9 17 TIMES. Sample Segmentation Program (Part 3 of 14) 00155940 00155950 00155960 00155970 00155980 00155990 00156000 00156010 00156020 00156030 00156040 00156050 00156060 00156070 00156080 00156090 00156100 00156110 00156120 00156130 00156140 00156150 00156160 00156170 00156180 00156190 00156200 00156210 00156220 00156230 00156240 00156250 00156260 00156270 00156280 00156290 00156300 00156310 00156320 00156330 00156340 00156350 00156360 00156370 00156380 00156390 00156400 00156410 00156420 00156430 00156440 00156450 00156460 00156470 00156480 00156490 00156500 00172 00173 00174 00175 00176 00177 00178 00179 00180 00181 00182 00183 00184 00185 00186 00187 00188 00189 00190 00191 00192 00193 00194 00195 00196 00197 00198 00199 00200 00201 00202 00203 00204 00205 00206 00207 00208 00209 00210 00211 00212 00213 00214 00215 00216 00217 00218 00219 00220 00221 00222 00223 00224 00225 00226 00227 00228 001790 001800 001810 001820 001830 001840 001850 001860 001870 001880 001890 001900 001910 001920 001930 001940 001950 001960 001970 001980 001990 002000 002010 002020 002030 002040 002050 002060 002070 002080 002090 002100 002110 002120 002130 002140 002150 002160 002170 002180 002190 002200 002210 002220 002230 002240 002250 002260 002270 002280 ·002290 002300 002310 002320 002330 002340 002350 Figure 154. W-40-9. EXIT. W-41-0. WRITE RECFDl FROM REC1 INVALID KEY DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY MSGEOX RECID MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO BASE-50. ADD 0001 TO REC-NO. W-41-9. EXIT. R-40-0. DISPLAY 'SECTION 40 READ'. NOTE ENTERED BY PERFORM FROM BASE-60. PERFORM R-41-0 THRU R-41-0 7 TIMES. PERFORM R-20-0 THRU R-20-9. R-40-9. EXIT. R-41-0. READ FILE-1 INTO RECl AT END DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY MSGEOF ADD 4 TO ERCTFL MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO R-41-9. IF REC-ID IS NOT EQUAL TO VER-ID DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY 'EXPECTED' VER-ID • FOUND' REC-ID ADD 1 TO ERCTFL MOVE 'Eu TO ERRORSW MOVE REC-ID TO VER-ID. ADD 1 TO VER-NO. R-41-9. IF ERCTFL IS GREATER THAN 3 GO TO BASE-70. SECTI0N-60 SECTION 60. W-60-0. DISPLAY ·SECTION 60 WRITE'. NOTE ENTERED BY PERFORM FROM BASE-SECTION. PERFORM W-61-0 THRU W-61-9 13 TIMES. W-60-9. EXIT. W-61-0. WRITE RECFDl FROM RECl INVALID KEY DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY MSGEOX RECID MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO BASE-50. ADD 0001 TO REC-NO. W-61-9. EXIT. R-60-0. DISPLAY 'SECTION 60 READ'. NOTE ENTERED BY GO TO FROM BASE-50. PERFORM R-61-0 THRU R-61-9 13 TIMES. GO TO R-30-0. R-61-0. READ FILE-1 INTO REC1 AT END DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY MSGEOF ADD 4 TO ERCTFL MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW GO TO R-61-9. 00156510 00156520 001565:30 00156540 00156550 00156560 00156570 00156580 00156590 00156600 00156610 00156620 00156630 00156640 00156650 00156660 00156670 00156680 00156690 00156700 00156710 0015'6720 00156730 00156740 00156750 00156760 00156770 00156780 00156790 00156800 00156810 00156820 00156830 00156840 00156850 00156860 00156870 00156880 00156890 00156900 00156910 00156920 00156930 00156940 00156950 00156960 00156970 00156980 00156990 00157000 00157010 00157020 00157030 00157040 00157050 00157060 00157070 Sample segmentation Program (Part 4 of 14) Using the segmentation Feature 383 00229 C0230 00231 00232 . CC233 e 0234 00235 C0236 00231 (;0238 00239 (;(;240 00241 002~2 0024': 00244 CC245 C024t OC241 00248 OC249 00250 00251 00252 002!:3 00254 00255 e025€: C0251 (;0258 00255 00260 002H 002€:2 002t3 U(;264 002(;5 00U6 00261 00268 002l:S cone 00211 CC212 00213 00214 002361.1 If REC-ID I~ NuT EQUAL TO VER-ID 00237v DISPLAY MSGnDR DIS~LAY 'EXPECTED' VER-ID ' FOUND' REC-ID 0023Bu ADD 1 TO ER~Tfl MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW 00239u MOVE REC-IO TO VER-ID. 00240u ADD 1 TO VEI(-Nu • 002411.1 R-61-9. 002421,) IF ERCTFL I~ GREATER THAN 3 00L43u GO TO BASE-/O. 002441.1 SECTION-BO SECTION BO. 002451.1 H-BO-O. 002461.1 DISPLAY 'SE~TION BO WRITE'. 002471.1 NOTE ENTEREU BY PERFORM FROM BASE-SECTION. 0024Bu PERFORM W-ol-O THRU H-Bl-9 7 TIMES. 00249IJ PERFORM W-21,)~0 THRU W-20-9. (;e250u W-So-9. 00251u EXIT • 00252v W-BI-0. 00,,531.1 WRITE RECfD~ FROM RECl INVALID KEY 002541,) 01 SPLAY MSGnDR 002551.1 DISPLAY MSG~OX RECIO 002561,) MOVE 'E' TO ERkORSW 002571,) GO TO BASE-jO. 0025Bv ADO 0001 TO REC-NO. 002591.1 W-Bl-9. 00260v EXIT. 002611,) R-SO-O. 002621.1 DISPLAY 'SE~TION 80 READ'. 002631.1 NOTE ENTEREu BY PERFORM FROM BASE-50. 002641.1 PERFORM R-S~-O THRU R-81-9 17 TIMES. 002651,) R-SO-9. 002661.1 EXIT. 00267IJ R-81-0. OC26BI,) READ fIlE-l INTO RECl AT END 002691,) DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY MSGEOF 00270u ADD 4 TO ER~TFl MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW 002711.1 GO TO R-Bl-~. 002721,) IF REC-ID l~ NuT EQUAL TO VER-ID OC273u DISPLAY MSGHDR DISPLAY 'EXPECTED' VER-ID ' FOUND' REC-ID 00274u ADD 1 TO ER~Tfl MOVE 'E' TO ERRORSW 00215U MOVE REC-ID TO VER-ID. 002761,) ADD 1 TO VE~-N(). 002771,) R-BI-B. 0027BIJ IF ERCTFL I~ GREATER THAN 3 002791.1 GO TO BASE-IO. 002BOl) R-Bl-9. OC281U EXIT • I NTRNL NAME DNM=2-,,~4 DNM=2-,,54 ONM=2-,,73 DNM=2-~93 ONM=2-~09 DNM=L-~25 ONM=2-~41 ONM=2-~57 ONM=2-~73 DNM=2-~90 DNM=2-'t09 ONM=2-.. ~5 ONM=2-'t'tl ONM=2-'t52 ONM=2-'t70 DNM=2-490 DNM=3-uOO ONM=3-1,).L6 Figure 154. 384 lVl FO 01 S()URC~ FILE-~ RECfD~ 77 17 17 77 77 17 ERRO~~W 01 02 03 03 02 66 01 02 03 03 ERCTFI.. MSGHDI( MSGE01. MSGEOf MSGNE~ RECl REC-Iu REC-HIJ REC-Nu FILLEI( RECIO VER-R~C VER-iu VER-Hu VER-Nu NAME 8ASE OCB=OI BL=1 Bl=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 Bl=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 BL=2 DISPL 000 000 001 003 019 030 062 080 080 080 084 088 080 OD8 008 OOB OOC 00151080 00157090 00157100 00157110 00157120 00157130 00157140 00157150 00157160 00151170 00157180 00151190 00157200 00157210 00157220 00157230 00157240 00157250 00157260 00157270 00157280 00157290 00157300 00157310 00157320 00157330 00157340 00157350 00157360 00157370 00157380 00157390 00157400 00151410 00157420 00157430 00157440 00157450 00157460 00157470 00157480 00157500 00157510 INTRNL NAME DNM=2-234 DNM=2-254 DNM=2-273 DNM=2-293 DNM=2-309 ONM=2-325 ONM=2-341 DNM=2-357 DNM=2-373 DNM=2-390 ONM=2-409 DNM=2-425 DNM=2-441 DNM=2-4-52 DNM=2-470 DNM=2-ft90 DNM=3-000 DNM=3-016 Sample Segmentation Program (Part 5 of 14) DEFINITION OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS 83C lC 2C 22C 36C 37C 23C OCL~3 OCl8 4C 4C 75C OCL~ oeLe OClS os 4: OS 4C USAGE QSAM DIS P DISP DISP-NM DISP DISP DIS P DISP GPOUP GP.OUP DISP DISP-NM DISP GROUP GROllP GROUP DIS P 01 SP-NM R 0 Q M F MEMORY' MAP TGT 00290 SAVE AREA SWITCH TALL Y SORT SAVE ENTRY-SAVE SORT CORE SIZE RET CODE SORT RET WORKING CELLS SORT FILE S IlE SORT MODE SIZE PGT-VN TBL TGT-VN TBL RESERVED LENGTH OF VN TB~ LABEL RET RESERVED DBG R14SAVE COBOL I NDICATOK A(INITU DEBUG TABLE PTR SUBCOM PTR SORT-MESSAGE SYSOUT DDNAME RESERVED COBOL 10 COMPILED POINTErt COUNT TABLE ADUrtESS RESERVED DBG Rll SAVE COUNT CHAIN ADurtESS PRBLl CEll PTR RESERVED TA LENGTH RESERVED PCS LIT PTR DEBUGGING CD FOR INITIAL 4NPUT OVERFLOW CEllS Bl CEllS DECBADR CEllS FIB CEllS TEMP STORAGE TEMP STORAGE-2 TEMP STORAGE-3 TEMP STORAGE-4 BLL CEllS VlC CEllS SBL CEllS INDEX CEllS SUBADR CEllS ONCTl CEllS PFMCTL CELLS PFMSAV CEllS VN CEllS SAVi AREA =2 SAVE AREA =3 XSAS.., CEllS XSA CEllS PARAM CEllS RPTSAV AREA CHECKPT CTR Figure 154. 00290 002D8 002DC 002EO 002E4 002E8 002EC 002EE 002FO 00420 00424 00428 0042C 00430 00434 00436 00437 00438 0043C 00440 00444 00448 0044C 00454 00455 00456 00458 0045C 00460 00468 0046C 00470 00414 00419 0041C 00484 00488 0048C 00490 00490 00498 00't98 004AO 004A8 004A8 004A8 004A8 004BO 004BO 004BO 004BO 004BO 00480 004D8 00520 00580 00580 00588 005B8 00588 00588 0,0588 Sample segmentation Program (Part 6 of 14) Using the Segmentation Feature 385 LITERAL POOL (HEX) OC6A~ OO~CO (l 11+0) (LIT+2 J OC704 (LTL+9,d CC 13e (L Tl+l'rd J CC 714 (L Tl+2&.14.J 007AC (lTL+2"O) 'START TEST ~EG-SAMPLEEND TEST SEG-SAMPlE UNSUCCESSFUL RU' 'NENO TEST S~G-SAMPlE SUCCESSFUL RUNSECTION 20 WRITESECTI' 'ON 20 READEAPECTED FOUND SECTION 30 WRITESECTIDN 30 REA' 'DSECTION 40 WRITESECTION 40 READSECTION 60 WRITESECTION ' '60 READSECT~ON 80 WRITESECTION 80 READ' PGT 005CO DEBUG LINKAGE AKEA OVERFLOW CEllS VIRTUAL CelLS PROCEDURE NAME ~EllS GENERATED NAME ~ElLS DCB ADDRESS CEL~S VNI CELLS LITERALS DISPLAY LITERAL~ PROCEDURE BLOCK CELLS REGISTER REG 6 REG 7 005CO 005CO 005C4 005E4 005E4 00610 00614 006A8 006CC 00704 AS~IGNHENT Bl =2 BL =1 WORKING-STORAuE STARTS AT LOCATION OOOAO FOR A lENGTH OF OOOEO. fFCCEOURE PBL = peL =1 B~OCK .>TARTS Figure 154. 386 ASSIGNMENT REG J.1 AT LOCATIOj'4 000708 STATEMENT 75 SEGMENT ROOT Sample Segmentation Program (Part 7 of 14) ***************ROOT ~EGMENT**************** 1'1 15 7C 000108 *BASE-S EeT ION 000108 DISPLAY 000108 000108 ()001OC 0001EO 0001E2 0001E4 0001ES 0001E8 0001Ee 0007EE OPEN a001FO Figure 154. PN=Ol EQU * PN=02 START 58 BO C 214 58 FO C OOC 05 1F 001.11 10 OuuOl:> Oe~OOl. OC OOuO FFt-F 5ij lU e 050 EQU EQU L L BALR DC DC DC DC De DC L * * 11, 214( 0, 121 15,OOC(O,12) 1,15 X' 0001' X'10' X'OOOOlS' X'OCOO010C' X'OOOO' X'FFFF' 1,050(0,12) 000048 000D4C 000D4E 58 FO C 01C 05 EF 41 FO B 51A L BALR BC lS,01Cl 0,12) 14,15 15,57 A( 0,11) 0·00000 000004 00C006 000008 oooooe 000014 000018 OOOOlA 00001E 000020 000024 000026 00002A 00002e 000030 000034 000038 00003C 000040 000044 000048 000084 000088 000090 00C098 90 18 05 4.5 STM LR BALR BAL DC DC BCR LM BCR 01 BCR LA BCR ADCON ADCON ADCON ADCON AOCON ADCON AOCON OS DC DC DC 14,12,OOC(13) 5,13 15,0 8,010(0,15) X'E2C5C7FOE2C1D4D7' X' E5 E2D9Fl' 0,0 9,15,024(15) 15,15 034( 1) ,X'OZ' 15,14 15,001(0,0) 15,14 L4( INIT3) L4( I NITU L4(1 NI Tl) l4( PGT) L4 (TGTl L4( START! L4(INIT2) 15F X'OOOOOOOO' X'F1F74BF4F64BF3F6' X'C1E4C74040F46B40' X ' F 1 F9 F 1 F6 ' EC D OOC SD FO 80 F 010 E2~se7FOE2elD4D7 E5~2D9Fl 07 00 98 9F F 024 01 FF 96 02 034 07 FE 41 FO 0 001 07 FE OOuOloEE 001.)00000 OO~OOOOO 00v005CO 00uOO~90 001.100108 OOUOlbAE OOuOOOOO Flf14bF4F64BF3F6 Clc4C74040F46B40 FU-9F7F6 1 NITl DC PBL=1 V( 1 LBOaSSO) L IT+36 DCB=1 V(ILBOGD011 PN=016 Sample Segmentation Program (Part 8 of 14) Using the Segmentation Feature 381 ********* ******SEGME,d (Jf PTY 30**************** 133 *SECT lON-30 134 *W-30-0 000052 135 131 DISPLAY PERFuRM 000052 000052 000056 000058 000D5A 000058 000D5E 000062 000064 000066 58 FO C OOC 05 IF OOul 10 00uOl0 OCuOO196 OOtiO FFfF 02 03 o 268 000F90 000F94 000F96 58 FO C 01C 05 EF 47 FO B 7C2 o PN=016 EQU * PN=017 EQU L BALR DC DC DC DC DC DC MVC * 15,00C( 0,12) 1,15 X'OOOl' X'10' X'OOOO10' X'OCOOO196' X'OOOO' X'FFFF' 268(4,13),268(13) L BALR BC 15,01CC 0,12) 14,15 15,7C2(0,llJ 2B8 V( ILBOOSSO) LlT+174 PSV=9 VN=06 V(ILBOGOO1) PN=024 ***************SEGMENT OF PTY 40**************** 167 *SECTlON-40 161: *W-40-0 169 111 000F9A DISPLA Y PERFwkM Figure 154. 388 PN=024 EQU * PN=025 000F9A OOOF9A 000F9E OOOFAO 000FA2 000FA3 000FA6 OOOFAA OOOFAC OOOFAE 58 FO C OOC 05 IF OOul 10 00uOl0 OCIJ001B5 OOuO FFi'F 02 03 D 210 o 200 EQU L BALR DC DC DC DC DC DC MVC * 15, ooce 0,12) 1,15 X'OOOl' X'10' X'000010' X'OCOO01B5' X'OOOO' X'FFFF' 270(4,13),200(13) 001lF6 OOllFA OOllFC 58 FO C 01C 05 EF 47 FO 8 A28 L BALR BC 15, Ole (0,12) 14,15 15,A28( 0,11) sample segmentation Program (Part 9 of 14) V( IlBOOSSO) LlT+205 PSV=l1 V(ILBOGD01) PN=033 VN=09 **********~****SEGHE''iT 203 *SECTlON-60 201t *W-60-0 2G5 2C1 OISPI.AY PERFuRM OF PTY 60************ •• ** 001200 PN=033 EQU * 001200 001200 001204 001206 001208 001209 00120e 001210 001212 001214 PN=034 58 FO C ooe 05 1F OOu1 10 00u010 0(u00104 OOuO FFFF 02 03 0 21C o 2FO EQU L BALR DC DC DC DC DC DC MVC * 15,OOC(O,12) 1,15 X'OOOl' X'10' X'OOOO10' X' oeooo104' X'OOOO' X' FFFF' 21C(4,13),2FO(13) 00144A 00144E 001450 58 FO C 01C 05 EF 41 FO B C 1C L BALR Be 15,01C(O,12) 14,15 15,C1C(0,11) V(IlBOOSSO) L1T+236 PSV=14 VN=013 V(ILBOGOO1) PN=041 ***·***********SEGME,,,T OF PlY 80**************** 231 *SECTION-BO 238 *w-so-o 001454 23<; 241 DISPI..AY PERFuRM Figure 154. 0014"54 001454 001458 00145A 00145C 001450 001460 001464 001466 001468 001166 001168 00176C 00116E 001712 001114 001118 00177e 001180 001184 00118A 00118E PN=041 EQU * PN=042 58 FO C OOC 05 1F 00u1 10 00u010 OCu001 F3 OOuO FFfF 02 03 o 284 o 308 EQU L BAlR DC DC De DC DC DC Mve * 15,00e(0,12) 1,15 X'OOOl' X'10' X'000010' X' OCOO01F3' X' 0000' X'FFFF' 284(4,13),308(13) 05 58 1i 41 1E 50 81 58 58 02 58 01 BAlR L LTR BC ALR ST BXlE L L MVC L BCR 1,0 0,000(0,8) 0,0 8,-010( 0,11 0,11 0,000(0,8) 8,6,000 (11 6,204(0.13) 1,200(0,13) 290(144,13),054(12) 14,054(0,13) 15,14 10 00 00 80 OB 00 86 60 10 8F EO FE 8 000 010 8 1 0 0 0 0 000 000 204 200 290 C 054 054 V( ILBODSSO) LIT+261 PSV=16 VN=016 Bl =2 "Bl =1 VN=Ol VNI=l Sample segmentation Program (Part 10 of 14) Using the segmentation Peature 389 SOURCE *STATlSTICS* *OfT IONS IN EfFECT* *OPT UlNS IN EFFECT* *OPTIONS IN EFFECT* *OPTIONS IN E~FEC T* *OPT UlNS IN EfFECT* *OPTlONS IN EFFECT* DATA DIVISION STATEMENTS = 18 PROCEDURE DIVISION STATEME~TS = 21ft 165 SEQ, 12288 LI NECNT SOURCE 131012 BUF 51 SPACEl, FLAGW, SIZE PMAP, LOAD, NODECK, APOST, NOTRUNC, NOFlOW SXREF, DHAP, NOClIST, NOSUPHAP, NOXREF, NOTERH, NONUM, NOBATCH, NONAME, COMPILE=Ol, NOSTATE, NORESIOENT, NOOYNAM, NOlIB, NOSYNUX OPTIMIZE, NOSYHDMP, NOTEST, VERB, ZIIB, SYST, NOENDJOB, NOlVL DUMP, NOAOV , NOPRINT, NOlST , NuFDECK,NOCDECK, lCOl2, 1120, NOCOUNT, NOVBSUM, NOVBREF, lANGLVL(2J RECORD~ = = CROSS-REFERENCE DICTIONARY [ATA NAMES DfFN REFERENCE ERCTFl 000056 ERROKSW 000055 000123 000231 000090 000197 000076 000191 000122 000108 000089 000212 000089 000121 000235 000094 000214 000082 000211 000156 000143 000107 000226 000131 000263 000109 000227 000083 000225 000192 000171 000122 000230 000151 000261 000123 000231 000088 000246 000226 000213 000126 000241 000161 000211 000121 000249 000092 000261 000262 000248 000142 000262 000125 000230 000111 000088 000261 000108 000088 000261 000126 000232 000146 000106 000128 000265 000180 000121 000159 000266 000216 000141 000160 000268 000251 000155 000143 000106 000117 000121 000213 000141 000248 000155 000125 000230 000129 000126 000232 000163 000128 000265 000199 000159 000266 000233 000160 000268 000269 F IlE-1 LJOOOft6 MSGEOF MSGEOX MSGt-OR 000060 000058 000051 MSGl\iEF REC-HO REC-ID 000062 000065 000064 REC-NU RECFU1 000066 000053 RECIO REC1 000068 000063 VEIl-HD VEIl-I0 000071 (100070 VEFi-NO VER-kEC 000072 000069 Figure 154. 390 sample seqmentation Proqram (Part 11 of 14) 000165 000193 000191 000201 000227 000144 000263 000106 000151 000261 000121 000161 000118 000193 000141 000155 000175 000156 000266 000160 000116 000192 000196 000162 000195 0001~6 000198 000229 000175 000191 000211 000225 0002H 000115 000191 000211 000225 00024-6 000162 000195 000196 ('100198 000229 PROCEDURE NAMES DEFN B~ S E-SEC T ION BASE-50 BASE-60 eASE-l0 000014 000081 000086 e~SE-90 (JOO093 000114 000118 000120 000130 000149 000154 000164 000183 000188 000190 000200 000219 000224 000234 000254 000258 000260 000210 000213 000098 000133 000161 000203 000231 uOO099 000103 000105 000112 000134 000138 000140 000141 000168 000112 uOO114 000181 000204 000208 000210 000217 000238 000243 (J00245 000252 R-20-0 ~-20-9 R-21-0 R-21-9 ~-30-0 R-31-0 R-31-9 R-40-0 R-40-9 R-41-0 R-H-9 R-60-0 R-61-0 R-H-9 R-So-O R-80-9 R-81-0 R-81-8 R-Si-9 S ECTlON-20 SECTlON-30 SECTlON-40 SECT lON-60 SECTION-80 111-20·0 W-20-9 "-21-0 101-21-9 101-30-0 "-3(;-9 W-31-0 "-31-9 w-40-0 W-40-9 k-H-O .. -41-9 101-60-0 "-6C-9 W-61-0 k-H-9 "-8C-0 .. -80-9 .. -81-0 101-81-9 Figure 154. 000D91 REFERENCE 000110 000153 000088 000181 000181 000111 000111 000223 000152 000152 000081 000081 000186 000194 000085 000222 000222 000084 0000S4 000251 000251 000145 000119 000215 000250 000132 000166 000202 000236 000272 000124 000158 000228 000264 000132 000166 000202 000236 0002 .. 2 000242 000102 000102 000018 000018 000131 000131 000080 000080 000111 000111 000019 000019 000201 000201 000071 000011 000241 000241 Sa.pIe seqmentation Program (Part 12 of 14) Using the segmentation Feature 391 F64 ... LEVEL LINKAGE EDITOR OPTIONS SPECIFI ED LIST ,~Bj:F_ DEfAULT OPTION(S) USED - SllE=(196608,65536) ENTRY SEGOSAMP I EWOOOO J EW0201 CROSS REFERENCE TABLE ENTRY COI\TROL SECTION NAME ORIGIN SEGOSAMP 00 ",190 IlBOCOMO* LENGTH 1790 169 IleOOSS * 1900 40A lLEOEXT * 1010 50 1 JlBOGoO * 1060 114 1 Il80QIO * lE18 56E llBDSRV * 23E8 48E IlBOSYN * 2818 440 ILBGBEG * 2CB8 128 IleOCHN * 20EO 1BO IUOCHM * 2f90 388 ILBOMSG * 3320 F2 SEG. NO. 1 1 NAME I LBOCOM 1790 ILBOoSSO 1902 IlBOEXTO NAME LOCATION NAME lOCATION ILBOEXT1 1016 1062 ILBOGoOl 1066 ILBOGo02 lO6A IlBOQIOO 1E1A fLBOSRVO ILBOSRV1 23F2 23F6 ILBOSR5 ILBOSTP1 23F2 23F6 IL80SR3 fLBOST 23F2 23FA ILBOSR ILBOSTPO 23F2 23FA Il80SYNO ILBOSYN4 281A 288A IlBOSYN1 ILBOSYN5 281E 288E flBOSYN2 2882 IlBOSYN3 2~86 I L808EGO 2CBA ILBOCHNO 2DE2 ILBOCMMO 2f92 IlBOCMM1 2F96 IlBOMSGO 3322 SEG. NO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOCATION 5C8 500 508 5EO 2738 2140 2148 REfeRS TO SYMBOL IN CONTROL SECTION SEG. NO. ILBOSR5 Il~OSRIf 1 ILBOSYN1 fLBOSYN 1 ILBOQIOO ILBOQIO 1 ILBOSRV1 ILBOSRV 1 fLBOCOM ILBOCO'40 1 Il808EGO ILBOBEG 1 ILBOSN02 SUNRESOLVEOC W) 1 3418 TGTAL LENGTH ** .... GO DOES NOT EXIST BUT HAS BEEN ADDED TO DATA SET All IHORIZATION CODE IS o. 392 lOCATION 1012 REfeRS TO SYMBOL IN CONTROL SEC TI ON ILBOSRV IL8GSRVO I LBOoSS ILBOOSSO sec ILBOEXTO ILBOEXT 504 IL8CGOO1 ILBOGOO 50C ILBOCllMO I LBOCOMO 448 1L80CHM ILBOCMMO ~13C I lBOMSGO I LBOMSG Li44 I LBOCHN IlBOCHNO 2C40 El\lRY ADDRESS 00 Figure 154. NAME IlBOGoOO 1 lOCAT ION 5C4 LOCATION Sample segmentation Program (Part 13 of 14) START TEST SEG-SAMPLE SECTION 80 WRITE SECTION 20 WRITE SECTION 30 WRITE SECTION 60 WRITE SECTION 40 WRITE SECTION 80 READ SECTION 60 READ SECTION 30 READ SECTION 40 READ SECTION 20 READ END TEST SEG-SAMPLE SUCCESSFUL RUN Figure 154. Sample Seg.entation Program (Part 14 of 14) Using the Segmentation Feature 393 The IBM operating system Checkpoint/ Restart feature is designed to be used with programs running for an extended period of time when interruptions ma y halt processing before the end of the job. The feature may be used when the programmer anticipates any type of interruption, i.e., interruptions caused by machine malfunctions, input/output errors, or intentional operator intervention, etc. It allows the interrupted program to be restarted at the job step or at a point other than at the beginning of the job step. The feature consists of two routines: Checkpoint and Restart. The Check.E.QinL£2 uti!!.~ is invoked from the COBOL load module containing the user's program. It moves information stored in registers and in main storage into a checkpoint record at user-designated points during execution of the program. The programmer specifies these points using the COBOL RERUN clause in the Environment Division. The Restart routine restarts an interrupted program:--Restart can occur at the beginning of a job step, or at a checkpoint if a checkpoint record has been written. The checkpoint record will contain all information necessary to restart the program. Restart can be initiated at any time after the program was interrupted; that is, 1t may be run immediately after the interrupt has occurred, as an automatic restart, or at a later time convenient to the programmer, as a deferred testart. The COBOL RERUN clause provides linkage to the system checkpoint routine. Hence, any cautions and restrictions on the use of tbe system Checkpoint/Restart feature also apply to the use of the RERUN clause. The Checkpoint/Restart feature is fully described in the publication Q.~LVS Ch~£JsEgi n!LR~ ta .rt. In order to initiate a checkpoint, the programmer uses job control statements and the COBOL RERUN clause. The programmer associates each RERUN clause vit.h a particular COBOL file. The RERUN clause indicates that a checkpoint record is to be written onto a checkpoint data set whenever a specified number of records on that file are processed or when end of volume is reached while processing a file. The programmer decides when he wants the checkpoints taken as he codes the RERON clause. T he checkpoint records are written on the checkpoint data set defined by the DD statement and are referenced by system-name in the RERUN clause.. The DO statement describes both a checkpoint data set and a checkpoint method. Checkpoint records on ASCII-collated sorts can be taken, but the system-name indicating the checkpoint data set must not specify an ASCII file. Note: If checkpoints are to be taken durIng a sorting operation, a DD statement called SORTCKPT must be added when the program is executed. The programmer may elect to store single or multiple checkpoints. 2in51le: Only one checkpoint. record exists at any given time. After the first checkpoint record is written, any succeeding checkpoint record overlays the previous one. This method is acceptable for most programs. It offers the advantage of saving space on the checkpoint data set and allows the programmer to restart his program at the latest checkpoint. ~ltip~multiEle contigYQY§l: Checkpoints are recorded and numbered sequen tially. Each checkpoint is sa ved. This method is used when the programmer may wish to restart a program at a checkpoint other than the latest one taken. DD STATEftENT FORMATS The programmer records checkpoints on tape or direct access devices. Following are the DD formats to define checkpoint data sets. For Tape: r-----------------------------------------,XI I//ddname DD DSNAME=data-set-name. 1// 1// VOLUME=SER=volser, UNIT=deviceno_ 1// XI XI MOD is specified for the multiple contiguous checkpoint method. NEW is specified for the single checkpoint method. xl DISP=( {NEW} w PASS >. 1 MOD I 1// DCB=(TRTCH=C>.LABEL=(.NL) l _________________________________________ JI PASS is specified in order to prevent deletion of the data set at the successful completion of the job step, unless it is the last step in the job. If it is the last step, the data set viII be deleted with PASS. Note: The DCB parameter is necessary only for 7-track tape conversion; for 9-track tape it is not used. KEEP is specified in order to keep the data set if the job step abnormally terminated and may be restarted. For Mass Storage: r-----------------------------------------, DD DSNAME=data-set-name. XI !//ddname 1// 1// 1// 1// VOLUME=(PRIVATE,RETAIN, SPACE=(subparms>~ XI XI XI XI :// DISP={ {NEW} "PASS,KEEP) X: SER=volser>~ UNIT=deviceno, The following listings are examples that define checkpoint data sets. Il _________________________________________ MOD JI where: ddname is the same as the ddname portion of the system-name used in the COBOL RERUN clause to provide a link to the DD statement. • To write single checkpoint records using tape: IICHECKPT II II II subparms specifies the amount of track space needed for the data,.set. x X X RERUN ON UT-2400-S-CHECKPT EVERY 5000 RECORDS OF ACCT-FILE. • To wri te single checkpoint records using disk (note that more than one data set may share the same external-name) : IICHEK II II deviceno identifies the device. For tape it indicates the device number for 7-track or 9-track tape. For mass storage. it indicates the device number for disk or drum. VOLUME=SER=ND003, UNIT=2400,DISP=(NEW,KEEP), LABEL= (. NL) ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. da ta-set-name is the name given to each particular data used to write checkpoint records. This name identifies the checkpoint data set to the Restart procedure (see "Restarting a Program .t). volser identifies the volume by serial number. DD DSNAME=CHECK', II II DD DSNAME=CBECK2, X VOLUME=(PRIVATE,RETAIN, X SER=DB030, UNIT=2314,DISP=(NEW,KEEP), SPACE= (TRK,300) X X ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. BERUN ON UT-2314-S-CHEK EVERY 20000 RECORDS OF PAICODE. RERUN ON UT-2314-S-CHEK EVERY 30000 RECORD OF IN-FILE. Using the Checkpoint/Restart Feature 395 • To write multiple contiguous checkpoint records (on tape): IICHEKPT II II II nD DSNAM E=CHECK 3, VOLUME=SER=111111, UNIT=2400,DISP=(MOD,PASS), LABEL= (, NL) x X X ENV IRONlIENT DIVIS 10 N. RERUN ON UT-2400-S-CHEKPT EVERY 10000 RECORDS OF PAY-FILE. [IHJ004I jobname (ddname,unit,volser) CHKPT checkid] where checkid is the identification name of the checkpoint taken. Checkid is assigned by the control program as an 8-digit number. The first digit is the letter C, followed by a decimal number indicating the checkpoint. For example, checkid C0000004 indicates the fourth checkpoint ta ken in the job step. RESTARTING A PROGRAM .HQ!.~:A checkpoint data set must have sequential or partitioned organization. The system Restart routine retrieves the information recorded in a checkpoint record, restores the contents of main storage and all registers. DESIGNING A CHECKPOINT The Restart routine can be initiated in one of two ways: The programmer should design his checkpoints at critical points in his program so that data may be easily reconstructed. For example, in a program using mass storage files, changes to records in these files will replace previous information; thus the programmer should be sure he can identify previously processed records. Assume that a mass storage file contains loan records that periodically are updated for interest due. If a checkpoint is taken, records are updated, and then the proqram is interrupted, the records updated after the last checkpoint will be updated a second time in error unless the programmer controls this condi tion. (He may set up a date field for each record and update the date each time the record is processed. Then, after the restart, by in vestigating the date field he can determine whether or not the record was previously processed.) For efficient re posi tion ing of a print file, the programmer should take checkpoints on that file only after printing the last line of a page. At system generation time, those ABEND codes for which the checkpoints are desired (DEFAULT) must be specified. MESSAGES GENERATED DURING CHECKPOINT The system checkpoint routine advises the operator of the stat us of the checkpoints taken by displaying informative messages on the console. When a checkpoint has been successfully completed. the following message will be displayed~ 396 • Automatically at the time an in terr uption stopped the program • At a later time as a deferred restart The type of restart is determined by the RD parameter of the job control language. The iD parameter may appear on either the JOB or the EXEC sta tement. If coded on the JOB statement, the parameter overrides any RD parameters on the EXEC statement. If the programmer wishes to have his program restart automatically, he codes RD=R or Ro=RNC. RD=R indica tes that restart is to occur at the latest checkpoint. The programmer should specify the RERUN clause for at least one data set in his program in order to record checkpoints. If no checkpoint is taken prior to interruption, restart occurs at the beginning of the job step. RD=RNC indicates that no checkpoint is to be written and any restart will occur at the beginning of the job step. In this case, RERUN clauses are unnecessary; if any are present, they are ignored. If the RD parameter is omitted, the CHKPT macro instruction remains activated, and checkpoints may be taken during processing. If an interrupt occurs after the first checkpoint, automatic restart will occur. Thus, if the user does not want automatic restart, he should always include the RO pa rame ter wi th a code of ei ther RO=NR or RD=NC, both of which suppress the automatic re s·tar t proced ure. If the programmer wishes his program to be restarted on a deferred basis, he skould code the BD parameter as RD=NB. This form of the parameter suppresses automatic restart but allows a checkpoint record to be written provided a RERUN clause has been specified.. At restart time, the programmer lIay choose to restart his program at a checkpoint other than at the beginning of the job step .. The programmer ma y also elect to suppress both restart and writing checkpoints. By coding RD=NC, the programmer, in effect, is ignoring the features of the CheckpointlRestart facil~ty. Automatic Restart Automatic Restart occurs only at the latest checkpoint taken. (I f no checkpoint was taken before interruption, Automatic Restart occurs at the beginning of the job step) • In order to restart automatically, a program must satisfy the following conditions. • A program must request restart by using the RD parameter or by taking a chec kpoi nt. • An ABEND that terminated the job must return a code eligible to cause restart. (For further discussion on this requirement, see the publication Whe neve r au toma tic restart is to occu r, the system viII .reposition all devices except unit-record machines. Deferred restart may occur at any checkpoint, not necessarily the la test one taken. The programmer requests a deferred restart by means of the RESTART paraMeter on the JOB card aarl a SYSCHK DD statement to identify the checkpoint data set. The formats for these statements are as follows: x Iljobname JOB , MSGLEVEL=1. RESTART={request,[checkid]) II //SYSCHK DD DSNAME=data-set.-name* x DISP=OLD,UNIT-deviceno, X II VOLOME=SER=volser II where: MSGLEVEL=l (or MSGLEVEL= (1. y) where y is either 0 or 1) is required. RESTART=(request,[checkid]) identifies the particular checkpoint at which restart is to occur. Request may take one of the following forms: * to indicate restart at the beginning of the job stepname to indicate restart at the beginning of a job step ~I~_Checkpoint/Res1a£t.) • The operator authorizes the restart, with the following pro'cedure'! The system displays the following message to request a uthoriza tion of the restart: xxIEF225D SHOULD jobname.stepname.procstep RESTART [checkid] The operator must reply in the following form: REP LY xx, • {YES I NOJ HOLD} • where YES authorizes restart, NO prevents restart, and HOLD defers restart until the operator issues a RELEASE command, at which time restart will occ uc. stepname.procstep to indicate restart at a procedure step within the jobstep checkid identifies the checkpoint where restart is to occur. SYSCHK is the DDNAME used to identify a checkpoint data set to the control program. The SYSCHK DD statement must immediately precede the first. EXEC sta tement of the resubmi tted job, and must follow any JOBLIB statement. da ta-set-name must be the same name that was used when the checkpoint was taken. It identifies the checkpoint data set Using the CheckpointlRestart Feature 397 deviceno and volser identify the device number and the volume serial number containing the checkpoint data set. following the restart step if they contai.n the form stepname or stepname.procstep referring to a step preceding the restart step. However, if these parameters are used, the preceding step referred to must be specified in the resubmitted deck. As an example illustrating the use of these job control statements, a restart of the GO step of a COBUCLG procedure, at checkpoint identifier (CHECKID) CODODOD], might appear as follows: Iljobname JO B II 1/ /ISYSCHK DD // 1/ ,I1SGLEVEL= 1, RESTART= (stepname.GO,COODODD3) DSNAME=CHEKPT, DISP=OLD,UNIT=2400, VOLUI1E=SER=111111 x X x X When a deferred restart has been successfully completed, the system will display the following message on the console: IHJ0081 johname RESTARTED Control is then given to the user's program that executes in a normal manner. CHECKPOINT/RESTART DATA SETS {DD statements similar to original deck} The Restart routine uses information from DD statements in the resubmitted job to reset files for use after restart; therefore, care should be taken with any DD statements that may affect the execution of the restarted job step. Attention should be paid to the following: • During the original execution, a data set meant to be deleted at the end of a job step should conditionally be defined as PASS rather than DELETE in order to be available if an interruption fo.rces a restart. If the restart is at the beginning of a step, a data set created in the original execution (defined as NEW on a DD statement) must be scratched prior to the restart. If the data set is not deleted, the DD statement must be changed to define it as OLD. • At restart time, input data sets on cards should be positioned as they were at the time of the checkpoint. Input data sets on tape or direct access devices will be automatically reposi tioned by the system. • At restart time, the EXEC statement parameters PG~ and COND, and the DD statement parameters SUBALLOC and YOLUME=REF Jlust not be used in steps If the RERUN clause was executed during the original execution of the processing program, checkpoint entries were written on a checkpoint data set. To resubmit a job for restart ~ben execution is to be resumed at a particular checkpoint, an additional DD statement must be included. This DD statement describes the data set on which the checkpoint entry was written and it must have the ddname SYSCHK. The SYSCHK DD statement must immediately precede the first EXEC statement of the resubmitted job and must follow the DD statement named JOBLIB, if one is present. For both deferred and automatic checkpoint/restart, if Direct SYSOUT writer for the restarted job vas active at the time the checkpoint was was taken, it must be available for the job to restart. For further in format ion, see the publication Q~VS_~hg~kpoin1LBg§~~i· If the checkpoint data set is multivolume, the sequence number of the volume on which the checkpoint entry vas written must be included in the VOLUME parameter. If the checkpoint data set is on a 7-track magnetic tape with nonstandard labels or no labels, the SYSCHK DD statement must con tain DCB: (TRTCH=C, ••• ) • Figure 155 illustrates a sequence of control statements for restarting a job. r-----------------------------------------------.----------JOB MSGLEVEL=l ,REGION=80K, RESTART= (STEP1 ,CHECKPT4) II/PAYROLL IllJo.BLIB IIISYSCHK 1// II/STEP1 Figure 155. 