EPOS Print API User's Manual
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ePOS-Print API User’s Manual Overview Describes the features and development environment. Sample Program Describes how to use the sample program and how to build a system. Programming Guide Describes how to write programs in Web application development. ePOS-Print API Describes the ePOS-Print API. ePOS-Print Canvas API Describes the ePOS-Print CanvasAPI. ePOS-Print Editor Describes the ePOS-Print Editor. Appendix Describes the specifications for printers used for ePOS-Print, how to use the rendering of images in HTML5 Canvas. M00042110 Rev.K Cautions • No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Seiko Epson Corporation. • The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the latest information. • While every precaution has taken in the preparation of this document, Seiko Epson Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. • Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. • Neither Seiko Epson Corporation nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation’s operating and maintenance instructions. • Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be liable against any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original EPSON Products or EPSON Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation. Trademarks EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. Exceed Your Vision and ESC/POS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Internet Explorer and Visual Studio are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. SafariTM and TrueType are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries. AndroidTM and Google ChromeTM are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Google Inc. in the United States and other countries. Mozilla and Firefox are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Mozilla Foundation in the United States and other countries. IOS is registered trademarks or trademarks of Cisco in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and used for identification purpose only. ESC/POS® Command System EPSON has been taking industry’s initiatives with its own POS printer command system (ESC/POS). ESC/POS has a large number of commands including patented ones. Its high scalability enables users to build versatile POS systems. The system is compatible with all types of EPSON POS printers (excluding the TM-C100) and displays. Moreover, its flexibility makes it easy to upgrade the future. The functionality and the user-friendliness is valued around the world. © Seiko Epson Corporation 2011-2014. All rights reserved. 2 For Safety Key to Symbols The symbols in this manual are identified by their level of importance, as defined below. Read the following carefully before handling the product. Provides information that must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment or a malfunction. Provides important information and useful tips. Restriction of Use When this product is used for applications requiring high reliability/safety such as transportation devices related to aviation, rail, marine, automotive etc.; disaster prevention devices; various safety devices etc; or functional/precision devices etc, you should use this product only after giving consideration to including failsafes and redundancies into your design to maintain safety and total system reliability. Because this product was not intended for use in applications requiring extremely high reliability/safety such as aerospace equipment, main communication equipment, nuclear power control equipment, or medical equipment related to direct medical care etc, please make your own judgment on this product’s suitability after a full evaluation. 3 About this Manual Aim of the Manual This manual is intended to provide development engineers with all the information necessary for building/ designing a printing system or developing/designing an ePOS-Print printer application. In this manual, "ePOS-Print supported printer" is a generic term for the TM-i series and TM printers that support the ePOS-Print API. The TM-i series in this manual is a generic term for the following printers. TM-T88V-i TM-T70-i TM-L90-i Manual Content The manual is made up of the following sections: Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 2 Sample Program Chapter 3 Programming Guide Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API Chapter 6 ePOS-Print Editor Appendix Printer specifications Rendering in HTML5 Canvas Windows Store Apps 4 Contents ■ For Safety .............................................................................................................................. 3 Key to Symbols ....................................................................................................................................... 3 ■ Restriction of Use .................................................................................................................. 3 ■ About this Manual ................................................................................................................ 4 Aim of the Manual ................................................................................................................................. 4 Manual Content .................................................................................................................................... 4 ■ Contents................................................................................................................................ 5 Overview ......................................................................................11 ■ Overview of ePOS-Print ..................................................................................................... 11 Features................................................................................................................................................. 12 Print Example........................................................................................................................................ 13 Print Flow ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Features................................................................................................................................................. 16 ■ Operating Environment ..................................................................................................... 17 Applications environment................................................................................................................... 17 Terminal ................................................................................................................................................. 17 ePOS-Print Supported TM printer........................................................................................................ 17 Printers That Can Be Controlled ......................................................................................................... 18 ■ System Construction Example .......................................................................................... 19 Registering a Web Application Into the Web Server ....................................................................... 19 Registering a Web Application Into a TM-i ....................................................................................... 20 Registering a Web application to a cloud ....................................................................................... 21 Specifying the Print Job ID from the Application ............................................................................. 22 Spooler Function .................................................................................................................................. 23 ■ Contents in the Package................................................................................................... 26 Download ............................................................................................................................................. 27 ■ Restrictions.......................................................................................................................... 28 Sample Program ..........................................................................29 ■ Sample Program System Overview.................................................................................. 29 Sample Program Screen ..................................................................................................................... 29 Print Image............................................................................................................................................ 31 Program Flow........................................................................................................................................ 32 ■ Operating Environment ..................................................................................................... 35 TM-i......................................................................................................................................................... 35 ■ Environment Settings.......................................................................................................... 36 Registration of Sample Program......................................................................................................... 38 Sample Program Settings .................................................................................................................... 39 5 Programming Guide.................................................................... 41 ■ ePOS-Print API..................................................................................................................... 41 Print Mode .............................................................................................................................................41 Programming Flow................................................................................................................................41 Embedding of ePOS-Print API .............................................................................................................42 Print Document Creation ....................................................................................................................43 Transmission of Print Document...........................................................................................................46 Reception of Print Result......................................................................................................................47 Reception of Status Event ...................................................................................................................49 ■ ePOS-Print Canvas API....................................................................................................... 50 Embedding of ePOS-Print Canvas API ...............................................................................................51 Rendering in HTML5 Canvas................................................................................................................52 Prints an Canvas image.......................................................................................................................53 Reception of Print Result......................................................................................................................54 Reception of Status Event ...................................................................................................................56 ■ Using the Spooler Function................................................................................................ 57 ePOS-Print API .............................................................................. 61 ■ List of API functions............................................................................................................. 61 window.epson.ePOSBuilder Components.........................................................................................61 window.epson.ePOSPrint Components .............................................................................................65 ■ ePOS-Print Builder Object.................................................................................................. 66 Constructor ...........................................................................................................................................66 addTextAlign method ..........................................................................................................................67 addTextLineSpace method ................................................................................................................68 addTextRotate method .......................................................................................................................69 addText method...................................................................................................................................70 addTextLang method ..........................................................................................................................71 addTextFont method ...........................................................................................................................74 addTextSmooth method .....................................................................................................................75 addTextDouble method ......................................................................................................................76 addTextSize method ............................................................................................................................78 addTextStyle method...........................................................................................................................79 addTextPosition method ......................................................................................................................81 addTextVPosition method ...................................................................................................................82 addFeedUnit method ..........................................................................................................................83 addFeedLine method..........................................................................................................................84 addFeedPosition method....................................................................................................................85 addFeed method.................................................................................................................................87 addImage method ..............................................................................................................................88 addLogo method.................................................................................................................................90 addBarcode method ..........................................................................................................................91 addSymbol method.............................................................................................................................96 addHLine method ..............................................................................................................................102 addVLineBegin method ....................................................................................................................104 addVLineEnd method .......................................................................................................................105 6 addPageBegin method.................................................................................................................... 106 addPageEnd method ....................................................................................................................... 107 addPageArea method ..................................................................................................................... 108 addPageDirection method .............................................................................................................. 110 addPagePosition method................................................................................................................. 112 addPageLine method....................................................................................................................... 114 addPageRectangle method ........................................................................................................... 116 addCut method................................................................................................................................. 118 addPulse method .............................................................................................................................. 119 addSound method ............................................................................................................................ 121 addLayout method ........................................................................................................................... 123 addRecovery method ...................................................................................................................... 127 addReset method ............................................................................................................................. 128 addCommand method.................................................................................................................... 129 toString method ................................................................................................................................. 130 halftone property............................................................................................................................... 131 brightness property............................................................................................................................ 132 force property .................................................................................................................................... 133 message property.............................................................................................................................. 134 ■ ePOS-Print Object ............................................................................................................ 135 Constructor......................................................................................................................................... 135 send method ...................................................................................................................................... 136 getPrintJobStatus method ................................................................................................................ 138 open method ..................................................................................................................................... 139 close method ..................................................................................................................................... 140 address property................................................................................................................................ 141 enabled property .............................................................................................................................. 142 interval property................................................................................................................................. 142 status property ................................................................................................................................... 143 battery property ................................................................................................................................ 143 timeout property ................................................................................................................................ 144 onreceive event................................................................................................................................. 145 onerror event ...................................................................................................................................... 148 onstatuschange event ...................................................................................................................... 149 onbatterystatuschange event ......................................................................................................... 149 ononline event ................................................................................................................................... 150 onoffline event ................................................................................................................................... 150 onpoweroff event .............................................................................................................................. 151 oncoverok event................................................................................................................................ 151 oncoveropen event........................................................................................................................... 152 onpaperok event............................................................................................................................... 152 onpapernearend event.................................................................................................................... 153 onpaperend event ............................................................................................................................ 153 ondrawerclosed event ...................................................................................................................... 154 ondraweropen event ........................................................................................................................ 154 onbatteryok event............................................................................................................................. 155 onbatterylow event ........................................................................................................................... 155 7 ePOS-Print Canvas API .............................................................. 157 ■ List of ePOS-Print Canvas API functions.......................................................................... 157 window.epson.CanvasPrint Components .......................................................................................157 ■ ePOS-Print Canvas API Object........................................................................................ 159 Constructor .........................................................................................................................................159 print method .......................................................................................................................................160 getPrintJobStatus method.................................................................................................................162 open method......................................................................................................................................163 close method......................................................................................................................................164 recover method..................................................................................................................................165 reset method.......................................................................................................................................165 address property ................................................................................................................................166 enabled property...............................................................................................................................167 interval property .................................................................................................................................168 status property ....................................................................................................................................169 battery property .................................................................................................................................170 timeout property ................................................................................................................................171 halftone property ...............................................................................................................................172 brightness property ............................................................................................................................173 cut property ........................................................................................................................................174 mode property ...................................................................................................................................175 align property .....................................................................................................................................176 color property .....................................................................................................................................177 feed property......................................................................................................................................178 paper property ...................................................................................................................................179 layout property ...................................................................................................................................180 onreceive event .................................................................................................................................185 onerror event ......................................................................................................................................188 onstatuschange event ......................................................................................................................189 onbatterystatuschange event..........................................................................................................190 onbatteryok event .............................................................................................................................191 onbatterylow event ...........................................................................................................................191 ononline event....................................................................................................................................192 onoffline event ....................................................................................................................................192 onpoweroff event ...............................................................................................................................193 oncoverok event ................................................................................................................................193 oncoveropen event ...........................................................................................................................194 onpaperok event ...............................................................................................................................194 onpapernearend event ....................................................................................................................195 onpaperend event ............................................................................................................................195 ondrawerclosed event ......................................................................................................................196 ondraweropen event.........................................................................................................................196 ePOS-Print Editor ........................................................................ 197 ■ ePOS-Print Editor Operating Environment ...................................................................... 197 ■ Displaying ePOS-Print Editor............................................................................................ 197 ■ Setting................................................................................................................................ 198 ■ Creating a Sample Code ................................................................................................ 199 Print ......................................................................................................................................................201 Import ..................................................................................................................................................202 8 Appendix....................................................................................203 ■ Printer specifications........................................................................................................ 203 TM-L90-i/ TM-L90 ................................................................................................................................. 203 TM-T70-i/ TM-T70.................................................................................................................................. 205 TM-T70-i (Multi-language model) ..................................................................................................... 206 TM-T88V-i/ TM-T88V............................................................................................................................. 207 TM-P60II................................................................................................................................................ 209 TM-P60II with Peeler ........................................................................................................................... 211 TM-P80 ................................................................................................................................................. 213 TM-T20.................................................................................................................................................. 215 TM-T70 (Multi-language model) ....................................................................................................... 217 TM-T88IV .............................................................................................................................................. 218 TM-T90.................................................................................................................................................. 