Torricelli Manual
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Torricelli: A software to determine atomic spatial distribution from normal incidence x-ray standing wave data – Manual of version 3.8 – See Ref. [1] for a review of the used theory and approximations. The latest updates are available on F. C. Bocquet, G. Mercurio and M. Franke September 14, 2018 i ii (Image in the Public Domain) Preface Torricelli is a software designed for the analysis of x-ray standing wave (XSW) data. While the XSW technique has been employed for several decades, to our knowledge no free, open source, user-friendly and well-documented program for conducting XSW data analysis exists to date. Torricelli is therefore an attempt to fill this gap. The spatial distribution of atomic species with respect to the atomic planes of a single crystal can be described by two parameters, the coherent position Pc and the coherent fraction Fc . The main target of Torricelli is to determine this pair of parameters in the most accurate way, and also provide the corresponding statistical errors [2, 1]. We encourage the readers to make suggestions that could improve the program as well as the present manual. If you can program in python you are also welcome to take part in the programming. Torricelli is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Torricelli. If not, see https://www. This manual is distributed under the creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY-SA 4.0), see https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode. We would like to thank particularly Tien-Lin Lee for discussing the fitting equations and their implementation. Of course, all the Torricelli users are also thanked for reporting small bugs, and encouraging development. iii Contents Preface iii Contents iv 1 Getting started 1.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Conventions used in this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Launching Torricelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 3 2 Theoretical reflectivity and phase 5 3 Import experimental data 9 4 Fit reflectivity 13 5 Fit yield 16 6 Argand diagram 19 7 Example data sets 7.1 C1s H-QFMLG on SiC(0001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 N1s hBN on Cu(111) angluarResolved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 21 8 Useful shortcuts 22 9 The folder structure of Torricelli 23 10 The folder structure of an analyzed data set 24 11 Miscellaneous 11.1 Reading or modifying the code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Few advices for efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27 27 Bibliography 28 iv 1 Getting started 1.1 Installation Torricelli is an interpreted program. That means first you need to install Python and a few modules in order to be able to launch Torricelli (which itself does not require any installation). Torricelli was programmed in Python2.7 and PyQt4. Compatibility to Python3 and/or PyQt5 is not supported at the moment. If you already have a scientific Python2.7 installation, you can test your installation by trying to import the following packages in a python console: >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> import scipy, numpy, cmath, lmfit import pyqtgraph from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui import ConfigParser, csv, sip, colorsys import sys, string, os, datetime, glob, ast from distutils.version import StrictVersion from operator import itemgetter That will load one by one all the necessary modules required by Torricelli. None of these lines should return any error message. If it does, that means there are missing packages that should be installed, as explained in the following. You may see a ’FutureWarning’ message depending on the version you use. Also there is a small bug in one of the packages that is needed to run Torricelli. There is a workaround explained after the installation instructions. Linux Simply install the following packages with your preferred package manager: Pyhton2.7, PyQt4, pyqtgraph, numpy, scipy, and lmfit Note Once Pyhton2.7 is installed, you can also use pip to install the rest (useful to get the latest pyqtgraph version on some distributions). 1 CHAPTER 1. GETTING STARTED 2 Windows We recommend to install the package manager Miniconda for Python 2.7 ( During the installation, check the box add Anaconda to the PATH (if not, you will have to use the anaconda prompt for Torricelli, which is fine but less practical). After installation, execute the following commands: • conda install pyqt=4 numpy scipy • pip install lmfit pyqtgraph Mac We recommand to install the package manager Homebrew ( After installation, execute the following commands in a console: • brew install python • sudo easy install pip (may not be necessary with the latest homebrew version) • pip install pyqt numpy scipy lmfit pyqtgraph Small bug There is a tiny bug in the latest version of pyqtgraph (0.10.0). The problematic line number and file name will display in the console ( at line 70) when you use Torricelli. A couple of int() must be added: bg = np.empty((int(self.params[’width’]), int(self.params[’height’]), 4), dtype=np.ubyte) You will find the file in the directory ...