Talend Open Studio For Big Data Getting Started Guide
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Talend Open Studio for
Big Data
Getting Started Guide
Talend Open Studio for Big Data
Adapted for v6.3.0. Supersedes previous releases.
Publication date: October 27, 2016
This documentation is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Public License (CCPL).
For more information about what you can and cannot do with this documentation in accordance with the CCPL,
please read: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
Talend is a trademark of Talend, Inc.
All brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective
License Agreement
The software described in this documentation is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License.
This product includes software developed at AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standards), ASM, Amazon, AntlR,
Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Ant, Apache Avro, Apache Axiom, Apache Axis, Apache Axis 2, Apache Batik,
Apache CXF, Apache Cassandra, Apache Chemistry, Apache Common Http Client, Apache Common Http Core,
Apache Commons, Apache Commons Bcel, Apache Commons JxPath, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Datafu,
Apache Derby Database Engine and Embedded JDBC Driver, Apache Geronimo, Apache HCatalog, Apache
Hadoop, Apache Hbase, Apache Hive, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpComponents Client, Apache JAMES,
Apache Log4j, Apache Lucene Core, Apache Neethi, Apache Oozie, Apache POI, Apache Parquet, Apache
Pig, Apache PiggyBank, Apache ServiceMix, Apache Sqoop, Apache Thrift, Apache Tomcat, Apache Velocity,
Apache WSS4J, Apache WebServices Common Utilities, Apache Xml-RPC, Apache Zookeeper, Box Java
SDK (V2), CSV Tools, Cloudera HTrace, ConcurrentLinkedHashMap for Java, Couchbase Client, DataNucleus,
DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra, Ehcache, Ezmorph, Ganymed SSH-2 for Java, Google APIs Client
Library for Java, Google Gson, Groovy, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, H2 Embedded Database and
JDBC Driver, Hector: A high level Java client for Apache Cassandra, Hibernate BeanValidation API, Hibernate
Validator, HighScale Lib, HsqlDB, Ini4j, JClouds, JDO-API, JLine, JSON, JSR 305: Annotations for Software
Defect Detection in Java, JUnit, Jackson Java JSON-processor, Java API for RESTful Services, Java Agent
for Memory Measurements, Jaxb, Jaxen, JetS3T, Jettison, Jetty, Joda-Time, Json Simple, LZ4: Extremely Fast
Compression algorithm, LightCouch, MetaStuff, Metrics API, Metrics Reporter Config, Microsoft Azure SDK
for Java, Mondrian, MongoDB Java Driver, Netty, Ning Compression codec for LZF encoding, OpenSAML,
Paraccel JDBC Driver, Parboiled, PostgreSQL JDBC Driver, Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format,
Resty: A simple HTTP REST client for Java, Riak Client, Rocoto, SDSU Java Library, SL4J: Simple Logging
Facade for Java, SQLite JDBC Driver, Scala Lang, Simple API for CSS, Snappy for Java a fast compressor/
decompresser, SpyMemCached, SshJ, StAX API, StAXON - JSON via StAX, Super SCV, The Castor Project,
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle, Twitter4J, Uuid, W3C, Windows Azure Storage libraries for Java, Woden,
Woodstox: High-performance XML processor, Xalan-J, Xerces2, XmlBeans, XmlSchema Core, Xmlsec - Apache
Santuario, YAML parser and emitter for Java, Zip4J, atinject, dropbox-sdk-java: Java library for the Dropbox
Core API, google-guice. Licensed under their respective license.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to Talend Open Studio for Big Data ............................................ 1
1.1. Functional architecture of Talend Big Data solutions .......................................................... 2
Chapter 2. Prerequisites to using Talend products .......................................................... 3
2.1. Memory requirements ............................................................................................ 4
2.2. Software requirements ............................................................................................ 4
2.3. Installing Java ..................................................................................................... 4
2.4. Setting up the Java environment variable on Windows ........................................................ 5
2.5. Setting up the Java environment variable on Linux ........................................................... 5
2.6. Installing 7-Zip (Windows) ....................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3. Downloading and installing Talend Open Studio for Big Data ........................... 7
3.1. Downloading Talend Open Studio for Big Data ................................................................ 8
3.2. Installing Talend Open Studio for Big Data .................................................................... 8
3.2.1. Extracting via 7-Zip (Windows recommended) .......................................................... 8
3.2.2. Extracting via Windows default unzipping tool .. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 8
3.2.3. Extracting via the Linux GUI unzipper .................................................................. 9
Chapter 4. Configuring and setting up your Talend product ........................................... 11
4.1. Launching the Studio for the first time ........................................................................ 12
4.2. Logging in to the Studio ......................................................................................... 12
4.3. Installing additional packages .................................................................................. 12
4.4. Setting up Hadoop connection manually ....................................................................... 13
4.5. Setting up connection to HDFS ................................................................................. 15
4.6. Uploading files to HDFS ........................................................................................ 17
4.7. Preparing file metadata ......................................................................................... 21
Chapter 5. Performing data integration tasks for Big Data ............................................. 27
5.1. Joining movie and director information ....................................................................... 28
5.1.1. Creating the Job ......................................................................................... 28
5.1.2. Dropping and linking components ...................................................................... 29
5.1.3. Configuring the input data .............................................................................. 30
5.1.4. Configuring the data transformation .................................................................... 33
5.1.5. Writing the output to HDFS ............................................................................ 35
5.2. What's next? ...................................................................................................... 36

