Silvan Spraying Components Catalogue A5 LR
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Spraying Components Catalogue Incorporating GENUINE Precision Farming AC CE S S ORIE S GENUINE AC CE S S ORIE S Introduction Silvan Customer Service We are ready to take your call. Your phone call to 1300 SILVAN (1300 745 826) will direct you to our highly experienced Silvan Customer Service staff that will assist you with: • Price and availability • Order entry • Product enquiries • Credit processing • Back order advices If your enquiry is of a technical nature, our Customer Service team will transfer you to our National Spare Parts team for parts interpretation and parts sourcing, or our Technical Services team for after sales service issues. Call: 1300 SILVAN (1300 745 826) Fax: 1800 SILVAN (1800 745 826) e-Commerce e-Commerce @ Silvan Silvan’s e-Commerce tool is available for immediate registration by clicking on the dealer login on the main page at This e-Commerce tool allows you to: • Order online • Enquire on your order status online - open orders, back orders, dispatched orders • Follow freight for your goods online - direct access to Freight con notes • Enquire on your invoices and credit notes online • Access the Silvan on-line spare parts system For more details, phone Customer Service on 1300 SILVAN (1300 745 826). 2 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Introduction Silvan was founded in 1962 and is devoted to those connected to the land. The Silvan brand has always pioneered superior technology, durability and dedicated support with Silvan’s “Big Red Tanks” becoming a constant in the Australian agricultural landscape. SILVAN SPRAYERS A leader in the design of high and low volume horticultural sprayers, Silvan has evolved into the largest Australasian manufacturer of world-class crop protection sprayers and related machinery. Specialised equipment has been developed for crops including vegetables, grapes, apples, pears, citrus, bananas, olives, sugar cane and turf. FARM MACHINERY Silvan Australia’s farm machinery range comprises a broad selection from the world’s most prominent manufacturers including; Nobili mulchers, Breviglieri tillage equipment and Sitrex hayrakes. Silvan also manufactures high quality agricultural implements including rotary slashers, carryalls & post hole diggers. SPRAYING COMPONENTS This catalogue provides a comprehensive range of sprayer components to service Silvan spraying products. As an independent manufacturer, we have forged strong links with our suppliers and have the ability to offer choices of components for your sprayer. We ship components and spare parts daily by courier and express post. This catalogue will give you an overview of products available however if you do not see what you need please feel free to enquire. NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 3 CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS 5 PAGE PRECISION FARMING GPS Guidance Rate Controllers and Autosteer Ultrasonic Sensors and Monitors Low and High Pressure Valve Banks Flowmeters and Foam Markers Electric Solenoid Controls High Pressure Solenoids & Electric Motor Valve Controls Goyen Solenoids Pressure Relief Valves and Foam Marker Solenoids Teejet Control Valves and Chemical Transfer PAGE PUMPS, CONTROLS AND SERVICE KITS Motorised Diaphragm Pumps PTO Diaphragm Pumps Diaphragm Pump Controls High Pressure Diaphragm Pumps Diaphragm Pump Service Kits PTO Shafts Hydraulic Drive Centrifugal Pumps 12 Volt Pumps and 12 Volt Pump Service Kits Filtration Suction Filters Pressure Filters Nozzle Strainers Tank Lids and Ball Valves Pressure Gauges Tank Rinsing and Sight Gauges Camlever Couplings and Plumbing Accessories Hose and Agitators Nozzles Horticulture Nozzles Specialty Nozzles Boomless Nozzles Nozzle Holders Nozzle Caps Safety Warning Signs Safety Gear Gloves and Measuring Jugs Tank Cleaner and Foam Marker Accessories Index, Terms and Conditions 66 67-81 82-84 85 86-89 90-96 97-99 PAGE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 40 41 42-43 43-45 46 47-50 50 51 52-62 63-65 PAGE NOZZLES & ACCESSORIES 24 25 26-27 28 29-31 32 33 34 35-39 PAGE PLUMBING, FILTRATION & TANK ACCESSORIES 4 6 7-10 11-12 13-15 16-18 19 20 21 22 23 101 101 102-103 104 105 106-111 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information S Precision Farming Index Products Precision Farming GENUINE AC CE S S ORIE S NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 5 Booms GPS& Guidance Hose Reels NAVIGATOR LT MATRIX 430 The Navigator LT is a complete GPS system with 5.7” display that provides enhanced visual guidance with a light bar and on screen guidance. The SD card port can be used to download reports on where you have sprayed, area covered and time spent. The Matrix 430 utilises GPS technology to guide tractors and machinery during boom spraying or fertiliser spreading to maximise application accuracy. 4674A1000 MATRIX GUIDANCE FUNCTIONS MATRIX GUIDANCE FUNCTIONS Straight A-B Guidance Curved A-B Guidance Circle Pivot Guidance Circle Pivot Guidance Last Pass Guidance Straight A-B Guidance 6 GD430-GLO-P-L Curved A-B Guidance CODE DESCRIPTION FEATURES CAT 4674A1000 GD430-GLO-P-L NAVIGATOR LT GPS MATRIX 430 5.7” display, SD card port, external antenna, integrated GPS receiver 4.3” colour display, integrated USB port, external patch antenna A AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Booms Rate Controllers & Hose Reels DELTA 80 SPRAYER CONTROL A highly flexible combination of GPS guidance, automatic section control and accurate rate control allows unmatched efficiency. Multiple GPS antenna options available for required accuracy. DISTRIBUTION CONTROL Automatic adjustment of spray application rate by measuring flow and speed. SECTIONS Controls up to 7 spray sections and 7 hydraulic functions. KIT CONTENTS Control box, tractor loom, sprayer loom and GPS antenna. MEMORY USB port to store working reports; path and treatment data for each area. DELTA 80 CODE DESCRIPTION DISPLAY 4675000 ARAG Delta 80 High Resolution 8.4” Display NOTE: Extra components including electric valves and flow meter may be needed. NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 7 Booms Rate&Controllers Hose Reels IBX100 ISOBUS SPRAYER CONTROL An ISOBUS compatible controller designed to integrate with tractor terminals such as John Deere® and Topcon®. It utilises the existing ISOBUS compatible tractor terminal for spray rate control and automatic section control. CONTROL • Up to 13 spray sections • 9 hydraulic functions Operation notifications Driving speed Pressure Application rate Target rate Boom width Adjustable job data Graphic indicator of the residual quantity of fluid Range 8 IBX100 Selection valve status Main valve status Adjustable job data NOTE: Extra components may be needed. CODE DESCRIPTION CONTROL 4679004 IBX100 Control Unit Controls up to 13 Spray Sections, 9 Hydraulic Controls AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Booms Auto-Steer & Hose Reels AUTO-STEER 46701701 A high quality, flexible, retrofit auto steer system. Auotsteer provides a logical upgrade to the Delta 80 auto rate controller and improves the operational accuracy of GPS guidance systems. Saves time, fuel and material being applied. • • • • Reduces the chance of skipped or overlapped areas Easy to install and calibrate Reduces operator effort in repetitive operations High torque, gear driven transmission eliminates slipping and drives any style of steering • Manual over-ride allows operator to manually control vehicle when required • No obstruction to manual steering function • Auto steer function disabled for on-road use NOTE: Must be used in conjuction with Delta 80 Guidance System. Extra components may be needed. CODE DESCRIPTION 46701701 Automatic Steering System NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 9 Booms Guidance Hose & Monitors Reels Rate&Controllers BRAVO 180S RATE CONTROLLERS The BRAVO 180S comes as a single or multi-row horticulture or broadacre spray rate controller. They are compact and easy to use, and ensure precise product delivery. • Automatic adjustment of spray application rate by measuring flow and speed • Display of application rate (l/ha), speed, area, spray volume, tank level, flow rate (l/min), field number, operating time and covered distance • Horticultural model controls up to 4 sections • Broadacre model controls up to 5 sections • Kit includes control box, tractor loom, sprayer loom and speed sensor • Optional valves and flow meter Pictured: Bravo 180 horticulture model connectivity BRAVO 180SHKIT Pictured: Bravo 180 broadacre model connectivity CODE DESCRIPTION BRAVO180SHKIT BRAVO180HKIT BRAVO180BAKIT ARAG Bravo 180S - 2 Sections (For horticultural applications) ARAG Bravo 180S - 4 Sections (For multi-row applications) ARAG Bravo 180S - 5 Sections (For broadacre applications) NOTE: Extra components including electric valves and flow meter may be needed. 10 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Booms & Hose Reels Ultrasonic Sensors BRAVO 140 KIT SPECIFICATIONS The Bravo 140 tree sensor detects tree canopies, trunks or stakes via ultrasonic sensors mounted at the front of the sprayer. The sprayer then only sprays the tree, not the spaces in between. You not only use significantly less chemical, your tank refills are reduced saving you time and money. DISPLAY Speed, sprayed tree, number of trees, sensor status KIT CONTENTS Kit includes control box, tractor loom, sprayer loom, ultrasonic sensors, speed sensor and solenoids NOTE: Extra components may be needed. ULTRASONICS Used with Bravo 130 and 140 controllers are the ultrasonic sensors mounted at the front of your sprayer. D99-165 These sensors detect the tree canopies, trunks or stakes which enables your sprayer to only spray the target and not the spaces in between. BRAVO 140 CONNECTIVITY CODE DESCRIPTION CONTROL D99-165 ARAG Bravo 140 Up to 2 Ultrasonic Sensors and 2 Sections NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 11 Booms Guidance &Monitor Hose & Monitors Reels Visio is an innovative multi-function display featuring compact dimensions and accuracy at an affordable price. It can be connected to several sensors, to view a wide range of data from agricultural spraying applications. VISIO HECTARE METER Simultaneous display of area and ground speed using an inductive speed sensor. 1. Visio display unit 2. Cable kit for one sensor 3. Inductive speed sensor VISHA VISIO RATE MONITOR Display of ground speed, area, flow rate, application rate and volume using a 10-200 L/min (40 Bar) flow sensor. 1. Visio Display unit 2. Cable kit for two sensors 3. Inductive speed sensor 4. 10 - 200 L/min Wolf flowmeter VISHAF10200 Note: Extra components may be needed. Flow meter supplied does not match image CODE DESCRIPTION DISPLAY KIT CONTENTS VISHA VISHAF10200 VISIO Hectare Meter VISIO Rate Monitor Backlit LCD Screen Backlit LCD Screen Display, Cable Kits, Speed Sensor Display, Cable Kits, Speed/Flow Sensors *Extra components such as hoses and mounting brackets may be required. 12 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Low Pressure Valve Banks 20 BAR ELECTRIC VALVE KIT Features an in-cab control box with proportional pressure compensating valves designed to maintain constant pressure and output even after one or more boom sections are closed. G8388001 Section Valves G8386004 Proportional Valve 28 Second G8370010 Pressure Regulator Assembly 20 Bar VALVE ASSEMBLY NUMBER G8376038 CONTROL BOX G8406007 20 BAR SPRAY CONTROLLER VALVE KIT 46263A0 Wolf Flow Meter 5-100 L/min G8388000 Electric Proportional Valve G8386006 Dump Valve G8384037 Manual Pressure Regulator G8388000 Section Valves CODE DESCRIPTION 461530A D99-82 Silvamatic Electric Spray Control Kit Valve Bank to Suit BRAVO180BAKIT *Extra components such as hoses and mounting brackets may be required. NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 13 High Booms Guidance Pressure & Hose & Valve Monitors Reels Banks 40 BAR ELECTRIC SPRAY CONTROL Supplied complete with 2 on/off electric valves for left or right side spraying and 1 bypass electric valve, electric pressure regulator, manual pressure regulator and pressure filter. G8386023 Electric Proportional Valve 14 Second G8388005 Section Valves 3 Wire (7 Second Valve G8386017) CONTROL BOX G8406006 G8384039 Manual Pressure Regulator 40 Bar 345200350 In-Line Pressure Filter G8388005 Section Valves 3 Wire 40 BAR SPRAY CONTROLLER VALVE KIT G8370028 Main/Dump Valve 40 Bar 3 Wire TO SUIT BRAVO 180SHKIT 46264A0 Wolf Flow Meter 10-200 L/min 14 VALVE ASSEMBLY NUMBER G8378C0044 G8370028 Main/Dump Valve 40 Bar 3 Wire G8386023 Electric Proportional Valve 14 Second (7 Second Valve G8386017) G8384039 Manual Pressure Regulator 40 Bar CODE DESCRIPTION D99-80 D99-81 High Pressure Electric Valve Kit Valve Bank to Suit BRAVO180SHKIT AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Guidance Booms Geoline & Hose & Monitors Valve Reels G8386004 G8388004 G8388001 G8388000 PART NUMBER FUNCTION DETAILS G8386004 G8386010 G8386017 G8388000 G8388002 G8388001 G8388005 G8388004 G8388015 Regulating Valve Regulating Valve Regulating Valve Section Valve Section Valve Section Valve Section Valve Section Valve Section Valve 12V, 28seconds, 19mm Outlet, 40 bar, 100l/min 12V, 7seconds, 19mm Outlet, 40 bar, 100l/min 12V, 7seconds, 19mm Outlet, 40 bar, 200l/min 12V, 0.2seconds, no Outlet, 20 bar, 45l/min, 2 wire 12V, 0.2seconds, no Outlet, 20 bar, 45l/min, 3 wire 12V, 0.2seconds, no Outlet, 20 bar, 45l/min, 2 wire, internal bypass facility 12V, 0.2seconds, no Outlet, 20 bar, 45l/min, 3 wire, internal bypass facility 12V, 0.2seconds, no Outlet, 20 bar, 120l/min, 2 wire, internal bypass facility 12V, 0.2seconds, no Outlet, 20 bar, 120l/min, 3 wire, internal bypass facility NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 15 Spray Controller Booms &Looms Hose Reels and Flowmeters ELECTRIC KITS AND LOOMS CONTROLLER POWER LOOM SPRAYER LOOM SPRAYER EXT LOOM G8406006 Control Box (2 section) G8406003 Control Box (3 section) G8406011 Control Box (5 section) 467183203 Bravo 180S (2 sect) 467183403 Bravo 180S (4 sect) 467180501 Bravo 180S (5 sect) 467180553 Bravo 180S HYD (5sect with HYD funct) 466550-080 (included with G8406006) 466550-080 (included with G8406003) 466550-080 (included with G8406011) 467305-080 (included with 467183203) 467305-080 (included with 467183403) 467305-080 (included with 467180501) GC00900008 (3mtr 3 sect Sprayer Loom) or GC00900009 (5mtr 3 sect Sprayer Loom) GC00900008 (3mtr 3 sect Sprayer Loom) or GC00900009 (5mtr 3 sect Sprayer Loom) GC00900010 (3mtr 5 sect Sprayer Loom) or GC00900011 (5mtr 5 sect Sprayer Loom) GC00900013 (3mtr 3 sect ext loom) GC00900013 (3mtr 3 sect ext loom) GC00900014 (3mtr 5 sect ext loom) 467305-110 (3mtr 2,3, 4 & 5 sect ext loom) 467305-110 (3mtr 2,3, 4 & 5 sect ext loom) 467305-110 (3mtr 2,3, 4 & 5 sect ext loom) 467305-080 (included with 467180553) 467185403-100 (4mtr 4 sect Sprayer Loom) 467185403-100 (4mtr 4 sect Sprayer Loom) 467125-100 (6mtr 5 sect Sprayer Loom) 467125-100 (6mtr 5 sect Sprayer Loom) 467305-110 (3mtr 2,3, 4 & 5 sect ext loom) HYD FUNCTION EXT LOOM 466700-090 (3mtr hyd ext) ORION ELECTRO MAGNETIC FLOW METER • No moving parts for low maintenance • High precision – not affected by turbulence • Accuracy not affected by fluid density or viscosity change CODE ORION FLOWMETER TO SUIT 463 SERIES VALVES FLOW CALIBRATION (PULSES/L) CAT 4621AA10000 4621AA30000 4621AA40000 1-20 L/min 5-100 L/min 10-200 L/min 3000 600 300 B B B WOLF FLOW METER • • • • 16 High precision at a reasonable price Tool free “Twist” system for paddle wheel cleaning or replacement LED to show operating status Fully sealed and watertight electronic sensor CODE WOLF FLOWMETER TO SUIT 463 SERIES VALVES FLOW CALIBRATION (PULSES/L) CAT 46262A0 46263A0 46264A0 4626000-500 2.5-50 L/min 5-100 L/min 10-200 L/min Replacement Paddle to Suit WOLF Flowmeter 1015 625 250 B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Guidance Booms Flowmeters & Hose & Monitors Reels POLMAC FLOW METER • High precision flow meter • Removeable turbine assembly for cleaning or replacement 4623862 413-163-99 413-164-99 118-4422 CODE DESCRIPTION CAT 4623862 413-164-99 413-163-99 118-4422 118-4421 10-200 L/min Flow Meter Body & Turbine Assembly (Excludes Sensor) 3-20 L/min Flow Meter Body & Turbine Assembly (Excludes Body and Sensor) 10-200 L/min Flow Meter Body & Turbine Assembly (Excludes Body and Sensor) Flow Sensor to Suit BRAVO Controller Flow Sensor to Suit FARMSCAN Controller B B B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 17 Booms Foam & Hose Markers Reels FOAM MARKERS 042M Designed for the spray operator that can have a visual reference of the areas sprayed with a boom, eliminating expensive under or over lapping of chemicals. • UV stabilised poly tanks • 12 volt fully sealed, dust free diaphragm compressor with breather • In cab remote mounted control box with wiring loom • Valve for foam output adjustment • 1L foam marker concentrate supplied with each unit 14L MODEL - 042M • 10m reinforced delivery hose and single foam dropper 042D-16S 16L MODEL - 042D-16S • 16m delivery hose and double foam droppers • In cab remote with On/Off & Left/Right control 57L MODEL - 042D-57 • 36m delivery hose and Double foam droppers • In cab remote with On/Off & Left/Right control 042D-57 SHOWN WITH 600L LINKAGE SPRAYER CODE 042M 042D-16S 042D-57 18 DESCRIPTION 14L Foam Marker 16L Foam Marker 57L Paddock Foam Marker L 570mm 570mm 850mm W 195mm 210mm 300mm H 340mm 460mm 570mm WT 12 kg 14.5 kg 21 kg CAT A A A AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Solenoid Booms &Control Hose Reels Kits 3 SECTION ELECTRIC SOLENOID KIT – MEDIUM PRESSURE M99-14 Suitable for most brands of 12 volt sprayers, motorised skid sprayers and linkage units with booms. Silvan medium pressure control kits are an effective way of controlling individual sections of your spray boom from the cab of a vehicle. • Supplied with a multi section control box, mounting bracket and 5 metre electric wiring loom • Master on/off switch to shut the entire boom off or switch individual sections off • 3 x Goyen Solenoids, maximum operating pressure 10 bar/ 150psi • Maximum open flow 65L/min per solenoid • Extra components may be needed. Pressure regulator and hoses not included CODE DESCRIPTION CAT M99-14 3 Section Electric Solenoid Kit A HIGH PRESSURE ELECTRIC SOLENOID SYSTEM – CONTROLS UP TO FOUR SOLENOIDS Simply order the control box, wiring harness and up to 4 high pressure solenoids to develop your own cab controlled independent spray boom system. CONTROL BOX: • With a 4 section switches, mounting bracket and 5 metre electric wiring loom • Master on/off switch to shut the entire boom or switch individual sections on/off Note: Can connect up to 4 solenoids, sold separately. G8406076 CODE DESCRIPTION CAT G8406076 4 Section Control Box And Mounting Bracket B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 19 High Pressure BoomsSolenoids & Hose Reels and Controllers HIGH PRESSURE 12V SOLENOIDS • Geoline high pressure Brass Solenoid ½” F BSP ports • Maximum open flow 80L/Min. per Solenoid • Maximum pressure 40Bar/580psi Extra components may be needed. Pressure regulator and hoses not included. GC00902021 G8388012 CODE DESCRIPTION CAT GC00902021 G8388012 4 Section Wiring Harness High Pressure Brass 40 Bar Solenoid B B SPRAYER CONTROL BOXES AND VALVES 2 SECTION AND PRESSURE • • • • • • Control box 2 on/off section and master on/off Pressure adjustment No gauge Suitable for motor valves not solenoids Supplied with Power Loom and Tractor Loom G8406006 CODE G8406006 GC00900008 GC00900009 20 DESCRIPTION Control Box With Tractor Loom 3m Sprayer Loom 5m Sprayer Loom CAT B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Booms Solenoids & Hose Reels GOYEN ELECTRIC SOLENOID VALVE Comprises a nylon body with either 1/2” x 1/2” barb, or 1/2” barb x 3/4” BSP thread, and is a servo-assisted solenoid. • Ideal for fitting to single spray bars and features Viton diaphragms • Requires 12V power and has pressure loss of 5psi accross valve • Max pressure 1000/145 kPa/psi CODE 042-1-ST2-HR 042-1-ST2-6R 042-1-ST-HV 042-1-ST2-6 042-1-047K GOYEN SOLENOID REPAIR KIT 042-1-047K 042-1-ST2-HR 042-1-ST-HV 042-1-ST2-6R 042-1-ST2-6 FLOW SIZE BSP 65 L/min 1/2” X 1/2” Barbs 65 L/min 1/2” Barb X 3/4” BSP 65 L/min 1/2” X 1/2” Barbs 65 L/min 1/2” Barb X 3/4” BSP Goyen Solenoid Repair Kit LENGTH 90mm 90mm 90mm 90mm WIDTH 70mm 70mm 70mm 70mm HEIGHT 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information WT 200 g 200 g 200 g 200 g CAT B B B B B 21 Control Valves Boomsand & Hose Pressure ReelsRegulators FOAM MARKER/SPRAYER SOLENOID VALVE JA-1502003 Offers the advantages of low energy requirements, instant response and the ability to remain in an energised (open) state indefinitely without overheating or failing. • Suits 12-volt and 24-volt. 3/4” threaded inlet and outlet CODE JA-1502003 JA-1502030 JA-1502031 DESCRIPTION Solenoid Ideal For Foam Markers Replacement Viton Diaphragm Solenoid Viton MAX PRESSURE 800 