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Wall Street Systems – Empowering Treasury Trade and Settlement

Wallstreet Suite
Cash Management Connectivity Guide
Version 7.3.16

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© Copyright 2011 Wall Street Systems IPH AB. All rights reserved.
First Edition (August 2011)
This edition applies to Wallstreet Suite version 7.3.16 and to all later releases and versions until indicated in new
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Preface ...........................................................................................................................17
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 17
How to use this guide .................................................................................................................. 17
Recommended reading ............................................................................................................. 17
Assumptions .............................................................................................................................. 18
Associated documents ................................................................................................................ 18

1 Overview ....................................................................................................................19
1.1 Understanding interfaces ..................................................................................................... 19
1.2 Defining interface components ........................................................................................... 20
1.2.1 Defining formats .............................................................................................................. 20
1.2.2 Connection points ........................................................................................................... 21
1.2.3 Transport mechanisms ................................................................................................... 22
1.2.4 Security mechanisms ...................................................................................................... 23
1.3 Implementing interfaces ....................................................................................................... 23
1.3.1 Determining your organization’s interface needs ............................................................ 24
1.3.2 Using standard interface components ............................................................................ 24
1.3.3 Using CMM tools to create custom interface components .............................................. 24 Web services interface ......................................................................................... 25 Command line interface ........................................................................................ 25 XML-template-based formats ............................................................................... 25
1.3.4 Testing interfaces ............................................................................................................ 26
1.3.5 Going live ........................................................................................................................ 26
1.4 Setting configuration parameters ........................................................................................ 26
1.4.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 27
1.4.2 Setting configuration parameters using the Configuration Parameters function ............. 27
1.4.3 Setting configuration parameters using the Interfaces Configuration Maintenance function
1.4.4 Setting interface configuration parameters ..................................................................... 27 Attached to SWIFT Network ................................................................................. 27 BAI Validation on Control Amount ........................................................................ 28 Citibank Enterprise ID ........................................................................................... 28 Communication Maximum Buffer Size .................................................................. 28 Default File Export Directory ................................................................................. 29 Default File Import Directory ................................................................................. 29 Enable Shared Service Center ............................................................................. 29 GnuPG Home Directory ........................................................................................ 29 Import of value date balances enabled ................................................................. 30
WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide

3 Maintain SWIFT Template At Payment and Deal Entry ...................................... 30 Maximum String Buffer Process Size ................................................................. 30 SafeX File Location ............................................................................................ 31 Static SWIFT Template Data .............................................................................. 31 SWIFT Duplicate Transaction Handling ............................................................. 31 SWIFT MT320 Version ....................................................................................... 32 SWIFT Payment Export Format ......................................................................... 32 Third-Party Software Location ............................................................................ 32
1.5 Opening configuration files ................................................................................................. 32
1.5.1 Configuration overrides ................................................................................................... 33
1.5.2 Customization ................................................................................................................. 33
1.5.3 Upgrade .......................................................................................................................... 33
1.5.4 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 34
1.5.5 Opening configuration files with the Review CMM Configuration Documents function .. 34
1.5.6 Opening configuration files without the Review CMM Configuration Documents function .
1.5.7 Returning a configuration file to its default settings ........................................................ 35

2 Managing formats .....................................................................................................37
2.1 Configuring the fileimportexportformats.xml file .............................................................. 37
2.1.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 37
2.1.2 Removing formats from the fileimportexportformats.xml file ........................................... 37
2.2 Configuring the importfilepattern.xml file .......................................................................... 38
2.2.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 38
2.2.2 Removing format patterns from the importfilepattern.xml file ......................................... 38
2.2.3 Verifying the business types of bank message import formats ....................................... 38

3 Managing interchanges (and related data) .............................................................41
3.1 Managing transport mechanisms ........................................................................................ 41
3.1.1 Managing communication protocols ............................................................................... 41 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 41 Installing third-party software ................................................................................ 41 Enabling communication protocols ....................................................................... 42
3.1.2 Managing communication protocol parameters .............................................................. 42 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 42 Creating FIN Message Manager protocol parameters .......................................... 42 Creating FTP communication protocol parameters .............................................. 43 Creating MQSeries communication protocol parameters ..................................... 43 Creating SWIFTNet Adaptor communication protocol parameters ....................... 44 Creating command line communication protocol parameters ............................... 45 Creating request response communication protocol parameters ......................... 45 Editing communication protocol parameters ........................................................ 45 Deleting communication protocol parameters ...................................................... 46
3.1.3 Completing other tasks ................................................................................................... 46 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 46 Manually executing communication protocols ...................................................... 46


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Running processes remotely through communication protocols .......................... 46
3.1.4 Entering data in FTP communication protocol parameter file matching fields ................ 47 Entering data in the File Match RegExp field ....................................................... 48 Entering data in the File Match String field ........................................................... 50 Entering data in the File Match Index field ........................................................... 50
3.2 Managing security mechanisms .......................................................................................... 51
3.2.1 Managing signers ............................................................................................................ 51 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 51 Installing third-party software ................................................................................ 51 Enabling signers ................................................................................................... 52
3.2.2 Managing signer parameters .......................................................................................... 52 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 52 Creating Entrust encryption signer parameters .................................................... 53 Creating Entrust decryption signer parameters .................................................... 53 Creating GnuPG encryption signer parameters ................................................... 53 Creating GnuPG decryption signer parameters ................................................... 53 Creating PGP encryption signer parameters ........................................................ 53 Creating PGP decryption signer parameters ........................................................ 54 Creating safeX encryption signer parameters ...................................................... 54 Creating safeX decryption signer parameters ...................................................... 54 Creating command line encryption signer parameters ....................................... 54 Creating command line decryption signer parameters ....................................... 54 Editing signer parameters ................................................................................... 55 Deleting signer parameters ................................................................................ 55
3.3 Managing format processors ............................................................................................... 55
3.3.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 55
3.3.2 Creating format processor parameters ........................................................................... 56
3.3.3 Editing format processor parameters .............................................................................. 56
3.3.4 Deleting format processor parameters ............................................................................ 56
3.4 Managing interchanges ........................................................................................................ 56
3.4.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 57
3.4.2 Creating interchanges ..................................................................................................... 57
3.4.3 Editing interchanges ....................................................................................................... 57
3.4.4 Deleting interchanges ..................................................................................................... 58
3.4.5 Enabling and disabling interchanges .............................................................................. 58
3.4.6 Linking interchanges to character sets ........................................................................... 58
3.4.7 Optimizing interchanges ................................................................................................. 59

4 Managing other interface data .................................................................................61
4.1 Managing transaction subtype mappings .......................................................................... 61
4.1.1 Managing internal file codes ........................................................................................... 61 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 61 Creating internal file codes ................................................................................... 62 Editing internal file codes ...................................................................................... 62 Deleting internal file codes ................................................................................... 62
4.1.2 Managing counterparty file codes ................................................................................... 62 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................... 63
WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide

5 Creating counterparty file codes ........................................................................... 63 Editing counterparty file codes ............................................................................. 63 Deleting counterparty file codes ........................................................................... 64 Managing counterparty file codes for SWIFT ACK and NACK bank messages ... 64 Managing mappings ............................................................................................. 65
4.2 Managing branch qualifiers ................................................................................................. 65
4.2.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 65
4.2.2 Creating branch qualifiers ............................................................................................... 65
4.2.3 Editing branch qualifiers .................................................................................................. 66
4.2.4 Deleting branch qualifiers ............................................................................................... 66

5 Using the web services interface ............................................................................67
5.1 SOAP schemas ...................................................................................................................... 67
5.1.1 Request/response header schema ................................................................................. 67
5.1.2 Request body schema .................................................................................................... 69
5.1.3 Response body schema ................................................................................................. 69
5.2 Importing messages using the web services interface ..................................................... 70
5.2.1 Deploying the web service and creating the adaptor ...................................................... 72
5.2.2 Securing the web service ................................................................................................ 72 Generating and configuring SSL certificates ........................................................ 72 Editing the extwsaccessconfig.xml file ................................................................. 73
5.2.3 Managing the interchange (and related data) ................................................................. 76 Managing the interchange (and related data) ....................................................... 76
5.2.4 Testing the import process .............................................................................................. 76 Testing an accounts payable file import process that uses the web services interface
77 Testing a direct debit file import process that uses the web services interface .... 78
5.3 Exporting messages using the web services interface ..................................................... 79
5.3.1 Deploying the web service and creating the adaptor ...................................................... 80
5.3.2 Securing the web service ................................................................................................ 81 Editing the sslconnectionproperties.xml file .......................................................... 81
5.3.3 Managing the interchange (and related data) ................................................................. 82
5.3.4 Managing the interchange (and related data) ................................................................. 82
5.3.5 Testing the export process .............................................................................................. 82 Testing a payment file export process that uses the web services interface ........ 83 Testing a direct debit file export process that uses the web services interface .... 83
5.4 Example SOAP messages .................................................................................................... 83
5.4.1 Initiation request message .............................................................................................. 83
5.4.2 Positive initiation response message .............................................................................. 83
5.4.3 Negative initiation response message ............................................................................ 84
5.4.4 Transaction request message ......................................................................................... 85
5.4.5 Positive transaction response message ......................................................................... 85
5.4.6 Negative transaction response message ........................................................................ 86
5.5 Example SOAP message construction and consumption ................................................ 86
5.5.1 Binding XML schemas to Java code ............................................................................... 87
5.5.2 Constructing and consuming SOAP messages .............................................................. 89

© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Constructing and consuming SOAP messages for the import process ................ 90 Constructing and consuming SOAP messages for the export process ................ 97

6 Using the command line interface ...........................................................................99
6.1 Connecting interface components ...................................................................................... 99
6.1.1 Connecting transport mechanisms ................................................................................. 99
6.1.2 Connecting security mechanisms ................................................................................. 100
6.1.3 Connecting format processors ...................................................................................... 101
6.1.4 Configuring interchanges that use the command line parameters ................................ 101
6.2 Example implementation of the command line interface ................................................ 102
6.2.1 Completing prerequisite steps ...................................................................................... 103
6.2.2 Configuring the transport mechanism ........................................................................... 104 Setting up and connecting the transport mechanism ......................................... 104 Testing the transport mechanism ....................................................................... 106
6.2.3 Configuring the security mechanisms ........................................................................... 106 Generating GnuPG keys .................................................................................... 106 Testing GnuPG keys .......................................................................................... 107 Setting up and connecting the security mechanism ........................................... 107 Testing the security mechanisms ....................................................................... 112
6.2.4 Configuring the format processors ................................................................................ 113 Setting up and connecting format processors .................................................... 113
6.2.5 Importing bank transaction files using the command line interface .............................. 114 Creating the bank transaction import interface ................................................... 114 Testing the bank transaction import interface with unencrypted files ................. 115 Testing the bank transaction import interface with encrypted files ..................... 115
6.2.6 Importing accounts payable files using the command line interface ............................. 116 Creating the accounts payable import interface ................................................. 116 Testing the accounts payable import interface ................................................... 117
6.2.7 Exporting payment files using the command line interface ........................................... 117 Creating the payment export interface ............................................................... 117 Testing the payment export interface ................................................................. 118

7 Using XML-template-based formats ......................................................................119
7.1 Creating custom formats .................................................................................................... 120
7.1.1 Creating custom import formats .................................................................................... 121 Adding formats to the fileimportexportformats.xml file ........................................ 121 Adding format patterns to the importfilepattern.xml file ...................................... 123 Creating transaction subtype mappings for formats ........................................... 124 Adding formats to the appropriate specification map files .................................. 124 Creating format parser and mapping files .......................................................... 126
7.1.2 Creating custom export formats .................................................................................... 127 Adding formats to the fileimportexportformats.xml file ........................................ 127 Creating breakup definitions ............................................................................... 127 Creating payment aggregation definitions .......................................................... 127 Adding formats to the specificationmap.xml file ................................................. 128 Creating format validation and generation files .................................................. 128

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


7.2 Testing custom formats ..................................................................................................... 129
7.2.1 Testing custom formats ................................................................................................. 129
7.2.2 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 130
7.3 Going live ............................................................................................................................. 132

Appendix A: Standard formats .............................................................................................133
A.1 Summary of standard banking formats ............................................................................ 133
A.2 Forecast import formats .................................................................................................... 134
A.2.1 Wallstreet XML forecast ............................................................................................... 134
A.2.1.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 135
A.2.1.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 135
A.2.1.3 attribute elements ............................................................................................... 136
A.2.2 Wallstreet flat file forecast ............................................................................................ 136
A.2.2.1 Wallstreet flat file forecast header ...................................................................... 136
A.2.2.2 Wallstreet flat file forecast body ......................................................................... 138
A.3 Transaction import formats ............................................................................................... 143
A.3.1 Wallstreet XML transaction ........................................................................................... 143
A.3.1.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 144
A.3.1.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 144
A.3.1.3 attribute elements ............................................................................................... 145
A.3.1.4 component_transaction elements ...................................................................... 145
A.3.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts payable ............................................................................. 146
A.3.2.1 Wallstreet flat file accounts payable header ....................................................... 146
A.3.2.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts payable body .......................................................... 147
A.3.3 Wallstreet flat file accounts receivable ......................................................................... 159
A.3.3.1 Wallstreet flat file accounts receivable ............................................................... 160
A.3.3.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts receivable body ...................................................... 161
A.3.4 Wallstreet flat file direct debit ........................................................................................ 164
A.3.4.1 Wallstreet flat file direct debit header ................................................................. 165
A.3.4.2 Wallstreet flat file direct debit body .................................................................... 166
A.3.5 EDIFACT PAYEXT ....................................................................................................... 174
A.3.5.1 EDIFACT PAYEXT start of interchange ............................................................. 175
A.3.5.2 EDIFACT PAYEXT start of message ................................................................. 177
A.3.5.3 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 1 ................................................................. 180
A.3.5.4 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 2 ................................................................. 181
A.3.5.5 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 3 ................................................................. 182
A.3.5.6 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 4 ................................................................. 185
A.3.5.7 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 5 ................................................................. 190
A.3.5.8 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 7 ................................................................. 191
A.3.5.9 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 8 ................................................................. 193
A.3.5.10 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 15 ............................................................. 195
A.3.5.11 EDIFACT PAYEXT end of message ................................................................ 196
A.3.5.12 EDIFACT PAYEXT end of interchange ............................................................ 197
A.4 Bank message import formats .......................................................................................... 198
A.4.1 Wallstreet XML bank message ..................................................................................... 198
A.4.1.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 198


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

A.4.1.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 199
A.4.1.3 attribute elements ............................................................................................... 199
A.4.2 Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgement ............................................................. 199
A.4.2.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 200
A.4.2.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 200
A.4.3 ISO 20022 XML payment status ................................................................................... 201
A.4.3.1 ISO 20022 XML payment status format ............................................................. 201
A.4.3.2 ISO 20022 XML payment status parsing logic ................................................... 204
A.4.3.3 ISO 20022 XML payment status valid codes ..................................................... 206
A.5 Bank transaction and balance import formats ................................................................ 211
A.5.1 Wallstreet XML bank statement .................................................................................... 211
A.5.1.1 bankaccountstatementholder element ............................................................... 212
A.5.1.2 account_statement elements ............................................................................. 213
A.5.1.3 account elements ............................................................................................... 213
A.5.1.4 balance elements ............................................................................................... 213
A.5.1.5 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 214
A.5.2 Wallstreet XML bank transaction and balance ............................................................. 214
A.5.2.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 215
A.5.2.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 215
A.5.2.3 attribute elements ............................................................................................... 216
A.5.3 SWIFT MT940 .............................................................................................................. 216
A.5.3.1 SWIFT MT940 layout ......................................................................................... 217
A.5.3.2 SWIFT MT940 header blocks ............................................................................ 217
A.5.3.3 SWIFT MT940 main message block .................................................................. 221
A.5.3.4 SWIFT MT940 validation .................................................................................... 221
A.5.4 SWIFT MT940 BCS ...................................................................................................... 224
A.5.4.1 SWIFT MT940 BCS layout ................................................................................. 225
A.5.4.2 SWIFT MT940 BCS tags .................................................................................... 225
A.5.4.3 SWIFT MT940 BCS validation ........................................................................... 227
A.6 Deal import formats ............................................................................................................ 229
A.6.1 Wallstreet flat file deal .................................................................................................. 229
A.6.1.1 Wallstreet flat file deal header ............................................................................ 230
A.6.1.2 Wallstreet flat file deal body ............................................................................... 231
A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal .......................................................................... 240
A.7 Transaction export formats ............................................................................................... 241
A.7.1 SWIFT MT101 .............................................................................................................. 241
A.7.1.1 SWIFT MT101 payment scenarios ..................................................................... 242
A.7.1.2 SWIFT MT101 layout ......................................................................................... 243
A.7.1.3 SWIFT MT101 header blocks ............................................................................ 244
A.7.1.4 SWIFT MT101 main message block .................................................................. 245
A.7.2 SWIFT MT101 validation .............................................................................................. 249
A.7.3 SWIFT MT104 .............................................................................................................. 250
A.7.3.1 SWIFT MT104 header block .............................................................................. 250
A.7.3.2 SWIFT MT104 main message block .................................................................. 251
A.7.4 SWIFT MT210 .............................................................................................................. 255
A.7.4.1 SWIFT MT210 header block .............................................................................. 255
A.7.4.2 SWIFT MT210 main message block .................................................................. 256

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


A.7.5 ISO 20022 XML credit transfer ..................................................................................... 257
A.7.5.1 ISO 20022 XML credit transfer format ............................................................... 258
A.7.5.2 ISO 20022 XML credit transfer rules .................................................................. 265
A.7.6 ISO 20022 XML direct debit transfer ............................................................................ 267
A.7.6.1 ISO 20022 XML direct debit transfer format ....................................................... 268
A.8 Transaction message export formats ............................................................................... 272
A.8.1 Wallstreet XML payment message ............................................................................... 272
A.8.1.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 275
A.8.1.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 275
A.8.1.3 debit elements .................................................................................................... 275
A.8.1.4 debit_basics elements ........................................................................................ 276
A.8.1.5 debit_bank_account elements ........................................................................... 276
A.8.1.6 debit_bank elements .......................................................................................... 276
A.8.1.7 debit_party elements .......................................................................................... 277
A.8.1.8 credit elements ................................................................................................... 277
A.8.1.9 credit_basics elements ....................................................................................... 277
A.8.1.10 credit_bank_account elements ........................................................................ 278
A.8.1.11 credit_bank elements ....................................................................................... 278
A.8.1.12 intermediary_bank elements ............................................................................ 279
A.8.1.13 credit_party elements ....................................................................................... 279
A.8.1.14 originating_party elements ............................................................................... 279
A.8.1.15 additional_info elements .................................................................................. 280
A.8.1.16 remittance_details elements ............................................................................ 280
A.8.2 Wallstreet XML receipt message .................................................................................. 281
A.8.2.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 283
A.8.2.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 284
A.8.2.3 credit elements ................................................................................................... 284
A.8.2.4 credit_basics elements ....................................................................................... 284
A.8.2.5 credit_bank_account elements .......................................................................... 284
A.8.2.6 credit_bank elements ......................................................................................... 285
A.8.2.7 credit_party elements ......................................................................................... 285
A.8.2.8 debit elements .................................................................................................... 285
A.8.2.9 debit_basics elements ........................................................................................ 286
A.8.2.10 debit_bank_account elements ......................................................................... 286
A.8.2.11 debit_bank elements ........................................................................................ 287
A.8.2.12 intermediary_bank elements ............................................................................ 287
A.8.2.13 debit_party elements ........................................................................................ 287
A.8.2.14 originating_party elements ............................................................................... 288
A.8.2.15 additional_info elements .................................................................................. 288
A.9 General ledger posting export formats ............................................................................ 289
A.9.1 Wallstreet XML general ledger posting ......................................................................... 289
A.9.1.1 transactions element .......................................................................................... 290
A.9.1.2 transaction elements .......................................................................................... 290
A.10 Free formats ...................................................................................................................... 291
A.10.1 SWIFT MT199 and MT999 ......................................................................................... 291
A.10.1.1 SWIFT MT199 and MT999 header block ......................................................... 292
A.10.1.2 SWIFT MT199 and MT999 main message block ............................................. 292


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas ................................................................................................. 292
A.11.1 Transaction schema ................................................................................................... 293
A.11.2 Transaction acknowledgement schema ..................................................................... 294
A.11.3 Bank statement schema ............................................................................................. 294
A.11.4 Payment message schema ........................................................................................ 296
A.11.5 Receipt message schema .......................................................................................... 299
A.11.6 General ledger posting schema .................................................................................. 301
A.12 Supplemental information for EDIFACT formats ........................................................... 302
A.12.1 EDIFACT Level A character set ................................................................................. 302
A.12.1.1 Alphabetic characters (a) ................................................................................. 303
A.12.1.2 Numeric characters (n) ..................................................................................... 303
A.12.1.3 Alphabetic characters (an) ............................................................................... 303
A.12.1.4 Element lengths ............................................................................................... 303
A.13 Supplemental information for SWIFT formats ............................................................... 303
A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths .................................................................................................... 303
A.13.2 SWIFT field types ....................................................................................................... 304
A.13.3 SWIFT character sets ................................................................................................. 304
A.13.3.1 SWIFT X character set ..................................................................................... 304
A.13.3.2 SWIFT Y character set ..................................................................................... 304
A.13.3.3 SWIFT Z character set ..................................................................................... 304
A.13.4 SWIFT transaction type identification code mappings ................................................ 305
A.13.5 SWIFT business transaction code (GVC) mappings .................................................. 306
A.14 Syntactic validation of incoming and outgoing MX messages .................................... 308

Appendix B: Attributes ..........................................................................................................311
B.1 Import attributes ................................................................................................................. 312
B.1.1 Forecast import attributes ............................................................................................. 312
B.1.2 Accounts payable import attributes .............................................................................. 316
B.1.3 Accounts receivable import attributes ........................................................................... 325
B.1.4 Bank transaction import attributes ................................................................................ 328
B.1.5 Bank balance import attributes ..................................................................................... 330
B.1.6 Bank message import attributes ................................................................................... 331
B.1.7 Interchange import attributes ........................................................................................ 332
B.1.8 File import attributes ..................................................................................................... 333
B.2 Export attributes ................................................................................................................. 334
B.2.1 Payment export attributes ............................................................................................. 334
B.2.2 Receipt export attributes ............................................................................................... 351
B.2.3 Credit advice export attributes ...................................................................................... 358
B.2.4 Remittance detail export attributes ............................................................................... 359
B.2.5 Bank statement export attributes .................................................................................. 360
B.2.6 Company general ledger export attributes ................................................................... 365
B.2.7 Interchange export attributes ........................................................................................ 366

Appendix C: Handlers............................................................................................................369
C.1 add_to_buffer ...................................................................................................................... 371
C.1.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 371
WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


C.1.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 371
C.2 attribute_defined_element ................................................................................................. 371
C.2.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 371
C.2.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 372
C.3 build_mail_message .......................................................................................................... 372
C.3.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 372
C.3.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 372
C.4 build_txn_groups ............................................................................................................... 373
C.4.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 373
C.4.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 373
C.5 charset ................................................................................................................................. 374
C.5.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 374
C.5.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 374
C.6 component_transactions ................................................................................................... 375
C.6.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 375
C.6.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 375
C.7 condition_test_element ..................................................................................................... 375
C.7.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 375
C.7.2 Component handlers .................................................................................................... 376
C.7.3 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 380
C.8 configure_attribute_container ........................................................................................... 383
C.8.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 383
C.8.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 383
C.9 context_defined_element .................................................................................................. 383
C.9.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................... 384
C.9.2 Examples ...................................................................................................................... 384
C.10 context_value_iterator ..................................................................................................... 385
C.10.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 385
C.10.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 385
C.11 create_node ...................................................................................................................... 385
C.11.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 385
C.11.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 385
C.12 create_object .................................................................................................................... 385
C.12.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 386
C.12.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 386
C.13 create_tree ........................................................................................................................ 386
C.13.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 386
C.13.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 386
C.14 echo ................................................................................................................................... 386
C.14.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 387
C.14.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 387
C.15 find_parent_node ............................................................................................................. 387
C.15.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 388
C.15.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 388


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

C.16 find_root_node ................................................................................................................. 388
C.16.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 388
C.16.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 388
C.17 get_system_date .............................................................................................................. 388
C.17.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 388
C.17.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 389
C.18 if ......................................................................................................................................... 389
C.18.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 389
C.18.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 389
C.19 include ............................................................................................................................... 390
C.19.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 390
C.19.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 391
C.20 increment_counter ........................................................................................................... 391
C.20.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 391
C.20.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 391
C.21 insert_chars ...................................................................................................................... 391
C.21.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 391
C.21.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 392
C.22 iterate_db_result_set ....................................................................................................... 392
C.22.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 392
C.22.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 392
C.23 jython_script ..................................................................................................................... 393
C.23.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 393
C.23.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 393
C.24 log_invalid_transaction ................................................................................................... 393
C.24.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 393
C.24.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 393
C.25 map_value ......................................................................................................................... 394
C.25.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 394
C.25.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 394
C.26 mathFunction .................................................................................................................... 395
C.26.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 395
C.26.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 395
C.27 pad_handler ...................................................................................................................... 395
C.27.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 396
C.27.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 396
C.28 parse_delimiter ................................................................................................................. 396
C.28.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 396
C.28.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 397
C.29 parse_fixed_width ............................................................................................................ 397
C.29.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 398
C.29.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 398
C.30 parse_range_width ........................................................................................................... 398
C.30.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 398

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


C.30.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 399
C.31 parse_xml_tree ................................................................................................................. 399
C.31.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 400
C.31.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 400
C.32 remittance_details_list ..................................................................................................... 400
C.32.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 400
C.32.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 400
C.33 remove_chars ................................................................................................................... 400
C.33.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 401
C.33.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 401
C.34 remove_context_variable ................................................................................................ 401
C.34.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 401
C.34.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 401
C.35 replace_string ................................................................................................................... 402
C.35.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 402
C.35.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 402
C.36 reset_counter .................................................................................................................... 402
C.36.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 402
C.36.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 402
C.37 save_value_to_context .................................................................................................... 403
C.37.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 403
C.37.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 403
C.38 send_mail_message ......................................................................................................... 403
C.38.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 404
C.38.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 404
C.39 set_context_variable ........................................................................................................ 404
C.39.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 404
C.39.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 404
C.40 set_node_attribute ........................................................................................................... 405
C.40.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 405
C.40.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 405
C.41 set_value ........................................................................................................................... 406
C.41.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 406
C.41.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 406
C.42 sql_query_call ................................................................................................................... 407
C.42.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 407
C.42.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 408
C.43 static_data_element ......................................................................................................... 409
C.43.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 409
C.43.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 409
C.44 store_object ...................................................................................................................... 409
C.44.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 409
C.44.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 409
C.45 substring ........................................................................................................................... 409

© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

C.45.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 410
C.45.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 410
C.46 traverse_tree ..................................................................................................................... 410
C.46.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 410
C.46.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 411
C.47 truncate_handler .............................................................................................................. 412
C.47.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 412
C.47.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 412
C.48 txn_aggregation ................................................................................................................ 413
C.48.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 413
C.48.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 414
C.49 txn_groups_list ................................................................................................................. 414
C.49.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 415
C.49.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 415
C.50 txn_list ............................................................................................................................... 415
C.50.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 415
C.50.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 415
C.51 use_attribute_container ................................................................................................... 416
C.51.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 416
C.51.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 416
C.52 use_buffer_input .............................................................................................................. 416
C.52.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 416
C.52.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 416
C.53 use_node_attribute .......................................................................................................... 417
C.53.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 417
C.53.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 417
C.54 use_node_value ................................................................................................................ 417
C.54.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 417
C.54.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 417
C.55 use_output_device ........................................................................................................... 418
C.55.1 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 418
C.55.2 Examples .................................................................................................................... 418

Appendix D: SSL certificate generation and configuration ...............................................419
D.1 Assumptions ....................................................................................................................... 420
D.2 Generating SSL certificates ............................................................................................... 420
D.2.1 Generating SSL certificates .......................................................................................... 420
D.3 Creating a secure website using IIS ................................................................................. 423
D.3.1 Assigning an additional IP address .............................................................................. 423
D.3.1.1 Assigning an additional IP address .................................................................... 424
D.3.2 Creating a secure website ............................................................................................ 424
D.3.2.1 Creating a secure website ................................................................................. 424
D.3.3 Configuring the secure website .................................................................................... 425
D.3.3.1 Configuring the secure website .......................................................................... 425
WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


D.3.4 Creating a virtual folder for content .............................................................................. 427
D.3.4.1 Creating a virtual folder for content .................................................................... 427
D.3.5 Configuring two-way SSL ............................................................................................. 428
D.3.5.1 Importing server and CA certificates .................................................................. 428
D.3.5.2 Assigning the server certificate .......................................................................... 431
D.3.6 Configuring one-way SSL ............................................................................................. 432
D.3.6.1 Configuring one-way SSL .................................................................................. 432
D.4 Creating a secure website using Tomcat ......................................................................... 433
D.4.1 Creating a secure website using Tomcat ..................................................................... 434
D.5 Testing HTTPS configuration ............................................................................................ 434
D.5.1 Importing client certificates to the web browser ........................................................... 434
D.5.2 Configuring CMM with PKI X509 .................................................................................. 435
D.5.3 Testing CMM with PKI X509 ........................................................................................ 436


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential


This guide enables WebSuite system administrators to set up the Cash Management Module’s
interfaces and, where appropriate, to use the Web services interface, the command line interface,
and XML-template-based formats to create custom interface components.

Note: The term "interfaces" in this guide refers to interfaces that connect WebSuite to banks and
other external systems. For information on the user interface, see the WebSuite User
Guide and the WebSuite System Administration Guide.

WebSuite users and system administrators as well as other interest parties should have a general
knowledge of the following:


Basic cash management


The bank, enterprise resource planning (ERP), and other systems connected to WebSuite


The technologies used in setting up interfaces, particularly XML


The Web browser you are using to access CMM (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer).

Experience with Wallstreet Suite’s other modules—particularly Transaction and Risk Module (TRM)
and Accounting Module (ACM)—is beneficial but not necessary.

How to use this guide
To use this guide, follow the recommended reading and be aware of the assumptions defined in this

Recommended reading
If you are new to CMM, read Chapter 1 Overview on page 19.
If you are responsible for configuring interfaces, read the following chapters in this guide:


Chapter 2 Managing formats on page 37


Chapter 3 Managing interchanges (and related data) on page 41


4.1 Managing transaction subtype mappings on page 61.

If you are responsible for creating or maintaining customized interface components, the following
chapters in this guide:


Chapter 5 Using the web services interface on page 67


Chapter 6 Using the command line interface on page 99


Chapter 7 Using XML-template-based formats on page 119.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


Note: Connecting to the SWIFT system is described in the WSS SWIFT Connectivity Guide.

This guide assumes the following:


You are using the default menu installed with CMM.


You have enabled JavaScript by setting the JavaScript Enabled configuration parameter to True.


You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer.


You have access to the CMM application server.

Associated documents
Associated documents can be accessed from the Help menu of TRM and ACM. All Wallstreet Suite
user documentation can be downloaded from the Wallstreet Customer Support site


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

Chapter 1


An important step in implementing the Cash Management Module (CMM) part of WebSuite for an
organization is connecting the module to other financial systems through interfaces.
The creation and maintenance of interfaces is an involved process. It requires the efforts of several
parties, including the following:


Your organization


Wallstreet or one of its implementation partners


The external systems to which your organization wants to connect CMM (particularly bank

1.1 Understanding interfaces
Interfaces are a key feature of CMM. They facilitate straight-through processing of information
between CMM and your organization’s bank, enterprise resource planning, treasury management,
and other external systems.
Using interfaces, you can import information to and export information from CMM:







Payments (AP)




Receipts (AR)


Credit advices


Direct debits


Direct debits


Bank transactions


Letters of credit


Bank messages


Positive payments


Free format messages


Remittance advices


Interest rates


Confirmation messages


Foreign exchange rates


Requisition messages


Static data.


Free format messages


Bank statements


Bank balances


General ledger postings.

Each interface your organization uses in CMM is defined by an interchange. An interchange specifies
its interface’s type and format as well as how information is transferred between CMM and other
financial systems.

Note: For more information on interchanges, see Chapter 3 Managing interchanges (and related
data) on page 41.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


1.2 Defining interface components
Each interface in CMM consists of the following components:


One format


One connection point


One transport mechanism


One or more security mechanisms.

With these components, you can import and export information as presented in the following

1.2.1 Defining formats
An interface’s format specifies the layout of its files. Each format can be one of the following:


An industry standard, such as SWIFT MT103 for payments


A variation of an industry standard used by a specific party or in a specific country or region


A CMM standard



A set of default formats are provided with CMM. These formats are specified in a file named
fileimportexportformats.xml, which is included in the CMM installation. You can add formats to


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

this file. In addition, you should remove formats from this file that your organization is not planning
to use to ensure optimal performance of CMM.

Note: For information on the fileimportexportformats.xml file, see 2.1 Configuring the
fileimportexportformats.xml file on page 37.

If a format is specified in the fileimportexportformats.xml file, you can import or export files in
that format. However, if a format is not specified in the fileimportexportformats.xml file, you
need to transform files in that format to a format in the file before importing or exporting them. You
do this using format processor parameters.

Note: For information on format processor parameters, see 3.3 Managing format processors on
page 55.

1.2.2 Connection points
A connection point is a location from which CMM picks up files (for imports) or to which CMM drops
off files (for exports).
Usually, you define an interface’s connection point in its interchange. This is the approach Wallstreet
recommends. However, if you do not define a connection point in the interface’s interchange, CMM
refers to and uses the default import or export folder instead.
The following table presents the default folders for imports:
Interface type


Forecast files


Accounts payable files


Accounts receivable files


Direct debit files


Bank transactions


Bank messages


Interest rates


Foreign exchange rates


Static data (entities)


Static data (counterparties)


Static data (bank accounts)


Note: In the above table, [DefaultImportFolder] is the default import folder defined by the

Default File Import Directory configuration parameter (for example, C:\cmm\Imports\)
and [CounterpartyID] is the ID of the interface’s counterparty (for example, SmithCo).

The following table presents the default folders for exports:
Interface type


Payment files


Receipt files


Credit advice files


WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


Interface type


Direct debit files


Letter of credit files


Positive pay files


Remittance advice files


Confirmation messages (BANSTA)


Confirmation messages (HTML)


Requisition messages


Bank statements


External general ledger files


External general ledger files


Note: In the above table, [DefaultExportFolder] is the default export folder defined by the

Default File Export Directory configuration parameter (for example, C:\cmm\Exports\) and
[CounterpartyID] is the ID of the interface’s counterparty (for example, SmithCo).

For information on setting the Default File Import Directory and Default File Export Directory
configuration parameters, see 1.4.4 Setting interface configuration parameters on page 27.
Locations defined in interchanges and the previously mentioned configuration parameters must be
physical folders accessible to the CMM application server.

1.2.3 Transport mechanisms
A transport mechanism allows CMM to pick up files from or drop off files to the connection point
without intervention from external applications.
In CMM, transport mechanisms are called "communication protocols". The following are the
communication protocols available for use in the module:
Communication protocol

Reason to use the communication protocol


You are transporting files through FTP.

MQ Series Communication

You are transporting files through MQSeries.

Generic command line

You are transporting files through a third-party tool connected to CMM by the
command line interface.

Request Response

You are transporting files through a third-party tool connected to CMM by the
web services interface.

SWIFTNet Adaptor

You are transporting files to and from SWIFTNet.

Note: For information on creating and maintaining parameters for communication protocols, see
3.1 Managing transport mechanisms on page 41.


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

1.2.4 Security mechanisms
Security mechanisms ensure a file cannot be tampered with while being transported to or from
CMM. You can assign one or more security mechanisms to each interface.
In CMM, a security mechanism is called a "signer". Signers either encrypt export files or decrypt
import files. In addition, you can use signers to create or verify digital signatures. A digital signature
identifies the sender and connects the sender to an exact message. When combined with a digital
time stamp, a digital signature can be used to verify the time the message was sent. Anyone who
has a party’s public key can verify the integrity of that party’s digital signature. If a message from
the party is altered in any way, the signature does not decrypt properly. This indicate that the
message was altered in transit or that copying it from a different message forged the signature.
CMM supports the following third-party tools:









If your organization has installed these tools, it can create and maintain signer parameters in CMM
that use them to encrypt, decrypt and sign files.
If you want to use other tools or use these tools in a manner different than how they were
implemented in CMM, you can use the command line interface.

Note: For information on creating and maintaining signer parameters, see 3.2 Managing security
mechanisms on page 51.

1.3 Implementing interfaces
Implementing interfaces requires the following steps:

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


1.3.1 Determining your organization’s interface needs
The first step in implementing interfaces is to determine your organization’s specific interface needs.
To do this, ask yourself the following questions:



What information will you be importing to CMM?


What is the source of this information?


What is the format of this information?


How will the information be transported to CMM?


Will security (decryption and digital signatures) be required?




What information will you be exporting from CMM?


What is the destination of this information?


What is the format of this information?


How will the information be transported from CMM?


Will security (encryption and digital signatures) be required?

You may need to work with your organization’s banks and other providers as well as Wallstreet or
one of its partners to answer these questions.
When you have completed answering these questions, you will have a list of formats, transport
mechanisms, and security mechanisms, some of which will be supported by CMM and some of which
will not be supported by CMM:
For the former, you can use standard interface components.


For more information, see 1.3.2 Using standard interface components on page 24.
For the latter, you (or a consultant) must use CMM tools to create custom interface components.


For more information, see 1.3.3 Using CMM tools to create custom interface components on
page 24.

1.3.2 Using standard interface components
As noted in 1.2 Defining interface components on page 20, CMM supports a standard set of interface
formats, transport mechanisms (or "communication protocols"), and security mechanisms (or
If these standard interface components meet the needs you identified in 1.3.1 Determining your
organization’s interface needs on page 24, you can create parameters in CMM that utilize them. You
can then create interchanges that refer to those parameters. For more information, see Chapter 3
Managing interchanges (and related data) on page 41.

1.3.3 Using CMM tools to create custom interface components
If one or more of your needs are not satisfied by CMM’s standard interface components, you can
create custom interface components using the following CMM tools:

Use to createº

Transport mechanisms

Security mechanisms

Web services interface


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential


Use to createº

Command line interface

XML-template-based formats
Each tool uses a different set of web-based technologies and requires varying levels of technical
knowledge. If you do not have this knowledge, consider hiring a consultant. Web services interface
The web services interface allows you to connect CMM to an application external to CMM through an
adaptor. The application then transforms, secures, or transports files for CMM.
To use an application external to CMM with the web services interface, you must install it in an
appropriate location accessible to the CMM application server and create an adaptor to connect it to
CMM. Therefore, you require extensive knowledge of the third-party application.
The application can create status messages and pass them on to CMM. These status messages
display in CMM’s job log. Therefore, exception handling and status reporting for interfaces created
through the web services interface are independent of CMM’s standard exception handling and
status reporting and can be as detailed and user friendly as you require.
For more information on the web services interface, see Chapter 5 Using the web services interface
on page 67. Command line interface
The command line interface allows you to use applications external to CMM to transform, secure,
and transport files (assuming the applications are executable from the command line).
To use an application external to CMM with the command line interface, you must install it in an
appropriate location accessible to the CMM application server and create commands. This requires
knowledge of the third-party application. For example, to use Perl to transform files from one format
to another, you need know how to install Perl and create commands in it.
After you have installed the application and created commands, you can create communication
protocol, signer, or format processor parameters in CMM that reference the application through the
command line interface. You can then create interchanges that use these parameters.
For more information on the command line interface, see Chapter 6 Using the command line
interface on page 99. XML-template-based formats
Using XML templates, you can specify custom formats for the following types of information:







Payments (AP)


Direct debits


Receipts (AR)


Letters of credit


Direct debits




Bank statements


Credit advices


Bank messages.


Bank statements


General ledger postings.

To import files using XML-template-based formats, you must first map attributes from the source
external system to attributes in CMM, you can create an XML template based on this mapping.
To export files using XML-template-based formats, you follow a similar process.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


For more information on XML-template-based formats, see Chapter 7 Using XML-template-based
formats on page 119.

1.3.4 Testing interfaces
Wallstreet recommends you test your interfaces before going live. To do this, set up the interfaces
on your organization’s CMM test environment. Working with your organization’s banks and other
external systems, import sample files to the test environment or export sample files from the test
environment. If exporting sample files, confirm with the banks or other external systems that they
have received and can process the files.

1.3.5 Going live
If your interfaces pass testing, you can set them up in your production environment and go live.
The following tasks require interchanges (using your interfaces) be set up to run successfully:


Importing static data


Importing interest rates


Importing foreign exchange rates


Importing forecasts


Importing transactions


Releasing transactions


Managing bank messages


Managing free format bank messages


Importing bank statements, transactions, and balances


Exporting bank statements


Exporting bank balances


Exporting external general ledger files.

You can schedule these tasks in the Task Scheduler function or manually run them on a one-time
basis. For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide and the WebSuite System Administration

1.4 Setting configuration parameters
CMM’s configuration parameters allow you to configure key components of the module, including
default functional settings and file paths. A subset of these configuration parameters is relevant to
interfaces and can be set in either the Configuration Parameters function or the Interfaces
Configuration Maintenance function.


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

1.4.1 Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for opening configuration files:



Ensure you have access to the following functions:

FG-0014 Configuration Parameters


FG-0460 View/Edit Interfaces Configuration.

For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide.

1.4.2 Setting configuration parameters using the Configuration Parameters
To set a configuration parameter using the Configuration Parameters function:
1. Select Admin - Utilities - Setup - Configuration Parameters.
2. In the Configuration Parameters Maintenance [list] page, enter search criteria.
3. Click Search.
4. Drill down on the configuration parameter.
5. In the Configuration Parameters Maintenance [editor] page, set the configuration parameter.
6. Click Save.

1.4.3 Setting configuration parameters using the Interfaces Configuration
Maintenance function
To set a configuration parameter using the Interfaces Configuration Maintenance function:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Interfaces Configuration Maintenance.
2. In the resulting page, set the configuration parameter.
3. Click Save.

1.4.4 Setting interface configuration parameters
This section defines the configuration parameters relevant to interfaces. You must set these
configuration parameters before configuring interfaces. Attached to SWIFT Network
The Attached to SWIFT Network configuration parameter specifies if specific SWIFT message
processing is enabled:


Possible values

• True
Specific SWIFT message processing is enabled because the application server has direct
access to the SWIFT network.

• False
Specific SWIFT message processing is not enabled.
Default value



WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide




Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance BAI Validation on Control Amount
The BAI Validation on Control Amount configuration parameter specifies if control amount validation
during BAI import is enabled:


Possible values

• True
Control amount validation during BAI import is enabled.

• False
Control amount validation during BAI import is disabled.
Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Citibank Enterprise ID
The Citibank Enterprise ID configuration parameter specifies the Citibank message request
enterprise ID:


Possible values


[Valid Citibank enterprise ID]
The Citibank message request enterprise ID.

Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters Communication Maximum Buffer Size
The Communication Maximum Buffer Size configuration parameter specifies the maximum size of
the communication processing buffer in bytes:







Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance


[Valid number]
The maximum size of the communication processing buffer in bytes. For example, MQSeries
requires string buffers on import and export. If the buffer size is too large, out of memory
errors can occur. (During imports, if the buffer size is exceeded, an error displays asking you
to increase buffer size to process messages. During exports, if the buffer size is exceeded,
CMM splits the messages into smaller files.)

© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Default File Export Directory
The Default File Export Directory configuration parameter specifies the default file path CMM
references when writing export files:


Possible values


[Valid file path]
The default file path CMM references when writing export files.

Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Default File Import Directory
The Default File Import Directory configuration parameter specifies the default file path CMM
references when reading import files:


Possible values


[Valid file path]
The default file path CMM references when reading import files.

Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Enable Shared Service Center
The Enable Shared Service Center configuration parameter specifies whether the Shared Service Center
field displays in the Interchanges function for SWIFT format interchanges:


Possible values

• True
The Shared Service Center field displays in the Interchanges function for SWIFT format

• False
The Shared Service Center field does not display in the Interchanges function for SWIFT
format interchanges.
Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters GnuPG Home Directory
The GnuPG Home Directory configuration parameter specifies the file path in which GnuPG is


Possible values


[Valid file path]
The file path in which GnuPG is installed.

Default value



WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide




Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Import of value date balances enabled
The Import of value date balances enabled configuration parameter specifies how to treat tags 64
and 65 in a SWIFT MT940 message:


Possible values


SWIFT MT940 message import: field 64 (Closing Available Balance) and field 65
(Forward Available Balance) are imported into WebSuite and are not recalculated.



SWIFT MT940 message import: field 64 (Closing Available Balance) and field 65
(Forward Available Balance) are ignored by WebSuite which calculates these figures.
Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Maintain SWIFT Template At Payment and Deal Entry
The Maintain SWIFT Templates At Payment and Deal Entry configuration parameter specifies if users
can add or edit SWIFT templates during transaction or deal entry:


Possible values

• True
Users can add or edit SWIFT templates during transaction or deal entry.

• False
Users cannot add or edit SWIFT templates during transaction or deal entry.
Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Maximum String Buffer Process Size
The Maximum String Buffer Process Size configuration parameter specifies the maximum size of the
string buffer for import/export processing:


Possible values


[Valid whole number greater than 0]
The maximum size of the string buffer for import/export processing (defined in

Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential SafeX File Location
The SafeX 2.x File Location configuration parameter specifies the file path of the safeX executable:


Possible values


[Valid file path]
The file path of the safeX executable.

Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Static SWIFT Template Data
The Static SWIFT Template Data configuration parameter specifies if users can edit the default fields
of the SWIFT template:


Possible values

• True
Users can edit the default fields of the SWIFT template.

• False
Users cannot edit the default fields of the SWIFT template.
Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance SWIFT Duplicate Transaction Handling
The SWIFT Duplicate Transaction Handling configuration parameter specifies if CMM verifies that the
transactions in SWIFT files have not already been imported when import SWIFT files:



• True
When importing SWIFT files, CMM verifies that the transactions in the files have not already
been imported. If they have, CMM invokes duplicate transaction handling.

• False
When importing SWIFT files, CMM does not verify that the transactions in the files have not
already been imported.
Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide

31 SWIFT MT320 Version
The SWIFT MT320 Version configuration parameter specifies the version of SWIFT messaging
(MT320) used by CMM:


Possible values

• Version 1
CMM uses version 1 of SWIFT messaging (MT320).

• Version 2
CMM uses version 2 of SWIFT messaging (MT320).
Default value


Version 2

Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance SWIFT Payment Export Format
The SWIFT Payment Export Format configuration parameter specifies whether CMM uses the MT100
or MT103 format for SWIFT payment exports:


Possible values

• MT100
CMM uses the older MT100 format for SWIFT payment exports.

• MT103
CMM uses the newer MT103 format for SWIFT payment exports.
Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance Third-Party Software Location
The Third-Party Software Location configuration parameter specifies the file path for third-party
software accessed for interface security and communication:


Possible values


[Valid file path]
The file path for third-party software accessed for interface security and communication.

Default value



Editable in


Configuration Parameters


Interfaces Configuration Maintenance

1.5 Opening configuration files
Some interface tasks in CMM require you to open and edit configuration files.


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

Most configuration files utilize XML and are stored in one of these three locations:


Configuration files that are relevant to individual application servers are maintained in an
InstallationData folder for each application server. This folder is located here:


Configuration files that are relevant to the web interface as a whole are maintained in a central
ConfigurationData folder. This folder is located here:


Default configuration files that contain all of the CMM configuration. This folder is located here:

1.5.1 Configuration overrides
Any configuration file in the ConfigurationData or InstallationData folder overrides its "twin"
configuration file in the default CMM configuration directory (assuming it is in the correct subfolder)
without actually overwriting it.
The override order is as follows: the InstallationData folder takes precedence over
ConfigurationData which takes precedence over DefaultData.

1.5.2 Customization
Any customization must be done in the ConfigurationData or InstallationData folder.
If by default, the configuration file to customize is not present in these two folders, the original file
must be copied from the DefaultData folder and put under ConfigurationData folder (if this is to
be a global configuration change) or under the InstallationData folder (if this is an
environment-specific change), respecting the same directory hierarchy.

1.5.3 Upgrade
When upgrading Wallstreet Suite, before applying the old configuration files from the
InstallationData and ConfigurationData folders, you must check them against the new default
configurations available in the InstallationData/ConfigurationData/DefaultData folders of the
new installation, and merge what has been added between the two versions (for example, a new
import format may have been added).
Contact the Support Center if you have any doubts regarding the configuration merging.
You can edit most configuration files using the Review CMM Configuration Documents function. As a
result, you do not need access to the application server to edit files.
As of this release, the following configuration files are not available in the Review CMM Configuration
Documents function:


Class map files


Service definition files


Object mapping files


Files that can be modified through editors in the user interface.

In most situations, you do not need to edit these files. In a future release, you may be able to view
(but not edit) these files from the Review CMM Configuration Documents function.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


1.5.4 Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for opening configuration files:



Ensure you have access to the following function:

FG-0400 Review CMM Configuration.

For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide.

1.5.5 Opening configuration files with the Review CMM Configuration Documents
To open configuration files with the Review CMM Configuration Documents function:
1. Select Admin - Utilities - Setup - Review CMM Configuration Documents.
2. In the Review Configuration Documents page:


To view or edit all editable configuration files, or edit a configuration file, select
Installation Config Documents in the list.


To view or edit a subset of the most commonly modified editable configuration files, select
Standard Config Documents in the list.

You can also access files in the Runtime and VirtualDirectory folders:


To view a file in the Runtime folder, select Runtime Directory Documents in the list.


To view or edit a file in the VirtualDirectory folder, select Virtual Directory Config
Documents in the list.

3. Navigate to the configuration file you want to open using the bulleted list.
In the bulleted list, folders are represented by black bulleted list items while configuration files
are represented by blue bulleted list items. To view the contents of a folder, click its bulleted list
4. Click the configuration file. A window opens, displaying the contents of the configuration file:

5. Edit and save the configuration file as described in this guide.


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

When you first edit a configuration file in the Review CMM Configuration Documents function,
WebSuite creates a version of the file in the ConfigurationData folder. This version overrides
the default version from the DefaultData folder. However, the function allows you to delete the
custom version in the ConfigurationData folder and resume using the default version in the
DefaultData folder.

1.5.6 Opening configuration files without the Review CMM Configuration
Documents function
To open configuration files without the Review CMM Configuration Documents function (assuming
the files is not present already in the InstallationData or ConfigurationData folder):
1. Open the DefaultData folder:
2. Locate and copy the configuration file to the appropriate location in the ConfigurationData
3. Open the configuration file in a text editor.
4. Edit and save the configuration file as described in the documentation.

1.5.7 Returning a configuration file to its default settings
To return a configuration file to its default settings:
1. Select Admin - Utilities - Setup - Review CMM Configuration Documents.
2. In the Review Configuration Documents page:


To view or edit all editable configuration files, or edit a configuration file, select
Installation Config Documents in the list.


To view or edit a subset of the most commonly modified editable configuration files, select
Standard Config Documents in the list.

3. Navigate to the configuration file you want to edit using the bulleted list.
In the bulleted list, folders are represented by black bulleted list items while configuration files
are represented by blue bulleted list items. To view the contents of a folder, click its bulleted list
4. Click the configuration file. A window opens, displaying the contents of the configuration file.
5. Click Revert to Default.
An archived version of the edited file is saved in [WebSuite installation
(If the file is not available in the Review CMM Configuration Documents function, you can return
it to its default settings by removing it from the ConfigurationData folder.)

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide



© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

Chapter 2

Managing formats

A set of default formats are provided with CMM. You can manage these formats through two
configuration files included in the CMM installation:


fileimportexportformats.xml specifies import and export formats supported by CMM


importfilepattern.xml specifies import format patterns supported by CMM.

To ensure optimal performance of CMM, remove all unneeded formats from the
fileimportexportformats.xml file and all unneeded format patterns from the
importfilepattern.xml file.

2.1 Configuring the fileimportexportformats.xml file
Like all of CMM’s XML-based configuration files, the fileimportexportformats.xml file is located in
the CMM DefaultData folder.
Before you can edit the fileimportexportformats.xml file, you must copy it from the CMM
defaultData folder and place it in the correct location in the ConfigurationData folder. See
“Opening configuration files” on page 32.

Note: In Chapter 7 Using XML-template-based formats on page 119, you will add custom formats
to the file.

2.1.1 Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for configuring the fileimportexportformats.xml file:

Ensure you have access to the following function:

FG-0400 Review CMM Configuration.

For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide.

2.1.2 Removing formats from the fileimportexportformats.xml file
To remove formats from the fileimportexportformats.xml file:
1. In the table_data element, delete the row_data child element of the first format you want to
3. Repeat step 1 for each format you want to remove.
4. Save and close the file.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide


2.2 Configuring the importfilepattern.xml file
Like the fileimportexportformats.xml file, the importfilepattern.xml file is located in the CMM
DefaultData folder.
Before you can edit the importfilepattern.xml file, you must copy it from the CMM DefaultData
folder and place it in the correct location in the ConfigurationData folder. See “Opening
configuration files” on page 32.

Note: In Chapter 7 Using XML-template-based formats on page 119, you will add custom format
patterns to the file.

2.2.1 Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for configuring the importfilepattern.xml file:

Ensure you have access to the following function:

FG-0400 Review CMM Configuration.

For more information, see

the WebSuite System Administration Guide.

2.2.2 Removing format patterns from the importfilepattern.xml file
To remove format patterns from the importfilepattern.xml file:
1. In the import_file_pattern element, delete the pattern child element of the first format
pattern you want to remove.
2. Repeat step 2 for each format pattern you want to remove.
3. Save and close the file.

2.2.3 Verifying the business types of bank message import formats
In select export format interchanges, you can specify if your organization expects to receive an
acknowledgment and acceptance messages from the receiving bank for transactions released
through the interchange:

If you enable these options in the export interchange, you need to ensure the corresponding bank
message import formats have the correct business types.
To verify the business type of a bank message import format:
1. Open the following configuration file:
[Standard configuration file path]


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32.
2. In the import_file_pattern element, locate the pattern child element of the bank message
3. Verify that the business_type attribute is set properly:


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT for acknowledgement bank messages


ACCEPTANCE for acceptance bank messages.

4. Save and close the file.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide



© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

Chapter 3

Managing interchanges (and related

To implement an interface in CMM, you must create parameters for its transport mechanism,
security mechanisms, and format processors. You then create an interchange that references these
parameters as well as specifying the interface’s type, format, and connection point.

3.1 Managing transport mechanisms
A transport mechanism allows CMM to pick up files from or drop off files to the connection point
without intervention from external applications. In CMM, transport mechanisms are referred to as
"communication protocols".

3.1.1 Managing communication protocols
You can enable the following communication protocols in the Communication Protocols function:


FIN Message Manager


FTP (File Transfer Protocol)


Generic Command Line Communication




Native Command Line Communication


Request Response


SWIFTNet Adaptor Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for managing communication protocols:



Ensure you have access to the following function:

FG-0096 Communication Protocol Maintenance.

For more information, see

the WebSuite System Administration Guide. Installing third-party software
Before enabling the MQSeries communication protocol, you must install third-party software.
To install third-party software for the MQSeries communication protocol:
1. Purchase a license of MQSeries from IBM.
CMM currently supports version 6.0 of MQSeries.
2. Install MQSeries in a location accessible to CMM.
For more information, see the documentation provided by IBM.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide

41 Enabling communication protocols
To enable a communication protocol:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocols.
2. In the Communication Protocol Maintenance List page:


To enable the communication protocol, select its Enabled in CMM checkbox.


To allow the enabled communication protocol to be manually executed through the Task
Scheduler or Communication Dispatch functions, select its Manually Executable checkbox.


To allow the enabled communication protocol to create a remote connection between two
servers for remote processes, select its Remote Connection Enabled checkbox.

3. Click Save.
If you cleared the Enabled in CMM checkbox of a previously enabled communication protocol, CMM
does not delete or otherwise change any parameters that reference that communication
protocol. To discontinue using the communication protocol, you must remove all communication
protocol parameters and interchanges that reference it.

3.1.2 Managing communication protocol parameters
When a communication protocol is enabled, it displays in the Communication Protocol Parameters
function. As a result, you can create parameters that reference the communication protocol and
then use those parameters in interchanges. Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for managing communication protocol parameters:


Static data

Ensure the following static data are available:

Counterparties .

For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide.

Ensure the following task has been completed:


3.1.1 Managing communication protocols on page 41.

Ensure you have access to the following function:

FG-0038 Communications Protocol Parameters Maintenance.

For more information, see

the WebSuite System Administration Guide. Creating FIN Message Manager protocol parameters
To route SWIFT FIN messages via TRMSwift so that they are available in the Fin Message Admin
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the Fin Message Manager option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the Communication - Fin Message Manager Adapter page, click New Entry.
5. In the Communication - Fin Message Manager Adapter page, set the Protocol Type to FIN, and
select the correct Internal BIC and External BIC as declared in the ESIAdapter Client Relationship
6. Click Save.


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Using the richer XML FIN message format
There are two formats available for the FIN message(s) produced by CMM to be sent to ESIAdapter:
text or XML depending on the Format Specification selected in the corresponding interchange.
To change Format Specification, follow the steps in 3.4.3 Editing interchanges on page 57, then:


Select a different Format Specification: the XML versions are prefixed FIN_ (text versions are
prefixed STD_). If you route SWIFT FIN messages via TRMSwift, so that they are available in the
FIN Message Admin application, then you get the most benefit from using the XML version. You
will see that FIN message(s) released using this set of format specifications will populate the FIN
Sequence and Subfield columns of the FIN Message Field view of the FIN Message Admin. This
allows full usage of the FIN Message Admin through rules and actions, as this complementary
metadata enables you to identify the business reason of a line in a FIN message instead of only
using technical identifiers like the Order ID. This makes the whole process more efficient.

To route your FIN message(s) towards ESIAdapter via TRMSwift:


Select Fin Message Manager as the Communication Type, under the Interchange Plugins group. For
more information, see 3.4.3 Editing interchanges on page 57. Creating FTP communication protocol parameters
To create an FTP communication protocol parameter:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the FTP - File Transfer Protocol option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the Communication - FTP [list] page, click New Entry.
5. In the Communication - FTP [editor] page, create the communication protocol parameter.
The following is an example FTP communication protocol parameter:
6. Click Save. Creating MQSeries communication protocol parameters
The number of MQSeries queues (communication protocol parameter sets) that is required depends
on the number of interchanges configured in the system. Typically each of these interchanges uses
a distinct communication protocol parameter set with each set defining its own queue either for
sending or receiving.
CMM itself does not impose any restraints on the MQSeries naming convention; rules for naming
thus depends on MQSeries itself, and other allied systems that consume and produce messages.
To create an MQSeries communication protocol parameter:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the MQ Series Communication option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the Communication - MQ Series [list] page, click New Entry.
5. In the Communication - MQ Series [editor] page, create the communication protocol parameter.
6. Click Save.
When an interchange with an MQSeries communication protocol parameter encounters an error
during import, it attempts to post the transaction data to a queue. You can then view the transaction
data in the queue. To facilitate this, you must create an MQSeries submit communication protocol
parameter with the following value in the Parameter Set Name field:

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide

43 Creating SWIFTNet Adaptor communication protocol parameters
To create a SWIFTNet Adaptor communication protocol parameter:

1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the SWIFTNet Adaptor option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the Communication - SWIFTNet Adaptor [list] page, click New Entry.
5. In the Communication - SWIFTNet Adaptor [editor] page, create the communication protocol
6. Click Save.
The following are examples of SWIFTNet Adaptor communication protocol parameters:


Note that the Internal and External configuration setup is not required for the FIN protocol type.
Internal and external BICs are set in the ESIAdapter Client Relationship Editor (also known as
ESIAdapter Editor), see the Wallstreet Suite SWIFT Connectivity Guide.


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Creating command line communication protocol parameters
To create a command line communication protocol parameter:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the Generic Command Line Communication option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the Communication - Generic Command Line [list] page, click New Entry.
5. In the Communication - Generic Command Line [editor] page, create the communication
protocol parameter.
For more information on command line communication protocol parameters, see 6.1 Connecting
interface components on page 99.
6. Click Save. Creating request response communication protocol parameters
To create a request response communication protocol parameter:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the Request Response option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the Communication - Request Response [list] page, click New Entry.
5. In the Communication - Request Response [editor] page, create the communication protocol
For more information on request response communication protocol parameters, see 5.2.3
Managing the interchange (and related data) on page 76 and 5.3.3 Managing the interchange
(and related data) on page 82.
6. Click Save. Editing communication protocol parameters
To edit a communication protocol parameter:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the appropriate communication protocol’s
option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the communication protocol’s parameter list page, drill down on the communication protocol
5. In the communication protocol’s parameter editor page, edit the communication protocol
For descriptions of the controls on this page, see the appropriate Creating section.
6. Click Save.

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide

45 Deleting communication protocol parameters
To delete a communication protocol parameter:
1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Communication Protocol Parameters.
2. In the Communication Protocols page, select the appropriate communication protocol’s
option button.
3. Click Edit Parameter.
4. In the communication protocol’s parameter list page, drill down on the communication protocol
5. In the communication protocol’s parameter editor page, click Delete.
6. In the resulting dialog, click OK.

3.1.3 Completing other tasks
In addition to managing communication protocol parameters, you can complete the following tasks
after enabling communication protocols:


Manually execute communication protocols


Run processes remotely through communication protocols. Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for completing other tasks:



Ensure the following task has been completed:


3.1.1 Managing communication protocols on page 41.

Ensure you have access to the following functions:

FG-0215 Communication Dispatch


FG-0303 Remote Process Maintenance.

