Zynq 7000 All Programmable SoC Technical Reference Manual (UG585) Tech Ref
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Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Notice of Disclaimer The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx products. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) Materials are made available “AS IS” and with all faults, Xilinx hereby DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under, or in connection with, the Materials (including your use of the Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained in the Materials or to notify you of updates to the Materials or to product specifications. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or publicly display the Materials without prior written consent. Certain products are subject to the terms and conditions of Xilinx’s limited warranty, please refer to Xilinx’s Terms of Sale which can be viewed at http://www.xilinx.com/legal.htm#tos; IP cores may be subject to warranty and support terms contained in a license issued to you by Xilinx. Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance; you assume sole risk and liability for use of Xilinx products in such critical applications, please refer to Xilinx’s Terms of Sale which can be viewed at http://www.xilinx.com/legal.htm#tos. Automotive Applications Disclaimer AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS (IDENTIFIED AS "XA" IN THE PART NUMBER) ARE NOT WARRANTED FOR USE IN THE DEPLOYMENT OF AIRBAGS OR FOR USE IN APPLICATIONS THAT AFFECT CONTROL OF A VEHICLE ("SAFETY APPLICATION") UNLESS THERE IS A SAFETY CONCEPT OR REDUNDANCY FEATURE CONSISTENT WITH THE ISO 26262 AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY STANDARD ("SAFETY DESIGN"). CUSTOMER SHALL, PRIOR TO USING OR DISTRIBUTING ANY SYSTEMS THAT INCORPORATE PRODUCTS, THOROUGHLY TEST SUCH SYSTEMS FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. USE OF PRODUCTS IN A SAFETY APPLICATION WITHOUT A SAFETY DESIGN IS FULLY AT THE RISK OF CUSTOMER, SUBJECT ONLY TO APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING LIMITATIONS ON PRODUCT LIABILITY. © Copyright 2012-2017 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Vivado, Zynq, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The following table shows the revision history for this document. Change bars indicate the latest revisions. Date Version Revision 04/08/2012 1.0 Xilinx initial release. 06/25/2012 1.1 Removed Chapter 30, Board Design (now part of UG933, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC PCB Design and Pin Planning Guide). 08/08/2012 1.2 Added information about the 7z010 CLG225 device and references to section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table throughout document. Added section headings 1.1.1 Block Diagram and 1.1.2 Documentation Resources, added sections 1.1.3 Notices and TrustZone Capabilities, and clarified PS MIO I/Os in Chapter 1. Updated Table 2-1. Changed 2.4.2 MIO-EMIO Connections heading to 2.5.2 IOP Interface Connections and clarified first paragraph. Updated Table 2-4. Added section 2.7.1 Clocks and Resets and Table 2-7, and updated Table 2-13 PS MIO I/Os in Chapter 2. Added note under Branch Prediction and Table 3-8 in Chapter 3. Updated Table 4-1 in Chapter 4. Added section 5.1.7 Read/Write Request Capability in Chapter 5. Updated NAND Boot MIO pin assignments and Table 6-6 in Chapter 6. Updated section 7.1.5 CPU Interrupt Signal Pass-through in Chapter 7. Added section heading 10.1.1 Features and added section 10.1.3 Notices in Chapter 10. Updated Parallel (SRAM/NOR) Interface features list and added section 11.1.3 Notices in Chapter 11. Reorganized, clarified, and expanded Chapter 12 to include programming models (added sections 12.1.4 Notices, 12.3 Programming Guide, and 12.5.2 MIO Programming). Added last note in section 13.3.4 Using ADMA in Chapter 13. Added Restrictions in Chapter 14. Clarified first paragraph, added section 15.1.3 Notices, and clarified Figure 15-7 through Figure 15-17 in Chapter 15. Added section 16.1.4 Notices in Chapter 16. Clarified sections 17.2.5 SPI FIFOs, 17.2.6 SPI Clocks, and 17.2.7 SPI EMIO Considerations in Chapter 17. Reorganized, clarified, and expanded Chapter 18 to include programming models (added sections 18.1.4 Notices and 18.5.1 MIO Programming). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 2 Date Version Revision 08/08/2012 1.2 (Cont’d) Reorganized, clarified, and expanded Chapter 19 to include programming models (added sections 19.1.3 Notices, 19.3 Programming Guide, and 19.5.1 MIO Programming). Updated Table 22-2 and Table 22-3 in Chapter 22. Added section CPU Clock Divisor Restriction in Chapter 25. Updated Table 26-4 in Chapter 26. Clarified section 27.3 I/O Signals in Chapter 27. Added section 28.1.2 Notices in Chapter 28. Clarified Mapping Summary and updated Table 29-1, Table 29-3, and Table 29-5 in Chapter 29. Added section 30.1.3 Notices in Chapter 30. Updated data sheet references in section A.3.1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Documents of Appendix A. Updated register database in sections B.3 Module Summary through B.34 USB Controller (usb) in Appendix B. 10/30/2012 1.3 Changed product name from Extensible Processing Platform (EPP) to All Programmable SoC (AP SoC) throughout document. Added Table 1-1. Added 2.1.1 Notices, 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables, A summary of the dedicated PS signal pins is shown in Table 2-2., VREF Source Considerations, updated Table 2-2, and added warning to 2.5.7 MIO Pin Electrical Parameters. Added Initialization of L1 Caches, 3.2.4 Memory Ordering, expanded 3.2.5 Memory Management Unit (MMU), added Cache Lockdown by Way Sequence and 3.9 CPU Initialization Sequence. Added 7z007s and 7z010 Device Notice and expanded Table 4-7. Updated and expanded tables in 6.3.4 Quad-SPI Boot through 6.3.13 Post BootROM State, reworked 6.3.6 Debug Status, and added 6.3.13 Post BootROM State and AXI and DMA Done Status Interrupts. Reworked Table 7-4. Added 8.1.2 Notices, Interrupt to PS Interrupt Controller, and Reset. Reorganized and expanded Chapter 9, DMA Controller. Added 10.1.3 Notices, expanded 10.1.6 I/O Signals, added 10.6.12 DRAM Write Latency Restriction, 10.8.1 ECC Initialization, 10.8.4 ECC Programming Model, and 10.9.1 Operating Modes. Added 12.2.4 I/O Mode Considerations and updated 12.3.5 Rx/Tx FIFO Response to I/O Command Sequences. Reworked 16.3.3 I/O Configuration, added 16.4 IEEE 1588 Time Stamping and 16.6.7 MIO Pin Considerations. Added 18.2.7 CAN0-to-CAN1 Connection. Expanded 19.1 Introduction, 19.1.3 Notices, and Table 19-1. Added Receiver Timeout Mechanism, updated Figure 19-7. Added 19.2.9 UART0-to-UART1 Connection and 19.2.10 Status and Interrupts, expanded 19.2.11 Modem Control, reworked 19.3 Programming Guide and 19.4.2 Resets. Added 20.2.7 I2C0-to-I2C1 Connection. Added 21.1.2 PL Resources by Device Type, Voltage Level Shifters and reorganized content of Chapter 21, Programmable Logic Description. Added 25.7.1 Clock Throttle. Expanded 26.4.1 PL General Purpose User Resets. Updated register database in sections B.3 Module Summary through B.34 USB Controller (usb) in Appendix B. 11/16/2012 1.4 Changed second bullet under NAND Flash Interface from “Up to a 4 GB device” to “Up to a 1 GB device” in Chapter 11, Static Memory Controller. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 3 Date Version Revision 03/07/2013 1.5 Added 7z100 device and made minor clarifications to Chapter 1, Introduction. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 2, Signals, Interfaces, and Pins, Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit, Chapter 4, System Addresses, and Chapter 5, Interconnect. Clarified section 6.1 Introduction and other sections, and added PS Independent JTAG Non-Secure Boot section in Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 7, Interrupts, Chapter 8, Timers, Chapter 9, DMA Controller, Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller, Chapter 11, Static Memory Controller, and Chapter 12, Quad-SPI Flash Controller. Expanded 12.2 Functional Description in Chapter 12, Quad-SPI Flash Controller. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 13, SD/SDIO Controller. Made major clarifications/updates to Chapter 14, General Purpose I/O (GPIO). Reworked and expanded Chapter 15, USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 16, Gigabit Ethernet Controller. Reworked and expanded Chapter 17, SPI Controller. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 18, CAN Controller, and Chapter 19, UART Controller. Made major clarifications/updates to Chapter 20, I2C Controller (added new sections, 20.3 Programmer’s Guide, 20.4 System Functions, and 20.5 I/O Interface). Made minor clarifications to Chapter 21, Programmable Logic Description and added new sections 21.1.2 PL Resources by Device Type and 21.1.3 Notices. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 22, Programmable Logic Design Guide and Chapter 23, Programmable Logic Test and Debug. Reworked and expanded Chapter 24, Power Management. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 25, Clocks, Chapter 26, Reset System, Chapter 27, JTAG and DAP Subsystem, Chapter 28, System Test and Debug, and Chapter 29, On-Chip Memory (OCM). Reworked and expanded Chapter 30, XADC Interface. Made minor clarifications to Chapter 31, PCI Express. Reworked and expanded Chapter 32, Device Secure Boot. Updated Appendix A, Additional Resources. Updated register database in sections B.3 Module Summary through B.34 USB Controller (usb) in Appendix B. 06/28/2013 1.6 Added icons where applicable. Enhanced first sentence under Quad-SPI Controller in c. Clarified first paragraph, added step 2, and clarified step 5 in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. Changed “drive strength” to “slew rate” in section 2.5.7 MIO Pin Electrical Parameters. Added second sentence and updated Table 2-11 in section 2.7.4 Idle AXI, DDR Urgent/Arb, SRAM Interrupt Signals. Corrected Note 4 in Table 4-1 and Table 4-2. Made minor clarifications and added new RSA Authentication Time section to Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration. Made minor clarifications to sections 7.2.2 CPU Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) and 7.2.3 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI), and updated Table 7-4 and Table 7-5. Clarified first row in Table 9-12. Added tip to section 10.4.3 Aging Counter, added sentence to Write Leveling, and step 2 in section 10.9.2 Changing Clock Frequencies, and moved section 10.9.6 DDR Power Reduction from Chapter 24, Power Management to this chapter. Added tip to section 11.2.2 Clocks. Added Table 12-8. Added MMC3.31 standard information to section 13.1 Introduction. Added step 6 to section 14.3.1 Start-up Sequence, added section 14.3.5 GPIO as Wake-up Event, added second paragraph to 14.4.1 Clocks. Added section 16.7 Known Issues. Added note to 17.4.2 Clocks. Changed value of 107 Mb to 140 Mb in second sentence under section 21.4 Configuration. Added values for the 7z100 device in Table 21-2. Clarified first paragraph in section 24.2.2 PL Power-down Control and updated Table 24-2. Added note to section 25.6.1 USB Clocks, clarified second paragraph in section 25.10.4 PLLs, and added sentence to steps 2 and 3 in Software-Controlled PLL Update section. Changed “RESET_REASON” to “REBOOT_STATUS in section 26.2.3 System Software Reset, added section 26.5 Register Overview, deleted first two rows from Table 26-2 and modified last paragraph in section 26.5.1 Persistent Registers. Clarified section 29.1 Introduction, added three paragraphs to Starvation Scenarios section, and added 29.2.5 Address Mapping heading. Corrected spelling of “MCTRL” to “MCTL” in sections 30.4 Programming Guide for the PS-XADC Interface and 30.7.2 Resets. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 4 Date Version Revision 06/28/2013 1.6 (Cont’d) Added section 31.5 Root Complex Use Case. Added FIPS standards and clarified section 32.1.2 Features, updated configuration file and secure boot process steps in Figure 32-1, added boot time penalty to Power on Reset section, changed “Secure Boot” heading to ”Secure FSBL Decryption”, changed “ROM code” to “OCM ROM Memory” in Figure 32-2 and “ROM” to “OCM ROM” in Table 32-3, updated sections 32.2.7 Boot Image and Bitstream Decryption and Authentication, 32.2.8 HMAC Signature, 32.2.9 AES Key Management, 32.3.1 Non-Secure Boot State, 32.3.4 Boot Partition Search, and 32.3.7 Secure Boot Modes of Operation (deleted Table 32-4, “Non-secure Boot Options”). Updated register database in sections B.3 Module Summary through B.34 USB Controller (usb) in Appendix B. 02/11/2014 1.7 Added 7z015 device, updated device notices, and made minor clarifications throughout document (denoted with change bars). Added section 3.10 Implementation-Defined Configurations. Added sections 5.7 Loopback and 5.8 Exclusive AXI Accesses. Reworked Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration. Added section 7.2.4 Interrupt Sensitivity, Targeting and Handling. Added sections 8.4.6 Clock Input Option for SWDT and 8.5.6 Clock Input Option for Counter/Timer. Updated section 10.7 Register Overview. Added section 11.7 NOR Flash Bandwidth. Added sections AXI Read Command Processing and 12.2.7 Supported Memory Read and Write Commands. Added section 16.1.4 Clock Domains and reworked section 16.7 Known Issues (previously titled “Limitations”. Updated section 21.1.2 PL Resources by Device Type and added section 21.3.4 GTP Low-Power Serial Transceivers. Added Peripheral Clock Gating subsection. Updated Table 26-1 and Table 26-4. Updated register database in sections B.3 Module Summary through B.34 USB Controller (usb) in Appendix B. 09/16/2014 1.8 Added position information for available device and package combinations for the signals associated with each GT serial transceiver channel to sections 21.3.3 GTX Low-Power Serial Transceivers and 21.3.4 GTP Low-Power Serial Transceivers. 09/19/2014 1.8.1 Removed erroneous banner from Chapter 21, Programmable Logic Description. Corrected send feedback button clarity issue in footers. 11/17/2014 1.9 11/19/2014 1.9.1 Corrected document date. 02/23/2015 1.10 Added clarification on the timing relationship between PL power up and the PS POR reset signal to section 2.2 Power Pins and section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance: PS_POR_B De-assertion Guidelines. 09/27/2016 1.11 Added 7z007s, 7z012s, and 7z014s single-core devices and updated the respective device notices throughout document (denoted with change bars). Updated Figure 2-1, Table 21-1, and Table 21-2. Updated device codes in Register PSS_IDCODE Details. 10/20/2017 1.12 Made minor clarifications throughout document (denoted with change bars). 12/06/2017 1.12.1 Removed internal review comment from 6-bit Programmable Divider section. Added 7z035 device, updated device notices, and made minor clarifications throughout document (denoted with change bars). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 5 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1.1.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 1.1.2 Documentation Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 1.1.3 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 1.2 Processing System (PS) Features and Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1.2.1 Application Processor Unit (APU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 1.2.2 Memory Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 1.2.3 I/O Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 1.3 Programmable Logic Features and Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 1.4 Interconnect Features and Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1.4.1 PS Interconnect Based on AXI High Performance Datapath Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 1.4.2 PS-PL Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 1.5 System Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.1.1 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Power Pins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS I/O Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.5.7 44 45 46 47 I/O Peripheral (IOP) Interface Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 IOP Interface Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 MIO Pin Assignment Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 MIO-at-a-Glance Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 MIO Signal Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Default Logic Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 MIO Pin Electrical Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 2.6 PS–PL AXI Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.7 PS–PL Miscellaneous Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 Clocks and Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Interrupt Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Event Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Idle AXI, DDR Urgent/Arb, SRAM Interrupt Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 DMA Req/Ack Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 2.8 PL I/O Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 6 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.1.1 Basic Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 3.1.2 System-Level View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 3.2 Cortex-A9 Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Central Processing Unit (CPU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Level 1 Caches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Memory Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Memory Management Unit (MMU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 NEON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Performance Monitoring Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 3.3 Snoop Control Unit (SCU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3.3.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 3.3.2 Address Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 3.3.3 SCU Master Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 3.4 L2-Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.4.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 3.4.2 Exclusive L2-L1 Cache Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 3.4.3 Cache Replacement Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 3.4.4 Cache Lockdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 3.4.5 Enabling and Disabling the L2 Cache Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 3.4.6 RAM Access Latency Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 3.4.7 Store Buffer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 3.4.8 Optimizations Between Cortex-A9 and L2 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 3.4.9 Pre-fetching Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 3.4.10 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 3.5 APU Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 3.5.1 PL Co-processing Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 3.5.2 Interrupt Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 3.6 Support for TrustZone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 3.7 Application Processing Unit (APU) Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 3.7.1 Reset Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 3.7.2 APU State After Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 3.8 Power Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 3.8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 3.8.2 Standby Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 3.8.3 Dynamic Clock Gating in the L2 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 3.9 CPU Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 3.10 Implementation-Defined Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Chapter 4: System Addresses 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Address Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Bus Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SLCR Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CPU Private Bus Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMC Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 112 114 114 115 115 7 4.6 PS I/O Peripherals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 4.7 Miscellaneous PS Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Datapaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Clock Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 AXI ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Read/Write Request Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 5.2 Quality of Service (QoS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 5.2.1 Basic Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 5.2.2 Advanced QoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 5.2.3 DDR Port Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 5.3 AXI_HP Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 Bandwidth Management Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 Transaction Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Command Interleaving and Re-Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 Performance Optimization Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 5.4 AXI_ACP Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5.5 AXI_GP Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 5.5.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 5.5.2 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 5.6 PS-PL AXI Interface Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 5.6.1 AXI Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 5.6.2 AXI Clocks and Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 5.7 Loopback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.8 Exclusive AXI Accesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 CPU/L2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 ACP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 DDRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 System Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 PS Hardware Boot Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 PS Software Boot Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Boot Device Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Boot Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 BootROM Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 FSBL / User Code Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 8 6.1.7 PL Boot Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 6.1.8 PL Configuration Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 6.1.9 Device Configuration Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 6.1.10 Starting Code on CPU 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 6.1.11 Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 6.2 Device Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Clocks and PLLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Reset Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Boot Mode Pin Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 I/O Pin Connections for Boot Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 6.3 BootROM Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 6.3.1 BootROM Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167 6.3.2 BootROM Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 6.3.3 BootROM Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176 6.3.4 Quad-SPI Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 6.3.5 NAND Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 6.3.6 NOR Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187 6.3.7 SD Card Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 6.3.8 JTAG Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 6.3.9 Reset, Boot, and Lockdown States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 6.3.10 BootROM Header Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195 6.3.11 MultiBoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197 6.3.12 BootROM Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198 6.3.13 Post BootROM State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 6.3.14 Registers Modified by the BootROM – Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 6.4 Device Boot and PL Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 PL Control via PS Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 Boot Sequence Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208 PCAP Bridge to PL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 PCAP Datapath Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 PL Control via User-JTAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 6.5 Reference Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 PL Configuration Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Boot Time Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 PS Version and Device Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Chapter 7: Interrupts 7.1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 Private, Shared and Software Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 Resets and Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 CPU Interrupt Signal Pass-through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227 7.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 CPU Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 Interrupt Sensitivity, Targeting and Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 9 7.2.5 Wait for Interrupt Event Signal (WFI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233 7.3 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 7.3.1 Write Protection Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 7.4 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 Interrupt Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Interrupt Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 ARM Programming Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Legacy Interrupts and Security Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Chapter 8: Timers 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 8.1.1 System Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 8.1.2 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 8.2 CPU Private Timers and Watchdog Timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Interrupt to PS Interrupt Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 8.3 Global Timer (GT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 8.3.1 Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 8.3.2 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 8.4 System Watchdog Timer (SWDT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.4.6 8.4.7 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243 Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 Clock Input Option for SWDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 Reset Output Option for SWDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 8.5 Triple Timer Counters (TTC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 8.5.5 8.5.6 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247 Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248 Clock Input Option for Counter/Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 8.6 I/O Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.1.4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256 9.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 DMA Transfers on the AXI Interconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258 AXI Transaction Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 DMA Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 Multi-channel Data FIFO (MFIFO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 10 9.2.5 Memory-to-Memory Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262 9.2.6 PL Peripheral AXI Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263 9.2.7 PL Peripheral Request Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263 9.2.8 PL Peripheral - Length Managed by PL Peripheral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266 9.2.9 PL Peripheral - Length Managed by DMAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 9.2.10 Events and Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268 9.2.11 Aborts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269 9.2.12 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271 9.2.13 IP Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273 9.3 Programming Guide for DMA Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274 Execute a DMA Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274 Interrupt Service Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275 9.4 Programming Guide for DMA Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 9.4.6 Write Microcode to Program CCRx for AXI Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .277 Memory-to-Memory Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .277 PL Peripheral DMA Transfer Length Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281 Restart Channel using an Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 Interrupting a Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284 Instruction Set Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284 9.5 Programming Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 9.5.1 Updating Channel Control Registers During a DMA Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286 9.6 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 9.6.1 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288 9.6.2 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288 9.6.3 Reset Configuration of Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288 9.7 I/O Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 9.7.1 AXI Master Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 9.7.2 Peripheral Request Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.1.4 10.1.5 10.1.6 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .294 Interconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .294 DDR Memory Types, Densities, and Data Widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295 I/O Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295 10.2 AXI Memory Port Interface (DDRI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.2.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .298 AXI Feature Support and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .298 TrustZone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .299 10.3 DDR Core and Transaction Scheduler (DDRC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 10.3.1 Row/Bank/Column Address Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 10.4 DDRC Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 10.4.1 Priority, Aging Counter and Urgent Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301 10.4.2 Page-Match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301 10.4.3 Aging Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .302 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 11 10.4.4 Stage 1 – AXI Port Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .302 10.4.5 Stage 2 – Read Versus Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304 10.4.6 High Priority Read Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304 10.4.7 Stage 3 – Transaction State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305 10.4.8 Read Priority Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307 10.4.9 Write Combine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307 10.4.10 Credit Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .308 10.5 Controller PHY (DDRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 10.6 Functional Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 10.6.1 Clock Operating Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309 10.6.2 DDR IOB Impedance Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310 10.6.3 DDR IOB Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311 10.6.4 DDR Controller Register Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313 10.6.5 DRAM Reset and Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313 10.6.6 DDR Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313 10.6.7 DRAM Input Impedance (ODT) Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315 10.6.8 DRAM Output Impedance (RON) Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315 10.6.9 DRAM Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316 10.6.10 Write Data Eye Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318 10.6.11 Alternatives to Automatic DRAM Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318 10.6.12 DRAM Write Latency Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 10.7 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 10.7.1 DDRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 10.7.2 DDRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .322 10.7.3 DDRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324 10.8 Error Correction Code (ECC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 10.8.1 10.8.2 10.8.3 10.8.4 ECC Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325 ECC Error Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325 Data Mask During ECC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326 ECC Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326 10.9 Operational Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 10.9.1 10.9.2 10.9.3 10.9.4 10.9.5 10.9.6 Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327 Changing Clock Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327 Power Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328 Deep Power Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328 Self Refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329 DDR Power Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller 11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 11.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .332 11.1.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333 11.1.3 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334 11.2 Functional Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 11.2.5 11.2.6 11.2.7 Boot Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 ECC Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 PL353 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .336 Address Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .336 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 12 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 I/O Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOR Flash Bandwidth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 338 339 340 340 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller 12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .341 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .342 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .343 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .343 12.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.3 12.2.4 12.2.5 12.2.6 12.2.7 Operational Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344 I/O Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344 I/O Mode Transmit Registers (TXD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .346 I/O Mode Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .347 Linear Addressing Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .347 Unsupported Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 Supported Memory Read and Write Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 12.3 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 12.3.5 12.3.6 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351 Linear Addressing Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352 Configure I/O Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352 I/O Mode Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353 Rx/Tx FIFO Response to I/O Command Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .354 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .356 12.4 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 12.4.1 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357 12.4.2 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .358 12.5 I/O Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 12.5.1 Wiring Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359 12.5.2 MIO Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363 12.5.3 MIO Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 13.1.1 Key Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .367 13.1.2 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368 13.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 13.2.7 13.2.8 13.2.9 AHB Interface and Interrupt Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368 SD/SDIO Host Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368 Data FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .369 Command and Control Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .369 Bus Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .369 Stream Write and Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370 Soft Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370 FIFO Overrun and Underrun Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .371 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 13 13.3 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.3.4 13.3.5 13.3.6 13.3.7 13.3.8 Data Transfer Protocol Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .372 Data Transfers Without DMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373 Using DMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375 Using ADMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378 Abort Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379 External Interface Usage Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .381 Supported Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .381 Bus Voltage Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .382 13.4 SDIO Controller Media Interface Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 13.4.1 SDIO EMIO Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385 Chapter 14: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 14.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .386 14.1.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387 14.1.3 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .388 14.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 14.2.1 14.2.2 14.2.3 14.2.4 GPIO Control of Device Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .388 EMIO Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 Bank0, Bits[8:7] are Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 Interrupt Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391 14.3 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 14.3.1 14.3.2 14.3.3 14.3.4 14.3.5 14.3.6 Start-up Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392 GPIO Pin Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392 Writing Data to GPIO Output Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393 Reading Data from GPIO Input Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393 GPIO as Wake-up Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .394 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .394 14.4 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 14.4.1 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395 14.4.2 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395 14.4.3 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395 14.5 I/O Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 14.5.1 MIO Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 15.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397 15.1.2 Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398 15.1.3 Hardware System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398 15.1.4 Controller Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .400 15.1.5 Configuration, Control and Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402 15.1.6 Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402 15.1.7 Implementation Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .404 15.1.8 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .404 15.1.9 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406 15.1.10 Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406 15.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 15.2.1 Controller Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 14 15.2.2 15.2.3 15.2.4 15.2.5 15.2.6 DMA Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407 Protocol Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408 Port Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409 ULPI Link Wrapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409 General Purpose Timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410 15.3 Programming Overview and Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 15.3.1 15.3.2 15.3.3 15.3.4 15.3.5 15.3.6 Hardware/Software System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 Operational Mode Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412 Interrupt and Status Bits Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .414 OTG Status/Interrupt and Control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415 15.4 Device Mode Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 15.4.1 Controller State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .416 15.4.2 USB Bus Reset Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .417 15.5 Device Endpoint Data Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 15.5.1 15.5.2 15.5.3 15.5.4 Link-list Endpoint Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418 Manage Endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420 Endpoint Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .421 Endpoint Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .422 15.6 Device Endpoint Packet Operational Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 15.6.1 15.6.2 15.6.3 15.6.4 15.6.5 Prime Transmit Endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424 Prime Receive Endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425 Interrupt and Bulk Endpoint Operational Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425 Isochronous Endpoint Operational Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428 Control Endpoint Operational Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430 15.7 Device Endpoint Descriptor Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 15.7.1 Endpoint Queue Head Descriptor (dQH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .433 15.7.2 Endpoint Transfer Descriptor (dTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434 15.7.3 Endpoint Transfer Overlay Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435 15.8 Programming Guide for Device Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 15.8.1 Software Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438 15.8.2 USB Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438 15.8.3 Register Controlled Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438 15.9 Programming Guide for Device Endpoint Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 15.9.1 15.9.2 15.9.3 15.9.4 Device Controller Initialization Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438 Manage Transfer Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439 Manage Transfers with Transfer Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441 Service Device Mode Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .443 15.10 Host Mode Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 15.10.1 Host Controller Transfer Schedule Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .445 15.10.2 Periodic Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .446 15.10.3 Asynchronous Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .447 15.11 EHCI Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 15.11.1 15.11.2 15.11.3 15.11.4 15.11.5 15.11.6 15.11.7 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .448 Embedded Transaction Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450 EHCI Functional Changes for the TT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .452 Port Reset Timer Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .452 Port Speed Detection Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .453 FS/LS Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .453 Operational Model of the TT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .454 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 15 15.11.8 Port Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .455 15.12 Host Data Structures Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 15.12.1 15.12.2 15.12.3 15.12.4 15.12.5 15.12.6 15.12.7 15.12.8 Descriptor Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .456 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .456 Isochronous (High Speed) Transfer Descriptor (iTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .457 Split Transaction Isochronous Transfer Descriptor (siTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .461 Queue Element Transfer Descriptor (qTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .465 Queue Head (QH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .469 Transfer Overlay Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .472 Periodic Frame Span Traversal Node (FSTN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .474 15.13 Programming Guide for Host Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 15.13.1 Controller Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475 15.13.2 Run/Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475 15.14 OTG Description and Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 15.14.1 Hardware Assistance Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .476 15.14.2 OTG Interrupt and Control Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .477 15.15 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 15.15.1 15.15.2 15.15.3 15.15.4 15.15.5 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478 Reset Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .479 System Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .480 APB Slave Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .480 AHB Master Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .480 15.16 I/O Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 15.16.1 Wiring Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .481 15.16.2 MIO-EMIO Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .481 15.16.3 MIO-EMIO Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .482 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 16.1.1 16.1.2 16.1.3 16.1.4 16.1.5 16.1.6 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .485 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .485 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .486 Clock Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487 Application Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487 16.2 Functional Description and Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.2.3 16.2.4 16.2.5 16.2.6 16.2.7 16.2.8 MAC Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .488 MAC Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .489 MAC Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490 Wake-on-LAN Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .493 DMA Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .494 Checksum Offloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .504 IEEE 1588 Time Stamp Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .506 MAC 802.3 Pause Frame Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .509 16.3 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 16.3.1 16.3.2 16.3.3 16.3.4 16.3.5 Initialize the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .514 Configure the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .514 I/O Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .515 Configure the PHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .516 Configure the Buffer Descriptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .517 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 16 16.3.6 Configure Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .519 16.3.7 Enable the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520 16.3.8 Transmitting Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520 16.3.9 Receiving Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .521 16.3.10 Debug Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .522 16.4 IEEE 1588 Time Stamping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 16.4.1 16.4.2 16.4.3 16.4.4 16.4.5 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523 Controller Initialization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .525 Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .526 PTP Packet Handling at the Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .527 PTP Packet Handling at the Slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529 16.5 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 16.5.1 Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .530 16.5.2 Status and Statistics Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .531 16.6 Signals and I/O Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 16.6.1 16.6.2 16.6.3 16.6.4 16.6.5 16.6.6 16.6.7 MIO–EMIO Interface Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .533 Precision Time Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .533 Programmable Logic (PL) Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .533 RGMII Interface via MIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .534 GMII/MII Interface via EMIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535 MDIO Interface Signals via MIO and EMIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .536 MIO Pin Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .537 16.7 Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 17.1.1 17.1.2 17.1.3 17.1.4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .540 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .542 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .543 17.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 17.2.1 17.2.2 17.2.3 17.2.4 17.2.5 17.2.6 17.2.7 Master Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .544 Multi-Master Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .546 Slave Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .546 FIFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .547 FIFO Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .548 Interrupt Register Bits, Logic Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .548 SPI-to-SPI Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .549 17.3 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 17.3.1 17.3.2 17.3.3 17.3.4 17.3.5 17.3.6 Start-up Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .549 Controller Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .550 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master Mode Data Transfer550 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slave Mode Data Transfer552 Interrupt Service Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .552 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .553 17.4 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554 17.4.1 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .554 17.4.2 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .554 17.5 I/O Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 17.5.1 Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .556 17.5.2 Back-to-Back Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .557 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 17 17.5.3 MIO/EMIO Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .558 17.5.4 Wiring Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .559 17.5.5 MIO/EMIO Signal Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .562 Chapter 18: CAN Controller 18.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 18.1.1 18.1.2 18.1.3 18.1.4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .564 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .565 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .565 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .566 18.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567 18.2.1 18.2.2 18.2.3 18.2.4 18.2.5 18.2.6 18.2.7 Controller Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .567 Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .570 Message Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .572 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .574 Rx Message Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .576 Protocol Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .579 CAN0-to-CAN1 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .581 18.3 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582 18.3.1 18.3.2 18.3.3 18.3.4 18.3.5 18.3.6 18.3.7 18.3.8 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .582 Configuration Mode State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .582 Start-up Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .583 Change Operating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .583 Write Messages to TxFIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .584 Write Messages to TxHPB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .584 Read Messages from RxFIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .584 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .585 18.4 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 18.4.1 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .586 18.4.2 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .587 18.5 I/O Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588 18.5.1 MIO Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .588 18.5.2 MIO-EMIO Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .589 Chapter 19: UART Controller 19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 19.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .590 19.1.2 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .591 19.1.3 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .591 19.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592 19.2.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .592 19.2.2 Control Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .592 19.2.3 Baud Rate Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .592 19.2.4 Transmit FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .594 19.2.5 Transmitter Data Stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .594 19.2.6 Receiver FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .595 19.2.7 Receiver Data Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .595 19.2.8 I/O Mode Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .597 19.2.9 UART0-to-UART1 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .599 19.2.10 Status and Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .599 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 18 19.2.11 Modem Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601 19.3 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 19.3.1 19.3.2 19.3.3 19.3.4 19.3.5 19.3.6 Start-up Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .603 Configure Controller Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .604 Transmit Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605 Receive Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .606 RxFIFO Trigger Level Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .606 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .607 19.4 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608 19.4.1 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .608 19.4.2 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .608 19.5 I/O Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 19.5.1 MIO Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .609 19.5.2 MIO – EMIO Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .610 Chapter 20: I2C Controller 20.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 20.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .611 20.1.2 System Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .612 20.1.3 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .612 20.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613 20.2.1 20.2.2 20.2.3 20.2.4 20.2.5 20.2.6 20.2.7 20.2.8 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .613 Master Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .613 Slave Monitor Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .615 Slave Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .615 I2C Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .616 Multi-Master Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .617 I2C0-to-I2C1 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .618 Status and Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .618 20.3 Programmer’s Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619 20.3.1 20.3.2 20.3.3 20.3.4 20.3.5 Start-up Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .619 Controller Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .619 Configure Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .620 Data Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .620 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .623 20.4 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 20.4.1 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .623 20.4.2 Reset Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .623 20.5 I/O Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624 20.5.1 Pin Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .624 20.5.2 MIO-EMIO Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .624 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description 21.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626 21.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .626 21.1.2 PL Resources by Device Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .628 21.1.3 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .629 21.2 PL Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629 21.2.1 CLBs, Slices, and LUTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .629 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 19 21.2.2 Clock Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630 21.2.3 Block RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .631 21.2.4 Digital Signal Processing — DSP Slice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .633 21.3 Input/Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633 21.3.1 21.3.2 21.3.3 21.3.4 21.3.5 PS-PL Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .633 SelectIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .634 GTX Low-Power Serial Transceivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .636 GTP Low-Power Serial Transceivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .651 Integrated I/O Block for PCIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .652 21.4 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide 22.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 22.2 Programmable Logic for Software Offload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 22.2.1 22.2.2 22.2.3 22.2.4 22.2.5 22.2.6 Benefits of Using PL to Implement Software Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .654 Designing PL Accelerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .655 PL Acceleration Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .656 Power Offload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .656 Real Time Offload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .657 Reconfigurable Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .658 22.3 PL and Memory System Performance Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659 22.3.1 22.3.2 22.3.3 22.3.4 Theoretical Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .659 DDR Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .660 OCM Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .661 Interconnect Throughput Bottlenecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .661 22.4 Choosing a Programmable Logic Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662 22.4.1 22.4.2 22.4.3 22.4.4 22.4.5 22.4.6 PL Interface Comparison Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662 Cortex-A9 CPU via General Purpose Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662 PS DMA Controller (DMAC) via General Purpose Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .663 PL DMA via AXI High-Performance (HP) Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .664 PL DMA via AXI ACP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .665 PL DMA via General Purpose AXI Slave (GP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .666 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug 23.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 23.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .667 23.1.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .668 23.1.3 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .669 23.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 23.2.1 Basic Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .669 23.2.2 Packet Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .670 23.2.3 Packet Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .672 23.3 Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 23.3.1 General-Purpose Debug Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .675 23.3.2 Trigger Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .675 23.3.3 Trace Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .676 23.4 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 23.5 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 23.5.1 FTM Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .677 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 20 Chapter 24: Power Management 24.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678 24.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .678 24.2 System Design Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 24.2.1 24.2.2 24.2.3 24.2.4 24.2.5 24.2.6 24.2.7 Device Technology Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .679 PL Power-down Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .679 APU Maximum Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .680 DDR Memory Clock Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .680 DDR Memory Controller Modes and Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .680 Boot Interface Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .680 PS Clock Gating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .680 24.3 Programming Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 24.3.1 System Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .681 24.3.2 Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .681 24.3.3 I/O Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .682 24.4 Sleep Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683 24.4.1 Setup Wake-up Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .683 24.4.2 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .683 24.5 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 25.1.1 25.1.2 25.1.3 25.1.4 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 System Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .686 Clock Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .687 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .688 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .689 CPU Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System-wide Clock Frequency Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Generator Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DDR Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOP Module Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.6.1 25.6.2 25.6.3 25.6.4 25.6.5 690 692 694 695 696 USB Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .696 Ethernet Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .697 SDIO, SMC, SPI, Quad-SPI and UART Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .698 CAN Clocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .699 GPIO and I2C Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .699 25.7 PL Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699 25.7.1 Clock Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700 25.7.2 Clock Throttle Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .701 25.8 Trace Port Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703 25.9 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703 25.10 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704 25.10.1 25.10.2 25.10.3 25.10.4 Branch Clock Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .704 DDR Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705 Digitally Controlled Impedance (DCI) Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705 PLLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 21 Chapter 26: Reset System 26.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 26.1.1 26.1.2 26.1.3 26.1.4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .708 Reset Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .709 Boot Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .710 26.2 Reset Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 26.2.1 26.2.2 26.2.3 26.2.4 26.2.5 26.2.6 Power-on Reset (PS_POR_B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .711 External System Reset (PS_SRST_B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .712 System Software Reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .712 Watchdog Timer Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .712 Secure Violation Lock Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .712 Debug Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .712 26.3 Reset Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 26.3.1 Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .713 26.4 PL Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 26.4.1 PL General Purpose User Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .714 26.5 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 26.5.1 Persistent Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .714 26.5.2 System Reset Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .715 26.5.3 Peripheral Reset Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .715 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem 27.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717 27.1.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .717 27.1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .719 27.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 27.3 I/O Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722 27.4 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723 27.4.1 Use Case I: Software Debug with Trace Port Enabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723 27.4.2 Use Case II: PS and PL Debug with Trace Port Enabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723 27.5 ARM DAP Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724 27.6 Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726 27.7 Xilinx TAP Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726 Chapter 28: System Test and Debug 28.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728 28.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .728 28.1.2 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .729 28.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729 28.2.1 28.2.2 28.2.3 28.2.4 28.2.5 28.2.6 28.2.7 Debug Access Port (DAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .730 Embedded Cross Trigger (ECT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .731 Program Trace Macrocell (PTM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .733 Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .733 Funnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .733 Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .734 Trace Packet Output (TPIU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .734 28.3 I/O Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 22 28.4 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736 28.4.1 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .736 28.4.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .737 28.5 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740 28.5.1 Authentication Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .740 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) 29.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742 29.1.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .743 29.1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .743 29.1.3 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .744 29.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 29.2.1 29.2.2 29.2.3 29.2.4 29.2.5 29.2.6 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .745 Optimal Transfer Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .745 Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .745 Arbitration Scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .745 Address Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .747 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .750 29.3 Register Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751 29.4 Programming Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751 29.4.1 Changing Address Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .751 29.4.2 AXI Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752 Chapter 30: XADC Interface 30.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753 30.1.1 30.1.2 30.1.3 30.1.4 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .754 System Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .755 PS-XADC Interface Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .756 Programming Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .757 30.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758 30.2.1 30.2.2 30.2.3 30.2.4 Interface Arbiter (PL-JTAG and PS-XADC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .758 Serial Communication Channel (PL-JTAG and PS-XADC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .759 Analog-to-Digital Converter (All) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .759 Sensor Alarms (PS-XADC and DRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .759 30.3 PS-XADC Interface Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760 30.3.1 30.3.2 30.3.3 30.3.4 30.3.5 30.3.6 Serial Channel Clock Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .760 Command and Data Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .761 Command Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .762 Read Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .762 Min/Max Voltage Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .763 Critical Over-temperature Alarm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .763 30.4 Programming Guide for the PS-XADC Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763 30.4.1 30.4.2 30.4.3 30.4.4 Read and Write to the FIFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .764 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .765 Command Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .766 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .766 30.5 Programming Guide for the DRP Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 30.6 Programming Guide for the PL-JTAG Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 23 30.7 System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 30.7.1 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .767 30.7.2 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .768 Chapter 31: PCI Express 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Endpoint Use Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Root Complex Use Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769 770 770 771 771 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot 32.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773 32.1.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .773 32.1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .773 32.2 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775 32.2.1 32.2.2 32.2.3 32.2.4 32.2.5 32.2.6 32.2.7 32.2.8 32.2.9 Master Secure Boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .775 External Boot Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .777 Secure Boot Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .777 eFUSE Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .779 RSA Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .781 Boot Image and Bitstream Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .781 Boot Image and Bitstream Decryption and Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .781 HMAC Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .782 AES Key Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .782 32.3 Secure Boot Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782 32.3.1 32.3.2 32.3.3 32.3.4 32.3.5 32.3.6 32.3.7 Non-Secure Boot State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .782 Secure Boot State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .782 Security Lockdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .783 Boot Partition Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .783 JTAG and Debug Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .783 Readback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .783 Secure Boot Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .784 32.4 Programming Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 Appendix A: Additional Resources A.1 Xilinx Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786 A.2 Solution Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787 A.3 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787 A.3.1 A.3.2 A.3.3 A.3.4 A.3.5 A.3.6 A.3.7 A.3.8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .787 PL Documents – Device and Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .787 Additional Zynq-7000 AP SoC Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .788 Software Programming Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .788 git Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .788 Design Tool Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .788 Xilinx Problem Solvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .789 Third-Party IP and Standards Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .789 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 24 Appendix B: Register Details B.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791 B.2 Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792 B.3 Module Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793 B.4 AXI_HP Interface (AFI) (axi_hp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795 B.5 CAN Controller (can). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 B.6 DDR Memory Controller (ddrc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845 B.7 CoreSight Cross Trigger Interface (cti). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916 B.8 Performance Monitor Unit (cortexa9_pmu). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950 B.9 CoreSight Program Trace Macrocell (ptm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960 B.10 Debug Access Port (dap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1008 B.11 CoreSight Embedded Trace Buffer (etb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023 B.12 PL Fabric Trace Monitor (ftm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043 B.13 CoreSight Trace Funnel (funnel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064 B.14 CoreSight Intstrumentation Trace Macrocell (itm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078 B.15 CoreSight Trace Packet Output (tpiu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125 B.16 Device Configuration Interface (devcfg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1146 B.17 DMA Controller (dmac) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169 B.18 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (GEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1269 B.19 General Purpose I/O (gpio) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347 B.20 Interconnect QoS (qos301) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1376 B.21 NIC301 Address Region Control (nic301_addr_region_ctrl_registers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1382 B.22 I2C Controller (IIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1384 B.23 L2 Cache (L2Cpl310) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1395 B.24 Application Processing Unit (mpcore). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432 B.25 On-Chip Memory (ocm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1512 B.26 Quad-SPI Flash Controller (qspi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1516 B.27 SD Controller (sdio) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1533 B.28 System Level Control Registers (slcr) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1572 B.29 Static Memory Controller (pl353) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1712 B.30 SPI Controller (SPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1739 B.31 System Watchdog Timer (swdt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1750 B.32 Triple Timer Counter (ttc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1754 B.33 UART Controller (UART) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1775 B.34 USB Controller (usb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1794 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 25 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview The Zynq®-7000 family is based on the Xilinx® All Programmable SoC (AP SoC) architecture. These products integrate a feature-rich dual or single-core ARM® Cortex™-A9 MPCore™ based processing system (PS) and Xilinx programmable logic (PL) in a single device, built on a state-of-the-art, high-performance, low-power (HPL), 28 nm, and high-k metal gate (HKMG) process technology. The ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore CPUs are the heart of the PS which also includes on-chip memory, external memory interfaces, and a rich set of I/O peripherals. The Zynq-7000 family offers the flexibility and scalability of an FPGA, while providing performance, power, and ease of use typically associated with ASIC and ASSPs. The range of devices in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC family enables designers to target cost-sensitive as well as high-performance applications from a single platform using industry-standard tools. While each device in the Zynq-7000 family contains the same PS, the PL and I/O resources vary between the devices. As a result, the Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices are able to serve a wide range of applications including: • Automotive driver assistance, driver information, and infotainment • Broadcast camera • Industrial motor control, industrial networking, and machine vision • IP and smart camera • LTE radio and baseband • Medical diagnostics and imaging • Multifunction printers • Video and night vision equipment The Zynq-7000 architecture conveniently maps the custom logic and software in the PL and PS respectively. It enables the realization of unique and differentiated system functions. The integration of the PS with the PL provides levels of performance that two-chip solutions (for example, an ASSP with an FPGA) cannot match due to their limited I/O bandwidth, loose-coupling and power budgets. Xilinx and the Xilinx Alliance partners offer a large number of soft IP modules for the Zynq-7000 family. Stand-alone and Linux device drivers are available for the peripherals in the PS and the PL from Xilinx and additional OSes and board support packages (BSPs) from partners. The ISE® Design Suite Embedded Edition development environment enables a rapid product development for software, hardware, and systems engineers. Many third-party software development tools are also available. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 26 Chapter 1: Introduction The processor(s) in the PS always boot first, allowing a software centric approach for PL system boot and PL configuration. The PL can be configured as part of the boot process or configured at some point in the future. Additionally, the PL can be completely reconfigured or used with partial, dynamic reconfiguration (PR). PR allows configuration of a portion of the PL. This enables optional design changes such as updating coefficients or time-multiplexing of the PL resources by swapping in new algorithms as needed. This latter capability is analogous to the dynamic loading and unloading of software modules. The PL configuration data is referred to as a bitstream. 1.1.1 Block Diagram Figure 1-1 illustrates the functional blocks of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC. The PS and the PL are on separate power domains, enabling the user of these devices to power down the PL for power management if required. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC I/O Peripherals MIO USB Processing System Clock Generation Reset Application Processor Unit SWDT 2x USB TTC GigE GigE SD SDIO SD SDIO GPIO UART UART CAN CAN I2C I2C SPI SPI 2x GigE System Level Control Regs 2x SD IRQ ARM Cortex-A9 CPU MMU 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache Snoop Controller, AWDT, Timer DMA 8 Channel 512 KB L2 Cache & Controller 256K SRAM OCM Interconnect Memory Interfaces Central Interconnect CoreSight Components SRAM/ NOR DDR2/3,3L, LPDDR2 Controller DAP ONFI 1.0 NAND DevC Programmable Logic to Memory Interconnect Config AES/ SHA High-Performance Ports Q-SPI CTRL XADC 12 bit ADC ARM Cortex-A9 CPU MMU 32 KB D-Cache GIC Memory Interfaces EMIO FPU and NEON Engine FPU and NEON Engine USB General-Purpose Ports DMA Sync IRQ ACP Programmable Logic Notes: 1) Arrow direction shows control (master to slave) 2) Data flows in both directions: AXI 32bit/64bit, AXI 64bit, AXI 32bit, AHB 32bit, APB 32bit, Custom 3) Gray blocks in APU are applicable to dual core devices. SelectIO Resources UG585_c1_01_082216 Figure 1-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Overview www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 27 Chapter 1: Introduction The Zynq-7000 AP SoC is composed of the following major functional blocks: • • Processing System (PS) ° Application processor unit (APU) ° Memory interfaces ° I/O peripherals (IOP) ° Interconnect Programmable Logic (PL) 1.1.2 Documentation Resources Table 1-1 identifies the versions of third-party IP used in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices. Table 1-1: Vendor IP Versions Unit Supplier Version Cortex-A9 MPCore ARM r3p0 AMBA Level 2 Cache Controller (PL310) ARM r3p2-50rel0 PrimeCell Static Memory Controller (PL353) ARM r2p1 PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) ARM r1p1 Generic Interrupt Controller (PL390) ARM Arch v1.0, r0p0 CoreLink Network Interconnect (NIC-301) ARM r2p2 DesignWare Cores IntelliDDR Multi Protocol Memory Controller Synopsys A07 USB 2.0 High Speed Atlantic Controller Synopsys 2.20a Watchdog Timer Cadence Rev 07 Inter Intergrated Circuit Cadence r1p10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC Cadence r1p23 Serial Peripheral Interface Cadence r1p06 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Cadence r1p08 Triple Timer Counter Cadence Rev 06 SD2.0/SDIO2.0/MMC3.31 AHB Host Controller Arasan 8.9A_apr02nd_2010 The PL is derived from Xilinx 7 series FPGA technology: Artix®-7 for the 7z010/7z015/7z020 (dual core devices) and 7z007s/7z012s/7z014s (single core devices), and Kintex®-7 for the 7z030/7z035/7z045/7z100 devices. The PL is used to extend the functionality to meet specific application requirements. The PL includes many different types of resources including configurable logic blocks (CLBs), port and width configurable block RAM (BRAM), DSP slices with a 25 x 18 multiplier, 48-bit accumulator and pre-adder (DSP48E1), a user configurable analog to digital convertor (XADC), clock management tiles (CMT), a configuration block with 256b AES for decryption and SHA for authentication, configurable SelectIO™ technology and optionally GTP or GTX multi-gigabit transceivers and an integrated PCI Express® (PCIe) block. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 28 Chapter 1: Introduction To learn more about the PL resources, refer to the following Xilinx 7 series FPGA User Guides: • UG471, 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide • UG472, 7 Series FPGAs Clocking Resources User Guide • UG473, 7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources User Guide • UG474, 7 Series FPGAs Configurable Logic Block User Guide • UG476, 7 Series FPGAs GTX Transceiver User Guide • UG482, 7 Series FPGAs GTP Transceiver User Guide • PG054, 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide • UG479, 7 Series FPGAs DSP48E1 User Guide • UG480, 7 Series FPGAs XADC User Guide The PS and PL can be tightly or loosely coupled using multiple interfaces and other signals that have a combined total of over 3,000 connections. This enables you to effectively integrate user-created hardware accelerators and other functions in the PL logic that are accessible to the processors and can also access memory resources in the processing system. The PS I/O peripherals, including the static/flash memory interfaces share a multiplexed I/O (MIO) of up to 54 MIO pins. Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices also include the capability to use the I/Os that are part of the PL domain for many of the PS I/O peripherals. This is done through an extended multiplexed I/O interface (EMIO). The system includes many types of security, test and debug features. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC can be booted securely or non-securely. The PL configuration bitstream can be applied securely or non-securely. Both of these use the 256b AES decryption and SHA authentication blocks that are part of the PL. Therefore, to use these security features, the PL must be powered on. The boot process is multi-stage and minimally includes the boot ROM and the first-stage boot loader (FSBL). The Zynq-7000 AP SoC includes a factory-programmed boot ROM that is not user accessible. The boot ROM determines whether the boot is secure or non-secure, performs some initialization of the system and clean-ups, reads the mode pins to determine the primary boot device and finishes once it is satisfied it can execute the FSBL. After a system reset, the system automatically sequences to initialize the system and process the first stage boot loader from the selected external boot device. The process enables you to configure the AP SoC platform as needed, including the PS and the PL. Optionally, the JTAG interface can be enabled to give the design engineer access to the PS and the PL for test and debug purposes. Power to the PL can be optionally shut off to reduce power consumption. In addition, the clocks in the PS can be dynamically slowed down or gated off to reduce power further. Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices support the ARM standby mode to obtain minimal power drain, but still are able to start up when certain events occur. Elements of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC are described from the point of view of the PS. For example, a general purpose slave interface on the PS to the PL means that the master resides in the PL. A high performance slave interface means the high performance master resides in the PL. A general purpose master interface means the PS is the master and the slave resides in the PL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 29 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1.3 Notices Zynq-7000 AP SoC Device Family The PS structure for all Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices is the same except for the following: 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices have a limited number of pins (225). This reduces the capability of the MIO, DDR and XADC subsystems. • 32 MIO pins, see section 2.5.3 MIO Pin Assignment Considerations • 16 DDR data, see section 10.1.3 Notices in Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller • Four pairs of XADC signals, see Notices in Chapter 30, XADC Interface Device Revisions The visual markings are shown in UG865, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Packaging and Pinout Advance Product Specification. Software can read the following registers in all Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices to determine silicon revision: • devcfg.MCTRL [PS_VERSION] • slcr.PSS_IDCODE[IDCODE] The JTAG interface also includes the IDCODE revision content. TrustZone Capabilities TrustZone is hardware that is built into all Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices. For more information, see UG1019, Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable Soc. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 30 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.2 Processing System (PS) Features and Descriptions 1.2.1 Application Processor Unit (APU) The application processor unit (APU) provides an extensive offering of high-performance features and standards-compliant capabilities. Dual/Single ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore CPUs with ARM v7 • Run time options allow single processor, asymmetrical (AMP) or symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP) configurations • ARM version 7 ISA: standard ARM instruction set and Thumb®-2, Jazelle® RCT and Jazelle DBX Java™ acceleration • NEON™ 128b SIMD coprocessor and VFPv3 per MPCore • 32 KB instruction and 32 KB data L1 caches with parity per MPCore • 512 KB of shareable L2 cache with parity • Private timers and watchdog timers System Features • System-Level Control Registers (SLCRs) ° A group of various registers that are used to control the PS behavior ° The register map is located in Chapter 4, System Addresses ° The SLCR registers related to a specific chapter are listed in the register overview table of that chapter and detailed in Appendix B, Register Details • Snoop control unit (SCU) to maintain L1 and L2 coherency • Accelerator coherency port (ACP) from PL (master) to PS (slave) • • ° 64b AXI slave port ° Can access the L2 and the OCM ° Transactions are data coherent with L1 and L2 caches 256 KB of on-chip SRAM (OCM) with parity ° Dual ported ° Accessible by the CPUs, PL and central interconnect ° At level of L2, but is not cacheable DMA controller ° Four channels for PS (memory copy to/from any memory in system) ° Four channels for PL (memory to PL, PL to memory) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 31 Chapter 1: Introduction • General interrupt controller (GIC) ° Individual interrupt masks and interrupt prioritization ° Five CPU-private peripheral interrupts (PPI) ° Sixteen CPU-private software generated interrupts (SGI) ° Distributes shared peripheral interrupts (SPI) from the rest of the system, PS and PL - • 20 from the PL ° Wait for interrupt (WFI) and wait for event (WFE) signals from CPU sent to PL ° Enhanced security features to support TrustZone™ technology Watchdog timer, triple counter/timer 1.2.2 Memory Interfaces The memory interfaces includes multiple memory technologies. DDR Controller • Supports DDR3, DDR3L, DDR2, LPDDR-2 ° • Rate is determined by speed and temperature grade of the device 16b or 32b wide ° ECC on 16b • Uses up to 73 dedicated PS pins • Modules (no DIMMs) ° 32b wide: 4 x 8b, 2 x 16b, 1 x 32b ° 16b wide: 2 x 8b, 1 x 16b • Autonomous DDR power down entry and exit based on programmable idle periods • Data read strobe auto-calibration • Write data byte enables supported for each data beat • Low latency read mechanism using HPR queue • Special urgent signaling to each port • TrustZone regions programmable on 64 MB boundaries • Exclusive accesses for two different IDs per port (locked transactions are not supported) DDR Controller Core and Transaction Scheduler • Transaction scheduling is done to optimize data bandwidth and latency • Advanced re-ordering engine to maximize memory access efficiency with target of 90% efficiency with continuous read and write and 80% efficiency with random read and write • Write-read address collision checking that flushes the write buffer • Obeys AXI ordering rules Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 32 Chapter 1: Introduction Quad-SPI Controller Key features of the linear Quad-SPI controller (which can be a primary boot device) are: • Single or dual • 1x and 2x read support • 32-bit APB 3.0 interface for I/O mode that allows full device operations including program, read and configuration • 32-bit AXI linear address mapping interface for read operations • Single device select line support • Supports write protection signal • 4-bit bidirectional I/O signals • Read speed of x1, x2 and x4 • Write speed of x1 and x4 • Maximum Quad-SPI clock at master mode is 100 MHz • 252-byte entry FIFO depth to improve Quad-SPI read efficiency • Supports Quad-SPI device up to 128 Mb density in I/O and linear mode. >128Mb devices are supported in IO mode only. • Supports dual Quad-SPI with two quad-SPI devices in parallel In addition, the linear address mapping mode features include: • Supports regular read-only memory access through the AXI interface • Up to two SPI flash memories • Up to 16 MB addressing space for one memory and 32 MB for two memories in linear mode • AXI read acceptance capability of 4 • Both AXI incrementing and wrapping-address burst read • Automatically converts normal memory read operation to SPI protocol, and vice versa • Serial, Dual and Quad-SPI modes Static Memory Controller (SMC) Either of the following can be the primary boot device: • NAND controller ° 8/16-bit I/O width with one chip select signal ° ONFI specification 1.0 ° 16-word read and 16-word write data FIFOs ° 8-word command FIFO ° Programmable I/O cycle timing ° ECC assist ° Asynchronous memory operating mode Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 33 Chapter 1: Introduction • Parallel SRAM/NOR controller ° 8-bit data bus width ° One chip select with up to 25 address signals (32 MB) ° Two chip selects with up to 25 address signals (32 MB + 32 MB) ° 16-word read and 16-word write data FIFOs ° 8-word command FIFO ° Programmable I/O cycle timing on a per chip select basis ° Asynchronous memory operating mode 1.2.3 I/O Peripherals The I/O Peripherals (IOP) are a collection of industry-standard interfaces for external data communication. Note: The controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. GPIO • Up to 54 GPIO signals for device pins routed through the MIO ° • 192 GPIO signals between the PS and PL via the EMIO ° • 64 Inputs, 128 outputs (64 true outputs and 64 output enables) The function of each GPIO can be dynamically programmed on an individual or group basis ° • Outputs are 3-state capable Enable, bit or bank data write, output enable and direction controls Programmable Interrupts on individual GPIO basis ° Status read of raw and masked interrupt ° Positive edge, negative edge, either edge, high level, low level sensitivities Gigabit Ethernet Controllers (Two) • RGMII interface using MIO pins and external PHY • Additional interface using PL SelectIO and external PHY with additional soft IP in the PL • SGMII interface using PL GTP or GTX transceivers • Built-in DMA with scatter-gather • IEEE 802.3-2008 and IEEE 1588 revision 2.0 • Wake-on capability Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 34 Chapter 1: Introduction USB Controllers: Each as Host, Device or OTG (Two) • USB 2.0 high speed on-the-go (OTG) dual role USB host controller or USB device controller operation using the same hardware • MIO pins only (one USB controller is available in the 7x010 device) • Built-in DMA • USB 2.0 high speed device • USB 2.0 high speed host controller • The USB host controller registers and data structures are EHCI compatible • Direct support for USB transceiver low pin interface (ULPI). The ULPI module supports 8 bits • External PHY required • Support up to 12 endpoints SD/SDIO Controllers (Two) • Bootable SD Card mode (option) • Built-in DMA • Host mode support only • Support for version 2.0 of SD specification • Full speed and low speed support • 1-bit and 4-bit data interface support • Low speed clock 0–400 kHz • Support for high speed interface • Full speed clock 0-50 MHz with maximum throughput at 25 MB/s • Support for memory, I/O, and combination cards • Support for power control modes • Support for interrupts • 1 KB Data FIFO interface SPI Controllers (Two): Master or Slave • Four wire bus: MOSI, MISO, SCLK, SS • Full-duplex operation offers simultaneous receive and transmit • Master mode ° Manual or auto start transmission of data ° Manual or auto slave select (SS) mode ° Supports up to three slave select lines ° Allows the use of an external peripheral select 3-to-8 decode ° Programmable delays for data transmission Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 35 Chapter 1: Introduction • Slave mode ° • • Programmable start detection mode Multi-master environment ° Drives into 3-state if not enabled ° Identifies an error condition if more than one master detected Supports 50 MHz maximum external SPI clock rate through MIO ° 25 MHz maximum through EMIO to PL SelectIO pins • Selectable master clock reference • Programmable master baud rate divisor • Supports 128-byte read and 128-byte write FIFOs ° Each FIFO is 8-bit wide • Programmable FIFO thresholds • Supports programmable clock phase and polarity • Supports manual or auto start transmission of data • Software can poll for status or function as interrupt-driven • Programmable interrupt generation CAN Controllers (Two) • Conforms to the ISO 11898 -1, CAN 2.0A, and CAN 2.0B standards • Supports both standard (11-bit identifier) and extended (29-bit identifier) frames • Supports bit rates up to 1 Mb/s • Transmit message FIFO with a depth of 64 messages • Transmit prioritization through one high-priority transmit buffer • Support of watermark interrupts for TxFIFO and RxFIFO • Automatic re-transmission on errors or arbitration loss in normal mode • Receive message FIFO with a depth of 64 messages • Acceptance filtering of four acceptance filters • Sleep mode with automatic wake-up • Snoop mode • Loopback mode for diagnostic applications • Maskable error and status interrupts • 16-bit time stamping for receive messages • Readable error counters UART Controllers (Two) • Programmable baud rate generator Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 36 Chapter 1: Introduction • 64-byte receive and transmit FIFOs • 6, 7, or 8 data bits • 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits • Odd, even, space, mark, or no parity • Parity, framing and overrun error detection • Line-break generation and detection • Automatic echo, local loopback, and remote loopback channel modes • Interrupts generation • Rx and Tx signals are on the MIO and EMIO interfaces • Modem control signals: CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, RI, and DCD are available on the EMIO interface I2C Controllers (two) • Supports 16-byte FIFO • I2C bus specification version 2 • Programmable normal and fast bus data rates • Master mode ° Write transfer ° Read transfer ° Extended address support ° Support HOLD for slow processor service ° Supports TO interrupt flag to avoid stall condition • Slave monitor mode • Slave mode ° Slave transmitter ° Slave receiver ° Extended address support ° Fully programmable slave response address ° Supports HOLD to prevent overflow condition ° Supports TO interrupt flag to avoid stall condition • Software can poll for status or function as interrupt-driven device • Programmable interrupt generation PS MIO I/Os The PS MIO I/O buffers are split into two voltage domains. Within each domain, each MIO is independently programmable. • Two I/O voltage banks ° Bank 0 voltage bank consists of pins 0:15 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 37 Chapter 1: Introduction ° • Bank 1 voltage bank consists of pins 16:53 MIO voltage levels can be programmed per bank. ° 1.8 and 2.5/3.3 volts ° CMOS single ended or HSTL differential receiver mode 1.3 Programmable Logic Features and Descriptions The PL provides a rich architecture of user-configurable capabilities. • • • • • • Configurable logic blocks (CLB) ° 6-input look-up tables (LUTs) ° Memory capability within the LUT ° Register and shift register functionality ° Cascadeable adders 36 Kb block RAM ° Dual port ° Up to 72-bits wide ° Configurable as dual 18 Kb ° Programmable FIFO logic ° Built-in error correction circuitry Digital signal processing — DSP48E1 Slice ° 25 × 18 two's complement multiplier/accumulator high-resolution (48 bit) signal processor ° Power saving 25-bit pre-adder to optimize symmetrical filter applications ° Advanced features: optional pipelining, optional ALU, and dedicated buses for cascading Clock management ° High-speed buffers and routing for low-skew clock distribution ° Frequency synthesis and phase shifting ° Low-jitter clock generation and jitter filtering Configurable I/Os ° High-performance SelectIO technology ° High-frequency decoupling capacitors within the package for enhanced signal integrity ° Digitally controlled impedance that can be 3-stated for lowest power, high-speed I/O operation ° High range (HR) I/Os support 1.2V to 3.3V ° High performance (HP) I/Os support 1.2V to 1.8V (7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices) Low-power gigabit transceivers (7z012s, 7z015, 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 38 Chapter 1: Introduction • • ° High-performance transceivers capable of up to 12.5 Gb/s (GTX) in 7z030, 7z035, 7z045 and 7z100 devices ° High-performance transceivers capable of up to 6.25 Gb/s (GTP) in 7z012s and 7z015 devices ° Low-power mode optimized for chip-to-chip interfaces ° Advanced transmit pre- and post-emphasis, and receiver linear (CTLE) and decision feedback equalization (DFE), including adaptive equalization for additional margin Analog-to-digital converter (XADC) ° Dual 12-bit 1 MSPS analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) ° Up to 17 flexible and user-configurable analog inputs ° On-chip or external reference option ° On-chip temperature and power supply sensors ° Continuous JTAG access to ADC measurements Integrated interface blocks for PCI Express designs (7z015, 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices) ° Compatible to the PCI Express base specification 2.1 with Endpoint and Root Port capability ° Supports Gen1 (2.5 Gb/s) and Gen2 (5.0 Gb/s) speeds ° Advanced configuration options, advanced error reporting (AER), and end-to-end CRC (ECRC) advanced error reporting and ECRC features 1.4 Interconnect Features and Description Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices uses several interconnect technologies, optimized to the specific communication needs of the functional blocks. For more information, refer to the block diagram in Figure 1-1 or a more detailed diagram in Figure 5-1. 1.4.1 PS Interconnect Based on AXI High Performance Datapath Switches • • OCM interconnect ° Provides access to the 256 KB memory from the central interconnect and the PL ° CPUs and ACP interfaces have the lowest latency access to OCM through the SCU Central interconnect ° The central interconnect is 64 bits, connecting the IOP and DMA controller to the DDR memory controller, on-chip RAM, and the AXI_GP interfaces (through their switches) for the PL logic ° Connects the local DMA units in the Ethernet, USB and SD/SDIO controllers to the central interconnect ° Connects masters in the PS to the IOP Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 39 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.4.2 PS-PL Interfaces The PS-PL interface contains all the signals available to the PL designer for integrating the PL-based functions and the PS. There are two types of interfaces between the PL and the PS. 1. Functional interfaces which include AXI interconnect, extended MIO interfaces (EMIO) for most of the I/O peripherals, interrupts, DMA flow control, clocks, and debug interfaces. These signals are available for connecting with user-designed IP blocks in the PL. 2. Configuration signals which include the processor configuration access port (PCAP), configuration status, single event upset (SEU) and Program/Done/Init. These signals are connected to fixed logic within the PL configuration block, providing PS control. AXI functional interfaces: • • • AXI_ACP ° One 64-bit cache coherent slave port in the APU interfaces to a PL master port ° Connects to the snoop control unit for cache coherency between the CPUs and the PL AXI_HP, four high performance/bandwidth master ports on the PS AXI interconnect ° 32-bit or 64-bit data master interfaces (independently programmed) ° Efficient resizing in 32-bit slave interface configuration mode ° Efficient upsizing to 64-bits for aligned 32-bit transfers in 32-bit slave interface configuration mode ° Automatic expansion to 64 bits for unaligned 32-bit transfers in 32-bit slave interface configuration mode ° Dynamic command upsizing translation between 32-bit and 64-bit interfaces, controllable through AxCACHE[1] ° Separate R/W programmable issuing capability for read and write commands ° Programmable release threshold of write commands ° Asynchronous clock frequency domain crossing for all AXI interfaces between the PL and PS ° Smoothing out of “long-latency” transfers using 1 KB (128 by 64 bits) data FIFOs for both reads and writes ° QoS signaling available from PL ports ° Command and data FIFO fill-level counts available to the PL ° Standard AXI 3.0 interfaces supported ° Large slave interface read acceptance capability in the range of 14 to 70 commands (burst length dependent) ° Large slave interface write acceptance capability in the range of 8 to 32 commands (burst length dependent) AXI_GP, four general purpose ports ° Two, 32-bit master interfaces ° Two, 32-bit slave interfaces ° Asynchronous clock frequency domain crossing for all AXI interfaces between the PL and PS ° Standard AXI 3.0 interfaces supported Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 40 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.5 System Software Xilinx provides device drivers for all of the I/O peripherals. These device drivers are provided in source format and support bare-metal or stand-alone and Linux. An example first-stage boot loader (FSBL) is also provided in source code format. The source drivers for stand-alone and FSBL are provided as part of the Xilinx IDE Design Suite Embedded Edition. The Linux drivers are provided through the Xilinx Open Source Wiki at wiki.xilinx.com Refer to UG821, Zynq-7000 Software Developers Guide for additional information. In addition, Xilinx Alliance Program partners provide system software solutions for IP, middleware, operation systems, etc. Refer to the Zynq-7000 landing page at www.xilinx.com/zynq for the latest information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 41 Chapter 2 Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.1 Introduction This chapter identifies the user visible signals and interfaces in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices. The interfaces and signals are organized into major groups as shown in Figure 2-1. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices consist of a Processing System (PS) with a Xilinx Artix™-7 or Kintex™-7 based Programmable Logic (PL) block. 2.1.1 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices (225 pin packages) support 32 MIO pins and at most one Ethernet interface through the MIO pins. This is shown in the MIO table in 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. One or both of the Ethernet controllers can interface to logic in the PL. PS-PL Voltage Level Shifters All of the signals and interfaces that go between the PS and PL traverse a voltage boundary. These input and output signals are routed through voltage level shifters that must be enabled and disabled during the power-up and power-down sequences of the PL. For more information on the voltage level shifters, refer to section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. Pin Timing and Voltage Specifications Refer to the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Data Sheet for timing and pin voltage information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 42 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins X-Ref Target - Figure 2-1 Zynq 7000 Device Boundary Processing System (PS) AXI Interfaces Programmable Logic (PL) M_AXI_GP x2 S_AXI_GP x2 S_AXI_HP x4 S_AXI_ACP x1 PS Signals and Interfaces Misc. PL Signals PS_CLK, POR_RST_N, SRST_N FCLKs User SelectIO IRQ, Event, Standby XADC DDR Memory DMA Req/Ack USB DDR Arb, AXI Idle, SRAM Int Quad-SPI NAND, NOR/SRAM PL Signals Zynq 7z012s, 7z015, 7z030, 7z035,7z045, and 7z100 Multi-gigabit Serial Transceivers (MGTX) FTMD Trace, FTMT Trigs MIO Pins, EMIO Signals, JTAG GigE, SDIO, SPI, I2C, CAN, UART, GPIO, TTC, SWDT EMIO PS Power Pins Boot Mode MIO PL Power Pins JTAG UG585_c2_01_091916 Figure 2-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Signals, Interfaces, and Pins www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 43 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.2 Power Pins The PS and PL power supplies are fully independent, however the PS power supply must be present whenever the PL power supply is active. PL power up needs to maintain a certain timing relationship with the POR reset signal of the PS. For more details refer to section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance: PS_POR_B De-assertion Guidelines, page 179. The PS includes an independent power supply for the DDR I/O and two independent voltage banks for MIO. The power pins are summarized in Table 2-1. The voltage sequencing and electrical specifications are shown in the applicable Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet. Also refer to the Zynq-7000 AP SoC packaging and pin documents for more information. Table 2-1: Type Power Pins Pin Name Nominal Voltage Power Pin Description V CCPINT 1.0V Internal logic V CCPAUX 1.8V I/O buffer pre-driver V CCO_DDR 1.2V to 1.8V DDR memory interface V CCO_MIO0 1.8V to 3.3V MIO bank 0, pins 0:15 V CCO_MIO1 1.8V to 3.3V MIO bank 1, pins 16:53 V CCPLL 1.8V Three PLL clocks, analog V CCINT 1.0V Internal core logic V CCAUX 1.8V I/O buffer pre-driver V CCO_# 1.2V to 3.3V I/O buffers drivers (per bank) V CC_BATT 1.5V PL decryption key memory backup V CCBRAM 1.0V PL block RAM V CCAUX_IO_G# 1.8V to 2.0V PL auxiliary I/O circuits XADC VCCADC, GNDADC N/A Analog power and ground. Ground GND Ground Digital and analog grounds PS Power PL Power Note: Refer to the respective data sheet for recommended operating conditions. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 44 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.3 PS I/O Pins A summary of the dedicated PS signal pins is shown in Table 2-2. CAUTION! For MIO pins, the allowable Vin High level voltage depends on the settings of the slcr.MIO_PIN_xx [IO_Type] and [DisableRcvr] bits. These restrictions and the restrictions for all I/O pins are defined in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheets. Damage to the input buffer can occur when the limits are exceeded. Table 2-2: Group Clock PS Signal Pins Name 7z007s/ Zynq-7000 7z010 Family Device Voltage Node Type Pin Pin Count(1) Count PS_CLK I 1 1 VCCO_MIO0 System reference clock. See Chapter 25, Clocks. PS_POR_B I 1 1 VCCO_MIO0 Power on reset, active low. See Chapter 26, Reset System. PS_SRST_B I 1 1 VCCO_MIO1 Debug system reset, active Low. Forces the system to enter a reset sequence. See Chapter 26, Reset System. PS_MIO[15:0] I/O 16 16 VCCO_MIO0 PS_MIO[53:16] I/O 38 16 VCCO_MIO1 PS_MIO_VREF Ref 1 0 VCCO_MIO1 Voltage reference for RGMII input receivers, refer to UG933, Zynq-7000 AP SoC PCB Design and Pin Planning Guide. PS_DDR_xxx I/O 73 51 V CCO_DDR See Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller. PS_DDR_VR[N,P] N/A 2 1 ~ DDR DCI voltage reference pins, refer to UG933, Zynq-7000 AP SoC PCB Design and Pin Planning Guide. PS_DDR_VREF Ref 4 4 ~ Voltage reference for DDR DQ and DQS differential input receivers, refer to UG933, Zynq-7000 AP SoC PCB Design and Pin Planning Guide. Reset MIO DDR Description Refer to section 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces and UG865, Zynq-7000 AP SoC Package and Pinout Guide. Notes: 1. Does not include 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices. 7z007s and 7z010 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices (225 pin packages) have fewer pins than the other Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices (see Table 2-2). Details for DDR and MIO pins can be found in Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller and section 2.5.3 MIO Pin Assignment Considerations, respectively. There is more information about the CLG225 devices in section 1.1.3 Notices. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 45 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables All of the signals and interfaces that go between the PS and PL traverse a voltage boundary. These input and output signals are routed through voltage level shifters. The majority of the voltage level shifters are enabled by the slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN register. The voltage level shifter enables for some PS-PL traversing signals are controlled with the PL power state. These include signals for the XADC, PL, and EMIO JTAGs; the PCAP interface; and other modules. The enabling and disabling of the voltage level shifters must be managed during the PL power-up and power-down sequences to avoid extraneous logic level transitions on the input signals to the PS modules. Disable the voltage level shifters before the PL is powered down. Similarly, enable the level shifters after the PL is powered up and before the signals are used. The PS must be powered on to program the logic in the PL. Example: Power-up Sequence 1. Power-up the PL. Refer to the data sheet for voltage sequencing requirements. The slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN register should be equal to 0x0. 2. Enable the PS-to-PL level shifters. Write 0x0A to the slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN register. 3. Program the PL. 4. Wait for the PL to be programmed. Read devcfg.INT_STS [PCFG_DONE_INT] until = 1 to indicate that the DONE signals has asserted. 5. Enable the PL-to-PS level shifters. Write 0x0F to the slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN register. 6. Begin to use the signals and interfaces between the PS and PL. Example: Power-down Sequence 1. Stop using the signals and interfaces between the PS and PL. 2. Disable the voltage level shifters. Write 0x0 to the slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN register. 3. Power-down the PL. Refer to the data sheet for voltage sequencing requirements. 4. Leave the slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN register = 0x0 when the PL is powered down. TIP: Functionally, there is no reason to enable the voltage level shifters until the PL is fully configured. The PS does not allow the voltage level shifters to be enabled until the PL global signals indicate that it is safe to do so. The PL is fully programmed when the PL DONE signal is High. The PL DONE signal is tracked as an interrupt in the DevC subsystem. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 46 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces The MIO is fundamental to the I/O peripheral connections due to the limited number of MIO pins. Software programs the routing of the I/O signals to the MIO pins. The I/O peripheral signals can also be routed to the PL (including PL device pins) through the EMIO interface. This is useful to gain access to more device pins (PL pins) and to allow an I/O peripheral controller to interface to user logic in the PL. See Figure 2-2. X-Ref Target - Figure 2-2 EMIO Interface PS PL PL PL User Pins AHB Masters PS I/O Peripherals (IOP) Device Boundary AHB Slaves APB Slaves MIO Multiplexer PS MIO Pins UG585_c2_02_101612 Figure 2-2: MIO-EMIO Overview 2.5.1 I/O Peripheral (IOP) Interface Routing The I/O multiplexing of the I/O controller signals differs; that is, some IOP signals are solely available on the MIO pin interface, some signals are available via MIO or EMIO, and some of the interface signals are only accessible via EMIO. Some of the routing capabilities for each I/O peripheral are shown in Table 2-3. The details for each IOP are included in the chapter that describes the IOP. MIO pin assignment possibilities are illustrated in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Note: The routing of the IOP interface I/O signals must be done as a group; that is, the signals must not be split and routed to different MIO pin groups. For example, if the SPI 0 CLK is routed to MIO pin 40, then the other signals of the SPI 0 interface must be routed to MIO pins 41 to 45. Similarly, the signals within an IOP interface must not be split between MIO and EMIO. However, unused signals within an IOP interface do not necessarily need to be routed. Unused signals can be configured as a GPIO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 47 Chapter 2: Table 2-3: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins I/O Peripheral MIO-EMIO Interface Routing Peripheral MIO Routing EMIO Routing Cross Reference TTC [0,1] Clock In, Wave Out. Clock In, Wave Out. One pair of signals from Three pairs of signals each counter. from each counter. See Chapter 8, Timers SWDT Clock In, Reset Out Clock In, Reset Out See Chapter 8, Timers SMC Parallel NOR/SRAM and NAND Flash Not available See Chapter 11, Static Memory Controller Quad-SPI [0,1] Serial, dual and quad modes Not available See Chapter 12, Quad-SPI Flash Controller SDIO [0,1] 50 MHz 25 MHz See Chapter 13, SD/SDIO Controller GPIOs Up to 54 I/O channels (GPIO Banks 0 and 1) 64 GPIO channels with input, output, 3-state control (GPIO banks 2 and 3) See Chapter 14, General Purpose I/O (GPIO) USB [0,1] Host, device, and OTG Not available See Chapter 15, USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Ethernet [0,1] RGMII v2.0 MII/GMII (1) See Chapter 16, Gigabit Ethernet Controller SPI [0,1] 50 MHz Available See Chapter 17, SPI Controller CAN [0,1] ISO 11898 -1, CAN 2.0A/B Available See Chapter 18, CAN Controller UART [0,1] Simple UART: Two pins (TX/RX) TX, RX, DTR, DCD, DSR, RI, RTS and CTS See Chapter 19, UART Controller I2C [0,1] SCL, SDA {0, 1} SCL, SDA {0, 1} See Chapter 20, I2C Controller PJTAG TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO, 3-state for TDO See Chapter 27, JTAG and DAP Subsystem Trace Port IU Up to 16-bit data Up to 32-bit data See Chapter 28, System Test and Debug Notes: 1. When the Ethernet MII/GMII interface is routed through EMIO, other MII interfaces (e.g., RMII, RGMII, and SGMII) can be derived using appropriate shim logic in the PL that attaches to PL pins. 2.5.2 IOP Interface Connections For most peripherals, there is flexibility in where the I/O signals can be mapped. The routing capabilities are shown in Figure 2-4. For example, the XPS design software includes up to 12 possible MIO port mappings for CAN, or, if selected, a path to the EMIO interface. The peripheral system connection diagram is shown in Figure 2-3. The majority of the I/O signals for PS peripherals, other than USB, can be routed to either the PS pins through the MIO, or to the PL pins through the EMIO. Most peripherals also maintain the same protocol between MIO and EMIO, except Gigabit Ethernet. To reduce pin count, a 4-bit RGMII interface runs through the MIO at a 250 MHz data rate (125 MHz clock with a double data rate). The route through the EMIO includes an 8-bit GMII interface running at a 125 MHz data rate. The USB, Quad-SPI, and SMC interfaces are not available to the EMIO interface to the PL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 48 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins On the interconnect side, the USB, Ethernet and SDIO peripherals are connected to the central interconnect to service the six DMA masters. Software accesses the slave-only Quad-SPI and SMC peripherals via the AHB interconnect. The GPIO, SPI, CAN, UART, and I2C save-only controllers are accessed via the APB bus. All control and status registers are also accessed via the APB interconnect except for the SDIO controllers which each have two AHB interfaces. This architecture is designed to balance the bandwidth needs of each controller interface. X-Ref Target - Figure 2-3 WAVE_OUT SWDT TTC 1, 0 CLK_IN IOPs RESET_OUT MIO CLK_IN PS AHB 32 S APB AHB 32 S APB DMA Regs Port/PWR to EMIO Port/PWR USB 1 MIO [0] ULPI 1 MIO [1] AHB 32 APB DMA S M M DMA AHB 32 Regs SDIO 0 DMA AXI 32 APB AXI 32 APB APB Regs DMA Regs Data Path Regs MIO [6] MIO [7] SDIO 1 to EMIO QSPI 0 Quad SPI 0 QSPI 1 Quad SPI 1 NAND NOR/SRAM Boot Mode Pins: MIO[6] PLL Bypass MIO[8:7] Voltage Mode MIO[5:2] Flash/JPEG SDIO 0 AHB 32 AXI 32 M Comm Port SDIO 1 AHB 32 M GigE 1 MIO [2] RGMII 1 GMII via EMIO Regs S Slave Interconnect DMA Regs GigE 0 AHB 32 S M Regs Comm Port Boot Devices APB DMA PLL S RGMII 0 VMODE M AHB 32 S AXI 32 Regs ULPI 0 to EMIO USB 0 MDIO 0 Central Interconnect AXI 32 DMA ONFi SMC Parallel MIO [8] Zynq Device Pins MIO [9] MIO [10] To APB slave ports for Regs APB M M Slave AXI 32 S M M M Control, Status Regs APB APB MIO [51] SPI {0, 1} MIO [52] CAN {0, 1} APB APB GPIO GPIO Banks 0 & 1 GPIO Banks 2 & 3 UART {0, 1} MIO [53] I2C {0, 1} EMIO Programmable Logic (PL) Dervice Boundary M UG585_c2_03_121613 Figure 2-3: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 I/O Peripherals System Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 49 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.5.3 MIO Pin Assignment Considerations Normally, each pin is assigned to one function. One exception to this is the dual use boot mode strapping resistors (MIO [2:8]). IMPORTANT: There are several important MIO pin assignment considerations. The MIO-at-a-Glance table, the interface routing table, and these pin assignment considerations are helpful when doing pin planning. Interface Frequencies: The clocking frequency for an interface usually depends on device speed grade and whether the interface is routed via MIO or EMIO. The possible routing paths for each interface are listed in Table 2-3, page 48. The maximum clock frequency that can be used for each speed grade and routing path are defined in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheets. Two MIO Voltage Banks: The MIO pins are split across two independently configured sets of I/O buffers: Bank 0, MIO[15:0] and Bank 1, MIO[53:16]. The signalling voltage is initially configured using the VMODE boot mode strapping pins. Each bank can be configure for 1.8V signalling or 2.5V/3.3V. Boot Mode Strapping Pins: These pins can be assigned to I/O peripherals in addition to functioning as boot mode pins. MIO pins [8:2], define the boot device, the initial PLL clock bypass mode, and the voltage mode (VMODE) for the MIO banks. The strapping pins are sampled a few PS_CLK clock cycles after the PS_POR_B reset signal de-asserts. The board design ties these signals to VCC or ground using 20 KΩ pull-up and pull-down resisters. More information about the boot mode pin settings is provided in Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration. I/O Buffer Output Enable Control: The output enable for each MIO I/O buffer is controlled by a combination of the setting of the three-state override control bit, the selected signal type (input-only or not), and the state of the peripheral controller. The three-state override bit can be controlled from either of two places: the slcr.MIO_PIN_xx [TRI_ENABLE] register bit or the slcr.MIO_MST_TRI register bits. These bits control the same flip-flop to help control the three-state signal of the I/O buffer. The I/O buffer output is enabled when the three-state override control bit = 0 and either the signal is an output-only or the I/O peripheral desires to drive a signal that is configured as I/O. Boot from SD Card: The BootROM expects the SD card to be connected to MIO pins 40 through 45 (SDIO 0 interface). Static Memory Controller (SMC) Interface: Only one SMC memory interface can be used in a design. The SMC controller consumes many of the MIO pins and neither of the SMC memory interfaces can be routed to the EMIO. For example, if an 8-bit NAND Flash is implemented, then Quad-SPI, is not available and the test port is limited to 8-bits. If a 16-bit NAND Flash is implemented, then additional pins are consumed. Ethernet 0 is not available. The SRAM/NOR interface consumes up to 70% of the MIO pins, eliminating Ethernet and USB 0. The SRAM/NOR upper address pins are optional, as appropriate for the attached device. Also note that the SMC interface straddles the two MIO voltage banks. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 50 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins Quad-SPI Interface: The lower memory Quad-SPI interface (QSPI_0) must be used if the Quad-SPI memory subsystem is to be used. The upper interface (QSPI_1) is optional and is only used for a two-memory arrangement (parallel or stacked). Do not use the Quad-SPI 1 interface alone. MIO Pins [8:7] are Outputs: These MIO pins are available as output only. GPIO channels 7 and 8 can only be configured as outputs. MIO Pins in 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices: 7z010 dual core and 7z007s single core CLG225 devices have 32 MIO pins, 0:15, 28:39, 48, 49, 52, and 53. All other Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices include all 54 MIO pins and all devices have the same EMIO interface functionality. Refer to section 1.1.3 Notices. The 32 MIO pins available in the 7z007s and 7z010 devices restrict the functionality of the PS: • Either one USB or one Ethernet controller via MIO • No boot from SD Card • No NOR/SRAM interfacing • Width of NAND Flash limited to 8 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 51 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table Table 2-4 presents MIO information in a compact format for easy reference; the gray boxes represent signals that are not usable in devices with CLG225 packages (7z010 dual core and 7z007s single core devices). Refer to section PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces for background information. This section also includes important pin assignment considerations. GPIOs are available for each MIO pin. Pins 0–31 are controlled by GPIO bank 0. Pins 32–53 are controlled by GPIO bank 1. MIO7 and MIO8 can only be used as outputs. Table 2-4: MIO-at-a-Glance MIO Voltage Bank 0 Package Bank 500 MIO Voltage Bank 1 Package Bank 501 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pins not available in 7z010 and 7z007s CLG225 devices Pins not available in 7z010 and 7z007s CLG225 devices BOOT_MODE Device pll V Quad SPI 0 Quad SPI 1 fb s io io io io ck clk 0 1 2 3 Ethernet 1 rx tx ctl ck rx data tx rx ctl ck tx data MDIO rx ctl rx data ck d USB 0 da st nx dir ta p t SPI 1 1, 0 tx rx ctl ck tx data ck cs cs io io io io s 1 0 0 1 2 3 clk SPI Ethernet 0 The 20k ohm Boot Mode pull-up/down resistors tx are sampled at Reset. SPI 0 SPI 1 USB 1 data ck SPI 0 data da st nx dir ta p t SPI 1 data ck SPI 0 data SPI 1 mo mi ss ss ss mi ss ss ss mo mo mi ss ss ss mi ss ss ss mo mo mi ss ss ss mi ss ss ss mo mo mi ss ss ss ck ck ck ck ck ck ck si so 0 1 2 so 0 1 2 si si so 0 1 2 so 0 1 2 si si so 0 1 2 so 0 1 2 si si so 0 1 2 SDIO 1 1, 0 SDIO SDIO 0 SDIO 1 SDIO 0 SDIO 1 SDIO 0 SDIO 1 c c c c c c c io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io io ck m ck m ck m m ck m ck m ck m ck 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 d d d d d d d SD Card Detect and Write Protect are available in any of the shaded positions in any combination of the four signals. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 SD Card Power Controls are available on an odd/even pin basis that corresponds to SDIO controllers 0 and 1. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 SMC interface choice: NOR/SRAM or NAND Flash cs no 0 te cs data alewe oe bls io io io cle rd 2 0 1 data io 4 ~ 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAN 0 1 da ta io bu 3 sy NOR/SRAM address [0:24] MIO Pin 1 is optional: addr 25, cs 1 or gpio NAND Flash io 8 ~ 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx tx rx CAN External Clocks are optionally available on any pin in any combination UART I2C System Timers 0 1 0 1 TTC 0 TTC 1 SWDT rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx ck d rx tx tx rx ck d ck d rx tx tx rx ck d ck d Clk In, Wave Out rx tx tx rx ck d ck d rx tx tx rx ck d ck d ck d ck d w ck Clk In, Wave Out rx tx tx rx rx tx tx rx ck d ck d rx tx tx rx ck d ck d ck d ck d w ck w ck rx tx tx rx ck d ck d tx rx ck d ck d ck d w ck w ck Clk In, Reset Out ck r rx tx tx rx w ck ck r ck r ck r ck r GPIOs are available for each MIO pin. Pins 0 ~ 31 are controlled by GPIO bank 0. Pins 32 ~ 53 are controlled by GPIO bank 1. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t PJTAG Interface di do ck ms di do ck ms di do ck ms di do ck ms ck ctl 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 ck ctl 0 1 4 5 6 7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 2 3 0 1 www.xilinx.com Clock and Control Data Trace Port User Interface Send Feedback 52 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.5.5 MIO Signal Routing Signal routing through the MIO is controlled by the MIO_PIN_[53:0] configuration registers located in the slcr registers set. The MIO multiplexes and de-multiplexes the various input and output signals to the MIO pins using four stages of multiplexing, as shown in Figure 2-4. The high-speed data signals (such as RGMII for Gigabit Ethernet and ULPI for USB) are routed through only one multiplexer stage. The slower signals (such as the UART and I2C ports) are routed through all four multiplexer stages. The routing for each MIO pin is independently controlled by multiple bit fields in each MIO_PIN register. X-Ref Target - Figure 2-4 Level 3 Muxing Controller Outputs Input Tie-Offs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To Program Muxing Levels, refer to the select fields in Registers MIO_PIN_[53:00] Inputs to Controllers EMIO Other MIO Pins Controller Input Level 2 Muxing Controller Outputs 0 1 2 3 Level 1 Muxing Outputs from Controllers 0 Controller Output Notice: Not all mux inputs are populated with controller outputs. 1 Level 0 Muxing MIO Pin Controller Output 0 1 UG585_c2_04_042312 Figure 2-4: MIO Signal Routing Any of the MIO pins can be programmed to be an external CAN controller reference clock using the CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL register. 2.5.6 Default Logic Levels The inputs to the I/O peripherals are driven with default values when another source is not routed to either the MIO or the EMIO. If an input is routed to EMIO, but the PL is powered down, then the same default value is driven to the I/O peripheral. (See Figure 2-5.) For MIO-only signals, the default signal input is driven when the MIO multiplexer does not route the signal to an MIO pin. For MIO-EMIO signals, the default signal input is driven when the MIO multiplexer does not route the signal to an MIO pin (the signal defaults to the EMIO interface) and when the signal is programmed to be routed through the EMIO, but the PL either does not drive the signal (not configured) or is not able to drive it (powered down). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 53 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins The default input signal logic levels are designed to be benign to the I/O peripheral. As a precaution, the related peripheral core should also be disabled when not in use. The logic levels are shown in the signal tables in each chapter for each I/O peripheral. X-Ref Target - Figure 2-5 Programmable Logic EMIO Input Input Signal Tie-Offs Voltage translation and drives a default value to the MIO mux. EMIO Output EMIO Inputs MIO Mux Subsystems With MIO And EMIO Routing MIO Pins 0 Subsystems With MIO-only Routing 1 Hardcoded Tie-Offs No Interface Selected UG585_c2_05_042312 Figure 2-5: Non-selected Controller Inputs 2.5.7 MIO Pin Electrical Parameters The MIO_PIN registers include bit fields to control the electrical pin characteristics of each I/O Buffer (GPIOB). This includes I/O buffer signaling voltage, slew rate, 3-state control, pull-up resistor, and HSTL enable. These are summarized in Table 2-5. Refer to the applicable Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet for electrical specifications. Table 2-5: MIO I/O Buffer Programmable Parameters I/O Buffer Parameter MIO_PIN Register Bit Field Selections Comments Signaling I/O_Type LVCMOS (18, 25, 33), HSTL Selects the drive and receiver type HSTL Receiver(1) DisableRcvr Enable, Disable Enable when IO_Type = HSTL Slew Rate Speed Fast, Slow Selects edge rate for LVCMOS I/O types 3-State Control 3-State Control Enable, Disable Enables 3-state for all I/O types Pull-up Pull-up Enable, Disable Enables pull-up for all I/O types Notes: 1. The HSTL receiver is useful for the GEM Ethernet PHY interface. CAUTION! The allowable Vin High level voltage depends on the settings of the slcr.MIO_PIN_xx[IO_Type] and [DisableRcvr] bits. The restrictions are defined in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheets. Damage to the input buffer can occur when the limits are exceeded. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 54 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins VREF Source Considerations The VREF pins for HSTL signaling can be from an internal or external source. The user should choose based system design needs. The reference source is selected using the slcr.GPIOB_CTRL [VREF_SW_EN] register bit. 2.6 PS–PL AXI Interfaces The PS side of the AXI interfaces are based on the AXI 3 interface specification. Each interface consists of multiple AXI channels. The interfaces are summarized in Table 2-6. Over a thousand signals are used to implement these nine PL AXI interfaces. Note: The PL level shifters must be enabled via LVL_SHFTR_EN before PL logic communication can occur, refer to section 2.7.1 Clocks and Resets. Table 2-6: Interface Name M_AXI_GP0 M_AXI_GP1 S_AXI_GP0 S_AXI_GP1 S_AXI_ACP S_AXI_HP0 S_AXI_HP1 S_AXI_HP2 S_AXI_HP3 PL AXI Interfaces Interface Description Master Slave Signals PS PL PS PL PL PS PL PS PL PS PL PS PL PS PL PS PL PS Chapter 5, Interconnect has a section to describe each of these interfaces. The AXI signals are listed individually in section 5.6 PS-PL AXI Interface Signals. The AXI_ACP interface is also described in multiple places in Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit, including section 3.5.1 PL Co-processing Interfaces. The PS interconnect is shown in Figure 5-1. General Purpose (AXI_GP) General Purpose (AXI_GP) Accelerator Coherency Port, cache-coherent transaction (ACP) High Performance ports (AXI_HP) with read/write FIFOs and two dedicated memory ports on DDR controller and a path to the OCM. The AXI_HP interfaces are known also as AFI. 2.7 PS–PL Miscellaneous Signals The programmable logic interface group contains miscellaneous interfaces between PS and the PL. An input is driven by the PL and an output is driven by the PS. Signals might have suffixes where an 'N' suffix indicates an active Low signal; otherwise the signal is active High. A 'TN’ suffix indicates an active Low 3-state enable signal and is an output to the PL. Output signals to the PL are always driven to either a High or Low level state. PS-PL signal groups are identified in Table 2-7. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 55 Chapter 2: Table 2-7: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins PS-PL Signal Groups PS-PL Signal Group Signal Name Reference PL clocks and resets FCLKx 2.7.1 Clocks and Resets PL interrupts to PS IRQF2Px 2.7.2 Interrupt Signals IOP interrupts to PL IRQP2Fx 2.7.2 Interrupt Signals Events EVENTx 2.7.3 Event Signals IdleAXI, DDR ARB, SRAM interrupt, FPGA FPGA, DDR, EMIO 2.7.4 Idle AXI, DDR Urgent/Arb, SRAM Interrupt Signals DMA controller DMACx 2.7.5 DMA Req/Ack Signals EMIO signals EMIOx Table 2-3 USB port indicator and power control EMIOUSBx 15.16.3 MIO-EMIO Signals Note: The PL level shifters must be enabled via the slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN register before PL logic communication can occur, refer to section 2.7.1 Clocks and Resets. 2.7.1 Clocks and Resets Clocks The PS clock module provides four frequency-programmable clocks (FCLKs) to the PL that are physically spread out along the PS–PL boundary. The clocks can also be individually controlled. The FCLK clocks can be routed to PL clock buffers to serve as a frequency source. Note: There is no guaranteed timing relationship between any of the four PL clocks and between any of the other PS-PL signals. Each clock is independently programmed and operated. The FCLKCLKTRIGN[3:0] signals are currently not supported. They must be tied to ground in the PL. The FCLK clocks are described in Chapter 25, Clocks. Resets The PS reset subsystem provides four programmable reset signals to the PL. The reset signals are controlled by writing to the slcr.FPGA_RST_CTRL SLCR[FPGA[3:0]_OUT_RST] bit fields. The resets are independently programmed and are completely independent of the PL clocks and all other PS-PL signals. The PS reset subsystem is described in Chapter 26, Reset System . The PL clocks and resets are summarized in Table 2-8. Table 2-8: PL Clock and Reset Signals Type PL Signal Name I/O PL Clocks FCLKCLK[3:0] O PL Clock Throttle Control FCLKCLKTRIG [3:0] I PL Resets FCLKRESETN [3:0] O Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Reference Chapter 25, Clocks Chapter 26, Reset System www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 56 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins 2.7.2 Interrupt Signals The interrupts from the processing system I/O peripherals (IOP) are routed to the PL and assert asynchronously to the FCLK clocks. In the other direction, the PL can asynchronously assert up to 20 interrupts to the PS. Sixteen of these interrupt signals are mapped to the interrupt controller as a peripheral interrupt where each interrupt signal is set to a priority level and mapped to one or both of the CPUs. The remaining four PL interrupt signals are inverted and routed to the nFIQ and nIRQ interrupt directly to the signals to the private peripheral interrupt (PPI) unit of the interrupt controller. There is an nFIQ and nIRQ interrupt for each of two CPUs. The PS to PL and PL to PS interrupts are listed in Table 2-9. Details of the interrupt signals are described in Chapter 7, Interrupts. Table 2-9: Type PL to PS Interrupts PS to PL Interrupts PL Interrupt Signals PL Signal Name I/O Destination IRQF2P[7:0] I SPI: Numbers [68:61]. IRQF2P[15:8] I SPI: Numbers [91:84]. IRQF2P[19:16] I PPI: nFIQ, nIRQ (both CPUs). IRQP2F[27:0] O Pl Logic. These signals are received from the I/O peripherals and are forwarded to the interrupt controller. These signals are also provided as outputs to the PL. 2.7.3 Event Signals The PS supports processor events to and from the PL (see Table 2-10). These signals are asynchronous to the PS and FCLK clocks. For details on these signals, see Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit . Table 2-10: Type Events Standby PL Event Signals PL Signal Name I/O Description EVENTEVENTI I Causes one or both CPUs to wake up from a WFE state. EVENTEVENTO O Asserted when one of the CPUs has executed the SEV instruction. EVENTSTANDBYWFE[1:0] O CPU standby mode: asserted when a CPU is waiting for an event. EVENTSTANDBYWFI[1:0] O CPU standby mode: asserted when a CPU is waiting for an interrupt. 2.7.4 Idle AXI, DDR Urgent/Arb, SRAM Interrupt Signals The idle AXI signal to the PS is used to indicate that there are no outstanding AXI transactions in the PL. It cannot be read from any registers. Driven by the PL, this signal is one of the conditions used to initiate a PS bus clock shut-down by ensuring that all PL bus devices are idle. The DDR urgent/arb signal is used to signal a critical memory starvation situation to the DDR arbitration for the four AXI ports of the PS DDR memory controller. The EMIOSRAMINT signal is used to alert the PL that the static memory controller has triggered an interrupt. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 57 Chapter 2: Table 2-11: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins PL AXI Idle, DDR Urgent/Arb and SRAM Interrupt Signals Type PL Signal Name I/O Destination Reference Idle PL AXI Interfaces FPGAIDLEN I Central interconnect clock disable logic Central Interconnect Clock Disable in section 25.1.4 Power Management DDR Urgent Signal DDRARB[3:0] I DDR memory controller Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller SRAM EMIOSRAMINTIN I Static memory controller interrupt Chapter 11, Static Memory Controller 2.7.5 DMA Req/Ack Signals There are four sets of DMA controller flow control signals for use by up to four PL slaves connected via the M_AXI_GP interfaces (see Table 2-11). These four sets of flow control signals correspond to DMA channels 4 through 7, see Chapter 9, DMA Controller. Table 2-12: PL DMA Signals Type Clock and Reset Request Acknowledge Signal PL Signal Name I/O Clock DMA[3:0]ACLK I Ready DMA[3:0]DRREADY O Valid DMA[3:0]DRVALID I Type DMA[3:0]DRTYPE[1:0] I Last DMA[3:0]DRLAST I Ready DMA[3:0]DAREADY I Valid DMA[3:0]DAVALID O Type DMA[3:0]DATYPE[1:0] O Reference 9.2.7 PL Peripheral Request Interface Chapter 9, DMA Controller 2.8 PL I/O Pins A summary of the PL I/O pins is shown in Table 2-13. Refer to the applicable Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet and Zynq-7000 AP SoC packaging and pin documents for more information. For more information on multi-gigabit serial transceivers pins, see the Pin Description and Design Guidelines section in UG476, 7 Series FPGAs GTX Transceivers User Guide. (Four to sixteen transceivers are available in the Kintex-based Zynq 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices.) 7z007s and 7z010 Device Notice Devices in CLG225 packages (7z010 dual core and 7z007s single core devices) have fewer pins than the other Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices. For these devices, DXN is tied to ground, Bank 34 has 46 I/Os, and Bank 35 has 8 I/Os. There are also only four pairs of XADC signals. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 58 Chapter 2: Signals, Interfaces, and Pins CAUTION! The allowable Vin High level voltages are defined in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheets. Damage to the input buffer can occur when the limits are exceeded. Table 2-13: PL Pin Summary Group User I/O Pins Multi-Gigabit Serial Transceivers Name IO_LXXY_#, IO_XX_# Type Description I/O Most user I/O pins are capable of differential signaling and can be implemented as pairs. The top and bottom I/O pins are always single ended. I MGTXTX[P,N] O MGTAVCC_G# I 1.0V analog power-supply pin for receiver and transmitter internal circuits. MGTAVTT_G# I 1.2V analog power-supply pin for the transmit driver. MGTVCCAUX_G# I 1.8V auxiliary analog Quad PLL voltage supply for the transceivers. MGTREFCLK0/1P I Positive differential reference clock for the transceivers. MGTREFCLK0/1N I Negative differential reference clock for the transceivers. MGTAVTTRCAL N/A Precision reference resistor pin for internal calibration termination. MGTRREF PL JTAG Configuration XADC Multi-function Temperature Reserved Differential receive and transmit ports. Multi-Gigabit Serial Transceiver pins. Four transceivers are available in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC 7z030 device and 16 in the 7z035, 7z045 and 7z100 devices. MGTXRX[P,N] I Precision reference resistor pin for internal calibration termination. PL_TCK, PL_TMS, PL_TDI, PL_TDO I/O See Chapter 27, JTAG and DAP Subsystem. DONE, INIT_B, PROGRAM_B I/O Refer to the 7-series documentation. CFGBVS I Pre-configuration I/O standard type for the dedicated configuration bank 0. PUDC_B I Active Low input enables internal pull-ups during configuration on all SelectIO pins. VP, VN I Dedicated differential analog inputs. VREFP, VREFN N/A Reference input (1.25V) and ground. AD[15:0]P, AD[15:0]N I 16 differential auxiliary analog inputs. MRCC I Clock capable I/Os driving BUFRs, BUFIOs, BUFGs and MMCMs/PLLs. In addition, these pins can drive the BUFMR for multi-region BUFIO and BUFR support. These pins become regular user I/Os when not needed as a clock. SRCC I Clock capable I/Os driving BUFRs, BUFIOs and MMCMs/PLLs. These pins become regular user I/Os when not needed for clocks. T[3:0] I Four memory byte groups. T[3:0]_DQS I DDR DQS strobe pin that belongs to the memory byte group T0-T3. DXP, DXN I Temperature-sensing diode pins. RSVDVCC I Tie to VCCO_0. RSVDGND I Tie to ground. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 59 Chapter 3 Application Processing Unit 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Basic Functionality The application processing unit (APU), located within the PS, contains one processor for single-core devices or two processors for dual-core devices. These are ARM® Cortex™-A9 processors with NEON co-processors connected in an MP configuration sharing a 512 KB L2 cache. Each processor is a high-performance and low-power core that implements two separate 32 KB L1 caches for instruction and data. The Cortex-A9 processor implements the ARM v7-A architecture with full virtual memory support and can execute 32-bit ARM instructions, 16-bit and 32-bit Thumb instructions, and 8-bit Java™ byte codes in the Jazelle state. The NEON™ coprocessor media and signal processing architecture adds instructions that target audio, video, image and speech processing, and 3D graphics. These advanced single instruction multiple data (SIMD) instructions are available in both ARM and Thumb states. A block diagram of the APU is shown in Figure 3-1. The Cortex-A9 processor(s) within the APU are organized in an MP configuration with a snoop control unit (SCU) responsible for maintaining L1 cache coherency between the two processors and the ACP interface from the PL. To increase performance, there is a shared unified 512 KB level-two (L2) cache for instruction and data. In parallel to the L2 cache, there is a 256 KB on-chip memory (OCM) module that provides a low-latency memory. An accelerator coherency port (ACP) facilitates communication between the programmable logic (PL) and the APU. This 64-bit AXI interface allows the PL to implement an AXI master that can access the L2 and OCM while maintaining memory coherency with the CPU L1 caches. The unified 512 KB L2 cache is 8-way set-associative and allows you to lock the cache content on a line, way, or master basis. All accesses through the L2 cache controller can be routed to the DDR controller or can be sent to other slaves in the PS or PL depending on their address. To reduce latency to the DDR memory, there is a dedicated port from the L2 controller to the DDR controller. Debug and trace capability is built into the two processor cores and interconnects as a part of the CoreSight™ debug and trace system. You can control and interrogate the processor(s) and the memory through the debug access port (DAP). Furthermore, 32-bit AMBA® trace bus (ATB) masters from the processor(s) are funneled with other ATB masters, such as Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) and Fabric Trace Monitor (FTM), to generate the unified PS trace through the on-chip embedded trace buffer (ETB) or the trace-port interface units (TPIU). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 60 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-1 APU Accelerator Coherency Port (ACP) CPUs Snoopable Data buffers and caches PL Fabric Read/Write Requests M L1 Cache Line Updates Cache Coherent Transactions S S SCU Maintain L1 Cache Coherency M0 Cacheable and Noncacheable Accesses Flush Cache Line to Memory M1 Tag RAM Cache Tag RAM Update Cacheable and Noncacheable Accesses to DDR, PL, Peripherals, and PS registers System Interconnect S OCM Tag RAM L2 Cache Data RAM M0 M1 DDR System Interconnect UG585_c3_01_100812 Figure 3-1: APU Block Diagram ARM architecture supports multiple operating modes including supervisor, system, and user modes to provide different levels of protection at the application level. The architecture support for TrustZone technology helps to create a secure environment to run applications and protect their contents. TrustZone built into the ARM CPU processor and many peripherals enables a secure system to handle keys, private data, and encrypted information without allowing these secrets to leak to non-trusted programs or users. The APU contains a 32-bit watchdog timer and a 64-bit global timer with auto-decrement features that can be used as general-purpose timers and also as a mechanism to start up the processors from standby mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 61 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 3.1.2 System-Level View The APU is the most critical component of the system that comprises the PS, the IP cores implemented in the PL, and board-level devices such as the external memories and the peripherals. The main interfaces through which the APU communicates to the rest of the system are two interfaces through the L2 controller and an interface to the OCM that is parallel to the L2 cache. See Figure 3-1. All accesses from the dual/single Cortex-A9 MP system go through the SCU and all accesses from any other master that requires coherency with the Cortex-A9 MP system also need to be routed through the SCU using the ACP Port. All accesses that are not routed through the SCU are non-coherent with the CPU and software has to explicitly handle the synchronization and coherency. Accesses from the APU can target the OCM, DDR, PL, IOP slaves, or registers within the PS sub-blocks. To minimize the latency to the OCM, a dedicated master port from the SCU provides direct access by the processors and the ACP to the OCM, offering a latency that is even less than the L2 cache. All APU accesses to the DDR are routed through the L2 cache controller. To improve the latencies of the DDR accesses, there is a dedicated master port from the L2 cache controller to the DDR memory controller that allows all APU-DDR transactions to bypass the main interconnects which are shared with the other masters. All other accesses from the APU that are neither OCM-bound nor DDR-bound go through the L2 controller and are routed through the main interconnect using a second port. The accesses that pass through the L2 cache controller do not have to be cacheable. Exclusive access transactions from LDREX/SDREX instructions or ACP exclusive transactions in the APU are described under Exclusive AXI Accesses in Chapter 5. As shown in Figure 3-2, the APU and its sub-blocks all operate in the CPU_6x4x clock domain. The interfaces from the APU to the OCM and to the main interconnects are all synchronous. The main interconnects can run at 1/2 or 1/3 of the frequency of the CPU. The DDR block is on the DDR_3x clock domain and operates asynchronously to the APU. The ACP port to the APU block includes a synchronizer and the PL master that uses this port can have a clock that is asynchronous to the APU. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 62 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-2 High Performance AXI Controllers (AXI_HP) Cache Coherent ACP Port PL Clocks M0 32-/ 64-bit M1 32-/ 64-bit PL Fabric S0 M2 32-/ 64-bit M3 32-/ 64-bit ASYNC ASYNC M M0 Application Processing Unit ASYNC ASYNC FIFO FIFO ASYNC ASYNC ASYNC DAP ASYNC NEON MMU L1 I/D Caches 4 Instruction Data Snoop FIFO S1 M1 DevC Cortex-A9 ASYNC FIFO General Purpose AXI Slaves General Purpose AXI Masters 8 8 1 Slave Interconnect for Master Peripherals Snoop Control Unit AXI_HP to DDR Interconnect CPU_2x CPU_6x4x L2 Cache DMA Controller 512 KB QoS 64-bit QoS M0 M1 CPU_2x IOP Masters IOP Slave M Reg & Data 64-bit 8 QoS OCM Interconnect 8 IOP QoS 64-bit 8 On-chip RAM QoS CPU_1x 64-bit 64-bit Read/Write Requests (e.g., 8 reads, 8 writes) 8 16 Central Interconnect ASYNC QoS 256 kB ASYNC 4 8 32-bit 16 ASYNC Clock Synchronizer DDR Controller 32-bit DDR_3x 1 4 8 8 M3 M2 M1 M0 QoS Quality of Service Priority Master Interconnect for Slave Peripherals Clock Domains are specified within Some Blocks CPU_2x UG585_c3_02_101614 Figure 3-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 APU System View Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 63 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 3.2 Cortex-A9 Processors 3.2.1 Summary The APU implements a dual/single-core Cortex-A9 MP configuration. Each processor has its own SIMD media processing engine (NEON), memory management unit (MMU), and separate 32 KB level-one (L1) instruction and data caches. Each Cortex-A9 processor provides two 64-bit AXI master interfaces for independent instruction and data transactions to the SCU. Depending on the address and attributes, these transactions are routed to the OCM, L2 cache, DDR memory, or, through the PS interconnect, to other slaves in the PS, or to the PL. Each processor interface with the SCU includes the required snoop signals to provide coherency between the L1 data caches within the processors and the shared L2 cache for shareable memory. The Cortex-A9 and its subsystem also provide complete Trustzone extension, necessary for user security. The Cortex-A9 processor implements the necessary hardware features for program debug and trace generation support. The processor also provides hardware counters to gather statistics on the operation of the processor and memory system. The major sub-blocks within the Cortex-A9 are the central processing unit (CPU), the L1 instruction and data caches, the memory management unit (MMU), the NEON coprocessor, and the core interfaces. Their functions are explained in the following subsections. 3.2.2 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Each Cortex-A9 CPU can issue two instructions in one cycle and execute them out of order. The CPU implements dynamic branch prediction and with its variable length pipeline can deliver 2.5 DMIPs/MHz. The Cortex-A9 processor implements the ARMv7-A architecture with full virtual memory support and can execute 32-bit ARM instructions, 16-bit and 32-bit Thumb instructions, and 8-bit Java™ byte codes in the Jazelle hardware acceleration state. Figure 3-3 shows the architecture of the Cortex-A9 processor. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 64 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-3 Cortex A9 Processor Coresight Debug Coresight Trace CoreSight Debug Access Port 3 + 1 Dispatch Stage Profiling Monitor Block ALU/MUL Register Rename Stage Program Trace Unit Virtual to Physical Register Pool ALU Instruction Queue & Dispatch Out of Order Write-back Stage FPU/NEON Dual Instruction Decode Stage Out of Order Multi-issue with Speculation Prediction Queue Instruction Queue Branches Address MemorySystem Instruction Pre-fetch Stage Fast Loop Mode Auto Pre-fetcher Branch Prediction µTLB MMU Global History Buffer Branch Target Address Cache (BTAC) Instruction Cache Load-Store Unit Data Cache Return Stack Instruction Interface Store Buffer Data Interface UG585_c3_04_030712 Figure 3-3: Cortex-A9 Architecture Pipeline The pipeline implemented in the Cortex-A9 CPU employs advanced fetching of instructions and branch prediction that decouples the branch resolution from potential memory latency-induced instruction stalls. In the Cortex-A9 CPU, up to four instruction-cache lines are pre-fetched to reduce the impact of memory latency on the instruction throughput. The CPU fetch unit can continuously forward two to four instructions per cycle to the instruction decode buffer to ensure efficient superscalar pipeline utilization. The CPU implements a superscalar decoder capable of decoding two full instructions per cycle, and any of the four CPU pipelines can select instructions from the issue queue. The parallel pipelines support concurrent execution across full dual arithmetic units, load-store unit, plus resolution of any branch each cycle. The Cortex-A9 CPU employs speculative execution of instructions enabled by dynamic renaming of physical registers into an available pool of virtual registers. The CPU employs this virtual register renaming to eliminate dependencies across registers without jeopardizing the correct execution of programs. This feature allows code acceleration through an effective hardware based unrolling of Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 65 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit loops, and increases the pipeline utilization by removing data dependencies between adjacent instructions, which also indirectly reduces interrupt latency. In the Cortex-A9 CPU, dependent load-store instructions can be forwarded for resolution within the memory system to further reduce pipeline stalls. The core supports up to four data cache line fill requests that can be through automatic or user-driven pre-fetching. A key feature of this CPU is the out-of-order write back of instructions that enables the pipeline resources to be released independent of the order in which the system provides the required data. Load/store instructions can be issued speculatively before condition of instruction or a preceding branch has been resolved or before data to be written has become available. If the condition required for the execution of the load/store fails, any of the side-effects, such as the action to modify registers, are flushed. Branch Prediction To minimize the branch penalty in its highly pipelined CPU, the Cortex-A9 implements both static and dynamic branch prediction. Static branch prediction is provided by the instructions and is decided during compilation. Dynamic branch prediction uses the outcome of the previous executions of a specific branch to determine whether the branch should be taken or not. The dynamic branch prediction logic employs a global branch history buffer (GHB) which is a 4,096 entry table holding 2-bit prediction information for specific branches and is updated every time a branch gets executed. The branch execution and the overall instruction throughput also benefit greatly from the implementation of a branch target address cache (BTAC) which holds the target addresses of the recent branches. This 512-entry address cache is organized as 2-way × 256 entries and provides the target address for a specific branch to the pre-fetch unit before the actual target address is generated based on the calculation of the effective address and its translation to the physical address. Additionally, if an instruction loop fits in four BTAC entries, instruction cache accesses are turned off to lower power consumption. Note: Both GHB and BTAC RAMs implement parity for protection; however, this support has limited diagnostic value. Corruption in GHB data or BTAC data does not generate functional errors in the Cortex-A 9 processor. Corruption in GHB data or BTAC data results in faulty branch prediction that is detected and corrected when the branch gets executed. The Cortex-A9 CPU can predict conditional branches, unconditional branches, indirect branches, PC-destination data-processing operations, and branches that switch between ARM and Thumb states. However, the following branch instructions are not predicted: • Branches that switch between states (except ARM to Thumb transitions, and Thumb to ARM transitions) • Instructions with the S suffix are not predicted, as they are typically used to return from exceptions and have side effects that can change privilege mode and security state. • All mode-changing instructions Users can enable program flow prediction by setting the Z bit in the CP15 c1 Control register to 1. Refer to the System Control Register in the ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual (see Appendix A, Additional Resources). Before switching the program flow prediction on, a BTAC flush operation must be performed which has the additional effect of setting the GHB into a known state. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 66 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit Cortex-A9 also employs an 8-entry return stack cache that holds the 32-bit subroutine return addresses. This feature greatly reduces the penalty of executing subroutine calls and can address nested routines up to eight levels deep. Instruction and Data Alignment ARM architecture specifies the ARM instructions as being 32-bits wide and requires them to be word-aligned. Thumb instructions are 16-bits wide and are required to be half-word aligned. Thumb-2 instructions which are 16- or 32-bits wide are also required to be half-word aligned. Data accesses can be unaligned and the load/store unit within the CPU breaks them up to aligned accesses. The data from these accesses are merged and sent to the register file within the CPU as had been requested. Note: The application processing unit (APU), and the PS as a whole, support only little-endian architecture for both instruction and data. Trace and Debug The Cortex-A9 processor implements the ARMv7 debug architecture as described in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A). In addition, the processor supports a set of Cortex-A9 processor-specific events and system-coherency events. For more information, see Chapter 11, Performance Monitoring Unit in the ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual. The debug interface of the processor consists of: • A baseline CP14 interface that implements the ARMv7 debug architecture and the set of debug events as described in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A) • An extended CP14 interface that implements a set of debug events specific to this processor as explained in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A) • An external debug interface connected to an external debugger through a debug access port (DAP) The Cortex-A9 includes a program trace module that provides ARM CoreSight technology compatible program-flow trace capabilities for either of the Cortex-A9 processors and provides full visibility into the actual instruction flow of the processor. The Cortex-A9 PTM includes visibility over all code branches and program flow changes with cycle-counting enabling profiling analysis. The PTM block in conjunction with the CoreSight design kit provides the software developer the ability to non-obtrusively trace the execution history of multiple processors and either store this, along with time stamped correlation, into an on-chip buffer, or off chip through a standard trace interface so as to have improved visibility during development and debug. The Cortex-A9 processor also implements program counters and event monitors that can be configured to gather statistics on the operation of the processor and the memory system. 3.2.3 Level 1 Caches Each of the two Cortex-A9 processors has separate 32 KB level-1 instruction and data caches. Both L1 caches have common features that include: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 67 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit • Each cache can be disabled independently, using the system control coprocessor. Refer to the System Control Register in the ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual. • The cache line lengths for both L1 caches are 32 bytes. • Both caches are 4-way set-associative. • L1 caches support 4 KB, 64 KB, 1 MB, and 16 MB virtual memory page. • Neither of the two L1 caches supports the lock-down feature. • The L1 caches have 64-bit interfaces to the integer core and AXI master ports. • Cache replacement policy is either pseudo round-robin or pseudo-random. The victim counter is read at time of miss, not allocation, and it is incremented on allocation. An invalid line in the set is replaced in preference to using the victim counter. • On a cache miss, critical word first filling of the cache is performed. • To reduce power consumption, the number of full cache reads is reduced by taking advantage of the sequential nature of many cache operations. If a cache read is sequential to the previous cache read, and the read is within the same cache line, only the data RAM set that was previously read is accessed. • Both L1 caches support parity. • All memory attributes are exported to external memory systems. • Support for TrustZone security exports the secure or non-secure status to the caches and memory system. • Upon a CPU reset, the contents of both L1 caches are cleared to comply with security requirements. Note: You must invalidate the instruction cache, the data cache, and BTAC before using them. It is not required to invalidate the main TLB, even though it is recommended for safety reasons. This ensures compatibility with future revisions of the processor. The L1 instruction-side cache (I-Cache) is responsible for providing an instruction stream to the Cortex-A9 processor. The L1 I-Cache interfaces directly to the pre-fetch unit which contains a two-level prediction mechanism as described in the Branch Prediction section of this chapter. The L1 instruction cache is virtually indexed and physically tagged. The L1 data-side cache (D-Cache) is responsible for holding the data used by the Cortex-A9 processor. Key features of the L1 D-Cache include: • Data cache is physically indexed and physically tagged. • D-Cache is non-blocking and, therefore, load/store instructions can continue to hit the cache while it is performing allocations from external memory due to prior read/write misses. The data cache supports four outstanding reads and four outstanding writes. • The CPU can support up to four outstanding preload (PLD) instructions. However, explicit load/store instructions have higher priority. • The Cortex-A9 load/store unit supports speculative data pre-fetching which monitors sequential accesses made by program and starts fetching the next expected line before it has been requested. This feature is enabled in the cp15 Auxiliary Control register (DP bit). The pre-fetched lines can be dropped before allocation, and PLD instruction has higher priority. • The data cache supports two 32-byte line-fill buffers and one 32-byte eviction buffer. • The Cortex-A9 CPU has a store buffer with four 64-bit slots with data merging capability. