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COVER 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd i 9/26/07 6:03:09 PM inside front cover 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd ii 8/14/07 6:54:02 PM Technical Guide 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 1 9/26/07 6:03:20 PM Parts of this compilation originally appeared in the following Scholastic Inc. products: Scholastic Reading Inventory Target Success with the Lexile Framework for Reading, copyright © 2005, 2003, 1999; Scholastic Reading Inventory Using the Lexile Framework, Technical Manual Forms A and B, copyright © 1999; Scholastic Reading Inventory Technical Guide, copyright © 2001, 1999; Lexiles: A System for Measuring Reader Ability and Text Difficulty, A Guide for Educators, copyright © Scholastic Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., Education Group, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. Copyright © 2007 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. ISBN-13: 978-0-439-74216-0 ISBN-10: 0-439-74216-1 SCHOLASTIC, SCHOLASTIC READING INVENTORY, SCHOLASTIC READING COUNTS!, and associated logos and designs are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. LEXILE and LEXILE FRAMEWORK are registered trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc. Other company names, brand names, and product names are the property and/or trademarks of their respective owners. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 2 23 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 8/14/07 6:54:02 PM TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Features of Scholastic Reading Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Purposes and Uses of Scholastic Reading Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Limitations of Scholastic Reading Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Theoretical Framework of Reading Ability and The Lexile Framework for Reading Readability Formulas and Reading Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lexile Framework for Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Validity of The Lexile Framework for Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lexile Item Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 14 18 22 Description of the Test Test Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Administration and Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interpreting Scholastic Reading Inventory Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Scholastic Reading Inventory Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 26 28 37 Development of Scholastic Reading Inventory Development of the Scholastic Reading Inventory Item Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Scholastic Reading Inventory Computer-Adaptive Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Scholastic Reading Inventory Algorithm Testing During Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Reliability Standard Error of Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sources of Measurement Error—Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sources of Measurement Error—Item Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sources of Measurement Error—Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forecasted Comprehension Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 62 67 71 73 Validity Content Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Criterion-Related Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Construct Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Appendices Appendix 1: Lexile Framework Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Appendix 2: Norm Reference Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Appendix 3: References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 3 9/26/07 6:03:27 PM List of Tables Table 1: Results from linking studies connected with The Lexile Framework for Reading. page 19 Table 2: Correlations between theory-based calibrations produced by the Lexile equation and rank order of unit in basal readers. page 20 Table 3: Correlations between theory-based calibrations produced by the Lexile equation and the empirical item difficulty. page 21 Table 4: Comprehension rates for the same individual with materials of varying comprehension difficulty. page 33 Table 5: Comprehension rates of different-ability readers with the same material. page 34 Table 6: Performance standard proficiency bands for SRI, in Lexiles, by grade. page 36 Table 7: Distribution of items in SRI item bank by Lexile zone. page 46 Table 8: Student responses to Question 7: preferred test format. page 56 Table 9: Relationship between SRI and SRI-print version. page 58 Table 10: Relationship between SRI and other measures of reading comprehension. page 58 Table 11: Descriptive statistics for each test administration group in the comparison study, April/May 2005. page 59 Table 12: Mean SEM on SRI by extent of prior knowledge. page 62 Table 13: Standard errors for selected values of the length of the text. page 64 Table 14: Analysis of 30 item ensembles providing an estimate of the theory misspecifications error. page 66 Table 15: Old method text readabilities, resampled SEMs, and new SEMs for selected books. page 68 Table 16: Lexile measures and standard errors across item writers. page 69 Table 17: SRI reader consistency estimates over a four-month period, by grade. page 72 Table 18: Confidence intervals (90%) for various combinations of comprehension rates and standard error of differences (SED) between reader and text measures. page 74 Table 19: Clark County (NV) School District: Normal curve equivalents of SRI by grade level. page 78 Table 20: Indian River (DE) School District: SRI average scores (Lexiles) for READ 180 students in 2004–2005. page 80 Table 21: Large Urban School District: SRI scores by student demographic classification. page 82 Table 22: Large Urban School District: Descriptive statistics for SRI and the SAT-9/10, matched sample. page 85 Table 23: Large Urban School District: Descriptive statistics for SRI and the SSS, matched sample. page 85 Table 24: Large Urban School District: Descriptive statistics for SRI and the PSAT, matched sample. page 86 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 4 8/14/07 6:54:03 PM List of Figures Figure 1: An example of an SRI test item. page 9 Figure 2: Sample administration of SRI for a sixth-grade student with a prior Lexile measure of 880L. page 27 Figure 3: Normal distraction of scores described in scale scores, percentiles, stanines, and normal curve equivalents (NCEs). page 29 Figure 4: Relationship between reader-text discrepancy and forecasted reading comprehension rate. page 33 Figure 5: The Rasch Model—the probability person n responds correctly to item i. page 49 Figure 6: The “start” phase of the SRI computer-adaptive algorithm. page 51 Figure 7: The “step” phase of the SRI computer-adaptive algorithm. page 53 Figure 8: The “stop” phase of the SRI computer-adaptive algorithm. page 54 Figure 9: Scatter plot between observed item difficulty and theoretical item difficulty. page 64 Figure 10a: Plot of observed ensemble means and theoretical calibrations (RMSE 111L). page 67 Figure 10b: Plot of simulated “true” ensemble means and theoretical calibrations (RMSE 64L). page 67 Figure 11: Examination of item writer error across items and occasions. page 70 Figure 12: Growth on SRI—Median and upper and lower quartiles, by grade. page 77 Figure 13: Memphis (TN) Public Schools: Distribution of initial and final SRI scores for READ 180 participants. page 78 Figure 14: Des Moines (IA) Independent Community School District: Group SRI mean Lexile measures, by starting grade level in READ 180. page 79 Figure 15: Kirkwood (MO) School District: Pretest and posttest SRI scores, school year 2000–2001, general education students. page 82 Figure 16: Kirkwood (MO) School District: Pretest and posttest SRI scores, school year 2001–2002, general education students. page 83 Figure 17: Kirkwood (MO) School District: Pretest and posttest SRI scores, school year 2002–2003, general education students. page 83 Figure 18: Large Urban School District: Fit of quadratic growth model to SRI data for students in Grades 2 through 10. page 87 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 5 8/14/07 6:54:03 PM 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 6 8/14/07 6:54:03 PM INTRODUCTION Scholastic Reading Inventory™ (SRI), developed by Scholastic Inc., is an objective assessment of a student’s reading comprehension level (Scholastic, 2006a). The assessment can be administered to students in Grades 1 through 12 by paper and pencil or by computer; the result of either mode is a Lexile® measure for the reader. The assessment is based on the Lexile Framework® for Reading and can be used for two purposes: (1) to assess a student’s reading comprehension level, and (2) to match students with appropriate texts for successful reading experiences. Using the Lexile score reported by SRI, teachers and administrators can: • identify struggling readers, • plan for instruction, • gauge the effectiveness of a curriculum, and • demonstrate accountability. Scholastic Reading Inventory was initially developed in 1998 and 1999 as a print-based assessment of reading comprehension. In late 1998, Scholastic began developing a computer-based version. Pilot studies of the computer application were conducted in fall and winter 1998. Version 1 of the interactive presentation was launched in fall 1999. Subsequent versions were launched between 1999 and 2003, with Version 4.0/Enterprise Edition appearing in winter 2006. This technical guide for the interactive version of SRI is intended to provide users with the broad research foundation essential for deciding if and how SRI should be used and what kinds of inferences about readers and texts can be drawn from it. SRI Technical Report #2 is the second in a series of technical publications describing the development and psychometric characteristics of SRI. SRI Technical Report #1 described the development and validation of the print version of SRI. Subsequent publications are forthcoming as additional data become available. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 7 7 8/14/07 6:54:03 PM Features of Scholastic Reading Inventory SRI is designed to measure how well readers comprehend literary and expository texts. It measures reading comprehension by focusing on the skills readers use to understand written materials sampled from various content areas. These skills include referring to details in the passage, drawing conclusions, and making comparisons and generalizations. SRI does not require prior knowledge of ideas beyond the test passages, vocabulary taken out of context, or formal logic. SRI is composed of authentic passages that are typical of the materials students read both in and out of school, including topics in prose fiction, the humanities, social studies, science, and everyday texts such as magazines and newspapers. The purpose of SRI is to locate the reader on the Lexile Map for Reading (see Appendix 1). Once a reader has been measured, it is possible to forecast how well the reader will likely comprehend hundreds of thousands of texts that have been analyzed using the Lexile metric. Several features of SRI are noteworthy. • Passages are authentic: they are sampled from best-selling literature, curriculum texts, and familiar periodicals. • The “embedded completion” item format used by SRI has been shown to measure the same core reading competency measured by norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and individually administered reading tests (Stenner, Smith, Horiban, and Smith, 1987). • A decade of research defined the rules for sampling text and developing embedded completion items. A multi-stage review process ensured conformity with item-writing specifications. • SRI is the first among available reading tests in using the Lexile Theory to convert a raw score (number correct) into the Lexile metric. The equation used to calibrate SRI test items is the same equation used to measure texts. Thus, readers and texts are measured using the same metric. • SRI is a full-range instrument capable of accurately measuring reading performance from the middle of first grade to college. • The test format supports quick administration in an un-timed, lowpressure format. • SRI employs a computer-adaptive algorithm to adapt the test to the specific level of the reader. This methodology continuously targets the reading level of the student and produces more precise measurements than “fixed-form” assessments. • SRI applies a Bayesian scoring algorithm that uses past performance to predict future performance. This methodology connects each test administration to every other administration to produce more precise measurements when compared with independent assessments. 8 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 8 8/14/07 6:54:03 PM • Little specialized preparation is needed to administer SRI, though proper interpretation and use of the results requires knowledge of the Lexile Framework. Purposes and Uses of Scholastic Reading Inventory SRI is designed to measure a reader’s ability to comprehend narrative and expository texts of increasing difficulty. Students are generally well measured when they are administered a test that is targeted near their true reading ability. When students take poorly targeted tests, there is considerable uncertainty about their location on the Lexile Map. SRI’s lowest-level item passages are sampled from beginning first-grade literature; the highest-level item passages are sampled from high school (and more difficult) literature and other print materials. Figure 1 shows an example of an 800L item from SRI. Figure 1. An example of an SRI test item. Wilbur likes Charlotte better and better each day. Her campaign against insects seemed sensible and useful. Hardly anybody around the farm had a good word to say for a fly. Flies spent their time pestering others. The cows hated them. The horses hated them. The sheep loathed them. Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerman were always complaining about them, and putting up screens. Everyone A. agreed B. gathered about them. C. laughed D. learned From Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White, 1952, New York: Harper & Row. Readers and texts are measured using the same Lexile metric, making it possible to directly compare reader and text. When reader and text measures match, the Lexile Framework forecasts 75% comprehension. The operational definition of 75% comprehension is that given 100 items from a text, the reader will be able to correctly answer 75. When a text has a Lexile measure 250L higher than the reader’s measure, the Framework forecasts 50% comprehension. When the reader measure exceeds the text measure by 250L, the forecasted comprehension is 90%. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 9 9 8/14/07 6:54:04 PM Limitations of Scholastic Reading Inventory A well-targeted SRI assessment can provide useful information for matching texts and readers. SRI, like any other assessment, is just one source of evidence about a reader’s level of comprehension. Obviously, decisions are best made when using multiple sources of evidence about a reader. Other sources include other reading test data, reading group placement, lists of books read, and, most importantly, teacher judgment. One measure of reader performance, taken on one day, is not sufficient to make high-stakes, student-level decisions such as summer school placement or retention. The Lexile Framework provides a common metric for combining different sources of information about a reader into a best overall judgment of the reader’s ability expressed in Lexiles. Scholastic encourages users of SRI to employ multiple measures when deciding where to locate a reader on the Lexile scale. 10 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 10 8/14/07 6:54:04 PM Theoretical Framework of Reading Ability and The Lexile Framework for Reading All symbol systems share two features: a semantic component and a syntactic component. In language, the semantic units are words. Words are organized according to rules of syntax into thought units and sentences (Carver, 1974). In all cases, the semantic units vary in familiarity and the syntactic structures vary in complexity. The comprehensibility or difficulty of a message is dominated by the familiarity of the semantic units and by the complexity of the syntactic structures used in constructing the message. Readability Formulas and Reading Levels Readability Formulas. Readability formulas have been in use for more than 60 years. These formulas are generally based on a theory about written language and use mathematical equations to calculate text difficulty. While each formula has discrete features, nearly all attempt to assign difficulty based on a combination of semantic (vocabulary) features and syntactic (sentence length) features. Traditional readability formulas are all based on a simple theory about written language and a simple equation to calculate text difficulty. Unless users are interested in conducting research, there is little to be gained by choosing a highly complex readability formula. A simple two-variable formula is sufficient, especially if one of the variables is a word or semantic variable and the other is a sentence or syntactic variable. Beyond these two variables, more data adds relatively little predictive validity while increasing the application time involved. Moreover, a formula with many variables is likely to be difficult to calculate by hand. The earliest readability formulas appeared in the 1920s. Some of them were esoteric and primarily intended for chemistry and physics textbooks or for shorthand dictation materials. The first milestone that provided an objective way to estimate word difficulty was Thorndike’s The Teacher Word Book, published in 1921. The concepts discussed in Thorndike’s book led Lively and Pressey in 1923 to develop the first readability formula based on tabulations of the frequency with which words appear. In 1928, Vogel and Washburne developed a formula that took the form of a regression equation involving more than one language variable. This format became the prototype for most of the formulas that followed. The work of Washburne and Morphett in 1938 provided a formula that yielded scores on a grade-placement scale. The trend to make the formulas easy to apply resulted in the most widely used of all readability formulas—Flesch’s Reading Ease Formula (1948). Dale and Chall (1948) published another two-variable formula that became very popular in educational circles. Spache designed his renowned formula using a word-list approach in 1953. This design was useful for Grades 1 through 3 at a time when most formulas were designed for the upper grade levels. That same year, Taylor proposed the cloze procedure for measuring readability. Twelve years later, Coleman used this procedure to develop his fill-in-the-blank method as a criterion for his formula. Danielson Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 11 11 8/14/07 6:54:04 PM and Bryan developed the first computer-generated formulas in 1963. Also in 1963, Fry simplified the process of interpreting readability formulas by developing a readability graph. Later, in 1977, he extended his readability graph, and his method is the most widely used of all current methods (Klare, 1984; Zakaluk and Samuels, 1988). Two often-used formulas—the Fog Index and the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Formula— can be calculated by hand for short passages. First, a passage is selected that contains 100 words. For a lengthy text, several different 100-word passages are selected. For the Fog Index, first the average number of words per sentence is determined. If the passage does not end at a sentence break, the percentage of the final sentence to be included in the passage is calculated and added to the total number of sentences. Then, the percentage of “long” words (words with three or more syllables) is determined. Finally, the two measures are added together and multiplied by 0.4. This number indicates the approximate Reading Grade Level (RGL) of the passage. For the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Formula the following equation is used: RGL ⴝ 0.39 (average number of words per sentence) ⴙ 11.8 (average number of syllables per word) ⴚ 15.59 For a lengthy text, using either formula, the RGLs are averaged for the several different 100-word passages. Another commonly used readability formula is ATOS™ for Books developed by Advantage Learning Systems. ATOS is based on the following variables related to the reading demands of text: words per sentence, characters per word, and average grade level of the words. ATOS uses whole-book scans instead of text samples, and results are reported on a grade-level scale. Guided Reading Levels. Within the Guided Reading framework (Fountas & Pinnell, 1996), books are assigned to levels by teachers according to specific characteristics. These characteristics include the level of support provided by the text (e.g., the use and role of illustrations, the size and layout of the print) and the predictability and pattern of language (e.g., oral language compared to written language). An initial list of leveled books is provided so teachers have models to compare when leveling a book. For students in kindergarten through Grade 3, there are 18 Guided Reading Levels, A through R (kindergarten: Levels A–C; first grade: Levels A–I; second grade: Levels C–P; and third grade: Levels J–R). The books include several genres: informational texts on a variety of topics, “how to” books, mysteries, realistic fiction, historical fiction, biography, fantasy, traditional folk and fairy tales, science fiction, and humor. How do readability formulas and reading levels relate to readers? The previous section described how to level books in terms of grade levels and reading levels based on the characteristics of the text. But how can these levels be connected to the reader? Do we say that a reader in Grade 6 should read only books whose readability measures between 6.0 and 6.9? 12 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 12 8/14/07 6:54:04 PM How do we know that a student is reading at Guided Reading Level “G” and when is he or she ready to move on to Level “H”? What is needed is some way to put readers on these scales. To match students with readability levels, their “reading“ grade level needs to be determined, which is often not the same as their “nominal” grade level (the grade level of the class they are in). On a test, a grade equivalent (GE) is a score that represents the typical (mean or median) performance of students tested in a given month of the school year. For example, if Alicia, a fourth-grade student, obtained a GE of 4.9 on a fourth-grade reading test, her score is the score that a student at the end of the ninth month of fourth grade would likely achieve on that same reading test. But there are two main problems with grade equivalents: How grade equivalents are derived determines the appropriate conclusions that may be drawn from the scores. For example, if Stephanie scores 5.9 on a fourth-grade mathematics test, it is not appropriate to conclude that Stephanie has mastered the mathematics content of the fifth grade (in fact, it may be unknown how fifth-grade students would perform on the fourth-grade test). It certainly cannot be assumed that Stephanie has the prerequisites for sixth-grade mathematics. All that is known for certain is that Stephanie is well above average in mathematics. Grade equivalents represent unequal units. The content of instruction varies somewhat from grade to grade (as in high school, where subjects may be studied only one or two years), and the emphasis placed on a subject may vary from grade to grade. Grade units are unequal, and these inequalities occur irregularly in different subjects. A difference of one grade equivalent in elementary school reading (2.6 to 3.6) is not the same as a difference of one grade equivalent in middle school (7.6 to 8.6). To match students with Guided Reading Levels, the teacher makes decisions based on observations of what the child can or cannot do to construct meaning. Teachers also use ongoing assessments—such as running records, individual conferences, and observations of students’ reading—to monitor and support student progress. Both of these approaches to helping readers select books appropriate to their reading level—readability formulas and reading levels—are subjective and prone to misinterpretation. What is needed is one scale that can describe the reading demands of a piece of text and the reading ability of a child. The Lexile Framework for Reading is a powerful tool for determining the reading ability of children and finding texts that provide the appropriate level of challenge. Jack Stenner, a leading psychometrician and one of the developers of the Lexile Framework, likens this situation to an experience he had several years ago with his son. Some time ago I went into a shoe store and asked for a fifth-grade shoe. The clerk looked at me suspiciously and asked if I knew how much shoe sizes varied among eleven-year-olds. Furthermore, he Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 13 13 8/14/07 6:54:04 PM pointed out that shoe size was not nearly as important as purpose, style, color, and so on. But if I would specify the features I wanted and the size, he could walk to the back and quickly reappear with several options to my liking. The clerk further noted, somewhat condescendingly, that the store used the same metric to measure feet and shoes, and when there was a match between foot and shoe, the shoes got worn, there was no pain, and the customer was happy and became a repeat customer. I called home and got my son’s shoe size and then asked the clerk for a “size 8, red hightop Penny Hardaway basketball shoe.” After a brief transaction, I had the shoes. I then walked next door to my favorite bookstore and asked for a fifth-grade fantasy novel. Without hesitation, the clerk led me to a shelf where she gave me three choices. I selected one and went home with The Hobbit, a classic that I had read three times myself as a youngster. I later learned my son had yet to achieve the reading fluency needed to enjoy The Hobbit. His understandable response to my gifts was to put the book down in favor of passionately practicing free throws in the driveway. The next section of this technical report describes the development and validation of the Lexile Framework for Reading. The Lexile Framework for Reading A reader’s comprehension of text depends on several factors: the purpose for reading, the ability of the reader, and the text being read. The