WordPress Word Press The Missing Manual (2nd Ed.) [Mac Donald 2014 07 12]
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WordPress The book that should have been in the box® Matthew MacDonald Beijing | Cambridge | Farnham | Köln | Sebastopol | Tokyo WordPress: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald Copyright © 2014 Matthew MacDonald. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://safaribooksonline.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: (800) 9989938 or corporate@oreilly.com. July 2014: First Edition. Revision History for the First Edition: 2014-06-17 2014-07-25 First release Second release See http://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781449341909 for release details. The Missing Manual is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. The Missing Manual logo, and “The book that should have been in the box” are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O’Reilly Media is aware of a trademark claim, the designations are capitalized. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in it. ISBN-13: 978-1-449-34190-9 [LSI] Contents The Missing Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix About This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x About the Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii About the Online Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Using Code Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Safari® Books Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Part One: CHAPTER 1: Starting Out with WordPress The WordPress Landscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 How WordPress Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 What You Can Build with WordPress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 WordPress Hosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 CHAPTER 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Choosing a Web Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Creating Your WordPress.com Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Managing Your New Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Exploring the WordPress.com Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Visiting the WordPress.com Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 CHAPTER 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Preparing for WordPress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Installing WordPress with an Autoinstaller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Installing WordPress by Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Keeping WordPress Up to Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Part Two: Building a WordPress Blog CHAPTER 4: Creating Posts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Introducing the Dashboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Adding Your First Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Organizing Your Posts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 iii How to Get High-Quality Web Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Dashboard Tricks to Save Time and Effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 CHAPTER 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 How Themes Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Choosing a New Theme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Tweaking Your Theme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Customizing Your Widgets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Mobile Themes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 CHAPTER 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Making Fancier Posts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Adding Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Featured Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Showing Part of a Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Post Formats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 CHAPTER 7: Adding Pages and Menus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Creating Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Viewing Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Custom Menus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Changing Your Home Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Page Templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 CHAPTER 8: Comments: Letting Your Readers Talk Back.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Allowing or Forbidding Comments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 The Life Cycle of a Comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 The Ongoing Conversation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Making Comments More Personal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Stamping Out Comment Spam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Part Three: CHAPTER 9: Supercharging Your Blog Getting New Features with Plug-Ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Managing Plug-Ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 The Jetpack Plug-In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Adding Mobile Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Backing Up a WordPress Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Better Performance with Caching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 iv Contents CHAPTER 10: Adding Picture Galleries, Video, and Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Understanding Embeds and Shortcodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Showing Groups of Pictures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Embedding a Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Playing Audio Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 CHAPTER 11: Collaborating with Multiple Authors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Adding People to Your Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Working with Authors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Building a Private Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Creating a Network of Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 CHAPTER 12: Attracting a Crowd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Encouraging Your Readers to Share. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Keeping Readers in the Loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 Managing Your Site’s Feed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 Search Engine Optimization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 WordPress Site Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 Part Four: From Blog to Website CHAPTER 13: Editing Themes: The Key to Customizing Your Site. . . . . . . 453 The Goal: More Flexible Blogs and Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Taking Control of Your Theme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Protecting Yourself with a Child Theme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Editing the Styles in Your Theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 Editing the Code in Your Theme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 CHAPTER 14: Building an Advanced WordPress Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Planning Your Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Adding New Types of Posts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 Creating Custom Category Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 Building a Better Home Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 Making a Smarter Product Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 Adding eCommerce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Part Five: APPENDIX A: Appendixes Migrating from WordPress.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 Before You Begin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554 Transferring Your Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554 Cleaning Up Your New Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560 Contents v APPENDIX B: Securing a Self-Hosted Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 1. Crash-Proof Your Site with Backups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 2. Change Your Posting Account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 3. Be Cautious When Extending Your Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 4. Prevent Password-Guessing Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566 5. Hide Passwords with SSL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 APPENDIX C: Useful Websites.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571 Chapter Links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581 vi Contents The Missing Credits ABOUT THE AUTHOR Matthew MacDonald is a science and technology writer with well over a dozen books to his name. Web novices can tiptoe out onto the Internet with him in Creating a Website: The Missing Manual. HTML fans can learn about the cutting edge of web design in HTML5: The Missing Manual. And human beings of all description can discover just how strange they really are in the quirky handbooks Your Brain: The Missing Manual and Your Body: The Missing Manual. ABOUT THE CREATIVE TEAM Peter McKie (editor) lives in New York City and, in his spare time, archives material chronicling the history of his summer community. Email: pmckie@oreilly.com. Melanie Yarbrough (production editor) lives and works in Cambridge, MA, where she writes and bakes whatever she can dream up. Email: myarbrough@oreilly.com. Ron Strauss (indexer) specializes in the indexing of information technology publications of all kinds. Ron is also an accomplished classical violist and lives in Northern California with his wife and fellow indexer, Annie, and his miniature pinscher, Kanga. Email: rstrauss@mchsi.com. Julie Van Keuren (proofreader) quit her newspaper job in 2006 to move to Montana and live the freelancing dream. She and her husband (who is living the novel-writing dream) have two hungry teenage sons. Email: little_media@yahoo.com. Sallie Goetsch (technical reviewer) (rhymes with “sketch”) hand-coded her first website in HTML in 1995, but hasn’t looked back since discovering WordPress in 2005. She works as an independent consultant and organizes the East Bay WordPress Meetup in Oakland, California. You can reach her at www.wpfangirl.com. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS No author could complete a book without a small army of helpful individuals. I’m deeply indebted to the whole Missing Manual team, including expert tech reviewer Sallie Goetsch, my editor Peter McKie, and numerous others who’ve toiled behind the scenes indexing pages, drawing figures, and proofreading the final copy. Finally, for the parts of my life that exist outside this book, I’d like to thank all my family members. They include my parents, Nora and Paul; my extended parents, Razia and Hamid; my wife, Faria; and my daughters, Maya and Brenna. Thanks, everyone! THE MISSING CREDITS vii THE MISSING MANUAL SERIES Missing Manuals are witty, superbly written guides to computer products that don’t come with printed manuals (which is just about all of them). Each book features a handcrafted index. Recent and upcoming titles include: WordPress: The Missing Manual, Second Edition by Matthew MacDonald iPhoto: The Missing Manual by David Pogue and Lesa Snider iWork: The Missing Manual by Jessica Thornsby and Josh Clark Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Mavericks Edition by David Pogue OS X Mavericks: The Missing Manual by David Pogue HTML5: The Missing Manual, Second Edition by Matthew MacDonald Dreamweaver CC: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland and Chris Grover Windows 8.1: The Missing Manual by David Pogue iPad: the Missing Manual, Sixth Edition by J.D. Biersdorfer Quickbooks 2014: The Missing Manual by Bonnie Biafore iPhone: the Missing Manual, Seventh Edition by David Pogue Photoshop Elements 12: The Missing Manual by Barbara Brundage Galaxy S4: The Missing Manual by Preston Gralla Photoshop CC: The Missing Manual by Lesa Snider Office 2013: The Missing Manual by Nancy Connor and Matthew MacDonald Excel 2013: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald Microsoft Project 2013: The Missing Manual by Bonnie Biafore Access 2013: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald For a full list of all Missing Manuals in print, go to www.missingmanuals.com/ library.html. viii THE MISSING CREDITS Introduction T hroughout history, people have searched for new places to vent their opinions, sell their products, and just chat it up. The World Wide Web is the culmination of this trend—the best and biggest soapbox, marketplace, and meeting spot ever created. But there’s a problem. If you want people to take your website seriously, you need first-rate content, a dash of good style, and the behind-the-scenes technology that ties everything together. The first two items require some hard work. But the third element—the industrial-strength web plumbing that powers a good site—is a lot trickier to build on your own. Overlook that, and you’ve got a broken mess of pages that even your mom can’t love. This is where the ridiculously popular web publishing tool called WordPress comes in. WordPress makes you a basic deal: You write the content, and WordPress takes care of the rest. The services that WordPress provides are no small potatoes. First, WordPress puts every page of your content into a nicely formatted, consistent layout. It provides the links and menus that help your visitors get around, and a search box that lets people dig through your archives. WordPress also lets your readers add comments using their Facebook or Twitter identities, so they don’t need to create a new account on your site. And if you add a few community-created plug-ins (from the vast library of more than 30,000), there’s no limit to the challenges you can tackle. Selling products? Check. Setting up a membership site? No problem. Building forums and collaborative workspaces? There’s a plug-in for that, too. And while it’s true that WordPress isn’t the best tool for every type of website, it’s also true that wherever you find a gap in the WordPress framework, you’ll find some sort of plug-in that attempts to fill it. ix ABOUT THIS BOOK WordPress is stunningly popular, too—it’s responsible for more than one-fifth of the world’s websites, according to the web statistics company W3Techs (see http:// tinyurl.com/3438rb6). It’s 10 times more popular than its closest competitors, sitebuilding tools like Joomla and Drupal. And month after month, WordPress’s share of the Web continues to inch upward. In short, when you create your own WordPress site, you’ll be in good company. About This Book This book provides a thorough, soup-to-nuts look at WordPress. You’ll learn everything you need to know, including how to create, manage, maintain, and extend a WordPress site. NOTE Notice that we haven’t yet used the word blog. Although WordPress is the world’s premiere blogging tool, it’s also a great way to create other types of websites, like those that promote products, people, or things (say, your hipster harmonica band), sites that share stuff (for example, a family travelogue), and even sites that let people get together and collaborate (say, a short-story writing club for vampire fans). And if you’re not quite sure whether the site you have in mind is a good fit for WordPress, the discussion on page 7 will help you decide. What You Need to Know If you’re planning to make the world’s most awesome blog, you don’t need a stitch of experience. Chapters 1 through 12 will tell you everything you need to know. However, you will come across some examples of posts and pages that feature HTML (the language of the Web), and any HTML knowledge you already have will pay off handsomely. If you’re planning to create a website that isn’t a blog (like a catalog of products for your handmade jewelry business), you need to step up your game. You’ll still start with the WordPress basics in Chapters 1 through 12, but you’ll also need to learn the advanced customization skills you’ll find in Chapters 13 and 14. How much customization you do depends on the type of site you plan to build and whether you can find a theme that already does most of the work for you. But sooner or later, you’ll probably decide to crack open one of the WordPress template files that controls your site and edit it. When you do that, you’ll encounter two more web standards: CSS, the style sheet language that helps lay out and format your site; and PHP, the web programming language upon which WordPress is built. But don’t panic—we’ll go gently and introduce the essentials from the ground up. You won’t learn enough to write your own custom web apps, but you will pick up the skills you need to customize a WordPress theme so you can build the kind of site you want. x WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Your Computer WordPress has no special hardware requirements. As long as you have an Internet connection and a web browser, you’re good to go. Because WordPress (and its design tools) live on the Web, you can use a computer running Windows, Mac OS, Linux, or something more exotic; it really doesn’t matter. In fact, WordPress even gives you tools for quick-and-convenient blog posting through a smartphone or tablet computer (see page 130 for the scoop). ABOUT THIS BOOK Hosting WordPress To let other people visit your WordPress site on the Internet, you need the help of a web hosting company. Web hosts offer the powerful, web-connected computers that run your site (and the websites of many other people). Without a host to store your site, no one will be able to see your handiwork. WordPress site-builders have two choices of web host: • WordPress.com. The WordPress.com hosting service is free, and it’s run by some of the same people who developed the WordPress software, so you’re in good hands. • A third-party web host. You can install WordPress on almost any web host. While this approach isn’t free, it gives you more features and control. It’s called self-hosting. Page 17 has much more about the differences between these two approaches. But that’s for the future. For now, all you need to know is that you can use the information in this book no matter which approach you use. Chapter 2 explains how to sign up with WordPress.com, Chapter 3 details self-hosting, and the chapters that follow try to pay as little attention to your hosting decision as possible. That said, it’s worth noting that you’ll come across some features, particularly later in the book, that work only with self-hosted installations. Examples include sites that use plug-ins and those that need heavy customization. But, happily, the features that do work on both WordPress.com-hosted sites and self-hosted sites work in almost exactly the same way. About→These→Arrows Throughout this book, and throughout the Missing Manual series, you’ll find sentences like this one: “Choose Appearance→Themes in the dashboard menu.” That’s shorthand for a longer series of instructions that go something like this: “Go to the dashboard in WordPress, click the Appearance menu item, and then click the Themes entry underneath.” Our shorthand system keeps things snappier than these long, drawn-out instructions. xi ABOUT THE OUTLINE About the Outline This book is divided into five parts, each with several chapters: • Part 1, Starting Out with WordPress. In this part of the book, you’ll start planning your path to WordPress web domination. In Chapter 1, you’ll plan the type of website you want, decide how to host it, and think hard about its domain name, the unique address that visitors type in to find your site on the Web. Then you’ll see how to get a basic blog up and running, either on WordPress. com (Chapter 2) or on your self-hosted site (Chapter 3). • Part 2, Building a WordPress Blog. This part explains everything you need to know to create a respectable blog. You’ll learn how to add posts (Chapter 4), pick a stylish theme (Chapter 5), make your posts look fancy (Chapter 6), add pages and menus (Chapter 7), and manage comments (Chapter 8). NOTE Even if you plan something more exotic than JAWB (Just Another WordPress Blog), don’t skip Part 2. The key skills you’ll learn here also underpin custom sites, like the kind you’ll learn to build in Part 4 of the book. • Part 3, Supercharging Your Blog. If all you want is a simple, classy blog, you can stop now—your job is done. But if you hope to add more glam to your site, this part will help you out. First, you’ll learn that plug-ins can add thousands of new features to self-hosted sites (Chapter 9). Next, you’ll see how to put video, music, and photo galleries on any WordPress site (Chapter 10). You’ll also learn how to collaborate with a whole group of authors (Chapter 11), and how to attract boatloads of visitors (Chapter 12). • Part 4, From Blog to Website. In this part, you’ll take your WordPress skills beyond the blog and learn to craft a custom website. First, you’ll crack open a WordPress theme and learn to change the way your site works by adding, inserting, or modifying the CSS styles and PHP commands embedded inside the theme (Chapter 13). Next, in Chapter 14, you’ll apply this knowledge to create a WordPress product-catalog site that doesn’t look anything like a typical blog. • Part 5, Appendixes. At the end of this book, you’ll find three appendixes. The first (Appendix A: “Migrating from WordPress.com”) explains how to take a website you created on the free WordPress.com hosting service and move it to another web host to get more features. The second (Appendix B: “Securing a Self-Hosted Site”) explains the security basics you need to harden your site against attackers. The third (Appendix C: “Useful Websites”) lists some useful web links culled from the chapters in this book. Don’t worry—you don’t need to type these into your browser by hand. It’s all waiting for you on the Missing CD page for this book at http://www.oreilly.com/pub/missingmanuals/wpmm2e. xii WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL ABOUT THE ONLINE RESOURCES About the Online Resources As the owner of a Missing Manual, you’ve got more than just a book to read. Online, you’ll find example files as well as tips, articles, and maybe even a video or two. You can also communicate with the Missing Manual team and tell us what you love (or hate) about the book. Head over to www.missingmanuals.com, or go directly to one of the following sections. Web Links Often, this book will point you to a place on the Web. It might be to learn more about a specialized WordPress feature, or to get background information on another topic, or to download a super-cool plug-in. To save your fingers from the wear and tear of typing in all these long web addresses, you can visit the clickable list of links on the Missing CD page at http://www.oreilly.com/pub/missingmanuals/wpmm2e. Living Examples This book is packed full of examples. But unlike many other types of computer books, we don’t encourage you to try to download them to your own computer. That’s because once you place WordPress files on a local computer, they lose their magic. In fact, without the WordPress software running on a web server, your website loses all its abilities. You won’t be able to try out even a single page. To get around this limitation, many of the finished examples from this book are available for you to play around with at http://prosetech.com/wordpress. Although you won’t be able to actually take charge of the example site (modify it, manage comments, or do any other sort of administrative task), you can take a peek and see what it looks like. This is a handy way to witness some features that are hard to experience in print—say, playing an embedded video or reviewing pictures in an image gallery. Registration If you register this book at oreilly.com, you’ll be eligible for special offers—like discounts on future editions of WordPress: The Missing Manual. If you buy the ebook from www.oreilly.com and register your purchase, you get free lifetime updates for this edition of the ebook; we’ll notify you by email when updates become available. Registering takes only a few clicks. Type www.oreilly.com/register into your browser to hop directly to the Registration page. Feedback Got questions? Need more information? Fancy yourself a book reviewer? On our Feedback page, you can get expert answers to questions that come to you while reading, share your thoughts on this Missing Manual, and find groups for folks who share your interest in creating their own sites. To have your say, go to www.missingmanuals.com/feedback. xiii USING CODE EXAMPLES Errata To keep this book as up to date and accurate as possible, each time we print more copies, we’ll make any confirmed corrections you suggest. We also note such changes on the book’s website, so you can mark important corrections in your own copy of the book, if you like. Go to http://tinyurl.com/7mujhnx to report an error and view existing corrections. Using Code Examples In general, you may use the code in this book in your programs and documentation. You don’t need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD of examples from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does require permission. We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the source book’s title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “ WordPress: The Missing Manual, Second Edition by Matthew MacDonald (O’Reilly). Copyright 2014, 978-1-4493-4190-9.” If you feel your use of code examples falls outside fair use or the permission given above, feel free to contact us at permissions@oreilly.com. Safari® Books Online Safari® Books Online is an on-demand digital library that lets you search over 7,500 technology books and videos. With a subscription, you can read any page and watch any video from our library. You can access new titles before they’re available in print. And you can copy and paste code samples, organize your favorites, download chapters, bookmark key sections, create notes, print out pages, and benefit from tons of other timesaving features. O’Reilly Media has uploaded this book to the Safari Books Online service. To have full digital access to this book and others on similar topics from O’Reilly and other publishers, sign up for free at http://safaribooksonline.com. xiv WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL PART Starting Out with WordPress CHAPTER 1: The WordPress Landscape CHAPTER 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com CHAPTER 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 1 CHAPTER The WordPress Landscape 1 S ince you picked up this book, it's likely that you already know at least a bit about WordPress. You probably realize that it's a brilliant tool for creating a huge variety of websites, from gossipy blogs to serious business sites. However, you might be a bit fuzzy on the rest of the equation—how WordPress actually works its magic, and how you can use WordPress to achieve your own website vision. In this chapter, you'll get acquainted with life the WordPress way. First, you'll take a peek at the inner machinery that makes WordPress tick. If you're not already clear on why WordPress is so wonderful—and how it's going to save you days of work, years of programming experience, and a headful of gray hairs—this discussion will fill you in. Next, you'll consider the types of sites you can build with WordPress, and how much work they need. As you'll see, WordPress began life as a blogging website, but has since mutated into a flexible, easy-to-use tool for creating virtually any sort of site. Finally, you'll face your first WordPress decision: choosing a home for your WordPress site. You'll discover you have two options. You can use WordPress's free hosting service (called WordPress.com), or you can install the WordPress software on another web host, for a monthly fee. Both approaches work, but the choice to use WordPress.com imposes a few limitations you should understand before you decide. 3 HOW WORDPRESS WORKS How WordPress Works You probably already realize that WordPress isn't just a tool to build web pages. After all, anybody can create a web page—you just need to know a bit about HTML (the language that web pages are written in) and a bit about CSS (the language that formats web pages so they look beautiful). It also helps to have a first-class web page editor like Adobe Dreamweaver at your fingertips. Meet these requirements, and you'll be able to build a static website—one that looks nice enough, but doesn't actually do anything (Figure 1-1). FIGURE 1-1 In an old-fashioned website, a web designer creates a bunch of HTML files and drops them into a folder on a web server. When someone visits one of those pages, his browser renders that same HTML file as a web page. WordPress works a little differently—it builds its pages in real time, as you'll see next. NOTE Just in case your webmaster skills are a bit rusty, remember that a web server is the high-powered computer that runs your website (and, usually, hundreds of other people's websites, too). With WordPress, you strike up a different sort of partnership. Instead of creating a web page, you give WordPress your raw content—that's the text and pictures you want published as an article, a product listing, a blog post, or some other type of content. Then, when a visitor surfs to your site, WordPress assembles that content as a made-to-measure web page. Because WordPress is a dynamic environment—it creates web pages on the fly—it provides some useful interactive features. For example, when visitors arrive at a WordPress blog, they can browse through the content in different ways—looking for posts from a certain month, for example, or on a certain topic, or tagged with a certain keyword. Although this seems simple enough, it requires a live program that runs on a web server and assembles the relevant content in real time. For example, if a visitor searches a blog for the words “tripe soup,” WordPress needs to find all the appropriate posts, stitch them together into a web page, and then send the result back to your visitor's web browser. More impressively, WordPress lets visitors write comments and leave other types of feedback, all of which become part of the site's ongoing conversation. WordPress Behind the Scenes In a very real sense, WordPress is the brain behind your website. When someone visits a WordPress-powered site, the WordPress software gets busy, and—in the blink of an eye—it delivers a hot-off-the-server, fresh new web page to your visitor. 4 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Two crucial ingredients allow WordPress to work the way it does: • A database. This is an industrial-strength storage system that sits on a web server; think of it as a giant, electronic filing cabinet where you can search and retrieve bits of content. In a WordPress website, the database stores all the content for its pages, along with category and tag labels for those pages, and all the comments that people have added. WordPress uses the MySQL database engine, because it's a high-quality, free, open-source product, much like WordPress itself. HOW WORDPRESS WORKS • Programming code. When someone requests a page on a WordPress site, the web server loads up a template and runs some code. It's the code that does all the real work—fetching information from different parts of the database, assembling it into a cohesive page, and so on. Figure 1-2 shows how these two pieces come together. FIGURE 1-2 When a browser sends a request to a dynamic website, that request kicks off some programming code that runs on the site's server. In the case of WordPress, that code is known as PHP, and it spends most of its time pulling information out of a database (for example, retrieving product info that a visitor wants to see). The PHP then inserts the information into a regular-seeming HTML page, which it sends back to the browser. UP TO SPEED The Evolution of Dynamic Sites Dynamic websites are nothing new; they existed long before WordPress hit the scene. In fact, modern, successful websites are almost always dynamic, and almost all of them use databases and programming code behind the scenes. The difference is who's in charge. If you don't use WordPress (or a site-building tool like it), it's up to you to write the code that powers your site. Some web developers do exactly that, but they generally work with a whole team of experienced coders. But if you use WordPress to build your site, you don't need to touch a line of code or worry about defining a single database table. Instead, you supply the content and WordPress takes care of everything from storing it in a database to inserting it into a web page when it's needed. Even if you do have mad coding skills, WordPress remains a great choice for site development. That's because using WordPress is a lot easier than writing your own software. It's also a lot more reliable and a lot safer, because every line of logic has been tested by a legion of genius-level computer nerds—and it's been firing away for years on millions of WordPress sites. Of course, if you know your way around PHP, the programming language that runs WordPress, you'll have a head start when it comes to tweaking certain aspects of your site's behavior, as you'll see in Chapter 13. In short, the revolutionary part of WordPress isn't that it lets you build dynamic websites. It's that WordPress pairs its smarts with site-creation and site-maintenance tools that ordinary people can use. Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 5 HOW WORDPRESS WORKS WordPress Themes There's one more guiding principle that shapes WordPress—its built-in flexibility. WordPress wants to adapt itself to whatever design you have in mind, and it achieves that through a feature called themes. Basically, themes let WordPress separate your content (which it stores in a database) from the layout and formatting details of your site (which it stores in a theme). Thanks to this system, you can tweak the theme's settings—or even swap in a whole new theme—without disturbing any of your content. Figure 1-3 shows how this works. FIGURE 1-3 When you visit a page from a WordPress site, WordPress combines the content (which it stores in a database) with formatting instructions (which are stored in the theme's template files). The end result is a complete web page you see in your browser. If you're still not quite sure how WordPress helps you with themes, consider an example. Imagine Jan decides to create a website so he can show off his custom cake designs. He decides to do the work himself, so he not only has to supply the content (the pictures and descriptions of his cakes), but he also has to format each page the same way, because each page has two parts—a description of the cake and a picture of it—and he wants his pages to be consistent. But, as so often happens, a week after he releases his site, Jan realizes it could be better. He decides to revamp his web pages with a fresh, new color scheme and add a calorie-counting calculator in the sidebar. Applying these changes to a non-WordPress website is no small amount of work. It involves changing the website's style sheet (which is relatively easy) and modifying every single cake page, being careful to make exactly the same change on each (which is much more tedious). If Jan is lucky, he'll own a design tool that has its own template feature (like Dreamweaver), which will save editing time. However, he'll still need to rebuild his entire website and upload all the new web pages. 6 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL With WordPress, these problems disappear. To get new formatting, you tweak your theme's style settings, using either WordPress's control panel (called the dashboard), or by editing the styles by hand. To add the calorie counter, for example, you simply drop it into your theme's layout (and, yes, WordPress does have a calorie-counting plug-in). And that's it. You don't need to rebuild or regenerate anything, go through dozens of pages by hand, or check each page to try to figure out which detail you missed when you copied HTML from one page to another. WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS What You Can Build with WordPress There are many flavors of website, and many ways to create them. But if you want something reasonably sophisticated and you don't have a crack team of web programmers to make that happen, WordPress is almost always a great choice. That said, some types of WordPress websites require more work than others. For example, if you want to create an ecommerce site complete with a shopping cart and checkout process, you need to ditch WordPress or rely heavily on someone else's WordPress plug-ins. That doesn't necessarily make WordPress a poor choice for ecommerce sites, but it does present an extra challenge. (In Chapter 14, you'll take a closer look at what it takes to build a basic v site that uses a plug-in to go beyond WordPress's standard features.) In the following sections, you'll see some examples of WordPress in action. You'll consider the types of sites that use WordPress most easily and most commonly. Along the way, you should get a feel for how WordPress suits your very own website-to-be. Blogs As you probably know, a blog is a wildly popular type of site that consists of separate, dated entries called posts (see Figure 1-4). Good blogs reflect the author's personality, and are informal and overflowing with content. When you write a blog, you invite readers to see the world from your viewpoint, whether the subject is work, art, politics, technology, or your personal experience. Blogs are sometimes described as online journals, but most blogs are closer to oldschool newspaper editorials or magazine commentary. That's because a journal writer is usually talking to himself, while a half-decent blogger unabashedly addresses the reader. Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 7 WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS FIGURE 1-4 Paul Krugman of the New York Times writes this traditional blog. Here's what you see when you arrive at http://krugman.blogs. nytimes.com. Scroll down and you see a dozen or so of his most recent posts. Blogs exhibit a few common characteristics. These details aren’t mandatory, but most blogs share them. • A personal, conversational tone. Usually, you write blogs in the first person (“I bought an Hermès Birkin bag today” or “Readers emailed me to point out an error in yesterday’s post”). Even if you blog on a serious topic—you might be a high-powered executive promoting your company, for example—the style remains informal. This gives blogs an immediacy and connection to your readers that they love. 8 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • Dated entries. Usually, blog posts appear in reverse-chronological order, so the most recent post takes center stage. Often, readers can browse archives of old posts by day, month, or year (see “Recent Posts” in Figure 1-4). This emphasis on dates makes blogs seem current and relevant, assuming you post regularly. But miss a few months, and your neglected blog will seem old, stale, and seriously out of touch—and even faithful readers will drift away. WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS • Interaction through comments. Blogs aren’t just written in a conversational way, they also “feel” like a conversation. Loyal readers add their feedback to your thoughts, usually in the form of comments appended to the end of your post (but sometimes through a ratings system or an online poll). Think of it this way: Your post gets people interested, but their comments get them invested, which makes them much more likely to come back and check out new posts. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Who's Blogging? Technorati, a popular blog search engine, maintains a list of the most popular blogs at http://technorati.com/blogs/top100 and compiles statistics about the blog universe. The last time it asked bloggers why they blog, it found the following: • 60 percent of bloggers write for the sense of personal satisfaction they get by sharing their worldview with readers. • 18 percent of people blog professionally. They're compensated for their work, although for many it's a supplementary source of income, not their livelihood. Professional bloggers may be part time or full time, and they usually blog about technology or their own musings. • 13 percent of bloggers are considered entrepreneurs. Their goals are similar to those of corporate bloggers (see the next item), but they blog for a company they own. • 8 percent of bloggers work for and write under the imprimatur of a company. They generally talk about business or technology, and their goals are to share expertise, to gain professional recognition, and to lure new clients. Equally interesting is the question of what bloggers blog about. The answer is everything, from travel and music to finance and real estate, from parenting and relationships to celebrities and current events. To dig deeper, check out Technorati's Digital Influencer's Report from 2013 at http://bit.ly/1fSbmAT. (Quick takeaway: 64 percent of the bloggers surveyed are making money, but for 80 percent of them, the financial rewards total less than $10,000 per year.) Some sites take the basic structure of a blog and apply it to different types of content. One popular example is the photo blog, which ditches text in favor of pictures (see Figure 1-5). Similarly, you can find plenty of video blogs that feature a video clip in every post. Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 9 WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS FIGURE 1-5 You can put photo blogs to a variety of uses—everything from serious photography to lowbrow fun. Examples of the latter include sites like http://failblog. org and, shown here, http:// damnyouautocorrect.com, where each page is a screen capture from an iPhone conversation gone horribly wrong. In recent years, people have become increasingly interested in super-lightweight blogs and blog-like tools. Examples include the micro-posts on Tumblr, the short messages on Twitter, and the pictures on Instagram and Pinterest. As you'll see in this book, you can create a basic microblog with WordPress, too. However, WordPress makes the most sense when you want to create something a little less casual and a little more permanent. For example, a collection of random selfies makes sense on Instagram, but a series of lovingly arranged, captioned photographs documenting your trip to Iceland fits nicely into a WordPress site that uses a photo theme. 10 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Blogging with WordPress is a slam-dunk. After all, WordPress was created as a blogging tool (in 2003), and has since exploded into the most popular blogging software on the planet. In fact, if you plan to create a blog, there's really no good reason not to use WordPress. Although there are several other blogging platforms out there, and they all work reasonably well, none of them has the near-fanatical WordPress community behind it, which is responsible for thousands of themes and plug-ins, and might even help you solve hosting and configuration problems (just ask your questions in the forums at http://wordpress.org/support). WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS UP TO SPEED Creating a Modern Blog Perhaps the idea of writing a blog seems a bit boring to you. If so, you're probably locked into an old-fashioned idea about what a blog is. Today's blogs aren't glorified online diaries. In fact, the best way to create an un successful blog is to chronicle your meandering, unfiltered thoughts on everything from the Tea Party to toe jam. Even your friends won't want to sift through that. Instead, follow these tips to make your blog truly legit: • Pick a topic and focus relentlessly. People will seek out your blog if it's based on a shared interest or experience. For example, create a blog about your dining experiences around town, and foodies will flock to your pages. Talk up the challenges of taking care of a baby, and other new parents will come by and commiserate. If you're having trouble deciding exactly what you want to accomplish with your blog and what topics are truly blog-worthy, WordPress has a great reference with blog brainstorming tips at http://learn.wordpress.com/get-focused. • Add a clever title. Once you choose your topic, give your blog a name that reinforces it, which will also help you stay on topic. Paul Krugman, for example, calls his blog The Conscience of a Liberal (Figure 1-4), despite the fact that his name is well-recognized among his target audience. • Find a new perspective. It's a rule of the Web that everything has been blogged before, so find a unique angle from which to attack your topic. For example, when Scott Schuman began his now blazingly popular blog The Sartorialist (www.thesartorialist.com), he didn't just slap together an ordinary fashion blog. Instead, he created a unique commentary on real-life fashion by using pictures he snapped strolling the streets of New York. • Don't be afraid to specialize. You won't pique anyone's interest with yet another movie review site called My Favorite Movies. But throw a different spin on the subject with a blog that finds film flaws (In Search of Movie Mistakes) or combines your experience from your day job as a high-school science teacher (The Physics of Vampire Movies), and you just might attract a crowd. • Don't forget pictures, audio, and video. Bloggers shouldn't restrict themselves to text. At a bare minimum, blogs need pictures, diagrams, comics, or some other visual element to capture the reader's eye. Even better, you can weave in audio or video clips of performances, interviews, tutorials, or related material. They don't even need to be your own work—for example, if you're discussing the avant-garde classical composer György Ligeti, it's worth the extra five minutes to dig up a performance on YouTube and embed that into your post. (You'll learn how to do that in Chapter 10.) Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 11 WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS Other Types of WordPress Sites Blogs are fantastic, exciting things, but they're not for everyone, even if you have a streamlined tool like WordPress at your disposal. The good news is that, because of its inherent flexibility, WordPress makes an excellent program for building other kinds of websites, too. In fact, as long as you're willing to do a little theme customization, you can convert your WordPress pages into something that doesn't look one whit like a traditional blog. The following sections show you some of the types of sites you can create. STORIES AND ARTICLES WordPress makes a great home for personal, blog-style writing, but it's an equally good way to showcase the more polished writing of a news site, web magazine, short-story collection, scholarly textbook, and so on. WordPress also allows multiple authors to work together, each adding content and managing the site (as you'll discover in Chapter 11). Consider, for example, the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy shown in Figure 1-6 (and located at www.iep.utm.edu). It's a sprawling catalog of philosophy topics amassed from about 300 authors and maintained by 25 editors, all with heavyweight academic credentials. Created in 1995, the site moved to WordPress in 2009 to make everyone's life a whole lot easier. FIGURE 1-6 Although WordPress powers this website, you'll see few of the hallmarks of a traditional blog. The “posts” are actually long, subdivided articles, without dates or comments. 12 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is an interesting example for the sheer number and size of the articles it hosts. However, you'll also find WordPress at work in massive news sites, including TechCrunch, TMZ, Salon, Boing Boing, ThinkProgress, and the CNN site Political Ticker. WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS GEM IN THE ROUGH How to Find Out if a Website Uses WordPress There are plenty of websites built with WordPress, even if it's not always apparent. So what can you do if you simply must know whether your favorite site is one of them? You could ask the website administrator, but if you're in a hurry, there are two easier ways. The first is the quick-anddirty approach: Right-click the page in your browser, choose View Source to bring up the page's raw HTML, and then hit Ctrl+F to launch your browser's search feature. Hunt for text starting with “wp-”. If you find wp-content or wp-includes somewhere in the mass of markup, you're almost certainly looking at a WordPress site. Another approach is to use a browser plug-in, called a sniffer, that analyzes the markup. The advantage of this approach is that most sniffers detect other types of web-creation tools and programming platforms, so if the site isn’t based on WordPress, you might still find out a bit more about how it works. One of the most popular sniffers is Wappalyzer ( http://wappalyzer. com), which works with the Firefox and Chrome browsers. CATALOGS WordPress is particularly well suited to websites stuffed full of organized content. For example, think of a website that has a huge archive of ready-to-make recipes (Figure 1-7). Or consider a site that collects classified ads, movie critiques, restaurant reviews, or custom products. NOTE The dividing line between blogs and catalogs can be a fine one. For example, you can find plenty of cooking-themed WordPress sites that sort recipes by category and by date in a blog-style listing. However, most catalog sites go beyond the blog in some way, and require the advanced theme customization skills you’ll develop in Part 4 of this book. Because WordPress relies on a database, it’s a wizard at organizing massive amounts of content. In a properly designed catalog site, people can find a review, product, or whatever else they want in a number of ways, such as searching by keyword or browsing by category. Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 13 WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS FIGURE 1-7 This WordPress site features a huge catalog of recipes and articles that have cooking tips. What makes the site distinctly different from a blog is the fact that it doesn't organize recipes by date, displayed one by one in reverse-chronological order. Instead, it orders them in common-sense categories, like Meat, Seafood, and Mushrooms. BUSINESS SITES WordPress isn’t just a great tool for self-expression, it’s also an excellent way to do business. The only challenge is deciding exactly how you want to use WordPress to help you out. The first, and simplest, option is to take your existing business website and augment it with WordPress. For example, the Ford Motor Co. uses WordPress for its news site http://social.ford.com, which invites customers to post feedback and share the hype about new vehicles on Facebook and Twitter. But if you head to Ford’s main site, www.ford.com, and you search for a local dealer or ask for a price quote, you’ll be entirely WordPress-free. These parts of Ford’s site rely on custom web applications, which Ford’s web developers created. 14 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Other companies do use WordPress to take charge of their entire websites. Usually, they’re smaller sites, and often the goal is simply to promote a business and share its latest news. For example, you could use WordPress to advertise the key details about your new restaurant, including its location, menu, and recent reviews. Or imagine you need more detailed information for a tourist attraction, like the detailed website for Perth Zoo (Figure 1-8). WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS FIGURE 1-8 The Perth Zoo website has it all—detailed menus, information about animals, a review of the zoo's policies, and up-to-date news. But there's a catch: To make this website look as beautiful as it does, the designers needed to combine WordPress knowledge with some traditional web design skills (including a good knowledge of HTML and CSS). Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 15 WHAT YOU CAN BUILD WITH WORDPRESS UP TO SPEED What Makes a Catalog Site Catalog sites are also known by many other names. Some people describe them as content-based sites; others call them CMS sites (for “content management system,” because they manage reams of information). No matter what you call them, the sites share a few key characteristics: • They include a large volume of content. If you want to create a recipe site with just four recipes, it probably wouldn't be worth the WordPress treatment. • The content can be divided into separate pages. With a blog, the “pages” are actually blog posts. In a recipe site, each page is a recipe. (And in the Encyclopedia of Philosophy shown on page 12, each page is a lengthy scholarly article.) • Each page consists of text, images, and/or video. Usually, pages are stuffed with text. Often, they're enriched with pictures and video. That's where WordPress shines. It's less adept at displaying reams of numeric data, like the last 12 years' worth of sales at your chain of mattress superstores. • Visitors browse the content by category. You categorize pages by their subject matter. Visitors use those categories to find exactly what they want—like a recipe for a specific ingredient. Often, guests get to what they want by clicking through a slick, multilayered menu. These criteria encompass a surprisingly huge range of modernday websites. Examples include event listings for festivals, a portfolio of your work, a list of products you sell, and so on. Pretty much everywhere there's a mass of text or pictures that needs to be categorized and presented to the world, WordPress is there, making itself useful. A greater challenge is when a business doesn't just want to advertise or inform with its website, but it also wants to do business over the Web. For example, imagine you create a site for your family-run furniture store, like the one shown in Figure 1-9. You don't just want to advertise the pieces you offer; you want to take orders for them, too, complete with all the trappings typical of an ecommerce website (such as a shopping cart, a checkout page, email confirmation, and so on). In this situation, you need to go beyond WordPress's native features and add a plug-in to handle the checkout process. For some small businesses, an ecommerce plug-in offers a practical solution. But for many others, this approach just isn’t flexible enough. Instead, most ecommerce sites need a custom-tailored transaction-processing system that integrates with other parts of their business (like their inventory records or their customer database). This functionality is beyond the scope of WordPress and its plug-ins. TIP To see more examples of what you can do with WordPress, including plenty of business sites, visit the WordPress showcase at http://wordpress.org/showcase. 16 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL WORDPRESS HOSTING FIGURE 1-9 On this furniture website, you can view the chairs for sale, their prices, and their dimensions. All this is possible with WordPress's standard features and a heavily customized theme. But if you want to allow online ordering, you need to use a plug-in from a third party. WordPress Hosting If you've reached this point, it's safe to say you're on board with WordPress. Now you need to decide exactly where you'll put your WordPress site. The simplest (and cheapest) option is to sign up for the free WordPress.com service, which is run by the fine folks at Automattic (founded by a guy named Matt Mullenweg, hence the “matt” in the company name). The deal is simple: They give your website a home, some exposure, and a free web address that ends in .wordpress. com (although you can buy a custom domain name if you want), and you accept a few limitations—most notably, your website can't show ads or use other people's plug-ins, and you can't edit your theme by hand. NOTE The people at Automattic are also largely responsible for (but not completely in control of) the development of the WordPress software. That's because Automattic employs many of WordPress's lead developers. However, WordPress is still a community-driven, open-source project. Your other hosting option is to install WordPress on your web host's server and build your site there. The drawback here is that you need to pay your web host. And although you won't be on the hook for much coin—good plans run just a few Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 17 WORDPRESS HOSTING dollars a month—you still need to open your wallet. Generally, WordPressers call this approach self-hosting, even though someone else actually does the hosting. In other words, you're not running a web server in your basement; you're contracting with a web hosting company for some space on its servers. NOTE Although the WordPress nomenclature is a bit confusing, the real story is simple. WordPress is the software that powers all WordPress sites. (Sometimes, people call the software WordPress.org, because that's the web address where you download the program.) On the other hand, WordPress.com is a free web hosting service that uses the WordPress software. So no matter where you decide to host your site—through WordPress. com or on your own web host—you'll be using the WordPress software. Choosing Where to Host Your Site If WordPress.com is so eager to give you a free, reliable web host, why wouldn't you use it? Here are a few good reasons to consider self-hosting instead: • You want to create a site that isn't a blog. In this chapter, you've seen plenty of examples of websites, from webzines to recipe catalogs to slick business sites. Many of those sites are more difficult to create with WordPress.com (if not impossible). That's because WordPress.com prevents you from editing the code in your theme, or from using a theme that isn't in WordPress.com's preapproved list of about 200 themes. • You already have a website. With most third-party web hosts, you won't have to pay extra to add a WordPress site. And if you already have a web presence, it makes sense to capitalize on the domain name (that's your web address, like www.PajamaDjs.com) and the web space you already have. • You want complete control over your site's appearance. If you're the sort of person who can't sleep at night unless you get the chance to tweak every last WordPress setting, you definitely want the free rein of a self-hosted site. With it, you can choose from thousands of site-enhancing plug-ins and a universe of custom themes. • You want to make money advertising. Ordinarily, WordPress.com doesn't allow its sites to display ads or to participate in affiliate programs (where you send traffic to a retailer, who shares any resulting revenue with you). However, WordPress.com is in the midst of a pilot program called WordAds, which allows a limited type of advertising, provided your site is accepted into the program. You can learn more and apply at http://wordpress.com/apply-for-wordads. NOTE Even though you can't run standard ads on WordPress.com, you can still make money there. WordPress. com is perfectly fine with a website that promotes a particular product or business, includes a PayPal-powered Donate button, or advertises your own personal fee-based services. 18 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • You don't want your readers to see ads, ever. WordPress.com is a bit sneaky in this regard. In some cases, it will insert an ad into one of your pages. This usually happens when someone stumbles across your site from a search engine. It doesn't happen if a visitor surfs from one WordPress.com site to another, or if a visitor is logged in with a WordPress.com account. For these reasons, you might never notice the ads that other people could see. If this behavior bothers you, you can remove the ads from your site, but you need to pay WordPress. com a yearly fee (currently, $30 per year). WORDPRESS HOSTING NOTE WordPress.com isn't necessarily as free as you think. In addition to paying for ad-free pages, you can opt (and pay) for a personalized web address, the ability to edit the fonts in your theme, and extra space for big files and hosted video. You can get information about all these upgrades at http://support.wordpress.com/ upgrades. It's worth noting that self-hosters get virtually all these features through their own web hosts, so if you plan to buy several upgrades, you should at least consider getting your own web host instead—it may end up costing you less. In general, self-hosting is a slightly more powerful and more expensive strategy than hosting with WordPress.com. But there are reasons why people actually prefer to use WordPress.com rather than self-host: • No-headache maintenance. If WordPress.com hosts your site, all the website maintenance is taken care of. You don't need to think about installing patches or WordPress updates, or making backups of your site. • Better discoverability. If your site is on WordPress.com, people can stumble across it in two ways. First, they can browse the giant index of popular subject tags at http://wordpress.com/tags, and pick one you use in your posts. Second, if you write a particularly popular post, your site may appear in the “Blog of the Day” list that WordPress.com features prominently on its front page (http:// wordpress.com), and attract a click-storm of new traffic. • Reliability. It's not hard to find a good web host that has solid WordPress support. That said, no one serves as many WordPress sites as WordPress.com—it uses over 1,000 web servers to hand out billions of WordPress pages every month. That means that if a page on your WordPress site suddenly goes viral with a burst of popularity, WordPress.com will handle the challenge, while a less able web-hosting service could buckle. Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape 19 WORDPRESS HOSTING WORD TO THE WISE What WordPress.com Won't Allow It probably comes as little surprise that there are some types of websites that WordPress.com doesn't welcome. Here are the problem areas: • Spam. If you create a website for the sole purpose of attracting clicks for another site, artificially inflating another site's Google search ranking with spurious links, promoting “get rich quick” schemes, or showing ads, WordPress will wipe it off the Web in minutes. • Copyright violation. If you create a site that includes content owned by someone else and you don't have permission to use it, WordPress has the power to yank your site. Copyright (and other) complaints are made at http://wordpress.com/complaints . • Masquerading. It's not acceptable to create a blog where you pretend to be someone else. • Threats or criminality. If your blog threatens another real-life person, incites violence, or promotes an illegal scheme, you obviously aren't a nice person, and WordPress won't want you. You'll notice that there's one oft-censored site type missing from this list: namely, those that include sex, erotica, or pornography. It turns out that WordPress.com is mostly OK with that, but it will slap “mature” blogs with an adults-only warning, and it won't include them in its home page or tag directory. WordPress.com Sites vs. Self-Hosted Sites Struggling to keep all the details about WordPress.com and WordPress.org in mind at once? Table 1-1 summarizes the key differences. Remember that the WordPress program is packed with functionality, and the table leaves out the long list of features that work equally well in WordPress.com and on self-hosted WordPress sites. TABLE 1-1 Comparing WordPress.com and self-hosted sites 20 YOU WANT TO… WITH WORDPRESS.COM WITH A SELF-HOSTED SITE Pay as little as possible. The starting cost is free, but various enhancements cost money. You pay the cost of web hosting. That's typically $5 to $10 per month, unless your site is wildly popular, in which case you need to pay your host double or more to get a plan that ensures good performance during times of high traffic (see the box on page 51). Forget all about web server maintenance. Yes. No, you need to back up your content regularly, and update plug-ins and themes with new versions (but fortunately both jobs are pretty easy). WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL YOU WANT TO… WITH WORDPRESS.COM WITH A SELF-HOSTED SITE Use a custom website address (like www.myName. com). Yes, but it requires an upgrade ($18 to $25 per year). Yes, but you must buy it through your web host or a domain registrar. Get good-looking, readymade themes. Yes, you can choose from about 200 themes (and the list is growing). Yes, you can choose from more than 2,000 free themes (and the list is growing). Change the layout of your theme and add new widgets. Yes (although you're limited to the widgets that WordPress.com approves). Yes (and you can get more widgets by installing plug-ins). Edit the styles (fonts and formatting) in your theme. Yes, but it requires an upgrade ($30 per year). Yes. Change the code in your theme files. No. Yes. Create a non-blog site. Yes, if you can find a suitable theme, but there are many limitations. Yes. Show pictures and videos. Yes, but it costs extra if you want to host the video files on your website, instead of through a service like YouTube or Vimeo. Yes, but you'll probably still need a hosting service like YouTube or Vimeo for your videos. Make money with ads. No, unless you're accepted into WordPress's WordAds program (which has its own restrictions). Yes. Keep ads off your site. Yes, but it requires an upgrade ($30 per year). Yes (there are no ads, unless you put them there). Let multiple people post on the same site. Yes. Yes. Create multiple sites. Yes (but if you buy any upgrades, you need to buy them separately for each site). Yes. Create a multisite network that allows other people to create their own personal sub-sites. No. Yes. Use WordPress plug-ins to get even more features. No. Yes, you can choose from a staggeringly large and ever-expanding collection of about 30,000 plug-ins. Get help with your problems. Yes, through the forums at http://forums.wordpress.com. Yes, through the forums at http://wordpress.org/ support. Chapter 1: The WordPress Landscape WORDPRESS HOSTING 21 WORDPRESS HOSTING Overall, the best advice is this: If you're a keen WordPress fan with a bit of curiosity, a smattering of computer experience, and a willingness to experiment (and if you've picked up this book, you almost certainly fit that description), you'll be happiest self-hosting WordPress. However, if you don't have a web host and you're a bit overwhelmed, it's a perfectly good idea to start with WordPress.com. You can always migrate to a self-hosted WordPress site later on, and Appendix A, “Migrating from WordPress.com,” describes exactly how to do that. The only recommendation with this strategy is that you buy your own domain name from the get-go, as described on page 24. That way, should you move to a self-hosted WordPress site, you can keep the address you used when you were at WordPress.com, and you won't lose the audience you spent so long building up. UP TO SPEED Managed Hosting 22 There is one other, relatively new type of WordPress hosting that's geared to less experienced site developers who don't want to mess with WordPress administration, but want more features and flexibility than WordPress.com offers. It's called managed hosting. site recovery (repairing your site after a spammer hijacks it). You might even get tools to promote your site and a techy support person to install your plug-ins for you. Plans for small- to medium-sized sites start at around $30 per month, but heavily trafficked sites can pay hundreds of dollars a month. If you sign up for a managed hosting plan, your web hosting company provides you with a domain name and some web hosting space, just like you'd get with a self-hosted site. However, managed hosting companies also add WordPress-specific services like automatic updates, daily backups, caching, and You can learn more about managed hosting by checking out some of the web hosts that provide it, such as WP Engine ( http://wpengine.com) and Synthesis ( http://websynthesis. com). WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CHAPTER Signing Up with WordPress.com 2 I n Chapter 1, you took a big-picture look at WordPress and the sites it can build. Now you’re ready to partner with WordPress and start building your own web masterpiece. But not so fast. Before you can create even a single WordPress-powered page, you need to decide where to put it, and, as you found out in Chapter 1, WordPress gives you two perfectly good choices: • The WordPress.com hosting service. This is a wonderfully free and supremely convenient service for web authors who want to build an ordinary blog and can live with a few limitations. • Self-hosting. This option requires you to set up WordPress on your own web host, which is a little bit more work (but still not much hassle). Self-hosted sites are more powerful and flexible than WordPress.com-hosted sites—they let you show ads, use plug-ins, and create completely customized pages that go far beyond ordinary blogs. In this chapter, you’ll get started with the first choice: using WordPress.com. But if you’d prefer to give self-hosting a whirl, skip this chapter and jump straight to Chapter 3. No matter which route you take, the paths converge in Chapter 4, where you’ll begin adding content, refining your site, and developing the skills of a true WordPress wizard. 23 CHOOSING A WEB ADDRESS TIP If you’re still divided between the convenience of WordPress.com and the flexibility of a self-hosted site, you can review the key differences on page 20. Or you can leave both doors open: Start with a WordPress. com website and buy a domain name (your own custom web address), as described in this chapter. That way, you can switch to a self-hosted site in the future if you outgrow WordPress.com. Choosing a Web Address As you already know, a web address is a short bit of text, like www.SuperStyleFreak. com, that someone types into a browser to get to your site. The most essential part of a web address is the domain name (often shortened to just domain), which points to the web server where your website exists. For example, consider the website address http://WineSnobs.com/exotic-cocktails. The first part of the address, http://, indicates that the URL points to a location on the Internet, which uses a networking technology called HTTP. The second part of the address, WineSnobs.com, is the domain name. And the last part, /exotic-cocktails, points to a specific page on the WineSnobs.com domain. Clearly, the domain is the most important part of the equation, because it identifies the central hub for all your pages. Before you sign up with WordPress.com, you need to give some serious thought to the domain name you want to use. That’s because WordPress.com gives you a choice: You can buy your own domain name, or you can use a WordPress.com freebie. Here’s the catch: If you get a free domain name from WordPress.com, it will have .wordpress.com appended to the end of it. That means you’ll end up with an address like WineSnobs.wordpress.com. But if you pay WordPress.com a small yearly fee of about $18, you can buy a custom domain name that doesn’t have this limitation—say, WineSnobs.com. And while there’s nothing wrong with a web address that ends in .wordpress.com, a custom domain name can be beneficial for several reasons: • Names matter. A catchy web address is easier for visitors to remember, and a clever name can attract more visitors to your site. If you’re willing to buy a custom domain name, you’ll have more naming choices, and your web address will probably be shorter and snappier. • You may not want to advertise WordPress. In some circles, using WordPress is a badge of honor. But in other fields, it could make your site seem less professional. For example, victoriassecret.wordpress.com doesn’t leave quite the same impression as the real site address. • Custom domain names are more portable. This is usually the most important consideration. If you go with a free name and decide later to move your WordPress site to a different host, you’ll need to change your domain name. (For example, you might go from WineSnobs.wordpress.com to www.WineSnobs. com, assuming www.WineSnobs.com is even available when you make the move.) Changing your domain name risks severing the relationships you built up through your original .wordpress.com address. It also breaks any links on other 24 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL sites that point to your site, and it confuses the visitors who have bookmarked your old site. And if all that’s not bad enough, you’ll lose the hard-earned Google search ranking that helps your site show up in web searches, too. CHOOSING A WEB ADDRESS When you’re just starting out, it’s easy to underestimate the likelihood of migrating to a custom web host and the headache of changing your domain name. But life happens, people change, and many die-hard WordPress.com bloggers eventually move to a do-it-yourself web host so they have more flexibility in what they can do on their site. For all these reasons, we strongly suggest that you buy a custom domain name for your WordPress.com blog at the outset. If you do, you’ll be able to keep your domain name forever, even if you switch to a different web host. You’ll simply need to transfer your domain to your new host (as explained in Appendix A). NOTE Keep in mind that using a custom domain name or a domain name that you own doesn’t avoid any of the other limitations that hosting with WordPress.com imposes (see page 20). For example, you still won’t be allowed to place ads on your site or to use plug-ins. Before you continue, take a moment to determine your domain name strategy. If you’re a technophobic sort and you positively, absolutely don’t plan to move to a self-hosted site—ever—you can choose a good .wordpress.com address and forget about the rest. However, paying a little extra for a custom domain name is almost always worth the trouble. Think of it as a bit of added insurance for whatever the future might hold. Assuming you do want a custom domain name for your WordPress site, you can get one in two ways. The most common method is to buy your domain name when you sign up with WordPress.com, as you’ll learn to do in the next section. At the time of this writing, WordPress.com charges $18 per year for most custom domains but increases the price for some specialty domains (for example, .me and .co domains cost $25 per year). Another option is to use a domain name that you’ve already bought from a domain registrar. For example, you might have registered a domain name in the past, just to make sure no one else got hold of it. Or you might have bought a domain when you signed up to host your site with another company. For instance, if you bought the domain SuperStyleFreak.com a few months back, you can ask WordPress.com to use this web address when you create your blog. If you opt for this arrangement, you need to pay your original web host to maintain the domain registration (which typically costs about $10 a year) and you need to pay WordPress.com to use the domain (currently $13 per year). You also need to perform a bit of extra setup after you sign up with WordPress.com. The whole process is described on page 44. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 25 CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT Creating Your WordPress.com Account Once you’ve got a basic idea about the identity of your blog and you’ve picked some potential names for the website address, you’re ready to create your site. The following steps take you through the process: 1. In your browser, travel to http://wordpress.com , and click the “Sign up now” link. (Or, for a shortcut, head straight to the sign-up page at http:// wordpress.com/signup.) The all-in-one sign-up form appears (Figure 2-1). FIGURE 2-1 If you’ve ever stumbled through eight pages of forms to buy something online, you’ll appreciate WordPress.com’s singlepage signup. You need to supply just four critical pieces of information: a website address and your user name, password, and email address. 2. Fill in your email address. WordPress uses your email address to send its activation message when you finish signing up. If you don’t enter a valid email address, you won’t be able to activate your account and start blogging. 3. Choose a user name. You use your user name and password to log into WordPress when you want to add new posts or manage your site. Sometimes, WordPressers use part of their blog name for the user name (for example, if your blog address is lazyfather. wordpress.com, your user name might be lazyfather). WordPress has some rules about user names. You need at least four characters, which can use a combination of numbers and lowercase letters only. If someone already has the user name you want, a brief message appears under the user name box stating, “Sorry, that user name already exists!” It’s up to you to pick something unique before you continue. 26 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE Not only does your user name become part of the login process, it’s also the name WordPress uses as your display name, which is the name that appears at the end of your blog posts and in the comments you leave (among other places). However, you can easily change your display name to something more suitable, as described on page 374. CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT 4. Choose a password. Take the time to pick a password that’s different from the passwords you use on other sites, not found in the dictionary, and difficult to guess. If you’re not sure how to do that—or why you should bother—check out the box below. WORD TO THE WISE A WordPress Password Is More Than a Formality WordPress websites are commonly attacked by hackers looking to steal traffic or to stuff in some highly objectionable ads. The best way to avoid this danger is with a strong password. With enough tries, web evildoers can guess any password using an automated program. But most human WordPress hackers look for common words and patterns. If you use your first name (ashley), a string of close-together letters on the keyboard (qwerty, qazwsx), or a single word with a few number-fied or symbol-fied characters (like passw0rd and pa$$word ), be afraid. These passwords aren’t just a little bit insecure, they regularly make the list of the world’s 25 most stolen passwords. (For the complete list of bad passwords, check out http://onforb.es/v2rdOb.) That doesn’t mean you need a string of complete gibberish to protect your site. Instead, you can deter casual hackers (who are responsible for almost all WordPress attacks) by taking a reasonably unique piece of information and scrambling it lightly. For example, you can use a favorite musician (HERBeeHANcock88), a movie title (dr.strangel*ve), or a short sentence with some vowels missing (IThinkThrforIM ). It’s acceptable to write your password down on paper and tuck it in a desk drawer—after all, you’re not worried about family members or office colleagues, you’re concerned with international spammers, who certainly won’t walk into your office and rifle through your belongings. (However, it’s still a bad idea to put your password in an email or text message.) 5. Type the website address you want into the Blog Address box. If you want to use a free .wordpress.com domain, type in the first part of the name (for example, “RebelPastryChef” for the domain RebelPastryChef.wordpress.com). Your address needs to have at least four characters. If you want to buy a custom domain, which gives you the flexibility to move to a self-hosted site later, click the drop-down arrow to the right side of the Blog Address box. Then pick the top-level domain—that’s the final part of your domain name after the period, such as .me, .com, .net, or .org. Once you do that, type in the first part of the domain name, like “RebelPastryChef” to get the domain name RebelPastryChef.me. (As you probably already know, capitalization is unimportant in a domain name, so there’s no difference between RebelPastryChef.me and REBELpastrychef.ME, for instance.) As explained earlier, if you already own a custom domain name, you can use that for your new WordPress blog. To make this work, you need to go through a process called mapping. The first step is to pick an ordinary .wordpress.com Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 27 CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT website address. You then associate this to your custom domain name after you finish the sign-up process, by visiting the WordPress.com store and following the steps on page 44. In this situation, the .wordpress.com website address that you pick isn’t terribly important, but you may as well try to get one that’s similar to your domain name. NOTE For almost all websites, the www prefix is an acceptable but optional part of the domain name. In other words, RebelPastryChef.me and www.RebelPastryChef.me are equivalent. Some people think that it’s simpler, cleaner, and more modern to leave out the extra letters at the beginning, and WordPress.com agrees. As a result, if you register a domain through WordPress.com, the www prefix never appears. If you insist on typing the www part into a browser, you’ll get to the right site, but WordPress will strip the prefix out of the browser’s address bar (changing www.RebelPastryChef.me to RebelPastryChef.me, for example). WORD TO THE WISE Domain Name Frustration The only disadvantage to buying your own domain name is that it can be hard to find one that’s both good and available. You may think that most of the best .wordpress.com addresses have been snapped up already, but that’s nothing compared with the competition for top-level .com domains. So while it’s easy enough to decide to buy your own domain name (which is always a good idea), it’s a bit harder to actually find one. Here are some tips that can help: Incorporate your business name. Domains that are just combinations of popular words ending in .com (like DeliciousChocolate.com, ThoroughbredHorses.com) are almost certainly taken. Mix it up with your business name ( DelilasChocolates. com, AcmeThroughbredHorses.com), and you stand a much better chance. Think quirky. If you’re creating a new blog, you can afford to try out unusual-yet-catchy word combinations that capture the spirit of your writing but have been overlooked by the rapacious domain name sharks. Possibilities include ThatThingIsWeird.com, WhyCantISpell.com, and DieAutoTuneDie.com . They may be a bit odd and a bit long, but they’re catchy choices, for the right site. Settle for a less common top-level domain. The top-level domain is the final few letters of a domain name, after the last period. The most popular top-level domain is .com, but it’s also the most competitive. You’ll find many more options if you’re willing to settle for .org (which was originally intended for noncommercial websites but no longer has any restriction), .net , or the relatively new and catchy .me. For example, at the time of this writing, wickedcode.com is taken, but wickedcode. me is available. But be careful—the last thing you want is a potential visitor accidentally adding .com to the end of your address and ending up at your competitor’s site. 6. Wait while WordPress checks to see if your domain name is available. A few seconds later, it reports the answer (Figure 2-2). If your first choice isn’t free, try a variation or change the top-level domain using the drop-down list on the right. Finding a good domain name requires equal parts effort, creativity, and compromise. 28 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT FIGURE 2-2 Top: Money can’t buy you lazydad.com; it’s already in someone else’s hands. Below the gentle rejection, WordPress suggests some names that aren’t taken, like lazy-father.com (with a hyphen). Bottom: Change the top-level domain to .me, and you get happier news: your site can still grab the domain lazydad.me. 7. Scroll down to the table at the bottom of the page, which describes the different types of WordPress.com accounts (Figure 2-3). WordPress.com gives you the choice of three account types: • WordPress.com Beginner. This gets you a free WordPress.com blog, with all the essential features. If you’re not sure which account to choose, this one is the best starting point. If you still need a bit more, you can buy individual upgrades (like the highly recommended Custom Domain upgrade, for a reasonable $18 a year). • WordPress.com Premium. Formerly called the WordPress Value Bundle, this option includes the same world-class free blogging engine as the WordPress.com Beginner account and a handful of small upgrades. While several of these enhancements are worthwhile, the overall package doesn’t quite justify its $99 price tag for most people (see the box on page 33 for a more detailed analysis). • WordPress.com Business. This choice has the same features as a WordPress.com Premium account, with a few more frills thrown into the mix, like the ability to get live chat technical support. Unfortunately, you’ll pay for these modest improvements with a hefty $299 a year fee. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 29 CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT NOTE Businesses don’t need a Business account. WordPress.com has the same rules for all account types, and these rules let you describe and promote your business on your blog. However, if you’re trying to make money by showing ads, you’ll run afoul of the WordPress.com rules no matter which account type you choose. FIGURE 2-3 WordPress’s Premium and Business accounts bundle together several upgrades, each of which is available separately for a modest yearly fee, into an even cheaper package. The only catch is that you probably don’t need all the upgrades these bundles include. 8. Click the Create Blog button. Or if you’re buying one of the two enhanced types of WordPress.com accounts, click the corresponding Upgrade button instead. TIP WordPress is flexible. You can start with a WordPress.com Beginner account and upgrade to an enhanced account later (for the same price as WordPress offers at signup). Or, you can buy a WordPress.com Beginner account and add just the individual services you need, whenever you need them. You make these purchases in the WordPress.com store, as outlined on page 42. The initial stage of your account setup is complete. What WordPress does next depends on whether you chose to buy a domain name. 9. If you chose a free .wordpress.com domain in step 5, WordPress invites you to do a bit of blog customization (Figure 2-4). To help you get a jump-start on your blog, WordPress leads you through a series of pages that request more information. Although this step is optional, you can save time later by supplying three key details now: the title you want to use for your blog, a descriptive tagline that will be displayed just under your title, and a theme that will set the visual style of your entire site. 30 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT FIGURE 2-4 The more information you provide now, the less customization you’ll need to do later. As you step through this series of pages, WordPress collects the title and tagline for your blog (shown here), lets you pick the theme you want, and invites you to spread the word on Facebook and Twitter. TIP The best starting theme for learning WordPress is the clean and streamlined Twenty Twelve theme. It starts simple and has room for plenty of customization. It’s also the theme you see in the first examples of this book. (Don’t be put off by the out-of-date sounding name, which simply reflects when WordPress first released the theme. Twenty Twelve remains a popular classic to this day.) 10. If you picked a custom domain name (in step 5), WordPress ends the signup process by presenting you with a domain registration form (Figure 2-5). Fill in your contact details and click Register Domain. This registration information includes your name, postal address, and email address. WordPress submits this information, on your behalf, to the Domain Name System (DNS)—a key part of Internet bookkeeping that tracks who owns each piece of web real estate. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 31 CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT FIGURE 2-5 Here’s the information you need to register lazyfather.net. Use the checkbox at the bottom of the screen to keep this information hidden from spammers’ prying eyes, a good use of the $8 it costs. 32 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CREATING YOUR WORDPRESS. COM ACCOUNT FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Premium and Business Accounts Should I pay for an upgraded WordPress.com account with more features? Just before you sign up, WordPress.com attempts to seduce you with its Premium and Business accounts. These bundles combine several WordPress upgrades, each of which normally costs a yearly fee, into a slightly cheaper package. But before you plunk down any cash, you need to review whether these bundles are worthwhile. The most popular package, WordPress.com Premium, combines five upgrades and adds email tech support. One upgrade is the highly recommended custom domain option (normally $18/year). Two more upgrades are good, but not essential, enhancements. They include the Custom Design upgrade, which gives you the ability to edit the styles in your chosen theme (page 457) and the No Ads upgrade, which prevents WordPress from showing any advertisements on your site. (Even without the No Ads upgrade, your visitors may not see ads, because WordPress uses them only occasionally and never shows them to people logged into WordPress.com.) Altogether, these improvements total about $78 a year, if you were to purchase them separately. The final two upgrades included with WordPress.com Premium are additional space (for hosting very big files) and VideoPress support (for video files). These upgrades may appeal to you if you plan to show videos on your site, but most people find it cheaper and easier to host videos using a free service like YouTube, by simply embedding a YouTube video window on their WordPress pages (see page 350 to learn how). VideoPress is a more specialized option that may appear if you plan to show content that isn’t suitable for YouTube—for example, videos that run longer than YouTube’s 15-minute limit, or videos that visitors can download. You’ll learn more about VideoPress on page 358. If you don’t need these features, the $100-a-year cost isn’t much of a bargain. The WordPress.com Business account has the same features as a WordPress.com Premium account, with even more space, the ability to get live chat technical support, and unlimited premium themes. Most premium themes run between $20 and $80, so the WordPress.com Business account may make sense if you plan to create several sites, or if you just want to experiment with many theme options. That said, WordPress. com has a solid selection of free themes, so it’s worth waiting to see if these can satisfy your site before you shell out the pricey $300-a-year fee. Domain name registration is public, which means that anyone with an Internet connection can look up your domain and find out that you own it. (Interested parties also get your phone number and email address.) Usually, this isn’t a problem, but it does provide an opening for spammers to hassle you. If you don’t want your public details exposed, don’t try to fake them with incorrect information. Instead, tick the box that says “Make my personal information private for this registration.” It costs an extra $8, but it gives you guaranteed anonymity—at least until you start posting. Finally, WordPress asks you to pay up. Fill out your payment information and click the “Purchase and Register Domain” button. WordPress will email you a receipt. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 33 MANAGING YOUR NEW SITE TIP WordPress doesn’t provide an email service. So if you buy the domain lazyfather.net, you can’t get email at joe@lazyfather.net. However, WordPress does let you forward email from your custom domain to another email address. For example, it can automatically redirect mail sent to the custom domain joe@lazyfather.net to a personal account like joe_symes23@gmail.com. If you want to use WordPress.com’s redirection service, you can find instructions at http://support.wordpress.com/email-forwarding. 11. Check your email for an activation message from WordPress. The message includes a button named Confirm Email Address or Log In. Click the button to activate your site. Clicking the button launches your web browser and sends you to http://wordpress.com, the central administration station for all the blogs you create with WordPress.com. You’ll learn your way around in the next section. Managing Your New Site Once you complete the sign-up process and activate your account, you’re ready to do just about everything else. The easiest starting point is the http://wordpress.com home page, where you can read other people’s blogs and manage your own. Once you get there, type in the user name and password you picked when you signed up, and then click Sign In. You’ll find yourself in WordPress.com’s central hub (Figure 2-6). 34 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL MANAGING YOUR NEW SITE FIGURE 2-6 The http://wordpress. com website provides a central hub for following the WordPress.com community and working on your own blogs. The site has four main areas, and you move from section to section using the buttons at the top of the page. Initially, WordPress starts you at the Reader page, where you can keep track of your favorite blogs and hunt for new ones (page 39). But the best jumping-off point for a newly minted WordPress.com administrator like yourself is the My Blogs page. There, you’ll see a list of all the blogs you’ve created so far, which at this point is just one (Figure 2-7). Next to each blog are a set of handy management links, as well as a shortcut for adding a new post to your blog. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 35 MANAGING YOUR NEW SITE FIGURE 2-7 Right now, you’ve created just one WordPress.com blog. In this example, it’s named My Blog and it lives at the WordPress. com address lazyfather. wordpress.com. UP TO SPEED Adding More Sites There’s no need to limit yourself to a single WordPress.com site. In fact, every WordPress.com user is allowed to create an unlimited number of sites. To add a new site, you use the My Blogs page, which lists all the WordPress sites you created so far. To add a new one, click the Create a New Blog button. You’ll have to supply the same information you entered when you created your first blog, including a website address (a free .wordpress.com domain or a custom domain you purchase) and a blog name. You won’t need to supply a new user name or password, because you already have a WordPress.com account. 36 If you’ve invested in some WordPress.com upgrades, adding sites can get expensive. That’s because you need to buy each upgrade separately for every site that uses it. So if you create two sites and you want to fine-tune the CSS style rules for each, you need to buy two Custom Design upgrades for a total of $60 per year. You can’t delete any of your WordPress.com sites from the My Blogs tab. Instead, you need to visit the dashboard, the administrative hub you’ll explore in Chapter 4. Once you’re in the dashboard, you can remove the current site by choosing Tools→Delete Site from the left-side menu. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL To visit your newly created WordPress.com blog, click its name on the My Blogs page. WordPress opens a new browser tab to show you the current state of your mostly blank site (Figure 2-8). MANAGING YOUR NEW SITE FIGURE 2-8 When you create a new site, WordPress.com adds a single dummy post with some basic instructions in it. Although it doesn’t look like much, this shell of a site has all the infrastructure you need to build a genuinely useful WordPress site, which you’ll learn to do starting in Chapter 4. When you visit your site, take a moment to review the URL that appears in the browser’s address box. If you chose to go with a free .wordpress.com domain (like lazyfather.wordpress.com), this is the address you’ll see there. If you purchased a custom domain, your new domain won’t be working just yet, but WordPress.com will assign you a similar temporary .wordpress.com domain. For example, if you bought mysticalpeanuts.net, WordPress.com will start your site out at mysticalpeanuts. wordpress.com (or, if that’s not available, it adds the top-level domain into the name to come up with a slightly more awkward version of the address, like mysticalpeanutsdotcom.wordpress.com). Most of the work you’ll perform with your WordPress site takes place at the dashboard, an administrative web interface that you can use to add posts, configure styles and settings, and much more (see Figure 2-9). To get there, click the Dashboard link that appears under your site on the My Blogs page. Incidentally, almost all the other links there also take you to the dashboard; they simply navigate to a specific section of it. For example, if you click Posts you’ll wind up at the Posts section of Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 37 EXPLORING THE WORDPRESS. COM COMMUNITY the dashboard, which you’ll study in detail in Chapter 4. The only exception is the Stats link, which shows you the visitor traffic and other statistics for your WordPress. com sites (just as if you clicked the Stats link at the top of the page, just between Reader and My Blogs). NOTE You’ve just learned the simplest way to visit the dashboard for your site: Log into WordPress.com, click My Blogs, and then click the Dashboard link. However, there’s a shortcut that lets you jump straight to the dashboard without going through WordPress.com. Just type in the web address for your blog, with /wp-admin added at the end. For example, to manage lazyfather.wordpress.com, you’d go to lazyfather.wordpress.com/wpadmin. (WordPress will ask you to sign in with your user name and password if you aren’t already logged in.) FIGURE 2-9 In the dashboard view, a menu of commands runs down the left side of the screen, arranged in groups. You use the different parts of this menu to accomplish different tasks, from creating new posts to reviewing spam comments. You’ll spend plenty of time touring the dashboard in the chapters to come. Exploring the WordPress.com Community Once you have your very own WordPress site, you’re also a member of the WordPress. com community. Warm and fuzzy feelings aside, the connections and exposure you get through the community can have real benefits, particularly if your WordPress. com site is a straight-up, traditional blog. These benefits include the following: 38 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • Ideas. No site exists in a vacuum, especially not a blog. By looking at other people’s work, you can tune in to a powerful source of inspiration for both content and style. On the content side, you can discover trending topics and popular subjects (using the Freshly Pressed tab and Popular Topics link described in the next section, for example). Then, you can join in on the conversation by giving your own spin on hot topics on your blog. On the style side, you can see how other people polish themes and perfect their layouts, and you can use that insight to improve your own site. EXPLORING THE WORDPRESS. COM COMMUNITY • Promotion. As in the real world, one of the most successful ways to make friends, attract attention, or score a new job is by networking with other, like-minded people. When you find other blogs that tackle the same issues as yours, you can exchange links and create a blogroll that connects their sites to yours (page 228). Or you can increase your exposure by commenting on someone else’s posts (on their blog) or publishing a full reply post (on your blog). Eventually, these practices can attract many more visitors to your site. With that in mind, you’re ready to survey the field. Start at the WordPress.com front page (http://wordpress.com). If you aren’t already logged in, fill in your user name and password and then click Sign In. You start at the Reader page. However, unless you’ve already subscribed to someone else’s blog, you won’t see any content there. Instead, you have to search for what you want. There are several ways to track down WordPress.com content that might interest you: • Browse the recommended blogs. On the Reader page, click the “blogs we recommend” link that appears in the first bullet point. You can then click a category that interests you (like Popular Culture & Entertainment or Photography to see a short list with some of the best blogs on the subject. Click a blog’s name to view it in a separate tab. WordPress.com is willing to recommend only a very small set of blogs, so this approach won’t get you very deep into the WordPress.com community. • Read the Freshly Pressed page. The best place to get a sense of the chatter on WordPress.com is the Freshly Pressed page. It shows a cross-section of the day’s most attention-grabbing posts (Figure 2-10). Click a post that interests you to read the full article and continue on to the blog that hosts it. • Hunt for interesting posts by keyword. When WordPress bloggers create a new post, they add a few descriptive words, called tags, to classify it. Tags give you a way to home in on posts that interest you (as you’ll see on page 114, when you start posting). Tags also give you a way to find blogs that discuss your favorite topics. Begin by looking at the Tags box in the right-side column of the Reader page. Click one of the tag words, or type in a subject of your own in the search box to find more blogs. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 39 EXPLORING THE WORDPRESS. COM COMMUNITY FIGURE 2-10 WordPress’s everchanging Freshly Pressed list shows popular, recent posts. If you see a post that piques your interest, click its title. You could also click the tag word to search for more posts on the same subject. • Go tag surfing. You can browse some of the posts that use the most popular tags by clicking the Explore link in the top-right corner of the Tags box. When you do, WordPress shows a display that shows hot tags, sized to reflect their current popularity (Figure 2-11). TIP When you browse through WordPress.com, you don’t see the many sites created with WordPress software but hosted on sites other than WordPress.com. Although there’s no central repository of self-hosted WordPress sites, you can browse a showcase with some examples at http://wordpress.org/showcase. When you browse a WordPress.com blog (and you’re signed in under your WordPress.com account), a black toolbar appears at the top of the page (Figure 2-12). On the left side is the name of the blog you’re currently viewing and two important buttons: Follow and Like. If you like the post you’re reading, you can click the Like button (which adds it to a list of your favorite posts). Or, if you decide the content is so good that you want to come back to this site and read more, you can click the Follow button (which adds the site to your personal watch list of blogs). 40 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL EXPLORING THE WORDPRESS. COM COMMUNITY FIGURE 2-11 This grouping of tags shows the most popular topics of the moment. The bigger tags (like Music and News) have more recent posts. Click a tag that interests you to see a list of recent posts on that subject. FIGURE 2-12 The WordPress toolbar takes only a few pixels of space, but it’s stocked with useful commands. Hover over the WordPress icon on the left, and you’ll see a menu that lets you jump to different parts of the WordPress.com site. Hover over your user name on the right, and you’ll see a menu that lets you edit your profile, manage your blogs, and sign out. Or, use the Favorite and Like buttons to track interesting content. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 41 VISITING THE WORDPRESS. COM STORE Usually, you’ll choose to click Like on a post if you want to refer to it later—perhaps to follow an ongoing conversation in the Comments section. You’ll choose Follow to keep watching the blog for new content. To review your liked posts and read your followed blogs, return to http://wordpress.com and click the Reader tab. Now you’ll see the most recent posts from all the sites you follow, amalgamated into a single reverse-chronological list. Visiting the WordPress.com Store As you’ve already seen, when you sign up with WordPress, you can buy a custom domain name or a Premium account bundle. But what happens if you want to start simple (and cheap) but add more features in the future? The answer is the WordPress.com store, which is just a click away on the dashboard. It offers a long list of blog enhancements, each for a small yearly fee. Getting to the store is easy. Once you load up the dashboard, click the Store link in the menu on the left. WordPress shows you the long list of upgrades it offers (Figure 2-13). FIGURE 2-13 To add an upgrade to your site, click the Buy Now button underneath it. Some options provide a Try Now button, which lets you use the upgrade for free for two weeks, and then charges you automatically. Either way, you’ll need to fill in your payment information (using a credit card, a PayPal account, or a digital wallet of Bitcoins). In the following sections, you’ll see how to use the store to deal with two more complex setup scenarios. First you’ll learn how to buy a custom domain for an existing WordPress.com site. Next you’ll see how to take a domain you already own and use it with an existing WordPress.com site. 42 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Buying a Domain after Signup Imagine you build a thriving blog using a free .wordpress.com address (say, HelloPickles.wordpress.com), but then decide you really want a custom domain name (like HelloPickles.net). Using the store, you can buy one for your existing blog, so you don’t need to create a whole new blog under a new name. Here’s how: VISITING THE WORDPRESS. COM STORE 1. Go to the dashboard. You can get there by visiting the My Blogs page and clicking the Dashboard link, or go there directly using your blog address and tacking /wp-admin onto the end. 2. Click Store in the menu on the left. WordPress shows a list of all the upgrades you can buy. 3. In the “Add a Domain” box, click Buy Now. WordPress displays a list of all the domains your site currently uses. Unless you already bought a custom domain name through WordPress.com, the list includes just one address: the .wordpress.com address you picked when you created your site (Figure 2-14). FIGURE 2-14 Currently, this site uses the free domain lazyfather.wordress.com. 4. Click the “Register a new Domain Name” button. This tells WordPress you want to look for a new address. 5. Type the domain you want into the domain search box, and then click Go. WordPress checks to see if the domain you want is available. If it isn’t, try typing something else. 6. If the domain is available, click Register Now to make it yours. WordPress brings you to the standard domain registration page, where you fill in your personal details (as you saw back in Figure 2-5). Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 43 VISITING THE WORDPRESS. COM STORE 7. When you finish, click Register Domain and follow the instructions to pay. When you add a custom domain name, WordPress won’t leave your current audience in the cold. Instead, it’s smart enough to reroute people visiting your old .wordpress.com address to your new domain. That means that if you started with HelloPickles.wordpress.com, and you then buy the custom domain HelloPickles.net, WordPress will automatically redirect people who type in HelloPickles.wordpress.com to your blog’s new domain, HelloPickles.net, just as you would want. (Really, there’s no difference between the two addresses. They are simply two names that point to the same site—your blog.) TIP Buying a custom domain for an already-created site is a useful technique if you think that you could be outgrowing WordPress.com, and you want to prepare your site for a possible move to self-hosting. Because WordPress automatically redirects visitors from your old .wordpress.com domain to your new custom domain, it gives everyone a chance to get used to your new address. And when you do decide to move, you can take your new domain with you (page 561). Using a Domain Name You Already Own Life is easiest if you buy your custom domain name from WordPress.com, but sometimes that isn’t possible. For example, you might have already bought the domain name from a domain registrar. (You may have even bought it years ago.) Because it isn’t currently possible to transfer a domain you own from another web host to WordPress.com, you need to use another trick, called mapping. Technically, mapping is a technique that, in this case, connects your custom domain name to your WordPress.com blog. That way, when someone types in the custom domain name (say HelloPickles.net), that person ends up at your WordPress.com blog. And if that person types in your former .wordpress.com address (say, HelloPickles.wordpress.com), they’re redirected to your custom domain, which is what you want. It’s exactly as if you had bought the custom domain name from WordPress. com when you signed up. Mapping is relatively easy, but it’s not free. WordPress charges a mapping fee (currently $13 a year), which you pay in addition to the annual fee you pay to keep the domain name registered through your original domain registrar. Mapping requires you to complete two setup operations: one with the web host that registered the domain name, and one with WordPress. But before you get started with either operation, you need to decide exactly how you want to link your custom domain name with your WordPress site. You have two options: • Use your whole domain. For example, you might create a blog at www. WineSnobs.com. If you map this address to a WordPress.com address, you need to keep your entire website on WordPress.com. This makes sense if you purchased a domain name from another company but you haven’t actually bought any web space from that company. 44 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • Use a subdomain. Technically, a subdomain takes your domain name (say, www.WineSnobs.com), removes the optional www part, and adds a different prefix (like blog.WineSnobs.com). The goal is to create a separate web address for your WordPress site, so you can put something else at your main domain name (in this case, www.WineSnobs.com). Of course, your main site won’t be a WordPress site, and you’ll need to pay your web host for some web space. VISITING THE WORDPRESS. COM STORE NOTE If all this talk about subdomains sounds familiar, it’s because the WordPress.com service uses subdomains itself to give everyone a unique spot on the wordpress.com server. For example, add the prefix GettingBloggedDown and you get the subdomain GettingBloggedDown.wordpress.com. There’s also a third option—use a subdirectory in your domain (for example, www. WineSnobs.com/blog)—but WordPress.com doesn’t currently support that technique. Before you can map your domain, you have to do a little extra configuration with your web host. These setup steps differ depending on whether you want to map the full domain name or you want to map just a subdomain, so follow the instructions in the appropriate section below. MAPPING AN ENTIRE DOMAIN NAME If you’re mapping an entire domain name, you have to change your web domain’s name servers. These are the high-powered computers that direct traffic on the Internet, and that tell browsers where to go to find your site. Right now, your domain name uses the name servers at the company that registered your domain name, or at your original web host (not WordPress.com). You need to change that so your domain uses the WordPress.com name servers. Making the change is simple enough—it usually involves changing just two pieces of text—the name server addresses. However, you may need to dig around on your web host’s administration page before you find exactly where these settings are (they’re usually in a section called “Domain Name Servers” or “DNS Settings”). If in doubt, contact your web host. For example, if you’re using the web host www.brinkster.com, the name servers would be set to this: NS1.BRINKSTER.COM NS2.BRINKSTER.COM No matter what web host you’re currently using, you must change the name servers to this: NS1.WORDPRESS.COM NS2.WORDPRESS.COM NS1 and NS2 are the two computers that direct your visitors to the WordPress.com site they want to read. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 45 VISITING THE WORDPRESS. COM STORE TIP Does your domain registrar provide an email address that you want to keep using? For example, maybe you want WordPress.com to put a blog on www.WineSnobs.com, which you originally registered with the wellknown web hosting company GoDaddy, but you still want to receive email at rachel@WineSnobs.com. To pull this off, you need to carry out the extra configuration step covered at http://tinyurl.com/ext-email. MAPPING A SUBDOMAIN If you’re mapping a subdomain, you need a slightly different configuration. Instead of changing your name servers, you must add a CNAME record. Although it sounds intimidatingly techy, all a CNAME record does is redirect traffic from your subdomain to your WordPress.com blog. Every web host has a different process for defining a CNAME record, but it usually involves logging in, heading to an administration section with a name like “DNS Management” or “Name Server Management,” and then adding the CNAME record. Each record requires two pieces of information. The first is the subdomain prefix (for example, that’s blog if you’re creating the subdomain blog.WineSnobs.com). The second is your current WordPress.com address, like WineSnobs.wordpress.com, which is often called the destination. NOTE If you can’t find or figure out your web host’s domain management tools, make time for a quick support call. Changing name servers and adding subdomains are two common tasks that domain registrars and web hosts deal with every day. FINISHING THE JOB: SETTING UP THE WORDPRESS.COM MAPPING Name server changes require time to take effect. Once you make your changes, the settings need to be spread to various traffic-directing computers across the Internet. It will take at least 24 hours, and possibly two or three days, before the change takes effect and you can tell WordPress.com to start using your domain. Unfortunately, there’s no high-tech way to monitor the process. Once your name server changes have taken effect, you can add the domain by following the next set of steps. If you’re not sure whether you’ve waited long enough, don’t worry—there’s no harm in trying. If the name server changes haven’t taken effect, WordPress will let you know when you get to step 4 below, and you’ll need to try again later. 1. Go to the dashboard. You can get there by visiting the My Blogs page and clicking the Dashboard link, or go there directly by appending /wp-admin to the end of your blog address. 2. Click Store in the menu on the left. WordPress shows a list of all the upgrades you can buy. 3. In the “Add a Domain” box, click Buy Now. WordPress shows a list of all the domains your site currently uses. 46 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 4. Click the “Map a Domain Name you own” button. 5. Type the domain you already own into the text box and then click Go. VISITING THE WORDPRESS. COM STORE WordPress checks to see if the domain name exists. Because WordPress has no way of knowing that you own the domain, it will warn you that the blog is taken. 6. Click the long-winded “Yes, I already own this domain name. Map it to my WordPress.com blog” button. WordPress will ask you for your payment details. Once you supply that, the mapping is complete. Congratulations—you can now get to your WordPress site by using your custom domain name. Chapter 2: Signing Up with WordPress.com 47 CHAPTER Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 3 There’s nothing wrong with WordPress.com—it’s cheap, relatively powerful, and has a thriving community of blogs. But the most serious WordPress fans aren’t satisfied unless they can run WordPress on their own web hosts. This approach, called self-hosting, gives you a world of new opportunities. You can, for example, choose from a dizzying range of plug-ins to add new features to your site. You can put a WordPress blog in the same domain as your traditional website (for example, you can have a site at www.HandMadePaintBrushes.com and a blog at www.HandMadePaintBrushes.com/news). You can slap ads on your blog, and—most usefully of all—create a site that doesn’t look like a blog at all. This chapter assumes that you know, deep down in your heart, that you are a WordPress self-hoster. You aren’t willing to settle for a merely convenient WordPress.com blog when you can design exactly what you want with a self-hosted WordPress site. In the following pages, you’ll learn how to get started. Preparing for WordPress Before you dive into a self-hosted WordPress setup, you need to tick off a few requirements. The first is setting up an account with a web host. (If you’ve already done that, you can safely skip ahead to the next section, starting on page 51.) If you’re just starting out, choosing a good web host may seem more daunting than it actually is. Technically, your host needs to meet two requirements to run WordPress: First, it needs to be able to run PHP (version 5.2.4 or greater) programs, 49 PREPARING FOR WORDPRESS which power WordPress. And second, it needs to recognize MySQL (version 5.0 or greater), which is the database that stores WordPress content. Virtually every web host meets these requirements. In fact, choosing a WordPressfriendly host is hard simply because so many hosts offer essentially the same thing. Other selling points that hosts advertise—the amount of disk space or bandwidth you get, for example—are less important. Even popular WordPress sites are unlikely to approach anywhere near the web space and bandwidth limits most web hosts offer, unless you plan to host huge video files (and even then, you’ll probably find it far easier to host your videos with a video-hosting service like Vimeo or YouTube). NOTE Disk space is useful for storing weekly or daily backup copies of your site. But with most web hosts offering gigabytes upon gigabytes of space, you’re unlikely to hit a limit, even with a discount-priced hosting plan. Here’s the bottom line: WordPress has become so super-popular that virtually all web hosts embrace it, even in their cheapest web hosting plans. And because WordPress is so popular, many hosts specifically advertise “WordPress support” or “one-click WordPress installation,” which lets you set up WordPress with an autoinstaller (page 55). The most important considerations in choosing a host aren’t the amount of web space or bandwidth you get. Instead, they are reliability, security, and support—in other words, how often your website will be down due to technical troubles, how quickly you can get an answer to your questions, and whether your host will be in business several years into the future. These attributes are more difficult to assess, but before you sign up with a host, you should try contacting its support office (both by email and phone). Don’t trust website reviews (which are usually paid for), but do look up what other people say about the hosts you’re considering on the popular forum Web Hosting Talk (http://bit.ly/vQ7tkH). Hawk Host, StableHost, SpeedySparrow, and MDDHosting are just four examples of web hosts frequently praised on these boards. You can also choose a WordPress-recommended host (see the short list at http:// wordpress.org/hosting), but keep in mind that hosts pay to be on this exclusive list. They’re perfectly good hosts, but you can find equally excellent options on your own, and possibly save a few dollars. TIP To budget for WordPress, assume you’ll pay $5 to $10 a month for web hosting. Then add the cost of a custom domain name (that’s the web address that leads to your site), which you can typically find for a paltry $12 or so per year. 50 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL PREPARING FOR WORDPRESS POWER USERS’ CLINIC Web Hosts with Premium Performance Although there are plenty of decent, cheap hosting options available for WordPress, they aren’t the equal of premium hosting plans that cost several times more. The key difference is performance. If your site is large, complex, and heavily trafficked, you might find that its pages become sluggish during busy times. This happens because WordPress must do a fair bit of work to assemble tailor-made content for every request. The cheapest way to address this problem is with a caching plug-in, as described on page 316. Depending on the scale and popularity of your site, this may be a perfect solution. But if your visitors still find your site slow, you might need to consider switching web hosts or upgrading to a more expensive plan from the host you already have. The next step up in the hosting world is semi-dedicated hosting or virtual private hosting. Either way, the idea is the same—to move your site off the heavily trafficked web servers that host hundreds or thousands of other people’s sites, and put it on a computer that hosts fewer sites. That way, the server can dedicate more resources to handling your site and serving your visitors. The drawback is cost. While basic WordPress hosting can be had for as little as $5 a month, virtual private hosting hovers around $20 a month and can climb far above that. If you’re just starting with WordPress, you won’t yet know how well a particular web hosting plan will meet your needs. But if you pick a well-respected web host, you can start out with a cheap plan and upgrade to something with more muscle if you need it. Deciding Where to Put WordPress When you sign up for a web hosting account, you typically get a domain name (that’s the web address a visitor types into a browser to get to your site) and some space for your web pages. But before you can create your first WordPress site, you need to think a bit about how your web hosting account and your WordPress site will fit together. You can choose one of three basic strategies for installing WordPress on your web hosting account: • Put WordPress in the root folder of your site. This is the best approach if you want to let WordPress run your entire site. For example, imagine you sign up for a site with the domain www.BananaRepublican.org and you put WordPress in the root folder of that site. Now, when visitors type that address into their browsers, they go straight to your WordPress home page. • Put WordPress in a subfolder of your site. This is the choice for you if your web presence will include both traditional web pages (for example, something you’ve handcrafted in a web editor like Dreamweaver) and a WordPress site. Often, people use this choice to add a WordPress blog to an existing website. For example, if you bought the domain www.BananaRepublican.org, you might direct blog readers to the subfolder www.BananaRepublican.org/blog to see your WordPress masterpiece. To set this up, you need to create a subfolder (in the web address above, it’s named blog) and put WordPress there. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 51 PREPARING FOR WORDPRESS • Put WordPress in a subdomain of your site. This is another way to handle websites that have a WordPress section and a non-WordPress section. The difference is that instead of using a subfolder for the WordPress part of your site, you use a subdomain. To create a subdomain, you take your domain (say, www.BananaRepublican.org), remove the www part, if it has one (now you’ve got BananaRepublican.org), and then put a different bit of text at the front, separated by a period (as in social.BananaRepublican.org). For example, you could have a traditional website at www.BananaRepublican.org and a newsstyle WordPress site with user feedback at social.BananaRepublican.org, just like the automotive giant Ford does (page 14). To use either of the first two approaches, you don’t need to do anything extra before you start installing WordPress. The WordPress autoinstaller will take care of everything. But if you take the third approach and install WordPress on a subdomain, you need to create the subdomain before you go any further. The following section explains how. Creating a Subdomain (if You Need One) If you’re planning to put WordPress in the root folder or in a subfolder of your website, skip this section—it doesn’t apply. But if you’re planning to host WordPress on a separate subdomain, you need to lay a bit of groundwork, so keep reading. Creating a subdomain is a task that’s quick and relatively straightforward—once you know how to do it. Unfortunately, the process isn’t the same on all web hosts, so you may need to contact your host’s support department to get the specifics. If your host uses the popular cPanel administrative interface (and many do), the process goes like this: 1. Using your browser, log in to the control panel for your web host. Look for the Subdomains icon (usually, you’ll find it in a box named “Domains”). If you can’t find the Subdomains box, try searching with the cPanel’s Find box. Type in the first few characters (that’s “subd”) and it should appear at the top of the page. 2. When you find the Subdomains icon, click it. This loads the Subdomains page (Figure 3-1). 3. Choose the domain you want from a list of all the domains you own. Some people have a web hosting account with just one domain, but others own dozens. 4. In the Subdomain box, type in the prefix you want to use for the subdomain. For example, if you want to create the subdomain blog.reboot-me.com on the domain reboot-me.com, you need to type blog in the Subdomain box. 52 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL PREPARING FOR WORDPRESS FIGURE 3-1 Here’s how you fill in the information for a subdomain named blog. reboot-me.com. Just click Create to seal the deal. The list below the button shows that there are two other subdomains in this account: blog.prosetech. com and fds.reboot-me. com. 5. In the document Root box, pick the folder where you want to store the files for this domain. Your web host will suggest something based on your subdomain (for example, it might be public_html/blog if you named the subdomain blog). You can use that if you’re not sure what you want, or you can edit it to something you like better. 6. Click the Create button to create your subdomain. After a brief pause, you’ll be directed to a new page that tells you your subdomain has been created. Click Go Back to return to the Subdomains page. You’ll see your new subdomain in the list on the Subdomains page. Right now, it has no web files, so there’s no point in typing the address into a browser. However, when you install WordPress, you’ll put its files in that subdomain. After you finished admiring your work, look for a Home button to take you back to cPanel’s main page. If you need to delete a subdomain, find it in the list and then click the Remove link. Now, if you try to access your site by typing the subdomain into a web browser, you’ll get an error message. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 53 PREPARING FOR WORDPRESS NOTE When you remove a subdomain, WordPress doesn’t delete the folder you created for it (see step 5 in the preceding list). You can either add a new subdomain that points to this folder, or use cPanel’s file management features to delete the folder (if you don’t need it anymore). Understanding the Administrator Account Before you install WordPress, you need to decide what user name and password you’ll use to manage your website. When you self-host, you’re responsible for every file and folder on the site, and you have the ability to do anything from adding new posts to deleting the entire site. You do all this through an all-powerful administrator account. Hackers, spammers, and other shady characters are very interested in your WordPress administrator account. If they get hold of it, they’re likely to sully it with lurid ads (see Figure 3-2), phony software offers, or spyware. FIGURE 3-2 If you don’t look twice, you could almost miss it. This church runs a WordPress blog that’s been hacked by spammers. In a Google search results page, the site title and description promotes cheap Viagra. Awkward. Your best protection against these attacks is to follow two rules when you create your administrator account: • Make your user name non-obvious (that means you should prefer AngryUnicorn to admin, user, or wordpress). • Choose a strong, non-obvious password that includes a combination of letters and numbers (like bg8212beauty rather than bigbeauty). For guidelines on creating a secure password, see the box on page 27. Once you decide where you want to install WordPress and you pick a good user name and password for your administrator account, you’re ready to press on. 54 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Installing WordPress with an Autoinstaller INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER The easiest way to install WordPress is to use an autoinstaller, a special tool that installs programs on your site. Most web hosts offer an autoinstaller as part of their services. There are several autoinstallers in the world. Two of the most popular are Softaculous and Fantastico, both of which you’ll learn to use in this section. Other autoinstallers you might come across include Installatron and SimpleScripts. NOTE In an effort to please everyone, some web hosts support more than one autoinstaller. If that’s the case for you, you can use either one. However, we prefer Softaculous, because it offers handy backup features that Fantastico doesn’t. Page 60 has the scoop on those. All autoinstallers work in more or less the same way: You sign in to your web hosting account and click the autoinstaller icon to see a catalog of the add-on software your host offers. Look for WordPress, and then start the installation. You need to supply the same basic pieces of information during the installation—most significantly, the website folder where you want to install WordPress, and the user name and password you want to use for the WordPress administrator account (which your autoinstaller will create). The following sections explain how to use Softaculous (first) and Fantastico (second). If your web host uses another autoinstaller, the steps are similar and you can follow along with a few adjustments. Installing WordPress with Softaculous How do you know if your host offers Softaculous? You could ask, but it’s probably quicker to look for yourself: 1. Log in to the control panel for your web host. 2. Look for a Softaculous icon. Some control panels pile dozens of icons onto the same page. To look for Softaculous, you can use your browser’s Find feature. Just press Ctrl+F (Command+F on a Mac) and type in “Softaculous.” Figure 3-3 shows a successful search. If you can’t find a Softaculous icon, you might luck out with one of the autoinstallers listed above. Try searching for a Fantastico, Installatron, or SimpleScripts icon. If you find Fantastico, you can use the steps on page 65. If you find another autoinstaller, try following the steps listed here—just mentally replace “Softaculous” with the name of your autoinstaller. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 55 INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER FIGURE 3-3 Here, the Google Chrome browser matches your search term by highlighting the Softaculous icon. TIP If you’re super-savvy, you may already know that some control panels have their own Find feature, which is even more convenient than your browser’s Find function. To use it, look for a Find box on the web page itself (not in your browser’s toolbar or menus). If you find one, type in the autoinstaller’s name (for example, “Softaculous”). And if you can’t find any autoinstaller, try typing in “WordPress.” Sometimes, this finds the autoinstaller’s setup script even if you don’t know the autoinstaller’s name. 3. Click the Softaculous icon. Softaculous shows a large, colorful tab for each program it can install (Figure 3-4). 56 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER FIGURE 3-4 Along the left, Softaculous lists all the installation scripts it supports. But you won’t need to hunt for the script that installs WordPress, because it usually appears in the top position on the Softaculous home page, due to its popularity. 4. Hover over the WordPress box and click Install. This takes you to an all-in-one installation page that collects all the information WordPress needs (Figure 3-5). 5. Pick a domain name and a directory. You can choose from any of the domain names you registered with your web host or any subdomain you created within that domain (page 52). This example uses prosetech.com. If you want to put your WordPress installation at the root of the domain (or in an existing subdomain), then leave the directory box blank. If you want to create a subdomain, then here’s where you fill in the name of the folder for Softaculous to create. This example uses a folder named magicteahouse, which means the WordPress site will be created at http://prosetech. com/magicteahouse. Remember, it doesn’t matter that the folder doesn’t exist yet, because Softaculous will create it. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 57 INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER FIGURE 3-5 Here’s the page of information Softaculous needs before it installs WordPress. 58 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 6. Optionally, change your database name and prefix. The database name is the name of the MySQL database that stores all the content for your WordPress site. The actual name doesn’t matter much, as long as it’s different from any other database you’ve already created. You can name the database after your site (like magicteahousedb) or use the auto-generated name Softaculous suggests (like wp224). INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER The database prefix is a short bit of text that’s added to the beginning of the name of every table inside your database. Some people believe that by changing this prefix, you can get a little bit of extra security, because some WordPress attackers assume you’re using the standard wp_ prefix. Other than that, it’s not important. 7. Choose a site name and description. The site name is the title you want to give your WordPress site (like “Magic Tea Emporium”). It shows prominently on every page of your site. The description should be a short, one-sentence profile of your site. It appears in smaller text, just underneath the title on every page of your site. Don’t worry about the Multisite feature just yet—you’ll consider that in Chapter 12. 8. Choose a user name, password, and email address for your administrator account. Remember, a good password is all that stands between you and a compromised WordPress site that’s showing banner ads for timeshares. Here, Softaculous’s neglect is nearly criminal. The default administrator name it plops in (admin) is a bad choice because it’s obvious and therefore open to attack, and the password it suggests (pass) is downright dangerous. Do yourself a favor and follow the rules set out in the box on page 27 to defend your site properly. The administrator email address is your email address. When you finish the install, Softaculous emails you a page with all the important details, including the administrator user name and password you picked. 9. Optionally, switch on the Limit Login Attempts checkbox (that installs the Limit Login plug-in along with the WordPress software. Limit Login Attempts is a security-conscious plug-in that temporarily closes down the administrative section of your site if it detects a potential intruder attempting to guess your user name and password. This plug-in is a good safeguard, but it’s not immediately necessary for a new site. You’ll learn more about the Limit Login Attempts plug-in on page 567, as part of a basic WordPress security walkthrough. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 59 INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER 10. Click the plus-sign (+) box next to Advanced Options. This reveals a few Softaculous settings for managing updates and backups. The update settings aren’t of much use. You can tell Softaculous not to email you about new WordPress updates (Disable Update Notifications) or you can ask Softaculous to install updates automatically (Auto Upgrade). But you’re best to avoid both settings, because WordPress already has the built-in smarts to install important updates automatically (page 79), and you don’t want more drastic changes to take place without your supervision. The backup settings (described next) are more useful. Switch them on, and Softaculous automatically backs up your WordPress site, without requiring any work from you. (Technically, Softaculous works its magic using cron, a scheduling tool that most web hosts support.) 11. If you want to use automatic backups, pick a backup frequency from the Automated Backups list, and then choose the number of old backups you want to keep from the Backup Rotation list. Automated Backup tells Softaculous how often to perform backups (daily, weekly, or monthly). Backup Rotation tells Softaculous how many old backed-up versions of your site to keep. For example, if you choose to keep four backups and you use a weekly backup schedule, then on the fifth week Softaculous will discard the oldest backup to make way for the next one. You can choose Unlimited to keep every backup you make, but be careful—Softaculous stores its backups on your web server, and daily backups of a large site can eventually chew up all your space. NOTE A regular backup schedule is a must for any WordPress site. However, you don’t need to use Softaculous. Your web host may provide its own backup service, and there are plenty of WordPress plug-ins that can perform regular backups (as you’ll see on page 313). If you need more time to think about your backup strategy, skip the Softaculous settings for now, and review your options in Chapter 9. You can always edit your Softaculous settings and switch on automatic backups afterward, as explained in the next section. 12. Click Install to finish the job. Softaculous creates the folder you picked, copies the WordPress files there, and creates the MySQL database. After a few seconds, its work is done and you see a confirmation message (Figure 3-6). 60 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER FIGURE 3-6 When Softaculous finishes creating your WordPress site, it gives you its address and the address of its administration page—the latter is the address you type into your browser to get to the dashboard that controls your site. (You’ll explore the dashboard in Chapter 4.) Managing a Softaculous-Installed Site Softaculous keeps track of the WordPress sites it installs. You can return to Softaculous to review this information and perform some basic management tasks on your sites. Here’s how: 1. Log in to the control panel for your web host. 2. Find the Softaculous icon, and then click it. This loads the familiar Softaculous page (Figure 3-4). This time, turn your attention to the menu that runs down the left side of the page. 3. Find the big WordPress icon. Click it, taking care not to click the Install or Demo buttons. This brings you to the overview page shown in Figure 3-7. If you accidentally click the Install button inside the Softaculous icon, the program assumes you want to install another WordPress site, and it opens the installation page. To get to the overview shown in Figure 3-7, you need to click the Overview button in the horizontal strip of buttons that appears just above the installation information. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 61 INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER FIGURE 3-7 On this web hosting account, Softaculous has helped install WordPress in three places. Next to each site are the icons that let you perform common tasks (such as updating, deleting, or backing up your site). 4. Next to your site, click one of the icons in the Options column to perform a management task: • Clone creates an exact copy of your site, but in another folder. You could use this if you want to try out some extensive modifications before you make them a permanent part of your site. • Backup lets you perform an immediate backup (rather than the more common scheduled backups, which Softaculous carries out automatically at a set time). When you click Backup, Softaculous asks you what you want to back up (Figure 3-8). • Edit Settings lets you change several of the details you supplied when you created the site. Don’t change anything unless you know exactly what you’re doing—changing the database name or WordPress folder at this point can confuse WordPress and break your installation. However, the Edit Settings page is useful if you want to alter the automatic backup settings you specified when you installed WordPress (see step 11 on page 60). 62 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • Remove deletes your site. This removes all the WordPress files, the subfolder (if you installed WordPress in a subfolder), and the WordPress databases. Once you take this step and confirm your choice, there’s no going back. INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER FIGURE 3-8 A WordPress site stores its text content in a database and stashes other supporting resources (like picture files) in the website directory. So a proper full backup includes a copy of both your database and your website directory. Make sure to select both checkboxes before you click Backup Installation. NOTE Backups take place on your web host’s web server, in the background. That means you can leave Softaculous and close your browser, and the program still makes scheduled backups. Softaculous will send you an email when it finishes a backup (using the administrative email address you supplied when you first installed the WordPress site). 5. Optionally, you can browse directly to your site by clicking its URL. Or click the head-and-torso Admin icon to visit the WordPress dashboard—the administrative back end that controls your site. This interface (which is part of WordPress, not Softaculous) is where you manage your content, style your site, and take care of many more fine-grained configuration tasks. As with all WordPress sites, the administration page is your WordPress site’s address with /wpm2_admin tacked onto the end (for example, www.reboot-me.com/blog/ wpm2_admin). Once your site is established, you probably won’t visit Softaculous very often. But if you want to practice installing WordPress, fiddle with different installation choices, or just make a quick backup, it’s a handy place to be. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 63 INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER Managing Softaculous Backups Like every good web administrator, you need to regularly back up your site so you can recover from unexpected catastrophes (like the sudden bankruptcy of your web hosting company, or a spammer who defaces your site). As you’ve already learned, Softaculous offers two backup options. You can set up scheduled backups, which take a snapshot of your site every day, week, or month. It’s no exaggeration to say that every site should have a scheduled backup plan in place (if you don’t want to use Softaculous, consider one of the plug-ins described on page 313). Immediate backups are a complementary tool. They let you grab a quick snapshot of your site at an important juncture—say, before you install a new version of WordPress. Either way, Softaculous stores the backed-up data for your site in a single large .gz file (which is a type of compressed file format often used on the Linux operating system). The filename includes the backup date (like wp.1.2014-08-20_05-30-16. tarr.gz). Softaculous stores backup files in a separate, private section of your web hosting account. Usually, it’s in a folder named softaculous_backups. For extra protection, you should periodically download your latest backup to your computer. This ensures that your site can survive a more extensive catastrophe that claims your entire web hosting account. Although you can browse for your backups on your web host using an FTP program, the easiest way to find them is to head back to Softaculous. Then click the large backup icon in the top-right corner of the page (Figure 3-9), which takes you to the Softaculous backup page (Figure 3-10). NOTE An FTP program is a tool that can talk to a computer and exchange files with it over the Internet. Using an FTP program, you can browse the files on your website and download them to your computer. FIGURE 3-9 Click here to see all the backups Softaculous has made at your behest. 64 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER FIGURE 3-10 If you’re the prostech.com administrator, there’s one back-up file waiting for you. You should download it to your computer for safekeeping. TIP If you asked Softaculous to keep an unlimited number of backups (page 60), you will eventually need to delete some of your oldest backups to free up more space. Otherwise, there’s no reason to worry about the modest amount of space that a few WordPress backups will occupy. If disaster strikes, you can restore your site using the backup. From the Softaculous backups section, find the most recent backup, and then click the restore icon that appears next to it, which looks like a curved, up-pointing arrow (see Figure 3-10). You can also restore your site on a new web server—one that has Softaculous, but doesn’t have your backup file. First, upload your backup file to the softaculous_backups folder using an FTP program. (Ask your web hosting company if you have trouble finding that folder.) Then, when you launch Softaculous and go to the backups section, you’ll see your backup file waiting there, ready to be restored. Installing WordPress with Fantastico Fantastico is another popular autoinstaller. Like Softaculous, it replaces the aggravating manual installation process WordPress users once had to endure (in the brutish dark ages of a few years back) with a painless click-click-done setup wizard. Here’s how to use it: 1. Log in to the control panel for your web host. 2. Look for a Fantastico icon. Remember, many control panels have a search feature that lets you type in the name of the program you want, rather than forcing you to hunt through dozens of icons (as shown in Figure 3-3). Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 65 INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER 3. Click the Fantastico icon. Fantastico’s menu page appears, with a list of all the software it can install. Usually, you’ll find WordPress near the top of the list, along with other sitebuilding tools (Figure 3-11). FIGURE 3-11 WordPress is just one of many programs an autoinstaller like Fantastico can install. 4. Click WordPress. Fantastico displays basic information about WordPress, including the version you’re about to install and the space it will take up. Autoinstallers always use the latest stable version of WordPress, so you don’t need to worry about these details. 5. Click the New Installation link. Now Fantastico starts a three-step installation process. 6. Pick a domain name and a directory (Figure 3-12). This is where you decide where to put WordPress and all its files. As you learned earlier (page 51), you have three basic options: Make WordPress run your entire website, you must install it in the root folder of your web hosting account. To do that, choose the domain name you registered for your website (in the first box) and leave the directory box blank. Install WordPress in a subfolder, choose your domain name in the first box, and then fill in the name of the subfolder. The example in Figure 3-12 uses the domain reboot-me.com and a folder named blog. Remember, the autoinstaller 66 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL will automatically create the folder you specify here. (And if there’s already a WordPress site in that folder, you’ll overwrite the old site with the new one.) INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER Install WordPress in a subdomain, you must have already created the subdomain (by following the steps on page 52). If you have, you can choose the subdomain name from the first box, and leave the directory box blank. FIGURE 3-12 Fantastico lets you fill in all the key details about your WordPress site-to-be on a single page. 7. Choose a user name and password for your administrator account. Pick a name that’s not obvious and a password that’s difficult to crack (page 27). Doing otherwise invites spammers to hijack your blog. 8. Fill in the remaining details in the “Base configuration” section. The administrator nickname is the name that WordPress displays at the end of all the posts and comments you write. You can change it later if you like. The administrator email address is your email address, which becomes part of your WordPress user profile. It’s also the email address you’ll use for administration—for example, if you forget your administrator password and you need WordPress to email you a password reset link. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 67 INSTALLING WORDPRESS WITH AN AUTOINSTALLER The site name is the title you want to give to your WordPress site (“Wasted Minutes” per Figure 3-12). It shows prominently on every page of your site. The description is a short, one-sentence summary of your site. WordPress displays it in smaller text just underneath the title on every page of your site. 9. Click the Install WordPress button. The next screen summarizes the information you just typed in (Figure 3-13). For example, it displays the exact location of your new site and the name of the MySQL database that will hold all its content. You might want to double-check this info for accuracy, and then write down the details for safekeeping. FIGURE 3-13 Here, Fantastico tells you what it’s about to do. To hold all the data for this WordPress site, Fantastico will create a MySQL database named rebootme_ wrdp1 (the name is based on the domain name www.reboot-me.com), and it will create the site at www.reboot-me. com/blog. 10. Click “Finish installation” to move to the final step. Now Fantastico does its job—creating the folder you picked (in this case, blog), copying the WordPress files to it, and creating the MySQL database. When it finishes, you’ll see a confirmation message. It reminds you of the administrator user name and password you supplied, and lists the administration URL—the address you type into your browser to get to the dashboard that controls your site. As with all WordPress sites, the administration page is your WordPress site’s address with /wpm2_admin tacked onto the end (for example, www. reboot-me.com/blog/wpm2_admin). You can return to Fantastico to manage your WordPress installations anytime. However, Fantastico doesn’t have the management features of Softaculous. Fantastico offers no way to modify, clone, or back up an existing WordPress site. Instead, it provides two links for each WordPress site you install: “Visit site” (which takes you there) and Remove (which deletes the site permanently). 68 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND UP TO SPEED Multiply the Fun with Multiple WordPress Sites Most of the time, you’ll install WordPress once. But you don’t need to stop there. You can create multiple WordPress websites that live side-by-side, sharing your web hosting account. The most logical way to do this is to buy additional web domains. For example, when you first sign up with a web hosting company, you might buy the domain www.patricks-tattoos. com to advertise your tattoo parlor. You would then install WordPress in the root folder on that domain. Sometime later, you might buy a second domain, www.patrickmahoney.me, through the same web hosting account. Now you can install WordPress for that domain, too. (It’s easy—as you’ll see when you install WordPress, it asks you what domain you want to use.) By the end of this process, you’ll have two distinct WordPress websites, two yearly domain name charges, but only one monthly web hosting fee. Interestingly, you don’t actually need to have two domains to have two WordPress sites. You could install separate WordPress sites in separate folders on the same domain. For example, you could have a WordPress site at www.patrickmahoney. me/blog and another at www.patrickmahoney.me/tattoos . This is a relatively uncommon setup (unless you’re creating a bunch of WordPress test sites, like we do for this book at http:// prosetech.com/wordpress). However, it is possible, and there’s no limit. That means no one is stopping you if you decide to create several dozen WordPress websites, all on the same domain. But if that’s what you want, you should consider the WordPress multisite feature, which lets you set up a network of WordPress sites that share a common home but have separate settings (and can even be run by different people). Page 399 explains how that feature works. Installing WordPress by Hand If you don’t have the help of an autoinstaller like Fantastico or Softaculous, don’t panic. Before these tools were widespread, WordPress was known for a relatively easy installation process. In fact, WordPress promoted it—heavily—as the “famous 5-minute install.” And while that’s wildly optimistic (unless you’re a seasoned webmaster, it’ll take far longer), WordPress is still known for being easier to set up than most other blog software and content-management systems. Here’s an overview of what you need to do to get WordPress up and running the old-fashioned way: 1. Create a MySQL database for WordPress to use. 2. Upload the WordPress files to your web host. 3. Run the installation script to get everything set up. In the following sections, you’ll tackle each of these tasks. NOTE Before you go down the WordPress self-installation route, make sure that it’s truly necessary. The overwhelming majority of web hosts now provide some sort of WordPress installation feature that you can use instead. And although installing WordPress by hand isn’t a Mensa-level challenge, it’s an unnecessary slog if your web host provides an easier approach. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 69 INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND Creating a MySQL Database As you learned on page 5, WordPress stores all the details of your website—from your posts to your comments—in a database. MySQL is the name of the database software that manages your WordPress content, storing and fetching it. In fact, before you can install WordPress, you need to have a blank MySQL database waiting for it. Here’s how to create one: 1. Use your browser to log in to the control panel for your web host. 2. Look for an icon that has something to do with databases or MySQL. Examples include “MySQL Administration,” “MySQL Databases,” or “Database Manager.” When you find it, click it. You’ll see a new page with information about all the MySQL databases currently stored on your site, if any. Figure 3-14 shows an example. FIGURE 3-14 If your web host uses the cPanel interface, you’ll manage databases on a page like this. It’s divided into several sections. For a WordPress installation, the three important ones are Create New Database (shown here at the top), Add New User (near the bottom), and, not shown, Add User to Database (it’s all the way at the bottom of the page). 70 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 3. Create a new database. You need to choose an appropriate name for your database. It should consist of lowercase letters and numbers, with no special characters in it. In Figure 3-14, you’re about to create a new database named wordpress (one named wrdp1 already exists). INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND The full database name has two parts: the site login (the user name you use to log into your web hosting account) and the database name you picked. For example, the full names for the databases in Figure 3-14 are rebootme_wordpress and rebootme_wrdp1. TIP Make a note of the full two-part name of the database (like rebootme_wordpress), because you’ll need to tell WordPress about it when you install WordPress. Once you type in a name, click a button that’s named something like Create Database or New. If your web host runs the standardized cPanel control panel, the next step is to click the Go Back button to return to the database management page. (If your host uses a different control panel, look for similarly named commands.) 4. Add a new database user. Right now, no one has control over your database. To be able to use it, you need to appoint yourself its administrator by creating an administrator account. You do that by adding a new user (you) and giving yourself across-the-board permission to manage the database. That way, you can log into the database and have free rein to store and retrieve information. To add a new user in cPanel, scroll down the page to the Add New User section and type in a user name and password for yourself. Click the Create User button to make it official. Then click Go Back to return to the database management page. 5. Register your user name with the database. Although it may sound strange, you, as the new database user, can’t do anything yet, because you haven’t given yourself permission to use the database. To fix this, you need to give yourself access to the WordPress database you created in step 3. In a cPanel control panel, scroll to the bottom of the page, to the “Add User to Database” section, which contains two drop-down lists. In the first one, pick the user name you just added; in the second, pick the name of the database you created. Then click Add to seal the deal. This is also the point where you tell the database exactly what this user is allowed to do. Because you’re the uber-powerful database administrator, this account should be able to do everything, from adding and deleting tables of information to searching and changing the data inside them. To make that happen, pick All Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 71 INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND Privileges and then click Make Changes (Figure 3-15). Now you can have your way with your brand-new database. FIGURE 3-15 Here, the user rebootme_user is linked to the rebootme_wordpress database (top). After clicking Add, you need to set the user’s security privileges. Checking the topmost All Privileges box is a quick way to check all the boxes. Uploading the WordPress Files Now you have a perfectly configured MySQL database waiting for someone to come along and use it. But before you can get WordPress up and running, you need to transfer the program to your website. This is a two-step process: First you download the latest version of WordPress, and then you upload it to your site. Here’s how: 1. In your browser, go to http://wordpress.org/download , and then click the Download WordPress button. This downloads the latest version of WordPress as a compressed ZIP file, which virtually all computers support. (If you look closely, you’ll see an alternate link for downloading WordPress as a compressed .tar.gz file, but you don’t need that.) 72 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 2. Inside the ZIP file is a folder named “wordpress.” You need to extract that folder to a convenient place on your hard drive, like the desktop. INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND For example, on a Windows computer you can drag the wordpress folder out of the ZIP file and onto the desktop, automatically unzipping its contents in the process. (You don’t need much free space. Altogether, the WordPress files take up only a few megabytes of storage.) On Mac OS X, double-click the ZIP file to extract its contents. Using either method, you end up with a folder named wordpress, which will have several subfolders and several dozen files in it, but you don’t need to worry about those. NOTE No matter where you put the wordpress folder, it will be a temporary storage location. After all, the WordPress files can’t do much trapped on your computer. Your ultimate goal is to upload all these files to your web host, where they can work their magic. Once you do that, you can delete the WordPress files from your desktop. 3. Figure out the FTP address you need to use. You could ask your web host, but the address is almost always ftp:// followed by your domain name, as in ftp://reboot-me.com. The initial ftp:// is critical—it indicates that you’re making a connection for transferring files, not visiting a website (in which case you’d use an address starting with http://). 4. Load your FTP program and navigate to your site. FTP is a standard that lets computers pass files from one to the other. You’ll use it to upload the WordPress files to your website. In the old days of the Web, uploaders used specialized FTP programs to transfer files. Many people still use dedicated FTP programs, and you can, too. However, the latest versions of Windows and Mac OS X have built-in FTP functionality, so you don’t need a separate program. NOTE Depending on your web host, you may be able to upload files from your browser using your site’s control panel. However, browser-based file management is usually awkward and can trigger a triple-Tylenol headache if you need to upload a large batch of files, like the contents of the wordpress folder and its subfolders. FTP is easier. To open an FTP connection in any modern version of Windows, start by firing up the Windows Explorer file manager. (Right-click the Start button, and click a menu command that has a name like Open Windows Explorer.) Then, type the FTP address into the Windows Explorer address bar. To open an FTP connection in Mac OS X, start out at the desktop and hit Command+K to launch the Connect to Server window. Then, type in the FTP address and click Connect. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 73 INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND 5. When your FTP program asks, enter your user name and password in the boxes provided. This is the same user name and password you use to connect to your host’s control panel to manage your website. NOTE Having trouble keeping track of all the different login identities you need to self-host WordPress? There are three altogether: one for your web host’s control panel, one for your database, and one for your WordPress administrator account. Once you log in through the FTP panel, you’ll see your site’s folders and files—the ones on your web server—listed; you can copy, delete, rename, and move them in much the same way you can for local folders and files. 6. Browse to the root folder of your website. This is the heart of your site—the place people go when they type in your web address. It may be a folder named public_html or webroot. Or, you may start off in the right place when you log in. If you already have a traditional website on your domain, you’ll know you’re in the root folder when you see your web pages there. And if you’re still in doubt, it may be worth a quick call to your web host’s support center to make sure you’re in the right spot. 7. Open another file-browsing window to view the wordpress folder on your computer. This is the place where you unzipped the WordPress files in step 2. 8. Copy the files from the wordpress folder to your website. There are two ways to do this. If you want WordPress to take over your entire site (see page 55), you must select all the files in the wordpress folder (including subfolders). Then, copy all these files over to your root web folder. This is the strategy to use if you want people to go straight to your WordPress content when they type in your domain name (like www.reboot-me.com). NOTE If you’re putting WordPress in your root web folder, make sure you don’t have another default page there. A default page is the page your website sends to a visitor when he types in your domain name (for example, www.reboot-me.com) rather than specifying a site page (like www.reboot-me.com/mypage.html). WordPress has its own default page, index.php, but you don’t want another default page trying to take over. Possible default pages include anything that starts with “index” (index.html, index.shtml, index.html) and “default” (default. asp, default.aspx). If you want to create a subfolder on your website for WordPress, you follow a slightly different procedure. First, rename the wordpress folder on your computer to the name of the folder you want to create on your website. For example, if you want to create a subfolder named blog, rename the wordpress folder blog. 74 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Now you need to select and copy a single item—the blog folder that holds all the WordPress files. INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND Either way, you upload the files in the same way you copy them on your computer. For example, you can drag the selected files from your computer and drop them on the FTP window (Figure 3-16). Or you can copy the selected files (that’s Ctrl+C on Windows and Command+C on a Mac), switch to the FTP window, and then paste them (with Ctrl+V or Command+V). FIGURE 3-16 Here, the folder named “blog” sits on your desktop and contains all the WordPress files (bottom image). A quick drag of the mouse transfers WordPress to your website (top image). At this point, all the WordPress scripts and templates should be on your web server, although they aren’t actually switched on yet. Before you continue to the final step, it’s a good idea to make sure you uploaded the software successfully. To do that, try requesting WordPress’s readme.html file, which should be in the folder you just uploaded. For example, if you put WordPress at www.reboot-me.com/blog you can request www.reboot-me.com/blog/readme.html. When you do, you’ll see a WordPress page with some very basic information about the setup process. If you get a “webpage not found” error, you’ve accidentally uploaded your files to a different location, so you need to take some time to sort it all out. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 75 INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND Running the Install Script This is the final set of steps. Think of it as activating the WordPress site you just created. 1. To start the installation, type the web address where you installed WordPress into your browser, and then add /wpm2_admin/install.php to the end. So if you installed WordPress at www.reboot-me.com/blog, you would request www.reboot-me.com/blog/wpm2_admin/install.php. At this point, WordPress warns you that it can’t find a configuration file (Figure 3-17). Don’t worry; you’ll create one. FIGURE 3-17 There’s no configuration file for WordPress, so you need to create one and provide all the configuration details. 2. Click “Create a Configuration File.” On the next page, WordPress reminds you about the information you’ll need to complete this process (that’s the database details from the previous section). 3. Once you work up your confidence, click the “Let’s go” button. WordPress displays a page requesting your database information (Figure 3-18). 4. Fill in your database details. First, you need to supply the database name (which you created on page 70), and the user name and password for the database administrator (which you picked on page 71). You also need to supply the location of the database. Ordinarily, that’s localhost, which indicates that the database is on the same server as the WordPress installation file, which is almost always what you want. (If not, you need to contact your web host to get the correct database location.) Lastly, you need to pick a table prefix—a few characters that WordPress will add to the name of every table it creates in the database. The standard prefix, wp_ , is perfectly fine, but you may get marginally better security by choosing something less common. 76 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND FIGURE 3-18 WordPress needs to know where your database is, and what user name and password it should use to access it. You need to fill in the information for Database Name, User Name, and Password. You can leave the other settings (Database Host and Table Prefix) with their standard values. 5. Once you enter all these details, click Submit. If WordPress manages to contact your database, it gives you a virtual thumbsup and offers to start the installation. 6. Click “Run the install” to start the WordPress installation. The next page collects some essential information about your WordPress site. 7. Fill in your site’s particulars (Figure 3-19). The site title is the heading that crowns your WordPress site. The user name and password are what you use to log in to the WordPress dashboard, configure things, and write new posts. Choose a not-so-obvious user name and a crack-resistant password (page 27). The email address you type in will appear in your WordPress profile, and WordPress uses it if you forget your password and need to reset it. Leave the “Allow my site to appear in search engines” checkbox turned on, unless you’re trying to keep a low profile. (But keep in mind that even if your site isn’t listed in a Google search, there are still plenty of ways for people to stumble across it. The only way to keep out strangers is to create a private site, as discussed on page 397.) Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 77 INSTALLING WORDPRESS BY HAND FIGURE 3-19 This WordPress site is named Wasted Minutes. The administrator’s user name, angry_unicorn, is far less predictable than common (but less secure) choices like admin, user, wp, wp_admin, and so on. 8. Click Install WordPress to finish the job. This is the point where the WordPress installation script really gets to work, configuring your database and loading it up with its first bits of WordPress content. When the process is finished, you’ll see a confirmation page (Figure 3-20). Before you close the page, why not visit your site and verify that it’s working? As always, you can add /wpm2_admin to the end of your site address to get to the administration dashboard. 78 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL KEEPING WORDPRESS UP TO DATE FIGURE 3-20 WordPress has finished installing your site. This confirmation screen reminds you of the user name you picked as the administrator, but it doesn’t repeat your password. Click Log In to go to the dashboard and start managing your site. Keeping WordPress Up to Date No WordPress website should be left unprotected. If your site doesn’t have the latest WordPress updates, it can become a target for hackers and spammers looking to show their ads or otherwise tamper with your site. Fortunately, WordPress’s creators are aware of the threat that outdated software can pose, and they designed the program for quick and painless upgrades. WordPress installs minor updates automatically, and it’s quick to notify you about major updates so you can install them yourself. The following sections explain how these two updating mechanisms work. Minor Updates Since version 3.7, WordPress has included an autoupdate feature that downloads and installs new security patches as soon as they become available. So if you install WordPress 4.0 and the folks at WordPress.org release version 4.0.1, your site will grab the new fix and update itself automatically. The autoupdate feature is a fantastic safety net for every WordPress site. However, it has an intentional limitation. It performs only minor updates, which are usually security enhancements or bug fixes. It doesn’t attempt to install major releases—you need to do that yourself. NOTE To spot the difference between a minor update and a major one, you need to look at the WordPress version number. Major releases change one of the first two digits in the version number (for example, 4.0.8 to 4.1.0 is a major update). Minor releases change the minor version number, which is the digit after the second decimal point (for example, 4.0.8 to 4.0.9). Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 79 KEEPING WORDPRESS UP TO DATE Major Updates A major update is a WordPress release that adds new features. Typically, WordPress puts out a major release every four months. You can find a list of recent and upcoming major releases at http://wordpress.org/news/category/releases. You don’t need to go out of your way to keep track of WordPress releases. Whenever you travel to the dashboard—the administrative interface described in the next chapter—WordPress checks for new versions of the program and lets you know if it finds one. To get to the dashboard, take your WordPress site address (like http://prosetech. com/magicteahouse and add /wpm2_admin to the end (as in http://prosetech.com/ magicteahouse/wpm2_admin). Initially, you start at the dashboard home page. If WordPress detects that there’s a newer version available, it tries to grab your attention by adding a notification box to the top of this page (Figure 3-21). FIGURE 3-21 There’s a new version of WordPress available, and your site isn’t using it. To get the latest new features, click the “Please update now” link. This takes you to the Updates section of the dashboard (Figure 3-22). The Updates page is an all-in-one glance at everything that’s potentially old and out of date on your site, including two types of WordPress extensions that you’ll learn about later in this book: themes and plug-ins. Usually, the Updates page simply tells you that all is well. But when updates are available, you’ll see something else. First, WordPress adds a black number-in-a-circle icon to the Updates command in the dashboard menu. The actual number reflects the number of website components that need updating. In Figure 3-22 that number is 3, because you need to update WordPress and two themes. NOTE Themes and plug-ins are two ways you can enhance and extend your site. But if they contain flaws, hackers can use those flaws to attack your site. You’ll learn more about themes in Chapter 5 and plug-ins in Chapter 9. To install an update, use the buttons on the Updates page. If there’s a new WordPress update, then click the Update WordPress button. If there’s a newer theme or plugin, then turn on the checkbox next to that theme or plug-in, and then click Update Themes or Update Plugins. 80 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL KEEPING WORDPRESS UP TO DATE FIGURE 3-22 The Update page explains that two components need updating: the WordPress software and the P2 theme you installed on your site. WordPress updates are impressively easy. There’s no need to enter more information or suffer through a long wait. Instead, you’ll see a brief summary that tells you what happened (Figure 3-23). Your site will carry on functioning exactly as it did before. FIGURE 3-23 Breathe easy: WordPress is up to date once more. NOTE Despite the rapid pace of new releases, WordPress’s essential details rarely change. New versions may add new frills and change WordPress’s administrative tools, but they don’t alter the fundamental way that WordPress works. Chapter 3: Installing WordPress on Your Web Host 81 PART Building a WordPress Blog CHAPTER 4: Creating Posts CHAPTER 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme CHAPTER 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts CHAPTER 7: Adding Pages and Menus CHAPTER 8: Comments: Letting Your Readers Talk Back 2 CHAPTER Creating Posts 4 N ow that you’ve signed up for a WordPress.com account (Chapter 2), or installed the WordPress software on your web host (Chapter 3), you’re ready to get started publishing on the Web. In this chapter, you’ll go to your fledgling WordPress site and start posting content, which can be anything from bracing political commentary to cheap celebrity gossip. Along the way, you’ll learn several key WordPress concepts. First, you’ll get comfortable in WordPress’s dashboard—the administrative cockpit from which you pilot your site. Using the dashboard, you’ll create, edit, and delete posts, all without touching a single HTML tag (unless you really want to). Next, you’ll learn how to classify your posts by using categories and tags, so you can group them in meaningful ways. WordPress calls this art of organization taxonomy, and if you do it right, it gives your readers a painless way to find the content they want. You’ll also take a hard look at the web address (URL) that WordPress generates for every new post. You’ll learn how to take control of your URLs, making sure they’re meaningful, memorable, and accessible to search engines. You’ll also learn how to shorten the web address of any post, which is handy if you need to wedge a link to your post into a small place (like a Twitter message, Facebook post, or a bit of bathroom graffiti). Introducing the Dashboard The dashboard is the nerve center of WordPress administration. When you want to add a new post, tweak your site’s theme, or review other people’s comments, this is the place to go. 85 INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD The easiest way to get to the dashboard is to take your WordPress website address and add /wp-admin (short for “WordPress administration”) to the end of it. For example, if you host your site at http://magicteahouse.net, you can reach the site’s dashboard at http://magicteahouse.net/wp-admin. When you do, WordPress asks for your user name and password. Once you supply them, you’ll see a page like the one in Figure 4-1. FIGURE 4-1 Getting your bearings in the dashboard is easy enough. At the top is a thin toolbar with some handy shortcuts—for example, if you point to “+ New” without clicking, a menu pops up with commands for quickly creating new posts and other types of content. Along the left edge of the dashboard is the all-important WordPress menu—a strip of commands that let you move to different parts of the dashboard so you can use different WordPress features. When you finish working at the dashboard, it’s a good idea to log out. That way, you don’t need to worry about a smart-alecky friend hijacking your site and adding humiliating posts or pictures while you’re away from your computer. To log out, click your user name in the top-right corner of the toolbar, and then click Log Out (on a self-hosted site) or Sign Out (on a WordPress.com site). There’s another way to go backstage with your site. When WordPress creates a new site, it adds a small section of timesaving links named “Meta.” The exact location of this section depends on the theme your site uses, but you’ll usually find it at the bottom of a sidebar on the left or right side of your home page (Figure 4-2). Inside the Meta section, you can click the “Log in” link to go directly to the dashboard. (If you’re already logged in, you’ll see a Site Admin link instead, which does the same thing.) 86 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD FIGURE 4-2 The Meta section of your home page has links that can take you to the dashboard, show you the feeds that publish your content (page 433), and transport you to the WordPress.org site. It’s a holdover from the earliest days of WordPress. UP TO SPEED The Dashboard in WordPress.com Self-hosted sites and WordPress.com sites share a very similar dashboard. Most of the commands (in the menu on the left) are identical. In the rare cases that they aren’t, this book makes a note of the discrepancy. The toolbar at the top of the dashboard is less consistent. WordPress.com sites have a set of shortcuts similar to what’s in Figure 4-1, but in a subtly different arrangement from a self-hosted WordPress installation. This isn’t a problem either, because the toolbar simply duplicates some of the features already in the WordPress menu. It’s up to you to discover these shortcuts and decide whether you want to use them from the toolbar at all. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 87 INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD NOTE Although the Meta section is helpful when you first start out, you definitely don’t want these administrative links in a finished site. Page 157 explains how to remove them, once you’re accustomed to breezing in and out of the dashboard on your own. The Menu To browse around the dashboard, you use the menu—the panel that runs down the left side of the dashboard. It has a link to every administrative feature WordPress offers. WordPress groups the menu commands into submenus. To see a submenu, hover over one of the menu headings (like “Posts”) and it pops open (Figure 4-3). FIGURE 4-3 WordPress’s menu packs a lot of features into a small strip of web page real estate. Initially, all you see are first-level menu headings. But point to one of the items without clicking, and WordPress opens a submenu. (The exception is the Comments heading, which doesn’t have a submenu. You just click it to review comments.) When you click a menu command, the rest of the dashboard changes to reflect the task you picked. For example, say you choose Posts→Add New. (In other words, you mouse over to the left-side menu, hover over “Posts” until its submenu appears, and then click the “Add New” command.) Now, the dashboard shows an HTML-savvy editor where you can write your post. You can also click a menu heading directly (for example, “Posts”). If you do, you go to the first item in the corresponding submenu, as shown in Figure 4-4. 88 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD FIGURE 4-4 If you click the heading Posts, you actually go to the submenu item Posts→All Posts. And if you lose your bearings in the dashboard, just look for the bold text in the menu to find out where you are. In this example, that’s All Posts. NOTE If you resize your web browser window to be very narrow, the menu shrinks itself to free up more space, removing the menu names (like Posts, Media, and Links), and leaving just the tiny menu icons. Hover over one of these icons, and the submenu appears, but with a helpful difference: Now WordPress displays the menu name as a title at the top. The Home Page Your starting place in the dashboard is a densely packed home page. You can get back to this page at any time by choosing Dashboard→Home from the menu. If you just created a new self-hosted WordPress site, you’ll see a welcome box filling the top part of the dashboard (Figure 4-5). It provides links that lead to some of the more important parts of the dashboard, where you can edit settings and add new posts. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 89 INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD FIGURE 4-5 Although the links in the welcome box work perfectly well, it’s probably a better idea to get used to finding what you need on the dashboard. Before you continue, scroll down past the welcome box or click the Dismiss link to remove the box altogether, so you can see the rest of the home page. (If you want it back later on, use the Screen Options button described on page 124.) The dashboard home page may seem like a slightly overwhelming starting point, because it’s crowded with boxes. Each one handles a separate task, as detailed in Figure 4-6. Sometimes, you’ll also see boxes with important news (for example, an announcement about an update to the WordPress software). FIGURE 4-6 At the top of the dashboard home page, the “At a Glance” box displays your site’s vital signs—including how many posts, pages, and comments it has. To the right is a Quick Draft box that lets you create a new post in a hurry. Below that, you’ll find boxes with information about recent posts (articles you’ve written), recent comments (that other people have left in response to your posts), and links to WordPress news. 90 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Don’t be surprised to find that your brand-new WordPress site has some content in it. WordPress starts off every new site with one blog post, one page, and one comment, all of which are dutifully recorded in the Right Now box. Once you learn to create your own posts, you’ll see how to delete these initial examples (page 104). INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD NOTE WordPress continually evolves. When you use the latest and greatest version, you may find that minor details have changed, such as the exact wording of links or the placement of boxes. But don’t let these details throw you, because the underlying WordPress concepts and procedures have been surprisingly steady for years. Dashboard Practice: Changing Basic Settings Now that you understand how the dashboard works, why not try out a basic task? The following steps show you how to change a few useful WordPress settings, which are worth reviewing before you start posting. And, best of all, they’ll help you get used to clicking your way through the dashboard menu to find what you need. 1. In the dashboard menu, choose SettingsÆGeneral. The rest of the dashboard loads up a page of tweakable settings (Figure 4-7). FIGURE 4-7 Point to the dashboard’s Settings menu item without clicking to reveal a submenu, and then click General. That brings you to the page of options shown here (partially, with some options omitted). Chapter 4: Creating Posts 91 INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD 2. If you like, change some settings. Here are some suggestions: Site Title and Tagline. In a basic WordPress site, every page has a header section at the top. WordPress puts the site title and tagline there (Figure 4-8). The site title also shows up at the top of the browser window (or tab), and, if a visitor decides to bookmark your site, the browser uses the site title as the bookmark text. You shouldn’t change these details often, so it’s worthwhile to double-check that you’ve got a clear title and catchy tagline right now. Timezone. This tells WordPress where you are, globally speaking. (For example, UTC-5 is the time zone for New York.) If WordPress doesn’t have the right time zone, it will give posts and comments the wrong timestamp. For example, it might tell the world that a comment you left at 8:49 PM was actually recorded at 3:49 AM. If you’re not sure what your time zone offset is, don’t worry, because WordPress provides a list of cities. Pick the city you live in, or another city in the same time zone, and WordPress sets the offset to match. Date Format and Time Format. Ordinarily, WordPress displays the date for every post you add and the time for every comment made. These settings control how WordPress displays the date and time. For example, if you want dates to be short—like “2014/12/18” rather than “December 18, 2014”—the Date Format setting is the one to tweak. Week Starts On. This tells WordPress what day it should consider the first day of the week in your country (typically, that’s Saturday, Sunday, or Monday). This setting changes the way WordPress groups posts into weeks and the way it displays events in calendars. FIGURE 4-8 A WordPress header includes the site’s title and tagline. The title (Magic Tea House) appears in a large font. The tagline, a one-sentence description (Tea Emporium and Small Concert Venue), sits underneath. 3. Click Save Changes to make your changes official. WordPress takes a fraction of a second to save your changes and then shows a “Settings saved” message at the top of the page. You can now move to a different part of the dashboard. 92 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE There are plenty more WordPress settings to play around with in the Settings submenu. As you explore various WordPress features in this book, you’ll return to these settings to customize them. INTRODUCING THE DASHBOARD One More Task: Choosing a Starter Theme Every WordPress site has a theme that sets its layout and visual style. As you begin to refine your site, you’ll take a closer look at themes, starting in Chapter 5. But before you even get to that point, you need to pick a good starter theme for your site. WordPress includes a few themes with every new installation. Somewhat awkwardly, it names each theme after the year it released the theme. At the time of this writing, a WordPress installation includes the Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, and Twenty Fourteen themes. It’s natural to assume that the best theme is the latest one, and that later themes should replace earlier ones in new sites. However, the creators of WordPress actually take a different approach. They aim to have each new theme showcase a popular style, while admitting that no single theme will suit everyone. The Twenty Fourteen theme, for example, is a dark, slick, image-heavy production that suits online magazines and photo blogs. By comparison, Twenty Twelve is a clean, streamlined theme that’s perfect for a basic blog or a solid foundation for more ambitious customizations. You can learn the fundamentals of WordPress using any theme. However, you’ll have an easier start using a clean and simple one like Twenty Twelve rather than a heavy one like Twenty Fourteen. (You’ll also have an easier time following along with the examples in this chapter, which use Twenty Twelve.) To start yourself out right, here’s how to change your site’s theme to Twenty Twelve: 1. In the dashboard, click AppearanceÆThemes. If you’re working with a self-hosted site, you’ll see a small gallery of preinstalled themes. If you’re working with a WordPress.com site, you’ll see a much larger gallery with all the themes you can choose. 2. In the “Search themes” text box on the right, type “twenty twelve.” As you type, WordPress filters the list of themes to show those that match your search text (Figure 4-9). 3. Hover over the Twenty Twelve box and click Activate. WordPress applies this theme to your site immediately. Click your site name (near the top-left corner of the page) to view your site and see the results. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 93 ADDING YOUR FIRST POST FIGURE 4-9 When you finish typing in the search box, you’ll see a single entry for the Twenty Twelve theme. Adding Your First Post Comfortable yet? As you’ve seen, the WordPress dashboard gives you a set of relatively simple and anxiety-free tools to manage your website. In fact, a good part of the reason why WordPress is so popular is because it’s so easy to take care of. (And as any pet owner knows, the most exotic animal in the world isn’t worth owning if it won’t stop peeing on the floor.) But to really get going with your website, you need to put some content on it. So it makes perfect sense that one of the first dashboard tasks that every WordPress administrator learns is posting. Creating a New Post To create a new post, follow these steps: 1. In the dashboard menu, choose PostsÆAdd New. The Add New Post page appears, complete with a big fat box where you can type in your content (Figure 4-10). 94 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE Figure 4-10 is cropped so that it doesn’t show the dashboard menu on the left. Rest assured that the dashboard menu is there. We’ve trimmed this detail on many of the pictures in this book so you can focus on the task at hand (and so we don’t need to make our pictures micro-small). ADDING YOUR FIRST POST FIGURE 4-10 The minimum ingredients for any post are a descriptive title and a block of text. To the right is the all-important Publish box, which holds buttons that let you preview a post, publish it, or save it as a draft for later. You can save time by using the toolbar at the top of the WordPress screen. If you run WordPress on your own web host, click New→Post. If you signed up with WordPress.com, click the WordPress “W” icon (in the left-hand corner) and then click New Post. 2. Start by typing a post title into the blank box at the top of the page (right under Edit Post). A good post title clearly announces what you’re going to discuss. Often, visitors will come across your post title before getting to your post text. For example, they might see the title in a list of posts or on a search engine results page. A good title communicates your subject and entices the reader to continue on to the post. A lousy title might be cute, clever, or funny, but fail to reflect what the post is about. Here are some good post titles: “Obama Struggles in Recent Poll,” “Mad Men Is Officially Off the Rails,” and “My Attempt to Make a Chocolate-Bacon Soufflé.” Chapter 4: Creating Posts 95 ADDING YOUR FIRST POST And here are weaker titles for exactly the same content: “Polls, Polls, and More Polls,” “Mad Men Recap,” and “My Latest Kitchen Experiment.” 3. Click in the big box under the post title (or just press the Tab key). Now type in the content for your post (Figure 4-10). A basic blog post consists of one or more paragraphs. After each paragraph, press the Enter key (once) to start the next paragraph. WordPress automatically adds a bit of white space between paragraphs, so they don’t feel too crowded. Resist the urge to sign your name at the end, because WordPress automatically adds this information to the post. TIP Paragraphs and line breaks give your web page two different looks. When you start a new paragraph by pressing Enter, WordPress includes some extra blank space between paragraphs. When you add a line break, the adjacent lines remain relatively close together. (For example, you’d use line breaks to separate lines in a mailing address or a poem.) When you want a line break instead of a new paragraph (to avoid getting the space between paragraphs), hold down the Shift key while you press Enter. If you want fancier formatting for your post, the toolbar that sits above the content box lets you add lists, subheadings, pictures, and more. You’ll take a closer look at these features on page 172. NOTE Don’t worry if you’re not yet feeling inspired. It’s exceptionally easy to delete blog posts, so you can add a simple post just for practice and then remove it later (see page 104). 4. Double-check your post. A post with typographic errors or clumsy spelling mistakes is as embarrassing as a pair of pants with a faulty elastic band. Before you inadvertently reveal yourself to the world, it’s a good idea to double-check your writing. If you use a browser with a built-in spell checker, which includes Internet Explorer 10 and any modern version of Firefox and Chrome, you get automatic spell checking. You’ll see red squiggly lines under your mistakes, and you can right-click misspelled words to choose the right spelling from a pop-up menu. 5. When you finish writing and editing, click Preview. Your post preview opens in a new browser tab or new browser window. It shows you a perfect rendition of what the post will look like on your site, with the current theme. 