SGS 1 26 N33917 A D S 2016 01 23
User Manual: SGS 1-26 N33917 A-D s 2016-01-23
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AD COMPLIANCE Ar-^-^oI\,f-La {/-< lVfndpl I-)* No. Al I SerialNo. €l Date Effective Date Subieet ADNumber To prevent the possibilitY of The tow hook inadvertentlY Slipping out of the relsase 87-02-01 oyzu87 & To prevemt the possibilitY of Method of Complianee sB sA-001 Drd. 10/03/86 Parts 38, 3C & Fig. 4 Eal00I{t afin 87-17-01 Due At < STows 08/19/88217-9 scs 2-8 crG2) R-200-9A or 1A-218-1A R-200-12A or 1B-217-1A L>2L7-9 scs 2-12 0C.3) R-200-9Aor 1A-218-1A orLB-221-3 LZB-L4L or 1B-217-1A LD2L7.9 SGU1.19 R-200-9A or 1A-218-tA R-200-12A otLB-ZL7-1A tD2L7-9 R-200-12A or 1B-217-1A LD2L7-9 R-200-9A or 1A-218-1A' R-200-12A or 1B-217-1A L>2L7-9 SGU2-22 (AIl Eodcts) (C.G.I{ook) R-200-9Aor 1A-218-1A or !8-221-3 R-200-12A or 1B-217-1A t>2fi-9 (Ali no&Is) R-200-9A or 1A-218-1A or 18-221-3 R-200-12A or 1B-217.1A lD21:t-9 R-200-9A or 1A-218-1A or 18-221€ R-200-12A or 1B-217-1A LD|2L7-9 R-200-9A or 1A-218-1A or 18-221-3 R-200-12A s 1>2fi-9 1A-218-1Aor LB-ZZL-L L>2D-7 L>222-L3 L*U.L t>zzz-l L>222-Lt 1o4i2A-1 tB-?J7-5 1D217-11 scs 2-32 18-221-1 L>?a-L- t>222-tt scs 2-33,2-33A,2-33AK 1A-218-1A or 18-221-3 1B-217-1A LD2t7-9 scs 2-33,2-33A"2:33AK (opc) (CG.Ilook) LV232A-L LB-2L7-5 1D-217-11 sGS 1-34,1-34R 1A-218-1A or 18-221-1 34017D1 3.1017D11 scs 1A-218-1A ot !B-22t-L t>2?2-7 t>222-t3 L0232A-l LE.-2t7-5 1D,217-11 L0232A-t tB-2L7-5 LD2L7-LL ot LB-?2L-3 otLB-?2L-3 sGUl-20 R-200-9A or 1A-218-1A otLB-22L-3 SGU1.21 orLB-22L-3 SGS 1-23 I scs 1-24 sGS 1-26, A, B, & C.G.IIook scs 1-26 q q E sGS 1-26 D & E (C.c. Ilook) SGS 1-268(opr) (C.G.Ilook) 1-35C SGS 1-35C SC'S 1-36 (opr) 1B-217-1A $ERVICE BULLETIN SA.OO1.]I pATE: PAGE fI January 4 of 1988 13 CAUTION THE 10232A.1 TOf, HOOK IS PHYSICALLY SI{ALLER THA}I THE OTHER TOT HOOKS. FIELO RETROFIT TO THE 10232A-1 TOT HOOK REQUIRES IHSTALLATION OF A IA-217-I1 RELEASE ARM AT A LOCATION FURTHER FORHARO ON THE AIRCRAFT. BE SURE TO CONTACT SAC FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIOIIS BEFORE FIELD RETROFITTING SAILPLANE TO INCORPORATE IO2'2A-I Tof, H00K. b. Replaee tor hook and/or release arm as requi,red to obta!,n an accaptable comblnatron (as specl,fied ln Table l) for salJ.prane ln questlon. NOTE r Proper engageoent of the tor hook lnto the rel.ease arn 1s shorn tn F.l,gure l, vler A and Figute 4. Excesslve rear of the tor hook step eould result ln lmproper engagement. F!,gure 2 of tnls bulletln provldes lnspeetlon data and reat limlts for the tor hook. Tor hooks rhlch do not neet the speclfled ll.nits nust elther be rerorked to obtaln dlnensl,ons (as speclfled ln Flgure 2) or replaced. r If tor hook ls able to sllde lnto the release arn, beyond the tow hook step, as shorn by Flgure I, Vler C, the rel,ease aro must elther be rerorked wlth a slug as speeifled Ln Flgure 3, or replaced. t- C. Inspect tor hook for rear ln accordance rith Figure Z oi tnts bulletln. CAUTION . ALL AIRCRAFT REPAIRS ANO REHORK }IUST BE ACCOHPLISHED TITHIN THE GUIOELINES ESTABLISHEO BY AC d. g. ?. 4'J'. rf tor hook dlmenslons are not rlthln rlmlts speclfled ln Flgure 2, elther rerork the tor hook to obtaln dlmenslons (as speclfied ln Flgure 2], or replace lt ulth a ner or serviceable, used tow hook. Engege tor hook into release e!m. Ensure that the tor hook lngages properly as shown ln Flgure 1, VLew A. rf tor hook ls unable to cornpletely engage (shorn by Flgure l, vler B), shorten the rubber uumpet stop between the release knob and the instrument pancl to arrow the release asscmbly to close further. . . ".SERVICE BULLETIN 5A.OOI .37 DATE: PAGE 3I January 1988 5 of I] g. h. l. J. k. t. If tor hook ls able to travel too far lnboard as shoun ln F1gure I' Yler C, dlsengage tor hook from release alm and neasure the length of the release arn slot. If dlmenslon ts less than 0.56 lneh, rework release arm by reldlng on 1B-2I7-19 slug at locatlon shown in Flgure 3. (Release alm nay be replaced as an alternate to weldlng on slug.) If length of release arm slot ls greater than 0.55 lnch, replace release arn. Perform a thorough Lnspectlon of the tow hook lnstallatlon ln accotdance rlth the I00 hour !.nspectlon requlrements listed ln Table 2 of thls bul Ie t 1n. Repalr of replace unservlceable component(s), as reguired. wlth Part I of this Servlce Bulletln ln Alrcraft Record compllance Log Book. PART II - DAITY INSPECTION OF TOII RELEASE ASSET{BLY. PROCEOURE '.I i'. t NOTE The folJ,oulng lnspectlon does not requl!e any dlsassembly of the allc!aft or release assem- bly. Horever, 1f any defects are noted durlng. the lnspectlonl the problem(s) must be resolved prlor to next fllght. i. Perform a thorough vlsual lnspectlon of the tor release assenbly and assoctated components-ln accosdance rlth the dally lnspectlon rcqulrements llstect In Table 2 of this bulfetln. CAUT I ON ALL AIRCRAFT REPAIR ANO REIORK }IUST 8E ACCOMPLISHEO IITHIN THE GUIOELINES SPECIFIEO IN AC 4r. b. 1.. lr. If any defects ale noted, repair or replace faulty component(s) prlor to next fllght. SERVICE SULLETIN SA.OOI.]T DATE: PAGE ll January I988 5 of l3 TABLE 2 DAILY ANO lOO-HOUR INSPECTIOI{ . 0a11y Vlsually lnspect release arm for damage, cracks, deformatlon, and freedom of moveoent on plvot bolt. - Vlsually and physlcally lnspect release arm slot for excesslve rear whlch would al,lor the tor hook to engage beyond the hook step. (See Flgure I, Item C.) - Dlmenslona1ly measure the slot ln the release arm to lnsure that lt 1s rl,thln the toJ.erance as shorn on Flgure 3. Vlsually lnspect tor hook for danager eracks, deformatlon, and freedom of movenent on plvot bolt. Vlsually check tou hook to lnsure that surface nxi and 'y" of step as shorn ln Flgure 2 ate, smooth and properly engages relsase arm. glmenslonally check tor hook to lnsure that aI1 dlnenslons a8e rlthln tolcra-nces ln accordance rlth Flgure 2 and for elongatlon of attach hole ln accordance rlth Flgure 4. Inspect release darnpet for general condltlon and proper engagement of tor hook. Perform an operatl,on check per Part III. Perforrn a release check for proper release tenslon ln aecorrlance rlth Flguse 4. Lubrlcate attach hardware for tor and release atnr. hook Lubrlcate gulde-tubes 1n rel,ease control, rlth dry stlck type lubrlcant. Insure that tow hook moves freely on plvot bo1t. X 100 Hour 'SERVICE SULLETIN 5A.(]O1 . fI DATE: 31 January I988 PAGE 7 of l] PART III . PILOTIS PREFLIGHT INSPECTION OF TOl{ RELEASE ASSEMBLY. PROCEOURE NOTE r Flgure I shows plopes attachment of the tow hook lnto the reLease arm. Note that the step of the tow hook should seat agalnst the release arm. The tow hook step must fully engage the release arm to allow the release assembly to functlon properly. The tor hook must not be allowed to extend through the release arm beyond the.step on the hook as shovn ln Figure 1, Vlev C. r The tor rope must not be aJ.lored to rrap around the release arm or any part of the sallpiane. It must extend, unobstructed, dlrectly forrard from the sallplane to the tor vehlcle. ..