220 TM-U220 ............................................................................................................................................... 222 ■ Rendering in HTML5 Canvas............................................................................................ 224 Rendering Text (canvas-print-text.html) .......................................................................................... 224 Rendering Images (canvas-print-image.html) ............................................................................... 226 Rendering Graphics (canvas-print-graph.html)............................................................................. 228 Rendering Handwritten Images (canvas-print-hand.html)........................................................... 230 Rendering Barcode (canvas-print-barcode.html)......................................................................... 232 Rendering Label (canvas-print-label.html)..................................................................................... 234 ■ Windows Store Apps ........................................................................................................ 236 Sample Program Screen ................................................................................................................... 236 Environment of Sample Program ..................................................................................................... 238 Sample Program Settings .................................................................................................................. 239 Printing................................................................................................................................................. 240 9 10 Chapter 1 Overview Overview This chapter describes the features of and the specifications for ePOS-Print API. Overview of ePOS-Print ePOS-Print API is a function used to allow printing to ePOS-Print-supported printers under a multi-platform environment. Printing is available from a Web browser on devices such as computers, smart phones and tablets. 1 In addition, print images rendered in HTML5 Canvas can be printed. ePOS-Print API provides the API for print commands. When a print document (Request) is sent via HTTP from the host to the ePOS-Print Service of a ePOS-Print supported TM printer, ePOS-Print processes the printing of that document and returns a response document (Response). Web Server Internet Intranet TM-i web server Web Browser Web Page HTML CSS (Request) JavaScript ePOS-Print supported TM printer ePOS-Print Service ePOS-Print API (Response) 11 Features ❏ As long as it is in a network environment, a terminal with an HTML5-supported Web browser can perform printing from anywhere. ❏ It supports Windows store apps (JavaScript). ❏ Installation of drivers and plug-ins is not required. ❏ No PCs or servers are required for printing. ❏ Allows printing from public and private clouds. ❏ Allows printing in languages supported in Web browsers. ❏ Automatically checks the status of the TM printer before printing. There is no need for checking the status of the TM printer in advance. ❏ Does not respond to a printer's function to automatically send its status (AutoStatusBack). Instead, capable of sending an empty print command and checking the status of the TM printer based on the result of command transmission. ❏ Printing requests can be made to the printer by specifying the printing job ID. *2 For details, refer to Specifying the Print Job ID from the Application(p.22). ❏ Printing data can be sent to the printer without waiting for a printing complete response from the printer. (Spooler) *2 For details, refer to Spooler Function(p.23). ❏ Print data can be sent to another printer if the printer sends an error response (PAPER END, COVER OPEN, etc.) or does not return a response. (Print forwarding) *2 For details, refer to Forwarding(p.25).To change the printer settings, utility programs dedicated to each printer or other utility programs should be used. ❏ In case of TM-i series, it can print to other TM printer via TM-i. ❏ Provides ePOS-Print API and ePOS-Print Canvas API. <> Allows device fonts to be used for printing. Allows barcode printing. < > Allows printing of images rendered in HTML5 Canvas. Allows TrueType fonts to be used for printing. *1 ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported. *2 TM-i firmware Ver.4.1 or later versions supported. 12 Chapter 1 Overview Print Example ePOS-Print API Printing a Logo Alignment: Center Paper Feed 1 Paper Feed and Paper Cut Printing a raster image Your Number: Printing text in the double-sized width style Scale: x 6 (horizontal) and x 4 (vertical) Alignment: Center Printing a Barcode 13 ePOS-Print Canvas API Monochrome or Grayscale Monochrome 14 Chapter 1 Overview Print Flow Web Application 1 Wireless LAN / Router Wireless " Device Control Network 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Web application is placed. A Web browser displays the Web application. The Web browser sends print data. For an ePOS-Print supported printer, the print data for the unit printer is printed. For a TM-i, the print data is sent to a controllable printer. The data is printed from printers that can be controlled. The ePOS-Print supported TM printer returns a response document to the terminal. 15 Features The installed functions vary depending on the model. For details, refer to Printer specifications(p.203). ePOS-Print API contains the following printing methods. These may be used successively within a single document, however, they cannot be used simultaneously. Print Method Description ePOS-Print API This is suited to mainly text printing. Printing is done with the device font mounted on the TM printer. Barcodes can also be printed upon developing them as images on the TM printer side. ePOS-Print Canvas API Highly expressive printing is possible. Images painted on HTML5 Canvas are printed. Printing functions of ePOS-Print API ❏ Print setting (alignment/line feed space/text rotation/page mode) ❏ Character data setting (language/font (device font)/double-sizing/scale/smoothing/print position) ❏ Character style setting (inversion of black and white/underline/bold) ❏ Paper feed setting (in dots/in lines) ❏ Image printing (raster image/NV graphics) ❏ Barcode printing (For barcodes that can be printed by each model, refer to "Printer specifications" on page 203) ❏ Two dimensional symbol printing (For two dimensional symbols that can be printed by each model, refer to "Printer specifications" on page 203.) ❏ Ruled line setting ❏ Control of label paper/black mark paper ❏ Drawer kick function ❏ Buzzer function ❏ ESC/POS command transmission ❏ Response document acquisition (print result/printer status/system error status) ❏ Paper layout setting (Label paper) ❏ Recovery from an error ❏ Reset Printing functions of ePOS-Print Canvas API ❏ Printing of images (raster images) rendered in HTML5 Canvas ❏ Control of label paper/black mark paper ❏ Feed cut ❏ Response document acquisition (print result/printer status/system error status) ❏ Paper layout setting ❏ Recovery from an error ❏ Reset 16 Chapter 1 Overview Operating Environment Applications environment ❏ HTML5-supported Web browser Windows Internet Explorer 9 or later From Internet Explorer, Web pages (HTTPS) that are securely protected cannot be printed on the TM printer. Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or later 1 Google Chrome 7 or later Safari in iOS4.0 or later Standard browser in Android 2.2 or later ❏ Windows Store apps JavaScript project Terminal Terminal with an HTML5-supported Web browser ePOS-Print Supported TM printer TM-i Series ❏ TM-T88V-i ❏ TM-T70-i ❏ TM-L90-i TM-L90-i does not support TM-i Firmware Ver.4.0 or later. TM Printer When using the following printers, use ePOS-Print SDK for JavaScript: ❏ TM-P60II ❏ TM-P60II with Peeler ❏ TM-P80 Unable to control other TM printer 17 ePOS-Print Service Versions The table below shows the relationship between the ePOS-Print Service version and TM-i Firmware version of the TM-i series. ePOS-Print Service TM-i Firmware 1.2 1.2x 2.0 2.0x 2.1 2.1x 2.2 - 3.0 3.0x, 3.1x, 4.0x 3.2 - 4.1 4.1x If API of newly added ePOS-Print Builder is used on unsupported models, schema error is returned and printing cannot be done. The latest version of ePOS-Print API JavaScript is recommended regardless of ePOS-Print Service version installed on a printer. ePOS-Print API JavaScript. is bundled with the sample program. For details, refer to "Contents in the Package" on page 26. Printers That Can Be Controlled TM printers that can be controlled via the TM-i series. Available TM printers are different depending on the TM-i Firmware version installed in the product. For details, refer to Technical Reference Guide for each printer. 18 Chapter 1 Overview System Construction Example Registering a Web Application Into the Web Server 1 Web Application Wireless LAN / Router Web Browser " Wireless Device Control Network ❏ Web Server A Web application is placed. ❏ Terminal Executes the Web application using a browser (HTML5-supported Web browser). ❏ TM-i Receives/prints print data sent from the Web browser or controls other devices. ❏ Printers That Can Be Controlled Print the print data received from the TM-i. 19 Registering a Web Application Into a TM-i Wireless LAN / Router Web Browser Wireless Web Application Device Control Network ❏ Terminal Executes the Web application using a browser. ❏ TM-i Mounts the Web application. Creates and prints the print data using transmission with the input terminal's Web browser. 20 Chapter 1 Overview Registering a Web application to a cloud 1 Web Application Wireless LAN / Router Web Browser Wireless (Wireless LAN Model) Device Control Network ❏ Terminal Executes the Web application using a browser. ❏ TM Printer (Wireless LAN Model) 21 Specifying the Print Job ID from the Application A response containing the specified print job ID will be returned when sending a request from the application by specifying the print job ID. (ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions) Job ID : ABC123 Job ID : ABC123 Print data Response data 22 Chapter 1 Overview Spooler Function The spooler function is a function used to temporarily store printing data received from the application in the TM-i to carry out background printings sequentially. (TM-i firmware Ver.4.1 or later versions) TM-i return response data to the application the moment the printing data enters the spooler to make it possible for applications to proceed to the next process without waiting for a printing complete response. The application can use the job ID included in the response data to send an inquiry on the printing status. EPSON TMNet WebConfig is used to configure the spooler. Perform the following settings. For details, refer to the Technical Reference Guide for each TM-i. 1 Settings to enable the spooler Print process retry settings Forwarding can be used to send a printing job to a different printer if the printer does not respond to retry processing. For details, refer to Forwarding(p.25). Example 1 2 3 Send print data A to a TM-i (ePOS-Print Service I/F) from the input terminal. The TM-i will save the print data A to the spooler and will return response data to the input terminal. The TM-i will retrieve the print data and issue a print command to another TM-i printer. 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 24 Print data B will be sent to the TM-i from the input terminal. The TM-i will save the print data B to the spooler and will return response data to the input terminal. The TM-i will retrieve the print data B and issue a print command to printer A. Print data A is complete. A query on print data A results will be sent to the TM-i from the input terminal. The TM-i will return response data back to the input terminal signifying that print data A completed without error. Chapter 1 Overview Forwarding EPSON TMNet WebConfig is used to configure forwarding settings. For details, refer to the Technical Reference Guide for each TM-i. 1 1 2 3 4 5 Send print data to ePOS-Print Service I/F from the input terminal. The TM-i issues a print command to printer A. Printer A does not respond. The TM-i reissues a print command to printer A. If printer A still does not respond to the reissued print command, the print command will be issued to printer B. Print data sent from the input terminal will be printed using printer B. 25 Contents in the Package Manual ❏ ePOS-Print API User’s Manual (This Document) ❏ ePOS-Print XML User’s Manual ❏ TM-T88V-i Technical Reference Guide ❏ TM-T70-i Technical Reference Guide ❏ TM-L90-i Technical Reference Guide ❏ TM-P60II Technical Reference Guide ❏ TM-P80 Technical Reference Guide Sample Program ePOS-Print_Sample_API_V4.x.xE.zip The following are included: ❏ epos-print-4.x.x.js (ePOS-Print JavaScript for embedding) ❏ sample/index.html (Sampleprogram) ❏ editor/index.html (ePOS-Print Editor) ❏ win8/ePOS-Print Demo.zip (Windows Store apps sample program) ❏ Rendering in HTML5 Canvas canvas/canvas-print-text.html(Rendering text) canvas/canvas-print-image.html(Rendering images) canvas/canvas-print-graph.html(Rendering graphics) canvas/canvas-print-hand.html(Rendering handwritten images) canvas/canvas-print-barcode.html(Rendering barcode) canvas/canvas-print-label.html(Rendering label) ❏ README.txt Utility ❏ TM-i Series Utility 26 TM-T88V-i TM-T70-i TM-L90-i Model-Dedicated Utility ● - - Memory Switch Setting Utility - - ● TM Flash Logo Setup Utility (TMFLogo) - ● ● TMNet WinConfig (EpsonNet Config) ● ● ● Chapter 1 Overview Download For customers in North America, go to the following web site: http://www.epsonexpert.com/ and follow the on-screen instructions. For customers in other countries, go to the following web site: https://download.epson-biz.com/?service=pos 1 27 Restrictions ❏ The drawer and the buzzer cannot be used together. ❏ The buzzer function cannot be used if the printer is not provided with the buzzer. ❏ Internet Explorer 9 does not allow printing to the printer to be performed from security-protected Web pages (HTTPS). ❏ When multiple tones are set for raster images, intermitting printing may occur because the amount of data to print increases and white stripes may appear in the print result. ❏ The scan quality of barcodes/two-dimensional symbols printed as multiple-tone raster images cannot be guaranteed. Print them as two-tone images. ❏ If printing was cancelled, perform the following settings to clear the data left in the printer. In the printer DIP switches (memory switches), configure the Busy condition only for the receive buffer full. Disable the command execution (offline). (TM-P60II, TM-P80) 28 Chapter 2 Sample Program Sample Program This chapter describes how to use the sample program. • In this chapter, descriptions are made based on a system configuration using a Web server. • Descriptions are made assuming that the Web server in this chapter is a Web server configured by using IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Services). If your Web server is used in a different environment, interpret the descriptions accordingly. Sample Program System Overview Sample Program Screen 2 The screen compositions for the sample program are as follows: 1 2 3 4 Item 1 Queue Ticket Description Prints queue ticket numbers. This is a sample program using the ePOS-Print API. Prints coupons. 2 Coupon 3 Label This is a sample program using the ePOS-Print Canvas API. Prints labels. This is a sample program using the ePOS-Print API. 29 Item Description Displays the "Settings" screen. The screen is used to set the following: IP address of the ePOS-Print supported TM printer (Default : TM-i: DHCP (If an address fails to be assigned via DHCP, the value becomes "".) TM Printer: 4 Settings ) Device ID of the target printer (Default : local_printer) Print timeout( milliseconds ) (Default : 60000) Prints coupons in gray scale (Coupon) (Default : No) Prints labels with specified layout (Label) (Default: No) 30 Chapter 2 Sample Program Print Image The sample program prints the following: Your Number Coupon (ePOS-Print API) (ePOS-Print Canvas API) Your Number: 2 Label * (ePOS-Print API) Name Item A Color Red Code *2012001* *: Die cut label: mount width 58 mm or above Label size: width 54 mm x height 25.4 mm or above 31 Program Flow From its initial display state up to print job completion, the sample program flows as below. Queue ticket number issuance (ePOS-Print API) 1. Open the sample program Web page 2. Settings ❏ Settings of IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer ❏ Device ID of the printer to be controlled ❏ Print timeout time 3. Click "Queue Ticket" 4. Creates print data (ePOS-Print Builder Object) 5. Prints (ePOS-Print Object) Action on the sample program Action on the customer 32 Chapter 2 Sample Program Coupon issuance (ePOS-Print Canvas API) 1. Open the sample program Web page 2. Settings ❏ Settings of IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer ❏ Device ID of the printer to be used for printing ❏ Print timeout time 3. Click “Coupon” 2 4. Render in HTML5 Canvas 5. Prints (ePOS-Print Canvas API Object) Action on the sample program Action on the customer 33 Label issuance (ePOS-Print API) 1. Open the sample program Web page 2. Settings ❏ Settings of IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer ❏ Device ID of the printer to be controlled ❏ Print timeout time ❏ Settings of with or without layout specification in label printing of TM-P60II 3. Click "Label" 4. Creates print data (ePOS-Print Builder Object) 5. Prints (ePOS-Print Object) Action on the sample program Action on the customer 34 Chapter 2 Sample Program Operating Environment TM-i The system configuration diagram for the sample programs is as below. • The figure below also describes an example of IP address settings as network settings. • In the sample program, "Printer to be controlled" is not required. Refer to it if necessary. Wireless Web Server Computer to configure the settings [] Network 2 Printer to be controlled [] Terminal [192.168.192.XXX] * Wireless LAN Router [] *: When DHCP is used for the terminal TM-i [] ❏ Web server/computer to configure the settings (Descriptions here are made assuming that the Web server is the same as the computer to configure the settings.) ❏ Wireless LAN Router ❏ TM-i (1 set) ❏ Terminal Terminal with an HTML5-supported Web browser 35 Environment Settings A flow for configuring the environment settings for the sample program is shown as follows: 1. Router Settings Configure the settings such as SSID, IP address, DHCP, and allocated IP address. For details, refer to the manual for the device you are using. 2. Computer Settings 1. Network Settings Configure the network settings for the computer such as IP address. 2. Web Server Configuration Configure a Web server on the computer. 3.Registration of Sample Program (p.38) 4. Terminal settings Configure the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) settings of the terminal to match the router settings so as to enable network connection. For details, refer to the manual for the device you are using. 5. Network Setting of ePOS-Print Supported TM printer Configure the network settings for an ePOS-Print-supported TM printer such as IP address. Configure the network settings for the computer such as IP address by using EPSON TMNet WebConfig from the Web browser on the computer to configure the settings. For the configuration procedure, refer to Technical Reference Guide for each TM printer. 6. Network settings for the printer to be controlled Configure these settings by using the network setting utility. For details, refer to the detailed instruction manual for the printer (these settings are not required in this sample program). 36 Chapter 2 Sample Program 7. Device ID Settings Configure the settings for the computer by using EPSON TMNet WebConfig from a Web browser. For the configuration procedure, refer to Technical Reference Guide for each TM-i. (these settings are not required in this sample program) 8. Print Forwarding Settings Configure these settings to set forwarding on the TM-i series. For details, refer to Technical Reference Guide for TM-i. (these settings are not required in this sample program) 2 9. Sample Program Settings (p.39) Configuration is done from a Web browser(these settings are not required in this sample program). 37 Registration of Sample Program Register the sample program into the Web server. Download ePOS-Print_Sample_API_V4.x.xE.zip. For details, refer to Contents in the package (p. 26). Register the program according to the following procedure: 1 2 Start the Web server. Explode the sample program (ePOS-Print_Sample_API_V4.x.xE.zip) and then copy the exploded contents into the following folder: Example: Web server configured by using IIS System drive:\ Inetpub\wwwroot Copy the sample program as a user with administrator authority. 38 Chapter 2 Sample Program Sample Program Settings Configure the settings for the sample program according to the procedure below. In the sample program, "Device ID Settings" are not required. Refer to it if necessary. 1 2 3 4 Start the Web server. Connect all the printers to the network and turn their power ON. Open the following URL page using the Web browser. http://Web server IP address/sample/index.html The sample program page opens. Click [Settings]. 2 39 5 The “Settings” screen appears. Specify the following and click [OK]. Item IP address of the intelligent printer Description Specifies the IP address of the ePOS-Print supported TM printer. (Default value: TM-i: DHCP (If an address fails to be assigned via DHCP, the value becomes "".) TM Printer: ) Device ID of the target printer 40 Specifies the Device ID of the printer to print queue ticket numbers and coupons. (Default value: local_printer) Print timeout (millisecond) Specifies the timeout time. (default : 60000) Print in grayscale (Coupon) (Only for supported models) Prints coupons in gray scale. (Default: No) Set the paper layout (Label) (Only for TM-P60II) Prints labels with specified layout (Default: No) Chapter 3 Programming Guide Programming Guide This chapter describes how to write programs in the application development using ePOS-Print. ePOS-Print API Print Mode There are two types of print modes: standard and page modes. Standard mode In standard mode, characters are printed line by line. The line feed space is adjusted based on the font size and the height of images, barcodes, etc. This mode is suitable for the type of printing such as printing receipts that requires the paper length to change according to the print space. Page mode In page mode, you set a print area, lay out data in it, and print the data in a batch operation. Characters, images, and barcodes are laid out in the print positions (coordinates). Programming Flow For the ePOS-Print API, programming is performed based on the following work flow: 1. Embedding of ePOS-Print API (p.42) 2. Print Document Creation (p.43) ❏ To create a text print document: (p.44) ❏ To create a graphic print document: (p.44) ❏ To create a page mode print document (p.45) 3. Transmission of Print Document (p.46) 4. Reception of Print Result (p.47) • ePOS-Print supported TM printer checks the status of the TM printer to be used for printing and then starts printing operation. • A status event helps check the status of the TM printer. For details on the procedure, refer to Reception of Status Event (p. 49). 41 3 Embedding of ePOS-Print API The ePOS-Print API is provided so that ePOS-Print can be used from the JavaScript on the client side. It is provided as JavaScript, and its file name is “epos-print-4.x.x.js”. The ePOS-Print API is used by embedding epos-print-4.x.x.js into applications. Preparation To use the ePOS-Print API, place epos-print-4.x.x.js on the Web server. Embedding into Web pages Embed the script into the Web page by using the HTML . . 42 Chapter 3 Programming Guide Print Document Creation A print document is created using an ePOS-Print Builder object. Create an ePOS-Print Builder object using the constructor for it; create a print document using the object's methods; and then acquire that print document using the toString method. For details, refer to List of API functions (p.61). Refer to the following program for print document creation. TITLE 3 43 To create a text print document: To create a text print document, store the font settings into the command buffer using text methods and then create a print document. Refer to the following program. For the string "Hello World!", to create a print document based on the following settings: ❏ Font: FontA ❏ Scale: x 4 (horizontal) and x 4 (vertical) ❏ Style: Bold To create a graphic print document: To create a graphic print document, store a raster image obtained by rendering an image in HTML5 Canvas into the command buffer using the addImage method. Refer to the following program. To create a print document for the image file “logo.bmp” This section describes how to print a raster image. In addition, there is also a method of printing graphics registered in the NV memory of the printer. For details, refer to addLogo method (p.90). 44 Chapter 3 Programming Guide To create a page mode print document When the addPageBegin method is stored in the command buffer, the page mode starts. Store the print area (addPageArea method) and the print start position (addPagePosition method) into the command buffer. Specify the print start position according to the print data. After that, store the methods into the command buffer to create print data. For the end of page mode, store the addPageEnd method into the command buffer. For the string "Hello World!", to create a print document based on the following settings: 3 45 Transmission of Print Document A print document is sent using an ePOS-Print object. Create an ePOS-Print object using the constructor and specify the end point address for the printer to be used for printing as well as the print document into the send method to send the document. For the details about the printer end point address, refer to Printer End Point Address (p.46). Refer to the following program.TITLE Printer End Point Address Specify the printer end point address in the following format: http://[domain]/cgi-bin/epos/service.cgi?devid=[device ID]&timeout=[timeout time] Items to specify 46 Description Domain Specify IP address or domain of ePOS-Print supported TM printer. Device ID Specifies the printer to be used for printing. Specify device ID registered with EPSON TMNet WebConfig of ePOS-Print supported TM printer. Timeout period Specifies the time to abort the process in milliseconds. The timeout parameter is optional; when it is omitted, 300 seconds (300000) is set. When the timeout period elapses, the print job is canceled; the data already interpreted by the printer before the start of the print abort process is printed. Chapter 3 Programming Guide Reception of Print Result The print result can be received by setting a callback function using the onreceive property (p. 145) of the ePOS-Print object. The following information is obtained: ❏ Print result ❏ Error code ❏ Printer status The printer status can be obtained when communication with the printer is possible. Refer to the following program. For the details about how to program a callback function in detail, refer to Error handling (p.48).TITLE 47 Error handling Refer to the following program for the error handling method by a callback function. //Create an ePOS-Print object var epos = new epson.ePOSPrint(address); // Set a response receipt callback function epos.onreceive = function (res) { // Obtain the print result and error code var msg = 'Print' + (res.success ? 'Success' : 'Failure') + '\nCode:' + res.code + '\nStatus:\n'; // Obtain the printer status var asb = res.status; if (asb & epos.ASB_NO_RESPONSE) { msg += ' No printer response\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_PRINT_SUCCESS) { msg += ' Print complete\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_DRAWER_KICK) { msg += ' Status of the drawer kick number 3 connector pin = "H"\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_OFF_LINE) { msg += ' Offline status\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_COVER_OPEN) { msg += ' Cover is open\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_PAPER_FEED) { msg += ' Paper feed switch is feeding paper\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_WAIT_ON_LINE) { msg += ' Waiting for online recovery\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_PANEL_SWITCH) { msg += ' Panel switch is ON\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_MECHANICAL_ERR) { msg += ' Mechanical error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_AUTOCUTTER_ERR) { msg += ' Auto cutter error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_UNRECOVER_ERR) { msg += ' Unrecoverable error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_AUTORECOVER_ERR) { msg += ' Auto recovery error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_RECEIPT_NEAR_END) { msg += ' No paper in the roll paper near end detector\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_RECEIPT_END) { msg += ' No paper in the roll paper end detector\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_BUZZER) { msg += ' Sounding the buzzer (limited model)\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_SPOOLER_IS_STOPPED) { msg += ' Stop the spooler\n'; } //Display in the dialog box alert(msg); } 48 Chapter 3 Programming Guide Reception of Status Event The status event notification function is used to check the printer status without printing. Refer to the following: //Set the end point address var address = ' &timeout=10000'; //Create an ePOS-Print Builder object var builder = new epson.ePOSBuilder(address); //Set an event callback function (cover open) epos.oncoveropen = function () { alert('coveropen'); }; //Set an event callback function (paper near end) epos.onpapernearend = function () { alert('papernearend'); }; //Enable status event operation epos.open(); 3 49 ePOS-Print Canvas API For the ePOS-Print Canvas API, programming is performed based on the following work flow: 1. Embedding of ePOS-Print Canvas API (p.51) 2. Rendering in HTML5 Canvas (p.52) 3. Prints an Canvas image (p.53) 4. Reception of Print Result (p.54) • ePOS-Print supported TM printer starts printing after checking the status of TM printer. • A status event helps check the status of the TM printer. For details on the procedure, refer to Reception of Status Event (p. 49). 50 Chapter 3 Programming Guide Embedding of ePOS-Print Canvas API The ePOS-Print Canvas API is provided as JavaScript. And its file name is "epos-print-4.x.x.js". It is used by embedding epos-print-4.x.x.js into applications. Preparation To use the ePOS-Print Canvas API, place epos-print-4.x.x.js on the Web server. Embedding into Web pages Embed the script into the Web page by using the HTML 3 . . 51 Rendering in HTML5 Canvas Render an image in HTML5 Canvas. Rendering in HTML5 CanvasTITLE ![]()
52 Chapter 3 Programming Guide Prints an Canvas image Content drawn in HTML5 Canvas is printed using the ePOS-Print Canvas API. Create an ePOS-Print Canvas API object using the constructor; for the Print method, specify the end point address for the printer to be used for printing as well as the canvas content and whether to select paper cut; and then print a document. For the details about the printer end point address, refer to Printer End Point Address (p.46). Refer to the following program.
