Springer Reference Guide

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LATEX2e SVMult Document Class Version 5.x
Reference Guide for
Contributed Books
c 2007, Springer
All rights reserved.
June 29, 2007

1 Introduction


2 SVMult Class Features – Contribution-wise
2.1 Initializing the SVMult Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 SVMult Class Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Required and Recommended Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 SVMult Commands and Environments in Text Mode . . . . .
2.5 SVMult Commands in Math Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 SVMult Theorem-Like Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7 SVMult Commands for the Figure and Table Environments .
2.8 SVMult Environments for Exercises, Problems and Solutions .
2.9 SVMult Commands for Styling References . . . . . . . . . . .



3 SVMult Class Features – Book-wise







This reference guide gives a detailed description of the LATEX 2ε SVMult document class Version 5.x and its special features designed to facilitate the preparation of scientific books for Springer. It always comes as part of the SVMult
tool package and should not be used on its own.
The components of the SVMult tool package are:
• The Springer LATEX class SVMult.cls, MakeIndex styles svind.ist,
svindd.ist, BibTeX styles spmpsci.bst, spphys.bst, spbasic.bst as
well as the templates with preset class options, packages and coding examples;
Tip: Copy all these files to your working directory, run LATEX 2ε , BibTeX
and MakeIndex—as is applicable— and and produce your own example
*.dvi file; rename the template files as you see fit and use them for your
own input.
• Author Instructions with style and coding instructions.
Tip: Follow these instructions to set up your files, to type in your text
and to obtain a consistent formal style in accordance with Springer’s layout specifications; use these pages as checklists before you submit your
manuscript data.
• The Reference Guide describing SVMult features with regards to their
Tip: Use it as a reference if you need to alter or enhance the default
settings of the SVMult document class and/or the templates.
For editors only the SVMult tool package is enhanced by
• the Editor Instructions for compiling multiple contributions to a mutual
The documentation in the Springer SVMult tool package is not intended to be
a general introduction to LATEX 2ε or TEX. For this we refer you to [1–3].
Should we refer in this tool package to standard tools or packages that are
not installed on your system, please consult the Comprehensive TEX Archive
Network (CTAN) at [4–6].
SVMult was derived from the LATEX 2ε article.cls. Should you encounter any
problems or bugs in the SVMult document class please contact


The main differences from the standard article class are the presence of
• multiple Springer class options,
• a number of newly built-in environments for individual text structures like
theorems, exercises, lemmas, proofs, etc.,
• enhanced environments for the layout of figures and captions, and
• new declarations, commands and useful enhancements of standard environments to facilitate your math and text input and to ensure their output
conforms with Springer layout standards.
Nevertheless, text, formulae, figures, and tables are typed using the standard
LATEX 2ε commands. The standard sectioning commands are also used.
Always give a \label where possible and use \ref for cross-referencing. Such
cross-references may then be converted to hyperlinks in any electronic version
of your book.
The \cite and \bibitem mechanism for bibliographic references is also obligatory.


SVMult Class Features – Contribution-wise
Initializing the SVMult Class

To use the document class, enter
\documentclass [hoptionsi] {svmult}

at the beginning of your input.


SVMult Class Options

Choose from the following list of class options if you need to alter the default
layout settings of the Springer SVMult document class. Please note that the
optional features should only be chosen if instructed so by the editor of your


Page Style

twoside, single-spaced output, contributions starting always
on a recto page
produces double-spaced output for proofreading
generates a footline with name, date, ...
at the bottom of each page
suppresses any headers and footers


N.B. If you want to use both options, you must type referee before footinfo.
Body Font Size
11pt, 12pt

10 pt
are ignored

Language for Fixed LATEX Texts
In the SVMult class we have changed a few standard LATEX texts (e.g. Figure
to Fig. in figure captions) and assigned names to newly defined theorem-like
environments so that they conform with Springer style requirements.

translates fixed LATEX texts into their German equivalent
same as above for French

Text Style

plain text
automatically activates the packages color and framed
and places a box with 15 percent gray shade in the background
of the text when you use the SVMult environment
\begin{svgraybox}...\end{svgraybox}, see Sects. 2.3, 2.4.