96 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE In some cases, your browser may block the preview because this feature uses a pop-up window. If your browser displays a warning message and no preview window, you may need to lower your browser’s pop-up security settings. Although every browser is different, you usually accomplish that by clicking the pop-up warning icon and choosing an “Allow pop-ups” option. ADDING YOUR FIRST POST 6. If you like what you saw in the preview window, click Publish. In a self-hosted site, a message box will appear at the top of the page, confirming that your post has been published. In a WordPress.com site, a side panel pops into view, with a message that tells you how many posts you’ve written to date. The moment you publish a post, it becomes live on your site and visible to the world. WordPress.com shows you the results right away; if you run a self-hosted WordPress site, you need to click the “View post” link to see the published post (Figure 4-11). If you’re not quite done but you need to take a break, click Save Draft instead of Publish. WordPress holds onto your post so you can edit and publish it later. Returning to a draft is easy—in the dashboard home page (that’s Dashboard→Home), find the Recent Drafts box and click your post in the list to resume editing it. Afterward, you can continue postponing the moment of publication (click Save Draft again), you can publish it like a normal post (click Publish), or you can discard it altogether (click Move to Trash). UP TO SPEED Why Your Post Might Look a Little Different If you try out these steps on your own WordPress site (and you should), you might not get exactly the same page as shown in Figure 4-11. For example, the date information, the author byline, and the link that lets you jump to the previous post may be positioned in different spots or have slightly different wording. If you created your site on WordPress.com, you’ll get social media sharing buttons at the bottom of your post, which make it easier for your readers to talk about you on Facebook and Twitter. And there are other differences in the formatting and arrangement of your site, if you care to dig around. You might assume that these alterations represent feature differences—for example, things that WordPress.com sites can do that self-hosted WordPress sites can’t. But that isn’t the case. Instead, this variability is the result of different themes, plug-ins, and WordPress settings. The best advice is this: Don’t get hung up on these differences. Right now, the content of your site is in your hands, but the other details (like the placement of the sidebar and the font used for the post text) are beyond your control. In Chapter 5, when you learn how to change to a new theme or customize a current one, these differences will begin to evaporate. And by the time you reach the end of Part 2 in this book, you’ll be able to customize a self-hosted WordPress site or a WordPress. com site to look the way you want it to. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 97 ADDING YOUR FIRST POST FIGURE 4-11 Here’s the finished post, transplanted into the stock layout of your WordPress site. The two circled sections represent the content you contributed. WordPress has added plenty of details, like the category and date information below your post. You’ll learn to take charge of these details in this chapter and the next. Browsing Your Posts Adding a single post is easy. But to get a feel for what a real, thriving blog looks like, you need to add several new posts. When you do, you’ll find that WordPress arranges your posts in the traditional way: one after the other, in reverse-chronological order. To take a look, head to the home page of your blog (Figure 4-12). To get there, just enter your WordPress site address, without any extra information tacked onto the end. Or, if you’re currently viewing a post, click the Home button in the menu bar (just under the header section and the stock picture). 98 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL ADDING YOUR FIRST POST FIGURE 4-12 When you visit the home page of a blog, you start out with a reverse-chronological view that puts the most recent post first. If you don’t like to scroll, the sidebar on the right gives you several other ways to browse posts. The number of posts you see on the home page depends on your WordPress settings. Ordinarily, you get a batch of 10 posts at a time. If you scroll to the bottom of the home page, you can click the “Older posts” link to load up the next 10. If you want to show more or fewer posts at once, choose Settings→Reading and change the “Blog pages show at most” setting to the number you want. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 99 ADDING YOUR FIRST POST WordPress.com sites include an infinite scroll feature. When it’s switched on, you won’t see the “Older posts” link. Instead, WordPress loads new posts as you scroll down, creating an ever-expanding page (until you reach the very first post on the site). To turn this feature off, choose Settings→Reading and then turn off the checkbox next to “Scroll infinitely.” You don’t need to read every post in a WordPress site from newest to oldest. Instead, you can use one of the many other ways WordPress gives you to browse posts: • By most recent. The Recent Posts list lets you quickly jump to one of the five most recently created posts. It’s the first set of links in the sidebar on the right. • By month. Using the Archives list, you can see a month’s worth of posts. For example, click “June 2014” to see all the posts published that month, in reversechronological order. Some WordPress blogs also include a calendar for post browsing, but if you want that you’ll need to add it yourself (see page 164 to learn how). • By category or tag. Later in this chapter, you’ll learn how to place your posts in categories and add descriptive tags. Once you take these steps, you’ll have another way to hunt through your content, using either the Categories list in the sidebar or the category and tag links that WordPress adds to the end of every post. • By author. If your site has posts written by more than one person, WordPress automatically adds a link with the author name at the bottom of every post. Click that link and you’ll see all the posts that person has created for this site, in reverse-chronological order (as always). You can’t use this feature just yet, but it comes in handy when you create a blog that has multiple authors, as you’ll learn to do in Chapter 11. • Using a search. To search a blog, type a keyword or two into the search box, which appears at the top right of your site, and then press Enter. WordPress searches the title and body of each post and shows you a list of matching posts. Delayed Publishing Sometimes, you might decide your post is ready to go, but you want to wait a little before putting it on the Web. For example, you might want your post to coincide with an event or product announcement. Or maybe you want your post to appear at a certain time of day, rather than the 2:00 a.m. time you wrote it. Or maybe you simply want to add a bit of a buffer in case you get new information or have a lastminute change of heart. 100 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL ADDING YOUR FIRST POST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION How Do I Change My Home Page? I don’t like the look of my home page. Is there anything I can do to change it? The home page is the first thing visitors see on your website. For that reason, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the things WordPress authors want to tweak first. Here are some of your options: • Change the number of posts. Want to see more (or fewer) than 10 posts at a time? On the dashboard, choose SettingsÆReading. In the “Blog pages show at most” box, type in a different number, and then click Save Changes. • Show post summaries. Ordinarily, WordPress shows the entire post on the home page. If you like to write thorough, detailed posts with plenty of text and pictures (or if you’re just incurably long-winded), you would probably prefer to show a brief summary instead. You’ll learn how to pull off this trick on page 198. • Show a static page. If you’d rather show a custom home page that you’ve designed, instead of a list of recent posts, you need to create a static page. You’ll learn how to do that—and use it for your home page—in Chapter 7. These are just a few examples. As you read this book, many more options will open up. For example, in Chapter 10 you’ll learn how to create a home page that uses image thumbnails (page 343). And when you consider the advanced themeediting techniques in Chapter 14, you’ll see how to create a home page that displays a list of categorized links to just the posts you want. In all these situations, you can choose to save your post as a draft (click Save Draft) and publish it later. That gives you complete control over when the post appears, but it also forces you to make a return trip to your computer. A different approach is to use delayed publishing, which allows you to specify a future publication time. Before that time arrives, you may return and edit your post (or even cancel it). But if you do nothing, the post will magically appear, at exactly the time you specified. To use delayed publishing, follow these steps: 1. Before you start, make sure WordPress has the right time settings (page 92). If WordPress thinks you’re in a different time zone, its clock won’t match yours, and when you tell it to publish a post at a certain time, it will actually appear a few hours before or after you expect. 2. To write your post, choose PostsÆAdd New in the dashboard. Write your post in the usual way. 3. In the Publish box, click the Edit link next to “Publish immediately.” A new group of settings drops into view (Figure 4-13). 4. Use the provided boxes to pick a forthcoming date and the exact time when the post should go live. Here, WordPress uses a 24-hour clock, so put in 14:00 for 2:00 p.m. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 101 ADDING YOUR FIRST POST FIGURE 4-13 WordPress lets you schedule content for future publication down to the minute. 5. Click OK to apply your changes. At this point, the Publish button turns into a Schedule button. 6. Click the Schedule button to commit to publishing the post. WordPress will wait until the time you specify, and then publish your work. If you decide you don’t actually want to publish the post at the time you set, you can edit the post (as described on page 102) and put the scheduled time to a very distant future date. Or you can delete the post altogether (page 103). TIP You can use the same technique to create a post with an older publication date. To do that, just type in a date and time that falls in the past. Although this trick is less useful than delayed publishing (because no one wants to make her content look old), it’s occasionally useful. For example, it’s handy if you publish several posts at the same time and you want to change their order or spread them out. Editing a Post Many people assume that posting on a blog is like sending an email message: You compose your thoughts, write your content as best you can, and then send it out to meet the world. But the truth is that you can tinker with your posts long after you publish them. WordPress gives you two easy ways to edit a post. If you’re logged in as the site administrator and you’re viewing a post, you’ll see an Edit button or an Edit link somewhere on the page (its exact position depends on your theme). Click that link, and WordPress takes you to the Edit Post page, which looks almost identical to the Add New Post page. In fact, the only difference is that the Publish button has been renamed “Update.” Using the Edit Post page, you can change any detail you want, 102 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL from correcting a single typo to replacing the entire post. When you finish making changes, click the Update button to commit your edit. ADDING YOUR FIRST POST Another way to pick a post for editing is to use the dashboard. First, choose Posts→All Posts, which shows you a list of all the posts you’ve published (Figure 4-14). Find the post you want to edit, hover over it, and then click the Edit link to get to the Edit Post page, where you can make your changes. FIGURE 4-14 The Posts page lists your posts in reversechronological order, starting with the most recent, and including any drafts. When you point to a post (without clicking), you see links that let you edit, delete, or view the post. Along with the Edit link, the Posts page includes a Quick Edit link. Unlike Edit, Quick Edit keeps you on the Posts page but pops open a panel that lets you edit some of the post details. For example, you can use Quick Edit to change a post’s title, but you can’t use it to change the actual text. Being able to edit in WordPress is a nearly essential feature. Eventually, even the best site will get something wrong. There’s no shame in opening up an old post to correct an error, clean up a typing mistake, or even scrub out a bad joke. NOTE Unlike some blogging and content management systems, WordPress doesn’t display any sort of timestamp or message about when you last edited a post. If you want that, you’ll need to add it as part of your edit. For example, you might tack an italicized paragraph onto the bottom of a post that says, “This post edited to include the full list of names” or “Updated on January 25th with the latest survey numbers.” Deleting a Post As you’ve just seen, you can edit anything you’ve ever written on your WordPress website, at any time, without leaving any obvious fingerprints. You can even remove posts altogether. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 103 ADDING YOUR FIRST POST The trick to deleting posts is to use the Posts page (Figure 4-14). Point to the post you want to vaporize, and then click Trash. Or, on the Edit Post page, click the “Move to Trash” link that appears in the Publish box. TIP Now that you know how to remove a post, try out your new skill with the “Hello world!” example post that WordPress adds to every new blog. There’s really no reason to keep it. Trashed posts aren’t completely gone. If you discover you removed a post that you actually want, don’t panic. WordPress gives you two ways to get your post back. If you realize your mistake immediately after you trash the post, look for the message “Item moved to Trash. Undo.” It appears in a box at the top of the Posts page. Click the Undo link, and your post returns immediately to both the Posts list and your site. If you want to restore a slightly older trashed post, you need to dive into the Trash. Fortunately, it’s easy (and not at all messy). First, click Posts→All Posts to get to the Posts page. Then click the Trash link that appears just above the list of posts (Figure 4-15). You’ll see every post that’s currently in the trash. Find the one you want, hover over it, and then click Restore to resurrect it (or click Delete Permanently to make sure no one will find it again, ever). FIGURE 4-15 Three links at the top of the list of posts let you choose what content you see: All (every published post and draft), Published (only published posts), and Trash (posts you deleted). NOTE Of course, removing posts from your blog and scrubbing content from the Web are two vastly different things. For example, if you post something impolite about your boss and remove it a month later, the content can live on in the cache that search engines keep and in Internet archival sites like the Wayback Machine (http:// web.archive.org). So always think before you post, because WordPress doesn’t include tools to reclaim your job or repair your online reputation. Creating a Sticky Post As you know, WordPress orders posts by date on the home page, with the most recent post occupying the top spot. But you might create an important post that you want to feature at the top of the list, regardless of its date. For example, you might write up a bulletin that announces that your business is temporarily closing for renovations, or answers frequently asked questions (“No, there are no more seatings 104 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL available for this Sunday’s Lobster Fest”). To keep your post at the top of the list so it can catch your readers’ eyes, you need to turn it into a sticky post. ADDING YOUR FIRST POST NOTE WordPress displays all your sticky posts before all your normal posts. If you have more than one sticky post, it lists the most recent one first. You can designate a post as sticky when you first write it (on the Add New Post page) or when you edit it later (on the Edit Post page). Either way, you use the Publish box. Next to the label “Visibility: Public,” click Edit. A few more options will drop into view (including the private post options you’ll explore on page 395). To make your post sticky, turn on the checkbox next to “Stick this post to the front page,” and then click Publish or Update to confirm your changes. The only caveat with sticky posts is that they stay sticky forever—or until you “unstick” them. The quickest way to do that is to choose Posts→All Posts, find the sticky post in the list, and then click the Quick Edit link underneath it. Turn off the “Make this post sticky” checkbox and then click Update. UP TO SPEED The Path to Blogging Success There’s no secret trick to building a successful blog. Whether you’re recording your thoughts or promoting a business, you should follow a few basic guidelines: • Make sure your content is worth reading. As the oftreported slogan states, content is king. The best way to attract new readers, lure them in for repeat visits, and inspire them to tell their friends about you, is to write something worth reading. If you’re creating a topical blog (say, putting your thoughts down about politics, literature, or gourmet marshmallows), your content needs to be genuinely interesting. If you’re creating a business blog (for example, promoting your indie record store or selling your real estate services), it helps to have content that’s truly useful (say, “How to Clean Old Records” or “The Best Chicago Neighborhoods to Buy In”). • Add new content regularly. Nothing kills a site like stale content. Blogs are particularly susceptible to this problem because posts are listed in chronological order, and each post prominently displays the date you wrote it (unless you remove the dates by editing your theme files; see Chapter 13). • Keep your content organized. Even the best content can get buried in the dozens (or hundreds) of posts you’ll write. Readers can browse through your monthly archives or search for keywords in a post, but neither approach is convenient. Instead, a good blog is ruthlessly arranged using categories and tags for the posts (see the next section). Chapter 4: Creating Posts 105 ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS Organizing Your Posts WordPress gives you two complementary tools for organizing your posts: categories and tags. Both work by grouping related posts together. In the following sections, you’ll learn how to use them effectively. Understanding Categories A category is a short text description that describes the topic of a group of posts. For example, the Magic Tea House uses categories like Tea (posts about teas for sale), Events (posts about concert events at the tea house), and News (posts about other developments, like renovations or updated business hours). Categories are really just text labels, and you can pick any category names you want. For example, the categories Tea, Events, and News could just as easily have been named Teas for Sale, Concerts, and Miscellaneous, without changing the way the categories work. In a respectable WordPress site, every post has a category. (If you don’t assign a category, WordPress automatically puts your post in a category named Uncategorized, which presents a bit of a logical paradox.) Most of the time, posts should have just one category. Putting a post in more than one category is a quick way to clutter up the structure of your site, and confuse anyone who’s browsing your posts one category at a time. TIP A good rule of thumb is this: Give every post exactly one category. If you want to add more information to make it easier for people to find posts that are related to each other, add tags (page 114). (The exception is if you use multiple categories to “flag” posts for special features. For example, you’ll see a theme trick on page 192 that uses a category to denote featured posts. In this sort of example, some posts may appear in two categories—one “real” category used for classification and browsing, and another category you use to tap into the special feature.) You don’t need to create all your categories at once. Instead, you can add them as needed (for example, when you create a new post that needs a new category). Of course, you’ll have an easier time organizing your site if you identify your main categories early on. It’s up to you to decide how to categorize posts and how many categories you want. For example, the Magic Tea House site could just as easily have divided the same posts into more categories, or into different criteria, as shown in Figure 4-16. The box on page 109 has some tips for choosing good categories. 106 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS FIGURE 4-16 Here are two ways to organize the same 17 posts. Neither is necessarily better than the other, but the grouping on the bottom makes it easier to promote the teas that the Magic Tea House sells. It also assumes the site will feature regular articles about teas, and that concerts are a common type of event. If that’s not the case, it’s probably not worth having separate categories named Tea Facts and Concerts. Categorizing Posts You can easily assign a category to a post when you first add the post. Here’s how: 1. Choose PostsÆAdd New to start a new post. Or you can start editing an existing post (page 102) and then change its category. The Add New Post and Edit Post pages work the same way, so it’s easy. 2. Look for the Categories box. You’ll find it near the bottom-right corner of the page, under the Publish and Format boxes (Figure 4-17). If the category you want exists, skip to step 5. If your post needs a new category, one that you haven’t created yet, continue on to step 3. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 107 ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS FIGURE 4-17 The Categories box has two tabs. The one you usually see, All Categories, lists all your post categories in alphabetical order. If you’ve created quite a few categories, you might find it faster to choose one from the Most Used tab, which lists the categories you use most often. 3. At the bottom of the Categories box, click Add New Category. This expands the Categories box so you can enter category information. 4. Enter the category name in the box underneath the Add New Category link, and then click Add New Category. Don’t worry about the Parent Category box underneath—you’ll learn to use that on page 110, when you create subcategories. Once you add your category, it appears in the Categories box. 5. Find the category you want to use in the list, and then turn on the checkbox next to it. When you add a new category, WordPress automatically turns on its checkbox, because it assumes this is the category you want to assign to your post. If it isn’t, simply turn off the checkbox and pick something else. 108 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL You can add a post to more than one category, but it’s best not to unless you’re a pro. Doing so is likely to mask a poor choice of categories, and it makes it hard to change your categories later on. ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS 6. Carry on editing your post. That’s it. When you publish your post, WordPress assigns it the category you chose (Figure 4-18). If you didn’t choose any category, WordPress automatically puts it in a category named (paradoxically) Uncategorized. TIP Ordinarily, the category named Uncategorized is WordPress’s default category—that means WordPress uses it for new posts unless you specify otherwise. However, you can tell WordPress to use a different default category. Simply choose Settings→Writing and pick one of your categories in the Default Post Category list. UP TO SPEED How to Choose Good Categories To choose the right categories, you need to imagine your site, up and running, several months down the road. What posts does it have? How do people find the content they want? If you can answer these questions, you’re well on the way to choosing the best categories. First, you need to choose categories that distribute your posts well. If a single category has 90 percent of your posts, you probably need new—or different—categories. Similarly, if a category accounts for less than 2 percent of your posts, you may have too many categories. (Although there are exceptions—perhaps you plan to write more on that topic later, or you want to separate a very small section of special-interest posts from the rest of your content.) You may also want to factor in the sheer number of posts you plan to write. If your site is big and you post often, you may want to consider more categories. For example, assuming the Magic Tea House has a couple of dozen posts, a category split like this works fine: Tea (70 percent), Concerts (20 percent), News (10 percent). But if you have hundreds of posts, you’ll probably want to subdivide the big Tea group into smaller groups. It also makes sense to create categories that highlight the content you want to promote. For example, if you’re creating a site for a furniture store, you’ll probably create categories based on your products (Couches, Sofas, Dining Room Tables, and so on). Similarly, the Magic Tea House can split its Tea category into Our Teas and Tea Facts to better highlight the teas it sells (Figure 4-16). Finally, it’s important to consider how your readers will want to browse your information. If you’re a lifestyle coach writing articles about personal health, you might decide to add categories like Good Diet, Strength Training, and Weight Loss, because you assume that your readers will zero in on one of these subjects and eagerly devour all the content there. Be careful that you don’t split post categories too small, however, because readers could miss content they might otherwise enjoy. For example, if you have both a Good Diet Tips and Superfoods category, a reader might explore one category without noticing the similar content in the other. This is a good place to apply the size rule again—if you can’t stuff both categories full of good content, consider collapsing them into one group or using subcategories (page 110). Chapter 4: Creating Posts 109 ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS FIGURE 4-18 This post is in the Tea category. Click the link (the word “Tea,” under the post), and you’ll see all the posts in that category. Using Subcategories If you have a huge site with plenty of posts and no shortage of categories, you may find that you can organize your content better with subcategories. The idea behind subcategories is to take a large category and split it into two or more smaller groups. However, rather than make these new categories completely separate, WordPress keeps them as subcategories of the original category, which it calls the parent category. For example, the Magic Tea House site could make Tea a parent category and create subcategories named Black Tea, Green Tea, Rooibos, and Herbal Tea. Done right, subcategories have two potential benefits: • You can show a category tree. A category tree shows the hierarchy of your categories. In a complex site with lots of categories, most readers find that this makes it easier to browse the categories and understand how the topics you cover are related. You’ll learn how to build a category tree in just a moment. • Visitors can browse posts by subcategory or parent category. That means that people using the Magic Tea House site can see all the tea posts at once (by browsing the Tea category) or they can drill down to the subcategory of tea that interests them the most. You can create subcategories using the Categories box—in fact, it’s just as easy as creating ordinary categories (Figure 4-19). The only requirement is that you create the parent category first. Then enter the subcategory name, pick the parent category in the Parent Category list, and then click Add New Category. 110 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE Yes, you can create subcategories inside of subcategories. But doing so can complicate life and make it more difficult to fit a proper category tree in your sidebar. If possible, stick with one level of subcategories. ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS FIGURE 4-19 To add a post subcategory, you need to supply one extra piece of information: the parent category, which you select from a drop-down list. WordPress displays categories hierarchically in the Categories box. That means that you’ll see your subcategories (like Green Tea) displayed underneath the parent category (Tea). However, there’s an exception—when you first add a new subcategory, WordPress puts it at the top of the list, and it stays there until you refresh the page or add a new category. Don’t let this quirk worry you; your new category is still properly attached to its parent. NOTE When you assign post to a subcategory, make sure you pick the subcategory only, not the parent category. That means that if you want to add a post about green tea, you should turn on the checkbox next to the Green Tea box, but not the Tea box. Because Tea is the parent category, people who browse the Tea category will automatically see your Green Tea posts. When you start adding subcategories to your site, you’ll probably be disappointed by how they appear in the Categories list, the category-browsing links that appear in the sidebar alongside your posts. The standard list of categories is a flat, onedimensional list in alphabetical order. You can’t see the relationships between parent categories and subcategories (Figure 4-20, left). Chapter 4: Creating Posts 111 ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS FIGURE 4-20 Ordinarily, the Categories list ignores subgroups (left). But fear not: With a simple configuration change you can get a more readable tree (right). NOTE The Categories list shows only the categories you currently use. So if you create a new category but don’t assign it to a post, you won’t see it in the Categories list. Fortunately, it’s easy to change the standard list of categories into a tree of categories, by borrowing a theme-altering trick you’ll explore in more detail in the next chapter. Technically, the Categories list is known as a widget. Like all widgets, it can be moved, removed, and reconfigured. Here’s how: 1. On the dashboard, choose AppearanceÆWidgets. The Widgets page shows you all the individual ingredients that WordPress puts into the sidebar on your site. 2. In the Main Sidebar box, find the Categories widget. This is the widget that creates the list of categories that appears next to your posts. 3. Click the down-pointing arrow on the right side of the widget. This expands the Categories widget, so you can see its settings. 4. Turn on the checkbox in the “Show hierarchy” settings and then click Save. Now return to your site and admire the result (Figure 4-20, right). NOTE No matter what setting you tweak, WordPress always orders categories alphabetically. If you want to put a specific category on top, you need to put in some extra work and create a menu (page 218). Managing Categories As you’ve seen, you can create a category whenever you need one, right from the Add New Post or Edit Post page. However, the WordPress dashboard also includes 112 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL a page for managing categories. To get there, choose Posts→Categories, and you’ll see a split page that lets you add to or edit your categories (Figure 4-21). ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS FIGURE 4-21 The Categories page includes a section on the left for adding new categories and a detailed list of all your categories on the right. The categories list works in much the same way as the list of posts on the Posts page. Point to a category without clicking, and you get the chance to edit or delete it. The Categories page lets you perform a few tasks that aren’t possible from the lowly Categories box: • Delete categories you don’t use. When you take this step, WordPress reassigns any posts in the category to the default category, which is Uncategorized (unless you changed the default in the SettingsÆWriting page). • Edit a category. For example, you might want to take an existing category and rename it, or make it a subcategory by giving it a parent. • Enter extra category information. You already know that every category has a name and, optionally, a parent. In addition, categories have room for two pieces of information that you haven’t used yet: a slug and a description. The slug is a simplified version of the category name that appears in the web address when you use pretty permalinks (page 115). The description explains what the category is all about. Some themes display category descriptions in their category-browsing pages. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 113 ORGANIZING YOUR POSTS Understanding Tags Like categories, tags are text labels that add bits of information to a post. But unlike categories, a post can (and should) have multiple tags. For that reason, the process of applying tags is less strict than the process of putting your post in the right category. Tags are often more specific than categories. For example, if you write a review of a movie, you might use Movie Reviews as your category and the movie and director’s name as tags. Follow these guidelines when you use tags: • Don’t over-tag. Instead, choose the best five to 10 tags for your content. If you use WordPress.com and you create a post with 15 tags or more, it’s much less likely to appear in the WordPress.com tag cloud (page 41), which means new visitors are less likely to stumble across your blog. • Keep your tags short and precise. Pick “Grateful Dead” over “Grateful Dead Concerts.” • Reuse your tags on different posts. Once you pick a good tag, put it to work wherever it applies. After all, tags are designed to help people find related posts. And never create a similarly named tag for the same topic. For example, if you decide to add the tag “New York Condos,” and then you use the tags “NY Condos” and “Condo Market,” you’ve created three completely separate tags that won’t share the same posts. • Consider using popular tags. If you’re on WordPress.com, check out popularly used tags (page 39) and consider using them in your posts, when they apply. If you’re trying to attract search engine traffic, you might consider using hot search keywords for your tags (page 448). • Don’t duplicate your category with a tag of the same name. That’s because WordPress treats categories and tags in a similar way, as bits of information that describe a post. Duplicating a category with a tag is just a waste of a tag. TIP Here’s some advice to help you get straight about categories and tags. Think of the category as the fundamental grouping that tells WordPress how a post fits into the structure of your site. Think of a tag as a searching convenience that helps readers hunt for content or find a related post. Tagging Posts Adding a tag to a post is even easier than assigning it to a category. When you create a post (in the Add New Post page) or edit a post (in the Edit Post page), look for the Tags box, which appears just under the Categories box. The Tags box gives you three ways to add tags: • Type a tag into the text box, and then click the Add button. Repeat. 114 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • Type all your tags into the text box at once. Make sure you place a comma between each tag, as shown in Figure 4-22. HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES • Click the “Choose from the most used tags” link and pick from the tags you used for other posts. FIGURE 4-22 Left: Right now, this post has one tag, Kuala Lumpur. It’s about to get three more. Right: Now the post has four tags. If you change your mind, you can remove a tag by clicking the ° icon that appears next to it. When you publish a post, the byline will list the post’s category and all its tags (Figure 4-23). You can follow these links to browse similarly tagged posts. Many blogs also use a tag cloud, a cluster of tag links, sized in proportion to how often you use them (in other words, in proportion to how many posts feature that tag). The default WordPress site layout doesn’t use a tag cloud, but you can add one easily using the Tag Cloud widget. You learn how on page 165. FIGURE 4-23 The exact look of a post byline depends on your theme, but most list the categories and tags you added to a post. As with categories, tags have their own management page, which you can see by choosing Posts→Tags. There you can add tags, remove tags, and edit the tag slugs, which appear in the web addresses when you use pretty permalinks (page 117). How to Get High-Quality Web Addresses Every post you put on a WordPress site has its own unique web address, or URL. So far, you haven’t really thought about what those URLs look like. After all, nobody needs to type in a web address to read a post. Instead, people can simply visit the front page of your site and click through to whatever content interests them. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 115 HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES However, seasoned web designers know that web addresses matter—not just for the front page of your site, but for each distinct bit of content. One reason is that search engines pay attention to the keywords in a URL, so they treat something like http:// wastedminutes.com/best_time_wasters differently from http://wastedminutes.com/ post/viewer.php?postid=3980&cat=83. All other factors being equal, if someone searches for “time wasters” in Google, the search engine is more likely to suggest the first page than the second. Another important detail is the lifetime of your URLs. Ideally, a good web address never changes. Think of an address as a contract between you and your readers. The promise is that if they bookmark a post, the web address will still work when they return to read it, even months or years later (assuming your entire site hasn’t gone belly-up in the interim). WordPress takes this principle to heart. In fact, it calls the unique web address that’s assigned to every post a permalink, emphasizing its permanent nature. As you’ll soon see, WordPress will happily give your posts meaningful web addresses that last forever, but you might need to help it out a bit. Before you can do that, you need to understand a bit more about how the WordPress permalink system works. The details differ depending on whether you’re using WordPress.com or you’ve installed WordPress on your web host. The following sections lay out the essentials. Permalinks in WordPress.com On a WordPress.com site, permalinks always follow this structure: http://site/year/month/day/post-name For example, if you create a blog named lazyfather.wordpress.com on November 27, 2014, WordPress will automatically create a post named “Hello world!” that has a permalink like this: http://lazyfather.wordpress.com/2014/11/27/hello-world The year, month, and day numbers are set when you create the post. The last part—the post name—is based on the title of the post. WordPress changes spaces to hyphens and ignores funky characters (like @, #, and $). If you create two posts with the same name on the same day, WordPress adds a number to the end of the second post title. (If you create a post with the same name but on a different day, no problem, because the first part of the web address is already different.) WordPress’s URL-generating strategy is a pretty good starting point. However, you can change the address for any post when you create it. This is a great feature if you think your post title is ridiculously long or if you have an idea for an address that’s more likely to net you some serious search engine traffic. Page 119 explains how to change a post’s permalink. 116 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Permalinks on a Self-Hosted Site Here’s the good news: If you use the self-hosted version of WordPress, you can choose the permalink style. And here’s the bad news: If you don’t change it yourself, you’ll be stuck with distinctly old-fashioned web addresses. HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES With the default permalink style, WordPress creates short but rather cryptic web addresses that use the post ID. They follow this structure: http://site/?p=id For example, if you create a WordPress blog at lazyfather.com/blog, the first “Hello world!” post gets a permalink like this: http://lazyfather.com/blog/?p=1 The post ID is a unique, sequential number that WordPress gives to every new post. So it’s no surprise that the first post has a post ID of 1. This permalink style is short, but it has no other benefits. The permalinks are meaningless to other people and search engines, because it’s impossible to tell what a given post is about. Can you tell the difference between http://lazyfather.com/ blog/?p=13 (a post about cute family pets) and http://lazyfather.com/blog/?p=26 (a post about the coming Mayan apocalypse)? The post ID is essentially a secret code that doesn’t mean anything to anyone except the web server database that holds the collection of correspondingly numbered posts. Even if you love the convenience of short web addresses (and who doesn’t?), you almost certainly want to use a more descriptive permalink style. Fortunately, WordPress makes it easy. Just follow these steps: 1. In the dashboard, choose SettingsÆPermalinks. The Permalinks Setting page appears. 2. Choose a new permalink style. Your choices are listed under Common Settings: • Default. This is the WordPress.org standard: brief but obscure permalinks that use the post ID, like http://magicteahouse.net/?p=13. • Day and name. This style is the same as the WordPress.com standard. Permalinks include several pieces of information, including the year, month, and date, separated by slashes. At the end is the much more descriptive post name (a simplified version of the post title), as in http://magicteahouse. net/2014/07/28/announcing-teas-from-kuala-lumpur. • Month and name. This style is similar to “Day and name,” except that it leaves out the date number, giving you a slightly more concise permalink, like http://magicteahouse.net/2014/07/announcing-teas-from-kualalumpur. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 117 HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES • Numeric. This is a nicer looking version of the default style. It uses the post ID, but without including the ?p= characters. Instead, it adds the text /archives, as in http://magicteahouse.net/archives/13. However, this type of permalink is still as clear as mud. • Post name. This style omits all the date information, using just the post name, as in http://magicteahouse.net/announcing-teas-from-kuala-lumpur. The advantages of this system are that the permalinks it creates are concise and easy to remember and understand. They don’t emphasize the date the content was created, which is important if you have timeless content that you want to refer to months or years later. One disadvantage is that if you give more than one post the same name, WordPress needs to tack a number onto the end of the permalink to make it unique. • Custom structure. This is an advanced option that lets you tell WordPress exactly how it should cook up permalinks. The most common reason to use a custom structure is because you want the post category to appear in your permalink (as explained in the box on page 119). TIP If you don’t want to emphasize dates and you’re willing to put in a bit of extra work to avoid duplicate titles, the “Post name” style is a great choice. If you’re concerned about clashing titles, “Month and name” is safer, and if you want to emphasize the exact date of your posts—for example, if you write time-sensitive or news-like content—“Day and name” is a good choice. UP TO SPEED Understanding Permalink Codes When you choose a permalink style other than Default, you’ll notice that WordPress automatically inserts the matching codes in the “Custom structure” box. For example, if you choose “Day and name,” these codes appear: %year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname% 118 http://magicteahouse.net/2014/%monthnum%/% day%/%postname% Then it replaces the %monthnum% code with the two-digit month number: http://magicteahouse.net/ 2014/07/%day%/%postname% Think of this as a recipe that tells WordPress how to build the permalink. Each code (that’s the bit of text between percentage signs, like %year% and %monthnum%) corresponds to a piece of information that WordPress will stick into the web address. It carries on until the permalink is complete: In this example, four codes are separated by three slashes. When WordPress uses this format, it starts with the site address (as always) and then adds the requested pieces of information, one by one. First it replaces the %year% code with the four-digit year number: You don’t need to understand WordPress’s permalink codes in order to use different permalink styles. However, you do need to understand them if you want to create your own recipe for generating permalinks, as described in the box on page 119. http://magicteahouse.net/2014/07/28/ the-origin-of-tea WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 3. Click Save Changes. WordPress applies the permalink change to your entire site. That means that WordPress updates any posts you already published to the new style. If you’re switching from the standard style to another style, this never causes a problem, because the ID-based links continue to work. (That’s because no matter what permalink style you use, WordPress continues to give each post a unique post ID, which it stores in its database.) However, if you switch to a second permalink style (for example, “Day and name”) and then to a third style (say, “Month and name”), the outlook isn’t so rosy. Anyone who bookmarked a “Day and name”–style URL will find that it no longer works. HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES TIP If you want to tweak the way your WordPress site generates permalinks (and if you’re using the self-hosted version of WordPress, you almost certainly do), it’s best to make that change as soon as possible. Otherwise, changing the permalink style can break the web addresses for old posts, frustrating readers who have bookmarked them. Think twice before tampering with the URL structure of an established site. POWER USERS’ CLINIC Create Permalinks That Include the Category If you’re ambitious, you can make deeper customizations to the way WordPress generates post permalinks. To do that, you need to choose the Custom Structure permalink type, and then fill in your permalink “recipe” with the right codes. WordPress recognizes 10 codes. More than half are date-related: %year%, %monthnum%, %day%, %hour%, %minute%, and %second%. Additionally, there’s a code for the category slug (%category%) and the author (%author%). Finally, every permalink must end with either the numeric post ID (represented by %post_id%) or post name (%postname%), because this is the unique detail that identifies the post. Often, WordPress gurus use a custom permalink structure that adds category information. They do so because they feel that the permalinks are aesthetically nicer—in other words, clearer or more meaningful—or because they think that this increases the chance that search engines will match their post with a related search query. Here’s an example of a custom permalink structure that creates category-specific permalinks: %category%/%postname% Now WordPress creates permalinks that include the category name (in this case, Tea) and the post name (The Origin of Tea), like this: http://magicteahouse.net/tea/the-originof-tea This type of URL doesn’t work well if you assigned some of your posts more than one category. In such a case, WordPress picks one of the categories to use in the web address, somewhat unpredictably. (Technically, WordPress uses the category that has the lower category ID, which is whichever one you created first.) Changing a Post’s Permalink Most WordPress fans prefer pretty permalinks— web addresses that include the post title. If you use WordPress.com, your posts always use pretty permalinks. If you use a self-hosted WordPress site, you get pretty permalinks in every permalink style except Default and Numeric. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 119 HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES However, pretty permalinks aren’t always as pretty as they should be. The problem is that a post title doesn’t necessarily fit well into a web address. Often, it’s overly long or includes special characters. In this situation, you can help WordPress out by explicitly editing the slug—the version of the post name that WordPress uses in your permalinks. You can change the slug when you add or edit a post. Here’s how: 1. Find the permalink line, which appears just under the post title text box. WordPress creates the slug automatically, once you type in the post title and start entering the post content. After that point, the slug doesn’t change, even if you edit the title, unless you edit it explicitly. 2. Click the Edit button next to the permalink line (Figure 4-24). WordPress converts the portion of the permalink that holds the slug into a text box. You can then edit to your heart’s content, so long as you stay away from spaces and special characters, which aren’t allowed in URLs. The best permalinks are short, specific, and unlikely to be duplicated by other posts. (Although WordPress is smart enough to refuse to use a slug you assigned to another post.) NOTE If you see a Change Permalinks button next to the permalink where the Edit button should be, you don’t have pretty permalinks turned on. To fix the problem, follow the steps on page 117. 3. Click OK to make your change official. FIGURE 4-24 Here, you’re cutting the unwieldy slug “announcing-teas-fromkuala-lumpur” down to size. 120 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE WordPress is very conscientious about dealing with old permalinks. If visitors try to find a post using an old permalink that has since changed, WordPress automatically forwards them to the right post and correct web address. This trick makes sure that old bookmarks and search engines that link to your site keep working. HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES Getting a Shorter Version of Your Web Address Pretty permalinks are memorable and, if you don’t include the date information, fairly simple. However, they can still be inconveniently long for certain situations. Sometimes, you might need a shorter address that points to a post—one that’s easier to jot down or fit in the confines of a Twitter message. And although you can cut a permalink down to size when you create a post, it still might not be short enough. WordPress is ready to help. It gives you two ways to reach every post you create: a permalink (like the ones you’ve been using so far), and a leaner URL called a shortlink. Shortlinks work just as well as permalinks, and you can use both types of link at once, depending on what you need, without confusing WordPress. Shortlinks look different depending on whether you’re using a self-hosted WordPress site or WordPress.com. In a self-hosted site, the shortlink uses the Default permalink style. It’s your site address, with the numeric post ID: http://magicteahouse.net/?p=13 WordPress.com takes a different approach. It uses its own URL-shortening service, called WP.me, to ensure that you get a micro web address like this: http://wp.me/p21m89-1a Even though it points to what seems like a completely different website, this shortlink redirects visitors to the right blog post on the right WordPress.com site. Best of all, the entire shortlink requires a mere 22 characters, which is just about as short as they come. WordPress doesn’t offer the shortlink option until you publish your post. In fact, to get it, you need to start editing your post (page 102). Once you’re there, click the Get Shortlink button that appears in the permalink line (or just underneath it, depending on how much room WordPress has). WordPress pops open a new window with the shortlink for your post (Figure 4-25). Chapter 4: Creating Posts 121 HOW TO GET HIGHQUALITY WEB ADDRESSES FIGURE 4-25 Here’s the post’s shortlink, ready for copying. GEM IN THE ROUGH Making Your Shortlinks Even Smaller If you have a self-hosted WordPress site, the shortlink might not be as short as you want. It works great if you use WordPress to run your entire site and you have a nice, short domain name. But if you have a long domain name with your WordPress content in a subfolder, you end up with a not-soshort shortlink, like this: http://prosetech.com/wordpress/magicteahouse/?p=4 It might occur to you to use the WP.me service to get an even shorter web address, but unfortunately it’s limited to WordPress.com sites. However, there are other URL-shortening services that will take your address and spit out a tinier version. Popular shortener sites include http://bit.ly (which Twitter uses for automatic URL-shrinking), http://tinyurl.com, and http://tiny.cc . 122 For example, if you plug your web address into bit.ly, you get a new one, like this: http://bit.ly/LejGs9 Weighing in at a mere 20 characters, this address is even shorter than the ones WP.me creates. If someone types that URL into a browser, they’ll go first to the bit.ly web server, which will quickly redirect the browser to the original web address. The end result is that your post appears almost immediately. Using any of these URL-shortening services is easy. Just go to the website, paste in your web address—either the permalink or shortlink, it doesn’t matter—and then copy the new condensed address. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Browsing Categories and Tags Using a Web Address Earlier, you saw how the Categories widget lets you retrieve a list of posts for any category. For example, click the Herbal Tea link and—presto!—you see the posts about brewing your favorite dried leaves. DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT WordPress works this category-browsing magic using a specific form of web address. If you understand it, then you can use category web addresses yourself, wherever you need them. First, you start with the site address: http://magicteahouse.net Then, you add /category/ to the end of the address, like this: http://magicteahouse.net/category/ Finally, you add the bit that identifies the category you want to use. If you use the default permalink style on a self-hosted site, you get awkward category web addresses that incorporate the category ID: http://magicteahouse.net/category/?cat=6 But if you use pretty permalinks, life is much better. Then, instead of embedding the category ID, category web addresses use the much more readable category slug, like this: http://magicteahouse.net/category/herbal-tea WordPress cooks up the slug based on your category name, using the same process it follows to pick the slug for a new post. First, WordPress replaces every uppercase letter with a lowercase one. Next, it replaces spaces with hyphens (-). Lastly, it strips out forbidden special characters, if you used them. As a result, the category Herbal Tea gets the slug herbal-tea. Remember, you can modify the slug for every category using the Categories page (page 113). For example, you can shorten the address shown above by replacing herbal-tea with the simpler slug herbal. Tags work the same way as categories, except the /category/ portion of the web address becomes /tag/. So, to browse the posts that use a specific tag, you need an address like this: http://magicteahouse.net/tags/kuala-lumpur You can tweak tag slugs in the Tags page. However, it’s far less common to tailor tag slugs than it is to edit post and category slugs. Dashboard Tricks to Save Time and Effort As you’ve learned, the dashboard is the key to unlocking your WordPress site. So far you’ve used it to work with posts: creating them, changing them, and deleting them. You also managed categories and tags, and tweaked a variety of WordPress Chapter 4: Creating Posts 123 DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT settings. But you’re far from exhausting the dashboard—in fact, you’ll spend the better part of this book exploring its nooks and crannies. Now, here are a few tips that can improve your dashboard skills. You’ll learn to customize the dashboard display, get help, and work with lists—basics that will prepare you for the administrative tasks to come. POWER USERS’ CLINIC Being in Two Places at Once One potential problem with the dashboard is that it lets you view only one page at a time. This limitation can become awkward in some situations. For example, imagine you’re in the middle of creating a post when you decide you want to review a setting somewhere else in the dashboard. You could save the post as a draft, jump to the settings page, and then return to continue with your post. And, for many people, this approach works just fine. But if you’re the sort of power user who’s comfortable with browser shortcuts, there’s another approach that may appeal: opening more than one browser page at a time, with each positioned on a different part of the dashboard. It all works through the magic of the Ctrl-click—a nifty browser trick where you hold down the Ctrl key (Command on a Mac) while clicking a link. In modern browsers, this causes the target of the link to open in a new tab. This trick doesn’t work with all websites, particularly those that use JavaScript routines in the place of ordinary links. But in the WordPress dashboard, it flows without a hitch. For example, imagine you’re at the Add New Post page and you want to review your post display settings. To open the settings page in a new tab, hover over Settings in the dashboard menu and Ctrl-click the Reading link. Keep in mind, however, that if you change something in one tab that affects another, you might not see the results of your change right away. For example, if you add a category on the Categories page while the Add New Post page is open, you won’t see it in the Add New Post page unless you refresh the page. (But don’t forget to click Save Draft first if you want to keep your post!) Customizing a Dashboard Page When you navigate to a dashboard page, you don’t always see all the settings you can adjust. WordPress tries hard to offer you real power and flexibility without overloading your brain with features and settings. However, you’ll sometimes need to adjust one of WordPress’s hidden settings. (Or you’ll want to hide some of the settings WordPress does show, just to clear away the visual clutter.) Either way, the secret is the Screen Options button, which controls exactly what WordPress displays on the page. If you haven’t noticed the Screen Options button yet, that’s because it’s carefully tucked away in the top-left corner of the dashboard (circled in Figure 4-26). However, you’ll see it on nearly every dashboard page. When you click Screen Options, a new panel pops into existence at the top of the page (Figure 4-27). To collapse the panel, click the Screen Options button again. 124 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT FIGURE 4-26 Almost every dashboard page sports the Screen Options and Help buttons shown here. They’re the key to unearthing WordPress’s hidden options—and figuring out how they work. FIGURE 4-27 Here are the screen options for the Add New Post page. Using them, you can manage two things: the controls WordPress displays on the page (using the checkboxes under “Show on screen”), and the way WordPress presents those controls (using the settings under Screen Layout). To understand how the Screen Options box works, you need to understand that every checkbox in it corresponds to a gray panel that WordPress can either show or hide. For example, in Figure 4-28, the Format, Categories, Tags, and Featured Image checkboxes are turned on, and so the Format, Categories, Tags, and Featured Image panels appear on the page. (So does the Publish panel, which doesn’t have a corresponding checkbox, because WordPress won’t let you hide it.) But the Screen Options box in Figure 4-28 also includes several unchecked boxes, such as Excerpt, Send Trackbacks, Custom Fields, and so on. Many of these correspond to panels with less commonly adjusted settings. They’re hidden (by default), because WordPress assumes you don’t need them and don’t want to be distracted with more details. But if you turn on one (or more) of these checkboxes, the corresponding panels appear on the page. NOTE As you work through this book, you’ll find that you sometimes do need to dip into the screen options to display panels that WordPress ordinarily hides. Now that you know how the Screen Options button works, you’ll be ready. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 125 DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT Not only can you show and hide the panels in a dashboard page, but you can also move them around. Just click a title at the top of the panel (like “Categories”) and drag it to a new place on the page. WordPress automatically rearranges the other panels to make room. This is a great way to make sure that the options you use most often are right at your fingertips. (Watch out, though: If you click the title of a panel and don’t drag it somewhere else, WordPress collapses that panel so that only the title remains visible. Click the title again to expand it.) Finally, there’s one really useful dashboard customization trick that can help when you create or edit a huge post. If you click the bottom-right corner of the post editor and drag down (Figure 4-28), you can make the editing box as big as you want. FIGURE 4-28 Need more space to edit a long post without scrolling? Click here and drag down. Getting Help Soon you’ll be a WordPress administration guru. But in the meantime, you’ll occasionally face perplexing settings in the WordPress dashboard. The Help button isn’t perfect, but it can be useful sometimes. You’ll find the Help button right next to the Screen Options button, in the top-right corner of nearly every dashboard page. When you click it, a small panel with help 126 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL information drops into view. To collapse the panel, click the Help button again. Figure 4-29 shows the help for the Add New Post page. DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT FIGURE 4-29 WordPress’s help box is packed with terse but potentially helpful information. Click a link on the left side to choose your topic. (This example shows Publish Settings.) On the right are additional links that can take you to WordPress’s official documentation (be warned, it’s sometimes out of date) or the forums (where you can ask friendly strangers for help). Taking Charge of the List of Posts You’ve already seen the Posts page, which lists the posts on your site. However, as your site grows larger, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage everything on one page, and in a single table. To get control of your posts, you need to develop your searching and filtering skills. First, it’s important to realize that the Posts page doesn’t list everything at once. Instead, it shows up to 20 posts at a time—to get more, you need to click the arrow buttons that show up in the bottom-right corner of the list. Or you can adjust the 20-post limit: just click the Screen Options button, change the number in the Posts box, and then click Apply. NOTE If you allow more posts on your Posts page, you’ll get a slower-to-load page and a longer list to scroll through. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with bumping up the limit for certain tasks (say, to 100), and then changing it back when you finish. Changing the number of posts is one way to fit more posts into your list, but it isn’t much help if you want to home in on a specific batch of posts that might be scattered throughout your site. In this situation, WordPress has another set of tools to help you out: its filtering controls. Using the drop-down lists at the top of the table of posts (Figure 4-30), you can choose to show only posts that were made during Chapter 4: Creating Posts 127 DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT a specific month (for example, “June 2014”) or that belong to a specific category (say, “Green Tea”). FIGURE 4-30 To filter a list of posts, choose a specific month or category (or both), and then click Filter. Here, the list shows the posts in the News category. Ordinarily, WordPress displays posts in the same reverse-chronological order that they appear on your site. But you can change that by clicking one of the column headings. Click Title to sort alphabetically by headline, or Author to sort alphabetically by writer. If you click the column heading a second time, WordPress reverses the sort order. So if you sort a list of posts by Title, clicking Title a second time shows the posts in reverse-alphabetical order. And if you sort posts by Date, so that the newest posts appear first, clicking Date again displays the posts with the oldest ones on top. The last trick that the Posts window offers is the search box in the top-right corner, above the posts list. You can search for all the posts that have specific keywords in their titles or text. For example, to show posts that talk about veal broth, you would type in “veal broth” (using quotation marks if you want to turn both words into a single search term), and then click Search Posts. Performing Bulk Actions So far, you’ve worked on one post at a time. If you plan to change a post’s title or edit its text, this is the only way to go. But if you want to manipulate several posts in the same way—for example, change their category, add a keyword, or delete them—the Add Posts page lets you carry out your work in bulk. 128 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL The easiest bulk action is deleting. To send a batch of posts to the trash, follow these simple steps: DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT 1. Choose PostsÆAll Posts on the dashboard. That takes you to the familiar All Posts page. 2. Find the posts you want. If you don’t see all the posts you want to remove, then use the search or filtering techniques described on page 128. 