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IMT-2020 Channel Model (CM) Software User Manual Editors: Zhang Jianhua Tian Lei Mansoor Shafi Document Version: V2.0 May 30, 2018 IMT-2020 CM_BUPT—— User License Copyright(c) 2018 Zhang Jianhua Lab, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. The software platform is open and any person or group is allowed, free of charge, to obtain a copy of this simulation software and associated help documentation files. Users are permitted to use the platform without restriction. But users should subject the following conditions: 1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice should be admitted and retained in any copy of the software. 2. The software platform is developed for research of radio channel. If any person or group wants to apply the platform in industry or any other fields, Zhang Jianhua Lab of BUPT cannot give any guarantee of the accuracy about the result. 3. The software platform is developed by Zhang Jianhua Lab of BUPT. We reserve all the rights for the final explanation. Contents 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1 2 Installation ........................................................................................................................... 2 3 Model Framework ............................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Data Flow ..................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Graphical User Interface description ............................................................................... 4 3.2.1 Antenna parameter Input ....................................................................................... 4 3.2.2 System parameter Input ......................................................................................... 5 3.2.3 Parameters Input for advanced modelling components ......................................... 5 3.3 Antenna Configuration ................................................................................................. 6 3.3.1 Antenna Array Geometry ...................................................................................... 6 3.3.2 Antenna Response ................................................................................................. 8 3.4 Scenario and Layout ..................................................................................................... 8 3.4.1 Network Layout ..................................................................................................... 8 3.4.2 Description of supported propagation scenarios.................................................... 9 3.5 Path loss...................................................................................................................... 10 3.6 Large Scale Parameter ................................................................................................ 11 3.7 Small Scale Parameter ................................................................................................ 12 3.8 Channel Impulse Response......................................................................................... 13 4 Description of Output results ............................................................................................. 14 5 Running example ............................................................................................................... 15 6 Reference ........................................................................................................................... 16 1 Introduction The Zhang Jianhua Lab of BUPT provides the MATLAB implementation of the ITU-R M.2412-0[1] channel document. The channel modeling method and principle are explained in [JSAC][2] and detailed parameters and scenarios are described in [ITU-R M. 2412-0].The software is named as IMT-2020 CM_BUPT. It is a multi-link simulation platform which can generate a radio channel information between multiple Base Stations and multiple User Terminals. This document will describe the framework of the simulation software in detail and give some instruction about the function applied in the model. The more specific scenarios of channel model and parameters can be found in the ITU-R M.2412-0. In IMT-2020 CM_BUPT, users can choose the model A or model B provided in ITU-R M.24120. All the scenario parameters are loaded in the platform. And users can set the number of antennas and choose the type of them. Channel matrices can be generated for multiple BS-UT links. And the path loss component is also included. It should be noticed that the output of platform is the channel matrices. If users want the middle variable, other operations may need, which are beyond the scope of the implemented channel model. 