398 DD DD EXEC DS NAME=PRIY. LIB3,DISP=OLD DSNAME=CHKPTLIB, UNIT=2314, VOL=SER=456789, DI.SP= (OLD, KEEP) PGI1=PROG4,TI!E=5 Restarting a Job at a Specific Checkpoint step 1 I• I t I ------------------------~ x If a SYSCHK DD statement is present in a job and the JOB statement does not contain the RESTART parameter, the SYSCHK DD statement is ignored. If a RESTART parameter without the CHECKID subparameter (as in Figure 157) is included in a job, a SYSCHK DD statement must not appear before the first EXEC statement for a job. Figure 156 illustrates the use of the RD parameter. Here, the RD parameter requests step restart for any abnormally terminated job step. The DO statement DDCKPNT defines a checkpoint data set. For this step, once a RERUN clause is executed, only automatic checkpoint restart can occur, unless a CHKPT cancel is issued. from the restarted job. The RESTART parameter has been added to the JOB statement and indicates that restart is to begin with the first job step. The DD statement WORK originally assigned a conditional disposition of KEEP for this data set. If this step did not abnormally terminate during the original execution, the data set was deleted and no modifications need be made to this statement. If the step did abnormally terminate, the data set vas kept. In this case, define a new data set as shown in Figure 157, or change the data set·s status to OLD before resubmitting the job. A new data set has also been defined as the check.point data set. Pigure 157 illustrates those modifications that might be made to control state.ents before resubmitting the job for step restart. ~he job name has been changed to distinguish the original job Figure 158 illustrates those modifications that might be made to control statements before resubmitting the job for checkpoint restart. rIIIJ1234 , JOB EXEC DD 386,SftITH, ftSGLEVEL= l,RD=R "YPROG IIIS1 DSNAftE=INVENT,UNIT=2400,DISP=OLD,VOLUftE=SER=91468, X IIIINDATA LABEL=RETPD=14 III DD SYSOUT=A IIIBEPORT DD DSNAME=T91468, DISP"= (,., KEEP) , UNIT=SYSDA, X IIIWORK SPACE=(3000, (5000,500» ,VOLUKE=(PBIVATE,RETAIN,,6) 'II DD UNIT=2400,DISP={ftOD,PASS,CATLG),DSNAKE=C91468,LABEL=(,NL) IIIDDCKPNT L---______________ __ , ,, , I I I I ---I Figure 156. Using the RD Parameter ,, , r------------------------IIIJ3412 JOB 386,SKITH,ftSGLEVEL=1,RD=R,RESTART=* IIIS1 IIIINDATA EXEC DD IIIREPORT IIIWORK DD DD III III MYPROG DSNAPlE=INVENT,UNIT=2400,DISP=OLD,VOLUKE=SER=91468, LABEL=BETPD=14 SYSOUT=A DSNAftE=S91468,DISP=("KEEP) ,UNIT=SYSDA, X X SPACE=(JOOO,(5000,500»,VOLUME=(PRIVATE,RETAIN,,~ 'IIDDCHKPHT DD UNIT=2400, DISP= (PlOD,PASS, CATLG) ,DSBAftE=R91468 ,LABEL= (, Nt) Figure 157. ftodifying Control Statements Before Resubmitting for step Restart Using the Checkpoint/Restart Feature I I I I J J 399 ----, r- II/J3412 JOB II/SYSCHK DD IIIS1 II/INDATA III EXEC DD IIIREPORT II/WORK DD IIIDDCKPNT DD III III DD 386,SMITH,8SGLEVEL=1,RD=R,RESTART=(*,C0000002) DSNAltE=C91468, DISP=OL D ltYPROG DSHA~E=IBVENT,UNIT=2400,DISP=OLD, VOLtH!E=SER=91468, LABEL=RETPD= 14 5YSOUT=A DSHAME=T91468,DISP=("KEEP),UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE= (3000. (5000,500» , VOLUftE= (PBIVATE, RETAIN" 6) UNIT=2400, DISP= (MOD ,KEEP, CATLG) ,DSNAltE=C91468, LABEL = (, NL) I I f X I I X J , .I 80difying control statements Before Resubmitting for Checkpoint Restart The job name has been changed to distinguish the original job from the restarted job. The RESTART parameter has been added to the JOB statement and indicates that restart is to begin with the first step at the checkpoint entry named C0000002. The DD statement DDCKPNT originally assigned a conditional disposition of CATLG for the checkpoint data set. If this step did not abnormally terminate during the original execution, the data set vas kept. In this case, the SYSCHK DD statement must contain all of the information necessary to retrieve the 400 I t L- Figure 158. , x: checkpoint abnormally cataloged. parameters statement, DSNAl'tE and !iQ.t~: data set. If the job did terminate, the data set was In this case, the only required on the SYSCHK DD as shown in Figure 158, are the DISP parameters. If a checkpoint is taken in a job that is runnin~ when V=R is specified, the job cannot be restarted antil adequa te nonpageable dynamic storage becomes available. A communication environ.ent consists of a central computer. reaote or local' stations. and communication lines between such stations and the central computer. Use of the Communication Feature enables the COBOL programmer to create device-independent programs for communication applications. Communication applications requi~e a spec ia 1. user-vritte n assembler-language program that controls the flow of data between the central computer and the remote stations. This message control program (RCP) also performs such additional tasks required only in a communication environment as dial-up. polling, (or contacting each remote station). and synchronization, as veIl as such device-dependent tasks as character translation and insertion of control characters. The KCP consists of routines that identify the communication network to the operating system, establish line control between the computer and the various kinds of stations, and process messages in a vay tailored to meet the needs of the user. A "message" is the data flowing either froa a remote station to the central computer or from the central computer to a remote station. An KCP is required in a communication system operating under TCAM. Depending on the needs of the installation. one or more COBOL programs may be required to process the contents of the messages. An example of a job needing no application program is message switching, an operation consisting only of forwarding messages unaltered (except for such processing as the KCP may perform) to one or more other stations~ The MCP itself can perform limited processing (for example, examination of the first portion of a message to determine certain routine information and message code translation). Further, the RCP can II station whose control unit is connected directly to a computer data channel by a local cable. obtain the time of day a message is received from a station and transmit this information to a COBOL program. It can also check the input messaqes to determine whether an error message should be sent to the des~gnated station. This section describes the flow of a single-segment message through a system operating under TeAM, from the time it is entered at the remote station to its transmission to a destination station. Figure 159 outlines the flow of a message segment through a TCAM system. The encircled numerals in the flow diagram correspond to the steps listed in the description that follows. Because of the possible variety of both message types and destinations, it is often helpful for the user to precede the message "text" with a message "header" so that the user can transmit to the MCP information essential to handling the text. It is the user who determines which part of the message is the header and which part ls the text. steps 1 ang~: The input message is prepared at the remote station and entered on the line. The message may be keyed in, or i t may be entered from a card or tape reader. The originating station enters the message via a communication line, the transmission control unit, and the multiplexor channel. step 3: The message enters the central computer and is stored, together with the internally generated buffer prefix, in a main storage buffer. As message data fills the buffer, TCAM inserts the necessary control information in the prefix. Before the message characters are placed in the first buffer, TCI~ may reserve space in the buffer for later insertion of the time, date, and sequence number for the message, and for control characters, if appropriate. Once a buffer is filled with the first segment of the message, the MCP controls the flow of tbe buffer through the communication network. The heart of the MCP consists of the message handlers (M8) constructed by the user to process messages from the various lines or line groups. Using the Communication Feature 401 MCP buffer Figure 159. 402 Outgoing Group of MH specified for the line Message Flow between Remote sta tions and a COBOL Program ~tep-!: The incoming message is routed to the incoming group of the ~H specified for the line (by the KH= operand of the DCB macro for the line group in which the line is included). The message is passed, a buffer at a time, through the incoming group, which performs sach user-selected functions on the message header as origin checking, and input sequence-number checking. Similarly, such functions may be performed for the message segment as translating the segment from line code to EBCDIC and causing an error message to be sent to the originating station when the incoming group detects any user-specified error in the segment. In performing its functions, the incoming group of the MH scans and processes header fields based on the relative order of the individual KH macro instructions. The incoming group then rOll tes the message to the destination queue. st~-2: After processing by the incoming group, the message is placed on a destination queue for either the COBOL program, for processing, or an accepting station. (If no message processing is necessary, the next action performed is that described in step 13.) All messages requiring text processing are routed to t.he destination queue for the COBOL program that processes that type of message. The user controls this routing via the message header by placing the name of the destination queue for the. COBOL program in a destination field of the message header or by MH macro instructions such as ftSGTYPE that ma y be used t.o direct messages of a particular type t.o a particular queue. ~t~L2.a.2L-~!i: The message from a destination queue for a COBOL program is placed in a main-storaqe buffer; the outgoing group of an MH (the MH .is created especially for the application program and is assigned to it by the MH= operand of the PCB macro in the KCP) places it on the read-ahead queue, a special queue that allows overlap of KCP and application program processing of messages queued for a particular destination. il~: Each time the COBOL program issues a RECEIVE statement, TCAM passes message data from the read-ahead queue to a user-specifiedvork area in the COBOL program. As the message d~ta is moved to the work area, TCAK removes the header or text. prefix from the buffer. After receiving the message data, the COBOL program processes it as required and then genera tes a response message, if any is to be returned to a station. The destination queues act as buffers between the COBOL TP program and the remote stations. Thus, the COBOL communication program can accept messages from Rep destination queues and place these messages in MCP destination queues as if th.e queues were seque ntia 1 files within a conventional COBOL program. (The sample COBOL program TESTTP 1, shown in Figure 165, reads a sequential file and then sends each record to a destination queue, creating a TCAM data set for the COBOL communication program TESTTP2, shown in Figure 169, making it possible to test a COBOL TP program without terminals.) ~l~~lQ~nd 11: When the COBOL program issues a SEND statement, TCAM moves the data from the work area into an MCP buffer before it is handled by the incoming group of the MH designed for the COBOL program. A header or text buffer prefix is created when data is moved to the buffer, as for other incominq messages. As the message data fills the buffer, TCAM inserts control information in the prefix field. The response message generated by an application program can be any user-selected length. After the buffer is filled. the message is handled by the incoming group of the MH assigned to the application program by the I1H= operand of the PCB macro instruction that provides an interface between the MCP and the COBOL program. ll~lLl~: If further processing of the message is required in another application program, the message is queued for that destination (and Steps 5 through 11 are repeated). If however, no other application program processing is needed, the processed message is placed on the destination queue for an accepting station. The destination is that specified by the COBOL programmer in the file referenced by the SYMBOLIC DESTINATION clause of the output CD. It may be for an application program or a station. St.ID2-11: The destination queue for an accepting station, like the destination queue for an application program, is a part of the message queues data set. TCAM obtains message segments from the destination queue on a first-ended first-out (PEFO) basis within priority groups. ~~~~ng_l~: The message segment is placed in a buffer, and the outgoing group of the MH specified for the line processes the message. The ~H performs such user-selected functions as converting the code of the message to the transmission code for the station (if necessary), inserting the time and data in ~he heaqer, 10gg1n 9 messages, and u pda t ing Ilessage counts. These operations are performed iq the buffers that receive the message segments from the destination queue. Using the Communication Fe~ture 4Q3 st~-1§': TCAM transmits the message. minus the header and text prefixes. to the appropriate station. • Determine the appropriate destination queue for a message and route the message to that queue • Queue the message in the appropriate destination queue jiITIN~! MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRA~ The COBOL programmer can write a message control program (MCP) designed specifically for his communication needs using telecommunications access methods (TCAM) macro instructions. Using a group of TCAM macro instructions, the user follows in general the coding requirements and restrictions of any other assembler-language macro instruction. Guidelines f orwri ti ng an MCP are contained in the publication as/vs TCAM Pr09£~~~ §.uid~. The uper must tailor these general sta t.ements to meet t he needs of the installa tion. The sample message control program that appears in Figure 160 in thi~ cbapter is a hypothetical program designed for specific COBOL applications. The needs of the user will undoubtedly vary from installation to installation. Nevertheless, the sample MCP together with the sample COBOL programs TESTTP1 and TESTTP2 (shown in Figures 168 and 169) ca~ serve as an excellent example of COBOL programs and an MCP written for teleprocessing applications. Note that references to LOG are shown as comments, which would have to be changed to valid statements if that feature was required. If the MCP to be written must conform to the 1974 ANS standard, then Figure 160 must be modified (as explained later in this section) • • Place response messages generated by application programs on queues for subsequent transmission • Retrieve messages from destination queues and prepare them for transmission to remote stations • Perform message-editing functions for outgoing messages • Take periodic checkpoints of the system • Provide operator-to-system communications through system control terminals • Initiate corrective action when an error or unusual condition is detected • Cancel incoming messages containing errors • Reroute messages with erroneous control information to a special queue • Transmit error messages However, not all of these functions are required of an acp. ~any of the optional TCAM macros allow the user to write an MCP that includes functions that would otherwise have to be executed by the COBOL program. There are, nevertheless, some functions the MCP must alvays provide and in so doing follow certain conventions. These requirements are discussed under ~·U ser Tasks." FUNCTIONS OF THE MESSAGE CONTROL PBOGRAM USER TASKS Depending on the requirements of the installation, the user can create an Mep to perform any of the following functions: - Enable and disable communication lines -Invite terminals to transmit messages • Receive messages from terminals • Dynamically assign buffers to incoming messages • Handle messages on the basis of user-specified priorities • Perform message-editing functions for incoming messages 404 Guidelines for writing an MCP are contained in the publication OSLY~_I~!!! f~ogr~m~~£~~~Y!d~: The user must tailor these general statements to meet the specific needs of his installation. For example, a message can be transmitted from one terminal to another, from a terminal to an application program, or from one application program to another. Moreover, the message may contain anyone of several types of data. Regardless of the specific requirements of the user, the MCF writer must always be concerned with four major tasks, as follows: • Defining the main storage buffers used by the "CPfor handling, queueing, and transferring message data between communication lines and queueing devices. • Defining the data sets referred to by the "CP, and providing for their activation and deactivation. • Defining the various terminal and line control areas used by the "CP (that is, the operating procedures and signals by which a teleprocessing system is controlled). • Defining the message handlers .(the sets of routines that examine and process control information in message headers, prepare message segments for forwarding to their destination, and route messages to their proper destination). In carrying out each of these tasks, the user codes a variety of assembler-language macros in a specified order~ Some of these macros must be included in every ltCPi others the user specifies according to the needs of his installation. Required as well as optional macros' are illustrated in the sample "CP given in Figure 160. The encircled numerals in the discussion that follows refer to sections of code that are similarly labeled in the figure. Using the Communication Feature 405 PAGE LOC OBJECT CODE ADDRl ADDR2 STMT SOURCE STATEMENT 3 ASM 0102 19.28 06/07/74 1 ••• 2 • 3 • MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM 4 • 000000 Figure 160. 406 5 MCP CSECT 6 PRINT NOGEN 7 • 8 • IN THE FOLLOWING MACRO-9 • PROGID MAY BE OMITTED--IF USED, IT IS PLACED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE EXECUTABLE CODE IN THE MCP 10 DISK=YES IS THE ASSUMED OPERAND--IFNO MESSAGE QUEUES DATA 11 12 • SETS ARE ON DISK,CODE DISK=NO 13 • CPB= USED IN READING FROM AND WRITING TO DISK--NEEDED IF 14 • DISK=YES--NO. DEPENDS ON NO. OF LINES, AMOUNT OF MESSAGE 15 • TRAFFIC AND SIZE OF BUFFER UNITS 16 • CIB=NO. OF COMMAND INPUT BLOCKS--BUFFER-LIKE AREAS USED TO 17 • CONTAIN OPERATOR CONTROL MESSAGES FROM SYSTEM CONSOLE-FREED ONCE A MESSAGE PROCESSED--2 ASSUMED AND MAX. IS 255 18 PRlMARY=SYSCON--THIS IS ASSUMED AND SPECIFIES THE SYSTEM 19 20 • CONSOLE AS THE PRIMARY OPERATOR CONTROL TERMINAL FOR 21 • ENTERING AND ACCEPTING OPERATOR CONTROL MESSAGES--IF A 22 • TERMINAL IS SPECIFIED, IT MUST BE ON A NON-SWITCHED LINE 23 • AND BE ABLE TO ACCEPT AND ENTER MESSAGES 24 • CONTROL=--USED TO IDENTIFY OPERATOR CONTROL MESSAGES TO SYSTEM 25 • WHEN RECEIVED FROM OTHER THAN SYSTEM CONSOLE--O IS DEFAULT 26 • AND IS VALID ONLY IF ALL OPERATOR COMMANDS ARE TO BE 27 • ENTERED FROM SYSTEM CONSOLE 28 • KEYLEN=--SIZE OF BUFFER UNIT--BETWEEN 33 AND 255-29 • CAN ALSO SPECIFY BY UNITSZ= RATHER THAN KEYLEN= 30 • LNUNITS=--NO. OF BUFFER UNITS TO BE USED IN BUILDING BUFFERS 31 • FOR INCOMING AND OUTGOING MESSAGE SEGMENTS--IF TOO FEW ARE 32 • SPECIFIED, INCOMING MESSAGE DATA MAY BE LOST--TOO MANY 33 • WASTES STORAGE SPACE 34 • MSUNITS=--NEEDED IF HAVE MAIN STORAGE MESSAGE QUEUES DATA SET 35 • --NO. OF BUFFER UNITS ASSIGNED TO THIS DATA SET--IF NO DISK 36 • BACK-UP IS SPECIFIED, MESSAGE SEGMENTS MAY'BE LOST IF NOT 37 • ENOUGH UNITS 38 • MSMAX=--PERCENTAGE OF UNITS IN MAIN STORAGE MESSAGE QUEUES 39 • DATA SET WANT USED BEFORE BIT IN ERROR RECORD SET-40 • 70 ASSUMED 41 • MSMIN=--PERCENTAGE OF UNITS IN MAIN STORAGE MESSAGE QUEUES 42 • DATA SET WANT UNUSED BEFORE BIT SET NOTIFYING NO LONGER 43 • CROWDED--MUST BE LESS THAN MSMAX-44 • 50 ASSUMED 45 • (NOTE--THIS BIT ALWAYS SET IF SPECIFIED PERCENTAGE OF UNITS 46 • UNUSED) 47 • DLQ=--OPTIONAL--USED TO SPECIFY A TERMINAL TO RECEIVE MESSAGES 48 • HAVING' INVALID DESTINATIONS AS DETERMINED BY FORWARD MACRO 49 • INTVAL=--AN OPERATOR CONTROL MESSAGE TELLS TeAM TO ENTER THIS 50 • DELAY TO MINIMIZE UNPRODUCTIVE POLLING--WHEN ALL MULTIPOINT 51 • LINES ARE INACTIVE, THE INTERVAL COMMENCES--LINES TO 52 • SWITCHED STATIONS AND NONSWITCHED CONTENTION LINES LEFT 53 • ACTIVE--THE OPERATOR COMMAND IS A MODIFY COMMAND REFERRED 54 • TO AS 'INTERVAL'--THE NO. SPECIFIES THE NO. OF SECONDS 55 • STARTUP=-IF THIS OPERAND IS OMITTED, THE USER WILL BE GIVEN A Message control Program for Communication Application (Part 1 of 20) PAGE LOC OBJECT CODE ADDR1 ADDR2 • •• CONTROL=PASSWDj ••• (;\ CD ILBON BLQ \.!J READY *.*******~*.***.** •• ***************.************.***** * * PROCESS CONT RO.L BLOCKS **·***·******·A··*····***·****····*****~************* ~ .~ lPPLPCB1 PCB /"i\ MH=A PPLM H, DAT E=Y ESr_ •• COBCKD1 PCB MH=COBCMDMH, BUFSIZE=80 COBCJS PCB \.V MH=COBCJSMH,BUFSIZE=51 * *****.*** ••*********************.*******.***** ••• ***** * * TERMINAL TABLE *********.****************************.*************** TTABLE OPTION COBOPT10 OPTION COBOPT20 OPTION COBOPT3GD_OPTION CMD RDEST@OPTION COBOPTO~ CL9 FL1 FL 1 • XL' 1 eL8 TER~INAL ® TERM1 x OPDATA= (PASSW D T 1,0" C3D6C2D6D7E3F37EA80008), ••• TPROCESS'@ PCB= APPLPCB1, DATE=YES, ••• QUEUE1 TPROCESS@ PCB=APPLPCB1 ,DATE=YES, QUEUE20 x OPDATA=(PASSWD/Q2" 1), •• _ COBTPOU1~ TPROCESS PCB=APPLPCB1, ••• COBOPIN1 ~ TPROCESS PCB= COBCMD1, • •• ® COBOPOU1~TPROCESS PCB=COBCMD1,ALTDEST=COBOPIN1, ~ S BCT ERM=Y ES, OPDATA=(, " , COBOP IN 1) TPROCESS PCB=COB: JS, ••• 0 ® ® ® ****************************************************** * TYPICAL LINE GROUP MESSAGE HANDLER * ****************************************************** LINEMH * .. STARTMH LC= ••• .; IN-MESSAGE SUaGROUPS ILBONBLr ® INMSG INEND * OUT-MESSAGE SOBGIlOOPS OUTM SG H; Figure 166. 442 1.D ® 5X' FF' , RE LE A SE ,CONNECT= AND ANS Standard MCP Requirements (part 1 of 2) OOTEN D ****************************************************** TYPICAL COBOL APPLICATION KESSAGE HANDLER * *********************************************.******** * lPPLftH STARTKH LC= ••• IHHDR FORWARD~ DEST=PUT . OUTHDR SE;EOF@ OUTEND ***************** •• ****.****.**.****.***************** * ENABLE DISABLE OPERATOR :OMKAHD ~ESSAGE HANDLER * ******************** •• ***************************** •• * COBC!!DflH STARTMH LC=OUT INHDR CODE ® NONE FORWARD DEST=Cl'tDRDEST@' INEND OUTEND *****.***.*** ••• *********************.**•••• *••• ****.* * COMMUNICATIONS JOB SCHEDULER (CJS) MESSAGE HANDLER • ••••• *.* •••• *****.** •••• *** •••• **.** •• *** •• **.* •• *.**. COBCJSMH ST ART fiB LC= OUT OUTBND Figure 166. ANS Standard MCP Requirements (Part 2 of 2) This parameter must be coded if ENABLE or DISABLE statements are to be executed by COBOL programs. The value specified constitutes the global portion of the enable disable key and may consist of from one to eight characters without embedded blank comma or slash (" ") characters. CD This macro must be coded if DISABLE INPUT statements (without TERMINAL) are to be executed by COBOL proqrams. executed concurrently and vill execute ENABLE or DISABLE statements. If the Communications Job Scheduler utility (ILBOCJS) is to be executed, a PCB and associated TPROCESS entry must be coged. This option is required if local password protection is desired. This option is required if ENABLE DISABLE INPUT TERIUNAL At least one PCB and its associated TPBOCESS entries must be defined for each COBOL application program that can be executed concurrently (a PCB can be associated with only one application at a time). These PCB's and TPROCESS entries must specify DATE=YES. statements are to be executed by COBOL proqrams. A PCB and tao associated TPROCESS entries must be defined for each COBOL application program that can be This option is required if characteristics are to be specified for symbolic destinations. This option is required if ENABLE DISABLE INPUT statements (withoutTERftINAL) are to be executed by COBOL programs. Using the communication Feature 443 This option allows the same message handler to be used for all PCB's required for ENABLE DISABLE command processing (see item 4). ~he options for this entry specify: 1. a local password value of "P ASSWD Tl". At least one HOLD macro must be coded in the MCP if DISABLE OUTPUT statements are to be executed by COBOL programs. 2. the symholic source represented by this entry may be enabled and disabled (it is initially enabled). This form of the FORWARD macro is requir~d in message handlers that viII process messages from COBOL programs. 3. the symbolic destination represented by this entry has the folloving characteristics: This macro may be used to cause an end of group indica tor lEGI) to be passed to the COBOL program for the next RECEIVE statement executed after receipt of the end of message indica tor (EMI) for the current message. The RECEIVE statement must specify the sam symbolic queue as that for the message causing the SETEOF macro to be executed and will have an accompanying text length of zero. • vertical positioning is supported • forms feed is not supported • the destination has a fixed line size of eight bytes. • record delimiters are not to be inserted between segments. • a test should be made during each SEND to see if this destination is disabled. The absence of the OPDATA option for this entry implies: 1. no local password protection 2. the symbolic input queue represented by this entry may not be disabled. The options for this entry specify: 1. a local password value of npASSWD Q2" 2. the symbolic input queue represented by this entry may be enabled and disabled (it is initially disabled). DATE=YES must be coded for TPROCESS entries representing symbolic input queues and their associated PCB's. This identifies COBOPINl as the destination for TCAM reply messages to operator commands received through COBOPOU1. The value of COBOPINl for the CMDRDEST option together with the FORWARD macro in the operator command message handler will send invalid operator commands back to the originating COBOL program (the program requires a response to each command issued) • 444 This macro must be coded if DISABLE INPUT TERMINAL statements are to be executed by COBOL programs for symbolic sources whose incoming messages are processed by this message handler. This macro must be coded to allow TCAM to detect valid operator commands resulting from ENABLE DISABLE statements executed by COBOL programs. A valid operator command will result if the key phrase of the ENABLE DISABLE statement yields a valid global password. See item 16 for invalid operator commands. This section names the parts of the KCP described earlier. explaining hOlll to arrange them in relation to one another and how to assemble, link-edit, and execute a TCAM KCP. The five sections of an MCP include those previously discussed -- an activation and deactivation section, a data set definition section, a terminal and line control area section. a message handler section -- and an optional user routine section (that is, user subroutines called by a message handler, as well as exit routines referred to by the INTRO macro, by DCB macros, and by the STARTMH macro). The only stipulation about ordering these sections is that the activation and deactivation section must come first. ASSEMBLING, LINK-EDITING, AND EXECUTING AN MCP The assembly, link-edit. and execution steps of a TCAM KCP are similar to these steps for any other problem program running under OS VS. The job control statements given below for these three steps are guidelines only. A typical control card sequence for assembling a TCAM MCP is as follows: II II I QFILE ILOGFILE IISYSABEND 00 DO DO DO OD U.NIT=O 16 UNIT=011 OSNAME=KSGQ,DISP=OLD DSNAME=LOGF,OISP=OLD SYSOUT=A 1. In this example, the KCP has tvo line group data sets, each containing three lines; no checkpoint facility is included. (For a discussion of the DD cards for a checkpoint data set, see the section "Defining the Checkpoint Data Set. It) 2. The QFILE DD statement is for a message queues data set residing on disk; QlILE is the name specified in the ODNAME; operand of the DCB macro for this data set, and MSGQ is the name of the data set specified by the DSNAKE operand of the IEDQDATA DD statement for the IEDQXA utility used to preformat disk message queues data sets residing on disk (see the section "Defining the Message Queues Data sets et ) . 3. If the data set is not cataloged, the UNIT= and VOLUME= operands must be included in the DD statement for the disk message queues data set. 4. The IILOGFILE DD card must be included if the LOG data set is to be used. IIASSEMBLY JOB MSGLEVEL=l EXEC ASMFC 111SM.SYSIN DD * IISTEPl {KCP Source Deck} The following is a typical control card sequence for link-editing an MCP: IILINKEDIT JOB EXEC I SYSPRINT DD OD I SYSLKOD DD IISYSLIB DO ISYSLIN DD IISTEP1 II IISYSUT1 II {llep MSGLEVEL=1 PGM=IEWL,PARM='XBEF,LIST, LET' ,REGIO N= 128K SYSOUT=! UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE= (,1024. (200,20) ) DS NAME=SYS 1. TC AKLI B, D.ISP=OLD DSNAKE=SYS1.TELCMLIB, X OISP=SHR * Object Module} NAME TCAMPROG(R) In this example, the MCP load module is to be placed in a user-created private library called SYS1.TCAMLIB. !Q~: The TCAlI lICP is normally executed as the highest-priority task in the highest-priori ty partition or region in the system. It may have an equal priority, but it should never be assigned a lower priority. A typical control card sequence for executing an MCP is the following: I EXECMCP II IIGOSTEP IISTEPLIB II 11001050 II II IIDD2740 Defini~he Checkpoint Data S~l: one DD statement that mayor may not catalog the data set must be issued for the checkpoint data set. However, if it is not cataloged, th e user should allocate the data set by specifying DISP=(NEW,KEEP) as in the example and subsequent uses of the data set must contain the UNIT= and VOL:SER=keyword operands, given below. IICFILE II II II DD DSNAME=CPDS,UNIT=2314, VOL=SER,DB197, SPACE= (T RK ,(S) ) , DISP= (NEW, KEEP) X X X JOB 'EXECUTE KCP',MSGLEVEL=l, X PBTY=12 EXEC PGM=TCAKPROG,REGION=100K DD DSNAME=SYS 1. TCAMLIB, X DISP=SHR OD UNIT=025 OD UNIT=026 UNIT=021 DO DO UNIT=015 Using the Communication Feature 445 After a checkpoint data set is set up and the MCP has terminated normally, the programmer should replace the DD card described above with one of the following type: DD ICFILE D5NAME=CPD5,DISP=OLD, VOL=5ER=DB197,UNIT=2314 Qg!ininL.Li!!~Q~!!lLQata~et2: The user must include in his jab control statements at least one DD statemen t for each line group data set, but he has tva options for handling these definitions. 1. If a UNITNAME macro is issued for a line group at system generation time, then a single DD statement may be issued for this line group at MCP execution time. For example, a UNITNAME macro could be issued to define a group of lines as follows: should engage the TCAM routine lEDQXA to perform this task prior to initially of a set of job control statements used to inyoke this routine. !2t!: The value given in the KEYLEN parameter must be the same as that specified in the KEYLEN operand of the INTRO macro (see the section "Defining the Buffers tf ) • IIJOBNAME JOB user information IIFORMATQ EXEC PGft=.IEDQXA SY50UT=A IISYSPRINT DD DSN=ftSGQ,DISP=(,CATLG), IIIEDQDATA DD SPACE=(CYL,(5,5)"CONTIG) II UNIT=(2314,1), II VOL=SER=333333, II DCB= (, KElLEN=l 00) II 1* X X X X UNITNAME UNIT=(040,041) N AME=GROUPLIN E Where the two numerals in the UNIT=operand parameter represent the hardware add.resses of two lines in a line group. At execution time for the MCP. the follolling DD statement might be issued for this line group: IlL IS DD UNIT=(GBOUPLINE,2) Where the line group data set would be made up of two lines defined by the UNITNAME macro. 2. 3. A DD statement may be issued for each line in a line grou p, as in the DD cards for line group DD1050 and line group DD2740 in the sample JCt statemen~s given in section "Executing an MCP. II The following DD cards were used to execute the sample message control program shown in Figure 160. IILN1 IILN2 DD DD UNIT=040 (for the 1050 terminal) UNIT=041 (for the TWX terminal) R.~!ining the Ple§sage~~L1!i!ta~~12: The number of message queues data sets required for an MCP depends on the types of queues, which, in turn, depend on the application. TCAM supports three types of data sets -- a main storage data set, a reusable disk set, and a nonreusable disk data set. {For checklists governing specification of the three types of message queues data sets, see the publication ~LACAM programmer.' s §.!!i~~· TCA! expects the disk message queues (both reusable and nonreusable) to be totally preformatted. The COBOL user 446 Two of the chief processing applications for which COBOL programs can be written are inquiry processing and processing collected data. An inquiry-processing COBOL program receives messages from stations, processes the da ta, and then sends replies to the originating stations. Depending on the inquiry, the COBOL program may transmit either the information requested or a message stating that this informa tion is unavailable and telling when it can be provided. The COBOL program that simply processes data collected by a message control program can either operate concurrently with the collection of data by the ftCP or be loaded and initiated at a later time. The sample COBOL communication program TESTTP2 (shown in Figure 171 ) represents an application of processing data. This program accepts messages transmitted from a remote station, formats the message, and then transmits each complete message to the destination specified. The COBOL program TBSTTP1 (shown in Figure 170) simulates terminal input data. The user can, therefore, test an installation-written COBOL TP program by running it with the sample MCP and TESTTP1. TESTING A COBOL TP PROGRAM Depending on the status of an in'stallation' s teleprocessing system, the user can code anyone of three sets of JCL to run a teleprocessing job. A system that is fully' operational has a message control program. with a user-designated message handler for each type of situation expected, as veIl as remote terminal hook-ups. The user whose system is only partially developed or is still in the design stage may, nevertheless, wish to test COBOL teleprocessing programs Using BSAM. According 1" the JCL shown in Figure 161 is for a strictly BSAM situation (that is, for a cOllmunica tion proqra Il that is to be run without TCAM); the JCL shown in Figure 168 is for a quasi-terminal situation (that is, with TCA M but without terminals) ; and the JCL shown in Figure 169 is for a communications job running with a remote terminal. For both the non-terminal and the quasi-terminal situation an input data set must be created. To run a COBOL communications program with a terminal hook-up, only the communications program itself is needed. To avoid unresolved external references from link edit when testinq with BSAM and NORES, the programmer must point to the SYS1.TELCMLIB. (He may choose to override these unresolved references since they vill not effect BSAM testing.) When testing with BSAM and RES, the programmer need not take any extra steps. When testing TCAM the user must provide a LKEO.SYSLIB card for SYS1.TELCMLIB when NORES is specified. A GO.STEPLIB card must be provided for SYS1.TELCMLIB. , ~ IllTESTTPl III t IICOB. SYSIN JOB EXEC DD I I 1 * (Source deck for TESTTP1 program (Figure 163)} IIIGO. TSTTP DDl III II IGO. COBTPOUT DD2 III IIITESTTP2 III IIICOB.SYSIN I I JOB EXEC DD IIIGO.Ql DD3 IIIGo.COBTPOUT DD· III III IIISYSLIB JOB EXECS DD III IIISYSPRINT IIISYSIN I J , I * t UNIT=2400. LABEL= (, NL) , YOL=SER=NI195, DCB= (LRECL=50, BLKS.IZE=50, RECFM:F, DEN=2) UNIT=2314, VOL=SER=231400,DSN=&P1, DISP= (NEW, PASS) , 5 PA CE = (CY L, (1, 2) ) user-information COBUCLG * {Source deck for TESTTP2 program (Figure 166)} 1 * IIIDUMPIT user information COBUCLG DSN=&P1,VOL=SER=231400,UNIT·=2:l14,DISP=(O.LD,PASS) DSN=&P2,VOL=SER=231400,UNIT=2314,DISP=(NEW,PASS), SPACE=(CYL, (1,2» Ilser-informa·tion PG8=xftASPZAP DSNAME=data set to beprinted,UNIT=2314,VOL=SER=231400, DISP=OLD,DCB=DSORG=PS SYSOUT=A DD DD * ABSDU!lP ALL 1 * I , I XJ I X, I I t I • t 1 I xt I I I XI I • I I , f I lotes: I Input sequential file with records of 50 characters each (BS1M JCL). I 12. Output data set that simulates sending messages to a terminal named ·Pl'. ,1. t 13. I t4. I 15. I Input data set that simulates reading messages from a terminal named 'pl'. output data set that simulates sending messages to a terminal named 'P2'. This job prints out the records in the si.ulated data set. inforaa tion, see the publication ~L!S Seuice li!l2.. For further I 16. Par OS YS1: HftASPZAP; for OS VS2: AftlSPZAP. J L Figure 167. Sa.ple JCL for Testing a cOllmunication Job without TCAM. using the Communication Feature 447 r------------------JOB J IITESTTPl •I user information CO BUCLG EXEC DD tl IIICOB.SYSIN I I J * {Source deck for TESTTPl program (Figure l65)} 11* II GO.STEPLI B IIIGo.TSTTP DSN=SYS1.TELCftLIB,DISP=SHB UNIT=2400,LABEL=(,NL),VOL=SER=NI195,DCB=(LRECL=50,BLKSIZE=50, RE CF 11= F, DE N= 2) ON AftE=POUT 1 user information CO BUCLG DD DDI 11 II Go. COBT.POUT DD2 II TESTTP2 JOB EXEC III ' ICOB.SYSIN DD , J II Go. STEPLI B , , DS N=SYS 1. TELCMLIB, DISP=SHR QN AME=Pl QNAME=POUTl user information JIIGo.COBTPOUT JOB ll DUMPIT EXEC .11 DDs lllDISQO 1 fllSYSPRINT DD I I IEDQXC DSN=MSGQ,VOL=SER=DB197,UNIT=2314,DISP=SHR SYSOUT=A I I 11* I1!.Q!ge: I 11. Input sequential file with records of 50 characters each. in BSAM.) I I I 13. I 14. I I 15. I I I I I I I I 1 I * DD DD3 DD· IIIGO.Ql 12. XI {Source deck for TESTTP2 program (Figure 166)} 11* t I I I I J J --------.f , I (This is the same JCt asl I I Output is sent to an MCP message queue named 'Pl', which is defined for processing I by a CO BOL program. I I Input is received from the MCP message queue named ·Pl'. I I Output is sent to an MCP message queue named 'P2', which is defined for processing I by a CO BOL program. I This job prints out records in the MSGQ queue. publication 2SLVS TCA~_E£ogrammgr's Guide. , For further information, see the I I L-- .. Figure 168. Sample JCL for Bunning a Communication Job in a Quasi-Terminal Environment. r----- user information EXEC COBUCLG 1 ITESTTP2 JOB III IIICOB.SYSIN DD ------, * {Source deck for TESTTP2 program ( 154)} I 11* f IIGO.STEPLI B DD 1 GO.Ql IIIGO. COBTPOUT DDt DD2 DSN=SYS1.TELCMLIB,DISP=SHB QNAME=Pl QNAM E=POUT 1 Il1!.Ql~: J 11. I ,2. The input is received from the MCP message queue ·P1'. The output is sent to an MCP message queue defined for a terminal. L- Figure 169. 