\pyqtgraph\exporters in your site-packages directory. If you do not know where your site-package folder is, type import site; site.getsitepackages() in the python console and it will be displayed. Upgrading packages To upgrade any of the packages, one can simply run the following command: conda updateor pip install -U depending on how you installed the package. 1.2 Conventions used in this manual • c ýHere folder: designates the sub-path in the folder containing the Torricelli program. CHAPTER 1. GETTING STARTED 3 • U ýHere the file.txt: designates a file in a sub-folder of the Torricelli program. • cD ýSome folder: designates the sub-path in the folder containing the data to be analyzed. • UD ýAll data1.dat: designates a file in a sub-folder of the folder containing the data to be analyzed. • The coming references in bracket, like (n), indicate fields or buttons marked in the region of interest of the program screenshot shown in the figures. 1.3 Launching Torricelli There are several possibilities to start Torricelli. • We recommend to open a console, change directory (command cd on Linux, Mac and Windows) to the program folder (c ý) and execute python • One also can double click on the file U cutable on your system. ýT O R R I C E L L I .py if it is exe- • Do not start Torricelli from an interactive python shell. Before starting an analysis, one must first define the directory that contains your experimental files (cD ý) (1), by clicking on the ... button (2). In this folder, a cD ýresults sub-folder is created and will contain all results (as ASCII files and pictures). (1) (2) (3) Figure 1.1: The tab structure of Torricelli. Torricelli is organized in tabs (3) (Fig. 1.1). There is a separate tab for each important step of the data analysis. One can scroll from tab to tab with the mouse wheel, or using the shortcuts Ctrl + PageUp and Ctrl + PageDown . In this manual, a chapter is dedicated to each tab necessary to the data analysis. The details of the algorithm are described in Ref. [1] and should be read together with this manual. We tried to add as much information as possible in ’tooltips’, see Fig. 1.2. Rest the mouse cursor on a given object for one second, and a box will appear with some explanations if there is anything to clarify. CHAPTER 1. GETTING STARTED Figure 1.2: Example of a tooltip on R2 . 4 2 Theoretical reflectivity and phase The calculation of the structure factors requires the knowledge of the (sample and monochromator) crystallographic parameters: lattice constants, and list of atoms in the unit cell. Besides, the Debye-Waller factor can also be added if known. There exist two databases of crystallographic parameters, for elemental (W ýCrystallographicData Elemental.csv) and for compound (W ýCry stallographicData Compound.csv) samples. They can be found in the folder c ýimports Databases Lattices. Each crystal has a dedicated line, with comma separated values, e.g., U ýimports Databases Lattices CrystallographicData Elemental.csv Contains the lattice constants of all elemental crystal: Z,Name,cell type,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,checked values 14,Si,diamond,543.09,543.09,543.09,90,90,90,yes 28,Ni,faceCentered,352.4,352.4,352.4,90,90,90,no 29,Cu,faceCentered,361.49,361.49,361.49,90,90,90,yes .. . First comes the atomic number of the atom(s), the element name, the type of unit cell, the three lattice lengths (a, b, c) in [pm], the three lattice angles (α, β, γ) in [◦ ]. The last argument (checked values) specifies if the values has already been used in the analysis of NIXSW data. This is then displayed in the graphical user interface to draw the user’s attention on crystallographic parameters that were taken from various references but not tested (see file U ýimports Databases Database references.txt for the sources). If your sample has a complex unit cell that is not in the database, you can create a file named U ýimports Databases Lattices AtomCoordinates name-of-unit-cell.csv that lists the relative position of all atoms. For example, for the face-centered unit cell we have: 5 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL REFLECTIVITY AND PHASE 6 U ýimports Databases Lattices AtomCoordinates faceCentered.csv Atomic positions in the face centered unit cell: Element,x (a),y (b),z (c) A,0,0,0 A,.5,.5,0 A,.5,0,.5 A,0,.5,.5 Then just add a line in the U ýimports Databases Lattices Crystallo graphicData *.csv file that indicates name-of-unit-cell in the column cell type as well as the atomic mass and the crystal parameters. After restarting Torricelli, the new crystal will be included in the database. Note If you successfully used not-checked-yet values in experiments, or included new samples/unit cells into the database, please contact the developers to include your values to the next version of Torricelli. (1) (2) (3) (4) (13) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Figure 2.1: Screenshot of the Theoretical reflectivity and phase tab of Torricelli. CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL REFLECTIVITY AND PHASE sample 7 MCP x-rays Figure 2.2: Definition of all angles used by Torricelli (ζ and ξ have positive values in the picture). This picture can also be found in the Geometry, About, License tab of Torricelli. In order to calculate structure factors necessary to simulate the theoretical reflectivity and phase, the following steps need to be taken. First define the photon energy range for which you wish to compute the theoretical curves (11) (see Fig. 2.1). This must be larger than the