R9941 Tax Complexity, Reform In George Mason 1994
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319 r9941 TAX COMPLEXITY, REFORM, AND THE ILLUSIONS OF TAX SIMPLIFICATION SheldonD. Pollack* ..[N]o one understands the IncomeTax Law [the RevenueAct of 1913] ex. sufficientintelligenceto understandthe questions not persons who have cept that ariseunder it." SenatorElihu Root of New York (1913) "simplicity in modern taxation is a problemof basic architecturaldesign. Presentlegislationis insufferablycomplicatedand nearlyunintelligible.If it is not simplified,half of the populationmay haveto becometax lawyersand tax accountants." Henry C. Simons,Federal Tax Reform (1950) ..The complexity of our code in the main is not there becauseof some mischief. Most of it is there in the effort to do more perfectjustice'" Senator Russell Long, Former Chairman, Senate Finance Committee lNrRooucuoN Inasmuchas only the rudimentaryStructureof a taxing scheme waslaid out in the first incometax law, the RevenueAct of 1913,rthe many detailsrequiredto give concretemeaningto the statutewereleft Accordingly,the newly imposed decades. to be filled in over subsequent more complicatedduring its progressively became federal incometax process of gradualand incremental first decadesas it evolvedthrougha of the tax laws adjustmentsto the original tax laws. The development entereda secondphasewhen the incometax was radicallytransformed into a "mass tax" during World War II' In the post-Warera' espe* AssistantProfessor, Universityof Delaware;UniverCollegeof Busincssand Economics, l9E6' sitVof Rochester,B.A., 19?4;CornellUniversity,Ph.D., 1980;Universityof Pennsylvania, of School University York New of Schenk H. Dcborah Professor thank wishes to J.D. The author Fund Law for her helpful commentson an earlier draft of this article and the Gowen Fellowship of the Law Schoolof the University of Pennsylvaniafor its generousfinancial support' 166-81 ' Pub.L. No. 63' 16,c h. l 6 ' 3 8 S t a t . l 1 4 ' 320 Gro. MnsoN lNnrp. L. Rrv. lYol.2:2 cially during the 1970sand 1980s,the level of complexityof the indramatically.'As reflectedby the sheernumberof cometax increased provisionsof the federal incometax, there was a virtual explosionin the complexityof the tax code in the post-Warperiod.s In light of this dramaticincreasein complexityof the federalincometax, there is a tendencyto equatetax reform with tax "simplification."a Indeed,tax simplificationhas emergedas one of the perennial themesin the academictax literature.6Somereform effortshavebeen directedat specificprovisionsof the tax codeand regulations.Other proposalsamountto little more than broadpleasfor generalsimplifica. tion and appearto be politicallymotivated.For instance,HouseWays and Means Chairman Rostenkowskiand then Finance Committee Chairman Bentsenpicked up on the theme of tax simplificationand introduceda packageof proposals provisions in 1991.6Theseproposed weremostlywindowdressingand focusedon simplification of reporting 2 In a recentinterview,ProfessorMartin Ginsburgrecountsthat evenunder the Internal RevenueCodeof 1954therewereonly a few statutoryand regulatory"monsters"for tax lawyers to struggleto master.Under the 1986tax code,the monstersnow seemto dominatethe playing field. ,SeeMartin D. Ginsburg,Interview With ProfessorMartin D. Ginsburg, l2 ABA SrcrroN Or TrxrrroN NEwslnrrEn, Fall 1992,at 6-12. werefirst publishedin l9l3 by Com" The InternalRevenueCodeand Treasuryregulations merceClearingHouse,Inc. (CCH) in a singlevolumeconsistingof little more than 400 pages. This remainedthe casethroughWorld War II. Presently,the tax codeand regulations take up a total of eight volumesand over 36,000pages.Therehas beena comparableexplosion of "law" in other policyareasas well. For instance,Title II of the SocialSecurityAct of 1935wasonly four pageslong whenenacted,grew to 50 pagesby 1950,and explodedto 200 pagesin the 1970s.This did not evenincludenew sectionsof the statute,suchas medicare.Mlnrun Dnnrurcr, Acrxcy UNoEnSrnrss:Tur Soctlr Srcunrrv AoMrNrsrnerroNrN AMERTcAN GovrnNlrrNr 201 (1990). ' See,e.g.,David Brockway,The ProcessBehindSuccessfulTax Reform,3l Vrll. L. Rrv. 1803,1803(1986)("True tax reformwill not be achievedunlessthereis significantsimplification of codeprovisions."). o See,e.g.,HrNny C. Srrr,roNs, Frnrul T,lx Rnnonu 28-30( 1950);Paul McDaniel, Federal Income Tax Simplifcation: The Political Process,34 Tlx L. Rrv. 27 (1978); Federal Income Tax Simplifcarfon(CharlesH. Gustafsoned., 1979);U.S. Departmentof Treasury,Officeof Tax Analysis, Tax Reform for Fairness,Simplicity, and Economic Growth: The Treasury Department Reportto the President,25Tt'xNorEs 873 (1984);Joint Comm.on Tax'n,95th Cong.,lst Sess.,Issuesin Simplificationof the IncomeTax Laws (Comm.Print 1977);SidneyL Roberts, Simplifcation Symposium,34 Tlx L. Rnv. 5 (1978); Boris I. Bittker, Iar Reform and Tax Simplification,29U. Mlrrrlt L. Rnv. I (1974);DeborahH. Schenk,Simplifcationfor Individual Taxpayers:Problemsand Proposals,45Tu L. REv. l2l (1989);CharlesA. Mclure, Jt., The BudgetProcessand Tax Simplifcation/Complication,45Tex L. REv. 25 (1989). 6 Trx Srrrlpr-rrrcArroN Acr Or 1991,S. Doc. No. 1394,H.R. Doc. No.2777,102dCong., lst S es s(.1991) . re94l IrlusroNs or T,c,xStvtpLIrIclttoN 32r Goldbergpromotedtax on tax returns.Evenformer IRS Commissioner simplification,but he left unstatedpreciselywhat that meant.T Theseand many other proposalsfor simplificationmake for good press,but do not addressthe fundamentalcausesbehindthe rise in tax complexity.Few of the reformersposturingfor simplificationof the tax laws recognizethe inherentdifficultiesin any attempt to simplify the code.Someof the excesscomplexityis attributableto effortsby policymakers to accomplishtoo much through the tax laws. In other instances,the great complexitiesof the tax laws are attributableto prior reformsenactedin the pursuitof evergreaterpurity in the tax laws.As SenatorRussellLong oncequipped:"The complexityof our codein the main is not there becauseof somemischief.Most of it is therein the effort to do more perfectjustice."sLong'spropositionis worth consideras evidencedby Long's ing, evenif it lacksa certaincritical perspective own willingnessto enactcountlessspecialprovisionsfor the solebenefit of his constituentgas and oil industries. The causesbehindthe enormouscomplexityin the tax lawscannot callsfor "simplificabe reducedto any singlefactor.Thus,open-ended tion" to cure the problem of complexityring almost as hollow as the claim that tax complexityis attributableto the searchfor "more perfect justice" in the tax code-both claimsare overlysimplistic.In order to considerwhy to intelligentlydiscusstax simplification,it is necessary the tax laws becameoverly complexin past decades,and to recognize tax lawyersearntheir the infirmityof overlycomplextax laws.Because livelihoodfrom such complexities,many will be reluctantto acknowledgethat there is evena "problem" at all. To understandthe adverseeffectscausedby overly complextax laws,oneneedsfirst to view the federalincometax from a broadhistorical perspectiveto placethe developmentof the tax systemas a whole within the contextof the peculiarstructureof Americanpoliticalinstitutions.Complexitydoesnot enter the tax codeso much out of malevodemandsmade lenceas throughmisguidedreform effortsand excessive on tax laws as the vehiclefor implementingpublic policy.After understandingthe broadercontext,it is possibleto identify thosetrendsin recenttax policymakingthat have contributedto this unfortunaterise 7 See Lane Davenport,Marianne Evans,and Sean Ford, Goldberg Still Beating Drum For Simplifcation;Says /RS Budgetis Way Out of Balance,45Tlx Norrs 1398(1989). E TrrvrorHvJ. CoNlrN Er ,',L.,TlxrNc Csorcrs l4l (1990) (quotingSenateFinanceCommitteeHeailngsonTax ReIorm Proposal,Volume3,99th Cong.,2dSess.,53(1986)(statement of SenatorRussellLong, FormerChairman,SenateFinanceCommittee)). 322 Gro. MesoN INorp. L. Rnv, lYol.2:2 in tax complexity.The dilemmathat we may very well confrontis that the more we attempt to do through the tax code-whether to achievea "more perfect justice" or implement social economicpolicies-the more we end up making the tax laws evenmore complex.In doing so, we underminethe capacityof the citizenftaxpayerto comprehendthe legal obligationsimposedunder the regimeof the federalincometax. I. Coupr-ExrryIu Tnn FnorRnr INcour Tnx Llws A. The First Regime of the Federal Income Tax L The Original Tax System Tax complexityis not a new phenomenon, althoughit has reached new heightsin recentdecades.Since 1913,excessive complexityhas beena constantcomplaintof taxpayersas well as a favoritethemeof reformers.eBut to taxpayersand counselwho havegrown accustomed to the statutoryexcesses and regulatoryquagmiresthat seemedto becomethe norm in the 1980s,the first incometax laws would appear relativelystraight-forwardand uncomplicated. For instance,the originalForm 1040("Return of AnnualNet Incomeof Individuals"),put in serviceby the Bureauof InternalRevenue in 1913,was only threepageslong,includingall its variousschedules. It containedonly a single page of instructions.loThe return requiredtaxpayersto computeand report just two separateitems, "grossincome" and total "generaldeductions,"and providedrelatively straightforwardschedules for computingeach.The tax was imposedon net incomeabovea $3,000exemptionthat was "receivedor accrued" during the calendaryear, thus employinga hybrid methodof tax accountingthat borrowedconceptsfrom the cashand accrualmethodsof e SenatorElihu Root of New York in l9l3 wroteto a friendwho had complainedaboutthe complexity ofthe Revenue Act of 19131 "I guessyou will haveto go tojail. Ifthat is the resultof not understanding the IncomeTax Law I shall meetyou there.. . . [F]or no one understands the Income Tax Law exceptpersonswho have not sufficientintelligenceto understandthe questions that ariseunderit." Quotedin Henolo Dusnorr, THr UNrrno Srerns Tlx Counr: AN HrsronrcALANALYSTS l2 (1979). ro The 1993 Form 1040is just two pageslong, but completinga complicatedreturn may require the use of dozensof schedulesand workshcets.Form 1040alone is now accompaniedby almostfifty pagesof instructionsand worksheets. 19941 IllusroNs or Tlx Slrr,rplrrrclrloN 323 tax accountingso familiar in the moderncode.rrEssentially,the 1913 incometax resurrectedthe short-livedCivil War incometax as well as the tax return usedfifty yearsearlier.r2 Of course,many sophisticatedtaxpayersstruggledwith the new that the l9l3 relatively"simple" incometax form.reNotwithstanding versionof the federalincometax was rather basicand pristineby toas far too day's standards,it alreadywas perceivedby contemporaries complicatedto be understoodby the averagetaxpayer.raThe impact and shockfelt by thoseconfrontingthe new federalincometax law for the first time in 1913may havebeenevenworsethan the bewilderment felt today by thosewho make their first acquaintancewith the present incarnationof the code.The sheernoveltyof the idea of measuringan individual's"income," as the new tax required,was part of the reason that the first incometax laws would havestruck individualsas so complex and shocking.'6Corporationswerealreadyfamiliar with the notion of computingincomeover a definedaccountingperiod,both for financial and tax purposes.A federal businessprivilegetax, similar in essenceto an incometax, had been enactedand sanctionedfour years prior to the ratificationof the SixteenthAmendment.ro But individuals were not yet accustomed to measuringtheir humanendeavors in terms !r See I.R.C. aa6(c) (cash and accrual methodsas "permissiblemethods" for computing $ taxableincome).[All citationshereinare to the Internal RevenueCode of 1986,as amended, unlessotherwisespecified.] '1 The tax return used during the Civil War employeda similar framework. However,the return used in 1865 listed separatelyeach sourceof income (specifically,all "profits from any trade, busincss,or vocation,"rental incomefrom land or buildings,"profits realized" from the sale of real property,as well as interestand dividends)and allowedfor "proper" deductionsrelated to that sourceof income.Allowing for deductionsfor lossessustainedon the sale of real estate, interestpaid, rent actually paid for the taxpayer's"homestead,"and an annualexemptionfor the tax wasimposeduponnet incomeabovea $600personal $600of salaryfor military personnel, exemption.For an accountof the Civil War incometax, see Roy C. Burny & Grrpys C. BlrxEv, TxE FeoEnll INcorrarT,c,x2-8 (1940);R,rNpolru E. Plul, T,rxlrroN rr rHr UNrtnn Srrres 7-29 (1954). rE Indicativeof the fact that eventhe rudimentarytax returnusedfor the Civil War income tax was difficult for taxpayersto comprehend,Abraham Lincoln overpaidhis taxcs for 1864 by $1,250, a sizable amount by contcmporarystandardsof wealth. The incident is rccountedin Drvro BunNnru, A Lnw Unro Irsrlr: Tsn IRS ANDrHE Asusr or Powrn 13 (1989). t' See supra note 9. r! Except for the brief experiencewith the Civil War incometax, a half ccntury prior to the l9l3 income tax, citizens had only known "indirect" forms of taxation. Whilc transactionsand salcswcre subject to excisetaxes and custom duties, the conceptof treating an individual as a taxableeconomicunit was relativelynew,evenin 1913, !! The corporatebusiness privilegetax wasincludedin the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of I 909, In Flint v. whichwasimposed"with respectto the carryingon or doingbusiness"of corporations. StoneTracy Co.,220 U.S. 107 (l9ll), the U.S. SupremeCourt held the tax to be a business 324 Gro. M,c,soNINorp. L. Rnv [Yol,2:2 of "net income."Nor werethey accustomed to beingtreatedas discrete economics1i1s-"4seounting" for their livesas so many living balance sheets.No matter how benign the federal incometax may appearby today'sstandards,it represented a milestonein the development of the relationshipbetweenthe citizen and the state,transformingthe American citizen into a new categoryof being-the Taxpayer. Oddly enough,the simplicity of the first "bare-bones"tax laws may haveactuallycontributedto the initial confusionbecausethey provided taxpayerswith insufficientguidanceas to what was being measured and how to measureit. Successive decadesof refinementof the statutesby lawmakers,as well as the issuanceof interpretiveregulations by the TreasuryDepartmentunder the authority grantedby the RevenueAct of 1928,17somewhatclarified the meaningof the basic conceptsof the federal income tax. These interpretationsbrought greatercertainty and predictabilityof outcometo subsequent generationsof taxpayers,attorneys,and tax experts. 