Warehouse_Staging_Guide Warehouse Staging Guide

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TiVo Warehouse Staging
for MSOs

© 2016 TiVo Inc. All rights reserved.
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without the express written permission of TiVo. TiVo may have patents, patent applications,
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TiVo and the TiVo logo are registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. or its subsidiaries worldwide.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This content is based on TiVo software version 20.6.1.
Publication Date: June 2016

1 About Staging TiVo Devices
Audience for this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Requirements for the warehouse staging environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Warehouse Configured Headend installation versus Installer Configured Headend installation 6

2 Staging TiVo Devices
How Auto-Staging works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Preparing for Auto-Staging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Auto-Staging a TiVo device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Completing staging for TiVo DVRs and TiVo Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Completing staging for CAL-based devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Verifying staging by using the TiVo Slide remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Using Clear & Delete Everything to force Auto-Staging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
To run the Clear & Delete Everything option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Refreshing PGD on a previously-staged device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Staging TiVo Stream
About TiVo Stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compatible host DVRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Device specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ethernet link LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Status LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Staging TiVo Stream devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Stream LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting TiVo Stream staging issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All LEDs are off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solid amber (for 20 minutes or more) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rapidly flashing amber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flashing amber for brief period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flashing white (for 20 minutes or more) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


4 Troubleshooting Auto-Staging Issues
Returned TiVo device displays Welcome screen with U.S. and Canada options . . . . . . . . . . .
Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Returned TiVo device displays TiVo Central screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Front panel LEDs display failure pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Device fails automatic TiVo Service call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
After Clear & Delete Everything, Auto-Staging does not start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices
TiVo T6 DVR LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Roamio DVR LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR seven-segment status and error display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR Auto-Staging states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR staging error codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR staging errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Premiere Q DVR LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Preview LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Mini LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Pace Mi3 LED staging behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


B Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices
TiVo T6 DVR back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Roamio DVR back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Premiere Q DVR back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Preview back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TiVo Mini back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TiVo-Pace Mi3 back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
TiVo Stream back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs


About Staging TiVo Devices
The TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs provides a single reference for MSO warehouse
technicians to perform staging procedures on all TiVo devices.
CableCo is the generic name used to represent any domestic Multi-System Operator (MSO).
Staging is the process of preparing a TiVo device for use by the subscriber. Many MSOs stage TiVo
DVRs and other TiVo devices at a warehouse before delivering the devices to subscribers. Although
not required, staging TiVo devices at the warehouse reduces the time needed for onsite installation.
The following chapters are included in this guide:

Chapter 1, About Staging TiVo Devices—Provides information about the audience for this
guide, the overview of the staging process, and the requirements for the staging


Chapter 2, Staging TiVo Devices—Describes the warehouse staging process for the TiVo
T6 DVR, the TiVo Roamio DVR, the TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR, the TiVo Premiere Q DVR,
the TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box, TiVo Preview, TiVo Mini, and TiVo-Pace Mi3.


Chapter 3, Staging TiVo Stream—Describes the warehouse staging process for TiVo


Appendix A, LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices—Provides hardware information for
each TiVo device.


Appendix B, Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices—Provides hardware information for
each TiVo device.

Audience for this document
The TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs is designed for MSO warehouse technicians who have
experience with Auto-Staging TiVo devices, and a working knowledge of racking procedures.
This guide assumes that the technician has the access and ability to issue a serviceReset API call
on the devices to be staged.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Requirements for the warehouse staging environment

Requirements for the warehouse staging environment
To manage and stage multiple devices at once, make sure that your warehouse meets the following

Staging racks in a room with adequate ventilation and cooling.


Staging racks should accommodate approximately 40 TiVo DVRs standing on end with
non-marring cushioning.


Adequate power to support every TiVo DVR—TiVo DVRs might draw up to 35 watts
each. Other devices might draw less power.


Power strip with outlets to support 40 devices and additional supporting equipment.


Ethernet connection to each device, with full access to the Internet and stable connectivity.


Gigabit switch or managed switch to support all equipment.


Enough RF feeds for all TiVo DVRs being staged on the rack.


HDMI-capable TV with an HDMI cable long enough to reach all DVRs.


Optional—HDMI switch, TiVo staging appliance, Barcode printer, Fineline Barcode
reader, and a laptop or computer to enter staging data and to perform CableCARD pairing.