1 2 Installation IMT-2020 CM_BUPT simulation platform is based on the MATLAB software. The users have to install a MATLAB software in their computers. In our test in fact, the test system is Windows 7 x64 and the MATLAB version is R2016b. The main function is “IMT-2020_CM_BUPTv2.p”. Users can run the platform by “IMT-2020_CM_BUPTv2.p” or “IMT-2020_CM_BUPTv2.fig”. The function includes the following modules: %% IMT-2020 Channel Model Software %% Copyright:Zhang Jianhua Lab, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) %% Editor:Zhang Jianhua (ZJH), Tian Lei (TL) %% Version: 2.0 Date: May. 30, 2018 %% Antenna Configuration % AntennaModelBs - Bs antenna pattern and calculate the antenna % AntennaModelUt - Ut antenna pattern and calculate the antenna % AntennaArray - Antenna type and how to place the antenna element % %% Scenario and Layout % Scenario - Set the ITU-R M.2412-0 test environment parameters % Layout - Generate the network information about BS and UT % UtPosdistribution - User's distribution % WrapAround - Link information after wrapping % %% Path loss % GeneratePathloss - Generate the path loss of links % LOSprobability - Determine whether the LOS link % %% Channel Parameters % GenerateLSP - Generate the large scale parameters % GenerateSSP - Generate the small scale parameters % RayAngleOffset - Set the fixed offset of cluster angle to ray angle % %% Channel impulse response % GenerateCIR - Generate the channel impulse response % %% Utility functions % RMSDelaySpread - Calculate the delay spread % AngleSpread - Calculate the angle spread % prin_value_azimuth - Limit the azimuth angle to -180:180 degrees % prin_value_zenith - Limit the zenith angle to 0:180 degrees % %% Advanced functions 2 % Blockage % GenerateCIR_SC % GenerateSSP_SC % %% Test Example % test 3 3.1 -add blockage loss for per link according to blockage model B - Generate the channel impulse response using spatial consistency - Generate the small scale parameters using spatial consistency - An example about how to create a simulation Model Framework Data Flow The CM implementation structure is shown in the block diagram given in Figure 1. The core of the platform is to generate channel impulse response which contains three main modules. And the three main modules are antenna module, layout and scenario module and path loss module respectively. The antenna module aims to give the antenna locations and antenna responses. Different network layout which contains information of BSs and UTs, as well as parameters configuration in different scenarios, such as UMa, UMi and O2I is determined in the layout and scenario module. The path loss module can be modeled as a separate user-supplied function which aims to give the path loss and standard deviation of shadow fading per link. The main data flow of the CM platform can be seen in the Figure 1. Input and output arguments are defined in more detail in the following section. Antenna Module Layout and Scenario Module INPUT INPUT INPUT Number and type of antenna, carrier wavelength Antenna direction angle fixpar layoutpar AntennaArray.m AntennaModel.m GeneratePathloss.m OUTPUT OUTPUT Position information per antenna element Antenna gain in different direction INPUT OUTPUT Frequcency,Scenario, model type,user numbers,etc fixpar Layout.m Scenario.m (UMA/UMI/RMA INH/O2I) OUTPUT GenerateCIR.m GenerateLSP.m sigmas Pathloss SF_sigma GenerateSSP.m OUTPUT layoutpar Figure 1 The structure and data flow of CM platform 3 Path Loss Module 3.2 Graphical User Interface description The file “IMT-2020_CM_BUPTv2.fig” is the interface of the platform. Users can directly open this file to configure the simulation parameters and run the platform. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of IMT-2020_CM_BUPT v2.0 is shown in Figure. 