User Manual The Library
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User manual - The Library Version 1.1 How to…? User’s manual for The Library website. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. The Library 2018 - Design by Adrià Babot, with Bootstrap technologies. User manual - The Library Version 1.1 Index Welcome and thanks for use The Library. ............................. 2 Start at The Library ................................................ 3 User page ........................................................... 3 Homepage .......................................................... 4 Reserves .......................................................... 4 New reserve ....................................................... 5 Lends ............................................................. 5 Homepage .......................................................... 5 Users, books, Reserves and Lends. ................................. 6 Add user, Add book, Add Reserve and Add Lend. ..................... 6 User FAQ ............................................................ 7 • I can’t register .............................................. 7 • I can’t login ................................................. 7 • I don’t see correctly the page ................................ 7 • The page is working wrong ..................................... 7 • How do I renew my items? ...................................... 7 • Where do I return my items? ................................... 7 • I can’t make a reserve ........................................ 7 • I can’t make a lend ........................................... 7 • I put a wrong DNI number ...................................... 7 Welcome and thanks for use The Library This is project is a prototype of a website to manage a library. Here you have a few hints how to use the web. If you have any questions at the end, please contact us at the library or This project is Creative Commons 4.0 International. This means you are free to: Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. Under the following terms: Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. No additional restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. We hope you will find a lot of histories inside The Library. Enjoy it! Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. The Library 2018 - Design by Adrià Babot, with Bootstrap technologies. User manual - The Library Version 1.1 Start at The Library Are you registered? If not, come on, it's free! Just go to the home page, on de left side click the link Register here!. Then fill up the form with your data and send it. And if everything goes well Congrats! You are now a member of The Library! If you have problems for the register isn't a problem. You can come to The Library, and our nice librarians will do it for you! To access the user page, the place you will get a great amount of new knowledge and histories, after register, just insert your DNI number and the password you used for the register. Don't forget to put your DNI with the letter! User page On the right side of the user page, you have the login data. From there, you can check if your log in on the correct user, the type of user you are, a button to go to your data and another button to log out. For modify your data, just click the blue button titled My data, and you will access to a view of your data. Modify data yellow button will able you to edit the fields. Mind you can’t change your DNI number. For it contact with the library by email or ask any of our nice librarians. On the left side of the user page, you have the action menu. Here, you have all the tools you have permits to see and use. Let's list them by user permissions. Normal User: - Home panel: Resource to return to the initial user page. - Reserves: List of all your reserves and information about them. - New reserve: The place to reserve your next book. - Lends: All of you borrows for all the times and, why not, some information about them. - Statistics: Coming soon! Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. The Library 2018 - Design by Adrià Babot, with Bootstrap technologies. User manual - The Library Version 1.1 Librarian and administrator User: - Home panel: Resource to return to the initial user page. - Users: List of all users. There you have a search engine to filter them. - Add user: Place to add new users. Unfortunately, as a librarian you can only add normal users (not librarians o administrators). - Books: List of all books. There you have a search engine to filter them. - Add book: Place to add new books. - Reserves: List of all reserves. There you have a search engine to filter them. - New reserve: Place to add new reserves. - Lends: List of all lends. There you have a search engine to filter them. - New lend: Place to add new lend. - Statistics: Coming soon! Let’s explain a bit the tools. First the ones for normal users from here to the end User, Homepage Here as a user, you will have the search book engine and some recommended books for you, the sidebar menu and the login information. You can search a book for a lot of parameters (ISBN, title, author…) and you will have table with the results. From the table you can open(click on browse icon) any book to see the all the information. Reserves Here, in reserves, you will see a table with all your reserves. You can click the browse button to see the information related to one reserve. Form inside, you can delete the reserve it you don’t need it. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. The Library 2018 - Design by Adrià Babot, with Bootstrap technologies. User manual - The Library Version 1.1 New reserve If you want to reserve a book, this is your place. Just enter the date and de ISBN code of the book you want to reserve and check if is available. If the reserve is done, the system will show the information of the new reserve entered. If the date isn’t available, you will get a message. Lends Inside lends, you will see a table with all your lends, the same from reserves but with lends, no secrets. Explained now the tools for administrator and librarian users. Homepage Here, you have the same are users, but with to extra search engines named Return Book and Pick Up Book. Is easy, just scan a book and for return, you will see a table, with the ISBN coincidences, just click the button returned to mark the lend as returned. And for pickup is the same, you will go directly to insert a new lend, and there you will have the DNI number of the user. Please check is the correct one. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. The Library 2018 - Design by Adrià Babot, with Bootstrap technologies. User manual - The Library Version 1.1 Users, books, Reserves and Lends In all these pages you will see a table with all the items of every category. On the top of the table, you have a search engine to filter them if you need it. In every table you have the same tool buttons: - Browse - Edit : To see the data of the related item. : To edit the data of the selected item. - Delete : Obviously for delete the selected item. Before delete anything, you will have to confirm it. Important. You can’t modify a lend or a reserve. If you have inserted a wrong item, just delete it and create a new one. Tables for lends and reserves you will have: - Browse - Return - Pick Up : To see the data of the related item. : (lends) To mark as returned the selected item. : (reserve) To create a lend for the selected reserve. - Delete : Obviously for delete the selected item. Before delete anything, you will have to confirm it. Add user, Add book, Add Reserve and Add Lend For all these others, you will be able to insert new items. Every item has different items, those will be showed in a form. There are some who are optional and others not, you will see it in the form. The only difference for Librarian and Administrator is the Librarian can’t insert users with permits as Librarian or Administrator. You won’t be able to change this value on the form. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. The Library 2018 - Design by Adrià Babot, with Bootstrap technologies. User manual - The Library Version 1.1 User FAQ • I can’t register Make sure you are • not already registered. You can contact to I can’t log in Are you using the correct password for the DNI? Make sure you are writing the later at the end of the DNI number. • I don’t see correctly the page The Library website are optimized for work for all browsers, but not all versions. Check you have the last version installed. • The page is working wrong Have you check the previous answer? JavaScript and cookies enabled! • And make sure you have your How do I renew my items? For the moment, we don’t have any mechanism to renew items. Just make sure you have a reserve after you borrow ends and go to The Library to check it with the librarian or just do it by phone. • Where do I return my items? You can return items to our library give it to the librarian. • I can’t make a reserve Probably we don’t have any copy available for this book. You can try other date to reserve it. • I can’t make a lend Of course not. The lend can only be made from a librarian user permits. • I put a wrong DNI number Contact to to change it or tell it to any librarian when you visit The Librarian. For any other question please ask to the staff or contact us at Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons. The Library 2018 - Design by Adrià Babot, with Bootstrap technologies.
Source Exif Data:
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