Warehouse Configured Headend installation versus Installer
Configured Headend installation
For the Warehouse Configured Headend installation, the TiVo DVR has already been configured for
the subscriber’s specific headend and the Program Guide Data (PGD) has been indexed during the
warehouse staging process. You will need to set the service state and perform some setup tasks, but
you won’t need to perform Guided Setup. Because most of the DVR setup has been completed in the
warehouse, this installation takes less time onsite than the Installer Configured Headend installation.
For the Installer Configured Headend installation, device configuration for the subscriber’s specific
headend has not been done during warehouse staging. The additional steps that are performed will
configure the device to the subscriber’s correct channel lineup based on their subscription. An
Installer Configured Headend installation requires a briefer warehouse staging time, but a longer time
at the subscriber’s site.


Chapter 1 — About Staging TiVo Devices


Staging TiVo Devices
This chapter describes the warehouse staging procedures for the TiVo T6 DVR, the TiVo Roamio
DVR, the TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR, the TiVo Premiere Q DVR, the TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top
box, TiVo Preview, TiVo Mini, and TiVo-Pace Mi3. The following topics are included:

How Auto-Staging works on page 7


Preparing for Auto-Staging on page 8


Auto-Staging a TiVo device on page 8


Completing staging for TiVo DVRs and TiVo Preview on page 9


Verifying staging by using the TiVo Slide remote control on page 10


Using Clear & Delete Everything to force Auto-Staging on page 11


LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices on page 23

For TiVo Stream staging information, see Staging TiVo Stream on page 13.
For Troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Auto-Staging Issues on page 19.

How Auto-Staging works
The Auto-Staging process for TiVo DVRs/STBs, TiVo Mini, and TiVo-Pace Mi3 includes the
following events:
1. Checking the software version and upgrading the software as needed
If the software version has changed or if the device has been marked for restaging, AutoStaging downloads the software from the TiVo Service.
2. Reimaging each of the partitions by removing any previous data
If the device has a CableCARD, then the CableCARD pairing data is preserved. After the
new images are installed on the hard disk, the TiVo device restarts using the new software.
3. Performing a sequence of MSO and headend configuration tasks
The TiVo UI displays a set of screens (these screens are different from Guided Setup
screens). The device does not respond to remote control input during the Auto-Staging
4. Removing the previous subscriber settings and setting the device to its MSO default
(service state 22)
5. Indicating a successful Auto-Staging operation
See LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices on page 23.
The device is ready to be scheduled for onsite installation. For TiVo Stream staging information, see
Staging TiVo Stream on page 13.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Preparing for Auto-Staging

Preparing for Auto-Staging
1. Verify that each TiVo device has gone through a serviceReset API call and is in service
state 22.
Follow the instructions for issuing the Service Reset that the MSO has provided.
2. Set the msoServiceId, siteID, and tier values by using a deviceInfoStore API call
on the TiVo Service Number (TSN).
Auto-Staging configuration parameters are stored within the msoServiceIds that has
been assigned to the MSO.
These commands are typically available through tools that are provided by the MSO’s IT


msoServiceId—Sets the ZIP code, market, and region information. The device sets
its Program Guide Data (PGD) and channel lineup according to the ZIP code.
siteID—Configures the market-specific Video on Demand (VOD) parameters.

Note: Other configuration parameters such as the channel guide display, recorded shows sorting
display, and mandatory PGD are downloaded to the device during the Auto-Staging
The device is ready for Auto-Staging.

Auto-Staging a TiVo device
After completing the Auto-Staging preparation steps, follow these steps to start the Auto-Staging
1. Connect the device to Ethernet.
2. Power up the device.
Applying power to the device automatically starts the Auto-Staging process.

Note: Do not connect the device to the coaxial input.
3. (Optional) To see the messages displayed during Auto-Staging, connect the device to a
TV with an HDMI connection.
4. Observe the pattern of LEDs on the front panel of the device to ensure that Auto-Staging is
proceeding correctly.
See LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices on page 23 for details about each device.
5. Wait until the LEDs indicate that Auto-Staging is complete, or Staging Complete screen
displays (if connected to a TV).
a. Observe the pattern of LEDs for errors.
b. If there are Auto-Staging errors, troubleshoot the errors.
For TiVo-Pace MG1 errors, see TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR seven-segment status and
error display on page 27 and Table A–1 on page 28.


Chapter 2 — Staging TiVo Devices

Completing staging for TiVo DVRs and TiVo Preview

For general Auto-Staging troubleshooting tips, see Troubleshooting Auto-Staging
Issues on page 19.