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 68 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit • Both data cache read misses and write misses are non-blocking, with up to four outstanding data cache read misses and up to four outstanding data cache write misses being supported. • The APU data caches offer full snoop coherency control using the MESI algorithm. • The data cache in Cortex-A9 contains local load/store exclusive monitor for LDREX/STREX synchronizations. These instructions are used to implement semaphores. The exclusive monitor handles one address only, with eight words or one cache line granularity. Therefore, avoid interleaving LDREX/STREX sequences and always execute a CLREX instruction as part of any context switch. • D-Cache only supports write-back/write-allocate policy. Write-through and write-back/no write-allocate policies are not implemented. • L1 D-Cache offers support for exclusive operation with respect to the L2 cache. Exclusive operation implies that a cache line is valid only in L1 or L2 cache and never in both at the same time. A line-fill into L1 causes the line to be marked invalid in L2. At the same time, eviction of a line from L1 causes the line to be allocated in L2, even if it is not dirty. A line-fill into L1 from dirty L2 line forces eviction of the line to external memory. The exclusive operation, disabled by default, increases cache utilization and reduces power consumption. Initialization of L1 Caches Before using the L1 caches, you must invalidate the instruction cache, the data cache, and the BTAC. It is not required to invalidate the main TLB, even though it is recommended for safety reasons. This ensures compatibility with future revisions of the processor. Steps to initialize L1 Caches: 1. Invalidate TLBs: mcr 2. Invalidate I-Cache: mcr 3. p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 0 (r0 = 0) Invalidate Branch Predictor Array: mcr 4. p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0 (r0 = 0) p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 6 (r0 = 0) Invalidate D-Cache: mcr p15, 0, r11, c7, c14, 2 (should be done for all the sets/ways) 5. Initialize MMU. 6. Enable I-Cache and D-Cache: mcr 7. p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 (r0 = 0x1004) Synchronization barriers: dsb (Allows MMU to start) isb (Flushes pre-fetch buffer) (Refer to Memory Barriers, page 72 for more details on memory barriers.) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 69 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 3.2.4 Memory Ordering Memory Ordering Model The Cortex-A9 architecture defines a set of memory attributes with the characteristics required to support all memory and devices in the system memory map. The following mutually-exclusive main memory type attributes describe the memory regions: • Normal • Device • Strongly-ordered Device and Strongly Ordered Accesses to strongly ordered and device memory have the same memory ordering model. System peripherals come under strongly ordered and device memory. Access rules for this memory are as follows: • The number and size of accesses are preserved. Accesses are atomic, and will not be interrupted part way through. • Both read and write accesses can have side effects on the system. Accesses are never cached. Speculative accesses are never be performed. • Accesses cannot be unaligned. • The order of accesses arriving at device memory is guaranteed to correspond to the program order of instructions which access strongly ordered or device memory. This guarantee applies only to accesses within the same peripheral or block of memory. • The Cortex-A9 processor can re-order normal memory accesses around strongly ordered or device memory accesses. The only difference between device and strongly ordered memory is that: • A write to strongly ordered memory can complete only when it reaches the peripheral or memory component accessed by the write. • A write to device memory is permitted to complete before it reaches the peripheral or memory component accessed by the write. Normal Memory Normal memory is used to describe most parts of the memory system. All ROM and RAM devices are considered to be normal memory. All code to be executed by the processor must be in normal memory. Code is not architecturally permitted to be in a region of memory which is marked as device or strongly ordered. The properties of normal memory are as follows: • The processor can repeat read and some write accesses. • The processor can pre-fetch or speculatively access additional memory locations, with no side-effects (if permitted by MMU access permission settings). The processor does perform speculative writes. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 70 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit • Unaligned accesses can be performed. • Multiple accesses can be merged by processor hardware into a smaller number of accesses of a larger size. Multiple byte writes could be merged into a single double-word write, for example. Memory Attributes In addition to memory types, the ordering of accesses for regions of memory is also defined by the memory attributes. The following sub-sections discuss these attributes. Shareability Shareability domains define zones within the bus topology within which memory accesses are to be kept consistent (taking place in a predictable way) and potentially coherent (with hardware support). Outside of this domain, masters might not see the same order of memory accesses as inside it. The order of memory accesses takes place in these defined domains. Table 3-1 shows the different shareability options available in a Cortex-A9 system: Table 3-1: Shareability Domains Domain Abbreviation Description Non-Shareable NSH A domain consisting only of the local master. Accesses that never need to be synchronized with other cores, processors or devices. Not normally used in SMP systems. Inner shareable ISH A domain (potentially) shared by multiple masters, but usually not all masters in the system. A system can have multiple inner shareable domains. An operation that affects one inner shareable domain does not affect other inner shareable domains in the system. Outer shareable OSH A domain almost certainly shared by multiple masters, and quite likely consisting of several inner shareable domains. An operation that affects an outer shareable domain also implicitly affects all inner shareable domains within it. SY An operation on the full system affects all masters in the system; all non-shareable regions, all inner shareable regions and all outer shareable regions. Full system Shareability only applies to normal memory, and to device memory in an implementation that does not include the large physical address extensions (LPAE). In an implementation that includes the LPAE, device memory is always outer shareable. For more information on LPAE, refer to the ARM Technical Reference Manual. Cacheability Cacheable attributes apply only for the normal memory type. These attributes provide a mechanism of coherency control with masters that lie outside the shareability domain of a region of memory. Each region of normal memory is assigned a cacheable attribute that is one of: • Write-back cacheable • Write-through cacheable • Non-cacheable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 71 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit See the Cache Policies of ARM architecture, for information on these attributes. The Cortex-A9 CPU also provides independent cacheability attributes for normal memory for two conceptual levels of cache, the inner and the outer cacheable. Inner refers to the innermost caches, and always includes the lowest level of cache, that is, L1 cache. Outer cache refers to L2 cache. No cache controlled by the inner cacheability attributes can lie outside a cache controlled by the outer cacheability attributes. Memory Barriers A memory barrier is an instruction or sequence of instructions that forces synchronization events by a processor with respect to retiring load/store instructions. Cortex-A9 CPU requires three explicit memory barriers to support the memory order model. They are: • Data memory barrier • Data synchronization barrier • Instruction synchronization barrier These barriers provide the functionality to order and complete load/store instructions. This also helps in context synchronization. Data Memory Barrier (DMB) In a program, the use of the DMB instruction ensures that all of the instructions that access memory should be completed/observed in the system before any memory access instructions that come up after the DMB instruction. It does not affect the ordering of any other instructions executing on the processor, or of instruction fetches. Example: Weakly Ordered Message Passing Problem Consider the following instructions executing on processor P1 and P2: P1: P2: STR R5, [R1] STR R0, [R2] ; set new data ; send flag indicating data ready WAIT ([R2]==1) LDR R5, [R1] ; wait on flag ; read new data Here, the order of memory accesses seen by the other processor might not be the order that appears in the program, for either loads or stores. The addition of barriers ensures that the observed order of both the reads and the writes allow transfer of data correctly. P1: P2: STR R5, [R1] DMB STR R0, [R2] ; set new data ; ensure that all observers see data before the flag ; send flag indicating data ready WAIT ([R2]==1) DMB LDR R5, [R1] ; wait on flag ; ensure that the load of data is after the flag has been observed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 72 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit Data Synchronization Barrier (DSB) The DSB instruction has the same effect as the DMB, but in addition to this, it also synchronizes the memory accesses with the full instruction stream, not just other memory accesses. This means that when a DSB is issued, execution stalls until all outstanding explicit memory accesses have completed. When all outstanding reads have completed and the write buffer is drained, execution resumes as normal. There is no effect on pre-fetching of instructions. An example of DSB use is discussed in the following section. Example: Instruction Cache Maintenance Operations The multiprocessing extensions require that a DSB is executed by the processor which issued an instruction cache maintenance instruction to ensure its completion; this also ensures that the maintenance operation is completed on all cores within the shareable (not outer-shareable) domain. ISB is not broadcast, and so does not have an effect on other cores. This requires that other cores perform their own ISB synchronization once it is known that the update is visible, if it is necessary to ensure the synchronization of those other cores. P1: P2: STR R11, [R1] DCCMVAU R1 DSB ICIMVAU R1 BPIMVA R1 DSB ; ; ; ; R11 contains a new instruction to be stored in program memory clean to PoU (Point of Unification) makes it visible to instruction cache ensure completion of the clean on all processors ensure instruction cache/branch predictor discard stale data STR R0, [R2] ISB BX R1 ; ; ; ; ; ensure completion of the ICache and branch predictor Invalidation on all processors set flag to signal completion synchronize context on this processor branch to new code WAIT ([R2] == 1) ISB BX R1 ; wait for flag signaling completion ; synchronize context on this processor ; branch to new code Instruction Synchronization Barrier (ISB) This flushes the pipeline and pre-fetch buffer(s) in the processor, so that all instructions following the ISB are fetched from cache or memory, after the instruction has completed. This ensures that the effects of context altering operations (for example, CP15 or ASID changes or TLB or branch predictor operations), executed before the ISB instruction are visible to any instructions fetched after the ISB. This does not in itself cause synchronization between data and instruction caches, but is required as a part of such an operation. Mismatched Memory Attributes A physical memory location is accessed with mismatched attributes if all accesses to the location do not use a common definition of all of the following attributes of that location: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 73 Chapter 3: • Memory types: strongly-ordered, device, or normal • Shareability • Cacheability Application Processing Unit The following rules apply when a physical memory location is accessed with mismatched attributes: 1. When a memory location is accessed with mismatched attributes, the only software visible effects are one or more of the following: ° Uni-processor semantics for reads and writes to that memory location might be lost. This means: - A read of the memory location by a thread of execution might not return the value most recently written to that memory location by that thread of execution. - Multiple writes to a memory location by a thread of execution which uses different memory attributes might not be ordered in program order. ° There might be a loss of coherency when multiple threads of execution attempt to access a memory location. ° There might be a loss of properties derived from the memory type. 2. If the mismatched attributes for a location mean that multiple cacheable accesses to the location might be made with different shareability attributes, then coherency is guaranteed only if each thread of execution that accesses the location with a cacheable attribute performs a clean and invalidate of the location. 3. The possible loss of properties caused by mismatched attributes for a memory location are defined more precisely if all of the mismatched attributes define the memory location as one of: ° Strongly-ordered memory ° Device memory ° Normal inner non-cacheable, outer non-cacheable memory In these cases, the only possible software-visible effects of the mismatched attributes are one or more of: ° ° 4. A possible loss of properties derived from the memory type when multiple threads of execution attempt to access the memory location A possible re-ordering of memory transactions to the memory location that use different memory attributes, potentially leading to a loss of coherency or uni-processor semantics. Any possible loss of coherency or uniprocessor semantics can be avoided by inserting DMB barrier instructions between accesses to the same memory location that might use different attributes. If the mismatched attributes for a memory location all assign the same shareability attribute to the location, any loss of coherency within a shareability domain can be avoided. To do so, software must use the techniques that are required for the software management of the coherency of cacheable locations between threads of execution in different shareability domains. This means: ° If any thread of execution might have written to the location with the write-back attribute, before writing to the location not using the write-back attribute, a thread of execution must invalidate, or clean, the location from the caches. This avoids the possibility of overwriting the location with stale data. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 74 Chapter 3: ° ° Application Processing Unit After writing to the location with the write-back attribute, a thread of execution must clean the location from the caches to make the write visible to external memory. Before reading the location with a cacheable attribute, a thread of execution must invalidate the location from the caches to ensure that any value held in the caches reflects the last value made visible in external memory. In all cases: 5. ° Location refers to any byte within the current coherency granule. ° A clean and invalidate operation can be used instead of a clean operation, or instead of an invalidate operation. ° To ensure coherency, all cache maintenance and memory transactions must be completed, or ordered by the use of barrier operations. If all aliases of a memory location that permit write access to the location assign the same shareability and cacheability attributes to that location, and all these aliases use a definition of the shareability attribute that includes all the threads of execution that can access the location, then any thread of execution that reads the memory location using these shareability and cacheability attributes accesses it coherently, to the extent required by that common definition of the memory attributes. 3.2.5 Memory Management Unit (MMU) The MMU in the ARM architecture involves both memory protection and address translation. The MMU works closely with the L1 and L2 memory systems in the process of translating virtual addresses to physical addresses. It also controls accesses to and from the external memory. The MMU is compatible with the Virtual Memory System Architecture version 7 (VMSAv7) requirements supporting 4 KB, 64 KB, 1 MB, and 16 MB page table entries and 16 access domains. The unit provides global and application-specific identifiers to remove the requirement for context switch TLB flushes and has the capability for extended permission checks. Please see the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A) for a full architectural description of the VMSAv7. The processor implements the ARMv7-A MMU enhanced with security extensions and multiprocessor extensions to provide address translation and access permission checks. The MMU controls table-walk hardware that accesses translation tables in main memory. The MMU enables fine-grained memory system control through a set of virtual-to-physical address mappings and memory attributes held in instruction and data translation look-aside buffers (TLBs). In summary, the MMU is responsible for the following operations: • Checking of virtual address and ASID (address space identifier) • Checking of domain access permissions • Checking of memory attributes • Virtual-to-physical address translation • Support for four page (region) sizes • Mapping of accesses to cache, or external memory • Four entries in the main TLB are lockable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 75 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit MMU Functional Description The key feature of MMU is the address translation. It translates addresses of code and data from the virtual view of memory to the physical addresses in the real system. It enables tasks or applications to be written in a way which requires them to have no knowledge of the physical memory map of the system, or about other programs which might be running at the same time. This makes programming of applications much simpler, as it enables to use the same virtual memory address space for each. This virtual address space is separate from the actual physical map of memory in the system. The translation process is based on translation entries stored in the translation table. Refer to Translation Tables for more details. The two major functional units, shown in Figure 3-4, exist in the MMU to provide address translation automatically based on the table entries: • The table walker automatically retrieves the correct translation table entry for a requested translation. • The translation look-aside buffer (TLB) stores recently used translation entries, acting like a cache of the translation table. X-Ref Target - Figure 3-4 Virtual Memory Space MMU Process TLB Physical Memory Space Page Table Walk Logic Translation Tables UG585_c3_05_102112 Figure 3-4: MMU Architecture Block Diagram Translation Tables The translation of virtual to physical addresses is based on entries in translation tables; they are often called as page tables. These contain a series of entries, each of which describes the physical address translation for part of the memory map. Translation table entries are organized by virtual address. Each virtual address corresponds to exactly one entry in the translation table. In addition to describing the translation of that virtual page to a physical page, they also provide access permissions and memory attributes for that page or block. A single set of translation tables is used to give the translations and memory attributes which apply to instruction fetches and to data reads or writes. The process in which the MMU accesses page tables to translate addresses is known as page table walking. When developing a table-based address translation scheme, one of the most important design parameters is the memory page size described by each translation table entry. MMU instances Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 76 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit support 4 KB and 64 KB pages, a 1 MB section, and a 16 MB super-section. Using bigger page sizes means a smaller translation table. Using a smaller page size, 4 KB, greatly increases the efficiency of dynamic memory allocation and defragmentation, but it would require one million entries to span the entire 4 GB address range. To reconcile these two requirements, the Cortex-A9 Processor MMU supports multi-level page table architecture with two levels of page table: level 1 (L1) and level 2 (L2), which are discussed in the following sub-sections. Level 1 Page Tables Level 1 page table sometimes called as a master page table, which divides the full 4 GB address space into 4,096 equally sized 1 MB sections. The L1 page table therefore contains 4,096 entries, each entry being word sized. Each entry can either hold a pointer to the base address of a level 2 page table or a page table entries for translating a 1 MB section. If the page table entry is translating a 1 MB section, it gives the base address of the 1 MB page in physical memory. The base address of the L1 page table is known as the translation table base address (TTB) and is held within a register in CP15 c2. It must be aligned to a 16 KB boundary. • An L1 page table entry can be one of four possible types; the least significant two bits [1:0] in the entry define which one of these the entry contains: • A fault entry that generates an abort exception. This can be either a pre-fetch or data abort, depending on the type of memory access. This effectively indicates virtual addresses which are unmapped. • A 1 MB section translation entry. • An entry that points to an L2 page table. This enables a 1 MB piece of memory to be further sub-divided into smaller pages. • A 16 MB super-section. This is a special kind of 1 MB section entry, which requires 16 entries in the page table. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 77 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-5 14 31 23 24 20 19 18 17 16 15 13 11 9 10 Fault 12 3 2 nG S TEX[2:0] AP[1:0] 0 NS 1 nG S TEX[2:0] AP[1:0] Domain 0 0 SBZ NS SBZ 0 0 0 0 1 Domain NS AP[2] 0 AP[2] Extended Base Address PA[35:32] Supersection Base Address PA[31:24] Section Base Address, PA [31:20] Page Table Base Address, bits [31:10] 1 XN C B 1 0 Extended Base Address PA[39:36] Page Table Section 4 IGNORE Reserved Supersection 8 7 6 5 XN C B 1 0 1 1 Reserved UG585_c3_06_092817 Figure 3-5: L1 Page Table Entry Format The page table entry for a section (or super-section) contains the physical base address used to translate the virtual address. Many other bits listed in the page-table entry, including the access permissions (AP) and memory region attributes TEX, cacheable (C) or bufferable (B) types are examined in the next section. Example: Generation of a Physical Address from a L1 Page Table Entry Assume an L1 page table is placed at address 0x12300000. The processor core issues virtual address 0x00100000. The top 12 bits [31:20] define which 1 MB of virtual address space is being accessed. In this case 0x001, so you need to read table entry [1]. Each entry is one word (4 bytes). To get the offset into the table, you must multiply the entry number by entry size: 0x001 * 4 = address offset of 0x004. The address of the entry is 0x12300000 + 0x004 = 0x12300004. So, upon receiving this virtual address from the processor, the MMU reads the word from address 0x12300004. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 78 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-6 Translation Table Base Address 31 14 13 0 Virtual Address 31 31 Level 1 Table 14 13 20 19 0 2 10 First Level Descriptor Address 0 31 20 19 18 17 10 2 10 Section Base Address Descriptor 31 20 19 0 Physical Address UG585_c3_07_102112 Figure 3-6: Generating a Physical Address from an L1 Page Table Entry Level 2 Page Tables An L2 page table has 256 word-sized entries, requires 1KB of memory space and must be aligned to a 1KB boundary. Each entry translates a 4KB block of virtual memory to a 4KB block in physical memory. A page table entry can give the base address of either a 4KB or 64KB page. There are three types of entry used in L2 page tables, identified by the value in the two least significant bits of the entry: • A large page entry points to a 64 KB page. • A small page entry points a 4 KB page. • A fault page entry generates an abort exception if accessed. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 79 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-7 31 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 SBZ AP C B 0 1 TEX [2:0] AP C B 1 XN S 0 APX Small Page Base Address S 1 APX TEX [2:0] nG Small Page Large Page Base Address nG Large Page 7 IGNORE XN Fault 8 UG585_c3_08_1022112 Figure 3-7: L2 Page Table Entry Format The fields mentioned in Figure 3-7 are discussed in Description of Page Table Entry Fields. Figure 3-8 summarizes the address translation process when using two layers of page tables. The bits [31:20] of the virtual address are used to index into the 4096-entry L1 page table, where the base address is given by the CP15 TTB register. The L1 page table entry points to an L2 page table, which contains 256 entries. Bits [19:12] of the virtual address are used to select one of those entries which then gives the base address of the page. The final physical address is generated by combining that base address with the remaining bits of the physical address. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 80 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-8 Translation Table Base Address 31 14 13 0 Virtual Address 31 31 Level 1 Table 14 13 20 19 12 11 0 2 10 Level 1 Descriptor Address TTB 01 31 10 9 2 10 Level 2 Table Base Address Level 2 Table 31 10 9 2 10 Level 2 Descriptor Address 2TB 10 31 12 11 2 10 Small Page Base Address 31 12 11 0 Physical Address UG585_c3_09_102112 Figure 3-8: Generating a Physical Address from an L2 Page Table Entry Description of Page Table Entry Fields Memory Access Permissions (AP and APx) The access permission (AP and APX) bits in the page table entry give the access permission for a page. An access which does not have the necessary permission (or which faults) is aborted. On a data access, this results in a precise data abort exception. On an instruction fetch, the access is marked as aborted and if the instruction is not subsequently flushed before execution, a pre-fetch abort exception is taken. Information about the address of the faulting location and the reason for the fault is stored in CP15 (the fault address and fault status registers). The abort handler can then take appropriate action. Table 3-2 lists the access permission encodings. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 81 Chapter 3: Table 3-2: Application Processing Unit Access Permission Encodings APX AP1 AP0 Privileged Unprivileged Description 0 0 0 No access No access Permission fault 0 0 1 Read/Write No access Privileged access only 0 1 0 Read/Write Read No user-mode write 0 1 1 Read/Write Read/Write Full access 1 0 0 ~ ~ Reserved 1 0 1 Read No access Privileged Read only 1 1 0 Read Read Read only 1 1 1 ~ ~~ Reserved Memory Attributes (TEX, C and B bits) TEX, C, and B bits within the page table entry are used to set the memory attributes of a page and also the cache policies to be used. Memory attributes are discussed in 3.2.4 Memory Ordering, and for various cache policies refer to the ARM Technical Reference Manual. Table 3-3 and Table 3-4 summarize these memory attributes. Table 3-3: Memory Attributes Encodings TEX [2:0] C B 0 0 0 Strongly-ordered Strongly ordered 0 0 1 shareable device Device 0 1 0 Outer and Inner write through, no allocate on write Normal 0 1 1 Outer and Inner write back, no allocate on write Normal 1 0 0 Outer and Inner non-cacheable Normal 1 1 1 Outer and Inner cacheable Normal 10 1 0 Non-Shareable device Device 10 - - Reserved - 11 - - Reserved - 1XX Y Y Cached memory XX – Outer Policy YY – Inner Policy Normal Table 3-4: Description Memory Type Memory Attributes Encodings Encoding Bits Cache Attribute C B 0 0 Non-cacheable 0 1 Write-back, write-allocate 1 0 Write-through, no write-allocate 1 1 Write-back, no write-allocate Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 82 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit Domains A domain is a collection of memory regions. Domains are only valid for L1 page table entries. The L1 page table entry format supports 16 domains, and requires the software that defines a translation table to assign each memory region to a domain. The domain field specifies which of the 16 domains the entry is in, and a two-bit field in the Domain Access Control register (DACR) defines the permitted access for each domain. The possible settings for each domain are: • No access – Any access using the translation table descriptor generates a Domain fault. • Clients – On an access using the translation table descriptor, the access permission attributes are checked. Therefore, the access might generate a permission fault. • Managers – On an access using the translation table descriptor, the access permission attributes are not checked. Therefore, the access cannot generate a Permission fault. Shareable bit (S) This bit determines whether the translation is for sharable memory. S = 0, the memory location is non-shareable, and S = 1, it is sharable. For more information, refer to shareable attributes in section 3.2.4 Memory Ordering. Non-Global Region Bit (nG) The nG bit in the translation table entry permits the virtual memory map to be divided into global and non-global regions. Each non-global region (nG = 1) has an associated address space identifier (ASID), which is a number assigned by the OS to each individual task. If the nG bit is set for a particular page, that page is associated with a specific application and is not global. This means that when the MMU performs a translation, it uses both the virtual address and an ASID values. When a page table walk occurs and the TLB is updated and the entry is marked as non-global, the ASID value is stored in the TLB entry in addition to the normal translation information. Subsequent TLB look-ups only match on that entry if the current ASID matches with the ASID that is stored in the entry. This means you can have multiple valid TLB entries for a particular page (marked as non-global), but with different ASID values. This significantly reduces the software overhead of context switches, as it avoids the need to flush the on-chip TLBs. Execute Never bit (xN) When a memory location is marked as Execute Never (its XN attribute is set to 1) in a Client domain, instructions are not allowed to fetch/prefetch. Any region of memory that is read-sensitive must be marked as Execute Never to avoid the possibility of a speculative prefetch accessing the memory region. For example, any memory region that corresponds to a read-sensitive peripheral must be marked as Execute Never. TLB Organization The Cortex-A9 MMU includes two levels of TLBs which include a unified TLB for both instruction and data and separate micro TLBs for each. The micro TLBs act as the first level TLBs and each have 32 fully associative entries. If an instruction fetch or a load/store address misses in the corresponding micro TLB, the unified or main TLB is accessed. The unified main TLB provides a 2-way associative 2x64 entry table (128 entries) and supports four lockable entries using the lock-by-entry model. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 83 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit TLB uses a pseudo round-robin replacement policy to determine which entry in the TLB should be replaced in the case of a miss. Unlike some other RISC processors that require software to manage the updates of the TLB from the page table that resides in the memory, the main TLB in Cortex-A9 supports hardware page table walks to perform look-ups in the L1 data cache. This allows the page tables to be cached. The MMU can be configured to perform hardware translation table walks in cacheable regions by setting the IRGN bits in the Translation Table Base registers. If the encoding of the IRGN bits is write-back, then an L1 data cache look-up is performed and data is read from the data cache. If the encoding of the IRGN bits is write-through or non-cacheable, then an access to external memory is performed. TLB entries can be global, or can be assigned to particular processes or applications using the ASIDs associated with those processes. ASIDs enable TLB entries remain resident during context switches, avoiding the requirement of reloading them subsequently. Note: The ARM Linux kernel manages the 8-bit TLB ASID space globally across all CPUs instead of on a per-CPU basis. The ASID is incremented for each new process. When the ASID rolls over (ASID = 0) a TLB flush request is sent to both CPUs. However, only the CPU that is in the middle of a context switch immediately updates its current ASID context. The other CPU continues to run using its current pre-rollover ASID until a scheduling interval occurs and then it context switches to a new process. TLB maintenance and configuration operations are controlled through a dedicated coprocessor, CP15, integrated within the core. This coprocessor provides a standard mechanism for configuring the level one memory system. Micro TLB The first level of caching for the page table information is a micro TLB of 32 entries implemented on each of the instruction and data sides. These blocks provide a fully associative look-up of the virtual addresses in a cycle. The micro TLB returns the physical address to the cache for the address comparison, and also checks the protection attributes to signal either a pre-fetch abort or a data abort. All main TLB related operations affect both the instruction and data micro TLBs, causing them to be flushed. In the same way, any change of the Context ID register causes the micro TLBs to be flushed. The main or unified TLB, explained in the next section, should be invalidated after a CPU reset and before the MMU is enabled. Main TLB The main TLB is the second layer in the TLB structure that catches the misses from the Micro TLBs. It also provides a centralized source for lockable translation entries. Misses from the instruction and data micro TLBs are handled by a unified main TLB. Accesses to the main TLB take a variable number of cycles, according to competing requests from each of the micro TLBs and other implementation-dependent factors. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 84 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit Entries in the lockable region of the main TLB are lockable at the granularity of a single entry. As long as the lockable region does not contain any locked entries, it can be allocated with non-locked entries to increase overall main TLB storage size. Translation Table Base Register 0 and 1 When managing multiple applications with their individual page tables, there is a need to have multiple copies of the L1 page table, one for each application. Each of these are 16 KB in size. Most of the entries are identical in each of the tables, as typically only one region of memory is task-specific, with the kernel space being unchanged in each case. Furthermore, if there is a need to modify a global page table entry, the change is needed in each of the tables. To help reduce the effect of these problems, a second page table base register can be used. CP15 contains two page table base registers, TTBR0 and TTBR1. A control register (the TTB Control register) is used to program a value in the range 0 to 7. This value (denoted by N) tells the MMU how many upper bits of the virtual address it should check to determine which of the two TTB registers to use. When N is 0 (the default), all virtual addresses are mapped using TTBR0. With N in the range 1-7, the hardware looks at the most significant bits of the virtual address. If the N most significant bits are all zero, TTBR0 is used, otherwise TTBR1 is used. TTBR0 is used typically for process-specific addresses. On a context switch, TTBR0 is updated to point to the first-level translation table for the new context and TTBCR is updated if this change changes the size of the translation table. This table ranges in size from 128 bytes to 16 KB. TTBR1 is used for operating system and I/O addresses that do not change on a context switch. The size of this table is always 16 KB. TLB Match Process Each TLB entry contains a virtual address, a page size, a physical address, and a set of memory properties. Each is marked as being associated with a particular application space, or as global for all application spaces. A TLB entry matches if bits [31: N] of the modified virtual address (MVA) match, where N is log2 of the page size for the TLB entry. It is either marked as global, or the ASID matched the current ASID. A TLB entry matches when these conditions are true: • Its virtual address matches that of the requested address. • Its non-secure TLB ID (NSTID) matches the secure or non-secure state of the MMU request. • Its ASID matches the current ASID or is global. The operating system must ensure that, at most, one TLB entry matches at any time. A TLB can store entries based on the following block sizes: Supersections: 16 MB blocks of memory Sections: 1 MB blocks of memory Large pages: 64 KB blocks of memory Small pages: 4 KB blocks of memory Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 85 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit Supersections, sections, and large pages are supported to permit mapping of a large region of memory while using only a single entry in a TLB. If no mapping for an address is found within the TLB, then the translation table is automatically read by hardware and a mapping is placed in the TLB. (The translation table entries are discussed in detail in Translation Table Base Register 0 and 1, page 85) Memory Access Sequence When the processor generates a memory access, the MMU: 1. Performs a look-up for the requested virtual address and current ASID and security state in the relevant instruction or data micro TLB. 2. If there is a miss in the micro TLB, performs a look-up for the requested virtual address and current ASID and security state in the main TLB. 3. If there is a miss in main TLB, performs a hardware translation table walk. The MMU might not find a global mapping or a mapping for the currently selected ASID with a matching non-secure TLB ID (NSTID) for the virtual address in the TLB. In this case, the hardware does a translation table walk if the translation table walk is enabled by the PD0 or PD1 bit in the TTB Control register. If translation table walks are disabled, the processor returns a section translation fault. If the MMU finds a matching TLB entry, it uses the information in the entry as follows: 1. The access permission bits and the domain determine if the access is enabled. If the matching entry does not pass the permission checks, the MMU signals a memory abort. See the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A) for a description of access permission bits, abort types and priorities, and for a description of the Instruction Fault Status register (IFSR) and Data Fault Status register (DFSR). 2. The memory region attributes specified in both the TLB entry and the CP15 c10 remap registers control the cache and write buffer, and determine if the access is: a. Secure or non-secure b. Shared or not c. 3. Normal memory, device, or strongly-ordered The MMU translates the virtual address to a physical address for the memory access. If the MMU does not find a matching entry, a hardware table walk occurs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 86 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit X-Ref Target - Figure 3-9 Is the translation in TLB? Translation Request Yes Perform Translation Translation Result No TLB Update Yes Table walking enabled? Yes Entry exists in Page Table? No No Translation Fault UG585_c3_10_102112 Figure 3-9: Translation Process TLB Maintenance Operations The following rules describe the TLB maintenance operations: • A TLB invalidate operation is complete when all memory accesses using the TLB entries that have been invalidated have been observed by all observers to the extent that those accesses are required to be observed, as determined by the shareability and cacheability of the memory locations accessed by the accesses. In addition, once the TLB invalidate operation is complete, no new memory accesses that can be observed by those observers using those TLB entries will be performed. • A TLB maintenance operation is only guaranteed to be complete after the execution of a DSB instruction. • An ISB instruction, or a return from an exception, causes the effect of all completed TLB maintenance operations that appear in program order before the ISB or return from exception to be visible to all subsequent instructions, including the instruction fetches for those instructions. • An exception causes all completed TLB maintenance operations that appear in the instruction stream before the point where the exception was taken to be visible to all subsequent instructions, including the instruction fetches for those instructions. • All TLB maintenance operations are executed in program order relative to each other. • The execution of a Data or Unified TLB maintenance operation is guaranteed not to affect any explicit memory access of any instruction that appears in program order before the TLB maintenance operation. This means no memory barrier instruction is required. This ordering is guaranteed by the hardware implementation. • The execution of a Data or Unified TLB maintenance operation is only guaranteed to be visible to a subsequent explicit load or store operation after both: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 87 Chapter 3: • Application Processing Unit ° The execution of a DSB instruction to ensure the completion of the TLB operation. ° A subsequent ISB instruction, or taking an exception, or returning from an exception. The execution of an instruction or unified TLB maintenance operation is only guaranteed to be visible to subsequent instruction fetch after both: ° The execution of a DSB instruction to ensure the completion of the TLB operation. ° A subsequent ISB instruction, or taking an exception, or returning from an exception. The following rules apply when writing translation table entries. They ensure that the updated entries are visible to subsequent accesses and cache maintenance operations. • A write to the translation tables, after it has been cleaned from the cache if appropriate, is only guaranteed to be seen by a translation table walk caused by an explicit load or store after the execution of both a DSB and an ISB. However, it is guaranteed that any writes to the translation tables are not seen by any explicit memory access that occurs in program order before the write to the translation tables. • If the translation tables are held in write-back cacheable memory, the caches must be cleaned to the point of unification after writing to the translation tables and before the DSB instruction. This ensures that the updated translation table is visible to a hardware translation table walk. • A write to the translation tables, after it has been cleaned from the cache if appropriate, is only guaranteed to be seen by a translation table walk caused by the instruction fetch of an instruction that follows the write to the translation tables after both a DSB and an ISB. TLB Lockdown The TLB supports the TLB lock-by-entry model as described in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A). See the TLB Lockdown register description in the ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual. 3.2.6 Interfaces AXI and Coherency Interfaces Each Cortex-A9 processor provides two 64-bit pseudo AXI master interfaces for independent instruction fetch and data transactions. These interfaces operate at the speed of the processor cores (CPU_6x4x clock) and are capable of sustaining four double-word writes every five processor cycles when copying data across a cached region of memory. The instruction side interface is a read-only interface and does not have the write channel. These interfaces implement an extended version of the AXI protocol that also provides multiple optimizations to the L2 cache including support for L2 pre-fetch hints and speculative memory accesses. These optimizations are explained in more detail in the L2-Cache section of this chapter. The AXI transactions are all routed through the SCU to the OCM or the L2 cache controller based on their addresses. Each Cortex-A9 also provides a cache coherency bus (CCB) to the SCU to provide the information required for coherency management between the L1 and L2 caches. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 88 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit Debug and Trace Interfaces Each Cortex-A9 processor has a standard 32-bit APB slave port that operates at the CPU_1x clock frequency and is accessed through the debug APB bus master in the SOC debug block. The operation of this block is explained in the corresponding chapter of this document. The Cortex-A9 processors also include a pair of interfaces for trace generation and cross trigger control. The trace source interface from each core is a 32-bit CoreSight standard ATB master port that operates at the speed of the PS interconnect (CPU_2x clock), and is connected to the funnel in the SOC debug block. Each core also has a 4-bit standard CoreSight cross trigger interface that operates at the interconnect frequency (CPU_2x clock) and is connected to the cross trigger matrix (CTM) in the SOC debug block. Other Interfaces Each Cortex-A9 processor has multiple control bits that are driven through the System-Level Control register (SLCR). This includes a 4-bit interface that drives the CoreSight standard security signals and also static configuration signals for controlling CP15 and SW programmability. There are also other interfaces including the event and interrupt interfaces that are explained later in this chapter. 3.2.7 NEON • The Cortex-A9 NEON MPE extends the Cortex-A9 functionality to provide support for the ARM v7 advanced SIMD and vector floating-point v3 (VFPv3) instruction sets. The Cortex-A9 NEON MPE supports all addressing modes and data processing operations described in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A). The Cortex-A9 NEON MPE features are: • • SIMD vector and scalar single-precision floating-point computation ° Unsigned and signed integers ° Single bit coefficient polynomials ° Single-precision floating-point values The operations supported by the NEON co-processor include: ° Addition and subtraction ° Multiplication with optional accumulation ° Maximum or minimum value driven lane selection operations ° Inverse square-root approximation ° Comprehensive data-structure load instructions, including register-bank-resident table lookup. • Scalar double-precision floating-point computation • SIMD and scalar half-precision floating-point conversion • 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit signed and unsigned integer SIMD computation Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 89 Chapter 3: • 8 or 16-bit polynomial computation for single-bit coefficients • Structured data load capabilities • Dual issue with Cortex-A9 processor ARM or Thumb instructions • Independent pipelines for VFPv3 and advanced SIMD instructions • Large, shared register file, addressable as: ° Thirty-two 32-bit S (single) registers ° Thirty-two 64-bit D (double) registers ° Sixteen 128-bit Q (quad) registers Application Processing Unit See the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A) for details of the advanced SIMD instructions and the NEON MPE operation. 3.2.8 Performance Monitoring Unit The Cortex-A9 processor includes a performance monitoring unit (PMU) which provides six counters to gather statistics on the operation of the processor and memory system. Each counter can count any of 58 events available in the Cortex-A9 processor. The PMU counters and their associated control registers are accessible from the internal CP15 interface as well as from the DAP interface. For details, refer to the Performance Monitoring Unit section in the ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual. 3.3 Snoop Control Unit (SCU) 3.3.1 Summary The SCU block connects the two Cortex-A9 processors to the memory subsystem and contains the intelligence to manage the data cache coherency between the two processors and the L2 cache. This block is responsible for managing the interconnect arbitration, communication, cache and system memory transfers, and cache coherence for the Cortex-A9 processors. The APU also exposes the capabilities of the SCU to system accelerators that are implemented in the PL through the accelerator coherency port (ACP) interface (see ACP Interface, page 103). This interface allows PL masters to share and access the processor cache hierarchy. The offered system coherence here not only improves performance but also reduces the software complexity involved in otherwise maintaining software coherency within each OS driver. The SCU block communicates with each of the Cortex-A9 processors through a cache coherency bus (CCB) and manages the coherency between the L1 and the L2 caches. The SCU supports MESI snooping which provides increased power efficiency and performance by avoiding unnecessary system accesses. The block implements duplicated 4-way associative tag RAMs acting as a local directory that lists coherent cache lines held in the CPU L1 data caches. The directory allows the SCU to check if data is in the L1 data caches with great speed and without interrupting the processors. Also, accesses can be filtered only to the processor that is sharing the data. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 90 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit The SCU can also copy clean data from one processor cache to another and eliminate the need for main memory accesses to perform this task. Furthermore, it can move dirty data between the processors, skipping the shared state and avoiding the latency associated with the write-back. IMPORTANT: It is important to note that the Cortex-A9 does not guarantee coherency between the L1 instructions caches as the processor is not capable of modifying the L1 contents directly. 3.3.2 Address Filtering One of the functions of the SCU is to filter transactions that are generated by the processors and the ACP based on their addresses and route them accordingly to the OCM or L2 controller. The granularity of the address filtering within the SCU is 1 MB; therefore, all accesses by the processors or through the ACP whose addresses are within a 1 MB window can only target the OCM or L2 controller. The default setting of the address filtering within the SCU routes all the upper and lower 1M addresses within the 4G address space to the OCM and the rest of the addresses are routed to the L2 controller. Refer to the SCU Address Filtering section of Chapter 29, On-Chip Memory (OCM) for more information on the SCU address filtering. 3.3.3 SCU Master Ports Each of the SCU AXI master ports to the L2 or OCM has the following write and read issuing capabilities: • Write issuing capability: ° • 10 write transactions per processor: - 8 non-cacheable writes - 2 evictions from L1 ° 2 additional writes for eviction traffic from the SCU ° 3 more write transactions from the ACP Read issuing capability: ° ° 14 read transactions per processor: - 4 instruction reads - 6 linefill reads - 4 non-cacheable read 7 more read transactions from the ACP Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 91 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 3.4 L2-Cache 3.4.1 Summary The L2 cache controller is based on the ARM PL310 and includes an 8-way set-associative 512 KB cache for dual/single Cortex-A9 cores. The L2 cache is physically addressed and physically tagged and supports a fixed 32-byte line size. These are the main features of the L2 cache: • Supports snoop coherency control utilizing MESI algorithm. • Offers parity check for L2 cache memory. • Supports speculative read operations in the SMP mode. • Provides L1/L2 exclusive mode (that is, data exists in either, but not both). • Can be locked down by master, line, or way per master. • Implements 16-entry deep preload engine for loading data into L2 cache memory. • To improve latency, critical-word-first line-fill is supported. • Implements pseudo-random victim selection policy with deterministic option. ° Write-through and write-back. ° Read allocate, write allocate, read and write allocate. • The contents of the L2 data and tag RAMs are cleared upon an L2 reset to comply with security requirements. • The L2 controller implements multiple 256-bit line buffers to improve cache efficiency. ° Line fill buffers (LFBs) for external memory access to create a complete cache line into L2 cache memory. Four LFBs are implemented for AXI read interleaving support. ° Two 256-bit line read buffers for each slave port. These buffers hold a line from the L2 cache in case of cache hit. ° Three 256-bit eviction buffers hold evicted lines from the L2 cache, to be written back to main memory. ° Three 256-bit store buffers hold bufferable writes before their draining to main memory, or L2 cache. They enable multiple writes to the same line to be merged. • The controller implements selectable cache pre-fetching within 4k boundaries. • The L2 cache controller forwards exclusive requests from L1 to DDR, OCM, or external memory. Note: The SCU does not maintain coherency between instruction and data L1 caches, so this coherency must be maintained by software. The L2 cache implements TrustZone security extension to offer enhanced OS security. The non-secure (NS) tag bit is added in tag RAM and is used for lookup in the same way as an address bit. The NS tag bit is also added in all of the buffers. The NS bit in tag RAM is used to determine the security level of evictions to DDR and OCM. The controller restricts non-secure accesses for control, configuration, and maintenance registers to restrict access to secure data. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 92 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit Cache Response This section describes the general behavior of the cache controller depending on the Cortex-A9 transactions. These are the descriptions for the different type of transactions: Bufferable The transaction can be delayed by the interconnect or any of its components for an arbitrary number of cycles before reaching its final destination. This is usually only relevant to writes. Cacheable The transaction at the final destination does not have to present the characteristics of the original transaction. For writes, this means that several different writes can be merged together. For reads, this means that a location can be pre-fetched or can be fetched just once for multiple read transactions. To determine if a transaction should be cached, this attribute should be used in conjunction with the read allocate and write allocate attributes. Read Allocate If the transfer is a read and it misses in the cache, then it should be allocated. This attribute is not valid if the transfer is not cacheable. Write Allocate If the transfer is a write and it misses in the cache, then it should be allocated. This attribute is not valid if the transfer is not cacheable. In the ARM architecture, the inner attributes are used to control the behavior of the L1 caches and write buffers. The outer attributes are exported to the L2 or an external memory system. In the Cortex-A9 processing system (similar to most modern processors), to improve performance and power, many optimizations are performed at many levels of the system which cannot be completely hidden from the outside world and might cause the violation of the expected sequential execution model. Examples of these optimizations are: • Multi-issue speculative and out-of-order execution. • Use of load/store merging to minimize the latency of load/stores. • In a multicore processor, hardware-based cache coherency management can cause cache lines to migrate transparently between cores causing different cores to see updates to cached memory locations in different orders. • External system characteristics might create additional challenges when external masters are included in the coherent system through the ACP. Therefore, it is vital to define certain rules to constrain the order in which the memory accesses of one core relate to the surrounding instructions, or could be observed by other cores within a multicore processor system. Typically the memory can be categorized into normal, strongly ordered, and device regions. For more information, refer to section 3.2.4 Memory Ordering. Table 3-5 shows the general behavior of the L2 cache controller in response to ARMv7 load/store transaction types that are supported by Cortex-A9. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 93 Chapter 3: Table 3-5: Application Processing Unit Cache Controller Behavior for SCU Requests Transaction Type ARMv7 Equivalent L2 Cache Controller Behavior Non-cacheable and non-bufferable Strongly ordered • Read: Not cached in L2, results in memory access. • Write: Not buffered, results in memory access. Bufferable only Device • Read: Not cached in L2, results in memory access. • Write: Placed in store buffer, not merged, immediately drained to memory. Cacheable but do not allocate Outer non-cacheable • Read: Not cached in L2, results in memory access. • Write: Placed in store buffer, write to memory when store buffer is drained. Cacheable write-through, allocate on read Outer write-through, no write allocate • Read hit: Read from L2. • Read miss: Line fill to L2. • Write hit: Put in store buffer, write to L2 and memory when store buffer is drained. • Write miss: Put in store buffer, write to memory when store buffer is drained. Cacheable write-back, allocate on read Outer write-back, no write allocate • Read hit: Read from L2. • Read miss: Line fill to L2. • Write hit: Put in store buffer, write to L2 when store buffer is drained and mark line as dirty. • Write miss: Put in store buffer, write to memory when store buffer is drained. Cacheable write-through, allocate on write - • Read hit: Read from L2. • Read miss: Not cached in L2, causes memory access. • Write hit: Put in store buffer, write to L2 and memory when store buffer is drained. • Write miss: Put in store buffer. When buffer is drained, check if it is full. If not full, request word or line to memory before allocating buffer to L2. Allocation to L2. Write to memory. - • Read hit: Read from L2. • Read miss: Not cached in L2, causes memory access. • Write hit: Put in store buffer, write to L2 when store buffer is drained, and mark line as dirty. • Write miss: Put in store buffer. When buffer has to be drained, check if it is full. If it is not full then request word or line to memory before allocating the buffer to L2. Allocation to L2. Cacheable write-back, allocate on write Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 94 Chapter 3: Table 3-5: Application Processing Unit Cache Controller Behavior for SCU Requests (Cont’d) Transaction Type ARMv7 Equivalent L2 Cache Controller Behavior Cacheable write-through, allocate on read and write Outer write-through, allocate on both reads and writes • Read hit: Read from L2. • Read miss: Line fill to L2. • Write hit: Put in store buffer, write to L2 and memory when store buffer is drained. • Write miss: Put in store buffer. When buffer has to be drained, check whether it is full. If it is not full then request word or line to memory before allocating the buffer to the L2. Allocation to L2. Write to memory. Cacheable write-back, allocate on read and write Outer write-back, write allocate • Read hit: Read from L2. • Read miss: Line fill to L2. • Write hit: Put in store buffer, write to L2 when store buffer is drained, and mark line as dirty. • Write miss: Put in store buffer. When buffer has to be drained, check if it is full. If it is not full then request word or line to memory before allocating the buffer to L2. Allocation to L2. 3.4.2 Exclusive L2-L1 Cache Configuration In the exclusive cache configuration mode, the L1 data cache of the Cortex-A9 processor and the L2 cache are exclusive. At any time, a given address is cached in either L1 data cache or in the L2 cache, but not in both. This has the effect of increasing the usable space and efficiency of the L2 cache. When exclusive cache configuration is selected: • Data cache line replacement policy is modified so that the victim line in the L1 always gets evicted to the L2, even if it is clean. • If a line is dirty in the L2 cache, a read request to this address from the processor causes write-back to external memory and a line-fill to the processor. Both L1 and L2 caches have to be configured for exclusive caching. Setting the exclusive cache configuration bit 12 in the auxiliary control register for L2 and bit 7 of the ACTLR register in Cortex-A9 configure the L2 and L1 caches to operate exclusive to one another. For reads, the behavior is as follows: • For a hit, the line is marked as non-valid (the tag RAM valid bit is reset) and the dirty bit is unchanged. If the dirty bit is set, future accesses can still hit in this cache line, but the line is part of the preferred choice for future evictions. • For a miss, the line is not allocated into the L2 cache. For writes, the behavior depends on the value of attributes from the SCU to indicate if the write transaction is an eviction from the L1 memory system and whether it is a clean eviction. AWUSERS[8] attribute indicates an eviction and AWUSERS[9] indicates a clean eviction. The behavior is summarized as follows: • For a hit, the line is marked dirty unless the AWUSERS[9:8] = b11. In this case, the dirty bit is unchanged. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 95 Chapter 3: • Application Processing Unit For a miss, if the cache line is evicted (AWUSERS[8] is 1), the cache line is allocated and its dirty status depends on if it is evicted dirty or not. If the cache line is evicted dirty (AWUSERS[8] is 0), the cache line is allocated only if it is write allocate. 3.4.3 Cache Replacement Strategy Bit [25] of the Auxiliary Control register configures the replacement strategy. It can be either round-robin or pseudo-random. The round-robin replacement strategy fills invalid and unlocked ways first; for each line, when ways are all valid or locked, the victim is chosen as the next unlocked way. The pseudo-random replacement strategy fills invalid and unlocked ways first; for each line, when ways are all valid or locked, the victim is chosen randomly between unlocked ways. When a deterministic replacement strategy is required, the lockdown registers are used to prevent ways from being allocated. For example, since L2 cache is 512 KB and is 8-way set-associative, each way is 64 KB. If a piece of code is required to reside in two ways (128 KB), with a deterministic replacement strategy, ways 1-7 must be locked before the code is filled into the L2 cache. If the first 64 KB of code is allocated into way 0 only, then way 0 must be locked and way 1 unlocked so that the second half of the code can be allocated in way 1. There are two lockdown registers, one for data and one for instructions. If required, one can separate data and instructions into separate ways of the L2 cache. 3.4.4 Cache Lockdown The L2 cache controller allows locking down entries by line, by way, or by master (includes both CPU and ACP masters.) Lockdown by line and lockdown by way can be used at the same time; lockdown by line and lockdown by master can also be used at the same time. However, lockdown by master and lockdown by way are exclusive, because lockdown by way is a subset of lockdown by master. Lockdown by Line When enabled, all newly allocated cache lines get marked as locked. The controller then considers them as locked and does not naturally evict them. It is enabled by setting bit [0] of the lockdown by the line enable register. Bit [21] of the tag RAM shows the locked status of each cache line. TIP: An example of when the lockdown by line feature might be enabled is during the time when a critical piece of software code is loaded into the L2 cache. The unlock all lines background operation enables the unlocking of all lines marked as locked by the lockdown by line mechanism. The status of this operation can be checked by reading the unlock all lines register. While an unlock all lines operation is in progress, you cannot launch a background cache maintenance operation. If attempted, a SLVERR error is returned. Lockdown by Way The L2 cache is 8-way set-associative and allows users to lock the replacement algorithm on a way basis, enabling the set count to be reduced from 8-way all the way down to direct mapped. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 96 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 32-bit cache address consists of the following fields: [Tag Field], [Index Field], [Word Field], [Byte Field]. When a cache lookup occurs, the index defines where to look in the cache ways. The number of ways defines the number of locations with the same index referred to as a set. Therefore, an 8-way set associative cache has eight locations where an address with index A can exist. There are 2 11 or 2,048 indices in the 512K L2 cache. Lockdown format C, as the ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A) describes, provides a method to restrict the replacement algorithm used for allocations of cache lines within a set. This method enables: • Fetch of code or load data into the L2 cache • Protection from being evicted because of other accesses • This method can also be used to reduce cache pollution. The lockdown register in the L2 cache controller is used to lock any of the eight ways in the L2 cache. To apply lockdown, you set each bit to 1 to lock each respective way. For example, set bit [0] for Way 0, bit [1] for Way 1. Lockdown by Master The lockdown by master feature is a superset of the lockdown by way feature. It enables multiple masters to share the L2 cache and makes the L2 cache behave as though these masters have dedicated smaller L2 caches. This feature enables you to reserve ways of the L2 cache to specific master IDs. There are eight Instruction and eight Data Lock-Down registers in the L2 cache controller (0xF8F02900 to 0xF8F0293C) and each register is associated with one of the master IDs identified by AR/WUSERSx[7:5] bits. Each register contains a 16-bit DATALOCK or INSTRLOCK field. By setting any of the 16 bits in those fields to 1, the user can lock down that specific way for its corresponding master ID. The L2 cache controller lockdown by master is only able to distinguish up to eight different masters. However, there are up to 64 AXI master IDs from the Cortex-A9 MP core. Table 3-6 shows how the 64 master ID values are grouped into eight lockable groups. Table 3-6: Lockdown by Master ID Group ID Group Transaction Sources L2 DATA/INSTRLOCKxxx A9 Core 0 All read/write and instruction fetch requests from Core 0 000 A9 Core 1 All read/write and instruction fetch requests from Core 1 001 A9 Core 2 Reserved for future 010 A9 Core 3 Reserved for future 011 ACP Group0 ACP requests with ID = { 000, 001 } 100 ACP Group1 ACP requests with ID = { 010, 011 } 101 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 97 Chapter 3: Table 3-6: Application Processing Unit Lockdown by Master ID Group (Cont’d) ID Group Transaction Sources L2 DATA/INSTRLOCKxxx ACP Group2 ACP requests with ID = { 100, 101 } 110 ACP Group3 ACP requests with ID = { 110, 111 } 111 3.4.5 Enabling and Disabling the L2 Cache Controller The L2 cache is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting bit 0 of the L2 cache control register independently of the L1 caches. When the cache controller block is not enabled, depending on their addresses, transactions pass through to the DDR memory or the main interconnect on the cache controller master ports. The address latency introduced by the disabled cache controller is one cycle in the slave port from the SCU plus one cycle in the master ports. 3.4.6 RAM Access Latency Control The L2 cache data and tag RAMs use the same clock as the Cortex-A9 processors; however, it is not feasible to access these RAMs in a single cycle when the clock runs at its maximum speed. To address this issue, the L2-cache controller provides a mechanism to adjust the latencies for the write access, read access, and setup of both RAM arrays by respectively setting bits [10:8], [6:4], and [2:0] of its tag RAM and data RAM latency control registers. The default value for these fields is 3'b111 for both registers, which corresponds to the maximum latency of eight CPU_6x4x cycles for the three attributes of each RAM array. Because these large latencies result in very poor cache performance, the software should program the attributes as follows: • Set the latencies for the three tag RAM attributes to 2 by writing 3'b001 to bits [10:8], [6:4], and [2:0] of the tag RAM latency control register. • Set the latencies for the write access and setup of the data RAM to 2 by writing 3'b001 to bits [10:8] and [2:0] of the data RAM latency control register. • Set the read access latency of the data RAM to 3 by writing 3'b010 to bits [6:4] of the data RAM latency control register. 3.4.7 Store Buffer Operation Two buffered write accesses to the same address and the same security bit cause the first write access to be overridden if the controller does not drain the store buffer after the first access. The store buffer has merging capabilities, so it merges successive writes to the same line address into the same buffer slot. This means that the controller does not drain the slots as soon as they contain data, but rather waits for other potential accesses that target the same cache line. The store buffer draining policy is as follows. Slave port refers to the port from the SCU to the L2 cache controller: • The store buffer slot is immediately drained if targeting device memory area. • The store buffer slots are drained as soon as they are full. • The store buffer is drained at each strongly-ordered read occurrence in the slave port. • The store buffer is drained at each strongly ordered write occurrence in the slave port. • If the three slots of the store buffer contain data, the least recently accessed slot is drained. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 98 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit • If a hazard is detected with one store buffer slot, it is drained to resolve the hazard. Hazards can occur when data is present in the cache buffers, but not yet present in the cache RAM or external memory. • The store buffer slots are drained when a locked transaction is received by the slave port. • The store buffer slots are drained when a transaction targeting the configuration registers is received by the slave port. Merging condition is based on address and security attribute. Merging takes place only when data is in the store buffer and it is not draining. When a write-allocate cacheable slot is drained, misses in the cache, and is not full, the store buffer sends a request through the master ports to the main interconnects or DDR to complete the cache line. The corresponding master port sends a read request through the interconnects and provides data to the store buffer in return. When the slot is full, it can be allocated into the cache. 3.4.8 Optimizations Between Cortex-A9 and L2 Controller To improve performance, the SCU interface to the L2 controller, and partially the interface to the on-chip memory controller (OCM), implement several optimizations: • Early write response • Pre-fetch hints • Full line of zero write • Speculative reads of the Cortex-A9 MPCore processor These optimizations apply to the transfers from the processor and do not include the ACP. Early Write Response During the write transaction from the Cortex-A9 to the L2 cache controller, the write response from the L2 controller is normally returned to the SCU only when the last data beat has arrived at the L2 controller. This optimization enables the L2 controller to send the write response of certain write transactions as soon as the store buffer accepts the write address and allows the Cortex-A9 processor to provide a higher bandwidth for writes. This feature is disabled by default and you can enable it by setting the Early BRESP enable bit in the auxiliary control register for the L2 controller. The Cortex-A9 does not require any programming to enable this feature. OCM does not support this feature and its write responses are generated normally. Pre-fetch Hints When the Cortex-A9 processor is configured to run in SMP mode, the automatic data pre-fetchers implemented in the CPUs issue special read accesses to the L2 cache controller. These special reads are called pre-fetch hints. When the L2 controller receives such pre-fetch hints, it allocates the targeted cache line into the L2 cache for a miss without returning any data back to the Cortex-A9 processor. You can enable the pre-fetch hint generation by the Cortex-A9 processors through one of the two following methods: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 99 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 1. Enabling the L2 pre-fetch hint feature by setting bit [1] of the ACTLR register. When enabled, this feature sets the Cortex-A9 processor to automatically issue L2 pre-fetch hint requests when it detects regular fetch patterns on a coherent memory. 2. Use of PLE (pre-load engine) operations. When this feature is used in the Cortex-A9 processor, the PLE issues a series of L2 pre-fetch hint requests at the programmed addresses. No additional programming of the L2 Controller is required. Application of the pre-fetch hints to the OCM memory space does not cause any action because, unlike caches, transfer of data into OCM RAM requires explicit operations by software. Full Line of Zero Write When this feature is enabled, the Cortex-A9 processor can write entire non-coherent cache lines of zeroes to the L2 cache, using a single write command cycle. This provides a performance improvement as well as some power savings. The Cortex-A9 processor is likely to use this feature when a CPU is executing a memset routine to initialize a particular memory area. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the “Full Line of Zero” enable bit of the auxiliary control register for the L2 controller and the enable bit in the Cortex-A9 ACTLR register. Care must be taken if this feature is enabled because correct behavior relies on consistent enabling in both the Cortex-A9 processor and the controller. To enable this feature, the following steps must be performed: 1. Enable the full line of zero feature in the L2 controller. 2. Enable the L2 cache controller. 3. Enable the full line of zero feature in the Cortex-A9. The cache controller does not support strongly ordered write accesses with this feature. The feature is also supported by the OCM if it is enabled in the Cortex-A9 Speculative Reads of the Cortex-A9 This is a feature unique to the Cortex-A9 MP configuration and can be enabled using a dedicated software control bit in the SCU Control register. For this feature, the Cortex-A9 has to be in the SMP mode through the use of the SMP bit in the ACTLR register; however, the L2 controller does not require any specific settings. When the speculative read feature is enabled, on coherent line fills, the SCU speculatively issues read transactions to the controller in parallel with its tag lookup. The controller does not return data on these speculative reads and only prepares data in its line read buffers. If the SCU misses, it issues a confirmation line fill to the controller. The confirmation is merged with the previous speculative read in the controller and enables the controller to return data to the L1 cache sooner than a L2 cache hit. If the SCU hits, the speculative read is naturally terminated in the L2 controller, either after a certain number of cycles, or when a resource conflict exists. The L2 controller informs the SCU when a speculative read ends, either by confirmation or termination. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 100 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 3.4.9 Pre-fetching Operation The pre-fetch operation is the capability of attempting to fetch cache lines from memory in advance, to improve system performance. To enable the pre-fetch feature, you set bit 29 or 28 of the auxiliary or pre-fetch control register. When enabled, if the slave port from the SCU receives a cacheable read transaction, a cache lookup is performed on the subsequent cache line. Bits [4:0] of the pre-fetch control register provide the address of the subsequent cache line. If a miss occurs, the cache line is fetched from external memory, and allocated to the L2 cache. By default, the pre-fetch offset is 5'b00000. For example, if S0 receives a cacheable read at address 0x100, the cache line at address 0x120 is pre-fetched. Pre-fetching the next cache line might not necessarily result in optimal performance. In some systems, it might be better to pre-fetch more in advance to achieve better performance. The pre-fetch offset enables this by setting the address of the pre-fetched cache line to Cache Line + 1 + Offset. The optimal value of the pre-fetch offset depends on the external memory read latency and on the L1 read issuing capability. The pre-fetch mechanism is not launched for a 4 KB boundary crossing. Pre-fetch accesses can use a large number of the address slots in the controller master ports. This prevents non-prefetch accesses being serviced and affects performance. To counter this effect, the controller can drop pre-fetch accesses. This can be controlled using bit 24 of the Pre-fetch Control register. When enabled, if a resource conflict exists between pre-fetch and non-pre-fetch accesses in the controller master ports, pre-fetch accesses are dropped. When data corresponding to these dropped pre-fetch accesses returns from the external memory, it is discarded and is not allocated into the L2 cache. 3.4.10 Programming Model The following applies to the registers used in the L2 cache controller: • The cache controller is controlled through a set of memory-mapped registers. The memory region for these registers must be defined with strongly ordered or device memory attributes in the L1 page tables. • The reserved bits in all registers must be preserved; otherwise, unpredictable behavior of the device might occur. • All registers support read and write accesses unless otherwise stated in the relevant text. A write updates the contents of a register and a read returns the contents of the register. • All writes to registers automatically perform an initial cache sync operation before proceeding. Initialization Sequence As an example, a typical cache controller start-up programming sequence consists of the following register operations: • Write 0x020202 to the register at 0xF8000A1C. This is a mandatory step. • Write to the auxiliary, tag RAM latency, data RAM latency, pre-fetch, and Power Control registers using a read-modify-write to set up global configurations: ° Associativity and way size Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 101 Chapter 3: • ° Latencies for RAM accesses ° Allocation policy ° Pre-fetch and power capabilities Application Processing Unit Secure write to invalidate by way, offset 0x77C, to invalidate all entries in cache: ° Write 0xFFFF to 0x77C ° Poll the cache maintenance register until invalidate operation is complete. • If required, write to register 9 to lock down D and lock down I. • Write to the interrupt clear register to clear any residual raw interrupts set. • Write to the interrupt mask register if it is desired to enable interrupts. • Write to control register 1 with the LSB set to 1 to enable the cache. If a write is performed to the auxiliary, tag RAM latency, or data RAM latency control register with the L2 cache enabled, a SLVERR (error) results. The L2 cache must be disabled by writing to the control register before writing to these registers. Cache Lockdown by Way Sequence These are the steps to be followed for locking code by way: 1. Ensure the code to be locked is in a cacheable memory region. This can be done by programming page table entry for the region with appropriate memory attributes. Refer to Memory Attributes. 2. Ensure the code to lockdown is in a non-cacheable memory region. For example, the region can be marked as a strongly ordered region. The following is the sequence that needs to be implemented in lockdown routine: 3. Disable the interrupts. 4. Clean and invalidate the entire L2 cache. This step is for ensuring that the code to be locked is not loaded into L2 cache. 5. Find the number of ways required for loading code based on the code size. 6. Unlock the calculated ways and lock all the ways remaining. This is done by writing into data lockdown registers. Refer to the PL310 L2 Cache Controller Document for information on these registers. 7. Load the code into the L2 cache using PLD instruction. The PLD instruction always generates data references; this is the reason for using data lockdown registers. For more information on PLD instruction, refer to the ARMv7 TRM. This step loads the code into unlocked ways. 8. Lock the loaded ways and unlock the remaining ways by writing into data lockdown registers. 9. Enable Interrupts. TIP: To check for whether the code is really locked into L2 cache, generate more references to the code that has been locked. These references can be monitored by the L2 cache instruction hit event. For more information on the available events of L2 cache and their initialization, refer to the PL310 L2 Cache Controller document. This event initialization should be done prior to code locking. So more the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 102 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit references to code, more the instruction hits. For example, the code that is locked can be called from a timer interrupt handler which generates references as per the number of interrupts programmed. 