For more information, see

the WebSuite System Administration Guide. Manually executing communication protocols
If you selected a communication protocol’s Manually Executable checkbox in the Communication
Protocols function, you can manually execute that communication protocol by scheduling the
appropriate Communication task in the Task Scheduler function. For more information, see the
WebSuite System Administration Guide.
You can also manually execute communication protocols on a one-time basis using the
Communication Dispatch function:
1. Select Admin - Utilities - Bank Interfacing - Communication Dispatch.
2. In the Communication Dispatch page, select the checkboxes of communication protocols you
want to manually execute.
3. Click Dispatch Messages. Running processes remotely through communication protocols
If you selected a communication protocol’s Remote Connection Enabled checkbox in the Communication
Protocols function, you can run processes remotely through that communication protocol in the
Remote Processes function.


© Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

Note: For information on specific processes, contact Wallstreet.
To run a process remotely through a communication protocol:
1. Select Admin - Utilities - Setup - Remote Processes.
2. In the Remote Process Maintenance page, drill down on the process.
3. In the Remove [Process] Communication Protocol page, select the communication protocol’s
Remote option button.
4. Click Save.
5. In the communication protocol’s parameter editor page, create a communication protocol
parameter for the process.
For descriptions of the controls on this page, see 3.1.2 Managing communication protocol
parameters on page 42.
6. Click Save.

3.1.4 Entering data in FTP communication protocol parameter file matching fields
If you are creating or editing an FTP communication protocol parameter in the Communication
Protocol Parameters function, three fields related to file matching display on the Communication –
FTP [editor] page:

WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide

47 Entering data in the File Match RegExp field
The File Match RegExp field specifies the file or files CMM is to retrieve from the FTP server. You need to
enter a valid regular expression in this field so that CMM can recognize which file or files to retrieve
from the FTP server. Therefore, it is important to update this field if there are any changes to the
standard file names or folder structure on the FTP server. Regular expression syntax
The following table presents syntax you can use in regular expressions:



Matches any character except a new line.


Matches the start of the string and, in multiline mode, also matches immediately after each new


Matches the end of the string and, in multiline mode, also matches before a new line.

fo matches fo and food, but fo$ only matches fo.

Causes a match of zero or more repetitions of the preceding regular expression.

ab* matches a, ab, or abbb… (a followed by two or more bs).

Causes a match of one or more repetitions of the preceding regular expression.

ab+ matches ab or abbb… (a followed by two or more bs) but does not match a (a followed

by no


Causes a match of zero or one repetition of the preceding regular expression.

ab? matches a or ab.
Adding ? after the qualifiers (*, +, and ?) makes them perform the match in a minimal fashion,
where as few characters as possible are matched.