\ e. Attach tor llne to tow hook and apply tensl,on on the llne ln dlrectlon of tor. b. t{lth tenslon on tor llne, pull the release control on the lnstrument . panel and check for proper release of tow llne. c. If tou 11ne does not rel,ease properly, troubleshoot tov release assembly 9. and perfo8o necessary repalrs. Reattach tor Ilne to tou hook and check for posltlve retentlon of tor llnc as foll,ors z (I) Apply. a nodarate tug on the dor tlne 1n the dlrectlon of tor. (2) Inspect the release sssembly to ensure that lt has remalned completcly closed. (r) If the release assembly has opened, even partlally, gsound atrcraft and troubleshoot release assenrbly. Repalr or replace faul,ty conponent(s) as requlred. '. -'' ' SERVrcE BULLETTN sA-oo1.3r DATE! PAGE ftr January 1988 8 of ll PART IY . IOO HOUR INSPECTION OF IOTI RELEASE ASSE},IBLY. PROCEDURE 8. Perforrn a thorough lnspectlon of tor release assembly ln aecordance thc 100 hour lnspectlon requltements llsted ln Table 2. rlth CAUTION ALL AIRCRAFT REPAIRS TIUST BE PERFORI{ED ACCORDANCE UITH AC .,.1'. b. c. ITI If rlefects are notect, repair or replace faulty conPonent(s). Record co-npliance rlth Part lY of thls Servlce Bulletln ln Alrcra?t 8ook. TEIGHT ANO BALANCE DATA llelght and Balancc not affeeted. Log SERVICE EULLETIN SA.OOI.'I OATE: PAGE )l January I 988 9 of ll HOOK FULLY ENGAGED RELEASE ARIll TOW HOOK STEP TOW HOOK VIEW A. PROPER ENGAGEMENT HOOK NOT FULLY ENGAGED TOW }iOOK STEP TOW HOOK LEASE ARM VIEW B. IMPROPER ENGAGEMENT NOTE: IF TOW }IOOK IS ABLE TO SLIDE. THROUGH RELEASE ABm, BEYOND THE TOW HOOK STEP, THE RELEASE ARM MUST EITHER BE FETYORKED IN ACCORDAI{CE wlTTI 3, oR BEPLACEO. TOW HOOK STEF TOW HOOK BELEASE ARM VIEW C. IMPROPER ENGAGEMENT FIGURE 1. ENGAGEMENT OF TOW HOOK INTO RELEASE ARM SERVIC,€ BULLET I DATE:' ,I PAGE IO I'I sA-001. lr January I 988 of ll TRAIGHT EDGE (NOTES 1 AHD A-A 3' 0lt{cHEs f^x. ALLoWAB LE IRREGU I.ARITY IN SURFACE'X' TOW HOOKSTEP (NOTE 8) E A (NOTES 2 AND 8) SHOULDEB NOTE 7 CORNEB WEAR PERMISSIBLE OTE 6! D (NOTE s) FIGUHE 2. TOW HOOK INSPECTTON AND BEWORK (SHEET 1 OF 2) .: SERVICE SULLETIN 5A.(] 'DATE: . ,t PAGE f1 January t98B ll of tl 1+ NOTES: TEAR OCCURS ON SURFACE iYT IT },IUST BE POLISHED FLAT IIITHIN TOLERANCES PROVIOED IN FIGURE 2 (SHEET 1). IF THE HooK cANNoT HEET THESE REQUIREO DIHENSIONS IT I'IUST BE REPLACEO. UNOER NO CONOITIONS SHOULD SURFACE TXi BE POLISHEO OR T,IACHINEO TO CHANGE ITS ANGLE. I. IF 2. OII.IENSION TAT ON 7. 'Yi HUST REI,IAIN FLAT, SI,|OOTH, AND TITHIN TOLERANCES SHQHN 1. (SEE ILLUSTRATION. ) OIHENSION rcr ON 1O2l2A-1, HOOK SHALL BE 2.05 i.03 INCHES. DIttEt{sr0N 'Cr 0N 1A-2I8-1A' lB-221-tr lB-221-f, & R-200-9A SHALL BE r.0o +.0f INCHES. DIIIENSION r0. SHALL BE .Jl +.0f INCHES. IO252A-I HOOK SHALL 8E .2I INCHES I,IIN. &, .28 INCHEs MAx. OrHENsr0N rAr 0N lA-218-tAr lB-221-1, la-zzL-r, & R-200-9A HOOKS SHALL BE .25 INCHES MIN. & .]1 INCHES MAX. SURFACE ON SHEET 4. ). 6. H00K IIUST REHAIN FLAT SHOULOER OF HOOK. 7. iEAR 0ursr0E 0F THE 8. DII{ENSION'B'I{US;8E FIGURE 2. .21 HrN. FLAT AREA Is INCHES FROx PERltrsSrBLE. EQUAL TO DII,IENSION rAr, OR LESS THAN OI}rENSION TAT BY NO HORE THAN.OI5 INCHES AND CANNOT 8E GREATER THAN OII{ENSION. 9. _ IN THIS AREA FOR A l,lIN.0F.2I TAr. ALL SURFACES EXCEPT SURFACE rxr HAY BE FILED TO OBTAIN REQUIREO DII{ENSIoNS. TOW HOOK INSPECTION AND REWORK (SHEET 2 OF 2) T()Vr crdD NOTE: 18-217-19 SLUG IS AVAILABLE FHOM scHWEIZER AIRCRAFT coBP. 0.125 X 0.5 X 1.0 4130N STEEL .35 I.O3 INCHES ON AIRCRAFT EOUIPPED WITH 10232A-1 TOW HOOK .40 .+.o3 tNcHES ON ATRCRAFT EOUtppED WITH 1A-218-1A, 18-221-1, 18-221-3, OR R-2oo-gA TOW HOOKS l-(r) N\ram ,o@ -ituc LT Pfr rraCm O'{ FlH l-l, \OD 6l @cl ld cl lr a \rr + 1B-217-1s SLUG (WELD AS SHOWNT .og .o9 IF THIS DIMENSION IS .66 INCHES OR GREATER PRIOR TO BEWORK THE RELEASE MAY NOT BE REWORKEDAND MUST BE REPLAC NOTE: ALL TOW RELEASE ARMS MUST BE REWORKED AS SHOWN ABOVE OR REPLACED WITH THE PhOPER SUPERSEDING ARM AS SPECIFIED IH TABLE 1. FIGURE 3. REWORK OF RELEASE ARM SERVICE BULLETiN 5A.OO5 DATE: I June PAGE } of B 1987 U 5 L SUBJECT: ONE-TIME lNSPECTION AND POSSIBLE M6DELS AFFECTED: REPLACEMENT OF TO}J RELEASE ARM All 5chweizer manufactured and kit bullt Schwelzer gliders and sailplane models Listed belo,w. All Serial numbers of each model. Also affected are all sailpLanes retrofitted wlth a Schweizer tow hsok installetion. T sGU sGS 2-22, ?-22A, 2-22C, 2-22CK, 2-22E, 2-22EK 1-2t, L-zrA, L-21C, L-7rD, 1-218, L-23F, L-23G, l-21H, N scs L-?1HL5 1-24 I 1-25, 1-25A, 7-258, l-26C, L-26O, l-26E SGS 2-32 SGS 2.]] SGS 2-l], 2-33A, 2-134K 1-]4, 1-34R sGS 1-]5C SGS SGS 1-]5 ( 5prite ) NOTE In the text of this writing' the terms nGLIDERIT and "SAILPLANEri are to be considered synonymous. IME OF COMPL 1 Must be eonrpleted prior to the next auto or winch tow of any sailplane equipped with the affected release ANCE ; arm. 2. Must be completed 3" PREF ACE : E SGU 1.7 SGS 2-8 (TG.2) SGS 2-]2 (TG.') SGU 1.I9 SGU 1-20 SGU 1-2} sGS T L within 60 days on all sallplanes equipped r*ith an affeeted release arm. Affected release arms in spares inventory must not installed on sailplanes and are to be returned to Schxelzer Aircraft for warranty replacement. be Reports indicate the possibillty that the tou line eould fail to release properly from Schweizer sallplanes equipped with a new tor release arm part number 10217-11, 1D222-L5, 1O222-L7, or 34017-L3. The posstbllity of this incident occuring greatly increases during auta and wineh to,l operatlons or an ove!run of the tow ]ine" This Bulletin requires replacement of the affected tow release arms with a new arm. SERVICE EULLETIN SA.OO5 DATEr 1. June 1987 PAGE 2 gf 1 PBOCEOUftE I. Inspect release arm for lug welded on front, belor tow hook slot as shorn ln Flgure 1. Any affected release arm must be removed and replaced rlthln the time of compllanee stated on thls Bulletln. Return affeeted release arms to Schrelzer Alrcraft rlthin 90 days of the date of thls notlce for free rarranty reBlacement. Contact Sehweizer $ailplane Product Support Depat'tment for exehange informatlon. Arms received after 90 days wiIl not be given warranty consideratlon. ?. Upon rept.acement of release armr F€rform an operatlons check and maintaln periodlc and plefllght inspectlons in aecordance with the procedures outlined 1n Schwetzer Bulletln SA-081.2. ,. Racord Compllanee ntth this Notlce in the aircraft log book. . 