kPa/116 PSI FLOW 37L/min 116 PSI 37L/min DIRECTOVALVE CONTROL VALVES AA144A-1 • D irect acting, large internal flow chamber without pilot hole reduces chance of clogging • Corrosive resistant Stainless steel wetted parts • Operation on 12V DC system • Encapsulated solenoid coil can be changed without removing valve from system • EPDM diaphragms and seat washer, Viton optional • Continuous flow through bypass connection, with flow to spray line controlled by valve “on-off” action CODE INLET SIZE AA144A-1 3/4” AA144A-1-VI* 3/4” PK-AB144A-1-KIT PK-AB144A-1-VI-KIT CAT B B B DIRECTOVALVE CONTROL VALVE • 3 7.9 L/min flow with 0.35 bar pressure drop • Can join with other 144A Directovalve control valves • 2.5 Amp current draw • Polypropylene body for chemical resistance • Fabric reinforced diaphragms OUTLET SIZE FLOW RATE MAX PRESSURE 1/2” 37.9 L/min 700 kPa/102 PSI 1/2” 37.9 L/min 700 kPa/102 PSI Standard Service Kit to Suit Directovalve Control Valve Viton Service Kit to Suit Directovalve Control Valve CURR. DRAW 2.5 Amp 2.5 Amp CAT B B B B * Viton option 8460 SERIES HIGH FLOW REGULATOR • • • • • • • • • • • Nylon body Stainless steel spring Gauge port 1/4” Excellent chemical resistance Positive lock nut to hold adjuster at your desired setting • Available with 1/2” or 3/4” connections Made from nylon and aluminium, Gauge port 1/4” Excellent chemical resistance Chatter free, responsive pressure control Available with 3/4” connections Sturdy high flow regulator CODE 8460-3/4 23120-1/2-PP 23120-3/4-PP 22 23120 SERIES REGULATOR DESCRIPTION Pressure Regulator, 3/4” Pressure Regulator, 1/2” Pressure Regulator, 3/4” MAX FLOW 265L/min 35L/min 55L/min MAX PRESSURE 2000 kPa/290 PSI 700 kPa/102 PSI 700 kPa/102 PSI CAT B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Booms Chemical & Hose Transfer Reels FREE STANDING SILMIX 042J-06ST Uses external water supply to activate venturi inductor at the base of the unit to transfer chemicals from hopper to sprayer tank. The same water supply operates the wash bar and drum rinse nozzle in the hopper. Transfer system requires minimum 2 Bar water pressure to operate. • 30L polyethylene tank with 455mm hinged lid • 3 on/off taps to control • Powder washer bar inside hopper • Drum rinse nozzle • Chemical transfer venturi. Also has valve at base of unit to isolate the tank from the induction venturi AG RUNNER CHEMICAL TRANSFER PUMP The Shurflo Ag Runner allows you to pump and measure chemical from the chemical container directly into the sprayer tank without the need for manually measuring or any other handling of the chemicals. • Max Output: 40 L /min open flow, variable depending on viscosity • Viton equipped pump • Max. Pressure: 15psi • 12V operation with 6m lead & alligator clips • 1” x 3.6m suction / 1” x 3.6m delivery hoses • Electrical meter 361-SF1105-PTS CODE 042J-06ST 361-SF1105-PTS DESCRITION Free Standing Silmix Ag Runner Chemical Transfer Pump Kit NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information CAT A A 23 Pumps, Controls and Service Kits Pumps, Controls and Service Kits GENUINE AC CE S S ORIE S 24 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Pumps, Controllers, Motorised Diaphragm Valves, Tanks Pumps and Hoses Silvan motorised pumping units provide a go-anywhere pressure pumping unit in a wide range of sizes and capacities. Each unit consists of a matched engine and pump, control valve, base plate, hose connections and in most cases pressure gauge as standard equipment. MC20/20 4 STROKE • • • • • • • LBA-34C P ressure accumulator with pressure gauge Honda engine GX120 Oil backed diaphragm pump Direct coupled to motor Adjustable pressure regulator Inlet size: 19mm; Outlet size: 10mm 1 metre maximum suction lift BP60/20 4 STROKE • • • • • • • LBA-38C P ressure accumulator with pressure gauge Honda engine GX160 Oil backed diaphragm pump Direct coupled to motor Adjustable pressure regulator 1 metre maximum suction lift Inlet size: 25mm; Outlet size: 12mm APS41 4 STROKE • • • • • • • • LBA-42C P ressure accumulator with pressure gauge Honda engine GX160 Oil backed diaphragm pump Direct coupled to motor Adjustable pressure regulator 1 metre maximum suction lift Inlet size: 25mm; Outlet size: 12mm Replacement pump code: CAPS41 CODE MAX. PRESSURE MAXIMUM OUTPUT OUTLETS LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT WT CAT LBA-34C LBA-38C LBA-42C 2000/290 KPA/PSI 2000/290 KPA/PSI 4000/580 KPA/PSI 18.5 L/min 58 L/min 38 L/min 1 3 2 540mm 720mm 550mm 340mm 425mm 430mm 360mm 470mm 410mm 12 kg 24 kg 29 kg A A A NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 25 PTO Diaphragm Pumps BP SERIES All Silvan diaphragm pumps are built for 540 RPM operation, are Self-priming and designed so no special tools are required for service. Tough and reliable they will run dry without risk of damage. All pumps are supplied with appropriate hose connections, mounting base plates and 1 3/8” six splined shaft. Some models are available with keyed shaft. All pumps are supplied ready to use with 40/20 motor oil in the Crankcase. BP20/15 Diaphragms: 2 Output @ 540 RPM: 19 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 1500/218 HP required at max. pressure: 0.83HP L x W x H (mm): 155 x 260 x 185 Weight (kg): 7.3 BP60/20 Diaphragms: 2 Output @ 540 RPM: 58 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 2000/290 HP required at max. pressure: 3.3HP L x W x H (mm): 186 x 276 x 268 Weight (kg): 10.0 CONTROL VALVE TO SUIT Attached (2 outlet) Code: C1204-528 CONTROL VALVE TO SUIT Attached (2 outlet) Code: C1204-528 Remote mount (3 outlet) Code: C1204-034R Remote mount (4 outlet) Code: C1204-332 CBP02015 CBP06020 BP75/20 BP75/20 Diaphragms: 3 Output @ 540 RPM: 67 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 2000/290 HP required at max. pressure: 3.5HP L x W x H (mm): 278 x 277 x 271 Weight (kg): 10.0 26 CONTROL VALVE TO SUIT Attached (2 outlet) Code: C1204-528 Remote mount (3 outlet) Code: C1204-034R Remote mount (4 outlet) Code: C1204-332 CODE PUMP CAT CBP02015 CBP06020 CBP07515 BP20/15 BP60/20 BP75/20 A A A AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information PTO Diaphragm Pumps BP110/20 Diaphragms: 3 Output @ 540 RPM: 110 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 2000/290 HP required at max. pressure: 6.0HP L x W x H (mm): 242 x 284 x 275 Weight (kg): 13 BP125/20 Diaphragms: 3 Output @ 540 RPM: 121 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 2000/290 HP required at max. pressure: 6.8HP L x W x H (mm): 278 x 256 x 273 Weight (kg): 12.3 CONTROL VALVE TO SUIT Attached (3 outlet) Code: C1204-191 Remote mount (4 outlet) Code: C1204-332 CONTROL VALVE TO SUIT Attached (3 outlet) Code: C1204-191 Remote mount (4 outlet) Code: C1204-332 CBP11020 CBP12520 CBP13520 BP135/20 Diaphragms: 3 Output @ 540 RPM: 124 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 2000/290 HP required at max. pressure: 7.1HP L x W x H (mm): 280 x 310 x 275 Weight (kg): 14.3 CONTROL VALVE TO SUIT Attached (3 outlet) Code: C1204-191 Remote mount (4 outlet) Code: C1204-332 CODE PUMP CAT CBP11020 CBP12520 CBP13520 BP110/20 BP125/20 BP135/20 A A A NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 27 Diaphragm Pump Controls Silvan control valves regulate spray pressure, direct the flow of spray liquid from the pump to the spray nozzles and bypass excess liquid back to the tank, in most cases through an agitator. All feature adjustable pressure regulator, glycerine filled gauge, hose connections, mounting kits where applicable, on/off directional valves and bypass lock position. 3 OUTLET ON/OFF CONTROL VALVE 2 OUTLET ON/OFF CONTROL VALVE C1204-191 3 outlet control, pressure regulator, bypass valve, gauge. Features quick action on/off ball valves C1204-528 2 outlet control, pressure regulator, bypass valve, gauge REMOTE CONTROL MOUNTING KIT C5004-05 3 OUTLET C1204-034R 3 outlet control, pressure regulator, bypass valve, gauge. Manufactured from Rilsan Plastic. Controls include remote mount kit (C5004-05) 28 4 OUTLET C1204-332 One lever 4 outlet control shuts all boom sections off by simply flicking main lever to one side, standard with dual stage gauge. Supplied with remote bracket kit (C5004-05) CODE (ATTACHED) C1204-528 C1204-457 CONTROL VALVE 2 Outlet 2 Outlet C1204-191 3 Outlet CODE (REMOTE) C1204-034R CONTROL VALVE 3 Outlet C1204-332 4 Outlet SERVICE KITS C5004-05 CSN5 CSN2 CSN3 CSN1 Remote Control Mounting Kit Service Kit to Suit 2 Outlet Control Valve ( C1204-528 ) Service Kit to Suit 3 Outlet Control Valve ( C1204-191, C1204-195 ) Service Kit to Suit 3 Outlet Control Valve ( C1204-034R ) Service Kit to Suit 4 Outlet Control Valve ( C1204-332 ) PUMP APP HOSE INLET SIZE OUTLET BYPASS HOSE MAX. PRESS. MAX. FLOW CAT BP20/15 APS41 BP60/20, BP125/20 19mm 19mm 13mm 10mm 13mm 13mm 1500/218 4000/580 40L/min 40L/min B B 19mm 10mm 23mm 2000/290 100L/min B PUMP APP HOSE INLET SIZE OUTLET BYPASS HOSE MAX. PRESS. MAX. FLOW CAT BP60/20 BP60/20, BP125/20 19mm 13mm 23mm 2000/290 60L/min B 19mm 13mm 23mm 2000/290 150L/min B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information High Pressure Diaphragm Pumps APS SERIES All Silvan APS series high pressure diaphragm pumps are built for 540 RPM operation, are self-priming and feature a corrosion resistant cast anodised aluminium body. Tough and reliable they will run dry without risk of damage. All pumps are supplied with appropriate hose connections, mounting base plates and 1 3/8” six splined shaft. APS71 • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 3 Output @ 540 RPM: 67 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Female or Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 9.1 L x W x H (mm): 238 x 343 x 289 Weight (kg): 18.4 APS96 • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 4 Output @ 540 RPM: 88 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Female or Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 11.7 L x W x H (mm): 236 x 345 x 340 Weight (kg): 22.5 APS121 • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 3 Output @ 540 RPM: 115 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 14.5 L x W x H (mm): 329 x 387 x 356 Weight (kg): 38 MODEL SPECIFICATIONS PUMP APS71 APS71 APS96 APS96 APS121 L/MIN @50 BAR MAX PRESSURE 71 71 95 95 115 kPA KG SHAFT CODE 4000 4000 4000 4000 5000 16.5 16.5 21.5 21.5 36.0 Male - Female Male - Male Male - Female Male - Male Male - Male CAPS071 CAPS071S CAPS096MF CAPS096 CAPS121 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 29 High Pressure Diaphragm Pumps APS145 • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 4 Output @ 540 RPM: 142 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 18 L x W x H (mm): 342 x 380 x 420 Weight (kg): 46 APS166 • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 5 Output @ 540 RPM: 163 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 20.5 L x W x H (mm): 370 x 389 x 420 Weight (kg): 56 BRASS MANUAL CONTROL VALVE BRA-17020623 MODEL SPECIFICATIONS PUMP APS145 APS166 BRASS MANUAL CONTROL VALVE 30 L/MIN @50 BAR MAX kPA PRESSURE 145 5000 163 5000 Suitable for APS series, IDS1701 pumps KG SHAFT CODE 51.0 51.0 Male - Male Male - Male CAPS145 CAPS166 BRA-17020623 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information High Pressure Diaphragm Pumps IDS SERIES All Silvan IDS series high pressure diaphragm pumps are built for 540 RPM operation, are self-priming & feature a corrosion resistant cast anodised aluminium body with brass heads and manifold. Tough and reliable they will run dry without risk of damage. All pumps are supplied with appropriate hose connections, mounting base plates and 1 3/8” six splined shaft. IDS960 IDS1401 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 4 Output @ 540 RPM: 93 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 11.5 L x W x H (mm): 268 x 350 x 334 Weight (kg): 30.3 IDS960 / IDS1401 Diaphragms: 3 Output @ 540 RPM: 135 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 16.6 L x W x H (mm): 298 x 404 x 396 Weight (kg): 45 IDS1701 / IDS2001 IDS1701 IDS2001 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 4 Output @ 540 RPM: 161 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 19.9 L x W x H (mm): 298 x 499 x 396 Weight (kg): 60 Diaphragms: 4 Output @ 540 RPM: 182 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 22.4 L x W x H (mm): 298 x 499 x 369 Weight (kg): 60 IDS2200 IDS2600 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Diaphragms: 6 Output @ 540 RPM: 208 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 26.2 L x W x H (mm): 357 x 463 x 500 Weight (kg): 76 IDS2200 / IDS2600 Diaphragms: 6 Output @ 540 RPM: 249 L/min Max. pressures (kPa/psi): 5000/725 Shaft: Male – Male HP required at max. pressure: 32.1 L x W x H (mm): 357 x 463 x 500 Weight (kg): 76 MODEL SPECIFICATIONS PUMP IDS960 IDS1401 IDS1701 IDS2001 IDS2200 IDS2600 L/MIN @50 BAR MAX PRESSURE 93 135 161 182 208 249 kPA KG SHAFT CODE 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 30.3 45 76.0 76.0 60.0 60.0 Male - Male Male - Male Male - Male Male - Male Male - Male Male - Male CDS960 CDS1401 CDS1701 CDS2001 CDS2200-1 CDS2600-1 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 31 Diaphragm Pump Service Kits PUMP SERVICE KITS Our service kits have everything you need to service your pump or control valve in one convenient package, making regular maintenance or running repairs much more simple. Silvan all-in-one service kits are the most economical way to purchase the individual parts required. They will also prove invaluable for those emergency on the spot repairs. CODE TO SUIT PUMP MATERIAL SHAFT CSK2015 BP20/15 NBR SPLINED C5026-245 APS41 NBR SPLINED CSK48 P38 / P48 NBR SPLINED CSK6020S BP60/20 NBR SPLINED CSK6020K BP60/20 NBR KEYED C5026-197 BP60/20 (D) DESMOPAN SPLINED C5026-198 BP60/20 (V) VITON SPLINED C5026-314 BP75/20 NBR SPLINED C5026-374** BP110/20 NBR SPLINED CSK10520S BP105/20,BP125/20S NBR SPLINED C5026-199 BP105/20,BP125/20K NBR KEYED C5026-375** BP135/20 NBR SPLINED C5026-205 BP151/20 NBR SPLINED/30mm KEYED CSKAPS71 APS71 NBR SPLINED C5026-228 APS96 NBR SPLINED CSKAPS121 APS121 NBR SPLINED C5026-222 APS145 NBR SPLINED CSKAPS166 APS166 APS141 NBR SPLINED C5026-346* IDS960 NBR SPLINED C5026-278* IDS140 NBR SPLINED C5026-279* IDS1701, IDS2001 NBR SPLINED C5026-208 IDS2200/2600 NBR SPLINED C5026-207 MC19/20** 20/20 NBR KEYED CSKMP40 CMP40 NBR SPLINED D = Desmopan diaphragms (long lasting); S = Splined model pump; K = Keyed model pump; V = Viton diaphragms (longest lasting); NBR = Nitrile / Buna rubber CAT B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B *Service kits include valve assemblies, accumulator diaphragm, piston diaphragms only. **Service kits include valve assembies, piston disphragm, viewer gasket, manifold O’rings and outlet tail only. 32 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Pumps, Controllers, PTOValves, Shafts Tanks and Hoses 101051BA 101071BA 103-AB1090 103-AB4075 105081QR 106066QR CS8081CV 1K6081CV CODE DESCRIPTION SPRAYER (AS STANDARD) 101051BA 101071BA 103-AB1090 103-AB4075 105081QR 106066QR 1K6081CV Series 1 Series 1 Series 1 Series 4 Series 5 Series 6 Series 6 Constant Velocity CS8081CV Series 8 Constant Velocity TPL (200 - 600L) TPL (800 - 1100L) TPL (1600 - 1900L) Suntuff, Compact Supaflo, Oktopus, Cannon Jet, Casotti, Trailed Pasture Sprayer TPL Turbomiser (P42, P45, P50) TurboSCRAM, TPL Turbomiser (P55) Turbomiser (single row), Supaflo (std), Stiletto (std) G2 Supaflo, G2E Supaflo, TGS, Supaflo (Powerhead, Radak), Stiletto (Powerhead, Radak), Turbomiser (multi-row) NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 33 Hydraulic Drive Centrifugal Pumps HYDRAULIC MOTOR DRIVEN PUMP • • • • • • • • • Hydraulic motor drive (for open centre, closed centre and load‑sensing systems) Viton centrifugal shaft seals and double lip Teflon hydraulic motor seal standard 1 1/2” NPT inlet, 1 1/4” NPT outlet Max. fluid temperature 60º C = Cast iron housing and glass filled nylon impeller S = Stainless steel housing SELF-PRIMING SP + Self-priming CHAMBER Internal gear gerotor motor 1/2” NPT hydraulic ports Note: hydraulic hoses and fittings are not included CODE 9303C-HM4C 9303S-HM4C-SP 9303C-HM5C 9303S-HM5C-SP SERVICE KIT CODES 9303C-HM4C 9303S-HM5C-SP MAX. HYD. FLOW 350L/min 26.5 L/min 350L/min 26.5 L/min 350L/min 60 L/min 350L/min 60 L/min 3430-0332 Service kit to suit 9303C 3430-0589 Service kit to suit 9303S PUMP MAX MAX. PRESS. KPA/PSI 655/95 655/95 655/95 655/95 MAX. RPM 6000 6000 6000 6000 WEIGHT (KG) 19.5 kg 19.5 kg 19.5 kg 19.5 kg MULTISTAGE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP • • • • 34 CAT A A A A B B MP400 High efficiency (low oil flow) Compact (480 x 147 x 188mm) Flow rate 400 L/min @ 8 bar (4200 RPM) Excellent chemical compatibility CODE PUMP MAX 97005021 97005001 97005031 517 L/min 560 L/min 567 L/min MAX. HYD. FLOW 26.5 L/min 49.2 L/min 64.3 L/min MAX. PRESS. KPA/PSI 750/109 1060/154 1100/160 MAX. RPM 4200 4200 4200 WEIGHT (KG) kg kg kg CAT A A A AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information 12V Pumps Aquatec pumps are of the highest quality and are exclusive to Silvan. Aquatec are a leading American manufacturer of pumps which are of proven durability with minimal maintenance. Constant Flow Technology provides consistent spraying without pulsation. RETROFITS TO MOST BRANDS OF SPRAYERS AQUATEC SMOOTHFLO 12V PUMP • Smooth flow and even pressure • 7 L/min or 120 psi max. • Pump adapts to changes in output volume to maintain higher flows under increasing pressure • Fitted with on/off demand pressure sensing switch Scan here to see the Smoothflo in action! DDP-552A (9 AMPS) AQUATEC HIGH CAPACITY 12V PUMP Used where higher volume is required such as boomless nozzle spraying and larger boom spraying. • 20 L/min open flow 60 psi (413 kPa) • Supplied with 5D connections: 2 x ½” and 2 x ¾” • Rated for continuous duty for pressures up to 40 psi, above 40 psi it has a intermittent duty rating • Fitted with ON/OFF demand pressure sensing switch DDP-550 (18 AMPS MAX.) AQUATEC 26.5 L/MIN 12V PUMP • • • • 26.5 L/Min capacity (open flow) 60 psi/413 kPa max pressure Viton valves and a Santoprene diaphragm Supplied with 5D connections: 2 x ½” and 2 x ¾” DDP-551 (22.4 AMPS MAX.) AQUATEC HIGH PRESSURE 12V PUMP • • • • DDP-554 (16 AMPS) Smooth flow and even pressure 5 L/Min capacity (open flow) 200 psi/1378 kPa max pressure Viton valves and a Santoprene diaphragm CODE OPEN FLOW PRESSURE KPA/PSI VALVES MAT. DIAPHRAGM MATERIAL DUTY RATING PORT SIZE/TYPE CAT DDP-552A 7 L/min 690/120 Viton Santo - 3/8” BSP Female A DDP-550 20 L/min 413/60 Viton Santo DDP-551 26.5 L/min 413/60 EPDM Santo Continuous to 40PSI Continuous to 10PSI 5D Quick Connection 5D Quick Connection DDP-554 5 L/min 1378/200 EPDM Santo - 3/8” BSP Female NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information A A A 35 12V Pumps Selecta 12V Pak Pumps are high quality positive displacement diaphragm pumps that can run dry without damage. All pumps feature an on/off demand pressure switch with standard BSP thread connections or hose barbs. 12V SELECTA PAK PUMP (381-38) T he 381-38 is ideal for spot spraying applications where a single nozzle is used. • 2.4 L/min open flow 60 psi/413 kPa max. • 1.7 Amps 12V SELECTA PAK PUMP (381-2000) T he 381-2000 is the ideal mid-range pump for spot spraying applications or small boom spraying. • 5.3 L/min open flow 60 psi/413 kPa max. • 7.3 Amps 12V SELECTA PAK PUMP (381-125) T his larger flow rate pump is ideal for boom spraying or fluid transfer applications. • 12.5 L/min • Supplied with filter as pictured • 7.0 Amps CODE 381-38 381-2000 381-125* 381-125-05 PRESSURE VALVES DIAPHRAGM PRESS. DUTY PORT KPA/PSI MAT. MATERIAL SWITCH RATING SIZE/TYPE 413/60 Viton TPU Yes Intermittent 8mm tail 413/60 Viton Santo Yes Continuous 3/8” BSP F 240/35 Viton TPU Yes Intermittent 12.5mm tail Replacement quick connect filter to suit 381-125 Pak Pump (shown attached) 381-38 (1.7 AMPS) 381-2000 (7.3 AMPS) 381-125* (7.0 AMPS) CAT A A A B * Supplied standard with filter (as pictured) 36 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information 12V Pumps SLV SERIES 12V DC PUMP 361-SLV10-AA40; (1.9 AMPS) • 3.8 L/min open flow 8000 SERIES 12V DC PUMP 361-8000; (7.3 AMPS) There are two 8000 series Shurflo pumps available, ranging from 4.5L/min to 6.8L/min open flow and to max. 60psi. A versatile pump ideal for agricultural and industrial applications. Full Viton equipped pump available (361-8000-342-136). 361-2088; (8.0 AMPS) 2088 SERIES 12V DC PUMP The 2088 series diaphragm pump is an ideal choice for higher flow applications such as boom spraying and fluid transfer. FIN COOLED 12V DC PUMP 361-2088-313-145; (10.1 AMPS) Ideal for larger duty cycle application, aluminium heat sink crankcase design dissipates heat build up from electric motor. Capacity 13.6L/min open flow, max. pressure 310 kPa (45 psi). On/off demand pressure switch, 1/2” Male ports, Viton valves, Santoprene diaphragm. 