448 Sample JCL for Running a Communication Job with a Remote Terminal I I J I I I I I -f I f I I I COl!ftUNICATING BETWEEN A COBOL PROGRAM AND THE l!CP The TCAM message control program routes messages between a COBOL teleprocessing program and remote stations. Because the MCP performs the input output operations necessary for the COBOL teleprocessing program, the user must establish an interface between these two programs by doing the following: • Defining the interface • Activating the interface • Transferring messages between the COBOL program and the MCP Any ddname produced by the algorithm above must have a corresponding DD card of the following format: I ddname DD QNAME=procname [ , DCB=BLKSIZE=n ] where procname is the name of the TCAl! Terminal Table entry with Which the input queue is to be associated, and n is the blocksize of the TCAM buffer used by COBOL~ The BLKSIZE parameter is only effective for the first input or output queue opened (COBOL uses a single buffer for all TeAM queues) and has a default value of 200. TPROC~SS IQ~!i!Ying_!h~_Qy~g-2tru£iY£~~fi~itiQ~ Q..2.g_~~!: • Deactivating the interface In each of the sections that follow. both COBOL statements and TCAM macros, as well as their relationship, are described as appropriate. The encircled numerals in this discussion refer to the sections similarly labeled in the sample COBOL teleprocessing program TESTTP2 shown in Figure 171. Q~fininY-lhe Interfac~ The Communication section in the COBOL program and the PCB and TPROCESS macros in the message control program set up the interface between the two programs. !22Qcialing_fQB01_2I!~Qlic~~~~~~~~~it~ I£!~~2.: COBOL associates the symbolic queue names specified in an input CD with TCAM queues according to the following algorithm: 1. 2. If a queue structure definition (created by the queue structure utility, ILBOQSU) exists for the SYMBOLIC QUEUE name in the CD, the SYMBOLIC SUB-QUEUE-1 through SYMBOLIC SUB-QUEUE-3 names are used to derive a VS JCL ddname value from the definition. If a queue structure defini tion does not exist for the SYMBOLIC QUEUE name in the CD and SYMBOLIC SUB-QUEUE-l through SYMBOLIC SUB-QUEUE-3 names contain spaces, the first eight characters of the SYMBOLIC QUEUE name are used as the ddname. The gueue structure definitions created by the queue structure utility, ILBOQSU, are made available to COBOL by specifying the following DD card: I COBTPQD DD data set information !§§Q£ig1inS-~RQL_~Y~~Qlic_~~Na~~2 !!!:£g2: The first eight characters of each symbolic source name used by COBOL must be the name of a TCAM TERMINAL or TPROCESS Terminal Table entry that can act as a source for incoming messages. No special DD cards are required. AS2Q£bgling COBOL Symbolic QgstiD~tiQU Names with TCAM Destinations: The first eight characters of each symbolic destination name used by COBOL must be the name of a TCAM TERMINAL or TPROCESS Terminal Table entry that can act as a destination for outgoing messages. In addition, the following DD card is required: IICOBTPOUT DD QNAME=procname [,DCB-BLKSIZE=N] WHERE PROCNAME IS THE NAME OF A TCAM TPROCESS Terminal Table entry that can act as a source for incoming messages and n is the blocksize of the TCAM buffer used by COBOL. The BLKSIZE parameter is only effective for the first input or output queue opened (COBOL use s a single buffer for all TCAM queues); it has a default value of 200. This DD card is also required if a CD FOR INITIAL INPUT is defined in the COBOL program and the program is scheduled by the CJS. ~~£if~ing_the_~BAnk~LR12A~k~~~~~ 3. If neither of the above steps yields a ddname, the queue is unknown (CD STATUS KEY = '20' ). Int~rfa£~: If ENABLE or DISABLE statements are to be executed by the COBOL program, the following DD cards are required: Using the Communication Feature 449 COBOPOUT COBOPIN DD DD QNAME=procname-1 QNAME=procname-2 where procname-1 is the name of a TCAM TPROCESS Terminal Table entry defined as a secondary operator control station, and 450 procname-2 is the name of a TeAM TPROCESS Terminal Table entry to which operator command reply messages are to be sent (see "ENABLE DISABLE: operator Command Interface") • 001010 001020 001030 001080 001100 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. . T.ESTTP1. DATE-COMPILED. MAY 1, 1974 REMARKS. THE SAMPLE COBOL TELEPROCESSING PROGRAM THAT FOLLOWS SERVES AS A SIMPLE ILLUSTRATION OF THE COBOL TELEPROCESSING FEATURE. THIS PROGRAM READS IN A FILE OF 50CHARACTER MESSAGES, TRANSMITTING THEM ONE BY ONE TO THE SPECIFIED DESTINATION. 001160 001170 001180 001190 001200 001210 002010 002020 002030 002040 002050 002060 002070 003010 003110 003120 003130 003150 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT MASTER-FILE ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-TSTTP. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD PIASTER-FILE RECORDING MODE IS F LABEL RECORDS ARE STANDARD DATA RECORD IS RECORD1. 01 RECORD1 PIC X(50). WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 * IDE NT-S END. 02 I-SEND PIC X(50). SET UP A WORK AREA OF 50 CHARACTERS * * * * THE COMMUNICATION SECTION MUST BE SPECIFIED IN A COBOL PROGRAM THAT IS TO UTILIZE THE COBOL TELEPROCESSING FEATURE. THE COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION (C~ ENTRIES THAT APPEAR IN THIS GROUP OF SOURCE STATEMENTS ESTABLISH THE INTERFACE BETWEEN THE * COBOL OBJECT PROGRAM AND THE MESS AGE CONTROL PROGRAM (MCP). 004010 COM!UNICATION SECTION. 004120 CD CDNAME-OUT FOR OUTPUT 004130 TEXT LENGTH IS TEXTLNTH-OUT * SPECIFY LENGTH OF OUTPUT MESSAGE. 004140 STATUS KEY IS STATKY-OUT * PROVIDE INFORKATION ON PlESSAGE S?ATUS. 004150 ERROR KEY IS ERRKY * PROVIDE ERROR INFORMATION. 004160 SYMBOLIC DESTINATION IS SYKDES. * SPECIFY OUTPUT QUEUE. 004170 005010 PROCEDURE DIVISION. 005020 START-JOB. 005030 DISPLAY 'BEGIN TESTTP1'. * START THE COBOL TELEPROCESSING PROGRAM. 005040 OPEN INPUT MASTER-FILE. * OPEN THE INPUT FILE. 005045 READ-ROUTINE. 005050 READ "ASTER-PILE INTO IDENT-SEND 005060 AT END GO TO END-ROUTINE. * PLACE INPUT RECORDS IN A WORK AREA UNTIL END OF FILE IS REACHED. 006010 SEND-ROUTINE1. 006020 MOVE 'Pl' TO SYMDES. * SET UP OUTPUT DESTINATION. 006040 MOVE 50 TO TEITLNTH-OUT. IDENTIFY MESSAGE LENGTH AS 50. 006060 SEND CDNAME-OUT FROft IDENT-SEND WITH EM!. TRINSMIT A COMPLETE MESSAGE. 006070 PERPOIUI CHECK-SEND THRU CHECK-EXIT. 006080 GO TO READ-ROUTINE. * * * Figure 170. Creating a TCAM Data Set .for Testing without Terminals (Part 1 of 2) Using the Communication Feature 451 * * * * EXECUTE USER-WRITTEN CODE FOR CHECKING ON THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF MESSAGE TRANSMISSION. IF END OF FILE IS REACHED, GO TO END-OF-JOB BOUTINE. OTHERWISE, GET THE NEXT RECORD. 008010 CHECK-SEND. 008020* 008021* 008022* 008030* USER CHECKING ROUTINE FOR DETERMINING THE 008040* SUCCESSFUL COMPLETIOH OF THE SEND. 008050* 008160 008170 CHECK-EXIT. 008180 EXIT. **008180* 008190 011110 END-ROUTINE. 011111 CLOSE MASTER-FILE. * CLOSE THE INPUT FILE. 011150 DISPLAY 'SUCCESSFUL END OF TES!TP1·. * TERMINATE THE PROGRAM. 011160 STOP RUN. Figure 170. 452 Creating a TCAM Data Set for Testing without Terminals (Part 2 of 2) 001010 001020 001030 001080 001100 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGR A!!- I D. TESTTP2. DATE-COftPILED. MAY 1, 1974 RE !!ARKS. THE S A!!PLE COBOL TELEPROCESSING PROGRAM THAT FOLLOWS SERVES AS A SIftPLE ILLUSTRATION OF THE COBOL TELEPROCESSING FEATURE. TRIS PROG RAM SETS UP A DESTINATION FOR INCOMING MESSAGES, AND THEN READS THEM, ONE BY ONE,="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " INTO A WORK AREA. THE PROGRAM BUILDS 50-CHARACTER MESSAGES AND SENDS THEM TO THE ftCP WITH THE END-OY-MESSAGE (EMI) INDICATOR. WHEN ALL THE INCOMING MESSAGES HAVE BEEN PROCESSED, THE MESSAGE 'SUCCESSFUL END OF TESTTP2' IS PRINTED ON THE CONSOLE, AND THE PROGRAM IS TERMINATED. 001120 001130 00 1170 001180 001190 001200 002010 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 003110 003120 01 IDENT-SEND. 02 I-SEND PIC X(50). 003130 { 003160 01 IDEN1'- REC. 003170 02 I-REC PIC X(50). 003190 * THE COMMUNICATION SECTION MUST BE SPECIFIED IN A COBOL PROGRAM * THAT IS TO UTILIZE THE COBOL TELEPROCESSING FEATURE. THE * COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION (CD) ENTRIES THAT APPEA.R IN THIS * GROUP OF SOURCE STATEMENTS ESTABLISH THE INTERFACE BETWEEN THE * COBOL OBJECT PROGRAM AND THE MESSAGE CONTROL PROGRAM (MCP) • COMMUNICATION SECTION. 004120 CD CDNAME-OUT FOR OUTPUT 004130 TEXT LENGTH IS TEXTLNTH-OUT SPECIFY LENGTH OF OUTPUT MESSAGE. 004140 STATUS KEY IS STATKY-OUT * PROVIDE INFORMATION ON OUTPUT MESSAGE STATUS. 004150 ERROR KEY IS ERRKY * PROVIDE ERROR INFORMATION. 004160 SYflBOLIC DESTINATION IS SIMOES. * SPECIFY OUTPUT QUEUE. 004110 **004020 CD CDNAHE-IN FOR INPUT 004030 SYMBOLIC QUEUE IS SYMQ * IDENTIFY INPUT MESSAGE QUEUE. 004040 MESSAGE DATE IS MSGDATE 004050 MESSAGE TIME IS MSGTIME PROVIDE DATE AND TIME OF RECEIPT OF MESSAGE. SYMBOLIC SOURCE IS SY~SOURCE 004060 IDENTIFY THE MESSAGE SOURCE. 004070 TEXT LENGTH IS TEXTLNTH-IN * SPECIFY THE EXPECTED LENGTH OF INPUT ftESSAGE. 004080 END KEY IS ENDKY PROVIDE CODE FOR ACTIVATING END-OF-JOB ROUTINE. ** FOR A RECEIVE MESSAGE: A CODE OF 3 INDICATES END OF GROUP (EGI). A CODE OF 2 INDICATES END OF MESSAGE (EMI). A CODE OF 0 INDICATES RECEIPT OF LESS THAN A MESSAGE. ** FOR A RECEIVE SEGMENT: OF 3 INDICAT.ES END OF GROUP (EGI). * AA CODE CODE OF 2 INDICATES END OF MESSAGE (EMI). A CODE OF 1 INDICATES END OF SEGMENT (ES!) A CODE OF 0 INDICATES RECEIPT OF LESS THAN A SEGMENT. CD * * * * * * * * * * Figure 111. A COBOL Program That Processes TCAM Messages (Part 1 of 2) Using the Communication Feature 453 ** HIERARCHY -- 0, ESI, EMI, ETI-WHEN MORE THAN ONE CONCURRENTLY* HIGH LEVEL APPEARS. 004090 STATUS KEY IS STATKY-IN • PROVIDE INFORMATION ON INPUT MESSAGE STATUS. 004100 MESSAGE COUNT IS MCOUNT. * SPECIFY MESSAGE COUNT FOR INPUT QUEUE. 004110 **002100 PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISPLAY 'BEGIN TESTTP2'. RECV-DATA. 009040 MOVE 'Q1' TO SYMQ. * SET UP INPUT DESTINATION. ~ 009050 RECEIVE CDNAME-IN MESSAGE INTO IDENT-REC 009055 NO DATA GO TO END-ROUTINE. * ACCEPT INPUT MESSAGES, ONE BY ONE, AS ON A SEQUENTIAL FILE. * WHEN ALL MESSAGES HAVE BEEN PROCESSED, INVOKE END-OF-JOB * ROUTINE. 009060 CHECK-RECEIVE. 009070* 00~080* USER CHECKING ROUTINE FOR DETERMINING THE 009090* SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE RECEIVE. 009100* 009110 PROCESS-DATA. 009120* 009130* USER ROUTINE TO BUILD MESSAGE TO BE SENT. 009140* **006010 SEND-ROUTINE1. 006020 MOVE 'P2' TO SYMDES. * SET UP OUTPUT DESTINATION. * NOTE: FOR THE NON-TEFMINAL AND PARTIAL TERMINAL SITUATIONS, * 'P2' SHOULD BE SPECIFIED AS THE SYMBOLIC DESTINATION. FOR * A COBOL PROGRAM RUNNING WITH TERMINALS, 'T1' SHOULD BE * SPECIFIED. 006040 MOVE 50 TO TEXTLNTH-OUT. SPECIFY LENGTH OF OUTPUT MESSAGES. ~ 006060 SEND CDNAME-OUT FROM IDENT-SEND WITH EMI. * TRANSMIT FORMATTED MESSAGE, WITH THE CODE FOR A COMPLETE * MESSAGE. 006070 PERFORM CHECK-SEND THRU CHECK-EXIT. USER-WRITTEN ROUTINE FOR CHECKING MESSAGE TRANSMISSION. * INVOKE ACCEPT THE NEXT MESSAGE FROM THE INPUT QUEUE. 006090 GO TO RECV -DAT A. 007120 008010 CHECK-SEND. 008020* 008030* USER CHECKING ROUTINE FOF DETERMINING THE 008040* SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE SEND. 008050* 008170 CHFCK-EXIT. 008180 EXIT. 008190 011110 END-ROUTINE. 011150 DISPLAY 'SUCCESSFUL END OF TESTTP2'. 011160 STOP RUN. * * Figure 171. 454 A COBOL Program That Processes TCAM Messages (Part~2 of 2)£2!lttQ!~lQ£'!§: In the KCP the user must also code a process control block (PCB) for each active application program running with the KCP. The PCB macro specifies the name of the PCB process control block generated by the macro. The process control block is referred to in the TPROCESS macro (see "Defining the Kep Data sets and Process cont rol Blocks"). The COBOL programmer coding a program for a teleprocessing application initializes work,areas, and activates the COBOL program as for any other QS VS application. In this application, the job begins with the use of the DISPLAY statement "BEGIN TESTTP2," The COBOL programmer need not be concerned with how the interface is activated. The interface is activated when the first RECEIVE or SEND sta temen t is issued. CD ' 0.. l[sBsfer£ing Messages betveen_lh~£QBO~ U2.9.a!!L9.Jl d the MC E. TCAK enables the applicat ion programmer to obtain messages from the KCP and to return response messages to the Mep. Specifically. the COBOL programmer can use either the RECEIVE statement or the SEND sta tellentto transfer data between the MCP and the COBOL program, depending on the direction of the flow of data. Ike RECEIVE ~tatemen!: This COBOL source statement causes transmission of message data from an input queue to a user-specified work area in the COBOL program. In the sample COBOL teleprocessing program shown in Figure 166, the RECEIVE statement, transfers data from the input queue referred to by SIMQ to a work area. The COBOL sentence before the RECEIVE statement is "MOVE '01' TO SIMQ," so the data is received froll Q1. • For an additional example of the format of the RECEIVE statement and the SEND statement, see the section "Procedure Division" in the chapter on "programming Techniq~es". • The amount of data transferred from the Kep to a COBOL pr6gram by a single RECEIVE statement, or transferred from an application program to the MCP by a single SEND statement, is called a "work unit". Each work unit is processed in a user-desianated work area in the COBOL program. Deactivati~he I~te£!~~ As in all American National Standard COBOL programs, the teleprocessing application user returns control to the s~tem by issuing a STOP RUN statement, ®. !Qt~: So that the COBOL program can give control to the STOP RUN statement, the MCP writer should include in the message header a special code for the COBOL program. Although the sample MCP (Figure 160) has an action code field which includes such a code lnthe section of comments immediately preceding the MH1050 message handler, 13 Figure 166 gives control to the STOP RUN statement only when there is no more data. This technique is acceptable for a COBOL program that receives a fixed amount of data, i.e., a program that is not continually looping waiting for data. Alternatively, the MCP macro SETEOF can be used to cause an EGI, which could be used as an indication that STOP RUN processing should be initiated. ® ' Ihe S~ND ~tatement: The COBOL source statement causes data from the COBOL prograll to be placed in an output queue for subsequent transmission. Accordingly, when the outgoing message has b~ formatted, the sample SEND statement, ~ , transmits it to the output destination referred to SYftDES. ~he end-of-message indicator (EMI) signals a complete message. The first sentence in the paragraph labeled "SEBn-ROU'rINE1" is "MOVE 'P2' TO SI!DES." so the data is sent to P2. by The information that follows is a summary of miscellaneous recommendations and or restrictions that apply to the communication between the message control program and the COBOL a pplication program. 1. The parameter DATE=YES must be coded in all input TPROCESS entries whose destination is a COBOL program and the parameter is also required in the PCB macro referenced by the TPROCESS macro. Inclusion of this parameter causes the date and time of message entry to be placed in the MESSAGE DATE and ftESSAGE TIftE clauses of the input CD (see "Communication section" in the Using the Communication Feature 455 chapter entitled "Programming Techniq ues") • 2. The RECDEL= parameter must be coded in the TPROCESS macro of the MCP if the COBOL programmer is to accept (via the RECEIVE statement) or transmit (via the SEND statement) data in SEGMENT mode. The user may either include in the incoming message the delimiter specified in this parameter or insert it via a PlSGEDIT macro (see the section "Designing the Message Handler" in this chapter). 3. The INITIATE macro cannot be used in a message handler for messages whose destination is a COBOL program. This macro would cause the MCP to transmit segments of a message to a destinat.ion queue'· before receiving the complete message. American National standard COBOL, on the other hand, assumes that a complete message has been enqueued. 4. American National standard COBOL removes the last character of a message if it is X'37' (which is the EBCDIC representation for the EOT character). This is the last character of a message from a terminal that has been translated in the MH of the MCP via the CODE macro, or that is not processed in conversational mode (which would have been specified by coding CONV=YES in the STARTMH macro). 5. 456 An execution of the RECEIVE statement with the SEGMENT option results in the setting of the ESI (end of segment) indicator if end of segment is reached. When end of segment is also end of message, an end key of 2 indicating EMI is given. If the last two characters in the message are an end segment indicator and the end of messaqe cha.racte.r, the user will receive the ESI indication first. Another RECEIVE will be necessary to receive the EMI indication. The RECEIVE from the EMI indication will set the TEXT LENGTH field of the input CD to zeros. 6. For a message transmitted from a COBOL program to the location specified in the SYMBOLIC DESTINATION clause of an output CD, the FORWARD macro in the inheader subgroup of the MH for the COBOL program must specify DEST=PUT'as its operand. TeAM allows for a variety of services in support of a COBOL communication system. Some of these services are provided automatically; others the user must specify. Some of the TCAM services are the following: operator control, error recovery, checkpoint restart, message logging, debugging aids, and an on-line test feature. All of these TCAM aids are discussed in the publication OS iS TCA!!. ~Q~~'s GYi~~. This chapter contains information concerning system requirements for the COBOL compiler, execution time, and the sort merge fea ture. Additional information for use in estimating the main and auxiliary storage requirements is contained in the publication Q~~-&2~Q1~QmE!ler Ang 1iR!:a,y Instlllation_Ref~!rn.£~-11aterlll. In most instances, the compiler will perform adequately with a 1.28K SIZE. Hovev~r, compiler efficiency usually increases with a larger SIZE allocation. This is because of the availability of larger buffers for compiler files, and or the reduction or elimination of dictionary spills. Also, certain situations may make a larger SIZE specification not only preferable but necessary; for example: MINIMUM MACHINE REQUIREMENTS • The basic system requirements for use of the COBOL compiler are: • A system 370 model, with the standard and decimal instruction sets. The floa ting-point instr uction set is required if floating-point data items and fractional exponents are used in the program. • Compiler Work Files -- Six utility data sets named SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SUSYT3, SYSUT4, SYSUT5 (if the SIMDMP option is specified) and SYSUT6 (if LYL option is specified). At least one mass storage device, such as an ISM 3340 Direct Access Storage Facility storage Drive, for residence of the operating system and SISUT1. Both the operating system and SUSYT1 may reside on the same volume. The data sets SYSUT2, SISUT3, SYSUT4, SYSUT5 and SYSUT6 can reside on tape or on mass storage. If they reside on tape, there must be a tape volume for each data set. If they reside on mass storage, there must be enough space on the volume to accommodate the data sets. • A device, such as the 3215 Printer-Keyboard,fo'r direct operator communica tion. • A device, such as a card reader or a tape unit, for the job input stream. • A printer or tape unit for the system output file. A large or complex source program. compiling such a program requires more space for compiler internal tables. • User-specified compiler SYSUT data set blocking factors that require large buffers (see Appendix D). On the other hand, while a generous SIZE allocation is usually advantageous, it must not exceed the amount of contiguous problem program storage available to the compiler in the region or partition. The following calculation can be used to obtain a rough approximation of the maximum SIZE allocation possible: SIZE = REGION - X - N where x = total sizes of any other programs in the region (zero if the compiler is alone) N 6K for VS2 6K + (SiA if used) overhead) for VS1 + (any job-step The variable N accounts for storage used or fragmentation caused by the operating system. Under VS1, if the compiler is not the first job step, earlier job steps may have caused additional storage to be used or fragmented by the system, and this storage may not be freed until job termination. (This indefinite loss is noted in the above calculation as 'job-step overhead.') COMPILER SIZE REQUIREMENTS At least 128K (131,012) bytes should be allocated in the SIZE option of the EIEC job control card that requests execution of the compiler. If less than this is specified, the system assumes the default value of 128K. C01tPILAT!Q!!: If the compiler is being executed under 05 VS2, the REGION parameter, specified as 128K bytes in the COBUC anc. COBUCLG cataloged procedures, becomes Hignificant (see the section nUsing Machine Considerations 451 the cataloged Procedures"). If the programmer wishes to override this value, he can specify a region size in either the JOB statement or in the EXEC statement of the compiler. The size specified should not be less than the value of SIZE in the PARM field of the EXEC statement. The following examples illustrate both the default and the ove.rride cases: JOBl ISTEP1 JOB EXEC 1234,J .SMITH COBUC In this example, the programmer accepts the REGION default value of 128K specified in the eOBUC cataloged procedu re. I JOB2 IISTEPl II JOB EXEC 1234,J.SMITH COBUCLG,REGION=196K, PARM.COB:'SIZE=196K' In this example, the REGION default value is overridden. storage assigned via the SORT-CORE-SIZ E special register. Intermediate Data 5ets Under ReleMU SYSIN and SYSOUT data resides in intermediate direct-access data sets. These data sets are used by the system to temporarily hold all of the job's input and output data. For SYSOUT, the programmer must use override statements as described in "Using the cataloged Procedures." output is placed in the SYSOUT intermediate data set. Since nothing is written out until the completion of the job, the programmer must make sure that the SYSOUT data set is large enough to hold all of the possible output data of his program. The SPACE parameter of the DD statement is specified for SYSOUTvith a specified default value. If the programmer determines that his output will exceed the deta ul t value, he can do ei ther or both of two things: 1. S peci fy blocking of his da ta set wi th the DCB parameter of an override DD statement 2. override the compilation step of a compiled procedure by specifying the SPACE parameter. An example of a statement that can be used is: ~!ECUTI01i: Priority schedulers reqllire tha t the REGION parameter be specified for execution of object programs, unless the programmer is willing to accept default reg ion size •. The defa ul t value is established in the input reader procedure. The region size needed for the execution of the object program is the sum of the following values: 1. The size of the object module after it has been link-edited with all of the necessary object time subroutines. 2. The size of the input output buffers being used, multiplied by the blocking factor {physical se qu en tial files are double buffered if no blocking factor is spec ified) • 3. OS VS~ ICOB.SYSPRINT DD UNIT=SYS5Q SPACE=(121,(500,50»,. !Qte: I.f the TRK or CYL subparalleters of the SPACE parameter are used, the programmer should be aware that requests viII differ depending upon the mass storage device used (2314, 3330 ••• , etc.). To avoid this consideration, the average record-length subparameter can be used. EXECUTION TIfiE CONSIDERATIONS The amount of main storage must be sufficient to accommodate at least: The size of the data management routines and control blocks that are used (see the publication 05 V52 • The control program stora~~imat~). • Data management support 4. Any GETftAIN macro inst.ruction executed for USE LABELS, etc. • The load module to be executed 5. An additional 6K bytes. 6. If the Sort Merge feature is used, 15.360 bytes plus any additional main 458 When the OPTlflIZE option is specified, the number of procedure blocks in the program cannot exceed 255. A procedure block is approximately 4096 bytes of Procedure Division code. where COBOL programs compiled with any of the symbolic debuggi~g options (STATE, FLOW, 51ltDMP) have execution time requirements that differ from those of similar programs compiled without these options. If the Slf!DMP option is in effect, the data se-t it required at compile time (5Y5UT5) must be present at execution time. " The total space required for object-time debugging should be calculated as follows: = the number of verbs in the COBOL program (a number that is approximately equal to the number of statements in the program) =(11250 + 5 • 5 5YMDMP 5 + [: SYMDMP] + 5 - 5TN -, I where I 5TN IS I DM I S [5 FLW ] - 5YMDMP + 1 I where: I 5 T5 I I I I = the total space PC I• I I f J I = the space required for the PLOW, option I = the space required for the 5TATE option STH ON SYMDMP = the space required for the SYMDMP option I the number of line control cards with ON options 5 ODOTAB = the size of ODOTAB on the debug file (approximately 27 times the number of unique objects of OCCURS DEPENDING ON statements). I J I I I number of program control cards id = the number of identifiers requested on line-control cards t 5 = the LC = the number of line control cards , S the size of data management required for SYMDMP where = the space allocated once="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " and only once for a run containing a ny object-time debugging options FL1I = I I t t 5 =(12*PC+[19*LC+[8*ON]+7*id]+{S Dbytes TABLES ODOTAB J S 1• -----' ,.- DBG J I TABLES = the size of tables for SYMDMP I 5 S I IS DBG T5 +5 ) bytes DM , FLW 5 TABLES S + [5 =(818+5 DK BSAK ])bytes QSA! = 3700 bytes • 5 DBG • S where =(1208 + 4*nn + 10*P) bytes S BSAM = 800 bytes = the space required for BSAM modules (when not in the LPA) lLV where nn = the number specified in the FLOW=nn paralleter of the EXEC job control statement P = the total number of paragraph- names in a COBOL program =(812 + 5*V) bytes • 5 5TH 5 QSAM = = 1424 bytes the space required for QSAM modules (when not on the LPA) and no QSAM files are used in the prog.ram The input output device requirements for execution of the problem program are determin~d froll specifications made in the Environment Division of the source program. Machine Considerations 459 SORT HERGE FEATURE CONSIDERATIONS • At least one mass storage device (which may be the system residence device) for residence of SYS 1. SORTLI B. The basic requirements for use of the Sort Berge feature are: • 460 A System 370 with sufficient main storage to accommodate the load module to be executed, plus a minimum of 32,000 bytes for execution of the sort merge program, and any additional main storage assigned to the sort merge program via the SORT-CORE-SIZE special register. • At leastth.ree tape units or one .ass storage device for intermediate storage. • The OS VS sort lterge program product, S740-SM1. (If only the Sort feature is to be used--without alternate collating sequence and without Merge--then the OS sort Merge program product, 5734-SM1, would suffice as well.) The following is a sample COBOL program and the output listing resulting from its compilation, linkage editing, and execution. The program creates a blocked, unlabeled, physical sequential file, writes it out on ta pe, and then reads it back in. It also does a check on the field ca.lled NO-OF-DEPENDENTS. All data records in the file are displayed. Those with a zero in the lfO-OF-DEPENDElfTS field are displayed with the special character Z. The records of the file are not altered from the tise of creation, despite the fact that the NO-OF-DEPEIDENTS field is changed for display purposes. The individual records of the file are created using the "eeel 00C02 0(,003 000e4 000e5 OOCCb 00v07 ooeee (;(;OC9 eOCIO 00011 00012 00013 eOC14 O()OlS 0(;C16 ooeH 00e18 oec 19 C0020 00021 COC2~ 0002.3 00024 00025 00C20 o()cn ..1(.1028 00029 C('C30 il{;031 OOC~2 (;OC33 00034 C0035 li0036 00037 subscripting technique. TRACE is used as a debu9ging aid during program execution. The output formats illustrated in the listiog are described in "output." Indi~idual parts of the listing are numbered in accordance with the numbers used in the chapter "Output." Note: This program contains a logic error that causes abnormal termination at execution time so that the use of program checkout facili ties can be illustrated. See the chapter "symbolic Debugging Features." 10001", IDENTIFICATION uiVISION. 10002", PROGRAM-ID. TE~TRUN. 10003v AUTHOR. PROGRAMMER NAME. 10004v INSTALLATION. NE~ YORK PROGRAMMING CENTER. 10005", DATE-WRITTEN. JULY 12, 1968. 10006u DATE-COMPILED. AUG 6,1976. 10007v REMARKS. THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN WRITTEN AS A SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR 10008v COBOL USERS. IT CREATES AN OUTPUT FILE AND READS IT BACK AS 10009", INPUT. 10010v 10011", 10012", 10013v 10014v 10015", 10016u 10017", ENVIRONMENT DIVlSIuN. CONFIGURATION S~CTION. SDURCE-COMPUT~R. IBM-360-H50. OBJEC T-COMPUTt:R. IBM-360-H50. INPUT-OUTPUT SE~TION. F I LE-C ONT="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " ROL. SELECT FILE-l ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-SAMPLE. SELECT FILE-2 ASSIGN TO UT-2400-S-SAMPLE. l()018v DATA DIVI SlONe 10019" fIlE SECTION. 10020", FD FILE-l 10021u LA8EL RECORuS ARE OMITTED 10022", BLOCK CONTAlNS 100 CHARACTERS 10022;:) RECORD CONTAINS 20 CHARACTERS RECORDING MuDE IS F 10023'" DATA RECORD IS RECORD-l. 10024" 01 RECORD-l. HJO~5" 02 FIELD-A PICTURE IS X(201. 10026'" 10027", FD, F ILE-2 10028u LABEL RECORuS ARE OMITTED 10029", BLOCK CONTAlNS 5 RECORDS 10030u RECORD CONTAINS 20 CHARACTERS 10031u RECORDING MUDE IS F 1(;032", DATA RECORD IS RECORD-2. 01 RECORD-2. . 10033" 10034.; 02 FIELD-A PICTURE IS X(201. ;;('C~8 00C39 00040 OOCH 00042 00C43 0(.lC44 J0045 CC(46 ooe41 oeC48 'CC49 C0050 OOOH 00C!2 J(;O!3 eOC!4 10035.; WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 KOUNT PI~TURE S99 COMP SYNC. 10036'" !(l037", 77 NOMBER PICTURE S99 COMP SYNC. 10037;:) 01 FILLER. 10038u 02 ALPHABET PICTURE X(26) VALUE "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN[)PQRSTUVWXYZ". 10039j 02 ALPHA REuEFINES ALPHABET PICTURE X OCCURS 26 TIMES. lO040') 02 DEPENDENrS PICTURE X(261 VALUE "0123401234012340123401234 10041","0". 10042", 02 DEPEND R~DtFINES DEPENDENTS PICTURE X OCCURS 26 TIMES. 10044v 01 WORK-RECORu. 10045", 02 NAME-FIELD PICTURE X. o 10046", 02 FILLER P!CTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 100471.1 02 RECORD-Nu PICTURE 9999. 10048u 02 FILLER P!CTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. 10049", 02 LOCATION PICTURE AAA VALUE IS "NYC". 10050", 02 FILLER P,CTURE X VALUE IS SPACE. Appendix A: Sample Program Output 461 00055 00C56 ace 57 00058 OCOS9 oeceo 00C61 000e2 cect..; 00064 ('CCt5 uuCH 00C67 0':;C68 00e(:9 00C70 OCe 71 0('072 OCCB 0{)C74 CCC75 (;OC76 00077 oce HI OCC 79 C0080 00081 00C82 00CI:3 OOCH 00((5 OOCH 462 02 NO-OF-DEPENDENTS PICTURE xx. 02 FILLER PlCTURE X(7) VALUE IS SPACES. 01 RECORDA. 02 A PI~TUKE S9(4) VALUE 1234. 100S2~ 02 B R~uEFINES A PICTURE S9(7) COMPUTATIONAL-3. l0053v PROCEDURE DIVISlON. 10054v BEGIN. l0055u* TnE FOLLOWING OPENS THE OUTPUT FILE TO BE :REATED lOOS6u * AND INlTIAUZES COUNTERS. 10057v STEP-l. OPEN OUTPUT FILE-1. MOVE ZERO TO KOUNT NOMBER. 100S8v* THE fOLLOWING CREATES INTERNALLY THE RECORDS TO BE l0059v* CONTAINED ll~ THE FILE, WRITES THEM ON TAPE, ANO DISPLAYS 10060u* THEM ON THE CONSOLE. !006lu STEP-2. ADD 1 Tu KuUNT, ADD 1 TO NOMBER, MOVE ALPHA (KOUNT) TO l0062~ NAME-fIELD. lC063u MOVE DEPEND (KuUNT) TO NO-OF-DEPENDENTS. 10004v MOVE NOMBER TO RECORD-NO. 1006Sv STEP-3. DISPLAY WORK-RECORD UPON CONSULE. WRITE RECORD-1 fROM 10066u WORK-RECORD. 10067v STEP-4. PERFORM STEP-2 THRU STEP-3 UNTIL KOUNT IS EQUAL TO 26. 10008v* THE fOLLOWING CLOSES OUTPUT AND REOPENS IT AS 10C69V* INPUT. 10070u STEP-So CLOSE f~lE-1. OPEN INPUT FILE-2. 10071u* THE FOLLOWING READS BACK THE FILE AND SI~GLES OUT 10072U· EMPLOYEES WlTH NO DEPENDENTS. 10073v STEP-6. READ FI~E-2 RECORD INTO WORK-RECORD AT END GO TO STEP-8. l0073~ COMPUTE 0 = B + 1. 10074v STEP-7. IF NO-~f-D~PENDENTS IS EQUAL TO "0" MOVE HZ" TO lCC7Sv NO-OF-DEPENuENTS. EXHIBIT NAMED WORK-RECORD. GO TO 10070u STEP-b. 10077v STEP-8. CLOSE fAlE-2. 10078u STOP RUN. I NTRNL NAME OISPl BASE LVL SOURCe: NAME I NTKNL NAME DNM=1-148 OCB=01 fD FIlE-~ DNM=1-J.48, DNM=1-168 000 BL=1 01 RECORLl-1 DNM=1- ... 