5LRV IUE DATE: PAGE .lULLtr I June } of | lll Jn-eu/ 1987 3 ANY RELEASE ARM WITH THIS LUG WELDED ON FRONT SURFACE AS SHOWN MUST BE REPLACED. RELEASE ARMS WITH THIS LUG WELDED ON THE INSIDE AS SHOWN ARE NOT AFFECTED BY THIS BULLETIN. FIGURE 1. RELEASE ARM B BULLETIN NO. 5A-OOi.2I U DATE: 19 May 1987 PAGE: I of L 12 x Supersedes Service Bul letin No. SA-001.1, Dated 2 Feb L 1987 PROPER ATTACHHENT OF TOtl LINE' INSPECTION, I.IAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND REHORK OF TOH HOOK, RELEASE SUBJECT: SCHhIEIZER SAILPLANE TOH RELEASE' ASSEMBIY AND RETEASE DAI4PER" AFFECTED AIRCRAFT: AI I Schweizer manufaetured and Kit bui lt Schweizer gl fders and sai lplane models I isted below. Al I Serial numbers of each model. Also affected are all sailplanes retrofitted with a Schweizer tow hook instal lation. SGU t-7 SGS 2-B (TG-z) 2*22A, Z-22C, 2*2ZCK, 2*228, 2-22EK scs l-23,1-238, l-23C, l-230, l-23E, l:23F, l*23G, l-23H, l*23H15 5G5 L-24 $G5 1-25, l*26A, t*268, sGS 2-32 5G5 2:33, 2-334, 2*33AK 5G5 l*34,1*34R 5G5 r-35C SGS l-26C, I-26D, t-258 l-36 (Sprite) NOTE In the text of this writing, the terms and "SAILPLANE" are Synonymous. (I ) * Denotes a change. T I N scs 2-12 (TG-3) SGU l-19 SGU t*20 SGU I_21 sGU 2-22, E to be considered "GLIDER" BULLETIN NO. sA-001.2r DATE: 19 Hay 1987 PAGE: 2oflZ NOTE It is absolutely necessary that alI pilots and ground personnel reeeived proper training with respect to the subjeet matter of this bul letin prior to fl ight. PREFACE: Reports indicate that a possibility exists that the sailplane tow hook may inadvertently release during tow without any input by the sailplane pilot on the tow release control. This Service Bulletin I ists possible causes, precautions, rn6intenance practiceso inspection and correetive action to be taken in order to minimize this situation. NOTE An inedvertent release e&n oeeur due to various eonditions such as improper hookups, towing equipment fai lures, as wel I as irnproper mainten* aRce practices. Aison the tow hook is of, the overriding type sa that the tow Iine will release if overrun due to pi lot error or unden eonditions r.rhich could leave the tow line attaehed to the sai trplane without the pf Iot's kmowledqe. NOTE As compl ianee with this br"rl letin could not completely eliminate the possibiIity of an inadvertent release due to pilot error, rope breakn or abort of tow, any sailpiane operation must be carried out so that there is sufficient airfield avaiIable to acconmodate these not uneofirrlon situat.ions. Aiso, proper pi lot instrurtion in dealing with these situations is an essential part of all pilot training programs" In any event a premature release and properly executed recovery Broeedure should in no way result in damage to the aireraft or injury to any of its occupants or ground personnel " BULLETIN NO. SA-OOI.2I DATE: 19 May 1987 PAGE: 3 of 12 tl0TE Excessive tow release wear caR result during all tow operatieins when the tow I ine is released under ful I touring pressure. This should not be done since proper piloting practice requires easing off the tow I ine pressure before releasing. CAUTION AT RELEASE THE PILOT SHOULD }IOLD THE RELEASE KHOB FOR 3 TO 5 SECONDS TO ALLOI{ ADEQUATE TI}IE FOR THE TO}I LINE TO CLEAR THE SAILPLANE AND I{ATCH FOR VISUAL CONFIRTIATTON OF TOI{ L1NE RELEASE. * TII.IE OF COI{PLIANCE: Part l: l{ust be completed prior to the f,irst fl ight of the aircraft each dav prior to every fl ight of the aircraft Part 2: Hust be completed Part 3: Hust be completed wr'thin 30 days of this notice or 100 hour inspeetion, whichever is first Part 4: Must be cornpleted at the next at every 100 hour inspection PROCEOURES: Part ll Perform a daily visual inspection of the tow release assembly and its components in accordance with Tabl e ? of this Service Bul letin. }€TE This inspection does not require disassembly of the aircraft or release assembly. However, if a component fails to pass the inspection as outI ined' the aircraft must be removed frorn service and receive proper maintenance procedures to correct the problem prior to fr.rrther f I ight of the aircraft. BULLETIN NO. SA.OOI.2r DATE: 19 Hay 1987 PAGE: 4 of Part 2: l? A release check is to be made by the pi lot prior to takeoff. To accomplish this have the ground personnel attach the tow Iine to the tow hook and apply a I ight pul I on the i ine in the direction of tow. The pi lot should then pul I thc release control to check for proper release of the tow line. After reattachment of the tow line to the saf lplane, a check should be rnade for positive attachment of the teiw line to the sai lplane by applving a npderate jerk on the tow i ine in the direetion of the tow. The release assernbly should then be inspected to insure that it hras rernained eompietely elosed. If the release is found to be opened, even partially, inspeetion and rnaintenance procedures must be perf,orrned to eorreet th* problem prior to eontinuing with operation of the aireraft. NOTE Figure I shows the positions for the tow hook and release arm when eorreetly hcloked-un. Note that the step of the tow hook should be tight against the release arm assembly" The tow hook step must ful ly enqage the release arm to al Iow the release assembly tn work properly. The tow hook must not be allowed to extend through the release arrn beyond the step on the hook since this ereates a condition whieh defeats the design of the release and inereases the possibility of an inadvertent re I ease " FIOTE The tow rope rnust not be al lowed to wnap around the release arm or any part of the sailpiane" trt must extend, unobstruetcd" direetly forward from the sai lplane to the tow vehiele, Part 3: A. Several tow release arms and hooks have been manufactured for use on Schweizen gl iders. Table I I ists the proper hook/release combinations for eaeh model sai lplane. Each aircraft must be inspected to insure that it is equipped with the proper tow hook and release 6rm as indicated in Table l. BULLETIN NO. SA-OOI.2T DATE: 19 May 1987 PAGE: 5 of lZ Hear of the tow hook step wi I I cause improper engagement of the hook and release. The tow hook must be inspected in accordance with Figure 2. Any tow hook which does not meet the minimum specified dimensions, after inspection and/or rework, as I isted in Figure 2 must be replaced. B. NOTE Tow hook must engage release arm in accordance with Figure tA A Figure 4. If hook is able to pass through release arm beyond step as shown in Figure lC, release arm and/or hook must be reworked with slug or replaced. t{OTE tow hook fails to engage completely as shown in Figure tB, check release control rigging, If Shortening the rubber bumper stop between the release knob and instrument panel will allow the release assembly tcr close further. C. All tow release arms must be reworked in accordance with Figure 3 or replaced with a new superseding Schweizer release arm as listed in Table 1. If the release arm wear exceeds the dimensions given in Figure 3, rework is NOT al lowed and replacement D. is MANDATORY, Perform complete inspection bul letin. this in accordance with ltem 4 of NOTE Al I repairs AC43. must be conducted in accordance with I icensed mechanic. l3 by an authorized, NO:TE If or accelerated wear of the release is evident a review and correction of piloting practices and ground perssnnel tow line attachment procedures is in order. Part 4: Conduct inspection of tow release at 100 hour intervals in accordance with Table 2 and Figure 4 of this bul letin. excessive mechanism Record compliance with Part 3 and keep a copy of this Service Bulletin in the Aircraft Log Book. tf'a flight manual or pilot's handbook is provided with the aircraft, a eopy of this notice should be kept with that manual until incorporated into the text. BULLETIN NO. SA-OOI.2* DATE: 19 Hay PAGE: 6 of 1987 12 Aircraft Heisht and Balance not affected. The operational checks, rework and inspection procedures given in this Bul letin comply with Feder:al Avietion Regulations and are FAA approved. IrEtt ArlcflrrI s0u t-7 I T0l [00( R-?00-9r o. ll-?18-ll 5Till)rf,0 5UPmSt0 lI0/fl EPutfitfl(I ttLtl$ Ptritst lni t-?00-tzt or l0-?li-ll t0-?lt-t n-100-l2l or l[-217-lA t0-2 r 7-9 128-lal or l8-?17-ll r0-zl?