2. Role of the FederalCourts During the first decadesof the federal income tax, the federal courtsand the Board of Tax Appealscontributedmuch fleshand blood to the statutes.r8 Indeed,the basicnatureof the statutesand the broad, expansivelanguageused by Congressin drafting the initial revenue laws made extensivelitigation inevitable. Accordingly, the federal courts were drawn into a processof articulating the meaningof the most basicand fundamentalconceptsof the incometax. privilegetax, and not an incometax which wouldhavebeenprohibitedunderArticle I, Section9 of the U.S. Constitutionas a "direct tax." r? Pub.L. No. 78-562,ch. 852,45 Stat. 790,791 (1928). '6 The Board of Tax Appeals was establishedunder the RevenueAct of 1924, ch. 234, $ 900, 43 Stat. 336-38.The Board was technicallyan "independentagencyin the executive branch," rather than a judicial body. In fact, the Board (which was renamedthe Tax Court of the United Statesin 1942)functionedmuch as a federaltrial court. In 1969,in recognitionof this, Congressrenamedthe body the "United StatesTax Court" and reclassifiedit as a so-called"Article I" federalcourt (i.e., a judicial entity createdunder the authority grantedto Congressin Article I of the U.S. Constitution).26 U.S.C.A. g 7441 (Law. Co-op.1993).Nevertheless, the hybrid nature of the Tax Court still raisesproblems.See,e.g.,Freytagv. Comm'r, lll S. Ct. 2631(1991) (concerning the powerand authorityof the "specialtrial judges"of the Tax Court); see also Note: Special Trial Judges, The Tax Couil and the AppointmentsClause:Freytag v. Comm'r,45 Tlx Lrwynn 497 (Winter 1992).For a historyof the U.S. Tax Courr,seeHrnolo Durnorr, Tnr UNrrro Srerns Tex Counr: AN HrsroRtcAl ANALysrs(1979). 19941 lt-t ustoNsor Tlx Sttr,tpLtErcntlott 325 a. DefiningIncome The federalcourtswere calledupon to definethe most fundamenconcept of the tax laws-what is "income" for purposesof the new tal tax. The statutorydefinitionof "income" providedin the RevenueAct of 1913merelymirroredthe languageof the newly ratifiedSixteenth Amendment,which sanctionedthe impositionof a "direct" tax on "incomes,from whateversourcederived. Since 1913,the statutory languagehas remainedvirtually identical.The presentdefinitionis foundin Section6l(a) of the InternalRevenueCodeof 1986and simply states,somewhattautologically, that: "grossincomemeansall incomefrom whateversourcederived.. . ."2oThe broad net cast by the statute providesconsiderableroom for debate and disagreementbepersonsover what constitutes'(ins66s"-especially, tweenreasonable wherethe sourceis a gift, bequest,life insuranceor someother source of incomeexemptby statuteor judicial doctrine. Given the minimal and somewhatcryptic statutory definition of income,it was perhapsinevitablethat the United StatesSupreme Court would be called upon to providefurther clarificationof the concept of incomevery early in the history of the new tax. ln Eisner v. Macomber,the SupremeCourt struggledwith the concept,declaringin 1920that "incomemay be definedas the gainderivedfrom labor,from capital,or from both combined.o"t In this statement, the Court (probably unintentionally)considerablynarrowedthe constitutionaland statutory definitionof incomeas it stronglyimplied that absentthe contribution of labor or capital, a gain would not be includedin income. wouldleavevastcategories Suchan interpretation of "gain" out of the statutoryscheme,and hence,out of the reachof the federaltax collector. In construingthe statute so narrowly,the Court introducedadditional confusioninto an alreadyuncertainarea'zand offeredlitigationminded taxpayersa basisfor disregardingthe broad all-encompassing statutorydefinitionof incomewhen preparingtheir tax returns. le U,S. CoNsr.amend.XVI. '?ol.R.C. $ 6l(a). Thc 1939 Internal RevenueCode relied upon a somewhatmore wordy definitionof "grossincome" in section61(a), while the 1954tax code returnedto a definition closerto that first usedin 1913. r! Eisnerv. Macomber,252 U.S. 189, 207 (1920). ry See MlnvrN A. CHrnsLsrErN, Frornrl INcour TlxlrroN 7 (4th ed. 1985)("[C]ould it be assertedthat 'labor' or 'capital' somehowinheresin every human activity?The Macomber properties definitionapparentlypossessed whichmadeit difficultto applyin an absometaphysical lut ef as hion. . . . ") . 326 GEo. Mlsou INoEp.L. REv [Y ol .2:2 From the practitioner'sperspective,this confusionwas a positive development.It supportedaggressive"reporting positions"that would excludefrom taxableincomeaccessions to a client'swealth not derived from either labor or capital (suchas gifts) and inviteslitigationover suchclaimedexclusions.'3 It was not until 1955 in the caseof Commissionerv. Glenshaw Glass Co. that the SupremeCourt finally settledthe issueby embracing the broadlanguageof the SixteenthAmendment,includingvirtually everythingin income.The Court definedincomeas all "accessions to wealth,clearly realized,and over which the taxpayershavecomplete The judicial adoptionof this broaddefinitionalsoresolved dominion."2a the issuereasonablywell for purposesof creatingan administrabledefinition of incomefor the tax code.The statutoryschemeis that every "accession"to wealth is presumptivelyincludedin incomeunlessotherwise specificallyexcludedby statute, and in some limited circumstances,by judicial doctrine.26 The Bureauof Internal Revenueand later, the InternalRevenueService,had alwaysadoptedthis structure 2sSee,e.g.,Bogardus v. Comm'r,302U.S.34 (1937);Robertson v. UnitedStates,343U.S. (1952); 7ll Commissioner v. Duberstein, 363 U.S. 278 (1960)(donative intentrequiredfor nontaxablegift). 8 ' Com m is s ioner v . G lens haw G las sC o . , 3 4 8U . S . 4 2 6 , 4 3 1( 1 9 5 5 ) . 26Since the broad definitionof incomewas adopted,there is little room left for judicial exceptions to the generalrule that all "accessions to wealth" are includedin income.Howcver, during the yearsof the Depression in the 1930's,the courtscommonlyenunciatedexceptions to the broad definitionof inclusionin income.For instance,after outliningthe rule for including incomerealizedon the dischargeof indebtedness-acommonoccurrence during the Depression when the value of real propertydeclinedseverely,leavingmany mortgagelendersinadequately securedand willing to acceptpartial pay-offsof loans-the courtscarvedout a numberof rather dubiousjudicial exceptionsthat are only recentlybeing withdrawnby the courts(althoughthe Treasury never acquiescedin most of thesedecisionsfrom the first). See Kirby Lumber Co. v. UnitedStates,284U.S. I (1931)(in the majorityopinion,JusticeHolmesholdsthat incomewas realizedby a corporationupon acquisitionof its own debt instrumentfor lessthan face value);Dtt sea Bowersv. Kerbaugh-Empire,27lU.S. 170 (1926) (where"overall transaction"was a loss, incomenot recognizedon dischargeof debt for less than face value); Fulton Gold Corp. v. Comm'r,3l B.T.A.5l9 (1934) (reductionin non-recourse debt is treatedas a basisreduction rather than recognizedas income).Kerbaugh-Empireand Fulton Gold have beenseverelycriticized by courtsand the IRS for years.See,e.g.,Vukasocvich, Inc. v. Comm'r, 790 F.2d 1409, l4l4 (9th Cir. 1986).Indeed,the wholedebt-discharge areais still not supportedon a firm theoretical foundation,as evidencedby the recentbizarre caseof Zarin v. Comm'r, 92 T.C. 1084 (1989),rev'd,916 F.2d 110 (3d Cir. 1990)(compulsive gamblerlost $3.5 million in casinogambling on credit and in settlementwith casino,he paid $500,000of the debt-lRS assertedthat taxpayerrecognized$3 million of incomefrom cancellationof indebtedness). For one of the better discussions of Zarin, seeDanielShaviro,The ManWho Lost Too Much: Zarinv. Commissioner and the Measurement of TaxableConsumption,54Tlx L. Rrv. 215 (1990). t9941 IllusroNs or Tlx StrvtpLrErcntIoN 327 in litigation as the basic framework of the federal income tax even prior to the Court'sadoptionof a similarview of "income"in 1955. In these and other early decisions,the federal courts crafted a practicaland administrableconceptof incomefor the new incometax; and evenas the tax codeevolvedand providedgreaterdetailsof other statutorydefinitions,the definitionof "income" remainedvery much a question determined by referenceto these early judicial decisions. However,there still remainsa sizeablegrey areaas to what amountsto incomesubjectto the grasp of the federal incometax, evenafter decadesof judicial construction.26 The courtsalsoperformedthe essential taskof drawingthe boundariesof administrativepowerby reviewingthe governmentos own interpretationsof the tax statutes.While the courtspaid all the usualdeferenceto the expertiseof the tax expertsin the administrativeagencies with respectto their interpretation of the tax laws,therewaslittle hesitancy to find in favor of taxpayersagainstthe tax authorities.Through extensivelitigation over the basic issuesarising under the federal incometax, the courtsenunciatedthe broad doctrinenecessary to fill in gapsin the tax lawsand restrained the considerable the tendencyof the governmentto construethe tax laws entirely in its own favor. In this respect,the federalcourts playedan instrumentalrole in the development of the federalincometax. 3. Developmentof the Tax SystemDuring the First Regime During the first quarterof a centuryunderthe new federalincome tax-the "first regims"-1fis statutoryframeworkof the tax was clarified by Congress, the administrative capabilitiesof the Treasurywere expandedand refined,and the courts acquiredexperienceand skill in professionalized interpretingthe tax laws.Likewise,as the increasingly and specializedbar becamemore familiar with the meaningof the new 20"Construction"hasbeendefinedas the "drawingof conclusions respecting subjectsthat lie beyond the direct expressionof the text, from elementsknown from and given in the text which are in the spirit thoughnot the letterof the text." FneNcrsLTEBER, conclusions Legal and Polilical Hermeneutics 44 (F.H. Thomas1880),quoteddnWilliam F. Harris ll, BondingWord and Polity: The Logic of AmericanConstitutionalism,T6Au. Por. Scr. Rrv. 34,40 (1982);see a/so Frank H. Easterbrook, Legal Interpretationand the Powerof the Judiciary,7 Hlnv. J.L. & Pus. PoL'v 87 (1984);SheldonD. Pollack,ConstitutionalInterpretationas Political Choice,48 Utrrv. Ptrr. L. REv. 989 (1987). 328 Gro. M,c,soNINnEp.L. Rnv. lYol.2:2 tax laws through experiencerepresentingclients,a new legal specialist was born-the tax lawyer.2? Thus,the first regimeof the federalincometax was markedby the gradualinstitutionalizationof the tax system,the professionalization of roles played by the participants,and the specializationof functions within the administrationof the tax system.This specializationincludedlocatingthe powerto interpretthe tax laws throughadministrative regulationsand the powerto actually collecttax revenuesin separate officesand agencies.During this period,the basicstructureof the federalincometax was laid out and the participantsin the administration of the tax laws eventuallycameto understandthe rulesof the tax system.In addition, Congressmade continual refinementsto the tax statutesbasedupon experiencein administeringthe tax laws. These statutory refinements,along with judicial doctrine as it had evolved since1913,werecodifiedin the InternalRevenueCodeof 1939.'?t The 1939tax codeincludedmostof the basicfeaturesof the presentincome tax regime.The "expansive"languageof the first revenuestatuteswas given detail through decadesof statutory amendments,administrative pronouncements, and judicial review.Yet, evenafter payingfederalincome tax for more than a quarter of a century, the new tax code of 1939struckcontemporaries as forbiddingand enigmatic.2e During the first regime,the existingadministrativecapacitiesof the Americangovernmentprovedto be sufficientlydevelopedto collect the revenuefrom the incometax. Becauseonly l%o of the population wassubjectto the individualincometax in 1913,and only 57o subject to the tax in 1939,there was no great pressurefor an expansionof 1? From 1905to 1916,the AmericanBar Associationmaintaineda StandingCommitteeon Taxationwhich participatedin the enactmentof the RevenueAct of 1913.The ABA's Special Committeeon InternalRevenuewasinstrumentalin the creationof the Boardof Tax Appeals.In 1939,the ABA approvedthe organizationof the Sectionof Taxation,which todayplaysa prominent role in advisingthe Treasuryand IRS on concernsof the tax bar. For a discussionof the role of the Tax Section,see Harry K. Mansfield, A Brief Unoficial History of the Tax Section 1939-1989,44 Tnx LewyEn 4 (1990). Pub. L. No. 76-1. 'r 20No lessa distinguished figurethan JudgeLearnedHand expressed with thesesentiments respectto the complexityof the 1939tax code: ln my own casethe wordsof such an act as the IncomeTax, for example,merelydance before my eyesin a meaninglessprocession:cross-reference to cross-reference, exception uponexception- couchcdin abstracttermsthat offer no handleto seizehold of - leave my mind only a confusedsenseof some vitally important, but successfully purport,which it is my duty to extract,but which is within my power,if at concealed, all, only after the most inordinateexpenditureof time. JerrrrsS. Eusflce, Tax Complexityand the Tax Practitioner,45Tt* L. Rrv. 7, 7 (1989). tee4l ft-r-usroNs or Tlx SrupuRcerroN 329 administrativepowersinto the area of taxation.soThus, the traditional nineteenthcentury system of administration-minimal state institutions, organized by political parties, subject to judicial reviewer-predominatedthroughout the first regime of the federal inof the federalincometax cometax. However,the gradualdevelopment system,including the code itself and the collectionsystem,was radically and abruptly altered by the revenuecrisis occasionedby World War I. During the fiscalcrisisof the war, policymakerslearnedan important lessonabout the individual income tax-the amount of revenue collectedcan be increasedfairly easily through the tax systemwith only relatively minor tinkering and adjustmentsto tax rates and exemptionlevels.Accordingly,the wartime crisis for additionalrevenue led to higher marginal tax rates,therebytransformingthe nominal tax.82 structureof the federal incometax into a highly progressive PoliticalscientistJohn Witte has describedthe impact of World War I on the developmentof the federalincometax as follows: The First World War had an important impact on the incometax, rapidly transforming it from a highly contestedbut insignificant sourceof revenue into a major tax. Rate and provisionadjustmentsmade over severalyears turned what was almost a proportionaltax into one with a highly progressive nominalrate structure.ss Despitethe importanceof World War I on restructuringthe federal incometax, the impact of the War provedto be transitory.Evenduring the height of World War I, only a relativelysmall proportionof the citizenrywas eversubjectto the federalindividualincometax. In addition, as revenuerequirementsof the federal governmentreturned to more traditional patterns after the War, tax rates also were quickly to Figurescited in Timothy J. Conlan et al., Taxing Choices:The Politics of Tax Reform 17 ( l 990). 