3. Turn on the checkbox next to each post you want to remove. 4. In the Bulk Actions list, choose Move to Trash. The Bulk Actions list appears in two places: just above the list of posts and just underneath it. That way, it’s easily accessible no matter where you are. 5. Click Apply. WordPress moves all the selected posts to the trash. You can also use a bulk action to make certain post changes. For example, you can add tags to your post, change the author, or simultaneously publish a group of drafts. The steps are similar but slightly more involved. Here’s what to do: 1. Choose PostsÆAll Posts on the dashboard. 2. Find the posts you want (search or filter the posts if needed). 3. Turn on the checkbox next to each post you want to edit. 4. In the Bulk Actions list, choose Edit and then click Apply. WordPress opens a panel at the top of the post list with editing options (Figure 4-31). 5. Manipulate the details you want to change. Using the Bulk Edit panel, you can add tags (type them in) or apply a category. However, you can’t remove tags or change the category. That means that if you apply a new category, your posts will actually have two categories, which probably isn’t what you want. (Sadly, you have to remove the category you don’t want individually, post by post.) The Bulk Edit panel also lets you change the post’s author (if your site has more than one), its status (for example, turning a draft into a published post), and a few other settings that you’ll explore in the coming chapters. Chapter 4: Creating Posts 129 DASHBOARD TRICKS TO SAVE TIME AND EFFORT FIGURE 4-31 The Bulk Edit panel lists posts you’re editing en masse (in this example, there are three), and provides a limited number of editing options. Here, you’re adding a new tag to the three posts. 6. Click Update in the Bulk Edit panel. Or back out by clicking Cancel. TIP Here’s a dashboard double-trick that combines filtering and bulk actions. Say you decide to change all the posts in a category. First choose the category in the filter list (above the list of posts) and then click Filter. You’ll see a list that includes only the posts in that category. To select all these posts, turn on the checkbox that appears in the top-left corner of the post list, next to the word “Title.” Now you can pick your universal action from the Bulk Actions box and carry on. GEM IN THE ROUGH Posting with Your Phone or Tablet The dashboard is stocked full of power-user tools. But it’s impossible to beat the convenience of posting far from your computer, wherever you are, using a few swipes and taps on your favorite mobile device. In the past, developers created plug-ins that made mobile posting possible. Today, WordPress 130 itself has taken over that role, and it offers an impressive range of free mobile apps at http://wordpress.org/mobile. You’ll find apps that work with iPads, iPhones, Android devices, BlackBerries, Windows phones, and more. All the apps are polished, professional, and free. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CHAPTER Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 5 U sing the skills you picked up in the previous chapters, you can create a WordPress site and stuff it full of posts. However, your site will still come up short in the looks department. That’s because every new WordPress site starts out looking a little drab, and pretty much the same as everyone else’s freshly created WordPress site. If that sounds colossally boring to you, keep reading, because this chapter shows how to inject some serious style into your site. The key to a good-looking WordPress site is the theme you use. Essentially, a theme is a set of files that control how WordPress arranges and styles your content, transforming it from raw text in a database into beautiful web pages. You can think of a theme as a visual blueprint for your content. Themes tell WordPress how to lay out the components of your site, what colors and fonts to use, and how to integrate pictures and other graphical details. Every WordPress site starts out with a standard theme. Right now, yours uses the straightforward Twenty Twelve theme (assuming you followed the instructions on page 93). In this chapter, you’ll learn how to enhance the Twenty Twelve theme or pick a stylish new one from the hundreds that WordPress offers. You’ll also see how to choose sidebar widgets and arrange them on your site. Master these skills, and you can transform your site from standard-issue plainness to eye-popping pizzazz. 131 HOW THEMES WORK How Themes Work One of WordPress’s most impressive tricks is the way it generates web pages dynamically, by pulling content out of a database and assembling it into just the right web page. Themes are the key to this process. In an old-fashioned website, you format pages before you upload them to your web server. If you want your site to look different in any respect, you have to update your pages and re-upload the whole site. But in a WordPress site, your content and your formatting information are separate, with your theme handling the formatting. As a result, you can change the way WordPress styles your pages by editing or changing your theme, without needing to touch the content. The next time someone requests a page, WordPress grabs the usual content and quietly applies the latest formatting instructions. So how does a theme work its content-formatting magic? Technically, a theme is a package of files. Most of them are templates that set out the structure of your pages. For example, the template file header.php determines how the header at the top of every page on your site looks (see Figure 5-1), and the template file single.php assembles the content for a single post. Each template includes a mixture of HTML markup and PHP code. (If you’re fuzzy on these web basics, know that HTML is the language in which all web pages are written, and PHP is one of many web programming languages you can use to create dynamic content.) You won’t actually touch the template files in this chapter, but you’ll learn how to edit them later, in Chapter 13. Along with your template files, WordPress uses a style sheet, named style.css, that supplies formatting information for virtually every heading, paragraph, and font on your site. This style sheet uses the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) standard, and it formats WordPress pages in the same way that a style sheet formats almost every page you come across on the Web today. There’s no special WordPress magic here, but you can edit your theme’s style sheet to add special effects, like fancy fonts (page 481). The WordPress “Year” Themes Every new WordPress site starts out with a default theme. Odds are it’s a year theme, one of a few standard themes officially sanctioned by the team of WordPress developers. We call them year themes because WordPress releases them annually and names them after the year in which they appear. The first year theme was named Twenty Ten. It was followed by the Twenty Eleven theme, the Twenty Twelve theme, and so on (see Table 5-1 for the full list). The fine folks at WordPress plan to continue this release pattern for the foreseeable future. 132 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL HOW THEMES WORK FIGURE 5-1 Each WordPress site uses a single theme, and each theme includes a pile of interrelated template files that control different parts of your site. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 133 HOW THEMES WORK TABLE 5-1 The WordPress year themes THEME WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE Twenty Ten Provides a slightly old-style blog look, with a traditional arrangement: header and menu at the top, list of posts underneath, and a sidebar on the right side. Colors and fonts start out plain and simple. Twenty Eleven Provides a similar layout to Twenty Ten, but adds a few Zen touches: bigger image headers, bigger text, and much more whitespace. (But mind the gap—some WordPress fans don’t like Twenty Eleven’s extra padding.) Twenty Twelve Offers a clean, refined theme with great typography and a streamlined layout. Some will find it bland, but its elegant design touches have kept it popular to this day. It also has particularly good support for mobile devices (as you’ll see on page 168). Twenty Thirteen Features snazzy text, generous whitespace that recalls Twenty Eleven, and an Arizonaesque red-orange color scheme. The WordPress team was aiming for a colorful, fun look, but some people find this theme a bit too distinctive for their sites. Twenty Fourteen Provides a modern black-and-white theme with unarguable good looks. However, its stark and serious look doesn’t suit everyone. Consider this theme if your site is heavy on photography. The year themes are also called the default themes, because most sites start out using one of them. If you run a self-hosted WordPress site, it comes with the most recent year themes preinstalled (currently, that’s Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, and Twenty Fourteen). If you host your site with WordPress.com, you get easy access to all the year themes. NOTE At the time of this writing, all new self-hosted WordPress sites start out using Twenty Fourteen, a magazine-style theme with a heavy black frame. It feels slick, serious, and dark, and it’s best suited to photo sites and news magazines, rather than traditional blogs. For that reason, you switched your site to the simpler Twenty Twelve theme on page 93 to practice posting. 134 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL HOW THEMES WORK UP TO SPEED What’s in a Name: The Year Themes The year themes often confuse WordPress newcomers. The naming system seems to imply that older year themes are out of date, and that newer year themes are their natural successors. But that’s not true. First, it’s important to understand that each year theme is a new creation. For example, the Twenty Fourteen theme was adapted from an existing community theme called Further that was initially built by Takashi Irie, while the Twenty Thirteen was designed in-house by the WordPress experts at Automattic. The two themes are entirely different and independent; Twenty Thirteen didn’t evolve into Twenty Fourteen. Similarly, newer year themes don’t replace older ones. WordPress clearly states that the goal of each year theme is to be different, thought-provoking, and useful. The goal is not to provide a single all-purpose theme that satisfies everyone. That’s why the appearance of Twenty Thirteen is radically different from Twenty Fourteen, and why many WordPress gurus still rely on older classics like Twenty Twelve to get the balance of features and style they want. (That said, the two oldest year themes, Twenty Ten and Twenty Eleven, don’t work as seamlessly with mobile devices. To save yourself some work, pick a later year theme instead.) When WordPress releases Twenty Fifteen, it will offer yet another new style that doesn’t replace the themes that have gone before. This change won’t affect you, however, because you’re about to learn how to make any theme work for you— and how to find even more specialized themes in WordPress’s expansive theme catalog. Making Your Theme Suit Your Site Now that you have a basic idea of how themes work, you’re ready to start improving the look of your site. There are several paths you can take to change the appearance of your theme, depending on how dramatic your alterations are. Your choices include these: • Changing to a different theme. To give your site a dramatic face-lift, you can pick a completely different theme. With that single step, you get new fonts, colors and graphics, a new layout, and—sometimes—new features. WordPress. com users have over 250 themes to pick from, while WordPress self-hosters can choose from thousands more. • Tweaking your theme settings. WordPress gives you a number of useful ways to personalize your theme. The options depend on the theme, but you can usually alter a theme’s color scheme, change the header picture, and shift the layout. • Customizing your widgets. Most WordPress themes include one or more sections you can customize, like a sidebar you can stock with various links. The sections in the sidebar are called widgets, and you can change them, rearrange them, and add new ones. • Editing your theme. Advanced WordPress fans can crack open their theme files, work on the code with some help from this book, and make more substantial changes. The simplest modification is to fine-tune the CSS styles that format your pages. More ambitious theme hackers can change virtually every detail of their sites. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 135 CHOOSING A NEW THEME In the rest of this chapter, you’ll tackle all these tasks except the last (hardcore theme editing), which you’ll study in Part 4 of this book. Choosing a New Theme Choosing a theme is the Big Choice you make about your site’s visual appearance. Themes determine a number of important design details—for example, the way WordPress uses graphics, fonts, and color across your pages, and the overall layout of your header, sidebar, and footer. It also determines the way WordPress presents key ingredients, like the date of a post, the post’s category and tag information, and the links that guests use to browse through your archives. An ambitious WordPress theme can rework almost every visual detail of your site (Figure 5-2). FIGURE 5-2 The Greyzed theme creates a grungy effect that looks like lined paper on stone. Every design detail—from the look of the menu to the widget titles—differs from a plain-vanilla WordPress site. WordPress tailors some themes for specific types of content. You can find custom themes for travel blogs, photo blogs, and magazine-style news blogs. There are even themes that lean heavily toward specific topics, including one for coordinating and celebrating a wedding (called Forever) and one that looks like the old-school Mac desktop (called Retro MacOS). Figure 5-3 shows the latter. Themes also influence the way your site works, in ways subtle and profound. For example, some themes tile your posts instead of putting them in a top-to-bottom list (which is great if you want your site to show a portfolio of work rather than a list 136 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL of articles, as demonstrated on page 343). Or your theme may include a fancy frill, like a slideshow of featured posts (page 192). CHOOSING A NEW THEME FIGURE 5-3 A theme for old-school Mac aficionados may be a bit excessive for an ordinary site. But the theme is put to good effect on this Mac-centric sample site. Even if you’re happy with the standard WordPress theme, it’s worth trying out a few others, just to open your mind to new possibilities. As you’ll see, although changing a theme has a profound effect on the way your site looks, doing so is almost effortless. And most themes are free, so there’s no harm in exploring. The only limitation with WordPress themes is that somewhere in cyberspace, there are sure to be plenty of other websites using the same theme as you. This isn’t a huge problem, provided that you’re willing to customize your site in little ways—for example, by choosing a suitable header picture, as described in this chapter. (It’s also true that no matter what your site looks like, its content makes it unique.) TIP However, if you’re a style-conscious site designer who wants a distinctive theme, you run a self-hosted site, and you aren’t put off by a bit of hard work, you can customize any theme. Chapter 13 explains how. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 137 CHOOSING A NEW THEME Visiting the Theme Gallery To change your theme, visit the Themes page (Figure 5-4) by choosing Appearance→Themes in the dashboard. FIGURE 5-4 On the Themes page, WordPress displays all the themes currently installed on your site. In this freshly created self-hosted WordPress site, you start with three choices. The first theme in the gallery (here, that’s Twenty Fourteen) is the one that your site currently uses. The theme gallery looks slightly different for WordPress.com sites than it does for self-hosted sites. If you use WordPress.com as your host, the gallery includes every supported theme, more than 250 at the time of this writing. Some themes come with a price tag, in which case you’ll see a Purchase link with a dollar figure—usually between $50 and $100. If you run a self-hosted WordPress site, you’ll find the theme gallery fairly sparse. A standard WordPress installation includes the latest year themes (currently, that’s Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, and Twenty Fourteen), and nothing else. You need to add any other theme you want to use. Fortunately, there’s no reason to fear this process—new themes take up very little space, installing them takes mere seconds, and you can do it all without leaving the dashboard. The following sections explain the theme-changing steps you need to follow, depending on how you host your site. NOTE Some web hosts preinstall extra WordPress themes. If you use one of these hosts, your theme gallery won’t start out quite as empty as just described. However, you’ll probably still need to install new themes to find the one you really want. 138 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Activating a Theme in WordPress.com In WordPress.com, the Themes page is a crowded place. At the top of the list is the theme your site currently uses. After that are all the themes that WordPress. com offers. CHOOSING A NEW THEME Roughly two-thirds of the themes on WordPress.com are free. The others—recognizable by the green price tag circles next to their names—are premium themes that require a one-time fee. The average premium theme costs around $70, although they range from $18 to $125. Once you buy a theme, it’s yours forever—or at least as long as you keep the site. But if you want to use the same premium theme on more than one WordPress.com site, then you need to buy a separate copy for each site. TIP If you want the freedom to experiment with multiple premium themes, consider buying the Unlimited Premium Themes upgrade (available from the dashboard’s Store menu). It costs a reasonable $120, although you need to pay that fee every year. If you’re interested in free themes only, click the Free link at the top-right corner of the theme gallery (Figure 5-5). FIGURE 5-5 WordPress.com lets you sort the theme gallery so the theme you want is more likely to turn up at the top, or filter it so you see just free themes or just premium themes. You can choose how WordPress sorts the themes list by clicking one of the three links in the top-left corner. Ordinarily, it sorts the list in trending order, which puts Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 139 CHOOSING A NEW THEME new, hot standouts at the top of the list. Alternatively, you can sort by popularity, but be warned that this list is skewed to long-lived themes, like Twenty Eleven, found on legions of old blogs. Finally, you can sort by date to spot just the newest themes, which is handy for keeping up with the latest additions to the gallery. The most useful theme-hunting tool is the search box just above the gallery. If you remember a theme you browsed before, or you have a theme characteristic in mind (say, “minimalistic” or “dark”), you can type that in. WordPress.com filters the list as you type. When you find a promising theme, point to it without clicking your mouse. You’ll see several buttons (Figure 5-6): • Theme Details displays basic information about the theme, including a brief description and a link to the person or company that created it. • Preview opens a preview window that shows your site dressed in this theme. It’s called a live preview because you can treat it exactly as you would a real site—clicking links, browsing content, and feeling your way around. Usually, the live preview is enough for you to decide whether you really do want the theme you’re checking out. Click Cancel when you finish, or Activate to apply the theme to your site. • Activate reconfigures your site to use this theme. The changeover happens instantaneously. • Purchase replaces the Activate button for premium themes. Clicking this button starts the checkout process. Once you cough up the fee, WordPress activates the theme. FIGURE 5-6 Point to a theme’s thumbnail, and you see these three buttons. 140 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Don’t be shy—you can activate one theme, and then another, and then another, until you find the right one for your website. When you pick a new theme, WordPress may prompt you to start customizing it with the theme customizer (page 152). However, it’s generally easier to customize your theme using the group of pages under the dashboard’s Appearance menu, because the options there are more comprehensive. You’ll start customizing your theme on page 145. CHOOSING A NEW THEME Installing a Theme on a Self-Hosted Site Before you can switch to a new theme on a self-hosted WordPress site, you need to install the theme itself. To see the themes you can add, click the Add New button next to the Themes heading at the top of the Themes page. This takes you to the Add Themes page, where you can browse WordPress’s theme repository to find exactly what you want (Figure 5-7). Initially, the Add Themes page shows you a list of featured themes, which are new and particularly noteworthy designs that the folks at WordPress think might interest you. If they don’t, you can browse the most popular themes (click Popular) or the most recent ones (click Latest). FIGURE 5-7 The Add Themes page crams several themefinding tools into one place. When you first arrive, you see a gallery of featured themes, like this one. Browsing is fine, but the most powerful way to hunt down new themes is with a search. The Add Themes page gives you two ways to do that: by keyword and by feature. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 141 CHOOSING A NEW THEME To search by keyword (for example, “magazine” or “industrial” or “professional”), type the word in the search box and then click Search. WordPress shows you themes that have that search term in their names or descriptions. TIP Here’s a trick to see even more themes: Leave the search box empty, and then press the Enter key. You’ll get a list of well over 1,000 themes. To search by feature, click Feature Filter. WordPress displays a long list of checkboxes, representing different features and theme characteristics (Figure 5-8). Turn on the checkboxes for the features you want, and then click Apply Filters. NOTE You can’t search by keyword and filter by feature at the same time. FIGURE 5-8 The Feature Filter helps you find themes that meet specific criteria. This search will find themes that feature the color green and use a threecolumn layout. (More than 50 do.) 142 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL No matter how you find a theme, you install them all the same way. First, point to your new theme without clicking the mouse. The Install and Preview buttons appear (Figure 5-9, top). Click Preview to see a sample site that uses the theme, and to read a brief description of the theme and the person or company that created it. Click Install to copy the theme to your website so it’s ready to use. CHOOSING A NEW THEME TIP Don’t be afraid to install a theme that you might not want to use—all the themes in the WordPress repository are guaranteed to be safe and spyware-free. And don’t worry about downloading too many themes—not only are they tiny, but you can easily delete those you don’t want. Once WordPress installs a theme, it gives you three choices (Figure 5-9, bottom): • Live Preview. This opens a window showing you what your site would look like if WordPress applied the chosen theme. Think of it as a test drive for a prospective theme. You can read posts, search your site, and click your way around your content, secure in the knowledge that you haven’t changed the real, live version of your site. • Activate. Click this to start using the theme. • Return to Theme Installer. This takes you back to the Add Themes page (Figure 5-7), where you can search for another theme. FIGURE 5-9 Top: When you’re ready to take a closer look at a theme, point to it and click Preview. Bottom: WordPress has finished installing the latest version of the Alexandria theme on your site. Click Activate to start using it. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 143 TWEAKING YOUR THEME To see all the themes you’ve installed on your site so far, choose Appearance→Themes. This returns you to the theme gallery. To take a closer look at a theme, point to it. If you point to the theme you currently use, you’ll see a Customize button, which launches the theme customizer (page 152). If you point to one of the other themes, you’ll see two familiar buttons: Live Preview, which lets you test drive the theme; and Activate, which applies it to your site. Once you activate a theme, the best way to get familiar with it is to poke around. Try adding a post, viewing it, and browsing the list of posts on the home page, just as you did in Chapter 4. Check out the way your theme formats the home page and presents individual posts. Once you familiarize yourself with your new theme, you’ll want to check out its options and consider tweaking it. That’s the task you’ll tackle next. NOTE There’s one other way to add a theme: by uploading it from your computer to your site, using the Upload button on the Add New themes page. You’ll use this option only if you find a theme on another site, buy a premium theme from a third-party company, or build the theme yourself. UP TO SPEED The Proper Care of Your Themes When you install a theme on a self-hosted site, you get the current version of the theme. If the theme creator releases a new version later, your site sticks with the old version. That makes some sense, because WordPress has no way to be sure that the new version of the theme won’t make drastic changes that break your site. But this design also raises the risk that you might ignore an important security update for one of your themes, thereby exposing your site to an attack. (Remember, themes contain templates, and templates contain PHP code, so themes can create security vulnerabilities.) To minimize your risk, check regularly for theme updates. Go to Dashboard→Updates and look at the Themes section. If a theme has been updated, WordPress lists it here, and compares the version number of your copy with the version number of the latest release. If your site has multiple themes installed, WordPress shows the updates for all of them—it makes no difference whether you currently use the theme or not. To protect yourself, download all the available updates. To do that, turn on the checkbox next to each update and then click Update Themes. Finally, if you install a theme, try it out, and decide you aren’t ever likely to use it, it’s a good idea to delete it. Even if a theme isn’t active, its template files are accessible on your site, allowing attackers to exploit any security flaws the templates may have. This isn’t a common method of attack, but it has happened to unsuspecting site owners before. Tweaking Your Theme The first step in getting the look you want is choosing the right theme, but your site-styling doesn’t end there. Every theme lets you customize it. In fact, you need to customize your theme to make sure it meshes perfectly with your site. Your page’s header image is a perfect 144 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL example—if your theme includes one, you’ll almost certainly want to replace the stock image with a picture that better represents your site. Other basic theme-preparation tasks include shuffling around your widgets and setting up your menus. You handle all these tasks in the pages of the Appearance menu. TWEAKING YOUR THEME Customizing the Header When a visitor arrives at your site, the first thing she sees is the eye-catching header at the top of your home page. Right now, that’s a problem, because the standard header screams “Generic WordPress Site!” It’s for amateurs only. Different themes may have slightly different header settings, but here are the details you can usually change: • The header text • The color of the header text • The header image The header text includes the title and tagline you specified when you created your site. WordPress stores this information as part of your site settings, and you can modify it using the Site Title and Tagline boxes at Settings→General. Most themes also let you pick the color of your header text. Usually, it starts out black. (Twenty Fourteen is a notable exception, because it uses white text on a black background.) To pick a different color, go to the Custom Header page at Appearance→Header and look for the Text Color setting. Click the Select Color button next to it to open a miniature color picker and choose the exact shade you want. NOTE At this point, it may occur to you that there are many other ways you might want to adjust your site’s header. For example, you might want to change the size of the text or pick a fancier font. But making these types of changes is an advanced operation. If you have a self-hosted site, you need to modify the CSS style rules that control your theme. You’ll learn how to do that in Chapter 13. And if you have a WordPress.com site, you need to buy the Custom Design upgrade (for $30 per year) to even be allowed to make this sort of formatting change (see page 457). Many themes let you use a picture in your header. Depending on the theme, the header text may be displayed above the image, beneath the image, or on top of it (or you may choose to hide the header text altogether). Deciding whether you want to use an image is the most important decision you’ll make while customizing your header. Figure 5-10 shows how the Twenty Twelve theme deals with header images. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 145 TWEAKING YOUR THEME FIGURE 5-10 Top: The Magic Tea House is a bit plain with a text-only header. Middle: Every theme makes its own decision about where to place the header image. If you add an image to the Twenty Twelve theme, it turns up underneath the menu. Bottom: Hiding the header text results in a much cleaner look. 146 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL TWEAKING YOUR THEME Here’s how to upload a new header picture for the standard WordPress theme: 1. Choose AppearanceÆHeader. The Custom Header page opens. 2. Prepare your picture. Before you upload a new picture, look carefully at the information on the Custom Header page (Figure 5-11). It usually tells you how big your picture should be. Because the theme’s layout dictates the size of the header, each theme has different size specifications. For example, Twenty Twelve needs a header 960 pixels wide and 250 pixels high, while Twenty Fourteen expects a wider and shorter image (1260 × 240 pixels). FIGURE 5-11 The Custom Header page gives you options that let you add a picture and hide your header text. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 147 TWEAKING YOUR THEME If possible, you should resize or crop your picture to those specs, using an imageediting program before you upload it. That way, you’ll get exactly the image you want. If your image doesn’t match the dimensions your theme expects, WordPress may crop or resize it. TIP Need a good picture but lack the photographic or illustrative skills to make one? Don’t do a Google image search—you’re highly likely to end up stealing someone else’s copyrighted work. Instead, try a free stock photography site like Stock.xchng (www.sxc.hu). It offers a vast collection of member-submitted pictures, most of which are free for other people to use. (In fact, stock.xchng was the source of the sunny yellow teapot picture that graces the Magic Tea House site in Figure 5-10.) 3. In the Select Image section, click the Browse or Choose File button (the exact wording depends on the Internet browser you’re using). In the window that opens, find the header picture on your computer, and then select it. 4. Click Upload to upload the picture to your WordPress site. If your picture doesn’t fit the required dimensions, WordPress may ask you to crop it down (Figure 5-12). This works well if your picture is just a little too tall or wide, but it can cause problems in other situations. For example, if your picture isn’t wide enough, WordPress enlarges the whole thing to fit and then asks you to crop off a significant portion of the top and bottom. You end up with the worst of both worlds: an image of lower quality (because WordPress had to scale it up) and one missing part of the picture (because you had to crop it). FIGURE 5-12 To crop a picture, drag the highlight rectangle until you frame the image the way you want it. Here, the picture is a bit too tall—by positioning the highlight rectangle in the middle, WordPress will trim out part of the top and bottom. When you finish, click “Crop and Publish.” Or, click “Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is” if you want to ignore your theme’s recommendations and use an oddly sized header that may not fit nicely into your layout. 148 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 5. Consider removing the header text by turning off the setting “Show header text with your image.” TWEAKING YOUR THEME In some themes, the header text meshes neatly with the header image. For example, Twenty Thirteen superimposes the header text on the header image. In other themes (like Twenty Twelve), the text and picture are separate. For a slicker look, you may choose to use a header image that includes stylized text, and ditch the theme’s standard header text. The result is shown in Figure 5-10 (bottom). Incidentally, if you decide to go the other way, you can remove the picture you added by clicking the Remove Header button. And if you’re a truly odd duck, you can remove both the header picture and the header text, but that will make your site look just plain weird. 6. Click Save Changes. If you add or remove a header image, you don’t need to click this easily overlooked button at the bottom of the Custom Header page, because WordPress incorporates the change right away. But if you change one of the other header settings, such as the “Show header text with your image” option, click Save Changes to make it permanent. GEM IN THE ROUGH Random Header Pictures Some themes have the ability to perform a curious headerswitching trick. First, they let you upload multiple pictures. Then they randomly choose a different picture for the header on each page. All the standard year themes provide this feature, from Twenty Eleven on. To try this out, start by uploading more than one picture on the Custom Header page. (Just repeat the steps that start on page 147.) If your theme doesn’t display multiple header images, it will simply toss out the old picture when you add a new one. But if your theme does allow multiple images, it will keep track of each picture you add, and you’ll see a thumbnail for each in the Uploaded Images section of the Custom Header page. You can choose to show a picture you uploaded by selecting it in the Uploaded Images section. But if you’re after a more exotic effect, choose the Random option. Now start browsing the posts on your site. As you click from page to page, you see the header change from one picture to another. Eventually, WordPress will cycle through all your images. The only catch is that once you upload a header image, you can’t remove it from the Custom Header page. If you decide that you don’t want WordPress to include one of your uploaded pictures in its lineup of random headers, you need to delete the image using the media library. First, click Media in the dashboard menu. That brings you to the media library, where you’ll see a list of all the images you uploaded to your site (including any pictures you placed in your posts). You can recognize the header pictures that the current WordPress theme uses, because they have the text “Header Image” after their filenames. Point to the header you don’t want, and then click Delete Permanently to banish it from your site. (Page 186 has plenty more about the media library feature.) Some folks love the changing-picture trick. For example, it’s a great way to showcase a number of different and delectable dishes on a food blog. However, most people prefer to pick a single header and stick with it. That gives the site a clearer identity and helps visitors remember your site. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 149 TWEAKING YOUR THEME Changing the Background Many themes let you change the background of your pages. You can find these options in the Custom Background page by choosing Appearance→Background. Most themes give you two background-altering choices: • Add a background image. Most themes tile the background image (that means they repeat the image endlessly, from top to bottom and left to right, filling your visitor’s browser window). For that reason, you need a picture that looks good when it’s jammed edge-to-edge against another copy of itself. Small pictures called textures work well for this task, and you can find them online, but the effect is distinctly old-fashioned. • Change the background color. This is the most commonly tweaked background setting. You can use it to make the page background blend in more smoothly with the background of your header image. “Background color” doesn’t always mean what you expect. For example, in the Twenty Twelve theme, the background color shows up only on the outer edges of your page, not behind your posts. To change the color behind the text in your posts, you need to tweak the theme styles, as explained in Chapter 13. Figure 5-13 shows the difference. FIGURE 5-13 Ordinarily, the Twenty Twelve theme centers content horizontally in the browser window and pads the edges with white space. But here the background color is set to match the yellow from the header image. The color behind the posts remains white, ensuring easy reading. 150 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL To change the background color the standard WordPress theme uses, you can type in an HTML color code (like #e7df84, suitable for web nerds), or you can use the groovy built-in color picker (Figure 5-14). TWEAKING YOUR THEME FIGURE 5-14 To pick a background color for the Twenty Eleven theme, click Select Color to open the color picker shown here. Although it’s a bit hard to see in black and white, getting the exact shade you want from the color picker is a two-step process. First, you select a color by dragging the ring on the left, and then you set the shade of that color using the slider on the right. TIP If it’s hard to see the differences between the examples in the black-and-white pages of this book, check out the Magic Tea House sample site at http://prosetech.com/wordpress. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 151 TWEAKING YOUR THEME Other Theme Options Some themes include additional options, which you can find in the Appearance menu in the dashboard. For example, if you install the Greyzed theme, you’ll get a new page of options by choosing Appearance→Greyzed Options. If you use the aging Twenty Eleven theme, you can view its settings by choosing Appearance→Theme Options. But the later year themes, such as Twenty Twelve and Twenty Fourteen, don’t include any extra options. If a theme does include a page of additional settings, here’s what you’re likely to find: • Options that change one of the design elements on the home page. For example, if your theme includes a picture slider—a nifty feature that cycles through some of your post’s pictures—you might be able to tweak how it chooses those pictures, how many pictures it shows, or how it transitions from one image to the next. Page 192 has more about sliders. • The ability to switch between two or three preset color schemes. For example, Twenty Eleven has its usual light, airy color scheme as well as a white-on-black variant for darker, moodier people. • The ability to switch between different basic layouts. For example, Twenty Eleven lets you put the sidebar to the left of your posts (instead of keeping it in its usual spot on the right), or take it away altogether. NOTE Themes are complex creations, and it takes a bit of fiddling before you have a good idea of which theme suits your site best. You’ll see plenty of examples in the following chapters that show you how to capitalize on the features found in different themes. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Themes with Missing Pictures I picked a theme that has plenty of pictures on the home page, but right now, all the picture boxes are empty. How do I fill them? Many of the most attractive themes use a visually rich style that incorporates plenty of pictures. Some themes include a slider that shows pictures from different posts. Others turn the post list into a grid of post titles and picture thumbnails. But before you can use this type of feature, you need to learn more about how WordPress works with pictures. 152 Although WordPress has a variety of features that use pictures (all of which are described in the next chapter), most graphically rich themes rely on featured images. A featured image is a picture that represents a specific post, but doesn’t necessarily appear in the post. Page 190 explains featured images, shows you how to link them to posts, and explores several themes that use them to create eye-catching home pages. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL The Theme Customizer If you’re tired of jumping from one page to the next using the Appearance menu, you may be interested in the theme customizer, a dashboard tool that lets you quickly configure a new theme. The theme customizer uses a multi-tabbed page that combines many of the settings and options scattered throughout the Appearance menu. To open the customizer, choose Appearance→Customize. Or, when viewing the theme gallery (Appearance→Theme), point to the current theme and click the Customize button. Either way, WordPress displays a live preview of your site with a sidebar of theme-customization options. Figure 5-15 shows the Twenty Twelve theme under the microscope in the theme customizer. TWEAKING YOUR THEME NOTE The theme customizer doesn’t always look as it does in Figure 5-15. Some themes offer fewer customizable sections, and WordPress.com sites put the sidebar on the right side of the page instead of the left. However, the basic concept remains the same: You configure common theme settings while watching a constantly updated preview of your work. FIGURE 5-15 To modify your theme using WordPress’s theme customizer, click a section on the left to open it and adjust the settings (like those for Colors, shown here). Make your changes and watch the preview unfold on the right. If you like the result, click Save & Publish at the top of the panel. If you don’t, pick something else, or click Cancel to back out of all your changes. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 153 CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS There’s a lot packed into the customizer’s tabs. But, oddly enough, some important details are inexplicably absent. It’s not that you can’t set them—you can, if you use the different pages in the Appearance menu—but for some reason they escape the customizer’s notice. For that reason, you might be decidedly cool on the theme customizer. It’s a useful place to start customizing, but it’s not a reliable long-term partner. NOTE The theme customizer may also include two tabs that you won’t consider in this chapter. Those are Navigation (where you pick a menu to display on your site) and Static Front Page (where you can choose a custom home page for your site). To use either of these features, you first need to study the pages feature, which you’ll master in Chapter 7. Customizing Your Widgets By the time you pick a theme, fix up your header, and adjust your theme settings, your site is starting to look more respectable. But you’re not done tweaking yet. Although your theme may look a whole lot nicer, there’s still one area that most WordPress site creators will want to change: the sidebar. The sidebar is a terrifically useful place to put links, like the ones that let your visitors browse your archives. It’s filled with something WordPress calls widgets. A widget is simply a block of useful content (like a list of links) that you can stuff into a sidebar or put somewhere else in your site (Figure 5-16). Here’s the neat part: WordPress widgets work with any theme. NOTE Technically, the theme you choose provides one or more areas (like a sidebar and a footer) for widgets. It’s up to you to choose what widgets go in those areas, and to configure the widgets you add. 154 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS FIGURE 5-16 Widgets are like building blocks for your website. In a freshly created site, you start with the six widgets shown here. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 155 CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS Positioning Your Widgets To see all the widgets you can use, choose Appearance→Widgets to open the densely packed Widgets page, which is a bit confusing because it shows you two things at once: • All the widgets WordPress has to offer. In the big box on the left, under Available Widgets, is a long list of all of WordPress’s widgets, including those you’re using and those you aren’t, in alphabetical order. • The widgets you’re currently using. On the right, below headings like Sidebar and Footer Area, WordPress lists the widgets currently active on your site. It arranges them in individual boxes (based on what part of the site they occupy) and lists them in the order they actually appear. Each theme dictates where you can place widgets. If you’re using the Twenty Twelve theme on a newly created WordPress site, you start with a Widgets page that looks like the one in Figure 5-17. FIGURE 5-17 The Twenty Twelve theme has just three locations for widgets: a sidebar and two front page areas. You can use the latter two areas only when you create a new home page using the Front Page template (page 235). Right now, the sidebar is the only section that actually has any widgets in it. As you can see, the six widget boxes shown here correspond to the six widgets shown in Figure 5-16. 156 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE Different themes may position their widget sidebars in different places. For example, the Twenty Twelve theme’s sidebar sits alongside the post listing on the home page and on the individual post pages. By comparison, the Twenty Eleven theme’s sidebar appears on the main page but not on individual post pages. You might see other variations, too—for example, you could have a sidebar that appears on every page, but a widget-capable footer that appears on only the home page. It all depends on the theme you use. CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS The easiest thing you can do on the Widgets page is move a widget. That’s as simple as dragging the widget to a new spot. Why not try relocating the search box to the bottom of the sidebar? There’s no need to click any button to save your changes—as soon as you drop the widget in its new position, WordPress makes the change and you can view your site to check out the effect. The next-easiest widget-customization task is deleting a widget. To do that, grab hold of your widget and drag it over to the big Available Widgets box on the left. When you drop the widget there, WordPress removes it from your site. TIP Congratulations, you’ve now graduated to the second level of WordPress mastery! It’s time to delete the Meta widget from the main sidebar. Although its login and site administration links are convenient for you, they look unprofessional to your readers. In the future, you’ll need to type in your dashboard’s address (just add /wp-admin to the end of your website address) or bookmark the dashboard in your web browser. Next, you can try adding a widget by dragging it from the Available Widgets box and dropping it on one of the widget areas, like the sidebar. (You’ll learn what all these widgets actually do starting on page 162.) As you get a bit more ambitious, you may want to try moving widgets from one area to another. For example, if you use the Twenty Twelve theme, you can drag a widget from the Main Sidebar area to the First Front Page widget area. Unfortunately, you won’t be able the see the change immediately, because the First Front Page widget area doesn’t appear on your site unless you create a static front page (a technique you’ll practice on page 231). But if you experiment with a different theme, you’ll often find many more widget areas to play with. For example, the Twenty Thirteen theme provides a Main widget area that appears in the footer of your site, and a Secondary widget area that appears as a sidebar on the right (Figure 5-18). Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 157 CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS FIGURE 5-18 The Twenty Thirteen theme puts two distinct widget areas to good use on the same page. Each area currently holds two widgets. Some themes use dramatically different formatting in different widget areas, as is the case with Twenty Thirteen. When you drag a widget over a new widget area, WordPress expands the area so you can see any widgets currently there. Then, you simply drop the widget into the appropriate place, as shown in Figure 5-19. To peek into a collapsed widget area without dragging a widget onto it, click the down-pointing arrow in its top-right corner. 158 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS FIGURE 5-19 Here, you’re moving the Recent Posts widget from the Main widget area (which creates the footer for the Twenty Thirteen theme) to the Secondary widget area (which creates the sidebar). GEM IN THE ROUGH When Adding Widgets is a Drag Tired of dragging all your widgets into place? WordPress offers another way to add widgets: 1. First find the widget you want in the Available Widgets box, and then click it once. 2. WordPress opens a list of widget areas below the widget you picked. Choose the area you want (for example, “Main Sidebar”). 3. Click Add Widget to place the widget. This widget-adding technique requires several clicks, but you might find it more convenient if you have piles of widgets to sort through and lots of widget areas to put them in. To make your life even easier, add the widgets in the order you want them to appear, so you don’t need to rearrange them afterward. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 159 CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS Other themes may offer additional widget areas, like two sidebars, one on either side of the main content area. Some themes offer multiple footer areas, which is perfect for creating fat footers chock-full of links, ads, or pictures. The Twenty Eleven theme has no fewer than three footer areas for widgets. Although this seems confusing, it really isn’t—you simply use what you need. If you want a simple footer, use Footer Area One and ignore the others. If you want a two-column footer, which splits the footer area into columns, use Footer Area One and Footer Area Two. And if you want a pumped-up three-column footer, you know what to do: Put widgets in Footer Area One, Footer Area Two, and Footer Area Three. Table 5-2 describes how the year themes stack up, widget-wise. TABLE 5-2 Widget areas in the WordPress year themes THEME WIDGET AREA DESCRIPTION Twenty Eleven Main Sidebar Sidebar on the right Showcase Sidebar Sidebar on a page that uses the Showcase template (page 236) Footer Area One Footer Area Two Footer Area Three First, second, and third columns of the footer Main Sidebar Sidebar on the right First Front Page Second Front Page Left and right column of a static page that uses the Front Page template (page 235) Main The footer Secondary Sidebar on the right Primary Sidebar Sidebar on the left, with a black background Content Sidebar Sidebar on the right, with a white background Footer The footer Twenty Twelve Twenty Thirteen Twenty Fourteen Changing Widget Settings Widgets are surprisingly useful things. They let readers find recent posts, browse through your archives, and keep track of recent comments. As you refine your site, you won’t be happy just shuffling them around. You’ll also want to configure the way they work. Every widget provides a few settings you can adjust. To see them, expand the widget by clicking the down-pointing arrow in its right corner. Change the settings you want, and then click the Save button to make the changes permanent. Figure 5-20 shows the settings for the Recent Posts and Categories widgets. 160 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS FIGURE 5-20 You can change the Recent Posts widget to show as many posts as you want (not just the latest five). The Categories box gives you three special options. “Display as dropdown” compresses the category into a drop-down list box, which saves space but forces people to click the box open. “Show post counts” shows the number of posts in a category in parentheses after the category name. And “Show hierarchy” displays the category tree, which is especially handy if you use subcategories, as described on page 110. Even if a widget provides no other settings, it always includes a Title text box, which you can use to replace the widget’s standard headline—for example “Hot News!” instead of “Recent Posts” or “What People Are Saying” instead of “Recent Comments.” If you leave the Title box blank, the widget uses its default title. When you add a new widget, it starts out with its standard settings. In some cases, you might want to remove a widget from your site without throwing away its settings—for example you may be planning to add it back later on. WordPress has a special Inactive Widgets box designed for exactly this situation. To remove a widget but keep its settings, drag the widget into the Inactive Widgets box instead of the Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 161 CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS Available Widgets box. (If you don’t see the Inactive Widgets box, scroll down—it’s right underneath the Available Widgets box.) The Basic Widgets You are now the master of your widgets. Before you go any further, take a closer look at exactly what WordPress’s widgets can do for you. Table 5-3 describes the WordPress widgets you’ll see in a freshly installed, selfhosted WordPress site. In Chapter 9, you’ll learn how to expand your widget collection with plug-ins. TABLE 5-3 WordPress widgets 162 FOR MORE INFORMATION… WIDGET NAME DESCRIPTION Archives Shows links that let readers browse a month of posts at a time. You can convert it to a drop-down box and display the number of posts in each month. — Calendar Shows a miniature calendar that lets guests find posts on specific dates. See page 164. Categories Shows links that let readers browse all the posts in a category. You can convert it to a drop-down box and display the number of posts in each category. Categories are explained on page 106. Custom Menu Shows a menu of pages or other links that you create using WordPress’s menu feature. Menus are explained in Chapter 7. Meta Shows administrative links (for example, a “Log in” link that takes you to the dashboard). Once you’re ready to go live with your site, you should delete the Meta widget. See page 87. Pages Shows links to the static pages you pick. (Static pages act like ordinary web pages, not posts. You can add them to your website to provide extra information or resources.) Static pages are explained in Chapter 7. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL FOR MORE INFORMATION… WIDGET NAME DESCRIPTION Recent Comments Shows the most recent comments left on any of your posts. You can choose how many comments WordPress displays (the standard is five). Comments are explained in Chapter 8. Recent Posts Shows links that let readers jump to one of your most recent posts. You can choose how many posts WordPress displays (the standard is five). — RSS Shows links extracted from an RSS feed (for example, the posts from another person’s blog). See page 433. Search Shows a box that lets visitors search your posts. You might want to remove this from the sidebar if your theme includes it somewhere else on the home page (as the home page in Figure 5-1 does). — Tag Cloud Shows the tags your blogs use most often, sized according to their popularity. Readers can click a tag to see the posts that use it. See page 165. Text Shows a block of text or HTML. You can put whatever content you want here, which makes it an allpurpose display tool for small bits of information. See page 166. Ephemera Shows the titles of posts that use the Aside, Link, Status, or Quote format. Unlike all the other widgets, this is a theme-specific widget that only some themes include (such as Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Eleven). See page 205. CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS You’re already well acquainted with the basic set of widgets that every blog begins with: Search, Archives, Recent Posts, Categories, Recent Comments, and Meta. In Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 163 CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS the following sections, you’ll tour a few more widgets you might consider adding to your site. TIP You can add the same widget more than once. For example, you can add two Custom Menu widgets to your page, give each one a different title, and use each one to show a separate set of links. UP TO SPEED I Have Even More Widgets! The list of widgets in Table 5-3 includes all those that a self-hosted WordPress site starts with. But if your site is on WordPress.com, you’ll find the Widgets page stocked with a number of preinstalled extras, including widgets that let you share posts with nifty web services like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Goodreads, and Delicious. So what’s up? The discrepancy reflects the way WordPress handles plug-ins. If your site is on WordPress.com, you can’t install plug-ins, so you’re limited to whatever Automattic offers in the Widgets window. For that reason, the company tries extra hard to include a broad set of useful widgets for everyone. Self-hosted WordPress sites start out with fewer widgets, but you can add more—in fact, as many as you want—through plug-ins. You can start by adding all the WordPress.com widgets to your site with the Jetpack plug-in (page 297). You’ll learn to use these more exotic widgets throughout this book. Finally, it’s worth noting that some themes come with their own specialized widgets. Usually, you can recognize them by the fact that the widget name starts with the theme name, like Twenty Fourteen Ephemera (which is included with the Twenty Fourteen theme). The Calendar Widget The Calendar widget gives readers a different way to browse your site—by finding posts published on a specific day (Figure 5-21). It’s most commonly used in blogs. FIGURE 5-21 In the month of March, four days have at least one post—the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 25th. Click the date to see the corresponding posts. 164 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL The Calendar widget used to be a staple of every blog. These days, it’s far less popular. The problem is that unless you blog several times a week, the calendar looks sparse and makes your blog feel half-empty. Also, it emphasizes the current month of posts while neglecting other months. Most readers won’t bother clicking their way through month after month to hunt for posts. CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS You probably won’t use the Calendar unless your posts are particularly time-sensitive and you want to emphasize their dates. (For example, the Calendar widget might make sense if you’re chronicling a 30-day weight-loss marathon.) If you use the Calendar widget, you probably won’t use the similarly date-focused Archives widget, or you’ll at least place it far away, at the other end of your sidebar or in another widget area. The Tag Cloud Widget You’ve already seen how the Categories widget lets visitors browse through the posts in any category. The Tag Cloud widget is similar in that it lets readers see posts that use a specific tag. There’s a difference, however. While categories are well-defined and neatly organized, the typical WordPress site uses a jumble of overlapping keywords. Also, the total number of categories you use will probably be small, while the number of tags could be quite large. For these reasons, it makes sense to display tags differently from categories. Categories make sense in a list or tree. Tags work better in a cloud, which shows the most popular tags sorted alphabetically and sized proportionately. That means that tags attached to a lot of posts show up in bigger text, while lessfrequently used tags are smaller (Figure 5-22). FIGURE 5-22 This tag cloud shows that “health” is the most frequently used tag, with “store” close behind. As with categories, clicking a tag shows all the posts that use it. There’s no secret to using the Tag Cloud widget. Just drag it into an area of your theme, and see what tags it highlights. The tag cloud might also tell you something about your site—for example, what topics keep coming up across all your posts. Chapter 5: Choosing and Polishing Your Theme 165 CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS NOTE If clouds work so well for tags, it might occur to you that they could also suit categories, especially in sites that have a large number of categories, loosely arranged, and with no subcategories. Happily, a category cloud is easy to create. If you use WordPress.com, the handy Category Cloud widget does the job. If you self-host, you’ll notice an extra setting in the Tag Cloud widget: a list called Taxonomy. To create your category cloud, change the Taxonomy setting from Tags to Categories. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Taming the Tag Cloud What do I do if my tag cloud shows too many tags? Or not enough? Or makes the text too big? The Tag Cloud widget is surprisingly uncustomizable. If you use fewer than 45 tags, it shows every one of them (although it ignores any tags you added to the Posts→Tags list but haven’t yet used in a post.) If you use more than 45 tags, the Tag Cloud widget shows the 45 most popular. Occasionally, people want a tag cloud with more tags. But usually they have the opposite concern and want a smaller tag cloud that’s slim enough to fit into a sidebar without crowding out other widgets. If you want to tweak a tag cloud on a WordPress.com site, you’re out of luck. But if you run a self-hosted site, there are options. One solution is to crack open your template files. That’s because the behind-the-scenes code (the PHP function that creates the cloud) is actually very flexible. It lets you set upper and lower tag limits, and set upper and lower boundaries for the text size. You can get the full details from WordPress’s function reference at http://tinyurl. com/wptagcloud. (However, this information won’t be much help until you learn how to dig into your WordPress theme files to change your code, a topic explored in Chapter 13.) Another solution is to search for a plug-in that lets you pick the tag options and then generates a customized tag cloud. You’ll learn how to find and install plug-ins in Chapter 9. The Text Widget The Text widget is simple but surprisingly flexible. You can use it anywhere you want to wedge in a bit of fixed content. For example, you can use it in a sidebar, to add a paragraph about yourself or your site. Or you can put it in your footer with some copyright information or a legal disclaimer. However, the Text widget becomes much more interesting if you stick some markup in it. Since it recognizes HTML markup, you can stuff in lists, links, pictures, and more. (In fact, WordPress self-hosters often use the Text widget to stuff in a video or an image, as explained on page 188.) Figure 5-23 shows two uses of the Text widget. Using the Text widget is easy. First, drag it onto your page (as with any other widget). When you expand it, you get a nice big, multiple-line text box. If all you want is ordinary text, just fill in a title and type in your text underneath. Make sure you also turn on the “Automatically add paragraphs” checkbox. That way, wherever you separate the text (by pressing the Enter key), WordPress inserts an HTML line break element (that’s
) that, in turn, inserts the space you want. 166 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CUSTOMIZING YOUR WIDGETS FIGURE 5-23 Left: At its simplest, the Text widget displays a title (formatted according to the theme you’re using) with one or more paragraphs of text underneath. Right: Add some HTML, and the Text widget looks a whole lot fancier. It’s almost as easy to put HTML in the Text widget. First, turn off the “Automatically add paragraphs” settings. Then, type in your content, with the exact HTML tags you want. Here’s an example that puts a word in bold type: The following word will be bold on the page. And here’s the HTML-formatted text from Figure 5-23 (right): The Magic Tea House is a quirky mash-up: it's a fine tea importer with the rarest gourmet teas, and a music venue for small-venue jazz, chamber, and coffeehouse bands like:
- The Black Teas
- Cosmic Harmony
- U.V.Q.