Note: TiVo Mini and TiVo-Pace Mi3 Auto-Staging is now complete. No further action
is necessary.
6. After staging is complete, the device automatically initiates two calls to the TiVo Service
to download PGD. Do not unplug the device for 90 minutes.
7. For TiVo/Pace DVRs and TiVo Preview, proceed to Completing staging for TiVo DVRs
and TiVo Preview to activate the CableCARD and to verify video decryption.
8. For the TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box, proceed to Completing staging for CALbased devices to activate the CAL software and to verify video decryption.

Completing staging for TiVo DVRs and TiVo Preview
The post-staging tasks described in this section apply only to TiVo DVRs and TiVo Preview, not to the
TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box, TiVo Mini, or TiVo-Pace Mi3. After staging has completed
successfully, perform the following steps:
1. Plug in the coaxial cable.

Note: If TiVo DVR is intended for an OTA install, skip to step 5.
2. Activate the CableCARD and confirm CableCARD pairing.
a. Insert the CableCARD into the TiVo device.
b. From TiVo Central, choose Settings & Messages > Settings > Remote, CableCARD,
& Devices > CableCARD Decoder > CableCARD options (for Installers)
(Figure 2–1).

Figure 2–1: CableCARD options (for Installers)

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Completing staging for CAL-based devices
3. Verify various types of channels.
a. Tune to unencrypted channels.
b. Tune to encrypted channels.
c. Tune to Premium channels.
4. Verify that the VOD launch point goes to the VOD catalog.
5. Verify that the MSO branding is correct.
The TiVo DVRs and TiVo Preview are staged and ready to be sent for onsite installation.

Completing staging for CAL-based devices
The post-staging tasks described in this section apply only to the TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top
box. After staging has completed successfully, perform the following steps:
1. Plug in the coaxial cable.
2. Activate the CAL software.
3. Verify various types of channels.
a. Tune to unencrypted channels.
b. Tune to encrypted channels.
c. Tune to Premium channels.
4. Verify that the MSO branding is correct.
The TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box is staged and ready to be sent for onsite installation.

Verifying staging by using the TiVo Slide remote control
Note: If you are using the standard TiVo remote control, do not use it in RF mode for warehouse
staging purposes.
TiVo recommends that you use the TiVo Slide remote control with a Bluetooth USB receiver for
verification purposes. You can plug the USB receiver into one device at a time for verification
purposes without disrupting other devices. For information about how to obtain the TiVo Slide remote
control and USB receiver, contact your TiVo account representative.
Alternatively, you can use the TiVo remote control in IR mode. To switch the remote control from RF
mode to IR mode, press and hold the TiVo+Red C buttons until the activity indicator lights.


Chapter 2 — Staging TiVo Devices

Using Clear & Delete Everything to force Auto-Staging

Using Clear & Delete Everything to force Auto-Staging
Some staging scenarios do not automatically start Auto-Staging. In these scenarios, use the Clear &
Delete Everything option to force Auto-Staging.

Warning: Before proceeding, be aware of what the Clear & Delete Everything option does.

Deletes everything in My Shows, the To Do list, the Season Pass Manager, and WishList
saved searches.


Clears all settings, including Parental Controls and Thumb ratings.

To run the Clear & Delete Everything option
1. Before you start this procedure, complete these tasks:
a. Ensure that an msoServiceId is configured for the TiVo device.
b. Ensure that the TiVo device has a working Ethernet connection.
c. Ensure that the TiVo device is in service state 22.
2. From TiVo Central, choose Settings & Messages > Help > Restart or Reset > Restart or

Figure 2–2: Clear & Delete Everything option

3. On the Restart or Reset System menu (Figure 2–2), select Clear & Delete Everything.

Note: If the Clear & Delete Everything option is not displayed on the Restart or Reset System
menu, press Clear+Pause+Thumbs Up+Enter on the remote control.
The Clear & Delete screen appears.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Refreshing PGD on a previously-staged device

Figure 2–3: Clear & Delete screen

4. Press Thumbs Down three times (Figure 2–3), and then press Enter.
After the Clear & Delete Everything process completes, the Welcome! Starting up screen
5. Wait for a few minutes until Auto-Staging automatically starts.
6. Observe the pattern of LEDs on the front panel of the device to ensure that Auto-Staging is

Refreshing PGD on a previously-staged device
If you need to populate the PGD on the device before the device is installed at a subscriber’s site, you
have two options:

Power up the device, connect to the network, and then wait for the device to make a TiVo
Service call to download the PGD.


Power up the device, connect to the network, and then force a TiVo Service call:
From TiVo Central, choose Settings & Messages > Settings > Network > Connect to the
TiVo Service now.