8r SeeSrnpnENSxownoNsr, Burlprxc A NEw Aurnrclx Srrrr: Tsr Exprrxsroxof Nerrour- AprralNrsrRArrvE Crrrcrrrns, 1877-1920,29 (1982) ("Together, courts and parties formedthe bulwark of the early Americanstate."). tt The top tax rate imposedduring World War I was 71% on incomeover one million dollars. Rosrnr E. Hrll & AlvrN RlausHrl, Txr Fnr Trx 20 (1985). 8r JoHN F. Wlrrr, THr Polrrrcs ANp DrvrlopurNr Or Tnr Fropnrl lxcorrlr Trx ll0 ( I 98s ) . 330 Gno. MsoN lNosp. L. Rrv fYoL2:2 reducedto pre-War levels.sa Furthermore,followingthe War, the fedleadingTreasurySecretaryAneral governmentactuallyran surpluses, drew W. Mellon on a crusadefor the repealof the wartimeexcessprofits tax.36 B. The SecondRegime: The Transformation of the Tax System The critical needfor revenuebrought on by World War II led to dramatic increasesin tax rates as well as the transformationof the federalincometax from a "classtax" into a "masstax" affectingmost of the citizenry.soThe expansionof the American administrativestate a conceptualand ideologduring the New Deal had alreadyestablished ical acceptance of public administration,pavingthe way for the subsequentexpansionof the tax administrativestateduring World War II.37 During the War years,tax rates and the volume of revenuecollected increaseddramatically.ssSimilarly, the number of tax returns filed by individualsincreasednearly eightfold from 1940 to 1945.80 From the initial l%o of the populationthat was subjectto the individual incometax in 1913,the figurehad risento only a modest5Vo by 1939.40 However,this changeddramaticallyover the courseof World War II. Furthermore,the structuralchangesto the tax codeoccasioned by the war were not withdrawn following World War II as they had beenafter World War I. The higher tax ratesand the expandedscope of the tax did not return to pre-War levels,and they continuedto increase,althoughmore slowly,throughoutthe post-Waryears.By 1950, u Id. at 96; see also BLnrEv and Buxnv, supru note 12, at 189-334(accountof Mellon plan for tax reductionduring 1920s,includinglegislationthat reducedwartimesurtaxrates,cstate taxes,and corporationtaxes in 1924, 1926 and 1928, respectively). E5Mellon, TreasurySecretaryundcr four presidents,playedthe leadingrolc in the return to tax "normalcy." Under Mellon's long reign at Trcasury, wartime debt was significantlyreduced and the budget actually yielded surplusesfor elevenstraight years,cvcn as the wartimc excess profits tax was abandoned.See Paul, supra note 12, at 122-42.While tax rates decreascd,thc relative contributionof the incometax to total federal revenueincreasedduring the 1920s.RrcHenp B. GoopB,THE INDrvrDUerlNcoun Tu 2-3 (1976). 8" ,SeeC. EucnNp StEuEnLE,Trtr Tlx DEclonr How TlxEs Clur To Dorrrrx,rrrTgn Pust-rcAonxpe l3 (1992);Wnrn, supranote 33, at 110-30.The mostcomprehensive discussion of the incometax during World War II is foundio Pr.r, supra note12, 249of the expansion ^l 392. E?See DoNlrp R. BneNo, ConponerrsruANo Tnr Rur-EOr Lrw: A Sruoy Or Tnn NnttoNrt Rrcovrny Aotr,ttNIstnrnoN(1988);seealso, SrownoNnx, supra note 31, at 288-90. 86See Wtttr, supra note 33, at l10-30. 8e CoNLeN,supra note 8, at 18. {o See Gooon, supra rl.ote35, at 3. 19941 h-lustoNs or Tlx Srtr,tplrrrcerroN 331 as much as 59Voof the populationwas subjectto the individualincome tax, and that figure increasedto SlVo by 1970.4rRevenuefrom the federalincometax roseto 45Voof all federaltax receiptsby 1950,and by 1985,the figurehad risento 73Vo.a2 Thus, the great impact of World War II on fiscal policy was that the federalincometax emergedas the most significantsourceof revenue for the federalgovernmentas both tax ratesincreasedand moreof the populationbecamesubjectto the tax. The federalincometax also of Ameribecameone of the most wide-rangingand all-encompassing can public policies,affectingmany aspectsof socialand economiclife of the citizenry through the public policiesbuilt into the tax codeand imposingwhat may very well be the most burdensomeobligationof citizenship. Perhapsthe singlemost important changein the tax laws implementedduring World War II that made possiblethe creationand extraordinary growth of the post-War tax administrativebureaucracy Withwas the introductionof so-called"withholdingat the source."ns holding was contemplatedand favoredby thosewho enactedthe first incometax in 1913,in particularCordellHull (Dem.,Tenn.),Chairman of the HouseWays and Means Committee.Supportersgenerally viewed with favor the British system of "collection-at-the-source," which imposeda flat rate on prescribedpaymentsand was indifferent to the incomeor financialstatusof the recipient,and thus, was highly administrable.aa Withholding at the sourcewas not actually put into effect until 1943 pursuant to the Current Tax PaymentAct enactedduring the wartime crisis for revenue.Until this legislation,the individualincome tax waspaid solelythroughquarterlypaymentsof estimatedtax for the current year.a6The Rooseveltadministrationhad beenrecommending ar Id. at 19. 12 Id. 4' See,e.9., Bunxnlu, supra note I 3, at I 5 ("Although the withholdingstatute traditionally receivesonly passingattentionfrom most tax scholars,its importancein increasingthe basic powerof the IRS cannotbe overstated.").For a discussionof the politics behindthe enactmentof the first withholding requirements,see PrruI-,supra note 12, at 333-34. tt .SeeBL,rKrv eNo BLnrnv, supranote L2,at75,5ll-20. Proponents ofwithholdingat the sourcealso lookedto the Englishexperiencewith envy as it raisedsignificantrevenuethrough this device. {r This is still thc methodof paymentof tax with respectto sclf-earnedincome..SeeI.R.C. $S 6315,6654 (Law. Co-op.1993).Technically,there is no requirementto pay suchestimated taxes.However,therc are penaltiesfor the failure to make adequatequarterly paymentsof one's individualswould not needto make any inannualincometax liability, Absenttheseprovisions, 332 Gro. MesoN INorp. L. Rnv fYol.2:2 withholding requirementsin order to speedup the collectionof the badly neededrevenueto which the nationalgovernmentnow laid claim under the newly expandedfederalincometax. The new legislationcreinterest and diviated a new obligation for payersof compensation, dendsto withhold a prescribedamountof incometax from the payment itself.aoIn addition to the introductionof withholding at the source, "information reporting" requirementsalso were createdand imposed upon the samecategoriesof payers.Later, legislationwas enactedto interest,and dividendsto report require the payersof compensation, deOver subsequent such paymentsto the IRS on an annual basis.az cades,withholding and information reporting requirementswere constantly expandedthrough the incrementaltax policymakingprocess. Information reporting providesthe IRS with independentnotice and verificationof much of the grossincomeof most of U.S. resident taxpayers.With information reporting applicableto the payment of wagesto employees, remunerationpaid to independentcontractors,interest and dividend payments,and even the gross proceedsrealized from the sale of stock and securities,the IRS now has availableto it significantinformationregardingthe tax statusof a significantpercentage of taxpayers.Of course,such information is uselesswithout the administrativecapacityto digest the vast, and potentiallyoverwhelming, volumeof informationthat the IRS receivesfrom payerswith respectto taxpayers.Computersnow offer the IRS the capabilityto correlate and match all the vast and otherwise incomprehensible informationgatheredfrom thesepayers.aE On the whole, withholding greatly changedthe postureof the IRS and and informationreporting the incometax from a "self-assessed" tax paid on an annualbasisby the taxpayerhimself,to one in which paymentsand a gooddeal of the cometax paymentsuntil April lsth of the followingyear - the due date for their incometax r€turn. 16The withholdingrequirements, expandedgreatlysinceintroducedin 1943,are now found in the I.R.C.at $S 3401-06. '? Theseobligationsare imposedupon payersunder I.R.C. SS 6041-50N. {t The IRS computersystemis hopelessly out-of-date.Under the Bush administrationthe IRS began an $8 billion modernizationprogram. Scott R. Schmedel,Tax Report: The IRS Is Reshaping,Wlu Sr. J., July 7,1993, at Al. Such a measureis believedto be cost-effective. Memoriesof a much-publicized breakdownin the IRS computercollectionsystemin 1985still haunt the attempt to rely upon computersto keep track of so much of the economicactivity subject to the incometax. t9941 lllusroxs or Tlx Srrrrpr.rnclttoN 333 relevant information is in the hands of the taxing authoritieseven beforethe taxpayerstarts to preparean annual tax return.ae With the introductionof incometax withholdingduring the war years,the Internal RevenueServicewas able to enhancethe enforcement of compliancewith the tax laws.60This trend continuedover the next decadesas computershave allowedevengreaterand more extensive withholdingrequirementsto be imposedupon private,third-party payerssuchas employers,banks,and securitiesand brokerageclearing houses.With suchnew and enhancedtoolsfor ensuringwithholdingat the source,the Internal RevenueServicehas emergedas one of the most productiveof administrativeagencies.Notwithstandingthe popular perceptionthat the IRS is somehowinefficientin its operations,its ability to administera masstax with over one hundredmillion tax returns filed annuallyand collectnearly one trillion dollarsof revenue eachyear, is truly a miracle of modernbureaucracy.ot If World War II helpedto establishthe federalincometax as one of the most important fiscal tools of the American polity, tax policymakingduring the immediatepost-War era followedmuch the same patternsthat had prevailedduring the pre-War, Depressionera politics.62Furthermore,the post-Wat era was a period of relativecalm in the political world with respectto the federal incometax. During the entire decadeof the 1950s,there was little notablelegislationother than the enactmentof the InternalRevenueCodeof 1954-essentially a recodification,rather than a departurefrom current law.6sFor the remainderof the decade,the federal tax laws remainedquite stable and constantwith little significantlegislationenacted.6{ ao Evenwith the powersderivedfrom withholding,informationreporting,and computers,in 1993the IRS still faceda backlogof some$71 billionof unpaidtaxes.Tom Herman,Tax Report, W nll Sr . J . , J an.20, 1993,at Al . !o For an interesting,if uncritical portrait of the Internal RevenueService,see John C. Chommie, The Internal RevenueService (1970). !r The IRS predictedthat it would receivcnearly 113 million individualtax returnsfor tax year 1992 by the end of September1993.This representsa slight decreaseover the prior year. Daily Tax Report(BNA), September28, 1993,G-3. Nearly one trillion dollarswascollectedfor tax year 1988.BunNH,c,l"r, supra note 13, at 22. The IRS'own budgetis $7.4 billion underthe fiscalyear 1994budgetput forth by the Clinton administration.Drrlv Tex Rnponr, June 10, 1994,G-4. !r For a dcscriptionof post-War patternsof tax policymaking,seeWnre supra note 33 at I 3l- 54. !E For a discussion of the 1954revenuebill, seeWtttn, supra noto 33, at 148-50. 6r One importantpieceof tax legislationenactedduring the 1950swas the additionof SubchapterS to the Internal RevenueCodein the TechnicalAmendmentsAct of 1958,H.R, Doc. No. 8381,85th Cong.,2d Sess. 334 GEo.MnsoulNnnp.L. Rrv fYol.2:2 The new massincometax providedthe TreasuryDepartmentwith significantly more revenue and became the most important single sourceof federalrevenue.However,to accommodate this expansionof the tax and the rise in tax rates,the tax administrativestatehad to be augmentedto collectthe revenueavailableto the governmentunderthe expandedfederal incometax.66While the traditional nineteenthcentury administrativestatehad beenadequatein collectingthe tariff, and was easily adaptedto administerthe early incometax laws, the wartime enlargementof the incometax required a major expansionand reconstitutionof the federaltax bureaucracyto administerthe revenue laws as a masstax applicableto millions of new taxpayers.66 A good deal of the complexitythat invadedthe tax code in the post-War era can be traced to this transformationof the incometax into a masstax and to the relatedexpansion of the tax administrative state. However,the causesbehind the explosionin tax complexityin the post-Warera go beyondthesefactorsalone.To understand the explosionin complexitythat hasbeenwitnessedsincethe 1970s,it is necessaryto considerother factors that have contributedto the unprecedentedrise in tax complexity. II. Souncrs oF TAX Corvrpr-Bxrrv A. Economic Complexity The dramaticincreasein the levelof the complexityof the federal incometax laws during recentdecadeshas not goneunnoticed.6T Inpoliticians,and the deed,it hasbeena favoritethemeof tax academics, 05 See Cttotr,lr,ttE, supra note 50, at 24 ("The broadeningof the incometax baseduring the early yearsof World War II to embracemostof the nation'swageearners,necessitated the utilizationof a numberof new and innovativecollectiontechniques."). s The total revenuecollectedby all levelsof government in the UnitedStateswas$50 billion in 1944duringthe heightof World War II; $100billionin 1956;9500billionin 1977;and $l trillion in 1984.RoN,c,Lo F. Kruc, MoNnv, TruE, rNp Por-rrrcs:INvrsrurrr Tlx Sugsrorlnrrs lNo At"tpnrclr Druocn,lcy 16 (1993). 