24V DC PUMP 361-2088-474-144; (2.5 AMPS @ 24V DC) Available in 11.3L/min, 310kPa (45psi) open flow with on/off demand pressure switch. Compact size 1/2” BSP male ports. Suited to machines fitted with 24V DC system eg. bulldozers, trucks and road sweepers. CODE 361-SLV10-AA40 361-8000 361-8000-342-136 361-2088 361-2088-313-145 361-2088-474-144 OPEN FLOW 3.8 L/min 6.8 L/min 4.5 L/min 11.3 L/min 13.6 L/min 11.3 L/min PRESS. KPA/PSI 275/40 413/60 413/60 310/45 310/45 310/45 VALVES MAT Viton Viton Viton Viton Viton Santo DIAPH MAT Santo Santo Viton Santo Santo Santo DUTY RATING Intermittent Continuous Continuous Intermittent Continuous Intermittent PORT SIZES CAT 3/8” Hose Barbs 1/2” BSP Male 1/2” BSP Male 1/2” BSP Male 1/2” BSP Male 1/2”BSP Male A A A A A A NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 37 12V Pump Service Kits 12V DIAPHRAGM PUMP SPARE PARTS Electric motor Valve kits Upper housing Drive assembly kits Check valve kit Pressure switch Complete pump assembly kit PRESSURE SWITCHES CODE SUITS PUMPS MAX.PRESSURE CAT 361-94-375-05 361-94-375-06 361-94-375-18 361-94-229-03 361-94-229-05 361-94-230-35 361-94-230-36 361-94-230-55 381-2000-03 381-125-04 5503-PSW 5504-PSW 5880-PSW 8000 Series With Viton Dphm (361-8000-342-136) 8000 Series With Santo Dphm* (361-8000) 8002 Series With Santo Dphm 8090 Series With Viton Dphm 8090 Series With Viton Dphm 2088 Series With Santo Dphm* (361-2088) 2088 Series With Viton Dphm 2088 Series Fin Cooled (361-2088-313-145) 381-2000 (Excludes Check Valve Kit) 381-125 DDP-550 DDP-551 DDP-552A 60PSI 60PSI 100PSI 60PSI 100PSI 45PSI 45PSI 45PSI 60PSI 35PSI 60PSI 60PSI 120PSI B B B B B B B B B B B B B UPPER HOUSINGS CODE SUITS CAT 361-94-378-00 361-94-231-30 361-94-231-05 5503-UHA 5504-UHA 5880-UHA 8000 Series Pumps With 1/2" Male Ports 2088 Series Pumps With 1/2"Male Ports 2088 Series Pumps With 1/2” Male Ports And Viton Pressure Switch DDP-550 With 5D Quick Connectors (Inc Pressure Switch) DDP-551 With 5D Quick Connectors (Inc Pressure Switch) DDP-552A Series Pump With 3/8" Female BSP Ports B B B B B B VALVE KITS 38 CODE SUITS CAT 361-94-390-05 361-94-232-05 361-94-232-00 5503-VHA 5504-VHA 5880-VHA 8000 Series Pumps Viton Valve Kit (Blk) 2088 Series Pumps Viton Valve Kit 2088 Series Pumps Santo Valve Kit For 24V Model DDP-550 Viton Valve Kit DDP-551 EPDM Valve Kit DDP-552 Viton Valve Kit B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information 12V Pump Service Kits DRIVE ASSEMBLY KITS CODE 361-94-385-32 361-94-238-04 361-94-238-03 5503-LHA 5504-LHA 5880-LHA SUITS 8000 Series Pumps With Santo Diaphragm 361-8000 (Pumps Made After March 1999) 2088 Series Pumps With Santo Diaphragm 2088 DHP with Santo Diaphragm DDP-550 with Santo Diaphragm DDP-551 with Santo Diaphragm DDP-552 with Santo Diaphragm CAT B B B B B B CHECK VALVE KIT CODE SUITS CAT 361-94-374-16 361-94-374-05 361-94-237-00 361-94-237-05 8000 Series Pumps with EPMD Valve Kits 8000 Series Pumps with Viton Valve Kits 2088 Series Pumps with Santo Valve Kits 2088 Series Pumps with Viton Valve Kits B B B B DIAPHRAGM KITS (BARE DIAPHRAGM TO SUIT CERTAIN MODELS) CODE SUITS CAT 361-94-395-05 361-94-395-06 361-94-238-04 361-94-238-03 361-800-342-136 Viton-Viton Pump 361-8000 (made pre March 99) 2088 Series Pumps with Santo Diaphragm Obsolete DHP Model With Santo Diaphragm B B B B 12V PUMP SUCTION / DELIVERY FITTINGS PUMP STRAIGHT ELBOW STRAIGHT 8MM BARB 8MM BARB 3/8” BARB ELBOW 3/8” BARB STRAIGHT 1/2” BARB ELBOW 1/2” BARB STRAIGHT 3/4” BARB ELBOW 3/4” BARB DDP-550 NA NA NA NA QBS-554 QBE-554 QBS-556 QBE-556 DDP-551 NA NA NA NA QBS-554 QBE-554 QBS-556 QBE-556 DDP-552 HB3814 DDP-554 HB3814 361-8-145-01 & 361-234-2916 361-8-145-01 & 320-60806 361-234-2916 361-8-145-01 & 361-234-3916 361-8-145-01 & 361-234-3916 361-8-145-01 & 361-234-2926 361-8-145-01 & 361-234-2926 361-8-145-01 & NA 361-234-3926 361-8-145-01 & NA 361-234-3926 DDP-555 NA NA NA QBS-554 QBE-554 HB3814 361-8-145-01 & 361-8-145-01 & 361-8-145-01 & 361-8-145-01 & 320-60806 NA 361-234-2916 361-234-3916 361-234-2926 361-234-3926 381-2000 320-60806 NA NA 381-125-02 381-125-03 QBS-556 NA NA QBE-556 NA 381-125 NA NA NA NA NA 361-8000 NA NA 361-234-2916 361-234-3916 361-234-2926 361-234-3926 NA NA 361-2088 NA NA 361-234-2916 361-234-3916 361-234-2926 361-234-3926 NA NA 361-2088-313-145 NA NA 361-234-2916 361-234-3916 361-234-2926 361-234-3926 NA NA 361-2088-474-144 NA NA 361-234-2916 361-234-3916 361-234-2926 361-234-3926 NA NA NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 39 Plumbing, Filtration & Tank Accessories Plumbing, Filtration & Tank Accessories GENUINE AC CE S SORIE S GENUINE AC CE S S ORIE S 40 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Filtration FILTRATION Efficient filtration is an important component of every sprayer and prevents blocked nozzles, reduce or inhibit pump wear and reduce down time and expense due to repairs. Silvan offers a choice of foot, suction, pressure line, nozzle and high volume irrigation filters to suit most applications. GRADUATED OR PROGRESSIVE FILTRATION? Filtration is ideally applied in stages, starting with a coarse mesh progressing to finer mesh sizes as liquid moves towards the spray tip. Filter mesh is described in terms of the number of wires per linear inch, which relates to the size of the apertures through which liquid passes. The larger the mesh number the smaller the aperture and the finer the filtration. COARSE FILTRATION 20 Mesh/inch 0.6mm Aperture 30 Mesh/inch 0.4mm Aperture MEDIUM FILTRATION 50 Mesh/inch 0.3mm Aperture STAGES OF FILTRATION 80 Mesh/inch 0.18mm Aperture 100 Mesh/inch 0.14mm Aperture STAGE C – FROM PUMP TO SPRAYLINES MEDIUM/FINE FILTRATION: Pressure line filters are used to remove finer particles before nozzle holders. • Large pressure line/flushing filter is ideally fitted between pump and pressure regulator. • Small pressure line filters are usually fitted in each boom section spray line. STAGE A – INTO THE TANK COARSE FILTRATION: Liquid passing into the tank is filtered by the foot filter or the lid basket strainer. STAGE B – FROM TANK TO PUMP COARSE/MEDIUM FILTRATION: Suction filters provide protection for the pump and screen out larger particles. A FINE FILTRATION STAGE D – SPRAY TIP FILTERS FINE FILTRATION: Last stage of filtration before the spray tip, usually 50 mesh or finer. B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information C D 41 Suction Filters SUCTION LINE FILTERS Suction line filters provide filtration to remove larger particles of grit and are ideally mounted between the tank and pump. Featuring 8mm threaded brass inserts and mounting bolts for easy adaptation to frames and chassis etc. Screw off bowl for easy cleaning. SAR2/V and SAR3/V models feature auto shut‑off action valve which closes off the supply line while removing element for cleaning. Supplied with mesh elements and replacement elements are available. CODE FILTER TYPE LSA-310058 SAR0 LSA-312158 SAR1 LSA-314163 SAR2 LSA-316063 SAR3 LSA-316173 SAR3 LSA-314463* SAR2/V LSA-314563* SAR2/V LSA-316573* SAR3/V *Include a shut off valve 42 LSA-310058 LSA-312158 LSA-314163 LSA-316063 LSA-314463 LSA-316573 MESH SIZE 32 32 50 50 50 50 50 50 FLOW L/MIN UP TO 60 UP TO 100 UP TO 160 UP TO 180 UP TO 220 UP TO 150 UP TO 150 UP TO 220 PORT SIZE BSP 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” MOUNT INSERTS 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 107mm 107mm 122mm 170mm 170mm 140mm 122mm 170mm 163mm 213mm 233mm 292mm 292mm 260mm 278mm 329mm B B B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Filters MESH ELEMENTS – SUCTION LINE FILTERS Efficient filtration is an important component of every sprayer. Effective filtration through the use of the correct suction filter/element will screen out any larger particles and provide protection for the pump. “O” RINGS NOT INCLUDED - SEE BELOW GC00100021 GC00100012 GC00100008 CODE FILTER TYPE MESH SIZE NEW COLOUR OLD COLOUR WIDTH HEIGHT CAT GC00100021 GC00100012 GC00100008 GC00100009 SAR1 SAR2/SAR2/V SAR3/SAR3/V SAR3/SAR3/V 50 50 32 50 BLUE BLUE RED BLUE BLUE BLUE WHITE BLUE 70mm 80mm 107mm 107mm 150mm 165mm 200mm 200mm B B B B ‘O’ RINGS CODE DESCRIPTION CAT C1210-150 GG00001040 GC00001042 To Suit GC00100021 To Suit GC00100012 To Suit GC00100008, GC00100009 B B B AAB122ML IN-LINE TEEJET PRESSURE FILTER 122 SERIES Mountable design, 1/2” or 3/4” female BSPT nylon construction with stainless steel screen. Ideal for spot sprayers or small booms. Maximum pressure 10 BAR. This filter assembly is fully mountable with female brass threads moulded into its housing. 100# 80# CODE DESCRIPTION AAB122ML-1/2-PP-50 AAB122ML-3/4-PP-50 AAB122ML-1/2-PP-80 AAB122ML-3/4-PP-80 AAB122ML-1/2-PP-100 AAB122ML-3/4-PP-100 CP45102-3-SSPP CP45102-4-SSPP CP45102-5-SSPP CP23173-VI Filter Assembly 50 Filter Assembly 50 Filter Assembly 80 Filter Assembly 80 Filter Assembly 100 Filter Assembly 100 Screen 50 Screen 80 Screen 100 Housing O-ring (viton) MESH SIZE MESH COLOUR FLOW L/MIN THREAD CAT BLUE BLUE YELLOW YELLOW GREEN GREEN BLUE YELLOW GREEN - 45 60 45 60 45 60 1/2” 3/4” 1/2” 3/4” 1/2” 3/4” - - B B B B B B B B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 43 Pressure Filters AAB126ML-6-** IN-LINE TEEJET PRESSURE FILTER 126ML SERIES 14 BAR/203psi pressure rating at 38ºC 1 1/2” BSPT female inlet/outlets, polypropylene construction, high strength 1” bypass line on bowl. Available with 30, 50, 80 or 100 stainless steel mesh. 50# 80# 100# 120# CODE DESCRIPTION MESH SIZE MESH COLOUR FLOW L/MIN THREAD CAT AAB126ML-6-30 AAB126ML-6-50 AAB126ML-6-80 AAB126ML-6-100 CP15941-1-SSPP CP15941-2-SSPP CP15941-3-SSPP CP15941-4-SSPP CP15941-5-SSPP CP15941-6-SSPP Filter Assembly Filter Assembly Filter Assembly Filter Assembly Filter Cartridge Filter Cartridge Filter Cartridge Filter Cartridge Filter Cartridge Filter Cartridge Housing O-ring (EPDM) 30 50 80 100 16 30 50 80 100 120 RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN BROWN RED RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN BROWN 291 291 291 291 - 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” - B B B B B B B B B B - - - - B CP48656-EPDM AAB126ML-3 IN-LINE TEEJET PRESSURE FILTER 126ML SERIES • 3/4” BSPT nylon construction, 87 L/min max flow • Maximum pressure ratings 10 BAR/145psi • Available with 16, 30, 50, 80 or 100 stainless steel mesh filters. 50# 100# CODE DESCRIPTION MESH SIZE MESH COLOUR FLOW L/MIN THREAD CAT AAB126ML-3 CP16903-1-SSPP CP16903-3-SSPP CP16903-4-SSPP CP16903-5-SSPP CP16903-6-SSPP Housing Only Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen Housing O-ring (EPDM) 16 30 50 80 100 BROWN RED RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN 87 - 3/4” - B B B B B B - - - - B CP50494-EPR 44 80# AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Pressure Filters PRESSURE LINE STRAINERS Pressure line strainers are ideal for placing in hose lines between pump and spray lines for finer filtration. They remove fine particles preventing spray tip blockage or excessive wear. Polypropylene or brass construction, mesh element standard, twist-off bowl for easy cleaning. Some models feature a clean flushing tap. Pressures range from 1000 kPa (145 psi) to 5000 kPa (725 psi) maximum, flow from 70 to 150 L/min. BRA-M147 CODE BRA-M147 G8135002 PLF-324024A PLF-324034A MAX PRESS KPA/PSI 5000/725 5000/725 1000/145 1000/145 FLOW MAX 70 L/min 150 L/min 100 L/min 100 L/min PORT SIZE BSP 1/2” F 3/4” F 1/2” F 3/4” F MOUNT. INSERTS 2 2 2 G8135002 PLF-324024A WIDTH HEIGHT MAT CAT 90mm 100mm 97mm 97mm 155mm 240mm 134mm 134mm BRASS POLY POLY POLY B B B B MESH ELEMENTS – PRESSURE LINE STRAINERS ISO COMPLIANT “O” RINGS NOT INCLUDED - SEE BELOW REF: 2 CODE REF GC00100001 GC00100003 GC00100033 GC00100035 GC00100005 GC00100007 GC00100015 GC00100016 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 FILTER TYPE 324 324 326 326 3244 3244 G8135 G8135 MESH SIZE 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 80 NEW COLOUR BLUE GREEN BLUE GREEN BLUE GREEN BLUE YELLOW REF: 3 OLD COLOUR BLUE RED BLUE RED BLUE RED BLUE GREY REF: 4 REF: 5 WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 40mm 40mm 58mm 58mm 38mm 38mm 50mm 50mm 90mm 90mm 210mm 210mm 125mm 125mm 150mm 150mm B B B B B B B B ‘O’ RINGS CODE DESCRIPTION CAT C1210-145 GG00001046 460000-210 To Suit GC00100001, GC00100003, GC00100005, GC00100007 To Suit GC0010033, GC0010035 To Suit GC00100015, GC00100016 B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 45 Nozzle Strainers Nozzle or tip filters provide the final stage of filtration before the liquid is sprayed. They are available as standard or small cup type filters and fit most nozzle holders. Also available in anti-drip versions. CUP STRAINERS 10 PACK • Stainless steel construction • Choice of 50 and 100 mesh screens CODE PKT-4067-SS-50 PKT-4067-SS-100 MESH SIZE 50 100 4067 SERIES MESH SCREEN MATERIAL Stainless Steel Stainless Steel STRAINER BODY & CAP MATERIAL Stainless Steel Stainless Steel TYPE CUP CUP CAT B B POLY TIP STRAINERS 10 PACK Tip strainers protect the spray tip orifice from clogging and damage. Stainless steel screens available in 50 and 100 mesh individually CODE PKT-8079-PP-50 PKT-8079-PP-100 MESH SIZE 50 100 MESH SCREEN MATERIAL Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 8079 SERIES TYPE Standard Standard STRAINER BODY & CAP MATERIAL Polypropylene Polypropylene CAT B B TIP STRAINER WITH CHECK VALVE Ideal for knapsacks and 12V sprayers by eliminating any excess drips. Fits all Silvan nozzle bodies. • Ball check opens at 5psi (0.34 bar) • Recommended for flow rates up to 3 L/min • Available in 50 and 100 mesh screens Note: Use of these ball check valves results in a pressure drop of 5psi (0.34 bar). CODE 4193A-10-50SS 4193A-PP-10-100SS 4193A-PP-10-50SS 46 MESH SIZE 50 100 50 MESH SCREEN MATERIAL Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel TYPE Standard With Check Valve Standard With Check Valve Standard With Check Valve 4193A SERIES NOTE: CUT-AWAY PICTURE SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY STRAINER BODY & CAP MATERIAL Brass Polypropylene Polypropylene CAT B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Plumbing, Filtration Tank Lids & Tank Accessories BREATHER VALVES 1. S ingle breather valve with locking nut. 2. Single labyrinth valve to suit Arag lids 3. Double one way spring valve to suit Geoline lids CODE REF TYPE G8208000 3522000 G8140002 1 2 3 Single Single Dual INSIDE 35mm 110mm 120mm 1 DIAMETER OUTSIDE 55mm 140mm 140mm 2 3 HEIGHT CAT 80mm 80mm 75mm B B B TANK LIDS Silvan “Smooth-Line” lid assemblies are used extensively through out Australia. A wide range of sizes is available to suit many applications, eg. filling points, inspection hatches and man-holes used in agricultural water and chemical tanks. A. Male thread with breather G8146002 CODE A B B C D B. Male thread with breather C. Female thread with breather G8158002 SIZE G8146002 G8152002 G8158002 G8178001 354130 Manufactured from high quality chemical resistant UV stabilised polypropylene for durability. Two start threads are convenient and larger screw type lids feature twist on/ off centre cap, incorporating a double breather valve (single on smaller lids) for fast tank filling and quick emptying. 255mm 355mm 455mm 170mm 122mm INSIDE 210mm 313mm 408mm 150mm 106mm DIAMETER OUTSIDE 250mm 355mm 450mm 170mm 122mm G8178001 D.Female thread no breather 354130 HEIGHT CAT 31mm 29mm 23mm 56mm 32mm B B B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 47 Tank Lids LID RINGS Two start threads for secure, positive fastening and sealing. Suits male threaded lids. CODE G8148000 G8154000 G8160000 SIZE A 255mm 355mm 455mm B 218mm 320mm 415mm DIAMETER C 192mm 290mm 382mm HEIGHT CAT 38mm 38mm 35mm B B B HINGE TYPE LID G8170015 Twin threaded lid with sealing gasket, breather valve and threaded ring CODE G8170015 SIZE 455mm INSIDE 415mm DIAMETER OUTSIDE 457mm HEIGHT CAT 22.5mm B LID STRAINERS For prevention of large particles or debris entering tank CODE G8147002 G8153001 G8159000 48 SIZE 255mm 355mm 455mm MESH SIZE 20mm 20mm 20mm INSIDE 188mm 286mm 378mm DIAMETER OUTSIDE 200mm 300mm 398mm HEIGHT CAT 240mm 254mm 160mm B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Plumbing, Filtration Ball Valves & Tank Accessories VALVES They feature BSP connections and quick turn on/off and are ideal for controlling boom lines, change of liquid directional flow, stop cocks or tank outlets. Silvan offer a wide range of valves manufactured to high specifications with excellent resistance to agricultural chemicals with minimum flow restriction or pressure loss. BALL VALVE LOW PRESSURE BALL VALVE 3 WAY - LOW PRESSURE Glass reinforced polypropylene, teflon ball seal, EPDM gasket, 90º on/off with 8mm mounting threads. (Some models only) 2 WAY CODE SIZE FEM BSPT TYPE G8215253 G8215303 G8215353 G8215403 4542233 45521114-OBS 45521115-OBS 45521116-OBS 45521117-OBS 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 2 WAY 2 WAY 2 WAY 2 WAY 3 WAY 3 WAY 3 WAY 3 WAY 3 WAY PRESSURE KPA/PSI 1650/239 1030/149 1030/149 1030/149 1650/239 1650/239 1030/149 1030/149 1030/149 Three way ball valve with 180º three way on/off and 8mm mounting threads. (Some models only) 3 WAY LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 100mm 111mm 130mm 150mm 86mm 100mm 111mm 130mm 150mm 67mm 80mm 95mm 110mm 58mm 67mm 80mm 95mm 110mm 66mm 71mm 80mm 108mm 85mm 90mm 95mm 105mm 140mm B B B B B B B B B LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 105mm 105mm 105mm 120mm 30mm 30mm 33mm 40mm 55mm 55mm 60mm 65mm B B B B HIGH PRESSURE BALL VALVE Teflon seals, durable chrome coating, 90 degree on/off with female BSP connections. 2 WAY CODE SIZE FEM BSPT TYPE 472-22A 472-23A 472-28A 472-25A 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 2 WAY 2 WAY 2 WAY 2 WAY PRESSURE KPA/PSI 5000/725 5000/725 5000/725 5000/725 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 49 Ball Valves and Pressure Gauges BUTTERFLY VALVE – HIGH PRESSURE IN LINE TAP Designed for low pressure applications Teflon seals, durable chrome coating, 90˚ on/off with female BSP connections 320-TAP1 472-28B CODE SIZE FEM BSPT 472-22B 472-28B 1/4” 1/2” SUIT I.D. HOSETAIL 1/2” 3/8” CODE 320-TAP1 320-TAP2 PRESSURE KPA/PSI 5000/725 5000/725 PRESSURE KPA/PSI 689/100 689/100 LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 52mm 52mm 25mm 32mm 55mm 60mm B B LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 74mm 82mm 28mm 27mm 49mm 39mm B B PRESSURE GAUGE Ideal where exact measurements are required. Both standard and dual pressure gauges for high and low pressure readings. Feature a nominal size 63mm guage, clear lens, glycerine filled, 1/4” BSP male thread in either bottom or back entry models. 