- Samantha Told Me So
element, a level-2 heading uses
, and so on. The heading level you use depends, at least in part, on your theme. Here are some guidelines: • Don’t use level-1 headings inside your posts, because they’ll clash with the main post title or the website title, confusing search engines and assistive devices like screen readers. • If you use a modern theme, use level-2 headings to subdivide a post. This is the right approach for the standard year themes, from Twenty Eleven on. • If you use an older theme, you may need to use level-2 or level-3 headings when subdividing a post. First, try level-2 headings. If they appear in the published page with the same type size as the post title, use level-3 headings instead. NOTE The size, typeface, and exact appearance of a heading depend on your theme. You won’t see exactly what your heading looks like until you preview or publish your page. Showing a Code Listing You may notice that the Format list has more than just headings in it. It also includes the Paragraph, Address, and Preformatted formats, which map to the HTML elements
, and, respectively. 174 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL WordPress uses theelement to style ordinary paragraphs, and you’ve already seen plenty of those. The
element is meant for contact information about who wrote the page, but it’s rarely used. But theelement is more useful—it displays text in a fixed-width font, which is ideal for listing programming code or simulating computer output (Figure 6-3). MAKING FANCIER POSTS FIGURE 6-3 In some themes, WordPress formats the text of aelement using a gray background or gray outline (the latter shown here for the “alert” line in the Twenty Twelve theme). That visually separates the-formatted text from the rest of the content on the page. (Remember to use Shift+Enter to add line breaks between each line of code, rather than just Enter, which would add extra spacing and start a new paragraph.) Adding Links The Web wouldn’t amount to much without links, those blue underlined bits of text that let you jump from one web page to another. You can easily add links to a post. For example, imagine you have this sentence: This story was reported in The New York Times. To turn “The New York Times” into a link, select the text, and then click the Insert Link button in the toolbar. A window appears where you can either supply a full website address or link to one of your own posts (Figure 6-4). NOTE If you want to link to a file—for example, a document that your guest can download or a picture she can view—you need to store that file in WordPress’s media library. You’ll get the full details on page 186. To remove a link, click anywhere inside the link text and then click the Remove Link button (which is right next to the Insert Link button in the toolbar). Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 175 MAKING FANCIER POSTS FIGURE 6-4 To add a link to a post, you need to supply the URL (the website address) and a Title (the text that appears in a tooltip when a visitor points to the link). Alternatively, you can search for a post on your own site and insert a link to it. Either way, clicking Add Link seals the deal. Inserting Special Characters Special characters are usually defined as characters you don’t see on your everyday keyboard. For example, if you use a standard U.S. keyboard, special characters include things like accented letters and typographic symbols. WordPress lets you drop in one of a small set of special characters using the Insert Custom Character command. Click it, and a window appears with a grid of unusual characters. Point to one to get a close-up look at it, and then click it to close the window and insert the character into your post (see Figure 6-5). You may not need all the special characters you think you do. WordPress automatically substitutes special characters for some character combinations. For example, if you type two dashes (--) between words, WordPress turns them into a seamless en dash (–) when you publish the post. Three dashes in a row creates a slightly longer em dash (—). Similarly, WordPress turns ordinary straight quotes ("") into typographically correct quotation marks (“”). It works the same magic with apostrophes. 176 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL MAKING FANCIER POSTS FIGURE 6-5 Here, you’re about to insert the copyright symbol into a post. NOTE The oddest special characters you can use with WordPress are smilies, character combinations like :) that turn into emoticons like . WordPress performs this substitution automatically, and you can find out what smilies you can use (and the characters you need to type to trigger them) at http://tinyurl.com/using-smilies. On the other hand, if the smilies feature is running amok and changing character sequences you don’t want it to, choose Settings→Writing and turn off the checkbox next to “Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display.” FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Formatting Your Text How can I adjust typefaces and font sizes? WordPress’s post editor lets you structure your content (for example, put it into lists and headings), add more content (like pictures), and apply certain types of formatting (like boldface and italics). However, there are plenty of formatting details that aren’t under your control. The size and typeface of your fonts is one of them. This might seem like an awkward limitation, but it’s actually a wise design decision on the part of the people who created WordPress. If WordPress gave you free rein to change fonts, you could easily end up with messy markup and posts that didn’t match each other. Even worse, if you switch to a new theme, you’re stuck with your old fonts, even though they might no longer suit your new look. Fortunately, there’s a more structured way to change the appearance of your text. Once you’re certain you have the right theme for your website, you can modify its styles. For example, by changing the style rules, you can change the font, color, and size of your text, and you can either make these changes to all your content, or to just specific elements (like all level-3 headings inside a post). Modifying styles is a great way to personalize a theme, and you’ll learn how to do that in Chapter 13. However, there’s one caveat—if you use WordPress.com to host your site, you need to buy the Custom Design upgrade to edit your styles (page 457). Self-hosted WordPress sites don’t have this restriction. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 177 MAKING FANCIER POSTS Using the HTML View All the toolbar buttons you studied so far work by inserting the right HTML into your posts, behind the scenes. But if you’ve got a bit of web design experience, you don’t need to rely on the buttons. Using WordPress’s HTML view, you can directly edit your post’s HTML markup. You won’t be limited by the buttons in the toolbar—instead, you can enter any HTML element you want. To switch to HTML view, click the Text tab that sits just above the post content box, on the right (Figure 6-6). To go back to the visual editor, click the Visual tab. In fact, there’s no reason you can’t spend time in both places. For example, you might write your post in the visual editor and then switch to HTML view to inspect the markup. HTML view gives you a slightly different toolbar. It still has the useful “full screen” button, but most of the other shortcuts, which insert various HTML tags, aren’t much help—if you’re savvy enough to prefer the HTML view, then you probably want to type in your markup by hand. FIGURE 6-6 Here’s the same document—with a heading and a list—shown in both the visual editor (left) and the HTML editor (right). If you’re a seasoned web designer, you might feel that WordPress’s HTML editor isn’t up to snuff. Full HTML editing programs like Adobe Dreamweaver are packed with little frills that can make editing easier—for example, they automatically add closing tags to HTML elements and suggest possible tag names as you type. (HTML editors also have more powerful layout and styling features, but those features make more sense when you’re designing the look and layout of an entire site, not just adding a bit of content to a post.) Most WordPress developers don’t need the full features of a program like Dreamweaver. But there are exceptions. If you write long, complex posts—for example, the articles you saw in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (page 12)—you probably don’t want to do all your editing in a web page window. Hardcore HTML lovers who find themselves in this situation can write posts in an HTML editor like Dreamweaver, copy the markup, and then paste it into WordPress’s Text content box. But don’t try this unless you really understand your markup. You don’t want to transfer a 178 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL whack of formatting details to your WordPress post, like a element that has hardcoded font settings. If you do, you’ll introduce some serious issues, including inconsistencies between posts and problems changing themes. MAKING FANCIER POSTS Getting a Better Post Editor Most WordPress fans do their work directly in their web browsers, using the WordPress editor. But if you’re working with long documents and you’re missing your favorite conveniences, you have other options. One is to upgrade your WordPress editor. This approach makes sense if you’re happy creating your posts in the familiar Add New Post web page but don’t feel like you’re getting enough help from WordPress. Using a plug-in, you can swap in an editor that has a bit more muscle. (Of course, you’ll need a self-hosted WordPress site to change your editor, because WordPress.com doesn’t let you add plug-ins.) You can search for a pumped-up post editor on the WordPress plug-in page (http:// wordpress.org/plugins), as explained in Chapter 9. Plenty of them offer advanced features like search-and-replace, style-based editing, and support for creating tables. One of the most popular is TinyMCE. Check it out at http://tinyurl.com/tinyeditor and learn about installing plug-ins on page 287. Another solution is to do your post-writing work in another program. You’ve already learned that you can paste in pure HTML using the WordPress editor’s HTML view (page 178), but this technique is a bit touchy—paste in the wrong markup and you can scramble your site. A better approach is to use a program that lets you compose rich content, and then posts that content to your site safely and cleanly, without an awkward cut-and-paste step. On a Windows computer, you can use Microsoft’s free Windows Live Writer to compose properly formatted posts on your desktop, even if you don’t have an Internet connection. When you’re ready, a single click publishes the posts on your blog. Windows Live Writer is available free at http://tinyurl.com/win-essentials. Mac fiends can find similar blog-writing tools, including the popular—but, sadly, not free (it’s $40)—MarsEdit (www.red-sweater.com/marsedit). NOTE WordPress has a list of even more desktop post editors for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux at http:// tinyurl.com/blog-client. Most offer handy formatting features, and all of them let you compose your work offline. Finally, Microsoft Word lovers can use their favorite word processor to write WordPress posts using the little-known “Blog post” template. Word asks for your site’s URL, user name, and password, after which it lets you create new posts and edit old ones, all from the comfort of the Word window. TIP Although it’s tempting to do your WordPress work in Word, with its silky smooth formatting features and AutoCorrect, the free Windows Live Writer program is still a better choice. That’s because Windows Live Writer offers a few key features that Word omits, like the ability to schedule a post for future publication (page 100), add tags, and edit your post’s slug (page 120). Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 179 ADDING PICTURES Adding Pictures You’ve now toured many of the post-enhancing features the Add New Post page offers. But there are several frills you haven’t yet touched. The most obvious is adding graphics. Virtually every good WordPress site can be made better with pictures. WordPress gives you several ways to do that, from the obvious (plopping them into your posts, alongside your text) to the more interesting (using them to build photoblogs, create slideshows, and advertise new posts on your home page). In the following sections, you’ll learn how to take advantage of these slick picture tricks. Putting Pictures in a Post The most obvious place for a picture is in a post, right along with your content. WordPress makes it easy to insert pictures as you create a post (on the Add New Post page) or edit one (on the Edit Post page). In fact, you can put as many images as you want into any post. 1. In a post’s edit box, click the spot where you want to add a picture. It doesn’t matter whether you use the visual editor (the Visual tab) or the HTML editor (the Text tab). If you use the visual editor, you’ll see every picture you insert right next to your post text. If you use the HTML editor, you’ll see the raw HTML markup for each picture. This markup includes an
element for the picture, wrapped in an anchor element that turns the picture into a link so readers can click it to see the full-size image, and possibly some other elements, like a title or a caption. 2. Just above the box where you type in your content, click the Add Media button. The Insert Media window appears (Figure 6-7). It gives you three ways to find a picture: You can upload a file from your computer (using the Upload Files tab), use a file you already uploaded to WordPress’s media library (using the Media Library tab), or grab a file that’s stored on another website (by clicking the “Insert from URL” link on the left). In this example, you want to stick to the Upload Files tab. Grabbing pictures from other websites (using “Insert from URL”) might be worthwhile if you store graphics on another part of your site. But if it’s someone else’s site, don’t chance it—the risk that the picture is copyrighted, or that the webmaster could change or move it to a new address, is too great. The Media Library tab is also useful, but only after you build up a collection of pictures. You’ll take a look at it on page 186. NOTE The Insert Media window also has links for creating a picture gallery (page 330) and setting your post’s featured image (page 190). WordPress.com users will see even more links, for adding tweets and YouTube videos. Ignore all these details for now—you’ll revisit them soon enough. 180 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL ADDING PICTURES FIGURE 6-7 Using the Upload Files tab, you can insert one or more pictures from your computer into a post. First, drag a picture into the Insert Media box. Once you release the image, WordPress begins uploading it. 3. Pick the files you want to upload. WordPress gives you two options. The quickest approach is to drag files from an open file browser window (like Windows Explorer or the Mac’s Finder) and drop them in the Insert Media window box. You can drag as many files as you want, either all at once or one at a time, and you can keep dropping in new files before WordPress finishes uploading the old ones. Your other option is to pick your files from a standard dialog box. To do that, click the Select Files button, browse to the right folder, and then pick what you want. Ctrl-click (Command-click on a Mac) to select multiple files at once. TIP If your files are really big, uploading just isn’t practical (and it might fail halfway through). For example, it’s probably a bad idea to upload files straight from your 22-megapixel digital camera. To save time, scale it down in an image-editing program first. Once you upload your files, WordPress switches to the Media Library tab, which lists all the images you ever added to your site. It puts new pictures at the top of the list. If your files are particularly large (or your web connection is particularly slow), you’ll see a progress bar ticking along, tracking the upload progress of each file. When WordPress finishes an upload, it replaces the progress bar with a thumbnail of your image. On the right, a pile of text boxes asks you for all kinds of information about your picture (see Figure 6-8). Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 181 ADDING PICTURES FIGURE 6-8 Here, WordPress has just finished uploading the file dead_elvis_tattoo. jpg. Currently, it’s the only file in this site’s Media Library. Before you insert it into your post, you need to enter a bit of information. TIP If you plan to upload your picture using the drag-and-drop approach, here’s a valuable shortcut. Instead of clicking the Add Media button to get started, just drag the picture right onto the post editor in the Add New Post page. WordPress will open the Insert Media window, take you to the Media Library tab, and start uploading your picture. You can then carry on with step 4. 4. Scroll down and fill in the information for your picture. WordPress asks for the following: • Title is the text that appears in a tooltip when someone points to a picture. • Caption adds an optional caption that appears on the page near your picture. Different themes handle captions differently, but they usually place them under your picture, as in Figure 6-9. Captions can include HTML tags (for example, for bold formatting), but you need to add them yourself. • Alt Text is the alternate text sent to assistive devices (like screen readers) to help people with disabilities interpret pictures they can’t see. 182 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • Description is a longer, more detailed explanation of the picture. You can use it for your records, or you might decide to display it on your page—but you need to find a theme that shows image descriptions (most don’t) or edit your theme by hand (Chapter 13). If you don’t plan to use the description, you can leave this box empty. ADDING PICTURES • Alignment determines where a picture appears relative to its text. If you choose None, the picture stands on its own, wherever you inserted it. Paragraphs may appear before it or after it, but the post content won’t flow on either side of the picture. If you choose Left or Right, WordPress puts the picture on one side of the page and lets text flow around the other side (see Figure 6-9). TIP If your text narrates your pictures, you probably want to choose None for the alignment so you can position the pictures exactly where you want them. Examples include food blogs with pictures of meals, travelogues with pictures of tourist sites, and home renovation stories with a photo journal of the step-by-step process. On the other hand, if you have a rich layout that’s more like a glossy magazine, you might decide to use Left or Right for your picture alignment. • Link To is the web address where WordPress sends visitors if they click your pic. Usually, this setting is set to Media File and if someone clicks your picture, the browser displays the full-size picture file without any headers, sidebars, captions, or extra content. Alternatively, you can choose Attachment Page, which tells WordPress to take readers to something called, sensibly enough, an attachment page, which features the full-sized version of your picture and a section for reader comments. Or you can send readers to a web address—select Custom URL from the Link To menu and then type in the address you want. Finally, you can tell WordPress to not make the picture clickable at all (select None). • Size tells WordPress how big the picture should be in your post. You can choose Full Size to use the original dimensions of the uploaded file, or you can use one of the scaled-down versions of your picture, which WordPress creates automatically when you upload a file. You’ll notice that WordPress maintains the relative proportions of your picture—it never squashes a picture more width-wise than it does height-wise. (Remember that readers can click a scaled-down picture to see the full-size image, unless you set the Link To setting to Custom URL or None.) NOTE In addition to storing the original file you upload, WordPress creates three extra versions of every picture: a 150 × 150 pixel thumbnail, a 300 × 300 medium-size image, and a 1024 × 1024 large-size pic. You can change these defaults in the Settings→Media section of the dashboard, under the “Image sizes” heading. However, the changes affect only new pictures, not the ones you’ve already uploaded. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 183 ADDING PICTURES FIGURE 6-9 This theme aligns images on the left, which means the text in the post flows down the right side of the image. 5. Optionally, you can edit your picture by clicking the Edit Image link, which appears just above all the text boxes. Click Save when you finish. When you edit a picture, WordPress opens the Edit Image box (Figure 6-10). There, you can make a few simple changes. Most usefully, you can crop your picture. To do that, drag a rectangle around the region you want to keep and then click the Crop button, which appears in the small strip of buttons above your picture. This is the most common type of picture edit. You can also scale your picture down, reducing its size. To do so, type in either a new width or a new height in the Scale Image section on the right, using pixels as the unit of measure. WordPress adjusts the other dimension proportionally, ensuring that you don’t distort the picture. Then click Scale to apply the change. Finally, you can also flip or rotate your picture by clicking the corresponding button above the picture. 184 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL ADDING PICTURES FIGURE 6-10 As you drag your mouse over a portion of your picture, the Image Crop section (right) shows the exact size (in pixels) of your selection. NOTE When you edit a picture, WordPress actually creates a new file. If you look at the picture’s URL, you’ll notice that WordPress appends a number to the end of the filename, so dead_elvis_tattoo.jpg becomes dead_elvis_tattoo1339626522667.jpg, for example. There are two reasons for this sleight of hand. First, it prevents problems if one of your posts needs to use the original version of the picture. Second, it lets you get your original picture back later if you ever need it. To do that, edit the image, and then click Restore Original Image. 6. Click the “Insert into post” button in the Insert Media window to add the picture to your post. When you insert a picture, you’ll see it in the visual editor. If you chose left or right alignment, you can type your text around the side of the picture. If you chose None or Center for the alignment, you can type text only above and below the image. To tweak your picture, first click it to select it. Two small icons appear in the picture’s top-left corner. Click the “X” icon to remove the picture from your post. Click the pencil icon to open an Image Details box that lets you alter the picture (using all the same tools available when you first insert a picture). Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 185 ADDING PICTURES NOTE If you delete a picture from your post, it still exists on your WordPress site. This might be what you want (for example, it lets you use the picture in another post), or it might be a problem (if you’re worrying about someone stumbling across an embarrassing incident you made the mistake of photographing). To wipe a picture off your site, you need to use the media library, as described in the next section. GEM IN THE ROUGH Attaching Other Files to Your Post Pictures aren’t the only type of file you can put in a post. WordPress.com lets you embed a number of other types of document, including PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. In a self-hosted site, you face no restrictions, so you can upload any type of file you want. The difference is what happens after you upload the file. Unlike a picture, you won’t see the content from other types of documents in your post. Instead, WordPress adds an ordinary link that points to the uploaded file. If a reader clicks the link, the browser may display the document or offer to download it—what it does depends on whether the browser has an add-in that can display that type of file. For example, many browsers have add-ins that display PDF documents. Viewing the Media Library When you upload a picture, WordPress stores it in the wp-content/uploads folder of your site. For example, if you upload a picture named face_photo.jpg to the Magic Tea House site in January 2014, WordPress stores it at http://magicteahouse.net/ wp-content/uploads/2014/01/face_photo.jpg. Behind the scenes, WordPress also creates large, medium, and thumbnail-sized copies of your picture with names like face_photo_300x200.jpg, and stores them in the same folder. That way, WordPress doesn't waste bandwidth sending a full-sized picture if a post needs to display just a tiny thumbnail. WordPress might store more files than you think. In addition to all the pictures you insert into posts, all the featured images you use, and any custom header or background images you add to your theme, WordPress stores files that you attach to your posts here, too, like PDFs, Word documents, and spreadsheets. Furthermore, if you change a picture (using the basic cropping, resizing, and rotating tools described on page 184), WordPress stores a new, separate version of the picture as well. WordPress calls this repository, which holds your pictures and files, the media library. To see the current contents of your site’s media library, choose Media→Library (Figure 6-11). There are two reasons you might want to use the media library: to remove files you don’t need anymore, and to upload files you want to use in the future. 186 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Deleting Pictures from the Media Library You might choose to delete a media file as part of your basic website housekeeping. After all, why keep a file you’re not using, especially if it’s distracting you from the files you really do want? ADDING PICTURES To delete a media file, point to its filename and then click the Delete Permanently link that appears underneath. FIGURE 6-11 WordPress’s media library lists all the files you’ve uploaded. The “Uploaded to” column indicates whether you used a file in a post (and, if you have, which post features it). For example, the owner of this site used the first picture in this list (strawberry_tart.jpg) in the post “Dinner at Crème fraîche.” If you delete a picture that other posts are using, you have a small problem. Now when someone reads the post, they’ll see the broken-picture-link icon, the universal browser sign that something is missing. Correcting this problem is easy (just edit the post to delete the picture box), but it’s up to you to find the post. NOTE WordPress doesn’t let you replace a picture that’s in the media library. Even if you upload a picture that has the same name as one already in your library, WordPress puts it in a different subfolder or gives it a slightly different filename. The same thing happens if you edit a picture that’s already in the media library. This system prevents a number of seriously frustrating problems, but it also means that there’s no way to update the picture in a post without editing the post. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 187 ADDING PICTURES Adding Pictures to the Media Library You might choose to add an image to your library to prepare for future posts. Maybe you have a batch of pictures that detail a home renovation project, and you plan to write about the process on your blog, “Home Sweet Home.” However, you don’t want to start writing those posts yet. To make sure the pictures are ready when you need them, you can upload them straight to the media library, and then use them later. Here’s what to do: 1. Choose MediaÆAdd New. This takes you to the Upload New Media page, which is strikingly similar to the Insert Media window you used earlier. 2. Add your files. You upload media files by dragging them onto the “Drop files here” box or by clicking the Select Files button. 3. Optionally, fill in the information for each picture. Fill in the picture details (like the title and caption) and edit the image (say, cropping it or flipping it). When you actually insert the image into a post, you still have the chance to enter new information or re-edit the picture. But if you get some of the preliminary details down when you upload the picture, you’ll save some time when you insert it. GEM IN THE ROUGH Using the Media Library to Put a Picture in Your Sidebar As you already know, the media library stores all the pictures you use in your posts. You can also use it to store files you want to use in some other way. For example, you can link to one of your media files from an ordinary web page on a traditional, non-WordPress website. All you need to do is take note of the file’s URL. (To get that, choose Media→Library to visit the media library, and then click the file you’re interested in. WordPress displays the file’s location in the File URL text box.) You can use the same trick to inject an image into the Text widget (page 166), that all-purpose tool for showing scraps of content outside your posts. As you learned in Chapter 5, the Text widget accepts almost any HTML you can throw at it. So if you know you have a picture in the media file with the URL http://magicteahouse.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ dead_elvis_tattoo.jpg , you can stick in an
tag like this: 188
I'm a hotshot tattoo artist living in the Bay Area. My work pushes the bounds of taste and decency, just like you know you want.
If you’ve been around the web block, you probably know that it’s better to trim the picture link down to just /wp-content/ uploads/2014/06/dead_elvis_tattoo.jpg. It’s on the same site as the rest of your WordPress content, so there’s no need to include the domain name. Either way, Figure 6-12 shows the result. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL To insert a picture from the media library into a post, use the same Add Media button you learned about earlier. Here’s what to do as you create or edit a post: ADDING PICTURES 1. Move to the place in the post where you want to insert the picture, and then click Add Media. 2. Instead of adding a new file, click the Media Library tab to see what you’ve got. You see a list of thumbnail images, one for each picture in your library. 3. Find the picture you want, and then click it. You see the familiar picture thumbnail and picture details. 4. Change the text and edit the image, if necessary. 5. When you’re ready to add the picture, click “Insert into post.” FIGURE 6-12 With the help of the media library, you can mix text and pictures in WordPress’s Text widget. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 189 FEATURED IMAGES Featured Images Instead of simply including a picture in a post, you can designate it as a featured image. A featured image represents a post, but it doesn’t actually show up as part of the post content. Instead, its role varies depending on the theme you use. Some themes ignore featured images altogether. But many others place featured images at the top of the corresponding post, near the title area. Examples include Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, and Twenty Fourteen (as shown in Figure 6-13). FIGURE 6-13 The simplest way a theme can use a featured image is to place it at the top of a post. Twenty Fourteen does this, but it positions the post title so it slightly overlaps the picture, making the image recede into the background. Some themes exploit featured images in clever ways. For example, the Twenty Eleven theme temporarily swaps in the picture for the name of your site when you view a post with a featured image (Figure 6-14). 190 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL FEATURED IMAGES FIGURE 6-14 When you read this post, the featured image (some tea leaf buds) temporarily replaces the site header. This works even though the picture doesn’t actually appear anywhere in the post. NOTE Twenty Eleven’s header-replacement trick works only if the featured image is at least as big as the header image. If your featured image isn’t as wide, WordPress won’t display it at all on the single-post page, nor will it explain the image’s perplexing absence. More ambitious themes use featured images to promote posts—for example, to highlight them in some sort of scrolling banner or gallery. Depending on the theme, this detail might be a built-in part of the home page, or it might rely on a themespecific widget. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 191 FEATURED IMAGES Figure 6-15 shows the free Brightpage theme, which is available to self-hosted WordPress sites. It displays a featured-image slideshow on the home page. This slideshow automatically grabs all the posts in the category named Featured (which you must create) and displays the featured images for each post, one after the other. FIGURE 6-15 The Brightpage theme uses a slider—a graphical banner that displays the featured images from your most timely or important posts. Each image appears for about 5 seconds, and then the slider changes to the next image using a slick transition effect (a fade, a blend, or a slide, which gives the slider its name). Visitors can click the featured image to view the corresponding post, or scroll down the page to see more posts. The nice thing about Brightpage is that it makes it easy for you, the site designer, to choose what posts get featured treatment. When you create a new post that you want to appear in the slider, assign it to the Featured category (in addition to whatever more meaningful category you already use). After some time passes and you decide that the post is no longer important, go to the Edit Post page and remove it from the Featured category. The Twenty Fourteen theme has a similar trick in store. Like Brightpage, it examines a group of posts you pick, retrieves their featured images, and uses them on the home page. The difference is in the details. While Brightpage asks you to identify the posts you want to use by creating a category named Featured, Twenty Fourteen expects you to use a tag named Featured. And while Brightpage uses a slider, 192 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Twenty Fourteen gives you the choice of a slider or a slick grid view, the latter being the standard setting (Figure 6-16). FEATURED IMAGES FIGURE 6-16 If you have posts that use the Featured tag, Twenty Fourteen removes them from the post list and puts them and their images in a grid at the top of your home page. Readers can then click an image to read the corresponding post. TIP To configure how Twenty Fourteen uses featured images, start by choosing Appearance→Customize (to customize the theme) and then click the Featured Content section. There, you can choose between a grid and a slider, and rename the Featured tag to something else. Assigning a Featured Image to a Post Each post can have just one featured image. To assign a featured image, you need to be in the Add New Post or Edit Post page. Then follow these steps: 1. Click the Add Media button. This opens the Insert Media window you saw earlier (Figure 6-7). 2. Click the Set Featured Image link on the left. 3. If the picture you want to use isn’t already in the media library, upload it now. You can upload your featured image by dragging it onto the Insert Media window, or by clicking Select Files and browsing for it. If your picture is already in the Media Library, click the Media Library tab and then click the picture to select it. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 193 FEATURED IMAGES 4. Add the image information. These details include the title, alternate text for screen readers, the caption, and the description. How much of this information WordPress uses in your post depends on the theme you chose, but it’s worth supplying the info just in case. 5. Click Edit Image, take a moment to scale and crop your picture, and then click Save to make your changes permanent. When you insert a standard image into a post, you get the chance to size it. But when you use a featured image, you don’t have this control. If you upload a big picture, it’s possible that your theme will automatically crop out a large part of it. (The Brightpage theme does this, for example.) To prevent this, you need to scale the picture down before you upload it, using an image editor like Photoshop Elements, Windows Photo Gallery, Picasa, or the Mac’s Preview program. To find the right dimensions, you need to experiment or scour your theme’s documentation. (Self-hosters, search for your theme at http://wordpress. org/themes, and then click your way through to the “Theme Homepage” link. WordPress.com users, search for your theme at http://theme.wordpress.com.) 6. Click the “Set featured image” button in the bottom-right corner. This adds the featured image and closes the Insert Media window so you can continue writing your post. Remember, you won’t see the picture appear alongside your text. If you decide at some point that you don’t want this picture as your post’s featured image, find the Featured Image box in the bottom-right corner of the page (it shows a scaled-down preview of your pic) and then click “Remove featured image.” 7. Publish your post (or update it, if you already published it). Remember, some themes don’t use featured images at all. If you use such a theme, you may not even know that your post has a featured image, because your theme never displays it. NOTE Featured posts are interesting because they rely on the interplay between WordPress features and theme features. WordPress defines the concept of the feature (in this case, featured images), and the theme decides how to exploit that concept, opening a wide, uncharted territory of possibilities. The same idea underpins many other WordPress features. For example, later in this chapter you’ll see how WordPress defines the concepts of post excerpts (page 202) and post formats (page 198), but allows themes to use them in a variety of clever ways. 194 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL SHOWING PART OF A POST UP TO SPEED Learning to Use Featured Images with Your Theme As the discussion in this chapter shows, different themes use featured images in similar but subtly different ways. To get the result you want, you need to make sure you’re using featured images in the right way. For example, you may need to flag featured-image posts with a specific category name or tag name, or you may need to make them sticky (page 104). Picture size is another important consideration. Twenty Fourteen recommends that your featured images be 672 pixels wide and 1038 pixels wide, which lets them expand to their full size when displayed behind a post or in the slider. Other themes have their own strict size requirements. Violate them, and your pictures may be stretched, squashed, or cropped to fit the theme. Unfortunately, the dashboard doesn’t have a standard way to make this information available. It’s up to you to review the documentation for your theme. A good place to start is by searching for your theme in WordPress’s theme library (http://wordpress.org/themes for self-hosters or http://theme. wordpress.com for WordPress.com users). You can then follow the Theme Homepage link to find out what the developer has to say about the theme, or click the Support tab to browse other people’s questions and answers. For more information about the theme library, see Chapter 5. Showing Part of a Post At the heart of every WordPress blog is a home page, and at the heart of every home page is a reverse-chronological list of posts. This list serves a vital purpose, showing a snapshot of current content so readers can tell, at a glance, what’s going down on your site. However, the home pages you’ve seen so far have had one potential problem—they’re long, sometimes awkwardly so. Having multiple posts fused together into one long page is a great convenience for new visitors who want to read your content from end to end, but it’s not so helpful for return visitors who want to survey your new content and decide where to dive in. Fortunately, WordPress has a handy solution. You can decide to show only the first part of each post, called a teaser, on your home page, which your visitor can click to read the standalone post. One advantage to this approach is that you can pack quite a few teasers into your home page and keep them close together, no matter how long the posts really are. You can also put posts into tighter layouts—for example, creating a site that looks more like the front page of a newspaper. Another advantage is that it encourages readers to click through to the post, where they’ll also see the post comments and get the opportunity to join in the discussion. However, trimming down posts introduces two possible disadvantages. First, there’s the extra link readers need to follow to read a full post. If someone wants to read several posts in a row, this extra step can add up to a lot more clicking. Second, you Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 195 SHOWING PART OF A POST need to explicitly tell WordPress what part of a post belongs on the home page. It’s an easy job, but you need to do it for each post you create. If you’ve already written a few posts, you need to update them. NOTE As a general rule, informal, conversational blogs work well with the standard one-post-after-another stream that WordPress displays on the home page. But WordPress sites that have more detailed article-like posts, use multiple sections, or feature multiple authors, often work better with a tighter, leaner style that uses teasers. In the following section, you’ll learn how to use teasers instead of full posts. You’ll also consider two related features: breaking posts into multiple pages and using post excerpts. Displaying Teasers Using the “More” Quicktag The best way to cut a post down to size is with a special WordPress code called the More quicktag. You place the More quicktag at the spot where you want to divide a post. The content that falls before the tag becomes the teaser, which WordPress displays on the home page (Figure 6-17, left). If a reader clicks through to the post page, he sees the entire post (Figure 6-17, right). FIGURE 6-17 When you use the More quicktag in a post, only part of the post appears on the home page (left). Click the “Continue reading” link to get the whole post in a new page (right). To insert the More quicktag in the visual editor, go to the spot in your post where you want to put the tag, and then click the Insert Read More Tag button. You’ll see a light-gray dividing line (Figure 6-18). You can also add the More quicktag in the HTML editor. You could click the button labeled “more,” but it’s just as easy to type in the tag yourself, wherever you want it: HTML nerds will recognize that the More quicktag looks exactly like an HTML comment—the sort of thing you might put in your markup to leave notes to yourself. 196 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Browsers ignore HTML comments, and WordPress borrows this system to sneak in some of its own special codes. SHOWING PART OF A POST FIGURE 6-18 When you edit a page, the More quicktag looks like a horizontal line between paragraphs. NOTE WordPress uses the More quicktag whenever your site displays more than one post at a time. The home page is the most obvious example, but you’ll also see multiple posts when you browse by category, date, or keyword. In these situations, the More quicktag serves the same purpose—it trims long posts down to more manageable teasers. There’s one more trick you can do with the More tag. In the previous example, a “Continue reading” link led from the teaser to the full post. The theme determines the link’s wording, but you can substitute your own text. To do that, you need to edit your post in HTML view, and then stick the link text in the middle of the More tag, exactly as shown here: If you want to change the link text for every teaser, editing your theme is far more efficient than editing individual posts (see Part 4 to learn how to edit your theme). Dividing a Post into Multiple Pages The More quicktag lets you split a post into two pieces: the teaser, and the rest of the content. Alternatively, you can split a page into as many sections as you want using the lesser-known Nextpage quicktag. When you do, WordPress adds a set of navigation links to the bottom of the post (Figure 6-19). Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 197 SHOWING PART OF A POST FIGURE 6-19 These page-navigation links are a great way to split a long article into more manageable pieces. But use it sparingly—readers will resent being forced to click without a very good reason. To insert the Nextpage quicktag, switch to the HTML view (click the Text tab) and then add this code where you want to start a new page: The Nextpage quicktag shows up in the visual editor, as a gray line with the words “Next Page” above it. You can’t customize the Nextpage quicktag, but you can create custom page links if you’re willing to edit your theme files, as described in Part 4. The trick is to master WordPress’s wp_link_pages() function, which is described at http://tinyurl.com/wplinkpages. You can use the More and Nextpage quicktags in the same post. However, it’s generally a bad idea, because the page-navigation links will appear under the post teaser on the home page. This is likely to strike your readers as plain odd or utterly confusing. Summarizing Posts with Excerpts There’s another way to shorten posts on the home page: by using WordPress’s excerpts feature. Ordinarily, an excerpt is the first 50 or so words in a post (the exact number depends on the theme). Before you can really understand excerpts, you need to know how WordPress uses them. The answer isn’t straightforward, because it depends on your theme. Some older themes may avoid excerpts altogether, while others use them prominently (as you’ll see shortly). But most themes use excerpts in at least one place: on the search results page. To take a look for yourself, type something into the search box and then press Enter (Figure 6-20). 198 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL SHOWING PART OF A POST FIGURE 6-20 When you search posts, WordPress doesn’t display full posts on the results screen. Instead, it automatically strips out and displays just the first 55 words. That way, you can see a page of search results without needing to scroll all day. So far, excerpts seem straightforward and automatic (and they are). However, the first few sentences of a post aren’t always a good reflection of its content. For that reason, you may want to write your own excerpt—in other words, explicitly provide a brief summary of the content in a post. You can do that from the Add New Post or Edit Post pages. First, choose Screen Options in the upper-right corner, and then turn on the checkbox next to Excerpt. A new box appears where you can write a custom description of your post. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 199 SHOWING PART OF A POST NOTE Things can get a bit confusing if you use excerpts and teasers. In that case, WordPress uses an excerpt if the post has one, a teaser if the post uses the More quicktag, or the first 55 words in the post if it has neither an excerpt nor a teaser. UP TO SPEED Writing Good Excerpts The best thing about excerpts is that they don’t need to be directly linked to the text in your post. But don’t abuse your freedom—to write a good, genuinely useful excerpt, you need to follow a few rules: • Keep it brief. Usually, when a visitor searches your site, WordPress finds several matching posts. By keeping your excerpts short (around the 55-word mark, just like WordPress does), you keep the search results short, which makes them easier to read. • Summarize the content of the page. The goal of an excerpt is to give someone enough information to decide if she wants to click a link to read the full post. An excerpt isn’t a place to promote yourself or make flowery comments. Instead, try to clearly and honestly describe what’s in the post. • Don’t repeat the post title. If you want to make sure every word counts, don’t waste time repeating what’s clearly visible in the title. Using Excerpts on Your Home Page At this point, you might think that it’s not worth the trouble to write excerpts for all your posts. And you could be right, if you use a standard theme and you don’t think that your visitors are going to be searching for posts. However, there’s another factor to consider: Some themes use excerpts for other purposes. For example, many themes use excerpts as the display text for posts on the home page. This way, the excerpt acts a bit like a teaser. The difference is that the standard WordPress teaser comes from the first part of a post, but you control the wording in an excerpt. The Brightpage theme described earlier (page 192) uses this system. If you provide an excerpt for a post, that’s what shows up on your home page, not the post content. The Oxygen theme, available for both WordPress.com and self-hosted sites, does the same thing, as you can see in Figure 6-21. NOTE None of the year themes like Twenty Twelve make much use of the excerpts feature. They use them in searches (as shown in Figure 6-20), but not on the home page. If you switch to a theme that makes heavy use of excerpts, you might find the summary so valuable that you want all your posts to use them, even the ones you've already created. WordPress has some plug-ins that can help. For example, the Excerpt Editor (http://tinyurl.com/csudedx) can give you a summary for every existing post, without you having to edit each one individually. 200 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL SHOWING PART OF A POST FIGURE 6-21 The Oxygen theme displays the excerpt text and featured image for each post, instead of the post content. If the post doesn’t have a featured image, it grabs the first picture from the post and displays that. (And if the post doesn’t use any pictures at all, the theme simply shows an empty gray box.) This creates a clean, polished home page that has the feel of a professional news site. POWER USERS’ CLINIC Changing from Full-Post Displays to Summaries If you create a self-hosted site, you can make any theme display excerpts or full posts. But, first, you need to learn the basics of WordPress theme files and the WordPress loop, topics covered in Chapters 13 and 14. Once you know your way around a WordPress theme and the PHP code inside, you’re ready to make this relatively straightforward edit. Usually, you need to edit your index.php file, which creates the post listing on the home page of your site. To get the display style you want, your code needs to use the right WordPress function. If you use a function named the_content(), your page will show the full content of each post (or the teaser, if you use the More quicktag described on page 196). But if you use a function named the_excerpt(), your home page displays the post summary only. Usually, you can switch between the two display modes by modifying the line of code that has the function in it. If you want a bit more technical information, check out the WordPress function reference at http://tinyurl.com/theexcerpt . Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 201 POST FORMATS Post Formats As you learned in Chapter 5, your choice of theme determines the basic appearance of every post on your site. Once you pick a theme, you can relax knowing that all your posts get the same font, color scheme, and spacing. Consistency reigns. But some themes offer an underused feature called post formats, which display different types of posts in different ways. On paper, post formats sound pretty nifty. The idea is that you pick a format for each type of post you write, and your theme uses slightly different styling for each of those post types. The problem is that WordPress limits themes to a small set of officially sanctioned formats. They’re mainly useful if you want to create a casual blog (sometimes called a microblog), where you throw together pictures, video clips, and post fragments, without worrying too much about organizing your content. In this scenario, post formats provide a structure that can help tame the chaos of your posts. But if you want to create your own post format to distinguish a group of posts that are particularly important to your site, you’re out of luck. NOTE Ambitious WordPress developers often complain that post formats don’t let them do what they really want to do: create their own post groupings and apply different formatting to each group. For example, you might want to take posts in a certain category and alter their formatting to make them stand out. (Imagine, for example, a news site that uses a bolder background to highlight violent crimes.) This technique is possible—and useful—but it’s not easy. You need to do all the work yourself, by adding style rules and code to your theme. (You can find an example starting on page 495.) And you need to have a self-hosted site to use this technique, because WordPress.com doesn’t allow theme editing. UP TO SPEED Understanding Microblogs Microblogs focus on small bits of content: news headlines, interesting links, personal status updates, random thoughts, and stream-of-consciousness chatter. They tend to be less formal, more personal, and more conversational than posts—almost like a cross between traditional blogs and old-school messaging systems like email and chat. Microblogs also mix different types of content, like audio, video, and images. In fact, some microblogs are built entirely out of pictures or video clips. The kings of microblogging are Twitter and Tumblr, but WordPress fans can join in, too. However, WordPress’s vaunted flexibility might overcomplicate your efforts. Because WordPress allows short, microblog-style posts and longer, more traditional entries, it’s easy to drown out the small stuff. You may also find that WordPress’s other features—categories, tags, the media library, and so on—overcomplicate your microblogging efforts. Applying a Post Format If your theme supports post formats, you’ll see a Format box in the Add New Post and Edit Post pages. There, you’ll find a list of all the formats you can use with the theme. You can pick any of them for a post, but if you don’t make a choice, your post sticks with Standard. 202 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Table 6-1 lists all the post formats that WordPress allows. Themes can pick and choose which of them they allow. POST FORMATS Table 6-1. The standard post formats POST FORMAT TYPE OF CONTENT Standard Standard, ordinary posts. Every post starts out using the Standard format. Aside A short snippet of text that doesn’t add up to a full post. Casual bloggers can use the Aside format to blurt out a quick thought, in much the same way that you might use a text message or a tweet on Twitter. Most themes don’t display a title for asides. Status A short update about what you’re doing right now (“Chillin’ with my Missin’ Manual, about to build a brilliant WordPress site”). Similar to the status update feature on virtually every social media site. Most themes don’t display a title for status updates. Link A link to another website, with little or no extra text. Most themes don’t display a title for links. Quote A short snippet of text that quotes some words of wisdom you want to share. Most themes don’t display a title for quotes. Image A post that contains a picture you uploaded. Gallery A post that contains a picture gallery, like the kind you’ll create on page 330. Audio A post that contains an audio recording. Video A post that contains a video file. Chat A snippet of a memorable conversation, offline or online. Usually looks like this: Joe: dude, why u ignorin me? Ben: im learnin some wordpress, bro You see these formats at work in the year themes (page 132), from Twenty Eleven on. Each theme has its own way of styling the formats. Often, you’ll be hard-pressed to spot the minor changes between an ordinary post and one with a format applied. In many cases, the only difference you’ll notice is the lack of a title for many formats (like asides and status updates) and the addition of a small icon. The Twenty Thirteen theme applies the most dramatic post format styles, with background colors (Figure 6-22). Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 203 POST FORMATS FIGURE 6-22 Here are three posts using different post formats: a quote, a status update, and a clickable link. The Twenty Twelve theme (top) barely distinguishes between the three posts, while Twenty Thirteen (bottom) gets more colorful. 