67 Writing in 1950,Henry Simonselegantlylamentedthe increasedcomplexityof the tax laws, but could offer only a vague explanationfor it and little hope for relief: "Simplicity in moderntaxation is a problemof basicarchitecturaldesign.Presentlegislationis insufferablycomplicatedand nearlyunintelligible.If it is not simplified,half of the populationmay haveto become tax lawyersand tax accountants."Srrrt',roNs, supra nole 5, at 28. See also Hlr-l and RlsusHrl, supra nole 32, at 5 ("The current U.S. incometax systemis a nightmareof complcxity."). 19941 II-I-usror.rs or Tnx Sltr,tpt-lrtcnrIoNI 335 tax bar.68However,the many explanationsoffered for the increased complexityof the tax laws are lessthan convincingor satisfactory.The problemof tax complexitygoesto the heart of what is wrong with tax policymakingin the post-War period, and thus, requiresmore than simplisticexplanationsor eloquentlamentations. The reasonmost often cited for the increasedcomplexityin tax lawsis the purportedincreasein the complexity' of the "world" in general, and in the economyin particular.Accordingto this commonargument, the tax laws were necessarilyexpandeddurrng the post-Warperiod in response to, and to copewith, the increasinglysophisticated and complicatedworld of business,corporatefinance,and economicrelations. Purportedly,as businesstransactionsbecamemore complex, Congresswas requiredto modify the incometax lawsjust to keepup with the new practicesof business.6e l. InternationalTaxation Thereis a gooddeal of truth in the argumentthat the increasing complexityof businesstransactionsleads to increasingcomplexityin prothe tax laws. For instanceafter the 1950s,Americanbusinesses gressivelyexpandedtheir activitiesin foreignmarketsand foreigncorporationsincreasingly beganto do much more business in the United States.This changein the internationaleconomicenvironmentdemandedadaptationof incometax laws to governthe taxationof multinationalbusiness transactions and corporations conductingbusiness in severaljurisdictions.Accordingly,the provisionsof the tax code with greatlyexpanded respectto "internationaltaxation"so beginningin the 0EFor a discussion of the forcespushingtowardgreatercomplexity,seegenerally,StanleyS. Svrrey, Complexity and the Internal RevenueCode: The Problem of the Managementof Tax Detail,34 Lrw & CoNrrMp.Pnoss.673 (1969);SidneyI. Robertset al.,A Reporton Complexity and the IncomeTax,27 TxxL. REv.325 (1972);JamesS. Eustice,Tax Complexityand the Tax Practirioner,45 Trx L. REv. 7 (1989). osSee,e.g.,Wnre, supra note 31, at 149 ("[T]he U.S. economyhad becomemuch more complexby the 1950s,and the rudimentarylaws of the early incometax werc no longersufficient."). In a comparableexample,Wildavskyattributesthe complexityof the budgetingprocess to similar factors.Aenox B. WILorrvsry, TnE Por-rrrcsor rxr Buocrrnny Pnocrss8 (1964) ("Budgetingis complex,largelybecauseof the complexityof modernlife."). oo Within the contextof the U.S. incometax laws,"internationaltaxation"hasa somewhat misleadingusage,referringto the taxationby the U.S. of domesticcorporations and U.S. persons with foreign branchesand/or incomesourcesoutsidethe United States,as well as taxationof foreigncorporations and and individualswith U.S. sourceincomegainedby conductingbusiness investmentactivitiesin the United States.For an excellentand comprehensive three-volume trea- 336 Gro. MmoN INorp. L. Rrv. [Yol.2:2 1960s.Someof the most complicatedprovisionsto deal with international tax issuesin the code were introducedduring the 1980s.For instance,foreigncorporationsconductingbusinessin the United States must now confront extremely complicatedstatutes and regulations which requirethem to determinetheir "U.S. source"income,ottheir "effectivelyconnected"U.S. income,62 and their U.S. interestdeductions.83 They alsomust negotiatethe "branch profitstax"6aand complicated economicanalysisrequiredwith respectto so-called"intercompany transfer-pricing."66 There is little doubt that in international taxation, tax complexitycaught up to internationalbusinesspractices with a vengeanceof its own. 2. Tax Law and BusinessForms Whateverthe initial appealof the argumentthat the tax lawsincreasedin complexityin response to the increasingcomplexityof the world, the economy,or evenlife itself, it is not entirelyconvincing.For instance,the argumentassumes that the useof new entitiesto conduct tise coveringall aspectsof internationaltaxation,seeJosepsIsrNnnnoH,IxtgnNertoNer-TlxlrroN: U.S. Tlxlrror or FonsrcNTlxplyEns eNo FonrrcN INcorur(1990). or See I.R.C. 861-62 (1986) (defining income from "U.S. sources"and incomefrom $ sourcesoutsidethe U.S.). Specificprovisionsof the tax codegoverningthe taxationof foreign corporationsand nonresidentaliens are found in Subpart II of SubchapterN of the Internal RevenueCode. 62 For the deinition of "effectivelyconnected"income,seeI.R.C. 86a(c) (1986). $ os For example,the determination of the portionof a foreigncorporation's U.S. debt allowable as a deductionunderthe U.S. incometax lawsrequiresan allocationof world-widedebt based uponthe locationof the foreigncorporation's assets. SeeTreas.Reg.S L882-5(interestallocation rule) promulgated underthe authorityof I.R.C. $ 882(c)(l)(A) (1986).Seac/so I.R.C. $ 863 ( l 9 86 ) . ot Seegenerally,I.R.C. 884 (1986). $ o0 Intercompany transfer-pricing is governedunderI.R.C. $ 482 (1986).Spurredon by media accountsof foreigncorporationsgrosslyunderpayingtheir U.S. incometaxes,the Treasury Departmentbeganto pay seriousattentionto transfer-pricingin the 1960s.A Srupy on INrERcoMpANy PnrcrNc,Notice 88-123,1988-2C.B. 45E,at 6-10.Treasuryissueda so-called A Sruov on INrEncompnNv PnrcrNc, "White Paper"in 1988on the questionof transfer-pricing. Notice 88-123,l9E8-2 C,B.45E. The White Paperwas a radicaldeparturefrom the usual attempt by the Treasuryto describeand addresseveryconccivable transactionand set of factsand circumstancesin its regulations.This paper was devotedexclusivelyto transfer-pricing.Howcver, after publicationof the White Paper,the TreasuryDepartmentbeganthe inevitablebarrageof regulations,and many taxpayersobjectedto them on various grounds.The Treasury retreated somewhatand issued"simplified"regulationsin Januaryof 1993,Nevertheless, eventheseregulations imposehighly technicalstandardsthat must bc negotiatedto avoid having the IRS recompute a corporation'sincome,Treas. Reg. $$ 1.482-l through 1.482-2and TemporaryReg. $S 1.482-lTthough1.482-7T. r9941 IllusroNs or T,c,xSrupLrrlclttoN 337 businessled to the expansionof the tax laws to regulatesuchdevelopThis is contrary to the thesisthat Amerimentsin businesspractice.os the needsand interests and developed to accommodate can law evolved of the dominanteconomicinterestsof civil society-i.e., moderncapitalism.67The former impliesthat autonomouspolitical elites are capable of respondingto attemptsto avoid the incidenceof the incometax by crafting new statutesand regulationsto cope with such developmentsin businesspractice,while the latter argumentpresumesthat law developsin conformitywith the needsof the businesscommunity. It is relativelyeasyto find examplessupportingboth sidesof the argument.For instance,in 1958 Congresspassedlegislationthat provided for the creationof an entirely new tax entity, the so-called"S corporation,"for the expresspurposeof providingbusinesswith a new "pass-through"entity as an alternativeto the traditionalbusinesscorporation.sE The S corporationis strictly a creatureof the federaltax code,and its creationillustrateshow the tax laws can developto accommodateprivate economicinterests. However,just as often it is the tax laws that producechangesin businesspractices,as well as in statecorporatelaw. The impact of the tax law on businesspracticeand statelaw is illustratedby the creation of anotherentirely new legal entity for conductingbusiness-the limln 1977,Wyoming becamethe first state to ited liability company.so enacta statuteauthorizingthe organizationof limited liability companies,and Florida followedsuit in 1982.However,as late as 1988,there were only a handful of limited liability companiesactually organized co See, e.9., Wtrrn, supra note 33, at 149 ("To match the complexity,the codc neededto distinguishbetweencorporations,corporationswith incomeearnedabroad,partnerships,holding Complex companies, and a wide variety of tax-exemptand partially tax-exemptorganizations. organizationslead to complex sourcesand flows of incomeand costs,which in turn lead to demands for different treatment."). az See,e.g., MonroN J. Honwtrz, THB TnrNsronMATroN or ArraEnrclttLlw: 1780-1850 (1977);and Tnr TnrNsronMArroNoF AMERTcAN Lew: 1870-1960(1992) (evolutionof Amcrican law as reflectingdictates of private capital). 6t SubchapterS (containedin $$ 136l-79 of the 1986 Internal RevenueCode) was first addedto the tax codeby the TechnicalAmendments Act of 1958,H.R. Doc. No.8381,85th Cong., 2d Sess.The provisionswere not in the original Housebill, but rather were addedby the SenateFinanceCommittee.Sea S. Rnp. No. 19E3,85th Cong.,2d Sess.,1958C.B, 1009.The legislativeintentionsbehind the creationof this new taxable entity haveneverbeenvery clear to the courts, thus making it difficult to construethe many restrictionsand rules governingSubchapter S corporations.Howcver,therc were clear statementsas to the needto accommodatethe interestof businessin somesort of corporatepass-throughentity. 0o For a discussionof the benefitsand problemsof using a limited liability company,see SheldonD. Pollack, Use of a Limited Liability Companylor Conducting Businessin Pennsylvania, LXIY Pr. Brn Ass'N.Q. 142 (July 1993). 338 Gno. MesoN INpEp.L. Rrv. fYol.2:2 under thoselaws.Then in 1988,the IRS issueda favorablepublic ruling regardingthe tax treatment of a Wyoming limited liability company.Stimulatedby the Service'sclassification of the Wyominglimited liability companyas a partnershipfor federalincometax purposes, this became "hot" nearly rushed new businessentity and all other states to As a result,the landscapefor enacttheir own versionsof the statute.To businessand tax planningincludesyet one more entity, as well as all the new interpretiverules and regulationsnow being consideredby Treasurytax expertsto distinguishthe limited liability companyfrom Here, other pass-throughentities-S corporationsand partnerships.Tr the evolutionof statecorporatelaw accommodated the dictatesof ecoin federaltax law. nomic interestsand developments However,it can hardly be said,evenin this strongcase,that the federaltax laws developedto serveor evenaccommodateprivate economic interests.Businesses and individualinvestorsalreadyhad turned away from the traditionalforms of business corporations. They began to utilize alternativebusinessentitiessuchas partnershipsand common law creations,like the Massachusetts businesstrust, preciselybecause of the more favorabletax resultsthat could be achievedthroughuseof such entities.As tax lawyerscame to recognizethe advantagesto be gainedby "restructuring"the traditionalforms of businesstransactions through the use of partnerships,businesspracticeschangedto accommodatethe federal incometax code.This suggeststhat tax laws play an independentrole in shapingthe developmentof businesspractices, rather than merely reflectingand servingthe needsof private capital. The expansionof the federal tax schemewithin civil societyhad an impact upon how the economydevelopedand contributedin its own way to the increasein complexityof businesspractices.Thus, the rise in complexityof the tax laws cannotbe attributedsolelyto an increasingly complexeconomyand businessworld. Rather,the tax laws themselvescontributedto the complexityin the businessworld. 7o As of September1993,a total of thirty-frve stateshad alreadyenactedstatutcsproviding for limited liability companies.The Limited Liability Company-An Emerging BusinessForm of Choice,LXIY CorporationGuide (P-H) P 18.1 (Sept. 15, 1993).See also,State-by-StateTax Treatmentof LLCs Reviewed,Srern Tex Rnvrsw (CCH) (Oct. ll, 1993). ?t The IRS has not yet revisedthe regulationsto adequatelydistinguishbetweenS corporations and partnerships,which are similar, but differ in important respects.This task has already begunwith respectto limited liability companies. See,e.g.,Rev. Proc.92-35,1992-l C.B. 790. 