M2047DGB 2 0.p65 SP Radio RT2047 User Manual
User Manual: SP Radio RT2047 User Manual
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TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR COMPACT VHF RT2047/D S.P. RADIO A/S AALBORG DENMARK RT2047 DSC - PART I CONTENTS 1 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION 1-1 1-1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 INSTALLATION INSTALLATION HINTS MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES DIMENSIONS AND DRILLING PLAN HANDSET MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR POWER SUPPLY POWER AND EXT. LOUDSPEAKER CONNECTOR ANTENNAS SPECIAL OPTIONS REAR VIEW OF VHF RT2047 STANDARD FREQUENCY TABLE 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-9 2-9 2-9 2-10 2-10 2-10 2-11 2-12 RT2047 DSC - PART II CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DATA CONTROLS PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION BLOCKDIAGRAM 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-5 1-7 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RECEIVER UNIT MODULE 100 RX-SYNTHESIZER UNIT MODULE 200 TX-EXCITER UNIT MODULE 300 TX-POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE 400 ANTENNA RELAY (500) INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 KEYBOARD UNIT MODULE 7/700 DUPLEX FILTER MODULE 800 FILTER UNIT MODULE 9/900 MAIN DIAGRAM MICROTELEPHONE INSTALLATION SPECIAL INSTALLATION WITH 2 MICROTELEPHONES SPECIAL INSTALLATION WITH 3 MICROTELEPHONES MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS FOR HANDSET DC POWER SUPPLY N418 N420 24V/12V REGULATOR 2-1 2-1 2-4 2-8 2-13 2-13 2-17 2-24 2-28 2-29 2-32 2-34 2-35 2-36 2-37 2-39 2-42 3 3.1 3.2 MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING AND MODULE LOCATION MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING MODULE LOCATION 3-1 3-1 3-3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 SERVICE MAINTENANCE ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS PROPOSAL FOR NECESSARY MEASURING INSTRUMENTS CALIBRATION OF THE TEST PROBE PROCEDURE FOR CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE TROUBLE-SHOOTING REPLACEMENT OF COMPONENTS REPLACEMENT OF MODULES NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS AFTER REPLACEMENT OF A MODULE PIN CONFIGURATION PIN CONFIGURATIONS, BLOCK & SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS FOR IC’S 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-6 4-6 4-6 PARTS LIST 5-1 4.11 4.12 5 4-7 4-9 4-10 9546 RT2047 DSC - PART I CONTENTS 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 RT2047 DSC - PART I 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The RT2047 VHF Radiotelephone has been designed to be used with the Compact 2000 Module Programme. The VHF RT2047 can either be installed and operated as an independent unit or in combination with the other modules in the Compact 2000 programme. These modules include a complete range of SSB transmitters and receivers, MF/HF Digital Selective Calling unit and/or radiotelex equipment, a scrambler that ensures complete communication secrecy and a VHF Digital Selective Call (DSC) unit. The DSCunit features direct dialling and reception of ship to shore, shore to ship and ship to ship calls as well as automatic distress calls etc. The VHF RT2047 has been constructed to withstand the most extreme conditions experienced in small, semi-open boats. Its compact, weather proof construction ensures a degree of resistance to sea spray. The printed circuits, which have made possible a combination of compactness and exceptional performance, are coated with a special, moisture-repellent lacquer. In the design of this VHF radiotelephone, S. P. Radio have taken into account all conditions it will be exposed to in day-to-day operation. However, even a product of this high quality requires regular service and maintenance, and we recommend the user to observe the maintainence instructions in the instruction book. S. P. Radio is Europe’s leading producer of maritime radio communication equipment - a position which has been maintained by means of constant and extensive product development. We have a world-wide network of dealers with general agencies in fifty countries. All our dealers are well-trained and will be able to service all products. PAGE 1-1 RT2047 DSC - PART I CONTENTS 2 INSTALLATION 2-1 2.1 INSTALLATION HINTS 2-1 2.2 MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES 2-2 2.3 DIMENSIONS AND DRILLING PLAN 2-4 2.4 HANDSET 2-9 2.5 MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR 2-9 2.6 POWER SUPPLY 2-9 2.7 POWER AND EXT. LOUDSPEAKER CONNECTOR 2-10 2.8 ANTENNAS 2-10 2.9 SPECIAL OPTIONS 2-10 2.10 REAR VIEW OF VHF RT2047 2-11 2.11 STANDARD FREQUENCY TABLE 2-12 RT2047 DSC - PART I 2 INSTALLATION 2.1 INSTALLATION HINTS Before installation of a VHF RT2047 the following points must be observed: WHAT FACILITIES WILL HAVE TO BE ENABLED ? Selcall, private channels, US-mode, dual watch, scanning facilities, etc. The procedure for enabling these facilities is described in the manual: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IDENTITY AND SERVICE PROGRAMMING OF VHF RT2047. This manual will only be delivered to dealers and general agents where it will be at the disposal of trained personal in their service facilities. IN WHAT WAY TO INSTALL THE VHF RT2047 ? In section 2.2. MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES there’s installation instructions for the VHF RT2047 as an independent unit or in combination with other units in the Compact 2000 programme. HANDSET. Installation of handset, see section 2.4. HANDSET. EXTERNAL LOUDSPEAKER. An external loudspeaker 4-8 ohm (4 W) can be connected to the power connector J802 pin 1 and 6, see section 2.7. POWER CONNECTOR + EXT. LOUDSPEAKER. SPECIAL OPTIONS: The signals ‘remote alarm for selcall’, ‘AF to information decoder’, ‘AUX I’ , ‘AUX II’ etc. are available, see section 2.9. SPECIAL OPTIONS. PAGE 2-1 2 INSTALLATION 2.2 MOUNTING POSSIBILITIES TABLETOP AND DECKHEAD 24889 Mounting bracket H2055 24890 Mounting kit H2068 and H2055 PAGE 2-2 RT2047 DSC - PART I 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I BULKHEAD AND CONSOLE 24892 Mounting kit H2063 24893 Mounting kit H2062 24891 Mounting kit H2064 IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER “S.P. RADIO” EQUIPMENT. Look up the INSTALLATION section for the S.P. RADIO unit in question. PAGE 2-3 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I 2.3 DIMENSIONS AND DRILLING PLAN 115 UNIVERSAL MOUNTING BRACKET H2055 Permits a wide variety of installation possibilities, such as table top, bulkhead or deck head installation. Fur other possibilities such as console installation, installation with 19" rack or assembly of all units in the Compact programme on the bulkhead, see special information concerning installation of the Compact programme. 48 225 min. 117 132 F B 132 C D A E 132 24894A α C 117 117 118 133 D 130 146 163 178 E 48 53 59 65 WEIGHT Mounting kit H2055 H2054 H2074 CRY2001 RT2047 F 117 117 116 113 10 mm C/F A B 0° 130 48 4.8° 142 48 9.6° 155 48 14.4° 167 45 Dimensions in mm. 24897 PAGE 2-4 132 mm 175 mm 80 mm 50 mm 100 mm 4 pcs ø6.5 mm 4 pcs ø4.5 mm : 1.5 kg : 5.5 kg : 4.0 kg : 3.2 kg : 5.2 kg 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I 4 pcs M5x8 24896 215 Mounting kit H2068 and H2055 48 117 132 F 225 B 132 C D A E 132 24895 α A B 0° 230 67 4.8° 243 67 9.6° 255 65 14.4° 265 62 Dimensions in mm. C D E F 117 129 142 155 230 245 262 270 67 72 78 89 117 117 115 112 WEIGHT Mounting kit H2068 and H2055 : 1.5 kg H2054 : 5.5 kg H2074 : 4.0 kg CRY2001 : 3.2 kg RT2047 : 5.2 kg PAGE 2-5 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I Mounting kit H2063 min.295 24898 Free distance must be kept to allow free air circulation ambient temperature max. 40°C. 240mm 4.5mm 4.5mm 16mm 16mm 253mm 4 stk 6mm WEIGHT Mounting kit H2063 H2054 H2074 CRY2001 RT2047 113mm 100mm 4 stk 3.5mm uns for M3 DIN 963 16mm 16mm Cutting out 231x100mm 27444A 4 pcs M3x30 4 pcs cover 8 pcs M5x8 24770 PAGE 2-6 4 pcs M5x30 : 1.0 kg : 5.5 kg : 4.0 kg : 3.2 kg : 5.2 kg 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I Mounting kit H2064 min.295 24772 Free distance must be kept to allow free air circulation ambient temperature max. 40°C. 253.00 240.00 4.5mm 4.5mm WEIGHT 20mm 20mm Cutting out 231x200mm 221mm 208mm 20mm 4 stk ø3.5mm uns for M3 DIN 963 200mm 20mm 4 stk ø6mm Mounting kit H2064 H2054 H2074 CRY2001 RT2047 : 1.5 kg : 5.5 kg : 4.0 kg : 3.2 kg : 5.2 kg 27447A 4 pcs M3x30 8 pcs cover 16 pcs M5x8 24899 4 pcs M5x30 PAGE 2-7 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I Mounting kit H2062 min 295 28369 Free distance must be kept to allow free air circulation ambient temperature max. 40°C. 225.5mm 20mm 225.5mm 100mm 10mm 20mm Cutting out 451x100mm 108mm 121mm 2 stk ø3mm 8 stk ø3.5mm uns for M3 DIN 963 10mm WEIGHT Mounting kit H2062 H2054 H2074 CRY2001 RT2047 20mm 4 stk ø6mm 6mm 4.5mm 6mm 20mm 473mm 460mm 27450 27451 * 8 pcs M3x30 * 8 pcs M3x8 12 pcs M5x8 2 pcs M3x30 24773 4 pcs M5x30 PAGE 2-8 : 1.5 kg : 5.5 kg : 4.0 kg : 3.2 kg : 5.2 kg 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I 2.4 HANDSET The handset can be placed anywhere near the VHF set. The cable is nine cored and connected to the rear plate through a 9 pin Sub D connector with lock nuts. Installation of the cable, see the drawings of the mounting brackets, section 2.3 DIMENSIONS AND DRILLING PLAN. The cable grommet must be placed in the most convenient groove in the mounting bracket. If more than one handset is needed, see section 2.12. and 2.13. in part II, SPECIAL INSTALLATION WITH 2 OR 3 MICRO TELEPHONES. 2.5 MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR Wiring of the micro telephone connector. */ **/ 3,1180%(5 )81&7,21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Telephone + Ground Ground Microphone Handset key AF from RX buffer Interrupt/Distress cry * Serial input/output +13V Internal/Phone Patch** Signal selection on jumper P608 on the Interface-unit. Signal selection on jumper P934 on the Filter-unit 2.6 POWER SUPPLY The standard power supply for RT2047 is 12V DC . For 24V DC supply an external power supply N418 ( switch mode ) or the N420 a 24V DC to 13.2V DC serial regulator can be used, see part II, section 2.14 . and 2.15 .For 110V AC, 127V AC, 220V AC or 237V AC an external power supply N163S must be used together with N418 or N420 . 2.7 POWER AND EXT. LOUDSPEAKER CONNECTOR Wiring of the power and ext. loudspeaker connector. 3,1180%(5 )81&7,21 1 2 3 4 5 6 +Ext. loudspeaker* No connection +12V Power Supply ON/OFF for 24V Supply -12V Power Supply -Ext. loudspeaker* */ If necessary a 4-8 ohm (4 W) external loudspeaker can be connected to pin 1 and 6 of the power connector J802. External loudspeakers H2054 and H2074 are available for this option. PAGE 2-9 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I 2.8 ANTENNAS All common 50 ohm antennas, which cover the used frequency range with a reasonable standing wave ratio, maximum 1.5, are applicable. The antenna is connected to the set by means of a 50 ohm coaxial cable with low loss, e.g. RG213U. At the cable end a PL259 plug is mounted. The antenna must be placed as high and as free of obstructions as possible. The horizontal distance to metal parts must be at least 1.0 metre. S. P. Radio has an antenna with the necessary specifications available for purchase. The mentioned antenna is characterised by small external dimensions. See the special brochure ‘VHF AERIALS’ for particulars. 2.9 SPECIAL OPTIONS K-SWITCH. It is possible to change between standard functions and the German river boat functions by installing an external switch. SELCALL RELAY. When the selcall has accepted a CQ or individual call signal, the selcall relay, RE1-9 on the Filter-unit will turn on and short-circuit two wires, which can be used for remote alarm. Max. contact load: 100V AC/24V DC - 2A. This option is available on the filter print. AF TO INFORM. DECODER. The circuit giving AF signals to the information decoder is turned on when the set has accepted a CQ or individual call signal. The circuit is turned “ON” or “OFF” like the relay RE1-9. This option can be found in connector P4-6 on the interface print. AUX II. When an information on certain channels is wanted, i.e. controlling a watch keeping receiver, the AUX II information can be used. A relay RE2-9 on the Filter-unit is controlled through the buffer/inverted U11/ 5-6 from the ìC U19-6. Max. contact load: 100V AC / 24V DC - 2A. The AUX II option is available on the filter print. OUTPUT TO RECORDER. Through the connector P4-6 pin 1 and 2 on the INTERFACE UNIT (6) the AF signal to the telephone output can be led to a tape recorder. This option is located in connector P4-6. AUX 1 The option AUX I is for-either internal or external use. It is placed in P3-6 pin 1 on the INTERFACE UNIT. Max. level on the output of the U11-6 must not be more than the battery level, because a diode is connected to the supply pin in the IC. DISTRESS CRY / INTERRUPT Jumper P8-6 on the interface print leads either ‘Distress Cry’ or ‘Interrupt’ through the filter print to the handset key connector. The Interrupt signal is required when RT2047 is used with the VHF DSC RM2042 and Distress Cry is used for scramblers CRY2001 and CRY2002. PHONE PATCH / +13V Jumper P34-9 is used for selecting if The ‘Phone Patch’ signal or if ‘+13V’ should be led to the handset key connector. +13V is required when RT2047 is used with the VHF DSC RM2042 and Phone Patch is used for the Phone Patch unit H2047. PAGE 2-10 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I 2.10 REAR VIEW OF VHF RT2047 Screws for Tx Power Transistor T401’s heat sink conductor. Power Supply connector P802 Cable groove for special options 12V DC 28368 Screws for Regulator Transistors heat sink on Interface unit(6). MUST BE REMOVED WHEN INTERFACE UNIT HAS TO BE REMOVED! Microtelephone connector J803 Antenna connector J801 PAGE 2-11 2 INSTALLATION RT2047 DSC - PART I 2.11 STANDARD FREQUENCY TABLE &+$11(/ 75$160,77,1* )5(48(1&< 0+] 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 156.050 156.100 156.150 156.200 156.250 156.300 156.350 156.400 156.450 156.500 156.550 156.600 156.650 156.700 156.750 156.800 156.850 156.900 156.950 157.000 157.050 157.100 157.150 157.200 157.250 157.300 157.350 157.400 156.025 156.075 156.125 156.175 156.225 156.275 156.325 156.375 156.425 156.475 156.525 156.575 156.625 156.675 156.725 156.875 156.925 156.975 157.025 157.075 157.125 157.175 84 85 86 87 88 WX1 WX2 WX3 WX4 157.225 157.275 157.325 157.375 157.425 Inhibit Inhibit Inhibit Inhibit PAGE 2-12 5(&(,9,1*)5(48(1&< 0+] INT’L MODE US MODE (INT-CHANNELS) (A-CHANNELS) 160.650 156.050 160.700 160.700 160.750 160.750 160.800 160.800 160.850 156.250 156.300 156.300 160.950 156.350 156.400 156.400 156.450 156.450 156.500 156.500 156.550 156.550 156.600 156.600 156.650 156.650 156.700 156.700 156.750 156.750 156.800 156.800 156.850 156.850 161.500 156.900 161.550 156.950 161.600 161.600 161.650 157.050 161.700 157.100 161.750 157.150 161.800 161.800 161.850 161.850 161.900 161.900 161.950 161.950 162.000 162.000 160.625 160.625 160.675 160.675 160.725 160.725 160.775 156.175 160.825 160.825 160.875 156.275 160.925 156.325 156.375 156.375 156.425 156.425 156.475 156.475 156.525 156.525 156.575 156.575 156.625 156.625 156.675 156.675 156.725 156.725 156.875 156.875 161.525 156.925 161.575 156.975 161.625 157.025 161.675 157.075 161.725 157.125 161.775 157.175 161.825 161.875 161.925 161.975 162.025 162.550 162.400 162.475 161.650 161.825 161.875 161.925 161.975 157.425 162.550 162.400 162.475 161.650 RT2047 DSC - PART II CONTENTS 9546 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 1.2 TECHNICAL DATA 1-2 1.3 CONTROLS 1-3 1.4 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION 1-5 1.4.1 FREQUENCY GENERATION 1-5 1.4.2 RECEIVER 1-5 1.4.3 TRANSMITTER 1-5 1.4.4 THE MICROCOMPUTERS 1-5 1.5 BLOCKDIAGRAM 1-7 RT2047 DSC - PART II 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION RT2047 can operate in duplex and simplex mode. RT2047 is provided with built in duplex-filter for duplex communication with one antenna. RT2047 includes all 55 international and U.S. VHF marine channels, and is prepared for up to 20 private channels to be selected as simplex or duplex channels. As option up to 67 private channels can be provided. RT2047 has six scanning programmes, one standard programme, and 5 individually programmable scanning programmes. RT2047 has built in dual watch facility, which enables the operator to listen to two channels simultaneously (the selected channel and a preference channel - normally CH16.) RT2047 is provided with quick selection of channel 16. RT2047 is provided with selcall decoder. Selective calls (CALL) or all ships calls (CQ) from the coast station will be decoded. RT2047 receiver section is a double-conversion superheterodyne system, which makes use of a phaselocked digital frequency synthesizer for frequency generation based on a single crystal to provide all the standard channels and the private channels. RT2047 transmitter section is a phase-locked phase-modulated signal generator with a solid state RF power amplifier. RT2047 is provided with two microcomputers, one for controlling the frequency synthesizer, reading from and to EEPROMS, controlling the squelch and volume functions, and controlling the selcall filter. The other µC is controlling the display drivers, the dual watch and scanning functions. RT2047 is for 12 Volt DC supply. Voltage change-over from 24V to 12V is done by the switch-mode power supply N418. RT2047 employs the most modern circuit technology, housed in a corrosion resistant aluminium cabinet with a green nylon finish. RT2047 is provided with membrane switches for controls, easy to use, reliable and hard-wearing. Cutouts in the metal front serve as a safe finger-guide. RT2047 is fitted with night illumination. RT2047 has been prepared with a serial communication interface for DSC (Digital Selective Call) operation together with S.P. RADIO’s VHF DSC RM2042. DSC is the globally adopted general purpose system for selective calling in the ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship directions and can best be compared to ordinary telephony, giving you direct access to the national telephone network in those areas where the coast stations have the automatic services. DSC also enables you to make automatic distress calls containing the ships position etc. complying with the international requirements stated by IMO in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, known as GMDSS. RT2047 is prepared for scrambled communication in conjunction with Scramblers CRY2001 or CRY2002, both produced by A/S. 9543 PAGE 1-1 1 GENERAL INFORMATION RT2047 DSC - PART II 1.2 TECHNICAL DATA VHF RT2047 fulfils the International CAPT regulations. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS All international maritime VHF channels Private Channels 20 as option up to 67 Operation Duplex and Simplex Modulation G3EJN (Phase) Antenna Impedance 50 ohm Frequency Stability +/- 10 ppm Temperature Range -20 C to +55 C Nominal Power Supply 13.2V DC Power Supply Variation 12V DC -10% to +30% (with reduced data according to international standards) Power Consumption Standby = 0.5 Amp. Transmit = 6 Amp. Dimensions Height: 115 mm Width: 225 mm Depth: 262 mm RECEIVER Frequency Range Simplex Frequency Range Duplex Sensitivity Duplex desensitisation AF Output Power Telephone Output Distortion Scanning Facilities Selective Call Decoder 155.400 - 158.000 MHz 160.000 - 162.600 MHz 0.35 uV pd at 12 dB SINAD Less than 2 dB 3 Watt/4 ohm 0.45V RMS/200 ohm Less than 5% 5 scanning programmes with possibility for all your channels in each programme except the private channels from P20 to P67 According to CCIR TRANSMITTER Frequency Range RF Output Power Reduced RF Output Distortion 155.400 - 158.000 MHz 25 Watt, +0 to -1 dB 0.5 to 1 Watt Less than 2% PAGE 1-2 9543 1 GENERAL INFORMATION RT2047 DSC - PART II 1.3 CONTROLS SCAN SCAN PROG VOL VOL SQ SQ STOP OFF RUN 16 SCAN DELETE 3 2 SCAN TIME D.W. 4 5 SELCALL RESET SELCALL TEST 7 8 9 P ENT USA ON SCAN ADD 1 Scan DW USA CQ Duplex Shift Call Vol SQ 1W Tx SHIFT 6 1W DIM 0 23990 Press ON OFF Turns the set on or off. VOL Press Increases volume progressively in 16 steps. VOL Press Reduces volume progressively in 16 steps. SQ Press Increases squelch sensitivity progressively in 8 steps, a gradual exclusion of weak signals with atmospherics. SQ Reduces squelch sensitivity progressively in 8 steps. Press Press Press 9543 STOP RUN Stops and starts scanning sequence. Listen on several predetermined channels. 16 Quick select of the call and distress channel 16. Press 1 Digits from 1 to 0. Press P Selects private channels. Press ENT Press SHIFT Terminates the keying in of selected channels, scanning programmes, scan time etc. Activates the functions marked in orange on the keyboard. PAGE 1-3 1 GENERAL INFORMATION RT2047 DSC - PART II SHIFT FUNCTIONS SCAN Selects scanning programmes. Press Press Press Press Press SCAN ADD SCAN DELETE SCAN PROG SCAN TIME Adds a channel to the scanning table. Deletes a channel from the scanning table. Stores the current scanning programme in the memory. Selects the scan time from 1 to 99 seconds. The time chosen will be used to listen on one of the secondary channels receiving a signal. D.W. Selects the dual watch facility. Press Press Press SELCALL RESET SELCALL TEST Resets the selcall decoder after a call. Tests the selcall decoder. 1W Press Selects 1 W reduced power output. USA Press Selects the VHF channels used in USA. DIM Press Switches the panel illumination on or off. Note: See the VHF RT2047 Operating Manual for functional description. PAGE 1-4 9543 1 GENERAL INFORMATION RT2047 DSC - PART II 1.4 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION 1.4.1 FREQUENCY GENERATION The frequencies are generated from a crystal oscillator operating on 21 MHz. The 21 MHz is divided in the REFERENCE DIVIDER to 2.1 MHz which is the input to the RX-REFERENCE DIVIDER and also the clock-signal for the microcomputer on the Interface Unit. In the RX-REFERENCE DIVIDER the 2.1 MHz is divided by 168 to 12.5 KHz which is reference for the PHASE DETECTOR. This makes it possible to change the frequency from the RX-VCO with 12.5 KHz intervals. The signal from the RX-VCO is divided in a PRESCALER which divides by 33 until the A-COUNTER has reached zero and then it divides by 32. The N-COUNTER divides the output from the PRESCALER, and the output is led to the PHASE-DETECTOR, and here it is compared with the 12.5 KHz. If there is a difference an error voltage will be generated. This is integrated in the LOOP-FILTER and the output of this filter controls the RX-VCO. The frequency of the RX-VCO is the receiving frequency minus the intermediate frequency. fLO1 = fRX - f1IF = fRX -21.4 MHz The output from the RX-VCO is mixed with the output from the TX-VCO which is in lock when it is 16.8 MHz above the RX-VCO. This means that the receiver always is 4.6 MHz above the transmitter, namely 21.4 - 16.8 = 4.6; and this difference is equal to the duplex distance. The 16.8 MHz from the MIXER is divided by 32 to 525 KHz, which is compared with the 21 MHz divided by 40 in the REFERENCE DIVIDER. The error voltage is integrated in the LOOP-FILTER, and the output of this filter controls the TX-VCO. 1.4.2 RECEIVER The antenna-signal is led through the duplex-filter and the antenna relay to the RF-AMPLIFIER. The bandpass filters are tuned by means of capacitor-diodes which are controlled by means of a DC-voltage which is derived from the control-voltage to the RX-VCO. In the FIRST MIXER the antenna signal is mixed with the output from the RX-VCO to the intermediate frequency 21.4 MHz. In the integrated IF circuit, the first IF frequency on 21.4 MHz is mixed with a crystal oscillator signal on 20.945 MHz to reach the second IF frequency on 455 kHz. This signal is filtered in the ceramic filter, before it is amplified and detected in the integrated IF-circuit. The audio frequency signal is amplified and led through an active filter providing the frequency response further to the telephone amplifier and the AF power amplifier. 1.4.3 TRANSMITTER The microphone signal is led through the MICROPHONE AMPLIFIER where the necessary amplification, limiting, and filtering takes place. The limiting is done by a clipper. The signal from the MICROPHONE AMPLIFIER is led to the LOOP-FILTER, where the phase modulation of the transmitter takes place. As the TX-VCO oscillates directly on the transmitting frequency, the signal only has to be amplified. This is done in the TX-BUFFER, PA-DRIVER, and the PA-POWER AMPLIFIER. The power supply for the PAdriver is adjustable, and is used for adjusting the output power. The harmonics of the output is filtered in HARM-FILTER , before it is led through the ANTENNA-RELAY and the DUPLEX-FILTER to the antenna. 1.4.4 THE MICROCOMPUTERS The µC on the Interface Unit is taking care of calculating the dividing figure for the synthesizer, reading from and to the EEPROMs, controlling the squelch and volume functions, and controlling the selcall filter. The µC on the Keyboard Unit is taking care of the keyboard scanning, the input from the handset key and the display drivers as well as the Dual Watch and Scanning functions. The keyboard µC is also handling the serial SP VHF-BUS communication with external devices such as the VHF DSC - RM2042. The communication between the two µC’s is accomplished by a RS232C -type serial connection. 9543 PAGE 1-5 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PAGE 1-6 RT2047 DSC - PART II 9543 1 GENERAL INFORMATION RT2047 DSC - PART II INTERFACE (MODULE 6) 2.1MHz Rx-Filter Control-AMP Antenna Relay fRx +13V PS -13V PS ON/OFF to 24V Supply RECEIVER (MODULE 100) Filter Control First Mixer RF-AMP 21.4 MHz IF Second Mixer f2IF 455 kHz IF and Detector Programmable Counter 7 +13V ON/OFF AMP/Limiter 1 ÷2 Switched Capacitor Bandpass Filter +13V 2.1MHz Duplex Filter Detector AF Int LCDDisplay Serial Interface Buffers 5 8 48 9 PA-AMPLIFIER (MODULE 400 & 500) fLO1 uC 20.945 MHz +10V Tx Buffer + Rx/Tx Delay Driver Rx VCO Loop Filter PHONE PATCH INPUT Rx-Reference Divider ÷168 Phase Detector +10V +13V 1 Battery Sensor Reset 1 Delayed OFF EEPROM Seriel Interface Buffers 3 +13V 7 bit A-counter AUX II Relay + Distress Cry 10 bit N-counter Interrupt Driver Circuit Display Driver 3 1 5 uC Int. +10V Sensor 9 D/A Converter Rx-SYNTHESIZER (MODULE 200) Harm Filter PA-Power AMP Constant Current Generator 4 Serial Communication Interface +10V +10V VCO ON/OFF ÷33/32 Prescaler SERIAL DATA INTERRUPT 1.5 BLOCKDIAGRAM - +13V 16.8 MHz Mixer 16.8 MHz AUX I Driver Control-logic Selcall Relay +AF to inform. Decoder ÷32 3 1 Buffer 1 6dB/Octave Filter AF-Mute Telephone AMP VolAttenuator AF from Rx Buffer SQ-Filter Rectifier Comparator +13V AF-Power Amplifier +5V +5V Keyboard PA-Driver Tx-Buffer fTx Tx-VCO Loop Filter Phase/Freq. Detector 525 kHz + 2.1 MHz Reference Divider X-Tal Oscilllator 21 MHz PA-Reg 2 Loudspeaker KEYBOARD (MODULE 7) Tx-EXCITER (MODULE 300) MIC.-AMP. MIC.-AMP. MIC. + AMP. Clipper Integrator +13V +5V +5V +13V +10V +10V KEY-Buffer Pre-Empaasis 9543 AUX LS HANDSET KEY AF FROM Rx TELEPHONE OUT MIC. IN 24312D PAGE 1-7 RT2047 DSC - PART II CONTENTS 9546 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2-1 2.1 RECEIVER UNIT MODULE 100 2-1 2.2 RX-SYNTHESIZER UNIT MODULE 200 2-4 2.3 TX-EXCITER UNIT MODULE 300 2-8 2.4 TX-POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE 400 2-13 2.5 ANTENNA RELAY (500) 2-13 2.6 INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 2-17 2.7 KEYBOARD UNIT MODULE 7/700 2-24 2.8 DUPLEX FILTER MODULE 800 2-28 2.9 FILTER UNIT MODULE 9/900 2-29 2.10 MAIN DIAGRAM 2-32 2.11 MICROTELEPHONE INSTALLATION 2-34 2.12 SPECIAL INSTALLATION WITH 2 MICROTELEPHONES 2-35 2.13 SPECIAL INSTALLATION WITH 3 MICROTELEPHONES 2-36 2.14 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS FOR HANDSET 2-37 2.15 DC POWER SUPPLY N418 2-39 2.16 N420 24V/12V REGULATOR 2-42 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2 RT2047 DSC - PART II CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2.1 RECEIVER UNIT MODULE 100 The receiver unit includes the following circuits: 2.1.1 RF-AMPLIFIER AND FIRST MIXER The RF-amplifier working in the frequency range 155.4 MHz to 162.4 MHz consists of the transistor Q101 and the two double-tuned filters surrounding it. The signal is led from the aerial through the duplex-filter to the antenna switch and from there to the receivers input-filter. The input filter and the intermediate filter are variable capacitance tuned filters, controlled by a DC-voltage derived from the RX-VCO control voltage. This secures an optimal filter response within the receivers frequency range. The two doubletuned filters create the necessary attenuation of signals distant from the wanted signal frequency in order to give the wanted spurious rejection of such unwanted signals. The amplifying transistor Q101 (which is a large current, low noise transistor in a common-base configuration) secures by its gain the receiver overall noise figure and a good two-signal performance. The RF-input to the first mixer is taken from the coil L104 in the intermediate filter. Mixer transistor Q102 is of the JFET-type, where the first LO-signal is injecting into the source from a 50 ohm generator. The wanted 21.4 MHz IF-output is selected by means of the tuned drain circuit consisting of L105, C117, C119, and R110 which also creates the necessary impedance matching the IF-crystal filter. 2.1.2 IF-FILTER AND AMPLIFIER The receivers adjacent channel selectivity is maintained by means of the crystal filter FL101. The output from this filter is led to the IF-amplifier with the transistor Q103, L106, C123, and R112 giving the appropriate impedance matching the filter output. The amplifier gives the needed power gain between the crystal filter and the second mixer and also secures good large signal performance. 2.1.3 SECOND MIXER, CERAMIC FILTER, DETECTOR AND AF AMPLIFIER The integrated IF circuit includes the second mixer, the limiting amplifier and the detector with post AF amplifier. The second local oscillator signal is generated by means of the integrated oscillator and an external crystal X101, running on 20.945 MHz. The signal out of the second mixer (455 kHz) is fed through the ceramic filter FL102 to the limiting amplifier and discriminator in U101. The quadrature phase discriminator includes the external phase shift network consisting of the tank circuit with L108, C129 and R120. The AF output from the detector is amplified by means of an internal operational amplifier and finally buffered by means of the discreet transistor amplifier with Q104. 2.1.4 IF POWER SUPPLY The integrated IF circuit and AF buffer amplifier are powered from an integrated 5V series voltage regulator U102. The input voltage for this circuit is the receiver 10V supply. 9543 PAGE 2-1 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION RECEIVER UNIT MODULE 100 View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. 32127B PAGE 2-2 9641 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM RECEIVER UNIT MODULE 100 AC voltages outside frame of diagram. : Measured with oscilloscope or frq. counter. : Measured with test probe. : Connections to module. [] : Approx. measurement with test probe. Test conditions: Voltages without brackets: Antenna signal 1 mV pd: Df= +3 kHz; fm = 1 kHz Voltages in brackets: Antenna signal 10 mV pd: Df = + 3 kHz; fm = 1 kHz This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 32127B. 9641 PAGE 2-3 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.2 RX-SYNTHESIZER UNIT MODULE 200 The RX-synthesizer unit includes the following circuits: 2.2.1 RX-VCO AND BUFFER AMPLIFIERS The transistor T203 is producing 8.3 V supply voltage for the RX-VCO and bias for the buffer amplifiers consisting of the transistors T201 and T204. The RX-VCO comprises a Field Effect Transistor T202 (the oscillator transistor), two coaxial coils L203, L204, two capacitors C212, C214, and a variable capacitance diode D201. The frequency is mainly determined by the components L203, L204, C214, and D201. The RX-VCO is a voltage controlled oscillator where the control voltage from the loop filter determines the frequency by means of D201. A high control voltage to the variocap. diode D201 means a small capacitance in the diode which means a high frequency of the VCO. In the opposite way a low control voltage means a low VCO frequency. The RX-VCO signal is passed to two buffer amplifiers via low pass filter C209, C206, L201. The L01 buffer transistor T201 is producing 5 mW for the 1st mixer in the receiver. The 5 mW is taken from the tuned filter L202, R202, C207, and C208. The prescaler buffer transistor T204 is producing 0.25 mW for the 16.8 MHz mixer in the TX-Exciter-Unit. It is also producing signal for 32/33 prescaler. The signal from transistor T204 is led through a low pass filter C217, L206, and C222. The gain in both buffers can be adjusted by the potentiometer R209. 2.2.2 32/33 PRESCALER The integrated circuit IC201 is a two modulus prescaler based on the ECL technique. From the control logic in the programmable divider IC202 pin 14, a high or low level is led to the prescaler IC201 pin 1. A high level at IC201 pin 1 causes the prescaler to divide by 33 and in turn a low level at pin 1 sets it up for dividing by 32. The resistor R232 and the diode D204 work as a speed-up circuit. 2.2.3 THE PROGRAMMABLE DIVIDER The programmable divider IC202 contains two phase detectors, a lock detector, a reference divider, an A-counter, a N-counter, control logic, and 8 latches. Only phase detector B of the detectors is in use. When the VHF is switched on the microcomputer will load dividing figures into the reference divider and into the A and N-counters. The microcomputer loads only one latch at a time. By setting up a code at the address inputs Al - A2 the microcomputer selects a latch and at the same time a code for the dividing figure is set up at the data inputs D0 - D3. The microcomputer sends a strobe pulse to IC202 pin 12 and the selected latch is loaded. The procedure is then repeated until all the latches are loaded. When the channel or the function of the VHF is changed it is only the latches for the A and N-counter that change data. The reference frequency is 2.1 MHz and it is constant. Therefore it is not necessary to change the dividing figure every time. In the beginning of a counting period the prescaler IC201 starts dividing by 33 and the A and N-counters count down. First the A-counter reaches zero and stops counting and the control logic shifts the prescaler to divide by 32. Then the N-counter reaches zero and sends a pulse to the phase detector B, and the control logic shifts the prescaler to divide by 33. The control logic also reloads the A and N-counters with data from their latches and the whole procedure starts from the beginning. The pulse frequency from the reference divider is 12.5 KHz. If the RX-VCO frequency is correct the pulse frequency of the N-counter is also 12.5 KHz and in phase with the pulse from the reference divider. The phase detector B compares the phase of the two pulses. If they are not in phase the detector sends correction pulses to the phase-detector-pump for correcting the frequency/phase of the RX-VCO. However, the synthesizer circuit is born with a small phase error, therefore the phase detector is sending small correction pulses to transistor T210 with a frequency of 12.5 KHz. PAGE 2-4 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2.2.4 RT2047 DSC - PART II PHASE DETECTOR PUMP AND LOOP FILTER We assume that the RX-VCO frequency has decreased from its nominal frequency, The phase-detector now sends negative correction pulses from IC202 pin 17 to T210, which goes on. A current will then flow from C225 through R225 and R229 and into T210. This current will discharge C225 forcing the output voltage from the transistors T205 and T206 to increase until the VCO reaches the correct frequency. If the RX-VCO frequency is too high, the negative correction pulses from the detector at pin 16 of IC202 will turn transistor T209 off. The collector voltage of transistor T209 increases and a current will flow through the diode D202, the resistor R225 and into the capacitor C225 and charge this capacitor. The output voltage at the collector of the transistors T205 and T206 will decrease until the VCO reaches its right frequency. If the phase-locked-loop is locked, both outputs of the phase-detector will be 5 V and the output voltage of the transistors T205 and T206 will have a value between 2 V and 10 V corresponding to the VC0-frequency. However, the system is working with a constant phase error and the phase detector sends small correction pulses to transistor T210, even the phase-locked-loop is locked. The four transistors T205, T206, T207, and T208 are working as an operational amplifier with the inverting input at base of transistor T208. Non-inverting input is at transistor T207 while the transistors T205 and T206 forms the output stage. 9543 PAGE 2-5 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION RX-SYNTHESIZER UNIT MODULE 200 View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. 23694D PAGE 2-6 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM RX-SYNTHEZISER UNIT MODULE 200 AC voltages outside frame of diagram. : Measured with oscilloscope or frq. counter. : Measured with test probe. : Connections to module. [] : Approx. measurement with test probe. Test conditions: Voltages without brackets: Antenna signal 1 mV pd: Df= +3 kHz; fm = 1 kHz Voltages in brackets: Antenna signal 10 mV pd: Df = + 3 kHz; fm = 1 kHz This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 23694D. 9543 PAGE 2-7 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.3 TX-EXCITER UNIT MODULE 300 The TX exciter unit contains the following circuits: 2.3.1 INSULATION BUFFER AND 16.8 MHZ MIXER From RX-VC0 the signal is led to transistor T301 and from TX-VC0 the signal is led to transistor T302. The transistors are not coupled with common base and act as buffer amplifiers. The mixed signal over resistor T305 is led to the mixer amplifier T303 via capacitor C305. The differential signal which is the TXVC0 frequency minus the RX-VC0 frequency is led to the amplifier transistor T304 through the low-pass filter consisting of C310, L301 and C311. In transistor T305 the signal is amplified to TTL level. The diode D301 works as a base clamp diode. 2.3.2 THE 21 MHZ OSCILLATOR The oscillator is a Colpitt type and the oscillator transistor T308 is oscillating by means of a 21 MHz crystal X301. The trimmer capacitor C331 is for fine adjustment of the oscillator frequency. RF signal for the reference divider is led to transistor T307 for amplifying. In transistor T306 the signal is amplified to TTL level. 