A Simple CMOS Camera For Itsy WRL TN 58


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February 2001

Joel F. Bartlett

Western Research Laboratory 250 University Avenue Palo Alto, California 94301 USA

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A Simple CMOS Camera for Itsy
Joel F. Bartlett*
Itsy is a high-performance platform for research in
“off-the-desktop” computing. One of the attributes of the
base hardware is that it can easily be extended through the
use of “daughter cards.” This technical note describes the
packaging and electronics for one such extension: a simple
CMOS camera.

tom of Figure 1. The CMOS imager and lens are contained
in a hinged extension to the left end of the case that lengthens it by 29mm. The rest of the electronics are contained
on a daughter card that thickens the case by 4.5mm.

1. Introduction
Itsy[2] is a flexible, high performance handheld computer designed for research in “off-the-desktop” computing.
Approximately the size of a Palm V, it has a 200MHz Intel
StrongARM 1100 processor, 32 MB of RAM, 32 MB of
flash memory, and runs Linux. Hardware extension is done
by building daughter cards that interface directly to the
memory bus and the StrongARM GPIOs.
As CMOS “camera on a chip” image sensors have become available, there has been significant interest in integrating cameras into handheld devices. Itsy’s memory size
and performance also suggest that it could be more than
just a simple camera. It could act as a handheld computer
vision platform, capable of significant image processing at
the time a picture is taken. In addition, public interest in
Itsy has exposed project members to some opportunities for
powerful, camera-centric, handheld devices.
With this motivation, an effort was started to add a
snapshot camera to Itsy with an eye towards demonstrating
an innovative way to integrate a camera into a handheld
device, and encouraging its use. The goal of this effort was
to minimally impact the Itsy base system, yet not compromise the image sensor’s performance. While many digital
cameras use specialized image processing electronics[4],
this camera would use Itsy’s existing processor and memory for all image processing and control functions. In the
sections that follow, the package and electronics design
will be discussed, and the paper will close with a few sample images and comparisons to other systems.

2. Package Design
The starting point for the design was the base Itsy system shown at the top of Figure 1. Working with the existing base electronics and minimizing redesign of the case,
Studio Red created the design shown at the center and bot* Compaq Computer Corporation Western Research Laboratory, 250 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301.
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation.

Figure 1: Three Itsy Pocket Computers. At the top of
the picture is an unmodified Itsy. It is 118mm x 65mm
x 16mm, and weighs (including battery) 130g with a
molded plastic case. Below it are two units with the
camera extension that are 147mm x 64mm x 20.5mm
and weigh (including battery) 195g with a SLA epoxy
case, or 267g with a NC tooled aluminum case.
Itsy’s reflective gray-scale display is used as the viewfinder, displaying in real-time the scene in front of the lens.
Typically when the camera is used, the photographer holds
the display horizontally in their hand at a good viewing
angle. The lens/imager assembly is then rotated into a vertical position so the lens points forward (middle of Figure
1) at the subject. The hinge allows smooth motion through
180° so the display viewing angle need not be compromised to correctly position the lens. When the camera is
not in use, the lens/imager assembly is folded flat (bottom



of Figure 1) and the camera is easily stored in a purse or
There is minimal interference with other Itsy function
as the unit fits as well in the hand as an unmodified Itsy.
The least objectionable way to increase the size of Itsy is to
lengthen it as has been done here. The camera has a minimal impact on the unit’s width and height.
This view camera inspired design has a number of advantages. First, since the reflective display is illuminated
by ambient light that is typically overhead, the preferred
viewing position is approximately horizontal, which is how
the camera uses it.
Like a camcorder with an LCD viewer, the camera design allows the photographer to remain in eye contact with
the subject and allows others to look over the photographer’s shoulder while they are composing the picture.
Finally, the camera can be used in a variety of ways. It
can be placed on a table in front of the photographer for
unobtrusive candid shots. The lens/imager assembly can be
rotated up to 180° for use in making greater than 1:1 closeup shots, or not rotated at all (bottom of Figure 1) and the
camera used for self-portraits.

The rest of the electronics that control the image sensor and provide the datapath to memory are located on the
daughter card shown on the right side of Figure 2.
The camera is assembled as shown in Figures 3 and 4.
In Figure 3, the daughter card is attached to the Itsy motherboard. The daughter card’s impact on the thickness of
the camera is minimized by careful selection and placement
of its components so that they fit in the space available
between the daughter card and the motherboard. A thirtywire 0.5mm flat flex cable connects the daughter card and
the image sensor. In order to thread this cable through the
hinge, two wires are removed and the cable split as show in
Figures 3 and 4.