-9 rnil or lB-r2l-l scs 2-8 (rG-?) [-200-94 or ll-?18-ll or l$-2el-! l-200:lA or ll-?18-ll s65 2-12 (rG-3) or sGU lB-221-3 t-200-91 or ll-218-lt t-19 B-200-l3r or l0-?17-lt l0-2t7-, or l8-?ll-3 scu l-?0 n-100-91 or ll-218-ll or l8-2ll-3 t-?00-l?l or l0-2li-lr l0-? 56U t-il fl-e00-91 or ll-?18-ll or l8-?ll-3 [-200-l2t or l8-217-ll t0-?17-9 sGU 2-e2 (lll .odels) or ll-218-ll [-200-l2l or lt-2li-ll l!-il?-9 l-200-tl or ll-218-lt n-200-l2t or lB-lll-lt l0-2 t1-9 l-?00-91 or lt-?18-ll or l8-??l-3 n-200-l2l or l8-2ll-lt lB-l or ll-Zl8-ll P-200-l2l or li-2ll-ll l0-2 r 7-9 R-?00-9t or S€S l-?1 (lll lodrlsl or scs l-?1 5G5 t l-26, l,0, C, C.G. Hook scs r-?6 0, r SGSl-250rt(tGtiool) 565 l-l6t (opt.) l7-r li-l2l-l 18-221-3 R-200-91 or ti-t ll-221-3 ll-218-ll or l8-2Ul-l t0-122-1 l0-222-13 lt-2? t - I fi-222-l t0-222-l r 102321-l t8-zl7-5 lg-2 I 7-t I t0-It2-l r0-??2-t I l- scs ?-12 I s€s 2-!3, t-33r, 2-33il ll-218.1[ or l8-UI-l r8-2 8-22 | I i-lr t0-2 I 7-9 SGS ?-!!, 2-33r, 2-3i*[ (oet,) t0l3?r- I tE-?17-5 t0-? sGs t-!r, r-3fi U-210-lt sr l8-2el-l 310lI0-l 3{0t l0- I I ll-2lE-tl or lE-??l-l It-222-1 ilF?22-lt t023zt-l rB-2 s6s l-l5c SGS l-!sc (opt.) sCS t-35 l0u 3?r- | r I i-t 0-2 t?-5 lI-t l0-21?-r t0-2 tI-l I r I CAUTION INSTALLATION OF THE SHALL TOr{ H0S( #t0232A-1 AND APPROPRIATE RELEASE ARH REQUIRES RELOCATION OF THE RELEASE ARH ON THE AIRCRAFT. CONTACT SCHI{EIZER AIRCRAFT FOR THE INSTALLATION DRAI{ING REQUIRED FOR YOUR AIRCRAFT TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. BULLETIN NO. SA-OOI.2r DATE: 19 l|lay 1987 PAGEr 1 of 12 TABLE 2 DAILY AND IOO-HOUR INSPECTION ly X Dai Visual Iy inspect release arm for damage, cracks, deformation, and freedom of npvement on pivot bolt. X Visually and physically inspect release arm slot for excessive wear which would al low the tow hook to engage beyond the hook step. (See Figure Dimensional Iy measure release arm to insure the tolerance as I, X X Item C.) the slot in the X that it is within shor.rn 100 Hour on Figure 3. Visually inspect tow hook for damage, cracks, deformation' and freedom of rnovement on pivot bolt. X X Iy check tow hook to insure that surface "x" and "y" of step as shown in Figure 2 are flat, smooth and properly X X Visual engages release arm. Dimensional Iy check tow hook to insure that al I dimensions are within tolerances in accordance with Figure 2 and for elongation of attach hole in accordance with Figure 4. X Inspect releese damper for general condition and proper engagement of tow hook 2, check for proper release Perform an operation check per Part Ferform a release tension in aecordance with Lubricate attaeh hardware and release arm. X X X X X Figure 4. for tow hook Lubricate suide-tubes in release with dry stick type lubricant. X eontrol Insure that tow hook rpves freely on pivot X bolt. X X I BULLETIN NO. 5A-OOI.2T DATE: 19 t'lay PAGE: I of 1987 FIGURE 12 1 pRopER HOOK-UP WITHtHOOK FULLy ENGAGED RELEASE ARM TOW HOOK STEP TOW HOOK A. CORRECT HOOK.UP q- INCORBECT HOOK-UP WITH HOOK NOT FULLY ENGAGED TOW HOOK STEP TOW HOOK RELEASE ARM B. INCORRECT HOOK-UP IF TOW HOOK CAN D(TEND THROUGH THE TOW RELEASE ARM AS SHOWN, RELEASE ARM AND POSSTBLY TOW HOOK MUST BE REPLACED. TOW HOOKSTEP TOW HOOK RELEASE ARM c. INCORRECT HOOK-UP INCORRECT HOOK-UP I,VITH HooK EXTENDING THROUGH THE RELEASE ARM BEYOND THE STEP -nuulErtN NO. SA-001.2* DATE: 19 MaY l9B7 PAGE: 9 af 12 SU RFACE "X" STRAIGHT EDGE A-A SU RFAEE "Y" .O6 INCHES MAX. ALLOWAB LE IRREGU LARITY tN SU RFACE 'X" (NOTE 3} TO1JV HOOK STEP (HOTE S} A fiOTES 2 AND 8} DETAI f.ut L B SHOULDER MlN. FLAT AREA t{oTE 7 CORNEH WEAR PERMISSIBLE OTE D (NOTE 5) FIGURE 2. TOW HOOK INSPECTION AND REWORK (SHEET 1 OF 2) BULLETIN NO. 5A-OOI.2* DATE: 19 Hay t987 PAGE: l0 of l2 1, Ir *y" I}. IT IIUST BE POLISI{ED FLAT I{ITHIN TOLERANCES HEAR 0CCURS ON SURFACE (SHEET IF TI.{E HOO( CAf{IIOT I{EET THESE REQIJIREB PROVIDED IN FIGURE DII{ENSIONS IT I,II.'5T BE REPIACED. UNDER }*O CONDITIONS SHOULD SURTACE "X" BE POLISHEN OR }IACHIHED TO CHANGE ITS ANGLE. 2 2" Dll{Etlslot{'A'ON DIHENSI0N .35 3" 4" 5, 6. 1023?A-l H$OK St{ALl- BE .21 INCHES tllN. e "28 INCHES HAX. "A" 0N tA-z18-1A, lB*2Zt*I, tB*zel-3, & R*A00-9A Hoott$ $HALL BE INCFIES t'IIN. " 8" INEHE$ NAX. NY" }IUST REHAIN FIAT, SHMTH, AI-IS HITHIN SHEET I " {SEE ILLU5TRATION. } SURFACE DIHENSIOH oH "C" CIH 10232A-l HOOK Sl.lALL BE 2.06 TOLERANCES SHOI{N ON t.03 INCHES" DII{ENSION "er lA-el8-iA, tB-Zzt*l, tB*azt*3, & R-aOO*gA SHAi_L BE 3,00 +"03 DIF{Ei{SION "E" SHALL BE HOOK I,IUST REI.IAIN OF HOOK. 7 &.SI I,,EAR OUTSIDE .31 t.CI3 IHCHES. IHCHES. FLAT IN THIS AREA FOR A HIH. OF .2I INCHE$ FROI,i SHOI.JLDEE 0F THE ,21 t{lN, FLAT AREA IS PERHISSIBLE" IIBII I.IUST BE EQUAL TO DII'IENSION *A", OR LESS THAN DIHENSIOI'I NO I{ORE THAN .OI5 INCHES AND CANNOT BE GREATER THAN DII.{ENSION "A'I. OII.iET.ISION "A" SY TO@ 6) -l rrlmr- i NOTE: 18.217-19 SLUG IS AVAILABLE FROM SCHWEIZER AIRCRAFT CORP. 0.125 X 0.5 X t.O 4130N -l F-"3s r.03 TNCHES ON ATRCRAFT EOUIPPED W|TH \o o=o -t0) I i .ro .+.og INcHEs oN AtRcRAFT EeutPPED wtrH IA-2'!B-iA, 'NB-221-i, ty'z2t'l, oR R-2oo-sA Tow l'looKs rl I t\) t I I I z_ \Ol @o I I z a 10232A-1 TOW HOOK I I fr m ,____--+-, 1B-217-19 SLUG (WELD AS SI.IOWN) .o9 .o9 IF THIS DIMENSION IS "66 INCHES OH GREATER PRIOR TO REWORK THE RELEASE MUST NOT BE REWORKEDAND MUST BE REPLACED NOTICE.".ALL TOW RELEASE ARMS MUST BE REWORKED AS SHOWN ABOVE OR HEPLACED WITH THE PROPER SUPERSEDING UNIT PER TABLE 1 FIGU RE 3 REWORK OF RELEASE ARt\4_ ]ATE: IY l-16y PAGE: 12 of 12 $,fi i:j"'-"H;$?*'^:""#-HI-1"J'1 iltm*t**m::m SEALE 5TO20 LB" READTNG CAUTION ff"X-ff'f"''i'-tl5iffi wlTH A .25 ErncBaEI iiierrsE@P Tneg-I ry! HE R RELEASI d--"#i#.;ip;trt,--. TOW HOOK Tow ^. lff HOo K-/" $[?B 3:Jl.:?3t,I'l ?l':i"13 ;$T1 if"*+ffiHlxllH:. E ,F ro w Hoo K * ^l-il :t 3 J lxi:ff "1ffJfi y- I FIGURE RE.FE.R TCI 1 ?f t?i *H;l L EAs E A R$'}r Schweizer Aircraft Corp Post Office Box 147 Elmira, New York 14902 ACI 87- ot-ol B BULLTTIN NO. 5A-OOI.I* DATE: 2 Feb 1987 U PAGE: lof12 L Supersedes Service Bul letin No. 5A*001, Dated Oct. 3, 1986 SUBJECT: L LPLANE T0l".l RELEASE , PR0PIR ATTACHMENT 0f' T0h'l L I NE , INSPECTION, T4AINTTNANCE PROCEDURES AND REWORK OF TO}I HOOK, RELEASE SCHlllE I ZER 5A I ASSEMBLY AND RELEASE DAHPTR. AFFECTED AIRCRAFT: Schweizer manufactured and Kit buiit Schweizer gllders and sailplane models listed below. All Serial numbers of each model. Also affected are all sailplanes retrofitted with a Schweizer tow hook installation. AlI SGU I-7 5GU 2-2?, Z.