2. Figure 2 GUI of IMT-2020_CM_BUPT v2.0 3.2.1 Antenna parameter Input The Ut antenna is set to be a single vertical-polarized omnidirectional antenna. The Bs antenna can be configured according to the specific requirement. For the description of specific parameters, you can refer to ITU-R M.2412 Page31. Table 1 Antenna parameter configuration Parameter name ULA/UPA Mg Ng Description Note Choice of ULA/UPA Number of antenna panel rows Number of antenna panel columns When ULA selected, Mg, Ng, N will be automatically set to 1 - 4 M Number of antenna element rows - N Number of antenna element columns - dgH The horizontal distance between the antenna panel dgH should be greater than dH*(N-1) the unit is the length of wavelength. dgV The vertical distance between the antenna panel dgV should be greater than dV*(M-1) the unit is the length of wavelength. the unit is the length of wavelength. dH The horizontal distance between the antenna unit the unit is the length of wavelength. dV The vertical distance between the antenna unit Choice of polarization Antenna downtilt angle Single and dual polarization options Polarization Downtilt Angle - 3.2.2 System parameter Input The system parameters which are needed to be configured by users, are listed in Table 2. Table 2 System parameter configuration Parameter name Description Scenario Choice of scenario Number of Bs Number of Ut Center frequency Simulation times Bandwidth Number of sample points Note According to ITU-R M.2412, the optional scenarios are included in the popup menu According to the actual situation, the common used numbers of base stations are included in the popup menu - Number of base stations within the base station Number of user terminal Center frequency Simulation times Bandwidth Number of sampling points - 3.2.3 Parameters Input for advanced modelling components 5 Three advanced modelling components are implemented in the platform, which are “Spatial Consistency” and “Blockage”. Spatial Consistency Simulation Configuration The spatial consistency part of this program is only applicable to the case of a single link. When spatial consistency is selected, the ‘Number of Bs’ and ‘Number of Ut’ will be automatically set to 1. Table 3 Parameter description for spatial consistency Parameter name Number of points Delta d Velocity vector Description Note Set the number of inflection points in the Ut moving route. Set distance resolution Vector of velocity - Should be less than 1 meter Each inflection point contains 3 parameters. The speed, horizontal moving direction, and vertical moving direction are respectively. The unit of speed is m/s. The unit of horizontal moving direction is deg. The unit of vertical moving direction is deg. The length of input should be equal to point*3. e.g. 10 45 90 10 45 0 Just enter the value in order is OK. Blockage Simulation Configuration The blockage part of this program is realized according to the blockage model II in ITU-R M.2412. Table 4 Parameter description for blockage Parameter name Description Note Number of total blockers Max blockers per user Vehicle percentage Set the total number of blockers within the base station Set the maximum number of blockers for a user The percentage of vehicle blockers in all blockers - 3.3 Antenna Configuration 3.3.1 Antenna Array Geometry The BS antenna is modelled by a uniform rectangular panel array, comprising Mg Ng panels, as illustrated in Figure 3 [1] with Mg being the number of panels in a column and Ng being the number of panels in a row. Furthermore, the following properties apply: Antenna panels are uniformly spaced in the horizontal direction with a spacing of dg,H 6 and in the vertical direction with a spacing of dg,V. On each antenna panel, antenna elements are placed in the vertical and horizontal direction, where N is the number of columns, M is the number of antenna elements with the same polarization in each column. Antenna numbering on the panel illustrated in Figure 3 assumes observation of the antenna array from the front (with x-axis pointing towards broad-side and increasing y-coordinate for increasing column number). The antenna elements are uniformly spaced in the horizontal direction with a spacing of dH and in the vertical direction with a spacing of dV. The antenna panel is either single polarized (P =1) or dual polarized (P =2). The rectangular panel array antenna can be described by the following tuple M g , N g , M , N , P . NOTE: The user antenna defaults to an omnidirectional antenna element. dg,H …… (M-1,N-1) …… …… dg,V …… …… (M-1,0) (M-1,1) …… (1,0) (1,1) (1,N-1) …… (0,0) (0,1) (0,N-1) Figure 3 Bs antenna model [1] More details about the function AntennaArray.m can be seen in Table 5. The full syntax for AntennaArray function is: AA=AntennaArray (Mg,Ng,M,N,dgH,dgV,dH,dV,lambda) Table 5 Short overview of input and output arguments for AntennaArray.m Argument Default Type Description Note name value the number of panels in a Mg column Ng the number of panels in a row the number of antenna rows in M a panel input the number of columns in