Talend Open Studio For Big Data Getting Started Guide

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Talend Open Studio forBig DataGetting Started Guide6.3.0
Talend Open Studio for Big DataAdapted for v6.3.0. Supersedes previous releases.Publication date: October 27, 2016CopyleftThis documentation is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Public License (CCPL).For more information about what you can and cannot do with this documentation in accordance with the CCPL,please read: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/NoticesTalend is a trademark of Talend, Inc.All brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respectiveowners.License AgreementThe software described in this documentation is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License athttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES ORCONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governingpermissions and limitations under the License.This product includes software developed at AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standards), ASM, Amazon, AntlR,Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Ant, Apache Avro, Apache Axiom, Apache Axis, Apache Axis 2, Apache Batik,Apache CXF, Apache Cassandra, Apache Chemistry, Apache Common Http Client, Apache Common Http Core,Apache Commons, Apache Commons Bcel, Apache Commons JxPath, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Datafu,Apache Derby Database Engine and Embedded JDBC Driver, Apache Geronimo, Apache HCatalog, ApacheHadoop, Apache Hbase, Apache Hive, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpComponents Client, Apache JAMES,Apache  Log4j,  Apache  Lucene  Core,  Apache  Neethi,  Apache  Oozie,  Apache  POI,  Apache  Parquet,  ApachePig, Apache PiggyBank, Apache ServiceMix, Apache Sqoop, Apache Thrift, Apache Tomcat, Apache Velocity,Apache  WSS4J,  Apache  WebServices  Common  Utilities,  Apache  Xml-RPC,  Apache  Zookeeper,  Box  JavaSDK (V2), CSV Tools, Cloudera HTrace, ConcurrentLinkedHashMap for Java, Couchbase Client, DataNucleus,DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra, Ehcache, Ezmorph, Ganymed SSH-2 for Java, Google APIs ClientLibrary for Java, Google Gson, Groovy, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, H2 Embedded Database andJDBC Driver, Hector: A high level Java client for Apache Cassandra, Hibernate BeanValidation API, HibernateValidator, HighScale Lib, HsqlDB, Ini4j, JClouds, JDO-API, JLine, JSON, JSR 305: Annotations for SoftwareDefect  Detection  in Java, JUnit,  Jackson  Java  JSON-processor,  Java  API  for  RESTful  Services,  Java  Agentfor Memory Measurements, Jaxb, Jaxen, JetS3T, Jettison, Jetty, Joda-Time, Json Simple, LZ4: Extremely FastCompression algorithm, LightCouch, MetaStuff, Metrics API, Metrics Reporter Config, Microsoft Azure SDKfor Java, Mondrian, MongoDB Java Driver, Netty, Ning Compression codec for LZF encoding, OpenSAML,Paraccel JDBC Driver, Parboiled, PostgreSQL JDBC Driver, Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format,Resty: A simple HTTP REST client for Java, Riak Client, Rocoto, SDSU Java Library, SL4J: Simple LoggingFacade for Java, SQLite JDBC Driver, Scala Lang, Simple API for CSS, Snappy for Java a fast compressor/decompresser, SpyMemCached, SshJ, StAX API, StAXON - JSON via StAX, Super SCV, The Castor Project,The Legion of the Bouncy Castle, Twitter4J, Uuid, W3C, Windows Azure Storage libraries for Java, Woden,Woodstox: High-performance XML processor, Xalan-J, Xerces2, XmlBeans, XmlSchema Core, Xmlsec - ApacheSantuario, YAML parser and emitter for Java, Zip4J, atinject, dropbox-sdk-java: Java library for the DropboxCore API, google-guice. Licensed under their respective license.

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