Chapter 2 — Staging TiVo Devices


Staging TiVo Stream
This chapter describes the warehouse staging procedures and troubleshooting for TiVo Stream. The
following topics are included:

About TiVo Stream on page 13


Device specifications on page 14


Staging TiVo Stream devices on page 16


Troubleshooting TiVo Stream staging issues on page 17

This chapter assumes that you know how to stage TiVo devices, are familiar with racking procedures,
and have the appropriate power supply for TiVo Stream devices.

About TiVo Stream
TiVo Stream is a network (Ethernet) attached transcoding device that converts MPEG-2 streams to
MPEG-4 streams, and then it streams the converted video to mobile devices. TiVo Stream allows
subscribers to:

Stream DVR recordings (including in-progress recordings) to watch on mobile devices
within the home.


Transfer DVR recordings to take out of the home on mobile devices.

Figure 3–1: TiVo Stream

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Device specifications

Compatible host DVRs
TiVo Stream is compatible with the following DVRs running software release 20.2.1 or later:

TiVo T6


TiVo Roamio DVR


TiVo-Pace MG1


TiVo Premiere Q

Device specifications
TiVo Stream has the following component dimensions and weight:

Dimensions: 4" W x 4" D x 1.05" H


Weight: 0.3 lbs.

Back panel
The TiVo Stream back panel includes:

Power/status (main) LED


Gigabit Ethernet connector with link activity and link status LEDs


12V DC power supply

Figure 3–2: TiVo Stream back panel


Chapter 3 — Staging TiVo Stream

Device specifications

Ethernet link LEDs
The two LEDs on the Ethernet connection are standard Ethernet link activity and link status LEDs.
Table 3–1 describes the LED states.
Table 3–1: Ethernet link LED states
Ethernet LED

LED state


(link activity)

• Off

• No link activity

• Flashing green

• Flashing green on packet RX (receive) and TX (transmit)

(link status)

• Off

• No link

• Green

• Megabit half/full duplex

• Yellow

• Gigabit half/full duplex

Status LED
The third and main LED on the back of TiVo Stream, which can be either amber or white, indicates the
overall status of the device, as described in Table 3–2.
Table 3–2: States indicated by TiVo Stream status LED
Status LED state



No power. TiVo Stream is off.

Solid amber

TiVo Stream has powered up.

Flashing amber

TiVo Stream is applying a firmware update.

Flashing white

TiVo Stream is powering up.

Solid white

TiVo Stream is up and ready. DHCP lease and the IP address are obtained,
connected, and discoverable.

It usually takes three minutes to power up TiVo Stream. It might take longer if a critical software
update is needed, which typically occurs only the first time TiVo Stream is set up. All other software
updates occur late at night when TiVo Stream is idle.
The TiVo Stream status LED goes through the following sequence during a normal power up process:
Solid Amber > Flashing White > Solid White
After TiVo Stream downloads the new software, if the TiVo App is in the TiVo Stream Guided Setup,
TiVo Stream automatically restarts, which takes a few minutes.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Staging TiVo Stream devices
The TiVo Stream status LED goes through the following sequence as TiVo Stream powers on and
installs the new software:
Off > Solid Amber > Flashing White > Flashing Amber > Off > Solid Amber >
Flashing White > Solid White
With the additional phases, the time required for initial setup is longer than three minutes.

Staging TiVo Stream devices
1. Verify that each TiVo Stream has gone through a serviceReset API call and is in
service state 22.
Follow the instructions for doing the Service Reset that the MSO has provided.
2. For each TiVo Stream, make the following connections in this order:
a. Connect an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on each TiVo Stream.
b. Connect the TiVo-supplied 12V DC power adapter to the 12V DC power receptacle on
each TiVo Stream.

Note: Due to fire hazard, do not use any other type of power adapter as the output amps
vary by device.
c. Allow three minutes for all TiVo Stream devices to completely power up. The status
LED flashes white.
3. After powering on, TiVo Stream devices automatically perform the following tasks:
a. Running Factory Reset.
Each TiVo Stream is checked for the latest version of TiVo client software. If it is not
current, the latest software is installed onto each TiVo Stream.
Whether or not new software is installed, the Factory Reset clears any previous
subscriber data by reimaging the user database partitions. This process takes about 15
minutes, during which TiVo Stream devices might be restarted.
During this step, the status LED displays alternating amber and white.
b. Verifying completion of staging.
After completing these steps, the status LED displays flashing amber, which indicates
that the staging process was successful.
4. Starting with the power adapter, unplug all connections to each TiVo Stream.
Each TiVo Stream is now ready to be installed at a subscriber site.