1 BAR = 14.5 PSI PRESSURE OPTIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE LIMITS C99-247* Back 0-60 BAR 60 BAR Bottom 0/5/25 BAR 1-5 BAR C99-248-PK† C99-249-PK† Back 0/5/25 BAR 1-5 BAR C99-205/30B Bottom 0-60 BAR 30 BAR C99-204 Back 0-60 BAR 30 BAR G8302058 Bottom 0-80 BAR 40 BAR C99-207 Back 0-80 BAR 40 BAR C99-210/50B Bottom 0-100 BAR 50 BAR * 100mm face gauge model with 1/2 BSP connection, † Dual Stage gauge model, PK = Packaged CODE 50 ENTRY TYPE CAT B B B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Plumbing, Tank Rinsing Filtration and& Sight Tank Accessories Gauges TANK RINSING NOZZLE Washes the internal surface of the tank using a 360° fluid driven rotational spray head. Features a series of nozzles which spray clean liquid onto the tanks internal surface. Corrosion resistant. A CODE REF INLET CONNECT 510110 G8185000 A B 1/2” BSPT (F) 3/8” BSPT (M) MAX PRESS KPA/PSI 3000/435 5000/725 B LENGTH CAT 120mm 55mm B B CONTAINER RINSING NOZZLE Ideal for cleaning chemical containers before disposal. A container fits over the 360° rotational spray head and onto a safety valve. The valve opens when the container is pushed down and releases clean water through the rotational spray head. CODE INLET CONNECT 510100A 1/2” BSPT (F) MAX PRESS KPA/PSI 3000/435 LENGTH CAT 90 B Sight level TANK SIGHT GAUGE KIT Ideal for fitting to all types of tanks including poly, fibreglass or steel. Supplied in kit form and includes fittings which insert into tank wall, fluorescent sight ball and EPDM transparent PVC hose which makes gauging tank volume easy. CODE BRA-1688041 L SIZE (MM) 1130 HOLE SIZE (MM) I.D. CAT 19 B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information Tank Wall 51 Camlever Couplings CAMLEVER COUPLINGS These top quality quick release Camlever Couplers are manufactured with glass reinforced polypropylene. They are ideal for use with most agricultural chemicals, liquid fertilisers and many other liquids. ADAPTOR FEMALE THREAD CODE CAM15A CAM20A CAM25A CAM32A CAM40A CAM50A CAM80A SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” COUPLER MALE THREAD CAT B B B B B B B COUPLER HOSE SHANK CODE CAM15C CAM20C CAM25C CAM32C CAM40C CAM50C CAM80C SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” 52 SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” CODE CAM15B CAM20B CAM25B CAM32B CAM40B CAM50B CAM80B SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” CAT B B B B B B B COUPLER FEMALE THREAD CAT B B B B B B B ADAPTER HOSE SHANK CODE CAM15E CAM20E CAM25E CAM32E CAM40E CAM50E CAM80E Fitted with stainless steel camlever handles and grooved retaining pins. Working pressures of: 1/2” to 1” - 9 bar/900kPa & 1 1/4” to 2” - 7 bar/700kPa CODE CAM15D CAM20D CAM25D CAM32D CAM40D CAM50D CAM80D SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” CAT B B B B B B B ADAPTER MALE THREAD CAT B B B B B B B CODE CAM15F CAM20F CAM25F CAM32F CAM40F CAM50F CAM80F SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” CAT B B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Camlever Couplings DUST CAP CODE CAM1520DC CAM1520DC CAM25DC CAM3240DC CAM3240DC CAM50DC CAM80DC DUST PLUG SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” CAT B B B B B B B CODE CAM1520DP CAM1520DP CAM25DP CAM3240DP CAM3240DP CAM50DP CAM80DP SIZE 1/2”/ 3/4” 1” 1 1/4”/ 1 1/2” CAT B B B CODE CAM62 CAM63 SIZE 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 3” CAT B B B B B B B SIZE 2” 3” CAT B B GASKETS CODE CAM59 CAM60 CAM61 POLYPROPYLENE FITTINGS Maintaining a leak free and smooth liquid flow by using quality components and fittings is essential for maximum performance from all installations. Silvan’s range of fittings are manufactured from high quality polypropylene and are compatible with fungicides, herbicides, chemical fertilisers etc, and will withstand temperatures of up to 100ºC. Standard BSP male and female threads can be used in conjunction with each other to construct assorted types and sizes of inlets, outlets, suction fittings and hose unions or they can be used with standard brass, galvanised and other fittings. HOSETAIL ELBOW 90º MALE THREAD CODE G8011101 G8011151 G8011152 G8011153 1132320 G8011203 G8011252 G8011302 G8011355 THREAD (BSP) 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” SINGLE PIECE PIPE FITTING WITH BACK NUT SUIT ID HOSE CAT CODE 13mm 13mm 15mm 20mm 19mm 25mm 30mm 30mm 40mm B B B B B B B B B 108425 THREAD SIZE (BSP) 1” THREAD (BSP) 25mm CAT B HOSETAIL ELBOW 45º MALE THREAD CODE 114640 THREAD (BSP) 1 1/2” SUIT ID HOSE CAT 40mm B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 53 Plumbing Accessories SINGLE PIECE 90° ELBOW WITH BACK NUT HOSETAIL FEMALE THREAD CODE 100519 G8000302 G8000303 G8000306 100640 G8000402 THREAD (BSP) 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” SUIT ID HOSE CAT CODE 19mm 21mm 25mm 35mm 40mm 50mm B B B B B B G8039151 G8039201 G8039251 HOSETAIL MALE THREAD CODE 103011 1032013 G8001151 103215 G8001153 G8001154 G8001201 G8001203 G8001205 G8001251 G8001252 G8001303 G8001351 G8001401 THREAD (BSP) 1/4” 1/4” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” CAT 11mm 13mm 13mm 15mm 19mm 21mm 13mm 19mm 25mm 19mm 25mm 33mm 40mm 50mm B B B B B B B B B B B B B B NUT & TAIL WITH GASKET CODE 320-N3412 320-N3434 320-N1012 320-N1034 320-N1010 54 THREAD SIZE (BSP) 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1” 1” THREAD (BSP) 13mm 19mm 13mm 19mm 25mm CAT B B B B B SUIT ID HOSE CAT 15mm 19mm 25mm B B B HOSETAIL ELBOW 90° FEMALE THREAD CODE SUIT ID HOSE THREAD (BSP) 1/2” 3/4” 1” G8010201 G8010203 1102430 THREAD (BSP) 3/4” 3/4” 1” SUIT ID HOSE CAT 19mm 25mm 30mm B B B FOOT VALVE CODE 504029 THREAD SIZE (BSP) 2” Male SUIT ID HOSETAIL CAT 2” Female B BARBED TEE PIECES CODE 320-T14 320-T38 320-T12 320-T34 SUIT I.D. HOSETAIL 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” CAT B B B B ANTI SWIRL INTAKE CODE G8209005 G8209006 THREAD (BSP) 1 1/4” 1 1/2” OVERALL LENGTH CAT 50mm 50mm B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Plumbing Accessories THREADED BARREL NIPPLE ELBOW 90º FEMALE THREAD CODE THREAD (BSP) THREAD (BSP) CAT CODE THREAD (BSP) SUIT I.D. HOSE CAT G8019151 G8019201 G8019251 G8019301 G8019351 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” B B B B B G8052201 G8052251 G8052351 230570 3/4” 1” 1 1/2” 2” 46mm 51mm 47mm 70mm B B B B MALE PLUG ELBOW 90º FEMALE/ MALE THREAD CODE THREAD (BSP) THREAD (BSP) CAT CODE THREAD (BSP) SUIT I.D. HOSE CAT G8021151 G8021201 G8021251 G8021301 G8021351 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” B B B B B G8046151 G8046201 G8046251 G8046301 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 15mm 17mm 33mm 37mm B B B B TANK OUTLET REDUCING NIPPLE MALE/MALE CODE CODE THREAD (BSP) THREAD (BSP) CAT 2402020 G8058151 G8058201 G8058251 2402065 G8058351 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” 1" 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2" B B B B B B G8050151 G8050201 G8050251 G8050302 G8050351 G8050401 THREAD (BSP) 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” LENGTH CAT 43mm 43mm 50mm 48mm 48mm 73mm B B B B B B REDUCING NIPPLE MALE/FEMALE REDUCING BUSHES MALE/FEMALE CODE THREAD (BSP) THREAD (BSP) CAT 320-24 320-25 320-26 320-27 320-28 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 2” 2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” B B B B B CODE THREAD (BSP) THREAD (BSP) CAT 245032 G8059203 G8059204 G8059253 G8059301 G8059351 2452067 G8059401 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” 1/2” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1” 1 1/4” 2” 1 1/2” B B B B B B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 55 Plumbing Accessories FLY NUT CODE G8040102 G8040151 G8040202 G8040251 G8040301 G8040351 G8040401 NIPPLES THREAD (BSP) 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” SUIT I.D. HOSE 28mm 29mm 37mm 44mm 55mm 60mm 74mm CAT B B B B B B B BACK NUT FEMALE CODE THREAD (BSP) SUIT I.D. HOSE CAT G8042151 G8042201 G8042251 G8042301 G8042351 G8042401 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 13mm 13mm 13mm 15mm 15mm 17mm B B B B B B TEE PIECE FEMALE CODE THREAD (BSP) CAT G8026151 G8026201 G8026251 G8026301 1302060 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” B B B B B SIZE (BSP) 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” 2” OVERALL LENGTH 54mm 75mm 60mm 64mm 70mm 68mm 94mm 68mm 94mm 74mm 97mm CAT B B B B B B B B B B B SUIT I.D. HOSE CAT 26mm 20.2mm 26.6mm 39.6mm 29mm 47mm 39.3mm 58mm B B B B B B B B B B B B B GASKET (O’RING) CODE THREAD (BSP) GG00001002 GG00001012 GG00001018 GG00001022 C1210-173 G10032 G00001018 G00001022 C1210-030 G10061 G10062 G10071V G10072 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” 2” FLAT GASKET BLANKING CAPS FEMALE THREAD 56 CODE G8056151 G8056152 G8056201 G8056251 G8056252 G8056301 G8056302 G8056351 G8056352 G8056401 G8056402 CODE THREAD (BSP) THREAD (BSP) CAT G8044151 2102030 G8044251 G8044301 G8044351 G8044401 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 15mm 13mm 21mm 18mm 19mm 74mm B B B B B B CODE I.D. O.D. CAT GG00002004 GG00002012 GG00002010 GG00002006 3/8” 1” 3/4” 3/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/4” 1” B B B B GG00002014 1 1/4” 2” B GG00002016 GG00002018 GG00001014 1 1/2” 2” 1/2” B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Plumbing,Plumbing FiltrationAccessories & Tank Accessories ELBOWS HOSETAILS CODE THREAD (BSP) SUIT I.D. HOSE CAT CODE THREAD (BSP) SUIT ID HOSE CAT G8002151 G8002200 G8002202 G8002250 G8002252 G8002254 G8002301 G8002302 G8002352 G8002353 G8002350 G8002355 G8002400 G8002402 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” 2” 13mm 13mm 19mm 13mm 19mm 25mm 25mm 30mm 32mm 35mm 25mm 40mm 40mm 50mm B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 116317 116530 116533 116630 116210 G8012200 G8012203 G8012251 G8012252 G8012301 G8012350 G8012353 G8012355 G8012400 G8012402 3/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” 2” 17mm 30mm 32mm 30mm 10mm 13mm 19mm 19mm 25mm 25mm 25mm 35mm 40mm 40mm 50mm B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B HOSE CLAMPS Feature continuous rolled thread with hex head for screwdriver or spanner tightening. FLY NUT CODE THREAD SIZE (BSP) (F) CAT G8040151 G8040152 G8040202 G8040251 G8040301 G8040351 G8040401 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” B B B B B B B TO FIT HOSE I.D.SIZE HOSE 8MM CLAMP CODE 187-MH04 CAT B 10MM 12MM 20MM 187-MH05 B 187-HS06 B 187-HS12 B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 57 Plumbing Accessories NYLON FITTINGS Nylon fittings are manufactured from high quality nylon and is compatible with fungicides, herbicides, chemical fertilisers etc. Standard “tapered” BSP male and female threads can be used in conjunction with each other to construct assorted types and sizes of inlets, outlets, suction fittings, hose unions etc. PIPE - MALE TAPER X HOSE BARB ELBOW - MALE TAPER X HOSE BARB CODE THREAD (BSP) BARB SIZE CAT CODE THREAD (BSP) BARB SIZE CAT HB1414 HB1438 HB1412 HB3814 HB3838 HB3812 HB1214 HB1238 HB1212 HB1234 HB3438 HB3412 HB3434 HB34100 HB10034 HB100 HB114100 HB114 HB114-112 HB112 HB200 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 3/4” 1” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1 1/2” 2” B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B EL1438 EL1412 EL3838 EL3812 EL1212 EL1234 EL1238 EL3412 EL3434 EL34100 EL10012 EL10034 EL100 EL114 EL112 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 1” 1” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 3/8” 1/2” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B NIPPLE - MALE X MALE PIPE BARBED TEE 58 CODE BARB SIZE CAT T38 T12A T58A T34 T100 3/8” x 3/8” x 3/8” 1/2” x 1/2” x 1/2” 5/8” x 5/8” x 5/8” 3/4” x 3/4” x 3/4” 1” x 1” x 1” B B B B B CODE THREAD (BSP) BARB SIZE CAT N14 N12 N34 N100 N114 N112 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Plumbing Accessories HOSE JOINER BARB X BARB REDUCING BUSH CODE THREAD (BSP) BARB SIZE CAT CODE THREAD SIZE THREAD SIZE CAT HM14 HM38 HM1238 HM12 HM1258 HM58 HM34 HM100 HM112 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 1/2” 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 3/4” 1” 1 1/2” B B B B B B B B B RB38-14 RB12-38 RB34-12 RB10034 3/8”M 1/2”M 3/4”M 1”M 1/4”F 3/8”F 1/2”F 3/4”F B B B B MALE THREADED TEE HEX HEAD PIPE PLUG CODE THREAD SIZE CAT CODE THREAD (BSP) CAT PP18 PP14 PP38 PP12 PP34 1/8” 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” B B B B B R12 1/2” x 1/2” x 1/2” B TEE - FEMALE THREAD ELBOW - FEMALE PIPE CODE THREAD SIZE CAT CODE THREAD (BSP) BARB SIZE CAT TT12 TT34 1/2” x 1/2” x 1/2” 3/4” x 3/4” x 3/4” B B EL3412F EL34F 3/4” 3/4” 1/2” 3/4” B B STRAIGHT NOZZLE BODY X BARB NOZZLE BODY CAP NUT CODE THREAD SIZE CAT CODE THREAD (BSP) BARB SIZE CAT 8027 11/16” B 38D 11/16” 3/8” B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 59 Plumbing Accessories BRASS FITTINGS Manufactured from high quality brass to ensure exceptional durability and long life. Non-corrosive and chemical resistant, these brass fittings can be utilised in many applications where durability under high pressure and stress is essential. Can be used in conjunction with all BSP fittings. ADAPTORS CODE 474-050L 474-052 474-054 474-055 474-058 474-060 474-065 474-066 474-068 THREAD (BSP MALE) 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” SOCKET HEX THREAD (BSP FEM) 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 1” CAT CODE THREAD SIZE CAT B B B B B B B B B 474-350 474-354 474-355 474-358 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” 1” B B B B ELBOWS NIPPLE HEX CODE THREAD (BSP) THREAD (BSP) CAT CODE THREAD SIZE CAT 474-130 474-144 474-149 474-158 474-124 474-150 474-156 1/4” M 3/8” M 1/2” M 3/4” M 1/8” F 1/2” F 3/4” F 1/4”Fem 3/8”Fem 1/2”Fem 3/4”Fem 1/8”Fem 1/2”Fem 3/4”Fem B B B B B B B 474-260 474-262 474-264 474-266 474-268 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” B B B B B CODE THREAD SIZE CAT 474-370 474-376 474-380 474-388 474-390 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” B B B B B REDUCING NIPPLES CODE 474-282 474-284 474-286 474-288 474-290 474-292 60 THREAD (BSP MALE) 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 1” THREAD (BSP FEM) 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” TEE CAT B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Plumbing Accessories BUSH REDUCING CODE 474-080 474-082 474-084 474-088 474-090 474-098 474-100 474-103 THREAD (BSP MALE) 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 1” HOSETAIL CODE 474-182 474-186 474-190 474-191 474-192 474-196 474-198 474-199 474-200 474-201 474-202 474-207 474-209 474-210 474-211 THREAD (BSP FEM) 1/8” 1/8” 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” MALE THREAD 1/8” M 1/4” M 1/4” F 1/4” M 1/4” M 1/4” F 3/8” F 1/4” F 1/4” M 3/8” F 3/4” 1/2” M 1/2” M 3/4” M 1/2” F FEMALE CROSS CAT B B B B B B B B FEMALE HOSE 1/8” 3/16” 1/4” 3/8” 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1/2” 3/8” 3/4” 1/2” CAT B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CODE THREAD SIZE CAT 474-118 3/4” B LOCKNUT CODE THREAD SIZE CAT 474-236 474-238 474-240 474-242 474-244 474-250 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 2” B B B B B B PLUG MALE CODE THREAD SIZE CAT 474-341 474-344 474-345 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” B B B CODE THREAD SIZE CAT 474-113 033-110 474-338 1/4” 1/2” 3/4” B B B CAP NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 61 Plumbing Accessories SMOOTHLINE TUBING FITTINGS Olive compression fittings help ensure that the hose will withstand high pressure operation without leaks from hose connections. Max pressure 3500kpa (508psi). TYPE CODE CAT 1/2” BSPT (F) STRAIGHT A 187-34-0344-36 B A 1/2” BSPT (M) STRAIGHT B 187-34-0346-36 B B C 1/2” BSPT (F) ELBOW C 187-34-0328-36 B D 1/2” OLIVE -D 1/2” JOINER - E 187-34-0278-07 B 187-34-0007-07 B E FITTINGS Manufactured from high quality brass and may be used in conjunction with any BSP fittings. DESCRIPTION CODE REF HOSE SIZE ID CAT NUT & TAIL (2 Pack) NUT & TAIL (2 Pack) HOSE JOINER HOSE JOINER G8304004-PK G8304005-PK 474-167 474-168 A A B B 10mm 12.5mm 10mm 12.5mm B B B B HOSE SNAP COUPLINGS Ideal for quick disconnection of spray guns from hosereels featuring liquid shut-off. Manufactured from corrosion resistant materials. POLY - Maximum pressure 1450kPa (210psi). BRASS - Maximum pressure 3000kPa (435psi). 62 1 2 3 4 CODE REF COUPLING TYPE MAT CONNECT. SIZE CAT 406-03-PK 406-02-PK 406-031 406-032 406-02M 406-02F 1, 2 3,4 1 2 3 4 Complete Set Complete Set Male Female Male Female Poly Brass Poly Poly Brass Brass 1/2”BSPT (M) 1/2”BSPT (M) 1/2”BSPT (M) 1/2”BSPT (M) 1/2”BSPT (M) 1/2”BSPT (M) B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Hose Silvan hose is manufactured from the highest quality materials and has been rigorously tested to ensure reliable performance and durability. Ideal for most agricultural applications. The Silvan range includes delivery hose, suction hose, bypass hose. Available in sizes from 8mm I.D to 50mm I.D with pressures ranging up to 4000KPa (560psi). A wide range of hose connectors, hose clamps and fittings to suit are readily available off the shelf. All hose dimensions are inside diameter (I.D.). SMOOTHLINE DELIVERY TUBING Lightweight rigid tubing hose for use in inaccessible terrain where risk of snagging hose is high. Maximum working pressure 1724 kPa (250psi). Requires special hose connectors. CODE HOSE I.D. 186-12B-100 1/2” O.D. 100 Metre Coil Length Only 12MM 186-12B-100 CAT B BYPASS HOSE Low pressure flexible PVC hose ideally suited for the use on Bypass return lines of pumps. Maximum pressure 1379 kPa (200psi). (Available per metre). CODE 186-25E HOSE I.D. 25mm CAT B 25MM 186-25E 25MM SUCTION HOSE Ideal for fitting on the inlet suction side of pumps. Wire reinforced construction helps guard against the hose collapsing. (Available per metre). HOSE I.D. 12MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 50MM CODE 186-12F 186-19F 186-25A 186-32A 186-38S 186-50S CAT B B B B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 186-25A 63 Hose SILVAN AG DELIVERY HOSE Flexible PVC reinforced spray hose. Maximum working pressure 690 kPa (100psi) for 186-8D and 2067 kPa (300psi) for all others. 20 METRE COIL LENGTHS HOSE I.D. 8MM 10MM 12MM CODE 186-8D-20 186-10D-20 186-12C-20 CAT B B B 10MM 186-10D-20 100 METRE COIL LENGTHS HOSE I.D. 10MM 12MM CODE 186-10D-100 186-12C-100 CAT B B FIRE FIGHTING HOSE 19MM 186-19E-30 Designed to suit stationary or mobile reels on fire control units. Also popular in agricultural applications, manufactured to AS 1221. Lightweight PVC, resistant to U.V. light and the material has self extinguishing properties. Maximum pressure 900 kPa (131psi). CODE HOSE I.D. 186-19E-30 19mm Available In 30 Metre Coil Lengths Only CAT B 10MM 186-10M PROFESSIONAL DELIVERY HOSE Flexible PVC reinforced spray hose ideally suited for high pressure applications. Maximum working pressure 4000kPa (568 psi). CODE 186-10M 186-12M 186-19M 186-25M 64 HOSE I.D. 10mm 12mm 19mm 25mm CAT B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Agitators AGITATORS Silvan agitators are fitted to spray equipment tanks to help ensure chemicals remain agitated (in suspension). Mechanical type agitators provide agitation by means of a paddle type propeller driven by V belt from a pump or PTO shaft. The pressure jet agitators, when installed to a pressure feed or bypass hose, helps ensure constant stirring of tank contents to prevent powder deposit build up. PRESSURE JET AGITATOR Inserts through tank wall with sealing gasket and locknut, operates off pump pressure line. 1/2” BSP male connection. Available elbow or straight. CODE INLET TYPE 502010 502020 G8201004 G8201000 Elbow Straight Elbow Straight MAX PRESS KPA/PSI 2000/290 2000/290 2000/290 2000/290 JET HEIGHT WIDTH HEIGHT CAT S/steel S/steel Ceramic Ceramic 145mm 150mm 230mm 225mm 40mm 40mm 55mm 55mm 40mm 65mm 80mm 55mm B B B B PRESSURE JET AGITATOR - SWIVEL Inserts through tank wall with sealing gasket and locknut, 5mm stainless steel jet operates off pump pressure line. 1/2” BSP male connection. 10º orientation movement. CODE INLET TYPE 502062 Straight MAX PRESS KPA/PSI 2000/290 LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 382mm 100mm 100mm B SUPERMIXAGITATOR Provides the maximum possible agitation for a hydraulic type agitator. Depending on pump size the Supermix is capable of re-circulating up to 1300L per minute. The Supermix incorporates three inlets: Inlet A: Inlet B: Pressure 1/2” BSP. It uses a pressure line directly off the pump, providing high pressure agitation. Bypass. It uses the low pressure line from the bypass return of the pump and is ideally used when tank is being filled and chemicals mixed. Inlet C: Additional pressure or chemical mixing. An optional additional pressure line agitator or can be used for induction of chemicals B from a container into the spray tank. A C CODE 502053 MAX PRESS KPA/PSI 1931/280 LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 460mm 190mm 140mm B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 65 Nozzles and Accessories Nozzles & Accessories GENUINE AC CE S S ORIE S 66 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzles Nozzle selection and maintenance are two of the most important aspects of accurate and efficient spray application. Silvan offers the largest range of nozzles from leading brands to suit your needs. HOW TO READ AND IDENTIFY A NOZZLE Each nozzle has a code embossed on its surface allowing the following information to be identified. Nozzle Type NOZZLE MATERIAL Brand Name Material 110º Spray Angle 1.5 L/min (0.4 GPM) nozzle capacity rated at 2.8 bar (40psi) A variety of materials are available which differ by resistance to wear summarised below. Strongest: VK (Ceramic), VS, SS (Stainless Steel) Moderate: VP (Polymer) Soft: VB (Brass) Nozzles wear is increased when using abrasive chemicals, higher pressures or through heavy use. NOZZLE CODE EXPLANATION Example of XR Nozzle 110° spray angle, 04 size made Stainless steel (VS). Angle: 110º Nozzle Type: XR XR 110 04 VS Material: Stainless Steel Nozzle Size: 04 KEY DROPLET SIZE COLOUR REFERENCE VERY FINE VF FINE F MEDIUM M COARSE C VERY COARSE VC EXTRA COARSE XC ULTRA COARSE UC Droplet size classifications are based on BCPC specifications and in accordance with ASAE Standard S-572 at the date of printing. Classifications subject to change. NOZZLE DROPLET SIZE When selecting a suitable nozzle the droplet size is critical to ensure chemical is applied to target instead of being miss-applied as drift. Finer droplet sizes ensure improved coverage however they are also more prone to drift and conversely larger droplets are less prone to drift. Droplet sizes are defined by ISO standards ranging from Very Fine to Ultra course. Droplet size follow two trends: • As pressure increases droplet sizes decreases • Larger size nozzles provide larger droplets and increased flow XR TeeJet and XRC TeeJet BAR 2 2.5 3 3.5 1 1.5 XR8001 M F F F F F 4 F XR80015 M M F F F F F XR8002 M M M M F F F XR8003 M M M M M M M XR8004 C M M M M M M XR8005 C C C M M M M XR8006 C C C C C C C XR8008 VC VC C C C C C Low Pressure NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information Small Nozzle Large Nozzle High Pressure 67 Nozzles TYPICAL APPLICATION RATES FOR NOZZLES SPACED 50CM APART APPLICATION RATE: LITRES PER HECTARE AT KM/H LIQ CAP. MESH CODE PRES 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 30 35 SIZE L/MIN BAR KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H 100 Mesh* 01 100 015 Mesh* 50 Mesh* 02 50 025 Mesh* 50 Mesh* 03 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 8.