experimental range. Then one needs to specify the double crystal monochromator (DCM) (1) and sample (2) parameters. The two beam-lines on which we have some experience (I09 at the Diamond Light Source and ID32 at the ESRF) are both equipped with a Si(111) DCM. In order to correctly calculate a theoretical reflectivity curve corresponding to the experiments, Torricelli takes the DCM into account. Typically, Si crystals are cooled with liquid nitrogen and have a temperature of 77 K, and the (111) Bragg reflection is used. DCM parameters may be changed by clicking the Edit DCM button (5). The light polarization is chosen in (3). Now one needs to set up the sample. ζ (4) is the the angle between the sample surface and the Bragg planes. ξ (4) is the deviation from perfect normal incidence on the Bragg planes (ξ = 3.5◦ at the I09 beamline). See all angles depicted in Fig. 2.2. The parameters extracted from the database are displayed in (6). If those values were used in an actual XSW experiment, Yes will appear in (7). If No, please take the given values with care. CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL REFLECTIVITY AND PHASE 8 Important In the present state of the program, the DW Temperature (9) only influences the calculation of the Debye-Waller factor. It does not affect the lattice parameter of your crystal. If you want to use a different crystal temperature, we advise to create a new line in the U ýimports Databases Lattices CrystallographicData *.csv file, use an explicit name, and adapt the lattice constant values. Once you defined the sample (2), the hkl Miller indices of the wanted Bragg planes reflection (10) and the type of Debye-Waller factor (8), click on Structure factors, reflectivity and phase (12) to first compute the structure factors. If the Bragg reflection is allowed, the structure factor values will be displayed (11) and the sample reflectivity RStheo (hν), sample phase Φtheo (hν)/π, S theo (hν), the reflectivity of the double monochromator crystal reflectivity RM theo theo 2 crystal monochromator RDCM (hν) = RM (hν), and cross-correlation between the samplereflectivity and the double crystal monochromator reflectivity theo theo 2 RS+DCM (hν) = RStheo ? RM (hν) will be computed and displayed in Norm (13). Here and in the rest of the program, all curves are always shifted in photon energy such that 0 eV corresponds to the theoretical Bragg energy. Note From now on, Torricelli will remember the theoretical reflectivities and phases, and one does not need to redo this step unless Torricelli is restarted, or if data from a different sample are to be analyzed. Auto-save After clicking on (12), the structural factors are be saved in cD ýresults Structure Factor.dat, the, theoretical curves are saved in cD ýresults Theoretical values.dat and a screenshot of the plot is saved in cD ýresults Theoretical values.png. If these files already exist, they will be overwritten. 3 Import experimental data Note For users of the I09 beam-line of the Diamond synchrotron, we advise to use the I09DataBrowser, a small software that converts the raw data to ASCII files ready to be used by CasaXPS and Torricelli. I09DataBrowser is developed and maintained by the Torricelli team. In the following, the steps to be taken to import and normalize reflectivity and yield data are explained. 1. Choose the text files containing both the experimental reflectivity and I0exp (the intensity of the incident x-ray beam) (1) in Fig. 3.1 and electron yield (2) curves (standard CasaXPS output), by clicking on the corresponding ... button (3). They should have the following formats: UD ý*.refl: Contains the reflectivity and the beam intensity: Energy I refl I0 2460.92 224.0 215042.0 2460.99 225.0 214766.0 2461.05 258.0 214328.0 .. . UD ý*.txt or UD ý*.ey: Contains the yield of each components as well as the standard deviations: Path of the file containing the full CasaXPS analysis (.vms) Photon energy 2.460920e+003 2.460990e+003 2.461050e+003 .. . Reg Area(0) CPSeV 3.558958e+005 3.595590e+005 3.510015e+005 StDev Reg Area CPSeV · · · 8.186899e+002 · · · 7.855856e+002 · · · 7.930356e+002 · · · Note You can use the Display buttons (4) to quickly check the content of a file, for instance, compatible number of points, or presence of some 9 CHAPTER 3. IMPORT EXPERIMENTAL DATA 10 aberrant points (11-13). If you decide to remove some points from the data set, simply remove the corresponding lines in both files using a text editor, and load again. 2. Choose which component (5), or which set of components S you wish to analyze. In the field Fit components you can list the components numbers, separated by a space (e.g. ’1’ or ’3 2 5’), that will be analyzed. Typically, a photoemission spectrum is fitted with one or more peaks, here also called components. If there is more than one, they will be summed. If nothing is given, the component 0 is the default. The component number start from 0 for the leftmost column, and it increments for columns going to the right. Every column with a component area (12) should be immediately followed by a column with the corresponding statistical errors (13). 