68 DNM=I-189 000 BL=l 02 fIELD-A DNM=1-J.89 DNM=l-206 DCB=02 fD FILE-~ DNM=.L-~06 ONM="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; 1-330" 000 BL=2 01 RECORIJ-2 DNM=1-,26 DNM=1-247 000 Bl=2 02 fIELD-A DNM=1-,,47 DNM=1-267 000 BL=3 77 KOUNT DNM=1-,b7 DNM=1.,..282 BL='3 002 77 NOMBEK DNM=l-d>2 DN!o1=1-298 008 BL=3 01 FlLLEK DNM=1-~98 DNM=I-312 008 BL=3 ()2 ALPHAoET DNM=1-.;.L2 DNM=1-330 008 BL=3 02 ALPHA ON/II=1-.:>30 DNM= 1-348 022 BL=3 02 DEPEN~ENTS DNM=1-.;48 ONM=I-368 022 BL=3 02 DEPENLl DNM=1-.:>68 DN!o1= 1-384 040 Bl=3 01 WORK-KECURD ONM=l-.;84 DNM=1-ftOS 040 BL=3 02 NAME-dElD DNM=1-.. 08 ONM=1-42B 041 BL=3 02 FILLEn. DNM=1--.28 ONM=1-442 042 BL=3 02 RECORu-NU DNM=1-' t42 ONM=1-461 046 BL=3 02 fIlLEo{ DNM=1-'t01 DNM=1-47S 047 BL=3 02 LOCAT lON DNM=1-.. 75 ONM=lt493 04A BL=3 02 FlllEri. DNM=1-.. 93 DNM=2-000 04B BL=3 02 NO-Of-D~PENDENTS DNM=2-uOO ONM=2-026 040 BL=3 02 FILLEK DNM=2-U26 ONM=2-0ftO 058 BL=3 01 RECORJA DNM=2-u40 ONM=2-060 058 BL=3 02 A DNM=2-u60 DNM=2-01l 058 6L=3 02 B DNM=~-v71 100S1~ 10052u 100521 10052, DEFINITION OS OCL20 OS 20C OS OCL20 OS 20C OS 1H OS IH OS OCL52 OS 2bC OS IC OS 26e OS 1C OS OCL20 OS 1C OS IC OS 4C OS 1C OS 3C OS 1C OS 2C OS 7C OS OCLft OS 4C OS 4P L1SAGE QSAM GROUP DISP QSAM GP.OUP OISP COMP COMP GROUP OISP OISP OISP DISP GROUP OISP DtSP DISP-NM DISP DISP OISP OISP DISP GROUP DISP-NM COMP-3 R 0 Q 1Il F F R 0 P. 0 MEMORV MAP TGT SAVE AREA SWITCH TAllY SORT SAVE ENTRY-SAVE SORT CORE SIZE RET CODE SORT RET WORK ING CELLS SORT FILE SIZE SORT MODE SIZE PGT-VN T8l TGT"VN TBl RESERVED LENGTH OF VN TBL LABEl RET RESERVED 08G R14SAVE COBOL INDICATOR AUNITlJ DEBUG TABLE PTR SUBCOM PTR SORT-MESSAGE SYSOUT DDNAME RESERVED COBOL 10 COMPILED POINTEK COUNT TABLE ADDKESS RESERVED OBG RllSAVE COUNT CHAIN ADD~ESS PRBll CELL PTR RESERVED TA LENGTH RESERVED PCS LIT PTR DEBUGGING CO FOR IN IT IAL INPUT OVERFLOW CELLS Bl CEllS DECBADR CELLS FIB CELLS TEMP STORAGE TEMP STORAGE-2 TEMP STOAAGE-3 TEMP STORAGE-4 BLL CELLS VLC CELLS SBL CELLS INDEX CEllS SUBADR CEllS ONCTL="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " ceLLS PFMCTL CELLS PFMSAV CELLS VN CELLS SAVE AREA ..2 SAVE AREA "3 XSASW ceLLS XSA CELLS PARAM CELLS RPTSAV AREA CHECKPT CTR DEBUG TABLE 00318 00318 00360 00364 00368 0036C 00370 00374 00376 00378 004A8 004AC 004BO 004B4 004B8 004BC 004BE 004BF 004CO 004C4 004C8 004CC 00400 00404 004DC 00400 004DE 004EO 004E4 004Ea 004FO 004F4 004F8 004FC 00501 00504 0050C 00510 00514 00518 00518 00524 00524 00528 00530 00530 00530 00530 00538 00538 00538 00538 00540 00540 00540 00544 0054C 0054C 00554 00554 00554 00558 00558 00558 0 Appendix A: Sample Program output 463 61 *BEGII'4 0005E4 0005E4 0005E4 0005E8 0005E( 0005EE 64 64 68 OPEN MOVE AOO 68 ADD 68 MOVE 464 * EQU l l BAlR DC •11,080(0,12) EQU l BAlR DC l BAlR l l Mve Sf MVI 01 lA Mve l BAlR L MVC l BM..R l Mve Mve * 15,024(0,12) 1,15 X'OOOOO040' 15,028(0,12) 14,15 1,040(0,121 4,024(0,1) 01U 3,41 ,020( 121 1,234(0,13) 234( 131 ,X' OF' 234( 131 ,X'80' 1,234(0,13) 060(4,131,051(121 15,030(0,121 14,15 I, 040 ( 0, 12 I 060(4,131,05B(121 15,030(0,121 14,15 1,200(0,131 000(2,61,050(121 002(2,61,050(121 15,024(0,12) 1,15 X'00000030' PBl=l V(IlBOFlWU 0005F2 O,005F2 0005Fb 0005F8 0005FC 000600 000602 000606 00060A 000610 000614 000618 00061( 000620 000626 OD062A 00062( 000630 000636 00063A 000640 000646 PN=03 58 FO e 024 05 IF 00uOO040 5d FO C 028 05 EF 58 10 C 040 58 40 1 024 0.2 02 4 011 50 10 o 234 92 OF o 234 96 80 o 234 41 10 o 234 02 03 o 060 58 FO C 030 05 EF 58 10 C 040 02 03 0 060 58 Fa C 030 05 EF 58 10 0 200 02 01 6 000 02 01 6 002 C 020 C 057 C 058 C 050 e 050 V( IlBOFlWU V (Il BOOBG4) OCB=l V( IlBOEXTOI SA3=1 SA3=1 SA3=1 SA3=1 WC=Ol V( IlBOQIOOI DCB=l WC=Ol V( IlBOQIOOI Bl =1 DNM=1-267 DNM=1-282 LIT+7 LIT+ll lIT+O LI HO *STEP-2 68 1C o EQU *STEP-l D0063C 64 PN=02 START 58 BO ( 080 58 FO ( 024 05 IF 00uOO030 HOVE 00064e 00064C 000650 000652 000656 00065A 00D65E 000662 000666 00066A 00066E 000612 000616 00067A D0061C 000680 000684 000688 00068E 000692 000696 00C69A 00069C 0006AO 0006AIt PN=04 51:! FO C 024 05 IF DC 00~00044 48 4A 40 48 4A 40 41 48 5e lA 58 50 58 0.2 41 48 5.e lA 5B 50 58 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 20 43 40 40 EO 00 40 30 20 43 40 40 FO EQU l BAlR C 6 6 C 6 6 6 6 C 052 000 000 052 002 002 008 000 050 e o o 6 6 6 e 050 220 220 040 E 000 022 000 050 LH AH STH LH AH STH lA lH M AR C 050 0 224 0 224 s ST L Mve LA LH M AR S ST l * 15,024(0,121 1,15 X'OOOOO044' 3,052(0,121 3,000(0,61 3,000(0,61 3,052(0,121 3,002(0,61 3,002(0,61 4,008(0,61 3,000(0,61 2,050(0,121 4,3 4,050(0,121 4, 220( 0,131 14,220(0,131 040(1,61,000(141 4,022(0,61 3,000(0,61 2,050(0,121 4,3 4,050(0,121 4, 224( 0, 131 15,224(0,131 V( IlBOFUHI lIT+2 DNM=1-267 DNM=1-267 LlT+2 DNM=1-282 ONM=1-282 DNM=1-330 DN,I4=1-267 LlT+O l IT +0 SBS=l SBS=l ONM=1-408 ONM=1-368 DNM=1-267 lIT+O LIT+O SBS=2 SBS=2 ONM=1-330 11 72 72 72 14 74 MUVE 0006A8 0006AE (;006B2 0006B6 0006BA 0006CO OL 00 6 048 F 000 92 4d 4E FJ 90' 40 30 3() 31 FO 6 6 D 6 6 'MVC 0 MVI LH CVD UNPK 01 04e 002 210 042 D 21b 045 04BI1,6)'000C15) 04C(6),X'40' 3,002(0,6) 3,210(0,13) 04214,61,21612,131 04S(6),X'FO' DN"I=2-0 DNM=2-J+l DN14=1-282 TS=Ol DNM=1-442 DNM=I-442+3 DNM=1-368 TS=07 *STEP-3 DISPLAV WRIT!;; 0006C4 0006C4 0006C8 0006CA 0006CE 000602 000604 000608 00060A 0006DC 00060D 0006EO 0006E4 0006E6 0006ES 0006EC 0006EE 0006F4 0006F8 0006FA 0006FE 000702 000706 00070A 00070E 000712 000718 00071C 000720 00072't 000728 00072C 000730 000734 000738 000738 000738 00073C PN=05 58 FO C 024 05 If OO~00048 S8 f() C 028 05 Ef 511 FO C 034 05 If Ouu2 00 001.1014 00~0020S 00 .. 0 FffF 58 FO C 05 Ef OL 13 7 58 10 C 18 21 92 00 2 58 40 292 DO 4 96 01 4 58 10 C 58 FO C 02 03 o 58 00 1 44 00 1 58 20 C 91 40 2 92 00 2 47 10 B 50 10 o 58 70 o 028 000 6 040 040 EQU L BALR DC l SALR L BAlR DC DC DC DC DC DC l BALR MVC l 07A 024 014 01B 040 030 060 C 05F 04C 060 040 07A 07A 154 200 200 GN=07 GN=OI 58 10 D 22C 07 Fl LR MVI L MVI 01 L l MVC L EX L TM MVI BC S1 L EQU EQU l BCR * 15,02410,12) 1,15 X'0000004S' 15 , 02 S ( 0 f 12 ) 14,15 15,034(0,12) 1,15 X'0002' X'OO' X'000014' X' 00000208' X'0040' X'FFFF' 15 , 02 IH 0 , 1 2 ) 14.15 000120,7),040(6) 1,04010,12) 2,1 0'1A(2),X'00' 4,024( 0,2) 014(4),X'OO' 01B(41,X'Ol' 1, 040( ,12) 15,03010,12) 06014,13),OSFI12) 0,04C(O,1l 0,06010,l) 2,040(0,12) 07A(2),X'40' 07A(2),X'OO' 1,15410,111 1,20010,13) 7,20010,13) * * 1,22CIO,13) 15,1 ° VIILBOFLWl) V(llSODPG41 VCllBODSPO) Bl =3 V (I lBOOBG4) DN'1=1-168 DCB=l DC3=1 VIIlBO;)I:JOl \O C=01 [)NM=1-384 LIT+1S Dca=1 GN=07 BL =1 BL =1 VN=Ol *S1EP-4 PERFuRM 00073E 00073E 000742 000744 000748 00074E 000752 000756 000756 00075A 00075E PN=06 5d FO C024 05 IF 001.l0004A 02 03 D 228 o 22C 41 00 b 172 50 vO D 22C Mve GN=02 48 30 6 000 49 30 C 054 47 80 B 182 EQU L BALR DC tA ST EQU LH CH Be * 15,02410,12) 1,15 X'0000004A' 22814,13),22C(13) 0,17210,lll 0,22CIO.13) * 3,000(0,6) 3,05410,12) 8rI821 0,111 Appendix A: V(ILBOFUIU PSV=l GN=C2 VN=Ol VN=)l DN··~=1-2f7 LIT+4 GN=03 Sample Program output 465 77 77 * STEP-5 CLOSe 000762 000766 000766 00076C 00076C 000770 000772 000776 00077A 00077C 000780 000784 000786 00078A 000790 000794 000798 00079C 0007AO 0007A4 0007A8 0007AC 000780 000784 0007BA 0007BE 0007CO 0007C4 0007CA 0007CE 000700 000704 000708 00070C 0007EO 0007E4 0007E8 OC07EC 0007EE 0007F2 77 466 OPEN 0007F6 0007FA 0007FE 000800 000800 000804 000806 00080A 00080E 000814 000818 00081C 000820 000824 00082A 00082E 47 FO B 068 GN=03 O~ 03 0 22C D 228 PN=07 58 Fu C 024 05 IF 00uO(J04D 58 05 58 91 05 47 05 47 58 48 50 58 50 92 90 41 41 OA FO Ef10 10 5v 80 01 70 20 20 20 10 10 40 80 10 03 FO EF 10 03 FO Ef 50 50 20 01 10 10 01 44 40 40 00 10 OA 58 05 58 51;) 02 50 92 96 41 D2 58 05 FO Ef 10 40 02 10 00 80 10 03 FO Ef O~ 58 05 51;) 02 58 05 58 50 58 91 47 58 96 IB 43 4C 41. C 028 C 040 1 030 01A 02A C 063 01A 04C 052 04C 040 234 234 o 234 D 234 o 060 C 065 C 030 5 1 5 1 1 1 C 0 D o o 180 200 040 017 21C 014 017 1 1 4 1 005 006 008 000 EQU L BALR DC L BALR L TM 8ALR BC CLC BC L SH ST L ST MVI 01 LA MVC L 8ALR L MVC L BALR L ST L TM BC L C 040 0 060 C 058 C 030 C 2 B 2 2 BC EQU MVC 01 SR Ie GN=08 C 028 C 1 4 0 0 D D D C 044 024 011 C 02D 234 234 234 234 060 C 057 030 MH LA LA SVC EQU L BALR L L MVC ST MVI OI LA MVC L BAlR 15,068( 0,111 PN=04 *22C(4,13),228113) VN=Ol *15,024(0,12) VI ILBOFLWl) 1015 X' 00000040' 15,028(0,12) 14,15 1,040(0,121 0301l),X'10' 5,0 8,01A(O,5) 02AI2,lJ,063(12) 7,OIAIO,5) 2,04C (0,1) 2,052(0,1) 2 ,04C( O,ll 1,04010,12) 1,234(0,13) 2341 131 ,X' 40' 234(13),X'80' 1,23410,13) 060(4,13),065(12) 15,03010,12) 14,15 1,04010,12) 06014,13),05BI12) 15,030(0,12) 14,15 5,1 BOlO ,13) 5,200(0,13) 2,04010,12) 017(2),X'01' 1,21C(D,1U 1,01410,2) 017(2),X'01' 4,4 4,00510,l) 4,00610,U 0,008(0,4) 1,00010,ll 10 *15,028(0,12) 14,15 1,04410,12) 4,024' 0, II 0110,4),02D'12) 1,234(0,13) 234(13),X'00' 234(13),X'80' 1,23410,13) 060(4,13),057112) 15,030(0,12) 14,15 PSV= 1 VIILBODBG4) DCB=l LlH19 DCB=l SA3=1 SA3=1 SA3=1 SA3=1 WC=Ol VIILBO;)IOO) DCB= 1 I-IC=Ol VIIlBOQIOOI LIH21 LlHll BL =1 DCB=l GN=08 VIILBODBG41 DCB=2 VIILBOEXTO) SA3=1 SA3=1 SA3=1 SA3=1 WC=Ol VI ILBOQI 00 I LIT+7 8e 80 80 81 E2 82 00C830 000834 00083A 00083E 000840 58 02 5d 05 58 10 03 fO Ef 8u C 044 0 060 C 05B C 030 l MVC l BAlR l 0 204 1, 044( 0,12) 060(4~13),05B(12) 15,030(0,121 14,15 8,204(0,131 DCB=2 I'IC=01 V(IlBOQIOO) lIT+l1 Bl =2 *STEP-g READ GO COMPuTE 000844 000844 000848 00084A 00084E 000852 000854 000858 OC085A 000860 000866 00086A 00086C C00870 000874 00087A 00087E 00081E 000882 000882 000888 00088E PN=08 !)8 fO C 024 05 IF OOuOOO 50 5C1 FO C 028 O!) EF 58 10 C 044 18 21 D2 0.::. 2 021 C 030 0, 03 0 060 C 069 5d fO C 030 05 Ef 50 10 0 204 58 80 0 204 02 1::' 6 040 8 000 41 fLi 8 29 E IF 82 MOVE S3 EXHlolT 00C894 000894 000898 00C89A 000S9E 0008A2 C008A6 0008AA 0006AE 0008B2 00C8B6 000866 0008BA 0008BE 000BC2 0006C6 oe08C8 0008CC G008CE 000800 000801 000804 000808 00080A 000808 000801: 0008E2 0008E4 l lR MVC MVC l GN=04 GN=05 FCI 10 0 210 C 05b FA 43 0 213 6 058 Fd 33 c 058 214 ° PN=09 SCI FO C 024 05 IF 0.,)1100052 95 FO 6 046 41 7u 8 202 95 40 6 04C 47 70 8 202 9':: E9 6 048 9.:: 40 6 04C EQU ZAP AP ZAP EQU l BAlR IX Cll BC CLI GN=06 50 10 ~ 070 50 10 0 23C 41 20 0 23C 58 fO C 028 05 Ef 58 FO C 034 05 IF 80111 10 OOuOOB OCIIOOO14 OOuO 00 00u014 001100208 00't-0 fffF BAlR ST l MVC BC EQU BC 41 FO 8 306 *STEP-1 EQU l BAlR DC l BAlR BC MVI MVI EQU L ST lA l 6AlR l BAlR DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC *15,024( 0,12) 1,15 X'00000050' 15,028(0,12) 14,15 1,044(0,121 2,1 021(3,2),030(1.2) 060(4,131,069(12) 15,030(0,12) 14,15 1, 204( 0, 13) 8,204(0,13) 040(20,6),000(8) 15,29£:(0,1U *15,300(0,111 * 210(8,131,056(1,12) V(IlBOFlWU V( I UOOP(4) DCB=2 GM=('4+1 WC=01 V( I leO;) I (10) ~l =2 Bl =2 DNM=1-384 :;!IJ=05 T5=01 T5=04 DIIJM=2-71 * V (I l60HW 1) * 1,010(0,12) 1, 23C( 0, 13) 2,23C(0,13) 15,02810,12) 14,15 15,034(0,12) 1,15 X'S001' X'10' X'OOOOCB' X'OCOOOO74' X'OOOO' X'OO' X'OOOO14' X'00000208' X'0040' X' FfFF' Appendix A: ~ DNM=1-2?6 PN=010 213(5,13),05814,bl 058(4,61,214(4,131 15,024(0,12) 1,15 x'ooauOOS2' 04fH61,X'FO' 7,202(O,1U 04C (fd ,X' 40' 7,202(0,1U 04B(61,X'E9' 04C(61,X'40' 11 T+? l IT+6 r'N~=2 -71 TS=(14+1 DIIJM=2-J GN= 06 DNM=2-J+1 GN=06 DNM=2-0 DNM=2-0+1 lIT +32 PRM=l PRIoI= 1 VIIl60DPG4) V(IlBOOSPO) l JT+36 Bl =3 Sample Program output 467 8.3 1:5 85 86 468 GO *STCP-6 CLOSe STOP 0008E6 47 fO 8 260 BC 15,260(0,11) PN=OS * V(I LBOFUn) () 0008EA 0008EA OOOBEE 0008fO 0008f4 OC08f8 0008FA 0008fE 000902 000904 000906 00090E 000912 000916 00091A 00091E 000922 000926 aOO92A 00092E 000932 C00938 00093C 00093E 000942 000948 00094C 00094E 000952 OC0956 00095A 00095E 000962 000966 a0096A 00096C 000970 000974 000978 00097C OC097E 00097E OC0982 000984 (;00984 000988 00098A aa098E 000992 000996 0OO99A 0OO99E 0009A2 0009A6 0009AA PN=010 58 FO C 024 OS IF 00vOOv55 58 FO C 028 05 Ef 58 10 C 044 91 Hi 1 030 05 50 47 80 5 01A 05 01 1 02A C 063 47 70 5 01A 58 20 1 04C 48 20 1 052 50 21) 1 04C 58 10 C 044 50 10 0 234 92 40 0 234 96 au 0 234 41 10 0 234 02 03 0 060 C 065 51) FO C 030 05 Ef 50 10 C 044 02 03 [} 060 C 058 58 FO C 030 05 Ef 58 50 0 180 50 50 0 204 58 20 C 044 91 01 2 017 47 10 B 39A 58 10 2 014 96 01 2 017 18 44 43 40 005 4C 40 1 006 41 00 4 008 41 10 1 000 OA OA l GN=09 5d fO C 028 05 EF FO ff DO 50 EO 2u EO 20 40 EO 04 C 038 5 0 0 0 F o o f 2 008 004 054 048 02E 1B8 049 02E 000 TM BALR 8C CLC BC L SH ST L ST MVI 01 LA MVC L 8ALR L MVC l BALR L ST L TM 8C L 01 SR IC MH LA LA SVC EQU L GN=010 5d 07 50 50 50 91 47 58 91 47 96 EQU L 8ALk. DC L BALR INIT2 BALR EQU L BCR ST ST ST TM Be L TM BC 01 15,024(0.12) 1,15 X'OOOOO055' 15,028(0,121 14,15 1,044(0,12) 030( 11 ,X'10' 5,0 S,01A(O,5) 02AI2,1I,00311?.) 7,0IAIO,5) 2,04CIO,11 2,05210,11 2,04CIO,1I 1,04410,121 1,23410,131 234( 13) ,X' 4O' 2341131 ,X' 80' 1,23410,13) 060(4,131,065(121 15,030(0,12) 14,15 1,04410,121 060(4,13),0581121 15,03010,12) 14,15 5,18010,131 5,204(0,131 2,04410,12) 017(21,X'Ol' 1, 39A(0, 111 1,01410,2) 017121,X'Ol' 4,4 4,005(0,lJ 4,006( 0, U 0,008(0,4) 1,000(0,11 10 *15,028(0,121 V(ILBODPG4) OC8=2 LIT+!9 OCB=2 SA3= 1 SA3=1 SA3=1 5 A3= 1 WC=Ol V( ILBO'lI 001 DCB=2 WC=OI V(I LeO'll 00) BL =2 DCB=2 GN= 09 VII lBOOBG41 14,15 *15, 038( 0,121 15,15 13,008( 0,51 5,004(0,131 14,054(0,13) 048(131,X'20' 14,02E(o,15) 2,188(0,131 049( 131 ,X'40' 14,02E(0,151 000(21,X'04' VIILBOSRVU' SWT+O SWT+l LIT+21 LlT+ll 0009AE 0009B2 0009B6 000988 0009BC 0009CO 0009C2 0009C4 0009C6 0009CA 0009CE 0009DO 000902 000906 00090A C0090E 0009E2 O{}09E6 0009E8 0009EC 0009fO 0009f4 0009F8 0009fA 0009fE OOOAOO 000A04 000A08 OOOAOe DOOA10 OOCA12 OOOA16 000A18 000A1C OOOA20 OOOA24 000A28 000A2C ODOA2E 000A32 OOOA34 000A38 000A3e 00OA40 OOOA44 OOOA48 OOOA4A 000A4E OOOA50 000A54 000A56 OOOA5A OOOA5f OOOA62 OOOAc6 OOOA6A OOOA70 58 4! 07 94 58 05 12 07 96 58 OS 05 9.1 47 58 98 58 07 96 41 41 41 05 5Cl 11: 51) 87 41 41 05 58 IE 50 87 41 41 41 05 58 IE 50 87 41 41 41 05 58 1.: 47 IE 50 87 58 58 58 OL 58 fO 2 038 fO f 004 '0 ff Ef o 048 FO COLO Ef 00 89 10 fO EF fO 20 EO 00 20 EO FE 20 60 10 70 50 40 4B 40 16 10 70 50 40 48 40 16 60 10 70 50 40 48 40 16 80 60 70 10 00 00 80 OB 00 86 60 70 80 07 EO 0 048 C 014 0 f B B o 048 016 048 050 054 0 0 e C 048 004 OOC OOF 000 1 5 e C 000 000 03C 047 1 5 o C C 000 000 008 048 04f 000 000 000 000 200 004 0 2Of 1 5 0 0 8 000 010 8 1 o o o o o 000 000 2G8 200 204 22C C 048 054 INIT3 L LA BCR NI L BALR L TR BCR 01 L BALR BALR TM Be L LM L BCR 01 LA LA LA BAlR l ALR ST BXLE LA LA BALR l ALR ST aXLE LA LA LA BALR L AlR ST BXLE LA LA LA BALR L LTR BC ALR ST BXLE L L L MVC L 15,03810,2) 15,00410,15) 15,15' 048(13) ,X'Ef' 15,01010,12) 14,15 0,0 8,9 048(13) ,X'10' 15,01410,12) 14,15 15,0 048(13),X'ZO' 14,01610,15) 0,04810,lU 2,13,050(1U 14,05410,13) 15,14 048( 13) ,X' 2O' 6,00410,0) 1,00CIO,12) 7,OOF(0,12) 5, 4,000(0,U 4,11 4,00010,1) 1,6,000(5) 1,03CIO,12) 7,047(0,12) 5,0 4, OOO( 0, U 4,11 4,000(0,U 1,6,000(5) 6,00810,0) 1,04810,12) 7,04fIO,12) 5,0 4,000(0, U 4,11 4,00010,1) 1,(',00015) 8,20010,13) 6,00410,0) 7,20FI0,13) 1,0 0,00010,8) 0,0 8,01010,U 0.11 0,00010,8) 8,6,0001 U 6,20810,13) 7,200(0,13) 8,20410,13) 22CI8,13),048112) 14,05410,13) ° Appendix A: SWT+O VIR=l SWT+O VI~=2 SWT+O SWT+O VIR=I-1 PN= 01 VNI=1-1 VNI=1 L IT+0-1 OVF=l TS= 01-1 BL =3 BL =1 BL =2 VN=OI Sample Program Output VN 1= 1 469 OOOA74 OOCOOO 000004 000006 OOOOOd OOOOOC 000014 000018 00001A DODO IE 000020 000024 000026 00002A 00002C 000030 000034 000038 00003C 000040 000044 000048 oe0084 000088 000090 000098 470 07 90 18 05 45 BCR STM lfl. BAlR BAl 15,14 14,12,00C(13) 5,13 15,0 8,010(0,15) E3~5ElE3D9E40540 DC X't3C5E2E309E~05~O' E5c209F1 07 00 9d 9f f 024 07 Ff 96 02 034 07 FE 41 FO 0 001 07 H 00v009CA OOvOLuOO OOuOOOOO 00,,00560 OOuOO318 OuuOO!lE4 OOvOC98A DC BCR lM BCR 01 BCR lA BCR AoCON AoCGN AoCON AOCON AoCON AOCON AOCON X' E5 E2D9F1' 0,0 9,15,024(15) 15,15 034(1) ,X'OZ' 15,14 15,001(0,0) 15,14 l4( INIT3) l41INITll l4( INITll l4(PGT) l4(TGT) FE EC 0 OOC 50 FO 80 F 010 INITl () OS OOuOOOOO Hf54bF5F84BFOF5 Clc4C 7't040F66B40 Flr9F7F6 DC DC DC DC l~(START) L4(INIT2) 15F X'OOOOOOOO' X'F IF 54BF5F 84Bf'OF 5' X'C1E4C74040F66B40' X' FlF9F7F6' SOURCE *STATISTICS* .OPTIUNS IN EFfECT* *OPTIuNS IN EffECT* *OPTWNS IN El'fECT* *OPTIuNS IN E.-fECT* *CPT WNS IN EffECT. *OPTIONS IN EffECT. .OPT WNS IN EffECT* = RECORD;;, 86 DATA DIVISION STATEMENTS PROCEDURE OIVISIQN ST~TEMENrS = 25 ?l SOUPCE bl072 BUf 12288 L1NECNT = 57 SPACEl, fLAGW, SIZE SE~. DMAP, FL:'W= PMAP. NOClIST, NOSUPMAP, NOXREf, SXREF. LOAD. NODECK. QLIOTE. NOTPJNC. 10 NOTERM, NDNUM, N08ATCH, IIIONAME, COMPIL E=01, IIIOSTlTE, NORESIDENT, NOQYNAM. NOLI fl. N£'5 HI TIl )( OPTIliILE, SYMDMP, NOTEST, VERB, ZWB, SYST, NOENDJ08, NOlVL NOFDECK,NOCDECK, LCOL2, DUMP NOPRI NT, NOLST NuADV 1120. NOCOUj~J , NOV8SUM, NOVBREf, LANGL VLC 2) DEBUG ~IL~ SIZE = 2 BLOC KS, 1024 BYTES = , , , CROSS-REFER ENC E DICT IDNARY [ATA NAMES DEfN A ALPHA ALPHABET B DEPEND DEPENDENTS flElD-A flELu-A F lLE-l fILE-2 KGl;NT L(CAT ION NO-Of- DEP ENDcN T S NCMBER RECGRD-NO RECORD-l IlECGRD-2 RECOxDA I'ICRK-RECORD 000058 000044 uOO043 000059 ,,00047 LJOO045 liOO029 000037 000017 000018 000040 000053 ("00049 000055 000041 vOO051 uOO028 000036 1.100057 000048 PIlCCEDURE NAMES uEfN "'~ME-FIHD BEGIN STEP-l STEP-2 STEP-3 STEP-4 STEP-5 S TEP-6 STEP-7 SlEP-8 000068 000081 000070 000064 000077 000064 000068 000070 000064 000071 000072 000080 000072 000072 000080 000068 000077 000085 000070 000082 000068 000071 000080 000083 000074 REfeRENCE 000061 vOO06~ 000068 LlOOO72 000074 1.100071 1.100080 000082 1.100085 CARC ERROR MESSAGE J.It IKfl1() .H-W IKfZbOI-W 58 REfeRENCE 000074 000074 000083 000080 IBM-310 IS ONLY VALID COMPUTER-NAME. IBM-360 SPEC IF ICATI (j~ IGNORED. PICTURE CLAUSE IS SIGNED, VALUE [LAUSE UNSIGNED. ASS~MEO POSITIVE. Appendix A: Sample Program output 471 COBOL library subroutines perform operations that require such extensive coding that it would be inefficient to place the coding in the object module each time it is needed. COBOL library sUbroutines are stored in the COBOL library (SYS1.COBLIB). The required subroutines are inserted in load modules by the linkage editor. There are several major categories of COBOL library subroutines, namely: subprogram linkage, object-time program operations (i.e., data conversions, arithmetic operations, test conditions, data manipulation, data management, and special features), and object-time debugging. The categories are described in this order. Figure 174 later in this chapter includes a list of COBOL library subroutines, their storage requirements, and the associated calling information. In addition, Q routines, which are not classified as COBO.L library subroutines, are used to calculate the length of variable-length fields and the location of variably located fields resulting from an OCCURS clause with a DEPENDING ON option. The subroutines that control the loading of library subroutines or subprograms and the exiting from programs or subprograms are described here. The ILBONTRO subroutine is used (1) when the RESIDENT option is an effect, to load one copy of each subroutine called by the main program or any of its subprograms into any region partition; and (2) when the DYNAM option is in effect, to call any subprogram specified in a CALL literal or CALL identifier statement, first loading it if it has not already been loaded into that region partition. (If insufficient storage is available for loading, the user's ON OVERFLOW imperative statement is called, if one vas specified.) 472 When a program finishes execution, this routine deletes all the subroutines called by the program except those subroutines that are being used by another program in the region partition. It also deletes any subprogram in the CANCEL literal or CANCEL identifier statement. The ILBOBEGO subroutine performs initialization functions when the NORES option is in effect. If the Subroutine Communications Area (SUBCOM) has not been link edited, it loads the area and checks whether its calling program is the main program or a subprogram. Object::,1ime optio.ns Subroutine_llltBOPRMOl This subroutine is invoked dynamically (by either ILBONTRO or ILBOBEGO) to scan the user's object-time options and set internal switches and options accordingly. The ILBOSRV subroutine is called by all programs compiled by the OS VS COBOL compiler • {For pr e-aS VS campa tibili ty an ILBOSTPO entry point is also provided.) This routine returns control to the system, if the calling program is the main program, or to the caller, if it is not. The ILBOMSGO subroutine determines whether or not a message is to be issued. If a message is to be issued this subroutine formats and issues it. ll.Q£ RUN Termination SubroutiniL.1!IJH1~nQl The ILBOSTTO subroutine performs termination functions at the end of execution of the COBOL program if the ENDJOB option is in effect. QDlICT-TI~~PROGRAM OPERATION~ COBOL LIBRARY CONVERSION SUBROUTINES internal decimal, and from internal decimal to n,ulleric edited are done in-line. The other conversions are performed by the COBOL library subroutines shown in Figure 112, and by the separate sign subroutine. Eight numer ic data formats are permitted in COBOL -- five external (for input and output) and three internal (for internal processing) • The five external formats are these: (1) external or ~oned decimal, (2) external floating-point, (3) sterling display, (4) numeric edited, and (5) sterling report. The three internal formats are these: (1) internal or packed decimal, (2) binary, and (3) internal floating-point. The conversions from internal decimal to external decimal, from external decimal to The ILBOSSNO subroutine converts separately signed data-names to internal decimal format and then checks for a valid sign. If the sign is valid, this subroutine generates the corresponding overpunch in the receiving field. If not, it causes an object time message to be issued and the job to be terminated. Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 413 r- ~ I I I I Subroutine Name and Entry Poin ts I ILBOEFL2 "1 i ...-I From J l---------------_+_ Conversion -,-• I I External Floating-point I ,External Floatinq-point I I External Floating-point J I ILBOEFL1 I ,ILBOEFLO i-------------_t_ I 1LBOBIDOl I ,ILBOBID1 1 ., I J J J Binary ,ILBOBID2 1 t I-------.-----+_ I ILBOBIEOI I Binary J I 1 ILBOBIEl l J • , J ILBOB1E2 1 J I+I ILBOB110 2 I Binary J I ,ILBOBII1 2 1 lI + I ILBOTEF02 J Binary I J I ILBOTEF1 2 I I J , ILBOTEF 2 I Internal t)ecimal J I t-J J I l-- J IFBOTEY3 ILBOIDBO ILBOIDB1 ILBODCll I 1 To +-I I I I I Internal Decimal I , I I I Internal Decimal I , 1 I I External Decimal I • Internal Floating-point Binary Internal , +- +--I I ... , I ., I , J I I .. I I I f , -f I I I I I f I I I - . , • I • I I External Floating-point External Floating- point J , I I I , I I Internal Floating-point I I External Floating-point I ., I Internal Decimal I J ainary 1 I Binary I I I I I Internal Floating-point +-J J I I J External Decimal Internal Decimal +- -f I I I J ILBODCIO I External Decimal Internal Floating-point l-f +... I ILBOIFDO' I Internal Floating-point I Internal Decimal f t I J I t ILBOIFD 1 1 Internal Floating-point I External Decimal I II _..I.f J1The entry points used depend on whether the double-precision number is in registers 0 I I and 1. or 2 and 3. or 4 and 5, respectively. I 12The entry points are for single-precision binary and double-precision binary. J I respectively. I J3This entry point is used for calls from other COBOL library subroutines. I ~ Figure 112. 474 ~ Functions of COBOL Library Conversion Subroutines (Part 1 of 2) 1 ' I I I Subroutine Name and Entry Points 1 J ILBOI1"B1 I I I I t- 1 t- I t- I t- I tI I-- I ) ILBOIFB2 3 ILBOIFB03 I I From Internal Floating-point 1 +i ILBOIDTO +-- ILBOSTIO J I J ILBOCVBO +-I ILBOCVB1 ~ ~ I J To +1------I Binary integer and a pover I 1 f I I I • of 10 exponent J Internal Floating-point -tILBOIDRO t Con version t-------------t- I I ------'1 - J J Binary , I Internal Decimal Internal Decimal Sterling Non-Report External decimal External decimal ..L.....- t -4 Sterling Report I I I I Sterling Non-Report Internal Decimal +I Binary + I Binary • ~ , ~ I f J --t I 1 I liThe entry points used depend on whether the double-precision number is in registers 0 f I and 1, or 2 and 3, or 4 and 5, respectively_ , IZThe entry points are for single-precision binary and double-precision binary, I I respectively. J ,3This entry point is Ilsed for calls from other COBOL library subroutines. I . L- Figure 172. r-------- Functions of COBOL Library Conversion Subroutines (Part 2 of 2) , ISubroutine Namel II IILBOXMUO • II I IILBOXDIO Internal Decimal -----------------------------------------.-----------, Function .,• Multiplication (30 digits * 30 digits = 60 digits) I Internal Decimal Division (60 digits 30 digits = 60 digits) t----------------1f------------------------------------------------------JILBOXPRO I Exponentiation of an Internal Decimal Base by .. , I a Binary Exponent J --i I IILBOFPWO I Floating-point Exponentiation 1 ~---------------~I--------------------------------------------------------------IILBOGPWOl I Floating-point Exponentiation J ---------------------~ I----------------~-------------------------------liThe ILBOGPWO entry point is used if the exponent has a picture specifying an integer. I 1 IL-_ The ILBOPB WO entry point is used in all other cases. __ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J I- Figure 173. ., Function of COBOL Library Arithmetic Subroutines Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 415 COBOL LIBRARY ARITHMETIC SUBROUTINES Most arithmetic operations are performed in-line. However, involved calculations, such as exponentiation. and calculations with very large numbers, such as decimal multiplica tion of tvo 30-digit numbers. are performed by COBOL libra ry subroutines. These subroutine names and their functions are given in Figure 173. COBOL,LIBRARY SUBROUTINES FOR TESTING CONDITIONS AT OBJECT TIME figurative constant must alvays be the second operand. If it is first in the source program, the operands are reversed and the condition code to be passed on is inverted before this subroutine is called. COBOL LIBRARY DATA MANIPULATION SU.BROUTINES Subrout ines are used to manipulate da ta in main storage in response to the MOVE. TRANSFORM, STRING, and UNSTRING statements. (Data manipulation in response to the EXAMINE statement is performed in-line by the object program.) several subroutines are used to test conditions that determine the path of control the object program selects. Such subroutines are described below. The ILBOCLSO subroutine is used to perform class tests for variable-length items and those fixed-length items over 256 bytes long, to determine whether a field is alphanumeric. This subroutine is used to handle some MOVE statements. The subroutine is also used for READ and WRITE statements processed in conjunction with the SAME RECORD AREA clause. The subroutine has two entry points, depending on the type of move: ILBOVMOO (left-justified) and I LBOVMO 1 (right-justified). MQ!~: The following tables are placed in the library for use by the in-line coding generated and the subroutines called for by both class test and TRANSFORM: ILBOATBO 1LBOETBO ILBOITBO ILBOTRNO ILBOUTBO ILBOWTBO alphabetic class test external decimal class test internal decimal class test transformation unsigned internal decimal class test unsigned external decimal class test This special MOVE subroutine is used when the length of the receiving field is either greater than 512 bytes or variable. The subroutine transfers characters to a righ t- justified recei ving field. HQVE to AlphaBY~~'i£=~gi1~g_li~ld ~brQY!iag-111~Q!M~Qt The 1LBOANEO subroutine moves a literal, or figurative constant into a right- or left-justified alphanumer ic edited field. data~name, The ILBOVCOO subroutine compares two operands, one or both of which are of variable lengths. They may exceed 256 bytes. £Q~£g£~with-fig~tiy~_Con2tant Sub£2Y1iD~ lI!d!OIVLOl The ILB01VLO subroutine compares the identifier to a figurative constant. The 416 The 1LBONEDO subroutine is called by the UNSTRING subroutine to move characters from a packed decimal field into a numeric-edited receiving field. The ILBLOANF subroutine moves a figurative constant of more than one character into a right- or left-justified nonnu~eric receiving field. The ILBODSPO subroutine is used to print, punch, or type data, usually in limited amounts, on an output unit. TRACE and EXHIBIT are kinds of DISPLAY. The acceptable forms of data for this subroutine are: The ILBOVTRO subroutine translates variable-length items. ~IRING Subroutine Display 2. External decimal 3. Internal decimal (converted by the subroutine to external decimal) 4. Binary (converted by the subroutine to external decimal) 5. External floating-point 1!1BO~~gQl The ILBOSTGO routine combines the partial or complete contents of two or more subfield(s) into a single field. This routine transfers characters from the sending item(s) to the receiving item in the same way that moves from alphanumeric item (s) to a lphanumeric item (s) are effected. The ILBOUSTO routine separates continuous data in a sending field, placing it in multiple receiving fields. INSPECT Subroutine 1. lILliQI!~QL This subroutine performs operations for the INSPECT statement, doing specified tallying and replacing. COBOL LIBRARY DATA MANAGEMENT SUBROUTINES COBOL library subroutines are called to process the following verbs: DISPLAY, TRACE, EXHIBIT, ACCEPT, START (when generic .k.ey is specified), READ (QSAM or BSAM), WRITE WSAft or B5AM), CLOSE (QSAM or BSA~, OPEN (Q5AM or BSAM), REWRITE (QSAM), RECEIVE (TCAM), and SEND (TCAM); library subroutines are also called for I O errors, printer spacing, alternate collating sequence, and printer overflow. Internal floating-point numbers must be converted to external floating-point numbers before the subroutine is called. Note: If the contents of a data-name are that when converted they will exceed 18 decimal digits. the ILBODSPO subroutine cannot process them and the results are un pred icta ble. such The ILBODSSO subroutine prints or types data of a certain kind on SYSPRINT or at the console. This subroutine is used instead of ILBODSPO when there are no requests by the program for TRACE or EXHIBIT, and no variable-length or floating-point items; when there are no requests for display upon SYSPUNCH; and when neither the RESIDENT nor the DYNAM option is in effect. The ILBOACPO subroutine is called to read from SYSIN or from the operator's console at execution time. For 5YSIN, a logical record size of 80 is assumed. If the size of the data item being accepted is less than 80 characters, the data must appear as the first set of characters within the input record. If the size of the data item is greater than 80 characters, as many records as necessa ry are .read until the storage area allocated to the data item is filled. If the data item is greater than 80 characters, but is Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 471 not an exact multiple of 80, the remainder of the last logical record is not accessible. For the console, a ma.ximum of 114 characters are accepted and either 114 characters or the length of the item, whichever is smaller, is moved to the operand named in the ACCEPT statement. The ILBOSYNO subroutine performs, for version 4 and OS VS, the same operations as the ILBO£RRO subroutine described above. The following list shows the entry point that is used for the various access methods: !ntry Point ILBOSYN1 ILBOSYN2 ILBOSYN3 ILBOSYN4 ILBOSYN5 The ILBOSTBO subroutine is called when a USING KEY clause is coded with the START verb for ISAM files. The subroutine formats the search argument so that data management can get co.ntro.I to search for the generic key. l£.£€sS "etho~ QS AM BSAM BDAM QISAM BISAM The ILBOLBLO subro.utine is called tor beginning-at-volume and beginning-at-file label pro.cessing or at end-of-file and end-ot-volume. The ILBOCKPO subroutine generates a reco.rd, co.ntinuing the status of a pro.gram vhen a is taken. This record is written on a checkpoint data set. Printer Qverflow subroutin~_(ILBQPTVO) The ILBOPTVO subro.utine is used to control printer overflow testing and page ejection. printer ~S£ing Subroutine lIt,BOSPAOl This subro.utine its caller to. wait a specified amount of time. The ILBOSPAO subroutine is used to co.ntrol printer spacing. The ILBOERRO subro.utine is used to test for various error conditions, and passes control to t.he interpretive-statement specified in the INVALID KEY option phrase o.r to the USE FOR ERROR declarative section depending on the type of error and error handling o.ptions specified. The entry points used for error processing by ILBOERRO are: BSAM WRITEL£L05E and_BDAM OPE! llLBOSAI1Ql. subrouli!!~ The ILBOSAMO routine processes input output statements for direct o.r relative files accessed sequentially. It also handles OPEN statements and CLOSE statements with the REEL option for directly organized output files accessed randomly. lLBOERR1 Physical sequential Files ILBOERR2 Direct and Relative Files Accessed sequentially lLBOERB3 Indexed Files Accessed sequentially ILBOEER4 Direct and Relative Files Accessed Randomly IL.BOERR5 Indexed Files Accessed Randomly 418 The BS1M read routine reads segments of a logical record and assembles them into a complete logical record. The routine is called by a compiler-generated READ code tor a spanned record direct B5AM file. with the input queue associated with the edna me specified in the RECEIVE statement. This subroutine handles the various I O requests for COBOL QSAM files. - Q~~_Exit~YRroutine lILnQ!XI~t The ILBOEXTO subroutine is called as a DCB exit routine during an OPEN for a QSAM file to add the record format {RECFM) parameter options to the standard DCB. The ILBOINTO subroutine is used to obtain virtual storage for the VSAM File Control Block (FCB) associated with each VSAM File Information Block (FIB). The ILBOSQAO subroutine is included for pre-OS VS compatibility purposes only. It is called by the ILBORECO routine if the COBTPQD data set is present. This routine searches the COBTPQD data set for a member that corresponds to the name in the SYMBOLIC QUEUE field (defined in the COBOL source statements). If a match is found, the analyzer reads the member into main storage, using it to validate the SYMBOLIC SUB-QUEUE name(s) .in the input CD of the COBOL source program. The analyzer also identifies the first valid DD name for the queue structure and gives this name to the ILBORECO routine. The ILBOVOCO subroutine is used for all VSAM open and close requests. !~Aft Action Request ~2.!!tine_1ILBOVIQQ.l The ILBOVIOO subroutine is used for all START, READ, REWRITE, WRITE, and DELETE verbs that refer to VSAM files. The ILBOQSUO subroutine creates a partitioned data set with one member for each queue structure defined in the COBOL-like source statements. This routine also generates a printed listing of the structure element, as well as of error messages, if any_ B~~EIVE Subrout~ILBOBE~21 For RECEI VE requests. the ILBORECO subroutine a message, a message segment, or part of a message or message segment from the message control program to the COBOL application program. For ACCEPT MESSAGE COUNT requests, the subroutine returns the number of completed messages in the queue structure. This routine always updates the input communication description (CD) entry .. This subroutine provides the caller with a count of the complete messages on a specified queue. Q!l~s.trllcture Scan Subroutine-1lLBOQS~t Kommunications) Tilis subroutine traverses the queue structure identified by the input CD and returns successive ddnames representing elementary subqueue names. !