Westinghouse Fan ES TWMC Price Book
User Manual: Westinghouse Fan ES
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Motor and Drives Price Book Effective: 03-24-17 QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company (TWMC) is committed to serving the needs of our customers BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. We strive to provide quality products and services while also minimizing safety and environmental impacts. We are also committed to providing a work environment that protects the health and safety of employees, visitors, and guests. We understand that safety, quality, and environmental stewardship are at the core of our business. Safety, sustainability, improved efficiency, compliance, and continuity are at the heart of the Quality and Environmental Management Systems. Therefore, management is committed to and personally involved in establishing objectives and periodically reviewing these objectives to ensure its continuing suitability. The management team assures that quality and environmental requirements are clearly stated and implemented. They also provide the necessary training and equipment, establish measurable guidelines, and define priorities for continual improvement. Quality and environmental objectives and targets are established within the Quality and Environmental Management Systems and are communicated to all employees. TWMC is committed to maintaining these systems, and this cannot be done without each employee striving for excellence in personal job performance. We will not settle for less than exact conformance in anything we do. POLÍTICA DE CALIDAD Y AMBIENTAL TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company (TWMC) está comprometido a satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes MEJOR QUE CUALQUIER OTRA COMPAÑIA. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer productos y servicios de calidad al mismo tiempo que minimizamos los impactos en la seguridad y el medio ambiente. También estamos comprometidos a proveer un ambiente de trabajo que proteja la salud y seguridad de empleados, visitantes e invitados. Entendemos que la administración de la seguridad, la calidad y el medio ambiente están en el centro de nuestro negocio. La seguridad, la sostenibilidad, la mejora de la eficiencia, el cumplimiento y la continuidad son el corazón de los Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad y Medio Ambiente. Por lo tanto, la gerencia está comprometida con y personalmente involucrada en el establecimiento de objetivos y revisar periódicamente estos objetivos para asegurar su continuada adecuación. El equipo directivo se asegura que los requisitos de calidad y medioambientales estén claramente establecidos e implementados. También proporcionan la capacitación y el equipo necesarios, establecen pautas medibles y definen las prioridades para la mejora continua. Se establecen objetivos y metas de calidad y medioambientales dentro de los Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad y Medio Ambiente y se comunican a todos los empleados. TWMC esta comprometido a mantener estos sistemas, y esto no puede hacerse sin que cada empleado se esfuerce por la excelencia en el desempeño de su trabajo personal. No estaremos satisfechos con menos que con la conformidad exacta en cualquier cosa que hagamos. Patrick M. Rogers President TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company 3/2/17 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS MOTORS All data presented in this book is for reference only and subject to change without notice. For specific applications, certified dimensions, or additional performance data, etc., please contact your TECO-Westinghouse representative or call: 1-800-USE-TECO GENERAL INFORMATION ONLINE SUBMITTAL DATA INSTRUCTIONS____________________________________________________________________ 7 CATALOG NUMBER REFERENCE GUIDE_______________________________________________________________________ 8 CONTACT US____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 STOCK MOTORS SELLING POLICY___________________________________________________________________________ 11 TECO-WESTINGHOUSE STOCK MOTOR AND CONTROL PRODUCTS WARRANTY POLICY________________________________ 14 PROCEDURE FOR WRRANTY CLAIMS ON STOCK MOTORS AND CONTROL PRODUCTS_________________________________ 15 GENERAL PURPOSE MOTORS MOTOR AND DRIVE COMBINATION PACKAGES________________________________________________________________ 16/ 150 THREE PHASE ODP ROLLED STEEL ODP FAMILY________________________________________________________________________________ 17 ASGHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, F#56 (1/4 HP - 3 HP) [DSP]_______________________________________________________ 18 ASGH, NEMA PREMIUM, F#140T - 280T (1 HP - 40 HP) [DTP]*__________________________________________________ 18 ASGA, HIGH EFFICIENCY, F#56 (1/3 HP - 3 HP) [DS] _________________________________________________________ 19 * NEW * ASGHJP/JM, NEMA PREMIUM, CLOSE COUPLED, (1 HP - 40 HP) [DJPP/DJMP]*____________________________________ 20 ASGAJP/JM, HIGH EFFICIENCY, CLOSE COUPLED, (1 HP - 40 HP)[DJP/DJM]_______________________________________ 21 ROLLED STEEL ODP AEGIS® SGR__________________________________________________________________________ 22 ASGH, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [DTP_G]_________________________________________________________ 23 CAST IRON ODP_________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 ASHH, NEMA PREMIUM [DHP]*_________________________________________________________________________ 25 CAST IRON ODP AEGIS® SGR_____________________________________________________________________________ 27 ASHH, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [DHP_G ]_________________________________________________________ 28 THREE PHASE TEFC 3-PHASE FRACTIONAL HP TEFC_____________________________________________________________________________ 29 AEGA, FOOTED, HIGH EFFICIENCY [G]____________________________________________________________________ 30 ROLLED STEEL TEFC FAMILY________________________________________________________________________________ 31 AEGHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GH]________________________________________________________ 32 AEGH, NEMA PREMIUM, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GP]___________________________________________________ 32 AEGHPE-CF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GH_C]_____________________________________ 33 AETHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GHV_C]__________________________________ 33 AEGHCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GP_C]_________________________________ 33 AETHCF, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GPV_C]____________________________ 33 ROLLED STEEL TEFC AEGIS® SGR__________________________________________________________________________ 34 AEGH, FOOTED, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [GP_G]___________________________________________________ 35 MAX-IE3™ METRIC _______________________________________________________________________________________ 36 AESV3W, IEC, IE3 EFFICIENCY [MP] ______________________________________________________________________ 37 THREE PHASE TEFC - SEVERE DUTY MOTORS CAST IRON TEFC JP/JM ___________________________________________________________________________________ 38 * NEW * AEHH8NJP/JM, NEMA PREMIUM, CLOSE-COUPLED [JPP/JMP]_________________________________________________ 39 AEEAJP/JM, HIGH EFFICIENCY, CLOSE-COUPLED [JPN/JMN]___________________________________________________ 40 Notes: * Fire Pump Available. (1) Italicized letters represent the TECO Product Type (e.g. ASHH). Letters in brackets represent the Catalog Number [e.g. DHP]. Both Product Type and Catalog Number can be found on Motor Nameplate. 2 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO TABLE OF CONTENTS MOTORS THREE PHASE TEFC - SEVERE DUTY MOTORS continued... MAX-PE™ FAMILY - PREMIUM SEVERE DUTY MOTOR____________________________________________________________ 41 * NEW * * NEW * * NEW * * NEW * * NEW * AEHH8P, NEMA PREMIUM [NP] _________________________________________________________________________ AEHH8PCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE [NP_C]_______________________________________________________ AEUH8PDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE [NPV_C]_________________________________________________ MAX-PE™ AEGIS® SGR___________________________________________________________________________________ AEHH8P, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [NP_G]________________________________________________________ MAX-SE™ FAMILY - HIGH EFFICIENCY SEVERE DUTY MOTOR______________________________________________________ AEVANE, HIGH EFFICIENCY, ROUND BODY C-FACE [NV_C]____________________________________________________ MAX-E1® FAMILY - ALL CAST PREMIUM SEVERE DUTY MOTOR____________________________________________________ AEHH8N, NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 500 HP) [EP]_____________________________________________________________ AEHE, HIGH EFFICIENCY [E]____________________________________________________________________________ AEHH8NCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) [EP_C]__________________________________________ AEUH8NDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) [EPV_C]____________________________________ KEYLESS SHAFT MOTOR __________________________________________________________________________________ AEHHSY, NEMA PREMIUM (200 HP - 500 HP) [EPY]__________________________________________________________ AEHESY, HIGH EFFICIENCY [EY]_________________________________________________________________________ MAX-E2/841® "LITE" - IEEE-841 READY MOTOR_________________________________________________________________ AEHH, NEMA PREMIUM [HH]___________________________________________________________________________ MAX-E2/841® FAMILY - IEEE-841 MOTOR______________________________________________________________________ AEHH8B, NEMA PREMIUM [HB]_________________________________________________________________________ AEHH8BCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) [HB_C]__________________________________________ AEUH8BDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) [HBV_C] ____________________________________ MAX-HT™ FAMILY - HIGH TORQUE CRUSHER DUTY MOTOR_______________________________________________________ MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE DESIGN C TORQUE CRUSHER DUTY MOTOR ____________________________________________ AEHHGD, NEMA PREMIUM, DESIGN C (20 HP - 200 HP) [CDP] _________________________________________________ AEEAGD, HIGH EFFICIENCY, DESIGN C [CD]________________________________________________________________ MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE DESIGN A TORQUE CRUSHER DUTY MOTOR____________________________________________ AEHAGD, NEMA PREMIUM, DESIGN A [CDP]_______________________________________________________________ MAX-HT™ MEDIUM VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY MOTOR_________________________________________________________ AEHAGD, ENERGY EFFICIENT, HIGH TORQUE [KD]__________________________________________________________ WASHDOWN MOTOR_____________________________________________________________________________________ AEGP, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE [WFP/WP]_________________________________________________________ 42 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 AEGPCW, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE [WFPV/WPV] ______________________________________________ 73 DEFINITE PURPOSE MOTORS SINGLE PHASE ODP HVAC SINGLE PHASE ODP_________________________________________________________________________________ 74 * NEW * BSGS39, NEMA PREMIUM [SP/SPH]______________________________________________________________________ 75 SINGLE PHASE TEFC HVAC SINGLE PHASE TEFC_________________________________________________________________________________ 76 * NEW * BEGS39, NEMA PREMIUM (1/4 HP - 3 HP) [SPT/SPHT]________________________________________________________ 77 * NEW * BEGS19, ENERGY EFFICIENT (3 HP - 10 HP) [ST]_____________________________________________________________ 77 FARM DUTY SINGLE PHASE________________________________________________________________________________ 78 BEGCFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (1/3 HP - 1 HP) [S]______________________________________________________________ 79 BECCFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (1.5 HP) [S]____________________________________________________________________ 79 BECSFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (2 HP -10 HP) [S]_______________________________________________________________ 79 Notes: (1) Italicized letters represent the TECO Product Type (e.g. ASHH). Letters in brackets represent the catalog number [e.g. DHP]. Both Product Type and Catalog Number can be found on Motor Nameplate. (2) Medium Voltage Crusher Duty Motor (pg. 60-61) and Medium Voltage Vertical Motors offered (various - see next page for details). www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS MOTORS THREE PHASE ODP OIL WELL PUMP MOTOR ODP______________________________________________________________________________ 80 ASFAFP, STANDARD EFFICIENCY, DESIGN D [Q]_____________________________________________________________ 81 THREE PHASE TEFC OIL WELL PUMP MOTOR TEFC______________________________________________________________________________ 82 AEEAFP, STANDARD EFFICIENCY, DESIGN D [QT]___________________________________________________________ 83 2 SPEED, 1 WINDING, VARIABLE TORQUE_____________________________________________________________________ 84 AECA, HIGH EFFICIENCY [CP]___________________________________________________________________________ 85 EXPLOSION PROOF MOTORS TEXP FAMILY____________________________________________________________________________________________ 86 AEHHXV/AEHHXU, NEMA PREMIUM [XP]__________________________________________________________________ 87 AEHHXG/AEHHXF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP)[XP_C]______________________________________ 89 AEUHXG/AEUHXF, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 75 HP)[XPV_C]_________________________________ 89 MEDIUM VOLTAGE MOTORS - GLOBAL SERIES GLOBAL MAX WPI________________________________________________________________________________________ 90 AMHGTK, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [PG]_____________________________________________________ 91 GLOBAL ODP ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 92 ASHA, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [P]____________________________________________________________ 93 GLOBAL XPE____________________________________________________________________________________________ 94 AEHGTK, TEFC, NEMA, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (100 HP - 900 HP)[KG]____________________________ 95 AEJHTK, TEFC, IEC, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (800 HP - 2000 HP)[JH]__________________________________ 96 GLOBAL MAX TEFC_______________________________________________________________________________________ 97 AFHGTK, NEMA, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [KF]________________________________________________ 98 AFJHTK, IEC, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (900 HP - 1750 HP)[JF]_______________________________________ 99 VERTICAL MOTORS VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT MOTORS WPI LOW VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE_______________________________________________________________ 100 AMRCNH, (MAX-VHP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VHP]*____________________________________________________________ 101 AMRC, (MAX-VH™) HIGH EFFICIENCY [VH]*________________________________________________________________ 102 TEFC LOW VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE______________________________________________________________ 103 AEEHNH, (MAX-VHP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VHTP]____________________________________________________________ 104 WPI MEDIUM VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE___________________________________________________________ 105 AMRKNH, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VHKP]__________________________________________________________________ 106 TEFC MEDIUM VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE___________________________________________________________ 107 AEHCNH, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VHKTP]_________________________________________________________________ 108 VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT WPI COUPLING KITS________________________________________________________________ 109 VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT TEFC COUPLING KITS_______________________________________________________________ 110 VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT WPI STEADY BUSHING KITS__________________________________________________________ 111 VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT TEFC STEADY BUSHING KITS_________________________________________________________ 112 VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT MOTORS TEFC LOW VOLTAGE NORMAL THRUST WITH "P" BASE_________________________________________________________ 113/ 115 AEUH8NDP, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY [EPV_P]________________________________________________________ 114 AEUH8BDP, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY [HBV_P]_______________________________________________________ 116 Notes: * Fire Pump Available. (1) Italicized letters represent the TECO Product Type (e.g. ASHH). Letters in brackets represent the Catalog Number [e.g. DHP]. Both Product Type and Catalog Number can be found on Motor Nameplate. 4 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO TABLE OF CONTENTS MOTORS VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT MOTORS continued... WPI LOW VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE_______________________________________________________________ 117 AMRCED (MAX-VSP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VSP]*_____________________________________________________________ 118 TEFC LOW VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE______________________________________________________________ 119 AEEHED (MAX-VSP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VSTP]______________________________________________________________ 120 WPI MEDIUM VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE___________________________________________________________ 121 AMRKED, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VSKP]___________________________________________________________________ 122 TEFC MEDIUM VOLTAGE HIGH THRUST WITH "P" BASE___________________________________________________________ 123 AEHCED, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VSKTP] _________________________________________________________________ 124 KITS C-FLANGE KITS__________________________________________________________________________________________ 125 D-FLANGE KITS__________________________________________________________________________________________ 126 DRIP COVERS AND PAINT__________________________________________________________________________________ 127 P-BASES _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 128 FACTORY MODIFICATIONS FACTORY MODIFICATION PRICING__________________________________________________________________________ 129 FACTORY MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS_____________________________________________________________________ 131 MODIFICATION DRAWING REQUIREMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 134 DIMENSIONS AC MACHINES_______________________________________________________________________________ 135 GEAR REDUCERS GEAR REDUCERS ________________________________________________________________________________________ 137 CUSTOM ENGINEERED LARGE MOTORS WORLD SERIES® MOTORS__________________________________________________________________________________ 138 WORLD SERIES® AIR CABINET DESIGN LIST____________________________________________________________________ 140 SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS_________________________________________________________________________________ 142 DC MOTORS____________________________________________________________________________________________ 143 SERVICE LARGE MOTOR REPAIR____________________________________________________________________________________ 144 RENEWAL PARTS AND ENGINEERED COMPONENTS_____________________________________________________________ 145 ENGINEERING SERVICES___________________________________________________________________________________ 145 SYNCHRONOUS CONTROL SYSTEMS_________________________________________________________________________ 146 REFERENCE DIMENSIONS FOR AC MACHINES____________________________________________________________________________ 135 USEFUL FORMULAS______________________________________________________________________________________ 148 Notes: * Fire Pump Available. (1) Italicized letters represent the TECO Product Type (e.g. ASHH). Letters in brackets represent the Catalog Number [e.g. DHP]. Both Product Type and Catalog Number can be found on Motor Nameplate. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS AC DRIVES AC DRIVES DRIVE PACKAGING CAPABILITIES___________________________________________________________________________ 150 MOTOR AND DRIVE COMBINATION PACKAGES________________________________________________________________ 16/ 150 L510 MICRO DRIVE (0.25 HP - 3 HP) ________________________________________________________________________ 152 N3 COMPACT DRIVE (.5 HP - 75 HP)_________________________________________________________________________ 155 A510 HEAVY DUTY DRIVE (1 HP - 270 HP)____________________________________________________________________ 159 E510 NEMA 4, 4X/12 (.5 HP - 25 HP)_________________________________________________________________________ 164 F510 FAN & PUMP DUTY (1 HP - 250 HP)_____________________________________________________________________ 169 EQ7 AC DRIVE (1 HP - 1000 HP)____________________________________________________________________________ 173 BRAKE MODULES AND RESISTORS L510_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 154 N3___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 158 A510_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 163 E510_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 168 F510_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 172 LINE REACTORS LINE REACTORS 3% IMPEDANCE 230V (1 HP - 150 HP)__________________________________________________________ 177 LINE REACTORS 5% IMPEDANCE 230V (1 HP - 150 HP)__________________________________________________________ 177 LINE REACTORS 3% IMPEDANCE 460V (1 HP - 800 HP)__________________________________________________________ 178 LINE REACTORS 5% IMPEDANCE 460V (1 HP - 800 HP)__________________________________________________________ 179 OUTPUT REACTORS/ LOW PASS FILTER COMBINATION 460V (1 HP - 600 HP)________________________________________ 180 SOLID STATE STARTERS TEAMMASTER™ LOW VOLTAGE (15 HP - 1200 HP) _____________________________________________________________ 183 TEAMMASTER™ MEDIUM VOLTAGE (650 HP - 3000 HP) _________________________________________________________ 184 MEDIUM VOLTAGE DRIVES VERSABRIDGE® _________________________________________________________________________________________ 188 VERSABRIDGE® AC______________________________________________________________________________________ 190 ADDITIONAL DRIVE INFORMATION DRIVE RMA RETURN PROCEDURE__________________________________________________________________________ 186 ABBREVIATED APPLICATION CHECKLIST_____________________________________________________________________ 192 ENCLOSURE OPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS_________________________________________________________________ 194 NEMA ENCLOSURE RATING DESCRIPTIONS___________________________________________________________________ 195 6 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO ONLINE SUBMITTAL DATA INSTRUCTIONS ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS SUBMITTAL DATA Submittal data consists of basic performance data, dimensional drawings, connection diagrams, and instruction manuals. Mechanical and electrical submittal data is available on many stock catalog motors through our website www.tecowestinghouse.com by following the three easy steps below. If additional submittal data is required, please contact your TECO-Westinghouse representative. 1. From our website homepage, www.tecowestinghouse.com, enter in the part or catalog number in the box in the middle of the page and then click on "Go". (Note: If you have a TECO-Westinghouse motor and are looking for the performance data, please use the catalog number off the nameplate for your search. Ex: EP0102.) 2. A product listing page will appear about the motor. Click on the "Learn More" button and you will be taken to the download page. Here you will be able to print the available performance data, dimensional drawings, connection diagrams, and instruction manuals in PDF format for the motor you have selected. Links to the available information are listed at the bottom of the screen. Click on the appropriate product link for the information that you need. 3. Your results will look similar to the example shown to the right for the TECO-Westinghouse MAX-E1® NEMA Premium Efficiency Severe Duty TEFC motor, catalog # EP0102. It’s that easy! www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 7 CATALOG NUMBER REFERENCE GUIDE EXAMPLE: DHP 0 7 5 4R FIRST 1-3 SPACES (LETTERS) DESIGNATE THE MOTOR PRODUCT LINE THREE PHASE ODP DSP= ROLLED STEEL ODP NEMA PREMIUM F#56 (1/4 HP - 3 HP) DTP= ROLLED STEEL ODP NEMA PREMIUM F#140T - 280T (1 HP - 40 HP) *DS= ROLLED STEEL ODP HIGH EFFICIENCY F#56 (1/3 HP - 3 HP) DJPP/DJMP= ROLLED STEEL ODP JP/JM NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 40 HP) *DJP/DJM= ROLLED STEEL ODP JP/JM HIGH EFFICIENCY (1 HP - 40 HP) DTP_G= ROLLED STEEL ODP NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR (1 HP - 40 HP) DHP= CAST IRON ODP NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 800 HP) DHP_G= CAST IRON ODP NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR (1 HP - 75 HP) THREE PHASE TEFC - GENERAL PURPOSE MOTORS G= 3-PHASE FRACTIONAL HP TEFC HIGH EFFICIENCY (1/3 HP - 2 HP) GH= ROLLED STEEL TEFC NEMA PREMIUM F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) GP= ROLLED STEEL TEFC NEMA PREMIUM F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) GH_C= ROLLED STEEL TEFC NEMA PREMIUM FOOTED C-FACE F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) GHV_C= ROLLED STEEL TEFC NEMA PREMIUM ROUND BODY C-FACE F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) GP_C= ROLLED STEEL TEFC NEMA PREMIUM FOOTED C-FACE F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) GPV_C= ROLLED STEEL TEFC NEMA PREMIUM ROUND BODY C-FACE F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) GP_G= ROLLED STEEL TEFC NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR (1 HP - 10 HP) MP= MAX-IE3 METRIC PREMIUM IE3 EFFICIENCY (0.75 Kw - 112 kW) THREE PHASE TEFC - SEVERE DUTY MOTORS JPP/JMP= CAST IRON TEFC JP/JM NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 50 HP) *JPN/JMN= CAST IRON TEFC JP/JM HIGH EFFICIENCY (3/4 HP - 50 HP) NP= MAX-PE™ NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 200 HP) NP_C= MAX-PE™ NEMA PREMIUM FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 200 HP) NPV_C= MAX-PE™ NEMA PREMIUM ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 200 HP) NP_G= MAX-PE™ NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR (1 HP - 75 HP) *NV_C= MAX-SE™ HIGH EFFICIENCY ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) EP= MAX-E1® NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 500 HP) E= MAX-E1® HIGH EFFICIENCY (3/4 HP - 800 HP) EP_C= MAX-E1® NEMA PREMIUM FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) EPV_C= MAX-E1® NEMA PREMIUM ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) EPY= KEYLESS SHAFT NEMA PREMIUM (200 HP - 500 HP) EY= KEYLESS SHAFT HIGH EFFICIENCY (600 HP - 800 HP) HH= MAX-E2/841® "LITE" NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 300 HP) HB= MAX-E2/841® NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 500 HP) HB_C= MAX-E2/841® NEMA PREMIUM FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) HBV_C= MAX-E2/841® NEMA PREMIUM ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) CDP= MAX-HT™ NEMA PREMIUM DESIGN C (20 HP - 200 HP) CDP= MAX-HT™ NEMA PREMIUM DESIGN A (250 HP - 500 HP) *CD= MAX-HT™ HIGH EFFICIENCY DESIGN C (20 HP - 600 HP) KD= MAX-HT™ MEDIUM VOLTAGE ENERGY EFFICIENT HIGH TORQUE (100 HP - 900 HP) DEFINITE PURPOSE MOTORS WFP/WP= WFPV/WPV= S= SP/SPH= ST/SPT/SPHT= Q= QT= CP= STAINLESS STEEL WASHDOWN NEMA PREMIUM FOOTED C-FACE (1/2 HP - 10 HP) STAINLESS STEEL WASHDOWN NEMA PREMIUM ROUND BODY C-FACE (1/2 HP - 10 HP) FARM DUTY SINGLE PHASE HIGH TORQUE (1/3 HP - 10 HP) HVAC SINGLE PHASE OPD (1/4 HP - 3 HP) HVAC SINGLE PHASE TEFC (1/4 HP - 10 HP) ODP OIL WELL PUMP STANDARD EFFICIENCY (5 HP - 125 HP) TEFC OIL WELL PUMP STANDARD EFFICIENCY(5 HP - 125 HP) 2 SPEED, 1 WINDING, VARIABLE TORQUE HIGH EFFICIENCY (100/25 HP - 300/75 HP) EXPLOSION PROOF MOTORS XP= XP_C= XV_C= Notes: * Product is obsolete. TEXP EXPLOSION PROOF NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 400 HP) TEXP EXPLOSION PROOF NEMA PREMIUM FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) TEXP EXPLOSION PROOF NEMA PREMIUM ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 75 HP) First 1-3 spaces list continued on next page>> 8 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO CATALOG NUMBER REFERENCE GUIDE EXAMPLE: DHP 0 7 5 4R Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FIRST 1-3 SPACES (LETTERS) DESIGNATE THE MOTOR PRODUCT LINE MEDIUM VOLTAGE MOTORS - GLOBAL SERIES PG= MEDIUM VOLTAGE WPI NEMA PREMIUM (100 HP - 2000 HP) P= MEDIUM VOLTAGE ODP HIGH EFFICIENCY (100 HP - 1000 HP) KG= MEDIUM VOLTAGE TEFC NEMA PREMIUM (100 HP - 900 HP) *JH= MEDIUM VOLTAGE TEFC IEC HIGH EFFICIENCY (800 HP - 2000 HP) KF= MEDIUM VOLTAGE TEFC NEMA PREMIUM (500 HP - 2000 HP) JF= MEDIUM VOLTAGE TEFC IEC HIGH EFFICIENCY (900 HP - 1750 HP) VERTICAL MOTORS VHP= MAX-VHP™ LV HT VHS WPI NEMA PREMIUM (7.5 HP - 500 HP) VH= MAX-VH™ LV HT VHS WPI HIGH EFFICIENCY (7.5 HP - 500 HP) VHTP= MAX-VHP™ LV HT VHS TEFC NEMA PREMIUM (15 HP - 800 HP) VHKP= MEDIUM VOLTAGE HT WPI NEMA PREMIUM (200 HP - 1000 HP) VHKTP= MEDIUM VOLTAGE HT TEFC NEMA PREMIUM (200 HP - 700 HP) EPV_P= MAX-E1™ LV NORMAL THRUST VSS ROUND BODY NEMA PREMIUM (7.5 HP - 100 HP) HBV_P= MAX-E2/841™ LV NORMAL THRUST VSS ROUND BODY NEMA PREMIUM (7.5 HP - 100 HP) VSP= MAX-VSP™ LV HT VSS WPI NEMA PREMIUM (15 HP - 800 HP) VSTP= MAX-VSP™ LV HT VSS TEFC NEMA PREMIUM (15 HP - 800 HP) VSKP= MEDIUM VOLTAGE HT VSS WPI PREMIUM EFFICIENCY (200 HP - 1000 HP) VSKTP= MEDIUM VOLTAGE HT VSS TEFC PREMIUM EFFICIENCY (200 HP - 700 HP) NEXT 3-4 SPACES (NUMBERS) DESIGNATE THE HORSEPOWER THE FOLLOWING MOTOR LINES ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT WILL HAVE 4 SPACES: PG, P, JH, KF, JF, VHKP, VSKP IF FOR ONE OF ABOVE, HP <1000, USE A "0" IN 1ST SPACE -- "0800" = 800 HP (i.g. JH08008) FOR ALL OTHERS, IF HP IS <100, USE A "0" IN 1ST SPACE SPACE -- "025" = 25 HP (i.g. EP0254) IF HP IS <100, USE A "0" IN THE 1ST SPACE - "075" = 75 HP IF HP < 1, USE A "0" IN THE 1ST SPACE, FOLLOWED BY A "/", THEN THE NUMBER AFTER THE DECIMAL - "0/2" = 0.25 HP (i.g. DSP0/22) IF HP HAS A DECIMAL > 1, USE THE WHOLE NUMBER 1ST FOLLOWED BY A "/", THEN THE NUMBER AFTER THE DECIMAL "7/5" = 7.5 HP (i.g. DTP7/54) NEXT SPACE (NUMBER) DESIGNATES THE SPEED 2 4 6 8 = = = = 2 POLE 4 POLE 6 POLE 8 POLE = = = = 3600 OR 3000 RPM 1800 OR 1500 RPM 1200 OR 1000 RPM 900 OR 750 RPM NEXT SPACE IF OCCUPIED S 5 2 R C = = = = = 4 POLE MOTOR WITH SHORT SHAFT (TS) MOTOR STOCKED STANDARD AS 575 VOLT MOTOR STOCKED STANDARD AS 200 VOLT MOTOR STOCKED STANDARD WITH A DRIVE-END ROLLER BEARING MOTOR STOCKED STANDARD WITH A C-FACE Notes: * Product is obsolete. 1. Vertical motor abbreviations: "VHS" stands for "Vertical Hollow Shaft", "VSS" stands for "Vertical Solid Shaft", "LV" stands for "Low Voltage", "HT" stands for "High Thrust". 2. "ODP" stands for "Open Drip Proof". 3. "WPI" stands for "Weather Protected Type I". www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 9 CONTACT US Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Customer Service Hours: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm CST Monday through Friday Toll Free: 1-800-USE-TECO (873-8326) STOCK MOTOR GROUP T-Frame Documents: tframedocs@tecowestinghouse.com Drawings, Test Reports, Submittal Requests, Etc. T-Frame Parts: tframeparts@tecowestinghouse.com Stock Parts Quotes and Availability T-Frame Warranty: tframewarranty@tecowestinghouse.com Warranty Support Customer Service: customerservice@tecowestinghouse.com Orders Status, Stock Checks, Quotes, Etc. Purchase Orders Entry: orders@tecowestinghouse.com Stock Orders Only CONTROLS GROUP Phone: 800-279-4007 Low Voltage Technical Support controlstechsupport@tecowestinghouse.com Technical Support, Submittal Information On Build Up Packages Low Voltage Warranty controlswarranty@tecowestinghouse.com Controls Warranty Support For VFDs, Starters Purchase Orders Entry orders@tecowestinghouse.com Orders Only CENTRAL PHONE NUMBERS Stock Product Group Customer Service 800-USE-TECO (873-8326) Controls Group Customer Service 800-279-4007 After Hours Emergency Line: 24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week Customer Service Center Locations: Sales/ Customer Service*: 512-632-7338 Spartanburg, South Carolina Motor Technical Support: 512-538-8771 Round Rock, Texas Drives/ Controls Products Technical Support: 512-633-1513 Notes: * Additional Fees Apply for After Hours Emergency Sales. For additional details, please contact your Customer Service Representative or Outside Sales Representative for your area. Warehouse Distribution Center Locations: Spartanburg, South Carolina Allentown, Pennsylvania Des Moines, Iowa Round Rock, Texas Reno/Sparks, Nevada 10 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Selling policy, STOCK MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Terms and Conditions of Sale TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company (TWMC) hereby gives notice of its objection to any different or additional terms and conditions. Unless different or additional terms are stated in TWMC’s proposal, in which event: 1) such different or additional terms shall be exclusive as to the subject covered, 2) the terms and conditions stated below apply, and 3) such terms and conditions supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between the parties. This sale is expressly conditional on purchaser’s assent to the terms and conditions stated below. Purchaser’s direction to proceed with any the engineering, manufacture, or shipment of any product is conclusive as to such assent. Dispatch of the buyers purchase order will constitute an acceptance of the quotation, and an assent to the terms and conditions stated below, if the purchase order agrees with the quotation in respect to all material terms. Quotations Each quotation is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of the quotation unless otherwise stated in the quotation. Minimum Billing The minimum billing per order shall be $100.00, unless otherwise agreed by TWMC. Taxes With the exception of Harbor Maintenance Tax as stated in the following paragraph, TWMC will assume the payment of all taxes and fees assessed by any taxing authority in the United States with respect to this order. Purchaser will assume the payment of all taxes, duties, fees and other charges assessed by any taxing authority in the Purchaser’s country or country of ultimate destination with respect to this order. Under FAS lncoterms it is the buyer’s responsibility to clear the goods for export. Accordingly, should the buyer appoint a freight forwarder or agent to effect export on the buyer’s instruction, the buyer’s freight forwarder is responsible for payment of the US Harbor Maintenance Tax on behalf of the buyer. Terms of Payment A. Net 30 involved under 1, 2, 3 and 4 ceases on the date the invoice is issued. C. Adequate Assurances of Payment If, in the judgment of TWMC, the financial condition of the purchaser does not justify the terms of payment specified, TWMC may, at its option, require full or partial payment in advance. Overdue Payments For contracts with a total price less than $250,000 and with a shipment date less than 12 months from the date of order, an invoice will be issued when each unit is shipped and the standard terms of payment are net within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. B. Progress Payments For contracts with a total price greater than $250,000 and/or with a shipment date greater than 12 months from the date of order, the following payment terms shall apply. 1. 10% of the contract price shall be invoiced when drawings for approval are issued by TWMC. If drawings for approval are not specified, an invoice will be mailed when construction drawings are issued, but in no event later than 120 days after the date of order. 2. 30% of the price of each unit shall be invoiced seven (7) months prior to the first day of the scheduled shipment month of that unit. 3. 30% of the price of each unit shall be invoiced four (4) months prior to the first day of the scheduled shipment month of that unit. 4. The final 30% of the price of each unit shall be invoiced upon complete shipment of each unit. In each of the above instances, the terms of payment are net within 30 days from date of invoice. 5. A separate invoice will be issued concurrently with sections 1,2,3 and 4 for the escalation on that portion of the contract price. The escalation for the portion of the contract If payments are not made in accordance with these terms, the quoted price shall, without prejudice to the right of TWMC to immediate payment, be increased by an amount equal to the lesser of 1.5 percent per month or fraction thereof or the highest legal rate of interest on the unpaid balance. Delivery Delivery of each item of equipment shall be made FOB Point of Shipment with freight prepaid. Purchaser shall reimburse TWMC for freight charges in an amount equal to the lesser of TWMC’s NEMA Frame Freight Policy in effect at the time of shipment or actual freight charges. Such amounts will be paid by purchaser upon presentation of invoice by TWMC. Force Majeure TWMC shall not be liable for failure to perform or for delay in performance resulting from any cause beyond TWMC’s reasonable control or due to compliance with any regulations, orders, acts, instructions or priority requests of any federal, state or municipal Government, or any department or agency thereof, civil or military authority, acts of God, acts or omissions of the Purchaser, fires, floods, weather, strikes lockouts, factory shutdowns, faulty castings or forgings, embargoes, wars, hostilities, riots, delays or shortages in transportation or inability to obtain labor, manufacturing facilities or material from TWMC’s usual sources. In the event of delay in performance due to any such cause, the date of www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 11 Selling policy, STOCK MOTORS - continued Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 delivery or time for completion shall be extended by a period of time reasonably necessary to overcome the effect of such delay, and TWMC shall be reimbursed for any additional expense(s) resulting from such delay. The Purchaser’s receipt of products shall constitute a waiver of any claims related to the delay. Warranty Standard Warranty TWMC warrants that the equipment furnished hereunder will be of the kind and quality described in its proposal or contract and will be free of defects in workmanship and material. Should any failure to conform to this warranty occur within one year after the date of initial operation, or eighteen months after the date of shipment (with respect to custom motors, the stock motor warranty period shall be thirty-six months from the date of manufacture, regardless of the date the motor is placed in operation), whichever is earlier, TWMC shall correct such nonconformity by repairing or replacing the defective part or parts, FOB factory or its designated repair facility at TWMC’s option. The buyer shall not be required to deliver a defective part to the seller if: 1. The part was destroyed as a result of its defect or of any defect in any part covered in this warranty, and 2. The seller is reasonably satisfied that the part was defective at the time of sale. If both these conditions are met the seller shall replace the part in the same manner as if the buyer had delivered it into the seller’s plant. This warranty is conditioned upon the storage, installation, operation, and maintenance of the equipment in accordance with any TWMC recommendations and standard industry practice. In no event shall TWMC be responsible for: 1. Providing working access to the defect, including the removal disassembly, replacement or reinstallation of any equipment, materials or structures to the extent necessary to permit TWMC to perform its warranty obligations, 2. Transportation costs to and from the TWMC factory or designated repair facility, 3. The conditions of any test shall be mutually agreed upon, and TWMC shall be notified of, and may be present at all tests that may be made, 4. Repairs performed without authorization by TWMC. Merger Clause Any representation, warranty, course of dealing, or trade usage not contained or referenced herein shall not be binding on TWMC. This writing, along with any additional parol agreements favoring TWMC, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties on the subject matter hereof. No modification, amendment, recision, waiver, or other change shall be binding on TWMC unless expressly assented to in writing by TWMC. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS PROVISION ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE EXCEPT OF TITLE AND AGAINST PATENT INFRINGEMENT. The remedies provided above are the Purchaser’s sole remedies for any failure of TWMC to comply with its obligations. Correction of any non-conformity in the manner and for the period of time provided above shall constitute complete fulfillment of all the liabilities of TWMC whether the claims of the Purchaser are based in contract, in tort 12 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO (including negligence or strict liability otherwise with respect to or arising out of the product furnished hereunder. Limitation of Liability TWMC, its subcontractors and suppliers of any tier, shall not be liable in contract, in tort (including negligence or strict liability equipment, loss of profits or otherwise) for damage or loss of other property or revenue, loss of use of equipment or power system, cost of capital, cost of purchased or replacement power or temporary equipment (including additional expenses incurred in using, claims of customers of the existing facilities Purchaser, or for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages whatsoever. The remedies of the Purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total cumulative liability of TWMC with respect to any contract, or any action taken in connection therewith such as the performance or breach thereof, or from the manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, or use of any product covered by or furnished under the order, whether in contract, in tort (including negligence or strict liability or otherwise) shall not exceed the price of the product or part on which such liability is based. The sole purpose of the exclusive remedy stipulated herein shall be to insure that the product furnished is of the kind and quality described in TWMC’s proposal or contract, and is free of defects in workmanship and material. This exclusive remedy shall not be deemed to have failed of its essential purpose: 1. as long as TWMC is willing and able to correct defects in the workmanship and material of the product, or, alternatively, 2. if TWMC has expended a combined sum equal to or greater than the purchase price of the product in its attempts to correct defects in the workmanship or material of the product. Selling policy, STOCK MOTORS - continued Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Patents Subject to the following provisions, TWMC shall, at its own expense, defend or at its option settle any claim, suit or preceding brought against the Purchaser, and/or its vendees, mediate or immediate, so far as based on an allegation that any goods, material, equipment, device, or article (hereinafter referred to as product) constitutes a direct or contributory infringement of any claim of any patent of the United or any part thereof furnished hereunder States. This obligation shall be effective only if Purchaser shall have made all payments then due hereunder and if TWMC is notified promptly in writing and given authority, information, and assistance for the defense of said claim, suit, or proceeding. TWMC shall pay all damages and costs awarded in such suit or proceeding so defended. 1. In case the product or any part thereof furnished hereunder becomes the subject of any claim, suit, or proceeding for the infringement of any United States patent, or if the use or sale of such product or parts is enjoined, TWMC shall, at its option and its own expense either: a. procure for the purchaser the right to continue using said product or part thereof; or b. replace it with a non-infringing product; or c. modify it so it becomes noninfringing, or d. as a last resort remove it and refund the purchase price and the transportation and installation costs thereof. 2. The foregoing indemnity does not apply to the following: a. Patented processes performed by the product, or any product produced thereby, b. Products supplied according to a design other than that of TWMC’s and which is required by the Purchaser, c. Combinations of the product with another product not furnished hereunder unless TWMC is a contributory infringer, d. Any settlement of a suit or proceeding made without TWMC’s written consent. TWMC shall not be obliged to deliver the products until such insurance, indemnities and waivers have been procured and are legally operative in TWMC’s favor, failing which TWMC may rescind the sale without liability. The foregoing states the entire liability of TWMC with respect to patent infringement by said product or any part thereof. If a suit or proceeding is brought against TWMC solely on account of activities enumerated in paragraph 2 a, b, c above, Purchaser agrees to indemnify TWMC in the manner and to the extent TWMC indemnified the Purchaser in the first paragraph of this provision insofar as the terms thereof are appropriate. Additional Conditions Applicable to Nuclear Applications 1. In the event that the Purchaser or third parties use product or any part thereof, in connection with any activity or process involving nuclear fission or fusion or any use or handling of any source, special nuclear or byproduct material as those materials are defined in the US Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended, Purchaser, at no expense to TWMC shall provide or arrange for insurance coverage, indemnities, waivers of liability, recourse and subrogation in such amounts and under such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to TWMC, to protect TWMC (and its subsidiaries, subcontractors or suppliers of any tier) against any and all loss, cost, damage or expense and claims and demands therefore, in contract, in tort or otherwise, including the cost of investigating, litigating and/or settling any such claims or demands, on account of bodily injury, sickness, disease or death to any person or the loss of, loss of use of, or damage to property whether located on or off the site of a nuclear installation, arising out of, or resulting from the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of source, special nuclear or byproduct materials, as those materials are defined in the US Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended. 2. In the event that the Purchaser resells, distributes or in any way relinquishes control of the product or services to a third party, the Purchaser shall require from such third party a. compliance with all requirements under 1 above and b. assurance that any subsequent Purchaser of the product or services complies with all requirements under 1 above. Interpretation All orders shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. TWMC-4500T, Rev. 2, 3/02/17 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 13 TECO-Westinghouse STOCK MOTOR and control Products WARRANTY POLICY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 STANDARD WARRANTY INFORMATION All TECO-Westinghouse brand Stock Motors and Low Voltage Control Products, such as Solid State Starters and AC Drives, ("control products") sold by TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company ("TWMC") are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 36 months from the date of manufacture. A warranty of 36 months from the date of sale is applicable when a TWMC Low Voltage Control Product and a TWMC Inverter Duty Motor are purchased together. All MAX-E2/841® motors have a 5 year warranty. This warranty is conditioned upon the installation, operation, and maintenance of the motors and control products in accordance with TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company's recommendations or standard industry practice, and the motors and control products have at all times been operated or used under normal operating conditions for which they were designed. This warranty will not be applicable to products that have been altered without written permission from TWMC. TWMC shall, at its sole option and expense, either repair or replace, FOB warehouse or TWMC designated service center, any such motor, motor part, or control product which is defective within the warranty period. In the event of warranty claims, TWMC must be notified promptly following any motor or control product failure. The motor or control product shall be sent to a TWMC authorized service center for diagnosis on the cause of failure. For motor and control products if the failure is due to defective material and/or workmanship, TWMC will replace or repair the defective motor, motor part, or control product at its discretion. The repair or replacement of defective material and workmanship shall constitute complete fulfillment of TECOWestinghouse Motor Company's warranty liability whether the warranty claims are based on contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability), or otherwise. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING AND USAGE OF TRADE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL TECO-WESTINGHOUSE MOTOR COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING FREIGHT. STOCK MOTOR AND CONTROL PRODUCTS RETURN POLICY All returned goods are subject to prior approval and must be accompanied by a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. These goods must be returned within 90 days, freight prepaid, in resalable condition and in original packaging. A 15% restocking fee will be applied. If upon receipt of the RMA, goods are deemed not to be in resalable condition or in original packaging, then additional fees will be applied. RETURNS ON MODIFIED MOTORS OR CONTROL PRODUCTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 14 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO PROCEDURE FOR WARRANTY CLAIMS ON STOCK MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Warranty Claims In the event of warranty claims, TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company must be notified promptly prior to any repairs or replacement of failed motors and/or motor components. Original purchase information will be requested. The failed motor shall be sent to a TECO-Westinghouse authorized service center for diagnosis on the cause of the failure. EASA Certified Shops can be found at EASA.com using the "find a member" search feature. If the failure is due to defective material and/or workmanship, TWMC shall, at its sole option, either repair on a straight time bases, issue credit, or replace, FOB Warehouse any such motor or component that is defective within the warranty period. Failure to notify TWMC prior to performing repairs or providing replacements will result in denial of warranty claims. Contact the TWMC Warranty Department at (512) 218-7475. or via email - tframewarranty@tecowestinghouse.com Authorized Service Authorized service centers shall contact TWMC's Warranty Department for serial number verification to determine warranty status of the motor. If the motor is within the original warranty period, the service center shall dismantle and inspect the motor, and prepare a standard EASA Warranty Repair Report. Fax the report to TWMC's Warranty Department at (512) 218-7378 for review of the failure and determination if the failure will be covered under terms of the TWMC standard warranty. Warranty Determination If the motor failure is determined to be a warranty failure, a Warranty Claim Authourization (WCA) number will be assigned to the claim. The WCA number represents the credit memo number for any motor not repaired, as well as the purchase order number for inspection, and/or repair charges for motors to be replaced or repaired. Charges for inspections and/or repairs to motors outside the warranty period or for failures not resulting from material or workmanship issues are the sole responsibility of the end user. For Warranty Repairs: The original EASA Warranty Repair Report, along with pictures documenting the failure, shall be submitted to the TWMC's Warranty Department, along with an invoice for all repair charges. All reports and invoices submitted require an RMA number for processing. Claims submitted without RMA numbers will be denied. For Warranty Credit: The original EASA Warranty Repair Report, pictures, invoice and the original nameplate off the motor must be returned to TWMC's Warranty Department prior to issuance of credit. All claims and invoices submitted require an WCA number for processing. Claims submitted without WCA numbers will be denied. An invoice must be received for payment of inspection charges. Invoice only for inspection charges. Credit will be issued to the buyers account for any motor determined not repairable. Request for warranty replacements: In special circumstances, TWMC's Warranty Department can approve replacement orders, if an exact replacement motor/component is in stock. If a warranty replacement motor is needed and approved, a new purchase order, with reference to the warranty claim number will need to be emailed to orders@tecowestinghouse.com for processing and shipment. All such orders will be shipped FOB warehouse, and the customer will receive an invoice for the replacement. Upon receipt of the nameplate off the original failed motor, credit will be issued for the failed motor. Freight is not covered under warranty. NOTE: If the cause of the failure is determined to not be a result of manufacturer's defect or workmanship, all expenses associated with inspection, repair, etc., will be the responsibility of others. See page xxx for Control Products Return Procedure. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 15 MOTOR AND DRIVE COMBINATION PACKAGES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Premium Efficient Motor and Drive Combination Packages developed for both constant and variable torque applications APPLICABLE MOTORS z Rolled Steel and Cast Iron ODP 143T through 5009B Frame 1 to 500 HP 1200, 1800, and 3600 RPM z MAX-E1® type AEHE, AEHH8N 143T through 6808B Frame 1 to 800 HP 900, 1200, 1800, and 3600 RPM • • • • • • APPLICABLE VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES PRODUCTS z EQ7 or A510 Drives for Constant Torque Applications z EQ7 or F 510 Drives for Variable Torque Applications z 230VAC to 125 HP, 460VAC to 800 HP • • • • Single Source Reliability Additional 5% Discount when purchasing matching motor and drive sets 5 Year Warranty valid on all combination packages. Select any combination of ODP or MAX-E1® premium Efficient Motors with any powermatched A510, F510, or EQ7 VFD ** Use Promo Code "MIPKG2017" when placing motor and Drive Order ** 16 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO ROLLED STEEL ODP FAMILY ASGHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, F#56 (1/4 HP - 3 HP) [DSP] ASGH, NEMA PREMIUM, F#140T - 280T (1 HP - 40 HP) [DTP] ASGA, HIGH EFFICIENCY, F#56 (1/3 HP - 3 HP) [DS] ASGHJP/JM, NEMA PREMIUM, CLOSE COUPLED, (1 HP - 40 HP) [DJPP/DJMP] ASGAJP/JM, HIGH EFFICIENCY, CLOSE COUPLED, (1 HP - 40 HP)[DJP/DJM]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z HVAC Equipment z Compressors z Fire Pumps* FEATURES: z Output Range: 1/3 - 40 HP z Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM z Enclosure: Open Drip Proof (IP22) z Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 200 & 208V) z Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) z Class F Insulation z Class B Temperature Rise z NEMA Design B Torques z Rolled Steel Frame and Main Conduit Box z Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box z Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted z Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) z Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) z Bi-Directional Rotation z 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft z Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction z Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat z Paint Color: Premium - Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 High Efficient - Light Gray - Munsell N5.0 z Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL (Non-regreasable) z Stainless Steel Nameplate z New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) z Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(3,4) z Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque z 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; z 12 Leads for 7.5 HP and Larger z Motors are U.L. Recognized for United States and Canada, CSA Approved and CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: * Fire Pump available. See product page for more details. (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 17 ROLLED STEEL ODP PREMIUM ASGHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, F#56 (1/4 HP - 3 HP) [DSP] ASGH, NEMA PREMIUM, F#140T - 280T (1 HP - 40 HP) [DTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) DSP0/22 DSP0/24 DSP0/26 DSP0/32 DSP0/34 DSP0/36 DSP0/52 DSP0/54 DSP0/56 DSP0/72 DSP0/74 DSP0/76 DSP0012 DTP0012 DSP0014 DTP0014 DSP0016 DTP0016 DSP1/52 DTP1/52 DSP1/54 DTP1/54 DTP1/56 DSP0022 DTP0022 DSP0024 DTP0024 DTP0026 DSP0032 DTP0032 DSP0034 DTP0034 DTP0036 DTP0052 DTP0054 DTP0056 DTP7/52 DTP7/54 DTP7/56 DTP0102 DTP0104 DTP0106 DTP0152 DTP0154 DTP0156 DTP0202 DTP0204 DTP0206 DTP0252 DTP0254 DTP0302 DTP0304 DTP0402 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 30 30 40 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 3600 3600 1800 1800 1200 3600 3600 1800 1800 1200 3600 3600 1800 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 3600 1800 3600 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 143T 56 143T 56 145T 56 143T 56 145T 182T 56 145T 56 145T 184T 56 145T 56 182T 213T 182T 184T 215T 184T 213T 254T 213T 215T 256T 215T 254T 284T 254T 256T 284T 256T 284T 284TS 286T 286TS 72.0 72.0 70.0 71.5 75.5 72.0 73.4 78.2 75.5 76.8 81.1 81.7 77.0 80.0 83.5 85.5 82.5 82.5 85.5 85.5 86.5 86.5 86.5 86.5 85.5 86.5 86.5 87.5 86.5 85.5 86.9 89.5 88.5 87.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 91.0 90.2 90.2 91.7 91.7 91.0 93.0 91.7 91.7 93.0 92.4 91.7 93.6 92.4 94.1 92.4 82.0 73.0 61.0 80.5 74.5 61.0 81.5 81.0 63.0 80.0 77.5 67.5 79.5 85.5 72.0 75.5 66.0 66.0 83.0 83.0 80.5 80.5 54.0 85.0 89.0 79.0 79.0 57.0 89.0 86.0 80.0 73.0 69.0 88.0 77.0 73.0 90.0 81.0 77.0 85.5 84.0 79.5 87.0 83.0 80.0 90.0 83.0 81.5 91.0 85.0 90.0 86.0 90.5 0.79 0.89 1.10 1.08 1.11 1.42 1.57 1.48 1.97 2.29 2.23 2.55 3.06 2.74 3.11 2.90 3.44 3.44 3.96 3.96 4.03 4.03 6.01 5.09 4.92 5.48 5.48 7.51 7.30 7.64 8.08 8.60 9.20 12.2 13.6 14.3 17.6 19.1 20.2 24.3 24.3 25.7 35.5 36.4 38.3 45.4 48.5 49.4 56.1 58.8 67.6 69.4 89.6 Notes: (1) DSP0034 is not the same or equivalent (different frame) to DS0034. Shaft diameters are different. (2) All data subject to change without notice. 18 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 19 20 24 21 22 22 22 22 23 35 23 26 25 34 25 42 32 43 26 34 30 47 94 28 42 35 47 94 36 42 53 94 158 94 94 158 94 158 292 158 158 292 158 230 344 292 292 344 292 344 344 415 415 LIST PRICE ($) 243 259 348 243 259 348 259 285 378 291 316 384 338 356 338 356 400 460 362 380 362 394 487 384 429 384 418 533 464 479 415 460 744 543 576 898 715 826 1,340 898 979 1,531 1,202 1,349 2,047 1,565 1,667 2,481 1,857 2,060 2,296 2,421 2,939 ROLLED STEEL ODP ASGA, HIGH EFFICIENCY, F#56 (1/3 HP - 3 HP) [DS] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) FIRE PUMP LIST PRICE ($) DS0/32 1/3 3600 A56 68.0 73.8 1.24 21 230 DS0/34 1/3 1800 A56 75.5 73.0 1.13 22 246 DS0/36 1/3 1200 A56 75.5 67.2 1.23 22 330 DS0/52 1/2 3600 A56 72.0 73.8 1.76 22 246 DS0/54 1/2 1800 A56 77.0 68.8 1.77 22 270 DS0/56 1/2 1200 A56 75.5 65.5 1.89 23 359 DS0/72 3/4 3600 A56 75.5 74.2 2.51 35 276 DS0/74 3/4 1800 A56 75.5 70.0 2.66 23 300 DS0/76 3/4 1200 A56 75.5 63.2 2.94 26 364 DS0012 1 3600 A56 74.0 74.0 3.40 25 321 DS0014 1 1800 A56 77.0 75.8 3.20 25 321 DS0016 1 1200 A56 77.0 70.8 3.40 32 380 DS1/52 1.5 3600 A56 77.0 79.2 4.60 26 344 DS1/54 1.5 1800 A56 80.0 80.0 4.40 30 344 DS0022 2 3600 A56 80.0 80.5 5.80 28 364 DS0024 2 1800 B56 81.5 82.0 5.60 35 364 DS0032 3 3600 B56 82.5 85.0 8.00 36 440 DS0034 3 1800 56HZ 86.5 80.5 8.00 53 415 Notes: (1) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency motor line inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. (2) Once product listed on this page has been depleted from current stock, that model becomes obsolete and can not be re-ordered. (3) Please see our new line of Premium Efficient 56 frame Rolled Steel ODP motors on page 16. (4) DSP0034 is not the same or equivalent (different frame) to DS0034. Shaft diameters are different. (5) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 19 ROLLED STEEL ODP JP/JM PREMIUM ASGHJP/JM, NEMA PREMIUM, CLOSE COUPLED, (1 HP - 40 HP) [DJPP/DJMP] Catalog NO. JP JM DJPP0014 DJMP0014 DJPP0016 DJPP1/52 HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL Amps (230V) Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) JP JM LIST PRICE ($) 1 1800 143JP/JM 85.5 75.5 2.90 40 40 426 DJMP0016 1 1200 145JP/JM 82.5 66.0 3.44 45 45 530 DJMP1/52 1.5 3600 143JP/JM 85.5 83.0 3.96 40 40 452 DJPP1/54 DJMP1/54 1.5 1800 145JP/JM 86.5 80.5 4.03 47 47 471 DJPP1/56 DJMP1/56 1.5 1200 182JP/JM 86.5 54.0 6.01 90 83 551 DJPP0022 DJMP0022 2 3600 145JP/JM 86.5 85.0 5.09 45 45 474 DJPP0024 DJMP0024 2 1800 145JP/JM 86.5 79.0 5.48 50 49 474 DJPP0026 DJMP0026 2 1200 184JP/JM 87.5 57.0 7.51 93 89 611 DJPP0032 DJMP0032 3 3600 145JP/JM 85.5 86.0 7.64 50 50 554 DJPP0034 DJMP0034 3 1800 182JP/JM 89.5 73.0 8.60 113 95 534 DJPP0036 DJMP0036 3 1200 213JP/JM 88.5 69.0 9.20 155 146 854 DJPP0052 DJMP0052 5 3600 182JP/JM 87.5 88.0 12.2 95 78 685 DJPP0054 DJMP0054 5 1800 184JP/JM 89.5 77.0 13.6 113 108 630 DJPP0056 DJMP0056 5 1200 215JP/JM 89.5 73.0 14.3 155 146 1,183 DJPP7/52 DJMP7/52 7.5 3600 184JP/JM 88.5 90.0 17.6 100 78 840 DJPP7/54 DJMP7/54 7.5 1800 213JP/JM 91.0 81.0 19.1 155 140 904 DJPP7/56 DJMP7/56 7.5 1200 254JP/JM 90.2 77.0 20.2 265 265 1,463 DJPP0102 DJMP0102 10 3600 213JP/JM 90.2 85.5 24.3 167 165 1,060 DJPP0104 DJMP0104 10 1800 215JP/JM 91.7 84.0 24.3 180 150 1,008 DJPP0106 DJMP0106 10 1200 256JP/JM 91.7 79.5 25.7 290 275 1,706 DJPP0152 DJMP0152 15 3600 215JP/JM 91.0 87.0 35.5 167 165 1,400 DJPP0154 DJMP0154 15 1800 254JP/JM 93.0 83.0 36.4 265 257 1,492 DJPP0156 DJMP0156 15 1200 284JP/JM 91.7 80.0 38.3 375 365 2,179 DJPP0202 DJMP0202 20 3600 254JP/JM 91.7 90.0 45.4 265 250 1,782 DJPP0204 DJMP0204 20 1800 256JP/JM 93.0 83.0 48.5 275 265 1,858 DJPP0206 DJMP0206 20 1200 284JP/JM 92.4 81.5 49.7 410 405 2,769 DJPP0252 DJMP0252 25 3600 256JP/JM 91.7 91.0 56.1 300 275 2,115 DJPP0254 DJMP0254 25 1800 284JP/JM 93.6 85.0 58.8 375 365 2,190 DJPP0302 DJMP0302 30 3600 284JP/JM 92.4 90.0 67.6 370 350 2,464 DJPP0304 DJMP0304 30 1800 286JP/JM 94.1 86.0 69.4 395 370 2,567 DJPP0402 DJMP0402 40 3600 286JP/JM 92.4 90.5 89.6 395 370 3,217 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. 20 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO ROLLED STEEL ODP JP/JM ASGAJP/JM, HIGH EFFICIENCY, CLOSE COUPLED, (1 HP - 40 HP)[DJP/DJM] APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 JP JM LIST PRICE ($) 2.90 40 40 426 DJP0014FP 469 3.20 45 45 534 DJP0016FP 587 82.8 4.10 40 40 464 DJP1/52FP 510 84.0 4.00 47 47 464 DJP1/54FP 510 84.0 55.0 6.08 90 83 551 DJP1/56PFP 606 84.0 83.5 5.30 45 45 474 DJP0022FP 521 145JP/JM 84.0 81.0 5.50 50 49 474 DJP0024FP 521 184JP/JM 85.5 62.0 7.10 93 89 611 DJP0026FP 672 3600 145JP/JM 84.0 87.0 7.70 50 50 601 DJP0032FP 661 1800 182JP/JM 86.5 78.0 8.30 113 95 534 DJP0034FP 587 3 1200 213JP/JM 86.5 71.0 9.20 155 146 854 DJP0036FP 939 5 3600 182JP/JM 85.5 90.0 12.2 95 78 747 DJP0052FP 822 DJM0054 5 1800 184JP/JM 87.5 81.5 13.1 113 108 630 DJP0054FP 693 DJM0056 5 1200 215JP/JM 87.5 72.0 14.9 155 146 1,183 DJP0056FP 1,301 Catalog NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL Amps (230V) JP JM DJP0014 DJM0014 1 1800 143JP/JM 82.5 78.5 DJP0016 DJM0016 1 1200 145JP/JM 80.0 72.5 DJP1/52 DJM1/52 1.5 3600 143JP/JM 82.5 DJP1/54 DJM1/54 1.5 1800 145JP/JM 84.0 DJP1/56P DJM1/56 1.5 1200 182JP/JM DJP0022 DJM0022 2 3600 145JP/JM DJP0024 DJM0024 2 1800 DJP0026 DJM0026 2 1200 DJP0032 DJM0032 3 DJP0034 DJM0034 3 DJP0036 DJM0036 DJP0052 DJM0052 DJP0054 DJP0056 FIRE PUMP CATALOG NO. FIRE PUMP LIST PRICE ($) DJP7/52 DJM7/52 7.5 3600 184JP/JM 87.5 91.0 17.6 100 78 891 DJP7/52FP 980 DJP7/54 DJM7/54 7.5 1800 213JP/JM 88.5 85.0 18.7 155 140 906 DJP7/54FP 997 DJP7/56 DJM7/56 7.5 1200 254JP/JM 88.5 81.0 19.6 265 265 1,463 DJP7/56FP 1,609 DJP0102 DJM0102 10 3600 213JP/JM 88.5 88.0 24.0 167 165 1,145 DJP0102FP 1,260 DJP0104 DJM0104 10 1800 215JP/JM 89.5 86.5 24.2 180 150 1,008 DJP0104FP 1,109 DJP0106 DJM0106 10 1200 256JP/JM 90.2 81.0 25.6 290 275 1,706 DJP0106FP 1,877 DJP0152 DJM0152 15 3600 215JP/JM 89.5 87.5 35.9 167 165 1,511 DJP0152FP 1,662 DJP0154 DJM0154 15 1800 254JP/JM 91.0 88.0 35.1 265 257 1,492 DJP0154FP 1,641 DJP0156 DJM0156 15 1200 284JP/JM 90.2 83.0 37.5 375 365 2,179 DJP0156FP 2,397 DJP0202 DJM0202 20 3600 254JP/JM 90.2 91.0 45.6 265 250 1,782 DJP0202FP 1,960 DJP0204 DJM0204 20 1800 256JP/JM 91.0 88.0 46.8 275 265 1,858 DJP0204FP 2,044 DJP0206 DJM0206 20 1200 284JP/JM 91.0 84.0 49.0 410 405 2,791 DJP0206FP 3,070 DJP0252 DJM0252 25 3600 256JP/JM 91.0 91.0 56.5 300 275 2,171 DJP0252FP 2,388 DJP0254 DJM0254 25 1800 284JP/JM 91.7 86.0 59.4 375 365 2,190 DJP0254FP 2,409 DJP0302 DJM0302 30 3600 284JP/JM 91.0 89.0 69.4 370 350 2,464 DJP0302FP 2,710 DJP0304 DJM0304 30 1800 286JP/JM 92.4 86.5 70.3 395 370 2,567 DJP0304FP 2,824 DJP0402 DJM0402 40 3600 286JP/JM 91.7 88.0 92.8 395 370 3,363 DJP0402FP 3,699 Notes: * Fire Pump available as made to order. Fire Pump Certificate complies with ANSI/UL 1004-5. Certificate# 20120717 – EX6569. (1) Delivery for Fire Pump Duty motor (Catalog Number + FP) is standard 5 - 10 working days after receipt of order if standard motor is in stock; Painting to Fire Safety Red requirement on Fire Pump Duty type motor can be waived in order to expedite delivery upon request. (2) Fire Pump Duty Motor pricing includes: adding UL nameplate, restamping original nameplate to new "DHP_FP" catalog number, and Fire Safety Red Paint. (3) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency motor line inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. (4) Once product listed on this page has been depleted from current stock, that model becomes obsolete and can not be re-ordered. (5) Please see our new line of Premium Efficient JP/JM Rolled Steel ODP motors on page 18. (6) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 21 ROLLED STEEL ODP AEGIS® SGR ASGH, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [DTP_G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z z z z Fans & Blowers Pumps Compressors HVAC Equipment The AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring prevents electrical bearing fluting damage by safely diverting harmful shaft voltages and bearing currents to ground. Using proprietary Electron Transport Technology™, the conductive microfibers inside the AEGIS® SGR provide the most reliable current diversion technology for shaft grounding with a "path of least resistance" to dramatically extend motor life. AEGIS® SGR Rings have a warranty of 1 year. FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 40 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Open Drip Proof (IP22) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 200 & 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Grounding Ring Factory Installed Externally on DE Bracket Class F Insulation NEMA Design B Torques Rolled Steel Frame and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL (Non-regreasable) Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(3,4) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized for United States and Canada, CSA Approved and CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (5) AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring can not be used in Hazardous Locations (i.g. Class I, Div. 2, etc.) 22 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO ROLLED STEEL ODP AEGIS® SGR ASGH, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [DTP_G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) DTP0012G DTP0014G DTP0016G DTP1/52G DTP1/54G DTP1/56G DTP0022G DTP0024G DTP0026G DTP0032G DTP0034G DTP0036G DTP0052G DTP0054G DTP0056G DTP7/52G DTP7/54G DTP7/56G DTP0102G DTP0104G DTP0106G DTP0152G DTP0154G DTP0156G DTP0202G DTP0204G DTP0206G DTP0252G DTP0254G DTP0302G DTP0304G DTP0402G 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 30 30 40 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 3600 1800 3600 143T 143T 145T 143T 145T 182T 145T 145T 184T 145T 182T 213T 182T 184T 215T 184T 213T 254T 213T 215T 256T 215T 254T 284T 254T 256T 286T 256T 284T 284TS 286T 286TS 80.0 85.5 82.5 85.5 86.5 86.5 85.5 86.5 87.5 85.5 89.5 88.5 87.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 91.0 90.2 90.2 91.7 91.7 91.0 93.0 91.7 91.7 93.0 92.4 91.7 93.6 92.4 94.1 92.4 85.5 75.5 66.0 83.0 80.5 54.0 89.0 79.0 57.0 86.0 73.0 69.0 88.0 77.0 73.0 90.0 81.0 77.0 85.5 84.0 79.5 87.0 83.0 80.0 90.0 83.0 81.5 91.0 85.0 90.0 86.0 90.5 2.74 2.90 3.44 3.96 4.03 6.01 4.92 5.48 7.51 7.64 8.60 9.20 12.2 13.6 14.3 17.6 19.1 20.2 24.3 24.3 25.7 35.5 36.4 38.3 45.4 48.5 49.4 56.1 58.8 67.6 69.4 89.6 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 34 42 43 34 47 94 42 47 94 42 94 158 94 94 158 94 158 292 158 158 292 158 230 344 292 292 344 292 344 344 415 415 LIST PRICE ($) 453 450 570 479 489 629 528 517 700 587 595 975 684 714 1,196 871 1,003 1,574 1,085 1,165 1,761 1,405 1,584 2,331 1,817 1,916 2,797 2,115 2,346 2,572 2,723 3,248 Notes: (1) AEGIS® SGR Rings have a warranty of 1 year. (2) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 23 CAST IRON ODP ASHH, NEMA PREMIUM [DHP]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Compressors z HVAC Equipment z Fire Pumps* FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 800 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Open Drip Proof (IP22) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets Rolled Steel Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Light Gray - Munsell N5.0 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140T - 280T (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 280TS and Larger Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 280TS and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F#280TS and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; 6 Leads for 150 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: * Fire Pump available. See product page for more details. (1) Available in 575V. TWMC carries minimal 575V stock; please check availability to ensure required motors are in stock. Ratings may be available from our Canadian warehouses and/or our factory. Pricing and leadtime may vary. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. 24 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO CAST IRON ODP ASHH, NEMA PREMIUM [DHP]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) DHP0014 DHP0016 DHP1/52 DHP1/54 DHP1/56 DHP0022 DHP0024 DHP0026 DHP0032 DHP0034 DHP0036 DHP0052 DHP0054 DHP0056 DHP7/52 DHP7/54 DHP7/56 DHP0102 DHP0104 DHP0106 DHP0152 DHP0154 DHP0156 DHP0202 DHP0204 DHP0206 DHP0252 DHP0254 DHP0256 DHP0302 DHP0304 DHP0306 DHP0402 DHP0404 DHP0406 DHP0502 DHP0504 DHP0506 DHP0602 DHP0604 DHP0606 DHP0752 DHP0754 DHP0754R DHP0756 DHP0756R 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 75 75 75 75 75 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 143T 145T 143T 145T 182T 145T 145T 184T 145T 182T 213T 182T 184T 215T 184T 213T 254T 213T 215T 256T 215T 254T 284T 254T 256T 286T 256T 284T 324T 284TS 286T 326T 286TS 324T 364T 324TS 326T 365T 326TS 364T 404T 364TS 365T 365T 405T 405T 85.5 82.5 85.5 86.5 87.5 85.5 86.5 87.5 87.5 89.5 88.5 87.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 91.0 90.2 90.2 91.7 91.7 90.2 93.0 91.7 91.0 93.0 92.4 91.7 93.6 93.0 92.4 94.1 93.6 92.4 94.1 94.1 93.0 94.5 94.1 93.6 95.0 94.5 94.1 95.0 95.0 94.5 94.5 78.0 65.5 80.0 80.5 63.0 84.5 79.5 71.0 87.0 81.0 77.0 91.0 84.5 79.0 91.5 86.0 79.0 88.0 87.0 81.0 87.5 84.5 83.0 90.5 86.5 83.5 92.0 87.0 83.0 90.5 87.0 83.5 91.5 86.0 87.0 86.0 85.0 86.0 87.0 85.0 85.5 90.5 86.0 86.0 86.5 86.5 1.41 1.74 2.06 2.02 2.55 2.59 2.72 3.01 3.69 3.88 4.12 5.90 6.19 6.62 8.65 8.97 9.85 11.8 11.7 12.6 17.8 17.9 18.5 22.8 23.3 24.3 27.7 28.7 30.3 33.6 34.3 35.9 44.3 46.3 45.7 58.5 58.3 57.8 69.0 69.6 69.5 82.5 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 54 75 50 60 123 57 58 130 66 117 183 120 145 195 134 187 260 190 215 329 220 247 367 233 350 392 317 352 640 405 429 568 442 608 835 552 629 766 614 735 1,100 704 850 850 1,210 1,210 LIST PRICE ($) FIRE PUMP CATALOG NO. LIST PRICE ($) 375 484 400 415 513 452 440 561 504 484 783 572 606 945 753 869 1,410 945 1,030 1,612 1,265 1,420 2,155 1,647 1,755 2,612 1,955 2,168 3,240 2,417 2,548 3,641 3,094 3,159 4,543 3,810 3,541 5,383 4,479 4,492 6,448 5,950 5,322 5,322 7,752 7,752 DHP0014FP DHP0016FP DHP1/52FP DHP1/54FP DHP1/56FP DHP0022FP DHP0024FP DHP0026FP DHP0032FP DHP0034FP DHP0036FP DHP0052FP DHP0054FP DHP0056FP DHP7/52FP DHP7/54FP DHP7/56FP DHP0102FP DHP0104FP DHP0106FP DHP0152FP DHP0154FP DHP0156FP DHP0202FP DHP0204FP DHP0206FP DHP0252FP DHP0254FP DHP0256FP DHP0302FP DHP0304FP DHP0306FP DHP0402FP DHP0404FP DHP0406FP DHP0502FP DHP0504FP DHP0506FP DHP0602FP DHP0604FP DHP0606FP DHP0752FP DHP0754FP DHP0754RFP DHP0756FP DHP0756RFP 413 532 440 457 564 497 484 617 554 532 861 629 667 1,040 828 956 1,551 1,040 1,133 1,773 1,392 1,562 2,371 1,812 1,931 2,873 2,151 2,385 3,564 2,659 2,803 4,005 3,403 3,475 4,997 4,191 3,895 5,921 4,927 4,941 7,115 6,545 5,854 5,854 8,527 8,527 Notes: * Fire Pump available as made to order. Fire Pump Certificate complies with ANSI/UL 1004-5. Certificate# 20120717 – EX6569. (1) Delivery for Fire Pump Duty motor (Catalog Number + FP) is standard 5 - 10 working days after receipt of order if standard motor is in stock; Painting to Fire Safety Red requirement on Fire Pump Duty type motor can be waived in order to expedite delivery upon request. (2) Fire Pump Duty Motor pricing includes: adding UL nameplate, restamping original nameplate to new "DHP_FP" catalog number, and Fire Safety Red Paint. (3) To order 575V, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "DHP00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (4) "R" = Motor stocked standard with a Drive-End Roller Bearing. (5) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 25 CAST IRON ODP ASHH, NEMA PREMIUM [DHP] continued...* CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) DHP1002 DHP1004 DHP1004R DHP1006 DHP1006R DHP1252 DHP1254 DHP1254R DHP1256 DHP1256R DHP1502 DHP1504 DHP1504R DHP1506 DHP1506R DHP2002 DHP2004 DHP2006 DHP2006R DHP2502 DHP2504 DHP2504R DHP2506 DHP2506R DHP3002 DHP3004 DHP3006 DHP3502 DHP3504 DHP3506 DHP4002 DHP4004 DHP4006 DHP4502 DHP4504 DHP4506 DHP5002 DHP5004 DHP5006 DHP6002 DHP6004 DHP6006 DHP6006R DHP7002 DHP7004 DHP7006 DHP8002 DHP8004 DHP8004R DHP8006 DHP8006R 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 450 450 450 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 800 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 365TS 404T 404T 444T 444T 404TS 405T 405T 445T 445T 405TS 444T 444T 445T 445T 444TS 445T 447T 447T 445TS 447T 447T 449T 449T 445TS 449T 449T 447TS 449T 5009B 449TS 449T 5009B 449TS 5009B 5009B 449TS 5009B 5009B 5011A 5011B 5011B 5011B 5012A 5011B 5810B 5012A 5012B 5012B 5810B 5810B 94.1 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 94.1 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 94.5 95.8 95.8 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.8 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.8 95.8 95.4 95.4 95.4 95.8 95.4 95.4 95.8 95.4 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8 96.2 96.2 95.8 96.2 96.2 95.0 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.0 96.2 95.8 95.0 96.2 96.2 95.8 95.8 90.5 85.5 85.5 82.0 82.0 90.5 84.5 84.5 82.0 82.0 90.5 86.0 86.0 82.5 82.5 88.5 86.5 83.0 83.0 88.5 87.0 87.0 83.0 83.0 89.0 87.5 87.0 90.0 87.5 85.0 90.0 87.7 84.5 90.5 88.0 84.0 91.2 88.0 84.0 87.5 87.8 82.6 82.6 88.3 86.0 82.6 87.9 86.2 86.2 82.5 82.5 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FL AMPS (460V) 110 115 115 120 120 137 145 145 150 150 164 170 170 178 178 223 226 236 236 278 281 281 296 296 331 335 338 382 391 404 434 446 463 486 498 521 536 553 579 676 665 710 710 781 792 828 897 903 903 948 948 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 761 961 961 1,350 1,350 907 1,109 1,109 1,605 1,605 1,003 1,540 1,540 1,705 1,705 1,324 1,577 2,010 2,010 1,470 1,806 1,806 2,420 2,420 1,320 2,140 2,615 1,590 2,310 3,715 2,055 2,445 3,835 2,125 3,620 3,960 2,225 3,790 4,075 3,240 3,650 4,250 4,250 3,610 3,870 6,450 3,610 4,210 4,210 6,820 6,820 LIST PRICE ($) FIRE PUMP CATALOG NO. LIST PRICE ($) 7,892 6,827 6,827 11,276 11,276 9,996 8,554 8,554 13,195 13,195 12,107 11,448 11,448 15,616 15,616 15,681 14,014 20,785 20,785 19,069 19,839 19,839 25,983 25,983 24,418 24,271 31,180 27,431 28,320 55,300 31,308 32,365 56,850 36,000 52,350 34,750 39,735 57,950 67,750 60,252 57,884 68,496 68,496 68,381 68,034 77,391 71,839 72,887 72,887 87,890 87,890 DHP1002FP DHP1004FP DHP1004RFP DHP1006FP DHP1006RFP DHP1252FP DHP1254FP DHP1254RFP DHP1256FP DHP1256RFP DHP1502FP DHP1504FP DHP1504RFP DHP1506FP DHP1506RFP DHP2002FP DHP2004FP DHP2006FP DHP2006RFP DHP2502FP DHP2504FP DHP2504RFP DHP2506FP DHP2506RFP DHP3002FP DHP3004FP DHP3006FP DHP3502FP DHP3504FP ~ DHP4002FP DHP4004FP ~ DHP4502FP ~ ~ DHP5002FP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8,681 7,510 7,510 12,404 12,404 10,996 9,409 9,409 14,515 14,515 13,318 12,593 12,593 17,178 17,178 17,249 15,415 22,864 22,864 20,976 21,823 21,823 28,581 28,581 26,860 26,689 34,298 30,174 31,152 ~ 34,439 35,602 ~ 39,600 ~ ~ 43,709 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Notes: * Fire Pump available as made to order. Fire Pump Certificate complies with ANSI/UL 1004-5. Certificate# 20120717 – EX6569. (1) Delivery for Fire Pump Duty motor (Catalog Number + FP) is standard 5 - 10 working days after receipt of order if standard motor is in stock; Painting to Fire Safety Red requirement on Fire Pump Duty type motor can be waived in order to expedite delivery upon request. (2) Fire Pump Duty Motor pricing includes: adding UL nameplate, restamping original nameplate to new "DHP_FP" catalog number, and Fire Safety Red Paint. (3) To order 575V, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "DHP00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (4) "R" = Motor stocked standard with a Drive-End Roller Bearing. (5) Ratings 150 HP and larger are 460V only. (6) Ratings above 500 HP are new offerings and will be available as stock beginning 3rd Quarter 2017. (7) All data subject to change without notice. 26 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO CAST IRON ODP AEGIS® SGR ASHH, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [DHP_G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z z z z Fans & Blowers HVAC Equipment Pumps Compressors The AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring prevents electrical bearing fluting damage by safely diverting harmful shaft voltages and bearing currents to ground. Using proprietary Electron Transport Technology™, the conductive microfibers inside the AEGIS® SGR provide the most reliable current diversion technology for shaft grounding with a "path of least resistance" to dramatically extend motor life. AEGIS® SGR Rings have a warranty of 1 year. FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 75 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Open Drip Proof (IP22) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Grounding Ring Factory Installed Externally on DE Bracket for F# 143T - 286T; Internally on NDE for F# 284TS - 405T Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets Rolled Steel Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Light Gray - Munsell N5.0 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140T - 280T (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings regreasable with Mobil PolyrexTM EM Grease for F# 280TS and Larger Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 280TS and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F#280TS and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; 6 Leads for 150 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Available in 575V. TWMC carries minimal 575V stock; please check availability to ensure required motors are in stock. Ratings may be available from our Canadian warehouses and/or our factory. Pricing and leadtime may vary. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (6) AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring can not be used in Hazardous Locations (i.g. Class I, Div. 2, etc.) www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 27 CAST IRON ODP AEGIS® SGR ASHH, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [DHP_G ] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) DHP0014G DHP0016G DHP1/52G DHP1/54G DHP1/56G DHP0022G DHP0024G DHP0026G DHP0032G DHP0034G DHP0036G DHP0052G DHP0054G DHP0056G DHP7/52G DHP7/54G DHP7/56G DHP0102G DHP0104G DHP0106G DHP0152G DHP0154G DHP0156G DHP0202G DHP0204G DHP0206G DHP0252G DHP0254G DHP0256G DHP0302G DHP0304G DHP0306G DHP0402G DHP0404G DHP0406G DHP0502G DHP0504G DHP0506G DHP0602G DHP0604G DHP0606G DHP0752G DHP0754G DHP0756G 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 75 75 75 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 143T 145T 143T 145T 182T 145T 145T 184T 145T 182T 213T 182T 184T 215T 184T 213T 254T 213T 215T 256T 215T 254T 284T 254T 256T 286T 256T 284T 324T 284TS 286T 326T 286TS 324T 364T 324TS 326T 365T 326TS 364T 404T 364TS 365T 405T 85.5 82.5 85.5 86.5 87.5 85.5 86.5 87.5 87.5 89.5 88.5 87.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 91.0 90.2 90.2 91.7 91.7 90.2 93.0 91.7 91.0 93.0 92.4 91.7 93.6 93.0 92.4 94.1 93.6 92.4 94.1 94.1 93.0 94.5 94.1 93.6 95.0 94.5 94.1 95.0 94.5 78.0 65.5 80.0 80.5 63.0 84.5 79.5 71.0 87.0 81.0 77.0 91.0 84.5 79.0 91.5 86.0 79.0 88.0 87.0 81.0 87.5 84.5 83.0 90.5 86.5 83.5 92.0 87.0 83.0 90.5 87.0 83.5 91.5 86.0 87.0 86.0 85.0 86.0 87.0 85.0 85.5 90.5 86.0 86.5 1.41 1.74 2.06 2.02 2.55 2.59 2.72 3.01 3.69 3.88 4.12 5.90 6.19 6.62 8.65 8.97 9.85 11.8 11.7 12.6 17.8 17.9 18.5 22.8 23.3 24.3 27.7 28.7 30.3 33.6 34.3 35.9 44.3 46.3 45.7 58.5 58.3 57.8 69.0 69.6 69.5 82.5 86.0 86.0 Notes: (1) Ratings larger than 75 HP with SGR can be quoted and provided upon request. (2) All data subject to change without notice. 28 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 54 75 50 60 123 57 58 130 66 117 183 120 145 195 134 187 260 190 215 329 220 247 367 233 350 392 317 352 640 405 429 568 442 608 835 552 629 766 614 735 1,100 704 850 1,210 LIST PRICE ($) 477 601 507 524 668 565 552 800 620 650 1,075 750 780 1,250 923 1,150 1,669 1,157 1,236 1,878 1,498 1,678 2,485 1,934 2,042 2,977 2,257 2,500 3,671 2,746 2,903 4,098 3,473 3,581 5,081 4,258 3,989 5,967 4,981 5,024 7,180 6,544 5,898 8,509 3-PHASE FRACTIONAL HP TEFC AEGA, FOOTED, HIGH EFFICIENCY [G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Compressors z HVAC Equipment FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1/3 - 2 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP44) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 200 & 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Rolled Steel Frame and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL (Non-regreasable) Mylar Nameplate Rubber Dust Flinger on Drive-End 9 Leads EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Please consult factory for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Please consult factory for suitability in higher elevations. (3) 1 HP and larger are CSA certified and UL recognized. Motors below 1 HP are CSA certified only. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 29 3-PHASE FRACTIONAL HP TEFC AEGA, FOOTED, HIGH EFFICIENCY [G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NUMBER HP RPM FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) FRAME APPROX. SHIPPING WT (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) G0/32 1/3 3600 66.0 78.0 1.2 56 24 259 G0/34 1/3 1800 71.0 70.0 1.3 56 26 305 G0/36 1/3 1200 68.0 63.0 1.5 56 26 415 G0/52 1/2 3600 70.0 80.0 1.7 56 26 292 G0/54 1/2 1800 72.0 69.0 1.9 56 26 349 G0/56 1/2 1200 70.0 60.0 2.2 56 30 452 G0/72 3/4 3600 76.0 84.0 2.2 56 26 317 G0/74 3/4 1800 73.0 66.0 2.9 56 30 376 G0/76 3/4 1200 73.0 66.0 2.9 56 32 471 G0012 1 3600 76.0 84.0 2.9 56 26 371 G0014 1 1800 77.0 71.0 3.4 56 33 394 G0016 1 1200 75.0 70.0 3.8 56 35 500 G1/52 1.5 3600 78.0 83.0 4.3 56 30 399 G1/54 1.5 1800 78.0 77.0 4.7 56 39 431 G1/56 1.5 1200 75.0 71.0 5.3 56 39 566 G0022 2 3600 81.0 86.0 5.4 56 39 487 G0024 2 1800 78.5 76.0 6.3 56 39 453 Notes: (1) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. (2) Once product listed above has been depleted from current stock, that model becomes obsolete and can not be reordered. (3) Please see our new line of Premium Efficient 3-Phase Fractional Horespower Rolled Steel TEFC motors on page 31. (4) Cast Iron C-Face kits are available. Please see page 125 for price and part number. (5) All data subject to change without notice. 30 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO ROLLED STEEL TEFC FAMILY AEGHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GH] AEGH, NEMA PREMIUM, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GP] AEGHPE-CF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GH_C] AETHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GHV_C] AEGHCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GP_C] AETHCF, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GPV_C] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Compressors z HVAC Equipment FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1/4 - 10 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP44) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 200 & 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Rolled Steel Frame, Fan Cover, and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Only (F2 not available) Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation Cast Iron End Brackets 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL (Non-regreasable) Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(3,4) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized for United States and Canada, CSA Approved and CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 31 ROLLED STEEL TEFC PREMIUM AEGHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GH] AEGH, NEMA PREMIUM, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) GH0/22 1/4 3600 56 72.0 82.0 0.79 25 275 GH0/24 1/4 1800 56 72.0 73.0 0.89 27 326 GH0/26 1/4 1200 56 72.0 71.5 0.91 31 447 GH0/32 1/3 3600 56 72.0 80.5 1.08 25 285 GH0/34 1/3 1800 56 75.5 74.5 1.11 27 336 GH0/36 1/3 1200 56 72.0 61.0 1.42 31 457 GH0/52 1/2 3600 56 74.0 85.0 1.46 26 322 GH0/54 1/2 1800 56 78.5 73.5 1.65 30 384 GH0/56 1/2 1200 56 75.5 63.0 1.97 37 498 GH0/72 3/4 3600 56 77.0 80.5 2.22 28 349 GH0/74 3/4 1800 56 81.5 75.5 2.37 30 414 GH0/76 3/4 1200 56 78.5 72.0 2.48 38 519 GH0012 1 3600 56 80.0 85.5 2.74 31 402 GP0012 1 3600 143T 80.0 85.5 2.74 33 402 GH0014 1 1800 56 85.5 75.5 2.90 41 405 GP0014 1 1800 143T 85.5 75.5 2.90 41 405 GH0016 1 1200 56 82.5 66.0 3.44 45 524 GP0016 1 1200 145T 82.5 66.0 3.44 43 524 GH1/52 1.5 3600 56 85.5 83.0 3.96 35 462 GP1/52 1.5 3600 143T 85.5 83.0 3.96 33 462 GH1/54 1.5 1800 56 86.5 80.5 4.03 44 464 GP1/54 1.5 1800 145T 86.5 80.5 4.03 46 464 GP1/56 1.5 1200 182T 87.5 55.0 5.84 75 545 GH0022 2 3600 56 86.5 85.0 5.09 42 487 GP0022 2 3600 145T 86.5 85.0 5.09 41 487 GH0024 2 1800 56 86.5 79.0 5.48 46 494 GP0024 2 1800 145T 86.5 79.0 5.48 46 494 GP0026 2 1200 184T 88.5 64.5 6.56 97 615 GP0032 3 3600 182T 87.5 87.5 7.34 84 573 GP0034 3 1800 182T 89.5 74.0 8.48 69 560 GP0036 3 1200 213T 89.5 68.0 9.23 145 807 GP0052 5 3600 184T 89.5 90.0 11.6 97 709 GP0054 5 1800 184T 89.5 80.0 13.1 94 646 GP0056 5 1200 215T 90.2 73.5 14.1 189 1156 GP7/52 7.5 3600 213T 90.2 84.5 18.4 141 958 GP7/54 7.5 1800 213T 91.7 83.0 18.5 135 961 GP0102 10 3600 215T 91.0 86.0 23.9 186 1,111 GP0104 10 1800 215T 91.7 85.0 24.0 183 1,156 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. 32 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO ROLLED STEEL TEFC PREMIUM C-FACE AEGHPE-CF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GH_C] AETHPE, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE, F#56 (1/4 HP - 2 HP) [GHV_C] AEGHCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GP_C] AETHCF, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE, F#140T - 210T (1 HP - 10 HP) [GPV_C] FOOTED C-FACE HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) 1/4 3600 56C 72.0 82.0 1/4 1800 56C 72.0 73.0 1/4 1200 56C 72.0 1/3 3600 56C 1/3 1800 1/3 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 ROUND BODY C-FACE LIST PRICE ($) CATALOG NO. APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) CATALOG NO. APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 0.79 GH0/22C 25 GHV0/22C 24 378 0.89 GH0/24C 27 GHV0/24C 26 398 71.5 0.91 GH0/26C 30 GHV0/26C 29 498 72.0 80.5 1.08 GH0/32C 30 GHV0/32C 29 388 56C 75.5 74.5 1.11 GH0/34C 32 GHV0/34C 31 401 1200 56C 72.0 61.0 1.42 GH0/36C 36 GHV0/36C 35 503 1/2 3600 56C 74.0 85.0 1.46 GH0/52C 31 GHV0/52C 30 401 1/2 1800 56C 78.5 73.5 1.65 GH0/54C 35 GHV0/54C 34 432 1/2 1200 56C 75.5 63.0 1.97 GH0/56C 42 GHV0/56C 41 523 3/4 3600 56C 77.0 80.5 2.22 GH0/72C 33 GHV0/72C 32 425 3/4 1800 56C 81.5 75.5 2.37 GH0/74C 35 GHV0/74C 34 455 3/4 1200 56C 78.5 72.0 2.48 GH0/76C 42 GHV0/76C 41 545 1 3600 56C 80.0 85.5 2.74 GH0012C 35 GHV0012C 34 462 1 3600 143TC 80.0 85.5 2.74 GP0012C 35 GPV0012C 34 462 1 1800 56C 85.5 75.5 2.90 GH0014C 45 GHV0014C 44 466 1 1800 143TC 85.5 75.5 2.90 GP0014C 45 GPV0014C 44 466 1 1200 56C 82.5 66.0 3.44 GH0016C 42 GHV0016C 41 603 1 1200 145TC 82.5 66.0 3.44 GP0016C 42 GPV0016C 41 603 1.5 3600 56C 85.5 83.0 3.96 GH1/52C 39 GHV1/52C 38 531 1.5 3600 143TC 85.5 83.0 3.96 GP1/52C 39 GPV1/52C 38 531 1.5 1800 56C 86.5 80.5 4.03 GH1/54C 48 GHV1/54C 47 534 1.5 1800 145TC 86.5 80.5 4.03 GP1/54C 48 GPV1/54C 47 534 1.5 1200 182TC 87.5 55.0 5.84 GP1/56C 75 GPV1/56C 74 627 2 3600 56C 86.5 85.0 5.09 GH0022C 46 GHV0022C 45 560 2 3600 145TC 86.5 85.0 5.09 GP0022C 46 GPV0022C 45 560 2 1800 56C 86.5 79.0 5.48 GH0024C 49 GHV0024C 48 568 2 1800 145TC 86.5 79.0 5.48 GP0024C 49 GPV0024C 48 568 2 1200 184TC 88.5 64.5 6.56 GP0026C 132 GPV0026C 97 707 3 3600 182TC 87.5 87.5 7.34 GP0032C 130 GPV0032C 84 659 3 1800 182TC 89.5 74.0 8.48 GP0034C 135 GPV0034C 69 644 3 1200 213TC 89.5 68.0 9.23 GP0036C 164 GPV0036C 145 928 5 3600 184TC 89.5 90.0 11.6 GP0052C 135 GPV0052C 97 815 5 1800 184TC 89.5 80.0 13.1 GP0054C 135 GPV0054C 94 743 5 1200 215TC 90.2 73.5 14.1 GP0056C 210 GPV0056C 189 1,329 7.5 3600 213TC 90.2 84.5 18.4 GP7/52C 180 GPV7/52C 141 1,102 7.5 1800 213TC 91.7 83.0 18.5 GP7/54C 200 GPV7/54C 135 1,105 10 3600 215TC 91.0 86.0 23.9 GP0102C 220 GPV0102C 186 1,278 10 1800 215TC 91.7 85.0 24.0 GP0104C 219 GPV0104C 183 1,329 Notes: (1) Motors on this page do not include Drip Cover. Drip covers are available. See page 127. (2) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 33 ROLLED STEEL TEFC AEGIS® SGR AEGH, FOOTED, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [GP_G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z z z z Fans & Blowers HVAC Equipment Pumps Compressors The AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring prevents electrical bearing fluting damage by safely diverting harmful shaft voltages and bearing currents to ground. Using proprietary Electron Transport Technology™, the conductive microfibers inside the AEGIS® SGR provide the most reliable current diversion technology for shaft grounding with a "path of least resistance" to dramatically extend motor life. AEGIS® SGR Rings have a warranty of 1 year. FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 10 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP44) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 200 & 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Grounding Ring Factory Installed Externally on NDE Bracket Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Rolled Steel Frame, Fan Cover, and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Only (F2 not available) Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation Cast Iron End Brackets 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL (Non-regreasable) Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(3,4) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized for United States and Canada, CSA Approved and CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (5) AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring can not be used in Hazardous Locations (i.g. Class I, Div. 2, etc.) 34 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO ROLLED STEEL TEFC AEGIS® SGR AEGH, FOOTED, NEMA PREMIUM WITH AEGIS® SGR [GP_G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) FRAME APPROX SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) GP0012G 1 3600 143T 80.0 85.5 2.74 33 402 405 GP0014G 1 1800 143T 85.5 75.5 2.90 41 GP0016G 1 1200 145T 82.5 66.0 3.44 43 524 GP1/52G 1.5 3600 143T 85.5 83.0 3.96 33 462 GP1/54G 1.5 1800 145T 86.5 80.5 4.03 46 464 GP1/56G 1.5 1200 182T 87.5 55.0 5.84 75 545 GP0022G 2 3600 145T 86.5 85.0 5.09 41 487 GP0024G 2 1800 145T 86.5 79.0 5.48 46 494 GP0026G 2 1200 184T 88.5 64.5 6.56 97 615 GP0032G 3 3600 182T 87.5 87.5 7.34 84 573 GP0034G 3 1800 182T 89.5 74.0 8.48 69 560 807 GP0036G 3 1200 213T 89.5 68.0 9.23 145 GP0052G 5 3600 184T 89.5 90.0 11.6 97 709 GP0054G 5 1800 184T 89.5 80.0 13.1 94 646 GP0056G 5 1200 215T 90.2 73.5 14.1 189 1156 GP7/52G 7.5 3600 213T 90.2 84.5 18.4 141 958 GP7/54G 7.5 1800 213T 91.7 83.0 18.5 135 961 GP0102G 10 3600 215T 91.0 86.0 23.9 186 1,111 GP0104G 10 1800 215T 91.7 85.0 24.0 183 1,156 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 35 MAX-IE3™ METRIC AESV3W, IEC, IE3 EFFICIENCY [MP] APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Compressors z Any Application that Requires IEC Mounting Dimensions FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 150 HP (0.75 - 112 kW) Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V)(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets and Main Conduit Box; Rolled Steel Fan Cover Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F3 Mounted (IM1001) Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 80 - 225 (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with with MULTEMP SRL for F# 250 and Larger Oil Seal/V-Ring on Both Ends Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation)(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 6 Leads Motors are CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Suitable for Wye/Delta Starting. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD. 36 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 MAX-IE3™ METRIC AESV3W, IEC, IE3 EFFICIENCY [MP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. KW HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) MP0012 MP0014 MP0016 MP1/52 MP1/54 MP1/56 MP0022 MP0024 MP0026 MP0032 MP0034 MP0036 MP0042 MP0044 MP0046 MP5/52 MP5/54 MP5/56 MP7/52 MP7/54 MP7/56 MP0102 MP0104 MP0106 MP0152 MP0154 MP0156 MP0202 MP0204 MP0206 MP0252 MP0254 MP0256 MP0302 MP0304 MP0306 MP0402 MP0404 MP0406 MP0502 MP0504 MP0506 MP0602 MP0604 MP0606 MP0752 MP0754 MP0756 MP1002 MP1004 MP1006 MP1252 MP1254 MP1256 MP1502 MP1504 MP1506 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 11 11 11 15 15 15 18.5 18.5 18.5 22 22 22 30 30 30 37 37 37 45 45 45 56 56 56 75 75 75 93 93 93 112 112 112 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 75 75 75 100 100 100 125 125 125 150 150 150 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 80M 80M 90S 80M 90S 112M 90S 90L 112M 90L 100L 112M 100L 100L 132S 112M 112M 132M 132S 132S 132M 132S 132M 160M 160M 160M 160L 160M 160L 180L 160L 180M 200L 180M 180L 200L 200L 200L 225M 200L 225S 250M 225M 225M 280S 250M 250M 280M 280S 280S 315S 280M 280M 315M 315S 315S 315M 77.0 85.5 82.5 84.0 86.5 87.5 85.5 86.5 88.5 86.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 91.7 91.0 90.2 91.7 91.0 91.0 92.4 91.7 91.0 93.0 91.7 91.7 93.6 93.0 91.7 93.6 93.0 92.4 94.1 94.1 93.0 94.5 94.1 93.6 95.0 94.5 93.6 95.4 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.0 95.0 95.8 95.8 84.0 74.5 70.0 85.0 81.0 64.0 89.5 75.0 69.0 89.0 83.5 67.5 88.0 78.5 78.5 91.0 81.5 79.5 86.5 85.0 74.5 87.5 85.5 81.5 92.5 87.0 81.5 92.5 86.5 83.0 93.0 82.5 82.0 90.0 84.0 82.0 91.0 89.5 86.5 91.0 86.5 88.0 93.5 86.5 85.5 93.0 88.0 84.5 89.5 87.5 84.0 89.5 88.5 84.5 91.0 88.0 84.5 1.46 1.48 1.63 1.93 1.97 2.47 2.46 2.90 3.08 3.59 3.69 4.09 4.83 5.36 5.36 6.23 6.88 7.06 8.92 8.86 10.2 11.9 12.0 12.7 16.4 17.2 18.5 22.4 23.4 24.7 27.2 30.1 30.4 32.0 33.6 34.6 42.8 42.8 44.2 52.5 54.3 53.6 61.7 65.7 69.5 75.9 78.7 87.9 111 112 117 138 139 146 162 167 173 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 18 21 28 20 27 31 26 29 44 29 40 54 42 42 75 52 53 92 73 76 91 76 93 135 130 130 150 130 150 205 140 195 270 180 205 290 265 285 385 300 350 460 340 360 600 465 480 660 585 620 900 615 690 960 860 960 1,160 LIST PRICE ($) 420 422 504 471 471 597 504 501 651 606 587 847 742 686 1,167 776 709 1,181 1,013 1,026 1,674 1,167 1,222 1,993 1,674 1,685 2,696 2,076 2,102 3,401 2,735 2,557 4,620 3,171 3,123 4,909 4,698 4,578 6,944 5,699 5,966 9,753 7,649 7,029 11,369 11,096 10,029 10,965 15,138 11,953 14,006 15,226 14,280 18,418 18,157 16,225 20,516 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 37 CAST IRON TEFC JP/JM AEHH8NJP/JM, NEMA PREMIUM, CLOSE-COUPLED [JPP/JMP] AEEAJP/JM, HIGH EFFICIENCY, CLOSE-COUPLED [JPN/JMN] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Pumps FEATURES: z Output Range: 3/4 - 50 HP z Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM z Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP54) z Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V) z Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) z CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C & D - Temp Code T3C Minimum(5) z Class F Insulation z Class B Temperature Rise z NEMA Design B Torques z Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets & Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box z Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box z Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted z Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) z Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) z Bi-Directional Rotation z 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft z Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction z Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat z Paint Color: Premium - Light Gray - Munsell N5.0 High Efficient - Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 z Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140JP/JM - 280JP/JM (Non-regreasable) z High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 280JP/JM (2P), 320JP/JM and Larger z Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Regreasable Models z Rubber Dust Flinger on DE for F# 140JP/JM - 280JP/JM z Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 280JP/JM (2P), 320JP/JM and Larger z Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F# 280JP/JM (2P), 320JP/JM and Larger z Stainless Steel Nameplate z New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) z Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(3,4) z Inverter Duty Speed Range: 10:1 Variable Torque, 5:1 Constant Torque z 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; z 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; z Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (5) CSA Certification for Hazardous Location only applies to AEHH8NJP/JM, NEMA premium [JPP/JMP] product line. 38 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO CAST IRON TEFC JP/JM Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 AEHH8NJP/JM, NEMA PREMIUM, CLOSE-COUPLED [JPP/JMP] CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) 1 1800 143JP/JM 85.5 73.0 1.50 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) JP JM LIST PRICE ($) 61 61 549 JP JM JPP0014 JMP0014 JPP0016 JMP0016 1 1200 145JP/JM 82.5 65.5 1.73 61 61 662 JPP1/52 JMP1/52 1.5 3600 143JP/JM 84.0 83.5 2.00 68 68 599 JPP1/54 JMP1/54 1.5 1800 145JP/JM 86.5 78.0 2.08 61 61 597 JPP1/56 JMP1/56 1.5 1200 182JP/JM 87.5 63.5 2.53 68 68 712 JPP0022 JMP0022 2 3600 145JP/JM 86.5 86.0 2.52 106 106 642 JPP0024 JMP0024 2 1800 145JP/JM 86.5 78.0 2.78 68 68 641 JPP0026 JMP0026 2 1200 184JP/JM 88.5 70.5 3.00 68 68 797 JPP0032 JMP0032 3 3600 182JP/JM 88.5 90.0 3.53 126 126 749 JPP0034 JMP0034 3 1800 182JP/JM 89.5 84.0 3.74 106 106 728 JPP0036 JMP0036 3 1200 213JP/JM 89.5 78.0 4.02 106 106 1,126 JPP0052 JMP0052 5 3600 184JP/JM 88.5 92.5 5.72 186 186 937 JPP0054 JMP0054 5 1800 184JP/JM 89.5 85.5 6.12 126 126 856 JPP0056 JMP0056 5 1200 215JP/JM 91.0 82.5 6.24 126 126 1,460 JPP7/52 JMP7/52 7.5 3600 213JP/JM 91.0 89.0 8.67 213 213 1,156 JPP7/54 JMP7/54 7.5 1800 213JP/JM 91.7 86.5 8.85 186 186 1,114 JPP7/56 JMP7/56 7.5 1200 254JP/JM 91.0 80.5 9.59 186 186 1,972 JPP0102 JMP0102 10 3600 215JP/JM 91.0 89.5 11.5 325 325 1,353 JPP0104 JMP0104 10 1800 215JP/JM 91.7 88.0 11.6 213 213 1,326 JPP0106 JMP0106 10 1200 256JP/JM 91.0 80.5 12.8 213 213 2,456 JPP0152 JMP0152 15 3600 254JP/JM 92.4 91.5 16.6 354 354 1,908 JPP0154 JMP0154 15 1800 254JP/JM 92.4 88.0 17.3 325 325 1,877 JPP0156 JMP0156 15 1200 284JP/JM 92.4 83.5 18.2 325 325 3,214 JPP0202 JMP0202 20 3600 256JP/JM 92.4 92.5 21.9 464 464 2,438 JPP0204 JMP0204 20 1800 256JP/JM 93.0 87.5 23.0 354 354 2,355 JPP0206 JMP0206 20 1200 286JP/JM 91.7 84.0 24.3 354 354 4,026 JPP0252 JMP0252 25 3600 284JP/JM 92.4 91.0 27.8 507 507 2,912 JPP0254 JMP0254 25 1800 284JP/JM 93.6 86.0 29.1 464 4647 2,770 JPP0256 JMP0256 25 1200 324JP/JM 93.0 83.0 30.3 464 464 4,927 JPP0302 JMP0302 30 3600 286JP/JM 93.0 91.0 33.2 694 694 3,386 JPP0304 JMP0304 30 1800 286JP/JM 93.6 87.5 34.3 507 507 3,356 JPP0306 JMP0306 30 1200 326JP/JM 93.0 80.5 37.5 507 507 5,284 JPP0402 JMP0402 40 3600 324JP/JM 94.1 90.0 44.2 784 784 4,463 JPP0404 JMP0404 40 1800 324JP/JM 94.1 86.0 46.3 694 694 4,389 JPP0406 ~ 40 1200 364JP/JM 94.1 86.5 46.0 694 694 6,734 JPP0502 JMP0502 50 3600 326JP/JM 94.1 91.0 54.7 926 926 5,486 JPP0504 JMP0504 50 1800 326JP/JM 94.5 87.0 56.9 784 784 5,476 JPP0506 ~ 50 1200 365JP/JM 94.1 86.0 57.8 784 784 8,670 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 39 CAST IRON TEFC JP/JM AEEAJP/JM, HIGH EFFICIENCY, CLOSE-COUPLED [JPN/JMN] CATALOG NO. JP JM JPN0/76 JMN0/76 HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) 3/4 1200 143JP/JM 74.0 65.5 1.50 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) JP JM LIST PRICE ($) 101 101 551 466 JPN0014 JMN0014 1 1800 143JP/JM 82.5 77.0 1.48 60 80 JPN0016 JMN0016 1 1200 145JP/JM 80.0 63.5 1.85 110 110 579 JPN1/52 JMN1/52 1.5 3600 143JP/JM 82.5 85.0 2.01 79 75 483 JPN1/54 JMN1/54 1.5 1800 145JP/JM 84.0 80.5 2.08 47 58 513 JPN1/56 JMN1/56 1.5 1200 182JP/JM 85.5 66.5 2.47 139 139 612 JPN0022 JMN0022 2 3600 145JP/JM 84.0 88.5 2.52 81 80 551 JPN0024 JMN0024 2 1800 145JP/JM 84.0 82.5 2.70 85 75 551 JPN0026 JMN0026 2 1200 184JP/JM 86.5 67.0 3.23 152 152 685 JPN0032 JMN0032 3 3600 182JP/JM 85.5 90.0 3.65 108 105 644 JPN0034 JMN0034 3 1800 182JP/JM 87.5 82.5 3.89 110 105 626 JPN0036 JMN0036 3 1200 213JP/JM 87.5 76.5 4.20 184 184 841 JPN0052 JMN0052 5 3600 184JP/JM 87.5 91.5 5.85 125 165 806 JPN0054 JMN0054 5 1800 184JP/JM 87.5 86.5 6.20 130 120 736 JPN0056 JMN0056 5 1200 215JP/JM 87.5 76.5 7.00 223 210 1,256 JPN7/52 JMN7/52 7.5 3600 213JP/JM 88.5 87.0 9.10 178 180 994 JPN7/54 JMN7/54 7.5 1800 213JP/JM 89.5 88.0 8.90 143 180 958 JPN7/56 JMN7/56 7.5 1200 254JP/JM 89.5 81.0 9.70 287 310 1,696 JPN0102 JMN0102 10 3600 215JP/JM 89.5 90.0 11.60 205 205 1,164 JPN0104 JMN0104 10 1800 215JP/JM 89.5 89.5 11.70 235 230 1,140 JPN0106 JMN0106 10 1200 256JP/JM 89.5 82.5 12.70 342 325 2,112 JPN0152 JMN0152 15 3600 254JP/JM 90.2 91.5 17.00 281 246 1,641 JPN0154 JMN0154 15 1800 254JP/JM 91.0 88.0 17.60 340 330 1,614 JPN0156 JMN0156 15 1200 284JP/JM 90.2 83.0 18.8 450 470 2,764 JPN0202 JMN0202 20 3600 256JP/JM 90.2 92.0 22.6 370 307 2,097 JPN0204 JMN0204 20 1800 256JP/JM 91.0 88.0 23.4 370 370 2,025 JPN0206 JMN0206 20 1200 286JP/JM 90.2 83.5 24.9 513 520 3,591 JPN0252 JMN0252 25 3600 284JP/JM 91.0 90.5 28.4 515 470 2,504 JPN0254 JMN0254 25 1800 284JP/JM 92.4 89.0 28.5 431 431 2,382 JPN0256 JMN0256 25 1200 324JP/JM 91.7 81.5 31.3 660 660 4,322 JPN0302 JMN0302 30 3600 286JP/JM 91.0 91.0 33.9 565 535 3,049 JPN0304 JMN0304 30 1800 286JP/JM 92.4 88.0 34.6 574 560 2,865 JPN0306 JMN0306 30 1200 326JP/JM 91.7 80.5 38.1 671 671 4,970 JPN0402 JMN0402 40 3600 324JP/JM 91.7 89.5 45.7 695 695 4,037 JPN0404 JMN0404 40 1800 324JP/JM 93.0 89.0 45.3 715 730 3,863 JPN0406 JMN0406 40 1200 364JP/JM 93.0 86.5 46.6 785 785 6,610 JPN0502 JMN0502 50 3600 326JP/JM 92.4 90.5 56.0 671 671 5,357 JPN0504 JMN0504 50 1800 326JP/JM 93.0 89.5 56.0 741 741 4,914 JPN0506 ~ 50 1200 365JP/JM 93.0 85.5 59.0 913 N/A 7,644 Notes: (1) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. Please see our new line of Premium Efficient JP/JM Cast Iron TEFC motors on page 80. (2) Data subject to change without notice. 40 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-PE™ FAMILY AEHH8P, NEMA PREMIUM [NP] AEHH8PCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE [NP_C] AEUH8PDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE [NPV_C] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Crushers z Compressors z Mixers z Conveyors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 200 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP54) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3C Minimum Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum; Various Ratings also Meet Design C Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets; Rolled Steel Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140T - 280T (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 280TS and Larger Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Regreasable Models Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 280TS and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F#280TS and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; 6 Leads for 150 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked Dual Drilled Feet Available on Most Ratings - Longer Frames (i.e. 145T Drilled also for 143T) Provisions for Breather Drains for Vertical Mount Down (F# 324T and Larger) Rubber Dust Flinger on Drive-End for F# 140T - 280T EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Motors 7.5 HP & up are Suitable for Wye/Delta Starting. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 41 MAX-PE™ AEHH8P, NEMA PREMIUM [NP] CATALOG NO. HP RPM Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) NP0012 1 3600 143T 82.5 85.0 1.34 83 387 NP0014(C) 1 1800 143T 85.5 73.0 1.50 48 394 NP0016 1 1200 145T 82.5 65.5 1.73 90 500 NP1/52 1.5 3600 143T 84.0 83.5 2.00 85 442 1.5 1800 145T 86.5 78.0 2.08 78 444 1.5 1200 182T 87.5 63.5 2.53 120 526 NP1/54 (C) NP1/56 NP0022 2 3600 145T 86.5 86.0 2.52 62 469 NP0024(C) 2 1800 145T 86.5 78.0 2.78 90 476 NP0026(C) 2 1200 184T 88.5 70.5 3.00 132 589 NP0032 3 3600 182T 88.5 90.0 3.53 130 552 NP0034(C) 3 1800 182T 89.5 84.0 3.74 135 537 NP0036(C) 3 1200 213T 89.5 78.0 4.02 164 773 NP0052 5 3600 184T 88.5 92.5 5.72 135 679 NP0054(C) 5 1800 184T 89.5 85.5 6.12 133 618 NP0056(C) 5 1200 215T 91.0 82.5 6.24 210 1,109 NP7/52 7.5 3600 213T 91.0 89.0 8.67 180 921 NP7/54(C) 7.5 1800 213T 91.7 86.5 8.85 200 919 NP7/56 7.5 1200 254T 91.0 80.5 9.59 315 1,553 NP0102 10 3600 215T 91.0 89.5 11.5 220 1,071 NP0104(C) 10 1800 215T 91.7 88.0 11.6 219 1,107 NP0106(C) 10 1200 256T 91.0 80.5 12.8 340 1,886 NP0152 15 3600 254T 92.4 91.5 16.6 325 1,500 NP0154(C) 15 1800 254T 92.4 88.0 17.3 316 1,461 (C) 15 1200 284T 92.4 83.5 18.2 530 2,597 NP0202 20 3600 256T 92.4 92.5 21.9 380 1,911 NP0204(C) 20 1800 256T 93.0 87.5 23.0 395 1,842 NP0206(C) 20 1200 286T 91.7 84.0 24.3 520 3,259 NP0252 25 3600 284TS 92.4 91.0 27.8 460 2,436 NP0254(C) 25 1800 284T 93.6 86.0 29.1 510 2,266 NP0254S(C) 25 1800 284TS 93.6 86.0 29.1 510 2,266 NP0156 (C) NP0256 25 1200 324T 93.0 83.0 30.3 745 4,074 NP0302 30 3600 286TS 93.0 91.0 33.2 508 2,875 NP0304(C) 30 1800 286T 93.6 87.5 34.3 545 2,750 NP0304S(C) 30 1800 286TS 93.6 87.5 34.3 545 2,750 NP0306(C) 30 1200 326T 93.0 80.5 37.5 775 4,558 NP0402 40 3600 324TS 94.1 90.0 44.2 650 3,808 3,695 (C) 40 1800 324T 94.1 86.0 46.3 710 NP0404S(C) NP0404 40 1800 324TS 94.1 86.0 46.3 710 3,695 NP0406(C) 40 1200 364T 94.1 86.5 46.0 945 5,994 (C) NP0502 50 3600 326TS 94.1 91.0 54.7 775 5,104 NP0504(C) 50 1800 326T 94.5 87.0 56.9 795 4,681 NP0504S(C) 50 1800 326TS 94.5 87.0 56.9 795 4,681 NP0506(C) 50 1200 365T 94.1 86.0 57.8 1040 7,389 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. 42 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-PE™ AEHH8P, NEMA PREMIUM [NP] CATALOG NO. HP Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) NP0602 60 3600 364TS 94.1 93.0 64.2 890 6,702 NP0604(C) 60 1800 364T 95.0 86.5 68.4 870 6,024 NP0604S(C) 60 1800 364TS 95.0 86.5 68.4 870 6,024 NP0606(C) 60 1200 404T 94.5 87.0 68.4 1,295 8,786 NP0752 75 3600 365TS 94.5 93.0 79.9 970 8,578 NP0754(C) 75 1800 365T 95.4 86.5 85.1 1,075 7,772 NP0754S(C) 75 1800 365TS 95.4 86.5 85.1 1,075 7,772 NP0754R(C) 75 1800 365T 95.4 86.5 85.1 1,075 7,772 NP0756(C) 75 1200 405T 94.5 86.5 85.9 1,317 10,443 NP0756R(C) 75 1200 405T 94.5 86.5 85.9 1,317 10,443 NP1002 100 3600 405TS 95.4 92.0 107 1,286 11,586 10,801 NP1004 100 1800 405T 95.4 87.5 112 1,360 NP1004S(C) 100 1800 405TS 95.4 87.5 112 1,360 10,801 NP1004R(C) 100 1800 405T 95.4 87.5 112 1,360 10,801 (C) NP1006 100 1200 444T 95.0 82.5 119 1,665 13,339 NP1006R 100 1200 444T 95.0 82.5 119 1,665 13,339 NP1252 125 3600 444TS 95.0 86.0 143 1,530 14,501 NP1254 125 1800 444T 95.4 84.0 146 1,705 13,600 NP1254S 125 1800 444TS 95.4 84.0 146 1,705 13,600 NP1254R 125 1800 444T 95.4 84.0 146 1,705 13,600 NP1256 125 1200 445T 95.0 83.0 148 1,860 17,541 NP1256R 125 1200 445T 95.0 83.0 148 1,860 17,541 NP1502 150 3600 445TS 95.0 87.0 170 1,710 17,292 NP1504 150 1800 445T 95.8 84.0 175 1,865 15,452 NP1504S 150 1800 445TS 95.8 84.0 175 1,865 15,452 NP1504R 150 1800 445T 95.8 84.0 175 1,865 15,452 NP1506 150 1200 447T 95.8 83.5 176 2,230 19,539 NP1506R 150 1200 447T 95.8 83.5 176 2,230 19,539 NP2002 200 3600 447TS 95.4 87.0 226 2,015 23,684 NP2004 200 1800 447T 96.2 84.5 230 2,465 20,282 NP2004S 200 1800 447TS 96.2 84.5 230 2,465 20,282 NP2004R 200 1800 447T 96.2 84.5 230 2,465 20,282 NP2006 200 1200 449T 95.8 84.0 233 2,625 25,554 NP2006R 200 1200 449T 95.8 84.0 233 2,625 25,554 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. (2) Ratings 150 HP and Larger are 460V Only. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 43 MAX-PE™ AEHH8PCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE [NP_C] AEUH8PDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE [NPV_C] HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) 1 3600 143TC 82.5 1 1800 143TC 85.5 1 1200 145TC 82.5 1.5 3600 143TC 84.0 1.5 1800 145TC 86.5 1.5 1200 182TC 87.5 2 3600 145TC 86.5 2 1800 145TC 86.5 2 1200 184TC 88.5 3 3600 182TC 88.5 3 1800 182TC 89.5 3 1200 213TC 89.5 5 3600 184TC 88.5 5 1800 184TC 89.5 5 1200 215TC 91.0 7.5 3600 213TC 91.0 7.5 1800 213TC 91.7 7.5 1200 254TC 91.0 10 3600 215TC 91.0 10 1800 215TC 91.7 10 1200 256TC 91.0 15 3600 254TC 92.4 15 1800 254TC 92.4 15 1200 284TC 92.4 20 3600 256TC 92.4 20 1800 256TC 93.0 20 1200 286TC 91.7 25 3600 284TSC 92.4 25 1800 284TC 93.6 25 1200 324TC 93.0 30 3600 286TSC 93.0 93.6 30 1800 286TC 30 1200 326TC 93.0 40 3600 324TSC 94.1 40 1800 324TC 94.1 40 1200 364TC 94.1 50 3600 326TSC 94.1 50 1800 326TC 94.5 50 1200 365TC 94.1 60 3600 364TSC 94.1 60 1800 364TC 95.0 60 1200 404TC 94.5 75 3600 365TSC 94.5 75 1800 365TC 95.4 75 1200 405TC 94.5 100 3600 405TSC 95.4 100 1800 405TC 95.4 100 1200 444TC 95.0 125 3600 444TSC 95.0 125 1800 444TC 95.4 125 1800 444TSC 95.4 125 1200 445TC 95.0 150 3600 445TSC 95.0 150 1800 445TC 95.8 150 1800 445TSC 95.8 150 1200 447TC 95.8 200 3600 447TSC 95.4 200 1800 447TC 96.2 200 1800 447TSC 96.2 200 1200 449TC 95.8 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. (2) Ratings 150 HP and Larger are 460V Only. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 85.0 73.0 65.5 83.5 78.0 63.5 86.0 78.0 70.5 90.0 84.0 78.0 92.5 85.5 82.5 89.0 86.5 80.5 89.5 88.0 80.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 92.5 87.5 84.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 91.0 87.5 80.5 90.0 86.0 86.5 91.0 87.0 86.0 93.0 86.5 87.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 92.0 87.5 82.5 86.0 84.0 84.0 83.0 87.0 84.0 84.0 83.5 87.0 84.5 84.5 84.0 1.34 1.50 1.73 2.00 2.08 2.53 2.52 2.78 3.00 3.53 3.74 4.02 5.72 6.12 6.24 8.67 8.85 9.59 11.50 11.60 12.80 16.60 17.30 18.20 21.90 23.00 24.30 27.80 29.10 30.30 33.20 34.30 37.50 44.20 46.30 46.00 54.70 56.90 57.80 64.20 68.40 68.30 79.90 85.1 85.9 107.0 112.0 119.0 143.0 146.0 146.0 148.0 170.0 175.0 175.0 176.0 226.0 230.0 230.0 233.0 85 50 92 87 80 122 64 92 134 132 137 166 137 135 212 182 202 317 222 221 342 327 318 532 382 397 522 462 512 747 510 547 777 652 712 947 777 797 1,042 892 872 1,297 972 1,077 1,319 1,288 1,362 1,665 1,515 1,520 1,520 1,620 1,610 1,700 1,700 2,100 1,830 2,140 2,140 2,390 44 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FOOTED C-FACE CATALOG NO. NP0012C NP0014C(C) NP0016C NP1/52C NP1/54C(C) NP1/56C NP0022C NP0024C(C) NP0026C(C) NP0032C NP0034C(C) NP0036C(C) NP0052C NP0054C(C) NP0056C(C) NP7/52C NP7/54C(C) NP7/56C(C) NP0102C NP0104C(C) NP0106C(C) NP0152C NP0154C(C) NP0156C(C) NP0202C NP0204C(C) NP0206C(C) NP0252C NP0254C(C) NP0256C(C) NP0302C NP0304C(C) NP0306C(C) NP0402C NP0404C(C) NP0406C(C) NP0502C NP0504C(C) NP0506C(C) NP0602C NP0604C(C) NP0606C(C) NP0752C NP0754C(C) NP0756C(C) NP1002C NP1004C(C) NP1006C NP1252C NP1254C NP1254CS NP1256C NP1502C NP1504C NP1504CS NP1506C NP2002C NP2004C NP2004CS NP2006C LIST PRICE ($) 418 449 577 500 508 600 544 553 680 654 624 987 771 683 1,260 1,066 1,065 1,743 1,239 1,295 2,164 1,745 1,682 3,021 2,235 2,135 3,825 2,843 2,653 4,751 3,372 3,227 5,372 4,278 4,191 6,814 5,668 5,264 8,241 7,429 6,848 9,922 9,510 8,615 11,580 12,843 12,073 14,673 15,951 14,960 14,960 19,295 19,021 16,997 19,667 21,493 26,052 22,310 22,310 28,109 ROUND BODY C-FACE CATALOG NO. NPV0012C NPV0014C(C) NPV0016C NPV1/52C NPV1/54C(C) NPV1/56C NPV0022C NPV0024C(C) NPV0026C(C) NPV0032C NPV0034C(C) NPV0036C(C) NPV0052C NPV0054C(C) NPV0056C(C) NPV7/52C NPV7/54C(C) NPV7/56C(C) NPV0102C NPV0104C(C) NPV0106C(C) NPV0152C NPV0154C(C) NPV0156C(C) NPV0202C NPV0204C(C) NPV0206C(C) NPV0252C NPV0254C(C) NPV0256C(C) NPV0302C NPV0304C(C) NPV0306C(C) NPV0402C NPV0404C(C) NPV0406C(C) NPV0502C NPV0504C(C) NPV0506C(C) NPV0602C NPV0604(C) NPV0606C(C) NPV0752C NPV0754C(C) NPV0756C(C) NPV1002C NPV1004C(C) NPV1006C NPV1252C NPV1254C ~ NPV1256C NPV1502C NPV1504C ~ NPV1506C NPV2002C NPV2004C ~ NPV2006C LIST PRICE ($)) 541 531 655 559 579 769 621 648 867 751 789 1,171 886 843 1,404 1,197 1,292 1,910 1,388 1,404 2,414 1,887 1,833 3,146 2,562 2,384 3,434 3,059 2,981 4,504 3,282 3,158 5,169 4,296 4,141 6,574 5,590 5,177 8,564 7,030 6,959 9,540 8,838 8,631 10,896 10,951 10,978 13,952 13,633 13,546 ~ 15,270 14,022 14,743 ~ 17,817 18,361 18,910 ~ 19,815 MAX-PE™ AEGIS® SGR AEHH8P, NEMA PREMIUM [NP_G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z z z z Fans & Blowers Pumps Compressors HVAC Equipment The AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring prevents electrical bearing fluting damage by safely diverting harmful shaft voltages and bearing currents to ground. Using proprietary Electron Transport Technology™, the conductive microfibers inside the AEGIS® SGR provide the most reliable current diversion technology for shaft grounding with a "path of least resistance" to dramatically extend motor life. AEGIS® SGR Rings have a warranty of 1 year. FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 75 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP54) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Grounding Ring Factory Installed Externally on DE Bracket for F# 143T - 286T; Internally on NDE for F# 284TS - 405T Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum; Various Ratings also Meet Design C Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets; Rolled Steel Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140T - 280T (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 280TS and Larger Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Regreasable Models Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 280TS and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F#280TS and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; 6 Leads for 150 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked Dual Drilled Feet Available on Most Ratings - Longer Frames (i.e. 145T Drilled also for 143T) Provisions for Breather Drains for Vertical Mount Down (F# 324T and Larger) Rubber Dust Flinger on Drive-End for F# 140T - 280T EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Motors 7.5 HP & up are Suitable for Wye/Delta Starting. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (6) AEGIS® SGR Bearing Protection Ring can not be used in Hazardous Locations (i.g. Class I, Div. 2, etc.) www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 45 MAX-PE™ AEGIS® SGR AEHH8P, NEMA PREMIUM [NP_G] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) NP0012G NP0014G(C) NP0016G NP1/52G 1 1 1 1.5 3600 1800 1200 3600 143T 143T 145T 143T 82.5 85.5 82.5 84.0 85.0 73.0 65.5 83.5 1.34 1.50 1.73 2.00 83 48 90 85 504 522 642 573 NP1/54G(C) NP1/56G NP0022G NP0024G(C) NP0026G(C) NP0032G NP0034G(C) NP0036G(C) NP0052G NP0054G(C) NP0056G(C) NP7/52G NP7/54G(C) NP7/56G(C) NP0102G NP0104G(C) NP0106G(C) NP0152G NP0154G(C) NP0156G(C) NP0202G NP0204G(C) NP0206G(C) NP0252G NP0254G(C) NP0256G(C) NP0302G NP0304G(C) NP0306G(C) NP0402G NP0404G(C) NP0406G(C) NP0502G NP0504G(C) NP0506G(C) NP0602G NP0604G(C) NP0606G(C) NP0752G NP0754G(C) NP0756G(C) 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 75 75 75 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 145T 182T 145T 145T 184T 182T 182T 213T 184T 184T 215T 213T 213T 254T 215T 215T 256T 254T 254T 284T 256T 256T 286T 284TS 284T 324T 286TS 286T 326T 324TS 324T 364T 326TS 326T 365T 364TS 364T 404T 365TS 365T 405T 86.5 87.5 86.5 86.5 88.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 89.5 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.0 92.4 92.4 92.4 92.4 93.0 91.7 92.4 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.1 94.1 95.0 94.5 94.5 95.4 94.5 78.0 63.5 86.0 78.0 70.5 90.0 84.0 78.0 92.5 85.5 82.5 89.0 86.5 80.5 89.5 88.0 80.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 92.5 87.5 84.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 91.0 87.5 80.5 90.0 86.0 86.5 91.0 87.0 86.0 93.0 86.5 87.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 2.08 2.53 2.52 2.78 3.00 3.53 3.74 4.02 5.72 6.12 6.24 8.67 8.85 9.59 11.5 11.6 12.8 16.6 17.3 18.2 21.9 23.0 24.3 27.8 29.1 30.3 33.2 34.3 37.5 44.2 46.3 46.0 54.7 56.9 57.8 64.2 68.4 68.3 79.9 85.1 85.9 78 120 62 90 132 130 135 164 135 133 210 180 200 315 220 219 340 325 316 530 380 395 520 460 510 745 508 545 775 650 710 945 775 795 1040 890 870 1,295 970 1,075 1,317 578 703 607 616 772 735 716 991 881 809 1,387 1,178 1,173 1,912 1,340 1,380 2,279 1,853 1,808 3,107 2,309 2,226 3,842 2,891 2,718 4,783 3,381 3,262 5,299 4,445 4,345 6,929 5,896 5,440 8,477 7,674 6,967 10,101 9,761 8,913 11,941 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. 46 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-SE™ AEVANE, HIGH EFFICIENCY, ROUND BODY C-FACE [NV_C] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Compressors z Crushers z Mixers z Conveyors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 100 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP54) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Factory Self-Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3C Minimum Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum; Various Ratings also Meet Design C Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets, Main Conduit Box; Rolled Steel Fan Cover Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140T - 280T (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 280TS and Larger Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Regreasable Models Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 280TS and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F#280TS and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked Rubber Dust Flinger on Drive-End for F# 140T - 280T EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Factory Self-Certification for 440T/TS frames requires fan change. Please see modifications section; Additional charge for Division II nameplates. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 47 MAX-SE™ AEVANE, HIGH EFFICIENCY, ROUND BODY C-FACE [NV_C] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) NV0012C NV0014C(C) NV0016C NV1/52C 1 1 1 1.5 3600 1800 1200 3600 143TC 143TC 145TC 143TC 77.0 82.5 80.0 82.5 84.5 77.0 63.3 85.0 1.44 1.48 3.69 2.01 85 50 56 50 387 394 500 442 NV1/54C(C) NV1/56C NV0022C NV0024C(C) NV0026C(C) NV0032C NV0034C(C) NV0036C(C) NV0052C NV0054C(C) NV0056C(C) NV7/52C NV7/54C(C) NV7/56C(C) NV0102C NV0104C(C) NV0106C(C) NV0152C NV0154C(C) NV0156C(C) NV0202C NV0204C(C) NV0206C(C) NV0252C NV0254C(C) NV0256C(C) NV0302C NV0304C(C) NV0306C(C) NV0402C NV0404C(C) NV0406C(C) NV0502C NV0504C(C) NV0506C(C) NV0602C NV0604C(C) NV0606C(C) NV0752C NV0754C(C) NV0756C(C) NV1002C NV1004C(C) 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 75 75 75 100 100 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 145TC 182TC 145TC 145TC 184TC 182TC 182TC 213TC 184TC 184TC 215TC 213TC 213TC 254TC 215TC 215TC 256TC 254TC 254TC 284TC 256TC 256TC 286TC 284TSC 284TC 324TC 286TSC 286TC 326TC 324TSC 324TC 364TC 326TSC 326TC 365TC 364TSC 364TC 404TC 365TSC 365TC 405TC 405TSC 405TC 84.0 85.5 84.0 84.0 86.5 85.5 87.5 89.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 90.2 91.0 90.2 90.2 91.0 90.2 91.0 92.4 91.7 91.0 92.4 91.7 91.7 93.0 93.0 92.4 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.0 94.1 93.6 93.6 94.5 80.5 66.5 88.5 82.5 67.0 90.0 82.5 76.5 91.5 86.5 76.5 87.0 88.0 81.0 90.0 89.5 92.5 91.5 88.0 83.0 92.0 88.0 83.5 90.5 89.0 91.5 91.0 88.0 80.5 89.5 89.0 86.5 90.5 89.5 85.5 93.0 86.5 88.0 93.5 87.5 88.5 91.5 89.0 2.08 4.94 2.52 2.70 6.46 3.65 3.89 8.39 5.85 6.20 14.0 9.10 8.90 19.4 11.6 11.7 25.4 17.0 17.6 37.0 22.6 23.4 49.7 28.4 28.5 62.6 33.9 34.6 76.1 45.7 45.3 93.1 56.0 56.0 118.0 65.0 69.5 136 81.0 85.5 170 110 112 54 79 53 80 104 135 122 158 145 150 176 190 198 274 218 221 324 350 365 425 375 410 470 444 515 606 555 503 699 625 740 766 706 835 837 910 915 972 871 1,035 1,304 1,203 1,365 444 526 469 476 589 552 537 773 679 618 1,109 921 919 1,553 1,071 1,107 1,886 1,500 1,461 2,597 1,911 1,842 3,259 2,436 2,266 4,074 2,875 2,750 4,558 3,808 3,695 5,994 5,104 4,681 7,389 6,702 6,024 8,786 8,578 7,772 10,443 11,586 10,801 Notes: (1) Motors on this page do not include Drip Cover. Drip covers are available. See page 127. (2) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. (3) Once product listed above has been depleted from current stock, that model becomes obsolete and can not be reordered. (4) Please see our new line of Premium Efficient MAX-PE Round Body C-face motors on page 44. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. 48 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-E1® FAMILY AEHH8N, NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 500 HP) [EP] AEHE, HIGH EFFICIENCY [E] AEHH8NCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) [EP_C] AEUH8NDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) [EPV_C] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Crushers z Compressors z Any Severe Duty/ Petro-Chem/ z Mixers Pulp & Paper Application z Conveyors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 3/4 - 800 HP Speed: 3600, 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only(1,2) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum(7,8) CSA Certified for Class II, Div. 2, Groups F & G - Temp Code T3 Maximum (Frame 444T and Above)(7,8) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum; Various Ratings also Meet Design C Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets & Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box(9) Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(3) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(4) Bi-Directional Rotation; Except 2 Pole "Hybrid" and F# 5000 and Larger Ratings are Counter-Clockwise facing the DE 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F# 140T - 449T Copper/Copper Alloy Rotor Construction for F# 5000 and Larger(10) Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Light Gray - Munsell N5.0 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140T - 280T (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 280TS and Larger Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Regreasable Models Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 280TS and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F#280TS and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(5,6) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque (350 HP and Larger are 3:1 Constant Torque) 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; 6 Leads for 150 HP and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked Dual Drilled Feet Available on Most Ratings - Longer Frames (i.e. 145T Drilled also for 143T) Insulated Non-Drive End Bearing on 2-Pole Motors 600 HP and Larger Rubber Dust Flinger on Drive-End for F# 140T - 280T EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) TWMC carries minimal MAX-E1® 575V stock; please check availability to ensure required motors are available. Ratings may be available from our Canadian warehouses at a higher price or from our factory with a longer lead time. Pricing and lead time may vary. (2) Motors 7.5 HP & up are Suitable for Wye/Delta Starting. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (4) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (5) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (6) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (7) Catalog# EP3502 & EP3504 are "Hybrid" ratings; Not CSA Certified (Self-Certify Only) for hazardous locations, and not dual drilled. (8) Catalog# EP3006 also not CSA Certified for Hazardous Locations (Self-Certify Only). (9) F# 5000 and with Larger with Pressed Steel Plate Main Conduit Box. (10) F# 5007 - 5011 8 Pole Ratings are Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 49 MAX-E1™ AEHH8N, NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 500 HP) [EP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) EP0012 EP0014(C) EP0016 EP0018 EP1/52 EP1/54(C) EP1/56 EP1/58 EP0022 EP0024(C) EP0026(C) EP0028(C) EP0032 EP0034(C) EP0036(C) EP0038(C) EP0052 EP0054(C) EP0056(C) EP0058 EP7/52 EP7/54(C) EP7/56(C) EP7/58(C) EP0102 EP0104(C) EP0106(C) EP0108(C) EP0152 EP0154(C) EP0156(C) EP0158 EP0202 EP0204(C) EP0206(C) EP0208(C) EP0252 EP0254(C) EP0254S(C) EP0256(C) EP0258(C) EP0302 EP0304(C) EP0304S(C) EP0306(C) EP0308(C) EP0402 EP0404(C) EP0404S(C) EP0406(C) EP0408(C) 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 900 143T 143T 145T 182T 143T 145T 182T 184T 145T 145T 184T 213T 182T 182T 213T 215T 184T 184T 215T 254T 213T 213T 254T 256T 215T 215T 256T 284T 254T 254T 284T 286T 256T 256T 286T 324T 284TS 284T 284TS 324T 326T 286TS 286T 286TS 326T 364T 324TS 324T 324TS 364T 365T 82.5 85.5 82.5 77.0 84.0 86.5 87.5 78.5 86.5 86.5 88.5 85.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 85.5 88.5 89.5 91.0 87.5 91.0 91.7 91.0 87.5 91.0 91.7 91.0 90.2 92.4 92.4 92.4 90.2 92.4 93.0 91.7 91.0 92.4 93.6 93.6 93.0 91.0 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.0 93.0 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.1 93.0 85.0 73.0 65.5 58.5 83.5 78.0 63.5 60.5 86.0 78.0 70.5 68.0 90.0 81.5 78.0 66.0 92.5 85.5 82.5 72.0 89.0 86.5 80.5 74.0 89.5 88.0 80.5 73.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 78.0 92.5 87.5 84.0 81.0 91.0 86.0 86.0 83.0 80.0 91.0 87.5 87.5 80.5 78.0 90.0 86.0 86.0 86.5 78.0 1.34 1.50 1.73 2.08 2.00 2.08 2.53 2.96 2.52 2.78 3.00 3.22 3.53 3.85 4.02 4.98 5.72 6.12 6.24 7.43 8.67 8.85 9.59 10.8 11.5 11.6 12.8 14.1 16.6 17.3 18.2 20.0 21.9 23.0 24.3 25.4 27.8 29.1 29.1 30.3 32.2 33.2 34.3 34.3 37.5 38.7 44.2 46.3 46.3 46.0 51.6 65 58 83 105 56 80 125 125 95 68 136 173 125 130 180 192 145 150 225 305 200 510 325 365 235 265 380 445 345 360 460 510 405 410 550 585 498 520 520 725 684 530 558 558 775 898 755 750 750 1025 1035 423 426 552 917 486 488 574 1,093 513 520 647 1,272 603 589 849 1,675 746 680 1,217 2,279 1,008 1,012 1,712 2,901 1,169 1,217 2,082 3,655 1,653 1,609 2,851 4,794 2,102 2,028 3,595 5,780 2,694 2,474 2,474 4,456 6,832 3,204 3,043 3,043 5,022 7,945 4,186 4,039 4,039 6,587 9,813 Notes: (1) To check stock or order 575V motors, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "EP00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (2) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. 50 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-E1™ AEHH8N, NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 500 HP) [EP] continued... Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) EP0502 EP0504(C) EP0504S(C) EP0506(C) EP0508(C) EP0602 EP0604(C) EP0604S(C) EP0606(C) EP0608(C) EP0752 EP0754(C) EP0754S(C) EP0754R(C) EP0756(C) EP0756R(C) EP0758 EP0758R EP1002 EP1004(C) EP1004S(C) EP1004R(C) EP1006 EP1006R EP1008 EP1008R EP1252 EP1254 EP1254S EP1254R EP1256 EP1256R EP1258 EP1258R EP1502 EP1504 EP1504S EP1504R EP1506 EP1506R EP1508 EP1508R EP2002 EP2004 EP2004S EP2004R EP2006 EP2006R EP2008T EP2008TR EP2008 EP2008R 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 900 900 326TS 326T 326TS 365T 404T 364TS 364T 364TS 404T 405T 365TS 365T 365TS 365T 405T 405T 444T 444T 405TS 405T 405TS 405T 444T 445T 445T 445T 444TS 444T 444TS 444T 445T 445T 447T 447T 445TS 445T 445TS 445T 447T 447T 449T 449T 447TS 447T 447TS 447T 449T 449T 449T 449T 5007B 5007C 94.1 94.5 94.5 94.1 93.0 94.1 95.0 95.0 94.5 93.0 94.5 95.4 95.4 95.4 94.5 94.5 93.6 93.6 95.4 95.4 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 93.6 93.6 95.0 95.4 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 94.1 94.1 95.0 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8 94.1 94.1 95.4 96.2 96.2 96.2 95.8 95.8 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 91.0 87.0 87.0 86.0 81.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 87.0 81.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 86.5 86.5 86.5 79.0 79.0 92.0 87.5 87.5 87.5 82.5 82.5 79.0 79.0 86.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 83.0 83.0 80.0 80.0 87.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 83.5 83.5 80.0 80.0 89.0 87.0 87.0 87.0 84.0 84.0 80.0 80.0 81.0 81.0 54.7 56.9 56.9 57.8 62.1 64.2 68.4 68.4 68.3 74.6 79.9 85.1 85.1 85.1 85.9 85.9 95.0 95.0 107 112 112 112 119 119 127 127 143 144 144 144 148 148 155 155 170 172 172 172 176 176 187 187 221 224 224 224 233 233 248 248 304 304 815 845 845 1105 1098 960 945 945 1,305 1,410 995 1,045 1,045 1,045 1,440 1,440 1,790 1,790 1,386 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,783 1,783 2,088 2,088 1,656 1,830 1,830 1,830 2,193 2,193 2,490 2,490 1,783 2,005 2,005 2,005 2,547 2,547 2,389 2,389 2,444 2,547 2,547 2,547 2,785 2,785 2,706 2,706 3,400 3,400 5,580 5,129 5,129 8,125 11,578 7,353 6,626 6,626 9,552 13,414 9,391 8,463 8,463 8,463 11,376 11,376 16,933 16,933 12,737 11,874 11,874 11,874 14,615 14,615 21,995 21,995 15,835 14,741 14,741 14,741 19,182 19,182 25,292 25,292 18,964 16,982 16,982 16,982 21,458 21,458 30,378 30,378 25,973 22,203 22,203 22,203 28,028 28,028 35,922 35,922 38,215 38,215 Notes: (1) To check stock or order 575V motors, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "EP00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (2) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 51 MAX-E1™ AEHH8N, NEMA PREMIUM (1 HP - 500 HP) [EP] continued... Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) EP2502 EP2504 EP2506 EP2506R EP2508 EP2508R EP3002 EP3004 EP3004R EP3006 EP3006R EP3008 EP3008R EP3502 EP3504 EP3504R EP3506 EP3506R EP3508 EP3508R EP4002T(2,3,4) EP4002 EP4004T(2,3,4) EP4004 EP4004R EP4006 EP4006R EP4008 EP4008R EP4502 EP4504 EP4504R EP4506 EP4506R EP4508 EP4508R EP5002 EP5004 EP5004R EP5006 EP5006R EP5008 EP5008R 250 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 3600 1800 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 449TS 449T 449T 449T 5009B 5009C 449TS 449T 449T 449T 449T 5009B 5009C 449TS 449T 449T 5011B 5011C 5011B 5011C 449TS 5009A 449T 5009B 5009C 5011B 5011C 5808B 5808C 5011A 5011B 5011C 5808B 5808C 5808B 5808C 5011A 5011B 5011C 5808B 5808C 5810B 5810C 95.8 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.0 95.0 95.8 96.2 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.0 95.0 95.8 96.2 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.0 95.0 95.8 95.8 96.2 96.2 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.0 95.0 95.8 96.2 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.0 95.0 95.8 96.2 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.0 95.0 89.8 88.0 84.5 84.5 81.0 81.0 90.2 88.0 88.0 84.5 84.5 81.0 81.0 90.2 88.0 88.0 87.0 87.0 81.0 81.0 92.5 91.6 90.0 90.0 90.0 87.0 87.0 82.5 82.5 91.7 90.0 90.0 88.0 88.0 82.5 82.5 91.7 90.0 90.0 88.0 88.0 83.0 83.0 272 277 289 289 304 304 325 332 332 347 347 365 365 379 387 387 393 393 426 426 423 427 433 433 433 449 449 478 478 480 487 487 500 500 535 535 533 541 541 555 555 594 594 2,547 2,720 2,925 2,925 4,200 4,200 2,647 2,855 2,855 3,430 3,430 4,410 4,410 2,785 3,280 3,280 5,565 5,565 5,040 5,040 2,950 3,623 3,500 4,025 4,025 5,803 5,803 5,355 5,355 4,410 5,040 5,040 5,803 5,803 5,723 5,723 4,830 5,250 5,250 6,330 6,330 6,300 6,300 33,849 28,550 29,353 29,353 42,984 42,984 36,455 29,897 29,867 30,784 30,784 47,183 47,183 38,480 32,346 32,346 50,932 50,932 57,973 57,973 43,545 51,490 36,902 45,886 45,886 58,597 58,597 74,687 74,687 60,575 54,819 54,819 65,680 65,680 77,582 77,582 63,570 60,227 60,227 71,086 71,086 83,031 83,031 Notes: (1) To check stock or order 575V motors, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "EP00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (2) Not suitable for Class I, Division 2 or Class II, Division 2. (3) No 50Hz data (380V) on nameplate. (4) Not Suitable for VFD. (5) All data subject to change without notice. 52 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-E1™ AEHE, HIGH EFFICIENCY [E] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) E0/78 E0018 E1/58 E0028(C) E0038(C) E0058 E7/58(C) E0108(C) E0158 E0208(C) E0258(C) E0308(C) E0408(C) E0508(C) E0608(C) E0758 E0758R E1008 E1008R E1258 E1258R E1508 E1508R E2008 E2008R E2508 E2508R E3008 E3008R E3508 E3508R E4008 E4008R E4508 E4508R E5008 E5008R E6002 E6004 E6004R E6006 E6006R E6008 E6008R E7002 E7004 E7004R E7006 E7006R E7008 E7008R E8002 E8004 E8004R E8006 E8006R E8008 E8008R 3/4 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 75 100 100 125 125 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 145T 182T 184T 213T 215T 254T 256T 284T 286T 324T 326T 364T 365T 404T 405T 444T 444T 445T 445T 447T 447T 449T 449T 5007B 5007C 5009B 5009C 5009B 5009C 5011B 5011C 5808B 5808C 5808B 5808C 5810B 5810C 5810A 5808B 5808C 5810B 5810C 6808B 6808C 5810A 5810B 5810C 5810B 5810C 6808B 6808C 6808A 5810B 5810C 6808B 6808C 6808B 6808C 70.0 77.0 77.0 85.5 85.5 86.5 85.5 89.5 89.5 90.2 90.2 93.0 91.7 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 94.4 94.4 94.5 94.5 94.6 94.6 94.8 94.8 94.8 94.8 95.0 95.0 95.2 95.2 95.4 95.5 95.5 95.6 95.6 95.5 95.5 95.5 95.6 95.6 95.8 95.8 95.6 95.6 95.5 95.6 95.6 96.0 96.0 95.6 95.6 53.5 58.5 60.5 64.0 66.0 72.0 71.5 73.5 78.0 81.0 79.5 77.5 76.5 80.5 81.0 79.0 79.0 79.0 79.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.0 82.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 90.5 90.0 90.0 86.8 86.8 84.0 84.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 86.8 86.8 84.0 84.0 90.5 90.5 90.5 87.0 87.0 84.0 84.0 1.90 2.08 3.02 3.42 5.00 7.50 11.5 14.3 20.1 25.7 32.7 39.0 53.5 65.2 74.5 95.6 95.6 127.0 127.0 156.0 156.0 188.0 188.0 242.0 242.0 306.0 306.0 366.0 366.0 426.0 426.0 478.0 478.0 537.0 537.0 596 596 650 654 654 677 677 700 700 758 762 762 788 788 816 816 867 866 866 897 897 933 933 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 85 105 125 173 192 305 365 445 510 585 684 898 1020 1,098 1,410 1,790 1,790 2,088 2,088 2,490 2,490 2,903 2,903 3,570 3,570 4,200 4,200 4,410 4,410 5,040 5,040 5,355 5,355 5,723 5,723 6,300 6,300 6,355 6,360 6,360 6,720 6,720 8,750 8,750 6,500 7,140 7,140 7,245 7,245 8,925 8,925 8,750 7,613 7,613 8,000 8,400 9,293 9,293 LIST PRICE ($) 780 917 1,093 1,272 1,675 2,279 2,901 3,655 4,794 5,780 6,832 7,945 9,813 11,578 13,414 16,933 16,933 21,995 21,995 25,292 25,292 30,378 30,378 38,215 38,215 42,984 42,984 47,183 47,183 57,973 57,973 74,687 74,687 77,582 77,582 83,031 83,031 72,975 68,099 68,099 80,584 80,584 98,305 98,305 80,449 80,040 80,040 91,049 91,049 105,385 105,385 107,856 85,750 85,750 103,401 103,401 111,433 111,433 Notes: (1) To check stock or order 575V motors, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "EP00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (2) Ratings above 600 HP ("E" motors) do not have a NEMA Premium requirement and therefore will continue to be stock items. (3) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency inventory (Ratings Below 600 HP) will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. Please see our new line of Premium Efficient 8 pole MAX-E1® motors on page(s) 50-52. (4) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque.. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 53 MAX-E1™ AEHH8NCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) [EP_C] AEUH8NDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 300 HP) [EPV_C] HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 1 3600 143TC 82.5 85.0 1.34 59 1 1800 143TC 85.5 73.0 1.50 59 1 1200 145TC 82.5 65.5 1.73 88 1.5 3600 143TC 84.0 83.5 2.00 59 1.5 1800 145TC 86.5 78.0 2.08 65 1.5 1200 182TC 87.5 63.5 2.53 133 2 3600 145TC 86.5 86.0 2.52 65 2 1800 145TC 86.5 78.0 2.78 65 2 1200 184TC 88.5 70.5 3.00 145 3 3600 182TC 88.5 90.0 3.53 100 3 1800 182TC 89.5 81.5 3.85 100 3 1200 213TC 89.5 78.0 4.02 191 5 3600 184TC 88.5 92.5 5.72 120 5 1800 184TC 89.5 85.5 6.12 120 5 1200 215TC 91.0 82.5 6.24 239 7.5 3600 213TC 91.0 89.0 8.67 175 7.5 1800 213TC 91.7 86.5 8.85 175 7.5 1200 254TC 91.0 80.5 9.59 345 10 3600 215TC 91.0 89.5 11.5 198 10 1800 215TC 91.7 88.0 11.6 198 10 1200 256TC 91.0 80.5 12.8 403 15 3600 254TC 92.4 91.5 16.6 310 15 1800 254TC 92.4 88.0 17.3 310 15 1200 284TC 92.4 83.5 18.2 488 20 3600 256TC 92.4 92.5 21.9 350 20 1800 256TC 93.0 87.5 23.0 350 20 1200 286TC 91.7 84.0 24.3 583 25 3600 284TSC 92.4 91.0 27.8 430 25 1800 284TC 93.6 86.0 29.1 441 25 1200 324TC 93.0 83.0 30.3 769 30 3600 286TSC 93.0 91.0 33.2 469 30 1800 286TC 93.6 87.5 34.3 490 30 1200 326TC 93.0 80.5 37.5 822 40 3600 324TSC 94.1 90.0 44.2 635 40 1800 324TC 94.1 86.0 46.3 682 40 1200 364TC 94.1 86.5 46.0 1,018 50 3600 326TSC 94.1 91.0 54.7 710 50 1800 326TC 94.5 87.0 56.9 744 50 1200 365TC 94.1 86.0 57.8 1,172 60 3600 364TSC 94.1 93.0 64.2 839 60 1800 364TC 95.0 86.5 68.4 920 60 1200 404TC 94.5 87.0 68.3 1,384 75 3600 365TSC 94.5 93.0 79.9 903 75 1800 365TC 95.4 86.5 85.1 1,050 75 1200 405TC 94.5 86.5 85.9 1,527 100 3600 405TSC 95.4 92.0 107 1,183 100 1800 405TC 95.4 87.5 112 1,310 100 1200 444TC 95.0 82.5 119 1,750 125 3600 444TSC 95.0 86.0 143 1,654 125 1800 444TC 95.4 85.0 144 1,650 125 1800 444TSC 95.4 85.0 144 1,650 125 1200 445TC 95.0 83.0 148 1,750 150 3600 445TSC 95.0 87.0 170 1,740 150 1800 445TC 95.8 85.0 172 1,830 150 1800 445TSC 95.8 85.0 172 1,830 150 1200 447TC 95.8 83.5 176 2,230 200 3600 447TSC 95.4 89.0 221 1,960 200 1800 447TC 96.2 87.0 224 2,270 200 1800 447TSC 96.2 87.0 224 2,270 200 1200 449TC 95.8 84.0 233 2,520 250 3600 449TSC 95.8 89.8 272 2,400 250 1800 449TC 96.2 88.0 277 2,550 250 1800 449TSC 96.2 88.0 277 2,550 250 1200 449TC 95.8 84.5 289 2,630 300 3600 449TSC 95.8 90.2 325 2,640 96.2 88.0 332 2,680 300 1800 449TC 300 1800 449TSC 96.2 88.0 332 2,680 Notes: (1) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. All other motors are NEMA Design B Torque up to 100 HP. (2) Ratings 150 HP and larger are 460V only. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. 54 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO FOOTED C-FACE CATALOG NO. EP0012C EP0014C(C) EP0016C EP1/52C EP1/54C(C) EP1/56C EP0022C EP0024C(C) EP0026C(C) EP0032C EP0034C(C) EP0036C(C) EP0052C EP0054C(C) EP0056C(C) EP7/52C EP7/54C(C) EP7/56C(C) EP0102C EP0104C(C) EP0106C(C) EP0152C EP0154C(C) EP0156C(C) EP0202C EP0204C(C) EP0206C(C) EP0252C EP0254C(C) EP0256C(C) EP0302C EP0304C(C) EP0306C(C) EP0402C EP0404C(C) EP0406C(C) EP0502C EP0504C(C) EP0506C(C) EP0602C EP0604C(C) EP0606C(C) EP0752C EP0754C(C) EP0756C(C) EP1002C EP1004C(C) EP1006C EP1252C EP1254C EP1254CS EP1256C EP1502C EP1504C EP1504CS EP1506C EP2002C EP2004C EP2004CS EP2006C EP2502C EP2504C EP2504CS EP2506C EP3002C EP3004C EP3004CS LIST PRICE ($) 503 531 689 607 609 716 641 649 806 751 734 1,059 886 843 1,405 1,197 1,202 1,910 1,387 1,405 2,247 1,888 1,833 3,146 2,292 2,219 3,932 3,090 2,910 4,888 3,562 3,427 5,393 4,663 4,494 7,135 6,067 5,618 8,651 7,865 7,247 10,449 9,887 8,988 12,191 13,370 12,583 15,125 17,350 16,650 16,650 20,585 20,100 18,580 18,580 22,800 26,810 23,640 23,640 28,500 33,500 29,000 29,000 29,695 35,750 30,200 30,200 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 ROUND BODY C-FACE CATALOG NO. EPV0012C EPV0014C(C) EPV0016C EPV1/52C EPV1/54C(C) EPV1/56C EPV0022C EPV0024C(C) EPV0026C(C) EPV0032C EPV0034C(C) EPV0036C(C) EPV0052C EPV0054C(C) EPV0056C(C) EPV7/52C EPV7/54C(C) EPV7/56C(C) EPV0102C EPV0104C(C) EPV0106C(C) EPV0152C EPV0154C(C) EPV0156C(C) EPV0202C EPV0204C(C) EPV0206C(C) EPV0252C EPV0254C(C) EPV0256C(C) EPV0302C EPV0304C(C) EPV0306C(C) EPV0402C EPV0404C(C) EPV0406C(C) EPV0502C EPV0504C(C) EPV0506C(C) EPV0602C EPV0604C(C) EPV0606C(C) EPV0752C EPV0754C(C) EPV0756C(C) EPV1002C EPV1004C(C) EPV1006C EPV1252C EPV1254C ~ EPV1256C EPV1502C EPV1504C ~ EPV1506C EPV2002C EPV2004C ~ EPV2006C EPV2502C EPV2504C ~ EPV2506C EPV3002C EPV3004C ~ SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 575 607 749 693 696 818 732 741 922 858 839 1,338 1,012 963 1,605 1,368 1,374 2,183 1,586 1,605 2,568 2,157 2,095 3,595 2,619 2,536 4,269 3,254 3,065 5,147 3,751 3,609 5,679 4,910 4,733 7,513 6,389 5,916 9,111 8,034 7,403 10,674 10,100 9,182 12,453 13,658 12,854 15,374 17,795 17,077 ~ 21,113 20,615 19,056 ~ 23,385 27,497 24,246 ~ 29,231 34,359 29,744 ~ 30,456 36,667 30,974 ~ KEYLESS SHAFT MOTOR AEHHSY, NEMA PREMIUM (200 HP - 500 HP) [EPY] AEHESY, HIGH EFFICIENCY [EY] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Compressors z Any Severe Duty/ Petro-Chem z Mixers Pulp & Paper Application FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 200 - 800 HP Speed: 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 460V Only(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum(3) CSA Certified for Class II, Div. 2, Groups F & G - Temp Code T3 Maximum(3) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets & Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box(5) Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction or Copper/Copper Alloy Rotor Construction. See product page for more details. Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Light Gray - Munsell N5.0 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil PolyrexTM EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Regreasable Models Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque (350 HP and Larger are 3:1 Constant Torque) 6 Leads Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked Provisions for Bearing RTD's, both End Brackets Pre-Drilled and Plugged; F#5000 and Larger Only EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) CSA Certification for Hazardous Locations only applies to select ratings. See product page for select details. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (6) F# 5000 and Larger with Pressed Steel Plate Main Conduit Box. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 55 KEYLESS SHAFT MOTOR AEHHSY, NEMA PREMIUM (200 HP - 500 HP) [EPY] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) SHAFT DIAMETER (in.) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) EPY2006(2) 200 1200 449TY 95.8 84.0 233 3.875 2,685 29,479 EPY2008 (2) 200 900 449TY 94.5 80.0 248 3.875 3,090 41,364 EPY2504(2) 250 1800 449TY 96.2 88.0 277 3.875 2,720 30,001 EPY2506(2) 250 1200 449TY 95.8 84.5 289 3.875 2,925 30,804 EPY2508(2) 250 900 5009UZ 95.0 81.0 304 5.000 4,200 46,133 EPY3004 300 1800 449TY 96.2 88.0 332 3.875 2,855 31,348 EPY3006 300 1200 449TY 95.8 84.5 347 3.875 3,100 32,235 EPY3008 300 900 5009UZ 95.0 81.0 365 5.000 4,410 50,332 EPY3504 350 1800 449TY 96.2 88.0 387 3.875 3,280 33,797 EPY3506(2) 350 1200 5011UZ 95.8 87.0 393 5.000 4,950 54,081 EPY3508 350 900 5011UZ 95.0 81.0 426 5.000 5,040 61,122 400 1800 5009UZ 96.2 90.0 433 5.000 4,025 49,035 400 1200 5011UZ 95.8 87.0 449 5.000 4,950 61,746 (2) EPY4004 (2) EPY4006 EPY4008 400 900 5808UZ 95.0 82.5 478 5.750 5,590 82,584 EPY4504(2) 450 1800 5011UZ 96.2 90.0 487 5.000 5,040 57,968 EPY4506 450 1200 5808UZ 95.8 88.0 500 5.750 5,550 73,577 EPY4508 450 900 5808UZ 95.0 82.5 538 5.750 6,320 85,479 EPY5004 500 1800 5011UZ 96.2 90.0 541 5.000 5,300 63,376 EPY5006 500 1200 5808UZ 95.8 88.0 555 5.750 5,900 78,983 EPY5008 500 900 5810UZ 95.0 83.0 594 5.750 6,950 90,928 (2) Notes: (1) Noted ratings CSA Certified for Hazardous Locations. (2) Noted ratings with Copper/Copper Alloy Rotor Construction. (3) Data subject to change without notice. 56 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO KEYLESS SHAFT MOTOR AEHESY, HIGH EFFICIENCY [EY] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) SHAFT DIAMETER (in.) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) EY2006 200 1200 449TZ 95.8 84.0 233 3.875 2,685 45,811 EY2008 200 900 449TZ 94.5 80.0 248 3.875 3,090 51,136 EY2504 250 1800 449TZ 96.2 88.0 277 3.875 2,720 46,232 EY2506 250 1200 449TZ 95.8 84.5 289 3.875 2,925 46,350 EY2508 250 900 5009UZ 94.5 81.0 304 5.000 4,200 55,048 EY3004 300 1800 449TZ 96.2 88.0 332 3.875 2,855 46,850 EY3006 300 1200 449TZ 95.8 84.5 347 3.875 3,100 47,500 300 900 5009UZ 94.6 81.0 365 5.000 4,410 59,220 350 1800 449TZ 96.2 88.0 387 3.875 3,280 47,250 EY3506 350 1200 5011UZ 95.0 88.0 393 5.000 4,950 67,430 EY3508(2) 350 900 5011UZ 94.8 81.0 426 5.000 5,040 70,679 EY3008 (2) EY3504 EY4004 400 1800 5009UZ 95.2 90.0 433 5.000 4,025 57,417 EY4006(2) 400 1200 5011UZ 95.0 88.0 449 5.000 4,950 72,943 EY4008(2,3) 400 900 5808UZ 94.8 82.0 476 5.750 5,590 97,775 EY4504 450 1800 5011UZ 95.2 90.0 487 5.000 5,040 66,240 (2,3) EY4506 450 1800 5808UZ 95.0 88.0 500 5.750 5,550 86,823 EY4508(2,3) 450 1800 5808UZ 95.0 82.5 535 5.750 6,320 100,064 EY5004 500 1800 5011UZ 95.3 90.0 541 5.750 5,300 71,029 EY5006(2,3) 500 1200 5808UZ 95.4 86.5 555 5.750 5,900 92,480 EY5008(2,3) 500 900 5810UZ 95.2 82.5 590 5.750 6,950 107,468 EY6004(2,3,4) 600 1800 5808UZ 95.5 90.0 654 5.750 6,250 89,738 (2,3,4) EY6006 600 1200 5810UZ 95.6 86.8 677 5.750 6,550 107,989 EY6008(2,3,4) 600 900 6808UZ 95.5 84.0 700 5.750 8,600 120,188 (2,3,4) EY7004 700 1800 5810UZ 95.6 90.0 762 5.750 7,350 105,051 EY7006(2,3,4) 700 1200 5810UZ 95.8 86.8 788 5.750 7,450 123,842 (2,3,4) EY7008 700 900 6808UZ 95.6 84.0 816 5.750 9,050 128,631 EY8004(2,3,4) 800 1800 5810UZ 95.6 90.5 866 5.750 7,800 112,345 (2,3,4) EY8006 800 1200 6808UZ 96.0 87.0 897 5.750 8,550 134,617 EY8008(2,3,4) 800 900 6808UZ 95.6 84.0 933 5.750 9,400 138,201 Notes: (1) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. Please see our new line of Premium Efficient Keyless Shaft motors on page 56. (2) Noted ratings CSA Certified for Hazardous Locations. (3) Noted ratings with Copper/Copper Alloy Rotor Construction. (4) Ratings do not have a DOE mandated NEMA Premium requirement and therefore will continue to be stock items. No change to current design. (5) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 57 MAX-E2/841® LITE AEHH, NEMA PREMIUM [HH] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Crushers z Compressors z Mixers z Conveyors z Severe Duty/ Petro-Chem z Pulp & Paper Application z Marine Duty FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 300 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 460V Only Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum IEEE 841 Ready Meets IEEE 45 Marine Duty Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum; Various Ratings also Meet Design C Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets & Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: 2 Part Epoxy Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings Rubber Dust Flinger on DE for F# 140T - 280T Oil Seal/V-Ring on Both Ends for F# 320T - 400T Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 440T and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F# 400T and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate and Hardware Stainless Steel Automatic Breather Drain New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(3,4) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque (350 HP and Larger are 3:1 Constant Torque) Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved 3 Leads Only Dual Drilled Feet Available on Most Ratings - Longer Frames (i.e. 145T Drilled also for 143T) Vibration Not to Exceed 0.08 Inches Per Second Noise Level Not to Exceed 85 dB(A) at 1 Meter Unloaded EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. 58 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-E2/841® LITE AEHH, NEMA PREMIUM [HH] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) NO. HH0012 1 3600 143T 1.3 HH0014(C) 1 1800 143T 1.5 HH0016 1 1200 145T 1.7 HH1/52 2 3600 143T 2.0 HH1/54(C) 2 1800 145T 2.1 HH1/56 2 1200 182T 2.5 HH0022 2 3600 145T 2.5 HH0024(C) 2 1800 145T 2.8 HH0026(C) 2 1200 184T 3.0 HH0032 3 3600 182T 3.5 (C) 3 1800 182T 3.7 HH0034 HH0036(C) 3 1200 213T 4.0 HH0052 5 3600 184T 5.7 HH0054(C) 5 1800 184T 6.1 HH0056(C) 5 1200 215T 6.2 HH7/52 7.5 3600 213T 8.7 7.5 1800 213T 8.9 HH7/54(C) HH7/56(C) 7.5 1200 254T 9.6 HH0102 10 3600 215T 11.5 (C) HH0104 10 1800 215T 11.6 HH0106(C) 10 1200 256T 12.8 HH0152 15 3600 254T 16.6 HH0154(C) 15 1800 254T 17.3 HH0156(C) 15 1200 284T 18.2 HH0202 20 3600 256T 21.9 (C) 20 1800 256T 23.0 HH0204 HH0206(C) 20 1200 286T 24.3 HH0252 25 3600 284TS 27.8 HH0254(C) 25 1800 284T 29.1 HH0256(C) 25 1200 324T 30.3 HH0302 30 3600 286TS 33.2 (C) 30 1800 286T 34.3 HH0304 (C) HH0306 30 1200 326T 37.5 HH0402 40 3600 324TS 44.2 HH0404(C) 40 1800 324T 46.3 40 1200 364T 46 HH0406(C) HH0502 50 3600 326TS 54.7 (C) HH0504 50 1800 326T 56.9 HH0506(C) 50 1200 365T 57.8 HH0602 60 3600 364TS 64.2 HH0604(C) 60 1800 364T 68.4 HH0606(C) 60 1200 404T 68.3 HH0752 75 3600 365TS 79.9 HH0754(C) 75 1800 365T 85.1 (C) HH0756 75 1200 405T 85.9 HH1002 100 3600 405TS 107 (C) HH1004 100 1800 405T 112 HH1006 100 1200 444T 119 HH1252 125 3600 444TS 143 HH1254 125 1800 444T 146 HH1256 125 1200 445T 148 HH1502 150 3600 445TS 170 HH1504 150 1800 445T 175 HH1506 150 1200 447T 176 HH2002 200 3600 447TS 226 HH2004 200 1800 447T 230 HH2006 200 1200 449T 233 HH2502 250 3600 449TS 278 HH2504 250 1800 449T 285 HH2506 250 1200 449T 289 HH3002 300 3600 449TS 333 HH3004 300 1800 449T 342 Notes: (1) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. All other motors are NEMA Design B Torque. (2) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. FL PF (%) 82.50 85.50 82.50 84.00 86.50 87.50 86.50 86.50 88.50 88.50 89.50 89.50 88.50 89.50 91.00 91.00 91.70 91.00 91.00 91.70 91.00 92.40 92.40 92.40 92.40 93.00 91.70 92.40 93.60 93.00 93.00 93.60 93.00 94.10 94.10 94.10 94.10 94.50 94.10 94.10 95.00 94.50 94.50 95.40 94.50 95.40 95.40 95.00 95.00 95.40 95.00 95.00 95.80 95.80 95.40 96.20 95.80 95.80 96.20 95.80 95.80 96.20 FL AMPS (460V) 85.0 73.0 65.5 83.5 78.0 63.5 86.0 78.0 70.5 90.0 84.0 78.0 92.5 85.5 82.5 89.0 86.5 80.5 89.5 88.0 80.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 92.5 87.5 84.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 91.0 87.5 80.5 90.0 86.0 86.5 91.0 87.0 86.0 93.0 86.5 87.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 92.0 87.5 82.5 86.0 84.0 83.0 87.0 84.0 83.5 87.0 84.5 84.0 88.0 85.5 84.5 88.0 85.5 SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 58 58 97 58 65 130 78 97 150 100 130 220 140 150 235 202 202 323 224 224 380 323 345 540 367 425 565 490 555 759 535 656 795 755 740 898 782 845 1,110 853 955 1,355 1,015 1,040 1,363 1,330 1,385 1,833 1,783 1,833 1,961 1,808 2,037 2,400 2,317 2,426 2,801 2,725 2,710 3,080 2,928 2,980 LIST PRICE ($) 510 488 608 528 560 628 572 597 721 667 673 935 832 794 1,359 1,121 1,127 1,885 1,306 1,341 2,304 1,829 1,780 3,098 2,296 2,243 3,839 2,854 2,684 4,635 3,356 3,317 5,299 4,404 4,247 7,080 5,720 5,215 8,426 7,747 7,475 10,057 9,648 9,377 11,619 13,107 12,093 16,171 17,123 15,900 19,949 20,521 18,516 22,327 26,548 22,960 28,796 34,416 29,277 37,099 41,240 35,320 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 59 MAX-E2/841® FAMILY AEHH8B, NEMA PREMIUM [HB] AEHH8BCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) [HB_C] AEUH8BDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) [HBV_C] APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Crushers z Compressors z Mixers z Conveyors z Severe Duty/ Petro-Chem/ z Pulp & Paper Application z Marine Duty FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1 - 500 HP Speed: 3600, 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP56) Voltage: 460V Only(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum(6,7) CSA Certified for Class II, Div. 2, Groups F & G - Temp Code T3 Maximum (Frame 444T and Above)(6,7) Meets or Exceeds IEEE 841 Standards Meets IEEE 45 Marine Duty and ABS Design Assessment up to 150 HP Extended Warranty - 60 Months from Date of Manufacture Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum; Various Ratings also Meet Design C Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets & Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box(8) Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 50˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation; Except 2 Pole "Hybrid" and F# 5000 and Larger Ratings are Counter-Clockwise facing the DE 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F# 140T - 449T Copper/Copper Alloy Rotor Construction for F# 5000 and Larger(9) Paint System: 2 Part Epoxy Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings VBXX INPRO™ Seals Installed on Both Ends Stainless Steel Nameplate and Hardware Stainless Steel Automatic Breather Drain New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque (350 HP and Larger are 3:1 Constant Torque) Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved 3 Leads Only Dual Drilled Feet Available on Most Ratings - Longer Frames (i.e. 145T Drilled also for 143T) Vibration Not to Exceed 0.08 Inches Per Second Noise Level Not to Exceed 85 dB(A) at 1 Meter Unloaded EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) TWMC carries minimal MAX-E2® 575V stock; please check availability to ensure required motors are available. Ratings may be available from our Canadian Warehouses at a higher price or from our factory with a longer lead time. Pricing and lead time may vary. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (6) Catalog# HB3502 & HB3504 are "Hybrid" ratings; Not CSA Certified (Self-Certify Only) for hazardous locations, and not dual drilled. (7) Catalog# HB3006 also not CSA Certified for hazardous locations (Self-Certify Only). (8) F# 5000 and with Larger with Pressed Steel Plate Main Conduit Box. (9) F# 5007 - 5011 8 Pole Ratings are Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction. 60 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 MAX-E2/841® AEHH8B, NEMA PREMIUM [HB] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) HB0012 HB0014(C) HB0016 HB0018 HB1/52 HB1/54(C) HB1/56 HB1/58 HB0022 HB0024(C) HB0026(C) HB0028 HB0032 HB0034(C) HB0036(C) HB0038 HB0052 HB0054(C) HB0056(C) HB0058 HB7/52 HB7/54(C) HB7/56(C) HB7/58 HB0102 HB0104(C) HB0106(C) HB0108 HB0152 HB0154(C) HB0156(C) HB0158 HB0202 HB0204(C) HB0206(C) HB0208 HB0252 HB0254(C) HB0256(C) HB0258 HB0302 HB0304(C) HB0306(C) HB0308 HB0402 HB0404(C) HB0406(C) HB0408 HB0502 HB0504(C) HB0506(C) HB0508 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 143T 143T 145T 182T 143T 145T 182T 184T 145T 145T 184T 213T 182T 182T 213T 215T 184T 184T 215T 254T 213T 213T 254T 256T 215T 215T 256T 284T 254T 254T 284T 286T 256T 256T 286T 324T 284TS 284T 324T 326T 286TS 286T 326T 364T 324TS 324T 364T 365T 326TS 326T 365T 404T 82.50 85.50 82.50 77.00 84.00 86.50 87.50 78.50 86.50 86.50 88.50 85.50 88.50 89.50 89.50 85.50 88.50 89.50 91.00 86.50 91.00 91.70 91.00 86.50 91.00 91.70 91.00 89.50 92.40 92.40 92.40 89.50 92.40 93.00 91.70 90.20 92.40 93.60 93.00 90.20 93.00 93.60 93.00 93.00 94.10 94.10 94.10 91.70 94.10 94.50 94.10 93.00 85.0 73.0 65.5 58.5 83.5 78.0 63.5 60.5 86.0 78.0 70.5 64.0 90.0 84.0 78.0 66.0 92.5 85.5 82.5 72.0 89.0 86.5 80.5 71.5 89.5 88.0 80.5 73.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 78.0 92.5 87.5 84.0 81.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 79.5 91.0 87.5 80.5 77.5 90.0 86.0 86.5 76.5 91.0 87.0 86.0 80.5 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.8 3.0 5.0 3.5 3.7 4.0 5.0 5.7 6.1 6.2 7.5 8.7 8.9 9.6 11.5 11.5 11.6 12.8 14.2 16.6 17.3 18.2 20.1 21.9 23.0 24.3 25.6 27.8 29.1 30.3 25.6 33.2 34.3 37.5 39.0 44.2 46.3 46.0 53.4 54.7 56.9 57.8 53.4 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 58 58 97 115 58 65 130 125 78 97 150 173 100 130 220 192 140 150 235 305 202 202 323 365 224 224 380 445 323 345 540 510 367 425 565 585 490 555 759 684 535 656 795 898 755 740 898 1,035 835 835 963 1,098 LIST PRICE ($) 969 928 1,013 1,223 958 970 1,120 1,368 978 985 1,233 1,814 1,154 1,126 1,620 2,009 1,345 1,259 1,962 2,659 1,752 1,733 2,754 3,077 1,874 1,901 3,182 4,000 2,703 2,648 3,901 4,923 3,232 3,120 4,596 5,759 3,816 3,689 5,758 6,500 4,062 3,963 6,131 8,814 5,547 5,434 9,137 10,818 6,590 6,088 10,292 12,314 Notes: (1) To check stock or order 575V motors, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "HB00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (2) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 61 MAX-E2/841® AEHH8B, NEMA PREMIUM [HB] continued… Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) HB40602 HB0604(C) HB0606(C) HB0608 HB0752 HB0754(C) HB0756(C) HB0758 HB1002 HB1004(C) HB1006 HB1008 HB1252 HB1254 HB1256 HB1258 HB1502 HB1504 HB1506 HB1508 HB2002 HB2004 HB2006 HB2008 HB2502 HB2504 HB2506 HB2508 HB3002 HB3004 HB3006 HB3008 HB3502 HB3504 HB3506 HB3508 HB4002 HB4004 HB4006 HB4008 HB4502 HB4504 HB4506 HB4508 HB5002 HB5004 HB5006 HB5008 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 364TS 364T 404T 405T 365TS 365T 405T 444T 405TS 405T 444T 445T 444TS 444T 445T 447T 445TS 445T 447T 449T 447TS 447T 449T 449T 449TS 449T 449T 5009B 449TS 449T 449T 5009B 449TS 449T 5011B 5011B 5009A 5009B 5011B 5808B 5011A 5011B 5808B 5808B 5011A 5011B 5808B 5810C 94.10 95.00 94.50 93.00 94.50 95.40 94.50 93.60 95.40 95.40 95.00 93.60 95.00 95.40 95.00 94.10 95.00 95.80 95.80 94.10 95.40 96.20 95.80 94.50 95.80 96.20 95.80 95.00 95.80 96.20 95.80 95.00 95.80 96.20 95.80 95.00 95.80 96.20 95.80 95.40 95.80 96.20 95.80 95.40 95.80 96.20 95.80 95.60 93.0 86.5 87.0 81.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 79.0 92.0 87.5 82.5 79.0 86.0 84.0 83.0 80.0 87.0 84.0 83.5 80.0 87.0 84.5 84.0 80.0 88.0 85.5 84.5 81.0 88.0 85.5 86.5 81.0 91.6 90.0 87.0 81.0 91.6 90.0 87.0 82.5 91.7 90.0 88.0 82.5 91.7 90.0 88.0 83.0 64.2 68.4 68.3 74.6 79.9 85.1 85.9 95.6 107 112 119 127 143 146 148 156 170 175 176 242 226 230 233 242 278 285 289 304 326 342 339 365 373 379 393 426 427 433 449 476 480 487 500 535 533 541 555 590 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 920 930 1,201 1,410 1,005 1,040 1,363 1,790 1,330 1,385 1,833 2,088 1,783 1,833 1,961 2,490 1,808 2,037 2,400 2,903 2,160 2,426 2,675 2,670 2,595 2,801 2,955 4,200 2,928 2,930 3,450 4,410 3,100 3,350 4,200 5,040 3,450 3,700 4,900 5,355 4,200 4,800 5,250 5,723 4,600 5,000 5,600 6,300 Notes: (1) To check stock or order 575V motors, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "HB00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (2) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. 62 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO LIST PRICE ($) 10,067 9,568 11,631 13,364 11,405 10,645 12,840 16,705 14,432 13,108 17,430 20,259 18,290 17,381 21,576 23,436 21,197 19,269 22,978 32,107 27,075 23,132 29,166 36,273 35,116 31,548 37,791 55,777 43,497 37,085 56,232 58,514 55,397 51,913 77,184 81,043 76,400 71,099 85,011 87,561 84,588 80,510 101,369 105,423 93,063 85,644 103,997 107,117 MAX-E2/841® AEHH8BCF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) [HB_C] AEUH8BDC, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP) [HBV_C] HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 75 75 75 100 100 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 143TC 143TC 145TC 143TC 145TC 182TC 145TC 145TC 184TC 182TC 182TC 213TC 184TC 184TC 215TC 213TC 213TC 254TC 215TC 215TC 256TC 254TC 254TC 284TC 256TC 256TC 286TC 284TSC 284TC 324TC 286TSC 286TC 326TC 324TSC 324TC 364TC 326TSC 326TC 365TC 364TSC 364TC 404TC 365TSC 365TC 405TC 405TSC 405TC 82.5 85.5 82.5 84.0 86.5 87.5 86.5 86.5 88.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 89.5 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.0 92.4 92.4 92.4 92.4 93.0 91.7 92.4 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.1 94.1 95.0 94.5 94.5 95.4 94.5 95.4 95.4 85.0 73.0 65.5 83.5 78.0 63.5 86.0 78.0 70.5 90.0 84.0 78.0 92.5 85.5 82.5 89.0 86.5 80.5 89.5 88.0 80.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 92.5 87.5 84.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 91.0 87.5 80.5 90.0 86.0 86.5 91.0 87.0 86.0 93.0 86.5 87.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 92.0 87.5 1.34 1.50 1.73 2.00 2.08 2.53 2.52 2.78 3.00 3.53 3.74 4.02 5.72 6.12 6.24 8.67 8.85 9.59 11.50 11.60 12.80 16.60 17.30 18.20 21.90 23.00 24.30 27.80 29.10 30.30 33.20 34.30 37.50 44.20 46.30 46.00 54.70 56.90 57.80 64.20 68.40 68.30 79.90 85.1 85.9 107.0 112.0 58 58 97 65 65 137 78 97 150 100 130 220 140 150 235 202 202 323 224 224 380 323 345 540 367 425 565 490 555 759 535 656 795 755 740 898 782 845 1,110 853 955 1,355 1,015 1,040 1,363 1,330 1,385 FOOTED C-FACE Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 ROUND BODY C-FACE CATALOG NO. LIST PRICE ($) CATALOG NO. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) HB0012C HB0014C(C) HB0016C HB1/52C HB1/54C(C) HB1/56C HB0022C HB0024C(C) HB0026C(C) HB0032C HB0034C(C) HB0036C(C) HB0052C HB0054C(C) HB0056C(C) HB7/52C HB7/54C(C) HB7/56C(C) HB0102C HB0104C(C) HB0106C(C) HB0152C HB0154C(C) HB0156C(C) HB0202C HB0204C(C) HB0206C(C) HB0252C HB0254C(C) HB0256C(C) HB0302C HB0304C(C) HB0306C(C) HB0402C HB0404C(C) HB0406C(C) HB0502C HB0504C(C) HB0506C(C) HB0602C HB0604C(C) HB0606C(C) HB0752C HB0754C(C) HB0756C(C) HB1002C HB1004C(C) 1,113 1,107 1,187 1,125 1,176 1,370 1,159 1,193 1,547 1,370 1,370 2,164 1,587 1,542 2,324 2,067 2,101 3,203 2,215 2,255 3,706 3,146 3,135 4,539 3,757 3,706 5,476 4,287 4,238 6,525 4,569 4,569 6,984 6,326 6,155 10,337 7,282 7,122 12,006 11,133 10,807 13,459 12,614 12,061 14,652 15,829 14,774 HBV0012C HBV0014C(C) HBV0016C HBV1/52C HBV1/54C(C) HBV1/56C HBV0022C HBV0024C(C) HBV0026C(C) HBV0032C HBV0034C(C) HBV0036C(C) HBV0052C HBV0054C(C) HBV0056C(C) HBV7/52C HBV7/54C(C) HBV7/56C(C) HBV0102C HBV0104C(C) HBV0106C(C) HBV0152C HBV0154C(C) HBV0156C(C) HBV0202C HBV0204C(C) HBV0206C(C) HBV0252C HBV0254C(C) HBV0256C(C) HBV0302C HBV0304C(C) HBV0306C(C) HBV0402C HBV0404C(C) HBV0406C(C) HBV0502C HBV0504C(C) HBV0506C(C) HBV0602C HBV0604(C) HBV0606C(C) HBV0752C HBV0754C(C) HBV0756C(C) HBV1002C HBV1004C(C) 1,173 1,168 1,248 1,186 1,240 1,457 1,224 1,256 1,631 1,457 1,457 2,268 1,669 1,626 2,425 2,175 2,208 3,339 2,317 2,360 3,834 3,285 3,274 4,704 3,883 3,834 5,623 4,452 4,399 6,725 4,725 4,725 7,177 6,530 6,362 10,576 7,467 7,309 12,213 11,355 11,034 13,744 12,807 12,266 14,918 16,070 15,033 Notes: (1) To check stock or order 575V motors, add "5" to the end of Catalog Number, for example: "HB00545" for 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 575V. (2) All data subject to change without notice. (C) Meets NEMA Design C Torque. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 63 MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEHHGD, NEMA PREMIUM, DESIGN C (20 HP - 200 HP) [CDP] AEEAGD, HIGH EFFICIENCY, DESIGN C [CD] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Crushers z Impactors z Chippers/ Shredders z Ball Mills/ Rolling Mills z Any High Torque Application FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 20 - 600 HP Speed: 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum(6) CSA Certified for Class II, Div. 2, Groups F & G - Temp Code T3 Maximum (Frame 444T - 449T Only)(6) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design C Torques; Equal or Greater Than 200% Starting Torque / 250% Breakdown Torque Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets, Main Conduit Box; Rolled Steel Fan Cover(7) Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box(8) Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation High Strength 4140 AISI Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5 BG 3.5/0.5 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings Gamma (Axial Face) Seal on Both Ends for F# 140T - 400T Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for F# 440T and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F# 320T and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque (350 HP and Larger are 3:1 Constant Torque) 12 Leads for 125 HP and Smaller; 6 Leads for 150 HP and Larger Standard With Thermistors (PTC 140˚C) 1 per Phase Locknut and Washer on NDE for Vertical Shaft Down Applications on F# 440 and Larger Drain Holes / Plugs on Both End Brackets for Vertical Applications Threaded One Way Breather Drains for Horizontal Mount Applications EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) 575V motors available on a made-to order basis. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for details. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (6) CSA Certification for Hazardous Locations only applies to AEHHGD, NEMA Premium Type. (7) F# 5000 and with Larger with Pressed Steel Plate Main Conduit Box. (8) Additional Foot Grounding Provision for F# 440 and Larger. 64 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEHHGD, NEMA PREMIUM, DESIGN C (20 HP - 200 HP) [CDP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) CDP0204 CDP0206 CDP0208 CDP0254 CDP0256 CDP0258 CDP0304 CDP0306 CDP0308 CDP0308R CDP0404 CDP0406 CDP0406R CDP0408 CDP0408R CDP0504 CDP0506 CDP0506R CDP0508 CDP0508R CDP0604 CDP0604R CDP0606 CDP0606R CDP0608 CDP0608R CDP0754 CDP0754R CDP0756 CDP0756R CDP0758 CDP0758R CDP1004 CDP1004R CDP1006 CDP1006R CDP1008 CDP1008R CDP1254 CDP1254R CDP1256 CDP1256R CDP1258 CDP1258R CDP1504 CDP1504R CDP1506 CDP1506R CDP1508 CDP1508R CDP2004 CDP2004R CDP2006T CDP2006TR CDP2008T CDP2008TR 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 1800 1200 900 1800 1200 900 1800 1200 900 900 1800 1200 1200 900 900 1800 1200 1200 900 900 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 256T 286T 324T 284T 324T 326T 286T 326T 364T 364T 324T 364T 364T 365T 365T 326T 365T 365T 404T 404T 364T 364T 404T 404T 405T 405T 365T 365T 405T 405T 444T 444T 405T 405T 444T 444T 445T 445T 444T 444T 445T 445T 447T 447TZ 445T 445T 447T 447TZ 449T 449TZ 447T 447TZ 449T 449TZ 449T 449TZ 93.0 91.7 91.0 93.6 93.0 91.0 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.0 91.4 91.4 91.4 93.0 93.0 94.5 94.1 94.1 93.0 93.0 95.0 95.0 94.5 94.5 93.0 93.0 95.4 95.4 94.5 94.5 93.6 93.6 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 93.6 93.6 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 94.1 94.1 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8 94.1 94.1 95.4 95.4 95.8 95.8 94.5 94.5 86.0 84.0 81.0 86.0 83.0 80.0 87.5 80.5 78.0 78.0 86.0 86.5 86.5 78.0 78.0 87.0 86.0 86.0 81.0 81.0 86.5 86.5 87.0 87.0 81.0 81.0 86.5 86.5 86.5 86.5 73.0 73.0 87.5 87.5 82.5 82.5 78.0 78.0 85.0 85.0 83.0 83.0 80.0 80.0 85.0 85.0 83.5 83.5 80.0 80.0 87.0 87.0 84.0 84.0 82.5 82.5 23.4 24.3 25.4 29.1 30.3 32.2 34.3 37.5 38.7 38.7 46.3 46.0 46.0 52.0 52.0 57.0 58.0 58.0 62.0 62.