3. By clicking on the Import reflectivity and yield button (6), the data are normalized by I0exp , and displayed (14 and 15). Torricelli will automatically check that both files have the same photon energies in the first column (111). If the photon energies are not defined as shown in the instance chosen for Fig. 3.1, this option can be removed by checking Ignore the match between EY and Refl (8). This check does not influence the data analysis, it only makes sure you are not mixing different data files. In angular mode, this check is not performed. (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (4) (14) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (15) Figure 3.1: Screenshot of the Import experimental data tab of Torricelli. CHAPTER 3. IMPORT EXPERIMENTAL DATA 11 4. In the case of angular-resolved acquisition of photoelectrons, we recommend to save each angular-resolved data set (slice) sequentially in the yield file (for the same reflectivity file). It is then possible to choose the slice number (9) to be analyzed by checking Angular mode. The corresponding φej must be given in the file *.ang file (10) so that it can be displayed in this tab, and also copied in the Fit Yield tab (See Fig. 2.2) in view of the calculation of the photoemission correction parameters. UD ý*.ang: Contains the φej value corresponding to each slice j # this file contains the angles corresponding to the centers of the slices # File info: manually created file # number of slices: 20 slice 0 1 2 3 4 5 .. . angle 116.6 113.8 111.0 108.2 105.4 102.6 .. . In CasaXPS, you just have to put all spectra in the same folder before you load. The file name is used to order the files. Note that by simply scrolling on the slice number, the data are automatically imported (you do not need to press the button (6)). Note If the working directory (see (1) in Fig. 1.1) is changed, Torricelli will try to find both the reflectivity, yield and angle files in this directory. They should have the extensions .refl, .txt or .ey and .ang respectively. If several files of the same type are present, the user has to choose the correct file manually. Important Do not forget that the definition of φej includes ξ. CHAPTER 3. IMPORT EXPERIMENTAL DATA Important If you are using CasaXPS (or a similar program) to fit your spectra you have to pay attention to the statistical error calculation. CasaXPS uses the Monte Carlo method to fit the data [2]. To estimate the statistical errors CasaXPS introduces a theoretical noise and assumes it to follow a Poisson distribution. This is a reasonable assumption for pulse counted data. However in modern detectors which rather use MCPs than channeltrons it can happen that your experimental noise is not Poisson distributed. In that case the statistical errors from the fits of your spectra will be wrongly estimated. To check in CasaXPS if your noise is Poisson distributed and to correct it, open a spectrum and fit a region on a flat area (just background intensity) of your spectrum using regression as background type. Than activate the display of the residuals. CasaXPS should show the Residual STD of your region fit. If your noise is Poisson distributed this value should be around 1. If that is not the case there is an option for a correction. First select all your spectra. In the Processing window, go to the tab Calculator and press the button Poisson Adjust Selection . When you now check the residual STD they should be around 1. To have the option Poisson Adjust you have to use at least version 2.3.17 PR 1.1 of CasaXPS. Auto-save At this point nothing new is saved. 12 4 Fit reflectivity The fit is performed by minimizing RR (δhν, σ, R0 , NR ) = Rmodel (hν, σ) − Rexp (hν + δhν) − R0 NR (4.1) using the Levenberg-Marquardt method [3, 4, 5]. By default, the data points in the residuals are not weighted by a standard error because the later is not known. If one wishes to weight each reflectivity data point differently (e.g., if the standard errors are known), the code needs to be modified. The fitting parameters are: the background R0 , the normalization NR , the photon energy shift δhν and the gaussian broadening σ. The initial guess of NR and R0 are (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Figure 4.1: Screenshot of the Fit reflectivity tab of Torricelli. 13 CHAPTER 4. FIT REFLECTIVITY 14 such that the reflectivity difference between maximum and minimum as well as origin are the same between the data points and the theoretical curve. δhν is chosen such that the highest reflectivity point of the data and of the theoretical curve lie at the same photon energy. The default initial value of σ is 0.1. All initial values are displayed in red and fit results in blue. Note The lower the value σ, the better the crystal quality. The value of σ for SiC is typically 0.05 eV, and for coinage metals 0.1-0.2 eV. Press the Fit reflectivity (6) button (see Fig. 4.1). If the fit converges, the normalized experimental data together with the fitting theoretical curve are displayed as blue points and line (5), respectively. The experimental points correspond to the first term of Eq. 4.1. The red line corresponds to RStheo ? theo 2 RM , that is without gaussian broadening (σ = 0). Norm If the fit does not converge, you can try to modify the initial parameters (2) (e.g., increasing σ usually helps to find convergence, the other values are usually very good). The fit results are saved as text file and picture, see Chap. 10. It is possible to reset the initial values to the guess made by Torricelli by clicking on Reset (1). In the absence of standard errors, the standard