a N panel Antenna panel spacing in dgH horizontal direction Antenna panel spacing in dgV vertical direction 7 Antenna spacing of one panel in horizontal direction Antenna spacing of one panel in vertical direction dH dV lambda AA 3.3.2 output - - - - Wavelength of used carrier - Information of antenna array - The default space between adjacent elements is half wavelength - Antenna Response Antenna Response can be expressed by elevation angle and azimuth angle . The detailed formulas can be seen from TABLE 9-11 in Report ITU-R M.2412-0. More details about the function AntennaModel.m can be seen in Table 6. The full syntax for AntennaModelBs function is: AntennaGain=AntennaModelBs(phi, theta). NOTE: User antenna gain defaults to 0 dB. Table 6 Short overview of input and output arguments for AntennaModelBs.m Argument Default Type Description Note name value Azimuth angle of arrival phi or departure refer to each -180:1:180 element input Elevation angle of arrival theta or departure refer to each 0:1:180 element 3D antenna element AntennaGain output pattern 3.4 Scenario and Layout 3.4.1 Network Layout CM implementation currently support system simulations for mutilple UT-BS links. So the network layout includes information about: the height of the BS and the UT, the distance between the BS and the UT, the LOS probability of the link, the frequency used in the simulation, etc. Layout.m function almost defines all the parameters decided by users. After 8 implementing the function, all information required to generate LSP and SSP of each link can be obtained. More details about Layout.m can be seen in Table 7. The full syntax for Layout function is: layoutpar=Layout(Input.Sce,Input.C, Input.N-user,Input.fc,Input.AA). Table 7 Short overview of input and output arguments for Layout.m Argument Default Type Description Note name value Simulation scenario that Sce users choose Elevation angle of arrival or Currently support one C departure refer to each 1 BS element input Number of subscribers for N_user all BS The range of fc Carrier frequency in GHz frequency is 0.5-100 GHz Configuration of antenna AA array Information of the network layoutpar output layout 3.4.2 Description of supported propagation scenarios The function scenario.m defines the necessary parameters of different propagation scenarios. The supported scenarios of the platform are listed in Table 8. For details about the scenarios definitions see Report ITU-R M.2412-0. The scenario-dependent parameter is currently supported at center frequency of 0.5-100 GHz. More details about scenario.m can be seen in Table 9. The full syntax for path scenario function is: fixpar=Scenario(Input.fc, layoutpar). Scenario InH UMa Table 8 Supported scenarios of the current platform Frequency Type LOS/NLOS/O2I Note (GHz) InH 28G(Optional) LOS/NLOS 0.5-100 is provided A/B LOS/NLOS/O2I 9 0.5-100 - UMi LOS/NLOS/O2I 0.5-100 - RMa LOS/NLOS/O2I 0.5-100 - Note: For model A, when 0.5 GHz fc 6 GHz , the type of channel model is A1; when 6 GHzfc100 GHz , the type of channel model is A2. Table 9 Short overview of input and output arguments for Scenario.m Argument Default Type Description Note name value fc Carrier frequency in GHz input Information of network More details can be layoutpar layout seen from Layout.m A structure contains fixpar output parameters of different scenarios 3.5 Path loss The path loss modelling is based on ITU-R M.2412-0. The path loss models and their applicability, including frequency ranges, are summarized in Tables A1-2 to A1-5 and the distance definitions are indicated in Figure 4. d3 D hBS hUT d2D Figure 4 Definition of d2D and d3D for outdoor UTs The full syntax for path loss function is: [Pathloss, SF_sigma]=GeneratePathloss(layoutpar). The detailed description of parameters is shown in Table 10. Table 10 Short overview of input and output arguments for GeneratePathloss function 10 Argument name layoutpar Note Define positions of BS and UT, their assigned antenna arrays and gives links of interest for simulation. layout.m The function layout parameters should be defined by user. For example, the range of radius of cells and street width should be set. Multiple-link path loss is supported currently. - - - Putting SF sigma here is convenient for adding shadow fading to the CIR later. Description input Pathloss output SF_sigma Helper function Type The number is the same as that in Scenario.m Note: The application for scenarios are supported in InH_x, UMa_x, UMi_x, RMa_x. 3.6 Large Scale Parameter In the channel