Chapter 3 — Staging TiVo Stream

Troubleshooting TiVo Stream staging issues

TiVo Stream LED staging behavior
During the staging process, the status LED patterns indicate the staging status.
Table 3–3: TiVo Stream status LED staging behavior
Status LED state


Flashing white

This status LED pattern persists until a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) server is discovered, an IP address is provided, and the TiVo Network
Time Protocol (NTP) server has been contacted.

Solid amber

There is an error and staging has failed.

Alternating white and amber

Staging is progressing.

Flashing amber

Staging is successful.

Troubleshooting TiVo Stream staging issues
This section presents the following issues indicated by the LED patterns displayed by the status LED
on the TiVo Stream back panel:

All LEDs are off on page 17


Solid amber (for 20 minutes or more) on page 17


Rapidly flashing amber on page 18


Flashing amber for brief period on page 18


Flashing white (for 20 minutes or more) on page 18

All LEDs are off
Indicates a power failure.

1. Try powering on twice.
2. If the device still fails to power up, request an RMA for TiVo Stream.

Solid amber (for 20 minutes or more)
Indicates a staging failure.

Restart the staging process.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Troubleshooting TiVo Stream staging issues

Rapidly flashing amber
Disaster detected—thermal shutdown is indicated.

Immediately unplug TiVo Stream, let it cool down, and then plug it back in.

Flashing amber for brief period
This might indicate that TiVo Stream is performing a subscriber software installation. However, this
can only occur in one of the following cases:

The device is not in service state 22.


The device is running TiVo Stream software earlier than v1.1 or 19.1.1

Flashing white (for 20 minutes or more)
There might be an issue with the network connectivity of the staging rack (LAN or WAN).


Chapter 3 — Staging TiVo Stream


Troubleshooting Auto-Staging
This chapter describes situations that commonly occur during the Auto-Staging process, and provides
information on resolving the issues.

Returned TiVo device displays Welcome screen with U.S. and Canada options on page 19


Returned TiVo device displays TiVo Central screen on page 19


Front panel LEDs display failure pattern on page 20


Device fails automatic TiVo Service call on page 20


After Clear & Delete Everything, Auto-Staging does not start on page 20

Note: The staging mode flag is not cleared until the entire process successfully completes. If the
Auto-Staging process fails at any point, you can power cycle the device to repeat AutoStaging.

Returned TiVo device displays Welcome screen with
U.S. and Canada options
If a returned TiVo device going through warehouse staging displays the Welcome screen that presents
options for the United States and Canada, Auto-Staging has failed.

1. Verify network connectivity.
2. If the network is up and running, ensure that serviceReset and msoServiceId are set
on the device.
3. If the issue persists, follow standard TiVo escalation procedures.

Returned TiVo device displays TiVo Central screen
If a returned TiVo device going through warehouse staging displays the TiVo Central screen, AutoStaging has failed.

1. Verify network connectivity.
2. If the network is up and running, ensure that serviceReset and msoServiceId are set
on the device.
3. If the issue persists, follow standard TiVo escalation procedures.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


Front panel LEDs display failure pattern

Front panel LEDs display failure pattern
During the Auto-Staging process, the TiVo device’s front panel LEDs display the platform-specific
pattern that indicates staging failure.

1. Verify network connectivity.
2. Connect the TV output to the failed device, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Device fails automatic TiVo Service call
The device fails the automatic TiVo Service call during the final portion of Auto-Staging (indicated
when TiVo device displays the Welcome screen).

1. Verify network connectivity.
2. Connect the TV output to the failed device, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

After Clear & Delete Everything, Auto-Staging does not
After the Clear & Delete Everything process completes, the TiVo device should start the AutoStaging process.
If Auto-Staging does not start, the device automatically goes through a Clear & Delete Everything
process again. This process can take up to a half hour or more, depending on how much recorded
content was on the device.

As the device goes through the Clear & Delete Everything process, verify the network connection to
help ensure that the next attempt to complete warehouse staging will succeed.
While the Clear & Delete Everything process is running, do the following:
1. Verify the network connection.
2. Verify that each TiVo device has gone through a serviceReset API call and is in service
state 22.
3. Set the msoServiceId, siteID, and tier values by using a deviceInfoStore API call
on the TiVo Service Number (TSN).
4. Wait 1 minute for those pieces of information to fully process in the TiVo system.