TITLE ![]()
For the details about the printer end point address, refer to Printer End Point Address (p.46). 53 Reception of Print Result The print result can be received by setting a callback function using the onreceive property (p. 145) of the ePOS-Print Canvas API object. The following information is obtained: ❏ Print result ❏ Error code ❏ Printer Status The printer status can be obtained when communication with the printer is possible. Refer to the following program. For the details about how to program a callback function in detail, refer to Error handling (p.48).
TITLE ![]()
54 Chapter 3 Programming Guide Error handling Refer to the following program for the error handling method by a callback function. var epos = new epson.CanvasPrint(address); // Set a response receipt callback function epos.onreceive = function (res) { // Obtain the print result and error code var msg = ''Print ' + (res.success ? 'Success' : 'Failure') + '\nCode:' + res.code + '\nStatus:\n'; // Obtain the printer status var asb = res.status; if (asb & epos.ASB_NO_RESPONSE) { msg += ' No printer response\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_PRINT_SUCCESS) { msg += ' Print complete\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_DRAWER_KICK) { msg += ' Status of the drawer kick number 3 connector pin = "H"\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_OFF_LINE) { msg += ' Offline status\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_COVER_OPEN) { msg += ' Cover is open\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_PAPER_FEED) { msg += ' Paper feed switch is feeding paper\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_WAIT_ON_LINE) { msg += ' Waiting for online recovery\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_PANEL_SWITCH) { msg += ' Panel switch is ON\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_MECHANICAL_ERR) { msg += ' Mechanical error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_AUTOCUTTER_ERR) { msg += ' Auto cutter error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_UNRECOVER_ERR) { msg += ' Unrecoverable error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_AUTORECOVER_ERR) { msg += ' Auto recovery error generated\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_RECEIPT_NEAR_END) { msg += ' No paper in the roll paper near end detector\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_RECEIPT_END) { msg += ' No paper in the roll paper end detector\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_BUZZER) { msg += ' Sounding the buzzer (limited model)\n'; } if (asb & epos.ASB_SPOOLER_IS_STOPPED) { msg += ' Stop the spooler\n'; } //Display in the dialog box alert(msg); } 55 3 Reception of Status Event The status event notification function is used to check the printer status without printing. Refer to the following. //Set the end point address var address = ' &timeout=10000'; //Create an ePOS-Print Canvas API object var epos = new epson.CanvasPrint(address); //Set an event callback function (cover open) epos.oncoveropen = function () { alert('coveropen'); }; //Set an event callback function (paper near end) epos.onpapernearend = function () { alert('papernearend'); }; //Enable status event operation epos.open(); 56 Chapter 3 Programming Guide Using the Spooler Function A printing job will be executed immediately and a response will be returned to the application after printing is complete when sending a printing request to ePOS-Print Service I/F from the application when the spooler function is disabled. ePOS-Print Application Printer 1 : send() 1.1 : Cmd() 1.1.1 : Print() 1.2 : Printing results 1.3 : callback(” success” ) The print data job will be added to the queue and a response will be returned to the application without waiting for printing to complete when sending a printing request to ePOS-Print Service I/F from the application when the spooler function is enabled. ePOS-Print Application Printer Spooler 3 1 : send(printjobid) 1.1 : send() 1.2 : Execution result 1.3 : callback(” success” ) 2 : Cmd() 2.1 : Print() Print result 3 : getPrintJobStatus(printjobid) 3.1 : getPrintJobStatus() 3.2 : Print result 3.3 : callback(” success” ) 57 Even if the output printer cannot complete the printing task, ePOS-Print Service I/F does not return an error to the application. Enabling forward printing will allow for the printing task to be completed on a substitute printer, with the application acquiring the printing results afterward. Refer to the sequence diagram below. Application ePOS-Print Printer Spooler Forwarding printer 1 : send(printjobid) 1.1 : send() 1.2 : Execution result 1.3 : callback(” success” ) 2 : Cmd() 2.1 : Print() Printing results (Failure) 3 : Cmd() 3.1 : Print() Printing results (Success) 4 : getPrintJobStatus(printjobid) 4.1 : getPrintJobStatus() 4.2 : Printing result 4.3 : callback(” success” ) 58 Chapter 3 Programming Guide Programming Example A response containing the specified print job ID will be returned when the spooler function is enabled. ePOS-Print Service I/F will issue a print job ID if the print job ID is not specified by the application. The print job status can be acquired using the print job ID contained in the response. var printjobid = ''; function sendJob() { var builder = new epson.ePOSBuilder(); builder.addText('Hello, World!\n'); builder.addCut(); var request = builder.toString(); var address = ' service.cgi?devid=local_printer'; var epos = new epson.ePOSPrint(address); epos.onreceive = function (res) { if (res.success) { printjobid = res.printjobid; } } epos.onerror = function (err) { alert(err.status); }; epos.send(request); } function getJobStatus() { if (printjobid.length > 0) { var address = ''; var epos = new epson.ePOSPrint(address); epos.onreceive = function (res) { alert(res.success); }; epos.onerror = function (err) { alert(err.status); }; epos.getPrintJobStatus(printjobid); } } 3 59 60 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API ePOS-Print API This chapter describes the ePOS-Print API. List of API functions ePOS-Print provides the following objects: ❏ ePOS-Print Builder (window.epson.ePOSBuilder) Object (p. 61) ❏ ePOS-Print (window.epson.ePOSPrint) Object (p. 65) window.epson.ePOSBuilder Components Element Standard mode page mode Initializes an ePOS-Print XML Builder object ● ● 66 addTextAlign Adds a tag for the text alignment setting. ● - 67 addTextLineSpace Adds a tag for the line feed space setting. ● ● 68 addTextRotate Adds a tag for the text rotation setting. ● - 69 addText Adds a tag for printing text. ● ● 70 addTextLang Adds a tag for the target language setting. ● ● 71 addTextFont Adds a tag for the text font setting. ● ● 74 addTextSmooth Adds a tag for the text smoothing setting. ● ● 75 addTextDouble Adds a tag for specifying the double-sized text setting. ● ● 76 addTextSize Adds a tag for the text scale setting. ● ● 78 addTextStyle Adds a tag for the text style setting. ● ● 79 addTextPosition Adds a tag for specifying the print position of text. ● ● 81 addTextVPosition *3 Adds a tag for specifying the print vertical position of text. - ● 82 API Description Page Constructor ePOS Builder Method Text 61 4 Element API Description Standard mode page mode Page Method addFeedUnit Adds a tag for paper feeding (in dots). ● ● 83 addFeedLine Adds a tag for paper feeding (in lines). ● ● 84 addFeedPosition *1 Adds control of label paper/black mark paper to command buffer ● - 85 addFeed Adds a line feed to the command buffer. ● - 87 addImage Adds a tag for a raster image to be printed. ● ● 88 addLogo Adds a tag for an NV logo to be printed. ● ● 90 addBarcode Adds a tag for a bar code to be printed. ● ● 91 addSymbol Adds a tag for a two-dimensional code to be printed. ● ● 96 addHLine Adds a tag for a horizontal line to be printed. ● - 102 addVLineBegin Adds a tag for starting a vertical line. ● - 104 addVLineEnd Adds a tag for finishing a vertical line. ● - 105 addPageBegin Adds a tag for switching to page mode. ● - 106 addPageEnd Adds a tag for finishing page mode. ● - 107 addPageArea Adds a tag for specifying the print area in page mode. - ● 108 addPageDirection Adds a tag for specifying the print direction in page mode. - ● 110 addPagePosition Adds a tag for specifying the print position in page mode. - ● 112 addPageLine Adds a tag for drawing a line in page mode. - ● 114 addPageRectangle Adds a tag for drawing a rectangle in page mode. - ● 116 Cut addCut Adds a tag for paper cut. - ● 118 Drawer kickout addPulse Adds a tag for the drawer kick-out. ● - 119 Buzzer addSound Adds a tag for turning on the buzzer. ● - 121 Layout addLayout *2 Adds the paper layout setup to command buffer ● - 123 Recovery addRecovery *3 Adds a tag for recovering from an error. ● - 127 Reset addReset *3 Adds a tag for resetting the printer. ● - 128 Paper Feed Graphic Barcode Ruled line Pagemode 62 Chapter 4 Element API Description ePOS-Print API Standard mode page mode Page Method Send Command Create a Print Document addCommand Adds commands to the command buffer. Sends ESC/POS commands. ● ● 129 toString Obtains a print document generated by on ePOS-Print Builder object. ● - 130 ● : Available, - : Not available *1 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.1 or later versions supported *2 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 or later versions supported *3 Element API Description Page Property halftone Raster image halftone processing method 131 brightness Raster image brightness correction value 132 force *3 Forced transmission mode 133 message Message buffer 134 FONT_* font Constant ALIGN_* alignment COLOR_* color specification HALFTONE_* Halftone type MODE_* Color mode BARCODE_* bar code type HRI_* HRI position SYMBOL_* two-dimensional code type LEVEL_* error correction level LINE_* line style DIRECTION_* page mode print direction CUT_* paper cut type DRAWER_* drawer kick-out connector PULSE_* drawer kick-out pulse length PATTERN_* buzzer sound pattern FEED_* Paper feed position of label paper/black mark paper LAYOUT_* Type of papers 4 Constant *1 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.1 or later versions supported *2 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 or later versions supported *3 63 Numerical values to be set to parameters In the ePOS-Print Builder object API, numerical values are set to some parameters. Set values with the following in mind: ❏ Unit Specify numbers in dots for units that represent length. (Print position, paper feed space, width and height of images and barcodes, etc.) ❏ Range Depending on the printer specifications, a specifiable range is predetermined. For details, refer to Printer specifications (p.203). ❏ Resolution The resolution varies depending on the printer. It affects the actual print size. The higher the resolution is, the smaller the print size becomes, and vice versa. For each printer's resolution, refer to Printer specifications (p.203). 64 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API window.epson.ePOSPrint Components Element API Description Page Constructor ePOS-Print Initializes an ePOS-Print object 135 send Sends a message 136 getPrintJobStatus *1 Acquires print job status. 138 open Enables status event operation 139 close Disables status event operation 140 address URL of the printer 141 enabled Enabling/disabling of status event 142 interval Printer status update interval 142 status Status 143 battery Battery status 143 timeout The connecting was timeout. 144 onreceive Response message receipt event 145 onerror Communication error event 148 onstatuschange Status change event 149 onbatterystatuschange Battery status chenge event 149 ononline Online event 150 onoffline Offline event 150 onpoweroff Non-response event 151 oncoverok Cover close event 151 oncoveropen Cover open event 152 onpaperok Paper remaining event 152 onpapernearend Paper near end event 153 onpaperend Paper end event 153 ondrawerclosed Drawer close event 154 ondraweropen Drawer open event 154 onbatteryok Battery OK event 155 onbatterylow Battery low event 155 ASB_* Status Method Property Event 4 Event Constant *1 ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported 65 ePOS-Print Builder Object This objects creates a print document for printer control commands that specify strings or graphics to be printed, paper cut, etc. Constructor Constructor for an ePOS-Print Builder object. Creates a new ePOS-Print Builder object and initializes it. Syntax ePOSBuilder(); Example --> 66 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addTextAlign method Adds the text alignment setting to the command buffer. • This API setting is applied to raster image/NV logo/barcode/two-dimensional symbol. • When using the standard mode, specify addTextAlign in "Position at the beginning of lines". • In the page mode, addTextAlign method specification cannot be used. In the page mode, use the addTextPosition method to designate the horizontal print position. • When the page mode is selected for the print mode, to set text rotation, use the addPageDirection method (p. 110) instead of this API function. Syntax addTextAlign(align); Parameter align : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the text alignment. Constant(align) Description ALIGN_LEFT (default) Alignment to the left ALIGN_CENTER Alignment to the center ALIGN_RIGHT Alignment to the right Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type 4 ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set alignment to the center: --> 67 addTextLineSpace method Adds the line feed space setting to the command buffer. Syntax addTextLineSpace(linespc); Parameter linespc : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the line feed space (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 255. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set the line feed space to 30 dots: --> 68 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addTextRotate method Adds the text rotation setting to the command buffer. • • • • This API setting also applies to barcodes/two dimensional symbols. When using the standard mode, specify addTextAlign in "Position at the beginning of lines". In the page mode, addTextAlign method specification cannot be used. When the page mode is selected for the print mode, to set text rotation, use the addPageDirection method (p.110) instead of this API function. Syntax addTextRotate(rotate); Parameter rotate : ( Required parameter, Object type : Boolean) Specifies whether to rotate text. Setting Description true or 11 Specifies rotated printing of text. false or 0 (default) Cancels rotated printing of text. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder 4 Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set text rotation: --> 69 addText method Adds the printing of text to the command buffer. • After printing text, to print content other than text, execute line feed or paper feed. • In page mode, characters are laid out in the current print position with the reference point being the character baseline dot (Printer specifications (p.203). Syntax addText(data); Parameter data : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specify a character string to be printed. For the horizontal tab/line feed, use the following escape sequences: String Description \t Horizontal tab(HT) \n Line feed (LF) \\ Carriage return Return valueReturn value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To add character strings: --> 70 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addTextLang method Adds the language setting to the command buffer. Syntax addTextLang(lang); Parameter lang : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the target language. Setting * Language en(default) English(ANK) de German (ANK) fr French (ANK) it Italian (ANK) es Spanish (ANK) ja Japanese (International character set changes to Japan.) ja-jp Japanese (International character set changes to Japan.) ko Korean (International character set changes to Korean.) ko-kr Korean (International character set changes to Korean.) zh-hans * Simplified Chinese (International character set changes to China.) zh-cn Simplified Chinese (International character set changes to China.) zh-hant * Traditional Chinese zh-tw Traditional Chinese Language code besides above English(ANK) ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported Characters not installed in a printer cannot be printed. For printable character code, refer to the Technical Reference Guide of your printer. 71 4 Depending on language specification, a part of characters is printed as follows. Language Characters $(U+0024) Characters \(U+005C) Japanese $ ¥ Korean $ \ Simplified Chinese ¥ \ Traditional Chinese $ \ Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set the language as English: --> To set the language as Korean: --> 72 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API To set the language as Simplified Chinese: --> To set the language as Traditional Chinese: --> 4 73 addTextFont method Adds the text font setting to the command buffer. Syntax addTextFont(font); Parameter font : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the font. Constant (font) * Language FONT_A (default) Font A FONT_B Font B FONT_C Font C FONT_D * Font D FONT_E * Font E ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.2 or later versions supported Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set the font B: --> 74 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addTextSmooth method Adds the smoothing setting to the command buffer. Syntax addTextSmooth(smooth); Parameter smooth : ( Required parameter, Object type : Boolean) Specifies whether to enable smoothing. Setting Description true or 1 Specifies smoothing. false or 0 (default) Cancels smoothing Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example 4 To enable smoothing: --> 75 addTextDouble method Adds the double-sized text setting to the command buffer. Syntax addTextDouble(dw, dh); Parameter dw : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Boolean) Specifies the double-sized width. Setting true or 1 Specifies the double-sized width. false or 0 (default) Cancels the double-sized width undefined (When not specified) dh : Description Retains the current setting for double-sized width. ( Optional parameter, Object type : Boolean) Specifies the double-sized height. Setting Description true or 1 Specifies the double-sized height false or 0 (default) Cancels the double-sized height undefined (When not specified) Retains the current setting for double-sized height When true or 1 is set for both the dw and dh parameters, double width and height characters are printed. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 76 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To set the size as double width and height: --> 4 77 addTextSize method Adds the text scale setting to the command buffer. Syntax addTextSize(width, height); Parameter width : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal scale of text. Setting Integer from 1 to 8 undefined (When not specified) height : Description Horizontal scale (default : 1) Retains the current setting for the horizontal scale. ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the vertical scale of text. Setting Integer from 1 to 8 undefined (When not specified) Description Vertical scale (default : 1) Retains the current setting for the vertical scale. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set a horizontal scale of x 4 and a vertical scale of x 4: --> 78 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addTextStyle method Adds the text style setting to the command buffer. Syntax addTextStyle(reverse, ul, em, color); Parameter reverse : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Boolean) Specifies inversion of black and white for text. Setting true or 1 Specifies the inversion of black and white parts of characters. false or 0 (default) Cancels the inversion of black and white parts of characters. undefined (When not specified) ul : Description Retains the current setting for inversion of black and white. ( Optional parameter, Object type : Boolean) Specifies the underline style. Setting true or 1 Specifies underlining. false or 0 (default) Cancels underlining. undefined (When not specified) em : Description Retains the current underlining setting. Setting Description true or 1 Specifies emphasized printing of characters. false or 0 (default) Cancels emphasized printing of characters. undefined Retains the current setting for emphasized printing. (When not specified) color : 4 ( Optional parameter, Object type : Boolean) Specifies the bold style. ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the color. Setting Description COLOR_NONE Characters are not printed. COLOR_1 (default) First color COLOR_2 Second color COLOR_3 Third color COLOR_4 Fourth color undefined (When not specified) Retains the current color setting 79 Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set the underline style: --> 80 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addTextPosition method Adds the horizontal print start position of text to the command buffer. Syntax addTextPosition(x); Parameter x: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal print start position (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set the print position at 120 dots from the left end: 4 --> 81 addTextVPosition method Adds the vertical print start position of text to the command buffer. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 and later) Use this API function by inserting it between addPageBegin to addPageEnd. Syntax addTextVPosition(y); Parameter y: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the vertical print start position (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To set the print position at 120 dots from the top: --> 82 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addFeedUnit method Adds paper feeding in dots to the command buffer. Syntax addFeedUnit(unit); Parameter unit : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the paper feed space (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 255. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To feed paper by 30 dots: --> 4 83 addFeedLine method Adds paper feeding in lines to the command buffer. Syntax addFeedLine(line); Parameter line : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the paper feed space (in lines). Specifies an integer from 0 to 255. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To feed paper by 3 lines: --> 84 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addFeedPosition method Adds label/black mark paper feeding to the command buffer. • Control of label paper/black mark paper must be done in the standard mode. • In the page mode, addFeedPosition method specification cannot be used. Syntax addFeedPosition(pos); Parameter pos : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the feed position. Setting Description FEED_PEELING Feeds to the peeling position. FEED_CUTTING Feeds to the cutting position. FEED_CURRENT_TOF Feeds to the top of the current label. FEED_NEXT_TOF Feeds to the top of the next label. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder 4 Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error 85 Example To print while peeling the label one by one --> To print labels consecutively --> To print tickets with black mark paper --> 86 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addFeed method Adds a line feed to the command buffer. Syntax addFeed(); Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Example To start a new line after printing a character string: --> 4 87 addImage method Adds raster image printing to the command buffer. Prints graphics rendered in HTML5 Canvas. Converts the specified range in a RGBA full-color image of HTML5 Canvas into raster image data according to the settings of the halftone and brightness properties. One pixel in an image equals to one printer dot. When an image contains any transparent color, the background color of the image is assumed to be white. If an HTML5 Canvas image contains images downloaded from different domains, you cannot print the image. In this case, a security error occurs due to violation of the same origin policy of JavaScript. • To print a raster image at high speed, specify ALIGN_LEFT for the addTextAlign method (p. 67), and specify a multiple of 8 not exceeding the printer's paper width for the width parameter of this API. • In page mode, a raster image is laid out in the current print position with the reference point being its bottom left dot. The print position will not move. • Multiple tone printing is not supported in Page Mode. Multiple tone graphic printing is supported in Standard Mode only. Syntax addImage(context, x, y, width, height, color, mode); Parameter context : ( Required parameter, Object type : Context) Specifies the 2D context of HTML5 Canvas. x: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal start position in the print area. Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. y: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the vertical start position in the print area. Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. width : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the width of the print area. Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. height : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the height of the print area. Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. color : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the color. Setting COLOR_NONE Characters are not printed. COLOR_1 (default) First color COLOR_2 Second color COLOR_3 Third color COLOR_4 Fourth color undefined (When not specified) 88 Description First color Chapter 4 mode : ePOS-Print API ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the color mode. Setting Description MODE_MONO Monochrome (two-tone) MODE_GRAY16 Gray scale (16-tone) undefined (When not specified) Monochrome (two-tone) Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example --> 4 To print an image 300 dots wide and 300 dots high in page mode: var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var builder = new epson.ePOSBuilder(); builder.addPageBegin(); builder.addPageArea(0, 0, 300, 300); builder.addPagePosition(0, 299); builder.addImage(context, 0, 0, 300, 300); builder.addPageEnd(); 89 addLogo method Adds NV logo printing to the command buffer. Prints a logo registered in the NV memory of the printer. • Using model-dedicated utility or logo registration utility (TMFLogo), register a logo in the printer in advance. • In page mode, a logo is laid out in the current print position with the reference point being its bottom left dot. • Multiple tone printing is not supported in Page Mode. Multiple tone graphic printing is supported in Standard Mode only. Syntax addLogo(key1, key2); Parameter key1 : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the key code 1 of an NV logo. Specifies an integer from 0 to 255. key2 : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the key code 2 of an NV logo. Specifies an integer from 0 to 255. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example --> 90 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addBarcode method Adds barcode printing to the command buffer. In page mode, a barcode is laid out in the current print position with the reference point being its bottom left dot (except for HRI). Syntax addBarcode(data, type, hri, font, width, height); Parameter data : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the barcode data as a string. Barcode type Description When an 11-digit number is specified, a check digit is automatically added. UPC-A When a 12-digit number is specified, the 12th digit is processed as a check digit but the check digit is not validated. Specify 0 as the first digit. Specify the manufacturer code in the digits 2 to 6. UPC-E Specify (right-align) the item code in the digits 7 to 11. The number of item code digits varies depending on the manufacturer code. Specify 0s in empty digits. 4 When an 11-digit number is specified, a check digit is automatically added. When a 12-digit number is specified, the 12th digit is processed as a check digit but the check digit is not validated. EAN13 JAN13 EAN8 JAN8 CODE39 ITF When an 12-digit number is specified, a check digit is automatically added. When a 13-digit number is specified, the 12th digit is processed as a check digit but the check digit is not validated. When a 7-digit number is specified, a check digit is automatically added. When an 8-digit number is specified, the 8th digit is processed as a check digit but the check digit is not validated. When the first character is *, the character is processed as the start character. In other cases, a start character is automatically added. Start and stop codes are automatically added. Check digits are not added or validated. Specify a start character (A to D, a to d). CODABAR Specify a stop character (A to D, a to d). Check digits are not added or validated. 91 Barcode type Description Start and stop characters are automatically added. CODE93 A check digit is automatically calculated and added. Specify a start character (CODE A, CODE B, CODE C). A stop character is automatically added. A check digit is automatically calculated and added. CODE128 To encode each of the following characters, specify two characters starting with the character "{": < How to specify special characters >*1 < How to specify CODE C >*2 A start character, FNC1, a check digit, and a stop character are automatically added. To automatically calculate and add a check digit for an application identifier (AI) and the subsequent data, specify the character "*" in the position of the check digit. You can enclose an application identifier (AI) in parentheses. The parentheses are used as HRI print characters and are not encoded as data. GS1-128 You can insert spaces between an application identifier (AI) and data. The spaces are used as HRI print characters and are not encoded as data. To encode each of the following characters, specify two characters starting with the character "{": < How to specify special characters >*3 < How to specify CODE C >*2 GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional GS1 DataBar Truncated Specify a 13-digit global trade item number (GTIN) not including an application identifier (AI) or a check digit. GS1 DataBar Limited You can enclose an application identifier (AI) in parentheses. The parentheses are used as HRI print characters and are not encoded as data. GS1 Databar Expanded To encode each of the following characters, specify two characters starting with the character "{": < How to specify special characters >*4 *1: How to specify Code128 special characters Data 92 Specified character string FNC1 {C FNC2 {2 FNC3 {3 FNC4 {4 CODE A {A CODE B {B CODE C {1 SHIFT {S { {{ Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API *2: How to specify Code128 CODE C and GS1-128 CODE C. Data 00 Specified character string \x00 01 \x01 ... 09 \x09 10 \x0a ... 98 \x62 or b 99 \x63 or c *3: How to specify GS1-128 special characters Data Specified character string FNC1 {1 FNC3 {3 ( {( ) {) * {* { {{ *4: How to specify GS1 DataBar Expanded special characters Data Specified character string FNC1 {1 ( {( ) {) To specify binary data that cannot be represented by character strings, use the following escape sequences. String Description \xnn Control code \\ Back slash 93 4 type : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the barcode type. Constant (type) hri : Barcode type BARCODE_UPC_A UPC-A BARCODE_UPC_E UPC-E BARCODE_EAN13 EAN13 BARCODE_JAN13 JAN13 BARCODE_EAN8 EAN8 BARCODE_JAN8 JAN8 BARCODE_CODE39 CODE39 BARCODE_ITF ITF BARCODE_CODABAR CODABAR BARCODE_CODE93 CODE93 BARCODE_CODE128 CODE128 BARCODE_GS1_128 GS1-128 BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_OMNIDIRECTIONAL GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_TRUNCATED GS1 DataBar Truncated BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_LIMITED GS1 DataBar Limited BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED GS1 Databar Expanded ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the HRI position. Constant (hri) HRI_NONE (default) font : Description HRI not printed HRI_ABOVE Above the bar code HRI_BELOW Below the bar code HRI_BOTH Both above and below the bar code ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the HRI font. Constant (font) * Language FONT_A(default) Font A FONT_B Font B FONT_C Font C FONT_D * Font D FONT_E * Font E ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported width : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the width of each module in dots. Specifies an integer from 2 to 6. height : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the barcode height in dots. Specifies an integer from 1 to 255. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object 94 Object type ePOS Builder Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To print barcodes: --> 4 95 addSymbol method Adds two-dimensional symbol printing to the command buffer. In page mode, a two-dimensional symbol is laid out in the current print position with the reference point being its bottom left dot. Syntax addSymbol(data, type, level, width, height, size); Parameter data : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies two-dimensional symbol data as a character string. 2D-Code type Description Standard PDF417 Convert the character string to the string in UTF8, apply the escape sequence, and then encode the string. Truncated PDF417 The data area can contain up to 928 code words in a maximum of 90 rows, each of which can contain up to 30 code words. QR Code Model 1 Convert the character string to the string in ShiftJIS, apply the escape sequence, and then encode the string based on the data type as shown below. QR Code Model 2 Number: Micro QR Code *2 0 to 9 Alphanumeric character: 0 to 9, A to Z, space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, : Kanji character: Shift-JIS value 8-bit, byte data: 0x00 to 0xff 96 Chapter 4 2D-Code type MaxiCode Mode 2 MaxiCode Mode 3 MaxiCode Mode 4 MaxiCode Mode 5 ePOS-Print API Description Convert the character string to the string in UTF8, apply the escape sequence, and then encode the string. In Modes 2 and 3, when the first piece of data is [)>\ x1e01\x1dyy (where yy is a two-digit number), this is processed as the message header, and the subsequent data is processed as the primary message. In other cases, from the first piece of data, data is processed as the primary message. In Mode 2, specify the primary message in the following format: MaxiCode Mode 6 Postal code (1- to 9-digit number) GS:(\x1d) ISO country code (1- to 3-digit number) GS:(\x1d) Service class code (1- to 3-digit number) In Mode 3, specify the primary message in the following format: Postal code (1 to 6 pieces of data convertible by Code Set A) GS:(\x1d) ISO country code (1to 3-digit number) GS:(\x1d) Service class code (1- to 3-digit number) GS1 DataBar Stacked GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional Convert the character string to the string in UTF8, apply the escape sequence, and then encode the string. Specify a 13-digit global trade item number (GTIN) not including an application identifier (AI) or a check digit. 4 Convert the character string to the string in UTF8, apply the escape sequence, and then encode the string. You can enclose an application identifier (AI) in parentheses. The parentheses are used as HRI print characters and are not encoded as data. GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked To encode each of the following characters, specify two characters starting with the character "{": FNC1: {1 (: {( ): {) Aztec Code *1 After converting the character string to UTF-8, conduct the escape sequence and encode. DataMatrix *1 After converting the character string to UTF-8, conduct the escape sequence and encode. *1 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported *2 ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported 97 To specify binary data that cannot be represented by character strings, use the following escape sequences. String type : Description \xnn Control code \\ Back slash ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the two-dimensional symbol type. Constant (type) 98 2D-Code type SYMBOL_PDF417_STANDARD Standard PDF417 SYMBOL_PDF417_TRUNCATED Truncated PDF417 SYMBOL_QRCODE_MODEL_1 QR Code Model 1 SYMBOL_QRCODE_MODEL_2 QR Code Model 2 SYMBOL_QRCODE_MICRO *2 Micro QR Code SYMBOL_MAXICODE_MODE_2 MaxiCode Mode 2 SYMBOL_MAXICODE_MODE_3 MaxiCode Mode 3 SYMBOL_MAXICODE_MODE_4 MaxiCode Mode 4 SYMBOL_MAXICODE_MODE_5 MaxiCode Mode 5 SYMBOL_MAXICODE_MODE_6 MaxiCode Mode 6 SYMBOL_GS1_DATABAR_STACKED GS1 DataBar Stacked SYMBOL_GS1_DATABAR_STACKED_ OMNIDIRECTIONAL GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional SYMBOL_GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED_STACKED GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked SYMBOL_AZTECCODE_FULLRANGE *1 Aztec Code Full-Range mode SYMBOL_AZTECCODE_COMPACT *1 Aztec Code Compact mode SYMBOL_DATAMATRIX_SQUARE *1 DataMatrix ECC200 square SYMBOL_DATAMATRIX_RECTANGLE_8 *1 DataMatrix ECC200 rectangle, 8 lines SYMBOL_DATAMATRIX_RECTANGLE_12 *1 DataMatrix ECC200 rectangle, 12 lines SYMBOL_DATAMATRIX_RECTANGLE_16 *1 DataMatrix ECC200 rectangle, 16 lines *1 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported *2 ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported Chapter 4 level : ePOS-Print API ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the error correction level. Constant (level) * Description LEVEL_0 PDF417 error correction level 0 LEVEL_1 PDF417 error correction level 1 LEVEL_2 PDF417 error correction level 2 LEVEL_3 PDF417 error correction level 3 LEVEL_4 PDF417 error correction level 4 LEVEL_5 PDF417 error correction level 5 LEVEL_6 PDF417 error correction level 6 LEVEL_7 PDF417 error correction level 7 LEVEL_8 PDF417 error correction level 8 LEVEL_L QR Code error correction level L LEVEL_M QR Code error correction level M LEVEL_Q QR Code error correction level Q LEVEL_H QR Code error correction level H LEVEL_DEFAULT Default level Integer from 5 to 95 * Aztec Code error correction level (Default: 23) ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported • Select the level according to the two-dimensional symbol type. • For MaxiCode and two-dimensional GS1 DataBar, select LEVEL_DEFAULT. • Micro QR Code does not support LEVEL_H. width : 4 ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the module width. Specifies an integer from 0 to 255. 2D-Code type * Valid value range Default value PDF417 2 to 8 3 QR Code 3 to 16 3 MaxiCode Ignored 2D GS1 Databar 2 to 8 2 Aztec Code * 2 to 16 3 DataMatrix * 2 to 16 3 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported 99 height : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the module height. Specifies an integer from 0 to 255. 2D-Code type Valid value range 2 to 8 (Magnification for width) PDF417 Default value 3 QR Code MaxiCode 2D GS1 Databar Ignored Aztec Code * DataMatrix * * size : ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the two-dimensional symbol maximum size. Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. 2D-Code type PDF417 Default value 0 (Auto) QR Code Description Specifies the number of code words for each row Ignored MaxiCode 2D GS1 Databar 0 (Auto) Specifies the maximum width for the barcode (106 or above) Aztec Code * Ignored DataMatrix * Ignored (Others) * ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 100 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To print two-dimensional symbols: --> 4 101 addHLine method Adds horizontal line printing to the command buffer. Draws horizontal lines. Not available in page mode. Syntax addHLine(x1, x2, style); Parameter x 1: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the start position of the horizontal line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. x2 : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the end position of the horizontal line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. style : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the line type. Constant (style) Description LINE_THIN Solid line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM Solid line: Medium LINE_THICK Solid line: Thick LINE_THIN_DOUBLE Double line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM_DOUBLE Double line: Medium LINE_THICK_DOUBLE Double line: Thick undefined (When not specified) Solid line: Thin Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 102 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To draw double horizontal lines in the following positions: Between 100 dots and 200 dots from the left end Between 400 dots and 500 dots from the left end --> 4 103 addVLineBegin method Adds the beginning of vertical line to the command buffer. Starts to draw vertical lines. • Not available in page mode. • Vertical lines are drawn until their end is specified by addVLineEnd (p. 105). Use this API function with addVLineEnd. Syntax addVLineBegin(x, style); Parameter x: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the start position of the vertical line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. style : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the line type. Constant (style) Description LINE_THIN Solid line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM Solid line: Medium LINE_THICK Solid line: Thick LINE_THIN_DOUBLE Double line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM_DOUBLE Double line: Medium LINE_THICK_DOUBLE Double line: Thick undefined (When not specified) Solid line: Thin Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To draw thin vertical lines at 100 dots and 200 dots from the left end: --> 104 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addVLineEnd method Adds the end of vertical line to the command buffer. Finishes drawing vertical lines. • Not available in page mode. • Use this API function with addVLineBegin (p. 104). Syntax addVLineEnd(x, style); Parameter x: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the end position of the vertical line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. style : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the type of the line you want to finish drawing. Constant (style) Description LINE_THIN Solid line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM Solid line: Medium LINE_THICK Solid line: Thick LINE_THIN_DOUBLE Double line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM_DOUBLE Double line: Medium LINE_THICK_DOUBLE Double line: Thick undefined (When not specified) Solid line: Thin 4 Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To draw thin vertical lines at 100 dots and 200 dots from the left end: --> 105 addPageBegin method Adds the switching to page mode to the command buffer. The page mode process starts. Vertical lines are processed in page mode until their end is specified by addPageEnd (p. 107). Use this API function with addPageEnd. Syntax addPageBegin(); Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Example To print the characters "ABCDE" in page mode: --> 106 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addPageEnd method Adds the end of page mode to the command buffer. The page mode process ends. Use this API function with addPageBegin (p. 106). Syntax addPageEnd(); Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Example To print the characters "ABCDE" in page mode: --> 4 107 addPageArea method Adds the print area in page mode to the command buffer. Specifies the print area in page mode (coordinates). After this API function, specify a print data API function such as the addText method. • Specify a print area to cover the content to be printed. If the print data extends beyond the print area, the print result will be such that the print data has been printed incompletely. • Use this API function by inserting it between addPageBegin (p. 106) and addPageEnd (p. 107). Syntax addPageArea(x, y, width, height); Parameter x: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the origin of the horizontal axis (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. 