-22A, 2-22C, 2-22CK, 2-22E, 2-278K 1-23, l-238, l-23C, 1-23D, l-23E, 1-23F, 1-23G, l-23H, l-23H15 SGS I_24 SGS t-26, l-26A, 1-268, SGS 2-32 sGS 2-33, 2-33A, 2-33AK sGS l-34, l-34R SGS 1_35C SGS 1-36 (Sprite) t-25C. 1-26D, t-26E NOTE In the text of this writing, the terms and "SAiLPLANE" are synonymous. (l) - Denotes a change. T I N sGS 2-8 (TG-Z) SGS 2-12 (TG-3) SGU l-19 sGU t-20 SGU I_2I SGS E to be considered "GLIDER" BULLETIN NO. SA-OOI. DATE: 2 Feb PAGE: 2 of I* 1987 lZ NOTE necessary that all pilots and personnel received proper training with Eround respect to the subiect matter of this bul letin prior to fl iSht. It is absolutelv PREFACE I that a possibi I ity exists that the sai lplane tow hook may inadvertently release during tow without any input by the Reports indicate sailplane pilot on the tow release control. This Service Bulletin lists possible causes, precautions, maintenance practices, inspection and corrective action to be taken in order to minimize this situation. i{OTE An inadvertent release can occur due to various conditions such as improper hookups, towing equipment fai luresr ES w€l I as improper maintenance practices. Also, the tow hook is of the overriding type so that the tow line will release if overrun due to pilot error or under conditions which could leave the tow I ine attached to the sai lplane without the pi lot's knowledge' N0TE As compliance with this bulletin could not completely el iminate the possibi I ity of an inadvertent release due to pilot error' rope breakr or abort of tow, any sai lplane operation must be carried out so that there is sufficient airfield avai lable to acconrnodate these not situations. Also, proper pilot instruction in dealins with these situations is an essential part of al I pi lot training programs. In any event a premature release and uncommon properly executed recovery procedure should in no way result in damage to the aircraft or injury to any of its occupants or ground personnel. / '.' BULLETINNO.SA-OO1.I* DATE: 2 Feb PAGE: 3 of 1987 12 IWTE Excessive tow release wear can result during all tow operations when the tow line is released under ful I towing preseure. This should not be done since proper piloting practice requires easing off the tow I ine pressure before releasing. CAUTION AT RELEASE THE PILOT FOR 3 TO 5 SHOULD I.OLD THE RELEA$E KNOB SECONOS TO ALLOH ADEqUATE TII.{E FOR THE TOI{ LINE TO CLEAR THE SAILPLANE AND I{ATCH VISUAL C0NFIRI'iATION 0F TOI'I LINE RELEASE. * FOR TIME OF COHPLI,ANCE: Part l: Hust be completed prior to the first flieht of the aircraft each day 2r Part 3: Hust be completed Part 4; Must be completed Part prior to every flight of the aircraft f'lust be completed within 30 days of this notice 100 hour inspection, whichever is first or at the next at every 100 hour inspection PROCEDURES: Part i: Perform a daily visual inspection of the tow release assembly its components in accordance with Table 2 of this Service and Bul letin. NOTE This inspection does not require disassembly of the aircraft or release assembly. However, if a component fai ls to pass the inspection as outI ined, the aircraft must be removed from service and receive proper rnaintenance procedures to correct the problem prior to further fl ight of the aircraft. () BULLETIN NO. SA-OOI. I* DATE: Z Feb l9B7 P,AGE: 4 of Part 2: 12 A release check is to be rnade by the pilot prior to takeoff. To accomplish this have the ground personnel attach the tow line to the tow hook and apply a light pull on the line in the direction of tow. The pilot should then pull the release control to check for proper release of the tow I ine. After reattachment of the tow line to the sailplane, a check shouid be rnade for pasitive attachment of the tow line to the sailplane by applying a moderate jerk on the tow line in the direction of the tow. The release assembly should then be inspected to insure that it has remained completely closed. If the release is found to be openedr €VBrl partially, inspection and maintenance proeedures must be performed to correct the problem prior to continuing with operation of the aircraft. NOTE Figure I shows the positions for the tow hook and release arm when correctly hooked-up. Note that the step of the tow hook should be tight against the release arm assembly. The tow hook step must fully engage the release arm to allow the release assembly to work properly. The tow hook must not be allowed to extend through the release arm beyond the step on the hook since this creates a condition which defeats the design of the release and increases the possibility of an inadvertent re I ease. NOTE The tow rope must not be al lowed to wrap around the release arm or any part of the sailplane. It must extend, unobstructed, directly forward from the sailplane to the tow vehicle. Part 3: A. Several tow release arms and hooks have been manufactured for use on Schweizer gl iders. Table I I ists the proper hook/release combinations for each model sailplane. Each aircraft must be inspected to insure that it is equipped with the proper tow hook and release arm as indicated in Table l. BULLETIN NO. SA-OOi. DATE: 2 Feb PAGE: 5 of I* 1987 12 B. Wear of the tow hook step wi I 1 cause improper engagement of the hook and release, The tow hook must be inspected in accordance with Figure 2. Any tow hook which does not meet the minimum specified dimensions, after inspection andlor rework, as listed in Figure 2 must be replaced. NOTE Tow hook must engage release arm in accordance with Figure IA & Figure 4. If hook is able to pass through release arm beyond step as shown in Figure lC, release arm andlor hook must be reworked with slug or replaced. NOTE tow hook fails to engage completely as shown in Figure 18, check release control rigging, Shortening the rubber bumper stop between the If release knob and instrument panel will allow the release assembly to close further. C. AlI tow release arms must be reworked in accordance with Figure 3 or replaced with a new superseding Schweizer reiease arm as listed in Table l. If the release arm wear exceeds the dimensions given in Figure 3, rework is NCIT al lowed and replacement is i'IANDAT0RY. D. Perform complete inspection bul letin. this in accordance with ltem 4 of NOTE All repairs must be conducted in accordance with AC43. l3 by an authorized, I icensed mechanic. NOTE If or accelerated wear of the release is evident a review and correction of excessive mechanism piloting practices and ground personnel tow line attachment procedures is in order. Part 4: Conduct inspection of tow release at 100 hour intervals in accordance with Table 2 and Figure 4 of this bul letin. Record compliance with Part 3 and keep a copy of this Service Bulletin in the Aircraft Log Book. If a fl ight manual or pi lot's handbook is provided with the aircraft, a copy of this notice shouid be kept with that manual until incorporated into the text. BULLETIN NO. 5A-001. DATE: 2 Feb PAGE: 6 of I* 1987 l? Aircraft $leight and Ealance not affected' The operational checks, rework and inspection procedures Elven in this BuIIetin comply with Federal Aviation Regulatir:ns and ate FAA approved. TAELE I AIRCNIFT SITIoARD ARII T()T tl00l( RTIEA5E SUPIRSE0 I tlc 1 Rt PLACEIIEIIT RELEAST ARII or l0-2lT-13 or lA-218-ll R-200-l2A or l8-217-lt l0-217-9 2-8 (IG-z) R-200-94 or lA-218-lA or lB-221-3 R-200-l2A or lB-2tl-lA l0-2lt-9 or l0-21?-13 2-r2 R-200-9A or lA-218-lA or lB-221-3 l28-l{l or lD-217-9 or l0-21?