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 8.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 8.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 8.0 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.39 0.42 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.34 0.42 0.48 0.54 0.59 0.64 0.68 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.83 0.87 0.90 0.96 0.46 0.56 0.65 0.72 0.79 0.85 0.91 0.97 1.02 1.07 1.12 1.16 1.21 1.29 0.99 1.07 1.14 1.21 1.28 1.34 1.40 1.46 1.51 1.62 0.68 0.83 0.96 1.08 1.18 1.27 1.36 1.45 1.52 1.60 1.67 1.74 1.80 1.93 69.0 55.2 46.0 39.4 34.5 27.6 84.0 67.2 56.0 48.0 42.0 33.6 96.0 76.8 64.0 54.9 48.0 38.4 108 86.4 72.0 61.7 54.0 43.2 117 93.6 78.0 66.9 58.5 46.8 126 101 84.0 72.0 63.0 50.4 135 108 90.0 77.1 67.5 54.0 150 120 100 85.7 75.0 60.0 165 132 110 94.3 82.5 66.0 102 81.6 68.0 58.3 51.0 40.8 126 101 84.0 72.0 63.0 50.4 144 115 96.0 82.3 72.0 57.6 162 130 108 92.6 81.0 64.8 177 142 118 101 88.5 70.8 192 154 128 110 96.0 76.8 204 163 136 117 102 81.6 216 173 144 123 108 86.4 228 182 152 130 114 91.2 240 192 160 137 120 96.0 249 199 166 142 125 100 261 209 174 149 131 104 270 216 180 154 135 108 288 230 192 165 144 115 138 110 92.0 78.9 69.0 55.2 168 134 112 96.0 84.0 67.2 195 156 130 111 97.5 78.0 216 173 144 123 108 86.4 237 190 158 135 119 94.8 255 204 170 146 128 102 273 218 182 156 137 109 291 233 194 166 146 116 306 245 204 175 153 122 321 257 214 183 161 128 336 269 224 192 168 134 348 278 232 199 174 139 363 290 242 207 182 145 387 310 258 221 194 155 297 238 198 170 149 119 321 257 214 183 161 128 342 274 228 195 171 137 363 290 242 207 182 145 384 307 256 219 192 154 402 322 268 230 201 161 420 336 280 240 210 168 438 350 292 250 219 175 453 362 302 259 227 181 486 389 324 278 243 194 204 163 136 117 102 81.6 249 199 166 142 125 100 288 230 192 165 144 115 324 259 216 185 162 130 354 283 236 202 177 142 381 305 254 218 191 152 408 326 272 233 204 163 435 348 290 249 218 174 456 365 304 261 228 182 480 384 320 274 240 192 501 401 334 286 251 200 522 418 348 298 261 209 540 432 360 309 270 216 579 463 386 331 290 232 23.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 39.0 42.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 34.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 59.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 76.0 80.0 83.0 87.0 90.0 96.0 46.0 56.0 65.0 72.0 79.0 85.0 91.0 97.0 102 107 112 116 121 129 99.0 107 114 121 128 134 140 146 151 162 68.0 83.0 96.0 108 118 127 136 145 152 160 167 174 180 193 17.3 21.0 24.0 27.0 29.3 31.5 33.8 37.5 41.3 25.5 31.5 36.0 40.5 44.3 48.0 51.0 54.0 57.0 60.0 62.3 65.3 67.5 72.0 34.5 42.0 48.8 54.0 59.3 63.8 68.3 72.8 76.5 80.3 84.0 87.0 90.8 96.8 74.3 80.3 85.5 90.8 96.0 101 105 110 113 122 51.0 62.3 72.0 81.0 88.5 95.3 102 109 114 120 125 131 135 145 15.3 18.7 21.3 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 33.3 36.7 22.7 28.0 32.0 36.0 39.3 42.7 45.3 48.0 50.7 53.3 55.3 58.0 60.0 64.0 30.7 37.3 43.3 48.0 52.7 56.7 60.7 64.7 68.0 71.3 74.7 77.3 80.7 86.0 66.0 71.3 76.0 80.7 85.3 89.3 93.3 97.3 101 108 45.3 55.3 64.0 72.0 78.7 84.7 90.7 96.7 101 107 111 116 120 129 13.8 16.8 19.2 21.6 23.4 25.2 27.0 30.0 33.0 20.4 25.2 28.8 32.4 35.4 38.4 40.8 43.2 45.6 48.0 49.8 52.2 54.0 57.6 27.6 33.6 39.0 43.2 47.4 51.0 54.6 58.2 61.2 64.2 67.2 69.6 72.6 77.4 59.4 64.2 68.4 72.6 76.8 80.4 84.0 87.6 90.6 97.2 40.8 49.8 57.6 64.8 70.8 76.2 81.6 87.0 91.2 96.0 100 104 108 116 11.0 13.4 15.4 17.3 18.7 20.2 21.6 24.0 26.4 16.3 20.2 23.0 25.9 28.3 30.7 32.6 34.6 36.5 38.4 39.8 41.8 43.2 46.1 22.1 26.9 31.2 34.6 37.9 40.8 43.7 46.6 49.0 51.4 53.8 55.7 58.1 61.9 47.5 51.4 54.7 58.1 61.4 64.3 67.2 70.1 72.5 77.8 32.6 39.8 46.1 51.8 56.6 61.0 65.3 69.6 73.0 76.8 80.2 83.5 86.4 92.6 9.2 11.2 12.8 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.0 20.0 22.0 13.6 16.8 19.2 21.6 23.6 25.6 27.2 28.8 30.4 32.0 33.2 34.8 36.0 38.4 18.4 22.4 26.0 28.8 31.6 34.0 36.4 38.8 40.8 42.8 44.8 46.4 48.4 51.6 39.6 42.8 45.6 48.4 51.2 53.6 56.0 58.4 60.4 64.8 27.2 33.2 38.4 43.2 47.2 50.8 54.4 58.0 60.8 64.0 66.8 69.6 72.0 77.2 7.9 9.6 11.0 12.3 13.4 14.4 15.4 17.1 18.9 11.7 14.4 16.5 18.5 20.2 21.9 23.3 24.7 26.1 27.4 28.5 29.8 60.9 32.9 15.8 19.2 22.3 24.7 27.1 29.1 31.2 33.3 35.0 36.7 38.4 39.8 41.5 44.2 33.9 36.7 39.1 41.5 43.9 45.9 48.0 50.1 51.8 55.5 23.3 28.5 32.9 37.0 40.5 43.5 46.6 49.7 52.1 54.9 57.3 59.7 61.7 66.2 * Recommended nozzle filter mesh size. 68 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzles TYPICAL APPLICATION RATES FOR NOZZLES SPACED 50CM APART APPLICATION RATE: LITRES PER HECTARE AT KM/H LIQ CAP. MESH CODE PRES 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 30 35 SIZE BAR L/MIN KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H KM/H 68.3 84.0 96.8 108 119 128 137 146 153 161 167 175 181 194 85.5 104 121 135 148 160 170 181 191 200 209 218 226 242 103 126 146 162 178 192 206 137 167 194 216 237 256 274 171 209 242 296 342 257 314 362 60.7 54.6 43.7 36.4 31.2 74.7 67.2 53.8 44.8 38.4 86.0 77.4 61.9 51.6 44.2 96.0 86.4 69.1 57.6 49.4 105 94.8 75.8 63.2 54.2 114 103 82.1 68.4 58.6 121 109 87.4 72.8 62.4 129 115 93.1 77.6 66.5 136 122 97.9 81.6 69.9 143 128 103 85.6 73.4 149 134 107 89.2 76.5 155 140 112 93.2 79.9 161 145 116 96.4 82.6 172 155 124 103 88.5 76.0 68.4 54.7 45.6 39.1 92.7 83.4 66.7 55.6 47.7 107 96.6 77.3 64.4 55.2 120 108 86.4 72.0 61.7 131 118 94.6 78.38 67.5 142 128 102 85.2 73.0 151 136 109 90.8 77.8 161 145 116 96.4 82.6 169 152 122 102 87.1 178 160 128 107 91.5 186 167 134 112 95.7 193 174 139 116 99.4 201 181 144 120 103 215 193 155 129 110 91.3 82.2 65.8 54.8 47.0 112 101 80.6 67.2 57.6 129 116 93.1 77.6 66.5 144 130 104 86.4 74.1 158 142 114 94.8 81.3 171 154 123 102 87.8 183 164 132 110 93.9 121 109 87.4 72.8 62.4 149 134 107 89.2 76.5 172 155 124 103 88.5 192 173 138 115 98.7 211 190 152 126 108 227 205 164 136 117 243 219 175 146 125 152 137 109 91.2 78.2 186 167 134 112 95.7 215 194 155 129 111 263 237 190 158 135 304 274 219 182 156 228 205 164 137 117 279 251 201 168 144 322 290 232 193 166 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 69 50 Mesh* 04 50 Mesh* 05 50 Mesh* 06 50 Mesh* 08 50 Mesh* 10 50 Mesh* 15 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 8.0 1.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.6 7.0 8.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.91 1.12 1.29 1.44 1.58 1.71 1.82 1.94 2.04 2.14 2.23 2.33 2.41 2.58 1.14 1.39 1.61 1.80 1.97 2.13 2.27 2.41 2.54 2.67 2.79 2.90 3.01 3.22 1.37 1.68 1.94 2.16 2.37 2.56 2.74 1.82 2.23 2.58 2.88 3.16 3.41 3.65 2.28 2.79 3.23 3.95 4.56 3.42 4.19 4.83 5.92 6.84 273 218 182 336 269 224 387 310 258 432 346 288 474 379 316 513 410 342 546 437 364 582 466 388 612 490 408 642 514 428 669 535 446 699 559 466 725 578 482 774 619 516 342 274 228 417 334 278 483 386 322 540 432 360 591 473 394 639 511 426 681 545 454 723 578 482 762 610 508 801 641 534 837 670 558 870 696 580 903 722 602 966 773 644 411 329 274 504 403 336 582 466 388 648 518 432 711 569 474 768 614 512 822 658 548 546 437 364 669 535 446 774 619 516 864 691 576 948 758 632 1023 818 682 1095 876 730 684 547 456 837 670 558 969 775 646 1185 948 790 1368 1094 912 1026 821 684 1257 1006 838 1449 1159 966 156 192 221 247 271 293 312 333 350 367 382 399 413 442 195 238 276 309 338 365 389 413 435 458 478 497 516 552 235 288 333 370 406 439 470 312 382 442 494 542 585 626 391 478 554 677 782 586 718 828 137 168 194 216 237 257 273 291 306 321 335 350 362 387 171 209 242 270 296 320 341 362 381 401 416 435 452 483 206 252 291 324 356 384 411 273 335 387 432 474 512 548 342 419 485 593 684 513 629 725 1776 1421 1184 1015 888 2052 1642 1368 1173 1026 109 134 155 173 190 205 218 233 245 257 268 280 289 310 137 167 193 216 236 256 272 289 305 320 335 348 361 386 164 202 233 259 284 307 329 218 268 310 346 379 409 438 274 335 388 474 547 410 503 580 710 821 91 112 129 144 158 171 182 194 204 214 223 233 241 258 114 139 161 180 197 213 227 241 254 267 279 290 301 322 137 168 194 216 237 256 274 182 223 258 288 316 341 365 228 279 323 395 456 342 419 483 592 684 444 513 395 456 355 410 284 328 237 274 203 235 * Recommended nozzle filter mesh size. Nozzles NOZZLE APPLICATION RATES WHAT DROPLET SIZE DO I REQUIRE? The previous two pages display the ISO std application rates which apply to most nozzles. The manufacturer of your chemical recommends suitable droplet sizes on the Chemical label ranging from Very Fine to Ultra Course. Alternatively refer to your agronomist. Nozzles that produce fine droplets are recommended for post-emergence applications, which require excellent coverage on the intended target area. The most common nozzles used in agriculture are those that produce medium sized droplets. Nozzles producing medium and coarse-sized droplets can be used for contact and systemic herbicides, pre emergence surface-applied herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Remember, as droplet size is reduced the drift potential is increased. Where possible, choose nozzles with a slightly coarser droplet size to reduce the risk potential. Review the nozzle Droplet size charts for the appropriate nozzles capable of the required droplet size. Nozzles are colour coded according to L/min output size at 2.8 bar. For example: All Yellow 02 nozzles at 2.8 bar (40psi) have a flow rate of 0.2 US Gallons (0.75L/min). Note: Each nozzle type has a different droplet size profile. SELECTING THE RIGHT SIZE NOZZLE Application rates can be adjusted by pressure, vehicle speed and nozzle size. Pressure can change droplet size and increase nozzles wear. Vehicle speed is an inaccurate method of adjusting output; higher speeds leads to increased bumps and vibration which is hard on equipment that can lead to critical failures. High speeds can also cause boom yaw, effectively changing boom height, leading to uneven spray application. Nozzle size is the ideal and easiest way to select a suitable nozzle as you can change the output rate without significant changes to the machinery. TO SELECT A NOZZLE 1 XR TeeJet and XRC TeeJet BAR 2 2.5 3 3.5 1.5 UNIVERSAL APPLICATION RATE CHART FOR 50 CM TIP SPACING Speed LIQUID CAPACITY L/HA – 50CM NOZZLE SPACING TIP 1 NOZZLE CAPACITY PRESSURE IN BAR IN L/MIN 4 KM/H 6 KM/H 8 KM/H 10 KM/H 12 KM/H 4 XR8001 M F F F F F XR80015 M M F F F F F F XR8002 M M M M F F F XR8003 XR8004 M C M M M M M M M M M M M M XR8005 C C C M M M M XR8006 C C C C C C C XR8008 VC VC C C C C C Droplet Size 01 015 In the example above, a yellow 02 nozzle will be suited for use at 2.5. 70 02 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.39 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.34 0.42 0.48 0.59 0.68 0.76 0.83 0.90 0.46 0.56 0.65 0.79 0.91 1.02 1.12 1.21 69.0 84.0 96.0 117 135 150 165 180 102 126 144 177 204 228 249 270 138 168 195 237 273 306 336 363 46.0 56.0 64.0 78.0 90.0 100 110 120 68.0 84.0 96.0 118 136 152 166 180 92.0 112 130 158 182 204 224 242 34.5 42.0 48.0 58.5 67.5 75.0 82.5 90.0 51.0 63.0 72.0 88.5 102 114 125 135 69.0 84.0 97.5 119 137 153 168 182 27.6 33.6 38.4 46.8 54.0 60.0 66.0 72.0 40.8 50.4 57.6 70.8 81.6 91.2 99.6 108 55.2 67.2 78.0 94.8 109 122 134 145 23.0 28.0 32.0 39.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 34.0 42.0 48.0 59.0 68.0 76.0 83.0 90.0 46.0 56.0 65.0 79.0 91.0 102 112 121 NOTE: Always double check your application rates. Tabulations are based on spraying water at 70°F (21°C). AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Rate 1. You need to know your preferred safe vehicle speed. 2. Define your required droplet size & application rate eg. Medium droplet at 70L/h Check the Droplet chart and you can see that a yellow 02 nozzle will provide a medium droplet at 2 and 2.5 bar. 3. Confirm against the Application Rates table the nozzle can put out the required 70 L/ha at 2 or 2.5 bar. 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Nozzles WHEN IS IT RIGHT TO SPRAY? The weather has major impact on spraying conditions. The effects of Wind on spraying can be very clear and easy to see but temperature and humidity also have critical effects that can be measured by a Delta T. Delta T is a relative measure of Humidity vs Temperature summarised in the table (right) that indicates suitability of spray conditions. Preferably spraying should occur when Delta T is between 2 and 8; a higher Delta T has an increased chance for drift caused by evaporation when water based spraying. Relative humidity (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 0 5 10 15 Delta T value (°C) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Dry temperature °C Preferred Delta T conditions for spraying Delta T conditions marginal Delta T conditions unsuitable for spraying WIND SPEED AND SPRAYING Wind speeds are critical when spraying. If conditions are too windy, chemicals may not be applied correctly to the target crop leading to poor results, increased drift and possible off target damage. The table below offers a simple method of assessing wind speeds, otherwise can be more accurately measured using a Wind Meter. NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 71 Nozzles BOOM SPRAY CALIBRATION INFORMATION Equipment information FACTORS AFFECTING CALIBRATION OF BOOM SPRAYS Date Tractor RPM 1. Application rate in Litres per hectare. Gear Spray plant Pressure 2. Travel Speed of Tractor. Size, number & spacing of nozzles CALCULATE SPEED IN KILOMETRES PER HOUR 3.6 x metres = km/h 3.6 x metres = km/h Seconds seconds 600 x litres per minute Boom width (m) x speed (km/h) 600 x L m x km/h = Litres per hectare = = Litres per hectare CALCULATE CHEMICAL TO ADD TO TANK Tank capacity (L) X chemical rate (L/ha) Output (L/ha) (L) x Output = Chemical required per tank The tractor travel speed is the most important variable in sprayer performance. A 10% change in tractor speed gives a 10% change in application rate. This can lead to over or under application of chemicals. Determine the speed by measuring 100 metres then time in seconds how long it takes to cover the 100 metres. If spraying in hilly terrain time distance both up hill and down hill and average the results. THE FORMULA FOR SPEED IS: km/h = 3. Nozzle Spacing on boom (Std nozzle spacing is 50 cm). 4. Calculate required output per nozzle: L/min/ nozzle = e.g. (L/ha) (L/ha) = (L) Amount of chemical to add per tank 360 Time in seconds for 100 metres L/ha x km/h x nozzle spacing (cm) 60,000 100 x 10 x 50 60,000 = 0.83 L/min/ nozzle Where application rate is: 100 L/Ha, speed is 10 km/h and nozzle spacing is 50 cm. Use the nozzle output charts to select the correct nozzle tip for your application. 5. Check the calibration procedure Use a measuring jug and stopwatch to check the output of several nozzles across the boom at the recommended pressure. If the outputs vary slightly from the chart then adjust the pressure in the system to achieve the correct volume. If nozzle flow rates are greater than 5% above or below the manufacturer’s charts then the whole sprayer system needs to be checked for leaks, blockages etc,cleaned out and the calibration process repeated until accuracy is attained. The nozzle charts also allow application rates to be determined if the tractor speed, the nozzle and the spraying pressure are known. 72 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzles Geoline, manufacturers of world class agricultural spraying accessories and components have released a range of ISO standard spray nozzles exclusive to Silvan. Ideal for many applications where spray coverage and drift management is important, the Geoline nozzles offer excellent results. RS FLAT FAN POLY NOZZLE • • • • • Air-induction flat-spray tip Spray angle: 110° Spray height = 50 cm Pressure recommended ranges from 1.5 to 4 bar Low Drift at low pressure. Increased coverage and drift potential at higher pressure FLAT FAN POLY NOZZLE RS SERIES BAR RS110015 RS11002 RS11003 RS11004 1.5 F F M M 2 F F F M 2.5 F F F M 3 F F F F CODE ANGLE NOZZLE PACKETS SIZES AVAILABLE RS110*** 110º RS-FlatFan-Poly 24Pk 015,02,03,04 *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF *** Note: Automatic spray alignment order cap G8253000 and gasket 402200-040 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 3.5 F F F F 4 F F F F CAT B 73 Nozzles TP FLAT FAN STANDARD TP11002VP • Single piece nozzle with even coverage • Pressure Range: 2-4 Bar • Poly material available 80º 110º Spray pattern Spray pattern 2 bar 4 bar XR EXTENDED RANGE • • • • Single piece nozzle with even coverage Pressure Range: 1-4 Bar Poly and Ceramic material available Low Drift at low pressure. Increased coverage and drift potential at higher pressure XR110015-VP 80º 110º Spray pattern 1 bar 4 bar XRC EXTENDED RANGE • S ame droplet size as XR Nozzle with added convenience of a moulded Quick TeeJet cap for easy fitment and automatic alignment • Single piece nozzle with even coverage • Pressure Range: 1-4 Bar • Poly material • Low Drift at low pressure. Increased coverage and drift potential at higher pressure XRC110015-VK 110º Spray pattern 1 bar 4 bar REFER TO PAGES 97-99 FOR AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT CAP & GASKET 74 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzles ISO DROPLET SIZE INFORMATION TP TeeJet BAR 2.5 3 3.5 2 TP8001 F 1 4 F F F F XR8001 XR TeeJet and XRC TeeJet BAR 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 M F F 4 F F F F F TP80015 F F F F F XR80015 M M F F F F TP8002 M M F F F XR8002 M M M M F F F XR8003 M M M M M M M XR8004 C M M M M M M XR8005 C C C M M M M XR8006 C C C C C C C XR8008 VC VC C C C C C XR11001 F F F F F VF VF XR110015 F F F F F F F XR11002 M F F F F F F XR110025 M M F F F F F XR11003 M M F F F F F XR11004 M M M M M F F TP8003 M M M M M TP8004 M M M M M TP8005 C M M M M TP8006 C C C C C TP8008 C C C C C TP11001 F F F VF VF TP110015 F F F F F TP11002 F F F F F TP11003 F F F F F TP11004 M M M F F TP11005 M M M M M XR11005 C M M M M M M TP11006 M M M M M XR11006 C C M M M M M TP11008 C C M M M XR11008 C C C C M M M For ISO application rates see pages 96 - 97. CODE TP110***-VP TP80***-VP XR110***-VP XR110***-VK XR80***-VK ANGLE 110º 80º 110º 110º 80º XRC110***-VK 110º DESCRIPTION TP - Flat Fan - Poly TP - Flat Fan - Poly XR - Flat Fan - Poly XR - Flat Fan - Ceramic XR - Flat Fan - Ceramic XRC - Flat Fan - Ceramic with Moulded Cap XRC produce same droplet as XR. SIZES AVAILABLE 015,02,03,04,05,06,08 015,02,03,04,05,06,08 015,02,03,04,05,06,08 02,025,03,04,05,06,08 03,04,05,06,08 CAT B B B B B 025,03,04,05,06,08 B 10 PACK NOZZLES: PKT-TP110***-VP 110º VisiFlo - Flat Fan - Poly 10 Pk 015,02,03,04,05,06,08 PKT-XR110***-VP 110º XR - Flat Fan - Poly 10 Pk 015,02,03,04,05,06,08 *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF ***. EG TP11004VP NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information B B 75 Nozzles DRIFT GUARD SPRAY TIPS • Pre-orifice design produces larger droplets and reduces the small drift prone droplets, minimising off-target spray contamination • Tapered edge flat spray pattern provides uniform coverage when adjacent nozzle patterns are overlapped in broadcast spraying • The colour-coded pre-orifice is removable for any necessary cleaning operations • Poly & Stainless steel material available DG11004-VS 110º TURBO TEEJET FLAT SPRAY TIPS • Tapered edge wide angle pattern for uniform coverage in broadcast spraying • Large, rounded internal passage to minimise clogging • Larger droplets for less drift 15-90 psi (1-6 bar) • Poly material TT11004-VP 110º TURBO TWINJET SPRAY TIPS • All the features of the TT Turbo TeeJet, but with a double outlet nozzle that helps reduce spray drift • Excellent canopy coverage and penetration while delivering excellent drift resistance • Spraying pressure 20-90 psi (1.5-6 bar), ideal for use with automatic sprayrate controllers • Best suited to applications where superior leaf coverage and canopy penetration is important • Poly material TTJ60-11003VP 110º 60º 110º REFER TO PAGES 97-99 FOR AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT CAP & GASKET 76 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzles ISO DROPLET SIZE INFORMATION 2 M M C C C DG110015 DG11002 DG11003 DG11004 DG11005 DG TeeJet BAR 3 F M M M C 2.5 F M M C C 3.5 F M M M M 4 F M M M M Turbo TeeJet BAR TT11001 TT110015 TT11002 TT110025 TT11003 TT11004 TT11005 TT11006 TT11008 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 C C C VC VC XC XC XC XC M C C C C VC VC VC XC M M C C C C VC VC VC M M M M C C VC VC VC F M M M C C C C C F M M M M C C C C F M M M M C C C C F F M M M C C C C F F M M M M C C C F F M M M M M C C F F F M M M M M M 5.5 M M M C C C 6 M M M M C C Turbo Twinjet (TTJ60) BAR TTJ60-11002 TTJ60-110025 TTJ60-11003 TTJ60-11004 TTJ60-11005 TTJ60-11006 1.5 C VC VC VC VC XC 2 C C C C C VC 2.5 C C C C C C 3 C C C C C C CODE ANGLE DESCRIPTION DG110***-VP 110º Polymer - Drift Guard Even Flat Fan DG110***-VS 110º Stainless Steel - Drift Guard Even Flat Fan TT110***-VP 110º Poly - Turbo Wide Angle Flat Fan TTJ60-110***VP Poly - Turbo Twinjet Wide Angle Flat Fan *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF *** 3.5 