χ2red is not defined. Therefore, the Pearson’s chi-squared (χ2Pearson , see Eq. 1.8 in Ref. [7]) and the coefficient of determination (R2 , see Sec. 1.3 and 11.2 in [8]) are displayed (7, 8) in order to evaluate the quality of the fit [6, 8] without the knowledge of the variance. They are defined as follows: 2 exp model R (hν) − R (hν) X 1 χ2Pearson ≡ DF Rmodel (hν) exp.hν and SSres , SStot with DF the number of degree of freedom and X 2 SSres = Rexp (hν) − Rmodel (hν) R2 ≡ 1 − (4.2) (4.3) exp. hν SStot = R̄exp = X Rexp (hν) − R̄exp exp. hν n X 1 n Rexp (hν) 2 (4.4) (4.5) exp. hν where the sums run over all experimental hν values, and n is the total the number of experimental points. R2 values range from 0 (bad fit) to 1 (good fit). Important If this fit is not good, it is of no use to continue the analysis! Check the parameters you used for the sample crystal. CHAPTER 4. FIT REFLECTIVITY 15 Auto-save After clicking (6), the fit results are saved as ASCII file and pictures in cD ýresults Exp refl norm centred.dat, cD ýresults Fit refl.log, cD ýresults Fit result refl.png and cD ýresults Fit result refl.dat. 5 Fit yield The fit is performed by minimizing RY (PcS , FcS , NYS ) = YSmodel hν, PcS , FcS , NYS , γ, φ NYS YSexp (hν + δhν, φ) − × σYSexp (hν, φ) NYS (5.1) using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. The values of δhν and σ are the result of the reflectivity fit and are fixed to fit the yield. In the simplest case, there (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (22) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (20) (19) (21) Figure 5.1: Screenshot of the Fit yield tab of Torricelli. 16 CHAPTER 5. FIT YIELD 17 are only three fitting parameters: the normalization factor NYS , the coherent position Pc and fraction Fc . If the statistical error σYSexp (hν, φ) are not known or not reliable, it is possible to replace them by NYS in Eq. 5.1 by checking Ignore Monte Carlo analysis (15) (see Fig. 5.1). It is possible to independently fix/fit each of the fit variables by un/checking them (9). The level of approximation to be used to treat the photoemission process can be chosen: dipole (6) or dipole-quadrupole (1). Within the dipole-quadrupole approximation, ∆ and the non-dipolar parameter γ need to be calculated. To do so, the user must provide the element subject to photoemission (2) and the sub-shell under consideration (3). The corresponding photoelectron kinetic energy is then calculated and displayed EKin (5). This calculation ignores the sample work function. EKin is used to interpolate the γ (13) value from the database [9, 10], that is displayed in (20). Second, the value of EKin must then be given in the NIST Electron Elastic-Scattering Cross-Section Database version 3.2 (available on-line) to obtain δp and δd (4). A screenshot of the program Elastic32 is given in Fig. 5.2. Afterwards, the user must copy the δp and δd in Torricelli so that ∆ can be calculated. Finally, φej (7) is used to calculate the polarization factor P (in case of π-polarization). The value of φej is automatically updated if an angle file is given in the import tab, if not this value must be given by hand. Once ξ, ζ, P , γ and ∆ are known, Torricelli can calculate the photoemission correction parameter to the yield SR , SI and ψ. Even within the dipole approximation, the φej is needed (in case of π-polarization) to properly calculate SR , SI and ψ. All initial values are displayed in red. Press the Fit yield button (16). If the fit converges, the normalized experimental data together with the fitting theoretical curve are displayed as blue points and line (22), respectively. The normalized statistical error are displayed as vertical red bars. Nonphysical negative or greater than unity Fc or Pc can still produce a very good fit. To overcome this, one has to set better initial values. After having fitted once, it is possible to display the theoretical curve with initial values in red (17). The initial values can be changed by typing the value (10), or by moving the cursor (11). The red curve in (22) will instantly average average Figure 5.2: Screenshot of the Elastic32 program, the NIST Electron Elastic-Scattering Cross-Section Database to calculate δp and δd (Menu: Database/Phase shifts). Enter the adequate kinetic energy of the photoemitted electrons as calculated by Torricelli, and click Calculate . CHAPTER 5. FIT YIELD 18 update. Press the Fit yield button (16) again once the initial values are set. The fit results together with their standard deviation (12) are displayed, as well as the coefficient of determination R2 (see Chap. 4) and the χ2red . Also, each step of the optimization are displayed in (21), as well as further fit results details. All fit result values are displayed in blue. It is possible to fit the γ (or SR ) if your sample is completely disordered and you are confident to fix Fc to 0. Once satisfied with the fit results, click on Save and plot in Argand (19) to store the results (including the standard deviations and all other relevant parameters) in a list of all gathered results (See Chap. 6). Note The Monte-Carlo analysis in CasaXPS is usually slow. If you are in a hurry (during a beam-time), you may want to avoid this step and tell Torricelli not to read in the error bars and click Ignore Monte Carlo analysis (15). This will remove the error bar weight on the data