204 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL To get a better sense of what your theme’s post formats look like, create some test posts and look at them on the home page. POST FORMATS The Ephemera Widget Some themes include a specialized widget to work with post formats. The most common example is the ephemera widget. Twenty Eleven and Twenty Fourteen both include one, named Twenty Eleven Ephemera and Twenty Fourteen Ephemera. The other year themes don’t include the ephemera widget at all. As the name suggests, the ephemera widget is all about fleeting scraps of content that are useful for a short period of time, like asides, quotes, and status updates. The ephemera widget gathers these bits of microblog content and displays them in a small, self-contained strip that you can pop into a sidebar (Figure 6-23). The idea is to call attention to smaller scraps of information that might otherwise be swallowed up in the clutter of your blog. FIGURE 6-23 Here, the Twenty Fourteen ephemera widget shows the three most recent quotes you posted to your blog. Chapter 6: Jazzing Up Your Posts 205 POST FORMATS To use the ephemera widget, choose Appearance→Widgets to visit the widgetdesigning section of the dashboard. Then, drag the widget to the spot on the page where you want it. Finally, customize it by supplying these three details: • A title that will appear above the widget. • The type of posts you want to show. You can choose any post format. However, the ephemera widget shows the full content of each post, so you’ll probably want to pick a short, microblog-style post format like Aside, Status, Quote, or Link. • Choose the number of posts that should appear in the widget. The Twenty Fourteen standard is two. TIP You can add more than one ephemera widget if you want to show different post formats. For example, one widget could show a list of links, a second could list status updates, and a third could show your most recent asides. All in all, the ephemera widget offers an interesting way to extract bits of content from a loosely structured blog. However, most serious bloggers are better served by using Twitter for microblogging and integrating a Twitter feed into their sidebars, as described on page 430. 206 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CHAPTER Adding Pages and Menus 7 I n previous chapters, you focused most of your attention on WordPress posts—the blocks of dated, categorized content at the heart of most WordPress blogs. But WordPress has another, complementary way to showcase content, called pages. Unlike posts, pages aren’t dated, categorized, or tagged. They exist independently of posts. The easiest way to understand the role of WordPress pages is to think of them as ordinary web pages, like the kind you might compose in an HTML editor. You’re likely to use pages for two reasons. First, even in a traditional blog, you may want to keep some content around permanently, rather than throw it into your ever-advancing sequence of posts. For example, personal blogs often include a page named About Me, where you provide biographical information. You don’t want to tie this page to a specific date—you want it easily accessible all the time. Similarly, businesses might use pages to provide contact information, a map, or a list of frequently asked questions. You can even create a fine-tuned home page to greet your visitors, instead of using the default reverse-chronological list of posts. Another reason to use pages is to build simple sites that don’t feel like blogs. Some people call these sites brochure sites, and the description isn’t entirely complimentary. That’s because brochure sites present a collection of fixed information, while blogs feel live and interactive. However, there’s a wide range of possibility between these two extremes. For example, if you create a site for your small business, you might use pages to display the core content of your site (information about your company, your policies, the brands you carry, and so on), while adding a blog-powered section of posts for news and promotions. Is this a blog, a brochure-site, or something in between? No matter the answer, it’s a great solution for plenty of people. 207 CREATING PAGES In this chapter, you’ll learn to use pages to either supplement your blog or to create a brochure-style site. You’ll also learn to manage page navigation with menus, so your visitors can find the content they want. Lastly, you’ll consider some of the innovative ways that different themes exploit the pages feature. Creating Pages Although pages behave differently from posts, the process of creating and managing them is similar. Just as you work with posts in the dashboard’s Posts menu, so you work with pages in the Pages menu. Here’s how to create a new page: 1. Choose PagesÆAdd New. This takes you to a screen named Add New Page (Figure 7-1), which resembles a slightly simpler version of the Add New Post page. TIP If your site is on WordPress.com, you can take advantage of another path to page creation—the Copy Page shortcut, which creates a new page based on an old one. Choose Pages→Copy a Page (instead of Pages→Add New), find the page you want to duplicate in the resulting list of pages, and then click the Copy button next to it. You’ll still end up at the Add New Page screen, but you start out with an exact duplicate of the page you picked, which you can modify to suit your needs. FIGURE 7-1 The form you use to create pages is similar to the one for creating posts. Both let you include pictures, fancy HTML markup, and featured images. But pages don’t let you add the classification details, like category and tag information, that posts do, which is why you don’t see those options here. 208 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 2. Give the page a title and some content. You’ll see the same content-editing box you use to create posts, with the same two tabs. Choose the Visual tab to see the formatted text for your page, more or less the way it will appear on your site. Choose the Text tab to see the underlying HTML markup. CREATING PAGES For now, don’t worry about the Page Attributes box—you’ll learn about the options there a bit later. 3. Finally, click Publish to make the page live on your site. Or choose one of the other options in the Publish box. Just as with posts, you can save a page as a draft (page 97) or schedule it for future publication (page 100). When you publish a page, a “Page published” message appears at the top of the page, confirming that it’s up and open to the public. Now is a good time to click the “View page” link to take a look (Figure 7-2). NOTE Pages don’t have categories and tags, they aren’t listed in chronological order, and you can’t browse them by date. However, they still have some WordPress smarts. Most notably, they get their formatting instructions from WordPress themes, just like every other part of your site. In most themes, a basic page looks a lot like a basic post—for example, both use the same fonts for their title and text. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Understanding Pages Why do some people call pages “static pages”? Although WordPress calls this feature pages, many webheads find that confusing. After all, isn’t a page anything you view on the Web with a browser? And don’t posts appear in web pages? For these reasons, WordPress experts—and WordPress itself, sometimes—often use a different term. They call WordPress pages static pages. Sadly, this term is almost as confusing. It stems from the old days of the Web, when designers distinguished between dynamic pages that could do incredible feats with the help of code, and static pages that showed fixed, unchanging content. That fits with the way most people use WordPress pages—they create them, fill them with content, and then publish them. However, WordPress pages aren’t really static—they do change. Flip your blog over to a different theme, and all your posts and pages update seamlessly to match the new style. That’s because WordPress stores all the content for your pages—as well as the content for the rest of your site, including posts—in its database. And, finally, a static page changes anytime you decide to edit it. If you’re still confused, here’s the bottom line: A WordPress site can hold both posts and pages, and you create, format, and manage them in much the same way. The key difference is that WordPress automatically dates, orders, and groups posts. WordPress also puts them on the home page and assumes that people will want to read them from newest to oldest. From WordPress’s point of view, posts are the lead actors on your site, while pages are supporting characters. But you’re not bound by that narrow definition of a site, as you’ll see on page 228. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 209 CREATING PAGES FIGURE 7-2 A page in WordPress looks suspiciously like a post. If you keep WordPress’s standard settings, your page even has room for comments, which you’ll learn to use in Chapter 8. (You can also turn comments off for your pages, as explained on page 230.) To review a list of the pages on your site, choose Pages→All Pages. You see a familiar table of pages, which works the same way as WordPress’s list of posts and media files. Point to a page title, and you have the choice to view the page, edit it, or delete it (see Figure 7-3). And if you’re working with piles of pages, you can use the same bulk actions you use with posts to delete or change a whole group of pages in one step. 210 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL VIEWING PAGES FIGURE 7-3 Every WordPress site starts with a sample page called, rather unimaginatively, Sample Page. Now is a good time to delete it. Just point to the title and then click Trash. Viewing Pages You can probably think of a couple of pages that would improve your site. If nothing else, you could add an About Me page with your biographical information in it. But a key question remains: How do your guests visit pages? Like posts, every page gets a unique web address (URL), called a permalink. The permalink appears under the page’s title box as soon as you start entering the page content. WordPress uses the same rules to create page permalinks as it does to create post permalinks (as explained on page 116), and you can edit the permalink for any page (page 119). But the important detail is that you can find a page by typing its address into your browser. Of course, your readers aren’t likely to type in any URL other than the address for your home page, so you need to provide links so visitors can get to your pages. One way to do this is by putting links in posts and pages so you can connect them together. For example, you could add a link to the page shown in Figure 7-2 that takes readers to a new page when they click “Family Law” (Figure 7-4). Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 211 VIEWING PAGES FIGURE 7-4 Clicking the Family Law link takes readers to the Family Law page. Making this happen is easy. You simply edit the “About the Practice” page, use the trusty Add Link toolbar button, and then find the Family Law page in the list of existing content. Links are a decent way to join related posts and pages, but they aren’t much help if a guest wants to browse the pages on your site. That’s not a problem with posts—if your visitors want to read posts, they can browse them easily on the home page, starting with the most recent one and moving back in time. Or they can browse posts in a specific category or with a specific tag (page 123). But WordPress doesn’t put pages in chronological order, feature them on the home page, or give them category or tag information. Visitors can find pages through a keyword search (by typing something into the search box and then pressing the Enter key), because searches scan the content in both posts and pages. But guessing at keywords is a clumsy way to find a page, and it’s no substitute for a more convenient navigation system. Fortunately, WordPress has several better, ready-made solutions to help visitors find your pages: • The Pages widget. Add this to your page, and visitors will always see a list of all your pages, in the order you want. This widget works best if you want to highlight all (or almost all) of your pages. • An automatic menu. Many themes automatically put all your pages in a menu on the home page. The only problem is that this auto-generated menu includes every page in your site. If that results in an overly cluttered or disorganized menu, you’ll prefer the next option. 212 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • A custom menu. You pick the pages you want to showcase and arrange them just so. You then display the menu somewhere prominent on your home page (often where the automatic menu used to go). Most people take this route. VIEWING PAGES You’ll explore all these options in the following sections. Showing Pages in the Pages Widget The Pages widget displays a simple list of links (Figure 7-5). Like any other widget, you can place it anywhere on your home page, such as in a sidebar. Choose Appearance→Widgets and then drag the widget where you want it. FIGURE 7-5 The Pages widget displays all the pages you create. Visitors can click a link to visit a page. You may want to use the Pages widget to show just some of your pages. To do that, you need to explicitly indicate what pages you don’t want to show. Each page has a unique ID number, and you indicate the pages you want to exclude by creating a comma-separated list of ID numbers in the Exclude box (Figure 7-6). FIGURE 7-6 This Pages widget is configured to show every page except numbers 2 and 24. The slightly tricky part is figuring out the page’s ID number. If you run a self-hosted blog and you haven’t changed WordPress’s permalink style (page 117), the ID appears right in the URL. But if you use WordPress.com or you switched to more readable Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 213 VIEWING PAGES title-based permalinks, you need to take a different tack. First, go to Pages→All Pages to see all the pages in your site. Then point to the title of the page you want to exclude. The page’s URL appears in your browser’s toolbar, in this format: http://prosetech.com/thoughtsofalawyer/wp-admin/post.php?post=24&action=edit In this example, the page ID is 24. (Don’t be confused that the URL actually calls the page a post—it’s an old but harmless WordPress quirk.) TIP If you have trouble seeing a page’s permalink in your browser, try copying the address. Right-click the page title and choose a command with a name like Copy Shortcut or Copy Link Address (the exact wording depends on your browser). You can paste the link into a text editor like Notepad and find the page ID there. WORD TO THE WISE Use the Exclude Box Sparingly It might occur to you that you could add several Pages widgets to different parts of your home page, each of which shows a different subset of pages. That’s an interesting idea, but a bad one, because of the way the exclusion list works. If you use the Pages widget to create three page lists, for example, every time you add a new page that you want to leave off the lists, you need to add the page to the exclusion list of each menu. That extra work can cause a serious headache. To avoid this, use the Pages widget only when you want to show most or all of your pages. If you want to show a smaller group of just a few pages, create a custom menu and show it with the Custom Menu widget, as explained on page 228. The Pages widget also lets you sort your list of pages. You set the sort order using the drop-down list in the “Sort by” box. Ordinarily, the order is “Page title,” which means that WordPress organizes your pages alphabetically by title. Alternatively, you can choose “Page ID,” and WordPress lists pages from oldest to newest (because newer pages always get higher ID numbers). Lastly, you can choose “Page order,” which lets you pick the order, as you’ll see on page 216. Showing Pages in a Menu Most themes start out with a menu. In fact, menus are considered so important to the average WordPress site that most themes don’t let you remove the menu (at least not without resorting to the style editing tricks covered in Chapter 13). Unlike desktop programs, which typically have strict, consistent rules about where menus go and what they look like, menus on the Web take many forms. The only consistent rule is that every menu is a set of links arranged as headings and subheadings. In WordPress, the way a menu looks is completely in the hands of your theme. For that reason, WordPress puts the menu management command in the dashboard’s Appearances menu, alongside the controls for other theme features. Many themes put a site’s main links in a traditional menu bar, which it arranges horizontally near the top of each page. In the Twenty Twelve theme, for example, the menu sits above the list of posts (Figure 7-7). Other themes arrange the menu vertically and place it on the side, like WordPress’s dashboard menu. 214 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL VIEWING PAGES FIGURE 7-7 Every theme has its own distinct way of styling the main menu. Here are three examples from WordPress’s standard year themes. When you create a new WordPress site, it starts out with an automatic menu, so named because WordPress creates it automatically. At first, the menu holds just two commands: a Home button that goes to your home page, and a Sample Page button that opens the WordPress sample page (unless you took our earlier advice and deleted it). But every time you add a new page, like the “About the Practice” page shown earlier, WordPress adds a matching link in the menu. It keeps the links ordered alphabetically by page name. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 215 VIEWING PAGES You can exert more control over how your theme arranges the page links in a menu, in one of two ways: You can use the ordering and grouping features described next, or you can create a custom menu (page 218). The ordering and grouping approach works best if you just want to adjust the position of a few commands in the automatic menu but you’re happy letting WordPress run the show. By comparison, custom menus take slightly more work but pay off with far more flexibility and extra features. Ordering Pages Often, when you display a list of pages, you want to dictate which ones show up first and which ones are last. You can do this by typing in a number for the Order setting, which appears in the Page Attributes box when you create (or edit) a page. The Order setting affects the order of your pages in two situations: when you display pages in an automatic menu and when you display them in the Pages widget with the “Sort by” box set to “Page order.” Ordinarily, WordPress sets the order number of every page to 0. Technically, that means that each page is tied for first position, and the page order setting has no effect. But if you want to set the order (say you want “Our Story” followed by “Our Location” followed by “Contact Us”), you’d assign these pages steadily increasing page-order numbers (say, 0, 1, and 2). The actual numbers don’t really matter—the important thing is how they compare. WordPress always displays larger-numbered pages toward the bottom of the list or on the right end of a horizontal menu, with smaller-numbered pages closer to the top of a list or to the left of a menu bar. If two or more pages have the same order value, WordPress orders them alphabetically. TIP If you rearrange a bunch of pages, you need to change their page-order values. The easiest way to do that is to go to the Pages list (choose Pages→All Pages), point to a post, and click the Quick Edit link. This way, you can quickly modify some page information, including the order, without opening the whole page for editing. There’s another way to group pages: You can designate some as child pages that belong to a specific parent page. (You may have used this type of organization before, to create subcategories for your posts, as described on page 110.) To create this hierarchy, you set the Parent setting in the Pages Attribute box when you create or edit the page. For example, you could edit the Family Law page and change the Parent list box from “(no parent)” to “About the Practice.” Now, Family Law is a subpage in the “About the Practice” group. To better understand the effect of ordering and grouping, imagine you have these pages: 216 PAGE TITLE ORDER PARENT About the Practice 0 - Assault Charges 3 About the Practice WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL PAGE TITLE ORDER PARENT Drug Offenses 2 About the Practice Family Law 0 About the Practice Personal Injury Defense 1 About the Practice Legal Disclaimers 1 - Referrals 0 - VIEWING PAGES The order settings create the nicely styled menu and nested list shown in Figure 7-8. The menu displays subsidiary pages in submenus, while the Pages widget slightly indents nested pages. FIGURE 7-8 This site lists its pages in two places. At the top is the familiar menu bar, now with a submenu. On the right side, the Pages widget shows the same collection of pages, but sorted by title. Life can get a bit confusing when you order and group pages. Just remember that when WordPress orders pages, it compares only the pages at the same level. For example, you can use the page order to adjust the position of the Assault Charges, Drug Offenses, Family Law, and Personal Injury Defense pages with respect to one another. However, WordPress won’t compare the order values of the Family Law and Legal Disclaimers pages, because they aren’t at the same level and won’t ever be shown next to each other. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 217 CUSTOM MENUS NOTE If you use post names in your permalinks (page 116), child pages get their own permalink. It includes two posts titles: the name of the child page itself and the name of the parent page. For example, if the child page “Family Law” has the parent “About the Practice,” the full permalink might be something like http://thoughtso falawyer.net/about-the-practice/family-law. Custom Menus WordPress’s ordering and grouping features give you enough flexibility to create a good-looking, well-ordered menu. However, there are a few good reasons why most WordPress developers eventually decide to build a custom menu: • To get more types of menu items. An automatic menu includes links to your pages, and that’s it. But a custom menu can include other types of links—for example, ones that lead to a particular post, a whole category of posts, or even another website. • To hide pages. An automatic menu always includes all your pages. This might not be a problem for a relatively new WordPress site, but as your site grows, you’ll probably add more and more pages and use them for different types of information. Eventually, you’ll create pages that you don’t want to include in your main menu (for example, you might want to add a page that readers can visit only by clicking a link in a post). The only way to hide a page from a menu is to abandon the automatic menu and build a custom menu. • To have multiple menus. Some themes support more than one home page menu. However, a site can have only one automatic menu. To take advantage of the multiple-menu feature, you need to create additional menus as custom menus. • Because sometimes automatic menus are hard. To get an automatic menu to look the way you want it to, you need to think carefully about the order and parent settings. If you have dozens of pages, this sort of planning can twist your brain into a pretzel. If you build a custom menu, you can drag and drop your way to a good-looking menu. It still takes time and work, but it requires a lot less planning and thinking. Building a Custom Menu When you’re ready to replace your theme’s automatic menu with a menu of your own creation, here are the steps to follow: 1. Choose AppearanceÆMenus. This brings you to the sophisticated menu editor (Figure 7-9). 2. Click the “create a new menu” link at the top of the page to create a new, blank menu. The next step is to give your menu a name. 218 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 3. Enter a name for your menu in the Menu Name box. The name uniquely identifies the menu. Normally, you name the menu after its function (Main Menu, Navigation Menu, Page Menu, and so on). You shouldn’t name it based on its position (as in Top Menu Bar), because that detail may change if you switch themes. CUSTOM MENUS FIGURE 7-9 Depending on your theme, the menu editor may start out blank, or it may show you the commands that are currently part of the automatic menu, as it does here. Either way, you need to create a menu of your own before you can take control of its contents. 4. Click the Create Menu button. WordPress stores the menu as part of your site, so you can edit it anytime. Now you’re ready to fill it up with useful commands (Figure 7-10). 5. Decide whether you want to add a page, link, or category to your menu. If necessary, click the heading to expand the Pages, Links, or Categories section (Figure 7-11). A page is, obviously, a link to one of the pages you created. A link goes to some location on the Web, either on your site or another site. For example, you could create a custom link that points to a specific post (using its permalink), a Wikipedia page, a friend’s blog, or something else. A category is a link to a page that displays all the posts in a given category (in reverse-chronological order). It has the same effect as clicking a link in the Categories widget (page 112). Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 219 CUSTOM MENUS FIGURE 7-10 The left side of the menu editor has three sections (Pages, Links, and Categories) that let you add various links to your menu. Right now, the Pages section is expanded. FIGURE 7-11 You can set options for only one menu section at a time. You choose which one by clicking the heading. For example, if you want to add a link but the Pages box is expanded (left), click the Links heading to open the Links box (right). 220 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 6. Enter the information for your menu item. If you’re adding a page, click the checkbox for the page you want to add. You can tick several checkboxes to add a whole group of pages at once. The Pages box lets you choose your pages from three different tabs. Use Most Recent to choose from the newest pages you created, View All to browse through all your pages, and Search to find a page by name (which is useful if your site has dozens or more pages). CUSTOM MENUS If you’re adding a link, fill in the address in the URL box and specify the link text in the Link Text box. If you’re adding a category, click the checkbox for the category you want. Adding a category is similar to adding a page—you can browse a list of your categories, choose from your most frequently used categories, or search for the category you want by name, depending on what tab you pick. You can also add multiple categories at once by ticking multiple boxes. TIP It makes sense to add a link named “Home” or “Posts” to most new menus. That way, your guests always have a way to get back to your home page. To create a home page link, choose the View All tab in the Pages box, turn on the checkbox next to Home, and then continue with the next step. GEM IN THE ROUGH Getting Even More Menu Links The menu editor makes it easy to link to another page on your site, to a category of posts, or to another website entirely. But you can get even more menu-creating options if you click the Screen Options button (found in the top-right corner of the page) and turn on the Posts and Tags checkboxes. If you do, you’ll get three more boxes for adding menu items. The Posts box shows a list of all your posts, letting you add a link to a specific post without needing to remember the permalink. The Tags box is similar to the Category box—it lets your visitors browse all the posts that have a specific tag. And the Format box lets you add links to different post formats (page 202), if you use the formats in your blog. For example, you can add a link that lets readers view all the Aside posts or all the Quote posts. 7. Once you make a choice, click the “Add to Menu” button. Your new item appears in the menu section on the right. 8. Optionally, customize the label and tooltip (title) of your menu item. When you first add an item, it shows up as a collapsed gray box. To change the options for that item, click the down-pointing arrow on the right side of the box. This expands the box so you can see (and edit) all the settings for that item (Figure 7-12). Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 221 CUSTOM MENUS Here are the settings you can change: • Navigation Label, which is the link text that appears in the menu. If you add a page or a category, the navigation label is the name of that page or category, which keeps things simple. But you might want to edit the text if it’s too long to fit comfortably in your menu. • Title Attribute, which sets the tooltip that pops up when someone points to a menu item. Usually, the title attribute is blank, and the tooltip displays the name of the menu item. But you could get fancy and use the Title attribute to supply a more detailed description. • Remove, which does the obvious: deleting a menu item you don’t want anymore. FIGURE 7-12 In the menu editor, WordPress represents each menu item with a separate gray box. To see the settings for an item, you must expand this box by clicking the down-pointing arrow in its right corner. In this example, the menu includes three links (Home, Legal Disclaimers, and Referrals), but only one (Legal Disclaimers) is expanded. 222 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 9. Return to step 5 to add another item to your menu, and repeat these steps until you stock your menu with all the items you want. CUSTOM MENUS WordPress adds items to the menu in the order you add them. So the items you add first appear on the left of a horizontal menu, or at the top of a vertical menu. However, don’t worry about the order yet, because you’ll learn how to move everything around in the next step. 10. Now it’s time to arrange your menu items. Drag them around to position them and group them into submenus. Unlike automatic menus, custom menus don’t pay attention to your pages’ order or parent settings. This is good for flexibility (because it means you can arrange the same commands in different menus in different ways), but it also means you need to do a little more work when you create the menu. Fortunately, arranging menu items is easy. To move an item from one place to another, simply drag it, just as you move widgets in the Widgets page. WordPress displays items in top-to-bottom order, so if you use a horizontal menu (as the WordPress standard theme does), the topmost item is on the left, followed by the next menu item, and so on. Creating submenus is just as convenient, once you know the trick. First, arrange your menu items so that the child items (the items you want to appear in the submenu) appear immediately after the parent menu item. Then, drag the child menu item slightly to the right, so that it looks like it’s indented one level. Figure 7-13 shows what the result should look like, and Figure 7-14 shows the formatted WordPress page. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 223 CUSTOM MENUS FIGURE 7-13 By dragging the Assault Charges page slightly to the right, it becomes a submenu item under the “About the Practice” page, along with several other pages. Figure 7-14 shows the result. 224 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CUSTOM MENUS FIGURE 7-14 Now the “About the Practice” page has a submenu. NOTE You can easily create multilayered menus (menus with submenus inside of submenus). All you do is keep dragging items a bit more to the right. However, most well-designed WordPress sites stop at one level of submenus. Otherwise, guests may find it awkward to dig through all the layers without accidentally moving the mouse off the menu. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Creating a Menu Item That Does Nothing Can I make a submenu heading that visitors can’t click? WordPress menus work a little differently from the menus in traditional desktop computer programs. When you have a submenu in a desktop program, you click the parent menu item to open the submenu, and then you click one of the items inside the submenu. But in WordPress, you just point to the parent menu item to open it. The parent item is still a real menu item that leads somewhere—if you click it, you go to a new page, category, or custom URL. For example, in Figure 7-14 you can point to “About the Practice” to open its submenu, or you can click the title to go to the About the Practice page. But perhaps this isn’t the behavior you want. For example, you might want the “About the Practice” menu item to be a nonclickable heading, which exists solely to house the submenu underneath. To create an unlinked heading, add a new command from the Links box, set the label to “About the Practice,” and then set the URL to # (the number sign character—that’s all). To browsers, the # symbol represents the current page, so if you click the menu item (“About the Practice” in this example), you won’t go anywhere. In fact, you won’t even see the page flicker, which is exactly what you want. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 225 CUSTOM MENUS 11. Optionally, you can turn on the “Automatically add new top-level pages” setting. If you do, every time you create a new page, WordPress automatically tacks it on to the end of your custom menu. This is similar to the way an automatic menu works, although you can edit your custom menu any time to move newly added items to a better place. Most WordPress experts avoid this setting, because they prefer to control what gets into their menu and where it goes. 12. Turn on one of the “Theme location” checkboxes at the bottom of the menu box. Some themes let you decide where on a page your menu goes. For example, the Twenty Fourteen theme lets you put your menu at the top of the page (choose the “Top primary menu” checkbox) or the side (choose “Secondary menu in left sidebar”). Many themes have just one location for menus, however. If that’s the case for your theme, you’ll see a single checkbox with a label like Primary Menu. Even though you have no real choice about where to put the menu, you still need to turn on the checkbox to add the menu to your site. 13. Click Save Menu to make your changes permanent. Once you save your menu, you can try it out on your site’s home page. Multiple Menus Many themes support more than one menu. Consider, for example, the Oxygen theme you tried out in Chapter 6 (Figure 7-15). It allows no fewer than three menus. The primary menu appears under the page header, the secondary one shows up in the left-hand sidebar, and the tertiary menu appears below that, in the footer section. You can imagine using these menus for distinctly different tasks—using the top menu to navigate the whole site, for example, the side menu to drill into specific posts or categories, and the bottom menu to link to other sites with related content. NOTE You don’t need to use all the menus a theme provides. Initially, WordPress creates an automatic menu and uses it as the theme’s primary menu. Any additional menus start off hidden, and appear only if you attach custom menus to them. To use the Oxygen theme’s three menus, you need to create three custom menus. Repeat the process described in the previous section three times, clicking the “create a new menu” link to add each additional menu. Once you have more than one menu, WordPress adds a menu list to the top of the menu editor. Using it, you can choose which menu you want to see and edit (Figure 7-16). 226 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CUSTOM MENUS FIGURE 7-15 One page, three menus. All of them support pop-up submenus (not shown). FIGURE 7-16 The menu editor forces you to edit one menu at a time. You choose the menu from the “Select a menu to edit” list and click Select to open it. Once you create your custom menus, you need to put each one in the appropriate location in your theme. You do that using the checkboxes in the “Theme locations” section, under each menu. But if you have trouble remembering which menu goes where, you have another choice. Click the Manage Locations tab to see a list of all the menu placeholders in your theme. Next to each is a drop-down list of the menus Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 227 CHANGING YOUR HOME PAGE you created. You can specify a menu for each area and then click Save Changes to make your changes permanent in a single step. The Custom Menu Widget There’s one more way to display a custom menu: in the Custom Menu widget. Now that you’ve played with menus in depth, the Custom Menu widget won’t impress you much. To use it, drag it onto your page (say, in a sidebar), give it a title (optional), and then pick the menu it should show. The Custom Menu widget shows a bulleted list of links, using nested bullets for submenu items. In fact, the Custom Menu widget looks a lot like the Pages widget, shown in Figure 7-8. The advantage of the Custom Menu widget is that it’s more flexible than the Pages widget. The Pages widget shows all (or almost all) of your pages, but the Custom Menu widget shows just the pages you want and can optionally include other category links and links to other websites, provided that you add them to your custom menu. TIP One nifty way to use the Custom Menu widget is to create a blogroll—a list of blogs you recommend, blogs by people you know, or sites that have content similar to yours. For example, a cooking blog might have a blogroll with other food-related blogs in it. All you need is a new menu (you can name it “Blogroll”), which you can then fill with links. Changing Your Home Page Right now, your WordPress site has a home page dominated by a familiar feature: the reverse-chronological list of your posts. Visitors can use your site’s navigation menu to travel somewhere else, but they always begin with your posts. This setup is perfectly reasonable—after all, your posts typically contain the newest, most relevant content, so it’s a good idea to showcase them up front. However, this design doesn’t fit all sites. If the list of posts is less important on your site, or if you want to show some sort of welcome message, or if you just want to direct traffic (in other words, give readers the option of reading posts or going elsewhere on your site), it makes sense to start by showing a page instead of a post. In the following sections, you’ll find out how. First, you’ll use one of your customcreated pages as your site’s home page, all in the interest of building a brochure site. Next, you’ll see how to get the best of both worlds: a fixed home page with the content you want and a list of posts, tucked away in another place on your site. Creating a Brochure Site The simplest way to change your home page is to ditch the post system altogether, using pages instead of posts throughout your site. The resulting all-pages site is sometimes called a brochure site, because it resembles the sort of informational pamphlet you might pick up in a store (Figure 7-17). 228 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CHANGING YOUR HOME PAGE FIGURE 7-17 This restaurant website is a collection of WordPress pages, including those labeled Location, Our Philosophy, and Our Menu. Unlike posts, pages aren’t related in any obvious way, nor are they dated, categorized, or tagged. To create a brochure site, you follow some simple principles: • Build a site that consists entirely of pages, each one hand-crafted by you. • Add these pages to a custom menu, and arrange the pages the way you want. • When visitors arrive at your site, the first thing they see is one of your pages and a navigation menu. You already know how to perform each of these tasks, except the last one (changing the home page). That’s what you’ll learn next. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 229 CHANGING YOUR HOME PAGE UP TO SPEED Should You Build a Brochure Site? A brochure site may make sense if you’re building a small site with very simple content. The restaurant site in Figure 7-17 is one example. if you include posts. Think of it this way: A brochure site feels like a statement, while a blog feels like a constantly unfolding conversation. But if you’re trying to decide between a brochure site and a post-based site, consider two questions. First, would your site be more attractive to readers if you included posts? Even the bare-bones restaurant site might be more interesting with posts that chronicle restaurant news, menu experiments, and special events. Not only that, but the fact that posts are frequent, dated, and personal makes the site more vibrant. In addition, if you want to get people talking on your site—for example, posting comments about recent meals or sending in requests and off-the-wall recipe ideas—you’ll have more luck Then again, you may decide that a brochure site is exactly what you want. Maybe you really don’t have time to spend updating and maintaining a site, so you simply want a place to publish some basic information on the Web and leave it at that. You can still take advantage of several of WordPress’s best features, like themes, which ensure that your pages look consistent. You’ll also get WordPress’s help if you want to track visitors (page 444), add sharing buttons (page 412), or add any one of a number of features described in this book. The key step in building a brochure site is changing your home page, replacing the traditional list of posts with a page of your own devising. So your first step is to create a substitute home page, using the familiar dashboard command Pages→Add New. You might want to make a few changes to the home page, since it serves as the welcome mat to your site. For example, you may want to include navigation links in the home-page text that take visitors straight to important content. However, that’s not necessary. As long as your theme includes a menu, visitors can use it to click through to more content. You may also want to tweak the comment settings for your custom home page. By default, all pages, just like all posts, allow comments. But it seems a bit unstructured to let people comment directly on the home page of your website. Fortunately, it’s easy enough to turn comments off for any page. First, use the Screen Options button (page 124) to open the Discussion box, and then turn off the “Allow comments” checkbox. Once you create your new, replacement home page, follow these steps: 1. Choose SettingsÆReading. 2. In the “Front page displays” setting, choose “A static page” (rather than “Your latest posts”). 3. In the “Front page” list underneath, pick the page you want as your new home page. 230 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL 4. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. Now, when you surf to your site’s home page, WordPress automatically serves up the page you picked (although the URL won’t change in the browser’s address bar—it’s still the home page of your site). Similarly, when you click Home in the menu, you return to your custom home page. CHANGING YOUR HOME PAGE TIP If you use a custom page for your home page, you may want to jazz it up with a few more navigational features. Many themes provide page templates that can help you out by adding a widget-stocked sidebar beside your page content, for example. You’ll learn more on page 233. Creating a Custom Entry Page Even if you want to change your home page, you might not want to ditch the post system. In such a case, use a static home page (called a welcome page), and include a full complement of posts on another page. The trick to doing this is specifying a URL for the page that displays your posts. Here’s where things get slightly bizarre. To get the URL for your posts, you create yet another page. This page is just a placeholder—its sole purpose is to provide the web address for the posts page. You don’t actually need to put any content on this page, because WordPress automatically creates the list of posts. Here’s the process: 1. Decide on a URL for the posts section of your site. For example, if your home page is at http://magicteahouse.net, you might put the posts at http://magicteahouse.net/posts or http://magicteahouse.net/blog. NOTE If you use the self-hosted version of WordPress, you need to make sure you changed your site’s permalink setting to use post titles rather than post IDs (page 117). Otherwise, the link to your placeholder page will use the post’s ID, not its name. This is terribly confusing—it means you’ll end up with a permalink with a name like http://magicteahouse.net/?p=583 that actually shows your list of posts. 2. Create a page with a name that matches the URL you want. For example, you can create a page named posts or blog. 3. Optionally, add some content. You don’t need any content (and you probably don’t want any, either). But if you do add an introductory paragraph or two, WordPress displays it just above the list of posts. Don’t put any content in this page—think of it as a placeholder for your old home page. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 231 CHANGING YOUR HOME PAGE 4. Publish your page. Your placeholder page is ready. Now all you need to do is change your site settings. 5. Choose SettingsÆReading. Here, you specify your custom home page and your new posts page. 6. If you haven’t already set a custom home page, do that now. In the “Front page displays” setting, choose “A static page” (rather than “Your latest posts”). In the “Front page” list underneath, pick the page you want to use for your new home page. 7. In the “Posts page” list, pick the page you created in step 2. This step tells WordPress to start using your placeholder page to show the list of posts. 8. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. Now visitors can see your old home page—the list of posts—using the URL for the placeholder page you created in step 2. So if you created a page named Posts, when you request that page (say, http://magicteahouse.net/posts), you see your list of posts. But if someone requests the home page (http://magicteahouse.net), they’ll see the custom home page you picked in step 5 instead of the list of posts. 9. Optionally, edit your menu and add a new menu item for your new posts page. Even though you created a posts page, that doesn’t mean your visitors know about it. They need a way to get there, and the best option is a link in your site’s menu. Creating that is easy—you simply add a new menu item that points to your placeholder page (Figure 7-18). In some cases, you may decide not to lump all your posts together in a single reversechronological stream. In that case, you don’t need to create the placeholder page. Instead, you can add category links to your menu so that visitors browse all the posts that fall into a particular category. This is a great approach, but it may become less practical if you have a lot of categories, because you don’t want to burden your site with a crowded, clumsy menu. One solution—provided you have a self-hosted site—is to customize your home page with the theme-editing tricks described in Chapter 14. For example, page 527 shows a site that uses custom themes to create a hand-tailored home page with links that let you browse different categories. 232 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL PAGE TEMPLATES FIGURE 7-18 Here’s the new home page for the Magic Tea House. You can continue on to the site by using the text-based links on this page, or by using the menu above the header image. The Posts link takes you to the posts page, which looks the same as the old Tea House home page. Page Templates In Chapter 6, you learned about the underused post format feature (page 202), which applies different styles to different types of posts. Pages have an analogous feature called page templates, which change the way pages look. Like post formats, page templates are an optional part of a WordPress theme. Your theme may include multiple page templates or none at all. For example, the Twenty Eleven, Twenty Twelve, and Twenty Fourteen themes all include a smattering of page templates, while Twenty Thirteen is unique in offering none. Table 7-1 shows the details. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 233 PAGE TEMPLATES TABLE 7-1 Page templates in the year themes THEME ADDITIONAL PAGE TEMPLATES Twenty Eleven Sidebar Template Showcase Template Twenty Twelve Full-width Page Template, No Sidebar Front Page Template Twenty Thirteen (None) Twenty Fourteen Contributor Page Full Width Page When you create a new page, WordPress assumes that you want to use the standard template. But switching to something else is easy. When you create or edit a page, choose the template you want from the Template list in the Page Attributes box. The page template feature faces the same challenge as the post format feature: Because a theme is designed to suit a variety of sites, and because there’s no way for a theme to understand the fine details of your site, it can’t provide templates tailored to your content. The WordPress year themes use page templates for two basic purposes: to control the appearance of your site’s sidebar, and to create improved home pages. The following sections explain how to do both. NOTE There’s one page template you won’t consider in this chapter: the Contributor Page template included with the Twenty Fourteen theme. It’s an unusual but innovative page that automatically gathers and displays author information in a site that has multiple contributors. You’ll try it out when you consider WordPress collaboration on page 391. Pages With or Without Sidebars With some themes, your site’s sidebar appears on every page, just as it appears next to every post. With other themes, WordPress displays pages without the sidebar. No approach suits everyone, and page templates let you change your theme’s built-in preference. For example, if you use the Twenty Twelve theme, ordinary pages always get a sidebar. But if you assign a page Twenty Twelve’s “Full-width Page Template, No Sidebar” template, that page will appear sidebar-free, with extra space for your content. Similarly, the pages in Twenty Eleven start out with no sidebar, but switching to the Sidebar template changes that. NOTE If you start adding sidebars to your pages, be consistent. For example, if you decide not to show sidebars on, say, pages with pictures or photo galleries, make sure the other pages on your site follow suit. Otherwise, your visitors may feel that your site is unpredictable or poorly organized. 234 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Better Home Pages Another reason that themes use page templates is to create souped-up home pages. These specialized pages include a spot for your static content, just like any other page, along with some extras. The extras can include more widget areas, featured image sliders, and a customized post list. The goal is to give you a way to create a more attractive entryway to your site. PAGE TEMPLATES The Twenty Twelve theme includes a Front Page template that serves this purpose. It lets you add one or two columns of widgets below the page content. These widgets appear on the front page only (Figure 7-19). Your site’s standard sidebar widgets, which appear on the other posts and pages in your site, don’t appear on pages that use the Front Page template. FIGURE 7-19 This version of the Magic Tea House home page uses the Front Page template on the Twenty Twelve theme, which gives the page a twocolumn footer of sidebar widgets. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 235 PAGE TEMPLATES You choose your front-page widgets using the familiar Appearance→Widgets section of the dashboard. Just drag the widgets to the theme’s First Front Page widget area and the Second Front Page widget area. The Twenty Eleven theme takes the concept a bit further with its Showcase template (Figure 7-20). It combines page content (which appears at the top), a group of featured posts (underneath), and a list of recent posts (at the bottom). FIGURE 7-20 The showcase page in the Twenty Eleven theme fuses together your page content, a gallery of featured posts, a list of recent posts, and a showcase sidebar. There’s no magic to creating a showcase page. You create a page, add the content you want, and then choose Showcase Template from the Template list. Finally, you publish your page. When someone requests a page that uses the showcase template, WordPress goes to work. 236 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Here’s how WordPress assembles a showcase page for the Twenty Eleven theme: • First, it takes your sticky posts (page 104), and adds them to the Featured Post gallery. To include a picture alongside a featured post, make sure you set a featured image (page 190). PAGE TEMPLATES • Underneath the Featured Post gallery, WordPress shows the content for the most recent non-sticky post. If you want WordPress to show only a portion of the most recent post, you need to use the More quicktag (page 196). • Underneath that, WordPress lists the titles of the next four most recent posts (not including sticky posts). To view one, your guest must click its title. • WordPress adds a sidebar to the left side of the page, next to the list of your most recent posts. However, this isn’t the standard sidebar you see on your normal home page (and all the pages that use the sidebar template). Instead, it’s called the showcase sidebar, and it appears on showcase pages only. To fill it with widgets, choose AppearanceÆWidgets, and then drag the widgets you want to the Showcase Sidebar area. It might occur to you that you like the showcase page, but you want to take the idea further. For example, maybe you want to control what posts appear in the list of recent posts, or you want to create several showcase pages that highlight different categories of posts, like the sections of a newspaper. Unfortunately, showcase pages don’t give you this flexibility. However, you can begin building a system like this if you’re running a self-hosted WordPress site and you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty. You’ll start exploring that option in Chapter 14. Chapter 7: Adding Pages and Menus 237 CHAPTER Comments: Letting Your Readers Talk Back 8 I n the chapters you’ve read up to this point, you learned to create the two most essential ingredients of any WordPress site, posts and pages. They’re the vehicles for your content—the way you’ll reach friends, potential customers, or hordes of devoted readers. Still left to explore is the WordPress commenting system, which is a keenly important part of almost every WordPress site, whether it’s a chatty blog or a buttoned-up business website. Used properly, comments can change your site from a one-way lecture to a back-and-forth conversation with your readers or customers. Commenting isn’t just a fun way to make friends—it’s also a serious tool for promoting your work, getting more traffic, turning casual browsers into repeat visitors, and even making money. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to manage comments on your site. You can banish offensive ones, insert yourself into the discussion, and even tweak the way WordPress displays comments by formatting them to make them more readable and adding author pictures. Once you understand the basics of comment management, you’ll be ready to confront one of the single biggest hassles that every WordPress site faces: comment spam—the messages that dubious marketers and scammers slap across every site they can find. You’ll learn strategies for preventing spam without aggravating your readers, and you’ll take a side trip to explore the spam-crushing Akismet plug-in. NOTE This chapter points out a few optional plug-ins that self-hosting WordPressers can use to fill in the gaps in WordPress’s commenting features. However, you’ll probably want to wait until you read Chapter 9, which explains how to manage plug-ins, before you try any of them out on your site. 239 ALLOWING OR FORBIDDING COMMENTS UP TO SPEED Why Your WordPress Site Needs a Community Once upon a time, people thought comments belonged only in personal blogs and discussion forums. Serious-minded web publishers ignored them. Small business avoided them—after all, if people really needed to get help or make their opinions known—well, that’s what email was for, right? Today, the website landscape has changed dramatically. Web commenting is an essential ingredient for sites small and large, fun and serious, casual and moneymaking. Here’s what a comments section can do for you: • Attract new visitors. New visitors immediately notice whether a website has a thriving conversation going on or just a single lonely comment. They use that to evaluate how popular a website is. It’s crowd mentality, working for you—if new visitors see that other people find a topic interesting, they’re more likely to dive in to check out your content for themselves. • Build buzz. If you’ve taken to the Web to promote something—whether it’s a new restaurant, a book, a community service, or whatever—you can only do so much to persuade people. But if you get your fans talking to other people, the effect is exponential. Comments help you spread the word, getting your readers to talk up your products or services. And once they’re talking on your blog, it’s just a short hop away for other bloggers to post about you on their blogs. • Build loyalty. A good discussion helps make a site sticky— in other words, it encourages people to return. Put another way, people may come to your site for the content, but they stay for the comments. • Encourage readers to help other readers. Often, readers will want to respond to your content with their own comments or questions. If you ask them to do that by email and your site is popular, you readers will easily overwhelm you. But with comments, your audience can discuss among themselves, with you tossing in the occasional follow-up comment for all to see. The end result is that your site still has that personal touch, even when it’s big and massively popular. Allowing or Forbidding Comments If you haven’t changed WordPress’s factory settings, all your posts and pages already support comments. You’ve probably already noticed that when you view an individual post or page, there’s a large “Leave a Reply” section just below your content. But it doesn’t always make sense to allow comments on everything you publish. Many static pages don’t lend themselves to discussion. You probably won’t get a great conversation going on an About Us or Our Location page, for example, so it makes sense to disable comments for these pages and let people have their say somewhere else. Posts usually allow comments, but you might want to disable them if you write on a contentious subject that’s likely to attract an avalanche of inflammatory, insulting, aggressive, or racially charged feedback. News sites sometimes disable comments to avoid legal liability (for libelous comments someone posts, for example, or for trade secrets someone reveals). Allowing comments on posts or pages isn’t an all-or-nothing decision—you can pick and choose what content allows comments. 