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction to Talend Open
Studio for Big Data
Talend Open Studio for Big Data provides unified development and management tools to integrate and process
all of your data with an easy to use, visual designer.
Built on top of Talend data integration solutions, Talend Big Data solutions provide a powerful tool set that enables
users to access, transform, move and synchronize big data by leveraging the Apache Hadoop Big Data Platform
and makes the Hadoop platform ever so easy to use.

Functional architecture of Talend Big Data solutions
2 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
1.1. Functional architecture of Talend Big
Data solutions
The Talend Open Studio for Big Data functional architecture is an architectural model that identifies Talend Open
Studio for Big Data functions, interactions and corresponding IT needs. The overall architecture has been described
by isolating specific functionalities in functional blocks.
The following chart illustrates the main architectural functional blocks.
The different types of functional blocks are:
• From Talend Studio, you design and launch Big Data Jobs that leverage a Hadoop cluster to handle large data
sets. Once launched, these Jobs are sent to, deployed on and executed on this Hadoop cluster.
• The Oozie workflow scheduler system is integrated within the Studio through which you can deploy, schedule,
and execute Big Data Jobs on a Hadoop cluster and monitor the execution status and results of these Jobs.
• A Hadoop cluster independent of the Talend system to handle large data sets.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
Chapter 2. Prerequisites to using Talend
This chapter provides basic software and hardware information required and recommended to get started with
your Talend product:
•Memory requirements.
•Software requirements.
It also guides you to install and configure required and recommended third-party tools:
•Installing Java.
•Setting up the Java environment variable on Windows or Setting up the Java environment variable on Linux.
•Installing 7-Zip (Windows).
To successfully install the software, you need administrative access to your computer. To get administrative access,
contact your Administrator.

Memory requirements
4 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
2.1. Memory requirements
To make the most out of your Talend product, please consider the following memory and disk space usage:
Memory usage 3GB minimum, 4 GB recommended
Disk space 3GB
2.2. Software requirements
To make the most out of your Talend product, please consider the following system and software requirements:
Required software
• Operating System for Talend Studio:
Support type Operating System Version Processor
Recommended Microsoft Windows Professional 7 64-bit
Recommended Linux Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit
El Capitan/10.11 64-bit
Yosemite/10.10 64-bit
Supported Apple OS X
Mavericks/10.9 64-bit
• Java 8 JRE Oracle. See Installing Java.
• A properly installed and configured Hadoop cluster.
You have ensured that the client machine on which the Talend Studio is installed can recognize the host names
of the nodes of the Hadoop cluster to be used. For this purpose, add the IP address/hostname mapping entries
for the services of that Hadoop cluster in the hosts file of the client machine.
For example, if the host name of the Hadoop Namenode server is talend-cdh550.weave.local and its IP address
is 192.168.x.x, the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-cdh550.weave.local.
Optional software
• 7-Zip. See Installing 7-Zip (Windows).
2.3. Installing Java
To use your Talend product, you need Oracle Java Runtime Environment installed on your computer.
1. From the Java SE Downloads page, under Java Platform, Standard Edition, click the JRE Download.
2. From the Java SE Runtime Environment 8 Downloads page, click the radio button to Accept License
3. Select the appropriate download for your Operating System.
4. Follow the Oracle installation steps to install Java.
When Java is installed on your computer, you need to set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable. For more
information, see:

Setting up the Java environment variable on Windows
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 5
•Setting up the Java environment variable on Windows.
•Setting up the Java environment variable on Linux.
2.4. Setting up the Java environment variable
on Windows
Prior to installing your Talend product, you have to set the JAVA_HOME and Path environment variables:
1. Go to the Start Menu of your computer, right-click on Computer and select Properties.
2. In the [Control Panel Home] window, click Advanced system settings.
3. In the [System Properties] window, click Environment Variables....
4. Under System Variables, click New... to create a variable. Name the variable JAVA_HOME, enter the path to
the Java 8 JRE, and click OK.
Example of default JRE path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_77.
5. Under System Variables, select the Path variable and click Edit... to add the previously defined JAVA_HOME
variable at the end of the Path environment variable, separated with semi colon.
Example: <PathVariable>;%JAVA_HOME%\bin.
2.5. Setting up the Java environment variable
on Linux
Prior to installing your Talend product, you have to set the JAVA_HOME and Path environment variables:
1. Find the JRE installation home directory.
Example: /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.8.0_65
2. Export it in the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.8.0_65
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
3. Add these lines at the end of the user profiles in the ~/.profile file or, as a superuser, at the end of the global
profiles in the /etc/profile file.
4. Log on again.
2.6. Installing 7-Zip (Windows)
Talend recommends to install 7-Zip and to use it to extract the installation files: http://www.7-zip.org/

Installing 7-Zip (Windows)
6 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
1. Download the 7-Zip installer corresponding to your Operating System.
2. Navigate to your local folder, locate and double-click the 7z exe file to install it.
The download will start automatically.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
Chapter 3. Downloading and installing
Talend Open Studio for Big Data
Talend Open Studio for Big Data is easy to install. After downloading it from Talend's Website, a simple unzipping
will install it on your computer.
This chapter provides basic information useful to download and install it.

Downloading Talend Open Studio for Big Data
8 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
3.1. Downloading Talend Open Studio for Big
Talend Open Studio for Big Data is a free open source product that you can download directly from Talend's
1. Go to Talend Open Studio for Big Data Download page.
The download will start automatically.
3.2. Installing Talend Open Studio for Big
Installation is done by unzipping the TOS_BD zip file previously downloaded.
This can be done either by using:
• 7Zip (Windows recommended): Extracting via 7-Zip (Windows recommended).
• Windows default unzipper: Extracting via Windows default unzipping tool.
• Linux default unzipper (for a Linux based Operating System): Extracting via the Linux GUI unzipper.
3.2.1. Extracting via 7-Zip (Windows recommended)
For Windows, Talend recommends you to install 7-Zip and use it to extract files. For more information, see
Installing 7-Zip (Windows).
To install the studio, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to your local folder, locate the TOS zip file and move it to another location with a path as short
as possible and without any space character.
Example: C:/Talend/
2. Unzip it by right-clicking on the compressed file and selecting 7-Zip > Extract Here.
3.2.2. Extracting via Windows default unzipping tool
If you do not want to use 7-Zip, you can use Windows default unzipping tool:
1. Unzip it by right-click the compressed file and select, Extract All.
2. Click on Browse and navigate to the C: drive.
3. Select Make new folder and name the folder Talend. Click OK.

Extracting via the Linux GUI unzipper
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 9
4. Click on Extract to begin the installation.
3.2.3. Extracting via the Linux GUI unzipper
To install the studio, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to your local folder, locate the TOS zip file and move it to another location with a path as short
as possible and without any space character.
Example: home/user/talend/
2. Unzip it by right-clicking on the compressed file and selecting Extract Here.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
Chapter 4. Configuring and setting up your
Talend product
This chapter provides basic information required to configure and set up your Talend product, including:
•Launching the Studio for the first time
•Logging in to the Studio
•Installing additional packages
•Setting up Hadoop connection manually
•Setting up connection to HDFS
•Uploading files to HDFS
•Preparing file metadata

Launching the Studio for the first time
12 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
4.1. Launching the Studio for the first time
The Studio installation directory contains binaries for several platforms including Mac OS X and Linux/Unix.
To open the Talend Studio for the first time, do the following:
1. Double-click the executable file corresponding to your operating system, for example:
• TOS_*-win-x86_64.exe, for Windows.
• TOS_*-linux-gtk-x86_64, for Linux.
• TOS_*-macosx-cocoa.app, for Mac.
2. In the [User License Agreement] dialog box that opens, read and accept the terms of the end user license
agreement to proceed.
4.2. Logging in to the Studio
To log in to the Talend Studio for the first time, do the following:
1. In the Talend Studio login window, select Create a new project, specify the project name: getting_started
and click Finish to create a new local project.
2. Depending on the product you are using, either of the following opens:
• the Quick Tour. Play it to get more information on the User Interface of the Studio, and click Stop to end it.
• the Welcome page. Follow the links to get more information about the Studio, and click Start Now! to
close the page and continue opening the Studio.
Now you have successfully logged in to the Talend Studio. Next you need to install additional packages required
for the Talend Studio to work properly.
4.3. Installing additional packages
Talend recommends that you install additional packages, including third-party libraries and database drivers, as
soon as you log in to your Talend Studio to allow you to fully benefit from the functionalities of the Studio.
1. When the [Additional Talend Packages] wizard opens, install additional packages by selecting the
Required and Optional third-party libraries check boxes and clicking Finish.
This wizard opens each time you launch the studio if any additional package is available for installation
unless you select the Do not show this again check box. You can also display this wizard by selecting Help
> Install Additional Packages from the menu bar.
For more information, see the section about installing additional packages in the Talend Installation and
Upgrade Guide.
2. In the [Download external modules] window, click the Accept all button at the bottom of the wizard to
accept all the licenses of the external modules used in the studio.