reader can read a text for entertainment (literary experience), to gain information, or to perform a task. The reader brings to the reading experience a variety of important factors: reading ability, prior knowledge, interest level, and developmental appropriateness. For any text, three factors determine readability: difficulty, support, and quality. All of these factors are important to consider when evaluating the appropriateness of a text for a reader. The Lexile Framework focuses primarily on two: reader ability and text difficulty. Like other readability formulas, the Lexile Framework examines two features of text to determine its readability—semantic difficulty and syntactic complexity. Within the Lexile Framework, text difficulty is determined by examining the characteristics of word frequency and sentence length. Text measures typically range from 200L to 1700L, but they can go below zero (reported as “Beginning Reader”) and above 2000L. Within any one classroom, the reading materials will span a range of difficulty levels. All symbol systems share two features: a semantic component and a syntactic component. In language, the semantic units are words. Words are organized according to rules of syntax into thought units and sentences (Carver, 1974). In all cases, the semantic units vary in familiarity and the syntactic structures vary in complexity. The comprehensibility 14 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 14 8/14/07 6:54:05 PM or difficulty of a message is dominated by the familiarity of the semantic units and by the complexity of the syntactic structures used in constructing the message. The Semantic Component. Most operationalizations of semantic difficulty are proxies for the probability that an individual will encounter a word in a familiar context and thus be able to infer its meaning (Bormuth, 1966). This is the basis of exposure theory, which explains the way receptive or hearing vocabulary develops (Miller and Gildea, 1987; Stenner, Smith, and Burdick, 1983). Klare (1963) hypothesized that the semantic component varied along a familiar-to-rare continuum. This concept was further developed by Carroll, Davies, and Richman (1971), whose word-frequency study examined the reoccurrence of words in a five-million-word corpus of running text. Knowing the frequency of words as they are used in written and oral communication provided the best means of inferring the likelihood that a word would be encountered by a reader and thus become part of that individual’s receptive vocabulary. Variables such as the average number of letters or syllables per word have been observed to be proxies for word frequency. There is a high negative correlation between the length of a word and the frequency of its usage. Polysyllabic words are used less frequently than monosyllabic words, making word length a good proxy for the likelihood that an individual will be exposed to a word. In a study examining receptive vocabulary, Stenner, Smith, and Burdick (1983) analyzed more than 50 semantic variables in order to identify those elements that contributed to the difficulty of the 350 vocabulary items on Forms L and M of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—Revised (Dunn and Dunn, 1981). Variables included part of speech, number of letters, number of syllables, the modal grade at which the word appeared in school materials, content classification of the word, the frequency of the word from two different word counts, and various algebraic transformations of these measures. The word frequency measure used was the raw count of how often a given word appeared in a corpus of 5,088,721 words sampled from a broad range of school materials (Carroll, Davies, and Richman, 1971). A “word family” included: (1) the stimulus word; (2) all plurals (adding “-s” or changing “-y” to “-ies”); (3) adverbial forms; (4) comparatives and superlatives; (5) verb forms (“-s,” “-d,” “-ed,” and “-ing”); (6) past participles; and (7) adjective forms. Correlations were computed between algebraic transformations of these means and the rank order of the test items. Since the items were ordered according to increasing difficulty, the rank order was used as the observed item difficulty. The mean log word frequency provided the highest correlation with item rank order (r 0.779) for the items on the combined form. The Lexile Framework currently employs a 600-million-word corpus when examining the semantic component of text. This corpus was assembled from the thousands of texts publishers have measured. When text is analyzed by MetaMetrics, all electronic files are initially edited according to established guidelines used with the Lexile Analyzer software. These guidelines include the removal of all incomplete sentences, chapter titles, and paragraph headings; running of a spell check; and repunctuating where necessary to correspond Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 15 15 8/14/07 6:54:05 PM to how the book would be read by a child (for example, at the end of a page). The text is then submitted to the Lexile Analyzer that examines the lengths of the sentences and the frequencies of the words and reports a Lexile measure for the book. When enough additional texts have been analyzed to make an adjustment to the corpus necessary and desirable, a linking study will be conducted to adjust the calibration equation such that the Lexile measure of a text based on the current corpus will be equivalent to the Lexile measure based on the new corpus. The Syntactic Component. Klare (1963) provided a possible interpretation for how sentence length works in predicting passage difficulty. He speculated that the syntactic component varied with the load placed on short-term memory. Crain and Shankweiler (1988), Shankweiler and Crain (1986), and Liberman, Mann, Shankweiler, and Westelman (1982) have also supported this explanation. The work of these individuals has provided evidence that sentence length is a good proxy for the demand that structural complexity places upon verbal short-term memory. While sentence length has been shown to be a powerful proxy for the syntactic complexity of a passage, an important caveat is that sentence length is not the underlying causal influence (Chall, 1988). Researchers sometimes incorrectly assume that manipulation of sentence length will have a predictable effect on passage difficulty. Davidson and Kantor (1982), for example, illustrated rather clearly that sentence length can be reduced and difficulty increased and vice versa. Based on previous research, it was decided to use sentence length as a proxy for the syntactic component of reading difficulty in the Lexile Framework. Calibration of Text Difficulty. A research study on semantic units conducted by Stenner, Smith, and Burdick (1983) was extended to examine the relationship of word frequency and sentence length to reading comprehension. In 1987(a), Stenner, Smith, Horabin, and Smith performed exploratory regression analysis to test the explanatory power of these variables. This analysis involved calculating the mean word frequency and the log of the mean sentence length for each of the 66 reading comprehension passages on the Peabody Individual Achievement Test. The observed difficulty of each passage was the mean difficulty of the items associated with the passage (provided by the publisher) converted to the logit scale. A regression analysis based on the word-frequency and sentence-length measures produced a regression equation that explained most of the variance found in the set of reading comprehension tasks. The resulting correlation between the observed logit difficulties and the theoretical calibrations was 0.97 after correction for range restriction and measurement error. The regression equation was further refined based on its use in predicting the observed difficulty of the reading comprehension passages on eight other standardized tests. The resulting correlation between the observed logit difficulties and the theoretical calibrations when the nine tests were combined into one was 0.93 after correction for range restriction and measurement error. Once a regression equation was established linking the syntactic and semantic features of a text to its difficulty, that equation was used to calibrate test items and text. 16 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 16 8/14/07 6:54:05 PM The Lexile scale. In developing the Lexile scale, the Rasch item response theory model (Wright and Stone, 1979) was used to estimate the difficulties of items and the abilities of readers on the logit scale. The calibrations of the items from the Rasch model are objective in the sense that the relative difficulties of the items will remain the same across different samples of readers (i.e., specific objectivity). When two items are administered to the same person, which item is harder and which one is easier can be determined. This ordering is likely to hold when the same two items are administered to a second person. If two different items are administered to the second person, there is no way to know which set of items is harder and which set is easier. The problem is that the location of the scale is not known. General objectivity requires that scores obtained from different test administrations be tied to a common zero—absolute location must be sample independent (Stenner, 1990). To achieve general objectivity, the theoretical logit difficulties must be transformed to a scale where the ambiguity regarding the location of zero is resolved. The first step in developing a scale with a fixed zero was to identify two anchor points for the scale. The following criteria were used to select the two anchor points: they should be intuitive, easily reproduced, and widely recognized. For example, with most thermometers the anchor points are the freezing and boiling points of water. For the Lexile scale, the anchor points are text from seven basal primers for the low end and text from The Electronic Encyclopedia (Grolier, Inc., 1986) for the high end. These points correspond to mediumdifficulty first-grade text and medium-difficulty workplace text. The next step was to determine the unit size for the scale. For the Celsius thermometer, the unit size (a degree) is 1/100th of the difference between freezing (0 degrees) and boiling (100 degrees) water. For the Lexile scale, the unit size was defined as 1/1000th of the difference between the mean difficulty of the primer material and the mean difficulty of the encyclopedia samples. Therefore, a Lexile by definition equals 1/1000th of the difference between the comprehensibility of the primers and the comprehensibility of the encyclopedia. The third step was to assign a value to the lower anchor point. The low-end anchor on the Lexile scale was assigned a value of 200. Finally, a linear equation of the form [(Logit ⴙ constant) ⴛ CF] ⴙ 200 ⴝ Lexile text measure (Equation 1) was developed to convert logit difficulties to Lexile calibrations. The values of the conversion factor (CF) and the constant were determined by substituting in the anchor points and then solving the system of equations. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 17 17 8/14/07 6:54:05 PM Validity of The Lexile Framework for Reading Validity is the “extent to which a test measures what its authors or users claim it measures; specifically, test validity concerns the appropriateness of inferences that can be made on the basis of test results” (Salvia and Ysseldyke, 1998). The 1999 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (America Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education) state that “validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed in the uses of tests” (p. 9). In other words, does the test measure what it is supposed to measure? For the Lexile Framework, which measures a skill, the most important aspect of validity that should be examined is construct validity. The construct validity of The Lexile Framework for Reading can be evaluated by examining how well Lexile measures relate to other measures of reading comprehension and text difficulty. Lexile Framework Linked to Other Measures of Reading Comprehension. The Lexile Framework for Reading has been linked to numerous standardized tests of reading comprehension. When assessment scales are linked, a common frame of reference can be used to interpret the test results. This frame of reference can be “used to convey additional normative information, test-content information, and information that is jointly normative and content-based. For many test uses, [this frame of reference] conveys information that is more crucial than the information conveyed by the primary score scale” (Petersen, Kolen, and Hoover, 1989, p. 222). Table 1 presents the results from linking studies conducted with the Lexile Framework for Reading. For each of the tests listed, student reading comprehension scores can also be reported as Lexile measures. This dual reporting provides a rich, criterion-related frame of reference for interpreting the standardized test scores. When a student takes one of the standardized tests, in addition to receiving his norm-referenced test results, he can receive a reading list that is targeted to his specific reading level. Lexile Framework and the Difficulty of Basal Readers. In a study conducted by Stenner, Smith, Horabin, and Smith (1987b), Lexile calibrations were obtained for units in eleven basal series. It was hypothesized that each basal series was sequenced by difficulty. So, for example, the latter portion of a third-grade reader is presumably more difficult than the first portion of the same book. Likewise, a fourth-grade reader is presumed to be more difficult than a third-grade reader. Observed difficulties for each unit in a basal series were estimated by the rank order of the unit in the series. Thus, the first unit in the first book of the first grade was assigned a rank order of one, and the last unit of the eighth-grade reader was assigned the highest rank order number. 18 Scholastic Reading Inventory 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 18 9/26/07 6:03:34 PM Table 1. Results from linking studies conducted with The Lexile Framework for Reading. Standardized Test Grades in Study N Correlation between Test Score and Lexile Measure Stanford Achievement Tests (Ninth Edition) 4, 6, 8, 10 1,167 0.92 Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test (Version 4.0) 4, 6, 8, 10 1, 169 0.91 North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests (Reading Comprehension) 3, 4, 5, 8 956 0.90 TerraNova (CTBS/5) 2, 4, 6, 8 2,713 0.92 Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) 3–8 3,623 0.73 to 0.78* Metropolitan Achievement Test (Eighth Edition) 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 2,382 0.93 Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test (Version 4.0) 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 4,644 0.92 Utah Core Assessments 3–6 1,551 0.73 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills 3, 5, and 8 1,960 0.60 to 0.73* The Iowa Tests (Iowa Tests of Basic Skills and Iowa Tests of Educational Development) 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 4,666 0.88 Stanford Achievement Test (Tenth Edition) 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 3,064 0.93 Oregon Knowledge and Skills 3, 5, 8, and 10 3,180 0.89 California Standards Test (CST) 2–12 55,564 NA** Mississippi Curriculum Test (MCT) 2, 4, 6, and 8 7,045 0.90 Georgia Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) 1–8 16,363 0.72 to 0.88* Notes: Results are based on final samples used with each linking study. *TAAS, TAKS and CRCT were not vertically equated; separate linking equations were derived for each grade. **CST was linked using a set of Lexile calibrated items embedded in the CST research blocks. CST items were calibrated to the Lexile scale. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 19 19 8/14/07 6:54:05 PM Correlations were computed between the rank order and the Lexile calibration of each unit in each series. After correction for range restriction and measurement error, the average disattenuated correlation between the Lexile calibration of text comprehensibility and the rank order of the basal units was 0.995 (see Table 2). Table 2. Correlations between theory-based calibrations produced by the Lexile equation and rank order of unit in basal readers. Number of Units rOT R OT R ′OT Ginn Rainbow Series (1985) 53 .93 .98 1.00 HBJ Eagle Series (1983) 70 .93 .98 1.00 Scott Foresman Focus Series (1985) 92 .84 .99 1.00 Riverside Reading Series (1986) 67 .87 .97 1.00 Houghton-Mifflin Reading Series (1983) 33 .88 .96 .99 Economy Reading Series (1986) 67 .86 .96 .99 Scott Foresman American Tradition (1987) 88 .85 .97 .99 HBJ Odyssey Series (1986) 38 .79 .97 .99 Holt Basic Reading Series (1986) 54 .87 .96 .98 Houghton-Mifflin Reading Series (1986) 46 .81 .95 .98 Open Court Headway Program (1985) 52 .54 .94 .97 660 .839 .965 .995 Basal Series Total/Means rOT raw correlation between observed difficulties (O) and theory-based calibrations (T). ROT correlation between observed difficulties (O) and theory-based calibrations (T) corrected for range restriction. R′OT correlation between observed difficulties (O) and theory-based calibrations (T) corrected for range restriction and measurement error. Mean correlations are the weighted averages of the respective correlations. Based on the consistency of the results in Table 2, the Lexile theory was able to account for the unit rank ordering of the eleven basal series despite numerous differences among them—prose selections, developmental range addressed, types of prose introduced (e.g., narrative versus expository), and purported skills and objectives emphasized. Lexile Framework and the Difficulty of Reading Test Items. In a study conducted by Stenner, Smith, Horabin, and Smith (1987a), 1,780 reading comprehension test items appearing on nine nationally normed tests were analyzed. The study correlated empirical item difficulties provided by the publisher with the Lexile calibrations specified by computer analysis of the text of each item. The empirical difficulties were obtained in one of three ways. Three of the tests included observed logit difficulties from either a Rasch or three-parameter analysis (e.g., NAEP). For four of the tests, logit difficulties were estimated from item p-values and raw score means and standard deviations (Poznansky, 1990; Stenner, Wright, and Linacre, 20 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 20 8/14/07 6:54:06 PM 1994). Two of the tests provided no item parameters, but in each case items were ordered on the test in terms of difficulty (e.g., PIAT). For these two tests, the empirical difficulties were approximated by the difficulty rank order of the items. In those cases where multiple questions were asked about a single passage, empirical item difficulties were averaged to yield a single observed difficulty for the passage. Once theory-specified calibrations and empirical item difficulties were computed, the two arrays were correlated and plotted separately for each test. The plots were checked for unusual residual distributions and curvature, and it was discovered that the equation did not fit poetry items and noncontinuous prose items (e.g., recipes, menus, or shopping lists). This indicated that the universe to which the Lexile equation could be generalized was limited to continuous prose. The poetry and noncontinuous prose items were removed and correlations were recalculated. Table 3 contains the results of this analysis. Table 3. Correlations between theory-based calibrations produced by the Lexile equation and empirical item difficulty. Test Number of Questions Number of Passages Mean SD Range Min Max rOT R OT R ′OT SRA CAT-E Lexile PIAT CAT-C CTBS NAEP Battery Mastery 235 418 262 66 253 246 189 26 85 46 74 262 66 43 50 70 26 85 644 789 771 939 744 703 833 491 593 353 258 463 451 238 271 263 560 488 1303 1339 1910 1515 810 1133 1162 2186 2135 33 212 304 242 314 173 169 702 586 1336 1551 1606 1757 1124 1306 1331 1484 1549 .95 .91 .93 .93 .83 .74 .65 .88 .74 .97 .95 .95 .94 .93 .92 .92 .84 .75 1.00 .98 .97 .97 .96 .95 .94 .87 .77 1780 722 767 343 1441 50 1491 .84 .91 .93 Total/ Mean rOT raw correlation between observed difficulties (O) and theory-based calibrations (T). ROT correlation between observed difficulties (O) and theory-based calibrations (T) corrected for range restriction. R′OT correlation between observed difficulties (O) and theory-based calibrations (T) corrected for range restriction and measurement error. Means are computed on Fisher Z transformed correlations. The last three columns in Table 3 show the raw correlations between observed (O) item difficulties and theoretical (T) item calibrations, with the correlations corrected for restriction in range and measurement error. The Fisher Z mean of the raw correlations (rOT) is 0.84. When corrections are made for range restriction and measurement error, the Fisher Z mean disattenuated correlation between theory-based calibration and empirical difficulty in an unrestricted group of reading comprehension items (R′OT) is 0.93. These results show that most attempts to measure reading comprehension—no matter what the item form, type of skill objectives assessed, or response requirement used—measure a common comprehension factor specified by the Lexile Theory. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 21 21 8/14/07 6:54:06 PM Lexile Item Bank The Lexile Item Bank contains over 10,000 items that were developed between 1986 and 2003 for research purposes with the Lexile Framework. Passage Selection. Passages selected for use came from “real-world” reading materials that students may encounter both in and out of the classroom. Sources include textbooks, literature, and periodicals from a variety of interest areas and material written by authors of different backgrounds. The following criteria were used to select passages: • the passage must develop one main idea or contain one complete piece of information, • understanding of the passage is independent of the information that comes before or after the passage in the source text, and • understanding of the passage is independent of prior knowledge not contained in the passage. With the aid of a computer program, item writers examined blocks of text (minimum of three sentences) that were calibrated to be within 100L of the source text. From these blocks of text item writers were asked to select four to five that could be developed as items. If it was necessary to shorten or lengthen the passage in order to meet the criteria for passage selection, the item writer could immediately recalibrate the text to ensure that it was still targeted within 100L of the complete text (i.e., source targeting). Item Format. The native-Lexile item format is embedded completion. The embedded completion format is similar to the fill-in-the-blank format. When properly written, this format directly assesses the reader’s ability to draw inferences and establish logical connections between the ideas in the passage. The reader is presented with a passage of approximately 30 to 150 words in length. The passages are shorter for beginning readers and longer for more advanced readers. The passage is then response illustrated—a statement with a word or phrase missing is added at the end of the passage, followed by four options. From the four presented options, the reader is asked to select the “best” option that completes the statement. With this format, all options are semantically and syntactically appropriate completions of the sentence, but one option is unambiguously the “best” option when considered in the context of the passage. The statement portion of the embedded completion item can assess a variety of skills related to reading comprehension: paraphrase information in the passage, draw a logical conclusion based on information in the passage, make an inference, identify a supporting detail, or make a generalization based on information in the passage. The statement is written to ensure that by reading and comprehending the passage, the reader is able to select the correct option. When the embedded completion statement is read by itself, each of the four options is plausible. 22 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 22 8/14/07 6:54:06 PM Item Writer Training. Item writers were classroom teachers and other educators who had experience with the everyday reading ability of students at various levels. The use of individuals with these types of experiences helped to ensure that the items are valid measures of reading comprehension. Item writers were provided with training materials concerning the embedded completion item format and guidelines for selecting passages, developing statements, and creating options. The item writing materials also contained incorrect items that illustrated the criteria used to evaluate items and corrections based on those criteria. The final phase of item writer training was a short practice session with three items. Item writers were provided vocabulary lists to use during statement and option development. The vocabulary lists were compiled from spelling books one grade level below the level targeted by the item. The rationale was that these words should be part of a reader’s “working” vocabulary if they were learned the previous year. Item writers were also given extensive training related to sensitivity issues. Part of the item-writing materials addressed these issues and identified areas to avoid when selecting passages and developing items. The following areas were covered: violence and crime, depressing situations/death, offensive language, drugs/alcohol/tobacco, sex/attraction, race/ethnicity, class, gender, religion, supernatural/magic, parent/family, politics, animals/ environment, and brand names/junk food. These materials were developed to be compliant with standards of universal design and fair access—equal treatment of the sexes, fair representation of minority groups, and the fair representation of disabled individuals. Item Review. All items were subjected to a two-stage review process. First, items were reviewed and edited according to the 19 criteria identified in the item-writing materials and for sensitivity issues. Approximately 25% of the items developed were deleted for various reason. Where possible, items were edited and maintained in the item bank. Items were then reviewed and edited by a group of specialists representing various perspectives: test developers, editors, and curriculum specialists. These individuals examined each item for sensitivity issues and the quality of the response options. During the second stage of the item review process, items were either “approved as presented,” “approved with edits,” or “deleted.” Approximately 10% of the items written were “approved with edits” or “deleted” at this stage. When necessary, item writers received additional ongoing feedback and training. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 23 23 8/14/07 6:54:06 PM Item Analyses. As part of the linking studies and research studies conducted by MetaMetrics, items in the Lexile Item Bank were evaluated for difficulty (relationship between logit [observed Lexile measure] and theoretical Lexile measure), internal consistency (pointbiserial correlation), and bias (ethnicity and gender where possible). Where necessary, items were deleted from the item bank or revised and recalibrated. During the spring of 1999, eight levels of a Lexile assessment were administered in a large urban school district to students in Grades 1 through 12. The eight test levels were administered in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7–8, and 9–12 and ranged from 40 to 70 items depending on the grade level. A total of 427 items were administered across the eight test levels. Each item was answered by at least 9,000 students (the number of students per level ranged from 9,286 in Grade 2 to 19,056 in Grades 9–12). The item responses were submitted to a Winsteps IRT analysis. The resulting item difficulties (in logits) were assigned Lexile measures by multiplying by 180 and anchoring each set of items to the mean theoretical difficulty of the items on the form. 24 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 24 8/14/07 6:54:07 PM Description of the Test Test Materials SRI is “an interactive reading comprehension test that provides an assessment of reading levels, reported in Lexile measures” (Scholastic, 2006a, p. 1). The results can be used to measure how well readers comprehend literary and expository texts of varying difficulties. Item Bank. SRI consists of a bank of approximately 5,000 multiple-choice items that are presented as embedded completion items. In this question format the student is asked to read a passage taken from an actual text and then choose the option that best fills the blank in the last statement. In order to complete the statement, the student must respond on a literal level (recall a fact) or an inferential level (determine the main idea of the passage, draw an inference from the material presented, or make a connection between sentences in the passage). Educator’s Guide. This guide provides an overview of the SRI software and software support. Educators are provided information on getting started with the software (installing it, enrolling students, reporting results), how the SRI student program works (login, book interest screen, Practice Test, Locator Test, SRI test, and reports), and working with the Scholastic Achievement Manager (SAM). SAM is the learning management system for all Scholastic software programs including READ 180, Scholastic Reading Counts!, and ReadAbout. Educators use SAM to collect and organize student-produced data. SAM helps educators understand and implement data-driven instruction by • managing student rosters; • generating reports that capture student performance data at various levels of aggregation (student, classroom, group, school, and district); • locating helpful resources for classroom instruction and aligning the instruction to standards; and • communicating student progress to parents, teachers, and administrators. The Educator’s Guide also provides teachers with information on how to use the results from SRI in the classroom. Teachers can access their students’ reading levels and prescribe appropriate instructional support material to aid in developing their students’ reading skills and growth as readers. Information related to best practices for test administration, interpreting reports, and using Lexiles in the classroom is provided. Reproducibles are also provided to help educators communicate SRI results to parents, monitor growth, and recommend books. Te c h n i c a l G u i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 25 25 9/26/07 6:03:39 PM Test Administration and Scoring Administration Time. SRI can be administered at any time during the school year. The tests are intended to be untimed. Typically, students take 20–30 minutes to complete the test. There should be at least eight weeks of elapsed time between administrations to allow for growth in reading ability. Administration Setting. SRI can be administered in a group setting or individually— wherever computers are available: in the classroom, in a computer lab, or in the library media center. The setting should be quiet and free from distractions. Teachers should make sure that students have the computer skills needed to complete the test. Practice items are provided to ensure that students understand the directions and know how to use the computer to take the test. Administration and Scoring. The student experience with SRI consists of three phrases: practice test, locator test, and SRI test. Prior to testing, the teacher or administrator inputs information into the computer-adaptive algorithm that controls the administration of the test. The student’s identification number and grade level must be input; prior standardized reading results (Lexile measure, percentile, stanine, or NCE) and the teacher’s judgment of the student’s reading level (Far Below, Below, On, Above, or Far Above) should be input. This information is used to determine the best starting point for the student. The Practice Test consists of three items that are significantly below the student’s reading level (approximately 10th percentile for grade level). The practice items are administered only during the student’s first experience with SRI and are designed to ensure that the student understands the directions and how to use the computer to take the test. For students in Grades 7 and above and for whom the only data to set the starting item difficulty is their grade level, a Locator Test is presented to better target the students. The Locator Test consists of 2–5 items that have a reading demand 500L below the “On Level” designation for the grade. The results are used to establish the student’s prior reading ability level. If students respond incorrectly to one or more items, their prior reading ability is set to “Far Below Grade Level.” SRI uses a three-phase approach to assess a student’s level of reading comprehension: Start, Step, Stop. During test administration, the computer adapts the test continually according to the student’s responses to the items. The student starts the test; the test steps up or down according to the student’s performance; and, when the computer has enough information about the student’s reading level, the test stops. The first phase, Start, determines the best point on the Lexile scale to begin testing the student. The more information that is input into the algorithm, the better targeted the beginning of the test. Research has shown that well-targeted tests include less error in reporting student scores than poorly targeted tests. A student is targeted in one of three ways: (1) the teacher or test administrator enters the student’s Estimated Reading Level; (2) the student is in Grade 6 or below and the student’s grade level is used; or (3) the student is in Grade 7 or above and the Locator Test is administered. 26 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 26 8/14/07 6:54:07 PM For the student whose test administration is illustrated in Figure 2, the teacher input the student’s grade (6) and Lexile measure from the previously administered SRI Print. Figure 2. Sample administration of SRI for a sixth-grade student with a prior Lexile measure of 880L. 900 Q14 890 Q13 880 Q12 Item Difficulty 870 Q10 860 Q7 850 Q6 840 Q3 830 820 Q2 810 800 Q9 Q11 Q8 Q5 Q4 Q1 790 SRI Administration The second phase, Step, controls the selection of items presented to the student. If only the student’s grade level was input during the first phase, then the student is presented with an item that has a Lexile measure at the 50th percentile for her grade. If more information about the student’s reading ability was input during the first phase, then the student is presented with an item that is nearer her true ability. If the student answers the item correctly, then she is presented with an item that is slightly more difficult. If the student responds incorrectly to the item, then she is presented with an item that is slightly easier. After the student responds to each item, her SRI score (Lexile measure) is recomputed. Figure 2 above shows how SRI could be administered. The first item presented to the student measured 800L. Because she answered the item correctly, the next item was slightly more difficult (810L), her third item measured 830L. Because she responded incorrectly to this item, the next item was slightly easier (820L). The final phase, Stop, controls the termination of the test. Each student will be presented 15–25 items. The exact number of items a student receives depends on how the student responds to the items as they are presented. In addition, the number of items presented to the student is affected by how well the test is targeted in the beginning. Well-targeted tests Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 27 27 8/14/07 6:54:07 PM begin with less measurement error and, therefore, the student will be asked to respond to fewer items. Because the test administered to the student in Figure 2 was well-targeted to her reading level (50th percentile for Grade 6 is 880L), only 15 items were administered to the student to determine her Lexile measure. Results from SRI are reported as scale scores (Lexile measures). This scale extends from Beginning Reader (less than 100L) to 1500L. A scale score is determined by the difficulty of the items a student answered both correctly and incorrectly. Scale scores can be used to report the results of both criterion-referenced tests and norm-referenced tests. There are many reasons to use scale scores rather than raw scores to report test results. Scale scores overcome the disadvantage of many other types of scores (e.g., percentiles and raw scores) in that equal differences between scale score points represent equal differences in achievement. Each question on a test has a unique level of difficulty; therefore, answering 23 items correctly on one form of a test requires a slightly different level of achievement than answering 23 items correctly on another form of the test. But receiving a scale score (in this case, a Lexile measure) of 675L on one form of a test represents the same level of reading ability as receiving a scale score of 675L on another form of the test. Keep in mind that no one test should be the sole determinate when making high-stakes decisions about students (e.g., summer-school placement or retention). Consider the student’s interests and experiences, as well as knowledge of each student’s reading abilities, when making these kinds of decisions. SRI begins with the concept of targeted level testing and takes it a step further. With the Lexile Framework as the yardstick of text difficulty, SRI produces a measure that places texts and readers on the same scale. The Lexile measure connects each student to actual reading materials—school texts, story books, magazines, newspapers, employee instructions—which can be readily understood by that student. Because SRI provides an accurate measure of where each student reads among the variety of reading materials calibrated in the Lexile Titles Database, the instructional approach and reading assignments for optimal growth are explicit. SRI targeted testing not only measures how well each student can actually read, but also locates them among the real reading materials which are most useful to them. In addition, the performance experience of taking a targeted test, a test that, because of its targeting, is both challenging and reassuring, brings out the best in students. Interpreting Scholastic Reading Inventory Scores SRI provides both criterion-referenced and norm-referenced interpretations of the Lexile measures. Criterion-referenced interpretations of test results provide a rich frame of reference that can be used to guide instruction and text selection for optimal student reading growth. While norm-referenced interpretations of test results are often required for accountability purposes, they indicate only how well the student is reading in relation to how other, similar students read. 28 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 28 8/14/07 6:54:09 PM Norm-Referenced Interpretations. A norm-referenced interpretation of a test score expresses how a student performed on the test compared to other students of the same age or grade. Norm-referenced interpretations of reading test results, however, do not provide any information about what a student can or cannot read. For accountability purposes, percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and stanines are used to report test results when making comparisons (norm-referenced interpretations). For a comparison of these measures, refer to Figure 3. Figure 3. Normal distraction of scores described in scale scores, percentiles, stanines, and normal curve equivalents (NCEs). Percentage of area under the normal curve 1 2 1 5 9 10 20 15 30 18 40 18 50 15 60 9 5 70 80 2 90 1 99 Normal curve equivalent scores (NCEs) 10 1 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 Percentiles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stanines The percentile rank of a score indicates the percentage of scores less than or equal to that score. Percentile ranks range from 1 to 99. For example, if a student scores at the 65th percentile, it means that he or she performed as well as or better than 65% of the norm group. Real differences in performance are greater at the ends of the percentile range than in the middle. Percentile ranks of scores can be compared across two or more distributions; percentile ranks cannot be used to determine differences in relative rank due to the fact that the intervals between adjacent percentile ranks do not necessarily represent equal raw score intervals. Note that the percentile rank does not refer to the percentage of items answered correctly. A normal curve equivalent (NCE) is a normalized student score with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 21.06. NCEs range from 1 to 99. NCEs allow comparisons between different tests for the same student or group of students and between different students on Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 29 29 8/14/07 6:54:09 PM the same test. NCEs have many of the same characteristics as percentile ranks, but have the additional advantage of being based on an interval scale. That is, the difference between two consecutive scores on the scale has the same meaning throughout the scale. NCEs are required by many categorical funding agencies (for example, Title I). A stanine is a standardized student score with a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 2. Stanines range from 1 to 9. In general, stanines of 1–3 are considered below average, stanines of 4–6 are considered average, and stanines of 7–9 are considered above average. A difference of 2 between the stanines for two measures indicates that the two measures are significantly different. Stanines, like percentiles, indicate a student’s relative standing in a norm group. While not very useful at the student level, normative information can be useful (and often required) at the aggregate levels for program evaluation. Appendix 2 contains normative data (percentiles, stanines, and NCEs) for some levels of SRI. Complete levels are found in the SRI program under the Resource Section in the Scholastic Achievement Manager (SAM). A linking study conducted with the Lexile Framework developed normative information based on a sample of 512,224 students from a medium-to-large state. The majority of the students in the norming population were Caucasian (66.3%), with 29.3% African American, 1.7% Native American, 1.2% Hispanic, 1.0% Asian, and 0.6% Other. Less than 1% (0.7%) of the students were classified as “limited English proficient,” and 10.1% of the students were classified as “Students with Disabilities.” Approximately 40% of the students were eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program. Approximately half of the schools in the state had some form of Title I program (either school-wide or targeted assistance). The sample’s distributions of scores on norm-referenced and other standardized measures of reading comprehension are similar to those reported for national distributions. Criterion-Referenced Interpretations. An important feature of the Lexile Framework is that it also provides criterion-referenced interpretations of every measure. A criterion-referenced interpretation of a test score compares the specific knowledge and skills measured by the test to the student’s proficiency with the same knowledge and skills. Criterion-referenced scores have meaning in terms of what the student knows or can do, rather than in relation to the scores produced by some external reference (or norm) group. When a reader’s measure is equal to the task’s calibration, then the Lexile scale forecasts that the individual has a 75% comprehension rate on that task. When 20 such tasks are given to this reader, one expects three-fourths of the responses to be correct. If the task is more difficult than the reader is able, then the probability is less than 75% that the response of the person to the task will be correct. Similarly, when the task is easier compared to a reader’s measure, then the probability is greater than 75% that the response will be correct. There is empirical evidence supporting the choice of a 75% target comprehension rate, as opposed to, say, a 50% or a 90% rate. Squires, Huitt, and Segars (1983) observed that reading achievement for second-graders peaked when the success rate reached 75%. A 75% success rate also is supported by the findings of Crawford, King, Brophy, and Evertson (1975), Rim (1980), and Huynh (1998). It may be, however, that there is no one optimal 30 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 30 8/14/07 6:54:09 PM rate of reading comprehension. It may be that there is a range in which individuals can operate to optimally improve their reading ability. Since the Lexile Theory provides complementary procedures for measuring people and text, the scale can be used to match a person’s level of comprehension with books that the person is forecast to read with a high comprehension rate. Trying to identify possible supplemental reading materials for students has, for the most part, relied on a teacher’s familiarity with the titles. For example, an eighth-grade girl who is interested in sports but is not reading at grade level may be interested in reading a biography about Chris Evert. The teacher may not know, however, whether a specific biography is too difficult or too easy for the student. The Lexile Framework provides a reader measure and a text measure on the same scale. Armed with this information, a teacher, librarian, media specialist, student, or parent can plan for success. Readers develop reading comprehension skills by reading. Skill development is enhanced when their reading is accompanied by frequent response requirements. Response requirements may be structured in a variety of ways. An instructor may ask oral questions as the reader progresses through the prose or written questions may be embedded in the text, much as is done with Scholastic Reading Inventory items. Response requirements are important; unless there is some evaluation and self-assessment, there can be no assurance that the reader is properly targeted and comprehending the material. Students need to be given a text on which they can practice being a competent reader (Smith, 1973). The above approach does not complete a fully articulated instructional theory, but its prescription is straightforward. Students need to read more and teachers need to monitor this reading with some efficient response requirement. One implication of these notions is that some of the time spent on skill sheets might be better spent reading targeted prose with concomitant response requirements (Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, and Wilkinson, 1985). This approach has been supported by the research of Five (1980) and Hiebert (1998). As the reader improves, new titles with higher text measures can be chosen to match the growing reader ability. This results in a constantly growing person-measure, thus keeping the comprehension rate at the most productive level. We need to locate a reader’s “edge” and then expose the reader to text that plays on that edge. When this approach is followed in any domain of human development, the edge moves and the capacities of the individual are enhanced. What happens when the “edge” is over-estimated and repeatedly exceeded? In physical exertion, if you push beyond the edge you feel pain; if you demand even more from the muscle, you will experience severe muscle strain or ligament damage. In reading, playing on the edge is a satisfying and confidence-building activity, but exceeding that edge by over-challenging readers with out-of-reach materials reduces self-confidence, stunts growth, and results in the individual “tuning out.” The tremendous emphasis on reading in daily activities makes every encounter with written text a reconfirmation of a poor reader’s inadequacy. For individuals to become competent readers, they need to be exposed to text that results in a comprehension rate of 75% or better. If an 850L reader is faced with an 1100L text (resulting in a 50% comprehension rate), there will be too much unfamiliar vocabulary Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 31 31 8/14/07 6:54:10 PM and too much of a load placed on the reader’s tolerance for syntactical complexity for that reader to attend to meaning. The rhythm and flow of familiar sentence structures will be interrupted by frequent unfamiliar vocabulary, resulting in inefficient chunking and short-term memory overload. When readers are correctly targeted, they read fluidly with comprehension; when incorrectly targeted, they struggle both with the material and with maintaining their self-esteem. Within the Lexile Framework, there are no poor readers—only mistargeted readers who are being over challenged. Forecasting Comprehension Rates. A reader with a measure of 600L who is given a text measured at 600L is expected to have a 75% comprehension rate. This 75% comprehension rate is the basis for selecting text that is targeted to a reader’s ability, but what exactly does it mean? And what would the comprehension rate be if this same reader were given a text measured at 350L or one at 850L? The 75% comprehension rate for a reader-text pairing can be given an operational meaning by imagining the text is carved into item-sized ”chunks” of approximately 125–140 words with a question embedded in each chunk. A reader who answers three-fourths of the questions correctly has a 75% comprehension rate. Suppose instead that the text and reader measures are not the same. The difference in Lexiles between reader and text governs comprehension. If the text measure is less than the reader measure, the comprehension rate will exceed 75%. If the text measure is much less, the comprehension rate will be much greater. But how much greater? What is the expected comprehension rate when a 600L reader reads a 350L text? If all the item-sized chunks in the 350L text had the same calibration, the 250L difference between the 600L reader and the 350L text could be determined using the Rasch model equation (Equation 2 on page 37). This equation describes the relationship between the measure of a student’s level of reading comprehension and the calibration of the items. Unfortunately, comprehension rates calculated only by this procedure would be biased because the calibrations of the slices in ordinary prose are not all the same. The average difficulty level of the slices and their variability both affect the comprehension rate. Figure 4 shows the general relationship between reader-text discrepancy and forecasted comprehension rate. When the reader measure and the text calibration are the same, then the forecasted comprehension rate is 75%. In the example from the preceding paragraph, the difference between the reader measure of 600L and the text calibration of 350L is 250L. Referring to Figure 4 and using +250L (reader minus text), the forecasted comprehension rate for this reader-text combination would be 90%. The subjective experience of 50%, 75%, and 90% comprehension as reported by readers varies greatly. A 1000L reader reading 1000L text (75% comprehension) reports confidence and competence. Teachers listening to such a reader report that the reader can sustain the meaning thread of the text and can read with motivation and appropriate emotion and emphasis. In short, such readers appear to comprehend what they are reading. A 1000L reader reading 1250L text (50% comprehension) encounters so much unfamiliar vocabulary and difficult syntax that the meaning thread is frequently lost. 32 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 32 8/14/07 6:54:10 PM Forecasted Comprehension Rate Figure 4. Relationship between reader-text discrepancy and forecasted reading comprehension rate. 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 –1000 –750 –500 –250 0 250 500 750 1000 Reader – Text (in Lexiles) Tables 4 and 5 show comprehension rates calculated for various combinations of reader measures and text calibrations. Table 4. Comprehension rates for the same individual with materials of varying comprehension difficulty. Reader Measure Text Calibration 1000L 1000L 1000L 1000L 1000L 500L 750L 1000L 1250L 1500L Sample Titles Tornado (Byars) The Martian Chronicles (Bradbury) Reader’s Digest The Call of the Wild (London) On the Equality Among Mankind (Rousseau) Forecasted Comprehension 96% 90% 75% 50% 25% Such readers report frustration and seldom choose to read independently at this level of comprehension. Finally, a 1000L reader reading 750L text (90% comprehension) reports total control of the text, reads with speed, and experiences automaticity during the reading process. The primary utility of the Lexile Framework is its ability to forecast what happens when readers confront text. Every application by a teacher, student, librarian, or parent is a test of the Lexile framework’s accuracy. The Lexile framework makes a point prediction every time a text is chosen for a reader. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the Lexile Framework Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 33 33 8/14/07 6:54:10 PM Table 5. Comprehension rates of different-ability readers with the same material. Reader Measure Calibration of Typical Grade 10 Textbook Forecasted Comprehension Rate 500L 750L 1000L 1250L 1500L 1000L 1000L 1000L 1000L 1000L 25% 50% 75% 90% 96% predicts as intended. That is not to say the forecasted comprehension is error-free. There is error in text measures, reader measures, and their difference modeled as forecasted comprehension. However, the error is sufficiently small that the judgments about readers, texts, and comprehension rates are useful. Performance Standard Proficiency Bands. A growing trend in education is to differentiate between content standards—curricular frameworks that specify what should be taught at each grade level—and performance standards—what students must do to demonstrate proficiency with respect to the specific content. Increasingly, educators and parents want to know more than just how a student’s performance compares with that of other students: they ask, “What level of performance does a score represent?” and “How good is good enough?” The Lexile Framework for Reading, in combination with Scholastic Reading Inventory, provides a context for examining performance standards from two perspectives— reader-based standards and text-based standards. Reader-based standards are determined by examining the skills and knowledge of students identified as being at the requisite level (the examinee-centered method) or by examining the test items and defining what level of skills and knowledge the student must have to be at the requisite level (the task-centered method). A cut score is established that differentiates between students who have the desired level of skills and knowledge to be considered as meeting the standard and those who do not. Text-based standards are determined by specifying those texts that students with a certain level of skills and knowledge (for example, a high school graduate) should be able to read with a specified level of comprehension. A cut score is established that reflects this level of ability and is then annotated with benchmark texts descriptive of the standard. In 1999, four performance standards were set at each grade level in SRI—Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. Proficient was defined as performance that exhibited competent academic performance when students read grade-level appropriate text and could be considered as reading “on Grade Level.” Students performing at this level should be able to identify details, draw conclusions, and make comparisons and generalizations when reading materials developmentally appropriate for their nominal grade level. 34 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 34 8/14/07 6:54:10 PM The standard-setting group consisted of curriculum specialists, test development consultants, and other educators. A general description of the process used by the standard-setting group to arrive at the final cut scores follows: • Group members reviewed previously established performance standards for Grades 1–12 that could be reported in terms of the Lexile scale. Information that defined and/or described each of the measures was provided to the group. In addition, for the reader-based standards, information was provided concerning when the standards were set, the policy definition of the standards, the performance descriptors of the standards (where available), the method used to set the standards, and the type of impact data provided to the panelists. • Reader-based standards included the following: the Stanford Achievement Test, Version 9 (Harcourt Brace Educational Measurement, 1997); the North Carolina End-of-Grade Test (North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 1996); and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (National Assessment Governing Board, 1997). • Text-based standards included the following: Miami-Dade Public Schools (Miami, Florida, 1998); text on the National Assessment of Educational Progress at Grades 4, 8, and 12; text-based materials found in classrooms and delineated on the Lexile Map; materials associated with adult literacy (workplace—1100L–1400L; continuing education—1100L–1400L; citizenship—newspapers 1200L–1400L; morals, ethics, and religion—1400L–1500L; and entertainment—typical novels 900L–1100L); and grade-level based curriculum materials such as READ 180 by Scholastic Inc. • Round 1. Members of the standard-setting group individually studied the previously established performance standards and determined corresponding Lexile measures for student performance at the top and bottom of the “Proficient” standard. • Round 2. The performance levels identified for each grade in Round 1 were distributed to all members of the standard-setting group. The group discussed the range of cut scores identified for a grade level until consensus was reached. The process was repeated for each grade, 1–11. In addition, lower “intervention” points were identified that could be used to flag results that indicated a student was significantly below grade level (the “Below Basic” performance standard). • Round 3. In this round impact data were provided to the members of the standard-setting group. This information was based on the reader-based standards that had been previously established (Stanford Achievement Test, Version 9 national percentiles). Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 35 35 8/14/07 6:54:11 PM The policy descriptions for each of the performance standard proficiency band used at each grade level are as follows: • Advanced: Students scoring in this range exhibit superior performance when reading grade-level appropriate text and can be considered as reading “above Grade Level.” • Proficient: Students scoring in this range exhibit competent performance when reading grade-level appropriate text and can be considered as reading “on Grade Level.” Students performing at this level should be able to identify details, draw conclusions, and make comparisons and generalizations when reading materials developmentally appropriate for the grade level. • Basic: Students scoring in this range exhibit minimally competent performance when reading grade-level appropriate text and can be considered as reading “Below Grade Level.” • Below Basic: Students scoring in this range do not exhibit minimally competent performance when reading grade-level appropriate text and can be considered as reading significantly “Below Grade Level.” The final cut scores for each grade level in Scholastic Reading Inventory are presented in Table 6. Table 6. Performance standard proficiency bands for SRI, in Lexiles, by grade. Grade Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 — 99 and Below 249 and Below 349 and Below 449 and Below 499 and Below 549 and Below 599 and Below 649 and Below 699 and Below 799 and Below 99 and Below 100 to 299 250 to 499 350 to 599 450 to 699 500 to 799 550 to 849 600 to 899 650 to 999 700 to 1024 800 to 1049 100 to 400 300 to 600 500 to 800 600 to 900 700 to 1000 800 to 1050 850 to 1100 900 to 1150 1000 to 1200 1025 to 1250 1050 to 1300 401 and Above 601 and Above 801 and Above 901 and Above 1001 and Above 1051 and Above 1101 and Above 1151 and Above 1201 and Above 1251 and Above 1301 and Above Note: The original standards for Grade 2 were revised by Scholastic Inc. (December 1999) and are presented above. The original standards for Grades 9, 10, and 11 were revised by Scholastic Inc. (January 2000) and are presented above. 36 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 36 8/14/07 6:54:11 PM Using SRI Results The Lexile Framework for Reading provides teachers and educators with tools to help them link the results of assessment with subsequent instruction. Tests such as SRI that are linked to the Lexile scale provide tools for monitoring the progress of students at any time during the school year. When a reader takes an SRI test, his or her results are reported as a Lexile measure. This means, for example, that a student whose reading skills have been measured at 500L is expected to read with 75% comprehension a book that is also measured at 500L. When the reader and text are matched by their Lexile measures, the reader is “targeted.” A targeted reader reports confidence, competence, and control over the text. When a text measure is 250L above the reader’s measure, comprehension is predicted to drop to 50% and the reader experiences frustration and inadequacy. Conversely, when a text measure is 250L below the reader’s measure, comprehension is predicted to increase to 90% and the reader experiences total control and automaticity. Lexile Framework. The Lexile Framework for Reading is a tool that can help determine the reading level of written material—from a book, to a test item, to a magazine article, to a Web site, to a textbook. After test results are converted into Lexile measures, readers can be matched with materials on their own level. More than 100,000 books, 80 million periodical articles, and many newspapers have been leveled using this tool to assist in selecting reading materials. Developed by the psychometric research company MetaMetrics, Inc., the Lexile Framework was funded in part by a series of grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The Lexile Framework makes provisions for students who read below or beyond their grade level. See the Lexile Framework Map in Appendix 1 for fiction and nonfiction titles, leveled reading samples, and approximate grade ranges. A Lexile measure is the specific number assigned to any text. A computer program called the Lexile Analyzer ® computes it. The Lexile Analyzer carefully examines the complete text to measure such characteristics as sentence length and word frequency—characteristics that are highly related to overall reading comprehension. The Lexile Analyzer then reports a Lexile measure for the text. Using the Lexile Framework to Select Books. Teachers, parents, and students can use the tools provided by the Lexile Framework to plan instruction. When teachers provide parents and students with lists of titles that match the students’ Lexile measures, they can then work together to choose appropriate titles that also match the students’ interest and background knowledge. The Lexile Framework does not prescribe a reading program; it is a tool that gives educators more control over the variables involved when they design reading instruction. The Lexile Framework yields multiple opportunities for use in a variety of instructional activities. After becoming familiar with the Lexile Framework, teachers are likely to think of a variety of additional creative ways to use this tool to match students to books that they find challenging but not frustrating. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 37 37 8/14/07 6:54:11 PM The Lexile Framework is a system that helps match readers with literature appropriate for their reading skills. When reading a book within their Lexile range (50L above to 100L below their Lexile measure), readers should comprehend enough of the text to make sense of it, while still being challenged enough to maintain interest and learning. Remember, there are many factors that affect the relationship between a reader and a book. These factors include content, age of the reader, interest, suitability of the text, and text difficulty. The Lexile measure of a text, a measure of text difficulty, is a good starting point for the selection process; other factors should then be considered. The Lexile measure should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a text. Helping Students Set Appropriate Learning Goals. Students’ Lexile measures can be used to identify reading materials that they are likely to comprehend with 75% accuracy. Students can set goals for improving their reading comprehension, and plan clear strategies to reach those goals, using literature from the appropriate Lexile ranges. Students can be retested using SRI during the school year to monitor their progress toward their goals. Monitoring Progress Toward Reading Program Goals. As students’ Lexile measures increase, their reading comprehension ability increases, and the set of reading materials they can comprehend at 75% accuracy expands. Many school districts are required to write school improvement plans that include measurable goals. Schools also write grant applications in which they are required to state how they will monitor progress of the intervention funded by the grant. For example, schools that receive Reading Excellence Act funds can use the Lexile Framework for evaluation purposes. Schools can use student-level and district-level Lexile information to monitor and evaluate interventions designed to improve reading skills. Examples of measurable goals and clearly related strategies for reading intervention programs might include: Goal: At least half of the students will improve their reading comprehension abilities by 100L after one year’s use of an intervention. Goal: Students’ attitudes about reading will improve after reading 10 books at their 75% comprehension rate. These examples of goals emphasize the fact that the Lexile Framework is not an intervention, but a tool to help educators plan instruction and measure the success of the reading program. Including Parents in the Educational Process. Teachers can use the Lexile Framework to engage parents in the following sample exchanges: “Your child will be able to read with at least 75% comprehension these materials from the next grade level”; “Your child will need to improve by 400–500 Lexiles to prepare for college in the next few years. Here is a list of appropriate titles your child can choose from for reading this summer.” Challenging the Best Readers. A variety of instructional programs are available for the poorest readers, but few resources are available to help teachers challenge their best readers. The Lexile Framework links reading comprehension levels to reading material for the entire range of reading abilities and will help teachers identify age-appropriate reading material to challenge the best readers. 38 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 38 8/14/07 6:54:11 PM Studies have shown that students who succeed in school without being challenged often develop poor work habits and unrealistic expectations of effortless success as adults. Even though these problems are not likely to be evidenced until the reader is beyond school age, providing appropriate-level curriculum to the best students may be as important as it is for the poorest-reading students. Improving Students’ Reading Fluency. Educational researchers have found that students who spend a minimum of three hours a week reading at their own level develop reading fluency that leads to improved mastery. Researchers have also found that students who read age-appropriate materials with a high level of comprehension also learn to enjoy reading. Teaching Learning Strategies by Controlling Comprehension Match. The Lexile Framework permits teachers to intentionally under- or over-target students when they want students to work on fluency and automaticity or new skills. Metacognitive ability has been well documented to play an important role in reading comprehension performance. When teachers know the level of texts that would challenge a group of readers, they can systematically target instruction that will allow students to encounter difficult text in a controlled fashion. Teachers can model appropriate learning strategies for students, such as rereading or rephrasing text in one’s own words, so that students can then learn what to do when comprehension breaks down. Then students can practice metacognitive strategies on selected text while the teacher monitors their progress. Teachers can use Lexiles to guide a struggling student toward texts at the lower end of the student’s Lexile range (below 100L to 50L above the Lexile measure). Similarly, advanced students can be adequately challenged by reading texts at the midpoint of their Lexile range, or slightly above. Challenging new topics may be approached in the same way. Reader-focused adjustment of the learning experience relates to the student’s motivation and purpose. If a student is highly motivated for a particular reading task, the teacher may suggest books higher in the student’s Lexile range. If the student is less motivated or intimidated by a reading task, material at the lower end of his or her Lexile range can provide the comprehension support to keep the student from feeling overwhelmed. Targeting Instruction to Students’ Abilities. To encourage optimal progress with reading, teachers need to be aware of the difficulty level of the text relative to a student’s reading level. A text that is too difficult serves to undermine a student’s confidence and diminishes learning itself. A text that is too easy fosters bad work habits and unrealistic expectations. When students confront new kinds of texts, their introduction can be softened and made less intimidating by guiding students to easier reading. On the other hand, students who are comfortable with a particular genre or format can be challenged with more material from difficult levels, which will prevent boredom and promote the greatest improvement in vocabulary and comprehension skills. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 39 39 8/14/07 6:54:11 PM To become better readers, students need to be continually challenged—they need to be exposed to less common and more difficult vocabulary in meaningful contexts. A 75% comprehension rate provides an appropriate level of challenge. If text is too difficult for a reader, the result is frustration and a probable dislike for reading. If text is too easy, the result is often boredom. Reading levels promote growth and literacy by providing the optimal balance. Reading just 20 minutes a day can be vital. Applying Lexiles Across the Curriculum. Over 450 publishers Lexile their titles, enabling educators to link all the different components of the curriculum to target instruction more effectively. Equipped with a student’s Lexile measure, teachers can connect him or her to books and newspaper and magazine articles that have Lexile measures (visit www.Lexile. com for more details). Using Lexiles in the Classroom • Develop individualized reading lists that are tailored to provide appropriately challenging reading. • Enhance thematic teaching by building a bank of titles at varying levels that not only support the theme, but also provide a way for all students to participate in the theme successfully. • Sequence reading materials according to their difficulty. For example, choose one book a month for use as a read-aloud throughout the school year, then increase the difficulty of the books throughout the year. This approach is also useful for core programs or textbooks organized in anthology format. (Educators often find that they need to rearrange the order of the anthologies to best meet their students’ needs.) • Develop a reading folder that goes home with students and returns weekly for review. The folder can contain a reading list of books within the student’s Lexile range, reports of recent assessments, and a parent form to record reading that occurs at home. • Choose texts lower in a student’s Lexile range when factors make the reading situation more challenging, threatening, or unfamiliar. Select texts at or above a student’s range to stimulate growth, when a topic holds high interest for a student, or when additional support such as background teaching or discussion is provided. • Use the Lexile Titles Database (at to support book selection and create booklists within a student’s Lexile range to inform students’ choices of texts. • Use the Lexile Calculator (at to gauge expected reading comprehension at different Lexile measures for readers and texts. 40 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 40 8/14/07 6:54:12 PM Using Lexiles in the Library • Label books with Lexile measures to help students find interesting books at their reading level. • Compare student Lexile levels with the Lexile levels of the books and periodicals in the library to help educators analyze and develop the collection to more fully meet the needs of all students. • Use the Lexile Titles Database (at to support book selection and create booklists within a student’s Lexile range to help educators guide student reading selections. Using Lexiles at Home • Ensure that each child gets plenty of reading practice, concentrating on material within his or her Lexile range. Parents can ask their child’s teacher or school librarian to print a list of books in their child’s range or search the Lexile Titles Database. • Communicate with the child’s teacher and school librarian about the child’s reading needs and accomplishments. They can use the Lexile scale to describe their assessment of the child’s reading ability. • When a reading assignment proves too challenging for a child, use activities to help. For example, review the words and definitions from the glossary and the study questions at the end of a chapter before the child reads the text. Afterwards, be sure to return to the glossary and study questions to make certain the child understands the material. • Celebrate a child’s reading accomplishments. The Lexile Framework provides an easy way for readers to track their own growth. Parents and children can set goals for reading—following a reading schedule, reading a book with a higher Lexile measure, trying new kinds of books and articles, or reading a certain number of pages per week. When children reach the goal, make it an occasion! Limitations of the Lexile Framework. Just as variables other than temperature affect comfort, variables other than semantic and syntactic complexity affect reading comprehension ability. A student’s personal interests and background knowledge are known to affect comprehension. We do not dismiss the importance of temperature simply because it alone does not dictate the comfort of an environment. Similarly, though the information communicated by the Lexile Framework is valuable, the inclusion of other information enhances instructional decisions. Parents and students should have the opportunity to give input regarding students’ interests and background knowledge when test results are linked to instruction. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 41 41 8/14/07 6:54:12 PM SRI Results and Grade Levels. Lexile measures do not translate precisely to grade levels. Any grade will encompass a range of readers and reading materials. A fifth-grade classroom will include some readers who are far ahead of the rest (about 250L above) and some readers who are far below the rest (about 250L below). To say that some books are “just right” for fifth graders assumes that all fifth graders are reading at the same level. The Lexile Framework can be used to match readers with texts at whatever level is appropriate. Just because a student is an excellent reader does not mean that he or she would comprehend a text typical of a higher grade level. Without the requisite background knowledge, a student will still struggle to make sense of the text. A high Lexile measure for a grade indicates only that the student can read grade-level appropriate materials at a higher level of comprehension (say 90%). The real power of the Lexile Framework is in tracking readers’ growth—wherever they may be in the development of their reading skills. Readers can be matched with texts that they are forecasted to read with 75% comprehension. As readers grow, they can be matched with more demanding texts. And, as texts become more demanding, readers grow. 42 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 42 8/14/07 6:54:12 PM Development of Scholastic Reading Inventory Scholastic Reading Inventory was developed to assess a student’s overall level of reading comprehension based on the Lexile Framework. SRI is an extension of the test development work begun in the 1980s and 1990s on the Early Learning Inventory (MetaMetrics, 1995) and the Lexile Framework which was funded by a series of grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The Early Learning Inventory was developed for use in Grades 1 through 3 as an alternative to many standardized assessments of reading comprehension; it was neither normed nor timed and was designed to examine a student’s ability to read text for meaning. Item development and test development are interrelated processes; for the purpose of this document they will be treated as independent activities. A bank of approximately 3,000 items was developed for the initial implementation of SRI. Two subsequent item development phases were completed in 2002 and 2003. SRI was first developed as a print-based assessment. Two parallel forms of the assessment (A and B) were developed during 1998 and 1999. Also in 1998, Scholastic decided to develop a computer-based, interactive version of the assessment. The interactive Version 1 of SRI was launched in fall 1999. Subsequent versions were launched between 1999 and 2003 with Version 1.0/Enterprise Edition launched in winter 2006. Development of the SRI Item Bank Passage Selection. Passages selected for use on Scholastic Reading Inventory came from “real world” reading materials that students may encounter both in and out of the classroom. Sources included school textbooks, literature, and periodicals from a variety of interest areas and material written by authors of different backgrounds. The following criteria were used to select passages: • the passage must develop one main idea or contain one complete piece of information, • understanding of the passage is independent of the information that comes before or after the passage in the source text, and • understanding of the passage is independent of prior knowledge not contained in the passage. With the aid of a computer program, item writers examined prose excerpts of 125 words in length that included a minimum of three sentences and were calibrated to within 100L of the source text. This process, called source targeting, uses information from an entire text to ensure that the estimated syntactic complexity and semantic demand of an excerpted passage are consistent with the “true” reading demand of the source text. From these passages the item writers were asked to select four to five that could be developed as items. If it was necessary to shorten or lengthen the passage in order to meet the criteria for selection, the item writer could immediately recalibrate the passage to ensure that it was still targeted within 100L of the complete text. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 43 43 8/14/07 6:54:12 PM Item Writing—Format. The traditional cloze procedure for item creation is based on deleting every fifth to seventh word (or some variation) regardless of its part of speech (Bormuth, 1967, 1968, 1970). Certain categories of words can also be selectively deleted. Selective deletions have shown greater instructional effects than random deletions. Evidence shows that cloze items reveal both text comprehension and language mastery levels. Some of the research on metacognition shows that better readers use more strategies (and, more importantly, appropriate strategies) when they read. Cloze items have been shown to require more rereading of the passage and increased use of context clues. Scholastic Reading Inventory consists of embedded completion items. Embedded completion items are an extension of the cloze format, similar to fill-in-the-blank. When properly written, this item type directly assesses a reader’s ability to draw inferences and establish logical connections among the ideas in a passage. SRI presents a reader with a passage of approximately 30 to 150 words in length. Passages are shorter for beginning readers and longer for more advanced readers. The passage is then response illustrated—a statement with a word or phrase missing is added at the end of the passage, followed by four options. From the four presented options, which may be a single word or phrase, a reader is asked to select the “best” option to complete the statement. Items were written so that the correct response is not stated directly in the passage, and the correct answer cannot be suggested by the item itself. Rather, the examinee must determine the correct answer by comprehending the passage. The four options derive from the Lexile Vocabulary Analyzer word list that corresponds with the Lexile measure of the passage. In this format, all options are semantically and syntactically appropriate completions of the sentence, but one option is unambiguously “best” when considered in the context of the passage. This format is “well-suited for testing a student’s ability to evaluate” (Haladyna, 1994, p. 62). In addition, this format is useful instructionally. The statement portion of the embedded completion item can assess a variety of skills related to reading comprehension: paraphrase information in the passage; draw a logical conclusion based on information in the passage; make an inference; identify a supporting detail; or make a generalization based on information in the passage. The statements were written to ensure that by reading and comprehending the passage, the reader can select the correct option. When the statement is read by itself, each of the four options is plausible. There are two main advantages to using embedded completion items on SRI. The first is that the reading difficulty of the statement and the four options is easier than the most difficult word in the passage. The second advantage of the embedded completion format is that only authentic passages are used, with no attempt to control the length of sentences or level of vocabulary in the passage. The embedded completion statement is as short as or shorter than the briefest sentence in the passage. These two advantages help ensure that the statement is easier than the accompanying passage. 44 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 44 8/14/07 6:54:12 PM Item Writing—Training. Item writers for Scholastic Reading Inventory were classroom teachers and other educators who had experience with the everyday reading ability of students at various levels. In 1998 and 1999, twelve individuals developed items for Forms A and B of SRI and the second set of items. In 2003, six individuals developed items for the third set. Using individuals with classroom teaching experience helped to ensure that the items are valid measures of reading comprehension. Item writers were provided with training materials concerning the embedded completion item format and guidelines for selecting passages, developing statements, and selecting options. The item writing materials also contained model items that illustrated the criteria used to evaluate items and corrections based on those criteria. The final phase of item writer training was a short practice session with three items. Item writers were provided vocabulary lists to use during statement and option development. The vocabulary lists were compiled by MetaMetrics based on research to determine the Lexile measures of words (i.e., their difficulty). The Lexile Vocabulary Analyzer (LVA) determines the Lexile measure of a word using a set of features related to the source text and the word’s prevalence in the MetaMetrics corpus (MetaMetrics, 2006b). The rationale used to compile the vocabulary lists was that the words should be part of a reader’s “working” vocabulary if they had likely been encountered in easier text (those with lower Lexile measures). Item writers were also given extensive training related to “sensitivity” issues. Part of the item writing materials addressed these issues and identified areas to avoid when selecting passages and developing items. The following areas were covered: violence and crime, depressing situations/death, offensive language, drugs/alcohol/tobacco, sex/attraction, race/ethnicity, class, gender, religion, supernatural/magic, parent/family, politics, animals/ environment, and brand names/junk food. These materials were developed based on standards published by CTB/McGraw-Hill for universal design and fair access—equal treatment of the sexes, fair representation of minority groups, and the fair representation of disabled individuals (Guidelines for Bias-Free Publishing). Item writers were first asked to develop 10 items independently. The items were then reviewed for item format, grammar, and sensitivity. Based on this review, item writers received feedback and more training if necessary. Item writers were then asked to develop additional items. Item Writing—Review. All items were subjected to a two-stage review process. First, items were reviewed and edited according to the 19 criteria identified in the item-writing materials and for sensitivity issues. Approximately 25% of the items developed were rejected for various reasons. Where possible, items were edited and maintained in the item bank. Items were then reviewed and edited by a group of specialists representing various perspectives —test developers, editors, and curriculum specialists. These individuals examined each item for sensitivity issues and the quality of the response options. During the second stage of the item review process, items were either “approved as presented,” “approved with edits,” or “deleted.” Approximately 10 percent of the items written were approved with edits or deleted at this stage. When necessary, item writers received additional feedback and training. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 45 45 8/14/07 6:54:12 PM SRI Item Bank Specifications. Three sets of items were developed between 1998 and 2003. Set 1 was developed in 1998 and used with the print and online versions of the test. Item specifications required that the majority of the items be developed for the 500L through 1100L range (70% of the total number of items; 10% per Lexile zone) with 15% below this range and 15% above this range. This range is typical of the majority of readers in Grades 3 through 9. Set 2 was written in fall 2002 and followed the same specifications. Set 3 was written in spring and summer of 2003. This set of items was developed for a different purpose—to provide items that would be interesting and developmentally appropriate for students in middle and high school, but written at a lower Lexile level (below the 50th percentile) than would typically be administered to students in these grades. A total of 4,879 items were submitted to Scholastic for inclusion in SRI. Table 7 presents the number of items developed for each item set by Lexile zone. Table 7. Distribution of items in SRI item bank by Lexile zone. 46 Lexile Zone Item Set 1 Original Item Bank Item Set 2 Item Set 3 “Hi-Lo” Item Bank BR (0L and Below) 5L to 100L 105L to 200L 205L to 300L 305L to 400L 405L to 500L 505L to 600L 605L to 700L 705L to 800L 805L to 900L 905L to 1000L 1005L to 1100L 1105L to 1200L 1205L to 1300L 1305L to 1400L 1405L to 1500L 1500+L (Above 1500L) 22 10 45 55 129 225 314 277 332 294 294 335 304 212 110 42 15 15 6 13 23 30 58 96 91 83 83 83 84 88 76 79 57 35 ---16 91 169 172 170 131 76 37 2 ------ Total 3,015 1,000 864 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 46 8/14/07 6:54:13 PM SRI Computer-Adaptive Algorithm Schoolwide tests are often administered at grade level to large groups of students in order to make decisions about students and schools. Consequently, since all students in a grade are given the same test, each test must include a wide range of items to cover the needs of both low- and high-achieving students. These wide-range tests are often unable to measure some students as precisely as a more focused assessment could. To provide the most accurate measure of a student’s level of reading comprehension, it is important to assess the student’s reading level as precisely as possible. One method is to use as much background information as possible to target a specific test level for each student. This information can consist of the student’s grade level, a teacher’s judgment concerning the reading level of the student, or the student’s standardized test results (e.g., scale scores, percentiles, stanines). This method requires the test administrator to administer multiple test forms during one test session, which can be cumbersome and may introduce test security problems. With the widespread availability of computers in classrooms and schools, another more efficient method is to administer a test tailored to each student—Computer-Adaptive Testing (CAT). Computer-adaptive testing is conducted individually with the aid of a computer algorithm to select each item so that the greatest amount of information about the student’s ability is obtained before the next item is selected. SRI employs such a methodology for testing online. What are the benefits of CAT testing? Many benefits of computer-adaptive testing have been described in the literature (Wainer et al., 1990; Stone and Lunz, 1994; Wang and Vispoel, 1998). Each test is tailored to the student. Item selection is based on the student’s ability and responses to each question. The benefits include the following: • increased efficiency through reduced testing time and targeted testing; • immediate scoring. A score can be reported as soon as the student finishes the test; and • more control over the test item bank. Because the test forms do not have to be physically developed, printed, shipped, administered, or scored, a broader range of forms can be used. In addition, studies conducted by Hardwicke and Yoes (1984) and Schinoff and Steed (1988) provide evidence that below-level students tend to prefer computer-adaptive tests because they do not discourage students by presenting a large number of questions that are too hard for them (cited in Wainer, 1992). Bayesian Paradigm and the Rasch Model. Bayesian methodology provides a paradigm for combining prior information with current data, both subject to uncertainty, to produce an estimate of current status, which is again subject to uncertainty. Uncertainty is modeled mathematically using probability. Within SRI, prior information can be the student’s current grade level, the student’s performance on previous assessments, or teacher estimates of the student’s abilities. The current data in this context is the student’s performance on SRI, which can be summarized as the number of items answered correctly from the total number of items attempted. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 47 47 8/14/07 6:54:13 PM Both prior information and current data are represented by probability models reflecting uncertainty. The need to incorporate uncertainty when modeling prior information is intuitively clear. The need to incorporate uncertainty when modeling test performance is perhaps less intuitive. When the test has been taken and scored, and assuming that no scoring errors were made, the performance, i.e., the raw score, is known with certainty. Uncertainty arises because test performance is associated with, but not wholly determined by, the ability of the student, and it is that ability, rather than the test performance per se, that we are trying to measure. Thus, though the test results reflect the test performance with certainty, we remain uncertain about the ability that produced the performance. The uncertainty associated with prior knowledge is modeled by a probability distribution for the ability parameter. This distribution is called the prior distribution, and it is usually represented by a probability density function, e.g., the normal bell-shaped curve. The uncertainty arising from current data is modeled by a probability function for the data when the ability parameter is held fixed. When roles are reversed so that the data are held fixed and the ability parameter is allowed to vary, this function is called the likelihood function. In the Bayesian paradigm, the posterior probability density for the ability parameter is proportional to the product of the prior density and the likelihood, and this posterior density is used to obtain the new ability estimate along with its uncertainty. The computer-adaptive algorithm used with SRI is also based on the Rasch (one-parameter) item response theory model. Classical test theory has two basic shortcomings: (1) the use of item indices whose values depend on the particular group of examinees from which they were obtained, and (2) the use of examinee ability estimates that depend on the particular choice of items selected for a test. The basic premises of item response theory (IRT) overcome these shortcomings by predicting the performance of an examinee on a test item based on a set of underlying abilities (Hambleton and Swaminathan, 1985). The relationship between an examinee’s item performance and the set of traits underlying item performance can be described by a monotonically increasing function called an item characteristic curve (ICC). This function specifies that as the level of the trait increases, the probability of a correct response to an item increases. The conversion of observations into measures can be accomplished using the Rasch (1980) model, which requires that item calibrations and observations (count of correct items) interact in a probability model to produce measures. The Rasch item response theory model expresses the probability that a person (n) answers a certain item (i) correctly by the following relationship: Pni e bn d i 1 e bn d i (Equation 2) where di is the difficulty of item i (i 1, 2, …, number of items); bn is the ability of person n (n 1, 2, …, number of persons); bn di is the difference between the ability of person n and the difficulty of item i; and Pni is the probability that examinee n responds correctly to item i (Hambleton and Swaminathan, 1985; Wright and Linacre, 1994). 48 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 48 8/14/07 6:54:13 PM This measurement model assumes that item difficulty is the only item characteristic that influences the examinee’s performance such that all items are equally discriminating in their ability to identify low-achieving persons and high-achieving persons (Bond and Fox, 2001; and Hambleton, Swaminathan, and Rogers, 1991). In addition, the lower asymptote is zero, which specifies that examinees of very low ability have zero probability of correctly answering the item. The Rasch model has the following assumptions: (1) unidimensionality—only one ability is assessed by the set of items; and (2) local independence—when abilities influencing test performance are held constant, an examinee’s responses to any pair of items are statistically independent (conditional independence, i.e., the only reason an examinee scores similarly on several items is because of his or her ability, not because the items are correlated). The Rasch model is based on fairly restrictive assumptions, but it is appropriate for criterion-referenced assessments. Figure 5 shows the relationship between the difference of a person’s ability and an item’s difficulty and the probability that a person will respond correctly to the item. Figure 5. The Rasch Model—the probability person n responds correctly to item i. Probability Correct Response 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 b (n ) – d (i ) An assumption of the Rasch model is that the probability of a response to an item is governed by the difference between the item calibration (di ) and the person’s measure (bn ). From an examination of the graph in Figure 5, when the ability of the person matches the difficulty of the item (bn di 0), then the person has a 50% probability of responding to the item correctly. With the Lexile Framework, 75% comprehension is modeled by subtracting a constant. The number correct for a person is the probability of a correct response summed over the number of items. When the measure of a person greatly exceeds the calibration (difficulties) of the items (bn di 0), then the expected probabilities will be high and Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 49 49 8/14/07 6:54:14 PM the sum of these probabilities will yield an expectation of a high number correct. Conversely, when the item calibrations generally exceed the person measure (bn di 0), the modeled probabilities of a correct response will be low and a low number correct is expected. Thus, Equation 2 can be rewritten in terms of a person’s number of correct responses on a test L Op 3 t1 e bn d i 1 e bn d i (Equation 3) where Op is the number of person p’s correct responses and L is the number of items on the test. When the sum of the correct responses and the item calibrations (di) is known, an iterative procedure can be used to find the person measure (bn) that will make the sum of the modeled probabilities most similar to the number of correct responses. One of the key features of the Rasch item response model is its ability to place both persons and items on the same scale. It is possible to predict the odds of two individuals answering an item correctly based on knowledge of the relationship between the abilities of the two individuals. If one person has an ability measure double that of another person (as measured by b—the ability scale), then he or she has double the odds of answering the item correctly. Equation 3 has several distinguishing characteristics: • The key terms from the definition of measurement are placed in a precise relationship to one another. • The individual responses of a person to each item on an instrument are absent from the equation. The only piece of data that survives the act of observation is the “count correct” (Op ), thus confirming that the observation is “sufficient” for estimating the measure. For any set of items the possible raw scores are known. When it is possible to know the item calibrations (either theoretically or empirically from field studies), the only parameter that must be estimated in Equation 3 is the measure that corresponds to each observable count correct. Thus, when the calibrations (di) are known, a correspondence table linking observation and measure can be constructed without reference to data from other individuals. How does CAT testing work with SRI? As described earlier, SRI uses a three-phase approach to assess a student’s level of reading ability: Start, Step, Stop. During test administration, the computer adapts the test continually according to the student’s responses to the questions. The student starts the test; the test steps up or down according to the student’s performance; and, when the computer has enough information about the student’s reading level, the test stops. The first phase, Start, determines the best point on the Lexile scale to begin testing the student. Figure 6 presents a flowchart of the “start” phase of SRI. 50 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 50 8/14/07 6:54:14 PM Figure 6: The “start” phase of the SRI computer-adaptive algorithm. Input Student Data •Grade Level •Other Test Scores •Teacher Judgment No Administer Locator Test? Other Test Scores or Teacher Judgments Entered? Yes Take Practice Test: Ask question at 10th percentile of grade level Get interface help from teacher Yes No 1st Time? Pass Practice Test? Yes No Determine Bayesian Priors: Ability b Uncertainty S Randomly selected item at 75% success level: difficulty of item b Prior to testing, the teacher or administrator inputs information into the computer-adaptive algorithm that controls the administration of the test. The student’s identification number and grade level must be input; prior standardized reading results (e.g., a Lexile measure from SRI-print) and the teacher’s estimate of the student’s reading level may also be input. This information is used to determine the best starting point (Reader Measure) for the student. The more information input into the algorithm, the better targeted the beginning of the test. Research has shown that well-targeted tests report less error in student scores than poorly-targeted tests. Within the Bayesian algorithm, initial Reader Measures (ability [b]) are determined by the following information: grade level, prior SRI test score, or teacher estimate of the student’s reading level. If only grade level is entered, the student starts SRI with a Reader Measure equal to the 50th percentile for his or her grade. If a prior SRI test score and administration date are entered, then this Lexile measure is used as the student’s Reader Measure. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 51 51 8/14/07 6:54:15 PM The Reader Measure is adjusted based on the amount of growth expected per month since the prior test was administered. The amount of growth expected in Lexiles per month is based on research by MetaMetrics, Inc. related to cross-sectional norms. If the teacher enters an estimated reading level, then the Lexile measure associated with each percentile for the grade is used as the student’s Reader Measure. Teachers can enter the following estimated reading levels: far below grade level (5th percentile), below grade level (25th percentile), on grade level (50th percentile), above grade level (75th percentile), and far above grade level (95th percentile). Initial uncertainties (sigma ) are determined by a prior Reader Measure (if available), when the measure was collected, and the reliability of the measure. If a prior Reader Measure is unavailable or if teacher estimation is the basis of the prior Reader Measure, then maximum uncertainty (225L) is assumed. This value is based on prior research conducted by MetaMetrics, Inc. (2006a). If a prior Reader Measure is available, then the elapsed time, measured in months, is used to prorate the maximum uncertainty associated with three years of elapsed time. If the administration is the student’s first time interacting with SRI, three practice items are presented. The practice items are selected at the 10th percentile for the grade level. The practice items are not counted in the student’s score; their purpose is solely to familiarize the student with the embedded completion item format and the test’s internal navigation. If the student is enrolled in middle or high school (Grade 7 or above) and no prior reading ability information (i.e., other test scores or teacher estimate) is provided, a short Locator Test is administered. The purpose of the Locator Test is to ensure that students who read significantly below grade level receive a valid Lexile measure from the first administration of SRI. When a student is initially mis-targeted, it is difficult for the algorithm to produce a valid Lexile measure given the logistical parameters of the program. The items administered as the Locator Test are 500L below the “on grade level” (50th percentile) estimated reading level. For subsequent administrations of SRI, the Reader Measure and uncertainty are the prior values adjusted for time. The Reader Measure is adjusted based on the amount of growth expected per month during the elapsed time. The elapsed time (measured in months) is used to prorate the maximum uncertainty associated with three years of elapsed time. The second phase, Step, controls the selection of questions presented to the student. Figure 7 presents a flowchart of the “step” phase of SRI. If only the student’s grade level was input during the first phase, then the student is presented with a question that has a Lexile measure at the 50th percentile for his or her grade. If more information about the student’s reading ability was input during the first phase, then the student is presented with a question that is nearer his or her true ability. If the student responds correctly to the question, then he or she is presented with a question that is slightly more difficult. If the student responds incorrectly to the question, then he or she is presented with a question that is slightly easier. After the student responds to each question, his or her SRI score (Lexile measure) is recomputed. 52 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 52 8/14/07 6:54:15 PM Figure 7: The “step” phase of the SRI computer-adaptive algorithm. Randomly selected item at 75% success level: difficulty of item b Incorrect Find new b iteratively Correct Find new ability estimate (b) iteratively Yes Set b new b If number incorrect 0 No Adjust Uncertainty ( S ) Questions are randomly selected from all possible items that are within 10L of the student’s current Reader Measure. If necessary, the range of items available for selection can be broadened to 50L. The frequency with which items appear is controlled by marking an item “Do Not Use” once it has been administered to a student. The item is then unavailable for selection in the next three test administrations. If the student is in Grade 6 or above and his or her Lexile measure is below the specified minimum measure for the grade (15th percentile), then he or she is administered items from the Hi-Lo pool. This set of items has been identified from all items developed for SRI based on the following criteria: (1) developmentally appropriate for middle and high school students (high interest), and (2) Lexile text measure between 200L and 1000L (low difficulty). The final phase, Stop, controls the termination of the test. Figure 8 presents a flowchart of the “stop” phase of SRI. Approximately 20 items are presented to every student. The exact number of questions administered depends on how the student responds to the items as they are presented. In addition, how well-targeted the test is at its start affects the number of questions presented to the student. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 53 53 8/14/07 6:54:15 PM Figure 8: The “stop” phase of the SRI computer-adaptive algorithm. Are stopping conditions satisfied? No • Number of items answered • Number of correct/incorrect responses • Amount of elapsed time Randomly select item at 75% success level: difficulty of item b Yes Convert Reader Measure to Lexiles Stop Adjust Uncertainty ( S ) Well-targeted tests begin with less measurement error and, subsequently, the student will be asked to respond to fewer items. After the student responds to each item, his or her Reader Measure is calculated through an iterative process using the Rasch model (Equation 2, page 48). The testing session ends when one of the following conditions is met: • the student has responded to at least 20 items and has responded correctly to at least 6 items and incorrectly to at least 3 items, • the student has responded to 30 items, and • the elapsed test administration time is at least 40 minutes and the student has responded to at least 10 items. At this time the student’s resulting Lexile measure and uncertainty are converted to Lexiles. Lexile measures are reported as a number followed by a capital “L.” There is no space between the measure and the “L,” and measures of 1,000 or greater are reported without a comma (e.g., 1050L). Within SRI, Lexile measures are reported to the nearest whole number. As with any test score, uncertainty in the form of measurement error is present. Lexile measures below 100L are reported as “BR” for “Beginning Reader.” 54 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 54 8/14/07 6:54:16 PM SRI Algorithm Testing During Development Feasibility Study. SRI was field tested with 879 students in Grades 3, 4, 5, and 7 from four schools in North Carolina and Florida. The schools were selected according to the following criteria: school location (urban versus rural), school size (small, medium, or large based on the number of students and staff), and availability of Macintosh computers within a laboratory setting. • In School 1 (suburban K–5), 72.1% of the students were Caucasian, 22.5% African American, 4.8% Hispanic, 0.3% Asian, and 0.2% Native American. The computer lab was equipped with Power Mac G3s with 32 MB RAM. A total of 28 computers were in the lab arranged in 4 rows with a teacher station. There were also two video monitor displays in the lab. • In School 2 (rural K–5), 60.5% of the students were Caucasian, 29.7% African American, 8.6% Hispanic, 0.7% Asian, and 0.5% Native American. Of the students sampled, 60% were male and 40% were female. The computer lab was equipped with Macintosh LC 580s. • School 3 (urban 6–8) was predominately Caucasian (91%), with 5% of the students classified as African American, 2% of the students Hispanic, and 2% Asian. At the school, 17% of the students qualified for the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program, 14% were classified as having a disability, 6% were classified as gifted, and 0.1% were classified as limited English proficient. Of the students sampled, 49% were male and 51% were female. • School 4 (urban K–5) was predominately Caucasian (86%), with 14% of the students classified as minority. Of the students sampled, 58% were male and 42% were female. At the school 46% of the students qualified for the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program, 21% were classified as having a disability, 4% were classified as gifted, and 0.1% were classified as limited English proficient. Technology was integrated into all subjects and content areas, and the curriculum included a variety of handson activities and projects. The school had a school-wide computer network and at least one computer for every three students. Multimedia development stations with video laser and CD-ROM technology were also available. The purpose of this phase of the study was to examine the algorithm and the software used to administer the computer-adaptive test. In addition, other reading test data was collected to examine the construct validity of the assessment. Based on the results of the first administration in School 1, it was determined that the item selection routine was not selecting the optimal item each time. As a result, the calculation of the ability estimate was changed to occur after the administration of each item, and a specified minimum number of responses was required before the program terminated. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 55 55 8/14/07 6:54:16 PM The Computer-Adaptive Test Survey was completed by 255 students (Grade 3, N 71; Grade 5, N 184). There were no significant differences by grade (Grade 3 versus Grade 5) or by school within grade (Grade 5: School 1 versus School 2) in the responses to any of the questions on the survey. Question 1 asked students if they had understood how to take the computer-adaptive test. On a scale with 0 being “no” and 2 being “yes,” the mean was 1.83. Students in Grades 3 and 5 responded the same way. This information was also confirmed in the written student comments and in the discussion at the end of the session. The program was easy to use and follow. Question 2 asked students whether they used the mouse, the keyboard, or both to respond to the test. Of the 254 students responding to this question, 76% (194) used the mouse, 20% (52) used the keyboard, and 3% (8) used both the keyboard and the mouse. Several students commented that they liked the computer-adaptive test because it allowed them to use the mouse. Question 7 asked students which testing format they preferred—paper-and-pencil, computer-adaptive, or both formats equally. Sixty-five percent of the sample liked the computer-adaptive test format better. There were no significant differences between the responses for students in Grade 3 compared to those in Grade 5. The results for each grade and the total sample are presented in Table 8. Table 8. Student responses to Question 7: preferred test format. Grade Paper-and-Pencil Format Computer-Adaptive Format Both Formats Equally 3 5 9% 17% 71% 62% 20% 21% Total 15% 65% 21% Students offered a variety of reasons for liking the computer-adaptive test format better: ✓ “I liked that you don’t have to turn the pages.” ✓ “I liked that you didn’t have to write.” ✓ “I liked that you only had to point and click.” ✓ “I liked the concept that you don’t have a certain amount of questions to answer.” 56 ✓ “You don’t write and don’t have to worry about lead breaking or black stuff on your fingers.” ✓ “I like working on computers.” ✓ “Because you didn’t have to circle the answer with a pencil and your hand won’t hurt.” Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 56 8/14/07 6:54:16 PM Of the 21% of students who liked both test formats equally, several students provided reasons: ✓ “They’re about the same thing except on the computer your hand doesn’t get tired.” ✓ “On number 7, I put about the same because I like just the point that we don’t have to write.” A greater percentage of Grade 5 students (17%) than Grade 3 students (9%) stated that they preferred the paper-and-pencil test format. This may be explained by the further development of test-taking strategies by the Grade 5 students. Their reasons for preferring the paper-and-pencil version generally dealt with features of the computer-adaptive test format—the ability to skip questions and review and change answers: ✓ “I liked the computer test, but I like paper-and-pencil because I can check over.” ✓ “Because I can skip a question and look back on the story.” Four students stated that they preferred the paper-and-pencil format because of the computer environment: ✓ “I liked the paper-and-pencil test better because you don’t have to stare at a screen with a horrible glare!” ✓ “Because it would be much easier for me because I didn’t feel comfortable at a computer.” ✓ “Because it is easier to read because my eyesight is bad.” ✓ “I don’t like reading on a computer.” Questions 4 and 5 on the survey dealt with the student’s test-taking strategies—the ability to skip questions and to review and change responses. Question 4 asked students whether they had skipped any of the questions on the computer-adaptive test. Seventy-three percent (73%) of the students skipped at least one item on the test. From the student’s comments, this was one of the features of the computer-adaptive test that they really liked. Several students commented that they were not allowed enough passes. One student stated, “It’s [the CAT] very easy to control and we can pass on the hard ones.” Another student stated that, “I like the part where you could pass some [questions] where you did not understand.” Question 5 asked students whether they went back and changed answers when they took tests on paper. On a scale with 0 being “never” and 2 being “always,” the mean was 0.98. According to many students’ comments, this was one of the features of the computeradaptive test that they did not like. Several students commented on the presentation of the text in the computer-adaptive test format. ✓ “I liked the way you answered the questions. I like the way it changes colors.” ✓ “The words keep getting little, then big.” Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 57 57 8/14/07 6:54:16 PM Questions 3 and 6 dealt with the student’s perceptions of the computer-adaptive test’s difficulty. The information from these questions was not analyzed due to the redevelopment of the algorithm for selecting items. When SRI was field tested with this sample of students in Grades 3, 4, 5, and 7 (N 879) during the 1998–1999 school year, other measures of reading were collected. Tables 9 and 10 present the correlations between SRI and other measures of reading comprehension. Table 9. Relationship between SRI and SRI-print version. Grade N Correlation with SRI-print version 3 4 5 7 226 104 93 122 0.72 0.74 0.73 0.62 Total 545 0.83 Table 10. Relationship between SRI and other measures of reading comprehension. Grade N Correlation North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests (NCEOG) 3 4 109 104 0.73 0.67 Pinellas Instructional Assessment Program (PIAP) 3 107 0.62 Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) 5 7 110 117 0.74 0.56 Test From the results it can be concluded that SRI measures a construct similar to that measured by other standardized tests designed to measure reading comprehension. The magnitude of the within-grade correlations with SRI-print version is close to that of the observed correlations for parallel test forms (i.e., alternate forms reliability), thus suggesting that the different tests are measuring the same construct. The NCEOG, PIAP, and CTBS tests consist of passages followed by traditional multiple-choice items, and SRI consists of embedded completion multiple-choice items. Given the differences in format, the limited range of scores (within-grade), and the small sample sizes, the correlations suggest that the four assessments are measuring a similar construct. 58 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 58 8/14/07 6:54:17 PM Comparison of SRI v3.0 and SRI v4.0. The newest edition of SRI, the Enterprise Edition of the suite of Scholastic technology products, is built on Industry-Standard Technology that is smarter and faster, featuring SAM (Scholastic Achievement Manager)—a robust new management system. SRI provides district-wide data aggregation capabilities to help administrators meet AYP accountability requirements and provide teachers with data to differentiate instruction effectively. Prior to the integration of Version 4.0/Enterprise Edition (April/May 2005), a study was conducted to compare results from version 3.0 with those from Version 4.0 (Scholastic, May 2005). A sample of 144 students in Grades 9 through 12 participated in the study. Each student was randomly assigned to one of four groups: (A) Test 1/v4.0; Test 2/v3.0; (B) Test 1/v3.0; Test 2/v4.0; (C) Test 1/v3.0; Test 2/v3.0; and (D) Test 1/v4.0; Test 2/v4.0. Each student’s grade level was set and verified prior to testing. For students in groups (C) and (D), two accounts were established for each student to ensure that the starting criteria were the same for both test administrations. The final sample of students (N 122) consisted of students who completed both assessments. Table 11 presents the summary results from the two testing groups that completed different versions of SRI. Table 11. Descriptive statistics for each test administration group in the comparison study, April/May 2005 Test Group N Test 1 Mean (SD) N Test 2 Mean (SD) Difference A: Test 1/v4.0; Test 2/v3.0 32 1085.00 (179.13) 32 1103.34 (194.72) 18.34 B: Test 1/v3.0; Test 2/v4.0 30 1114.83 (198.24) 30 1094.67 (232.51) 20.16 p .05 The differences between the two versions of the test for each group were not significant (paired t-test) at the .05 level. It can be concluded that scores from versions 3.0 and 4.0 for groups (A) and (B) were not significantly different. A modest correlation of 0.69 was observed between the two sets of scores (v3.0 and v4.0). Given the small sample size (N = 62) that took the two different versions, the correlation meets expectations. Locator Test Introduction Simulations. In 2005, with the move to SRI Enterprise Edition, Scholastic introduced the Locator Test. The purpose of the Locator Test is to ensure that students who read significantly below grade level (at grade level 50th percentile) receive a valid Lexile measure from the first administration of SRI. Two studies were conducted to examine whether the Locator Test was serving the purpose for which it was designed. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 59 59 8/14/07 6:54:17 PM Study 1. The first study was conducted in September 2005 and consisted of simulating the responses of approximately 90 test administrations “by hand.” The results showed that students who failed the Locator Test could get BR scores (Scholastic, 2006b, p.1). Study 2. The second study was conducted in 2006 and consisted of the simulation of 6,900 students under five different test conditions. Each simulated student took all five tests (three tests included the Locator Test and two excluded it). The first simulation tested whether students who perform as well on the Locator Test as they perform on the rest of SRI can expect to receive higher or lower scores (Trial 1) than if they never receive the Locator Test (Trial 4). A total of 4,250 simulated students participated in this study, and a correlation of .96 was observed between the two test scores (with and without the Locator Test). The results showed that performance on the Locator Test did not affect SRI scores for students who had reading abilities above BR (N 4,150; Wilcoxson Rank Sum Test 1.7841e07; p .0478). In addition, the proportion of students who scored BR from each administration was examined. As expected, the proportion of students who scored BR without the Locator Test was 12.17% (840 out of 6,900) compared to 22.16% (1,529 out of 6,900) who scored BR with the Locator Test. The results confirmed the hypothesis that the Locator Test allows students to start SRI at a much lower Reader Measure and, thus, descend to the BR level with more reliability. The third simulation tested whether students who failed the Locator Test (Trial 3) received basically the same score as when they had a prior Reader Measure 500L below grade level and were administered SRI without the Locator Test (Trial 5). The results showed that failing the Locator Test produced results similar to inputting a “below basic” estimated reading level (N 6,900; Wilcoxson Rank Sum Test 4.7582e07; p .8923). 60 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 60 8/14/07 6:54:17 PM Reliability To be useful, a piece of information should be reliable—stable, consistent, and dependable. In reality, all test scores include some measure of error (or level of uncertainty). This uncertainty in the measurement process is related to three factors: the statistical model used to compute the score, the questions used to determine the score, and the condition of the test taker when the questions used to determine the score were administered. Once the level of uncertainty in a test score is known, then it can be taken into account when the test results are used. Reliability, or the consistency of scores obtained from an assessment, is a major consideration in evaluating any assessment procedure. Two sources of uncertainty have been examined for SRI—text error and reader error. Standard Error of Measurement Uncertainty and Standard Error of Measurement. There is always some uncertainty about a student’s true score because of the measurement error associated with test unreliability. This uncertainty is known as the standard error of measurement (SEM). The magnitude of the SEM of an individual student’s score depends on the following characteristics of the test: • the number of test items—smaller standard errors are associated with longer tests; • the quality of the test items—in general, smaller standard errors are associated with highly discriminating items for which correct answers cannot be obtained by guessing; and • the match between item difficulty and student ability—smaller standard errors are associated with tests composed of items with difficulties approximately equal to the ability of the student (targeted tests). (Hambleton, Swaminathan, and Rogers, 1991). SRI was developed using the Rasch one-parameter item response theory model to relate a reader’s ability to the difficulty of the items. There is a unique amount of measurement error due to model misspecification (violation of model assumptions) associated with each score on SRI. The computer algorithm that controls the administration of the assessment uses a Bayesian procedure to estimate each student’s reading comprehension ability. This procedure uses prior information about students to control the selection of questions and the recalculation of each student’s reading ability after responding to each question. Compared to a fixed-item test where all students answer the same questions, a computeradaptive test produces a different test for every student. When students take a computeradaptive test, they all receive approximately the same raw score or number of items correct. This occurs because all students are answering questions that are targeted for their unique Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 61 61 8/14/07 6:54:17 PM ability—not questions that are too easy or too hard. Because each student takes a unique test, the error associated with any one score or student is also unique. The initial uncertainty for an SRI score is 225L (within-grade standard deviation from previous research conducted by MetaMetrics, Inc.). When a student retests with SRI, the uncertainty of his or her score is the uncertainty that resulted from the previous assessment adjusted for the time elapsed between administrations. An assumption is made that after three years without a test, the student’s ability should again be measured at maximum uncertainty. Average SEMs are presented in Table 12. These values can be used as a general “rule of thumb” when reviewing SRI results. It bears repeating that because each student takes a unique test and the results rely partly on prior information, the error associated with any one score or student is also unique. Table 12. Mean SEM on SRI by extent of prior knowledge. Number of Items SEM Grade Level Known SEM Grade and Reading Level Known 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 104L 102L 99L 96L 93L 91L 89L 87L 86L 84L 58L 57L 57L 57L 57L 56L 56L 55L 54L 54L As can be seen from the information in Table 12, when the test is well-targeted (grade level and prior reading level of the student are known), the student can respond to fewer test questions and not increase the error associated with the measurement process. When only the grade level of the student is known, the more questions the student responds to, the less error in the score associated with the measurement process. Sources of Measurement Error—Text SRI is a theory-referenced measurement system for reading comprehension. Internal consistency and other traditional indices of test quality are not critical considerations. What matters is how well individual and group performances conform to theoretical expectations. The Lexile Framework states an invariant and absolute requirement that the performance of items and test takers must match. 62 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 62 8/14/07 6:54:17 PM Measurement is the process of converting observations into quantities via theory. There are many sources of error in the measurement process: the model used to relate observed measurements to theoretical ones, the method used to determine measurements, and the moment when measurements are made. To determine a Lexile measure for a text, the standard procedure is to process the entire text. All pages in the work are concatenated into an electronic file that is processed by a software package called the Lexile Analyzer (developed by MetaMetrics, Inc.). The Analyzer “slices” the text file into as many 125-word passages as possible, analyzes the set of slices, and then calibrates each slice in terms of the logit metric. That set of calibrations is then processed to determine the Lexile measure corresponding to a 75% comprehension rate. The analyzer uses the slice calibrations as test item calibrations and then solves for the measure corresponding to a raw score of 75% (e.g., 30 out of 40 correct, as if the slices were test items). Obviously, the measure corresponding to a raw score of 75% on Goodnight Moon (300L) slices would be lower than the measure corresponding to a comparable raw score on USA Today (1200L) slices. The Lexile Analyzer automates this process, but what “certainty” can be attached to each text measure? Using the bootstrap procedure to examine error due to the text samples, the above analysis could be repeated. The result would be an identical text measure to the first because there is no sampling error when a complete text is calibrated. There is, however, another source of error that increases the uncertainty about where a text is located on the Lexile Map. The Lexile Theory is imperfect in its calibration of the difficulty of individual text slices. To examine this source of error, 200 items that had been previously calibrated and shown to fit the model were administered to 3,026 students in Grades 2 through 12 in a large urban school district. The sample of students was socioeconomically and ethnically diverse. For each item the observed item difficulty calibrated from the Rasch model was compared with the theoretical item difficulty calibrated from the regression equation used to calibrate texts. A scatter plot of the data is presented in Figure 9. The correlation between the observed and the theoretical calibrations for the 200 items was .92 and the root mean square error was 178L. Therefore, for an individual slice of text the measurement error is 178L. The standard error of measurement associated with a text is a function of the error associated with one slice of text (178L) and the number of slices that are calibrated from a text. Very short books have larger uncertainties than longer books. A book with only four slices would have an uncertainty of 89 Lexiles whereas a longer book such as War and Peace (4,082 slices of text) would only have an uncertainty of three Lexiles (Table 13). Study 2. A second study was conducted by Stenner, Burdick, Sanford, and Burdick (2006) during 2002 to examine ensemble differences across items. An ensemble consists of the all of the items that could be developed from a selected piece of text. The Lexile measure of a piece of text is the mean difficulty. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 63 63 8/14/07 6:54:18 PM Figure 9. Scatter plot between observed item difficulty and theoretical item difficulty. Observed Difficulties 2000 1500 1000 500 0 –500 –500 0 500 1000 2000 1500 Theoretical Difficulties Table 13. Standard errors for selected values of the length of the text. Title Number of Slices Text Measure Standard Error of Text The Stories Julian Tells Bunnicula The Pizza Mystery Meditations of First Philosophy Metaphysics of Morals Adventures of Pinocchio Red Badge of Courage Scarlet Letter Pride and Prejudice Decameron War and Peace 46 102 137 206 209 294 348 597 904 2431 4082 520L 710L 620L 1720L 1620L 780L 900L 1420L 1100L 1510L 1200L 26L 18L 15L 12L 12L 10L 10L 7L 6L 4L 3L Participants. Participants in this study were students from four school districts in a large southwestern state. These students were participating in a larger study that was designed to assess reading comprehension with the Lexile scale. The total sample included 1,186 Grade 3 students, 893 Grade 5 students, and 1,531 Grade 8 students. The mean tested abilities of the three samples were similar to the mean tested abilities of all students in each grade on the state reading assessment. Though 3,610 students participated in the study, the data records for only 2,867 of these students were used for determining the ensemble item difficulties presented in this paper. The students were administered one of four forms at each grade level. The reduction in sample size is because one of the four forms was created 64 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 64 8/14/07 6:54:18 PM using the same ensemble items as another form. For consistency of sample size across forms, the data records from this fourth form were not included in the ensemble study. Instrument. Thirty text passages were response-illustrated by three different item writing teams resulting in three items nested within each of 30 passages for a total of 90 items. All three teams employed a similar item-writing protocol. The ensemble items were spiraled into test forms at the grade level (3, 5, or 8) that most closely corresponded with the item’s theoretical calibration. Winsteps (Wright & Linacre, 2003) was used to estimate item difficulties for the 90 ensemble study items. Of primary interest in this study was the correspondence between theoretical text calibrations, ensemble means and the consequences that theory misspecification holds for text measure standard errors. Results. Table 14 presents the ensemble study data in which three independent teams wrote one item for each of thirty passages for ninety items. Observed ensemble means taken over the three ensemble item difficulties for each passage are given along with an estimate of the within ensemble standard deviation for each passage. The difference between passage text calibration and observed ensemble mean is provided in the last column. The RMSE from regressing observed ensemble means on text calibrations is 110L. Figures 10a and 10b show plots of observed ensemble means compared to theoretical text calibrations. Note, that some of the deviations about the identity line are because ensemble means are poorly estimated given that each mean is based on only three items. The bottom panel in Figure 10b depicts simulated data when an error term [distributed N(0, = 64L)] is added to each theoretical value. Contrasting the two plots in Figures 10a and 10b provides a visual depiction of the difference between regressing observed ensemble means on theory and regressing “true” ensemble means on theory. An estimate of the RMSE when “true” ensemble means are regressed on the Lexile Theory is 64L ( 1102 892 4,038 63.54). This is the average error at the passage level when predicting “true” ensemble means from the Lexile Theory. Since the RMSE equal to 64L applies to the expected error at the passage/slice level, a text made up of ni slices would have an expected error of 64 ni . Thus, a short periodical article of 500 words (ni 4) would have a SEM of 32L (64 4 ), whereas a much longer text like the novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (880L, Rowling, 2001) would have a SEM of 2L (64 900 ). Table 15 contrasts the SEMs computed using the old method with SEMs computed using the Lexile Framework for several books across a broad range of Lexile measures. As can be see in Table 15, the uncertainty associated with the measurement of the reading demand of the text is small. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 65 65 8/14/07 6:54:18 PM Table 14. Analysis of 30 item ensembles providing an estimate of the theory misspecification error. Item Number Theory (T) Team A Team B Team C Meana (O) SDb Within Ensemble Variance T-O 1 2 3 4 11 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 15 21 10 17 22 18 19 23 24 25 20 26 27 28 29 30 400L 430L 460L 490L 510L 540L 569L 580L 620L 720L 720L 745L 770L 770L 790L 812L 820L 850L 866L 870L 880L 940L 960L 1010L 1020L 1020L 1040L 1060L 1150L 1210L 456 269 306 553 267 747 909 594 897 584 953 791 855 1077 866 902 967 747 819 974 1093 945 1124 926 888 1260 1503 1109 1014 1270 553 632 407 508 602 8925 657 683 805 850 587 972 1017 1095 557 1133 740 864 809 1197 733 1057 1205 1172 1372 987 1361 1091 1104 1291 303 704 483 670 468 654 582 807 497 731 774 490 958 893 553 715 675 674 780 870 692 965 1170 899 863 881 1239 981 1055 1014 437 535 399 577 446 742 716 695 733 722 771 751 944 1022 659 917 794 762 803 1014 839 989 1166 999 1041 1043 1368 1061 1058 1193 126 234 88 84 169 86 172 107 209 133 183 244 82 112 180 209 153 96 20 167 221 60 41 151 287 196 132 69 45 156 15,909 54,523 7,832 6,993 28,413 7,332 29,424 11,386 43,808 17,811 33,386 59,354 6,717 12,446 32,327 43,753 23,445 9,257 419 28,007 48,739 3,546 1,653 22,733 82,429 38,397 17,536 4,785 2,029 24,204 37 105 61 87 64 202 147 115 113 2 51 6 74 252 131 105 26 88 63 144 41 49 206 11 21 23 328 1 92 17 Total MSE Average of (T O)2 12022; Pooled within variance for ensembles 7984; Remaining between ensemble variance 4038; Theory misspecification error 64L Barlett’s test for homogeneity of variance produced an approximate chi-square statistic of 24.6 on 29 degrees of freedom and sustained the null hypothesis that the variances are equal across ensembles. Note. All data is reported in Lexiles. a. Mean (O) is the observed ensemble mean. b. SD is the standard deviation within ensemble. 66 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 66 8/14/07 6:54:18 PM Figure 10a. Plot of observed ensemble means and theoretical calibrations (RMSE ⴝ 111L). Ensemble Mean 1600 1200 800 400 0 0 400 800 1600 1200 Theory Figure 10b. Plot of simulated “true” ensemble means and theoretical calibrations (RMSE ⴝ 64L). Ensemble Mean 1600 1200 800 400 0 0 400 800 1200 1600 Theory Sources of Measurement Error—Item Writers Another source of uncertainty in a test measure is due to the writers who develop the test items. Item writers are trained to develop items according to a set of procedures, but item writers are individuals and therefore subject to differences in behavior. General objectivity requires that the origin and unit of measure be maintained independently of the instant and particulars of the measurement process (Stenner, 1994). SRI purports to yield generally objective measures of reader performance. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 67 67 8/14/07 6:54:19 PM Table 15. Old method text readabilities, resampled SEMs, and new SEMs for selected books. Book The Boy Who Drank Too Much Leroy and the Old Man Angela and the Broken Heart The Horse of Her Dreams Little House by Boston Bay Marsh Cat The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone John Tyler A Clockwork Orange Geometry and the Visual Arts The Patriot Chiefs Traitors Number of Slices Lexile Measure Resampled Old SEMa New SEM 257 309 157 277 235 235 49 223 419 481 790 895 447L 647L 555L 768L 852L 954L 1063L 1151L 1260L 1369L 1446L 1533L 102 9 118 126 126 125 70 89 268 140 139 140 4 4 5 4 4 4 9 4 3 3 2 2 Three slices selected for each replicate: one slice from the first third of the book, one from the middle third, and one from the last third. Resampled 1,000 times. SEM SD of the resampled distribution. Prior to working on SRI, five item writers attended a four-hour training session that included an introduction to the Lexile Framework, rules for writing native-Lexile format items, practice in writing items, and instruction in how to use the Lexile Analyzer software to calibrate test items. Each item writer was instructed to write 60 items uniformly distributed over the range from 900L to 1300L. Items were edited for rule compliance by two trained item writers. The resulting 300 items were organized into five test forms of 60 items each. Each item writer contributed twelve items to each form. Items on a form were ordered from lowest calibration to highest. The five forms were administered in random order over five days to seven students (two sixth graders and five seventh graders). Each student responded to all 300 items. Raw score performances were converted via the Rasch model to Lexile measures using the theoretical calibrations provided by the Lexile Analyzer. Table 16 displays the students’ scores by item writer. A part measure is the Lexile measure for the student on the cross-referenced writer’s items (n 60). Part-measure resampled SEMs describe expected variability in student performances when generalizing over items and days. Two methods were used to determine each student’s Lexile measure: (1) across all 300 items and (2) by item writer. By employing two methods, different aspects of uncertainty could be examined. Using the first method, resampling using the bootstrap procedure accounted for uncertainty across item writers, items, and occasions. The reading comprehension abilities of the students ranged from 972L to 1360L. Since the items were targeted at 900L to 1300L, only student D was mis-targeted. Mis-targeting resulted in the SEM of the student’s score being almost twice that of the other students measured. 68 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 68 8/14/07 6:54:19 PM Table 16. Lexile measures and standard errors across item writers. Writer Student A B C 1 937 (58) 2 1000 (114) 927 (85) 1156 (72) 3 1002 (94) 1078 (72) 1095 (86) 4 952 (74) D E 964 (74) 1146 (105) 1375 (70) 1204 (73) F G 1128 (93) 1226 (155) 1249 (76) 1047 (118) 1156 (83) 136 (129) 1323 (127) 1189 (90) 1262 (90) 1236 (111) 1086 (71) 1251 (108) 1451 (126) 1280 (115) 1312 (95) 1251 (114) 5 973 (77) 945 (88) 1163 (82) 1452 (85) 1163 (77) 1223 (71) 1109 (116) Across Items & Days 972 (13) 1000 (34) 1162 (25) 1370 (39) 1176 (38) 1216 (42) 1192 (29) Across IWs, Items, Days 972 (48) 998 (46) 1158 (50) 1360 (91) 1170 (51) 1209 (54) 1187 (47) Using the second method (level determined by analysis of the part scores of the items written by each item writer), resampling using the bootstrap procedure accounted for uncertainty across days and items. Error due to differences in occasions and items accounted for about two-thirds of the errors in the student measures. The box-and-whisker plots in Figure 11 display each student’s results with the box representing the 90% confidence interval. The long line through each graph shows where the student’s overall measure falls in relation to the part scores computed separately for each item writer. For each student, his or her measure line passes through every box on the plot. By chance alone at least three graphs would show lines that did not pass through a box. Thus, the item writer’s effect on the student’s measure is negligible. Item writer is a proxy for (1) mode of the text—whether the writer chose a narrative or expository passage, (2) source of the text—no two writers wrote items for the same passage, and (3) style variation—how writers created embedded completion items. A combination of item-writing specification and the Lexile Analyzer’s calibration of items resulted in reproducible reader measures based on theory alone. General objectivity requires that the origin and unit of measure be maintained independently of the instant and particulars of the measurement process. This study demonstrates that SRI produces reproducible measures of reader performance independently of item author, source of text, and occasion of measurement. The Lexile unit is specified through the calibration equations that operationalize the construct theory. These equations are used to define and maintain the unit of measurement independently of the method and instant of measurement. A Lexile unit transcends the instrument and thereby achieves the status of a quantity. Without this transcendent quality, units remain local and dependent on particular instruments and samples for their absolute expression (Stenner, 1994). Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 69 69 8/14/07 6:54:20 PM Figure 11. Examination of item writer error across items and occasions. 1700 Student B—Five Writers LEXILE Measures LEXILE Measures Student A—Five Writers 1500 1300 1100 900 700 2 3 4 1300 1100 900 5 1 2 3 4 5 Writers Writers Student C—Five Writers Student D—Five Writers 1700 LEXILE Measures LEXILE Measures 1500 700 1 1500 1300 1100 900 700 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Writers Writers Student E—Five Writers Student F—Five Writers 1700 LEXILE Measures LEXILE Measures 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 1 2 3 4 5 Writers 1 2 3 4 5 Writers LEXILE Measures Student G—Five Writers 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 1 2 3 4 5 Writers 70 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 70 8/14/07 6:54:20 PM Sources of Measurement Error—Reader Resampling of reader performance implies a different set of items (method) on a different occasion (moment)—method and moment are random facets and are expected to vary with each replication of the measurement process. With this definition of a replication there is nothing special about one set of items compared with another set, nor is there anything special about one Tuesday morning compared to another. Any calibrated set of items given on any day within a two-week period is considered interchangeable with any other set of items given on another day (method and moment). The interchangeability of the item sets suggests there is no a priori basis for believing that one particular method-moment combination will yield a higher or lower measure than any other. That is not to say that the resulting measures are expected to be the same. On the contrary, they are expected to be different. It is unknown which method-moment combination will prove more difficult and which more easy. The anticipated variance among replications due to method-moment combinations and their interactions is error. A better understanding of how these sources of error come about can be gained by describing some of the measurement and behavior factors that may vary from administration to administration. Suppose that most of the SRI items that Sally responds to are sampled from books in the Baby Sitter series (by Ann M. Martin), which is Sally’s favorite series. When Sally is measured again, the items are sampled from less familiar texts. The differences in Lexile measures resulting from highly familiar and unfamiliar texts would be error. The items on each level of SRI were selected to minimize this source of error. It was specified during item development that no more than two items could be developed from a single source or series. Characteristics of the moment and context of measurement can contribute to variation in replicate measures. Suppose, unknown to the test developer, scores increase with each replication due to practice effects. This “occasion main effect” also would be treated as error. Again, suppose Sally is fed breakfast and rides the bus on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but on other days Sally gets no breakfast and must walk one mile to school. Some of the test administrations occur on what Sally calls her “good days” and some occur on “bad days.” Variation in her reading performance due to these context factors contributes to error. (For more information related to why scores change, see the paper entitled “Why do Scores Change?” by Gary L. Williamson (2004) located at The best approach to attaching uncertainty to a reader’s measure is to resample the item response record (i.e., simulating what would happen if the reader were actually assessed again). Suppose eight-year-old José takes two 40-item SRI tests one week apart. Occasions (the two different days) and the 40 items nested within each occasion can be independently resampled (two-stage resampling), and the resulting two measures averaged for each replicate. One thousand replications would result in a distribution of replicate measures. The standard deviation of this distribu- Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 71 71 8/14/07 6:54:22 PM tion is the resampled SEM, and it describes uncertainty in José’s reading measure by treating methods (items), moments (occasion and context), and their interactions as error. Furthermore, in computing José’s reading measure and the uncertainty in that measure, he is treated as an individual without reference to the performance of other students. In general, on SRI, typical reader measure error across items (method) and days (moment) is 70L (Stenner, 1996). Reader Measure Consistency. Alternate-form reliability examines the extent to which two equivalent forms of an assessment yield the same results (i.e., students’ scores have the same rank order on both tests). Test-retest reliability examines the extent to which two administrations of the same test yield similar results. When taken together, alternate-form reliability and test-retest reliability are estimates of reader measure consistency. A study has examined the consistency of reader measures. If decisions about individuals are to be made on the basis of assessment data (for example, placement or instructional program decisions), then the assessment results should exhibit a reliability coefficient of at least 0.85. Study 1. In a large urban school district, SRI was administered to all students in Grades 2 through 10. Table 17 shows the reader consistency estimates for each grade level and across all grades over a four-month period. The data is from the first and second SRI administrations during the 2004–2005 school year. Table 17. SRI reader consistency estimates over a four-month period, by grade. 72 Grade N Reader Consistency Correlation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,241 7,236 8,253 6,339 3,783 3,581 2,694 632 0.829 0.832 0.854 0.848 0.860 0.877 0.853 0.901 Total 33,759 0.894 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 72 8/14/07 6:54:22 PM Forecasted Comprehension Error The difference between a text measure and a reader measure can be used to forecast the reader’s comprehension of the text. If a 1200L reader reads USA Today (1200L), the Lexile Framework forecasts 75% comprehension. This forecast means that if a 1200L reader responds to 100 items developed from USA Today, the number correct is estimated to be 75, or 75% of the items are administered. The same 1200L reader is forecast to have 50% comprehension of senior-level college text (1450L) and 90% comprehension of The Secret Garden (950L). How much error is present in such a forecast? That is, if the forecast were recalculated, what kind of variability in the comprehension rate would be expected? The comprehension rate is determined by the relationship between the reader measure and the text measure. Consequently, error variation in the comprehension rate derives from error variation in those two quantities. Using resampling theory, a small amount of variation in the text measure and considerably more variation in the reader measure will be expected. The result of resampling is a new text measure and a new reader measure, which combine to forecast a new comprehension rate. Thus, errors in reader measure and text measure combine to create variability in the replicated comprehension rate. Unlike text and reader error, comprehension rate error is not symmetrical about the forecasted comprehension rate. It is possible to determine a confidence interval for the forecasted comprehension rate. Suppose a 1000L reader measured with 71L of error reads a 1000L text measured with 30L of error. The error associated with the difference between the reader measure and the text measure (0L) is 77L (Stenner and Burdick, 1997). Referring to Table 18, the 90% confidence interval for a 75% forecasted comprehension rate is 63% to 84% comprehension (round the SED of 77L to 80L for nearest tabled value). Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 73 73 8/14/07 6:54:22 PM Table 18. Confidence intervals (90%) for various combinations of comprehension rates and standard error differences (SED) between reader and text measures. 74 Reader—Text (in Lexiles) Forecasted Comprehension Rate SED 40 SED 60 SED 80 SED 100 SED 120 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 50% 53% 55% 58% 61% 63% 66% 68% 71% 73% 75% 77% 79% 81% 82% 84% 85% 87% 88% 89% 90% 43–57 46–60 48–62 51–65 54–67 56–70 59–72 62–74 64–76 67–78 69–80 72–82 74–83 76–85 78–86 80–87 81–89 83–90 84–91 86–92 87–92 39–61 42–63 45–66 47–68 50–71 53–73 56–75 58–77 61–79 64–81 66–82 68–84 71–85 73–87 75–88 77–89 79–90 81–91 82–92 84–93 85–93 36–64 38–67 41–69 44–71 47–73 49–76 52–78 55–79 57–81 60–83 63–84 65–86 68–87 70–88 72–89 74–90 77–91 78–92 80–93 82–94 83–94 33–67 35–70 38–72 40–74 43–76 46–78 48–80 51–82 54–83 57–85 59–86 62–87 64–89 67–90 69–91 72–91 74–92 76–93 78–94 80–94 81–95 30–70 32–73 34–75 37–77 39–79 42–81 45–82 48–84 50–85 53–87 56–88 58–89 61–90 64–91 66–92 69–93 71–93 73–94 76–95 77–95 79–96 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 74 8/14/07 6:54:22 PM Validity Validity is the “extent to which a test measures what its authors or users claim it measures; specifically, test validity concerns the appropriateness of inferences that can be made on the basis of test results” (Salvia and Ysseldyke, 1998). The 1999 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (America Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education) state that “validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed in the uses of tests” (p. 9). In other words, does the test measure what it is supposed to measure? “The process of ascribing meaning to scores produced by a measurement procedure is generally recognized as the most important task in developing an educational or psychological measure, be it an achievement test, interest inventory, or personality scale” (Stenner, Smith, and Burdick, 1983). The appropriateness of any conclusions drawn from the results of a test is a function of the test’s validity. The validity of a test is the degree to which the test actually measures what it purports to measure. Validity provides a direct check on how well the test fulfills its purpose. The sections that follow describe the studies conducted to establish the validity of SRI. As additional validity studies are conducted, they will be described in future editions of the SRI Technical Manual. For the sake of clarity, the various components of test validity—content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity—will be described as if they are unique, independent components rather than interrelated parts. Content Validity The content validity of a test refers to the adequacy with which relevant content has been sampled and represented in the test. Content validity was built into SRI during its development. All texts sampled for SRI items are authentic and developmentally appropriate, and the student is asked to respond to the texts in ways that are relevant to the texts’ genres (e.g., a student is asked specific questions related to a nonfiction text’s content rather than asked to make predictions about what would happen next in the text—a question more appropriate for fiction). For middle school and high school students who read below grade level, a subset of items from the main item pool is classified “Hi-Lo.” The Hi-Lo pool of items was identified from all items developed for SRI based on whether they were developmentally appropriate for middle school and high school students (high interest) and had Lexile measures between 200L and 1000L (low difficulty). The administration of these items ensures that students will read developmentally appropriate content. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 75 75 8/14/07 6:54:23 PM Criterion-Related Validity The criterion-related validity of a test indicates the test’s effectiveness in predicting an individual’s behavior in a specific situation. Convergent validity examines those situations in which test scores are expected to be influenced by behavior; conversely, discriminate validity examines those situations in which test scores are not expected to be influenced by behavior. Convergent validity looks at the relationships between test scores and other criterion variables (e.g., number of class discussions, reading comprehension grade equivalent, library usage, remediation). Because targeted reading intervention programs are specifically designed to improve students’ reading comprehension, an effective intervention would be expected to improve students’ reading test scores. READ 180 ® is a research-based reading intervention program designed to meet the needs of students in Grades 4 through 12 whose reading achievement is significantly below the proficient level. READ 180 was initially developed through a collaboration between Vanderbilt University and the Orange County (FL) Public School System between 1991 and 1999. It combines research-based reading practices with the effective use of technology to offer students an opportunity to achieve reading success through a combination of instructional, modeled, and independent reading components. Because READ 180 is a reading intervention program, students who participate in the program would be expected to show improvement in their reading comprehension as measured by SRI. Reading comprehension generally increases as a student progresses through school. It increases rapidly during elementary school because students are specifically instructed in reading. In middle school, reading comprehension grows at a slower rate because instruction concentrates on specific content areas, such as science, literature, and social studies. SRI was designed to be a developmental measure of reading comprehension. Figure 12 shows the median performance (and upper and lower quartiles) on SRI for students at each grade level. As predicted, student scores on SRI climb rapidly in elementary grades and level off in middle school. Discriminate validity looks at the relationships between test scores and other criterion variables that the scores should not be related to (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity). SRI scores would not be expected to fluctuate according to the demographic characteristics of the students taking the test. Study 1. During the 2003–2004 school year, the Memphis (TN) Public Schools remediated 525 students with READ 180 (Memphis Public Schools, no date). Pretests were administered between May 1, 2003 and December 1, 2003, and posttests were administered between January 1, 2004 and August 1, 2004. A minimum of one month and a maximum of 15 months elapsed between the pretest and posttest. Pretest scores ranged from 24L to 1070L with a mean of 581L (standard deviation of 606L). Posttest scores ranged from 32L to 1261L with a mean of 667L (standard deviation of 214L). The mean gain from pretest to posttest was 85.2L (standard deviation of 183L). Figure 13 shows the distribution of scores on the pretest and the posttest for all students. 76 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 76 8/14/07 6:54:23 PM Figure 12. Growth on SRI—Median and upper and lower quartiles, by grade. 1400 1200 Lexile Measure 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Grade Level The results of the study show a positive relationship between SRI scores and enrollment in a reading intervention program. Study 2. During the 2002–2003 school year, students at 14 middle schools in Clark County (NV) School District participated in READ 180 and completed SRI. Of the 4,223 students pretested in August through October and posttested in March through May, 399 students had valid numerical data for both the pretest and the posttest. Table 19 shows the mean gains in Lexile measures by grade level. The results of the study show a positive relationship between SRI scores and enrollment in a reading intervention program. Study 3. During the 2000–2001 through 2004–2005 school years, the Des Moines (IA) Independent Community School District administered READ 180 to 1,213 special education middle school and high school students (Hewes, Mielke, and Johnson, 2006; Palmer, 2003). SRI was administered as a pretest to students entering the intervention program and as a posttest at the end of each school year. SRI pretest scores were collected for 1,168 of the sampled students; posttest 1 scores were collected for 1,122 of the sampled students; and posttest 2 scores were collected for 361 of the sampled students. Figure 14 shows the mean pretest and posttest scores (1 and 2) for students in various cohorts. The standard deviation across all students was 257.40 Lexiles. As shown in Figure 14, reading ability as measured by SRI increased from the initial grade level of the student. In addition, when the students’ cohort, starting grade, pattern of Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 77 77 8/14/07 6:54:23 PM Figure 13. Memphis (TN) Public Schools: Distribution of initial and final SRI scores for READ 180 participants. 