~lllLlJliti!lization subrqutiD~ LILBORHTO) The ILBORNTO subroutine is included for pre-OS VS compatibility purposes only. It builds the control block that communicates This subroutine schedules a specified job by issuing the operator START command. Appeadix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 419 JH!A!!llLl! IS IBt!:! S ub ro u t in L1!L B21!1llJ.. control block that communicates with the output queue associated with the cdname specified in the SEND statement. This subroutine modifies the message control tables in response to ENABLE and DISABLE statements. COBOL LIBRARY SUBROUTINES FOR SPECIAL FEATURES ~~m~unications Job Schedul~r UtilitY 1lLBOCJSl Subroutines are used fo.r some of the special features of COBOL: This utility schedules jobs when there are messages on TCAM queues for them to process. • Sort Merge feature • Table handling feature statement) (SEARCH - segmentation feature (GO TO statement) -3886 optical Character Reader The ILBOCHNO subroutine acquires a dynamic save area for a Declarative entry condition; chains together the save areas created for the Error and Label Declaratives routines; releases save areas from the chain when the Declarative routine processing is complete. The ILBOCMMO subroutine issues the GETMAIN and FREEMAIN macro instructions for the COBOL program or for any COBOL library subroutine requiring storage additions or deletions. The subroutine chains together the information about the storage areas acquired through the GET MAIN ~acro instruction and releases this information from the chain when the FREEMAIN macro instruction is issued for that area of storage. - ABEND request • Alternate collating sequence Also, a subroutine is called in response to the use of the following special registers: CURRENT-DATE, DATE, DAY, TIME, and TIME-OF-DAY. The ILBOSRTO subroutine acts as an interface between the COBOL calling program and the Sort Merge program via the entry point name SORT. The ILBOMRGO subroutine acts as an interface between the COBOL calling program and the sort Merge program for merge operations. The ILBOSNDO subroutine transfers a message, a message segment, or part of a message or message segment from the COBOL application program to the message control program. This routine always updates the output CD entry. ~lH!Q Initialization Subroutine-1I1!!QSNTOl The ILBOSNTO subroutine (ILBOSNTO) subroutine is included for pre-OS 'S compatibility purposes only. It builds the 480 The ILBOSMGO subroutine is used by the Merge subroutine for sorting required by merge operations. The ILBOSDBO subroutine is used for sorting a debug data set. !l~rnat~llatin~Segugn~~ ~ybroutine Compare ILBODTE3 year day ILBODTE4 hour minute second hundredth of a second (ILBOACS) This sUbroutine handles the various forms of non-nulleric comparisons, using an alternate program collating sequence (if specified). It also handles "native" collating sequences. l§J!LQl!!i~ al ~hu:~~1~L~a9.~-I~rf~~ ~~broutine-1I~BOO~SQl ~EARCH~hroutine (ILBOSCHQl The ILBOSCHO subroutine performs a binary search on a specified level of a table. It is used for the SEARCR ALL statement. The ILBDOCRO subroutine handles all input output operations with the 3886 Optical Character Reader and builds the OCR File Control Block required for this purpose. The ILBOABNO subroutine is used to process all ABEND requests. The ILBOSGMO subroutine is included for pre-cS VS compatibility purposes only. It is used to load segments of a program that are not in main storage and to pass control froll one segment to the ~ther. The ILBOGDOO subroutine uses the value of a particular d,ata-name as an index into a list of constants for each PN specified and then transfers control to the proper PN. If the value of the data-name is greater than the number of PN's specified, control returns to the next instruction after the calling sequence. ILBODGOO also handles transfer of cont ro I between segments, and any necessary segment reinitialization. This group of subroutines performs fi ve functions in response to the use of the special registers CURRENT-DATE, DATE, DAY, TIME, and TIME-OF-DAY. The list below indica tes the function of each of the entry points, and the format of each result in the receiving field of the specified MOVE or ACCEPT statement. ILBODTEO month day year ILBODTE1 hour minute second ILBODTE2 year month day Q~~~=IIaE DEBUGGING The options available for object-time debugging include: the statement number option (STATE), the flow trace option (FLOW), the count option (COUNT), the symbolic debugging option (SYMDMP), and the USE FOR DEBUGGING declarative. The subroutines for the first two options provide debugging information at abnormal termination of a program; the subroutines for the other options provide debugging information either at abnormal termination or dynamically during the execution of a program. All of these subroutLnes are under the control of and are supervised by the debug control subroutine ILBODBGO. The debug control subroutine is described first, followed by the subroutines that are called in response to the specification of the STATE, FLOW, SYMDMP, and COUNT options. The ILBODBGO subroutine is called once at entry point ILBODBGO for each COBOL prograll for which any of the debugging options have been specified. This subroutine handles linkage and input output for the STATE, PLOW, and SYMDMP options. It also produces the program name, the completion code, and the last psw message at the time of the abnormal termination. Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 481 This subroutine handles invocation of USE FOR DEBUGGING declaratives, including filling in of the DEBUG-ITEM special register. The ILBOFLWO subroutine produces a formatted trace of the last "n" of COBOL procedures executed prior to an ABEND. It initializes, builds, and writes out the flow trace table. The ILBOSTNO subroutine processes the STATE option and determines both the card numbe.r and the verb number for the last statement executed before the ABEND, and then generates a message containing this informa tio·n. The ILBODBEO subrout ine is call(ed by the PRINT routine of the debug control subroutine to format the appropriate error message in the SYSDBOUT output buffer. For additional information on the FLOW, STATE, and SYMDMP options and their relationshi p to other COBOL option s, see the chapter entitled "Symbolic Debugging Features" and the section "options for the Compiler" in the chapter entitled "Job Control Procedures." The ILBOTCOO subroutine initializes the count common area, gets space for and initializes the count chain, and initializes the count chain pointer in the object module TGT. COUNT Frequency subrouting_1ILB~1QL The ILBOCT10 subroutine updates the appropriate node counter by one and saves the callerls count-block number in the count chain. The ILBOD10 subroutine is called when the SYMDMP option is in effect; this routine calls other modules as necessary for SYMDMP initialization. The ILBOD20 subroutine services SYMDMP output requests from DBGO. SYMDMP generates the fo1loving information as output on the SYSDBOUT data set: a copy of all SYMDMP control statements; diagnostic messages; dynamic dumps of user-selected data areas at strategic points dur ing program execu tion; an abnormal termination statement number message; and the complete abnormal termination dump. In addition, modifications are made to the COBOL program in main storage if dynamic dumping is requested for the progra m. The ILBOTC20 subroutine is called at termination of object module execution to determine if there are programs being monitored. If so, it calls subroutine ILBDTC30 to write execution statistics, and if the termination is normal, calls ILBDDBG8 to close the debug print file. If the termination is not normal, the deb ug print file is left open for debugging information. MQ!~: When SYMDMP services are requested for a job step, the sequence of events is, in general, as follows: (1) initialization -- for the first COBOL program in a job step, then for all other COBOL programs in that job step, and finally for independent program segments; (2) processing -- first for dyna mic dump requests, and then for abnormal termination dumps. 482 The ILBOTC30 SUbroutine computes and writes execution statistics on the debug print file upon termination of the program being monitored. Q!El.E£I::.Il!1.LM!!Y.~~-ill!!!!!L.!!il.QR MAT 101! MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PP5734-XX6, 5740-XX2) subroutine to return control with no action (SPIE is not issued). Note. When this facility is used, the PSW in a SYSUDUMP will point to the SVC 13 in ILBOSPI. In order to ensure correct debug on SYSDBOUT, the ILBOSPIO subroutine is called by an explicit CALL statement written by the COBOL programmer in his source program to be compiled with the FLOW, STATE, SYMDMP, and or COUNT options. There should be one CALL statement written at the beginning of the Procedure Division and following each ENTRY statement in the program. There should be one CALL statement written at each exit point in the program. i.e., preceding each GOBACK, EXIT PROGRAM, or STOP RUN statement. These CALL statements are effective only in a COBOL program compiled with FLOW, STATE, SYMDMP, or COUNT options. They must be executed as a logical pair only once per COBOL run unit. If COBOL program A calls COBOL program B, either A or B or both can be compiled with debugging options, but only the highest level program compiled wi th debugging options should contain CALL 'ILBOSPIO' statements. The first execution of ILBOSPIO issues a SPIE macro instruction to trap the old program PSi in the event of a program check before STAE gets control at abnormal termination. The second execution of ILBOSPIO resets any previous SPIE at task normal termination. At abnormal termination, ILBODBGO will reset the previous SPIE. Finally, any CALL 'ILBOSPIO' statements written in a COBOL program compiled with none of the above options cause the Figure 114 includes a list of COBOL library subroutines, their storage requirements, and the associated calling information. The subroutines are arranged alphabetically by the characters following 'ILBO'. The list includes subroutines that are called directly by the object program -- pri.!!~n subroutines--and the subroutines they call--§g£ondaa subroutines. Some subroutines (for example, ILBOANE) function as both primary and secondary subroutines. The superscripts that accompany several of the entries refer to footnotes at the end of the table. Footnotes that appear with the names of SUbroutines indicate routines that are conditionally obtained, that are secondary SUbroutines only, or that may never reside in the OS 'S2 link pack area (LPA) or the OS 'S1 resident reenterable routine area (RRR). The footnotes that appear with some of the numeric values indicate whether the information represents a maximum value, a minim~m value, or an estimated value. In all cases, the numeric values represent decimal bytes rounded off to the nearest 50. For descriptions of the primary subroutines and of the major secondary subroutines, see the sections of this appendix entitled "Subroutines for Subprogram Linkage," "Object-Time program Operations," and "Object-Time Debugging. It Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 483 r--- i IPrimary I Subroutine l- ICalling rInf orma tion I ICal+ed by compiled I code I ICalled by compiled code IL"BOABN (ABEND) , ILBOACP (ACCEPT) ILBOACS (Alternate compare) I i Isize* I 1 150 582 i i i i I Dynamic I Secondary ISize IWork ArealSubroutinesl I tf None 1 I , I 100 ILBOCMM ,, -, i IDynamic IReI I Work Area lentrantl I I of Ie's Yes 1100P 1 ICalled by compiled Icode and ILBOUNS, ,ILBOSTG, ILBOSCH, land ILBOSMG I IL BOANE Called by compiled (MOVE alphanumericcode and by edited field) ILBOUST 260 328 0 None Yes ILBOANF (MOVE fi gurati ve constant) Called by compiled code 120 0 None Yes ILBOATB (Alphabetic table for class tes t) Used for ILBOCLS 272 0 None Yes ILBOBEG (NaRES initializa tion) Called by compiled code and ILBOSRV 296 None Yes ILBOBID i Called bycOlIIpiled (Binary to internal 1 code decimal) 1 136 0 None Yes , 136 0 None Yes , 488 0 None Yes I ILBOBIE ,Called by compiled (Binary to external code decimal) I 1 ILBOBII I Called by compiled (Binary to internal code and by floating-point) I ILBODCI, ILBOEFL I ILBOBUG ICalled by compiled (USE FOR DEBUGGING) ,code I ILBOCHN ,Called by ILBOSYN (Save area chaining) , and ILBOLBL ILBOCJS (Job Scheduler) , , 2060 Yes 5602 432 ,Called by operating ,system ILBOCHN ILBOCMM 450 1000 Yes ILBOCMM 1000 Yes ILBOMSC ILBOSCD ILBOWAT 300 200 150 I J ,, ILBOCKP (Checkpoint) ICalled bV compiled code 74 0 IL BOCLS (Class test) , 168 0 L- ,Called by compiled code None 7220 No (also Inon-re1 usable , 1 I 1 1 , Yes Yes I *Size given is an estimate. Figure 174. 484 Calling and storage Information for COBOL Library Subroutines (Part 1 of 7) .---- " ------·------,'--------------------~i-----~' 1 primary ,subroutine ICalling IInformation ..- ISize 1 IDynamic I Secondary 1Size IWork ArealSubroutinesl -------+1---+-----+ Called by compiled code, ILBOCHN, ILBOSRT, ILBOSNT, ILBORNT,· ILBONTR, ILBOCVB, ILBOUST, ILBODBG, ILBODSP, ILBOACP, ILBOFLW, ILBOSTN, ILBOD10, ILBOD12, ILBOD21, ILBOREC, ILBOSND, ILBONBL, 1LBOQSS, ILBOBUG, 1LB01NS, and ILBOQIO 956 Link-edited or loaded by compiled code and by I1BOSRV; used by most COBOL library subroutines 410 ILBOCT1 (COUNT frequency) Called by compiled code 224 ILBOCV B (Decimal to bin ary binary to decimal) 1042 Called by compiled code and by ILBOUST and ILBOSTG ILBOCIH! (GETCORE) ILBOCOM. 9 (S ubroutine communica tions) ,,, ,, ,ILBODBG Called by compiled code if FLOW, STATE, or SYMDMP is specified I'. ILBOD01 789 +---+-----+----~ None 1 1 , 1 o I ,,, I 1 , 1 , , 13638 None 300 5 952 ILBOCMM I I I I I o 2648 ILBOD10 789 IL130D11 789 775 I1BOD12 789 1810 1576 ILB0013 789 I1B0014 789 1480 1122 ILB0020 789 ILB0021 789 1680 2265 ILBOD22 789 789 ILBOD23 3882 ILB0024789 2783 1222 ILB0025 789 1LB0026 789 )2278 1 I 1 ILB01DB 1240 , Called by compiled code 13520 950 1312 776 1096 650 ILBOCMM ILBOOBE789 ILBOSTN789 ILBOFlW7 ILB0001 789 I I I 1 , , 150 ,, 1 o I 560 None , I 104 I I L-----~ I 1800 , ,1 I I I I I 1 ________ ILBOCMM ~ o 96 600 37 o 40007 o o o o o 25 000 7 o o o o o o No Yes I , I I Called by explicit call , 1000 I I 7 I I Figure 174. 1 1 I I None , '-- 1 , I I ILBODSP (DISPLAY, TRACE, EXHIBIT) 1 Yes 1 , ILBODCRO 1 1 , 1 Called by ILBODBG if ,728 SYSMDP is specifiedl ILBODCI Called by compiled (Decimal to internal code floating-point) 1 1 I 1 ,, I ,--, IDynamic IRe, ,Work Area lentrantl Yes Yes I I ,, , ,, , I 1 Yes I I 1 1 1 , I I I I I Yes I I I Yes , I 1 I 950 1 , , Yes I I I -'--_ _ _-'---_ _ _ --'--_ _ _ _ J calling and Storage Information for COBOL Library Subroutines (Part 2 of 7) Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 485 r- -,------,- I I ,Primary I Subrol1.tine lILBOD55· (DISPLAY) ,Calling !Information I I Called by compiled I , ILBODTE (Date# day, and time) Called by compiled code 1LBOEFL (Conversion from external floating-point) Called by code ISize I , 1034 504 I , Dynamic , Secondary ,Size IWork ArealSubroutinesl I 0 None I J I 0 None I ,, , ,, , f 600 compil~d 0 ILBOIOB ILBOBI1 150 500 - -,----, ,Re!Dynamic I I Work Area lentrant, I -+-----f No I I I I Yes I I I I I I 0 I 0 I I Yes I I , , , , , I Called by the system 674 0 None Yes 1LBOETB (External decimal table for class test) Used by ILBOCLS 268 0 None Yes ILBOEXT (DCB exit) Called by the system 80 None Yes ILBOFLW7 Calle~ 1LBOFPW (Floating-point exponentia tion) Called by compiled code 816 0 None Yes Called by compiled ILBOGDO code (GO TO DEPENDING ON) 280 0 None Yes 1LBOGPW Called by compiled code (Floating-point exponentiation to a binary exponent) 96 0 None Yes 128 ICalled by compiled 0 I code or by ILBODC1 I ILBOIDR 1680 I Called by compiled 0 code (Internal decimal ! I I to sterling report) I I I ,1LBOIDT ,Called by compiled 696 0 code I (Internal decimal to sterling nonI f report) I I ILBOIFB Called by compiled 0 I (I nterna 1 I 350 code or by 1LBOIFD I I floating-point to or 1LBOTEF I decimal or binary) I I I1LBOIFD , (Internal floating Called by compiled 0 I 224 code I to decimal or I bin ary) I ..L---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--L-_ _ --L-- None Yes , None Yes None Yes I1LBOERR (Error intercept) by ILBODBG and 1340 compiled code if FLOW is specified ILB01DB (Dec imal to bina ry) , , , ,, ,, , 60037 ILBOCMM 1000 Yes '--- Figure 174. 486 I I I I , ,I None Yes 1LB01FB Yes ,, , I .L.... _ _--'-- Calling and storage Information for COBOL Library Subroutines (Part 3 of ·7) I I I I I I I I J r-----------,.,Primary ISubroutine i i ICalling IInformation ISize I ICalled by compiled Icode , ..------------f--------- +-ILBOINS (INSPECT) , ILBOINT (VSAM initialization) ILBOITB (Internal decimal table for class test) I ICalled by compiled 1 code I 1 Called by compiled code IILBorVL I (Comparison with I figurative I constant) 1 IILBOLBL I (Label handling) 1 1 820 ILBOACS ILBOCMM ILBOCVB I 300 11000 11050 1 None Yes 80 o None Yes ILBOCHN 1 I I 1 830 I 1 I , None 'ILBONTR 'called by compiled (RES initialization) : code : 3064 'ILBOPRM7 I I IILBOOCR11 1 (Optical character , reader) ICalled by compiled 1 code , I I , IILBOPRM I (Object-time ,parameters) ICalled by ILBONTR lor ILBOBEG I IILBOPTV ,(Printer overflow) ,Called by compiled , code 1 I , 1 1 IILBOQSU. 10 1 (Queue structure I utility program) L-- Figure 174. I 250 , 1 550 12720 1 o 1 1402 1 , 152 ICalled by ILBOREC, IILBONBL 820 ILBONSND , o 168 2 4800 3 1 ' I t Yes ,, ,, , Yes 1000 820 3250 I I I , ,, , Yes 1 2850 I I I 1 Yes I I I I I , Yes 14800 3 1 I I I 1130 Yes t No , I 1 I I I 3300 Yes ,I, 1 1390 1 1 ,, , None 1130 ICalled by compiled Icode 1 ICalled by JCL , 450 I ,, I 1 1 IILBOQSS 1 (Queue scan) 1 1 , ,ILBOQIO I (QSAM I O) :' 1 7220 ,, , I 1 1 1 1 I I 260 l Yes o ICalled by ILBOCJS , I 280 I 1 INone I I 1ILBODBG 7 1 I IILBOCMM IILBOQSS IILBOREC , -, Yes 1 1 I Called by ILBOS RV I I ,Called by compiled Icode , 1 Re, IDynamic IWork Area lentrant, None called by the system 1 480 Called by ILBOSRT ~ i ~-----~--~ 250 Called by compiled code IILBO~RG I (Merge) 1 IILBOMSC I (Message count) , 1ILBOMSG I (STOP RUN message) I IILBONBL 1 (ENABLE DISABLE) 11730 i IDynamic I Secondary Isize IWork Areal Subroutines I 16290 1 1 , I 4000 None ILBOCMM ILBOSYN ILBOSRV7 ,ILBOSPA7 1 1 None 1 1 1 None t' 1 1, 100 1050 1000 1800 I I I Yes , Yes , I I I Yes ,I I I No I I (also , Inon-re-I ,usable) , , .J Calling and storage Information for COBOL Library Subroutines (Part 4 of 7) Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 487 .--- I Primary I Subroutine . ILBORECI0 (RECEIVE) i ICalling IInformation I ICalled by compiled 1 code, ILBOSND, land ILBONBL ISize I I 13200 I I I I , I I ICalled by compiled I code ILBOSAM (BSAM WRITE and CLOSE BDAM OPEN) ,, ILBOSCD (Scheduler starter) ICalled by compiled ,code I ICalled by compiled I code ILBOSCH (SEARCH) ~ i , i I Dynamic , I Secondary ISize IWork Areal Subroutines I I I --+- 950 ILBOCMM 1160 per ILBOQSS7 Iqueue 830 block, 200 per buffer 1230 0 190 0 1022 , , I Dynamic IReI I Work Area lentrantl --of I I IPDS member Yes SIZE None Yes None Yes None Yes None Yes I ILBOSDB (Sort debug) ICalled by ILBOSMG 1048 , I I I ILBOSGM tCalled by compiled code 1 (Segmentation) I IILBOSMG ICalled by compiled I (Sort) I code 1 I ILBOSMV I Called by compiled (MOVE to rightI code justified field fori System 370) I ,, I 510 1 I 13270 ICalled by compiled 1 code, ILBOPRM, AND IILBOSRV I I 64 I I 1 1 3230 , ILBOSPA (printer spacing) I called by compiled I code , 1770 ILBOSPIO 11 ,, ICalled by explicit call 280 ILBOSRT (Sort) I Called by compiled I code I ,Called by a program compiled by the COBOL or other 1 compiler 1230 ILBOSRV (STOP RUN) ,, ILBOSSN (Separately signed numeric ILBOSTG (STRING) ILBOMRG 7 ILBOACS 0 , 0 200 Yes 858 300 Yes I I I 1 I 13200 11000 Yes 1 INone I 1 , 11402 and 200 per buffer 0 600 2 I IILBOREC7 ILBOCMM None None Yes , , ,, ,, Yes Yes ILBOCMM ILBOMRG 1000 850 Yes No 0 ILBOBEG ILBOMSG. ILBOSTT7 ILBOSND7 300 250 400 3300 ,Called by compiled 1 code ,232 1 1 0 ILBOSRV ILBODBG 1000 2000 0 6002 Yes I ICalled by compiled 1 code 680 0 ILBOCVB ILBOACS f 1050 1300 300 Yes , 600 , 0 None I , , I 488 2000 1 990 , ILBOSTI ,Called by compiled , (Sterlin g non-report, code to internal 1 dec imal) I Figure 174. ILBODBG , I ILBOSNDI0 (5 END) 0 ,, , ,, 1 1 ---1---_--L- ,, Yes 1 I I - - ' -_ _ _ ...L..---_ _ --L-_ _ _ Calling and storage Information for COBOL Library Subroutines (Part 5 of 7) , .-- , Primary ,Subroutine , IILBOSTN789 I (statement number I option) I I IL BOSTR I (STA RT with I generic key) I -r-----,- i ,Calling I~ize I Informa tion I I 790 ICalled by ILBODBG i f STATE is specified I I I I Called by compiled 96 code I , 96 0 ILBOTC2 (COUNT termination) ILBOTC3 (COUNT print) 11000 I -,------,-------, IDynamic IWOrk Area IReI lentrantl --+ Yes I I INone I Yes I 380 ,, ,I I IL BOTCO (COUNT initialization , , , ,, IILBOCMM I , ICalled by ILBOSRV ILBOSYN (Error i~tercept) , , -+----..:..--t I ILBOSTT (STOP RUN termination) i , Secondary IDynamic ISize IWork Areal Subroutines I IILBONTR 2900 Yes ILBOCHN 450 Yes ,Called by the system 1010 ,Called by ILBODBG I I I 'Called by compiled I code, I LBODBG, I I LBOABX , and ILBOSRV 800 ILBODBG1 2850 Yes 950 ILBOTC3 ILBODBG 4600 2850 Yes ILBODBG1 ILBOD13G8 2850 2850 Yes , , ICalled by ILBOTC2 4600 I ILBOTEF (Con version to external floa ting-point) ,, , ILBOTRN (TRANSFORM table) I I Called by compiled 688 0 ILBOBIE 272 0 None 150 0 Yes code or by 1LBOD23 I Used by ILBOVTR ILBOUST (UNSTRING) Called by compiled code 2100 250 5 Yes ILBONED7 ILBOCMM ILBOANE7 8 ILBOCVB7 B 1400 1000 350 1050 Yes 0 ILBOUTB (Unsigned internal decimal table for class test) Called by compiled code 144 0 None Yes ILBOVCO (V ar ia bl e-Iength comparison) Calleod by compiled code 520 0 None Yes ILBOVIO (VSAM action request) Figure 174. , , I ,, I i I ICalled by compiled code ILBOCKP ILBOCHN POOO ~ 500 100 Yes .L- Calling and storage Information for COBOL Library Subroutines (Part 6 of 7) Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutines 489 o ILBOXDI (Decimal division) Called by compiled code and by ILBOXPR 280 ILBOXMU (Decimal multiplication) called by compiled code and by ILBOXPR 192 ILBOXPR Called by compiled (Decimal fixed-point code exponentiation) 680 .-- o 0 None Yes None Yes None Yes ILBOXDI --L 300 0 --1- , I Yes I I ..L------f Notes: 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. size given is an estimate. size given is a minimum. size given is a maximum. sUbroutine indicated may never reside in the OS VS2 link pack area (LPA) or the OS VS1 resident reusable routine area (RRR). The 256-byte storage area obtained by subroutine ILBOCVB is used by sUbroutine ILBOUST. Because the ILBDODBG; subroutine dynamically loads and deletes subroutines as they are needed, depending on the options specified, it is possible only to estimate a minimum and or a maximum amount of storage used by anyone of the debugging optio~s. For each storage estimate given below, the effect of possible core fragmentation is not consig§red. __ a. Basic debug package -- 3768 bytes b. Debug with the STATE option -- 4640 bytes c. Debug with the FLOW option -- 5464 bytes d. Debug with SYMDMP option -- 14,000 bytes minimum and 20,000 bytes maximum. The subroutine or dynamic work area indicated as obtained conditionally. The subroutine indicated is never called as a primary subroutine. The subroutine indicated must be on-line at execution time. The subroutine indicated may require SYS1.TELCMLIB to be in-line at execution time. The subroutine indicated is called explicitly by CALL statement. in the COBOL program. '--- Informati~n Figure 174. Calling and Storage Appendix B: COBOL Library Subroutine 489.1 _ _ _ _ --.J for COBOL Library Subroutines (Part 7 of 7) In this appendix, each field of the data control block is listed by the name of the operand of the assembler-language macro instruction that can specify a value for that field. Figures 115 through 179 illustrate the data control blocks for sequential~ direct* relative, and indexed files. Some of the data control block fields can be referred to with the DCB parameter of the DD statement. However, any field filled in by the COBOL compiler cannot be overridden except for the indexed file OPTCD field in which the L-subparameter is set by the compiler using DeB exit. 490 values for fields for which no entry appears in the column headed "COBOL Source" may be supplied by the DD statement or by the data set label. For information concerning the speCification of values for data control block fields, see the DCB macro instruction for the different file processing techniques in the publication QS VL!!Sl!.g, Hg,nag~~gn1_~£rQ-In2!.ructiQn2. 1i.Qlg: The DeB subparameters are discussed under "User Defined Files" in the chapter "User File Processing." r • I IData Control, I Block Field I I I I r- BPALH BP'TEK BLKSIZE BUFeB BOFL BUFNO BUFOFF I DDNA1'1E I • DSORG , , I I EODAD I I tEROPT (see I note) t IEXLST I I Explana tion of Field I I Alignment I I ,Buffering technique I (S or ~ I t lIa xim ua length of block I I IAddress of buffer pool J ,Length of each buffer • INumber of buffers I assigned to DCB J I I I I I • j I J t I (COBOL specifies double-I word b o u n d a r y ) . 1 (COBOL sp~cifies I COBOL Source I I I BLOCK CONTAINS I Data record description I I SAME AREA I • ) t I RESERVE I I t I J ASSIGN clause • I ASSIGN clause ,Name of DD statement 1 tAccess method I J ACCESS clause I ) IAddress of user's end-of-I READ ••• AT END • data-set exit routine I I for input data set I I I I J J BLKSIZE J I I , I I , I I f J I I I I BUFNO=N(default=2) t I J J ! (BUFOFF=[ nil ]) I I t I t 1 I 1 J J t I f I I I 1 tError option I I I , I I I (EROPT=[ ACC J SKPI ABE]) J J j t t I JAddress of exit list J I I used by the compiler for1 J J J I I . USE ••• LABEL, etc. I I I'D entry I I ILRECL 1 t I I JLogical record length f I I J • ,Optional service provided) CODE-SET J by control program J I J ICharacteristics of I RECORDING MODE I records in data set • Record descript ion I I ADVANCING I I POSITIONING I I BLOCK CONTAINS I I APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW I ,Address of erro.t:' exit J routine I • I Used·by compiler for INVALID KEY and I USE AFTER ERROR I I J IType of macro instruction) OPEN INPUT, READ t OPEN OUTPUT, WRITE READ, WRITE 1 I • OPEN I-a, I I REWRITE J j J I I I (OPTCD=[WIClwCtTIQD 1 t , (RECFM=D) J I I I • I I I I I 1 • J I t I I I j IRECFM={SIT} I I I I I I If the COBOL proqram contains FILE STATUS or USE AFTER ERROR EXCEPTION clauses I for the QS11'1 file, EROPT=ACC should be specified; other wise, the COBOL program will tnever receive control when certain abend situations arise. 'INot~: _____ Figure 115. I , • I I I , • Applicable DD statement DCB sub parameters m ILRECL I I II ACRF I I IO·PTCD I I tRECPM I I I I I I aSTNAD I I ,I ----------------~i------ J .. I I 1 t .J Data Control Block Pields for Physical sequential Files (QSAM) Appendix C: Fields of the Data Control Block 491 r-- • T ------------Tt-----------------------.I ----------------------, J Applicable I I I f COBOL Source I I I I Data record description, I I I ASSIGN clause I I I I ASSIGN clause I I • ACCESS clause I . I I IAddress of end-of-data-set, READ ••• AT END I I exit (input) 1 I I f I ,Address of exit list I USE ••• LABEL PROCEDURE • I J I Length of key I ACTUAL KEY I I f (length of J I ACTO AL KEY - 4) I . JLoqical record length I FD entry I I J Type of macro instruction J OPEN INPUT, READ I I OPEN OUTPUT, I • WRITE (DIRECT ONLY)="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " J I IOptional service to be I I provided by control f I program J f J ICharacteristics of I RECORDING MODE 1 records in data set t Reco.rd descr iption t I APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW IData Control, .Block Field I Explanation of Field lI IBLKSIZE Iftaximull length of block I I JDDNAftE ,Name of DD statement I . tDSORG ,Access aethod 1 I ,EODAD I J ,EXLST 1 ,K EYLEN I • I ILRECL I UtiCRF J I I IOPTCD I • I JRECFM t I IISYNAD "JAddress of error exit 1 1 routine DD Stateaent DCB Subparaaeters f I .. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I • LRECL [OPTCD=WfT] I USE AFTER ERROR J IN VALID KEY r-------~. I I I I I I I I I I J • 1 I II J ~ ,lDirect files only; for relative files, the field is O. I ~ ~ Figure 116. 492 Data control Block Fields for Direct and Relative Files Accessed Sequentiall y (B5AM) r ------. I I I I IData Control I ,Block Field I t IBLKSIZE Explanation of Field I , COBOL source I ,DDNAME J I I DSORG f J Access method I I ASS.IGN clause I I I ACCESS cIa use J IUSE ••• LABEL, etc. I ' KEYLEN LIMeT MACRF JAddress of exit list I J Length of key for each I physical record • J ISearch limits I J IType of macro instruction f I I • , RECFM I ISYNAD IData record description ,ASSIGN clause I I ACTUAL • I KEY 1 (length of ACTUAL KEY - 4) j I I I I I t I J I I I 1 , I I I J I I I f , I I I I I ILIMCT=n (OPTCD=E t I must be specified) I I JOPEN INPUT, READ I IOPEN OUTPUT, I I WRITE (DIRECT ONLY) I IOPEN 1-0, R E A D , . I WRITE (DIRECT ONLY),="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; " I I REWRITE t J 1 I 1 I t J I 1 I I I I I I I I I APPLY RECORD-OVERFLOW I I t J I 1Record description 1 ,Used by compiler for I INVALID KEY and I USE AlTER ERROR I , I I J OPTCD Applicable I DD statement J DCB Subparameters I ----------~J~--------------------~Ir--- IMaximum length of block t I Name of DD statement JEXLST I I f IOption service to be I provided by the control I program ,Characteristics of records of data set I I IAddress of error exit I routine I JRECORDING MODE I j ,OPTCD=E/W I I I I J J I J I t I I , , L--f I• 11 Direct files only, for relative files this field is O. __________________________________ JI I Figure 177. Data Control Block Fields for Direct and Relative Files Accessed Randomly (BDAM) Appendix C: Fields of the Data Control Block 493 r-, t . ,Data Controll JBlock Field i Explanation of Field I------f t BPALN t Buf.fer alignment (F or D) I f fBKLSIZE ,Maximum length of block , , , I f I I I COBOL source I I I I (COBOL specifies D ) , Applicable I DD statement • DCB Subparameters I f I 1 I ,BLOCK CONTAINS fBLKSIZE I I 1 'SAME AREA I IRESERVE I I I f I , I BUPNO=N(default=2) I I ICYLOFL=XX 1 J I I JDDNAME I fDSORG I IName of DD statement J ,ASSIGN clause I IACCESS clause IASSIGN clause J ,BOFCB I IBUFNO f JAddress of buffer pool I JNumber of buffers assigned J to DCB J I JCYLOFL INumber of overflow tracks 1 1 for each cylinder J jEODAD J 1 J IEXLST I JKEYLEN f I I LREel 1 IMACRF I I I j I NTM I J t OPTCD I J J JRECFM I I I IRKP I I f ISYNAD I I I Figure 178. 494 I I I I t I I I I IAccess method I f 1 J JAddress of user's end-of- IREAD ••• AT END f J data-set exit routine I t I for input da ta set I I I • I tAddress of exit list IUsed by the compiler I , I J I I ILength of key for each ,RECORD KEY I I I logical r e c o r d . I I f J I I I Logical record length J PD entry I LRECL I J t i t JType of macro instruction IOPEN INPUT, READ, START I I I tOPEN OUTPUT, WRITE I I I IOPEN 1-0, READ, START, I I J • REWRITE I I I I I I • Maximu m nu mber: of I I NTH=XX , I cylinder: index tracts I I I J I I I J optional ser vices I OPTCD=I I RI WI Y I MI U. L I I i (must also have I I I NT M=M) I I ICharacteristics of I records in data set J t t IRECORDING MODE IRECORD DESCRIPTION IBLOCK CONTAINS I JRelative position of • record key in logical I record I IAddress of error exit I routine J iRECORD KEY I I I J ,Used by the compiler for I , INVALID KEY, I I USE AFTER ERROR I I • J I I I I I I I I I I I I .I Data Control Block Fields for Indexed Sequential Piles Accessed sequentially (QISAM) i ~ I I IData Control I IBlock Field I , I • Explanation of Field '~--------~Ir-- BF ALK DDNAftE DSORG EXLST KEYLEN LRECI. !!lCRF I I flSHI , , I HSWA SMSI SMSW L- COBOL Source I ,Buffer alignment (F or D). I (COBOL speci fies D) I t i ,Name of DD statement. ,ASSIGN clause I J I I ,Access method. ,ACCESS clause I J IASSIGN clause t I I J ,Address of exit list. ,Used by the compiler I I • I I Key I engt h. I NOf!lIN AL KEY I I • I ILogical record length. IFD entry I I I I IType of macro instruction. ,OPEN INPOT, READ I I IOPEN 1-0, READ, J t IWRITE. REWRITE, I ,Address of area for t highest level index I of data set. f IAPPLY CORE-INDEX J J ~ I I I I I J IAddress of area reserved ITRACK-AREA I • for control program. I J I Required for variable I f I length records. I I I I I ,size for area provided for ,APPLY CORE-INDEX, • highest level index of J I I the data set. I I I t J INumber of bytes reserved ITRACK-AREA I I for main storage I I I work area. I , f I I I , I t t _ _ _ _ _..... '___ Figure 179. J Applicable , DD statement IDCB Subparameters I J t I I I I J J I I I J I J t I J , 1 J I J I J J I I I I J J 1 . L - . J Data Control Block Fields for Indexed Sequential Files Accessed Randomly (BISAM) Appendix C: Fields of the Data Control Block 495 In general, compilation is faster when: 1. options in the EXEC statement are specified to: a. Make more main storage available (the SIZE option and the JCL REGION parameter) b. optimize the space available for buffers (the BUF option) • Dynamic invocation and release of COBOL subprograms, specified by the DYNAM compiler option, also results in savings in main storage. c. Suppress output (the NOSOURCE, NODECK, NOLOAD, and the SUPMAP options, among others) • d. 2. Suppress object code if one or more E-level messages are generated (CSYNTAX option). The maximum block size for a compiler data set is specified. 3. A disk configuration and separate channels for utility data sets are used. 4. Separate devices (i.e., not the same mass storage unit) on the same channel are used. Compilation time is also affected by the speed of the devices allocated to the data sets. For example, a tape device is faster than a printer for printed output. The blocking information that follows applies to OS VS1 or OS VS2. The as vs COBOL Compiler, provides additional opportunities for saving either main storage or time. For example, specification of the Optimized Code Feature, the COBOL Library Management Feature, the Dynamic subprogram Feature, or all three of these fea tures, can result in a considerable saving in main storage. The notes qiven below provide additional perfor~ance information on programs run with these and other new features. • When the optimized Code Feature is requested, via the OPTIMIZE compiler option, execution time is reduced for non-I O bound programs; however, compilation time is increased. 