Chapter 4 — Troubleshooting Auto-Staging Issues

After Clear & Delete Everything, Auto-Staging does not start
5. Power cycle the device to initiate staging. Do this either after the Clear & Delete
Everything process has completed, or after 15 minutes has elapsed since completing
Steps 2 and 3.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential



Chapter 4 — Troubleshooting Auto-Staging Issues


LED Staging Behavior for TiVo
The following front panel LED staging behavior applies to all TiVo devices except for TiVo Stream.
1. At the start of the staging process, each platform goes through its flashing pattern. The
TiVo device’s previous contents are removed (for example, all recordings), and the device
is configured for software. When the removal process and software download are
complete, the TiVo device restarts and installs the new software.
2. During the restart and installation process, solid power lights appear as the device is
installing the downloaded software.
3. After the software installation is complete, the device automatically initiates its first call to
the TiVo Service to download its activation information, MSO branding, and headend
information specific to the msoServiceId.
During this first TiVo Service call, the TiVo device LED resumes flashing as it does during
the first step of staging (the removal process and software download stage).
4. After this automatic TiVo Service call, the staging of the device is complete.
The following sections provide a summary of the LED behavior during the staging process for each
device and explains any action you need to take.

TiVo T6 DVR LED staging behavior on page 24


TiVo Roamio DVR LED staging behavior on page 25


TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR LED staging behavior on page 26


TiVo Premiere Q DVR LED staging behavior on page 29


TiVo Preview LED staging behavior on page 30


TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box LED staging behavior on page 31


TiVo Mini LED staging behavior on page 32


TiVo-Pace Mi3 LED staging behavior on page 33

See Appendix B, Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices for information about the back panels of the
TiVo devices.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo T6 DVR LED staging behavior

TiVo T6 DVR LED staging behavior
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in process

Green & amber

Alternating green and

No action required.


Plug in the HDMI cable and
follow the prompts.


No action required.

Flashing green and amber alternately

Staging error

Amber only

Flashing amber only

Staging complete

Green only

Flashing green only


Appendix A — LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices

TiVo Roamio DVR LED staging behavior

TiVo Roamio DVR LED staging behavior
TiVo Roamio DVR
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in process

Green & amber

Alternating green and

No action required.


Plug in the HDMI cable and
follow the prompts.


No action required.

Flashing green and amber alternately

Staging error

Amber only

Flashing amber only

Staging complete

Green only

Flashing green only

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR LED staging behavior

TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR LED staging behavior
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in



No action required. During the staging process, the
Power LED flashes green and the remote LED
flashes green.

S300 state code indicates that
staging is in progress.
Staging error

Red only

Flashing alternately

Plug in the HDMI cable and follow the prompts.

E311 error code indicates a
Flashing red only
failure while downloading software.
Staging complete

Green only

Current time displays when
staging is complete.



No action required.

Flashing green only

Appendix A — LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices

TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR LED staging behavior

TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR seven-segment status and error display
During normal operation, the seven-segment display on the front panel of the TiVo MG1 DVR
displays the current time. During staging, however, the seven-segment display provides status and
error codes.
The clock can be enabled or disabled. From TiVo Central, choose Settings > Displays > Lights on
the Front of the DVR. The clock display is independent and separate from the LED lights selection.
During Auto-Staging, the seven-segment LED displays the following:

An SXXX code indicates the current state.


An EXXX code indicates an error.

For example, if the device was previously in S320 (MFS reimaging) and an incorrect hash was
detected on the downloaded file, the error code would be E322.

TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR Auto-Staging states

S300—Auto-Staging started
Displayed until factoryResetInstructions is received.


S310—Software/kernel installation


S320—MFS reimaging


S400—Retrieving unguidedSetupInstructions

TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR staging error codes

EXX1—Download error


EXX2—Bad hash detected


EXX3—Unspecified error during hash checking


EXX4—Boot parameter error


EXX8—Unspecified error while closing the file pipeline


EXX9—Unspecified error.
Auto-Staging is terminating and the device is placed in a bricked state. Power cycle the
TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR (see Table A–1).

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR LED staging behavior

TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR staging errors
Table A–1: TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR staging errors



Auto-Staging has started. This status is displayed until the device has received


An unspecified error occurred while retrieving the Auto-Staging instructions from the
service. Auto-Staging is terminated, and the device continues to start normally.

Software/kernel install

Failure occurred while downloading the software.


The software and/or kernel images that were downloaded did not have the correct


An unspecified software error occurred while checking the hash of the software or
kernel images.


An error in setting the boot parameters occurred after downloading the software and
kernel images.


An unspecified file pipeline error occurred while downloading the software and/or
kernel images.


An unspecified error occurred while downloading or installing the software and/or
kernel images. The DVR is currently in a bricked state.




MFS reimaging

Failure occurred while downloading the software.