2.3.3 PHASE/FREQUENCY DETECTOR, 32 COUNTER AND REF. DIVIDER The crystal frequency is led to IC306 pin 10 which is a decade counter. From output pin 5 of this, the frequency is divided by 5. This frequency is led to flip-flop IC305a, where the frequency is divided by 2. From IC305a pin 5, the 2.1 MHz is taken and this is the clock frequency for the microcomputer and the RX synthesizer. The resistor R322 is for pull-up and the ferrite bead FP301 is blocking for higher harmonics of the clock frequency. From IC306 pin 8, the 21 MHz is also divided by 10. The frequency is divided by 2 in flip-flop IC305b and divided by 2 in IC304a. At IC304b pin 13, the 21 MHz is then divided by 40 and the frequency is therefore 525 KHz at which the phase detector is working. From the other side the mixed signal of 16.8 MHz is led to the binary divider IC301 pin 10 where it is divided by 16. In flip-flop IC302b the signal is divided by 2. From IC320b pin 8 the 16.8 MHz is then divided by 32 giving 525 KHz. The phase/frequency detector consists of IC302a, IC303, and IC304b. From IC304b pin 9 the detector is connected to the loop filter via the pull-up resistor R321 and the diode D303. The phase corrections pulse from the detector is active low and when the phase locked loop is in lock the duty cycle of the correction pulse is about 30 per cent. THE CORRECTION PULSES: After the count down of the 21 MHz the IC304b pin 9 goes low. Pin 8 goes high and this is connected to IC303 pin 2. When the 16.8 MHz is divided by 32 the IC302a pin 6 and IC303 pin 1 go high. When IC303 pin 13 is always high the IC303 pin 8 will go low and preset IC302a and IC304b; the correction pulse will then go high and so on. The propagation delay in the two inserters IC303 determines the size of the preset pulse. PAGE 2-8 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2.3.4 RT2047 DSC - PART II TX-VCO The TX-VCO comprises a Field Effect Transistor T311 (oscillator transistor), two coaxial coils L309 and L310, the capacitors C343 and C345, and a variocapacitor diode D302. The frequency is mainly determined by L309, L310, C345, and D302. The TX-VCO is a Voltage Controlled Oscillator, where the control voltage from the loop filter determines the frequency by means of the variocapacitor diode D302. A high voltage to D302 means a smaller capacitor in D302 and again a higher VCO frequency. In the opposite way a small control voltage means a smaller frequency. From drain of transistor T311 the signal is led to a buffer amplifier T310 via a tuned filter consisting of L308, R342, and C342. The ferrite bead is blocking for UHF oscillating. In the collector of T310 there is a tuned filter consisting of L307 and C340. From here the signal for two circuits is taken. From an output on coil L307 the signal to the TX-buffer is taken through capacitor C338. Here the TXVCO signal is amplified in transistor T309. In the drain of T309 there is a tuned filter consisting of L306, C332, C333, R332, and R333, which gives a 50 ohm generator for the Power Amplifier Unit. The output power from the TX-buffer is 25 mW and is adjusted by trimmer potentiometer R341. Stop and start of both TX-buffer and TX-VCO are controlled from the microcomputer by controlling the supply for the transistor. This secures that the frequency is correct before the transmitter is started. From the collector of T310 the signal for the 16.8 MHz Mixer is taken via capacitor C341. 2.3.5 LOOP-FILTER The Loop-filter amplifier is a differential amplifier (OP-Amp.) with the inverted input at the base of transistor T314, where also the phase detector is connected. The base of transistor T313, which is the non inverted input, is connected to +5V by means of R349 and R350. Transistor T312 is the output stage, and the control voltage for TX-VCO is taken over the resistor R346 and is filtered in the ripple-filter consisting of R345, C348, C347, and R344. At the input R351 and C352 are working as a filter against the higher harmonics in the phase detector pulse. We assume that the system is in lock. While the detector pulse is low a current is flowing out of the capacitor C351 and the output voltage over R346 increases. The TX-VCO frequency is also increasing until the detector pulse goes high again. Because the diode D303 is blocking, a current flows into C351 through the resistors R354 and R355. The control voltage over R346 decreases and the frequency is also decreasing. The current which is flowing in and out of C351 is equal when the system is in lock. For principal understanding accept that C353 and R352 have no influence on the current to C351. If the TX-VCO frequency is too high, the detector pulse gets smaller and that means that more current is flowing into C351 than out. That means again that the control voltage and the frequency will decrease until the frequency is correct again. The opposite process will happen if the frequency is too low. Even though the system is in lock there is always a little phase error. The AF modulation signal is led into the Loop-filter via resistor R356. The control voltage is then modulated which will modulate the phase in the TX-VCO again. 9543 PAGE 2-9 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION TX-EXCITER UNIT MODULE 300 View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. 23695D PAGE 2-10 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM TX-EXCITER UNIT MODULE 300 AC voltages outside frame of diagram. : Measured with oscilloscope or frq. counter. : Measured with test probe. : Connections to module. [] : Approx. measurement with test probe. Test conditions: Voltages without brackets: Antenna signal 1 mV pd: Df= +3 kHz; fm = 1 kHz Voltages in brackets: Antenna signal 10 mV pd: Df = + 3 kHz; fm = 1 kHz This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 23695D. 9543 PAGE 2-11 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II PAGE 2-12 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.4 TX-POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE 400 The TX-power-amplifier includes the amplifier and a harmonic filter. 2.4.1 TX-POWER-AMPLIFIER The amplifier consists of a single transistor output amplifier and a two transistor power driver. The transistors are both tuned classic amplifier circuits. The amplifier is made on double sided epoxy board, using micro strip technique in the tuning circuits. The power driver is fed from a 50 ohm generator with a power level of 25 mW. The final output power level is controlled by means of the supply voltage level fed to the power driver. In full power mode, the power driver will deliver about 4.5 - 5 W to the output transistor T401. The output signal is fed to the harmonic filter through capacitors C405 and C406. 2.4.2 HARMONIC FILTER The harmonic filter is realised as a seventh-order Chebyschev-filter, which at the same time will provide the necessary attenuation of the harmonics generated by the power amplifier and a low insertion loss at the carrier frequency. The output from the harmonic filter is fed to the antenna relay. 2.5 ANTENNA RELAY (500) The antenna relay, RE501, is placed in the Tx-power amplifier module (400). The relay is equipped with 2 change-over contacts and is activated when the transmitter is keyed. In simplex receiving mode the RF signal is led to the receiver (100) through both contacts from the Txsection of the duplex filter. In simplex or duplex transmitting mode the Tx-signal is led from the harmonic filter through a pin to the Tx-section of the duplex filter. The other pin is grounded. 9543 PAGE 2-13 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION TX-POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE 400 AND ANTENNA RELAY (500) View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. PAGE 2-14 9619 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM TX-POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE 400 AND ANTENNA RELAY (500) AC voltages outside frame of diagram. : Measured with AF voltmeter. Test conditions. Voltages without brackets: Operating in Rx position. With antenna signal 1 mV EMF: f= +3 KHz; fm = 1 KHz Voltages in brackets: No antenna signal, squelch max. closed. Df = + 3 KHz; fm = 1 KHz This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 23973B 9543 PAGE 2-15 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II PAGE 2-16 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.6 INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 2.6.1 ON/OFF FUNCTION ON When the ON/OFF push button is activated Q4-6 is turned on and the relay RE3-6 is engaged. When the µC leaves reset condition PC5 is set to high level and Q5-6 will be conducting, keeping Q4-6 on. OFF When the ON/OFF push button is activated again U19-6 receives a message on the serial interface. Then it stores the actual settings of the channel, volume, squelch, power level, INT/USA mode and scan time. Afterwards PC5 is turned low, and Q5-6, Q4-6, and RE3-6 will switch off. 2.6.2 BATTERY SENSOR If the battery voltage drops below approx. 9.5V the output of U7/3-6 goes high, and the µC will switch off the set. 2.6.3 DELAYED OFF If the ON/OFF push button is kept activated longer than approx. 3 seconds, pin 12 on U12/2-6 will go low forcing the µC into reset. This means that as soon as the button is released the set will switch off. 2.6.4 TEMPERATURE SENSOR Not mounted. 2.6.5 5V SUPPLY The 5V power supply is an integrated, non adjustable regulator. 2.6.6 10V SUPPLY The 10V supply is a serial regulator with current limiter. When it is switched on Q10-6 gets base current through R32-6 and R41-6. Thus Q10-6 draws collector current so that Q9-6 turns on and the output voltage rises. When Q13-6 begins to conduct the current in Q10-6 is reduced. Thus the base current in Q9-6 is also reduced and the output voltage stabilises . The current limiting starts when the voltage across R40-6 is big enough to turn Q6-6 on and makes the current flow through D8-6 to the emitter of Q10-6, and therefore the current in Q10-6 and also in Q9-6 will decrease which results in a decrease of the output voltage. 9543 PAGE 2-17 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2.6.7 RT2047 DSC - PART II PA REGULATOR By means of the PA regulator it is possible to adjust the output power of the transmitter. When the output from U3/2-6 is changed from O to 5V, Q7-6 is turned off. Thus Q8-6 is turned on and then also Q2-6 and Q1-6 and the output voltage rises. When the voltage at the base of Q8-6 is equal to the voltage on the base of Q7-6 the current in Q8-6 is reduced and then also in Q2-6 and Q1-6 and the output voltage stabilises. The output power from the TX POWER AMPLIFIER is adjusted by changing the output voltage of the PA REGULATOR with R68-6. When reduced output power is chosen (0W mode) the µC turns PB5 to 0 V and the reference voltage to the regulator will be lowered. It can be adjusted at R29-6, and thus also the reduced output power. 2.6.8 RX FILTER CONTROL AMPLIFIER The control voltage from the RX VCO is turned into a control voltage to the capacity diodes in the band pass filters in the receiver. 2.6.9 MICROPHONE AMPLIFIER The amplifier consists of three stages. In the first stage the signal is preemphasized. In the next stage the signal is clipped when the input signal is big enough, and in the last stage the signal is deemphasize before it is led to the modulator in the TX EXCITER. The deemphasizing is necessary because it is a phase modulator. 2.6.10 SQUELCH CIRCUIT The signal from the receiver is fed to the active high pass filter U5/1-6. The filter attenuates signals below 10 KHz which means that talk will not be detected. The output of the filter is fed to the clipper Q15-6 and the detector comprising the capacitor C45-6, the diodes D13-6, D14-6, and the resistors R3/1-6 and R5/ 1-6. The rectified noise level is compared with a reference level in the voltage comparator U15/2-6. When the noise level is higher than the reference level, the output will be low. This output is connected to PD7 on the µC, which will turn off the AF by means of U18-6, except if the squelch setting is 0 ( in the display), The correspondence between the number in the display and the latch U4-6 can be seen below: 64 :LWKRXWFDUULHU %%%% :LWKFDUULHU %%%% 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 PAGE 2-18 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.6.11 AF CIRCUITS The AF signal from the receiver is fed to the active filter U5/2-6. The filter provides a frequency response of -6 dB/Oct. in the range 0.3 to 3 KHz and limits the signals outside this range. Further the signal is fed to the telephone output amplifier U6/2-6 and Q6-6. From the telephone output the signal is fed through the VOLUME CONTROL circuit U6-6 and the AL POWER AMP. The DC current in the differential amplifier in the VOLUME CONTROL is controlled by the transistor between pins 9, 10 and 11. The attenuation will be minimum when the current through the transistor between pins 3, 4 and 5 is maximum, and this is the condition when the outputs B1-B4 on the latch U4-6 is high (display reading will be 15). In that case the voltage on pin 4 of the differential amplifier will be the same as on pin 2. The D/A converter R131-6 to R1346 is together with the resistor R128-6 functioning as a voltage divider. With all the outputs B1 - B4 at 0V the voltage between pin 4 and pin 2 will be approx. 200 Ms. This means that the current through the transistor between pins 3, 4 and 5 will be minimum and the signal will be attenuated about 60 dB. Resistor R125-6 and capacitor C58-6 prevents cross talk from the supply voltage to the output of the attenuator. The AF signal from the receiver is also led through the ‘AF from RX Buffer’ to the Handset Key Connector. The buffer is a common emitter amplifier with emitter resistance securing a low output impedance and the signal amplitude required for compatibility with other S.P. RADIO products. This circuit consists of C77-6 - C79-6, Q19-6 and R157-6 - R162-6. The variable resistor R12-6 is used for adjusting gain and does in conjunction with C78-6 and R159-6 assure a correct cutoff frequency for the amplifier. 2.6.12 SELCALL The input to the selcall is taken from the telephone output. The signal is first amplified and limited in U3/ 1-6. Then it passes the band pass filter and after this it is rectified and compared with a reference level in the comparator U15/1-6. 2.1 MHz is divided in the programmable counter U18-6. The output of this is divided by 2 and turned into a square wave in the flip-flop U12/1-6. The outputs of the flip-flops are connected to the switches U13-6. The frequency at which the switches around the capacitors C29-6 and C30-6 are working determines the resonance frequency of the filter. Thus by changing the dividing figure to U18-6 it is possible to change the resonance frequency of the filter. With R63-6 it is possible to adjust the resonance frequency of the filter (see the adjustment procedure). 9543 )LJXUH QXPEHU IQRP LQDO +] ,&LQSXW IFORFN +] IUHVRQDQFH +] 1 1124 1010001 12963 1127 2 1197 1001100 13816 1201 3 1275 1001000 14583 1268 4 1358 1000011 15672 1363 5 1446 0111111 16667 1449 6 1540 0111011 17797 1548 7 1640 0111000 18750 1630 8 1747 0110100 20192 1756 9 1860 0110001 21429 1863 0 R 1981 2110 0101110 0101011 22826 24419 1985 2123 PAGE 2-19 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II When the radio is switched on the dividing figure corresponding to the first figure in the selcall number is put on port A on the µC which is connected to the input of U18-6. If the correct tone is received the output of the comparator U15/1-6 goes low. This output is connected to the µC’s INT-pin. When the tone disappears again the µC will put out the dividing figure corresponding to the next figure in the selcall number. If all five tones are received correctly then the µC will send a message on the serial interface to the keyboard unit, turn on the selcall relay RE2-9 (on the filter unit), and send out an alarm tone from PC1 via the volume control and power amp. to the loudspeaker. The alarm tone lasts for 10 seconds after an individual call and after an all call it lasts until the selcall is reset. If the SELCALL TEST button is activated the alarm circuits and indicators will be tested. 2.6.13 THE EEPROM The EEPROM contains an address/opcode register, a data I/O register, a memory array, an internal high voltage generator (Vpp ) and some decoding logic. The Serial Data Clock (CK) is fed from PC7 on the µC and all communication starts with the µC setting PC5 thus enabling the Chip Select (CS) on the eeprom (U8-6). Instructions to U8-6 consists of a dummy 1, a 2 bit opcode, an 8 bit address and for some instructions also a 16 bit data word. When the opcode is 00 the 2 first bits in the address serve as an extended opcode. INSTRUCTION SET FOR THE EEPROM (NMC93C56): ,QVWUXFWLRQ 2S $GGUHVV 'DWD &RPPHQW FRGH READ 10 A7-A0 Reads data at specified address EWEN 0 11XXXXXX Write enable, must precede all programming modes ERASE 11 A7-A0 Erase register A7-A0 ERAL 0 10XXXXXX Erase all registers WRITE 1 A7-A0 D15-D0 Writes reg if address unprotected WRAL 0 01XXXXXX D15-D0 Writes all registers. Valid only when Protect Reg is cleared EWDS 0 00XXXXXX Disables all programming instructions READ: After a Read instruction is received, the instruction and address are decoded, followed by data transfer from the selected memory register. A dummy 0 precedes the 16-bit data output string. Output data changes are initiated by a low to high trasition of the SK clock. WRITE: The Write operation is followed by 16 bits of data to be written to the specified address. CS must then be brought low before the next rising edge of the SK clock to initiate the self-timed programming cycle. D0 indicates the ready state ( 1/0 => ready/busy ) the chip is ready for another instruction. PAGE 2-20 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.6.14 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE TWO MICROCOMPUTERS The transmission of information between the 2 µC’s takes place on a serial bus similar to a RS232C serial interface. Each byte consists of 8 bits of information, a start-, a stop-, and a parity bit. Odd parity is being used and the transmission speed is 2400 Baud but only one byte will be transferred in each period of 10 mS. Transmission can only take place when the DTR (PD1) is high. The µC on the KEYBOARD UNIT will take this line high once every 10 mS. Transmission from U19-6 to U9-7 Transmission is allowed on the ROD line (PC4) as soon as DTR is high independent of the level of RTS. U9-7 will keep DTR high as long as it is receiving a byte. Transmission from U9-7 to U19-6 U9-7 will set RTS (PD6 on U19-6) to a high level at the same time as it sets DTR high. If U19-6 has nothing to transmit it will answer by setting CUTS (PC6) to a high level as soon as it is ready to receive. After U9-7 has received the ready signal it will start transmission on the TXD line (PD0 on U19-6). The DTR, RTS and CTS will be kept high as long as the transmission takes place. 2.6.15 THE KEY-FUNCTION When the transmitter is keyed the input PD2 on the Interface µC is put to a high level by the Keyboard µC assuming that TX is allowed, TX can be prohibited when the RT2047 is operated as a slave over the SP VHF Bus ( Described in section 2.7.5 The SP VHF Bus ). If the radio is tuned on a simplex channel! the AF is muted by setting the output PB4 to a high level. Then the synthesizer is moved 4.6 MHz upwards. Then the TX-VCO is turned on by setting PB3 high and after approx. 15 mS also the TX-BUFFER on (PB1 high) and after further 60 mS the PA-REGULATOR is turned on by setting PB0 and PB5 high. If reduced power is selected PB5 will be low. When the key is released the PA-REGULATOR is turned off first. After approx. 