3. Inside the Package
In order to implement this design, the camera’s electronics are segmented into two circuit boards as shown in
Figure 2. The board on the left contains the CMOS image
sensor and the lens. In order to minimize the width of this
board, a conventional lens mount that surrounds the image
sensor was not used. Instead, an aluminum tube is glued
directly to the glass cover of the image sensor and the lens
is threaded into it. Opaque plastic tape is applied around
the tube to prevent extraneous light from entering the image sensor as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3: Itsy shown face down with the case back off,
the daughter card installed, and cabled to the image
sensor card.

Figure 2: Image sensor and daughter card electronics.

Figure 4: Itsy shown face up with the front of the image sensor case removed.

The lens was chosen with the idea of using the camera
for snapshots. The lens is a Sunex DSL900C f/3.0 9.9mm
lens. It can be focused from infinity to closer than 2” by
rotating it. Quality color images require an infrared filter,
so the final component of the lens assembly is a Sunex
IRC21-8R IR cut-off filter that is directly bonded to the
glass cover of the image sensor. Since there is no variable
aperture or auto focus system, the camera operates silently.

Even the simplest cameras have moving parts. Here,
the lens is rotated in its mount to focus it, and the image
sensor/lens arm rotates on a hinge connecting it to the main
body of the camera. Based on experience with other cameras and electronics, users have an expectation about how
things should move: freely without overshoot, yet hold
their position when stopped. This is accomplished by lubricating the joint with the appropriate grade of damping


log and digital portions of the image sensor. This provides
a high enough voltage to provide good pictures, yet is close
enough to the level of Itsy’s system power to allow signals
(but not power connections!) to freely cross between the
image sensor and the rest of the system. The sensor power
is noticeably cleaner than the Itsy system power and this
helps improve picture quality. Not obvious on the schematic are the separate analog and digital power and ground
planes that are provided on the image sensor’s circuit board
to further reduce noise.

grease: Nyogel 774VL on the lens threads and Nyogel PG44A on the body hinge.
With this overview of the package design and electronics segmentation complete, attention can now turn to the
details of the electronics.

4. Photobit PB-0300 CMOS Image Sensor
The design of the electronics was driven by the capabilities and requirements of the PB-0300[5] image sensor.
With only a few digital controls, and external VCC and
clock, this “camera-on-a-chip” can produce digital output
at up to 30 frames/second with VGA (640H x 480V) resolution. Unlike earlier CCD image sensors, this sensor requires no external control circuitry, analog-to-digital converters, or non-standard reference voltages as these
functions are integrated into the sensor chip. The sensor’s
integral gain and exposure controls allow pictures to be
taken under widely varying lighting conditions without the
need for an adjustable aperture lens or a mechanical shutter.
The “Image Sensor” schematic details the interface to
the PB-0300. Signal names are shown in a sans-serif font
and those signals that are active low have a “~” as the first
character of their name. The signals of interest are:

5. Itsy Daughter Card Interface
The interface to the Itsy daughter card[9] provides access to all the unused StrongARM 1100[3] GPIOs (general
purpose I/O pins) and to the full memory address and data
buses. In the interest of building the simplest interface
possible, the only control logic on the daughter card is for
functions that could not be handled by the Linux driver.
SDATA signals from the PB-0300 are directly connected to
dedicated GPIO pins. The flexibility of the StrongARM
GPIOs allows the Serial Host Interface Port™ (SHIP) protocol (compatible with I²C™) to be implemented entirely
by the driver.
The bulk of the logic on the daughter card is dedicated
to moving data from the PB-0300 to the StrongARM memory bus. The FIFO is two 8-bit pixels wide and is implemented by a dual 2,048 x 9 IDT72V83 asynchronous FIFO
that is directly connected to bits 0-15 of the memory bus.
Since the FIFO is the only register that need be read or
written, a minimal control design suffices. The FIFO is
visible to the StrongARM as static memory bank 3, and the
static memory control register is configured as follows (assuming a 100 MHz memory clock):

analog and digital power
24 MHz master clock input
STANDBY active high to set chip on standby
active low to reset the chip
Serial Host Interface Port™ data
Serial Host Interface Port™ clock
pixel clock for output data
active high on image data output
FRAMEVLD active high during image processing
data output bit 0 (LSB)
data output bit 1
data output bit 2
data output bit 3
data output bit 4
data output bit 5
data output bit 6
data output bit 7 (MSB)