M C C C C C 4 M C C C C C 4.5 M C C C C C SIZES AVAILABLE 015,02,03,04,05 015,02,03,04,05 01,015,02,025,03,04,05,06,08 02,025,03,04,05,06 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 5 M M C C C C CAT B B B B 77 Nozzles AIXR AIR INDUCTION SPRAY TIPS • P ressure range 15-90 psi (1-6 bar) • Made of a two-piece polymer construction. Excellent chemical resistance, including acids, as well as exceptional wear life • A lower pressure air inducted nozzle offers better drift management and suitable for the broadacre market • Compact size to prevent tip damage and removable pre-orifice • Depending on the chemical, produces large air-filled drops through a Venturi air aspirator AIXR11002-VP 110º IDK AIR INJECTED NOZZLE • Air-aspirating flat-spray tip • Pressure Range: – Spray angle 120º all Poly nozzle – IDK-01 to 03, 20-90 psi (1.5 - 6 bar) – IDK-04, 15-90 psi (1 - 6 bar) • More suitable for lower pressures • Hard-wearing and non-clogging thanks to lateral air-aspirating channels of ample size IDK12004P Liquid Injector Nozzle Body Air 120º TURBO TEEJET INDUCTION FLAT SPRAY TIPS • C ompact size to prevent tip damage and removable pre-orifice for easy cleaning • Large droplets are produced through a venturi air aspirator resulting in less drift • Wide operating pressure 15-105 psi (1-7bar) producing extra coarse droplets • Ideal for use with automatic rate controllers • Poly material TTI11004-VP 110º REFER TO PAGES 97-99 FOR AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT CAP & GASKET 78 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzles ISO DROPLET SIZE INFORMATION AIXR TeeJet BAR AIXR110015 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 XC VC VC C C C C M M M M AIXR11002 XC XC VC VC C C C C C M M AIXR110025 XC XC XC VC VC C C C C C C AIXR11003 XC XC XC VC VC C C C C C C AIXR11004 UC XC XC XC VC VC VC C C C C AIXR11005 UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC C C C AIXR11006 UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC C C C IDK Lechler BAR 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 IDK12001 C C C M M M F IDK120015 C C C C M M F IDK12002 C C C C M M F IDK120025 VC VC C C C M M IDK12003 VC VC VC C C M M IDK12004 VC VC VC VC C C M Turbo TeeJet Induction (TTI) BAR 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 TTI110015 UC UC UC UC UC UC XC XC XC XC XC XC TTI11002 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC XC XC XC XC TTI110025 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC XC XC XC XC TTI11003 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC XC XC XC XC TTI11004 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC XC XC XC XC TTI11005 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC XC XC XC XC TTI11006 UC UC UC UC UC UC UC UC XC XC XC XC CODE ANG DESCRIPTION AIXR110***-VP 110º Poly - Air Induction Spray Tip IDK120***P 120º Poly - Air Injected Spray Tip IDK120***C 120º Ceramic - Air Injected Spray Tip TTI110***-VP 110º Poly - Turbo Induction Spray Tip 10 PACK NOZZLES: PKT-AIXR110***-VP 110º 10 Pk Poly - Turbo Wide Angle Flat Spray Tip *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF *** SIZES AVAILABLE 015,02,025,03,04,05,06 01,015,02,025,03,04 015,02,025,03,04 015,02,025,03,04,05,06 CAT B B B B 015,02,03,04 B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 79 Nozzles AI AIR INDUCTION SPRAY TIPS • S tainless steel insert produces tapered edge flat spray 110º pattern for uniform coverage in broadcast spraying • Polymer insert holder and pre-orifice with VisiFlo colour-coding • Larger droplets for less drift • Depending on the chemical, produces large air-filled drops through the use of a venturi air aspirator • Pressure ranges from 2 – 8 bar AI11004-VS 110º AIC AIR INDUCTION SPRAY TIPS • S ame droplet size as AI nozzles with added convenience of a moulded nozzle cap • Available in stainless steel and ceramic inserts, produces tapered edge flat spray pattern for uniform coverage in broadcast spraying • Polymer insert holder and pre-orifice with VisiFlo colour-coding • Larger droplets for less drift • Depending on the chemical, produces large air-filled drops through the use of a Venturi air aspirator • AI TeeJet nozzle molded into Quick TeeJet cap provides automatic spray alignment • Includes tightly fitting washer that assures a good seal AIC11004-VS 110º AITTJ60 AIR INDUCTION TURBO TWINJET • Air induction with dual 110° flat fan patterns • 60° between leading and trailing spray patterns • Good coverage with increased canopy penetration and best drift control • Best suited for postemergence applications • Excellent drift control with coarse to very coarse droplets • Available in VisiFlo color coded capacities (02 through 06) • Pressure ranges from 1.5 – 6 bar (20 – 90 PSI) 110º 110º 60º AITTJ60-11004VP REFER TO PAGES 97-99 FOR AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT CAP & GASKET 80 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzles ISO DROPLET SIZE INFORMATION AI TeeJet and AIC TeeJet BAR 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 8 AI110015 UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C C C AI11002 UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C C C AI110025 UC UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C C AI11003 UC UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C C AI11004 UC UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C C AI11005 UC UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C C AI11006 UC UC XC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C AI11008 UC UC UC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC VC C AI11010* UC UC UC XC XC XC XC XC VC VC VC C CODE ANG AI110***-VS AIC110***-VS DESCRIPTION SIZES AVAILABLE CAT 110º Air Induction Flat Spray Tip - Stainless Steel 015,02,03,04,05,06,08 B 110º Air Induction Spray Tip With Cap & Gasket - S/Steel 015,02,025,04,06,08,10,15 B 025,03,04,05 02,025,03,04,05,06 B B AIC110***-VK 110º Air Induction Spray Tip With Cap & Gasket - Ceramic AITTJ60-110**VP 110º Air Induction Turbo Twinjet - Poly *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF *** FERTILISER NOZZLES STREAMJET SJ-3 FERTILISER (3 STREAM) • • • • • Removable metering orifice for easy cleaning Equally spaced distribution at 20” (50 cm) h Use with Quick TeeJet cap 25598-*-NYR All acetal construction for excellent chemical resistance Recommended operating pressure: 1.5–4 bar (20–60 psi) CODE DESCRIPTION SIZES AVAILABLE SJ3-***-VP Poly - 3 Stream Streamjet Fertilizer Nozzles 015,02,03,04,05,06,08,10,15,20 *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF *** NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information SJ3 CAT B 81 Horticulture Nozzles HOLLOW CONE NOZZLES (HCC) HCC The ceramic hollow cone nozzles are designed for creating small droplets ideal for foliar application of insecticides and fungicides and are constructed with a moulded outer over a ceramic insert that is mated to a turbulence chamber and counter-swirling device easily separated for cleaning. The ceramic nozzle allows for long lasting life and the vortexing action in the nozzle provides a 80° spray angle between 3-5 bar, but works well at both high and low operation pressures. The ceramic hollow cone nozzles are the offered alternative to the Albuz ATR Hollow cone nozzles. HCC Spray-Jet HCC005 HCC0075 HCC01 HCC015 HCC02 HCC025 HCC03 HCC035 HCC04 HCC05 3 VF F F F F F F F F F 4 VF VF VF F F F F F F F 5 VF VF VF VF F F F F F F BAR 6 VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF F F 8 VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF F F 10 VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF F 15 VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF TX HOLLOW CONE NOZZLES (TX) VisiFlo colour-coded version consists of ceramic orifice in polypropylene body. Maximum operating pressure 20 bar. Spray angle is 80º at 7 bar. Finely atomised spray pattern provides thorough coverage. Excellent: Post – Emergence contact herbicides, fungicides and insecticides ensures finely atomised spray droplets reach target areas. Good: With defoliants & foliar fertilisers at 3 bar pressure and above. CODE ANG DESCRIPTION SIZES AVAILABLE HCC*** 80º Ceramic-Hollow Cone Nozzle 005,0075,01,015,02,025,03,035,04,05 TX-VK** 80º Ceramic-Conejet Hollow Cone Nozzle 3,4,6,8,10,12,18,26 *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF *** 82 CAT B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Horticulture Nozzles HCC NOZZLES APPLICATION RATES BAR 3 4 6 8 HCC005 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 HCC0075 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 HCC01 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 HCC015 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 HCC02 10 12 15 20 L/MIN 0.19 0.22 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.38 0.42 0.49 0.3 0.35 0.42 0.49 0.55 0.6 0.67 0.77 0.4 0.46 0.57 0.65 0.73 0.8 0.89 1.03 0.6 0.69 0.85 0.98 1.1 1.2 1.34 1.55 0.8 0.92 1.13 1.31 1.46 1.6 1.79 2.07 HCC025 HCC03 HCC035 HCC04 HCC05 BAR 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 L/MIN 1 1.15 1.41 1.63 1.83 2 2.24 2.58 1.2 1.39 1.7 1.96 2.19 2.4 2.68 3.10 1.4 1.62 1.98 2.29 2.56 2.8 3.13 3.61 1.6 1.85 2.26 2.61 2.92 3.2 3.58 4.13 3 3.31 2.83 3.27 3.64 4 4.47 5.16 TX NOZZLES APPLICATION RATES “TX-VK3 (100 MESH)” “TX-VK4 (50 MESH)” “TX-VK6 (50 MESH)” “TX-VK8 (50 MESH)” “TX-VK10 (50 MESH)” “TX-VK12 (50 MESH)” “TX-VK18 (50 MESH)” “TX-VK26 (50 MESH)” NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information BAR 5 7 10 15 20 5 7 10 15 20 5 7 10 15 20 5 7 10 15 20 5 7 10 15 20 5 7 10 15 20 5 7 10 15 20 5 7 10 15 20 L/MIN 0.25 0.28 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.55 0.62 0.5 0.58 0.68 0.82 0.93 0.67 0.79 0.93 1.1 1.3 0.84 0.98 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 1.2 1.4 1.7 2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.6 3 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.8 4.4 83 Horticulture Nozzles MA2-10 MA1-10 OUTPUT - IN LITRES PER MINUTE - CERAMIC DISC AND SWIRL PLATES 84 NOZZLE (SIZE) SWIRL PLATE (CENTRE SIZE) 10 BAR 15 BAR 20 BAR 25 BAR 30 BAR 40 BAR 50 BAR MA1-08 (0.8) MA1-10 (1.0) MA1-12 (1.2) MA1-15 (1.5) MA1-18 (1.8) MA1-20 (2.0) MA1-22 (2.2) MA1-25 (2.5) MA1-10 (1.0) MA1-12 (1.2) MA1-15 (1.5) MA1-18 (1.8) MA1-20 (2.0) MA1-22 (2.2) MA1-25 (2.5) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-00 (Closed Centre) MA2-10 (1.0) MA2-10 (1.0) MA2-12 (1.2) MA2-15 (1.5) MA2-18 (1.8) MA2-20 (2.0) MA2-22 (2.2) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.7 3.2 3.8 4.1 4.7 1.9 3.0 4.2 5.9 7.8 8.7 10.5 1.2 1.7 2.3 3.1 3.6 4.3 4.6 5.4 2.2 3.4 4.8 6.7 8.7 9.9 12.1 1.3 1.9 2.6 3.3 4.1 4.7 5.1 6.0 2.4 3.8 5.3 7.4 9.6 11.2 13.5 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.6 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.6 2.6 4.1 5.8 8.0 10.4 12.5 14.7 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 5.0 5.7 6.6 7.7 3.0 4.7 6.9 9.5 11.8 14.3 16.2 1.9 2.7 3.5 4.3 5.5 6.3 7.4 8.5 3.4 5.4 7.7 10.6 13.2 16.4 17.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.3 2.7 3.4 3.8 3.9 1.6 2.5 3.6 5.0 6.2 7.4 8.8 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Specialty Nozzles LURMARK DEFLECTIP 80º–145º LC-15 The Lurmark Deflectip produces a wide angled even spray (from 80 to 145 degrees depending on pump pressure) making it ideal for banding pre and post emergent herbicides. • Large orifice produces coarser droplets which are less prone to drift and blocking • Fits in most nozzle caps • Precision moulded in tough and durable polyacetal, with a spray angle tolerance of +/- 5% CODE ANGLE DESCRIPTION SIZES AVAILABLE CAT LC-** 80º -145º Poly - Lurmark Deflectip Spray Nozzle 15,20 B PART NUMBER (REC FILTER MESH) BLUE RED SPRAY SPRAY WIDTH* PRESS. BAR ANGLE (50CM HEIGHT) 1.0 LC-15 (100#) 105° 1.30m 2.0 3.0 1.0 LC-20 (50#) 105° 1.30m 2.0 3.0 FLOW L/MIN 0.68 0.97 1.18 0.91 1.29 1.58 SINGLE NOZZLE APPLICATION RATES L/HA AT KM/H 2KPH 3KPH 4KPH 5KPH 157 105 79 63 223 148 111 89 273 182 136 109 210 140 105 84 298 198 149 119 365 243 182 146 Note: Spray angle and widths given are at 3 Bar. BRASS OFF-CENTRE – SMALL CAPACITY G8259139 These spray tips are commonly installed in double and single swivel nozzle bodies. A wide spray swath is easily obtained from the bodies’ easily adjustable angular position. CODE G8259139 OC-02 G8259140 OC-03 G8259141 OC-04 G8259142 OC-06 BAR L/MIN 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.65 0.79 0.91 0.96 1.18 1.36 1.29 1.58 1.82 1.94 2.37 2.74 W (CM) 172 177 182 195 203 208 231 236 238 251 256 259 4 KM/H 56.7 66.9 75.0 73.8 87.2 98.1 83.8 100 115 116 139 159 H = 45CM L/HA 6 KM 37.8 44.6 50.0 49.2 58.1 65.4 55.8 66.9 76.5 77.3 92.6 106 8 KM 28.3 33.5 37.5 36.9 43.6 49.0 41.9 50.2 57.4 58.0 69.4 79.3 10 KM 22.7 26.8 30.0 29.5 34.9 39.2 33.5 40.2 45.9 46.4 55.5 63.5 W(CM) 190 195 198 203 210 215 236 238 241 274 279 281 4 KM/H 51.3 60.8 68.9 70.9 84.3 94.9 82.0 99.6 113 106 127 146 H = 60CM L/HA 6 KM 34.2 40.5 46.0 47.3 56.2 63.3 54.7 66.4 75.5 70.8 84.9 97.5 8 KM 25.7 30.4 34.5 35.5 42.1 47.4 41.0 49.8 56.6 53.1 63.7 73.1 10 KM 20.5 24.3 27.6 28.4 33.7 38.0 32.8 39.8 45.3 42.5 51.0 58.5 CODE DESCRIPTION SIZES AVAILABLE CAT G8259*** Brass - Geoline Off Centre Nozzle 02,03,04,06,08,16 B OC-** Brass - TeeJet Off Centre Nozzle 01,02,03,04,06,08,12,16 B *** DENOTES SIZE REQUIRED. TO ORDER ADD THE SIZE IN PLACE OF *** NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 85 Boomless Nozzles Nozzles and Accessories XP BOOMJET BOOMLESS FLAT SPRAY Type 5880 Boomjet Nozzle is used for spraying areas not easily accessed with a boom sprayer. It combines two off-centre tips and three VeeJet nozzles to produce an overall wide swath flat spray. The nozzle assembly provides good distribution considering the wide pattern coverage obtained: however the uniformity is not as good as with a properly operated boom sprayer. Uniformity can be optimised by double overlapping spray swaths on successive sprayer passes. Remember this also doubles the application volume. B B A A C Supplied with one additional 1/4” NPT pipe plug and one blank tip for setting BoomJet to one side only. Also has a 1/4” NPT pressure gauge port. W = Maximum effective coverage with nozzle mounted at 1m height CODE NOZZLE A 5880-3/4-2TOC06 H1/4VVL-9502 1.5 6733-OC06 H1/4VV- 1506 with 50 mesh 2.0 strainer 2.5 5880-3/4-2TOC10 5880-3/4-2TOC20 5880-3/4-2TOC40 86 NOZZLE B NOZZLE C BAR OC-10 H1/4VVL-11004 1.5 H1/4U-0508HE with 50 mesh 2.0 strainer 2.5 OC-20 H1/4VVL-9506 1.5 H1/4U-0520HE with 50 mesh 2.0 strainer 2.5 1.5 OC-40 H1/4U-0540HE H1/4U-9510 L/MIN I/HA WIDTH 6 KM/H 71.2 8 KM/H 53.4 12 KM/H 35.6 16 KM/H 26.7 24 KM/H 17.8 CAT B 7.26 10.2M 8.38 10.3M 81.4 61.0 40.7 30.5 20.3 9.37 10.5M 89.2 66.9 44.6 33.5 22.3 11.16 12.0M 93.0 69.8 46.5 34.9 23.3 12.89 12.1M 107.0 79.9 53.3 39.9 26.3 14.41 12.3M 117.0 87.9 58.6 43.9 29.3 24.00 14.3M 168.0 126.0 83.9 62.9 42.0 27.72 15.2M 182.0 137.0 91.2 68.4 45.6 30.99 15.8M 196.0 147.0 98.1 73.6 49.0 47.44 17.1M 277.0 208.0 139.0 104.0 69.4 2.0 54.78 18.2M 300.01 226.0 150.0 113.0 75.2 2.5 61.25 19.2M 319.0 160.0 120.0 79.8 239.0 B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Boomless Nozzles Nozzles and Accessories 180° SPRAY (7M) 90° SPRAY (3.5M) *M99-65: Kit pic shown for display only BRASS BOOMLESS NOZZLE Compact broad spread brass nozzle suited for use with 12V pumps for spraying areas unsuitable for a boom. Ideal for general application of herbicides or fertiliser. • Ideal for applications where a conventional boom cannot be used due to obstacles, such as power poles, fences, trees, etc. • Common uses include orchard, vineyard, forestry, pasture, turf and golf course spraying, as well as maintaining fence lines • Designed for herbicide or fertiliser application • Compact brass body with ¼” threaded inlet • Includes both nozzles for double sided and single sided application • Maintains a consistent & adjustable spray swath over a pressure range of 30-60 PSI • Spray swath 6.7 – 7.6m with double sided nozzle or 1.6 –2.27m with single side nozzle in place PSI L/min Swath (m) 30 40 50 60 3.21 3.78 4.16 4.54 6.7 7 7.3 7.6 4.8 km/hr 30 34 39 37 8 km/hr 18 20.3 21 22.6 16 km/hr 9 10.3 10.8 11 Double Sided output (180° Swath nozzle) 6560-01 PSI L/min Swath (m) 30 40 50 60 1.6 1.89 2.08 2.27 3.35 3.5 3.65 3.8 4.8 km/hr 30 34 39 37 8 km/hr 18 20.3 21 22.6 16 km/hr 9 10.3 10.8 11 Single Sided output (90° Swath nozzle) CODE DESCRIPTION PRESSURE 6560-01 M99-65 02 Size Brass Boomless Nozzle (only) Boomless Nozzle Kit with Single or Double Sided Swath 207KPa/30PSI 18.2 L/MIN (UP TO) NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information SWATH WIDTH CAT 10.4 B B 87 Boomless Nozzles 3.7 metres 3.7 metres 7.4 metres full spray reach ATV BOOMLESS NOZZLE KIT Ideal for applications where a conventional boom cannot be used due to obstacles, such as power poles, guardrails, fences, trees, etc. • Attaches to ATV rack and runs off your 12V pump/RakPak • Fitted with 30cm of hose with clamp to attach to Quad Bike carry frame • Durable nozzle produce large droplet size for herbicide or fertiliser application • M99-74: Single sided output suits pumps 5 - 10L/min (60psi) • M99-75: Double sided output suits pump 10 - 20L/min (60psi) • Nozzle reorder code: For green Hypro Boomless Nozzle (See Page 81) CODE DESCRIPTION M99-74 Boomless Nozzle Kit 1 Jet M99-75 Boomless Nozzle Kit 2 Jet For application rates per nozzle see page 81 PRESSURE 2 bar/30PSI 2 bar/30PSI L/MIN 3.2 7.6 M99-74 (1 jet) 3.7m full spray reach M99-75 (2 jet) 7.4m full spray reach SWATH WIDTH 3.7 7.4 NOZZLE COLOUR CAT B B Image for illustrative purposes only. Spray tank not included. 4.8 metres 4.8 metres 9.6 metres full spray reach TPL BOOMLESS NOZZLE Specifically designed for a 3 point linkage unit running between 30 and 60 psi spraying pressure. It can spray up to 9.6 metres wide and is available with an optional mounting bracket that fits between the upright bars on Silvan linkage equipment. • Sprays 4.8 metres one side or 9.6 metres both sides together • Can spray one or both sides with blanking cap included • Fitted with 2.5 metres of Ag hose • Nozzle reorder code: For blue FC-XT020 Hypro Boomless Nozzle (See Page 89) CODE M99-76 K99-10 88 DESCRIPTION Boomless Nozzle Kit 2 Jet Mounting Bracket (Suit Super Series TPL) PRESSURE 207KPa/30PSI L/MIN 12.8 SWATH WIDTH 10.4 M99-76 NOZZLE COLOUR CAT B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Boomless Nozzles 3.7 metres 3.7 metres 7.4 metres full spray reach HYPRO BOOMLESS NOZZLES PICTURED FC-XT010 Eliminate the need for a spraying boom with the durable boomless nozzle that provides efficient spray. • Ideal for applications where a conventional boom cannot be used due to obstacles, such as power poles, fences, trees, etc. • Common uses include orchard, vineyard, forestry, pasture, turf and golf course spraying, as well as maintaining fence lines • Designed for herbicide or fertiliser application • Coarse droplet size, excellent low drift option while extending spray reach • Maintains a consistent and adjustable spray swath over a pressure range of 30-60 psi • Includes quick connect cap and gasket for easy handling • Excellent durability and low maintenance • Also available as a spray kit (see page 80) 1.2m 3.7m L/HA CODE PRESSURE L/MIN SWATH WIDTH 6 KM/H 8 KM/H 12 KM/H 16 KM/H FC-XT010 FC-XT020 FC-XT024 2 Bar/30psi 2 Bar/30psi 2 Bar/30psi 3.2 6.4 7.7 3.7 4.8 4.9 83 134 158 62 101 118 41 67 79 31 50 59 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information CAT B B B 89 Nozzle Holders Silvan nozzle holders are the easiest and fastest means of mounting spray nozzles to booms. Simply drill an appropriate size hole and clamp nozzle holder in place. The range available includes non-drip valves, swivel nozzle holders, low pressure and high pressure holders and wet and dry boom nozzle holders. All are UV light resistant, house most standard size nozzle tips and feature self aligning quick fit caps for ease of nozzle cleaning. Applications include boom spraying, poultry shed lines, car washes, livestock races and production line cooling. All nozzle holders are supplied less tip. Merchandise packs of 4 where stated. WET BOOM NOZZLE HOLDERS Designed for clamping around 1/2” spray tubes. Feature a self-aligning nozzle cap and a mounting recess in the top clamp for attachment to flat surfaces. Polypropylene construction. Includes nozzle cap, gasket and screw. AR-100 CODE INLET SIZE TUBE SIZE MAX. PRESSURE CAT AR-100 (4 pack) 7mm 1/2” 1000kPa/145PSI B NON-DRIP NOZZLE HOLDERS Single clamping screw on the 1/2” model. Non-drip shut-off valve. Opens above 0.5 Bar. Includes nozzle body & cap, gasket & screw. • 1/2” model maximum pressure of 30 Bar • 3/4” model maximum pressure of 20 Bar AR-200 90 AR-210 CODE INLET SIZE TUBE SIZE MAX. PRESSURE CAT AR-200 (4 pack) AR-210 (4 pack) 7mm 10mm 1/2” 3/4” 3000kPa/435PSI 2000kPa/290PSI B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzle Holders TEEJET NOZZLE HOLDERS Features ChemSaver drip-free shut-off. Requires 10 PSI (0.7 bar) at the nozzle to open check valve. Excludes nozzle cap and gasket. (Refer to pages 98-99). CODE INLET SIZE TUBE SIZE MAX. PRESSURE CAT QJ17560A-1/2x7-NYB QJ17560A-1/2-NYB QJ17560A-3/4-NYB QJ17560A-1-NYB 7mm 9.5mm 9.5mm 9.5mm 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 2068kPa/300PSI 2068kPa/300PSI 2068kPa/300PSI 2068kPa/300PSI B B B B TEEJET MULTIPLE NOZZLE HOLDERS This 3 position nozzle holder features a positive shut-off between each position and includes ChemSaver® diaphragm check valve for drip-free shut-off. Excludes nozzle cap and gasket. (Refer to pages 98-99). CODE INLET SIZE TUBE SIZE MAX. PRESSURE CAT QJ363C-1/2-NYB QJ363C-3/4-NYB QJ363C-1-NYB 9.5mm 9.5mm 9.5mm 1/2” 3/4” 1” 2068kPa/300PSI 2068kPa/300PSI 2068kPa/300PSI B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 91 Nozzle Holders Dry boom nozzle holders are designed for mounting directly to boom frame for variable nozzle spacings when used with hose and clamps. Fits round or square tubing or pipe and is connected by hose and clamps. Polypropylene construction with max pressure of 2000kPa (290psi). 