Setting up Hadoop connection manually
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 13
Depending on which libraries you selected, you may need to accept their license more than once.
Wait until all the libraries are installed before starting to use the studio.
3. If required, restart your Talend Studio for certain additional packages to take effect.
4.4. Setting up Hadoop connection manually
Setting up the connection to a given Hadoop distribution in Repository allows you to avoid configuring that
connection each time when you need to use the same Hadoop distribution.
• You have ensured that the client machine on which the Talend Studio is installed can recognize the host names
of the nodes of the Hadoop cluster to be used. For this purpose, add the IP address/hostname mapping entries
for the services of that Hadoop cluster in the hosts file of the client machine.
For example, if the host name of the Hadoop Namenode server is talend-cdh550.weave.local and its IP address
is 192.168.x.x, the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-cdh550.weave.local.
• The Hadoop cluster to be used has been properly configured and is running.
The Cloudera Hadoop cluster to be used in this example is of the CDH V5.5 in the Yarn mode and applies the
default configuration of the distribution without enabling the Kerberos security. For further information about
the default configuration of the CDH V5.5 distribution, see Deploy CDH 5 on a cluster and Default ports used
in CDH5.
1. In the Repository tree view of your studio, expand Metadata and then right-click Hadoop cluster.
2. Select Create Hadoop cluster from the contextual menu to open the [Hadoop cluster connection] wizard.
3. Fill in generic information about this connection, such as Name and Description and click Next to open the
[Hadoop configuration import wizard] wizard that helps you import the ready-for-use configuration if any.
4. Select the Enter manually Hadoop services check box to manually enter the configuration information for
the Hadoop connection being created.

Setting up Hadoop connection manually
14 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
5. Click Finish to close this import wizard.
6. From the Distribution list, select Cloudera and then from the Version list, select Cloudera CDH5.5 (YARN
7. In the Namenode URI field, enter the URI pointing to the machine used as the NameNode service of the
Cloudera Hadoop cluster to be used.
The NameNode is the master node of a Hadoop system. For example, assume that you have chosen a machine
called machine1 as the NameNode, then the location to be entered is hdfs://machine1:portnumber.
On the cluster side, the related property is specified in the configuration file called core-site.xml. If you do
not know what URI is to be entered, check the fs.defaultFS property in the core-site.xml file of your cluster.
8. In the Resource manager field and the Resource manager scheduler field, enter the URIs pointing to these
two services, respectively.
On the cluster side, these two services share the same host machine but use different default port
numbers. For example, if the machine hosting them is resourcemanager.company.com, the location of
Resource manager is resourcemanager.company.com:8032 and the location of Resource manager scheduler
is resourcemanager.company.com:8030.
If you do not know the name of the hosting machine of these services, check the
yarn.resourcemanager.hostname property in the configuration file called yarn-site.xml of your cluster.

Setting up connection to HDFS
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 15
9. In the Job history field, enter the location of the JobHistory service. This service allows the metrics
information of the current Job to be stored in the JobHistory server.
The related property is specified in the configuration file called mapred-site.xml of your cluster. For the value
you need to put in this field, check the mapreduce.jobhistory.address property in this mapred-site.xml file.
10. In the Staging directory field, enter this directory defined in your Hadoop cluster for temporary files created
by running programs.
The related property is specified in the mapred-site.xml file of your cluster. For further information, check
the yarn.app.mapreduce.am.staging-dir property in this mapred-site.xml file.
11. Select the Use datanode hostname check box to allow the Studio to access each Datanode of your cluster
via their host names.
This actually sets the dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname property of your cluster to true.
12. In the User name field, enter the user authentication name you want the Studio to use to connect to your
Hadoop cluster.
13. Since the Hadoop cluster to be connected to is using the default configuration, leave the other fields or check
boxes in this wizard as they are because they are used to define any custom Hadoop configuration.
14. Click the Check services button to verify that the Studio can connect to the NameNode and the
ResourceManager services you have specified.
A dialog box pops up to indicate the checking process and the connection status.
If the connection fails, you can click Error log at the end of each progress bar to diagnose the connection
15. Once this check indicates that the connection is successful, click Finish to validate your changes and close
the wizard.
The new connection, called my_cdh in this example, is displayed under the Hadoop cluster folder in the
Repository tree view.
You can then continue to create the child connections to different Hadoop elements such as HDFS or Hive based
on this connection.
4.5. Setting up connection to HDFS
A connection to HDFS in Repository allows you to reuse this connection in related Jobs.
• The connection to the Hadoop cluster hosting the HDFS system to be used has been set up from the Hadoop
cluster node in the Repository.
For further information about how to create this connection, see Setting up Hadoop connection manually.
• The Hadoop cluster to be used has been properly configured and is running and you have the proper access
permission to that distribution and its HDFS.
• You have ensured that the client machine on which the Talend Studio is installed can recognize the host names
of the nodes of the Hadoop cluster to be used. For this purpose, add the IP address/hostname mapping entries
for the services of that Hadoop cluster in the hosts file of the client machine.