-13 scu l-t9 R-200-9t or lA-218-lA or l8:221-3 R-200-l2A lB-211-lA l0-217-9 or l0-217-13 sGU t-20 R-200-9A or or l8-221-3 n-200-l2t or l0-217-lrt lD-217-9 or l0-217-13 SGtl I-? 5G5 sGs R-200-94 or sGlJ l-2r SGU 2-22 SG5 I SGS -23 {TG-3) (ll! mdels) (All rodels) t-2t C.G. sGs lA-218-lt Hook t-25 D, t SGSI-250ti(CG}look) lB-217-lr1 or R-200-9A or tA-218-lA lB-221-3 R-200-l2A or lB-2li-lA l0-217-9 or l0-217-13 R-200-94 or or lB-221-3 ll-218-lt R-200-l2A or l8-217-lA l0-217-9 or lD-ll7-13 or tt-218-ll R-200-l2l or l8-217-lr1 lD-217-9 or or scs l-26, A, g, c, t l0-221-3 R-200-9r or l0-217-13 IB-221-3 P-200-91 or or l8-221-3 lt-218-lA R-200-l2A or l8-21?-lA l0-217-9 or l0-2li-13 R-200-9A or l8-221-3 lA-218-ll R-200-l2A or lB-217-ll lD-217-9 or or l0-217-13 lA-218-lA or l0-221-l t0-222-1 lD-222-13 or l0-?22-17 rB-22r-l n-222-l lg-722-ll or l0-222-15 sGS l-Z5E (opt.l 102324- I I B-2 r 7-5 lB-217-ll or l0-217-15 SGS 2.32 I8-22t-I t0-222-l sGs z-33, 2-331, lA-218-lA or lB-221-3 lB-2ti-lA SGS 2-33, 2-331, 2-3341( (opt.) I 023 l8-2r7-5 ot 10-222-15 lD-217-9 or l0-217-B lD-217-ll or l0-217-15 scs l-3t, lA-218-lA or lB-221-l 310 I 70- | 3r0 I 7D-r3 lA-218-lA or l8-221-l t0-222-1 l0-222-13 2-331t( l-3tR sGs t-35c SGS l-35C {opt.) sGS t-36 2r- I B-2 I 7-5 I 02324- I I I 0232t- I lB-2 l7-5 lD-ZZ?-ll or l0-222-li l0-217-ll or l0-217-15 lD-211-ll or lD-217-15 CAUT ION INSTALLATlON OF THE SMALL TOI.I HOOK IILO232A.L AND APPROPRIATE RELEASE ARM REQUIRES RELOCATION OF THE RELEASE ARM ON THE AIRCRAFT. CONTACT.SCHIIElZER AIRCRAFT FOR THE INSTALLATIOI.J DRAI{ING REQUIHED FOR YOUR AIRCRAFT TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. BULLETIN NO. 5A_001. IX DATE: 2 Feb P,AGE: 7 of 1987 12 TABLE 2 DAILY AND lOO-HOUR INSPECTION Dai Visually inspect release arm for ly 100 Hour damage' cracks, deformation' and freedom of npvement on pivot bolt. Visually and Fhysically inspect release arm slot for excessive wear which would al low the tow hook to engage beyond the hook step. (See Figure I' Item C.) Dimensional ly measure the slot in the release arm to insure that it is within the toierance as shown on Figure 3. inspect tow hook for damage, and freedom of deformation' cracks, p t. i vot bol on rnovennent Visual ly check tow hook to insure that surface "x" and nyrr of step as shown in Figure 2 are f lat, srnooth and properly engages release arm. Visual ly Dimensional Iy check tow hook to insure that al I dimensions are within tolerances in accordance with Figure 2 and for elongation of attach hole in accordance with Figure 4. Inspect release damper for general condition and proper engagement of tot+ hook. Perforrn an operation check per Item 2. a release check for proper release tension in accordance with Figure 4. Perform Lubricate attach hardware for tow hook and release arm. Lubricate guide-tubes in release control with dry stick type lubricant. x BULLETIN NO. sA-001.1* DATE: 2 PAGEr Feb I of t 987 FIGURE t2 PROPER HOOK.UP WITH HOOK FULLY ENGAGED RELEASE ARM TOW HOOK STEP TOW HOOK A. CORRECT HOOK-UP 1 INCORRECT HOOK-UP wlTH HOOK NOT FULLY ENGAGE TOW HOOK STEP TOW HOOK RELEASE ARM B. INCORRECT HOOK-UP IF TOW HOOK CAN EXTEND THROUGH THE TOW RELEASE ARM AS SHOWN, RELEASE ARM AND POSSIBLY TOW HOOK MUST BE REPLACED. TOW HOOK STEP TOW HOOK RELEASE ARM c. INCORRECT HOOK-UP INCOHRECT HOOK-UP WITH HOOK EXTENOING THROUGH THE RELEASE ANM BEYOND THE STEF BULLET I N N0. 5A-0CI1.1' DATI: ? Feb PAGEr 9 of 1987 12 SU RFACE 'X' STBAIGHT EDGE A-A SU RFACE 'Y" (NOTE 3) 06 INCHES MAX. ALI-OWAB LE IFR EGU LA RITY TOW HOOK STEP IN SU HFACE A OIOTES 'X' 2 AXD 8) DETAIL B c (NOTE f.0, ltlN. FLAT AREA SHOULDER TE7 CORNER WEAR PERMISS!BLE FIGURE 2. TOW HOOK INSPECTION AND REWORK (SHEET 1 OF 2I BULLETIN NO. SA-OOi. DATE: 2 Feb PAGE: 10 of i* 1987 12 NOT ES: l. IF I{EAR oCCURS ON SURFACE .,y" IT HUST BE POLISHED FLAT I{ITHIN TOLERANCES I I PROVIDED IN FIGURE 2 (SHEET 1). IF THE HOOK CANNOT I.IEET THESE REQUIRED UX" DII{ENSIONS IT I.IUST BE REPLACED. UNDER NO CONDITIONS SHOULD SURFACE POLISHED OR I'IACHINED TO CHANGE ITS ANGLE. 2, I'AI' OH IOESEA.I HOOK SHALL BE ,EI IHCHES HIN. &.28 INCHES I.IAX. DI|{ENSIoN "A" 0N lA-218-lA, LB-??t-t, 18-221-3, & R-200-9A H00K5 SHALL BE DII{ENSION .?5 3. BE INCHES I.1IN. SURFACE SHEET I. &.3I INCHES },IAX. "Y" I{UST REI.IAIN FLAT, Si{OOTH, AND I{ITHIN (sEE ILLUSTRATION.) TOLERANCES SHOI{N ON 4. DIIIENSION "C" ON 10232A-l HOOK SHALL BE 2.06 1.03 INCHES. DIilENSION "C" ON lA-218-lA, lB-221-1, lB-221-3, & R-200-9A SHALL BE 3.00 +.03 INCHES. 5. 5. DIi{ENSIoN "0" SHALL BE .31 1.03 I{EAR OUTSIDE OF THE 8. DII{ENSION NO HORE FIGURE 2. "8" FLAT AREA .21 INCHES FROH SHOULDER IS PERHISSIBLE. BE EQUAL TO DII{ENSION'AO, OR LESS THAN DII,IENSION INCHES ANO CANNOT BE GREATER THAN DII.IENSION ''AX. MUST THAN.OI5 .21 }IIN. I INCHES. HooK MUST REMAIN FLAT IN THIS AREA FOR A I.IIN. OF OF HOOK. 1. I "A" BY TOW HOOK INSPECTION AND REWORK (SHEET 2 OF 2I -o(:}w c).{r mmr NOTE: 1B-217-19 SLUG IS AVAILABLE FROM SCFIWEIZER AIRCRAFT CORP. 0.125 X 0.5 X 1.0 4130N -Yt =Nlz ooo -ig l--.SS c.OS INCHES ON AIRCRAFT EOUIPPED WITH tO232A-1 TOW l-tOOK .40 }.03 INCHES ON AIBCRAFT EQUIPPED WITH 1A-218.1A,18-221-1, rrl --l Z a I @t -.l 18-221-3, OR R*200-9A TOW HOOKS C) O : * 1B-217-19 SLUG (WELD AS SHOWN) .o9 .o9 IF THIS DIMENSION IS .66 INCHES OR GREATER PRIOR TO REWORK THE RELEASE MUST NOT BE REWORKEDAND MUST BE REPLACED NOTICE...ALL TOW RELEASE ARMS MUST BE REWORKED AS SHOWN ABOVE OR REPLACED WITH THE PROPER SUPERSEDING UNIT PER TABLE 1 FIGU RE 3 REWAHK OF RELEASE Aru BULLETIN NO. 5A-OOI. DATE: 2 Feb PAGE: 12 of I* FIGU RE 4 1987 12 APPLY A 25 TO 30 LBS. PULL ON TOW BOPE WHILE CONDUCTIHG RELEASE TENSION TEST A 5 TO 20 POUND PULL ON THE SCALE MUST RELEASE THE TOW HOOK IF THIS CANNOT BE MET MAINTENANCE OF THE TOW RELEASE IS REOUIRED PHIOH TO FLIGHT SCALE 5 TO 2O LB. READING CAUTION SCHWEIZER TOW RELEASES ARE DESIGNED TO OPERATE WITH A .31 INCH DIA. TOW RING. CHECK WITH SCHWEIZER AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR WRITTEN APPROVAL PRI)B TO yStNG ANY ATTACHMENT DEVTCE OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIED .3I INCH DIA. TOW RING. ELONGATION OF THE HOLE IS NOT PERMITTED AND }IOOK MUST BE REPLACED MAX. HOLE DIA. .350 RELEASE ARM HOOK STEP TOW HOOK CHECK TO INSURE THAT THE HOOK CANNOT PASS THROUGH THE RELEASE ARM BEYOND THE STEP OI{ THE HOOK ANY ROUGH EDGES MUST BE POLISHED SMOOTH AND BLENDED WITH EXISTING CONTOUB IF TOW HOOK CAN EXTEND THROUGH THE TOW RELEASE ARM, RELEASE ARM AND POSSIBLY TOW HOOK MUST BE REPLACED. REFER TO FIGURE 1 B SERVICE BULLETIN SA.OO' U DATE: 25 March I987 PAGE 1 of 2 L L SUBJECT: AEROBATICS IN SCHI{EIZER SAILPLANE MODELS ATFECTED: MODELS L I STED BELO'd " E seu 1-7 2.8 (TG?) scs 2-12 (TC3) SGS T Scu 1-19 SGU I-?O SGU SGU I 1-2I 2-22, ?-?2A, 2-72C, 2-22CK, 2-22E, 2-22EK scs 1-2r, 1-218, \-?3C, l-23D, L-23E, l-21F, 1-zt?, l-23t1 , 1-2rHI5 SGS 1-24 sGS 1-25, L-26A, I-?68, L-26C, L-26A, l-268 SGS 2.}2 SGS 1 sGS 2-1,,2-31A, ?