Equations Style

centered layout, vectors boldface (math style)
produces boldface italic vectors (physics style)
when \vec-command is used
depicts vectors with an arrow above when \vec-command
is used


Numbering and Layout of Headings


all section headings down to subsubsection level are numbered, second and subsequent lines in a multiline numbered
heading are indented; Paragraph and Subparagraph headings are displayed but not numbered; figures, tables and
equations are numbered chapterwise, individual theoremlike environments are counted consecutively throughout the
suppresses any section numbering; figures, tables and
equations are counted chapterwise displaying the chapter
counter, if applicable.

Numbering and Counting of Built-in Theorem-Like Environments

each built-in theorem-like environment gets its own
counter without any chapter or section prefix and is
reset for each unnumbered contribution.


Each built-in environment gets its own counter and
is numbered chapterwise. To be selected as default
setting for a volume with numbered contributions.


each built-in environment gets its own counter and
is numbered sectionwise


all built-in environments follow a single counter
without any chapter or section prefix, and are
counted consecutively throughout the book


each built-in environment gets its own counter without any chapter or section prefix but with the counter
reset for each chapter


each built-in environment gets its own counter without any chapter or section prefix but with the counter
reset for each section

N.B.1 When the option envcountsame is combined with the options envcountresetchap or envcountresetsect all predefined Springer environments get the same
counter; but the counter is reset for each chapter or section.
N.B.2 When the option envcountsame is combined with the options envcountchap
or envcountsect all predefined Springer environments get a common counter with
a chapter or section prefix; but the counter is reset for each chapter or section.
N.B.3 We have designed a new easy-to-use mechanism to define your own environments, see Sect. 2.6.


N.B.4 Be careful not to use layout options that contradict the parameter of the
selected environment option and vice versa.
Use the Springer class option

only if you want to suppress all Springer theorem-like
environments and use the theorem environments of original LATEX package or other theorem packages instead.
(Please check this with your editor.)





the list of references is set as an unnumbered section at
the end of your contribution, with automatically correct
running heads and an entry in the table of contents. The
list itself is set in small print and numbered with ordinal
sets the reference list as an unnumbered chapter
e.g. at the end of the book
sorts reference entries in the author-year system
(make sure that you have the natbib package by
Patrick W. Daly installed. Otherwise it can be found at
the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN...texarchive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/natbib/), see [4–
use the Springer class option only if you want to set reference numbers in square brackets without automatic TOC
entry etc., as is the case in the original LATEX bibliography
environment. But please note that most page layout features are nevertheless adjusted to Springer requirements.
(Please check usage of this option with your editor.)

Required and Recommended Packages

SVMult document class has been tested with a number of Standard LATEX
tools. Below we list and comment on a selection of recommended packages for
preparing fully formatted book manuscripts for Springer Verlag. If not installed
on your system, the source of all standard LATEX tools and packages is the
Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) at [4–6].


Warning !

Font Selection


Times font family as default text body font together with
Helvetica as sans serif and Courier as typewriter font.
defines Times Roman as default text font, and provides
maths support using glyphs from the Symbol, Chancery
and Computer Modern fonts together with letters, etc.,
from Times Roman.
defines Helvetica as sans serif font.
defines Helvetica as typwriter font.

If the packages ’mathptmx.sty, helvet.sty, courier.sty’ are not already installed
with your LATEX they can be found at ../tex-archive/fonts/psfonts/psnfsssource/ at the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN), see [4–6].
If Times Roman is not available on your system you may revert to CM fonts.
However, the SVMult layout requires font sizes which are not part of the
default set of the computer modern fonts.

The type1cm package enhances this default by enabling scalable versions of the (Type 1) CM fonts. If
not already installed with your LATEX it can be found
at ../tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/type1cm/ at the
Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN), see [4–6].

Body Text
When you select the SVMult class option [graybox] the packages framed and
color are required, see Sect. 2.2.

makes it possible that framed or shaded regions can
break across pages.


is part of the graphics bundle and makes it possible to
selct the color and define the percentage for the background of the box.

A useful package for subnumbering each line of an equation array can be found
at ../tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/subeqnarray/ at the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN), see [4–6].
subeqnarray.sty defines the subeqnarray and subeqnarray* environments, which behave like the equivalent eqnarray and
eqnarray* environments, except that the individual
lines are numbered as 1a, 1b, 1c, etc.



used with style option [bottom] places all footnotes at
the bottom of the page


tool for including graphics files (preferrably eps files)



Reference lists are numbered with the references being
cited in the text by their reference numbert
sorts reference entries in the author–year system (among
other features). N.B. This style must be installed when
the class option natbib is used, see Sect. 2.2
generates compressed, sorted lists of numerical citations:
e.g. [8,11–16]; preferred style for books published in a
print version only


provides and interprets the command \printindex
which “prints” the externally generated index file *.ind.


balances out multiple columns on the last page of your
subject index, glossary or the like

N.B. Use the MakeIndex program together with one of the Springer styles

for English texts
for German texts

to generate a subject index automatically in accordance with Springer layout
requirements. For a detailed documentation of the program and its usage we
refer you to [1].


