Easy Mobile Lite User Guide

User Manual:

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Table of Contents
Getting Started






Using Easy Mobile




Module Configuration




Native Sharing
Release Notes



Getting Started

Easy Mobile Lite User Guide
This document is the official user guide for Easy Mobile Lite, the stripped down version of
Easy Mobile, a Unity plugin by SgLib Games.

Important Links
Get the Full Version
Online Documentation
Demo APK
Easy Mobile Lite on Unity Asset Store

Connect with SgLib Games
Unity Asset Store



Easy Mobile is our attempt to create a many-in-one Unity package that greatly simplifies the
implementation of de facto standard features of mobile games including advertising, in-app
purchasing, game service, notification and native mobile functionality. It does so by providing
a friendly editor for setting up and managing things, and a cross-platform API which allows
you to accomplish most tasks with only one line of code. It also leverages official plugins
wherever possible, e.g. Google Play Games plugin for Unity, to ensure reliability and
compatibility without reinventing the wheel.
Easy Mobile Lite is the stripped down version of Easy Mobile and contains two modules:

Compatible with OneSignal, a free and popular service for push notifications

Native Sharing
Shares texts and images to social networks using the native sharing functionality



Unity 5.3.0 or above.


Using Easy Mobile

Using Easy Mobile
Using Easy Mobile involves 3 tasks:
Configure the plugin using the built-in Settings interface
Make sure an instance of the EasyMobile prefab is added to your first scene
Make appropriate API calls from script

After importing Easy Mobile, there will be a new menu added at Window > Easy Mobile from
which you can access the Settings interface and configure various modules of the plugin.


Using Easy Mobile

The Settings interface is the only place you go to configure the plugin. Here you can enable
or disable modules, provide ads credentials, add leaderboards, create a product catalog,
All these settings are stored in the EM_Settings object, which is a ScriptableObject created
automatically after importing the plugin and is located at Assets/EasyMobile/Resources. You
can also access this EM_Settings class from script and via its properties accessing each
module settings in runtime.

EasyMobile Prefab
For the plugin to function properly it is required that the EasyMobile prefab is added to one
of the game scenes. The prefab is automatically created when importing the plugin and is
located at its root folder. It will handle tasks like initialization and automatic ad loading.


Using Easy Mobile

It is advisable to add the EasyMobile prefab to the first scene in your game so that the
modules have time to initialize before you actually use them. Likewise, this will allow the
automatic ad loading process to start soon and the ads will be more likely available
when needed.

Easy Mobile API is written in C# and is put under the namespace EasyMobile. Therefore,
you need to add the following statement to the top of your script in order to access its API
using EasyMobile;

Easy Mobile's API is cross-platform so you can use the same codebase for both iOS
and Android.

Testing Using the Demo App
Easy Mobile comes with a demo app that you can use to quickly test each module' s
operation after configuring. The demo app is contained in folder Assets/EasyMobile/Demo.
To use the demo app, you need to add the EasyMobile prefab to the demo scene before
building it.



The Notification module helps you quickly setup you game for receiving push notifications. It
is compatible with OneSignal, a free, popular cross-platform push notification delivery


Module Configuration

Module Configuration
To use the Notification module you must first enable it. Go to Window > Easy Mobile >
Settings, select the Notification tab, then click the right-hand side toggle to enable and start
configuring the module.

Import OneSignal Plugin
Using OneSignal service requires OneSignal plugin for Unity. Easy Mobile will automatically
check for the availability of the plugin and prompt you to import it if needed. Below is the
module settings interface when OneSignal plugin hasn't been imported.

Click the Download OneSignal Plugin button to open the download page, then download the
package and import it to your project. Once the import completes the settings interface will
be updated and ready for you to start configuring.


Module Configuration

Setup OneSignal
Before You Begin
Before setting up OneSignal in Unity, you must first generate appropriate credentials for
your targeted platforms. If you're not familiar with the process, please follow the guides
listed here. You should also follow the instructions included in that document on
performing necessary setup when building for each platform.
In the ONESIGNAL SETUP section, enter your OneSignal App ID.

Auto Initialization
Auto initialization is a feature of the Notification module that initializes the service
automatically when the module starts. You can configure this feature in the AUTO-INIT
CONFIG section.
On iOS, a popup will appear during the first initialization following the app install to ask
for the user's permission to receive push notifications for your game.

Auto Init: uncheck this option to disable the auto initialization feature, you can start the
initialization manually from script (see Scripting section)


Module Configuration

Auto Init Delay: how long after the module start that the initialization should take place
"Module start" refers to the moment the Start method of the module's associated
MonoBehavior (attached to the EasyMobile prefab) runs.



This section provides a guide to work with the Notification API.
You can access all the Notification API methods via the NotificationManager class
under the EasyMobile namespace.

Before receiving push notifications, the service needs to be initialized. This initialization
should only be taken once when the app is loaded, and before any other calls to the API are
made. If you have enabled the Auto initialization feature (see Module Configuration
section), you don't need to start the initialization from script. Otherwise, if you choose to
disable that feature, you can initialize the service using the Init method.
// Initialize push notification service

Note that the initialization should be done early and only once, e.g. you can put it in the Start
method of a MonoBehaviour, preferably a singleton one so that it won't run again when the
scene reloads.
// Initialization in the Start method of a MonoBehaviour script
void Start()
// Initialize push notification service
// Do other stuff...