15 mS the TX-BUFFER is turned off, and after further 45 mS the TX-VCO is turned off. If the set is in a simplex channel the synthesizer is moved 4.6 MHz back again, and the AF is turned on. 2.6.16 THE MICROCOMPUTER The µC is held in reset by a low voltage on the RESET input pin. As long as the µC is in reset it is inactive and all ports are configured as input pins. The 10V-SENSOR secures that the capacitor C54-6 cannot be charged before the 10V supply is higher than approx. 8V. The 5V is checked internally. When the voltage on the reset pin is above the internal comparator level the µC starts. First all pins on PA, PB, and PC are configured as outputs. PB4, PB6, PC2, PC4 and PC5 to high level and the rest to low level. Then the µC reads the address range from 64 to 0F in the EEPROM U8-6. If there is an error in the range from 64 to 77 the µC will transmit an “E0” message to the display and go to test mode. If there is an error in the address range from 78 to 0F it will always initiate with channel 16, volume level at Pos. 5 and the squelch level at 4. If the first test is passed the µC will send information to the VOL/SQ latch (U4-6) and the RX-synthesizer and also initiate the selcall. Then the µC supervises the KEY-input (PD2), the squelsh detector (PD7), the selcall detector (INT pin), the RTS-input (PD6), and the battery sensor. (See the appropriate sections). 9543 PAGE 2-21 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. 27746D PAGE 2-22 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 27746D. 9543 PAGE 2-23 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.7 KEYBOARD UNIT MODULE 7/700 2.7.1 DISPLAY The LCD-display is static driven with an 50 Hz AC signal measured with reference to the back plane input (BP pin numbers 1, 27, 28, 54). A segment that is off always has the same voltage as the BP. The latches (U1-7 - U6-7) is loaded serially from the µC. Every 10 mS a strobe pulse is sent to the latches, and the content of the internal shift register in the latches is loaded into the output latches. Afterwards new information is shifted into the shift registers so the content is ready when the next 10 msec cycle has passed. 2.7.2 KEYBOARD The keyboard is scanned once every 10 mS. First PA4 is turned low, and PAO- PA3 are turned into inputs. Afterwards PCO-PC3 are read, and if there is a low level on one of these pins a push button is activated. If they are all high PA3 is turned low and the others to input pins, and PCO-PC3 are read once more and so on. When finished PAO is left at low level. 2.7.3 PANEL ILLUMINATION The LEDs are driven with a constant current generator. With PB1 at OV the current generators are on and with PB1 at 5V they are switched off. 2.7.4 THE MICROCOMPUTER The µC uses the internal clock-generator and a ceramic resonator. The clock frequency is approx. 4 MHz. The µC takes care of the dual watch and scanning functions and the keyboard and display. This means that when scanning, the µC requests a new channel every 100 mS if it has not received a message telling that there is a carrier. Concerning the serial interface see section 2.6.14 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE TWO µC’S. When the radio is on and the ON/OFF switch is activated and released again the µC will be interrupted. The µC will then transmit a message to U19-6 to tell it to switch off. C18-7 and R17-7 is an external pullup of the RESET*-pin and keeps the RESET* set for 0.5 second after the set is turned off allowing time for transferring the startup table to the Interface µC. The interface µC then stores this information in the eeprom before the set is finally turned off. 2.7.5 THE SP VHF-BUS The keyboard µC also handles the communication with external units on the SP VHF Bus. The structure is a digital Command/Response time division multi-pleasing data bus, with an interrupt extension. The interrupt signal is located on pin 23 (PC5) on the µC and the serial I/O signals on pin 29/30 (PD0/PD1). The RT2047 will always behave as a slave in the communication but can initiate a dialogue with the external unit by setting the interrupt pin. A communication sequence will typically be initiated by the external unit ( the master ) with an Address Word specifying what slave it wants to contact, a Command Code or a Transfer Code ordering the slave to execute a command or to transfer information to the master and finally a number of Data Words. The number of data Words can vary from 0 to 10. The answer from the slave (RT2047) could consists of a Status Word, specifying what slave the answer came from and a Response Word confirming that the command has been executed, optionally a Message Code and a number of Data Words corresponding to the data transfer requested by the master. The answer from the slave could also consist of a Status Word with its Busy-bit set and a Response Word confirming that the command was received. In this case the slave will set the interrupt pin when it’s ready and the following communication will confirm that the command was executed or optionally give the data transfer requested. There are several other types of communication. For these and for specifics we refer to the documentation on the SP VHF-BUS. PAGE 2-24 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II Q5-7, R18-7 and R19-7 is the Interrupt driver circuit and U10/2-7, Q4-7, C17-7, R14-7 - 16-7 and R22/ 1-7 - R22/4-7 forms the serial interface circuit. This circuit transforms the µC’s two-wire serial communication interface (SCI) into the one-wire SCI required for communication with external units. Data output from the µC can be detected on pin PD1 and data input on pin PD0. The one-wire asynchronized signal can be measured on R15-7 or P1/15-7. 2.7.6 DUAL WATCH When the radio is dual-watching the receiver is watching CH16 for 100 mS once every 1.5 sec. If there is a carrier on CH16 the receiver will stay there until the carrier disappears. When there is no carrier on CH16 only the number of the primary channel is shown in the display along with the DW-symbol. The µC on the keyboard is taking care of the timing and is requesting every change of channel. 2.7.7 SCANNING When the radio is scanning the radio is listening to the channels in the scanning table for 100 mS each. CH16 is being watched for 100 mS between every change of channel. If there is a carrier the receiver will start dual watching on this channel as long as the SCAN TIME is set. There is built in hold time of 1.5 second so the receiver will stay there for 1.5 see after the carrier has disappeared. 9543 PAGE 2-25 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION KEYBOARD UNIT MODULE 7/700 View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. 27747C PAGE 2-26 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM KEYBOARD UNIT MODULE 7/700 This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 27747C. 9543 PAGE 2-27 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.8 DUPLEX FILTER MODULE 800 With a duplex filter, DF801, placed in the station it is possible to operate in full duplex mode with only one antenna installed. The duplex filter consists of 7 cavities, three in the Rx-section and four in the Tx-section. The cavities in the Tx-section are stagger tuned. Two cavities (D-E) are suppressing the noise in the receiving band 160.625 MHz - 162.025 MHz with Minimal insertion loss in the transmission band. The function of the other two cavities (F-G) is to provide a band stop filter within the image frequency band range of the duplex distance, 4.6 MHz: 151.425 MHz -152.825 MHz. The cavities (A-B-C) in the Rx-section are stagger tuned. They are suppressing the transmitting frequencies with Mid. insertion loss in the receiving band. See the plot of duplex filters frequency response below. NB: The duplex filter is adjusted with special measuring equipment and should be adjusted by S.P. Radio A/S only. TECHNICAL DATA FOR DUPLEX FILTER FOR VHF RT146 - RT2047. 75$160,77(5 G% 5$1*(0+] Band-stop attenuation Band-stop attenuation Insertion loss. Max Return loss. Mid -30 -47 1.6 1.7 151.425 - 152.825 156.025 - 157.425 - 5(&(,9(5 G% 5$1*(0+] Band-stop attenuation Insertion loss. Max -60 1.5 160.625 - 162.025 - dB 151.425 151.825 157.425 156.025 160.625 162.025 Frequency (MHz) Insert. loss. max. 1.6dB Insert. loss. max. 1.5dB Tx-section -30dB F Rx-section G -47dB E D -60dB B A B C A D C E F G 24902 PAGE 2-28 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.9 FILTER UNIT MODULE 9/900 The function of the Filter unit is to protect the set against RF interference from equipment installed near the set. The two options AUX II and SELCALL RELAY requires the relays RE1-9 and RE2-9. These relays are not a standard feature and can, if needed, be acquired from SP-Radio ( order number 21.300 ). The function of jumper P34-9 is described in part I, section 2.9 Special Options. 9543 PAGE 2-29 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION FILTER UNIT MODULE 9/900 View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. 27749C PAGE 2-30 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM FILTER UNIT MODULE 9/900 This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 27749C. 9543 PAGE 2-31 9546 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 32162 9546 PAGE 2-33 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.11 MICROTELEPHONE INSTALLATION VHF RT2047 SCRAMBLER CRY2001, RE2100, RT2047 prepared for DSC and RT2048 RED YELLOW SHORTWAVE S130X RED YELLOW RED WHITE BROWN BROWN TC801 BROWN 1 TC1 TC1701 6 1 7 5 3 4 MIC PRE-AMP MC1 WHITE 9 P1701 HIRSCHMANN CONNECTOR MIC PRE-AMP 5 BLUE D-CONNECTOR WHITE D1 C8 MC801 S1701 4 P803 DIN CONNECTOR BLUE 2 HAND KEY S1 C11 MIC PRE-AMP HAND KEY 1 5 2 6 6 3 S801 BLUE HAND KEY T3 R9 MC1701 YELLOW C7 C9 C1 T2 R10 R7 C2 C6 R3 C10 R4 R6 R2 OV R8 C12 R5 C3 T1 C4 C13 R1 R11 OV C5 10mV/DIV 0.5msec/DIV 10mV/DIV 0.5msec/DIV R9 2k7 +10-18v 1n C9 R10 120k 390 R7 2k2 R5 2k7 R3 8k2 D1 1N4148 10n C2 100u C1 R1 1k8 MIC. PRE-AMPLIFIER (100) C7 C10 For TEST 10n C11 1n C8 2u2 27pf C6 2u2 R8 6k8 C13 C12 R6 4k7 R4 18k u47 C4 15pf C14 15pf C14 10u MC1 T3 BC547C T1 BC547C 27pf * 10u T2 BC547C C3 C5 R2 1k8 R11 39k 33u 4-0-24025E * In orange marked microtelephone cartridge, R2 is changed from 1k8 to 5k6 ohm. 27777A MICROTELEPHONE WITH ELECTRET MIC. AMP. ECI A/S 5-0-24025D 60087 POSITION DESCRIPTION MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. C1 C2 CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC 100uF 20% 10VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC ERO NKE 14.607 15.170 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR CAPACITOR 10uF 20% 35VDC 0.47uF 20% 50VDC 2u2F 20% 50VDC 2u2F 20% 50VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 1nF 10% 100V 1nF 10% 100V 33uF 20% 16VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC ERO ERO ERO ERO ERO *PHILIPS *PHILIPS ERO NKE D1 MC1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 S1 T1 T2 T3 TC1 DIODE MICROPHONE ELECTRET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF MICROSWITCH TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TELEPHONE CARTRIDGE 1N4148 HIGH SPEED ø9.7 x 6.7mm 1k8 OHM 5% 0.33W 1k8 OHM 5% 0.33W 8k2 OHM 5% 0.33W 18k OHM 5% 0.33W 2k7 OHM 5% 0.33W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.33W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.33W 6k8 OHM 5% 0.33W 2k7 OHM 5% 0.33W 120k OHM 5% 0.33W 39k OHM 5% 0.33W E62-10H PDT NPN BC547C TO-92 NPN BC547C TO-92 NPN BC547C TO-92 200 OHMS PHILIPS PANASONIC PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS CHERRY PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS S.E.K. (KIRK) EKI 00 BB 310 C M0E DT 350 758L F 103 Z 50V FLAT PACK EKI 00 AA 210 F M0E EKI 00 AA 047 H M0E EKI 00 AA 122 H M0E EKI 00 AA 122 H M0E EKI 00 AA 210 F M0E 2222 630 19102 2222 630 19102 EKI 00 AA 233 D M0E DT 350 758L F 103 Z 50V FLAT PACK 1N4148-143 WM-0344BY 2322 180 73182 2322 180 73182 2322 180 73822 2322 180 73183 2322 180 73272 2322 180 73472 2322 180 73222 2322 180 73682 2322 180 73272 2322 180 73124 2322 180 73393 E62-10H PDT BC547C BC547C BC547C T802 0113 2715 PAGE 2-34 ELECTROLYTIC ELECTROLYTIC ELECTROLYTIC ELECTROLYTIC ELECTROLYTIC CERAMIC CERAMIC ELECTROLYTIC CERAMIC 14.512 14.504 14.503 14.503 14.512 16.149 16.149 14.518 15.170 25.131 46.012 02.478 02.478 02.494 02.502 02.482 02.488 02.480 02.492 02.482 02.522 02.510 44.025 28.068 28.068 28.068 46.010 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.12 SPECIAL INSTALLATION WITH 2 MICROTELEPHONES H2086 for scrambler CRY2001, RT2047 DSC, RT2048 and RE2100. H2087 for VHF RT2047. H2087 H2086 MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR NORMAL MICROTELEPHONE program 2000 (HANDSET) Hook 1 TC RED YELLOW RED 7 1 RED 2 YELLOW 3 WHITE 6 6 3 YELLOW 5 2 RED 7 1 4 WHITE YELLOW 8 WHITE 4 BLUE BLUE 5 BROWN BLUE WHITE HAND KEY 1 BLUE 9 BROWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BROWN P1 S1 BROWN BLUE/GREEN BLUE/BLACK MIC PRE-AMP MC 5 9 Connection Board (1) 5-0-24281 B J2 BROWN 4 8 RED 3 7 YELLOW 2 6 BLUE 1 BROWN RED WHITE P1 YELLOW WHITE J2 (H2087) BLUE 6 1 7 1 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 BROWN BLUE WHITE YELLOW 5 RED 2 The cable between the Hooks is not factory delivered (7 x 0.14 mm 2 ) P2 3 4 P2 (H2087) MICROTELEPHONE (HANDSET 2) HOOK 2/3 6 7 1 3 2 5 TC WHITE BLUE WHITE YELLOW RED BROWN RED YELLOW BROWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 RED YELLOW WHITE BLUE 2 27778 9543 3 7 YELLOW RED 6 4 8 4 8 BLUE WHITE HAND KEY 2 BLUE/GREEN BLUE/BLACK MIC PRE-AMP MC 5 9 J3 Connection Board (1) 5-0-24281 B 5 9 P3 BROWN 1 3 7 BLUE 2 6 WHITE 1 S2 BROWN S1. 2. 3 is shown with microtelephone in Hook. Recommended cable lenght max. 20 meters. If H2087 is used and if there is "Hum" or noice problems with the modulations, the ground wires white and yellow in P3 must be seperated. Yellow wire on Pin 2, and white wire in P7. PAGE 2-35 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.13 SPECIAL INSTALLATION WITH 3 MICROTELEPHONES H2088 for scrambler CRY2001, RT2047 DSC, RT2048 and RE2100. H2089 for VHF RT2047. H2089 H2088 MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR NORMAL MICROTELEPHONE program 2000 (HANDSET) Hook 1 TC RED YELLOW 1 RED 7 RED 6 6 3 YELLOW 2 RED 2 YELLOW 3 WHITE 4 BLUE 7 1 5 4 WHITE YELLOW 8 BLUE WHITE 9 BLUE 5 BROWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BROWN P1 S1 BROWN BROWN BLUE WHITE HAND KEY 1 BLUE/GREEN BLUE/BLACK MIC PRE-AMP MC 5 9 Connection Board (1) 5-0-24281 B J2 BROWN 4 8 RED 3 7 YELLOW 2 6 BLUE 1 BROWN RED WHITE P1 YELLOW WHITE J2 (H2089) BLUE 6 1 7 1 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 BROWN BLUE WHITE YELLOW 5 RED 2 The cable between the Hooks is not factory delivered (7 x 0.14 mm 2 ) P2 3 4 P2 (H2089) MICROTELEPHONE (HANDSET 2) HOOK 2/3 6 7 1 3 TC WHITE BLUE WHITE YELLOW RED BROWN RED YELLOW BROWN RED YELLOW WHITE 1 2 3 7 4 Connection Board (1) 5-0-24281 B J3 MC BROWN 5 9 8 WHITE RED YELLOW 6 4 8 HAND KEY 2 MIC PRE-AMP RED 3 7 WHITE BLUE/GREEN BLUE/BLACK 5 9 P3 BROWN 2 6 BLUE 1 BLUE YELLOW BLUE S2 BROWN BLUE 5 WHITE 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 MICROTELEPHONE (HANDSET 3) HOOK 2/3 TC RED YELLOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BROWN RED YELLOW WHITE BLUE 2 27779 PAGE 2-36 3 7 YELLOW RED 6 4 8 4 8 BLUE WHITE BLUE/GREEN BLUE/BLACK HAND KEY 3 MIC PRE-AMP MC 5 9 J4 Connection Board (1) 5-0-24281 B 5 9 P4 BROWN 1 3 7 BLUE 2 6 WHITE 1 S3 BROWN S1. 2. 3 is shown with microtelephone in Hook. Recommended cable lenght max. 20 meters. If H2089 is used and if there is "Hum" or noice problems with the modulations, the ground wires white and yellow in P3 must be seperated. Yellow wire on Pin 2, and white wire in P7. 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.14 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS FOR HANDSET MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS FOR HANDSET 81 43 80 64 275 65 151 ø4.5 80 43 ø4.5 32 32 27946 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS FOR HANDSET HOLDER WITH MICROSWITCH 103 43 80 64 275 65 151 ø4.5 80 43 ø4.5 32 32 26999 9543 PAGE 2-37 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS FOR HANDSET 78 80 62 275 65 132 ø4.5 ø4.5 80 4-0-29938 32 32 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS FOR HANDSET HOLDER WITH MICROSWITCH 103 43 80 64 275 65 151 ø4.5 80 43 ø4.5 4-0-29937 PAGE 2-38 32 32 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.15 DC POWER SUPPLY N418 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The power supply N418 is constructed for supplying a 13.2V VHF from a 24V DC system. In order to obtain high efficiency regulation is obtained by the switch mode principle. TECHNICAL DATA: The power supply N418 is controlled from the connected VHF unit by on/off. Input voltage Output voltage Output current Operation temperature range Switch frequency 2.15.1 16-32V DC 13.2V DC Max. 7A DC -15 - +55 °C Approx 40 KHz PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The on/off information from the connected VHF unit is controlling the N418 via pin 4 of P201. The regulation takes place after the forward principle, which means that during the “on time” of the switching element T202, the coil L105 is connected directly from the input to the output. When switching element T202 is turned off the stored energy in L105 maintains the supply current to the output via diode D201. Regulation of the output voltage takes place via pulse width regulation, which means that the “on time” (duty cycle) of the switching element T202 is controlled. The regulation gives long “on time” when the input voltage is low, a further decrease of input voltage allows the T202 to be on, continuously. If the input voltage is increased the “on time” is shortened. In order to limit the rush in current during switching there’s a built in soft start, thus enabling a short “on time” for T202 immediately after the switching on, and afterwards the “on time” is slowly increased. Current limitation is established by sensing the voltage over the resistor R126. If the current is too high, the pulse width is shortened in order to reduce the output current. 2.15.2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION When N418 is switched on R113 is connected to the negative terminal of the supply in the VHF and transistor T102 is on. IC101 starts functioning. The voltage level on pin 9 of IC101 controls the duty cycle and the voltage always starts from low level because C108 is discharged via transistor T101 every time the N418 is switched off. Pin 16 of IC101 is a 5V reference voltage, which is divided down in R104, R105, and R106 and connected to pin 2 (the non-inverted input). Pin 1 of IC101 is connected to the output voltage via voltage divider R117 and R122, the two levels are compared and the pulse width is controlled so that the output voltage stays stable. Pin 11 and 14 are outputs connected in parallel, the signal forms the drive signal for the switching element T202 via T103 and T201 . The components L103, L104, R123, R124, R125, and C121 control the on and off switching of T202 and D201. D105 prevents inverse polarity across T202. The IC102 senses the output current via the voltage over R126. If this voltage is too high - due to an overload - the pulse width and thus the output voltage is reduced. The capacitors and coils in input and output suppresses switching noise enabling N418 to fulfill the CISPR noice regulations. 