SVMult Commands and Environments in Text Mode

Use the command

to typeset an unnumbered heading of your contribution.

to typeset a numbered heading of your contribution.

Use the new command

to typeset a possible subtitle to your contribution title. Beware that this subtitle
is not tranferred automatically to the table of contents.
Alternatively use the \title-command to typeset your subtitle together with
the contribution title and separate the two titles by a period or an en-dash .

Alternative !

Use the command

if you want to alter the line break of your heading for the table of content.
Use the command

if you need to abbreviate your heading to fit into the running head.
Use the command

for your name(s). If there is more than one author, the names should be separated by \and.
The author names will appear beneath the contribution’s title.
Use the command

to change manually the list of authors to appear in the table of contents.
Use the command

if there are more than two authors; abbreviate the list of authors to the main
author’s name and add “et al.” for the running head.
Use the command
\institute[hauthor namei\athaffiliation details separated by commasi\emailhemail addressi]

when the authors’ names and affiliations shall appear at the bottom of the
contribution’s first page.
Please list multiple authors and/or affiliations by using the command \and, cf.
the example below:


\institute{J.B. Doe
\at Doe Institute, 281 Prime Street, Daisy Town, NA 02467,USA\\
Tel.: +127-47-678901, Fax: +127-47-678907
J.B. Doe
S.Q. Public
\at Public-Enterprises
J.A. Smith
\at Smith University,\email{smith@smith.edu}}
Use the command

to compile the header of your contribution.
To create and format a short table of contents enter prior to the command
\dominitoc, see below

with n depicting the highest sectioning level of your short table of content
(default is 0) and then enter

Use the new command

to include special text, e.g. mottos, slogans, between the chapter heading and
the actual content of the chapter.
The default font size is “small”, the default font shape is “italic”.
In the optional argument [htextwidthi] alternative widths may be indicated.
The argument {htexti} contains the text of your inclusion. It may not contain
any empty lines. To introduce vertical spaces use \\[height].
The command must be placed before the \title command. Use the new commands

to typeset an abstract at the beginning of a contribution.
The text of \abstract* will not be depicted in the printed version of the book,
but will be used for compiling html abstracts for the online publication of the
individual chapters www.SpringerLink.com.

Please do not use the standard LATEXenvironment
\begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} – it will be ignored when used with the
SVMultdocument class!

Warning !!!

Use the command
\keywords{hkeyword listi}

within the abstract environment to specify your keywords and/or subject classification.
Use the new commands

when you want to use unnumbered run-in headings to structure your text.
Use the new environment command

to typeset complete paragraphs within a box showing a 15 percent gray shade.
N.B. Make sure to select the SVMult class option [graybox] in order to have
all the required style packages available, see Sects. 2.2, 2.3.
Use the new environment command

to typeset complete paragraphs in small print.
Use the enhanced environment command
\begin{description}[hlargelabel i]
\item[hlabel1 i] htext1 i
\item[hlabel2 i] htext2 i

for your individual itemized lists.
The new optional parameter [hlargelabel i] lets you specify the largest item label
to appear within the list. The texts of all items are indented by the width of
hlargelabel i and the item labels are typeset flush left within this space. Note,
the optional parameter will work only two levels deep.
Use the commands


Warning !

\setitemindent{hlargelabel i}
\setitemitemindent{hlargelabel i}

if you need to customize the indention of your “itemized” or “enumerated”


SVMult Commands in Math Mode

Use the new or enhanced symbol commands provided by the SVMult document

upright d for differential d
upright i for imaginary unit
upright e for exponential function
depicts tensors as sans serif upright
depicts vectors as boldface characters instead of the arrow accent

N.B. By default the SVMult document class depicts Greek letters as italics
because they are mostly used to symbolize variables. However, when used as
operators, abbreviations, physical units, etc. they should be set upright.
All upright upper-case Greek letters have been defined in the SVMult document class and are taken from the TEX alphabet.
Use the command prefix

with the upper-case name of the Greek letter to set it upright, e.g. \varDelta.
Many upright lower-case Greek letters have been defined in the SVMult document class and are taken from the PostScript Symbol font.
Use the command prefix

with the lower-case name of the Greek letter to set it upright, e.g. \umu.
If you need to define further commands use the syntax below as an example:


SVMult Theorem-Like Environments

For individual text structures such as theorems, definitions, and examples, the
SVMult document class provides a number of pre-defined environments which
conform with the specific Springer layout requirements.