Setting up connection to HDFS
16 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
For example, if the host name of the Hadoop Namenode server is talend-cdh550.weave.local and its IP address
is 192.168.x.x, the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-cdh550.weave.local.
1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under Metadata in the Repository tree view, right click the Hadoop
connection to be used and select Create HDFS from the contextual menu.
2. In the connection wizard that opens up, fill in the generic properties of the connection you need create, such
as Name, Purpose and Description.
3. Click Next when completed. The second step requires you to fill in the HDFS connection data.
The User name property is automatically pre-filled with the value inherited from the Hadoop connection
you selected in the previous steps.
The Row separator and the Field separator properties are using the default values.

Uploading files to HDFS
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 17
4. Select the Set heading row as column names check box to use the data in the heading rows of the HDFS
file to be used to define the column names of this file.
The Header check box is then automatically selected and the Header field is filled with 1. This means that
the first row of the file will be ignored as data body but used as column names of the file.
5. Click Check to verify your connection.
A message pops up to indicate whether the connection is successful.
6. Click Finish to validate these changes.
The new HDFS connection is now available under the Hadoop cluster node in the Repository tree view. You
can then use it to define and centralize the schemas of the files stored in the connected HDFS system in order to
reuse these schemas in a Talend Job.
4.6. Uploading files to HDFS
Uploading a file to HDFS allows the Big Data Jobs to read and process it.

Uploading files to HDFS
18 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
• The connection to the Hadoop cluster to be used and the connection to the HDFS system of this cluster have
been set up from the Hadoop cluster node in the Repository.
If you have not done so, see Setting up Hadoop connection manually and then Setting up connection to HDFS
to create these connections.
• The Hadoop cluster to be used has been properly configured and is running and you have the proper access
permission to that distribution and the HDFS folder to be used.
• You have ensured that the client machine on which the Talend Jobs are executed can recognize the host names
of the nodes of the Hadoop cluster to be used. For this purpose, add the IP address/hostname mapping entries
for the services of that Hadoop cluster in the hosts file of the client machine.
For example, if the host name of the Hadoop Namenode server is talend-cdh550.weave.local and its IP address
is 192.168.x.x, the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-cdh550.weave.local.
In this procedure, you will create a Job that writes data in the HDFS system of the Cloudera Hadoop cluster to
which the connection has been set up in the Repository as explained in Setting up Hadoop connection manually.
This data is needed for the use case described in . The files needed for the use case can be download here.
1. In the Repository tree view, right-click the Job Designs node and select Create folder from the contextual
2. In the [New Folder] wizard, name your Job folder getting_started and click Finish to create your folder.
3. Right-click the getting_started folder and select Create job from the contextual menu.
4. In the [New Job] wizard, enter a name for the Job to be created and other useful information.
For example, enter write_to_hdfs in the Name field.
In this step of the wizard, Name is the only mandatory field. The information you provide in the Description
field will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse pointer over the Job in the Repository tree view.
5. Click Finish to create your Job.
An empty Job is opened in the Studio.
6. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under Metadata in the Repository tree view.
7. Expand the Hadoop connection you have created and then the HDFS folder under it. In this example, it is
the my_cdh Hadoop connection.
8. Drop the HDFS connection from the HDFS folder into the workspace of the Job you are creating. This
connection is cdh_hdfs in this example.

Uploading files to HDFS
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 19
The [Components] window is displayed to show all the components that can directly reuse this HDFS
connection in a Job.
9. Select tHDFSPut and click OK to validate your choice.
This [Components] window is closed and a tHDFSPut component is automatically placed in the workspace
of the current Job, with this component having been labelled using the name of the HDFS connection
mentioned in the previous step.
10. Double-click tHDFSPut to open its Component view.