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 75.0 75.0 85.0 85.0 86.0 86.0 103 103 112 112 119 119 128 128 144 144 148 148 155 155 172 172 176 176 187 187 226 226 233 233 240 240 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 395 520 557 510 745 665 545 775 718 718 710 945 945 807 807 795 1,040 1,040 868 868 870 870 1,295 1,295 1,243 1,243 1,075 1,075 1,317 1,317 1,600 1,600 1,360 1,360 1,665 1,665 1,800 1,800 1,705 1,705 1,995 1,995 2,450 2,450 1,865 1,865 2,363 2,363 2,800 2,800 2,465 2,465 2,783 2,783 2,875 2,875 LIST PRICE ($) 2,715 3,288 5,309 3,027 5,089 5,927 3,446 5,139 6,302 6,302 4,534 6,995 6,995 9,649 9,649 5,286 8,261 8,261 11,086 11,086 7,439 7,439 10,950 10,950 12,400 12,400 9,513 9,513 11,524 11,524 24,730 24,730 11,870 11,870 20,931 20,931 26,371 26,371 21,154 21,154 25,836 25,836 29,819 29,819 22,163 22,163 27,903 27,903 34,657 34,657 24,572 24,572 28,499 28,499 28,987 28,987 Notes: (1) AEHHGD "CDP" motors replace AEEAGD "CD" motor line in compliance to new DOE standards. (2) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 65 MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEEAGD, HIGH EFFICIENCY, DESIGN C [CD] CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) CD0204 20 1800 256T 91.0 90.0 22.9 395 1,898 CD0206 20 1200 286T 90.2 83.5 24.9 520 2,999 CD0208 20 900 324T 90.2 81.0 25.7 557 4,938 CD0254 25 1800 284T 92.4 86.5 29.3 510 2,357 CD0256 25 1200 324T 91.7 81.5 31.3 745 3,911 CD0258 25 900 326T 90.2 79.5 32.7 665 5,709 CD0304 30 1800 286T 92.4 88.0 34.6 545 2,860 CD0306 30 1200 326T 91.7 80.5 38.1 775 4,580 CD0308 30 900 364T 91.7 77.5 39.6 718 6,996 CD0404 40 1800 324T 93.0 90.0 44.8 710 3,700 CD0406 40 1200 364T 93.0 86.5 46.6 945 6,174 CD0406R 40 1200 364T 93.0 86.5 46.6 945 6,174 CD0408 40 900 365T 92.4 76.5 53.0 807 8,668 CD0408R 40 900 365T 92.4 76.5 53.0 807 8,668 CD0504 50 1800 326T 93.0 90.0 56.0 795 4,805 CD0506 50 1200 365T 93.0 85.5 59.0 1,040 7,463 CD0506R 50 1200 365T 93.0 85.5 59.0 1,040 7,463 CD0508 50 900 404T 93.0 80.5 62.5 868 9,688 CD0508R 50 900 404T 93.0 80.5 62.5 868 9,688 CD0604 60 1800 364T 93.6 87.0 69.0 870 6,505 CD0604R 60 1800 364T 93.6 87.0 69.0 870 6,505 CD0606 60 1200 404T 93.6 88.0 68.0 1,295 9,665 CD0606R 60 1200 404T 93.6 88.0 68.0 1,295 9,665 CD0608 60 900 405T 93.0 81.0 74.5 1,243 10,837 CD0608R 60 900 405T 93.0 81.0 74.5 1,243 10,837 CD0754 75 1800 365T 94.1 88.0 85.0 1,075 8,316 CD0754R 75 1800 365T 94.1 88.0 85.0 1,075 8,316 CD0756 75 1200 405T 93.6 88.5 85.0 1,317 10,025 CD0756R 75 1200 405T 93.6 88.5 85.0 1,317 10,025 CD0758 75 900 444T 92.4 79.5 95.6 1,600 22,041 CD0758R 75 900 444T 92.4 79.5 95.6 1,600 22,041 CD1004 100 1800 405T 94.5 90.0 110 1,360 10,477 CD1004R 100 1800 405T 94.5 90.0 110 1,360 10,477 CD1006 100 1200 444T 94.1 83.5 119 1,665 18,802 CD1006R 100 1200 444T 94.1 83.5 119 1,665 18,802 CD1008 100 900 445T 92.4 80.0 127 1,800 23,252 CD1008R 100 900 445T 92.4 80.0 127 1,800 23,252 CD1254 125 1800 444T 94.5 87.5 142 1,705 19,231 CD1254R 125 1800 444T 94.5 87.5 142 1,705 19,231 CD1256 125 1200 445T 94.1 83.0 150 1,995 23,027 CD1256R 125 1200 445T 94.1 83.0 150 1,995 23,027 CD1258 125 900 447T 93.0 81.0 155 2,450 27,108 CD1258R 125 900 447TZ 93.0 81.0 155 2,450 27,108 Notes: (1) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency inventory in 256T - 449T frame will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. Please see our new line of 256T - 449T frame Premium Efficient Crusher Duty (AEHHGD) motors on page 69. (2) All data subject to change without notice. 66 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEEAGD, HIGH EFFICIENCY, DESIGN C [CD] continued... CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) CD1504 150 1800 445T 95.0 88.0 168 1,865 20,148 CD1504R 150 1800 445T 95.0 88.0 168 1,865 20,148 CD1506 150 1200 447T 95.0 86.5 171 2,363 25,167 CD1506R 150 1200 447TZ 95.0 86.5 171 2,363 25,167 CD1508 150 900 449T 93.0 81.5 185 2,800 31,506 CD1508R 150 900 449TZ 93.0 81.5 185 2,800 31,506 CD2004R 200 1800 447TZ 95.0 88.5 223 2,465 21,900 CD2006R 200 1200 449TZ 95.0 86.5 228 2,783 25,400 CD2006RZ 200 1200 505UZ 95.0 85.0 231 3,500 25,386 CD2008R 200 900 5007C 94.1 80.0 249 3,728 38,080 CD2504TB 250 1800 449T 95.4 88.5 277 2,708 22,780 CD2504TR 250 1800 449TZ 95.4 88.5 277 2,708 22,780 CD2504R 250 1800 5007C 95.0 88.0 280 3,570 25,386 CD2504RZ 250 1800 505UZ 95.0 88.0 280 3,150 24,750 CD2506TR 250 1200 449TZ 95.4 88.5 277 2,800 26,917 CD2506R 250 1200 5007C 95.0 85.0 290 3,500 27,978 CD2506RZ 250 1200 586/7UZ 95.0 85.0 290 4,750 36,278 CD2508R 250 900 5009C 94.5 80.0 310 4,200 42,402 CD3004TR 300 1800 449TZ 95.4 88.5 333 2,800 26,683 28,336 CD3004R 300 1800 5007C 95.4 88.5 333 3,585 CD3004RZ 300 1800 586/7UZ 95.4 88.5 333 4,748 36,273 CD3006TR 300 1200 449TZ 95.4 88.5 333 3,100 32,582 CD3006R 300 1200 5009C 95.0 85.0 348 4,175 35,337 CD3006RZ 300 1200 586/7UZ 95.0 85.0 348 5,100 41,711 CD3008R(1) 300 900 5806C 94.5 81.0 367 5,093 52,832 CD3504TR 350 1800 449TZ 95.4 88.5 388 3,100 29,548 31,563 CD3504R 350 1800 5009C 95.4 88.5 388 3,945 CD3504RZ 350 1800 586/7UZ 95.4 88.5 388 5,093 39,012 CD3506R 350 1200 5806C 95.0 85.0 406 4,750 42,540 44,637 CD3506RZ 350 1200 586/7UZ 95.0 85.0 406 5,565 CD3508R(1) 350 900 5808C 94.5 81.0 427 5,610 55,371 CD4004R 400 1800 5806C 95.4 89.0 441 4,748 40,207 CD4004RZ 400 1800 586/7UZ 95.4 89.0 441 5,445 43,050 CD4006R(1) 400 1200 5808C 95.0 85.5 461 5,100 47,753 CD4006RZ(1) 400 1200 586/7UZ 95.0 85.5 461 6,020 47,753 CD4008R1 400 900 5808C 95.0 81.0 487 5,828 67,089 CD4504R 450 1800 5808C 95.4 89.5 493 5,093 44,765 CD4504RZ 450 1800 586/7UZ 95.4 89.5 493 6,510 44,765 CD4506R(1) 450 1200 5808C 95.4 85.5 517 5,565 51,871 CD5004R 500 1800 5808C 95.8 89.5 547 5,445 46,164 CD5006R(1) 500 1200 5808C 95.4 85.5 574 6,020 55,165 CD6004R(1) 600 1800 5808C 95.8 89.5 655 6,510 65,799 CD6006R(1) 600 1200 5810C 95.4 85.5 689 6,898 79,125 Notes: (1) Ratings not have a DOE mandated NEMA Premium requirement and therefore will continue to be stock items. No change to current design. (2) Per DOE regulations, the non-exempt High Efficiency inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. Please see our new line of Design A Premium Efficient Crusher Duty (AEHHGD) motors on page 69. (3) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 67 MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEHHGD, NEMA PREMIUM, DESIGN A [CDP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Crushers z Impactors z Chippers/ Shredders z Ball Mills/ Rolling Mills z Any High Torque Application FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 200 - 500 HP Speed: 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 460V(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design C Torques; Equal or Greater Than 150% Starting Torque/ 250% Breakdown Torque Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets; Pressed Steel Plate Main Conduit Box and Fan Cover Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation High Strength 4140 AISI Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5 BG 3.5/0.5 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(4,5) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque (350 HP and Larger are 3:1 Constant Torque) 6 Leads Standard With Thermistors (PTC 140˚C) 1 per Phase Locknut and Washer on NDE for Vertical Shaft Down Applications Drain Holes / Plugs on Both End Brackets for Vertical Applications Threaded One Way Breather Drains for Horizontal Mount Applications EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) 575V motors available on a made-to order basis. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for details. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. 68 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-HT™ LOW VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEHHGD, NEMA PREMIUM, DESIGN A [CDP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) CDP2006RZ 200 1200 505UZ 95.8 79.9 245 3,200 31,647 CDP2008R 200 900 5007C 94.5 79.1 251 2,000 43,272 CDP2008RZ 200 900 586/7UZ 94.5 76.6 259 2,370 55,130 CDP2504TB 250 1800 449T 96.2 85.0 286 2,750 25,886 CDP2504TR 250 1800 449TZ 96.2 85.0 286 2,760 25,886 CDP2504R 250 1800 5007C 96.2 82.4 295 3,620 32,852 CDP2504RZ 250 1800 505UZ 96.2 82.4 295 3,250 31,412 CDP2506TR 250 1200 449TZ 95.8 78.5 311 2,925 28,483 CDP2506R 250 1200 5007C 95.8 79.3 308 3,760 34,972 CDP2506RZ 250 1200 586/7UZ 95.8 79.5 307 4,850 51,031 CDP2508R 250 900 5009C 95.0 78.3 315 2,250 48,184 CDP2508RZ 250 900 586/7UZ 95.0 76.5 322 2,450 58,205 CDP3004TR 300 1800 449TZ 96.2 84.0 348 2,865 32,503 CDP3004R 300 1800 5007C 96.2 82.5 352 3,750 35,420 CDP3004RZ 300 1800 586/7UZ 96.2 81.4 359 4,900 55,252 CDP3006TR 300 1200 449TZ 95.8 82.5 355 3,450 37,025 CDP3006R 300 1200 5009C 95.8 82.3 356 4,350 40,156 CDP3006RZ 300 1200 586/7UZ 95.8 80.9 362 4,950 53,374 CDP3504TR 350 1800 449TZ 96.2 88.5 385 3,290 32,503 CDP3504R 350 1800 5009C 96.2 85.8 397 4,140 33,901 CDP3504RZ 350 1800 586/7UZ 96.2 82.7 412 5,050 55,786 CDP3506R 350 1200 5806C 95.8 79.5 430 5,680 56,949 CDP3506RZ 350 1200 586/7UZ 95.8 79.5 430 5,100 57,101 CDP4004R 400 1800 5806C 96.2 81.6 477 5,650 57,211 CDP4004RZ 400 1800 586/7UZ 96.2 81.6 477 5,200 59,696 CDP4504R 450 1800 5808C 96.2 82.5 531 5,650 60,419 CDP4504RZ 450 1800 586/7UZ 96.2 82.8 529 5,300 61,981 CDP5004R 500 1800 5808C 96.2 82.4 590 5,860 65,165 CDP5004RZ 500 1800 586/7UZ 96.2 82.4 590 5,450 66,069 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 69 MAX-HT™ MEDIUM VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEHAGD, ENERGY EFFICIENCT, HIGH TORQUE [KD] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Mills z Grinders z Compressors z Crushers z Impacters z Ball Mills z Shredders z High Torque Applications FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 100 - 900 HP Speed: 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 2300/4000V(1) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum CSA Certified for Class II, Div. 2, Groups F & G - Temp Code T3 Maximum Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design C Torques; Equal or Greater Than 200% Starting Torque / 250% Breakdown Torque Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets; Pressed Steel Plate Main Conduit Box and Fan Cover(5) Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation High Strength 4140 AISI Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5 BG 3.5/0.5 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps Stainless Steel Nameplate Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-16 Inverter Duty Speed Range: 10:1 Variable Torque, 3:1 Constant Torque 6 Leads CSA Approved Locknut and Washer on NDE for Vertical Shaft Down Applications Drain Holes / Plugs on Both End Brackets for Vertical Applications Threaded One Way Breather Drains for Horizontal Mount Applications 100 Ohm Platinum Stator RTD's (2/Phase); in separate Auxiliary Box Space Heaters (120V); in separate Auxiliary Box(4) Mounting Provisions for Bearing RTD's and Vibration Detectors on F# 5007 and Larger EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Suitable for Full Voltage Direct On-Line Connection, Wye-Delta Start, Reduced Voltage Start or VFD. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Space Heaters are Low Temperature Type; Suitable for Hazardous Location Division 2 Environments (5) F# 447T(Z) - 449T(Z) with Cast Iron Main Conduit Box and Cast Iron Fan Cover. (6) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. 70 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-HT™ MEDIUM VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY AEHAGD, ENERGY EFFICIENCT, HIGH TORQUE [KD] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (2300V) APPROX. SHIPPING. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) KD1004 100 1800 447T 24.0 94.50 84.2 2,220 37,674 KD1006R 100 1200 447TZ 27.0 94.10 73.8 2,175 38,750 KD1008R 100 900 447TZ 28.0 93.00 73.6 2,400 39,560 KD1254 125 1800 447T 29.0 94.50 84.6 2,350 41,805 KD1256R 125 1200 449TZ 31.0 94.10 77.5 2,625 42,350 KD1258R 125 900 449TZ 33.0 93.60 74.2 2,575 49,499 KD1504 150 1800 449T 35.0 95.00 84.4 2,550 48,650 KD1506R 150 1200 449TZ 38.0 95.00 77.2 3,830 53,750 KD1508R 150 900 5007C 41.0 93.60 73.8 3,650 57,401 KD2004 200 1800 5007C 48.0 95.00 83.4 3,970 54,989 KD2006R 200 1200 5007C 54.0 95.00 74.4 3,950 66,263 KD2008R 200 900 5009C 52.0 94.10 77.6 3,875 72,421 KD2504 250 1800 5007C 59.0 95.00 84.0 4,050 66,796 KD2506R 250 1200 5009C 64.0 95.00 76.9 4,080 73,025 KD2508R 250 900 5009C 65.0 94.50 75.8 4,210 82,899 KD3004 300 1800 5009C 70.0 95.40 83.6 4,155 69,754 KD3006R 300 1200 5009C 75.0 95.00 77.9 4,235 78,896 KD3008R 300 900 5011C 77.0 94.50 76.3 4,660 88,395 KD3504 350 1800 5009C 81.0 95.40 84.9 4,305 78,962 KD3506R 350 1200 5011C 92.0 95.00 75.5 4,460 85,429 KD3508R 350 900 5808C 95.0 94.50 73.3 5,825 106,705 KD4004 400 1800 5011C 93.0 95.40 85.4 4,490 83,342 KD4006R 400 1200 5011C 109.0 95.00 73.8 4,725 91,999 KD4008R 400 900 5808C 109.0 94.50 74.1 6,280 114,632 KD4504 450 1800 5011C 106.0 95.40 85.5 4,620 87,954 KD4506R 450 1200 5808C 114.0 95.00 79.3 5,400 102,771 KD4508R 450 900 5810C 127.0 94.50 71.6 6,585 115,296 KD5004 500 1800 5011C 116.0 95.80 85.4 4,845 93,587 KD5006R 500 1200 5810C 128.0 95.00 78.3 5,710 112,994 KD5008R 500 900 5810C 135.0 94.50 74.4 7,040 121,193 KD6004 600 1800 5810C 138.0 95.80 86.2 6,115 109,159 KD6006R 600 1200 5810C 151.0 95.00 79.4 6,160 127,982 KD6008R 600 900 6808C 162.0 94.50 74.7 7,830 161,655 KD7004 700 1800 5810C 160.0 95.80 85.8 6,610 125,162 KD7006R 700 1200 6808C 170.0 95.00 81.4 8,260 148,272 KD7008R 700 900 6808C 184.0 94.50 75.8 8,755 162,724 KD8004 800 1800 6808C 197.0 95.80 80.4 7,900 141,626 KD8006R 800 1200 6808C 198.0 95.00 81.0 8,955 162,411 KD9004 900 1800 6808C 218.0 95.80 81.3 8,360 151,741 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 71 STAINLESS STEEL WASHDOWN AEGP, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE [WFP/WP] AEGPCW, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE [WFPV/WPV] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Any Application Where the Motor Will be Subjected to High Pressure Spray Down z Marine Duty z Food Processing and Packaging FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output: 1/2 - 10 HP Speed: 3600 & 1800 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP56) (IEEE 45) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Stainless Steel Frame, End Brackets and Hardware Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Stainless Steel Oversized Main Conduit Box - F3 Mounted (IM1001) Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation SUS304 Stainless Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL Contact Lip Type Seal on Both Ends Etched Nameplate on the Stainless Steel Frame New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(3,4) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 10:1 Variable Torque, 4:1 Constant Torque 9 Leads Two Drain Holes on Bottom of Frame and one in the C-Flange Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved and CE Marked Department of Energy Efficiency Certificate # CC082A Encapsulated Windings as Option(5) EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: z Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (5) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for encapsulated winding quote. 72 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO STAINLESS STEEL WASHDOWN AEGP, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE [WFP/WP] AEGPCW, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE [WFPV/WPV] HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 7.5 7.5 10 10 3600 1800 3600 1800 3600 3600 1800 1800 3600 3600 1800 1800 3600 3600 1800 1800 3600 1800 3600 1800 3600 1800 3600 1800 A56C A56C A56C A56C A56C 143TC B56C 143TC B56C 143TC C56C 145TC C56C 145TC C56C 145TC 182TC 182TC 184TC 184TC 213TC 213TC 215TC 215TC 75.0 80.0 77.0 80.0 77.0 77.0 85.5 85.5 84.0 84.0 86.5 86.5 85.5 85.5 86.5 86.5 86.5 86.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 91.7 90.2 91.7 79.0 65.0 84.0 68.0 90.0 90.0 70.0 70.0 90.0 90.0 73.0 73.0 91.0 91.0 75.0 75.0 88.0 78.0 91.0 85.0 85.0 82.0 87.0 84.0 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.0 4.1 4.0 6.1 6.3 9.5 9.3 12.2 12.2 37 37 39 39 37 46 44 46 45 50 55 58 52 58 62 65 80 115 128 128 175 190 210 225 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FOOTED C-FACE ROUND BODY C-FACE CATALOG NO. LIST PRICE ($) CATALOG NO. LIST PRICE ($) WFP0/52C WFP0/54C WFP0/72C WFP0/74C WFP0012C WP0012C WFP0014C WP0014C WFP1/52C WP1/52C WFP1/54C WP1/54C WFP0022C WP0022C WFP0024C WP0024C WP0032C WP0034C WP0052C WP0054C WP7/52C WP7/54C WP0102C WP0104C 710 725 775 800 955 955 985 985 1,035 1,035 1,022 1,022 1,238 1,238 1,215 1,215 2,345 2,390 2,730 2,750 4,228 4,650 4,283 4,847 WFPV0/52C WFPV0/54C WFPV0/72C WFPV0/74C WFPV0012C WPV0012C WFPV0014C WPV0014C WFPV1/52C WPV1/52C WFPV1/54C WPV1/54C WFPV0022C WPV0022C WFPV0024C WPV0024C WPV0032C WPV0034C WPV0052C WPV0054C WPV7/52C WPV7/54C WPV0102C WPV0104C 710 725 775 800 955 955 985 985 1,035 1,035 1,022 1,022 1,238 1,238 1,215 1,215 2,345 2,390 2,730 2,750 4,228 4,650 4,283 4,847 Notes: (1) Select catalog numbers have changed in order to follow the following format: "WFPV" = 56 Frame Round Body C-Face "WFP" = 56 Frame Footed C-Face "WPV" = F#140TC - F#210TC Round Body C-Face "WP" = F#140TC - F#210TC Footed C-Face (2) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 73 HVAC SINGLE PHASE ODP BSGS39, NEMA PREMIUM [SP/SPH] APPLICATIONS: z Fans z Pumps z Compresssors z Air Conditioning Blowers z Heating z Ventillation FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1/4 - 3 HP Speed: 3600 & 1800 RPM Enclosure: Open Drip Proof (IP22) Voltage: 115/208/230V (Tri-Voltage) Single Phase, 60 Hz; 1.15 Service Factor for 115V & 230V or 1.0 Service Factor for 208V Capacitor Start, Capacitor Run Class F Insulation Automatic Reset Overload Class B Temperature Rise Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation Rolled Steel Frame Cast Aluminum Terminal Box 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Lacquer Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5 PB 3/8 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with Lithium Base Grease No Terminals; Lead End Peel-Off Insulation Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate Motors are UL Recognized for United States and Canada EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: z Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. 74 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 HVAC SINGLE PHASE ODP BSGS39, NEMA PREMIUM [SP/SPH] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) APPROX. SHIPPING. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) SP0/22 1/4 3600 48 66.0 90.0 1.31 25 285 SPH0/22 1/4 3600 56 66.0 90.0 1.31 26 310 SP0/24 1/4 1800 48 68.5 81.0 1.41 26 290 SPH0/24 1/4 1800 56 68.5 81.0 1.41 26 316 SP0/32 1/3 3600 48 70.5 90.0 1.71 26 301 SPH0/32 1/3 3600 56 70.5 90.0 1.71 26 314 SP0/34 1/3 1800 48 72.4 81.0 1.85 27 308 SPH0/34 1/3 1800 56 72.4 81.0 1.85 31 321 SP0/52 1/2 3600 48 72.4 90.0 2.47 29 323 SPH0/52 1/2 3600 56 72.4 90.0 2.47 29 375 SP0/54 1/2 1800 48 76.2 83.0 2.54 34 345 SPH0/54 1/2 1800 56 76.2 83.0 2.54 34 407 SP0/72 3/4 3600 48 76.2 92.0 3.41 33 357 SPH0/72 3/4 3600 56 76.2 92.0 3.41 33 410 SP0/74 3/4 1800 56H 81.8 90.0 3.25 42 445 SPH0/74 3/4 1800 143T 81.8 90.0 3.25 44 478 SPH0012 1 3600 56H 80.4 92.0 4.41 37 468 SP0012 1 3600 143T 80.4 92.0 4.41 38 492 SPH0014 1 1800 56H 82.6 90.0 4.39 47 527 SP0014 1 1800 143T 82.6 90.0 4.39 47 566 SPH1/52 1.5 3600 56H 81.5 96.0 6.11 42 542 SP1/52 1.5 3600 143T 81.5 96.0 6.11 42 558 SPH1/54 1.5 1800 56H 83.8 96.0 5.94 55 583 SP1/54 1.5 1800 145T 83.8 96.0 5.94 55 641 SPH0022 2 3600 56H 82.9 96.0 8.19 45 624 SP0022 2 3600 145T 82.9 96.0 8.19 45 628 SPH0024 2 1800 56H 84.5 96.0 8.04 62 667 SP0024 2 1800 145T 84.5 96.0 8.04 63 738 SPH0032 3 3600 56H 84.1 98.0 11.6 55 655 SP0032 3 3600 145T 84.1 98.0 11.6 55 670 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 75 HVAC SINGLE PHASE TEFC BEGS39, NEMA PREMIUM (1/4 HP - 3 HP) [SPT/SPHT] BEGS19, ENERGY EFFICIENT (3 HP - 10 HP) [ST] APPLICATIONS: z Fans z Pumps z Compresssors z Air Conditioning Blowers z Heating z Ventillation FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1/4 - 10 HP Speed: 3600 & 1800 RPM Enclosure: Totally Encolsed Fan Cooled (IP44) Voltage: 115/208/230V (Tri-Voltage); 3 HP and Larger are 208-230V Single Phase, 60 Hz; 1.15 Service Factor for 115V & 230V or 1.0 Service Factor for 208V Capacitor Start, Capacitor Run Class F Insulation Automatic Reset Overload Class B Temperature Rise Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation Rolled Steel Frame Cast Aluminum Terminal Box 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Lacquer Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5 PB 3/8 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with Lithium Base Grease No Terminals; Lead End Peel-Off Insulation Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate Motors are UL Recognized for United States and Canada EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: z Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. 76 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 HVAC SINGLE PHASE TEFC BEGS39, NEMA PREMIUM (1/4 HP - 3 HP) [SPT/SPHT] BEGS19, ENERGY EFFICIENT (3 HP - 10 HP) [ST] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (230V) APPROX. SHIPPING. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) SPT0/22 1/4 3600 48 68.0 90.0 1.28 23 356 SPHT0/22 1/4 3600 56 68.0 90.0 1.28 23 370 SPT0/24 1/4 1800 48 70.0 83.0 1.35 24 372 SPHT0/24 1/4 1800 56 70.0 83.0 1.35 24 386 SPT0/32 1/3 3600 48 72.0 90.0 1.68 24 371 SPHT0/32 1/3 3600 56 72.0 90.0 1.68 24 386 SPT0/34 1/3 1800 48 74.0 83.0 1.77 25 375 SPHT0/34 1/3 1800 56 74.0 83.0 1.77 25 409 SPT0/52 1/2 3600 48 74.0 90.0 2.42 27 403 SPHT0/52 1/2 3600 56 74.0 90.0 2.42 27 418 SPT0/54 1/2 1800 48 77.0 85.0 2.46 29 411 SPHT0/54 1/2 1800 56 77.0 85.0 2.46 29 415 SPT0/72 3/4 3600 48 77.0 92.0 3.38 30 434 SPHT0/72 3/4 3600 56 77.0 92.0 3.38 30 448 SPT0/74 3/4 1800 48 78.5 87.0 3.50 32 441 SPHT0/74 3/4 1800 56 78.5 87.0 3.50 32 455 SPHT0012 1 3600 56H 78.5 92.0 4.51 38 486 SPT0012 1 3600 143T 78.5 92.0 4.51 38 498 SPHT0014 1 1800 56H 80.0 90.0 4.53 41 547 SPT0014 1 1800 143T 80.0 90.0 4.53 42 559 SPHT1/52 1.5 3600 56H 81.5 96.0 6.11 42 531 SPT1/52 1.5 3600 143T 81.5 96.0 6.11 43 543 SPHT1/54 1.5 1800 56H 81.5 92.0 6.38 46 621 SPT1/54 1.5 1800 145T 81.5 92.0 6.38 47 633 SPHT0022 2 3600 56H 82.5 96.0 8.23 45 578 SPT0022 2 3600 145T 82.5 96.0 8.23 45 590 SPHT0024 2 1800 56H 82.5 92.0 8.59 54 698 SPT0024 2 1800 145T 82.5 92.0 8.59 54 710 SPHT0032 3 3600 56H 84.0 98.0 11.70 56 611 SPT0032 3 3600 145T 84.0 98.0 11.70 56 623 (1) ST0034 3 1800 182T 82.5 92.0 12.6 97 977 ST0052(1) 5 3600 184T 82.0 98.0 20.0 112 1,038 ST0054(1) 5 1800 184T 84.0 94.0 20.4 117 1,155 ST7/52(1) 7.5 3600 213T 84.5 98.0 28.9 160 1,696 (1) ST7/54 7.5 1800 213T 82.0 94.0 31.1 188 2,004 ST0102(1) 10 3600 215T 86.0 98.0 38.7 195 1,976 ST0104(1) 10 1800 215T 83.5 94.0 41.6 215 2,375 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. (2) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 77 FARM DUTY SINGLE PHASE BEGCFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (1/3 HP - 1 HP) [S] BECCFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (1.5 HP) [S] BECSFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (2 HP -10 HP) [S] APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Compressors z Farm Equipment z Machine Tools FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 1/3 - 10 HP Speed: 1800 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP44) Voltage: 115/230V (3 HP and Larger are 230V Only) Single Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) Definite Purpose High Torque Farm Duty Design Capacitor Start, Induction Run - 1/3 HP to 1.5 HP Capacitor Start, Permanent Split Capacitor Run - 2 HP to 10 HP Class B Insulation from 1/3 HP to 3 HP Class F Insulation from 5 HP to 10 HP Manual Reset Overload with Outside Rubber Boot Class B Temperature Rise Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation Rolled Steel Frame for 1/3 - 1 HP Cast Iron Frame for 1.5 - 10 HP Rolled Steel Terminal Box 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Green - Munsell 5G 4/4 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL (Non-Regreasable) Rubber Dust Flinger on DE Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate Frames 143T and Larger Motors are U.L. Recognized and CSA Approved EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher elevations. 78 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FARM DUTY SINGLE PHASE BEGCFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (1/3 HP - 1 HP) [S] BECCFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (1.5 HP) [S] BECSFD, HIGH EFFICIENCY (2 HP -10 HP) [S] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FOOTED FRAME FL PF (%) FRAME MATERIAL(4) FRAME ROUND BODY C-FACE HP RPM FL EFF (%) 1/3 1800 51.0 47.0 RS 56 S0/34(1) 29 353 56C S0/34C(1) 29 511 1/2 1800 58.0 58.0 RS 56 S0/54 (1) 33 375 56C S0/54C(1) 33 533 3/4 1800 65.0 63.0 RS 56 S0/74 (1) 38 398 56C (1) S0/74C 38 556 1 1800 69.0 68.0 RS 56 S0014(1) 50 427 56C S0014C(1) 50 585 1.5 1800 70.0 63.0 CI 145T S1/54 73 516 145TC S1/54C 73 674 2 1800 73.0 63.5 CI 182T S0024(2) 120 718 182TC S0024C(2) 120 935 3 1800 74.0 63.0 CI 182T S0034(2,3) 120 816 182TC S0034C(2,3) 120 1,033 (2,3) (2,3) CATALOG NO. APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) FRAME CATALOG NO. APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) (1) (1) 5 1800 78.5 69.0 CI 184T S0054 135 931 184TC S0054C 135 1,148 7.5 1800 80.0 84.5 CI 213T S7/54(2,3) 200 1,583 213TC S7/54C(2,3) 200 1,807 10 1800 78.5 87.0 CI 215T S0104 210 1,885 215TC S0104C 210 2,109 (2,3) (2,3) Notes: (1) BEGCFD and BECCFD are capacitor start, induction run. (2) BECSFD is capacitor start and permanent split capacitor run. (3) Ratings 3 HP and Larger are 230V only. (4) Frame Material: RS = Rolled Steel; CI = Cast Iron (5) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 79 OIL WELL PUMP ODP ASFAFP, STANDARD EFFICIENCY, DESIGN D [Q] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Oil Well Pumps z Any Applications Requiring NEMA Design D Torques FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 5 - 125 HP Speed: 1200 RPM Enclosure: Open Drip Proof (IP22) Voltage: 230/460/796V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design D Torques Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F2 Mounted, F1 Available with Modification Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: White - Munsell N9.5 Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 280T and Smaller (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 320T and Larger Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for Frames F# 320T and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F# 324T and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate 12 Leads Standard with Klixon 9700K Temperature Limiting Switch, 1 Per Phase 5% Minimum Slip Rodent Screens EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. 80 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO OIL WELL PUMP ODP ASFAFP, STANDARD EFFICIENCY, DESIGN D [Q] CATALOG NO. HP RPM Q0056 5 Q7/56 7.5 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) 1200 215T 81.5 77.0 1200 254T 85.5 82.0 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 7.45 205 1,154 10.0 270 1,470 FL AMPS (460V) Q0106 10 1200 256T 85.5 85.0 12.9 335 1,797 Q0156 15 1200 284T 87.5 86.0 18.7 410 2,574 Q0206 20 1200 286T 85.5 89.0 24.6 453 3,175 Q0256 25 1200 324T 86.5 89.0 30.4 620 3,807 Q0306 30 1200 326T 86.5 90.0 36.1 700 4,121 Q0406 40 1200 365T 89.5 90.0 46.5 795 5,723 Q0506 50 1200 404T 88.5 89.5 59.1 1,075 7,053 Q0606 60 1200 404T 89.5 90.0 70.0 1,165 8,096 Q0756 75 1200 405T 88.5 91.0 87.5 1,245 9,606 Q1006R 100 1200 444T 86.5 82.0 132 1,585 12,636 Q1256R 125 1200 445T 87.0 82.0 164 1,725 13,693 Notes: (1) "R" = Motor stocked standard with a drive-end roller bearing. (2) All motors are NEMA Design D torque. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 81 OIL WELL PUMP TEFC AEEAFP, STANDARD EFFICIENCY, DESIGN D [QT] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Oil Well Pumps z Any Applications Requiring NEMA Design D Torques FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 5 - 125 HP Speed: 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP54) Voltage: 230/460V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design D Torques Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets, Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F2 Mounted, F1 Available with Modification Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base with Alkyd Finish Paint Color: Dark Blue (Munsell 5PB 4.5/2) Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 280T and Smaller (Non-regreasable) High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 320T and Larger Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for Frames F# 320T and Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F# 324T and Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate 12 Leads Standard with Klixon 9700K Temperature Limiting Switch, 1 Per Phase 5% Minimum Slip EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Please consult factory for suitability in higher ambients. (2) Please consult factory for suitability in higher elevations. 82 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO OIL WELL PUMP TEFC AEEAFP, STANDARD EFFICIENCY, DESIGN D [QT] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) QT0056 5 1200 215T 83.5 81.5 6.88 155 1,450 QT7/56 7.5 1200 254T 83.5 83.0 10.1 270 1,700 QT0106 10 1200 256T 84.0 84.0 13.3 335 2,250 QT0156 15 1200 284T 85.5 88.0 18.7 410 2,800 QT0206 20 1200 286T 86.5 89.0 24.3 453 3,500 QT0256 25 1200 324T 87.0 88.0 30.6 620 4,100 QT0306 30 1200 326T 87.5 90.5 35.5 700 4,900 QT0406 40 1200 365T 88.5 89.0 47.5 795 6,600 QT0506 50 1200 404T 89.5 92.0 56.9 1,075 8,150 QT0606 60 1200 405T 90.0 92.0 67.8 1,165 9,250 QT0756 75 1200 444T 90.0 88.5 88.2 1,245 15,700 QT1006 100 1200 445T 90.5 89.0 116 1,585 19,200 QT1006R 100 1200 445T 90.5 89.0 116 1,585 19,200 QT1256 125 1200 447T 91.5 89.0 144 1,785 22,000 QT1256R 125 1200 447T 91.5 89.0 144 1,785 22,000 Notes: (1) "R" = Motor stocked standard with a drive-end roller bearing. (2) All motors are NEMA Design D torque. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 83 2 SPEED, 1 WINDING, VARIABLE TORQUE AECA, HIGH EFFICIENCY [CP] APPLICATIONS: z Fans & Blowers z Pumps z Cooling Towers FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 100 - 300 HP Speeds: 1800 / 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 460V Only Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) Self-Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets, Fan Cover and Main Conduit Box(4) Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: 2 Part Epoxy Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 Epoxy Coated Internals High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings Stainless Steel Nameplate and Hardware Stainless Steel Automatic Breather Drain 6 Leads Only Noise Level Not to Exceed 85 dB(A) at 1 Meter Unloaded 2 Speed, 1 Winding - Variable Torque High Efficiency, Severe Duty EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Please consult factory for suitablity in higher ambients. (2) Please consult factory for suitablity in higher elevations. (3) Additional charge for Division II nameplate - See Modification Pricing. (4) Catalog# CP3004/8 (F#5009B) will have steel fan cover. (5) Multi-speed motors are exempt from (DOE) Depatment of Energy premium efficiency requirements. 84 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 2 SPEED, 1 WINDING, VARIABLE TORQUE AECA, HIGH EFFICIENCY [CP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) CP1004/8 100 / 25 1800/900 444T 92.5 / 88.0 90.0 / 62.0 112 / 42.9 1,855 19,404 CP1254/8 125 / 31 1800/900 445T 92.5 / 88.0 90.0 / 62.0 141 / 53.2 2,105 23,770 CP1504/8 150 / 37 1800/900 447T 93.0 / 90.0 90.0 / 62.0 168 / 62.9 2,647 29,106 CP2004/8 200 / 50 1800/900 449T 93.5 / 90.0 90.5 / 62.0 221 / 83.9 2,820 34,927 CP2504/8 250 / 62.5 1800/900 449T 94.0 / 90.0 90.5 / 62.0 275 / 105 2,820 43,659 CP3004/8 300 / 75 1800/900 5009B 94.5 / 92.0 91.0 / 72.0 327 / 106 4,125 47,540 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 85 TEXP EXPLOSION PROOF FAMILY AEHHXV/AEHHXU, NEMA PREMIUM [XP] AEHHXG/AEHHXF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP)[XP_C] AEUHXG/AEUHXF, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 75 HP)[XPV_C] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Grain Elevators z Pumps z Blowers z Applications Where Explosive Gases are Present z Applications Where Explosive Dusts/ Grains are Present FEATURES: z Output Range: 1 - 400 HP z Speed: 3600, 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM z Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled - Explosion Proof (IP55) z Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150 HP and Larger is 460V Only(1) z Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) z Class I, Div. 1, Group C & D and Class II, Groups E, F and G - Temp Code T2D/T3B Up to and Including F# 256T z Class I, Div. 1, Group D and Class II, Groups E, F and G - Temp Code T2D/T3B for F# 284T and Larger z UL File: E84757 z CSA File: #64671 z Class F Insulation z Class B Temperature Rise z NEMA Design B Torques z Standard with Klixon 9700K Temperature Limiting Switch, 1 per Phase z Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box z Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted z Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) z Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) z Bi-Directional Rotation z Cast Iron Frame, Fan Cover, End Brackets and Main Conduit Box z Capable of Withstanding Explosion Force as Required by UL z Stainless Steel Breather Drains with Bronze Filters (For Horizontal Mount Only) z 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft z Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction z Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat z Paint Color: Dark Blue - Munsell 5 PB 4.5/2 z Double Shielded Bearings Pre-Packed with MULTEMP SRL for F# 140T - 280T (Non-regreasable) z High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease for F# 280TS and Larger z Bronze Flinger on Both Ends z Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for F#280TS and Larger z Stainless Steel Nameplate z Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1(4,5) z UL Listed for Inverter Duty(4,5) z Inverter Duty Magnet Wire Capable of Withstanding Voltage Spikes of up to 2200 Volts z Inverter Duty Speed Ranges: VT = 3 - 60 Hz CT for 140T - 210T Frames = 10 - 60 Hz CT for 250T - 320T Frames = 13 - 60 Hz CT for 260T - 440T Frames = 16 - 60 Hz z 9 Leads for 5 HP and Smaller; z 12 Leads for 7.5 HP to 125 HP; z 6 Leads for 150 HP and Larger EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. - Note (6) Notes: (1) Available in 575V. TWMC carries minimal 575V stock; please check availability to ensure required motors are in stock. Ratings may be available from our Canadian warehouses and/or our factory. Pricing and leadtime may vary. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor Service Factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. (6) Extras/Modification options are limited on TEXP Products. See page 127 for additional details. 86 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO TEXP EXPLOSION PROOF AEHHXV/AEHHXU, NEMA PREMIUM [XP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) XP0014 XP0016 XP0018 XP1/52 XP1/54 XP1/56 XP1/58 XP0022 XP0024 XP0026 XP0028 XP0032 XP0034 XP0036 XP0038 XP0052 XP0054 XP0056 XP0058 XP7/52 XP7/54 XP7/56 XP7/58 XP0102 XP0104 XP0106 XP0108 XP0152 XP0154 XP0156 XP0158 XP0202 XP0204 XP0206 XP0208 XP0252 XP0254 XP0256 XP0258 XP0302 XP0304 XP0306 XP0308 XP0402 XP0404 XP0406 XP0408 XP0502 XP0504 XP0506 XP0508 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 143T 145T 182T 143T 145T 182T 184T 145T 145T 184T 213T 182T 182T 213T 215T 184T 184T 215T 254T 213T 213T 254T 256T 215T 215T 256T 284T 254T 254T 284T 286T 256T 256T 286T 324T 284TS 284T 324T 326T 286TS 286T 326T 364T 324TS 324T 364T 365T 326TS 326T 365T 404T 85.5 82.5 77.0 84.0 86.5 87.5 78.5 85.5 86.5 88.5 84.0 87.5 89.5 89.5 85.5 88.5 89.5 90.2 86.5 89.5 91.7 91.0 86.5 90.2 91.7 91.0 89.5 91.0 92.4 91.7 89.5 91.0 93.0 91.7 90.2 91.7 93.6 93.0 90.2 92.4 93.6 93.0 91.7 93.0 94.1 94.1 91.7 93.6 94.5 94.1 93.0 68.0 66.0 58.5 84.0 75.5 63.0 60.5 87.0 78.0 69.0 64.0 90.0 81.0 80.0 66.0 91.0 84.0 81.0 72.0 87.0 86.5 82.0 81.5 87.0 87.5 81.5 73.5 92.0 85.0 83.0 78.0 92.0 85.5 84.0 81.0 92.0 85.0 83.0 79.5 92.0 85.5 83.0 77.5 91.0 85.5 86.0 76.5 91.0 85.5 83.5 80.5 1.61 1.72 2.08 1.99 2.15 2.55 2.96 2.52 2.78 3.07 3.48 3.57 3.87 3.92 4.98 5.81 6.23 6.41 7.52 9.02 8.85 9.41 11.4 11.9 11.7 12.6 14.2 16.8 17.9 18.5 20.1 22.4 23.6 24.3 25.6 27.7 29.4 30.3 32.6 33.0 34.3 36.4 39.5 44.3 46.6 46.3 53.4 55.0 57.9 59.6 62.5 64 93 108 78 80 125 120 68 80 148 187 130 135 240 211 153 145 235 330 235 200 365 376 250 265 420 488 400 390 575 530 440 455 600 708 460 585 825 781 583 565 787 946 805 708 980 1,019 890 925 1,125 1,287 695 806 1,125 791 788 873 1,261 819 782 1,009 1,840 944 948 1,276 2,109 1,165 1,096 1,643 2,779 1,579 1,544 2,145 3,311 1,662 1,799 2,627 4,203 2,162 2,484 3,587 4,787 2,914 2,912 4,066 6,490 3,425 3,599 5,009 7,265 4,044 4,168 6,120 9,356 5,702 5,925 8,047 11,362 7,152 6,827 8,124 10,209 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 87 TEXP EXPLOSION PROOF AEHHXV/AEHHXU, NEMA PREMIUM [XP] continued… Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) XP0602 XP0604 XP0606 XP0608 XP0752 XP0754 XP0756 XP0758 XP1002 XP1004 XP1006 XP1006R XP1008 XP1252 XP1254 XP1254R XP1256 XP1256R XP1258 XP1258R XP1502 XP1504 XP1504R XP1506 XP1506R XP1508 XP1508R XP2002 XP2004 XP2006 XP2006R XP2008 XP2008R XP2502 XP2504 XP2506 XP2506R XP2508 XP2508R XP3002 XP3004 XP3006 XP3006R XP3502 XP3504 XP3506 XP3506R XP4002 XP4004 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 400 400 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1800 900 900 900 900 3600 1800 900 900 900 900 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 364TS 364T 404T 405T 365TS 365T 405T 444T 405TS 405T 444T 444T 445T 444TS 444T 444T 445T 445T 447T 447T 445TS 445T 445T 447T 447T 449T 449T 447TS 447T 449T 449T 5007B 5007C 449TS 449T 5007B 5007C 5009B 5009C 449TS 449T 5009B 5009C 5007A 5007B 5009B 5009C 5009A 5009B 93.6 95.0 94.5 93.0 93.6 95.4 94.5 93.0 94.5 95.4 95.0 95.0 93.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 93.6 93.6 95.0 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8 93.6 93.6 95.4 96.2 95.8 95.8 94.1 94.1 95.8 96.2 95.8 95.8 94.5 94.5 95.8 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.8 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.8 96.2 93.0 88.0 86.0 81.0 93.0 88.0 86.5 81.0 92.0 90.0 83.5 83.5 81.0 86.0 85.0 85.0 84.0 84.0 82.5 82.5 87.0 85.0 85.0 84.5 84.5 82.5 82.5 89.0 87.0 85.0 85.0 80.4 80.4 89.8 88.0 87.0 87.0 81.0 81.0 90.2 88.0 87.3 87.3 88.0 87.7 87.4 87.4 88.3 87.7 64.5 67.2 69.1 74.6 80.7 83.6 85.9 93.2 108 109 118 118 124 143 144 144 147 147 152 152 170 173 173 174 174 182 182 221 224 230 230 248 248 272 277 281 281 306 306 325 332 336 336 389 388 391 391 443 444 1,015 1,010 1,322 1,408 1,085 1,110 1,540 1,650 1,495 1,545 1,920 1,920 1,800 1,800 1,970 1,970 2,100 2,100 2,500 2,500 1,940 2,120 2,120 2,120 2,120 2,880 2,880 2,300 2,620 2,850 2,450 3,920 3,920 2,720 2,870 4,010 4,010 4,360 4,360 2,920 2,950 4,310 4,310 4,200 4,400 4,520 4,520 4,350 4,500 8,472 8,447 11,783 14,360 10,077 9,900 13,839 18,134 15,608 13,836 18,301 18,301 19,377 20,753 19,269 19,269 24,513 24,513 40,546 40,546 24,089 23,406 23,406 39,088 39,088 41,236 41,236 36,794 36,694 40,480 40,480 49,236 49,236 38,728 39,513 54,835 54,835 53,041 53,041 40,492 40,132 57,694 57,694 52,913 52,550 60,656 60,656 77,500 72,100 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. 88 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO TEXP EXPLOSION PROOF AEHHXG/AEHHXF, NEMA PREMIUM, FOOTED C-FACE (1 HP - 100 HP)[XP_C] AEUHXG/AEUHXF, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY C-FACE (1 HP - 75 HP)[XV_C] HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (460V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60 60 75 75 75 100 100 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 143TC 145TC 143TC 145TC 182TC 145TC 145TC 184TC 182TC 182TC 213TC 184TC 184TC 215TC 213TC 213TC 254TC 215TC 215TC 256TC 254TC 254TC 284TC 256TC 256TC 286TC 284TSC 284TC 324TC 286TSC 286TC 326TC 324TSC 324TC 364TC 326TSC 326TC 365TC 364TSC 364TC 404TC 365TSC 365TC 405TC 405TSC 405TC 85.5 82.5 84.0 86.5 87.5 86.5 86.5 88.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 89.5 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.0 92.4 92.4 92.4 92.4 93.0 91.7 92.4 93.6 93.0 92.4 93.6 93.0 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.1 94.1 95.0 94.5 94.5 95.4 94.5 95.4 95.4 73.0 65.5 83.5 78.0 63.5 86.0 78.0 70.5 90.0 84.0 78.0 92.5 85.5 82.5 89.0 86.5 80.5 89.5 88.0 80.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 92.5 87.5 84.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 91.0 87.5 80.5 90.0 86.0 86.5 91.0 87.0 86.0 93.0 86.5 87.0 93.0 86.5 86.5 92.0 87.5 1.50 1.70 2.00 2.10 2.50 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.50 3.70 4.00 5.70 6.10 6.20 8.70 8.90 9.60 11.50 11.60 12.80 16.60 17.30 18.20 21.90 23.00 24.30 27.80 29.10 30.30 33.20 34.30 37.50 44.20 46.30 46.00 54.70 56.90 57.80 64.20 68.40 68.30 79.90 85.1 85.9 107.0 112.0 64 93 78 80 125 68 80 148 130 135 240 153 145 235 235 200 365 250 241 420 400 390 575 440 455 600 460 585 825 583 565 787 805 708 980 890 925 1,125 1,015 1,010 1,322 1,085 1,110 1,540 1,495 1,545 FOOTED C-FACE Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 ROUND BODY C-FACE CATALOG NO. LIST PRICE ($) CATALOG NO. LIST PRICE ($) XP0014C XP0016C XP1/52C XP1/54C XP1/56C XP0022C XP0024C XP0026C XP0032C XP0034C XP0036C XP0052C XP0054C XP0056C XP7/52C XP7/54C XP7/56C XP0102C XP0104C XP0106C XP0152C XP0154C XP0156C XP0202C XP0204C XP0206C XP0252C XP0254C XP0256C XP0302C XP0304C XP0306C XP0402C XP0404C XP0406C XP0502C XP0504C XP0506C XP0602C XP0604C XP0606C XP0752C XP0754C XP0756C XP1002C XP1004C 983 1,121 1,101 1,060 1,181 1,142 1,095 1,355 1,271 1,280 1,618 1,494 1,485 2,136 2,002 2,092 2,707 2,254 2,435 3,289 2,724 3,023 4,464 3,634 3,647 5,078 4,369 4,461 6,945 5,217 5,193 8,057 7,408 7,440 10,656 8,576 8,447 12,996 10,787 11,046 15,269 14,295 13,320 16,569 18,194 16,569 XPV0014C XPV0016C XPV1/52C XPV1/54C XPV1/56C XPV0022C XPV0024C XPV0026C XPV0032C XPV0034C XPV0036C XPV0052C XPV0054C XPV0056C XPV7/52C XPV7/54C XPV7/56C XPV0102C XPV0104C XPV0106C XPV0152C XPV0154C XPV0156C XPV0202C XPV0204C XPV0206C XPV0252C XPV0254C XPV0256C XPV0302C XPV0304C XPV0306C XPV0402C XPV0404C XPV0406C XPV0502C XPV0504C XPV0506C XPV0602C XPV0604C XPV0606C XPV0752C XPV0754C XPV0756C ~ ~ 870 992 974 938 1,045 1,011 969 1,199 1,125 1,133 1,432 1,322 1,314 1,890 1,772 1,851 2,396 1,995 2,155 2,911 2,411 2,675 3,950 3,216 3,227 4,702 4,045 4,131 6,431 4,831 4,808 7,460 6,859 6,889 9,867 7,941 7,821 12,033 9,988 10,228 14,138 13,236 12,333 15,342 ~ ~ Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 89 GLOBAL MAX ODP AMHGTK, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [PG] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Pumps z Fans & Blowers z Compressors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 100 - 2000 HP Speed: 3600, 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM(1) Enclosure: Weather Protected Type I (WPI) Voltage: 2300/4000V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) Standard Features: 100 Ohm Platinum Stator RTD's (2 per Phase), Space Heaters (120V) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Rotation: Counter-Clockwise (CCW) facing the Drive End; 8 Pole are Bi-Directional Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449T and Below Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 and Larger Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Insulated Non-Drive End Bearing on 3600 RPM Motors; 600 HP and Larger Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box and on Motor Foot Stainless Steel Nameplate Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1(4,5) 6 Leads Motors are CSA Approved EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. - Note (4) Notes: (1) Slower speeds available as Made to Order. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. 90 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO GLOBAL MAX ODP AMHGTK, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [PG] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (2300V) PG1002 100 3600 PG1004 100 1800 PG1006 100 1200 PG1008 100 900 PG1252 125 3600 PG1254 125 1800 PG1256 125 1200 PG1258 125 900 PG1502 150 3600 PG1504 150 1800 PG1506 150 1200 PG1508 150 900 PG2002 200 3600 PG2004 200 1800 PG2006 200 1200 PG2008 200 900 PG2502 250 3600 PG2504 250 1800 PG2506 250 1200 PG2508 250 900 PG3002 300 3600 PG3004 300 1800 PG3006 300 1200 PG3008 300 900 PG3502 350 3600 PG3504 350 1800 PG3506 350 1200 PG3508 350 900 PG4002 400 3600 PG4004 400 1800 PG4006 400 1200 PG4008 400 900 PG4502 450 3600 PG4504 450 1800 PG4506 450 1200 PG4508 450 900 PG5002 500 3600 PG5004 500 1800 PG5006 500 1200 PG5008 500 900 PG6002 600 3600 PG6004 600 1800 PG6006 600 1200 600 900 PG6008 PG7002 700 3600 PG7004 700 1800 PG7006 700 1200 PG7008 700 900 PG8002 800 3600 PG8004 800 1800 PG8006 800 1200 PG8008 800 900 PG9002 900 3600 PG9004 900 1800 PG9006 900 1200 PG9008 900 900 PG10002 1000 3600 PG10004 1000 1800 PG10006 1000 1200 PG12502 1250 3600 PG12504 1250 1800 PG12506 1250 1200 PG15004 1500 1800 PG17504 1750 1800 PG20004 2000 1800 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. 447TS 447T 447T 447T 447TS 447T 449T 449T 447TS 449T 449T 449T 449TS 449T 449T 5009C 449TS 449T 449T 5009C 449TS 449T 449T 5011C 5009A 5009C 5009C 5011C 5009A 5009C 5009C 5012C 5009A 5009C 5011C 5810C 5011A 5009C 5011C 5810C 5011A 5011C 5011C 5810C 5011A 5011C 5012C 5811C 5011A 5012C 5810C 5811C 5012A 5012C 5810C 5812C 5012A 5810C 5811C 5810A 5811C 5812C 5812C 5813C 5813C 92.0 93.7 94.6 93.2 93.1 94.2 94.7 93.3 93.1 94.8 94.8 93.4 93.7 94.9 94.9 93.5 94.5 95.0 95.0 93.6 94.5 95.0 95.0 93.7 94.5 95.0 95.0 93.8 94.5 95.0 95.1 93.9 94.5 95.0 95.2 94.0 94.5 95.0 95.3 94.1 94.6 95.1 95.4 94.2 94.7 95.2 95.5 94.3 94.8 95.3 95.6 94.4 94.9 95.4 95.7 94.5 95.0 95.5 95.8 95.1 95.6 95.9 95.7 95.8 95.9 87.2 82.5 78.1 74.9 88.4 80.5 78.9 77.0 88.0 83.9 77.9 75.7 87.4 82.3 77.9 73.0 89.3 82.2 78.4 75.5 89.1 83.8 77.7 75.5 88.1 84.3 76.5 75.0 87.9 84.0 76.0 73.5 87.0 84.1 75.0 78.5 89.2 84.8 77.0 77.7 89.2 85.5 77.0 78.0 89.6 85.7 77.3 78.0 88.6 85.9 81.0 79.0 90.3 85.5 81.5 79.1 88.5 87.9 82.3 88.5 86.1 82.9 86.7 87.1 86.4 23.0 24.0 25.0 27.0 28.0 31.0 31.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 38.0 40.0 46.0 48.0 51.0 55.0 55.0 60.0 63.0 66.0 67.0 71.0 76.0 79.0 79.0 82.0 90.0 93.0 90.0 94.0 104 109 102 105 118 114 111 116 128 128 133 138 153 153 154 161 178 178 178 183 193 201 197 207 216 225 223 223 238 278 284 294 339 393 452 CATALOG NO. HP APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 1,760 2,050 1,920 2,310 1,800 2,100 2,120 2,530 1,870 2,360 2,180 3,260 1,900 2,380 2,270 3,550 2,020 2,490 2,340 3,990 2,100 2,550 2,490 4,380 3,580 3,330 3,770 4,710 3,700 3,420 3,850 4,820 3,800 3,520 3,720 6,160 3,900 3,720 3,920 6,450 4,000 3,770 4,250 6,600 4,200 4,100 4,850 6,880 4,400 4,300 5,940 7,100 4,600 4,400 6,230 7,700 4,730 6,890 6,980 5,740 7,070 7,660 7,790 8,390 8,400 LIST PRICE ($) 20,487 23,289 27,118 29,977 23,697 26,101 33,447 34,800 26,581 30,346 36,390 38,342 31,736 33,831 37,382 44,738 36,536 38,522 42,956 54,767 39,664 39,328 46,017 64,146 50,103 48,065 54,744 69,672 53,144 50,106 58,395 76,760 55,833 51,267 63,053 86,194 58,977 55,308 66,357 89,580 65,253 60,050 71,450 94,017 66,576 65,511 78,070 99,555 69,803 69,785 86,288 105,054 80,912 77,433 93,993 93,862 81,164 69,983 102,551 92,759 94,839 113,744 110,426 121,472 132,513 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 91 GLOBAL ODP ASHA, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [P] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Pumps z Fans & Blowers z Compressors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 100 - 1000 HP Speed: 3600, 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM(1) Enclosure: Weather Protected Type I (WPI) Voltage: 2300/4160V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) Standard Features: 100 Ohm Platinum Stator RTD's (2 per Phase), Space Heaters (120V) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Rotation: Bi-Directional Except 2 Pole which is Counter-Clockwise (CCW) facing the Drive End Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449T and Below Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 and Above Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Insulated Non-Drive End Bearing on 2 Pole Motors; 600 HP and Larger Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box and on Motor Foot Stainless Steel Nameplate Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1(4,5) 6 Leads Motors are CSA Approved EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. - Note (4) Notes: (1) Slower speeds available as Made to Order. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (3) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (4) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (5) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. 92 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO GLOBAL ODP ASHA, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [P] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CATALOG NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (2300V) P1002 P1004 P1006 P1006R P1252 P1254 P1256 P1256R P1502 P1504 P1506 P1506R P2002 P2004 P2004R P2006 P2502 P2504 P2506 P2506R P2508 P3002 P3004 P3006 P3006R P3008R P3502 P3504 P3506R P4002 P4004 P4004R P4006 P4006R P4008 P4008R P4502 P4504 P4506 P4506R P5002 P5004 P5006 P5006R P5008 P6002 P6004 P6006R P6008 P7002 P7004 P7004R P7006R P7008 P8002 P8004 P8006 P8006R P8008R P9002 P9004 P9006 P10002 P10004 P10006R 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1800 1200 1200 900 900 3600 1800 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 444TS 444T 445T 445T 444TS 444T 447TZ 447TZ 445TS 445T 449TZ 449TZ 447TS 447T 447TZ 5007C 449TS 449TZ 5007B 5007C 5009B 449TS 5007B 5009B 5009C 5808C 5007A 5007B 5009C 5009A 5009B 5009C 5808B 5808C 5808B 5808C 5808A 5808B 5808B 5808C 5808A 5808B 5808B 5808C 5810B 5808A 5808B 5810C 6806B 5810A 5808B 5808B 5810C 6808B 5810A 5810B 6806B 6806C 6808C 5810A 5810B 6806B 5810A 6806B 6808C 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 91.7 91.7 91.7 91.7 91.7 91.7 91.7 91.7 91.7 91.7 92.4 92.4 92.4 92.4 92.4 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.1 93.6 94.5 94.1 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 95.0 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 90.2 87.5 80.0 80.0 90.2 87.5 80.0 80.0 90.2 87.5 80.0 80.0 90.2 87.5 87.5 81.5 91.0 87.5 84.0 84.0 78.5 91.0 88.5 84.0 84.0 80.0 90.2 88.5 84.0 90.5 89.5 89.5 85.5 85.5 81.5 81.5 91.0 88.5 85.5 85.5 91.0 89.5 85.5 85.5 82.5 91.3 89.5 86.5 84.0 91.7 90.2 90.2 86.5 84.0 91.7 90.2 86.5 86.5 84.5 91.7 90.2 86.5 90.2 90.2 86.5 22.8 23.5 25.7 25.7 28.5 29.4 32.0 32.0 34.0 35.0 38.0 38.0 45.0 47.0 47.0 50.1 56.0 58.0 60.3 60.3 64.5 66.0 68.3 71.9 71.9 75.5 78.1 79.1 83.9 88.4 89.4 89.4 93.6 93.6 98.8 98.8 98.9 102.0 105.0 105.0 109.0 111.0 116.0 116.0 121 130 133 138 142 151 154 154 160 165 172 176 183 183 188 193 197 205 214 219 228 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 1,292 1,680 2,205 2,205 1,370 1,490 2,139 2,139 1,450 1,645 2,547 2,547 1,733 2,050 2,050 3,057 2,095 2,668 3,362 3,362 3,990 2,280 3,255 3,945 3,945 4,515 2,991 3,465 3,938 3,485 4,065 4,065 5,055 5,055 5,250 5,250 5,145 4,200 5,640 5,640 4,680 5,115 6,038 6,038 6,325 5,135 5,418 6,120 6,983 5,410 5,355 5,355 6,625 7,860 5,475 5,828 7,770 7,770 8,820 5,685 6,143 8,190 5,950 7,750 8,610 LIST PRICE ($) 16,146 16,514 20,814 20,814 19,022 18,672 25,829 25,829 21,542 21,891 29,441 29,441 26,500 25,482 25,482 33,741 31,582 30,510 39,489 39,489 47,032 36,610 35,176 43,790 43,790 52,765 41,997 40,201 48,812 46,306 43,790 43,790 53,125 53,125 62,815 62,815 50,970 47,378 57,423 57,423 55,280 50,970 61,735 61,735 72,503 61,735 57,423 67,839 82,557 66,765 63,177 63,177 73,577 91,172 69,993 68,204 80,411 80,411 100,864 82,529 73,945 88,657 92,425 79,693 95,122 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 93 GLOBAL XPE AEHGTK, TEFC, NEMA, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (100 HP - 900 HP)[KG] AEJHTK, TEFC, IEC, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (800 HP - 2000 HP)[JH] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Pumps z Mills z Fans & Blowers z Grinders z Compressors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 100 - 2000 HP Speed: 3600, 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 2300/4160V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Group B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum Standard Features: 100 Ohm Platinum Stator RTD's (2/Phase), Space Heaters (120V) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance - F1 Mounted Cast Iron Terminal Box on 444T - 449T Frames Steel Plate Terminal Box on 5000 Frames and Above Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation for all 444T - 449T Frames and for 1800 - 900RPM (4 - 8 Pole) 5007 - 6808 Frame Motors 5007 - 6808 Frame 3600RPM (2 Pole) Motors have Counter-Clockwise (CCW) Rotation facing the Drive End Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction on 444T - 449T Frames Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for on 5007 - 6808 Frames Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box and on Motor Foot Stainless Steel Nameplate 6 Leads, with Solderless Lug Terminals Motors are CSA Approved Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1(3,4) EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. - Note (4) Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. 94 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO GLOBAL XPE AEHGTK, TEFC, NEMA, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (100 HP - 900 HP)[KG] CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (2300V) KG1002 KG1004 KG1006R KG1008R KG1252 KG1254 KG1256R KG1258R KG1502 KG1504 KG1506R KG1508R KG2002 KG2004 KG2006T KG2006R KG2008R KG2502T KG2502 KG2504T KG2504 KG2506R KG2508R KG3002T KG3002 KG3004T KG3004 KG3006R KG3008R KG3502 KG3504 KG3506R KG3508R KG4002 KG4004 KG4006R KG4008R KG4502 KG4504 KG4506R KG4508R KG5002 KG5004 KG5006R KG5008R KG6002(1) KG6004 KG6006R KG6008R KG7002(1) KG7004 KG7006R KG7008R KG8002(1) KG8004 KG8006R KG9004 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 700 800 800 800 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 1200 900 3600 3600 1800 1800 1200 900 3600 3600 1800 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 1800 444TS 444T 445T 447T 445TS 445T 447T 449T 447TS 447T 449T 5007C 449TS 449T 449T 5007C 5009C 449TS 5007A 449T 5007B 5009C 5009C 449TS 5009A 449T 5009B 5009C 5011C 5009A 5009B 5011C 5808C 5011A 5011B 5011C 5808C 5011A 5011B 5808C 5810C 5808A 5808B 5810C 6808C 5810A 5810B 5810C 6808C 5810A 5810B 6808C 6808C 6808A 6808B 6808C 6808B 91.7 93.0 94.1 94.1 92.9 93.6 94.7 94.7 93.2 94.1 94.8 93.6 95.0 95.7 96.0 95.0 94.1 95.9 95.0 95.7 95.0 95.0 95.0 96.0 95.4 95.8 95.4 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.4 95.8 95.4 95.4 95.8 95.8 95.4 95.4 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.4 96.2 95.8 95.8 95.8 86.0 79.5 81.0 74.8 88.0 78.0 80.0 77.0 90.0 80.7 80.0 79.5 88.0 81.4 81.0 86.0 80.0 88.0 88.5 82.2 90.0 86.0 80.0 87.0 90.5 84.0 90.0 86.2 80.5 90.5 90.0 86.3 81.0 91.0 90.0 86.3 81.0 91.0 90.5 86.5 81.5 91.0 90.5 87.0 85.0 91.0 90.5 87.0 85.0 91.0 90.5 87.2 86.0 91.5 90.5 87.2 90.5 23.7 25.3 24.6 26.6 28.6 32.0 30.9 32.1 33.5 37.0 37.0 37.7 44.8 48.0 48.2 45.9 49.8 55.5 55.7 59.5 54.8 57.3 61.6 67.3 65.1 69.8 65.4 68.6 73.5 75.9 76.4 79.9 85.1 86.3 87.2 91.4 97.3 97.1 97.6 102 109 108 108 113 115 129 130 135 139 150 151 157 160 170 173 179 194 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) 1,470 2,079 2,903 2,363 1,838 1,990 2,415 2,835 2,600 2,375 2,903 3,780 2,495 2,775 2,930 3,728 4,358 2,480 3,360 2,640 3,580 4,305 4,515 2,950 3,675 3,150 4,200 4,568 4,988 3,800 4,568 4,988 5,355 5,040 4,890 4,725 5,565 4,830 5,035 5,565 6,195 5,250 5,250 6,495 7,245 6,248 7,010 6,090 7,770 6,760 6,038 7,403 9,083 8,768 9,275 8,820 8,925 LIST PRICE ($) 26,520 26,064 30,477 34,250 33,134 31,300 36,081 51,542 35,345 34,900 40,156 50,476 41,825 40,683 54,553 55,035 65,333 49,800 54,779 49,410 54,352 62,650 79,372 60,365 66,408 56,750 60,795 71,058 89,613 72,218 72,631 81,088 103,265 79,168 78,519 88,704 118,215 93,474 85,289 102,045 125,388 101,998 98,301 116,426 154,089 111,495 118,295 135,274 163,809 118,011 136,580 150,499 164,970 161,222 147,334 164,082 155,419 Notes: (1) Insulated Non-Drive End Bearing as standard (2) Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 95 GLOBAL XPE AEJHTK, TEFC, IEC, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (800 HP - 2000 HP)[JH] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS (2300V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) JH8008 800 900 450C 95.8 87.0 180 9,030 168,977 JH09006 900 1200 450C 95.8 88.0 200 10,890 166,436 JH09008 900 900 500C 95.8 87.5 201 11,550 172,173 JH10004 1000 1800 450C 96.2 90.0 216 10,635 158,813 JH10006 1000 1200 500C 96.2 89.0 219 12,400 180,642 JH10008 1000 900 500C 95.8 87.5 223 14,000 194,940 JH12504 1250 1800 500C 96.2 90.0 270 11,550 165,356 JH12506 1250 1200 500C 96.2 89.5 272 12,180 194,940 JH12508 1250 900 560C 96.0 84.0 290 16,000 212,013 JH15004 1500 1800 500C 96.5 90.0 323 10,600 179,998 JH15006 1500 1200 560C 96.2 86.0 340 12,495 217,705 JH15008 1500 900 560C 96.0 84.0 348 18,000 220,550 JH17504 1750 1800 560C 96.5 90.5 375 13,230 197,783 JH17506 1750 1200 560C 96.2 86.0 396 18,000 221,974 JH20004 2000 1800 560C 96.5 90.5 415 17,000 219,128 Notes: (1) Product to become obsolete. Replaced by AFHGTK. See page 95/96 for details. (2) Data subject to change without notice. 