points, by effectively setting σYSexp (hν, φ) = NYS . As a consequence, the error bars given by the fit procedure are not defined anymore and should not be used. Also, χ2red is not defined anymore. Auto-save In the cD ýresults folder, pictures, normalized experimental data, fitted theoretical data as well as fit results are saved/updated automatically each time the Fit Yield button is pressed. The created RESULTS *.csv file, that summarize the fit results and all used parameters, can be easily loaded by another program to consult the data. 6 Argand diagram In this tab it is possible to display the fit results of the electron yield curve on an Argand diagram (2), a polar plot where each point is defined by a vector with angle Pc and length Fc . The data are all listed in a list (1) and can be grouped (see Fig. 6.1). The vector average position and fraction of each group is automatically calculated and displayed (by default a + symbol and a line from the origin). One can display/hide independently every single data point (circle symbol by default, with the color of the group) or entire groups. One can then move the data points from one group to another or within a group by (1) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (2) (5) (14) (13) (15) (16) Figure 6.1: Screenshot of the Argand diagram tab of Torricelli. 19 CHAPTER 6. ARGAND DIAGRAM 20 a simple drag and drop. The selected point/s is/are highlighted in (2). Press Esc to clear the selection. Points and groups can be removed by pressing Del on the keyboard, or clicking the Remove button in Torricelli. Double-click or F2 on any value-field permits to amend the values (only possible is Editable list is selected). If several points are selected, a right-click on the name, color or symbol permit to apply the new property on the whole selection. To add a group, just click on Add group (3). To insert values in the selected group, one can either type-in the values manually (9), or choose the log file of a fit (6), or by clicking the Save and plot in Argand button after having obtained a satisfying fit ((19) in the previous chapter). In the latter case, a new point is created in a group named like the working directory name. Furthermore, all relevant values are also saved and displayed in the list (1). The content of the list can be saved (5) in a text .csv file and reloaded at a later point (8). The format is chosen so that it can be easily loaded by another program (see Chap. 10 for the content details). One can also decompose any data point D in the sum of two vectors (A and B) (13). The A vector can be modified by moving it with the mouse (big red circle in (2)), or by typing values. The B will be updated automatically. n corresponds to the respective amount of atoms populating each species. The Symmetrize option forces A and B to have the same fraction. By right-clicking in the diagram, one can export the picture by choosing ’Entire scene’. Several formats are possible, we advise though the .svg vector format which allows the easy modification of the picture with a dedicated program, like Inkscape. Auto-save Additionally, the full content of the Argand diagram is automatically saved regularly in the UD ýautosave time description.csv file in the working directory when the whole list is cleared, when the list is grouped by slices, after inserting a new point, or when Torricelli is closed. In each case, an explicit name is used. The UD ýresults RESULTS DataName TorricelliVersion.csv file is created/updated each time the fit yield button is pressed in a given working directory. It summarizes all fit results obtained from a single data set for each S and each slice. If the fit button is pressed several times for the same S and slice, only the last fit results are saved. 7 Example data sets In the directory c ýExamples data sets, two data sets are given. In the following section, we give the fit results produced by Torricelli for a specific set of parameters. 7.1 C1s H-QFMLG on SiC(0001) The first is a C 1s core level on quasifreestanding monolayer graphene on 6HSiC(0001), using the reflection (006). The data are angle integrated. Using π-polarization, ζ = 0, ξ = 3.5◦ , the Zywietz DW method, the core level component C1s QFMLG (i = 1), φej = 90◦ and the dipole approximation, the reflectivity fit result gives σ = 45.7 meV, NR = 14396, R0 = 154 and δhν = 2.67 eV. The yield fit result provides Fc = 0.871, Pc = 0.688, NY = 128891.17. 7.2 N1s hBN on Cu(111) angluarResolved The second is a N 1s of hexagonal boron nitride monolayer grown on Cu(111) using the (111) reflection. The data are angle-resolved. Using π-polarization, ζ = 0, ξ = 3.5◦ , the Gao DW method, the core level component N1s (i = 0), the slice j = 15, φej = 74.6◦ and the dipole-quadrupole approximation (δp = 0.87467, δd = 0.63846, γ = 1.10620), the reflectivity fit result gives σ = 65.8 meV, NR = 6950, R0 = −51 and δhν = 3.517 eV. The yield fit result provides Fc = 0.861, Pc = 0.524, NY = 8.38. 