0: nonburst ROM or Flash EPROM
0: 32 bit ROM bus width
1: 2 clocks from address to data valid
0: ignored as device is not written
1: 2 clocks to get off the bus

When configured this way, any read (or write access)
to any physical address in static memory bank 3 results in
~DCCS3 (an active low selecting the memory back) being
asserted by the StrongARM, which starts the read cycle on
the FIFO and two pixels are transferred to the memory bus.
The FIFO is reset and status information is communicated to the StrongARM by four dedicated GPIO pins:

Finding an appropriate method for supplying power to
the PB-0300 required some experimentation as analog and
digital power levels for the chip are specified at 5.0V.
While it will produce acceptable pictures at lower voltages,
it cannot produce them when powered by Itsy’s 3.05V system power. One solution would be to use a charge pump to
produce 5.0V power. This was rejected because it was
expected that future 3.3V “camera-on-a-chip” devices
would be available from Photobit and other vendors and
that signal level conversions, required in a mixed voltage
system, would complicate the system.
Instead, a linear regulator is used to convert the raw
battery voltage to 3.3V that is used to power both the ana-


active low that resets both FIFOs
active low on FIFO overflow
active low on FIFO empty
active low on FIFO half full

The final GPIO control signal to the daughter card is
~CAMERA. This is an active low that turns on the clock
and linear regulator for the PB-0300, and enables the


When the FIFO become half full, ~HALF falls to 0
which interrupts the processor. The interrupt handler then
reads 2048 pixels from the FIFO and stores them into
memory. The FIFO is visible to the processor as static
memory bank 3. Each load from a virtual address mapped
to this bank causes ~DCCS3 to fall to 0, and the FIFO
places two pixels of data (16 bits) onto the memory data
After the PB-0300 outputs the last pixel of the image,
FRAMEVLD drops to 0, which interrupts the processor.
The FIFO is emptied into the driver’s buffer and then the
read completes. If the driver is configured to record a
video clip, then the interrupt handler will start the next read
so no frames are lost. Otherwise, it will disable the FIFO
interrupts as the PB-0300 images are being ignored.

daughter card memory interface. When the camera is not
in use, this signal is high to disable these components and
save power.
With these signals defined, attention will now shift to
using them to take a picture.

6. Taking a Picture
The camera is visible to application programs as the
device /dev/pb0300. When it is opened, the driver sets
~CAMERA to 0. This starts the 24 MHz clock, supplies
power to the PB-0300, and enables the daughter card memory interface.
The application starts by issuing an ioctl (I/O control
command) to reset the camera. The driver implements this
operation by pulsing ~RSTPB. This initializes the PB0300 and runs it in its default configuration, where it supplies the StrongARM with 30 VGA size images/second.
Before taking pictures, the application may need to
make configuration changes on the PB-0300. This is done
by issuing a number of ioctl requests to read and write the
PB-0300’s registers. The driver performs these functions
via a software implementation of the SHIP protocol using
the SCLK and SDATA GPIOs. The Itsy is the protocol
master and it provides the clock via SCLK, a dedicated
output pin. Clock pulse duration is controlled by busy waiting in the driver, using the StrongARM’s 3.6864 MHz operating system timer. Both Itsy and the PB-0300 use the
SDATA line to transfer data a bit at a time. Typically,
SDATA is configured by the driver as an input pin, so its
value is either driven by the PB-0300 or driven to 1 by the
pull up resistor. The only time Itsy drives this signal is
when the protocol requires the driver to write a 0 data
value, in which case it forces SDATA to 0 by configuring it
as an output pin with a value of 0 for one bit time. Addition ioctl commands are used to allocate image buffers in
the driver and select the mode of operation: still picture or
video clip.
Once PB-0300 configuration is complete, the application issues a read request to the device to take a picture.
This is posted in the driver, but no action is taken until a
falling edge on FRAMEVLD causes an interrupt. The PB0300 is now between frames and not trying to transfer any
data into the FIFO, so the FIFO can be reset by pulsing
~RSTFIFO. The interrupt handler completes by enabling
falling edge interrupts on ~FULL and ~HALF.
As pixel values are generated by the PB-0300, they are
moved into memory in the following manner (see the
“DC/FIFO” schematic). When PIXCLK falls to 0 and
LINEVLD is 1, pixel data is available at DOUT[0..7] and
~WRITE falls to 0.
When ~WRITE falls, data is latched in the octal Dtype latch (IC1 74373) and either ~WRITE07 or
~WRITE815 falls to 0 which starts the transfer of the
latched data into the appropriate half of the FIFO.
When ~WRITE rises to 1, the value of the D-type flip
flop (IC12A 7474) is inverted which results in the other
half of the FIFO being selected for holding the next pixel.