modeling, it is usually assumed that statistical parameters on the same link or different links have certain relevance. Usually these parameters include shadow fading, delay spread and angle spread. There are two different link correlations in the GBSM, one is the correlation between communication links formed by the same BS and different UT and the other is the link formed between different BSs serving the same UT. In the actual channel modeling process, the former is usually referred to as intra-site correlation, and the latter as inter-site correlation. In the standard GBSM channel model, it is common to measure, analyze, and model intra-station correlations, without regard for inter-station correlation. The parameters are shown in Table 11. Table 11 Descriptions of Large-scale parameters Type Parameter symbol Description Shadow Fading, Log-normal Distribution SF[dB] Random Variable. The Rice factor ,defined as the ratio of LOS power to all NLOS power; if the link is K[dB] NLOS transmission, the value is ignored or Statistical assigned as 0 [ dB]. LSP correlaton parameers Root-mean-square (RMS) delay spread. ASA ESA ASD ESD UT angle spread, root-mean-square (RMS) angle spread. BS angle spread, root-mean-square (RMS) angle expansion. 11 The full syntax for large scale parameter function is: sigmas=GenerateLSP(layoutpar, fixpar). The detailed description of parameters is shown in Table 12. Table 12 Short overview of input and output arguments for GenerateLSP Argument Helper Type Description Note name function Define positions of BS The scenario and UT. information layoutpar Layout.m should be set by users. input Extract the scenario fixpar information from fixpar Scenario.m for computing LSP. sigmas output Large-scale parameters - 3.7 Small Scale Parameter The small-scale fading parameters reflect the main characteristics of multipath clusters in a link, including delay, power and spatial information. It directly establishes the connection with the traditional GBSM channel modeling because all the delay and spatial information directly reflect the scatters distribution information of the traditional GBSM. In addition, it should be noted that these SSPs are also the key factors that reflect the characteristics of the entire wireless channel. For example, the delay information determines the channel bandwidth of the entire simulated channel, and the angle information determines the spatial spread information of the entire channel. The small scale parameters are shown in Table 13. Type SSP Table 13 Descriptions of Small-scale parameters Parameters symbol Description Cluster relative delay, generally obeying the Τ N 1 [ 1 2 3 ]T exponential distribution or uniform distribution The average fading power of a cluster from the PDS, PN 1 [ P1 P2 P3 ]T is usually an exponential decay model. Horizontal dimension AOA and AOD angle of ray path from PAS, is generally Gaussian or Laplace AOA AOD distribution; Each ray path in the cluster has the Φ N M , Φ N M same fading power and the ray angle is symmetrically offset from the mean. vertical dimension EOA and EOD angle of ray path EOA EOD from the PAS, is generally Gaussian or Laplace Θ N M , Θ N M distribution. 12 HV K VH N M , K N M The XPR of the ray path, is valid only for dual polarized antennas, obeyed log-normal distribution. The full syntax for Small-scale parameters function is: GenerateSSP(layoutpar, fixpar, Input.sim) The detailed description of parameters is shown in Table 14. Table14 Short overview of input and output arguments for GenerateSSP Argument Helper Type Description Note name function Define positions of BS and UT, their assigned layoutpar antenna arrays and Layout.m gives links of interest for simulation. input Extract the scenario fixpar information from fixpar Scenario.m for computing LSP. sim Number of simulations Defined by users 3.8 Channel Impulse Response Generate channel coefficients for each cluster n and each receiver and transmitter element pair u, s and the channel coefficients are given by: H NLOS u ,s,n (t ) Pn M Frx ,u , n, m, ZOA , n, m, AOA m 1 Frx , u , n , m , ZOA , n , m , AOA T M Ftx , s , n , m , ZOD , n , m , AOD rˆrxT , n, m .d rx ,u exp j 2 0 Ftx , s , n , m , ZOD , n , m , AOD exp j n,m 1 exp j n, m n,m rˆtxT, n, m .d tx , s exp j 2 0 n , m 1 exp j n, m exp j n , m rˆrxT , n, m .v exp j 2 0 t Note: The current version is up to the user to decide whether to add path loss and shadow fading. The function of path loss is supported but it does not be added in the CIR. For LOS condition, see Report ITU-R M.2412-0. Considering that H uNLOS , s , n (t ) is a constant function of the variable t, computers cannot represent constant variable. So the platform samples CIR in the time domain according to Nyquist sampling theorem. The number of sampling points is set by users. During a coherent time, the sampling points of CIR are highly relevant. The number of sampling points during the coherent time is 2. Besides, the coherent time is decided by Doppler shift. The full syntax for channel impulse response function is: GenerateCIR(fixpar,layoutpar,Input.sim,Input.BW, Input.T). 