<.*> is matched against 

title, it matches the entire string. If <.*?> is matched against

title, it only matches

. Causes a match from m to n repetitions of the preceding regular expression, attempting to match as many repetitions as possible. Example: a{3,5} matches from three to five a characters. Omitting n specifies an infinite upper bound. Example: a{3} matches from three to infinity a characters. {m,n}? Causes a match from m to n repetitions of the preceding regular expression, attempting to match as few repetitions as possible. Examples: 48 If a{3,5} is matched against aaaaaa, it matches five a characters. If a{3,5}? is matched against aaaaaa, it only matches three a characters. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Syntax Purpose [] Indicates a set of characters. Characters can be listed individually, or a range of characters can be indicated by listing two characters separated by a hyphen. Special characters are not active inside sets. Examples: [akm$] matches any of the characters a, k, m, or $. [a-z] matches any lowercase letter. [a-zA-Z0-9] matches any letter or digit. Character classes, such as \w or \S, are also accepted inside a range. If you want to include a closing bracket or hyphen inside a set, precede it with a back slash or place it as the first character. Example: []] matches ]. You can also match the characters not within a range by including a set. ^ as the first character of the Example: [^5] matches any character except 5 (^ elsewhere simply matches the A|B Creates a regular expression that matches either A or B (where A and B are regular expressions). \| or enclose it inside a character class (for This can be used inside groups as well. To match |, use example, \ ^ character.) [|]). Escapes special characters, enabling you to match characters such as asterisk and question mark. Example: \* matches *. Back slashes (\) can also signal special sequences: • \number matches the contents of the group of the same number. Groups are numbered starting from one. Example: (.+)\1 matches the the or 55 55 but not the end. This special sequence can only be used with numbers 1 to 99. If the first digit of a number is or the number is three digits long, it will not be interpreted as a group match. 0 • \A matches only at the start of the string • \b matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a word. A word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters, so the end of a word is indicated by white space or a non-alphanumeric character. Inside a character range, \b represents the backspace character for compatibility with Python’s string literals. • \B matches the empty string, but only when it is not at the beginning or end of a word. • \d matches any decimal digit. This is equivalent to the set [0-9]. • \D matches any non-digit character. This is equivalent to the set [^0-9]. • \s matches any white space character. This is equivalent to the set [ \t\n\r\f\v]. • \S matches any non-white space character. This is equivalent to the set [^ \t\n\r\f\v]. • \w matches any alphanumeric character. This is equivalent to the set [a-zA-Z0-9_]. • \W matches any non-alphanumeric character. This is equivalent to the set [^a-zA-Z0-9_]. • \Z matches only at the end of the string. • \\ matches a literal back slash. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 49 Syntax Purpose (A) Matches the regular expression A inside the parentheses and indicates the start and end of a group. The content of a group can be retrieved after a match has been performed and can be matched later in the string with the \number special sequence. To match ( and ), use \( and \) or enclose them inside character classes (for example, [(] and [)]). Example The following string: (.*\s+)(\d+\s+)(\S+\s+)(\d+)(\s+\w{3}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}:?\d{0,2}\s+)([a-z,A-Z] *\.?[B,b][A,a][I,i])\s Matches: -rw-r--r-- 1 treasury 2439 Aug 30 09:01 CitiDEBAI The following table explains why this is the case: No. Regular expression Matching text Explanation 1 (.*\s+) -rw-r--r-- This expression matches any characters for zero or more repetitions followed by one or more white space characters. 2 (\d+\s+) 1 This expression matches any decimal digits for one or more repetitions followed by one or more white space characters. 3 (\S+\s+) treasury This expression matches any non-white space character for one or more repetitions followed by one or more white space characters. 4 (\d+) 2439 This expression matches any decimal digits for one or more repetitions. 5 (\s+\w{3}\s+\d{ 1,2}\s+\d{1,2}: ?\d{0,2}\s+) Aug 30 09:01 This expression matches any one or more white space characters ([a-z,A-Z]*\.?[ B,b] [A,a][I,i])\s CitiDEBAI 6 followed by any three alphanumeric characters, followed by one or more white space characters, followed by one to two decimal digits, followed by one or more white space characters, followed by one to two decimal digits, followed by zero or one colons, followed by zero to two decimal digits, followed by one or more white space characters. This expression matches any letter for zero or more repetitions, followed by zero or one periods, followed by BAI or bai, followed by any white space character. Entering data in the File Match String field Wallstreet recommends you enter the following value in the File Match String field: (.*\s+)(\d+\s+)(\S+\s+)(\d+)(\s+\w{3}\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}:?\d{0,2}\s+)([a-z,A-Z]*\.? [B,b][A,a][I,i])\s Entering data in the File Match Index field After you have entered a value in the File Match RegExp field, you need to enter a corresponding value in the File Match Index field. This field indicates which group matches the file name. If you entered the example described in Entering data in the File Match RegExp field on page 48 in the File Match RegExp field, enter 6 in the File Match Index field because the sixth group, ([a-z,A-Z]*\.?[B,b][A,a][I,i])\s, matches the file name, CitiDEBAI. 50 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 3.2 Managing security mechanisms A security mechanism ensures a file cannot be tampered with while being transported to or from CMM. In CMM, security mechanisms are referred to as "signers". 3.2.1 Managing signers You can enable the following signers in the Signers function: • Entrust • GnuPG • PGP • safeX • Command line. Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for managing signers: Category Security Tasks Ensure you have access to the following function: • FG-0183 Signer Maintenance. For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. Installing third-party software Before enabling the Entrust, GnuPG, PGP, and safeX signers, you must install third-party software. To install third-party software for the Entrust signers: 1. Download the current version of the CMM application from the UIS section of the Wallstreet support site. The Wallstreet support site is password protected. If you do not have a password for the site, contact Wallstreet. 2. Copy the websuite-entrust.jar file to the $JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext directory. This is the same JDK that is used to run Websuite. 3. Take the XCC file which was obtained from Citibank, rename the file to entrust.xcc and copy it to the $JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext directory. 4. Take the file enttoolkit.jar which is a component of the Entrust Toolkit V7 obtained from Entrust, and copy it to the %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext directory. To install third-party software for the GnuPG signers: 1. Download GnuPG from the GnuPG website. CMM currently supports version 1.2.1 of GnuPG. 2. Install GnuPG in a location accessible to CMM. For more information, see the documentation provided on the GnuPG website. 3. Log into CMM and set the GnuPG Home Directory configuration parameter. For information on setting this configuration parameter, see 1.4.4 Setting interface configuration parameters on page 27. To install third-party software for the PGP signers: 1. Purchase a license of McAfee E-Business Server from McAfee Inc. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 51 CMM currently supports version 7.0 of McAfee E-Business Server. 2. Install McAfee E-Business Server in …\3rdPartyProgDir\pgp\. For more information, see the documentation provided by McAfee Inc. To install third-party software for the safeX signers: 1. Purchase a license of safeX from R&L AG. CMM currently supports version 2.1 of safeX. 2. Install safeX in a location accessible to CMM. For more information, see the documentation provided by R&L AG. 3. Log into CMM and set the SafeX 2.x File Location configuration parameter. For information on setting this configuration parameter, see 1.4.4 Setting interface configuration parameters on page 27. Enabling signers To enable a signer: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signers. 2. In the Signer Maintenance List page, select the signer’s Installed checkbox. 3. Click Save. If you cleared the Installed checkbox of a previously enabled signer, CMM does not delete or otherwise change any parameters that reference that signer. To discontinue using the communication protocol, you must remove all signer parameters and interchanges that reference it. 3.2.2 Managing signer parameters When a signer is enabled, it displays in the Signer Parameters function. As a result, you can create parameters that reference the signer and then use those parameters in interchanges. Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for managing signer parameters: Category Static data Tasks Ensure the following static data are available: • Counterparties. For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide. Interfaces Ensure the following task has been completed: • Security 3.2.1 Managing signers on page 51. Ensure you have access to the following function: • FG-0184 Signer Parameter Maintenance. For more information, see 52 the WebSuite System Administration Guide. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Creating Entrust encryption signer parameters To create an Entrust encryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic Entrust Encryption. 3. In the Generic Entrust Encryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic Entrust Encryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. The following is an example Entrust encryption signer parameter: 5. Click Save. Creating Entrust decryption signer parameters To create an Entrust decryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic Entrust Decryption. 3. In the Generic Entrust Decryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic Entrust Decryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 5. Click Save. Creating GnuPG encryption signer parameters To create a GnuPG encryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic GnuPG Encryption. 3. In the Generic GnuPG Encryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic GnuPG Encryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 5. Click Save. Creating GnuPG decryption signer parameters To create a GnuPG decryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic GnuPG Decryption. 3. In the Generic GnuPG Decryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic GnuPG Decryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 5. Click Save. Creating PGP encryption signer parameters To create a PGP encryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic PGP Encryption. 3. In the Generic PGP Encryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic PGP Encryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 5. Click Save. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 53 Creating PGP decryption signer parameters To create a PGP decryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic PGP Decryption. 3. In the Generic PGP Decryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic PGP Decryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 5. Click Save. Creating safeX encryption signer parameters To create a safeX encryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic safeX Encryption. 3. In the Generic SafeX Encryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic SafeX Encryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 5. Click Save. Creating safeX decryption signer parameters To create a safeX decryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic SafeX Decryption. 3. In the Generic SafeX Decryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic SafeX Decryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 5. Click Save. Creating command line encryption signer parameters To create a command line encryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic Command Line Encryption. 3. In the Generic Command Line Encryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic Command Line Encryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. For more information on command line encryption signer parameters, see 6.1 Connecting interface components on page 99. 5. Click Save. Creating command line decryption signer parameters To create a command line decryption signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on Generic Command Line Decryption. 3. In the Generic Command Line Decryption [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Generic Command Line Decryption [editor] page, create the signer parameter. 54 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential For more information on command line decryption signer parameters, see 6.1 Connecting interface components on page 99. 5. Click Save. Editing signer parameters To edit a signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on the appropriate signer. 3. In the signer’s parameter list page, drill down on the signer parameter. 4. In the signer’s parameter editor page, edit the signer parameter. For descriptions of the controls on this page, see the appropriate Creating section. 5. Click Save. Deleting signer parameters To delete a signer parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Signer Parameters. 2. In the Signer Parameter Maintenance page, drill down on the appropriate signer. 3. In the signer’s parameter list page, drill down on the signer parameter. 4. In the signer’s parameter editor page, click Delete. 5. In the resulting dialog, click OK. 3.3 Managing format processors When importing or exporting a file, CMM can transform it from one format to another according to the format processor parameters in the file’s interchange: • For an import process, the format processor transforms the data file from a user-specified format to an appropriate CMM import format. It then stores the results in a specified output file so that CMM can retrieve the file and continue processing. • For an export process, the format processor transforms the data file from the appropriate CMM export format to a user-specified format that can be processed by an external system such as a bank. It stores the results in the specified output data file so that CMM can retrieve the file and continue processing. 3.3.1 Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for managing format parameters: Category Tasks Static data Ensure the following static data are available: • Counterparties. For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide. Security Ensure you have access to the following function: • FG-0359 Format Processor Parameters. For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 55 3.3.2 Creating format processor parameters To create a format processor parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Command Line Processors. 2. In the Format Processor Parameters page, drill down on the appropriate format processor. 3. In the Command Line Format Processor [list] page, click New Entry. 4. In the Command Line Format Processor [editor] page, create the format processor parameter. 5. Click Save. 3.3.3 Editing format processor parameters To edit a format processor parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Command Line Processors. 2. In the Format Processor Parameters page, drill down on the appropriate format processor. 3. In the Command Line Format Processor [list] page, drill down on the format processor parameter. 4. In the Command Line Format Processor [editor] page, edit the format processor parameter. 5. Click Save. 3.3.4 Deleting format processor parameters To delete a format processor parameter: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Command Line Processors. 2. In the Format Processor Parameters page, drill down on the appropriate format processor. 3. In the Command Line Format Processor [list] page, drill down on the format processor parameter. 4. In the Command Line Format Processor [editor] page, click Delete. 5. In the resulting dialog, click OK. 3.4 Managing interchanges When you have an interface’s format, connection point, communication protocol parameter, signer parameters, and format processor parameters, you can create an interchange for that interface. Afterwards, you can assign the interchange to import and export parameter sets in the Task Scheduler function. This section documents a general procedure for creating and maintaining interchanges. Note: Each interchange has a unique name. If you do not specify the name, CMM creates it using the values in the Business Function, Priority Status, Format Specification, Domestic/Cross-Border, Entity, and Counterparty (or Bank) controls. 56 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 3.4.1 Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for configuring interchanges: Category Tasks Static data Ensure the following static data are available: • Currencies • Payment methods • Entities • Counterparties • Banks • Cash flow types. For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide. Interfaces Security Ensure the following tasks have been completed: • Chapter 2 Managing formats on page 37 • 3.1.2 Managing communication protocol parameters on page 42 • 3.2.2 Managing signer parameters on page 52 • 3.3 Managing format processors on page 55. Ensure you have access to the following functions: • FG-0175 Interchanges • FG-0400 Review CMM Configuration. For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 3.4.2 Creating interchanges To create an interchange: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Interchanges. 2. In the Interchange - Criteria Selection page, click Search. 3. In the Interchange Maintenance List page, click New Entry. 4. In the Select Interchange Type - Criteria Selection page, enter an import/export type, business function, and format category. 5. Click Continue. 6. In the Interchange Maintenance page, create the interchange. 7. Click Save. 3.4.3 Editing interchanges To edit an interchange: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Interchanges. 2. In the Interchange - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 3. Click Search. 4. In the Interchange Maintenance List page, drill down on the interchange. 5. In the Interchange Maintenance page, edit the interchange. For descriptions of the controls on this page, see the appropriate Creating section. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 57 (You can edit the interchange’s import/export type, business function, and format category by clicking Modify Interchange Type.) 6. Click Save. 3.4.4 Deleting interchanges To delete an interchange: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Interchanges. 2. In the Interchange - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 3. Click Search. 4. In the Interchange Maintenance List page, select the interchange’s checkbox. 5. Click Delete. 3.4.5 Enabling and disabling interchanges To enable or disable an interchange: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Interchanges. 2. In the Interchange - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 3. Click Search. 4. In the Interchange Maintenance List page, select the interchange’s checkbox. 5. Do one of the following: – To enable the interchange, click Enable. – To disable the interchange, click Disable. 3.4.6 Linking interchanges to character sets By default, all interchanges in CMM use the UTF-8 character set. If you need to import or export data containing characters not in UTF-8, you can edit the charsetMapping.xml file. To link interchanges to character sets: 1. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] interfaces interchanges charsetMapping.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. Do the following: – To define a default character set other than UTF-8, change the value of the charset attribute in the default interchange element. – To override the default character set for a specific interchange, create an interchange element for that interchange. The following is an example: 58 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 3. Save and close the file. 3.4.7 Optimizing interchanges When you edit an import interchange (AP, DD, AR) and do not select a format type, you can allot extra computer resources to the interchange by checking the Multithreaded for parsing checkbox. This activates the parsing of the files in a multithreaded mode. When this checkbox is checked, multithreaded parsing only occurs when the file being parsed has a minimum number of lines. This minumum number is set in the runtime_parameters.xml file, located in the etc/wss-web/cmm/InstallationData/installation folder. The entry below defines the maximum number of lines in a file before splitting. 100 The purpose of this parameter is to ensure that you do not assign computer resources needlessly for a small file. If your interchange is configured as multithreaded, but the file that you are going to import is too small (number of lines is less than the parameter) the system parses the file in a single thread mode. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 59 60 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Chapter 4 Managing other interface data The following are data outside of interchanges that are relevant to the setup and configuration of interfaces: • Transaction subtype mappings • Branch qualifiers. 4.1 Managing transaction subtype mappings All bank files contain unique codes to classify their contents. CMM refers to these codes as counterparty file codes. You can map each counterparty file code to an internal file code called a transaction subtype. This allows you to track where information from each file will appear and behave within CMM. For example, during the bank transaction import process, CMM matches the internal file codes to their mapped counterparty file codes and displays the transaction information in cash records, the cash flow forecast, and the general ledger. 4.1.1 Managing internal file codes CMM has a standard list of internal file codes. You can add to this list to suit your needs. The standard internal file codes are numbered 1 to 999. The internal file codes you enter are numbered 1,000 or higher. You cannot delete an internal file code that is mapped to counterparty file codes. You must remove the counterparty file code mapping first. Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for managing internal file codes: Category Tasks Static data Ensure the following static data are available: • Cash flow types. For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide. Security Ensure you have access to the following function: • FG-0085 Transaction Subtype Mapping. For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 61 Creating internal file codes To create an internal file code: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Transaction Subtype Mapping. 2. In the Transaction Sub Type Maintenance page, click Internal File Codes. 3. In the Internal File Code - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 4. Click Search. 5. In the Internal File Code List page, click New Entry. 6. In the Internal File Code Maintenance page, create the internal file code. 7. Click Save. Editing internal file codes To edit an internal file code: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Transaction Subtype Mapping. 2. In the Transaction Sub Type Maintenance page, click Internal File Codes. 3. In the Internal File Code - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 4. Click Search. 5. In the Internal File Code List page, drill down on the internal file code. 6. In the Internal File Code Maintenance page, edit the internal file code. Only the Cash Flow Type list is editable for internal file codes with IDs less than 1,000. (The internal file codes are Wallstreet defined.) 7. Click Save. Deleting internal file codes To delete an internal file code: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Transaction Subtype Mapping. 2. In the Transaction Sub Type Maintenance page, click Internal File Codes. 3. In the Internal File Code - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 4. Click Search. 5. In the Internal File Code List page, drill down on the internal file code. Internal file codes with IDs less than 1,000 are Wallstreet defined and cannot be deleted. 6. In the Internal File Code Maintenance page, click Delete. 7. In the resulting dialog, click OK. 4.1.2 Managing counterparty file codes CMM needs counterparty file codes to interpret the information within the files and map it to internal file codes. When you enter a counterparty file code, you can map it to an internal file code. You can later view the counterparty file codes mapped to an internal file code in the Internal File Code List page. Each counterparty file code associates a file format and a counterparty. Each counterparty file code can be mapped to only one internal file code under the same counterparty and file format. 62 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Note: In the Internal File Code List page, you can view counterparty file codes mapped to an internal file code and create, edit, and delete counterparty file codes. Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for managing counterparty file codes: Category Tasks Static data Ensure the following static data are available: • Counterparties. For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide. Interfaces Ensure the following task has been completed: • Security 4.1.1 Managing internal file codes on page 61. Ensure you have access to the following function: • FG-0085 Transaction Subtype Mapping. For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. Creating counterparty file codes To create a counterparty file code: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Transaction Subtype Mapping. 2. In the Transaction Sub Type Maintenance page, click Counterparty File Codes. 3. In the Import Export Type Selection page, select the appropriate import or export type in the Import Export Type list. 4. Click Continue. 5. In the Counterparty File Code - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 6. Click Search. 7. In the Counterparty File Code List page, click New Entry. 8. In the Counterparty File Code Maintenance page, create the counterparty file code. 9. Click Save. Editing counterparty file codes To edit a counterparty file code: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Transaction Subtype Mapping. 2. In the Transaction Sub Type Maintenance page, click Counterparty File Codes. 3. In the Import Export Type Selection page, select the appropriate import or export type in the Import Export Type list. 4. Click Continue. 5. In the Counterparty File Code - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 6. Click Search. 7. In the Counterparty File Code List page, drill down on the counterparty file code. 8. In the Counterparty File Code Maintenance page, edit the counterparty file code. 9. Click Save. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 63 Deleting counterparty file codes To delete a counterparty file code: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Transaction Subtype Mapping. 2. In the Transaction Sub Type Maintenance page, click Counterparty File Codes. 3. In the Import Export Type Selection page, select the appropriate import or export type in the Import Export Type list. 4. Click Continue. 5. In the Counterparty File Code - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 6. Click Search. 7. In the Counterparty File Code List page, drill down on the counterparty file code. 8. In the Counterparty File Code Maintenance page, click Delete. 9. In the resulting dialog, click OK. Managing counterparty file codes for SWIFT ACK and NACK bank messages If your organization imports SWIFT ACK bank messages, it needs to create a counterparty file code with the following values: Attribute Value Import/export type Bank Messages Import Counterparty Default File format SWIFT_ACK - Bank Messages Import File code [1] 007 File code description [Appropriate description] Internal file code [2] Bank Message Accepted Code domain Messages Table notes: 1. All file codes provided by the external party must be stored with leading zeros (for example, 007 rather than 7). 2. This assumes the Bank Message Accepted internal file code has already been created. The counterparty file code for SWIFT NACK bank messages is provided by SWIFT in the 405: tag of the file, but there may be bank-specific codes as well. These need to be defined as counterparty file codes in theTransaction Subtype Mapping function and mapped to the Bank Message Rejected internal file code if your organization imports SWIFT NACK bank messages. 64 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Managing mappings To manage mappings: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Transaction Subtype Mapping. 2. In the Transaction Sub Type Maintenance page, click Internal File Codes. 3. In the Internal File Code - Criteria Selection page, enter search criteria. 4. Click Search. 5. In the Internal File Code List page, click View in the internal file code’s row. 6. In the Internal File Code Mapping List page: – To create a new counterparty file code, click Add Mapping… and follow the procedure in Creating counterparty file codes. – To edit an existing counterparty file code, drill down on it and follow the procedure in Editing counterparty file codes. – To delete an existing counterparty file code, drill down on it and follow the procedure in Deleting counterparty file codes. 4.2 Managing branch qualifiers Branch qualifiers are required for EDIFACT formats. You can create one branch qualifier for each country in CMM. 4.2.1 Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for managing branch qualifiers: Category Tasks Static data Ensure the following static data are available: • Countries. For more information, see the WebSuite User Guide. Security Ensure you have access to the following function: • FG-0004 Branch Qualifiers. For more information, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 4.2.2 Creating branch qualifiers To create a branch qualifier: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Branch Qualifiers. 2. In the Branch Qualifiers List page, click New Entry. 3. In the Bank Branch Qualifier Maintenance page, create the branch qualifier. 4. Click Save. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 65 4.2.3 Editing branch qualifiers To edit a branch qualifier: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Branch Qualifiers. 2. In the Branch Qualifiers List page, drill down on the branch qualifier. 3. In the Bank Branch Qualifier Maintenance page, edit the branch qualifier. 4. Click Save. 4.2.4 Deleting branch qualifiers To delete a branch qualifier: 1. Select Admin - Static Data - Bank Interfacing - Branch Qualifiers. 2. In the Branch Qualifiers List page, drill down on the branch qualifier. 3. In the Bank Branch Qualifier Maintenance page, Click Delete. 4. In the resulting dialog, click OK. 66 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Chapter 5 Using the web services interface CMM supports two types of web service: Name Use Internal Integration with the other modules of Wallstreet Suite. External Transferring of information between CMM and external applications. The web services interface utilizes the second of these two types and allows you to connect CMM to an application external to CMM through an adaptor. The application then transforms, secures, or transports messages for CMM. You can use applications connected to CMM through the web services interface for both import and export processes. To use such applications, you must install them in locations accessible to the CMM application server and create adaptors to connect them to CMM. Therefore, you require extensive knowledge of the applications as well as web services technology in general. The web services interface utilizes the following technologies: Name Use Web services [1] Transfer messages between CMM and external applications SOAP messages Contain messages’ contents SSL over HTTP (HTTPS) Secure messages Table notes: 1. The web services utilized by the interface are intended to act as a transport protocol for importing data to and exporting data from CMM. The web services utilized by the interface are not compliant with Web Services Description Language (WSDL). 5.1 SOAP schemas Three schemas define the structure of SOAP messages that can be transmitted between CMM and external applications through the web services interface: • Request/response header (requestresponseheader.xsd) • Request body (requestbody.xsd) • Response body (responsebody.xsd). For example SOAP messages that are compliant with these schemas, see 5.4 Example SOAP messages on page 83. 5.1.1 Request/response header schema This schema is used for constructing and consuming the header of both request and response SOAP messages: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 67 CMM request SOAP header to external interface clients Copyright 2004 trema.com. All rights reserved. You need to provide three mandatory input parameters when constructing the SOAP element of trema_web_service_header for the following elements: • end_point_url: The web service endpoint. For the import process, this is a published web service URL from CMM. • message_type: The type of the SOAP request. Valid values are initiation and transaction. • additional_properties: Additional properties about the type of the SOAP request, such as the name-value pair transaction_function=2 where 2 is the import/export type ID: 68 ID Description Import/export 2 AP File Import I 6 AR File Import I 8 Bank Account Import I 10 Bank Messages Import I 1 Bank Transaction Import I 9 Counterparty Bank Import I 7 Counterparty Import I 27 Direct Debit Import I 24 Entity Import I © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential ID Description Import/export 38 Forecast Import I 5.1.2 Request body schema This schema is used for constructing and consuming the body of the request SOAP message: CMM initiated request SOAP body to external interface client or external client initiated request SOAP body to CMM Copyright 2004 trema.com. All rights reserved. 5.1.3 Response body schema This schema is used for constructing and consuming the body of the response SOAP message: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 69 external interface client response SOAP body to CMM initiated request or CMM response SOAP body to external interface client initiated request Copyright 2004 trema.com. All rights reserved. 5.2 Importing messages using the web services interface The following diagram and table present the steps involved when you import messages from an external application to CMM using the web services interface: 70 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Number Description Subsequent action 1 The external application sends an initiation request SOAP message to CMM. None The message contains basic information about the subsequent transaction messages. It consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the request body schema. 2 3 CMM sends an initiation acknowledgement response SOAP message to the external application. If the message is positive, the process continues to step 3. The message indicates if CMM is ready to receive the transaction messages and the maximum number of transactions per message it will allow. It consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the response body schema. If the message is negative, the process stops. The external application sends a transaction request SOAP message to CMM. CMM then validates the message and imports the message’s transaction data. None The message consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the request body schema. The body contains the transaction data as an attachment in a format that CMM can support. 4 CMM sends a transaction acknowledgement response SOAP message to the external application. The message consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the response body schema. If the message is positive, the process returns to step 3. (The process repeats steps 3 and 4 until all messages have been imported.) If the message is negative, the process stops. For examples of the messages sent between CMM and the external application, see 5.4 Example SOAP messages on page 83. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 71 5.2.1 Deploying the web service and creating the adaptor CMM is deployed with a web service in the ews folder of the same web container as the application. For example, if CMM’s URL is http://treasury.acme-co.com:8080/cmm, the web service’s URL is http://treasury.acme-co.com:8080/cmm/ews. You need to create an adaptor to do the following: Construct and consume SOAP messages (including attachments). • The SOAP messages must be compliant with CMM’s schemas. Call the Web service through its URL. • You can write the adaptor in a language of your choice as long as the adaptor can complete the above two tasks. For demonstration purpose, Wallstreet has implemented an example import adaptor in Java. It is contained in the following zip file, which is included in every CMM release’s package: external interfaces cmmext-client-cmm-[Release].zip Where [Release] is the release’s version and build numbers (for example, To use the example import adaptors, you need to extract the zip file from the package of the current CMM release your organization is using and run it in an application outside of CMM. The example import adaptor’s class is com.trema.cmmext.service.CaOutboundMessageInitiatorDemoImpl. To use this adaptor, you must create a request response communication protocol parameter and interchange (see Chapter 3 Managing interchanges (and related data) on page 41). You can then import messages. 5.2.2 Securing the web service You can secure data at the following levels: Name Description Transport Authentication, which involves verifying the identity of a user, device, or other entity in a computer system, usually as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in a system. Message Content encryption and digital signatures. In CMM, the transport level is addressed through the web service, while the message level is addressed through the signer parameters assigned to interchanges. (For more information on interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56.) To secure a web service for an import process, you need to complete the following steps: 1. Generate and configure SSL certificates. 2. Edit the extwsaccessconfig.xml file. Note: The technology CMM uses for web services security is client-certificate authentication over HTTP/SSL, which needs to be enabled on the client side and authenticated on the server side. Generating and configuring SSL certificates The first step in securing a web service for an import process is to generate and configure SSL certificates. For instructions on generating and configuring SSL certificates, see Appendix D SSL certificate generation and configuration on page 419. 72 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Editing the extwsaccessconfig.xml file The second step in securing a web service for an import process is to edit the extwsaccessconfig.xml file. The extwsaccessconfig.xml file defines whether SSL over HTTPS is enabled or not and, if it is, the validation to be completed on the request URL and client certificate to ensure a request is from a trusted source. If a request passes the validation, CMM invokes the web service; otherwise, CMM filters out the request and returns a SOAP fault message. Note: The extwsaccessconfig.xml file is for external web services only. There is a separate but nearly identical file for internal web services, intwsaccessconfig.xml. The following is an example of the extwsaccessconfig.xml file: º As this example shows, the extwsaccessconfig.xml consists of several elements: • strong_authentication: This is the root element of the document. It has a single child element that describes the mapping configuration, mapping. It has no attributes. • mapping: This element is used to define the validation rules. A request is only valid if it passes the validate_request and certificate validation rules defined in this element. Attributes: Name Description Default value (if any) ssl_enable The value of this attribute tells the web service filter whether to perform client request certificate validation or not. true • If the value is true, the validation is enabled and requests fail if they do not pass the rules defined in this configuration file. • If the value is false, the validation is disabled and requests go through without validation against the rules defined in this configuration file. You can set this attribute to false in testing environments if you only want to ensure that messages follow through HTTP regardless of security. Wallstreet recommends that you set this attribute to true in production environments. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 73 Child elements: • – validate request – certificate. validate_request: This element defines the validation rule for attributes of the client request. One typical attribute you should validate is RequestURL. Other attributes that you may want to validate include RemoteHost and RemoteAddr. You can define the validate_request element multiple times within the parent element (mapping), provided each element has a unique value for the id attribute. A request is validated against each item defined in the validate_request element’s attributes, and if it passes validation against all items, it is passed on to certificate validation. Attributes: Name Description id The ID to be valid for the request. Default value (if any) Acceptable values: • RequestURL • RemoteHost • RemoteAddr. name A name corresponding to the ID. There is no restriction on the name as long as it is meaningful to the user. If not specified, it is defaulted to id. pattern The regular expression pattern used to validate the value from request for the ID specified. Wallstreet recommends that you follow the regular expression guidelines from Sun when constructing or consuming your own pattern and that you test it before going to production. • certificate: This element defines the validation rule for the client certificate provided in the request. In most cases you only need to define one of these elements in the parent element (mapping) since most likely you are dealing with only one issuer. However, you are allowed to define multiple instances of this element provided each element has a different value for the issuer_dn_pattern attribute. Certificates from requests are validated against each certificate rule (per issuer_dn_pattern). A request passes validation if it passes any of the certificate rules. Attribute: Name Description Default value (if any) id The unique ID that identifies the type of certificate to be validated. The current implementation supports the following types: [Fixed value] • javax.servlet.request.X509Certific ate. This is the key attribute in the HTTP request in the secured connection. 74 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Description Default value (if any) issure_dn_pattern The regular expression pattern used to validate the issuer of the certificate. Wallstreet recommends that you follow the regular expression guidelines from Sun when constructing or consuming your own pattern and that you test it before going to production. In addition, the pattern should be constructed so that it returns only a single group instead of multiple groups. If it is constructed to return multiple groups, the last one is returned. Child elements: – • value. value: This element defines the validation rule for the individual attributes of the certificate such as SubjectDN and SerialNumber. The individual value of the certificate as specified by the ID will be validated against the pattern defined. To pass the certificate validation, it has to pass each individual value validation. The certificate validation fails if any individual validation fails. Attributes: Name Description Default value (if any) id The ID attribute that tells where the information is retrieved from the certificate. Acceptable values: • SubjectDN • IssuerDN • SigAlgName • SigAlgOID • SerialNumber. In most situations, you use value for this attribute. SubjectDN as the classname The class name. pattern The regular expression pattern used to validate the attribute of the certificate as defined in the id attribute. alterna.appserver. security.cert. CaX509Certificate StringValueParser Wallstreet recommends that you follow the regular expression guidelines from Sun when constructing or consuming your own pattern and that you test it before going to production. In addition, the pattern should be constructed so that it returns only a single group instead of multiple groups. If it is constructed to return multiple groups, the last one is returned. To edit the extwsaccessconfig.xml file: 1. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 75 appserver authentication ws extwsaccessconfig.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. Edit the file. 3. Save and close the file. 5.2.3 Managing the interchange (and related data) After deploying and securing a web service, and creating an adaptor for an import process, you can create the interchange (and related data) for that import process. Managing the interchange (and related data) To manage the interchange (and related data): 1. In the Communication Protocols function, ensure the Request Response communication protocol is enabled and manually executable. For instructions on enabling communication protocols, see 3.1.1 Managing communication protocols on page 41. 2. In the Communication Protocol Parameters function, create a request response communication protocol parameter. The following is an example: Do not specify a value in the URL field, as the external application sends requests to the web service on the CMM side for import processes. Though Time Out Value is a required field, CMM does not use it for request response communication protocols. Therefore, the value you enter it is not particularly relevant. For instructions on creating communication protocol parameters, see 3.1.2 Managing communication protocol parameters on page 42. 3. In the Interchanges function, create an interchange that references the request communication protocol parameter you created in step 2. For instructions on creating interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. 5.2.4 Testing the import process After deploying and securing a web service, creating an adaptor, and setting up the interchange and related components, you should test the import process to ensure it works properly. 76 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This section includes two examples to show how to test an import process. The first example is for an accounts payable file import process, while the second is for a direct debit file import process. Testing an accounts payable file import process that uses the web services interface To test an accounts payable file import process that uses the web services interface: 1. Using the external application, generate an accounts payable file. 2. Using the adaptor, call the web service and transfer the accounts payable file to CMM using SOAP messages. You can use the example import adaptor provided with CMM for this step. For more information on the example import adaptor, see 5.2.1 Deploying the web service and creating the adaptor on page 72. 3. Review the job log: – If the import was successful, its status in the job log will be "Successful" and the log file will reflect this: º 07:00 true false 0 Unexpected Exception: importFile( BOA_FR http://localhost/cmm/tws ) failed - message = Duplicate File - File has been imported. transaction request of 2 to http://localhost/cmm/tws is rejected due to: Unexpected Exception: importFile( BOA_FR http://localhost/cmm/tws ) failed message = Duplicate File - File has been imported. º – If the import was not successful because CMM could not locate an appropriate interchange, the log file will reflect this: º 07:00 false 0 Unexpected Exception: There is no request response interchange configured for the import type of: 2 transaction request of 2 to http://localhost/cmm/tws is rejected due to: Unexpected Exception: There is no request response interchange configured for the import type of: 2 º For instructions on reviewing the job log, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 77 Testing a direct debit file import process that uses the web services interface To test a direct debit file import process that uses the web services interface: 1. Using the external application, generate a direct debit file. 2. Using the adaptor, call the web service and transfer the direct debit file to CMM using SOAP messages. You can use the example import adaptor provided with CMM for this step. For more information on the example import adaptor, see 5.2.1 Deploying the web service and creating the adaptor on page 72. 3. Review the job log: – If the import was successful, its status in the job log will be "Successful" and the log file will reflect this: º 07:00 true false 0 Unexpected Exception: importFile( BOA_FR http://localhost/cmm/tws ) failed - message = Duplicate File - File has been imported. transaction request of 2 to http://localhost/cmm/tws is rejected due to: Unexpected Exception: importFile( BOA_FR http://localhost/cmm/tws ) failed message = Duplicate File - File has been imported. º – If the import was not successful because CMM could not locate an appropriate interchange, the log file will reflect this: º 07:00 false 0 Unexpected Exception: There is no request response interchange configured for the import type of: 2 transaction request of 2 to http://localhost/cmm/tws is rejected due to: Unexpected Exception: There is no request response interchange configured for the import type of: 2 º For instructions on reviewing the job log, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 78 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 5.3 Exporting messages using the web services interface The following diagram and table present the steps involved when you export messages from CMM to an external application using the web services interface: Number Description Subsequent action 1 CMM sends an initiation request SOAP message to the external application. None The message contains basic information about the subsequent transaction messages. It consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the request body schema. 2 3 The external application sends an initiation acknowledgement response SOAP message to CMM. If the message is positive, the process continues to step 3. The message indicates if the external application is ready to receive the transaction messages and the maximum number of transactions per message it will allow. It consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the response body schema. If the message is negative, the process stops. CMM sends a transaction request SOAP message to the external application. None The message consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the request body schema. The body contains the transaction data as an attachment in a format that CMM can support. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 79 Number Description Subsequent action 4 The external application sends a transaction acknowledgement response SOAP message to CMM. If the message is positive, the process returns to step 3. (The process repeats steps 3 and 4 until all messages have been exported.) The message consists of a header, defined by the request/response header schema, and a body, defined by the response body schema. If the message is negative, the process stops. For examples of the messages sent between CMM and the external application, see 5.4 Example SOAP messages on page 83. 5.3.1 Deploying the web service and creating the adaptor You need to deploy the web service on the external application’s side. The specific location (URL) depends on the external application. Wallstreet provides a demonstration web service (com.trema.cmmext.service. CaExtRequestResponseServlet). If you want to use demonstration web service, you need to deploy it in your J2EE web container by mapping the servlet to the web.xml file: º ExternalInterfaceWebService ExternalInterfaceWebService com.trema.cmmext.service.CaExtRequestResponseServlet º ExternalInterfaceWebService /ews/* 20 º In addition, you need to create an adaptor to do the following: • Construct and consume SOAP messages (including attachments). The SOAP messages must be compliant with CMM’s schemas. • Call the web service through its URL. You can write the adaptor in a language of your choice as long as the adaptor can complete the above two tasks. For demonstration purpose, Wallstreet has implemented an example export adaptor in Java. It is contained in the following zip file, which is included in every CMM release’s package: external interfaces cmmext-client-cmm-[Release].zip Where [Release] is the release’s version and build numbers (for example, To use the example export adaptors, you need to extract the zip file from the package of the current CMM release your organization is using and run it in an application outside of CMM. The example export adaptor’s class is com.trema.cmmext.service.CaInboundSOAPServiceDemoImpl. To use this adaptor, you must create a request response communication protocol parameter and interchange (see Chapter 3 Managing interchanges (and related data) on page 41). You can then export messages. 80 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 5.3.2 Securing the web service Because the web service resides on the external application side for exports, how you secure the web service varies. If you want to secure the web service on the external application side in a manner similar to how the web service on the CMM side is secured, Wallstreet provides a demonstration implementation of CaDemoSSLConnectionPropertyBuilder. You can set up your own implementation of CaDemoSSLConnectionPropertyBuilder and return it from CaRequestResposeServiceProvider. If you choose to secure the web service on the external application side in a manner similar to how the web service on the CMM side is secured, you need to edit the sslconnectionproperties.xml file on the CMM side. The sslconnectionproperties.xml file allows you configure the SSL certificate properties per target URL. If the certificate properties of your target URL are specified in this file, the SSL connection for your target URL is enabled whenever you make a connection to that URL and is removed once the connection is released. The following is an example of the sslconnectionproperties.xml file: º º Editing the sslconnectionproperties.xml file To edit the sslconnectionproperties.xml file: 1. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] appserver authentication ws sslconnectionproperties.xml WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 81 For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. Edit the file. 3. Save and close the file. 5.3.3 Managing the interchange (and related data) After deploying and securing a web service, and creating an adaptor for an export process, you can configure the interchange (and related components) for that export process. 5.3.4 Managing the interchange (and related data) To manage the interchange (and related data): 1. In the Communication Protocols function, ensure the Request Response communication protocol is enabled and manually executable. For instructions on enabling communication protocols, see 3.1.1 Managing communication protocols on page 41. 2. In the Communication Protocol Parameters function, create a request response communication protocol parameter. The following is an example: You need to specify a value in the URL field. Specifically, you need to enter the URL of the web service on the external application side. Though Time Out Value is a required field, CMM does not use it for request response communication protocols. Therefore, the value you enter it is not particularly relevant. For instructions on creating communication protocol parameters, see 3.1.2 Managing communication protocol parameters on page 42. 3. In the Interchanges function, create an interchange that references the request communication protocol parameter you created in step 2. For instructions on creating interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. 5.3.5 Testing the export process After deploying and securing a web service, creating an adaptor, and setting up the interchange and related components, you should test the export process to ensure it works properly. This section includes two examples to show how to test an export process. The first example is for a payment file export process, while the second is for a direct debit file export process. 82 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Testing a payment file export process that uses the web services interface Test the export process by releasing the payments you previously imported and then checking the jog log. The payment files will be exported to the designated output folder. For instructions on releasing payments and reviewing the jog log, see the WebSuite User Guide and the WebSuite System Administration Guide. Testing a direct debit file export process that uses the web services interface Test the export process by releasing the direct debits you previously imported and then checking the jog log. The direct debit files will be exported to the designated output folder. For instructions on releasing direct debits and reviewing the jog log, see the WebSuite User Guide and the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 5.4 Example SOAP messages This section presents example SOAP messages that are compliant with the schemas documented in 5.1 SOAP schemas on page 67. 5.4.1 Initiation request message The following is an example of an initiation request message: Http://localhost:1108/cmm initiation transaction_function 1 FINSTA test request id 108 1 2005-01-06T14:36:04.671-07:00 5.4.2 Positive initiation response message The following is an example of a positive initiation response message: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 83 Http://localhost:1108/cmm initiation transaction_function 1 108 1 2005-01-06T14:36:05.609-07:00 true 5000 5.4.3 Negative initiation response message The following is an example of a negative initiation response message: Http://localhost:1108/cmm initiation transaction_function 1 108 1 2005-01-06T14:36:05.609-07:00 false Missing segment of BUS 84 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 5.4.4 Transaction request message The following is an example of a transaction request message: Http://localhost:1108/cmm transaction transaction_function 5 CRG_PAYMUL test request id 108 1 2005-01-06T14:36:05.796-07:00 ------=_Part_0_25222452.1105047365843 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-Id: UNB+UNOA:1+5563295673:ZZ+5013546080448+030708:1341+6’UNH+2021+PAYMUL:D:96A:UN:…-----=_Part_0_25222452.1105047365843-- 5.4.5 Positive transaction response message The following is an example of a positive transaction response message: Http://localhost:1108/cmm transaction transaction_function 5 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 85 108 1 2005-01-06T14:36:06.515-07:00 true 5.4.6 Negative transaction response message The following is an example of a negative transaction response message: Http://localhost:1108/cmm transaction transaction_function 5 108 1 2005-01-06T14:36:06.515-07:00 false 0 Missing segment of BUS 5.5 Example SOAP message construction and consumption This section documents the steps required to construct and consume SOAP messages that can be transported with the CMM web services interface using the SAAJ and JAXB APIs. Note: This is not the only way that you can create and manipulate SOAP messages in Java—it is an example of one way to do it. If you are more comfortable with other technologies, you can use them instead. 86 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments API for Java) contains APIs for creating and populating SOAP messages that may or may not contain attachments. It also contains APIs for sending point-to-point, non-provider-based, request-and-response SOAP messages. JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) provides a convenient way to bind an XML schema to a representation in Java code. This makes it easy for you to incorporate XML data and processing functions in applications based on Java technology without having to know much about XML itself. CMM’s demo web services implementations use JAXB API to bind an XML schema to a representation in Java code and SAAJ API to attach a transactional document to a SOAP message before sending it to the web service endpoint. To transmit a SOAP message to a web service endpoint, the implementations use HttpClient API to handle both HTTP and HTTPS protocols, minimizing side effects on the client environment. Note: This section does not include steps on how to transport SOAP messages via HttpClient. 5.5.1 Binding XML schemas to Java code When communicating with CMM web services, a SOAP message needs to be compliant with CMM’s web service schemas for both request and response SOAP messages. These schema files are provided to you in the cmmext-client-[Release].jar file. Because CMM uses JAXB API to bind an XML schema to Java code, the module also provide a pre-compiled version of these Java classes in the cmmext-client-[Release].jar file. The sources are located in the cmmext-client-[Release]-src.jar file. These Java classes are generated by an XJC tool provided by Sun. To learn how to use this tool, visit the Sun website. The following are additional libraries required for running the XJC tool: • jwsdp-1_4_jaxb-jaxb-xjc-1_4-TEST-DEPENDENCY.jar • jwsdp-1_4_jaxb-xercesImpl-1_4-TEST-DEPENDENCY.jar. You can copy these Java archive files from the CMM application folder or the cmm.war file. When running the XJC tool, you need to provide three input parameters: Name Description -xmlschema Physical path of the schema file. -p Fully qualified package name in which you want to generate the classes. If the schema file is requestresponseheader.xsd, the desired package name would be com.trema.cmmext.message.bindings.requestresponseheader. -d Physical path of the folder in which you want to output Java classes. The following is a sample output log: parsing a schema... compiling a schema... com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\UnmarshallingEv entHandler.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\ErrorHandlerAda ptor.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\NamespaceContex t2.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\ContentHandlerA daptor.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\UnmarshallerImp l.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\XMLSerializable .java WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 87 com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\ValidatorImpl.j ava com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\NamespaceContex tImpl.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\GrammarInfo.jav a com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\ValidationConte xt.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\PrefixCallback. java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\ValidatableObje ct.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\Util.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\UnmarshallingEv entHandlerAdaptor.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\MSVValidator.ja va com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\UnmarshallableO bject.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\SAXMarshaller.j ava com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\InterningUnmars hallerHandler.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\GrammarInfoImpl .java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\GrammarInfoFaca de.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\MarshallerImpl. java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\Discarder.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\XMLSerializer.j ava com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\UnmarshallingCo ntext.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\SAXUnmarshaller HandlerImpl.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\ AbstractUnmarshallingEventHandlerImpl.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\ValidatingUnmar shaller.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\DefaultJAXBCont extImpl.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\runtime\SAXUnmarshaller Handler.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\AdditionalPropertyType.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\ObjectFactory.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\TremaWebServiceHeader.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\TremaWebServiceHeaderType.ja va com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\bgm.ser com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\jaxb.properties com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\AdditionalPropertyTypeI mpl.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\JAXBVersion.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\TremaWebServiceHeaderIm pl.java com\trema\cmmext\message\bindings\requestresponseheader\impl\TremaWebServiceHeaderTy peImpl.java 88 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Wallstreet has generated Java classes for the following schema files: • Request/response header • Request SOAP body • Response SOAP body. For information on these schema files, see 5.1 SOAP schemas on page 67. 5.5.2 Constructing and consuming SOAP messages A SOAP message is made up of a SOAP envelope and zero or more attachments. The SOAP envelope is then made up of a SOAP header and a SOAP body. SOAP attachments allow the SOAP message to contain not only XML data but also non-XML data such as a JPEG files. SOAP attachments use the MIME multipart as a container for these non-XML data. The SAAJ API provides the SOAPMessage class to represent a SOAP message, the SOAPPart class to represent the SOAP part, the SOAPEnvelope interface to represent the SOAP envelope, and so on. When you create a new SOAPMessage object, it automatically has the parts that are required to be in a SOAP message. In other words, a new SOAPMessage object has a SOAPPart object that contains a SOAPEnvelope object. The SOAPEnvelope object, in turn, automatically contains an empty SOAPHeader object followed by an empty SOAPBody object. If you do not need the SOAPHeader object, as it is optional, you can delete it. The rationale for having it automatically included is that more often than not you will need it, so it is more convenient to have it provided. The SOAPHeader object may contain one or more headers with information about the sending and receiving parties. The SOAPBody object, which always follows the SOAPHeader object if there is one, provides a simple way to send information intended for the ultimate recipient. For example, if there is a SOAPFault object, it must be in the SOAPBody object. A SOAP message may include one or more attachment parts in addition to the SOAP part. The SOAP part may contain only XML content. As a result, if any of the content of a message is not in XML format, it must occur in an attachment part. For example, if you want your message to contain a binary file, your message must have an attachment part for it. An attachment part can contain any kind of content, so it can contain data in XML format as well. The SAAJ API provides the AttachmentPart class to represent the attachment part of a SOAP message. A SOAPMessage object automatically has a SOAPPart object and its required subelements, but because AttachmentPart objects are optional, you have to create and add them yourself. SAAJ API belongs to the javax.xml.soap.* package. SOAPConnection provides request/response SOAP message exchange. SOAPMessage creates and populates SOAP messages (consisting of SOAPPart and AttachmentPart). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 89 The following diagram presents the relationships across these different components: Note the following assumptions: • The getMsgUtil() method returns an instance of CaExtMessageUtil, a utility class that is responsible for constructing or consuming a SOAP message through SAAJ and DOM API. • The getJAXBUtil() method returns an instance of CaExtJAXBUtil, a utility class that is responsible for creating the appropriate DOM document through JAXB API. This includes the methods to marshall a Java object into a DOM document and unmarshall a DOM document or element into an appropriate Java object. • The getTransportService() method returns an instance of an IaSOAPRequestResponseService interface. For the import process, CaExtSOAPTransportService would be the instance. For the export process, CaInboundSOAPServiceDemoImpl would be the instance. Constructing and consuming SOAP messages for the import process To construct and consume SOAP messages for the import process: 1. Create an initiation request SOAP message to CMM: SOAPMessage initiation_request = createRequest("initiation"); Although this step is optional, it is highly recommended to send the initiation request to CMM to ensure CMM is ready to receive the transactional messages. This is a simple SOAP message that tests the connection to CMM web services. As the request SOAP messages for both initiation and transaction processes need to be created, it would be a good idea to factor this out in a separate method: private SOAPMessage createRequest(String msg_type) throws Exception { SOAPMessage req= getMsgUtil().createEmptySOAPMessage(); 90 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential populateHeader(req, msg_type); populateBody(req, msg_type); return req; } CaExtMessageUtil provides an API to create an empty SOAP message from a default implementation of a MessageFactory class: public SOAPMessage createEmptySOAPMessage() throws Exception { MessageFactory f = MessageFactory.newInstance(); return f.createMessage(); } A SOAPMessage object is required to have certain elements, and as stated previously, the SAAJ API simplifies things for you by returning a new SOAPMessage object that already contains these elements. So the message, which was created in the preceding line of code, automatically has the following: – A SOAPPart object that contains – A SOAPEnvelope object that contains – An empty SOAPHeader object – An empty SOAPBody object. For CMM to understand this SOAP message, the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody objects need to be populated based on the XML schema files provided previously: private void populateHeader(SOAPMessage req, String msg_type)throws Exception { String url = getCMMWebServiceURL(); String txn_funct = getTransactionFunction(); // create TREMA SOAPHeader using the API in JAXB Utility TremaWebServiceHeader trema_header = getJAXBUtil().createTremaHeader(url, msg_type,txn_funct); String class_path = getClassPath(TremaWebServiceHeader.class); // convert a Java object into a TREMA Header XML document using the API in JAXB Utility Document trema_header_doc = getJAXBUtil().marshall(trema_header,class_path); // add TREMA Header XML document to the SOAP message using the API in CaExtMessageUtil getMsgUtil().addTremaHeader(req,trema_header_doc); } Similarly, for the SOAPBody element: private void populateBody(SOAPMessage req, String msg_type) throws Exception { //body may be populated differently based on the msg_type // create an empty TREMA Request Body using the API in JAXB Utility TremaWebServiceRequest req_body = getJAXBUtil().createTremaRequestBody(); // populate the request body req_body.setFormat(getFormat()); req_body.setInterchangeSenderId(getInterchangeSenderID()); req_body.setInterchangeReceiverId(getInterchangeReceiverID()); req_body.setInterchangeControlBatchId(getInterchangeBatchID()); req_body.setMessageSequenceNumber(getMessageSequenceNumber()); req_body.setMessageGenerationDatetime(getMessageGenerationTime()); String class_path = getClassPath(TremaWebServiceRequest.class); // convert TREMA Request Boday to a XML document using the API in JAXB Utility Document req_body_doc = getJAXBUtil().marshall(req_body,class_path); // add TREMA Request Body XML document into a SOAP message using the API in Msg Util WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 91 getMsgUtil().addTremaBody(req,req_body_doc); } To print the SOAP message to the standard output, you can use the following code fragment: getMsgUtil().printMessage(initiation_request); You first need enable the debug mode by calling getMsgUtil().setDebug(true). The result of the SOAP message that would be sent to CMM should be similar to this: http://localhost:1234/cmm/ews/ initiation transaction_function 2 PAYEXT97 test receiver id test sender id batch-1 0 2006-04-04T11:20:30.296-06:00 2. Transmit an initiation SOAP message to CMM: SOAPMessage initiation_response = getTransportService().onMessage(initiation_request); When the initiation SOAP message is fully populated and ready to send, use the API in IaSOAPRequestResponseService to send a SOAP message to CMM. It can be sent through a secured or non-secured channel. 3. Receive a response SOAP message from CMM. When CMM has processed the request, it sends back a response SOAP message to indicate the status of the process. This could be a FAULT SOAP message when CMM has encountered a fatal error during processing. The reason of the fault message is stored in the fault string element: soapenv:Server 92 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Failed on security validation, check your request security setting, then discuss it with your web service provider urn:trema-webserivce When a response SOAP message is returned, use the API in CaExtMessageUtil to check whether it is a FAULT SOAP message: if(getMsgUtil().hasSOAPFault(initiation_response)) { String ex_msg = "Initiation Response is SOAPFault: "; // you can custom your error handling here throw new Exception(ex_msg + getMsgUtil().getSOAPFaultDetails(initiation_response)); } When CMM has processed the request without encountering any fatal error, it will send back a response SOAP message that would be similar to this: http://localhost:1234/cmm/ews/ initiation transaction_function 2 batch-1 0 2006-04-05T09:58:41.564-06:00 true 1000 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 93 Note: – The request and response SOAP messages share the same SOAPHeader element. – The status of the process can be located in the request_success element having a boolean value of either true or false. – When the status of the process is false, the rejection reason will be populated in the rejection_reason element. This error can also be reviewed in CMM using the job log. – The value of the max_number_transactions_permessage element is not applicable in the import process as you can send CMM as many transactions per message as you wish. This element is more applicable for the export process when you can only process a limited number of transactions at a time. This way you can specify how many transactions per message you would like to receive from CMM. – Currently, CMM does not provide details of the errors at the transaction level in the response SOAP message. This will be addressed in a future release. You can use the APIs in JAXB utility and SOAP message utility to extract the values in the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody elements: TremaWebServiceHeader ini_trema_header = getTremaHeader(initiation_response); TremaWebServiceResponse ini_trema_response_body = getTremaResponseBody(initiation_response); if(ini_trema_response_body.isRequestSuccess()) { // you can start sending transaction data to CMM processTransactions(ini_trema_header,ini_trema_response_body); } else { // when there was a failure, you need to handle the error accordingly handleNegativeResponse(ini_trema_header,ini_trema_response_body); } private TremaWebServiceHeader getTremaHeader(SOAPMessage response)throws Exception { Element e_trema_header = getMsgUtil().getTremaHeader(response); String class_path = getClassPath(TremaWebServiceHeader.class); return (TremaWebServiceHeader) getJAXBUtil().unmarshall(e_trema_header,class_path); } private TremaWebServiceResponse getTremaResponseBody(SOAPMessage response) throws Exception { Element e_body = getMsgUtil().getTremaResponseBody(response); String class_path = getClassPath(TremaWebServiceResponse.class); return (TremaWebServiceResponse) getJAXBUtil().unmarshall(e_body,class_path); } 4. Create a transaction SOAP request to CMM: SOAPMessage request = createRequest("transaction"); Similar to the initiation request, you can use the same createRequest() method to create a default SOAP message to CMM. 5. Attach a transactional data stream to the request SOAP message: CaSOAPMessageAttachUtil.attachToMessage(request, transaction_msg_content, "ISO-8859-1"); Once the default request SOAP message has been created, you can attach the transaction data stream to the SOAP message using the API in CaSOAPMessageAttachUtil. 94 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Note: – To preserve the data integrity of the attachment message, you should set the character set of this attachment to ISO-8859-1. This way the I/O operations treat the input stream as a binary stream and not as a character stream. The encrypted or Unicode data stream is not be corrupted during the I/O processing. – You should only attach a single transactional data stream to the SOAP message, which may contain more than one transaction’s data. Below is a sample implementation of the attachToMessage() method in CaSOAPMessageAttachUtil: public static void attachToMessage(SOAPMessage soap_msg, Object transaction_msg_content, String charset) throws Exception { // to preserve the data sending the attachment as binary AttachmentPart attachment = soap_msg.createAttachmentPart(); if ( transaction_msg_content instanceof InputStream ) { String content_type = "application/octet-stream"; attachment = soap_msg.createAttachmentPart(transaction_msg_content, content_type); attachment.setMimeHeader("Content-Type", content_type + "; charset=" + charset); } else if ( transaction_msg_content instanceof File ) { File file = (File)transaction_msg_content; DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(file)); attachment = soap_msg.createAttachmentPart(dh); String content_type = "application/octet-stream"; attachment.setMimeHeader("Content-Type", content_type + "; charset=" + charset); } else { String content_type = "application/octet-stream"; String str = (String)transaction_msg_content; InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes(charset)); attachment = soap_msg.createAttachmentPart(is, content_type); attachment.setMimeHeader("Content-Type", content_type + "; charset=" + charset); } attachment.setContentId(TRANACTION_ATTACHMENT_CONTENT); soap_msg.addAttachmentPart(attachment); } The result of the transaction request SOAP message should look similar to this: http://localhost:1234/cmm/ews/ transaction transaction_function 2 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 95 PAYEXT97 test receiver id test sender id batch-1 1 2006-04-05T09:58:41.939-06:00 ---GgtA4s1Zac7_w7Y_ZQnQ_D8T_g4okiNkJ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="transaction_message_attachment"; filename="attachment" Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary HEADER ROUTING/FUH_TEST_ALL º ---GgtA4s1Zac7_w7Y_ZQnQ_D8T_g4okiNkJ-6. Transmit a request SOAP message with attachment to CMM: SOAPMessage transaction_response = getTransportService().onMessage(request); Similarly, use the API in IaSOAPRequestResponseService to send a SOAP message to CMM. 7. Receive a response SOAP message from CMM. As in step 3, CMM sends back a response SOAP message once it has processed the request: http://localhost:1234/cmm/ews/ transaction transaction_function 2 batch-1 0 96 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 2006-04-05T09:58:46.267-06:00 false 0 Unexpected Exception: There is no request response interchange configured for the import type of: 2 8. Repeat step 4 for each transaction data message. Constructing and consuming SOAP messages for the export process The construction and consumption of SOAP messages for the export process is very similar to the one for the import process except that you are listening for the incoming requests from CMM. Once you have received a SOAP message from CMM, you are responsible for extracting the attachments from the SOAP message using the API in CaSOAPMessageAttachUtil. Therefore, this guide does not document the steps for creating SOAP messages in the export process. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 97 98 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Chapter 6 Using the command line interface Parties outside of Wallstreet’s R&D department can create custom interfaces using technologies of their choice. The command line interface allows these parties to connect their custom interfaces to CMM. This allows your organization to implement interfaces independently of the release schedule for CMM. 6.1 Connecting interface components Using the command line interface, you can connect interface components developed outside of CMM to CMM. The command line interface supports the following types of interface components: • Transport mechanisms • Security mechanisms • Format processor. After creating parameters for these components, you can use the parameters in interchanges. 6.1.1 Connecting transport mechanisms To connect transport mechanisms: 1. In the Communication Protocols function, ensure the Generic Command Line communication protocol is enabled and manually executable. In a standard installation, the Generic Command Line communication protocol is enabled and manually executable by default. For instructions on enabling communication protocols, see 3.1.1 Managing communication protocols on page 41. 2. Using a technology of your choice, create a batch file for the transport mechanism you want to connect to CMM. The technology you use to create the batch file must be installed on the same computer as the CMM application server. Wallstreet recommends that you use Ant to execute the batch file, as Ant allows you to be cross-platform compliant. (Ant has an task that allows different commands to be executed based on the operating system being used.) When you execute the batch file, CMM sets the following session environment variables: – ENV_LOCAL_PATH – ENV_REMOTE_PATCH – ENV_FILE_FILTERS. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 99 When you execute the batch file for an export process, CMM sets the following additional session environment variables: – ENV_SOURCE_FILENAME – ENV_SOURCE_FILE – ENV_SOURCE_DIR. The batch file must pass the correct exit code to CMM so that the module can log the code in the database. CMM will interpret the code as follows: – "0" represents success – Any other value represents failure. 3. In the Communication Protocol Parameters function, create a command line communication protocol parameter for the transport mechanism. For instructions on creating communication protocol parameters, see 3.1.2 Managing communication protocol parameters on page 42. 4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 for each transport mechanism you want to connect to CMM. 6.1.2 Connecting security mechanisms To connect security mechanisms: 1. In the Signers function, ensure the Generic Command Line Encryption and Generic Command Line Decryption signers are enabled. In a standard installation, the Generic Command Line Encryption and Generic Command Line Decryption signers are enabled by default. For instructions on enabling signers, see 3.2.1 Managing signers on page 51. 2. Using a technology of your choice, create a batch file for the security mechanism you want to connect to CMM. The technology you use to create the batch file must be installed on the same computer as the CMM application server. Wallstreet recommends that you use Ant to execute the batch file, as Ant allows you to be cross-platform compliant. (Ant has an task that allows different commands to be executed based on the operating system being used.) When you execute the batch file, CMM sets the following session environment variables: – ENV_INPUT_FILENAME – ENV_INPUT_FILE – ENV_INPUT_DIR – ENV_OUTPUT_FILENAME – ENV_OUTPUT_FILE – ENV_OUTPUT_DIR. The bath file must pass the correct exit code to CMM so that the module can log the code in the database. CMM will interpret the code as follows: – "0" represents success – Any other value represents failure. 3. In the Signer Parameters function, create a command line signer parameter for the security mechanism. 100 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential For instructions on creating signer parameters, see 3.2.2 Managing signer parameters on page 52. 4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 for each security mechanism you want to connect to CMM. 6.1.3 Connecting format processors To connect format processors: 1. Using a technology of your choice, create a batch file for the format processor you want to connect to CMM. The technology you use to create the batch file must be installed on the same computer as the CMM application server. Wallstreet recommends that you use Ant to execute the batch file, as Ant allows you to be cross-platform compliant. (Ant has an task that allows different commands to be executed based on the operating system being used.) When you execute the batch file, CMM sets the following session environment variables: – ENV_INPUT_FILENAME – ENV_INPUT_FILE – ENV_INPUT_DIR – ENV_OUTPUT_FILENAME – ENV_OUTPUT_FILE – ENV_OUTPUT_DIR. The batch file must pass the correct exit code to CMM so that the module can log the code in the database. CMM will interpret the code as follows: – "0" represents success – Any other value represents failure. 2. In the Command Line Processors function, create a command line format processor parameter for the format processor. For instructions on creating format processor parameters, see 3.3 Managing format processors on page 55. 3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 for each format processor you want to connect to CMM. 6.1.4 Configuring interchanges that use the command line parameters After you have created command line communication protocol, signer, and format processor parameters, you can use them in interchanges. The following is an example interchange: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 101 When CMM imports accounts payable files using this example interchange, it does the following: • Copies the source accounts payable files from the remote server using the communication command line (generic-cmdline-comm-copyExactFile) • Places the files in the specified folder (C:\cmm\Imports\AP) • Decrypts the files using the zip tool (generic-cmdline-unzip) • Transforms the files using generic-cmdline-format.zip and generic-cmdline-format-unzip • Imports the files’ data into CMM. Note: You do not necessarily have to use command line parameters for all components of an interchange. For example, you could use command line parameters for the communication and format processor components but not the security component. For detailed instructions on managing interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. 6.2 Example implementation of the command line interface This section presents an example implementation of the command line interface. It shows you the steps involved in setting up and testing the following interfaces created with the command line interface: Interface Description Bank transaction import CMM retrieves files from a remote FTP server (Remote FTP Server 1) and places them in a temporary folder. It then removes the folders from Remote FTP Server 1 and send them to another remote FTP server (Remote FTP Server 2). This example will support two scenarios: 102 • The files are not encrypted. • The files are encrypted by GnuPG, then signed by GnuPG, and finally compressed by a zip utility. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Interface Description Account payable import CMM retrieves files from Remote FTP Server 1 and places copies in Remote FTP Server 2 before importing them. The files are encrypted by GnuPG, then signed by GnuPG, and finally compressed by a zip utility. The format processor first compresses the files and then decompresses them. This places the files back into their original format so that they can be imported into CMM. Note: In practice, format processors are used to reformat files in foreign data formats to formats that are recognized and supported by CMM. Payment export Once the imported payments have been processed as required by CMM, released, and written to files, CMM encrypts, signs, and zips the files before sending them to the bank via FTP. The format processor first compresses the files and then decompresses them. This places the files back into their original format so that they can be exported to the bank. Note: In practice, format processors are used to reformat files in CMM formats into formats that are recognized and supported by banks. The examples in this section are for demonstration purposes. Therefore, if you decide to create the examples by following the procedures in this section, do so in a test environment rather than a production environment. 6.2.1 Completing prerequisite steps Before creating the example documented in the subsequent procedures of this section, you must complete the following prerequisite steps: • Install Apache Ant 1.6.0 in C:\cmm\3rdPartyProgDir\. Apache Ant is available from the Apache website. • Install GnuPG 1.2.1 in C:\cmm\3rdPartyProgDir\gpg\bin. GnuPG is available from the GnuPG website. • Create the following parties: – Entities – – Ent1 External banks – BOA_FR – BOA_US. For instructions on creating parties, see the WebSuite User Guide. • Create the following bank accounts: – 1019567 (held by Ent1 at BOA_FR) – 1010125 (held by Ent1 at BOA_US). For instructions on creating bank accounts, see the WebSuite User Guide. • Create the following transaction authorization rule: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 103 For instructions on creating transaction authorization rules, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 6.2.2 Configuring the transport mechanism The first step in creating the example implementation of the command line interface is to set up, connect, and test a transport mechanism. Setting up and connecting the transport mechanism To set up and connect the transport mechanism: 1. Create the following two folders on the remote server: – RemoteFetchFolder – RemoteFetchFolder2. 2. Create a user named ftpuser with full access to these folders. Full access is required because the transport mechanism will copy and delete files in RemoteFetchFolder and paste them in RemoteFetchFolder2. 3. Open the cmdline-plugins.xml file (located in …\3rdPartyProgDir\cmdline\). 4. Edit the marked attributes’ values: º Enter the name of Remote Server 1. Enter the value of Remote Server 1. Enter the name of Remote Server 2. Enter the value of Remote Server 2. 104 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Enter the password of ftpuser. Enter the password of ftpuser. Enter the password of ftpuser. º For the purposes of this example, Remote Server 1 and Remote Server 2 are identical. In a production environment, you would change attributes 3 and 4 with the actual host name of the remote FTP servers. You are responsible for protecting the cmdline-plugins.xml file so that unauthorized users cannot open it and access user names and passwords from it. 5. Save and close the file. 6. Create a communication protocol parameter for the transport mechanism: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 105 7. Disable all other communication protocol parameters. For instructions on creating and disabling communication protocol parameters, see 3.1.2 Managing communication protocol parameters on page 42. Testing the transport mechanism To test the transport mechanism: 1. Place the following sample files (provided by Wallstreet) in RemoteFetchFolder: – BT_BAI_template_enc_sign_zip.txt – BT_BAI_template2_enc_sign_zip.txt. 2. Delete any existing files in RemoteFetchFolder2. 3. Select Admin - Utilities - Bank Interfacing - Communication Dispatch. 4. In the Communication Dispatch page, select the Generic Command Line Communication checkbox and clear all other checkboxes. 5. Click Dispatch Message. 6. Review the job log. 7. Confirm that the same files were moved from RemoteFetchFolder to RemoteFetchFolder2. 6.2.3 Configuring the security mechanisms The second and third steps in creating the example implementation of the command line interface are to generate and test GnuPG key and to set up, configure, and test security mechanisms. Note: CMM includes a built-in GnuPG file signer. However, for the purposes of the example, you will using the command line interface to connect an external one to CMM. Generating GnuPG keys To generate GnuPG keys: 1. Open a command prompt. 2. Navigate to …\3rdPartyProgDir\gpg\bin: $> cd C:\cmm\3rdPartyProgDir\gpg\bin 3. List the public key ring: $> gpg --homedir . --list-keys 4. Generate two different GnuPG keys: 106 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential $> gpg --homedir . --gen-key 5. List the secret keys: $> gpg --homedir . --list-secret-keys .\secring.gpg ------------sec 1024D/05D08C89 2005-09-07 Phu Vuong (key does not expire) ssb 1024g/559A0D5D 2005-09-07 sec 1024D/BA045DB0 2005-09-07 Phu Vuong (Test Key 2 does not expire) ssb 1024g/FA71BB85 2005-09-07 Testing GnuPG keys To test the GnuPG keys: 1. Open a command prompt. 2. Navigate to …\3rdPartyProgDir\gpg\bin: $> cd C:\cmm\3rdPartyProgDir\gpg\bin 3. Encrypt the test file from the sender test key 1 to the recipient test key 2: $> gpg --homedir . --output C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template_enc.txt --local-user 0x05D08C89 --recipient 0xBA045DB0 --encrypt C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template.txt 4. Sign the encrypted file: $> gpg --homedir . --output C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template_enc_sign.txt --local-user 0x05D08C89 --recipient 0xBA045DB0 --sign C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template_enc.txt 5. Verify the signed test file: $> gpg --homedir . --output C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template_enc_unsign.txt --verify C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template_enc_sign.txt 6. Decrypt the signed test file: $> gpg --homedir . --output C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template_enc_unsign.txt --decrypt C:\temp\gpg\BT_BAI_template_enc_sign.txt Setting up and connecting the security mechanism To set up and connect the security mechanism: 1. Open the cmdline-plugins.xml file (located in …\3rdPartyProgDir\cmdline\). 