496 • specification of the COBOL Library Management Facility, via the RESIDENT compiler option, results in a saving of both main storage and secondary storage, as well as of time at the link-edit step and the initial program load for the program. A syntax checking compilation, specified by the SYNTAX or CSYNTAX compiler option, saves machine time. Depending on which compiler options are chosen, as well as the various soarce program statements, compile time can be reduced greatly. The symbolic dump feature, specified by the SYMDMP option, and source-level debugging through USE FOR DEBUGGING declaratives, can save much debugging time. However, use of either of these features can decrease performance expectations for programs run with it. That is, such programs require additional time for the compile, link-edit, and execute job steps. They also require more main storage than programs run without this feature. For information about requesting any of these options, see the section "Options for the Compiler" in the chapter on "Job Control Procedures". For information about USE FOR DEBUGGING, see the chapter "program Checkout. II The blocking factor specified for compiler data sets other than utility data sets must be permissible for the device the data set is on. In addition, for the SYSLIN data set, i t must be permissible for the linkage editor used. (Any block size specified for a utility data set in a DD statement is overridden by the compiler.) If a block size other than the default option is needed, it can be requested by specifying the BLKSIZE sub parameter of the DCB parameter in the DD statement for the data sets. The format of the subparamete is: DCB=(BLKSIZE=nnn) where nnn is equal to N times the logical record size in bytes, and 1 S N S M. M is equal to the blocking factor permissible for the device, and, in the case of SYSLIN, to the blocking factor permissible for the linkage editor used. If blocking is desired, the record format for SYSPRINT [DCB=(RECFM=nn~ ] should be specified as FBA. The record format for SYSIN, SISLIN, SISPUNCH, and S1SL1B should be specified as FB. IQi~: For queued sequential data sets, the REeF! subparameter of the DD statement may optionally be specified at object time, permitting the programmer to specify the standard block option (for data sets with recording mode F) or the track overflow option for the data set. (The track overflow option is equivalent to writing an APPLY RECORD-OV ERFLOW cl au se in the source program.) Use of the standard block option (particularly for direct-access devices having the Rotational positional sensing feature) results in the significant I O performance improvement. Fixed-block single volume data sets as created by COBOL are standard (except possibly when extended using the DISP=MOD pa ra meter of the DD statemen t) • Multivolume data sets as created by COBOL are standard if the volume switching occurs through automatic end-of-volume procedures. If, however, the programmer issues a CLOSE REEL UNIT statement, then he must ensure that the number of logical records in the volume is an integral multiple of !l, whe·re a BLOCK CONTAINS ]!RECORDS clause (or an equivalent BLOCK CONTAINS CHARACTERS clause) has been specified in the source program. The standard block option and the track overflow option are mutually exclusive. still remains, the compiler makes use of it for internal processing. once the amount of space available for buffers is determined, the compiler calculates how this space is to be di vided. First, it computes the amount of space required for the buffers of the input output data sets. From the space remaining, i t determines the maximum buffer size, and hence block size, possi ble for a utility data set. The four required utility da ta sets SYSUT 1 through SYSUT4 all have the same block size. Thus, the block size of a utility data set is dependent on the amount of space available for buffers. If a block size has been specified in a DD statement for a utility data set, it is ove.rridden. A larger buffer size for a utility data set allows for faster processing. However, if ·the program being compiled takes up a large amount of the available storage, a smaller space for buffers enables the compiler to use more main storage for internal processing~ The following describes how the space available for buffers is determined and how it is allocated to buffers. Let A represent the total space that can be allocated to these buffers. It is determined as follows: 1. If neither the BUF nor the SIZE option of the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement is specified, A equals the default value for buffer space. This value is specified at system generation time. The minimum value is 4096 bytes. The logical record size for SYSPRINT and SYSUT6 is 121 bytes. The logical record size for SYSIN, SYSLIN, SYSPUNCH, and SYSLIB is 80 bytes. 2. If the SIZE option is specified, but BUF is not, A equals (SIZE - 96K) 4 plus the default value fo~ buffer space. !Q~: For compile, link-edit, and execute cases when labeled volumes are used,RECFfII and BLKSIZE must be given for SISLIN in the compile step only. If BLKSIZE is specified for SYSPUNCH, LRBeL must also be specified. 3. If BUF is specified (whether or not SIZE is specified), A equals the value s peci fied for au F. Once the amount of space available for a compilation is determined, the compiler subtracts the amount required for itself. From the space remaining, it then computes the space available for utility and input output data set buffers. If space 4. Note: The minimum difference between and BUF must always be equal to or greater than the difference between the minimum SIZE value and the minimum BUF value (131,072 bytes - 12,288 bytes). iiii If BUF is smaller than 4096 a warning message is printed and the minimum value is assumed. If BUP is too large to allow minimum table space for compilation, a warning message is printed and the default value (or the Appendix D: Compiler Optimization 497 minimum value, if the default value is ~lso too large) is assumed. !l~ta ~1 SYSIN SYSLIN SYSPUNCH SYSLIB SYSPR.INT SYSUT6 SYSTERM SYSUT5 The programmer must make sure that the amount of buffer space allocated by the system is sufficient, taking into consideration the block sizes specified for the compiler data sets. The allocated buffer space is divided as follows: 1. Let B represent the amount of buffer space to be allocated for input output data sets. B is computed as either equal to: 2 times the block size of SYSPRINT + SYSIN + SYSLIB or 2 times the block size of SYSPRINT + SYSPUNCH + SYSLIN whichever is larger. The maximum allowable value of B is A - 1280 bytes (1280 bytes less than the total buffer size). If the computed value is greater than the maximum allowable value, a diagnostic message is printed and compilation is abandoned. Note: When the BATCH option is in effect, an additional SYSIN buffer is required. The first formula above then becomes: 2 times the block size of SYSPRINT + SYSIN + SYSIN + SYSLIB If the block sizes are not specified in the DO statements, the following default values are assumed: 498 Default Ig,lug--1!!ytesL 80 80 80 80 121 or 133 121 512 E21~: The default for SYSPBINT SYSUT6 is The 512-byte block size for SYSUT5 cannot be overridden. 133 if the L132 option is in effect. 2. Let C represent the amount of buffer space to be allocated for each utility data set. Therefore, C equals the block size of data sets, SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, and SYSUT4, respectively. A - If A ~ B 6B, then C 5 A If A data-cf-modified-98f1643be84adb2735ccc774-=""> 6B, then C 6 If C > maximum block size permitted for any device a utility data set is on, then the maximum block size is the value chosen for C. The minimum block size for SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, and SYSUT4 is 256 bytes. The COBOL compiler can be invoked by a problem program at execution time through the use of the ATTACH or the LINK macro instruction, i.e., dynamic invocation. Dynamic invocation of COBOL compiled programs can be accomplished through the use of the LINK, ATTACH, or LOAD macro instruction. option list. specifies the address of a variable length list containing the COBOL options specified for compilation. For additional details, see the description of the EXEC statement in the chapter "Job Control Procedures." This address m~st be written even though no list is provided. INVOKING THE COBOL COMPILER The option list must begin on a halfword boundary. The two high-order bytes contain a count of the number of bytes in the remainder of the list. If no options are specified, the count must be zero. The option list is free form with each field separated from the next by a comma. No blanks or zeros should appear in the list. The problem program must supply the following information to the COBOL compiler: • The options to be specified for the compilation • The ddnames of t'he data sets to be used during processing by the COBOL compile.r • The header to appear on each page of the listing r- I -,- --, 'Name J Operationl Operand • J .[symbol]1 LINK I I ATTACH I J I I I IEP=IKFCBLOO, I PARAM= (optionlist I (,ddnamelist], I [, headerlist ]) , VL= 1 L- • • I of I • • , where: EP specifies the symbolic name Qf the COBOL compiler. The entry point at which execution is to begin is determined by the control program (from the library -directory entry). PARAM specifies, as a sublist, address parameters to be passed from the problem program to the COBOL compiler. The first fullwordin the address parameter list contains the address of the COBOL option list. The second fullvord contains the address of ddname list. If standard ddnames are to be used and no header list is specified, this list may be omitted. If standard ddnames are to be used and a header list is specified, this entry should contain the address of a halfword of binary zeros, aligned on a halfword. The last fullword contains the address of the header list. This list may be omitted. Appendix E: ddname list specifies the address of a variable length list containing alternative ddnames for the data sets used during COBOL compiler processing. If standard ddnames are used, this operand may be omitted. The ddname list must begin on a halfword boundary. The two high-order bytes contain a count of the number of bytes in the remainder of the list. Each name of less than eight bytes must be left justified and padded with blanks. If an alternate ddname is omitted from the list, the standard name will be assumed. If the name is omitted within the list, the 8-byte entry must contain binary zeros. Names can be omitted from the end merely by shortening the list. All utility data sets passed to the compiler must be physical sequential (for example, DSORG=PS must be their type of organization) • The sequence of the 8-byte entries in the ddname list is as follows: ddname 8-bn~tr:t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name for ihi£h~ubsti1Ylgg SYSLIN not applicable not applicable 51SL1B SYSIN SYSPRINT SYSPUNCH SYSUT1 SYSOT2 SYSUT3 Invocation of the CO BOL Compiler and COBOL compiled Programs 499 11 12 13 14 S YSUT4 SYSTERK SYSUT5 SYSUT6 header list specifies the address of a variable-length list containing information to be included in the heading on each page of the listing. The list must begin on a halfvord boundary. The two high-order bytes should contain a 4 (the count of the number of bytes int.he new heading information). The next four bytes of the list should contain the page number at which the heading is to start~ in EBCDIC format. VL specifies that the sign bit is to be set to 1 in the last full·word of the address parameter list. 500 When the COBOL compiler completes processing, a return code is placed in register 15. For additional details~ see the discussion of the COND parameter in the chapter "Job control Procedures." INVOKING COBOL COMPILED PROGRAMS Linkage editor control cards should be specified as follows: 1. For the PROGRAM-ID program-name, a NAME card. 2. Por each ENTRY literal-1, an ALIAS card should be specified in a COBOL program that is to be dyna mically invoked. This appendix contains information to aid the programmer in determining how his source program affects usage of space at compilation time and linkage editing time. CO~PILER CAPACITY The capacity of the COBOL compiler is limited by two "C;;:;::;;- '" ......... "". 60 f- I- 1-+- D~ ~ ,~ ~ Icrr ~ ~ ~ 11 ill [5 ILIL I" IDII" 1111: 111);1'00 11&1_ [AI~ IIlII ~~ la ~ R III liMn- ~ ~ II IU Ie IIIMIT II II I ITII IF 1=12 II I" In Ii IIlHtr ~~.~ ~- f-- I·~ - ~~.~ ~ I- IO~ I",,", 1"11. Ill} 18 NIU ~IA 1)11 1&:1, ~II I~I"I!: I"I~ I) ~- ....... '. 1I.\.~. STMEM(NT { " " EMID 1* jV Lk ED ~S 'fS L~ OD 7i Figure 196. ~~"d ,. EDIIT.1. ::IALII "IFI, " FR ,,10= 30 " " " 10 " C"'_"'. ~S .. ID tlA E=S .1. I~ Ala EL lIB i(F RL ~a PM 1)1) ]) Is =0 LJ Format Record Assembly Coding Example NUMatli ....."". -- 1.,.",,1,(0'100'1 " H- ~- - - D 0' T:AI:D (unl:O I PUN(H OATE IPAGI T 0.APHI( ~UNCHING , - I-I-~ [) INSTRUCTIONS 0,........ f~ ,.- IBM Sylllm/360 .....mblor Coding Form No_ ~ ~- I-~ PItOGIIAM "'ltOGlAWMI - I- - I~f 'X 1--1-- lit I.. Iii 1111 IBM 556 I~ I) r.lil Illilll ITlc I", I" ~ ITll I.: 14 INllJlCI 1\ IZ to IT IA I. till! ~II: II II: IDlsl:. II II ~ 10 1-1- f-- f~ Ii 11 lell l I"~ lIlT III) lull III Inlf: to h'I.lI= II 1.1) I, III II Ill::. 1~1t: 1"111: II 1111 III, - " ~ -I- I-~ X " oo Line 1 Header Record: (20 Bytes) Data Record: (130 Bytes) 01011000000000000000 DALEoE.oSTUEMKEoooooo ... 0 --------~----------~ Pad to 130 Bytes Pol icyholder Field Line 2 Header Record: (20 Bytes) Data Record: (130 Bytes) 02021000000000000000 ROCHESTER,oMINNESOTA269403860249750o ... 0 Policy Number Address Field Am7u~P;d to 130 Bytes Due I Code Line 3 Header Record: (20 Bytes) Data Record: (130 Bytes) 03031000000000000000 OOOOOOOb ... 0 -Amount Paid ~igure ~he 197. Pad to 130 Bytes Sample Data Figure 198 shows the COBOL source statements used to process the data in Figure 191. JCt to run the program is also included in Figure 198. Appendix M: 3886 optical Character Reader processing 551 ,.------_ . •• ************************************************************************************** 1********* S A ft P L E O C R PRO G RAM ********* 1*************************************************************************************** lID DIVISION. I PROGRA!-I D. DOCLIST. ,ENVIRON8ENT DIVISION. IINPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. • FILE-CONTROL. J SELECT PRINTER. ASSIGN TO SYS009-UR-1403-S. ,DATA DIVISION. I FILE SECTION. JFD PRINTER LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED. 101 PRINT-RECORD. PIC X. • 05 FILLER PIC X (130). I 05 PRINT-LINE IWORKING-STORAGE SECTION. PIC 9 VALUE 1. 177 PRINT-CONTROL VALUE PIC X (24) 177 MSG-PERftANENT-ERROB t 'PERMANENT ERROR OCCURREDt. PIC 1(19) VALUE 177 MSG-MARK-CHECK I t MARK CHECK OCCURRED'. 177 MSG-MARK-AND-EQUIP-CHECK PIC X(39) VALUE i 'MARK CHECK AND EQUIPftENT CHECK OCCURRED'. 177 MSG-INCOMPLETE-SCAN PIC 1(24) VALUE I 'INCOMPLETE SCAN OCCURRED'. 177 MSG- NONRECOVERY-ERR OR PIC X (26) VALUE J 'NONRECOVERY ERROR OCCURRED'. 177 MSG-BAD-DATA PIC X(50) VALUE I 'THE FOLLOWING LINE WAS MISREAD. THE LINE HEADER : ' . 101 MSG-TER8INATION. I 05 FILLER PIC X (44) VALUE I 'TERMINAL ERROR OCCURRED - OCR-STATUS-KEY = , •L-________________________________________ 05 MSG-TERM-STATUS-KEY PIC XX._ Figure 198. 558 Sample COBOL OCR Processing Program (Part 1 of 3) r------------------------------------------01 OCR-PILE COpy ILBDOCRD. 05 ----------------------------------------,I NOTICE-OF-P AYKERT-DUE REDEFINES OCR-DATA-RECORD. I 10 LINE-l. I 15 Ll-.POLICYHOLDER-lfA!.E PIC 1(20). I 10 LINE-2 REDEFINES LINE-l. I 15 L2-CITY-AND-STATE PIC 1(20). I 15 L2-POLICY-NUftBER PIC 1(8). I 15 L2-AMOUNT-DUE PIC 9 (4) V99. I 15 L2-PAY!ENT-VERIFY-CODE PIC 9. I 10 LINE-3 REDEFINES LINE-l. I 15 L3-AMOUNT-PAID PIC 9 (5) '99.' J PROCEDURE DIVISION. J STOP RUN. I PIO-START. J MOVE 'SYS010' TO OCR-FILE-ID. I "OVE 'FORMAT' TO OCR-FORMAT-RECORD-ID. I PERFOR" OCR-OPEN. I OPEN OUTPUT PRINTER. I PIa-HEAD. I "OVE ALL '*' TO PRINT-LINE. I PERFOR! PRINT-ROUTINE. I ftOVE 1 TO OCR-STACKER. I PIO-READ. I PERFORM OCR-READ. IF OCRS-NONRECOVERY-ERROR, GO TO PIO-EOP-ERR. I IF ORCH-LINE-GOOD, GO '1'0 PIO-GOOD. I IF OCRH-LINE-BLANK, GO TO PIa-GOOD. I IF OCBH-LINE-NON-CRITICAL-ERR, GO TO PIO-GOOD. I IF ORCH-END-O.F-PAGE,GO TO PIO-EOP. I ****IF ORCH HAS A NY OTHER CODE, CONSIDER THE DATA AS BAD I PIO-BAD. t MOVE MSG-BAD-DATA TO PRINT-LINE. I PERFORM PRINT-ROUTINE. I MOVE 2 TO OCR-STACKER. PIO-GOOD. J MOVE OCR-DATA-RECORD TO PRINT-LINE. J PERFORM PRINT-ROUTINE. I MOVE 1 TO PRI NT-CONTROL. I IDD 1 TO OCR-LINE-NUMBER, OCR-LINE-FORMAT. I IF ORCH-LINE-NUMBER IS LESS THAN 3, GO TO .PIO-READ. I PIO-EOP. J MOVE 3 TO OCR-LINE-NUMBER. I PERFORM OCR-EJ.ECT. J ,PIO-EOP-ERR. I MOVE 1 TO OCR-LINE-NUMBER, OCR-LINE-FORMAT. I a MOVE 3 TO PRI NT-CONTROt.. I ________________________________ JI I GO TO PIO-HEAD. , **** • • Figure 198. Sample COBOL OCR Processing Program (Part 2 of 3) Appendix M: 3886 Optical Charact er Reader Processing 559 r------------------EXCEPTION PROCESSING I***~** ROUTINE ************** .. IOCR-EXCEPTION-ROUTINE. I I"F OCRS-END-OF-PILE. GO TO P20-EOP. J IF oenS-MARK-CHECK, j MOVE MSG-MARK-CHECK TO PRINT-LINE. I GO TO P20-RETURN. I IF OCRS-NONRECOVERY-ERROR, I MOVE MSG-NONRECOVERY-ERROR TO PRINT-LINE, t GO TO P20-RETUB N. I IF OCRS-INCOMPLETE-SCAN, t MOVE MSG-I NCOMPLETE-SCA N TO PRINT-L INE, I GO TO P20-RETURN. , • I IF OCRS-MARK-AND-EQUIPKENT-CHECK, MOVE MSG-MARK-AND-EQUIP-CHECK TO OCR-LINE. I GO TO P20-PRINT-EOF. • IF ocaS-PERMANENT-ERROR, I MOV E MSG- PERMANENT-ERROR TO PRINT-LINE, 1 GO TO P20-PRINT-EOP. I ****** IF NONE OF THE ABOVE ERRORS, GIVE TE.RMI NATION KESSAG.E ****** t MOVE OCR-STATUS-KEY TO MSG-TERM-STATUS-KEY. I MOVE MSG-TERMINATION TO PRINT-LINE. I GO TO P20-PRINT-EOP. I P20-RETURN. I PERFORM PRINT-ROUTINE. GO TO OCR-CALL-EXIT. • I P20-PRINT-EOF. I PERFORM PRINT-ROUTINE. I P20-EOF. I PERFORM OCR-CLOSE. t CLOSE PRINTER. I STOP RUN. I PRINT-ROUTINE. I WRITE PRINT-RECORD AFTER ADVANCING PRINT-CONTROL. IOCR-COPIED-PROCEDURES. COpy ILBDOCRP. 1/* IIILKED.SYSIN DD* I ENTRY DOCLIST 1/* IIIGO.SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A IIIGO.SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A II/GO.SYS010 DD DUrtMY , L---________.____________ Figure 198. Tape records produced from the IBM 3886, Model 2, are almost identical in format to the header and data records returned by the !odel 1. The main differences between the records are: 560 J I I I I I I I I I I t The Kodel 2 tape contains a document trailer record after the line output records for each document. The content of this trailer record differs from that of line output records. Becaase of the similarity, however, the nata Division COpy member defined for the Model 1 may be tailored to describe the Model 2 tape records. To do so, the programmer should puncb out tbe COpy member, modify it according to the installation requirements, and recatalog it. Specific information on the formats and contents of the Model 2 tape records is contained in the !~!-~86 Optical Cha£~1~£ ~~~~~~l-Info£.ation Manual (G A2 1- 9146) • 2. , Sample COBOL OCB .processing Program (Part 3 of 3) PROCESSING TAPES FROM THE 3886 OCR, KODEL 2 1. I I I The codes used in certain fields of the header record differ between the two models. INDEX As an aid to readers, this index contains not material in this Programmer's Guide, but also in the COBOL language manual. Entries having Entries having only asterisks point to IBM VS only the conventional references to references to material that can be found page numbers refer to pages in this manual. COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857). For example: Able 347 Baker· Charlie 89,. Dog 23, 106 Easy additional information. sub-one 33 sub-two 400 These entries would indicate that information on the subject "Able" is available on page 347 of this manual, and information on "Dog" is available in this manual on pages 23 and 106. Information on "Baker" does not exist in this manual; it can nevertheless be found in the language manual (by looking up "Baker" in that manual's index). The entry for "Charlie" indicates that some information is available in this Programmer's Guide (on page 89), and additional information can be found in the language manual (again, by looking up "Charlie" in its index). The entries for "Easy" indicate that its "sub-one" and "sub-two" aspects can be found in this manual (on pages 33 and. 400, respectively); additional information on "Easy" is also available in the language manual. (period)* < (less than character) * o (parentheses) * + (see plus symbol) $ (currency sign)* * (see asterisk) ** (exponentiation)* (semicolon) * (see either hyphen, or minus symbol) / (slash) 48,* , (comma) * > (greater than character)* = (equal sign) * (apostrophe, single quote) * " (quotation mar~* &&name subparameter 58 *. ddname subparameter 57 *. procstep subparameter 57 *. stepname subparameter 57 1* delimiter statement 21, 70 11* comment statement 23 A, as a device class 21 A, used in PICTURE and CURRENCY SIGN clauses* abbreviations for compiler options 38 for source statements* ABDUMP (see dumps) ABEND (see abnormal termination) ABEND request subroutine 254, 481 abnormal termination avoided by *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) FILE STATUS 293 ON OVERFLOW 295 causes 254-259 completion codes 257-259, 529 COND parameter 35-37 dump causes 254-259, 529 DD statement required for 81 definition 254 example 262-268 finding records in 268-273 how to use 260-262 including problem program storage area 69 including system nucleus 69 of data sets 69 requesting 80-81, 254 required DD statement 81 using 254 errors causing 254-259 EVEN subparameter 37-38 failure to occur 183 for COBOL files 143-154 incomplete 277 INVALID KEY clause 148, 153-154 ONLY subparameter restarting a job 36 restarting a job step 47 resubmitting a job 36 USE AFTER ERROR declarative 148-154 sort/merge considerations* U-type code~ 529 absolute LINE and NEXT GBOUP* Index 561 ABSTR subparameter alphanumeric item* description 61 ALSO option* in QISAM 124 ALTER statement* ACCEPT statement altered GO TO* additional information* alternate collating sequence subroutine relationship to SYSIN DD statement 80 (see also collating sequence) subroutine for 477 alternate indexes (VSAM KSDS) ACCESS IS phrases* "..---, ..."...---1'-.'-_..~ ddnames for 201 access method services (VSAM) 173-180, 186, -4'8~ defining 177 access methods for \'-----.____---.---...c....-.---.-~-c~ described 173, 174 direct file examples 182, 195, 197 randomly 97-98 processing 181, 190 sequentially 98 writing 189 indexed file alternate keys (see alternate indexes) randomly 129-131 alternate paths 174 sequentially 127-129 alternate record key* queue structures 312 (see also alternate indexes) relative file ALTERNATE reserved word* randomly 112-113 ALTERNATEINDEX command 175, 178 sequentially 111-112 ALX subparameter 61 standard sequential file 85-88 American National Standard (see ANS ACCESS MODE clause* standard) accounting information American National Standard Code for EXEC statement 34, 20 Information Interchange (see ASCII) JOB statement 26, 20 AMP parameter 201, 69, 56 accuracy of results 294, * ~ND logical connective* action requests, status key settings ~NS standard (VSAM) 190-193 additional information* actual decimal point * requirements for MCP 432 actual key 83, 92-94 selecting 38 (see also ACTUAL KEY clause) APOST compiler option 40 ACTUAL KEY clause APPLY clause (see also actual key) CORE-INDEX option 283 in BDAM 92-94. 83· RECORD-OVERFLOW option 283 in BSAM 92-94, 83 WRITE-ONLY option 282 in file processing techniques 492, 493 arabic numerial* randomizing techniques Area A and Area B* division/remainder method 102 arguments relative addressing 101 data-name passed as 317, 322 synonym overflow 108 file-name passed as 317, 322 ADCON table (see Text Punch Table) procedure-name passed as 317, 322 ADD statement * arithmetic expression* addition operator* arithmetic operator* address constant table (see Text Punch Table) arithmetic statements* ADDRSPC parame~€r arithmetic subroutines 475-476 and REGION parameter 31, 51 ASCENDING/DESCENDING Key* description 31, 51 ASCII ADV compiler option 44 addit ional informa tion* ADVANCING 297, * block prefix 90 AFF parameter 58, 59 collating sequence 293 AIXBLD option 186, 48, 201 creating 89 AL subparameter 66 description 89-90 algebraic sign* label processing 90, 158-159 ALIGN subparameter 69 numeric data items 90 alignment rules* opened 90 ALL literal figurative constant* processing 90 ALL options* requesting for QSAM 90 allocating mass storage space sort for 375 SPACE parameter 61 assembler language SPLIT parameter 62 programs, linkage to 322-325 SUBALLOC parameter 164 using EXEC statement 32-37 allocation messages 235, 241, 243 ASSIGN clause alphabet-name* additional information* alphabetic characters* for ASCII file 89-90 alphabetic class test* in BDAM 82 alphabetic item* in BSAM 82 alphanumeric class* in QSAM 85 alphanumeric edited item* rela~ionship to DD statement 82-83 562 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) 48 assigning index values 306-307, * assignment name 82, 100, * assumed decimal point* assumed values in PAGE clause* asterisk 56, * AT END 56, ATTACH macro-to invoke compiler 499 AUL subparameter 66 automatic call library 349 automatic restart (see Checkpoint/Restart) ~utomatic page overflow* automatic volume recognition option (AVR) 58 automatic volume switching 99 availability of records* average record-length sub parameter for SPACE 61 for SPLIT 62 AVR (automatic volume recognition option) 58 AWAITING REPLY* * B, as a device class 21 B, used in PICTURE and CURRENCY SIGN clauses* b- a-c-k-w-a-r-d-- --m-o-v--e-m-en-t (-op t-i mi z a t ion) 2 79 base and displacement 246 BASIS card additional information* and batch compilation 71-73 in a debug packet 254 use of 351-352 BASIS library 76 batch compilation 71-73 BATCH compiler option 42 BDAM data sets 134 DD statement parameters 1C9 defining a data set in 82-83 definition 83 direct organization 91 error processing for 143-154, 509 locating data areas in 275 relative organization 110-112 permissible COBOL clauses 118, 108 programming techniques 283 with spanned records 261 BEFORE ADVANCING* BEFORE/AFTER option of INSPECT* beginning address of a file 62 binary (see also computational fields)* BISAM (see also QISAM, indexed files) considerations when using 129-131, 119 data sets 134 defining a data set in 82-83 definition 83 error processing for 143-154, 509 processing with 129-131, 119 blank line* BLANK WHEN ZERO clause* blanks additional information* in job control notation 25 BLDINDEX command 174, 186 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) BLKSIZE for compiler data sets 496-498 in DCB 491-495 in file processing techniques 87 in QSAM 125 with data sets 79-80 BLOCK ctiNTAINS clause additional information* and UNIT subparameter 59 description 59 block length (see BLKSIZE) block prefix 90 block size causing errors 256 description 59 for utility data sets 496-498 blocked records fixed-length 160 spanned 164-166 variable ~ength 161-164 blocking, automatic* BLP subparameter 66 body group* bottom page margin* boundary alignment* boundary violation* braces in job control notation 25 Ibrackets in job control notation 25 BSAM data sets 133 DD statement parameters 109 defining a data set in 82-8~ definition 83 error processi~ for 143-154, 509 locating data areas in 275 permissible COBOL clauses 108, 118 subroutines 478 user label totaling 156 with direct file 91 with relative file 110-112 with spanned records 261 BUF compiler option 38 buffer offset 89 buffer unit 426 bu ffers additional information* for TCAM 426 optimizing with APPLY clause 164 size of compiler's 497 specifying number for indexed files 124 for standard sequential files 87 BUFNO subparameter 124 BUFOFF subparameter 90 byte, definition* c as compiler message level 238, 35 as COpy indicator 235 as FIPS level 40 in source* CALL loader option - 48 CALL macro 323, 326 CALL statement additional information* and CANCEL statement 295, 323-326 and subprograms 295 definition 295 Index 563 dynamic loading 335-336 ~amples 327-331 calling/called programs and s~bprograms additional information* . additional input 332, 346 identifiers 322 input additional 332, 346 primary 332, 346 linkage 316-326 loading 346 primary input 332, 346 sample 327-331 'CANCEL statement additional information* and static CALL statement 295 and subprograms 323-326 description 295 format 295 capacity records 93 card files* card image* carriage control character 44, * catalog, system 18 cataloged data sets creating 136 description 141 on a volume 155 retrieving 138 cataloged procedures adding to the procedure library 357-358 adding to DD statements 364 bypassing steps within 35-37 calling 356 COBUC 359, 360 COBUCG 361, 360 COBUCL 359, 360 COBUCLG 361, 360 COBULG 359-360 data sets produced by 356-357 DD statements 51 ddname parameter 366-367 definition 21 dispatching priority 50 IBM-supplied 358-359 in-stream testing 363 limiting execution time of 51 modifying 362 naming 359 overriding 362 PEND statement 70 PROC statement 70 programmer-written 357 required device class names for 58, 59 restarting programs with 28-29 return code 34-36 using the DD statement 364-368 using the EXEC statement 34, 362 with COND parameter 35-37 categories* CATLG subparameter 67, 141 564 CBL card and batch compilation 71-73, 42-43 and lister options 44 CD entries 284, * cd-name* CDECK option of lister 44, 212 CF* CH* changing values* channel, definition* character codes* character delimiters 24 character positions* character set additional information* UCS parameter 60 character-string* characters allowed* CHARACTERS option* checkid 29, 396-397 checklist for job control p~ocedures 514-518 Checkpoint (see also Checkpoint/Restart) additional information* CHKPT macro instruction 28-29, 396 considerations 396-397 data set 28-29 how taken 49-50 initiating 394 in a job 28-29 in a job step 49-50 messages 396 multiple 394 RERUN clause 49-50, 394 restart 49, 397-398 (see also Restart) single 394 Checkpoint/Restart chetkpoint 394-396 (see also Checkpoint) data sets 398-400 DD statements 394-396 deferred 69 designing 396 in a job 28-29 in a job step 49 messages 396 methods 394 RD parameter with checkpoint 396-397 for a job 28 in a job step 49 restart 397-398 (see also Restart) subroutine 478 SYSCHK DD statement 397-400, 69 with Sort/Merge 372 CHKPT macro instruction 28-29, 49 CJS (see Communications Job Scheduler) .class condition* CLASS parameter 30 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) class test subroutine 476 classes of data* clause sequence* CLIST compiler option 39 CLOSE REEL statement 85 CLOSE statement additional information* BSAM subroutines 478 creating multivolume files with direct organization 98 with relative organization 112 efficient use 295 VSAM files 191 CLOSE UNIT statement 98, 112 closed subroutine* cluster considerations (VSAM) 180 CMS (Conversational Monitor System) operating system 19 VM/370 19 COBOL copy libraries 73, 76 COBOL sequence numbers 351 entering source statements 349 IEBUPDTE sequence numbers 351 retrieving source statements 351 BASIS card 351, 35 COPY statement 35, 351 updating source statements 350 COBOL file processing (see file, processing techniques) COBOL Interactive Debug (see Interactive Debug) COBOL language usage with VSAM 193-201 COBOL library management* COBOL library subroutines 472-489, 348 (see also library) concatenating 353 sharing 353 COBOL program structure* COBOL RERUN clause 49-50, 394 COBOL reserved word list* COBOL sample program 461-471 COBOL sequence numbers 351, 39 COBOL subroutine library 348, 472 (see also library) need to concatenate 81 COBOL subroutines in link pack area 346 COBOPIN 432 COBOPOUT 432 COBOPT 433-434 COBTPOUT 449 COBTPQD 449 COBUC 359, 360 COBUCG 361 COBUCL 359, 360 COBUCLG 361 COBULG 351, 360 COBURDR -procedure 437 CODE clause* CODE-SET phrase 90, 293, * codes, completion 257-259 for Sort/Merge program 371 collating sequence additional information* and ACTUAL KEY 94 effect on QISAM 129 for QS1M 90 for Sort/Merge 375 qeneral 293 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) COLUMN clause* combined condition and function* combining arithmetic operations* comma* command statement 70 comment-entry* comment line* comment statement 71 comments continuing 24 field 24 statement 71, 20 common end point* common expression elimination 279 Communication Description (CD) entries additional information* and Communications Section 284 and Teleprocessing (TP) 284 format 284 . Communication Feature (see also Communications Job Scheduler) * Communication Section 284, * communication with other languages 326 Communications Job Scheduler general 436 illustrations 439-441 preparing 438 using 438 compare subroutine 476 comparison rules* compatibility (LANGLVL) 38 compilation (see also compiler) additional information* batch 71-73 cataloged procedure 356-360 checklist for job control procedures 514 data set requirements 73-76 definition of 18 example of job control statements 514 invoking compiler at execution time 499-500 sample program 461-471 source program size assuming minimum configuration 501 syntax checking 247 using REGION ~arameter 457 COMPILE= indicator 237 compiler (see also compilation) additional information* blocking factor for data sets 496 buffer space 497 calling 499 capacity 501 data set requirements 73~76 block size 496 internal name 236 invoking 499 machine requirements 457 optimization 496-498 options 38-46 significant characters 38 output allocation messages 235 cross-reference dictionary 237-238 Index 565 diagnostic m~~sages 238 global table 236-237 glossary 235-236 job control statements 235 object code 237 object module 239-240 sample output 232-236 source module 235 PARM options 38-46 problems, resolving 543 return code 500 segmentation output 379 specifying in EXEC statement 32 compiler-directing statement* completion codes description 257-259, 529 in Sort program 371 complex conditions* composite of operands* compound condition* computational fields conversion subroutines 473-475 conversions involving 288-290 description 288 COMPUTATIONAL* COMPUTE statement* computer-name* concatenating . data i tems* libraries 69 COND EVEN, ONLY subparameter 36 in cataloged procedures 372-373 in EXEC statement 35-37 in JOB statement 27 condensed listing, used to find program interruption 259 condensed listing, using CLIST 38 condition* ' condition-code* condition-name* conditional, as a severity level (C) 38, 35 conditional expressions and statements* conditional syntax-checking compilation 41 conditional variable* conditions terminating execution 27, 35-37 conditions valid in serial search* Configuratio~ Section 282-283, * connective words* console message* CONSOLE typewriter* CONTIG subparameter description 61 with direct files 100 with indexed files 124 contiguous items* continuation additional information* of .job control statements 24 control breaks* (see also CONTROL clause) control cards for CJS 438 for SYMDMP 215-216 control characters 436, * 566 CONTROL clause* control flow* CONTROL FOOTING* CONTROL HEADING* control hierarchy* control program 18 control statements character delimiters 24 command statement 70, 20 comment statement 71, 20 continuing 24 DD statement 51-70 delimiter statement 70, 20 EXEC statement 32-51, 20 fields 23-24 formats 23 functions 22 JOB