13 The detailed description of parameters is shown in Table 15. Table 15 Short overview of input and output arguments for GenerateCIR Argument Helper Type Description Note name function Define positions of The scenario BS and UT. information layoutpar Layout.m should be set by users. Extract the scenario information from fixpar for fixpar Scenario.m computing LSP. input sim BW T Number of simulations Bandwidth of simulations Number of sampling points of CIR in time domain - - - - - - 4 Description of Output results Outputs of the CM platform are saved in pre-established folder. The example of output is shown in Figure 5: Figure 5 Example of outputs of CM platform Channel impulse response are saved in ‘H’ folder, CIR data consists of results of LOS link, NLOS link and O2I link. The index of each link can be seen when load Channel impulse reponse.The form of H is shown: H=(S, U, N_cluster, T, link); H is a Multidimensional matrix, S represent the number of transmit antennas, U represent the number of receive antennas, N_cluter represent the number of clusters, T represent 14 sampling points, linkindex represent the number of links. Layout parameters are saved in ‘LayoutParameters’ folder. Link information, such as propagation condition of each link can be seen in ‘LinkArray’ matrix. ‘Bs_sector_index’ matrix represents information about each Ut belonging to which BS and which sector. For ‘LinkArray’ matrix, the first row represents the link index, the second row represents the Propagation condition. For example, 0 represents NLOS, 1 represents LOS, 2 represents O2I. For ‘Bs_sector_index’ matrix, the first row represents link index, the second row represents Bs index, the third row represent sector index. The path loss information and correlated LSP parameters are saved in ‘LSP’ folder. Each row of ‘sigmas’ matrix stores ASD,ASA,DS,SF,KF,ESD,ESA. Each column represents each link. ‘Pathloss’ matrix stores path loss information. Scenario parameters are saved in ‘ScenarioParameters’ folder. It is a structure consists of some parameters defined in [1]. Small scale parameters of each link are saved in ‘SSP’ folder. 5 Running example Here provides an example of the main procedure on generating coefficients of channel and channel impulse response. In this example, the simulation frequency is at 6 GHz and UMi_A is selected as the simulation scenario. The running results of CIR are stored in the folder ‘H’. %% Channel coefficient generation for link with default settings. %Create folder to store data cd ./SSP; delete *.mat; cd ../; cd ./H; delete *.mat; cd ../; Input=struct('Sce','UMi_B',... %Set the scenario (InH_x, UMi_x, UMa_x, RMa_x) 'C',19,... %Set the number of Bs 'N_user',570,... %Set the total number of subscribers 'fc',6,... %Set the center frequency (GHz) 'AA',[1,1,10,1,1,2.5,2.5,0.5,0.5,102],... %AA=(Mg,Ng,M,N,P,dgH,dgV,dH,dV,downtilt) BS antenna panel configuration,unit of d and dg is wave length. 'sim',1,... %Set the number of simulations 'BW',200,... %Set the bandwidth of the simulation(MHz) 'T',10 ); %Set the number of sampling points of CIR in time domain layoutpar=Layout(Input.Sce,Input.C,Input.N_user,Input.fc,Input.AA); [Pathloss,SF_sigma]=GeneratePathloss(layoutpar);%Generate path loss and shadow fading. fixpar=Scenario(Input.fc,layoutpar);%Generate scenario information. sigmas= GenerateLSP(layoutpar,fixpar); GenerateSSP(layoutpar,fixpar,Input.sim,sigmas);%Generate small-scale parameters. 15 GenerateCIR(fixpar,layoutpar,Input.sim,Input.BW,Input.T);%Generate the channel coefficient. 6 Reference [1] Series M. Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-2020. REPORT ITU-R M.2412-0, 2017. [2] Jianhua Zhang, Yuxiang Zhang, Yawei Yu, Ruijie Xu, Qingfang Zheng, Ping Zhang, “3D MIMO: How Much Does It Meet Our Expectation Observed from Antenna Channel Measurements?”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1887 – 1903, 2017. 16
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