0 is the left end of the printer's printable area. y: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the origin of the vertical axis (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. 0 is the position in which no paper feed has been performed. width : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the width of the print area (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. height : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the height of the print area (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. Determine the width and height of the print area according to the print direction setting. Otherwise, the print data might not be printed completely. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 108 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To specify the print area with the origin (100, 50), a width of 200 dots, and a height of 30 dots and print the characters "ABCDE": --> 4 109 addPageDirection method Adds the page mode print direction setting to the command buffer. Specifies the print direction in page mode. This function can be omitted if rotation is not required. Use this API function by inserting it between addPageBegin (p. 106) and addPageEnd (p. 107). Syntax addPageDirection(dir); Parameter dir : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the print direction in page mode. Constant (dir) Description Left to right DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT(default) (No rotation.Data is printed from the top left corner to the right.) Bottom to top DIRECTION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP (Counterclockwise rotation by 90 degrees. Data is printed from the bottom left corner to the top.) Right to left DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT (Rotation by 180 degrees.Data is printed from the bottom right corner to the left.) Top to bottom DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM (Clockwise rotation by 90 degrees. Data is printed from the top right corner to the bottom.) Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 110 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To print the characters "ABCDE" by rotating them 90 degrees clockwise: --> 4 111 addPagePosition method Adds the page mode print-position-set area to the command buffer. Specifies the print start position (coordinates) in the area specified by the addPageArea method. Use this API function by inserting it between addPageBegin (p. 106) and addPageEnd (p. 107). Syntax addPagePosition(x, y); Parameter x: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal print position (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. y: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the vertical print position (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. Specify the print start position (coordinates) according to the content to be printed. Refer to the following. To print a character string: Specify the left end of the baseline for the first character. This can be omitted for left-aligned printing of standard-sized characters. To print double-sized height characters, specify a value equal to or greater than 42 for y. To print a barcode: Specify the bottom left of the symbol. And specify the barcode height for y. To print a graphic/logo: Specify the bottom left of the graphic data. And specify the graphic data height for y. To print a two-dimensional symbol: Specify the top left of the symbol. This can be omitted when printing from the top left. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 112 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To specify (50,30) for the print start position in the area specified by the addPageArea method and print the characters "ABCDE": --> 4 113 addPageLine method Adds line drawing in page mode to the command buffer. Draws a line in page mode. • Diagonal lines cannot be drawn. • Use this API function by inserting it between addPageBegin (p. 106) and addPageEnd (p. 107). Syntax addPageLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, style); Parameter x 1: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal start position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. y 1: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the vertical start position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. x2 : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal end position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. y2 : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) ècSpecifies the vertical end position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. style : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the line type. Constant (style) LINE_THIN Description Solid line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM Solid line: Medium LINE_THICK Solid line: Thick LINE_THIN_DOUBLE Double line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM_DOUBLE Double line: Medium LINE_THICK_DOUBLE Double line: Thick undefined (When not specified) Solid line: Thin Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 114 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To draw a thin solid line between the start position (100, 0) and the end position (500, 0): --> 4 115 addPageRectangle method Adds rectangle drawing in page mode to the command buffer. Draws a rectangle in page mode. Use this API function by inserting it between addPageBegin (p. 106) and addPageEnd (p. 107). Syntax addPageRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, style); Parameter x 1: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal start position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. y 1: ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the vertical start position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. x2 : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) Specifies the horizontal end position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. y2 : ( Required parameter, Object type : Number) ècSpecifies the vertical end position of the line (in dots). Specifies an integer from 0 to 65535. style : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the line type. Constant (style) LINE_THIN Description Solid line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM Solid line: Medium LINE_THICK Solid line: Thick LINE_THIN_DOUBLE Double line: Thin LINE_MEDIUM_DOUBLE Double line: Medium LINE_THICK_DOUBLE Double line: Thick undefined (When not specified) Solid line: Thin Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid 116 Object type Error Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Example To draw a rectangle with a thin double line, with the start position (100, 0) and the end position (500, 200) as its vertexes: --> 4 117 addCut method Adds paper cut to the command buffer. Sets paper cut. Not available in page mode. Syntax addCut(type); Parameter type : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the paper cut type. Setting Description Cut without feeding CUT_NO_FEED (The paper is cut without being fed.) Feed cut CUT_FEED (The paper is fed to the cut position and then is cut.) Cut reservation CUT_RESERVE (Printing continues until the cut position is reached, at which the paper is cut.) undefined Feed cut (When not specified) (The paper is fed to the cut position and then is cut.) Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To perform feed cut operation: --> 118 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addPulse method Adds the drawer kick to the command buffer. Sets the drawer kick. • Not available in page mode. • The drawer and the buzzer cannot be used together. Syntax addPulse(drawer, time); Parameter drawer : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the drawer kick connector. Setting DRAWER_1 Pin 2 of the drawer kick-out connector DRAWER_2 Pin 5 of the drawer kick-out connector undefined (When not specified) time : Description Pin 2 of the drawer kick-out connector ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the ON time of the drawer kick signal. Setting Description PULSE_100 100 ms PULSE_200 200 ms PULSE_300 300 ms PULSE_400 400 ms PULSE_500 500 ms undefined (When not specified) 4 100 ms Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error 119 Example To send a 100 msec pulse signal to the pin 2 of the drawer kick connector: --> 120 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addSound method Adds the turning on of the buzzer to the command buffer. Sets the buzzer. • Not available in page mode. • The buzzer function and the drawer cannot be used together. • This API function cannot be used if the printer is not provided with the buzzer. Syntax addSound(pattern, repeat, cycle); Parameter pattern : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the buzzer pattern. Setting PATTERN_NONE Stop PATTERN_A Pattern A PATTERN_B Pattern B PATTERN_C Pattern C PATTERN_D Pattern D PATTERN_E Pattern E PATTERN_ERROR Error sound pattern PATTERN_PAPER_END Pattern when there is no paper PATERN_1 * Pattern 1 PATERN_2 * Pattern 2 PATERN_3 * Pattern 3 PATERN_4 * Pattern 4 PATERN_5 * Pattern 5 PATERN_6 * Pattern 6 PATERN_7 * Pattern 7 PATERN_8 * Pattern 8 PATERN_9 * Pattern 9 PATERN_10 * Pattern 10 undefined (When not specified) * Description 4 Pattern A ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported 121 repeat : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the number of repeats. Setting Description 0 The buzzer does not stop. 1 to 255 Number of repeats undefined (When not specified) One time After “0” is specified for repeat, if you want to stop the buzzer, execute this API function and specify PATTERN_NONE for pattern. cycle : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String, When not specified : 1000) (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Specifies the buzzer sounding cycle (in units of milliseconds) Setting Description 1000 to 25500 1000 to 25500 milliseconds undefined 1000 milliseconds PATTERN_A to PATTERN_E/PATTERN_ERROR/PATTERN_PAPER_END is disregarded. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example To repeat the sound pattern A three times: --> 122 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addLayout method Adds paper layout information to the command buffer. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Setting of page layout must be done in the standard mode. In the page mode, addLayout cannot be specified. Syntax addLayout(type, width, height, margin_top, margin_bottom, offset_cut, offset_label); Parameter type : ( Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the paper type. Constant (type) Description LAYOUT_RECEIPT Receipt (without black mark) LAYOUT_RECEIPT_BM Receipt (with black mark) LAYOUT_LABEL Die-cut label (without black mark) LAYOUT_LABEL_BM Die-cut label (with black mark) width : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number, When not specified : 580) Specifies paper width (in units of 0.1 mm). Specifies an integer from 290 to 600. * height : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies paper height (in units of 0.1 mm). Paper Type Receipt (without black mark) Valid value range 0 Setup not necessary Distance from the top of black mark to the top of next black mark Receipt (with black mark) Die-cut label (without black mark) 0 (Auto) 284 to 1550 (Manual) * Distance from the top of label to the top of next label Distance from the bottom of black mark to the bottom of next black mark. Die-cut label (with black mark) margin_top : 4 Description ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies top margin (in units of 0.1 mm). Paper Type Valid value range Description Receipt (without black mark) 0 Setup not necessary Receipt (with black mark) -150 to 1500 * Distance from the top of black mark Die-cut label (without black mark) 0 to 1500 * Distance from the top of label Die-cut label (with black mark) -15 to 1500 * Distance from the bottom of black mark 123 margin_bottom :( Optional parameter, Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies bottom margin (in units of 0.1 mm). Paper Type 0 Receipt (with black mark) 0 Die-cut label (without black mark) -15 to 0 * Distance from the bottom of label (paper feed direction is a positive number) -15 to 15 * Distance from the top of black mark (paper feed direction is a positive number) Setup not necessary ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies cut position (in units of 0.1 mm). In case of die cut label paper, it is a distance from the bottom of label. When a paper has black mark, it is a distance from the beginning of black mark. Paper Type Valid value range Description Receipt (without black mark) 0 Setup not necessary Receipt (with black mark) -290 to 50 * Distance from the top of black mark to the cutting position Die-cut label (without black mark) 0 to 50 * Distance from the bottom of label to the cutting position 0 to 50 * Distance from the top of black mark to the cutting position Die-cut label (with black mark) offset_label* : Description Receipt (without black mark) Die-cut label (with black mark) offset_cut : Valid value range ( Optional parameter, Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies label bottom position (sd) per 0.1 mm unit. Paper Type Valid value range Receipt (without black mark) 0 Receipt (with black mark) 0 Die-cut label (without black mark) 0 Die-cut label (with black mark) 0 to 15 * Description Setup not necessary Distance from the top of black mark to the bottom of label *: Valid value of range is depending on the printer model. For detail, refer to Printer specifications (p.203). 124 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Return value Return value Object type ePOS-Print Builder Object ePOS Builder Exception Exception Object type Parameter " ... " is invalid Error Detailed description See below for the parameters that can be specified for each type of paper, and the positions for those parameters. Mark Parameter sf width sa height sb margin_top se margin_bottom sc offset_cut sd offset_label
sf sf sb 4 sc Top position Cut Receipt sa sc sf sf Cut sb Top position Top position Label Cut sb Bottom edge of print area se sa sc Bottom edge of print area Standard eject Bottom edge of label sa se sd sc 125 Example To set 58 mm receipt (without black mark): --> To set 58 mm receipt (with black mark): --> To set 58 mm die-cut label (without black mark): --> To set 58 mm die-cut label (with black mark): --> 126 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addRecovery method Adds the recovery from errors to the command buffer. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 and later) Enable forced transmission mode to use this API. The printer recovers from errors that can be recovered from and clears the buffer. Syntax addRecovery(); Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example Recovers from errors that can be recovered from and clears the buffer: --> 4 127 addReset method Adds the printer reset to the command buffer. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 and later) Other printing commands in the print document are ignored. Syntax addReset(); Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example Resets the printer: --> 128 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API addCommand method Adds commands to the command buffer. Sends ESC/POS commands. For information about ESC/POS commands, see the ESC/POS Command Reference. You can view the ESC/POS Command Reference from https://reference.epson-biz.com/. Syntax addCommand(data); Parameter data : (Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies ESC/POS command as a character string. Return value Return value ePOS-Print Builder Object Object type ePOS Builder Exception Exception Parameter " ... " is invalid Object type Error Example 4 --> 129 toString method Obtains a print document generated by an ePOS-Print Builder object. Syntax toString(); Return value Return value Document to be printed Object type String Example --> 130 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API halftone property Halftone processing method. Object type String Description The halftone processing method to be applied to monochrome (two-tone) printing is specified. The default value is HALFTONE_DITHER. Constant Description HALFTONE_DITHER (default) Dithering, suitable for printing graphics only. HALFTONE_ERROR_DIFFUSION Error diffusion, suitable for printing text and graphics together. HALFTONE_THRESHOLD Threshold, suitable for printing text only. Example To set the halftone type as error diffusion: --> 4 131 brightness property Brightness correction value. Object type Number Description A gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0 is specified for the brightness correction value. The default value is 1.0. Example To set brightness as 2.2: --> 132 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API force property This is the forced transmission mode. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 and later) Object type Boolean Description If you enable forced transmission mode, print commands are forcibly sent to the printer. • Use forced transmission mode when the printer is offline. It will result in an error if the printer is online. • The following functions are enabled in forced transmission mode. Drawer kick-out (addPulse method (p.119)) Stopping the buzzer (addSound method (p.121)) Recovery from errors that can be recovered from (addRecovery method (p.127)) Reset (addReset method (p.128)) Sending commands in real time (addCommand method (p.129)) Example Performs a drawer kick-out when the paper is at the end: --> 4 133 message property Command buffer. Object type String Description Commands, which are usually added by methods of the ePOS-Print Builder object, can be operated directly from this property for addition or deletion. Example To clear the command and reset it to the initial state: --> 134 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API ePOS-Print Object Sends a print document created using an ePOS-Print Builder object to control the printer and monitor the transmission result or the communication status. Constructor Constructor for an ePOS-Print object. Creates a new ePOS-Print object and initializes it. Syntax ePOSPrint(address); Parameter address : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the URL of the printer to send a print document to. The URL is as follows: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Example --> 4 135 send method Sends a print document created using an ePOS-Print Builder object. A print document is obtained by executing the toString method (p. 130) of the ePOS-Print Builder object. Syntax ❏ send(request); ❏ For acquiring the job ID send(request, printjobid); The syntax used to specify job IDs is only compatible with ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later. For details, refer to Specifying the Print Job ID from the Application (p.22). Parameter request : (Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the print document. printjobid : (Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specify the print job ID. (ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions) 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters, including underscores, hyphens and periods, may be used. Exception Exception Object type Parameter " ... " is invalid Error XMLHttpRequest is not supported Error Example --> 136 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API To specify a print job ID from the application var printjobid = 'ABC123'; var builder = new epson.ePOSBuilder(); builder.addText('Hello, World!\n'); builder.addCut(); var request = builder.toString(); var address = ' service.cgi?devid=local_printer'; var epos = new epson.ePOSPrint(address); epos.onreceive = function (res) { alert(res.printjobid); }; epos.onerror = function (err) { alert(err.status); }; epos.send(request, printjobid); 4 137 getPrintJobStatus method Acquires print job status. (ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions) • The results of executing this API will be returned to an onreceive event (p.145). • The latest print job status will be obtained when executing multiple printing processes with the same job ID. Syntax getPrintJobStatus(printjobid); Parameter printjobid : (Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the print job ID to be verified. 