96 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO GLOBAL MAX AFHGTK, NEMA, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [KF] AFJHTK, IEC, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (900 HP - 1750 HP)[JF] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Pumps z Mills z Fans & Blowers z Grinders z Compressors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 500 - 2000 HP Speed: 3600, 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 2300/4000V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Group B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum CSA Certified for Class II, Div. 2, Group F & G - T3B Minimum (AFHGTK "KF" Only) Standard Features: Provisions for Bearing RTD's, 100 Ohm Platinum Stator RTD's(2/Phase), Space Heaters(120V) Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Fabricated Steel Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Bi-Directional Rotation; except 2 Pole which is Counter-Clockwise (CCW) facing the Drive End Cast Iron Frame and End Brackets 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Squirrel Cage Copper Bar Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 High Quality Ball (or Roller) Bearings Regreasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Bronze Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box and on Motor Foot Stainless Steel Nameplate 6 Leads, with Solderless Lug Terminals Motors are CSA Approved Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1(3,4) EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 for common modifications that can be performed. - Note (4) Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. (3) Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. (4) Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 97 GLOBAL MAX AFHGTK, NEMA, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE [KF] CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FL AMPS (2300V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) KF5002 500 3600 5011A 95.0 89.5 111 5,945 74,914 KF5004 500 1800 5011B 95.0 87.9 113 5,825 76,557 KF5008 500 900 5810B 94.6 77.9 128 9,802 103,473 KF6004 600 1800 5011B 95.2 86.5 137 6,145 82,111 KF6008 600 900 5810B 94.6 77.5 154 10,740 109,414 KF7006 700 1200 5810B 95.4 81.6 168 10,068 106,704 KF80021 800 3600 5810A 95.6 86.5 182 9,190 103,965 KF8004 800 1800 5810B 95.6 83.6 188 9,310 102,761 KF8008 800 900 6808B 95.0 74.2 214 13,081 136,713 KF9004 900 1800 5810B 95.6 83.1 212 9,656 109,086 KF9006 900 1200 6810B 95.5 82.7 213 13,606 141,642 KF9008 900 900 6810B 95.2 73.0 242 13,666 157,318 KF10004 1000 1800 6808B 95.6 80.4 245 11,471 129,512 KF10006 1000 1200 6810B 95.7 83.1 237 14,836 151,389 KF10008 1000 900 6810B 95.4 73.0 270 15,215 159,496 KF12504 1250 1800 6810B 96.0 81.2 300 13,200 153,662 KF12506 1250 1200 6811B 95.9 84.1 290 17,297 177,976 KF12508 1250 900 6812B 95.6 71.4 342 17,500 214,502 KF15004 1500 1800 6810B 96.1 82.1 356 15,362 161,904 KF15006 1500 1200 6812B 96.1 81.6 359 16,100 232,944 KF15008 1500 900 6812B 95.8 71.7 409 17,000 227,401 KF17504 1750 1800 6811B 96.3 82.4 418 16,884 174,416 KF17506 1750 1200 6812B 96.3 81.6 422 17,660 244,430 KF20004 2000 1800 6812B 96.5 82.7 472 17,395 207,283 Notes: (1) Insulated non-drive end bearing as standard. (2) Data subject to change without notice. 98 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO GLOBAL MAX AFJHTK, IEC, HIGH EFFICIENCY, MEDIUM VOLTAGE (900 HP - 1750 HP)[JF] CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FL AMPS (2300V) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) JF09002(1) 900 3600 400C 95.9 89.6 189 8,200 200,000 JF10002(2) 1000 3600 450C 97.0 91.0 213 9,200 240,000 JF12502 1250 3600 500C 96.8 91.5 264 11,500 270,000 JF15002 1500 3600 560C 96.3 92.0 318 12,900 313,600 JF17502 1750 3600 560C 96.5 92.0 369 13,200 333,500 Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) 400 frame motor is standard with antifriction ball bearings. 450 frame motor is standard with sleeve bearings and non-drive end insulated bearings; self lubricated. 500 frame and above, standard with sleeve bearings and non-drive end insulated bearings; force feed lubricated. Data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 99 VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT WPI HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AMRCNH, (MAX-VHP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VHP]* AMRC, (MAX-VH™) HIGH EFFICIENCY [VH]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Fluid Handling Systems z Irrigation z Water/ Waste Water z Fire Pumps* FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 7.5 - 500 HP Speed: 1800 RPM Enclosure: Weather Protected Type I (WPI) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor New Dual Column (60/50 Hz) Design Nameplate as Standard; 50 Hz Data 190/380V at 1.0 S.F. Standard Features: Coupling w/ Gib Key, Ball Type NRR(2), Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) Optional Capability for 175% High Thrust Requirement for 444 - 449TP Frames Motor Design Suitable to Handle 2 Stacked Bearings; Motors will Ship with 1 Bearing and 1 Spacer as Standard* Class F Insulation with Phenolic Alkyd Resin Varnish Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance Cast Iron Conduit Box for F#449TP and Below; Steel Plate Conduit Box for F#5000 Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449TP and Below Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color for AMRC (MAX-VH™): Dark Gray - Munsell 7.5B 3.5/0.5 (Existing Stock ONLY - See F.P. Statement) Paint Color for AMRCNH (MAX-VHP™): Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Guide Bearings: 213 - 286TP frames are Grease Pre-packed Double Shielded Bearings (MULTEMP SRL) 324TP - 5009P frames are Re-Greasable (Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease) Thrust Bearings: 213 - 286TP frames are Re-Greasable Angular Contact (Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease); 324 - 449TP frames are Oil Lubricated Angular Contact; F#5000 and Above with Spherical Roller Oil Sight Glass for 324TP Frames and Above Oil Requirements: 300 S.S.U. @100°F Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate and Rodent Screens 12 Leads (PWS on 230V) on 213 - 405TP; 6 Leads on 444TP to 449TP; 5000 Frames and Above with Connection Studs(3) Inverter Duty - 4:1 Variable Torque with NRR. 10:1 C.T., 20:1 VT without NRR Using Braking in VFD Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part for AMRCNH (Part 30 on AMRC) EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: * (1) (2) (3) (4) Fire Pump available. See product page for more details. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. Suitable for Wye/Delta start at 230V or 460V. Suitable for Wye/Delta start at 460V. 100 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-VHP™ VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT WPI AMRCNH, (MAX-VHP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VHP]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) BD DIM (in.) CD DIM (in.) BX DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) fire Pump Catalog No. Fire Pump List Price ($) VHP7/54 7.5 1800 213TP 91.0 81.0 9.6 2,600 10 20.25 1.001 227 4,124 VHP7/54FP 4,536 VHP0104 10 1800 215TP 91.7 84.0 12.2 2,600 10 20.25 1.001 241 4,347 VHP0104FP 4,782 VHP0154 15 1800 254TP 93.0 83.0 18.2 3,350 10 23.38 1.001 349 5,213 VHP0154FP 5,734 VHP0204 20 1800 256TP 93.0 83.0 24.3 3,350 10 23.38 1.001 373 5,591 VHP0204FP 6,150 VHP0254 25 1800 284TP 93.6 85.0 29.4 3,350 10 24.75 1.001 480 6,653 VHP0254FP 7,318 VHP0304 30 1800 286TP 94.1 86.0 34.7 3,350 10 24.75 1.001 525 6,952 VHP0304FP 7,647 VHP0404 40 1800 324TP 94.1 86.0 46.3 5,700 16.5 28.22 1.188 716 9,951 VHP0404FP 10,946 VHP0504 50 1800 326TP 94.5 85.0 58.5 5,700 16.5 28.22 1.188 777 10,438 VHP0504FP 11,482 VHP0604 60 1800 364TP 95.0 85.0 69.5 6,000 16.5 31.16 1.188 892 12,574 VHP0604FP 13,831 VHP0754 75 1800 365TP 95.0 86.0 86.0 6,000 16.5 31.16 1.188 989 13,000 VHP0754FP 14,300 VHP1004 100 1800 404TP 95.4 85.5 115 7,900 16.5 36.94 1.501 1,278 18,500 VHP1004FP 20,350 VHP1254 125 1800 405TP 95.4 84.5 145 7,900 16.5 36.94 1.501 1,398 19,900 VHP1254FP 21,890 VHP1504 150 1800 444TP 95.8 86.0 171 10,700 16.5 44.78 1.501 1,815 31,500 VHP1504FP 34,650 VHP2004 200 1800 445TP 95.8 86.5 225 10,700 16.5 44.78 1.501 1,815 33,000 VHP2004FP 36,300 VHP2504 250 1800 445TP20 95.8 86.5 284 13,400 20 44.78 1.501 2,312 40,000 VHP2504FP 44,000 VHP3004 300 1800 447TP 95.8 87.5 337 13,400 20 49.78 1.688 2,841 50,000 VHP3004FP 55,000 VHP3504 350 1800 447TP 95.8 88.0 390 13,300 20 49.78 1.688 3,335 55,000 VHP3504FP 60,500 VHP4004 400 1800 449TP 95.8 88.5 444 13,200 20 53.91 1.938 3,818 60,000 VHP4004FP 66,000 VHP4504 450 1800 5009P 96.2 88.6 494 30,900 24.5 57.06 2.188 3,940 72,268 ~ ~ VHP5004 500 1800 5009P 96.2 88.8 548 30,900 24.5 57.06 2.188 4,070 79,898 ~ ~ VHP6004 600 1800 5808P 96.2 82.0 647 30,100 30.5 61.30 2.376 5,700 92,799 ~ ~ VHP7004 700 1800 5810P 96.2 90.7 751 30,100 30.5 68.78 2.376 6,100 99,924 ~ ~ VHP8004 800 1800 5810P 96.2 90.7 859 30,100 30.5 68.78 2.376 6,400 105,805 ~ ~ Notes: * (1) (2) (3) (4) Fire Pump available as made to order. Fire Pump Certificate complies with ANSI/UL 1004-5. Certificate# 20120717 - EX6569. Delivery for Fire Pump Duty motor (Catalog Number + FP) is standard 5 - 10 working days after receipt of order if standard motor is in stock; Painting to Fire Safety Red requirement on Fire Pump Duty type motor can be waived in order to expedite delivery upon request. Fire Pump Duty Motor pricing includes: adding UL nameplate, restamping original nameplate to new "VHP_FP" catalog number, and Fire Safety Red Paint. See page 109 in order to confirm the TWMC standard coupling size is suitable for customer requirements or to select an alternate coupling size. Required coupling size must be noted on all vertical hollow shaft motors orders. Coupling will be changed out prior to shipping if a non-TWMC standard coupling size is needed. All data subject to change without notice. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 101 MAX-VH™ VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT WPI AMRC, (MAX-VH™) HIGH EFFICIENCY [VH]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) BD DIM (in.) CD DIM (in.) BX DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) fire Pump Catalog No. Fire Pump List Price ($) VH7/54 7.5 1800 213TP 88.5 85.0 9.35 2,600 10 20.25 1.001 227 2,750 VH7/54FP 3,025 VH0104 10 1800 215TP 89.5 86.5 12.1 2,600 10 20.25 1.001 241 3,000 VH0104FP 3,300 VH0154 15 1800 254TP 91.0 88.0 17.5 3,350 10 23.38 1.001 349 3,750 VH0154FP 4,125 VH0204 20 1800 256TP 91.0 88.0 23.4 3,350 10 23.38 1.001 373 3,975 VH0204FP 4,373 VH0254 25 1800 284TP 91.7 86.0 29.7 3,350 10 24.75 1.001 480 4,575 VH0254FP 5,033 VH0304 30 1800 286TP 92.4 86.5 35.1 3,350 10 24.75 1.001 525 4,900 VH0304FP 5,390 VH0404 40 1800 324TP 93.0 88.0 45.7 5,700 16.5 28.22 1.188 716 6,700 VH0404FP 7,370 VH0504 50 1800 326TP 93.0 88.0 57.0 5,700 16.5 28.22 1.188 777 7,169 VH0504FP 7,886 VH0604 60 1800 364TP 93.6 84.5 71.0 6,000 16.5 31.16 1.188 892 9,000 VH0604FP 9,900 VH0754 75 1800 365TP 94.1 84.5 88.5 6,000 16.5 31.16 1.188 989 9,964 VH0754FP 10,960 VH1004 100 1800 404TP 94.1 86.0 116 7,900 16.5 36.94 1.501 1,278 12,732 VH1004FP 14,005 VH1254 125 1800 405TP 94.5 87.5 142 7,900 16.5 36.94 1.501 1,398 15,381 VH1254FP 16,919 VH1504 150 1800 444TP 95.0 86.0 172 10,700 16.5 44.78 1.501 1,815 19,275 VH1504FP 21,203 VH2004 200 1800 445TP 95.0 86.5 228 10,700 16.5 44.78 1.501 1,815 23,062 VH2004FP 25,368 VH2504 250 1800 445TP20 95.4 86.5 284 13,400 20 44.78 1.501 2,312 30,222 VH2504FP 33,244 VH3004 300 1800 447TP 95.4 87.5 337 13,400 20 49.78 1.688 2,841 35,655 VH3004FP 39,221 VH3504 350 1800 447TP 95.4 88.0 390 13,300 20 49.78 1.688 3,335 41,175 VH3504FP 45,293 VH4004 400 1800 449TP 95.4 88.5 444 13,200 20 53.91 1.938 3,818 46,690 VH4004FP 51,359 VH4504 450 1800 5009P 96.2 89.1 496 31,000 24.5 57.06 2.188 3,940 62,268 ~ ~ VH5004 500 1800 5009P 96.2 89.2 550 30,900 24.5 57.06 2.188 4,070 73,898 ~ ~ Notes: * Fire Pump available as made to order. Fire Pump Certificate complies with ANSI/UL 1004-5. Certificate# 20120717 - EX6569. (1) Delivery for Fire Pump Duty motor (Catalog Number + FP) is standard 5 - 10 working days after receipt of order if standard motor is in stock; Painting to Fire Safety Red requirement on Fire Pump Duty type motor can be waived in order to expedite delivery upon request. (2) Fire Pump Duty Motor pricing includes: adding UL nameplate, restamping original nameplate to new "VHP_FP" catalog number, and Fire Safety Red Paint. (3) Per DOE regulations, this High Efficiency motor line inventory will be available through June 2018, or until current inventory has been depleted. Whichever occurs first. (4) Once product listed on this page has been depleted from current stock, that model will be sold only as Fire Pump. (5) Please see our new line of Premium Efficient motors on page 99 or contact your Application Specialist for details. (6) See page 109 in order to confirm the TWMC standard coupling size is suitable for customer requirements or to select an alternate coupling size. Required coupling size must be noted on all vertical hollow shaft motors orders. Coupling will be changed out prior to shipping if a non-TWMC standard coupling size is needed. (7) All data subject to change without notice. 102 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT TEFC HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AEEHNH, (MAX-VHP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VHTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Irrigation z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 15 - 800 HP Speed: 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only 230/460V Motors Suitable for Partial Winding Start (at 230V Only) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor New Dual Column (60/50 Hz) Design Nameplate as Standard; 50 Hz Data 190/380V at 1.0 S.F. Standard Features: Coupling w/ Gib Key, Non-Sparking Ball Type NRR(2), Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B,C, D; Temp Code T3 Maximum Class F Insulation with Phenolic Alkyd Resin Varnish Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance Cast Iron Conduit Box for F#449TP and Below; Steel Plate Conduit Box for F#5000 Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Guide Bearings: 254 - 286TP frames are Grease Pre-packed Double Shielded Bearings (MULTEMP SRL) 324TP - 5810P frames are Re-Greasable (Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease) Thrust Bearings: 254 - 365TP frames are Re-Greasable Angular Contact (Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease); 404 - 449TP frames are Oil Lubricated Angular Contact; F#5000 & Above with Spherical Roller or Angular Contact Oil Sight Glass for 324TP Frames and Above Oil Requirements: 300 S.S.U. @ 100°F Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate 12 Leads (PWS on 230V) on 254 - 405TP 6 Leads on 444TP to 449TP; 5000 Frames and Above with Connection Studs Inverter Duty - 4:1 Variable Torque with NRR; 20:1 Variable Torque without NRR Using Braking in VFD Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 103 MAX-VHP™ VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT TEFC AEEHNH, (MAX-VHP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VHTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) BD DIM (in.) CD DIM (in.) BX DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) VHTP0154 VHTP0156 VHTP0204 VHTP0206 VHTP0254 VHTP0256 VHTP0304 VHTP0306 VHTP0404 VHTP0406 VHTP0504 VHTP0506 VHTP0604 VHTP0606 VHTP0754 VHTP0756 VHTP1004 VHTP1006 VHTP1254 VHTP1256 VHTP1504 VHTP1506 VHTP2004 VHTP2006 VHTP2504 VHTP2506 VHTP3004 VHTP3006 VHTP3504 VHTP3506 VHTP4004 VHTP4006 VHTP4504 VHTP4506 VHTP5004 VHTP5006 VHTP6004 VHTP6006 VHTP7004 VHTP7006 VHTP8004 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 75 75 100 100 125 125 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 254TP 284TP 256TP 286TP 284TP 324TP 286TP 326TP 324TP 364TP 326TP 365TP 364TP 404TP 365TP 405TP 405TP 444TP 444TP 445TP 445TP 447TP 447TP 449TP 449TP 449TP 449TP 5009P 5009P 5808P 5009P 5808P 5808P 5808P 5808P 5808P 5810P 5810P 5810P 5810P 5810P 92.4 92.4 93.0 91.7 93.6 93.0 93.6 93.0 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.0 94.5 95.4 94.5 95.4 95.0 95.4 95.0 95.8 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 88.0 83.5 87.5 84.0 86.0 83.0 87.5 80.5 86.0 86.5 87.0 86.0 86.5 87.0 86.5 86.5 87.5 79.8 85.6 79.0 88.0 77.2 82.5 76.6 83.1 74.3 83.1 84.8 86.3 80.6 86.6 80.9 84.0 80.2 84.0 81.2 84.0 81.7 85.0 81.3 86.0 17.3 16.4 23.0 22.1 29.1 26.9 34.3 32.3 46.3 42.3 57.0 53.0 68.5 63.0 85.0 78.5 112 123 143 155 166 189 235 254 292 328 351 345 394 424 449 482 521 547 578 601 694 717 800 840 904 3,350 3,850 3,350 3,850 3,350 5,200 3,350 5,200 4,500 6,600 4,500 6,600 6,000 9,000 6,000 9,000 7,900 10,100 8,900 10,100 8,900 11,500 10,100 11,500 10,100 11,500 10,100 12,400 10,800 20,400 10,800 20,400 10,100 20,400 10,100 20,400 10,100 20,400 10,100 20,400 10,100 10 10 10 10 10 16.5 10 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 20 20 20 20 20 20 24.5 24.5 30.5 24.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 22.36 24.01 24.10 25.51 24.01 27.60 25.51 29.09 27.60 30.26 29.09 31.24 30.26 38.87 31.24 40.39 40.39 43.03 43.03 45.00 45.00 45.94 45.94 53.94 53.94 53.94 53.94 57.20 57.20 62.09 57.20 62.09 62.09 62.09 62.09 62.09 67.20 67.20 67.20 67.2 67.20 1.001 1.188 1.001 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.188 1.501 1.188 1.501 1.501 1.688 1.688 1.688 1.688 1.688 1.688 2.126 2.126 2.126 2.126 2.188 2.188 2.376 2.188 2.376 2.376 2.376 2.376 2.376 2.376 2.376 2.376 2.376 2.376 350 460 450 550 520 725 558 725 720 898 780 1,025 900 1,210 970 1,340 1,415 1,990 2,020 2,080 2,120 2,540 2,470 2,780 2,820 2,970 3,540 3,800 4,020 5,700 4,200 5,950 5,990 6,150 6,210 6,600 6,680 7,090 7,070 8,670 9,220 5,556 7,953 5,988 8,643 7,783 11,786 8,549 12,493 12,440 16,168 13,220 17,780 16,443 24,639 18,383 28,950 27,993 36,496 34,648 41,744 39,678 51,527 53,815 68,015 58,015 78,507 71,749 88,296 77,096 115,434 96,590 127,333 112,043 142,630 113,075 150,648 134,939 174,560 154,690 188,660 175,006 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. 104 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT WPI HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - MEDIUM VOLTAGE AMRKNH, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VHKP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Irrigation z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 200 - 1000 HP Speed: 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Weather Protected Type I (WPI) Voltage: 2300/4000V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor Standard Features: Coupling w/ Gib Key, Ball Type NRR, Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) Class F Insulation with VPI Epoxy Resin Varnish Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance Cast Iron Conduit Box for F#449TP and Below; Steel Plate Conduit Box for F#5000 Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449TP and Below Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Guide Bearings: Re-Greasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Thrust Bearings: 449TP frames are Re-Greasable Oversized Angular Contact with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Thrust Bearings: 5000 Frame and above are Oil Lubricated Spherical Roller with Site Glass Oil Requirements: 300 S.S.U. @100°F Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate 6 Leads Inverter Duty - 4:1 Variable Torque with NRR; 20:1 Variable Torque without NRR Using Braking in VFD Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 105 VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT WPI HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - MEDIUM VOLTAGE AMRKNH, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VHKP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @4160V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) BD DIM (in.) CD Dim (in.) BX DIM (IN.) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) VHKP2006 200 1200 449TP 94.9 81.0 25.5 11,300 20 53.91 1.938 3,420 64,619 VHKP2504 250 1800 449TP 95.0 82.2 30.0 10,100 20 53.91 1.938 3,510 58,364 VHKP2506 250 1200 449TP 95.0 80.0 31.5 11,300 20 53.91 1.938 3,730 71,835 VHKP3004 300 1800 449TP 95.0 83.8 35.5 10,100 20 53.91 1.938 3,610 62,115 VHKP3006 300 1200 5009P 95.0 77.6 38.0 33,800 24.5 57.06 2.188 4,020 75,705 VHKP3504 350 1800 5009P 95.0 86.7 40.0 30,900 24.5 57.06 2.188 3,630 64,112 VHKP3506 350 1200 5009P 95.0 75.9 45.5 33,800 24.5 57.06 2.188 4,010 80,204 VHKP4004 400 1800 5009P 95.0 86.8 45.5 30,900 24.5 57.06 2.188 3,710 68,410 VHKP4006 400 1200 5009P 95.0 75.6 52.0 33,800 24.5 57.06 2.188 4,880 84,450 VHKP4504 450 1800 5009P 95.0 87.1 51.0 30,900 24.5 57.06 2.188 3,810 75,303 VHKP4506 450 1200 5806P 95.0 80.2 55.5 33,600 30.5 55.39 2.438 4,510 86,875 VHKP5004 500 1800 5009P 95.0 87.6 56.5 30,900 24.5 57.06 2.188 3,980 80,971 VHKP5006 500 1200 5806P 95.0 80.2 61.5 33,600 30.5 55.39 2.438 4,610 92,645 VHKP6004 600 1800 5808P 95.0 86.0 69.0 30,600 30.5 61.30 2.438 5,240 87,820 VHKP6006 600 1200 5808P 95.0 80.3 73.5 33,300 30.5 61.30 2.438 5,660 100,066 VHKP7004 700 1800 5810P 95.0 86.0 80.0 30,100 30.5 68.78 2.438 5,650 97,531 VHKP7006 700 1200 5808P 95.0 81.2 85.0 33,300 30.5 61.30 2.438 5,340 123,007 VHKP8004 800 1800 5810P 95.0 86.3 91.5 30,100 30.5 68.78 2.438 5,900 110,028 VHKP8006 800 1200 5810P 95.0 80.7 97.5 33,000 30.5 68.78 2.438 5,720 130,107 VHKP9004 900 1800 5810P 95.0 86.7 103 30,100 30.5 68.78 2.438 6,160 123,936 VHKP9006 900 1200 5810P 95.0 81.5 109 33,000 30.5 68.78 2.438 5,960 147,059 VHKP10004 1000 1800 5810P 95.0 87.3 113 30,100 30.5 68.78 2.438 6,510 139,261 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. 106 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT TEFC HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE -MEDIUM VOLTAGE AEHCNH, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VHKTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Irrigation z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 200 - 700 HP Speed: 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP54) Voltage: 2300/4000V Motors Suitable for Reduced Starting Voltage Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor Standard Features: Coupling w/ Gib Key, Non-Sparking Ball Type NRR, Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B,C, D; Temp Code T3 Maximum Class F Insulation with VPI Epoxy Resin Varnish Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance Steel Plate Conduit Box with Threaded Connection Opening(s) Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Oversized Angular Contact or Spherical Thrust Bearing Installed Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449TP Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 and Above Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Vacuum De-Gassed Re-Greasable Ball Bearings Frames -5007TP & Up with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Guide Bearings: 324TP - 5810TP Frames are Re-Greasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Thrust Bearings: 5009 - 5810TP Frames are Oil Lubricated Angular Contact or Spherical Thrust Bearing with Site Glass Oil Requirements for 444TP - 5810TP Frames: 300 S.S.U. @ 100°F Grease Discharge Fittings on Frames with Re-Greasable Motors Bronze Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Lower End Bracket Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate VFD Rated per NEMA MG1, Part 31 Speed Ranges: 10:1 Variable Torque 6 Leads UL Recognized and CSA Approved Precautions Should Be Taken to Eliminate or Reduce Shaft Currents that May Be Imposed on the Motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part Ball Type NRR Provided EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 107 VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT TEFC HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - MEDIUM VOLTAGE AEHCNH, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VHKTP] CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FL AMPS @4160V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) BD DIM (in.) CD Dim (in.) BX DIM (IN.) APPROX. SHIPPING WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) VHKTP2006 200 1200 449TP 95.0 76.2 25.5 11,400 20.0 53.94 2.126 3,700 86,710 VHKTP2504 250 1800 449TP 95.0 83.7 29.0 10,000 20.0 53.94 2.126 3,780 85,310 VHKTP2506 250 1200 5009P 95.0 81.9 30.0 12,100 24.5 57.20 2.188 3,980 94,760 VHKTP3004 300 1800 5009P 95.4 85.5 34.0 10,500 24.5 57.20 2.188 3,990 86,503 VHKTP3006 300 1200 5009P 95.0 82.4 35.5 12,100 24.5 57.20 2.188 5,530 112,664 VHKTP3504 350 1800 5009P 95.4 86.1 39.5 10,500 24.5 57.20 2.188 5,310 110,081 VHKTP3506 350 1200 5808P 95.2 80.4 42.5 22,300 30.5 62.09 2.376 5,960 129,055 VHKTP4004 400 1800 5009P 95.4 85.7 45.5 10,500 24.5 57.20 2.188 5,780 126,257 VHKTP4006 400 1200 5808P 95.4 80.8 48.5 22,300 30.5 62.09 2.376 6,300 137,745 VHKTP4504 450 1800 5808P 95.4 83.8 52.5 9,700 30.5 62.09 2.376 6,260 135,003 VHKTP4506 450 1200 5808P 95.6 80.9 54.0 22,300 30.5 62.09 2.376 6,560 145,494 VHKTP5004 500 1800 5808P 95.5 82.6 59.0 9,700 30.5 62.09 2.376 6,480 143,750 VHKTP5006 500 1200 5810P 95.8 81.6 59.5 22,300 30.5 67.20 2.376 6,880 160,188 VHKTP6004 600 1800 5810P 95.7 84.3 69.5 9,700 30.5 67.20 2.376 6,850 158,444 VHKTP6006 600 1200 5810P 96.0 81.3 71.5 22,300 30.5 67.20 2.376 9,120 183,916 VHKTP7004 700 1800 5810P 95.9 84.6 80.5 9,700 30.5 67.20 2.376 9,000 191,109 Notes: (1) Data subject to change without notice. 108 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO COUPLING KITS WPI FOR VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Notes: 1. Tolerance on BX dimensions up to and including 1.500 inches diameter: +0.001 inches, -0.000 inches; Larger than 1.500 inches diameter: +0.0015 inches, -0.0000 inches. 2. Dimension EW tolerance: +0.002 inches, -0.000 inches. 3. Dimension R tolerance: +0.010 inches, -0.000 inches. 4. "*" in the table denotes the standard coupling size for each frame. 5. One coupling is included with motor price. If purchased separately use list pricing. 6. Please consult Application Specialist for listings not shown. 7. Notice coupling part numbers have changed from 2015/2016 Pricebook; New design. FRAME 210TP 250TP/ 280TP 320TP 360TP 400TP 444TP/ 445TP 445TP20(A)/ 447TP(B)/ 449TP(C) 5000/ 5800 BX 0.751 0.876 0.938 *1.001 0.751 0.876 *1.001 1.188 1.251 1.001 *1.188 1.251 1.438 1.501 1.001 *1.188 1.251 1.438 1.501 1.188 1.251 1.438 *1.501 1.688 1.751 1.188 1.251 1.438 *1.501 1.688 1.751 1.938 1.438 *1.501⁽A⁾ *1.688⁽B⁾ 1.751 *1.938⁽C⁾ 2.001 2.063 2.126 2.188 2.251 2.376 2.438 2.501 1.688 1.938 2.126 *2.188(A) 2.251 2.376 *2.438(B) 2.501 BLANK1 BLANK2 BY NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC NO. 10-32 UNF 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC NO. 10-32 UNF 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC - BZ 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.750 1.750 1.375 1.750 1.750 2.125 2.125 1.375 1.750 1.750 2.125 2.125 1.750 1.750 2.125 2.125 2.500 2.500 1.750 1.750 2.125 2.125 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.125 2.125 2.500 2.500 2.500 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 2.500 2.500 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 - EW 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.375 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.375 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.375 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.625 0.625 0.625 - R 0.845 0.970 1.078 1.126 0.845 0.970 1.126 1.313 1.376 1.126 1.313 1.376 1.625 1.688 1.126 1.313 1.376 1.625 1.688 1.313 1.376 1.625 1.688 1.891 1.954 1.304 1.367 1.605 1.669 1.859 1.922 2.160 1.605 1.669 1.859 1.922 2.160 2.223 2.287 2.350 2.414 2.477 2.651 2.714 2.778 1.859 2.160 2.350 2.414 2.477 2.651 2.714 2.778 - XB 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 2.170 2.170 2.170 2.170 2.170 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.540 2.760 2.760 2.760 2.760 2.760 2.760 3.169 3.169 3.169 3.169 3.169 3.169 3.169 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 3.559 - XD 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.410 0.410 0.410 0.410 0.410 0.410 0.410 0.410 0.470 0.470 0.410 0.410 0.410 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.530 0.409 0.409 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.689 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.815 0.815 0.815 0.531 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.815 0.815 0.815 - XE 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 XF 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.230 1.230 1.230 1.230 1.230 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.540 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 PART NO. LIST PRICE ($) CONTACT FACTORY 460 CONTACT FACTORY 613 CONTACT FACTORY 920 CONTACT FACTORY 920 CONTACT FACTORY 1,278 CONTACT FACTORY 2150 CONTACT FACTORY 2,350 3A711C1371209X001 3A711C1371306X001 3A711C1371403X001 3A711C1371501X001 3A711C1370407X001 3A711C1370300X001 3A711C1370202X001 3A711C1370105X001 3A711C1370504X001 3A711C1370601X001 2,650 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 109 COUPLING KITS TEFC FOR VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Notes: 1. Tolerance on BX dimensions up to and including 1.500 inches diameter: +0.001 inches, -0.000 inches; Larger than 1.500 inches diameter: +0.0015 inches, -0.0000 inches. 2. Dimension EW tolerance: +0.002 inches, -0.000 inches. 3. Dimension R tolerance: +0.010 inches, -0.000 inches. 4. "*" in the table denotes the standard coupling size for each frame. 5. One coupling is included with motor price. If purchased separately use list pricing. 6. Please consult Application Specialist for listings not shown. FRAME 210TP 250TP 280TP 320TP 360TP 400TP 444TP/ 445TP 447TP(A)/ 449TP(B) 5000/ 5800 4P 5800 6P & ABOVE BX 0.751 0.876 *1.001 0.751 0.876 *1.001 1.188 0.876 *1.001 1.188 1.251 1.001 *1.188 1.251 1.438 *1.188 1.251 1.438 1.501 *1.501 1.188 1.251 1.438 *1.501 1.688 1.751 1.938 1.438 1.501 *1.688⁽A⁾ 1.751 *1.938⁽B⁾ 2.001 2.063 2.126 2.188 2.251 2.376 2.438 2.501 1.501 1.688 1.938 2.126 *2.188(A) 2.376 *2.438(B) 1.501 1.688 1.938 2.126 2.188 2.376 *2.438 BY NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF 1/4”-20 UNC NO. 10-32 UNF NO. 10-32 UNF 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC NO. 10-32 UNF 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 1/4”-20 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC 3/8”-16 UNC BZ 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.750 1.375 1.375 1.750 1.750 1.375 1.750 1.750 2.125 1.750 1.750 2.125 2.125 2.125 1.750 1.750 2.125 2.125 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.125 2.125 2.500 2.500 2.500 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 2.125 2.500 2.500 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 2.125 2.500 2.500 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 EW 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.250 0.188 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.625 0.625 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.625 0.625 R 0.845 0.970 1.126 0.845 0.970 1.126 1.313 0.970 1.126 1.313 1.376 1.126 1.313 1.376 1.625 1.313 1.376 1.625 1.688 1.688 1.304 1.367 1.605 1.669 1.859 1.922 2.160 1.605 1.669 1.859 1.922 2.160 2.223 2.287 2.350 2.414 2.477 2.651 2.714 2.778 1.669 1.859 2.160 2.350 2.414 2.651 2.714 1.669 1.859 2.160 2.350 2.414 2.651 2.714 XB 1.750 1.750 1.750 2.560 2.560 2.560 2.560 2.560 2.560 2.560 2.560 3.331 3.331 3.331 3.331 3.331 3.331 3.331 3.331 3.543 - 110 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO XD 0.343 0.343 0.406 0.343 0.343 0.406 0.406 0.343 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.406 0.531 0.406 0.406 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.409 0.409 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.689 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.815 0.815 0.815 0.531 0.531 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.815 0.815 0.531 0.531 0.689 0.689 0.689 0.815 0.815 XE 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 3.150 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 3.740 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 4.725 XF 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.625 1.652 1.625 1.652 1.652 1.625 1.652 1.652 2.331 2.331 2.331 2.331 2.331 2.331 2.331 2.331 2.441 2.874 2.874 2.874 2.874 2.874 2.874 2.874 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 3.071 PART NO. 31010D6870206 31010D6870303 31010D6870401 31010D6870508 31010D6870605 31010D6870702 31010D6870800 31010D6870605 31010D6870702 31010D6870800 31010D6870907 31010D6871008 31010D6871105 31010D6871202 31010D6871300 31010D6871407 31010D6871504 31010D6871601 31010D6871709 31010D6871806 3A711C1580100X001 3A711C1580207X001 3A711C1580304X001 3A711C1580401X001 3A711C1580509X001 3A711C1580606X001 3A711C1580703X001 3A711C1590105X001 3A711C1590202X001 3A711C1590300X001 3A711C1590407X001 3A711C1590504X001 3A711C1590601X001 3A711C1590709X001 3A711C1590806X001 3A711C1590903X001 3A711C1591004X001 3A711C1591101X001 3A711C1591209X001 3A711C1591306X001 3A711C1600101X001 3A711C1600208X001 3A711C1600305X001 3A711C1600402X001 3A711C1600500X001 3A711C1600607X001 3A711C1600704X001 3A711C1630107X001 3A711C1630204X001 3A711C1630301X001 3A711C1630409X001 3A711C1630506X001 3A711C1630603X001 3A711C1630701X001 LIST PRICE ($) 460 613 613 920 920 2,150 2,150 2,350 2,650 2,650 STEADY BUSHING KITS WPI FOR VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT MOTORS ØA ØBX C0.04 C0.04 0.197 0.75 4–Ø0.16 Holes 2–M5 (90°) FIG. 1 210TP 250TP 280TP 320TP 360TP 400TP DIMENSION A 1.77 1.77 2.17 2.83 3.03 3.54 Notes: 1. See corresponding diagram for part detail. 2. Please consult Application Specialist for listings not shown. 3. Steady Bushing material is Bronze. 4. Kit includes hardware. 5. Notice steady bushing part numbers have changed from 2015/2016 Pricebook; New design. 6. Steady bushing kits are the same for WPI and TEFC for frames 449TP and smaller. 7. "*" in the table denotes the standard size for each frame. FIG. 2 FRAME FRAME 0.197 0.157 0.197 0.157 ØA ØBX C0.04 C0.04 0.75 0.197 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 BX PART NO. 0.751 31010D4972800 0.876 31010D4972907 0.938 31010D4970106 *1.001 31010D4973008 0.751 31010D4971005 0.876 31010D4971102 *1.001 31010D4971200 1.188 31010D4971307 1.251 31010D4970203 0.751 31010D4970301 0.876 31010D4971404 1.001 31010D4971501 *1.188 31010D4971307 1.251 31010D4971706 1.001 31010D4971803 *1.188 31010D4971901 1.251 31010D4972001 1.438 31010D4972109 1.501 31010D4970408 1.001 31010D4972206 *1.188 31010D4972303 1.251 31010D4972401 1.438 31010D4972508 1.501 31010D4972605 1.188 31010D4970505 1.251 31010D4970602 1.438 31010D4970700 *1.501 31010D4972702 1.688 31010D4970807 1.751 31010D4970904 LIST PRICE ($) 100 444TP/ 445TP DIMENSION A 3.15 100 100 445TP20/ 447tp/ 449TP 3.54 130 130 5000 3.66 150 5800 4.33 CATALOG NO. BX 1.188 3A702D1611403X001 1.251 3A702D1611501X001 1.438 3A702D1611608X001 *1.501 3A702D1611705X001 1.688 3A702D1611802X001 1.751 3A702D1611900X001 1.938 3A702D1612001X001 1.438 3A702D1610105X001 *1.501 (A) 3A702D1610202X001 *1.688(B) 3A702D1610300X001 1.751 3A702D1610407X001 *1.938(C) 3A702D1610504X001 2.001 3A702D1610601X001 2.063 3A702D1610709X001 2.126 3A702D1610806X001 2.188 3A702D1610903X001 2.251 3A702D1611004X001 2.376 3A702D1611101X001 2.438 3A702D1611209X001 2.501 3A702D1611306X001 1.688 3A702D1720601X001 1.938 3A702D1720709X001 2.126 3A702D1720806X001 *2.188 3A702D1720202X001 2.251 3A702D1720903X001 2.376 3A702D1720300X001 2.438 3A702D1720407X001 2.501 3A702D1720504X001 2.126 3A702D1740602X001 2.188 3A702D1740505X001 2.251 3A702D1740408X001 2.376 3A702D1740301X001 *2.438 3A702D1740203X001 2.501 3A702D1740106X001 LIST PRICE ($) 175 210 210 210 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 111 STEADY BUSHING KITS TEFC FOR VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT MOTORS ØA ØBX C0.04 C0.04 0.197 0.75 FIG. 1 210TP 250TP 280TP 320TP 360TP 400TP FIG. 2 DIMENSION A 1.77 1.77 2.17 2.83 3.03 3.54 Notes: 1. See corresponding diagram for part detail. 2. Please consult Application Specialist for listings not shown. 3. Steady Bushing material is Bronze. 4. Kit includes hardware. 5. Steady bushing kits are the same for WPI and TEFC for frames 449TP and smaller. 6. "*" in the table denotes the standard size for each frame. 4–Ø0.16 Holes 2–M5 (90°) FRAME 0.197 0.157 0.197 0.157 ØA ØBX C0.04 C0.04 0.75 0.197 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 BX PART NO. 0.751 31010D4972800 0.876 31010D4972907 0.938 31010D4970106 *1.001 31010D4973008 0.751 31010D4971005 LIST PRICE ($) FRAME DIMENSION A 100 444TP/ 445TP 3.15 CATALOG NO. BX 1.188 3A702D1611403X001 1.251 3A702D1611501X001 1.438 3A702D1611608X001 *1.501 3A702D1611705X001 1.688 3A702D1611802X001 1.751 3A702D1611900X001 1.938 3A702D1612001X001 0.876 31010D4971102 *1.001 31010D4971200 1.188 31010D4971307 1.438 3A702D1610105X001 1.251 31010D4970203 1.501 3A702D1610202X001 0.751 31010D4970301 *1.688 3A702D1610300X001 0.876 31010D4971404 1.751 3A702D1610407X001 *1.938 3A702D1610504X001 2.001 3A702D1610601X001 2.063 3A702D1610709X001 2.126 3A702D1610806X001 2.188 3A702D1610903X001 2.251 3A702D1611004X001 100 (A) 1.001 31010D4971501 *1.188 31010D4971307 100 1.251 31010D4971706 1.001 31010D4971803 *1.188 31010D4971901 1.251 31010D4972001 1.438 31010D4972109 2.376 3A702D1611101X001 1.501 31010D4970408 2.438 3A702D1611209X001 (B) 447tp(A)/ 449TP(A) 3.54 130 1.001 31010D4972206 2.501 3A702D1611306X001 *1.188 31010D4972303 1.688 3A702D1720601X001 1.251 31010D4972401 1.938 3A702D1720709X001 1.438 31010D4972508 2.126 3A702D1720806X001 1.501 31010D4972605 *2.188 3A702D1720202X001 1.188 31010D4970505 1.251 1.438 *1.501 31010D4972702 1.688 31010D4970807 1.751 31010D4970904 130 5000/ 5800 3.66 (A) 2.251 3A702D1720903X001 31010D4970602 2.376 3A702D1720300X001 31010D4970700 *2.438(B) 3A702D1720407X001 2.501 3A702D1720504X001 150 112 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO LIST PRICE ($) 175 210 210 MAX-E1® VERTICAL ROUND BODY SOLID SHAFT NORMAL THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AEUH8NDP, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY [EPV_P] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Centrifugal Pumps z Pulp and Paper z Petro-Chemical z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 7.5 - 100 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets, Fan Cover, Drip Cover and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Light Gray - Munsell N5.0 Guide Bearings: 250HP - 400HP Frames are Single Shielded Thrust Bearings: 250HP - 405HP Frames are Re-Greasable Angular Contact with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Regreasable Models Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for Frames 320HP & Larger Cast Iron Inner and Outer Bearing Caps for Frames 280TS & Larger Stainless Steel Nameplate New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 304,5 Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque 12 Leads Dual Drilled Feet Available on Most Ratings - Longer Frames (i.e. 145T Drilled also for 143T) Rubber Dust Flinger on Drive-End for F# 140HP - 280 HP EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Motors 7.5 HP & up are Suitable for Wye/Delta Starting. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. HP Shaft is same as VP shaft dimensions per NEMA MG-1. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 113 MAX-E1™ VERTICAL "P" BASE AEUH8NDP, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY [EPV_P] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) BX DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) EPV7/56P EPV0106P EPV0152P EPV0154P EPV0156P EPV0202P EPV0204P EPV0206P EPV0252P EPV0254P EPV0256P EPV0302P EPV0304P EPV0306P EPV0404P EPV0406P EPV0504P EPV0506P EPV0604P EPV0606P EPV0754P EPV0756P EPV1004P 7.5 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 75 75 100 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 254HP 256HP 254HP 254HP 284HP 256HP 256HP 286HP 284HP 284HP 324HP 286HP 286HP 326HP 324HP 364HP 326HP 365HP 364HP 404HP 365HP 405HP 405HP 91.0 91.0 92.4 92.4 92.4 92.4 93.0 91.7 92.4 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.0 94.5 95.4 94.5 95.4 80.5 80.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 92.5 87.5 84.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 91.0 87.5 80.5 86.0 86.5 87.0 86.0 86.5 87.0 86.5 86.5 87.5 9.59 12.8 16.6 17.3 18.2 21.9 23.0 24.3 27.8 29.1 30.3 33.2 34.3 37.5 46.3 46.0 56.9 57.8 68.4 68.3 85.1 85.9 112 975 1100 740 950 1200 840 1050 1320 900 1200 1375 960 1250 1430 1325 1520 1400 1600 1450 1660 1500 1190 1550 26.03 27.76 26.03 26.03 29.12 27.76 27.76 30.36 27.75 29.12 32.57 29.25 30.62 34.00 32.57 31.07 34.07 36.46 35.48 39.6 36.5 37.8 37.8 358 418 310 310 506 350 350 605 490 441 798 469 490 853 682 1,078 744 1,215 920 1,436 651 1,584 1,310 2,838 3,338 2,804 2,724 4,674 3,405 3,297 5,550 4,230 3,985 6,691 4,876 4,692 7,383 6,153 9,767 7,691 11,844 9,624 13,876 11,937 16,189 16,710 Notes: (1) These motors are not readily available from stock; must be created thought our Mod Shop. (2) Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery if source motor is available for modification. (3) All data subject to change without notice. 114 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO MAX-E2/841® VERTICAL ROUND BODY SOLID SHAFT NORMAL THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AEUH8BDP, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY IEEE-841 MOTOR [HBV_P] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Centrifugal Pumps z Pulp and Paper z Petro-Chemical z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 7.5 - 100 HP Speed: 3600, 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP56) Voltage: 460V Only(1,4) Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous); 50 Hz, 1.0 Service Factor (Continuous) CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D - Temp Code T3 Maximum Meets or Exceeds IEEE 841 Standards Extended Warranty - 60 Months from Date of Manufacture Class F Insulation Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques as a Minimum; Various Ratings also Meet Design C Cast Iron Frame, End Brackets, Fan Cover, Drip Cover and Main Conduit Box Grounding Terminal Inside Main Conduit Box with additional Foot Grounding Provision Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - F1 Mounted Designed for 50˚C Ambient Temperature(2) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(3) Bi-Directional Rotation 1045 Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction Paint System: 2 Part Epoxy Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Guide Bearings: 250HP - 400HP Frames are Single Shielded Thrust Bearings: 250HP - 405HP Frames are Re-Greasable Angular Contact with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings VBXX INPRO™ Seals Installed on Both Ends Stainless Steel Nameplate and Hardware Stainless Steel Automatic Breather Drain (Located at both End Brackets for Vertical Mounts) New Dual Column Design Nameplate as Standard (60/50 Hz) Suitable for Inverter Duty (PWM - Pulse Width Modulation) per NEMA MG-1, Part 30(5,6) Inverter Duty Speed Range: 20:1 Variable Torque, 10:1 Constant Torque Motors are U.L. Recognized, CSA Approved 3 Leads Only Dual Drilled Feet Available on Most Ratings - Longer Frames (i.e. 145T Drilled also for 143T) Vibration Not to Exceed 0.08 Inches Per Second Noise Level Not to Exceed 85 dB(A) at 1 Meter Unloaded EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 575V motors available. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. Motors 7.5 HP & up are suitable for wye/delta starting. Motor service factor is 1.0 when operated on a VFD. Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG-1. HP Shaft is same as VP shaft dimensions per NEMA MG-1. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 115 MAX-E2/841® VERTICAL "P" BASE AEUH8BDP, NEMA PREMIUM, ROUND BODY IEEE-841 MOTOR [HBV_P] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) BX DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) HBV7/56P HBV0106P HBV0152P HBV0154P HBV0156P HBV0202P HBV0204P HBV0206P HBV0252P HBV0254P HBV0256P HBV0302P HBV0304P HBV0306P HBV0404P HBV0406P HBV0504P HBV0506P HBV0604P HBV0606P HBV0754P HBV0756P HBV1004P 7.5 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 75 75 100 1200 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 254HP 256HP 254HP 254HP 284HP 256HP 256HP 286HP 284HP 284HP 324HP 286HP 286HP 326HP 324HP 364HP 326HP 365HP 364HP 404HP 365HP 405HP 405HP 91.0 91.0 92.4 92.4 92.4 92.4 93.0 91.7 92.4 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0 94.1 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.0 94.5 95.4 94.5 95.4 80.5 80.5 91.5 88.0 83.5 92.5 87.5 84.0 91.0 86.0 83.0 91.0 87.5 80.5 86.0 86.5 87.0 86.0 86.5 87.0 86.5 86.5 87.5 9.59 12.8 16.6 17.3 18.2 21.9 23.0 24.3 27.8 29.1 30.3 33.2 34.3 37.5 46.3 46.0 56.9 57.8 68.4 68.3 85.1 85.9 112 975 1100 740 950 1200 840 1050 1320 900 1200 1375 960 1250 1430 1325 1520 1400 1600 1450 1660 1500 1190 1550 26.03 27.76 26.03 26.03 29.12 27.76 27.76 30.36 27.75 29.12 32.57 29.25 30.62 34.00 32.57 31.07 34.07 36.46 35.48 39.6 36.5 37.8 37.8 323 380 323 345 540 367 425 565 490 555 759 535 656 795 740 898 845 1,110 955 1,355 1,040 1,363 1,385 3,784 4,334 3,785 3,775 5,274 4,305 4,355 6,323 4,956 5,052 6,991 5,425 6,465 9,457 8,849 12,316 9,431 13,953 12,507 15,444 14,006 16,658 16,773 Notes: (1) These motors are not readily available from stock; must be created thought our Mod Shop. (2) Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery if source motor is available for modification. (3) All data subject to change without notice. 116 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT WPI HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AMRCED (MAX-VSP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VSP]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Fluid Handling Systems z Irrigation z Water/Wastewater z Fire Pumps* FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 15 - 800 HP Speed: 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Weather Protected Type I (WPI) Voltage: 230/460V(Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor New Dual Column (60/50 Hz) Design Nameplate as Standard; 50 Hz Data 190/380V at 1.0 S.F. Standard Features: Ball Type NRR, Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) Class F Insulation with Phenolic Alkyd Resin Varnish Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance Cast Iron Conduit Box for F#449TP and Below; Steel Plate Conduit Box for F#5000 Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449TP and Below Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color for AMRCED (MAX-VSP™): Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Guide Bearings: 213TP - 286TP frames are Double Shielded Guide Bearings: 324TP - 449TP frames are Re-Greasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Thrust Bearings: 213TP - 286TP frames are Re-Greasable Angular Contact with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Thrust Bearings: 324TP - 449TP frames are Oil Lubricated Angular Contact with Site Glass Oil Requirements for 324TP-405TP - 145 to 175 S.S.U. @100°F Oil Requirements for 444TP-449TP - 300 S.S.U. @100°F Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate and Rodent Screens 9 Leads (PWS on 230V) on 210TP to 365TP; 12 Leads (PWS on 230V) on 404TP to 405TP; 6 Leads (PWS on 460V) on 444TP to 5810P(3) Inverter Duty - 4:1 Variable Torque with NRR. 10:1 C.T., 20:1 VT without NRR Using Braking in VFD Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part for AMRCNH (Part 30 on AMRC) EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: * (1) (2) (3) Fire Pump available. See product page for more details. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. Motors 440 frame & up are suitable for wye/delta starting. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 117 MAX-VSP™ VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT WPI AMRCED (MAX-VSP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VSP]* Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FIRE PUMP CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) AG DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) CAT. NO. lIST PRICE ($) VSP0154 VSP0204 VSP0254 VSP0304 VSP0404 VSP0504 VSP0604 VSP0606 VSP0754 VSP0756 VSP1004 VSP1006 VSP1254 VSP1256 VSP1504 VSP1506 VSP2004 VSP2006 VSP2504 VSP2506 VSP3004 VSP3006 VSP3504 VSP3506 VSP4004 VSP4006 VSP4504 VSP4506 VSP5004 VSP5006 VSP6004 VSP6006 VSP7004 VSP7006 VSP8004 VSP8006 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 60 75 75 100 100 125 125 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 254VP 256VP 284VP 286VP 324VP 326VP 364VP 404VP 365VP 405VP 404VP 444VP 405VP 445VP 444VP 445VP 445VP 447VP 445VP20 449VP 447VP 449VP 447VP 5009VP 449VP 5009VP 5009VP 5806VP 5009VP 5806VP 5808VP 5808VP 5810VP 5808VP 5810VP 5810VP 93.0 93.0 93.6 94.1 94.1 94.5 95.0 94.5 95.0 94.5 95.4 95.0 95.4 95.0 95.0 95.4 95.0 95.4 95.8 95.8 95.8 94.7 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 83.0 83.0 85.0 86.0 86.0 85.0 85.0 85.5 86.0 86.5 85.5 82.0 84.5 82.0 86.0 82.5 86.5 83.0 86.5 83.0 87.5 79.0 88.0 84.5 88.5 85.0 89.1 84.7 89.2 85.4 90.6 85.0 91.1 85.7 91.0 86.1 18.2 24.3 29.4 34.7 46.3 58.5 69.5 69.5 86.0 86.0 115 120 145 150 172 178 228 236 283 295 335 375 388 405 442 460 492 519 546 572 645 690 748 798 856 908 3,350 3,350 3,350 3,350 5,700 5,700 6,000 9,000 6,000 9,000 7,900 12,000 7,900 11,900 10,700 11,800 10,700 14,900 13,400 14,700 13,400 11,360 13,300 33,900 13,200 33,800 31,000 33,600 30,900 33,500 30,400 33,300 30,200 33,100 30,100 32,900 26.91 26.91 28.25 28.25 32.71 32.71 35.89 42.32 35.89 42.32 42.32 50.40 42.32 50.40 50.40 50.40 50.40 55.80 55.80 55.80 55.80 64.93 55.80 60.68 59.93 60.68 60.68 55.56 60.68 55.56 61.47 61.47 68.95 61.47 68.95 68.95 309 330 425 465 634 689 791 1,094 877 1,239 1,133 1,450 1,158 1,650 1,530 1,890 1,820 2,130 1,940 2,660 2,470 3,320 2,900 4,050 3,320 4,270 4,050 5,310 4,170 5,430 5,470 5,600 5,880 5,830 6,180 6,210 4,256 5,048 5,836 6,325 8,825 10,277 12,412 15,456 13,742 16,356 15,878 21,767 18,810 23,827 23,986 25,393 26,757 27,589 34,248 40,552 39,647 50,566 50,786 56,281 54,605 69,352 67,228 75,871 71,924 81,205 80,733 89,248 87,938 97,176 93,546 107,157 VSP0154FP VSP0204FP VSP0254FP VSP0304FP VSP0404FP VSP0504FP VSP0604FP VSP0606FP VSP0754FP VSP0756FP VSP1004FP VSP1006FP VSP1254FP VSP1256FP VSP1504FP VSP1506FP VSP2004FP VSP2006FP VSP2504FP VSP2506FP VSP3004FP VSP3006FP VSP3504FP ~ VSP4004FP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4,682 5,553 6,420 6,958 9,708 11,305 13,653 17,002 15,116 17,992 17,466 23,944 20,691 26,210 26,385 27,932 29,433 30,348 37,673 44,607 43,612 55,623 55,865 ~ 60,066 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Notes: * Fire Pump available as made to order. Fire Pump Certificate complies with ANSI/UL 1004-5. Certificate# 20120717 - EX6569. (1) Delivery for Fire Pump Duty motor (Catalog Number + FP) is standard 5 - 10 working days after receipt of order if standard motor is in stock; Painting to Fire Safety Red requirement on Fire Pump Duty type motor can be waived in order to expedite delivery upon request. (2) Fire Pump Duty Motor pricing includes: adding UL nameplate, restamping original nameplate to new "VSP_FP" catalog number, and Fire Safety Red Paint. (3) All data subject to change without notice. 118 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT TEFC HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AEEHED (MAX-VSP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VSTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Irrigation z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z Output Range: 15 - 800 HP z Speed: 1800 & 1200 RPM z Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) z Voltage: 230/460V (Usable on 208V); 150HP and Larger is 460V Only z 230/460V Motors Suitable for Partial Winding Start (at 230V Only) z Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) z Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor z New Dual Column (60/50 Hz) Design Nameplate as Standard; 50 Hz Data 190/380V at 1.0 S.F. z Standard Features: Non-Sparking Ball Type NRR, Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) z CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B, C, D; Temp Code T3 Maximum z Class F Insulation with Phenolic Alkyd Resin Varnish z Class B Temperature Rise z NEMA Design B Torques z Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance z Cast Iron Conduit Box for F#449TP and Below; Steel Plate Conduit Box for F#5000 z Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) z Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) z Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top z Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets z 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft z Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction z Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat z Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 z Guide Bearings: 213TP - 286TP frames are Double Shielded z Guide Bearings: 324TP - 449TP frames are Re-Greasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease z Thrust Bearings: 213TP - 286TP frames are Re-Greasable Angular Contact with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease z Thrust Bearings: 324TP - 449TP frames are Oil Lubricated Angular Contact with Site Glass z Oil Requirements for 324TP-405TP - 145 to 175 S.S.U. @100°F z Oil Requirements for 444TP-449TP - 300 S.S.U. @100°F z Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box z Stainless Steel Nameplate and Rodent Screens z 12 Leads (PWS on 230V) on 213 - 405TP(3) 6 Leads on 444TP to 449TP; 5000 Frames and Above with Connection Studs(4) z Inverter Duty - 4:1 Variable Torque with NRR. 10:1 C.T., 20:1 VT without NRR Using Braking in VFD z Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part for AMRCNH (Part 30 on AMRC) EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. Suitable for Wye/Delta start at 230V or 460V. Suitable for Wye/Delta start at 460V. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 119 MAX-VSP™ VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT TEFC AEEHED (MAX-VSP™) NEMA PREMIUM [VSTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) AG DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) VSTP0154 VSTP0204 VSTP0254 VSTP0304 VSTP0404 VSTP0504 VSTP0604 VSTP0754 VSTP1004 VSTP1006 VSTP1254 VSTP1256 VSTP1504 VSTP1506 VSTP2004 VSTP2006 VSTP2504 VSTP2506 VSTP3004 VSTP3006 VSTP3504 VSTP3506 VSTP4004 VSTP4006 VSTP4504 VSTP4506 VSTP5004 VSTP5006 VSTP6004 VSTP6006 VSTP7004 VSTP7006 VSTP8004 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 100 125 125 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 254VP 256VP 284VP 286VP 324VP 326VP 364VP 365VP 405VP 444VP 444VP 445VP 445VP 447VP 447VP 449VP 449VP 449VP 449VP 5009VP 5009VP 5808VP 5009VP 5808VP 5808VP 5808VP 5808VP 5808VP 5810VP 5810VP 5810VP 5810VP 5810VP 92.4 93.0 93.6 93.6 94.1 94.5 95.0 95.4 95.4 95.0 95.4 95.0 95.8 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 95.8 96.2 88.0 87.5 86.0 87.5 86.0 87.0 86.5 86.5 87.5 79.8 85.6 79.0 88.0 77.2 82.5 76.6 83.1 74.3 83.1 84.8 86.3 80.6 86.6 80.9 84.0 80.2 84.0 81.2 84.0 81.7 85.0 81.3 86.0 17.3 23.0 29.1 34.3 46.3 56.9 68.4 85.1 112 123 143 155 166 189 235 254 292 328 351 345 394 424 449 482 521 547 578 601 694 717 800 840 904 3,350 3,350 3,350 3,350 4,500 4,500 6,000 6,000 7,900 10,000 8,800 10,000 8,800 11,400 10,000 11,400 10,000 11,400 10,000 12,300 10,700 20,200 10,700 20,200 9,900 20,200 9,900 20,200 9,900 20,200 9,900 20,200 9,900 24.00 25.73 25.85 27.34 29.84 31.33 32.82 33.80 43.19 52.56 52.56 54.53 54.53 56.06 56.06 64.06 64.06 64.06 64.06 66.38 65.98 70.67 65.98 70.67 70.87 70.67 70.87 70.67 75.98 75.78 75.98 75.78 75.98 350 450 520 558 720 780 900 970 1,415 1,980 2,050 2,090 2,150 2,110 2,530 2,850 2,890 3,040 3,580 3,880 4,080 5,800 4,260 6,040 6,000 6,250 6,220 6,770 6,770 7,260 7,160 8,830 9,340 4,993 5,479 5,879 7,327 10,874 11,373 14,695 16,527 23,766 34,044 33,562 35,889 38,244 52,054 44,845 61,678 56,934 78,400 71,749 88,388 77,096 115,434 96,570 127,333 112,043 142,630 114,444 150,648 134,939 163,309 154,690 188,660 175,006 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. 