21 8 Useful shortcuts • General ones: Alt + F Presses the big button you always want to press on the active tab Ctrl + PageDown Ctrl + PageUp Moves to the next tab Moves to the previous tab Mouse Wheel on tab Scroll through tabs • In graphical sub-windows: Mouse wheel zoom in/out Left click + mouse move x/y translation Right click + mouse move x/y re-scaling Right click menu with more options, including export options • In the Argand list of group and points: Double click on value change the value in the selected field (Rightclick is several items are selected) F2 on value change the value in the selected field Double click on name change the name. If several points are selected, a right-click will rename the selection with with increasing N: name N Esc clear the item selection 22 9 The folder structure of Torricelli In the following we describe briefly all files present in the Torricelli program folder tree. c ý ............................................ Torricelli home folder W ý this file to start Torricelli W ýCOPYRIGHT............... copy of the GNU General Public License v3 W ýREADME ....................... Brief description of the files and folders b ûExample data sets W ýArgandTest.csv ...... few (Fc ,Pc ) points for the Argand diagram W ýArgand BigFileTest.csv.. many (Fc ,Pc ) points for the Argand diagram ` ýC1s H-QFMLG on SiC(0001) ` ýN1s hBN on Cu(111) angluarResolved b ûimports W ýuser settings.......last settings used before closing Torricelli W ýGUI * ............................................... gui modules W ý*.png and *.svg...................................... images W ý diagram library b ûDatabases W ýDatabase references.txt.....references for all files in the database W ýNondipolar parameters of angular distribution Z1to100.ini W ýf0.csv .............. f0 atomic scattering factor for all elements b ûf1 and f2...............all f1 and f2 atomic scattering factor W ýsi.nff .................................... f1 and f2 for Si ` ýDW...............database necessary for the Debye-Waller factors b ûLattices W ýAtomCoordinates name-of-unit-cell.csv..relative atomic position in this unit cell W ýCrystallographicData Compound.csvcrystallographic parameters for compounds W ýCrystallographicData Elemental.csvcrystallographic parameters for elemental crystals 23 10 The folder structure of an analyzed data set Example of directory in which a single XSW data set is stored. In the folder b ýsum (depicted as cD ý), here chosen as working directory, the folder cD ýresults will be created by Torricelli during the analysis. b ûC1s H-QFMLG on SiC(0001) or cD ý W ýi09-22758 C1sXSW Relf and I0.refl... reflectivity, Torricelli input W ýi09-22758 c1sxsw allregions 2Comp ShirleyBgd.txtelectron yield (CasaXPS analysis output), Torricelli input W ýautosave time description.csv..... Content of the Argand list automatically saved after pressing the Save and Plot in Argand button ` ýslice1.................. all data from the first angle-resolved data set ` ýslicen...................all data from the nth angle-resolved data set b ûsum............... all data from the sum of all angle-resolved data sets W ýi09-22758 C1sXSW allRegions hnu.dat.core level measured with a photon energy of hnu (CasaXPS input) W ýi09-22758 c1sxsw allregions 2Comp ShirleyBgd.vmsCasaXPS analysis file b ûresults W ýStructure Factor.dat ................... all structure factors W ýExp ey norm centred[0].dat....electron yield of component 0 normalised to I0 and relative to EBragg W ýExp refl norm centred.dat...reflectivity normalised to I0 and relative to EBragg W ýFit ey comp[0].dat... best fit electron yield curve, component 0 W ýFit ey comp[0].log............. log of the electron yield fitting W ýFit ey comp[0].png ......... image from electron yield fit result W ýFit refl.log ....................... log of the reflectivity fitting W ýFit result refl.dat ................. best fit reflectivity curve W ýFit result refl.png...........image from reflectivity fit result W ýRESULTS C1s H-QFMLG on SiC(0001) Torricelli verx.x.x.csv list of results obtained from this working directory, updated after each click on Fit yield 24 CHAPTER 10. THE FOLDER STRUCTURE OF AN ANALYZED DATA SET 25 W ýTheoretical values.dat...................theoretical curves W ýTheoretical values.png.......image of the theoretical curves Few .png files simply record the graph displayed in Torricelli, for a quick printout. The .dat files include actual data in ASCII that can be used in a scientific plotting program to produce high quality figures. The exact content of each of the .dat is now detailed (for programmers, we also included the respective variable names.) 1. W ýTheoretical values.dat col1 Photon energy relative to the Bragg energy (self.Theory_photonEnergy) col2 Reflectivity of the sample crystal (self.Theory_Refl_sample) col3 Phase of the sample crystal (self.Theory_Phase_Sample) col4 Reflectivity of the monochromator crystal (self.Theory_Refl_Monochromator) col5 Phase of the monochromator crystal (self.Theory_Phase_Monochromator) col6 Final convoluted reflectivity of both crystal and monochromator (self.Theory_ReflSample_cc_ReflMono2) 2. W ýExp refl norm centred.dat col1 Photon energy shifted by δhν to fit the theoretical values (self.Exp_photonEnergy_BraggCentered +δhν) col2 Reflectivity normalized by I0exp for each photon energy, and multiplied by the average of all I0exp , then shifted by R0 and multiplied by NR to fit the theory ((self.Exp_Refl_Normalised - R0 )/NR ) col3 Estimated statistical error on the reflectivity (square root of the previously normalized intensity) (self.Exp_Refl_Estimated_Error/NR ) 3. W ýFit result refl.dat col1 Photon energy relative to the Bragg energy (self.Theory_photonEnergy) col2 Theoretical reflectivity curve best fit, including the