Uploading files to HDFS
20 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
The connection to the HDFS system to be used has been automatically configured by using the configuration
of the HDFS connection you have set up and stored in the Repository. The related parameters in this tab
therefore becomes read-only. These parameters are: Distribution, Version, NameNode URI, Use Datanode
Hostname, User kerberos authentication and Username.
11. In the Local directory field, enter the path, or browse to the folder in which the files to be copied to HDFS
are stored.
The files about movies and their directors are stored in this directory.
12. In the HDFS directory field, enter the path, or browse to the target directory in HDFS to store the files.
This directory is created on the fly if it does not exist.
13. From the Overwrite file drop-down list, select always to overwrite the files if they already exist in the target
directory in HDFS.
14. In the Files table, add one row by clicking the [+] button in order to define the criteria to select the files
to be copied.
15. In the Filemask column, enter an asterisk (*) within the double quotation marks to make tHDFSPut select
all the files stored in the folder you specified in the Local directory field.
16. Leave the New name column empty, that is to say, keep the default double quotation marks as is, so as to
make the name of the files unchanged after being uploaded.
17. Press F6 to run the Job.
The Run view is opened automatically. It shows the progress of this Job.

Preparing file metadata
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 21
When the Job is done, the files you uploaded can be found in HDFS in the directory you have specified.
4.7. Preparing file metadata
In the Repository, setting up the metadata of a file stored in HDFS allows you to directly reuse its schema in a
related Big Data component without having to define each related parameter manually.
• You have launched your Talend Studio and opened the Integration perspective.
• The source files movies.csv and directors.txt have been uploaded into HDFS as explained in Uploading files
to HDFS.

Preparing file metadata
22 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
• The connection to the Hadoop cluster to be used and the connection to the HDFS system of this cluster have
been set up from the Hadoop cluster node in the Repository.
If you have not done so, see Setting up Hadoop connection manually and then Setting up connection to HDFS
to create these connections.
• The Hadoop cluster to be used has been properly configured and is running and you have the proper access
permission to that distribution and the HDFS folder to be used.
• You have ensured that the client machine on which the Talend Studio is installed can recognize the host names
of the nodes of the Hadoop cluster to be used. For this purpose, add the IP address/hostname mapping entries
for the services of that Hadoop cluster in the hosts file of the client machine.
For example, if the host name of the Hadoop Namenode server is talend-cdh550.weave.local and its IP address
is 192.168.x.x, the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-cdh550.weave.local.
Since the movies.csv file you need to process has been stored in the HDFS system being used, you can retrieve
its schema to set up its metadata in the Repository.
The schema of the directors.txt file can also be retrieved, but is intentionally ignored in the retrieval procedure
explained below, because in this scenario, this directors.txt file is used to demonstrate how to manually define
a schema in a Job.
1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under Metadata in the Repository tree view.
2. Expand the Hadoop connection you have created and then the HDFS folder under it.
In this example, it is the my_cdh Hadoop connection.
3. Right click the HDFS connection in this HDFS folder and from the contextual menu, select Retrieve schema.
In this scenario, this HDFS connection has been named to cdh_hdfs.
A [Schema] wizard is displayed, allowing you to browse to files in HDFS.

Preparing file metadata
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 23
4. Expand the file tree to show the movies.csv file, from which you need to retrieve the schema, and select it.
In this scenario, the movies.csv file is stored in the following directory: /user/ychen/input_data.
5. Click Next to display the retrieved schema in the wizard.
The schema of the movie data is displayed in the wizard and the first row of the data is automatically used
as the column names.

Preparing file metadata
24 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
If the first row of the data you are using is not used this way, you need to review how you set the Header
configuration when you were creating the HDFS connection as explained in Setting up connection to HDFS.
6. Click Finish to validate these changes.
You can now see the file metadata under the HDFS connection you are using in the Repository tree view.

Preparing file metadata
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 25

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
Chapter 5. Performing data integration tasks
for Big Data
This chapter takes the example of a company that provides movie rental and streaming video services, and shows
how such a company could make use of Talend Open Studio for Big Data.
You will work with data about movies and directors and data about your customers as you learn how to:
• upload data stored in a local file system to the HDFS file system of the company's Hadoop cluster
• join the director data to the movie data to produce a new dataset and store this dataset in the HDFS system too.