statement 25-32, 20 notation used for 25 null statement 70, 20 PEND statement 70 preparing 23-24 PROC statement 70, 20 processing 22 use 20 control transfer (see also calling programs and called programs)* Conversational Monitor System (see CMS) conversion of data 473, * conversion subroutines 473-475 COPIES parameter 60 copy library (see COBOL copy library) COpy statement additional information* DD statement requirements 515 effect of CDECK option 44 use 349-351, 35 core fragmentation, preventing 43 core storage (see main storage) core storage availability to sort* CORRESPONDING option* COUNT compiler option 44 DD statement 81 program checkout 247, 278 count field in INSPECT* COUNT IN, UNSTRING* COUNT subroutines 482 counter rolling* counting characters* CR r used in a PICTURE clause* creating files, DD statement considerations 131-137 direct 134 in the output stream 134 indexed 134 on magnetic tape 133 relative 111-112 sequential, on mass storage device 133 credit (CR)* unit record 133 cross-footing* cross- reference dictionary 237-238 list description 242 of verbs (VBREF) 44 used in dumps 262-263 *Consult VS COBOL for OSjVS (GC26-3857) CRP (current record pointer) 181 CSP-function-name* CSYNTAX compiler option 41 CURRENCY-SIGN clause* CURRENT-DATE special register 481, * current record pointer (CRP) 181, * CYL subparameter for SPACE considerations for indexed files description 61 for SPLIT 62 cylinder overflow area 122-123 ,CO 1 through C12 function name* specification of 82 data set member 83 data sets adding records to 67 (see also MOD subparameter) allocating space for 61-64 blocked' 79-80 ~ataloging 124 D as message level 35, 228, 529 in source* indicating debugging lines 248 data alignment 288-292 data areas, locating in a TCAM program 275-277 data attribute* data classes* data control block (see also DeB parameter) description 142 fields 490-495 identifying 143 overriding fields 142-143 data conversion 288-292, * data-count fields* data definition 51-69, 20 (see also DD statement) data description* . data delimiter for input 56 Data Division additional information* maximum size 283 Data Division dump (with SYMDMP) and FD 214 and index-name 214 and RD 214 and SD 214 Data Division programming techniques 283-292 Data Division reformatting 204-205 data extent block 73 data formats 285-289 data group, generation 141-142 data hierarchies* data item* data manipulation statements* data-names* additional information* missing from listings 42, 238 data-name clause* data organization* DATA parameter in DD statement 56 restriction with UNIT parameter 59 data receiving fields* DATA RECORDS clause* data reference* data representation* data set control block 155, 56-68 data set labels description 154-159 relati~nship to DD statement 154 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) description 67 indexed files 141 checkpoint 398-400 c~ncatenating 364 copies of 60 creating 131-137, 174-180 definition 18 deletion of 67 delimiting in input stream 70 describing attributes of 51-56 direct 83, 91-97 disposition of, in general 131 after abnormal termination 277-278 description 67-68 errors involving 255-259 ESDS 173 execution time 79-81 extending 142 for symbolic debugging 246, 215, 216 for VSAM 201-202 generation data groups 141-142 identifying description 57 for compilation or linkage editing 57 in the input stream 56 in the output stream 68-69 indexed 119-131 ISAM 202 KSDS 173 labels, relationship to SELECT and DD statements 144 \ magnetic tape 133 multivolume, processing 98 names description 142 relationship to file names 82 nontemporary 63 number of copies 60 organization 83 partitioned 347-355 physical sequential 85-89 postponing definitio~ of 57 produced by cataloged procedures 356-357 relati ve 83. retaining 67 requirements for compilation 73-76 for execution 79-81 for linkage editing 76-78 for loading 78-79 retrieving 138-140, 1951 (see also retrieving data sets) RRDS 174 scratching 277-278 sharing 67 standard (physical) sequential 85-89 system catalog of 18 temporary 63 Index 567 unit record 133 updating (VSAM) 198-199 used by Checkpoint/Restart used by Sort 349-351 VSAM 173-202 data transfer* data truncation* data values REDEFINES* Date-and-Time subroutine 481 380-382 2~5, * DATE special register 481, * DATE-WRITTEN paragraph* DAY special register 481, * DB, used in a PICTURE clause* DCB exit subroutine 479 DCB macro instruction 490 DCB parameter 58 (see also data control block) for defining checkpoint data sets 398-400 description 143 error processing with 143-146 identifying information'in 143 retrieving previously created data sets 138-140 subparameters for direct files accessed randomly 493 accessed sequentially 492 for indexed files accessed randomly 139, 495 accessed sequentially 128, 494 for physical sequential files 86-89 for relative files accessed randomly 493 accessed sequentially 120, 492 DD statement 51-69 adding to a cataloged procedure, description 21 additional information* error recovery option, for physical sequential files 143-146 facilities, additional 69 format 52-56 name field 56 overriding in cataloged procedures 364-365 parameters 52-68 AFF 58 AMP 69 asterisk 56 COPIES 60 DATA 56 DCB 58 DDNAME 57 DISP 66-68 DLM 56 DSNAtiE 57 DUMMY 56 DYNAM 57 FCB 68 LABEL 62 OUTLIM 60 QNAME 58 5EP 58 SPACE 61 5PLIT 62 SUBALLOC 62 DATE~COMPILEDparagraph 568 SY50UT 68 TERM 60 UCS 60 UNIT 58-59 VOLUME 63-66 relationship to ACCEPT statement 80 relationship to DISPLAY statement 79-80 relationship to SELECT statement 144 requirements for ASCII files 90, 159 changing a library 357 compilation, job step 514, 515 compiler data sets 73-76 creating files (see creating files, DD statement considerations) direct files 109 execution job step 515, 516 execution time data sets 141 extending data sets 139 indexed files 123-129, 510-513 linkage editing data sets 76-78 job step 515, 516 loader data sets 78-79 physical sequential files 85-89 relative files 110, 138-140 retrieving data sets 138-140 sort/merge 368-371 specifying unit record devices 141 standard (physical) sequential files 85-89 unit record devices 141 using cataloged procedures 357-361 using COBOL copy library 349-350 using the sort/merge feature 368-371 VSAM files 201 sort/merge~ used in 368-371 subparameters DISP 67 DSNAME 57 FCB 68 LABEL 66 SPACE 61 SPLIT 62 5UBALLOC 62 5Y50UT 68 TERM 60 UNIT 59 UCS 60 VOLUME 65 used to complete the DCB 142-143 user catalog (VSAM( 201 DDNAME parameter 57 ddname subparameter (see ddname subparameter) description 57 in cataloged procedures 366 ddname sub parameter 57 and calling and called programs 34 and cataloged procedures 364-365 and creating files 133-134 and indexed files 123-127 and retrieving files 138-140 and subprogram linkage 337-339 and VSAM 201 as DDNAME subparameter 57 (see also DDNAME parameter) as DSNAME subparameter 57 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) as INCLUDE oper'and 338 as LIBRARY operand 338 as PGM subparameter 34 as stepname qualifier 364-365 as SUBALLOC parameter 62-63 checklist of use in JeL procedures 515, 516 in DD statement format 53 in EXEC statement format 34 in name field of DD statement 56 used to allocate space 62-63 using with queue structures 313 with Checkpoint/Restart 394, 396 DEBUG card 236, * debug control statement, sort/merge 377 debug control subroutine 482 DEBUG-CONTENTS field 249, * DEBUG-ITEM special register 248, * DEBUG fields in PGT 525 DEBUG option 48, 248 DEBUG-LINE* DEBUG-NAME* DEBUG-SUB* debug, interactive (see Interactive Debug) debugging features 213-230, 247-254, * debugging language 247-254 (see also TRACE statement and EXHIBIT statement) debugging lines 248, * debugging packet 251, * debugging a program (see program debugging) debugging, symbolic 213-230 example 217-230 FLOW 214 STATE 213 SYMDMP 214-215 TEST 213 under IMS 217 DECB, linking with 317 decimal point additional information* alignment in PICTURE clause 286 DECIMAL-POINT IS COMMA clause* DECK compiler option 39 'declarative save area chaining subroutine 480 declaratives additional information* USE AFTER ERROR 143-154 USE FOR DEBUGGING 248 decrementing* defaults additional information* for data sets 498, 216 f or options 46 DEFER subparameter 59 deferred restart 397-398 SYSCHK statement 69 DEFINE command cluster considerations 177 ESDS 179 functions '174 KSDS 177 MASTERCATALOG 175 RRDS 179 specification of 174 USERCATALOG 176 VSAM data space 176 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) DELETE statement 137, 352, * in VSAM 190 DELETE subparameter , and cataloged data sets 141 definition 67 deleting modules 43 DELIMITED BY* delimiter additional information* in job control statement 24, 70 DEN subparameter 86 DEN values 86 DEPENDING ON option 305, * depth of a report page* descending key* destination* DETA IL* detail reporting* determining file space 101 device allocation 235 device class and compiler data sets 73-76 and execution time data sets 79 and linkage editing data sets 76-78 and UNIT parameter 59 blocking restrictions 59 definition 18 examples of names 21 names required for cataloged procedures 59 diagnostic messages compilation 238-239, 529 linkage editing 240-241 object-time 529 sort/merge 3JO with ON statement 214 DIAGNS subparameter 88 dictionary, cross-reference 237-238 dictipnary table 502 digit position* direct access (see mass storage) direct data sets creating 94-97 description 91-94 direct file ACTUAL KEY clause 91 creating 94-99 randomly 96-97, 99 sequentially 94-95 description 91-94 error processing 143 multivolume 98 processing 91-109 randomizing technique 100 reading randomly 97 sequentially 97 sample program 106-107 space allocation 94 TRACK LIMIT clause 94 writing 99-100 direct indexing* Direct SYSOUT Writer 134 directory-quantity JCL subparameter 62 DISABLE statement . additional information* general 297, 432-434 subroutine for 4BO Index 569 definition 69, 254 disaster, as a severity level (D) 35, 228, 529 determining location of error 259-260 disk (see mass storage) DUMP option 44 DISP parameter 66-70 dynamic 251-254 data set uses and compile-time option 251 cataloging 141 SYHDMP 254 creating 133-134 locating records in 268-273 retrieving 138-140 locating working-storage in 237 default values of 67 requesting description 66 using ILBOABNO subroutine 254-255 in JOBLIB DD statement 67 using SYSABEND DD statement 81 in sort/merge feature 369-370 subparameters 67-68 using SYSUDUMP DD statement 81 displacement* types of displacement and base 236 abnormal termination 260, 254 DISPLAY option of USAGE clause DUMP option 44 additional information* indicative 254 and comparisons and moves 288, 290 use of 254 and data format conversion 289 user-initiated 254 external decimal format 290-292 duplicates, alternate keys 173, * DISPLAY statement duplicates, names* DYNAH option 334-336 additional information* DYNAM parameter for TSO 57 and COBOL output files 79-80 conversions involving 288-290 dynamic access* relationship to DD statement 79-80 dynamic CALL 334-336, * dynamic dump, symbolic debugging 213 DISPLAY subroutine 477 DISPLAY usage* dynamic invocation of Access Method displaying data values during Services 186 execution 251-253 dynamic subprogram linkage 317-321 disposition messages from job and static CALL statement 295 scheduler 241, 239 CALL 318 disposition of a file, in general 131 CANCEL statement 295 DIVIDE statement* DYNAM option 334-336 division header, description* example 319-321 division operator* NODYNAM 336 division/remainder method for dynamic values in table* randomizing 102 DMAP compiler option 39 document description (OCR) 550 document design (OCR) 549 E (error severity level) 238, 35 dollar sign* EBCDIC additional information* DPRTY parameter 51 as program collating sequence 293 DSNAME parameter 57 as label format 155 and single-volume files 125-126 for MODE= specification 87 and file creation 131 editing* and file processing techniques efficiency guidelines (optimization) 281 direct 109 efficient programming (see programming indexed 123 techniques) relative 119 EGI (end-of-group indicator)* standard sequential 88 elementary entries* definition 57 elementary item* forma t of 53 ellipsis ( ••• ) in formats 25 subparameters 57 ELSE NEXT* DSNAME subparameters 57 embedded PERFORM* DSORG EMI (end-of-message indicator) * direct files 109 ENABLE statement indexed files 128 additional information* relative files 120 general 297, 432-434 dummy data set, defining 366 subroutine for 480 DUMMY parameter END DECLARATIVES* definition 56 end indicators* format 53 end key* restriction 74 end of execution 43, 323, * dummy records 93, 186 end-of-file 56,* DUMP compiler option 44 end-of-group indicator (EGI)* dumps end-of-message indicator (EMI) * and symbolic debugging 213 end-of-page condition 297, * completion codes 251-259, 529 end-of-procedure* DD statements to request 81 570 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) end- of- program* END OF REEL* end-of-segment* end of sort/merge* end of table* end of transmission* ENDJOB compiler option 43, 323 ENTER statement* entry name 334, 317 entry-point of called programs 334 of loaded programs 48 entry-sequenced VSAM data sets 173 ENTRY statement 334, * Environment Division additional information* programming techniques 282-283 reformatting 204 EOP* EP loader option 48 equal sign* equal size operands. EQUAL TO* EROPT subparameter 87, 146 error additional information* as a severity level (El 238, 35 completion codes with 35, 257-259, 529 conditions input/output 504-509 invalid data 257-259 escaping detection 294 messages condition code 35, 529 compile time 238-239, 529 linkage editor 240, 242 loader 243 numbered 77 object time 529-542 system 246, 243 severity codes 35, 238 U-type 529 processing for COBOL files 144-154 recovery 142-154 error intercept subroutine~ 478 error processing, RECEIVE* error processing for COBOL files COBOL language features for 143 error declarative 148-154 EXCEPTION/ERROR procedure (VSAM) 183 flow of logic and control 147 GIVING option example 150-152 INVALID KEY option 148, 183, 508-509 VSAM 183-185 outline of error recovery 143-146 status key (VSAM) 183 summary of error recovery 154 error records* ESD (see external symbol dictionary) ESDS data sets (VSAM) defining 179 general 173 opening 189 processing 180, 189, 196 writing 193-194 ESI (end-of-segment indicator)* *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) establishing a priority f or a job (PRTY) 30 for a job step (OPRTY) 50 evaluation rules* EVEN subparameter 36 EXAMINE statement* EXCEPTION/ERROR a~ditional information* for non-VSAM 148 for VSAM 183-185 EXEC statement 32-52 accounting informa tion (ACCT) 34 bypass/execution conditions (CONO) 35- 37 compiler options of PARM parameters 37-47 definition 20 dispatching priority (DPRTY) 50 identifying procedure (PROe) 34 program (PGM) 32-34 step (stepname) 34 keyword parameters 34-51 linkage editing options of PARM parameter 47 loader options of PARM parameter 47, 48 PARM parameter 37-48 passing information between programs 37 requesting restart (RO) 49 setting time limit (TIME) 50 specifying region size (REGION) 51 execution, flow and rules* execution, steps in 18 execution statistics 278 executio n time data sets 79-81 definition 19 job control checklist 514-518 options 48-51 output example 245, 461-471 storage allocation 458-459 with REGION parameter 457 EXHIBIT statement additional information* and program debugging 251-253 and required DD statement 80 EXHIBIT subroutine 477 exit from Declarative procedure* exit list codes 158 exit point for procedures* EXIT PROGRAM statement* EXIT statement* EXPOT subparameter 66 explicit information* exponent* exponentiation operator* EXTEND 142, * extended source program library* extending data sets 142 external data concepts* external decimal items* external decimal subroutines 473-476 external floating-point* external floating-point subroutine 474 external references, COBOL subroutines 346 external symbol dictionary (ESO) 240 Index 571 FINAL control* F recording mode* final results* fall through* FIPS level 40, * false evaluation of IF* FIRST* FCB parameter 68 fixed insertion editing* FD fixed-length item* additional information* fixed-length record format 160, * programming techniques 283 fixed-length table* relationship to DCB 491-495 fixed line size* with WRITE ADVANCING 85 fixed overlayable segments 378, * FDECK option of lister 44, 212 fixed permanent segment 378, * Federal Information Processing standard fixed portion* level 40 FLAGE/FLAGW compiler option 40 field count* floating insertion editing* figurative constant* floating-point items file (see also computational fields) additional information* additional information* and COBOL clauses 84, 283-284 intermediate results 294 and DD statement 82-83 floating-point subroutines 472, 475 and SELECT sentence 82 FLOW compiler option 41, 214 beginning address 62 f low of control* converting to VSAM 201-202 flow trace subroutine 482 definition 82 FOLD subparameter 60 initial loading (VSA 1'1) 188 FOOTING 297, * member 83 FOR REMOVAL* name 82 processing techniques 83-131 format additional information* ASCII direct 83, 91-109 changing (see lister feature) indexed 83, 119-131 record (see record formats) partitioned 83 . format of lister listing 210-211 physical (standard) sequential 83, 85-89 forms control image 68 relative 83, 110-118 fragmentation of core, preventing 43 VSAM 180-184 FREESPACE parameter in VSAM 179 space allocation for 61, 59 fullword alignment* specifying information about a 83 FUNC subparameter 88 user defined 82-83 function-name* VSAM (see VSAM files) FILE-CONTROL paragraph additional information* SELECT clause 82 general registers, using to locate file description (OCR) 552 data 268 File Description entry* GENERATE statement* generation data set (group) 141-142 file-name additional information* generic key* argument in calling program 322 GETCORE subroutine 480 GETMAIN usage and ENDJOB 43 definition 82 GIVING option 150-152, 368, .* prefixes used with 283 relationship with DD statement 82 global table description 236 file positioning* file-processing DMAP, PMAP options 39 additional information* program 526-528 non-V SAM 83-129 task 519-526 VSAM 173-202 glossary (DMAP) File Section definitions 239 additional information* description 235-236 non-VSAM 283-284 requesting through EXEC statement 39 VSAM 185-186 symbols used 240 file space, determining 101 GO TO statement 481, * FILE specification in VSAM 177 GOBACK statement additional information* FILE STATUS and assembler language 323 additional information* and lOB 154 and ENDJOB option 43 description 293 greater than symbol* for QSAM 146-148, 255-256 group entry* GROUP INDICATE clause* for VSAM lists of keys 187-188, 192-193 group item* use urged 183 group mo ves* group report*. FILLER* 572 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) halfword alignment* header labels 154-159, * HEADING* hierarchy 283, * HIGH-VALUE (HIGH-VALUES) figurative constant* HOLD macro for TCAM 434 holding a job for later execution 31 horizontal spacing* hyphen 25, * (see also minus symbol) I-O CONTROL paragraph* 1-0 files* I-O options* I/O (see input/output) IBM-supplied cataloged procedures 356-363 Identification Division additional information* reformatting 203-204 identifier* identifiers in linkage argument list 316-326 IEBUPDTE subroutine 348, 349 IEFRDER DD card 438 IF statement 295, * ILBO ••• subroutines 412-489 'ILBOABNO, user call to 254-255 ILBOMCPN replacement 433 ILBONBLQ macro 434 .IL:I3Q~RM.. _~IlgI?arameters ,48 ILBOSPIO and IMS calls 483 ILBOSTPO, assembler-language call to 324 ILBOSTTO calling from assembler language 323 with ENDJOB option 43 imperative statement* implicit items* IMS (see Information Management System) IN qualifier connective* IN subparameter 66 INCLUDE statement 333, 338-339 incomplete abnormal termination 277 incrementing* indentation* independent overflow area 122 independent segment 378, * index additional information* area 122 cylinder 122, 121 data item 305 assigning values to 306-307 master 128 names 305, 306 assigning values to 306 overflow area 122 prime area 122, 123 quantity SPACE parameter 62 track 121, 120 index data item* index-name* INDEX usag e* indexed access methods (see BISA!, QISAM) INDEXED BY option* indexed data sets (see indexed files) indexed files (see also BISA!, QISAM, ESDS, KSDS) ~~C~!3~~ecbniq~~s .127-131, 173 .*Consult VS COBOL for OS(VS (GC26-3857) adding to 127-128 additional information* APPLY clause 131 calculating space requirements for 127 cataloging 126 creation and retrieving, in general 510-513 creating of 123-126 DD statements required 123-126, 201 description 119-131, 173 index area 122 invalid key condition 148, 183 master index 127 overflow area 122-123 prime area 122 processing 119-131,180-192 random access 129-131 READ statement 129 RECORD KEY clause 119 reorganizing 128 REWRITE statement 129 sequential access 127-129 START statement 128 updating 127-128 VSAM 173-202 WRITE statement 129 indexed sequential access method processing VSAM files 202 ' indexed sequential data sets (see indexed files) indexes* indexing a table 305-306 indexing* ~nd~cative dump, description 254 ~nd~rect addressing 101 ~nformation Management System object-time debugging 483 symbolic debugging 217 informative messages (see messages) initial clause and state* initialization* INITIATE statement* ~nline procedures (optimization) 280 ~nput CD* input file* IlfPUT option* input phase of sort* input/output additional information* bypassing of 56 error conditions completion codes for 257-259 INVALID KEY 148 standard error 143-141 summary of 504-509 USE AFTER ERROR declarative 148-154 VSAM 184-188, 192-193 facilities described in DD statement 51-69 OCR 544-560 subroutines 477-480 VSAM 173-202 input/output statements (see ACCEPT, CLOSE, DISPLAY, OPEN, READ, REWRITE START WRITE *) " input phase of sort* INPUT PROCEDURE* input queue* Index 573 input stream control statements for 21, 56 defining data in 56 delimiter in 56 INSERT statement* insertion editing* insertion symbol* INSPECT statement 477, * INSTALLATION paragraph* in-stream procedures 70 instruction addressing causing interrupt 257-259 integer* Interactive Debug 247, 213 interface between COBOL and MCP 401, * intermediate control* intermediate results 294, 295, * internal data* internal decimal items* internal decimal subroutines 473-476 internal floating-point* internal floating-point subroutines 473-476 internal representation* inter-occurrence slack bytes* INTER-PROGRAM COMMUNICATION* interrupt address, examples 257-259 INTO option* intra-record slack bytes* INTRa macro 433, 426 invalid data 140, * INVALID KEY additional information* general 148, 508, 509 in VSAM 183 ISAM used to process VSAM files 202 jamming (optimization) 270 job accounting information 26, 20 address space 32 class assignment 31 control statement display 27 definition 18 holding for later execution 31 ident ifyinq 25 library 353-354 priority assignment 30 request for restart 28-29 setting time limits 30 storage specification 31 terminating 27 Job Control Language character delimiters 24 coding 22-25 examples of compilation 514-515, 231-235 linkage editing 240-241 fields of 23-~ notation 25 parameter for VSAM only 201 statement continuation 24 types of statements command statement 70, 20 comment statem~nt 71, 20 574 DD statement 51-69, 20 delimiter statement 70, 20 EXEC statement 32-52 JOB statement 25-32, 20 null statement 70, 20 PROC statement 70, 20 VSAM file processing 201 job control procedures 20-81 cataloged procedures 356-367 checklist for 514-517 Checkpoint/Restart 397-400 definition 20 libraries 347-349 sort/merge 368-371 for user files (see file, processing techniques) job management routines 22 job schedulers description 22 disposition messages from 241, 239 in communications 436 subroutine 479 utili ty (CJS) 436, 480 JOB statement 25-32, 20 accounting information 26 definition 25 forma t 26 parameters ADDRSPC 32 CLASS 30 COND 27 MSGCLASS 31 MSGLEVEL 27 PRTY 30 RD 28 REGION 31 RESTART 29 TIME 30 TYPRUN 31 programmer identification 27 job step bypassing using JOB statement 27 using EXEC statement 35-37 definition 18 dispatching priority 50 restarting 48-49 JOBCAT DD statement 70 JOBLIB DD statement description 69 example of use 516-517 restriction with cataloged procedures 357 restriction with DDNAME parameter 366 jobname 25 jo!nirig data items* JUST* JUSTIFIED clause* KEEP subparameter 67 KEY for a table* Key of reference* KEY option* (see also ACTUAL KEY clause and RECORD KEY clause) *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) COBOL subroutine 348, 472-489 compilation, use of 73 concatenating 79 copy 349-351 creating 354-355 definition ,83 directory 347 for PGM parameter 32, 34 job 353 JOBLIB statement 69 link 347-348, 76-78 partitioned data set 83 pri vate 34, 69 procedure 32, 35 for program checkout 239 relationship to JOBLIB DD statement 69, 78 relationship to SYSLIB DD statement 76 L, invalid in CURRENCY SIGN* sharing 353 ,label handling subroutine 478 sort 348 LABEL parameter 65-67 source program 349-353 LABEL RECORDS clause* STEPLIB statement 70 label specification* subroutines LABEL subparameter 66 arithmetic 476, 475 labels COBOL 348, 472-489 data set, rel~tionship to SELECT and DO conversion 473-475 statements 144 input/output 477-480 nonstandard 156-157 intermediate results 294-295 routine return codes 159 sharing 353 standard 155 SYSLIB statement 76 standard user 155 system 34, 76 user 155-158 temporary 34 user totaling 156 user 349-353 volume 154-156 library management facility 353 nonstandard 156 LIBRARY module* standard 155 library-name* LANGLVL option LIBRARY statement 333 and ASCII 91 LINAGE 297, * and 'F IPS 40 line advancing* and segment re-initialization 379 LINE clause* general 38 line continuation* language concepts and considerations* line-control 216, * language name* LINE-COUNTER special register* language structure* line-number* LAST DETAIL* LINECNT compiler option 39 last printable line* LINES AT BOTTOM/TOP 297, * last-used state* link library 347-348, 76-78 LCOL1 option of lister 44, 212 LINK macro to invoke compiler 499 LCOL2 option of lister 44, 212 left padding, justification, and truncation* linkage conventions 316-326 linkage, dynamic subprogram (see dynamic length of figurative constant* subprogram linkage) less than «) character* linkage editor LET loader option 48 additional input 332 level indicator* calling compiled programs 500 level number capacity 502-503 additional information* checklist 515 normalized in glossary 236 data set requirements 16-78 level- 01 i tems* definition 19 level 02-49 items* external names 331 level- 66 i tems* input level-77 items* additional 332 level-88 items* primary 332 LIB compiler option 42 LIBRARY control statement 333 library messages 240, 242 and BASIS card 351-352 options 47 automatic call 78, 349 output 240-242 changing 355 PARM options 47 COBOL copy 349-351 primary input 332 key-sequenced VSAM data sets additional information* AIXBLD usage with 186 defining 177-179 examples 181-183, 194-198 general 173 reading 190 writing 189 key words* KEYS parameter in VSAM 179 keyword parameter of control statements 23-24 KSDS data sets (see key-sequenced VSAM data sets) *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) Index 575 proces.sing 338- 34 0 user-specified data sets 16-18 with libraries 353-355 with preplanned overlay 340-341 linkage registers 322 Linkage section* LINKlIB 16-18, 341-348 LIST linkage editor option 47 lister feature 203-212 additional information* Data Division reformatting 204 description 44 Environment Division reformatting 204 format conventions 210-211 Identification Division reformatting 204 operation of 203 options 44-45, 212 output deck 204, 211 . procedure Division reformatt1ng reformatting 204-207 restrictions 203 source listing 210 specifying 212, 44 summary listing 211 type indicators 211 literal* literal pool 231 literal table 502 literals, size considerations 502 LOAD compiler option 39 load list, example 267 LOAD macro to invoke compiler 499 load module additional information* as input to linkage editor 332 definition 19 length of 262 output 243-245 specificatio~ in EXEC statement loader cataloged procedure 360 data set ~equirements 78, 346 definition 19, 346 input additional 346 primary 78 requirements 18 invoking 360 module map 244, 243 output 243, 244 PARM options 47-48 RES restriction 346 loading programs additional input 346 cataloged procedure 360 primary output 346 locations in records* LOCK option* logical connectives* logical operators* logical page* logical record additional information* length 13, 496-491 OUTLIM parameter 60 576 logical record area 168, 169 logical record length 13, 496-491 logical record size for SYSIN 491 for SYSLIB 491 for SYSPRINT 491 for SYSPUNCH 497 LOW-VALUE (lOW-VALUES) figurative constant* lower-case letters in notation 25, * LRECl 13, 496-491 LSTCOMP option of lister 44, 212 LSTONlY option of lister 44, 212 LTM subparameter 66 LVL option of compiler 40 L120 option of lister 45, 212 L132 option of lister 45, 212 207 32 machine considerations 451-460 macro instructions ATTACH 499 CALL 323-325 CHKPT 395, 396 DCB 490 GETMAIN 43 LINK 499 LOAD 499 magnetic tape additional information* data sets sharing devices, sort/merge 310 using DEN and TRTCH subparameters 86-81 devices compiler optimization using 496 labels 154-159 in ~ort/merge feature 368, 370 volume private 63-64 removable 64 reserved 64 scratch 64 main line routines 292 main program, definition 323, * main storage (see also storage allocation and storage considera tions) REGION parameter 51, 31 requirements for Sort/Merge 373, * major control* map loader storage 243, 244 memory 234 module 244 MAP option for linkage editor 47 for loader 41 mass storage device 99, 100 space allocation SPACE parameter 61 SPLIT parameter 62 SUBALLOC parameter 62 volume labels 154-156 volume status 63-65 vol umes 63-65 *ConsultVS COBOL for OS(VS (GC26-3857) mass storage files* master catalog (VSAM) 175-176 maximum length additional information* in Data Division 283 of blocks in COpy library 349 maximum number additional information* of logical records (SYSOUT) 60 maximum size (see maximum length) maximum value* MCP (see Message Control Program) member, definition 83 MEMORY SIZE clause* merge (see sort/merge feature) merge subroutine 481 message access* message code* message concepts* message control information* Message Control program (MCP) activating 426, 455 ANS requirements 432-443 building assembling 445 executing 445 link-editing 445 communication with COBOL program 449-456 data sets 427 checkpoint data sets 445 group data sets 446 message queue 446 defining buffers 426 defining interface 449 defining process control blocks 455 defining terminal area 427-429 functions of 404 interface with COBOL program 449-456 JCL for 444 macros CLOSE 426 DCB 427 INTRO 426 INVLIST 428 OPEN 426 PCP 427 READY 426 RETURN 426 TERMINAL 428 TLIST 428 TPROCESS 428 . TTABLE 428 message flow 401-404 message 537 RECEIVE statement 297 SEND statement 297 user tasks 404-405 writing a 404 Message Control System* MESSAGE COUNT 479, * MESSAGE DATE* message delimiters* message indicators* message handler (MC~). 426-432 delimiter macros 429-430 for application programs 431-432 for terminal line groups 430 functional macros 429-43..0 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) message queues* message reception* message release and return* MESSAGE TIME* message transfer* message transmission* message unavailable* messages additional information* allocation compiler 235 linkage editor 241 checkpoint 396 compile-time 569 compiler, summary of 238-239 disposition compiler 238 linkage editor 241 error 35 ERRMSG 238-239 execution-time (see object-time) identification codes 246 linkage editor 240,242 MCS considerations 537 numbered on SYSTERM 37 object-time 529-542 operator 246,538 queue analyzer 539-542 severity level of compiler 35 linkage editor 35 sort/merge 371 unnum bered 538 U-type 529 Method B, to randomize 103 method of data reference* minimun size* minimum value* minor control in a report* minus sign and symbol* mnemonic-name* MOD subparameter 67 in Checkpoint/Restart 395 in compilation 75 definition 67 MODE subparameter 87 modular levels 292-293 module map 244 monitoring queues 436 MOVE statement 296,* MOVE subroutines 476 MSGCLASS parameter 31 MSGLEVEL parameter description 27 with restart 397 multidimensional table search* multiple checkpoints 394 multiple file* MULTIPLE FILE TAPE clause* multiple indexing (VSAM) 173 multiple libraries for COpy 349 multiple redefinitions* multiple results* multiplication operator* MULTIPLY statement* multistep job 35-37 Index 577 multivolume files additional information* direct. 