The NotificationOpened Event
A NotificationOpened event will be fired whenever a push notification is opened and your
app is put to foreground. You can listen to this event and take appropriate actions, e.g. take
the user to the store page of your game to download an update when it's available.
You should subscribe to this event as early as possible, preferably as soon as your app
is loaded, e.g. in the OnEnable method of a MonoBehaviour script in your first scene.



// Subscribe to the event
void OnEnable()
NotificationManager.NotificationOpened += OnNotificationOpened;
// The event handler
void OnNotificationOpened(string message, string actionID, Dictionary
additionalData, bool isAppInFocus)
Debug.Log("Push notification received!");
Debug.Log("Message: " + message);
if (additionalData != null)
// Check if a new update is available, suppose we use
// a key called "newUpdate" to signal the availability of one
if (additionalData.ContainsKey("newUpdate"))
// Here you should ask the users if they want to update
// and open the download page if they do...
// Unsubscribe
void OnDisable()
NotificationManager.NotificationOpened -= OnNotificationOpened;


Native Sharing

Native Sharing
The Native Sharing module helps you easily share texts and images to social networks
including Facebook, Twitter and Google+ using the native sharing functionality. In addition, it
also provides convenient methods to capture the screenshots to be shared.
Below are the sharing interfaces on iOS and Android, respectively.

Enable External Write Permission on Android
For this module to function on Android, it is necessary to enable the permission to write to
external storage. To do so, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player, select Android settings tab,
then locate the Configuration section and set the Write Permission to External (SDCard).


Native Sharing



This section provides a guide to work with Native Sharing API.
You can access all the Native Sharing API methods via the MobileNativeShare class
under the EasyMobile namespace.

Capture Screenshots
To capture the device's screenshot, you have a few options.
Capture and Save a Screenshot as PNG Image
To capture and save a screenshot of the whole device screen, simply specify the file name
to be saved. This screenshot will be saved as a PNG image in the directory pointed by
Application.persistentDataPath. Note that this method, as well as other screenshot capturing
methods, needs to be called at the end of a frame (when the rendering has done) for it to
produce a proper image. Therefore you should call it within a coroutine after
// Coroutine that captures and saves a screenshot
IEnumerator SaveScreenshot()
// Wait until the end of frame
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// The SaveScreenshot() method returns the path of the saved image
// The provided file name will be added a ".png" extension automatically
string path = MobileNativeShare.SaveScreenshot("screenshot");

You can also captures and saves just a portion of the screen:
// Coroutine that captures and saves a portion of the screen
IEnumerator SaveScreenshot()
// Wait until the end of frame
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// Capture the portion of the screen starting at (50, 50),
// has a width of 200 and a height of 400 pixels.
string path = MobileNativeShare.SaveScreenshot(50, 50, 200, 400, "screenshot");



Capture a Screenshot into a Texture2D
In some cases you may want to capture a screenshot and obtain a Texture2D object of it
instead of saving to disk, e.g. to create a sprite from the texture and display it in-game.
// Coroutine that captures a screenshot and generates a Texture2D object of it
IEnumerator CaptureScreenshot()
// Wait until the end of frame
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// Create a Texture2D object of the screenshot using the CaptureScreenshot() metho
Texture2D texture = MobileNativeShare.CaptureScreenshot();

Similar to the case above, you can also capture only a portion of the screen.
// Coroutine that captures a portion of the screenshot and generates a Texture2D objec
t of it
IEnumerator CaptureScreenshot()
// Wait until the end of frame
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// Create a Texture2D object of the screenshot using the CaptureScreenshot() metho
// The captured portion starts at (50, 50) and has a width of 200, a height of 400
Texture2D texture = MobileNativeShare.CaptureScreenshot(50, 50, 200, 400);

Note that screenshot capturing should be done at the end of the frame.

To share an image you also have a few options. You can also attach a message to be
shared with the image.
Due to Facebook policy, pre-filled messages will be ignored when sharing to this
network, i.e. sharing messages must be written by the user.
Share a Saved Image
You can share a saved image by specifying its path.



// Share a saved image
// Suppose we have a "screenshot.png" image stored in the persistentDataPath,
// we'll construct its path first
string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "screenshot.png");
// Share the image with the path, a sample message and an empty subject
MobileNativeShare.ShareImage(path, "This is a sample message", "");

Share a Texture2D
You can also share a Texture2D object obtained some point before the sharing time.
Internally, this method will also create a PNG image from the Texture2D, save it to the
persistentDataPath, and finally share that image.
// Share a Texture2D
// sampleTexture is a Texture2D object captured some time before
// This method saves the texture as a PNG image named "screenshot.png" in persistentDa
// then shares it with a sample message and an empty subject
MobileNativeShare.ShareTexture2D(sampleTexture, "screenshot", "This is a sample messag
e", "");


Release Notes

Release Notes
Version 1.0.0
First release.



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Create Date                     : 2017:01:14 05:03:04+00:00
Producer                        : calibre 2.57.1 [http://calibre-ebook.com]
Title                           : Easy Mobile Lite User Guide
Description                     : The official user guide for Easy Mobile Lite, the lite version of Easy Mobile, a Unity plugin by SgLib Games.
Creator                         : SgLib Games
Publisher                       : GitBook
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