3.5 APU Interfaces 3.5.1 PL Co-processing Interfaces ACP Interface The accelerator coherency port (ACP) is a 64-bit AXI slave interface on the SCU that provides an asynchronous cache-coherent access point directly from the PL to the Cortex-A9 MP-Core processor subsystem. A range of system PL masters can use this interface to access the caches and the memory subsystem exactly the way the APU processors do to simplify software, increase overall system performance, or improve power consumption. This interface acts as a standard AXI slave and supports all standard read and write transactions without any additional coherency requirements placed on the PL components. Therefore, the ACP provides cache-coherent access from the PL to ARM caches while any memory local to the PL are non-coherent with the ARM. Any read transactions through the ACP to a coherent region of memory interact with the SCU to check whether the required information is stored within the processor L1 caches. If it is, the data is returned directly to the requesting component. If it misses in the L1 cache, then there is also the opportunity to hit in L2 cache before finally being forwarded to the main memory. For write transactions to any coherent memory region, the SCU enforces coherence before the write is forwarded to the memory system. The transaction can also optionally allocate into the L2 cache, removing the power and performance impact of writing through to the off-chip memory. ACP Requests The read and write requests performed on the ACP behave differently depending on whether the request is coherent or not. This behavior is as follows: ACP coherent read requests: An ACP read request is coherent when ARUSER[0] = 1 and ARCACHE[1] = 1 alongside ARVALID. In this case, the SCU enforces coherency. When the data is present in one of the Cortex-A9 processors, the data is read directly from the relevant processor and returned to the ACP port. When the data is not present in any of the Cortex-A9 processors, the read request is issued on one of the SCU AXI master ports, along with all its AXI parameters, with the exception of the locked attribute. ACP non-coherent read requests: An ACP read request is non-coherent when ARUSER[0] = 0 or ARCACHE[1] =0 alongside ARVALID. In this case, the SCU does not enforce coherency, and the read request is directly forwarded to one of the available SCU AXI master ports to the L2 cache controller or OCM. ACP coherent write requests: An ACP write request is coherent when AWUSER[0] = 1 and AWCACHE[1] =1 alongside AWVALID. In this case, the SCU enforces coherency. When the data is present in one of the Cortex-A9 processors, the data is first cleaned and invalidated from the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 103 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit relevant CPU. When the data is not present in any of the Cortex-A9 processors, or when it has been cleaned and invalidated, the write request is issued on one of the SCU AXI master ports, along with all corresponding AXI parameters with the exception of the locked attribute. Note: The transaction can optionally allocate into the L2 cache if the write parameters are set accordingly. ACP non-coherent write requests: An ACP write request is non-coherent when AWUSER[0] = 0 or AWCACHE[1] = 0 alongside AWVALID. In this case, the SCU does not enforce coherency and the write request is forwarded directly to one of the available SCU AXI master ports. ACP Usage The ACP provides a low latency path between the PS and the accelerators implemented in the PL when compared with a legacy cache flushing and loading scheme. Steps that must take place in an example of a PL-based accelerator are as follows: 1. The CPU prepares input data for the accelerator within its local cache space. 2. The CPU sends a message to the accelerator using one of the general purpose AXI master interfaces to the PL. 3. The accelerator fetches the data through the ACP, processes the data, and returns the result through the ACP. 4. The accelerator sets a flag by writing to a known location to indicate that the data processing is complete. Status of this flag can be polled by the processor or could generate an interrupt. Table 3-7 shows ACP read and write behavior based on current cache status. Clearly, access latency is small when cache hits occur. When compared to a tightly-coupled coprocessor, ACP access latencies are relatively long. Therefore, ACP is not recommended for fine-grained instruction level acceleration. On the other hand, for coarse-grain acceleration such as video frame-level processing, ACP does not have a clear advantage over traditional memory-mapped PL acceleration because the transaction overhead is small relative to the transaction time, and might potentially cause undesirable cache thrashing. ACP is therefore optimal for medium-grain acceleration, such as block-level crypto accelerator and video macro-block level processing. Table 3-7: ACP Read and Write Behavior Action Description ACP read – I (invalid) SCU fetches data from external memory through one of two AXI master interfaces. Data is forwarded to the ACP directly. It does not affect the CPU L1 cache state. ACP read – M (modified) SCU fetches data from L1 cache with M status. It does not affect the L1 cache state. ACP read – S (shared) SCU fetches data from any L1 cache with S status. It does not affect the L1 cache state. ACP read – E (exclusive) SCU fetches data from the L1 cache with E status. It does not affect the L1 cache state. ACP write – I (invalid) Data is written to external memory through one of two AXI master interfaces. It does not affect the CPU L1 cache state. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 104 Chapter 3: Table 3-7: Application Processing Unit ACP Read and Write Behavior (Cont’d) Action Description ACP write – M (modified) Data in L1 cache with M status is flushed out to external memory first. After that, ACP data is written into external memory interface. L1 cache previously with M status is changed to I status. If the SCU overwrites the entire cache line, L1 cache flush is skipped. ACP write – S (shared) Data is written to external memory through one of two AXI master interfaces. L1 cache previously with S status is changed to I state ACP write – E (exclusive) Data is written to external memory through one of two AXI master interfaces. Any L1 cache previously with S status is changed to I status. ACP Limitations The accelerator coherency port (ACP) has these limitations: • Exclusive accesses are not allowed for coherent memory. • Locked accesses are not allowed for coherent memory. • Optimized coherent read and write transfers when byte strobes are not all set. More specifically, write transactions with AWLEN = 3, AWSIZE = 3, and WSTRB not equal to 11111111 are not supported and can cause the L1 cache line in the CPUs to be corrupted. Potential user workarounds include: ° Perform smaller, non-optimized, and coherent accesses. ° Perform a read/modify/write sequence where the write has all byte strobes set. ° Align user software data structures to avoid needing to deassert any write strobes, overwriting the bytes instead. • Continuous access to the OCM over the ACP can starve accesses from other AXI masters. To allow access from other masters, the ACP bandwidth to OCM should be moderated to less than the peak OCM bandwidth. This can be accomplished by regulating burst sizes to less than eight 64-bit words. • Blocks, such as PCIe, which prioritize write requests over read requests should not be connected to the ACP port, as they might create deadlock. Connecting these devices to the other the GP and HP AXI ports does not manifest the mentioned deadlock issue. Note: The Xilinx HDL wrapper around the PS7 primitive provides a function to flag the third limitation (cache lines being corrupted). If enabled, the Xilinx ACP adapter watches for transactions that could potentially corrupt the cache and generate an error response to the master that is requesting the write request. The write transaction is allowed to proceed to the ACP interface, so the possibility of cache corruption is NOT eliminated. The master is notified of the possible issue to take the appropriate action. The ACP adapter can also generate an interrupt signal to the CPUs, which can be used by the software to detect such a situation. Event Interface The event bus provides a low-latency and direct mechanism to transfer status and implement a wake mechanism between the APU and the PL. The event input and output signals on this interface use toggle signaling in which an event is communicated by toggling the signal to the opposite logic level on both edges. The event bus includes these signals: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 105 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit EVENTEVENTO A toggle output signal indicating that either CPU is executing the SEV instruction. SEV (Send Event) causes an event to be signaled to all CPUs within a multi-processor system. EVENTEVENTI A toggle input signal that wakes up either one or both CPUs if they are in a standby state initiated by the WFE instruction. EVENTSTANDBYWFE[1:0] Two-level output signals indicating the state of the two CPUs. A bit is asserted if the corresponding CPU is in standby state following the execution of the WFE (wait for event) instruction. If the event register is currently set, WFE clears it and returns immediately. If the event register is not set, the processor suspends execution until an event is signaled by another processor using Send Event. EVENTSTANDBYWFI[1:0] Two-level output signals indicating the state of the two CPUs. A bit is asserted if the corresponding CPU is in standby state following the execution of the WFI (wait for interrupt) instruction. The event bus can be used to implement PL-based accelerators. The event output can be used to trigger an ACP accelerator to read from a predefined address. Further on in the process, the event input can be used to communicate that the data has been written back over the ACP and is ready to be consumed by a CPU. A detailed description of this example follows: 1. CPU0 generates the data that is required by the accelerator in the L1/L2 cache. This data can contain both commands and information to be processed. 2. CPU0 issues an SEV (send event) instruction, causing EVENTEVENTO to toggle to the PL. The signal is connected to an accelerator IP implemented in the PL. 3. CPU0 next issues a WFE (wait For event) instruction, placing the CPU in a lower-power standby state. This is reflected in the EVENTSTANDBYWFE[0] status output to the PL. 4. The accelerator notices the toggled EVENTEVENTO signal and realizes that CPU0 is waiting. The accelerator fetches data from a prearranged address and data format through the ACP interface and begins processing. 5. After writing the result data back through the ACP, the accelerator asserts the EVENTEVENTI input to indicate that processing is complete and wakes up CPU0. 6. CPU0 wakes from its standby state, which is reflected in the EVENTSTANDBYWFE[0] output, and CPU0 continues execution using the processed data. 3.5.2 Interrupt Interface The PS general interrupt controller (GIC) supports 64 interrupt input lines that are driven from other blocks within the PS or the PL. Six of the 64 interrupt inputs are driven from within the APU. These include the L1 parity fail, L2 interrupt (all reasons), and PMU (performance monitor unit) interrupt. The interrupt output of the GIC drives either the IRQ or FIQ inputs of each of the Cortex-A9 processors. The selection as to which processor is interrupted is accomplished through an SCU register within the APU. Table 3-8 defines the interrupts specific to the APU. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 106 Chapter 3: Table 3-8: Application Processing Unit APU Interrupts Interrupt Description 32 Any of the L1 instruction cache, L1 data cache, TLB, GHB, and BTAC parity errors from CPU 0 33 Any of the L1 instruction cache, L1 data cache, TLB, GHB, and BTAC parity errors from CPU 1 34 Any errors, including parity errors, from the L2 controller 92 Any of the parity errors from SCU generate a third interrupt 37 Performance monitor unit (PMU) of CPU0 38 Performance monitor unit (PMU) of CPU1 3.6 Support for TrustZone TrustZone is hardware that is built into all Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices. For more information, see Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC (UG1019). 3.7 Application Processing Unit (APU) Reset 3.7.1 Reset Functionality The APU supports several reset modes that enable you to reset different parts of the block independently. Applicable resets and their functions are as follows: The APU supports different reset modes that enable the user to reset different parts of the block independently. Applicable resets and their functions are as follows: Power-on Reset The power-on reset or cold reset is applied when the power is first applied to the system or through the PS_POR_B device pin. In this reset mode, both CPUs, the NEON coprocessors, and the debug logic is reset. System Reset A system reset initializes the Cortex-A9 processor and the NEON coprocessors, apart from the debug logic. Break points and watch points are retained during this reset. This reset is applied through the PS_SRST_B device pin. Software Reset A software or warm reset initializes the Cortex-A9 processor and the NEON coprocessors, apart from the debug logic. Break points and watch points are retained during this reset. Processor reset is typically used for resetting a system that has been operating for some time. This reset is applied through the A9_CPU_RST_CTRL.A9_RSTx register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 107 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit System Debug Reset This reset is similar to the software reset; however, it is triggered through the JTAG interface. Debug Reset This reset initializes the debug logic in a Cortex-A9 processor, including break point and watch point values. It is triggered through the JTAG interface. Note: The APU in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices does not support an independent reset for the NEON coprocessors. Note: Unlike the POR or system resets, when the user applies a software reset to a single processor, the user must stop the associated clock, de-assert the reset, and then restart the clock. During a system or POR reset, hardware automatically takes care of this. Therefore, a CPU cannot run the code that applies the software reset to itself. This reset needs to be applied by the other CPU or through JTAG or PL. Assuming the user wants to reset CPU0, the user must to set the following fields in the slcr.A9_CPU_RST_CTRL (address 0x000244) register in the order listed: 1. A9_RST0 = 1 to assert reset to CPU0 2. A9_CLKSTOP0 = 1 to stop clock to CPU0 3. A9_RST0 = 0 to release reset to CPU0 4. A9_CLKSTOP0 = 0 to restart clock to CPU0 3.7.2 APU State After Reset Table 3-9 summarizes the state of the APU after the reset. For a CPU, including its L1 caches and MMU, this reset is a CPU reset that can be triggered through all resets. The reset to the SCU and the L2 cache can occur as a result of a system software reset, external system reset, debug system reset, and watchdog timer resets. Table 3-9: APU State after Reset Function CPU1 State after Reset Kept in a WFE state while executing code located at address 0xFFFFFE00 to 0xFFFFFFF0 L1 Caches Validation Disabled Unknown (requires invalidation prior to usage) MMUs Disabled SCU Disabled Address Filtering Upper and lower 1M addresses within the 4G address space are mapped to OCM and the rest of the addresses are routed to the L2 L2 Cache L2 wait states Disabled Tag RAM and Data RAM wait states are both 7-7-7 for setup latency, write access latency, and read access latency Unknown (requires invalidation prior to usage) Validation Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 108 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 3.8 Power Considerations The system-level power consideration are described in Chapter 24, Power Management. System Modules, page 681 includes additional information on the APU. 3.8.1 Introduction The APU incorporates many features to improve its dynamic power efficiency: • Either of the CPUs can be put in the standby mode and started up when a event or interrupt is detected. • The L2 cache can be put in the standby mode when the CPUs are in that mode. • Clock gating is extensively used in all the sub-blocks within the module. Dynamic clock gating in the Cortex-A9 can be enabled in the CP15 power control register. If enabled, the clocks to the CPU internal blocks are dynamically disabled in idle periods. The gated blocks include the integer core, the system control block, and the data engine. • Accurate branch and return prediction reduces the number of incorrect instruction fetch and decode operations. • Physically addressed caches reduce the number of cache flushes and refills, saving energy in the system. • The CPUs implement micro TLBs for local address translation which reduces the power consumed in translation and protection look-ups. • The tag RAMs and data RAMs are accessed sequentially to eliminate accesses to the unwanted data RAMs, and thus minimize unnecessary power consumption. • To reduce power consumption in the L1 caches, the number of full cache reads is reduced by taking advantage of the sequential nature of memory accesses. If a cache read is sequential to the previous cache read, and the address is within the same cache line, only the data RAM set that was previously read is accessed. • If an instruction loop fits in four BTAC entries, then instruction cache accesses are turned off to lower power consumption. • The clock to the NEON engine is dynamically controlled by the CPU and the engine gets clocked only when a NEON instruction is issued. Note: Power to the APU or any of its sub-blocks cannot be turned off while the PS is powered on. 3.8.2 Standby Mode In the standby mode of operation, the device is still powered-up, but most of its clocks are gated off. This means that the processor is in a static state and the only power drawn is due to leakage currents and the clocking of the small amount of logic which looks out for the wake-up condition. This mode is entered using either the WFI (wait for interrupt) or WFE (wait for event) instructions. It is recommended that a DSB memory barrier be used before WFI or WFE, to ensure that pending memory transactions complete. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 109 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit The processor stops execution until a wake-up event is detected. The wake-up condition is dependent on the entry instruction. For WFI, an interrupt or external debug request wakes the processor. For WFE, several specified events exist, including another processor in an MP system executing the SEV instruction. A request from the SCU can also wake up the clock for a cache coherency operation in an MP system. This means that the cache of a processor which is in standby state continues to be coherent with caches of other processors. A processor reset always forces the processor to exit from the standby condition. The standby mode in the SCU is enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER. When this feature is enabled, the SCU stops its internal clocks when the following conditions are met: • CPUs are in WFI mode • No pending requests on the ACP • No remaining activity in the SCU The SCU resumes normal operation when a CPU leaves WFI mode or a request on the ACP occurs. The standby mode of the L2 cache controller can be enabled by setting bit 0 of the L2 controller power control register (l2cpl310.reg15_power_ctrl). This mode is used in conjunction with the wait state (WFI/WFE) of the processor that drives the controller. Before entering the wait state, the Cortex-A9 processor must set its status field in the CPU power status register of the SCU to signal its entering standby mode. The Cortex-A9 processor then executes a WFI or WFE entry instruction. The SCU CPU power status register bits can also be read by a Cortex-A9 processor exiting low-power mode to determine its state before executing its reset setup. If the MP system is in the standby mode, the SCU signals to the L2 cache controller to gate its clock and the controller honors that when the L2 becomes idle. Any transaction from the SCU to the L2 restarts the clock and triggers a response with 2-3 clock cycles of delay. 3.8.3 Dynamic Clock Gating in the L2 Controller Bit 1 of the L2 Controller Power Control register enables the dynamic clock gating feature within the controller. If this feature is enabled, the cache controller stops its clock when it is idle for 32 clock cycles. The controller stops the clock until there is a transaction on its slave interface from the SCU. If this interface detects a transaction, it restarts its clock and accepts the new transaction with two to three cycles of delay. 3.9 CPU Initialization Sequence Typically, these are the following steps to initialize CPU: 1. Set the vector base address register. 2. Invalidate L1 caches, TLB, branch predictor array (refer to Initialization of L1 Caches). 3. Invalidate L2 cache. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 110 Chapter 3: Application Processing Unit 4. Prepare page tables and load into physical memory. (For more information on page tables, refer to Translation Table Base Register 0 and 1.) 5. Setup the stack. 6. Load the page table base address into the translation table base register (refer to Translation Table Base Register 0 and 1). 7. Set the MMU enable bit of the system control register. 8. Initialize and enable L2 cache (refer to L2-Cache, section 3.4.10 Programming Model). 9. Enable L1 caches by writing to the system control register. 10. Jump to entry of application. 3.10 Implementation-Defined Configurations The Zynq-7000 AP SoC APU has implemented some configurations which determine the reset values of some CP15 register fields. Table 3-10 shows these configuration signals and the reset values of the corresponding register fields. Table 3-10: Implementation Configuration Signals and Register Fields Configuration Signal Register Fields Bits Reset Value [10:8] b111 MAXCLKLATENCY c15.Power control register CFGEND c1.SCTLR.EE [25] b0 CFGNMFI c1.SCTLR.NMFI [27] b1 TEINIT c1.SCTLR.TE [30] b0 VINITHI c1.SCTLR.V [13] b0 CLUSTERID c0.MPIDR.ClustreID [11:8] b0000 (none) c0.REVIDR [31:0] 0x0 (none) c0.AIDR (Auxiliary ID register) [31:0] 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 111 Chapter 4 System Addresses 4.1 Address Map The comprehensive system level address map is shown in Table 4-1. The shaded entries indicate that the address range is reserved and should not be accessed. Table 4-2 identifies reserved address ranges. Table 4-1: System-Level Address Map Address Range CPUs and ACP AXI_HP Other Bus Masters(1) OCM OCM OCM Address not filtered by SCU and OCM is mapped low DDR OCM OCM Address filtered by SCU and OCM is mapped low 0000_0000 to 0003_FFFF (2) Notes Address filtered by SCU and OCM is not mapped low DDR Address not filtered by SCU and OCM is not mapped low 0004_0000 to 0007_FFFF 0008_0000 to 000F_FFFF DDR Address filtered by SCU Address not filtered by SCU DDR DDR DDR Address filtered by SCU DDR DDR Address not filtered by SCU (3) DDR DDR Accessible to all interconnect masters 0010_0000 to 3FFF_FFFF DDR 4000_0000 to 7FFF_FFFF PL PL General Purpose Port #0 to the PL, M_AXI_GP0 8000_0000 to BFFF_FFFF PL PL General Purpose Port #1 to the PL, M_AXI_GP1 E000_0000 to E02F_FFFF IOP IOP I/O Peripheral registers, see Table 4-6 E100_0000 to E5FF_FFFF SMC SMC SMC Memories, see Table 4-5 F800_0000 to F800_0BFF SLCR SLCR SLCR registers, see Table 4-3 F800_1000 to F880_FFFF PS PS F890_0000 to F8F0_2FFF CPU FC00_0000 to FDFF_FFFF(4) FFFC_0000 to FFFF_FFFF (2) CPU Private registers, see Table 4-4 Quad-SPI OCM Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 PS System registers, see Table 4-7 Quad-SPI OCM OCM Quad-SPI linear address for linear mode OCM is mapped high OCM is not mapped high www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 112 Chapter4: SystemAddresses Notes: 1. The other bus masters include the S_AXI_GP interfaces, Device configuration interface (DevC), DAP controller, DMA controller and the various controllers with local DMA units (Ethernet, USB and SDIO). 2. The OCM is divided into four 64 KB sections. Each section is mapped independently to either the low or high addresses ranges, but not both at the same time. In addition, the SCU can filter addresses destined for the OCM low address range to the DDR DRAM controller instead. A detailed discussion of the OCM is explained in Chapter 29, On-Chip Memory (OCM). 3. For each 64 KB section mapped to the high OCM address range via slcr.OCM_CFG[RAM_HI] which is not also part of the SCU address filtering range will be aliased for CPU and ACP masters at a range of ( 0x000C_0000 to 0x000F_FFFF). See Chapter 29, On-Chip Memory (OCM) for more information. 4. When a single device is used, it must be connected to QSPI 0. In this case, the address map starts at FC00_0000 and goes to a maximum of FCFF_FFFF (16 MBs). When two devices are used, both devices must be the same capacity. The address map for two devices depends on the size of the devices and their connection configuration. For the shared 4-bit stacked I/O bus, the QSPI 0 device starts at FC00_0000 and goes to a maximum of FCFF_FFFF (16 MBs). The QSPI 1 device starts at FD00_0000 and goes to a maximum of FDFF_FFFF (another 16 MBs). If the first device is less than 16 MBs in size, then there will be a memory space hole between the two devices. For the 8-bit dual parallel mode (8-bit bus), the memory map is continuous from FC00_0000 to a maximum of FDFF_FFFF (32 MBs). Table 4-2: System-Level Address Map (Reserved Addresses) Address Range CPUs and ACP AXI_HP Other Bus Masters(1) Notes C000_0000 to DFFF_FFFF Reserved E030_0000 to E0FF_FFFF Reserved E600_0000 to F7FF_FFFF Reserved F800_0C00 to F800_0FFF Reserved F881_0000 to F889_0FFF Reserved F8F0_3000 to FBFF_FFFF Reserved FE00_0000 to FFFB_FFFF Reserved 0xF889_E000 to 0xF88F_FFFF Reserved PL AXI Interface Note There are two general purpose interconnect ports that go to the PL, M_AXI_GP{1,0}. Each port is addressable by masters in the PS and each port occupies 1 GB of system address space in the ranges specified in Table 4-1. The M_AXI_GP addresses are directly from the PS; they are not remapped on their way to the PL. The addresses outside of these ranges are not presented to the PL. Execute-In-Place Capable Devices The following devices are execute-in-place capable: • DDR • OCM • SMC SRAM/NOR • Quad-SPI (linear addressing mode) • M_AXI_GP{1, 0} (PL block RAM or external memory with a suitable PL slave controller) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 113 Chapter4: SystemAddresses 4.2 System Bus Masters The CPUs and AXI_ACP see the same memory map, except the CPUs have a private bus to access their private timer, interrupt controller, and shared L2 cache / SCU registers. The AXI_HP interfaces provide high bandwidth to the DDR DRAM and OCM memory. The other system bus masters include: • DMA controller, see Chapter 9, DMA Controller • Device configuration interface (DevC), see Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration • Debug access port (DAP), see Chapter 28, System Test and Debug • PL bus master controllers attached to AXI general purpose ports (S_AXI_GP[1:0]), see Chapter 5, Interconnect and Chapter 21, Programmable Logic Description • AHB bus master ports with local DMA units (Ethernet, USB, and SDIO) 4.3 SLCR Registers The System-Level Control registers (SLCR) consist of various registers that are used to control the PS behavior. These registers are accessible via the central interconnect using load and store instructions. The detailed descriptions for each register can be found in Appendix B, Register Details. A summary of the SLCR registers with their base addresses is shown in Table 4-3. Table 4-3: SLCR Register Map Register Base Address Description Reference F800_0000 SLCR write protection lock and security F800_0100 Clock control and status See Chapter 25, Clocks F800_0200 Reset control and status See Chapter 26, Reset System F800_0300 APU control See Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit F800_0400 TrustZone control See UG1019, Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC F800_0500 CoreSight SoC debug control See Chapter 28, System Test and Debug F800_0600 DDR DRAM controller See Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller F800_0700 MIO pin configuration See Chapter 2, Signals, Interfaces, and Pins F800_0800 MIO parallel access See Chapter 2, Signals, Interfaces, and Pins F800_0900 Miscellaneous control See Chapter 29, On-Chip Memory (OCM) F800_0A00 On-chip memory (OCM) control See Chapter 29, On-Chip Memory (OCM) F800_0B00 I/O buffers for MIO pins (GPIOB) and DDR pins (DDRIOB) See Chapter 2, Signals, Interfaces, and Pins Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 114 Chapter4: SystemAddresses 4.4 CPU Private Bus Registers The registers shown in Table 4-4 are only accessible by the CPU on the CPU private bus. The accelerator coherency port (ACP) cannot access any of the private CPU registers. The private CPU registers are used to control subsystems in the APU. Table 4-4: CPU Private Register Map Register Base Address Description F890_0000 to F89F_FFFF Top-level interconnect configuration and Global Programmers View (GPV) F8F0_0000 to F8F0_00FC SCU control and status F8F0_0100 to F8F0_01FF Interrupt controller CPU F8F0_0200 to F8F0_02FF Global timer F8F0_0600 to F8F0_06FF Private timers and private watchdog timers F8F0_1000 to F8F0_1FFF Interrupt controller distributor F8F0_2000 to F8F0_2FFF L2-cache controller 4.5 SMC Memory The SMC memories are accessed via a 32-bit AHB bus (see Table 4-5). The SMC control registers are listed in Table 4-6. Refer to Chapter 11, Static Memory Controller for information on the functionality of the NAND and SRAM/NOR controllers. Table 4-5: SMC Memory Address Map Register Base Address Description E100_0000 SMC NAND Memory address range E200_0000 SMC SRAM/NOR CS 0 Memory address range E400_0000 SMC SRAM/NOR CS 1 Memory address range 7z007s and 7z010 Device Notice The 7z010 dual core and 7z007s single core devices have CLG225 packages with a limited number of pins. For SMC, only an 8-bit NAND interface is supported. These devices do not support the NOR/SRAM interface or a 16-bit NAND interface. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 115 Chapter4: SystemAddresses 4.6 PS I/O Peripherals The I/O Peripheral registers are accessed via a 32-bit APB bus, shown in Table 4-6. Table 4-6: I/O Peripheral Register Map Register Base Address Description E000_0000, E000_1000 UART Controllers 0, 1 E000_2000, E000_3000 USB Controllers 0, 1 E000_4000, E000_5000 I2C Controllers 0, 1 E000_6000, E000_7000 SPI Controllers 0, 1 E000_8000, E000_9000 CAN Controllers 0, 1 E000_A000 GPIO Controller E000_B000, E000_C000 Ethernet Controllers 0, 1 E000_D000 Quad-SPI Controller E000_E000 Static Memory Controller (SMC) E010_0000, E010_1000 SDIO Controllers 0, 1 4.7 Miscellaneous PS Registers The PS system registers are accessed via a 32-bit AHB bus (see Table 4-7). Table 4-7: PS System Register Map Register Base Address Description (Acronym) Register Set F800_1000, F800_2000 Triple timer counter 0, 1 (TTC 0, TTC 1) ttc. F800_3000 DMAC when secure (DMAC S) dmac. F800_4000 DMAC when non-secure (DMAC NS) dmac. F800_5000 System watchdog timer (SWDT) swdt. F800_6000 DDR memory controller ddrc. F800_7000 Device configuration interface (DevC) devcfg. F800_8000 AXI_HP 0 high performance AXI interface w/ FIFO afi. F800_9000 AXI_HP 1 high performance AXI interface w/ FIFO afi. F800_A000 AXI_HP 2 high performance AXI interface w/ FIFO afi. F800_B000 AXI_HP 3 high performance AXI interface w/ FIFO afi. F800_C000 On-chip memory (OCM) ocm. F800_D000 eFuse (1) - F800_F000 Reserved Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 116 Chapter4: Table 4-7: SystemAddresses PS System Register Map (Cont’d) Register Base Address F880_0000 Description (Acronym) CoreSight debug control Register Set cti. Notes: 1. One-time programmable non-volatile memory used to support RSA authentication of the FSBL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 117 Chapter 5 Interconnect 5.1 Introduction The interconnect located within the PS comprises multiple switches to connect system resources using AXI point-to-point channels for communicating addresses, data, and response transactions between master and slave clients. This ARM AMBA 3.0 interconnect implements a full array of the interconnect communications capabilities and overlays for QoS, debug, and test monitoring. The interconnect manages multiple outstanding transactions and is architected for low-latency paths for the ARM CPUs and, for the PL master controllers, a high-throughput and cache coherent datapaths. 5.1.1 Features The interconnect is the primary mechanism for data communications. The following summarizes the interconnect features: • • • The interconnect is based on AXI high performance datapath switches: ° Snoop control unit ° L2 cache controller Interconnect switches based on ARM NIC-301 ° Central interconnect ° Master interconnect for slave peripherals ° Slave interconnect for master peripherals ° Memory interconnect ° OCM interconnect ° AHB and APB bridges PS-PL Interfaces ° AXI_ACP, one cache-coherent slave port in the PL connected to the PS APU coherency slave port. ° AXI_HP, four high performance, high bandwidth slave port in the PL that becomes a master port on the PS AXI interconnect. ° AXI_GP, four general purpose ports (two master ports and two slave ports) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 118 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.1.2 Block Diagram This section discusses the block diagram for all the interconnect, including the interconnect masters, the snoop control unit, central interconnect, master interconnect, slave interconnect, memory interconnect, and OCM interconnect. Figure 5-1 shows the block diagram for the interconnect. Interconnect Masters The interconnect masters are shown at the top of Figure 5-1, and include: • CPUs and accelerator coherency port (ACP) • High performance PL interfaces, AXI_HP{3:0} • General purpose PL interfaces, AXI_GP{1:0} • DMA controller • AHB masters (I/O peripherals with local DMA units) • Device configuration (DevC) and debug access port (DAP) Snoop Control Unit (SCU) The functionality of the snoop control unit is described in Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. The address filtering feature of the SCU makes the SCU function like a switch from the perspective of the traffic from its AXI slave ports to its AXI master ports. Central Interconnect The central interconnect is the core of the ARM NIC301-based interconnect switches. Master Interconnect The master interconnect switches the low-to-medium speed traffic from the central interconnect to M_AXI_GP ports, I/O peripherals (IOP) and other blocks. Slave Interconnect The slave interconnect switches the low-to-medium speed traffic from S_AXI_GP ports, DevC and DAP to the central interconnect. Memory Interconnect The memory interconnect switches the high speed traffic from the AXI_HP ports to DDR DRAM and on-chip RAM (through another interconnect). OCM Interconnect The OCM interconnect switches the high speed traffic from the central interconnect and the memory interconnect. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 119 Chapter 5: Interconnect X-Ref Target - Figure 5-1 Synchronous CPU clock domain Asynchronous to is asynchronous to all else. all else. CPU, L1 Clock cpu_6x4x DDR Clock ddr_3x OCM Clock cpu_2x M0 M1 M2 (S_AXI_ACP) CPU_6x4x ASYNC ASYNC FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO 8 8 8 S0 S1 S2 S3 Memory Interconnect (S_AXI_GP[1:0]) M0 ASYNC S (e.g. 2 numbers: 7 reads, 3 writes) S S M1 4,4 8,3 64-bit DMA Controller 64-bit 32-bit CPU_1x CPU_2x DAP M M M 8 8 QoS QoS S0 S2 4 8 8 1 S0 S1 S2 S3 Slave Interconnect 32-bit for Master Peripherals Cache Tag RAM M0 Masters Data M1 ASYNC DevC M 7,3 Snoop Control Unit (SCU) CPU_6x4x 8 General Purpose AXI Controllers ASYNC 32- / 64-bit ASYNC 7,3 ASYNC M M3 ASYNC (e.g. 1 number: 8 reads, 8 writes) PL Logic Cache Coherent ACP port NEON/FPU Jazelle, Thumb-2, MMUs, L1 i/dCaches PL clocks 8 DDR Clock ddr_2x Cortex A9 PL Fabric (AXI_HP[3:0]) Read/Write Request Capability Async crossing PL PL Fabric AHB/APB Clock cpu_1x High Performance AXI Controllers Each of the eight AXI interfaces are asynchronous to all else. CPU_2x M 64-bit 64-bit DDR_2x M0 M1 M2 S S1 L2 Cache Controller 8 ASYNC Central Interconnect 512 kB CPU_6x4x CPU_2x 64-bit 8 ASYNC ASYNC M0 M1 8 8 M0 M1 M2 8 64-bit S0 S1 S1 S0 OCM Interconnect CPU_2x 32-bit QoS 64-bit Master Interconnect for Slave Peripherals M ASYNC CPU_2x M0 M1 M2 M3 8 8 4 1 4 ASYNC 256 kB CPU_6x4x CPU_2x 32-bit 32-bit S0 S0 On-chip RAM General Purpose AXI Controllers (M_AXI_GP[1:0]) S S1 S2 APB Slaves Registers CPU_1x CPU_1x 64-bit S0 DDR Memory Controller S Slaves Reg & Data 64-bit 64-bit S3 ASYNC PL Logic S1 ASYNC S1 DDR_3x Clock UG585_c5_01_120813 Figure 5-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Interconnect Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 120 Chapter 5: Interconnect L2 Cache Controller The functionality of the L2 cache controller is described in Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. The address filtering feature of the L2 cache controller makes the L2 cache controller function like a switch from the perspective of the traffic from its AXI slave ports to its AXI master ports. Interconnect Slaves The interconnect slaves are shown toward the bottom of Figure 5-1. The Interconnect slaves include: • On-chip RAM (OCM) • DDR DRAM • General purpose PL interfaces, M_AXI_GP{1:0} • AHB slaves (IOP with local DMA units) • APB slaves (programmable registers in various blocks) • GPV (programmable registers of the interconnect, not shown in Figure 5-1) 5.1.3 Datapaths Table 5-1 lists the major datapaths used by the PS interconnect. Table 5-1: Interconnect Datapaths R/W Advanced Request QoS Capability Source Destination Type Clock at source Clock at destination Sync or Async(1) Data width CPU SCU AXI CPU_6x4x CPU_6x4x Sync 64 7, 12 - AXI_ACP SCU AXI SAXIACPACLK CPU_6x4x Async 64 7, 3 - AXI_HP FIFO AXI SAXIHPnACLK DDR_2x Async 32/64 14-70, 8-32(2) - S_AXI_GP Master interconnect AXI SAXIGPnACLK CPU_2x Async 32 8, 8 - DevC Master interconnect AXI CPU_1x CPU_2x Sync 32 8, 4 - DAP Master interconnect AHB CPU_1x CPU_2x Sync 32 1, 1 - AHB masters Central interconnect AXI CPU_1x CPU_2x Sync 32 8, 8 X DMA controller Central interconnect AXI CPU_2x CPU_2x Sync 64 8, 8 X Master interconnect Central interconnect AXI CPU_2x CPU_2x Sync 64 - - FIFO Memory interconnect AXI DDR_2x DDR_2x Sync 64 8, 8 - SCU L2 Cache AXI CPU_6X4x CPU_6x4x Sync 64 8, 3 - Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 121 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-1: Interconnect Datapaths (Cont’d) R/W Advanced Request QoS Capability Source Destination Type Clock at source Clock at destination Sync or Async(1) Data width Memory interconnect OCM interconnect AXI DDR_2x CPU_2x Async 64 - - Central interconnect OCM interconnect AXI CPU_2x CPU_2x Sync 64 - - L2 Cache Slave interconnect AXI CPU_6x4x CPU_2x Sync 64 8, 8 - Central interconnect Slave interconnect AXI CPU_2x CPU_2x Sync 64 - - SCU On-chip RAM AXI CPU_6x4x CPU_2x Sync 64 4, 4 - OCM interconnect On-chip RAM AXI CPU_2x CPU_2x Sync 64 4, 4 - Slave interconnect APB slaves APB CPU_2x CPU_1x Sync 32 1, 1 - Slave interconnect AHB slaves AXI CPU_2x CPU_1x Sync 32 4, 4 - Slave interconnect AXI_GP AXI CPU_2x MAXIGPnACLK Async 32 8, 8 - L2 cache DDR controller AXI CPU_6x4x DDR_3x Async 64 8, 8 X Central interconnect DDR controller AXI CPU_2x DDR_3x Async 64 8, 8 - Memory interconnect DDR controller AXI DDR_2x DDR_3x Async 64 8, 8 - Slave interconnect GPV (3) CPU_2x (multiple) - - - - Notes: 1. Each asynchronous path includes an asynchronous bridge for clock domain crossing. 2. Burst-length dependent (see AXI_HP Interfaces). 3. The path from the slave interconnect to GPV is an internal path within the entire interconnect structure. When accessing GPV, ensure that all clocks are on. 5.1.4 Clock Domains The interconnect, masters, and slaves use the clocks shown inTable 5-2.: Table 5-2: Clocks used by Interconnect, Masters, and Slaves CPU_6x4x: CPUs, SCU, L2 Cache controller, On-Chip RAM CPU_2x Central interconnect, master interconnect, slave interconnect, OCM interconnect CPU_1x AHB masters, AHB slaves, APB slaves, DevC, DAP DDR_3x DDR Memory Controller DDR_2x Memory interconnect, FIFOs Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 122 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-2: Clocks used by Interconnect, Masters, and Slaves (Cont’d) CPU_6x4x: CPUs, SCU, L2 Cache controller, On-Chip RAM SAXIACPACLK AXI_ACP slave port SAXIHP0ACLK AXI_HP0 slave port SAXIHP1ACLK AXI_HP1 slave port SAXIHP2ACLK AXI_HP2 slave port SAXIHP3ACLK AXI_HP3 slave port SAXIGP0ACLK AXI_GP0 slave port SAXIGP1ACLK AXI_GP1 slave port MAXIGP0ACLK AXI_GP0 master port MAXIGP1ACLK AXI_GP1 master port Except for CPU_6X4X, CPU_2X, and CPU_1X, which are synchronous clocks with a ratio of 6:2:1 or 4:2:1, all clocks in Table 5-2 are asynchronous to one another, as shown in Figure 5-2. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 123 Chapter 5: Interconnect X-Ref Target - Figure 5-2 Cache Coherent AXI P port (AXI_ACP) High Performance AXI Controllers (AXI_HP) Async S_AXI_GP Async Async DevC DAP CPUs CPU_6x4x Snoop Control Unit (SCU) CPU_6x4x Memory Interconnect DDR_2x Async Slave Interconnect Masters DMA Controller CPU_2x CPU_1x CPU_2x 6:2:1 or 4:2:1 Ratio CPU_6x4x CPU_2x CPU_6x4x On-chip RAM L2 Cache Central Interconnect CPU_2x OCM Interconnect CPU_2x Master Interconnect Async Async DDR Memory Controller DDR_3x CPU_2x Slaves APB Slaves CPU_1x CPU_1x Async M_AXI_GP UG585_c5_02_120813 Figure 5-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Interconnect Clock Domains www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 124 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.1.5 Connectivity The interconnect is not a full cross-bar structure. Table 5-3 shows which master can access which slave. Master - Slave Access Slave Table 5-3: On-chip RAM DDR Port 0 M_AXI _GP AHB Slaves APB Slaves GPV CPUs X X X X X X AXI_ACP X X X X X X AXI_HP{0,1} X AXI_HP{2,3} X S_AXI_GP{0,1} X X X X X DMA Controller X X X X X AHB Masters X X X X X DevC, DAP X X X X X Master DDR Port 1 DDR Port 2 DDR Port 3 X X 5.1.6 AXI ID The interconnect uses 13-bit AXI IDs, consisting of (from MSB to LSB): • Three bits that identify the interconnect (central, master, slave, etc.) • Eight bits supplied by the master; width is determined by the largest AXI ID width among all masters • Two bits that identify the slave interface of the identified interconnect Table 5-4 lists all possible AXI ID values that a slave can observe. Table 5-4: Slave Visible AXI ID Values Master Master ID Width AXI ID (as seen by the slaves) AXI_HP0 6 13’b00000xxxxxx00 AXI_HP1 6 13’b00000xxxxxx01 AXI_HP2 6 13’b00000xxxxxx10 AXI_HP3 6 13’b00000xxxxxx11 DMAC controller 4 13’b0010000xxxx00 AHB masters 3 13’b00100000xxx01 DevC 0 13’b0100000000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 125 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-4: Slave Visible AXI ID Values (Cont’d) Master Master ID Width AXI ID (as seen by the slaves) DAP 0 13’b0100000000001 S_AXI_GP0 6 13’b01000xxxxxx10 S_AXI_GP1 6 13’b01000xxxxxx11 CPUs, AXI_ACP through L2 M1 port 8 13’b011xxxxxxxx00 CPUs, AXI_ACP through L2 M0 port 8 13’b100xxxxxxxx00 Notes: 1. x, which can be either 0 or 1, originates from the requesting master. 5.1.7 Read/Write Request Capability The R/W Request Capability shown in Figure 5-1 and in Table 5-1 describes the maximum number of requests that the master of a datapath can issue. This does not mean the master can always issue the maximum number of requests under all circumstances or scenarios. There are conditions where other limiting factors can be active to reduce the number of requests. One particular example is the extended write rule in the deadlock avoidance scheme, which ensures the network only issues a write transaction (on the AW channel) if all the outstanding write transactions have had the last write data beat transmitted (on the W channel). Under this rule, if the number of write data beats is large, preventing a second write request from being issued in a certain spot in the network, because the network must wait until the last beat of write data of the first write is transmitted, then only a single write request can be issued by a master. 5.1.8 Register Overview Table 5-5 provides an overview of the GPV registers. Table 5-5: GPV Register Overview Function Name Overview TrustZone security_gp0_axi security_gp1_axi Control boot secure settings for the slave ports of the slave interconnect. Advanced QoS qos_cntl, max_ot, max_comb_ot, aw_p, aw_b, aw_r, ar_p, ar_b, ar_r Control advanced QoS features, maximum number of outstanding transactions, AW and AR channel peak rates, burstiness, average rates. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 126 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.2 Quality of Service (QoS) 5.2.1 Basic Arbitration Each interconnect (central, master, slave, memory) uses a two-level arbitration scheme to resolve contention. The first-level arbitration is based on the priority indicated by the AXI QoS signals from the master or programmable registers. The highest QoS value has the highest priority. The second-level arbitration is based on a least recently granted (LRG) scheme and is used when multiple requests are pending with the same QoS signal value. Information on OCM arbitration can be found in Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller. 5.2.2 Advanced QoS In addition to the basic arbitration, the interconnect provides an advanced QoS control mechanism. This programmable mechanism influences interconnect arbitration for requests from these masters: • CPUs and ACP requests to DDR (through L2 cache controller port M0) • DMA controller requests to DDR and OCM (through the central interconnect) • AMBA master requests to DDR and OCM (through the central interconnect) In the PS, advanced QoS modules exist on the following paths: • Path from L2 cache to DDR • Path from DMA controller to the central interconnect • Path from AHB masters to the central interconnect The QoS module is based on ARM QoS-301, which is an extension to the NIC-301 network interconnect. They provide facilities to regulate transactions as follows: • Maximum number of outstanding transactions • Peak rates, • Average rates • Burstiness For more information, refer to CoreLink QoS-301 Network Interconnect Advanced Quality of Service Technical Reference Manual. The use of QoS arbitration for all slave interfaces should be performed with careful deliberation, as fixed priority arbitration leads to starvation issues if not used properly. By default, all ports have equal priority so starvation is not an issue. Rationale You are expected to create “well behaved” masters in the PL, which sufficiently throttle their rate of command issuance, or use the AXI_HP issuance capability settings. However, traffic from CPUs Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 127 Chapter 5: Interconnect (through L2 cache), the DMA controller, and the IOP masters can interfere with traffic from the PL. The QoS modules allow you to throttle these PS masters to ensure expected/consistent throughput and latency for the user design in the PL or specific PS masters. This is especially useful for video, which requires guaranteed maximum latency. By regulating the “irregular” masters such as CPUs, the DMA controller, and IOP masters , it is possible to guarantee maximum latency for PL-based video. 5.2.3 DDR Port Arbitration The PS interconnect uses all four QoS signals except where it attaches to the DDR memory controller, which takes only the most significant QoS signal. A 3-input mux selects among this QoS signal, another signal from the SLCR.DDR_URGENT register, and a DDRARB signal directly from the PL to determine if a request is urgent. Refer to Chapter 10, DDR Memory Controller for more details. 5.3 AXI_HP Interfaces The four AXI_HP interfaces provide PL bus masters with high bandwidth datapaths to the DDR and OCM memories. Each interface includes two FIFO buffers for read and write traffic. The PL to memory interconnect routes the high-speed AXI_HP ports to two DDR memory ports or the OCM. The AXI_HP interfaces are also referenced as AFI (AXI FIFO interface), to emphasize their buffering capabilities. The PL level shifters must be enabled through LVL_SHFTR_EN before PL logic communication can occur. 5.3.1 Features The interfaces are designed to provide a high throughput datapath between PL masters and PS memories, including the DDR and on-chip RAM. The main features include: • 32- or 64-bit data wide master interfaces (independently programmed per port) • Efficient dynamic upsizing to 64-bits for aligned transfers in 32-bit interface mode, controllable through AxCACHE[1] • Automatic expansion to 64-bits for unaligned 32-bit transfers in 32-bit interface mode • Programmable release threshold of write commands • Asynchronous clock frequency domain crossing for all AXI interfaces between the PL and PS • Smoothing out of “long-latency” transfers using 1 KB (128 by 64 bit) data FIFOs for both reads and writes • QoS signaling available from PL ports • Command and data FIFO fill-level counts available to the PL • Standard AXI 3.0 interfaces supported • Programmable command issuance to the interconnect, separately for read and write commands • Large slave interface read acceptance capability in the range of 14 to 70 commands (burst length dependent) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 128 Chapter 5: Interconnect • Large slave interface write acceptance capability in the range of 8 to 32 commands (burst length dependent) 5.3.2 Block Diagram Figure 5-3 shows the block diagram for the AXI_HP interfaces. X-Ref Target - Figure 5-3 64-bit PS AXI Channels RdAddr RdData WrAddr WrData BResp APB I/F Read Channel RdAddr Channel Q Write Channel RdData Channel FIFO WrAddr Channel Q WrData Channel FIFO BResp Channel Q Registers QoS en Issue Capability 32/64-bit PL AXI Channels RdAddr FIFO Levels QoS en Issue Capability RdData WrAddr FIFO Levels WrData BResp UG585_c5_03_121613 Figure 5-3: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 AXI_HP Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 129 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.3.3 Functional Description There are two sets of AXI ports, one set connecting directly to the PL and the other connecting to the AXI interconnect matrix, allowing access to DDR and OCM memory (see Figure 5-4). X-Ref Target - Figure 5-4 High Performance AXI Controllers (AXI_HP) M0 M1 M2 M3 FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO S0 S1 S2 S3 Memory Interconnect M0 M1 Central Interconnect M2 S1 S0 OCM Interconnect M L2-cache SCU S1 S0 On-chip RAM S3 S2 S1 S0 DDR Memory Controller UG585_c5_04_050212 Figure 5-4: High Performance (AXI_HP) Connectivity 5.3.4 Performance See Chapter 22, Programmable Logic Design Guide for more information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 130 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.3.5 Register Overview A partial list of registers related to the high performance AXI port is listed in Table 5-6 Table 5-6: High Performance (AFI) AXI Register Overview Module AXI_HP OCM DDRC SLCR Register Name Overview AFI_RDCHAN_CTRL AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL Select 64- or 32-bit interface width mode. Various bandwidth management control settings. AFI_RDCHAN_ISSUINGCAP AFI_WRCHAN_ISSUINGCAP Maximum outstanding read/write commands AFI_RDQOS AFI_WRQOS Read/write register-based quality of service (QoS) priority value AFI_RDDATAFIFO_LEVEL AFI_WRDATAFIFO_LEVEL Read/write data FIFO register occupancy OCM_CONTROL Change arbitration priority of HP (and central interconnect) accesses at OCM with respect to SCU writes. axi_priority_rd_port2 axi_priority_wr_port2 Various priority settings for arbitration at DDR controller for AXI_HP (AFI) ports 2 and 3 axi_priority_rd_port3 axi_priority_wr_port3 Various priority settings for arbitration at DDR controller for AXI_HP (AFI) ports 0 and 1 LVL_SHFTR_EN Level shifters. Must be enabled before using any of the PL AXI interfaces. 5.3.6 Bandwidth Management Features For applications requiring multiple programmable logic masters on multiple high performance AXI interface ports simultaneously, and in the presence of a medium or heavily loaded PS system, the management of the bandwidth per programmable logic port or “thread” becomes more difficult. For example, if real-time type traffic is required on one thread, possibly mixed with non real-time traffic on other threads/ports, the standard AXI 3.0 bus protocol does not explicitly provide methods to manage priority. The high performance AXI interface module does provide several functions to assist priority and queue management. The majority of management functions are provided to both the programmable logic design as PL signals and the PS as registers, as performance optimization is application dependent. This allows maximum flexibility, while simplifying the high performance AXI interface requirements. The additional signals provided to the PL in addition to standard AXI3 signals are provided in Table 5-7. The priority and occupancy management functions provided are discussed in the following sections. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 131 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-7: Additional per-port HP PL Signals Type FIFO occupancy PS-PL Signal Name I/O SAXIHP{0-3}RCOUNT[7:0] O Fill level of the RdData channel FIFO SAXIHP{0-3}WCOUNT[7:0] O Fill level of the WrData channel FIFO SAXIHP{0-3}RACOUNT[2:0] O Fill level of the RdAddr channel FIFO SAXIHP{0-3}WACOUNT[5:0] O Fill level of the WrAddr channel FIFO SAXIHP{0-3}AWQOS[3:0] I WrAddr channel QOS input. Qualified by SAXIHP{0-3}AWVALID SAXIHP{0-3}ARQOS[3:0] I RdAddr channel QOS input. Qualified by SAXIHP{0-3}ARVALID SAXIHP{0-3}RDISSUECAP1EN I When asserted (1), indicates that the maximum outstanding read commands (issuing capability) should be derived from the “rdIssueCap1” register. SAXIHP{0-3}WRISSUECAP1EN I When asserted (1), indicates that the maximum outstanding write commands (issuing capability) should be derived from the “wrIssueCap1” register. Quality of service Interconnect issuance throttling Description QoS Priority The AXI QoS input signals can be used to assign an arbitration priority to the read and write commands. Note that the PS interconnect allows either master control or programmable (register) control as a configuration option. For the AFI, it is desirable to have the ability for masters to dynamically change the QOS inputs. However, to provide flexibility the register field axi_hp.AFI_RDCHAN_CTRL [FabricQosEn] is provided. This allows a static QoS value to be programmed through the high performance AXI interface port, ignoring the PL AXI QoS inputs. FIFO Occupancy The level of the data and command FIFOs for both read and write are exported to the PL, allowing you to take advantage of the QOS feature supported by the top-level interconnect. Based on the relative levels of these FIFOs, a PL controller could dynamically change the priority of the individual read and write requests into the high performance AXI interface block(s). For example, if a particular PL master read data FIFO is getting too empty, the priority of the read requests could be increased. The filling of this FIFO now takes priority over the other three FIFOs. When the FIFO reaches an acceptable fill-level, the priority typically is reduced again. The exact scheme used to control the relative priorities is flexible, as it must be performed in the programmable logic. Note that the “FIFO Level” should be used as a relative level, as opposed to an exact level, because clock domain crossing is involved. Another possible application of the FIFO levels is using them to “look ahead” at the data fill level to determine if data can be read or written without having to use AXI RVALID/WREADY handshake signals. This could potentially simplify the AXI interface design logic, enabling higher speeds of operation. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 132 Chapter 5: Interconnect Interconnect Issuance Throttling To optimize the latency or throughput of other masters in the system such as the CPUs, it might be desirable to constrain the number of outstanding transactions that a high-performance port requests to the system interconnect. Issuing capability is the maximum number of outstanding commands that a HP can request at any one time. Control of the read and write command issuing capability of the high performance AXI interface is available as a primary input from the logic. This option can be enabled by means o the axi_hp.AFI_{RD, WR}CHAN_CTRL [FabricOutCmdEn] register fields. The logic signals, SAXIHP{0-3}RDISSUECAP1_EN and SAXIHP{0-3}WRISSUECAP1_EN allow you to change the issuing capability of the AFI block to the PS dynamically between two levels. Write FIFO Store and Forward The write channels can be configured to store and forward write commands or allow them to pass through with no storage. The following two registers control the mode of write, store, and forward: • axi_hp.AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL [WrCmdReleaseMode] • axi_hp.AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL [WrDataThreshold] The mode register selects between a complete AXI burst store and forward, a partial AXI burst store and forward, or a pass through (no store at all). If absolute minimum latency for write commands is required, the pass-through mode could be selected. However, in cases where multiple masters are competing for the system slaves, better system performance can likely be achieved using at least the partial AXI burst store and forward mode. This is because once an AXI write is committed at each point throughout the PS, the entire burst must be processed before any other write data from other write commands can be processed. For example, using pass-through mode, if one HP port with a slow clock rate issues a long burst, a second port with a faster clock rate might need to wait until the entire slower write data burst has been transferred, even if all of the write data on the fast clock is available. This is different from the case of reads, where read data interleaving is permitted. 32-bit Interface Considerations Each physical high performance PL AXI interface is programmable to be either a 32-bit or 64-bit interface through the register field axi_hp.AFI_{RD, WR}CHAN_CTRL [32BitEn]. Note that the read and write channels have separate enables and can therefore be configured differently. Upsizing and Expansion In 32-bit mode, some form of translation between the 32-bit port and the 64-bit port is required. For write data, the 32-bit data (and write strobes) must be aligned correctly onto the appropriate lanes in the 64-bit domain. For read data, the appropriate lanes of the 64-bit data must be aligned onto the 32-bit data bus. This data alignment between different width interfaces are automatically dealt with by the high performance AXI interface module. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 133 Chapter 5: Interconnect For the 32-bit mode, an “expansion” or “upsizing” must be performed to the 64-bit bus. These are defined as follows: • Expansion. The AxSIZE[] and AxLEN[] signals remain unchanged on the 64-bit bus. The number of data beats in the 64-bit domain is therefore the same as the number of data beats in the 32-bit domain. This is the simplest option but also the most inefficient in terms of bandwidth utilization. • Upsizing. This is an optimization that makes better use of the 64-bit bus available bandwidth. The AxSIZE[] signal can be changed to `64-BIT (expansion case it is `32-BIT or less) and the AxLEN[] field can potentially be adjusted to make use of the 64-bit bus. For a full width transfer, the number of data beats in the 64-bit domain is now, at best, half the number of data beats in the 32-bit domain. For example, a burst of 16x32-bit is upsized to a burst of 8×64-bit. Note: Upsizing only occurs if the AxCACHE[1] bit is set; if it is not, expansion of the command occurs. This means that you can dynamically control, on a per-command basis, whether to expand or upsize. Note: In 64-bit mode, there is no translation between the programmable logic transactions and the internal 64-bit PS transactions. Whatever appears at the PL port is passed as is to the PS port. In 64-bit mode, no upsizing or expansion is performed. This also applies to narrow transactions in the 64-bit mode. 32-bit Interface Limitations The high performance AXI interface imposes the following constraints: 1. In 32-bit mode, only burst multiples of 2, incremental burst read commands, aligned to 64-bit boundaries are upsized. All other 32-bit commands are expanded. These include all narrow transactions (wrap as well as fixed burst types). 2. Whenever an expanded read command is accepted from the programmable logic by the AFI, this command is blocked until all outstanding high performance AXI interface read commands in the pipeline are flushed. The flushing occurs automatically under control of the AFI. The implication is that for expanded commands, performance is very limited, as command pipelining is essentially disabled. Note: All valid AXI command are still supported, just not optimized to take advantage of the 64-bit bus bandwidth. In the case of write commands completing out-of-order, no performance penalty is incurred because the BRESP can be issued in any order directly back to the PL ports. To be symmetric across read and write operations, the high performance AXI interface also only upsizes 64-bit aligned burst multiples of 2, incremental burst write commands, in 32-bit mode. However, in the case of writes, no “blocking” of expanded commands occurs. Write performance for expanded commands in 32-bit mode is therefore much higher than read performance. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 134 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.3.7 Transaction Types Table 5-8 summarizes the command types issued to the high performance AXI interface from the PL, and the command modifications that occur. Table 5-8: High Performance AXI Interface Command Types No. Mode Command Type Translation Comments 1 64-bit 64-bit reads all burst types None Best optimization possible 2 64-bit Narrow read None Because no upsizing is performed, the narrower the width, the more inefficient the transaction. 3 64-bit 64-bit write all burst types None Best optimization possible 4 64-bit Narrow write None Because no upsizing is performed, the narrower the width, the more inefficient the transaction. 5 32-bit 32-bit INCR read aligned to 64-bit even burst multiples Upsized to 64-bits Best 32-bit mode optimization possible 6 32-bit All other 32-bit read commands Expanded to 64-bits Each read command is blocked until all previous read commands are completed. Extremely inefficient. 7 32-bit 32-bit INCR write aligned to 64-bit even burst multiples Upsized to 64-bits Best 32-bit mode optimization possible 8 32-bit All other 32-bit write commands Expanded to 64-bits Relatively inefficient because no upsizing is performed. No blocking occurs for writes. 5.3.8 Command Interleaving and Re-Ordering When multi-threaded commands are used in AXI, there is the potential for commands being processed out-of-order as well as interleaving of data beats. The DDR controller guarantees that all read commands are completed continuously, that is, it does not interleave read data onto its external AXI ports. It does however take advantage of re-ordering of read and write commands, to perform internal optimizations. It is therefore expected that read and write commands issued to the DDR controller are sometimes completed in a different order from which they were issued. Read data interleaving is not supported by either the DDR or the OCM. However, the interconnect might introduce read data interleaving into the system when a single PL port issues multi-threaded read commands to both the DDR and OCM memories. From the high performance AXI interface perspective: • Both read and write commands can be re-ordered. • Read data interleaving might occur. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 135 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.3.9 Performance Optimization Summary This section summarizes the most important considerations when using the high performance AXI interface module from a software or user perspective. • For general purpose AXI transfers, use the general purpose PS AXI ports and not these ports. These ports are optimized for high throughput applications, but have various limitations. • Table 5-8 summarizes the different command types issued to the high performance AXI interface module from the PL and the way in which they are dealt with. • When using 32-bit mode, it is strongly recommended not to use commands of the type shown in line 6 of Table 5-8, as this impacts performance significantly. • The QoS PL inputs can be controlled from physical programmable logic signals or statically configured in APB registers. The signals allow QoS values to be changed on a per-command basis. The register control is static for all commands. • The AxCACHE[1] must be set for upsizing to occur. If this bit is not set, expansion always occurs. • If the PL design demands a continuous read data flow after the first data beat has been read, the design must first allow the read data FIFO to fill with the complete transaction data before popping the first data beat out. The FIFO level is exported to the PL for this purpose. This behavior might be useful if the PL master is not able to be throttled by RVALID after the first data exits the read FIFO. • Wait states can be inserted if write commands are not asserted at least one cycle ahead of the corresponding first write data beat in 32-bit AXI channel slave interface mode. • The PL masters should be able to handle read data interleaving. If it is desired that they not deal with this issue, they should not issue multi-threaded read commands to both the OCM and DDR from the same port by using the same ARID value for all outstanding read requests. • The relationship of write FIFO occupancy to the write data ready to accept signal (WREADY) varies as follows: ° ° • In 64-bit AXI mode, FIFO not full (SAXIHP0WCOUNT << 128) always implies WREADY= 1 . In 32-bit AXI mode, there is a dependency between the write address (AWVALID) and the write data (WVALID). If the write address is presented at least one cycle before the first beat of any given write data burst, then the FIFO not full (SAXIHP0WCOUNT << 128) implies WREADY= 1. If not, then WREADY is deasserted until the write address is produced. The reason for this back pressure is that in 32-bit mode, expansion/upsizing is performed on the data into the write data FIFO. Write response (BVALID) latency is dependent on many factors, such as DDR latency, DDR transaction reordering, and other conflicting traffic (including higher-priority transactions). Write commands and data are sent the entire path to the slave (DDR or OCM) and the response is issued by the slave to return to the high performance AXI interface. Transactions issued after reception of the write response is guaranteed to be committed later at the slave than the responded write transaction. Note that by default, all PS peripherals are set to secure Trustzone mode. This means that any non-secure accesses indicated with AxPROT[1]=1 will received a DECERR response. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 136 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.4 AXI_ACP Interface The accelerator coherency port provides low-latency access to programmable logic masters, with optional coherency with L1 and L2 cache. From a system perspective, the ACP interface has similar connectivity as the APU CPUs. Due to this close connectivity, the ACP directly competes with them for resource access outside of the APU block. Figure 5-5 gives an overview of the ACP connectivity. IMPORTANT: The PL level shifters must be enabled by LVL_SHFTR_EN before PL logic communication can occur. Note: By default, all PS peripherals are set to secure Trustzone mode. This means that any non-secure accesses indicated with AxPROT[1]= 1 will receive a DECERR response. For more information about the ACP interface, including its limitations, see Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. X-Ref Target - Figure 5-5 Accelerator Coherency Port (ACP) PL Logic APU CPUs Snoopable Data Buffers And Caches L1 Cache Read/Write Line Updates Requests M Cache Coherent Transactions S S Flush Cache Line to Memory SCU Maintain L1 Cache Coherency M0 Cacheable and Noncacheable Accesses Tag RAM Cache Tag RAM Update M1 Cacheable and Non-cacheable Accesses to DDR, PL, Peripherals, and PS Registers System Interconnect S OCM Tag RAM L2 Cache Data RAM M0 M1 DDR System Interconnect UG585_c5_05_101212 Figure 5-5: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 ACP Connectivity Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 137 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.5 AXI_GP Interfaces 5.5.1 Features AXI_GP features include: • Standard AXI protocol • Data bus width: 32 • Master port ID width: 12 • Master port issuing capability: 8 reads, 8 writes • Slave port ID width: 6 • Slave port acceptance capability: 8 reads, 8 writes 5.5.2 Performance These interfaces are connected directly to the ports of the master interconnect and the slave interconnect, without any additional FIFO buffering, unlike the AXI_HP interfaces which has elaborate FIFO buffering to increase performance and throughput. Therefore, the performance is constrained by the ports of the master interconnect and the slave interconnect. These interfaces are for general-purpose use only and are not intended to achieve high performance. IMPORTANT: The PL level shifters must be enabled by LVL_SHFTR_EN before PL logic communication can occur. Note: By default, all PS peripherals are set to secure Trustzone mode. This means that any non-secure accesses indicated with AxPROT[1]=1 will received a DECERR response. PL bus master controllers attached to AXI general purpose ports (S_AXI_GP[1:0]) can access PS I/O Peripherals and cannot access CPU Private Bus Registers. 5.6 PS-PL AXI Interface Signals 5.6.1 AXI Signals AXI signals are identified in Table 5-9. The PL level shifters must be enabled by the LVL_SHFTR_EN register before PL logic communication can occur, refer to section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 138 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-9: AXI Signals Summary AXI PS Masters AXI Channel AXI PS Slaves S_AXI_GP{0,1} S_AXI_HP{0:3} S_AXI_ACP M_AXI_GP{0,1} I/O I/O MAXIGP{0,1}ACLK I SAXIGP{0,1}ACLK SAXIHP{0:3}ACLK SAXIACPACLK I MAXIGP{0,1}ARESETN O SAXIGP{0,1}ARESETN SAXIHP{0:3}ARESETN SAXIACPARESETN O MAXIGP{0,1}ARADDR[31:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARADDR[31:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARADDR[31:0] SAXIACPARADDR[31:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARVALID O SAXIGP{0,1}ARVALID SAXIHP{0:3}ARVALID SAXIACPARVALID I MAXIGP{0,1}ARREADY I SAXIGP{0,1}ARREADY SAXIHP{0:3}ARREADY SAXIACPARREADY O MAXIGP{0,1}ARID[11:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARID[5:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARID[5:0] SAXIACPARID[2:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARLOCK[1:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARLOCK[1:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARLOCK[1:0] SAXIACPARLOCK[1:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARCACHE[3:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARCACHE[3:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARCACHE[3:0] SAXIACPARCACHE[3:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARPROT[2:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARPROT[2:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARPROT[2:0] SAXIACPARPROT[2:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARLEN[3:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARLEN[3:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARLEN[3:0] SAXIACPARLEN[3:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARSIZE[1:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARSIZE[1:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARSIZE[2:0] SAXIACPARSIZE[2:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARBURST[1:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARBURST[1:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARBURST[1:0] SAXIACPARBURST[1:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}ARQOS[3:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}ARQOS[3:0] SAXIHP{0:3}ARQOS[3:0] SAXIACPARQOS[3:0] I Clock, Reset Read Address Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 139 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-9: AXI Signals Summary (Cont’d) AXI PS Masters AXI Channel M_AXI_GP{0,1} AXI PS Slaves I/O ~ S_AXI_GP{0,1} S_AXI_HP{0:3} S_AXI_ACP I/O ~ ~ SAXIACPARUSER[4:0] I Read Data MAXIGP{0,1}RDATA[31:0] I SAXIGP{0,1}RDATA[31:0] SAXIHP{0:3}RDATA[63:0] SAXIACPRDATA[63:0] O MAXIGP{0,1}RVALID I SAXIGP{0,1}RVALID SAXIHP{0:3}RVALID SAXIACPRVALID O MAXIGP{0,1}RREADY O SAXIGP{0,1}RREADY SAXIHP{0:3}RREADY SAXIACPRREADY I MAXIGP{0,1}RID[11:0] I SAXIGP{0,1}RID[5:0] SAXIHP{0:3}RID[5:0] SAXIACPRID[2:0] O MAXIGP{0,1}RLAST I SAXIGP{0,1}RLAST SAXIHP{0:3}RLAST SAXIACPRLAST O MAXIGP{0,1}RRESP[1:0] I SAXIGP{0,1}RRESP[2:0] SAXIHP{0:3}RRESP[2:0] SAXIACPRRESP[2:0] O ~ ~ SAXIHP{0:3}RCOUNT[7:0] ~ O ~ ~ SAXIHP{0:3}RACOUNT[2:0] ~ O ~ ~ SAXIHP{0:3}RDISSUECAP1EN ~ I Write Address MAXIGP{0,1}AWADDR[31:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWADDR[31:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWADDR[31:0] SAXIACPAWADDR[31:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWVALID O SAXIGP{0,1}AWVALID SAXIHP{0:3}AWVALID SAXIACPAWVALID I Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 140 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-9: AXI Signals Summary (Cont’d) AXI PS Masters AXI Channel AXI PS Slaves S_AXI_GP{0,1} S_AXI_HP{0:3} S_AXI_ACP M_AXI_GP{0,1} I/O MAXIGP{0,1}AWREADY I SAXIGP{0,1}AWREADY SAXIHP{0:3}AWREADY SAXIACPAWREADY O MAXIGP{0,1}AWID[11:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWID[5:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWID[5:0] SAXIACPAWID[2:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWLOCK[1:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWLOCK[1:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWLOCK[1:0] SAXIACPAWLOCK[1:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWCACHE[3:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWCACHE[3:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWCACHE[3:0] SAXIACPAWCACHE[3:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWPROT[2:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWPROT[2:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWPROT[2:0] SAXIACPAWPROT[2:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWLEN[3:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWLEN[3:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWLEN[3:0] SAXIACPAWLEN[3:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWSIZE[1:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWSIZE[1:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWSIZE[2:0] SAXIACPAWSIZE[2:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWBURST[1:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWBURST[1:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWBURST[1:0] SAXIACPAWBURST[1:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}AWQOS[3:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}AWQOS[3:0] SAXIHP{0:3}AWQOS[3:0] SAXIACPAWQOS[3:0] I ~ ~ SAXIACPAWUSER[4:0] I ~ I/O Write Data MAXIGP{0,1}WDATA[31:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}WDATA[31:0] SAXIHP{0:3}WDATA[63:0] SAXIACPWDATA[63:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}WVALID O SAXIGP{0,1}WVALID SAXIHP{0:3}WVALID SAXIACPWVALID I MAXIGP{0,1}WREADY I SAXIGP{0,1}WREADY SAXIHP{0:3}WREADY SAXIACPWREADY O Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 141 Chapter 5: Interconnect Table 5-9: AXI Signals Summary (Cont’d) AXI PS Masters AXI Channel AXI PS Slaves S_AXI_GP{0,1} S_AXI_HP{0:3} S_AXI_ACP M_AXI_GP{0,1} I/O I/O MAXIGP{0,1}WID[11:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}WID[5:0] SAXIHP{0:3}WID[5:0] SAXIACPWID[2:0] I MAXIGP{0,1}WLAST O SAXIGP{0,1}WLAST SAXIHP{0:3}WLAST SAXIACPWLAST I MAXIGP{0,1}WSTRB[3:0] O SAXIGP{0,1}WSTRB[3:0] SAXIHP{0:3}WSTRB[7:0] SAXIACPWSTRB[7:0] I ~ ~ SAXIHP{0:3}WCOUNT[7:0] ~ O ~ ~ SAXIHP{0:3}WACOUNT[5:0] ~ O ~ ~ SAXIHP{0:3}WRISSUECAP1EN ~ I Write Response MAXIGP{0,1}BVALID I SAXIGP{0,1}BVALID SAXIHP{0:3}BVALID SAXIACPBVALID O MAXIGP{0,1}BREADY O SAXIGP{0,1}BREADY SAXIHP{0:3}BREADY SAXIACPBREADY I MAXIGP{0,1}BID[11:0] I SAXIGP{0,1}BID[5:0] SAXIHP{0:3}BID[5:0] SAXIACPBID[2:0] O MAXIGP{0,1}BRESP[1:0] I SAXIGP{0,1}BRESP[1:0] SAXIHP{0:3}BRESP[1:0] SAXIACPBRESP[1:0] O 5.6.2 AXI Clocks and Resets Each interface has a single clock for all five channels that make up an interface. This clock is provided by the PL. All clocks must be active and all resets must be inactive on all PS-PL AXI interfaces for the GPV to function properly. The entire PS might hang if this condition is not satisfied and a GPV access is Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 142 Chapter 5: Interconnect attempted. Therefore, no GPV access should be attempted if not all of the clocks for the PS-PL AXI interfaces are connected and operating. 5.7 Loopback Sometimes it can be advantageous to provide a loopback path from the PS to PL and back. A loopback path means that there will be an AXI connection between a PS master and PS slave through the PL, so that designs can manipulate AXI transaction address and/or data in the PL before the data reaches the intended target in the PS. Such a loopback path typically includes a combinatorial shim that translates the destination address from an address in the PL to an address in the PS. It is not considered a loopback path if the AXI transaction from the PS is terminated in the PL, a separate AXI transaction is created from the PL to the PS, and there is no interlocking dependency between the two transactions. In the AP SoC, the only allowed loopback path is from the GM ports to the HP ports within a set of constraints. Note that HP0 and HP1 share an internal switch, and HP2 and HP3 shares an internal switch. When there is a loopback path from the GM port to an HP port, there can be no other masters than the loopback on the HP port being used, as well as the other HP port sharing its internal switch. For an example, if there is a loopback path from GM1 port to HP1 port, then there can be no other masters on both HP0 and HP1 ports. Similarly, if there is a loopback path from GM0 port to HP2 port, then there can be no other masters on both HP2 and HP3 ports. See Figure 5-6. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 143 Chapter 5: Interconnect X-Ref Target - Figure 5-6 SLCR Quad-SPI 1,2,4,8-bit Parallel 8-bit NOR/SRAM System Level Control Registers NEON NEON SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP NAND 8,16-bit APB GigE DMA DMA DMA GigE SD DMA DMA SD DMA USB USB MIO Pins Register Access ARM A9 ARM A9 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache IRQ Processing System (PS) PS_SRST_B CLK / PLL SCU – Snoop Control Unit 20 I, 29 O ARM, I/O, DDR GPIO x54, x64 L2 OCM UART Cache Memory 512 KB On Chip Memory 256 KB UART I2C DDR DDR DAP DMA 8 channel TTC/WDT 16-bit 32-bit 16-bit w/ECC Mem Switch 32-bit AXI PJTAG 64-bit AXI CoreSight EMIO Trace In Trace Out Cross Trigger M_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Master S_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Slave S_AXI_ACP AXI Coherent 64-bit Slave S_AXI_HP x 4 AXI Data 32/64-bit Slave PCAP Processor Config Access Port XADC 16 ch ADC GTX GTX NOTE: The GTX and PCIe functionality is available in some of the Device Versions. Loopback IPcore GTX GTX PS_CLK Memory Controller Central Interconnect I2C SPI SPI CAN CAN PS_POR_B Reset Other Masters Config Programmable Logic (PL) PCIe Security UG585_c5_06_121613 Figure 5-6: Loopback Path 5.8 Exclusive AXI Accesses This section provides a summary of AXI exclusive accesses support and details its architectural limitations. Exclusive AXI accesses are most commonly generated by software in exclusive load and store instructions to implement semaphore structures. The two Cortex-A9 cores and PL masters from the S_ACP, S_GP and S_HP ports can perform exclusive access. To succeed, exclusive accesses must also terminate to a slave that contains an exclusive monitor. However, the only exclusive monitors in the PS are in L1 cache, and each of the four PS DDRC ports (the OCM RAM does not have an exclusive monitor and so cannot accept exclusive accesses). A user-created L3 exclusive monitor can also be potentially created in the PL. 5.8.1 CPU/L2 There are exclusive monitors in APU L1 cache, but not in the L2 level cache. This means the exclusive access address must either terminate in L1 cache or L3 memory, but not in L2. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 144 Chapter 5: Interconnect To use the L1 exclusive monitor, the addressed MMU region must be set to be inner cacheable and inner cache write-back with write-allocate. This allows an address targeted by a particular exclusive access to always be allocated to L1 cache. To use the L3 exclusive monitor, the access must not terminate at the APU L2 cache. From the ARM CPU perspective, this means the address must be shareable, normal and non-cacheable. Also, the L2 cache controller shared override option (bit 22 in the L2 auxiliary control register) must be set in the auxiliary control register. By default in the APU L2 cache controller, any non-cacheable shared reads are treated as cacheable non-allocatable, while non-cacheable shared writes are treated as cacheable write-through/no write-allocate. The L2 cache controller shared override option in the PL310 auxiliary control register overrides this behavior and prevents allocation into L2 cache. 5.8.2 ACP The PL ACP port does not support exclusive access to coherent memory. Therefore, if the ACP needs to perform exclusive accesses with the CPUs, the access must go to L3: DDR or PL. 5.8.3 DDRC The following are the supported features for exclusive accesses to the PS DDR controller: • The AXI port supports concurrent monitoring of two exclusive addresses (with different IDs). • Burst type INCR/WRAP, length='h0 - 'hF, is supported. • The slave supports OKAY and EXOKAY responses for exclusive accesses. ° ° According to the AXI specification, the slave sends out an EXOKAY response for successful exclusive access transactions. For DDRC, this includes reads (up to two active) and writes that match a preceding exclusive read transaction, if the monitored location(s) is still valid. If a monitored location is overwritten by another exclusive or non-exclusive write transaction through any slave port before its corresponding exclusive write, the slave returns an OKAY response for the exclusive write and will not update the corresponding memory locations. The DDRC exclusive monitor uses AXI bus ID to determine which master is doing the exclusive load and store. While it is possible for a master to generate different IDs, a particular ID will always originate from the same master. The master should also make sure to use the same ID for their LDREX and STREX pair. Cortex-A9 processor will generate the same ID for its LDREX/STREX pair. There are a some limitations: 1. While only two address locations (ranges) can be monitored concurrently by the DDRC, either of these locations can be updated by another exclusive read transaction while the current transactions have not been completed by their corresponding exclusive writes. In this case, the exclusive write for an earlier monitored address location will receive an OKAY response. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 145 Chapter 5: Interconnect exclusive monitor picks the slot to be used using round-robin mechanism. An example exclusive access sequence is shown inTable 5-10, assuming one AXI ID per master: Table 5-10: Example DDR Port Behavior Masters action DDR Port behavior Master 1 issues exclusive load to address A Exclusive monitor 1 now has address A and master 1 recorded Master 2 issues exclusive load to address B Exclusive monitor 2 now has address B and master 2 recorded Master 3 issues exclusive load to address C Exclusive monitor 1 now has address C and master 3 recorded Master 1 issues exclusive store to address A DDRC returns with OKAY, indicating exclusive access had failed Master 2 issues exclusive store to address B DDRC returns with EXOKAY, indicating exclusive access successful Master 3 issues exclusive store to address C DDRC returns with EXOKAY, indicating exclusive access successful 2. Exclusive access between different AXI ports is not supported because the monitors do not share information with each other, thus the DDRC does not support exclusive access across different ports. This means only masters that will access the same DDR port can do exclusive access to a memory through DDR. Example master topologies able to perform exclusive access together are shown in Table 5-11. Table 5-11: Example Master Topologies Master Topology Can Perform Exclusives Accesses Together to DDRC? A9 core 0, A9 Core 1 Yes A9 core 0, ACP Yes PL master on GP0/1 with Cortex-A9 No, GP0/1 ports and Cortex-A9 CPUs use different AXI DDRC AXI ports. Master on HP0 with master on HP1 Yes, (HP0 and HP1) and (HP2 and HP3) each share a common DDRC AXI port. Master on HP1 with master on HP2 No, HP1 and HP2 use different DDRC ports. Master on GP0 with master HP0 No, GP0/1 ports and HP0-3 ports use different DDRC ports. Master on GP0 with master on GP1 Yes, GP0/1 ports share a common DDRC AXI port. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 146 Chapter 5: Interconnect 5.8.4 System Summary Exclusive AXI accesses are summarized inTable 5-12. Table 5-12: Exclusive AXI Accesses Summary Exclusive Operation Exclusive Accesses Supported Notes Two A9 CPUs to L1 cache Yes Normal, inner-cacheable, write-back with write-allocate memory regions only ACP doing exclusive access to L1 No ACP does not support exclusive access to coherent memory. CPU0 and CPU1 to location in L2 No L2 does not have exclusive monitors. Two A9 CPU and ACP do exclusive access to DDR Yes DDR only support two addresses per port for exclusive access. If there are more than two masters, more than two addresses might be involved, and it might cause live-lock. Extra care should be taken to not get in a live-lock situation. ACP and one of the CPUs do exclusive access to DDR Yes Only two masters are allowed. Exclusive access from two A9 CPUs to DDR Yes When L1 and L2 cache is disabled, or when memory is marked as shared, normal, non-cacheable and the L2 shared override bit is set. Masters on GP and HP ports doing exclusive access to DDR: • GP0 and GP1 can do exclusive access with each other only • HP0 and HP1 can do exclusive access with each other only • HP2 and HP3 can do exclusive access with each other only Yes DDRC cannot synchronize exclusive accesses across separate DDRC AXI ports. If more than 2 PL masters or AXI IDs are used per port of DDR, additional software is needed to prevent live-lock. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 147 Chapter 6 Boot and Configuration 6.1 Introduction Immediately after the PS_POR_B reset pin deasserts, the hardware samples the boot strap pins and optionally enables the PS clock PLLs. Then, the PS begins executing the BootROM code in the on-chip ROM to boot the system. The POR resets the entire device with no previous state saved. The non-POR type resets also cause the BootROM to execute, but without the hardware sampling the strap pins. After a non-POR reset, some registers values are preserved and the device is aware of its previous security mode. Non-POR resets include the PS_SRST_B pin and several internal reset sources. The BootROM is the first software to run in the APU. The BootROM executes on CPU 0 and CPU 1 executes the wait-for-event (WFE) instruction. The main tasks of the BootROM are to configure the system, copy the Boot Image FSBL/User code from the boot device to the OCM, and then branch the code execution to the OCM. Optionally, the FSBL/User code can be executed directly from a Quad-SPI or NOR device in a non-secure environment. The PS Master boot device holds one or more boot images. A boot image is made up of the BootROM Header (also referred to as the Boot Image Header) and the first stage boot loader (FSBL). The boot device can also hold a bitstream to configure the PL and an embedded operating system, but these are not accessed by the BootROM code. The flash memory device for boot can be Quad-SPI, NAND, NOR, or SD card. The BootROM execution flow is affected by the pin strap settings, the BootROM Header, and what the BootROM code discovers about the system. The BootROM can execute in a secure environment with encrypted FSBL/User code, or a non-secure environment. After the BootROM executes, the FSBL/User code takes responsibility of the system as described in UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide. For development, the system can be booted in JTAG mode. Or, JTAG can be enabled after a non-secure flash device boot. JTAG always implies a non-secure environment, but it allows for access to the ARM debug access port (DAP) controller in the CPU complex (APU) and the Xilinx test access port (TAP) controller in the PL. PS Master Boot Mode In master boot mode, the system boots from a flash memory device. Here, the BootROM configures the PS to access the boot device, reads the BootROM header, validates the header, and then usually copies the FSBL/User code to the OCM memory. Master mode can be a secure or non-secure environment. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 148 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration In secure mode, the boot image is always written to OCM memory by the CPU. From there, it is sent (using DMA) in and out of the AES/HMAC units for decryption and authentication. The decrypted boot image is written back to OCM memory and executed after the BootROM is finished. Security hardware is described in this chapter and in Chapter 32, Device Secure Boot. In non-secure mode, the BootROM header can instruct the PS to execute the boot image directly from a Quad-SPI or NOR boot device that supports the execute-in-place option. In other cases, the FSBL/User code is copied to the OCM memory for execution. If the BootROM header in the flash device is invalid, the BootROM code searches for another header. The header search continues until a valid header is found or the entire range has been searched. The BootROM header search is supported for Quad-SPI, NAND, and NOR boot modes. For SD card boot mode, only one header is read. JTAG Slave Boot In JTAG boot mode, the BootROM code does minimal system configuration and enables a JTAG interface. Then, the system goes into an idle state waiting for the DAP controller to restart CPU 0. The cascade JTAG boot mode loops the DAP and TAP controllers, and is the most common JTAG boot mode. The independent JTAG boot mode connects the TAP controller to the PL JTAG pins and gives time for the user to configure the PL using the TAP controller to connect the DAP controller to the EMIO JTAG interface. The paths are shown in Figure 6-7, page 190. In non-secure master boot mode, the JTAG interface is enabled for debug when the PL is powered-up. The JTAG interface can be used to access the TAP and DAP controllers. Boot and Configuration Subsections Boot and Configuration is divided into the following sections: • Figure 6-1 ° • Device Start-up ° • • • Overview of bring-up and configuration Power-up, resets, clocks, Boot mode pins BootROM Code ° Execution flow, BootROM header ° Boot modes, image search, multiboot ° Error codes, system state post-BootROM Device Boot and PL Configuration ° PL initialization, configuration, and enable ° PS/PL bring-up examples ° PCAP bridge, JTAG (cascade/independent) Reference Section ° PL bring-up time factors, register overview, and device IDs Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 149 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration Device Boot Flowchart The POR reset causes the hardware to samples the pin straps, disable modules in the device, and optionally enables the PS clock PLLs. These hardware actions are not performed after a non-POR reset. The first software to run is the BootROM code, then the FSBL/User code and system code. All of these steps are shown in Figure 6-1. X-Ref Target - Figure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igure 6-10: Error Code INIT_B Bit Waveform Example Note: This waveform is based on the development board and the INIT_B polarity signal is inverted. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 198 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration Non-secure boot failures result in the BootROM disabling access to the AES unit, clearing the PL, and enabling JTAG. The slcr.REBOOT_STATUS register can be read to determine the source of the boot failure. Error Code Numbers The error codes listed in Table 6-20 describe the functionality of production devices. For preproduction devices, the error code numbers and the reporting scheme are described in AR# 55082. Other error code numbers might be generated by the BootROM, but are unlikely. If an error code occurs that is not listed in Table 6-20 for production parts or in AR# 55082 for preproduction parts, then contact Xilinx. Lockdown Types The Lockdown Type column includes information based on the type of reset that started the BootROM execution. • POR reset (P) • Non-POR reset (NP) The type of lockdown indicated in Table 6-20 includes the following notations: • Non-secure: A non-secure lockdown occurs (system can be accessed by JTAG). • Header: The lockdown type is defined by the Encryption Status parameter in the header. • Secure: Always a secure lockdown (the system becomes inaccessible). • Previous: Applies only after a non-POR reset. If the previous boot mode was secure, then this subsequent lockdown is secure. If the previous boot was non-secure, then this subsequent lockdown is non-secure. Table 6-20: BootROM Error Codes Error Code Lockdown Type(1) 0x0002 P: Non-secure NP: Non-secure The system successfully booted in JTAG mode. 0x2000 P: Non-secure NP: Previous Quad-SPI boot mode. The BootROM detected a x8 parallel device configuration using x1 mode, but then failed to read the expected header parameters using x8 mode. The BootROM continues with header search using x8 mode, but it was unable to find the Width Detection word using header search within the image search range. Check that the Quad-SPI device is properly connected to the QSPI MIO pins. • Be sure that the Width Detection word is set equal to the data pattern 0xAA995566 and that the Image Identification word has 0x584C4E58, ‘XLNX’ • Ensure that the device content is not blank In single device applications. 0x2001 P: Non-secure NP: Previous NAND boot mode. The BootROM could not determine the ECC mode for the device. • Check that the NAND device is on the vendor approved list, refer to (Xilinx AR# 50991). Description Solution • Use the JTAG interface to the DAP and TAP controllers. • Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 199 Chapter 6: Table 6-20: Error Code Boot and Configuration BootROM Error Codes (Cont’d) Lockdown Type(1) Description Solution • Check that there is a valid BootROM Header in the root directory of the SD card named BOOT.BIN. • Make sure the SD interface is operating reliably; for example using XMD or other debug tool to access it. • Make sure the SD card is in 3-byte addressing mode. • Check the mode pin settings. 0x200A P: Non-secure NP: Previous SD card boot mode. The BootROM could not find the boot image at the root of the SD card; only a single boot image is supported for this boot mode. If the SD card was accessed by the FSBL/User code and then a system reset occurs without resetting the SD card, then the SD card might be left in 4-byte addressing mode. 0x200B P: Non-secure NP: Previous NOR boot mode. The BootROM could not find a valid boot image in the NOR device after searching. • Check that there is a valid BootROM Header within the search range, refer to the BootROM Header Search and Multiboot sections. P: Non-secure NP: Previous Quad-SPI boot mode. The BootROM is unable to find a valid header within the image search range. • Check that there is a valid image written within the boot partition address search space for the device, refer to the BootROM Header Search and Multiboot sections. 0x200D P: Non-secure NP: Previous NAND boot mode. The BootROM is unable to find a valid header within the image search range. • Check that there is a valid image written within the boot partition address search space for the device, refer to the BootROM Header Search and Multiboot sections. 0x200E P: Header NP: Previous An address in the Register Initialization field of the BootROM Header is out of the accessible range. • Check that all addresses are within the range based on boot mode, refer to the Register Initialization address range table. 0x200F P: Secure NP: Secure Secure boot mode. The Start of Execution word does not equal 0. • The Start of Execution word must be equal to 0 in secure mode (boot from OCM). 0x2011 P: Header NP: Previous NAND boot mode. Length of Image parameter is = 0. The execute-in-place mode is not supported in the NAND boot mode. • Set the Length of Image parameter to the length of the boot image. Must fit into the 192 KB of available OCM memory. 0x2012 P: Header NP: Previous SD card boot mode. Length of Image parameter is = 0. The execute-in-place mode is not supported in the SD card boot mode. • Set the Length of Image parameter to the length of the boot image. Must fit into the 192 KB of available OCM memory. 0x2019 P: Secure NP: Secure The encryption and eFuse combinations are not valid, refer to Table 6-7. • Make sure the Encryption Status parameter and the eFuse states are consistent. 0x201A P: Secure NP: Secure Security Violation was detected. The system tried to transition from a secure operating mode to a non-secure boot mode without using POR. 0x200C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com • Assert the POR reset to boot in non-secure mode when the system was previously booted in secure mode. Send Feedback 200 Chapter 6: Table 6-20: Error Code 0x2023 0x2024 0x2100 Boot and Configuration BootROM Error Codes (Cont’d) Lockdown Type(1) Description Solution P: Non-secure NP: Previous There is a mismatch between the value in the Header Checksum word and the calculated checksum for the header, or the Image Identification word in the BootROM Header does not contain 0x584C4E58,'XLNX'. • Verify that the Header Checksum is correct. • Make sure the Image Identification word has 0x584C4E58. • Verify that the boot device can be accessed reliably using the JTAG boot mode. P: Header NP: Previous The Image Identification word in the BootROM Header does not contain 0x584C4E58, 'XLNX'. • Make sure the Image Identification word equals 0x584C4E58. • Verify that the boot device can be accessed reliably using the JTAG boot mode. P: Non-secure NP: Previous The Image Identification word in the BootROM Header does not equal 0x584C4E58, 'XLNX'. • Make sure the Image Identification word has 0x584C4E58. • Verify that the boot device can be accessed reliably. Boot in JTAG mode and test, if necessary. • Verify that the Header Checksum is correct. • Verify that the boot device can be accessed reliably using the JTAG boot mode. 0x2101 P: Non-secure NP: Previous BootROM Header checksum fails. 0x2102 P: Non-secure NP: Previous The address value in the Source Offset word points to a location within the BootROM Header instead of where the image is actually located. • Check the address value in the Source Offset word. 0x2103 P: Non-secure NP: Previous The address value in the Source Offset word is not aligned to a 64B boundary. • Align the address in the Source Offset word to a 64-byte boundary. 0x2104 P: Non-secure NP: Previous Non-secure and execute from OCM mode. This error occurs if the image destination address crosses the 192 KB boundary (i.e., 0x070000). • Reduce the size of the initial FSBL/User code that is loaded into the OCM. Non-secure and execute from OCM mode. This error occurs if the image destination address is less than 0x00040000 if the image length is not equal to 0. • Execute the image at 0x00040000. 0x2105 P: Non-secure NP: Previous 0x2106 P: Non-secure NP: Previous Non-secure and execute from OCM mode. The Length of Image parameter exceeds the 192 KB limit of the OCM for the initial FSBL/User code. • Reduce the size of the initial FSBL/User code that is loaded into the OCM. 0x2108 P: Non-secure NP: Previous Non-secure and execute from OCM mode. The Start of Execution parameter is greater than 192 KB (0x03 0000). • The Start of Execution value must be within the OCM. 0x2109 P: Non-secure NP: Previous The Reserved parameter (0x038) is not set = 0. • Set the reserved parameter at 0x038 to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 201 Chapter 6: Table 6-20: Error Code Boot and Configuration BootROM Error Codes (Cont’d) Lockdown Type(1) Description Solution • Execute-in-place is not supported in secure mode. Either specify non-secure mode, or change the Length of Image word to match the image length after decryption. • Verify that the key and key source are the same for encryption and decryption. 0x210A P: Non-secure NP: Previous Applies to secure boot mode. The Length of Image word in the header is set to 0 (execute-in-place). 0x210B P: Secure NP: Previous Secure mode. HMAC error occurred. 0x210D P: Header NP: Previous This error occurs if the image length is not equal to 0 and the length is greater than 192 KB. • Reduce the size of the initial FSBL/User code that is loaded into the OCM. 0x210E P: Header NP: Previous The Length of Image parameter is set to 0 indicating an execute-in-place boot, but the selected boot mode does not support execute-in-place. • Check the boot mode settings. • NAND and SD card do not support execute-in-place. P: Header NP: Previous BootROM Header checksum failed before processing the Register Initialization words. • Verify that the Header Checksum is correct. • Verify that the boot device can be accessed reliably using the JTAG boot mode. P: Header NP: Previous The Image Identification word in the BootROM Header does not contain 0x584C4E58, 'XLNX'. • Make sure the Image Identification word has 0x584C4E58. • Verify that the boot device can be accessed reliably by using the JTAG boot mode to download test software. 0x2111 P: Header NP: Previous One or more address/write-data pairs in the Register Initialization section of the BootROM Header contains an address outside of the allowed range. • Make sure the addresses in the Register Initialization section are within the ranges defined in the TRM table 6-13 Boot Image Address-Data Write Address Ranges. 0x2200 P: Secure NP: Previous Secure boot mode. The image size after decryption does fit into the 192 KB of available OCM memory. 0x210F 0x2110 • Reduce the size of the initial FSBL/User code that is loaded into the OCM. Notes: 1. There are two reset types, POR (P) and non-POR (NP). Refer to the text preceding the table for an explanation of the lockdown type column. 6.3.13 Post BootROM State The state of the PS after the BootROM executes depends on these conditions: • Decryption Status parameter. • Boot strap mode pins. • Actions of the BootROM based on system discovery. The mode pins impact which MIO are enabled and what I/O standard they are set to after exiting the BootROM. Additionally, the mode setting impacts the boot peripheral settings. For example, if Quad-SPI is the selected boot source, the needed MIO is enabled and the Quad-SPI controller is set Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 202 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration with the necessary settings to read from flash. The modified values for each boot source are documented in the associated boot devices section. APU and OCM State after BootROM The general processor state upon BootROM exit is as follows: • MMU, Icache, Dcache, L2 cache are all disabled. • Both processors are in the supervisor state. • ROM code is inaccessible. • 192 KB of OCM memory is accessible starting at address 0x0000_0000 while the upper 64 KB of the OCM is accessible starting at address 0xFFFF_0000. • CPU 0 branches into the stage 1 boot image if no failure takes place. • CPU 1 is in a WFE state while executing code located at address 0xFFFF_FE00 to 0xFFFF_FFF0. Memory Map During BootROM Execution The system memory map during BootROM execution places 192 KB of OCM at the bottom of memory and 64 KB at the top as shown in Figure 6-11. The 64 KB memory block is used is used by the BootROM to store the BootROM Header and program variables. After the BootROM is finished, the 64 KB OCM memory block is freed-up for the FSBL to use. X-Ref Target - Figure 6-11 During BootROM Loading FSBL 4 GB 3 GB OCM RAM Empty Peripherals At Handoff from BootROM Execution to FSBL/User Code 64 KB BootROM Program Memory Parameters/Variables and BootROM Header 4 GB 3 GB M_AXI_GP1 64 KB FSBL Program Memory M_AXI_GP1 2 GB 2 GB M_AXI_GP0 M_AXI_GP0 1 GB 1 GB DDR DDR 1 MB 1 MB Empty 256 KB 192 KB 0 OCM Memory Empty Peripherals OCM ROM OCM RAM 64 KB BootROM Code 192 KB FSBL Code (buffer) 256 KB 192 KB 0 Empty Empty OCM Memory 192 KB FSBL Code UG585_c6_10_081514 Figure 6-11: System Memory Map During BootROM Execution Post BootROM Security If secure mode is enabled, the AES unit is accessible post BootROM. In non-secure mode, the AES unit is not accessible. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 203 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration The BootROM locks several bits in the DevC module prior to exiting to ensure security. The bits the BootROM locks are listed in Table 6-21; where 1 = locked. The Lock bits are used to disable writes to bits in the devcfg.CTRL register. Once a lock bit is set, it cannot be cleared except by a POR reset. The BootROM will lock some of these bits before turning PS control over to the FSPL/User code. Table 6-21: devcfg.LOCK Register Bit Position Bit Name BootROM Secure Boot Lock Status BootROM Non-Secure Boot Lock Status 31:5 Reserved ~ ~ 4 AES_FUSE_LOCK 1 0 3 AES_EN_LOCK 0 1 2 SEU_LOCK 0 0 1 SEC_LOCK 1 0 0 DBG_LOCK 0 0 Post BootROM Debug In the event of a failure while booting non-secure the BootROM enables JTAG access so that the REBOOT_STATUS and other registers can be read using the DAP controller. A debugging tool like XMD has full access to the processor when JTAG is enabled and includes the DAP controller in the chain. If a failure occurs while booting in secure mode, the BootROM disables the AES unit, clears the OCM, clears the PL, and halts the processor. JTAG is not enabled, consequently, the REBOOT_STATUS value is not available to be read. Instead, the 16-bit error code is shown by toggling the INIT_B pin. 6.3.14 Registers Modified by the BootROM – Examples Examples of registers modified by the BootROM are listed in Table 6-22. When multiple register values appear in the table, this indicates that the value depends on other factors. Refer to the footnotes and text for more information. These are values that have been observed when the BootROM transfers CPU control from the FSBL/User code. These values were obtained from test run on the ZC702 board with the 7z020 production device and the ZC706 board with the 7z035/7z045 production devices. Table 6-22: Address BootROM Modified Registers Register Name(1) Reset Value JTAG Boot Quad-SPI Boot SD Card Boot devcfg Registers 0xF800_7000 CTRL 0x0C006000 0x4E00E07F 0x4C00E07F 0x4E80EE80 0x4E00E07F 0x4E80EE80 0xF800_7004 LOCK 0x00000000 0x0000001A 0x0000001A 0x00000012 0x0000001A 0x00000012 0xF800_7008 CFG 0x00000508 reset value reset value reset value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 204 Chapter 6: Table 6-22: Boot and Configuration BootROM Modified Registers (Cont’d) Address Register Name(1) Reset Value JTAG Boot 0xF800_700C INT_STS 0x00000000 0xF800_7014 STATUS 0x40000820 0xF800_7028 ROM_SHADOW 0x00000000 0xF800_7034 UNLOCK 0x00000000 0x757BDF0D 0x757BDF0D 0x757BDF0D 0xF800_7080 MCTRL x 0x10800000 0x30800100 0x30800100 0x30800100 0x00000004 0x00000000 0x00000004 0x00000000 Quad-SPI Boot SD Card Boot 0xF8020006 0xA802000A 0xA802000B 0xA803000A 0xA803100A 0xA883100A 0xA802000A 0xA803000A 0x40000F30 0x40000A30 0x40000A30 0x40000A30 0xFFFFFFFF l2cache Registers 0xF8F0_2104 reg1_aux_control 0x02050000 0x02060000 0xF8F0_2F40 reg15_debug_ctrl 0x00000000 0x00000004 mpcore Registers 0xF8F0_0040 Filtering_Start_Addr 0x00100000 reset value reset value reset value 0xF8F0_0044 Filtering_End_Addr 0x00000000 0xFFE00000 0xFFE00000 0xFFE00000 0xF8F0_0108 ICCBPR 0x00000002 reset value 0xF8F0_0200 Global_Timer_Counter_0 0x00000000 The value depends on when the register is read. 0xF8F0_0204 Global_Timer_Counter_1 0x00000000 The value depends on when the register is read. 0xF8F0_0208 Global_Timer_Control 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000001 slcr Registers 0xF800_0258 REBOOT_STATUS (2) 0x00400000 0x00400002 0x00400000 0x00600000 0x00400000 0x00600000 0xF800_0910 OCM_CFG 0x00000000 0x00000018 0x00000018 0x00000018 0xF800_0A1C Reserved 0x00010101 0x00010101 0x00020202 0x00020202 0xF800_0B04 GIOB_CFG_CMOS18 0x00000000 0x0C301166 0x0C301166 0x0C301166 0xF800_0B08 GIOB_CFG_CMOS25 0x00000000 0x0C301100 0x0C301100 0x0C301100 0xF800_0B0C GIOB_CFG_CMOS33 0x00000000 0x0C301166 0x0C301166 0x0C301166 0xF800_0B14 GIOB_CFG_HSTL 0x00000000 0x0C750077 0x0C750077 0x0C750077 0xF800_0B70 DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL 0x00000020 reset value 0x00000823 0x00000823 uart1 Registers 0xE000_1000 Control_reg0 0x00000128 0x00000114 0x00000114 0x00000114 0xE000_1004 mode_reg0 0x00000000 0x00000020 0x00000020 0x00000020 0xE000_1014 Chnl_int_sts_reg0 0x00000200 reset value 0x00000E10 0x00000E10 0xE000_1018 Baud_rate_gen_reg0 0x0000028B reset value 0x0000003E 0x0000003E 0xE000_1028 Modem_sts_reg0 x 0x000000FB 0x000000FB 0x000000FB 0xE000_102C Channel_sts_reg0 0x00000000 reset value 0x00006812 0x00006812 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 205 Chapter 6: Table 6-22: Boot and Configuration BootROM Modified Registers (Cont’d) Address Register Name(1) Reset Value 0xE000_1034 Baud_rate_divider 0x0000000F JTAG Boot reset value Quad-SPI Boot SD Card Boot 0x00000006 0x00000006 Notes: 1. Some register names are truncated or abbreviated to keep them short in this table. 2. In the REBOOT_STATUS register, a 4 means a POR reset and a 6 means an SRST (non-POR) reset. 6.4 Device Boot and PL Configuration The Zynq device is a complex system that can be tightly controlled (secured) by the PS boot process or be open and accessible in a friendly and/or development environment. The PS-centric control of the Zynq device assumes a secure environment after a POR reset until the Encryption Status parameter in the BootROM Header is read or until JTAG boot mode is detected. When security discrepancies are detected, the BootROM executes a system lockdown. Basic Boot Sequence There are many different boot sequences. The common thread is that after a system reset (POR and non-POR), the BootROM executes first to configure and control the system. After a POR reset, there are a few hardware activities that are performed before the BootROM executes. These hardware activities are described in Figure 6-1, page 150. After the BootROM executes, the FSBL/User code takes control of the PS and is able to further configure the device, including the PL. 1. Power-up and Reset Operations. See section 6.2 Device Start-up. 2. BootROM Execution. See section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance. 3. FSBL/User Code to Configure PS. Refer to UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide for information on creating FSBL/User code. 4. FSBL/User Code to Initialize and Configure PL. The controls are shown in Figure 6-12. Refer to UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide for information on creating FSBL/User code. In a development environment (non-secure), the user can access the Xilinx TAP controller in the PL and the ARM DAP controller in the PS. This section focusses on the boot process from the PS software perspective with a section on configuring the PL using JTAG. Chapter Sections This chapter section includes the following subsections to explain various aspects of device configuration: • 6.4.1 PL Control via PS Software • 6.4.2 Boot Sequence Examples • 6.4.3 PCAP Bridge to PL • 6.4.4 PCAP Datapath Configurations Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 206 Chapter 6: • Boot and Configuration 6.4.5 PL Control via User-JTAG 6.4.1 PL Control via PS Software The PL is controlled by PS software (Figure 6-12) through the PCAP bridge or using external pins and the JTAG interface associated with the PL (Figure 6-20, page 219). X-Ref Target - Figure 6-12 devcfg.CTRL [PCFG_PROG_B] devcfg.INT_STS [PCFG_INIT] devcfg.INT_STS edge [PCFG_INIT_NE_INT] DevC PCAP Path PS Software Enable PCAP; Initiate Bitstream DMA; Wait until done; PL Initialization Circuits INIT_B (open drain output) PL Configuration Module DONE (open drain output) Bitstream devcfg.INT_STS [PCFG_DONE_INT] [PCAP_PR] = 1 [PCAP_MODE] = 1 Figure 6-12: AES/HMAC Units UG585_c6_12_060915 PCAP Path for PL Initialization and Configuration PL Initialization via PS Software At any time, the devcfg.CTRL [PCFG_PROG_B] bit can be used to issue a global reset to the PL. If this bit is set Low, the PL begins its initialization process and the devcfg.STATUS [PCFG_INIT] bit is held Low until the [PCFG_PROG_B] bit is set High by the hardware. The programming sequence to initialize the PL include these steps: 1. Set [PCFG_PROG_B] signal to High 2. Set [PCFG_PROG_B] signal to Low 3. Poll the [PCFG_INIT] status for Reset 4. Set [PCFG_PROG_B] signal to High 5. Poll the [PCFG_INIT] status for Set PL Configuration via PS Software PL configuration and reconfiguration support are illustrated with an example that simplifies software knowledge of state. The sequence assumes the PL is uninitialized and system state is unknown. Users can build on these steps. To configure the PL, enable the interface and select the PCAP programming path. Clear interrupts, initialize the PL, and disable the internal DevC loopback function. The new bitstream is transferred to the PL using the DevC DMA unit. Both the PS and PL must be powered on to configure or reconfigure the PL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 207 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration 6.4.2 Boot Sequence Examples There are a multitude of variables in the boot process of the PS and PL. An entire boot sequence can include PS and PL hardware operations, BootROM execution, FSBL/User code execution and starting the operating system software. When considering a secure environment, there are multiple resources to reference. At the low-level, refer to this chapter and Chapter 32, Device Secure Boot. As the system transitions to the FSBL and the Operating System, refer to UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide. The fastest boot times are obtained in PS-only non-secure mode. For time critical applications, there are several areas to consider. Major time sinks for time critical applications include the bandwidth of the boot device, decryption, power supply ramp time, and the ROM code CRC check. IMPORTANT: The time it takes for each boot process to complete can be difficult to calculate because of all the variables involved. The values provided here are meant as a guide, not a definitive answer. If you have any questions, please contact your Xilinx FAE Sales Engineer. This section starts by defining a few different boot sequences that are controlled by PS software (BootROM or FSBL/User code). Example Sequences • Seq 1: PS Non-secure Bring-up (no PL power) • Seq 2: PS Secure Bring-up with PL Configuration • Seq 3: PL Bring-up by FSBL/User Code PS Non-secure Bring-up Example The PS and PL can be brought up together in a secure or non-secure mode. The simultaneous bring-up of the PS and PL is shown in Figure 6-12. Also refer to Figure 6-4, page 164 for details on power, reset, and clock interactions and timing examples.The PS non-secure bring-up using a flash device without JTAG illustrates a simple example with minimal resources. The example is shown in Figure 6-14. When the PL is needed later in the system operation, its bring-up is explained in the PL Bring-up by FSBL/User Code example. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 208 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration X-Ref Target - Figure 6-13 Sequence 1: PS Non-secure Bring-up PS Power-on BootROM Moves FSBL/User Code to OCM Memory PLL Lock <300 us See note 1. 15 to 200 ms, see note 2. BootROM Executes PS CPU 0 See note 3. FSBL / User Code Executes BootROM Executes after the PLLs lock. PS_POR_B UG585_c6_11_081514 1) PLL lock time. The PLL lock time is discussed in section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance. 2) BootROM Execution. This time is highly dependent on the bandwidth of the flash device interface. For BootROM execution, refer to section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance. 3) FSBL/User Code Execution. The execution time for the FSBL/User code is beyond the scope of UG585, please refer to UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide. X-Ref Target - Figure 6-14 Figure 6-14: PS Non-secure Bring-up Example PS Bring-up with PL Configuration Example The PS and PL can be brought up together in a secure or non-secure mode. The simultaneous bring-up of the PS and PL is shown in Figure 6-15. Also refer to Figure 6-4, page 164 for details on power, reset, and clock interactions and timing examples. In this example, the bring-up process boots from a flash memory device. The BootROM supports both secure (encrypted images) and non-secure boot modes (no encryption). This bring-up sequence is summarized in these steps below. The non-secure boot without the PL is illustrated in Figure 6-14 and the secure boot mode with PL is illustrated in Figure 6-15: 1. Power-supplies are stable, PS_CLK is stable. See section 6.2.3 Clocks and PLLs. 2. PS_POR_B reset deasserts; for Secure boot, the PL is powered-on with the PS and self initializes. 3. BootROM executes in CPU 0: a. Reads slcr.BOOT_MODE register to determine boot device. b. Reads BootROM Header to determine encryption status and image destination. c. 4. Secure: Ensures PL is powered on to begin FSBL/User code decryption. BootROM prepares for the CPU to execute the FSBL/User code: a. Non-Secure: BootROM loads the FSBL/User code into OCM (or prepares for execute-in-place) on Quad-SPI and NOR devices. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 209 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration b. Secure: BootROM programs the DevC DMA controller to transfer the encrypted FSBL/User code into the RxFIFO and send it to the AES and HMAC modules in the PL. The decrypted image accumulates in the TxFIFO and is written into the OCM memory by the DMA controller. 5. BootROM is disabled and CPU control is transferred to the FSBL/User code. a. Non-Secure: Code can be in OCM memory or executed directly from the boot device. b. Secure: Code is executed from OCM memory. 6. The FSBL/User code loads PL bitstream. (Optional) a. Non-Secure: The code loads the bitstream using the PCAP controller. b. Secure: The code loads the encrypted bitstream though the PCAP interface to the AES/HMAC modules. X-Ref Target - Figure 6-15 6HTXHQFH 36%ULQJXSZLWK3/&RQILJXUDWLRQ2SWLRQ 363/ 3RZHURQ 3/ 7325 3/ ,QLW WRPV QRWH 3///RFN QRWH 127()LJXUHQRWWRVFDOH %RRW520'HFU\SWV )6%/8VHU&RGH )6%/8VHU&RGH &RQILJXUHV3/ WRPVVHHQRWH WRPV 6HHQRWH XV %RRW520([HFXWHV 36&38 )6%/8VHU&RGH([HFXWHV %RRW520ZDLWVIRU3/7325 %RRW520([HFXWHVDIWHUWKH3//VORFN 36B325B% 7KH3/LVLQDFFHVVLEOHWRWKHXVHUIURP36B325B%UHVHWGHDVVHUWLRQ XQWLOLWLVHQDEOHGE\WKH%RRW520 ,1,7B% 2'2XWSXW 6HOIWLPHG 5HDG %RRW520,QLWLDOL]HG3/IRUHQFU\SWHG FRGH WRJJOHV>3&)*B352*B%@ELW >3&)*B'21(B,17@ )6%/,QLWLDOL]HG3/SULRU WR&RQILJXUDWLRQ WRJJOHV >3&)*B352*B%@ELW '21( 3/LV &RQILJXUHG 2'2XWSXW 8*BFBDB 1) PL T POR and PLL Lock Time. The T POR time is dependent on the voltage ramp of the power supply and is defined in the data sheet. If the PL is already powered-up, then T POR time = 0. The PLL Lock time is specified in the data sheet with the T LOCK_PSPLL parameter. The PLL is locked before the BootROM starts to execute. 2) PL Init Time. This happens very quickly and is affected by the size of the PL. 3) BootROM Decrypts FSLB/User Code. The BootROM copies the encrypted boot image to OCM memory. The DevC DMA controller reads the image into its RxFIFO, sends it through the AES or HMAC units, and then writes the image back to OCM memory. The time depends on many factors: type of Flash device interface, PS_CLK frequency and the image size. This time range is taken from Table 6-8, page 180. 4) FSBL/User Code Configures PL. The PS software programs the DMA to read the bitstream and optionally decrypt it before going to the PL Configuration module. The time depends on many factors: type of Flash device interface, PS_CLK frequency, bitstream size, and if the bitstream is encrypted. 5) Enable PL. After the PL is configured, the [PCFG_DONE_INT] bit asserts and the user code enables the voltage level shifters. A power-up sequence example is shown in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. Figure 6-15: PS Bring-up with PL Configuration Option Example Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 210 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration PL Bring-up by FSBL/User Code Example The PL may not be initially initialized and configured after a device boot. The PL may also be shut down during system operation. This example illustrates how the PL can be configured from scratch under the control the FSBL/User code. X-Ref Target - Figure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ime. The T POR time is dependent on the voltage ramp of the power supply. The allowed PL voltage ramp time and T POR times are specified in the data sheet. If the PL is already powered-up, then TPOR time = 0. 2) PL Init Time. The PL initialization time. 3) Enable PCAP. The PCAP control is described in section 6.4.3 PCAP Bridge to PL. 4) Configure the PL. Loading the PL Bitstream depends on many factors, see Table 6-25, page 222. 5) Enabled. The PL is in user mode when the [PCFG_DONE_INT] bit reads a 1. There is an example PL enable sequence in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. Figure 6-16: PL Bring-up by FSBL/User Code Example Configure the PL via PCAP Bridge Example 1. Enable the PCAP bridge and select PCAP for reconfiguration. Write ones to devcfg.CTRL [PCAP_MODE] and [PCAP_PR] bits. 2. Clear the Interrupts. Write all ones to the devcfg.INT_STS register. 3. (Optional) Initialize the PL (clears previous configuration): a. Write 1 to [PCFG_PROG_B] bit. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 211 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration b. Write 0 to [PCFG_PROG_B] bit. c. Wait for devcfg.STATUS [PCFG_INIT] bit = 0. d. Write 1 to [PCFG_PROG_B] bit. e. Clear the PL configuration done interrupt: Write 1 to devcfg.INT_STS [PCFG_DONE_INT]. 4. Ensure that the PL is ready for programming: Wait for the devcfg.STATUS [PCFG_INIT] bit to = 1. 5. Check that there is room in the Command Queue. Verify devcfg.STATUS [DMA_CMD_Q_F] = 0. Note, this step is not necessary if the PL is in the initialized state. 6. Disable the PCAP loopback. Write a zero (0) to the devcfg.MCTRL [INT_PCAP_LPBK] bit. 7. Program the PCAP_2x clock divider. a. Secure Mode: Set devcfg.CTRL [QUARTER_PCAP_RATE_EN] bit = 1. b. Non-secure Mode: Clear [QUARTER_PCAP_RATE_EN] bit = 0. 8. Queue-up a DMA transfer using the devcfg DMA registers: a. Source Address: Location of new PL bitstream. b. Destination Address: 0xFFFF_FFFF . c. Source Length: Total number of 32-bit words in the new PL bitstream. d. Destination Length: Total number of 32-bit words in the new PL bitstream. Write to the devcfg.DMA_DEST_LEN register last to move the value of all four registers into the Command Queue. 9. Wait for the DMA transfer to be done. Wait for the devcfg.INT_STS [DMA_DONE_INT] bit = 1. 10. Check for errors. Interrogate bits in the devcfg.INI_STS register: AXI_WERR_INT, AXI_RTO_INT, AXI_RERR_INT, RX_FIFO_OV_INT, DMA_CMD_ERR_INT, DMA_Q_OV_INT, P2D_LEN_ERR_INT, PCFG_HMAC_ERR_INT. 11. Make sure the PL configuration is done. Poll for [PCFG_DONE_INT] bit = 1. If the PL is cleared using devcfg.CTRL [PCFG_PROG_B], then the devcfg.INT_STS [PCFG_DONE_INT] bit is set when the PL is ready for reconfiguration. If the PL is cleared by asserting the PROGRAM_B signal pin, then the DONE signal is asserted and the devcfg.INT_STS [D_P_DONE_INT] bit is set when the operation is completed. 6.4.3 PCAP Bridge to PL The PCAP bridge (also known as the AXI-PCAP bridge or PCAP interface) can be used to configure the PL with a bitstream, decrypt boot images and bitstreams, and authenticate files. The bridge has these operating modes: • PCAP PL Bitstream Configuration Programming (encrypted and non-encrypted) • PCAP PL Bitstream Readback • PCAP Data Stream Decryption/Authentication • Loopback for DMA transfers of Boot Images by BootROM and FSBL The bridge’s DMA controller moves boot images between the FIFOs and a memory device; typically the OCM memory, the DDR memory, or one of the linearly addressable flash devices (Quad-SPI or Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 212 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration NOR). The DMA controller is register programmed and can generate PS interrupts. It is a master on the PS AXI interconnect. The bridge FIFOs normally interface with the PCAP configuration module to transfer boot images and bitstreams. Note: The DevC DMA controller is specifically designed for tasks associated with boot operations. For general DMA needs, the DMA controller described in Chapter 9, DMA Controller must be used. The bridge supports both concurrent (bidirectional) and non-concurrent (unidirectional) download and upload of boot images. Transmit and receive FIFOs buffer data between the PS AXI Interconnect and the PCAP interface. For PCAP data, the bridge converts 32-bit AXI formatted data to the 32-bit PCAP protocol and vice versa. Non-secure bitstreams and boot images sent to the PCAP interface can be sent every PCAP clock cycle. Secure (encrypted) data is sent to the PCAP interface every four PCAP clock cycles. The architecture of the PCAP bridge is shown in Figure 6-17. X-Ref Target - Figure 6-17 PS AXI Interconnect CPU_1x clock PCAP clock AXI Master Interface TxFIFO RxFIFO download DMA Controller APB Control and Status Registers IRQ 40 upload Loopback PCAP Interface AXI-PCAP Bridge PL PCAP Figure 6-17: PCAP Control UG585_c6_14_081514 PCAP Bridge Architecture The PL must be powered on to use the DevC module, including the PCAP bridge and PCAP configuration module. The PCAP interface is enabled by setting the devcfg.CTRL [PCAP_MODE] and [PCAP_PR] bits = 1 as illustrated in Figure 6-2, page 157. If encrypted bitstreams or boot images are being sent, then the devcfg.CTRL [QUARTER_PCAP_RATE_EN] bit must be set = 1 to match the 32-bit PCAP interface to the 8-bit AES/HMAC unit interface. To start a DMA transfer, these four DMA registers must be written in this order: 1. Source Address register, devcfg.DMA_SRC_ADDR 2. Destination Address register, devcfg.DMA_DST_ADDR 3. Source Length register, devcfg.DMA_SRC_LEN 4. Destination Length register, devcfg.DMA_DEST_LEN (triggers DMA transfer) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 213 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration In all modes, the DMA transactions must be 64-byte aligned to prevent accidently crossing a 4K byte boundary. The DMA status is tracked using the devcfg.INT_STS [DMA_DONE_INT] and [D_P_DONE_INT] bits. They can be monitored using either interrupts or a polling method. 6.4.4 PCAP Datapath Configurations The PCAP bridge provides the FSBL/User code software with access to the PL configuration module and decryption unit. The configuration module processes the bitstream and loads the SRAM in the PL. The decryption unit is used to decrypt the bitstream and code files. The PL must be powered up to use the bridge. There are four common datapaths used with the PCAP bridge. The paths are illustrated in Figure 6-18 and Figure 6-19. • Non-secure bitstream (unencrypted) • Secure bitstreams and software boot images (encrypted) • PL bitstream readback (from PL) • Loopback for boot image transfers Non-Secure PL Bitstream The non-encrypted bitstream is usually accessed by DMA from the DDR memory and directly into the PL configuration module. It bypasses the AES and HMAC units. This path can be used for configuration and reconfiguration of the PL. Secure Bitstreams and Software Boot Images The encrypted bitstream is accessed by DMA from the DDR memory to the AES and HMAC units in the PL. From the AES/HMAC units, the decrypted bitstream is routed directly to the PL configuration module. This path can be used for configuration and reconfiguration of the PL. There is a separate datapath and FIFO for receive and transmit in the PCAP interface bridge. This path can be used by the FSBL/User code and operating system code. To transfer boot images and bitstreams to the PL through the PCAP interface, the destination address must be 0xFFFF_FFFF . Similarly, to read bitstreams from the PL through the PCAP interface, the source address must be 0xFFFF_FFFF . Encrypted PS images must also be sent across the PCAP interface because the AES and HMAC units reside within the PL. In this case, the DMA source address could be an external memory interface and the destination address could be OCM memory. Status Interrupts Bits The DMA controller can trigger the DevC interrupt to the GIC interrupt controller upon completion of the PL configuration transfer. The interrupt can be triggered when the AXI side of the DMA transaction is complete (DMA_DONE_INT) or when both the AXI and PCAP transfers are complete (D_P_DONE_INT). The AXI interconnect completion interrupt allows the software that is controlling the DMA to perform scatter-gather type operations by issuing multiple DMA commands but holding off the last transfer interrupt until all of the PCAP transactions are done. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 214 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration Setting the two LSBs of the source and destination address to 2'b01 indicates to the DevC DMA module the last DMA command of an overall transfer. The DMA controller uses this information to appropriately set the DMA done interrupt. For the last DMA command, the DMA done interrupt is triggered when both the AXI and PCAP interfaces are done. For all other DMA commands, the DMA done interrupt is set when the AXI transfers are done; however, there might still be on-going PCAP transfers. This distinction is made to allow overlapping AXI and PCAP transfers for all except the last DMA transfer. X-Ref Target - Figure 6-18 6HFXUH 3/%LWVWUHDP 25 2&0 1$1' 1RQ6HFXUH 3/%LWVWUHDP '5$0 '5$0 2&0 &38 &38 PDQDJHG &38 &38 PDQDJHG 1$1' 125 125 36$;, ,QWHUFRQQHFW 463, 6'FDUG 36$;, ,QWHUFRQQHFW 463, 6'FDUG ,23 ,23 3&$3%ULGJHLQ'HY& 3&$3%ULGJHLQ'HY& $;,ZLWK'0$ $;,ZLWK'0$ 5HFHLYHU ),)2 5HFHLYHU ),)2 7UDQVPLWWHU ),)2 3&$3,QWHUIDFH 3&$3,QWHUIDFH 3/&RQILJXUDWLRQ0RGXOH 3/&RQILJXUDWLRQ0RGXOH $(6 $(6 Fabric Fabric +0$& +0$& )6%/8VHU&RGH3DWK )6%/8VHU&RGH3DWK 3/%LWVWUHDP3DWK 3/%LWVWUHDP3DWK 8*BFBB &RPPRQ3DWK Figure 6-18: 7UDQVPLWWHU ),)2 Non-Secure and Secure PL Bitstream Path Diagrams Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 215 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration PL Bitstream Readback The PCAP interface can also be used to perform a PL bitstream readback. To perform a readback, the PS must be running software capable of generating the correct PL readback commands. Two DMA accesses are required to complete a PL configuration readback. The first access is used to issue the readback command to the PL configuration module. The second access is needed to read the PL bitstream from the PCAP. The smallest amount of bitstream data that can be read back from the PL is one configuration frame which contains 101 32-bit words. An example program sequence is shown below. The datapath is illustrated in Figure 6-19. Example: PL Bitstream Readback This example shows the first DMA access for a PL bitstream readback: 1. DMA Source Address – location of PL readback command sequence. 2. DMA Destination Address – desired location to store readback bitstream, note that the OCM memory is not large enough to hold a complete PL bitstream readback. 3. DMA Source Length – number of commands in the PL readback command sequence. 4. DMA Destination Length – number of readback words expected from the PL. There are four limitations when accessing the PL configuration module: 1. Readback of configuration registers or the bitstream cannot be performed until the devcfg.INT_STS [PCFG_DONE] bit asserts. 2. A single PCAP readback access cannot be split across multiple DMA accesses. If the readback command sent to the PL requests 505 words, the DevC DMA must also be set up to transfer 505 words. Splitting the transaction into two DMA accesses results in data loss and unexpected DMA behavior. 3. The DMA must have sufficient bandwidth to process the PL readback due to a lack of data flow control on the PL side of the PCAP. Overflow of the PCAP RxFIFO results in data loss and unrecoverable DMA behavior. If adequate bandwidth cannot be allocated to the DevC DMA, then the PCAP clock could be slowed down or the readback could be broken up into multiple smaller transactions. 4. All DMA transactions must be 64-byte aligned to prevent accidently crossing a 4K byte boundary. For more information regarding PL bitstream readback, see UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide. Loopback For Boot Image Transfers The DMA controller is used to move boot images. Loopback is enabled by setting the devcfg.MCTRL [INT_PCAP_LPBK] bit = 1; the boot image is read into the RxFIFO and written to another memory location from the TxFIFO. The DMA source address can be to a linearly addressable flash device and the destination can be OCM or DDR memory. The PL does not need to be powered-up to use the loopback datapath. The datapath is illustrated in Figure 6-19. Note: Caution should be taken in loopback mode when transferring boot images between slave ports that prioritize writes over reads. This situation can lead to a DevC DMA hang condition. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 216 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration X-Ref Target - Figure 6-19 3/%LWVWUHDP 5HDGEDFN 3&$3 /RRSEDFN '5$0 2&0 2&0 &38 25 '5$0 1$1' &38 25 1$1' 125 125 36$;, ,QWHUFRQQHFW 463, 6'FDUG 36$;, ,QWHUFRQQHFW 463, 6'FDUG ,23 ,23 3&$3%ULGJHLQ'HY& 3&$3%ULGJHLQ'HY& $;,ZLWK'0$ 5HFHLYHU ),)2 $;,ZLWK'0$ 7UDQVPLWWHU ),)2 5HFHLYHU ),)2 3&$3,QWHUIDFH 7UDQVPLWWHU ),)2 3&$3,QWHUIDFH 3/&RQILJXUDWLRQ0RGXOH 3/&RQILJXUDWLRQ0RGXOH $(6 $(6 Fabric Fabric +0$& +0$& 3/%LWVWUHDP5HDGEDFN3DWK 3&$3/RRSEDFN'DWD3DWK 8*BFBDB Figure 6-19: PL Bitstream Readback and PCAP Loopback Diagrams PL Initialization and Configuration Registers There are several control and status bits in the devcfg register space that the PS software can use to initialize and configure the PL. These are listed in Table 6-23. Table 6-23: PL Control and Status Register Bits Bit Field Bit Type 30 RW Description devcfg.CTRL [PCFG_PROG_B] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 PL Reset Control. Similar to pulsing the PROGRAM_B pin High-Low-High. 0: PL held in reset. 1: PL released from reset. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 217 Chapter 6: Table 6-23: Boot and Configuration PL Control and Status Register Bits (Cont’d) Bit Field Bit Type Description 29 RW Power-up Reset Timer Rate Select. Timer is used during PL initialization. 0: Use 64K timer. 1: Use 4K timer (faster initialization of reset stage). [PCFG_POR_B] 8 RO PL power on/off indicator: 0: power is off. 1: power is on. [INT_PCAP_LPBK] 4 RW PCAP Loopback: 0: disabled, 1: enabled. 5 RO PL Reset State indicator. 0: reset state. 1: not reset state. 4 RO PL initialization complete indicator: 0: not ready. 1: ready for bitstream programming. Status interrupt for positive and negative edges: [PCFG_INIT_{PE,NE}_INT]. Maskable using devcfg.INT_MASK [M_PCFG_INIT_{PE,NE}_INT]. [PSS_CFG_RESET_B_INT] 27 WTC PL reset interrupt detected, either edge. Maskable using devcfg.INT_MASK [M_PSS_CFG_RESET_B_INT]. [PSS_CFG_RESET_B] 5 RO [PCFG_POR_B_INT] 4 WTC PL loss of power interrupt. Maskable using devcfg.INT_MASK [M_PCFG_POR_B_INT]. [PCFG_CFG_RST_INT] 3 WTC PL configuration module reset level interrupt. Maskable using devcfg.INT_MASK [M_PCFG_CFG_RST_INT]. [PCFG_POR_CNT_4K] devcfg.MCTRL devcfg.STATUS [PSS_CFG_RESET_B] [PCFG_INIT] devcfg.INT_STS PL Reset State indicator. 0: reset state. 1: not reset state. [PCFG_DONE_INT] 2 WTC PL Programming Done Indicator. 0: PL is not available. 1: Bitstream programming is complete and PL is in user mode. Maskable using devcfg.INT_MASK [M_PCFG_DONE_INT]. [PCFG_INIT_PE_INT] 1 WTC INIT_B Signal Positive-edge Detector Interrupt. Triggered when a positive edge is detected on the INIT_B signal. Maskable using devcfg.INT_MASK [M_PCFG_INIT_PE_INT]. WTC INIT_B Signal Negative-edge Detector Interrupt. Triggered when a negative edge is detected on the INIT_B signal. Maskable using devcfg.INT_MASK [M_PCFG_INIT_NE_INT]. [PCFG_INIT_NE_INT] 0 6.4.5 PL Control via User-JTAG The user can initialize the PL by toggling the PROGRAM_B signal high-low-high. The PL asserts the INIT_B pin while the PL is initializing after which time the INIT_B open drain pin is left to float high. The user can then proceed with programming the PL by accessing the Xilinx TAP controller. The control and status signals and the TAP controller connection is shown in Figure 6-20. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 218 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration X-Ref Target - Figure 6-20 Initialize PL: PROGRAM_B PL Initialization Circuits INIT_B [PCAP_PR] = x [PCAP_MODE] = 0 Configure PL: JTAG TAP Controller JTAG Debug PL Configuration Module DONE O.D. Bitstream AES/HMAC Units Figure 6-20: UG585_c6_12a_081514 PL Initialization and Configuration Using User-JTAG PL User Control and Status Signals The PROGRAM_B signal can be asserted using a push button to initiate a PL initialization process. The red LED on the INIT_B signal will turn on when the PL is being initialized and then go out. At this time, the user can use the TAP controller to configure the PL. There is green LED to indicate when the DONE signal goes High. This signals that the PL has been successfully programmed. The PL initialization signal pins are part of the PL voltage domain. Table 6-24: PL Initialization Signals Signal Name Description Board Connection Reset PL Configuration Logic. The PROGRAM_B input is usually pulsed Low by external means to reset the PL and allow the PS software or JTAG TAP controller to program the PL with a bitstream. When PROGRAM_B is driven Low, the PL initialization sequence begins, causing the PL to drive the INIT_B signal Low during the process (2). External 4.7 kΩ (or stronger) pull-up resistor to VCCO_0. Use a push button to GND to generate a configuration reset. INIT_B Active-Low open-drain I/O PL Initialization Activity and Configuration Error. The PL drives the INIT_B pin Low when the PL is initializing (clearing) its configuration memory, or when the PL has detected a configuration error. (1) External 4.7 kΩ (or stronger) pull-up resistor to VCCO_0 to ensure clean Low-to-High transitions. DONE Active-High open-drain output PL Configuration Done Indicator. The PL drives the DONE signal Low until the PL is successfully configured. DONE has an internal pull-up resistor of approximately 10 kΩ. External 330Ω resistor circuits are not required. PROGRAM_B Type Active-Low input Notes: 1. Unlike FPGAs, the INIT_B should not be externally held Low to delay the PL configuration sequence because this is not indicated in the devcfg.STATUS [PCFG_INIT] register bit that is visible to PS software. 2. Ensure that PROGRAM_B is pulled up (High) during boot. Refer to Xilinx AR# 56272. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 219 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration 6.5 Reference Section This section includes content on these topics: • Section 6.5.1 PL Configuration Considerations • Section 6.5.2 Boot Time Reference • Section 6.5.3 Register Overview • Section 6.5.4 PS Version and Device Revision 6.5.1 PL Configuration Considerations In master boot mode, the PL can be configured by PS software using the PCAP interface. Users are free to configure the PL at any time, whether it is directly after PS boot using the FSBL/User code, or at some later time using another image loaded into the PS memory. In JTAG boot mode, the PL can be configured using the TAP controller. The PL configuration paths are illustrated in Figure 6-2, page 157. PCAP/ICAP/JTAG/User Access Exclusivity The operation of the PCAP, ICAP and JTAG interfaces to the PL configuration module are mutually exclusive. Care must be taken when switching among the three PL control paths: PCAP, JTAG and ICAP, shown in Figure 6-2, page 157. Ensure that all outstanding transactions are completed before changing interfaces. Note: The user or external logic should not assert INIT_B when using the PS software to configure the PL because the software does not have visibility to an external device delaying PL configuration. Secure Mode PL Configuration To perform a secure PL configuration, the PS must boot securely. The AES and HMAC units can only be enabled by the BootROM. The procedure for loading a secure bitstream is the same as loading a non-secure bitstream except the devcfg.CTRL [QUARTER_PCAP_RATE_EN] bit must be set = 1. Because the AES unit only decrypts one byte at a time, the PCAP can only send one 32-bit word to the PL for every four clock cycles. Determine the PL State The PL must first be powered on and initialized before it can be configured. When power is applied to the PL, it begins its independent power-on reset sequence followed by initialization which clears all of the PL configuration SRAM cells. The power-on reset status of the PL can be monitored by the PS software. The power status of the PL is tracked in the devcfg.MCTRL [PCFG_POR_B] bit. If the [PCFG_POR_B] bit is set = 1, then the PL has power. The PL power status can also be tracked using the devcfg.INT_STS [PCFG_POR_B_INT] interrupt. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 220 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration Additional information about the PL power-up status can be obtained by reading the devcfg.STATUS [PSS_CFG_RESET_B] register bit. If the bit is Low, then the PL is in a reset state. A transition from a Low to a High indicates the start of the PL initialization process. PL Initialization Time Optimization The devcfg.CTRL [PCFG_POR_CNT_4K] control bit can be set by the FSBL/User code to improve the initialization time of a PL power-up sequence that occurs after the FSBL/User code has had a chance to execute. In this case, the FSBL/User code sets the [PCFG_POR_CNT_4K] control bit and initiates a PL power-up sequence in secure or non-secure mode. This optimization is useful when the PL is powered-up by the FSBL/User code for configuration. This control bit is not accessible through the Register Initialization writes and is reset by all system resets (POR and non-POR). This function is similar to asserting the OVERRIDE pin on a 7 series FPGA and may be referred to as an override function. Additional information on the use of the [PCFG_POR_CNT_4K] bit is described in UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide. PCAP Clocking The bitstream datapath to the PL configuration module is clocked by the PCAP clock, which is a divided down PCAP_2x clock. The frequency range for the PCAP clock is specified in the data sheet. To get a 100 MHz PCAP clock, program the PCAP_2x clock to 200 MHz. PCAP Throughput In non-secure mode, the transfer rate through the PCAP is approximately 145 MB/s. The PL configuration module can accept data at the rate of 32 bits per PCAP clock, but the overall throughput is limited by the PS AXI interconnect. This approximation assumes a 100 MHz PCAP clock, a 133 MHz APB bus clock, a read issuing capability of 4 on the PS AXI interconnect, and a DMA burst length of 8. The throughput on the interconnect can be improved by about 20% by transferring the boot image and bitstream from OCM memory and raising the CPU_1x clock rate by using a CPU clock ratio of 4:2:1. Refer to the data sheet for allowed clock rates. In secure mode, the AES unit can only accept 8 bits per PCAP clock. To match this 8-bit data width with the 32-bit datapath of the PCAP interface, software must set the devcfg.CTRL [QUARTER_PCAP_RATE_EN] bit = 1. In this case, the demand for data by the PCAP interface is about 100 MB/s and is usually sustained by the PS AXI interconnect. 6.5.2 Boot Time Reference Boot time activities include hardware activities, BootROM execution to configure the PS and load the FSBL/User code, PL initialization and configuration, and the load and boot time of Linux or other operating system. The factors that influence this boot process are summarized in Table 6-25. Boot time is heavily influenced by: • The bandwidth of the flash interface. This is based on the memory vendor specifications, board parameters, and optimized register values. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 221 Chapter 6: Boot and Configuration • The Zynq-7000 device version (affects the PL initialization time and bitstream load time). • The size of the loaded images (e.g., Linux image size). IMPORTANT: The time it takes for each boot and configuration process to complete can be hard to calculate because of all the variables involved. The values provided here are meant as a guide, not a definitive answer. If you have any questions, please contact your Xilinx FAE Sales Engineer. Table 6-25: Factors that Affect Boot and Configuration Time Functional Area Description Boot Time Considerations All device versions share the same PS and boot time characteristics except when the PL is involved. PL size impacts the time for initialization (cleaning/clearing) and configuration (bitstream). Encryption Decryption is required for secure boot. Software uses the AES unit in the PL. The decryption time is highly dependent on the size of the boot image/bitstream and the PS_CLK frequency. The decryption time is also impacted by low bandwidth boot devices(5). HMAC Authentication Authentication is done in the HMAC unit in the PL. The HMAC authentication time depends on the PS_CLK frequency and size of the image. RSA Authentication Performed by the BootROM. The RSA authentication time depends on many factors (6). Zynq Device Version Security Flash Device Attributes Boot Device Vendor and Model The Flash memory manufacturer and model impacts performance. Situations vary(1). Boot Interface The performance of the boot device interface is the most important factor. Table 6-8 shows relative performances of various boot devices in a example context. Boot Interface Optimization BootROM Header register initialization is available. Improves the read bandwidth of the flash device all flash accesses(2). Execute-in-place Quad-SPI and NOR option. In non-secure mode, allows the CPU to execute the FSBL/User code without needing to copy it to the OCM memory. PS Hardware Requirements PS Voltage Ramp This is power supply performance specification. A fast power supply might have a 5 to 10 ms voltage ramp time. The minimum ramp time is provided in the data sheet. PS Hardware Boot After a POR reset, the hardware samples the strapping pins, does some hardware housekeeping. Less than 10 microseconds. PS Hardware and BootROM Options PS PLL Startup and Lock After a POR, the PLL programming is done by the hardware before the BootROM executes. After a non-POR reset the BootROM re-programs the PLLs and waits for them to lock before continuing execution. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com PLL lock time is a data sheet specification. Refer to DS187 or DS191. The three PLLs are enabled by the BOOT_MODE [4] pin. Send Feedback 222 Chapter 6: Table 6-25: Boot and Configuration Factors that Affect Boot and Configuration Time (Cont’d) Functional Area CRC check of 128 KB ROM Description Boot Time Considerations This is an eFuse option that causes the BootROM to check the integrity of its own code at the beginning of execution. Requires about 26 ms to perform (PS_CLK frequency = 33 MHz). PL Hardware Functions PL Voltage Ramp This is power supply performance specification. A typical board might have a 10 ms voltage ramp time. The minimum ramp time is provided in the data sheet. PL Initialization This can be done in parallel with the PS power up, or be initiated by FSBL/User code. If the FSBL/User code runs before PL initialization, the time can be sped-up(3). PL TPOR TPOR occurs when the PL is powered-up. It includes the PL Voltage Ramp time plus the PL Initialization (cleaning/clearing) time. This time is influenced by the performance of the PL power supply and status of the PL. The range for TPOR is specified in the data sheet. If the PL is already powered up then only the initialization time is needed before programming the PL. PL Configuration This is done by FSBL/User code after the PL has been initialized. This time is influenced by many factors (4). PL Partial Configuration This is a special operation that programs only part of the PL at a time. It is used for very time-sensitive applications. Contact your Xilinx FAE Sales Engineer to learn more about partial configuration and reconfiguration. Notes: 1. The device type and model depend on the Boot Mode (e.g., for Quad-SPI, this includes ability to use linear addressing mode for Flash devices ≤128Mb, or needing to use managed mode for larger devices). 2. The performance of the boot interface can be optimized by using the BootROM Header register initialization mechanism. This is most effective in non-secure mode because more registers are accessible for optimization, see Table 6-7, page 175. The register initialization can also be helpful in secure mode. The available optimizations are listed for each boot device in section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance. 3. The PL initialization time can be decreased when the FSBL/User code executes before initializing the PL. Refer to “PL Initialization Time Optimization” section in section 6.5.1 PL Configuration Considerations for information. 4. The PL configuration time is most dependent on whether the bitstream is encrypted or not. PL configuration time can be reduced by using a compressed bitstream, but the size of the compressed file cannot be predicted nor can the time to decompress the file be calculated. 5. For decryption or HMAC authentication, the PCAP configuration module must be operated at 1/4 the PCAP clock rate by setting the devcfg.CTRL [QUARTER_PCAP_RATE_EN] bit = 1. 6. RSA authentication time depends from where the boot image and bitstream are sourced from and written to, the size of the data, and the PS_CLK frequency. An example is shown in section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance, RSA Authentication Time. 6.5.3 Register Overview Table 6-26 provides an overview of the device configuration registers. Table 6-26: DevC and Boot Registers Function Control and configuration Description Hardware Register Type Control devcfg.CTRL Read/Write Sticky locks require POR to reset devcfg.LOCK R/Sticky Write Configuration devcfg.CFG Read/Write Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 223 Chapter 6: Table 6-26: Function DevC status PCAPDMA Boot Boot and Configuration DevC and Boot Registers (Cont’d) Description Hardware Register Type Interrupt status: PL init, done, DMA/AXI errors devcfg.INT_STS R + Clr or W Interrupt mask devcfg.INT_MASK Read/Write Status: eFuse, Init, Lockdown, PS control, DevC DMA/FIFOs devcfg.STATUS Read-only DMA source address devcfg.DMA_SRC_ADDR Read/Write DMA destination address devcfg.DMA_DST_ADDR Read/Write DMA source length devcfg.DMA_SRC_LEN Read/Write DMA destination length devcfg.DMA_DEST_LEN Read/Write Multi-Boot offset devcfg.MULTIBOOT_ADDR Read/Write Miscellaneous control devcfg.MCTRL Read/Write Reset Reason and Lockdown error code slcr.REBOOT_STATUS Read/Write Boot and PLL mode slcr.BOOT_MODE Read-only 6.5.4 PS Version and Device Revision The device versions and revisions are hard coded into two read-only registers. Each device is a combination of the slcr.PSS_IDCODE9 [DEVICE] and devcfg.MCTRL [PS_VERSION] register bit fields. This Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Technical Reference Manual contains information pertaining to production silicon (v3.1). The functionality of preproduction devices that is different from production devices is described in AR# 47916 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Devices - Silicon Revision Differences. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 224 Chapter 7 Interrupts 7.1 Environment This chapter describes the system-level interrupt environment and the functions of the interrupt controller (see Figure 7-1). The PS is based on ARM architecture, utilizing two Cortex-A9 processors (CPUs) and the GIC pl390 interrupt controller. Note that single-core devices contain one Cortex-A9 processor (CPU), dual-core devices contain two. This chapter discusses the dual-core configuration. The interrupt structure is closely associated with the CPUs and accepts interrupts from the I/O peripherals (IOP) and the programmable logic (PL). This chapter includes these key topics: • Private, shared and software interrupts • GIC functionality • Interrupt prioritization and handling X-Ref Target - Figure 7-1 Generic Interrupt Controller Enable, Classify, Distribute and Prioritize Software Interrupts Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) 16 each CPU 0 CPU 1 CPU 0 IRQ/FIQ CPU 0 Private Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) CPU 1 Private Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) Interrupt Interface Private Interrupt Registers Execution Unit CPU 0 5 CPU 1 5 CPU 1 IRQ/FIQ Interrupt Interface Private Interrupt Registers Execution Unit Shared Peripherals 60 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) CPU 0 CPU 1 CPU Private Bus 60 44 PS I/O Peripherals (IOP) 16 WFI, WFE and Event Indicators Programmable Logic Interrupt Control and Status Registers UG585_c7_01_030912 Figure 7-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 System-Level Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 225 Chapter 7: Interrupts 7.1.1 Private, Shared and Software Interrupts Each CPU has a set of private peripheral interrupts (PPIs) with private access using banked registers. The PPIs include the global timer, private watchdog timer, private timer, and FIQ/IRQ from the PL. Software generated interrupts (SGIs) are routed to one or both CPUs. The SGIs are generated by writing to the registers in the generic interrupt controller (GIC), refer to section 7.3 Register Overview. The shared peripheral interrupts (SPIs) are generated by the various I/O and memory controllers in the PS and PL. They are routed to either or both CPUs. The SPI interrupts from the PS peripherals are also routed to the PL. 7.1.2 Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) The generic interrupt controller (GIC) is a centralized resource for managing interrupts sent to the CPUs from the PS and PL. The controller enables, disables, masks, and prioritizes the interrupt sources and sends them to the selected CPU (or CPUs) in a programmed manner as the CPU interface accepts the next interrupt. In addition, the controller supports security extension for implementing a security-aware system. The controller is based on the ARM Generic Interrupt Controller Architecture version 1.0 (GIC v1), non-vectored. The registers are accessed via the CPU private bus for fast read/write response by avoiding temporary blockage or other bottlenecks in the interconnect. The interrupt distributor centralizes all interrupt sources before dispatching the one with the highest priority to the individual CPUs. The GIC ensures that an interrupt targeted to several CPUs can only be taken by one CPU at a time. All interrupt sources are identified by a unique interrupt ID number. All interrupt sources have their own configurable priority and list of targeted CPUs. 7.1.3 Resets and Clocks The interrupt controller is reset by the reset subsystem by writing to the PERI_RST bit of the A9_CPU_RST_CTRL register in the SLCR. The same reset signal also resets the CPU private timers and private watchdog timers (AWDT). Upon reset, all interrupts that are pending or being serviced are ignored. The interrupt controller operates with the CPU_3x2x clock (half the CPU frequency). 7.1.4 Block Diagram The shared peripheral interrupts are generated from various subsystems that include the I/O peripherals in the PS and logic in the PL. The interrupt sources are illustrated in Figure 7-2. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 226 Chapter 7: Interrupts X-Ref Target - Figure 7-2 Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) CPU 0 Timer and AWDT nIRQ nFIQ CPU 0 Distributor PL FIQ 0, IRQ 0 CPU 0 nIRQ nFIQ nIRQ nFIQ Interrupt Controller Distributor (ICD) SGI Distributor System Watchdog Timer Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) IOP CPU 0 Interface PL CPU 0 CPU 1 Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) CPU 1 Timer and AWDT CPU 1 Distributor nIRQ nFIQ nIRQ nFIQ CPU 1 Interface nIRQ nFIQ PL FIQ 1, IRQ 1 CPU 1 UG585_c7_02_012813 Figure 7-2: Interrupt Controller Block Diagram 7.1.5 CPU Interrupt Signal Pass-through The IRQ/FIQ from the PL can be routed through the GIC as PPI#4 and #1, or bypass the GIC using the pass-through multiplexer shown in Figure 7-3. This logic is instantiated for both CPUs. The pass-through mode is enabled through the mpcore.ICCICR register, according to Table 7-1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 227 Chapter 7: Interrupts X-Ref Target - Figure 7-3 mpcore.ICCICR [31:0] GIC CPU x Interface Interrupt Distributors IRQ / FIQ !0 IRQ / FIQ IRQ / FIQ Programmable Logic (PL) CPU0, IRQ: IRQF2P[16] CPU0, FIQ: IRQF2P[18] To CPU x 0 Pass-through Mux CPU1, IRQ: IRQF2P[17] CPU1, FIQ: IRQF2P[19] UG585_c7_03_100417 Figure 7-3: Table 7-1: Legacy IRQ/FIQ Interrupt Pass-Through Multiplexer Pass-through Mode FIQEn (ICCICR[3]) SecureS (ICCICR[0]) SecureNS (ICCICR[1]) IRQ to CPU x FIQ to CPU x 0 0 0 pass through pass through 0 0 1 driven by GIC pass through 0 1 0 driven by GIC pass through 0 1 1 driven by GIC pass through 1 0 0 pass through pass through 1 0 1 driven by GIC pass through 1 1 0 pass through driven by GIC 1 1 1 driven by GIC driven by GIC 7.2 Functional Description 7.2.1 Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) Each CPU can interrupt itself, the other CPU, or both CPUs using a software generated interrupt (SGI). There are 16 software generated interrupts (see Table 7-2). An SGI is generated by writing the SGI interrupt number to the ICDSGIR register and specifying the target CPU(s). This write occurs via the CPU's own private bus. Each CPU has its own set of SGI registers to generate one or more of the 16 software generated interrupts. The interrupts are cleared by reading the ICCIAR (Interrupt Acknowledge) register or writing a 1 to the corresponding bits of the ICDICPR (Interrupt Clear-Pending) register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 228 Chapter 7: Interrupts All SGIs are edge triggered. The sensitivity types for SGIs are fixed and cannot be changed; the ICDICFR0 register is read-only, since it specifies the sensitivity types of all the 16 SGIs. Table 7-2: Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) IRQ ID# Name SGI# Type Description 0 Software 0 0 Rising edge 1 Software 1 1 Rising edge ~ ... ~ 15 Software 15 15 ... A set of 16 interrupt sources that are private to each CPU that can be routed to up to 16 common interrupt destinations where each destination can be one or more CPUs. Rising edge 7.2.2 CPU Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) Each CPU connects to a private set of five peripheral interrupts. The PPIs are listed in Table 7-3. The sensitivity types for PPIs are fixed and cannot be changed; therefore, the ICDICFR1 register is read-only, since it specifies the sensitivity types of all the 5 PPIs. Note that the fast interrupt (FIQ) signal and the interrupt (IRQ) signal from the PL are inverted and then sent to the interrupt controller. Therefore, they are active High at the PS-PL interface, although the ICDICFR1 register reflects them as active Low level. Table 7-3: Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) IRQ ID# 26:16 27 Name PPI# Type Description Reserved ~ ~ Global Timer 0 Rising edge Global timer Fast interrupt signal from the PL: CPU0: IRQF2P[18] CPU1: IRQF2P[19] Reserved 28 nFIQ 1 Active Low level (active High at PS-PL interface) 29 CPU Private Timer 2 Rising edge Interrupt from private CPU timer 30 AWDT{0, 1} 3 Rising edge Private watchdog timer for each CPU 4 Active Low level (active High at PS-PL interface) Interrupt signal from the PL: CPU0: IRQF2P[16] CPU1: IRQF2P[17] 31 nIRQ 7.2.3 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) A group of approximately 60 interrupts from various modules can be routed to one or both of the CPUs or the PL. The interrupt controller manages the prioritization and reception of these interrupts for the CPUs. Except for IRQ #61 through #68 and #84 through #91, all interrupt sensitivity types are fixed by the requesting sources and cannot be changed. The GIC must be programmed to accommodate this. The boot ROM does not program these registers; therefore the SDK device drivers must program the GIC to accommodate these sensitivity types. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 229 Chapter 7: Interrupts For an interrupt of level sensitivity type, the requesting source must provide a mechanism for the interrupt handler to clear the interrupt after the interrupt has been acknowledged. This requirement applies to any IRQF2P[n] (from PL) with a high level sensitivity type. For an interrupt of rising edge sensitivity, the requesting source must provide a pulse wide enough for the GIC to catch. This is normally at least 2 CPU_2x3x periods. This requirement applies to any IRQF2P[n] (from PL) with a rising edge sensitivity type. The ICDICFR2 through ICDICFR5 registers configure the interrupt types of all the SPIs. Each interrupt has a 2-bit field, which specifies sensitivity type and handling model. The SPI interrupts are listed in Table 7-4. Table 7-4: PS and PL Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) Source Status Bits Required Type PS-PL Signal Name (mpcore Registers) Interrupt Name IRQ ID# CPU 1, 0 (L1, TLB, BTAC) 33:32 spi_status_0[1:0] Rising edge ~ ~ L2 Cache 34 spi_status_0[2] High level ~ ~ OCM 35 spi_status_0[3] High level ~ ~ Reserved ~ 36 spi_status_0[3] ~ ~ ~ PMU PMU [1,0] 38, 37 spi_status_0[6:5] High level ~ ~ XADC XADC 39 spi_status_0[7] High level ~ ~ DevC DevC 40 spi_status_0[8] High level ~ ~ SWDT SWDT 41 spi_status_0[9] Rising edge ~ ~ Timer TTC 0 44:42 spi_status_0[12:10] High level ~ ~ 45 spi_status_0[13] High level IRQP2F[28] Output 49:46 spi_status_0[17:14] High level IRQP2F[23:20] Output SMC 50 spi_status_0[18] High level IRQP2F[19] Output Quad SPI 51 spi_status_0[19] High level IRQP2F[18] Output ~ ~ Always driven Low IRQP2F[17] GPIO 52 spi_status_0[20] High level IRQP2F[16] Output USB 0 53 spi_status_0[21] High level IRQP2F[15] Output Ethernet 0 54 spi_status_0[22] High level IRQP2F[14] Output Ethernet 0 Wake-up 55 spi_status_0[23] Rising edge IRQP2F[13] Output SDIO 0 56 spi_status_0[24] High level IRQP2F[12] Output I2C 0 57 spi_status_0[25] High level IRQP2F[11] Output SPI 0 58 spi_status_0[26] High level IRQP2F[10] Output UART 0 59 spi_status_0[27] High level IRQP2F[9] Output CAN 0 60 spi_status_0[28] High level IRQP2F[8] Output APU DMAC Memory Reserved IOP DMAC Abort DMAC [3:0] ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback I/O Output 230 Chapter 7: Interrupts Table 7-4: Source PS and PL Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) (Cont’d) Interrupt Name IRQ ID# Status Bits Required Type PS-PL Signal Name (mpcore Registers) I/O Input PL [2:0] 63:61 spi_status_0[31:29] Rising edge/ High level IRQF2P[2:0] PL [7:3] 68:64 spi_status_1[4:0] Rising edge/ High level IRQF2P[7:3] Timer TTC 1 71:69 spi_status_1[7:5] High level ~ DMAC DMAC[7:4] 75:72 spi_status_1[11:8] High level IRQP2F[27:24] Output USB 1 76 spi_status_1[12] High level IRQP2F[7] Output Ethernet 1 77 spi_status_1[13] High level IRQP2F[6] Output Ethernet 1 Wake-up 78 spi_status_1[14] Rising edge IRQP2F[5] Output SDIO 1 79 spi_status_1[15] High level IRQP2F[4] Output I2C 1 80 spi_status_1[16] High level IRQP2F[3] Output SPI 1 81 spi_status_1[17] High level IRQP2F[2] Output UART 1 82 spi_status_1[18] High level IRQP2F[1] Output CAN 1 83 spi_status_1[19] High level IRQP2F[0] Output 91:84 spi_status_1[27:20] Rising edge/ High level 92 spi_status_1[28] Rising edge ~ ~ 95:93 spi_status_1[31:29] ~ ~ ~ PL IOP PL PL [15:8] SCU Parity Reserved ~ Input ~ IRQF2P[15:8] Input 7.2.4 Interrupt Sensitivity, Targeting and Handling There are three types of interrupts that come into the GIC as explained in section : SPI, PPI and SGI. In a general sense, the interrupt signals includes a sensitivity setting, whether one or both CPUs handle the interrupt, and which CPU or CPUs are targeted: zero, one, or both. However, the functionality of most interrupt signals include fixed settings, while others are partially programmable. There are two sets of control registers for sensitivity, handling, and targeting: • mpcore.ICDICFR[5:0] registers: sensitivity and handling. See Figure 7-4. • mpcore.ICDIPTR[23:0] registers: targeting CPU(s). See Figure 7-5. Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) The SPI interrupts can be targeted to any number of CPUs, but only one CPU handles the interrupt. If an interrupt is targeted to both CPUs and they respond to the GIC at the same time, the MPcore ensures that only one of the CPUs reads the active interrupt ID#. The other CPU receives the Spurious ID# 1023 interrupt or the next pending interrupt, depending on the timing. This removes the requirement for a lock in the interrupt service routine. Targeting the CPU is done by the ICDIPTR [23:8] registers. The sensitivity of each SPI interrupt must be programmed to match those listed in Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 231 Chapter 7: Interrupts Table 7-4, PS and PL Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI). The sensitivity is programmed using the ICDICFR [5:2] registers. Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) Each CPU has its own separate PPI interrupts with fixed functionality; the sensitivity, handling, and targeting of these interrupts are not programmable. Each interrupt only goes to its own CPU and is handled by that CPU. The ICDICFR [1] register is read-only and the ICDIPTR [5:2] registers are essentially reserved. Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) The SGI interrupts are always edge sensitive and are generated when software writes the interrupt number to ICDSGIR register. All of the targeted CPUs defined in the ICDIPTR [23:8] must handle the interrupt in order to clear it. See Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5. X-Ref Target - Figure 7-4 Sensitivity and CPU handling model : Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) ICD ICFR 0 Read-only. 0xAAAA AAAA 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IRQ 10 Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI) ICD ICFR 1 Read-only. 0x7DC0 0000 31 30 29 28 27 x x x x x x x x x x IRQ 01: Low-level active. 