1994! B. IrrusroNsor Tnx SrruplrncetroN 339 Tax Reform, Preferences, and the Rise in Complexity Much of the increasedcomplexityin the tax laws resultedfrom the tax policymakingprocessitself, rather than from the externaleconomic environment.It is often the casethat high-mindedtax reform proposalsend up as nightmaresof complexityoncetranslatedinto regulationsby the tax expertsin Treasury.In the wake of the successof tax reform effortsin the 1980s,it is apparentthat many of the reform measuresadoptedby Congressand giveneffectthroughTreasuryregulationsthemselves causedmuch of the increasedcomplexityin the federal incometax laws. Consider,for example,such tax reformsas the passiveactivity lossruleswhich were aimedat eliminatingtax shelters. The passiveactivity lossruleswereenactedby Congressto deal a death blow to the tax shelterindustry once and for all.72The basicidea behind this reform was to preventtaxpayersfrom using lossesgenerated from "passive"activities(that is, tax deductionsfrom tax sheltersand other passiveinvestments)to offsetincomederivedfrom eitherportfolio investments(dividendsor interestincome)or earnedincome(wagesor self-earnedincome).73This approach appearsrelatively simple and straight-forward,but lookscan be deceiving. The problem,onceagain,was that the vagueand overly-broadlanguageintroducedinto the tax codein the burst of tax reformismproved to be uselessagainstthe planningof tax lawyers.It againfell to the tax expertsat Treasuryand the Serviceto providethrough regulationthat which was otherwiseunattainablethrough statute.Unfortunately,the resulting passiveactivity loss regulationsissuedby Treasury are so comprehensive as to be incomprehensible to taxpayers,the judgeswho adjudicatedisputesover the interpretationof the federal statute,and evenmost tax lawyers. Introducedin successive setsof Treasuryregulations,the passive activity loss regulationsalreadyamount to over five hundredof pages that must be navigatedby any taxpayerinvolvedin multiple investment activities.Indeed,the regulationsrequire someforty pagesjust to define what is meant by an "activity"-a vital enterprisewhen it is 7r The passiveactivity loss(PAL) rulesare found at I.R.C. 469 (Law Co-op.1993). $ 't Proposalshad been formulated in the 1970sby Treasury tax expertsto limit the gse of artificial tax lossesto shelter other ordinary income. However,such proposalswere modest ir,. scopecomparedwith what wasultimatelyenactedin 1986.The conceptbehindthe passivtactirity lossruleswas first set out in legislationin 1983by SenatorsMoynihanand Chafee,and later was reintroducedin the Senatetax reform bill. 340 Gso. MA,soNINnsp. L. Rrv fYol. 2:2 rememberedthat the rules generallyrequirea taxpayerto accountfor each such separateactivity.TlThe increasedcomplexityhas eventemperedthe enthusiasmof thosewho initially sawthe passiveactivity loss rules as the vehicleto tax "fairness."76 Some have argued that despitethe inordinatecomplexityof the passiveactivity loss regulations,becausethey successfullyshut down the tax shelterindustry,the overalleffect has beento simplify the tax laws.76 whether or not suchis the genuineessence of tax simplification, the majority of taxpayershave never had to confront thesetechnical rules simply becausethey do not investin businesses in which they do not activelyparticipate.However,for thosewho do. someof the most impenetrable and convolutedregulationsawait them.?z In much the sameway, the original issuediscount(OID) rules which were intendedto preventtax avoidancethrough deferral of the paymentof tax78and the infamousSection89 proposedregulations which weremeant to preventdiscriminationin the useof pensionplans and other tax-favoredbenefitsby managementto the exclusionof workers.The Section 89 regulationsimposedcomplexand incomprehensibleruleson employerswith respectto qualifiedretirementplans.?e Theseregulationsultimatelywerewithdrawnby the InternalRevenue Servicein direct responseto the significantpublic outcry againstthis 7' In an effort to simplify theseregulations, the 6nal regulationswereshortenedconsiderably, purportedlyreducingthe complexityof the rules.SeeTreas.prop. Reg. 1.469-4. $ 7Esee, e.9.,StephenP. Allen, Fixing The passive Activiry LossRules,50Tlx Norrs l4l9 (Mar. 25, 1991)("The PAL ruleshavebeenquite effectivein dealingwith tax shelters.Unfortunately,they havealsoproduceda serioussideeffect:a substantialincreasein tax law complexity. In makingthe tax systemmore fair, congresshas also madeit more incomprehensible."). 76 stanley A. Koppelman, At-Risk and passive Activity Limitations: can complexity be Reduced?,45Trx L. Rev. 97, 105-06(1989)("Notwithstanding the lengthand detailof the PAL rules,they representa net simplificationof the tax system.The success of theserules in eliminatingcomplextax shelterinvestments has simplifiedthe investmentdecisions for mosthigh incometaxpayers.").Notwithstandingthe implicationsof ProfessorKoppelman'sstatement,it is probablyfair to say that mostof the taxpayerswho previouslywrestledwith complextax shelter investments would gladly do so again if only giventhe opportunity. 7? As onecommentator hasput it: "It is nowthreeyearsafter the enactmentof the limitation on passivelosses. And somethingis terribly wrong.From a simpleidea to limit tax sheltersthere has developeda set of statutory rules and administrativeregulationsof immensecomplexity.The complexityof theserulesis so Sreatthat most taxpayerswill neverbe able to understandthem." Richard M. Lipton, PALs at Three: what we Know, what ll/e Don't Know And wat ltlent l4trong,67Trxrs 715 (1989)(emphasis in original);seealso RichardM. Lipton,pALS ar Four: Living with the Regulations,68 Tlxrs 779 (1990). 7ESee infra notes90-91and accompanying text. ?o I.R.C. g 89 (prior to 1989amendment). r9941 lllusroNsor Trx Srupnrrclrtou 34r "regulatorynightmare."80 Theseand other regulatorynightmareswere originally conceivedof as reformsand implementedto preventabuses of the tax laws. However,they ultimately increasedthe complexityof the tax laws to the point where they nearly become dysfunctional-where taxpayersand the Servicecan no longer understandor apply the tax laws.sr The congressional tendencyto implementmore and more domestic policythroughso-called"tax expenditures"is anothersignificantdevelopment in tax policymakingthat accountsfor a large portion of the increasedmagnitudeand complexityof the tax laws. Paul McDaniel has written that "the useof tax expenditures constitutesthe singlebiggestcauseof complexityin our tax system."82 This may be something of an overstatement, but it is hard to quarrelwith the assertionthat tax expenditures contributemuch to the increasein complexityof the tax havebeendefinedas "thoserevenuelossesatcode.Tax expenditures tributableto provisions of the Federaltax laws which allow a special exclusion, exemption, or deductionfrom grossincomeor whichprovide a special credit, a preferential rate of tax, or a deferral of tax liability."83 By the 1960sit wascommonpracticeto usetax creditsand preferencesto implementsocialand economicpolicy. The effort to incorporate so much domesticpolicyinto the tax coderequirestax policymakers to draw ever more subtledistinctionsbetweenthosetaxpayersand transactionsintendedto qualify for the tax benefitsand thosewho are perceivedto be abusingtheseprovisions. Thesedistinctionsinevitably require increasinglycomplicatedrules and regulations.Social policies as diverseas encouraging"researchand development"sa and low in- 60 Pub. L. No. 101-40, 203 (1989)repealedI.R.C. 89. Seealso Elin Rosenthal, Seaion $ $ 89 Foes Unimpressed by Treasury'sAttempts at Compassion,42Te,xNorEs 528 (1989);Elin Rosenthal,SoberingThoughtsIntrude on Eulogy of Section89, 45 Tax Notes930 (1989). 6t The tax laws becomedysfunctionalwhen they becomeunadministrable, and thus, no longerraisesufficientrevenuedue to the inability of evenwell-intentioned taxpayersto comply with them. 62 Paul McDaniel, Federal Income Tax Simplification: The Political Process,34 Trx L. Rr v . 27 ( 1978) . 18The Congressional Budgetand Impoundment Act, Pub. L. No. 93-344,$ 3(a)(3),88Stat. 298,299 (1974).For a comprehensive discussion of legisof the dynamicsof the politicalprocess lating tax expenditures, seeSrlNr,ny S. Sunnny,Prruwrys ro Trx REnonu:Tur CoNcrpr or (1973);SreNr,syS. Sunnsy & Plul R. McDeNrnr-, T,rx ExpENorrunEs Trrx ExpeNprrunns (1985);JoxN F. Wrrre, Tnr Polrrrcs eNo DsvEr-oprr{ENT oF rHE Frprnll lNcorlrrTlx, Chs. 14 and l5 (1985);Josrps A. Ppcsrrmr.r, FrpEnll Trx Por-rcy355-63(1987). E{ I.R.C. 174 (Law. Co-op.1993), $ 342 Gro. MmoN INnrp. L. Rsv. [Yol.2:2 throughtax credits,and providingdeductionsfor charicomehousingE6 table contributionsso all contributein their own way to increasingthe burdenimposedby the tax code. While tax reformistshave attackedthe use of the tax systemto implement policy, congressmen find the use of tax incentiveshighly conduciveto satisfyingtheir own needsas electoralcreatures.Eventhe wholesaleassaulton tax expenditureslaunchedthrough the Tax Reform Act of 1986,as radical a departuresfrom traditionaltax policymakingas that represented, madeonly a dent in the complexityreAs the traditionaltax policymakinghas sultingfrom theseprovisions. itself since1986,the useof tax expenditures reasserted to makepolicy hasincreased again,therebyassuringthat tax complexitywill remaina salientfeatureof the federalincometax for the foreseeable future. C. EconomicAnalvsis in the Tax Code The tax code also has grown in complexityas policymakersand the tax expertsin the Treasury Departmentbecameincreasinglysophisticatedin perfectingthe underlyingconceptsof the income tax. This is especiallythe casewith respectto purifying and refining the statutory definitionof income.The federal incometax restsupon the conceptof taxing incomereceivedor accruedduring the taxableyear.87 As the tax expertshavebecomemore adeptat definingtaxableincome in economicterms,statutoryprovisionshavebecomemorecomplicated. Economicanalysishas been introducedinto the tax code in order to eradicateperceivedabusesof the tax rules (i.e., avoidanceof tax) by those taxpayerswho themselvesunderstandhow to manipulateeconomic conceptsto their own advantage. The new "economicprovisions"introducedin the 1980scontributed someof the most complicatedrules to the tax code.For instance, taxpayersoncecould purchaseso-called"zero coupon"bondsor other corporatedebt obligationsand defer the receipt and taxation of the "interest" payableon such obligationsuntil the date of maturity (or redemption)."" Such deferralis viewedas unwarrantedfrom the per- tc I.R.C. 42 (Law. Co-op.1993). $ to I.R.C. 170 (Law. Co-op.1993). $ tI See,e.g.,Treas.Reg. 1.4a1-l(a)(eachtaxableyear is a separateunit for tax accounting $ purposes). 8t For a cashbasistaxpayer,the interestincomewouldnot be taxeduntil actualor constructive receipt.SeeTreas.Reg.$ 1.451-l(a). 19941 IllusroNs or Tlx SruplrnclttoN 343 spective of the Haig-Simons definition of incometo in that the debtholder'seconomicpositionhas been enhancedover the courseof the year as much as if the interesthad actually beenpaid, especially wherethe issueris in soundfinancialconditionand there is no reason to questionits ability to satisfy the obligationto pay the accruedunpaid interestat maturity. Accordingly the original issuediscount (OID) rules were introducedin the 1980s,refining prior effortsto control this deferralof inThe OID rulesimposetaxationon the interest(and comerecognition.oo allow for a relateddeductionto the payer) basedupon the conceptof the economicaccrualof the interestrather than uponits actualreceipt. This may be sound policy if the sole objectiveof the tax laws is to ensurethat taxableincomereplicateseconomicincome.However,the OID rules introducedan extraordinarylevel of complexityinto the tax laws by adding the economicaccrual concept.If simplicity in the tax statutessuch codeis respectedas one of the goalsof tax policymakers, as the OID provisionsmust be considereda mixed blessing." Another exampleof how the introductionof economicanalysisinto the tax codecontributedto an increasein the complexityof the tax lawswas foundin the campaignagainst"tax arbitrage"wagedduring the 1980s.e2 The simplestexampleof tax arbitrageariseswhenan investor borrows in order to invest in a tax-exemptmunicipal bond. Under prior tax law, the investorcould deductall of the interestpaid to carry such a tax-preferredinvestment,while the interestincomepaid 60 "Personalincomemay be definedas the algebraicsum of (l) the marketvalueof rights exercisedin consumption beand (2) the changein the valueof rights exercisedin consumption tweenthe beginningand end of the periodin question."Henry C. Simons,PersonalIncomeTax: The Defnition of Incomeas a Problemof FiscalPolicy 50 (1938).This "economic"definitionof incomeformulatedby Henry Simons,but generallyreferredto as the Haig-Simonsdefinitionof incomein deferenceto economistRobert Haig's earlier contribution,positsthat economicincome is the sum of the accumulationof wealth and consumptionover whateverperiodof time is adopted for purposesof measurement.For a discussionof the Haig-Simonsdefinitionof income,sec Richard B. Goode, The EconomicDefnition of Income, in CoupnnHENsrvrlxcorvrETlxrrroN l-36 (JosephA. Pechman,ed. 1977). e0The original issuediscountrulesarc found at I.R.C. S$ 1271-75. or The Treasuryregulationsinterpretingthe OID rules are 441 pageslong and utilize extremelycomplicated economicconcepts. In somecasesit requiresa computerto performthe computationsrequiredunder the regulations. er Tax arbitrageinvolvestaking advantageof the differentialrate of return on investments arising solely from the different tax treatment of different sourcesof income..9eeEucrNn C. Srrurue, Tlx DEcloE: How T,c,xEs Clur ro DourNerr rnr PusLtc AceNol,30-33 (1992); David J. Shakow,Confrontingthe Problemof Tax Arbitrage,4STtx L. REv. I (1987). 