2. Confirm the following sections are available in the file and configure them as appropriate: – GnuPG encryption º WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 107 … – GnuPG encryption and signing (from the command line) º … – GnuPG encryption and signing (from CMM) º 108 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential º – GnuPG decryption º º – GnuPG decryption (from the command line) º WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 109 … – GnuPG decryption (from CMM) º … – Zip compression and decompression º … 3. Create signer parameters for the security mechanisms: 110 – GnuPG encryption – GnuPG signing © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential – GnuPG encryption and signing – GnuPG decryption (key 1) – GnuPG decryption (key 2) – Zip compression – Zip decompression WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 111 For instructions on creating singer parameters, see 3.2.2 Managing signer parameters on page 52. Testing the security mechanisms To test the security mechanisms: 1. Place the following sample files (provided by Wallstreet) in C:\temp\gpg: – BT_BAI_template.txt – BT_BAI_template2.txt – AP_FUH_TEST.txt. 2. Open a command prompt. 3. Enter the following commands to test encryption of the BT_BAI_template.txt file: $> set TEST_FILE_NAME=BT_BAI_template $> set ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dparam.input.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%.txt -Dparam.output.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc.txt -Dparam.sender.keyid=0x05D08C89 -Dparam.passphrase=phu.vuong -Dparam.receiver.keyid=0xBA045DB0 $> cmdline-plugins gpg.encrypt $> set ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dparam.input.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc.txt -Dparam.output.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign.txt -Dparam.sender.keyid=0x05D08C89 -Dparam.passphrase=phu.vuong -Dparam.receiver.keyid=0xBA045DB0 $> cmdline-plugins gpg.sign $> set ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dparam.input.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%.txt -Dparam.output.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign2.txt -Dparam.sender.keyid=0x05D08C89 -Dparam.passphrase=phu.vuong -Dparam.receiver.keyid=0xBA045DB0 $> cmdline-plugins gpg.sign.encrypt $> mkdir C:\temp\gpg\zip $> del /f /s /q C:\temp\gpg\zip $> copy C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign.txt C:\temp\gpg\zip\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zip.txt $> del /f /q C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zip.txt $> zip -j C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zip.txt C:\temp\gpg\zip\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zip.txt Ensure the file being zipped has the same name as the zipped file. Otherwise, when the file is unzipped, CMM will not be able to find it during the import process. 4. Enter the following commands to test decryption of the BT_BAI_template.txt file: $> mkdir C:\temp\gpg\out $> set ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dparam.input.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc.txt -Dparam.output.file=C:\temp\gpg\out\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc.out -Dparam.passphrase=phu.vuong $> cmdline-plugins gpg.decrypt $> set ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dparam.input.file=C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign.txt 112 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential -Dparam.output.file=C:\temp\gpg\out\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign.out -Dparam.passphrase=phu.vuong $> cmdline-plugins gpg.verify $> unzip -o C:\temp\gpg\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zip.txt -d C:\temp\gpg\unzip $> set ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dparam.input.file=C:\temp\gpg\unzip\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zi p.txt -Dparam.output.file=C:\temp\gpg\unzip\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zip.txt.txt -Dparam.passphrase=phu.vuong $> cmdline-plugins gpg.decrypt $> set ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dparam.input.file=C:\temp\gpg\unzip\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zi p.txt.txt -Dparam.output.file=C:\temp\gpg\unzip\%TEST_FILE_NAME%_enc_sign_zip.txt.txt.txt -Dparam.passphrase=phu.vuong $> cmdline-plugins gpg.decrypt 5. Repeat steps 3 to 4 for the BT_BAI_template2.txt file. 6. Repeat steps 3 to 4 for the AP_FUH_TEST.txt file. 6.2.4 Configuring the format processors The fourth step in creating the example implementation of the command line interface is to set up and connect format processors. Setting up and connecting format processors To set up and connect format processors: 1. Open the cmdline-plugins.xml file (located in …\3rdPartyProgDir\cmdline\). 2. Confirm the following section is available in the file and configure it as appropriate: º … 3. Create format processor parameters for the format processors: – Zip compression WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 113 – Zip decompression For instructions on creating format processor parameters, see 3.3 Managing format processors on page 55. 6.2.5 Importing bank transaction files using the command line interface After configuring the transport mechanism and security mechanisms, you can create and then test an interface to import bank transaction files. Creating the bank transaction import interface To create the bank transaction import interface: 1. In the fileimportexportformats.xml file, ensure format ID 1’s modeltypecode attribute is set to "2": º º For instructions on extracting and editing the fileimportexportformats.xml file, see 2.1 Configuring the fileimportexportformats.xml file on page 37. 2. Create the following interchange: 114 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential For instructions on creating interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. Testing the bank transaction import interface with unencrypted files To test the bank transaction import interface with unencrypted files: 1. Place the following sample files (provided by Wallstreet) in RemoteFetchFolder: – BT_BAI_template.txt – BT_BAI_template2.txt. If you have previously imported these files, you need to undo the imports before continuing. 2. In the Import Bank Transaction Files function, import the files. 3. In the Review Job Log function, review the jog log to ensure the import was successful. 4. Confirm that the files were moved from RemoteFetchFolder to RemoteFetchFolder2. For instruction on importing bank transaction files and reviewing the jog log, see the WebSuite User Guide and the WebSuite System Administration Guide. Testing the bank transaction import interface with encrypted files To test the bank transaction import interface with encrypted files: 1. Place the following sample files (provided by Wallstreet) in RemoteFetchFolder: – BT_BAI_template_enc_sign_zip.txt – BT_BAI_template2_enc_sign_zip.txt. If you have previously imported these files, you need to undo the imports before continuing. 2. Edit the previously created interchange: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 115 For instructions on editing interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. 3. In the Import Bank Transaction Files function, import the files. 4. In the Review Job Log function, review the jog log to ensure the import was successful. 5. Confirm that the files were moved from RemoteFetchFolder to RemoteFetchFolder2. For instruction on importing bank transaction files and reviewing the jog log, see the WebSuite User Guide and the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 6.2.6 Importing accounts payable files using the command line interface After configuring the transport mechanism, security mechanisms, and format processors you can create and then test an interface to import accounts payable files. Creating the accounts payable import interface Create the following interchange: 116 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential For instructions on creating interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. Testing the accounts payable import interface To test the accounts payable import interface: 1. Place the following sample file (provided by Wallstreet) in RemoteFetchFolder: – AP_FUH_TEST_enc_sign_zip.txt. If you have previously imported this file, you need to undo the import before continuing. 2. In the Import Transaction Files function, import the file. 3. In the Review Job Log function, review the jog log to ensure the import was successful. 4. Confirm that the file was moved from RemoteFetchFolder to RemoteFetchFolder2. For instruction on importing transaction files and reviewing the jog log, see the WebSuite User Guide and the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 6.2.7 Exporting payment files using the command line interface After configuring the transport mechanism, security mechanisms, and format processors you can create and then test an interface to export payment files. Creating the payment export interface Create the following interchange: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 117 For instructions on creating interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. Testing the payment export interface To test the payment export interface: 1. In the Release Payments function, release the transactions you imported from the accounts payable file. 2. In the Review Job Log function, review the jog log to ensure the export was successful. For instruction on exporting payments and reviewing the jog log, see the WebSuite User Guide and the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 118 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Chapter 7 Using XML-template-based formats Using XML templates, you can create and implement custom formats for the following import and export processes: Imports Exports • Forecasts • Payments • Payments (AP) • Direct debits • Receipts (AR) • Letters of credit • Direct debits • Preadvices • Bank statements • Credit advices • Bank messages. • Bank statements • General ledger postings. Note: Unlike the web services and command line interfaces, XML templates only apply to the format components of interfaces—not the connection point, transport mechanism, and security mechanism components. There are several benefits to creating and implementing custom formats with XML templates rather than using standard formats: • Your organization has control over its custom formats. • Custom formats reside outside of the CMM DefaultData folder (see 1.5 Opening configuration files on page 32) and, therefore, are not overwritten when your organization upgrades to a new CMM release or patch. • You can modify custom formats without having to request and wait for changes by Wallstreet. • You can quickly and easily create variations of formats for new countries or banks with specific needs. Creating and implementing a custom format using XML templates involves three stages: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 119 7.1 Creating custom formats Creating a custom format involves different steps depending on whether the format is for imports or exports. Note: This chapter assumes you are completing these steps in a test environment. In a later section, 7.3 Going live on page 132, you will transfer the files you created while completing these steps to a production environment. 120 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 7.1.1 Creating custom import formats Creating a custom import format involves five steps: 1. Add the format to the fileimportexportformats.xml file. 2. Add the format’s pattern to the importfilepattern.xml file. 3. Manage transaction subtype mappings for the format (if required). 4. Add the format to the specificationmap.xml file. 5. Create the format’s parser and mapping files. Adding formats to the fileimportexportformats.xml file In 2.1 Configuring the fileimportexportformats.xml file on page 37, you edited the fileimportexportformats.xml file and removed unneeded formats from it to ensure optimal performance. In this step, you will add a format to the fileimportexportformats.xml file. To add formats to the fileimportexportformats.xml file: 1. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] data table fileimportexportformats.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. In the table_data element, enter a row_data child element for the first format you want to add. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 121 The following table defines the attributes to include in the row_data child element: Attribute Value fileformatuniqueid The format’s unique ID. Note: Wallstreet recommends you use unique IDs of 1,000 or higher for custom formats. importexporttypeid fileformatcode The format’s import/export type: • 1 for bank transaction import • 2 for accounts payable file import • 3 for foreign exchange rate import • 4 for external general ledger file export • 5 for payment file export • 6 for accounts receivable file import • 7 for counterparty import • 8 for bank account import • 9 for counterparty bank import • 10 for bank message import • 11 for remittance advice export • 12 for interest rate import • 13 for deal import • 17 for deal confirmation export • 19 for bank account confirmation message export • 22 for negative payment confirmation message export • 23 for export of bank payment file - VALIDATE • 24 for entity import • 25 for receipt file export • 26 for positive payment confirmation message export • 27 for direct debit file import • 28 for direct debit file export • 29 for bank transaction export • 30 for positive pay file export • 31 for requisition message export • 32 for transaction export for posting • 33 for bank balance export • 37 for letter of credit file export • 38 for forecast import • 41 for credit advice file export. The format’s code. Note: This code will be mapped to the format’s corresponding specificationmap.xml file and will be referenced in the importfilepattern.xml file. fileformatname The format’s name. Note: Be descriptive, as the value you enter in this attribute displays in Format Supplications lists in the Interchanges function. fileformatdesc A detailed description of the format. Note: This attribute is optional. 122 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Value formatcategoryid The format’s category: modeltypecode • 1 for EDIFACT • 2 for X12 • 3 for SWIFT • 4 for proprietary. 2. Note: Entering based. 2 in this attribute indicates the format is XML template 3. Repeat step 2 for each format you want to add. 4. Save and close the file. Adding format patterns to the importfilepattern.xml file The importfilepattern.xml file you edited in 2.2 Configuring the importfilepattern.xml file on page 38 defines the format patterns that allow CMM to correctly identify and parse import files. As part of creating a custom import format, you must add the format’s pattern to the importfilepattern.xml file. To add format patterns to the importfilepattern.xml file: 1. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] interfaces importfilepattern.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. In the import_file_pattern element, enter a pattern child element for the first format pattern you want to add. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 123 The following table defines the attributes to include in the pattern child element: Attribute Value format_code The format pattern’s code. Note: The value you enter in this attribute must exactly match the value you entered in the appropriate fileformatcode attribute in the fileimportexportformats.xml file. pattern A regular expression that specifies the format pattern. The following is an example for a FINSTA format: (?s)UNB\+.*?UNH\+.*?\+FINSTA.*?:9 Note: Ensure your regular expressions patterns are unique to identify all formats you plan to import into CMM. format_sub_type The format pattern’s subtype. Note: This attribute is optional. format_type The format pattern’s type. Note: This attribute is optional. business_type ACKNOWLEDGEMENT or ACCEPTANCE. Note: This attribute is only required for bank message import format patterns. 3. Repeat step 2 for each format pattern you want to add. 4. Save and close the file. Creating transaction subtype mappings for formats For select formats (currently bank transaction import and bank message import formats), you need to create transaction subtype mappings so that CMM properly processes a file’s records after importing the file. For more information on creating transaction subtype mappings, see 4.1 Managing transaction subtype mappings on page 61. Adding formats to the appropriate specification map files The specificationmap.xml file defines the import/export type codes used in the importexporttypeid attributes of the fileimportexportformats.xml file. Note: The specificationmap.xml file is included in the CMM DefaultData folder. See 1.5 Opening configuration files on page 32. The specificationmap.xml file references six other XML configuration files: • apimportspectmap.xml • arimportspectmap.xml • balanceandtransactionimportspectmap.xml • bankmessageimportspectmap.xml • ddimportspectmap.xml • forecastimportspectmap.xml. Each of these files defines the formats for it respective import/export type as shown in the following example: 124 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential If you attempt to import a file in a format not defined in these files, the following error message displays: There is no matching spec for format ${format_specification}, check your spec map xml files. To prevent this error from displaying for your custom formats, you must add the formats to the appropriate specification map files: 1. Open one of the following configuration files: [Standard configuration file path] interfaces imports apimportspectmap.xml arimportspectmap.xml balanceandtransactionimportspectmap.xml bankmessageimportspectmap.xml ddimportspectmap.xml forecastimportspectmap.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. In the condition_test_element element, enter a result_handler child element for the first format you want to add. The following is an example: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 125 3. Repeat step 2 for each format you want to add. 4. Save and close the file. Creating format parser and mapping files The third parties from which you are importing information can provide you with specifications that define their format and business rule requirements. You need to map these requirements to your XML template-based format. Note: If an existing format in CMM closely matches a third party’s format and business rule requirements, consider using it as a template rather than creating a new format. CMM includes a set of attribute and handlers that you can use to define your formats. Using the attributes and handlers, you can take advantage of all of the information in an import file and ensure the file is parsed correctly. For more information on attributes and handlers, see Appendix B Attributes on page 311 and Appendix C Handlers on page 369. There may be differences in how you want to approach the types of files that can be imported into CMM. For example, you may want to treat statement and message files from banks differently from files generated internally, or you may want to create separate formats for accounts payable files depending on their sources. Depending on the complexity of the information you are importing, you may decide to use a tree: Type Example Procedure Simple A fixed-length-based format When you read the data, you know what field you are reading and you can directly set the field read from the file to the business object (for example, an AP data record), or you can save the value in context first and then manipulate the value if required and then set the manipulated context variable to the business object. Complex EDIFACT and BAI When you read the data, you do not always know what attribute of the business object to which you should map, or it may be difficult to manage the mapping logic. Creating a tree allows you to put those values read from the file to a visualized tree structure. As a result, you can print out the tree if you want to look at it before mapping. After the tree is established, you can traverse it with ease, and map the proper node of the tree to the correct business object. You can use a tree for simple information. However, Wallstreet does not recommend using a tree if you can manage without it to avoid unnecessary steps and memory consumption. You may decide to use trees initially but later move away from them as you become familiar with creating formats. Because most banks use standard formats but can implement them in slightly different ways, you can adapt a format after creating it for subsequent banks, countries, or both. You have the option of creating multiple versions of a format or making the processing conditional within a single format. Should the rule for the variation be dependent upon something fixed, such as a bank or country, it is best to create a separate format that can be attached to a specific interchange rather than making the original format extremely complex so it applies to many bank variations. Wallstreet can provide you with several example of standard and custom formats. 126 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 7.1.2 Creating custom export formats Creating a custom export format involves five steps: 1. Add the format to the fileimportexportformats.xml file. 2. Create breakup definitions. 3. Create payment aggregation definitions. 4. Add the format to the specificationmap.xml file. 5. Create the format’s validation and generation files. Adding formats to the fileimportexportformats.xml file For information on adding formats to the fileimportexportformats.xml file, see 7.1.1 Creating custom import formats on page 121. Creating breakup definitions Breakup definitions allow you to generate multiple files, batches, or both for the same format in a single release. You can break up files according to the specifications of the receiving system or user-defined business drivers. You can group transactions using multiple grouping attributes. Grouping attributes are set in such a way that the transactions must match all specified attributes to be placed in the same file. For example, all payments must be paid from the same bank account and have the same value date. Any payment which does not match these two criteria generates a separate file or batch. You can also group transactions using a maximum group size. This can be used alone or in conjunction with defined group attributes. This limits the number of transactions that can be included in a single file or batch even though they share the same specified group attributes. To create a breakup definition: 1. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] interfaces exports paymentfilebreakupspecification.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. Change the build_payment_groups attribute for each format you want to modify. The following is an example: For more information on the build_txn_groups handler, see C.4 build_txn_groups on page 373. 3. Save and close the file. Creating payment aggregation definitions When creating an interchange, you must define its aggregation type by selecting the appropriate value in the Aggregation Type list. If you are using a custom format, you must set this list to XML AGGREGATION. (If you select COMMUNITY AGGREGATION, MULTI CREDIT AGGREGATION, NETTING AGGREGATION, or SINGLE CREDIT AGGREGATION, CMM will attempt to aggregate data using a legacy Java-based method. If you select, NO AGGREGATION, CMM does not attempt to aggregate data.) WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 127 You do not have to make any changes to CMM to use default aggregation. However, you can create new payment aggregation definitions and apply them to specific formats if required. However, if you create a new payment aggregation definition for a format, the new definition will continue to display as XML AGGREGATION in the Aggregation Type list of the Interchanges function. Note: If a format does not have a payment aggregation definition, no aggregation is completed when you export files using that format. To create a payment aggregation definition: 1. Using a text editor, create an aggregation definition file. The following is an example that groups payments by paying bank account, value date, currency, delivery channel, domestic/cross-border status, transaction type, and batch ID: For more information on the txn_aggregation handler, see C.48 txn_aggregation on page 413. 2. Save the file with an appropriate name and the .xml extension in …\InstallationData\interfaces\exports\aggregation\. 3. Close the file. 4. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] interfaces exports aggregation paymentaggregators.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 5. Change the filename attribute for each format for which you want to use the payment aggregation definition. The following is an example: 6. Save and close the file. Adding formats to the specificationmap.xml file For information on adding formats to the specificationmap.xml file, see 7.1.1 Creating custom import formats on page 121. Creating format validation and generation files The third parties to which you are exporting information can provide you with specifications that define their format and business rule requirements. You need to map these requirements to your XML template-based format. 128 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Note: If an existing format in CMM closely matches a third party’s format and business rule requirements, consider using it as a base template rather than creating an entirely new format. CMM includes a set of attributes and handlers that you can use to define your formats. Using the attributes and handlers, you can execute complex logic to ensure the final format is correct for the third party. For more information on attributes and handlers, see Appendix B Attributes on page 311 and Appendix C Handlers on page 369. Because most banks use standard formats but can implement them in slightly different ways, you can adapt a format after creating it for subsequent banks, countries, or both. You have the option of creating multiple versions of a format or making the processing conditional within a single format. Should the rule for the variation be dependent upon something fixed, such as a bank or country, it is best to create a separate format that can be attached to a specific interchange rather than making the original format extremely complex so it applies to many bank variations. Wallstreet can provide you with several examples of standard and custom formats. 7.2 Testing custom formats After completing the steps in 7.1 Creating custom formats on page 120 but before going live, you can test your new custom formats. 7.2.1 Testing custom formats To test custom formats: 1. Create one or more interchanges for the new formats. For information on creating interchanges, see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56. 2. Do the following: – If you are testing import formats, ensure properly formatted test files are available in the correct locations and the required static data are available in CMM. – If you are testing export formats, ensure test data are available in CMM to export. 3. Use the appropriate functions to import or export data: Type Function Imports Forecasts Import Forecasts Payments (AP) Import Transaction Files Receipts (AR) Import AR Files Direct debits Import Transaction Files Bank statements Import Bank Transaction Files Bank messages Import Bank Message Files Exports Payments Release Payments Direct debits Release Receipts Letters of credit Release Receipts WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 129 Type Function Preadvices Release Receipts Credit advices N/A Bank statements Export Bank Statements General ledger postings Export G/L Postings For information on using these functions, see their context-sensitive help. 4. Review the job log to ensure the imports and exports were successful: – If all imports and exports were successful, continue to step 5. – If an import or export was not successful, correct any problems with the format and repeat steps 1 to 4 until the import or export is successful. For information on the job log, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. 5. Do the following: – If you are testing import formats, check the resulting records in the database against the import file. – If you are testing export formats, check the resulting export files against the records in the database and, if required, submit the files to the appropriate banks or other external systems to ensure they can process the files. 7.2.2 Troubleshooting If you are encountering errors while testing custom formats, you need to troubleshoot. To troubleshoot import formats: • Review template parsing (if the format creates a tree during parsing): a. Select Admin - Utilities - Analysis - Message Log. b. In the Message Control Data Maintenance - Selection page, click 0Appserver.TemplateParsing. c. In the Message Levels section of the Message Control Data Maintenance page, select the Verbose checkbox. d. In the Output Destinations section of the Message Control Data Maintenance page, select the CMM Log checkbox. e. Click Save. The next time you import or export data, the logging is enabled. f. Review the template parsing log, which is available on the CMM server at …\VirtualDirectory\logs\ml.TemplateParsing.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.txt (where YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS is the day and time on which the log was generated). After you have reviewed template parsing, return to the Message Log function to turn off the logging. • Review echo messages: a. Add the echo handler to the configuration files you want to troubleshoot. The following is an example: 130 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential For more information on the echo handler, see C.14 echo on page 386. b. Select Admin - Utilities - Analysis - Message Log. c. In the Message Control Data Maintenance - Selection page, click 0AppserverXMLEchoMessage. d. In the Message Levels section of the Message Control Data Maintenance page, select the appropriate message levels’ checkboxes. (The message levels you selected in this step should be same as the ones you specified in the echo handler in step a.) e. In the Output Destinations section of the Message Control Data Maintenance page, select the appropriate output destinations’ checkboxes. f. Click Save. The next time you import or export data, the logging is enabled. g. Select Admin - Utilities - Analysis - Log Viewer. h. In the Log Viewer page, drill down on the ml.user.alterna.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM.txt log file (where YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM is the day and time on which the log was generated). • Review the import’s record in the job log for an indication of the import’s status. For more information on reviewing the job log, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. • If you encounter exceptions such as file errors or unknown errors, review the appropriate log file in the Log Viewer function. (You may need to send this file to Wallstreet for further diagnose.) For more information on using the Log Viewer function, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. To troubleshoot export formats: • Review echo messages: a. Add the echo handler to the configuration files you want to troubleshoot. The following is an example: For more information on the echo handler, see C.14 echo on page 386. b. Select Admin - Utilities - Analysis - Message Log. c. In the Message Control Data Maintenance - Selection page, click 0AppserverXMLEchoMessage. d. In the Message Levels section of the Message Control Data Maintenance page, select the appropriate message levels’ checkboxes. (The message levels you selected in this step should be same as the ones you specified in the echo handler in step a.) e. In the Output Destinations section of the Message Control Data Maintenance page, select the appropriate output destinations’ checkboxes. f. Click Save. The next time you import or export data, the logging is enabled. g. Select Admin - Utilities - Analysis - Log Viewer. h. In the Log Viewer page, drill down on the ml.user.alterna.YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM.txt log file (where YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM is the day and time on which the log was generated). • Review the export’s record in the job log for an indication of the export’s status. For more information on reviewing the job log, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. • If you encounter exceptions such as file errors or unknown errors, review the appropriate log file in the Log Viewer function. (You may need to send this file to Wallstreet for further diagnose.) For more information on using the Log Viewer function, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 131 7.3 Going live Once you have completed testing and are satisfied with the custom formats, you can move them to a production environment. Warning: Test all possible scenarios before going live. To do this: 1. Copy the affected configuration files from the test environment to the production environment. If one of the files you are copying over is fileimportexportformats.xml, you need to restart the production environment’s application server as well to ensure the changes in the fileimportexportformats.xml file are reflected in the database. 2. Repeat the steps in 7.2 Testing custom formats on page 129 in the production environment to create and test interchanges in that environment. 3. Complete additional testing to satisfy your organization’s and the bank’s (or other external system’s) requirements for production interfaces. Specifically, complete nominal value testing, where very low value payments are created from the affected account(s) to another corporate entity, and sent to the bank as an actual payment file. Once those payments have been successfully executed by the bank and all appropriate message files received back, the interface is ready to go live. Note: Most banks do not accept payments from new interfaces until they have certified the interfaces for format and content. 132 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Appendix A Standard formats Wallstreet offers two standard format types: • XML (.xml) • Tab- or comma-delimited flat file (.txt, .tab, or .csv). Note: Wallstreet recommends you use the XML formats over the flat file formats because the XML formats are newer and offer more advanced features. In addition to the Wallstreet standard formats, CMM supports industry standard formats from organizations such as EDIFACT and SWIFT. In this appendix, Wallstreet standard format are prefixed with "Wallstreet" and industry standard formats are prefixed by the names of their organizations (for example, "EDIFACT" and "SWIFT"). Note: You can create custom formats in addition to these standard ones. For more information, see Chapter 7 Using XML-template-based formats on page 119. A.1 Summary of standard banking formats The table below summarizes the supported banking formats. Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Forecast • XML forecast N/A N/A N/A • Flat file forecast Accounts payable • XML transaction • BANSTA [1] N/A • HTML [1] • Flat file accounts payable • PAYEXT • RA01 [1] Accounts receivable • XML transaction N/A N/A N/A • Flat file accounts receivable N/A N/A N/A Direct debit Bank message Bank statement • XML transaction • Flat file direct debit • XML bank message • BANSTA [1] • ACK/NACK [1] • • XML transaction acknowledgement • CONTRL [1] • ISO 20022 XML payment status ANSI X12 824 [1] • ANSI X12 997 [1] • CFONB/AFB REJ240 [1] • XML bank statement WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide N/A N/A N/A 133 Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Bank transaction and balance • • • MT940 • BAI [1] • MT940 BCS • • MT942 [1] CFONB/AFB RDC120 [1] • MT950 [1] XML bank transaction and balance Deal • Payment N/A Direct debit Flat file deal N/A FINSTA [1] N/A N/A N/A • ANSI X12 820 [1] • BACS [1] • CFONB/AFB VIR106 [1] • CFONB/AFB PRE160 [1] CFONB/AFB LCR240 [1] • PAYEXT [1] • MT100 [1] • PAYMUL [1] • MT101 • MT103 [1] • DIRDEB [1] • MT202 [1] • ISO 20022 XML credit transfer • SWIFT MT104 • ISO 20022 XML directdebit transfer Letter of credit N/A N/A N/A • Pre-advice N/A N/A • N/A Transaction message • XML payment message • N/A • • XML receipt message Deal • XML general ledger posting N/A N/A Free format N/A • MT199 N/A • MT999 BANSTA [1] N/A N/A SWIFT MT210 HTML [1] A.2 Forecast import formats CMM supports the following standard formats for forecast imports: Type Forecast Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats • XML forecast N/A N/A N/A • Flat file forecast A.2.1 Wallstreet XML forecast The following is an example Wallstreet XML forecast file: 134 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This file contains three basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. An individual transaction in the file. transaction An individual attribute of a transaction. attribute Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML transaction schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML transaction schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.2.1.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML forecast file contains only one transactions element. The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values document_reference_ID [A unique identifier for the file] format_code ATTRS_TXN xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema A.2.1.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML forecast file can contain multiple transactions with each transaction represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its transaction’s sequence number and type as specified in the element’s two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the transaction (In a typical file, the first transaction is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] type forecast WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 135 A.2.1.3 attribute elements Each transaction element contains a set of attribute elements. These elements define the transactions’ attributes and the values of those attributes. Each attribute element has two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values name [The attribute’s name as specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312 (The value you provide in this attribute must exactly match the value in the "Name" column in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] value [The attribute’s value (The value you provide in this attribute must comply with the type, size, and other requirements specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] As noted in B.1 Import attributes on page 312, some attributes are required and must be provided with every transaction while others are not required. You can specify the attributes in any order in the Wallstreet XML forecast files. In addition, you do not need to specify the same set of attributes in every transaction in a file. For example, one transaction can include the description attribute while all others in the file do not. A.2.2 Wallstreet flat file forecast The following is an example forecast flat file (with tabs as the delimiters): This file contains four lines grouped into two sections: Line Name Description 1 File information General information on the file. 2 File layout The columns included in the file (in the order in which they display in line 4). 3 Date format The date format used in the file. Header Note: This line is optional. Body 4 Forecast details The individual forecasts. Note: Include one line 4 for each forecast in the file. A.2.2.1 Wallstreet flat file forecast header The header section of a forecast flat file consists of three lines: • File information (line 1) • File layout (line 2) • Date format (line 3). 136 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A. File information (line 1) Line 1 contains general information on the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 1a File information indicator An indicator that the line contains general file information. HEADER • None Yes User 1b File ID A unique identifier for the file. Text (50 characters maximum) • None Yes User Positive floating point number • None No User/ System AP • None Yes User Note: CMMchecks the value of this component before loading the file to prevent accidentally reimporting the same file twice. 1c Control total The sum of all forecast amounts in the file. This is a positive number, based on summing the absolute values of the amounts from each record. Note: If you supply a value (which must be positive), CMM does not sum the amounts of all forecasts in the file to confirm completeness before importing. 1d Type indicator The file type indicator. A. File layout (line 2) Line 2 defines columns included in the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 2a File layout indicator An indicator that the line contains file layout information. FORMAT1 • None Yes User 2b Columns A list (tab- or comma-delimited) of all of the columns that appear in the file. Text • None Yes User This list identifies: • The columns you are providing in the import file • The order of the columns. The valid columns are documented in A.2.2.2 Wallstreet flat file forecast body on page 138. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 137 A. Date format (line 3) Line 3 defines the date format used in the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 3a Date format indicator An indicator that the line contains date format information. DATEFORMAT • None Yes User 3b Data format The date format used when parsing the file. The value of this component indicates the following: Text • None Yes User • The order of the date component fields (year, month, day, and so on) • Any delimiters or separators between the fields. Note: If you do not specify a value, CMM uses the default format (dd-MMM-yyyy). A.2.2.2 Wallstreet flat file forecast body The body section of a forecast flat file consists of one line: Forecast details (line 4). • A. Forecast details (line 4) Line 4 contains individual forecasts. (Include one line 4 for each forecast in the file.) The column values in line 4 must display in the same order as the columns in line 2 and must be delimited with tabs or commas. The following are columns supported by the Wallstreet standard forecast flat file format: Column Description Value Constraints Req. Source CurrencyCode The forecast’s currency. Currency ID • None Yes User ForecastAmountInput The forecast’s amount (in the forecast’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User ForecastItemTypeCode The forecast’s type. One of the following values: • None No User Basic • General • Big Ticket Item 138 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column Bucket CashFlowDirection InstrumentTypeID Description Value Constraints Req. Source The forecast’s time bucket, which indicates whether the forecast is short-term or long-term. One of the following values: • None Yes User • None Yes User Instrument type ID • None No User Payment method ID • None No User A value that indicates whether the forecast is a payment or a receipt. The forecast’s cash flow type. • day • month One of the following values: • P if the forecast is a payment • R if the forecast is a receipt By assigning cash flow types to forecasts and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. PaymentMethodID The forecast’s payment method. A forecast’s payment method defines how the forecast is to be paid (for example, by EFT or by check) if it becomes a releasable transaction. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 139 Column ForecastValueDate Description Value Constraints Req. Source The forecast’s starting value date. Date • None Yes User Note: Medium- and long-term forecasts can span a range of value dates (for example, a medium-ter m forecast can span a month), while short-term forecasts usually only span one value date. InvoiceDate The forecast’s invoice date. Date • None No User WorkflowAction The action CMM should take upon importing the forecast. One of the following values: • None No User Description • edit Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, CMM creates a new record for the forecast upon importing it. • cancel A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the forecast. Text (2,000 characters maximum) • None No User The forecast’s party. Entity ID • None Yes User The bank where the forecast’s party bank account is held. In-house bank ID • Must be provided if the party bank account number is also provided No User Party PartyID Party bank BankID External bank ID Party bank account 140 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column BankAccountNumber Description Value Constraints Req. Source The forecast’s party bank account. Entity bank account number • None No System The curency of the forecast’s party bank account. Currency ID • Must be provided if the party bank account number is also provided No User The forecast’s counterparty. Entity ID • None • Must be provided if the counterpart y bank account number is also provided No User It is not usually necessary to define a party bank account for a forecast. However, this attribute is provided for situations in which you need to define a party bank account for a short-term forecast (or "cash position"). Note: Do not include format characters (_, -, and so on) in this column. BankAccountCurrencyCod e Counterparty CptyID Counterparty ID It is not usually necessary to define a counterparty for a forecast. However, this attribute is provided for situations in which you need to define a counterparty for a short-term forecast (or "cash position"). Counterparty bank CounterpartyBankAccoun tBankID The ID of the bank where the forecast’s counterparty bank account is held. In-house bank ID External bank ID Counterparty bank account WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 141 Column CounterpartyBankAccoun tNumber Description Value Constraints Req. Source The bank account number of the forecast’s counterparty bank account. Entity bank account number • None No User Counterparty bank account number Note: Do not include format characters (_, -, and so on) in this column. CounterpartyBankAccoun tCurrencyCode The ISO currency code of the forecast’s counterparty bank account. Currency ID • Must be provided if the counterpart y bank account number is also provided No User The forecast’s business segment. Business segment ID • None No User Region ID • None No User Other BusinessSegmentID A business segment is a business-based division of your organization used for reporting purposes. RegionID The forecast’s region. A region is a geographic-based division of your organization for reporting purposes. SourceReferenceTextID The forecast’s source reference text ID. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User StringAttributeValue_0 The forecast’s custom attributes. Text (50 characters maximum per field) • None No User StringAttributeValue_1 StringAttributeValue_2 StringAttributeValue_3 StringAttributeValue_4 StringAttributeValue_5 StringAttributeValue_6 StringAttributeValue_7 StringAttributeValue_8 StringAttributeValue_9 142 Note: You or another user in your organization can define custom attributes (or "parameters" ) for forecasts in the Parameter Editor function. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.3 Transaction import formats CMM supports the following standard formats for transaction imports: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Accounts payable • XML transaction • BANSTA [1] N/A • • Flat file accounts payable • PAYEXT HTML [1] • RA01 [1] Accounts receivable • XML transaction • Flat file accounts receivable Direct debit • XML transaction • Flat file direct debit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Table notes: 1. For information on formats not documented in this appendix, contact Wallstreet. A.3.1 Wallstreet XML transaction The following is an example Wallstreet XML transaction file: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 143 This file contains four basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. An individual transaction in the file. transaction An individual attribute of a transaction. attribute An individual remittance detail in a transaction. component_transaction Note: This element is only applicable to the accounts payable and direct debit formats. An individual attribute of a remittance detail. attribute Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML transaction schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML transaction schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.3.1.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML transaction file contains only one transactions element. The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values document_reference_ID [A unique identifier for the file] format_code ATTRS_TXN xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema A.3.1.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML transaction file can contain multiple transactions with each transaction represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its transaction’s sequence number and type as specified in the element’s two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the transaction (In a typical file, the first transaction is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] type aprecord arrecord ddrecord 144 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.3.1.3 attribute elements Each transaction element contains a set of attribute elements. These elements define the transactions’ attributes and the values of those attributes. There are two types of attribute elements: Type Available in attribute elements that do not contain component_transaction • Accounts payable • Accounts receivable • Direct debit • Accounts payable • Direct debit elements attribute elements that contain component_transaction elements Each attribute element of the first type has two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values name [The attribute’s name as specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312 (The value you provide in this attribute must exactly match the value in the "Name" column in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] value [The attribute’s value (The value you provide in this attribute must comply with the type, size, and other requirements specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] Each attribute element of the second type has two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values composite true name remittance_detail As noted in B.1 Import attributes on page 312, some attributes are required and must be provided with every transaction while others are not required. You can specify the attributes in any order in the Wallstreet XML transaction files. In addition, you do not need to specify the same set of attributes in every transaction in a file. For example, one transaction can include the description attribute while all others in the file do not. A.3.1.4 component_transaction elements In a Wallstreet XML accounts payable or direct debit file, each transaction can contain multiple remittance details with each remittance detail represented by a component_transaction element. Note: component_transaction elements must be nested inside an appropriate attribute element of their parent transaction. Each component_transaction element defines its remittance detail’s type as specified in the element’s attribute: Attribute Acceptable values type remittancedetail WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 145 A.3.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts payable The following is an example accounts payable flat file (with tabs as the delimiters): This file contains four lines grouped into two sections: Line Name Description 1 File information General information on the file. 2 File layout The columns included in the file (in the order in which they display in line 3). Header Body 3 Transaction details The individual transactions. Note: Include one line 3 for each transaction in the file. 4 Remittance details The individual remittance details. Note: Include one line 4 for each remittance detail in the file. A.3.2.1 Wallstreet flat file accounts payable header The header section of an accounts payable flat file consists of two lines: • File information (line 1) • File layout (line 2). A. File information (line 1) Line 1 contains general information on the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 1a File information indicator An indicator that the line contains general file information. HEADER • None Yes User 1b File ID A unique identifier for the file. Text (50 characters maximum) • None Yes User Note: CMMchecks the value of this component before loading the file to prevent accidentally reimporting the same file twice. 146 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 1c Control total The sum of all transaction amounts in the file. This is a positive number, based on summing the absolute values of the amounts from each record. Positive floating point number • None No User/ System Note: If you supply a value (which must be positive), CMM does not sum the amounts of all transactions in the file to confirm completeness before importing. 1d Type indicator The file type indicator. AP • None Yes User 1e User ID Your user ID. Text • None No User A. File layout (line 2) Line 2 defines columns included in the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 2a File layout indicator An indicator that the line contains file layout information. FORMAT1 • None Yes User 2b Columns A list (tab- or comma-delimited) of all of the columns that appear in the file. Text • None Yes User This list identifies: • The columns you are providing in the import file • The order of the columns. The valid columns are documented in A.3.2.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts payable body on page 147. Note: Do not place a tab, comma, space, or other character between the file layout indicator (component 2a) and the columns (component 2b). A.3.2.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts payable body The body section of an accounts payable flat file consists of two lines: • Transaction details (line 3) • Remittance details (line 4). A. Transaction details (line 3) Line 3 contains the individual transactions. (Include one line 3 for each transaction in the file.) The column values in line 3 must display in the same order as the columns in line 2 and must be delimited with tabs or commas. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 147 The following are columns supported by the Wallstreet standard accounts payable flat file format: Column Description Value Constraints Req. CURRENCYCODE The transaction’s currency. (String of three alphabetical characters in capital letters.) Currency ID Must be a valid ISO currency code Yes AMOUNT The transaction’s absolute value (in the transaction’s currency). Floating point number None Yes One of the following: None Yes None No Must be a valid cash flow type ID. • Basic Maximum size is 1E15. PAYMENTSTATUS A value that indicates whether the transaction is CODE actual activity or forecasted activity. Note: CMM 7.1 introduced forecasts as a replacement for forecasted transactions. PRIORITYID The transaction’s priority. • Actual if the transaction is actual activity • Forecast if the transaction is forecasted activity Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, system sets it to A. One of the following values: • 1=NON-URGENT if the transaction is not urgent • 2=URGENT if the transaction is urgent Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, the system sets it to 1 (non-urgent) CASHFLOWTYPE The transaction’s cash flow type. By assigning cash flow types to transactions and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Instrument type ID Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, CMM sets it to COMMP (Commercial Payment) regardless of the cash flow type default value set in User Options. No Must be included in the selected report mapping Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. 148 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column Description PAYMENTMETHOD The transaction’s payment method. A transaction’s payment method defines how the transaction is to be paid when it is released (for example, by EFT or by check). TRANSACTIONDA The transaction’s transaction date. TE VALUEDATE CREATIONDATE Value Constraints Req. Payment method ID None • None No None No None No None No Must be a valid entity ID or mapped in "Entity Codes Mapping Table Maintenance" Yes Default value is EFT regarless of the cash flow type default value set in User Options. Note that, based on the chosen value, counterparty bank account details might be required. (Check for example does not require any counterparty account details) Date Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, CMM sets it to the current system date. The transaction’s value date. Date The transaction’s creation date. Date DESCRIPTION/R A relevant description of or other information EFERENCE pertaining to the transaction. No Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, CMM sets it to the same value as TRANSACTIONDATE Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, CMM sets it to the same value as TRANSACTIONDATE Text (2,000 characters maximum) Party ENTITYID The transaction’s party. Entity ID (25 characters maximum) WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 149 Column Description Value Constraints Req. One of the following values: None No Text (15 characters maximum) None No The transaction’s party bank account. Entity bank account primary number No Note: If you do not provide a party bank account, CMM can select one using routing rules. See Entity bank account checks on page 156. Must be held by the transaction’s party When provided, it has to be equal or mapped with ENTITYID. No None No Must be a valid party ID. If you select a counterparty and a counterparty type in the criteria, but the counterparty type is not assigned to the counterparty, the report contains no results SUPPLYPAYINGA A value that indicates whether you are CCOUNT supplying party bank account details. • Y if you are supplying party bank account details • N if you are not supplying party bank account details Note: N is the default if you do not specify a value or if you do not provide this column. Party bank ENTITYBANKBR ANCHID [1] The branch ID of the transaction’s party bank (as assigned by an agency). Party bank account ENTITYBANKAC COUNTNUMBER [1] BANKACCOUNT The owner of the ENTITYID [1] transaction’s party bank account. ENTITYBANKAC COUNTCURRENC YCODE [1] The currency of the transaction’s party bank account. Entity ID See Entity bank account checks on page 156. Currency ID See Entity bank account checks on page 156. Counterparty COUNTERPARTYI The transaction’s counterparty. D 150 Counterparty ID (25 characters maximum) © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column Description SUPPLYCPTYDET A value that indicates whether you are AILS supplying counterparty details. Value Constraints Req. One of the following values: None No None No None No None No None No None No None No None No None No • Y if you are supplying counterparty details • N if you are not supplying counterparty details Note: COUNTERPARTY NAME [2] The name of the transaction’s counterparty. COUNTERPARTYA The address of the transaction’s DDRESS1 COUNTERPARTYA DDRESS2 counterparty. N is the default if you do not specify a value or if you do not provide this column. Text (35 characters maximum) Text (40 characters maximum per field) COUNTERPARTYA DDRESS3 COUNTERPART YADDRESS4 [2] COUNTERPARTY CITY [2] The city of the transaction’s counterparty. COUNTERPART The state of the transaction’s YSTATE [2] counterparty. COUNTERPARTY COUNTRYCODE [2] The country of the transaction’s counterparty. COUNTERPART The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s YZIP [2] counterparty. Text (50 characters maximum) State ID (20 characters maximum) Country ID (two-character ISO country code) Text (10 characters maximum) Counterparty bank COUNTERPART The SWIFT or ABA code of the transaction’s YBANKCODE [2] counterparty bank. Text (20 characters maximum) Considered a branch Sort Code if BANKCODETYPE is A or ABA, and then checked against country code rules (See Country Code Maintenance). COUNTERPARTY BANKCODETYPE [2] The SWIFT or ABA code type of transaction’s counterparty bank. One of the following: • SWIFT • WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide S if the code type is A if the code type is ABA 151 Column Description Value Constraints Text None COUNTERPART The branch ID of the transaction’s counterparty YBANKBRANCH (15 characters maximum) bank (as assigned by an ID [2] Req. No agency). Considered a branch Sort Code if BANKCODETYPE is empty and then checked against country code rules(See Country Code Maintenance). COUNTERPARTYB The name of the transaction’s counterparty ANKNAME Text COUNTERPARTYB The address of the transaction’s counterparty ANKADDRESS Text bank. COUNTERPARTYB ANKADDRESS2 bank. COUNTERPARTYB The state of the transaction’s counterparty ANKSTATE State ID COUNTERPARTYB The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s ANKZIP Text counterparty bank. None No None No None No None No Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account’s country. No (40 characters maximum per field) Text bank. No (35 characters maximum) COUNTERPARTYB The city of the transaction’s counterparty ANKCITY bank. None (50 characters maximum) (20 characters maximum) (10 characters maximum) Counterparty bank account COUNTERPARTY BANKACCOUNTN UMBER [2] The primary number (usually, BBAN) of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. Text (35 characters maximum) See Entity bank account checks on page 156. CPTYPRIMARY The primary number type ACCOUNTNUMB of the transaction’s counterparty bank ERTYPE [2] None BBAN See Entity bank account checks on page 156. account. CPTYSECONDAR YACCOUNTNUMB ER [2] The secondary number (usually IBAN) of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. CPTYSECONDA The secondary number RYACCOUNTNU type of the transaction’s counterparty bank MBERTYPE [2] 152 account. No Text (34 characters maximum) Must validate against the IBAN rules No See Entity bank account checks on page 156. IBAN None No See Entity bank account checks on page 156. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column Description Value Constraints Req. COUNTERPARTYB The country of the ANKACCOUNTCOU transaction’s counterparty bank. NTRYCODE Country ID None No (ISO country code on 2 characters) See Entity bank account checks on page 156. COUNTERPARTYB The currency of the ANKCCOUNTCURR transaction’s counterparty bank account. ENCYCODE Currency ID None No See Entity bank account checks on page 156. Intermediary bank INTERMEDIARYB The SWIFT or ABA code of the transaction’s ANKCODE Text INTERMEDIARYB The SWIFT or ABA code type of transaction’s ANKCODETYPE One of the following values: intermediary bank. intermediary bank. • S if the code type is SWIFT • A if the code type is ABA INTERMEDIARYB The name of the transaction’s intermediary ANKNAME Text INTERMEDIARYB The address of the transaction’s intermediary ANKADDRESS Text bank. INTERMEDIARYB ANKADDRESS2 bank. INTERMEDIARYS The state of the transaction’s intermediary TATE State ID INTERMEDIARYC The country of the transaction’s intermediary OUNTRYCODE Country ID INTERMEDIARYZ The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s IP Text bank. intermediary bank. None No None No None No None No None No None No None No Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account’s country No None No (40 characters maximum per field) Text bank. No (40 characters maximum) INTERMEDIARYC The city of the transaction’s intermediary ITY bank. None (20 characters maximum) (40 characters maximum) (20 characters maximum) (Two-character ISO country code) (40 characters maximum) Intermediary bank account INTERMEDIARYB The primary number ANKACCOUNTNUM (usually BBAN) of the transaction’s intermediary BER Text (40 characters maximum) bank account. Secondary intermediary bank SECONDINTERME The SWIFT or ABA code of DIARYBANKCODE the transaction’s intermediary bank. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Text (20 characters maximum) 153 Column Description SECONDINTERME The SWIFT or ABA code DIARYBANKCODE type of transaction’s intermediary bank. TYPE Value Constraints Req. One of the following values: None No None No None No None No None No None No None No Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account’s country No None No None No • S if the code type is SWIFT • A if the code type is ABA SECONDINTERME The name of the DIARYBANKNAME transaction’s intermediary Text SECONDINTERME The address of the DIARYBANKADDR transaction’s intermediary bank. ESS Text bank. (40 characters maximum) (40 characters maximum per field) SECONDINTERME DIARYBANKADDR ESS2 SECONDINTERME The city of the transaction’s intermediary DIARYCITY Text SECONDINTERME The state of the transaction’s intermediary DIARYSTATE State ID SECONDINTERME The country of the DIARYCOUNTRYC transaction’s intermediary bank. ODE Country ID SECONDINTERME The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s DIARYZIP Text bank. bank. intermediary bank. (40 characters maximum) (20 characters maximum) (Two-character ISO country code) (40 characters maximum) Second intermediary bank account SECONDINTERME The primary number DIARYBANKACCO (usually BBAN) of the transaction’s intermediary UNTNUMBER Text (40 characters maximum) bank account. Aggregation AGGREGATEDETA A value that indicates whether the transaction is ILCODE an aggregate or detail. AGGREGATEREFE If the transaction is an aggregate, the RENCEID transaction’s unique reference number. One of the following values: • A if the transaction is an aggregate • D if the transaction is a detail Text (50 characters maximum) If the transaction is a detail, the reference number of the aggregate transaction in which the detail transaction is contained. 154 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column Description Value Constraints Req. TAXPAYMENTTYP A code identifying the type of tax being paid. ECODE Text None No TAXPAYMENTSUB A code identifying the subtype of tax being paid. TYPECODE Text None No None No None No Tax TAXPAYERID A number assigned to a purchaser by a taxing jurisdiction. (255 characters maximum) (255 characters maximum) Text (255 characters maximum) Note: This ID is also known as a tax exemption number or certificate number. TAXPAYERVERIF An ID the receiver can use to confirm the taxpayer’s ICATIONID identity. Text (255 characters maximum) Regulatory reporting REGULATORYCOD The transaction’s regulatory code. E Regulatory code None No REGULATORYQUA The qualifier of the transaction’s regulatory LIFIER Text None No REGULATORYAGE The agency of the transaction’s regulatory NCY Text Must be provided if the transaction’s regulatory code is provided No REGULATORYDES A description of the transaction’s regulatory CRIPTION Text None No None No None No None No None No None No code. code. code. (50 characters maximum) (50 characters maximum) (50 characters maximum) Other BANKINSTRUCTI Instructions or other messages to the bank. ONS CHEQUENUMBER The transaction’s check number (if the transaction is paid by check). Text (100 characters maximum) Text (35 characters maximum) COUNTERPARTYM Instructions or other messages to the ESSAGE Text CUSTOMERBATCH The customer’s batch reference ID for the REFERENCEID Text CUSTOMERREFER The transaction’s customer reference ID. ENCENUMBER Text transaction’s counterparty. transaction. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide (255 characters maximum) (30 characters maximum) (50 characters maximum) 155 Column Description CUSTOMERTRANS The customer’s reference ACTIONREFEREN ID for the transaction. CEID Note: This ID does not Value Constraints Req. Text None No None No None No None No None No None No (30 characters maximum) have to be unique. FINANCIALCHAR The financial allocation charge of the transaction. GEALLOCATION One of the following values: • 1 if the financial charges are being shared equally between the sender and receiver • 2 if the financial charges are being paid entirely by the sender • 3 if the financial charges are being paid entirely by the receiver HANDLINGINSTR The ID of the transaction’s handling instructions. UCTIONCODE Text PERSONALIDENT The personal identification IFICATIONNUMB number of the transaction. ER Text RETRIEVALLOCA The ID of the transaction’s pickup location. TIONID Text Note: This attribute is used in eastern Europe. TRANSACTIONTY The ID of the transaction’s type. PECODE (5 characters maximum) (255 characters maximum) (255 characters maximum) Text (10 characters maximum) Note: This is country and bank specific. Table notes: Only supply a value in this column if you have set SUPPLYPAYINGACCOUNT to Y. Only supply a value in this column if you have set SUPPLYCPTYDETAILS to Y. Entity bank account checks The system searches for a valid Bank Account using: • ENTITYID • ENTITYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER • ENTITYBANKACCOUNTCURRENCYCODE • ENTITYBANKBRANCHID If the currency of the bank account (ENTITYBANKACCOUNTCURRENCYCODE) is not provided, CMM uses the transaction currency (CURRENCYCODE) instead for the search. This can be disabled by setting the configuration parameter 'Default bank account currency to transaction currency during routing' to False. If Bank Sort Code (ENTITYBANKBRANCHID) is not provided, the system ignores it in the search. 156 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential If it is provided, this code could be ignored by setting the configuration parameter 'Use Bank Branch ID (sort code) during routing' to False. The search is: • Done first with the bank account ENTITYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER as BBAN (Primary Account Number), • Then, should the first search be unsuccessful, a second search is done with the bank account number (ENTITYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER) considered as IBAN (Secondary Account Number). The search is unsuccessful if none or multiple account(s) are found. Counterparty bank account checks During Import (before routing) If SUPPLYCPTYDETAILS is Y, the system validates the format of primary and secondary counterparty bank account numbers (COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER, CPTYSECONDARYACCOUNTNUMBER): • Both account numbers cannot be identical. • If both accounts are provided, the primary account must be a BBAN number and the secondary account has to be an IBAN (use CPTYPRIMARYACCOUNTNUMBERTYPE and CPTYSECONDARYACCOUNTNUMBERTYPE to specify the types). • If the primary account only is provided, the number can be in IBAN or BBAN format. If the format is not specified (COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER) or is specified as BBAN (CPTYPRIMARYACCOUNTNUMBERTYPE), the systen still tries to convert it (runs IBAN country specific checks through it) to IBAN before accepting it as BBAN. If the bank account number complies with the country's specific checks, it is considered as IBAN. • If the secondary account number only is provided (CPTYSECONDARYACCOUNTNUMBER), it must be in IBAN format (set CPTYSECONDARYACCOUNTNUMBERTYPE accordingly). In all cases, both IBAN and BBAN account formats are validated against country rules using the country code if provided (COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTCOUNTRYCODE). If the configuration parameter "AllowTransactionsOnClosedCounterpartyAccounts" is set to False, the system checks that the specified account is Open and disallows closed account selection. The system then tries to find the counterparty bank account using: • COUNTERPARTYID Total specific: If Counterparty (COUNTERPARTYID) is not specified, the system tries to deduce it from the counterparty account numbers (COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER and CPTYSECONDARYACCOUNTNUMBER) and the counterparty bank account currency. • COUNTERPARTYBANKCODE • COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER • COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTCURRENCYCODE If Counterparty Bank (COUNTERPARTYBANKCODE) is not provided, it is ignored. If Counterparty Bank Account Currency Code (COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTCURRENCYCODE) is not provided, the transaction currency is used instead. If the search is not successful, the process is not interrupted as the Routing process will try to complete the payment using the configurable routing rules. An unsuccessful search means that either the account was not found using the search criteria, or multiple accounts were found. During routing WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 157 To search for a valid counterparty account, the system uses: • COUNTERPARTYID • COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTNUMBER • CPTYPRIMARYACCOUNTNUMBERTYPE • COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTCURRENCYCODE If the counterparty bank account bank currency (COUNTERPARTYBANKACCOUNTCURRENCYCODE) is not provided, the system uses the transaction currency instead. This can be disabled by setting the configuration parameter "Default bank account currency to transaction currency during routing" to False. Only Open accounts are used. Other Checks: • If payment method (PAYMENTMETHOD) is ITC, Paying Account has to be internal, • If payment method (PAYMENTMETHOD) is DD and Transaction Type Code (TRANSACTIONTYPECODE) is "Direct Debit", paying and payee country codes must be the same. A. Remittance details (line 4) Line 4 contains the individual remittance details: (Include one line 4 for each remittance detail in the file.) The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. 4a Remittance indicator An indicator that the line contains file layout information. Remittance • None Yes 4b Remittance handling code A value that indicates how remittance details are handled in the file. One of the following values: • None Yes • None Yes • Srce S if the remittance details are handled in a single line • M if the remittance details are handled in multiple lines Note: If you enter M, provide one remittance line detail for the invoice amount and one for the actual amount paid. 4c Document type code The remittance detail’s type. One of the following values: • 100 if the remittance detail is an invoice • 101 if the remittance detail is a credit • 103 if the remittance detail is a debit 158 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. 4d Document message number The remittance detail’s invoice, credit note, or debit note. Text (35 characters maximum) • None Yes 4e Document date The remittance detail’s date. Date • None Yes 4f Document amount type The type of the remittance detail’s amount. One of the following values: • None No • Due if the remittance handling code is set to S • 201 if the remittance detail’s amount is paid • 202 if the remittance detail’s amount is remitted • 203 if the remittance detail’s amount is discontinued • 204 if the remittance detail’s amount is payable 4g Document Amount The remittance detail’s amount. Floating point number • None Yes 4h Document currency code The remittance detail’s currency. Currency ID • None No 4i Amount paid The actual amount paid. Floating point number • Can only be provided if the remittance handling code is Y. No 4j Amount Discounted The amount discounted. Floating point number • Can only be provided if the remittance handling code is Y. No Srce A.3.3 Wallstreet flat file accounts receivable The following is an example accounts receivable flat file (with tabs as the delimiters): This file contains three lines grouped into two sections: Line Name Description File information General information on the file. Header 1 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 159 Line 2 Name Description File layout The columns included in the file (in the order in which they display in line 3). Body 3 Transaction details The individual transactions. Note: Include one line 3 for each transaction in the file. A.3.3.1 Wallstreet flat file accounts receivable The header section of an accounts receivable flat file consists of two lines: • File information (line 1) • File layout (line 2). A. File information (line 1) Line 1 contains general information on the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 1a File information indicator An indicator that the line contains general file information. HEADER • None Yes User 1b File ID A unique identifier for the file. Text (50 characters maximum) • None Yes User Floating point number • None No User AR • None Yes User Note: CMMchecks the value of this component before loading the file to prevent accidentally reimporting the same file twice. 1c Control total The sum of all transaction amounts in the file. Note: If you supply a value, CMM does not sum the amounts of all transactions in the file to confirm completeness before importing. 1d Type indicator The file type indicator. Note: Line 1 is not required for accounts receivable flat files. A. File layout (line 2) Line 2 defines columns included in the file: 160 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 2a File layout indicator An indicator that the line contains file layout information. FORMAT1 • None Yes User 2b Columns A list (tab- or comma-delimited) of all of the columns that appear in the file. Text • None Yes User This list identifies: • The columns you are providing in the import file • The order of the columns. The valid columns are documented in A.3.3.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts receivable body on page 161. A.3.3.2 Wallstreet flat file accounts receivable body The body section of an accounts receivable flat file consists of one line: • Transaction details (line 3). A. Transaction details (line 3) Line 3 contains the individual transactions. (Include one line 3 for each transaction in the file.) The column values in line 3 must display in the same order as the columns in line 2 and must be delimited with tabs or commas. The following are columns supported by the Wallstreet standard accounts receivable flat file format: Column Description Value Constraints Req. Srce CURRENCYCODE The transaction’s currency. Currency ID • None Yes User AMOUNT The transaction’s absolute value (in the transaction’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User RECEIPTSTATUSCODE A value that indicates whether the transaction is actual activity or forecasted activity. One of the following: • None No User Basic Note: CMM 7.1 introduced forecasts as a replacement for forecasted transactions. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide • A if the transaction is actual activity • F if the transaction is forecasted activity Note: A is the default if you do not specify a value. 161 Column CASHFLOWTYPE Description Value Constraints Req. Srce The transaction’s cash flow type. Instrument type ID • None No User Payment method ID • None Yes User The transaction’s transaction date. Date • None No User The transaction’s value date. Date • None No User A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the transaction. Text (2,000 characters maximum) • None No User The transaction’s party. Entity ID • None Yes User By assigning cash flow types to transactions and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Note: COMMR (Commercial Receipt) is the default if you do not specify a value. Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. RECEIPTMETHOD The transaction’s payment method. A transaction’s payment method defines how the transaction is to be paid when it is released (for example, by EFT or by check). TRANSACTIONDATE VALUEDATE DESCRIPTION/REFERE NCE Note: The current date is the default if you do not specify a value. Note: The transaction date is the default if you do not specify a value. Party ENTITYID 162 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column SUPPLYRECEIVINGACC OUNT Description Value Constraints Req. Srce A value that indicates whether you are supplying party bank account details. One of the following values: • None No User • Y if you are supplying party bank account details • N if you are not supplying party bank account details Note: N is the default if you do not specify a value. Party bank ENTITYBANKBRANCHI D [1] The branch ID of the transaction’s party bank (as assigned by an agency). Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User The transaction’s party bank account. Entity bank account primary number • Must be held by the transaction’s party No User Party bank account ENTITYBANKACCOUNT NUMBER [1] Note: If you do not provide a party bank account, CMM can select one using routing rules. BANKACCOUNTENTI TYID [1] The owner of the transaction’s party bank account. Entity ID • None No User ENTITYBANKACCOUNT CURRENCYCODE [1] The currency of the transaction’s party bank account. Currency ID • None No User Entity ID • None No User • None No User Counterparty COUNTERPARTYID The transaction’s counterparty. Counterparty ID Other CUSTOMERREFERENCEN UMBER The transaction’s customer reference ID. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Text (50 characters maximum) 163 Column DELETEEXISTINGREFE RENCE Description Value Constraints Req. Srce A value that indicates whether CMM should delete existing receipts for the current invoice. One of the following values: • None No User • Y if CMM should deleting existing receipts • N if CMM should not delete existing receipts Note: N is the default if you do not specify a value. HANDLINGINSTRUCTIO NCODE The ID of the transaction’s handling instructions. Text (5 characters maximum) • None No User INVOICENUMBER The transaction’s invoice number. Text (20 characters maximum) • Must be provided if existing references are deleted. No User Table notes: 1. Only supply a value in this column if you have set SUPPLYPAYINGACCOUNT to Y. A.3.4 Wallstreet flat file direct debit The following is an example direct debit flat file (with tabs as the delimiters): This file contains four lines grouped into two sections: Line Name Description 1 File information General information on the file. 2 File layout The columns included in the file (in the order in which they display in line 3). Transaction details The individual transactions. Header Body 3 Note: Include one line 3 for each transaction in the file. 4 Remittance details The individual remittance details. Note: Include one line 4 for each remittance detail in the file. 164 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.3.4.1 Wallstreet flat file direct debit header The header section of a direct debit flat file consists of two lines: • File information (line 1) • File layout (line 2). A. File information (line 1) Line 1 contains general information on the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 1a File information indicator An indicator that the line contains general file information. HEADER • None Yes User 1b File ID A unique identifier for the file. Text (50 characters maximum) • None Yes User Floating point number • None No User Note: CMMchecks the value of this component before loading the file to prevent accidentally reimporting the same file twice. 1c Control total The sum of all transaction amounts in the file. Note: If you supply a value, CMM does not sum the amounts of all transactions in the file to confirm completeness before importing. 1d Type indicator The file type indicator. DD • None Yes User 1e User ID Your user ID. Text • None No User A. File layout (line 2) Line 2 defines columns included in the file: The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 2a File layout indicator An indicator that the line contains file layout information. FORMAT1 • Yes User WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide None 165 No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 2b Columns A list (tab- or comma-delimited) of all of the columns that appear in the file. Text • Yes User None This list identifies: • The columns you are providing in the import file • The order of the columns. The valid columns are documented in A.3.4.2 Wallstreet flat file direct debit body on page 166. Note: Do not place a tab, comma, space, or other character between the file layout indicator (component 2a) and the columns (component 2b). A.3.4.2 Wallstreet flat file direct debit body The body section of a direct debit flat file consists of two lines: • Transaction details (line 3) • Remittance details (line 4). A. Transaction details (line 3) Line 3 contains the individual transactions. (Include one line 3 for each transaction in the file.) The column values in line 3 must display in the same order as the columns in line 2 and must be delimited with tabs or commas. The following are columns supported by the Wallstreet standard direct debit flat file format: Description Value Constraint s Req. Srce CURRENCYCODE The transaction’s currency. Currency ID • None Yes User AMOUNT The transaction’s absolute value (in the transaction’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User PAYMENTSTATUSCODE A value that indicates whether the transaction is actual activity or forecasted activity. One of the following: • None No User Column Basic Note: CMM 7.1 introduced forecasts as a replacement for forecasted transactions. 166 • A if the transaction is actual activity • F if the transaction is forecasted activity Note: A is the default if you do not specify a value. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column CASHFLOWTYPE Description Value Constraint s Req. Srce The transaction’s cash flow type. Instrument type ID • None No User Payment method ID • None Date • None No User • None No User • None No User By assigning cash flow types to transactions and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Note: COMMP (Commercial Payment) is the default if you do not specify a value. Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. PAYMENTMETHOD The transaction’s payment method. User A transaction’s payment method defines how the transaction is to be paid when it is released (for example, by EFT or by check). TRANSACTIONDATE VALUEDATE CREATIONDATE DESCRIPTION/REFER ENCE The transaction’s transaction date. The transaction’s value date. The transaction’s creation date. Note: The current date is the default if you do not specify a value. Date Note: The transaction date is the default if you do not specify a value. Date Note: The transaction date is the default if you do not specify a value. A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the transaction. Text (2,000 characters maximum) • None No User The transaction’s party. Entity ID • None Yes User Entity ENTITYID WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 167 Column SUPPLYPAYINGACCOU NT Constraint s Req. Srce • None No User Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User Entity bank account primary number • Must be held by the transac tion’s party No User Entity ID • None No User Currency ID • None No User Entity ID • None No User • None No User Description Value A value that indicates whether you are supplying party bank account details. One of the following values: • Y if you are supplying party bank account details • N if you are not supplying party bank account details Note: N is the default if you do not specify a value. Entity bank ENTITYBANKBRANC The branch ID of the transaction’s party HID [1] bank (as assigned by an agency). Entity bank account ENTITYBANKACCOU The transaction’s party bank account. NTNUMBER [1] Note: If you do not provide a party bank account, CMM can select one using routing rules. BANKACCOUNTENTIT YID [1] The owner of the transaction’s party bank account. ENTITYBANKACCOU The currency of the transaction’s party NTCURRENCYCODE [1] bank account. Counterparty COUNTERPARTYID SUPPLYCPTYDETAILS The transaction’s counterparty. A value that indicates whether you are supplying counterparty details. Counterparty ID One of the following values: • Y if you are supplying counterparty details • N if you are not supplying counterparty details Note: N is the default if you do not specify a value. 168 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column Constraint s Req. Srce Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User Text (35 characters maximum per field) • None No User Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User State ID • None No User Country ID • None No User The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s counterparty. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User The SWIFT or ABA code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (20 characters maximum) • None No User One of the following: • None No User Description COUNTERPARTYNAM The name of the transaction’s E [2] Value counterparty. COUNTERPARTYADDRE SS1 COUNTERPARTYADDRE SS2 The address of the transaction’s counterparty. COUNTERPARTYADDRE SS3 COUNTERPARTYADDR ESS4 [2] COUNTERPARTYCIT The city of the transaction’s Y [2] counterparty. COUNTERPARTYSTAT E [2] The state of the transaction’s counterparty. COUNTERPARTYCOU The country of the transaction’s NTRYCODE [2] counterparty. COUNTERPARTYZIP [2] Counterparty bank COUNTERPARTYBANK CODE [2] COUNTERPARTYBAN The SWIFT or ABA code type of KCODETYPE [2] transaction’s counterparty bank. • S if the code type is SWIFT • A if the code type is ABA COUNTERPARTYBANK BRANCHID [2] The branch ID of the transaction’s counterparty bank (as assigned by an agency). Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User COUNTERPARTYBANKN AME The name of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User COUNTERPARTYBANKA DDRESS The address of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (35 characters maximum per field) • None No User The city of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User COUNTERPARTYBANKA DDRESS2 COUNTERPARTYBANKC ITY WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 169 Description Value Constraint s Req. Srce COUNTERPARTYBANKS TATE The state of the transaction’s counterparty bank. State ID • None No User COUNTERPARTYBANKZ IP The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User Text (60 characters maximum) • Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account ’s country No User BBAN • None No User CPTYSECONDARYAC The secondary number (usually COUNTNUMBER [2] Text (60 characters maximum) • Must validate against the IBAN ru les No User CPTYSECONDARYACC The secondary OUNTNUMBERTYPE [2] number type of the IBAN • None No User Column Counterparty bank account COUNTERPARTYBAN The primary number (usually, BBAN) of the KACCOUNTNUMBER [2] CPTYPRIMARYACCOU NTNUMBERTYPE [2] transaction’s counterparty bank account. The primary number type of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. IBAN) of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. transaction’s counterparty bank account. COUNTERPARTYBANKA CCOUNTCOUNTRYCODE The country of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Country ID • None No User COUNTERPARTYBANKC COUNTCURRENCYCODE The currency of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. Currency ID • None No User Text (60 characters maximum) • Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account ’s country No User Intermediary bank Intermediary bank account INTERMEDIARYBANKA CCOUNTNUMBER 170 The primary number (usually BBAN) of the transaction’s intermediary bank account. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Column Constraint s Req. Srce • None No User Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User Description Value A value that indicates whether the transaction is an aggregate or detail. One of the following values: Aggregation AGGREGATEDETAILCO DE AGGREGATEREFERENC EID If the transaction is an aggregate, the transaction’s unique reference number. • A if the transaction is an aggregate • D if the transaction is a detail If the transaction is a detail, the reference number of the aggregate transaction in which the detail transaction is contained. Regulatory reporting REGULATORYCODE The transaction’s regulatory code. Regulatory code • None No User REGULATORYQUALIFI ER The qualifier of the transaction’s regulatory code. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User REGULATORYAGENCY The agency of the transaction’s regulatory code. Text (50 characters maximum) • Must be provide d if the transac tion’s regulat ory code is provide d No User REGULATORYDESCRIP TION A description of the transaction’s regulatory code. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User Other BANKINSTRUCTIONS Instructions or other Text (100 characters messages to the bank. maximum) • None No User BANKPREAUTHORIZAT IONID The transaction’s pre-authorization ID. Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User BANKPREAUTHORIZAT IONSTATUS The transaction’s pre-authorization status. One of the following: • None No User • None No User • AUTHORIZED • UNAUTHORIZED COUNTERPARTYMESSA GE Instructions or other messages to the transaction’s counterparty. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Text (100 characters maximum) 171 Column Constraint s Req. Srce Text (30 characters maximum) • None No User The transaction’s customer reference ID. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User The customer’s reference ID for the transaction. Text (30 characters maximum) • None No User Description Value CUSTOMERBATCHREFE RENCEID The customer’s batch reference ID for the transaction. CUSTOMERREFERENCE NUMBER CUSTOMERTRANSACTI ONREFERENCEID Note: This ID does not have to be unique. HANDLINGINSTRUCTI ONCODE The ID of the transaction’s handling instructions. Text (5 characters maximum) • None No User TRANSACTIONTYPECO DE The ID of the transaction’s type. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User Note: This is country and bank specific. Table notes: 1. Only supply a value in this column if you have set SUPPLYPAYINGACCOUNT to Y. 2. Only supply a value in this column if you have set SUPPLYCPTYDETAILS to Y. A. Remittance details (line 4) Line 4 contains the individual remittance details: (Include one line 4 for each remittance detail in the file.) The following table defines the components of this line: No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 4a Remittance indicator An indicator that the line contains file layout information. Remittance • Yes User 172 None © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 4b Remittance handling code A value that indicates how remittance details are handled in the file. One of the following values: • None Yes User • None Yes User • S if the remittance details are handled in a single line • M if the remittance details are handled in multiple lines Note: If you enter M, provide one remittance line detail for the invoice amount and one for the actual amount paid. 4c Document type code The remittance detail’s type. One of the following values: • 100 if the remittance • 101 if the remittance detail is an invoice detail is a credit • 103 if the remittance detail is a debit 4d Document message number The remittance detail’s invoice, credit note, or debit note. Text (35 characters maximum) • None Yes User 4e Document date The remittance detail’s date. Date • None No User 4f Document amount type The type of the remittance detail’s amount. One of the following values: • None No User • Due if the remittance handling code is set to S • 201 if the remittance detail’s amount is paid • 202 if the remittance detail’s amount is remitted • 203 if the remittance detail’s amount is discontinued • 204 if the remittance detail’s amount is payable 4g Document Amount The remittance detail’s amount. Floating point number • None No User 4h Document currency code The remittance detail’s currency. Currency ID • None No User WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 173 No. Component Description Value Constraints Req. Source 4i Amount paid The actual amount paid. Floating point number • Can only be provided if the remittance handling code is Y. No User 4j Amount Discounted The amount discounted. Floating point number • Can only be provided if the remittance handling code is Y. No User A.3.5 EDIFACT PAYEXT This section documents the EDIFACT D97A extended payment order (PAYEXT) message file format that CMM currently supports for accounts payable file imports. The following table presents the components of the PAYEXT message file format: Level Name Description Required Repetitions 1 UNB Interchange header Yes 1 1 UNH Message header Yes 1 1 BGM Beginning of message Yes 1 1 BUS Business function No 0 to 1 1 PAI Payment instructions No 0 to 1 1 DTM Date/time/period Yes 1 to 4 1 PAYEXT01 Segment group 1 No 0 to 1 2 RFF Reference No 0 to 1 2 DTM Date/time/period No 0 to 1 Yes 1 Yes 1 No 0 to 1 1 2 PAYEXT02 MOA Segment group 2 Monetary amount 1 PAYEXT03 2 FII Financial institution information Yes 1 to 2 2 CTA Contact information No 0 to 1 2 COM Communication contact No 0 to 1 No 0 to 6 1 PAYEXT04 Segment group 3 Segment group 4 2 NAD Name and address Yes 1 2 CTA Contact information No 0 to 1 2 COM Communication contact No 0 to 1 No 0 to 4 1 PAYEXT05 2 INP Parties to instruction Yes 1 2 FTX Free text No 0 to 1 2 DTM Date/time/period No 0 to 2 No 0 to 1 1 174 PAYEXT07 Segment group 5 Segment group 7 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Level Name Description Required Repetitions 2 PRC Process identification Yes 1 2 FTX Fee text No 0 to 5 2 PAYEXT08 Segment group 8 No 0 to 9,999 3 DOC Document/message details Yes 1 3 MOA Monetary amount Yes 0 to 5 3 DTM Date/time/period Yes 0 to 5 3 RFF Reference Yes 0 to 5 No 0 to 5 1 PAYEXT15 Segment group 15 2 AUT Authentication result Yes 1 2 DTM Date/time/period No 0 to 1 1 UNT Message trailer Yes 1 1 UNZ Interchange trailer Yes 1 Note: CMM does not support segment groups 1 and 5. For each element, this section documents the following: Criterion Description Segment The element’s parent segment. Sep. The character that separates the element from neighbor elements. Element The element’s identifier. Description A brief description of the element. Req. A flag indicating if the element is required or not. Used A flag indicating if the element is used by CMM or not. Format The element’s format. For more information, see A.12.1 EDIFACT Level A character set on page 302. A.3.5.1 EDIFACT PAYEXT start of interchange The start of interchange specifies the start of the interchange. This group is required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segment: ID Name Required Repetitions UNB Interchange header Yes 1 A. UNB segment The UNB segment starts, identifies, and specifies an interchange. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment UNB Sep. Element Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Format 175 Segment Sep. Element Description Req. Used S001 Syntax identifier Yes Yes Format + 0001 Syntax identifier [1] Yes Yes a4 : 0002 Syntax version number [2] Yes Yes n1 Yes Yes S002 Interchange sender + 0004 Sender identifier [3] Yes Yes an..35 : 0007 Sender identifier code qualifier No Yes an..4 Yes No S003 Interchange recipient + 0010 Recipient identifier Yes No an..35 : 0007 Recipient identifier code qualifier Yes No an..4 Yes Yes S004 Date/time of preparation + 0017 Date of preparation [4] Yes Yes n6 : 0019 Time of preparation [5] Yes Yes n4 an..14 + 0020 Interchange control reference [6] Yes Yes S005 Recipient’s reference/password No No + 0022 Recipient’s reference/password Yes No an..14 : 0025 Recipient’s reference/password qualifier No No an2 + 0026 Application reference [7] No Yes an..14 + 0029 Processing priority code No No a1 + 0031 Acknowledgement request No No n1 + 0032 Communications agreement identifier No No an..35 + 0035 Test indicator No Yes n1 End of segment marker Yes Yes ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains a fixed value of UNOB, indicating that the interchange uses the EDIFACT Level A character set. For more information, see A.12.1 EDIFACT Level A character set on page 302. 2. This element contains a fixed value of 2. 3. This element contains the sender’s EDI organization identifier code as specified in the interchange agreement. For CMM, this element must contain a valid entity ID from the CMM database or an ID that is mapped to a valid entity ID from the CMM database. 4. This element contains the date on which the interchange was prepared in YYMMDD format. 5. This element contains the time on which the interchange was prepared in HHMM format. 6. This element contains a unique reference for the interchange, assigned by the sender. This is a sequential number that is incremented by one for each interchange sent. In a customer payment, this element must always be identical to element 0020 in the UNZ segment. 7. This element contains the message type. The value of this element is usually PAYEXT, which is identical to element 0065 in the UNH segment. The following is an example of this segment: UNB+UNOB:2+ENTITY1+CITIGB2L+970115:0920+INTERCHANGEREF++PAYEXT’ 176 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.3.5.2 EDIFACT PAYEXT start of message The start of message specifies the start of the message. This group is required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segment: ID Name Required Repetitions UNH Message header Yes 1 BGM Beginning of message Yes 1 BUS Business function No 1 PAI Payment instructions No 1 DTM Date/time/period Yes 4 The UNH and BGM segments contain data related to the whole message. The BUS, PAI, and DTM segments contain date related to the payment means, charge allocation, and message creation date respectively. A. UNH segment The UNH segment is a service segment that starts and uniquely identifies a message. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Element Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes 0062 Message reference number [1] Yes Yes S009 Message identifier Yes Yes UNH + Format an..14 + 0065 Message type [2] Yes Yes an..6 : 0052 Message version number [3] Yes Yes an..3 : 0054 Message release number [4] Yes Yes an..3 : 0051 Controlling agency [5] Yes Yes an..2 : 0057 Association-assigned code No No an..6 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains a unique reference for the message, assigned by the sender. The value for element 0062 in this segment must be the same as value for element 0062 in the UNT segment. 2. This element contains the EDIFACT message type defined within the UNH and UNT segments. In an extended payment order message, the message type must always be PAYEXT. 3. This element identifies the EDIFACT version number. The version of an extended payment order message must always be D. 4. This element contains the EDIFACT release number. The release number of an extended payment order message must always be 97A. 5. Because PAYEXT messages are defined by UN/EDIFACT, this element contains the value UN. The following is an example of this segment: UNH+1+PAYEXT:D:97A:UN:PH0011’ WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 177 A. BGM segment The BGM segment is used by the sender to uniquely identify the message by using its code type, number, and—when necessary—function. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item BGM C002 + 1001 Description Req. Used Format Segment identifier Yes Yes Document/message name No Yes Document/message name (coded) [1] No Yes an..3 + 1004 Document/message number [2] No Yes an..35 + 1225 Message function (coded) No No an..3 + 4343 Response type (coded) No No an..3 End of segment marker Yes Yes ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of document contained within the message, in coded format. The valid value is 451 for extended payment order. 2. This element contains a reference to the transaction assigned by the sender. For CMM, this element is used as the customer reference number and must be unique across the whole organization. The following is an example of this segment: BGM+451+PO176521A’ A. BUS segment The BUS segment is used to: • Identify the payment as belonging to a particular business function (for example, GDS for "Goods and Services") • Indicate if it is domestic or international • Indicate if it is intercompany and can be routed through in-house bank accounts. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item BUS + 178 C521 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Business function [1] No Yes Format : 4027 Business function qualifier [2] Yes Yes an..3 : 4025 Business function (coded) [3] Yes Yes an..3 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list responsible agency (coded) No No an..3 : 4022 Business description No No an..70 + 3279 Geographic environment (coded) [4] No Yes an..3 + 4487 Type of financial transaction (coded) No Yes an..3 C551 Bank operation No No © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Segment Sep. + + Item Description 4383 4463 ’ Req. Used Format No No an..3 Intercompany payment (coded) [5] Yes Yes an..3 End of segment marker Yes Yes Bank operation (coded) Table notes: 1. This composite element contains the regulatory code information. Elements used to make up the regulatory code information include 4027, 4025, 1131, 3055, and 4022. 2. This element contains the type of business function. 3. This element contains a code describing the specific business function. 4. This element indicates whether the payment is domestic or international. Acceptable values: DO for domestic and IN for international. Through CMM’s routing functionality, an international payment can be routed through a domestic account. 5. This element indicates whether the payment is intercompany and should be routed through in-house bank accounts or external and should be routed through external bank accounts. If the payment is intercompany, both payor and payee must be valid entities in CMM and must have in-house bank accounts. Acceptable values: 1 for intercompany and any value other than 1 for external. The following is an example of this segment: BUS+1:GDS+DO+++1’ A. PAI segment The PAI segment specifies the method of payment and the payment channel to be used for the payment. This segment is not required and can be included once per file. Note: The absence of this segment means that the payment is to be made via EFT (42). The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item PAI C534 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Payment instruction details Yes Yes Format + 4439 Payment conditions (coded) No No an..3 : 4431 Payment guarantee (coded) No No an..3 : 4461 Payment means (coded) [1] No Yes an..3 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list resp. agency (coded) No No an..3 : 4435 Payment channel (coded) [2] No Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the means by which payment or reimbursement is to be made. Acceptable values: 20 for check (US and Canada only) and 42 for payment to bank account (wire transfer). If the payment method is set to 42, the payment method in CMM is set to EFT. At payment release, CMM determines if the payment method is a wire transfer or must go through a clearing system if it is domestic. 2. This element contains a fixed value of 6. The following is an example of this segment: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 179 PAI+::42:::6’ A. DTM segment The DTM segment can be repeated twice to include the value date (203) and transaction date (137) in CMM. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item DTM C507 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Date/time/period Yes Yes Format + 2005 Date/time/period qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 2380 Date/time/period [2] No Yes an..35 : 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier [3] No Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the date type. Acceptable values: 137 for message creation date (transaction date in CMM) and 203 for value date (value date in CMM). 2. This element contains the message creation date or value date and must be in the YYYYMMDD format. 3. This element contains the date format and must always be 102 (for the YYYYMMDD format). The following is an example of this segment: DTM+137:20000728:102’ A.3.5.3 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 1 Segment group 1 identifies the ACH transaction code. This group is required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions RFF Reference (ACH transaction code) Yes 1 DTM Date/time period Yes 1 Note: This group is not supported by CMM. A. RFF segment The RFF segment identifies the ACH transaction code. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item RFF C506 Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Reference Yes Yes Format + 1153 Reference qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 1154 Reference number [2] No Yes an..35 Yes Yes ’ 180 Description End of segment marker © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Format Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of reference in coded form. The valid value is RT for payee’s financial institution transit routing number. 2. This element contains the ACH transaction code (usually four characters) as defined in the country rules. Its use is dictated by the requirements of individual countries. The following is an example of this segment: RFF+RT:0123’ A. DTM segment The DTM segment can be repeated once to include the value date (203) in CMM. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item DTM C507 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Date/time/period Yes Yes Format + 2005 Date/time/period qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 2380 Date/time/period [2] No Yes an..35 : 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier [3] No Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the date type. Acceptable value: 203 for order execution date. 2. This element contains the message creation date or value date and must be in the YYYYMMDD format. 3. This element contains the date format and must always be 102 (for the YYYYMMDD format). The following is an example of this segment: DTM+137:20000728:102’ A.3.5.4 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 2 Segment group 2 identifies the monetary amount of the payment. This group is required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions MOA Monetary amount Yes 1 A. MOA segment The MOA segment identifies the original amount requested by the ordering customer to be paid to the beneficiary’s (or "payee’s") account. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item MOA C516 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Monetary amount Yes Yes WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Format 181 Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Format + 5025 Monetary amount type qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 5004 Monetary amount No Yes n..18 : 6345 Currency (coded) [2] Yes Yes an..3 : 6343 Currency qualifier [3] No Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the monetary amount type. Acceptable value: 9 for amount due/amount payable. 2. This element must contain a valid ISO 4217 currency code. 3. This element contains the currency qualifier: 11 for payment currency. CMM is only concerned with the monetary amount (element 5004) and the currency and always assumes the currency is the payment currency. The following is an example of this segment: MOA+9:1000.00:EUR’ A.3.5.5 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 3 Segment group 3 identifies the financial institutions (including their contact people or departments and their communication numbers) and accounts involved in the transaction. This group is required and can be repeated twice. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions FII Financial institution information Yes 1 CTA Contact information No 1 COM Communication contact No 1 A. Entity bank FII segment The FII segment identifies a specific account and related financial institution involved in the extended payment order. The first occurrence of this segment identifies the entity’s (ordering party’s) account information. Note: If routing is enabled in CMM, this section is ignored and the payment is routed through the most cost effective bank account. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes 3035 Party qualifier [1] Yes Yes C078 Account identification No Yes an..35 FII + 182 Format + 3194 Account holder number [2] No Yes an..35 : 3192 Account holder name [3] No Yes an..35 : 3192 Account holder name [3] No Yes an..35 : 6345 Currency (coded) [4] No Yes an..3 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Format C088 Institution identification [5] No Yes an..35 + 3433 Institution name identifier [6] No Yes an..11 : 1131 Code list qualifier [7] No Yes an..3 : 3055 Code list rsp. agency (coded) No No an..3 : 3434 Institution branch number No No an..17 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list rsp. agency (coded) No No an..3 : 3432 Institution name [8] No Yes an..70 : 3436 Institution branch place [9] No Yes an..70 Country (coded) [10] No Yes an..3 End of segment marker Yes Yes + 3207 ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains the function of the party identified. Acceptable value: OR for ordered bank. 2. This element contains the number of the account that is to be debited to effect the payment. 3. This element contains the name of the account holder. 4. This element must contain a valid ISO 4217 currency code. 5. This composite element contains the ordered bank. 6. This element must contain a valid ISO bank identifier code. 7. This element must contain 25 (bank identification). 8. This element contains the bank name. 9. This element contains the bank city. 10. This element contains the bank country. The following is an example of this segment: FII+OR+999888333:::EUR+3000400813:25:108::::BANQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS:PARIS+FR’ A. Target bank FII segment The FII segment identifies a specific account and related financial institution involved in the extended payment order. The second occurrence identifies the beneficiary’s bank and account. The information from this segment (or the lack of) can sometimes result in the payment not being processed by the sending bank. Therefore, it is recommended to send as much information as possible in this segment. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes 3035 Party qualifier [1] Yes Yes C078 Account identification No Yes an..35 FII + Format + 3194 Account holder number [2] No Yes an..35 : 3192 Account holder name [3] No Yes an..35 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 183 Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Format : 3192 Account holder name [3] No Yes an..35 : 6345 Currency (coded) [4] No Yes an..3 Institution identification [5] No Yes an..35 C088 + 3433 Institution name identifier [6] No Yes an..11 : 1131 Code list qualifier [7] No Yes an..3 : 3055 Code list rsp. agency (coded) [8] No No an..3 : 3434 Institution branch number [9] No No an..17 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list rsp. agency (coded) No No an..3 : 3432 Institution name [10] No Yes an..70 : 3436 Institution branch place [11] No Yes an..70 Country (coded) [12] No Yes an..3 End of segment marker Yes Yes + ’ 3207 Table notes: 1. This element contains the function of the party identified. Acceptable value: BF for beneficiary bank. 2. This element contains the number of the account that is to be debited to effect the payment. 3. This element contains the name of the account holder. 4. This element must contain a valid ISO 4217 currency code. 5. This composite element contains the beneficiary’s bank. Certain countries and banks require different beneficiary information for processing payments, and this validation exists within CMM. For example, there are certain countries (for example, Italy) that require the institution name (element 3436) for the payment to be processed. If certain information, such as the institution name, exists in the AP file generation system that is being used, Wallstreet recommends that this information be provided in the file for CMM purposes. 6. This element must contain a valid eight- or eleven-digit SWIFT code. 7. This element must contain 25 (bank identification). 8. This element must contain 5 (BIC). 9. If an eight-digit SWIFT code is provided in element 3433, this element is required for processing the payment. 10. If an eight-digit SWIFT code is provided in element 3433, this element is required for processing the payment. In addition, certain countries require this information be provided. 11. If an eight-digit SWIFT code is provided in element 3433, this element is required for processing the payment. In addition, certain countries require this information be provided. 12. This element must contain a valid ISO two-character alphabetic country code. This element is required as it determines routing that takes place in CMM. The following is an example of this segment: FII+OR+999888333:::EUR+3000400813:25:108::::BANQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS:PARIS+FR’ A. CTA segment The CTA segment identifies the contact person at either of the financial institutions. 184 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item CTA Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes + 3139 Contact function (coded) [1] No Yes + C056 Department or employee details No Yes Format an..3 : 3413 Department or employee identifier [2] No Yes an..17 : 3412 Department or employee [3] No Yes an..35 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element must contain IC (information contact). 2. This element contains the internal identification code. 3. This element contains the department or person within an organizational entity. The following is an example of this segment: CTA+IC+:T Smith’ A. COM segment The COM segment provides the communication details necessary for sending printed information to the financial institutions. This segment is not required and can be included once per file. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item COM C076 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Communication contact Yes Yes Format + 3148 Communication number [1] Yes Yes an..512 : 3155 Communication channel qualifier [2] Yes Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the communication number. 2. This element contains the communication channel. Acceptable values: MA for mail, TM for telemail, FX for facsimile, and EM for e-mail. A.3.5.6 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 4 Segment group 4 identifies the parties involved in the extended payment order by function as well as by identifier or by name and address. This group is not required and can be repeated six times. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions NAD Payee name and address Yes 1 CTA Payee contact information No 1 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 185 ID Name Required Repetitions COM Payee communication contact No 1 NAD Payor name and address Yes 1 CTA Payor contact information No 1 COM Payor communication contact No 1 A. Payee NAD segment The NAD segment identifies a specific party involved in the extended payment order. The first occurrence of this segment identifies the payee. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes 3035 Party qualifier [1] Yes Yes C082 Party identification details No Yes NAD + an..3 + 3039 Party identification [2] Yes Yes an..35 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list resp. agency (coded) No No an..3 No Yes C058 Name and address [3] + 3124 Name and address line Yes Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 No Yes C080 Party name [4] + 3036 Party name Yes Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 No Yes C059 186 Format Street [5] + 3042 Street and number/PO box Yes Yes an..35 : 3042 Street and number/PO box No Yes an..35 : 3042 Street and number/PO box No Yes an..35 : 3042 Street and number/PO box No Yes an..35 + 3164 City name No Yes an..35 + 3229 Country subentity identifier No Yes an..9 + 3251 Postal code No Yes an..9 + 3207 Country (coded) [6] No Yes an..3 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Segment Sep. Item ’ Description Req. Used End of segment marker Yes Yes Format Table notes: 1. This element contains the function of the party identified. Acceptable value: PE for payee. 2. If the payment is intercompany, this element must contain an entity ID stored in CMM. 3. For proper handling in CMM, use composite elements C080 and C059 rather than C058. 4. If the payment method is check, this composite element is required. 5. If the payment method is check, this composite element is required. 6. This element must contain a valid ISO country code. The following is an example of this segment: NAD+PE+88889999:160:92++PAYEE+123 MAIN STREET+NEW YORK+NY+82100+US’ A. Payee CTA segment The payee CTA segment identifies the contact person for the payee. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item CTA Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes + 3139 Contact function (coded) [1] No Yes + C056 Department or employee details No Yes Format an..3 : 3413 Department or employee identifier [2] No Yes an..17 : 3412 Department or employee [3] No Yes an..35 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element must contain IC (information contact). 2. This element contains the internal identification code. 3. This element contains the department or person within an organizational entity. The following is an example of this segment: CTA+IC+:T Smith’ A. Payee COM segment The payee COM segment provides the communication details necessary for sending printed information to the payee. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item COM C076 + 3148 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Communication contact Yes Yes Yes Yes Communication number [1] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Format an..512 187 Segment Sep. : Item 3155 ’ Description Communication channel qualifier [2] End of segment marker Req. Used Format Yes Yes an..3 Yes Yes Table notes: 1. This element contains the communication number. 2. This element contains the communication channel. Acceptable values: MA for mail, TM for telemail, FX for facsimile, and EM for e-mail. A. Payor NAD segment The NAD segment identifies a specific party involved in the extended payment order. The first occurrence of this segment identifies the payor. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes 3035 Party qualifier [1] Yes Yes C082 Party identification details No Yes NAD + an..3 + 3039 Party identification [2] Yes Yes an..35 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list resp. agency (coded) No No an..3 No Yes C058 Name and address [3] + 3124 Name and address line Yes Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 : 3124 Name and address line No Yes an..35 No Yes C080 Party name [4] + 3036 Party name Yes Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 : 3036 Party name No Yes an..35 No Yes C059 Street [5] + 3042 Street and number/PO box Yes Yes an..35 : 3042 Street and number/PO box No Yes an..35 : 3042 Street and number/PO box No Yes an..35 : 3042 Street and number/PO box No Yes an..35 No Yes an..35 + 188 Format 3164 City name © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Format + 3229 Country subentity identifier No Yes an..9 + 3251 Postal code No Yes an..9 + 3207 Country (coded) [6] No Yes an..3 End of segment marker Yes Yes ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains the function of the party identified. Acceptable value: PR for payor. 2. If the payment is intercompany, this element must contain an entity ID stored in CMM. 3. For proper handling in CMM, use composite elements C080 and C059 rather than C058. 4. If the payment method is check, this composite element is required. 5. If the payment method is check, this composite element is required. 6. This element must contain a valid ISO country code. The following is an example of this segment: NAD+PR+99998888:160:92++PAYEE+123 MAIN STREET+CHICAGO+IL+58018+US’ A. Payor CTA segment The payor CTA segment identifies the contact person for the payor. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item CTA Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes + 3139 Contact function (coded) [1] No Yes + C056 Department or employee details No Yes Format an..3 : 3413 Department or employee identifier [2] No Yes an..17 : 3412 Department or employee [3] No Yes an..35 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element must contain IC (information contact). 2. This element contains the internal identification code. 3. This element contains the department or person within an organizational entity. The following is an example of this segment: CTA+IC+:T Smith’ A. Payor COM segment The payor COM segment provides the communication details necessary for sending printed information to the payor. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 189 The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item COM C076 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Communication contact Yes Yes Format + 3148 Communication number [1] Yes Yes an..512 : 3155 Communication channel qualifier [2] Yes Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the communication number. 2. This element contains the communication channel. Acceptable values: MA for mail, TM for telemail, FX for facsimile, and EM for e-mail. A.3.5.7 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 5 Segment group 5 contains instructions and related information from the originator of the payment to the parties identified in segment groups 3 and 4. This group is not required and can be repeated four times. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions INP Parties to instruction Yes 1 FTX Free text No 1 DTM Note: This group is not supported by CMM. A. INP segment The INP segment specifies parties to an instruction and, where relevant, the instruction. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item INP C849 Req. Used Segment identifier Yes No Parties to instruction No No Format + 3301 Party enacting instruction identifier [1] Yes No an..17 : 3285 Recipient of instruction identifier No No an..17 No No C522 Instruction + 4403 Instruction qualifier Yes No an..3 : 4401 Instruction (coded) No No an..3 Yes No ’ 190 Description End of segment marker © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Table notes: 1. This element contains the party to which the instruction is addressed. Acceptable values: REC for receiving bank and ACC for target bank. The following is an example of this segment: INP+REC’ A. FTX segment The FTX segment contains bank-to-bank information in free-text format. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item FTX Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes No Format + 4451 Text subject qualifier [1] Yes No an..3 + 4453 Text function (coded) No No an..3 C107 Text reference No No + 4441 Free text (coded) Yes No an..3 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list resp. agency (coded) No No an..3 No No C108 Text literal + 4440 Free text [2] Yes No an..70 : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 Language (coded) No No an..3 End of segment marker Yes No + 3453 ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of information that will be carried in the FTX segment. Acceptable value: AAG for party instructions. 2. This element contains bank-to-bank instructions. A maximum of five free-text elements can be accepted. The following is an example of this segment: FTX+AAG++BANK-TO-BANK INSTRUCTIONS:BANK-TO-BANK INSTRUCTIONS’ A.3.5.8 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 7 Segment group 7 provides information relating to the purpose of the payment from the ordering customer to the beneficiary. In this implementation, this group is used for remittance advice details in either structured or unstructured form. This group is not required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions PRC Process identification Yes 1 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 191 ID Name Required Repetitions FTX Free text No 5 Note: Segment group 7 also contains segment group 8. For more information on segment group 8, see A.3.5.9 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 8 on page 193. A. PRC segment This segment identifies the type of process on the beneficiary’s side of the payment. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item PRC C242 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Process type and description Yes Yes Format + 7187 Process type identification [1] Yes Yes an..17 : 1131 Code list qualifier No Yes an..3 : 3055 Code list resp. agency (coded) No Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of process required. Acceptable values: 11 for processing of unstructured information and 8 for processing of structured information. CMM only supports structured remittance advice information. The following is an example of this segment: PRC+8’ A. FTX segment The FTX segment specifies free-form or coded text information relevant to the message. It allows the ordering customer to provide remittance advice information in a free-text format. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item FTX Req. Used Segment identifier Yes No Format + 4451 Text subject qualifier [1] Yes No an..3 + 4453 Text function (coded) No No an..3 C107 Text reference No No + 4441 Free text (coded) Yes No an..3 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list resp. agency (coded) No No an..3 No No C108 192 Description Text literal + 4440 Free text [2] Yes No an..70 : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Format : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 : 4440 Free text [2] No No an..70 Language (coded) No No an..3 End of segment marker Yes No + 3453 ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of information that will be carried in the FTX segment. Acceptable value: PMD for party detail/remittance information. 2. These elements contain free text and can be used in the following ways: as headings (the first element contains HEADER, and the second element contains the headings for the remittance advice details); as 20-character remittance detail lines (the first element contains DETAIL 120, the second element contains the first 70 characters of the first detail line, the third element contains the remaining 50 characters of the first detail line, the fourth element contains the first 70 characters of the second detail line if any, and the fifth line contains the remaining 50 characters of the second detail line if any); or as 70-character remittance detail lines (all five elements contain remittance detail information). A.3.5.9 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 8 Segment group 8 provides details of all documents (for example, invoices) to which the extended payment order refers. This group includes information on the monetary amounts for each document. This group is not required and can be repeated 9,999 times. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions DOC Document/message details Yes 1 MOA Monetary amount No 5 DTM Date/time/period No 5 RFF Reference No 1 A. DOC segment The DOC segment identifies the documents, meaningful to the beneficiary, to which the extended payment order relates. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item DOC C002 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Document/message name Yes Yes Format + 1001 Document/message name (coded) [1] No Yes an..3 : 1131 Code list qualifier No No an..3 : 3055 Code list resp. agency (coded) No No an..3 : 1000 Document/message name No No an..35 No Yes No Yes C503 + 1004 Document/message details Document/message number [2] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide an..35 193 Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Format : 1373 Document/message status (coded) No No an..3 : 1366 Document/message source No No an..35 : 3453 Language (coded) No No an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of related document in coded form. Acceptable values: 380 for commercial invoice, 381 for credit note, and 383 for debit note. 2. This element contains the invoice/credit note number. The following is an example of this segment: DOC+380+123456’ A. MOA segment The MOA segment specifies the monetary amount of each referenced document and the relevant currency, if necessary. Note: There may be one or two occurrences of this segment. The first occurrence must always contain the amount due/payable and the optional second occurrence can contain the amount remitted. The currency of the latter, if given, must be the same as that of the former. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes C516 Monetary amount Yes Yes + 5025 Monetary amount type qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 5004 Monetary amount No Yes n..18 : 6345 Currency (coded) [2] No Yes an..3 : 6343 Currency qualifier No No an..3 End of segment marker Yes Yes MOA ’ Format Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of amount. Acceptable values: 9 for amount due/amount payable, 12 for amount remitted, and 11 for amount paid. 2. This element must contain the ISO 4217 currency code. The following is an example of this segment: MOA+9:100:USD’ A. DTM segment The DTM segment specifies the date of the reference document and indicates any other relevant dates applicable. 194 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item DTM C507 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Date/time/period Yes Yes Format + 2005 Date/time/period qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 2380 Date/time/period [2] No Yes an..35 : 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier [3] No Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the date type. Acceptable value: 137 for document/message date/time. 2. This element contains the document message date/time and must be in the YYYYMMDD format. 3. This element contains the date format and must always be 102 (for the YYYYMMDD format). The following is an example of this segment: DTM+171:19971201:102’ A. RFF segment The RFF segment identifies a transaction from the ordering customer to the beneficiary and/or from the order customer to the ordered bank. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item RFF C506 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Reference Yes Yes Format + 1153 Reference qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 1154 Reference number No Yes an..35 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the type of reference in coded form. Acceptable value: ACE for related document number. The following is an example of this segment: RFF+RA:0123’ A.3.5.10 EDIFACT PAYEXT segment group 15 Segment group 15 specifies the details of any authentication (validation) procedure applied to the PAYEXT message. This group is not required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segments: ID Name Required Repetitions AUT Authentication result Yes 1 DTM Date/time/period No 1 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 195 A. AUT segment The AUT segment specifies the details of any authentication (validation) procedures applied to the extended payment order. This segment is composed of the validation result optionally followed by the validation key identification. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item AUT Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Format + 9280 Validation result Yes Yes an..35 + 9282 Validation key identifier Yes Yes an..35 End of segment marker Yes Yes ’ The following is an example of this segment: AUT+9876532+1515’ A. DTM segment The DTM segment identifies the date of authentication. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item DTM C507 Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Date/time/period Yes Yes Format + 2005 Date/time/period qualifier [1] Yes Yes an..3 : 2380 Date/time/period [2] No Yes an..35 : 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier [3] No Yes an..3 Yes Yes ’ End of segment marker Table notes: 1. This element contains the date type. Acceptable value: 218 for authentication/validation date/time. 2. This element contains the authentication/validation date/time and must be in the YYYYMMDD format. 3. This element contains the date format and must always be 102 (for the YYYYMMDD format). The following is an example of this segment: DTM+218:19980115:102’ A.3.5.11 EDIFACT PAYEXT end of message The end of message specifies the end of the message. This group is required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segment: ID Name Required Repetitions UNT Message trailer Yes 1 196 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A. UNT segment The UNT segment specifies the end of the message, providing the total number of segments and control reference number of the message, as quoted in the UNH segment. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item UNT Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Format + 0074 Number of segments in message [1] Yes Yes n..6 + 0062 Message reference number [2] Yes Yes an..14 End of segment marker Yes Yes ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains the total number of segments, starting with the UNH segment and ending with the UNT segment, that have been used in the message. This information provides the receiver with the necessary data to ensure that the entire message has been received. 2. This element contains a message by a unique number within a range of messages (for example, the first message is 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on). The value for element 0062 in this segment must be the same as the value in element 0062 in the corresponding UNH segment. The following is an example of this segment: UNT+78+1’ A.3.5.12 EDIFACT PAYEXT end of interchange The end of interchange specifies the end of the interchange. This group is required and can be repeated once. It contains the following segment: ID Name Required Repetitions UNZ Interchange trailer Yes 1 A. UNZ segment The UNZ segment ends and checks the completeness of an interchange. The following table presents the elements of this segment: Segment Sep. Item UNZ Description Req. Used Segment identifier Yes Yes Format + 0036 Interchange control count [1] Yes Yes n..6 + 0020 Interchange control reference [2] Yes Yes an..14 End of segment marker Yes Yes ’ Table notes: 1. This element contains the number of messages within the interchange, where the start of each message is denoted by a UNH segment and the end of each message is denoted by a UNT segment. 2. This element contains a unique reference for the message, assigned by the sender. This reference must contain the same value as element 0020 in the UNB segment. The following is an example of this segment: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 197 UNZ+22+INTERCHANGEREF’ A.4 Bank message import formats CMM supports the following standard formats for bank message imports: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Bank message • XML bank message • BANSTA [1] • ACK/NACK [1] • • XML transaction acknowledgement • CONTRL [1] • ISO 20022 XML payment status ANSI X12 824 [1] • ANSI X12 997 [1] • CFONB/AFB REJ240 [1] Table notes: 1. For information on formats not documented in this appendix, contact Wallstreet. A.4.1 Wallstreet XML bank message The following is an example Wallstreet XML bank message file: This file contains three basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. transaction attribute An individual transaction in the file. An individual attribute of a transaction. Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML transaction schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML transaction schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.4.1.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML bank message file contains only one transactions element. 198 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values document_reference_ID [A unique identifier for the file] format_code ATTRS_TXN xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema A.4.1.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML bank message file can contain multiple transactions with each transaction represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its transaction’s sequence number and type as specified in the element’s two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the transaction (In a typical file, the first transaction is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] type bankmessage A.4.1.3 attribute elements Each transaction element contains a set of attribute elements. These elements define the transactions’ attributes and the values of those attributes. Each attribute element has two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values name [The attribute’s name as specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312 (The value you provide in this attribute must exactly match the value in the "Name" column in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] value [The attribute’s value (The value you provide in this attribute must comply with the type, size, and other requirements specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] As noted in B.1 Import attributes on page 312, some attributes are required and must be provided with every transaction while others are not required. You can specify the attributes in any order in the Wallstreet XML bank message files. In addition, you do not need to specify the same set of attributes in every transaction in a file. For example, one transaction can include the description attribute while all others in the file do not. A.4.2 Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgement The following is an example Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgement file: 26 ACH32934298349834 ext_1 false invalid beneficiary bank account number WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 199 27 FT89438904384585489 ext_2 true This file contains two basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. An individual transaction acknowledgement in the file. transaction Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgement schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgment schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.4.2.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgement file contains only one transactions element. The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema format_code TREMA_ACK document_reference_id [A unique identifier for the file] A.4.2.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgement file can contain multiple transaction acknowledgements with each transaction acknowledgement represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its transaction acknowledgement’s sequence number and type as specified in the element’s two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the transaction acknowledgement (In a typical file, the first transaction acknowledgement is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] type acknowledgement In addition, each transaction element defines its transaction acknowledgement’s details as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values transaction_id [The transaction’s ID] customer_reference_number [The transaction’s customer reference number] external_reference_number [The transaction’s external reference number] 200 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Element Acceptable values transaction_success true if the transaction was accepted false if the transaction was rejected [The reason for the rejection of the transaction.] rejection_reason Note: This element is only required if the value of the transaction_success element is false. A.4.3 ISO 20022 XML payment status The ISO 20022 XML standard is an effort of financial institution, corporations, and vendors to define standard message formats for financial transactions. SWIFT is heavily involved in the standard by providing expertise and facilitating meetings. Using CMM’s XML template tool, Wallstreet has implemented a subset of the initial ISO 20022 XML standard formats—including the payment status format. You can use Wallstreet’s initial work as the basis for implementing the ISO 20022 XML standard. You can also customize the formats to accommodate your banks’ unique interpretations of the standard. The ISO 20022 XML payment status message is sent by an instructing agent to the previous party in the payment chain. It is used to inform the party of the positive or negative status of an instruction (either a single transaction or a file). It is also used to report on a pending instruction. The ISO 20022 XML payment status message consists of the following sections: Name Required Number of occurrences Group header Yes One Element such as MessageIdentification and CreationDateAndTime Original group information and status Yes One Elements such as OriginalMessageIdentification, OriginalMessageNameIdentification, and GroupStatus Transaction information and status No Multiple Elements referencing the original instruction Contents A.4.3.1 ISO 20022 XML payment status format The following table presents the format of ISO 20022 XML payment status messages: Message item XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting Group header N/A N/A N/A MessageIdentific ation [1..1] Text Map to file_id CreationDateTim e [1..1] Date/time InitiatingParty [0..1] N/A N/A ForwardingAgent [0..1] Indicator N/A DebtorAgent [0..1] N/A N/A CreditorAgent [0..1] N/A N/A Map to file_creation _time WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 201 XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting InstructingAgent [0..1] N/A N/A InstructedAgent [0..1] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OriginalMessage Identification [1..1] Text NetworkFileNam e [1..1] Text N/A OriginalMessage NameIdentificati on [1..1] N/A Post one of the following: Message item OriginalGroupInfor mationAndStatus Map to orig_file_exp ort_reference _id • pain.001.001 .02 • pain.008.001 .01 • pain.007.001 .01 • pain.006.001 .01 OriginalCreation DateTime [0..1] Date/time N/A FileOriginator [0..1] Text N/A OriginalNumber OfTransactions [0..1] Text N/A OriginalControlS um [0..1] Quantity N/A GroupStatus [0..1] Code Map to external_messag e_code and message_text_de sc StatusReasonInf ormation StatusOrig inator StatusRea son Code [0..n] N/A N/A [0..1] N/A N/A [0..1] N/A N/A [1..1] Code Map to message_text_de sc Proprietary [1..1] Text Map to message_text_ desc 202 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting [0..n] Text N/A [0..n] N/A N/A DetailedNum berOfTransac tions [1..1] Text N/A DetailedStat us [1..1] Code Map to DetailedCont rolSum [0..1] Quantity N/A TransactionInform ationAndStatus [0..n] N/A N/A StatusIdentificat ion [0..1] OriginalPayment InformationIden tification [0..1] OriginalInstructi onIdentification [0..1] OriginalEndToEn dIdentification [0..1] OriginalTransacti onIdentification [0..1] TransactionStatu s StatusReasonInf ormation [0..n] StatusOrigin ator [0..1] StatusReaso n [0..1] Code [1..1] Message item AdditionalSta tusReasonInf ormation NumberOfTransa ctionsPerStatus message_text_ desc Text Text Text Text N/A N/A N/A Map to customer_refe rence_id Text Map to customer_refere nce_id [0..1] Code Map to external_mess age_code and message_text_ desc N/A N/A N/A Code N/A N/A N/A Map to message_text_ desc Proprietary [1..1] AdditonalStat usReasonInfo rmation [0..n] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Text Text Map to message_text_de sc N/A 203 Message item XML tag Mult/format ChargesInformat ion [0..n] AcceptanceDate Time [0..1] InstructingAgent [0..1] InstructedAgent [0..1] OriginalTransacti onReference [0..1] Data type CMM mapping and posting N/A N/A Date/time N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A A.4.3.2 ISO 20022 XML payment status parsing logic This section defines parsing logic for ISO 20022 XML payment status messages. A. OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus parsing logic The following is the logic to parse OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus: 1. This status is related to the import/export status log; it is a file-level bank message. CMM creates one or more bank messages based on this group, and they are all linked with an export active in the import/export log. CMM sets orig_file_export_reference_id with the value of OriginalMessageIdentification. 2. If GroupStatus are not RJCT and are not empty: CMMa. parses the general GroupStatus: – CMM sets external_message_code with the value of GroupStatus. – CMM sets message_text_desc with the definition of the code of GroupStatus. – CMM builds a bank message record. CMMb. parses NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus. 204 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential If NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus exists: – CMM sets external_message_code with DetailedStatus. – CMM sets message_text_desc with the definition of the code of DetailedStatus. – CMM builds a new bank messages record. 3. If GroupStatus are RJCT: CMMa. parses the general GroupStatus: – CMM sets external_message_code with RJCT. – CMM sets message_text_desc with Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected.. – CMM builds a bank message record. CMMb. parses StatusReasonInformation: CMM does one of the following: – – CMM set external_message_code with RJCT. – CMM sets message_text_desc with the definition of the code of StatusReason. CMM builds a new bank messages record. – 4. If GroupStatus are empty: CMMa. parses StatusReasonInformation: CMM does one of the following: – - - CMM sets external_message_code with RJCT. - CMM sets message_text_desc with the definition of the code of StatusReason. CMM builds a new bank message record. CMMb. parses NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus: – – If NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus exists: – CMM sets external_message_code with DetailedStatus. – CMM sets message_text_desc with the definition of the code of DetailedStatus. CMM builds a new bank message record. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 205 A. TransactionInformationAndStatus parsing logic The following is the logic to parse TransactionInformationAndStatus: 1. If TransactionInformationAndStatus exists: CMMa. parses OriginalEndtoEndIdentification: – CMM validates if OriginalEndToEndIdentification is present since it is mandatory. – If valid, CMM sets customer_reference_id with OriginalEndToEndIdentification. CMMb. parses general TransactionStatus – CMM sets external_message_code with the value of TransactionStatus – CMM sets message_text_desc with the definition of the code of TransactionStatus – CMM builds a bank messages record. CMMc. parses StatusReasonInformation: – CMM sets external_message_code with RJCT. – CMM sets message_text_desc with the definition of the code of StatusReason. – CMM builds a new bank message record. A.4.3.3 ISO 20022 XML payment status valid codes This section defines valid codes for ISO 20022 XML payment status messages. A. GroupStatus valid codes The following table presents valid codes for GroupStatus: Code Name Definition ACCP AcceptedCustomerProfile Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful. This includes the assessment of the static risks. ACCR AcceptedCancellationRequest Cancellation is accepted. ACSC AcceptedSettlementCompleted Settlement on the debtor’s account has been completed. Usage: This can be used by the first agent to report to the debtor that the transaction has been completed. Warning: This status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreement. ACSP AcceptedSettlementInProcess All preceding checks, such as technical validation and customer profile, were successful. Dynamic risk assessment is now also successful; therefore, the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. ACTC AcceptedTechnicalValidation Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful. ACWC AcceptedWithChange Instruction is accepted but a change will be made (for example, date, remittance not sent). PART PartiallyAccepted A number of transactions have been accepted, whereas another number of transactions have not yet achieved "accepted" status. PDNG Pending Payment initiation or an individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status updates will be performed. 206 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Code Name Definition RCVD Received Payment initiation has been received by the receiving agent. RJCT Rejected Payment initiation or an individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. A. Group StatusReason valid codes The following table presents valid codes for group StatusReason: Code Name Definition AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Format of the account number specified is not correct. AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the receiver’s books. AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it. AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly NoAgreement). AG02 InvalidBankOperationCode Bank operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver. AM01 ZeroAmount Specified message amount is equal to zero. AM02 NotAllowedAmount Specified transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum. AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is in an non processable currency outside of existing agreement. AM04 InsufficientFunds Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient. AM05 Duplication Message appears to have been duplicated. AM06 TooLowAmount Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum. AM07 BlockedAmount Amount specified in message has been blocked by regulatory authorities. AM09 WrongAmount Amount received is not the amount agreed upon or expected. AM10 InvalidControlSum Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum. BE01 InconsistentWithEndCustomer Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number (formerly CreditorConsistency). BE04 MissingCreditorAddress Specification of creditor’s address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct (formerly IncorrectCreditorAddress). BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognized by the end customer. BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated sort/national bank code or no longer exists in the books. BE07 MissingDebtorAddress Specification of debtor’s address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct. DT01 InvalidDate Invalid date (for example, wrong settlement date). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 207 Code Name Definition ED01 CorrespondentBankNotPossible Correspondent bank not possible. ED03 BalanceInfoRequested Balance of payments complementary information is requested. ED05 SettlementFailed Settlement of the transaction has failed. MD01 NoMandate Mandate is canceled or invalid. MD02 MissingMandatoryInformationInMandate Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing. A. DetailedStatus valid codes The following table presents valid codes for DetailedStatus: Code Name Definition ACCP AcceptedCustomerProfile Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful. This includes the assessment of the static risks. ACCR AcceptedCancellationRequest Cancellation is accepted. ACSC AcceptedSettlementCompleted Settlement on the debtor’s account has been completed. Usage: This can be used by the first agent to report to the debtor that the transaction has been completed. Warning: This status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreement. ACSP AcceptedSettlementInProcess All preceding checks, such as technical validation and customer profile, were successful. Dynamic risk assessment is now also successful; therefore, the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. ACTC AcceptedTechnicalValidation Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful. ACWC AcceptedWithChange Instruction is accepted but a change will be made (for example, date, remittance not sent). PDNG Pending Payment initiation or an individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status updates will be performed. RJCT Rejected Payment initiation or an individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. A. TransactionStatus valid codes The following table presents valid codes for TransactionStatus: Code Name ACCP AcceptedCustomerProfile Definition Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful. This includes the assessment of the static risks. ACCR 208 AcceptedCancellationRequest Cancellation is accepted. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Code Name Definition ACSC AcceptedSettlementCompleted Settlement on the debtor’s account has been completed. Usage: This can be used by the first agent to report to the debtor that the transaction has been completed. Warning: This status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreement. ACSP AcceptedSettlementInProcess All preceding checks, such as technical validation and customer profile, were successful. Dynamic risk assessment is now also successful; therefore, the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. ACTC AcceptedTechnicalValidation Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful. ACWC AcceptedWithChange Instruction is accepted but a change will be made (for example, date, remittance not sent). PDNG Pending Payment initiation or an individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status updates will be performed. RJCT Rejected Payment initiation or an individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. A. Transaction StatusReason valid codes The following table presents valid codes for transaction StatusReason: Code Name Definition AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Format of the account number specified is not correct. AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the receiver’s books. AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it. AG01 TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly NoAgreement). AG02 InvalidBankOperationCode Bank operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver. AM01 ZeroAmount Specified message amount is equal to zero. AM02 NotAllowedAmount Specified transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum. AM03 NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is in an non processable currency outside of existing agreement. AM04 InsufficientFunds Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient. AM05 Duplication Message appears to have been duplicated. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 209 Code Name Definition AM06 TooLowAmount Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum. AM07 BlockedAmount Amount specified in message has been blocked by regulatory authorities. AM09 WrongAmount Amount received is not the amount agreed upon or expected. AM10 InvalidControlSum Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum. BE01 InconsistentWithEndCustomer Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number (formerly CreditorConsistency). BE04 MissingCreditorAddress Specification of creditor’s address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct (formerly IncorrectCreditorAddress). BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognized by the end customer. BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated sort/national bank code or no longer exists in the books. BE07 MissingDebtorAddress Specification of debtor’s address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct. DT01 InvalidDate Invalid date (for example, wrong settlement date). ED01 CorrespondentBankNotPossible Correspondent bank not possible. ED03 BalanceInfoRequested Balance of payments complementary information is requested. ED05 SettlementFailed Settlement of the transaction has failed. MD01 NoMandate Mandate is canceled or invalid. MD02 MissingMandatoryInformationInMandate Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing. MD03 InvalidFileFormatForOtherReasonThanGroupingIndicator File format incomplete or invalid. MD04 InvalidFileFormatForGroupingIndicator File format incorrect in terms of grouping indicator. MD06 RefundRequestByEndCustomer Return of funds requested by end customer. MD07 EndCustomerDeceased End customer is deceased. MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustomerGenerated Reason has not been specified by end customer. MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated Reason has not been specified by agent. NARR Narrative Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information. 210 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Code Name Definition RC01 BankIdentifierIncorrect Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format (formerly IncorrectFormatForRoutingCode). RF01 NotUniqueTransactionReference Transaction reference is not unique within the message. UNIFI (ISO 20022) - Payments Standards - Initiation October 2006 Message: PaymentStatusReportV02 Page 252 TM01 CutOffTime Associated message was received after agreed processing cut-off time. A.5 Bank transaction and balance import formats CMM supports the following standard formats for bank transaction and balance imports: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Bank statement • XML bank statement N/A N/A N/A Bank transaction and balance • XML bank transaction and balance • • MT940 • BAI [1] • MT940 BCS • • MT942 [1] CFONB/AFB RDC120 [1] • MT950 [1] FINSTA [1] Table notes: 1. For information on formats not documented in this appendix, contact Wallstreet. A.5.1 Wallstreet XML bank statement The following is an example Wallstreet XML bank statement file: 1234 10101 USD 2005-05-02 300.89 2005-05-02 1300.89 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 211 test_123 98548958 2005-05-02 2005-05-02 -50.89 test pmt test_456 985489586 2005-05-02 2005-05-02 150.89 test rct test_789 9854895866 2005-05-02 2005-05-02 -1150.89 This file contains four basic elements: Element Description bankaccountstatementholder The file’s identifier, bank statement type, format code, and schema. An individual bank statement in the file. account_statement account The bank account to which the bank statement applies. balance An individual bank balance in the bank statement. transaction An individual bank transaction in the bank statement. Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML bank statement schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML bank statement schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.5.1.1 bankaccountstatementholder element A Wallstreet XML bank statement file contains only one bankaccountstatementholder element. The bankaccountstatementholder element defines the file’s identifier, bank statement type, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values document_reference_id [A unique identifier for the file] statement_type C for an intraday bank statement P for a previous-day bank statement 212 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Acceptable values format_code TREMA_BANK_STATEMENT xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema A.5.1.2 account_statement elements A Wallstreet XML bank statement file can contain multiple bank statements with each bank statement represented by an account_statement element. Each account_statement element defines its bank statement’s sequence number as specified in the element’s attribute: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the bank statement (In a typical file, the first bank statement is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] A.5.1.3 account elements Each account_statement element in a Wallstreet XML bank statement file must contain one account child element that defines the bank account to which the bank statement applies. Each account element defines its bank statement’s bank account as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values bank_swift_code [The SWIFT code of the bank in which the bank account is held] bank_branch_number [The branch number of the bank in which the bank account is held] account_number [The bank account’s basic bank account number (BBAN)] account_iban [The bank account’s international bank account number (IBAN)] account_currency [The bank account’s currency] A.5.1.4 balance elements Each account_statement element in a Wallstreet XML bank statement file can contain one or more balance child element that define bank balances in the bank statement. Each balance element defines its bank balance’s type as specified in the element’s attribute: Attribute Acceptable values type 3 for opening value date 6 for closing value data 8 for opening transaction date 19 for closing transaction date 1001 for opening bank statement 1002 for closing bank statement WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 213 In addition, each balance element defines its bank balance’s date and amount as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values date [The bank balance’s date] amount [The bank balance’s amount] A.5.1.5 transaction elements Each account_statement element in a Wallstreet XML bank statement file can contain one or more transaction child element that define bank transactions in the bank statement. Each transaction element defines its bank transaction’s type as specified in the element’s attribute: Attribute Acceptable values type COMMP for commercial payment COMMR for commercial receipt INTER_ACCT for intercompany AGGRP for aggregate RCNADJ for reconciliation adjustment POOL for pool transfer ZBA for zero balance BANKINT for interest BANKFEE for bank fee COMMFEE for commitment fee OVDRFEE for overdraft fee TAX for tax In addition, each transaction element defines its bank transaction’s customer and bank reference numbers, book and value dates, amounts, and descriptions as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values customer_reference_number [The bank transaction’s customer reference number] bank_reference_number [The bank transaction’s bank reference number] book_date [The bank transaction’s book (or "invoice") date] value_date [The bank transaction’s value date] amount [The bank transaction’s amount] description [A description of the bank transaction] A.5.2 Wallstreet XML bank transaction and balance The following is an example Wallstreet XML bank transaction and balance file: 214 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This file contains three basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. An individual transaction in the file. transaction An individual attribute of a transaction. attribute Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML transaction schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML transaction schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.5.2.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML bank transaction and balance file contains only one transactions element. The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values document_reference_ID [A unique identifier for the file] format_code ATTRS_TXN xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema A.5.2.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML bank transaction and balance file can contain multiple transactions with each transaction represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its transaction’s sequence number and type as specified in the element’s two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the transaction (In a typical file, the first transaction is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 215 Attribute Acceptable values type banktxn bankbalance A.5.2.3 attribute elements Each transaction element contains a set of attribute elements. These elements define the transactions’ attributes and the values of those attributes. Each attribute element has two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values name [The attribute’s name as specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312 (The value you provide in this attribute must exactly match the value in the "Name" column in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] value [The attribute’s value (The value you provide in this attribute must comply with the type, size, and other requirements specified in B.1 Import attributes on page 312.)] As noted in B.1 Import attributes on page 312, some attributes are required and must be provided with every transaction while others are not required. You can specify the attributes in any order in the Wallstreet XML bank transaction and balance files. In addition, you do not need to specify the same set of attributes in every transaction in a file. For example, one transaction can include the description attribute while all others in the file do not. A.5.3 SWIFT MT940 The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is owned by the financial industry to cooperatively supply secure, standardized messaging across more than 200 countries. SWIFT supports many different formats. A few of the common message formats are MT940, MT942, and MT950. They are used for current day, previous day, and summary reporting on bank accounts with the bank. Many of Wallstreet’s CMM customers do business with banks that report bank account information in these formats. CMM can import and export SWIFT message files. CMM’s bank transaction import and export functionality supports both code-based and XML-template based formats. The following table presents the major features of the SWIFT message file format: Features Description Acknowledgements (imports) These formats support positive and negative acknowledgements; however, they do not support SWIFT delivery notifications. Transaction types These formats support bank statements for internal (activity on bank accounts with the in-house bank) and external (activity on external bank accounts) transactions. Bank statement file names File names follow the CMM standard. In other words, CMM creates the file name as a concatenation of the date-time stamp and the bank name to ensure it is unique. Interface component scope The file is plain text only. There is no digital signature, encryption, or other security features required. If you want to use these feature, you can do so by adding them to the interchange (see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56). 216 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.5.3.1 SWIFT MT940 layout SWIFT MT940 message files can consist of up to five blocks: Block Contents 1 to 3 Header information, such as the sender, receiver, and SWIFT category information. For more information, see A.5.3.2 SWIFT MT940 header blocks on page 217. 4 Main message information, usually beginning with tag 20. For more information, see A.5.3.3 SWIFT MT940 main message block on page 221. 5 Control information (This block is optional and is usually omitted.) Note: Each block is started by an opening brace ({) and terminated by a closing brace (}). Block 4 is terminated by a hyphen followed by a closing brace (-}). Only the contents of block 4 are mappable using XML-based files. The following is an example SWIFT MT940 message file: {1:F01SWIFTBOFAB1X0000000000}{2:O9400000000000SWIFTBOFAB1X0000000000000000N}{3:}{4: :20:cititest :25:12345678 :28C:109/10 :60F:C040920USD0, º -} A.5.3.2 SWIFT MT940 header blocks SWIFT MT940 message files begin with three header blocks: 1. Fixed basic header block 2. Fixed application header block 3. User header block. Header block 3 is usually omitted. CMM does not currently support this header block and ignore it if it is included in import files. A. Fixed basic header block The following table presents the contents of the fixed basic header block: Content Description Required Acceptable values XML attribute {1: Fixed basic header identifier Yes {1: Not available a Application identifier Yes Alphabetic (A to Z) Not available 01 Service identifier Yes 01 to 99 Not available aaaaaaaaxxxx ID of the ordering party bank Yes Alphabetic (A to Z) interchange_ interchange_ sender_id WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Note: If the ID of the ordering party bank is not 12 characters long, add Xs until it is 12 characters long. 217 Content Description Required Acceptable values XML attribute dddd Number of data sets Yes 0001 to 9999 Not available dddddd} Transaction number in the file Yes 000001 to 999999 Not available A. Fixed application input header block The following table presents the contents of the fixed application input header block: Content Description Required Acceptable values XML attribute {2: Fixed application header identifier Yes {2: Not available I Input/output identifier Yes I Not available ddd Message type Yes 001 to 999 Not available aaaaaaaaxxxx Destination address Yes Alphabetic (A to Z) interchange_ interchange_ recipient_id Note: If the destination address is not 12 characters long, add Xs until it is 12 characters long. a Message priority Yes S for user-to-system messages Not available U for urgent messages. N for all user-to-user messages d Message monitoring No If the message priority is U, message monitoring must be 1 or 3 Not available If the message priority is N, message monitoring can be 2 ddd Obsolescence period Note: If the obsolescence period is provided, the message monitoring must also be provided. No U, the default obsolescence period is 3 If the message priority is Not available (15 minutes) If the message priority is N, the default obsolescence period is 20 (100 minutes) Note: CMM assumes the default periods for the obsolescence period regardless of the values specified by the user. The following is an example input application header: {2:I202BANKDEFFXXXXu3003} 218 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A. Fixed application output header block The following table presents the contents of the fixed application input header block: Content Description Required Acceptable values XML attribute {2: Fixed application header identifier Yes {2: Not available O Input/output identifier Yes O Not available ddd Message type Yes 001 to 999 Not available dddd Input time Yes hhmm Not available dddddd Date sent Yes yymmdd Not available aaaaaaaaxxxx Message input reference Yes Alphabetic (A to Z) Not available dddddd Date (output date local to the receiver Yes yymmdd Not available dddd Sender session number Yes 0000 to 9999 Not available dddddd Sender session ISN Yes 000000 to 999999 Not available dddddd Output date Yes yymmdd Not available dddd Output time Yes hhmm Not available a Message priority Yes S for user-to-system messages Not available Note: If the message input reference is not 12 characters long, add Xs until it is 12 characters long. U for urgent messages N for all user-to-user messages The following is an example output application header: {2:O2020900970503BANJBEBBAXXX22221234569705030900S} A. User header block The following table presents the contents of the user header block: Content Description Required Acceptable values XML attribute {3: User header identifier Yes {3: Not available 103: Service identifier No For any message which the user submits to a FIN copy service, block 3 requires an additional field 103 which contains a three-character service identifier unique to a specific FIN copy service. By using a unique identifier, it is possible to support access to multiple services within the same CBT. Not available WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 219 XML attribute Content Description Required Acceptable values 113: Banking priority No See SWIFT documentation for details. Not available No See SWIFT documentation for details. Not available No An indicator of whether a special validation needs to be performed by FIN. The following are examples of the values this field may take: Not available Note: The banking priority is assigned by the sender of the message. 108: Message user reference Note: The banking priority is assigned by the sender of the message. 119: Validation flag • ISITC indicates validation of ISITC standards. This is only used with MT 521 and MT 523. • REMIT identifies the presence of field 77T. This is only used in MT 103. • RFDD indicates that the message is a request • STP indicates that the message is validated for direct debit. This is only used in MT 104. according to straight through processing principles. This is only used in MT 103. Note: This list is subject to change. The following codes may be used in MT 503, 504, 505, 506, and 507 to indicate exposure type or collateral reason: 220 • COMM • CRPR • CRSP • CRTL • EXTD • FIXI • FORX • LIQU • OTCD • PAYM • REPO • SBSB • SCRP • SECL • SLEB • TCRP. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential XML attribute Content Description Required Acceptable values 115:aaa … Addressee information No Information from the central institution to the Not receiver of the payment message. Information is available input in the MT 097 FIN Copy Message Authorization/Refusal Notification in Y-Copy mode. See FIN Copy Service Description for further information. The following is an example output application header: {3:{108:PRIORITY 2}} A.5.3.3 SWIFT MT940 main message block Block 4 contains the main message of a SWIFT MT940 message file. It usually begins with tag 20. The following table presents the available tags that can be included in block 4: Tag Name Required Contents [1] 20 Transaction reference number Yes 16x 21 Related reference No 16x 25 Account identification Yes 35x 28C Statement number/ sequence number Yes 5n[/5n] 60F Opening balance Yes 1!a6!n3!a15d 61 [2] Statement line No 6!n[4!n]2a[1!a]15d1!a3!c16 x[//16x] [34x] 86 [3] Information to account owner No 6×65x 62F Closing balance (booked funds) No 1!a6!n3!a15d 64 Closing available balance (available balance) No 1!a6!n3!a15d 65 [4] Forward available balance No 1!a6!n3!a15d 86 Information to account owner No 6×65x XML attribute Table notes: 1. For more information on the codes used in this column, see A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths on page 303 and A.13.2 SWIFT field types on page 304. 2. Loop tag 61 for each transaction in the statement. For more information on the contents of this tag, see A.13.4 SWIFT transaction type identification code mappings on page 305. 3. Loop tag 86 for each transaction in the statement. 4. Loop tag 65 for each forward available balance. A.5.3.4 SWIFT MT940 validation Validation is performed during the import and parsing of the file for import files and during the export and file creation process for export files. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 221 For the most part, the validation rules below are based on the validation rules set out by the SWIFT specifications: Fields Validation types Transaction reference number (tag 20) Must exist Transaction reference number (tag 20) Length 1 to 16 Transaction reference number (tag 20) Structure SWIFT X character set Related reference number (tag 21) Optional Related reference number (tag 21) Length 1 to 16 Related reference number (tag 21) Structure SWIFT X character set Account identification (tag 25) Must exist Account identification (tag 25) Length 1 to 35 Account identification (tag 25) Structure SWIFT X character set Statement number (tag 28C) Must exist Statement number (tag 28C) Length 1 to 5 Statement number (tag 28C) Structure Digits 0 to 9 Sequence number (tag 28C) Optional Sequence number (tag 28C) Length 1 to 5 Sequence number (tag 28C) Structure Digits 0 to 9 C/D mark (tag 60F) Must exist C/D mark (tag 60F) Length 1 C/D mark (tag 60F) Structure C or D Statement start date (tag 60F) Must exist Statement start date (tag 60F) Length 6 Statement start date (tag 60F) Structure Digits in YYMMDD format Opening balance currency code (tag 60) Must exist Opening balance currency code (tag 60) Length 3 Opening balance currency code (tag 60) Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Opening balance actual amount (tag 60) for transaction date Must exist Opening balance actual amount (tag 60) for transaction date Length 1 to 15 Opening balance actual amount (tag 60) for transaction date Structure Digits 0 to 9 and Transaction value date (tag 61) Must exist Transaction value date (tag 61) Length 6 Transaction value date (tag 61) Structure Digits 0 to 9 in YYMMDD format Transaction effective date (tag 61) Length 4 Transaction effective date (tag 61) Structure Digits 0 to 9 in MMDD format Transaction type code (tag 61) Domain P or R 222 Validation , and . © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Fields Validation types Transaction amount (tag 61) Must exist Transaction amount (tag 61) Length 1 to 15 Transaction amount (tag 61) Structure Digits 0 to 9 and , and . Transaction funds type code (tag 61) Must exist Transaction customer reference number (tag 61) Length 1 to 16 Transaction customer reference number (tag 61) Structure SWIFT X character set Transaction bank reference number (tag 61) Length 1 to 16 Transaction bank reference number (tag 61) Structure SWIFT X character set Transaction description (tag 61) Must exist Transaction description (tag 61) Length 1 to 34 Transaction description (tag 61) Structure SWIFT X character set Information to account owner (tag 86) Length 1 to 390 Information to account owner (tag 86) Structure SWIFT X character set C/D mark (tag 62) Must exist C/D mark (tag 62) Length 1 C/D mark (tag 62) Structure C or D Statement end date (tag 62) Must exist Statement end date (tag 62) Length 6 Statement end date (tag 62) Structure Digits in YYMMDD format Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for transaction date Must exist Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for transaction date Length 3 Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for transaction date Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for transaction date Must exist Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for transaction date Length 1 to 15 Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for transaction date Structure Digits 0 to 9 and , and . Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for value date Length 3 Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for value date Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for value date Length 1 to 15 Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for value date Structure Digits 0 to 9 and , and . Closing available balance C/D mark (tag 64) Optional WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Validation 223 Fields Validation types Validation Closing available balance C/D mark (tag 64) Length 1 Closing available balance C/D mark (tag 64) Structure C or D Closing available balance date (tag 64) Optional Closing available balance date (tag 64) Length 6 Closing available balance (tag 64) Structure Digits in YYMMDD format Closing available balance currency code (tag 64) Optional Closing available balance currency code (tag 64) Length 3 Closing available balance currency code (tag 64) Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Closing available balance amount (tag 64) Optional Closing available balance amount (tag 64) Length 1 to 15 Closing available balance amount (tag 64) Structure Digits 0 to 9 and , and . Forward available balance C/D mark (tag 65) Optional Forward available balance C/D mark (tag 65) Length 1 Forward available balance C/D mark (tag 65) Structure C or D Forward available balance date (tag 65) Optional Forward available balance date (tag 65) Length 6 Forward available balance (tag 65) Structure Digits in YYMMDD format Forward available balance currency code (tag 65) Optional Forward available balance currency code (tag 65) Length 3 Forward available balance currency code (tag 65) Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Forward available balance amount (tag 65) Optional Forward available balance amount (tag 65) Length 1 to 15 Forward available balance amount (tag 65) Structure Digits 0 to 9 and , and . Information to account owner (tag 86) Length 1 to 390 Information to account owner (tag 86) Structure SWIFT X character set A.5.4 SWIFT MT940 BCS The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is owned by the financial industry to cooperatively supply secure, standardized messaging across more than 200 countries. SWIFT supports many different formats. A few of the common message formats are MT940, MT942, and MT950. They are used for current day, previous day, and summary reporting on bank accounts with the bank. Many of Wallstreet’s CMM customers do business with banks that report bank account information in these formats. Certain financial institutions report bank account information in a modified format (based on the SWIFT formats) called SWIFT BCS (Banking Communication Standard). The German banking market supports a German SWIFT BCS format that is widely used and adopted by financial institutions in the region. These formats have been defined by the BCS. The German SWIFT BCS format follows the SWIFT message format specifications, but with a slight modification and exclusion of certain components. This format is used and recommended by ERPs such as SAP. 224 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential CMM can import and export SWIFT BCS message files. CMM’s bank transaction import and export functionality supports both code-based and XML-template-based formats. The following table presents the major features of the SWIFT BCS message file format: Features Description Acknowledgements (imports) These formats support positive and negative acknowledgements; however, they do not support SWIFT delivery notifications. Transaction types These formats support bank statements for internal (activity on bank accounts with the in-house bank) and external (activity on external bank accounts) transactions. Bank statement file names File names follow the CMM standard. In other words, CMM creates the file name as a concatenation of the date-time stamp and the bank name to ensure it is unique. Interface component scope The file is plain text only. There is no digital signature, encryption, or other security features required. If you want to use these feature, you can do so by adding them to the interchange (see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56). A.5.4.1 SWIFT MT940 BCS layout SWIFT BCS messages are different from typical SWIFT messages in that their files begin with tag 20. Similar to the SWIFT format, the SWIFT BCS format’s main message content ends the message with a hyphen (-) but does not continue to end the block with a closing brace (}). In addition, the SWIFT BCS format does not include block 5. The following is an example SWIFT BCS message file: :20:cititest :25:12345678 :28C:109/10 :60F:C040920USD0, º - A.5.4.2 SWIFT MT940 BCS tags The following table presents the available tags that can be included in SWIFT BCS messages: No. Name Required Contents [1] Transaction reference number Yes 16x ABA code (sort code) and bank account number Yes 35x Yes 5n[/5n] XML attribute Tag 20 N/A Tag 25 [2] N/A Tag 28C [3] N/A Statement number and sequence number Tag 60F (Opening balance) 1 Credit/debit indicator Yes 1a 2 Statement start date Yes 6n 3 ISO currency code Yes 3a 4 Actual amount Yes 15d WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 225 No. Name Required Contents [1] XML attribute Tag 61 (Statement line) [4] 1 Value date Yes 6!n 2 Transaction date (if different than the value date) Yes 4!n 3 Credit/debit indicator Yes 2a 4 [Not used] Yes 1!a 5 Amount Yes 15d 6 SWIFT transaction type code (hard coded) Yes 3!c 7 [5] Cash flow type Yes 16x N/A Separator Yes // 8 [6] Bath ID and transaction ID Yes 16x N/A Separator Yes / 9 [7] Currency and amount Yes 34x Tag 86 (Information to account owner) [8] 1 [9] GVC Yes 3n 2 Counterparty ID Yes ?00x (An 25) 3 [Not used] Yes ?10x (An 6) 4 Description Yes ?20x (An 27) 5 Description Yes ?21x (An 27) 6 Description Yes ?22x (An 27) 7 Description Yes ?23x (An 27) 8 Description Yes ?24x (An 27) 9 Description Yes ?25x (An 27) 10 Description Yes ?26x (An 27) 11 Description Yes ?27x (An 27) 12 Description Yes ?28x (An 27) 13 Description Yes ?29x (An 27) 14 Description Yes ?32x (An 27) 15 Description Yes ?33x (An 27) 16 Description Yes ?60x (An 27) 17 Description Yes ?61x (An 27) 18 Description Yes ?62x (An 27) 19 Description Yes ?63x (An 27) Tag 62 F (Closing balance) 226 1 Credit/debit indicator Yes 1!a 2 Statement end date Yes 6!n © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential No. Name Required Contents [1] 3 ISO currency code Yes 3!a 4 Actual amount Yes 15d XML attribute Table notes: 1. For more information on the codes used in this column, see A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths on page 303 and A.13.2 SWIFT field types on page 304. 2. Tag 25 contains the ABA code (sort code), followed by a forward slash (/), followed by the bank account number. 3. Tag 28C contains the statement number, followed by a forward slash (/), followed by the sequence number. 4. Loop tag 61 for each transaction in the statement. 5. For more information on the contents of section 7 of tag 61, see A.13.4 SWIFT transaction type identification code mappings on page 305. 6. Section 8 of tag 61 contains the batch ID, followed by a semicolon (;), followed by the transaction ID. 7. Section 9 of tag 61 contains OCMT/, followed by the ISO code of the currency, followed by the amount in 13,2 format. 8. Loop tag 86 for each transaction in the statement. 9. For more information on the contents of section 1 of tag 86, see A.13.5 SWIFT business transaction code (GVC) mappings on page 306. A.5.4.3 SWIFT MT940 BCS validation Validation is performed during the import and parsing of the file for import files and during the export and file creation process for export files. For the most part, the validation rules below are based on the validation rules set out by the SWIFT specifications: Fields Validation types Transaction reference number (tag 20) Must exist Transaction reference number (tag 20) Length 1 to 16 Transaction reference number (tag 20) Structure SWIFT X character set Account identification (tag 25) Must exist Account identification (tag 25) Length 1 to 35 Account identification (tag 25) Structure SWIFT X character set Statement number (tag 28C) Must exist Statement number (tag 28C) Length 1 to 5 Statement number (tag 28C) Structure Digits 0 to 9 Sequence number (tag 28C) Optional Sequence number (tag 28C) Length 1 to 5 Sequence number (tag 28C) Structure Digits 0 to 9 C/D mark (tag 60F) Must exist C/D mark (tag 60F) Length WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Validation 1 227 Fields Validation types Validation C/D mark (tag 60F) Structure C or D Statement start date (tag 60F) Must exist Statement start date (tag 60F) Length 6 Statement start date (tag 60F) Structure Digits in YYMMDD format Opening balance currency code (tag 60) Must exist Opening balance currency code (tag 60) Length 3 Opening balance currency code (tag 60) Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Opening balance actual amount (tag 60) for transaction date Must exist Opening balance actual amount (tag 60) for transaction date Length 1 to 15 Opening balance actual amount (tag 60) for transaction date Structure Digits 0 to 9 and Transaction value date (tag 61) Must exist Transaction value date (tag 61) Length 6 Transaction value date (tag 61) Structure Digits 0 to 9 in YYMMDD format Transaction effective date (tag 61) Length 4 Transaction effective date (tag 61) Structure Digits 0 to 9 in MMDD format Transaction type code (tag 61) Domain P or R Transaction amount (tag 61) Must exist Transaction amount (tag 61) Length 1 to 15 Transaction amount (tag 61) Structure Digits 0 to 9 and Transaction funds type code (tag 61) Must exist Transaction customer reference number (tag 61) Length 1 to 16 Transaction customer reference number (tag 61) Structure SWIFT X character set Transaction bank reference number (tag 61) Length 1 to 16 Transaction bank reference number (tag 61) Structure SWIFT X character set Transaction description (tag 61) Must exist Transaction description (tag 61) Length 1 to 34 Transaction description (tag 61) Structure SWIFT X character set Information to account owner (tag 86) Length 1 to 390 Information to account owner (tag 86) Structure SWIFT X character set C/D mark (tag 62) Must exist C/D mark (tag 62) Length 1 C/D mark (tag 62) Structure C or D Statement end date (tag 62) Must exist Statement end date (tag 62) Length 228 , and . , and . 