Use the environment command
\begin{hname of environmenti}[hoptional material i]
htext for that environmenti
\end{hname of environmenti}

for the newly defined environments.
Unnumbered environments will be produced by
claim and proof.
Numbered environments will be produced by
case, conjecture, corollary, definition, example, exercise, lemma, note,
problem, property, proposition, question, remark, solution, and theorem.
The optional argument [hoptional material i] lets you specify additional text
which will follow the environment caption and counter.
Use the new symbol command

to produce an empty square at the end of your proof.
In addition, use the new declaration

to move the position of the predefined qed symbol to be flush right (in text
mode). If you want to use this feature throughout your book the declaration
must be set in the preamble, otherwise it should be used individually in the
relevant environment, i.e. proof.
Furthermore the functions of the standard \newtheorem command have been
enhanced to allow a more flexible font selection. All standard functions though
remain intact (e.g. adding an optional argument specifying additional text after
the environment counter).
Use the new Springer mechanism
\spdefaulttheorem{henv namei}{hcaptioni}{hcap fonti}{hbody fonti}

to define an environment compliant with the selected class options (see Sect. 2.2)
and designed as the predefined Springer theorem-like environments.

The argument {henv namei} specifies the environment name; {hcaptioni} specifies the environment’s heading; {hcap fonti} and {hbody fonti} specify the font
shape of the caption and the text body.
N.B. If you want to use optional arguments in your definition of a new theoremlike environment as done in the standard \newtheorem command, see below.
Use the new Springer mechanism
\spnewtheorem{henv namei}[hnumbered likei]{hcaptioni}{hcap fonti}{hbody fonti}

to define an environment that shares its counter with another predefined environment [hnumbered likei].
The optional argument [hnumbered likei] specifies the environment with which
to share the counter.
N.B. If you select the class option “envcountsame” the only valid “numbered
like” argument is [theorem].
Use the newly defined Springer mechanism
\spnewtheorem{henv namei}{hcaptioni}[hhwithinii]{hcap fonti}{hbody fonti}

to define an environment whose counter is prefixed by either the chapter or
section number (use [chapter] or [section] for [hwithini]).
Use the newly defined Springer mechanism
\spnewtheorem*{henv namei}{hcaptioni}{hcap fonti}{hbody fonti}

to define an unnumbered environment such as the pre-defined unnumbered environments claim and proof.
Use the newly defined declaration

in the argument {hcaptioni} if you want to skip the environment caption and
use an environment counter only.
Use the newly defined environment

as a wrapper to any theorem-like environment defined with the Springer mechanism. It suppresses the brackets of the optional argument specifying additional
text after the environment counter.



SVMult Commands for the Figure and Table Environments

Use the new declaration

to move the figure caption from beneath the figure (default) to the lower lefthand side of the figure.
The optional parameter [t] moves the figure caption to the upper left-hand
side of the figure
N.B.1 (1) Make sure the declaration \sidecaption follows the \begin{figure}
command, and (2) remember to use the standard \caption{} command for your
caption text.
N.B.2 This declaration works only if the figure width is less than 7.8 cm. The
caption text will be set raggedright if the width of the caption is less than 3.4
Use the new declaration

within the figure and table environment – directly after the \begin{henvironmenti}
command – to give the caption concerned the same counter as its predecessor
(useful for long tables or figures spanning more than one page, see also the
declaration \subfigures below.
To arrange multiple figures in a single environment use the newly defined commands
\leftfigure[hposi] and \rightfigure[hposi]

within a {minipage}{\textwidth} environment. To allow enough space between two horizontally arranged figures use \hspace{\fill} to separate the
corresponding \includegraphics{} commands . The required space between
vertically arranged figures can be controlled with \\[12pt], for example.
The default position of the figures within their predefined space is flush left.
The optional parameter [c] centers the figure, whereas [r] positions it flush
right – use the optional parameter only if you need to specify a position other
than flush left.
Use the newly defined commands
\leftcaption{} and \rightcaption{}