344 Gno. MsoN lNonp. L. Rnv fYol.2:2 on the investmentwould be exemptfrom incometax.e3The resultcould be a profit derivedsolelyfrom the differentialcreatedby the tax code itself. While this particularsimpleversionof tax arbitrageis now disallowed under the tax code,ea other forms still remain part of standard tax planning.For instance,investmentsin IRAs, Keoghplans,qualified ERISA plans,and deductionsfor home mortgageinterestinvolvetax arbitrageopportunitiesavailableto most taxpayers.ed Each of the provisionsthat createssuch an arbitrageopportunity is really nothing more than a tax preferenceenactedto encouragetaxpayersto movetheir capital into favoredactivities.Tax complexityrereformersintroduceprovisionsto the tax sults when economic-minded in limit the laws order to ability of taxpayersto benefitfrom the tax preferences that generatearbitrageopportunities. D. "Back-Stop" Tax Reform As Congresshas relied more and more on tax preferences to make public policy, it also has been forced to adopt other reform measures (suchas thosethat governtax arbitrageand bond discountin original issues)preciselyto closethe "leaks" in the tax baseand preventthe "abuses"attributableto over-useof suchtax preferences. In suchinstances,tax policymakerscan be seenas rectifyingtheir own poorjudgment and excessgenerosityin enactingtoo many tax preferences in the first place.CharlesMclure has referredto measuresdesignedto limit the use of tax preferences as "back-stop"provisionsintendedto "prepreferences vent the abuseof tax andfor the appearanceof inequity Through back-stopreforms,the tax laws necessarilybecomeeven more complicatedas new provisionsare introducedtoday to limit the es I.R.C. 265 (Law. Co-op.1993),addedto the tax codein 1954,wasenactedto prevent $ such a result by disallowingthe interestexpcnseincurred to acquireor "carry" tax-exempt obligations. x This form of tax arbitrage is prohibited by I.R.C. 265. Municipal governmentsusedto $ engagein the reverseof this transaction. They borrowedat interestratesbelowmarketrates(on accountof the interest-free treatmentaffordedsuchinterestunderI.R.C. $ 103)and reinvesting the bondproceeds in higheryieldingmarkets,with the interestincomeexemptunderI.R.C. $ I l5 (exemptionfrom federal incometax for "governmentalentities"). This practice is now outlawed by I.R . c . $ 148. e! Charles Mclure points out that there are now more than a half dozendifferent types of "interest" in the tax codeand varioustracing rules designedto distinguishone form from another for tax purposes. Mclunr, supra note 5, at 63. so Id. at 43. tee4) ILr-usroNsor T,c,xSlupurtcnrtoN 345 applicability of yesterday'stax preferences.The incremental poliis generallyincapable cymakingprocessthat generatestax preferences of such a radical step as abandoningthem altogether,evenonce they Incremental are denouncedby the same policymakersas abusive.eT policymakingtendsto producesonly minor adjustmentsto existingtax policies,and back-stopreformsare highly compatiblewith sucha strategy of policymaking. Perhapsthe best illustration of how incrementalpolicymakingis conduciveto back-stopreform was the introductionof the alternative minimum tax (the AMT).08 Introduced in the Tax Reform Act of 1969,the AMT is a separate,paralleltax systemto the "regular" federal incometax. It is an "add-on" tax intendedto back-upor correct for the inadequacies of the federalincometax itself. This parallel tax tax basein which deductionsatsystembeginswith a comprehensive preferences deemed to be most abusiveare to those tax tributable Under current law, "alternative addedback to adjustednet income.ee minimum taxableincome"is subjectto a two-tier tax of 26Voand 28Vo for individuals.It was originally introducedas a flat l0vo rate and increasedover the courseof the next twenty-fouryears of incremental policymakingby a seriesof back-stopreforms.roo As the many preferences addedto the tax codehaveaccumulated over the years,taxpayershaveutilized them to an increasingextentto reducetheir overall tax liabilities.Not only is this all perfectlylegal, but it is preciselywhat the statuteswere "intended" to do-namely, induceindividualsand corporationsto engagein thoseeconomicactivities or purchasethose goodswhich were singledout by Congressas particularly worthy of subsidy. The alternateminimum tax demonstrateshow the tax law lends itself to incrementaltax policymaking.It waspoliticallyeasierfor Congressto adopt this parallel tax regime,publicizedas a reform, rather m To be somewhatmore critical, the back-stopreform provisionsreflect a lack of integrity. Measuresthat wer€ once introducedas favorableto the enhancementof the public interest are recharacterizedas abuseswhen taxpayerstake advantageof the tax benefitspreviouslyofferedby Congress.Examplesinclude investmenttax credits,accelerateddepreciation,interestexpenseand the possessions tax credit under I.R.C. $ 936. ot The alternativeminimum tax is found at I.R.C, $$ 55-58. s In computingalternativeminimum taxablc income,the taxpayermust add back deductions allowed for purposesof regular incometax such as certain interestdeductions,depreciation and exemptions. See I.R.C. $ 56. rooThe latest rate increase,from a flat 24% to the aforementionedtwo-tier rate schedule, Act of 1993,Pub. L. No. 103was implemented by the recentlyenactedRevenueReconciliation 66, at $ 1320,107St at .416 ( 1 9 9 3 ) . 346 Gro. M,'\soNlupnp. L. Rnv [Yol.2:2 than to sweepthe tax preferences out of the tax codealtogether.After preferences if use of the tax to reducetax liabilitieswas the proball, lem, then reducingor eliminatingthem from the tax codewould be the logicalsolution.ror As such,the alternateminimum tax reflectsthe worst tendencyof incremental policymaking-tinkering with change at the margins rather than confrontingthe underlyingproblems.And oncea provision suchas the AMT findsits way into the tax code,it is virtually impossible to repealit other than in the enthusiasmof a massivetax reform effort such as occurredin 1986. Of course,even if repealedin such reformist'szeal,old provisionshavea nasty habit of beingrecirculated as the next decade'sreform. This was true of the investmenttax credit which resurfacedonly eight years after its most recent repeal in 1986.'0'Likewise,incrementalpolicymakingsuccumbstoo readily to the temptationto expandthe scopeof back-upreform provisions,as has beenthe casewith the alternativeminimum tax, both in terms of applying it to more tax preferences and in increasingtax ratesfor AMT. Becauseof this expansionof the back-upreform, more and more taxpayersnow find themselvessubjectto the alternateminimum tax, although a high percentageof them apparentlyremain entirelyunaware of the tax or their obligations and liabilitiesunderthis provision.Backup reform provisionshaveonceagaincontributedto tax law complexity in that they havecreatedconfusingstatutesto which taxpayersdo not adhere. III. Tsr Tlx Gevrn One way to comprehendthe dynamicsbehindthe expansionin the complexityof the tax lawsis to imaginethe incometax lawsas estabror Somehavesuggested that the problemis "piggishness"in over-usingtax preferences to reduceone'stax liabilities.The alternativeminimum tax is the kind of solutionput forth to impose"selectivelimitations" on such abuseof tax preferences. See Daniel Shaviro,SelectiveLimitationson Tax Benefits,56 U. Csr. L. REv. I 189( 1989).Determiningwhena taxpayertakestoo much advantageof tax preferencesis an entirely openquestion,and attemptingto determincwhen a taxpayerhasover-used tax preferences inevitablyresultsin onemoresetof complicated calculations which taxpayerswill be forced to confront. The AMT has producedexactly this result. ro2In his 6rst Stateof the Union on February17, 1993,PresidentClintonformallyset forth his new economicprogramto Congress.This includeda proposalto reintroducethe investmenttax credit. The investmenttax credit was first introducedin1962, suspended briefly in 1966,termipursuantto the Tax ReformAct of 1986. natedin 1969,reinstatedin 1971,and finallyabandoned This proposalwas ultimatelydroppedin the wake of much criticism..SeeMortimer M. Caplin, . . . And Drop InvestmentTax Credits,WALL Sr. J., Mar. 29, 1993,at Al2. r9941 Ilr-usroNsor Tex SruplrrrcnttoN 347 lishing a kind of game.'oeThe tax laws createa vast edifice,complete with rules and proceduresthat must be followedby thosewho, for better or worse,are requiredto play.loaAs with any game,differentstrategieswill producesuperioroutcomes,and in the courseof playing the game over time thesestrategiesbecomeevidentto the playersthemselves,and they will adapt accordingly.But the concernhere is not so much the dynamicsand logic of play-the subjectof gametheory-but rather with the developmentof the structuresof the gameand the impact of such developmenton the rules.Toward this end, consideration of the players' interestsin playing the game shedslight on why the rulesdeveloped as they did. of the taxpayer(or The point of the tax gamefrom the perspective tax lawyer) is to minimize one'stax liability (or that of one'sclient) while complyingfully with all of the rulesdirectlyon point.Of course, since the "rules" are really federal statutesbuttressedby criminal sanctions,a failure to play by the rules can result in significantfines suchpenaltiesfor failHowever,notwithstanding and imprisonment.106 ure to complywith the tax laws("tax evasion"),thereis no shortageof methodsby which taxpayerscan minimize or avoid taxation ("tax avoidance").Indeed,it becomesquite evidentrather early in the career of everytax lawyerthat any businesstransactioncan be structuredin a follow from number of different ways, and different tax consequences different structuresfor the deal; this is true notwithstandingthe doctrine enunciatedby the SupremeCourt that substancerather than form shoulddictate the characterizationand taxation of a particular economicarrangement or transaction.loo generationsof taxpayersand lawyersconfrontedthe As successive tax laws,the rulesof the gamebecameapparentand the meaning,conro3This analysisof the tax systemas a gamecan be traced to the seminalwritings of Oskar Morgensternand John Von Neumann.See Tne THEoRyor Glurs nNo EcoNotrrlcBEs,qvton (1944).Among the first applicationsof gametheory to socialsciencewere WILLIITUH. RIrEn, Tnr TsEonv or Pourrcll CoelrrroN (1962);J,c,rrrEs M. BucseNr.Nand GonooN Tullocr, Tnr Clrculus or CoNsnNr:Locrcel FouNoerloNsor CoNstltutroNlr- DEtrrocnlcv(1962). r0{ The fact that taxpayersare forced to play the tax game doesnot affect the strategiesor outcomesof play, nor is it particularlyunusualthat a game is coercive.For instance,William Riker analyzedthe dynamicsof the competitiverelationshipbetweenthe United Statesand the Soviet Union in terms of an involuntary "two-person" game. See Rtrrn, supra note lO3. to6SeeI.R.C. $$ 7201,"1206,7343(criminalsectionsfor tax evasionand fraud).SeeSheldon D. Pollack, The Penalty For Tax Fraud Against A Corporation,Tun Tex ADvrsER464 (July 1992);Hrnny G. BrlrEn, Trx Fneuo,rNo EvrsroN(1983). ro3CIR v. Court HoldingCo,324 U.S. 331,334 (1945)("The incidence of taxationdepends uponthe substance of a transaction.. . . [T]he transactionmust be viewedas a whole,and each of the sale,is relevant."). step,from the commencement of negotiations to the consummation 348 GEo. MsoN INonp.L. Rrv. lYol. 2:2 and outcomesof particular setsof tax rules were revealed. sequences, Much of the initial "learning stage" of the game was playedout between1913and 1919duringthe first regimeof the federalincometax. In any game,the levelof play will rise to higherlevelsas playersfully learn the range of movespossibleunder the rules.rozFurthermore,as in their play, the rules the playersbecomemore and more sophisticated of the game also may be modifiedto counteractand balancethe increasedlevelof skill of the players.As a result,the gameitself becomes more and more complexas it becomeshighly institutionalized.ros It is impossibleto predict a priori who will benefit from an increasein the complexitylevelof a game.For instance,in a gamesuch of the enormouscomplexityare thoseplayers as chess,the beneficiaries with the greatestcapacityto foreseethe outcomeof the possiblesuccessivemovesof an opponent.In baseball,the progressive institutionalization of the game resultedin shifting the balanceof power amongthe players.toe In the earlystagesof the game,beforethe rulesand logicof the game were fully revealedto players,hitters prospered.This was becauseplayersin the field had not yet fully "learned" their roles, meaningthey had not yet masteredtheir play. Accordingly,hitters had what todaywould be considered improbablyhigh batting averagesfrom 1900throughthe 1940's.Thereafter,players,especiallythe pitchers, becamemoreproficientin their skills,and ruleswerechangedwith the expressintentionof restrictingthe successof hitters.One examplewas the raising of the pitching mound which resultedin batting average declinesin the post-Warera of the l950s.rr0 In the tax game it is difficult to know with much certaintyat any particularmomentwho is winning-the tax lawyersor the IRS. The dynamicsof the tax gameappearto be that oncesomeclevertax law- roz As everychild quickly learns,the rangeof possibleoutcomesfor the gameof tic-tac-toeis too limited, and hence,play soon becomesboring. Likewise, checkerssoon bores most players, although,in fact, thereare millionsof possibleoutcomesin checkers(asopposed to tic-tac-toe).It is just that the gamesall resembleeachother,and thus, offer no great excitement. becameincreasinglyinstitutionalized 'ot For instance,the U.S. House of Representatives throughoutthe courseof the nineteenthcentury.The role of "rcpresentative"becamemorc profcssional,decisionmaking becameroutinizedand formal, leadershipbecamehierarchical,and rules becamemore complexas the Housebecameprogressivelyinstitutionalized..SeeNelson W. Polsby, The Institutionalizationof the U.S. House of Representatives,62Au. Pol. Scr. REv. 144 ( l e 68) . 'oo The following argumentconcerningthe effectsof institutionalizationon baseballstatistics, in particularbatting averages, was put forth by StephenJay Gould, Losing the Edge,VrNrrv Fltn. March 1983.at 120. rro Id, t9941 luusroNs on Tlx Srrr,rpllrrcnrroN 349 yer recognizes a new maneuverarounda particularprovisionof the tax code,and usesit successfully to reducethe tax liability for a particular type of transaction,the maneuverquickly becomesknown throughout the tax bar and the IRS eventuallylearnsof it.rrr Thereafter,new regulationsand perhapsevennew statutes(the "rules" of the tax game) are adopted,shifting the advantageback to the taxing authoritiesfor a periodof time.rr2As this occurs,the rulesof the gameinevitablybecomea bit more complicated,and the tax lawyersmust learn to play and devisenew strategiesunder the new rules.The tax gameis unusual in that one participantalso acts as the refereeof the competition,empoweredto write new rulesto favor its own side.ttsIn sucha game,it is not surprisingthat the rules grow ever more complexas the competitorf refereeconstantlyrewritesthe rules to its own advantage. This increased complexityin the tax lawscan resultin greateruncertaintywhen the complexityof the rulesof the tax gamereachthe point whereplayersno longerunderstandthem, and hence,cannotpredict the outcome.In a variation on this theme,it has beensuggested that a moderatelevel of tax complexityis desirablefrom the perspective of both the tax bar and the tax authorities.lra Accordingto this argument,higher levelsof uncertaintyincreasethe cost of litigation, and accordingly,increasethe taxpayer'sinterestin pre-trial settlements whichreducethe tax lawyers'fees.The IRS, too,generallyfavorsmoderately high levelsof complexitywhich make for greateruncertainty, and impels taxpayersto comply with the tax laws, or upon audit, to settle their disputes (thereby maximizing revenue for the govern- Irr Becausethe tax expertsin the TreasuryDepartmentand the IRS generallycomeout of privatetax practice,thesetechniquesof tax avoidanceeventuallybecomeknown to the taxing authorities.This shouldbe seenas one benefitfrom the so-called"revolvingdoor" betweenbusinessand governmentofficials. Itt Examplesof suchnew IRS regulationsrelateto the so-called"May Storestransaction" utilizingpartnershipdistributions,the useof the Section754 electionto step-upbasisin partnership assetsin the context of a consolidatedreturn, and the taxation of new complex financial instrumentsdesignedto take advantageof the treatmentof contingentinterestunder the OID rules.See,e.9.,Treas.Reg. $ 1.1275-4(g)(bifurcationof contingentdebt instruments). rr8 In this respectthe tax game is analogousto what would result were gamblingcasinos permitted to amend the houserules in responseto successby gamblersin beatingthe odds- for instance,by banning "card-counting." Of course,state gaming officialscan usually be persuaded to makesuch rule changeson behalfof the casinos. rr{ SeeMichelleJ. White, Why Are TaxesSo Complexand Who Benefits2,47Trx Norns 341 (1990).A tax attorneyin the film madefrom John Grisham'sbest-selling novel,THe FrnM, (1991),statesthis cynicalview as follows:"It's a game.We teachthe rich how to play it so they can stay rich - and the IRS keepschangingthe rules so we can keepgetting rich teaching them." Quotedby GeorgeWill, The Tangleof Egosand Rules,NEwswEEK,July 26, 1993,at 60. 