7. Processing the Image Data
A picture appears to the application program as a VGA
sized (640 x 480) array of unsigned bytes. Cameras implemented using the monochrome version of the PB-0300
require no further processing as this array is the gray-scale
image. Color cameras require additional processing as the
image sensor is covered by a color filter array as shown in
Figure 5. Each pixel in the image sensor looks through a
red, blue, or green color filter and returns that value. When
printed as color image, since each pixel has only a red,
green, or blue value, the result is like that shown in Figure
6. In order to produce RGB values for each pixel, the missing color values are recovered by interpolation[1] and the
result is shown in Figure 7.
Since the camera does not have dedicated image processing electronics, in camera color recovery is application
dependent or can be deferred until after the images have
been removed from the camera.

Figure 5: A portion of the Bayer Pattern of the PB0300 color filter array, where each colored square is a
color filter covering one pixel.


frames/second are possible. One example, is a short feature
called “The Break”, Figure 10, where CIF size images
(352W x 288H) were shot at 60 frames/second in two twosecond long bursts. A slow motion QuickTime movie was
then assembled using Adobe ImageReady.

Figure 6: A magnified portion of an image returned by
a color PB-0300, where each pixel has only a red,
green, or blue value.

Figure 7: Image color recovery from the image data of
Figure 6 using a simple pixel-averaging algorithm.

8. Initial Applications
Software to implement simple still and video cameras
has been implemented. Three still pictures taken by the
camera are displayed in Figure 9. They demonstrate the
picture quality available from the camera and its ability to
take close-ups.
Since the camera is capable of recording successive
images, short video sequences (limited only by the size of
Itsy’s memory) can also be recorded. By selecting an image size smaller than VGA, frame rates faster than 30

Figure 9: Three sample still images: an outdoor scene,
a shop window, and a well-worn quarter.


transmitter/receiver pair, and a desktop computer. Since
Itsy has sufficient processing power and memory to recognize a gesture, its camera could capture the gesture, and its
IRDA link could directly control the desired appliance.
Lest one think the power required for such a device is
impossible in a wearable device, the Itsy still camera software that uses the display as a real-time viewfinder is able
to continuously run for three hours before discharging the
standard 2.2 watt-hour battery.

9. Related Work and Extensions
With the Itsy camera’s design in mind, attention can
now turn to putting it in context with related work. One of
WRL’s research partners at EPFL integrated a mobile camera[7] into Itsy. Their electronics were more complex than
those described in this paper as they were interfacing two
sensor chips with less integrated functions that the PB0300.
Two commercially available cameras for handheld systems are the Kodak PalmPix™ for Palm and the eyemodule™ for the Handspring™ Visor™. The PalmPix image
sensor is the same size as Itsy’s, but the display must be
held vertically in a poor viewing position in front of the
user’s face in order to operate it. The eyemodule’s display
is held in a horizontal position like Itsy’s for good viewing,
but its image sensor is only 320x240 pixels. The major
limitations of each of these designs are processor performance and camera-to-memory bandwidth. The low performance processors in both handhelds require that the camera
extensions provide dedicated image processing electronics.
The camera is in turn connected to the processor on both
systems by a 115,200 bit/second serial interface. Contrast
this with Itsy, where the camera is directly connected to the
StrongARM memory bus and is capable of sustained transfers at 8.8Mbytes/second (640x480 pixel frames at 30
frames/second). This bandwidth is clearly required for
taking video clips, but it is also desirable to provide realtime updates to the viewfinder.
While this camera is centered on the Photobit PB0300, the design could be easily adapted to a number of
other CMOS image sensors. For example, the Agilent
HDCS-2030, the Kodak KAC-0310, and the Zoran Pixelcam PCS2112 all are powered at 3.3V, have I²C compatible
controls, and provide digital image output data. Minimal
changes to the electronics would be required to control any
of these chips.

Figure 10: “The Break” shows a pool break at 1/12
real-time. In this frame, the cue ball has just hit the
head of the rack
The most interesting application for the Itsy camera is
handheld computer vision. To demonstrate this, our colleagues at Compaq’s Cambridge Research Laboratory supplied a neural network-based face detector[6] that detects
any number of frontal, upright faces in an image. The detector was paired with the Itsy still camera code and the
result is a “face finding camera” whose results are shown in
Figure 11.