9543 PAGE 2-39 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 2.15.3 RT2047 DSC - PART II ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE ADJUSTMENT OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE. Measure the output voltage across C126 with a load equal to the consumption of a VHF unit in receive condition (0.5 - 0.8A). Adjust R105 until the output is 13.2V if necessary. ADJUSTMENT OF MAX. CURRENT. Check that the output voltage is still 13.2V with a load of 5.8A (2.3 ohm) across the output. Change the load to 1,5 ohm by connecting 4.3 ohm in parallel with the 2.3 ohm. The voltage will then be 10.5V and the output 7A. If necessary adjust the output to 10.5V with R111. COMPONENT LOCATION DC POWER SUPPLY N418 View from component side with lower side tracks. 23818C PAGE 2-40 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM DC POWER SUPPLY N418 This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 23818C. PAGE 2-41 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II 2.16 N420 24V/12V REGULATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The regulator N420 is a general purpose 24V DC to 13.2V DC regulator, e.g. to be used for supply of VHF radiotelephones. The regulator N420 is a serial regulator with excellent noise performance. 2.16.1 TECHNICAL DATA The regulator N420 is controlled from the connected VHF unit by the on/off button. ,QSXW9ROWDJH 21.6 to 31.2V DC 2XWSXW9ROWDJH 13.4V DC 2XWSXW&XUUHQW Max. 8A DC 2SHUDWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH5DQJH 15°C to +55°C )XVH 8 Amp. 5 x 20 mm &XUUHQWIURPRQRII7HUPLQDO Less than 15 mA DC 2.16.2 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION N420 is a linear serial regulator where most of the loss is dissipated in resistors. It is provided with a terminal for remote shut-down. If the on/off terminal is connected to the -terminal, the regulator is on. If the on/off terminal is disconnected, the regulator is off. 2.16.3 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The output voltage is regulated by the integrated voltage regulator IC1. The output voltage is 12V DC plus the forward voltage over diodes D5 and D6: approx. 13.4V DC in total if T4 is conducting. If the output voltage drops the current through IC1 and R5 increases. An increase in voltage across R5 will result in an increase in current in T1 and the resistors R10 - R23 resulting in an increase in the output current. T1 delivers most of the output current and FC1 only a small driver current. If the input voltage is low and the output current is high, the voltage across R10 -R23 results in T1 going into saturation. The voltage across R4 increases and when the voltage across R4 and VBE Of T1 is greater than approx. 1 Volt, T3 starts to conduct base current to T1. This transistor then shunts the remaining current to the output, bypassing R10 - R23. When the input voltage and the output current are high, T1 is nearly saturated. When the input voltage is low and the output current is high, the resistors R1 - R3 will result in saturation of both T1 and T2. The combination of T1 in saturation and T2 delivering the remaining output current divides the total loss, so the main loss is in the resistors giving low loss in the semi-conductors and a lower junction temperature, resulting in a higher reliability for the whole regulator. T4 is used to switch the regulator ON and OFF. If the ON/OFF input is disconnected T4 is OFF and the base currents to T1 and T2 are zero and the current through IC1 will also be reduced to zero. The standby current consumption is then less than 10 micro amp. If the ON/OFF input is connected to - input, T4 goes into saturation and the regulator starts. PAGE 2-42 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II In case of a short-circuit over the output R5 and D3 limits the current through IC1 and T4 to approx. 250 mA and R1 - R3 and D3 limits the current through T1 and T2 to approx. 15 Amp. The temperature of the cooling surface will increase and activate the thermal protection circuit inside IC1 and lower the output voltage, even though a short-circuit of the output should be avoided. The diode D1 protects against reverse input voltage. A fuse will blow in case of reverse input. 9543 PAGE 2-43 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II COMPONENT LOCATION 24V/12V REGULATOR N420 View from component side with upper side tracks. View from component side with lower side tracks. 24613F PAGE 2-44 9543 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RT2047 DSC - PART II DIAGRAM 24V/12V REGULATOR N420 This diagram is valid for PCB rev. 24613F. 9543 PAGE 2-45 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION DIMENSION AND DRILLING PLAN N420 RT2047 DSC - PART II PARTS LISTS N420 VOLTAGE REGULATOR N420 ECI A/S 5-0-24613G MANUFACTOR TYPE EB 00 FL 247 J MKT1818 MKT1818 EB 00 FL 247 J 2222 371 28104 MR750 BAT43 BZX79C7V5 1N4148-143 1N4148-143 171 100 8AF (DIN 41571/1) MC7812CT 1R0 10% TYPE 296-0 1R0 10% TYPE 296-0 1R0 10% TYPE 296-0 MBB 0207-00-BX-47R 5% 2322 195 13279 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53103 SMA 0207 S TK100-2K2 5% 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 6R8 10% TYPE 296-0 MJ2501 MJ2501 BC547B BD140-10 POSITION DESCRIPTION C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 D2 D3 D5 D6 F1 CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT DIODE DIODE SCHOTTKY DIODE ZENER DIODE DIODE FUSE 47uF -10/+50% 63V 0.22uF 10% 63V 0.22uF 10% 63V 47uF -10/+50% 63V 100nF 10% 100VDC MR750 BAT 43 7.5V 5% 0.4W BZX79C7V5 1N4148 HIGH SPEED 1N4148 HIGH SPEED 8AF 250V Ø5x20mm ERO ERO* ERO* ERO PHILIPS MOTOROLA THOMSON-CSF PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS ELU IC1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 T1 T2 T3 T4 VOLTAGE REGULATOR RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR RESISTOR PMF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER RESISTOR POWER TRANSISTOR DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR +12V 1R0 OHM 10% 6.5W 1R0 OHM 10% 6.5W 1R0 OHM 10% 6.5W 47 OHM 5% 0.6W 27 OHM 5% 3W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 2.2 KOHM 5% 0.6W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W 6R8 OHM 10% 6.5W MJ2501 MJ2501 BC547B NPN TO-92 BD140-10 MOTOROLA* VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS DRALORIC VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM VITROHM TEXAS* TEXAS* PHILIPS AEG* 600416 PART No. 14.552 11.090 11.090 14.552 11.180 25.219 27.600 26.539 25.131 25.131 45.561 31.260 05.725 05.725 05.725 03.167 04.660 01.200 01.200 01.225 03.208 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 05.730 29.235 29.235 28.067 29.066 25332 N420 must only be mounted vertically. Free distance must be kept to allow circulation. PAGE 2-46 9543 RT2047 DSC - PART II CONTENTS 9546 3 MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING AND MODULE LOCATION 3-1 3.1 MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING 3-1 3.2 MODULE LOCATION 3-3 RT2047 DSC - PART II 3 MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING AND MODULE LOCATION 3.1 MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING 9545 PAGE 3-1 3 MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING AND MODULE LOCATION PAGE 3-2 RT2047 DSC - PART II 9545 3 MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLING AND MODULE LOCATION U2 RX-SYNTHESIZER (200) FILTER UNIT (9/900) POWER CONNECTOR P802 MICROTELEPHONE CONNECTOR J803 3.2 MODULE LOCATION ANTENNA CONNECTOR J801 RT2047 DSC - PART II Q9 F1 U1 RE3 Q11 P3/PIN9 R68 R82 R65 R74 R29 R162 Q1 R63 INTERFACE UNIT (6/600) VDRX (R6) R16 R13 R23 R61 DUPLEX FILTER DF801 KEYBOARD UNIT (7/700) LOUDSPEAKER LS801 VVCO (R217) L101 L102 501293 L103 L104 FLO1 TO TX L105 R209 L206 L106 L202 L108 FLO1 TO RX RECEIVER UNIT (100) 501295 TX-POWER AMP (400) C408 C419 ANTENNA RELAY (500) C413 C407 C423 TX-EXCITER (300) C331 L307 T306 R341 FP301 R344 L306 R332 TX TO PA OUTPUT DUPLEX FILTER DF801 KEYBOARD UNIT (7/700) RECEIVER (100) LOUDSPEAKER LS801 501294 KEYBOARD UNIT (7/700) LOUDSPEAKER LS801 9545 501530 PAGE 3-3 501292 RT2047 DSC - PART II CONTENTS 9546 4 SERVICE 4-1 4.1 MAINTENANCE 4-1 4.2 ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS 4-1 4.3 PROPOSAL FOR NECESSARY MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 4-1 4.4 CALIBRATION OF THE TEST PROBE 4-2 4.5 PROCEDURE FOR CALIBRATION 4-2 4.6 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 4-3 4.7 TROUBLE-SHOOTING 4-6 4.8 REPLACEMENT OF COMPONENTS 4-6 4.9 REPLACEMENT OF MODULES 4-6 4.10 NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS AFTER REPLACEMENT OF A MODULE 4-7 4.11 PIN CONFIGURATION 4-9 4.12 PIN CONFIGURATIONS, BLOCK & SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS FOR IC’S 4-10 4 SERVICE 4 RT2047 DSC - PART II SERVICE 4.1 MAINTENANCE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE If RT2047 has been installed properly the maintenance can be reduced to an overhaul at each visit of our service staff. Inspect the set, the antenna, cables and plugs for mechanical damages, salt deposits, corrosion and any foreign materials. Due to its solid structure the RT2047 has a long lifetime, but due to the operating conditions it should be carefully controlled at maximum 12 month intervals. The set should be taken to a certified service point for testing. Along with each set a “Test-sheet” is delivered in which all the measurements made in the test department of the factory are listed. If the control measurements made in the service workshop should show other values then those listed in the “Test-sheet”, the set must be adjusted as specified under Adjustment Procedure. 4.2 ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTIONS The measuring values indicated in paragraph 2 concerning circuit description and schematic diagrams are typical values and it will be necessary to use instruments in absolute conformity with the list below: 4.3 PROPOSAL FOR NECESSARY MEASURING INSTRUMENTS VHF Signal Generator type TF2015 FM Modulation Meter type TF2303 Distortion Analyzer type TF2337A AF Volmeter type VT-121 Tone Generator type PM5107 Electronic Multi meter type PM2505 RF Directional Watt meter Model 43 50W Load with 30 dB Attenuator type 8321 MARCONI MARCONI MARCONI TRIO PHILIPS PHILIPS BIRD BIRD FREQUENCY COUNTER: Frequency range Sensitivity Impedance Accuracy > 175 MHz < 100 mV > 1 MW & 50W < 1×10-6 We also recommend the portable universal VHF test set from Radio Holland, the Omnitester type RH-4316. This test set is designed especially for fast and accurate service of VHF transceivers. 9545 PAGE 4-1 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II TEST PROBE 1nF ceramic AA119 RF AA119 1nF ceramic To multimeter LAYOUT OF THE PROBE 70.00 ø10 10.00 12.00 Metal tube Insulating material 25079 4.4 CALIBRATION OF THE TEST PROBE For some test probe measurements it is necessary to use a test probe calibrated with a specified multi meter. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT FOR THIS PROCEDURE: 1. Diagram for the measurements 2. Test probe 3. Multi meter 4. New factory adjusted RT2047 4.5 PROCEDURE FOR CALIBRATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Switch on the set. Select channel 28. Remove coax cable from the soldering point for FL01 to RX on the RX-Synthesizer and replace it with a 50 resistor. Connect the test probe to the point mentioned above and record the result in the diagram. Remove the resistor and solder back the coax cable. Follow the procedure mentioned above by measuring the levels from FL01 to TX on the RXSynthesizer and the TX drive level from the TX-Exciter. All other test probe measurements are relative and ought to be measured with the same test probe and recorded in the diagram. PAGE 4-2 9545 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II 4.6 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 4.6.1 ADJUSTMENTS OF INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 ADJUSTMENT AND CONTROL OF VOLTAGE REGULATORS. 1. Switch on the set. 2. Select channel 28. 3. Check 13.2V with a multi-meter on fuse F1-6 and P3-6 pin 9. 4. Check 5V +0.2V with a multi-meter on U1-6 pin 3. 5. Connect the multi-meter to Q9-6’s collector and adjust the 10V regulator with R65-6 to 10V +0.2V. 6. Connect the multi-meter to Q11-6’s collector and key the transmitter. 7. Adjust the PA-regulator with R68-6 to 8.4V + 0.2V. 8. Connect the multi-meter to R6-6. 9. Adjust RX-control voltage (VDRX) to 8V + 0.2V with R16-6. ADJUSTMENT OF SELCALL TEST TONE The procedure is described in the manual, INSTRUCTIONS FOR IDENTITY AND SERVICE PROGRAMMING OF VHF RT2047, section 3.8: SELCALL TEST TONE 4.6.2 1. 2. 3. ADJUSTMENTS OF RX-SYNTHESIZER MODULE 200 Select channel 28. Check the DC-control voltage on R217 with a multi meter to be 8V + 0.4V. If components have been changed in the VCO-circuit, it is possible that the jump wire used for adjusting the VCO frequency range has to be moved until the 8 + 0.4 V is achieved. Control the frequency FL01 to RX with a frequency counter to be 140.600 MHz. ADJUSTMENT OF FL01 TO TX AND FL01 TO RX. 1. Connect “calibrated” test probe to soldering point for FL01 to TX. 2. Adjust L202 until the core is 0.5 mm over the coil form and potentiometer R209 CCW to 1/3 of the range. 3. Adjust L206 to Max. deflection on the Tp meter. 4. Select channel 6. 5. Check the deflection on the Tp meter to be nearly the same as ch. 28. Otherwise obtain the level on ch. 6 and ch. 28 to be nearly the same by adjusting L206. 6. Connect test probe to soldering point for FL01 to RX. 7. Adjust L202 to Max. deflection on the Tp meter and secure that deflection on ch. 6 and ch. 28 are nearly the same. The levels measured with power meter (mW) and 50 W impedance must be: FL01 to TX: 0.25 mW FL01 to RX: 5 mW +1.5 dB. 4.6.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9545 ADJUSTMENTS OF TX-EXCITER MODULE 300 Select channel 28. Connect frequency counter to the top of T306. Adjust trimming capacitor C331 until the frequency counter shows 21MHz + 20Hz. Note that when the transmitter is keyed you can measure on R332 and adjust R331 until the frequency counter show 157400000 Hz + 150 hz. Check the clock frequency on microprocessor to be 2.1 MHz on FP301 . Check the DC-control voltage on R344 to be 8 + 0.4V. If components have been changed in the VCO-circuit it is possible that the jump wire used for adjusting the VCO frequency range has to be moved until the 8 + 0.4V is achieved. (With the Transmitter Keyed) PAGE 4-3 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II ADJUSTMENT OF TX-DRIVE LEVEL. 1. Remove coax cable from TX-PA and solder a 50 W resistor from TX to PA output to ground. 2. Connect test probe to TX to PA output. 3. Adjust coils L306 and L307 to Max deflection on the Tp meter and ensure that the levels on ch. 6 and ch. 28 are nearly the same. 4. Adjust R341 to the correct output: about 3.8V on the Tp meter. 5. Remove the 50 W resistor and solder the coax cable back to the output point. 4.6.4 ADJUSTMENTS OF TX-POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE 400 ADJUSTMENT OF OUTPUT POWER. 1. Select channel 20. 2. Connect RF-power meter and a 50 W/ 25 Watt load resistor to the antenna connector J801. 3. Adjust trimming capacitors C423, C419, C413, C408, C407 to Max. deflection on the power meter. 4. Repeat the adjustment under part 3 several times to get Max. output power. 5. Adjust R68-6 on interface unit until the power meter shows 25 Watt. Max PA regulator Vcc = 10.5V. 6. Set output power to 1W. 7. Adjust R29-6 on the interface unit until the power meter shows 0.8 Watt. 4.6.5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 4.6.6 ADJUSTMENT OF MODULATION ON INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 Select channel 28. Disconnect the blue wire on the Filter Unit coming from J3-8 pin 3. Connect tone generator and AF Volmeter between the solder terminal for the disconnected blue wire and ground (the white wire next to it). Set power output level to 1W. Connect modulation meter loosely to the RF-load resistor. Connect distortion analyzer to the modulation meter. Turn potentiometer R61 to the middle of its adjustment range. Set the tone generator to a frequency of 1000 Hz and the output level to 1 VRMS (nominal level 100 mVRMS + 20 dB). Read the level on the AF-volmeter. Key the transmitter. Adjust R23-6 to Max. deviation: D F = + 5.0 kHz. Set level of tone generator to nominal level: 100 mVRMS. Adjust R61-6 to nominal modulation: D F = + 3.0 kHz. Check that the distortion is less than 5%. ADJUSTMENT OF RECEIVER UNIT MODULE 100 ADJUSTMENT OF RF AND IF AMPLIFIER 1. Select channel 28. 2. Connect the signal generator to the antenna connector J801. 3. Connect the test probe to pin 16 on U101. 4. Set the signal generator frequency to 162.000 MHz and increase the level until the deflection on the Tp meter reaches 30% of maximum deflection. 5. Readjust the signal generator level during the adjustment, if necessary to keep the same deflection on the Tp meter. You must be sure that the signal is not compressed. 6. Adjust coils L101, L102, L103, L104, L105, L106 to maximum deflection on the Tp meter. 7. Select channel 6. 8. Set signal generator to 156.300 MHz. 9. Adjust potentiometer R16-6 (interface unit) to maximum deflection on the Tp meter. 10. Select channel 28. 11. Set the signal generator frequency to 162.000 MHz. 12. Adjust coils L101, L102, L103, L104 to maximum deflection on the Tp meter. PAGE 4-4 9545 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II ADJUSTMENT OF DETECTOR, TELEPHONE-AMPLIFIER, LF-POWER-AMPLIFIER AND THE AF FROM RX BUFFER 1. Select channel 6. 2. Connect the signal generator to the antenna connector J801. 3. Connect frequency counter between pin 3 of U101 and frame through a 10 uF capacitor. 4. Set signal generator level to -30 dBm (no modulation) 5. Adjust signal generator frequency until frequency counter shows 455.0 kHz ± 100 Hz. 6. Set modulation on signal generator to nominal modulation, fm = 1kHz and frequency deviation D f = ± 3 kHz. 7. Connect the AF voltmeter to the telephone output, pin 1 on J803 or the solder terminal on the FilterUnit for the red/orange wire. (The telephone output must be loaded with 200 W or a telephone). 8. Adjust coil L108 to maximum deflection on the AF voltmeter. 9. Adjust potentiometer R74-6 to an AF level of 0.45 VRMS. 10. Connect a distortion analyzer between the orange and green wire (ground) on the Filter-Unit. 11. Set volume control to maximum level (Pos. 15). 12. Adjust potentiometer R113-6 to 3.3 VRMS over 4 W. 13. Check that distortion is below 5%. 14. Connect AF voltmeter to the ‘AF from Rx´-signal located in the Handset Key connector (J803), pin 6 or solder pin P25-9 on the Filter Unit. Also connect a 1 KW load. 15. Adjust potentiometer R162-6 until the AF voltmeter reads 0.25 VRMS. ADJUSTMENT AND CONTROL OF RECEIVER SENSITIVITY: l. Select channel 6. 2. Connect the signal generator to antenna connector J801. 3. Connect distortion analyzer between the orange and green wire (ground) on Filter-Unit. 4. Set the signal generator to best sensitivity (12 dB SINAD). 5. Adjust potentiometer R16-6 (Interface Unit) to the best sensitivity. 6. Adjust coils L101, L102, and L103 to Max. signal to noise ratio (best sensitivity). 7. Check that the sensitivity is better than 0.8 uV EMF for 12 dB SINAD. ADJUSTMENT OF SQUELCH: 1. Select channel 28. 2. Connect signal generator to antenna connector J801. 3. Set squelch control to Pos. 0. 4. Adjust signal generator to give -18 dB signal to noise ratio. 5. Set squelch control to Max. position (Pos. 8). 6. Adjust potentiometer R82-6 until the squelch just starts to cut the noise. 