Joining movie and director information
28 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
5.1. Joining movie and director information
This scenario demonstrates:
1. How to create a Talend Job. See Creating the Job for details.
2. How to drop and link the components to be used in a Job. See Dropping and linking components for details.
3. How to configure the input components using the related metadata from the Repository. See Configuring the
input data for details.
4. How to configure the transformation to join the input data. See Configuring the data transformation for details.
5. How to write the transformed data to HDFS. See Writing the output to HDFS for details.
5.1.1. Creating the Job
A Talend Job allows you to access and use the Talend components to design technical processes to read, transform
or write data.
• You have launched your Talend Studio and opened the Integration perspective.
Proceed as follows to create the Job:
1. In the Repository tree view, right-click the Job Designs node and select Create folder from the contextual
2. In the [New Folder] wizard, name your Job folder getting_started and click Finish to create your folder.
3. Right-click the getting_started folder and select Create job from the contextual menu.
4. In the [New Job] wizard, enter a name for the Job to be created and other useful information.
For example, enter aggregate_movie_director for example in the Name field.
In this step of the wizard, Name is the only mandatory field. The information you provide in the Description
field will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse pointer over the Job in the Repository tree view.
5. Click Finish to create your Job.

Dropping and linking components
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 29
An empty Job is opened in the Studio.
The component Palette is now available in the Studio. You can start to design the Job by leveraging this Palette
and the Metadata node in the Repository.
5.1.2. Dropping and linking components
The Pig components to be used are orchestrated in the Job workspace to compose a Pig process for data
• You have launched your Talend Studio and opened the Integration perspective.
• An empty Job has been created as described in Creating the Job and is open in the workspace.
Proceed as follows to add and connect the components:
1. In the Job, enter the name of the component to be used and select this component from the list that
appears. In this scenario, the components are two tPigLoad components, a tPigMap component and two
tPigStoreResult components.
• The two tPigLoad components are used to load the movie data and the director data, respectively, from
HDFS into the data flow of the current Job.
• The tPigMap component is used to transform the input data.
• The tPigStoreResult components write the results into given directories in HDFS.
2. Double-click the label of one of the tPigLoad component to make this label editable and then enter movie
to change the label of this tPigLoad.
3. Do the same to label another tPigLoad component to director.
4. Right click the tPigLoad component that is labelled movie, then from the contextual menu, select Row > Pig
combine and click tPigMap to connect this tPigLoad to the tPigMap component.
This is the main link through which the movie data is sent to tPigMap.
5. Do the same to connect the director tPigLoad component to tPigMap using the Row > Pig combine link.
This is the Lookup link through which the director data is sent to tPigMap as lookup data.
6. Do the same to connect the tPigMap component to tPigStoreResult using the Row > Pig combine link,
then in the pop-up wizard, name this link to out1 and click OK to validate this change.
7. Repeat these operations to connect the tPigMap component to another tPigStoreResult component using
the Row > Pig combine link and name it to reject.
Now the whole Job looks as follows in the workspace:

Configuring the input data
30 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
5.1.3. Configuring the input data
Two tPigLoad components are configured to load data from HDFS into the Job.
• The source files, movies.csv and directors.txt have been uploaded into HDFS as explained in Uploading files
to HDFS.
• The metadata of the movie.csv file has been set up in the HDFS folder under the Hadoop cluster node in the
If you have not done so, see Preparing file metadata to create the metadata.
Once the Job has been created with all the Pig components to be used being present in the Job and linked together,
you need to configure the tPigLoad components to properly read data from HDFS.
1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under the Metadata node in the Repository and then the my_cdh Hadoop
connection node and its child node to display the movies schema metadata node you have set up under the
HDFS folder as explained in Preparing file metadata.
2. Drop this schema metadata node onto the movie tPigLoad component in the workspace of the Job.
3. Double-click the movie tPigLoad component to open its Component view.
This tPigLoad has automatically reused the HDFS configuration and the movie metadata from the
Repository to define the related parameters in its Basic settings view.

Configuring the input data
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 31
4. From the Load function drop-down list, select PigStorage to use the PigStorage function, a built-in function
from Pig, to load the movie data as a structured text file.
For further information about the PigStorage function of Pig, see PigStorage.
5. From the Hadoop connection node called my_cdh in the Repository, drop the cdh_hdfs HDFS connection
node under the HDFS folder onto the tPigLoad component labelled director in the workspace of the Job.
This applies the configuration of the HDFS connection you have created in the Repository on the HDFS-
related settings in the current tPigLoad component.
6. Double-click the director tPigLoad component to open its Component view.
This tPigLoad has automatically reused the HDFS configuration from the Repository to define the related
parameters in its Basic settings view.

Configuring the input data
32 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
7. Click the [...] button next to Edit schema to open the schema editor.
8. Click the [+] button twice to add two rows and in the Column column, rename them to ID and Name,
9. Click OK to validate these changes and accept the propagation prompted by the pop-up dialog box.
10. From the Load function drop-down list, select PigStorage to use the PigStorage function.
11. In the Input file URI field, enter the directory where the data about the director data is stored. As is explained
in Uploading files to HDFS, this data has been written in /user/ychen/input_data/directors.txt.
12. Click the Field separator field to open the [Edit parameter using repository] dialog box to update the
field separator.