-31AK SGS I-14, I-34R 5G5 1-]5, l-]5A, r-f5C -16 (Sprite ) NOTE In the text of this writlng, the terms and REFERENCE: 'I SA ILPLANEII are HGLIDER" to be considered synony(rous. 2-12 Flight-Erectlon-Maintenanee Manual 2-22 Flight-Erection-Malntenance Manual 2-r1 FIight-Erection-Maintenanee Manual 1-25 Flight-Ereetion-Maintenance Manual 1-!4 Fllght-Erection-Malntenance !4anua1 I-35 r'Spriter Pl1ot's Operating Manual Page 1-10 Page 5 Pages l-5 Page 5 Pages 1-7 Page 21 N SERVICE BULLETITI SA-OO3 0ATE: 25 t{arch I967 PAGE 2 of 2 NO-I,E For the purposes of thls Service Bulletin, areobatic fltght ineans an lntentlonal manueuver involvlng an abrupt change in an alrcraftrs sttltude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleratlon, not necessary for normal flight. (Refer to FAR 91.71 for further lnformatlon.) PREFAcE:SchreizerA1rcraftCorporationthat serobatlcs of any kind be performed in any of the Sehweizer sailplane models affected by thls Servlce Bulletin, desplte any language to the contrary ln any of the Fltght-Erection and l,lalntenanee Manuals or Pilot's 0peratlng Manua] referenced helein. Although there ls language ln the refereneed publlcatlons that varlous levels of aerobatlcs are permltted, Sehweizer Aircraft Corporation RECOMMENDS that N0 TYPE of aerobattcs be performed in these model sallplanes slnee 1n doing so, the struetural deslgn levels of the sallplane eouLd be exceeded, uhlch may result Ln serious personal lnJury to the occupants of the alrcraft. only exception to this recommendatlon is spins when performed rlthln the guldelines of, and as approved ln, the Fllght Manual or PiIot's Operating Handbook for the aircraft being operated. Howeverr befsre performing splns in the aircraft, each pilot must recelve complete lnstructlons and tralning as to the proper execution of thls rnaneuver, as well as the characteristics of the aircraft durlng the spln and recovery therefrom. The Schweizer Aircraft Corp. Post Office Box 147 Elmira, New York 14902 SERVICE LETTER 5L.OO1 DATE: PAGE 1 June 1987 L 1 OF I E T0: All owners and operators of Schwelzer Sa1lp1anes. SUBJECT: ANNUAL DISASSEMBLY OF MODELS AFFECTED: All Model SGS AIRCRAFT 1-2], SGS L*26t SGS T T 2-12, and sGS 1-,4 Schwelzer SailPlanes. E H Reports indicate that failure to disassemble the sub.Ject sailplanes perlodically (removal of wings and stab) eould result in corrosion buildup on the attach flttings and hardware, making disassembly For this dlfficult o! even impossible without damage to the aircraft. sailplanes affected the that reason, Schweizer Aircraft Corp" suggests be disassembled at each 12-month calendar interval. After disassembly, inspect the wing ancj stab attachment fittings and trunnions f,sr eorroslon. Cleanup light corrosion with abrasive paper and ripe surfaees with a elean, soft, lint-free c1oth. Apply light grease to all attaching fittings and parts, Ensure that all attaching parts are free of dirt, grit, and contamination, prior to reassembly. Failure to eornply with thls servlce Letter could lead to a difficult-to-disassernble condition. AIRUTOATT{II{E$S PTRECTX\IH U.SDeBrtrnent' avraTl0fl cT*HoAnp6 HATtOa{&t nrLB OrncE d}wrspcrffitrtr' fsderd A*rkfir*t P.&. EOX 26/lGO o{tr}+of{A e;T-r, #{L*H{ni* y}!ag ffi*rffim 11r follo*inp {i*st}"ire Oiretie im.d ia the FaSral Av&te* A&dr&r*ioo h eede s{dr d* pm*dor a{ fcdrC Avir{hn f.Sshdeq ft r ff, *pfr" * * .f*"fi md'] oJ *ns+ @r lw.& indkrte m mv br_ tl* !c?i{*n d ffiffi. n&.rcrlerr Ohedrq *frrt e.iab; rJcay. ftay n qrrhr$ms -$& b.-"dii*'sibtin* yo m .s$ts*d lL&! m Fff*r rur ogsf,lr I Bircnat i4 *i** e &irmedilg Etirotiw ryfLr qs# l* mdrnei y*I 6x mdiire* "ff& d SE Air{.d*c [frx*iw (Sift Ijl]. A!ftenelment 3q*551"2" 6?*02*0f SCHWHIZER AIECRAFT eQqp-.: luding kib buiiL), all uttii*u- t" m:A serial numbers eertifieated in any category, and all modetrs listed below: SGU 1-7 SGS 2-8 (TG*z} SGS 2-L2 (TG*3) scu 1*19 SGU 1- 20 sGU t-21 '2-22, 2'22A'i 2'22C, 2*22CKt 2-228, 2-228K sGS L-23, r-z:g, I:23C, L*23D1 1-238, L-23F, 1-23G r L-23H, 1-23Ht5 scs L-24 sGS l-26, 1*264 t L*268, L*26Cn I-26D' L-268 SGS 2*32 sGS 2*33 I 2*33h8 2*33AH sGS I*34, l-*34R 5GS 1-35e SGS 1-35 {sprite} eompliance i= reEuired as indieated unlcss already *ce0mp1 ished To preveR*r the possih'iliLy af. the tow-hook inaorrertently Lhe tow-1ine, slipping CIut CIf Lhe release*arm and releasinEaceomPl ish the landing, whic'h eould result in a foreeo following: IdiLh in Lhe next 5 t.ow release ae tuat ions af ter {-*he {ai effeetive date of this ADo perforrn bhe follewing: Inspeet the ior**re}ease installation for proper {I } or part numbers, exe essive wear, and E:oss-ibtre^, rework 3C and in 38, 3A, ParL€ment of parts in aeeordance wiLh I986" 3, Oetober dated Se[rweizer Servl6e Bulletin No. SA-0S1, per f orrn the CIEleraL ional e heck in ae e ordane e wit.h (Z) j-:'g Schureizer Serviee BulleLin No" SA*0CI1, dated Figure 4 L-rctober 3, 1986 100 hours {b} Thereafter, &L intervals noL to exeeedand 3e, and Part.38, in sLeps Linre*ir"r-serviec, aeeomptrish the dabed SA*001, No. Eul"leLin Fig'*re 4 in Sehweizer Service tlctober 3, 1946" Upon reque-et- u an equ:"valent means 6f compliance with bhe requir*ments of, |his AD rnay be epprslveC by ti:e Manager, New Y*:rlk Aire raf t e er{:if icaLton fif'f ie e, Aire raf t e erLif ie ation Ei.rris:i-r:n, Federal- AviaLi,rn- AdrninisLraLion, I'lew England Regiont i&1 Sout-h Franklin F.venue ' Room 2A2, r/al-1ey Stream, New York 11581, Telephorie ( 516 ) 79L* 6680 sGU " " 87-02-01 2 Upor:submissionofsubstanbj"atinqdababyan0wnerCIr the Manager ' t{eEr OperaEor t.hrough an -FAA maintenanes inspeeLor, york Aircraft tertification Offiee, may adjust the c*mpliane* Lime specified in this AD' daLed oetobef 3' schweizer serviee Bulletin t{o. sA-00}f is ibed ln ttiis doeument, 1985, ident ified and d"*.r 5 U'S'C' to part hereof Pursuane i;;";poraEed herein and made a by this direeti"ve who have not 552(a){r). Aii-p*r*uo= affected manufaeturer may obtain eopies received Ehis ds-cumer,e from the eorp.r P.o. Box L47o Elmira, upon request to schweizer Aireraft 739-382L" This document a]so N;; yorfi 14902, Tetephone (60?) Lhe Regional Counsel, Federal ;;t be examined at the offiee of England Regionr-- Jz *New England Aviation Admini.strationo NewMassachuseLts 01803t Rules Docket ExeeutiVe Park, BurlingLon, -gtt n' between the hours sf I :00 a 'm ' and Number B5-ANE-;6 r- noom holidays. 