9545 PAGE 4-5 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II 4.7 TROUBLE-SHOOTING Trouble-shooting should only be attempted by persons with a sufficient technical background, who have the necessary measuring instruments at their disposal, and who have carefully studied the operation principles and structure of RT2047. Commence by ascertaining whether the fault is somewhere in the antenna circuit, the power source, the handset or in the transmitter - receiver unit. For help with trouble-shooting in the RT2047, the section 2 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION, contains diagrams, principal descriptions and drawings showing the location of the individual components. In the diagrams typical values are indicated for the DC and AC voltages, just as the test points are indicated in the diagrams. RT2047 has a number of trimming cores and trimmers, which must not be touched, unless adjustments like specified under section 4.5 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE can be made. When measuring in the units, short-circuits must be avoided as the transistors could be destroyed. A great help for trouble-shooting is the TEST PROGRAMMES FOR RT2047 mentioned in section 3. of the manual: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IDENTITY AND SERVICE PROGRAMMING OF VHF RT2047. Therefore we recommend all service personal to read sections 3,4 and 5 where the fault finding facilities in the test programmes are located. 4.8 REPLACEMENT OF COMPONENTS Changing of transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors and similar components will involve the use of a small “pencil” soldering iron of 30 to 75 Watt rating. The soldering must be performed rapidly to avoid over heating, and the use of a tin sucker is recommended, as there is a risk that both the components and the printed circuit will be damaged otherwise. 4.9 REPLACEMENT OF MODULES If a fault has been located to certain module time can be saved by replacing it and repairing it on a later occasion. PAGE 4-6 9545 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II 4.10 NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS AFTER REPLACEMENT OF A MODULE 4.10.1 REPLACEMENT OF RECEIVER UNIT MODULE 100 1. 2. 3. 4. Adjustment of RF and IF amplifier, point 1 - 12. Alignment of detector, telephone-amplifier, LF-power-amplifier and the AF from Rx buffer, point 1 - 15. Adjustment and control of receiver sensitivity, point 1 - 7. Adjustment of Squelch, point 1 - 6. 4.10.2 REPLACEMENT OF RX-SYNTHESIZER MODULE 200 Normally the module is adjusted from the factory. Just control the frequency on the soldering point for FL01 to Rx on a simplex channels e.g. oh. 6 to be in Rx-mode: 156.300 MHz - 21.4 MHz = 134.900 MHz and in Tx-mode: 156.300 MHz - 16.8 MHz = 139.500 Mhz. 4.10.3 REPLACEMENT OF TX-EXCITER MODULE 300 Follow the procedure in section 4.5.3. Adjustment of Tx-exciter: 1. 2. Control of frequencies and DC-control voltage to VCO, point 1 - 5. Adjustment of Tx-drive level, point 1 - 5. 4.10.4 REPLACEMENT OF TX-POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE 400 Follow the procedure in section 4.5.4. Adjustment of Tx-Power Amplifier about adjustment of output power, point 1 - 7. 4.10.5 REPLACEMENT OF INTERFACE UNIT MODULE 6/600 1. 2. 3. 4. 9545 Follow the procedure in section 4.5.1. Adjustment of Interface Unit about adjustment and control of voltage regulators, point 1 - 9 and adjustment of the SELCALL TEST TONE. Section 4.5.5. Adjustment of Modulation on Interface Unit, point 1-13. Section 4.5.6. Adjustment of Receiver Unit about adjustment of Telephone-amplifier, LF-poweramplifier and the AF from Rx buffer amplifier, point 1 - 15, leaving out point 3, 5 and 8 and about adjustment of squelch, point 1 - 6. Section 4.5.4. Adjustment of TX-Power Amplifier, point 5 - 7. PAGE 4-7 4 SERVICE PAGE 4-8 RT2047 DSC - PART II 9545 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II 4.11 PIN CONFIGURATION 9545 PAGE 4-9 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II 4.12 PIN CONFIGURATIONS, BLOCK & SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS FOR IC’S MC6805U3 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER PIN ARRANGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM MC68HC705C8 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER PIN ARRANGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM PAGE 4-10 9545 4 SERVICE NMC93C56N PIN ARRANGEMENT RT2047 DSC - PART II BLOCK DIAGRAM LM393N PIN ARRANGEMENT 9545 PAGE 4-11 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II MC145146 4-BIT DATA BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER PIN ARRANGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM MC3361 FM IF AMPLIFIER, LIMITER AND DETECTOR PIN ARRANGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM MC1458CP DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER CONNECTION DIAGRAM PAGE 4-12 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC 9545 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II MC1413 HIGH-VOLTAGE, HIGH-CURRENT TRANSISTOR ARRAYS PIN CONNECTIONS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM LM324 LOW POWER QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS CONNECTION DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (EACH AMPLIFIER) LF347 4 x JFET INPUT OP. AMP. CONNECTION DIAGRAM SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC 9545 PAGE 4-13 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II LM393 LOW POWER LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE COMPARATORS CONNECTION DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM LM358 LOW POWER DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS CONNECTION DIAGRAM (TOP VIEW) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (EACH AMPLIFIER) LM3046 TRANSISTOR ARRAYS SCHEMATIC AND CONNECTION DIAGRAM PAGE 4-14 9545 4 SERVICE 9545 RT2047 DSC - PART II SN74LS290 DECADE COUNTER SN74LS293 BINARY COUNTER FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM LS290 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM LS293 SN74LS113AN DUAL J-K FLIP-FLOP SN74LS10N TRIPLE 3-INPUT NAND GATES PAGE 4-15 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II MC14013B DUAL TYPE D FLIP-FLOP BLOCK DIAGRAM LOGIC DIAGRAM MC14094B 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REGISTER PIN ARRANGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM PAGE 4-16 9545 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II MC14569B HIGH SPEED PROGRAMABLE DIVIDE-BY-N DUAL 4 BIT BCD/BINARY COUNTER PIN ARRANGEMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM MC14066B QUAD ANALOG SWITCH QUAD MULTIPLEXER BLOCK DIAGRAM CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC 9545 PAGE 4-17 4 SERVICE RT2047 DSC - PART II TDA2002 AF POWER AMP. CONNECTION DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MC12015 TWO-MODULUS PRESCALER PRESCALER BLOCK DIAGRAM MC14069UB HEX INVERTER LOGIC DIAGRAM CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC PAGE 4-18 9545 RT2047 DSC - PART II CONTENTS 5 9546 PARTS LISTS 5-1 RT2047 DSC - PART II 5 PARTS LIST MAIN CHASSIS RT2047/D POSITION DESCRIPTION -1/100 -2/200 -3/300 -4/400 -6/600 -7/700 -9/900 VARIOUS C801 C802 C803 C804 C805 C806 DF801 J801 J802 J803 LS801 P801 P802 R801 RECEIVER RX-SYNTHESISER TX-EXCITER TX-POWER AMPLIFIER INTERFACE UNIT KEYBOARD UNIT FILTER UNIT MICROTELEPHONE FOR CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC DUPLEX FILTER ANTENNA JACK (FEMALE) SUPPLY JACK (FEMALE) SOCKET SUB D 9 POLES LOUDSPEAKER AERIAL PLUG SUPPLY JACK (MALE) RESISTOR MF MODULE 800 S.P.RADIO A/S VHF RADIOTELEFON DUPLEX 862047 MANUFACTOR TYPE ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S KCK KCK FERROPERM KCK KCK KCK ECI A/S KAJ V HANSEN HIRSCHMANN EDA INC. VIFA * RODAN HIRSCHMANN PHILIPS 4-6-32127B /4-0-32127B 5-0-23694D 5-0-23695D 5-0-23973B 5-0-27746D/4-0-27746D 5-0-27747C/4-0-27747B 700118 MICROTELEPHONE HM60 SJ YB 471 K HM60 SJ YB 471 K 9/0138,9 U/LAK+TR•D HM60 SJ YB 471 K HM60 SJ YB 471 K HM11 SJ YE 472 Z DF 801 SO239 973025-100 8SO-009SS-204T S06FB-03-08 PL259/LODDE/TEFLON INDER 973020-100 2322 181 53153 MICROTELEPHONE w. CRADLE CRY2001/RE2100/RT2048 ECI A/S 3-0-25772 725772 POSITION DESCRIPTION MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. VARIOUS VARIOUS VARIOUS HANDSET HOLDER MICROTELEPHONE FOR LOCKING SCREW f. DCONN. KORONA PLAST ECI A/S SOURIAU 0-3-29132A 700118 MICROTELEPHONE 8630-05 RECEIVERMODULE 100 MODULE 100 MODULE 200 MODULE 300 MODULE 400 & 500 MODULE 6/600 MODULE 7/700 MODULE 700 CRY2001, RT2048 & RE2100 470pF 10% 400VDC 470pF 10% 400VDC 1nF -20/+80% 400V 470pF 10% 400VDC 470pF 10% 400VDC 4n7F -20/80% 500VDC CL2 DF 801 SO239 MEK 60 BZ SOLDER VERSION 4-40 NUT 8 OHM PL259 MESEI 60 15k OHM 5% 0.4W CRY2001, RT2048 & RE2100 ECI A/S 600009 600012 600100 600013 627746 627747 727749 700118 16.096 16.096 16.152 16.096 16.096 16.155 700084 78.504 78.309 78.172 46.040 78.502 78.320 01.229 48.669 700118 78.755 4-6-32127B /4-0-32127B 600009 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. 2.7pF +/- 0.1pF 9/0112.9RT-HM60 SK CH 100 J RT-HM60 SK CH 6R8 C 5-0-32127B / 1-0-32127A RT-HM60 SK CH 6R8 C RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K 2.7pF +/- 0.1pF 9/0112.9RT-HM60 SK CH 100 J RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K RT-HM60-SK CH 5R1 C RT-HM60 SK 8R2 C 5-0-32127B / 1-0-32127A RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K RT-HM60 SK 8R2 C 2.2pF +/- 0.1pF 9/0112.99/0216,8 2222 370 88472 9/0216,8 RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K 2222 370 88472 RT-HE50 SK PH 330 J 9/0213,8 B32510-D6103-K000 RT-HM60 SK CH 150 J B32510-D6103-K000 B32510-D6103-K000 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 431 82401 POSITION DESCRIPTION C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC RECEIVER (100) RT2047 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC RECEIVER (100) RT2047 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT 2p7F +/-0.1pF NPO 250VDC 10pF 5% NPO 500VDC 6p8F +-0.25pF NPO 500VDC FERROPERM KCK KCK 6p8F +-0.25pF NPO 500VDC 470pF 10% 500VDC 2p7F +/-0.1pF NPO 250VDC 10pF 5% NPO 500VDC 470pF 10% 500VDC 470pF 10% 500VDC 5p1F +/-0.25pF NPO 500VDC 8p2F +-0.25pF NPO 500VDC KCK KCK FERROPERM KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK 470pF 10% 500VDC 8p2F +-0.25pF NPO 500VDC 2p2F +/-0.1pF NPO 400VDC 390P 25V 5% N150 4n7F 10% 63VDC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE 470pF 10% 500VDC 4n7F 10% 63VDC 33pF 5% N150 50VDC 100pF 5% N33 25V 10nF 10% 400V 15pF 5% NPO 500VDC 10nF 10% 400V 10nF 10% 400V 100nF 10% 63VDC 240pF 1% 630VDC KCK KCK FERROPERM FERROPERM PHILIPS FERROPERM KCK PHILIPS KCK #FERROPERM SIEMENS KCK SIEMENS SIEMENS PHILIPS PHILIPS 9810 PART NO. 15.516 15.565 15.023 51.783 15.023 16.095 15.516 15.565 16.095 16.095 15.539 15.030 51.783 16.095 15.030 15.513 15.800 11.374 15.778 16.095 11.374 15.092 15.781 11.381 15.590 11.381 11.381 11.136 10.410 PAGE 5-1 6 PARTSLIST RT2047 DSC - PART II POSITION DESCRIPTION C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 C136 C137 C138 C139 C140 C141 C142 C143 C144 C145 D101 D102 D103 D104 FL101 FL102 U101 U102 L101 L102 L103 L104 L105 L106 L107 L108 L111 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 R117 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R125 R126 R127 R128 R129 Q101 Q102 Q103 Q104 X101 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR POLYSTERENE CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC DIODE CAPASITANCE DIODE CAPASITANCE DIODE CAPASITANCE DIODE CAPASITANCE CRYSTAL FILTER 33pF 5% N150 50VDC 120pF 1% 630V 100nF 10% 63VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 180pF 1% 630VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 330nF 5% 63VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 1nF 10% 50VDC CL2 1nF 10% 50VDC CL2 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 13pF/9VDC 13pF/9VDC 13pF/9VDC 13pF/9VDC 21.4 MHz NBFM IF SYSTEM POS. VOLTAGE REG. FIXED COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL CHOKE FIXED COIL RF 568nH ADJUSTABLE COIL RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF TRANSISTOR RF TRANSISTOR N-CHAN. JFET TRANSISTOR MOSFET TRANSISTOR AF MC3361 5V/0.1A 78L05AC TL355 TL356 TL357 TL358 TL360 TL361 4u7H 10% PAGE 5-2 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. KCK #PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS ERO ERO ERO ERO PHILIPS ERO KCK KCK KCK TOSHIBA TOSHIBA TOSHIBA TOSHIBA NDK RT-HE50 SK PH 330 J 2222 431 81201 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 431 81801 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 370 79334 EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K 2222 370 75104 (78104) EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K RT-SK-HE50 SJYB 102 K RT-SK-HE50 SJYB 102 K RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z 1SV101 in matched group 1SV101 in matched group 1SV101 in matched group 1SV101 in matched group 21F15DH STETT, CFU 455 D2 MC 3361 N MC78L05ACP RA 6-0-23627 6-0-23628 6-0-23629 6-0-23630 6-0-23632A 6-0-23633 B78108-T1472-K P-75B / 2175-2239-1025 6-0-23631 2322 181 53333 2322 181 53333 2322 181 53181 2322 181 53152 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53333 2322 181 53333 2322 181 53331 2322 181 53122 MUB 0207-50-5%-3k9 2322 181 53829 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53123 2322 181 53103 MUB 0207-50-5%-10R MUB 0207-50-5%-150R 2322 181 53151 2322 156 15362 2322 181 53152 2322 181 53433 2322 181 53392 2322 181 53473 2322 181 53273 2322 181 53273 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53221 2322 181 53471 2322 181 53221 BF979 TM00 044-2 BF961 BC547BZL1 20,9450MHZ 20PPM HC43/U 15.092 10.403 11.136 11.136 10.407 11.136 11.184 14.512 14.512 14.512 14.512 11.136 14.512 16.160 16.160 15.170 26.135 26.135 26.135 26.135 40.022 81004552 31.325 31.135 400355 400356 400357 400358 400360 400361 20.355 38.432 400359 01.237 01.237 01.181 01.204 01.216 01.237 01.237 01.187 01.202 01.714 01.172 01.208 01.227 01.225 01.650 01.679 01.179 03.418 01.204 01.240 01.214 01.241 01.235 01.235 01.225 01.225 01.183 01.191 01.183 28.250 29.736 29.755 28.067 38350131 PHILIPS MOTOROLA ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S SIEMENS SUMIDA ELEC.CO. TL359 ECI A/S 33k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 33k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 180 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 1k5 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 33k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 33k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 330 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 1k2 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 3k9 OHM 5% 0.4W S BEYSCHLAG 82 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 12k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 10k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 10 OHM 5% 0.4W S BEYSCHLAG 150 OHM 5% 0.4W S BEYSCHLAG 150 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 5k36 OHM 1% 0.6W PHILIPS 1k5 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 43k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 3k9 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 47k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 27k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 27k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 10k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 10k OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 220 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 470 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS 220 OHM 5% 0.4W PHILIPS LOW POWER PNP BF979/BF479 TELEFUNKEN AG TIS88A2 MOTOROLA BF961 TFK* BC547B NPN TO-92 MOT. 9810 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION RX-SYNTHESISER POSITION DESCRIPTION C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C210 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C226 C227 C228 C229 C230 C231 C232 C233 C234 C235 C236 C237 C238 C239 C240 C241 C242 C243 C244 C245 C246 C247 D201 D202 D203 D204 IC201 IC202 L205 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR POLYESTER CAPACITOR POLYESTER CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR POLYESTER CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR POLYESTER CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC DIODE CAPASITANCE DIODE DIODE DIODE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHOKE RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF POTENTIOMETER TRIMMING RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF 9810 RT2047 DSC - PART II MODULE 200 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 27pF 5% N150 50VDC 10pF 5% NPO 500VDC 27pF 5% N150 50VDC 27pF 5% N150 50VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 33uF 20% 16VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 16pF 5% N150 50VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 15pF 5% NPO 500VDC 150nF 10% 100VDC 68nF 10% 250V 820pF 1% 250VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 22pF 5% N150 500VDC 68nF 10% 250V 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 2u2F 10% 100VDC 100pF 5% N150 500V 1nF 10% 50VDC CL2 1nF 10% 50VDC CL2 33uF 20% 16VDC 100nF 10% 100VDC 1nF 10% 50VDC CL2 100nF 10% 50V 0.22uF 10% 100V 33uF 20% 16VDC 33uF 20% 16VDC 33pF 5% N150 400V 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 33uF 20% 16VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 13pF/9VDC BAW62 HIGH SPEED BAW62 HIGH SPEED BAW62 HIGH SPEED MC12015P 4BIT SER.INP.PLL SYNTHES 4u7H 10% 1k5 OHM 5% 0.4W S 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W S 68 OHM 5% 0.4W S 33 OHM 5% 0.4W 68 OHM 5% 0.4W 390 OHM 5% 0.4W 560 OHM 5% 0.4W 560 OHM 5% 0.4W 470 OHM 10% 0.5W 56k OHM 5% 0.4W 33 OHM 5% 0.4W 5k6 OHM 5% 0.4W S 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 68 OHM 5% 0.4W MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. ECI A/S 5-0-23694D 600012 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK ERO KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK PHILIPS ERO PHILIPS KCK KCK ERO KCK ERO #KCK KCK KCK ERO ERO KCK SIEMENS PHILIPS* ERO ERO #KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK ERO KCK KCK TOSHIBA PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SIEMENS BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS* PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HE50 SK PH 270 J RT-HM60 SK CH 100 J RT-HE50 SK PH 270 J RT-HE50 SK PH 270 J RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HE40-SK PH 160 J RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60 SK CH 150 J 2222 372 28154 MKT1822 2222 430 88201 RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM SK PH 220 J MKT1822 RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K MKT 1822-522/01 5 R HM11SJPH101J RT-SK-HE50 SJYB 102 K RT-SK-HE50 SJYB 102 K EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K MKT 1822-410/01 5 RT-SK-HE50 SJYB 102 K B37987-F5104-K000 2222 369 28224 EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K HM74SJPH330J RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K 1SV101 in matched group BAW62-143 BAW62-143 BAW62-143 MC12015P SC145146P B78108-T1472-K MUB 0207-50-5%-1k5 MUB 0207-50-5%-1k0 MUB 0207-50-5%-68R 2322 181 53339 2322 181 53689 2322 181 53391 2322 181 53561 2322 181 53561 2322 484 75471 2322 181 53563 2322 181 53339 MUB 0207-50-5%-5k6 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53689 16.090 16.090 16.090 16.090 16.090 15.812 15.565 15.812 15.812 16.090 14.518 16.090 16.090 15.057 16.090 16.090 15.590 11.074 11.102 10.348 16.090 15.062 11.102 16.090 11.142 15.132 16.160 16.160 14.518 11.073 16.160 16.305 11.075 14.518 14.518 15.083 16.090 16.090 16.090 16.090 16.090 16.090 16.090 