Configuring the data transformation
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 33
You need to change this field separator because this tPigLoad is reusing the default separator, a semicolon
(;), you have defined for the HDFS metadata while the director data is actually using a coma (,) as separator.
13. Select Change to built-in property and click OK to validate your choice.
The Field separator field becomes editable.
14. Enter a coma within double quotation marks.
The tPigLoad components are now configured to load the movie data and the director data to the Job.
5.1.4. Configuring the data transformation
The tPigMap component is configured to join the movie data and the director data.
Once the movie data and the director data are loaded into the Job, you need to configure the tPigMap component
to join them to produce the output you expect.
1. Double-click tPigMap to open its Map Editor view.

Configuring the data transformation
34 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
2. Drop the movieID column, the title column, the releaseYear column and the url column from the left side
onto each of the output flow table.
On the input side (left side) of the Map Editor, each of the two tables represents one of the input flow, the
upper one for the main flow and the lower one for the lookup flow.
On the output side (right side), the two tables represent the output flows that you named to out1 and reject
when you linked tPigMap to tPigStoreResult in Dropping and linking components.
3. On the input side, drop the directorID column from the main flow table to the Expr.key column of the ID
row in the lookup flow table.
This way, the join key between the main flow and the lookup flow is defined.
4. Drop the directorID column from the main flow table to the reject table on the output side and drop the Name
column from the lookup flow table to the out1 table.
The configuration in the previous two steps describes how the columns of the input data are mapped to the
columns of the output data flow.
From the Schema editor view in the lower part of the editor, you can see the schemas on both sides have
been automatically completed.
5. On the out1 output flow table, click the button to display the editing field for the filter expression.
6. Enter
''!= row1.directorID

Writing the output to HDFS
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 35
This allows tPigMap to output only the movie records in each of which the directorID field is not empty.
A record with an empty directorID field is filtered out.
7. On the reject output flow table, click the button to open the settings panel.
8. In the Catch Output Reject row, select true to output the records with empty directorID fields in the reject
9. Click Apply, then click OK to validate these changes and accept the propagation prompted by the pop-up
dialog box.
The transformation is now configured to complete the movie data with the names of their directors and write the
movie records that do not contain any director data into a separate data flow.
5.1.5. Writing the output to HDFS
Two tPigStoreResult components are configured to write the expected movie data and the rejected movie data
to different directories in HDFS.
• You have ensured that the client machine on which the Talend Jobs are executed can recognize the host names
of the nodes of the Hadoop cluster to be used. For this purpose, add the IP address/hostname mapping entries
for the services of that Hadoop cluster in the hosts file of the client machine.
For example, if the host name of the Hadoop Namenode server is talend-cdh550.weave.local and its IP address
is 192.168.x.x, the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-cdh550.weave.local.
• The Hadoop cluster to be used has been properly configured and is running.
After the movie data and the director data have been transformed by tPigMap, you need to configure the two
tPigStoreResult components to write the output into HDFS.
1. Double-click the tPigStoreResult which receives the out1 link.
Its Basic settings view is opened in the lower part of the Studio.
2. In the Result file field, enter the directory you need to write the result in. In this scenario, it is /user/ychen/
output_data/out, which receives the records that contain the names of the movie directors.

What's next?
36 Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide
3. Select Remove result directory if exists check box.
4. In the Store function list, select PigStorage to write the records in human-readable UTF-8 format.
5. In the Field separator field, enter ; within double quotation marks.
6. Repeat the same operations to configure the tPigStoreResult that receives the reject link, but set the directory,
in the Result file field, to /user/ychen/output_data/reject.
7. Press F6 to run the Job.
The Run view is automatically opened in the lower part of the Studio and shows the execution progress of
this Job.
Once done, you can check, for example in the web console of your HDFS system, that the output has been written
in HDFS.
5.2. What's next?
You have seen how Talend Studio helps you manage your big data using Talend Jobs. You have learned how to
access and move your data to a given Hadoop cluster via Talend Jobs, filter and transform your data, and store the
filtered and transformed data in the HDFS system of the Hadoop cluster. Along the way, you have learned how to
centralize frequently used Hadoop connections in the Repository and easily reuse these connections in your Jobs.
To learn more about Talend Studio, see:
•Talend Studio User Guide
•Talend Open Studio for Big Data Components Reference Guide
To ensure that your data is clean, you can try Talend Open Studio for Data Quality and Talend Data Preparation.

What's next?
Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide 37
To learn more about Talend products and solutions, visit www.talend.com.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data Getting Started Guide