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters, including underscores, hyphens and periods, may be used. Exception Exception Object type Parameter " ... " is invalid Error XMLHttpRequest is not supported Error Example var printjobid = '12345'; var address = ''; var epos = new epson.ePOSPrint(address); epos.onreceive = function (res) { alert(res.success); }; epos.onerror = function (err) { alert(err.status); }; epos.getPrintJobStatus(printjobid); 138 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API open method Enables status event operation. Sends the status of the printer specified by the address property using an event. Updates the status at the interval specified by the interval property. Syntax open(); Example --> 4 139 close method Disables status event operation. Syntax close(); Example --> 140 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API address property URL of the printer. Object type String Description The URL of the printer to be used for printing is specified. The URL is shown as follows: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] The default value is the address specified by the constructor. To acquire print job status, it is not necessary to specify "devid" and "timeout". (For ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later and with the spooler enabled) Example --> 4 141 enabled property Retains the enabled/disabled setting for status event operation. Object type Boolean Description The enabled/disabled setting for status event operation is retained using a logical value. This is read-only. The default value is false. Example --> interval property Specifies the interval of upgrading the status. Object type Number Description The interval of upgrading the status is specified in milliseconds. Default value: 3000 (three seconds) Minimum value: 1000 (one second or longer) When an invalid value is specified, it is assumed to be 3000. Example --> 142 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API status property Status of the printer. Object type Number Description This is the status last obtained from the printer. This is read-only. Default value: 0 Example --> battery property 4 Battery status of the printer. Object type Number Description Battery status obtained from the last printer status. This is read-only. Default value: 0 Example --> 143 timeout property Specifies connection timeout. Object type Number Description Specifies connection timeout with ePOS-Print supported printer in milliseconds. When the transmission of print document by send method times out, onerror even is generated. Default value: 300000 (5 minutes) Example --> 144 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API onreceive event This property registers the callback function and obtains a response message receipt event. Syntax Function (response) Parameter of the callback function Parameters: response (See “Properties of the response object” on page 145.) Name: Response message Object type: Object Properties of the response object Property Name Object type success (p. 145) Print result Boolean code (p. 145) Error code String status (p. 146) Status Number battery (p. 146) Battery status Number printjobid (p. 146) * Print job ID String * ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported Value of success Value Description Printing succeeded true or 1 Processing succeeded (When the spooler function is enabled) Printing Failed false or 0 Processing Failed (When the spooler function is enabled) Value of code Value * Description 'EPTR_AUTOMATICAL' An automatically recoverable error occurred 'EPTR_BATTERY_LOW' No remaining battery 'EPTR_COVER_OPEN' A cover open error occurred 'EPTR_CUTTER' An autocutter error occurred 'EPTR_MECHANICAL' A mechanical error occurred 'EPTR_REC_EMPTY' No paper in roll paper end sensor 'EPTR_UNRECOVERABLE' An unrecoverable error occurred 'SchemaError' The request document contains a syntax error 'DeviceNotFound' The printer with the specified device ID does not exist 'PrintSystemError' An error occurred on the printing system 'EX_BADPORT' An error was detected on the communication port 'EX_TIMEOUT' A print timeout occurred 'EX_SPOOLER' * There is not enough space available in the printing queue 'JobNotFound' * The specified job ID does not exist 'Printing' * Print job now printing ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported 145 4 Value of status Constant (status) * Description ASB_NO_RESPONSE No response from the TM printer ASB_PRINT_SUCCESS Printing is successfully completed ASB_DRAWER_KICK Status of the 3rd pin of the drawer kick-out connector = "H" ASB_BATTERY_OFFLINE Battery offline status (only for applicable devices) ASB_OFF_LINE Offline ASB_COVER_OPEN The cover is open ASB_PAPER_FEED Paper is being fed by a paper feed switch operation ASB_WAIT_ON_LINE Waiting to be brought back online ASB_PANEL_SWITCH The paper feed switch is being pressed (ON) ASB_MECHANICAL_ERR A mechanical error occurred ASB_AUTOCUTTER_ERR An autocutter error occurred ASB_UNRECOVER_ERR An unrecoverable error occurred ASB_AUTORECOVER_ERR An automatically recoverable error occurred ASB_RECEIPT_NEAR_END No paper in roll paper near end sensor ASB_RECEIPT_END No paper in roll paper end sensor ASB_BUZZER A buzzer is on (only for applicable devices) ASB_WAIT_REMOVE_LABEL Waiting for label to be removed (only for applicable devices) ASB_NO_LABEL No paper in label peeling sensor (only for applicable devices) ASB_SPOOLER_IS_STOPPED * The spooler has stopped ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported Value of battery Status of power Value (battery) Description 0x30XX The AC adapter is connected 0x31XX The AC adapter is connected Remaining battery Value (battery) 0xXX36 Description Battery amount 6 0xXX35 Battery amount 5 0xXX34 Battery amount 4 0xXX33 Battery amount 3 0xXX32 Battery amount 2 0xXX31 Battery amount 1 (Near end) 0xXX30 Battery amount 0 (Real end) 0 is shown when the model doesn't have a battery installed. 146 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API Value of printjobid Value '...' Description Print job ID (An empty string denotes that a print job ID has not been set) Example To create and send a print document. To display the print result in a message box. --> 147 4 onerror event This property registers the callback function and obtains a communication error event. Syntax Function (error) Parameter of the callback function Parameters: error (See “Properties of the error object” on page 148.) Name: Communication error information Object type: Object Properties of the error object Property Name Object type status HTTP Status Number responseText Response text String Example To create and send a print document. To display the HTTP status code in a message box when a communication error occurs. --> 148 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API onstatuschange event Registers a callback function to obtain a status change event. Syntax Function (status) Parameter of the callback function Parameters: status Name: Status Object type: Number Example --> onbatterystatuschange event 4 Registers call back function and obtains battery status change event. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Object type Function (battery) Parameter of the callback function Parameters: battery Name: Batterystatus Object type: Number Example --> 149 ononline event Registers a callback function to obtain a online event. Object type Function () Example --> onoffline event Registers a callback function to obtain a offline event. Object type Function () Example --> 150 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API onpoweroff event Registers a callback function to obtain a non-response event. Object type Function () Example --> oncoverok event Registers a callback function to obtain a cover close event. Object type 4 Function () Example --> 151 oncoveropen event Registers a callback function to obtain a cover open event. Object type Function () Example --> onpaperok event Registers a callback function to obtain a paper remaining event. Object type Function () Example --> 152 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API onpapernearend event Registers a callback function to obtain a paper near end event. Object type Function () Example --> onpaperend event Registers a callback function to obtain a paper end event. Object type 4 Function () Example --> 153 ondrawerclosed event Registers a callback function to obtain a drawer close event. Object type Function () Example --> ondraweropen event Registers a callback function to obtain a drawer open event. Object type Function () Example --> 154 Chapter 4 ePOS-Print API onbatteryok event Registers call back function and obtains remaining battery event. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Object type Function () Example --> onbatterylow event Registers call back function and obtains no remaining battery event. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) 4 Object type Function () Example --> 155 156 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API ePOS-Print Canvas API This chapter describes the ePOS-Print Canvas API. List of ePOS-Print Canvas API functions The ePOS-Print Canvas API provides the following object: ❏ ePOS-Print Canvas API (window.epson.CanvasPrint) object (p. 157) window.epson.CanvasPrint Components Element API Description Page Constructor CanvasPrint Initializes an ePOS-Print Canvas API object. 159 print Prints an HTML5 Canvas image. 160 getPrintJobStatus *4 Acquires print job status. 162 open Enables status event operation 163 close Disables status event operation 164 recover *3 Recovers from an error 165 reset *3 Resets the printer 165 address URL of the printer 166 method Property enabled Enabling/disabling of status event 167 interval Printer status update interval 168 status Status 169 battery Battery status 170 timeout Connection timeout 171 halftone Raster image halftone processing method 172 brightness Raster image brightness correction value 173 cut Paper cut 174 mode Color mode 175 align Position alignment 176 color Printing color 177 feed *1 Control of label paper/black mark paper 178 paper *1 Type of papers 179 layout *2 Paper layout 180 Property 157 5 Element API Description Page Event onreceive Response message receipt event 185 onerror Communication error event 188 onstatuschange Status change event 189 onbatterystatuschange Battery status change event 190 onbatteryok Battery OK event 191 onbatterylow Battery low event 191 ononline Online event 192 onoffline Offline event 192 onpoweroff Non-response event 193 oncoverok Cover close event 193 oncoveropen Cover open event 194 onpaperok Paper remaining event 194 onpapernearend Paper near end event 195 onpaperend Paper end event 195 ondrawerclosed Drawer close event 196 ondraweropen Drawer open event 196 Constant ASB_* Response document status HALFTONE_* Halftone type MODE_* Color mode ALIGN_* Position alignment COLOR_* Color specification FEED_* Paper feed position of label paper/black mark paper PAPER_* Type of papers *1 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.1 or later versions supported *2 ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 or later versions supported ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 or later versions supported ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported *3 *4 158 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API ePOS-Print Canvas API Object Prints a print image rendered in HTML5 Canvas and monitors the print result or the communication status. Constructor Constructor for an ePOS-Print Canvas API object. Creates a new ePOS-Print Canvas API object and initializes it. Syntax CanvasPrint(address); Parameter address : ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the address property (URL of printer to be used for printing). The URL is as follows: http://[ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Example --> 159 5 print method Prints an image rendered in HTML5 Canvas. Converts the specified range in a RGBA full-color image of HTML5 Canvas into raster image data according to the settings of the halftone and brightness properties. One pixel in an image equals to one printer dot. When an image contains any transparent color, the background color of the image is assumed to be white. If an HTML5 Canvas image contains images downloaded from different domains, you cannot print the image. In this case, a security error occurs due to violation of the same origin policy of JavaScript. Syntax ❏ print(canvas); ❏ For acquiring the job ID print(canvas, printjobid); The syntax used to specify job IDs is only compatible with ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later. For details, refer to Specifying the Print Job ID from the Application (p.22). ❏ print(canvas, cut, mode); This syntax is compatible version. Parameter canvas : ( Required parameter, Object type : canvas) Specify the HTML5 Canvas object to be printed. printjobid : (Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specify the print job ID. (ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions) 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters, including underscores, hyphens and periods, may be used. cut : ( Optional parameter, Object type : Boolean) Sets whether to cut paper. Setting mode : Description true or 1 Cuts the paper after printing false or 0 Does not cut the paper after printing undefined Does not cut the paper after printing ( Optional parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the color mode. Setting 160 Description MODE_MONO Monochrome (two-tone) MODE_GRAY16 Multiple tones (16-tone) undefined Monochrome (two-tone) Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API Exception Exception Object type Parameter " ... " is invalid Error XMLHttpRequest is not supported Error Canvas is not supported Error Example To print Canvas(ID=’myCanvas’): --> To specify a print job ID from the application: --> 5 161 getPrintJobStatus method Acquires print job status. (ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions) • The results of executing this API will be returned to an onreceive event (p.185). • The latest print job status will be obtained when executing multiple printing processes with the same job ID. Syntax getPrintJobStatus(printjobid); Parameter printjobid : (Required parameter, Object type : String) Specifies the print job ID to be verified. 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters, including underscores, hyphens and periods, may be used. Exception Exception Object type Parameter " ... " is invalid Error XMLHttpRequest is not supported Error Example var printjobid = '12345'; var address = ''; var epos = new epson.ePOSPrint(address); epos.onreceive = function (res) { alert(res.success); }; epos.onerror = function (err) { alert(err.status); }; epos.getPrintJobStatus(printjobid); 162 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API open method Enables status event operation. Sends the status of the printer specified by the address property using an event. Updates the status at the interval specified by the interval property. Syntax open(); Example --> 5 163 close method Disables status event operation. Syntax close(); Example --> 164 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API recover method Recovers from an error.(in ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 and later) Recovers from errors that can be recovered from and clears the buffer. Syntax recover(); Example --> reset method Resets the printer. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.3.0 and later) Syntax reset(); 5 Example --> 165 address property URL of the printer. Object type String Description The URL of the printer to be used for printing is specified. The URL is shown as follows: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] The default value is the address specified by the constructor. To acquire print job status, it is not necessary to specify "devid" and "timeout". (For ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later and with the spooler enabled) Example --> 166 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API enabled property Retains the enabled/disabled setting for status event operation. Object type Boolean Description The enabled/disabled setting for status event operation is retained using a logical value. This is read-only. The default value is false. Example --> 5 167 interval property Specifies the interval of upgrading the status. Object type Number Description The interval of upgrading the status is specified in milliseconds. Default value: 3000 (three seconds) Minimum value: 1000 (one second or longer) When an invalid value is specified, it is assumed to be 3000. Example --> 168 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API status property Status of the printer. Object type Number Description This is the status last obtained from the printer. This is read-only. Default value: 0 Example --> 5 169 battery property Battery status of the printer. Object type Number Description Battery status obtained from the last printer status. This is read-only. Default value: 0 Example --> 170 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API timeout property Specifies connection timeout. Object type Number Description Specifies connection timeout with ePOS-Print supported printer in milliseconds. When the transmission of print document by print method times out, onerror even is generated. Default value: 300000 (5 minutes) Example --> 5 171 halftone property Halftone processing method. Object type String Description The halftone processing method to be applied to monochrome (two-tone) printing is specified. The default value is HALFTONE_DITHER. Constant Description HALFTONE_DITHER Dithering, suitable for printing graphics only. HALFTONE_ERROR_DIFFUSION Error diffusion, suitable for printing text and graphics together. HALFTONE_THRESHOLD Threshold, suitable for printing text only. Example To set the halftone type as error diffusion: --> 172 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API brightness property Brightness correction value. Object type Number Description A gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0 is specified for the brightness correction value. The default value is 1.0. Example To set brightness as 2.2: --> 5 173 cut property It sets with or without paper cut. Object type Boolean Description It specifies with or without paper cut. Value Description true/1 Cut paper after printing false/0 (Default) Do not cut paper Example It sets paper cut after printing. --> 174 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API mode property It sets the color mode. Object type String Description It specifies the color mode. Value Description MODE_MONO (Default) Monochrome (2-tone) MODE_GRAY16 Multiple tones (16-tone) Example Prints with multiple tones. --> 5 175 align property It sets the position alignment. Object type String Description It specifies the position alignment. Value ALIGN_LEFT (Default) Description Alignment to the left ALIGN_CENTER Alignment to the center ALIGN_RIGHT Alignment to the right Example Prints with center alignment. --> 176 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API color property It sets printing color. Object type String Description It specifies printing color. Value Description COLOR_NONE No printing COLOR_1 1st color COLOR_2 2nd color COLOR_3 3rd color COLOR_4 4th color Example Prints with the 2nd color. --> 5 177 feed property It sets paper feed of label paper/black mark paper. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.1 and later) Object type String Description Paper feed position of label paper/black mark paper. Value FEED_PEELING Description Feeds to the peeling position. FEED_CUTTING Feeds to the cutting position. FEED_CURRENT_TOF (Default) Feeds to the top of the current label. FEED_NEXT_TOF Feeds to the top of the next label. Example After printing a label, it feeds paper to the peeling position. --> 178 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API paper property It sets paper type. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.1 and later) Object type String Description It specifies paper type. Value Description PAPER_RECEIPT (Default) Receipt (without black mark) PAPER_RECEIPT_BM Receipt (with black mark) PAPER_LABEL Die-cut label (without black mark) PAPAER_LABEL_BM Die-cut label (with black mark) Example Prints a label. --> 5 179 layout property It sets paper layout. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Object type Object Description It specifies paper layout. Property of layout being setup Property Name Object type width Paper width Number height Paper height Number margin_top Top margin Number margin_bottom Bottom margin Number offset_cut Cutting position Number offset_label Bottom position of label Number Value of width (Object type : Number, When not specified : 580) Specifies paper width (in units of 0.1 mm). Specifies an integer from 290 to 600. * Value of height (Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies paper height (in units of 0.1 mm). Paper type Receipt (without black mark) Valid value range 0 Die-cut label (with black mark) 180 Setup not necessary Distance from the top of black mark to the top of next black mark Receipt (with black mark) Die-cut label (without black mark) Description 0 (auto) 284 to 1550 (manual) * Distance from the top of label to the top of next label Distance from the bottom of black mark to the bottom of next black mark Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API Value of margin_top (Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies top margin (in units of 0.1 mm). Paper type Receipt (without black mark) Valid value range Description 0 Setup not necessary -150 to 1500 * Distance from the top of black mark Die-cut label (without black mark) 0 to 1500 * Distance from the top of label Die-cut label (with black mark) -15 to 1500 * Distance from the bottom of black mark Receipt (with black mark) Value of margin_bottom (Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies bottom margin (in units of 0.1 mm). Paper type Valid value range Description Receipt (without black mark) 0 Receipt (with black mark) 0 Die-cut label (without black mark) -15 to 0 * Distance from the bottom of label (paper feed direction is a positive number) -15 to 15 * Distance from the top of black mark (paper feed direction is a positive number) Die-cut label (with black mark) Setup not necessary Value of offset_cut (Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies cut position (in units of 0.1 mm). In case of die cut label paper, it is a distance from the bottom of label. When a paper has black mark, it is a distance from the beginning of black mark. Paper type Receipt (without black mark) Valid value range 5 Description 0 Setup not necessary -290 to 50 * Distance from the top of black mark to the top of next black mark Die-cut label (without black mark) 0 to 50 * Distance from the bottom of label to the cutting position Die-cut label (with black mark) 0 to 50 * Distance from the top of black mark to the cutting position Receipt (with black mark) 181 Value of offset_label (Object type : Number, When not specified : 0) Specifies label bottom position (sd) per 0.1 mm unit. Paper type Valid value range Receipt (without black mark) 0 Receipt (with black mark) 0 Die-cut label (without black mark) 0 Die-cut label (with black mark) 0 to 15 * Description Setup not necessary Distance from the top of black mark to the bottom of label *: Valid value of range is depending on the printer model. For detail, refer to "Appendix - Printer Specifications". Layout property positions that can be designated for each type of paper sf sf sb sc Top position Cut Receipt sa sc sf sf Cut sb Top position Top position Label Bottom edge of print area Cut se sa sc Mark 182 sb Parameter sf width sa height sb margin_top se margin_bottom sc offset_cut sd offset_label Bottom edge of print area Standard eject Bottom edge of label sa se sd sc Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API Example To set 58 mm receipt (without black mark): --> To set 58 mm receipt (with black mark): --> To set 58 mm die-cut label (without black mark): --> 183 5 To set 58 mm die-cut label (with black mark): --> 184 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API onreceive event This property registers the callback function and obtains a response message receipt event. Syntax Function (response) Parameter of the callback function Parameter: response (See “Properties of the response object” on page 185.) Name: Response message Object type: Object Properties of the response object Parameter Name Object type success (p. 185) Print result Boolean code (p. 185) Error code String status (p. 186) Status Number battery (p. 186) Battery status Number printjobid (p. 186) * Print job ID String * ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported Value of success Value Description Printing succeeded true or 1 Processing succeeded (When the spooler function is enabled) Printing Failed false or 0 Processing Failed (When the spooler function is enabled) Value of code Value * 5 Description 'EPTR_AUTOMATICAL' An automatically recoverable error occurred 'EPTR_BATTERY_LOW' No remaining battery 'EPTR_COVER_OPEN' A cover open error occurred 'EPTR_CUTTER' An autocutter error occurred 'EPTR_MECHANICAL' A mechanical error occurred 'EPTR_REC_EMPTY' No paper in roll paper end sensor 'EPTR_UNRECOVERABLE' An unrecoverable error occurred 'SchemaError' The request document contains a syntax error 'DeviceNotFound' The printer with the specified device ID does not exist 'PrintSystemError' An error occurred on the printing system 'EX_BADPORT' An error was detected on the communication port 'EX_TIMEOUT' A print timeout occurred 'EX_SPOOLER' * There is not enough space available in the printing queue 'JobNotFound' * The specified job ID does not exist 'Printing' * Print job now printing ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported 185 Value of satus Constant (status) Description ASB_NO_RESPONSE * No response from the TM printer ASB_PRINT_SUCCESS Printing is successfully completed ASB_DRAWER_KICK Status of the 3rd pin of the drawer kick-out connector = "H" ASB_BATTERY_OFFLINE Off line status from remaining battery (only for applicable devices) ASB_OFF_LINE Offline ASB_COVER_OPEN The cover is open ASB_PAPER_FEED Paper is being fed by a paper feed switch operation ASB_WAIT_ON_LINE Waiting to be brought back online ASB_PANEL_SWITCH The paper feed switch is being pressed (ON) ASB_MECHANICAL_ERR A mechanical error occurred ASB_AUTOCUTTER_ERR An autocutter error occurred ASB_UNRECOVER_ERR An unrecoverable error occurred ASB_AUTORECOVER_ERR An automatically recoverable error occurred ASB_RECEIPT_NEAR_END No paper in roll paper near end sensor ASB_RECEIPT_END No paper in roll paper end sensor ASB_BUZZER A buzzer is on (only for applicable devices) ASB_WAIT_REMOVE_LABEL Waiting period for removal of label (only for applicable devices) ASB_NO_LABEL No paper in label peeling sensor (only for applicable devices) ASB_SPOOLER_IS_STOPPED * The spooler has stopped ePOS-Print Service Ver.4.1 or later versions supported Value of battery 0 is shown when the model doesn't have a battery installed. Status of power Value (battery) Description 0x30XX AC adapter is connected 0x31XX AC adapter is not connected Remaining battery Value (battery) Description 0xXX36 Remaining battery 6 0xXX35 Remaining battery 5 0xXX34 Remaining battery 4 0xXX33 Remaining battery 3 0xXX32 Remaining battery 2 0xXX31 Remaining battery 1 (Near end) 0xXX30 Remaining battery 0 (Real end) Value of printjobid Value '...' 186 Description Print job ID (An empty string denotes that a print job ID has not been set) Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API Example To print Canvas(ID=myCanvas): To display the print result in a message box. --> 5 187 onerror event This property registers the callback function and obtains a communication error event. Syntax Function (error) Parameter of the callback function Parameter: error (See “Properties of the error object” on page 188.) Name: Communication error information Object type: Object Properties of the error object property Name Object type status HTTP status Number responseText Responce text String Example To print Canvas(ID=myCanvas): To display the HTTP status code in a message box when a communication error occurs. --> 188 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API onstatuschange event Registers a callback function to obtain a status change event. Syntax Function (status) Parameter of the callback function Parameters: status Name: Status Object type: Number Example --> 5 189 onbatterystatuschange event Registers call back function and obtains battery status change event. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Syntax Function (battery) Parameter of the callback function Parameters: battery Name: Battery status Object type: Number Example --> 190 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API onbatteryok event Registers call back function and obtains remaining battery event. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Syntax Function () Example --> onbatterylow event Registers call back function and obtains no remaining battery event. (in ePOS-Print Service Ver.2.2 and later) Syntax Function () Example --> 191 5 ononline event Registers a callback function to obtain a online event. Object type Function () Example --> onoffline event Registers a callback function to obtain a offline event. Object type Function () Example --> 192 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API onpoweroff event Registers a callback function to obtain a non-response event. Object type Function () Example --> oncoverok event Registers a callback function to obtain a cover close event. Object type Function () Example --> 193 5 oncoveropen event Registers a callback function to obtain a cover open event. Object type Function () Example --> onpaperok event Registers a callback function to obtain a paper remaining event. Object type Function () Example --> 194 Chapter 5 ePOS-Print Canvas API onpapernearend event Registers a callback function to obtain a paper near end event. Object type Function () Example --> onpaperend event Registers a callback function to obtain a paper end event. Object type Function () Example --> 195 5 ondrawerclosed event Registers a callback function to obtain a drawer close event. Object type Function () Example --> ondraweropen event Registers a callback function to obtain a drawer open event. Object type Function () Example --> 196 Chapter 6 ePOS-Print Editor ePOS-Print Editor This section describes how to use ePOS-Print Editor included in the contents in the package. This tool allows you to create an ePOS-Print API (p. 61) sample code as you like. Use this tool for your Web application development. ePOS-Print Editor Operating Environment ❏ Web Browser Windows Internet Explorer 9 or later Mozilla Firefox 13 or later Google Chrome 19 or later Apple Safari 5.1.7 or later iPad Safari in iOS 5.1 or later Displaying ePOS-Print Editor • If opening a page with ePOS-Print Editor's HTML file placed on the local disk, some functionality does not operate due to your Web browser's security policy. Place the HTML file of ePOS Editor to a folder under Web server. • In Google Chrome, when a preview image including pictures is displayed, a "SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18" error occurs. • In Windows Internet Explorer 9, when printing is performed, a "SCRIPT5: Access is denied." error occurs. 1 Open the following URL page using the Web browser. 2 ePOS-Print Editor appears. http://[Web server IP address]/editor/index.html 6 197 Setting Perform the print setting and the preview setting. Select the [Setting] tab to display the Setting screen. Item 198 Description Model, Paper width (Liner width) Select printer model to be used and paper width (for label paper, the mount width). The Preview screen resizes according to the paper width set to the model. IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer Specify the IP address of the printer. Be sure to specify this item. Device ID of the target printer Specify the device ID of the printer. Be sure to specify this item. Print timeout (milliseconds) Specify the print timeout time in milliseconds. The maximum value is 60000 (60 seconds). Monitor the status When this checkbox is checked, the printer's status is monitored. Use print job ID Check this for a print job ID to be assigned when printing. Chapter 6 ePOS-Print Editor Creating a Sample Code Select the [Edit] tab to display the Edit screen. Create an ePOS-Print API sample code in the Edit screen. Menu area Edit area Item Description Menu area Displays the available functions. Click an icon to add it to the bottom of the edit area, and drag an icon to insert it anywhere in the edit area. Edit area Displays the functions selected in the menu area. Drag an element to change its position. An element can be deleted using the x button located on its right side. Import Using ePOS-Print XML, ePOS-Print Editor can import XML data stored in the past. For details, refer to Import (p.202). Clear Deletes the edited details. Forced Transmission Sets forced transmission mode. 199 6 Create a sample code as follows: 1 Click an icon in the menu area to add an element in the edit area. 2 Configure the added element. 3 Select the [Preview] tab to check the preview image. The position of the added function can be changed by dragging. Example: When the NV logo is added, set the key code. When a printer is connected, you can also check the image by printing. For details, refer to Print (p.201). • Logo printing, barcode printing, 2D code printing, ESC command, buzzer sound, drawer kick, and paper cut are displayed as icons. • The layout may change depending on the preview settings. (For details, refer to Setting (p.198)). 4 Select the [API] tab. The ePOS-Print API sample code appears. Use it by copying. The ePOS-Print XML print document is used for importing. If necessary, select the XML tab and save the content of the ePOS-Print XML print document by copying. 200 Chapter 6 ePOS-Print Editor Print Using the printer, print the print document according to the printer's settings to perform test printing. (For details on the printer settings, refer to Setting (p.198)). Item Description Data to be sent (ePOS-Print XML) The ePOS-Print XML document is displayed. Send Sends data to the printer and performs printing. Information Displays the print status. Clear Deletes the content in the [Information] box. Perform printing as follows: 1 2 Select the [Print] tab. Check the content in the [Data to be sent (ePOS-Print XML)] box and press the [Send] button. The ePOS-Print XML print document created using the [Edit] tab page is displayed in "Data to be sent (ePOS-Print XML)". 3 The print document is printed to ePOS-Print supported TM printer. The acquired status is displayed in the Information box. 201 6 Import ePOS-Print Editor can import and re-edit the ePOS-Print XML print document once created. Note that you cannot perform import operation using ePOS-Print API source code. Perform import operation using ePOS-Print XML print data. Item Description Data to be import (ePOS-Print XML) Paste and check the ePOS-Print XML print document to be imported. Apply Imports the ePOS-Print XML print document. Information Displays the import information. Close Closes the Import screen. ePOS-Print Editor can import an ePOS-Print XML print document as follows: 1 2 3 4 202 Select the [Edit] tab and click the [Import] button. The "Import" screen appears. Paste the ePOS-Print XML print document in the [Data to be import (ePOS-Print XML)] box. Click the [Apply] button. The "Confirmation" screen appears. Click the [Yes] button. Appendix Appendix Printer specifications TM-L90-i/ TM-L90 Receipt Die-cut label Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 203 dpi x 203 dpi (W x H) Print Width 256 dots (38 mm) to 576 dots (80 mm) Font Font A, Font B, Font C For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 224 dots (38 mm) to 560 dots (80 mm) Font A ANK: 48 characters, ANK: 46 characters Font B ANK: 57 characters ANK: 56 characters Font C ANK: 72 characters ANK: 70 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 10 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font C ANK: 8 dots x 16 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 21 st dot from the top of the character Font C At the 15 st dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color First color, Second color (when two-color printing is set) Raster Image Monochrome image, Two color image Logo Monochrome image, Two color image (To perform two-color printing, change the settings of the printer using the memory switch setting utility.) Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128 Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code, MaxiCode 203 Receipt Die-cut label Ruled Line Not supported Page Mode Default Area 576 dots x 738 dots (W x H) 560 dots x 738 dots (W x H) 576 dots x 369 dots (W x H) 560 dots x 369 dots (W x H) 576 dots x 1476 dots (W x H) 560 dots x 1476 dots (W x H) when twocolor printing is set 576 dots x 738 dots (W x H) 560 dots x 738 dots (W x H) Line Not supported when twocolor printing is set Page Mode Maximum Area Page Mode Rectangle 204 Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Supported Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Not supported Paper Layout Settings Not supported (With automatic setup mode) Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported Appendix TM-T70-i/ TM-T70 80 mm Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 180 dpi x 180 dpi (W x H) Print Width 512 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline Font A ANK: 42 characters Font B ANK: 56 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 15th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color Page Mode Default Area 512 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 512 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Raster image Monochrome image Logo Monochrome image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128 Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code Ruled Line Not supported Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Not supported Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported 205 TM-T70-i (Multi-language model) 80 mm Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 203 dpi x 203 dpi (W x H) Print Width 576 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 206 Font A ANK: 48 characters Font B ANK: 64 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 15th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color Page Mode Default Area 576 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 576 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Raster image Monochrome image Logo Monochrome image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128 Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code Ruled Line Not supported Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Not supported Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported Appendix TM-T88V-i/ TM-T88V 80 mm 58 mm Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 180 dpi x 180 dpi (W x H) Print Width 512 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 360 dots Font A ANK: 42 characters ANK: 30 characters Font B ANK: 56 characters ANK: 40 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 16th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color Page Mode Default Area 512 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 360 dots x 831 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 512 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 360 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Raster image Monochrome image, two-color image Logo Monochrome image, two-color image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128, GS1-128,GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 Databar Expanded Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code, MaxiCode, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked (Composite Symbology not supported) Ruled Line Not supported Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Optional (Pattern A ~ Pattern E, Error, No paper, Stop) Paper Layout Settings Not supported 207 80 mm 208 Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported 58 mm Appendix TM-P60II Receipt 58 mm Receipt 60 mm Interface Wireless LAN Resolution 203 dpi x 203 dpi (W x H) Print Width 420 dots Font Font A, Font B, Font C For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 432 dots Font A ANK: 35 characters, ANK: 36 characters Font B ANK: 42 characters ANK: 43 characters Font C ANK: 52 characters ANK: 54 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 10 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font C ANK: 8 dots x 16 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 21 st dot from the top of the character Font C At the 15 th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color Raster Image Monochrome image Logo Monochrome image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Expanded Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code, MaxiCode, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked, Aztec Code, DataMatrix (Composit Symbology : Not supported) Ruled Line Not supported Page Mode Default Area 420 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) 432 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 420 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) 432 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) Page Mode Supported (Only solid line) Line Rectangle Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut 209 Receipt 58 mm 210 Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Drawer Kick-Out Not supported Buzzer Support (Pattern1 ~ Pattern 10, Stop) Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported Receipt 60 mm Appendix TM-P60II with Peeler Receipt 58 mm Receipt 60 mm Die-cut label Interface Wireless LAN Resolution 203 dpi x 203 dpi (W x H) Print Width 420 dots Font Font A, Font B, Font C For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 432 dots 160 dots ~ 400 dots Font A ANK: 35 characters, ANK: 36 characters ANK: 33 characters Font B ANK: 42 characters ANK: 43 characters ANK: 40 characters Font C ANK: 52 characters ANK: 54 characters ANK: 50 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 10 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font C ANK: 8 dots x 16 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 21 st dot from the top of the character Font C At the 15 th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color Raster Image Monochrome image Logo Monochrome image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Expanded Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code, MaxiCode, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked, Aztec Code, DataMatrix (Composit Symbology : Not supported) Ruled Line Not supported Page Mode Default Area 420 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) 432 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) 400 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 420 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) 432 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) 400 dots x 1624 dots (W x H) Page Mode Supported (Only solid line) Line Rectangle 211 Receipt 58 mm Receipt 60 mm Paper Cut Feed cut (Feeds paper to cutting position) Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Supported Drawer Kick-Out Not supported Buzzer Support (Pattern1 ~ Pattern 10, Stop) Paper Layout Settings Supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported Die-cut label Paper Layout Receipt