outside the minipage environment to put two figure captions next to each other.
Use the newly defined command


to overrule the default horizontal space of 5.4 cm provided for each of the abovedescribed caption commands. The first argument corresponds to \leftcaption
and the latter to \rightcaption.
Use the new declaration

within the figure environment – directly after the \begin{figure} command –
to subnumber multiple captions alphabetically within a single figure-environment.
N.B.: When used in combination with \samenumber the main counter remains
the same and the alphabetical subnumbering is continued. It works properly
only when you stick to the sequence \samenumber\subfigures.
If you do not include your figures as electronic files use the newly defined command

to leave the desired amount of space for each figure. This command draws a
vertical line of the height you specified.
Use the new command

for setting in tables the horizontal line that separates the table header from the
table content.


SVMult Environments for Exercises, Problems and

Use the environment command
hproblem texti

to typeset and number each problem individually.
To facilitate the correct numbering of the solutions we have also defined a solution environment, which takes the problem’s key, i.e. hproblem:keyi (see above)
as argument.
Use the environment syntax


hsolution texti

to get the correct (i.e. problem =) solution number automatically.


SVMult Commands for Styling References

The Springer command

allows the inclusion of explanatory text between the bibliography heading
and the actual list of references. The command must be placed before the
thebibliography environment.


SVMult Class Features – Book-wise

In addition to the Editor Instructions and the details described in the previous
sections of this Reference Guide you find below a list of further SVMult class
options, declarations and commands which you may find especially useful when
compiling all contributions to a single book.
Use the environment syntax

to typeset a dedication or quotation at the very beginning of the in preferred
Springer layout.
Use the new commands

to typeset a Foreword, Preface, or List of Contributors with automatically generated runnings heads.
Use the environment syntax


hauthor namei
\at haffiliation details separated by commasi
\email{hemail addressi}
hauthor namei
\at hXYZ Institute, Technical University, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 34, 1000 Berlin, Germanyi

to list and style the names and affiliation details of the contributors in the
preferred Springer layout.
Use the new commands

to typeset—in the front or back matter of the book—an extra unnumbered chapter with your preferred heading and automatically generated runnings heads.
\Extrachap furthermore generates an automated TOC entry.
Use the new command

to typeset a text on the back side of a part title page.
N.B. The command must be placed before the part-command.
Use the new command

to include special text, e.g. mottos, slogans, between the chapter heading and
the actual content of the chapter in the preferred Springer layout.
The argument {htexti} contains the text of your inclusion. It may not contain
any empty lines. To introduce vertical spaces use \\[height].
If needed, the you may indicate an alternative widths in the optional argument.
N.B. The command must be placed before the relevant heading-command.
Use the new commands

to typeset an abstract at the beginning of a contribution.
The text of \abstract* will not be depicted in the printed version of the book,
but will be used for compiling html abstracts for the online publication of the
individual chapters www.SpringerLink.com.

Please do not use the standard LATEXenvironment
\begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} – it will be ignored when used with the
SVMultdocument class!
Use the declaration

after the \backmatter command to add an appendix at the end of the book.
Use the \chapter command to typeset the heading.
The Springer declaration

allows the next index following the \threecolindex declaration to be set in
three columns.
The Springer declaration

allows the inclusion of explanatory text between the index heading and the
actual list of references.
N.B. The command must be placed before the theindex environment.
Use the command

to alter the numerical depth of your table of contents.
Use the macro

to recalculate the horizontal spacing for large section numbers in the table of
contents set with the following variables:
\tocchpnum for the

chapter number
section number
subsection number
paragraph number

Set the sizes of the variables concerned at the maximum numbering appearing
in the current document.
In the preamble set e.g:


Warning !!!


[1] L. Lamport: LATEX: A Document Preparation System 2nd ed. (AddisonWesley, Reading, Ma 1994)
[2] M. Goossens, F. Mittelbach, A. Samarin: The LATEX Companion (AddisonWesley, Reading, Ma 1994)
[3] D. E. Knuth: The TEXbook (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Ma 1986) revised
to cover TEX3 (1991)
[4] TEX Users Group (TUG), http://www.tug.org
[5] Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TEX e.V. (DANTE), Heidelberg,
Germany, http://www.dante.de
[6] UK TEX Users’ Group (UK-TuG), http://uk.tug.org



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