350 GEo. Mmon INoEp.L. Rsv. fYol.2:2 ment).rrdPresumably,the policymakerswho createtax complexity,introducecomplexityinto the tax code,or at leasttolerateit, to enhance the Treasury'scollectionof revenueunder the incometax laws. This kind of applicationof gametheoryto an analysisof the developmentof tax complexityfocuseson the conflictinginterestsof the key playersof the gamein determiningwhat theyconsiderto be an optimal level of complexitywith respectto the rules of the game. However, such analysisdemonstrates the limits in applyinggametheoryto the tax system.The analysisis usefulin explainingthe behaviorof taxpayers, tax counsel,and the IRS in terms of elucidatingthe economicinplayers.In doingso,gametheoryassumes terestsof the respective that the playersmake decisionsbasedupon a rationalassessment of their own self-interestsnarrowly definedin terms of the maximizationof their economicpositions.However,whenthis analysisis appliedto the politicaleliteswho actuallymake the rulesof the tax game,it breaks down.When political elitesare portrayedas "players" and their behavior is explainedin terms of the calculationof economicand rational interests,the conclusionis that they will be revenue-maximizers, behaving as "predatory" rulers.ttoSimilarly, a pure economicmodelwill conclude that politicaleliteswill raisetax ratesto "point E" on the socalled "Laffer" curve,rrTdisregardingthe interestsof civil society.rrs lrc Accountantsare said to benefitfrom high levelsof complexityas well as it pushestaxpayers to seekprofessionaladvicein preparingtheir tax returns.Accordingto one economist,for most U.S. corporations with assetsof lessthan $l million (constituting90% of all U.S. corporations), the costof compliancewith the federaltax laws is significantlyhigher than their tax liabilities. SeeArthur P. Hall, AccountingCosts,Another Tax, Wlll Sr. J., Dec.9, 1993at Al6. A study by Professors JoelSlemrodand MarshaBlumenthalhasestimatedthat for 1992,the total costof compliancefor the Fortune500 companies amountedto $1.055billion,or $2,1I million per company- seventypercentattributableto federaltaxation,and the rest to stateand local taxation. "" See Margaret Levi, A Theory of Predatory Rule, l0 Pol. & Soc'y 431 (1981). Levi presentsthe generalthesisthat "rulers are predatoryin that they try to extractas much revenue as they can from the population."Id. Seealso, Or Rulr eNp RpvrNur 3 (1988). rr7 The Laffer curve was put forth by supply-sideeconomistArthur Laffer, a member of PresidentReagan'sEconomicPolicy Advisory Board,to showthat at somehypotheticalpoint on a curvecomparingrevenuewith tax rates,revenuewill reacha maximum("point E"), and thereafter declineas tax ratesincreasefurther.SeeFouNo,c,rroNs or Supply-Sror EcoNorvrrcs: Tnnory ero EvtprNcr (Victor A. Cantoet al. eds.,1983);Surrlv-SrnE Ponrpolro SrnerEctrs (Victor A. Canto & Arthur B. Laffer eds.,1988).For a discussion and assessment of thc theoriesbehind the Laffer curve, seeDrvrn G. D,rrvrns, Ulnro srlrns Tlxrs exo Tlx Poucv 6l-68 (1985). theory that revenuewill decrease as tax ratesincreasebe"E It is an axiom of supply-side yond somehypotheticalrevenue-maximizing pcak ("point E') on a curve comparingrevenucwith tax rates (the so-called"Laffer" curve). At point E, revenuewill reach a maximum,and thereafter declineas tax ratesincreasefurther. For a critical discussion and assessment of the theories behindthe Laffer Curve,seeDrvrrs, supra note l17, at 6l-68. 19941 IllusIoNs on Tex SrnaplrrlclttoN 351 Yet, it is clear that political elites do not behavethis way. Such rational explanationstake into account only pure economicmotives such as revenuemaximizationand ignoreall the personaland institutional motives and interestsbehind tax policymaking.For example, policymakersdo not want to raise tax rates too high becausethey will have to answerto their constituentsfor the higher rates.In openand democraticpolitics,suchas that which prevailsin the Westerndemocracies,political elitesare continuallysubjectedto popularcontrolsexerted through electoralpoliticsand the openexpression of public opinion. Arguably, electoral competition and public opinion imposesa significantdegreeof popular control over political elites and renders them accountable to the citizenryin somefashion.tre The interestof political elites in maximizing state revenueat the expenseof overall economicgrowth can be temperedand restrainedby electoraland popular pressures. The behaviorof political elites forcedto competein electionsfor the right to hold office may be effectivelycheckedand restrainedevenwithout the electorateunderstanding the specificdetails of this conflictof interestover marginaltax rates.Recentexperience in provoke Americanpoliticssuggests that sharpincreases in tax ratescan strong populistresistancethat is quickly translatedinto restraintsimposed on political elites through the mechanismsof democratic politics."o Likewise,the impact of ideologies(suchas tax reformismand the liberal political tradition itself) on the behaviorof political elitesis left out of game theory. So while game theory doesoffer insightsinto the dynamicsof the tax gamein which taxpayers,tax authorities,and tax lawyersall participate,it provideslittle insightinto how and why the tax game developedover time. Ultimately, the political eliteswho are responsiblefor making the rules of the tax game (which accountfor rro The seminal statement of this view of electoral politics is found in JosEpH A. ScxutrrRrrEn,Certteusl.r, SocrrLrsrr,r, lr.ro DErrrocnncv(Ch. XXII, Another Theory of Democracy) 269-83(1950).RobertDahl built upon Schumpeter's theme,arguingthat electionsinsure that "political leaderswill be somewhatresponsive of someordinarycitizens." to the preferences Ronpnr A. Dnul, A PnnElcr to DEuocnlrrc TsEony l3l (1956).Othershavesuggested that electionsalsocreatea senseof legitimacyand stability that benefitspolitical elitesand the regime itself. See,e.g.,BrNlrrurx GtNsrrnc, TUE CoNsEeurNcEs oF CoNsEm:ElrcrroNs, CrrrznNs, CoNtnol eNo Popur-ln AceurEscENcE(1982); TnE CrprrvE PusI.rc: How Mlss OprNroN PnomornsSrArn Powrn (19E6). populist,anti-taxmovementthat beganin Califor'ro For example,considerthe grass-roots, nia with Proposition13. For a discussion of this anti-tax politics,seeSusrn B. HlNsrN, Tnr Potttlcs oE TrxerroN: REvrNue Wrrnour RrpnEsruurrox (Ch.7 - The 1978Tax Revolt: Causesand Consequences) 212-50(1983). 352 GEo. Mesou INprp. L. Rrv fYol.2:2 the increasedcomplexity)are driven by much more complicatedmotives and intereststhan what is assumedby game theory. IV. Tlx Rnronu: Tlx SItvtpI-IrtcenoN? A. The ConsumptionTax: Changingthe Tax Game? Notwithstandingthe many significantefforts to reform the tax laws over the courseof the past decades,the tax codehasonly become more complexand confusing.Such "innovations"as the alternative minimumtax only add to the complexityof the tax law withoutreally addressingthe underlying factors behind the perceivedproblems.r2r The result is that the problemsof the old systemare preservedwhile new problemsare createdas the reform provisionsare inadequatelyintegratedinto the presenttax regime. While incrementalpolicymakingso often resultsin back-stopreformsthat clutter the tax codewith evergreatercomplexity,the lesson politicalcoalitioncan sucof 1986is that occasionally an extraordinary ceed in breakingout of the pattern of incrementalistpolicymaking. Such radical departuresfrom "politics as usual" and incrementalism are rare in tax policymaking.Indeed,the 1986Act may be the only But, as the tax codebecomesmore comexamplein our experience.r22 plex and cumbersome, it may eventuallyreachthe point wherethe tax systemcan no longer raise revenueefficientlyrze and compliancewith supra part III.D. '2r Saediscussion t22See,e.g.,Srrurnlr, supra note36, at I ("By mid-1984,analysisand debateon majortax reform was underway,culminatingin the Tax Reform Act of 1986-the most comprehensive reformof U.S. tax lawseverundertaken.");John F. Witte, The Tax ReformAct of 1986:A New Era in Tax Politics?19 AMERTcAN Polrrrcs Quenrnnlv 438,441(Oct. l99l) ("TRA can only be viewedas a remarkablelegislativeaccomplishment and by far the most radical exampleof peacetime tax reform in history.");DanielShaviro,BeyondPublic Choiceand Public Interest:A Study of the LegislativeProcessas lllustrated by Tax Legislation in the 1980s,139U. Pr. L. Rrv. l, 5 (Nov. 1990)("[T]he 1986Act was the all-time leadingexampleof tax reform."). rrt Increasingcomplexityand the inability to simplify the tax laws may eventuallyresultin someform of systemfailure: Becauseof the scopeof tax reductionprovisionsand the complexity of the code, it is doubtful . . . that the incometax can meet potential revenueneedsin the future . [or] that it can be "reformed"to expandthe tax baseand/or simplifythe system.Thus, the radicalnatureof changeover time and the inability of the systemto resistchange createa policy morassthat is perpetuated by its own structure. '\Nnrt, supra note 33, at 20. Even if Witte was overly pessimistic in his assessment of reform effortsto expandthe tax base,he was correct in viewingthe complexityof the tax codeas a 19941 ILlusroNsor Tex Sur,rplrrrcnrror.r 353 the tax lawswill decline.t"Suchdevelopments pressures couldincrease for a radical restructuringof the tax code. As the legitimacyand revenue-raising capacityof the federalincome tax have beenquestionedover the past decades,there has been interestin abandoningthe federalincometax schemealtoconsiderable getherin favorof an alternativetax system.This sentimentis reflected in academicproposalsfor variousforms of a consumptiontax. Dumping the federalincometax in favor of a nationalconsumptiontax would be the ultimate form of tax "reform" - abandoningall the tax expenditures, back-stopreformsand specialinterestprovisionsaccummulated overthe courseof the eighty-yearhistoryof the incometax. Additionally, sucha radical changewould havea major impact on the practicing bar. A gooddeal of the expertiseof the tax bar gainedfrom eight decadesof experienceunder the federal incometax would be negated as a new tax game,completewith its own rules and dynamics,took its place.While thereis little likelihoodthat the federalincometax will be abandoned soon,or eventhat a nationalconsumption tax will be introducedas a supplementto the incometax, suchproposalsare no longer matters of mere speculationamong tax academics.The consumption tax has emergedon the political agenda.r26 The primary argumentof proponentsof a consumptiontax rests uponthe assertion that thereare advantages to be derivedfrom taxing consumptionrather than income.The notion is that the presenttax regimetaxes"income," includingthe return on investmentcapital and thereby createsdisincentivesfor savingsand incentivesfor consumption. This taxationof savings,it is argued,is unwantedin an economy that on one hand dependsupon capital formationfrom the investment of savingsand simultaneously savesrelativelylittle. This is not a new observation.'26 However,the appealof the argumenthas increasedin potentialcauseof systemfailure.A four trillion dollar nationaldebt is onegoodindicatorthat the tax systemis alreadyreachingthat point. ua Thereis merit in the argumentthat the increased complexityof the tax lawshasresulted in lesscompliance,and hencelessrevenuefor the Treasury.See,e.g.,EugeneCarlson,Tax Complianceby Small Businesses Eroded in the'80s, Wrll Sr. J., June 27,1991, at B-2, (quoting former I.R.S. CommissionerFred T. Goldberg,Jr. from testimonybeforethe House:"We believe that mostnoncompliance is unintentional.Much of it is due to the complexityof the tax laws."). r35Numerousbills havebeenin the worksfor the introductionof a nationalconsumption tax. None haveactuallybeenreportedout of the HouseWaysand MeansCommitteefor a voteon the floor of the House. rrc.See,a.9.,Tnouls HoBBEs,LrvtlrrrlN Plnr II, chap.30 (1651):"For what reasonis there,that he which laborethmuch, and sparingthe fruits of his labor, consumethlittle, shouldbe 354 Gro. MesoN lNprp. L. REv lYol.2:2 recent decadesas the U.S. economyhas failed to achievesatisfactory levelsof savingsand investment. There are many different variationsof consumptiontaxes.127 Examplesof different versionsof consumptiontaxesincludeexcisetaxes, salestaxes,the value-added tax (VAT) and expenditure taxes.Excise taxes are imposedupon particular commodities(e.g., cigarettes,alcohol, gasoline,or such luxury items as yachtsor furs). Salestaxes are imposedupon salesof broadcategoriesof commoditiesor services,and are generallycollectedby the seller.The VAT is a commonform of national taxation in Europe, and also was recently adoptedby New Zealand and Canada (in the case of the latter, in the form of the Goodsand ServicesTax adoptedin l99l).r'z8This type of tax is imposedupon the value added to a particular commodityby the businessesengagedin the various stagesof the manufacturingprocess. (Thus, the tax essentiallyis imposedupon the differencebetweenthe business's salesand its purchases.) The basicfeatureof all thesetaxes (sales,exciseand VAT) is that they are ultimatelyimposedupon the consumptionof goodsand servicesn rather than on savings. An expendituretax is a consumptiontax that essentiallyis imposedupon individualconsumers, rather than upon sellersor manufacturers. An expendituretax may be structuredfollowing a "cash-flow" modelin which taxationis imposedupon net consumption of the individual over the accountingperiod.l2oOne of the purportedadvantages of taxing "consumption"is that it resultsin greater "equity."rsoThe notion is that an individual'sconsumptionpresentsa fairer base for taxation than income.Others arguethat consumptiontaxesare simply more "efficient" with respectto avoidingdistortionsin the formationof capital(an argumentcommonlymadeby economists).r8r On the other charged,more then he that living idley, getteth little, and spendethall he gets;seeingthe one hath no more protectionfrom the Commonwealth then the other?" of variousforms of consumption taxes,seeJosEpHA. PEcurrrlN, "? For a broaddiscussion Frorur Trx Por-Icy (Ch. 6 - ConsumptionTaxes) (1987);seealso Nrcsol,ls Klrpon, AN ExprNoIrun,ETex (1955);EcoNoMrcCnorcEs1984(Alice Rivlin ed. l98l); Drvrrs, supranote 117,at 77-90. rrt The CanadianGoodsand ServicesTax, Bill C-62, effectiveJanuary I, 1991,replacedthe federalsalestax in Canada. lfe See William D. Andrews,A Consumption-Typeor Cash Flow PersonalIncome Tax,87 Hnn v . L. Rr v . lll3( 1974) . 