99-100 volume switching 99 MXIG subparameter 61 name, definition* NAME compiler option 43 name field of DD statement 56 of job statement 23 NAME statement 333 name subparameter of DD statement 58 names cataloged procedures 57 data set, conventions used in 142 generation 57 procedure 502 qualification of 57 RENAMES clause 286 temporary 58 NATIVE collating sequence 293,* negated condition* negative data and sign* nested statements* "new" language (LANGLVL) 38,* NEW subparameter 67 next executable statement* NEXT GROUP clause* NEXT options* NL subparameter 66 NOADV option of compiler 44,160 NOAIXBLD option 48 NOBATCH option of compiler 42 NOCALL option of loader 48 NOCDECK option of lister 44,212 NOCLIST option of compiler 39 NOCOUNT option of compiler 44 NOCSYNTAX option of compiler 41 NO DATA option* NODEBUG option 48 NO DECK option of compiler 39 NODMAP option of compiler 39 NODUMP option of compiler 44 NODYNAM option of compiter 43 no end indicator* NOENDJOB option of compiler 43 NOFDECK option of lister 44,212 NOFLOW option of compiler 41,48 NOLET option of loader 48 NOLIB option of compiler 42 NOLOAD option of compiler 39 NOLVL option of compiler 40 NOLST option of lister 44,212 NOMAP option of loader 47 NOMINAL KEY clause 129-130 NONAME option of compiler 43 noncontiguous items* nondeclarative reference* nonfooting body group* noninteger* nonnumeric comparisons* nonn urn er ic it em* nonnumeric literals* nonnumeric operands* nonreentrant subroutines 484-489 578 nonreusable subroutines 484-489 nonstandard labels 157 nonswitched line* NONUM option of compiler 42 non unique keys* non-VSAM file, converting to VSAM 202 non-VSAM file processing (see user file processing) nonzero data* NOOPTIMIZE option of compiler 41 NOPMAP option of compiler 39 NOPRINT option of compiler 47 of loader 48 NOPWREAD subparameter 66 NORES option of loader 48 NORESIDENT option of compiler 43 NO REWIND option* normalized level numbers in glossary 236 NOSEO option of compiler 39 NOSOURCE option of compiler 39 NOSTATE option of compiler 40 NOSUPMAP option of compiler 40 NOSXREF option of compiler 42 NOSYMDMP option of compiler 41 NOSYNTAX option of compiler 41 NOT* NOTE statement 296 NOTERM option of compiler 47 NOTEST option of compiler 47 NOTRUNC option of compiler 40 NOVBREF option of compiler 44 NOVBSUM option of compiler 44 NOVERB option of compiler 39 NOXREF option of compiler 42 NOZWB option of compiler 40 NSL subparameter 66 NUCLEUS module* null group* null statement 72 NULLFILE DD parameter 58,74 NUM compiler option 42 NUMBERED specification in VSAM 179 numerals* numeric category* numeric characters* numeric class* numeric comparisons 255, * numeric edited* numeric first character* numeric item* numeric literal* numeric operands* object code listing 237 OBJECT-COMPUTER paragraph* object module contents 239-240 deck 239 definition 18 dumps using 258-268 listing 237 size considerations 501-502 object of OCCURS DEPENDING ON* object of REDEFINES * object of relatioI) condi tion* *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) object program* object-time control cards~YMDM~ continuation cards 215 control statement placement 215 example of 220-230 line-control cards 216 program-control cards 215 syntax rules 215 object-time options list of 48-49 subroutine for 472 object-time overlay 340-343 object-time subroutine library 384,472-489 occurrence number* OCCURS clause additional information* . causing errors 255 DEPENDING ON option 304-305 OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause additional information* relationship to record formats 170-172 table 502 OCR (optical character reader) "old" language (LANGLVL) 38 OLD subparameter 67 OMITTED option* ON SIZE ERROR option binary items 291 intermediate results 291 ON statement 251, * ON OVERFLOW 295,317, * one* online printing* ONLY subparameter 36,37 OPEN statement additional information* EXTEND 142,258 for several files 296 multiple use of 459 VSAM files 185-188 operand field bypassing I/O 56 data definition 56 on control statement 23 operands* operating system environment Conversational Monitor System 19 OS/VS 1 19 OS/VS2 19 operation field 23 operation order* operational sign* operator commands 70 intervention* messages 246,529,538 OPTCD subparameter 87 optical character reader (OCR) additional information* COBOL capabilities 544 COpy member 546-549 document design 549 exception handling 552 file description 552 format record assembly 553-554, 556 I/O requests 544 implementing an application 549 parameter data area 545 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) procedural code 552 processing tapes from Model 2 560 record description 552 sample data 557 sample document 555 sample processing program 558-560 sample program 553 status key 545 status key values 550-551 optical character reader interface subroutine 481 optimization, compiler 496-498 optimization methods 279-281 backward movement 279 common expression elimination 279 efficiency guidelines 281 inline procedures 280 jamming 280 resequencing program 279 SYMDMP output 279 tabling 280 unrolling 279 unswitching 280 OPTIMIZE compiler option 41, 237 optimizing sort performance* optional clauses* optional entries* optional phrase* optional services (see OPTCD subparamet optional word * options error processing (VSAM) 163 for compilation 38-47 for execution 48 for linkage editing 47 for lister 44,212 for loader 47-48 PARM summary 46 OR* order of* ORDER statement 334 ordering records using sort/merge* ORGANIZATION clause* OS/VS COBOL* OS/VS1 ADDRSPC parameter 32 control program 19 OUTLIM parameter 60 SCAN action 31 TERM parameter 60 OS/VS2. ADDRSPC parameter 32 control program 19 DYNAM parameter 57 intermediate data sets 458 REGION parameter 458,21 SCAN error 31 TERM parameter 6C with TSO 57 OUT subparameter 66 OUTLIM parameter 60 output 231-246 compiler 231-239 (see also compiler, output) copies of data set 60 display of all compiler messages 238-239 displaying control statements 27 Index 579 ERRMSG program to display ~essages 238-239 execution of load module 243-245 linkage editor 240-242 lister deck 204,211 load module execution 243-245 loader 243 messages compiler 238-239 linkage editor 242 load module execution 243 reformatted listing 44 requesting various kinds 246 return codes 35-37 sample program 461-471 stream data sets 134 suppressing 496-497 SYSOUT parameters 68 system 246 output CD* output deck, lister 204,211 output device* output file* output listing format FCB parameter 68 lister feature 44 of compiler 231-239 output mode* output option* output procedure* output record limit (SYSOUT) 60 overflow area (see QISAM) overflow condition additional information* index 122 synonym 108 overlapping delimiters and operands* overlay dynamic 341-343 preplanned 340-341 statement 340-342 structures 340 overlayable segments* overriding DD statements 364-366 OVFLOW 125 OVLY linkage editor 47 P in PICTURE and CURRENCY SIGN* packed decimal item* padding* page advancing* page areas* page body* page breaks 301-302, * page change in a'report* PAGE clause* PAGE-COUNTER special register* page end* page fit test* PAGE-FOOTING* page format control* PAGE HEADING* page margins* PAGE option* page overflow* page placement* 580 pagp positioning* Eage size* PAGE statement 334 paging 51 paragraph* parameter data area (OCR) 545 parameters compared to arguments 322,323 key-word 23-24 positional 23 subparameters 23 . VSAM only (JCL) 201 parentheses* PARM 48 PARM option compiler options 38-47 job card 48-49 linkage editor options 47 restrictions 37 significant characters 37 summary 46 with equal sign 37 partial key* partial list of prime numbers 105 partial message* partitioned data sets description 83 directory 333,61 member 83 primary quantity for 61,62 secondary quantity for 61 system library 34 temporary libraries 34 PASS subparameter 67 PASSWORD clause* PASSWORD subparameter 66 passwords in VSAM 181 PATH command 175,178 PATHENTRY specification in VSAM 179 pathname as data set name 201 PSS (see partitioned data set) PERFORM statement 296,378,* performed procedures* period* permanent segment 378,* permanently resident volumes· 63-64 permissible comparisons and options* PGM in EXEC statement 32,34 PGT (see program global table) phrase, definition* physical page* physical record 61-62,* physical sequential file accessing 85-89 additional information* data control block for 491 data set 133 DD statement parameters 123-126 description 85-89 error processing 143-154,508,87 EXTEND 142 locating data ares 268 sort feature, uses 6 368 subroutone for 479 user label totaling 155 with spanned reco~ds 274 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) process definition* PICTURE CLAUSE processing of files* additional information* processing program 18 efficient use of 285-287 processing rules* storage allocation 287 processing subroutines 292 plural figurative constant* procstep.ddname 56 plus sign 287,* procstep subparameter 63 PMAP compiler option 39 program POINTER* (see also programming techni~ues) position in record* called 317-318,325 positive data* calling 317-325 POSITIVE sign* checkout 247-278 prefixes 283 collating sequences 293 preplanned linkage editor 340-341 COUNT option 247,278 presentation rules, TYPE* debugging 247 PRESRES, member of SYS1.PROCLIB 64 (see also symbolic debugging; preventing core fragmentation 43 lister feature) primary input, for called and calling completion code 257-259 . programs 332,346 dumps 254-257,260-263 primary keys, (VSAM) 173,189 errors PRIME, in QISAM 122 I/O 258 prime area (QISAM) 122 invalid data 255-256 prime number list 105 other 256-257 prime record key* examples 262-273 print files* execution statistics 278 print line size in repor~* I/O errors 258 PRINT option incomplete abnormal termination 277 for compiler 47 interruption, finding location for loader 48 of 259 print suppression* invalid data errors 255-256 printer, determining line spacing 85 language 247 printer channel control* other errors 256-257 printer character set 60 execution printer device, SEND* from private library 34 printer spacing* from system library 34 priority, assinging from temporary library 34 for a job 30 multistep job 35-37 for a job step 50 interrupt 259 priority numbers 378,* linkage editor 338-340 priority schedulers 22 resequencing 279 priority scheduling system sample 461-471 EXEC statement parameters 50 selective testing of 217-219,253-254 JOB statement parameters 30 techniques (see programming techniques) sharing data sets 67 PROGRAM COLLATING SEQUENCE (see collating SYSOUT parameter for 68 sequence) PRIVATE subparameter 65 program-control cards 215 private volume 64 program global table (PGT) 237,527-528 problems with compiler, resolving 543 PROGRAM-ID 213,* PROC statement 70 program-name* procedure* program relationships* procedure branching statement* program segments* Procedure Division program structure* additional information* program switch* intermediate results 293,294 program syntax* modular levels 292 program termination* programming techniques 292-299 programmer identification 27 reformatting 207-208 programming nptes* report writer considerations 299-304 programming techiques 282-315 state,emts (see compiler directing (see also program) statements, conditional statements, Data Division 282-315 imperative statements) Environment Division 282-283 string manipulation considerations 298-299 general 282 table handling considerations 304-309 optimization methods 278-281 teleprocessing condiderations 309-315 Procedure Division 292-299 verbs 295-298 queue structure considerations 309-315 procedure library 34,348 rep~rt writer 299-304 procedure-name,* sort feature 372-373 procedure-name table 502 procedures, in-stream 70 *Consult VS COBOL for OSLVS (GC26-3857) Index 581 table handling 304-309 VSAM 180-193 PRTSP suboarameter 87 PRTY parameter 30 pseudo data set 56 pseudo-text* public volume 64 punch device* punch files* punctuation character* punctuation rules Q routines 472 QISAM (see slao BISAM, indexed files) considerations when using 128-131 data control block 128 data sets 134 creating 123-125 definition 82 deleting records in 129 reorganizing 129-130 DD statement parameters 128-129 error processing for 143-147, 508 indexes, description 122-123 master index 127 overflow area, description 122, 123 prime area, description 122 single volume file 125-126 QNAME parameter 58 QSAM data control block 491 data set 133 DD statement parameters 123-126 description 85-89 error processing for 143-154,508,87 extending 142 locating data areas 268 sort feature, uses of 368 subroutine for 479 user label totaling 155 with spanned records 274 qualification* qualified data name* qualifiers* queue access* Queue Analyzer Routine 309-315 queue blocks and locating TCAM data areas 275-276 sample program 275 queue concepts* QUEUE DEPTH field and IF statement 280 queue messages* queue name 449, * QUEUE object-time option 49,438 queue relationships* queue structure accessing with COBOL 312-315 additional information* example 310,311 Queue Structure Description routine 315 SCAN subroutine 479 SYMBOLIC QUEUE name 309 quotation mark 40,* QUOTE compiler option 40 QUOTE (QUOTES) figurative constant 40,* quotient* 582 R, in currency sign* random access* randomizing techniques 101-103 range of procedures, PERFORM* ranges of value* RD Entry* RD parameter for a job 28 for a job step 49 with checkpoint 396-397 with deferred checkpoint 69 READ INTO option 296 READ statement additional information* in BISAM 130 in QISAM 127-130 in VSAM 189-190 READY TRACE statement 251,39,* RECEIVE statement 297,* receiving device* receiving item* receiving field* RECFM subparameter in compilation 497 in DISPLAY statement 79-80 record additional information* addressing 83 blocked 80 capacity 93 dummy 93 duplicate 504 formats 84 fixed-length 160 spanned 164-165 unspecified 161 variable-length 161-164 segments 165-166 size, logical for SYSIN 497 for SYSLIB 497 for SYSPRIWT 497 for SYSPUNCH 497 size restriction, physical 61 sort/merge fields 372 record area* record availability* RECORD CONTAINS clause 284,* record discription (OCR) 552 record discription entry in BISAM 129-130 in QISAM 129 record formats 160-172 effect of OCCURS clause 170-172 fixed length 160 spanned 164-170 unspecified 161 variable length 161-164 RECORD KEY* re cord level:« ·record-name* record seguencing* record size* recording mode* records in error* RECORDS option* REDEFINES clause 285-286,* REEL options* *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) ceentrant subrotiti,nes, list of 484-489 ~EF subparameter 65 ceference frequency* ceference summary* ceferencing tables 304 ~EGION parameter ADDRSPC parameter 51,31 for OS/VS2 21,458 in EXEC statement 51 in JOB statement 31 main storage 31 used in compilation 458 used in execution 458 register assignment, location in output 237 ~einitialization* ~ELATE specification ~elation character* ~elation condition* ~elational-operator* ~elative files for VSAM 178 accessing 112 additional information* allocating space for 112 COBOL clause for 118 creating 111-112 error processing 143-154 Job Control Language for 120 NOMINAL KEY, use of 110,111 processing 110-117 random access 112-113 sample program 114-117 sequential access 112 VSAM 174 ~elative indexing* ~elative indexing* tELATIVE key* ~ela ti ve line* ~elative NEXT GRoup* ~elative organization* ~elative record data sets (VSAM) defining 179 described 174 reading 181,190 writing 189 ~elative record number* tELEASE statement in sort* ~eleasing a job (RELEASE) 31 ~elocation list dictionar.y (RLD) 503 ~eminder* tEMARK papagraph* ~emote station* ~emovable volumes 63,64 tEMOVAL option* ~emoving file records* tENAMES clause 286,* ~epeti tion of i tem* ~epetitive execution* :eplacement editing* :eplacement of file records* ~eplacement rules for library-text* tEPLACING option* ~eport c alcula tions* tEPORT clause* ~port description (RD)* ~eport file* tEPORT FOOTING* teport Group 299-300, * ~Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) REPORT HEADING* report-line* report-name* report page depth* report printing online* report processing* Report section* report, writer additional information* CODE clause 302 Data Division considerations floating first detail 303-304 output footings 303 output line overlay 301 Procedure Division considerations 299-304 size considerations 303,304 SUM 300-301 tables 502 reports, decribing* requesting a message class 31 requesting a unit 58-59 required clauses, entries, items, words* RERUN clause additional information* and JCL 49-50 and RD parameter 394,396 RES loader option 48 resequencing program (optimization) 279 RESERVE clause 85,* reserved volumes 64 reserved words* RESET option of sum* RESET TRACE statement 251 RESIDENT 'example 337 linkage 335 specifying 335,336 RESIDENT compiler option 43 resolving compiler problems 543 Restart (see also Checkpoint/Restart) automatic 397 checkpoint 394 (see also Checkpoint) deferred 397-398 for cataloged procedure 48-49 in a job 28-29 in a job step 48-49 initiating 394 RD parameter 396-397 system routine 396 RESTART parameter (see RD parameter) restarting a program* restrictions* result field* RETAIN subpa~ameter 65 RETPD subparameter 66 retrieving data sets cataloged 138 example of 140 noncatloged 139 passed 139 through an input stream 139-140 VSAM 195-198 with additional output 139 return code 35,158,* RETURN-CODE special register 317,322,* return mechanism (sort/merael* Index 583 return of control* returij register 322 RETURN statement for sort/merge* reusable subroutines, list of 484-489 reusable VSAM data sets 179 REUSE parameter in VSAM 179 rewinding of tape files* REWRITE statement additional information* in BISAM 130 in QIS.AM 128 in VSAM 189 rightmost sign specification* right- pa dding* right parenthesis* RLD (see relocation list dictionary) RLSE subparameter 61 ROUND subparameter 61 ROUNDED option* routine-name* RRDS (see relative record data sets) RT subparameter 60 rules* r un un it 32 3 , * S, PICTURE clause symbol* S-mode records 164-165,* SAME clause* sample program output 461-471 save area layout 332 scaling 286,* SCAN with HOLD 31 schedulers job 22 !:laster 22 priority 22 SD entry* SEARCH statement additional information* subroutine for 481 use of 307-309 searching a table 307-308 secondary quantity subparameter for SPACE 61 for SPLIT 62 section* section header* section-name* SECURITY paragraph* SEGMENT-LIMIT clause* segment of a message* SEGMENT option* segment work area 165,169-170 segmentation additional inf6rmation* and PERFORM statement 378 effect of LANGLVL 379 output 379-393 program organization 378 subroutine 481 SELECT clause additional information* relationship to DD statement with user files 82 SELECT OPTION clause* SELECT OPTIONAL statement 56 584 144 selective summation* SEND statement 297,* sending field* sentence* SEP parameter 58 SEPARATE option of SIGN clause 288,* separate programs* separate sign* separator* SEQ compiler option 39 sequence* sequencing records using sort/merge* sequential access* sequential data sets DUMMY parameter 56 for VSAM 173,180 on 'mass storage devices 133 sequential files* sequential single volume files* SER subparameter 65 serial search of a table 308,* series connectives* SET statement 305-306,* SETEOF macro 455 setting time limi~s on a job 30 on a job step 50 severity levels 35, 238 sharing data sets 67 COBOL library subroutines 353 sharing storage* SHR subparameter 67 sign, efficient use of 287-288 sign character* SIGN clause 287-288,* sign condi·tion* sign control* sign in numeric literal* SIGN IS SEPARATE* signed numeric* significance order* simple condition* simple insertion editing* single checkpoint 384 single entry report group* single IF* single message* single quotation mark* single-segment message 297 single-statement paragraph* single values* singular figurative constant* SIZE ERROR option 255,* size of operands* SIZE option for compiler 38 for loader 48 SIZE, STRING delimiter* SL subparameter 89, 90 ~sl ack by 1:es* slash (/) 48,* SORT-CORE-SIZE special register 373,* sort debug subroutine 481 sort file* SORT-FILE-SIZE special registei373,* sort library 311~ 3~8 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/yS (GC26-3857) sort/merge debug feature 377 Sort/Merge Feature 368-376 additional information* alternate collating sequence 293,375 and Checkpoint/Restart feature 372 ASCII considerations 375 cataloging 371 collating sequence 375 completion codes 371 considerations 460 Data Division considerations 374 data set size 373 DD statements 368-371 for ASCII files 375 linkage with SORT/MERGE 373 main storage registers 373 main storage requirements 373 messages 373-374 program example 370 record fields 372 sample program 370 sharing devices 370 SPACE parameter 369 storage allocation 373 subrouting~SQ terminating 371 variable length records 374,376 with Checkpoint/Restart 372 with spanned records 368 Sort-Merge File Description (SD)* SORT MESSAGE special register* SORT-MODE-SIZE special registe.r* SORT-RETURN special register 371-372,* SORT statement* sort subroutine 348,480 sort work-file 368,* SORT CDS DD card 377 sorted recol;ds* sorting variable-length records 374, 376 SORTLIB DD statement 370 SORTWKnn DO statement 368-369 SOURCE clause* SOURCE compiler option 39 SOURCE-COMPUTER paragraph* source/destination and MCS* source item* source listing by lister 210-211 source module 215,18 source program 501-503,* source program library 349-350 (see also COBOL copy library) source program library feature* SOURCE-SUM correlation 300 space* SPACE (SpACES) figurative constant* SPACE parameter 61-62 in BSAM 88,89 in creating data sets 132-134 in QISAM 124 in sort feature 369 SPACEn option 40 subparameters 61-62 SPACE subparameter 61-62 SPACEn compiler option 40 spaces* spacing* *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) spanned records 164-170 blocked 164-165 description 164-165 direct processing 169-170 formatting 164-165 locating in dumps 274-275 logical record area 166 segment work area 164 sequential processing 164-165 specification 164,168-169 wit.h sort 368 special character* special characters in job control language 25 special collating sequences* special features* special insertion editing* special level-number concepts* SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph* special registe~s additional* DEBUG-ITEM 248 for date and time 481 RETURN-CODE 317, 322 SOFT-CORE-SIZE 373 SORT-RETURN 371-372 time and date 481 special situations, STOP useful for* specification order* specifying address space parameter description 32 with REGION parameter 31 specifying data set status and disposition 67-68 specifying loader input 78 SPIE subroutine 483 SPLIT parameter description 62 in creating data sets 132-134 in QISAM 124 SPLIT subparameters 62 square brackets in formats 25, * STACK subparameter 87 stacked items, in job control notation standard ali~nment rules* standard COBOL format* standard data format* standard labels 155-156;* STANDARD option* standard selection (LANGLVL) 38 standard sequential file (see physical sequential file) standard system I/O error routine* standard user labels 155-156 STANDARD-1 collating sequence 293,* STAiT statement 298,* START verb (VSAM) 183 STATE compiler option 4C subroutines 482 statement* statement number subroutine 482 static CALL statement 318,* static values of a table* statistics in output 237 Status Key (OCR) 545,550-551 Index 25 585 status Key (QSAM and VSAM) additional information* QSAM 255-256,87,148 VSAM 183,184-188,192-193 step restart in a job 29 in a job step 48-49 STEPCAT DD statement 70 STEPLIB DD statement 69 stepname 34,63 steps to resolve compiler problems 543 STOP RUN initialization subroutine 472 STOP RUN messages subroutine 472 STOP RUN statement additional information* and assembler language program 323-325 and ENDJOB option 43 STOP RUN t~rmination subroutine 472 STOP statement* storage allocation (see also main storage and storage considera tions) additional information* for compilation 73,501 for execution, job step 51 for linkage editing 502-503 for overlay processing 340-345 for sort feature 373 for source program 501-502 storage considerations 501-502 (see also main storage and storage allocation) storage format, USAGE* storage layout of table* storage map, for loader 244,243 storage, mass (see mass storage) storage of records* storage sharing* storage volume 63-65 STRING statement 297,* structure of COBOL* sub-queue structures 309-315,* SUBALLOC parameter 62 SUBALLOC subparameter description 62-63 in creating data sets 132 subdivisions of page* subfield contents of DEBUG-ITEM 249,* subject* subordinate entries* subordinate report group* subparameters 23 subprogram additional information* and CANCEL statement 335 and dynamic CALL 317,318 and static CALL 318 subprogram linkage feature* subroutine library (see library.~ subroutines (see also library) arithmetic 475-476 conversion 473-475 data management 477-480 data manipulation 476-477 external references 346 for linkage 472 for special features 483 input/output 477-480 586 subscript* subscript redefinition 286 subscriped data name* subscriping* substitution field* SUBTRACT statement* subtraction operator* SUL subparameter 66 SUM clause* SUM counter* SUM statement 300-301 summary listing by lister 209,211 summary reporting* summation* superscript in job control notation 25 SUPMAP compiler option 40 SUPPRESS option* suppression of report groups* suppression of sequence checking* suspension of execution* switches (see UPSI switches) switch-status condition* switched line* SXREF compiler option 42 symbol orer, PICTURE* symbolic debugging 213-230 flow trace option 213-214 (see also FLOW compiler option) interactive debug option 213 (see also TEST compiler option) run unit considerations 216 statement nember option 213 (see also STATE compiler option) symbolic debug option 214-216 (see also SYMDMP co mpiler option) object-time control cards 215-216 sample program 217-230 TSO considerations 214 type codes 218 under Information Management System (IMS) 217 symbolic destinations 435,* symbolic dump subroutine 482 SYMBOLIC QUEUE accessing queue structures 312-313 additional information* Q Analyzer routine 309-315 SYMBOLIC SOURCE* SYMBOLIC SUB-QUEUE 309,311-312,* symbols used in PICTURE clause* SYMDMP compiler option 41 (see also symbolic debugging) abnormal termination dump 214 abnormal termination message 214 and data-names 214 Data Division dump 214 general considerations 216 object-time control cards 215-216 operation of 214 sample program 217-230 specifying through PARM parameter 214-215 subroutines 482 type codes 218 SYMDMP error message subroutine ~~1 SYNCHRONIZED clause* synonym overflow 108 syntax-checking compilation 247 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) SYNTAX compiler option 41 syntax of program* SYSABEND DD statement 69,80-81,246 SYSCHK DD statement 69,398 SYSCJS DD statement 437 SYSCOUNT DD statement 81 SYSCP 21 SYSDA 21 SYSDBG data set default for 216 requirement for 246 use of 215 SYSDBOUT DD card 213,246 for COUNT option 81 system logical input unit* SYSDTERM DD card 214,246 SYSIN DD statement concatenating with SYSLIN 367 for compilation 74 in cataloged procedures 359-363 logical record size for 497 relationship to ACCEPT statement 80 SYSIN-SYSOUT 458 SYSLIB DD statement for compilation 76 for copy 349 for linkage editing 78 for loading 78 logical record size for 497 SYSLIN DD statement concatenating with SYSIN 367 for compilation 75 for linkage editing 76 for loading 78 logical record size for 497 SYSLMOD DD statement for linkage editing 77-78 with job library 353 SYSLOUT DD statement for loading 79 SYSOUT system logical output unit* SYSOUT parameter 68 and COPIES parameter 60 effect of SYST option 43 in sort feature 370 relationship to DISPLAY statement 79-80 subparameters 68 use of 68 SYSOUT subparameters 68 SYSPRINT DD statement for compiler 74 for linkage editor 76 for VSAM 186 loqical record size for 497 SYSPUNCH definition* SYSPUNCH DD statement for compiler 74 logical record size for 497 relationship to DISPLAY statement 79-80 SYSSQ 21,59 SYST compiler option 43 system catalog, creating 18 system considerations, subprogram linking* system console* system dependencies* system diagnostic messages 246 system error recovery 143-149,* system-generated code* system independent binary items* *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) system informa tion transfer,. ACCEPT* system input device* system logical output device* system-name (assignment-name) 90,100,"* system output messages 246 system parameter library 64 system restart routine 396 System/370 unit record processing* SYSTERM DD statement 74,77 SYSUDUMP DD statement 69,246 SYSUT1 block size 496 for compilation 73 for linkage editing 78 SYSUT2 73,496 SYSUT3 73,496 SYSUT4 73,496 SYSUT5 block size 498 for compilatiion 73 required by SYMDMP and TEST 41,217 SYSUT6 blocksize 498 for compilation 73 required by LVL 40 SYS1.COBLIB 348 SYS1.LINKLIB 348 SYS1.PROCLIB adding procedures to 356-357 description 348 SYS1.S0RTLIB description 348,370 storage allocation for 373 SYS1.TELCMLIB 447 S01 and S02 function-names* table elements 304-309,* table handling 304-309,* table layout* table of moves* table references* table values* tables building 309 handling considerations 304-308 storage limitations 501-502 subscripts 304 tabling (optimization) 280 TALLY special register* TALLYING option* tape (see magnetic tape) tape fi1e* tape volume state 64 tapes from 3886 OCR 560 task global table 236-237 fields of 527 use to locate data-names 268 using SYMDMP to examine 214 TeAM (telecommunications access method) data areas 275-276 locating 275-276 queue blocks 276 RECEIVE statement 276 SEND statement 276 service facilities 456 writing compatible programs 446 Index 587 TCLOSE facility 74 (communications feature) (see also MCP, message control program) and CD entries 284 and Communication Section 284 and MCP 401,404 ANS standard requirements 432 environment 401 sample MCP 406-425 temporary data set creating 135 description 63 temporary library 34 temporary names 58 TERM compiler option 47 effect of LVL option 40 TERM parameter 60 terminal device, SEND* terminal error messages 35-36 TERMINAL option* terminal table 433-436 TERMINATE statement* terminating file processing* termination of execution* termination of job 27 TEST compiler option 47,213 requires SYSUT5 73 TESTRUN sample program 461-471 TEXT LENGTH* text name* text punch table 501 text word* TGT (see task global ta~le) three-dimensional table* three operands, varying* TIME-OF-DAY special register 481,* TIME parameter for a job 30 for a job step 50 TIME special register 481,* TIMES option of PERFORM* TO options* top page margin* totaling, user label 155 TPROCESS entries 432 trace option 88 TRACE statement description 251-252 relationship to SYSOUT DD statement 80 TRACE subroutine 482 track addressing 83,91 capacity 101,102,103 identifier 91 index 120-122 space for 94,95 TRACK-LIMIT clause 94,95 trailer labels 159,* TRAILING option* transfer of control* transfer of data* TRANSFORM statement 298,* TRANSFORM subroutine 477 transformation rules* transmission to messages by SEND* TRK subparameter 61 TRTCH subparameter 87 true condition* telep~ocessing 588 TRUNC compiler option 40 truncation of data* truth value* TS sub parameter 60 two-dimensional table* two operands, varying* twos complement form* TYPE clause* type indicators for lister TYPRUN parameter 31 211 U-type abend 529,254 UCS parameter 60 unary operator* unblocked files* unblocked records fixed-length 160-161 permissible file techniques 84 spanned 164-165 variable-length 161-163 unblocking, automatic* UNCATLG subparameter 68 unconditional GO TO* unconditional syntax-checking compilation undefined length records (see unspecified length records) unequal fields 286-287 unequal size operands in nonnumeric comparisons* unique table references* UNIQUEKEY specification (VSAM) 179 unit, requesting 58 UNIT option* UNIT parameter creating data sets with 131 description 58 multivolume data sets using 99-100 retrieving data sets with 139 sort programs using 369 subparameters 59 unit record data set 133 unit record device,DD statement for 141 unit record file* UNIT sub parameters 59 unloaded files (VSAM) 185 unrolling (optimization) 279 unsigned data, USAGE* unsigned integer, stop* unsigned numeric literal* unsigned operand* unspecified length records, fo:··mat 161 unspec~fied record format (see U-mode records) UNSTRING statement 299,* unswitching (optimization) 280 UNTIL option* UPDATE Specification in VSAM ~79 updating files* UPGRADE specification in VSAM 179 upon options* upper-case letters. in job control notation 25 UPSI.switches 293,48.* 41 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857 USAGE clause additional information* causing errors 255 efficient use of 288-290 example 236 USE AFTER ERROR option description 148-149,183-184 in file processing techniques 491-494 USE BEFORE REPORTING* USE FOR DEBUGGING additional information* controlled by DEBUG option 48 effect on SYMDMP option 41 effect on TEST option 47 example 250 general 248-249 subroutine for 482 USE PROCEDURES* USE statement (see declaratives) user abends 529,254,44 user catalog (VSAM) 176 user completion code 529,254, 44 user-defined files 82 user-defined word* user file processing non-VSAM files 82-159 ASCII files 89-90 data set organization 83 direct file processing 91 error processing 143-154 indexed sequential 119-130 label processing 154-159 names 82 physical sequential 85-89 processing techniques 83-130 relative file processing 110-118 standard (physical) sequential 85-89 VSAM files 173-202 access method services 174-180,186 COBOL language usage 193-201 converting non-VSAM files 201-202 current record pointer 181 error handling 183-184 features unavailable 202 initial loading of records 188 ISAM programs with 201-202 JCL for 201 password usage 181 programming consideration 180-191 status key values 183 for action requests 192-193 for OPEN requests 184-188 types of data sets 173-174 warning 183 user-initiated dumps 254 user label procedure 156-157 user labels 155-159 (see also labels) and ASCII files 158-159 exit list codes 158 exits 158 return codes 158 totaling 156 • user libraries 349-354,69 '< user parameters for execution 48 User Program Status Indicator (see UPSI switches) .Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857) user-specified collating sequences (see collating sequence) user-specified data sets 78-79 USING option for execution parameters 48,* in sort/merge 368,* utility da~s sets and job control procedures 21 for compilation 73,75 for linkage editing 78,77 utility programs IEBUPDTE 348,349 IEHLIST 278 IEHMOVE 347 IEHPROGM 277 utility subroutines for communications ILBDCJS 436-438,480 ILBOQSU 479,487 V, in CURRENCY sign and PICTURE clause* V recording mode* valid and invalid elementary moves* valid execution sequence, PERFORM* validity checking* VALUE clause* VALUE OF clause* value of numers literal* value range of conditional GO TO* variable-length item* variable-length record size specification* variable-length records additional information* and OCCURS DEPENDING ON 170-172 description 161 format 161-164 variable-length table* variable line lengths* variable page spacing* variable record sizes* varying operands and options* VB REF compiler option 44 VBSUM compiler option 44 verb* VERB compiler option 39,237 verb cross-reference 44 verb summary 44 verb usage (count) 44 verbs, techniques with 295-299 VERIFY . FCB 59 implicit in VSAM 184 UCS 60 vertical page positioning* vertical spacing* virtual storage access method (see VSAM and user file processing) volume definition 18 labels 154-159 ASCII 159 nonstandard 151. standard 155-156 magnetic tape 64 63,64 nonspecific 63 Index 589 prameter (see VOLUME parameter) permanently resident 63 pri vate 64 public 64 reference 64 removable 64 reserved 64 specific 63 state 64 storage 64 volume, switching 99 volume-count subparameter 65 volume lables* VOLUME parameter 63-65 creating data sets with 133 description 63-64 retrieving data sets with 139 subparameters 65 with UNIT parameter 59 volume removal* volume-sequence-number subparameter volume swi tch* VSAM (virtual storage access method) additional information* AFF subparameter 59 AMP parameter 69 DEFER subparameter 59 DUMMY parameter 56 features not available 202 file processing (see user file proc ess in g) JOBCAT statement 70 SEP subparameter £;9 SHR subparameter 68 STEPCAT statement 70 user catalog 70 warning about 183 VSAM subroutines 479 separate modules 285 WRITE FROM option 296 WRITE ADVANCING 297,* WRITE AFTER ADVANCING option "additional information* ADV option 44 restriction with PRTSP parameter use of 85 WRITE AFTER POSITIONING option restriction with PRTSP parameter use of 85 WRITE FROM option 296 WRITE statement additional information* causing errors with 257 in VSAM 193-195 65 files 87 87 x, in CURRENCY SIGN and PICTURE clause* XREF option for compilation 42 for linkage editing 47 Z, in CURRENCY SIGN and PICTURE clauses* 'zero* ZERO (ZEROES, ZEROS) figurative constant* zero filling* ZERO sign test rules* zero suppression* zero value* zoned decimal item* ZWB compiler option 40 W (warning severity level 238,35 wait state time limit 21 wait status* wait subroutine 478 warning used as a severity level (W) 35,238 using status key with VSAM 183 WHEN-COMPILED special. register* WHEN option of SEARCH ALL* W1TB D~aUGGING MOP~ additional information* controlled by DEBUG option 48 effect on SYMDMP 41 effect on TEST 47 general 248-249 with footing* with NO REWIND* with phrase of SEND* word 62,* workfile under VSAM 179 Working-Storage section additional information* finding in dump 285 location and length, determining 237 REA~ INTO option 296 590 *Consult VS COBOL for OS/VS (GC26-3857)
Source Exif Data:
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