11 : Edge sensitive. 47 46 Private CPU only. (IRQ ID #36, 93, 94 and 95 are reserved.) Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) ICD ICFR 2 x All targeted CPUs must . handle the interrupt Edge sensitive. 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 x 35 34 33 32 IRQ 01: High-level active. 11: Rising-edge active. ICD ICFR 3 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 ICD ICFR 4 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 Handled by one CPU. Other bit combinations are reserved. ICD ICFR 5 x x x 31 92 91 90 24 89 88 87 86 85 16 84 8 83 82 81 80 0 UG585_c7_04_121613 Figure 7-4: Interrupts ICDICFR Register for Sensitivity and Handling Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 232 Chapter 7: Interrupts X-Ref Target - Figure 7-5 IRQ # 3 IRQ # 7 IRQ # 11 IRQ # 15 ICD IPTR [3:0] SGI IRQ # 2 IRQ # 6 IRQ # 10 IRQ # 14 reserved 31 ICD IPTR [7:4] IRQ # 1 IRQ # 5 IRQ # 9 IRQ # 13 reserved IRQ # 0 IRQ # 4 IRQ # 8 IRQ # 12 reserved 24 16 reserved 8 0 00: not targeted 01: targeted to CPU 0 10: targeted to CPU 1 11: targeted to both CPUs Reserved, these interrupts are always targeted to their private CPU. PPI IRQ # 35 IRQ # 34 reserved ICD IPTR [8] IRQ # 33 reserved IRQ # 32 reserved reserved SPI IRQ # 91 IRQ # 90 reserved ICD IPTR [22] SPI reserved IRQ # 95 ICD IPTR [23] SPI IRQ # 88 reserved IRQ # 94 reserved 31 IRQ # 89 IRQ # 93 reserved 24 reserved reserved 16 IRQ # 36, 93, 94, and 95 are reserved. IRQ # 92 reserved 8 0 UG585_c7_05_121613 Figure 7-5: Interrupts ICDIPTR Register for Targeting CPU 7.2.5 Wait for Interrupt Event Signal (WFI) The CPU can go into a wait state where it waits for an interrupt (or event) signal to be generated. The wait for interrupt signal that is sent to the PL is described in Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. 7.3 Register Overview The ICC and ICD registers are part of the pl390 GIC register set. There are 60 SPI interrupts. This is far fewer than what the pl390 can support, so there are far fewer interrupt enable, status, prioritization and processor target registers in the ICD than is possible for the pl390. A summary of the ICC and ICD registers are listed in Table 7-5 Table 7-5: Interrupt Controller Register Overview Register Description Name Write Protection Lock Interrupt Controller CPU (ICC) ICCICR CPU interface control Yes, except EnableNS ICCPMR Interrupt priority mask ~ ICCBPR Binary point for interrupt priority ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 233 Chapter 7: Interrupts Table 7-5: Interrupt Controller Register Overview (Cont’d) Register Description Name Write Protection Lock ICCIAR Interrupt acknowledge ~ ICCEOIR End of interrupt ~ ICCRPR Running priority ~ ICCHPIR Highest pending interrupt ~ ICCABPR Aliased non-secure binary point ~ Interrupt Controller Distributor (ICD) ICDDCR Secure/non-secure mode select Yes ICDICTR, ICDIIDR Controller implementation ICDISR [2:0] Interrupt security ICDISER [2:0], ICDICER [2:0] Interrupt set-enable and clear-enable ICDISPR [2:0], ICDICPR [2:0] Interrupt set-pending and clear-pending ICDABR [2:0] Interrupt active ICDIPR [23:0] Interrupt priority, 8-bit fields. Only the upper 5 bits of each 8-bit field are writable; the lower bits are always 0. There are 32 priority levels. Yes ICDIPTR [23:0] Interrupt processor targets, 8-bit fields. Yes ICDICFR [5:0] Interrupt sensitivity type, 2-bit fields (level/edge, handling model) Yes PPI_STATUS PPI status: Corresponds to ICDISR[0], ICDISER[0], ICDICER[0], ICDISPR[0], ICDICPR[0], and ICDABR[0] registers (security, enable, pending and active). ~ SPI_STATUS [2:1] SPI status: Corresponds to ICDISR[2:1], ICDISER[2:1], ICDICER[2:1], ICDISPR[2:1], ICDICPR[2:1], and ICDABR[2:1] registers (security, enable, pending and active). ~ ~ Yes Yes Yes ~ PPI and SPI Status Software Generated Interrupts (SGI) ICDSGIR Software-generated interrupts ~ Disable Write Accesses (SLCR register) APU_CTRL CFGSDISABLE bit disables some write accesses ~ 7.3.1 Write Protection Lock The interrupt controller provides the facility to prevent write accesses to critical configuration registers. This is done by writing a one to the APU_CTRL[CFGSDISABLE] bit. The APU_CTRL register is part of the AP SoC’s System Level Control register set, SLCR. This controls the write behavior for the secure interrupt control registers. RECOMMENDED: If the user wants to set the CFGSDISABLE bit, it is recommended that this be done during the user software boot process which occurs after the software has configured the Interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 234 Chapter 7: Interrupts Controller registers. The CFGSDISABLE bit can only be cleared by a power-on reset (POR.) After the CFGSDISABLE bit is set, it changes the protected register bits to read-only and therefore the behavior of these secure interrupts cannot be changed, even in the presence of rogue code executing in the secure domain. 7.4 Programming Model 7.4.1 Interrupt Prioritization All of the interrupt requests (PPI, SGI and SPI) are assigned a unique ID number. The controller uses the ID number to arbitrate. The interrupt distributor holds the list of pending interrupts for each CPU, and then selects the highest priority interrupt before issuing it to the CPU interface. Interrupts of equal priority are resolved by selecting the lowest ID. The prioritization logic is physically duplicated to enable the simultaneous selection of the highest priority interrupt for each CPU. The interrupt distributor holds the central list of interrupts, processors and activation information, and is responsible for triggering software interrupts to the CPUs. SGI and PPI distributor registers are banked to provide a separate copy for each connected processor. Hardware ensures that an interrupt targeting several CPUs can only be taken by one CPU at a time. The interrupt distributor transmits to the CPU interfaces the highest pending interrupt. It receives back the information that the interrupt has been acknowledged, and can then change the status of the corresponding interrupt. Only the CPU that acknowledges the interrupt can end that interrupt. 7.4.2 Interrupt Handling The response of the GIC to a pending interrupt when an IRQ line de-asserts is described in the ARM document: IHI0048B_gic_architecture_specification.pdf (see Appendix A, Additional Resources). See the Note in Section 1.4.2 with additional information in Section 3.2.4. If the interrupt is pending in the GIC and IRQ is de-asserted, the interrupt in the GIC becomes inactive (and the CPU never sees it). If the interrupt is active in the GIC (because the CPU interface has acknowledged the interrupt), then the software ISR determines the cause by checking the GIC registers first and then polling the I/O Peripheral interrupt status registers. 7.4.3 ARM Programming Topics The ARM GIC architecture specification includes these programming topics: • GIC register access Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 235 Chapter 7: Interrupts • Distributor and CPU Interfaces • Affects of the GIC security extensions • PU Interface registers • Preserving and restoring controller state 7.4.4 Legacy Interrupts and Security Extensions When the legacy interrupts (IRQ, FIQ) are used, and an interrupt handler accesses both IRQs and FIQs in secure mode (via ICCICR[AckCtl]=1), race conditions occasionally occur when reading the interrupt IDs. There is also a risk of seeing FIQ IDs in the IRQ handler, as the GIC only knows what security state the handler is reading from, not which type of handler. There are two workable solutions: • Only signal IRQs to a re-entrant IRQ handler and use the preemption feature in the GIC. • Use FIQ and IRQ with ICCICR[AckCtl]=0 and use the TLB tables to handle IRQ in non-secure mode, and handle FIQ in secure mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 236 Chapter 8 Timers 8.1 Introduction Each Cortex-A9 processor has its own private 32-bit timer and 32-bit watchdog timer. Both processors share a global 64-bit timer. These timers are always clocked at 1/2 of the CPU frequency (CPU_3x2x). On the system level, there is a 24-bit watchdog timer and two 16-bit triple timer/counters. The system watchdog timer is clocked at 1/4 or 1/6 of the CPU frequency (CPU_1x), or can be clocked by an external signal from an MIO pin or from the PL. The two triple timers/counters are always clocked at 1/4 or 1/6 of the CPU frequency (CPU_1x), and are used to count the widths of signal pulses from an MIO pin or from the PL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 237 Chapter 8: Timers 8.1.1 System Diagram The relationships of the system timers are shown in Figure 8-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 8-1 System Reset (POR) The System Watchdog Timer can optionally reset the whole chip. Clock in Reset Out The CPU Private WatchDogs can optionally reset the whole chip. CPU 0 System Watchdog Timer MIO Pins CPU WatchDog CPU_3x2x CPU Private Timer CPU CPU 1 MIO / EMIO Interrupt Controller Clock in Waveform Out TTC 0 Triple Timer Counter Global Timer Counter CPU_3x2x EMIO SWDT TTC 1 TTC 0, 1 UG585_c8_01_072512 Figure 8-1: System View 8.1.2 Notices 7z007s and 7z007s CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins (not 54). This is shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. The 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 devices restrict the available MIO pins so connections through the EMIO might need to be considered. All of the 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 device restrictions are listed in section 1.1.3 Notices. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 238 Chapter 8: Timers 8.2 CPU Private Timers and Watchdog Timers The CPU private timers and watchdog timers are fully documented in the Cortex-A9 MPCore Technical Requirements Document, sections 4.1 and 4.2 (see Appendix A, Additional Resources). Both the timer and watchdog blocks have the following features: • 32-bit counter that generates an interrupt when it reaches zero • 8-bit prescaler to enable better control of the interrupt period • Configurable single-shot or auto-reload modes • Configurable starting values for the counter 8.2.1 Clocking All private timers and watchdog timers are always clocked at 1/2 of the CPU frequency (CPU_3x2x). 8.2.2 Interrupt to PS Interrupt Controller The interrupts sent to the interrupt controller are described in section 7.2.2 CPU Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI). 8.2.3 Resets The time and watchdog resets are sent to the PS reset subsystem, see section 26.3 Reset Effects. 8.2.4 Register Overview A register overview of the CPU private and watchdog timers is provided in Table 8-1. Table 8-1: CPU Private Timers Register Overview Function Name Overview CPU Private Timers Reload and current values Timer Load Timer Counter Values to be reloaded into the decrementer. Current value of the decrementer. Control and interrupt Timer Control Timer Interrupt Enable, auto reload, IRQ, prescaler, interrupt status. CPU Private Watchdogs (AWDT 0 and 1) Reload and current values Watchdog Load Watchdog Counter Values to be reloaded into the decrementer. Current value of the decrementer. Control and interrupt Watchdog Control Watchdog Interrupt Enable, Auto reload, IRQ, prescaler, interrupt status. (this register cannot disable watchdog) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 239 Chapter 8: Table 8-1: Timers CPU Private Timers Register Overview (Cont’d) Function Name Overview Reset status Watchdog Reset Status Reset status as a result of watchdog reaching 0. Cleared with POR only, so SW can tell if the reset was caused by watchdog. Disable Watchdog Disable Disable watchdog through a sequence of writes of two specific words. 8.3 Global Timer (GT) The Global Timer is fully documented in the Cortex-A9 MPCore Technical Requirements Document, sections 4.3 and 4.4 (see Appendix A, Additional Resources). The global timer is a 64-bit incrementing counter with an auto-incrementing feature. The global timer is memory mapped in the same address space as the private timers. The global timer is accessed at reset in secure state only. The global timer is accessible to all Cortex-A9 processors. Each Cortex-A9 processor has a 64-bit comparator that is used to assert a private interrupt when the global timer has reached the comparator value. 8.3.1 Clocking The GTC is always clocked at 1/2 of the CPU frequency (CPU_3x2x). 8.3.2 Register Overview A register overview of the GTC is provided in Table 8-2. Table 8-2: Global Timer Register Overview Function Name Overview Global Timer (GTC) Current values Global Timer Counter Current value of the incrementer Control and interrupt Global Timer Control Global Interrupt Enable timer, enable comparator, IRQ, auto-increment, interrupt status Comparator Comparator Value Comparator Increment Current value of the comparator Increment value for the comparator Global Timer Disable Disable watchdog through a sequence of writes of two specific words Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 240 Chapter 8: Timers 8.4 System Watchdog Timer (SWDT) In addition to the two CPU private watchdog timers, there is a system watchdog timer (SWDT) for signaling additional catastrophic system failure, such as a PS PLL failure. Unlike the AWDT, the SWDT can run off the clock from an external device or the PL, and provides a reset output to an external device or the PL. 8.4.1 Features Key features of the available timers/counters are as follows: • An internal 24-bit counter • Selectable clock input from: • • ° Internal PS bus clock (CPU_1x) ° Internal clock (from PL) ° External clock (from MIO) On timeout, outputs one or a combination of: ° System interrupt (PS) ° System reset (PS, PL, MIO) Programmable timeout period: ° • Timeout range 32,760 to 68,719,476,736 clock cycles (330 µs to 687.2s at 100 MHz) Programmable output signal duration on timeout: ° System interrupt pulse 4, 8, 16, or 32 clock cycles (CPU_1x clock) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 241 Chapter 8: Timers 8.4.2 Block Diagram A block diagram of the SWDT is shown in Figure 8-2. X-Ref Target - Figure 8-2 INTERCONNECT slcr.WDT_CLK_SEL[0] slcr.MIO_PIN_xx] APB Interrupt Controller ID41 SWDT Reset (to PS reset system) Control Logic MIO Pin, EMIOWDTRSTO Zero CLKSEL CRV Restart CPU_1x MIO Pins, EMIOWDTCLKI Prescaler 24-bit Counter Halt (during CPU debug) UG585_c8_02_120913 Figure 8-2: System Watchdog Timer Block Diagram Notes relevant to Figure 8-2: • SLCR programmable registers (WDT_CLK_SEL, MIO control) select the clock input. • SWDT programmable registers set the values for CLKSEL and CRV. • Signal restart causes the 24-bit counter to reload the CRV values, and restart counting. • Signal halt causes the counter to halt during CPU debug (same behavior as AWDT). 8.4.3 Functional Description The control logic block has an APB interface connected to the system interconnect. Each write data received from the APB has a key field which must match the key of the register in order to be able to write to the register. The Zero Mode register controls the behavior of the SWDT when its internal 24-bit counter reaches zero. Upon receiving a zero signal, the control logic block asserts the interrupt output signal for IRQLN clock cycles if both WDEN and IRQEN are set, and also asserts the reset output signals for approximately one CPU_1x cycle if WDEN is set. The 24-bit counter then stays at zero until it is restarted. The Counter Control register sets the timeout period, by setting reload values in swdt.CONTROL[CLKSET] and swdt.CONTROL[CRV] to control the prescaler and the 24-bit counter. The Restart register is used to restart the counting process. Writing to this register with a matched key causes the prescaler and the 24-bit counter to reload the values from CRV signals. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 242 Chapter 8: Timers The Status register shows whether the 24-bit counter reaches zero. Regardless of the WDEN bit in the Zero Mode register, the 24-bit counter always keeps counting down to zero if it is not zero and the selected clock source is present. Once it reaches zero, the WDZ bit of the Status register is set and remains set until the 24-bit counter is restarted. The prescaler block divides down the selected clock input. The CLKSEL signal is sampled at every rising clock edge. The internal 24-bit counter counts down to zero and stays at zero until it is restarted. While the counter is at zero, the zero output signal is High. Interrupt to PS Interrupt Controller The pulse length from the SWDT (four CPU_1x clock cycles) is sufficient for the interrupt controller to capture the interrupt using rising-edge sensitivity. Reset The watchdog reset is sent to the PS reset subsystem to cause a non-POR reset, see section 26.3 Reset Effects. The reset output to the MIO pin or EMIOWDTRSTO is active High. TIP: To generate a signal pulse for the PS_POR_B and other board resets, route the EMIOWDTRSTO signal from the SWDT through the PL and to a pin that can be externally latched to generate a valid reset pulse. Alternatively, use an external watchdog timer device that is managed by PS software via a GPIO output pin. The PS_POR_B reset pulse width requirements are defined in the data sheet. 8.4.4 Register Overview A register overview of the SWDT is provided in Table 8-3. Table 8-3: System Watchdog Timer Register Overview Function Name Overview Clock select slcr.WDT_CLK_SEL Selects between the CPU_1x and external clock source (MIO/EMIO). MIO routing slcr.MIO_PIN_xx Routes the SWDT clock input through the MIO multiplexer or EMIO if no MIO routing. Reset reason slcr.REBOOT_STATUS The [SWDT_RST] bit gets set when the SWDT generates a system reset. Zero mode swdt.MODE Enable SWDT, enable interrupt and reset outputs on timeout, set output pulse lengths. Reload values swdt.CONTROL Set the reload values for prescaler and 24-bit counter on timeout. Restart swdt.RESTART Cause the prescaler and the 24-bit counter to reload and restart. Status swdt.STATUS Indicates watchdog reaching zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 243 Chapter 8: Timers 8.4.5 Programming Model System Watchdog Timer Enable Sequence 1. Select clock input source using the slcr.WDT_CLK_SEL[SEL] bit: Ensure that the SWDT is disabled (swdt.MODE[WDEN] = 0) and the clock input source to be selected is running before proceeding with this step. Changing the clock input source when the SWDT is enabled results in unpredictable behavior. Changing the clock input source to a non-running clock results in APB access hang. 2. Set the timeout period (Counter Control register): The swdt.CONTROL[CKEY] field must be 0x248 to be able to write this register. 3. Enable the counter; enable output pulses; set up output pulse lengths (Zero Mode register): The swdt.MODE[ZKEY] field must be 0xABC to be able to write this register. Ensure that IRQLN meets the specified minimum values. 4. To run the SWDT with a different setting, disable the timer first (swdt.MODE[ZKEY] bit). Then repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. 8.4.6 Clock Input Option for SWDT The following code shows how the AP SoC selects the clock source for SWDT: if slcr.WDT_CLK_SEL[0] is 0, else if slcr.MIO_PIN_14[7:0] else if slcr.MIO_PIN_26[7:0] else if slcr.MIO_PIN_38[7:0] else if slcr.MIO_PIN_50[7:0] else if slcr.MIO_PIN_52[7:0] else use EMIOWDTCLKI use CPU_1X is 01100000, is 01100000, is 01100000, is 01100000, is 01100000, use use use use use MIO MIO MIO MIO MIO pin pin pin pin pin 14 26 38 50 52 8.4.7 Reset Output Option for SWDT The following code shows how the AP SoC selects the reset output pin for SWDT: if slcr.MIO_PIN_15[7:0] is 01100000, use MIO pin 15 else if slcr.MIO_PIN_27[7:0] is 01100000, use MIO pin else if slcr.MIO_PIN_39[7:0] is 01100000, use MIO pin else if slcr.MIO_PIN_51[7:0] is 01100000, use MIO pin else if slcr.MIO_PIN_53[7:0] is 01100000, use MIO pin else use EMIOWDTRSTO Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com 27 39 51 53 Send Feedback 244 Chapter 8: Timers 8.5 Triple Timer Counters (TTC) The TTC contains three independent timers/counters. There are two TTC modules in the PS, for a total of six timers/counters. TTC 1 controller can be configured for secure or non-secure mode using the nic301_addr_region_ctrl_registers.security_apb [ttc1_apb] register bit. The three timers within a TTC controller have the same security state. 8.5.1 Features Each of the triple timer counters has: • Three independent 16-bit prescalers and 16-bit up/down counters • Selectable clock input from: ° Internal PS bus clock (CPU_1x) ° Internal clock (from PL) ° External clock (from MIO) • Three interrupts, one for each counter • Interrupt on overflow, at regular interval, or counter matching programmable values • Generates waveform output (for example, PWM) through the MIO and to the PL 8.5.2 Block Diagram A block diagram of the TTC is shown in Figure 8-3. The clock-in and wave-out multiplexing for Timer/Clock 0 is controlled by the slcr.MIO_PIN_xx registers. If no selection is made in these registers, then the default becomes the EMIO interface. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 245 Chapter 8: Timers X-Ref Target - Figure 8-3 slcr.MIO_PIN_xx Timer/Clock 0 Wave-Out 16-bit Counter Pre-scaler CPU_1x MIO EMIO Interrupt MIO Clock-In Interrupt (GIC) TTC_0: IRQ ID # 42 TTC_1: IRQ ID # 69 Event Timer EMIO Timer/Clock 1 slcr.MIO_PIN_xx . Wave-Out (EMIO) 16-bit Counter Pre-scaler Interrupt Event Timer Clock-In (EMIO) Interrupt (GIC) TTC_0: IRQ ID # 43 TTC_1: IRQ ID # 70 Timer/Clock 2 EMIO Interface Event Timer Clock-In (EMIO) APB Wave-Out (EMIO) 16-bit Counter Pre-scaler Interrupt Interrupt (GIC) TTC_0: IRQ ID # 44 TTC_1: IRQ ID # 71 Status and Control Registers TTC 0 TTC 1 UG585_c8_08_120913 Figure 8-3: Triple Counter Timer Block Diagram 8.5.3 Functional Description Each prescaler module can be independently programmed to use the PS internal bus clock (CPU_1x), or an external clock from the MIO or the PL. For an external clock, SLCR registers determine the exact pinout through the MIO or from the PL. The selected clock is then divided down from /2 to /65536, before being applied to the counter. The counter module can count up or count down, and can be configured to count for a given interval. It also compares three match registers to the counter value, and generate an interrupt if one matches. The interrupt module combines interrupts of various types: counter interval, counter matches, counter overflow, event timer overflow. Each type can be individually enabled. Modes of Operation Each counter module can be independently programmed to operate in either of the following two modes: Interval mode: The counter increments or decrements continuously between 0 and the value of the Interval register, with the direction of counting determined by the DEC bit of the Counter Control register. An interval interrupt is generated when the counter passes through zero. The corresponding match interrupt is generated when the counter value equals one of the Match registers. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 246 Chapter 8: Timers Overflow mode: The counter increments or decrements continuously between 0 and 0xFFFF, with the direction of counting determined by the DEC bit of the Counter Control register. An overflow interrupt is generated when the counter passes through zero. The corresponding match interrupt is generated when the counter value equals one of the Match registers. Event Timer Operation The event timer operates by having an internal (invisible to users) 16-bit counter clocked at CPU_1x which: • Resets to 0 during the non-counting phase of the external pulse • Increments during the counting phase of the external pulse The Event Control Timer register controls the behavior of the internal counter: • E_En bit: When 0, immediately resets the internal counter to 0, and stops incrementing • E_Lo bit: Specifies the counting phase of the external pulse • E_Ov bit: Specifies how to handle overflow at the internal counter (during the counting phase of the external pulse) ° When 0: Overflow causes E_En to be 0 (see E_En bit description) ° When 1: Overflow causes the internal counter to wrap around and continues incrementing ° An interrupt is always generated (subject to further enabling through another register) when an overflow occurs. The Event register is updated with the non-zero value of the internal counter at the end of the counting-phase of the external pulse; therefore, it shows the widths of the external pulse, measured in number of cycles of CPU_1x. If the internal counter is reset to 0, due to overflow, during the counting phase of the external pulse, the Event register will not be updated and maintains the old value from the last non-overflowing counting operation. 8.5.4 Register Overview A register overview of the TTC is provided in Table 8-4. Table 8-4: Triple Timer Counter Register Overview Function Clock control Status Name Overview Clock Control register Controls prescaler, selects clock input, edge Counter Control register Enables counter, sets mode of operation, sets up/down counting, enables matching, enables waveform output Counter Value register Returns current counter value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 247 Chapter 8: Table 8-4: Triple Timer Counter Register Overview (Cont’d) Function Counter Control Interrupt Event Timers Name Overview Interval register Sets interval value Match register 1 Match register 2 Match register 3 Sets match values, total 3 Interrupt register Shows current interrupt status Interrupt Enable register Enable interrupts Event Control Timer register Enable event timer, stop timer, sets phrase Event register Shows width of external pulse 8.5.5 Programming Model Counter Enable Sequence 1. Select clock input source, set prescaler value (slcr.MIO_MUX_SEL registers, TTC Clock Control register). Ensure TTC is disabled (ttc.Counter_Control_x [DIS] = 1) before proceeding with this step. 2. Set interval value (Interval register). This step is optional, for interval mode only. 3. Set match value (Match registers). This step is optional, if matching is to be enabled. 4. Enable interrupt (Interrupt Enable register). This step is optional, if interrupt is to be enabled. 5. Enable/disable waveform output, enable/disable matching, set counting direction, set mode, enable counter (TTC Counter Control register). This step starts the counter. Counter Stop Sequence 1. Read back the value of the Counter Control register. 2. Set DIS bit to 1, while keeping other bits. 3. Write back to Counter Control register. Counter Restart Sequence 1. Read back the value of Counter Control register. 2. Set RST bit to 1, while keeping other bits. 3. Write back to Counter Control register. Event Timer Enable Sequence 1. Select external pulse source (slcr.MIO_MUX_SEL registers). The width of the selected external pulse is measured in CPU_1x period. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 248 Chapter 8: Timers 2. Set overflow handling, select external pulse level, enable the event timer (Event Control Timer register). This step starts measuring the width of the selected level (High or Low) of the external pulse. 3. Enable interrupt (Interrupt Enable register). This step is optional, if interrupt is to be enabled. 4. Read the measured width (Event register). Note that the returned value is not correct when overflow happened. See the description for the E_Ov bit of the Event Control Timer register in section 8.5.3 Functional Description. Interrupt Clear and Acknowledge Sequence 1. Read Interrupt register: All bits in the Interrupt register are cleared on read. 8.5.6 Clock Input Option for Counter/Timer The following shows how AP SoC selects the clock source for TTC0 counter/timer 0: if slcr.MIO_PIN_19[6:0] is 1100000, use MIO pin 19 else if slcr.MIO_PIN_31[6:0] is 1100000, use MIO pin 31 else if slcr.MIO_PIN_43[6:0] is 1100000, use MIO pin 43 else use EMIOTTC0CLKI0 TTC0 counter/timer 1 can use only EMIOTTC0CLKI1. TTC0 counter/timer 2 can use only EMIOTTC0CLKI2. The following shows how Zynq SoC selects the clock source for TTC1 counter/timer 0: if slcr.MIO_PIN_17[6:0] is 1100000, use MIO pin 17 else if slcr.MIO_PIN_29[6:0] is 1100000, use MIO pin 29 else if slcr.MIO_PIN_41[6:0] is 1100000, use MIO pin 41 else use EMIOTTC1CLKI0 TTC1 counter/timer 1 can use only EMIOTTC1CLKI1. TTC1 counter/timer 2 can use only EMIOTTC1CLKI2. IMPORTANT: When an MIO pin or EMIOTTCxCLKIx is chosen to be the clock source, if the clock stops running, the corresponding Count Value register retains the old value, regardless of the fact that the clock has already stopped. Caution must be exercised in this case. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 249 Chapter 8: Timers 8.6 I/O Signals Timer I/O signals are identified in Table 8-5. The MIO pins and any restrictions based on device version are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. There are two triple timer counters (TTC0 and TTC1) in the system. Each TTC has three sets of interface signals: clock in and wave out for counter/timers 0, 1, and 2. For each triple timer counter, the signals for counter/timer 0 can be routed to the MIO using the MIO_PIN registers. If the clock in or wave out signal is not selected by the MIO_PIN register, then the signal is routed to EMIO by default. The signals for counter/timers 1 and 2 are only available through the EMIO. Table 8-5: TTC I/O Signals TTC TTC0 TTC1 Timer Signal EMIO Signals Controller Default Input Value I/O MIO Pins Counter/Timer 0 clock in I 19, 31, 43 EMIOTTC0CLKI0 0 Counter/Timer 0 wave out O 18, 30, 42 EMIOTTC0WAVEO0 ~ Counter/Timer 1 clock in I N/A EMIOTTC0CLKI1 0 Counter/Timer 1 wave out O N/A EMIOTTC0WAVEO1 ~ Counter/Timer 2 clock in I N/A EMIOTTC0CLKI2 0 Counter/Timer 2 wave out O N/A EMIOTTC0WAVEO2 ~ Counter/Timer 0 clock in I 17, 29, 41 EMIOTTC1CLKI0 0 Counter/Timer 0 wave out O 16, 28, 40 EMIOTTC1WAVEO0 ~ Counter/Timer 1 clock in I N/A EMIOTTC1CLKI1 0 Counter/Timer 1 wave out O N/A EMIOTTC1WAVEO1 ~ Counter/Timer 2 clock in I N/A EMIOTTC1CLKI2 0 Counter/Timer 2 wave out O N/A EMIOTTC1WAVEO2 ~ System watchdog timer I/O signals are identified in Table 8-6. Table 8-6: Watchdog Timer I/O Signals I/O MIO Pins EMIO Signals Controller Default Input Value Clock in I 14, 26, 38, 50, 52 EMIOWDTCLKI 0 Reset out O 15, 27, 39, 51, 53 EMIOWDTRSTO ~ SWDT Signal Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 250 Chapter 9 DMA Controller 9.1 Introduction The DMA controller (DMAC) uses a 64-bit AXI master interface operating at the CPU_2x clock rate to perform DMA data transfers to/from system memories and PL peripherals. The transfers are controlled by the DMA instruction execution engine. The DMA engine runs on a small instruction set that provides a flexible method of specifying DMA transfers. This method provides greater flexibility than the capabilities of DMA controller methods. The program code for the DMA engine is written by software in to a region of system memory that is accessed by the controller using its AXI master interface. The DMA engine instruction set includes instructions for DMA transfers and management instructions to control the system. The controller can be configured with up to eight DMA channels. Each channel corresponds to a thread running on the DMA engine’s processor. When a DMA thread executes a load or store instruction, the DMA Engine pushes the memory request to the relevant read or write queue. The DMA controller uses these queues to buffer AXI read/write transactions. The controller contains a multi-channel FIFO (MFIFO) to store data during the DMA transfers. The program code running on the DMA engine processor views the MFIFO as containing a set of variable-depth parallel FIFOs for DMA read and write transactions. The program code must manage the MFIFO so that the total depth of all of the DMA FIFOs does not exceed the 1,024-byte MFIFO. The DMAC is able to move large amounts of data without processor intervention. The source and destination memory can be anywhere in the system (PS or PL). The memory map for the DMAC includes DDR, OCM, linear addressed Quad-SPI read memory, SMC memory and PL peripherals or memory attached to an M_GP_AXI interface. The flow control method for transfers with PS memories use the AXI interconnect. Accesses with PL peripherals can use the AXI flow control or the DMAC’s PL Peripheral Request Interface. There are no peripheral request interfaces directed to the PS I/O Peripherals (IOPs). For the PL peripheral AXI transactions, software running on a CPU is used in a programmed IO method using interrupts or status polling. The controller has two sets of control and status registers. One set is accessible in secure mode and the other in non-secure mode. Software accesses these registers via the controller’s 32-bit APB slave interface. The entire controller is either operated in secure or non-secure mode; there is no mixing of modes on a channel basis. Security configuration changes are controlled by slcr registers and require a controller reset to take effect. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 251 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.1.1 Features The DMA Controller provides: • DMA Engine processor with a flexible instruction set for DMA transfers: ° Flexible scatter-gather memory transfers ° Full control over addressing for source and destination ° Define AXI transaction attributes ° Manage byte streams • Eight cache lines and each cache line is four words wide • Eight concurrent DMA channels threads ° Allows multiple threads to execute in parallel ° Issue commands for up to eight read and up to eight write AXI transactions • Eight interrupts to the PS interrupt controller and the PL • Eight events within DMA Engine program code • 128 (64-bit) word MFIFO to buffer the data that the controller writes or reads during a transfer • Security ° Dedicated APB slave interface for secure register accessing ° Entire controller is configured as either secure or non-secure • Memory-to-memory DMA transfers • Four PL peripheral request interfaces to manage flow control to and from the PL logic ° Each interface accepts up to four active requests Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 252 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.1.2 System Viewpoint The system viewpoint of the DMA controller is shown in Figure 9-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 9-1 IRQ ID# {45, 46~49, 72~75} DMA Controller To Interrupt Controller IRQ ID# {25, 20~27} Execution Engine To PL Central Interconnect Data and Controller Instructions AXI 64-bit Master QoS CPU_2X clock DMAC_CPU2X_RST signal TZ_DMA_NS [0] TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS [15:0] TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS [3:0] R/W 8 Channels 0~7 Peripheral Request Interfaces 0 ~ 3 Security Control FPGA_DMA{0:3}_RST signal Slave Interconnect Secure and Non-Secure Slave Ports APB 32-bit Register Access CPU_1X clock DMA{0:3}_DAVALID DMA{0:3}_DATYPE{0,1} DMA{0:3}_DAREADY PL DMA{0:3}_DRVALID DMA{0:3}_DRTYPE{0,1} DMA{0:3}_DRLAST DMA{0:3}_DRREADY Control and Status Registers UG585_c9_01_021113 Figure 9-1: DMA Controller System Viewpoint System Functions The following system functions are described in section 9.6 System Functions: • Clocks • Resets and Reset Configuration DMA Controller Functions and Programming A block diagram for the DMA controller is shown in Figure 9-2. A brief description of each block follows the diagram. Each functional unit is described in detail in these three main sections: • Overall description in section 9.2 Functional Description. • SDK Software programming methods are in section 9.3 Programming Guide for DMA Controller. • DMA Engine programming methods are in section 9.4 Programming Guide for DMA Engine. • Programming restrictions for these methods are in section 9.5 Programming Restrictions: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 253 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.1.3 Block Diagram The block diagram of the DMA controller is shown in Figure 9-2. X-Ref Target - Figure 9-2 DMA Controller Register Access For the Non-secure State Register Access For the Secure State Non-secure APB Slave Interface 0xF800_4000 DMA Instruction Execution Engine Read Instruction Instruction Queue Instruction Cache Write Instruction Instruction Queue Secure APB Slave Interface 0xF800_3000 0 Channel Data • • 7 Reset Initialization Interface Tie-offs IRQs 0 Peripheral Request Interface Interrupt Interface Central Interconnect Data MFIFO Data Buffer Control and Status Registers AXI Master Interface 1 2 3 PL Fabric UG_585_c9_02_030712 Figure 9-2: DMA Controller Block Diagram Note: Refer to ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330, r1p1) Technical Reference Manual: AXI Characteristics for a DMA Transfer and AXI Master for more information. DMA Instruction Execution Engine The DMAC contains an instruction processing block that enables it to process program code that controls a DMA transfer. The DMAC maintains a separate state machine for each thread. • • Channel arbitration ° Round-robin scheme to service the active DMA channels ° Services the DMA manager prior of servicing the next DMA channel ° Changes to the arbitration process are not supported Channel prioritization ° Responds to all active DMA channels with equal priority ° Changes to the priority of a DMA channel over any other DMA channels are not supported Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 254 Chapter 9: DMA Controller Instruction Cache The controller stores instructions temporarily in a cache. When a thread requests an instruction from an address, the cache performs a look-up. If a cache hit occurs then the cache immediately provides the data, otherwise the thread is stalled while the controller uses the AXI interface to perform a cache line fill from system memory. If an instruction is greater than four bytes, or spans the end of a cache line, then it performs multiple cache accesses to fetch the instruction. Note: When a cache line fill is in progress, the controller enables other threads to access the cache, but if another cache miss occurs the pipeline is stalled until the first line fill is complete. Note: Instruction cache latency for fill operations is dependent on the read latency of the system memory where the DMA engine instructions are written. The performance of the DMAC is highly dependent on the bandwidth of the 64-bit AXI master interface (CPU_2x clock). Read/Write Instruction Queues When a channel thread executes a load or store instruction the controller adds the instruction to the relevant read queue or write queue. The controller uses these queues as an instruction storage buffer prior to issuing transactions on the AXI interconnect. Multi-channel Data FIFO The DMAC uses a multi-channel first-in-first-out (MFIFO) data buffer to store data that it reads, or writes, during a DMA transfer. Refer to 9.2.4 Multi-channel Data FIFO (MFIFO) for more information. AXI Master Interface for Instruction Fetch and DMA Transfers The program code is stored in a region of system memory that the controller accesses using the 64-bit AXI master interface. The AXI master interface also enables the DMA to transfer data from a source AXI slave to a destination AXI slave. APB Slave Interface for Register Accesses The controller responds to two address ranges used by software to read and write the control and status registers via the 32-bit APB slave interface. • Non-secure register accesses • Secure register accesses Interrupt Interface The interrupt interface enables efficient communications of events to the interrupt controller. PL Peripheral DMA Request Interface The PL peripheral request interface supports the connection of DMA-capable peripherals resident in the PL. Each PL peripheral request interface is asynchronous to one another and asynchronous to the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 255 Chapter 9: DMA Controller DMA itself. The request/acknowledge signals to and from the PL are described in section 9.2.6 PL Peripheral AXI Transactions. Reset Initialization Interface This interface enables the software to initialize the operating state of the DMAC as it exits from reset. Refer to section 9.6.3 Reset Configuration of Controller for more information. 9.1.4 Notices ARM IP Core The DMAC is an Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) PrimeCell peripheral that is developed, tested, and licensed by ARM. A list of the ARM Reference Documents for the DMA controller are summarized in Appendix A, Additional Resources. • Technical Reference Manual: ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) Technical Reference Manual. • Example Application Notes: ARM Application Note 239: Example programs for the CoreLink DMA Controller DMA-330 and refer to 9.4 Programming Guide for DMA Engine. Secure/Non-Secure Modes The DMAC includes features to enable it to co-exist with ARM’s TrustZone hardware to accelerate the performance of secure systems. The hardware is not required to ensure a secure environment. This chapter includes many references to secure and non-secure modes. It may not be complete. For additional information related to the use of the DMA PL330 controller with ARM TrustZone, refer to UG1019, Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC. Other DMA Controllers There are other DMA controllers in the system that are local to the IOPs in the PS. These include: • GigE controller, refer to Chapter 16, Gigabit Ethernet Controller. • SDIO controller, refer to Chapter 13, SD/SDIO Controller. • USB controller, refer to Chapter 15, USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller. • DevC Interface, refer to section 6.4 Device Boot and PL Configuration. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 256 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.2 Functional Description Common to all DMAC operating conditions • 9.2.1 DMA Transfers on the AXI Interconnect • 9.2.2 AXI Transaction Considerations • 9.2.3 DMA Manager • 9.2.4 Multi-channel Data FIFO (MFIFO) Memory-to-memory transfers are managed by the DMAC • 9.2.5 Memory-to-Memory Transfers When the PL Peripheral Request Interface is used • 9.2.6 PL Peripheral AXI Transactions • Length management option: 9.2.8 PL Peripheral - Length Managed by PL Peripheral • Length management option: 9.2.9 PL Peripheral - Length Managed by DMAC Advanced DMAC operating features • 9.2.10 Events and Interrupts • 9.2.11 Aborts • 9.2.12 Security IP core Configuration • Based on the ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) refer to 9.2.13 IP Configuration Options Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 257 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.2.1 DMA Transfers on the AXI Interconnect All of the DMA transactions use AXI interfaces to move data between the on-chip memory, DDR memory and slave peripherals in the PL. The slave peripherals in the PL normally connect to the DMAC peripheral request interface to control data flow. The DMAC can conceivable access IOPs in the PS, but this is normally not useful because these paths offer no flow control signals. The data paths that are normally used by the DMAC are shown in Figure 9-3. The peripheral request interface (used for flow control) is not shown in the figure. Each AXI path can be a read or write. There are many combinations. Two typical DMA transaction examples include: • Memory to memory (On-chip memory to DDR memory) • Memory to/from PL peripheral (DDR memory to PL peripheral) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 258 Chapter 9: DMA Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 9-3 DMA Controller PL Memory (Read and Write) On-Chip RAM (Read and Write) DDR Memory (Read and Write) 64-bit IOP Masters M S0 AXI_GP, DevC and DAP S2 S1 Central Interconnect M0 64-bit M1 M2 AXI_HP Memory Interconnect L2 Cache S1 S0 OCM Interconnect M 64-bit S1 S0 Slave Interconnect 32-bit SCU M0 S0 64-bit -bit AXI_GP0 AXI_GP1 AHB slaves PL AXI_HP Memory Interconnect S3 M2 M3 S1 On-chip RAM 256 KB M1 APB slaves L2 Cache 64-bit S2 S0 S1 DDR Memory Controller UG585_c9_07_021113 Figure 9-3: DMAC Reads/Writes DDR, On-chip RAM, and PL Peripheral Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 259 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.2.2 AXI Transaction Considerations • • AXI data transfer size ° Performs data accesses up to the 64-bit width of the AXI data bus ° Signals a precise abort if the user programs the src_burst_size or dst_burst_size fields to be larger than 64 bits ° Maximum burst length is 16 data beats AXI bursts crossing 4 KB boundaries ° ° • • Can be programmed to generate only fixed-address or incrementing-address burst types for data accesses. Wrapping-address bursts are not generated for data accesses or for instruction fetches. AXI write addresses ° Can issue multiple outstanding write addresses up to eight (write issuing capability) ° The DMAC does not issue a write address until it has read in all of the data bytes required to fulfill that write transaction. AXI write data interleaving ° • If the controller is programmed with a combination of burst start address, size, and length that would cause a single burst to cross a 4 KB address boundary, then the controller instead generates a pair of bursts with a combined length equal to that specified. This operation is transparent to the DMAC channel thread program so that, for example, the DMAC responds to a single DMALD instruction by generating the appropriate pair of AXI read bursts. AXI burst types ° • The AXI specification does not permit AXI bursts to cross 4 KB address boundaries Does not generate interleaved write data. All write data beats for one write transaction are output before any write data beat for the next write transaction. AXI characteristics ° Does not support locked or exclusive accesses 9.2.3 DMA Manager This section describes how to issue instructions to the DMA manager using one of the two APB interfaces available. When the DMAC is operating in real time, the user can only issue the following limited subset of instructions: DMAGO Starts a DMA transfer using a DMA channel that the user specifies. DMASEV Signals the occurrence of an event, or interrupt, using an event number that the user specifies. DMAKILL Terminates a thread. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 260 Chapter 9: DMA Controller The appropriate APB interface must be used depending on the security state in which the SLCR register TZ_DMA_NS initializes the DMA manager to operate. For example, if the DMA manager is in the secure state, the instruction using the secure APB interface must be used or the DMAC ignores the instruction. The non-secure APB interface is the suggested port to use to start or restart a DMA channel when the DMA manager is in the non-secure state, however, the secure APB interface can be used in non-secure mode. (Refer to section 9.2.12 Security for more details.) For additional information related to the use of the DMA PL330 controller with ARM TrustZone, refer to UG1019, Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC. Before issuing instructions using the Debug Instruction registers or the DBGCMD register, the DBGSTATUS register must be read to ensure that debug is idle, otherwise, the DMA manager ignores the instructions. Refer to the Debug Command register and Debug Status register in Appendix B, Register Details. When the DMA manager receives an instruction from an APB slave interface, it can take several clock cycles before it can process the instruction — for example, if the pipeline is busy processing another instruction. Prior to issuing DMAGO, the system memory must contain a suitable program for the DMA channel thread to execute, starting at the address that the DMAGO specifies. Example: Start DMA Channel Thread The following example shows the steps required to start a DMA channel thread using the debug instruction registers. 1. Create a program for the DMA channel. 2. Store the program in a region of system memory. Use one of the APB interfaces on the DMAC to program a DMAGO instruction as follows: 3. Poll the dmac.DBGSTATUS register to ensure that debug is idle, that is, the dbgstatus bit is 0. Refer to the Debug Status register in Appendix B, Register Details. 4. Write to the dmac.DBGINST0 register and enter the: a. Instruction byte 0 encoding for DMAGO. b. Instruction byte 1 encoding for DMAGO. c. 5. Debug thread bit to 0. This selects the DMA manager. Refer to the Debug Instruction-0 register in Appendix B, Register Details. Write to the dmac.DBGINST1 register with the DMAGO instruction byte [5:2] data, refer to the Debug Instruction-1 register in Appendix B, Register Details. These four bytes must be set to the address of the first instruction in the program that was written to system memory in Step 2. Instruct the DMAC to execute the instruction that the debug instruction registers contain: 6. Write a 0 to the dmac.DBGCMD register. The DMAC starts the DMA channel thread and sets the dbgstatus bit to 1. Refer to the Debug Command register in Appendix B, Register Details. After the DMAC completes execution of the instruction, it clears the dbgstatus bit to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 261 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.2.4 Multi-channel Data FIFO (MFIFO) The MFIFO is a shared resource utilized on a first-come, first-served basis by all currently active channels. To a program, it appears as a set of variable-depth parallel FIFOs, one per channel, with the restriction that the total depth of all the FIFOs cannot exceed the size of the MFIFO. The DMAC maximum MFIFO depth is 128 (64-bit) words. The controller is capable of realigning data from the source to the destination. For example, the DMAC shifts the data by two byte lanes when it reads a word from address 0x103 and writes to address 0x205. The storage and packing of the data in the MFIFO is determined by the destination address and transfer characteristics. When a program specifies that incrementing memory transfers are to be performed to the destination, the DMAC packs data into the MFIFO to minimize the usage of the MFIFO entries. For example, the DMAC packs two 32-bit words into a single entry in the MFIFO when the DMAC has a 64-bit AXI data bus and the program uses a source address of 0x100, and destination address of 0x200. In certain situations, the number of entries required to store the data loaded from a source is not a simple calculation of the amount of source data divided by MFIFO width. The calculation of the number of entries required is not simple when any of the following occur: • Source address is not aligned to the AXI bus width • Destination address is not aligned to the AXI bus width • Memory transfers are to a fixed destination, that is, a non-incrementing address The DMALD and DMAST instructions each specify that an AXI bus transaction is to be performed. The amount of data transferred by an AXI bus transaction depends on the values programmed in to the CCRn register and the address of the transaction. Refer to the AMBA AXI Protocol Specification for information about unaligned transfers. Refer to section 9.3 Programming Guide for DMA Controller for considerations about MFIFO utilization. 9.2.5 Memory-to-Memory Transfers The controller includes an AXI master interface to access memories in the PS system, such as: • OCM • DDR Through the same AXI central interconnect, the controller can potentially access the majority of the peripheral subsystems. If a target peripheral can be seen as a memory-mapped region (or memory port location) without a FIFO or need for flow control, then the DMAC can be used to read and write to it. Typical examples include: • QSPI in Linear addressing mode • NOR flash • NAND flash Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 262 Chapter 9: DMA Controller The memory map for the DMA controller is shown in Chapter 4, System Addresses. For more information on the AXI Interfaces, refer to . Examples of memory-to-memory transfer are provided in section 9.4.2 Memory-to-Memory Transfers. 9.2.6 PL Peripheral AXI Transactions The majority of PL peripherals allow transferring data through FIFOs. These FIFOs must be managed to avoid overflow and underflow situations. For this reason, four specific peripheral request interfaces are available to connect the DMAC to DMA-capable peripherals in the PL. Each one of these interfaces can be assigned to any DMA channel. The DMAC is configured to accept up to four active requests for each PL peripheral interface. An active request is where the DMAC has not started the requested AXI data transaction. The DMAC has a request FIFO for each PL peripheral interface, which it uses to capture the requests from a PL peripheral. When a request FIFO is full, the DMAC sets the corresponding DMA{3:0}_DRREADY Low to signal that the DMAC cannot accept any requests sent from the PL peripheral. Note: There are no peripheral request interfaces directed to the I/O peripherals (IOP) in the PS. Processor intervention is needed to avoid underflow or overflow of the FIFOs in the targeted PS peripheral. This section discusses the AXI transactions to/from PL peripherals. There are two different way to handle the quantity of data flowing between the DMAC and the PL peripheral: PL Peripheral length management: The PL peripheral controls the quantity of data that is contained in a DMA cycle. DMAC length management: The DMAC is controlling the quantity of data in a DMA cycle. Programming Examples Refer to section 9.4.3 PL Peripheral DMA Transfer Length Management. 9.2.7 PL Peripheral Request Interface Figure 9-4 shows that the PL peripheral request interface consists of a PL peripheral request bus and a DMAC acknowledge bus that use the prefixes: DR PL Peripheral request bus DA DMAC acknowledge bus Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 263 Chapter 9: DMA Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 9-4 DMA{3:0}_DRVALID DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] DMA{3:0}_DRLAST DMA{3:0}_DRREADY Peripheral {3:0} DMA{3:0}_DAVALID DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0] Peripheral Request Interface {3:0} DMAC DMA{3:0}_DAREADY DMA{3:0}_ACLK UG585_c9_05_030312 Figure 9-4: DMAC PL Peripheral Request Interface Request/Acknowledge Signals Both buses use the valid-ready handshake that the AXI protocol describes. For more information on the handshake process, refer to the AMBA AXI Protocol v1.0 Specification. The PL peripheral uses the DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] registers to: • Request a single AXI transaction • Request a AXI burst transaction • Acknowledge a flush request The DMAC uses the DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0] registers to: • Signal when it completes the requested single AXI transaction • Signal when it completes the requested AXI burst transaction • Issue a flush request The PL peripheral uses DMA{3:0}_DRLAST to: • Signal to the DMAC when the last data cycle of the AXI transaction commences Handshake Rules The DMAC uses the DMA handshake rules that Table 9-1 shows, when a DMA channel thread is active, that is, not in the stopped state. Refer to the Figure 9-5, page 265 for more information. Table 9-1: DMAC PL Peripheral Request Interface Handshake Rules Rule Description(1) 1 DMA{3:0}_DRVALID can change from Low to High on any DMA{3:0}_ACLK cycle, but must only change from High to Low when DMA{3:0}_DRREADY is High. 2 DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE can only change when either: • DMA{3:0}_DRREADY is High • DMA{3:0}_DRVALID is Low Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 264 Chapter 9: Table 9-1: DMA Controller DMAC PL Peripheral Request Interface Handshake Rules (Cont’d) Description(1) Rule 3 DMA{3:0}_DRLAST can only change when either: • DMA{3:0}_DRREADY is High • DMA{3:0}_DRVALID is Low 4 DMA{3:0}_DAVALID can change from Low to High on any DMA{3:0}_ACLK cycle, but must only change from High to Low when DMA{3:0}_DAREADY is High 5 DMA{3:0}_DATYPE can only change when either: • DMA{3:0}_DAREADY is High • DMA{3:0}_DAVALID is Low Notes: 1. All signals are synchronous to the DMA{3:0}_ACLK clock. Map PL Peripheral Interface to a DMA Channel The DMAC enables software to assign a PL peripheral request interface to any of the DMA channels. When a DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, the value programmed in the PL peripheral [4:0] field specifies the PL peripheral associated with that DMA channel. Refer to the DMAWFP instruction in Table 9-8, page 273. PL Peripheral Request Interface Timing Diagram Figure 9-5 shows an example of the functional operation of the PL peripheral request interface using the rules that handshake rules described, when a PL peripheral requests an AXI burst transaction. X-Ref Target - Figure 9-5 T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 DMA{3:0}_ACLK DMA{3:0}_DRVALID DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] Burst DMA{3:0}_DRREADY DMA{3:0}_DAVALID Ack DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0] DMA{3:0}_DAREADY DMA Activity on the AXI Data Bus AXI Data Burst UG585_c9_06_030712 Figure 9-5: DMAC PL Peripheral Request Interface Burst Request Signaling State transitions in Figure 9-5: T1 The DMAC detects a request for an AXI burst transaction. Between T2 and T7 The DMAC performs the AXI burst transaction. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 265 Chapter 9: T7 DMA Controller The DMAC sets DMA{3:0}_DAVALID High and sets DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0] to indicate that the transaction is complete. For more timing diagrams refer to ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) Technical Reference Manual: Peripheral Request Interface Timing Diagrams, keeping in mind that each PL peripheral request interface is asynchronous to one another and asynchronous to the DMA itself. 9.2.8 PL Peripheral - Length Managed by PL Peripheral The PL peripheral request interface enables a PL peripheral to control the quantity of data that an AXI transfer contains, without the DMAC being aware of how many data cycles the transfer contains. The PL peripheral controls the AXI transaction by using: DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] Selects a single or burst AXI Transaction DMA{3:0}_DRLAST Notifies the DMAC when it commences the final request in the current series When the DMAC executes a DMAWFP instruction, it halts execution of the thread and waits for the PL peripheral to send a request. When the PL peripheral sends the request, the DMAC sets the state of the request flags depending on the state of the following signals: DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] The DMAC sets the state of the request_type flag: 00: request_type = Single 01: request_type = Burst DMA{3:0}_DRLAST The DMAC sets the state of the request_last flag: 0: request_last = 0 1: request_last = 1 If the DMAC executes a DMAWFP single or DMAWFP burst instruction then the DMAC sets: • The request_type{3:0} flag to Single or Burst, respectively • The request_last{3:0} flag to 0 DMALPFE is an assembler directive which forces the associated DMALPEND instruction to have its nf bit set to 0. This creates a program loop that does not use a loop counter to terminate the loop. The DMAC exits the loop when the request_last flag is set to 1. The DMAC conditionally executes the following instructions, depending on the state of the request_type and request_last flags: DMALD, DMAST, DMALPEND When these instructions use the optional B|S suffix then the DMAC executes a DMANOP if the request_type flag does not match. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 266 Chapter 9: DMA Controller DMALDP, DMASTP The DMAC executes a DMANOP if the request_type flag does not match the B|S suffix. DMALPEND When the nf bit is 0, the DMAC executes a DMANOP if the request_last flag is set. The DMALDB, DMALDPB, DMASTB and DMASTPB instructions should be used if the DMAC is required to issue an AXI burst transaction when the DMAC receives a burst request, that is, when DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] = b01. The values in the CCRn register control the amount of data in the DMA transfer. Refer to the Channel Control registers in Appendix B, Register Details. The DMALDS, DMALDPS, DMASTS, and DMASTPS instructions should be used if the DMAC is required to issue a single AXI transaction when the DMAC receives a single request, that is, when DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] = b00. The DMAC ignores the value of the src_burst_len and dst_burst_len fields in the CCRn register and sets the arlen[3:0] or awlen[3:0] buses to 0x0. Refer to the Programming Guide for DMA Controller for an example of microcode for PL peripheral length management. 9.2.9 PL Peripheral - Length Managed by DMAC DMAC length management is the process by which the DMAC controls the total amount of data to transfer. Using the PL peripheral request interface, the PL peripheral notifies the DMAC when a transfer of data in either direction is required. The DMA channel thread controls how the DMAC responds to the PL peripheral requests. The following constraints apply to DMAC length management: • The total quantity of data for all of the single requests from a PL peripheral must be less than the quantity of data for a burst request for that PL peripheral. • The CCRn register controls how much data is transferred for a burst request and a single request. ARM recommends that a CCRn register not be updated while a transfer is in progress for that channel. Refer to the Channel Control registers in Appendix B, Register Details. • After the PL peripheral sends a burst request, the PL peripheral must not send a single request until the DMAC acknowledges that the burst request is complete. The DMAWFP single instruction should be used when the program thread is required to halt execution until the PL peripheral request interface receives any request type. If the head entry request type in the request FIFO is: Single: The DMAC pops the entry from the FIFO and continues program execution. Burst: The DMAC leaves the entry in the FIFO and continues program execution. Note: The burst request entry remains in the request FIFO until the DMAC executes a DMAWFP burst instruction or a DMAFLUSHP instruction. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 267 Chapter 9: DMA Controller The DMAWFP burst instruction should be used when the program thread is required to halt execution until the PL peripheral request interface receives a burst request. If the head entry request type in the request FIFO is: Single: The DMAC removes the entry from the FIFO and program execution remains halted. Burst: The DMAC pops the entry from the FIFO and continues program execution. The DMALDP instruction should be used when the DMAC is required to send an acknowledgement to the PL peripheral when it completes the AXI read transaction. Similarly, the DMASTP instruction should be used when the DMAC is required to send an acknowledgement to the PL peripheral when it completes the AXI write transaction. The DMAC uses the DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0] bus to acknowledge the transaction to the PL peripheral {3:0}. The DMAC sends an acknowledgement for a read transaction when rvalid and rlast are High and for a write transaction when bvalid is High. If the system is able to buffer AXI write transactions, it might be possible for the DMAC to send an acknowledgement to the PL peripheral, but the transaction of write data to the end destination is still in progress. The DMAFLUSHP instruction should be used to reset the request FIFO for the PL peripheral request interface. After the DMAC executes DMAFLUSHP, it ignores PL peripheral requests until the PL peripheral acknowledges the flush request. This enables the DMAC and PL peripheral to synchronize with each other. Refer to section 9.3 Programming Guide for DMA Controller for an example of microcode for DMA length management. 9.2.10 Events and Interrupts The DMAC supports 16 events. The first 8 of these events can be interrupt signals, IRQs [7:0]. Each of the eight interrupts are outputs going to both the PS interrupt controller and the PL at the same time. The events are used internal to the DMA engine to cross-trigger channel-to-channel or manager-to-channel. Table 9-2 shows the mapping between events and interrupts. Refer to the Interrupt Enable register in Appendix B, Register Details for programming details. Table 9-2: DMAC Events and Interrupts DMAC Event/IRQ # System IRQ# (to the PS) IRQP2F (to the PL) DMA Engine Event# 0~3 46 ~ 49 20 ~ 23 0~3 4~7 72 ~ 75 24 ~ 27 4~7 8 ~ 15 na na 8 ~ 15 When the DMA engine executes a DMASEV instruction it modifies the event/interrupt that the user specifies. • If the INTEN register sets the event/interrupt resource to function as an event, the DMAC generates an event for the specified event/interrupt resource. When the DMAC executes a DMAWFE instruction for the same event-interrupt resource then it clears the event. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 268 Chapter 9: • DMA Controller If the INTEN register sets the event/interrupt resource to function as an interrupt, the DMAC sets irq High, where event_num is the number of the specified event-resource. To clear the interrupt, the user must write to the INTCLR register. Refer to the Interrupt Clear register in Appendix B, Register Details. Refer to section 9.3 Programming Guide for DMA Controller for more information and Chapter 7, Interrupts for more details about the System IRQs. 9.2.11 Aborts An abort is sent to the CPUs via IRQ ID #45 and the PL peripheral via the IRQP2F[28] signal. Table 9-3 summarizes all of the possible causes for an abort. Table 9-3 explains the actions that the DMAC takes after an abort condition. After an abort occurs the action the DMAC takes depends on the thread type. Table 9-5 describes the actions that the processors or the PL peripheral must take after the Abort signal is received. Refer to the ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) Technical Reference Manual: Aborts for details. Table 9-3: DMAC Abort Types and Conditions Abort Types Condition Security Violation on Channel Control Registers A DMA channel thread in a non-secure state attempts to program the Channel Control registers and generates a secure AXI bus transaction. Security Violation on Events Precise A DMA channel thread in a non-secure state executes DMAWFE or DMASEV for an event that is set as secure. The SLCR register TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS controls the security state for an event. The DMAC updates the PC Security Violation on PL Peripheral Request Interfaces register with the address of the A DMA channel thread in a non-secure state executes DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or instruction that created the DMAFLUSHP for a PL peripheral request interface that is set as secure. The SLCR abort. register TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS controls the security state for a PL peripheral request interface. Note: When the DMAC signals a precise abort, the instruction Security Violation on DMAGO that triggers the abort is not The DMA manager in a non-secure state executes DMAGO to attempt to start a secure executed; the DMAC executes a DMA channel thread. DMANOP instead. Error on AXI Master Interface The DMAC receives an ERROR response on the AXI master interface when it performs an instruction fetch. For example; trying to access reserved memory. Error on Execution Engine A thread executes an undefined instruction or executes an instruction with an operand that is invalid for the configuration of the DMAC. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 269 Chapter 9: Table 9-3: DMA Controller DMAC Abort Types and Conditions (Cont’d) Abort Types Condition Error on Data Load The DMAC receives an ERROR response on the AXI master interface when it performs a data load. Error on Data Store The DMAC receives an ERROR response on the AXI master interface when it performs a data store. Error on MFIFO A DMA channel thread executes DMALD and the MFIFO is too small to store the data or executes DMAST and the MFIFO contains insufficient data to complete the AXI transaction. Imprecise Watchdog Abort The PC register might contain The DMAC can lock up if one or more DMA channel programs are running and the the address of an instruction that MFIFO is too small to satisfy the storage requirements of the DMA programs. did not cause the abort occur. The DMAC contains logic to prevent it from remaining in a state where it is unable to complete a DMA transfer. The DMAC detects a lock up when all of the following conditions occur: • Load queue is empty • Store queue is empty • All of the running channels are prevented from executing a DMALD instruction either because the MFIFO does not have sufficient free space or another channel owns the load-lock When the DMAC detects a lock up it signals an interrupt and can also abort the contributing channels. The DMAC behavior depends on the state of the wd_irq_only bit in the WD register. For more information, refer to the subsection Resource Sharing Between DMA Channels, page 287. Table 9-4: DMAC Abort Handling Thread Type DMAC Actions Sets IRQ#45 interrupt and IRQP2F[28] signal High Stops executing instructions for the DMA channel Invalidates all cache entries for the DMA channel Channel thread Updates the Channel Program Counter registers to contain the address of the aborted instruction provided that the abort was precise Does not generate AXI accesses for any instructions remaining in the read queue and write queue Permits currently active AXI bus transactions to complete DMA manager Table 9-5: Sets IRQ#45 interrupt and IRQP2F[28] signal High DMAC Thread Termination Processor or PL Peripheral Actions Reads the status of Fault Status DMA Manager register to determine if the DMA manager is faulting and to determine the cause of the abort Reads the status of Fault Status DMA Channel register to determine if a DMA channel is faulting and to determine the cause of the abort Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 270 Chapter 9: Table 9-5: DMA Controller DMAC Thread Termination (Cont’d) Processor or PL Peripheral Actions Programs the Debug Instruction-0 register with the encoding for the DMAKILL instruction Writes to the Debug Command register. 9.2.12 Security When the DMAC exits from reset, the status of the reset initialization interface signals configures the security for the: • DMA manager (SLCR register TZ_DMA_NS) • Event/Interrupt resources (SLCR register TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS) • PL peripheral request interfaces (SLCR register TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS) Refer to the section 9.6.3 Reset Configuration of Controller for more details. When the DMA manager executes a DMAGO instruction for a DMA, it sets the security state of the channel by setting the ns bit. The status of the channel is provided by the dynamic non-secure bit, CNS in the Channel Status register. Note: For more information refer to UG1019, Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC. Nomenclature Table 9-6 describes how the nomenclature used in this chapter corresponds to ARM nomenclature. Table 9-6: DMAC Security Nomenclature ARM Name XILINX Name Description DMA Non-secure DNS DMAC_NS in TZ_DMA_NS When the DMAC exits from reset, this signal controls the security state of the DMA manager: 0: DMA manager operates in the secure state 1: DMA manager operates in the non-secure state Interrupt Non-secure INS DMAC_IRQ_NS in TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS When the DMAC exits from reset, this signal controls the security state of an event/interrupt: 0: DMAC interrupt/event bit is in the secure state 1: DMAC interrupt/event bit is in the non-secure state PL Peripheral Non-secure PNS DMAC_PERIPH_NS in TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 When the DMAC exits from reset, this signal controls the security state of a PL peripheral request interface: 0: DMAC PL peripheral request interface is in the secure state 1: DMAC PL peripheral request interface is in the non-secure state www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 271 Chapter 9: Table 9-6: DMA Controller DMAC Security Nomenclature (Cont’d) ARM Name XILINX Name ns ns in DMAGO instruction Description DMAGO Non-secure Bit 1 of the DMAGO instruction: 0: DMA channel thread starts in the secure state 1: DMA channel thread starts in the secure state CHANNEL Non-secure CNS CNS in CSR The security state of each DMA channel is provided by bit CNS in the Channel Status register: 0: DMA channel thread operates in the secure state 1: DMA channel thread operates in the secure state Security by DMA Manager A quick summary of the security usage for the DMA Manager is given in Table 9-7. Table 9-7: DMAC Security by DMA Manager DNS Instruction ns INS 0 - The instruction must be issued using the secure APB interface. The DMA channel thread starts in secure state (CNS= 0). 1 - The instruction must be issued using the secure APB interface. The DMA channel thread starts in non-secure state (CNS=1). - X The instruction must be issued using the secure APB interface. It signals the appropriate event irrespective of the INS bit. 0 - The instruction must be issued using the non-secure APB interface. Abort (see section 9.2.11 Aborts). 1 - The instruction must be issued using the non-secure APB interface. The DMA channel thread starts in non-secure state (CNS=1). - 0 The instruction must be issued using the non-secure APB interface. Abort (see section 9.2.11 Aborts). - 1 The instruction must be issued using the non-secure APB interface. It signals the appropriate event. DMAGO 0 DMASEV DMA Manager DMAGO 1 DMASEV Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 272 Chapter 9: DMA Controller Security by DMA Channel Thread A quick summary of the security usage for the DMA Channel Threads is given in Table 9-8. Table 9-8: DMAC Security by DMA Channel Thread CNS bit Instruction PNS bit INS bit Description DMAWFE - X On event, execution continues, irrespective of the INS bit DMASEV - X Signals the appropriate event, irrespective of the INS bit DMAWFP X - On peripheral request, execution continues, irrespective of the PNS bit DMALP, DMASTP X - Sends a message to the PL peripheral to communicate that the last AXI transaction of the DMA transfer is complete, irrespective of the PNS bit DMAFLUSH X - Clears the state of the peripheral and sends a message to the peripheral to resend its level status, irrespective of the PNS bit - 0 Abort - 1 On event, execution continues - 0 Abort - 1 It signals the appropriate event 0 - Abort 1 - On peripheral request, execution continues 0 - Abort 1 - Sends a message to the peripheral to communicate that the last AXI transaction of the DMA transfer is complete 0 - Abort 1 - It only clears the state of the peripheral and sends a message to the peripheral to resend its level status 0 DMAWFE DMA Channel Thread DMASEV DMAWFP 1 DMALP, DMASTP DMAFLUSHP 9.2.13 IP Configuration Options The Xilinx implementation of the DMAC uses the IP configuration options shown in Table 9-9. Table 9-9: DMAC IP Configuration Options IP Configuration Option Value Data width (bits) 64 Number of channels 8 Number of interrupts 16 (8 interrupts, 8 events) Number of peripherals 4 (to PL) Number of cache lines 8 Cache line width (words) 4 Buffer depth (MIFIFO depth) 1 Read queue depth 16 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 273 Chapter 9: Table 9-9: DMA Controller DMAC IP Configuration Options (Cont’d) Value IP Configuration Option Write queue depth 16 Read issuing capability 8 Write issuing capability 8 Peripheral request capabilities All capabilities Secure APB base address 0xF800_3000 Non-secure APB base address 0xF800_4000 9.3 Programming Guide for DMA Controller 9.3.1 Startup Example: Start-up Controller 1. Configure Clocks. Refer to section 9.6.1 Clocks 2. Configure Security State. Refer to section 9.6.3 Reset Configuration of Controller 3. Reset the Controller. Refer to section 9.6.2 Resets 4. Create Interrupt Service Routine. Refer to section 9.3.3 Interrupt Service Routine 5. Execute DMA Transfers. Refer to section 9.3.2 Execute a DMA Transfer 9.3.2 Execute a DMA Transfer 1. Write Microcode into Memory for DMA Transfer. Refer to section 9.4 Programming Guide for DMA Engine a. Create a program for the DMA channel. b. Store the program in a region of system memory. 2. Start the DMA Channel Thread. Refer to section 9.2.3 DMA Manager 9.3.3 Interrupt Service Routine There are two types of interrupt signals from the DMA controller to the PS interrupt controller: ° Eight DMAC IRQs [75:72] and [49:46] ° One DMAC ABOART IRQ [45] An interrupt service routine (ISR) can be use for each type of interrupt. The two ISRs are described below. For more information on interrupts, refer to section 9.2.10 Events and Interrupts. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 274 Chapter 9: DMA Controller Example: IRQ Interrupt Service Routine The following steps need to be performed in this routine. This routine can support all 8 DMAC IRQs. 1. Check which event has caused the interrupt. Read dmac.INT_EVENT_RIS. 2. Clear the corresponding event. Write to the dmac.INTCLR register. 3. Inform the application that the DMA transfer has finished. Call the user callback function if registered during DMA transfer setup. Example: IRQ_ABORT Interrupt Service Routine The following steps need to be performed in this routine. 1. Determine if a Manager fault occurred. Read dmac.FSRD. If the value of fs_mgr field is set, read dmac.FTRD to know about the fault type. 2. Determine if a Channel fault occurred. Read dmac.FSRC. If the value of fault_status field for a channel is set, read dmac.FTRx of the corresponding channel to know about the fault type. 3. Execute DMAKILL instruction. Do this for the DMA Manager or the DMA Channel Thread: a. For the DMA Manager write the dmac.DBGINST0 register (refer to Appendix B, Register Details) and enter the: - Instruction byte 0 encoding for DMAKILL. - debug_thread bit to 0. This selects the DMA manager. b. For the DMA Channel Thread write the dmac.DBGINST0 register and enter the: c. - Instruction byte 0 encoding for DMAKILL. - channel_num bit set to the channel number to kill. - debug_thread bit to 1. This selects the DMA channel thread. Wait until the dbgstatus field in dmac.DBGSTATUS is busy. d. Write 0x0 to the dmac.DBGCMD register to execute the instruction that the DBGINSTx registers contain. 9.3.4 Register Overview Table 9-10 provides an overview of the DMA Controller registers. Table 9-10: DMAC Register Overview Function Register Name Overview DMAC Control dmac.XDMAPS_DS dmac.XDMAPS_DPC Provides the security state and the program counter. Interrupts and Events dmac.INT_EVENT_RIS dmac.INTCLR dmac.INTEN dmac.INTMIS Enables/disables the interrupt detection, mask interrupt sent to the interrupt controller, and reads raw interrupt status. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 275 Chapter 9: Table 9-10: DMA Controller DMAC Register Overview (Cont’d) Function Register Name Overview Fault Status and Type dmac.FSRD dmac.FSRC dmac.FTRD dmac.FTR{7:0} Provides the fault status and type for the manager and the channels. Channel Thread Status dmac.CPC{7:0} dmac.CSR{7:0} dmac.SAR{7:0} dmac.DAR{7:0} dmac.CCR{7:0} dmac.LC0_{7:0} dmac.LC1_{7:0} These registers provide the status of the DMA channel threads. Debug dmac.DBGSTATUS dmac.DBGCMD dmac.DBGINST{1,0} These registers enable the user to send instructions to a channel thread. IP Configuration dmac.XDMAPS_CR{4:0} dmac.XDMAPS_CRDN These registers enable system firmware to discover the hardwired configuration of the DMAC Watchdog dmac.WD Controls how the DMAC responds when it detects a lock-up condition. System-level slcr.DMAC_RST_CTRL slcr.TZ_DMAC_NS slcr.TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS slcr.TZ_DMAC_PERIPH_NS slcr.DMAC_RAM slcr.APER_CLK_CTRL Control reset, clock, and security state. 9.4 Programming Guide for DMA Engine The programming guide for the DMA Engine includes these section: • 9.4.1 Write Microcode to Program CCRx for AXI Transactions • 9.4.2 Memory-to-Memory Transfers • 9.4.3 PL Peripheral DMA Transfer Length Management • 9.4.4 Restart Channel using an Event • 9.4.5 Interrupting a Processor • 9.4.6 Instruction Set Reference Note: Table 9-14 and Table 9-15, page 285 summarize the DMAC instructions and commands. Note: Refer to the ARM Application Note 239: Example programs for the CoreLink DMA Controller DMA-330 for more programming examples. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 276 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.4.1 Write Microcode to Program CCRx for AXI Transactions The channel microcode is used to set the dmac.CCRx registers to define the attributes of the AXI transactions. This is done using the DMAMOV CCR instruction. The user should program the microcode to write to the dmac.CCR{7:0} register before it initiates a DMA transfer. Here are the AXI attributes that the microcode writes: 1. Program the src_inc and dst_inc bit fields based on the type of burst (incrementing or fixed address). This affects the ARBURST[0] and AWBURST[0] AXI signals. 2. Program the src_burst_size and dst_burst_size bit fields (number bytes per data beat on AXI). This affects the ARSIZE[2:0] and AWSIZE[2:0] AXI signals. 3. Program the src_burst_len and dst_burst_len bit fields (number of data beats per AXI burst transaction). This affects the ARLEN[3:0] and AWLEN[3:0] AXI signals. 4. Program the src_cache_ctrl and dst_cache_ctrl bit fields (caching strategy). This affects the ARCACHE [2:0] and AWCACHE[2:0] AXI signals. 5. Program the src_prot_ctrl and dst_prot_ctrl bit fields (security state of the manager thread.) If the manager thread is secure, ARPROT[1] should be set = 0 and if non-secure then it should be set = 1. ARPROT[0] and ARPROT[2] values should be set = 0. For example: 6. - Set src_prot_ctrl = 0’b000 if DMA Manager is secure, - Set scr_prot_ctrl = 0’b010 if DMA Manager is non-secure Program endian_swap_size = 0 (no swapping). 9.4.2 Memory-to-Memory Transfers This section shows examples of microcode that the DMAC executes to perform aligned, unaligned, and fixed data transfers. Refer to Table 9-11 for aligned transfer, Table 9-12 for unaligned transfer, and Table 9-13 for Fixed transfer. MFIFO utilization is also described. Note: If cached memory is used for the DMA transfers, the programmer should ensure that the cache coherency be maintained using appropriate cache operations. The cache entries corresponding to the memory address range should be cleaned and invalidated before programming DMA channel. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 277 Chapter 9: Table 9-11: DMA Controller DMAC Aligned Memory-to-Memory Transfers Description Code MFIFO Usage Simple Aligned Program In this program the source address and destination address are aligned with the AXI data bus width. DMAMOV CCR, SB4 SS64 DB4 DS64 DMAMOV SAR, 0x1000 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4000 Each DMALD requires four entries and each DMAST removes four entries. This example has a static requirement of zero MFIFO entries and a dynamic requirement of four MFIFO entries. DMALP 16 DMALD DMAST DMALPEND DMAEND Aligned asymmetric program with multiple loads The following program performs four loads for each store and the source address and destination address are aligned with the AXI data bus width. DMAMOV CCR, SB1 SS64 DB4 DS64 DMAMOV SAR, 0x1000 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4000 Aligned asymmetric program with multiple stores The following program performs four stores for each load and the source address and destination address are aligned with the AXI data bus width. DMAMOV CCR, SB4 SS64 DB1 DS64 DMAMOV SAR, 0x1000 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4000 Each DMALD requires one entry and each DMAST removes four entries. This example has a static requirement of zero MFIFO entries and a dynamic requirement of four MFIFO entries. DMALP 16 DMALD DMALD DMALD DMALD DMAST DMALPEND Each DMALD requires four entries and each DMAST removes one entry. This example has a static requirement of zero MFIFO entries and a dynamic requirement of four MFIFO entries. DMALP 16 DMALD DMAST DMAST DMAST DMAST DMALPEND DMAEND Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 278 Chapter 9: Table 9-12: DMA Controller DMAC Unaligned Transfers Description Code MFIFO Usage Aligned source address to unaligned destination address In this program, the source address is aligned with the AXI data bus width but the destination address is unaligned. The destination address is not aligned to the destination burst size so the first DMAST instruction removes less data than the first DMALD instruction reads. Therefore, a final DMAST of a single word is required to clear the data from the MFIFO. DMAMOV CCR, SB4 SS64 DB4 DS64 DMAMOV SAR, 0x1000 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4004 The first DMALD instruction loads four double words but because the destination address is unaligned, the DMAC shifts them by four bytes, and therefore it only removes three entries on the first loop, leaving one static MFIFO entry. Each DMAST requires only four entries of data and therefore the extra entry remains in use for the duration of the program until it is emptied by the last DMAST. This example has a static requirement of one MFIFO entry and a dynamic requirement of four MFIFO entries. DMALP 16 DMALD DMAST DMALPEND DMAMOV CCR, SB4 SS64 DB1 DS32 DMAST DMAEND Unaligned source address to aligned destination address In this program the source address is unaligned with the AXI data bus width but the destination address is aligned. The source address is not aligned to the source burst size so the first DMALD instruction reads in less data than the DMAST requires. Therefore, an extra DMALD is required to satisfy the first DMAST. DMAMOV CCR, SB4 SS64 DB4 DS64 DMAMOV SAR, 0x1004 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4000 DMALD DMALP 15 DMALD DMAST DMALPEND DMAMOV CCR, SB1 SS32 DB4 DS64 DMALD DMAST The first DMALD instruction does not load sufficient data to enable the DMAC to execute a DMAST and therefore the program includes an additional DMALD, prior to the start of the loop. After the first DMALD, the subsequent DMALDs align with the source burst size. This optimizes the performance but it requires a larger number of MFIFO entries. This example has a static requirement of four MFIFO entries and a dynamic requirement of four MFIFO entries. DMAEND Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 279 Chapter 9: Table 9-12: DMA Controller DMAC Unaligned Transfers (Cont’d) Description Code MFIFO Usage Unaligned source address to aligned destination address, with excess initial load This program is an alternative to that described in unaligned source address to aligned destination address. The program uses a different sequence of source bursts which might be less efficient but requires fewer MFIFO entries. DMAMOV CCR, SB5 SS64 DB4 DS64 DMAMOV SAR, 0x1004 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4000 The first DMALD instruction loads five beats of data to enable the DMAC to execute the first DMAST. After the first DMALD, the subsequent DMALDs are not aligned to the source burst size, for example the second DMALD reads from address 0x1028. After the loop, the final two DMALDs read the data required to satisfy the final DMAST. This example has a static requirement of one MFIFO entry and a dynamic requirement of four MFIFO entries. DMALD DMAST DMAMOV CCR, SB4 SS64 DB4 DS64 DMALP 14 DMALD DMAST DMALPEND DMAMOV CCR, SB3 SS64 DB4 DS64 DMALD DMAMOV CCR, SB1 SS32 DB4 DS64 DMALD DMAST DMAEND Aligned burst size, unaligned MFIFO In this program the destination address, which is narrower than the MFIFO width, aligns with the burst size but does not align with the MFIFO width. DMAMOV CCR, SB4 SS32 DB4 DS32 DMAMOV SAR, 0x1000 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4004 DMALP 16 DMALD DMAST DMALPEND DMAEND Table 9-13: If the DMAC configuration has a 32-bit AXI data bus width then this program requires four MFIFO entries. However, in this example the DMAC has a 64-bit AXI data bus width and, because the destination address is not 64-bit aligned, it requires three rather than the expected two MFIFO entries. This example has a static requirement of zero MFIFO entries and a dynamic requirement of three MFIFO entries. DMAC Fixed Transfers Description Fixed destination with aligned address In this program the source address and destination address are aligned with the AXI data bus width, and the destination address is fixed. Code MFIFO Usage DMAMOV CCR, SB2 SS64 DB4 DS32 DAF DMAMOV SAR, 0x1000 DMAMOV DAR, 0x4000 Each DMALD in the program loads two 64-bit data transfers into the MFIFO. Because the destination address is a 32-bit fixed address then the DMAC splits each 64-bit data item across two entries in the MFIFO. This example has a static requirement of zero MFIFO entries and a dynamic requirement of four MFIFO entries. DMALP 16 DMALD DMAST DMALPEND DMAEND Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 280 Chapter 9: DMA Controller 9.4.3 PL Peripheral DMA Transfer Length Management Example: Length Managed by Peripheral The following example shows a DMAC program that transfers 64 words from memory to peripheral 0 when the peripheral sends a burst request (DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] = 01). When the peripheral sends a single request (DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] = 00) then the DMAC program transfers one word from memory to peripheral 0. To transfer the 64 words, the program instructs the DMAC to perform 16 AXI bus transactions. Each transaction consists of a 4-beat burst (SB=4, DB=4), each beat of which moves a word of data (SS=32, DS=32). In this example, the program shows use of the following instructions: • DMAWFP instruction. The DMAC waits for either a burst or single request from the peripheral. • DMASTPB and DMASTPS instructions. The DMAC informs the peripheral when a transfer is complete. # Set up for burst transfers (4-beat burst, so SB4 and DB4), # (word data width, so SS32 and DS32) DMAMOV CCR SB4 SS32 DB4 DS32 DMAMOV SAR ... DMAMOV DAR ... # Initialize peripheral '0' DMAFLUSHP P0 # Perform peripheral transfers # Outer loop - DMAC responds to peripheral requests until peripheral # sets drlast_0 = 1 DMALPFE # Wait for request, DMAC sets request_type0 flag depending on the # request type it receives DMAWFP 0, periph # Set up loop for burst request: first 15 of 16 sets of transactions # Note: B suffix - conditionally executed only if request_type0 # flag = Burst DMALP 15 DMALDB DMASTB # Only loopback if servicing a burst, otherwise treat as a NOP DMALPENDB # Perform final transaction (16 of 16). Send the peripheral # acknowledgement of burst request completion DMALDB DMASTPB P0 # Perform transaction if the peripheral signals a single request # Note: S suffix - conditionally executed only if request_type0 # flag = Single Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 281 Chapter 9: DMA Controller DMALDS DMASTPS P0 # Exit loop if DMAC receives the last request, that is, drlast_0 = 1 DMALPEND DMAEND Example: Length Managed by DMAC This example shows a DMAC program that can transfer 1,027 words when a peripheral signals 16 consecutive burst requests and 3 consecutive single requests. # Set up for AXI burst transfer # (4-beat burst, so SB4 and DB4), (word data width, so SS32 and DS32) DMAMOV CCR SB4 SS32 DB4 DS32 DMAMOV SAR ... DMAMOV DAR ... # Initialize peripheral '0' DMAFLUSHP P0 # Perform peripheral transfers # Burst request loop to transfer 1024 words DMALP 16 # Wait for the peripheral to signal a burst request. # DMAC transfers 64 words for each burst request DMAWFP 0, burst # Set up loop for burst request: first 15 of 16 sets of transactions DMALP 15 DMALD DMAST DMALPEND # Perform final transaction (16 of 16). # Send the peripheral acknowledgement of burst request completion DMALD DMASTPB 0 # Finish burst loop DMALPEND # Set up for AXI single transfer (word data width, so SS32 and DS32) DMAMOV CCR SB1 SS32 DB1 DS32 # Single request loop to transfer 3 words DMALP 3 # Wait for the peripheral to signal a single request. DMAC to transfer # one word DMAWFP 0, single # Perform transaction for single request and send completion # acknowledgement to the peripheral DMALDS Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 282 Chapter 9: DMA Controller DMASTPS P0 # Finish single loop DMALPEND # Flush the peripheral, in case the single transfers were in response # to a burst request DMAFLUSHP 0 DMAEND 9.4.4 Restart Channel using an Event When the INTEN register is programmed to generate an event, the DMASEV and DMAWFE instructions can be used to restart one or more DMA channels. Refer to the Interrupt Enable register in Appendix B, Register Details. The following sections describe the DMAC behavior when: • DMAC executes DMAWFE before DMASEV • DMAC executes DMASEV before DMAWFE DMAC Executes DMAWFE before DMASEV To restart a single DMA channel: 1. The first DMA channel executes DMAWFE and then stalls while it waits for the event to occur. 2. The other DMA channel executes DMASEV using the same event number. This generates an event, and the first DMA channel restarts. The DMAC clears the event, one DMA{3:0}_ACLK cycle after it executes DMASEV. Multiple channels can be programmed to wait for the same event. For example, if four DMA channels have all executed DMAWFE for event 12, then when another DMA channel executes DMASEV for event 12, the four DMA channels all restart at the same time. The DMAC clears the event one clock cycle after it executes DMASEV. DMAC Executes DMASEV before DMAWFE If the DMAC executes DMASEV before another channel executes DMAWFE, then the event remains pending until the DMAC executes DMAWFE. When the DMAC executes DMAWFE, it halts execution for one DMA{3:0}_ACLK cycle, clears the event, and then continues execution of the channel thread. For example, if the DMAC executes DMASEV 6 and none of the other threads have executed DMAWFE 6, then the event remains pending. If the DMAC executes DMAWFE 6 instruction for channel 4 and then executes DMAWFE 6 instruction for channel 3, then: 1. The DMAC halts execution of the channel 4 thread for one DMA{3:0}_ACLK cycle. 2. The DMAC clears event 6. 3. The DMAC resumes execution of the channel 4 thread. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 283 Chapter 9: 4. DMA Controller The DMAC halts execution of the channel 3 thread and the thread stalls while it waits for the next occurrence of event 6. 9.4.5 Interrupting a Processor The controller provides the seven active-High sensitive interrupts (IRQ ID #75:72 and 49:46) to the CPUs via the interrupt controller (GIC). When the INTEN register is programmed to generate an interrupt, after the DMAC executes DMASEV, the controller sets the corresponding interrupt to an active High state. The controller can also generate an Abort interrupt (IRQ ID #45) as described in section 9.2.11 Aborts. The DMAC interrupt enable and mask control registers are shown in Appendix B, Register Details. An external microprocessor can clear the interrupt by writing to the Interrupt Clear register. Executing DMAWFE does not clear an interrupt. If the DMASEV instruction is used to notify a microprocessor when the DMAC completes a DMALD or DMAST instruction, ARM recommends that a memory barrier instruction be inserted before the DMASEV. Otherwise the DMAC might signal an interrupt before the AXI transaction complete. This is demonstrated in the following example: DMALD DMAST # Issue a write memory barrier # Wait for the AXI write transfer to complete before the DMAC can # send an interrupt DMAWMB # The DMAC sends the interrupt DMASEV 9.4.6 Instruction Set Reference Table 9-14 and Table 9-15 summarize the DMAC instructions and commands. Refer to ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) Technical Reference Manual: AXI Characteristics for a DMA Transfer and AXI Master for more information about the DMA Engine instructions. Table 9-14: DMA Engine Instruction Summary Instruction Mnemonic Thread Usage: M = DMA Manager C = DMA Channel Add Halfword DMAADDH - C Add Negative Halfword DMAADNH - C End DMAEND - C Flush and Notify Peripheral DMAFLUSHP - C Go DMAGO M - Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 284 Chapter 9: Table 9-14: DMA Engine Instruction Summary (Cont’d) Instruction Mnemonic Thread Usage: M = DMA Manager C = DMA Channel Kill DMAKILL M C Load DMALD - C Load and Notify Peripheral DMALDP - C Loop DMALP - C Loop End DMALPEND - C Loop Forever DMALPFE - C Move DMAMOV - C No operation DMANOP M C Read memory Barrier DMARMB - C Send Event DMASEV M C Store DMAST - C Store and Notify Peripheral DMASTP - C Store Zero DMASTZ - C Wait For Event DMAWFE - C Wait For Peripheral DMAWFP - C Write memory Barrier DMAWMB - C Table 9-15: DMA Controller DMA Engine Additional Commands Provided by the Assembler Directives Mnemonic Place a 32-bit immediate DCD Place a 8-bit immediate DCB Loop DMALP Loop Forever DMALPFE Loop End DMALPEND Move CCR DMAMOV CCR 9.5 Programming Restrictions Note: Refer to the ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) Technical Reference Manual: Programming Restrictions for details about restrictions that apply when programming the DMAC. There are four considerations: • Fixed unaligned bursts • Endian swap size restrictions • Updating channel control registers during a DMA cycle (section, below) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 285 Chapter 9: • DMA Controller Full MFIFO causes DMAC watchdog to abort a DMA channel (section, below, titled Resource sharing between DMA channels) The following sections describe these last two restrictions in detail. 9.5.1 Updating Channel Control Registers During a DMA Cycle Prior to the DMAC executing a sequence of DMALD and DMAST instructions, the values software programs in to the CCRn register, SARn register, and DARn register control the data byte lane manipulation that the DMAC performs when it transfers the data from the source address to the destination address. Refer to the Channel Control registers, Source Address registers, and Destination Address registers in Appendix B, Register Details. These registers can be updated during a DMA cycle, but if certain register fields are changed, the DMAC might discard data. The following sections describe the register fields that might have a detrimental impact on a data transfer: • Updates that affect the destination address • Updates that affect the source address Updates That Affect the Destination Address If a DMAMOV instruction is used to update the DARn register or CCRn register part way through a DMA cycle, a discontinuity in the destination datastream might occur. A discontinuity occurs if any of the following is changed: • dst_inc bit • dst_burst_size field when dst_inc = 0, (fixed-address burst) • DARn register so that it modifies the destination byte lane alignment. For example, when the bus width is 64 bits and bits [2:0] in the DARn register are changed. When a discontinuity in the destination datastream occurs, the DMAC: 1. Halts execution of the DMA channel thread. 2. Completes all outstanding read and write operations for the channel (just as if the DMAC was executing DMARMB and DMAWMB instructions). 3. Discards any residual MFIFO data for the channel. 4. Resumes execution of the DMA channel thread. Updates That Affect the Source Address If a DMAMOV instruction is used to update the SARn register or CCRn register part way through a DMA cycle, a discontinuity in the source datastream might occur. A discontinuity occurs if any of the following is changed: • src_inc bit • src_burst_size field Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 286 Chapter 9: • DMA Controller SARn register so that it modifies the source byte lane alignment. For example, when the bus width is 32 bits and bits [1:0] in the SARn register are changed. When a discontinuity in the source datastream occurs, the DMAC: 1. Halts execution of the DMA channel thread. 2. Completes all outstanding read operations for the channel (just as if the DMAC was executing DMARMB instruction). 3. Resumes execution of the DMA channel thread. No data is discarded from the MFIFO. Resource Sharing Between DMA Channels DMA channel programs share the MFIFO data storage resource. A set of concurrently running DMA channel programs must not be started with a resource requirement that exceeds the configured size of the MFIFO. If this limit is exceeded, the DMAC might lock up and generate a watchdog abort. The DMAC includes a mechanism called the load-lock to ensure that the shared MFIFO resource is used correctly. The load-lock is either owned by one channel, or it is free. The channel that owns the load-lock can execute DMALD instructions successfully. A channel that does not own the load-lock pauses at a DMALD instruction until it takes ownership of the load-lock. A channel claims ownership of the load-lock when: • It executes a DMALD or DMALDP instruction. • No other channel currently owns the load-lock. A channel releases ownership of the load-lock when any of the following controller actions occur: • Executes a DMAST, DMASTP, or DMASTZ. • Reaches a barrier, that is, it executes DMARMB or DMAWMB. • Waits, that is, it executes DMAWFP or DMAWFE. • Terminates normally, that is, it executes DMAEND. • Aborts for any reason, including DMAKILL. The MFIFO resource usage of a DMA channel program is measured in MFIFO entries, and rises and falls as the program proceeds. The MFIFO resource requirement of a DMA channel program is described using a static requirement and a dynamic requirement which are affected by the load-lock mechanism. ARM defines the static requirement to be the maximum number of MFIFO entries that a channel is currently using before that channel does one of the following: • Executes a WFP or WFE instruction. • Claims ownership of the load-lock. ARM defines the dynamic requirement to be the difference between the static requirement and the maximum number of MFIFO entries that a channel program uses at any time during its execution. To calculate the total MFIFO requirement, add the largest dynamic requirement to the sum of all the static requirements. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 287 Chapter 9: DMA Controller To avoid DMAC lock-up, the total MFIFO requirement of the set of channel programs must be equal to or less than the maximum MFIFO depth. The DMAC maximum MFIFO depth is 1 words, 64 bits each. 9.6 System Functions 9.6.1 Clocks The controller is clocked by the CPU_1x clock for the APB interface and by the CPU_2x clock on the AXI interface. Programming information for the CPU_1x and CPU_2x clocks is in Chapter 25, Clocks. Example: Enable Clocks 1. Enable CPU_1x clock for APB. This clock is likely already enabled for the interconnect. 2. Enable CPU_2x clock for AXI. This clock is likely already enabled for the interconnect by writing a 1 to slcr.AER_CLK_CTRL[DMA_CPU_2XCLKACT]. Peripheral Request Interface Clock The peripheral request interface is clocked by the DMA{3:0}_ACLK signals. All of the interface signals are listed in section 9.7.2 Peripheral Request Interface. 9.6.2 Resets Controller Reset The controller is reset using the slcr.DMAC_RST_CLTR[DMAC_RST] register bit. This bit is used in the controller startup example shown in section Example: Start-up Controller. PL Peripheral Reset Use a general purpose I/O or other signal to the PL to reset PL peripherals. 9.6.3 Reset Configuration of Controller Table 9-16 shows the tie-off signals used to program security state of the DMAC. Depending on the state of the SLCR registers after reset, the DMA is configured in secure or non-secure mode. Refer to the ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) Technical Reference Manual: Security Usage for more details. Note: When set, each security state remains constant until the DMAC resets. Note: After reset, the controller waits for software to begin executing, refer to section 9.2.3 DMA Manager. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 288 Chapter 9: Table 9-16: DMA Controller DMAC Initialization Signals Name boot_manager_ns boot_irq_ns[15:0] boot_periph_ns[3:0] boot_addr[31:0] boot_from_pc Type Input Input Input Source Description SLCR register TZ_DMA_NS Controls the security state of the DMA manager, when the DMAC exits from reset: 0: Assigns DMA manager to the secure state 1: Assigns DMA manager to the non-secure state SLCR register TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS Controls the security state of an event-interrupt resource, when the DMAC exits from reset: • boot_irq_ns[x] is Low: Assigns event or irq[x] to the secure state • boot_irq_ns[x] is High: Assigns event or irq[x] to the non-secure state SLCR register TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS Controls the security state of a peripheral request interface, when the DMAC exits from reset: • boot_periph_ns[x] is Low: Assigns peripheral request interface x to the secure state • boot_periph_ns[x] is High: Assigns peripheral request interface x to the non-secure state Hard-wired 32'h0 Configures the address location that contains the first instruction that the DMAC executes, when the DMAC exits from reset. Note: The DMAC only uses this address when boot_from_pc is High. Hard-wired 1'b0 Controls the location of where the DMAC executes its initial instruction, after the DMAC exits from reset: 0: DMAC waits for an instruction from either APB interface 1: DMA manager executes the instruction that is located at the address provided by boot_addr[31:0] Input Input 9.7 I/O Interface 9.7.1 AXI Master Interface The AXI bus transaction attributes for caching, burst type and size, protection, etc are programmed by microcode as described in section 9.4.1 Write Microcode to Program CCRx for AXI Transactions. 9.7.2 Peripheral Request Interface The peripheral request interfaces support the connection of DMA-capable peripherals to enable memory-to-peripheral and peripheral-to-memory DMA transfers to occur, without intervention from a microprocessor. These peripherals must be in the PL and attached to the M_AXI_GP interface. All peripheral request interface signals are synchronous to the respective clocks. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 289 Chapter 9: Table 9-17: DMA Controller DMAC PL Peripheral Request Interface Signals Type Clock DMA Request I/O Name Description I DMA{3:0}_ACLK Clock for DMA request transfers I DMA{3:0}_DRVALID Indicates when the peripheral provides valid control information: 0: No control information is available 1: DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] and DMA{3:0}_DRLAST contain valid information for the DMAC I DMA{3:0}_DRLAST Indicates that the peripheral is sending the last AXI data transaction for the current DMA transfer: 0: Last data request is not in progress 1: Last data request is in progress Note: The DMAC only uses this signal when DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] is b00 or b01. I DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0] Indicates the type of acknowledgement, or request, that the peripheral signals: 00: Single level request 01: Burst level request 10: Acknowledging a flush request that the DMAC requested 11: Reserved O DMA{3:0}_DRREADY Indicates if the DMAC can accept the information that the peripheral provides on DMA{3:0}_DRTYPE[1:0]: 0: DMAC not ready 1: DMAC ready O DMA{3:0}_DAVALID Indicates when the DMAC provides valid control information: 0: No control information is available 1: DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0] contains valid information for the peripheral I DMA{3:0}_DAREADY Indicates if the peripheral can accept the information that the DMAC provides on DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0]: 0: Peripheral not ready 1: Peripheral ready I DMA{3:0}_DATYPE[1:0] Indicates the type of acknowledgement, or request, that the DMAC signals: 00: DMAC has completed the single AXI transaction 01: DMAC has completed the AXI burst transaction 10: DMAC requesting the peripheral to perform a flush request 11: Reserved DMA Acknowledge Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 290 Chapter 10 DDR Memory Controller 10.1 Introduction The DDR memory controller supports DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, and LPDDR2 devices and consists of three major blocks: an AXI memory port interface (DDRI), a core controller with transaction scheduler (DDRC) and a controller with digital PHY (DDRP). The DDRI block interfaces with four 64-bit synchronous AXI interfaces to serve multiple AXI masters simultaneously. Each AXI interface has its own dedicated transaction FIFO. The DDRC contains two 32-entry content addressable memories (CAMs) to perform DDR data service scheduling to maximize DDR memory efficiency. It also contains fly-by channel for low latency channel to allow access to DDR memory without going through the CAM. The PHY processes read/write requests from the controller and translates them into specific signals within the timing constraints of the target DDR memory. Signals from the controller are used by the PHY to produce internal signals that connect to the pins via the digital PHYs. The DDR pins connect directly to the DDR device(s) via the PCB signal traces. The system accesses the DDR via DDRI via its four 64-bit AXI memory ports. One AXI port is dedicated to the L2-cache for the CPUs and ACP, two ports are dedicated to the AXI_HP interfaces, and the fourth port is shared by all the other masters on the AXI interconnect. The DDR interface (DDRI) arbitrates the requests from the eight ports (four reads and four writes). The arbiter selects a request and passes it to the DDR controller and transaction scheduler (DDRC). The arbitration is based on a combination of how long the request has been waiting, the urgency of the request, and if the request is within the same page as the previous request. The DDRC receives requests from the DDRI through a single interface. Both reads and writes flow through this interface. Read requests include a tag field that is returned with the data from the DDR. The DDR controller PHY (DDRP) drives the DDR transactions. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 291 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.1.1 Features DDR Controller System Interface (DDRI) The DDR controller system interface has these features: • Four identical 64-bit AXI ports support INCR and WRAP burst types • Four 64-bit AXI interfaces with separate read/write ports and 32-bit addressing • Write data byte enable support for each data beat • Sophisticated arbitration schemes to prevent data starvation • Low latency path using urgent bit to bypass arbitration logic • Deep read and write command acceptance capability • Out-of-order read data returned for requests with different master ID • Nine-bit AXI ID signals on all ports • Burst length support from 1 to 16 data beats • Burst sizes of 1, 2, 4, 8 (bytes per beat) • Does not support locked accesses from any AXI port • Low latency read mechanism using HPR queue • Special urgent signaling to each port • TrustZone regions programmable on 64 MB boundaries • Exclusive accesses for two different IDs per port (locked transactions are not supported, cannot do exclusive access across different ports, see Exclusive AXI Accesses in Chapter 5) DDR Controller PHY (DDRP) The DDR controller PHY has these features: • Compatible DDR I/Os ° 1.2V LPDDR2 ° 1.8V DDR2 ° 1.5V DDR3 and 1.35V DDR3L • Selectable 16-bit and 32-bit data bus widths • Optional ECC in 16-bit data width configuration • Self-refresh entry on software command and automatic exit on command arrival • Autonomous DDR power down entry and exit based on programmable idle periods • Data read strobe auto-calibration DDR Controller Core and Transaction Scheduler (DDRC) The DDR controller core and transaction scheduler has these features: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 292 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller • Efficient transaction scheduling to optimize data bandwidth and latency • Advanced re-ordering engine to maximize memory access efficiency for continuous reads and writes as well as random reads and writes • Write - read address collision detection to avoid data corruption • Obeys AXI ordering rules 10.1.2 Block Diagram The block diagram for the DDR memory controller is shown in Figure 10-1. The DDR memory controller consists of an arbiter, a core with transaction scheduler, and the physical sequencing of the DDR memory signals. X-Ref Target - Figure 10-1 CPUs and ACP 64-bit Other Bus Masters 64-bit S0 AXI_ HP{2,3} 64-bit S1 AXI_ HP{1,0} 64-bit S2 APB 32-bit S3 DDR Interface • AXI 3 Port Arbiter • Seperate Read/Write Requests DDR Core • Transaction Scheduler and Queues • Programmable Algorithms DDR PHY • DDR2, LPDDR2, DDR3, DDR3L S Configuration Registers Device Boundary 16 or 32-bit DDR DRAM Memory Device(s) UG585_c10_01_120913 Figure 10-1: DDR Memory Controller Block Diagram The controller core and transaction scheduler contains two 32-entry CAMs to perform DDR data service re-ordering to maximize DDR memory access efficiency. It also contains a fly-by channel for low latency access to DDR memory without going through the CAM. The PHY processes read/write requests from the controller and translates them into specific signals within the timing constraints of the target DDR memory. Signals from the controller are used by the PHY to produce internal signals that connect to the pads of the PS using the PHY. The pads connect directly, via the PCB signal traces, to the external memory devices. The arbiter arbitrates across the four AXI ports for access to the DDR core. The arbitration is priority based and also allows promotion of priorities via an urgent mechanism. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 293 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.1.3 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices All devices support the 32- and 16-bit data bus width options except the 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices. These CLG225 devices only support the 16-bit data bus width, not the 32-bit bus. 10.1.4 Interconnect The four AXI_HP interfaces are multiplexed down, in pairs, and are connected to ports 2 and 3 as shown in Figure 10-2. These ports are commonly configured for high bandwidth traffic. The path from these four interfaces to the DDR include two ports on the DDR memory port arbiter. The interconnect switch arbitrates back-and-forth between each of the two ports. Read and write channels operate separately. The arbitration in the bridge can be affected by the QoS signals from each PL interface. A requestor with a higher QoS value is given preferential treatment by the interconnect bridge. Arbitration is priority based using QoS as priority. In the event of a tie, an LRG scheme is used to break the tie. The L2-cache is connected to port 0 and is used to serve the CPUs and the ACP interface to the PL. This port is commonly configured for low-latency. The other masters on the AXI interconnect are connected to port 1. X-Ref Target - Figure 10-2 PL High Performance AXI Controllers (AXI_HP) M0 M1 M2 M3 FIFO FIFO FIFO FIFO S0 S1 S2 S3 AXI_HP Path to DDR AXI_HP to DDR Interconnect 64-bit M0 M1 M2 From Central Interconnect From L2 Cache S1 S0 to OCM S3 S2 DDR Memory Controller UG585_c10_02_032012 Figure 10-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 DDRC System Viewpoint www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 294 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.1.5 DDR Memory Types, Densities, and Data Widths The DDR memory controller is able to connect to devices under the conditions identified in Table 10-1. Table 10-1: Connectivity Limitations Parameter Value Maximum Total Memory Density 1 GB Total Data Width (bits) 1 GB of address map is allocated to DRAM 16, 32 Component Data Width (bits) 8, 16, 32 Maximum Ranks 1 Maximum Row Address (bits) 15 Maximum Bank Address (bits) 3 Notes ECC can only use a 32-bit configuration: 16 data bits, 10 check bits 4-bit devices are not supported Table 10-2 provides a collection of example memory configurations. Table 10-2: Example Memory Configurations Component Configuration Number of Components Component Density Total Width Total Density DDR3/DDR3L x16 2 4 Gb 32 1 GB DDR2 x8 4 2 Gb 32 1 GB LPDDR2 x32 1 2 Gb 32 256 MB LPDDR2 x16 2 4 Gb 32 1 GB LPDDR2 x16 1 2 Gb 16 256 MB Technology 10.1.6 I/O Signals The DDR signal pins are listed in Table 10-3. The DDR I/O buffers are powered by the VCC_DDR power pins. The I/O state (including initial state) of the DDR signals is controlled via registers: • slcr.DDRIOB_ADDR0 • slcr.DDRIOB_ADDR1 • slcr.DDRIOB_DATA0 • slcr.DDRIOB_DATA1 • slcr.DDRIOB_DIFF0 • slcr.DDRIOB_DIFF1 • slcr.DDRIOB_CLOCK The output characteristics are controlled by the following registers and are reserved to specific values produced by Xilinx tools: • slcr.DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ADDR Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 295 Chapter 10: • slcr.DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DATA • slcr.DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DIFF • slcr.DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_CLOCK DDR Memory Controller The input Vref settings are controlled by slcr.DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL. The DDR DCI settings are controlled by slcr.DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL. Note: The 7z010 dual core and 7z007s single core CLG225 devices only support a 16-bit data bus width, not a 32-bit bus width. Table 10-3: DDR I/O Signal Pin List Connections Device Pin Name I/O DDR2 LPDDR2 Description DDR3/ DDR3L PS_DDR_CKP PS_DDR_CKN O X X X Differential clock outputs PS_DDR_CKE O X X X Clock enable PS_DDR_CS_B O X X X Chip select PS_DDR_RAS_B O X X RAS row address strobe PS_DDR_CAS_B O X X RAS column address strobe PS_DDR_WE_B O X X Write enable PS_DDR_BA[2:0] O X X Bank address PS_DDR_A[14:0] O X DDR3/DDR3L/DDR2: Row/Column Address LPDDR2: CA[9:0] = DDR_A[9:0] PS_DDR_ODT O X Output dynamic termination signal PS_DDR_DRST_B O X Reset PS_DDR_DQ[31:0] IO X X X 32-bit Data bus: [31:0] 16-bit Data bus: [15:0] 16-bit Data with ECC PS_DDR_DM[3:0] O X X X Data byte masks PS_DDR_DQS_P[3:0] PS_DDR_DQS_N[3:0] IO X X X Differential data strobes X X X PS_DDR_VR{P,N} ~ X X X DCI voltage reference. Used to calibrate input termination. and DDR I/O drive strength. Connect DDR_VRP to a resistor to GND. Connect DDR_VRN to a resister to VCC_DDR.[Ref 1] PS_DDR_VREF[1:0] ~ X X X Voltage reference Notes: 1. PS_DDR_VR{P,N} signals should be bypassed from BSCAN. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 296 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.2 AXI Memory Port Interface (DDRI) 10.2.1 Introduction Each AXI master port has an associated slave port in the arbiter. The command FIFO located inside the port stores the address, length and ID contained in the command. The RAM in the write port stores the write data and byte enable. The RAM in the read port stores the read data coming back from the core. Because the read data coming back from the core can come out of order, the RAM is used for data re-ordering. Each AXI command can make a request (write or read) for up to 16 data transfers (up to the AXI limit). A single command coming from the AXI can be split into multiple requests going to the arbiter logic and the controller. The incoming command is first stored in the command FIFO. After a valid command is detected in the write or read port, the value of the length field is checked and the number of requests associated with this command is calculated. The logic then sends arbiter requests to the arbitration logic. The arbitration logic looks at the requests from all the ports and gives the grant to one port at a time. When a write port receives the grant from the arbiter, it generates write address, and write data pointer and asserts the command valid. A read port on receiving grant generates read address, read command length and the read token and asserts the command valid. Requests from various ports are multiplexed using the grant signal. When a write command is accepted by the DDR controller, it sends the write data pointer back to the arbiter. The write data from all ports is multiplexed using the port ID contained in the write data pointer. When the read data comes back from the core, an associated ID is used to direct the data to the appropriate read port. According to AXI specifications, the read data with the same ID is required to be given back to the AXI read master in the same order in which read commands were received by the port. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 297 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.2.2 Block Diagram The block diagram of the DDRI is shown in Figure 10-3. X-Ref Target - Figure 10-3 URGENT PL Signals AXI_HP 0, 1 AXI_HP 2, 3 Other Masters CPUs/ACP PL Fabric PL Fabric (Via Central Interconnect) (Via L2 Cache) PL Fabric AXI_HP to DDR Interconnect Urgent Read/Write 0 Urgent Read/Write 1 Read Request Write Request Read Request Read 3 Urgent R Write 3 Interconnect Write Request Read Request Write Request Read Request Write Request Read 2 Write 2 Read 1 Write 1 Read 0 Write 0 Priority Level Priority Level Priority Level Priority Level Priority Level Priority Level Urgent W Urgent Read/Write 2 Urgent Read/Write 3 Page Match Read 3 Aging Read 3 Priority Level Priority Level Page Match Write 3 DDR Interface Aging Write 3 DDR Core DDR PHY UG585_c10_03_012113 Figure 10-3: DDRI Block Diagram 10.2.3 AXI Feature Support and Limitations This list shows supported and unsupported features for the AXI ports into the DDRI: • Fixed burst type is not supported. Note that the behavior is unknown if this transfer type is received at one of the AXI ports. • Byte, half-word and word sub-width commands are supported. • EXCL accesses are only supported on a single DDR port, ie., there is no support for EXCL accesses across DDR ports. • AWPROT/ARPROT[1] bit is used for trust zone support, AWPROT/ARPROT[0], and AWPROT/ARPROT[2] bits are ignored and do not have any effect. • ARCACHE[3:0]/AWCACHE[3:0] (cache support) are ignored, and do not have any effect. • Sparse AXI write transfers (random strobes asserted/de-asserted for any data beat) are supported. • Unaligned transfers are supported. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 298 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.2.4 TrustZone The DDR memory can be configured in 64 MB sections. Each section can be configured to be either secure or non-secure. This configuration is provided via a system level control register. • A 0 on a particular bit indicates a secure memory region for that particular memory segment. • A 1 on a particular bit indicates a non-secure memory region for that particular memory segment. In the case of a non-secure access to a secure region, a DECERR response is returned back to the master. For writes, the write data is masked out before being sent to the controller which results in no actual writes occurring in the DRAM. On reads, the read data is all zeros on a TZ violation. For more information on TrustZone see Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC (UG1019). 10.3 DDR Core and Transaction Scheduler (DDRC) The DDRC is comprised of queues for pending read and write transactions and a scheduler that pops off the queues and sends the next transaction to the DDR PHY. Between the DDRI and the DDRC, there is arbitration logic to decide which transaction is sent to the DDRC next. X-Ref Target - Figure 10-4 DDR PHY Optimization Algorithms DDR Core DDR Interface AXI Port Arbiter Read Arbiter Write Arbiter Pending DDR Transactions Transaction Scheduler DRAM R/W State Open Bank State Sequencer Stage 3 Read Request Reads Stage 1 Stage 2 Write Request Writes DDR DRAM Device(s) Self-Coherent and with DDR UG585_c10_04_032012 Figure 10-4: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 DDRC Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 299 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.3.1 Row/Bank/Column Address Mapping The DDRC is responsible for mapping byte-addressable physical addresses used by the PS and PL AXI masters to DDR row, bank and column addresses. This address mapping has a limited configurability to allow user optimization. Optimizing the mapping to specific data access patterns can allow increased DDR utilization by reducing page and row change overhead. Note: Many combinations of address remapping are not available, notably a complete bank-row-column mapping. The address mapper associates linear request addresses to DRAM addresses by selecting the AXI bit that maps to each and every applicable DRAM address bit. The full available address space is only accessible to the user when no two DRAM address bits are determined by the same AXI address bit. Each DRAM row, bank, and column address bit has an associated register vector to determine its associated AXI source in the DDRC DRAM_addr_map_bank, DRAM_addr_map_row, and DRAM_addr_map_col registers. The associated AXI address bit is determined by adding the internal base of a given register to the programmed value for that register, as described in the following equation: [internal base] + [register value] = [AXI address bit number] For example, from the description for reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_b3, it can be seen that this register determines the mapping for DRAM column bit 4 and its internal base is 6. When the full data bus is in use, DRAM column bit 4 is determined by the following: [internal base] + [register value]. If reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_b3 register is programmed to 2, then the AXI address bit is: 6 + 2 = 8. In other words, the column address bit 4 sent to DRAM is mapped to AXI address bit *_ADDR[8]. All the column bits left-shift one bit in half bus width mode (including ECC). In this case, reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_b2 determines the mapping of DRAM column address bit 4. In the full bus width case, reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_b3 determines DRAM column address 4. 10.4 DDRC Arbitration The DDRC arbitration consists of three stages (see Figure 10-5): • Stage 1 is AXI read/write port arbitration • Stage 2 is winner of read and write compete • Stage 3 is transaction scheduler Each of these stages has their own arbitration steps that will be discussed in more detail. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 300 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 10-5 Stage 1 Read Stage 1 Write Stage 2 Queue to DDR PHY Stage 3 Transaction Scheduler UG585_c10_05_032012 Figure 10-5: DDRC Arbitration 10.4.1 Priority, Aging Counter and Urgent Signals DDR controller arbitration is based on round robin with aging. The round robin mechanism circularly scans all requesting devices and services all outstanding requests before servicing the same device again. The aging mechanism measures the time each request has been pending and assigns higher priority to requests with longer wait times. Each of the DDRC read and write ports is assigned a 10-bit priority value (see registers axi_priority_wr_port0-3 and axi_priority_rd_port0-3). This value is used as an initial value for an aging counter that counts down. Thus at any instant, a lower aging counter value takes priority over a higher one. In addition, each of the DDRC read and write ports has an urgent input signal. This signal acts as a reset to the aging counter. When urgent is asserted, the aging counter for that port is reset, instantly making this port's priority the highest. The source of the urgent bit is selectable via an SLCR host-programmable register (DDR_URGENT_SEL) to be one of the following: • The most-significant bit of the 4-bit QoS signal in the AXI interface for a port (except for memory port 0 used by the CPUs and APU) • A programmable SLCR register value (DDR_URGENT) • One of the PL signal DDRARB[3:0] bits While the priority value is static in nature, the urgent bit and QoS signal can be manipulated dynamically. 10.4.2 Page-Match To improve DDR utilization, the address of each new request is compared with the address of the previous request. The DDRC has a preference for taking new requests that are to the same page as the previous request. The memory port compares the addresses to determine if there is a page match. A port that has been selected by the arbiter continues to get preference (priority 0) as long as there continues to be page hits. They will compete against other ports with a priority of 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 301 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller The page size is defined by PAGE_MASK (32 bit register that all bits are the mask) and is always address aligned. For proper operation, the software must program the page size in the PAGE_MASK to match the size of the DDR memory. Setting this register to 0 disables the page-match step of the arbitration. 10.4.3 Aging Counter When a request is pending and not serviced, a decrementing aging counter is enabled. The starting value of this counter is loaded from the 10-bit value in the priority register (axi_priority_ _port , there are 8 registers, one for each ports). The counter reloads when the request is serviced. The value of this counter is used to help indicate the priority of an AXI memory port. The lower the value of this counter, the higher the priority. When the priority reaches 0, the request has the highest priority. For arbitration purposes, only the upper-most 5 bits are used to differentiate priority among ports. This keeps the arbitration mechanism to a manageable size and latency, while still comprehending an approximation of the age-based priority of each port. TIP: In normal usage mode, enabling aging is the suggested option. Disabling aging can result in excessive latencies/starvation of low priority ports. 10.4.4 Stage 1 – AXI Port Arbitration The eight ports (four read and four write) compete to get the DDRC to accept their request. The arbiter grants a request based on many factors. Read and write requests are treated the same, meaning they go through the same arbitration. Each port maintains a priority level that steadily moves from a preset state to the highest state or 0. This mechanism is important to maintain a minimum bandwidth on a port. Each port also has different ways to signal an urgent situation, either on a per-transaction basis (QoS) or for multiple transactions. The per-transaction urgency can be good for low-latency masters. The priority as shown in Figure 10-6 has the following logic. If there is a port with Priority 0 or 0 in its aging counter (the highest priority), then it wins. If there is no port with 0 priority, the arbitration checks if the port being serviced has a page match. If there is no page match, the lowest value in the aging counter wins. If there is a tie for the lowest value in the aging counter, round robin is used to resolve any ties. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 302 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 10-6 Aging Counter 0 Aging Counter 1 Aging Counter 2 Aging Counter 3 T Is 0? Winner F Page Match? T Winner F Lowest Priority Winner Tie 0 3 1 Round Robin Winner 2 UG585_c10_06_050212 Figure 10-6: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Stage 1 – AXI Port Arbitration www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 303 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.4.5 Stage 2 – Read Versus Write The reads and the writes each have a queue in the DDR Core. The entries in these queues then vie for the next level of arbitration, shown in Figure 10-7. X-Ref Target - Figure 10-7 Read Winner Aging Counter Write Winner Aging Counter Same Type Priority 0? T Winner F Other Type Priority 0? T Winner F Stay with Same Type Winner UG585_c10_07_032012 Figure 10-7: Stage 2 – Read Versus Write This stage of arbitration starts with the aging counter as shown in Figure 10-7. If there is a same type of transaction with a priority 0, it wins. For example if a read won the last round of arbitration and there is a read with priority 0, it wins. If there is not a same type of transaction with priority 0, and another type of transaction with a priority 0 is present, it wins. If there is no Priority 0 in the queue then it stays with the same type of transaction. An appropriate credit availability check is done before selecting any request in all the above cases. 10.4.6 High Priority Read Ports Before going into Stage 3 of the arbitration, a feature of the DDRC, the high priority read, needs to be described. The HPR, or high priority read feature, allows splitting the read data queue (32 words) within the DDRC into two separate queues for low and high priority. Each of the four read ports can be assigned a low or high priority. By default this feature is disabled. When used, a high priority read device is not slowed down by the (potentially slower) read data rate of a low-priority device. In a typical use case, HPR is enabled on port 0 (CPU), thus reducing the CPU average read latency. The split of the read data queue does not have to be two equal parts. Thus giving the CPU a small queue to bypass the larger queue to service reads that need a lower latencies. Figure 10-8 shows where the read queue is split. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 304 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 10-8 DDR PHY Optimization Algorithms DDR Core Transaction Scheduler Pending DDR Transactions DDR Interface DRAM R/W State Open Bank State Sequencer Stage 3 AXI Port Arbiter Reads Read Arbiter Write Arbiter Port Priority Select HPR Read Request LPR Stage 1 Stage 2 Write Request Writes DDR DRAM Device(s) Self-Coherent and with DDR UG585_c10_08_032012 Figure 10-8: Read Queue This can be changed by setting the reg_arb_set_hpr_rd_port bit to 1'b1 for AXI ports (this is in the axi_priority_ _port register). The DDRC is configured by default to serve only LPR. The read CAM can service only LPR by default. The total CAM depth is 32 for Read. (However, one slot is always allocated for ECC purposes.) The reg_ddrc_lpr_num_entries register field in the DDRC ctrl_reg1 register specifies the number of entries reserved for LPR. Taking 31 and subtracting the reg_ddrc_lpr_num_entries gives the number of entries reserved for HPR. It is necessary to change the REG_DDRC_LPR_NUM_ENTRIES field if a port is configured as an HPR port to avoid deadlock in the credit mechanism 10.4.7 Stage 3 – Transaction State The transaction state is the last stage of arbitration before the transaction goes to the DDR PHY and the DDR device. The transaction state can be read or write. To change the transaction state there must be no more transactions of that type or there can be a critical transaction of the other type. Figure 10-9 shows the simple state machine for this. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 305 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 10-9 Read, No Critical Write Read Mode Critical Read OR Read and No Write Critical Write OR Write and No Read Write Mode Write, No Critical Read UG585_c10_09_032012 Figure 10-9: Stage 3 – Transaction State The transaction state stays the same until the other type of transaction is critical or there is no more of that type of transaction. The state machine defaults to the read state. Table 10-4 shows how a transaction in the queue can go from a normal state to critical. Table 10-4: Transaction Store State Transitions Normal Critical A transaction has been pending for this transaction store and has not been serviced for a count of *_max_starve_x32 pulses of the 32-cycle timer. Critical Hard Non-Critical *_xact_run_length number of transactions has been serviced from this transaction store. Hard Non-Critical Normal *_min_non_critical number of cycles has passed in this state. Notes: * Can be WR, LPR or HPR. Example is wr_max_starve_x32 which is a field of the WR_Reg. Taking the low priority read transaction store as an example, it is expected that the transaction store generally functions independently based on the following signals: • lpr_max_starve_x32 • lpr_xact_run_length • lpr_min_non_critical The reg_arb_go2critical_en field in the DDRC ctrl_reg2 register enables the arbiter to drive co_gs_go2critical_* signals to the DDRC. There are sideband signals on AXI (awurgent and arurgent) that drive the co_gs_go2critical_* signals. If any port asserts their urgent sideband signal, and if this feature is enabled, the arbiter asserts the corresponding co_gs_go2critical_* signal to the controller. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 306 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller Inside the controller, assertion of this signal causes the state machine to switch from one state to another. For example, if the DDRC is currently servicing reads and co_gs_go2critical_wr goes High, the controller ignores the normal state switching methods (starvation counter etc), and jumps to servicing writes. There is a register in the controller to control how long to keep servicing the current command type before switching to the other (reg_ddrc_go2critical_hysteresis field in the DDRC ctrl_reg2). In summary, this go2critical feature is used in the controller and ensures fast switching between reads and writes for transactions with super high priority. Note: 1. The normal programming condition is expected to be reg_ddrc_prefer_Write=0. (this is a bit field in the DRAM_param_reg4 register) This means that the read requests are always serviced immediately when received by an idle controller. Also, it is often desirable to set the reg_ddrc_rdwr_idle_gap (this field is in the ddrc_ctrl register) to a very low number (such as 0, 1, or 2) to ensure that writes do not go un-serviced in an otherwise-idle controller for any length of time, wasting bandwidth. (The trade-off here is that by servicing writes more quickly, the likelihood increases that reads issued to the controller immediately following writes incurs additional latency to allow writes to be serviced and turn the bus around.) 2. Because the ordering is guaranteed on all requests issued to the controller, write latency must not be a concern to system design. (In the event that write data is required by a subsequent read, the controller automatically forces the write data out to DRAM before servicing the read.) 10.4.8 Read Priority Management Normally in a read mode, high priority read requests are preferred for service over low priority read requests. However, if the low priority read transaction store is critical and the high priority read transaction store is not, then low priority read requests are preferred over high priority read requests. This prevents starvation of low priority reads. 10.4.9 Write Combine The write combine feature allow multiple writes to the same address to be combined into a single write to DRAM. When a new write collides with a queued write in the CAM: • If write combine is enabled, the DDRC overwrites the data for the old write with that from the new write and only performs one write transaction (write combine). • If write combine is disabled, the DDRC follows the following sequence of operations: ° Holds the new write transaction in a temporary buffer ° Applies flow control back to the core to prevent more transactions from arriving ° Flushes the internal queue holding the colliding transaction until that transaction has been serviced ° Accepts the new transaction and removes flow control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 307 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.4.10 Credit Mechanism The DRAM controller employs a credit mechanism to ensure that buffers do not overflow (pending DDR transactions). The interface making the request to the controller can only request commands for which it has been granted credits or open slots in the queues to issue. Credits are tracked separately for the following three command types: • High priority reads • Low priority reads • Writes Credits are counted for each command type independently according to the following rules: • Initially the interface has zero credits. • Following the de-assertion of reset to the DRAM controller, credits are issued to the interface for each command type. A given credit count increments every time a credit is issued by the DRAM controller, indicated by the assertion of the appropriate *_credit signal on the rising edge of the clock. • When the credit count is greater than zero, the interface can issue requests of that type to the controller. Each time a request is issued to the controller, the associated credit count is decremented. 10.5 Controller PHY (DDRP) The DDRP processes read and write requests from the DDRC and translates them into specific signals within the timing constraints of the target DDR memory. The DDRP is composed of functional units including PHY control, master DLL, and read/write leveling logic. The PHY data slice block handles the DQ, DM, DQS, DQ_OE and DQS_OE signals. The PHY control block synchronizes all of the control signals with the DDR_x3 clock. There are two kinds of DLLs, the master DLL, and the slave DLL. The DLLs are responsible for creating the precise timing windows required by the DDR memories to read and write data. The master DLL measures the cycle period in terms of a number of taps and passes this number through the ratio logic to the slave DLLs. The slave DLLs can be separated on the target die to minimize skew and delay and to account for process, temperature and voltage variations. Write leveling and read leveling are new functions required for DDR3, DDR3L operation. These functions help automatically determine delay timings required to align data to the optimal window for reliable data capture: • Read leveling and write leveling for DDR3, DDR3L • Support for 16- and 32-bit data bus width with one rank • Optional ECC with a 16-bit data width • Individual bytes with read data mask bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 308 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.6 Functional Programming Model The memory controller has several functional features; their programming is described in this section. Programming for the operational features are described in section 10.9 Operational Programming Model. To start operation of the PS DRAM interface, the following sequence of operations must take place: 1. DDR clock initialization 2. DDR I/O buffers (DDR IOB) initialization and calibration 3. DDR controller (DDRC) register programming 4. DRAM reset and initialization 5. DRAM input impedance (ODT) calibration 6. DRAM output impedance (Ron) calibration 7. DRAM Training a. Write leveling b. Read DQS gate training c. Read data eye training This section is intended for reference and debug purposes only. Generally, programming for steps 1– 7 are provided by the Vivado® Design suite. 10.6.1 Clock Operating Frequencies Prior to DDR initialization, a DDR clock must be active. Both the DDR_2x and DDR_3x clocks must be configured properly. The DDR_3x clock is the clock used by the DRAM and should be set to the desired operating frequency (note that the data rate per bit is twice the operating frequency). The DDR_2x clock is used by the interconnect and is typically set to 2/3 of the operating frequency. The DDR PLL frequency should be set to an even multiple of the operating frequency. Table 10-5 provides frequency configuration examples assuming a 50 MHz reference clock. Table 10-5: DDR Clock Operating Frequency Operating Frequency DDR PLL Frequency DDR_3x Clock Frequency 525.00 1050.00 525.00 350.00 21 2 3 400.00 1600.00 400.00 266.67 32 4 6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 DDR_2x Clock PLL Feedback DDR_3x Clock Frequency Divider Divider www.xilinx.com DDR_2x Clock Divider Send Feedback 309 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller Programming the DDR clock involves the DDR_PLL_CTRL and DDR_CLK_CTRL registers in the SLCR. Refer to the programming example in section 10.9.2 Changing Clock Frequencies. General PLL programming is described in section 25.10.4 PLLs. In addition to the main DDR clock, a 10 MHz clock is used by the digitally controlled impedance (DCI) function built into the DDR IOB. This clock is configured via the SLCR DCI_CLK_CTRL register. 10.6.2 DDR IOB Impedance Calibration The DDR IOBs support calibrated drive strength and termination strength using the DCI digitally controlled impedance mode of the IOB. In DDR2/DDR3/DDR3L modes this is used to calibrate termination strength. In LPDDR2 mode this is used to calibrate drive strength. The DCI state machine requires two external pins, VRN and VRP, which are connected to external resistors to V CCO_DDR and ground, respectively. DCI settings are shown in Table 10-6. Table 10-6: DCI Settings Termination Impedance Drive Impedance VRN resistor (to VCCO_DDR) VRP resistor (to ground) DDR3/DDR3L 40Ω N/A 80Ω 80Ω DDR2 50Ω N/A 100Ω 100Ω None 40Ω 40Ω 40Ω DDR standard LPDDR2 When enabled, the DCI state machine will automatically match drive and termination impedance to the external resistors. This background calibration takes 1-2 ms to lock and then runs continuously. Calibration 1. Configure the clock module to configure a 10 MHz clock on dci_clk 2. Enable the DDR DCI calibration system using the SLCR registers DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL and DDRIOB_DCI_STATUS a. Toggle DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL.RESET_B to 0 and set to 1 b. Set DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL.PREF_OPT, and NREF_OPT fields according to Table 10-7 c. Set DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL. UPDATE_CONTROL to 0 d. Set DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL.ENABLE to 1 e. Poll on the DDRIOB_DCI_STATUS.DONE bit until it is 1 Table 10-7: Calibration Field Name Reset Power Down DCI Enable LPDDR2 DCI Disabled UPDATE_CONTROL 0 0 0 0 0 1 PREF_OPT2[2:0] 000 000 000 000 000 000 PREF_OPT1[1:0] 00 00 00 00 10 00 NREF_OPT4[2:0] 000 000 001 001 001 000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 DCI Enable DCI Enable DDR3/DDR3L DDR2 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 310 Chapter 10: Table 10-7: DDR Memory Controller Calibration (Cont’d) Field Name Reset Power Down DCI Enable DCI Enable DDR3/DDR3L DDR2 NREF_OPT2[2:0] 000 000 000 NREF_OPT1[1:0] 00 00 00 DCI Enable LPDDR2 DCI Disabled 000 000 000 00 10 00 10.6.3 DDR IOB Configuration The DDR IOBs must be configured to function as I/O. Each type of DDR IOB is controlled by two different SLCR configuration registers. The configuration registers configure the IOB's input mode, output mode, DCI mode, and other functions. Configuration The DDR system supports DDR3L/DDR3/DDR2/LPDDR2 in 16 and 32 bit modes and power down modes. The registers identified in Table 10-8 control groups of I/Os and must be configured depending on the particular mode. Table 10-8: DDR IOB Configuration Registers Register Affected I/O Blocks Description DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL VREF, VRN, VRP, DRST Controls special I/O modes for internal and external VREF and DCI reference pins VRN and VRP DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL DCI controller Enables the DCI controller DDRIOB_DCI_STATUS DCI controller Status for the DCI controller DDRIOB_ADDR0 DDRIOB_ADDR1 DDR_A[14:0], DDR_CKE, DDR_BA[2:0], DDR_ODT, DDR_WE_B, DDR_CAS_B, DDR_RAS_B DDR_CS_B Configuration settings for address and control outputs used by LPDDR2, DDR2 and DDR3/DDR3L DDRIOB_CLOCK DDR_CK_P, DDR_CK_P Configuration settings for the differential clock outputs. Controls DDR_CK_P, DDR_CK_P DDRIOB_DATA0 DDR_DQ[15:0], DDR_DM[1:0], DDR_FIFO_IN[0], DDR_FIFO_OUT[0] Configuration settings for data and mask bits for lower 16-bits DDRIOB_DATA1 DDR_DQ[31:16], DDR_DM[3:2], DDR_FIFO_IN[1], DDR_FIFO_OUT[1] Configuration settings for data and mask bits for upper16-bits DDRIOB_DIFF0 DDR_DQS_P[1:0], DDR_DQS_N[1:0] Configuration settings for dqs bits for lower 16-bits DDRIOB_DIFF1 DDR_DQS_P[3:2], DDR_DQS_N[3:2] Configuration settings for dqs bits for upper 16-bits DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW _ADDR DDR_A[14:0], DDR_CKE, DDR_BA[2:0], DDR_ODT, DDR_WE_B, DDR_CAS_B, DDR_RAS_B, DDR_CS_B Drive strength and slew rate settings for address and control output DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW _CLOCK DDR_CK_P, DDR_CK_P Drive strength and slew rate settings for the clock outputs DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW _DATA DDR_DQ[31:0], DDR_DM[3:0], DDR_FIFO_IN[1:0], DDR_FIFO_OUT[1:0] Drive strength and slew rate settings for data I/Os DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW _DIFF DDR_DQS_P[3:0], DDR_DQS_N[3:2] Drive strength and slew rate settings for data strobe I/Os Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 311 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller Set the IOB configuration as follows: 1. Set DCI_TYPE to DCI Drive for all LPDDR2 I/Os. 2. Set DCI_TYPE to DCI Termination for DDR2/DDR3/DDR3L bidirectional I/Os. 3. Set OUTPUT_EN = obuf to enable outputs. 4. Set TERM_DISABLE_MODE and IBUF_DISABLE_MODE to enable power saving input modes. The TERM_DISABLE_MODE and IBUF_DISABLE_MODE fields should not be set before DDR training has completed. 5. Set INP_TYPE to VREF based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL for single ended inputs. 6. Set INP_TYPE to Differential input receiver for differential inputs. 7. Set TERM_EN to enabled for DDR3/DDR32L and DDR2 bidirectional I/Os (Outputs and LPRDDR2 IOs are not terminated). 8. Set DDRIOB_DATA1 and DDRIOB_DIFF1 registers to power down if only 16 bits of DQ DDR are used (including ECC bits). 9. For DDR2 and DDR3/DDR3L – DCI only affects termination strength, so address and clock outputs do not use DCI. 10. For LPDDR2 – DCI affects drive strength, so all I/Os use DCI. VREF Configuration DDR I/Os use a differential input receiver. One input to this receiver is connected to the data input, and the other is connected to a voltage reference called VREF. For DDR2/3 and LPDDR2 DRAM interfaces, the V REF voltage is set to half of the I/O V CCO voltage. The VREF can be supplied either externally over dedicated V REF pads, or from an internal voltage source. External VREF is recommended for all designs to provide additional timing margin, but requires external board components. To configure the VREF reference supply, set the DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL register as follows: • • To enable internal VREF ° Set DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL.VREF_EXT_EN to 00 (disconnect I/Os from external signal) ° Set DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL.VREF_SEL to the appropriate voltage setting depending on the DDR standard (V REF=VCCO_DDR/2) ° Set DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL.VREF_INT_EN to 1 to enable the internal V REF generator To enable external V REF ° Set DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL.VREF_INT_EN to 0 to disable the internal VREF generator ° Set DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL.VREF_SEL to 0000 ° Set DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL.VREF_EXT_EN to 11 to connect the IOBs VREF input to the external pad for a 32-bit interface ° Set DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL.VREF_EXT_EN to 01 to connect the IOBs VREF input to the external pad for a 16-bit interface Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 312 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.6.4 DDR Controller Register Programming Prior to enabling the DDRC, all DDRC registers must be initialized to system-specific values. About 80 registers with over 350 parameters might be set or left at their power-on default values. The DDRC is then enabled, by writing to the ddrc_ctrl register. Once enabled, the DDRC automatically performs the initialization steps 4-7 (Functional Programming Model). DDRC operation is autonomous, requiring no further programming unless functionality changes are desired (e.g. changing AXI port priority levels). 10.6.5 DRAM Reset and Initialization The DDRC performs DRAM reset and initialization per the JEDEC specs, including reset, refresh, and mode registers initialization. 10.6.6 DDR Initialization Sequence LPDDR2 Initialization Sequence When used with LPDDR2 DRAM, the initialization state machine executes the following initialization sequence: 1. Power up VDD and VDDQ simultaneously. Assert and hold CKE 2. Apply stable clock 3. Issue NOP/Deselect for duration specified by reg_ddrc_pre_cke_x1024 (spec requires at least 200 us with stable power and clock) 4. Issue PRECHARGE ALL command 5. Issue REFRESH 6. Issue REFRESH 7. Load Mode Register 8. Load Extended Mode Register 9. Issue ACTIVE command 10. Issue NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_final_wait_x32 cycles (no spec requirement) 11. Begin normal operation DDR2 Initialization Sequence For DDR2, the initialization state machine executes the following initialization sequence: 1. Power up 2. Issue NOP/Deselect for duration specified by reg_ddrc_pre_cke_x1024 (spec requires at least 200 us with stable power and clock) 3. Assert CKE and issue NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_post_cke_x1024 (spec requires at least 400 ns) 4. Issue PRECHARGE ALL followed by NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_t_rp cycles Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 313 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 5. Program EMR2 to the reg_ddrc_emr2 value followed by NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_t_mrd cycles 6. Program EMR3 to the reg_ddrc_emr3 value followed by NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_t_mrd cycles 7. Enable DLL by programming EMR to the reg_ddrc_emr value followed by NOP/deselect for reg_ddrc_t_mrd cycles 8. Issue DLL reset by programming MR to the reg_ddrc_mr value followed by NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_t_mrd cycles 9. Issue Precharge All followed by NOP/Deselect for (reg_ddrc_t_rp+1) cycles 10. Issue Refresh followed by NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_t_rfc_min cycles. Repeat 9 times. 11. Program MR without resetting the DLL by setting MR to reg_ddrc_mr value with bit 8 set to 1. 12. Issue NOP/Deselect for duration specified by reg_ddrc_pre_ocd_x32 (no spec requirement) 13. Issue "OCD complete" command, indicating that no on-chip driver calibration will be performed 14. Issue NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_final_wait_x32 cycles (no spec requirement) 15. Begin normal operation DDR3 Initialization Sequence For DDR3, the initialization state machine will execute the following initialization sequence: 1. Power up 2. Issue NOP/Deselect for duration specified by reg_ddrc_pre_cke_x1024 (spec requires at least 200 us with stable power and clock) 3. Assert CKE and issue NOP/Deselect for reg_ddrc_post_cke_x1024 (spec requires at least 500 us) 4. Issue MRS command to load MR2 with reg_ddrc_emr2 value, followed by NOP/Deselect for duration of reg_ddrc_t_mrd 5. Issue MRS command to load MR3 with reg_ddrc_emr3, followed by NOP/Deselect for duration of reg_ddrc_t_mrd 6. Issue MRS command to load MR1 with reg_ddrc_emr, followed by NOP/Deselect for duration of reg_ddrc_t_mrd 7. Issue MRS command to load MR0 with reg_ddrc_mr, followed by NOP/Deselect for duration of reg_ddrc_t_mod 8. Start counting of reg_ddrc_t_zq_long_nop, and issue ZQCL command to start ZQ calibration 9. Wait for reg_ddrc_t_zq_long_nop counting to finish. Ensure wait from step 7 is larger than tDLLK 10. Begin normal operation Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 314 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.6.7 DRAM Input Impedance (ODT) Calibration The DRAM mode and extended mode set commands are controlled by the ddrc.DRAM_EMR_MR_reg and ddrc.DRAM_EMR_reg registers. The encoding for these registers can be found in DRAM device data sheets or JEDEC specifications. The register format for of these commands are shown in Appendix B, Register Details. The on-die-termination (ODT) is available in DDR2 and DDR3/DDR3L devices with the following features: • In DDR3/DDR3L devices, the ODT value is controlled via Mode register MR1. It can be disabled, or set to one of the following values: 120 Ω, 60Ω, or 40 Ω. • In DDR2 devices, the ODT value is controlled via the mode register EMR. It can be disabled, or set to one of the following values: 75 Ω, 150 Ω, or 50Ω. • Both DDR2 and DDR3/DDR3L devices have a dedicated ODT input pin that is used to enable the ODT during write operations, and disable it otherwise. Calibration DDR3/DDR3L devices provide ODT calibration via the ZQCL and ZQCS commands. The ZQCL (ZQ calibration long) command is issued as part of the DRAM initialization procedure and is used for initial calibration, which takes about 512 DDR_3x clock cycles. The ZQCS (ZQ calibration short) is subsequently issued automatically by the DDRC for minor calibration adjustments. A typical ZQCS interval is 100 ms. DDR2 (and LPDDR2) devices do not provide ODT calibration. 10.6.8 DRAM Output Impedance (RON) Calibration DRAM device MR/EMR registers are controlled via the ddrc.DRAM_EMR_MR_reg and ddrc.DRAM_EMR_reg registers. MR/EMR encodings can be found in DRAM device data sheets or JEDEC specifications. The output impedance control feature is available in DDR2, DDR3/DDR3L and LPDDR2 devices. • In DDR2 devices, the value is controlled via the mode register EMR, and can be set to full strength or reduced strength. • In DDR3/DDR3L devices, the value is controlled via the mode register MR1, and can be set to one of the following values: 40 Ω or 35 Ω. • In LPDDR2 devices, the value is controlled via MR3, and can be set between 34 Ω and 120 Ω (default value is 40Ω). Calibration In DDR3/DDR3L and LPDDR2 devices, the output impedance is calibrated by the same ZQCL/ZQCS commands discussed above. In DDR2 devices, the DDR2 external calibration procedure (OCD for off-chip driver calibration) is not supported by the DDRC. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 315 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.6.9 DRAM Training DRAM training includes three steps, executed in the following order: 1. Write leveling 2. Read DQS gate training 3. Read data eye training Not all DRAM types support all three steps, as detailed below. Each step can be enabled or disabled independently. If a training step is enabled, the user must provide an initial delay value as a starting point of the automatic training procedure. The value is a rough estimate of the expected delay or skew (see details below) on the system board, minus some margin. If a training step is disabled, the user must provide a delay value to be used to compensate for the board delay or skew. There are several possible reasons why the user might choose to disable a training step. • The step is not supported by the particular DRAM type. For example, write leveling is not supported by DDR2 and LPDDR2. • Board delays are well-known and operating conditions are such that timing variance is minimal, and training is not required. • Delay settings are known from previous training events. Training time is on the order of 1-2 ms at a 500 MHz DRAM clock. Note: For training to be successful, all of the data signals need to be connected to the DRAM device(s) even when ECC is used (16-bit data, 10-bit ECC). Write Leveling Goal Adjust WR DQS relative to CLK Desired Nominal DQS aligned with clock (0 phase offset) Final Ratio Equal to the DQS to CLK board delay at the DRAM Initial Ratio Final value minus 0.5 cycle. If < 0 set to 0. If skew is too small, invert clock. Applies To DDR3/DDR3L only Write leveling is part of the DDR3/DDR3L specification. Due to the fly-by topology recommended for DDR3/DDR3L systems, the clock (CLK) tends to lag relative to write DQS at the DRAM input. In order to align CLK and DQS as required by the DRAM specification, the PHY delays the DQS signal to match the board skew. The write leveling procedure is used to find the required delay. When write leveling is enabled (via MR1), the DRAM asynchronously feeds back CLK, sampled with the rising edge of DQS, through the DQ bus. The controller repeatedly delays DQS until a transition from 0 to 1 is detected. Write leveling is performed independently for each byte lane. The calibration Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 316 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller logic OR's the DQ bits in a byte to determine the transition because different memory vendors use different bits in a byte as feedback. The DDRC supports write leveling as part of the initialization procedure. Optionally, write leveling can be disabled and pre-determined delay values can be programmed via registers (required for DDR2 and LPDDR2 where write leveling is not supported). IMPORTANT: Successful training depends on providing an approximate minimum DQS to CLK delay value. This value should be estimated based on system board layout as well as package delay information. Read DQS Gate Training Goal Adjust valid RD DQS window. Desired Nominal Surround the 4 (BL=8) valid DQS pulses Final Ratio 2 * board delay. Add 0.5 cycle if the clock is inverted Initial Ratio Final ratio minus 0.125 cycle (0x20 units), but not < 0. Applies To DDR3/DDR3L, LPDDR2 The read DQS gate training is used by the PHY to identify the valid interval of read DQS and capture the read data. It is necessary to align the valid read window to the read data burst and exclude the preamble period and any period during which the DQS signal is tri-stated or driven by the PHY itself. The DDRC supports read DQS gate training as part of the initialization procedure. Optionally, training can be disabled and pre-determined delay values can be programmed via registers (required for DDR2, where read training is not supported). Note that when using LPDDR2, with read gate training, automatic training is not recommended. Instead, the following procedure is recommended (Xilinx tools implement this flow): 1. The even byte lanes are trained and the results are recorded by software. 2. The odd byte lanes are trained and the results are recorded by software. 3. The results from 1 and 2 are then applied during DRAM controller initialization, with automatic training disabled. IMPORTANT: Successful training depends on providing an approximate minimum Zynq-7000 AP SoC-to-DRAM board delay value. This value should be estimated based on system board layout. Read Data Eye Training Goal Adjust RD DQS relative to RD data. Desired Nominal DQS edge in the middle of data eye Final Ratio Nominal ideal value is 0.25 cycle since at DRAM output DQ and DQS are aligned Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 317 Chapter 10: Initial Ratio None required Applies To DDR3/DDR3L, LPDDR2 DDR Memory Controller Enabled by the MPR bit-field in MR3, DDR3/DDR3L Read data eye training is done to compensate for possible imbalanced loading on the read path. In this mode, the DRAM outputs a stream of 01010101 in a burst length of 8 bits with a regular memory read command. Given the known data pattern, the memory controller adjusts the internal DQS delay so that DQS edges occur in the middle of the data eye. The DDRC supports read data eye training as part of the initialization procedure. Optionally, training can be disabled and pre-determined delay values can be programmed via registers (required for DDR2 where read training is not supported). 10.6.10 Write Data Eye Adjustment There is no DDRC support for write data eye training, i.e., automatic alignment of write data relative to write DQS (recall that write leveling adjusts write DQS relative to CLK). However, manual alignment is possible. Nominally, write DQS edges should be aligned in the middle of the write data eye at the DRAM inputs. The DDRC PHY provides a user-programmable phase shift value of data relative to DQS. The default nominal value is a 90 degrees phase shift. Given a balanced board design in which the DQ and DQS signals exhibit the same delay and loading, the default value is adequate. Otherwise, the user can provide a different phase shift value. The recommended value based on characterization across PVT is slightly less than 90 degrees, and will be automatically provided by Vivado Design Suite for inclusion into the FSBL or other user code. 10.6.11 Alternatives to Automatic DRAM Training If for some reason the automatic training is not successful, alternative calibration schemes can also be used. TIP: Training failures can be detected by performing a simple memory write-read-compare test. Since training is done independently for each byte lane, the memory test should check each data byte independently. In the event of training failure, two possible solutions are proposed here: a semi-automatic and a manual training method. As the method gets more manual, the training time increases. It is therefore recommended to follow this sequence: 1. Try automatic training, verify board measurement-driven initial values 2. If failed, try semi-automatic training 3. If failed, use manual training Automatic Training The standard training procedure is described above. The estimated time for initialization and training is 1-2 ms. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 318 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller Semi-Automatic Training This method is useful when system/board delays are known, but PVT timing uncertainty causes the automatic training to fail. Note that only two initial timing parameters are needed to enable successful automatic training: • Write DQS to CLK skew • The one-way board delay from Zynq to DRAM These values are known in this case, but the PHY PVT variations modify these values in an additive fashion. Therefore, given a nominal delay value T, the actual value might be in the range (T-delta, T+delta), where delta is the maximum PVT variation. The semi-automatic training method is performed as follows: 1. Divide the range (T-delta, T+delta) into n parts, and thus create (n+1) possible values for each of the two delay parameters. 