paper (without black mark) Paper type 212 Die-cut label paper (without black mark) Receipt paper (with black mark) Die-cut label paper (with black mark) width (sf) 290 to 600 290 to 600 290 to 600 290 to 600 height (sa) 0 0, 284 to 1550 0, 284 to 1550 0, 284 to 1550 margin_top (sb) 0 -130 to 1500 0 to 1500 -15 to 1500 margin_bottom (se) 0 0 -15 to 0 -15 to 15 offset_cut (sc) 0 -256 to 50 0 to 50 0 to 50 offset_label (sd) 0 0 0 0 to 15 Appendix TM-P80 Receipt 80 mm Interface Wireless LAN Resolution 203 dpi x 203 dpi (W x H) Print Width 576 dots, 546 dots (42 column mode) Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline Font A ANK: 48 characters, Font B ANK: 64 characters Font A (42 column mode) ANK: 42 characters Font B (42 column mode) ANK: 60 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A ANK: 13 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 15 th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 3.75 mm {0.15”} Color Specification First color Raster Image Monochrome image Logo Monochrome image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Expanded 213 Receipt 80 mm Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code, MaxiCode, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked, Aztec Code, DataMatrix Ruled Line Not supported Page Mode Default Area 576 dots x 1662 dots (W x H), 546 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) (42 column mode) Page Mode Maximum Area 576 dots x 1662 dots (W x H), 546 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) (42 column mode) Page Mode Line Supported (Only solid line) Rectangle Paper Cut Feed cut (Feeds paper to cutting position) Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Supported (Only for black mark paper) Drawer Kick-Out Not supported Buzzer Support (Pattern1 ~ Pattern 10, Stop) Paper Layout Settings Supported (Only for receipt paper) Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported Paper Layout Paper type 214 Receipt paper (without black mark) Receipt paper (with black mark) width (sf) 800 800 height (sa) 0 0, 284 to 3100 margin_top (sb) 0 -98 to 3100 margin_bottom (se) 0 0 offset_cut (sc) 0 -173 to 50 offset_label (sd) 0 0 Appendix TM-T20 58 mm 80 mm Interface Ethernet Resolution 203 dpi x 203 dpi (W x H) Print Width 420 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 576 dots Font A ANK: 35 characters, ANK: 48 characters Font B ANK: 46 characters ANK: 64 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 16 st dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color Raster Image Monochrome image Logo Monochrome image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Expanded Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code, MaxiCode, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked (Composit Symbology : Not supported) Ruled Line Not supported Page Mode Default Area 420 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 576 dots x 831 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 420 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 576 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Page Mode Not supported Line Rectangle Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported 215 58 mm 216 80 mm Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Optional (Pattern A ~ Pattern E, Error, No paper, Stop) Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported Appendix TM-T70 (Multi-language model) 80 mm 58 mm Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 203 dpi x 203 dpi (W x H) Print Width 576 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size 416 dots Font A ANK: 42 characters ANK: 34 characters Font B ANK: 56 characters ANK: 46 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 15th dot from the top of the character Character Baseline Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color Page Mode Default Area 576 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 416 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 576 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 416 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) Raster image Monochrome image Logo Monochrome image Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128 Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code Ruled Line Not supported Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Not supported Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported 217 TM-T88IV 80 mm Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 180 dpi x 180 dpi (W x H) Print Width 512 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 360 dots Font A ANK: 42 characters ANK: 30 characters Font B ANK: 56 characters ANK: 40 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 16th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color First color, Second color (when two-color printing is set) Page Mode Default Area 512 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 360 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 512 dots x 415 dots (W x H) 360 dots x 415 dots (W x H) 512 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 360 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 512 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 360 dots x 831 dots (W x H) when twocolor printing is set Page Mode Maximum Area when twocolor printing is set 218 58 mm Raster image Monochrome image, two-color image Logo Monochrome image, two-color image (To perform two-color printing, change the settings of the printer using the memory switch setting utility.) Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128, GS1-128 Two-Dimensional Code PDF417, QR Code Ruled Line Not supported Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Not supported Appendix 80 mm Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported 58 mm 219 TM-T90 58 mm 80 mm Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 180 dpi x 180 dpi (W x H) Print Width 360 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 384 dots 512 dots Font A ANK: 30 characters, ANK: 32 characters ANK: 42 characters Font B ANK: 40 characters ANK: 42 characters ANK: 56 characters Font A ANK: 12 dots x 24 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 9 dots x 17 dots (W x H) Font A At the 21st dot from the top of the character Font B At the 16 th dot from the top of the character Default Line Feed Space 30 dots Color Specification First color First color, Second color (when two-color printing is set) Raster Image Monochrome image, Two color image Logo Monochrome image, Two color image (To perform two-color printing, change the settings of the printer using the memory switch setting utility.) Bar Code UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN13, JAN13, EAN8, JAN8, CODE39, ITF, CODABAR, CODE93, CODE128 Two-Dimensional Code PDF417 Ruled Line Not supported Page Mode Default Area 360 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 384 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 512 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 360 dots x 415 dots (W x H) 384 dots x 415 dots (W x H) 512 dots x 415 dots (W x H) Page Mode Maximum Area 360 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 384 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) 512 dots x 1662 dots (W x H) when two-color printing is set 360 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 384 dots x 831 dots (W x H) 512 dots x 831 dots (W x H) when twocolor printing is set 220 60 mm Appendix 58 mm Page Mode Line 60 mm 80 mm Not supported Rectangle Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Supported via Drawer Kick-Out Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Supported Recovery from an error Supported Reset Supported Command Supported 221 TM-U220 76 mm 58 mm Interface Ethernet, Wireless LAN Resolution 80 dpi x 72 dpi (W x H) Print Width 200 dots Font Font A, Font B For more information about what character codes can be printed, refer to the user's manual that came with the printer. Characters in a Line Character Size Character Baseline 180 dots 150 dots Font A ANK: 33 characters, ANK: 30 characters ANK: 25 characters Font B ANK: 40 characters ANK: 36 characters ANK: 30 characters Font A ANK: 4.5 dots x 9 dots (W x H) Font B ANK: 3.5 dots x 9 dots (W x H) Font A Bottom of the characters Font B Bottom of the characters Default Line Feed Space 12 dots Color Specification First color First color, Second color (When using a two-color ribbon cassette ) Raster Image Monochrome image Logo Not supported Bar Code Not supported Two-Dimensional Code Not supported Ruled Line Not supported Page Mode Default Area Not supported Page Mode Maximum Area Not supported Page Mode Not supported Line Rectangle 222 70 mm Paper Cut Cut, Feed cut Specification of the paper feed position for labels / black mark paper Not supported Drawer Kick-Out Supported Buzzer Not supported Appendix 76 mm Paper Layout Settings Not supported Forced transmission mode Not supported Recovery from an error Not supported Reset Supported Command Supported 70 mm 58 mm 223 Rendering in HTML5 Canvas This section describes how to use Web pages using the ePOS-Print Canvas API in the package. You can try how to render images in HTML5 Canvas and see what images can be rendered. The following Web pages are available: Rendering Text (canvas-print-text.html) (p.224) Rendering Images (canvas-print-image.html) (p.226) Rendering Graphics (canvas-print-graph.html) (p.228) Rendering Handwritten Images (canvas-print-hand.html) (p.230) Rendering Barcode (canvas-print-barcode.html) (p.232) Rendering Barcode (canvas-print-barcode.html) (p.232) The Web pages introduced here are embedded into the sample program. For the details about how to place them, refer to Environment Settings (p.36). Rendering Text (canvas-print-text.html) Print text in HTML5 Canvas and perform a test print. 1 2 3 4 1 224 Open the following URL page using the Web browser. http://[Web server IP address]/canvas/canvas-print-text.html Appendix 2 “EPSON ePOS-Print Sample Program” appears. Set items on the right of the page. The following items can be set: Item 3 4 Description Position Specify the rendering coordinates Text Specify the text to be printed Style Specify the text style Clear Clears the image drawn in the Canvas Reset Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. In addition, the settings are reset to their default values. Click the [Enter] button. The text is printed on Canvas on the left of the page according to the settings made on the right of the page. Set the following and click the [Print] button. Item 5 Description URL Enter the following URL: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Mode Set the color mode (Monochrome, Grayscale). Brightness Adjust the brightness. (Gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0) Halftone Set the halftone processing method for monochrome printing (twotone). Cut Paper When this item is selected, feed cut is performed after printing. Alignment Specify the printing position alignment. Color(Monochrome) Specify the printing color in 2-tone. The print result is displayed. 225 Rendering Images (canvas-print-image.html) Draw an image in HTML5 Canvas and perform a test print. 1 2 3 4 1 Open the following URL page using the Web browser. 2 “EPSON ePOS-Print Sample Program” appears. Set items on the right of the page. The following items can be set: http://[Web server IP address]/canvas/canvas-print-image.html Item 226 Description Position Specify the rendering coordinates Size Specify the width and height of the image. Angle Specify the rotation angle of the image. The rotation angle is counted clockwise from the top left corner. Image File (in the same server) Specify the path to the image file. In this Web page, specify the name of an image file placed under the same directory as this Web page. Clear Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. Reset Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. In addition, the settings are reset to their default values. Appendix 3 4 Click the [Draw] button. The image is drawn on Canvas on the left of the page according to the settings made on the right of the page. Set the following and click the [Print] button. Item 5 Description URL Enter the following URL: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Mode Set the color mode (Monochrome, Grayscale). Brightness Adjust the brightness. (Gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0) Halftone Set the halftone processing method for monochrome printing (twotone). Cut Paper When this item is selected, feed cut is performed after printing. Alignment Specify the printing position alignment. Color(Monochrome) Specify the printing color in 2-tone. The print result is displayed. 227 Rendering Graphics (canvas-print-graph.html) Draw an image in HTML5 Canvas and perform a test print. 1 2 3 4 1 2 Open the following URL page using the Web browser. http://[Web server IP address]/canvas/canvas-print-graph.html "EPSON ePOS-Print Sample Program" appears. Set items on the right of the page. The following items can be set: Item 3 228 Description Fill Settings Specify the fill type and color Rectangle Specify the start coordinates, width and height. Circle Specify the central coordinates and radius. Clear Clears the image drawn in the Canvas Reset Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. In addition, the settings are reset to their default values. Click the [Draw] button. The image is drawn on Canvas on the left of the page according to the settings made on the right of the page. Appendix 4 Set the following and click the [Print] button. Item 5 Description URL Enter the following URL: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Mode Set the color mode (Monochrome, Grayscale). Brightness Adjust the brightness. (Gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0) Halftone Set the halftone processing method for monochrome printing (twotone). Cut Paper When this item is selected, feed cut is performed after printing. Alignment Specify the printing position alignment. Color(Monochrome) Specify the printing color in 2-tone. The print result is displayed.0 229 Rendering Handwritten Images (canvas-print-hand.html) Draw a handwritten image and perform a test print. 1 2 3 4 1 Open the following URL page using the Web browser. http://[Web server IP address]/canvas/canvas-print-hand.html 2 “EPSON ePOS-Print Sample Program” appears. Set the size of the pen on the right of the page. 3 Draw a freehand line on Canvas on the left of the page. For the mouse, drag it to draw a line; for the touch screen monitor, draw a line on the touch screen. To erase the drawn image, click the [Clear] button. 230 Appendix 4 Set the following and click the [Print] button. Item 5 Description URL Enter the following URL: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Mode Set the color mode (Monochrome, Grayscale). Brightness Adjust the brightness. (Gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0) Halftone Set the halftone processing method for monochrome printing (twotone). Cut Paper When this item is selected, feed cut is performed after printing. Alignment Specify the printing position alignment. Color(Monochrome) Specify the printing color in 2-tone. The print result is displayed. 231 Rendering Barcode (canvas-print-barcode.html) Draw a barcode in HTML5 Canvas and perform a test print. In the following example, an EAN13, JAN13 or UPC-A is drawn. 1 2 3 4 1 2 Open the following URL page using the Web browser. http://[Web server IP address]/canvas/canvas-print-barcode.html "EPSON ePOS-Print Sample Program" appears. Set items on the right of the page. The following items can be set: Item 232 Description Position Specify the rendering coordinates. Module Size Specify the width and height of the bars. Data Specify EAN13 (JAN13) data. For 12-digit numerical data, calculate and add the check digit. For 13-digit numerical data, verify the check digit. For UPC-A data, add 0 at the start of the string to make it 12-or 13digit data. Clear Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. Reset Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. In addition, the settings are reset to their default values. Appendix 3 4 Click the [Draw] button. The image is drawn on Canvas on the left of the page according to the settings made on the right of the page. Set the following and click the [Print] button. Item 5 Description URL Enter the following URL: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Mode Set the color mode (Monochrome, Grayscale). Brightness Adjust the brightness. (Gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0) Halftone Set the halftone processing method for monochrome printing (twotone). Cut Paper When this item is selected, feed cut is performed after printing. Alignment Specify the printing position alignment. Color(Monochrome) Specify the printing color in 2-tone. The print result is displayed. 233 Rendering Label (canvas-print-label.html) Draw a label in HTML5 Canvas and perform a test print. 1 2 3 4 1 2 Open the following URL page using the Web browser. http://[Web server IP address]/canvas/canvas-print-label.html "EPSON ePOS-Print Sample Program" appears. Set items on the right of the page. The following items can be set: Item Description Name Specifies print data in the name field of label. Description Specifies print data in the description field of label. Code Prints barcode corresponding to the value. EAN13(JAN13) In case of 12 digits, check digit is added. In case of 13 digits, check digit is added. UPC-A Add 0 at the beginning and adjust to 12 to 13 digits. 234 Price Specifies print data in the price field of label. Clear Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. Reset Clears the image drawn in the Canvas. In addition, the settings are reset to their default values. Appendix 3 4 Click the [Draw] button. The image is drawn on Canvas on the left of the page according to the settings made on the right of the page. Set the following and click the [Print] button. Item URL 5 Description Enter the following URL: http://[IP address of ePOS-Print supported TM printer]/cgi-bin/epos/ service.cgi?devid=[device ID of printer to be used for printing]&timeout=[timeout time] Mode Set the color mode (Monochrome, Grayscale). Brightness Adjust the brightness. (Gamma value in the range 0.1-10.0) Halftone(Monochrome) Set the halftone processing method for monochrome printing (twotone). Alignment Specify the printing position alignment. Color(Monochrome) Specify the printing color in 2-tone. Paper Specifie the paper type. Feed to Specify the paper feeding position. Cut Paper When this item is selected, feed cut is performed after printing. Set the paper layout (only for TM-P60II/TM-P80) Check when printing labels with paper layout specified. Layout Specify the label paper layout. Setting become effective when [Set the paper layout] is checked. The print result is displayed. 235 Windows Store Apps In this section, how to use the sample program with Windows store apps is described. Sample Program Screen Display the [Sample] screen. Executes printing. It can print the following. [1] [2] Item Description Page Display the [Sample] screen. Executes printing. It can print the following. [1]Samples Queue Ticket 238 Coupon Label Display the [Settings] screen. Set up the following. Specifies the IP address of the ePOS-Print supported printer. (Default value: [2]Settings Specifies the Device ID of the printer to print queue ticket numbers and coupons. (Default value: local_printer) Specifies the timeout time. (default : 60000) Prints coupons in gray scale. (Only for supported models) (Default: No) Specifies paper layout and print. (Only for TM-P60II Peeler) (Default: No) 236 239 Appendix Print Image Your Number Coupon (ePOS-Print API) (ePOS-Print Canvas API) Your Number: Label * (ePOS-Print API) Name Item A Color Red Code *2012001* *: Die cut label: mount width 58 mm or above Label size: width 54 mm x height 25.4 mm or above 237 Environment of Sample Program The environment of sample program is shown below. Item Description Development environment (example) Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Required than Windows 8 Sample program file name win8/ePOS-Print Demo.zip Environment setting Procedure 1 2 3 4 238 Configure your computer and ePOS-Print supported TM printer so that they can connect to the network. Uncompress the sample program into any folder. Open the sample program solution file using Visual Studio. Start debugging. Appendix Sample Program Settings The screen is used to set the following: Item Description IP address of the ePOS-Print supported printer Specifies the IP address of the ePOS-Print supported printer. (Default value: TM-i: DHCP (If an address fails to be assigned via DHCP, the value becomes "".) TM Printer: ) Device ID of the target printer Specifies the Device ID of the printer to print queue ticket numbers and coupons. (Default value: local_printer) Print timeout (milliseconds) Specifies the timeout time. (default : 60000) Print in grayscale (Coupon) (Only for supported models) Prints coupons in gray scale. (Default: No) Set the paper layout (Label) (Only for TM-P60II/TM-P80) Prints a label in a specified layout. (Default: No) 239 Printing It executes printing. Run the program according to the following procedure: 1 Select a type of printing from the left screen. There are following printing types. Item 2 240 Description Queue Ticket Prints queue ticket numbers. This is a sample program using the ePOS-Print API. Coupon Prints coupons. This is a sample program using the ePOS-Print Canvas API. Label Prints labels. This is a sample program using the ePOS-Print API. Press [Print].
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