8235 SERIES G8235021 Self aligning nozzle cap. Available in single or double hose-tails. Non-drip shut-off valve standard (opens 0.5 Bar). G8235027 CODE NOZZLE HOLDER TYPE INLET HOSE TAIL SIZE I.D. MAX PRESS CAT G8235021 G8235027 SINGLE DOUBLE 1/2” 1/2” 2000kPa/290PSI 2000kPa/290PSI B B 193 SERIES • • • • • Drip free shut-off with ChemSaver® Opening pressure - 10 psi (0.7 bar) Available in single or double hose shanks Hose barb sizes for 3/8”, 1/2” or 3/4” I.D. hose Use with Vari Spacing clamps (Refer Page 93) A B 19349 19350 CODE REF NOZZLE HOLDER TYPE INLET HOSE TAIL SIZE I.D. MAX PRESS CAT 19349-211-406-NYB 19349-211-540-NYB 19349-211-785-NYB 19350-212-406-NYB 19350-212-540-NYB 19350-212-785-NYB A A A B B B SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI B B B B B B QJ39685 SERIES • TeeJet ChemSaver® drip-free shut-off • Made of corrosion-resistant materials 92 1 2 3 CODE REF NOZZLE HOLDER TYPE INLET HOSE TAIL SIZE I.D. MAX PRESS CAT QJ39685-1L-500-NYB QJ39685-1R-500-NYB QJ39685-2-500-NYB 1 2 3 SINGLE LEFT SINGLE RIGHT DOUBLE 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 2000kPa/290PSI 2000kPa/290PSI 2000kPa/290PSI B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzle Holders G8235 SERIES • Geoline compact non-drip elbow • Made of corrosion-resistant materials CODE REF G8235035 G8235031 G8235033 CP21953-EPR CP21953-VI 4 SINGLE LEFT 5 SINGLE RIGHT 6 DOUBLE Replacement Standard Diaphragm Replacement Viton 4 NOZZLE HOLDER TYPE 5 6 INLET HOSE TAIL SIZE I.D. MAX PRESS CAT 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 2000kPa/290PSI 2000kPa/290PSI 2000kPa/290PSI B B B B B NOZZLE ADAPTORS • Features ChemSaver® non-drip shutoff • Requires 10 PSI (0.7 bar) at the nozzle to open check valve • Q J8360-NYB allows use of Quick TeeJet system from 1/4” NPT female connections • Q JT8360-NYB permits use of Quick TeeJet system with standard 11/16” TeeJet thread QJ8360-NYB QJT8360-NYB CODE THREAD SIZE ANTI DRIP VALVE MAX PRESURE CAT QJ8360-NYB QJT8360-NYB 1/4” NPT (M) 11/16” TeeJet THREAD (F) YES YES 2000kPa/290PSI 2000kPa/290PSI B B VARI SPACING CLAMPS These clamps are for use on all dry boom nozzle bodies. Simply order the round or square clamps for the required O.D. tubing. Example: QJ111-1/2 (Round 1/2” tubing). 1 QJ111-1/2 2 QJ111SQ-3/4 CODE REF TO FIT CAT QJ111-1/2 QJ111-3/4 QJ111-1 QJ111-1-1/4 QJ111SQ-3/4 QJ111SQ-1 QJ111SQ-1-1/4 QJ111SQ-1-1/2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 B B B B B B B B 1/2” Pipe (13/16” & 7/8” O.D. Tubing) 3/4” Pipe (1” & 11/16” O.D. Tubing) 1” Pipe (11/8”, 11/4” & 13/8” O.D. Tubing) 1-1/4” Pipe (19/16” & 111/16” O.D. Tubing) 3/4” Square Tubing 1” Square Tubing 1-1/4” Square Tubing 1-1/2” Square Tubing NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 93 Nozzle Holders HOSE DROPPERS Self aligning cap, fits all Silvan nozzle holders. Available in 380 and 610mm lengths. Ideal for fitting swivel nozzles in row crop application. CODE (2 PK) AR-600 AR-610 HOSE DROPPER LENGTH Hose Dropper 380mm Hose Dropper 610mm INLET CAP CAP OUTLET SIZE 1/4” NPT 1/4” NPT AR-600; AR-610 MAX PRESSURE 1000kPa/145PSI 1000kPa/145PSI CAT B B G8247014 POLY - SWIVEL NOZZLE HOLDERS Features an adjustable spray angle with lock nut to hold body in place. Self‑aligning nozzle cap. Ideal for use in row crop application or fenceline spraying. Excludes nozzle cap and gasket. (Refer to pages 97-99). BRASS – SWIVEL NOZZLE HOLDERS Plated brass adjustable angle swivel bodies. Threaded nozzle caps for high pressure application and row crop spraying. Single or twin outlets. CODE G8247014 G8247004 G8247008 NOZZLE HOLDER TYPE Double Poly Single Brass Double Brass INLET SIZE (BSP) 1/4” F 1/4” F 1/4” F G8247004 MAX PRESSURE 1000kPa/145PSI 2068kPa/300PSI 2068kPa/300PSI G8247008 L (MM) 70 70 70 CAT B B B TEEJET NOZZLE CAPS Secure interchangeable TeeJet tips to the various nozzle bodies. CP1325 CODE CP1325 CP8027-NYB 94 MATERIAL Brass Nylon CP8027-NYB CAT B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzle Holders TEEJET SWIVEL NOZZLE HOLDERS TeeJet swivel nozzle bodies are primarily for use with tips employed in row crop spraying. A locknut holds swivel bodies firmly in position at a selected spray projection angle so they are not affected by jarring and vibration. For use at pressures up to 125 PSI (8.6 bar). These are also available in the QJ8600 swivel Quick TeeJet nozzle body assemblies which provide the same spray tip adjustability of a standard TeeJet threaded swivel plus the quick change and self-aligning features of the Quick TeeJet System. INLET SIZE BSP) 1/4” NPT (F) 1/4” NPT (F) 1/4” NPT (F) 1/4” NPT (F) 1/4” NPT (M) 1/4” NPT (F) 1/4” NPT (F) QJ8600-2-1/4-NYB 5000-1/4T 4202-2-1/4T 8600-1/4T-NYB 6240-1/4TT CODE QJ8600-1/4-NYB QJ8600-2-1/4-NYB 5000-1/4T 4202-2-1/4T 6240-1/4TT 8600-1/4T-NYB 8600-2-1/4T-NYB QJ8600-1/4-NYB MATERIAL Nylon Nylon Brass Brass Brass Nylon Nylon SWIVEL ARC RANGE 280° 280° 280° 280° 280° 280° 280° 8600-2-1/4T-NYB MAX PRESSURE 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI 862kPa/125PSI CAT B B B B B B B 004215 HIGH PRESSURE WET BOOM NOZZLE HOLDERS High pressure nozzle holders are ideal for orchard, vineyard, market garden and poultry shed applications. They can be retro-fitted to existing equipment or for specialised manufacturing uses, eg. special spray booms. Brass construction with BSP connections. • Suits 1/2” tube with 7mm outlet hole • Inlet 1/4” female CODE 004215 INLET SIZE 7mm TUBE SIZE 1/2” OUTLET SIZE (BSP) 1/4” Female NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information MAX PRESSURE 5000kPa/725PSI CAT B 95 Nozzle Holders HIGH PRESSURE NOZZLE HOLDERS NON DRIP MA3 SERIES STANDARD SINGLE SERIES Brass flip over nozzle fitted with anti-drip valve with viton diaphragm. Anti-drip valve opens at 1 Bar pressure. 1/4” BSP thread, all brass construction, ceramic tips, stainless steel swirl plates, 90º shut off. Flip over nozzle fitted with 1/4” BSP thread, all brass construction, ceramic tip, stainless steel swirl plate, 90º shut off. MA3-66 G8264000A STANDARD DOUBLE SIDE SERIES VINE SERIES Features adjustable spray pattern simply by twisting rear adjusting nut. Supplied with 1/4” BSP swivel which allows the nozzle to be locked in almost any spray angle/position. Brass construction with ceramic nozzle tip. Double sided version of Standard Single Series. P50 MA7 SERIES MA3-68 ADJUSTABLE NOZZLE Ideal for use in high volume pressure applications in heavy foliage. Features adjustable spray pattern, tungsten carbide nozzle supplied standard with 1.5mm jet and brass construction. Supplied with 1/4” BSP swivel. Adjustable brass nozzle holder designed for heavy foliage in poultry sheds. Features an adjustable spray pattern, 1.5mm jet and brass construction. Supplied with 90° 1/4” BSP swivel. G8275016 96 CODE INLET SIZE NOZZLE SIZE G8264000A MA3-68 MA3-66 P50 G8275016 G8275012 1/4” Male 1/4” Male 1/4” Male 1/4” Male 1/4” Male 1/4” Male 1.2 1.2/1.5 1.2/1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 ANTI DRIP VALVE NO NO YES NO NO NO G8275012 MAX PRESS LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAT 5000kPa/725PSI 5000kPa/725PSI 5000kPa/725PSI 5000kPa/725PSI 5000kPa/725PSI 5000kPa/725PSI 50mm 70mm 80mm 100mm 130mm 100mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 25mm 30mm 36mm 60mm 60mm 40mm 70mm 30mm 30mm B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzle Caps Silvan self-aligning nozzle caps are designed to fit all popular brands of spray tips including fan, cone, anvil and other specialised nozzles. Cap sealing gaskets are manufactured from chemical resistant EPDM material. Maximum operating pressure 30 Bar (435 PSI). FOR USE WITH SPRAY TIPS (REFERENCE GUIDE ONLY) TeeJet® Flat Spray Tips Lurmark Flat Fan Tips Albuz Flat Fan Tips (Fits Sizes 01 To 08) Lechler IDK COLOUR CAPS CAP CODE G8253000 CAT GASKET ONLY CODE CAT B 402200-040 B Albuz AVI-OC; Albuz AVI; Albuz APE-EXA; Albuz ESI G8253004 B 402200-040 B Albuz APM;TK Floodjet TG Full Cone; FL Full Jet G8253012 B 402200-040 B Albuz APT-ATR-AMPT, HCC hollow cones G8253020 B 402200-040 B G8253040 gasket not inc. B 402200-040 B PROVIDES BLANKING SHUT-OFF OF NOZZLE UNI CAP • Universal nozzle cap suitable for use with the majority of nozzles used in agriculture today • Lower stock costs and easier managing • Supplied with gasket Suitable for the following nozzles: • ARAG® Kematal • Lurmark® Flat Fan Tips • • • • • Lechler Series 652, IDK, Air Mix, Lechler series ID, LU TeeJet® Flat Fan Tips Std.TeeJet® FL Fulljet, TeeJet® TG Fullcone CODE DESCRIPTION COLOUR QUANTITY CAT 40299003 Uni Cap Red 1 PACK B CAPS FOR HARDI NOZZLE BODIES QUICK CAP ONLY TEEJET CAPS CP21399-6-CE CAT FOR USE WITH FLAT SPRAY TIPS 150PSI (10 BAR) MAXIMUM PRESSURE TJ TwinJet® AI TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 StreamJet® DG TwinJet® Turbo TeeJet® FOR USE WIT H FLAT SPRAY TIPS Induction BA MAXIMUMP RESSURE 300 PSI B TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) FOR USE WIT H FLAT SPRAY TIPS 300 PSI BA MAXIMUMP RESSURE CP23307-4-CE B TP Standard –0067 Thru –08 TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) XR –01 Thru –08 DG TeeJet® TT Turbo TwinJet® TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Larger Capacities) CP23307-6-CE TP Standard XR –0067 Thru –08 –01 Thru –08 B DG TeeJet® TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Larger Capacities) TP Standard –10 Thru –20 XR –10 Thru –15 TT TP Standard –10 Thru Turbo TwinJet®–20 TJ TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® XR –10 Thru OC TeeJet® –01 –15 Thru –08 AI TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 StreamJet® NEW ZEALAND: 745 826 or visit for more information TJ TwinJet® 0508 AI TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 StreamJet® DG TwinJet® Turbo TeeJet Induction® DG TwinJ 97 Nozzle Caps FOR USE WIT H FLAT SPRAY TIPS BA MAXIMUM P RESSU RE 300 PSI FOR USE WITH SPRAY TIPS) REFERENCE GUIDE ONLY) COLOUR CAPS TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) R USE WIT H FLAT SPRAY TIPS BA MAXIMUMP RESSURE TP Standard –0067 Thru –08 es) XR –01 Thru –08 FOR USE WIT H FLAT SPRAY TIPS FORPSI USE WIT SPRAY TIPS RETurbo TwinJet® BA H FLAT MAXIMUM 300 DG TeeJet® TT P RESSU MAXIMUM P RESSU RE 300 FORPSI USE WITBA H FLAT SPRAY TIPS AIXR TeeJet® OC TeeJet® –01 Thru –08 BA P RESSU RE 300FOR PSI USEUSE WITWIT HMAXIMUM FLAT SPRAY TIPS FOR H FLAT SPRAY TIPS TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Larger Capacities) BA MAXIMUM P RESSU RE 300 PSI 300 PSI BA MAXIMUM P RESSU RE TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (SmallerFOR Capacities) USE WIT H FLAT SPRAY TIPS FOR USE WIT H FLAT SPRAY TIPS TP Tips Standard XR TeeJet Flat Spray (Smaller300 Capacities) P RESSU RERE PSIPSI BABA MAXIMUM MAXIMUM P RESSU 300 TeeJet Flat Spray –10Tips Thru (Smaller Capacities)–10 Thru FOR USE WIT–15 H FLAT SPRAY TIPS Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) OC TeeJet® TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) –20 T H FLAT SPRAY TIPS TeeJet BA MAXIMUMP RESSURE 300 PSI ® MAXIMUM PTTRESSU RE TPTurbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® –01 Thru –08 TeeJet Flat Capacities) TeeJet FlatSpray SprayTips Tips(Smaller (Smaller Capacities) OC TeeJet® TP TP Standard XR DG TeeJet® TT Turbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® OC Thru TeeJet® –08 Standard –0067 Thru –08 XR –08 OC TeeJet®–01 Standard XR–01 Thru TJ T winJet® AI TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 Stream Jet® DG TwinJet® Turbo DG TeeJet® TT Turbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® TP TP DG TeeJet® TT Turbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) –01TeeJet Thru –08Induction® –0067 Thru –08 –01 –01 Thru –08 –0067 Thru –08 –01Thru Thru –08 –08 s) Standard XR Tips (Larger Capacities) TeeJet Flat Spray TPTP DGDG TeeJet® TT TT Turbo TwinJet® TeeJet® TeeJet® Turbo TwinJet® AIXR AIXR TeeJet® –01–01 Thru –08 –0067 Thru –08 Thru –08–08 –0067 Thru –08 Thru TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Larger TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (LargerCapacities) Capacities) OCOC TeeJet® TeeJet® Thru –08 Standard XR–01 Standard XR–01 TP–01 Standard XR DGDG TeeJet® TTTT Turbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® TeeJet® Turbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® –01 Thru –08 –01 Thru –08 –0067 Thru –08 –01 Thru –08 –0067 Thru –08 Thru –08 TP TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Larger Capacities) TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Larger Capacities) TPStandard Standard XRXR–10 Thru –10 Thru TP OC TeeJet® Standard XR –10 Thru –10 Thru DGCapacities) TeeJet® Turbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® TeeJet Flat Tips (Larger Capacities) TeeJet FlatSpray Spray Tips (Larger –01 Thru –08 –0067 Thru –08 –01 Thru –08 –20 –15 –10 Thru –10 Thru TT TP Standard XR TP Standard XR –20 –15 TeeJet® –10 Thru –10–15 Thru –20 Standard XRXR –10 Thru –10 Thru TP Standard TeeJet FlatTPSpray Tips (LargerOC Capacities) Turbo TwinJet® AIXR TeeJet® –01 Thru –08 –10 Thru –10 Thru –20 –15 –10 Thru –10 Thru –20 –15 TP–20 Standard TJTTwinJet® winJet® AI TeeJet® &XR–15 AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 Stream DG TwinJet® TurboInduction® TeeJet Induction® –20 TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) –15 TJ AI TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 Stream Jet® Jet® DG TwinJet® Turbo TeeJet –10 Thru –10 Thru TJ TTips winJet® AI TeeJet® &inAIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 Stream Jet® DG TwinJet® Turbo TeeJet Induction® can choice of two spray plane directions— –20 be positioned –15 TJ TJ T winJet® AI AI TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 Stream Jet® DGDG TwinJet® TeeJet Induction® T winJet® TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 Stream Jet® TwinJet® Turbo Turbo TeeJet Induction® Standard ru t® TT OCOC TeeJet® TeeJet® XR SJ-3 StreamJet® DG TwinJet® Turbo TeeJet Induction® TJTJ Tparallel winJet® AIAI TeeJet® & &AIUB SJ-3 Stream Jet® DGDG TwinJet® Induction® T winJet®or perpendicular TeeJet® AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 Stream Jet® cap. TwinJet® Turbo TurboTeeJet TeeJet Induction® toTeeJet® wings of Quick TeeJet TJ TwinJet® AI TeeJet® & AIUB TeeJet® SJ-3 StreamJet® DG TwinJet® Turbo TeeJet Induction® Turbo Flood Jet® TK -VS Flood Jet® Locating Nib TeeJet Flat Tips (Smaller Capacities) TeeJet FlatSpray Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) AITTJ60 -3 Stream Jet® DG TwinJet® Turbo TeeJet Induction® VisiFlo® Spray Tip VisiFloTurbo SprayTwinJet® Tip es) Tips can bebepositioned in choice of two spray planeplane directions— Tips can positioned in choice of two spray directions— TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) parallel or perpendicular to wings of Quick TeeJet cap. cap. TeeJet Flat Spray Tips (Smaller Capacities) pray plane directions— parallel or perpendicular to wings ofspray Quick TeeJet Tips can be positioned inin choice of two spray plane directions— Tips can positioned in choice of two plane directions— Tips can be positioned choice of spray plane directions— TeeJet Flat Spray Tips in (Smaller Capacities) Tips can be positioned choice ofof two spray plane directions— Tips can be positioned in choice two spray plane directions— ck TeeJet cap. parallel parallel or perpendicular to wings of Quick TeeJet cap. Tips can be positioned in choice of two spray plane directions— or perpendicular to wings of Quick TeeJet cap. parallel or perpendicular to wings Quick TeeJet cap. Locating parallel oror perpendicular toto wings ofof Quick TeeJet cap. parallel perpendicular wings Quick TeeJet cap. Turbo Flood Jet® TK -VS Flood Jet® Locating parallel or perpendicular Quick TeeJet cap.TK Turbo FloodJet® Jet®to wings -VS Flood Jet® Nib TGNib TK Flood FLofFullJet® TX ConeJet® Full Cone VisiFlo® Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray Tip Locating Locating Locating Locating Locating Locating VisiFlo® Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray Tip Turbo Flood Jet® TK -VS Flood Jet® TK-VS FloodJet® Turbo Flood Jet® TK -VS Flood Jet® Turbo Flood Jet® TK -VS Flood Jet® Turbo Flood Jet® TK -VS Flood Jet® Turbo Flood Jet® TK -VS Flood Jet® Locating Nib Nib Nib Nib Nib Nib Turbo FloodJet® TK-VS FloodJet® Nib VisiFlo® Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray TipTip VisiFlo® Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray VisiFlo® Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray Tip VisiFlo® Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray VisiFlo® Tip Spray Tip VisiFlo Spray Tip Hose Shank VisiFlo Spray Tip ane directions— VisiFlo® Spray Tip Jet cap. TK Flood Jet® FL FullJet® TX ConeJet® TG Full Cone Hose Shank TK Flood Jet® FL FullJet® TX ConeJet® Hose Shank CP18999-E PR TG Full Cone Used with DC-Core Inserts and TK Flood Jet® FLFL FullJet® TXTX ConeJet® TG Cone Hose Shank TK Flood Jet® FL FullJet® ConeJet® TGFull Full Cone Hose Shank Locating TK Flood Jet® FullJet® TX ConeJet® TG Full Cone Hose Shank TK Flood Jet® FL FL FullJet® TX ConeJet® TG Full Cone Hose Shank TK Flood Jet® FullJet® TX ConeJet® TG Full Cone Hose Shank (EPDM standard) Seal -VS Flood Jet® Flood Jet®Cone FL FullJet® TG Full CP4916 Cone Flow Hose Shank Regulators (Insert TX ConeJet® TK Nib TG Full Hose Shank TX ConeJet® siFlo Spray Tip Core into Seal) CP18999- VI Core CP18999-E PR optional) (Viton® Used with DC-Core Inserts and D-Disc Core Seal (EPDM standard) CP18999-E PR CP18999-E CP18999-E CP18999E PRPRPR CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert Used with DC-Core Inserts and CP18999-E PRPR Used Core into Seal) CP18999VI CP18999-E Used with DC-Core Inserts and Used with DC-Core Inserts and (EPDM standard) Seal (EPDM with DC-Core Inserts and Used with DC-Core Inserts and standard) Used with DC-Core Inserts and CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert (EPDM standard) (EPDM standard) CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert (Viton® optional) oneJet® TG FullD-Disc Cone Hose (EPDM standard) CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert CP18999-E PR (EPDM standard) Seal Core CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert and Core into Seal) CP18999VI Used with DC-Core Inserts Core into Seal) CP18999-E PR CP18999VI Core into Seal) Core into Seal) CP18999- standard) VI CP18999-VI Core Ceramic Disc-Core (EPDM Seal Core Core Core Core into Seal) CP18999VI Core into Seal) CP18999VI Used withCore DC-Core Inserts and (Viton® optional) CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert (Viton® optional) Core (Viton® optional) (Viton® optional) Core D-Disc D-Disc Core EPDM standard)D-Disc D-Disc Core optional) (Viton® optional) CP4916 Flow Regulators (Insert(Viton® Core into Seal) CP18999VI D-Disc Core D-Disc Core Core Ceramic Disc-Core Core into CP18999-VI D-Disc (Viton® optional) CoreSeal) Viton® optional) D-Disc Core Ceramic Disc-Core 999-E PR Ceramic Disc-Core Ceramic Disc-Core Ceramic Disc-Core Used withDisc-Core DC-Core Inserts and Ceramic Ceramic Disc-Core standard) CP4916 Flow Regulators D-Disc Core (Insert Ceramic Disc-Core Core into Seal) 8999- VI Core Seal Seal Seal Shank Seal ® optional) D-Disc D-Disc D-Disc Core Core D-Disc Core Core D-Disc D-Disc Provides shut-off at nozzleCore forCore quick spacing change or change in spray swath D-Disc Core CP19438-EPR (EPDM standard) Gasket only CP19438-VI (Viton optional) Gasket only 98 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Nozzle Caps TEEJET CAP CODE CAT TEEJET GASKET & CAP KIT CODE CP25611-3-NY 25612-3-NYR CP25611-4-NY 25612-4-NYR CP25611-5-NY CP25611-6-NY B CP25611-7-NY 25612-5-NYR 25612-6-NYR CAT B 25612-7-NYR CP25611-8-NY CP19438-EPR (EPDM standard) CP25609-4-NY CP19438-VI (Viton optional) B 25610-1-NYR B CP25609-6-NY CP25597-3-NY CP25597-4-NY 25598-3-NYR 25598-4-NYR CP25597-5-NY 25598-5-NYR CP25597-6-NY 25598-6-NYR B CP25597-7-NY Seat Gasket Quick TeeJet Cap B Quick TeeJet Cap & Std Seat Gasket Kit 25598-1-NYR TEEJET NOZZLE CAPS CP25599-3-NY B 25600-6-NYR B CP25599-6-NY CP25607-3-NY 25608-1-NYR CP25607-4-NY 25608-3-NYR B CP25607-5-NY B The Quick TeeJet® caps are designed with grooves that fit locating lugs on the nozzle body. Caps are made of nylon and are available for use with all TeeJet spray tips. Maximum operating pressure of 20 bar/290 psi. *Specify colour code (see chart), e.g: CP25611-3-NY will supply red cap. 25608-4-NYR CP25607-6-NY CP26277-1-NY B 26278-1-NYR B N/A B 19843-NYR B B B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 99 Safety Equipment 100 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Safety Warning Signs SAFETY SIGNS Range of safety signs for the rural property. 