Word Press Site Launch Guide Git And Database Import 2018
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WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION STEP 1: SETUP A WORDPRESS INSTALLATION We recommend using W PEngine* to host your site as it supports Git Push to deploy, transferable installs, and staging sites, which we’ll utilize for this site launch. But you’re welcome to choose another hosting provider! If this is your first time setting up a W PEngine* account, there are two great ways you can get a discount: get 20% off your first payment with the coupon wpe20off (so you get the biggest discount buying an annual plan) or try the coupon a rtofblog to get $25 off each of your first 3 payments (so the biggest discount is on a monthly plan). *Disclosure: Skillcrush receives a small amount of compensation from anyone who uses the link above to purchase WPEngine hosting. However, we recommend WPEngine because it’s what we personally use and enjoy! If you already have a WPEngine account, make use of their transferable installs to set up a new site! They are free and you can have as many as you like. They are terrific for class projects or putting together a site for a client to review before going live. M ore info here! If you are not using WPEngine for hosting, check to see if your host offers demo sites or transferable installs and follow their setup instructions. You may also be able to set up another site as a subdomain if demo sites are not offered, but you'll want to work with your host's customer service to be sure you've set it up correctly. WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION Regardless of where you decide to host your site, you should be able to follow along with the key steps in this guide. You'll just need to tailor some of the instructions to your particular platform. If you are using WPEngine, move to Step 2. If you are using another host, once you have an installation up, see Step 3 if you can use Git to deploy, or transfer your files via FTP as we did in 103 and move to Step 6 to import your database. STEP 2: CREATE A STAGING SITE Log into my.wpengine.com using the email address and password you used when you created your account and then click on Installs at the top. Your install is listed on the left with a bunch of options. In this left column you will see an option to go to your site’s admin. Click that and then login using your WPEngine username and the same password you created when you set up your account. In the admin, towards the top of the left menu area there is a new option: WPEngine. Click on it! WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION Select the Staging tab. Click the blue Copy site from LIVE to STAGING b utton. Let the process run. You can click the Staging tab again to refresh the page - you’ll see a big green “Staging status: Ready!” message at the top when your staging site is all set. The URL for your staging site is http://your_installation_name.staging.wpengine.com. WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION STEP 3: GIVE WPENGINE YOUR SSH KEY In your WPEngine dashboard, click into G it Push. This is where you will add your SSH key. On the next page, name your key in the Developer name field. Then, locally, navigate to your .ssh folder and open your p ublic SSH key. This will be the id_dsa.pub or id_rsa.pub file. Copy your entire public SSH key and paste it into the SSH public key field. Click A dd Developer. This can take upwards of 10 minutes to be fully set up. To test that it is working, run the following command in your terminal: ssh git@git.wpengine.com info If you see a hello message and a list of connected repositories, you are good to go! WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION STEP 4: HOOK YOUR LOCAL REPO TO WPENGINE When WPEngine created a default WordPress site for you, they also created a Git repo. You now need to add that Git repo as a remote in your local site folder. For this you will use the git remote add command: git remote add staging git@git.wpengine.com:staging/.git The first thing after g it remote add is the name of your remote, the one you will use when you push your changes to your WPEngine staging site. The second thing is the location, namely the Git repository that WPEngine set up for you automatically. STEP 5: PUSH TO STAGING Now it’s time to push to staging. This is almost exactly like pushing up to your GitHub repo, except you need to specify a different location. This location is your Git repo with WPEngine. git push staging master WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION STEP 6: IMPORT YOUR DATA In 103, you exported your data and then imported it on your live site via the Importer plugin, but that method doesn’t transfer settings. If you transfer the content via a database export and import, it will also transfer all settings in addition to data. First go to the phpMyAdmin for your local site and export your data. ● Make sure to select the “custom” radio button. ● In the box with all the tables, deselect the wp_users and wp_usermeta tables. This is so you won’t overwrite your staging site’s login credentials with your local info. Leave the rest selected. ● Select “Save output to a file.” ● Then, scroll down and click the checkbox next to “Add Drop Table.” And finally, scroll down to the bottom and hit “Go.” WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION When the export is done, go into phpMyAdmin on your s taging site install (or live site, if you host does not offer staging sites) and click on the appropriate database. If you are using a WPEngine staging site, you’d want to click on the snapshot_ database in the left column. ● Select the Import Tab, choose your sql file and click the “Go” button. ● Now, open the wp_options table. ● Update the s iteurl and home fields of your wp_options table to contain the url of your new staging install. For a WPEngine staging site it would look like: http://your_installation_name.staging.wpengine.com. Now visit your staging site and you should see your fully set up site! WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION STEP 7: DEPLOY TO YOUR LIVE SITE If you have deployed to a WPEngine staging site, in your live site’s admin (http://your_installation_name.wpengine.com/wp-admin), go to the WPEngine menu item again. On the Staging tab, you should see two buttons: Copy site from LIVE to STAGING and Copy site from STAGING to LIVE. Click the black C opy site from STAGING to LIVE b utton. Change the Database Mode drop down to M ove All Tables. Let the deploy run. The screen will tell you when it’s done and you’ll also receive an email to E mail to Notify address. Then refresh your live site! WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION HOW TO KEEP DEPLOYING ● Make changes locally ● Push to GitHub as a backup ● Push to staging (if available through your host) ● Make any necessary changes in the staging database ● Review your changes on staging ● Make fixes ● Get client approval ● Copy the staging site to the live site ● Make any necessary changes in the live database WORDPRESS SITE LAUNCH GUIDE GIT & DATABASE IMPORT EDITION
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