gaussian broadening (bestFit_theo_refl) 4. W ýFit refl.log : List of all tested parameters configurations tested during the fitting procedure. The last one corresponds to the best fit. 5. W ýExp ey norm centred[S ].dat col1 Photon energy shifted by δhν (self.xsw_energies_BraggCentered + δhν) col2 Electron yield of the component set S provided (for example) by CasaXPS. It is normalized by I0exp for each photon energy, and multiplied by the average of all I0exp and divided by the NYS (self.xsw_ey_normalised/NYS ) CHAPTER 10. THE FOLDER STRUCTURE OF AN ANALYZED DATA SET 26 col3 Statistical error of the electron yield of the component set S provided by CasaXPS normalized in the same way as the electron yield itself (self.xsw_ey_error_casaXPS/NYS ) (NOTE that I09 DataBrowser does not perform any normalisation) 6. W ýFit ey comp[S ].dat : col1 Photon energy relative to the Bragg energy (self.Theory_photonEnergy) col2 Electron yield best fit (self.Fit_Result_EY) 7. W ýFit ey comp[S ].log : List of all tested parameters configurations tested during the fitting procedure. The last one corresponds to the best fit. Each different value of the initial curve that is displayed will also be saved in this file. 8. *.csv files: Contains the fit results parameters separated by a comma. Each line correspond to a different data set. In the case of .csv file created by the Argand diagram tab, there is also a line corresponding to the average of all points contained in the group. The W ýautosave.csv is rewritten each time the Save and plot in Argand button is clicked and contains full content of the list visible in the Argand tab. The W ýRESULT *.csv file is updated each time you click the Fit yield button, and contains only fit results from the data present in the working directory. It remembers only the fit result of resulting from the last time you clicked Fit yield for each set of component or angle chosen. 11 Miscellaneous 11.1 Reading or modifying the code Reading or modifying a function that is related to a specific object (Button, integer field, etc.) in the graphical user interface works as follows. One opens the file with the QtDesigner free software1 to obtain the object name. Then one can search the file using a standard text editor to find which function is connected to this object. Both the command connecting an object to a function and the function itself are in the file. 11.2 Few advices for efficiency • Use the shortcuts! Once you chose the working directory and set all your parameters/angles, you basically just have to press Alt + F and Ctrl + PageDown few times... And you are done! • Use the folder structure created by the DataBrowser (as explained in Chap. 10). • Save the electron yield file in the folder created by the DataBrowser, and use either a .txt or .ey extension. • Select the new folder for each new measurement (top of the window), then Torricelli will find all it needs automatically. • It is a good habit to keep an eye on the console window. Typically unexpected warnings or errors are displayed there. • It is an open source software: it can be modified but the modifications must maintain the same license. Note Many file paths, folder paths and other settings are saved in the file user settings. So when you close Torricelli, and open it again, the program is already pre-configured for you. c ýimports 1 27 Bibliography [1] F. C. Bocquet, G. Mercurio, M. Franke, G. van Staaten, S. Weiß, S. Soubatch, C. Kumpf and F.S. Tautz – Torricelli: A software to determine atomic spatial distributions from normal incidence x-ray standing wave data. Computer Physics Communications vol, page (2018). [2] Mercurio, G. and Bauer, O. and Willenbockel, M. and Fairley, N. and Reckien, W. and Schmitz, C. H. and Fiedler, B. and Soubatch, S. and Bredow, T. and Sokolowski, M. and Tautz, F. S. – Adsorption height determination of nonequivalent C and O species of PTCDA on Ag(110) using x-ray standing waves. Phys. Rev. B 87, 045421 (2013). [3] K. Levenberg – A Method for the Solution of Certain Non-Linear Problems in Least Squares. Quart. Appl. Math 2, 164 (1944). [4] D. W. Marquardt – An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters. J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 11, 431 (1963). [5] M. Newville, T. Stensitzki, D. B. Allen and A. Ingargiola – Lmfit: NonLinear Least-Square Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python. Zenodo, (2014). [6] A. Glantz and B. K. Slinker – Primer of applied regression and analysis of variance. 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill (2001). [7] P. E. Greenwood and M. S. Nikulin – A guide to chi-squared testing. John Wiley & Sons (1996). [8] N. R. Draper and H. Smith – Applied Regression Analysis. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 3rd edition, Wiley-Interscience (1998). 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY [9] 29 M. B. Trzhaskovskaya, V. I. Nefedov, V. G. Yarzhemsky – Photoelectron angular distribution parameters for elements Z=1 to Z=54 in the photoelectron energy range 100-5000 eV. Atom. Data Nucl. Data Tables 77, 97 (2001). [10] M. B. Trzhaskovskaya, V. I. Nefedov, V. G. Yarzhemsky – Photoelectron angular distribution parameters for elements Z=55 to Z=100 in the photoelectron energy range 100-5000 eV. Atom. Data Nucl. Data Tables 82, 257 (2002).
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