120 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT WPI HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AMRKED, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VSKP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Irrigation z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 200 - 1000 HP Speed: 1800, 1200 & 900 RPM Enclosure: Weather Protected Type I (WPI) Voltage: 2300/4000V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor Standard Features: Coupling w/ Gib Key, Ball Type NRR, Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) Class F Insulation with VPI Epoxy Resin Varnish Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance Cast Iron Conduit Box for F#449TP and Below; Steel Plate Conduit Box for F#5000 Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449TP and Below Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Vacuum De-Gassed Re-Greasable Ball Bearings Frames -5007VP & Up with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Guide Bearings: 324VP - 5810VP Frames are Re-Greasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Thrust Bearings: 5009 - 5810VP Frames are Oil Lubricated Angular Contact or Spherical Thrust Bearing with Site Glass Oil Requirements for 444VP - 5810VP Frames: 300 S.S.U. @ 100°F Grease Discharge Fittings on Frames with Re-Greasable Motors Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Lower End Bracket Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate VFD Rated per NEMA MG1, Part 31 Speed Ranges: 10:1 VT, 4:1 CT 6 Leads UL Recognized and CSA Approved Precautions Should Be Taken to Eliminate or Reduce Shaft Currents that May Be Imposed on the Motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part Ball Type NRR Provided EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 121 VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT WPI HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - LOW VOLTAGE AMRKED, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VSKP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) AG DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) VSKP2006 VSKP2008 VSKP2504 VSKP2506 VSKP2508 VSKP3004 VSKP3006 VSKP3008 VSKP3504 VSKP3506 VSKP4004 VSKP4006 VSKP4504 VSKP4506 VSKP5004 VSKP5006 VSKP6004 VSKP6006 VSKP7004 VSKP7006 VSKP8004 VSKP8006 VSKP9004 VSKP9006 VSKP10004 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1000 1200 900 1800 1200 900 1800 1200 900 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 1200 1800 449VP 5009VP 449VP 449VP 5009VP 449VP 5009VP 5808VP 5009VP 5009VP 5009VP 5009VP 5009VP 5806VP 5009VP 5806VP 5808VP 5808VP 5810VP 5808VP 5810VP 5810VP 5810VP 5810VP 5810VP 94.9 93.6 95.0 95.0 94.5 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 81.0 73.0 82.2 80.0 75.3 83.8 77.6 77.0 86.7 75.9 86.8 75.6 87.1 80.2 87.6 80.2 86.0 80.3 86.0 81.2 86.3 80.7 86.7 81.5 87.3 25.5 27.5 30.0 31.5 33.0 35.5 38.0 38.5 40.0 45.5 45.5 52.0 51.0 55.5 56.5 61.5 69.0 73.5 80.0 85.0 91.5 97.5 103 109 113 11,200 39,500 10,000 11,200 39,500 10,000 33,800 39,200 30,900 33,800 30,900 33,800 30,900 33,600 30,900 33,600 30,600 33,300 30,100 33,300 30,100 33,000 30,100 33,000 30,100 59.93 63.40 59.93 59.93 63.40 59.93 63.40 68.50 63.40 63.40 63.40 63.40 63.40 62.60 63.40 62.60 68.50 68.50 75.98 68.50 75.98 75.98 75.98 75.98 75.98 3,620 4,210 3,710 3,730 4,570 3,810 4,230 5,520 3,730 4,110 3,820 4,190 3,910 4,630 4,090 4,730 5,370 5,180 5,780 5,460 6,030 5,850 6,300 6,090 6,650 64,619 76,355 58,364 71,835 79,176 62,115 75,705 87,457 64,112 80,204 68,410 84,450 75,303 86,875 80,971 92,645 87,820 100,066 97,531 123,007 110,028 130,107 123,936 147,059 139,261 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. 122 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT TEFC HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - MEDIUM VOLTAGE AEHCED, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VSKTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 APPLICATIONS: z Deep Well Turbine Pumps z Irrigation z Water/Wastewater FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Output Range: 200 - 700 HP Speed: 1800 & 1200 RPM Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (IP55) Voltage: 2300/4000V Three Phase, 60 Hz, 1.15 Service Factor (Continuous on Sine Wave Power) Inverter Duty (PWM) per NEMA® MG-1 Part 31 at 1.0 Service Factor Standard Features: Non-Sparking Ball Type NRR, Drip/Splash Cover, Space Heaters (120V) 5000 Frames and Above also include Mounting Provisions for bearing RTD's and Insulated Bearing Housing CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 2, Groups B,C, D; Temp Code T3 Maximum Class F Insulation with VPI Epoxy Resin Varnish Class B Temperature Rise NEMA Design B Torques Oversized Main Conduit Box Rotatable in 90 Degree Increments - Fully Gasketed with NPT Threaded Entrance Steel Plate Conduit Box with Threaded Connection Opening(s) Designed for 40˚C Ambient Temperature(1) Designed for 3300 ft. Elevation(2) Oversized Angular Contact or Spherical Thrust Bearing Installed Counterclockwise (CCW) Rotation; Viewed from Top Cast Iron Frame & End Brackets; Steel Plate Fan Cover 1045 Hollow Carbon Steel Shaft Aluminum Die Cast Squirrel Cage Rotor Construction for F#449VP and Below Squirrel Cage Copper or Copper Alloy Bar Rotor Construction for F#5000 Paint System: Phenolic Rust Proof Base Plus Polyurethane Top Coat Paint Color: Blue - Munsell 5PB 3/8 Guide Bearings: Re-Greasable with Mobil Polyrex™ EM Grease Thrust Bearings: Oil Lubricated Angular Contact or Spherical Thrust bearing with Site Glass Oil Requirements: 300 S.S.U. @ 100˚F Automatic Grease Discharge Fittings on Frames with Re-Greasable Motors Labyrinth Type Metal Flinger on Both Ends for Frames 320VP & Up Grounding Terminal Inside Main Box Stainless Steel Nameplate VFD Rated Per NEMA MG1, Part 30 Speed Ranges: 10:1 VT, 4:1 CT 6 Leads UL Recognized and CSA Approved Precautions should be taken to eliminate or reduce shaft currents that may be imposed on the motor by the VFD as stated per NEMA MG1, Part EXTRAS/ OPTIONS: Please refer to pages 129 - 134 which show common modifications that can be performed. Notes: (1) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability in higher ambient environments. (2) Consult a Stock Product Application Specialist for suitability at higher elevations. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 123 VERTICAL SOLID SHAFT TEFC HIGH THRUST with "P" BASE - MEDIUM VOLTAGE AEHCED, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY [VSKTP] Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 CAT. NO. HP RPM FRAME FL EFF (%) FL PF (%) FL AMPS @ 460V DOWN THRUST (lbs.) AG DIM (in.) APPROX. Shipping WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) VSKTP2006 200 1200 449VP 95.0 76.2 25.5 11,400 64.06 3,760 76,574 VSKTP2504 250 1800 449VP 95.0 83.7 29.0 10,000 64.06 3,920 74,487 VSKTP2506 250 1200 5009VP 95.0 81.9 30.0 12,100 66.38 4,040 78,540 VSKTP3004 300 1800 5009VP 95.4 85.8 34.0 10,500 65.98 4,050 76,393 VSKTP3006 300 1200 5009VP 95.0 82.4 35.5 12,100 66.38 5,630 111,380 VSKTP3504 350 1800 5009VP 95.4 86.1 39.5 10,500 65.98 5,420 111,150 VSKTP3506 350 1200 5808VP 95.2 80.4 42.5 22,300 70.67 6,060 114,233 VSKTP4004 400 1800 5009VP 95.4 85.7 45.5 10,500 65.98 5,890 113,998 VSKTP4006 400 1200 5808VP 95.4 80.8 48.5 22,300 70.67 6,390 118,806 VSKTP4504 450 1800 5808VP 95.4 83.8 52.5 9,700 70.87 6,300 125,301 VSKTP4506 450 1200 5808VP 95.6 80.9 54.0 22,300 70.67 6,680 127,623 VSKTP5004 500 1800 5808VP 95.5 82.6 59.0 9,700 70.87 6,530 128,515 VSKTP5006 500 1200 5810VP 95.8 81.6 59.5 22,300 75.78 6,990 130,897 VSKTP6004 600 1800 5810VP 95.7 84.3 69.5 9,700 75.98 6,900 133,657 VSKTP6006 600 1200 5810VP 96.0 81.3 71.5 22,300 75.78 9,110 160,107 VSKTP7004 700 1800 5810VP 95.9 84.6 80.5 9,700 75.98 8,950 157,791 Notes: (1) All data subject to change without notice. 124 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO C-FLANGE KITS FOR FIELD CONVERSION Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FRAME LIST PRICE ($) ODP ASHH CATALOG NO. "DHP" MAX-PE™ AEHH8P CATALOG NO. "NP" MAX-E1® AEHE, AEHH8N CATALOG NO. "E" or "EP" MAX-E2® AEHH CATALOG NO. "HH" MAX-E2/841®(1) AEHH8B LIST PRICE ($) MAX-E2/841® AEHH8B CATALOG NO. "HB" 140T 125 N/A CFN140T CFE140T CFHH140T 350 CFHB140T 180T 180 N/A CFN180T CFE180T CFHH180T 465 CFHB180T 210T 325 N/A CFN210T CFE210T CFHH210T 721 CFHB210T 250T 454 CFDH250T CFN250T CFE250T CFHH250T 856 CFHB250T 280TS 529 CFDH280TS CFN280TS CFE280TS CFHH280TS 1,075 CFHB280TS 280T 529 CFDH280T CFN280T CFE280T CFHH280T 1,075 CFHB280T 320T or TS 689 CFDH320 CFN320 CFE320 CFHH320 1,175 CFHB320 360TS 825 CFDH360TS CFN360TS CFE360TS CFHH360TS 1,289 CFHB360TS 360T 825 CFDH360T CFN360T CFE360T CFHH360T 1,289 CFHB360T 400TS 1,025 CFDH400TS CFN400TS CFE400TS CFHH400TS 1,575 CFHB400TS 400T 1,025 CFDH400T CFN400T CFE400T CFHH400T 1,789 CFHB400T 444/445TS 2,150 CFDH444/5TS CFN444/5TS CFE444/5TS CFHH444/5TS 3,400 CFHB444/5TS 444/445T 2,150 CFDH444/5T CFN444/5T CFE444/5T CFHH444/5T 3,705 CFHB444/5T 447/449TS 2,550 CFDH447/9TS CFN447/9TS CFE447/9TS CFHH447/9TS 3,810 CFHB447/9TS 447/449T 2,550 CFDH447/9T CFN447/9T CFE447/9T CFHH447/9T 3,950 CFHB447/9T Hybrid 449TS 2,650 N/A N/A CFE449TS-HYBRID N/A N/A N/A Hybrid 449T 2,650 N/A N/A CFE449T-HYBRID N/A N/A N/A NEMA C-FLANGE KITS FOR ROLLED STEEL MOTORS C-FACE KITS FOR LARGE TEFC FRAMES FRAME LIST PRICE ($) ROLLED STEEL ASGA/ASGH ASGHPE CATALOG NO. "DS", "DSP" or "DTP" SINGLE PHASE FARM DUTY CATALOG NO. "S" 3 PHASE ROLLED STEEL AEGHPE CATALOG NO. "GH" 3 PHASE ROLLED STEEL AEGH CATALOG NO. "GP" 56 103 CFDS56 CFS56 CFG56S3(3) CFG56L/1404(4) N/A 140T 103 CFDT140T CFS140T N/A CFG56L/140 180T 152 CFDT180T CFS180T N/A CFGP180 210T 189 CFDT210T CFS210T N/A CFGP210 250T 219 CFDT250T N/A N/A N/A 280TS 424 CFDT280TS N/A N/A N/A 280T 424 CFDT280T N/A N/A N/A Notes: (1) For MAX-E2/841®, type AEHH8B (cat# ""HB"") motors, INPRO™ Bearing isolator Seal is already included in the list price. INPRO™ Bearing Isolator Seal ships separately and will be added to order as an additional no cost line item." (2) "TS" Flanges are for 2 pole motors only. "TS" c-flanges for 280TS - 405TS are interchangeable between MAX-E1® and MAX®-SE/PE. 444TS - 449TS c-flanges are NOT interchangable. (3) 56 Frame Only - Fits bearing sizes 6204ZZ (4) 56 and 140T Frames - Fits bearing sizes 6205ZZ (5) For frame sizes larger than 449T, please refer to an Application Specialist for availability. (6) MAX-E1® type AEHH8N "hybrid" ratings are cat# EP3502 & EP3504. (7) Flanges for F# 505UZ and 586/7UZ Crusher Duty "CD", type AEHHGD motors must be quoted by an Application Specialist. LIST PRICE ($) MAX-E1® AEHE, AEHH8N, AEHGTK & AEEHGD CATALOG NO. "E", "EP", "KG" & "CD" 5007A 3,600 3A103B8820103 5009A 3,600 3A103B8820201 5009B/C 3,600 3A103B5430207 5011A 3,850 3A103B8820308 5011B/C 3,850 3A103B5430304 5808A 4,300 3A103B9120202 5808B/C 4,300 3A103B6050203 5810A 5,350 3A103B9120300 5810B/C 5,350 3A103B6050301BG01 FRAME IEC B14 "C-FLANGE" KITS FRAME LIST PRICE ($) METRIC AESV3W CATALOG NO. "MP" 80 125 CFM80 90 135 CFM90 100 180 CFM100 112 195 CFM112 132 325 CFM132 160 454 CFM160 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 125 D-FLANGE KITS FOR FIELD CONVERSION Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 NEMA D-FLANGE KITS FOR CAST IRON MOTORS FRAME LIST PRICE ($) ODP ASHH CATALOG NO. "DHP" 140T 180T 210T 250T 280TS 280T 320T or TS 360TS 360T 400TS 400T 444/445TS 444/445T 447/449TS 447/449T 299 319 N/A 385 550 570 675 750 750 955 955 2,695 2,695 3,250 3,250 N/A N/A N/A DFDH250T DFDH280TS DFDH280T DFDH320 DFDH360TS DFDH360T DFDH400TS DFDH400T DFDH444/5TS DFDH444/5T DFDH447/9TS DFDH447/9T MAX-PE™ AEHH8P CATALOG NO. "NP" MAX-E1® AEHE, AEHH8N CATALOG NO. "E" or "EP" MAX-E2® AEHH CATALOG NO. "HH" Max-e2/841®(1) aehh8b LIST PRICE ($) MAX-E2/841® AEHH8B CATALOG NO. "HB" DFN140T DFN180T N/A DFN250T DFN280TS DFN280T DFN320 DFN360TS DFN360T DFN400TS DFN400T DFN444/5TS DFN444/5T DFN447/9TS DFN447/9T DFE140T DFE180T N/A DFE250T DFE280TS DFE280T DFE320 DFE360TS DFE360T DFE400TS DFE400T DFE444/5TS DFE444/5T DFE447/9TS DFE447/9T DFHH140T DFHH180T N/A DFHH250T DFHH280TS DFHH280T DFHH320 DFHH360TS DFHH360T DFHH400TS DFHH400T DFHH444/5TS DFHH444/5T DFHH447/9TS DFHH447/9T 333 446 N/A 688 1,053 1,053 1,153 1,247 1,247 1,548 1,758 3,406 3,718 3,507 3,819 DFHB140T DFHB180T N/A DFHB250T DFHB280TS DFHB280T DFHB320 DFHB360TS DFHB360T DFHB400TS DFHB400T DFHB444/5TS DFHB444/5T DFHB447/9TS DFHB447/9T D-FLANGE KITS FOR LARGE TEFC FRAMES FRAME LIST PRICE ($) MAX-E1® AEHE, AEHH8N, AEHGTK & AEEHGD CATALOG NO. "E", "EP", "KG" & "CD" 5007A 3,500 3A103B31010010N01 5009A 3,500 3A103B3101109 5009B/C 3,500 3A103B3100200 5011A 3,750 3A103B3101206 5011B/C 3,750 3A103B3100307 5808A 5,100 3A103B3110701 5808B/C 5,100 3A103B3110205 5810A 6,741 3A103B3110906 5810B/C 6,741 3A103B3110302 IEC B5 "D-FLANGE" KITS 3,500 LIST PRICE ($) METRIC AESV3W CATALOG NO. "MP" SPECIAL NOTE 80 299 DFM80 ~ 90 309 DFM90 ~ 100 319 DFM100 ~ 112 329 DFM112 ~ 132 350 DFM132 ~ 160 385 DFM160 ~ 180 550 DFM180 ~ 200 675 DFM200 ~ 225MA 750 DFM225-2P 2 Pole Only 225SC/225MC 750 DFM225-4/6P 4 & 6 Pole Only 250SA 955 DFM250-2P 2 Pole Only 250SC 955 DFM250-4/6P 4 & 6 Pole Only D-FLANGE KITS FOR LARGE T ODP FRAMES 5000A FRAME 3A103B7680006BG01(9) Notes: (1) For MAX-E2/841®, type AEHH8B (cat# "HB") motors, INPRO™ Bearing Isolator Seal is already included in the list price. INPRO™ Bearing Isolator Seal ships separately and will be added to order as an additional no cost line item." (2) "TS" Flanges are for 2 pole motors only. "TS" c-flanges for 280TS-449TS are interchangeable between MAX-E1® and MAX®-SE/PE. (3) 56 Frame Only - Fits bearing sizes 6204ZZ (4) 56 and 140T Frames - Fits bearing sizes 6205ZZ (5) For frame sizes larger than 449T, please refer to the factory. (6) MAX-E1® type AEHH8N "hybrid" ratings are cat# EP3502 & EP3504. (7) Flanges for F# 505UZ and 586/7UZ Crusher Duty "CD", type AEHHGD motors must be quoted by an Application Specialist. (8) Flanges for Large ODP motors above 5000 2P must be quoted by an Application Specialist. (9) Part number is for 2-pole only 126 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO DRIP COVERS & PAINT Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 DRIP COVER/FAN COVER ASSEMBLIES ROLLED STEEL CATALOG NO. FRAME ROLLED STEEL LIST PRICE ($) CAST IRON CATALOG NO. CAST IRON LIST PRICE ($) 140T RSDC140T 102 CIDC140T 312 180T RSDC180T 135 CIDC180T 400 210T RSDC210T 193 CIDC210T 455 250T/TS RSDC250T 355 CIDC250T 624 280T/TS RSDC280TS 442 CIDC280T 931 320T/TS RSDC320T 574 CIDC320T 1,235 360T/TS RSDC360T 1,413 CIDC360T 1,965 400T/TS RSDC400T 1,833 CIDC400T 2,045 Notes: (1) 56 frame drip covers available as stock items. Contact the parts department for part number and quote. (2) Drip covers available for 440T and above as made to order. Contact part department for quote. AEROSOL TOUCH-UP SPRAY PAINT Motor Type Paint PART NUMBER Color Paint # LIST PRICE ($) MAX-E1® TEFC JP-JM LOW VOLTAGE ODP 5D98549H04 LIGHT GRAY MUNSELL N5.0 77 MAX-E2® MAX-E2/841® METRIC IE3 MAX-VHP™ MAX-VSP™ SINGLE PHASE HVAC 5D98549H05 BLUE MUNSELL 5PB 3/8 77 SINGLE PHASE FARM DUTY 5D98549H07 GREEN MUNSELL 5G 4/4 77 TEXP TEFC OIL WELL PUMP 5D98549H08 DARK BLUE MUNSELL 5PB 4.5/2 77 MAX-SE™ MAX-PE™ MAX-HT™ MEDIUM VOLTAGE 5D98549H03 DARK GRAY MUNSELL 7.5B 3.5/0.5 77 Stock Replacement parts: Contact TECO-Westinghouse for replacement part inquiries for stock product motors. Email our stock product parts group at Tframeparts@tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO and select or ask to be connected with the stock product parts group. Most commonly replaced motor parts are stocked in limited quantities. Replacement parts are also available on a made to order basis. To confirm the proper part is identified and quoted, the motor's catalog number AND serial number must be provided at time of inquiry. Not all currently stocked parts may be interchangeable for earlier models. Replacement parts for older models may no longer be available. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 127 P-BASES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 P-BASES FOR SMALL WPI VERTICAL MOTORS (ALL) FRAME TYPE BD AK BB AJ BF PART NUMBER NOTE 210 Standard 10" 8.25" 0.22" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F412X1C0 ~ Standard 10" 8.25" 0.25" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F406X5C6 AMRCED ONLY 250 Standard 10" 8.25" 0.25" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F406X6C3 AMRCNH ONLY Alternate 12" 8.25" 0.25" 9.125" 0.44" 31010D5150102 AMRCNH ONLY Standard 10" 8.25" 0.25" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F407X3C7 ~ Alternate 12" 8.25" 0.25" 9.125" 0.44" 31010D5150307 ~ Alternate 12" 8.25" 0.25" 9.125" 0.44" 31010D5150501 ~ Standard 16.5" 13.5" 0.28" 14.750" 0.69" 31103F408X2C5 ~ 360 Standard 16.5" 13.5" 0.28" 14.750" 0.69" 31103F409X3C8 ~ 400 Standard 16.5" 13.5" 0.28" 14.750" 0.69" 31103F410X4C1 ~ 280 320 P-BASES FOR SMALL TEFC VERTICAL MOTORS (ALL) FRAME TYPE BD AK BB AJ BF PART NUMBER 180 Standard 9.85" 8.25" 0.20" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F351X6C5 210 Standard 10" 8.25" 0.20" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F331X8C1 250 Standard 10" 8.25" 0.20" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F352X7C8 Standard 10" 8.25" 0.20" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F354X3C0 Alternate 12" 8.25" 0.25" 9.125" 0.44" 31103F354X8C6 320 Standard 16.5" 13.5" 0.25" 14.750" 0.69" 31103B67604C0 360 Standard 16.5" 13.5" 0.25" 14.750" 0.69" 31103B67704C5 400 Standard 16.5" 13.5" 0.25" 14.750" 0.69" 31103B95105C1 FRAME TYPE BD 444/445 Standard 16.5" 13.5" 445TP20 Standard 20" 13.5" Standard 20" 13.5" 1.00" 280 P-BASES FOR LARGER WPI VERTICAL MOTORS (ALL) 447/449 5000 5800 AK BE BB AJ 1.00" 0.25" 14.75" 0.69" 3A103F072X5A5 1.00" 0.25" 14.75" 0.69" 3A103B270X5A9 0.25" 14.75" 0.69" 3A103F047X4A1 0.69" 0.69" 0.94" 0.81" 3A103C077X5A8 Alternate 16.5" 13.5" 1.18" 0.25" Standard 24.5" 13.5" 1.18" 0.25" BF PART NUMBER Alternate 30.5" 22" 1.18" 0.25" 14.75" 14.75" 22" 26" Alternate 24.5" 13.5" 1.38" 0.25" 22" 0.94" 3A103C345X4A7 Standard 30.5" 22" 1.38" 0.25" 26" 0.81" 3A103C345X3A0 3A103C077X6A5 3A103C077X1A9 P-BASES FOR LARGER WPI VERTICAL MOTORS (ALL) FRAME TYPE BD AK BE BB AJ BF PART NUMBER Standard 16.5" 13.5" 1.00" 0.25" 14.75" 0.69" 3A103B329XSA8 Alternate 20" 13.5" 1.20" 0.25" 14.75" 0.69" 3A103B421XZA6 5000 Standard 24.5" 13.5" 1.18" 0.25" 14.75" 0.69" 22" 0.94" 5800 Standard 30.5" 22" 1.38" 0.25" 26" 0.81" 444-449 128 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO 3A103B155Y4A2 3A103B41010A3 FACTORY MODIFICATION PRICING Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 MODIFICATION LEAD TIME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TWMC standard lead time for all modifications is 5-10 working days. If shorter lead time is required, please contact TWMC. Expediting fees may apply. Modification lead time does not include transit time. Lead time is based upon availability of parts. M2X, M8A, M8B, M10, M11, M14A, M16, M18, M21A is the only modification that can be done to our explosion-proof motors. Explosion Proof motors modified in Round Rock, TX only. LIST PRICE ($) MOD. NUMBER Description NEMA FRAME: METRIC FRAME: M1 M1A M1B M2(1) M2A(1) M2X M3C(2) M3C841(2) M3D (2, 11,12) M3D841 (2, 11) M3P(2) M4(3) M4A(3) M4B(3) M5 M5A M6 M6A M7(4,6) M8(4) M8A M8B(4) M9 (4) M10 M10A M10B M10C Nameplate Change Additional Nameplate 304 Stainless Steel Hardware Space Heater Space Heater w/ Auxiliary Box Space Heater “Explosion Proof Motors Only” Installation of C-Face Installation of C-Face w/ INPRO™ Seal (MAX-E2/841® only) Installation of D-Flange Installation of D-Flange w/ INPRO™ Seal (MAX-E2/841® only) Installation of P-Base Stator Winding RTD’s, 100 Ohm Platinum (1/ Phase) Stator Winding RTD's w/ Auxiliary Box (1/ Phase) Stator Winding RTD’s, 100 Ohm Platinum w/ Auxiliary Box (2/ Phase) Thermistors (1/ Phase) Thermistors (1/ Phase) w/ Auxiliary Box Thermostats (1/ Phase) Thermostats (1/ Phase) w/ Auxiliary Box Bearing RTD's, 100 Ohm Platinum Cable Type with Aux Box (2/ motor) Bearing Conversion - Roller to Ball or Ball to Roller Convert to Ceramic or Hybrid Bearings Convert to Outer Race Insulated Bearings Change Rotation Shorten Shaft to NEMA TS Dimensions ONLY; Does Not Require TWMC Drawing Special Keyless 4140 Shaft Ext. for 440 Frames and Above; Any Special Shaft Any Non NEMA Special Shaft Required; Non NEMA Dim requires TWMC Drawing Drill and Tap Shaft 56-180T 210T 250T 280T 320T 360T 400T 440T 5000 5800 & UP 90S, 90L, 112S, 112M 132S, 132M 160M, 160L 180M, 180L 200M, 200L 225S, 225M 250S, 250M N/A N/A N/A 105 140 N/A 407 881 614 330 105 140 N/A 407 881 614 422 105 140 468 491 998 767 515 105 140 605 535 1,076 922 745 105 140 743 604 1,152 1,076 905 105 140 935 604 1,228 1,076 1,152 105 140 1,155 673 1,304 1,228 1,623 105 140 1,458 826 1,458 1,535 2,852 105 140 1,705 1,678 2,118 N/A 6,138 105 140 2,035 1,906 2,351 N/A 6,906 674 960 1,382 1,535 1,918 2,148 2,610 3,159 N/A N/A 330 N/A 515 745 905 1,152 1,623 2,852 6,138 6,906 674 960 1,382 1,535 1,918 2,148 2,610 3,159 N/A N/A N/A N/A 592 645 811 1,030 1,449 1,993 N/A N/A 890 1,016 1,080 1,080 1,228 1,228 1,398 1,398 1,779 1,779 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,918 1,918 1,918 2,455 2,532 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,568 3,568 4,105 4,182 614 1,398 307 881 922 1,525 460 1,036 922 1,535 460 1,076 922 1,535 460 1,076 1,228 1,843 614 1,228 1,228 1,918 648 1,304 1,228 1,918 737 1,304 1,228 1,918 737 1,304 1,535 2,455 767 1,689 1,535 2,532 767 1,764 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,304 3,304 3,304 3,304 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,541 2,888 3,781 5,590 6,098 1,098 924 N/A 1,733 924 N/A 1,848 1,210 N/A 2,022 1,878 N/A 2,772 1,878 N/A 3,754 1,878 N/A 4,505 2,253 N/A 7,219 3,610 N/A 12,128 6,063 2,846 15,593 7,797 2,846 N/A N/A N/A 1,382 1,535 1,689 1,843 2,148 QUOTE QUOTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE N/A N/A N/A QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE 425 425 580 QUOTE QUOTE 750 925 QUOTE 925 1,100 1,100 QUOTE QUOTE Notes: (1) Double the List Price for 240V Space Heaters operated at 120V. (2) Price includes the flange. (3) Only one per phase is available for 360T frame and smaller. (4) Price is per bearing. (5) Not required for MAX-E2® or MAX-E2/841®. (6) For frames 140T-400T, please use Max-E2/841®. (7) M8A or M8B Mod required as well from frames 440TS/T and Larger. (8) Must Start with IEEE841 motor. Required only of motors with VBX Seal. Must perform M17 Mod, and add extra sealant to end brackets. (9) No Shaft Grounding Ring allowed in Div#2 Area. (10) Must start with "VPH" NEMA Premium Series. (11) Not available for Hybrid F# 449T/TS frames: EP3502, EP3504, HB3502, HB3504. (12) Excludes ASHA "P" and AMHGTK "PG" 2-Pole motors. Contact Application Specialist for quote. (13) If adding Stainless Steel Breather Drains for shaft up application see M28A. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 129 FACTORY MODIFICATION PRICING MODIFICATION LEAD TIME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 TWMC standard lead time for all modifications is 5-10 working days. If shorter lead time is required, please contact TWMC. Expediting fees may apply. Additional 15% of purchase order total is standard. Modification lead time does not include transit time. Lead time is based upon availability of parts. M2X, M8A, M8B, M10, M11, M14A, M16, M18, M21A, M28 is the only modification that can be done to our explosion-proof motors. Explosion Proof motors modified in Round Rock, TX only. LIST PRICE ($) MOD. NUMBER Description NEMA FRAME: METRIC FRAME: M11 M12 M12A M13(13) M14 M14A M15 M16 M17 M18A(5) M18B M19(4) M20(5) M21 M21A M22 M23(9) M23A(9) M23B(9,10) M24(4) M24A(4) M24B(4) M25 M26(7) M27A(7) M27B(7) M28 M28A M29(8) M30 M31(8) M32 M33 M34 F1 to F2 Mounting Conversion Supply Oversized Main Conduit Box Supply Fully Loaded Main Conduit Box Stainless Steel Breather Drains Tropicalization/ Fungus Protection Tropicalization/ Fungus Protection for Explosion Proof Motors ONLY Provisions for Vertical Jack Screws Alternate Grease Chico Motor Leads Epoxy Paint Finish Fire Pump Red Shaft INPRO™ Seals Grounding Provisions on Frame Drip Cover (TEFC) Rolled Steel Drip Cover (TEFC) Cast Iron Extend Leads - Connection Behind Conduit Box; Price Based on 4’ Leads Supply Shaft Grounding Ring Supply Internal Shaft Grounding Ring VHS Shaft Grounding Ring & Insulated Bearing for INV Duty Provisions for Vibration Sensor Spot Face, Drill & Tap (1/4-20) Provide and Install Vibration Switch/ Transmitter Spec. (Does Not Include Cabling or Terminations) Provide our Standard METRIX # ST5484E-121-714-00 Transmitter Mill Off Motor Feet Inline Blower for 1000:1 Speed Range Installation of Dynopar Encoder Installation of Other Encoder Vertical Shaft Down - Snap Ring (Lock Nut and Washer) Vertical Shaft Up - DE Lip Seal and Breather Drains in NDE Endframe Oil Mist Ready Installation of Brake Convert to IP56 or IP65 Precision Balance 175% Thrust or more on VHS on 440 Frame 200-400 HP Convert TEFC to TEAO 440T 5000 5800 & UP N/A N/A N/A 589 4,620 25,480 589 468 9,486 4,620 25,480 589 857 9,486 4,620 25,480 670 857 562 1028 1028 56-180T 210T 250T 280T 320T 360T 400T 90S, 90L, 112S, 112M 210 N/A N/A 210 284 132S, 132M 264 N/A N/A 264 284 160M, 160L 377 N/A N/A 377 284 180M, 180L 377 N/A N/A 377 284 200M, 200L 377 N/A N/A 377 284 225S, 225M 503 N/A N/A 503 284 250S, 250M 503 N/A N/A 503 284 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 N/A 314 210 838 838 N/A 140 347 572 $628 N/A 364 264 838 838 N/A 140 404 771 $628 N/A 364 377 1,152 1,152 N/A 140 578 922 $628 +$1/ft N/A 427 377 1,152 1,152 N/A 140 962 1,116 $669 +$3.25/ft N/A 508 377 1,152 1,152 N/A 140 1,213 1,451 $757 +$6.50/ft N/A 589 503 1,152 1,152 N/A 140 1,386 1,688 $855 +$12.70/ft 1,185 670 549 1,152 1,152 N/A 140 2,195 2,617 $991 +$19/ft +$23/ft +$25/ft +$41/ft 650 1300 742 1485 742 1485 1,242 2485 1,242 2485 1,334 2,650 1,489 2,950 1,587 3,175 1,587 QUOTE 2,285 QUOTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,037 4,869 4,869 4,869 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 384 384 384 384 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3,250 3,354 3,587 4,154 5,600 1632 508 2,573 QUOTE 1676 681 2,573 QUOTE 2,310 1,860 3,019 QUOTE 2,764 2,044 3,281 QUOTE 3,216 6,999 3,615 QUOTE 3,750 12,249 6,825 QUOTE QUOTE 17,499 8,138 QUOTE N/A N/A 1,936 2,145 2,616 3,397 3,397 +$1/ft +$1/ft 1768 1856 2,038 951 1,109 1,756 2,678 2,783 3,019 QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE N/A N/A N/A 392 392 392 225 279 N/A QUOTE 489 N/A N/A QUOTE 682 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 650 750 850 900 1100 N/A N/A N/A QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE 795 795 935 N/A N/A N/A 1,185 Included Included 751 1,185 1,185 549 900 1,142 1,152 1,535 1,840 1,152 1,535 1,840 3,003 3,003 3,003 Included Included Included N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1049 $1028 $1427 518 518 604 604 685 N/A QUOTE 1,092 QUOTE 2,625 QUOTE 1,219 QUOTE 3,413 QUOTE 1,219 QUOTE 6,563 QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE 9,188 QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE N/A N/A QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE 1300 1600 1900 QUOTE QUOTE Notes: (1) Double the List Price for 240V Space Heaters operated at 120V. (2) Price includes the flange. (3) Only one per phase is available for 360T frame and smaller. (4) Price is per bearing. (5) Not required for MAX-E2® or MAX-E2/841®. (6) For frames 140T-400T, please use Max-E2/841®. (7) M8A or M8B Mod required as well from frames 440TS/T and Larger. (8) Must Start with IEEE841 motor. Required only of motors with VBX Seal. Must perform M17 Mod, and add extra sealant to end brackets. (9) No Shaft Grounding Ring allowed in Div#2 Area. (10) Must start with "VPH" NEMA Premium Series. (11) Not available for Hybrid F# 449T/TS frames: EP3502, EP3504, HB3502, HB3504. (12) Excludes ASHA "P" and AMHGTK "PG" motors. Contact Application Specialist for quote. (13) If adding Stainless Steel Breather Drains for shaft up application see M28A. 130 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO FACTORY MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 M1. Nameplate Change: Add new nameplate displaying approved data changes such as new voltage and frequency, revised HP and service factor, higher or lower ambient temperature, etc. Information should be clearly stamped on P.O. M1A. Additional Nameplate: Add second data plate with customer part number, order number, or other data. M1B. 304 Stainless Steel Hardware: Add for 304 Stainless Steel Hardware - Bolts, Nameplate. M2. Space Heater: Add wrap around space heaters with leads brought out to main terminal box. Standard voltage is 120V, however other voltages are available. Please specify voltage when ordering. All heaters are single phase. M2A. Space Heater w/ Auxiliary Box: Same as M2, except an auxiliary terminal box is added to the side of the main terminal box and the space heater leads are brought out to the auxiliary terminal box. M2X. Space Heater “Explosion Proof”: Add wrap around space heaters with leads brought out to main terminal box. Standard voltage is 120V, however other voltages are available. Please specify voltages when ordering. All heaters are single phase. This applies to TWMC’s explosion proof line of motors. M3C. Installation of C-Face: Remove drive-end bracket and replace with C-Face: Modification Price includes the C-Face. M3C841. Installation of C-Face w/ INPRO™ Seal (MAX-E2/841® only): Remove drive-end bracket and replace with C-Face and INPRO™ Seal: Only Available on MAX-E2/841® Line. M3D. Installation of D-Flange: Remove drive-end bracket and replace with D-Flange: Modification Price includes the D-Flange. M3D841. Installation of D-Flange w/ INPRO™ Seal (MAX-E2/841® only): Remove drive-end bracket and replace with D-Flange and INPRO™ Seal: Only Available on MAX-E2/841® Line M3P. Installation of P Base on any Horizontal Motor for Vertical Mount. Remove drive-end bracket M4. Stator Winding RTD’s, 100 Ohm Platinum (1/ phase): Provide 100 Ohm platinum resistant temperature detectors (RTD’s), one per phase, on the winding end turns with leads brought out to main terminal box. Note TWMC’s medium voltage line of products come standard with 100 Ohm platinum RTD’s, two per phase. M4A. Stator Winding RTD’s w/ Auxiliary Box (1/ Phase): Provide 100 Ohm platinum resistant temperature detectors (RTD's) two per phase on the winding end turns with leads terminated in an auxiliary terminal box. Note: On motors 449T frame and smaller, the auxiliary box will be located on the same side as the main lead box. On 5000 frames and larger, the auxiliary box will be located on the F2 side, or on the opposite side of the main lead box. M4B. Stator Winding RTD’s, 100 Ohm Platinum w/ Auxiliary Box (2/ Phase): Provide 100 Ohm platinum resistant temperature detectors (RTD's) one per phase on the winding end turns with leads terminated in an auxiliary terminal box. Note: On motors 360T - 449T, the auxiliary box will be located on the same side as the main lead box. On 5000 frames and larger, the auxiliary box will be located on the F2 side, or on the opposite side of the main lead box. M5. Thermistors (1/ Phase): Provide (3) PTC thermistors (140˚C) on the winding end turns with leads brought out to main terminal box. Note: these are standard on Metric motors with frames 160L and larger. M5A. Thermistors (1/ Phase) w/ Auxiliary Box: Provide (3) PTC thermistors (140˚C) on the winding end turns with leads brought out to an auxiliary terminal box. The auxiliary box will be located on the side of the main terminal box. M6. Thermostats (1/ Phase): Addition of (3) normally closed thermostats (140˚C) to the winding end turns, connected in series with the leads brought out to the main terminal box. This is standard on Explosion Proof Motors. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 131 FACTORY MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 M6A. Thermostats (1/ Phase) w/ Auxiliary Box: Addition of (3) normally closed thermostats (140˚C) to the winding end turns, connected in series with the leads brought out to an auxiliary terminal box. The auxiliary box will be located off the side of the main terminal box. M7. Bearing RTD’s, 100 Ohm Platinum (2/ motor) Cable Type with Aux. Box: Add 100 Ohm platinum bearing resistance temperature detectors, on both the drive and non-drive end bearing. Specify if alternate type is required. M8. Convert Bearings - Ball to Roller or Roller to Ball: Convert from Roller Bearings to Ball Bearings or Ball Bearings to Roller Bearings. The Roller to Ball conversion requires some machining on bearing caps to allow for thermal growth. M8A. Convert to Ceramic or Hybrid Bearings: Replace existing bearing(s) with either Hybrid Ceramic bearings, where balls are Ceramic, or Solid Ceramic bearings. This would be to reduce/ eliminate shaft currents. TWMC's standard is on the Non-Drive End Bearing only. M8B. Convert to Outer Race Insulated Bearings: Replace existing bearing(s) with bearings that have outer race coated with insulated material like SKF "Insacote." This would be to reduce / eliminate shaft currents. TWMC’s standard is on the Non-Drive End bearing only. M9. Change Rotation: This modification only applies to 2-Pole (3600/ 3000 RPM) motors in 5000 frames and larger. Standard direction of rotation is counter clockwise, facing the drive-end of the motor. This modification will change either the internal or external fans for operation in the clockwise direction, facing the drive-end. M10. Shorten Shaft to NEMA TS Dimensions ONLY; Non-NEMA Dim Requires TWMC Drawing: Machine shafts to TS Dimensions per NEMA MG1 ONLY. This does not include new bearings. This does NOT require a TWMC drawing. M10A. Special Keyless 4140 Shaft Extension for 5000 Frames and above; Any Special Shaft: Extension is for 5000 frames and above, where torsional stress in the application is high, such as reciprocating gas compressors. Requires TWMC approval, quote, and drawing. M10B. Any NON NEMA Special Shaft Required: This requires a TWMC quote and Drawing. M10C. Drill and Tap Shaft: M11. F1 to F2 Mounting Conversion: Convert terminal box location from standard F1 to F2, or F2 to F1, depending on the product line. On medium voltage motors, the auxiliary terminal boxes will be on the opposite side of the main terminal box as standard. If the requirement is to have all terminal boxes on either the F1 side or the F2 side, please specify. M12. Supply Oversized Main Conduit Box: Replace existing conduit box with an oversized main conduit box. This would be done if the TWMC standard box does not meet customer’s requirement. Mount and extend leads if necessary. M12A. Supply Fully Loaded Main Lead Box: Replace existing conduit box with a fully loaded box. The box will be TWMC standard size and will contain TWMC standard lightning arrestors, surge capacitors and current transformers (50:5). Box is not self supporting and will require the customer to support. M13. Stainless Steel Breather Drains: Drill and tap the existing drain holes to accommodate a Crouse-Hinds stainless steel breather drain. Note, this is standard on MAX-E2®, MAX-E2/841® and Explosion Proof motors. M14. Tropicalization/ Fungus Protection: Involves disassembling the motor and spraying the internal windings. M14A. Tropicalization/ Fungus Protection for Explosion Proof Motors ONLY: Involves disassembling the motor and spraying the internal windings. M15. Provisions for Vertical Jack Screws: Drill and tap (2) holes per motor. M16. Alternate Grease: Purge and repack lubricant in end brackets with TWMC standard high temp. or low temp. grease. Please contact TWMC for alternates. M17. Chico Motor Leads: Apply a compound between terminal box and frame of motor. This feature is standard for explosion proof motors. 132 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO FACTORY MODIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 M18A. Epoxy Paint Finish: Standard paint finish will be changed to Epoxy paint M18B. Fire Pump Red Finish: Standard paint finish will be changed to Fire Pump Red (e.g. PPG Pitt-Tech 90-306 Safety Red). Also requires addition of UL nameplate and Renameplate to show "FP" in catalog number. M19. Shaft INPRO™ Seals: Add INPRO™ seals to drive-end only of MAX-E2® motors 140T~449T/TS frames. This modification is only available for frames 440T and larger on all other product lines. The price reflects drive-end only. M20. Grounding Provisions on Frame: Drill and tap the motor frame. This is standard on MAX-E2®, MAX-E2/841®, Oil Well Pump motors, and motors on 5000 frames and larger. All motors have a grounding lug inside the main lead box as a standard. M21. Drip Cover (TEFC) Rolled Steel: Replace the existing fan cover with a rolled steel drip cover. This is only for motors mounted vertically. M21A. Drip Cover (TEFC) Cast Iron: Replace the existing fan cover with a cast iron drip cover. This is only for motors mounted vertically. M22. Extend Leads - Connection Behind Conduit Box; Price Based on 4' leads: Extend existing leads to the length specified by customer. The splice will be made behind the conduit box so it is not seen. M23. Supply Shaft Grounding Ring: Install AEGIS shaft grounding ring as made by ELECTRO STATIC TECHNOLOGY. This would be to reduce or eliminate shaft currents. Any CSA Hazardous Location nameplates must be removed. For other methods of shaft grounding, please contact TWMC. M23A. Vertical Hollow Shaft Grounding Ring: Install a Shaft Grounding Ring internally on inboard side of Guide Bearing Cap. M23B. VHS Shaft Grounding Ring & Insulated Brg. For VFD Duty: Must start with a VHP NEMA Premium motor. Install a SGR internally on guide bearing inboard cap, and insulated bearing. M24. Provisions for Vibration Sensor: Drill, tap and machine end bracket(s) to accommodate vibration sensor. Customer is required to submit specifications of vibration sensor. Price is per bracket. M24A. Provide and Install Vibration Sensor (Does Not Include Cabling or Terminations): Drill, tap and machine end bracket(s) to accommodate vibration sensor. TWMC standard switch will be provided as made by METRIX, ROBERTSHAW, PREDICTECH, or STI. For details or pricing to provide another brand, please contact TWMC. Price is per bracket. M24B. Provide our Standard METRIX # ST5484E-121-714-00 Vibration Switch M25. Mill Off Motor Feet: TWMC will cut off the feet of a footed motor to create a round body type motor. Second lifting lug available for an additional price adder. M26. Inline Blower for 1000:1 Speed Range: Remove existing fan and fan cover and replace with TWMC standard inline blower/ fan cover configuration. Blower motor will require a separate power source. This modification will also require an “M8A” modification for 440TS/T frames and larger. M27A. Installation of Dynopar Encoder: Install TWMC standard Encoder as made by Dynapar. M27B. Installation of Other Encoder: Please contact factory for quote. M28. Snap Ring - Lock Nut and Washer for Mounting the Motor Vertical Shaft Down Available 320 frame and up. M28A. Install Drive End Lip Seal and Stainless Steel Breather Drains for Motor Vertical Shaft Down To prevent moisture from entering the motor in shaft up applications in an outdoor environment. M29. Oil Mist Ready: TWMC to prepare motors for immediate Oil Mist Lubrication. Must use MAX-E2/841® if applicable. M30. Installation of Brake: Modify TEFC motors such that a Brake can be attached. This must be quoted with specs and a TWMC Drawing required. M31. Convert to IP56 or IP65: TWMC to take IEEE 841 motor, perform M17 modification and add extra sealant to end-brackets. M32. Precision Balancing for Vibration limits below what standard NEMA specification on IEEE/841 motors. M33. 175% Thrust VHS on 440 Frame 200-400 HP: Modify the motor adding correct bearings, parts, and oil for higher thrust M34. Convert TEFC to TEAO www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 133 MODIFICATION DRAWING REQUIREMENTS DRAWING REQUIREMENTS X No Drawing DRAWING REQ. X X X n MOD CODE X M1 M1A M1B M2 M2A M2X M3C M3C841 M3D M3D841 M3P M4 M4A M4B M5 M5A M6 M6A M7 M8 M8A M8B M9 n M10 g M10A M10B M11 M12 M12A M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18A M18B M19 M20 M21 M21A M22 M23 M23A M23B M24 M24A M24B M25 M26 M27A M27B M28 M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34 n n X n X n X X X n n X n X n n n n n n n g g X X n X X X X n X n n X X X X X g g g g n n X n g X X g g Basic Drawing g Modification Drawing MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION Nameplate Change Additional Nameplate 304 Stainless Steel Hardware Space Heater Space Heater with Aux Box Space Heater "Explosion Proof Motors Only" Installation of C-Face C-Face with Inpro (MAX-E2/841® only) Installation of D-Flange D-Flange with Inpro (MAX-E2/841® only) Installation of P-Base Winding RTD's 100 Ohm Platinum (1/Phase) Winding RTD (2/Phase) with Auxilary Terminal Box Stator Winding RTDs, 100 Ohm Platinum (2/phase) Thermistors (1/Phase) Thermistors (1/Phase) with Auxilliary Box Thermostats (1/Phase) Thermostats (1/Phase) with Auxilliary Box Bearing RTD Bearings Coversion: Ball to Roller/ Roller to Ball Convert to Ceramic or Hybrid Bearings Convert to Outer Race Insulated Bearings Change Rotation Shorten Shaft (TS Frames) Per NEMA MG-1 Dimensions (Non NEMA Dimensions Require TWMC Drawing and Approval) Special Keyless 4140 Shaft Extension for 440 frames and Larger Any Non NEMA Special Shaft Required; Non NEMA Dim Requires TWMC Drawing F1 to F2 Mounting Conversion Oversized Main Conduit Box - Mount and Extend Leads Fully Loaded Main Conduit Box - Mount and Extend Leads Stainless Steel Breather Drains Tropicalization / Fungus Protection Provisions for Vertical Jack Screws Alternate Grease Chico Motor Leads Epoxy Paint Finish Fire Pump Red Finish Install INPRO Seals Grounding Provisions on Frame Drip cover (TEFC)- Rolled Steel Drip cover (TEFC)- Cast Iron Extend Leads -Connect Behind Box; Price Based on 4' Leads Supply Shaft Grounding Ring VHS Shaft Grounding Ring VHS Shaft Grounding Ring & Insulated Brg for INV Duty Provision for Vibration Sensor Provide and Install Vibration Switch/ Transmitter Spec. (Does not Include Cabling or Terminations) Provide our Standard METRIX # ST5484E-121-714-00 Vibration Switch Mill Off Motor Feet Inline Blower for 1000:1 speed range Installation Of Dynopar Encoder Installation Of Other Encoder Lock Nut and Washer For Vertical Shaft Down Oil Mist Ready Installation of Brake Convert to IP56 or IP65 Precision Balance 175% Thrust or more on VHS on 440 Frame 200-400 HP Convert TEFC to TEAO 134 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 DIMENSIONS - AC MACHINES Dimensions for Foot-Mounted Machines with a Single Straight-Shaft Extension MOUNTING SHAFT EXTENSION Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 KEY & KEYSEAT TERMINAL HOUSING FRAME SIZE C D E 2F1 2F2 H BA N-W U V WIDTH THICK LENGTH R AA AB AC XB 143T 12.47 3.50 2.75 4.00 — 0.34 2.25 2.25 0.875 2.20 0.188 0.188 1.410 0.771 .75 6.18 4.92 2.52 145T 13.46 3.50 2.75 5.00 4.00 0.34 2.25 2.25 0.875 2.20 0.188 0.188 1.410 0.771 .75 6.18 4.92 2.52 182T 14.77 4.50 3.75 4.50 — 0.41 2.75 2.75 1.125 2.70 0.250 0.250 1.780 0.986 .75 7.44 6.06 3.36 184T 15.79 4.50 3.75 5.50 4.50 0.41 2.75 2.75 1.125 2.70 0.250 0.250 1.780 0.986 .75 7.44 6.06 3.36 213T 18.09 5.25 4.25 5.50 — 0.41 3.50 3.38 1.375 3.30 0.312 0.312 2.410 1.201 1.00 8.86 7.07 3.32 215T 19.59 5.25 4.25 7.00 5.50 0.41 3.50 3.38 1.375 3.30 0.312 0.312 2.410 1.201 1.00 8.86 7.07 3.32 254T 23.70 6.25 5.00 8.25 — 0.53 4.25 4.00 1.625 3.90 0.375 0.375 2.910 1.416 1.25 10.24 8.58 4.37 256T 25.44 6.25 5.00 10.00 8.25 0.53 4.25 4.00 1.625 3.90 0.375 0.375 2.910 1.416 1.25 10.24 8.58 4.37 284T 26.80 7.00 5.50 9.50 — 0.53 4.75 4.62 1.875 4.50 0.500 0.500 3.280 1.591 1.25 12.13 9.84 3.97 284TS 25.43 7.00 5.50 9.50 — 0.53 4.75 3.25 1.625 3.20 0.375 0.375 1.930 1.416 1.25 12.13 9.84 3.97 286T 28.30 7.00 5.50 11.00 9.50 0.53 4.75 4.62 1.875 4.50 0.500 0.500 3.280 1.591 1.25 12.13 9.84 3.97 286TS 26.93 7.00 5.50 11.00 9.50 0.53 4.75 3.25 1.625 3.20 0.375 0.375 1.930 1.416 1.25 12.13 9.84 3.97 324T 29.93 8.00 6.25 10.50 — 0.66 5.25 5.25 2.125 5.15 0.500 0.500 3.910 1.845 2.00 13.47 10.98 3.59 324TS 28.43 8.00 6.25 10.50 — 0.66 5.25 3.75 1.875 3.65 0.500 0.500 2.030 1.591 2.00 13.47 10.98 3.59 326T 31.42 8.00 6.25 12.00 10.50 0.66 5.25 5.25 2.125 5.15 0.500 0.500 3.910 1.845 2.00 13.47 10.98 3.59 326TS 29.92 8.00 6.25 12.00 10.50 0.66 5.25 3.75 1.875 3.65 0.500 0.500 2.030 1.591 2.00 13.47 10.98 3.59 364T 32.57 9.00 7.00 11.25 — 0.66 5.88 5.88 2.375 5.75 0.625 0.625 4.280 2.021 3.00 15.10 12.28 2.39 364TS 30.44 9.00 7.00 11.25 — 0.66 5.88 3.75 1.875 3.65 0.500 0.500 2.030 1.591 3.00 15.10 12.28 2.39 2.39 365T 33.55 9.00 7.00 12.25 11.25 0.66 5.88 5.88 2.375 5.75 0.625 0.625 4.280 2.021 3.00 15.10 12.28 365TS 31.42 9.00 7.00 12.25 11.25 0.66 5.88 3.75 1.875 3.65 0.500 0.500 2.030 1.591 3.00 15.10 12.28 2.39 404T 36.50 10.00 8.00 12.25 — 0.81 6.62 7.25 2.875 7.15 0.750 0.750 5.650 2.450 3.00 19.07 14.33 1.81 405T 37.99 10.00 8.00 13.75 12.25 0.81 6.62 7.25 2.875 7.15 0.750 0.750 5.650 2.450 3.00 19.07 14.33 1.81 405TS 34.99 10.00 8.00 13.75 12.25 0.81 6.62 4.25 2.125 4.15 0.500 0.500 2.780 1.845 3.00 19.07 14.33 1.81 444T 44.40 11.00 9.00 14.50 — 0.81 7.50 8.50 3.375 8.00 0.875 0.875 6.890 2.880 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 444TS 40.65 11.00 9.00 14.50 — 0.81 7.50 4.75 2.375 4.50 0.625 0.625 3.030 2.021 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 445T 46.40 11.00 9.00 16.50 14.50 0.81 7.50 8.50 3.375 8.00 0.875 0.875 6.890 2.880 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 445TS 42.65 11.00 9.00 16.50 14.50 0.81 7.50 4.75 2.375 4.50 0.625 0.625 3.030 2.021 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 447T 49.90 11.00 9.00 20.00 16.50 0.81 7.50 8.50 3.375 8.00 0.875 0.875 6.910 2.880 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 447TZ 51.12 11.00 9.00 20.00 16.50 0.81 7.50 10.12 3.375 9.62 0.875 0.875 8.500 2.880 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 447TS 46.15 11.00 9.00 20.00 16.50 0.81 7.50 4.75 2.375 4.50 0.625 0.625 3.030 2.021 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 449T 54.90 11.00 9.00 25.00 20.00 0.81 7.50 8.50 3.375 8.00 0.875 0.875 6.910 2.880 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 449TZ 56.12 11.00 9.00 25.00 20.00 0.81 7.50 10.12 3.375 9.62 0.875 0.875 8.500 2.880 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 449TS 54.51 11.00 9.00 25.00 20.00 0.81 7.50 4.75 2.375 4.50 0.625 0.625 3.030 2.021 3.00 24.00 17.90 2.40 All dimensions are in inches and for reference only. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 135 DIMENSIONS - AC MACHINES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 MOUNTING SHAFT EXTENSION KEY & KEYSEAT TERMINAL HOUSING FRAME SIZE C D E 2F H BA N-W U V WIDTH THICK LENGTH R AA AB AC XBE1 XBCD 505UZ 53.04 12.5 10.00 18.00 0.94 8.50 11.62 3.875 11.38 1.000 1.000 10.000 3.309 4 32.5 23.6 ~ 4.75 5007A 63.25 12.5 10.00 22.00 0.94 8.50 5.75 2.625 5.50 0.625 0.625 4.010 2.275 4 35.50 26.40 14.70 ~ 5007B,C 63.80 12.5 10.00 22.00 0.94 8.50 11.62 3.875 11.12 1.000 1.000 10.000 3.309 4 35.50 26.40 14.70 2.75 5009A 69.20 12.5 10.00 28.00 0.94 8.50 5.75 2.625 5.50 0.625 0.625 4.010 2.275 4 35.50 26.40 14.70 ~ 5009B,C 69.75 12.5 10.00 28.00 0.94 8.50 11.62 3.875 11.12 1.000 1.000 10.000 3.309 4 35.50 26.40 14.70 2.75 5011A 77.15 12.5 10.00 36.00 0.94 8.50 5.75 2.625 5.50 0.625 0.625 4.010 2.275 4 35.50 26.40 14.70 ~ 5011B,C 77.67 12.5 10.00 36.00 0.94 8.50 11.62 3.875 11.12 1.000 1.000 10.000 3.309 4 35.50 26.40 14.70 ~ 586/7UZ 64.37 14.5 11.50 22.00 1.125 10.00 11.625 4.375 11.125 1.000 1.000 8.661 3.816 2-3 29.33 23.23 ~ 2.96 5808B,C 74.08 14.5 11.50 28.00 1.13 10.00 11.88 4.875 11.38 1.250 1.250 10.000 4.169 2-3 37.85 28.95 19.00 2.95 5810A 81.40 14.5 11.50 36.00 1.13 10.00 5.75 2.625 5.50 0.625 0.625 4.010 2.275 2-3 37.85 28.95 19.00 2.95 5810B,C 81.81 14.5 11.50 36.00 1.13 10.00 11.88 4.875 11.38 1.250 1.250 10.000 4.169 2-3 37.85 28.95 19.00 2.95 6808A 88.43 17.0 13.50 36.00 1.38 11.50 5.75 2.625 5.50 0.625 0.625 4.010 2.275 2-3 40.30 31.40 23.80 ~ 6808B,C 87.68 17.0 13.50 36.00 1.38 11.50 11.88 4.875 11.38 1.250 1.250 10.000 4.169 2-3 40.30 31.40 23.80 2.95 All dimensions are in inches and for reference only (E1) Denotes the MAX-E1® and MAX-E2® frame construction (CD) Denotes the MAX-HT™ frame construction. 136 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO GEAR REDUCERS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 GEAR REDUCERS DRIVING INDUSTRIES TECO-Westinghouse is excited to extend its product offering from motors and drives to power transmission systems. Our line of gearing solutions provides customers with highly modular, inventory saving, designs that are industry leading in efficiency and cost effectiveness. Additionally, our unique aluminum housing designs are reinforced and robust to give high performance with excellent heat dissipation that performs well in lower horsepower, higher torque applications. The Helical, Parallel Shaft and Helical Bevel products were designed to directly interchange with the critical dimensions that are commonly used in industry. TECO-Westinghouse gear reducers can handle a broad range of power requirements from fractional to several hundred horsepower and are complementary to our motor and controls product lines, offering our customers a powerful and complete solution to drive their applications. Broad Selection Covering Worm, Helical, Parallel Shaft, and Helical Bevel styles TECO-Westinghouse offers a broad selection of Gear Reducers covering Worm, Helical, Parallel Shaft, and Helical Bevel styles. • Modular Worm Gear Reducers in Aluminum Housings with multiple input and output configurations • Unique Aluminum Housed Helical and Helical Bevel Gear Reducers with a wide range of ratios and sizes to cover fractional up to 5 HP • Cast Iron Housed Helical, Parallel Shaft, and Helical Bevel Gear Reducers with sizes up to 75 HP; Directly interchanges with the critical dimensions that are commonly used in industry. For more information on our Gear Reducers, please contact the factory at 1-800-USE-TECO. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 137 WORLD SERIES® MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 WORLD SERIES® MOTORS: SETTING THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE Building on over 100 years of Westinghouse motor experience, TECO-Westinghouse World Series® motors represent the induction motor at its highest state of evolution. We began with a product known for excellence, and through computer-aided design and the use of advanced materials, made it even better. We have made it leaner, more efficient, and highly refined. Yet the World Series® line of motors retains all the original quality features that established Westinghouse as the world leader among large motor manufacturers – features such as rugged copper bar rotor construction, Thermalastic® insulation, and heavy-duty frame construction. At TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company, we pride ourselves on service. As our customer, you can tap the strength of our resources for superior front-end services, including engineering support, computer-aided engineering studies, product information and quotation assistance. Once your World Series® Motor is in place, you can rely on our worldwide field service and engineering network to service and protect your investment. World Series® motors offer a full range of benefits to fill your large induction motor requirements. For more information, contact your local TECO- Westinghouse representative, or call us direct at our Round Rock, Texas headquarters: 1-800-451-8798. WORLD Series® Vertical Motors for High-Thrust Conditions A long and successful history with vertical motor construction goes into the making of every vertical motor in the World Series® line. Used primarily for pump applications, World Series® vertical motors are designed to handle virtually any thrust load that might be imposed (loads well in excess of 100,000 lbs., continuous downward thrust). High-thrust load capability is achieved by utilizing Kingsbury-type tilting-pad thrust bearings. Both sleeve and ball bearings are available for guide bearings, depending on the application. For long wear and reliability, the thrust bearings and guide bearings are air-cooled through constant ventilation and are oil lubricated from a large reservoir. Special water-cooling coils can also be added when needed. World Series® vertical motors reflect the same high quality construction and insulation processes that distinguish all the various components of our horizontal motors. Our vertical motors are readily adaptable to a variety of specific needs. For example, non-reverse ratchets are available and flywheels can be included in the design when required. Our vertical motors can also be started from zero-speed or reverse-speed and can be designed to accommodate overspeed situations, as in a hydro-generator. 138 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO WORLD SERIES® MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Quality Features and Time-Tested Performance • Copper rotor bars provide high conductivity and outstanding reliability. • High frequency induction brazing ensures uniform end ring connections. • Swaging contributes to long motor life by minimizing rotor bar movement. • Rugged frame construction ensures lateral and torsional stability. • Innovative PAM motors provide two-speed operation with only one winding. • Thermalastic® insulation provides excellent protection from environmental contaminants. • 250 HP to 30,000 HP ranges available for a wide variety of applications. • High operating efficiency yields low life cycle cost. • Split-sleeve bearings offer outstanding service and are easy to inspect. • Adjustable frequency capability is available when specified. • Each motor is custom designed for the most demanding applications. • Over 100 years of experience goes into every motor we produce. AVAILABLE ENCLOSURES World Series® motors are offered in a complete range of enclosures to meet the toughest demands of any industry. IEC enclosures are also supplied. Available NEMA enclosures include the following configurations: • Open Drip-Proof (Guarded), IP22/ IC01 • Weather Protected Type I, IP23/ IC01 • Weather Protected Type II, IPW24/ IC01 • Totally Enclosed Water-to-Air Cooled, IP44-54/ ICW81 • Totally Enclosed Air-to-Air Cooled, IP44-54/ IC411 • Totally Enclosed Pipe Ventilated, IP44/ IC31/ 37 TERMINAL BOXES World Series® motors feature main lead and auxiliary terminal boxes constructed of 12-gauge steel. Each terminal box is gasketed for air-tight, dust-free, and weather-proof protection of terminal leads. Available for F1 or F2 locations, terminal boxes can be modified to include any customer terminations and accessory devices. The main lead terminal box provides termination of the motor’s main power leads. Available terminal box options include lightning arresters, surge capacitors, current transformers, special grounding devices, cable or bus bar terminations, and top or bottom lead entry. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 139 World Series® Air Cabinets Design LIST Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Replacement WPII Air Cabinets For aging TECO-Westinghouse and Westinghouse MotorS Features and Benefits: • Replacements for corroded air cabinets on aged motors • Meets NEMA MG 1 requirements for WPI and WPII enclosures • Tested to MIL-STD-810E for water-tightness • Split-hinge design (Fig-2): for inlets, allowing for fast and safe filter replacement without the use of hand tools Filter replacement possible without motor shutdown. • Air cabinet changeout achievable onsite without motor removal. • Minimal differences in overall dimensions between old and new design. Example shown below for frame 3509; actual dimensions will vary with frame size. Standard Construction: • A36 carbon steel – 11 gauge • Full acoustic lining • #4 Mesh stainless steel screens • Stainless steel filters included. WORLD SERIES® DESIGN FIGURE 1 140 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO UNIVERSAL DESIGN FIGURE 2 World Series® Air Cabinets Design LIST Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 WORLD SERIES® FRAME SIZE UNIVERSAL AIR CABINET PART NUMBER WORLD SERIES® FRAME SIZE UNIVERSAL AIR CABINET PART NUMBER 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 2563F39G04 2563F39G08 2563F39G12 2563F39G16 2563F39G20 2563F39G24 6312 6314 6316 6318 6D47635G04 6D47635G08 6D47635G12 6D47635G16 4008 4009 4010 4011 2563F40G04 2563F40G08 2563F40G12 2563F40G16 7112 7114 7116 7118 6D45158G04 6D45158G08 6D45158G12 6D45158G16 4509 4510 4511 4512 2563F41G04 2563F41G08 2563F41G12 2563F41G16 8014 8016 8018 8020 2565F19G04 2565F19G08 2565F19G12 2565F19G16 5010 5011 5012 5014 2563F42G04 2563F42G08 2563F42G12 2563F42G16 9016 9018 9020 9022 2573F69G04 2573F69G08 2573F69G12 2573F69G16 5611 5612 5614 5616 2563F43G04 2563F43G08 2563F43G12 2563F43G16 Available Options: • All stainless steel construction • Differential pressure devices • Manometers • Air temperature devices • Mufflers • Heat shield NOTE: Universal air cabinets are also available for Westinghouse Buffalo Life Line® D Series and TECO-Westinghouse Round Rock Life Line® D Series. For information, contact the Renewal Parts team at (888) 754-5006 or visit our website at www.tecowestinghouse.com. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 141 SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES: THE OPTIMAL CHOICE OF HEAVY INDUSTRY TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company synchronous motors and generators provide superior value in terms of proven reliability, low maintenance performance, and long life in arduous applications. Our synchronous machines offer numerous benefits, including: • Constant-speed operation • High-efficiency ratings • Low inrush currents • Leading power factor (for corrective kVA capability) • Horsepower range from 1000 HP to 100,000 HP For more information, contact your local TECO-Westinghouse representative, or call us direct at our Round Rock, Texas headquarters: 1-800-451-8798. PROVEN FEATURES FOR EFFICIENT SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR PERFORMANCE TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company synchronous machines feature high efficiency designs in which great care is taken to minimize losses. To ensure maximum operating efficiencies and trouble free operations, the following features are standard on these motors: • Airgap, slot openings, and slot ratios are selected to reduce pole face losses due to flux pulsations. • Low loss, core-plated, non-aging, silicon steel stator punchings are used to reduce core losses. • The stator copper is stranded to minimize eddy current losses. • The number of stator slots, slot width, slot depth, and stator core depths are dimensioned to reduce magnetic noise. • Pole punchings are designed for reduced pole leakage flux and field excitation to minimize field copper losses. • Blowers are carefully selected to reduce windage loss. • Stator end-plates are designed to ensure a tight and rigid core assembly, to minimize noise due to core distortion, and to transmit torque to the frame bulkhead. 142 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO DC MOTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 DC MOTOR APPLICATIONS TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company DC motors are ideally suited to a multitude of industrial and marine applications in which high torque and variable speed are required. These applications include ship propulsion, mine hoists, and steel rolling mills. They also drive many other types of industrial equipment such as fans, Banbury mixers, and extruders. To meet the needs of a broad range of applications, our rugged DC motors are available in sizes ranging from 22-inch to 12-foot armature diameters, with available power ratings from 250 HP to over 35,000 HP. For more information, contact your local TECO-Westinghouse representative, or call us direct at our Round Rock, Texas headquarters: 1-800-451-8798. CUSTOM DESIGNS AS A STANDARD FEATURE TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company DC motors are designed and built for long life and minimum maintenance. Over 100 years of motor industry experience has yielded design features that add up to precision, performance, and reliability. Our DC motors and generators are custom engineered to meet your specified needs. We can incorporate existing foundations, space limitations, service conditions, and enhanced sparing capabilities into our motor and generator designs. In addition, you can apply TECO-Westinghouse DC machines to any quality brand of controls with total confidence. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-USE-TECO | 143 SERVICE Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 LARGE MOTOR REPAIR At TECO-Westinghouse, size or complexity are never an issue. With a 200 ton lifting capacity and 90 feet under hook, TWMC can handle almost any large motor repair. Our service team, backed by a full staff of motor design and manufacturing engineers, can perform for you! Our range of services extends from basic motor maintenance to complete redesigns and rebuilds. Each repair is customized to meet your needs and work is performed via a carefully controlled process dictated by industry standards as well as to your specifications. At TWMC, we don't just put your motor back together the way we found it, we use sound engineering judgment, extensive manufacturing and design experience, and the same ISO 9001 quality system incorporated into new motor manufacturing, to ensure that the machine will perform as originally designed, if not better. Each motor is carefully disassembled and rigorously inspected for mechanical or electrical issues, with digital photographs taken during the process. A full battery of non-destructive electrical tests are performed, and a detailed inspection report is generated and supplied for your review along with recommendations for repairs and improvements. Recommendations are often made for improvements to the machine from an operational or reliability viewpoint. Upon authorization to proceed, a detailed "project control plan" is developed by one of our service engineers advising of the work to be done and specifying the parts to be used in the repairs or modifications. All work is performed by factory trained technicians with years of experience in both motor repair and in manufacturing the quality machines that the Westinghouse and TECO-Westinghouse names have come to represent. Our asset reliability based Quick Turn Rewind (QTR) initiative is the leading repair service for large MV and HV motors. These engineered rewinds are performed on all manufacturers motors around the clock to our ISO 9001 quality system with deliveries that meet or exceed customer expectations. Utilizing our in-house coil manufacturing and 12-foot VPI tank, TWMC’s proven long life Thermalastic® epoxy insulation system, developed by Westinghouse for reliability. If the motor repair or engineered component opportunity exceed your experience, expertise, or capacity, give TECOWestinghouse a call. We pay finder’s fees for all referrals that result in an order. Payments are made 45 days after completion and invoicing of the repair. ORDER SIZE ($) FINDERS FEES (%) MAXIMUM PAYOUT ($) ≤ 99k 8 7,920 100k - 299k 6 17,940 300k - 499k 5 24,950 ≥ 500k 3 50,000 FIELD SERVICE/ FACTORY TECHNICAL SUPPORT The Service and Repair Group has you covered from the time the motor leaves our state of the art manufacturing facility. Our highly qualified staff of Field Service Engineers is ready to be dispatched throughout the world to support all of your field needs, and our Technical Support Staff is equipped to answer your questions, with the additional backing of our Design Center engineering personnel. Whether it be start-up and commissioning, preventative/ predictive maintenance, testing, installation and removal assistance, troubleshooting, consulting services, alignments, vibration analysis, dynamic balancing, turnkey projects or training, only our engineers are at the ready to tackle your most challenging needs. 144 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-754-5006 SERVICE Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 RENEWAL PARTS AND ENGINEERED COMPONENTS TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company supplies genuine OEM replacement parts for large Westinghouse/ TECO-Westinghouse AC and DC motors manufactured from 1900 to present. If you have any vintage or large Westinghouse motor in your plant, odds are that we have all the design and manufacturing data for your motor and can supply any part you may need, from nuts and bolts, to a complete drop in spare armature, rotor, or stator. Have an ongoing operation or maintenance concern? Let us know about it! Many older components can be, or have been, analyzed and redesigned for improved performance and maintainability. Need a large component for a non-Westinghouse machine? We may be able to design a drop in replacement. ENGINEERING STUDIES Would you like to get more horsepower out of your existing motor? Curious if it can be driven by a VFD? Have a nagging maintenance problem that just won't go away? Through an engineering study, we can research these and other questions, and provide you with viable solutions and answers. With our full complement of skilled design and manufacturing engineers, we can perform a broad spectrum of analyses and offer a complete solution that you won't find elsewhere! 3D MODELING & FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Using the most up to date tools, we can perform complete electrical, magnetic, thermal, and mechanical analyses. Our fully staffed Design and R&D Centers have the expertise to analyze and review the most complex motor designs. FAILURE ANALYSIS Want to avoid recurring failures and improve reliability? Complete motor failure analysis can be performed and root cause often determined for many types of electrical and mechanical motor problems. TWMC is fully equipped to gather the facts, perform diagnostic or material testing, review results for design, manufacturing or operational issues, and provide a detailed written report of findings. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-754-5006 | 145 SERVICE - SYNCHRONOUS CONTROL SYSTEMS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Refurbishing/ Retrofitting Control Wheels Before After All new components, heat sinks, conductors, insulators, fasteners, lugs, etc. built on a mock-up wheel Everything on the mock-up transferred to the existing control wheel chassis A TECO-Westinghouse control wheel customized to fit onto an other OEM motor A TECO-Westinghouse control wheel customized to fit onto an other OEM motor Brushless Control Wheel Replacements and Retrofits • Convert other OEM unsupported control wheels to a TWMC design • On-site troubleshooting, repairs, and rebuilds • In stock renewal parts 146 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-754-5006 SERVICE - SYNCHRONOUS CONTROL SYSTEMS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Exciter Control Panel Upgrades Before After An analog, manual only, exciter control panel The same panel space fitted with a new digital exciter and power factor controller Before After A typical ‘80s analog exciter control panel crowded with obsolete components The same line-up with only a few components remaining Exciter Control Panel Upgrades • • • • • Replace outdated Analog Controls with a modern Digital System using the same panel space Superior control and accuracy of Voltage, VAR, and Power Factor Regulation Enhanced system response Advanced motor protection Reliable system operation www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-754-5006 | 147 USEFUL FORMULAS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 kW = HP * .746 Torque in lb-ft = HP * 5250 Motor synchronous speed in RPM = Three-Phase Full-Load Amp RPM 120 * Hz Number of Poles = HP * .746 ( Efficiency 1.73 * kV * 100 Rated Motor kVA = kW Loss = = Accelerating Time Efficiency [Driven Machine Wk2 (Driven Machine RPM/ Motor RPM)2]+ Gear Wk2 at Motor Speed 0.462 (Wk2 of Motor and Load) RPM2 Motor Rated kW * 104 * Per-Unit Effective Accelerating Torque = Percent Inrush * Rated kVA Approximate Voltage Drop (%) = Motor kVA Inrush Transformer kVA * Transformer Impedance (Normally 5% to 7%) Stored Kinetic Energy in kW-sec = 2.31 * (Total Wk2) * RPM2 x 10-7 Inertia Constant (H) in Seconds = Stored Kinetic Energy in kW Seconds ) (HP * .746) * (1.0 - Efficiency) kVA inrush 100 Efficiency * Power Factor = Power Factor * HP * .746 Wk2 Referred to Motor Shaft Speed )( HP * .746 Conversion Factors: CV = (Metric HP) = 735.5 Watts = 75 kw-m/sec Wk (lb-ft) = 5.93 x GD2 (kg-m2) 2 Derating motor for change in elevation: For each 330 foot increase in elevation above 3300 feet above sea level, derate motor horsepower by 1 percent. Cooling-water requirements: 2 gpm of water for each kW of loss Ventilating-air requirements: 100-125 cfm of 40˚C air at 1/2 water pressure for each W of loss 148 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-754-5006 AC DRIVES/ SOLID STATE STARTERS SECTION Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 149 AC DRIVES PACKAGING CAPABILITIES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 PACKAGED DRIVES z NEMA 1, 12, 3R, 4, 4X (4, 4X will be custom engineered packages) z Bypass: Two and three contactor Fused disconnects or circuit breakers Soft start on bypass transfer Automatic or manual bypass transfer Fireman's override Damper actuation circuit Electrical and mechanical interlocks • • • • • • OPTION CABINETS z Fused disconnects or circuit breakers z Wall mount or free standing SPECIAL APPLICATIONS z Power conditioning via harmonic filters or 12, 18 pulse systems z Multiple motors on drive (bypass and options) z Manual duplex, triplex z RS-485 Protocols Modbus BACNet Johnson Metasys (N2) Ethernet Profibus SCADA z High elevations z Surge suppression z Phase monitoring z RFI/ EMI Filtering • • • • • • 150 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 MOTOR AND DRIVE COMBINATION PACKAGES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Premium Efficient Motor and Drive Combination Packages developed for both constant and variable torque applications APPLICABLE MOTORS z Rolled Steel and Cast Iron ODP 143T through 5009B Frame 1 to 500 HP 1200, 1800, and 3600 RPM z MAX-E1® type AEHE, AEHH8N 143T through 6808B Frame 1 to 800 HP 900, 1200, 1800, and 3600 RPM • • • • • • APPLICABLE VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES PRODUCTS z EQ7 or A510 Drives for Constant Torque Applications z EQ7 or F 510 Drives for Variable Torque Applications z 230VAC to 125 HP, 460VAC to 800 HP • • • • Single Source Reliability Additional 5% Discount when purchasing matching motor and drive sets 5 Year Warranty valid on all combination packages. Select any combination of ODP or MAX-E1® premium Efficient Motors with any powermatched A510, F510, or EQ7 VFD ** Use Promo Code "MIPKG2017" when placing motor and Drive Order ** www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 151 L510 MICRO DRIVE MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 A compact, low cost, and versatile AC Drive that is easy to program and ideal for OEM’s. APPLICATIONS: z Mixing z Fans z Small Conveyors z Treadmills z AC Contactor Replacement z Pumps FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z Chassis Style Enclosure (IP20) Sensorless Vector or V/ Hz with Auto Torque Boost Feature 0.25 to 1 HP, 115V, 50/ 60 Hz, 1-Phase 0.25 to 3 HP, 230V, 50/ 60 Hz, 1-Phase 0.50 to 3 HP, 230V, 50/ 60 Hz, 3-Phase 1 to 3 HP, 460V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase Extensive Diagnostic and Monitoring Capabilities Din Rail Option PID Control 8 Preset Speeds Two Multi-Function Analog Inputs/ Qty 1 Analog Output Built-in Modbus or BACnet Protocol via RJ 45 Interface UL, cUL, and CE Approved 152 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 z Lathes z Milling L510 MICRO DRIVE MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 All Digital Inputs are Sinked to Control Power Common 115V 1-Phase Input/ 3-Phase 230V Output DIMENSIONS (in.) MODEL NO. HP CONSTANT TORQUE DRIVE AMPS CONSTANT TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) L510-1P2-H1-U L510-1P5-H1-U L510-101-H1-U .25 .50 1 1.8 2.6 4.3 5.55 5.55 5.67 2.83 2.83 4.65 5.48 5.48 5.80 2 2 3.5 262 268 290 230V 1-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output DIMENSIONS (in.) MODEL NO. HP CONSTANT TORQUE DRIVE AMPS CONSTANT TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) L510-2P2-H1-U L510-2P5-H1-U L510-201-H1-U L510-202-H1-U L510-203-H1-U .25 .50 1 2 3 1.8 2.6 4.3 7.5 10.5 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.67 5.67 2.83 2.83 2.83 4.65 4.65 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.80 5.80 2 2 2 3.5 3.5 246 258 266 366 438 230V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output DIMENSIONS (in.) MODEL NO. HP CONSTANT TORQUE DRIVE AMPS CONSTANT TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) L510-2P5-H3-U L510-201-H3-U L510-202-H3-U L510-203-H3-U .50 1 2 3 2.6 4.3 7.5 10.5 5.55 5.55 5.67 5.67 2.83 2.83 4.65 4.65 5.48 5.48 5.80 5.80 2 2 3.5 3.5 258 266 360 400 460V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output DIMENSIONS (in.) MODEL NO. HP CONSTANT TORQUE DRIVE AMPS CONSTANT TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) L510-401-H3-U L510-402-H3-U L510-403-H3-U 1 2 3 2.3 3.8 5.2 5.67 5.67 5.67 4.65 4.65 4.65 5.80 5.80 5.80 3.5 3.5 3.5 370 406 492 Notes: H1 = 1-Phase H3 = 3-Phase www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 153 L510 BRAKE RESISTORS & OPTIONS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 460V 3-Phase * AC DRIVE HP RATING 1 2 3 Braking transistor Model No. - - braking resistor Qty Used net price model no. qty - - JNBR-150W750 JNBR-150W400 JNBR-260W250 1 1 1 resistance ohms - watts 750 400 250 150 150 260 enclosure dimensions (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) lIST PRICE ($) 12"L x 5"W x 5"D 12"L x 5"W x 5"D 12"L x 5"W x 5"D 126 119 126 10 10 10 30 35 50 Notes: Transistor built-in for all L510 460V ratings (braking resistors externally mounted) * Option only available for 460V ratings Options Part NUMBER Description List PRICE ($) JN5-CB-01M Extension wire (1M) 25 JN5-CB-02M Extension wire (2M) 27 JN5-CB-03M Extension wire (3M) 30 JN5-CB-05M Extension wire (5M) 35 JN5-CM-USB USB cable to connect PC 80 Copy module (Also usable as a remote LED operator) 95 DIN RAIL, L510, FRAME 1 25 DIN RAIL, L510, FRAME 2 (Plastic only) 15 JN5-CU JN5-DIN-L01 DINE2-201 154 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 N3 COMPACT DRIVE MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 A compact, low cost, and versatile AC Drive that can operate in constant torque, variable torque, or sensorless vector modes for maximum application flexibility. APPLICATIONS: z Fan and Pump Systems z Larger Conveyors z Mixers z Centrifugal Applications z OEM Products FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z IP20 Enclosure: 1 to 10 HP, 230V, 1 to 15 HP,460V (NEMA 1 Option Kits Shipped with Units Unless Not Requested) NEMA 1 Enclosure: 15HP and Above (230V), 20 HP and Above (460V) Sensorless Vector or V/Hz 0.5 to 3 hp, 230V, 50/ 60Hz,1-Phase 0.5 to 40 hp, 230V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase 1 to 75 hp, 460V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase PID Control 0 to 400Hz Speed Range Standard Unit with LED Display & Speed Potentiometer Optional LCD Digital Operator (Required for NEMA 4 Keypad Kit) Dynamic Braking Transistor Standard Through 20 HP Models PC Programming Software/ Pocket PC/ Copy Unit (Teco Link Software Available) RS485 Interface Option RS232 Interface Option Multi-function Digital and Analog Inputs/ Outputs Built-in Modbus or BACnet Protocols (Requires SIF-485 InterfaceModule) UL, cUL, and CE Approved www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 155 N3 COMPACT DRIVE MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 230V 1-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output DIMENSIONS (in.) MODEL NO. HP CONSTANT TORQUE DRIVE AMPS CONSTANT TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) *N3-2P5-CS-U *N3-201-CS-U *N3-202-CS-U *N3-203-CS-U 0.5 1 2 3 3.1 4.5 7.5 10.5 6.42 6.42 7.36 7.36 3.54 3.54 5.04 5.04 5.79 5.79 5.83 5.83 3 3 4 5 325 360 470 640 230V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output *** DIMENSIONS (in.) MODEL NO. HP CONSTANT TORQUE DRIVE AMPS CONSTANT TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) *N3-2P5-C-U *N3-201-C-U *N3-202-C-U *N3-203-C-U *N3-205-C-U *N3-207-C-U *N3-210-C-U *N3-215-N1-U *N3-220-N1-U N3-225-N1-U **N3-230-N1-U **N3-240-N1-U 0.5 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 3.1 4.5 7.5 10.5 17.5 26 35 48 64 80 96 130 6.42 6.42 6.42 7.36 7.36 10.24 10.24 14.17 14.17 14.17 25.45 25.45 3.54 3.54 3.54 5.04 5.04 7.32 7.32 10.43 10.43 10.43 10.6 10.6 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.83 5.83 7.68 7.68 9.7 9.7 9.7 12 12 3 3 3 4 5 13 13 27 27 29 67 67 325 350 430 575 680 980 1,100 1,651 1,908 2,528 3,524 4,751 460 V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output *** DIMENSIONS (in.) MODEL NO. HP CONSTANT TORQUE DRIVE AMPS CONSTANT TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) *N3-401-C-U *N3-402-C-U *N3-403-C-U *N3-405-C-U *N3-407-C-U *N3-410-C-U *N3-415-C-U *N3-420-N1-U N3-425-N1-U **N3-430-N1-U **N3-440-N1-U **N3-450-N1-U **N3-460-N1-U **N3-475-N1-U 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 2.3 3.8 5.2 8.8 13 17.5 25 32 40 48 64 80 96 128 6.42 6.42 7.36 7.36 10.24 10.24 10.24 14.17 14.17 14.17 25.45 25.45 29.39 29.39 3.54 3.54 5.04 5.04 7.32 7.32 7.32 10.43 10.43 10.43 10.6 10.6 12.13 12.13 5.79 5.79 5.83 5.83 7.68 7.68 7.68 9.7 9.7 9.7 12 12 15.2 15.2 3 3 4 4 13 13 13 27 29 29 67 67 102 102 440 500 625 750 1,075 1,135 1,350 1,977 2,488 2,737 3,538 4,415 5,017 5,763 Notes: Suffix CS = Chassis (IP20) Unit 1-Phase C = Chassis (IP20) Unit 3-Phase N1 = NEMA 1 All Chassis Units will Ship with NEMA 1 Boxes for Field Installation * Includes Dynamic Braking Transistor ** Includes DC Bus Link Reactor *** Do Not Apply Single Phase Input Power to these Models 156 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 N3 OPTIONS MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Options Part NUMBER List PRICE ($) Communications Interface (RS485) for Modbus or BACnet 30 SIF-232 RS232 Interface Card with Wire to PC 25 SIF-MP Copy Module 15 N3-LED-W-U LED Keypad 45 N3-LCD-W-U LCD Keypad 65 NEMA 4 KIT,Only a Cover for LCD Keypad (Keypad Not Included) 69 SW30P5 Remote Wire for Keypad (0.5m) 50 SW3001 Remote Wire for Keypad (1.0m) 52 SW3002 Remote Wire for Keypad (2.0m) 54 SW3003 N3-LCD-N4KIT Notes: * Description SIF-485 Remote Wire for Keypad (3.0m) 57 JNEP-16-F JNEP-16F Remote Analog Operator 120 *SNA301 NEMA 1 Box for Frame 1 15 *SNA302 NEMA 1 Box for Frame 2 16 *SNA303 NEMA 1 Box for Frame 3 21 TL-ENC-01 TECO Link Kit -Includes Box Label, Wiring Diagram, SIF-232, CD With Software and Drive User Manaul, USB-RS485 Converter 425 Frame 1 2P5-CS-U, 201-CS-U, 2P5-C-U, 201-C-U, 202-C-U, 401-C-U, 402-C-U Frame 2 202-CS-U, 203-CS-U,203-C-U,205-C-U, 403-C-U, 405-C-U Frame 3 207-C-U, 210-C-U, 407-C-U, 410-C-U, 415-C-U www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 157 N3 BRAKE MODULES AND RESISTORS MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 230V 3-Phase bRAKING tRANSISTOR BRAKING RESISTOR ac dRIVE hp rATING MODEL NO. QTY USED List PRICE ($) ‡ MODEL NO. QTY USED 1 X - - JNBR-150W200 1 200 2 X - - JNBR-150W100 1 100 3 X - - JNBR-260W70 1 5 X - - JNBR-390W40 7.5 X - - JNBR-520W30 ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) ‡ 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 30 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 35 70 260 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 115 10 50 1 40 390 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 119 10 70 1 30 520 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 108 10 125 RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS 10 X - - JNBR-780W20 1 20 780 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 119 10 150 15 X - - JNBR-2R4KW13R6 1 13.6 2400 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 450 20 X - - JNBR-3KW10 1 10 3000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 575 25 JNTBU-230 1 475 JNBR-4R8KW8 1 8 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 940 30 JNTBU-230 1 475 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 1 6.8 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 955 40 JNTBU-230 2 475 JNBR-3KW10 2 10 3000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 575 ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) ‡ 460V 3-Phase bRAKING tRANSISTOR ac dRIVE hp rATING MODEL NO. 1 2 BRAKING RESISTOR QTY USED List PRICE ($) ‡ MODEL NO. QTY USED X - - JNBR-150W750 1 750 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 126 10 30 X - - JNBR-150W400 1 400 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 35 3 X - - JNBR-260W250 1 250 260 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 126 10 50 5 X - - JNBR-400W150 1 150 400 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 126 10 75 7.5 X - - JNBR-600W130 1 130 600 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 102 10 125 RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS 10 X - - JNBR-800W100 1 100 800 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 99 10 150 15 X - - JNBR-1R6KW50 1 50 1600 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 126 10 300 20 X - - JNBR-1R5KW40 1 40 1500 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 300 25 JNTBU-430 1 605 JNBR-4R8KW32 1 32 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 900 30 JNTBU-430 1 605 JNBR-4R8KW27R2 1 27.2 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 900 40 JNTBU-430 1 605 JNBR-6KW20 1 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 1,100 50 JNTBU-430 2 605 JNBR-4R8KW32 2 32 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 900 60 JNTBU-430 2 605 JNBR-4R8KW27R2 2 27.2 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 900 75 JNTBU-430 2 605 JNBR-6KW20 2 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 126 10 1,100 Notes: X = Transistor Built-in for all N3 Drives at these ratings ‡ Price is for the quantity of one (1) unit 158 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 A510 HEAVY DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 A versatile AC Drive that can control todays demanding motor driven applications, this highly flexible drive has multiple control modes. APPLICATIONS: z z z z z z Mixing Conveyors Packaging Machines Machine Tools Fans Compressors z z z z z Pumps (Centrifugal, Positive Displacement, Metering, etc.) Extrusion and Injection Molding Winders/ Unwinders Crushers/ Grinders Crain/ Hoist FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Control Modes for V/F, V/F with PG feedback, Sensorless Vector, and Closed Loop Vector Simple PLC Function Built-in Advanced Regenerative Load Handling Capability 1 to 100 HP (CT), 230V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase 1 to 125 HP(VT), 230V, 50/ 60Hz,3-Phase 1 to 200 HP (CT), 460V, 50/ 60Hz,3-Phase 1 to 250 HP (VT), 460V, 50/ 60Hz,3-Phase 1 to 10 HP (CT/VT), 575V, 50/ 60Hz,3-Phase 15 to 250 HP (CT), 690V, 50/ 60Hz,3-Phase 15 to 270 HP (VT), 690V, 50/ 60Hz,3-Phase Conformal Coating on PC Boards LCD Keypad that is Remotely Mountable Flexible Input/ Output Configurations that Accept Normally Open or Normally Closed Signals 0 to 599 Hz Speed Range PID Control Diagnostics Registers for Troubleshooting Built-in RS485 Modbus Protocol Enhanced Design for Quiet Motor Operation Pulse Output and Pulse Follower Select Between Closed-Loop Speed and Torque Control in Vector Mode UL, cUL, and CE approved www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 159 A510 HEAVY DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 230V 3-Phase HP DRIVE AMPS DIMENSIONS (Inches) VARIABLE TORQUE CONSTANT TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 1 1 5.0 6.0 9.61 5.12 5.91 6 620 2 2-3 8.0 9.6 9.61 5.12 5.91 6 650 ‡*A510-2003-C-U 3 3 11.0 12.0 12.40 5.51 6.97 9 800 *A510-2005-C3-U 5 5-7.5 17.5 22.0 12.40 5.51 6.97 9 840 *A510-2008-C3-U 7.5 10 25.0 30.0 12.40 5.51 6.97 10 1,220 *A510-2010-C3-U 10 15 33.0 42.0 11.80 8.27 8.46 10 1,320 *A510-2015-C3-U 15 20 47.0 56.0 14.20 10.43 8.86 20 1,750 *A510-2020-C3-U 20 25 60.0 69.0 14.20 10.43 8.86 20 2,120 *A510-2025-C3-U 25 30 73.0 79.0 14.20 10.43 8.86 20 2,730 A510-2030-C3-U 30 40 85.0 110.0 20.70 11.20 9.92 70 4,310 A510-2040-C3-U 40 50 115.0 138.0 20.70 11.20 9.92 70 5,330 **A510-2050-C3-U 50 60 145.0 169.0 22.80 13.54 11.81 90 6,200 **A510-2060-C3-U 60 75 180.0 200.0 22.80 13.54 11.81 90 7,250 **A510-2075-C3-U 75 100 215.0 250.0 31.10 18.10 12.80 200 8,800 **A510-2100-C3-U 100 125 283.0 312.0 31.10 18.10 12.80 200 11,000 MODEL NO. CONSTANT TORQUE ‡*A510-2001-C-U ‡*A510-2002-C-U 460V 3-Phase HP DRIVE AMPS DIMENSIONS (Inches) VARIABLE TORQUE CONSTANT TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 1 1 3.4 4.1 9.61 5.12 5.91 6 640 2 2-3 4.2 5.4 9.61 5.12 5.91 6 670 *A510-4003-C3-U 3 3 5.5 6.9 9.61 5.12 5.91 6 810 *A510-4005-C3-U 5 5-7.5 9.2 12.1 12.40 5.51 6.97 9 900 *A510-4008-C3-U 7.5 10 14.8 17.5 12.40 5.51 6.97 9 1,310 *A510-4010-C3-U 10 15 18.0 23.0 11.80 8.27 8.46 10 1,500 *A510-4015-C3-U 15 20 24.0 31.0 11.80 8.27 8.46 10 1,800 *A510-4020-C3-U 20 25 31.0 38.0 11.80 8.27 8.46 10 2,150 *A510-4025-C3-U 25 30 39.0 44.0 14.20 10.43 8.86 20 2,680 *A510-4030-C3-U 30 40 45.0 58.0 14.20 10.43 8.86 20 2,850 A510-4040-C3-U 40 50 60.0 73.0 20.70 11.20 9.92 70 3,780 A510-4050-C3-U 50 60 75.0 88.0 20.70 11.20 9.92 70 4,560 A510-4060-C3-U 60 75 91.0 103.0 20.70 11.20 9.92 70 5,200 **A510-4075-C3-U 75 100 118.0 145.0 20.70 11.20 9.92 77 6,500 **A510-4100-C3-U 100 125 150.0 168.0 22.80 13.54 11.81 90 9,980 **A510-4125-C3-U 125 150 180.0 208.0 22.80 13.54 11.81 90 12,800 **A510-4150-C3-U 150 175 216.0 250.0 31.10 18.10 12.80 200 14,800 **A510-4215-C3-U 215 250 295.0 328.0 31.10 18.10 12.80 200 17,200 MODEL NO. CONSTANT TORQUE *A510-4001-C3-U *A510-4002-C3-U Notes: * Includes Dynamic Braking Transistor ** Includes DC Bus Link Reactor ‡ Operates on single or three phase inputs at specified rating 1 - 40 HP NEMA 1, 230V, 50 HP and above protected chassis, 1 - 75 HP NEMA 1, 460V, 100 HP and above protected chassis 160 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 A510 HEAVY DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Contact TECO-Westinghouse for delivery 1-800-279-4007 ‡ 575V 3-Phase HP DRIVE AMPS DIMENSIONS (Inches) MODEL NO. CONSTANT TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE CONSTANT TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) *A510-5001-C-U 1 2 1.7 3.0 10.98 5.51 6.96 8 1,150 *A510-5002-C-U 2 3 3.0 4.2 10.98 5.51 6.96 8 1,200 *A510-5003-C-U 3 4 4.2 5.8 10.98 5.51 6.96 8 1,290 *A510-5005-C3-U 5 5 6.6 8.8 11.81 8.26 8.46 10 1,320 *A510-5008-C3-U 7.5 7.5-10 9.9 12.2 11.81 8.26 8.46 10 1,450 *A510-5010-C3-U 10 10 11.4 14.5 11.81 8.26 8.46 10 1,500 ***690V 3-Phase HP DRIVE AMPS DIMENSIONS (Inches) MODEL NO. CONSTANT TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE CONSTANT TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) *A510-6015-C3-U 15 20 15.0 19.0 14.17 10.43 8.85 20 2,125 *A510-6020-C3-U 20 25 22.0 22.0 14.17 10.43 8.85 20 2,500 *A510-6025-C3-U 25 30 22.0 27.0 14.17 10.43 8.85 20 3,125 *A510-6030-C3-U 30 40 27.0 34.0 14.17 10.43 8.85 20 3,200 A510-6040-C3-U 40 50 34.0 42.0 20.66 11.18 9.92 70 4,100 A510-6050-C3-U 50 60 42.0 52.0 20.66 11.18 9.92 70 4,900 A510-6060-C3-U 60 75 54.0 62.0 20.66 11.18 9.92 70 6,100 **A510-6075-C3-U 75 100 62.0 80.0 22.83 13.54 11.81 90 7,100 **A510-6100-C3-U 100 125 86.0 99.0 22.83 13.54 11.81 90 8,630 **A510-6125-C3-U 125 150 95.0 125.0 22.83 13.54 11.81 103 11,950 **A510-6150-C3-U 150 175 131.0 147.0 22.83 13.54 11.81 103 13,950 **A510-6215-C3-U 200 250 163.0 212.0 31.10 18.07 12.77 194 20,500 **A510-6250-C3-U 250 270 193.0 216.0 31.10 18.07 12.77 194 22,733 Notes: * Includes Dynamic Braking Transistor ** Includes DC Bus Link Reactor *** Consult factory when applying 575V to 690V models ‡ Do not apply 690V to these models 1-10 HP NEMA 1 575V, 15-60 HP NEMA 1 690V, 75 HP and above protected chassis www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 161 A510 OPTIONS HEAVY DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Options Part NUMBER Description List PRICE ($) JN5-CB-01M Remote Wire for Keypad (1M) 25 JN5-CB-02M Remote Wire for Keypad (2M) 27 JN5-CB-03M Remote Wire for Keypad (3M) 30 JN5-CB-05M Remote Wire for Keypad (5M) 35 JN5-CM-PDP PROFIBUS Communication Interface Module 350 JN5-CM-USB USB Cable to Connect PC 80 JN5-CU Copy Module 95 JN5-NK-A06 A510 Frame 6 NEMA1 KIT 50, 60HP 230V; 100, 125 HP 460V, 100, 125, 150 HP 690V 475 JN5-NK-A07 A510 Frame 7 NEMA1 KIT 75,100HP 230V; 150, 200 HP 460V; 200, 250 HP 690V 690 JN5-OP-A01 LED Operator 75 JN5-OP-A02 LCD Operator Replacement* 135 JN5-OP-A03 Blank Operator 25 Line Driver Speed Feedback Card 130 160 JN5-PG-L JN5-PG-O Open Collector Speed Feedback Card JN5-PG-PM Synchronous Motor Line Driver Speed Feedback Card Card 140 JNEP-16-F Remote Analog Operator 120 * LCD Operator is standard on all A510 models 162 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 A510 BRAKE MODULES AND RESISTORS HEAVY DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 All brake modules and resistors are chassis (not in an enclosure) 230V 3-Phase * ac dRIVE hp rATING Constant Torque bRAKING tRANSISTOR MODEL NO. QTY USED List PRICE ($) ‡ BRAKING RESISTOR MODEL NO. QTY USED RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) ‡ 1 X - - JNBR-150W200 1 200 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 30 2 X - - JNBR-150W100 1 100 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 35 3 X - - JNBR-260W70 1 70 260 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 115 10 50 5 X - - JNBR-390W40 1 40 390 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 119 10 70 7.5 X - - JNBR-520W30 1 30 520 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 108 10 125 10 X - - JNBR-780W20 1 20 780 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 119 10 150 15 X - - JNBR-2R4KW13R6 1 13.6 2400 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 450 20 X - - JNBR-3KW10 1 10 3000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 575 25 X - - JNBR-4R8KW8 1 8 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 940 30 JNTBU-230 1 475 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 1 6.8 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 955 575 40 JNTBU-230 2 475 JNBR-3KW10 2 10 3000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 50 JNTBU-230 2 475 JNBR-3KW10 2 10 3000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 99 10 575 60 JNTBU-230 2 475 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 2 6.8 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 955 75 JNTBU-230 2 475 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 2 6.8 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 98 10 955 100 JNTBU-230 3 475 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 3 6.8 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 108 10 955 BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) ‡ 460V 3-Phase * ac dRIVE hp rATING Constant Torque bRAKING tRANSISTOR MODEL NO. QTY USED List PRICE ($) ‡ BRAKING RESISTOR MODEL NO. QTY USED RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) 1 X - - JNBR-150W750 1 750 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 126 10 30 2 X - - JNBR-150W400 1 400 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 35 3 X - - JNBR-260W250 1 250 260 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 126 10 50 5 X - - JNBR-400W150 1 150 400 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 126 10 75 7.5 X - - JNBR-600W130 1 130 600 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 102 10 125 10 X - - JNBR-800W100 1 100 800 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 99 10 150 15 X - - JNBR-1R6KW50 1 50 1600 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 126 10 300 20 X - - JNBR-1R5KW40 1 40 1500 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 300 900 25 X - - JNBR-4R8KW32 1 32 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 30 X - - JNBR-4R8KW27R2 1 27.2 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 900 40** X - - JNBR-6KW20 1 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 1,100 50 JNTBU-430 2 605 JNBR-4R8KW32 2 32 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 900 60 JNTBU-430 2 605 JNBR-4R8KW27R2 2 27.2 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 900 75 JNTBU-430 2 605 JNBR-6KW20 2 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 126 10 1,100 100 JNTBU-430 3 605 JNBR-6KW20 3 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 139 10 1,100 125 JNTBU-430 3 605 JNBR-6KW20 3 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 115 10 1,100 150 JNTBU-430 4 605 JNBR-6KW20 4 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 125 10 1,100 200 JNTBU-430 5 605 JNBR-6KW20 5 20 6000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 99 10 1,100 Notes: X Transistor Built-in for all A510 drives at these ratings ** Please consult factory when applying braking capabilities. Please contact factory for external brakes, external braking transistors, and braking capabilities on 575V/ 690V products ‡ Price is for the quantity of one (1) unit www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 163 E510 NEMA 4, 4X/12 INDOOR/ MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 A versatile AC Drive that can control today's demanding motor driven applications, this highly flexible drive has multiple control modes and built-in PLC functionality. APPLICATIONS: z z z z z Mixers Conveyors Packaging Machines Machine Tools Fans z z z z Pumps (Centrifugal, Positive Displacement, Metering, etc.) Extrusion and Injection Molding Crushers/ Grinders Compressors FEATURES: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Control Modes for V/F, and Sensorless Vector Simple PLC Function Built-in Advanced Regenerative Load Handling Capability .5 to 20 HP (CT), 230V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase 1 to 25 HP (CT), 460V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase Conformal Coating on PC Boards LED Keypad with 5 Digits Flexible Input/ Output Configurations that Accept Normally Open or Normally Closed Signals 0 to 599 Hz Speed Range PID Control Diagnostics Registers for Troubleshooting Built-in Modbus Protocol via (RJ45 Interface) Dedicated Pulse Follower Signal UL, cUL, and CE Approved 164 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 E510 NEMA 4, 4X/12 WITH DISCONNECT SWITCH INDOOR/ MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 230V 1-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output CONSTANT TORQUE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HP DRIVE AMPS HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) E510-2P5-H1FN4S-U 0.5 2.6 9.79 5.94 7.87 6 665 E510-201-H1FN4S-U 1 4.5 9.79 5.94 7.87 6 700 E510-202-H1FN4S-U 2 7.5 13.19 7.80 9.26 13 899 E510-203-H1FN4S-U 3 10.5 13.19 7.80 9.26 13 1,050 MODEL NO. 460V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output MODEL NO. CONSTANT TORQUE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HP DRIVE AMPS HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) E510-401-H3FN4S-U 1.0 2.3 9.79 5.94 7.87 6 840 E510-402-H3FN4S-U 2 3.8 9.79 5.94 7.87 6 905 E510-403-H3FN4S-U 3 5.2 13.19 7.80 9.26 13 1,080 E510-405-H3FN4S-U 5 8.8 13.19 7.80 9.26 13 1,350 E510-408-H3FN4S-U 7.5 13 18.11 8.77 10.37 28 1,820 E510-410-H3FN4S-U 10 17.5 18.11 8.77 10.37 28 1,965 E510-415-H3FN4S-U 15 25 18.11 8.77 10.37 28 2,320 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 165 E510 NEMA 4, 4X/12 WITHOUT DISCONNECT SWITCH INDOOR, MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 230V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output CONSTANT TORQUE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HP DRIVE AMPS HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) *E510-2P5-HN4R-U 0.5 2.6 9.79 5.94 7.87 6 650 *E510-201-HN4R-U 1 4 9.79 5.94 7.87 6 690 *E510-202-HN4R-U 2 8 13.19 7.80 9.26 13 860 *E510-203-HN4R-U 3 11 13.19 7.80 9.26 13 1,025 E510-205-H3N4-U 5 18 13.19 7.80 8.60 13 1,387 E510-208-H3N4-U 8 26 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 1,555 E510-210-H3N4-U 10 35 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 1,860 MODEL NO. E510-215-H3N4-U 15 48.0 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 2,310 E510-220-H3N4-U 20 64.0 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 2,420 460V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output CONSTANT TORQUE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HP DRIVE AMPS HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) E510-401-H3N4-U 1 2.3 9.79 5.94 7.20 6 830 E510-402-H3N4-U 2 3.8 9.79 5.94 7.20 6 885 E510-403-H3N4-U 3 5.2 13.19 7.80 8.60 13 1,050 E510-405-H3N4-U 5 8.8 13.19 7.80 8.60 13 1,275 E510-408-H3N4-U 7.5 13 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 1,700 E510-410-H3N4-U 10 17.5 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 1,890 E510-415-H3N4-U 15 25 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 2,075 E510-420-H3N4-U 20 32 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 2,563 E510-425-H3N4-U 25 40 18.11 8.77 9.71 28 2,665 MODEL NO. *Can Supply Either Single or Three Phase 230V Input. Also includes speed pot mounted on front cover. 166 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 E510 OPTIONS MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Options Part NUMBER Description List PRICE ($) JN5-CM-PDP PROFIBUS Communication Interface Module 350 JN5-CM-USB USB Cable to Connect PC 80 Copy Module 95 JN5-CU www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 167 E510 NEMA 4, 4X/12 BRAKE MODULES AND RESISTORS MEDIUM DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 All brake modules and resistors are chassis (not in an enclosure) 230V 3-Phase bRAKING tRANSISTOR BRAKING RESISTOR ac dRIVE hp rATING Constant Torque MODEL NO. QTY USED List PRICE ($) MODEL NO. QTY USED .5-1 X - - JNBR-150W200 1 200 2 X - - JNBR-150W100 1 100 3 X - - JNBR-260W70 1 5 X - - JNBR-390W40 7.5 X - - 10 X - 15 X - 20 X - ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 30 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 35 70 260 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 115 10 50 1 40 390 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 119 10 70 JNBR-520W30 1 30 520 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 108 10 125 - JNBR-780W20 1 20 780 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 119 10 150 - JNBR-2R4KW13R6 1 13.6 2400 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 117 10 450 - JNBR-3KW10 1 10 3000 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 575 ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS 460V 3-Phase bRAKING tRANSISTOR ac dRIVE hp rATING Constant Torque MODEL NO. 1 2 BRAKING RESISTOR QTY USED List PRICE ($) MODEL NO. QTY USED X - - JNBR-150W750 1 750 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 126 10 30 X - - JNBR-150W400 1 400 150 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 119 10 35 3 X - - JNBR-260W250 1 250 260 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 126 10 50 5 X - - JNBR-400W150 1 150 400 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 126 10 75 7.5 X - - JNBR-600W130 1 130 600 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 102 10 125 RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS 10 X - - JNBR-800W100 1 100 800 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 99 10 150 15 X - - JNBR-1R6KW50 1 50 1600 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 126 10 300 20 X - - JNBR-1R5KW40 1 40 1500 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 300 25 JNTBU-430 1 605 JNBR-4R8KW32 1 32 4800 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 10 900 Notes: X = Transistor Built-in for all E510 drives at these ratings 168 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 F510 FAN & PUMP DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 A versatile AC Drive that is easily configured and handles almost any fan, blower, or centrifugal pump application. APPLICATIONS: z Fans z Blowers z Water and Wastewater Industries z Centrifugal Pumps z HVAC Industries z Irrigation FEATURES: z Control Modes for V/F, Sensorless Vector, Sensorless Vector with Permanent Magnet Motor z Built-in PLC as Standard z Operation and Engineering Units Standard z LCD Keypad with Remote Mounting Capabilities z PID Control with Advanced Diagnostics and Sleep Mode z 1 to 150 HP (Variable Torque), 230V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase z 1 to 250 HP (Variable Torque), 460V, 50/ 60Hz, 3-Phase z Plenum Rated z Diagnostics Registers for Troubleshooting z Flexible Input/ Output Configurations that Incorporate Normally Open or Normally Closed Signals z 0 to 400 Hz Speed Range z Built-in Modbus, BACNet, and Metasys (N2) Protocols via (RS485 or RJ45 Interface) z Enhanced Design for Smoother and Quieter Motor Operation z Real Time Clock ( Standard on Models with LCD Keypad ) z PTC Input Available for Direct Thermal Protection of the Motor z Thermal Management on the Heat Sink for Overtemperature Fault Avoidance z Master-Follower Control Mode Built-in z EMI Protection that Complies with EM61800-3 with Optional Filter z EMS Protection that Follows EN61800-3 z UL, cUL, and CE Approved www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 169 F510 FAN & PUMP Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 230V 3-Phase HP DRIVE AMPS MODEL NO. VARIABLE TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) ‡*F510-2001C-U 1 5.0 9.61 5.12 5.91 6 580 ‡*F510-2002-C-U ‡*F510-2003-C-U *F510-2005-C3-U *F510-2008-C3-U *F510-2010-C3-U *F510-2015-C3-U *F510-2020-C3-U *F510-2025-C3-U *F510-2030-C3-U F510-2040-C3-U F510-2050-C3-U **F510-2060-C3-U **F510-2075-C3-U **F510-2100-C3-U **F510-2125-C3-U **F510-2150-C3-U 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 7.5 10.6 14.5 21.0 30.0 40.0 56.0 69.0 79.0 110.0 138.0 169.0 200.0 250.0 312.0 400.0 9.61 9.61 12.4 12.4 11.81 11.81 14.17 14.17 14.17 20.67 20.67 22.83 22.83 31.10 31.10 39.37 5.12 5.12 5.51 5.51 8.27 8.27 10.43 10.43 10.43 11.18 11.18 13.54 13.54 18.08 18.08 27.16 5.91 5.91 6.97 6.97 8.46 8.46 8.86 8.86 8.86 9.92 9.92 11.81 11.81 12.78 12.78 16.14 6 6 8.4 8.4 13.6 13.6 22 22 22 66.1 66.1 89.3 89.3 162.8 162.8 405 615 650 795 810 1,150 1,275 1,600 2,000 2,570 3,500 4,100 5,838 6,412 8,400 10,500 21,000 460V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output HP DRIVE AMPS MODEL NO. VARIABLE TORQUE VARIABLE TORQUE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) *F510-4001-C3-U *F510-4002-C3-U *F510-4003-C3-U *F510-4005-C3-U *F510-4008-C3-U *F510-4010-C3-U *F510-4015-C3-U *F510-4020-C3-U *F510-4025-C3-U *F510-4030-C3-U *F510-4040-C3-U F510-4050-C3-U F510-4060-C3-U F510-4075-C3-U **F510-4100-C3-U **F510-4125-C3-U **F510-4150-C3-U **F510-4215-C3-U **F510-4250-C3-U 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 3.4 4.1 5.4 9.2 11.1 17.5 23.0 31.0 38.0 44.0 54.0 72.0 88.0 103.0 145.0 165.0 208.0 250.0 328.0 9.61 9.61 9.61 12.4 12.4 12.4 11.81 11.81 14.17 14.17 14.17 20.67 20.67 20.67 22.83 22.83 31.10 31.10 31.10 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.51 5.51 5.51 8.27 8.27 10.43 10.43 10.43 11.18 11.18 11.18 13.7 13.7 18.08 18.08 18.08 5.91 5.91 5.91 6.97 6.97 6.97 8.46 8.46 8.86 8.86 8.86 9.92 9.92 9.92 11.81 11.81 12.78 12.78 12.78 6 6 6 8.8 8.8 8.8 13.6 13.6 22 22 22 66.1 66.1 66.1 89.3 89.3 163.1 163.1 163.1 600 635 640 775 854 1,250 1,400 1,715 2,018 2,510 2,700 3,445 4,300 4,725 5,990 8,500 11,778 15,449 16,590 Notes: * Includes Dynamic Braking Transistor ** Includes DC Bus Link Reactor ‡ Operates on single or three phase inputs at specified rating (1) 1-50 HP NEMA 1 230V, 60 HP & above protectected chasis, 1-75 HP NEMA 1 460V,100 HP and above protected chassis 170 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 F510 PERIPHERALS FAN & PUMP Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Options: PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION LIST PRICE ($) JN5-CB-01M Remote Wire for Keypad (1M) 25 JN5-CB-02M Remote Wire for Keypad (2M) 27 JN5-CB-03M Remote Wire for Keypad (3M) 30 JN5-CB-05M Remote Wire for Keypad (5M) 35 JN5-CM-PDP PROFIBUS Communication Interface Module 350 JN5-CM-USB USB Cable to Connect PC 80 Copy Module 95 JN5-NK-A06 JN5-CU F510 Frame 6 NEMA1 KIT 60, 75HP 230V; 100,125HP 460V 475 JN5-NK-A07 F510 Frame 7 NEMA1 KIT 100,125HP 230V; 150,200,250HP 460V 690 JN5-NK-A08 F510 Frame 8 NEMA1 KIT 150HP 230V 710 JN5-OP-F01 LED Operator 75 LCD Operator Replacement* 135 JN5-OP-F03 IP 20 LCD HOA Operator 25 JN5-OP-A03 Blank Operator 25 JN5-IO-8DO 1 TO 8 Pump Card 150 Remote Analog Operator 120 4KA41S1139T01 JNEP-16-F Notes: *LCD Operator is standard on all F510 models www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 171 F510 BRAKE MODULES AND RESISTORS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 All brake modules and resistors are chassis (not in an enclosure) 230V 3-Phase * bRAKING tRANSISTOR ac dRIVE hp rATING MODEL NO. 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 X X X X X X X X X X JNTBU-230 JNTBU-230 JNTBU-230 JNTBU-230 JNTBU-230 JNTBU-230 JNTBU-230 BRAKING RESISTOR QTY USED List PRICE ($) ‡ MODEL NO. QTY USED 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 JNBR-150W200 JNBR-150W100 JNBR-260W70 JNBR-390W40 JNBR-520W30 JNBR-780W20 JNBR-2R4KW13R6 JNBR-3KW10 JNBR-4R8KW8 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 JNBR-3KW10 JNBR-3KW10 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 JNBR-4R8KW6R8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) ‡ 200 100 70 40 30 20 13.6 10 8 6.8 10 10 6.8 6.8 8 6.8 6.8 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 119 119 115 126 114 126 124 126 126 124 126 105 124 124 116 119 108 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 35 50 70 125 150 450 575 940 955 575 575 955 955 955 955 955 150 150 260 390 520 780 2400 3000 4800 4800 3000 3000 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 460V 3-Phase * bRAKING tRANSISTOR ac dRIVE hp rATING 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 MODEL NO. QTY USED List PRICE ($) ‡ X X X X X X X X X X X JNTBU-430 JNTBU-430 JNTBU-430 JNTBU-430 JNTBU-430 JNTBU-430 JNTBU-430 JNTBU-430 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 5 783 783 605 783 605 605 783 783 BRAKING RESISTOR MODEL NO. QTY USED JNBR-150W750 JNBR-150W400 JNBR-260W250 JNBR-400W150 JNBR-600W130 JNBR-800W100 JNBR-1R6KW50 JNBR-1R5KW40 JNBR-4R8KW32 JNBR-4R8KW27R2 JNBR-6KW20 JNBR-4R8KW32 JNBR-4R8KW27R2 JNBR-6KW20 JNBR-4R8KW27R2 JNBR-6KW20 JNBR-6KW20 JNBR-4R8KW27R2 JNBR-6KW20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 5 RESISTANCE OHMS WATTS ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS (in.) BRAKING TORQUE (%) DUTY CYCLE (%) LIST PRICE ($) ‡ 750 400 250 150 130 100 50 40 32 27.2 20 32 27.2 20 27.2 20 20 27.2 20 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 9.88"L x 1.10"W x 2.36"D 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 10.79"L x 1.34"W x 3.07"D 15.7"L x 1.57"W x 3.94''D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 21.1"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 24.21"L x 1.96"W x 4.33"D 126 119 126 133 107 105 133 126 126 124 124 126 124 133 113 121 104 107 105 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 35 50 75 125 150 300 300 900 900 1,100 900 900 1,100 900 1,100 1,100 900 1,100 Notes: X Transistor Built-in for all F510 drives at these ratings ‡ Price is for the quantity of one (1) unit 172 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 150 150 260 400 600 800 1600 1500 4800 4800 6000 4800 4800 6000 4800 6000 6000 4800 6000 EQ7 MULTIPLE DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 A rugged and versatile drive with a wide range of ratings ideal for both simpler and more demanding applications. APPLICATIONS: z z z z z z z Crushers, Grinders Compressors Reciprocating Machinery Dynamometers Water and Wastewater Industries Injection Molding Centrifugal Pumps z Positive Displacement Pumps z High Torque Mixing z Material Handling z Extruders z Chillers and Refrigeration z Fans FEATURES: z Designed for Constant / Variable Torque Applications z V/F, Dynamic Torque, Sensorless and Sensor (Encoder Feedback) Vector mode z Backlit LCD / English Language with LED Monitor Display / Selections for 6 Languages z Keypad May be Used as Copy Unit / Remote Mounting Options z Extensive Diagnostic Information on LCD Display z State-of-the-Art Torque Limit and Control Features z PID Control with Sleep Mode Function z Provided with low-noise control power supply z 1 to 125 HP @ 230V (Constant Torque) z 1 to 150 HP @ 230V (Variable Torque) z 1 to 900 HP @ 460V (Constant Torque) z 1 to 1000 HP @ 460V (Variable Torque) z Extensive I/O Capabilities z Encoder Feedback Option for Applications Requiring Precise Speed Control z Conformal Coating on PC Boards, Tin Plating on DC Bus z External Mounting of Heatsink When Installed in Control Panels (>40HP) z All Units are IP20 at 40hp and below and IP00 at ratings >40HP (NEMA 1 Option Kits Available) z Built-in RS485 Protocol (Modbus)/ Options Profbus-DP,DeviceNet, EtherNet, BACNet, ProfiNET z DC Link Chokes Included in 100 HP and Above Units are Shipped Loose as Chassis Item Inside Crate z uL and CE Approved www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 173 EQ7 MULTIPLE DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 230V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output HP MODEL NO. EQ7-2001-C ‡ EQ7-2002-C ‡ EQ7-2003-C ‡ EQ7-2005-C ‡ EQ7-2007-C ‡ EQ7-2010-C ‡ EQ7-2015-C ‡ EQ7-2020-C ‡ EQ7-2025-C ‡ EQ7-2030-C ‡ EQ7-2040-C ‡ EQ7-2050-C EQ7-2060-C EQ7-2075-C EQ7-2100-C EQ7-2125-C EQ7-2150-C VARIABLE TORQUE 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 CONSTANT TORQUE 1 2 3 5 7.5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 DRIVE AMPS VARIABLE CONSTANT TORQUE TORQUE 5 5 8 8 11 11 18 18 27 27 29 27 42 37 55 49 68 63 80 76 107 90 146 119 180 146 215 180 283 215 346 283 415 346 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 15.75 15.75 15.75 21.65 24.21 29.13 29.13 29.53 34.65 4.33 5.91 5.91 5.91 8.66 8.66 8.66 8.66 9.84 9.84 12.6 13.98 13.98 13.98 13.98 20.87 24.80 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 10.04 10.63 10.63 10.63 11.22 14.17 4.4 6.2 6.6 6.6 14.3 14.3 14.3 12.8 20.9 20.9 22.0 55.1 70.6 92.6 94.8 137.0 231.0 850 950 1,050 1,190 1,510 1,680 1,780 2,130 2,470 3,100 4,700 5,530 6,500 7,740 9,100 12,500 16,700 460V 3-Phase Input/ 3-Phase Output HP MODEL NO. EQ7-4001-C ‡ EQ7-4002-C ‡ EQ7-4003-C ‡ EQ7-4005-C ‡ EQ7-4007-C ‡ EQ7-4010-C ‡ EQ7-4015-C ‡ EQ7-4020-C ‡ EQ7-4025-C ‡ EQ7-4030-C ‡ EQ7-4040-C ‡ EQ7-4050-C EQ7-4060-C EQ7-4075-C EQ7-4100-C EQ7-4125-C EQ7-4150-C* EQ7-4200-C* EQ7-4250-C* EQ7-4300-C* EQ7-4350-C* EQ7-4450-C* EQ7-4500-C* EQ7-4600-C* EQ7-4700-C* EQ7-4800-C* EQ7-4900-C EQ7-41000-C VARIABLE TORQUE 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400/450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 CONSTANT TORQUE 1 2 3 5 7.5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125/150 200 250 300 350 350 400/450 500 600 700 800 900 DRIVE AMPS VARIABLE CONSTANT TORQUE TORQUE 2.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 5.5 5.5 9.0 9.0 13.5 13.5 16.5 13.5 23 18.5 30.5 24.5 37 32 45 39 60 45 75 60 91 75 112 91 150 112 176 150 210 210** 253 253** 304 304** 377 377** 415 415** 520 468** 650 585** 740 650** 840 740** 960 840** 1170 960 1370 1170 APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS (Inches) HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH APPROX. WT. (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 15.75 15.75 15.75 21.65 21.65 24.21 26.57 29.13 29.13 29.13 39.37 39.37 39.37 39.37 55.12 55.12 55.12 55.12 61.02 61.02 4.33 5.91 5.91 5.91 8.66 8.66 8.66 8.66 9.84 9.84 9.84 12.6 12.6 13.98 13.98 13.98 20.87 20.87 20.87 20.87 26.77 26.77 26.77 26.77 34.68 34.68 39.37 39.37 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 10.04 10.04 10.63 10.63 10.63 12.4 12.4 14.17 14.17 14.17 14.17 17.32 17.32 17.32 17.32 19.69 19.69 4.4 5.7 6.0 6.6 14.3 14.3 14.3 12.8 20.9 20.9 22.0 55.1 57.3 68.3 72.8 93.0 137.0 141.0 207.0 216.0 284.0 309.0 540.0 540.0 805.0 805.0 1170.0 1170.0 825 890 1,100 1,240 1,650 1,730 1,930 2,220 2,490 2,910 3,790 4,930 6,100 6,450 8,200 10,800 14,540 15,500 18,900 20,200 24,300 25,500 48,500 50,500 61,500 63,950 108,000 117,000 Notes: * Marked items are suitable for constant torque V/F control. ** Please consult factory for vector control full load amps for these models. ‡ Dynamic braking transistor built-in 174 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 EQ7 PERIPHERALS MULTIPLE DUTY Option Type NEMA1 Kit DC Bus Choke UL Type 1 Enclosure Braking Unit Braking Resistor Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Model Description List Price ($) NEMA1-0.75G1-24 1 HP 230V,460V 50 NEMA1-3.75G1-24 2,3,5 HP 230V,460V 65 NEMA1-11G1-24 7.5,10,15,20 HP 230V,460V 110 NEMA1-22G1-24 25,30 HP 230V, 25,30,40 HP 460V 130 NEMA1-22G1-2 40 HP 230V 150 NEMA1-37G1-24 50 HP, 230V,50,60 HP 460V 800 NEMA1-75G1-24 60,75,100 HP 230V, 75,100,125 HP 460V 1,050 NEMA1-75G1-2 125 HP 230V 1,615 NEMA1-110G1-4 150,200 HP 460V 1,400 NEMA1-160G1-4 250,300 HP 460V 1,725 NEMA1-220G1-24 150 HP 230V, 350,450 HP 460V 1,800 NEMA1-315G1-4 500,600 HP 460V 1,100 NEMA1-400G1-4 700,800 HP 460V 1,275 NEMA1-630G1-4 900,1000 HP 460V 2,100 E012 100,125,150 HP 230V,100 HP 460V 625 E013 125 - 350 HP 460V 1,150 E014 450 - 700 HP 460V 2,400 E015 800 - 1000 HP 460V 3,800 BU37-2C 230V 50 HP - 60 HP 1,675 BU55-2C 230V 75 HP - 100 HP 2,200 BU90-2C 230V 125 - 150 HP 3,040 BU37-4C 460V 50 HP - 60 HP 1,726 BU55-4C 460V 75 HP - 100 HP 2,325 BU90-4C 460V 125 HP - 150 HP 3,040 BU132-4C 460V 200 HP - 250 HP 4,175 BU220-4C 460V 300 HP - 450 HP CONSULT FACTORY for applications above 450 HP 6,075 DB0.75-2C 230V 1 HP and below 100 DB2.2-2C 230V 2 HP - 3 HP 125 DB3.7-2C 230V 5 HP 175 DB5.5-2C 230V 7.5 HP - 10 HP 265 DB7.5-2C 230V 15 HP 307 DB11-2C 230V 20 HP 388 DB15-2C 230V 25 HP 555 DB22-2C 230V 30 HP - 40 HP 915 DB30-2C 230V 50 HP 1,432 DB37-2C 230V 60 HP 1,850 Notes: (1) HP indication of Braking Unit & Braking Resistor are for VT HP of dual rating drives. Conditions are the same as drive. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 175 EQ7 PERIPHERALS MULTIPLE DUTY Option Type Braking Resistor Options and Accessories Keypad Extension Cable Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Model Description DB45-2C 230V 75HP List Price ($) 2,265 DB55-2C 230V 100HP 2,450 DB75-2C 230V 125HP 3,800 DB90-2C 230V 150HP 4,200 DB0.75-4C 460V 1HP 129 DB2.2-4C 460V 2HP - 3HP 134 DB3.7-4C 460V 7.5HP 199 DB5.5-4C 460V 10HP 263 DB7.5-4C 460V 15HP 308 DB11-4C 460V 20HP 429 DB15-4C 460V 25HP 590 DB22-4C 460V 30HP - 40HP 978 DB30-4C 460V 50HP 1,163 DB37-4C 460V 60HP 1,873 DB45-4C 460V 75HP 2,156 DB55-4C 460V 100HP 1,854 DB75-4C 460V 125HP 3,290 DB110-4C 460V 150HP - 200HP 3,755 DB132-4C 460V 250HP 4,500 DB160-4C 460V 300HP 5,425 DB200-4C 460V 350HP 5,900 DB220-4C 460V 400HP - 450HP 7,540 OPC-ETH EtherNet card 500 OPC-G1-DEV DeviceNet card 1,350 OPC-G1-CCL CC-link card 1,200 OPC-G1-PDP2 PROFIBUS-DP card 1,500 OPC-PRT2 PROFINET card 1,000 OPC-G1-COP CANopen 1,800 OPC-G1-TL T-link interface card 1,105 OPC-G 1-PG PG interface card (12V) 190 OPC-G1-PG2 PG interface card (5V) 225 OPC-G1-PG22 PG Synchronization card 470 OPC-G1-DI Digital input interface card 495 OPC-G1-DO Digital output interface card 495 OPC-G1-AIO Analog input/output interface card 500 OPC-G1 -RY Relay communication card 140 TP-G1W-J1 Standard Keypad (LCD) 450 TP-E1 U Keypad (with USB Port) LED Only 130 EQ7-3S 3 ft, Cable 60 EQ7-7S 7 ft. Cable 65 Notes: (1) The HP indication of Braking Units and Braking Resistors are for VT HP of dual rating drives. Conditions are the same as drive. 176 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 LINE REACTORS 230V Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Low priced and easy to install, Line Reactors provide input transient protection from harmonic distortion. When applying a reactor between the drive output and the motor, please contact the Factory. 3% IMPEDANCE, 230V CHASSIS UNIT HP AMPS UL TYPE 1 ENCLOSURE MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 1 5.5 KDRULA25L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 161 KDRULA25LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 432 1.5 8 KDRULA26L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 170 KDRULA26LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 440 2 10 KDRULA27L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 172 KDRULA27LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 445 3 12 KDRULA28L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 195 KDRULA28LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 463 5 19 KDRULB22L 5.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 8 275 KDRULB22LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 18.5 550 7.5 25 KDRULB23L 5.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 8 296 KDRULB23LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 18.5 571 10 34 KDRULD25L 5.75 x 7.20 x 4.25 12 309 KDRULD25LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 22.5 588 15 48 KDRULD24L 5.75 x 7.20 x 4.25 12 328 KDRULD24LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 22.5 595 20 62 KDRULD26L 5.75 x 7.20 x 4.25 12 350 KDRULD26LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 22.5 617 25 80 KDRULC22L 5.75 x 7.20 x 5.00 15 530 KDRULC22LE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 25.5 780 30 100 KDRULF24L 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 33 565 KDRULF24LE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67 1,050 40 118 KDRULF25L 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 33 790 KDRULF25LE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67 1,275 50 152 KDRULF26L 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 36 920 KDRULF26LE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67 1,400 60 180 KDRULH22L 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 51 1,060 KDRULH22LE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 113 1,950 75 211 KDRULI23L 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 56 1,092 KDRULI23LE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 117 2,000 100 280 KDRULI24L 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 56 1,200 KDRULI24LE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 117 2,100 125 377 KDRULG22L 9.00 x 11.00 x 9.00 74 1,675 KDRULG22LE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 132 2,600 150 420 KDRULJ23L 9.00 x 11.00 x 11.50 80 1,850 KDRULJ23LE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 137 2,780 WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 5% IMPEDANCE, 230V CHASSIS UNIT HP AMPS MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) UL TYPE 1 ENCLOSURE WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) 1 5.5 KDRULA25H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 170 KDRULA25HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 460 1.5 8 KDRULA27H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 186 KDRULA27HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 480 2 10 KDRULA26H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 191 KDRULA26HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 485 3 12 KDRULA28H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 207 KDRULA28HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 493 5 19 KDRULB25H 5.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 8 280 KDRULB25HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 18.5 554 7.5 25 KDRULB26H 5.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 8 310 KDRULB26HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 18.5 599 10 34 KDRULD21H 5.75 x 7.20 x 4.25 12 317 KDRULD21HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 22.5 602 15 48 KDRULD22H 5.75 x 7.20 x 4.25 12 416 KDRULD22HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 22.5 695 20 62 KDRULC22H 5.75 x 7.20 x 5.00 15 471 KDRULC22HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 25.5 770 25 80 KDRULF28H 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 30 567 KDRULF28HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67 1,120 30 100 KDRULF25H 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 33 645 KDRULF25HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67 1,225 40 118 KDRULF26H 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 33 840 KDRULF26HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67 1,390 50 152 KDRULH24H 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 40 1,020 KDRULH24HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 70 1,550 60 180 KDRULH23H 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 51 1,175 KDRULH23HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 81 1,975 75 211 KDRULI22H 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 56 1,470 KDRULI22HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 117 2,450 100 280 KDRULI21H 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 56 1,780 KDRULI21HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 117 2,750 125 377 KDRULG25H 9.00 x 11.00 x 9.00 74 1,825 KDRULG25HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 132 2,825 150 420 KDRULJ22H 9.00 x 11.00 x 9.75 79 1,975 KDRULJ22HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 136 2,935 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 177 LINE REACTORS 460V Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 3% IMPEDANCE, 460V CHASSIS UNIT HP AMPS 1 UL TYPE 1 ENCLOSURE MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 2.1 KDRULA8L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 146 KDRULA8LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 14.5 430 2 6.4 KDRULA1L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 154 KDRULA1LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 14.5 441 3 6 KDRULA2L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 170 KDRULA2LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 14.5 460 5 9.6 KDRULA3L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 175 KDRULA3LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 14.5 468 7.5 14 KDRULA4L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 197 KDRULA4LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 14.5 481 10 14 KDRULA5L 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 5 253 KDRULA5LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 14.5 536 15 30 KDRULB2L 5.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 8 290 KDRULB2LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 18.5 575 20 30 KDRULB1L 5.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 8 315 KDRULB1LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 18.5 600 25 50 KDRULD1L 5.75 x 7.20 x 4.25 10 340 KDRULD1LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 20.5 620 30 45 KDRULD2L 5.75 x 7.20 x 4.25 10 420 KDRULD2LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 20.5 703 40 55 KDRULC1L 5.75 x 7.20 x 5.00 15 465 KDRULC1LE01 12.25 X 12.50 X 6.75 25.5 746 50 65 KDRULF2L 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 25 550 KDRULF2LE01 19.13 X 15.43 X 15.43 67.0 1,124 60 77 KDRULF4L 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 25 575 KDRULF4LE01 19.13 X 15.43 X 15.43 67.0 1,140 75 110 KDRULF3L 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 33 847 KDRULF3LE01 19.13 X 15.43 X 15.43 67.0 1,415 100 150 KDRULH3L 7.00 x 9.00 x 7.00 46 977 KDRULH3LE01 19.13 X 15.43 X 15.43 78.0 1,540 125 165 KDRULH2L 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 46 1,170 KDRULH2LE01 19.13 X 15.43 X 15.43 78.0 1,743 150 185 KDRULH1L 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 46 1,355 KDRULH1LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 108.0 2,450 200 240 KDRULG3L 9.00 x 11.00 x 8.00 74 1,790 KDRULG3LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 131.0 2,783 250 340 KDRULG1L 9.00 x 11.00 x 8.00 74 1,930 KDRULG1LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 132.0 2,970 300 370 KDRULG2L 9.00 x 11.00 x 8.00 74 2,010 KDRULG2LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 132.0 3,000 350 500 KDRULJ2L 9.00 x 11.00 x 9.00 80 2,330 KDRULJ2LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 150.0 3,425 400 520 KDRULJ1L 9.00 x 11.00 x 9.00 80 2,590 KDRULJ1LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 150.0 3,600 450 610 KDRULL1L 11.38 x 14.50 x 9.50 120 2,985 KDRULL1LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 190.0 3,980 500 610 KDRULL2L 11.38 x 14.50 x 9.50 120 4,350 KDRULL2LE01 22.12 X 20.43 X 24.37 190.0 5,400 600 720 KDRULL3L 11.38 x 14.50 x 9.50 164 5,900 KDRULL3LE01 48.00 X 36.27 X 36.27 748 9,300 700 840 KDRULS1L 11.38 x 15.00 x 13.25 180 6,450 KDRULS1LE01 48.00 X 36.27 X 36.27 872 10,000 800 965 KDRULX2L 18.50 x 21.00 x 18.00 290 9,000 KDRULX2LE01 48.00 X 36.27 X 36.27 997 12,500 Notes: (1) Contact factory for 900 HP and 1000 HP applications 178 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 LINE REACTORS 460V Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 5% IMPEDANCE, 460V CHASSIS UNIT HP AMPS 1 UL TYPE 1 ENCLOSURE MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 2.1 KDRULA8H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 170 KDRULA8HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 440 2 6.4 KDRULA1H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 175 KDRULA1HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 450 3 6 KDRULA2H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 225 KDRULA2HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 500 5 9.6 KDRULA3H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 4 260 KDRULA3HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 14.5 535 7.5 14 KDRULA4H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 5 290 KDRULA4HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 15.5 573 10 14 KDRULA5H 4.00 x 4.18 x 3.75 5 360 KDRULA5HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 15.5 630 15 30 KDRULB2H 5.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 7 370 KDRULB2HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 17.5 640 20 30 KDRULC3H 5.75 x 7.20 x 5.00 15 415 KDRULC3HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 25.5 680 25 50 KDRULC1H 5.75 x 7.20 x 5.00 15 500 KDRULC1HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 25.5 760 30 45 KDRULE2H 5.75 x 7.20 x 5.00 16 570 KDRULE2HE01 12.25 x 12.50 x 6.75 26.5 830 40 55 KDRULF4H 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 25 590 KDRULF4HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67.0 1,150 50 65 KDRULF1H 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 25 800 KDRULF1HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67.0 1,375 60 77 KDRULF2H 7.00 x 9.00 x 6.00 25 850 KDRULF2HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 67.0 1,400 75 110 KDRULH2H 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 52 1,020 KDRULH2HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 82.0 1,580 100 150 KDRULI2H 9.00 x 11.00 x 7.00 52 1,230 KDRULI2HE01 19.13 x 15.43 x 15.43 82.0 1,730 125 165 KDRULG3H 9.00 x 11.00 x 8.00 57 1,405 KDRULG3HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 122.0 2,375 150 185 KDRULG1H 9.00 x 11.00 x 8.00 60 1,650 KDRULG1HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 127.0 2,660 200 240 KDRULJ1H 9.00 x 11.00 x 9.00 75 2,230 KDRULJ1HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 136.0 3,250 250 340 KDRULL1H 11.38 x 14.50 x 9.50 105 2,450 KDRULL1HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 162.0 3,400 300 370 KDRULL2H 11.38 x 14.50 x 9.31 105 2,500 KDRULL2HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 162.0 3,475 350 500 KDRULL3H 11.38 x 14.50 x 9.31 109 2,885 KDRULL3HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 166.0 3,775 400 520 KDRULL4H 11.38 x 14.50 x 9.50 135 3,700 KDRULL4HE01 22.12 x 20.43 x 24.37 176.0 4,600 450 610 KDRULL5H 11.38 x 14.50 x 11.00 135 3,890 KDRULL5HE01 36.00 x 28.39 x 30.19 295.0 5,900 500 610 KDRULL6H 11.38 x 14.50 x 11.00 135 4,775 KDRULL6HE01 36.00 x 28.39 x 30.19 295.0 6,800 600 720 KDRULS1H 11.38 x 15.00 x 13.25 272 6,000 KDRULS1HE01 48.00 X 36.27 X 36.27 685 9,400 700 840 KDRULS2H 11.38 x 15.00 x 13.25 280 6,885 KDRULS2HE01 48.00 X 36.27 X 36.27 685 10,600 800 965 KDRULX2H 18.50 X 21.00 X 18.00 305 9,500 KDRULX2HE01 48.00 X 36.27 X 36.27 715 12,900 Notes: (1) Contact factory for 900 HP and 1000 HP applications www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 179 OUTPUT REACTORS/ LOW PASS FILTER COMBINATIONS 460V Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Output Reactors/ Low Pass Filter Combinations (DV/DT) installed between an AC Drive and a motor limit the magnitude of voltage spikes at the motor. The filter also protects cables and the motor's insulation from damage caused by PWM reflected waves. OUTPUT REACTOR/ LOW PASS FILTER COMBINATION, 460V CHASSIS UNIT HP AMPS 1 2 UL TYPE 1 ENCLOSURE MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lBS.) LIST PRICE ($) MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS H x W x D (in.) WEIGHT (lBS.) LIST PRICE ($) 3 V1K3A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 7.25 8 530 V1K3A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 11 830 4 V1K4A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 7.25 8 540 V1K4A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 11 840 3 6 V1K6A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 7.25 8 550 V1K6A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 11 860 5 8 V1K8A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 8.25 8 560 V1K8A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 11 875 7.5 12 V1K12A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 8.25 8 590 V1K12A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 11 900 10 18 V1K18A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 8.25 12 648 V1K18A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 15 975 15 25 V1K25A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 8.25 12 783 V1K25A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 15 1,050 20 27 V1K27A00 9.00 x 5.50 x 8.25 14 825 V1K27A01 9.00 x 5.50 x 10.00 15 1,075 25 35 V1K35A00 12.00 x 8.00 x 9.00 17 850 V1K35A01 12.00 x 8.00 x 11.50 23 1,100 30 45 V1K45A00 12.00 x 8.00 x 9.00 17 890 V1K45A01 12.00 x 8.00 x 11.50 23 1,175 40 55 V1K55A00 12.00 x 8.00 x 9.00 23 910 V1K55A01 12.00 x 8.00 x 11.50 23 1,282 50 80 V1K80A00 12.00 x 8.00 x 9.00 23 1,296 V1K80A01 12.00 x 8.00 x 11.50 29 1,648 60 80 V1K80A00 12.00 x 8.00 x 9.00 23 1,296 V1K80A01 12.00 x 8.00 x 11.50 29 1,648 75 110 V1K110A00 12.00 x 8.00 x 10.25 40 1,525 V1K110A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 15.00 68 2,268 100 130 V1K130A00 8.50 x 11.75 x 9.50 55 1,800 V1K130A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 15.00 83 2,484 125 160 V1K160A00 8.50 x 11.75 x 10.50 60 1,944 V1K160A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 15.00 83 2,592 150 200 V1K200A00 8.50 x 11.75 x 9.25 60 2,200 V1K200A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 15.00 93 2,800 200 250 V1K250A00 8.50 x 11.75 x 9.25 65 2,300 V1K250A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 15.00 93 2,900 250 305 V1K305A00 8.75 x 11.75 x 12.25 80 2,376 V1K305A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 30.00 117 3,000 300 362 V1K362A00 8.75 x 11.75 x 12.00 80 2,775 V1K362A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 30.00 117 3,200 350 420 V1K420A00 10.00 x 11.75 x 13.75 95 3,200 V1K420A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 30.00 132 3,700 400 480 V1K480A00 10.00 x 11.75 x 13.75 100 3,456 V1K480A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 30.00 138 4,000 500 600 V1K600A00 12.75 x 15.00 x 13.75 130 3,564 V1K600A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 30.00 168 4,400 600 750 V1K750A00 12.75 x 15.00 x 14.50 135 5,724 V1K750A01 16.50 x 18.00 x 30.00 180 7,600 Notes: (1) Contact factory for applications above 600 HP 180 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 SOLID STATE STARTERS SECTION Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 181 TEAMMASTER™ LOW VOLTAGE PACKAGES Engineered to provide solutions for a variety of heavy duty applications, TEAMMASTER™ Low Voltage Soft Starters are feature loaded. They are an excellent solution to Crushers, Grinders, Ball & Hammer Mills, Compressors, Centrifuges, plus many other options. COMBINATION PANELS INCLUDE: z NEMA 3R enclosure z Circuit breaker with flanged disconnect (service entrance rated) z EMX3 heavy duty solid state starter z Panel mounted switch: Soft Start/OFF/Line Start z 110V control power transfomer z Space heater with thermostat z Door Mounted: Keypad - Start / Stop Pushbutton - Local / Remote Switch - Reset Pushbutton - Power On Light - Run Light - Fault Light STANDARD STARTER FEATURES (CHASSIS): z Voltage Ratings: 208, 230, 460, 575 or 690VAC z 15-1200 HP (Standard duty) z Constant Current, Current Ramp, XLR-8 Adaptive Acceleration, Kickstart z LCD Keypad with real time monitoring and event log: - Graphical Display - User Friendly - Copy program setting between starters - Removable for remote mounted z Emergency Run Mode z RS 485 Communications via optional Modules - Modbus, Profibus, ProfiNET, DeviceNET, Modbus TCP, Ethernet IP z PC Configuration Software Available ENGINEERED PACKAGES: z z z z z z Fused disconnect or circuit breaker disconnect Internal shunt bypass or continuous duty Light, standard and heavy duty ratings Operator devices and pilot lights Fans, filters and enclosure modifiers Door-Mounted LCD Keypad 182 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 TEAMMASTER™ COMBINATION STARTERS W/ CIRCUIT BREAKERS - LOW VOLTAGE HEAVY DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Heavy Duty with Across -the-Line Bypass mODEL NO. HP FLA AMPS *TWE-0014B-4-HD 10 14 DIMENSIONS (in.) HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH weight (lbs.) 36 32 12 220 LIST PRICE ($) 8,500 NEMA 3R *TWE-0027B-4-HD 20 27 36 32 12 220 8,750 *TWE-0034B-4-HD 25 34 36 32 12 220 8,931 *TWE-0040B-4-HD 30 40 36 32 12 220 9,025 *TWE-0052B-4-HD 40 52 36 32 12 220 9,060 *TWE-0065B-4-HD 50 65 36 32 12 240 9,777 TWE-0077C-4-HD 60 77 36 32 12 240 11,300 TWE-0096C-4-HD 75 96 48 38 16 295 11,655 TWE-0125C-4-HD 100 125 48 38 16 295 13,433 TWE-0156C-4-HD 125 156 48 38 16 320 14,225 TWE-0180C-4-HD 150 180 48 38 16 340 15,780 TWE-0240C-4-HD 200 240 48 38 16 355 18,500 TWE-0302C-4-HD 250 302 48 38 16 360 21,000 TWE-0360C-4-HD 300 360 48 38 16 370 21,465 TWE-0414C-4-HD 350 414 72 38 16 550 27,640 TWE-0477C-4-HD 400 477 90 40 16 800 29,400 TWE-0515C-4-HD 450 515 90 40 18 800 31,005 TWE-0590C-4-HD 500 590 90 40 18 850 35,300 TWE-0720C-4-HD 600 720 90 40 18 850 39,010 TWE-0840C-4-HD 700 840 90 40 18 850 57,000 TWE-0960C-4-HD 800 960 90 72 20 1100 67,500 TWE-1080C-4-HD 900 1080 90 72 20 1100 73,000 TWE-1200C-4-HD 1000 1200 90 72 20 1100 81,500 Notes: * Includes integral bypass for 'B' models. (1) Built-to-order: Please allow 1-2 weeks for shipment of complete TEAMMaster™ unit when ordering these options to a stock starter. (2) Standard Chassis and Engineered Packages are not standard stock; Contact Factory for Lead Times www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 183 TEAMMASTER™ MCB PACKAGES with DISCONNECT Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Engineered to provide solutions for a variety of heavy duty applications, TEAMMASTER™ Medium Voltage Soft Starters are feature loaded. They are an excellent solution to Crushers, Grinders, Ball & Hammer Mills, Compressors, Centrifuges, plus many other options. COMBINATION PANELS INCLUDE: z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Choice of NEMA 3R enclosure package or NEMA 12, solid state starter, UL374 listed, Class E-2 45KV BIL 200MVA (2300VAC)/350MVA (4160VAC) short circuit fault rated 500% - 30 seconds rated solid state starter - UL347 certified and listed 8,000 PIV -UL347 certified and listed at 2.4KV 12,000 PIV - UL 347 certified and listed at 4.2KV Fiber optic firing Selectable solid state or emergency full voltage operation via selector switch mounted inside of LV compartment Load matched Class R fusing with blown fuse indication 400A load break, 600A continous, 5KV rated switch, with viewing window grounding assembly and lockable handle mechanism. Mechanically interlocked for safety. Fixed mounted, start duty rated vacuum contactors for isolation and SCR bypass, wired for normal bypass operation and full voltage start operation, with (2) N/O and (2) N/C auxiliary contacts. Separately mounted "SPE" series electronic overload device has the following standard features: - Class 10-30 adjustable - Phase imbalance protection - 1 NO/1 NC trip contact - Phase reversal protection - "Trip free" design - Phase loss protection Built-in self test (BIST) features for "quick commissioning" 120VAC,1000VA CPT with primary and secondary fusing, with 500VA available for customer use Door-mounted start and stop push buttons Door-mounted LCD keypad Modular Options Communications bridges Space heater E-stop pushbutton Top hat enclosure module 8 channel RTD modules 16 channel RTD modules 45KV BIL 184 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 TEAMMASTER™ - STANDARD PACKAGE MEDIUM VOLTAGE CRUSHER DUTY Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Severe Duty with Across -the-Line Bypass tmvrxe12-2300 volt DIMENSIONS (in.) NEMA 12 mODEL NO. HP FLA AMPS HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH weight (lbs.) TMVRXE12650230012 650 160 92 36 32 1800 73,350 TMVRXE12750230012 750 180 92 36 32 1800 75,150 TMVRXE121500230012 1500 360 92 36 32 1800 85,250 mODEL NO. HP FLA AMPS NEMA 3R HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH weight (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) TMVRXE1265023003R 650 160 92 36 32 1800 76,439 TMVRXE1275023003R 750 180 92 36 32 1800 77,552 TMVRXE12150023003R 1500 360 92 36 32 1800 87,860 HP FLA AMPS DEPTH weight (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) LIST PRICE ($) tmvrxe12-2300 volt DIMENSIONS (in.) TMVRXE18-4160 VOLT mODEL NO. DIMENSIONS (in.) HEIGHT WIDTH NEMA 12 TMVRXE181000416012 1000 133 92 36 32 2000 76,300 TMVRXE181500416012 1500 200 92 36 32 2000 77,100 TMVRXE183000416012 3000 360 92 36 32 2000 91,050 mODEL NO. HP FLA AMPS TMVRXE18100041603R 1000 TMVRXE18150041603R 1500 TMVRXE18300041603R 3000 TMVRXE18-4160 VOLT DIMENSIONS (in.) NEMA 3R HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH weight (lbs.) LIST PRICE ($) 133 92 36 32 2000 79,150 200 92 36 32 2000 81,503 360 92 36 32 2000 96,580 Modular Options model A171 A008 A406 A407 A408* A409 A106 standard options Space Heaters with Thermostat (included in a NEMA 3r Option) E-Stop Push -Button , Mushroom Head , Red 8 Channel RTDModule ,100 OHM Platinum (Also Available for remote Mounting, Call Factory for Details) 16 Channel RTD Module ,100 OHM Platinum (Also Available for emote Mounting, Call Factory for Details) Top Hat Enclosure Module for Top Entry (18"H x 30"W x 20"D) Top Left or Top Right Mounting Accommodates Stress Cones Service Entrance Labeled Additional 1000VA Control Power Transformer LIST PRICE ($) 750 195 4,600 8,350 3,700 1,400 1,350 Protective Relay Options model A875 A876 standard options Ground Fault CT, 2000:1 4.0:Dia. (For MX3 Use) Ground Fault CT, 2000:1 8.13:Dia. (For MX3 Use) LIST PRICE ($) 435 1,700 Notes: (1) Starters are top entry. Bottom exit available upon request. Dimensions and weights are approximate. (2) Insert appropriate option code as shown below: **NEMA 12 = 12 **NEMA 3R = 3R (3) Power fuses ship loose. Please provide motor full load amps at time of order for proper fuse sizing. (4) The TEAMMaster™ series was designed as an integrated package. Listed above are the available modular options. For systems requiring more extensive requirements, please call the factory. (5) Top hat will ship loose for customer installation. (6) Lead Time: Built-to-order: Please allow 1-2 weeks for shipment of complete TEAMMaster™ unit when ordering these options to a stock starter. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 185 DRIVE RMA RETURN PROCEDURE Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 DRIVE RMA RETURN PROCEDURE • Contact a Drives Engineer for technical troubleshooting/ RMA Qualification at (800) 279-4007. • TECO-Westinghouse will email or fax an RMA Request Form to complete. Completed RMA Request Form should be returned via e-mail or faxed to 512-218-7378 for processing. • An RMA number will be issued and sent via e-mail or fax. Detailed instructions on where to ship the drive for warranty evaluation/ repair will be included with the RMA number. ****** IF PRODUCT IS NOT RETURNED WITHIN 30 DAYS, THE RMA WILL BE CLOSED. ****** • The Drive is then evaluated and a Service Report is generated detailing the failure. (The evaluation process should take no longer than 5 working days). • A copy of the Service Report will be sent to the requesting party via e-mail or fax. • If the Drive is determined to have failed under Warranty, either of the following will take place, whichever is deemed more appropriate: 1. The drive will be repaired and returned to the customer. 2. The drive will be determined to be un-repairable and will be replaced. 3. If the drive is determined to be functioning properly, the drive will be returned to the customer and considered non-warranty. **** If credit is being issued, the Controls Group will fax a copy to the customer. **** If the failure/ problem is determined to be a non-warranty situation, one of the following three actions will take place. 1. The drive will be returned to the customer via freight collect. There might be a $90.00 inspection fee. 2. If the drive is repairable, an estimate will be sent. TECO-Westinghouse will have to receive a PO before any repairs are completed. There is a $90.00 inspection fee for this evaluation. If TECO-Westinghouse repairs the drive, this $90.00 will be credited to the repair charges. 3. If the drive is un-repairable or TECO-Westinghouse is directed to not repair the unit, TWMC will return the drive via freight collect at the customer's option. Please Note: All repairable and “properly functioning“ drives will be returned even if an offsetting order has been made for a replacement unit. 186 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 MEDIUM VOLTAGE DRIVES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-247-6589 | 187 VERSABRIDGE® FEATURES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 With over 100 years of experience in motor design and application, TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company is a premier supplier of AC and DC motors and generators. Ranging from fractional HP ratings to 100,000 HP, these high-quality machines are used in a variety of rugged applications across several industries throughout the world. TECO-Westinghouse comprises the experience of Westinghouse, a leader in the motor industry since 1888, and TECO Electric & Machinery Co, Ltd., a multinational conglomerate with over 50 years of manufacturing experience. Together, TECO-Westinghouse embodies the capabilities and proud traditions of excellence from both companies and carries them forward. In keeping with this idea, TECO-Westinghouse is pleased to now offer a complete package of Variable Speed Drive (VSD) systems that includes an Input/ Output Switchgear, Medium Voltage Drive (MVD), and motors. VersaBridge® MVDs provide reliable motor control for a variety of industry specific and general purpose applications including Oil & Gas, Utility/ Power Generation, Metals and Mines. These patented MVDs are designed utilizing a multilevel H-Bridge topology that reduces the harmonic levels to extremely low levels. The modular design facilitates ease of installation, commissioning and maintenance. The VersaBridge® is an innovative product that combines reliable, simple, and compact solutions with the latest power electronics and cooling technologies. FEATURES Modularity: Modular design with common building blocks (Mains, Slices, Cubes) make VersaBridge® MVD scalable for different power and voltage ratings with fewer spare parts required. Power switching modules (Cubes) can be easily removed in the event of a failure. Quick and Easy Installation: VersaBridge® MVD provides both top and bottom cable entry as standard on all models. All shipping sections are delivered to the customer pre-terminated, making field assembly fast and efficient. Serviceability: VersaBridge® power cubes are interchangeable and can be easily replaced within 30 minutes. Additionally, the modular design of VersaBridge® MVD requires few spare parts since the parts are universal and can be used in any configuration regardless of the voltage or power class. Multi-level, Cascaded H-Bridge Topology produces near sinusoidal voltage output which reduces motor harmonics and torque pulsations, even at low speeds with virtually no cable length restriction. VersaBridge® MVD produces an output voltage which has at least 7 levels measured line-to-neutral and 13 levels measured line-to-line, allowing VersaBridge MVDs to be applied to new or existing motors having standard insulation systems without the need for harmonic mitigation. Ultra Low Utility-Side Harmonics exceed the IEEE-519 Standard requirements without any additional components. Power Cube Bypass: VersaBridge® MVD keeps your system running reliably by automatically bypassing failed power cubes and continuing operation within ¼ of a second of the initiating fault event. VersaBridge® cube bypass is software configurable to be Automatic or Manual. Both modes of bypass are designed to eliminate unnecessary voltage stress on the motor by keeping the neutral voltage balanced. N+1…N+N Redundancy: Due to the modularity of VersaBridge® MVD, redundant Slices can be added to any system (new installation or retrofit) to achieve N+1 or more redundancy. This ensures that the process continues to operate at full rated power after a power cube bypass event. Flying Start into a Spinning Load: VersaBridge® MVD offers the ability to smoothly catch and accelerate a spinning load without producing any severe torque, voltage, or current transients on the driven equipment. Power Dip Ride-Through: VersaBridge® MVD provides greater than five cycle power loss ride-through to keep the process running without the need for auxiliary UPS systems. One Drive for Multiple Motors: Using the VersaBridge® MVDs’ Synchronous Transfer feature, multiple motors can be started and synchronously transferred from the drive bus to the utility bus (Up Transfer) or from the utility bus to the drive bus (Down Transfer). Industry Standard Modbus TCP Communication: Standard protocols allow the VersaBridge® MVDs to easily integrate with various SCADA or DCS systems using Ethernet. 188 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-247-6589 VERSABRIDGE® SPECIFICATIONS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Electrical Output voltage Output frequency Min - Max Auxiliary Supply Rated Supply Voltage Rated System Frequency Voltage Variation Input Current Harmonics THD Inverter Topology Cooling Capacitors Regulatory Compliance Controls Speed Regulation Connection Power Ride Through Peak Efficiency Power Factor Output Current Harmonics THD Power Transformer Topology Power Transformer Rating Spinning Load Power Cube Bypass Synchronous Transfer Control Isolation Service Duty HMI Communication Interface 0 – 13.8 kV 0 – 120 Hz 200 – 240 V, 1φ std; optional configurations available 2.3 – 13.8 kV ±10% 60 Hz ±5% -30% to +10% for 30 line cycles ≤ 2% exceeds IEEE-519 requirements (36-pulse) IGBT H-Bridge Advanced 2-phase cooling, forced-air cooling Film IEEE, ANSI, NEMA, CSA, cUL (listed), UL (listed) V/Hz, Vector 0.1% with feedback, 0.5% without feedback Top, bottom or both cable entry/exit Minimum 5 cycles 97% ≥97% <1% Modular, multi-pulse, phase-shifted, isolated 750 kVA / Slice Catch a spinning load Auto Bypass and restart, Manual Bypass modes Automatically transfer the motor to/from the utility bus Fiber optic cable CT: 150% , VT: 110% for 1 min every 10 min 7" TFT color LCD screen, LED backlighting Modbus TCP/IP (Ethernet), RS-232 , and RS-485, PLC I/O, Others Available Upon Request Mechanical Standard Rating Cabinet Dimension (Mains or Slice) Material Color Total Weight NEMA 1, NEMA 3R H: 105” x W: 25” x D: 68.4” ASTM A366 steel Light Grey Mains: 1,289 lbs, Slice: 4,852 lbs Environmental Condition Ambient Temperature Altitude Humidity Noise Level -20 to +40 ˚C (lower/higher temperatures*) 0 – 1000m (higher elevations*) 95%, non-condensing ≤ 78 dB * Consult factory for extended temperature or altitude ranges Cooling System Transformer Electronics Cooling Unit Choice of forced-air cooling or advanced 2-phase cooling options Advanced 2-phase cooling Choice of integral or remote unit options www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-247-6589 | 189 VERSABRIDGE® AC FEATURES Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 FEATURES Quick and Easy Installation: VersaBridge® Air-Cooled (AC) provides both top and bottom cable entry as standard on all models. All shipping sections are delivered to the customer pre-terminated, making field assembly fast and efficient. Front-access only is required for installation and maintenance. Serviceability: VersaBridge® AC power cubes are interchangeable and can be easily replaced within 15 minutes. Multi-level, Cascaded H-Bridge Topology produces near sinusoidal voltage output which reduces motor harmonics and torque pulsations, even at low speeds with virtually no cable length restriction. Every VersaBridge® AC MVD produces an output voltage which has 9 levels measured line-to-neutral and 17 levels measured line-to-line, allowing VersaBridge MVDs to be applied to new or existing motors having standard insulation systems without the need for harmonic mitigation. Ultra Low Utility-Side Harmonics exceed the IEEE-519 Standard requirements without any additional components. Power Cube Bypass: VersaBridge® MVD keeps your system running reliably by automatically bypassing failed power cubes and continuing operation within ¼ of a second of the initiating fault event. VersaBridge® cube bypass is software configurable to be Automatic or Manual. Both modes of bypass are designed to eliminate unnecessary voltage stress on the motor by keeping the neutral voltage balanced. Flying Start into a Spinning Load: VersaBridge® AC MVD offers the ability to smoothly catch and accelerate a spinning load without producing any severe torque, voltage, or current transients on the driven equipment. Power Dip Ride-Through: The VersaBridge® AC MVD can operate continuously at voltages down to 70% and is designed to provide greater than five cycle total power loss ride-through to keep the process running without the need for auxiliary UPS systems. One Drive for Multiple Motors: Using the VersaBridge® MVDs’ Synchronous Transfer feature, multiple motors can be started and synchronously transferred from the drive bus to the utility bus (Up Transfer) or from the utility bus to the drive bus (Down Transfer). Industry Standard Modbus TCP Communication: Standard protocols allow the VersaBridge® MVDs to easily integrate with various SCADA or DCS systems using Ethernet. 190 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-247-6589 VERSABRIDGE® AC SPECIFICATIONS Effective 03-24-17 Supercedes 06-14-15 Electrical Output voltage Output frequency Min - Max Auxiliary Supply Rated Supply Voltage Rated System Frequency Voltage Variation Input Current Harmonics THD Inverter Topology Cooling Regulatory Compliance Control modes Speed Regulation Connection Power Ride Through Peak Efficiency Power Factor Output Current Harmonics THD Power Transformer Topology Power Transformer Rating Spinning Load Power Cube Bypass Synchronous Transfer Control Isolation Service Duty HMI Communication Interface 0 – 4.16 kV 0 – 120 Hz 480 V, 3φ standard; optional configurations available 4.16 kV, ±10% 60 Hz, ±5% -30% to +10% for 30 line cycles ≤ 2% exceeds IEEE-519 requirements (24-pulse) IGBT H-Bridge Forced-air cooling with redundant fans IEEE, ANSI, NEMA,CSA, cUL (listed), UL (listed) V/Hz, Vector 0.1% with feedback, 0.5% without feedback Top, bottom, or both cable entry/exit Minimum 5 cycles 97% ≥97% <1% 24-pulse, phase-shifted, isolated 1 MVA Catch a spinning load Auto Bypass and restart, Manual Bypass modes Automatically transfer the motor to/from the utility bus Fiber optic cable CT: 150% , VT: 110% for 1 min every 10 min 7" TFT color LCD screen, LED backlighting Modbus TCP/IP (Ethernet), RS-232 , and RS-485, PLC I/O, Others Available Upon Request Mechanical Standard Rating Dimensions Material Color Total Weight NEMA 1 H: 95“ x W: 178” x D: 59” ASTM A366 steel Light Grey 11,910 lbs Environmental Condition Operating Temperature Altitude Humidity Noise Level 0 to +40 ˚C (lower/higher temperature*) 0 – 1000 m (higher elevation*) 95%, non-condensing ≤ 78 dB * Consult factory for extended temperature or altitude ranges www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-247-6589 | 191 APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR TWMC VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES The following checklist is provided to gather the necessary information to ensure that our product will meet your requirements and we can provide the most cost effective solution for your application. ** Please complete with as much detail as possible and fax this form to 512-218-7378. ** DATE:________________________ General Information Customer: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information - Name: __________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ TWMC Salesperson: _____________________________________________________________________________ Application Description: _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Quote Due Date ________________________________________________________________________________ Driven Load Information/ Details Quantity: _______ HP _______ Load Description HP (unit 2)____________ Variable Torque Constant Torque HP (unit 3) _______ HP (unit 4) _______ Machine Type: ______________________ Accel time: ___________________sec from ___________________ RPM to ____________________ RPM Decel time: ___________________sec from ___________________ RPM to ____________________ RPM Ratio or Minimum Speed _________________________ Maximum Speed __________________________ Duty Cycle Information ____________________________________________________________________ Vertical Load? Yes No If yes, please indicate weight of load ________________________ AC Motor Details New Existing Manufacturer _________________ Model # ____________________________ HP ________ Rated Speed _________ Rated Frequency _________ Rated Voltage _________ Frame _________ FLA _________ Service Factor __________ Insulation Class __________ Enclosure __________ Number of Motors: _____________________ Cable Distance from Motor to Drive: _______________ Tach/ Generator/ Encoder: _____________ Pulses per Revolution 192 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 Single Channel Dual Channel Line Power Supply Voltage _______________________________________ Frequency ______________________________ Generator Power Yes No If yes, indicate generator capacity: ________________________ Reactors or isolation transformer required? _________ Existing? _______________________________ Serial Communications Modbus Johnson Metasys Profibus BACNet LonWorks Siemens FLN Other _____________ Monitor only or control? ________________________ Baud Rate ______________________________ Drive Enclosure/ Environment NEMA Rating NEMA 1 NEMA 12 NEMA 3R NEMA 4 NEMA 4X (See attachment for NEMA definitions.) Wall Mounted Free Standing Installed Units in MCC Indoor Installation Outdoor Installation Ambient Temperature Range: _______________________________________ Elevation ________________________________________________________ AC Drive Control Characterisics Speed Reference Source*: ________________________________ (4-20mA, 0-10VDC, Keypad, Speed Pot, Serial) Run/ Stop Command Source*: ____________________________ (Keypad, Terminal I/O, Serial) Stop Function Types*: ___________________________________ (E-stop, Coast to Stop, Interlocks) PID Control Based on Process Input Pressure Temperature Other _________________________ Protective Function: ____________________________________ (Motor Thermostat, PTC, RTD) Braking Requirements: __________________________________ (Dynamic Braking, Mechanical, or Other) Other Inputs: __________________________________________ (Reset, Auto Restart, Encoder) Analog Outputs: _______________________________________ (4-20mA, 0-10VDC, Pulse) Digital Outputs: ________________________________________ (Run, Fault, High or Low Speed, etc.) Two or Three Wire Start: _________________________________ (Applies to Terminal I/O Only) Communications: ______________________________________ (Telephone Modem, Wireless Modem, Ethernet) Options: ______________________________________________ (Analog, Serial, Relay) *Indicate if Door Mounted www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 193 ENCLOSURE OPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Auxiliary Equipment (Mounted and wired in an enclosure as specified per the NEMA rating selected.) Manual or Automatic Bypass 3-Contactor 2-Contactor Motor Overload Relay Input Circuit Breaker Input Disconnect Fused Non-fused AC Drive Fuses Blower Motor Starter Output Load Reactors Output Contactor dV/dt Filters Dynamic Braking Control Power Transformer Secondary Volts ________ Capacity ________ VA Interior Mounted 120VAC Power Outlet Interior Cabinet Lighting Additional Power Supply Interior Cabinet Lighting 120VAC 240VAC Other ________ Heat Sink Extension Auxiliary Controls (Please specify devices in the Project Description below.) Operator Controls Door Mounted Remote Control Terminals Pilot Lights Pushbuttons Speed Potentiometer Control Power Supply Volts ____________ Capacity ______________ mA Transfer to Bypass on Fault Fireman’s Override Damper Actuation on Start Time Delay on Bypass Transfer Input Power Quality Conditioning Line Reactors Isolation Transformers Active Harmonics Filter EMC Suppression EMF/ RFI Filters Line Noise Filter Lightning Arrestors Documentation Number of Copies ______ Wiring Diagrams Dimensional Drawings Cabinet Layout Drawings Additional Instruction Manuals Support Services Spare Parts List Witness Testing Service/ Start up Assistance Special Optional Requirements___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 194 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 NEMA ENCLOSURE RATING DESCRIPTIONS NEMA 1 – Enclosures constructed for indoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment and to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt. NEMA 3R – Enclosures constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, and snow; and that will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure. NEMA 4 – Enclosures constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow, windblown dust, splashing water, and hose-directed water; and that will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure. Contact the factory if NEMA 4 is required for your application. NEMA 4X – Same as NEMA 4, but also including protection against corrosion. Contact the factory if NEMA 4X is required for your application. NEMA 12 (UL1) – Enclosures constructed (without knockouts) for indoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt; against circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flyings; and against dripping and light splashing of liquids. www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 | 195 NOTES 196 | www.tecowestinghouse.com or call 1-800-279-4007 GLOBAL RESOURCES TECO-Westinghouse Motor Company is dedicated to servicing our customers' needs in a variety of ways. Our manufacturing plants are located in the U.S., Taiwan, Mexico, Malaysia, Australia, Great Britain and China. A full line of induction, synchronous and DC motors and generators are available in both horizontal and vertical configurations from 1/4 hp to 100,000 hp. We also offer complimenting AC drive products. From wastewater, petrochemical, irrigation and water treatment, to pumping and lift stations, TECO-Westinghouse has the AC drive product that will enhance your application. In North America there are several regional warehouses stocking a vast array of motors and drive products for our customers' convenience. Our Round Rock, Texas facility conducts sales and marketing, customer service, engineering, drafting, manufacturing, testing, final shipment, field service, and repairs of many types of large custom-designed and specialty motors. These global resources uniquely position us to satisfy the market’s diverse needs. Please contact us for more information. 5100 N. IH-35 Round Rock, Texas 78681 1-800-USE-TECO www.tecowestinghouse.com UN-PB 03-17
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19:42:56-05:00, 2011:08:24 13:57:50-05:00, 2011:08:24 13:58:39-05:00, 2012:03:28 09:33:16-05:00, 2012:03:28 09:33:16-05:00, 2012:03:29 10:52:53-05:00, 2012:03:29 11:09:03-05:00, 2012:03:29 11:33:16-05:00, 2012:03:29 12:41:43-05:00, 2012:03:29 14:45:25-05:00, 2012:04:03 14:40:33-05:00, 2012:04:05 16:19:20-05:00, 2013:03:20 13:22:41-05:00, 2013:03:28 13:50:46-05:00, 2013:04:01 15:30:55-05:00, 2013:04:01 15:38:45-05:00, 2013:04:01 15:39:53-05:00, 2013:04:01 15:41:22-05:00, 2013:04:01 15:45:59-05:00, 2013:04:02 09:43:54-05:00, 2013:04:03 09:40:21-05:00, 2013:04:03 09:43:49-05:00, 2013:04:03 10:03:18-05:00, 2013:04:03 10:43:14-05:00, 2013:04:03 11:19:11-05:00, 2013:04:03 11:20:50-05:00, 2013:04:03 12:40:47-05:00, 2013:04:03 12:42:38-05:00, 2013:04:03 12:45:14-05:00, 2013:04:03 14:35:25-05:00, 2013:04:03 14:50:52-05:00, 2013:04:03 14:51:13-05:00, 2013:04:03 15:05:01-05:00, 2013:04:03 15:07:23-05:00, 2013:04:03 15:47:20-05:00, 2013:04:03 16:13:58-05:00, 2013:04:03 16:27:31-05:00, 2013:04:04 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13:47:10-05:00, 2013:05:15 14:01:59-05:00, 2013:05:15 14:13:19-05:00, 2013:05:15 14:32:51-05:00, 2013:05:17 09:18:36-05:00, 2013:05:17 09:30:43-05:00, 2013:05:17 10:25:08-05:00, 2013:05:17 11:06:41-05:00, 2013:05:17 11:09:16-05:00, 2013:05:17 11:29:08-05:00, 2013:05:17 14:07:56-05:00, 2013:05:20 10:01:32-05:00, 2013:05:20 10:10:12-05:00, 2013:05:20 10:14:18-05:00, 2013:05:20 10:31:43-05:00, 2013:05:20 10:41:27-05:00, 2013:05:23 13:31:36-05:00, 2013:05:23 15:07:57-05:00, 2013:05:23 15:43:11-05:00, 2013:05:23 15:53:35-05:00, 2013:05:23 16:09:24-05:00, 2013:05:23 16:09:44-05:00, 2013:05:31 14:17:32-05:00, 2013:05:31 14:44:05-05:00, 2013:05:31 16:02:45-05:00, 2013:06:04 08:58:37-05:00, 2013:06:04 08:59:57-05:00, 2013:06:04 09:19:14-05:00, 2013:06:04 09:44:27-05:00, 2013:06:04 09:48:33-05:00, 2013:06:12 13:59:18-05:00, 2013:06:13 13:43:41-05:00, 2013:06:13 14:12:12-05:00, 2013:08:13 13:00:51-05:00, 2013:08:13 14:25:25-05:00, 2013:08:14 15:46:19-05:00, 2013:08:21 16:55:31-05:00, 2013:08:22 10:10:07-05:00, 2013:08:22 14:01:03-05:00, 2013:08:22 16:41:22-05:00, 2013:08:22 16:43:36-05:00, 2013:08:26 16:06:34-05:00, 2013:08:27 14:05:08-05:00, 2013:11:18 15:04:46-06:00, 2013:11:18 16:12:19-06:00, 2013:11:18 16:14:17-06:00, 2013:11:18 16:32:52-06:00, 2013:11:18 16:35:25-06:00, 2013:11:18 16:37:44-06:00, 2013:11:19 11:42:49-06:00, 2013:12:12 13:59:58-06:00, 2013:12:12 15:25:04-06:00, 2013:12:12 15:27:54-06:00, 2013:12:12 15:32:58-06:00, 2015:01:19 14:37:34-06:00, 2015:01:22 15:38:46-06:00, 2015:01:27 16:43:28-06:00, 2015:01:28 10:54:43-06:00, 2015:01:28 10:56:01-06:00, 2015:01:28 16:35:25-06:00, 2015:01:29 12:06:31-06:00, 2015:01:29 13:44:57-06:00, 2015:01:29 16:17:23-06:00, 2015:01:29 16:22:17-06:00, 2015:01:29 16:35:13-06:00, 2015:01:29 16:35:38-06:00, 2015:01:29 16:39:02-06:00, 2015:02:02 08:52:45-06:00, 2015:02:02 09:25:25-06:00, 2015:02:02 09:39:40-06:00, 2015:02:02 10:54:38-06:00, 2015:02:02 11:27:52-06:00, 2015:02:02 14:52:52-06:00, 2015:02:03 14:19:41-06:00, 2015:02:03 14:29:05-06:00, 2015:02:03 14:39:39-06:00, 2015:02:03 15:22:23-06:00, 2015:02:03 15:50:18-06:00, 2015:02:03 17:09:55-06:00, 2015:02:04 10:33:01-06:00, 2015:02:04 11:21:14-06:00, 2015:02:04 17:46:49-06:00, 2015:02:04 17:50:17-06:00, 2015:02:04 17:59:28-06:00, 2015:02:05 13:51:28-06:00, 2015:02:05 15:09:08-06:00, 2015:02:05 15:16:02-06:00, 2015:02:06 14:40:57-06:00, 2015:02:06 16:47:31-06:00, 2015:02:09 16:46:47-06:00, 2015:02:10 09:26:45-06:00, 2015:02:10 09:49:03-06:00, 2015:02:10 10:47:34-06:00, 2015:02:10 11:06:41-06:00, 2015:02:10 13:25:32-06:00, 2015:02:10 13:42:39-06:00, 2015:02:10 13:42:54-06:00, 2015:02:10 15:01:07-06:00, 2015:02:10 15:10:22-06:00, 2015:02:10 15:16:23-06:00, 2015:02:10 16:42:29-06:00, 2015:02:10 16:52:43-06:00, 2015:02:11 09:48:04-06:00, 2015:02:11 10:04:23-06:00, 2015:02:11 10:15:21-06:00, 2015:02:11 13:31:35-06:00, 2015:02:11 15:21:21-06:00, 2015:02:11 15:38:22-06:00, 2015:02:11 15:43:10-06:00, 2015:02:11 16:27:07-06:00, 2015:02:11 16:52:33-06:00, 2015:02:11 16:53:39-06:00, 2015:02:12 10:41:30-06:00, 2015:02:12 11:32:45-06:00, 2015:02:12 11:34:42-06:00, 2015:02:12 15:25:13-06:00, 2015:02:12 15:47:51-06:00, 2015:02:12 16:11:42-06:00, 2015:02:12 17:19:34-06:00, 2015:02:12 17:20:47-06:00, 2015:02:13 11:11:10-06:00, 2015:02:13 12:01:13-06:00, 2015:02:13 15:00:23-06:00, 2015:02:13 16:22:02-06:00, 2015:02:13 16:26:30-06:00, 2015:02:16 09:34:31-06:00, 2015:02:16 10:02:37-06:00, 2015:02:16 10:59:31-06:00, 2015:02:16 12:37:19-06:00, 2015:02:16 13:05:41-06:00, 2015:02:16 13:09:54-06:00, 2015:02:16 13:24:57-06:00, 2015:02:16 15:39:10-06:00, 2015:02:16 15:40:45-06:00, 2015:02:16 16:51:57-06:00, 2015:02:16 16:59:10-06:00, 2015:02:17 10:59:04-06:00, 2015:02:17 11:03:16-06:00, 2015:02:17 11:11:41-06:00, 2015:02:17 11:12:12-06:00, 2015:02:17 11:14:05-06:00, 2015:02:17 15:13:26-06:00, 2015:02:17 15:15:22-06:00, 2015:02:17 15:48:39-06:00, 2015:02:17 17:02:19-06:00, 2015:02:18 11:01:04-06:00, 2015:02:18 14:27:38-06:00, 2015:02:18 16:24:04-06:00, 2015:02:18 16:47-06:00, 2015:02:19 16:10:58-06:00, 2015:02:20 09:48:22-06:00, 2015:02:20 13:03:09-06:00, 2015:02:23 11:23:15-06:00, 2015:02:23 11:58:13-06:00, 2015:02:23 14:02:21-06:00, 2015:02:23 16:21:17-06:00, 2015:02:24 09:21:43-06:00, 2015:02:24 10:44:55-06:00, 2015:02:24 13:51:34-06:00, 2015:02:24 16:50:49-06:00, 2015:02:25 15:44:42-06:00, 2015:02:25 16:46:10-06:00, 2015:03:04 14:28:33-06:00, 2015:03:04 15:24:52-06:00, 2015:03:04 15:30:44-06:00, 2015:03:04 15:43:27-06:00, 2015:03:04 16:14:01-06:00, 2015:03:04 16:15:10-06:00, 2015:03:10 16:37:57-05:00, 2015:03:10 16:59:45-05:00, 2015:03:10 17:01:29-05:00, 2015:03:11 10:13:51-05:00, 2015:03:11 12:04:08-05:00, 2015:03:11 14:33:34-05:00, 2015:03:11 15:49:39-05:00, 2015:03:11 16:01:13-05:00, 2015:03:11 16:20:21-05:00, 2015:03:11 16:22:03-05:00, 2015:03:11 16:25:32-05:00, 2015:03:11 16:34:13-05:00, 2015:03:11 16:46:22-05:00, 2015:03:12 10:11:57-05:00, 2015:03:12 11:24:55-05:00, 2015:03:12 15:30:36-05:00, 2015:03:12 16:14:52-05:00, 2015:03:12 17:14:42-05:00, 2015:03:13 09:33:01-05:00, 2015:03:13 17:38:36-05:00, 2015:03:17 11:15:40-05:00, 2015:03:17 12:30:28-05:00, 2015:03:17 13:42:24-05:00, 2015:03:17 15:20:49-05:00, 2015:03:17 15:23:06-05:00, 2015:03:17 16:01:07-05:00, 2015:03:17 16:49:21-05:00, 2015:03:18 11:34:37-05:00, 2015:03:19 17:02:52-05:00, 2015:03:20 11:43:31-05:00, 2015:03:20 11:56:16-05:00, 2015:03:20 15:29:14-05:00, 2015:03:20 16:15:22-05:00, 2015:03:23 11:52:48-05:00, 2015:03:23 13:49:47-05:00, 2015:03:23 14:06:15-05:00, 2015:03:23 14:45:42-05:00, 2015:03:23 15:23:08-05:00, 2015:03:23 15:48:22-05:00, 2015:03:23 15:51:37-05:00, 2015:03:23 15:57:49-05:00, 2015:03:23 16:23:03-05:00, 2015:03:23 16:51:44-05:00, 2015:03:24 09:55-05:00, 2015:03:24 10:01:22-05:00, 2015:03:24 10:33:47-05:00, 2015:03:24 10:36:38-05:00, 2015:03:24 10:37:54-05:00, 2015:03:24 10:43:14-05:00, 2015:03:24 10:56-05:00, 2015:03:24 11:17:39-05:00, 2015:03:24 11:51:40-05:00, 2015:03:24 11:52:52-05:00, 2015:03:24 12:10:56-05:00, 2015:03:24 12:21:32-05:00, 2015:03:24 12:45:44-05:00, 2015:03:24 12:49:47-05:00, 2015:03:24 12:50:21-05:00, 2015:03:24 14:00:33-05:00, 2015:03:24 16:03:05-05:00, 2015:03:24 16:19:49-05:00, 2015:03:25 10:00:48-05:00, 2015:03:25 11:16:15-05:00, 2015:03:25 11:45:33-05:00, 2015:03:25 15:11:19-05:00, 2015:03:25 16:40:59-05:00, 2015:03:26 14:54:08-05:00, 2015:03:26 15:46:10-05:00, 2015:03:26 15:54:05-05:00, 2015:03:26 16:03:15-05:00, 2015:03:26 17:03:08-05:00, 2015:03:26 17:03:54-05:00, 2015:03:27 10:55:08-05:00, 2015:03:27 15:35:11-05:00, 2015:03:27 15:51:58-05:00, 2015:03:27 16:38:42-05:00, 2015:03:30 10:19:21-05:00, 2015:03:30 10:36:08-05:00, 2015:03:30 14:37:47-05:00, 2015:03:30 14:39:35-05:00, 2015:03:30 14:44:13-05:00, 2015:03:30 14:59:09-05:00, 2015:03:30 15:18:43-05:00, 2015:03:30 16:10:03-05:00, 2015:03:30 16:12:43-05:00, 2015:03:31 10:40:30-05:00, 2015:03:31 10:42:07-05:00, 2015:03:31 10:54:51-05:00, 2015:03:31 11:32-05:00, 2015:03:31 12:02:39-05:00, 2015:03:31 13:17:06-05:00, 2015:03:31 13:22:38-05:00, 2015:03:31 13:33:10-05:00, 2015:03:31 13:36:14-05:00, 2015:03:31 13:43:49-05:00, 2015:03:31 15:09:19-05:00, 2015:04:08 10:54:04-05:00, 2015:04:08 11:09:19-05:00, 2015:04:08 13:55:58-05:00, 2015:04:08 15:14:25-05:00, 2015:04:08 16:34:09-05:00, 2015:04:08 16:36:31-05:00, 2015:04:08 16:45:43-05:00, 2015:04:09 15:04:19-05:00, 2015:04:09 16:51:27-05:00, 2015:04:13 10:42:24-05:00, 2015:04:13 10:45:55-05:00, 2015:04:13 10:48:44-05:00, 2015:04:13 11:04:05-05:00, 2015:04:13 11:20:37-05:00, 2015:04:13 11:44:34-05:00, 2015:04:13 11:59:05-05:00, 2015:04:17 15:00:45-05:00, 2015:04:17 16:08:04-05:00, 2015:04:17 16:33:32-05:00, 2015:04:17 16:34:57-05:00, 2015:04:17 16:36:10-05:00, 2015:04:20 11:32:26-05:00, 2015:04:20 13:48:22-05:00, 2015:04:20 13:54:27-05:00, 2015:04:21 14:41:38-05:00, 2015:04:21 15:07:37-05:00, 2015:04:21 15:33:06-05:00, 2015:04:21 15:53:07-05:00, 2015:04:21 16:49:48-05:00, 2015:04:22 10:19:37-05:00, 2015:04:22 15:21:47-05:00, 2015:04:22 16:33:34-05:00, 2015:04:22 16:41:35-05:00, 2015:04:22 16:44:01-05:00, 2015:04:23 15:15:46-05:00, 2015:04:24 14:36:44-05:00, 2015:04:24 14:40:27-05:00, 2015:04:24 14:48:38-05:00, 2015:04:24 15:49:19-05:00, 2015:04:24 16:14:08-05:00, 2015:04:24 16:18:03-05:00, 2015:04:24 16:18:25-05:00, 2015:04:28 14:22:23-05:00, 2015:04:28 15:38:42-05:00, 2015:04:30 10:16:18-05:00, 2015:04:30 10:27:56-05:00, 2015:04:30 10:39:24-05:00, 2015:04:30 11:01:56-05:00, 2015:04:30 13:36:57-05:00, 2015:05:01 10:13:09-05:00, 2015:05:01 10:48:10-05:00, 2015:05:01 14:44:35-05:00, 2015:05:01 15:46:32-05:00, 2015:05:01 16:05:28-05:00, 2015:05:01 16:22:07-05:00, 2015:05:01 16:27:12-05:00, 2015:05:01 16:36:17-05:00, 2015:05:01 16:42:33-05:00, 2015:05:01 16:59:56-05:00, 2015:05:04 12:56:42-05:00, 2015:05:04 14:45:31-05:00, 2015:05:04 15:04:59-05:00, 2015:05:04 17:00:33-05:00, 2015:05:05 10:33:18-05:00, 2015:05:05 10:34:37-05:00, 2015:05:05 10:35:31-05:00, 2015:05:05 11:55:23-05:00, 2015:05:05 13:32:03-05:00, 2015:05:05 13:38:03-05:00, 2015:05:05 14:15:20-05:00, 2015:05:05 16:28:20-05:00, 2015:05:05 16:54:25-05:00, 2015:05:05 16:56:45-05:00, 2015:05:05 17:10:15-05:00, 2015:05:05 17:11:03-05:00, 2015:05:05 17:15:28-05:00, 2015:05:06 16:17:43-05:00, 2015:05:06 16:33:38-05:00, 2015:05:06 16:54:10-05:00, 2015:05:06 17:03:03-05:00, 2015:05:06 17:14:21-05:00, 2015:05:07 13:04:33-05:00, 2015:05:07 15:06:10-05:00, 2015:05:07 16:42:01-05:00, 2015:05:07 16:44:43-05:00, 2015:05:07 16:52:59-05:00, 2015:05:07 16:53:19-05:00, 2015:05:07 16:56:27-05:00, 2015:05:07 16:56:53-05:00, 2015:05:07 16:59:39-05:00, 2015:05:07 17:00:31-05:00, 2015:05:07 17:06:13-05:00, 2015:05:07 17:12:27-05:00, 2015:05:08 10:26:58-05:00, 2015:05:08 10:36:52-05:00, 2015:05:08 16:27:29-05:00, 2015:05:08 17:09:56-05:00, 2015:05:12 09:15:26-05:00, 2015:05:12 09:41:03-05:00, 2015:05:13 10:30:54-05:00, 2015:05:13 10:31:32-05:00, 2015:05:13 10:37:50-05:00, 2015:05:13 11:13:47-05:00, 2015:05:13 11:23:37-05:00, 2015:05:13 11:42:52-05:00, 2015:05:13 12:56:33-05:00, 2015:05:14 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