16.090 14.518 16.090 16.090 26.135 25.350 25.350 25.350 32.850 33.490 20.137 01.704 01.700 01.670 01.162 01.170 01.189 01.193 01.193 07.651 01.243 01.162 01.718 01.200 01.170 PAGE 5-3 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R222 R223 R224 R225 R226 R227 R228 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 R234 T201 T202 T203 T204 T205 T206 T207 T208 T209 T210 L201 L202 L203 L204 L206 L207 RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF TRANSISTOR RF TRANSISTOR JFET TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR RF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL TX-EXCITER POSITION DESCRIPTION C301 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C309 C310 C311 C312 C313 C314 C315 C316 C317 C318 C319 C320 C321 C322 C323 C324 C325 C326 C327 C328 C329 C330 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR STYROFLEX PAGE 5-4 RT2047 DSC - PART II MANUFACTOR TYPE 330 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k5 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 27 OHM 5% 0.4W 180 OHM 5% 0.4W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W S 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 6k8 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 390k OHM 5% 0.4W 100 OHM 5% 0.4W 820 OHM 5% 0.4W 390 OHM 5% 0.4W 120 OHM 5% 0.4W S 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 12k OHM 5% 0.4W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 120 OHM 5% 0.4W BFW92A TIS88A3 TO-92 BC548B NPN TO-92 BFW92A BC558B BC548B NPN TO-92 BC549B BC549B BC548B NPN TO-92 BC558B TL370 TL368 TL375 TL376 TL369 TL371 PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS TFK MOTORPLA PHILIPS TFK ITT/MOT PHILIPS PHILIPS* PHILIPS* PHILIPS ITT/MOT S.P.RADIO ECI A/S ECI A/S S.P.RADIO S.P.RADIO ECI A/S 2322 181 53331 2322 181 53152 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53279 2322 181 53181 MUB 0207-50-5%-4k7 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53682 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53394 2322 181 53101 2322 181 53821 2322 181 53391 MUB 0207-50-5%-120R 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53123 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53121 BFW92A TM 00 044-3 BC548B-126 BFW92A BC558B BC548B-126 BC549B-126 BC549B-126 BC548B-126 BC558B 6-0-23686 6-0-23592 6-0-23696B 6-0-23697C 6-0-23662 6-0-23687 MODULE 300 ECI A/S 5-0-23695D 600100 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. KCK KCK #KCK KCK KCK KCK #KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS KCK KCK KCK SIEMENS KCK ERO SIEMENS KCK SIEMENS #PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS SIEMENS SIEMENS RT-HE80-SK YD 472 M RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K HM74SJPH390J RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K HM74SJPH330J RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HM60 SK CH 180 J RT-HM60 SK CH 150 J B32510-D6103-K000 B32510-D6103-K000 B32510-D6103-K000 B32510-D1224-K000 RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K B32510-D1224-K000 RT-SK-HE50 SJYB 102 K EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K B32510-D6103-K000 RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K B32510-D6103-K000 2222 431 88209 2222 689 46181 2222 431 81801 2222 689 46181 B32510-D6103-K000 B31063-B1470-H000 4n7F 20% CL2 50VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 39pF 5% N150 500V 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 33pF 5% N150 400V 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 18pF 5% NPO 500VDC 15pF 5% NPO 500VDC 10nF 10% 400V 10nF 10% 400V 10nF 10% 400V 220nF 10% 100V 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220nF 10% 100V 1nF 10% 50VDC CL2 33uF 20% 16VDC 10nF 10% 400V 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 10nF 10% 400V 82pF 1% 630V 180pF 2% N330 100VDC 180pF 1% 630VDC 180pF 2% N330 100VDC 10nF 10% 400V 47pF 2,5% 160V PART NO. 01.187 01.204 01.200 01.160 01.181 01.716 01.216 01.220 01.225 01.264 01.175 01.197 01.189 01.677 01.200 01.212 01.227 01.212 01.208 01.177 29.160 29.737 28.076 29.160 28.100 28.076 28.080 28.080 28.076 28.100 400370 400368 400375 400376 400369 400371 15.165 16.090 15.095 16.090 16.090 16.090 15.083 16.090 15.170 15.060 15.590 11.381 11.381 11.381 11.225 16.090 16.090 16.090 11.225 16.160 14.518 11.381 16.090 11.381 10.398 16.168 10.407 16.168 11.381 10.168 9810 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION C331 C332 C333 C334 C335 C336 C337 C338 C339 C340 C341 C342 C343 C344 C345 C346 C347 C348 C349 C350 C351 C352 C353 C354 C355 C356 D301 D302 D303 FP301 FP302 IC301 IC302 IC303 IC304 IC305 IC306 L301 L302 L303 L304 L305 L306 L307 L308 L309 L310 L311 R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R308 R309 R310 R311 R312 R313 R314 R315 R316 R317 R318 R319 R320 R321 R322 R323 R324 R325 R326 CAPACITOR TRIMMING CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT DIODE DIODE CAPASITANCE DIODE FERRITE BEAD FERRITE BEAD INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DECADE UP COUNTER CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE FIXED COIL COIL COIL COIL COIL CHOKE RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF 9810 RT2047 DSC - PART II 2-18pF PTFE 27pF 5% N150 50VDC 12pF 5% NPO 500VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 33uF 20% 16VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 12pF 5% NPO 500VDC 5p1F +/-0.25pF N150 500V 10pF 5% N150 500VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 8p2F +/-0.25pF N150 500V 4.7uF 20% 50VDC 3n3F 5% 400V 33nF 5% 250V 100pF 5% N150 500V 1uF 20% 50VDC 8,2nF 1% 160V 10nF 20% 100VDC 100nF 10% 100VDC 0.22uF 20% 50VDC 220nF 10% 100V 10nF 10% 400V BAW62 HIGH SPEED 13pF/9VDC BAW62 HIGH SPEED •3,7x•1.2x3.5mm GRADE 3B •3.7x•1.2x3.5mm GRADE 4B1 SN74LS293N SN74LS113AN SN74LS10N SN74LS113AN SN74LS113AN SN74LS290N 2.2uH 10% 15uH 10% 15uH 10% 1uH 10% 470nH 10% TL374 TL373 TL372 TL375 TL376 4u7H 10% 47 OHM 5% 0.4W S 12 OHM 5% 0.4W 470 OHM 5% 0.4W S 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W S 56 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W S 82 OHM 5% 0.4W 470 OHM 5% 0.4W S 12 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k5 OHM 5% 0.4W S 3k9 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k2 OHM 5% 0.4W S 270 OHM 5% 0.4W 56 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W S 33 OHM 5% 0.4W 82 OHM 5% 0.4W 560 OHM 5% 0.4W S 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 47k OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W S 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W S 390 OHM 5% 0.4W S 150 OHM 5% 0.4W MANUFACTOR TYPE DAU KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK ERO KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK ERO SIEMENS SIEMENS #KCK ERO #PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS ERO SIEMENS SIEMENS PHILIPS TOSHIBA PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS FAIRCHILD* MOTOROLA* TEXAS* MOTOROLA* MOTOROLA* MOTOROLA FERROPERM FERROPERM FERROPERM FERROPERM SIEMENS ECI A/S S.P.RADIO ECI A/S ECI A/S S.P.RADIO SIEMENS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS 107.2901.018 RT-HE50 SK PH 270 J RT-HM60-SK CH 120 J RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK CH 120 J RT-HM60-SK PH 5R1 C RT-HM60-SK PH 100 J RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K RT-HM60-SK PH 8R2 C EKI 00 AA 147 H M5K B32520-B6332-J-289 B32510-D3333-J000 HM11SJPH101J EKI 00 AA 110 H M5K 2222 429 88202 2222 370 38103 2222 371 28104 EKI 00 AA 022 H M0E B32510-D1224-K000 B32510-D6103-K000 BAW62-143 1SV101 in matched group BAW62-143 4322 020 34400 4322 020 34420 74LS293P SN74LS113AN SN74LS10N SN74LS113AN SN74LS113AN SN74LS290N 1582 1582 1582 1582 B78108-T3471-K 6-0-23690 6-0-23689 6-0-23688 6-0-23696B 6-0-23697C B78108-T1472-K MUB 0207-50-5%-47R 2322 181 53129 MUB 0207-50-5%-470R MUB 0207-50-5%-2k2 2322 181 53569 MUB 0207-50-5%-2k2 2322 181 53829 MUB 0207-50-5%-470R 2322 181 53129 MUB 0207-50-5%-1k5 2322 181 53392 MUB 0207-50-5%-1k2 2322 181 53271 2322 181 53569 MUB 0207-50-5%-2k2 2322 181 53339 2322 181 53829 MUB 0207-50-5%-560R 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53473 MUB 0207-50-5%-2k2 2322 181 53102 MUB 0207-50-5%-3k3 MUB 0207-50-5%-390R 2322 181 53151 PART NO. 17.100 15.812 15.575 16.090 16.090 16.090 14.518 16.090 16.090 15.575 16.107 16.113 16.090 16.090 16.112 14.510 11.371 11.497 15.132 14.506 10.298 11.168 11.219 14.502 11.225 11.381 25.350 26.135 25.350 35.180 35.181 34.260 33.841 33.534 33.841 33.841 34.251 20.131 20.152 20.152 20.115 20.075 400374 400373 400372 400375 400376 20.137 01.666 01.152 01.691 01.708 01.168 01.708 01.172 01.691 01.152 01.704 01.214 01.702 01.185 01.168 01.708 01.162 01.172 01.693 01.212 01.200 01.241 01.708 01.200 01.712 01.689 01.179 PAGE 5-5 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION R327 R328 R329 R330 R331 R332 R333 R334 R335 R336 R337 R338 R339 R341 R342 R343 R344 R345 R346 R347 R348 R349 R350 R351 R352 R353 R354 R355 R356 R357 T301 T302 T303 T304 T305 T306 T307 T308 T309 T310 T311 T312 T313 T314 X3O1 RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR RF TRANSISTOR RF SWITCH TRANSISTOR RF SWITCH TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR RF TRANSISTOR JFET TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR CRYSTAL TX-POWER AMPLIFIER POSITION DESCRIPTION C401 C402 C403 C404 C405 C406 C407 C408 C409 C410 C411 C412 C413 C414 C415 C417 C418 C419 C420 C421 C422 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR TRIMMING CAPACITOR TRIMMING CAPACITOR MULTI LAYER CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MULTI LAYER CAPACITOR MULTI LAYER CAPACITOR TRIMMING CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAM. SMD 1210 CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAM. SMD 1210 CAPACITOR TRIMMING CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAM. SMD 1210 CAPACITOR MKT PAGE 5-6 RT2047 DSC - PART II MANUFACTOR TYPE 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 560 OHM 5% 0.4W S 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 15k OHM 5% 0.4W 10 OHM 5% 0.4W 330 OHM 5% 0.4W 33 OHM 5% 0.4W 22 OHM 5% 0.4W S 560 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 100 OHM 5% 0.4W 82 OHM 5% 0.4W 200 OHM 10% 0.5W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 560 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k7 OHM 5% 0.4W S 270 OHM 5% 0.4W S 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W S 3k9 OHM 5% 0.4W S 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 6k81 OHM 1% 0.6W 6k81 OHM 1% 0.6W 82 OHM 5% 0.4W S 1k18 OHM 1% 0.6W 6k34 OHM 1% 0.6W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 22k OHM 5% 0.4W S 15k OHM 5% 0.4W S 10 OHM 5% 0.4W BF 506 BF 506 BF 506 BF199 2N2369A 2N2369A BF 506 BF 506 J310 LOW POWER PNP BF979/BF479 TIS88A3 TO-92 BC558B BC549C BC549C 21.0 MHz NC-25B PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA SIEMENS SIEMENS SILICONIX TELEFUNKEN AG MOTORPLA ITT/MOT PHILIPS* PHILIPS* DANTRONIC* 2322 181 53102 MUB 0207-50-5%-560R 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53153 2322 181 53109 2322 181 53331 2322 181 53339 MUB 0207-50-5%-22R 2322 181 53561 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53101 2322 181 53829 3386P-Y91-201 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53561 MUB 0207-50-5%-2k7 MUB 0207-50-5%-270R MUB 0207-50-5%-2k2 MUB 0207-50-5%-3k9 2322 181 53103 2322 156 16812 2322 156 16812 MUB 0207-50-5%-82R 2322 156 11182 2322 156 16342 2322 181 53472 MUB 0207-50-5%-22k MUB 0207-50-5%-15k 2322 181 53109 BF506-E6325 BF506-E6325 BF506-E6325 BF199ZL1 2N2369A 2N2369A BF506-E6325 BF506-E6325 J310 BF979 TM 00 044-3 BC558B BC549C-126 BC549C-126 21MHz NC25B MODULE 400 & 500 ECI A/S 5-0-23973B 600013 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. KCK FERROPERM FERROPERM KCK KCK KCK DAU DAU TEKELEC SIEMENS TEKELEC TEKELEC DAU SIEMENS TEKELEC ERO TEKELEC DAU ERO FERROPERM SIEMENS RT-HM60 SK CH 180 J 33pF +-5% 9/0112.9-400V 33pF +-5% 9/0112.9-400V RT-HM60 SK CH 180 J RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K 109.4901.060 109.3901.038 101 S41 L 220K T B32511-D1474-K000 101 S41 L 680K T 101 S41 L 680K T 107.3901.027 B32529-B333-K-289 101 S41 L 330K T EKI 00 AA 147 H M5K 101 S41 L 330K T 109.4901.060 EKI 00 AA 147 H M5K 56pF-10%-HQ-1210-200/400V B32529-B333-K-289 18pF 5% NPO 500VDC 33pF 5% NPO 400VDC 33pF 5% NPO 400VDC 18pF 5% NPO 500VDC 470pF 10% 500VDC 470pF 10% 500VDC 5-60pF PTFE •9 3.5-38pF PTFE 22pF 10% HQ 100V 470nF 10% 100V 68pF 10% HQ 100V 68pF 10% HQ 100V 3.9-27pF PTFE 33nF 20% 63V 33pF 10% P90 100VDC 4.7uF 20% 50VDC 33pF 10% P90 100VDC 5-60pF PTFE •9 4.7uF 20% 50VDC 56pF 10% P90 100VDC 33nF 20% 63V PART NO. 01.200 01.693 01.208 01.225 01.229 01.150 01.187 01.162 01.658 01.193 01.208 01.175 01.172 07.884 01.225 01.193 01.710 01.685 01.708 01.714 01.225 03.419 03.419 01.672 03.226 03.228 01.216 01.733 01.729 01.150 28.202 28.202 28.202 28.178 28.315 28.315 28.202 28.202 29.725 28.250 29.737 28.100 28.082 28.082 39.838 15.060 15.608 15.608 15.060 16.095 16.095 17.210 17.120 16.271 11.388 16.273 16.273 17.110 11.298 16.272 14.510 16.272 17.210 14.510 16.285 11.298 9810 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION C423 C424 C425 C426 C427 C428 C429 FP401 FP402 FP403 L401 L402 L403 L404 L405 L406 L407 L409 L410 L411 L412 L413 L414 L415 L416 L417 L419 L420 L421 R401 R402 R403 R404 R405 R406 T401 T402 T403 C501 C502 D501 RE501 CAPACITOR TRIMMING CAPACITOR CERAMIC PI-FILTER 2x1n5 + 0.5uH PI-FILTER 2x1n5 + 0.5uH PI-FILTER 2x1n5 + 0.5uH CAPACITOR CERAM. SMD 1210 CAPACITOR MULTI LAYER FERRITE BEAD FERRITE BEAD FERRITE BEAD COIL COIL COIL COIL PRINTED COIL PRINTED COIL CHOKE FIXED CHOKE FIXED COIL CHOKE FIXED COIL COIL PRINTED CHOKE FIXED CHOKE FIXED COIL COIL PRINTED CHOKE FIXED COIL PRINTED COIL PRINTED RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR RF CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC DIODE GENERAL PURPOSE RELAY DPDT INTERFACE UNIT POSITION DESCRIPTION C1-6 C2-6 C3-6 C4-6 C5-6 C6-6 C7-6 C8-6 C9-6 C10-6 C11-6 C12-6 C13-6 C14-6 C15-6 C16-6 C17-6 C18-6 C19-6 C20-6 C21-6 C22-6 C23-6 C24-6 CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE 9810 RT2047 DSC - PART II MANUFACTOR TYPE 5-45pF PTFE 56pF 5% NPO 5ADC 5ADC 5ADC 33pF 10% P90 100VDC 82pF 10% HQ 100V •3,7x•1.2x3.5mm GRADE 3B •3,7x•1.2x3.5mm GRADE 3B •3,7x•1.2x3.5mm GRADE 3B TL367 TL367 TL367 DAU #KCK FERROPERM FERROPERM FERROPERM TEKELEC TEKELEC PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS ECI A/S ECI A/S ECI A/S TL067 150nH 10% 150nH 10% TL067 150nH 10% TL067 ECI A/S SIEMENS SIEMENS ECI A/S SIEMENS ECI A/S 150nH 10% 150nH 10% TL366 SIEMENS SIEMENS ECI A/S 330nH 10% SIEMENS 22 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 68 OHM 5% 0.4W 22 OHM 5% 0.4W 180 OHM 5% 0.4W 82 OHM 5% 0.4W MRF240 MRF237 2N4427 470pF 10% 500VDC 470pF 10% 500VDC BAV21 200V/0.25A 12VDC 2A PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA KCK KCK PHILIPS SDS 107.5901.045 HE60SJCH560J 138.64001 138.64001 138.64001 101 S41 L 330K T 101 S41 L 820K T 4322 020 34400 4322 020 34400 4322 020 34400 6-0-23639 6-0-23639 6-0-23639 5-0-23973B 5-0-23973B 6-0-20854A B78108-T3151-K B78108-T3151-K 6-0-20854A B78108-T3151-K 6-0-20854A 5-0-23973B B78108-T3151-K B78108-T3151-K 6-0-23638 5-0-23973B B78108-T3331-K 5-0-23973B 5-0-23973B 2322 181 53229 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53689 2322 181 53229 2322 181 53181 2322 181 53829 MRF 240 MRF237 2N4427 RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K BAV21 NF2-EB-12V MODULE 6/600 ECI A/S 5-0-27746D/4-0-27746D 627746 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS KCK KCK KCK SAMHWA ELEC. PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS ERO PHILIPS ERO ERO ERO ERO PHILIPS ERO ERO PHILIPS #PHILIPS ERO ERO PHILIPS 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 370 79334 2222 370 79334 RT-HM60 SK YB 471 K RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z SV-1000uF-35WV 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 370 79224 EKI 00 AA 147 H M5K 2222 370 75104 (78104) EKM 00 CC 310 E G5 EKI 00 AA 110 H M5K MKT 1826-447/06 4-G MKT 1826-447/06 4-G 2222 370 89223 EKI 00 AA 147 H M5K EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K 2222 370 38103 2222 429 81302 EKI 00 BB 310 C M0E EKM 00 CC 310 E G5 2222 429 84702 100nF 10% 63VDC 330nF 5% 63VDC 330nF 5% 63VDC 470pF 10% 500VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 1000uF 20% 35VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 220nF 5% 63VDC 4.7uF 20% 50VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 100uF -10/+50% 25VDC 1uF 20% 50VDC 470nF 5% 63VDC 470nF 5% 63VDC 22nF 5% 100VDC 4.7uF 20% 50VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 10nF 20% 100VDC 1.3nF 1% 160V 100uF 20% 10VDC 100uF -10/+50% 25VDC 4n70F 1% 160VDC PART NO. 17.130 15.111 16.515 16.515 16.515 16.272 16.274 35.180 35.180 35.180 400367 400367 400367 51.784 51.784 400067 20.101 20.101 400067 20.101 400067 51.784 20.101 20.101 400366 51.784 20.107 51.784 51.784 01.158 01.208 01.170 01.158 01.181 01.172 29.252 29.249 28.330 16.095 16.095 25.340 21.193 11.136 11.184 11.184 16.095 15.170 15.170 14.655 11.136 11.136 11.182 14.510 11.136 14.610 14.506 11.187 11.187 11.169 14.510 14.512 11.168 10.279 14.607 14.610 10.292 PAGE 5-7 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION C25-6 C26-6 C27-6 C28-6 C29-6 C30-6 C31-6 C32-6 C33-6 C34-6 C35-6 C36-6 C37-6 C38-6 C39-6 C40-6 C41-6 C42-6 C43-6 C44-6 C45-6 C46-6 C47-6 C48-6 C52-6 C53-6 C54-6 C56-6 C57-6 C58-6 C59-6 C60-6 C61-6 C62-6 C63-6 C64-6 C65-6 C66-6 C67-6 C68-6 C69-6 C70-6 C71-6 C72-6 C73-6 C74-6 C75-6 C76-6 C77-6 C78-6 C79-6 D1-6 D2-6 D3-6 D4-6 D7-6 D8-6 D9-6 D10-6 D11-6 D12-6 D13-6 D14-6 D16-6 D17-6 D20-6 F1-6 P1-6 P2-6 P3-6 P4-6 P5-6 P6-6 P7-6 CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR POLYSTYRENE CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR 18V DIODE DIODE DIODE GENERAL PURPOSE DIODE HIGH SPEED DIODE HIGH SPEED DIODE ZENER DIODE HIGH SPEED DIODE HIGH SPEED DIODE HIGH SPEED DIODE DIODE DIODE DIODE DIODE FUSE PLUG MT PLUG MT PLUG MT PLUG MT PLUG MT PLUG MT MULTI PLUG PAGE 5-8 RT2047 DSC - PART II 220nF 5% 63VDC 15nF 1% 160V 100uF -10/+50% 25VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 8,2nF 1% 160V 8,2nF 1% 160V 15nF 1% 160V 100nF 10% 63VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 1n00F 1% 250VDC 220pF 1% 630VDC 1n00F 1% 250VDC 22nF 5% 100VDC 3.3nF 1% 160V 22nF 5% 100VDC 22nF 5% 100VDC 220nF 5% 63VDC 220nF 5% 63VDC 470nF 5% 63VDC 220nF 5% 63VDC 220nF 5% 63VDC 4n7F 20% CL2 50VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 33uF 20% 16VDC 220nF 5% 63VDC 33uF 20% 16VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 4n7F 20% CL2 50VDC 220uF -20/+50% 16VDC 33uF 20% 16VDC 22nF 5% 100VDC 220uF -20/+50% 16VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 100nF 10% 63VDC 100uF -10/+50% 25VDC 220uF -10/+50% 40VDC 100nF 10% 63VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 4n7F 20% CL2 50VDC 220pF 10% 500VDC CL2 220uF -20/+50% 16VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 220nF 10% 63VDC 4n7F 20% CL2 50VDC 470nF 5% 63VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 10uF 20% 35VDC 1N6277A, PFZ18A, KE1.5KE1 1N4148 HIGH SPEED 1N4148 HIGH SPEED BAV21 200V/0.25A 1N4448 1N4448 5.1V 5% 0.4W BZX79C5V1 1N4448 1N4448 1N4448 BAW62 HIGH SPEED BAW62 HIGH SPEED 1N4148 HIGH SPEED 1N4148 HIGH SPEED 1N4148 HIGH SPEED 8AF 250V •5x20mm 2 POLES 11 POLES 9 POLES 10 POLES 6 POLES 7 POLE 2x8 POLES PCB VERSION MANUFACTOR TYPE PHILIPS #PHILIPS ERO ERO #PHILIPS #PHILIPS #PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS #PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS ERO PHILIPS PHILIPS KCK PHILIPS ERO PHILIPS ERO PHILIPS KCK ERO ERO PHILIPS ERO KCK PHILIPS ERO ERO PHILIPS KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK ERO ERO PHILIPS KCK ERO ERO ERO MOTOROLA PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS MOTOROLA PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS ELU AMP AMP AMP AMP AMP AMP 3M 2222 370 79224 2222 429 81503 EKM 00 CC 310 E G5 EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K 2222 429 88202 2222 429 88202 2222 429 81503 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 370 75104 (78104) 2222 430 81002 2222 431 82201 2222 430 81002 2222 370 89223 2222 429 83302 2222 370 89223 2222 370 89223 2222 370 79224 2222 370 79224 MKT 1826-447/06 4-G 2222 370 79224 2222 370 79224 RT-HE80-SK YD 472 M 2222 370 75104 (78104) EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K 2222 370 79224 EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K 2222 370 75104 (78104) RT-HE80-SK YD 472 M EKM 00 CC 322 D G5 EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K 2222 370 89223 EKM 00 CC 322 D G5 RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K 2222 370 75104 (78104) EKM 00 CC 310 E G5 EKM 05 DE 322 G 05 2222 370 75104 (78104) RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE80-SK YD 472 M RT-HM60-SK YB 221 K EKM 00 CC 322 D G5 EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K 2222 370 78224 RT-HE80-SK YD 472 M MKT 1826-447/06 4-G EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K EKI 00 AA 210 F M5K 1N6277ARL4 1N4148-143 1N4148-143 BAV21 1N4448 1N4448 BZX79C5V1 1N4448 1N4448 1N4448 BAW62-143 BAW62-143 1N4148-143 1N4148-143 1N4148-143 171 100 8AF 0-826375-2 1-826375-1 0-826375-9 1-826375-0 0-826375-6 0-826375-7 3599-6002 / 7616-6002 JL PART NO. 11.182 10.304 14.610 14.512 10.298 10.298 10.304 11.136 11.136 10.350 10.409 10.350 11.169 10.288 11.169 11.169 11.182 11.182 11.187 11.182 11.182 15.165 11.136 14.518 11.182 14.518 11.136 15.165 14.640 14.518 11.169 14.640 16.090 11.136 14.610 14.648 11.136 15.170 15.170 15.170 15.170 15.170 15.165 16.090 14.640 14.512 11.095 15.165 11.187 14.512 14.512 26.765 25.131 25.131 25.340 25.147 25.147 26.527 25.147 25.147 25.147 25.350 25.350 25.131 25.131 25.131 45.561 78.102 78.111 78.109 78.110 78.106 78.107 78.249 9810 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION P8-6 Q1-6 Q2-6 Q3-6 Q4-6 Q5-6 Q6-6 Q7-6 Q8-6 Q9-6 Q10-6 Q11-6 Q12-6 Q13-6 Q14-6 Q15-6 Q16-6 Q18-6 Q19-6 R1-6 R3-6 R4-6 R5-6 R6-6 R7-6 R8-6 R9-6 R10-6 R11-6 R12-6 R13-6 R14-6 R15-6 R16-6 R17-6 R18-6 R19-6 R20-6 R21-6 R22-6 R23-6 R24-6 R25-6 R26-6 R27-6 R28-6 R29-6 R30-6 R31-6 R32-6 R33-6 R34-6 R35-6 R36-6 R37-6 R38-6 R39-6 R40-6 R41-6 R42-6 R43-6 R44-6 R45-6 R46-6 R47-6 R48-6 R49-6 R50-6 R51-6 R52-6 R53-6 R54-6 R55-6 R56-6 SIL SQUARE PINS TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF POWER PNP TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF MED.POWER TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF 9810 RT2047 DSC - PART II 3 POLES CC=1/10" BC638 BC638 BC638 BC638 BC548 NPN TO-92 BC328-25 PNP TO-92 BC558B BC558B BD138 BC548B NPN TO-92 BD234-BD236-BD238 BC338-25 NPN TO-92 BC548B NPN TO-92 BC547A BC558 PNP TO-92 BC338-25 NPN TO-92 BC547A BC556A 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 33k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 12k OHM 5% 0.4W 180k OHM 5% 0.4W 220k OHM 5% 0.4W 470k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 10% 0.5W 100k OHM 5% 0.4W 470k OHM 5% 0.4W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 18k OHM 5% 0.4W 100k OHM 10% 0.5W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 220k OHM 5% 0.4W 220k OHM 5% 0.4W 12k OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 10% 0.5W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 1k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 82k OHM 5% 0.4W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 470 OHM 5% 0.4W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 680k OHM 5% 0.4W 1R00 OHM 1% 0.6W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 100 OHM 5% 0.4W 82k OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 220 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 68 OHM 5% 0.4W 47k OHM 5% 0.4W 68k OHM 5% 0.4W 1M2 OHM 5% 0.4W 680 OHM 5% 0.4W 330 OHM 5% 0.4W 100 OHM 5% 0.4W 470 OHM 5% 0.4W MANUFACTOR TYPE AMP MOTOROLA* MOTOROLA* MOTOROLA* MOTOROLA* PHILIPS PHILIPS ITT/MOT ITT/MOT MOTOROLA PHILIPS MOTOROLA PHILIPS PHILIPS MOTOROLA* PHILIPS PHILIPS MOTOROLA* PHILIPS* PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS 0-826629-3 (0-826647-3) BC638ZL1 / BC640ZL1 BC638ZL1 / BC640ZL1 BC638ZL1 / BC640ZL1 BC638ZL1 / BC640ZL1 BC548 (-A/-B/-C)126 BC328-25-126 BC558B BC558B BD138 BC548B-126 BD238 (BD234,BD236) BC338-25-126 BC548B-126 BC547AZL1 BC558-126 BC338-25-126 BC547AZL1 BC556A-126 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53333 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53123 2322 181 53184 2322 181 53224 2322 181 53474 2322 181 53103 3386P-Y91-103 2322 181 53104 2322 181 53474 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53183 3386P-Y91-104 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53224 2322 181 53224 2322 181 53123 2322 181 53102 3386P-Y91-103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53122 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53823 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53471 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53684 2322 156 11008 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53101 2322 181 53823 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53221 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53689 2322 181 53473 2322 181 53683 2322 181 53125 2322 181 53681 2322 181 53331 2322 181 53101 2322 181 53471 PART NO. 78.323 28.117 28.117 28.117 28.117 28.070 28.052 28.100 28.100 29.057 28.076 29.070 28.058 28.076 28.065 28.097 28.058 28.065 28.084 01.225 01.200 01.200 01.208 01.237 01.225 01.225 01.200 01.225 01.227 01.256 01.258 01.266 01.225 07.889 01.250 01.266 01.212 01.212 01.225 01.231 07.893 01.208 01.258 01.258 01.227 01.200 07.889 01.225 01.225 01.202 01.208 01.247 01.216 01.191 01.216 01.225 01.270 03.125 01.200 01.175 01.247 01.208 01.212 01.208 01.183 01.200 01.170 01.241 01.245 01.277 01.195 01.187 01.175 01.191 PAGE 5-9 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION R57-6 R58-6 R59-6 R60-6 R61-6 R62-6 R63-6 R64-6 R65-6 R66-6 R67-6 R68-6 R69-6 R70-6 R71-6 R72-6 R73-6 R74-6 R75-6 R76-6 R77-6 R78-6 R79-6 R80-6 R81-6 R82-6 R83-6 R84-6 R85-6 R86-6 R87-6 R88-6 R89-6 R90-6 R92-6 R93-6 R94-6 R95-6 R96-6 R97-6 R99-6 R101-6 R102-6 R103-6 R104-6 R105-6 R106-6 R107-6 R108-6 R112-6 R113-6 R114-6 R119-6 R120-6 R121-6 R122-6 R123-6 R124-6 R125-6 R126-6 R127-6 R128-6 R129-6 R130-6 R131-6 R132-6 R133-6 R134-6 R135-6 R136-6 R137-6 R138-6 R139-6 R140-6 RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PAGE 5-10 RT2047 DSC - PART II 15.8 KOHM 1% 0.4W 14k0 OHM 1% 0.6W 15.8 KOHM 1% 0.4W 178 OHM 1% 0.6W 1k0 OHM 10% 0.5W 5k1 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k0 OHM 5% 0.5W 1k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 500 OHM 10% 0.5W 1k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 560 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 10% 0.5W 820 OHM 5% 0.4W 392 OHM 1% 0.6W 15.8 KOHM 1% 0.4W 5k6 OHM 5% 0.4W 18k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 10% 0.5W 82k OHM 5% 0.4W 3k9 OHM 5% 0.4W 220k OHM 5% 0.4W 47k OHM 5% 0.4W 47k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 180k OHM 5% 0.4W 5k0 OHM 10% 0.5W 22k OHM 5% 0.4W 680 OHM 5% 0.4W 22k OHM 5% 0.4W 100k OHM 5% 0.4W 47k OHM 5% 0.4W 47k OHM 5% 0.4W 330k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 100k OHM 5% 0.4W 12k OHM 5% 0.4W 39k OHM 5% 0.4W 1k5 OHM 5% 0.4W 18k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 120k OHM 5% 0.4W 390k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W ZERO OHM 2AMPS 39k OHM 5% 0.4W 33k OHM 5% 0.4W 56k OHM 5% 0.4W 18k OHM 5% 0.4W 220 OHM 5% 0.4W 5k0 OHM 10% 0.5W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 33k OHM 5% 0.4W 15k OHM 5% 0.4W 100k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 178 OHM 1% 0.6W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 2k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 178 OHM 1% 0.6W 6R8 OHM 5% 0.4W 220 OHM 5% 0.4W 63.4 KOHM 1% 0.4W 31k6 OHM 1% 0.6W 15.8 KOHM 1% 0.4W 8.06 KOHM 1% 0.4W 63.4 KOHM 1% 0.4W 31k6 OHM 1% 0.6W 15.8 KOHM 1% 0.4W 8.06 KOHM 1% 0.4W 3k01 OHM 1% 0.6W 1 OHM 5% 0.4W MANUFACTOR TYPE *PHILIPS PHILIPS *PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS *PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BEYSCHLAG PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS *PHILIPS PHILIPS *PHILIPS *PHILIPS *PHILIPS PHILIPS *PHILIPS *PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS 2322 156 11583 2322 156 11403 2322 156 11583 2322 156 11781 3386P-Y91-102 2322 181 53512 3386P-Y91-202 2322 181 53122 3386P-Y91-501 2322 181 53122 2322 181 53561 3386P-Y91-102 2322 181 53821 2322 156 13921 2322 156 11583 2322 181 53562 2322 181 53183 3386P-Y91-103 2322 181 53823 2322 181 53392 2322 181 53224 2322 181 53473 2322 181 53473 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53184 3386P-Y91-502 2322 181 53223 2322 181 53681 2322 181 53223 2322 181 53104 2322 181 53473 2322 181 53473 2322 181 53334 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53104 2322 181 53123 2322 181 53393 2322 181 53152 2322 181 53183 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53124 2322 181 53394 2322 181 53103 MRA 0204-0R0 2322 181 53393 2322 181 53333 2322 181 53563 2322 181 53183 2322 181 53221 3386P-Y91-502 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53333 2322 181 53153 2322 181 53104 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 156 11781 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53222 2322 181 53222 2322 156 11781 2322 181 53688 2322 181 53221 2322 156 16343 2322 156 13163 2322 156 11583 2322 156 18062 2322 156 16343 2322 156 13163 2322 156 11583 2322 156 18062 2322 156 13012 2322 181 53108 PART NO. 03.430 03.432 03.430 03.380 07.886 01.217 07.887 01.202 07.885 01.202 01.193 07.886 01.197 03.389 03.430 01.218 01.231 07.889 01.247 01.214 01.258 01.241 01.241 01.225 01.256 07.888 01.233 01.195 01.233 01.250 01.241 01.241 01.262 01.225 01.216 01.250 01.227 01.239 01.204 01.231 01.225 01.252 01.264 01.225 02.395 01.239 01.237 01.243 01.231 01.183 07.888 01.225 01.237 01.229 01.250 01.225 01.225 03.380 01.212 01.208 01.208 03.380 01.145 01.183 03.444 03.436 03.430 03.422 03.444 03.436 03.430 03.422 03.411 01.125 9810 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION R141-6 R143-6 R144-6 R145-6 R146-6 R147-6 R148-6 R150-6 R151-6 R152-6 R153-6 R154-6 R155-6 R156-6 R157-6 R158-6 R159-6 R160-6 R161-6 R162-6 RA1-6 RA2-6 RE3-6 U1-6 U2-6 U3-6 U4-6 U5-6 U6-6 U7-6 U8-6 U11-6 U12-6 U13-6 U14-6 U15-6 U16-6 U17-6 U18-6 U19-6 RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF PRESET CERMET RESISTOR ARRAY RESISTOR ARRAY RELAY VOLTAGE REGULATOR FIXED INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DUAL OP AMP 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REG. DUAL OPERATIONAL AMP. TRANSISTOR ARRAY QUAD VOLTAGE COMPERATOR EEPROM POW.DARLINGTON DRIVER x 7 DUAL TYPE D FLIP-FLOP INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DUAL DIFF.COMPARATOR HEX INVERTERS QUAD OP.AMP. INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PROG. PROCESSOR U19 FOR KEYBOARD UNIT POSITION DESCRIPTION C1-7 C2-7 C3-7 C4-7 C5-7 C6-7 C7-7 C8-7 C9-7 C11-7 C12-7 C13-7 C14-7 C15-7 C16-7 C17-7 C18-7 D1-7 D2-7 D3-7 D4-7 D5-7 D6-7 D7-7 D8-7 P1-7 CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR MKT DIODE DIODE LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LIGHT EMITTING LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MULTI PLUG 9810 RT2047 DSC - PART II MANUFACTOR TYPE 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 3k3 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 56k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 220k OHM 5% 0.4W 11 KOHM 1% 0.4W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 820 OHM 5% 0.4W 68 OHM 5% 0.4W 150 OHM 5% 0.4W 8k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 500 OHM 10% 0.5W 8x10k OHM 5% 1/8W 4x4k7 OHM 5% 1/8W E3206H 5V/1A, MC7805, LM340T-5.0 TDA2002V LM358N MC14094, CD4094, MC1458/LM1458 3046 LM339 2k BIT SERIAL ULN2003/MC1413 MC14013BCP QUAD ANALOG SWITCH LF347N LM393 74HC04 324 MC14569BCP 627746,INTERFACE,RT2047/D PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS *PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS BOURNS PANASONIC BOURNS EICHHOFF MOTOROLA SGS* MOTOTOLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL MOTOROLA MOTOROLA* MOTOROLA #NATIOPNAL TEXAS TEXAS NAT/SGS * MOTOROLA S.P.RADIO A/S 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53332 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53563 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53224 2322 156 11103 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53821 2322 181 53689 2322 181 53151 2322 181 53822 3386P-Y91-501 EXB-F9E-103 J 4608X-102-472 BV-55-280R MC7805CT (MC7805BT) TDA2003 LM 358N MC14094BCP MC1458CP1 LM3046N LM339N NMC93C56N MC1413P MC14013BCP MC14066BCP LF347N LM393P SN74HC04N LM324N MC14569BCP C1112B - 2F60 MODULE 7/700 ECI A/S 5-0-27747C/4-0-27747B 627747 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK ERO KCK KCK ERO KCK KCK KCK KCK KCK ERO KCK PHILIPS PHILIPS SANKEN SANKEN SANKEN SANKEN SANKEN SANKEN STANDISH(HAMLIN 3M RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z RT-HE70 SK YF 103 Z MKT 1826-422/06 6-G RT-HE50-SK PH 270 J RT-HE50-SK PH 270 J MKT 1826-422/06 6-G RT-HM60 SK YB 102 K RT-HM60 SK YB 102 K RT-HM60 SK YB 102 K RT-HM60 SK YB 102 K RT-HM60 SK YB 102 K EKI 00 AA 233 D M5K RT-HM60 SK YB 102 K 2222 370 78105 1N4148-143 SEL 1913K SEL 1913K SEL1910D SEL1910D SEL 1913K SEL 1913K SP TG.0-3-23886A 3599-6002 / 7616-6002 JL 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 10nF -20/+80% CL2 50VDC 220nF 20% 63VDC 27pF 5% N150 50VDC 27pF 5% N150 50VDC 220nF 20% 63VDC 1n0F 10% CL2 500VDC 1n0F 10% CL2 500VDC 1n0F 10% CL2 500VDC 1n0F 10% CL2 500VDC 1n0F 10% CL2 500VDC 33uF 20% 16VDC 1n0F 10% CL2 500VDC 1u0F 10% 63VDC 1N4148 HIGH SPEED ORANGE 5mm ORANGE 5mm YELLOW 5mm YELLOW 5mm ORANGE 5mm ORANGE 5mm COSTUM DESIGNED RT2047 2x8 POLES PCB VERSION PART NO. 01.225 01.200 01.200 01.212 01.225 01.225 01.225 01.243 01.225 01.225 01.225 01.225 01.258 03.458 01.216 01.197 01.170 01.179 01.222 07.885 08.630 08.625 21.026 31.250 31.480 31.100 33.305 31.215 31.025 31.075 32.710 31.077 33.056 33.233 31.530 31.105 34.520 31.065 33.449 728228 15.170 15.170 15.170 15.170 15.170 11.183 15.076 15.076 11.183 15.160 15.160 15.160 15.160 15.160 14.518 15.160 11.137 25.131 25.631 25.631 25.630 25.630 25.631 25.631 25.705 78.249 PAGE 5-11 6 PARTSLIST POSITION DESCRIPTION P2-7 P3-7 P4-7 Q1-7 Q2-7 Q3-7 Q4-7 Q5-7 R1-7 R2-7 R3-7 R4-7 R5-7 R7-7 R8-7 R9-7 R10-7 R11-7 R12-7 R13-7 R14-7 R15-7 R16-7 R17-7 R18-7 R19-7 R20-7 R21-7 R22-7 R23-7 U1-7 U2-7 U3-7 U4-7 U5-7 U6-7 U7-7 U8-7 U9-7 U10-7 XR1-7 PLUG MT PLUG RIGHT ANGEL SIL SQUARE PINS TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF TRANSISTOR AF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR MF RESISTOR ARRAY RESISTOR ARRAY RESISTOR ARRAY RESISTOR MF 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REG. 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REG. 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REG. 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REG. 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REG. 8-STAGE SHIFT/STORE REG. HEX INVERTERS VOLTAGE REGULATOR FIXED PROG. PROCESSOR U9 FOR DUAL DIFF.COMPARATOR CERAMIC RESONATOR 4 MHz FILTER UNIT POSITION DESCRIPTION C1-9 L1-9 LC1-9 LC2-9 LC3-9 LC4-9 LC5-9 LC6-9 LC7-9 LC8-9 LC9-9 LC10-9 LC11-9 LC12-9 P1-9 P2-9 P3-9 P4-9 P5-9 P6-9 P7-9 P8-9 P9-9 P10-9 P11-9 CAPACITOR MKT FERRITE BEAD INDUCTOR EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER EMI SUPPRESSION FILTER SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG PAGE 5-12 RT2047 DSC - PART II MANUFACTOR TYPE 2 POLES 1/10" SIL SQ.PINS 11POLES 2 POLES CC=1/10" BC558 PNP TO-92 BC548B NPN TO-92 BC548B NPN TO-92 BC328-25 PNP TO-92 BC548B NPN TO-92 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 4k7 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 8k2 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k5 OHM 5% 0.4W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 68 OHM 5% 0.4W 68 OHM 5% 0.4W 22 OHM 5% 0.5W 1k0 OHM 5% 0.4W 47 OHM 5% 0.4W 3k9 OHM 5% 0.4W 220k OHM 5% 0.4W 330 OHM 5% 0.4W 10k OHM 5% 0.4W 10x10k OHMS 5% 1/8W 8x10k OHM 5% 1/8W 4x10k OHM 5% 1/8W 1M0 OHM 5% 0.4W MC14094, CD4094, MC14094, CD4094, MC14094, CD4094, MC14094, CD4094, MC14094, CD4094, MC14094, CD4094, 74HC04 5V/1A, MC7805, LM340T-5.0 627747,KEYBOARD,RT2047/D LM393 AMP EURO DIP AMP PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PHILIPS PANASONIC PANASONIC PANASONIC PHILIPS MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA TEXAS MOTOROLA S.P.RADIO A/S TEXAS MURATA 0-826375-2 PH3-025/057-11-Z 0-826629-2 BC558-126 BC548B-126 BC548B-126 BC328-25-126 BC548B-126 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53472 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53103 2322 181 53822 2322 181 53152 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53689 2322 181 53689 2322 156 12209 2322 181 53102 2322 181 53479 2322 181 53392 2322 181 53224 2322 181 53331 2322 181 53103 EXB-F 11 E 103 J EXB-F9E-103 J EXBF8V103G (4X10K) 2322 181 53105 MC14094BCP MC14094BCP MC14094BCP MC14094BCP MC14094BCP MC14094BCP SN74HC04N MC7805CT (MC7805BT) C1111A - BBED LM393P CSA 4.00 MG TF01 MODULE 9/900 ECI A/S 5-0-27749C / 4-0-27749C 627749 MANUFACTOR TYPE PART NO. PHILIPS MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA MURATA VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG 2222 370 78105 BL02RN2-R62T2 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 DST310-92(91)Y5S 222M 100 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 1u0F 10% 63VDC DOUBLE BEAD CORE Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz Fo=70MHz PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PART NO. 78.102 78.352 78.322 28.097 28.076 28.076 28.052 28.076 01.216 01.216 01.200 01.200 01.200 01.225 01.222 01.204 01.200 01.170 01.170 03.159 01.200 01.166 01.214 01.258 01.187 01.225 08.618 08.630 08.615 01.275 33.305 33.305 33.305 33.305 33.305 33.305 34.520 31.250 728229 31.105 41.510 11.137 35.300 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 18.550 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 9810 6 PARTSLIST 9810 POSITION DESCRIPTION P12-9 P13-9 P14-9 P15-9 P16-9 P17-9 P18-9 P19-9 P20-9 P21-9 P22-9 P23-9 P24-9 P25-9 P26-9 P27-9 P28-9 P29-9 P30-9 P31-9 P32-9 P33-9 P34-9 P35-9 RE1-9 RE2-9 SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SOLDER LUG SIL SQUARE PINS SOLDER LUG RELAY RELAY RT2047 DSC - PART II PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION PCB VERSION 3 POLES CC=1/10" PCB VERSION 12VDC 1SH. 2A. 12VDC 1SH. 2A. MANUFACTOR TYPE VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG VOGT AG AMP VOGT AG ORIGINAL ELECTR ORIGINAL ELECTR 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 01015/Bz-Sn 0-826629-3 (0-826647-3) 01015/Bz-Sn OUC-SS-112D (-S-/-SH-) OUC-SS-112D (-S-/-SH-) PART NO. 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 82.005 78.323 82.005 21.300 21.300 PAGE 5-13
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