200mm x 300mm rigid signs and self-adhesive. All signs suitable for install with nail or screw. • • • • Printed using UV resistant inks PVC material resists yellowing & brittleness Compliant to Australian Standards Portrait or landscape as displayed 300mm 200mm 300mm AS-D0018 AS-D0003 AS-N0001 AS-D0013 AS-D0015 AS-D0006 200mm 300mm AS-D0017 AS-P0004 AS-P0005 CODE DESCRIPTION AS-***** Rigid Self Adhering Sign 200mm x 300mm (Standard Size) ***** Note to order signs use code quoted with image eg AS-D0006 for “LOOK OUT” sign NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information AS-M0006 CAT B 101 Safety Gear SAFETY GOGGLES • Wide Viewing area & can be worn with most prescription glasses • Soft frame for comfort • Stops 99.99% of UV light PROFESSIONAL FACE SHIELD • Ratchet adjustable headband • 200mm x 394mm visor SCP2065 SCP6015 EAR MUFFS DISPOSABLE COVERALLS • 18db reduction rating • Adjustable fit SCP5015 • • • • • One size fits all Zipper front Long sleeves Attached hood Elastic cuff & ankle SCP8010 HALF MASK RESPIRATOR KIT • Soft Silicone face seal • Downward outflow prevent eyewear fogging • Supplied with P2 Particulate filter. • Optional A1 Filter for organic vapors (meet AS/NZS 1715-16). • A1 & P2 Filters can be combined for A1P2 protection SUNDSTROM RESPIRATOR KIT SCP1085 JA-2101031 CODE SCP2065 SCP6015 SCP5015 SCP8010 SCP1085 SCP1065 SCP1075 JA-2101031 JA-2101029 102 Top quality breathing apparatus comes complete with a gas filter suitable to most farm spraying operations and a pack of five pre-filters, all in a convenient carry and storage case. DESCRIPTION Safety Goggles (Meets AS/NZS 1337) Face Shield Ear Muffs Disposable Coveralls Half Mask Respirator Kit with P2 Filters (Meets AS/NZS 1715-16) P2 Filter Cartridge PK of 2 for Mask SCP1065 (not pictured) A1 Filter Cartridge PK of 2 for Mask SCP1085 (not pictured) Sundstrom Respirator Kit Replacement Gas Filter For Sundstrom Respirator Kit CAT B B B B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Safety Gear SAFETY SPRAY HELMETS These helmets supply fan forced and filtered air (up to 120l/m) to the user in place of a face fitted respirator allowing easy breathing and communication. K80S-T5 ASSEMBLY K80S-T5 Powered by a 6V battery ideal for full independence from a vehicle power source. The battery pack and motor/fan pack are carried separately on a belt (supplied) to permit freedom of movement for up to 6 hours. The battery pack is recharged from 240 Volt mains via a supplied recharging unit supplied. K80S-T9R ASSEMBLY Powered by Vehicle 12V system and battery for vehicle mounted or independent use with a backup NiCd rechargeable battery for up to 4 hours of use. K80S-T9R This permits the wearer to safely leave the tractor or vehicle seat to make machine adjustments, check spray performance, add chemicals to the tank, etc. Uses vehicle dashboard plug to power and charge. KASCO A1P3 FILTER The A1P3 filter is particularly formulated to suit insecticides, fungicides, weed killers, organic vapours and dust, fumes and mist. The unique filtering system uses filter paper as a particulate filter medium and activated carbon as the vapour filter medium. A plastic cap seals the filter when not in use, adding durability. CODE K80S-T5 DESCRIPTION Kasco 6V Independent Use Filter Helmet 178-0601-19 CAT A K80S-T9R Kasco 12V Vehicle And Independent Use Filter Helmet A 178-0601-19 Kasco A1P3 Single Filter B NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 103 Gloves & Measuring Jugs NITRILE GENERAL PURPOSE GLOVES RODEO GLOVES • Hard wearing • Soft leather • Retains natural feel • T ough and durable with excellent chemical and oil resistance • Made from 100% Nitrile rubber with textured non-slip grip • Available in Large & X-Large SCP4030 JA-2101010 CHEMICAL GLOVES NITRILE GAUNTLETS • Long 450mm length • Resistant to oil, grease and chemicals Chemically toughened for protection against most agricultural chemicals. Available in sizes 10 and 11. JA-2101040 SCP4000 MEASURING JUG 15 & 25L CHEMICAL BUCKET Measure chemicals accurately and pour them safely with these quality measuring jugs. • Available in 1, 3 and 5L A heavy duty chemical bucket with graduated handgrip, made from quality U.V. stabilised polyethylene. Will stand the test of time. JA-2102032: 1L JUG CODE SCP4030 JA-2101010 JA-2101011 SCP4000 JA-2101040 JA-2101045 JA-2102032 JA-2102033 JA-2102034 CJ15 CJ25 104 JA-2102033: 3L JUG JA-2102035: 5L JUG DESCRIPTION Rodeo Gloves (Meets AS/NZS 2161) Nitrile Gloves (box of 100) - Large Size Nitrile Gloves (box of 100) - X Large Size Chemical Gloves (Meets AS/NZS 2161) Nitrile Gauntlets, Pair - Size 10 Nitrile Gauntlets, Pair - Size 11 1L Measuring Jug 3L Measuring Jug 5L Measuring Jug 15L Chemical Measuring Bucket 25L Chemical Measuring Bucket CJ15 15 LITRE CJ25 25 LITRE CAT B B B B B B B B B B B AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Tank Cleaner and Foam Marker Accessories ALL CLEAR TANK CLEANER 071-1LAC Remove pesticide deposits and other debris, including oily substance from tanks, hoses, booms, transfer and mixing systems, filters, screens and nozzles • 1L of All Clear makes up to 400L of cleaning solution 5L FOAM CONCENTRATE 12V COMPRESSOR Makes 500L of high density foam. Provides excellent visibility and long life on the ground. As used on Silvan foam markers. Ideal for high volume, low pressure foam making application. • 1/8” BSP outlet 042C-6 • 37L/min@32kPa/4.6psi • 60W 071-4D 12V HEAVY DUTY COMPRESSOR As used on Silvan foam markers. Ideal for high volume, low pressure foam making application. • 1/4” BSP outlet • 38L/min@32kPa/4.6psi • 96W CODE 071-1LAC 071-4D 042C-6 042D-45201 DESCRIPTION 1L All Clear Tank Cleaner 5L Foam Concentrate Compressor 37L/min 12V Compressor 38L/min 12V Heavy Duty 042D-45201 LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT 200mm 200mm 110mm 140mm 140mm 170mm NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information CAT B B B A 105 Index A F Agitators...............................................................65 Ag Runner Pump.................................................23 All Clear Tank Cleaner.......................................105 Aquatec 12V Pumps.............................................35 ATV Boomless Nozzle..........................................88 Autosteer................................................................9 Face Shield.........................................................102 Filter - Elements . ......................................... 43-45 Filter - Inline Suction...........................................42 Filtration........................................................ 41-46 Filtration Information..........................................41 Flow Meters................................................... 16-17 Foam Marker.......................................................18 Foam Marker Accessories.................................105 Foam Marker Solenoids.......................................22 B Boomless Nozzles......................................... 86-89 Brass Connectors & Fittings......................... 60-62 Bravo 140 Controller............................................11 Bravo 180S Spray Controllers.............................10 Breathing Protection..........................................103 Ball Valve........................................................ 49-50 C G Gauges, Pressure.................................................50 Geoline Nozzles...................................................73 Gloves.................................................................104 Goggles..............................................................102 Goyen Solenoids & Repair Kit..............................21 GPS Guidance Systems..........................................6 Camlever Couplings....................................... 52-53 Centrifugal Pumps...............................................34 Chemical Handling Equipment.................... 23, 104 Chemical Jugs & Buckets.................................104 Chemical Transfer Pump.....................................23 Clamps - Hose.....................................................57 Cleaner – Tank Wash Detergent........................105 Compressors - Foam Marker ...........................105 Control Boxes................................................. 19-20 Control Valves - Electric................................ 13-15 Controllers Suit Diaphragm Pumps.............. 28, 30 Couplings - Snap.................................................62 Coveralls............................................................102 Cup Strainers.......................................................46 Hardi Nozzle Caps................................................97 Helmets - Kasco................................................103 High Pressure Diaphragm Pumps................. 29-31 Hose............................................................... 63, 64 Hose Clamps........................................................57 Hose Fittings - Brass..................................... 60-62 Hose Fittings - Nylon..................................... 58-59 Hose Fittings - Plastic................................... 53-57 Hose Snap Couplings...........................................62 Hydraulic Drive Centrifugal Pumps.....................34 Hypro Boomless Nozzle Kit........................... 88, 89 D I Detergent – Tank Cleaner .................................105 Delivery Hose................................................. 63-64 Diaphragm Pumps............................. 26, 27, 29, 31 Diaphragm Pump Controls............................ 28, 30 Diaphragm Pump Service Kits............................32 Delta 80 Spray Controller......................................7 Disposable Gloves..............................................104 Droplet Size Information......................................67 In-Line Filters.......................................... 43, 44, 45 ISOBUS Spray Controller.......................................8 E Electric Solenoids.................................... 19, 20, 21 Electric Valve Kits.......................................... 13-15 Engine Driven Pumps..........................................25 Eye Protection....................................................102 106 H K Kasco Helmets & Filter.....................................103 L Lid Strainers........................................................48 Lids - Tank..................................................... 47-48 M Matrix Guidance System........................................6 Measuring Jugs.................................................104 Mesh Elements.............................................. 43-45 Motorised Pumps.................................................25 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Index N Navigator LT Guidance System..............................6 Nitrile Gloves & Gauntlets.................................104 Nozzle Application Rate................................. 68-69 Nozzle Accessories & Caps........................... 90-99 Nozzle Boomless........................................... 86-89 Nozzle Strainers..................................................46 Nozzles - Brass Off Centre Oc.............................85 Nozzles - Geoline Flat Fan Poly Rs.....................73 Nozzle Holders - Swivel................................. 94-95 Nozzles Holders High Pressure Brass.......... 95-96 Nozzles - Lurmark Lc Deflectip..........................85 Nozzles - Teejet AIC Air Induction.......................80 Nozzles - Teejet AIXR Air Induction ...................78 Nozzles - Teejet Drift Guard................................76 Nozzles - Teejet Hollow Cone..............................82 Nozzles - Teejet Turbo.........................................76 Nozzles - Teejet TTI Turbo Induction...................80 Nozzles - Teejet AITTJ60 Turbo Twinjet...............80 Nozzles - Teejet TP..............................................74 Nozzles - Teejet XR Extended..............................74 Nozzles - Teejet XRC Extended...........................74 O Ontrack Foam Concentrate...............................105 Orion Flow Meters...............................................16 P Pak Pumps...........................................................36 Polmac Flow Meters............................................17 Poly Fittings................................................... 53-57 Pressure Gauges..................................................50 Pressure Line Filters..................................... 43-45 Pressure Relief Valves.........................................22 Pumps - Service Kits & Acc..................... 32, 38, 39 Pumps - 12V Aquatec, Smoothflo.......................35 Pumps - 12, 24 & 240-Volt Shurflo......................37 Pumps - 12V Pak Pumps.....................................36 Pumps - Centrifugal............................................34 Pumps - Hydraulic...............................................34 Pumps - High Pressure................................. 29-31 Pumps - Motorised..............................................25 Pumps - PTO Diaphragm................... 26, 27, 29, 31 PTO Shafts...........................................................33 R Respirator Filters & Kits...................................103 S Safety Clothing........................................... 102-104 Safety Signs.......................................................101 Section Valves......................................................15 Selecta Pakpump.................................................36 Service Kits - Diaphragm Pumps .......................32 Shurflo Service Parts..................................... 38-39 Shurflo 12, 24 & 240V Pumps..............................37 Smoothflo 12V Pump...........................................35 Solenoids........................................................ 19-22 Spray Helmet Kasco..........................................103 Strainers - Lid......................................................48 Strainers - Nozzle................................................46 Strainers – Pressure / Suction...................... 43-45 Suction Filters......................................................42 Suction Hose........................................................63 T Tank & Hose Fittings..................................... 51-59 Tank Kit Sight Gauge . .........................................51 Tank Lids + Components............................... 47-48 Taps - In Line................................................. 49-50 Teejet Nozzle Caps......................................... 97-99 Teejet Nozzle Holders.................................... 92-93 Teejet Nozzles................................................ 74-80 Teejet Pressure Filters.................................. 43-44 Tip Strainers........................................................46 TPL Boomless Nozzle..........................................88 U Ultrasonic Sensor Kit...........................................11 Uni Cap Nozzle Caps............................................97 V Valves - Electric...................................................15 Valves - Solenoid............................................ 19-22 Vari Spacing Clamps............................................93 Visio Monitors......................................................12 W Wind Speed Information......................................71 Wolf Flow Meters.................................................16 NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 107 Notes 108 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Notes NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 109 Notes 110 AUSTRALIA: 1300 745 826 or visit for more information Terms & Conditions AVAILABILITY WARRANTY Products in the Silvan Price List are available through authorised Silvan dealers. Products in the Selecta Price List are available through both Silvan & Selecta dealers. The only warranty provided by Silvan is set out on the forms accompanying the goods (for a copy please contact the Silvan Customer Service Centre). No other warranty or representation is made by Silvan. The terms of Silvan’s warranties are subject to the operation of any law including the Australian Consumer Law. TERMS The Silvan terms and conditions are set out in your individual trading terms and at PRICES CANCELLATIONS All prices are suggested list prices in Aus dollars. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. For stocking incentive programmes refer to your individual trading terms, or contact customer services staff on 1300 745 826. 1.Cancellations made on the day the order was placed: a. If stock isn’t dispatched, no handling fee applies b.If stock has been dispatched a restocking fee applies 2. Cancellations made after the day the order was placed, a restocking fee will apply. GST RETURNS POLICY All prices are inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated. If GST is payable by you, GST is payed in addition to invoiced amount or price unless the invoice or price is stated to be GST inclusive. 1. Before returning any product to Silvan, a Return Authorisation (RA) Number and approval form must be obtained from Silvan Customer Service. Goods WILL NOT be accepted without an RA number and form. 2. All returns must be requested within 14 days of the invoice date. 3. Goods will only be accepted for credit if they are returned undamaged and in saleable condition. 4. Return freight will be paid by the Customer if the goods are returned at the Customer’s volition, unless authorised by the Company in writing prior to return of the goods. 5. Written claims must reference Silvan invoice numbers, and must be dated and state the reason for the claim. 6. A restocking fee will be applied if the goods have been dispatched according to the order. 7. Return of products valued under $50 nett inc GST won’t be accepted if dispatched according to the order. FREIGHT CHARGES Prices are ex Silvan Distribution Centres in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Sydney & Adelaide (Sydney & Adelaide have limited stock lines). Check with Silvan Customer Service for freight charges into your area. Freight and handling charges will be added to the invoice amount. TITLE AND RISK Silvan retains title to all goods until paid for in full in clear funds. Risk in respect of goods passes to you as soon as the goods leave the Silvan Distribution Centre. PPSA Silvan may register a security interest over the goods as security for any payment. You will need to provide Silvan with all information, documents and consents as Silvan requires to register and maintain this security interest. URGENT ORDERS Urgent/breakdown orders attract a $22 inc GST priority fee. CLAIMS Pricing & Freight Claims need to be made within 14 days of the invoice date. Any claims after this for pricing discrepancies will not be accepted. Claims for Freight Damage need to be made within 14 days of the invoice date by notifying Silvan Customer Service. Claims received after this will not be accepted. DISCOUNT CODES Refer to individual Trading Terms for specific discounts. NEW ZEALAND: 0508 745 826 or visit for more information 111 Spraying Components Catalogue The company reserves the right to change recommended prices and specifications without notice. All items in this Price List have been included in good faith on the basis that the goods described were available at the time this book was published. Failure of suppliers to deliver in accordance with samples, descriptions, or at all, or other unintentional causes may result in some lines being unavailable. Space may prevent some dealers from stocking all items. All brand names and product names used in this publication are trade names, registered trade marks, or pending trade marks of their respective owners. SILVAN AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. ABN 48 099 851 144 Freecall: 1300 745 826 Fax: 1800 745 826 Email: Web: Head Office: QLD. Office: W.A. Office: Warehouse 2, 30 Gow Street, Moorooka, QLD 4105 12 Cressall Road, Balcatta, WA 6021 SILVAN NEW ZEALAND PTY. LTD. 244-264 Greens Road, Dandenong South, VIC, Australia 3175 P.O. Box 10088 Te Rapa, Hamilton, 3241 Phone: 0508 745 826 Fax: 07 849 6070 Web: COPYRIGHT © SILVAN AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. 2017 Reference No: 070-SIL-SC-PF-17
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