The MFS images downloaded did not have the correct hash.


An unspecified software error occurred while checking the hash of the MFS images.


An unspecified file pipeline error occurred while downloading the MFS images.


An unspecified error occurred while downloading or installing the software and/or
kernel. The DVR is currently in a bricked state.

Downloading Unguided Setup Instruction
No errors are reported on the display. If there is an issue, the device continues to
start normally.


Appendix A — LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices

TiVo Premiere Q DVR LED staging behavior

TiVo Premiere Q DVR LED staging behavior
TiVo Premiere Q DVR
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in

Blue & red

Alternating blue and red

No action required.

Flashing alternately
Staging error

Red only


Plug in the HDMI cable and
follow the prompts.

Flashing red only
Staging complete

Blue only


No action required.

Flashing blue only

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo Preview LED staging behavior

TiVo Preview LED staging behavior
TiVo Preview
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in process

Status LED

Alternating yellow and

No action required.

Flashing yellow

Plug in the HDMI cable and
follow the prompts.

Flashing alternately
Staging error

Status LED

Flashing yellow only
Staging complete

Status LED

Flashing green

No action required.

Flashing green only


Appendix A — LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices

TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box LED staging behavior

TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box LED staging
TiVo Preview
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in process

Status LED

Alternating green and

No action required.

Flashing amber

Plug in the HDMI cable and
follow the prompts.

Flashing alternately
Staging error

Status LED

Flashing amber only
Staging complete

Status LED

Flashing green

No action required.

Flashing green only

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo Mini LED staging behavior

TiVo Mini LED staging behavior
TiVo Mini
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in process

Status LED

Alternating amber
and white

No action required.

Flashing alternately
amber and white

Staging error

Status LED

Flashing amber

Plug in the HDMI cable and
follow the prompts.

Flashing amber

Staging complete

Status LED

Flashing white

No action required.

Flashing white


Appendix A — LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices

TiVo-Pace Mi3 LED staging behavior

TiVo-Pace Mi3 LED staging behavior
TiVo-Pace Mi3
Staging state

LED lights

LED behavior

Action required

Staging in



No action required. During the staging process, the
Power LED flashes green and the remote LED
flashes green.

Flashing alternately

Staging error

Red only


Plug in the HDMI cable and follow the prompts.

Flashing red only
Staging complete

Green only


No action required.

Flashing green only

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential



Appendix A — LED Staging Behavior for TiVo Devices

Ports and Connections for TiVo
This appendix shows the ports and connections on the back panels of the TiVo devices that you might
be installing at a subscriber’s site.

TiVo T6 DVR back panel on page 36


TiVo Roamio DVR back panel on page 37


TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR back panel on page 38


TiVo Premiere Q DVR back panel on page 39


TiVo Preview back panel on page 40


TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box back panel on page 41


TiVo Mini back panel on page 42


TiVo-Pace Mi3 back panel on page 43


TiVo Stream back panel on page 44

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo T6 DVR back panel

TiVo T6 DVR back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of the TiVo T6 DVR.




TiVo Service Number (TSN)


Power connector: 110V AC


Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T


Digital Cable/MoCA coaxial input (QAM) jack


Optical digital audio output


Component RCA output (green)


Analog audio output (red, white)


Composite A/V output (yellow)


Resolution button—If the screen is black and the TiVo menus are inaccessible, press the button to
change the video output format. The available formats are: 480i / 480p / 720p / 1080i / 1080p /
1080p24 / 1080p60 passthrough.


HDMI 1.4b output


USB 2.0 (two ports)


eSATA port for the DVR expander


CableCARD (M-Card) slot


MAC Address Label, containing:
• Ethernet/MoCA interface
• Built-in transcoder (TiVo Stream)

Note: If the subscriber’s router is using MAC address filtering, the MSO must add both TiVo
T6 DVR MAC addresses to the MAC address filter to control access.


Appendix B — Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices

TiVo Roamio DVR back panel

TiVo Roamio DVR back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of the TiVo Roamio DVR.




Cable/antenna coaxial input


Optical digital audio output


Composite A/V output (yellow)


HDMI 1.4b output


Ethernet 10/100 Mbps


USB 2.0 (two ports)


eSATA port for the DVR expander


Power connector: 12V DC


CableCARD (M-Card) slot

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR back panel

TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of the TiVo-Pace MG1 DVR.