14 Distribution of SRI Scores Percent of Fall 2003 READ 180 Participants (N = 314) 12 10 Mean Stnd Dev Median Medium Maximum Initial SRI Scores Final SRI Scores 581L ( 18.7L) 218L 606L 24L 1070L 667L ( 17.7L) 214L 698L 32L 1261L 8 6 4 Mean Final SRI Score Mean Initial SRI Score 2 0 50 10 0 15 0 20 0 25 0 30 0 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 10 0 0 10 0 5 11 0 0 11 0 5 12 0 0 12 0 5 13 0 0 13 0 5 14 0 0 14 0 5 15 0 00 0 Lexile Scale Score Initial Test Score Final Test Score Adapted from Memphis Public Schools (no date), Exhibit 2. Table 19. Clark County (NV) School District: Normal curve equivalents on SRI by grade level. Grade N SRI Pretest Mean (SD) SRI Posttest Mean (SD) Gain (SD) 6 7 8 159 128 52 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 88.91 (157.24)** 137.84 (197.44)** 163.12 (184.20)** Total 399 461.09 (204.57) 579.86 (195.74) 118.77 Adapted from Papalewis (2003), Table 4. ** p .01, pre to post paired t test. participation, and level of special education were controlled for, students grew at a rate of 39.68 Lexiles for each year of participation in READ 180 (effect size .15; NCE 3.16). “These were annual gains associated with READ 180 above and beyond yearly growth in achievement” (Hewes, Mielke, and Johnson, 2006, p. 14). Students who started READ 180 in middle school (Grades 6 and 7) improved the most. 78 Scholastic Reading Inventory 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 78 9/26/07 6:03:45 PM Figure 14. Des Moines (IA) Independent Community School District: Group SRI mean Lexile measures, by starting grade level in READ 180. 800 Lexile Measure 700 600 500 400 300 Pretest 200 Posttest 1 100 Posttest 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 Initial Grade Level Study 4. The St. Paul (MN) School District implemented READ 180 in middle schools during the 2003–2004 school year (St. Paul School District, no date). A total of 820 students were enrolled in READ 180 (45% regular education, 34% English language learners, 15% special education, and 6% ELL/SPED), and of those students 44% were African American, 30% Asian, 15% Caucasian, 9% Hispanic, and 2% Native American. Of the 820 students in the program, 573 students in Grades 7 and 8 had complete data for SRI. The mean group pretest score was 659.0L, and the mean group posttest score was 768.5L with a gain of 109.5L (p .01). The results of the study show a positive relationship between SRI scores and enrollment in a reading intervention program. Study 5. Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools implemented READ 180 for 548 students in Grades 7 and 8 at 11 middle schools during the 2002–2003 school year (Pearson and White, 2004). The general population at the 11 schools was as follows: 45% Caucasian, 22% Hispanic, and 18% African American; 55% male and 45% female; 16% classified as English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL); and 25% classified as receiving special education services. The sample of students enrolled in READ 180 can be described as follows: 15% Caucasian, 37% Hispanic, and 29% African American; 52% male and 48% female; 42% classified as ESOL; and 14% classified as receiving special education services. The population that participated in the READ 180 program can be considered significantly different from the general population in terms of race/ethnicity, ESOL classification, and special education services received. Pretest Lexile scores from SRI ranged from 136L to 1262L with a mean of 718L (standard deviation of 208L). Posttest Lexile scores from SRI ranged from 256L to 1336L with a mean of 815L (standard deviation of 203L). The mean gain from pretest to posttest was Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 79 79 8/14/07 6:54:24 PM 95.9L (standard deviation of 111.3L). The gains in Lexile scores were statistically significant, and the effect size was 0.46 standard deviations. The results of the study showed a positive relationship between SRI scores and enrollment in a reading intervention program. The study also examined the gains of various subgroups of students and observed that “no statistically significant differences in the magnitude of pretest-posttest changes in reading ability were found to be associated with other characteristics of READ 180 participants: gender, race, eligibility for ESOL, eligibility for special education, and the number of days the student was absent from school during 2002–03” (Pearson and White, 2004, p. 13). Study 6. Indian River (DE) School District piloted READ 180 at Selbyville Middle School during the 2003–2004 school year for students in Grades 6 though 8 performing in the bottom quartile of standardized assessments (Indian River School District, no date). During the 2004–2005 school year, SRI was administered to all students in the district enrolled in READ 180 (the majority of students also received special education services). Table 20 presents the descriptive statistics for students enrolled in READ 180 at Selbyville Middle School and Sussex Central Middle School. Table 20. Indian River (DE) School District: SRI average scores (Lexiles) for READ 180 students in 2004–2005. Grade N Fall SRI Lexile measure (Mean/SD) Spring SRI Lexile measure (Mean/SD) 6 7 8 65 57 62 498.0 (242.1) 518.0 (247.7) 651.5 (227.8) 651.2 (231.7) 734.8 (182.0) 818.6 (242.9) Adapted from Indian River School District (no date), Table 1. Based on the results, the increase in students classified as “Reading at Grade Level” was 18.5% in Grade 6, 13.4% in Grade 7, and 26.2% in Grade 8. “Students not only showed improvement in the quantitative data, they also showed an increase in their positive attitudes toward reading in general” (Indian River School District, no date, p. 1). The results of the study show a positive relationship between SRI scores and enrollment in a reading intervention program. In addition, SRI scores monotonically increased across grade levels. Study 7. In response to a drop-out problem with special education students at Fulton Middle School (Callaway County, GA), READ 180 was implemented in 2005 (Sommerhauser, 2006). Students in Grades 6 and 7 whose reading skills were significantly below grade level (N = 24) participated in the program. The results showed that “20 of the 24 students have shown improvement in their Lexile scores, a basic reading test.” Study 8. East Elementary School in Kodiak, Alaska, instituted a reading program in 2000 that matched readers with text at their level of comprehension (MetaMetrics, 2006c). Students were administered SRI as part of the Scholastic Reading Counts! ® program and encouraged to read books at their Lexile level. Reed, the school reading specialist, stated 80 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 80 8/14/07 6:54:25 PM that the program has led to more books being checked out of the library, increased student enthusiasm for reading, and increased teacher participation in the program (e.g., lesson planning, materials selection across all content areas). Study 9. The Kirkwood (MO) School District Implemented READ 180 between 1999 and 2003 (Thomas, 2003). Initially, students in Grades 6 through 8 were enrolled. In subsequent years, the program was expanded to include students in Grades 4 through 8. The program served: 379 students during the 2000–2001 school year (34% classified as Special Education/SSD); 311 students during the 2001–2002 school year (43% classified as Special Education/SSD); and 369 students during the 2002–2003 school year (41% classified as Special Education/SSD). Figures 15 through 17 show the pretest and posttest scores of general education students for three years of the program. The results of the study show a positive relationship between SRI scores and enrollment in a reading intervention program (within school year gains for 90% of students enrolled in the program). The study concluded that “fourth and fifth grade students have higher increases than middle school, students, reinforcing the need for earliest intervention. Middle school scores, however, are influenced by higher numbers of new students needing reading intervention” (Thomas, 2003, p. 7). Study 10. In fall 2003, the Phoenix (AZ) Union High School District began using Stage C of READ 180 to help struggling ninth- and tenth-grade students become proficient readers and increase their opportunities for success in school (White and Haslam, 2005). Of the Grade 9 students (N 882) who participated, 49% were classified as ELL and 9% were eligible for Special Education services. Information was not provided for the Grade 10 students (N 697). For students in Grade 9, the mean gain from SRI pretest to posttest was 110.9L. For students in Grade 10, the mean gain from pretest to posttest was 68.8L for the fall cohort and 110.9L for the spring cohort. The gains in Lexile scores were statistically significant at the .05 level. The results of the study showed a positive relationship between SRI scores and enrollment in a reading intervention program. The study also examined the gains of various subgroups of students. No significant differences were observed between students classified as ELL (ELL gain scores of 13.3 NCEs and non-ELL gain scores of 13.5 NCEs, p .86). No significant differences were observed between students eligible for Special Education services (Special Education gain scores of 13.7 NCEs and non-Special Education gain scores of 13.5 NCEs, p .88). Study 11. A large urban school district administers SRI to all students in Grades 2 through 10. Data has been collected since the 2000–2001 school year and matched at the student level. All students are administered SRI at the beginning of the school year (September) and in March, and a sample of students in intervention programs are administered SRI in December also. Information is collected on race/ethnicity, gender, and limited English proficiency (LEP) classification. The student demographic data presented in Table 21 is from the 2004–2005 school year. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 81 81 8/14/07 6:54:25 PM Table 21. Large Urban School District: SRI scores by student demographic classification. N Mean (SD) 3,498 35,500 27,260 723 5,305 65,124 979.90 (316.21) 753.43 (316.55) 790.24 (338.11) 868.41 (311.20) 906.42 (310.10) 982.54 (303.79) 68,454 68,956 898.21 (316.72) 865.10 (345.26) 6,926 7,459 13,917 109,108 689.73 (258.22) 435.98 (292.68) 890.52 (288.37) 923.10 (316.67) Student Demographic Characteristic Race/Ethnicity • Asian • African American • Hispanic • Indian • Multiracial • Caucasian Gender • Female • Male Limited English Proficiency Status • Former LEP student • Limited English and in ESOL program • Exited from ESOL program • Never in ESOL program Figure 15. Kirkwood (MO) School District: Pretest and posttest SRI scores, school year 2000–2001, general education students. 1000 900 Lexile Measure 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 Pretest 100 Posttest 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grade Level 82 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 82 8/14/07 6:54:25 PM Figure 16. Kirkwood (MO) School District: Pretest and posttest SRI scores, school year 2001–2002, general education students. 1000 900 Lexile Measure 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 Pretest 100 Posttest 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grade Level Figure 17. Kirkwood (MO) School District: Pretest and posttest SRI scores, school year 2002–2003, general education students. 1000 900 Lexile Measure 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 Pretest 100 Posttest 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grade Level Given the sample sizes, the contrasts are significant. Using the rule of thumb that a quarter of a standard deviation represents an educational difference, the data shows that Caucasian students score significantly higher than all other groups except Asian students. The data does not show any differences based on gender, and the observed differences based on LEP status are expected. Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 83 83 8/14/07 6:54:25 PM Construct Validity The construct validity of a test is the extent to which the test may be said to measure a theoretical construct or trait, such as reading comprehension. Anastasi (1982) identifies a number of ways that the construct validity of a test can be examined. Two of the techniques are appropriate for examining the construct validity of Scholastic Reading Inventory. One technique is to examine developmental changes in test scores for traits that are expected to increase with age. Another technique is to examine the “correlations between a new test and other similar tests . . . [the correlations are] evidence that the new test measures approximately the same general areas of behavior as other tests designated by the same name” (p. 145). Construct validity is the most important aspect of validity related to the computer adaptive test of SRI. This product is designed to measure the development of reading comprehension; therefore, how well it measures reading comprehension and how well it measures the development of reading comprehension must be examined. Reading Comprehension Construct. Reading comprehension is the process of independently constructing meaning from text. Scores from tests purporting to measure the same construct, for example “reading comprehension,” should be moderately correlated (Anastasi, 1982). (For more information related to how to interpret multiple test scores reported in the same metric, see the paper entitled “Managing Multiple Measures” by Gary L. Williamson (2006) located at Study 1. During the 2000–2001 through 2004–2005 school years, the Des Moines (IA) Independent Community School District enrolled 1,213 special education middle and high school students in READ 180. SRI was administered as a pretest to students entering READ 180 and annually at the end of each school year as a posttest. A correlation of 0.65 (p .05) was observed between SRI and the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test (SDRT4) Comprehension subtest; a correlation of 0.64 (p .05) was observed between SRI and the SDRT4 Vocabulary subtest; and a correlation of 0.65 (p .05) was observed between SRI and the SDRT4 total score. “The low correlations observed for this sample of students may be related to the fact that this sample is composed exclusively of special education students” (Hewes, Mielke, and Johnson, 2006, p. A-3) 84 Sch olastic Rea ding Inv e nto r y 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 84 8/14/07 6:54:26 PM Study 2. A large urban school district administers SRI to all students in Grades 2 through 10. Data has been collected since the 2000–2001 school year and matched at the student level. All students are administered SRI at the beginning of the school year (September) and in March, and a sample of students in intervention programs are administered SRI in December also. Students are also administered the state assessment, the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, which consists of a norm-referenced assessment (Stanford Achievement Tests, Ninth or Tenth Edition [SAT-9/10]) and a criterion-referenced assessment (Sunshine State Standards Test [SSS]). In addition, a sample of students takes the PSAT. Tables 22 through 24 show the descriptive statistics for matched samples of students during four years of data collection. Table 22. Large Urban School District: Descriptive statistics for SRI and the SAT-9/10, matched sample. 2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 SAT-9/10 (reported in Lexiles) SRI School Year N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 79,423 80,677 84,707 85,486 848.22 (367.65) 862.42 (347.03) 895.70 (344.45) 885.07 (349.40) 87,380 88,962 91,018 101,776 899.47 (244.30) 909.54 (231.29) 920.94 (226.30) 881.11 (248.53) r 0.824 0.800 0.789 0.821 From the results it can be concluded that SRI measures a construct similar to that measured by other standardized tests designed to measure reading comprehension. The magnitude of the within-grade correlations between SRI and the PSAT is close to the observed correlations for parallel test forms (i.e., alternate forms reliability), thus suggesting that the different tests are measuring the same construct. The SAT-9/10, SSS, and PSAT consist of passages followed by traditional multiple-choice items, and SRI consists of embedded completion multiple-choice items. Despite the differences in format, the correlations suggest that the four assessments are measuring a similar construct. Table 23. Large Urban School District: Descriptive statistics for SRI and the SSS, matched sample. School Year 2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 SRI SSS N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 79,423 80,677 84,707 85,486 848.22 (367.65) 862.42 (347.03) 895.70 (344.45) 885.07 (349.40) 87,969 90,770 92,653 104,803 1641 (394.98) 1679 (368.26) 1699 (361.46) 1683 (380.13) r 0.835 0.823 0.817 0.825 Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 85 85 8/14/07 6:54:26 PM Table 24. Large Urban School District: Descriptive statistics for SRI and the PSAT, matched sample. School Year 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 SRI PSAT N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 80,677 84,707 85,486 862.42 (347.03) 895.70 (344.45) 885.07 (349.40) 2,219 2,146 1,731 44.48 (11.70) 41.86 (12.14) 44.64 (11.40) r 0.730 0.696 0.753 Study 3. In 2005, a group of 20 Grade 4 students at a Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) school in Fort Benning (GA), were administered both SRI and SRI-Print (Level 14, Form B). The correlation between the two Lexile measures was 0.92 (MetaMetrics, 2005). The results show that the two tests measure similar reading constructs. Developmental Nature of Scholastic Reading Inventory. Reading is a skill that is expected to develop with age—as students read more, their skills improve, and therefore they are able to read more complex material. Because growth in reading comprehension is uneven, with the greatest growth usually taking place in earlier grades, SRI scores should show a similar trend of decreasing gains as grade level increases. Study 1. A middle school in Pasco County (FL) School District administered SRI during the 2005–2006 school year to 721 students. Growth in reading ability was examined by collecting data in September and April. The mean Lexile measure in September across all grades was 978.26L (standard deviation of 194.92), and the mean Lexile measure in April was 1026.12L (standard deviation of 203.20). The mean growth was 47.87L (standard deviation of 143.09). The typical growth for middle school students is approximately 75L across a calendar year (see Williamson, Thompson, and Baker, 2006). When the growth for the sample of students in Pasco County was prorated to compare with a typical year’s growth, 73.65L is consistent with prior research. In addition, when the data was examined by grade level, it was observed that Grade 6 exhibited the most growth, while growth tapered off in later grades (Grade 6, N ⫽ 211, Growth ⫽ 56L [prorated 87L]; Grade 7, N ⫽ 254, Growth ⫽ 52L [prorated 79L]; Grade 8, N ⫽ 256, Growth ⫽ 37L [prorated 58L]). Study 2. A large urban school district administers SRI to all students in Grades 2 through 10. Data has been collected since the 2000–2001 school year and matched at the student level. All students are administered SRI at the beginning of the school year (September) and in March, and a sample of students in intervention programs are administered SRI in December also. The data was examined to estimate growth in reading ability using a quadratic regression equation. Students with at least seven SRI scores were included in the analyses (45,495 students out of a possible 172,412). The resulting quadratic regression slope was slightly more than 0.50L/day (about 100L of growth between fall and spring), which is consistent with prior research conducted by MetaMetrics, Inc. (see Williamson, Thompson, and Baker, 86 Scholastic Reading Inventory 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 86 9/26/07 6:03:56 PM 2006). The median R-squared coefficient was between .800 and .849, which indicates that the correlation between reading ability and time is approximately 0.91. Figure 18 shows the fit of the model compared to observed SRI data. Figure 18. Large Urban School District: Fit of quadratic growth model to SRI data for students in Grades 3 through 10. 1400 Lexile Measure 1200 1000 800 600 400 SRI Observed Lexile 200 SRI Quadratic Fit 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Grade Tec h n i c al Gu i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 87 87 8/14/07 6:54:27 PM Appendix 1: Lexile Framework Map Connecting curriculum-based reading to the Lexile Framework, the titles in this chart are typical of texts that developmentally correspond to Lexile® level. There are many readily available texts that have older interest levels but a lower Lexile level (hi-lo titles). Conversely, there are many books that have younger interests but are written on a higher Lexile level (adult-directed picture books). By evaluating the Lexile level for any text, educators can provide reading opportunities that foster student growth. For more information on the Lexile ranges for additional titles, please visit or the Scholastic Reading Counts! ® e-Catalog at LEXILE LEVEL 200L BENCHMARK LITERATURE BENCHMARK NONFICTION TEXTS Clifford The Big Red Dog by Norman Bridwell (220L) Harbor by Donald Crews (220L) Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni (210L) Amanda Pig, Schoolgirl by Jean Van Leeuwen (240L) Ms. Frizzle’s Adventure: Medieval Castles by Joanna Cole (270L) The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss (260L) Hey, Al! by Arthur Yorinks (320L) 300L 400L “A” My Name is Alice by Jane Bayer (370L) Arthur Goes to Camp by Marc Brown (380L) You Forgot Your Skirt, Amelia Bloomer by Shana Corey (350L) George Washington and the General’s Dog by Frank Murphy (380L) How A Book is Made by Aliki (390L) Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel (400L) How My Parents Learned to Eat by Ina R. Friedman (450L) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds by David A. Adler (420L) Finding Providence by Avi (450L) When I Was Nine by James Stevenson (470L) Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban (490L) 500L Bicycle Man by Allen Say (500L) By My Brother’s Side by Tiki Barber (500L) Can I Keep Him? by Steven Kellogg (510L) The Wild Boy by Mordicai Gerstein (530L) The Music of Dolphins by Karen Hesse (560L) Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer (600L) 600L Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr (630L) Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White (680L) The Emperor’s Egg by Martin Jenkins (570L) Koko’s Kitten by Dr. Francine Patterson (610L) Lost City: The Discovery of Machu Picchu by Ted Lewin (670L) Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story by Ken Mochizuki (670L) 88 Scholastic Reading Inventory 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 88 9/26/07 6:04:17 PM LEXILE LEVEL 700L BENCHMARK LITERATURE Journey to Ellis Island: How My Father Came to America by Carol Bierman (750L) Beethoven Lives Upstairs by Barbara Nichol (750L) The Red Scarf Girl by Ji-li Jiang (780L) Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh (760L) Interstellar Pig by William Sleator (810L) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (810L) 800L BENCHMARK NONFICTION TEXTS Bunnicula by Deborah Howe, James Howe (710L) Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George (860L) Four Against the Odds by Stephen Krensky (790L) Can’t You Make Them Behave, King George? by Jean Fritz (800L) Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave by Virginia Hamilton (860L) Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years by Sarah L. Delany and A. Elizabeth Delany (890L) 900L 1000L 1100L Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor (920L) October Sky by Homer H. Hickam, Jr. (900L) Abel’s Island by William Steig (920L) Black Boy by Richard Wright (950L) The Slave Dancer by Paula Fox (970L) All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriott (990L) Hatchet by Gary Paulsen (1020L) The Greatest: Muhammad Ali by Walter Dean Myers (1030L) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1070L) Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston (1080L) Anne Frank: Diary of A Young Girl by Anne Frank (1080L) My Thirteenth Winter by Samantha Abeel (1050L) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (1100L) Black Diamond by Patricia McKissack (1100L) Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton (1160L) Dead Man Walking by Helen Prejean (1140L) Animal Farm by George Orwell (1170L) Hiroshima by John Hersey (1190L) 1200L Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (1200L) In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall (1220L) The Midwife’s Apprentice by Karen Cushman (1240L) Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser (1240L) The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende (1280L) 1300L Eight Tales of Terror by Edgar Allan Poe (1340L) The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (1320L) Silas Marner by George Eliot (1330L) Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer (1270L) Common Sense by Thomas Paine (1330L) Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat (1330L) The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass (1400L) Te c h n i c a l G u i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 89 89 10/8/07 9:47:54 AM Appendix 2: Fall Norm Tables Fall scores based norming study performed by MetaMetrics to determine a baseline for growth. 90 Fall Percentile 1 5 10 25 35 50 65 75 90 95 Grade 1 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR 105 205 Grade 2 BR BR BR 115 200 310 425 520 650 750 Grade 3 BR 75 160 360 455 550 645 715 850 945 Grade 4 BR 225 295 470 560 670 770 835 960 1030 Grade 5 50 350 430 610 695 795 875 945 1060 1125 Grade 6 160 425 490 670 760 845 925 985 1095 1180 Fall Percentile 1 5 10 25 35 50 65 75 90 95 Grade 7 210 510 590 760 825 910 985 1050 1160 1245 Grade 8 285 550 630 815 885 970 1045 1105 1210 1295 Grade 9 380 655 720 865 935 1015 1095 1150 1260 1345 Grade 10 415 670 735 880 960 1045 1125 1180 1290 1365 Grade 11 455 720 780 930 995 1080 1155 1205 1315 1390 Grade 12 460 745 805 945 1010 1090 1165 1215 1325 1405 Scholastic Reading Inventory 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 90 9/26/07 6:04:18 PM Appendix 2: Spring Norm Tables Spring Percentile 1 5 10 25 35 50 65 75 90 95 Grade 1 BR BR BR BR BR 150 270 345 550 635 Grade 2 BR BR BR 275 400 475 575 645 780 870 Grade 3 BR 125 210 390 480 590 690 755 890 965 Grade 4 BR 255 325 505 595 700 800 865 990 1060 Grade 5 BR 390 475 630 710 810 905 970 1085 1155 Grade 6 190 455 525 700 775 880 975 1035 1155 1220 Spring Percentile 1 5 10 25 35 50 65 75 90 95 Grade 7 240 545 625 780 860 955 1040 1095 1210 1270 Grade 8 295 560 645 835 905 1000 1090 1145 1265 1330 Grade 9 400 670 730 880 960 1045 1125 1180 1290 1365 Grade 10 435 720 780 930 995 1080 1155 1205 1320 1290 Grade 11 465 745 810 945 1010 1090 1165 1215 1330 1405 Grade 12 465 755 820 955 1020 1100 1175 1225 1340 1415 Te c h n i c a l G u i d e 74216_SRI_TechGuide_FC-105.indd 91 91 10/8/07 9:47:58 AM Appendix 3: References America Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education. 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