Figure 11: After taking a picture, the “face finding
camera” draws a rectangle around each frontal, upright
face it finds in the image.

10. Conclusions
The camera extension of Itsy is a success. The
changes to the base Itsy unit have been minimized, yet the
resulting object is pleasing to the eye and encourages users
to pick it up. It produces pictures of acceptable quality and
the utility and power of the system are demonstrated by the
initial computer vision experiments. The positive results
and the simplicity of the design should encourage others to
integrate cameras into their “off-the-desktop” systems.

Another application that could easily be hosted on an
Itsy with a camera is the gesture pendant[8] designed at
Georgia Tech. This is a wearable camera that contains
sufficient processing power to recognize hand signals and
convert them into control commands to nearby appliances.
It was prototyped using a video camera, a 900MHz video


illuminating, Wearable, Infrared Computer Vision
System for Home Automation Control and Medical
Monitoring. In The Fourth International Symposium
on Wearable Computers, IEEE, October 2000, pp 8794.

This work would not have been possible without the
skills and interest of my colleagues at WRL: William
Hamburgen, Marc Viredaz, Wayne Mack, Deborah A.
Wallach, Lawrence Brakmo, and Andreas Nowatzyk. Studio Red turned the project’s unfocused ideas about a view
camera into a striking design and functional prototype
packages. Jim Rehg and Uli Kremer provided the neural
network-based face detector. Wendy Bartlett provided editorial assistance for this technical note. I thank you all.

[9] Marc A. Viredaz. The Itsy Pocket Computer Version
1.5: User’s Manual. Technical Note TN-54, WRL,
Compaq, Palo Alto, CA (USA), July 1988.

Bill of Materials

Components labeled “Cn” and “Rn” are capacitors and
resistors whose value is as shown on the schematic. Components labeled “JPn” are test points. The rest of the components are as follows:

[1] Jim Adams, Kevin Parulski, and Kevin Spaulding.
Color Processing in Digital Cameras, IEEE Micro,
November-December 1998, pp 20-29.
[2] Joel F. Bartlett, Lawrence S. Brakmo, Keith I. Farkas,
William R. Hamburgen, Timothy Mann, Marc A.
Viredaz, Carl A. Waldspurger, and Deborah Wallach.
The Itsy Pocket Computer. Research report 2000/6,
WRL, Compaq, Palo Alto, CA (USA), October 2000.

Sensor Circuit Board
L1 & L2

[3] Intel. Intel® SA-1100 Microprocessor Technical Reference Manual, September 1998, available via

Hirose 30-pin 0.5mm top contact
600 ohm @ 100MHz ferrite beads join
split power and ground planes

DC/FIFO Circuit Board

[4] Shoji Kawamua, Capturing Images with Digital Still
Cameras, IEEE Micro, November-December 1998,
pp 14-19.

R1 & R3

[5] Photobit Corporation. PB-0300 1/3-inch CMOS Active-Pixel Digital Image Sensor, March 2000 (Version
3.0), available via www.photobit.com.
[6] H. A. Rowley, S. Baluja, and T. Kanade. Neural Network-Based Face Detection. IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 20,
No. 1, 1998, pp 23-38.
[7] Olivier Saudan. Interfacing a mobile camera with the
Itsy pocket computer. 7th semester project, LAMI,
EPFL, Lausanne (CH), February 1999.
[8] Thad Starner, Jake Auxier, Daniel Ashbrook, and
Maribeth Gandy. The Gesture Pendant: A Self-


Hirose 30-pin 0.5mm bottom contact
daughter card connector
74LCX373FN octal D-type latch
IDT72V83L15PA dual 2,048 x 9 FIFO
74LCX14FN hex Schmitt inverter
SG636 PCE 24MHz oscillator
TC1015_33VCT regulator
74LCX32FN quad 2-input or
74LCX74FN dual D flip-flop
600 ohm @ 100MHz ferrite bead
0.1-ohm precision resistors for power














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Create Date                     : 2001:02:02 10:26:55
Producer                        : APSetDocInfo 2.2.1 HP-UX SPDF_1112 Feb 10 2005
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Title                           : A Simple CMOS Camera for Itsy
Modify Date                     : 2007:09:07 17:26:38+17:00
Author                          : Bartlett, Joel F
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