Digital Cable/MoCA coaxial input (QAM)


eSATA port (external HDD support)




USB 2.0 port


Component RCA output (green)


10/100 Ethernet


Composite A/V output (yellow)


Power connector: 12V DC input


Optical digital audio output


Analog audio output (red, white)


HDMI 1.4: HD To TV


Coaxial Digital audio output


HDMI 1.4: input 1 (not enabled)


USB 2.0 port


HDMI 1.4: input 2 (not enabled)


Appendix B — Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices

TiVo Premiere Q DVR back panel

TiVo Premiere Q DVR back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of the TiVo Premiere Q DVR.






Power connector: 110V AC


Optical digital audio output


CableCARD (M-Card) slot


HDMI port


External storage (eSATA)


10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet


Component RCA output (green)


USB 2.0 (two ports)


Composite A/V output (yellow)


Digital Cable/MoCA coaxial input (QAM)

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo Preview back panel

TiVo Preview back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of TiVo Preview.






Two external USB 2.0 ports for TiVo wireless network and Bluetooth


HDMI port

Connects to a TV, A/V receiver, or home theater system. HDMI
provides a pure digital connection for HD video and digital audio in
one cable.


Composite ports

Analog audio output (red, white).


Composite A/V output (yellow).


Resolution button

If the screen is black and the TiVo menus are inaccessible, press
the button to change the video output format. The available formats
are: 480i / 480p / 720p / 1080i / 1080p.


Power connector (12V DC)

Connects to A/C power.


Ethernet 10/100 Base-T

Connects TiVo Preview to your home network by using an Ethernet


Component ports

Component (RGB) video output.


CableCARD (M-Card) slot

Supports a single M-Card CableCARD; S-Cards are not supported.


Digital Cable/MoCA coaxial
input (QAM) jack

In a MoCA home network, connects TiVo Preview to your home
network. Connect the coaxial RF cable coming from the wall to this


Appendix B — Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices

TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box back panel

TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top box back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of the TiVo-Evolution IP Hybrid set-top




Digital Cable/MoCA coaxial input (QAM) jack


Composite A/V output (yellow)


Analog audio output (white)


Analog audio output (red)


S/PDIF optical digital audio output


USB 2.0 port


HDMI 1.4a output


Ethernet 10/100 Mbps


Power connector: 5V DC input

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo Mini back panel

TiVo Mini back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of TiVo Mini.












MoCA coaxial input jack

In a MoCA home network, connects TiVo Mini to your home
network. Connect the coaxial cable coming from the wall to
this jack.


Component RCA output (green)

Connects to a TV or A/V system. Component video provides
a high-definition (HD) picture using a component video


Composite A/V output (yellow)

Connects to a TV or A/V system. Composite video provides
very good standard-definition (SD) picture quality. It does
not provide HD video.


HDMI port

Connects to a TV, A/V receiver, or home theater. The HDMI
port provides a pure digital connection for HD video and
digital audio all in one cable.


Ethernet jack

Connects a TiVo Mini to your home network using an
Ethernet cable.



Reserved for future use.


Power connector (12V DC)

Connects to A/C power.


Appendix B — Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices

TiVo-Pace Mi3 back panel

TiVo-Pace Mi3 back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of TiVo-Pace Mi3.











Coaxial input jack

The Cable In connector is designed to connect the TiVo-Pace Mi3
to your cable network. Connect the coaxial cable coming from
the wall to this jack. You must not connect any other equipment,
such as a VCR, to this input.



Coaxial RF cable output to TV.


Component RCA output

Connects to a TV or A/V system. Component video provides a
high-definition (HD) picture using a component video cable. If
your HDTV does not have an HDMI connector, but has component
video (YPbPr) inputs, connect your HDTV here.


Composite A/V output (yellow)

Connects to a TV or A/V system. Composite video provides very
good standard-definition (SD) picture quality. It does not provide
HD video. Connect to the composite video and analog audio
inputs on your SDTV.


HDMI port

Connects to a TV, A/V receiver, or home theater. The HDMI port
provides a pure digital connection for HD video and digital audio
all in one cable. Connect to the HDMI input on your TV.


Optical digital audio output

S/PDIF output. Connect to the optical digital audio equipment,
such as an audio decoder or home theater receiver.


Ethernet jack

Connects a TiVo Mini to your home network using an Ethernet



Reserved for future use.


Power connector (5V DC)

Connects to A/C power.

TiVo Warehouse Staging Guide for MSOs • TiVo® Proprietary and Confidential


TiVo Stream back panel

TiVo Stream back panel
This section details the location of the items on the back panel of TiVo Stream.

The TiVo Stream back panel includes:



Power/status (main) LED


Gigabit Ethernet connector with link activity and link status LEDs


12V DC power supply

Appendix B — Ports and Connections for TiVo Devices


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