180See,a.g.,Alvin Warren, llould a ConsumptionTax Be Fairer Than an Income Tax? 89 Yrr - E L. Rr v . l08l ( 1980) . 'E' This perspectiveis reflectedin PncnmeN,supra note 100; JosephBankman & Thomas Griffith, Is The DebateBetweenan Income Tax and a ConsumptionTax a DebateAbout Risk? 19941 It-r-uslol.rs or Tex Stuplrrrcnuon 355 hand, someargue that consumptiontaxes are "regressive"sincecona higherpercentage of sumptionby lower incomeindividualsrepresents their incomethan it doesfor wealthyindividuals.This problem,if it indeedis a problem,can be solvedthrough an expendituretax, which tax rate structure. can includea progressive In the end, however,perhaps the most significant obstacleto consumptiontax is the great difficulty adoptingan expenditure-styled phasing present incometax and phasingin a consumption in out the tax.ls2The problemarisesbecausesavingspreviouslytaxed under the old tax regime(savingsin after-taxdollars)must be identifiedand provided with someform of exemptionunder the new regime;otherwise, thesedollars would be taxed a secondtime if they are subsequently consumed.Proponentsrecognizesuchproblems,but often dismissthem as solvable.However,if there is someextendedperiodduring which the new tax is phasedin while the incometax is phasedout, there will be two tax regimeswhichtaxpayersmust followand planaround.Accordingly, sincea radical break with the past is impossible,the tax scheme in effectduring the transitionperiodwould be evenmore complexthan the current systemsincetwo tax systems(threeif the alternativeminimum tax is counted)would be in place.For this reason,the problems from introducinga consumptiontax into an economyalreadygoverned by an incometax regime are much greater than thoseconfrontedby nationswith developing,emergingeconomiesthat have never had an incometax.r33In such cases,the choiceof a consumption tax as opposedto an incometax is considerablymore appealing.However,introducinga consumptiontax into an economyhavingeighty yearsof experiencewith an incometax would be far more problematic. Becauseof the difficulty in implementingan expenditure-type consumptiontax, excise-type consumptiontaxeshavebeenmorecommonly usedin recentdecadesas revenueenhancersto complementthe federal incometax. For example,excisetaxes have recentlybeenimposedon luxury items suchas yachtsand high pricedimportedautomobiles, and proposed gasoline have been for and energyconsumption.Such taxes are more conduciveto incrementalpolicymakingand can be more easily grafted onto the current tax regime. DoesIt Matter? 4'1Tlx L. Rrv. 377 (1992). Supply-sideeconomistsalsofavor consumptiontaxes to the extentthcy encourage savings. r8r Mclure identifiestransitionrules as one sourceof the complexityof the tax laws.See Mclunr, supra note 5, at 51. 18"See,e.g.,CharlesA. Mclure, Jr. & GeorgeR. Zodrow,ImplementingDirect Consumption TaxesIn DevelopingCountries,46Trx L. Rev. 405 (1991). 356 Gno. MnsoN lNorp. L. Rnv [Yol. 2:2 B . The Problem of Complex Tax Laws While there has beenmuch concernof late with a tax codethat is beyondthe ability of the "average"taxpayerto comprehend,little has beensaid to identify preciselythe problemcausedby suchcomplextax laws. Rather, it is simply generallyassumedthat becausethe tax code is complex,there must be a problem. Such a simplisticpositionis powerlessagainstthe retort that most of the complexityof the tax codeis seldomconfrontedby the avera1e taxpayer,who generallyfiles a simpleForm 1040,or more likely, Form 1040-EZ(the "easy" versionof the individualreturn for thosein the positionof havingfew deductions unenviable to claim).Presumably, if mostof the tax law complexityaffectsonly wealthytaxpayersand businessesfor whom hiring professional tax advisersis standardprocedure, therereally is no problemwith the manycomplexprovisions of the tax laws. In other words,complexityis a problemonly if it reachesthe middleclass. To the extent that the computationof tax liabilities, filling out forms and satisfyingthe multitudeof filing requirementscan be simplifiedfor a majorityof individualtaxpayers, as it wasby the 1986Act,rsa even while businesses and wealthy taxpayersconfront increasedcomplexity, political expediencies very well may be satisfied.That may be sufficientto alleviatethe pressures on policymakers.But there is something cynicalaboutthe view that tax complexityis a problemonly if felt by the averagetaxpayerfor it misperceives the natureof the problem of complexityin the tax laws. Recordkeeping is burdensome and confusingfor the taxpayer,and the ability of the averagetaxpayerto understandthe fundamentalsof the tax law and preparehis or her own tax return is a prerequisitefor effectivetax policy.rsdBut the focus of tax reform should not be on simplifyingthe preparationof tax returns.Simplificationof preparation is usually accomplishedby eliminating tax deductionsor imposing r8{ see sre,FFon tuE JorNt corrruttrEgoN TlxltroN, Grlrnll ExpllNltrop or tur Tlx Rpronu Acr oF 1986I I (1987)(statingthat "[S]implificationof the tax codeitself is a form of tax reduction. . . . The Act reducesthe complexity of the tax code for many Americans. Taxpayerswho will usethe standarddeductionrather than itemizetheir deductions will be freed from much of the recordkeeping, paperwork,and computationsthat were requiredunder prior law."). rEoSee, e.9., Deborah H. Schenk,Simplification for Individual Taxpayers:problems and Proposals,"45 T,rx L. REv. l2t, 166-6'l(1989) (discussion of how complexrecordkeeping requirementsbreednoncompliance). t9941 ILLustoNsoE Tex Srupr-rrrcntlox 357 thresholdrequirements(such as adjustedgross income) which most taxpayerswill be unableto satisfy,and therefore,they will not be permitted to use a particular deduction.'36 Such a notion of simplification will be of little comfort to thosewho losethe benefitof the deduction. The reasonsfor tax simplificationgo beyondthe difficulty of filling out tax returnsand computingdeductions.The presentsystemof taxation has contributedmuch to the bureaucratization of modernlife and the increasedregulationof economiclife, for both individualsas well as businesses. Those unsympatheticto the problem of governmentoverregulationof businessshouldrecognizethat an overlycomplextax system also adverselyaffectsindividuals.ls? The tax laws havea peculiarimpact upon privatebehaviorinsofar as they do not strictly prohibit particularprivateactionor conduct,but rather establisha broad framework of incentivesand disincentives throughwhich privateactivityis subtlyaltered.The tax lawsimposea superstructureabove and beyond the legal framework that prevails underthe liberalpoliticaltradition.For example,a certainactivitymay be entirely"legal" in the sensethat there are no prohibitionsagainst suchbehavior.However,underthe tax laws,suchactivitycan carry a price-the burdenof additionaltaxation.Tax liability createsa disincentiveto transactingone'sbusinessactivitiesin that particular form just as surelyas if therewerean outrightlegalprohibitionagainstsuch conduct.In this respect,the tax laws seemto be exemptfrom a traditional tenet of the liberal political tradition-specifically, the rule of law. t s E The rule of law assumesthat citizensare governedby clear legal prior to taking efstandards, and that thesestandardsare enunciated fect, therebyprovidingcitizenswith noticeof prohibitedbehaviorand t8oFor instance,seethe discussion of tax simplificationin SrEurnlr, supra note36, at 13637 ("Among the major simplifications achievedby tax reformwasthe eliminationof recordkeeping and tax calculationsfor thoseno longereligiblefor certaindeductions."). re?Speakerof the Virginia Senate,Richard E. Byrd (1910),in oppositionto ratificationof the SixteenthAmendment,gave the followingpropheticwarning of the dangersof a national incometax: "A hand from Washingtonwill be stretchedout and placedupon everyman'sbusiness;the eye of the Federalinspectorwill be in everyman'scountinghouse.. . . The law will of necessity haveinquisitorialfeatures,it will providepenalties, it will createcomplicated machinery. Under it men will be hailedinto courtsdistantfrom their homes.Heavyfinesimposedby distant and unfamiliartribunalswill constantlymenacethe tax payer.An army of Federalinspectors, spiesand detectiveswill descendupon the state [of Virginia]. . . . Who of us who have had knowledgeof the doingsof the Federalofficialsin the Internal Revenueservicecan be blind to what will follow?" Blerny and Bllrrv, supra note 12, at'10. '8EThe classicstatementof the principleof the rule of law is foundat FnrronrcHA. Hlvrr, Tsn CoNsrrrurroNoF Lrsnnry 162-75(1960). 358 Gno. Mnsow INorp. L. Rrv. lYol.2:2 the sanctionsattachedto violationsof theserules.Fundamentalto the conceptof the rule of law is the notionthat legalstandardsof public behaviorbe known,or at leastknowable,by the citizenry.To the extent that the tax laws are publiclaws that similarlyshouldbe governedby complexitymeansthat the principlesof the rule of law, the excessive by the legal standardsenunciatedthereundercannotbe comprehended thosesubjectto sanctionsfor a failure to comply.Perhapsthe best expressionof the caseagainstoverlycomplexand changinglaws is found in an oft-quotedpassagefrom JamesMadisonin The Federalist: It will be of little avail to the people,that the lawsare madeby men of their own choice,if the lawsbe so voluminousthat they cannotbe read,or so incoherent that they cannot be understood;if they be repealedor revisedbefore they are promulgated,or undergosuch incessantchangesthat no man, who knowswhat the law is today, can guesswhat it will be to-morrow.Law is definedto be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known,and lessfixed?r8e When the levelof complexityof the law becomesso great that those what it is that the who are subjectto its sanctions cannotcomprehend law requiresof them, then the rule of law has beenabandoned as an operativeprinciple.In many respects,this has becomethe sad stateof tax policymaking. CoNcI-ustotr The tax law shoulddevelopthroughjudicial constructionof generin the tax laws,ratherthan ally statedprincipleslaid out by Congress prescriptive rules"l4omadeby tax buthrough"ever morecomplicated over the course reaucrats.Unfortunately,the tax laws havedeveloped in entirelythe oppositedirection.The tax codehas of the pastdecades becomea massiveand impenetrableedifice of rules and regulations that describeand governnearly all spheresof economiclife and businessactivity. Reform legislationsuch as the Tax Reform Act of 1986 only addednew complexityto the tax codeevenwhile purportingto achieve !3eTHE FsorneLrst No. 62, at 381 (JamesMadison)(New York: New AmericanLibrary, ed ., l96l) . r'o Peter C. Canellos,Acquisition of Issuer Securities by a Controlled Entity: Peter Pan Seafoods,May DepartmentStores,and McDermotl,45 Trx Lrw. l, 14 (1991). tge4l IllusroNs or Trx SrnrpuncenoN 359 purer incometax. Provisions enactedin 1986contriban aesthetically uted additionalcomplexityas policymakerswere required(first in statutes,and later in administrativeregulations)to draw increasinglysubtle distinctionsbetweenwhat is allowedand what is disallowed.Such over-legislating, aptly describedas "hyperleXis,"rrr threatensto swamp weightof suchsubtledistinctions. the tax codewith the accumulated One consequence of excessive complexityin the tax laws is that it periodicallystimulatesdemandsfor simplificationof the federalincome tax. Tax simplificationhas beenchampionedby politicians,academics, bureaucrats.and evenat varioustimes the tax bar itself. The issueof overly complextax laws also raisesa numberof important philosophical issuesthat are beyondthe scopeof the immediateinquiry. Nevertheless,theseconcernsshould be kept in mind as the impact of tax policyupon the broaderAmericanpoliticalsystemis considered. What are the implicationsfor domesticpolicymaking whenthe tax political codebecomesoverlycomplex?What is the underlying agenda of thoseseekingspecificreforms,suchas closingloopholesor abolishing tax shelters?How are individualtaxpayers(the citizenscomprisingthe political community) and their rights and libertiesaffectedby an almostincomprehensible systemof tax laws,regulations, and rule by tax bureaucrats? Are there limits to how far the tax administrative state shouldintrudeinto the livesof individualtaxpayers(aswell as corporationsand businesses) to raisemaximumrevenuefrom the tax laws?Or to achievean "aesthetically"pure tax code? Theseare the kinds of questionsthat we will needto collectively grapplewith through political discourseas the tax laws increasein complexityand tax policy plays such an important role in contemporary Americanpolitics. t'! The term was definedas "a pathologicalconditioncausedby an overactivelaw-making gland." BaylessManning, Hyperlexis:Our National Disease,Tl Nw. U. L. REv. '767,76'l (1977).Manningwrote:"Statutorycodes,suchas thosein the fieldsofcommerciallaw and taxation, are becomingever more particularistic,longer,morecomplex,and lesscomprehensible. We are drowningin law." Id.
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