240 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE Comments apply equally to posts and pages. For convenience, most of the discussion in this chapter refers to posts, but everything you’ll learn applies equally to pages. ALLOWING OR FORBIDDING COMMENTS Changing Comment Settings for a Post You can turn off comments for an individual post or page by changing the comment settings when you create or edit that post or page. However, WordPress usually hides the settings. To see them, you need to click the Screen Options button in the top-right corner of the Add New Post or Edit Post page, and then turn on the checkmark next to Discussion. This adds a Discussion box to your post-in-progress, which offers just two settings (Figure 8-1). FIGURE 8-1 You can opt out of comments for a single post or page by turning off the “Allow comments” checkbox. You can also disable trackbacks and pingbacks, which you’ll consider on page 260. If you have a pile of posts that allow comments and you want to remove the comment feature from all of them, WordPress makes it easy by letting you edit posts in bulk. Here’s how to do that: 1. Choose PostsÆAll Posts. WordPress lists all your posts. 2. Turn on the checkbox next to each post you want to change. Chapter 8: Comments: Letting Your Readers Talk Back 241 THE LIFE CYCLE OF A COMMENT 3. Choose Edit from the Bulk Actions drop-down list, and then click Apply. The edit panel appears at the top of the post list, with a number of settings you can change (see page 129). 4. In the Comments drop-down list, pick “Do not allow,” and then click Update. You can use the same trick to turn commenting back on and to change the comment settings on your pages. Changing the Default Comment Settings Site-Wide To create a site that’s mostly or entirely comment-free, you probably don’t want to fiddle with the Discussion settings for every post. Instead, you should create a universal setting that applies to all new posts and pages. Choose Settings→Discussion on the dashboard, and then turn off the checkmarks next to “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)” and “Allow people to post comments on new articles.” Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes. Now all new posts and pages will be comment-free. You can add the comment feature back to specific posts or pages by turning on “Allow comments” in the Discussion box, as shown back in Figure 8-1. There are many more options in the Settings→Discussion page that change the way comments work. You’ll learn to use them in the rest of this chapter. The Life Cycle of a Comment The easiest way to understand how WordPress comments work is to follow one from its creation to the moment it appears on your site and starts a conversation. Depending on how you configure your site, comments travel one of two routes: • The slow lane. In this scenario, anyone can leave a comment, but you need to approve it before it appears on the post. You can grant an exemption for repeat commenters, but most people will find that the conversation slows down significantly, no matter how quickly you review new comments. • The fast lane. Here, each comment appears on your site as soon as someone leaves it. However, unless you want your website drowned in thousands of spam messages, you need to use some sort of spam-fighting tool with this option—usually, it’s an automated program that detects and quarantines suspicious-looking messages. For most sites, the second choice is the best approach, because it allows discussions to unfold quickly, spontaneously, and with the least possible extra work on your part. But this solution introduces more risk, because even the best spam-catcher will miss some junk, or allow messages that aren’t spam but are just plain offensive. For that reason, WordPress starts your site out on the safer slow lane instead. 242 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL In this chapter, you’ll consider both routes. First, you’ll learn the slow-lane approach. Then, when you’re ready to step up your game with more powerful spam-fighting tools, you’ll consider the fast-lane approach. THE LIFE CYCLE OF A COMMENT Leaving a Comment Leaving a comment is easy, which is the point—the more convenient it is to join the conversation, the more likely your visitors are to weigh in. Assuming you haven’t tweaked any of WordPress’s comment settings, visitors need to supply two pieces of information before they can make their thoughts known: their name and their email address. They can optionally include a website address, too (Figure 8-2). NOTE If you’re logged into your website as the administrator, you won’t see the commenting layout shown in Figure 8-2. Instead, you’ll see just the box for comment text, because WordPress already knows who you are. This won’t help you understand what life is like for ordinary readers, however, so before you go any further, log out (click “Log out” above the comment box) or go to the page from another computer or browser. Then your site will treat you like a stranger, and you’ll see the same commenting boxes your visitors see. Here’s what WordPress does with the information it gets from commenters: • Name. It displays the commenter’s name prominently above her comment, thereby identifying her to other readers. • Email address. WordPress doesn’t display this publicly, so commenters don’t need to worry about spam. In fact, WordPress won’t stop visitors from inventing imaginary email addresses (although it will prevent them from typing in gibberish that obviously doesn’t make sense). WordPress won’t even send would-be commenters one of those pesky “Confirm this is your address” email messages. However, email addresses are important if you want to display a tiny picture of each commenter next to each comment (see page 263 for details). • Comment text. This is the meat of the comment (Figure 8-2). • Website. If your commenter includes this detail, WordPress turns the commenter’s name, which appears above posts, into a link. Other readers can click it to travel to the commenter’s site. To see how comments work, try typing in one of your own. First, make sure you aren’t logged in as the administrator (if you are, you’ll bypass the moderation process described below, because WordPress figures you’ll always allow your own comments). Assuming you’re logged out and you see the text boxes shown in Figure 8-2, type in a comment and then click Post Comment. Chapter 8: Comments: Letting Your Readers Talk Back 243 THE LIFE CYCLE OF A COMMENT FIGURE 8-2 Ordinarily, a commenter needs to include his name and email address (although WordPress doesn’t verify either). Optionally, commenters can include a website address or leave this box blank. 244 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL Now, WordPress plays a slight trick on you. When you submit a comment, WordPress immediately adds it below your post (Figure 8-3), making it look as though your comment has been published. But in reality, when you use the slow-lane commenting route, no one can see the comment until the site owner (that’s you) reviews it and formally approves it. This process is called moderation. THE LIFE CYCLE OF A COMMENT FIGURE 8-3 Here’s what your upcoming comment will look like when it’s published. Right now, no one can see it but you. Chapter 8: Comments: Letting Your Readers Talk Back 245 THE LIFE CYCLE OF A COMMENT GEM IN THE ROUGH Comments That Use HTML Most people who comment on a post or page will type in one or more paragraphs of ordinary text. However, craftier commenters may include a few HTML tags to format their comments. For example, you can use the and elements to bold and italicize text. Type this: I’m really annoyed. and your comment will look like this: I’m really annoyed. You can also add headlines, line breaks, bulleted and numbered lists, and even tables. You could use the element to create a link, but that’s not necessary—if you type in text that starts with www. or http://, WordPress automatically converts it to a clickable link. Now that you know you can use HTML in a comment, the next question is, should you? Most site owners don’t mind the odd bit of bold or italic formatting, but they may trash messages that include shamelessly self-promotional links or ones that attempt to steal focus from the conversation with wild formatting—it’s like an attention-starved kid throwing a grocery-store tantrum. You can edit comments that use HTML inappropriately, but that takes time and effort. As a safeguard, some site owners don’t allow HTML elements at all. If you run a self-hosted site, you can ban HTML by creating a custom theme, an advanced task detailed in Chapter 13. Once you do, you need to edit its functions.php file (page 500) and add these instructions anywhere after the first line (which holds the element that points to your picture inside the Text widget (page 188). WordPress.com users have an easier (albeit less flexible) tool: the Image widget. And now that you signed up with Jetpack, you’ve got the same advantage. Here’s how to put the Image widget to use: 1. Choose AppearanceÆWidgets. This takes you to the familiar Widgets page in the dashboard. There you see a few new widgets that have Jetpack in the name, including one called “Image (Jetpack).” 2. Drag the Image widget to one of the widget areas on the right. When you drop the widget into place, it expands to show a number of text boxes where you can fill in important details (Figure 9-10). 3. Fill in the information for your widget. Obviously, the most important detail is the image URL—the location of the image you want to show. Usually, this is a file you uploaded to your site’s media library. If you don’t remember the address, you need to browse the Media→Library section of the dashboard, as explained on page 186. Along with the image URL, you can choose a title for the widget, give the picture a caption and alternate text, and turn it into a link that takes viewers to a web address you specify. You can also set a display size. If you don’t, WordPress displays the image as close as possible to its full, natural size, without exceeding the space available in the sidebar (or whatever widget area you placed it in). 4. Click Save. Now the widget appears on your site, showing the image you picked. 300 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL THE JETPACK PLUG-IN FIGURE 9-10 You can add the Jetpack Image widget to your site’s sidebar, just as you can add WordPress’s standard widgets. Adding a Contact Form The Image widget is far from an essential tool, but it is a real convenience, as are many of Jetpack’s features. However, Jetpack also includes some features that would be significantly more work to duplicate on your own. One is its contact form, which lets you solicit readers for any sort of information you want (Figure 9-11). Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 301 THE JETPACK PLUG-IN Often, you use contact forms to collect names, email addresses, postal addresses, or support questions. However, Jetpack is clever enough to let you build your own form, which you can edit to collect whatever information you want. To get started, you create a new post, and then click Add Contact Form (Figure 9-12) above the content box, to the right of the Add Media button. FIGURE 9-11 The idea behind a contact form is to solicit information from your guests. A reader fills in these blank text boxes (left), and then submits the form (right). WordPress collects the information, and passes it along to you in an email. FIGURE 9-12 If you wonder why you haven’t noticed the Add Contact Form button before, it’s because you didn’t have it until you installed Jetpack. Clicking the button adds a contact form to any post. Once you click Add Contact Form, the “Add a custom form” window opens (Figure 9-13) so you can design your survey. The window asks you to add “fields,” which is just a geeky way of saying that you need to specify the way a visitor can enter information, such as through a text box or drop-down list (see the box on page 304 for a detailed explanation). Here’s what you can do in the form builder: • Remove a field. Click the minus sign (-) on the right side of the field to delete it. 302 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • Add a new field. Click “Add a new field” and then enter the field information. Every field needs a label (the text above the field) and a “Field type” (the way the field collects information). Use Text for an ordinary single-line text box and Textarea for a big, multiline box, or pick one of the more specialized field types described in the box on page 304. Optionally, turn on the Required checkbox to force readers to complete a field before they can submit the form. When you finish, click “Save this field.” THE JETPACK PLUG-IN • Rearrange your fields. Point to the field you want to move until a “move” link appears in the top-right corner. Click the link and then drag the field up or down. (You can’t put fields side by side.) • Change your email settings. Ordinarily, WordPress sends the data from the form a visitor submits to your administrator email. If you want to use a different email account, click the “Email notifications” tab and fill in the new address. FIGURE 9-13 When you create a new form, Jetpack starts you out with four “fields,” in this case text boxes (Name, Email, Website, and Comment). You can remove the fields you don’t want and add new ones. Here, you added a field for a postal address. Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 303 THE JETPACK PLUG-IN UP TO SPEED Contact Form Field Types WordPress’s contact form lets you choose from a small set of field types—the means by which you collect information. Here are your choices: • Text. This is your standard-issue single-line text box. • Textarea. This is a bigger text box that can hold whole paragraphs of information. Once you add a textarea box, you can drag the bottom-right corner to make it as big as you want. • Checkbox. This is a way to let guests turn options on or off. • Drop down. This is a list of values (which you specify) that you stuff into a drop-down list. The person filling out the form picks a single value from the list. • Radio. This is a list of values like the “Drop down” box, but the form-filler sees all his choices at once (they’re listed on the page). He clicks a small circle next to the option he wants. Usually, you use this field to list just a few choices, and use “Drop down” for a long list of options. • Email, Name, and Website. These field types look like ordinary text boxes, but WordPress is smart enough to automatically fill in the current guest’s email address and name if it knows those details (for example, if the person recently left a comment on your site). WordPress also performs some basic error checking to catch bad email addresses. When you finish perfecting your form, click “Add this form to my post” at the bottom of the window. Jetpack inserts a series of strange-looking codes into your post, wrapped in square brackets (Figure 9-14). TIP You can edit a post’s form by clicking Add Contact Form while you edit the post, which loads the form builder with the form, just as you left it. When someone submits a contact form, WordPress sends you an email. That person can fill out the form more than once (in which case WordPress sends you multiple messages). If you’re tired of juggling the notification emails, WordPress lets you review all the responses in a single place, the dashboard. Click Feedback in the dashboard menu to see a list of form submissions, arranged just like the dashboard’s comment list. 304 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL THE JETPACK PLUG-IN FIGURE 9-14 To create a contact form, Jetpack uses shortcodes, a WordPress feature you’ll learn about on page 323. However, you don’t need to pay them any attention—as long as you leave them alone, your form will appear in the published post just the way you want it. (Adding content above or below the form code, however, is perfectly acceptable.) Adding a Mathematical Equation The creators of WordPress also included some more specialized, quirkier plug-ins. One intriguing example is the mathematic equation feature demonstrated in Figure 9-15, which is the last Jetpack feature you’ll look at in this chapter. FIGURE 9-15 This page mixes ordinary content with a properly formatted mathematical equation. Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 305 THE JETPACK PLUG-IN To create an equation with Jetpack, you use the LaTeX typesetting language, a standard in the technical publishing industry. For example, you write the equation in Figure 9-15 like this in LaTeX: f(n) = n^5 + 4n^2 + 2 |_{n=17} LaTeX isn’t a kind of HTML markup, and browsers don’t know anything about it. To turn a LaTeX expression into a formatted equation for your web page, you need a translation program. A variety of JavaScript libraries can do the job, with varying degrees of success, but if you use Jetpack, you don’t need to worry about another plug-in. Instead, you slip your LaTeX expression between two special codes: [latex] and [/latex]. For example, to create the post shown in Figure 9-15, you type the equation right into the post editor, as shown here: To calculate the amount of steeping time, you need to know the weight of your tea leaves, the surface area where the water meets the tea leaf, the volume of water, the geometry of the tea pot, and the ambient temperature. For a rough approximation, use this formula: [latex]f(n) = n^5 + 4n^2 + 2 |_{n=17}[/latex] When WordPress processes this page, the Jetpack plug-in notices the [latex] code, and interprets the content inside as a LaTeX expression. It replaces the expression’s text with a series of stitched-together image files. The result is a properly formatted equation that any mathematician can understand (and any browser can display). NOTE Technically, the [latex] and [/latex] syntax is part of a WordPress shortcode—a way of getting WordPress to insert special content using an instruction in square brackets. WordPress recognizes a few shortcodes automatically, and plug-ins can add their own. You’ll learn more about shortcodes in Chapter 10. Of course, you can’t take advantage of Jetpack’s LaTeX wizardry unless you know a bit about the LaTeX standard (or you have a prewritten equation in LaTeX format). To learn more, start with the general tutorial at http://tinyurl.com/latexmath. If you find writing your own LaTeX expressions daunting, you can get some help from the LaTeX equation generator at http://tinyurl.com/latexequation. It lets you build a LaTeX expression by clicking your way through a mess of buttons. Finally, you can review WordPress’s documentation for the LaTeX feature at http://support.wordpress.com/latex, which covers a few extra, WordPress-specific details (for example, it explains how to change the size of the generated equation, and how to adjust its background color if you want it to stand out on your page). The next time you’ll use Jetpack is in Chapter 10, to give your site a photo carousel or slideshow. But now it’s time to review some other useful plug-ins. 306 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL ADDING MOBILE SUPPORT Adding Mobile Support In Chapter 5, you considered a thorny question—what does your carefully crafted WordPress site look like if someone views it on a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet? For self-hosted sites, the answer all depends on the theme you choose. If you use a mobile-aware theme (sometimes called a responsive theme), your site automatically adjusts its design when it detects a mobile device, substituting a simpler, streamlined layout that fits on the smaller display. The standard year themes, from Twenty Eleven on, are all mobile-aware. If your theme doesn’t have these built-in smarts, you get a result that’s much less ideal. When people visit your site with a mobile device, they see the normal, full-size layout, which means they need to zoom and scroll around it awkwardly. The effect is a minor inconvenience on a midsized device like an iPad, but a serious aggravation on a small device like an iPhone. Readers may find that reading your site isn’t worth the finger cramps. The solution is a plug-in that adds mobile support without disrupting your chosen theme. Several popular plug-ins handle the task, and they all work the same way, by swapping in a different theme when they detect a mobile device. The best plug-ins are smart enough to tailor the substitute theme for specific devices, so iPad owners see something a bit different from iPhone owners, for example. TIP Even if you do use a mobile-aware theme, you might still decide to use a mobile plug-in if the mobile representation of your site isn’t what you want. Maybe the mobile face of your site is too plain, performs sluggishly, or wastes too much space with a long post list. Perhaps the menus and widgets you chose for the desktop version don’t make sense in the cramped window of a smartphone, no matter how they’re arranged. Good mobile plug-ins give you a range of ways to tailor the appearance of your site on mobile devices. For example, you can change the menus, substitute a different home page, and even swap in smaller image files. WPtouch, a wildly popular WordPress plug-in with millions of downloads to its name, lets you create a distinct mobile face for your site. You can find it at http:// tinyurl.com/wptouch. UP TO SPEED Using the Plug-In Links in This Book In this chapter (and throughout this book), you’ll frequently come across links to useful WordPress plug-ins. These links take you to WordPress’s plug-in directory, at http://wordpress. org/plugins . There, you get extensive information about the plug-in, including how it works, the number of times it’s been downloaded, its star rating, and its compatibility information (just as you can in the plug-in details window shown in Figure 9-4). You can download a plug-in from the directory, presumably so you can upload it to your site later, from the Plugins→Add New page. But you don’t need to go through this two-step download-and-then-upload process. To install a plug-in discussed in this book, log in to your site’s dashboard, search for the plug-in by name, and then click the Install button to transfer it in one step. Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 307 ADDING MOBILE SUPPORT The WPtouch Mobile Theme WPtouch recognizes a range of smartphones and touch devices, including Apple products (that’s the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch), devices running the Google Android operating system, BlackBerry devices, and even old-school Palm gadgets. When one of these devices hits up your site, WPtouch steps in and displays your content using its slick mobile theme. It doesn’t matter whether your original site theme is mobile-aware or not. WPtouch bypasses it completely. Once you install and activate WPtouch, you’re ready to try it out. Figure 9-16 shows what happens when a guest visits a WPtouch-enabled site with an iPhone. FIGURE 9-16 Left: Although Twenty Twelve is a responsive theme, it’s not a perfect match for mobile devices. For one thing, the post list on the home page includes the whole text of every post, which makes for a lot of scrolling. Right: WPtouch’s mobile theme keeps the list of posts simple, highlighting the title, date, and number of comments, but leaving the content out. The WPtouch mobile theme (Figure 9-17) departs from the average WordPress theme in several important ways: • WPtouch ignores widgets when it creates a mobile version of your site. This is quite different from the mobile version of the year themes, like Twenty Twelve. They retain all your widgets but place them before or after the main content. This ensures that the mobile view doesn’t sacrifice anything important from the desktop site, but it also creates a long and somewhat unwieldy page. 308 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL • WPtouch doesn’t display any content in post listings. Instead, it simply shows the title, date, and number of comments for each post. Mobile surfers need to tap a title to read the post. Once again, this differs from the year themes like Twenty Twelve, which list all the content and force mobile readers to scroll the day away. (Incidentally, you can tweak the way WPtouch shows posts using post excerpts, as described on page 198.) ADDING MOBILE SUPPORT • WPtouch doesn’t load all your posts at once. Instead, the page ends with a Load More Entries link. Click it, and the page fetches a new batch of posts and adds them to the bottom of the page. The page uses clever JavaScript code to stuff in just the new content without refreshing the whole page (Figure 9-17, right). FIGURE 9-17 Left: If you use featured images, WPtouch shows them off in a slider at the top of the home page (to switch the slider off, see page 311). It also displays the images in a circle next to each post. Right: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you see a link to load more posts, along with a button named Desktop that lets you turn the WPtouch mobile theme off. Click the button, and WPtouch refreshes the page, handing control back to your site’s original theme. Configuring WPtouch The WPtouch mobile theme overrides your standard theme completely. That means that even if your current theme has its own mobile-specific version, WPtouch replaces it. (If you do want to use the mobile version of your theme, deactivate the WPtouch plug-in on the Plugins page.) Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 309 ADDING MOBILE SUPPORT That said, WPtouch does give you some leeway to customize the way it looks. To review your options, browse through the many pages in the WPtouch menu. For example, the WPtouch→Core Settings page includes these gems: • Site Title. Remember, WPtouch displays the title of your site but no header picture. If you want to change the site title that appears in the mobile theme without changing the site title for everyone else, you do that here. This is handy if you need to shorten a long title so it fits comfortably on smaller screens. • Landing Page. Ordinarily, WPtouch respects your WordPress settings, meaning that visitors start at the list of posts on your home page or on a static page, depending on your “Front page displays” setting (page 230). But you might decide that mobile viewers should start somewhere other than that. Maybe you want them to bypass the ordinary home page because it’s too long and bloated with graphics. Or you want them to start with a page that provides links to specific posts (Figure 9-18). • Preview Theme. Click this button to open a tiny browser window with a preview of your site. Here’s the clever part: The preview window shows the mobile version of your site, which saves you the trouble of breaking out your iPhone to check out every change you make. FIGURE 9-18 Top: Right now, the WPtouch home page uses WordPress’s “Front page displays” setting to decide what to put on the main page of your mobile site. Bottom: If that’s not what you want, choose “Select from WordPress pages” and pick a different front page for the mobile version of your site. WPtouch has many more options in the WPtouch→Theme Settings page. Here are a just a few of the most noteworthy: • Number of posts in post listings. This determines how many posts appear on the home page before the Load More Entries link. It also sets the number of 310 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL listings in the category-browsing and tag-browsing pages (page 123), if you use them. BACKING UP A WORDPRESS SITE • Excluded categories and excluded tags. Perhaps there are some posts on your site that aren’t appropriate for mobile viewing or aren’t likely to interest mobile users. As long as these posts belong to a specific category or have a specific tag, you can tuck them out of sight. Excluded posts won’t appear in the mobile site’s home page, in search results, or in category-browsing or tag-browsing pages. To exclude a category or tag, you need to enter its ID, which you can find in the PostsÆCategories or PostsÆTags section of the dashboard. (To exclude several categories or tags, write the whole list in the text box, separating each ID with a comma.) • Show post categories and tags and Show post author. As you saw in Figure 9-16, WPtouch shows just a few essential details in its post list: title, date, and number of comments. Tick these checkboxes, and WPtouch adds the category, tag, and author information as well. • Enabled featured slider. Turn this option off to hide the featured image slider. Or tweak the settings underneath to control what pictures the slider shows and change whether the slider “slides” (cycles through its pictures) automatically. You can play with plenty of other WPtouch settings. Dig around a bit, and you can change WPtouch’s color scheme or WPtouch’s mobile theme. Or visit the WPtouch→Menus page to modify the mobile version of your menus and give each menu item an eye-catching icon, which you choose from a gallery of ready-made pictures. Clearly, WPtouch offers far more flexibility than you get with the average mobilefriendly theme. By comparison, the WordPress year themes don’t let you change any aspect of their mobile appearance. Some WordPress developers are even more ambitious. They like the basic WPtouch theme but feel it’s a bit generic. They want to add touches of style and distinguish their site from competitors’. If you fall into that camp, the free version of WPtouch won’t completely satisfy you. However, the creators of WPtouch sell an enhanced version named WPtouch Pro. It offers more ready-made themes, more extensive theme customization, and with a pile of extra features (see http://tinyurl.com/ wptouchpro). Currently, WPtouch Pro costs $49 for a single website, $99 for five. Although you certainly don’t need the Pro version, it’s money well spent if you expect that a large portion of your audience will visit your site using a mobile device. Backing Up a WordPress Site It’s easy to be casual about the safety of the files on your website. After all, even small web hosting companies take reliability seriously. They use systems that have a high level of redundancy—web servers with multiple hard drives, for example, and groups of computers that work together so that a hardware failure in one won’t sideline Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 311 BACKING UP A WORDPRESS SITE an entire website. Many web hosts also perform some sort of backup, copying the files they host to a storage location so they can recover them after catastrophes, like floods and fires. But these measures, no matter how well-intentioned, aren’t enough to protect your WordPress site. Unless you do your own backups, your site is exposed to serious risks that your web hosting company can’t prevent. For example, an attacker could break into your administrator account and sneak some advertising or malware into your site. In some cases, these attacks are stealthy enough that you won’t notice any effect for weeks. By that point, the only backup your web host still has may be a copy of the infected site, making it useless and forcing you to rebuild from scratch. Other problems can occur, too. The Web has plenty of backup horror stories, including cases where a host’s backups go mysteriously missing, or an unexpected event puts a web host out of business, taking its websites with it. To give your site a better chance of weathering crises like these, you need an independent backup solution. You have two choices: • You can use an automated backup service that visits your site every day and transfers its content to another set of servers elsewhere in the world. • You can do the work yourself, periodically downloading your content to your own personal computer for safekeeping. In the following sections, you’ll consider both approaches. Using an Automated Backup Service This approach is the most convenient. Once you sign up with the right company, the process happens automatically, without another thought from you. The premiere example for WordPress is VaultPress (http://vaultpress.com), a backup service run by Automattic that stores every post, page, comment, and setting change from the moment you sign up. VaultPress gives you the ability to roll back to any point in the past if disaster strikes. Automated backup services have a significant drawback—they aren’t free, and what you pay for backups can easily outweigh your hosting fee. The basic VaultPress package costs $15 per month, and its no-frills competitor blogValue, which stores just 30 days’ worth of backups, charges $10 per month. If you have the money to sign up with an automated service, and you’re willing to pay to save a little time and a few headaches, check out VaultPress. It comes as part of Jetpack, although it’s not activated. To use it, you need to sign up at http:// vaultpress.com/jetpack. If you’re willing to take a slightly more hands-on approach, consider BackupBuddy (http://ithemes.com/purchase/backupbuddy). You can get a license for up to two sites for $80 per year, or a license for up to 10 business sites for $100 per year. However, BackupBuddy isn’t in the storage business, it’s just the tool that schedules and performs your backups. To use it, you need an account with a web storage service, so BackupBuddy has somewhere to store the backups it creates. BackupBuddy 312 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL supports several such services, including Dropbox (www.dropbox.com), which is free for the first 2 GB of storage; Google Drive (http://drive.google.com), which is free for the first 15 GB; and Amazon S3 (http://aws.amazon.com/s3), which costs pennies per gigabyte. So if you have a modest-sized site (one that doesn’t include a library of 5,000 pictures or massive video files) and you don’t mind juggling a storage account, BackupBuddy is a reasonable compromise. BACKING UP A WORDPRESS SITE Backing Up with a Plug-In If VaultPress is too pricey and you don’t want to fiddle with BackupBuddy, you need to take charge of backups on your own. Fortunately, plenty of free plug-ins can help you out. But before you get started with any of them, you need to understand one key fact. Every WordPress site needs two types of backup: • A backup of your database. As you learned in Chapter 1, WordPress stores every post, page, comment, and stitch of content in a database on your web server. This is the most important part of your site, because without content all you have is an empty shell. • A backup of your files. These files include the contents of your media library, including every picture and resource you uploaded to your WordPress site, the theme files that tell WordPress how to lay out your content, and any plug-ins you installed. NOTE You back up theme files for two reasons. First, as you become a more advanced WordPress designer, you may begin customizing the themes (as explained in Part 4). Second, it’s always possible that the particular version of a theme you’re using will disappear from the Web, making it difficult to restore an old copy of a backed-up site. If you’re handy with an FTP program, you can back up your files anytime. All you do is browse to your web hosting account and copy the contents of your WordPress folder to your computer. If you use Windows, this is as simple as firing up Windows Explorer, pointing it to your web host’s FTP site, logging in, and dragging the folder you want (the one with your WordPress site in it) onto your desktop. However, even if you copy every file you see, you still won’t get the contents of your WordPress database, which is the heart of your WordPress site. To get that, you need a tool that can access the database, extract its contents, and put it in a file. (This tool also needs to be able to do the reverse, copying the data from a backup file into a new database, in case you need to re-create your site.) Unless you’re a MySQL guru, your best bet is to use a WordPress plug-in to help you out. Many WordPress plug-ins concentrate on backing up a site’s database. They leave you to figure out an approach to copy the actual files on your site. Plug-ins that work this way include the popular WP-DB-Backup (http://tinyurl.com/wp-db-backup) and WP-DBManager (http://tinyurl.com/wp-dbmanager). Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 313 BACKING UP A WORDPRESS SITE However, there are a few plug-ins that back up your site’s database and its files. Two good examples are BackWPup (http://tinyurl.com/backwpup) and Online Backup for WordPress (http://tinyurl.com/wponlineb), the plug-in described in the next section. WARNING There’s no perfect backup tool for everyone. (That’s why this book discusses so many backup plug-ins.) Every plug-in provides a different set of options, and some have strange quirks or don’t work well with certain web hosts. For example, your web host may restrict PHP email to fight spammers. If your backup tool works by sending backed-up data to an email account, it might not be able to finish its work. Backup tools also differ in their ability to deal with unexpected errors, like corrupted data or databases that appear to be locked. For all these reasons, you need to test whatever backup plug-in you pick, and regularly check to make sure it’s backing up your site. The Online Backup for WordPress Plug-In Online Backup for WordPress gives you two ways to back up your site: • Manually. You perform a complete backup via the dashboard, and then download the backed-up data in one big ZIP file. • Scheduled. You schedule a backup to run at certain times (for example, every night at midnight) and then have the backed-up ZIP file emailed to an account you specify. If you choose this route, you may as well create a dedicated Gmail account (at http://mail.google.com) for your back-up emails. With 15 GB of free storage, Gmail lets you stash quite a few backups without paying a penny. The first thing you should do once you install Online Backup for WordPress is try a manual backup. That way, you’ll know if the plug-in works properly, and you’ll have at least one complete backup of your website to start you off. Here’s how: 1. Choose Online Backup from the dashboard menu. This brings you to the control panel for Online Backup for WordPress, where you can start a manual backup, schedule a backup, or change back-up settings. 2. Click the Backup link at the top. Choose what you want to back up (Figure 9-19). 3. Make sure you turn on both the Database and Filesystem checkboxes. That way, you’ll back up the contents of your database and all the files on your website, packaged up in a single ZIP file. 4. Choose Local for the backup type. Your other options are sending backups to the WordPress Vault or to an email address. The WordPress Vault is a service offered by BackupTechnology, the creators of the Online Backup for WordPress plug-in. The catch is that the Vault grants you just 100 MB of space—to get more, you need to pay. 314 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL NOTE If you want to use the WordPress Vault, you first need to sign up. You can get the process started by clicking the Online Backup Settings link. BACKING UP A WORDPRESS SITE The email option tells WordPress to send the backed-up data to the email address you supply. This option is more useful when you use scheduled backups, but you might use it with a manual backup if you’re backing up a huge site and you don’t want to stick around, waiting for the process to finish. FIGURE 9-19 A manual backup lets you create an image of your entire website. 5. Click Start Manual Backup. The Online Backup for WordPress plug-in starts gathering your website data and archiving it into a single compressed file, which it puts in a temporary location on your web server. While it works, you see a progress bar ticking away. TIP You don’t need to stay and supervise the backup—if you navigate to a different part of the dashboard, or log out of the dashboard altogether, the backup process continues. However, if you leave, you need to return eventually to download the final result—the file with your backup in it. When you’re ready, choose Online Backup from the dashboard menu and click the Local Backups & Decryption link, which shows you a list of all the backups Online Backup has stored on your web server. When Online Backup for WordPress finishes the backup, it displays a new button, named Download (Figure 9-20). 6. Click Download. Your browser may start downloading the file immediately, or it may first ask you where you want to store the backup and what you want to name it. The download process may take some time, depending on your Internet connection Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 315 BETTER PERFORMANCE WITH CACHING and the size of your site. Once you have the backup file safe and sound on your computer, your work is done. If you need to reclaim space on your web server, you can delete the backup (once you copy it to a safe place) by clicking Delete. However, unless your site is gargantuan, there’s no reason to worry. The next time you perform a full backup, the Online Backup for WordPress plug-in overwrites your old backup with the new one. FIGURE 9-20 This website has a recent backup, which is stored on the web server in a single file that’s roughly 16 MB. You can download this file or delete it. To see all the backups that Online Backup has created, click the Local Backups & Decryption link at the top of the page. TIP It’s a good idea to peek inside the backup file to make sure it has everything it should. (Remember, it’s just an ordinary ZIP file that you can view on your computer.) Inside, you’ll find two folders. The Database folder includes a file that has the SQL instructions needed to rebuild your database and fill it with your data. The FileSystem folder holds all the folders and files from your website, exactly as if you’d downloaded them from your web host over FTP. Better Performance with Caching As you learned at the very beginning of this book, WordPress websites are powered by code. When a visitor arrives at one of your pages, the WordPress code grabs the necessary information out of your database, assembles it into a page, and sends the final HTML back to your guest’s browser. This process is so fast that ordinary people will be blissfully unaware of all the work that takes place behind the scenes. However, even the fastest web server can’t do all that work (run code, call the database, and build a web page) instantaneously. When someone requests a WordPress page, it takes a few fractions of a second longer to create it than it would to send an ordinary HTML file. Normally, this difference isn’t noticeable. But if a huge crowd 316 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL of hits your site at the same time, the WordPress engine will slow down slightly, making your entire website feel just a bit laggy. BETTER PERFORMANCE WITH CACHING POWER USERS’ CLINIC Scheduling Regular Backups You can do a perfectly good job of disaster-proofing your site with manual backups. The problem is that it’s up to you to start every backup, download the final product, and keep your backed-up files somewhere smart. As time passes, you might find yourself forgetting to make backups, leaving your website at risk. The solution is to tell your plug-in to do the backup work for you, at regularly scheduled intervals. For Online Backup for WordPress, you do this by choosing Online Backup from the dashboard menu and then clicking the Schedule link (at the top, just under the “Online Backup for WordPress” title). You can ask it to perform weekly, daily, twice-a-day, four-times-aday, or hourly backups (which is probably excessive, and may earn you the ire of your web hosting company). You can then choose the type of backup—either an incremental backup that grabs the changed files only and stores them in the WordPress Online Vault, or a full backup that sends the results to an email address you supply. When you finish, click Apply Schedule. You can keep an eye on your scheduled backups by clicking the Overview link (at the top). There, you’ll see basic information about when the last backup took place, whether it succeeded, how big the backup file was, and when the next backup will occur. You can get a more detailed summary of recent backup activity by clicking the Activity Log link, which is handy if you need to track down a mysterious error that interrupted one of your scheduled backups. Finally, if you decide to send regular backups by email or store them on the WordPress Online Vault, it’s a good idea to encrypt them to make sure that Internet eavesdroppers can’t peek at your data. To do that, click the General Settings link, pick a type of encryption (the recommended AES128 algorithm is fine), and then type in an encryption key. This is a password used to encrypt your data, without which you can’t decrypt it. Writing this password down on paper is a very good idea, because it’s rather frustrating to have a crashed WordPress website and a full backup that you can’t open. However, there’s a trick called caching that will satisfy even the most performanceobsessed WordPresser. The basic idea is this: The first time someone requests a page on your site, WordPress goes to work, running its code and generating the page dynamically. But once it delivers the page, the plug-in stores the result as an ordinary HTML file on your web server. Now here’s the ingenious part: The next time a visitor asks for the same page, the caching plug-in sends back the previously generated HTML, sidestepping the usual page-generating process and saving valuable microseconds (Figure 9-21). This shortcut works no matter how many people visit your site—as long as the plug-in has an ordinary HTML copy of the finished page, it uses that instead of creating a new copy all over again. Caching plug-ins can use other tactics, too, such as caching just part of the content, compressing the cached data, and discarding cached copies after a certain amount of time. NOTE Caching takes extra space on your website, because it stores extra HTML files. However, these files are rarely big enough to worry about. Caching plug-ins don’t attempt to cache your site’s pictures (or the other resources you uploaded to the media library). Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 317 BETTER PERFORMANCE WITH CACHING FIGURE 9-21 The idea behind caching is to generate a page once and reuse it for as many people as possible. That’s because sending back an alreadygenerated page is always faster than building a new one (and less work for the web server, too). There are several caching plug-ins in the WordPress directory, but by far the most popular is WP Super Cache (http://tinyurl.com/wpsupercache). To use it, install the plug-in, activate it in the usual way, and then turn on caching. To perform this last step, choose Settings→WP Super Cache, click the Caching On option at the top of the page, and then click the Update Status button (Figure 9-22). 318 WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL BETTER PERFORMANCE WITH CACHING FIGURE 9-22 WP Super Cache packs in a pile of settings, but the most important is the Caching On option shown here—unless you turn it on, WP Super Cache sits idle. To confirm that WP Super Cache is working, open a new browser window and look at a couple of posts. Then, return to the WP Super Cache settings and click the Contents tab. Finally, click the “Regenerate cache stats” link. WP Super Cache will report how many cached files it created (Figure 9-23). Even though these pages don’t look any different in a browser, WordPress sends them to your visitors more quickly, bypassing most of the processing the WordPress engine ordinarily does. Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 319 BETTER PERFORMANCE WITH CACHING FIGURE 9-23 This site currently has four cached pages. To see them, click the “List all cached files” link. You can also use the Delete Cache button to discard every cached page, which is important when you test WP Super Cache or if you change the design of your site. WORD TO THE WISE WP Super Cache’s Effect on Other Plug-ins Caching changes the way your website works, and it can have unexpected side effects on other plug-ins. Here are some tips to help you steer clear of plug-in conflicts: • Check the documentation for your plug-ins. WP Super Cache is popular enough that other plug-in creators often test their plug-ins with it. To see if the plug-ins you use need special settings to get along with WP Super Cache, look up the plug-in in WordPress’s plug-in directory ( http://wordpress.org/plugins) and check the FAQ tab. • Visit the Plugins tab in the WP Super Cache Settings. There are a few plug-ins that get special attention from WP Super Cache. If you have one of them, you can tell WP Super Cache to change the way the cache works to avoid disrupting the other plug-in. To do that, go to SettingsÆWP Super Cache, click the Plugins tab, find your plug-in, and then click the Enabled option next to 320 it. (The WPtouch plug-in you used earlier in this chapter is in this list, for instance.) • Delay caching until you’re ready to go live. Switching on caching is the very last thing you should do with your WordPress site, after you polish your theme, tweak your layout, and start using your site for real. • Learn to troubleshoot. If something goes wrong, you need to be ready to track it down. Usually, the most recently activated plug-in is the culprit—try disabling it and seeing if your site returns to normal. If that doesn’t work, you need to deactivate every plug-in, and then activate them one at a time, testing your site after each step. Also, be on the lookout for theme vs. plug-in conflicts, which are less common but occasionally occur. If you change your theme and part of your site stops working, switch off all your plug-ins and then activate them one at a time. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL You’ll notice that the cached pages appear in two lists in Figure 9-23, representing two slightly different types of caching. WP Super Cache automatically chooses the type of caching that makes sense for your page. For example, if you visit your site as a logged-in user, the plug-in uses less powerful WP Cache caching instead of WP Super Cache caching. But you don’t need to worry about these technical details, because WP Super Cache makes sure your pages are as fast as possible—which is always faster than they would be without caching. BETTER PERFORMANCE WITH CACHING NOTE WP Super Cache is smart enough to know when it needs to regenerate the cached copy of a page, most of the time. For example, if you update a post or a visitor leaves a new comment, WP Super Cache takes notice and regenerates the page. However, WP Super Cache doesn’t pay attention to site design changes, so it won’t notice if you change the theme or rearrange your widgets. In this situation, you need to manually clear the cache to make sure your visitors see the latest version of your site. To do that, use the Delete Cache button shown in Figure 9-23. Once you verify that your site still works properly, you’re ready to adjust a few WP Super Cache settings. Click the Advanced tab and look for settings that have “(Recommended)” next to them, in italics. This indicates a setting that improves the way WP Super Cache works for most people, but may cause problems in rare situations (and, for that reason, may be initially switched off). One example is the “Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors” setting, which improves performance for most people but causes trouble with some web hosts that don’t support compression properly. You can try turning this setting on, but leave the other, more advanced options alone, unless you really think you know what you’re doing. Chapter 9: Getting New Features with Plug-Ins 321 BETTER PERFORMANCE WITH CACHING PLUG-IN POWER Even More WordPress Plug-Ins In this chapter, you considered several of the most useful Word-Press plug-ins. However, in a directory of thousands, it’s no surprise that there are many more worth considering. You’ll learn about some of these plug-ins in the following chapters (and some you’ll need to discover on your own). Here’s a list of some of the most popular: • Akismet. This spam-fighting tool is the only plug-in that ships preinstalled (but not activated) with WordPress. You learned about it in Chapter 8. • WordPress SEO by Yoast. Search-engine optimization (SEO) is the art of attracting the attention of web search engines like Google, so you can lure new visitors to your site. SEO plug-ins are among the most popular in the WordPress plug-in directory, and WordPress SEO by Yoast is an all-in-one package by one of the most renown developers in the WordPress community. You’ll take a closer look at it on page 441. • WordPress Importer. Moving your WordPress site from one web host to another? The WordPress Importer handles the job with relatively few speed bumps. (In Appendix A, “Migrating from WordPress.com,” you’ll use WordPress Importer to migrate from WordPress.com to a self-hosted site.) Automattic developed WordPress Importer. • TinyMCE Advanced. You learned about this slick editor, 322 suitable for beefing up your post-writing powers, on page 179. • WooCommerce. If you want to sell products on your site, complete with a professional shopping cart and checkout process, this could be the plug-in for you. Although you won’t use it in this book, you’ll try out a simpler shopping cart plug-in on page 545. • BuddyPress. If your website is bringing together a tightly knit community—for example, the students of a school, the employees of a business, or the members of a sports team, you can use BuddyPress to add instant social networking features to your site. Users get profiles, the ability to message one another, add photos, create content, and talk together in groups. To learn more, visit http://buddypress.org. • WP-Optimize. This tool cleans up the junk that’s often left cluttering your database. It can remove unapproved junk comments (page 282), old post revisions (page 387), and other unnecessary data that can expand the size of your database, slowing down your site and bloating your backups. • Limit Login Attempts. This plug-in helps defend your site against hackers who use brute-force password-guessing attacks. You’ll learn more on page 567. WORDPRESS: THE MISSING MANUAL CHAPTER Adding Picture Galleries, Video, and Music 10 B y now, you know that the simplest way to enhance any WordPress post is to toss in a picture or two. The Web is a visual medium, and a bit of eye candy is essential for capturing (and keeping) your readers’ attention. But modern websites rarely stop with ordinary pictures. Today’s Web is splattered with rich media, including video clips, webcasts, podcasts, slideshows, and song players. In traditional websites, these ingredients can require hefty chunks of HTML and JavaScript code. But WordPress makes it easy to add media, thanks to two slick features you’re about to meet: automatic embeds and shortcodes. In this chapter, you’ll use all the tools WordPress provides to add rich media to your site. First, you’ll supercharge your pictures by replacing ordinary images with slideshows and galleries, and you’ll learn how to transform your entire site into a photoblog or portfolio. Next, you’ll see how to embed a video window in a post, and how to host your video files on YouTube or your own web server. Lastly, you’ll get readers jammin’ with audio tracks, playlists, and podcasts. Understanding Embeds and Shortcodes You’ll rely on two WordPress features throughout this chapter. They’re called embeds and shortcodes. Both serve the same purpose: They let you slip special types of content (like slideshows and videos) into your posts and pages without forcing you to type in a bunch of JavaScript code or HTML markup. Instead, when you use embeds and shortcodes, you ask WordPress to fill in the necessary details for you. 323 UNDERSTANDING EMBEDS AND SHORTCODES If you use the free WordPress.com hosting service, embeds and shortcodes aren’t just about convenience—they’re the only way to embed media. That’s because WordPress.com prevents you from adding JavaScript code to your posts or using HTML’s media-embedding