6 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Fields Validation types Validation Statement end date (tag 62) Structure Digits in YYMMDD format Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for transaction date Must exist Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for transaction date Length 3 Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for transaction date Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for transaction date Must exist Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for transaction date Length 1 to 15 Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for transaction date Structure Digits 0 to 9 and Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for value date Length 3 Closing balance currency code (tag 62) for value date Structure Letters A to Z (uppercase) Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for value date Length 1 to 15 Closing balance actual amount (tag 62) for value date Structure Digits 0 to 9 and Information to account owner (tag 86) Length 1 to 390 Information to account owner (tag 86) Structure SWIFT X character set , and . , and . A.6 Deal import formats CMM supports the following standard formats for deal imports: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Deal • N/A N/A N/A Flat file deal A.6.1 Wallstreet flat file deal The following is an example deal flat file (with tabs as the delimiters): WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 229 This file contains three lines grouped into two sections: Line Name Description File information General information on the file. Deal details The individual deal. Header 1 Body 2 Note: Include one line 2 for each deal in the file. 3 Cash flow details The individual cash flow. Note: Include one line 3 for each cash flow in a deal. Each of these lines contains required and non-required components. While you do not have to provide information for non-required components, you must include delimiters (tabs) for them to indicate their place in the file. Deal flat files must be tab delimited with file names in the following format: DEAL[Date].tab, where [Date] is the date of the deal in MMDDYY format. Note: If the source system cannot generate tab-delimited files, contact Wallstreet for information on alternatives. The deal flat file format supports the following deal types: • Securities • Deposits • Borrowings • Long-term securities • Spot foreign exchanges • Forward foreign exchanges • Non-deliverable foreign exchanges. As of this release, the deal flat file format does not support the following deal types: • Swaps • Options • Swap deposits. Note: The deal flat file format is intended for customers using the treasury management functionality of CMM instead of TRM. A.6.1.1 Wallstreet flat file deal header The header section of a deal flat file consists of one line: • 230 File information (line 1). © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A. File information (line 1) Line 1 contains general information on the file: The following table defines the components of this line: Req’ d Max. size Data type File information indicator Yes N/A Constant Batch ID Yes No. Name 1a 1b Description Example An indicator that the line contains general file information. HEA00 The value of this component must be 8 Integer HEA00. A unique identifier for the batch. 1 The originating system must be able to generate a unique number per batch. Note: CMM checks the value of this component before loading the file to prevent accidentally reimporting the same batch twice. 1c Originating system ID Yes 20 String A unique code for the originating system. If there are several instances of an originating system in an organization, the different instances must be labeled uniquely. For example, the name of the system could be concatenated with a sequence number. ABC 1d Creating date/time Yes 20 Date/tim e The date and time when the batch was created. 10/20/20 06 14:45:00 Time zone No String The time zone of the originating system, expressed in reference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). 1e 8 For more information on dates in the deal flat file format, see A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal on page 240. GMT-2:00 Wallstreet recommend you include this component if you are working in an environment where the originating systems are in different time zones. A.6.1.2 Wallstreet flat file deal body The body section of a deal flat file consists of two lines: • Deal details (line 2) • Cash flow details (line 3). A. Deal details (line 2) Line 2 contains the individual deals. (Include one line 2 for each deal in the file.) WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 231 The components in line 2 must display in the following order: Name Req’d Max. size Data type Deal detail indicator Yes N/A Constant (Component 1) Action code Description Example An indicator that the line contains general file information. DEA00 The value of this component must be DEA00. Yes N/A String (Component 2) A code indicating the action CMM should take. U Acceptable values: • U to insert a new deal or replace an existing deal • D to delete a deal. Note: Only use D for new and forecasted deals. Deal ID Yes 20 String (Component 3) Deal processing status The deal’s unique ID. ABC1234567 Note: This component links the deal to its associated cash flow. Yes N/A String (Component 4) A code to indicate the actions that have already been taken on the deal. U Acceptable values: • U for an unmodeled deal • M for a modeled deal. Confirmation and settlement of an unmodeled deal occur in CMM. An unmodeled deal is equivalent to a deal that is manually entered in CMM. An unmodeled deal does not need cash flow details, as CMM calculates them automatically. For CMM to import an unmodeled deal, it must be able to support (or "model") the deal’s type. For more information, contact CMM. A modeled deal is a deal that has been precalculated. CMM expects the cash records resulting from the deal to be attached in subsequent cash flow details. CMM only supports modeled deals in the LTS instrument category. Deal status (Component 5) Yes N/A String The deal’s status. A Acceptable values: • F for a forecasted deal • A for an actual deal • C for a confirmed deal • S for a settled deal • M for a matured deal • D for a deleted deal. Note: This component is only applicable for new deals. For existing deals, CMM uses the deals’ statuses as recorded in the database. 232 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Req’d Max. size Data type Description Example Instrument category Yes 10 String The ID of the deal’s instrument category. SEC Acceptable values for unmodeled deals: (Component 6) • DEP for deposit • BRW for borrowing • SEC for security • LOC for line of credit • FEXSPOT for FX spot • FEXFWD for FX forward • FEXND for non-deliverable FX • CEQT for common equity • LTS for long-term security. Acceptable value for modeled deals: • Instrument type Yes 10 String (Component 7) Entity ID LTS for long-term security. The ID of the deal’s instrument type. SECBA This must be valid instrument type for the selected instrument category. Yes 25 String The ID of the deal’s entity. 1234 Yes 25 String The ID of the deal’s counterparty. DEFco Yes N/A Date The deal’s booking date. 10/20/2006 (Component 8) Counterparty ID (Component 9) Book date (Component 10) Value date For more information on dates in the deal flat file format, see A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal on page 240. Yes N/A Date (Component 11) Maturity date Yes N/A Date (Component 12) Previous interest date The deal’s value date. 10/20/2006 For more information on dates in the deal flat file format, see A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal on page 240. The deal’s maturity date. 10/20/2006 For more information on dates in the deal flat file format, see A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal on page 240. Cond. [1] N/A Date The deal’s previous interest date. 09/20/2006 This date must be before the deal’s value date. (Component 13) For more information on dates in the deal flat file format, see A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal on page 240. Next interest date Cond. [1] N/A Date (Component 14) The deal’s next interest date. 11/20/2006 This date must on or after the deal’s value date. For more information on dates in the deal flat file format, see A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal on page 240. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 233 Name Req’d Max. size Data type Amount Yes 21 Double (Component 15) Description Example The deal’s amount (in the currency defined in component 16). 11000000.00 Note: Do not include thousand separators in amounts. Currency code Yes N/A String The ISO code of the deal’s currency. USD No 6 String The ISO code of the deal’s contra-currency (for foreign exchange deals). CAD No 20 Double The ISO code of the currency to use as the base for the foreign exchange rate (for foreign exchange deals). USD (Component 16) Contra currency code (Component 17) Quoted against currency code (Component 18) If you do not provide a value for this component, CMM uses the value of component 16. Commission amount No 21 Double The deal’s commission amount. 1000 No 21 Double The deal’s fee amount. 1000 Yes 40 String The user ID of the deal’s trader. JSMITH Yes 10 String The ID of the deal’s portfolio. 123456 Yes 2 String A code indicating whether the deal was bought or sold B (Component 19) Fee amount (Component 20) Trader ID (Component 21) Portfolio ID (Component 22) Buy/sell code (Component 23) Acceptable values: Original deal ID • B for buy (in other words, purchase or investment) • S for sell (in other words, borrow or issue debt). No 20 String The ID of the deal’s original deal. ABC1234566 No 20 String The ID of the deal’s issuing entity. 1233 No 20 String The ID of the deal’s issue. 123 No 4 Integer The ID of the deal’s issue type. 1 (Component 24) Issuer ID (Component 25) Issue ID (Component 26) Issue ID type ID (Component 27) 234 Acceptable values: • 1 for COSIP • 2 for ISIN • 3 for SODOL • 4 for other. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Req’d Max. size Data type Description Example Aggregate position No 2 String The deal’s aggregate position. C Acceptable values: (Component 28) Interest discount code Yes 20 String • C • D • I. The deal’s interest discount code. Acceptable values for short-term instrument types (BRW, DEP, and (Component 29) SMPINT SEC): • EXCTSMPINT for exact simple interest • SMPINT for ordinary simple interest • DSCNTQYLD for discount—quoted yield • DSCNTQPRICE for discount—quoted price • SMPDSCNT for discount. Acceptable values for long-term instrument types (LTS): • AMORTIZATION for amortization • FLOATINGRATE for floating rate • FIXEDRATE for fixed rate. Acceptable values for short- and long-term instrument types: • Interest type MODELED for modeled deals. No 20 Double The deal’s interest type. Yes 3 Integer The deal’s day basis. (Component 30) Day basis (Component 31) 8 Acceptable values: • 1 for 360 • 2 for 365 • 3 for 366 • 4 for 30/360 • 5 for 30E/360 • 6 for Actual/360 • 7 for Actual/365 • 8 for Actual/Actual • 9 for Actual W/252. Note: 1 through 4 are for backwards compatibility only. Price (Component 32) Price divisor Cond. [2] 20 No 20 Double The deal’s quoted price. 1 If you do not provide a value for this component, CMM uses 1. Double (Component 33) WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide The divisor CMM uses for securities pricing if other than one. .9 235 Max. size Data type Description Example Cond. [2] 4 Integer The code of the deal’s tax method. 0 Cond. [2] 20 Double The deal’s tax amount. 0 Cond. [2] 20 Double The deal’s tax amount withheld. 0 Cond. [2] 4 Integer The deal’s commission method. 0 4 Integer The deal’s fee method. 0 (Component 38) Cond. [2] Clearing system No 25 String The deal’s clearing system. ClearSys No 25 String The deal’s clearing agent. ClearAgent No 25 String The deal’s safekeeper. SafeKeeper No 25 String The deal’s withholding agent. WithHold Agent No 20 Double The deal’s other charges. 500 Cond. [3] 20 Double The deal’s quoted rate (for SEC, DEP, and LTS deals), contract rate (for FEXSPOT deals), or forward point (for FEXFWD deals). 0.0025 (Component 44) Spot rate No 20 Double The deal’s spot rate (for foreign exchange deals). 0.0025 Cond. [3] 30 String The number of the deal’s paying entity bank account. 123-456-789 Cond. [3] N/A String The ISO currency code of the deal’s paying entity bank account. USD Cond. [3] 15 String The sort or ABA code of the deal’s paying entity bank account. Cond. [3] 30 String The number of the deal’s receiving entity bank account. Name Req’d Tax method code (Component 34) Tax amount (Component 35) Tax amount withheld (Component 36) Commission method (Component 37) Fee method (Component 39) Clearing agent (Component 40) Safekeeper (Component 41) Withholding Agent (Component 42) Other charges (Component 43) Rate (Component 45) Entity paying bank account number (Component 46) Entity paying bank account currency code (Component 47) Entity paying account bank branch ID (Component 48) Entity receiving bank account number 123-456-789 (Component 49) 236 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Max. size Data type Cond. [3] N/A Cond. [3] Name Req’d Description Example Entity receiving bank account currency code String The ISO currency code of the deal’s paying entity bank account. USD 15 String The sort or ABA code of the deal’s paying entity bank account. Cond. [3] 20 String The SWIFT code of the deal’s counterparty bank. Cond. [3] 20 String The bank code type of the deal’s counterparty bank. Cond. [3] 30 String The number of the deal’s counterparty bank account. 987-654-321 Cond. [3] N/A String The ISO currency code of the deal’s counterparty bank account. CAD Cond. [3] 15 String The sort or ABA code of the deal’s counterparty bank account. Cond. [3] 20 String The code of the deal’s bank holiday country. (Component 50) Entity receiving account bank branch ID (Component 51) Counterparty bank code (Component 52) Counterparty bank code type ID (Component 53) Counterparty bank account number (Component 54) Counterparty receiving bank account currency code (Component 55) Counterparty receiving account bank branch ID (Component 56) Holiday country code (Component 57) DAN adv. type CMM uses this component to calculate payment and receipt dates. No N/A N/A This component is a placeholder for future development. N/A Cond. [3] N/A Integer The deal’s principal frequency. 12 (Component 58) Payment frequency US (Component 59) WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Acceptable values: • 24 for maturity • 12 for monthly • 6 for bimonthly • 4 for quarterly • 3 for third year • 2 for semi-annually • 1 for annually. 237 Name Req’d Max. size Data type Description Example Interest calculation frequency No N/A Integer The deal’s interest calculation frequency. 12 Acceptable values: (Component 60) Put/call 12 for monthly • 6 for bimonthly • 4 for quarterly • 3 for third year • 2 for semi-annually • 1 for annually. No N/A N/A This component is a placeholder for future development. N/A No N/A N/A This component is a placeholder for future development. N/A No 60 String A description of the deal. See Corp. Treasury for details Cond. [4] N/A Integer The deal’s interest calculation frequency. 12 (Component 61) Compounding type • (Component 62) Description (Component 63) Interest calculation frequency (Component 64) Acceptable values: • 12 for monthly • 6 for bimonthly • 4 for quarterly • 3 for third year • 2 for semi-annually • 1 for annually. Table notes: 1. This component is required for unmodeled long-term securities. 2. This component is required for unmodeled deals. 3. This component is required for confirmed and settled deals. 4. This component is required for unmodeled deals with component 29 set to Amortization or Floating Rate. A. Cash flow details (line 3) Line 3 contains the individual cash flow details: (Include one line 3 for each cash flow detail in a deal.) 238 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential The following table defines the components of this line: No. Name Req’d Max. size Data type Description Example 3a Cash flow detail indicator Yes N/A Constant An indicator that the line contains cash flow details. CFL00 3b Deal ID Yes 20 String The ID of the cash flow detail’s parent deal. ABCD1234567 3c Cash flow date Yes N/A Date The cash flow detail’s value date. 10/20/2006 The value of this component must be CFL00. For more information on dates in the deal flat file format, see A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal on page 240. 3d Amount Yes N/A Double The cash flow detail’s amount (in the currency defined in currency code). 461312.50 Note: Do not include thousand separators in amounts. 3e Currency code Yes N/A String The ISO code of the cash flow detail’s currency. USD 3f Cash flow direction Yes N/A String The cash flow detail’s direction. C Acceptable values: 3g Cash flow type Yes 20 String • C for credits (inflows) • D for debits (outflows). The cash flow detail’s type. Interest Acceptable values: • Interest for payment or receipt of interest • Principal for payment or receipt of principal • Commissions for payment or receipt of commission • Fees for payment or • Other for any other receipt of fees items. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 239 No. Name Req’d Max. size Data type Description Example 3h Cash flow status Yes N/A String The cash flow detail’s status. N Acceptable values: 3i Action code Yes N/A String • N for new • F for forecast • C for confirmed • S for settled. The action to take. A Acceptable values: 3j Description No 256 String • A to add the new cash flow detail as a new event • U to replace an event already in the database • D to delete an event from the database. A description of the cash flow detail. Final cash flow Note: You must provide a tab even if you do not provide a description (assuming the file it tab delimited). A.6.1.3 Dates in Wallstreet flat file deal Wallstreet recommends using dates with four digit years in the deal flat file format (for example, 2-Sep-2006). CMM can accept dates with two-digit years after 2000 (for example, 2-Sep-06). However, this practice is not recommended due to possible misinterpretation. Leading zeros on days and months (if numeric months are used) are not required. Do not use the DD/MM/YY format as this can be misinterpreted as MM/DD/YY in ambiguous cases. For example, 01/02/03 could be interpreted as January 2, 2003; February 1, 2003; or February 3, 2001. 240 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.7 Transaction export formats CMM supports the following standard formats for transaction exports: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Payment N/A • PAYEXT [1] • MT100 [1] • • PAYMUL [1] • MT101 ANSI X12 820 [1] • MT103 [1] • BACS [1] • MT202 [1] • • ISO 20022 XML credit transfer CFONB/AFB VIR106 [1] • SWIFT MT104 • • ISO 20022 XML directdebit transfer CFONB/AFB PRE160 [1] CFONB/AFB LCR240 [1] Direct debit N/A • DIRDEB [1] Letter of credit N/A N/A N/A • Pre-advic e N/A N/A • N/A SWIFT MT210 Table notes: 1. For information on formats not documented in this appendix, contact Wallstreet. A.7.1 SWIFT MT101 The SWIFT MT101 message is sent by a financial institution on behalf of an account owner/ordering party that is not a financial institution. The SWIFT MT101 formats are the most commonly used SWIFT payment formats and support multiple types of commercial payments. They carry minimal information—just enough to allow the payment instruction to be correctly executed by the paying bank and deposited into the correct account by the beneficiary’s bank. The SWIFT MT101 formats can be used to order the movement of funds: • Between ordering customer accounts • In favor of a third party, either locally or internationally. CMM supports two SWIFT MT101 formats: • Batch: Multiple payments are sent in one file using the batch debit/multiple credit approach. • Transaction: Individual payments are sent in separate files. The following table presents the major features of the SWIFT MT101 formats: Features Description Payment types The formats support domestic non-urgent, domestic urgent, cross-border non-urgent, cross-border urgent, cross-border intermediary non-urgent, and cross-border intermediary urgent payments. Payment capture Payments can be captured manually, imported from an accounts payable file, or created at the time a deal is settled. Payment file names File names follow the CMM standard. In other words, CMM creates the file name as a concatenation of the date-time stamp and the receiving bank ID to ensure it is unique. Interface component scope The file is plain text only. There is no digital signature, encryption, or other security features required. If you want to use these feature, you can do so by adding them to the interchange (see 3.4 Managing interchanges on page 56). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 241 Features Description Interface content scope The interface only handles payments/debits. Receipts/credits are not catered for. Data assumption Users capture valid SWIFT codes into the import file or static data. CMM does not verify the veracity of the SWIFT code, merely the length. Payment group rules CMM does not apply any payment grouping rule. Bank payment message format The SWIFT MT101 formats produced from the XML tool does not introduce or support any new optional fields or segments that were not supported in the Java code. A.7.1.1 SWIFT MT101 payment scenarios This page documents the payment scenarios CMM supports for SWIFT MT101. A. Scenario 1A In this scenario, a head office sends a payment on behalf of itself and multiple subsidiaries using a direct method. To implement this scenario in CMM, do the following: 1. Create an interchange for the receiver bank. 2. In the interchange, set the head office entity as the sender. The head office entity’s SWIFT code is posted in the Ordering Customer position in the SWIFT MT101 message file. A. Scenario 1B In this scenario, a head office sends a payment on behalf of itself and multiple subsidiaries using a relay method. To implement this scenario in CMM, do the following: 1. Create an aggregate bank with a SWIFT code equal to the receiving bank BIC. 2. Create the head office serving bank as the aggregate bank’s child. 3. Create an interchange for the aggregate bank. 4. In the interchange, set the head office entity as the sender. The head office entity’s SWIFT code is posted in the Ordering Customer position in the SWIFT MT101 message file. A. Scenario 2A In this scenario, a head office sends a payment from a subsidiary bank account using a direct method. To implement this scenario in CMM, do the following: 1. Create an interchange for the receiver bank. 2. In the interchange, set the head office entity as the sender. The head office entity’s SWIFT code is posted in the Instructing Party position in the SWIFT MT101 message file. During the release process, CMM determines if the bank account belongs to the head office entity, which distinguishes this scenario from 1A. This is required because some of the field mappings differ between the two scenarios. 242 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A. Scenario 2B In this scenario, a head office sends a payment from a subsidiary bank account using a relay method. To implement this scenario in CMM, do the following: 1. Create an aggregate bank with a SWIFT code equal to the receiving bank BIC. 2. Create the subsidiary serving bank as the aggregate bank’s child. 3. Create an interchange for the aggregate bank. 4. In the interchange, set the head office entity as the sender. The head office entity’s SWIFT code is posted in the Instructing Party position in the SWIFT MT101 message file. During the release process, CMM determines if the bank account belongs to the head office entity, which distinguishes this scenario from 1B. This is required because some of the field mappings differ between the two scenarios. A. Scenario 3A In this scenario, a shared service center or payment factory sends a payment using a direct method. To implement this scenario in CMM, do the following: 1. Set the Enable Shared Service Center configuration parameter to True. 2. Create an interchange for the receiver bank. 3. In the interchange, enter the shared service center’s BIC in the Sender LT Address or Shared Service Center BIC field. 4. In the interchange, set the head office entity as the sender. The head office entity’s SWIFT code is posted in the Ordering Customer position in the SWIFT MT101 message file. The difference between this scenario and 1A is that the entity SWIFT code is not the same as the interchange sender ID. The difference between this scenario and 2A is that the transaction in this scenario is an on-behalf-of payment. A. Scenario 3B In this scenario, a shared service center or payment factory sends a payment using a relay method. To implement this scenario in CMM, do the following: 1. Create an aggregate bank with a SWIFT code equal to the receiving bank BIC. 2. Create the subsidiary serving bank as the aggregate bank’s child. 3. Set the Enable Shared Service Center configuration parameter to True. 4. Create an interchange for the aggregate bank. 5. In the interchange, enter the shared service center’s BIC in the Sender LT Address or Shared Service Center BIC field. 6. In the interchange, set the head office entity as the sender. The head office entity’s SWIFT code is posted in the Ordering Customer position in the SWIFT MT101 message file. A.7.1.2 SWIFT MT101 layout The SWIFT MT101 message file layout is identical to that of the SWIFT MT940 message file layout (see A.5.3.1 SWIFT MT940 layout on page 217). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 243 A.7.1.3 SWIFT MT101 header blocks SWIFT MT101 message files begin with three header blocks: 1. Fixed basic header block 2. Fixed application header block 3. User header block. Header block 3 is usually omitted. CMM does not currently support this header block and ignore it if it is included in import files. A. Fixed basic header block The following table presents the contents of the fixed basic header block: Content Description Required Acceptable values XML attribute {1: Fixed basic header identifier Yes {1: Not available a Application identifier Yes F (All user-to-user, FIN Not available 01 Service identifier Yes 01 Not available aaaaaaaaxxxx ID of the ordering party bank Yes Alphabetic (A to Z) interchange_ interchange_ sender_id dddd Number of data sets Yes 0000 Not available dddddd} Transaction number in the file Yes 000000 Not available system, and FIN service messages) Note: If the ID of the ordering party bank is not 12 characters long, add Xs until it is 12 characters long. A. Fixed application header block The following table presents the contents of the fixed application header block: Content Description Required Acceptable values XML attribute {2: Fixed application header identifier Yes {2: Not available I Input/output identifier Yes I Not available ddd Message type Yes 101 Not available 244 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Content Description Required aaaaaaaaxxxx Destination address Yes Acceptable values Alphabetic (A to Z) Note: If the destin ation addre ss is not 12 chara cters long, add Xs until it is 12 chara cters long. a Message priority Yes S for user-to-syst em messages XML attribute interchange_i nterchange_re cipient_id Not available U for urgent messages. N for all user-to-user messages d [1] Message monitoring No N/A N/A ddd1 Obsolescence period No N/A N/A Table notes: 1. This content is currently out of scope. A.7.1.4 SWIFT MT101 main message block Block 4 contains the main message of a SWIFT message file. It usually begins with tag 20. For the batch format, CMM groups the payments by party ID and payment currency (one single debit entry). This section considers two possible scenarios: • The paying bank account is identical (hereinafter referred to as "pay-account-identical") • The paying bank account is not identical (hereinafter referred to as "not pay-account-identical"). A. Supported tags The following table presents the available tags that are supported: Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping 16x • In the batch format: Batch ID • In the transaction format: Customer reference ID Sequence A: General information 20 Sender’s reference M WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 245 Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping 21 R Customer specified reference O 16x • In the batch format: Batch ID • In the transaction format: N/A 28 D Message index/total M 5n/5n 1/1 (static value) 50 a Instructing party O C or L • When the sender is the bank account owner: N/A (case 1A, 1B) • When the sender is not the bank account owner and is not the shared service center: Interchange sender ID (case 2A, 2B) • When the sender is the shared service center: N/A (case 3A, 3B) • When the sender is the shared service center: (case 3A, 3B) • For pay-account-identical: 50 a Ordering customer O G or H A or C - When the sender is the bank account owner: Use 50G and map to the bank account number and entity BEI - When the sender is not the account owner and is not the shared service center: Use 50H and map to the bank account number, payor long name, and payor full address 52 a Account servicing institution O When pay-account-identical and aggregated bank interchange: Use 52A and map to the bank BIC 51 a Sending institution O 30 Request execution date M 6!n Value date 25 Authorization O 35x N/A N/A Sequence B: Transaction details (repeat once for each transaction in the group) 21 Transaction reference M 16x Customer reference ID 21 F F/X deal reference O 16x N/A 23 E Instruction code O 4!c[/30x] Bank instructions 32 B Currency/transact ion amount M 3!a15d Payment currency 50 a Instructing party O Payment amount C or L (35x) • When the sender is the bank account owner: Originator long name (case 1A, 1B) • When the sender is not the bank account owner and is not the shared service center: N/A (case 2A, 2B) • When the sender is the shared service center: Originator long name (case 3A, 3B) (If the instructing party is posted in sequence A, nothing is not posted here.) 246 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Tag 50 a Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Ordering customer O G (34x/4!a2!a2!c [3!c]) or H (34x/4*35) • When the sender is the shared service center: use 50H and map to bank account number, payor long name, and payor full address • For not pay-account-identical: - When the sender is the bank account owner: Use 50G and map to bank account number and entity BEI - When the sender is not the bank account owner and is not the shared service center: Use 50H and map to bank account number, payor long name, and payor full address (If the instructing party is posted in sequence A, nothing is not posted here because the ordering customer is the same as the instructing party.) 52 a 56 a 57 a 59 a Account servicing institution Intermediary Account with institution Beneficiary O O O M A ([/1!a][/34x]4! a2!a2!c[3!c]) or C (/34x) When not pay-account-identical and aggr-bank-interchange: Use 52A and map to the bank BIC A, C, or D • If the intermediary bank SWIFT code exists, use 56A and map to the code • If the intermediary bank name and address exist, use 56D and map to the name and address • If UK domestic payment: Post :57D:/SC/payee bank branch ID • If not UK domestic payment and the payee bank BIC exists: Post :57A:payee bank BIC • Otherwise: Post :57D:payee bank long name and address • If the payee has a BIC or BEI: Post :59A:+"/payee bank account number"+BIC or BEI • If the payee does not have a BIC or BEI: Post :59:+"/payee bank account number"+payee name and address A, C, or D A or no option letter WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide (If the instructing party is posted in sequence A, nothing is not posted here because the account servicing institution is the same as the instructing party.) 247 Tag 70 Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Remittance information O 4*35x Beneficiary message • INV: If remittance details are available, build INV based on the details (for example, /INV/AUG06-345//AUG06-346). • ROC: If remittance details are not available, build ROC with the customer reference ID (for example, /ROC/RA-PL-9876-103). • IPI: If the counterparty message is not empty, build IPI with the counterparty message trimmed to 20 characters. (Users can put a unique reference identifying a related international payment in the counterparty message.) • RFB: If the beneficiary customer BIC or BEI is available, build RFB with the BIC or BEI. Otherwise, build RFB with the beneficiary long name truncated to 16 characters. • ULTB: N/A. (It is assumed the beneficiary is always the ultimate beneficiary.) • INST: If the instructing party is different from the ordering customer, build INST with the instructing party. The order of these items in the tag is as follows: 1. INV or DOC 2. IPI 3. RFB 4. INST 77 B Regulatory reporting O 3*35x Regulatory code 33 B Currency/original ordered amount O 3!a15d N/A 71 A Details of charges M 3!a Financial charge allocation: (This tag is only posted for cross-border payments.) • BEN: All transaction charges, including the charges of the financial institution serving the order customer’s bank account, for the subsequent credit transfers are to be borne by the beneficiary customer. • OUR: All transaction charges for the subsequent credit transfer are to be borne by the ordering customer. • SHA: All transaction charges other than the charges of the financial institution servicing the ordering customer bank account are borne by the beneficiary customer. 25 A Charges account O /34x N/A 36 Exchange rate O 12d N/A Table notes: 1. For more information on the codes used in this column, see A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths on page 303 and A.13.2 SWIFT field types on page 304. 248 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A. Unsupported tags The following table presents the available tags that are unsupported: Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Mandatory sequence A general information 21 R Customer specified reference O 16x All debit items are posted individually. 50 a Instructing party O C or L Use this only when the instructing customer is not also the account owner. In CMM, the payor is always the owner of the account. 51 a Sending institution O N/A as this field is only valid for IFT. 25 Authorization O Additional security provisions: digital signature which is not supported by CMM. Mandatory repetitive sequence B transaction details 50 a Instructing party O C or L Use this only when the instructing customer is not also the account owner. In CMM, the payor is always the owner of the account. 50 a Ordering customer O G or H This field is populated in the sequence A. Based on condition C3, this field will not be displayed in here. 52 a Account servicing institution O A or C This field is populated in the sequence A. Based on condition C6, this field will not be displayed in here. 70 Remittance information O The existing codes use CptyMessage. However, this is incorrect and should be modified. 77 B Regulatory reporting O When the residence of either the ordering customer or beneficiary customer is to be identified. N/A in CMM. 33 B Currency/original ordered amount O This field is only used when the currency and amount are different from those specified in field 32B. N/A in CMM. 25 A Charges account O When used, the account number must be different from the account number specified in tag 50a. N/A in CMM. 36 Exchange rate O N/A in CMM. Table notes: 1. For more information on the codes used in this column, see A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths on page 303 and A.13.2 SWIFT field types on page 304. A.7.2 SWIFT MT101 validation Validation is performed during the export and file creation process. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 249 For the most part, the validation rules below are based on the validation rules set out by the SWIFT specifications: Field Validation type CUSTOMER REFERENCE ID Must exist Validation Length VALUE DATE Must exist PAYMENT CURRENCY Must exist PAYMENT AMOUNT Must exist PAYOR Must exist PAYOR BANK Must exist PAYOR BANK ACCT Must exist PAYOR LONG NAME Must exist PAYOR BANK ACCT NUMBER Must exist 1 to 16 Length PAYOR BANK SWIFT CODE 1 to 34 Must exist Length PAYEE LONG NAME Must exist PAYEE BANK ACCT NUMBER Must exist Either 8 to 11 Length 1 to 34 PAYEE BANK SWIFT CODE or PAYEE BANK LONG NAME At least one of them must exist PAYEE BANK SWIFT CODE If it exists, its length must be Either 8 or 11 INTERMEDIARY BANK SWIFT CODE If it exists, its length must be Either 8 or 11 INTERMEDIARY BANK ACCT NUMBER If it exists, its length must be 1 to 34 Illegal Characters Should not contain one of the following special characters: All of these are mapped to the ? character :@!%&*#{}<=^>|;$~\\\" A.7.3 SWIFT MT104 The SWIFT MT104 message is sent by a corporation to a financial institution to request the direct debit of the debtor’s bank account in the receiver’s country and, subsequently, to credit the creditor’s bank account maintained by the receiving institution or one of its branches. The SWIFT MT104 message is only appropriate to a "request for debit transfer" scenario. A.7.3.1 SWIFT MT104 header block The following table presents the contents of the SWIFT MT104 header block: Tag CMM mapping Example Sender Interchange sender ID PLATUS33 Message type Static value 104 104 Receiver Interchange receiver ID AAAAUS33 250 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.7.3.2 SWIFT MT104 main message block The main message block of a SWIFT MT104 message consists of the following sequences: Letter Name Required Number of occurrences A General information Yes One Information to be applied to all individual transactions detailed in sequence B B Transaction details Yes Multiple Details of one individual transaction C Settlement details No Multiple Further settlement information for all transactions mentioned in sequence B Contents Note: When the message is used as a request for direct debit, this sequence is not used. When the message is used as a direct debit, this sequence is mandatory. The following table presents the available tags: Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Example Sequence A: General information 2 0 Sender’s reference M 16x Import/export ID :20:PLANT-12345 2 Customer 1 specified R reference O 16x • In the batch format: customer reference ID :21R:PLTOL104-56 • In the transaction format: N/A 2 3 E O Instruction code 30x The type of direct debit instructions contained in the message (for example, :23E:RFDD). :23E:RFDD Note: CMM inserts the static value RFDD in this tag, indicating that the message contains a request for direct debit instructions. 2 1 E Registration reference O 35x N/A N/A 3 0 Requested execution date M 6!n Value date :30:060929 5 Sending 0 institution A O N/A N/A N/A WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 251 Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Example 50a Instructing party O C or L • When the sender is the bank account owner: N/A :50C:SPRNGB2L • When the sender is not the bank account owner and is not the shared service center: Interchange sender ID • When the sender is the shared service center: N/A • When the sender is the shared service center: N/A • For pay-account-identical: 50a Creditor O A or K - When the sender is the bank account owner: Use 50A and map to the bank account number and BEI - When the sender is not the account owner: Use 50K and map to the bank account number, party long name, and party local address :50A:289523984:SPRNGB 2L 52a Creditor’s bank O A, C, or D When pay-account-identical and aggregated bank interchange: Use 52A and map to the bank BIC :52A:ZZZZUS33 26T Transaction type code O 3!c Transaction type code :26T:COM 77B Regulatory reporting O 3*35x The static value BENEFRES, followed by the debtor cpty bank country code (if it exists), followed by the party company identifier :77B:BENEFRESUSSPRNG B2L 71A Details of changes O 3!a N/A N/A 72 Sender-to-rec eiver information O 6*35x N/A N/A Sequence B: Transaction details (repeat once for each transaction in the group) 21 Transaction reference M 16x Customer reference ID 23E Instruction code O 4!c[/30x] Static value 21C Mandate reference O 35x N/A N/A 21D Direct debit reference O 35x N/A N/A 21E Registration reference O 35x N/A N/A 252 AUTH :21:TR1-PL :23E:AUTH © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Example 32B Currency/tran saction amount M 3!a15d Currency and amount :32B:USD118982,05 50a Instructing party O C or L Originator long name N/A 50a Creditor O A or K Party bank account IBAN or BBAN then party long name and part local address :50A:289523984:SPRNGB 2L 52a Creditor’s bank O A ([/1!a][/34 x]4!a2!a2!c [3!c]) or C (/34x) Party bank account number :52A:ZZZZUS33 57a Debtor’s bank O A, C, or D • 57A: counterparty bank SWIFT code :57A:CCCCGB2L • 57D: counterparty bank local address • If the payee has a BIC or BEI: Post :59A:+/counterparty bank account IBAN or BBAN+BIC or BEI • If the payee does not have a BIC or BEI: Post :59:+"counterparty bank account number"+counterparty name and address 59a Debtor M A or no option letter WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide :59:/GB111111THOMSON FACTORY GB-LIVERPOOL 253 Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Example 70 Remittance information O 4*35x Beneficiary message :70:/INV/AUG06-345//A UG06-346 • INV: If remittance details are available, build INV based on the details. • ROC: If remittance details are not available, build ROC with the customer reference ID. • IPI: If the counterparty message is not empty, build IPI with the counterparty message trimmed to 20 characters. (Users can put a unique reference identifying a related international payment in the counterparty message.) • RFB: If the beneficiary customer BIC or BEI is available, build RFB with the BIC or BEI. Otherwise, build RFB with the beneficiary long name truncated to 16 characters. • ULTB: N/A. (It is assumed the beneficiary is always the ultimate beneficiary.) • INST: If the instructing party is different from the ordering customer, build INST with the instructing party. :70:/ROC/RA-PL-9876-8 7 /INSTPLANTOIL AXIM :70:ROC/RA-PL-9876-10 3 /INST/PLANTOIL PRODUCTIONS :70:/INVTH9876//TH987 7 /INST/SPRINGS INC :70:INV/MLRAB98 /INST/SPRINGS INC :70:/ROC/BGF89765 /INST/BIOGEN FRANCE :70:/INV/BW654//BW655 //BW656 /INST/BIOGEN HONG KONG The order of these items in the tag is as follows: 1. INV or DOC 2. IPI 3. RFB 4. INST 26T Transaction type code O 3!c Transaction type code :26T:COM 77B Regulatory reporting O 3*35x Regulatory code :77B:/BENEFRES/US//CV S//060 Currency/origi nal ordered amount O 33B 254 Note: Only post this tag for cross-border payments. 3!a15d N/A N/A © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Example 71A Details of charges O 3!a Financial charge allocation: :71A:SHA • BEN: All transaction charges, including the charges of the financial institution serving the order customer’s bank account, for the subsequent credit transfers are to be borne by the beneficiary customer. • OUR: All transaction charges for the subsequent credit transfer are to be borne by the ordering customer. • SHA: All transaction charges other than the charges of the financial institution servicing the ordering customer bank account are borne by the beneficiary customer. 71F Sender’s charges O 3!a15d N/A N/A 71G Receiver’s charges O 3!a15d N/A N/A 36 Exchange rate O 12d N/A N/A Table notes: 1. For more information on the codes used in this column, see A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths on page 303 and A.13.2 SWIFT field types on page 304. A.7.4 SWIFT MT210 The SWIFT MT210 message is sent by a bank account owner (or a party authorized by the bank account owner) to one of its bank account service institutions. It is an advice notice to the bank account servicing institution that indicates that the bank account owner will receive funds to be credited to its bank account. The SWIFT MT210 message provides the bank account servicing institution with early visibility into incoming funds, allowing the institution to mange its liquidity and ensure the bank account owner is credited with good value date. A.7.4.1 SWIFT MT210 header block The following table presents the contents of the SWIFT MT210 header block: Tag CMM mapping Example Sender Interchange sender ID PLATUS33 Message type Static value 210 210 Receiver Interchange receiver ID AAAAUS33 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 255 A.7.4.2 SWIFT MT210 main message block The following table presents the available tags in the main message block of a SWIFT MT210 message: Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Example 20 Transaction reference number M 16x Customer reference ID :20:txn0001 25 Account identification O 35X Party bank account number :25:987678998 30 Value date M 6!n Value date :30:070711 21 Related reference M 16x Customer reference ID :21:txn0001 32B Currency/trans action amount M 3!a15d Currency and amount :32B:GBP675100, 50C Ordering customer O 4!a2!a2!c[3! c] (for 50C) • If the ordering customer has a BEI: Party SWIFT code :50C:CorPSWFT 4*35x (for 50) • If the ordering customer does not have a BEI: Party long name followed by party address lines 1 to 4 50 Note: This tag is used when the receiver services more than one bank account for the sender Note: This tag contains the same value as tag 20 (transaction reference number). :50:corporation Corporation address Note: The first option is preferred. The second option should only be used when the ordering customer does not have a BEI. 52A 52D Ordering institution C2 [/1!a][/34x] 4!a2!a2!c[3! x] (for 52A) [/1!a][/34x] 4*35x (for 52D) • If the financial institution has a BIC: Party SWIFT code • If the financial intuition does not have a BIC: Party long name followed by party address lines 1 to 4 :52A:BANKSWIFT01 :52D:bank name address 1 address 2 Note: The first option is preferred. The second option should only be used when the financial institution does not have a BIC. 256 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Tag Name Required 56A Intermediary O 56D Contents [1] CMM mapping Example [/1!a][/34x] 4!a2!a2!c[3! x] (for 56A) • :56A:INTERMBANK1 [/1!a][/34x] 4*35x (for 56D) • If the intermediary has a BIC: Intermediary bank SWIFT code If the intermediary does not have a BIC: Intermediary bank long name followed by intermediary bank local address lines 1 to 4 :56D:Intermediary_ bank_name Intermediary_bank_ address Note: The first option is preferred. The second option should only be used when the intermediary does not have a BIC. Table notes: 1. For more information on the codes used in this column, see A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths on page 303 and A.13.2 SWIFT field types on page 304. A.7.5 ISO 20022 XML credit transfer The ISO 20022 XML standard is an effort of financial institution, corporations, and vendors to define standard message formats for financial transactions. SWIFT is heavily involved in the standard by providing expertise and facilitating meetings. Using CMM’s XML template tool, Wallstreet has implemented a subset of the initial ISO 20022 XML standard formats—including the credit transfer format. You can use Wallstreet’s initial work as the basis for implementing the ISO 20022 XML standard. You can also customize the formats to accommodate your banks’ unique interpretations of the standard. The ISO 20022 XML credit transfer message is sent from the initiating party to the debtor agent or forwarding agent. It is used to request movement of funds from a debtor account to a creditor. Depending on the service level agreed between the debtor agent and the initiating party, the debtor agent may send a payment status message to inform the initiating party of the status of the initiation. (For more information on ISO 20022 XML payment status messages, see A.4.3 ISO 20022 XML payment status on page 201.) The ISO 20022 XML credit transfer message: • Can contain one or more customer credit transfer instructions • Can be used by an initiating party that has authority to send the message on behalf of the debtor This allows for the scenarios where a payment factory initiates all payments on behalf of a large corporation. • Can be used for domestic or cross-border scenarios. Three types of customer roles can be played on the initiating side: Name Description Initiating party The party sending the message (payment factory or treasury) Debtor The debit account owner (for example, an in-house bank) Ultimate debtor The party that owes the cash to the creditor as a result of the receipt of goods or serves (for example, a subsidiary). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 257 Two types of customer roles can be played on the receiving side: Name Description Creditor The credit account owner Ultimate creditor The party that is the ultimate beneficiary of the cash transfer These roles can be played by the same actor or by different actors. The message allows inclusion of the different roles on the initiating side and receiving side. Note: A relay credit transfer scenario consists of the initiating party sending a message to the forwarding agent, which will then forward the message to the debitor agent. The ISO 20022 XML credit transfer message consists of the following sections: Name Required Number of occurrences Group header Yes One Element such as MessageIdentification, CreationDateAndTime, and Grouping Payment information Yes Multiple Elements related to the debit side of the transaction, such as Debtor and PaymentTypeInformation Credit transfer transaction information Yes Multiple Elements related to the credit side of the transaction, such as Creditor and RemittanceInformation Contents A.7.5.1 ISO 20022 XML credit transfer format The following table presents the format of ISO 20022 XML credit transfer messages: Message item XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting Group header [1..1] N/A N/A MessageIdentific ation [1..1]/[1,35] Text Map to CreationDateTim e import_export_i d [1//1]/ Date/time Post current date/time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH :MM:SS Authorization [0..2]/[1,120] Text N/A BatchBooking [0..1]/MeaningWhe nTrue or MeaningWhenFalse Indicator Post one of the following: • true • false 258 NumberOfTransa ctions [1..1]/[0-9]{1,15} Text Post valid transaction number ControlSum [0..1]/17 or 18 Quantity Post total of all individual amounts by runtime calculation © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Message item Grouping XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting [1..1]/GRPD, MIXD, Code Post default value MIXD SNGL Note: Mixed case (MIXD) covers both single and grouped cases. Mixed allows the payment information block to be present once or may be repeated. Each sequence of the payment information block may contain one or more credit transfer transaction information block(s). InitiatingParty [1..1]/ ± Post sending party’s PartyIdentification information at the interchange level ForwardingAgent [0..1]/ ± Post receiving institution’s BranchAndFinancialI nstitutionIdentificati on information at the interchange level if receiving is an aggregated bank [1..n] N/A N/A PaymentInforma tionIdentification [0..1]/[1,35] Text N/A PaymentMethod [1..1] Code Post one of the following: Payment information • CHK for cheque • TRA for transfer • TRF for credit advice transfer PaymentTypeInf ormation [0..1] N/A Only post (NORM or HIGH) based on priority_code WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 259 Message item RequestedExecu tionDate XML tag Mult/format Data type [1..1] Date/time CMM mapping and posting Map to value_date in ISO date format PoolingAdjustme ntDate [0..1] Date/time N/A Debtor [1..1] ± Post payor’s PartyIdentification information DebtorAccount [1..1] ± Post payor bank account’s CashAccount information DebtorAgent [1..1] ± Post payor bank’s BranchAndFinancialI nstituationIdentifica tion information DebtorAgentAcc ount [0..1] ± N/A [0..1] ± N/A [0..1] Code N/A ChargesAccount [0..1] ± N/A ChargesAccount Agent [0..1] ± N/A CreditTransferTr ansactionInform ation [1..n] N/A N/A [1..n] N/A N/A PaymentInforma tionIdentification [0..1]/[1,35] Text N/A PaymentIdentific ation [1..1] N/A Post PaymentTypeInf ormation [0..1] UltimateDebto r ChargeBearer Credit transfer transaction information to map the customer reference ID N/A Only post HIGH) (NORM or based on priority_code Amount [1..1] N/A Post based on payment_amount and payment_currenc y ExchangeRateInf ormation 260 [0..1] N/A N/A © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Message item ChargeBearer XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting [0..1] Code Post default value SHAR ChequeInstructi on [0..1] ± Post Cheque information if payment_metho d is CHQ UltimateDebtor [0..1] ± Post originator’s PartyIdentification information if the originator is different than the debtor IntermediaryAge nt1 [0..1] ± Post intermediary bank’s BranchAndFinancialI nstitutionIdentificati on information IntermediaryAge nt1Account [0..1] ± Post intermediary bank account’s CashAccount information IntermediaryAge nt2 [0..1] ± N/A IntermediaryAge nt2Account [0..1] ± N/A IntermediaryAge nt3 [0..1] ± N/A IntermediaryAge nt3Account [0..1] ± N/A CreditorAgent [0..1] ± Post payee bank’s BranchAndFinancialI nstitutionIdentificati on information CreditorAgentAc count [0..1] ± N/A Creditor [0..1] ± Post payee’s PartyIdentification information CreditorAccount [0..1] ± Post payee bank account’s CashAccount information UltimateCreditor [0..1] ± N/A InstructionForCr editorAgent [0..n] N/A Map to InstructionForDe btorAgent [0..1] beneficiary_mes sage WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Text Map to bank_instruct ion 261 Message item XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting Purpose [0..1] N/A Map to payment_descrip tion RegulatoryRepor ting [0..10] N/A N/A Tax [0..1] ± Post TaxInformation (if any) RelatedRemittan ceInformation [0..10] N/A N/A RemittanceInfor mation [0..1] N/A Post RemittanceInformati on N/A N/A N/A N/A Name [0..1] PostalAddress [0..1] [0..1] PartyIdentification AddressType Text N/A Code Post party’s long name Post party’s postal address Post default value ADDR AddresssLine [0..5] Text Post party’s ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ADDRESS3, ADDRESS4 StreetName [0..1] BuildingNum ber [0..1] PostCode [0..1] Text Text Text N/A N/A Post party’s POSTALCODE TownName [0..1] CountrySubD ivision [0..1] Country [1..1] Text Text Code Post party’s CITY Post party’s STATE Post party’s COUNTRYCODE Identification 262 [0..1] BIC [0..1] IBEI [0..1] BEI [0..1] EANGLN [0..1] N/A Identifier Identifier Identifier Identifier Post party’s organization identification Post party’s SWIFT code if the party is an institution N/A Post party’s SWIFT code if the party is a corporation N/A © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Message item XML tag Mult/format CHIPSUniver salIdentificati on [0..1] DUNS [0..1] Data type Identifier Identifier Text CMM mapping and posting N/A N/A BankPartyIde ntification [0..1] TaxIdentificat ionName [0..1] ProprietaryId entification [0..1] Identifica tion [1..1] Issuer [0..1] [0..1] N/A N/A N/A N/A [1..1] N/A Post financial institution’s identification BIC [1..1] Identifier Post bank’s SWIFT code ClearingSyst emMemberId entification [1..1] N/A N/A [1..1] N/A N/A [1..1] N/A Post bank’s name [1..1] N/A Post bank’s address ProprietaryId entification [1..1] N/A N/A CombinedIde ntification [1..1] N/A N/A BranchIdentificat ion [0..1] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [1..1] N/A N/A IBAN [1..1] Identifier Post IBAN BBAN [1..1] Identifier Post BBAN UPIC [1..1] Identifier N/A ProprietaryAc count [1..1] N/A N/A CountryOfReside nce BranchAndFinanci alInstitutionIdentifi cation FinancialInstituti onIdentification NameAnd Address Name Address CashAccount Identification WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Text N/A Text Text Code N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Post party’s country code 263 Message item CMM mapping and posting XML tag Mult/format Data type Type [0..1] N/A Post bank account’s type ID Currency [0..1] Code Post bank account’s currency code Name [0..1] Text Post bank account’s name N/A N/A N/A N/A ChequeType [0..1] Code Post default value BCHQ (bank check) ChequeNumber [0..1] Text Post Cheque cheque_number ChequeFrom [0..1] N/A Post payor’s long name and postal address DeliveryMethod [0..1] N/A N/A DeliverTo [0..1] N/A Post payee’s long name and postal address InstructionPriorit y [0..1] Code Map to ChequeMaturity Date FormsCode [0..1] Text N/A MemoField [0..1] Text N/A RegionalClearing Zone [0..1] Text N/A PrintLocation [0..1] Text N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CreditorTaxIdent ification [0..1] Text N/A CreditorTaxType [0..1] Text N/A DebtorTaxIdentfi ciation [0..1] Text TaxReferenceNu mber TotalTaxableBas eAmount [0..1] Amount N/A TotalTaxAmount [0..1] Amount Map to TaxInformation priority_code [0..1] Date/time Map to value_date Map to tax_payer_id [0..1] Text Map to tax_payer_verif ication_id payment_amount TaxDate [0..1] Date/time Map to value_date 264 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting [0..n] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A [0..1] N/A N/A Referred Documen tType [0..1] N/A Map to Referr edDoc ument Numb er Message item TaxTypeInformat ion RemittanceInforma tion Structured format ReferredDoc umentInform ation remittance_deta il_message_type [0..1] Type Map to remittance_in voice_number ReferredDoc umentRelate dDate [0..1] Date/time Map to ReferredDoc umentAmoun t CreditorRefer enceInformat ion [0..1] N/A N/A Invoicer [0..1] ± N/A Invoicee [0..1] ± N/A AdditionalRe mittanceInfo rmation [0..1] Text N/A remittance_date [0..n] N/A Map to document_amou nt A.7.5.2 ISO 20022 XML credit transfer rules This section defines rules for ISO 20022 XML credit transfer messages. A. Grouping If GroupHeader/Grouping is present and equals GRPD, one and only one occurrence of PaymentInformation must be present. If GroupHeader/Grouping is present and equals SNGL, each occurrence of PaymentInformation must contain one and only one occurrence of PaymentInformation/CreditTransferTransactionInformation. A. ChargeBearer If ChargeBearer is present, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChargeBearer is not allowed. If CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChargeBearer is present, ChargeBearer is not allowed. CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChargeBearer and ChargeBearer may both be absent. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 265 A. ChargesAccountAgentRule If ChargesAccountAgent is present, it must contain a branch of the DebtorAgent. It must not contain a completely different financial institution. A. ChargesAccountRule If ChargesAccountAgent is present, ChargesAccount must be present. A. ChequeInstructionRule If PaymentMethod is CHK, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction is optional. If PaymentMethod is different from CHK, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction is not allowed. Rule rationale: ChequeInstructionDetails may be present if the payment method is Cheque. It must not be present if the payment method is Transfer. A. CreditorAgentRule If PaymentMethod is CHK and if CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliveryMethod is present and is equal to MLFA, CRFA, RGFA, or PUFA, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ CreditorAgent is mandatory. If PaymentMethod is CHK and if CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ ChequeInstruction/DeliveryMethod is not present or is not equal to MLFA, CRFA, RGFA, or PUFA, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/CreditorAgent is not allowed. A. CreditorAndOrCreditorAccountRule If PaymentMethod is CHK, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/CreditorAccount is not allowed. If PaymentMethod is different from CHK and if CreditTransferTransactionInformation/Creditor is not present, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/CreditorAccount is mandatory. If PaymentMethod is different from CHK and if CreditTransferTransactionInformation/Creditor is present, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/CreditorAccount is optional. A. PaymentTypeInformationRule If PaymentTypeInformation is present, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed. A. ChequeFromGuideline CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/ChequeFrom may only be present if different from CreditTransferTransactionInformation/UltimateDebtor or Debtor. A. ChequeInstructionDeliverToCreditorAgentGuideline If CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliveryMethod is present and is CRFA, MLFA, PUFA, or RGFA, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliverTo may only be present if different than CreditTransferTransactionInformation/Creditor. A. ChequeInstructionDeliverToCreditorGuideline If PaymentInformation/CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliveryMethod is present and is CRCD or MLCD or PUCD or RGCD, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliverTo may only be present if different from CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ Creditor. 266 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A. ChequeInstructionDeliverToDebtorGuideline If CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliveryMethod is present and if CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliveryMethod/Code is CRDB, MLDB, PUDB, or RGDB, CreditTransferTransactionInformation/ChequeInstruction/DeliverTo may only be present if different than Debtor. A. UltimateDebtorGuideline UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. A. InstructionForCreditorAgentRule If InstructionForCreditorAgent/Code contains CHQB, CreditorAccount is not allowed. A. IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule If IntermediaryAgent1 is not present, IntermediaryAgent1Account is not allowed. A. IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule If IntermediaryAgent2 is not present, IntermediaryAgent2Account is not allowed. A. IntermediaryAgent2Rule If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, IntermediaryAgent1 must be present. A. IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule If IntermediaryAgent3 is not present, IntermediaryAgent3Account is not allowed. A. IntermediaryAgent3Rule If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, IntermediaryAgent2 must be present. A. UltimateCreditorGuideline UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor. A. UltimateDebtorGuideline UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. A. ChequeMaturityDateRule If ChequeType is present and is DRFT or ELDR, ChequeMaturityDate is optional. If ChequeType is not present or is different from DRFT or ELDR, ChequeMaturityDate is not allowed. Rule rationale: ChequeMaturityDate may be present only when ChequeType is DRFT or ELDR. A. Country The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). A.7.6 ISO 20022 XML direct debit transfer The ISO 20022 XML standard is an effort of financial institution, corporations, and vendors to define standard message formats for financial transactions. SWIFT is heavily involved in the standard by providing expertise and facilitating meetings. Using CMM’s XML template tool, Wallstreet has implemented a subset of the initial ISO 20022 XML standard formats—including the direct debit transfer format. You can use Wallstreet’s initial work as WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 267 the basis for implementing the ISO 20022 XML standard. You can also customize the formats to accommodate your banks’ unique interpretations of the standard. The ISO 20022 XML direct debit transfer message is sent by the initiating party to the forwarding agent or creditor agent. It is used to request single or bulk collection(s) of funds from one or various debtor’s account(s) for a creditor. The ISO 20022 XML direct debit transfer message consists of the following sections: Name Required Number of occurrences Group header Yes One Element such as MessageIdentification, CreationDateAndTime, and Grouping Payment information Yes Multiple Elements related to the credit side of the transaction, such as Creditor and PaymentTypeInformation Credit transfer transaction information Yes Multiple Elements related to the debit side of the transaction, such as Debitor and RemittanceInformation Contents A.7.6.1 ISO 20022 XML direct debit transfer format The following table presents the format of ISO 20022 XML direct debit transfer messages: Message item XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting Group header [1..1] N/A N/A MessageIdentific ation [1..1]/[1,35] Text Map to import_export_id CreationDateTim e [1//1]/ Date/time Post current date/time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS Authorization [0..2]/[1,120] Text N/A BatchBooking [0..1]/MeaningWhe nTrue or MeaningWhenFalse Indicator Post one of the following: • true • false NumberOfTransa ctions [1..1]/[0-9]{1,15} Text Post valid transaction number ControlSum [0..1]/17 or 18 Quantity Post total of all individual amounts by runtime calculation Grouping [1..1]/GRPD, MIXD, Code Post default value MIXD SNGL 268 Note: Mixed case (MIXD) covers both single and grouped cases. Mixed allows the payment information block to be present once or may be repeated. Each sequence of the payment information block may contain one or more direct debit transfer transaction information block(s). © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Message item InitiatingParty XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting [1..1]/ ± Post sending party’s PartyIdentification information at the interchange level ForwardingAgent [0..1]/ ± Post receiving institution’s BranchAndFinancialInstitutionI dentification information at the interchange level if receiving is an aggregated bank [1..n] N/A N/A PaymentInforma tionIdentification [0..1]/[1,35] Text N/A PaymentMethod [1..1] Code Post PaymentTypeInf ormation [0..1] N/A Only post (NORM or HIGH) based on Payment information DD priority_code RequestedCollec tionDate [1..1] Date/time Map to value_date in ISO date format Creditor [1..1] ± Post payor’s PartyIdentification information CreditorAccount [1..1] ± Post payor bank account’s CashAccount information CreditorAgent [1..1] ± Post payor bank’s BranchAndFinancialInstituation Identification information CreditorAgentAc count [0..1] ± N/A [0..1] ± N/A [0..1] Code N/A ChargesAccount [0..1] ± N/A ChargesAccount Agent [0..1] ± N/A CreditTransferTr ansactionInform ation [1..n] N/A N/A [1..n] N/A N/A PaymentIdentific ation [1..1] N/A Post to map the customer reference ID PaymentTypeInf ormation [0..1] N/A Only post InstructedAmou nt UltimateCredit or ChargeBearer Direct debit transaction information HIGH) based on priority_code (NORM or [1..1] N/A Post based on payment_amount and payment_currency WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 269 Message item XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting ChargeBearer [0..1] Code Post default value DirectDebitTrans action [0..1] N/A N/A UltimateCreditor [0..1] ± Post originator’s PartyIdentification information if the originator is different than the creditor DebitorAgent [0..1] ± Post counterparty bank’s BranchAndFinancialInstitutionI dentification information DebitorAgentAcc ount [0..1] ± N/A Debitor [0..1] ± Post counterparty’s PartyIdentification information DebitorAccount [0..1] ± Post countparty bank account’s CashAccount information UltimateDebitor [0..1] ± N/A InstructionForCr editorAgent [0..n] N/A Map to Purpose [0..1] N/A Map to SHAR bank_instruction payment_description RegulatoryRepor ting [0..10] N/A N/A Tax [0..1] ± N/A RelatedRemittan ceInformation [0..10] N/A N/A RemittanceInfor mation [0..1] N/A Post unstructured format information Map to beneficiary_message N/A N/A N/A N/A Name [0..1] Text Post party’s long name PostalAddress [0..1] N/A Post party’s postal address AddressType [0..1] Code Post default value ADDR AddresssLine [0..5] Text Post party’s StreetName [0..1] Text N/A BuildingNum ber [0..1] Text N/A PostCode [0..1] Text Post party’s POSTALCODE TownName [0..1] Text Post party’s CountrySubD ivision [0..1] Text Post party’s STATE PartyIdentification 270 ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ADDRESS3, ADDRESS4 CITY © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Message item XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting [1..1] Code Post party’s [0..1] N/A Post party’s organization identification BIC [0..1] Identifier Post party’s SWIFT code if the party is an institution IBEI [0..1] Identifier N/A BEI [0..1] Identifier Post party’s SWIFT code if the party is a corporation EANGLN [0..1] Identifier N/A CHIPSUniver salIdentificati on [0..1] Identifier N/A DUNS [0..1] Identifier N/A BankPartyIde ntification [0..1] Text N/A TaxIdentificat ionName [0..1] Text N/A ProprietaryId entification [0..1] N/A N/A Identifica tion [1..1] Text N/A Issuer [0..1] Text N/A [0..1] Code Post party’s country code N/A N/A N/A N/A [1..1] N/A Post financial institution’s identification BIC [1..1] Identifier Post bank’s SWIFT code ClearingSyst emMemberId entification [1..1] N/A N/A [1..1] N/A N/A [1..1] N/A Post bank’s name PostalAdd ress [1..1] N/A Post bank’s address ProprietaryId entification [1..1] N/A N/A CombinedIde ntification [1..1] N/A N/A BranchIdentificat ion [0..1] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Country Identification CountryOfReside nce BranchAndFinanci alInstitutionIdentifi cation FinancialInstituti onIdentification NameAnd Address Name CashAccount WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide COUNTRYCODE 271 Message item XML tag Mult/format Data type CMM mapping and posting [1..1] N/A N/A IBAN [1..1] Identifier Post IBAN BBAN [1..1] Identifier Post BBAN UPIC [1..1] Identifier N/A ProprietaryAc count [1..1] N/A N/A Type [0..1] N/A Post bank account’s type ID Currency [0..1] Code Post bank account’s currency code Name [0..1] Text Post bank account’s name Identification A.8 Transaction message export formats CMM supports the following standard formats for transaction message exports: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Transaction message • XML payment message • N/A • • XML receipt message BANSTA [1] HTML [1] Table notes: 1. For information on formats not documented in this appendix, contact Wallstreet. A.8.1 Wallstreet XML payment message The following is an example Wallstreet XML payment message file: 15004 5848889.1 USD 2005-03-01 004857658 ABCsubUSD USD BIGBAK32 10098 272 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Big Bank 2008 Colling Street NW New York NY US ABC Subsidiary (USD) Honolulu HI US 30000345 1 418 256 7890 1 418 257 4567 test@yahoo.com 5005 5005 5848389.09 USD 2005-03-01 2005-03-01 1 EFT ACH DOMESTIC LVC false test again test payment 2 Manual 0 2 Ext4_BOA_USD00 Ext 4's external acct in USD USD RESIDENT BOAUSAUS Bank of America in US 236 Green Avenue Boston US 4949849 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 273 External Party 4 226 Clinton Park Houston US ABC Subsidiary (USD) Honolulu HI US 30000345 1 418 256 7890 1 418 257 4567 test@yahoo.com This file contains 16 basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. transaction debit 274 An individual payment in the file. The debit component of a payment. debit_basics Basic information for the debit component. debit_bank_account Bank account information for the debit component. debit_bank Bank information for the debit component. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Element Description Party information for the debit component. debit_party A credit component of the payment. credit credit_basics Basic information for the credit component. credit_bank_account Bank account information for the credit component. credit_bank Bank information for the credit component. intermediary_bank Intermediary bank information for the credit component. credit_party Party information for the credit component. originating_party Originating party information for the credit component. additional_info Additional information for the credit component. remittance_details Remittance details. Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML payment message schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML payment message schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.8.1.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML payment message file contains only one transactions element. The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema document_reference_id [A unique identifier for the file] format_code TREMA_PAYMENT A.8.1.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML payment message file can contain multiple payments with each payment represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its payment’s sequence number and type as specified in the element’s two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the payment (In a typical file, the first payment is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] type payment A.8.1.3 debit elements Each transaction element contains one debit element. The debit element defines the debit component of a payment. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 275 A.8.1.4 debit_basics elements Each debit element contains one debit_basics element. Each debit_basics element defines its debit component’s basic information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values aggregate_transaction_id [The debit component’s ID] aggregate_transaction_ amount [The debit component’s amount] transaction_currency [The debit component’s currency] value_date [The debit component’s value date] A.8.1.5 debit_bank_account elements Each debit element contains one debit_bank_account element. Each debit_bank_account element defines its debit component’s bank account information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values account_number [The BBAN of the debit component’s bank account] account_iban [The IBAN of the debit component’s bank account] account_clearing_ reference_number [The clearing reference number of the debit component’s bank account] account_name [The name of the debit component’s bank account] account_currency [The currency of the debit component’s bank account] account_residency [The residency of the debit component’s bank account] A.8.1.6 debit_bank elements Each debit element contains one debit_bank element. Each debit_bank element defines its debit component’s bank information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values swift_code [The SWIFT code of the debit component’s bank] branch_number [The branch number of the debit component’s bank] party_identification [The ID of the debit component’s bank] party_name [The name of the debit component’s bank] street_address [The address of the debit component’s bank] city [The city of the debit component’s bank] province [The state or province of the debit component’s bank] country_code [The country of the debit component’s bank] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the debit component’s bank] 276 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.8.1.7 debit_party elements Each debit element contains one debit_party element. Each debit_party element defines its debit component’s party information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values party_identification [The ID of the debit component’s party] party_name [The name of the debit component’s party] street_address [The address of the debit component’s party] city [The city of the debit component’s party] province [The state or province of the debit component’s party] country_code [The country of the debit component’s party] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the debit component’s party] phone_number [The telephone number of the debit component’s party] fax_number [The fax number of the debit component’s party] email_account [The e-mail address of the debit component’s party] A.8.1.8 credit elements Each transaction element contains one or more credit elements. A credit element defines a credit component of a payment. Each credit element defines its credit component’s sequence number with the payment as specified in the element’s attribute: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the credit component (In a typical payment, the first credit component is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] A.8.1.9 credit_basics elements Each credit element contains one credit_basics element. Each credit_basics element defines its credit component’s basic information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values transaction_id [The credit component’s ID] customer_reference_number [The credit component’s customer reference number] transaction_amount [The credit component’s amount] transaction_currency [The credit component’s currency] value_date [The credit component’s value date] transaction_date [The credit component’s transaction date] transaction_priority_code [The credit component’s priority] original_transaction_ method [The credit component’s transaction method] transaction_delivery_ channel [The credit component’s transaction delivery channel] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 277 Element Acceptable values domestic_crossborder_ status DOMESTIC CROSSBORDER clearing_system_type [The credit component’s clearing system] is_intercompany_payment true false repetitive_code [The credit component’s repetitive code] beneficiary_message [A message to the credit component’s beneficiary] transaction_description [A description of the credit component] bank_instruction [A message to the credit component’s bank] original_system_code [The credit component’s original system code] original_source_batch_id [The credit component’s original source batch ID] financial_charge_ allocation [The credit component’s financial charge allocation] regulatory_code [The credit component’s regulatory code] A.8.1.10 credit_bank_account elements Each credit element contains one credit_bank_account element. Each credit_bank_account element defines its credit component’s bank account information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values account_number [The BBAN of the credit component’s bank account] account_iban [The IBAN of the credit component’s bank account] account_clearing_ reference_number [The clearing reference number of the credit component’s bank account] account_name [The name of the credit component’s bank account] account_currency [The currency of the credit component’s bank account] account_residency [The residency of the credit component’s bank account] A.8.1.11 credit_bank elements Each credit element contains one credit_bank element. Each credit_bank element defines its credit component’s bank information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values swift_code [The SWIFT code of the credit component’s bank] branch_number [The branch number of the credit component’s bank] party_identification [The ID of the credit component’s bank] party_name [The name of the credit component’s bank] street_address [The address of the credit component’s bank] 278 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Element Acceptable values city [The city of the credit component’s bank] province [The state or province of the credit component’s bank] country_code [The country of the credit component’s bank] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the credit component’s bank] A.8.1.12 intermediary_bank elements Each credit element contains one intermediary_bank element. Each intermediary_bank element defines its credit component’s intermediary bank information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values swift_code [The SWIFT code of the credit component’s intermediary bank] branch_number [The branch number of the credit component’s intermediary bank] party_name [The name of the credit component’s intermediary bank] street_address [The address of the credit component’s intermediary bank] city [The city of the credit component’s intermediary bank] province [The state or province of the credit component’s intermediary bank] country_code [The country of the credit component’s intermediary bank] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the credit component’s intermediary bank] A.8.1.13 credit_party elements Each credit element contains one credit_party element. Each credit_party element defines its credit component’s party information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values party_identification [The ID of the credit component’s party] party_name [The name of the credit component’s party] street_address [The address of the credit component’s party] city [The city of the credit component’s party] province [The state or province of the credit component’s party] country_code [The country of the credit component’s party] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the credit component’s party] phone_number [The telephone number of the credit component’s party] fax_number [The fax number of the credit component’s party] email_account [The e-mail address of the credit component’s party] A.8.1.14 originating_party elements Each credit element contains one originating_party element. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 279 Each originating_party element defines its credit component’s originating party information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values party_identification [The ID of the credit component’s originating party] party_name [The name of the credit component’s originating party] street_address [The address of the credit component’s originating party] city [The city of the credit component’s originating party] province [The state or province of the credit component’s originating party] country_code [The country of the credit component’s originating party] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the credit component’s originating party] phone_number [The telephone number of the credit component’s originating party] fax_number [The fax number of the credit component’s originating party] email_account [The e-mail address of the credit component’s originating party] A.8.1.15 additional_info elements Each credit element contains one additional_info element. Each additional_info element defines its credit component’s additional information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values transaction_contract_ number [The credit component’s contract number] transaction_type_code [The credit component’s type] cheque_number [The credit component’s check number] retrieval_location_id [The ID of credit component’s retrieval location] retrieval_location_name [The name of credit component’s retrieval location] retrieval_location_address [The address of credit component’s retrieval location] A.8.1.16 remittance_details elements Each credit element contains one remittance_details element. In turn, each remittance_details element can contain one or more invoice elements. Each invoice element defines its remittance detail as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values invoice_number [The remittance detail’s number] invoice_type [The remittance detail’s type] invoice_amount [The remittance detail’s amount] invoice_amount_type [The type of the remittance detail’s amount] invoice_date [The remittance detail’s invoice date] 280 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Element Acceptable values invoice_currency [The remittance detail’s currency] invoice_reference [The remittance detail’s reference] A.8.2 Wallstreet XML receipt message The following is an example Wallstreet XML receipt message file: 15011 112.99 FRF 2005-03-01 3000400074500025628778 ent1 account1 EUR 3000400074 Bank of America in France 301 Bull Street FR Entity 1 408 Green Ave Paris FR 15011 DD_EXT_ONE_OFF_123 112.99 FRF 2005-03-01 2005-03-01 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 281 1 DD Man-OneOff 0 1 3000401328900010899022 60089 3000401328 Counterparty Bank FR DD Counterparty FR Entity 1 408 Green Ave Paris FR 282 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 2223 87 This file contains 15 basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. An individual payment in the file. transaction The credit component of a payment. credit credit_basics Basic information for the credit component. credit_bank_account Bank account information for the credit component. credit_bank Bank information for the credit component. credit_party Party information for the credit component. A debit component of the payment. debit debit_basics Basic information for the debit component. debit_bank_account Bank account information for the debit component. debit_bank Bank information for the debit component. intermediary_bank Intermediary bank information for the debit component. debit_party Party information for the debit component. originating_party Originating party information for the debit component. additional_info Additional information for the debit component. Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML receipt message schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML receipt message schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.8.2.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML receipt message file contains only one transactions element. The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema document_reference_id [A unique identifier for the file] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 283 Attribute Acceptable values format_code TREMA_DIRDEB TREMA_LETTER_OF_CREDIT TREMA_PREADVICE A.8.2.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML receipt message file can contain multiple receipts with each receipt represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its receipt’s sequence number and type as specified in the element’s two attributes: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the receipt (In a typical file, the first receipt is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] type direct_debit letter_of_credit pre_advice A.8.2.3 credit elements Each transaction element contains one credit element. The credit element defines the credit component of a receipt. A.8.2.4 credit_basics elements Each credit element contains one credit_basics element. Each credit_basics element defines its credit component’s basic information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values aggregate_transaction_id [The credit component’s ID] aggregate_transaction_ amount [The credit component’s amount] transaction_currency [The credit component’s currency] value_date [The credit component’s value date] A.8.2.5 credit_bank_account elements Each credit element contains one credit_bank_account element. Each credit_bank_account element defines its credit component’s bank account information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values account_number [The BBAN of the credit component’s bank account] account_iban [The IBAN of the credit component’s bank account] account_clearing_ reference_number [The clearing reference number of the credit component’s bank account] account_name [The name of the credit component’s bank account] 284 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Element Acceptable values account_currency [The currency of the credit component’s bank account] A.8.2.6 credit_bank elements Each credit element contains one credit_bank element. Each credit_bank element defines its credit component’s bank information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values swift_code [The SWIFT code of the credit component’s bank] branch_number [The branch number of the credit component’s bank] party_name [The name of the credit component’s bank] street_address [The address of the credit component’s bank] city [The city of the credit component’s bank] province [The state or province of the credit component’s bank] country_code [The country of the credit component’s bank] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the credit component’s bank] A.8.2.7 credit_party elements Each credit element contains one credit_party element. Each credit_party element defines its credit component’s party information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values party_identification [The ID of the credit component’s party] party_name [The name of the credit component’s party] street_address [The address of the credit component’s party] city [The city of the credit component’s party] province [The state or province of the credit component’s party] country_code [The country of the credit component’s party] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the credit component’s party] phone_number [The telephone number of the credit component’s party] fax_number [The fax number of the credit component’s party] email_account [The e-mail address of the credit component’s party] A.8.2.8 debit elements Each transaction element contains one or more debit elements. A debit element defines a debit component of a receipt. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 285 Each debit element defines its debit component’s sequence number with the receipt as specified in the element’s attribute: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the debit component (In a typical receipt, the first debit component is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] A.8.2.9 debit_basics elements Each debit element contains one debit_basics element. Each debit_basics element defines its debit component’s basic information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values transaction_id [The debit component’s ID] customer_reference_number [The debit component’s customer reference number] transaction_amount [The debit component’s amount] transaction_currency [The debit component’s currency] value_date [The debit component’s value date] transaction_date [The debit component’s transaction date] transaction_priority_code [The debit component’s priority] original_transaction_method [The debit component’s transaction method] repetitive_code [The debit component’s repetitive code] beneficiary_message [A message to the debit component’s beneficiary] transaction_description [A description of the debit component] bank_instruction [A message to the debit component’s bank] original_system_code [The debit component’s original system code] original_source_batch_id [The debit component’s original source batch ID] financial_charge_ allocation [The debit component’s financial charge allocation] regulatory_code [The debit component’s regulatory code] A.8.2.10 debit_bank_account elements Each debit element contains one debit_bank_account element. Each debit_bank_account element defines its debit component’s bank account information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values account_number [The BBAN of the debit component’s bank account] account_iban [The IBAN of the debit component’s bank account] account_clearing_ reference_number [The clearing reference number of the debit component’s bank account] account_name [The name of the debit component’s bank account] account_currency [The currency of the debit component’s bank account] 286 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.8.2.11 debit_bank elements Each debit element contains one debit_bank element. Each debit_bank element defines its debit component’s bank information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values swift_code [The SWIFT code of the debit component’s bank] branch_number [The branch number of the debit component’s bank] party_name [The name of the debit component’s bank] street_address [The address of the debit component’s bank] city [The city of the debit component’s bank] province [The state or province of the debit component’s bank] country_code [The country of the debit component’s bank] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the debit component’s bank] A.8.2.12 intermediary_bank elements Each debit element contains one intermediary_bank element. Each intermediary_bank element defines its debit component’s intermediary bank information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values swift_code [The SWIFT code of the debit component’s intermediary bank] branch_number [The branch number of the debit component’s intermediary bank] party_name [The name of the debit component’s intermediary bank] street_address [The address of the debit component’s intermediary bank] city [The city of the debit component’s intermediary bank] province [The state or province of the debit component’s intermediary bank] country_code [The country of the debit component’s intermediary bank] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the debit component’s intermediary bank] A.8.2.13 debit_party elements Each debit element contains one debit_party element. Each debit_party element defines its debit component’s party information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values party_identification [The ID of the debit component’s party] party_name [The name of the debit component’s party] street_address [The address of the debit component’s party] city [The city of the debit component’s party] province [The state or province of the debit component’s party] WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 287 Element Acceptable values country_code [The country of the debit component’s party] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the debit component’s party] phone_number [The telephone number of the debit component’s party] fax_number [The fax number of the debit component’s party] email_account [The e-mail address of the debit component’s party] A.8.2.14 originating_party elements Each debit element contains one originating_party element. Each orginating_party element defines its debit component’s originating party information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values party_identification [The ID of the debit component’s originating party] party_name [The name of the debit component’s originating party] street_address [The address of the debit component’s originating party] city [The city of the debit component’s originating party] province [The state or province of the debit component’s originating party] country_code [The country of the debit component’s originating party] postal_code [The ZIP or postal code of the debit component’s originating party] phone_number [The telephone number of the debit component’s originating party] fax_number [The fax number of the debit component’s originating party] email_account [The e-mail address of the debit component’s originating party] A.8.2.15 additional_info elements Each debit element contains one additional_info element. Each additional_info element defines its debit component’s additional information as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values transaction_contract_number [The debit component’s contract number] transaction_type_code [The debit component’s type] bank_pre_authorization_id [The debit component’s bank preauthorization ID] bank_pre_authorization_ status [The debit component’s bank preauthorization status] revocable_status [The debit component’s revocable status] 288 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.9 General ledger posting export formats CMM supports the following standard formats for general ledger posting exports: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Deal • N/A N/A N/A XML general ledger posting A.9.1 Wallstreet XML general ledger posting The following is an example Wallstreet XML general ledger posting file: 1 123667 Code1 C 2006-02-07 2006-07-24 73732.08 USD 764376.00 CAD cus-ref-2 Manual ABCco Ent1_IHB_EUR Ent1 IHB EUR 1 Ext1 COMM COMMP 0 0 C 3 2 123554 Code2 D 2006-02-07 2006-07-24 832873.99 USD 6535.00 CAD cus ref-1 Manual ABCco Ent1_IHB_EUR Ent1 IHB EUR 1 Ext2 COMM COMMFEE WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 289 0 0 C 1 This file contains two basic elements: Element Description transactions The file’s identifier, format code, and schema. An individual general ledger posting in the file. transaction Note: The elements must be nested as displayed in the above table, and the file must validate against the Wallstreet XML general ledger posting schema. For more information on the Wallstreet XML general ledger posting schema, see A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas on page 292. A.9.1.1 transactions element A Wallstreet XML general ledger posting file contains only one transactions element. The transactions element defines the file’s identifier, format code, and schema as specified in the element’s three attributes: Attribute Acceptable values xmlns http://www.trema.com/externalinterface/XMLschema format_code TREMA_COMPANY_GL document_reference_id [A unique identifier for the file] A.9.1.2 transaction elements A Wallstreet XML general ledger posting file can contain multiple general ledger postings with each general ledger posting represented by a transaction element. Each transaction element defines its general ledger posting’s sequence number as specified in the element’s attribute: Attribute Acceptable values sequence [A unique sequence number for the general ledger posting (In a typical file, the first general ledger posting is numbered 1; the second, 2; the third, 3; and so on.)] In addition, each transaction element defines its general ledger posting’s details as specified in the element’s child elements: Element Acceptable values accounting_period_number [The general ledger posting’s accounting period] gl_group_id [The general ledger posting’s group ID] gl_account_code [The general ledger posting’s account code] txn_direction C for credit D for debit 290 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Element Acceptable values txn_date [The general ledger posting’s transaction date] value_date [The general ledger posting’s value date] txn_amount [The general ledger posting’s amount in the transaction currency] txn_currency [The general ledger posting’s transaction currency] base_currency_amount [The general ledger posting’s amount in the base currency] base_currency [The general ledger posting’s base currency] description [A description of the general ledger posting] customer_reference_id [The general ledger posting’s customer reference number] originating_system_code [The general ledger posting’s originating system] party_id [The general ledger posting’s party] bank_account_number [The number of the general ledger posting’s party bank account] bank_account_name [The name of the general ledger posting’s party bank account] cpty_id [The general ledger posting’s counterparty] instrument_category [The general ledger posting’s instrument category] instrument_type_code [The general ledger posting’s instrument type] treasure_gl_id [The general ledger posting’s treasury general ledger ID] intercompany_txn 0 for external 1 for intercompany set_of_books_name [The general ledger posting’s set of books] cash_deal C for cash D for deal source_reference_id [The general ledger posting’s source reference ID] A.10 Free formats CMM supports the following free formats: Type Wallstreet formats EDIFACT formats SWIFT formats Other formats Free format N/A N/A • MT199 N/A • MT999 A.10.1 SWIFT MT199 and MT999 The SWIFT MT199 and MT999 messages are sent by a financial institution or a corporation to deliver information for which there is no other applicable SWIFT message type. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 291 Note: The SWIFT MT199 and MT999 messages can be used in place of the SWIFT MT195 and MT196 messages. A.10.1.1 SWIFT MT199 and MT999 header block The following table presents the contents of the SWIFT MT199 and MT999 header block: Tag CMM mapping Example Sender Interchange sender ID PLATUS33 Message type Static value 199 or 999 199 Receiver Interchange receiver ID AAAAUS33 A.10.1.2 SWIFT MT199 and MT999 main message block The following table presents the available tags in the main message blocks of SWIFT MT199 and MT999 messages: Tag Name Required Contents [1] CMM mapping Example 20 Transaction reference number M 16x Message ID :20:497 21 Related reference O 16x Related reference :21:29472394 79 Narrative M 35*50x Message text :79:The referenced payment has an incorrect bank account and should be rejected. We will send a revised payment later today. Table notes: 1. For more information on the codes used in this column, see A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths on page 303 and A.13.2 SWIFT field types on page 304. A.11 Wallstreet XML schemas Each of the Wallstreet XML formats must validate against one of the following six schemas: • Transaction • Transaction acknowledgement • Bank statement • Payment message • Receipt message • General ledger posting. 292 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.11.1 Transaction schema The Wallstreet XML transaction schema is defined by the tremaattributestransaction.xsd file. The following are the contents of this file: This is the standard Trema XML attribute transactions schema definition. This schema can be used for any type of transactions imported to CMM including AP, AR, DD, Bank Balance and transaction, bank message as long as the supported transaction attributes are provided. Copyright 2005 trema.com. All rights reserved. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 293 A.11.2 Transaction acknowledgement schema The Wallstreet XML transaction acknowledgement schema is defined by the trematransactionacknowledgement.xsd file. The following are the contents of this file: º This is the standard Trema XML transaction acknowledgement message schema definition Copyright 2004 trema.com. All rights reserved. A.11.3 Bank statement schema The Wallstreet XML bank statement schema is defined by the tremabankaccountstatement.xsd file. The following are the contents of this file: This is the standard Trema XML bank account statement (balance and transactions) schema definition Copyright 2004 trema.com. All rights reserved. 294 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 295 A.11.4 Payment message schema The Wallstreet XML payment message schema is defined by the tremapayment.xsd file. The following are the contents of this file: This is the standard Trema XML payment message schema definition Copyright 2004 trema.com. All rights reserved. 296 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 297 298 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential name="invoice_type" type="xsd:string"/> name="invoice_amount" type="xsd:decimal"/> name="invoice_amount_type" type="xsd:positiveInteger"/> name="invoice_date" type="xsd:date"/> name="invoice_currency" type="xsd:string"/> name="invoice_reference" type="xsd:string"/> A.11.5 Receipt message schema The Wallstreet XML receipt message schema is defined by the tremareceipt.xsd file. The following are the contents of this file: This is the standard Trema XML receipt message (Direct Debit, Letter of Credit and Pre advice) schema definition Copyright 2004 trema.com. All rights reserved. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 299 300 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.11.6 General ledger posting schema The Wallstreet XML general ledger posting schema is defined by the tremaCompanyGLExport.xsd file. The following are the contents of this file: This is the standard Trema XML receipt message (Direct Debit, Letter of Credit and Pre advice) schema definition Copyright 2006 trema.com. All rights reserved. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 301 A.12 Supplemental information for EDIFACT formats This section contains supplemental information for EDIFACT formats. A.12.1 EDIFACT Level A character set The PAYEXT message file format supports the EDIFACT Level A character set. The tables in the previous section indicated the type of characters supported by each element: ID Name a Alphabetic characters n Numeric characters an Alphanumeric characters 302 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A.12.1.1 Alphabetic characters (a) Alphabetic characters include letters A to Z (uppercase only) and the following additional characters: SPACE * . , - ( ) / = + : ’ Do not use EDIFACT syntax characters (+, :, and ’) in EDI message data as they are interpreted as separators. If you need to use one of these characters, proceed it with a question mark (?). Certain Latin characters can be imported into CMM and, at payment release, are translated into the appropriate characters: À Á Â Ã Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ × Ù Ú Û · Ý à á â ã ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ÷ ù ú û ý þ A.12.1.2 Numeric characters (n) Numeric characters include numerals 0 to 9, the negative sign (-), the thousand separator (,) and the decimal point (.). Note: The length of the number does not include the decimal point or negative sign. For example, an element of length n..5 could contain -12345 or 123.45. A.12.1.3 Alphabetic characters (an) Alphabetic characters include all alphabetic and number characters. A.12.1.4 Element lengths For variable-length elements, each of the above abbreviations is followed by two periods (..) and a number, where the number denotes the maximum number of digits or characters in the element. For fixed-length elements, the periods are omitted and the number denotes the exact number of digits or characters that must be in the data element. A.13 Supplemental information for SWIFT formats This section contains supplemental information for SWIFT formats. A.13.1 SWIFT field lengths The following table presents field lengths supported by the SWIFT message file formats: Field length Description nn Maximum length (minimum is one) nn to nn Minimum and maximum lengths nn! Fixed length nnxnn Maximum number of lines times maximum line length WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 303 A.13.2 SWIFT field types The following table presents field types supported by the SWIFT message file formats: Field type Name Allowed characters n Numeric 0 to 9 only. d Amount 0 to 9, comma (,), and period (.). a Alphabetic A to Z (uppercase only). x SWIFT X character set See A.13.3 SWIFT character sets on page 304. y SWIFT Y character set See A.13.3 SWIFT character sets on page 304. z SWIFT Z character set See A.13.3 SWIFT character sets on page 304. A.13.3 SWIFT character sets SWIFT supports three character sets: • X • Y • Z. A.13.3.1 SWIFT X character set The following table presents the allowed characters in the SWIFT X character set: Category Allowed characters Alphabetic A to Z (uppercase), a to z (lowercase) Numeric 0 to 9 Special / - ? : ( ) . , ’ + SPACE CrLF A.13.3.2 SWIFT Y character set The following table presents the allowed characters in the SWIFT Y character set: Category Allowed characters Alphabetic A to Z (uppercase) Numeric 0 to 9 Special SPACE . , - ( ) / = ’ + : ? Special (incompatible with international telex) !"%&*;<> A.13.3.3 SWIFT Z character set The following table presents the allowed characters in the SWIFT Z character set: Category Allowed characters Alphabetic A to Z (uppercase), a to z (lowercase) Numeric 0 to 9 Special . , - ( ) / = ’ + : ? @ # CrLF SPACE { 304 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Category Allowed characters Special (incompatible with international telex) !"%&*;<> A.13.4 SWIFT transaction type identification code mappings The SWIFT transaction type identification codes in tag 61 are mapped to a subset of CMM cash flow types as defined in the MT940_funds_type_code_mapping.xml file. The following table presents the default mapping of SWIFT transaction type identification codes to CMM cash flow types in the MT940_funds_type_code_mapping.xml file: SWIFT transaction type identification code CMM cash flow type TRF AGGRP CHG BANKFEE INT BANKINT TRF COMMP COL COMMR CHG COMMFEE TRF INTER_ACCT CHG OVDRFEE TRF POOL TRF RCNADJ CHG TAX CMZ ZBA If you create a new instrument type, you need to add it to the MT940_funds_type_code_mapping.xml file to include it in SWIFT MT940 or MT940 BCS exported bank statements: 1. Open the following configuration file: [Standard configuration file path] interfaces exports banktxn swift MT940 MT940_funds_type_code_mapping.xml For instructions on opening configuration files, see “Opening configuration files” on page32. 2. Add a mapping element for the new cash flow type, where the value of the attribute_value attribute is the cash flow type ID and the value of the spec_value attribute is the SWIFT transaction type identification code. The following is an example: 3. Save and close the file. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 305 A.13.5 SWIFT business transaction code (GVC) mappings This mapping is used in section 1 of tag 86 in SWIFT MT940 BCS messages: GV C Cash flow type ID Name Category ID Name BANKFEE Bank Fee COMM 809 Provisionen BANKINT Bank Interest COMM 814 Zinsen COMMFEE Commitment Fee COMM 809 Provisionen COMMP Commercial Payment – Not Deal COMM 020 Überweisungsauftrag COMMR Commercial Receipt – Not Deal COMM 051 Überweisungsgutschrift OVDRFEE Overdraft Fee COMM 809 Provisionen CM-CHEQUES CM-CHEQUES COMM 074 TC (Scheckbelastung) CM-CHEQCOL CM-CHEQUE-COLLECTION COMM 070 Scheckeinreichung CM-CHEQPAF CM-CHEQUE-PAYM-FACT COMM 209 Zahlung per Scheck CM-CHQDCNA CM-CHEQUE-DC-NACOS COMM 074 TC (Scheckbelastung) CM-PAFDOME CM-PAYM-FACT-DOMESTIC COMM 020 Überweisungsauftrag CM-PAFXBOR CM-PAYM-FACT-XBORDER COMM 201 Zahlungsauftrag CM-PFRVDOM CM-PAYM-FACT-NOT-SETTLDOMEST COMM 009 Retourenhülle (Lastschrift) CM-PFRVXBO CM-PAYM-FACT-NOT-SETTLXBORDER COMM 009 Retourenhülle (Lastschrift) CM-CACONIC CM-CASH-CONCENTRATIONIC COMM 833 Cash Concentrating: Buchung Hauptkonten CM-CACONDC CM-CASH-CONCENTRATIONDC COMM 833 Cash Concentrating: Buchung Hauptkonten CM-ICPROBO CM-IC-PMT-REC-ON-BEHALF COMM 051 Überweisungsgutschrift CM-ICCLEAR CM-IC-CLEARING COMM 834 Cash Concentration: Avisinformation Nebenkonten CM-ICSETPF CM-IC-SETTL-PAYM-FACT COMM 012 Zahlungsanweisung zur Verrechnung CM-ICSETMA CM-IC-SETTLEMENT-MANUAL COMM 012 Zahlungsanweisung zur Verrechnung CM-ICINTER CM-IC-INTEREST COMM 814 Zinsen CM-ICCOMMT CM-IC-COMMITMENT-FEE COMM 809 Provisionen CM-ICOVERD CM-IC-OVERDRAFT-FEE COMM 809 Provisionen CM-ICGUFEE CM-IC-GUARANTEE-FEE COMM 809 Provisionen GL-BANKFEE GL-BANK-FEE COMM 809 Provisionen GL-BANKINT GL-BANK-INTEREST COMM 814 Zinsen GL-COMMFEE GL-COMMITMENT-FEE COMM 809 Provisionen 306 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential GV C Cash flow type GL-OVDRFEE GL-OVERDRAFT-FEE COMM 809 Provisionen GL-LCREFEE GL-LETTER-OF-CREDIT-FEE COMM 809 Provisionen GL-COMMCOP GL-COMMISSION-FOR-CP COMM 809 Provisionen GL-PAYMRET GL-PAYMENT-RETURN COMM 009 Retourenhülle (Lastschrift) TR-OA-LOANDEPOSIT-IAM TR-OA-LOAN-DEPOSIT-IAM TRM 823 Festgeld TR-OA-LOANDEPOSIT-FIXED TR-OA-LOAN-DEPOSIT-FIXED TRM 823 Festgeld TR-OA-LOANDEPOSIT-FLOAT TR-OA-LOAN-DEPOSIT-FLOAT TRM 823 Festgeld TR-CALL-MONEY TR-CALL-MONEY TRM 823 Festgeld TR-CP-INVEST TR-CP-INVEST TRM 823 Festgeld TR-ABCP-INVEST TR-ABCP-INVEST TRM 823 Festgeld TR-OA-DISCOUNT TR-OA-DISCOUNT TRM 823 Festgeld TR-STOCK TR-STOCK TRM 303 Effekten TR-SPECIAL-FUND TR-SPECIAL-FUND TRM 303 Effekten TR-INVESTMENT-FUN D TR-INVESTMENT-FUND TRM 303 Effekten TR-WARRANT TR-WARRANT TRM 303 Effekten TR-CERTIFICATE TR-CERTIFICATE TRM 303 Effekten TR-LI-LOANDEPOSIT-IAM TR-LI-LOAN-DEPOSIT-IAM TRM 823 Festgeld TR-LI-LOAN-DEPOSITFIXED TR-LI-LOAN-DEPOSIT-FIXED TRM 823 Festgeld TR-LI-LOANDEPOSIT-FLOAT TR-LI-LOAN-DEPOSIT-FLOAT TRM 823 Festgeld TR-CP-ISSUE TR-CP-ISSUE TRM 823 Festgeld TR-ABCP-ISSUE TR-ABCP-ISSUE TRM 823 Festgeld TR-LI-DISCOUNT TR-LI-DISCOUNT TRM 823 Festgeld TR-IR-SWAP-IRS TR-IR-SWAP-IRS TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-IR-SWAP- CCIRS TR-IR-SWAP-CCIRS TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-IR-SWAP-LEG TR-IR-SWAP-LEG TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-FRA TR-FRA TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-CAP-FLOORCOLLAR TR-CAP-FLOOR-COLLAR TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-SWAPTION-IRS TR-SWAPTION-IRS TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-MM-FUTURE TR-MM-FUTURE TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-OPTION-MM-FUTU RE TR-OPTION-MM-FUTURE TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-BOND-FUTURE TR-BOND-FUTURE TRM 405 Finanzinnovation WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 307 GV C Cash flow type TR-OPTIONBOND-FUTURE TR-OPTION-BOND-FUTURE TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-CO-SPOT-METAL TR-CO-SPOT-METAL TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-CO-SPOT-OTHER TR-CO-SPOT-OTHER TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-CO-SWAP-METAL TR-CO-SWAP-METAL TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-CO-SWAP-OTHER TR-CO-SWAP-OTHER TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-CO-OPTION TR-CO-OPTION TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-FX-SPOT TR-FX-SPOT TRM 402 Termindevisen TR-FX-FORWARD TR-FX-FORWARD TRM 402 Termindevisen TR-FX-SWAP TR-FX-SWAP TRM 402 Termindevisen TR-FX-OPTION TR-FX-OPTION TRM 402 Termindevisen TR-EQ-FUTURE TR-EQ-FUTURE TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-OPTION-STOCK TR-OPTION-STOCK TRM 405 Finanzinnovation TR-OPTION-INDEX TR-OPTION-INDEX TRM 405 Finanzinnovation All other cash flow types 835 A.14 Syntactic validation of incoming and outgoing MX messages The ESIAdapter SWIFT connectivity module supports syntax checking of ISO20022 messages sent or received over FileAct. Currently, only WebSuite supports ISO20022 messages. This validation checks incoming and outgoing messages against corresponding XSDs. Here is the list of XSDs currently associated with this checking: camt_026_001_03 camt_027_001_03 camt_028_001_03 camt_029_001_03 camt_030_001_03 camt_031_001_03 camt_032_001_02 camt_033_001_03 camt_034_001_03 camt_035_001_02 camt_036_001_02 camt_037_001_03 308 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential camt_038_001_02 camt_039_001_03 camt_052_001_02 camt_053_001_02 camt_054_001_02 camt_055_001_01 camt_056_001_01 pain_001_001_02 pain_001_001_03 pain_002_001_03 pain_007_001_02 pain_008_001_02 pain_009_001_01 pain_010_001_01 pain_011_001_01 pain_012_001_01 pacs_002_001_03 pacs_003_001_02 pacs_004_001_02 pacs_007_001_02 pacs_008_001_02 pacs_009_001_02 Should you require that this list be amended, please contact Wallstreet Systems Customer Support. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 309 310 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Appendix B Attributes CMM supports a set of attributes that you can use in files based on Wallstreet standard XML formats or customized formats: • For information on Wallstreet standard XML formats, see Appendix A Standard formats on page 133. • For information on customized formats, see Chapter 7 Using XML-template-based formats on page 119. In these formats, a value can be derived in one of the following ways (called "map types"): Name Description Example CMM No Map • The value is identified by an attribute ID. ISO country codes that reside in CMM are the same as those in EDI messages. • The value is obtained from CMM through the attribute provider. • The value is not mapped (in other words, the value in CMM is the value in the import or export). • The value is identified by an attribute ID. • The value is obtained from CMM through the attribute provider. • The value is mapped in CMM. • The mapping logic resides in transaction subtype mapping or controller preprocessing. • The value is identified by an attribute ID. • The value is obtained from CMM through the attribute provider. • The value is mapped in the template message generator. • The mapping logic resides in XML files similar to the format/validation specifications. • The value is identified by an attribute ID. • The value is derived in the template message generator. • The value is hard-coded in the specification. • The value is not based on a CMM value but on a segment/element specification. CMM Map Spec Map Spec Derived Static No Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Remittance detail codes are mapped from CMM internal codes to EDI standard codes using transaction sub type mapping. The domestic or international flag is mapped to format standard and bank required values through mappings defined in XML files. The number of successful transactions written to the file can by derived from specifications. EDIFACT segment tags like FII and NAD are static constants in specifications. 311 B.1 Import attributes CMM supports the following import attributes: • Forecast • Accounts payable • Accounts receivable • Bank transaction • Bank balance • Bank message • Interchange • File. B.1.1 Forecast import attributes The following table presents common forecast import attributes supported by CMM: Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type currency_code The forecast’s currency. Currency ID • None Yes User CMM No Map amount The forecast’s amount (in the forecast’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User CMM No Map bucket The forecast’s time bucket, which indicates whether the forecast is short-term or long-term. One of the following values: • None Yes User CMM No Map A value that indicates whether the forecast is a payment or a receipt. One of the following values: • None Yes User CMM No Map Basic cash_flow_direct ion 312 • day • month • P if the forecast is a payment • R if the forecast is a receipt © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type instrument_type The forecast’s cash flow type. Instrument type ID • None No User CMM No Map Payment method ID • None No User CMM No Map Date • None Yes User CMM No Map Date • None No User CMM No Map By assigning cash flow types to forecasts and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. payment_method The forecast’s payment method. A forecast’s payment method defines how the forecast is to be paid (for example, by EFT or by check) if it becomes a releasable transaction. value_date The forecast’s starting value date. Note: Medium- and long-term forecasts can span a range of value dates (for example, a medium-ter m forecast can span a month), while short-term forecasts usually only span one value date. invoice_date The forecast’s invoice date. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 313 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type work_flow_action The action CMM should take upon importing the forecast. One of the following values: • None No User CMM No Map Note: If you do not specify a value in this column, CMM creates a new record for the forecast upon importing it. • cancel A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the forecast. Text (2,000 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map The forecast’s party. Entity ID • None Yes User CMM No Map The bank where the forecast’s party bank account is held. In-house bank ID • Must be provided if the party bank account number is also provided No User CMM No Map The forecast’s party bank account. Entity bank account number • None No System CMM No Map description • edit Party party_id Party bank party_bank_id External bank ID Party bank account party_bank_accou nt_number It is not usually necessary to define a party bank account for a forecast. However, this attribute is provided for situations in which you need to define a party bank account for a short-term forecast (or "cash position"). Note: Do not include format characters (_, -, and so on) in this column. 314 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type party_bank_accou nt_currency_code The curency of the forecast’s party bank account. Currency ID • Must be provided if the party bank account number is also provided No The forecast’s counterparty. Entity ID • None CMM No Map • Must be provided if the counterp arty bank account number is also provided • None User CMM No Map No User CMM No Map No User CMM No Map Counterparty cpty_id Counterparty ID It is not usually necessary to define a counterparty for a forecast. However, this attribute is provided for situations in which you need to define a counterparty for a short-term forecast (or "cash position"). Counterparty bank cpty_bank_id The ID of the bank where the forecast’s counterparty bank account is held. In-house bank ID External bank ID Counterparty bank account cpty_bank_accoun t_number The bank account number of the forecast’s counterparty bank account. Entity bank account number Counterparty bank account number Note: Do not include format characters (_, -, and so on) in this column. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 315 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type cpty_bank_accoun t_currency_code The ISO currency code of the forecast’s counterparty bank account. Currency ID • Must be provided if the counterp arty bank account number is also provided No User CMM No Map customer_referen ce_id The forecast’s source reference text ID. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map customer_attribu te_0 The forecast’s custom attributes. Text (50 characters maximum per field) • None No User CMM No Map customer_attribu te_1 Note: You or another user in your organization can define custom attributes (or "parameters" ) for forecasts in the Parameter Editor function. Other customer_attribu te_2 customer_attribu te_3 customer_attribu te_4 customer_attribu te_5 customer_attribu te_6 customer_attribu te_7 customer_attribu te_8 customer_attribu te_9 B.1.2 Accounts payable import attributes The following table presents common accounts payable import attributes supported by CMM: Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type currency The transaction’s currency. Currency ID • None Yes User CMM No Map amount The transaction’s absolute value (in the transaction’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User CMM No Map Basic 316 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type priority_code The transaction’s priority. One of the following values: • None No User CMM No Map • None No User CMM No Map Payment method ID • None User CMM No Map Date • None User CMM No Map • 1 if the transaction is not urgent • 2 if the transaction is urgent Note: 1 is the default if you do not specify a value. cash_flow_type_i d The transaction’s cash flow type. By assigning cash flow types to transactions and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Instrument type ID Note: COMMP (Commercial Payment) is the default if you do not specify a value. Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. payment_method The transaction’s payment method. A transaction’s payment method defines how the transaction is to be paid when it is released (for example, by EFT or by check). txn_date The transaction’s transaction date. No Note: The current date is the default if you do not specify a value. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 317 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type value_date The transaction’s value date. Date • None No User CMM No Map A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the transaction. Text (2,000 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Text (25 characters maximum) • None No User CMM Map The transaction’s party. Entity ID • None Yes User CMM No Map The branch ID of the transaction’s party bank (as assigned by an agency). Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map The transaction’s Entity bank account party bank account. primary number • Must be held by the transacti on’s party No User CMM No Map description Note: The transaction date is the default if you do not specify a value. Party external_sour The external ce_party_id [1] system ID of the transaction’s party. party_id [2] Party bank party_bank_branc h_id Party bank account party_bank_acco unt_number [3] Note: If you do not provide a party bank account, CMM can select one using routing rules. party_bank_ac count_currenc y_code [4] The currency of the transaction’s party bank account. Currency ID • None No User CMM No Map The transaction’s counterparty. Entity ID • None No User CMM No Map • None No User CMM No Map Counterparty cpty_id [5] cpty_name 318 The name of the transaction’s counterparty. Counterparty ID Text (35 characters maximum) © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type cpty_local_addre ss_line_1 The address of the transaction’s counterparty. Text (35 characters maximum per field) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_city_name The city of the transaction’s counterparty. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_state_name The state of the transaction’s counterparty. State ID • None No User CMM No Map cpty_country_cod e The country of the transaction’s counterparty. Country ID • None No User CMM No Map cpty_postal_code The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s counterparty. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map The ID of the transaction’s counterparty bank. In-house bank ID • None No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_swift_ code The SWIFT code of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. Text (20 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_branch _id The branch ID of the transaction’s counterparty bank (as assigned by an agency). Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_name The name of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_addres s_1 The address of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (35 characters maximum per field) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_city_n ame The city of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_state_ name The state of the transaction’s counterparty bank. State ID • None No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_postal _code The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_local_addre ss_line_2 cpty_local_addre ss_line_3 cpty_local_addre ss_line_4 Counterparty bank cpty_bank_id [6] cpty_bank_addres s_2 External bank ID WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 319 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type • None No User CMM No Map Counterparty bank account cpty_bank_accou nt_id [7] The ID of the transaction’s counterparty bank. In-house bank ID cpty_bank_accoun t_number The primary number (usually, BBAN) of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. Text (60 characters maximum) • Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account’ s country No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_accoun t_iban The secondary number (usually IBAN) of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. Text (60 characters maximum) • Must validate against the IBAN rul es No User CMM No Map cpty_bank_accoun t_country_code The country of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Country ID • None No User cpty_bank_accoun t_currency_code The currency of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. Currency ID • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ba nk_id [8] The transaction’s primary intermediary bank. In-house bank ID • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ban k_swift_code The SWIFT code of the transaction’s intermediary bank account. Text (40 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ban k_branch_id The branch ID of the transaction’s intermediary bank (as assigned by an agency). Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ban k_name The name of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ban k_address_line_1 The address of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (35 characters maximum per field) • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ban k_city_name The city of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ban k_state_name The state of the transaction’s intermediary bank. State ID • None No User CMM No Map External bank ID Intermediary bank intermediary_ban k_address_line_2 320 External bank ID © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type intermediary_ban k_country_code The country of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Country ID • None No User CMM No Map intermediary_ban k_postal_code The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map The transaction’s primary intermediary bank account. Entity bank account ID • None No User CMM No Map The primary number (usually BBAN) of the transaction’s intermediary bank account. Text (60 characters maximum) • Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account’ s country No User CMM No Map • None No User CMM No Map Intermediary bank account intermediary_ba nk_account_id [9] intermediary_ bank_account_ number [10] Secondary intermediary bank second_interm ediary_bank_i d [11] The transaction’s secondary intermediary bank. In-house bank ID second_intermedi ary_bank_swift_c ode The SWIFT code of the transaction’s intermediary bank account. Text (40 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map second_intermedi ary_bank_branch_ id The branch ID of the transaction’s intermediary bank (as assigned by an agency). Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map second_intermedi ary_bank_name The name of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map second_intermedi ary_bank_address _line_1 The address of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (35 characters maximum per field) • None No User CMM No Map second_intermedi ary_bank_city_na me The city of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map second_intermedi ary_bank_state_n ame The state of the transaction’s intermediary bank. State ID • None No User CMM No Map second_intermedi ary_bank_country _code The country of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Country ID • None No User CMM No Map External bank ID second_intermedi ary_bank_address _line_2 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 321 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type second_intermedi ary_bank_postal_ code The postal or ZIP code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Second intermediary bank account second_interm ediary_bank_a ccount_id [12] The transaction’s secondary intermediary bank account. Entity bank account ID • None No User CMM No Map second_intermed iary_bank_accou nt_number [13] The primary number (usually BBAN) of the transaction’s intermediary bank account. Text (60 characters maximum) • Must validate against the BBAN rules of the bank account’ s country No User CMM No Map A value that indicates whether the transaction is an aggregate or detail. One of the following values: • None No User CMM No Map Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Aggregation aggregate_detail _code aggregate_refere nce_id If the transaction is an aggregate, the transaction’s unique reference number. • A if the transaction is an aggregate • D if the transaction is a detail If the transaction is a detail, the reference number of the aggregate transaction in which the detail transaction is contained. Tax tax_payment_type _code A code identifying the type of tax being paid. Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map tax_payment_subt ype_code A code identifying the subtype of tax being paid. Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map 322 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type tax_payer_id A number assigned to a purchaser by a taxing jurisdiction. Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map An ID the receiver can use to confirm the taxpayer’s identity. Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map The transaction’s regulatory code. Regulatory code • None No User CMM No Map bank_preauthoriz ation_id The transaction’s pre-authorization ID. Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map bank_preauthoriz ation_status The transaction’s pre-authorization status. One of the following: • None No User CMM No Map Note: This ID is also known as a tax exemption number or certificate number. tax_payer_verifi cation_id Regulatory reporting regulatory_code Other • AUTHORIZED • UNAUTHORIZED cheque_number The transaction’s check number (if the transaction is paid by check). Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cpty_message Instructions or other messages to the transaction’s counterparty. Text (100 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map customer_batch_r eference_id The customer’s batch reference ID for the transaction. Text (30 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map customer_referen ce_id The transaction’s customer reference ID. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map customer_txn_ref erence_id The customer’s reference ID for the transaction. Text (30 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Note: This ID does not have to be unique. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 323 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type external_referen ce The reference number or numbers of an external transaction as supplied by an external system (includes TRM). String. List of values delimited by ; (semicolons) which can be escaped with \ (backslash). • None No User CMM No Map The ID of the transaction’s type. Text (10 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map One of the following values: • None No User CMM No Map external_transac tion_type_code Each value must not exceed 255 characters. Note: This is country and bank specific. financial_alloca tion_charge The financial allocation charge of the transaction. • 1 if the financial charges are being shared equally between the sender and receiver • 2 if the financial charges are being paid entirely by the sender • 3 if the financial charges are being paid entirely by the receiver Note: 1 is the default if you do not specify a value. perosnal_identif ication_number The personal identification number of the transaction. Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map remittance_detai ls The transaction’s remittance details. Text • None No User CMM No Map Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Remittance detail information can be captured for each transaction. Multiple remittance detail information is possible for one transaction. repetitive_code 324 A bank-defined code that uniquely identifies the static attributes of the transaction. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type retrieval_locati on_address_1 The address of the transaction’s pickup location. Text (255 characters maximum per field) • None No User CMM No Map Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Text (255 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map retrieval_locati on_address_2 retrieval_locati on_id Note: This attribute is used in eastern Europe. The ID of the transaction’s pickup location. Note: This attribute is used in eastern Europe. retrieval_locati on_name The name of the transaction’s pickup location. Note: This attribute is used in eastern Europe. Table notes: 1. This attribute and party_id are mutually exclusive. 2. This attribute and external_source_party_id are mutually exclusive. 3. If you do not provide this attribute, you must provide either external_source_party_id or party_id. 4. This attribute is required if party_bank_account_number is also provided. 5. This attribute and all other counterparty attributes are mutually exclusive. 6. This attribute and all other counterparty bank attributes are mutually exclusive. 7. This attribute and all other counterparty bank account attributes are mutually exclusive. 8. This attribute and all other intermediary bank attributes are mutually exclusive. 9. This attribute and intermediary_bank_account_number are mutually exclusive. 10. This attribute and intermediary_bank_account_id are mutually exclusive. 11. This attribute and all other second intermediary bank attributes are mutually exclusive. 12. This attribute and second_intermediary_bank_account_number are mutually exclusive. 13. This attribute and second_intermediary_bank_account_id are mutually exclusive. B.1.3 Accounts receivable import attributes The following table presents common accounts receivable import attributes supported by CMM: Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type The transaction’s currency. Currency ID • Basic currency WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide None Yes User CMM No Map 325 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type amount The transaction’s absolute value (in the transaction’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User CMM No Map cash_flow_type_i d The transaction’s cash flow type. Instrument type ID • None No User CMM No Map By assigning cash flow types to transactions and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Note: COMMR (Commer cial Receipt) is the default if you do not specify a value. Payment method ID • None Yes User CMM No Map The transaction’s transaction date. Date • None No User CMM No Map The transaction’s value date. Date • None No User A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the transaction. Text (2,000 characters maximum) • None No User Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. payment_method The transaction’s payment method. A transaction’s payment method defines how the transaction is to be paid when it is released (for example, by EFT or by check). txn_date value_date description Note: The current date is the default if you do not specify a value. Note: The transacti on date is the default if you do not specify a value. CMM No Map Party 326 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type external_source _party_id [1] The external system ID of the transaction’s party. Text (25 characters maximum) • None No User CMM Map party_id [2] The transaction’s party. Entity ID • None Yes User CMM No Map The branch ID of the transaction’s party bank (as assigned by an agency). Text (15 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map party_bank_ac count_number The transaction’s party bank account. • User CMM No Map Note: If you do not provide a party bank account, CMM can select one using routing rules. Must be held by the transacti on’s party No [3] Entity bank account primary number party_bank_acco unt_currency_co de [4] The currency of the transaction’s party bank account. Currency ID • None No User CMM No Map external_source _cpty_id [5] The external system ID of the transaction’s party. Text (25 characters maximum) • None No User CMM Map cpty_id [6] The transaction’s counterparty. Entity ID • None No User CMM No Map Party bank party_bank_branc h_id Party bank account Counterparty Counterparty ID Other customer_referen ce_id The transaction’s customer reference ID. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map invoice_number The transaction’s invoice number. Text (20 characters maximum) • Must be provided if existing referenc es are deleted. No User CMM No Map Table notes: 1. This attribute and party_id are mutually exclusive. 2. This attribute and external_source_party_id are mutually exclusive. 3. If you do not provide this attribute, you must provide either external_source_party_id or party_id. 4. This attribute is required if party_bank_account_number is also provided. 5. This attribute and cpty_id are mutually exclusive. 6. This attribute and external_source_cpty_id are mutually exclusive. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 327 B.1.4 Bank transaction import attributes The following table presents common bank transaction import attributes supported by CMM: Description Value Constraints Req . Source Map type currency_code The bank transaction’s currency. Currency ID • None Yes User CMM No Map amount The bank transaction’s absolute value (in the bank transaction’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User CMM No Map type_code A value that indicates whether the bank transaction is a payment or a receipt. One of the following: • None No User CMM Map Instrument type ID • Is mutually exclusive with the counterp arty file code ID No User CMM Map Attribute Basic funds_type_code The bank transaction’s cash flow type. • P if the bank transactio n is a payment • R if the bank transactio n is a receipt By assigning cash flow types to bank transactions and other activity in CMM, you can categorize this activity for a variety of purposes. In particular, you can run several reports in the module that display activity by cash flow type. Note: In CMM, a cash flow type is an instrument type with the Status attribute set to Enabled. external_txn_sub_t ype The bank transaction’s counterparty file code. Counterparty file code ID • Is mutually exclusive with the cash flow type ID No User CMM Map txn_date The bank transaction’s transaction date. Date • None Yes User CMM No Map 328 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req . Source Map type value_date The bank transaction’s value date. Date • None Yes User CMM No Map description A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the bank transaction. Text (2,000 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map bank_txn_stmt_star t_date Sets the statement start date. Use the time stamp 00:00:00 for the given day. Date/Time • None No User CMM no Map bank_txn_stmt_end_ date Sets the statement end date. Use the time stamp 23:59:59 for the given day. Date/Time • None No User CMM no Map The primary number (usually, BBAN) of the bank transaction’s party bank account. Entity bank account primary number • None Yes User CMM Map • None No User CMM Map • None No User CMM No Map • None No User CMM No Map Entity bank_acct_number Counterparty bank account primary number bank_acct_name The name of the bank transaction’s party bank account. Entity bank account primary name Counterparty bank account primary name originating_bank_i d The bank transaction’s party bank. In-house bank ID The primary number (usually, BBAN) of the bank transaction’s counterparty bank account. Counterparty bank account primary number External bank ID Counterparty cpty_bank_account_ number Other WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 329 Attribute Description Value Constraints Req . Source Map type customer_reference _id The bank transaction’s customer reference ID. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Note: If you do not specify a value in this attribute, CMM cannot automatically reconcile the bank transaction. bank_reference_num ber The bank transaction’s bank reference ID. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map cheque_number The bank transaction’s check number (if the bank transaction is paid by check). Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map B.1.5 Bank balance import attributes The following table presents common bank balance import attributes supported by CMM: Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type currency_co de The bank balance’s currency. Currency ID • None Yes User CMM No Map actual_amou nt The bank balance’s value (in the bank balance’s currency). Floating point number • None Yes User CMM No Map Basic Note: The value can be positive or negative. 330 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type txn_sub_typ e_id The bank balance’s internal type. One of the following: • Is mutually exclusive with the external type No User CMM No Map • 8 if the bank balance is opening transaction date • 19 if the bank balance is closing transaction date • 3 if the bank balance is opening value date • 6 if the bank balance is closing value date external_ba lance_type The bank balance’s external type. Text • Is mutually exclusive with the internal type No User CMM Map balance_dat e The bank balance’s date. Date • None Yes User CMM No Map The primary number (usually, BBAN) of the bank balance’s party bank account. Entity bank account primary number • None Yes User CMM Map The name of the bank balance’s party bank account. Entity bank account primary name • None No User CMM Map Entity bank_acct_n umber bank_acct_n ame Counterparty bank account primary number Counterparty bank account primary name B.1.6 Bank message import attributes The following table presents common bank message import attributes supported by CMM: Attribute Description Value The file-level bank reference identifier. Text (35 characters maximum) Constraint s Req. Source Map type • No File level interchange_c ontrol_ref_nu m WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide None User CMM No Map 331 Description Value Constraint s Req. Source Map type orig_file_exp ort_reference _id The export log identifier in CMM for the original file exported to and sent back from the bank. Integer • None No User CMM No Map external_mess age_code The status of the message. Text • None Yes User CMM Map Attribute Transaction level Note: The value in this attribute must be mapped to an internal status code in CMM, such as PA, PR, PH, or 400. bank_referenc e_id The bank’s ID for the transaction. Text (50 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map message_text_ desc A description of the message’s status. Text • None No User CMM No Map customer_refe rence_id The originating system’s unique ID for the transaction. Text • None No User CMM No Map B.1.7 Interchange import attributes The following table presents common interchange import attributes supported by CMM: Constraint s Req. Source Map type Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map The qualifier code of the interchange’s EDI sender. Text (4 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map interchange_r ecipient_id The ID of the interchange’s EDI recipient. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map recipient_id_ qualifier_cod e The qualifier code of the interchange’s EDI receiver. Text (4 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map functional_gr oup_sender_id The functional group of the interchange’s EDI sender. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map functional_gr oup_receiver_ id The functional group of the interchange’s EDI receiver. Text (35 characters maximum) • None No User CMM No Map Attribute Description Value interchange_s ender_id The ID of the interchange’s EDI sender. sender_id_qua lifier_code Basic attributes 332 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Description Value Constraint s Req. Source Map type Integer • No Runtime-specific attributes import_export _id A unique sequential ID assigned to every interface with CMM. None User CMM No Map Note: The value of this attribute is derived at runtime and provided by the controller. B.1.8 File import attributes The following table presents common file import attributes supported by CMM: Attribute Description Value Constraints Req. Source Map type file_id The file’s ID. Text • Must be unique within files imported for the select import type Yes User CMM No Map file_creati on_time The file’s creation date. Date • None No User CMM No Map file_type The file’s type. One of the following: • Must be provided for bank statement files No User CMM No Map • Must be provided for bank statement files No User CMM No Map business_ty pe The file’s business type. Note: The current date is the default if you do not specify a value. • C if the file is intraday (CDR) • P if the file is previous-d ay (PDR) Text WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 333 B.2 Export attributes CMM supports the following export attributes: • Payment • Receipt • Credit advice • Remittance detail • Bank statement • Company general ledger • Interchange. B.2.1 Payment export attributes The following table presents common payment export attributes supported by CMM: Name Data type Map type Description Example payment_currency String CMM No Map The ISO currency code of the transaction. USD payment_amount Double CMM No Map The absolute value of the transaction (in the currency defined in payment_currency) . 5000.00 bank_account_curren cy_amount Double CMM No Map The absolute value of the transaction (in the currency of the transaction’s bank account.) 5000.00 is_foreign_currency _txn String CMM No Map The foreign currency status of the transaction. NO Basic attributes Acceptable values: • YES if the transaction currency is different than the paying entity bank account’s currency • NO if the transaction currency is the same as the paying entity bank account’s currency. Note: This attribute was originally provided to support foreign transactions in CMM 6.5.x. 334 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description Example foreign_txn_currenc y String CMM No Map The ISO currency code of the transaction. USD Note: This attribute was originally provided to support foreign transactions in CMM 6.5.x. As of CMM 7.1.x, this attribute returns the same value as the payment_curren cy attribute. Therefore, Wallstreet recommends you use the payment_curren cy attribute rather than this attribute if possible. foreign_txn_amount Double CMM No Map The absolute value of the transaction (in the currency defined in 5000.00 foreign_txn_curr ency). Note: This attribute was originally provided to support foreign transactions in CMM 6.5.x. As of CMM 7.1.x, this attribute returns the same value as the payment_amou nt attribute. Therefore, Wallstreet recommends you use the payment_amou nt attribute rather than this attribute if possible. originator_country_ code String CMM No Map The ISO country code of the transaction’s originating entity. CA cash_flow_type String CMM No Map The type of the transaction. P Acceptable values: transaction_type_co de String CMM No Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide • P for payment • R for receipt. The cash flow type of the transaction. COMMP 335 Name Data type Map type Description Example priority_code Integer Spec Map The priority of the transaction. 2 Acceptable values: • 1 for not urgent • 2 for urgent. payment_method String CMM Map The payment method of the transaction. EFT payment_primary_del ivery_channel String Spec Map The primary delivery channel of the transaction. ACH Acceptable values: • ACH for automated clearing system • WT for wire transfer • CHQ for check. Note: This attribute is similar to but more accurate than payment_meth od. Wallstreet recommends you use it rather than payment_meth od when possible. The logic for the derivation is defined in paymentPrima ryDeliveryCh annelInstruc tion.xml. clearing_system_typ e String Spec Map The clearing system type of the transaction. LVC Acceptable values: • LVC for low-value clearing system • HVC for high-value clearing system. Note: This attribute is only applicable to transactions delivered through an automated clearing system. The logic for the derivation is defined in clearingSystem SelectionInstr uction.xml. 336 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description Example domestic_crossborde r_status String Spec Map The domestic/cross-border status of the transaction. DOMESTIC Acceptable values: • DOMESTIC for domestic transactions • CROSS_BORDER for cross-border (international) transactions. Note: The logic for this derivation is defined in domesticInte rnationalIns truction.xml. payment_residency_f low_status String Spec Map The residency flow status of the transaction. RESIDENT TO RESIDENT Acceptable values: • RESIDENT TO RESIDENT • RESIDENT TO NON_RESIDENT • NON_RESIDENT TO RESIDENT • NON_RESIDENT TO NON_RESIDENT. Note: This attribute is only applicable to domestic transactions. foreign_exchange_st atus String Spec Map The foreign exchange status of the transaction. NOT_REQUIRED Acceptable values: • REQUIRED for transactions requiring foreign exchange • NOT_REQUIRED for transactions not required foreign exchange. Note: The logic for this derivation is defined in foreignExcha ngeStatusIns truction.xml. payment_destination _country_code String CMM No Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide The ISO country code of the destination of the transaction. US 337 Name Data type Map type Description Example transaction_date Date CMM No Map The transaction date of the transaction. 20-Oct-2006 value_date Date CMM No Map The value date of the transaction. 20-Oct-2006 is_valid_transactio n String CMM No Map A flag that indicates whether the transaction is valid. YES Acceptable values: is_intercompany_pay ment String CMM No Map • YES • NO. A flag that indicates whether the transaction is intercompany YES Acceptable values: • YES • [Blank]. payment_description String CMM No Map A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the transaction. beneficiary_message String CMM No Map A message to the transaction’s beneficiary. bank_instruction String CMM No Map Instructions to the transaction’s bank. payment_details String Static Map A concatenation of Invoice No. 9876 Invoice No. 9876 payment_descriptio n, beneficiary_messag e, and bank_instruction. Paying entity attributes 338 payor_long_name String CMM No Map The name of the transaction’s paying entity. Acme USA payor_local_addr ess_line1 String CMM No Map The first address line of the transaction’s paying entity. Suite 100 payor_local_addr ess_line2 String CMM No Map The second address line of the transaction’s paying entity. 123 Main St. payor_local_addr ess_line3 String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s paying entity. payor_local_addr ess_line4 String CMM No Map The fourth address line of the transaction’s paying entity. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description Example payor_local_address String CMM No Map A concatenation of Suite 100123 Main St. payor_local_addr ess_line1 to payor_local_addr ess_line4. payor_city_name String CMM No Map The city of the transaction’s paying entity. New York payor_state_name String CMM No Map The state or province of the transaction’s paying entity. NY payor_country_code String CMM No Map The ISO country code of the transaction’s paying entity. US payor_postal_code String CMM No Map The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s paying entity. 12345 payor_phone_number String CMM No Map The telephone number of the paying entity. payor_fax_number String CMM No Map The fax number of the paying entity. payor_email_account String CMM No Map The e-mail account of the paying entity. payor_branch_id String CMM No Map The branch ID of the paying entity. Note: This attribute is only relevant to financial institution counterparties. payor_swift_code String CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the paying entity. Note: This attribute is only relevant to financial institution counterparties. Originating entity attributes originator_long_nam e String CMM No Map The name of the transaction’s originating entity. Acme Canada originator_local_ad dress_line_1 String CMM No Map The first address line of the transaction’s originating entity. Suite 100 originator_local_ad dress_line_2 String CMM No Map The second address line of the transaction’s originating entity. 123 Main St. originator_local_ad dress_line_3 String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s originating entity. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 339 Name Data type Map type Description originator_local_ad dress_line_4 String CMM No Map The fourth address line of the transaction’s originating entity. originator_local_ad dress String CMM No Map A concatenation of originator_city_nam e String CMM No Map The city of the transaction’s originating entity. Toronto originator_state_na me String CMM No Map The state or province of the transaction’s originating entity. ON originator_postal_c ode String CMM No Map The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s originating entity. A1B 2C3 originator_local _address_line1 to originator_local _address_line4. Example Suite 100123 Main St. Paying entity bank attributes payor_bank_swift_co de String CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the transaction’s paying entity bank. payor_bank_branch_i d String CMM No Map The branch ID of the transaction’s paying entity bank (as assigned by an agency). Note: This ID is also known as a bank sort code. payor_bank_branch_q ualifier_code String CMM No Map The branch ID type of the transaction’s paying entity bank. Note: This attribute is equivalent to the SWIFT clearing code and depends on countries and clearing systems. payor_bank_branch_a gency_code String CMM No Map The agency that assigned the branch ID to the transaction’s paying entity bank. payor_bank_long_nam e String CMM No Map The name of the transaction’s paying entity bank. BankOfComm payor_bank_address_ 1 String CMM No Map The first address line of the transaction’s paying entity bank. Suite 100 payor_bank_address_ 2 String CMM No Map The second address line of the transaction’s paying entity bank. 123 Main St. 340 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description payor_bank_address_ 3 String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s paying entity bank. payor_bank_address_ 4 String CMM No Map The fourth address line of the transaction’s paying entity bank. payor_bank_name_and _adddress String CMM No Map A concatenation of payor_bank_local_ad ddress String payor_bank_city_nam e String CMM No Map The city of the transaction’s paying entity bank. Boston payor_bank_state_na me String CMM No Map The state or province of the transaction’s paying entity bank. MA payor_bank_country_ code String CMM No Map The ISO country code of the transaction’s paying entity bank. US payor_bank_postal_c ode String CMM No Map The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s paying entity bank. 12345 payor_bank_national _currency_code String CMM Map The national currency of the transaction’s paying entity bank. USD payor_bank_long_ name and payor_bank_addre ss_1 to payor_bank_addre ss_4. CMM No Map A concatenation of payor_bank_address _1 to payor_bank_address _4. Example Suite 100123 Main St. Suite 100123 Main St. Paying entity bank account attributes payor_bank_account_ number String CMM No Map The BBAN of the transaction’s paying entity bank account. 12345678 payor_bank_account_ iban String CMM No Map The IBAN of the transaction’s paying entity bank account. US9012345678 payor_bank_account_ name String CMM No Map The name of the paying entity bank account. AcmeUSBA payor_bank_account_ type String CMM No Map The type of the paying entity bank account. General payor_bank_account_ currency_code String CMM No Map The currency of the paying entity bank account. USD WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 341 Name Data type Map type Description Example payor_bank_account_ resident_status String Spec Map The resident status of the transaction’s paying entity bank account. RESIDENT Acceptable values: • RESIDENT if the paying entity bank account is a resident account. • NON_RESIDENT if the paying entity bank account is a non-resident account. Note: The logic for this derivation is defined in bankaccountRes idencyStatusIn struction.xml. String CMM No Map A unique identifier assigned to the paying entity bank account by a clearing system (for example, a Giro number). payee_long_name String CMM No Map The name of the transaction’s counterparty. Smith Company payee_local_address _line_1 String CMM No Map The first address line of the transaction’s counterparty. Suite 100 payee_local_address _line_2 String CMM No Map The second address line of the transaction’s counterparty. 123 Main St. payee_local_address _line_3 String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s counterparty. payee_local_address _line_4 String CMM No Map The fourth address line of the transaction’s counterparty. payee_name_and_addr ess String CMM No Map A concatenation of payee_local_address String payor_bank_acctount _clearing_number Counterparty attributes payee_long_name and payee_local_addres s_line_1 to payee_local_addres s_line_4. CMM No Map A concatenation of payee_local_addr ess_line_1 to payee_local_addr ess_line_4. 342 Smith CompanySuite 100123 Main St. Suite 100123 Main St. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description Example payee_city_name String CMM No Map The city of the transaction’s counterparty. Chicago payee_state_name String CMM No Map The state or province of the transaction’s counterparty. IL payee_country_code String CMM No Map The ISO country code of the transaction’s counterparty. US payee_country_name String CMM No Map The country name of the transaction’s counterparty. United States payee_postal_code String CMM No Map The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s counterparty. 12345 payee_phone_number String CMM No Map The telephone number of the counterparty. 234-567-8901 payee_branch_id String CMM No Map The branch ID of the counterparty. Note: This attribute is only relevant to financial institution counterparties. payee_swift_code String CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the counterparty. Note: This attribute is only relevant to financial institution counterparties. Counterparty bank attributes payee_bank_swift_co de String CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. payee_bank_branch_i d String CMM No Map The branch ID of the transaction’s counterparty bank (as assigned by an agency). Note: This ID is also known as a bank sort code. payee_bank_branch_q ualifier_code String CMM No Map The branch ID type of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Note: This attribute is equivalent to the SWIFT clearing code and depends on countries and clearing systems. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 343 Name Data type Map type Description payee_bank_branch_a gency_code String CMM No Map The agency that assigned the branch ID to the transaction’s counterparty bank. payee_bank_long_nam e String CMM No Map The name of the transaction’s counterparty bank. First National Bank payee_bank_address_ 1 String CMM No Map The first address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Suite 100 payee_bank_address_ 2 String CMM No Map The second address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. 123 Main St. payee_bank_address_ 3 String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. payee_bank_address_ 4 String CMM No Map The fourth address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. payee_bank_name_and _address String CMM No Map A concatenation of payee_bank_local_ad dress String payee_bank_city_nam e String CMM No Map The city of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Chicago payee_bank_state_na me String CMM No Map The state or province of the transaction’s counterparty bank. IL payee_bank_country_ code String CMM No Map The ISO country code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. US payee_bank_postal_c ode String CMM No Map The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. 12345 payee_bank_long_na me and payee_bank_address _1 to payee_bank_address _4. CMM No Map A concatenation of payee_bank_addre ss_1 to payee_bank_addre ss_4. Example First National BankSuite 100123 Main St. Suite 100123 Main St. Counterparty bank account attributes 344 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name counter_party_ba nk_account_requi remnt Data type Map type Description Example String Spec Map A flag indicating if counterparty bank account information is required. REQUIRED Acceptable values: • REQUIRED for transactions requiring a counterparty bank account • NOT_REQUIRED for transactions not requiring a counterparty bank account. payee_bank_accou nt_number String CMM No Map The primary bank account number of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. 12345678 Note: This can be either BBAN or IBAN. payee_bank_accou nt_bban String CMM No Map The BBAN of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. 12345678 payee_bank_accou nt_iban String CMM No Map The IBAN of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. US9012345678 payee_bank_accou nt_name String CMM No Map The name of the counterparty bank account. AcmeUSBA payee_bank_accou nt_type String CMM No Map The type of the counterparty bank account. General payee_bank_accou nt_currency_code String CMM No Map The currency of the counterparty bank account. USD WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 345 Name Data type Map type Description Example payee_bank_account_ resident_status String Spec Map The resident status of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. RESIDENT Acceptable values: • RESIDENT if the counterparty bank account is a resident account. • NON_RESIDENT if the counterparty bank account is a non-resident account. Note: The logic for this derivation is defined in bankaccountRes idencyStatusIn struction.xml. payee_bank_acctount _clearing_number String CMM No Map A unique identifier assigned to the counterparty bank account by a clearing system (for example, a Giro number). Intermediary bank attributes intermediary_bank_s wift_code String CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. intermediary_bank_b ranch_id String CMM No Map The branch ID of the transaction’s intermediary bank (as assigned by an agency). Note: This ID is also known as a bank sort code. intermediary_bank_b ranch_qualifier_cod e String CMM No Map The branch ID type of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Note: This attribute is equivalent to the SWIFT clearing code and depends on countries and clearing systems. intermediary_bank_b ranch_agency_code String CMM No Map The agency that assigned the branch ID to the transaction’s intermediary bank. intermediary_bank_l ong_name String CMM No Map The name of the transaction’s intermediary bank. 346 TransWorld Bank © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description Example intermediary_bank_a ddress_1 String CMM No Map The first address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Suite 100 intermediary_bank_a ddress_2 String CMM No Map The second address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. 123 Main St. intermediary_bank_a ddress_3 String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. intermediary_bank_a ddress_4 String CMM No Map The fourth address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. intermediary_bank_n ame_and_address String CMM No Map A concatenation of intermediary_bank_l ocal_address String intermediary_bank_c ity_name String CMM No Map The city of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Atlanta intermediary_bank_s tate_name String CMM No Map The state or province of the transaction’s intermediary bank. GA intermediary_bank_c ountry_code String CMM No Map The ISO country code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. US intermediary_bank_p ostal_code String CMM No Map The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. 12345 intermediary_bank_ long_name and intermediary_bank_ address_1 to intermediary_bank_ address_4. CMM No Map A concatenation of intermediary_ban k_address_1 to intermediary_ban k_address_4. TransWorld BankSuite 100123 Main St. Suite 100123 Main St. Intermediary bank account attributes intermediary_bank_a ccount_number String CMM No Map The primary bank account number of the intermediary bank account. intermediary_bank_a ccount_name String CMM No Map The name of the intermediary bank account. CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Second intermediary bank attributes second_intermediary _bank_swift_code String WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 347 Name Data type Map type Description second_intermediary _bank_branch_id String CMM No Map The branch ID of the transaction’s intermediary bank (as assigned by an agency). Example Note: This ID is also known as a bank sort code. second_intermediary _bank_long_name String CMM No Map The name of the transaction’s intermediary bank. TransWorld Bank second_intermediary _bank_address_1 String CMM No Map The first address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Suite 100 second_intermediary _bank_address_2 String CMM No Map The second address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. 123 Main St. second_intermediary _bank_address_3 String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. second_intermediary _bank_address_4 String CMM No Map The fourth address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. second_intermediary _bank_name_and_addr ess String CMM No Map A concatenation of second_intermediary _bank_local_address String second_intermediary _bank_city_name String CMM No Map The city of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Atlanta second_intermediary _bank_state_name String CMM No Map The state or province of the transaction’s intermediary bank. GA second_intermediary _bank_country_code String CMM No Map The ISO country code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. US second_intermediary _bank_postal_code String CMM No Map The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. 12345 intermediary_ban k_long_name and intermediary_ban k_address_1 to intermediary_ban k_address_4. CMM No Map A concatenation of intermediary_bank_ address_1 to intermediary_bank_ address_4. TransWorld BankSuite 100123 Main St. Suite 100123 Main St. Second intermediary bank account attributes second_intermediary _bank_account_numbe r 348 String CMM No Map The primary bank account number of the intermediary bank account. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description second_intermediary _bank_account_name String CMM No Map The name of the intermediary bank account. tax_payment_type_co de String CMM No Map A code identifying the type of tax being paid. tax_payment_subtype _code String CMM No Map A code identifying the subtype of tax being paid. tax_payer_id String CMM No Map A number assigned to a purchaser by a taxing jurisdiction. Example Tax attributes Note: This ID is also known as a tax exemption number or certificate number. tax_payer_verificat ion_id String CMM No Map An ID the receiver can use to confirm the taxpayer’s identity. String Derived Map A flag that indicates whether the transaction is an aggregate. Aggregation attributes is_aggregate_paymen t YES Acceptable values: aggregate_status Boolean Derived Map • YES • NO. The aggregation status of the transaction. true Acceptable values: payment_aggregation _type String CMM No Map • true • false. The aggregation type of the transaction. SINGLE_CREDIT Acceptable values: • SINGLE_CREDIT • MULTI_CREDIT • NO_AGGREGATION. number_of_component _payments Integer CMM No Map The total number of component payments contained in the aggregate transaction. component_payments Vector CMM No Map A list of the component payment objects of the transaction. 50 Other attributes WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 349 Name Data type Map type Description bank_reference_numb er String CMM No Map The sending institution’s reference number for the transaction. central_bank_report ing_reason_code String CMM No Map The reason code of the transaction supplied by the central bank. Example Note: Wallstreet recommends not to use this attribute as the code mapping is not fully in place yet. cheque_number String CMM No Map The check number of the transaction. customer_batch_refe rence_id String CMM No Map The customer batch reference ID of the transaction from the ERP system. customer_reference_ id String CMM No Map The customer’s unique ID for the transaction. customer_txn_refere nce_id String CMM No Map The customer transaction reference ID from the ERP system. financial_charge_al location String CMM No Map The financial charge allocation of the transaction. 123456 1 Note: This attribute defaults to 1 (both payor and payee share charges). interface_type String Static No Map The interface type of the transaction. payment number_of_remittanc e_details Integer CMM No Map The number of remittance details for the transaction. 50 originator_identifi cation_number String CMM No Map The originating party identification number of the transaction. payee_bank_company_ identifier String CMM No Map The payee bank company identifier of the transaction. payee_identificatio n_number String CMM No Map The payee identification number of the transaction. payment_contract_nu mber String CMM No Map The payment contract number of the transaction. payor_bank_company_ identifier String CMM No Map The payor bank company identifier of the transaction. 350 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description payor_company_ident ifier String CMM No Map The payor identification number of the transaction. repetitive_code String CMM No Map A bank-defined code that uniquely identifies the static attributes of the transaction. retrieval_location_ address String CMM No Map The address of the location where the transaction can be picked up. Example Note: This attribute is used in eastern Europe. retrieval_location_ id String CMM No Map The ID of the location where the transaction can be picked up. Note: This attribute is used in eastern Europe. retrieval_location_ name String CMM No Map The name of the location where the transaction can be picked up. Note: This attribute is used in eastern Europe. second_company_iden tifier String CMM No Map The payor secondary identification number of the transaction. source_batch_id String CMM No Map The source batch ID of the transaction. B.2.2 Receipt export attributes The following table presents common receipt export attributes supported by CMM: Name Data type Map type Description Example CMM The ISO currency code of the transaction. USD The absolute value of the transaction (in the currency defined in payment_currency). 5000.00 Basic attributes currency String No Map amount Double CMM No Map cash_flow_type String CMM No Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide The cash flow type of the transaction. COMMP 351 Name Data type transaction_type_code String Map type Description Example CMM The customer-definable transaction type code. 123 No Map Note: This attribute maps to the Transaction Type Code additional attribute. payment_method String CMM Map txn_date Date CMM No Map value_date Date CMM No Map description String CMM No Map beneficiary_message String CMM No Map bank_instruction String CMM No Map The payment method of the transaction. EFT The transaction date of the transaction. 20-Oct-2006 The value date of the transaction. 20-Oct-2006 A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the transaction. Invoice No. 9876 A message to the transaction’s beneficiary. Instructions to the transaction’s bank. Receiving entity attributes party_company_identifier String CMM No Map party_second_company_iden tifier String party_short_name String CMM No Map CMM No Map party_long_name String CMM No Map party_address_line1 String CMM No Map party_address_line2 String CMM No Map party_address_line3 String CMM No Map party_address_line4 String CMM No Map party_city_name String CMM No Map party_state_name String CMM No Map party_country_code String CMM No Map 352 The identification number of the transaction’s receiving entity. The secondary identification number of the transaction’s receiving entity. The short name of the transaction’s receiving entity. Acme USA The long name of the transaction’s receiving entity. Acme USA Inc. The first address line of the transaction’s receiving entity. Suite 100 The second address line of the transaction’s receiving entity. 123 Main St. The third address line of the transaction’s receiving entity. The fourth address line of the transaction’s receiving entity. The city of the transaction’s receiving entity. New York The state or province of the transaction’s receiving entity. NY The ISO country code of the transaction’s receiving entity. US © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type party_postal_code String Map type Description Example CMM The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s receiving entity. 12345 No Map Originating entity attributes originator_companyidentif ier String originator_short_name String CMM No Map CMM No Map originator_long_name String CMM No Map originator_address_line_1 String CMM No Map originator_address_line_2 String CMM No Map originator_address_line_3 String CMM No Map originator_address_line_4 String CMM No Map originator_city_name String CMM No Map originator_state_name String CMM No Map originator_country_code String CMM No Map originator_postal_code String CMM No Map The identifier of the transaction’s originating entity. The short name of the transaction’s originating entity. Acme Canada The long name of the transaction’s originating entity. Acme Canada Inc. The first address line of the transaction’s originating entity. Suite 100 The second address line of the transaction’s originating entity. 123 Main St. The third address line of the transaction’s originating entity. The fourth address line of the transaction’s originating entity. The city of the transaction’s originating entity. Toronto The state or province of the transaction’s originating entity. ON The ISO country code of the transaction’s originating entity. CA The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s originating entity. A1B 2C3 Receiving entity bank attributes party_bank_swift_code String CMM No Map party_bank_sort_code String CMM No Map party_bank_branch_qualifi er_code String CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. The sort code of the transaction’s receiving entity bank (as assigned by an agency). The branch ID type of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. Note: This attribute is equivalent to the SWIFT clearing code and depends on countries and clearing systems. party_bank_branch_agency_ code String CMM No Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide The agency that assigned the branch ID to the transaction’s receiving entity bank. 353 Name Data type party_bank_long_name String Map type Description Example CMM The long name of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. BankOfComm The short name of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. Bank of Commerce The first address line of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. Suite 100 The second address line of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. 123 Main St. No Map party_bank_short_name String CMM No Map party_bank_address_1 String CMM No Map party_bank_address_2 String CMM No Map party_bank_address_3 String CMM No Map party_bank_address_4 String CMM No Map party_bank_city_name String CMM No Map party_bank_state_name String CMM No Map party_bank_country_code String CMM No Map party_bank_postal_code String CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. The fourth address line of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. The city of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. Boston The state or province of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. MA The ISO country code of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. US The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s receiving entity bank. 12345 Thef the transaction’s receiving entity bank account. 12345678 The ID of the receiving entity bank account. AcmeUSBA The name of the receiving entity bank account. AcmeUSBA The short name of the transaction’s counterparty. Smith Company The long name of the transaction’s counterparty. Smith Company Ltd. The first address line of the transaction’s counterparty. Suite 100 The second address line of the transaction’s counterparty. 123 Main St. Receiving entity bank account attributes party_bank_account_number String CMM No Map party_bank_account_id String CMM No Map party_bank_account_name String CMM No Map Counterparty attributes cpty_long_name String CMM No Map cpty_short_name String CMM No Map cpty_local_address_line_1 String CMM No Map cpty_local_address_line_2 String CMM No Map 354 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type cpty_local_address_line_3 String Map type Description CMM The third address line of the transaction’s counterparty. No Map cpty_local_address_line_4 String CMM No Map cpty_city_name String CMM No Map cpty_state_name String CMM No Map cpty_country_code String CMM No Map cpty_postal_code String CMM No Map cpty_phone_number String CMM No Map Example The fourth address line of the transaction’s counterparty. The city of the transaction’s counterparty. Chicago The state or province of the transaction’s counterparty. IL The ISO country code of the transaction’s counterparty. US The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s counterparty. 12345 The telephone number of the counterparty. 234-567-8901 Counterparty bank attributes cpty_bank_swift_code String CMM No Map cpty_bank_sort_code String CMM No Map cpty_bank_branch_qualifie r_code String CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. The sort code of the transaction’s counterparty bank (as assigned by an agency). The branch ID type of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Note: This attribute is equivalent to the SWIFT clearing code and depends on countries and clearing systems. cpty_bank_branch_agency_c ode String cpty_bank_long_name String CMM No Map CMM No Map cpty_bank_address_1 String CMM No Map cpty_bank_address_2 String CMM No Map cpty_bank_address_3 String CMM No Map cpty_bank_address_4 String CMM No Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide The agency that assigned the branch ID to the transaction’s counterparty bank. The name of the transaction’s counterparty bank. First National Bank The first address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Suite 100 The second address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. 123 Main St. The third address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. The fourth address line of the transaction’s counterparty bank. 355 Name Data type cpty_bank_local_address String cpty_bank_city_name String Map type Description Example CMM A concatenation of Suite 100123 Main St. No Map payee_bank_address_1 to payee_bank_address_4. CMM The city of the transaction’s counterparty bank. Chicago The state or province of the transaction’s counterparty bank. IL The ISO country code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. US The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s counterparty bank. 12345 The primary bank account number of the transaction’s counterparty bank account. 12345678 No Map cpty_bank_state_name String CMM No Map cpty_bank_country_code String CMM No Map cpty_bank_postal_code String CMM No Map Counterparty bank account attributes ctpy_bank_account_number String CMM No Map Note: This can be either BBAN or IBAN. ctpy_bank_account_name String CMM No Map ctpy_bank_account_currenc y_code String CMM No Map The name of the counterparty bank account. AcmeUSBA The currency of the counterparty bank account. USD Intermediary bank attributes intermediary_bank_swift_c ode String intermediary_bank_sort_co de String intermediary_bank_branch_ qualifier_code String CMM No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map The SWIFT code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. The sort code of the transaction’s intermediary bank (as assigned by an agency). The branch ID type of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Note: This attribute is equivalent to the SWIFT clearing code and depends on countries and clearing systems. intermediary_bank_branch_ agency_code String intermediary_bank_short_n ame String intermediary_bank_long_na me String 356 CMM No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map The agency that assigned the branch ID to the transaction’s intermediary bank. The short name of the transaction’s intermediary bank. TransWorld Bank The long name of the transaction’s intermediary bank. TransWorld Bank Corp. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type intermediary_bank_address _1 String intermediary_bank_address _2 String intermediary_bank_address _3 String intermediary_bank_address _4 String intermediary_bank_city_na me String intermediary_bank_state_n ame String intermediary_bank_country _code String intermediary_bank_postal_ code String Map type Description Example CMM The first address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Suite 100 The second address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. 123 Main St. No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map CMM No Map The third address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. The fourth address line of the transaction’s intermediary bank. The city of the transaction’s intermediary bank. Atlanta The state or province of the transaction’s intermediary bank. GA The ISO country code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. US The ZIP or postal code of the transaction’s intermediary bank. 12345 Intermediary bank account attributes intermediary_bank_account _number String intermediary_bank_account _name String CMM No Map CMM No Map The primary bank account number of the intermediary bank account. The name of the intermediary bank account. Other attributes bank_preauthorization_id String CMM No Map A unique authorization ID for the transaction. Note: This is primarily used for direct debits. bank_preauthorization_sta tus String CMM No Map The authorization status for the transaction. Note: This is primarily used for direct debits. bank_reference_number String CMM No Map cash_record_id Integer CMM No Map customer_batch_reference_ id String customer_reference_id String CMM No Map CMM No Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide The sending institution’s reference number for the transaction. The CMM cash record ID for the transaction. 123456 The customer batch reference ID of the transaction from the ERP system. The customer’s unique ID for the transaction. 123456 357 Name Data type customer_txn_reference_id String Map type Description CMM The customer transaction reference ID from the ERP system. No Map direct_debit_contract_num ber String interface_type String lcr_contract_number String No Map The contract number of the direct debit transaction. Static No Map The interface type of the transaction. CMM The contract number of the letter of credit transaction. CMM No Map String reconciliation_id CMM No Map String repetitive_code CMM No Map Example payment The reconciliation ID of the truncation. A bank-defined code that uniquely identifies the static attributes of the transaction. B.2.3 Credit advice export attributes The following table presents common credit advice export attributes supported by CMM: Data type Map type Description Example currency String CMMNo Map The ISO currency code of the transaction. USD amount Double CMMNo Map The absolute value of the transaction (in the currency defined in payment_currency). 5000.00 settlement_curre ncy String CMMNo Map The settlement ISO currency code of the transaction. USD settlement_amoun t Double CMMNo Map The absolute value of the transaction (in the currency defined in 5000.00 Name Basic attributes settlement_currency). txn_date Date CMMNo Map The transaction date of the transaction. 20-Oct-20 06 value_date Date CMMNo Map The value date of the transaction. 20-Oct-20 06 message_issue_da te Date CMMNo Map The creation date of the transaction. 20-Oct-20 06 paror_short_name String CMMNo Map The short name of the transaction’s entity. Acme USA paror_id String CMMNo Map The ID of the transaction’s entity. AcmeUS Entity attributes Counterparty attributes 358 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type Description Example payee_short_name String CMMNo Map The short name of the transaction’s counterparty. Smith Company payee_id String CMMNo Map The ID of the transaction’s counterparty. SmithCo cash_record_i d Integer CMMNo Map The CMM cash record ID for the transaction. 123456 customer_refe rence_id String CMMNo Map The customer’s unique ID for the transaction. 123456 number_of_rem ittance_detai ls Integer CMMNo Map The number of remittance details for the transaction. 50 Other attributes B.2.4 Remittance detail export attributes The following table presents common remittance detail export attributes supported by CMM: Data type Map type Description remittance_invoi ce_number String CMMNo Map The invoice number of the remittance detail. remittance_date String CMMNo Map The invoice date of the remittance detail. remittance_amoun t_payable String CMMNo Map The amount payable as stated on the invoice. remittance_amoun t_credit_note String CMMNo Map The amount of the credit note. remittance_amoun t_discounted String CMMNo Map The amount of discount. remittance_amoun t_remitted String CMMNo Map The amount actually paid (payable-credit-discount). remittance_curre ncy_code String CMMNo Map The ISO currency code of the remittance detail. Name Example Note: If you do not provide this attribute, CMM uses the parent transaction’s currency code instead. remittance_detai l_message_type String Spec map The message type of the remittance detail. Note: The value of this attribute is an internal code only and is not mapped to an external code. Therefore, use this attribute with care. remittance_retai l_reference_type _code String CMMNo Map WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide The reference type code of the remittance detail. 359 Data type Map type Description remittance_detai l_reference String CMMNo Map The reference of the remittance detail. remittance_detai l_id Integer CMMNo Map A unique, sequential, numeric ID assigned to the remittance detail. remittance_detai l_source_referen ce_id Integer CMMNo Map The cash record ID of the remittance detail’s transaction. remittance_detai l_group_id Integer CMMNo Map The group ID of the remittance detail. Name Example B.2.5 Bank statement export attributes The following table presents common bank statement export attributes supported by CMM: Name Data type Map type Description Example Basic attributes statement_stateme String nt_number The number of the bank statement. statement_start_d Date ate The starting date of the bank statement. statement_end_dat Date e The ending date of the bank statement. statement_is_inte Boolean rnal A flag that indicates whether the bank statement is internal. statement_is_clos Boolean able A flag that indicates whether the bank statement can be closed. statement_is_exte Boolean rnal_stmt_period A flag that indicates whether the bank statement is external (in other words, the bank statement’s period is External). statement_is_vali Boolean d_transaction A flag that indicates whether the bank statement is valid. Bank account attributes bankaccount_bank_ String sort_code The sort code of the bank account’s bank. bankaccount_numbe String r The bank account number of the bank account. bankaccount_type_ String id The type of the bank account. bankaccount_statu String s_code The status of the bank account. 360 Acceptable values: • Open • Closed • Ceased to exist • Incomplete. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type bankaccount_name String Map type Description The name of the bank account. bankaccount_addre String ss1 The first address line of the bank account. bankaccount_addre String ss2 The second address line of the bank account. bankaccount_addre String ss3 The third address line of the bank account. bankaccount_addre String ss4 The fourth address line of the bank account. bankaccount_city String Example The city of the bank account. bankaccount_state String The state or province of the bank account. bankaccount_count String ry_code The ISO country code of the bank account. bankaccount_posta String l_code The ZIP or postal code of the bank account. bankaccount_phone String _number The telephone number of the bank account. bankaccount_fax_n String umber The fax number of the bank account. bankaccount_email String The e-mail address of the bank account. bankaccount_curre String ncy_code The ISO currency code of the bank account. Entity attributes entity_swift_code The SWIFT code of the entity. entity_aba_code The ABA code of the entity. entity_party_stat us The status of the entity. entity_parent_par ty_id The ID of the entity’s parent. entity_short_name The short name of the entity. entity_long_name The long name of the entity. entity_address1 The first address line of the entity. entity_address2 The second address line of the entity. entity_address3 The third address line of the entity. entity_address4 The fourth address line of the entity. entity_city The city of the entity. entity_state The state or province of the entity. entity_country_co de The ISO country code of the entity. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 361 Name Data type Map type Description Example entity_region_id The region of the entity. entity_postal_cod e The postal code of the entity. entity_phone_numb er The telephone number of the entity. entity_fax_number The fax number of the entity. entity_email The e-mail address of the entity. entity_functional _currency_code The ISO currency code of the entity. entity_country_of _incorporation The country of incorporation of the entity. Bank attributes bank_swift_code The SWIFT code of the bank. bank_aba_code The ABA code of the bank. bank_party_status The status of the bank. bank_parent_party _id The ID of the bank’s parent. bank_short_name The short name of the bank. bank_long_name The long name of the bank. bank_address1 The first address line of the bank. bank_address2 The second address line of the bank. bank_address3 The third address line of the bank. bank_address4 The fourth address line of the bank. bank_city The city of the bank. bank_state The state or province of the bank. bank_country_code The ISO country code of the bank. bank_region_id The region of the bank. bank_postal_code The postal code of the bank. bank_phone_number The telephone number of the bank. bank_fax_number The fax number of the bank. bank_email The e-mail address of the bank. bank_functional_c urrency_code The ISO currency code of the bank. bank_country_of_i ncorporation The country of incorporation of the bank. Bank balance attributes balance_currency_ String code 362 CMM No Map The ISO currency code of the bank balance. USD © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type balance_actual_am Double ount Map type Description Example CMM No Map The actual value of the balance (in the currency defined in payment_currency). 5000.00 balance_fcast_amo Double unt balance_date Date The forecast value of the balance (in the currency defined in payment_currency). CMM No Map balance_posting_d Date ate The date of the bank balance. The posting date of the bank balance. balance_bank_acct String _name CMM Map The name of the bank balance’s bank account. balance_bank_acct String _number CMM Map The bank account number of the bank balance’s bank account. balance_external_ String balance_type CMM Map The external type of the bank balance. The transaction subtype of the bank balance. balance_txn_sub_t ype_id Bank transaction attributes txn_currency_code String txn_amount Double txn_fx_rate String txn_type_code String CMM No Map The ISO currency code of the bank transaction. USD CMM No Map The absolute value of the bank transaction (in the currency defined in currency_code). 5000.00 The foreign exchange rate of the bank transaction. CMM Map The type of the bank transaction. P Acceptable values: • P for payment • R for receipt. txn_bank_txn_stat String us_code The status of the bank transaction. txn_change_histor String y The change history of the bank transaction. txn_funds_type_co String de CMM Map The cash flow type of the bank transaction. COMMP Note: This must be a valid cash flow type ID. txn_external_txn_ String sub_type CMM Map The counterparty file code of the bank transaction. 1234 Note: This must be a valid counterparty file code. txn_txn_date Date CMM No Map The transaction date of the bank transaction. 20-Oct-2006 txn_value_date Date CMM No Map The value date of the bank transaction. 20-Oct-2006 WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 363 Name Data type Map type Description Example txn_description String CMM No Map A relevant description of or other information pertaining to the bank transaction. Invoice No. 9876 txn_bank_acct_num String ber CMM Map The bank account number of the bank transaction’s entity bank account. 12345678 txn_bank_acct_nam String e CMM Map The name of the bank transaction’s entity bank account AcmeUSBA txn_originating_b String ank_id CMM No Map The ID of the bank transaction’s entity bank. BankOfComm txn_cpty_bank_acc String ount_number CMM No Map The bank account number of the bank transaction’s counterparty bank account. 87654321 txn_customer_refe String rence_id CMM No Map The originating system’s unique ID for the bank transaction. 123456 Note: If you do not specify a value in this attribute, CMM cannot automatically reconcile the bank transaction. txn_customer_acco String unt_number The customer account number of the bank transaction. txn_customer_refe String rence_number The customer reference number of the bank transaction. txn_bank_referenc String e_number CMM No Map txn_bank_instruct String ions txn_cpty_message txn_file_type String txn_file_sub_type String txn_is_internal Integer 654321 Instructions to the bank transaction’s bank. String txn_cheque_number String The bank’s unique ID for the bank transaction. A message to the bank transaction’s counterparty. CMM No Map The check number of the bank transaction. 561866166 The file type of the bank transaction. The file subtype of the bank transaction. A flag that indicates whether the bank transaction is internal. Acceptable values: txn_reconciled_in Integer d • 0 for no • 1 for yes. A flag that indicates whether the bank transaction is reconciled. Acceptable values: • 0 for no • 1 for yes. txn_aggregate_ind Integer A flag that indicates whether the bank transaction is an aggregate. txn_statement_num String ber The number of the bank transaction’s bank statement. 364 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Name Data type Map type txn_statement_seq String uence_number Description Example The sequence number of the bank transaction’s bank statement. txn_financial_cas String h_flow_types CMM No Map Financial cash flow types coming from TRM Interest; Discount Premium; Issuer Fee txn_external_refe String rences CMM No Map TRM transaction numbers 3412;3413 B.2.6 Company general ledger export attributes The following table presents common company general ledger export attributes supported by CMM: Data type Map type Description Example accounting_period_n umber Integer CMM No Map The number of the transaction’s accounting period. 64691 bank_account_number String CMM No Map The bank account number of the transaction’s entity bank account. 643-63232 7 base_currency String CMM No Map The base ISO currency code of the transaction. USD base_currency_amoun t Double CMM No Map The value of the transaction (in the currency defined in base_currency). 4367.98 cpty_id String CMM No Map The ID of the transaction’s counterparty. SmithCo customer_reference_ id String CMM No Map The customer reference ID of the transaction. description String CMM No Map A description of the transaction. gl_account_code String CMM No Map The company general ledger account to which the transaction is mapped. T123 gl_group_id Integer CMM No Map The general ledger group ID of the transaction. 10 instrument_category String CMM No Map The instrument category of the transaction. instrument_type_cod e String CMM No Map The instrument type of the transaction. intercomapny_txn String CMM No Map A toggle indicating if the transaction is intercompany or not. Name WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 365 Name originating_system_ code Data type Map type Description String CMM No Map The originating system of the transaction. Example Acceptable values: • AP for AP imported transaction • AR for AR import imported transaction • DD for direct debit imported transaction • PMTPROC for payment processing (routing) created transaction • Manual for manually entered transaction • Man-OneOff for manually entered one-off counterparty transaction • Man-Template for template manually entered transaction. party_id String CMM No Map The ID of the transaction’s entity. set_of_books_name Strong CMM No Map The set of books of the transaction. AcmeUS Note: This is specified as additional attribute of the entity. source_reference_id Strong CMM No Map The original ID of the transaction. treasure_gl_id Integer CMM No Map The ID of the treasury general ledger entry. txn_amount Double CMM No Map The value of the transaction (in the currency defined in txn_currency). 4566.45 txn_currency String CMM No Map The ISO currency code of the transaction. USD txn_date Date CMM No Map The actual date of the transaction. 20-Oct-20 06 txn_direction double CMM No Map The direction of the transaction. C Acceptable values: value_date Date CMM No Map • C for credit • D for debit. The value date of the transaction. 20-Oct-20 06 B.2.7 Interchange export attributes The following table presents common interchange export attributes supported by CMM: Name Data type Map type Description String CMM No Map ID code published by the sender for other parties to use as the receiver ID. Example Basic attributes interchange_sende r_id 366 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Data type Map type Description sender_id_qualifi er_code String CMM No Map The system/method of the code structure used to designate the sender or receiver ID element being qualified. interchange_recip ient_id String CMM No Map ID code published by the receiver of data. recipient_id_qual ifier_code String CMM No Map The system/method of the code structure used to designate the sender or receiver ID element being qualified. functional_group_ sender_id String CMM No Map ID code published by the sender of the data at the group level. Name Example Note: This attribute is used in the X12 format. functional_group_ receiver_id String CMM No Map ID code published by the receiver of the data at the group level. Note: This attribute is used in the X12 format. Runtime-specific attributes import_export_id Integer CMM No Map A unique sequential ID assigned to every interface with CMM. Note: The value of this attribute is derived at runtime and provided by the controller. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 367 368 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Appendix C Handlers CMM includes several handlers that you can use in XML template-based formats. Handlers are tools that interact with your XML files and the application. They can retrieve or update data, and perform conditional handling or operations. They are created and maintained by Wall Street Systems as part of the CMM DefaultData folder. Handlers are meant to be as generic as possible so that they can support a number of functions rather than very specific conditions or processing requirements. Handlers cannot be moved outside the CMM DefaultData folder and cannot be changed by any organization outside of Wall Street Systems. This section lists the most common handlers supported by CMM. For documentation on all handlers supported by CMM, navigate to the following files under [CMM Server]/cmm/xml_handler_spec/handlers using your browser: add_to_buffer.html attribute_defined_element.html build_mail_message.html build_txn_groups.html charset.html component_transactions.html condition_test_element.html configure_attribute_container.html context_defined_element.html context_value_iterator.html create_node.html create_object.html create_tree.html echo.html find_parent_node.html find_root_node.html get_system_date.html if.html include.html increment_counter.html insert_chars.html iterate_db_result_set.html log_invalid_transaction.html WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 369 map_value.html mathFunction.html pad_handler.html parse_delimiter.html parse_fixed_width.html parse_range_width.html parse_xml_tree.html remittance_details_list.html remove_chars.html remove_context_variable.html replace_string.html reset_counter.html save_value_to_context.html send_mail_message.html set_context_variable.html set_node_attribute.html set_value.html sql_query_call.html static_data_element.html store_object.html substring.html traverse_tree.html truncate_handler.html txn_aggregation.html txn_groups_list.html txn_list.html use_attribute_container.html use_buffer_input.html use_node_attribute.html use_node_value.html use_output_device.html. Note: In the above URL, [CMM Server] is the location of your CMM server (for example, http://treasury.acme-co.com). 370 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.1 add_to_buffer This handler reads the data from the current input device and adds them to the buffer in a context with the supplied buffer name and value. If a value is not provided, the handler retrieves the value from the input device and adds it to the buffer in a context. C.1.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required buffer_name String The name of the buffer in a context. Yes value String The value of the data in a context. No Default value C.1.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example reads the data from the current input device and adds them to the buffer with current_node as the value of buffer_name and segment as the value of value. C.2 attribute_defined_element This handler translates and formats the attribute ID into the corresponding data value. C.2.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required value String The ID of the attribute. Yes format String The format pattern for the attribute. No datatype String The data type of the attribute. No start_index Integer The starting index of the attribute. No end_index Integer The ending index of the attribute. No currency_attribute String The currency code to format the attribute. No thousands_delimiter Char The delimiter for thousands. No decimal_delimiter Char The delimiter for decimals. No decimal_delimiter_req uired Boolean A boolean value that determines whether the decimal delimiter is required or not. No WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Default value false 371 Attribute Data type Description Required decimal_digits String No The number of decimal digits. Default value Note: implied indicates this value is derived based on the currency code. side String The side of the attribute to be manipulated. No PAD_LEFT Acceptable values: • PAD_LEFT • PAD_RIGHT. length Integer The maximum length of the attribute. No 0 pad_char Char A character that is used for padding. No blank escape_characters_cou nted Boolean A boolean value that determines whether the escape characters should be counted. No false splitter_group_length Integer The splitter group length. No splitter_delimiter String The splitter delimiter. No zero_decimals_elimina ted Boolean A boolean value that determines whether to eliminate the zero decimals. No false C.2.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example formats the value of customer_reference_id by padding a blank to the right if its length is less than 16 characters. C.3 build_mail_message Creates a mail message. Mail message is stored in the current context. C.3.1 Parameters See the example below. C.3.2 Examples Deal Position Report Completed Scheduled Deal Position report generation task has completed. See attached 372 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential report C.4 build_txn_groups This handler groups transactions based on grouping criteria. Note: You need to use the appropriate transaction attributes, such as payment and receipt attributes. C.4.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required grouping_id String The ID of the transaction grouping. No max_group_size Integer The maximum group size by which to split all the transaction lists into child lists. No Default value The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • group_by Grouping criteria. This child element contains the following attribute: Attribute Data type attribute_id String Description Required A grouping criterion on the transaction list. Yes Default value C.4.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example groups the transactions based on the entity bank account ID, the value date, and the currency code of the transaction. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 373 C.5 charset This handler forces CMM to transform data to the specified character set. C.5.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • valid A valid character in the character set. This child element is only required if other child elements are not specified. This child element contains the following attribute: • Attribute Data type char Char Description Required A character being specified as a valid character in the set. Yes Default value mapped A mapping of one character to another. This child element is only required if other child elements are not specified. This child element contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type from to Description Required Char A character being mapped to another character. Yes Char A character being mapped to another character. Yes Default value default A default character in the character set. This child element is only required if other child elements are not specified. This child element contains the following attribute: Attribute Data type value Char Description Required A character being defined as a default character. Yes Default value C.5.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: º 374 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.6 component_transactions This handler iterates through the component transactions of the current transaction (assuming the current transaction is an aggregate transaction). C.6.1 Parameters This handler does not have parameters. C.6.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example populates the component transaction information if the current transaction is an aggregate. C.7 condition_test_element This handler allows you to test a condition on the attribute value. C.7.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required condition_type String The type of the condition test. Yes Default value The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • attribute_id The ID of the attribute. This child element can be specified more than once. This child element contains the following attribute: • Attribute Data type Description Required value String the ID of the attribute. Yes Default value parameter The value of the parameter. This child element can be specified more than once and is required when list_parameter is not available. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 375 This child element contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type Description Required id String The ID of the parameter. Yes value String The value of the parameter. Yes Default value list_parameter The list of parameters. This child element can be specified more than once and is required when parameter is not available. This child element contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type Description Required id String The ID of the parameter. Yes list_item.value Element The value of the list_item element of the parameter. Yes Default value result_handler The status code of the result handler. This element can be specified more than once. This child element contains the following attribute: Attribute Data type status_code String Description Required The status code of the result handler. Yes Default value C.7.2 Component handlers The following are this handler’s component handlers that are specified as child elements: • string_length_validation A component handler that allows you to validate the length of a string. Possible status codes: 376 – WITHIN_BOUNDS – LESS_THAN_MIN – GREATER_THAN_MAX – INVALID_TEST_PARAMETERS – VALUE_IS_NULL. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This component handler contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type attribute_id Description Required String The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes min_length Integer The minimum length of the string that is specified in a parameter element. Yes max_length Integer The maximum length of the string that is specified in a parameter element. Yes Default value equals A component handler that allows you to test the equality of two values. Possible status codes: – EQUAL – NOT_EQUAL. This component handler contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type attribute_id static_string Description Required String The first value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes String The second value taken from the first element of parameter or list_parameter if available; otherwise, the second element of the attribute element. Yes Default value exists A component handler that allows you to test whether the value does exist or not. Possible status codes: – EXISTS – DOES_NOT_EXIST. This component handler contains the following attribute: • Attribute Data type attribute_id String Description Required The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes Default value attribute_value_in_domain WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 377 A component handler that allows you to test whether the value does exist in the given domain. Possible status codes: – NO_DOMAIN_DEFINED – NO_VALUE_DEFINED – VALUE_IN_DOMAIN – VALUE_NOT_IN_DOMAIN. This component handler contains the following attribute: • Attribute Data type attribute_id domain Description Required String The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes Element The domain values specified in the list_item child elements being taken from the list_parameter element if available. Yes Default value string_length_in_domain A component handler that allows you to test whether the length of the value does exist in the given domain. Possible status codes: – NO_DOMAIN_DEFINED – NO_VALUE_DEFINED – VALUE_IN_DOMAIN – VALUE_NOT_IN_DOMAIN. This component handler contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type attribute_id domain Description Required String The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes Element The domain values specified in the list_item child elements being taken from the list_parameter element if available. Yes Default value number_range A component handler that allows you to test whether the numeric value is in the certain range. Possible status codes: 378 – WITHIN_BOUNDS – VALUE_IS_NULL – INVALID_TEST_PARAMETERS – LESS_THAN_MIN – GREATER_THAN_MAX. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This component handler contains the following attribute: • Attribute Data type attribute_id Description Required String The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes minimum Integer The minimum number that is specified in a parameter element. Yes maximum Integer The maximum number that is specified in a parameter element. Yes Default value is_numeric_validation A component handler that allows you to test whether the value is a number. Possible status codes: – VALUE_IS_NULL – IS_NUMERIC – IS_NOT_NUMERIC. This component handler contains the following attribute: • Attribute Data type attribute_id String Description Required The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes Default value number_length_validation A component handler that allows you to validate the length of the value. Possible status code: – WITHIN_BOUNDS – LESS_THAN_MIN – GREATER_THAN_MAX – INVALID_TEST_PARAMETERS – VALUE_IS_NULL. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 379 This component handler contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type attribute_id Description Required String The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes min_length Integer The minimum length of the string that is specified in a parameter element. Yes max_length Integer The maximum length of the string that is specified in a parameter element. Yes Default value regex A component handler that allows you to evaluate the value based on the given regular expression. This is a very powerful handler that you do almost any validations with the appropriate regular expression. Possible status codes: – INVALID_PATTERN – VALUE_IS_NULL – MATCHES – DOES_NOT_MATCH. This component handler contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type attribute_id attribute_id Description Required String The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes String The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes Default value switch A component handler that allows you to test whether the value is met the specified condition before switching to that block. Possible status code: Anything that you are expected from the attribute value. This component handler contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type attribute_id String Description Required The value taken from the first element of attribute_id in the input attribute list. Yes Default value C.7.3 Examples The following is an example application of this handler that uses the string_length_validation component handler: 380 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Note: An example using the number_length_validation component handler would be similar in structure. The following is an example application of this handler that uses the equals component handler: The following is an example application of this handler that uses the exists component handler: The following is an example application of this handler that uses the attribute_value_in_domain component handler: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 381 º The following is an example application of this handler that uses the string_length_in_domain component handler: The following is an example application of this handler that uses the number_range component handler. The following is an example application of this handler that uses the is_numeric_validation component handler: The following is an example application of this handler that uses the regex handler: 382 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential The following is an example application of this handler that uses the switch handler. C.8 configure_attribute_container This handler configures an attribute container in a context by setting the container ID, the attribute definition provider context ID, and the context ID. C.8.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required container_id String The ID of the container in a context. No adp_context_id String The attribute definition provider ID in a context. No context_id String The ID of a context. Yes filter_null_value s Boolean A boolean value that determines whether the container should filter null values when setting values. No Default value true C.8.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example configures an attribute container in a context with bank_balance as the value of context_id. C.9 context_defined_element This handler translates and formats the attribute ID to the corresponding data value. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 383 C.9.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required value String The ID of the attribute. Yes format String The format pattern for the attribute. No datatype String The data type of the attribute. No start_index Integer The starting index of the attribute. No end_index Integer The ending index of the attribute. No currency_attribute String The currency code to format the attribute. No thousands_delimiter Char The delimiter for thousands. No decimal_delimiter Char The delimiter for decimals. No decimal_delimiter_req uired Boolean A boolean value that determines whether the decimal delimiter is required. No decimal_digits String The number of decimal digits. No Default value false Note: implied indicates this value is derived based on the currency code. side String The side on which the attribute should be manipulated. No PAD_LEFT Acceptable values: • PAD_LEFT • PAD_RIGHT. length Integer The maximum length of the attribute. No 0 pad_char Char A character that is used for padding. No blank escape_characters_cou nted Boolean A boolean that determines whether the escape characters should be counted. No false splitter_group_length Integer The splitter group length. No splitter_delimiter String The splitter delimiter. No zero_decimals_elimina ted Boolean A boolean value that determines whether to eliminate the zero decimals. No false C.9.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example formats the value of customer_reference_id by padding a blank to the right if its length is less than 16 characters. 384 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.10 context_value_iterator This handler stores the next value from the supplied iterator in the context with the supplied key and a list ID if one exists. C.10.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required key String The value of the key in a context. Yes list_id String The ID of the list in a context. No value String The value of the value in a context. No Default value C.10.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example iterates the list in a context with attribute_name as the value of key and set values in the context. C.11 create_node This handler creates a node in a tree, or a child node under a parent node, with a node name. C.11.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required node_name String The name of the node in a tree. Yes Default value C.11.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example creates a node in a tree with segment as node_name. C.12 create_object This handler creates an object with a context ID and type. Usually, it is used before the store_object handler. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 385 C.12.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required context_id String The ID of the object in the context. Yes type String The type of the object. Yes Default value Note: file_attribute, bankbalance, banktxn, and bankmessage imply the file attribute, bank balance, bank transaction, and bank message objects respectively. C.12.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example creates an object with file_attribute as the value of type and file_level_ob as the value of context_id. C.13 create_tree This handler creates a tree with a node name and tree ID. C.13.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required node_name String The name of the node in a tree. Yes tree_id String The ID of the tree. Yes Default value C.13.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example creates a tree with bai_tree as the value of tree_id and file as the value of node_name. C.14 echo This handler logs a message to either the standard output or the log file. This handler is very useful for debugging XML-template-based formats. 386 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.14.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Default value Attribute Data type Description Required message String The message to be logged. Yes verbose Boolean The verbose mode for the message logging. No false No false No false No false No false Note: The output logs can be found in …\CmmVirtualDirectory\logs\auros under the user message log file. terse Boolean The terse mode for the message logging. Note: The output logs can be found in …\CmmVirtualDirectory\logs\auros under the user message log file. warning Boolean The warning mode for the message logging. Note: The output logs can be found in …\CmmVirtualDirectory\logs\auros under the user message log file. error Boolean The error mode for the message logging. Note: The output logs can be found in …\CmmVirtualDirectory\logs\auros under the user message log file. systemout Boolean The systemout mode for the message logging. Note: The output logs can be found in …\CmmRuntime\var\jvm_stdout.yyyy_MM_d d_hh_mm_ss.log. C.14.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example echoes the value of payee_long_name to the standard output before performing the condition test. C.15 find_parent_node This handler finds a parent node in a tree with a parent node name. Usually, it is used in conjunction with the create_node handler. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 387 C.15.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required parent_node_na me String Yes The name of a parent node in a tree. Default value C.15.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: º This example finds the parent node in a tree with file as the value of parent_node_name and creates a node with segment as the value of node_name so that the segment node becomes the child node of the file node. C.16 find_root_node This handler finds the root node in a tree. Usually, it is used before a tree is traversed. C.16.1 Parameters This handler does not have parameters. C.16.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: º This example finds the root node in a tree. C.17 get_system_date This handler retrieves the system date in a specified format. C.17.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required variable_name String The name of the context variable. Yes 388 Default value © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Data type Description Required format String The format pattern of the system date. No Default value Note: See the Sun website for instructions on how to specify this format pattern. C.17.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example gets the system date in the format pattern dd-MMM-yyyy storing it in the my_formatted_date context variable. C.18 if This handler tests a condition before executing a block of scripts if the condition is satisfied. C.18.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type condition String Description Required Default Value The value being evaluated against the value. Yes [1] Note: If the condition holds a boolean value, the value can be omitted. value String The value being evaluated against the value of the condition. No is_defined String The identifier of the attribute. Yes [2] Note: Use operator="notequals" to negate the condition. operator String The operator for the condition test. No equals Acceptable values: • equals • notequals • lessthan • greaterthan. Table notes: 1. Only if is_defined is not available. 2. Only if condition is not available. C.18.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 389 This example truncate cheque_number to a maximum of 30 characters (if cheque_number is defined). The following is another example application of this handler: º or º This example populates the payment message if and only if the payment is a valid transaction. C.19 include This handler references other scripts within a script. Note: Do not use this handler to reference scripts with child nodes. C.19.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data Type Description Required target_node String The ID of the target node. No filename String The absolute path of the referenced script. Yes [1] filename_attri bute_id String The ID of the priority_filen ame_list String The absolute path of the script to invoke as a last resort. Default Value Yes [2] filename attribute. No Note: This is very useful for the export framework when dealing with a variety of country specifications. The filename attribute can specify the path to the country specification and the priority_filename_list attribute can specify the path to the generic specification in case the country specification does not exist. Table notes: 1. Only if the filename_attribute_id attribute is not available. 2. Only if the filename attribute is not available. 390 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.19.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example includes the script in the specified path of filename. The following is another example application of this handler: This example includes the TransactionSetFormat.xml script if the path of filename exists; otherwise, it loads the script from the path of priority_filename_list. C.20 increment_counter This handler increments the counter variable by one. C.20.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required counter_id String The ID of the counter variable. Yes Default value C.20.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example increments the counter variable, num_of_payments, by 1. C.21 insert_chars This handler inserts special characters in the attribute value. Warning: The modified value is stored in the result_attribute_id if it is provided; otherwise, the modified value replaces the original value. C.21.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required attribute_id String The ID of the attribute. Yes result_attribute_id String The ID of the result attribute. No WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide Default value 391 Attribute Data type Description Required insert_indexes Integer A list of indexes where the special string is inserted. No Default value Note: Each index is separated by a comma. String insert_string The special string to be inserted into the attribute value. No C.21.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example inserts the special string, test, at the specified indexes of the value of the my_var attribute and stores the modified value to my_var. The special string is only inserted if the index is less than the length of the attribute value. The following is another example application of this handler: This example inserts the special string, test, at the specified indexes of the value of the my_var attribute and stores the modified value to his_var. The special string is only inserted if the index is less than the length of the attribute value. C.22 iterate_db_result_set This handler iterates the SQL query result set and stores the field value of every row to the context keyed by the column name. The action handler specified performs actions on those context variables (individual field values). This handler must be used in conjunction with the sql_query_call handler. C.22.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required result_set_i d String Yes The context variable name for the result set stored in context when the sql_query_call handler is called. Default value C.22.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: 392 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This example iterates the result set of a select query and prints out each individual field value. This example expect to return two rows and two columns; you should see four values printed out. C.23 jython_script This handler allows you to call Python scripts from within XML handler scripts. C.23.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Data type Description Required script_locati on String The file location of the Python script. No script_name String Attribute Default value If you do not provide this parameter, the default location is …\InstallationData\installation\scripts\. The file name of the Python script. No C.23.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: C.24 log_invalid_transaction This handler asserts the error message to the user whenever the transaction fails on the validations. For the release process, this error message can be viewed from the release screen. C.24.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required attribute_id String The ID of the attribute. No user_message String The error message to be displayed to the user. No Default value C.24.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 393 This example asserts the error message to the user when the payor bank account number does not match the expected length of 10 numeric characters. The following is another example application of this handler: This example produces the same results as the one above. However, the log_invalid_payment handler is deprecated. Use the log_invalid_transaction handler instead. C.25 map_value This handler maps the values from the context to the attribute container if the source ID is provided; otherwise, the value read from the input device is mapped. If the target ID cannot be found, the default value is used. C.25.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required source_id String The ID of the source in a context or in the input stream. Yes target_id String The ID of the target in a context or in the input stream. Yes default_value String The default value for the mapping. No Default value The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • map • mapping This child element contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required source_value String The value of the source from a context or the input stream. Yes target_value String The value of the target from a context or the input stream. Yes Default value C.25.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: 394 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This example map the values with report_id as the value of source_id in a context or in the input device, file_type as the value of target_id in a context or in the input device, and P as the value of default_value. C.26 mathFunction This handler creates a new attribute that holds a given math function value of a given attribute. C.26.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required new_attribute_id String The ID of the new attribute that holds a given math function value of a given attribute. Yes attribute_id String The ID of the attribute. Yes function String The ID of the math function. Yes Default value C.26.2 Examples Suppose the payment_amount value is 99.99: The new_payment_amount value is 99.00. The new_payment_amount value is 99.00. The new_payment_amount value is 100.00. The new_payment_amount value is 99.00. The new_payment_amount value is 100.00. C.27 pad_handler This handler allows you to manipulate an attribute by padding the characters to the left or the right of its value. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 395 Warning: The padded value is stored in the result_attribute_id if it is provided; otherwise, the padded value replaces the original value. C.27.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required attribute_id String The ID of the source attribute. Yes result_attribute_ id String The ID of the result attribute. No length Integer The specified length of the attribute value. Yes side String The side on which the attribute value should be padded. No Default Value PAD_LEFT Acceptable values: pad_char Char • PAD_LEFT • PAD_RIGHT. A character that is padded to the attribute value if the length of the attribute value is less than the specified length. No C.27.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example formats the value of customer_reference_id by padding a blank to the right if its length is less than 16 characters and stores the padded value to the customer_reference_id attribute. The following is another example application of this handler: This example formats the value of customer_reference_id by padding a blank to the right if its length is less than 16 characters and stores the padded value to the cus_ref_id attribute. C.28 parse_delimiter This handler parses the data from the input device when the node pattern is encountered. The parsed data can be stored in a tree or in context for subsequent processes. If the string of the pattern is empty, the default string of the pattern is used except for those used above. C.28.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • 396 pattern © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This child element contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required string String The value of the pattern in a tree. Yes Default value C.28.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: In this example: • The first pattern is encountered in the input device and its value is a string / (slash carriage return and line feed), so the context variable is set with is_start_of_segment as variable_name and true as value. • The second pattern is encountered and its value is a string / (slash carriage return), and the context variable is also set with is_start_of_segment as variable_name and true as value. • The third pattern is encountered and its value is a string ",", the handler finds the parent node segment and creates a child node element under it. • The fourth pattern is encountered and its value is a string "" (an empty string) meaning that except for the above patterns, the default pattern is an empty string, so the handler first checks that if a variable is_start_of_segment is defined or not then tries to find the parent node file and creates a child node segment under it, set the node attribute with the variable_name value and ends the parse_delimiter. C.29 parse_fixed_width This handler parses the data from the input device when the attribute width is encountered. The parsed data can be stored in a tree or context for subsequent processes. If the width and length are both defined, the handler verifies the length of the data to decide if the parsing continues. If the width is defined but the length is not defined, the parsing continues anyways. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 397 C.29.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • width This child element contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required length String The value of the width of the data in the input device. No Default value C.29.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: In this example, the node width is encountered in the input device and the value of length is 2, and the value 12 is verified in the input stream of the context with that in the tree. The following is another example application of this handler: In this example, the node width is encountered in the input device and no value of the length specified, and the value bank_reference is verified in the input stream of the context with that in the tree. C.30 parse_range_width This handler parses data from the input stream based on the width range and data type defined. The actual data parsed is within the range defined but has to match the data type defined. This is useful in parsing SWIFT files, which have range fields and specific data types defined. C.30.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • width This child element contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required Default value min integer The minimum width of the data to be read. No 1 max integer The maximum width of the data to be read. No Maximum Integer 398 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Attribute Data type Description Required type String The characters type of the data to be read. Yes Default value Acceptable values: • alpha • numeric • alpha_numeric • decimal • fixed_values • any. mandatory boolean A boolean value that determines if this field is mandatory or optional. No valid_values String The valid values. Yes [1] true Table notes: 1. Only if the type attribute is set to fixed_values. C.30.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: C.31 parse_xml_tree This handler parses an XML file and stores the DOM tree parsed to the context for subsequent tree traversing. If the schema file is provided, the XML file is first validated by the schema; otherwise, only the DOM tree is generated. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 399 C.31.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required schema_file String The relative path of the XSD schema file to be used to validate the XML stream. No tree_id String An ID to be used to track the tree in the context. No Default value dom_tree_id C.31.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: In this example: • The first element validates the XML file with the schema specified, parses the XML file into a DOM tree, and store the DOM tree into the context with a tree ID of my_tree. • The second element traverse the tree stored in context and maps the node attributes and values to the corresponding business objects subsequently based on the mapping logic defined in the demo_traverse_dom_tree.xml file. C.32 remittance_details_list This handler iterates through the remittance details list for the population of a payment message. C.32.1 Parameters This handler does not have parameters. C.32.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: º This example populates the remittance details for the payment message. C.33 remove_chars This handler removes special characters from an attribute’s value. Warning: 400 The modified value is stored in result_attribute_id if it is provided; otherwise, the modified value replaces the original value. © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.33.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required attribute_id String The ID of the attribute. Yes result_attribute_id String The ID of the result attribute. No remove_chars String Special characters to be removed from the attribute value. No Default value C.33.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example removes the hyphen from the value of the my_var attribute and stores the modified value in the my_var attribute. The following is an example application of this handler: This example removes the hyphen from the value of the my_var attribute and stores the modified value in the his_var attribute. C.34 remove_context_variable This handler allows you to remove previously declared context variables. C.34.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required variable_name String The name of the context variable. Yes remove_all Boolean A boolean value that determines whether all the context variables should be removed. No Default value C.34.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example removes the context variable with the name is_uk_domestic. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 401 C.35 replace_string This handler allows you to replace all occurrences of an old string component with a new string component for an attribute value. Warning: The modified value is stored in the result_attribute_id if it is provided; otherwise, the modified value replaces the original value. C.35.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required attribute_id String The ID of the source attribute. Yes result_attribute_id String The ID of the result attribute. No old_string String The string component to be replaced. Yes new_string String The string to replace all occurrence of old_string. Yes Default value C.35.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example replaces all occurrences of abc in the my_var variable with xyz and stores the modified value to the my_var attribute. The following is an example application of this handler: This example replaces all occurrences of , in the my_var variable with . and stores the modified value to the his_var attribute. C.36 reset_counter This handler resets the counter variable to its original value (0). C.36.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required counter_id String The ID of the counter variable. Yes Default value C.36.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: 402 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This example resets the num_of_payments counter variable to 0. C.37 save_value_to_context This handler attempts to retrieve the value from the current node with the node attribute if it is provided. If there is no value found, the handler then attempts to retrieve it from the current input device and saves it to the context with a key. The context variable can be treated as a list; in this case, a list is stored in the context with the supplied key and the value from the input device is appended to the list. Usually, this handler is used in conjunction with the use_node_attribute handler. C.37.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required key String The value of the key in a context. Yes node_attribute String The value of the attribute of the current node. No is_list boolean A boolean value that determines whether it is set in a context. No Default value C.37.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example retrieves a value with the attribute name FileID, which is the attribute ID of the use_node_attribute handler in the current node, and saves it to the context with fileid as the value of the key. The following is an example application of this handler: This example saves the value to the context with value as the value of node_attribute and message_reference_id as the value of key. C.38 send_mail_message Send a mail message thats been built and stored in the user context. Mail is sent to the SMTP server configured through Configuration Parameters (on page 2 of the interface). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 403 C.38.1 Parameters See the example below. C.38.2 Examples
C.39 set_context_variable This handler declares a variable within the context. Once declared, it can be referenced afterwards. It is strongly recommended to remove the context variable when it is not used. C.39.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required variable_name String The name of the context variable. Yes value String The value of the context variable. Yes datatype String The data type of the context variable. No Default value Acceptable values: format String • string • date • double • integer. The format pattern of the context variable. No C.39.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: 404 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This example declares a context variable, is_uk_domestic, whose value is T if the payor bank country code is in the United Kingdom or F if it is not. C.40 set_node_attribute This handler sets an attribute in the current node in a tree with an attribute name when the append attribute exists and is true and when there is a value attribute provided set the value with it. If the value is not provided, this handler sets the value by getting it from the current input device. C.40.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required attribute_name String The name of the attribute on the current node in a tree. Yes append boolean A boolean value that determines if the value of the attribute needs to be appended. No value String The value of the value on the current node in a tree. No Default value C.40.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 405 This example supports three scenarios: • The attribute is set to the current node in a tree with an attribute_name and value. • The attribute is set to the current node in a tree with an attribute_name and value when append is true • The attribute is set to the current node in a tree with only an attribute_name provided. C.41 set_value This handler sets the value of the current object with a value if it is provided; otherwise, this handler retrieves the value form the current input device and sets it into the current object with a value ID, data type, and format if the value and format exist. If the value is specified and the data type is not specified, the data type is defaulted to string. C.41.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required value_id String The attribute ID of the current object. Yes Default value Note: This must be a valid attribute ID of the current object. value String The value to be set to the attribute ID of the current object. No datatype String The data type of the value to be set to the attribute IDof the current object. No String Valid data types are: • integer • double • date • boolean. Note: If the data type value is specified, it has to match the data type required by the attribute ID.Mismatching will cause runtime exceptions. If the data type value is not specified, String will be the default data type. format String The format of the value to be set to the current object. No If the value of the datatype attribute is date, the value you provide for this attribute must conform to the Java simple date format pattern (see the Sun website). C.41.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: 406 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This example supports four scenarios: • Set the value into the object with a value_id and value. • Set the value into the object with a value_id, value, and datatype. • Set the value into the object with only a value_id. • Set the value into the object with a value_id, value, datatype, and format. C.42 sql_query_call This handler calls a stored procedure or SQL query statement and stores the query result set in the context as a context variable for other handlers to process. The nesting parameter is only required if the call is a stored procedure call. C.42.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type db_config_name String Description Required Default value The database configuration file name without .xml. This file should be stored in No config \InstallationData\in stallation\database and should be based on config.xml in the same directory. stored_procedure_name String The stored procedure name of the underlying database. Yes, but only if the SQL call is a stored procedure call. query String The complete SQL query statement to query the underlying database. Yes, but only if the SQL call is a query call. result_set_id String The context variable name for the result set returned from the query or stored procedure. No Wallstreet recommends you specify this only if you expect to return multiple rows and you want to process all the rows. The individual field value of the first row is always stored in the context keyed by the column name regardless of the resut_set_id attribute, which is for multiple rows. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 407 The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • stored_procedure_name If this is provided, you have to specify the stored procedure parameters in the nested parameter elements in the order of appearance in the stored procedure call. This child element contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required name String The parameter name. Yes value String The parameter value. Yes data_type String The parameter data type. No Default value string Acceptable values: param_type String • integer • double • date • string. The parameter type that indicates whether the parameter is an input, output, or return parameter. Yes Acceptable values: • input • output • return. return must appear in the first parameter element. C.42.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example calls the select query to query the TRM database and stores the result set into context. The following is another example application of this handler: This examples calls the select query to query the TRM database and stores the result set into context. 408 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.43 static_data_element This handler writes static text in the value attribute to the output stream. For the release process, static text is written to the bank file. C.43.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required value String The static data element. Yes Default value C.43.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example write the value UNZ to the output stream. C.44 store_object This handler stores an object in a data container in a context with a context ID. C.44.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required context_id String The ID of the object in a context. Yes remove_after_s tore boolean A boolean value that determines if the object is removed from the context after store. No Default value true (To avoid duplicated object storing) C.44.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example store an object into a data container in a context with bank_balance as the value of context_id. C.45 substring This handler creates a new attribute that holds a substring of a given attribute. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 409 C.45.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required Default value substring_attribute_i d String The ID of the substring of the given attribute. No attribute_id String The ID of the attribute. Yes start_index Integer The starting index of the attribute. No 1 end_index Integer The ending index of the attribute. No length of value C.45.2 Examples Suppose payor_bank_account_number value is 123456789: The payor_bank_account_number_x1 value is 1. The payor_bank_account_number_x2 value is 2. The payor_bank_account_number_x13 value is 123. The payor_bank_account_number_x49 value is 456789. The payor_bank_account_number_x value is 123456789. C.46 traverse_tree This handler traverses a tree to map values and store data in objects when a node is encountered. If the value of the domain_match attribute is true, the handler attempts to match the element defined in a tree with the one defined here at any position of the sequence; otherwise, the handler attempts to match the element defined in a tree with the one defined here at the exact position of the sequence. If the value of the repeating attribute is true, the handler repeats the action when the element defined in a tree matches the one defined here; otherwise, it does not repeat the action. If there is an attribute with a name and value under a node with a name, the handler attempts to match the attribute name and value in a tree with the one defined here and takes action. C.46.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • 410 node © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential This child element contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type name Description Required String The name of the node in a tree. Yes domain_match boolean A boolean value that determines if the elements in a tree match those defined here. No repeating boolean A boolean value that determines if the action needs to be repeated when the elements in a tree match the ones defined here. No Default value attribute This child element contains the following attributes: • Attribute Data type name value Description Required String The name of the attribute of the node in a tree. Yes String The value of the attribute of the node in a tree. Yes Default value action C.46.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example traverses a tree. When the first node file is encountered with the value of domain_match set to true, the traverse_tree handler tries to match the element in the tree with the one defined here and takes the set_context_variable action with is_file_attribute_stored as the value of variable_name and false as the value of value. When the second node segment is WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 411 encountered, the handler tries to match the element with value as the attribute name and 01 as the value of the attribute value in the tree with the one defined here and takes the create_object action with file_attribute as the type of the object and file_level_ob as the value of context_id. When the third node element is encountered with the value of repeating set to true, the handler tries to match the element in the tree with the one defined here and takes the include action with interfaces.imports.demo.bai.fileheadermapping.xml as the value of filename. C.47 truncate_handler This handler updates the attribute by truncating its value either to the left or the right. Warning: The modified value will be stored in the result_attribute_id if it is provided; otherwise, the modified value will replace the original value. C.47.1 Parameters The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as attributes: Attribute Data Type Description Required attribute_id String The ID of the attribute. Yes result_attribute_id String The ID of the result attribute. No length Integer The specified length of the attribute value. Yes side String The side on which the attribute value should be kept. No Default Value KEEP_LEFT Acceptable values: • KEEP_LEFT • KEEP_RIGHT. C.47.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example formats the value of customer_reference_id by truncating the right if its length exceeds 16 characters and stores the truncated value to the customer_reference_id attribute. The following is another example application of this handler: This example formats the value of customer_reference_id by truncating the right if its length exceeds 16 characters and stores the truncated value to the cus_ref_id attribute. 412 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.48 txn_aggregation This handler groups transactions based on the given criteria defined in the aggregation_key child element. C.48.1 Parameters The following table presents this handler’s parameters specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required Default value type String The ID of the transaction aggregation. Yes assign_default_attri butes Boolean A boolean value that determines whether to assign the default attributes. No true max_size Integer A number that determines whether to assign the default attributes. No 0 (All in a single list) The following are this handler’s parameters that are specified as child elements: • aggregation_key A component handler that allows you to group the transactions based on the given transaction criteria. • attribute The transaction attribute to be grouped with. This child element contains the following attribute: Attribute Data type Description Required id String The ID of the attribute. Yes Default value Note: Refer to the appropriate transaction attribute documentation for this value. • attribute The transaction attribute to be grouped with. This child element contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required id String The ID of the attribute. Yes Default value Note: Refer to the appropriate transaction attribute documentation for this value. • accumulate_attributes WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 413 A component handler that accumulates the transaction attributes together. • attribute Optional. The transaction attribute to be grouped with. This child element contains the following attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required id String The ID of the attribute. Yes operation String The type of operation to be performed on the specified attributes. Yes Default value Acceptable values: • append • sum • assign. delimeter Char A delimiter to be used in the concatenation of the transaction attributes. Yes [1] max_length Integer The maximum length of the output string. Yes [1] Table notes: 1. Only if the operation attribute is set to append. C.48.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example presents a sample payment aggregator for payments coming from the same accounts payable batch. This could also be used for other transaction types like direct debits and letters of credit. C.49 txn_groups_list This handler iterates through transactions that have been grouped by the build_txn_groups handler. 414 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.49.1 Parameters The following table presents this handler’s parameters specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required grouping_id String The ID of the transaction grouping. No Default value C.49.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example iterates through the groups of transaction lists for the population of the direct debit export message. C.50 txn_list This handler iterates through a list of transactions for the population of the transaction message. Note: You need to use the appropriate transaction attributes, such as payment and receipt attributes. C.50.1 Parameters This handler does not have parameters. C.50.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: º This example iterates through the transaction list to populate the export message. The following is another example application of this handler: This example presents another way to populate the direct debits message. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 415 C.51 use_attribute_container This handler uses an attribute container with a container_id to set values in the objects in the container or store some objects in the container. C.51.1 Parameters The following table presents this handler’s parameters specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required container_id String The ID of the container. Yes Default value C.51.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: º This example uses the attribute container with BankBalanceContainer as the value of container_id to set values in the objects in the container or store some objects in the container. C.52 use_buffer_input This handler uses data in the buffer in the current input device with a buffer_name to set the data and put it in the input device. C.52.1 Parameters The following table presents this handler’s parameters specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required buffer_name String The name of the buffer. Yes Default value C.52.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example uses the data with the buffer_name current_node in the buffer in the current input device to set the attribute of the node with value as attribute_name in the input device. 416 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C.53 use_node_attribute This handler uses the value of the attribute_id of the current node in a tree as the attribute name to set or save values. C.53.1 Parameters The following table presents this handler’s parameters specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required attribute_id String The ID of the attribute for a node in a tree. Yes Default value C.53.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example retrieves the value with the attribute name FileID, which is the attribute ID of the use_node_attribute handler in the current node, and saves it to the context with fileid as the value of key. The following is an example application of this handler: This example retrieves the value with the attribute name value, which is the attribute ID of the use_node_attribute handler in the current node, and sets it to the context with actual_amount as the value of value_id and double as the value of datatype. C.54 use_node_value This handler uses the node value of the current node in a tree as the source value for subsequent processes. C.54.1 Parameters This handler does not have parameters. C.54.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example retrieves the value from the current node and saves it to the context with fileid as the variable name. The following is another example application of this handler: WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 417 This example retrieves the value from the current node and sets it to the current object with actual_amount as value_id and double as datatype. C.55 use_output_device This handler uses an output device, such as a file or a database, with a device_id to do something like storing objects in the output device. C.55.1 Parameters The following table presents this handler’s parameters specified as attributes: Attribute Data type Description Required device_id String The ID of the device for output. Yes Default value C.55.2 Examples The following is an example application of this handler: This example uses the output device with BankBalanceOutput as the value of the device_id here to store an object with bb as the value of context_id into the output device. 418 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential Appendix D SSL certificate generation and configuration E-business relies on the exchange of information between business partners over a network. As information travels from the source to the destination, there is a risk of it being stolen or modified. In web services transactions using SOAP, information is passed between the service invoker and service provider as plain XML. Therefore, any person who intercepts the messages can read the information exchanged. CMM has implemented its own web services security model to secure web services applications using secure socket layer (SSL) over HTTPS. SSL allows web browsers and web servers to communicate over a secured connection. Therefore, the information being sent is encrypted by one side, transmitted, and then decrypted by the other side before processing. This is a two-way process, meaning that both the server and the browser encrypt all traffic before sending information. Such secured authentication guarantees that the service is accessible for anyone with a verified identity. The remainder of this appendix provide the guidelines for setting up web services security in CMM for both internal and external types. Specifically, the remainder of this appendix documents the steps required to set up a new secure website for listening to incoming requests over HTTPS and to generate SSL certificates. Note: This appendix uses OpenSSL to generate the internal SSL certificates and even the external certificates. However, you can use other tools that work for your organization. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 419 D.1 Assumptions This appendix assumes the following: • Your organization has successfully installed CMM. • Your organization has successfully installed the following software: Category Operating system Web server CMM application server CMM database server SSL-KeyTool • Requirement • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 • Microsoft IIS 5.0 • Microsoft IIS 6.0 • Apache Tomcat 5.x • BEA WebLogic 9.2 • Apache Tomcat 5.x • Oracle • Microsoft SQL Server • Version 2.4 or later (provided by Wallstreet) To generate SSL certificates in an operating system other than Windows, OpenSSL is installed and accessible from the command line. Usually, OpenSSL is automatically included with Linux. D.2 Generating SSL certificates To establish a trusted network among business partners or within the entities of an organization, the certificates being exchanged must be signed by the same trusted certificate authority (CA). D.2.1 Generating SSL certificates To generate SSL certificates: 1. Obtain the latest version of SSL-KeyTool from Wallstreet. 2. Extract SSL-KeyTool to a temporary folder (for example, c:\temp\SSL-KeyTool\). 3. Navigate to the temporary folder you created in step 2. 4. Open the build.properties file in a text editor. 5. Locate the following section: global.country=CA global.state=Alberta global.location=Calgary global.organization=Trema Laboratories Inc. global.organization.unit= global.emailaddress= global.common.name=wsdemo.corp.trema.com global.domain.name=trema.com global.storepass=trema.ca global.ca.keystore=cacerts.jks global.cert.validity=9999 6. For each property in this section (except global.ca.keystore), enter an appropriate value. 420 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential For the global.common.name property, enter the fully qualified domain on which IIS is running. For example, if CMM’s URL is https://wsdemo.trema.com/cmm, enter wsdemo.corp.trema.com. 7. Locate the following section: cert.auth.id=myCA cert.auth.name=My Certificate Authority cert.auth.country= cert.auth.state= cert.auth.location= cert.auth.organization= cert.auth.organization.unit=Certificate Authorities cert.auth.emailaddress= cert.auth.common.name= cert.auth.storepass= cert.auth.cert.validity= cert.auth.outpass=trema.ca 8. For each property in this section, do one of the following: – Enter an appropriate value. – Leave the value blank to use the corresponding global property’s value instead. The cert.auth properties are only applicable if you are generating a self-signed CA certificate. The value of the cert.auth.organization.unit property is used for additional validation of the client certificate when accessing the web services. 9. Locate the following section: client.id= client.name= client.country= client.state= client.location= client.organization= client.organization.unit= client.emailaddress= client.common.name= client.storepass= client.auth.cert.validity= 10. For each property in this section, do one of the following: – Enter an appropriate value. – Leave the value blank to use the corresponding global property’s value instead. Leave as many values blank as possible. The information provided in this section is used to generate the certificate request to send to the CA for signing. 11. Locate the following section: #openssl.cmd= WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 421 #openssl.conf= 12. If you want to specify a custom path for the OpenSSL executable, remove the number signs (#) and enter appropriate values for the properties in this section. 13. Save and close the file. 14. Open a command prompt and navigate to the temporary folder you created in step 2. 15. Initialize the environment variables: – If you are using Windows, enter setup. – If you are using Linux, enter . setup.sh. 16. Enter ant to view usage information. 17. Do one of the following: – To generate a client SSL certificate with a self-signed CA: a. Generate a CA certificate by entering ant create-CA. SSL-KeyTool creates the following files: Component Location CA private key …\demoCA\private\key.pem Self-signed CA certificate to sign the client certificate …\demoCA\.cert Public CA certificate in DER format to be imported into the client trust store when using IIS as the Web server …\demoCA\newcerts\.der CA certificate including both private and public keys in PKCS #12 format …\demoCA\.p12 Note: Do not give this CA certificate to others as it can be used to sign the client certificate. JKS keystore with a public CA certificate to ship to a Java client …\demoCA\cacerts.jks b. Generate a self-signed X509 client certificate by entering "ant create-client-certificate". SSL-KeyTool creates the following files: 422 Component Location Client private key …\demoCA\private\key.pem Client certificate request to be signed by the CA …\demoCA\req.pem Client certificate when the CA signs the client certificate request …\demoCA\newcerts\.cer Client certificate including both private and public keys in PKCS #12 format to be imported into the client browser …\demoCA\.p12 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential To establish a secured connection with other parties being signed by the CA, a client certificate (for example, .p12) and public CA certificate (for example, .der or cacerts.jks) are required. – To generate a client SSL certificate with a third-party CA: a. Generate an X509 client certificate request by entering ant create-client-certificate-request. SSL-KeyTool creates the following files: Component Location Client private key …\demoCA\private\key.pem Client certificate request to be signed by the third-party CA …\demoCA\req.pem b. Send the client certificate request to the third-party CA for signing. Once the client certificate request is signed by the third-party CA, a signed certificate is sent back. Place the signed certificate in …\demoCA\newcerts\.cer for exporting the client certificate in PKCS #12 format. c. Export the client certificate in PKCS #12 format by entering ant export-client-certificate. SSL-KeyTool creates the following files: Component Location Client certificate including both private and public keys in PKCS #12 format to be imported into the client browser …\demoCA\.p12 To establish a secured connection with other parties being signed by this third-party CA, a client certificate (for example, .p12) and a public CA certificate in either DER or JKS format are required. D.3 Creating a secure website using IIS To minimize interference with the existing CMM website, you need to create a new website for listening to incoming requests over HTTPS. To bypass this secure website, clients must go through client authentication by exchanging SSL certificates between the client and the server; only SSL certificates that are signed by the same CA can pass. You can only create multiple websites in a single installation of IIS in server versions of Windows (Window 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, and so on). Note: As you complete the procedures in this section, you will need to restart IIS several times; therefore, Wallstreet recommends you shut down the CMM application server. D.3.1 Assigning an additional IP address To add a new website for HTTPS, you need to add a new IP address to the current local area connection. Ideally, a DNS name must be assigned to this IP address so that it can be accessible anywhere on the network. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 423 D.3.1.1 Assigning an additional IP address To assign an additional IP address: 1. Select Start - Settings - Control Panel. 2. In the Control Panel window, double-click Network and Dial-up Connections. 3. In the Network and Dialup Connections window, right-click the appropriate Local Area Connection and select Properties in the resulting popup menu. 4. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog, click Properties. 5. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog, click Advanced…. 6. In the IP addresses section of the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog, click Add… to assign an additional IP address to the connection. In most organizations, the IT department is responsible for assigning the IP address. Wallstreet recommends that you assign a DNS name to the IP address so that it is accessible across the network. For example, the IP address in the above image is assigned to the DNS name wsdemo.corp.tream.com. D.3.2 Creating a secure website This section documents the required steps to create a new website for HTTPS in IIS. D.3.2.1 Creating a secure website To create a secure website: 1. Select Start - Settings - Control Panel. 2. In the Control Panel window, double-click Administrative Tools. 3. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Internet Services Manager. 4. In the Internet Information Services window, right-click the computer’s icon in the left frame of the window and select New - Web Site in the resulting popup menu. 5. In the Web Site Description panel of the website creation wizard, enter a description of the website (for example, HTTPS Website) in the Description field. 6. Click Next >. 7. In the IP Address and Port Settings panel of the website creation wizard, select the IP address to use for the website (for example, in the Enter the IP address to use for this Web site list. 8. Click Next >. 9. In the Web Site Home Directory panel of the website creation wizard, enter the path to the website’s home folder (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot-https) in the Path field. 424 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential The wwwroot-https folder in the above example is a copy of the wwwroot folder, but it only contains the BEA WebLogic IIS plug-in scripts: The iisproxy.ini file in the wwwroot-https folder is very similar to the one in the wwwroot folder: WebLogicHost=localhost WebLogicPort=4001 WlForwardPath=/cmm HungServerRecoverSecs=86400 Idempotent=OFF Debug=ALL 10. Click Next >. 11. In the Web Site Access Permissions panel of the website creation wizard, click Next >. 12. In the final panel of the website creation wizard, click Finish. D.3.3 Configuring the secure website This section documents the required steps to configure the BEA WebLogic IIS plug-ins for the secure website you created in D.3.2 Creating a secure website on page 424. D.3.3.1 Configuring the secure website To configure the secure website: 1. Open the Internet Information Services window (if it is not already opened). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 425 For instructions on opening the Internet Information Services window, see D.3.2 Creating a secure website on page 424. 2. Right-click the secure website’s icon in the left frame of the window and select Properties in the resulting popup menu. 3. In the [Secure website name] Properties dialog, click the Home Directory tab to open it. 4. Do one of the following: – If you are using IIS 5.0, ensure the Application Protection list is set to High (Isolated). – If you are using IIS on Windows Server 2003, ensure the Application name field and Application pool list contain values. 5. Click Configuration…. 6. In the Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog, create an extension application mapping, ensuring the Check that file exists checkbox is not selected. 7. Click OK. 8. In the [Secure website name] Properties dialog, click the ISAPI Filters tab to open it. 9. Click Add…. 10. In the Filter Properties dialog, enter IISForward in the Filter Name field. 11. Enter the path to secure website’s iisforward.dll file (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot-https\iisforward.dll) in the Executable field. 12. Click OK. 13. In the Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog, click Apply. 14. Click OK. 15. Do the following: – If you are using Windows 2000 Server, restart IIS. – If you are using Windows Server 2003: a. Click Web Service Extensions in the left frame of the window. b. In the Web Service Extensions panel that displays in the right frame, click Add new Web service extension…. c. In the New Web Service Extension dialog, enter IISProxy_https in the Extension name field. d. Add a path to the secure website’s iisproxy.dll file (for example, 426 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential C:\Inetpub\https-wwwroot\iisproxy.dll) in the Required files list. e. Select the Set extension status to Allowed checkbox. f. Click OK. g. Restart IIS. 16. Right-click the secure website’s icon in the left frame of the window and select Properties in the resulting popup menu. 17. In the [Secure website name] Properties dialog, click the ISAPI Filters tab to open it. A green, upwards pointing arrow displays in the Status column of the IISForward ISAP filter. If Unknown displays in the Priority column of the IISForward ISAP filter, navigate to the secure website (for example, http://wsdemo.corp.trema.com) in your browser. This causes IIS to load the ISAPI filter. D.3.4 Creating a virtual folder for content This section documents the required steps to create a virtual folder in which to store CMM web content. The alias and path of this virtual folder should be similar to that of the default website (for example, conten). Note: This section assumes that you have already set up the BEA WebLogic IIS plug-in on HTTP for the default website and that CMM has already been deployed to the BEA WebLogic server. D.3.4.1 Creating a virtual folder for content To create a virtual folder for content: 1. Open the Internet Information Services window (if it is not already opened). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 427 For instructions on opening the Internet Information Services window, see D.3.2 Creating a secure website on page 424. 2. Right-click the computer’s icon in the left frame of the window and select New - Virtual Directory in the resulting popup menu. 3. In the first panel of the virtual folder creation wizard, click Next >. 4. In the Virtual Directory Alias panel of the virtual folder creation wizard, enter an appropriate alias for the virtual folder (for example, content) in the Alias field. 5. Click Next >. 6. In the Web Site Content Directory panel of the virtual folder creation wizard, enter the path of the virtual folder (for example, C:\lhogD1\VirtualDirectory) in the Directory field. 7. Click Next >. 8. In the Access Permissions panel of the virtual folder creation wizard, click Next >. 9. In the final panel of the virtual folder creation wizard, click Finish. 10. Update the virtual folder path in the nvp.xml file: The virtual directory name for the path specified in ID_VirtualDirectoryPath content For detailed instruction on modifying the nvp.xml file, see the WebSuite System Administration Guide. D.3.5 Configuring two-way SSL This section documents the required steps to configure two-way SSL on the IIS secure website using the test certificates you generated with the SSL-KeyTool. D.3.5.1 Importing server and CA certificates To import server and CA certificates: 1. Select Start - Run…. 2. In the Run dialog, enter mmc in the Open field. 3. Click OK. 4. In the Console1 window, select Console - Add/Remove Snap-in…. 5. In the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog, click Add…. 6. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog, select Certificates in the Available Standalone Snap-ins list. 7. Click Add. 8. In the Certificates snap-in panel of the certificates snapin wizard, select the Computer account option button. 9. Click Next >. 10. In the Select Computer panel of the certificates snapin wizard, click Finish. 11. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog, click Close. 428 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential A new snap-in, Certificates (Local Computer), appears in the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog: 12. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog, click OK. The Console Root folder in the left frame of the Console1 window contains a new child folder, Certificates (Local Computer): WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 429 13. In the left frame, navigate to and right-click Console Root\Certificates (Local Computer)\Personal\ Certificates. In the resulting popup menu, select Import…. 14. In the first panel of the certificates import wizard, click Next >. 15. In the File to Import panel of the certificates import wizard, enter the path to the server certificate (for example, C:\lhogD1\keystrokes\demoCA\server.p12) in the File name field. 16. Click Next >. 17. In the Password panel of the certificates import wizard, enter the private key for the server certificate in the Password field. The default private key for the test certificate is trema.ca. 18. Click Next >. 19. In the Certificate Store panel of the certificates import wizard, select the Place all certificates in the following folder option button. 20. Click Next >. 21. In the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard panel of the certificates import wizard, click Finish. 22. In the Certificate Import Wizard dialog, click OK. The imported certificate displays in the right frame of the Console1 window: 430 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential 23. In the left frame, navigate to and right-click Console Root\Certificates (Local Computer)\ Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certificates. In the resulting popup menu, select Import…. 24. In the first panel of the certificates import wizard, click Next >. 25. In the File to Import panel of the certificates import wizard, enter the patch to the server certificate in the File name field. 26. Click Next >. 27. In the Certificate Store panel of the certificates import wizard, select the Place all certificates in the following folder option button. 28. Click Next >. 29. In the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard panel of the certificates import wizard, click Finish. 30. In the Certificate Import Wizard dialog, click OK. The imported certificate displays in the right frame of the Console1 window: D.3.5.2 Assigning the server certificate To assign the server certificate: 1. Open the Internet Information Services window (if it is not already opened). WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 431 For instructions on opening the Internet Information Services window, see D.3.2 Creating a secure website on page 424. 2. Right-click the secure website’s icon in the left frame of the window and select Properties in the resulting popup menu. 3. In the [Secure website name] Properties dialog, click the Directory Security tab to open it. 4. In the Secure communications section of the [Secure website name] Properties dialog, click Server Certificate…. 5. In the first panel of the web server certificate wizard, click Next >. 6. In the Server Certificate panel of the web server certificate wizard, select the Assign an existing certificate option button. 7. Click Next >. 8. In the Available Certificates panel of the web server certificate wizard, select the server certificate. 9. Click Next >. 10. In the Certificate Summary panel of the web server certificate wizard, click Next >. 11. In the Completing the Web Server Certificate Wizard panel of the web server certificate wizard, click Finish. 12. In the Secure communications section of the [Secure website name] Properties dialog, click Edit…. 13. In the Secure Communications dialog, select the Require secure channel (SSL) checkbox. 14. Select the Require client certificates option button. 15. Click OK. 16. In the [Secure website name] Properties dialog, click Apply. 17. Click OK. D.3.6 Configuring one-way SSL This section documents the required steps to enable the IIS web server to proxy the client certificate to the BEA WebLogic server once the client has been successfully authenticated. D.3.6.1 Configuring one-way SSL To configure one-way SSL: 1. Open the iisproxy.ini file in a text editor. 2. Edit the file to forward requests to the BEA WebLogic server using HTTP: WebLogicHost=localhost WebLogicPort=4001 WlForwardPath=/cmm HungServerRecoverSecs=86400 Idempotent=OFF Debug=ALL 432 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential In a production environment, you usually turn off the debug mode by removing Debug=ALL. (When you include Debug=ALL, the debugging information is written to the /tmp/wlproxy.log file in Unix systems and the C:\tmp\wlproxy.log file in Windows systems.) 3. Save and close the file. 4. Restart IIS. 5. Log into the BEA WebLogic Admin Console (available at http://localhost:7001/console) and enable the client certificate proxy. For detailed instructions, see the BEA WebLogic documentation. 6. Restart BEA WebLogic. D.4 Creating a secure website using Tomcat This section documents the required steps to create a new SSL port in Tomcat for listening to the incoming requests to CMM web services. Note: Adding a new SSL port is relatively simple in Tomcat compared to IIS. There is no need to set up a new Tomcat home. All you need to do is to add a connector to the server.xml file. WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 433 D.4.1 Creating a secure website using Tomcat To create a secure website using Tomcat: 1. Navigate to …\tomcat.5.x.xx\conf\. 2. Open the server.xml file in a text editor. 3. Add the following connector to the file: Do the following: – Replace the SSL port so that it does not conflict with any existing ports. – Ensure the clientAuth attribute is set to true. – Replace the appropriate paths, types, and private keys for both the server certificate and CA public certificate. 4. Save and close the file. 5. Restart Tomcat. D.5 Testing HTTPS configuration This section documents the required steps to test HTTPS configuration with CMM PKI X509. D.5.1 Importing client certificates to the web browser To import client certificates to the web browser: 1. Navigate to the extracted folder of keystores. 2. Double-click …\demoCA\alterna.p12 to import the client certificate into the personal account. The default private key for the test certificate is trema.ca. 434 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential D.5.2 Configuring CMM with PKI X509 Note: The following steps are for a configuration based on the test certificate information. For the steps for a production configuration, contact Wallstreet. To configure CMM with PKI X509: 1. Add the strong authentication service definition to …\CmmInstallationData\ installation\appserver\service_definitions\CredentialsServiceDefinitions.xml: 2. Configure the rules to validate the client certificate in …\CmmInstallationData\installation\ appserver\authentication\strong_auth\sa_cert_config.xml: Note: – The above setting is based on the issuer and subject of the client test certificate. – The issuer_dn_pattern attribute of the certificate element tells CMM to only accept the issuer having an organization unit (OU) with a first word starting with C and a second word starting with A (for example, Certificate Authorities): E = myCA@trema.com CN = wsdemo.corp.trema.com OU = Certificate Authorities O = Trema Laboratories Inc. L = Calgary S = Alberta C = CA – The pattern attribute in the value element tells CMM to extract anything after the equal sign (=) and before the at sign (@); this is usually the user ID in the e-mail address: E = alterna@trema.com CN = wsdemo.corp.trema.com OU = Client - Alterna O = Trema Laboratories Inc. S = Alberta WebSuite Cash Management Connectivity Guide 435 C = CA 3. Restart the cmmS1 service. D.5.3 Testing CMM with PKI X509 To test CMM with PKI X509, navigate to CMM in a browser (for example, https://wsdemo.corp.trema.com/cmm). You may be prompted to select the client certificate for client authentication: After you select the client certificate: • If the client authentication was successful, you are automatically logged in to CMM. • Otherwise, the default login page displays. Note: This appendix assumes that an alterna user exists in the CMM database. If not, you can manually add one before continuing. Log into CMM using form-based authentication to create a new user. 436 © Wall Street Systems IPH AB - Confidential

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