4:30 p.m" l{onday through Friday, exe ept Federal" 2!, 1987' January on effEcfive This amendment becomes FOR FI'RTHER INFORMATTON CONT.ACT: Office, Aireraft C. Kal1is, New York Aireraft CertificaLion Avenue, Roorn 292? Franklin SouEh Certification Division, 181 (516) 79L-6428" Telephone Vattey Srream, N;; York 11581, 4E O-IL EELARTTETjr OF- IffiI{SE ORTArtffi F+deraf 14 gFP. A+1 aEf orr Adnfn fstrarfon Parr 39 [Docket No. 86-ANE-46; Amendment ?9-S5lZ Alrworthlness Directlve6; Schweizer Alrcraft Corp. Model Sffl Sertes GLiders A6IICY: Federal Aviation Adninistrarion (fAA), SGS and DOT. ACTION: F{nal rule. s-taffiaRY: This amendment .adopts a new alrworthiness whieh nequ-ires eertai.n sehr.'eizer l"nseaLl-acions i"nstatri"ed on lnspeet.ed to direetlve (AD) Aircraft corp. torr-release gltder blodels sGS and sGJ series to be aseert.aln t.hat the proper reLease arm has been uated tiie tcn:hook on the measureBenEs for lrlth aireraft. lnspeet.ion wilL inelude wear linuit deteria-{nlng repaired or replaeed wlth if the hook and/or the release-ar6 Rew superseding parts. This AD is can be needed to prevent the posslbility of an inadvertent top-hook release during towing operatlons, resulting ln a forced landlng. DATES: Effective January 21, i9g7. compliance sehedule - As prescribed rncorporat.ion by Referenee - in the body of the AD. Approved by the Di.reetor of the FEDEP"AL REGISTEB. on ADDRISSES: The technical and lnfornation (Service Bulletin ],io. uodiflcation part s spec{fied in this AD may be SA-001) obtalned from sehseizer Alrcraft corp., P. 0. Box 147, ELfl'lr€r Neu York .Ll+9A2, Teiephone (60i) 73}4AZL" A eopy of the technltial note ,.s coitalned ln the Rules Doeket No" 86-ANE*46, 0fftce of Avlatton Adainlstrstlon, New tfre= Re81onal'eormael, Pederal England Regi.on, 12 tleu England Exeeuti"ve Park, trurltngton, Massaehusctte 01E03' FOR FURTi{ER INFOR}IATION COI'ITACT: e. KaI11e, New York Alreraft certlf,leatlsn offtce, atreraft Certiftcatlon Divlelon, Stream, New 1.81 South Frenklln Avenue, Room 202, Valley York 11"581, Telephone (516) 79L'6{428' SUPPLEI,IENTARY INFORIIATI0Ii: Reports have been receivcd that the schwelzer R-200, 1A-218, Lb-221, and 10232A-1 totrhoeks r'rsed schweLzer Alrcraft corp. Models sGU and $GS serLee gltders on esn lnadvertently release the eable durlng tCIwing v{thout any lnput t0 release ha*dle by the glider pilot. Sehweizer Aireraft florp" has ghe issued Servtrce Bgllerf.n No" SA-0010 dated Oetober 3, 1986, whi*h calls for inspeetion of the tow*release Lnstallatlonsn md p*ssible r*pai':: or replaeement r{'lt.h nery parts. PremaEure release of th* eable whiLe of ttrese gliders e€y result Ln a foreed landing. The FA'A" has examined the available lnfsrmation related to the lssuaqee of ehe .above servLce bulLetin and has determined that the eoadition addressed t,owi"ng sne by Schweizerts bulletin is m unsafe condit,ion tl1at may exlsE on the abovetypecertifieatedgliders"Thereforeresisbeingissuedlo requireinspectlortandposclblerepairorreplaeementofthe tor-release installaeion P&rts' -2* $g*ee rltf,* s 6ttue6l*m cxl.6t6 Ehet requtree the regri"r-).a*1cn, trr. jLr*;r;'*rri*:abjte, 6rud lmmedlate adopt*on of 1s detcredried thet nette* and publ,te proeedure &re g*cci exuae exlsEe f,os usktng *ff, i"ir less than 30 daYs- anendment \ eONeLUStrON: The FAA tras determlned eeergeney regulatlon Ehat ttrls that thls regulaEton 1s an ls not eonstdered to be raaJor turder Exeeut.lve Order L229L" trt ls lmpraettreable for the ageney ts fotrlou the proeedures of Ordcr 12291 -be lssued lmqediately rdfh respcct to thtrs rule since the rule to eorreet an unsafe eondltlon 1n alrcraft. hae beezl further deEermlned regulatton tmder DOT nuct It that thls aetion {nvolvcs an cElcrgcney Regulatory PolleiEs andjProeedures (44 fR 11034; Felrruary 26, L9?9)" trf thls aeEion 1s subscquently determlned to trnvolve a slgniflcant/najor regulatien, a flnal regulatory evaluatlon or analysls, as approprlate, r.rLl] be prepared and placed ln the regulatory docket (otherwise, an evaluation or analysls Ls not required)" A copy of lt, when flledn person ldentifled r:nder the eapLlon may *FOR be obtalned by contacting the FURT1IER INFORI'IATION CONTACT". LLst of, Subjeets in 14 CFR Part 39: Alr Transportation, Aireraft, Avlation Safety, sld Incorporation by Reference. ADOPTIO}i OF T:{E A}1E1{D}TE]'IT Aecordingly, pursrrant to the authority delegated to me, the Federat Aviation Adrnj.ntrstration (fAA) amends Part 39 of the Federatr Aviation Regulatlons (FAR) as follovs: -3- _t j' , Thc auchclriry e 5"t g,E j-gn f or FarL 39 conLinues E'q: read as follqrws: Ar,r.rirorlry: 49 u"g"e. 1354(a), t&21, ffid t&23;49 tT"S.C. te5(c;] (Revtsed Pu'n " L. gv*t+49, January x-2, 1983)l end I.4 fFR ti.&s" Z. E3r adding eo See t{on 39,13 thc fc,J-howing Reid direerlve (AD): .*4* a-j rr'dor*"trlneps ---.\'\___\- TELEX NO. g324sg AIRCRAFT CORP. P. O. SOX t47 - ELi,ltRA, N. r. July 27, t49o2 - (6ot) 739-382t 1984 Mr. Dave Wilke Powe1l Aviation jvianfield Airport Manfield, IvlA'. 02048 Dear Mr. Wilke: nF As per our telecon of last week about the 1-26E lvlodel aircraft which the MIT Soaring Club or^n:s, we recoilrnend using the next size bolt and hardware in the attachment of the rear spar plate to the machjned rear spar fitting to renove the play at the T.E. of the wing. This would imrolve increasing the bolt from an ANS to an AN6. The bolt also should be brought up to .373 - .375 for the 268415-1 fitting, 268439-L friction plate and the 268416-1 fitting. A new Alt{5 bolt and a 7/32 wal1 bushing rnade from 4150N heat-treated to 125,000 psi can be used in lieu of the oversize bolt but from a cost point of view, it does not usually I hope make sense. this data will solve your problem. Silcerely yours, SGIIIEIZER AIRCMFT CORP. /rs {-dnnu,{L Leslie E. ScJrweizer Vice Pres - Engineering ern cc: John Braun "AT THE SOAN/NC CAPITAL OF AIAERICA" .{ Schweizer .A.ircraft Corporatlon P. 0. Box 147 Elmira, llew York 14902 December SETTVICE ]'8, L9?5 BIILIET]}{ NO. 102-26-8 SU&IECT: Inspeciion, of Control Stick Pivot BoIt MODM,S AtrT"ECTffi: SGS 1*25D & E G BSC smIAI No"'s AFFECTED: (o ltooel) 4oo tirru 48r {m'l{odal) TII'{E It Otr' COivFLIANCE; has been determined insta]-].ed on some stick-yoke fhe SGS wel.dment }/ithin 1O 5,0'g te;qp &i+e fiours Flight Time that an j:rcoruect length bolt 1-26D and E Mode1s On has been at the attachmeni of the control- to the aileron control- torque tube. corcegt. bo1t, as specified. on drawings, Iq$PffiIf(N: '-5;f"t ' is AN6-21. ships having the (optional) aft floorboard and stick boot, it will be necessary to renove tlr-is. 1, Scale-neasure the length of the bo1.t installed. If the length of the bo1t, from beneath the head to the end, is 2.20 is required, other than a logbook eniry of 2. no further action compliarlcg. Should the bolt be shorter than the 2.2O length - a. Remove the bolt. b. Reinsta1l the yoke on the torque tube using arl AN5-21 bolt Q"za 1ong, with 1-9/l-5 grip) using (a) o gNgSo-616 wastiers under the nut a:rd safeiy. Replace stick boot, as applicable. c. Check the side-play at the top of the control stick. If t/gtt or less, the installation i.s satisfactory" If greater than L/8", contact Schweizer Aircrafi Corp. for of repair. SC$rlEfZqB AIfiCeAIT COBP. .\- method \, * SCIf'J/EIZEB AIF.CRA FT CGEi I. O. Eox L4? I42frz Eimi.ra, i'Iew I-ork Februar.y 11, 197L . SflElr'ICE SULLE?I$ h1C. 1.02*25-? L'?ODELS /tFFECTES: C, ter. I.{r,,ts 28} tirru 399 whic}r have Sweptbaci: irertical Taii Sui:face q SGS 1-2eD, Cer,,ts 400 tirru 4?5 SCS 2-33 a;:* 2-33A. Ser. lio.'s l" thru 196 ,V/A SGS 1-?SB and \ SUEJECT: Eudder Hi_qqe,_l-crvj_r, 5tlachrygr:_i_ to. iin SI*I G8S( /-x6 tr A report from the fieid has been rece indicating failure af both Ai"{3-?A bolts attachi:ig the iower rudder hirge io the fin spar. Tiris repori rvas from one aircrait odi'" Cne bolt only, of the t'*o wi,ich failed, rvas fourrd and, undar a 50X rnagniiicaticn. an aFparent
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