2. Perform (n+1) 2 automatic training procedures and follow each one with a memory test. For example, for n=2, the three data points for each parameter are T-delta, T, and T+delta. Perform nine automatic training procedures and observe the results. For n=4, perform 25 tests, etc. As final parameters, pick the values that are in the center of the successful tests region. Note that each data byte lane (aka data slice) has its own independent parameters, and should be tested independently in the memory tests. The estimated time for a training iteration is 1-2 ms plus the duration of the memory test. Assuming a simple 1,000 word read-write test and an average access time of 30 cycles, test duration is on the order of 60,000 cycles or about 0.12 ms at 500 MHz. Thus, a 25-iteration semi-automatic training might last 25-50 ms. Multi-Set Semi-Automatic Training RECOMMENDED: Before resorting to manual training, a multi-set semi automatic training method is recommended. The DDR PHY contains five adjustable delay elements, four of which are per byte lane (so the actual number of unique adjustable delay elements is 17). Of these five elements, only three are adjusted by the automatic training. These three elements are the write DQS delay, read DQS delay, and read data delay. The remaining two elements are the write data delay, and the control path delay, which take their value from a programmable register, and the value is not adjusted by the automatic training. The automatic training process varies the delay of those three elements over a wide range, and the semi-automatic procedure increases that range. If both automatic and semi-automatic procedures fail, it is highly likely that one or both of the remaining two delay elements require adjustment. Therefore, multiple sets of semi-automatic training procedures can be run, each set using different values of the two remaining delay values. Thus we still take advantage of the efficiency of the automatic training, and reduce the total number of experiments compared to all-manual training. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 319 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller Manual Training This method is useful when nothing is known, or if the semi-automatic method has failed. In its simplest form, this method consists of: • Disabling the automatic training • Performing a manual sweep of all delay parameters over their entire range. For each setting: ° Initialize the DDRC with training disabled ° Perform a memory test • Keeping a scoreboard of results • Locating the mid-point of all delay parameters (which might be different for each data lane) The recommended delay increment value per iteration is 1/32 of a clock cycle, thus requiring 32 iterations to cover a one-cycle delay range per parameter. The estimated time for a manual training iteration is 700 us (500 us are required as part of the DRAM reset/initialization procedure for DDR3/DDR3L) plus the duration of the memory test, or about 0.8 ms. Simplifying assumptions can be used to reduce the search range, but even then the number of iterations might be on the order of 1,000, bringing the manual training time to about one second. Table 10-9 provides summary of register values involved in manual training. All values are in units of 1/256 of a clock cycles (256 units = 1 clock cycle, 8 units = 1/32 of a clock cycle). Table 10-9: Manual Training Register Summary Parameter Register Nominal Value Minimum Suggested Search Range 1 Write DQS delay/write leveling reg_phy_wr_dqs_slave_ratio[9:0] DQS to DCLK delay 0 -256 2 Write data delay/write data eye adjustment reg_phy_wr_data_slave_ratio[9:0] DQS to DCLK delay + 64 64-320 3 Read DQS gate delay/read DQS gate training reg_phy_fifo_we_slave_ratio[10:0] 2 * board delay 0-512 4 Read data to DQS delay/read data eye training reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_ratio[9:0] 53, placing the DQS edges in the middle of the data eye 0 - 104(1) 5 Control reg_phy_ctrl_slave_ratio[9:0] 128 (64 for LPDDR2) 64-192 (32-96 for LPDDR2) Notes: 1. Parameter 4 is an offset value relative to parameter 3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 320 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.6.12 DRAM Write Latency Restriction Note that the minimum DRAM write latency supported is 3. This implies that the minimum CAS latency is 4. 10.7 Register Overview In general, the DDRC registers are static and can only be changed while the DDRC is in reset. However, there is a set of registers labeled as dynamic in their description that can be modified at anytime. 10.7.1 DDRI Table 10-10 shows an overview of DDRI registers. There are no dynamic bit fields in the DDRI registers. Table 10-10: DDRI Registers Overview Function Register Name Arbitration Misc Description page_mask Set this register based on the value programmed on the reg_ddrc_addrmap_* registers. Sets the column address bits to 0 . Sets the page and bank address bits to 1 . This is used for calculating page_match inside the slave modules in Arbiter. The page_match is considered during the arbitration process. This mask applies to 64-bit address and not byte address. Setting this value to 0 disables transaction prioritization based on page/bank match. axi_priority_{wr,rd}_port{0:3} See Appendix B, Register Details for descriptions of the eight registers variants. axi_id ID and revision information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 321 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.7.2 DDRC Table 10-11 shows an overview of DDRC registers. Table 10-11: Function Status Transaction Scheduler DDRI Registers Overview Hardware Register Name ~ Controller operation mode status HPR_reg ~ HPR queue control LPR_reg ~ LPR queue control WR_reg ~ WR queue control [13:6]: t_rfc_min DDR Init ~ DRAM parameters 1 DRAM_param_reg2 ~ DRAM parameters 2 [20:16]: refresh_to_x32 DRAM parameters 3 DRAM_param_reg4 ~ DRAM parameters 4 DRAM_odt_reg ~ DRAM ODT control odt_delay_hold ~ ODT delay and ODT hold ctrl_reg1 [12]: selfref_en [8]: refresh_update_level Controller 1 ctrl_reg2 ~ Controller 2 ctrl_reg3 ~ Controller 3 ctrl_reg4 ~ Controller 4 mode_reg_read ~ Mode register read data lpddr_ctrl{0:3} ~ lpddr control registers 0 through 3 dfi_timing ~ DFI timing register CHE_REFRESH_TIMER01 ~ Reserved CHE_T_ZQ [16]: dis_auto_refresh ZQ parameters CHE_T_ZQ_Short_Interval_Reg ~ Misc parameters DRAM_init_param ~ DRAM initialization parameters DRAM_EMR_reg ~ DRAM EMR2, EMR3 access DRAM_EMR_MR_reg ~ DRAM EMR, MR access DRAM_burst8_rdwr ~ DRAM burst 8 read/write DRAM_disable_dq Address Mapping DRAM parameters 0 DRAM_param_reg1 DRAM_param_reg3 DDR Refresh Description mode_sts_reg DRAM_param_reg0 DDR Protocol Dynamic Bit Fields [1]: dis_dq DRAM_addr_map_{bank,col,row} Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com DRAM disable DQ ~ Selects the address bits used as DRAM bank, column, or row address bits Send Feedback 322 Chapter 10: Table 10-11: Function Power Reduction ECC DDR Memory Controller DDRI Registers Overview (Cont’d) Hardware Register Name deep_pwrdwn_reg Dynamic Bit Fields [0]: deeppowerdown_en Description Deep powerdown (LPDDR2) CHE_ECC_CONTROL ~ ECC error clear CHE_CORR_ECC ~ ECC error correction CHE_UNCORR_ECC _LOG _ADDR _DATA_31_0 _DATA_63_32 _ECC_DATA_71_64 ~ ECC unrecoverable error status address data low data middle data high CHE_ECC_STATS ~ ECC error count ECC_scrub ~ ECC mode/scrub CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_MASK _31_0 _63_32 ~ ECC data mask low high Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 323 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.7.3 DDRP Table 10-12 shows an overview of DDRP registers. Table 10-12: Function DDR Control Training DLL Others DDRP Registers Overview Hardware Register Name Dynamic Bit Fields Description ddrc_ctrl [ ]: soft_rstb [ ]: powerdown_en DDRC control Two_rank_cfg [ ]: t_rfc_nom_x32 Two rank configuration PHY_Config{0:3} ~ PHY configuration register for data slices 0 through 3 phy_cmd_timeout_rddata_cpt ~ PHY command time out and read data capture FIFO phy_{wr,rd,gate}_lvl_fsm ~ phy_init_ratio{0:3} ~ reg_64 reg_65 ~ PHY initialization ratio register for data slices 0 through 3 Training control 2 Training control 3 reg_2c reg_2d ~ Training control Misc debug reg69_6a{0:3} ~ Training results for data slices 0 through 3 reg6e_71{0:3} ~ Training results for data slices 0 through 3 DLL_calib ~ DLL calibration phy_ctrl_sts ~ PHY control status, read phy_ctrl_sts_reg2 ~ PHY control status (2), read phy_dll_sts{0:3} ~ Slave DLL results for data slice dll_lock_sts ~ DLL lock status, read ~ PHY write data slave ratio configuration for data slice 0 through 3 phy_rd_dqs_cfg{0:3} phy_wr_dqs_cfg{0:3} ~ PHY read/write DQS Configuration registers for data slice 0 through 3 phy_we_cfg{0:3} ~ PHY FIFO write enable configuration for data slices 0 through 3 phy_rcvr_enable ~ PHY Receiver Enable register phy_dbg_reg ~ PHY Debug register wr_data_slv{0:3} Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 324 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.8 Error Correction Code (ECC) There is optional ECC support in half-bus width (16-bit) data width configuration only. Externally 26 bits of a DRAM DDR device are required, 16-bits for data and 10 bits for ECC. Each data byte uses an independent 5-bit ECC field. This mode provides single error correction and dual error detection. The ECC bits are interlaced with the data bits and unused bits as shown in Table 10-13. Table 10-13: DRAM DQ pin ECC Data Bit Assignments Number of Pins Function DQ[7:0] 8 First Data Byte DQ[15:8] 8 Second Data Byte DQ[20:16] 5 ECC bits associated with first Data Byte DQ[23:21] 3 Unused bits. Connect to DRAM for proper initialization purpose DQ[28:24] 5 ECC bits associated with second Data Byte DQ[31:29] 3 Unused bits. Connect to DRAM for proper initialization purpose 10.8.1 ECC Initialization ECC is supported in 16-bit bus mode only. When enabled, a write operation computes and stores an ECC code along with the data, and a read operation reads and checks the data against the stored ECC code. It is therefore possible to receive ECC errors when reading uninitialized memory locations. To avoid this problem, all memory locations must be written before being read. Note that, since ECC is computed and checked over a byte resolution, a read of 1 byte is done to a 16-bit location that has only that byte initialized (second byte of 16-bit location is uninitialized) does not result in an ECC error. The controller only checks ECC on the byte that has been read. Writing to the entire DDR DRAM through the CPU can be time intensive. It may be worthwhile to use a DMA device to generate larger bursts to the DDR controller initialization and offload the CPU. Note that only the ARM CPU and ACP interfaces can access the lowest 512 KB of DDR (see Table 4-1), CPU software may still need to initialize this region of ECC-based DDR. Note that while only two data byte lanes are used for actual data, all four lanes are used in ECC mode, and therefore DDR training must be performed on all lanes. 10.8.2 ECC Error Behavior For correctable ECC errors, there is no error actively signaled via an interrupt or AXI response. For uncorrectable ECC errors, the controller returns a SLVERR response back to the re-questing AXI bus master. In both cases, information regarding the error (such as column, row and bank error address, error byte lane, etc.) is logged in the controller register space. When the controller detects a correctable ECC error, it does the following: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 325 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller • Sends the corrected data to the core as part of the read data. • Sends the ECC error information to the register interface for logging. • Performs a RMW operation to correct the data present in the DRAM (only if ECC scrubbing is enabled (reg_ddrc_dis_scrub = 0). This RMW operation is invisible to the core. Only one scrub RMW command can be outstanding in the controller at any time. No scrub is performed on single-bit ECC errors that occur while the controller is processing another scrub RMW. When the controller detects an uncorrectable error, it does the following: • Sends the uncorrectable data with an error response to the core. This results in an AXI SLVERR response on the AXI interface along with the corrupted data. An AXI SLVERR response will be returned to the transaction master to be handled – potentially generating L2/DMA interrupts, CPU prefetch/data exceptions, or being forwarded directly to a PL AXI master. • Sends the ECC error information to the register module for logging. 10.8.3 Data Mask During ECC Mode ECC is calculated over a byte of data and hence any data byte can be masked if necessary with ECC enabled. This alleviates the need for the controller to perform a RMW operation when byte masking occurs. 10.8.4 ECC Programming Model The following details the ECC programming requirements. Note that these configurations are in addition to the regular DDR initialization programming. Also note that initialization of the whole DDR space before reading any data from it is recommended, to prevent ECC error generation as a result of accessing uninitialized areas of memory. Refer to section 10.8.1 ECC Initialization section for further details. Enabling ECC operation (Switching from Non-ECC Mode to ECC Mode) 1. Program reg_ddrc_soft_rstb to 0 (resets the controller) 2. Program the ECC mode by programming reg_ddrc_ecc_mode to 3'b100 3. Program reg_ddrc_dis_scrub to 1'b0 4. Program reg_ddrc_data_bus_width to 2'b1 5. Program reg_ddrc_soft_rstb to 1 (takes the controller out of reset) Note that re-initialization of the whole DDR space before reading any data from it is recommended to prevent ECC error generation as a result of accessing uninitialized areas of memory. Disabling the ECC Operation (Switching from ECC Mode to Non-ECC Mode) 1. Program the reg_ddrc_soft_rstb to 0 (resets the controller) 2. Program the ECC mode by programming the reg_ddrc_ecc_mode to 3'b000 3. Program the reg_ddrc_dis_scrub to 1'b1 4. Program the reg_ddrc_data_bus_width to 2'b00 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 326 Chapter 10: 5. DDR Memory Controller Program the reg_ddrc_soft_rstb to 1 (takes the controller out of reset) A sample test program tests the ECC correctable/uncorrectable error detection by inserting error bits into DDR memory is describes in AR# 58684. Monitoring ECC Status 1. CHE_CORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET gives the bank/row/column information of the ECC error correction 2. CHE_UNCORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET gives the bank/row/column information of the ECC unrecoverable error 3. B[0] of CHE_CORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET indicates correctable ECC status 4. B[0] of CHE_UNCORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET indicates uncorrectable ECC status 5. CHE_ECC_STATS_REG_OFFSET ° B[7:0] -> gives the number of uncorrectable errors ° B[15:8] -> gives the number of correctable errors Note: CHE_ECC_STATS_REG_OFFSET reports the number of burst transactions with correctable and uncorrectable ECC errors observed since the last read of the register. 10.9 Operational Programming Model The memory controller has several operational features; their programming is described in this section. Programming for the functional features are described in section 10.6 Functional Programming Model. 10.9.1 Operating Modes The operating mode register bits, mode_sts_reg.ddrc_reg_operating_mode, can be polled to determine the current mode of operation of the controller. The different modes are: • 000 – uninitialized. The controller might be in soft reset, or it might be out of soft reset, but DRAM initialization sequence has not yet completed. • 001 – normal operating mode. The controller is ready to accept read and write requests and the controller can issue reads and writes to DRAM. • 010 – DRAM is in power down mode. • 011 – DRAM is in self refresh mode. • 100 : 111 – For LPDDR2 designs only, indicates DRAM is in deep power down. 10.9.2 Changing Clock Frequencies The process of changing clock frequencies is as follows: 1. Request the controller to place the DRAM into self refresh mode, by asserting ctrl_reg1.reg_ddrc_selfref_en. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 327 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 2. Wait until mode_sts_reg.ddrc_reg_operating_mode[1:0]== 11 indicating that the controller is in self refresh mode. In the case of LPDDR2 check that ddrc_reg_operating_mode[2:0]== 011. 3. Change the clock frequency to the controller (see 10.6.1 Clock Operating Frequencies and 25.10.4 PLLs.). 4. Update any registers which might be required to change for the new frequency. This includes static and dynamic registers. If the updated registers involve any of reg_ddrc_mr, reg_ddrc_emr, reg_ddrc_emr2 or reg_ddrc_emr3, then go to step 5. Otherwise go to step 6. 5. Assert reg_ddrc_soft_rstb to reset the controller. When the controller is taken out of reset, it re-initializes the DRAM. During initialization, the mode register values updated in step 4 are written to DRAM. Anytime after de-asserting reset, go to step 6. 6. Take the controller out of self refresh by de-asserting reg_ddrc_selfref_en. Note: This sequence can be followed in general for changing DDRC settings, in addition to just clock frequencies. Note: DRAM content preservation is not guaranteed when the controller is reset. 10.9.3 Power Down Enable power down mode in the Master Control register, ddrc_ctrl. Once enabled, the DDRC automatically puts the DRAM into pre-charge all power down after the programmed number of idle cycles (DDRC_param_reg1.reg_ddrc_powerdown_to_x32). A refresh request brings the DRAM out of power down. It goes back into power down after the idle period. Any transaction brings the DRAM out of power down automatically. Clearing the power down enable bit also brings the DRAM out of power down. 10.9.4 Deep Power Down Note: Deep power down only applies to LPDDR2 mode. Set deep_pwrdwn_reg.deeppowerdown_en=1. The DDRC puts the DRAM into deep power down as soon as the transaction buffers are empty. If transactions keep arriving the DDRC never puts the DRAM into deep power down. deep_pwrdwn_reg.deeppowerdown_en must be reset to 0 to take DRAM out of deep power down mode. During deep power down exit, the controller performs automatic DRAM initialization. In LPDDR2, once deep_pwrdwn_reg.deeppowerdown_en is reset to 0, there is a wait period (determined by register reg_ddrc_deeppowerdown_to_x1024) before the DRAM comes out of deep power down. The value from the spec for this register is 500 us. Note that any command that comes in while the DRAM is in deep power down mode is stored in the CAM and is processed after deep power down exit and DRAM re-initialization. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 328 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller 10.9.5 Self Refresh Set the Self Refresh Request bit in the Master Control register, ddrc_ctrl. The DDRC puts the DRAM into self refresh as soon as the transaction buffers are empty. Software must ensure that no transactions arrive. If transactions keep arriving the DDRC never puts the DRAM into self refresh. The first valid transaction brings the DRAM out of self refresh. 10.9.6 DDR Power Reduction Clock Stop When this feature is enabled, the DDR PHY is allowed to stop the clocks going to the DRAM. For DDR2 and DDR3/DDR3L this feature is effective in self refresh mode only. For LPDDR2 this feature becomes effective in: • Idle periods • Power down mode • Self refresh mode • Deep power down mode Precharge Power Down When enabled, the DDR memory controller dynamically uses precharge power down mode to reduce power consumption during idle periods. Normal operation continues when a new request is received by the DDRC. Self Refresh When enabled the DDRC dynamically puts the DRAM into self-refresh mode during idle periods. Normal operation continues when a new request is received by the DDRC. In this mode DRAM contents are maintained even when the DDRC core logic is fully powered down, thus allowing to stop the DDR2X and DDR3X/DDR3LX clocks. Also the DCI clock, which controls the DDR termination, can be shut down. The power can be further reduced by disabling the DDR I/Os, listed in Table 10-3, page 296. Set DDRIOB_*.OUTPUT_EN to 00 to disable the DDR I/Os. Self Refresh Sequence To put the DDR memory into self-refresh mode the following sequence can be used. When executing these steps, the executing CPU should be the only still active master, to guarantee that no new requests are issued to the DDR memory. This mode is typically used in sleep mode. Note that in the following sequence, T ddr is the period of the DDR clock. ddrc.ctrl_reg1[reg_ddrc_selfref_en] = 1 ddrc.DRAM_param_reg3 [reg_ddrc_en_dfi_dram_clk_disable] = 1 while (ddrc.mode_sts_reg[ddrc_reg_operating_mode] != 3) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 329 Chapter 10: DDR Memory Controller while (ddrc.mode_sts_reg[ddrc_reg_dbg_hpr_q_depth] || ddrc.mode_sts_reg[ddrc_reg_dbg_lpr_q_depth] || ddrc.mode_sts_reg[ddrc_reg_dbg_wr_q_depth) delay(40 * Tddr) slcr.DDR_CLK_CTRL[DDR_2XCLKACT] = 0 slcr.DDR_CLK_CTRL[DDR_3XCLKACT] = 0 slcr.DCI_CLK_CTRL[CLKACT] = 0 To resume normal DDR operation the DDR I/Os must be re-enabled first, if DDR I/Os are disabled. Then the clocks must be re-enabled, making DRAM accessible again and the clock stop and self-refresh features can be disabled. IMPORTANT: Precharge power down and self refresh modes are mutually exclusive and must not be activated at the same time. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 330 Chapter 11 Static Memory Controller 11.1 Introduction The static memory controller (SMC) can be used either as a NAND flash controller or a parallel port memory controller supporting the following memory types: • NAND flash • Asynchronous SRAM • NOR flash System bus masters can access the SMC controller as shown in Figure 11-1. The operational registers of the SMC are configured through an APB interface. The memory mapping for the SMC is described in Chapter 4, System Addresses. The SMC handles all commands, addresses, data, and the memory device protocols. It allows the users to access the controller by reading or writing into the operational registers. The SMC is based on ARM's PL353 static memory controller. X-Ref Target - Figure 11-1 IRQ ID# 50 Interconnect AXI Slave port MIO MIO Pins SMC Controller SMC_Ref clock SMC_Ref reset Slave port CPU_1x clock Control and Status Registers SMC CPU_1x reset Device Boundary Interconnect APB NAND Flash Or SRAM Or NOR UG585_c11_01_102014 Figure 11-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 SMC System Level Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 331 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller 11.1.1 Features Features of the SMC are listed for each type of memory. The controller is configured to operate in one of two interface modes. NAND Flash Interface • ONFI Specification 1.0 • Up to a 1 GB device ° Because the NAND flash Interface supports only 1-bit ECC and one chip select, the density is limited to 1 GB. • 8/16-bit IO width with a single chip select • 16-word read and 16-word write data FIFOs • 8-word command FIFO • Programmable IO cycle timing • 1-bit ECC hardware with software assist • Asynchronous memory operating mode Parallel (SRAM/NOR) Interface • 8-bit data bus width • One chip select with up to 25 address signals (32 MB) • Two chip selects with up to 25 address (32 + 32 MB) • 16-word read and 16-word write data FIFOs • 8-word command FIFO • Programmable I/O cycle timing on a per chip select basis • Asynchronous memory operating mode Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 332 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller 11.1.2 Block Diagram The block diagram for the SMC is shown in Figure 11-2. X-Ref Target - Figure 11-2 SMC NAND Flash Controller IRQ ID# 50 Read Data Interconnect AXI Slave port Read Data FIFO Write Data Write Data FIFO ECC Command FIFO Format Memory Interface Controller SRAM/NOR Controller Interconnect APB Slave port Memory Manager Command FIFO MIO to the Memory Device IO Buffer Control Memory Interface Controller Write Data FIFO Read Data FIFO Control and Status Registers UG585_c11_02_031812 Figure 11-2: SMC Block Diagram Interconnect Interfaces For the NOR/SRAM controller mode, the AXI interface is memory mapped so software can read and write to/from memory. For the NAND flash controller mode, software writes commands to the NAND controller via the AXI interface. Details can be found in the ARM specification. The APB bus interface provides a memory mapped area for the software to read and write the control and status registers. Memory Manager The memory manager tracks and controls the current state of the CPU_1x clock domain state machine. This block is responsible for updating register values that are used in the memory clock domain and controlling direct commands issued to memory and controlling entry-to and exit-from low-power mode through the APB interface. Format The format block arbitrates between memory accesses from the AXI slave interface and the memory manager. Requests from the manager have the highest priority. Requests from AR and AW channels are arbitrated on a round-robin basis. The format block also maps AXI transfers onto appropriate memory transfers and passes these to the memory interface through the command FIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 333 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller 11.1.3 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices do not support the NOR/SRAM interface. The NAND interface is supported in the 8-bit interface, but not the 16-bit interface. MIO Pin Options MIO Pin 1 can be programmed to be CS1 or address bit 25 for the NOR/SRAM controller. This pin can also be programmed as a GPIO. Programming is controlled by the slcr.MIO_PIN_01 register. Program this pin to CS1 when two NOR devices are in the system. Program this pin to address bit 25 when the device is larger than 32 MB, however, it's functionality requires one of two work-arounds as described in Xilinx AR# 60848. Table 11-1 summarizes of how the SMC works for NOR/SRAM. Table 11-1: MIO Pin 1 Programming for the NOR/SRAM Controller slcr.MIO_PIN_01 Address Accessed {L2_SEL} MIO0 MIO1 01 (ADDR25) 0xe200_0000 1->0->1 (acts as active CS0) 1 (acts as inverted ADDR25) 01 (ADDR25) 0xe400_0000 0 (acts as inactive CS0) 0 (acts as inverted ADDR25) 10 (CS1) 0xe200_0000 1->0->1 (acts as active CS0) 1 (acts as inactive CS1) 10 (CS1) 0xe400_0000 1 (acts as inactive CS0) 1->0->1 (acts as active CS1) 00 (GPIO) 0xe200_0000 1->0->1 (acts as active CS0) 1 (reset state, internal pull-up) 00 (GPIO) 0xe400_0000 1 (acts as inactive CS0) 1 (reset state, internal pull-up) 11.2 Functional Operation The functional operation of the SMC is described in the ARM Static Memory Controller (PL350 series) Technical Reference Manual. Additional information is provided in the following sections. 11.2.1 Boot Device The NOR and NAND Flash controllers can be configured as a boot device. Its memory interface can only be routed through the MIO. 11.2.2 Clocks The SMC has two clock domains that are driven by the CPU_1x and SMC_Ref clocks, see Table 11-2. These clocks are controlled by the clock generator, refer to Chapter 25, Clocks. The two clock domains are asynchronous to each other. The main benefit of asynchronous clocking is to maximize the memory performance while running the interconnect interface at a fixed system frequency. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 334 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller TIP: For power management, the clock enable in the slcr register can be used to turn off the clock. The operating frequency for the reference clock is defined in the data sheet. (Clock gating is used to stop the clock to save power.) Table 11-2: SMC Clocks and Resets Clock Resets Clock Domain Description CPU_1x CPU_1x Interconnect domain This clock runs at 1/6th or 1/4th the CPU clock rate depending on the CPU clock mode. To stop this clock, first put the SMC is in low-power mode. SMC_Ref SMC_Ref SMC domain This clock is used to control the I/O memory interfaces. 11.2.3 Resets The controller has two reset inputs that are controlled by the reset subsystem; refer to Chapter 26, Reset System. This SMC CPU_1x reset is used for the AXI and APB interfaces. The SMC_Ref reset is for the FIFOs and the rest of the controller including the control and status registers. 11.2.4 ECC Support User code can determine if the NAND device includes on-chip ECC or not by reading the manufacturer and device ID's in the flash device. The supported boot devices are listed in Xilinx AR50991. The vendor specifications for NAND device should be reviewed for ECC support. On-chip ECC errors are flagged using the NAND Interrupt. When a flash device does not support on-chip ECC, then the 1-bit ECC unit in the SMC controller can be used. Refer to ARM PrimeCell Static Memory Controller (PL350 series) Technical Reference Manual, Revision r2p1 for programming information. ECC errors detected by the SMC controller are flagged with the ECC Interrupt. When programming NAND, the SMC controller adds an inversion of the ECC code if the number of ones (bits=1) in the ECC block (512 bytes = 4096 bits) is odd. To match the hardware behavior, software should add an inversion of the ECC code if the number of ones (bits=1) in the ECC block (512 bytes = 4096 bits) is even. 11.2.5 Interrupts The controller includes three interrupt sources. These interrupts are controlled by the smc.MEMC_STATUS register. When enabled, the interrupt generates the IRQ ID # 50 signal to the system interrupt controller. • NAND ECC is triggered by SMC ECC logic. • NAND Interrupt is triggered on the rising edge of the NAND_BUSY input pin on MIO. • SRAM Interrupt is triggered on the rising edge of the EMIOSRAMINTIN signal from PL. The source of the interrupt is determined by reading the smc.MEMC_STATUS register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 335 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller 11.2.6 PL353 Functionality The SMC is based on ARM's PL353 Primecell core and is hard-coded such that controller 0 can operate in SRAM/NOR mode and controller 1 can operate in NAND flash mode. The SRAM/NOR or NAND interface can be used in a system, but not both. The SRAM/NOR interface does not support PSRAM. The NAND flash controller does not support wear leveling. When referencing ARM documentation, for programming and other purposes, refer to the implementation notes in Table 11-3. Table 11-3: SMC PL353 Implementation Notes Parameter Value Design Notes Chip Selects (Interface 0) 2 SRAM/NOR interface chip selects operate independently. Chip Select (Interface 1) 1 NAND flash interface chip select NAND flash mode data width 16 Data width can be 8 or 16 bits SRAM mode data width 8 Data width is 8 bits. System interface bus width 32 AXI System interface clock rate ~ CPU_1x (1/6th or 1/4th the CPU clock frequency) Command FIFO depth 8 Maximum supported depth on both interfaces Read data word FIFO depth 16 Maximum supported depth on both interfaces Write data word FIFO depth 16 Maximum supported depth on both interfaces ECC support Yes 1-bit ECC hardware with assistance from software ECC Extra Block Yes Supported Note: ARM's PL353 documentation has a different timing naming convention (used in the SET_CYCLES register) than the ONFI Specification 1.0. 11.2.7 Address Map The registers and memory base address are listed in Table 11-4. Table 11-4: SMC Address Map Summary Base Address Mnemonic Description Type 0xE000_E000 SMC Configuration registers base address Registers 0xE100_0000 SMC_NAND SMC NAND memory base address Memory 0xE200_0000 SMC_SRAM0 SMC SRAM Chip Select 0 base address Memory 0xE400_0000 SMC_SRAM1 SMC SRAM Chip Select 1 base address Memory Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 336 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller 11.3 I/O Signals The MIO pin assignments for SRAM/NOR and NAND flash connections are shown in Table 11-5. The SMC interface signals are routed only to the MIO pins, they are not available on the EMIO interface. The MIO pins and restrictions (no NOR/SRAM and only 8-bit NAND) are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Table 11-5: MIO Pin SMC MIO Pins SRAM/NOR Interface Mode Signal Name I/O Default Value Description MIO Pin NAND Flash Interface Mode Signal Name I/O Default Value O - - - - Description MIO Voltage Bank 0 0 SRAM_CE_B[0] O - SRAM/NOR chip sel 0 0 NAND_CE_B 1 SRAM_CE_B[1] O - SRAM/NOR chip sel 1 1 2 - - - - 2 NAND_ALE O - NAND address latch - NAND chip select 3 SRAM_DQ[0] IO 0 SRAM/NOR data 3 NAND_WE_B O - NAND write enable 4 SRAM_DQ[1] IO 0 SRAM/NOR data 4 NAND_IO[2] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd 5 SRAM_DQ[2] IO 0 SRAM/NOR data 5 NAND_IO[0] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd 6 SRAM_DQ[3] IO 0 SRAM/NOR data 6 NAND_IO[1] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd 7 SRAM_OE_B O - SRAM/NOR output en 7 NAND_CLE O - NAND command latch enable 8 SRAM_BLS_B O - SRAM/NOR write en 8 NAND_RE_B O - NAND read enable 9 SRAM_DQ[6] IO 0 SRAM/NOR data 9 NAND_IO[4] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd 10 SRAM_DQ[7] IO 0 SRAM/NOR data 10 NAND_IO[5] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd 11 SRAM_DQ[4] IO 0 SRAM/NOR data 11 NAND_IO[6] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd - - 12 NAND_IO[7] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd IO 0 13 NAND_IO[3] IO 0 NAND data/address/cmd - - 14 NAND_BUSY I 0 NAND busy O - SRAM/NOR address - - 23:16 SRAM_A [8:1] O - SRAM/NOR address 23:16 NAND_IO [15:8] IO 0 39:24 SRAM_A [24:9] O - SRAM/NOR address 39:24 - - 12 13 14 15 SRAM_DQ[5] SRAM_A[0] SRAM/NOR data - 15 - - MIO Voltage Bank 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com - NAND data/address/cmd - Send Feedback 337 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller Optional Pins • For either SRAM or NOR, the upper address bits are optional. When not used, they can be assigned to other functions. 11.4 Wiring Diagrams The SMC supports the configurations shown in Figure 11-3, Figure 11-4, and Figure 11-5. The NOR/SRAM mode of the SMC can support two devices (NOR and/or SRAM) using chip selects 0 and 1. X-Ref Target - Figure 11-3 NOR Device SRAM_CE_B0 SRAM_CE_B1 MIO Multiplexer SRAM_OE_B SMC Controller CEn NOR or SRAM Device OEn SRAM_BLS_B WEn SRAM_A[24:0] A[24:0] SRAM_DQ[7:0] DQ[7:0] System Reset# Zynq Device Boundary RESETn UG585_c11_03_102014 Figure 11-3: NOR Device Wiring Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 11-4 SRAM Device SRAM_CE_B0 SRAM_CE_B1 SMC Controller MIO Multiplexer SRAM_OE_B CEn NOR or SRAM Device SRAM_BLS_B SRAM_A[24:0] SRAM_DQ[7:0] System Reset# Zynq Device Boundary OEn WEn A[24:0] DQ[7:0] RESETn UG585_c11_04_102014 Figure 11-4: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 SRAM Device Wiring Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 338 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 11-5 NAND Flash NAND_CE_B0 NAND_CLE CLE MIO Multiplexer NAND_ALE SMC Controller ALE NAND_RE_B RE# NAND_WE_B WE# NAND_BUSY R/B# NAND_IO[7:0] IO[7:0] NAND_IO[15:0] (for 16-bit data) GPIO System Reset# Zynq Device Boundary CEn IO[15:8] WPn RESETn UG585_c11_05_020613 Figure 11-5: NAND Flash Device Wiring Diagram 11.5 Register Overview The SMC registers are summarized in Table 11-6. Table 11-6: SMC Register Overview Controller Register Name Both Description MEMC STATUS Operating and interrupt status, read-only MEMIF_CFG SMC configuration information, read-only MEMC_CFG_{SET, CLR} Enable/disable/clear interrupts and control low power state DIRECT_CMD Issue a set command, write-only SET_{CYCLES, OPMODE} Stage a cycles or opmode operation to the SRAM/NOR and NAND flash registers USER_{STATUS, CONFIG} SRAM/NOR CS 0, 1 NAND Flash REFRESH_PERIOD_{0,1} Insert idle cycles between SRAM/NOR burst cycles SRAM_CYCLES0_{0,1} Timing cycles OPMODE0_{0,1} Operating mode NAND_CYCLES1_0 Timing cycles OPMODE1_0 Operating mode ECC_{STATUS, MEMCFG}_1 ECC status and configuration ECC_MEMCOMMAND{2:1}_1 Commands used for ECC reads and writes ECC_ADDR{1:0}_1 Address generated by controller ECC_VALUE{3:0}_1 Value generated by controller Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 339 Chapter 11: Static Memory Controller 11.6 Programming Model The programming model is described in the ARM Static Memory Controller (PL350 series) Technical Reference Manual (see Appendix A, Additional Resources). The configuration of the SMC is summarized in Table 11-3. 11.7 NOR Flash Bandwidth The bandwidth measurement details of NOR Flash are: Environment: Standalone NOR flash device used: PC28F256M29EW SMC (NOR flash controller) clock: 100 MHz Data transfer size 1 MB Bandwidth achieved: Read bandwidth Write bandwidth 9.02 MB/S 7.36 KB/S Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 340 Chapter 12 Quad-SPI Flash Controller 12.1 Introduction The Quad-SPI flash controller is part of the input/output peripherals (IOP) located within the PS. It is used to access multi-bit serial flash memory devices for high throughput and low pin count applications. The controller operates in one of three modes: I/O mode, linear addressing mode, and legacy SPI mode. In I/O mode, software interacts closely with the flash device protocol. The software writes the flash commands and data to the controller using the four TXD registers. Software reads the RXD register that contains the data received from the flash device. Linear addressing mode uses a subset of device operations to eliminate the software overhead that the I/O mode requires to read the flash memory. Linear Mode engages hardware to issue commands to the flash memory and control the flow of data from the flash memory bus to the AXI interface. The controller responds to memory requests on the AXI interface as if the flash memory were a ROM memory. In legacy mode, QSPI controller acts as a normal SPI controller. The controller can interface to one or two flash devices. Two devices can be connected in parallel for 8-bit performance, or in a stacked, 4-bit arrangement to minimize pin count. The two device combinations are shown in Figure 12-1. 12.1.1 Features • 32-bit AXI interface for Linear Addressing mode transfers • 32-bit APB interface for I/O mode transfers • Programmable bus protocol for flash memories from Micron and Spansion • Legacy SPI and scalable performance: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x I/O widths • Flexible I/O • ° Single SS 4-bit I/O flash interface mode ° Dual SS 8-bit parallel I/O flash interface mode ° Dual SS 4-bit stacked I/O flash interface mode ° Single SS, legacy SPI interface 16 MB addressing per device (32 MB for two devices) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 341 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller • Device densities up to 128 Mb for I/O and linear mode. Densities greater than 128 Mb are supported in I/O mode. • I/O mode (flash commands and data) • ° Software issues instructions and manages flash operations ° Interrupts for FIFO control ° 63-word RxFIFO, 63-word TxFIFO Linear addressing mode (executable read accesses) ° Memory reads and writes are interpreted by the controller ° AXI port buffers up to four read requests ° AXI incrementing and wrapping address functions 12.1.2 System Viewpoint The Quad-SPI flash controller is part of the IOP and connects to external SPI flash memory through the MIO as shown in Figure 12-1. The controller supports one or two memories. X-Ref Target - Figure 12-1 Single SS 4-bit I/O QSPI 0 SS Quad-SPI Device 4-bit I/O IRQ ID# 51 OR Dual SS 8-bit Parallel I/O AXI Interconnect Slave Port Quad-SPI Controller MIO Quad-SPI Ref Clock QSPI 1 SS Quad-SPI Ref Reset Interconnect APB CPU 1x Clock Quad-SPI CPU 1x Reset QSPI 0 SS MIO Pins Quad-SPI Device 8-bit I/O Quad-SPI Device OR Slave Port Dual SS 4-bit Stacked I/O Control and Status Registers QSPI 0 SS Device Boundary QSPI 1 SS Quad-SPI Device 4-bit I/O Quad-SPI Device UG585_c12_01_101912 Figure 12-1: Quad-SPI Controller System Viewpoint Address Map and Device Matching for Linear Address Mode When a single device is used, the address map for direct memory reads starts at FC00_0000 and goes to a maximum of FCFF_FFFF (16 MB). The address map for a two-device system depends on the memory devices and the I/O configuration. In two-device systems, the Quad-SPI devices need to be from the same vendor so they have the same protocol. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 342 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller The 8-bit parallel I/O configuration also requires that the devices have the same capacity. The address map for the parallel I/O configuration starts at FC00_0000 and goes to the address of the combined memory capacities, up to a maximum of FDFF_FFFF (32 MB). For the 4-bit Stacked I/O configuration, the devices can have difference capacities, but must have the same protocol. If using two different size devices, Xilinx recommends using a 128 Mb device at the lower address. In this mode, the QSPI 0 device starts at FC00_0000 and goes to a maximum of FCFF_FFFF (16 MB). The QSPI 1 device starts at FD00_0000 and goes to a maximum of FDFF_FFFF (another 16 MB). If the first device is less than 16 MB in size, then there will be a memory space hole between the two devices. 12.1.3 Block Diagram The block diagram of the is shown in Figure 12-2. X-Ref Target - Figure 12-2 Linear Addressing Mode Command FIFO AXI Interface AXI-to-SPI Command Converter SPI-to-AXI Data Formatter I/O Mode Mux APB Interface Tx FIFO Serializer Control MIO Rx FIFO Config, Control, and Status Registers De serializer Loopback Clock Control UG585_c12_02_101912 Figure 12-2: Quad-SPI Controller Block Diagram 12.1.4 Notices Operating Restrictions When a single device is used, it must be connected to QSPI 0. When two devices are used, both devices must be identical (same vendor and same protocol sequencing). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 343 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller The MIO pins for the Quad-SPI controller conflict with both the NOR and NAND interfaces of the SMC controller. The NOR/SRAM and NAND interfaces cannot be used when Quad-SPI is used. More information about the MIO pins is provided in section 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces. 12.2 Functional Description The Quad-SPI flash controller can operate in either I/O mode or linear addressing mode. For reads, the controller supports single, dual and quad read modes in both I/O and linear addressing modes. For writes, single and quad modes are supported in I/O mode. Writes are not supported in linear addressing mode. 12.2.1 Operational Modes Quad-SPI operating mode transitions are shown in Figure 12-3. X-Ref Target - Figure 12-3 Software Reset: slcr.QSPI_RST_CTRL[QSPIx_REF_RST, LQSPIx_CPU1x_RST] Quad-SPI Software Reset Reset Boot Mode Linear Addressing Mode I/O Mode UG585_c12_10_072612 Figure 12-3: Quad-SPI Operating Mode Transitions In I/O mode, software can choose varying degrees of control over different aspects of read data management by setting appropriate register bits. In linear mode, the controller carries out all necessary read data management and the memory reads like a ROM to software. 12.2.2 I/O Mode In I/O mode, the software is responsible for preparing and formatting commands and data into instructions according to the Quad-SPI protocol. The formatted instruction sequence, consisting of CMD and data, is then pushed into a transmit FIFO by repeated writing into a TXD register. The transmit logic serializes the content of the TxFIFO in accordance with the Quad-SPI interface specification and send the data out to the flash memory. While the transmit logic is sending out the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 344 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller content of the TxFIFO, it concurrently samples the raw serial data, performs serial-to-parallel conversion, and stores data into RxFIFO. In the case of a read command, when data is to be driven by the flash memory after the command and address bytes, the MIO switches from output to input at the appropriate time under the control of the transmit logic. Data shifted into the RxFIFO reflects the switch resulting in valid data in the RxFIFO at the corresponding FIFO entry Software needs to filter the raw data from the RxFIFO to obtain the relevant data content. The controller does not modify either the instruction written by software or the captured data put into the RxFIFO. The controller supports little endian mode and the most significant bit of the least significant byte of a 4-byte word of an instruction is sent first. Flow Control I/O mode has different modes of flow control during data transfer. The user can select between automatic and manual mode, controlled by config_reg.MANSTARTEN (Man_start_com). In Manual mode, the user can further select manual or automatic chip select with Config_reg.SSFORCE (Manaual_CS). Asserting chip select signals the beginning of a command sequence on MIO. Immediately following the CS assertion, serial data on D0 is interpreted as command by the flash memory. In automatic mode, the entire transmission sequence, including control of chip select is done in hardware. No software intervention is required. The transmission starts as soon as data is pushed into the TxFIFO via writing to TXD, chip select automatically becomes active. Data transmission ends when the TxFIFO is empty and chip select automatically becomes inactive. In this mode, to carry out continuous data transfer, software must be able to keep up with supplying data to the TxFIFO at a rate equal or higher than the rate of data movement on the MIO. This can be difficult since reading from RXD and writing to TXD occurs at the APB clock rate. In Manual mode, the user controls the start of data transmission. In this case, software either writes the entire transmission sequence to the TxFIFO or until the TxFIFO is full. Upon writing of the Man_start_en bit, the controller takes over, asserts CS, shifts data out of the TxFIFO and into the RxFIFO, controls the input/ouput state of the MIO as appropriate, and terminates the sequence when the TxFIFO is empty by de-asserting CS. The maximum number of bytes per command sequence in this mode is limited by the depth of the TxFIFO of 252 bytes. In manual mode, the user can further choose to control the chip select in addition to controlling the start of transmission. Software again writes the transmission sequence to the TxFIFO starting with the command until the TxFIFO is full. Software then asserts CS, followed by manual start. The hardware takes over. However, CS is not de-asserted when the TxFIFO becomes empty. Software can fill the TxFIFO again with the appropriate data to continue the previous command. This method removes the limit on the number of bytes per command sequence and can be used effectively for large data transfers. On completion of the command sequence, the software de-asserts CS by writing to the Manual_CS bit. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 345 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller 12.2.3 I/O Mode Transmit Registers (TXD) Software writes byte sequences that are needed for the specific flash device. Refer to the Quad-SPI device vendor's specification. The controller has four write-only 32-bit TXD registers for software to issue a stream of commands to get status and read/write data from the flash memory. Quad-SPI TXD register write formats are described in Table 12-1. Each access to the TXD0, TXD1, TXD2, or TXD3 register results into a corresponding write to the TxFIFO. The user must empty the TxFIFO between consecutive accesses from: • TXD0 to TXD1/TXD2/TXD3 • TXD1 to TXD0/TXD1/TXD2/TXD3 • TXD2 to TXD0/TXD1/TXD2/TXD3 • TXD3 to TXD0/TXD1/TXD2/TXD3 You need not empty the FIFO for TxD0 to TXD0 accesses. Table 12-1: Register Quad-SPI TXD Register Write Formats Write Data Format Example Usage 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 TXD 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Data or command Set write enable TXD 2 Reserved Reserved Data 0 Data or command Write status with data TXD 3 Reserved Data 1 Data 0 Data or command Read status with two dummy bytes TXD 0 Data 3 Data 2 Data 1 Data or command Write data to transmit or dummy data for reads Note: The dummy data bytes, which are required in some of the instructions for the selected memory, should be part of the instruction sequence along with the number of bytes intended to be read from memory. The dummy data bytes ensure enough bus turnaround time for switching I/O from output to input. If the number of dummy data bytes is insufficient for an instruction, the memory reads the wrong data. For more information on the number of dummy data bytes needed for a particular instruction, consult the data sheet for the targeted memory. FIFO Reads and Writes The TxFIFO and RxFIFO share the same gated clock. Therefore for every byte, including command and address bytes shifted out of the TxFIFO, a corresponding byte is shifted into the RxFIFO To read data from Quad-SPI flash memory, the software writes the appropriate command, address, mode (when in Quad or Dual I/O mode) and dummy data as required by the Quad-SPI flash memory into the TxFIFO. In addition, software must pad the TxFIFO with additional dummy data. This additional dummy data provides the CLK needed to shift data into the RxFIFO. See section 12.3.5 Rx/Tx FIFO Response to I/O Command Sequences for additional programming details. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 346 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller 12.2.4 I/O Mode Considerations The RxFIFO interrupt status bit indicates when data is available before data is actually available for read. The latency is associated with clock domain crossing and is almost always made-up by the time that software takes to service the interrupt. During a read command, software must write to the TxFIFO with dummy data to receive data from the device. In automatic mode, if TxFIFO goes empty, the Quad-SPI controller deasserts chip select. To further receive data, software must send the read command and address to the device. 12.2.5 Linear Addressing Mode The controller has a 32-bit AXI slave interface to support linear address mapping for read operations. When a master issues an AXI read command through this port, the Quad-SPI controller generates QSPI commands to load the corresponding memory data and send it back through the AXI interface. In linear mode, the flash memory subsystem behaves like a typical read-only memory with an AXI interface that supports a command pipeline depth of four. The linear mode improves both the user friendliness and the overall read memory throughput over that of the I/O mode by reducing the amount of software overhead. From a software perspective, there is no perceived difference between accessing the linear Quad-SPI memory subsystem and that of other ROMs, except for a potentially longer latency. Transfer to LQSPI mode happens when the qspi.LQSPI_CFG.[LQ_MODE] bit is set to 1. Before entering into linear addressing mode, the user must ensure that both the TXFIFO and RXFIFO are empty. Once the qspi.LQSPI_CFG.[LQ_MODE] bit is set, the FIFOs are automatically controlled by the LQSPI module and IO access to TXD and RXD are undefined. In linear mode the CS pins are automatically controlled by the QSPI controller. Before a transition into LQSPI mode, the user must ensure that qspi.Config_reg[Man_start_en] and qspi.Config_reg[PCS] are both zero. A simplified block diagram of the controller showing the linear and I/O portions is shown in Figure 12-2. AXI Interface Operation Only AXI read commands are supported by the linear addressing mode. All valid write addresses and write data are acknowledged immediately but are ignored, that is, no corresponding programming (write) of the flash memory is carried out. All AXI writes generate an SLVERR error on the write response channel. Both incrementing- or wrapping-address burst reads are supported. Fixed-address bursts are not supported and cause an SLVERR error. Therefore, the only recognized arburst[1:0] value is either 2'b01 or 2'b10. All read accesses must be word-aligned and the data width must be 32-bits (no narrow burst transfers are allowed). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 347 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller Table 12-2 lists the read address channel signals from a master that are ignored by the interface. Table 12-2: Ignored AXI Read Address Channel Signals Signal Value araddr[1:0] Ignored, assumed to be 0, i.e., always assumed to be word aligned arsize[2:0] Ignored, always a 32-bit interface arlock[1:0] Ignored arcache[3:0] Ignored arprot[2:0] Ignored The AXI slave interface provides a read acceptance capability of 4 so that it can accept up to four outstanding AXI read commands. AXI Read Command Processing AXI read burst commands are translated into SPI flash read instructions that are sent to the Quad-SPI controller TxFIFO. The controller transmit logic is responsible for retrieving the read instructions from the FIFO and passing them along to the SPI flash memory according to the SPI protocol. A 64-deep FIFO is used to provide read data buffering to hold up to four burst-of-16 data. Since the Rx FIFO starts receiving data as soon as the chip-select signal is active, the linear address module removes incoming data that corresponds to the instruction code, if any, the address, the dummy cycles, and responses to the AXI read instruction with valid data. Interface Configuration and Read Modes AXI read burst transfers are translated into SPI flash read instructions that are sent to the controller's TxFIFO. The transmit logic retrieves the read instructions from the TxFIFO and passes them to the SPI flash memory device according to the SPI protocol. Software defines the SPI read command that is used in linear addressing mode by writing to qspi.LQSPI_CFG[INST_CODE]. The supported read command codes and the recommended configuration register settings (qspi.LQSPI_CFG) are listed in Table 12-3. The optimal register values for Quad-SPI boot performance using a 33 MHz PS_CLK are shown in Table 6-10 and Table 12-3. These Quad-SPI registers can be programmed in non-secure mode using the Register Initialization feature in the BootROM header to speed up loading of the FSBL/User code. If a faster PS_CLK is used, then the clock dividers need to be adjusted. The choice of operating mode depends on the capabilities of the attached device. The I/O Fast Read modes use 4-bit parallel transfers for address and data. This leads to the fastest performance. The Output Fast Read modes use 4-bit parallel transfers for data only. These are still faster than a serial bit mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 348 Chapter 12: Table 12-3: Quad-SPI Flash Controller Quad-SPI Device Configuration Register Values Operating Mode Winbond & Spansion Micron Instruction Code 1 Device 2 Devices 1 Device 2 Devices Read (serial bit) 0x03 0x80000003 0xE0000003 0x80000003 0xE0000003 Fast Read (serial bit) 0x0B 0x8000010B 0xE000010B 0x8000010B 0xE000010B Dual Output Fast Read 0x3B 0x8000013B 0xE000013B 0x8000013B 0xE000013B Quad Output Fast Read 0x6B 0x8000016B 0xE000016B 0x8000016B 0xE000016B Dual I/O Fast Read 0xBB 0x82FF00BB 0xE2FF00BB 0x82FF01BB 0xE2FF01BB Quad I/O Fast Read 0xEB 0x82FF02EB 0xE2FF02EB 0x82FF04EB 0xE2FF06EB Performance Modes To get the highest performance, the user should use the Quad-SPI controller in the Quad I/O mode. The user can improve read performance by using the Quad-SPI device in continuous read mode. This eliminates read instruction overhead for successive commands. Please refer to the LQSPI_CFG register for more details (see Appendix B, Register Details). Refer to the applicable Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet for operating frequencies. Read Data Management A 63-deep RxFIFO provides read data buffering to hold a minimum of three AXI burst transfer lengths of 16 bytes each. Since the RxFIFO starts receiving data as soon as the chip-select signal is active, the linear address adapter removes incoming data that corresponds to the instruction code, if any, the address, and the dummy cycles. The read data must be aligned with the corresponding word boundary specified by the address. For data alignment purposes, the controller can modify the address as illustrated in Figure 12-4 before it is sent to the flash memory device. The address modification involves reducing the address by up to 3 byte locations such that the intended return data is word aligned automatically. The amount of address change is transparent to the AXI interface, and is instruction dependent. For example, if Cmd + address + mode + dummy (QSPI_intruction) does not end on a 32 bit boundary, the linear controller subtracts 1,2,3 from the address to align data on the 32 bit boundary. X-Ref Target - Figure 12-4 Address Offset Flash mem addr = AXI read addr - x AXI read addr Flash mem addr Where x depends on the instr type and is either 0, 1, 2 or 3 UG585_c12_05_022712 Figure 12-4: Automatic Address Offset For Word Alignment Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 349 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller Read Latency In linear mode, the default read mode is fast Quad I/O. The following is an example to calculate latency at the memory in the Quad I/O mode at 100 MHz with 2 dummy bytes. For a single device, the number of clock cycles from the time an 8-bit instruction code and a 24-bit address is available to the time when the first 32-bit data becomes available is: Total latency = instruction latency + address latency + overhead (mode + dummy bites + offset) + latency = 8 cycles + 6 cycles + 8 (2+4+2) cycles + 8 cycles =30 cycles With the SPI clock of 100 MHz, the latency at the memory interface is 320 ns. Other read modes have higher latency and can be calculated in a similar manner. 12.2.6 Unsupported Devices A number of devices implement custom 4-bit wide SPI-like interfaces for flash memory access, such as the SQI devices from SST, and the Fast4 devices from Atmel. Some other Quad-SPI devices, like some Micron/Numonyx devices, offer an option to switch operation to such a custom 4-bit interface, through a non-volatile configuration bit. These interfaces operate differently from the devices supported by the Quad-SPI controller. These flash memory devices operate in 4-bit mode during the instruction phase, as well as the address and data phases. This requires the Quad-SPI flash controller to power up in 4-bit mode and remain in that mode permanently (or until configured otherwise, if that option is available). There are no plans to enable the support for these custom interfaces. 12.2.7 Supported Memory Read and Write Commands Supports commands that transfers address one bit per rising edge of SCK and return data 1, 2, or 4 bits of data per rising edge of SCK. These commands are called Read or Fast Read for 1-bit data; Dual Output Read for 2-bit data, and Quad Output for 4-bit data. Supports commands that transfer both address and data 2 or 4 bits per rising edge of SCK. These are called Dual I/O for 2-bit and Quad I/O for 4-bit. Table 12-4: Memory Read and Write Commands Instruction Name Description Code(Hex) READ Read. Single-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data returned one bit per rising edge of SCLK. 03 FAST_READ Read Fast. Single-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data returned one bit per rising edge of SCLK. 0B DOR Read Dual Out. Single-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data returned two bits per rising edge of SCLK. 3B Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 350 Chapter 12: Table 12-4: Quad-SPI Flash Controller Memory Read and Write Commands (Cont’d) Instruction Name Description Code(Hex) QOR Read Quad Out. Single-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data returned four bits per rising edge of SCLK. 6B DIOR Dual I/O Read. Two-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data returned four bits per rising edge of SCLK. BB QIOR Quad I/O Read. Four-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data returned four bits per rising edge of SCLK. EB PP Page Program. Single-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data sent single bit per rising edge of SCLK. 02 QPP Quad Page Program. Single-bit address sent for every rising edge of clock. Data sent four bits per rising edge of SCLK. 32 in case of Spansion and Micron devices. 38 in case of Macronix devices. 12.3 Programming Guide Example: Start-up Sequence 1. Configure Clocks. Refer to section 12.4.1 Clocks. 2. Configure Tx/Rx Signals. Refer to section 12.5.2 MIO Programming. 3. Reset the Controller. Refer to section 12.4.2 Resets. 4. Configure the Controller. Refer to section 12.3.1 Configuration. Now, either configure the controller for linear addressing mode (section 12.2.5 Linear Addressing Mode) or configure the controller for I/O mode (section 12.3.3 Configure I/O Mode and section 12.3.4 I/O Mode Interrupts). 12.3.1 Configuration Example: Configure Controller This example applies to both linear addressing and I/O modes. It prepares the controller baud rate, FIFO, flash mode, clock phase/polarity, and programs the loopback delay. The values to program into the qspi.Config_reg register are shown in Table 12-3, page 349. 1. Configure the controller. Write to the qspi.Config_reg register. a. Set baud rate, [BAUD_RATE_DIV]. b. Select master mode, [MODE_SEL] = 1. c. Select flash mode (not Legacy SPI), [LEG_FLSH] = 1. d. Select Little Endian, [endian] = 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 351 Chapter 12: 2. e. Set FIFO width to 32 bits, [FIFO_WIDTH]. f. Set clock phase, [CLK_PH] and Polarity, [CLK_POL]. Quad-SPI Flash Controller If baud rate divider is 2, then change default setting. If the qspi.Config_reg[BAUD_RATE_DIV] is set to 0b00, configure the qspi.LPBK_DLY_ADJ (loopback delay adjustment) register with the following settings: a. Set to select internal clock. qspi.LPBK_DLY_ADJ[USE_LPBK] = 1. b. Set the clock delay 0. qspi.LPBK_DLY_ADJ[DLY0] = 0b00. c. Set the clock delay 1. qspi.LPBK_DLY_ADJ[DLY1] = 0b00. 12.3.2 Linear Addressing Mode Example: Linear Addressing Mode (Memory Reads) The sequence of operations for data reads in linear addressing mode is as follows: 1. Set manual start enable to auto mode. Set qspi.Config_reg[Man_start_en] = 0. 2. Assert the chip select. Set qspi.Config_reg[PCS] = 0. 3. Program the configuration register for linear addressing mode. Example values are shown in Table 12-3, page 349. 4. Enable the controller. Set qspi.En_REG[SPI_EN] = 1. 5. Read data from the linear address memory region. The memory range depends on the size and number of devices. The range is from 0xFC00_0000 up to 0xFDFF_FFFF. 6. Disable the controller. Set qspi.En_REG[SPI_EN] = 0. 7. De-assert chip select. Set qspi.Config_reg[PCS] = 1. 12.3.3 Configure I/O Mode Example: I/O Mode (Memory Reads and Writes) The sequence of operations uses I/O mode for reads and writes. 1. Enable manual mode. Write 1 to qspi.Config_reg[Man_start_en, Manual_CS] = 1. 2. Configure the flash device. Refer to Figure 12-6, page 360. Use reset values of the qspi.LQSPI_CFG register for a single flash device. In case of a parallel dual flash device, write 1 to the TWO_MEM, SEP_BUS bit fields. 3. Assert chip select. Set qspi.Config_reg[PCS] = 0. 4. Enable the controller. Set qspi.En_REG[SPI_EN] = 1. 5. Write byte sequences to the flash memory. Write from 1 to 4 bytes to the TxFIFO using the TXD registers. Refer to section 12.2.3 I/O Mode Transmit Registers (TXD). 6. Avoid TxFIFO overflow. When the TxFIFO is empty, 252 bytes can be written. After that, software can avoid overflowing the TxFIFO by reading qspi.Intr_status_REG[TX_FIFO_full] and waiting until it equals 0 before writing to a TXD register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 352 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller 7. Enable the interrupts. Write to qspi.Intrpt_en_REG. Interrupt handlers that handle the interrupt conditions are discussed in interrupt handlers section. 8. Start data transfer. Set qspi.Config_reg[Man_start_com] = 1. 9. Interrupt handler: Transfer all the required data to QSPI flash during program/read operations to Quad-SPI flash. (See Example: I/O Mode Interrupt Service Routine, page 353.) 10. If read operations are carried out: re-arrange the READ data to eliminate the data read due to dummy cycles. 11. De-assert chip select. Set QSPI.Config_reg[PCS] = 1. 12. Disable controller. Set qspi.En_REG[SPI_EN] = 0. Note that the TxFIFO width must be programmed to 32 bits: qspi.Config_reg[FIFO_WIDTH] = 0b11. Software needs to take care of “consecutive non word aligned” transfers. Example: I/O Mode Interrupt Service Routine 1. Configure the ISR to handle the interrupt conditions based on the Quad-SPI device type. To read from the Quad-SPI device, the simplest ISR reads data from the RxFIFO and writes content to the TxFIFO. The system interrupt controller (GIC) is described in Chapter 7, Interrupts. The controller generates a system peripheral interrupt (SPI), IRQ ID #51. The interrupt mechanism for the Quad-SPI controller is described in section 12.3.4 I/O Mode Interrupts. a. Read transfer interrupt. RxFIFO Not Empty Interrupt b. Write transfer interrupt. TxFIFO Not Full Interrupt 12.3.4 I/O Mode Interrupts Interrupts are only used in I/O mode. The controller interrupt is asserted whenever any of the interrupt conditions are met. The Quad-SPI interrupt handler checks the cause of the interrupt. A single interrupt service routine can manage all of the interrupt conditions. Example: Interrupt Handler for Rx and Tx The interrupt handler is trigger by IRQ ID #51. The example reads the RxFIFO until it is empty and then fills-up the TxFIFO. The RxFIFO Not Empty Interrupt status is used to determine if content can be read from the RxFIFO. The TxFIFO Not Full interrupt indicates if there is room in the TxFIFO for more content. 1. Disable all of the interrupts in the controller. Set qspi.Intrpt_dis_REG[TX_FIFO_not_full, RX_FIFO_full] both = 1. 2. Clear the interrupts. Write 1s to the interrupt status register qspi.Intr_status_REG. 3. Empty the RxFIFO. Check if RxFIFO Not Empty interrupt is asserted. If qspi.Intr_status_REG[RX_FIFO_not_empty] = 1, then there is data in the RxFIFO. a. If the status is asserted, then read data from the RxFIFO. Read the data using the qspi.RX_data_REG register. b. Read data from the RxFIFO and poll the interrupt status until the RxFIFO is empty. The RxFIFO is empty when qspi.Intr_status_REG[RX_FIFO_not_empty] = 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 353 Chapter 12: 4. Quad-SPI Flash Controller Fill the TxFIFO. Check if the TxFIFO Not Full status is asserted. If qspi.Intr_status_REG[TX_FIFO_not_Full] = 1, then there is data to be sent to the flash device (program and/or read operations): a. Write data to the qspi.TXD0 register. b. Poll for qspi.Intr_status_REG[TX_FIFO_full] = 1, which indicates TX FIFO is full. c. Follow steps a and b until all the data is written to the TxFIFO or until qspi.Intr_status_REG[TX_FIFO_full] = 1. 5. Enable the interrupts. Set qspi.Intrpt_en_REG[TX_FIFO_not_full, RX_FIFO_full] both = 1. 6. Start the data transfer. Set qspi.Config_reg[MANSTRTEN] = 1. Note: There is a delay in updating the QSPI Intr_status_reg.RX_FIFO_not_empty bit. This can cause polling software to erroneously assume that there is still data in the RxFIFO when there is none and cause the RxFIFO to under-run. This leads to invalid data being read. To avoid this, software can read the Intr_status_reg.RX_FIFO_not_empty bit twice to allow enough time for the controller to update the status bit (see AR# 47575). The not empty threshold event is detected with a change in the FIFO level as it crosses the threshold, but changing the threshold register to a value to less than the current level does not generate an interrupt. 12.3.5 Rx/Tx FIFO Response to I/O Command Sequences Example command and sequences: • Write Enable Command • Read Status Command • Read Data Sequence In these examples, YY can have any value. Each YY pair could have a different value. To receive data in serial legacy mode, the value is sampled from MISO/DQ1 line into RxFIFO synchronous to clock, while the command and address transactions occur on MOSI/DQ0. Example: Write Enable Command (code 0x06) 1. Send the Write Enable Command (WREN). Write 0xYYYY_YY06 to the qspi.TXD1 register. a. WREN command = 0x06. b. YY = 0. c. 2. The controller shifts one byte out of the TxFIFO to the device and receives one byte in the RxFIFO. Read Status. Reads the qspi.RXD register and receive 0xYYPP_PPPP. a. Value is 0x0000_0000 when YY = 0x0 (the status) and PP_PPPP = 0x0 (previous state of the bits). b. Software remembers that one byte resulted from the Write Enable command and returns 0xYY to the calling function. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 354 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller The content in the RxFIFO after sending the WREN command follows. (Previous means that the value has not changed from the register's previous value.) RxFIFO Entry MSB LSB 1 Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid 0 00 Previous Previous Previous Example: Read Status Command (code 0x05) 1. Send the Read Status Command (RDSR). Write 0xYYYY_DD05 to the qspi.TXD2 register. a. Command is 0x05, DD = dummy data, YY =0 b. The controller shifts two bytes out of the TxFIFO to the flash memory and receives two bytes in the RxFIFO. 2. Read Status Value. Read 0xZZYY_PPPP from the qspi.RXD register. a. Value is 0x0300_0000 when ZZ = 0x03, YY == 0x0 and PPPP = 0x0. b. Software remembers that two bytes are valid and returns 0x00, 0x03 to the calling function. The content in the RxFIFO after sending the RDSR command is shown in the table (previous means the value has not changed from the register's previous value): TxFIFO Entry MSB LSB 1 Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid 0 0x3 0x00 Previous Previous Example: Read Data Sequence This example returns the four bytes of data at address 0 to the calling function. 1. Send the data read instruction. Write 0xA2A1_A003 to the qspi.TXD0 register. a. 2. Instruction includes command (0x03) plus address (A0, A1 and A2). Send dummy data. Write 0xD0D1_D2D3 (dummy data) to the qspi.TXD0 register (second TxFIFO entry). a. The controller shifts 8 bytes out of the TxFIFO to the flash memory and receives 8 bytes in the RxFIFO. The content of the TxFIFO for this example follows. The byte sequence from controller to the device is: 0x03, A0, A1, A2, D0, D1, D2 and D3. TxFIFO Entry MSB LSB 1 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 A2 A1 A0 0x03 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 355 Chapter 12: 3. Read past the instruction word. Read the qspi.RXD register and receive 0xYYYY_YYYY: a. 4. Quad-SPI Flash Controller YY = 0. Read flash memory data. Read the RXD register again and receives 0xD3D2_D1D0. a. For the second read, software remembers that four bytes are valid. b. Example data: 0x2468ACEF. c. Overall, software reads these bytes: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x68, 0xAC, 0xEF and returns the four bytes of data to the calling function. The content of the RxFIFO for this example follows. The byte sequence from the device to controller is: YY, YY, YY, YY, 0xEF, 0xAC, 0x68 and 0x24. RxFIFO Entry MSB LSB 1 0x24 0x68 0xAC 0xEF 0 YY YY YY YY 12.3.6 Register Overview The register overview is provided in Table 12-5. Table 12-5: Address Offset Quad-SPI Register Overview Mnemonic Software Name Description 0x00 Config_reg Configuration 0x04 Intr_status_REG Interrupt status 0x08 Intrpt_en_REG Interrupt enable 0x0C Intrpt_dis_REG Interrupt disable 0x10 Intrpt_mask_REG Interrupt mask 0x14 En_REG Controller enable 0x18 Delay_REG Delay 0x1C TXD0 Transmit 1-byte command and 3-byte data OR 4-byte data 0x20 Rx_data_REG Receive data (RxFIFO) 0x24 Slave_Idle_count_REG Slave idle count 0x28 TX_thres_REG TxFIFO threshold level (in 4-byte words) 0x2C RX_thres_REG RxFIFO Threshold level (in 4-byte words) 0x30 GPIO General purpose inputs and outputs 0x38 LPBK_DLY_ADJ Loopback master clock delay adjustment 0x80 TXD1 Transmit 1-byte command 0x84 TXD2 Transmit 1-byte command and 1-byte data 0x88 TXD3 Transmit 3-byte 1-byte command and 2-byte data Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 356 Chapter 12: Table 12-5: Quad-SPI Flash Controller Quad-SPI Register Overview (Cont’d) Address Offset Mnemonic Software Name Description 0xA0 LQSPI_CFG Linear mode configuration 0xA4 LQSPI_STS Linear mode status 0xFC MOD_ID Module ID 12.4 System Functions 12.4.1 Clocks The controller and I/O interface are driven by the reference clock (QSPI_REF_CLK). The controller's interconnect also requires an APB interface CPU_1x clock. These clocks are generated by the PS clock subsystem. CPU_1x Clock Refer to section 25.2 CPU Clock, for general clock programming information. The CPU_1x clock runs asynchronous to the Quad-SPI reference clock. QSPI_REF_CLK and Quad-SPI Interface Clocks The QSPI_REF_CLK is the main controller clock. The QSPI_REF_CLK is sourced from the PS Clock Subsystem. The clock enable, PLL select, and divisor setting are programmed using the slcr.LQSPI_CLK_CTRL register. Refer to section 25.6.3 SDIO, SMC, SPI, Quad-SPI and UART Clocks to program the QSPI_REF_CLK frequency. To generate the Quad-SPI interface clock, the QSPI_REF_CLK is divided down by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 using the qspi.Config_reg [BAUD_RATE_DIV] bit field. For power management, the clock enable in the slcr register can be used to turn off the clock. The operating frequency for the reference clock is defined in the data sheet. Clock Ratio Restriction in Manual Mode In manual mode, the QSPI_REF_CLK frequency must be of greater than or equal value to that of CPU_1x clock frequency for reliable operation of the controller. There is no such restriction in automatic mode.The reference clock is divided down by qspi.Config_reg[baud_rate_divisor] to generate the SCLK clock for the flash memory. Example: Setup Reference Clock This example assumes the selected PLL (ARM, DDR or IO) is operating at 1000 MHz and the desired Quad-SPI reference clock frequency is 200 MHz. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 357 Chapter 12: 1. Quad-SPI Flash Controller Select PLL source, divisors and enable. Write 0x0000_0501 to the slcr.QSPI_CLK_CTRL register. a. Enable the reference clock. b. Divide the I/O PLL clock by 5: DIVISOR = 0x05. c. Select the I/O PLL as the clock source. Quad-SPI Feedback Clock The Quad-SPI interface supports an optional feedback clock pin named qspi_sclk_fb_out. This pin is used with the high speed Quad-SPI timing mode, where the memory interface clock needs to be greater than 40 MHz. The feedback signal is received from the internal input from the I/O so MIO pin 8 needs to be programmed and allowed to freely toggle. Refer to optional programming example in section 12.5.2 MIO Programming for instructions on how to program the MIO_PIN_08 register. When Quad-SPI feedback mode is used, the qspi_sclk_fb_out pin should only be connected to a pull-up or pull-down resistor which is needed to set the MIO voltage mode (vmode). When operating at a Quad-SPI clock frequency greater than FQSPICLK2, the MIO 8 pin must be programmed as the feedback output clock and the MIO 8 pin must only be connected to a pull-up/pull-down resistor on the PCB for boot strapping. 12.4.2 Resets The controller has two reset domains: the APB interface and the controller itself. The reset for two domain must be used together. The effects for each reset type are summarized in Table 12-6. Table 12-6: Quad-SPI Reset Effects APB Interface TxFIFO and RxFIFO Protocol Engine Registers ABP Interface Reset slcr.LQSPI_RST_CTRL[LQSPI_CPU1X_RST] Yes Yes No Yes PS Reset Subsystem slcr.LQSPI_RST_CTRL[QSPI_REF_RST] No Yes Yes No Name Example: Reset the APB Interface and Quad-SPI Controller 1. Set controller resets. Write a 1 to the slcr.LQSPI_RST_CTRL[QSPI__REF_RST and LQSPI_CPU1X_RST] bit fields. 2. Clear controller resets. Write a 0 to the slcr.LQSPI_RST_CTRL[QSPI__REF_RST and LQSPI_CPU1X_RST] bit fields. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 358 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller 12.5 I/O Interface 12.5.1 Wiring Connections The I/O signals are available via the MIO pins. The Quad-SPI controller supports up to two SPI flash memories in either a shared or separate bus configuration. The controller supports operation in several configurations: • Quad-SPI single SS, 4-bit I/O • Quad-SPI dual SS, 8-bit parallel I/O • Quad-SPI dual SS, 4-bit stacked I/O • Quad-SPI single SS, legacy I/O IMPORTANT: QSPI 0 should always be present if the QSPI memory subsystem is to be used. QSPI 1 is optional and is only required for the two-memory arrangement. Therefore, QSPI_1 cannot be used alone. Single SS, 4-bit I/O A block diagram of the 4-bit flash memory interface connected to the controller configuration is shown in Figure 12-5. This configuration supports execution-in-place functionality. X-Ref Target - Figure 12-5 Zynq Device QSPI0_SCLK Quad-SPI Controller QSPI0_IO[3:0] QSPI0_SS_B CLK IO[3:0] Quad-SPI Flash Memory S UG585_c12_06_102014 Figure 12-5: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Quad-SPI Single SS 4-bit I/O www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 359 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller Dual SS, 8-bit Parallel The controller supports up to two SPI flash memories operating in parallel, as shown in Figure 12-6. This configuration increases the maximum addressable SPI flash memory from 16 MB (24-bit addressing) to 32 MB (25-bit addressing). The execution-in-place feature is not supported in this configuration. X-Ref Target - Figure 12-6 Zynq Device QSPI1_SCLK CLK QSPI1_IO[3:0] IO[3:0] QSPI1_SS_B Quad-SPI Flash Memory (Upper) S Quad-SPI Controller QSPI0_SCLK CLK QSPI0_IO[3:0] IO[3:0] QSPI0_SS_B Quad-SPI Flash Memory S UG585_c12_07_102014 Figure 12-6: Quad-SPI Dual SS, 8-bit Parallel I/O For 8 bit parallel configuration, even bits of the data words are located in lower memory and odd bits of data are located in upper memory. The controller takes care of data management in both I/O and linear mode. The Quad-SPI controller does a read from the two Quad-SPI devices and ORs (or operation) both device’s status information before writing the status data in the RXFIFO. Table 12-7 shows the data bit arrangement of a 32-bit data word for 8 bit parallel configuration. Table 12-8 shows Quad-SPI CMD behavior in Dual Quad-SPI parallel mode. Table 12-7: Quad-SPI Dual SS, 8-bit Parallel I/O Data Management Single Device 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 byte 0 12 11 10 9 8 23 22 byte 1 21 20 19 byte 2 18 17 16 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 byte 3 Dual Devices Lower Memory 6 4 2 0 14 12 10 8 22 20 18 16 30 28 26 24 19 17 31 29 27 25 Dual Devices Upper Memory 7 5 3 byte 0 1 15 13 11 byte 1 9 23 21 byte 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 byte 3 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 360 Chapter 12: Table 12-8: Quad-SPI Flash Controller Quad-SPI CMD Behavior in Dual Quad-SPI Parallel Mode Command Dual Parallel Quad-SPI Controller Behavior Sector Erase The Quad-SPI controller sends erase command to both chips; 64 KB erase operation is done to each part. Effectively erases combined 128 KB from both memories. Read ID Only takes received data from the lower flash bus and places it in RXD. Hence no need to combine the data. It is therefore required that the upper and lower flash parts be identical parts when using Parallel Flash Mode. Page Program Even and odd bits are separated and programed in both memories. Refer to Table 12-7 for more information. Read Even and odd data bits are read from both device and are interleaved as shown in Table 12-7. RDSR The WIP bit from both parts are OR'ed together to form the LSB .of the data read, the other 7 bits come just from the lower bus. In 8 bit parallel configuration, total addressable memory size is 32 MB. This requires a 25-bit address. All accesses to memory must be word aligned and have double-byte resolution. In linear mode, the Quad-SPI controller divides the AXI address by 2 and sends the divided address to the Quad-SPI device. In IO mode, software is responsible for doing the address translation to comply with SPI 24-bit address support. Dual SS, 4-bit Stacked I/O To reduce the I/O pin count, the controller also supports up to two SPI flash memories in a shared bus configuration, as shown in Figure 12-7. This configuration increases the maximum addressable SPI flash memory from 16 MB (24-bit addressing) to 32 MB (25-bit addressing), but the throughput remains the same as for single memory mode. Note that in this configuration, the device level XIP mode (read instruction codes of 0xBB and 0xEB), is not supported. The lower SPI flash memory should always be connected if the linear Quad-SPI memory subsystem is used, and the upper flash memory is optional. Total address space is 32 MB with a 25-bit address. In IO mode, the MSB of the address is defined by U_PAGE which is located at bit 28 of register 0xA0. In Linear address mode, AXI address bit 24 determines the upper or lower memory page. All of the commands will be executed by the device selected by U_PAGE in I/O mode and address bit 24 in linear mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 361 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 12-7 Zynq Device CLK IO[3:0] QSPI1_SS_B Quad-SPI Flash Memory (Upper) S Quad-SPI Controller QSPI0_SCLK QSPI0_IO[3:0] QSPI0_SS_B CLK IO[3:0] Quad-SPI Flash Memory S UG585_c12_08_102014 Figure 12-7: Quad-SPI Dual SS 4-bit Stacked I/O Single SS, Legacy I/O The Quad-SPI controller can be operated in legacy single-bit serial interface mode for 1x, 2x and 4x I/O modes as shown in Figure 12-8. X-Ref Target - Figure 12-8 Zynq Device (SPI Master) QSPI0_SCLK QSPI0_IO[0] QSPI0_IO[1] Quad-SPI Controller QSPI0_SS_N QSPI0_IO[2] QSPI0_IO[3] CLK MOSI MISO SPI Slave SS WP HOLD UG585_c12_09_102014 Figure 12-8: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Quad-SPI Single SS, Legacy I/O www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 362 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller 12.5.2 MIO Programming The Quad-SPI signals can be routed to specific MIO pins, refer to Table 12-9, Quad-SPI Interface Signals. Wiring diagrams are shown in Figure 12-5 to Figure 12-8. The general routing concepts and MIO I/O buffer configurations are explained in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. If a four-bit I/O bus is used, then use Quad-SPI 0. If a bus frequency of greater than 40 MHz is needed, then the Quad-SPI feedback clock must be routed on MIO pin 8. Example: Program I/O for a Single Device These steps are required for all of the Quad-SPI I/O interface connections listed above. 1. Configure MIO pin 1 for chip select 0 output. Write 0x0000_1202 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_01 register: a. Route Quad-SPI 0 chip select to pin 1. b. 3-state controlled by Quad-SPI (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). 2. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver (disabled because LVCMOS is selected). Configure MIO pins 2 through 5 for I/O. Write 0x0000_0302 to each of the slcr.MIO_PIN_{02:05} registers: a. Route Quad-SPI 0 I/O pins to pin 2 through 5. b. 3-state controlled by Quad-SPI (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS drive edge. 3. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pin 6 for serial clock 0 output. Write 0x0000_0302 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_06 register: a. Route Quad-SPI 0 serial clock to pin 6. b. 3-state controlled by Quad-SPI (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Option: Add Second Device Chip Select This step is required for the following I/O connections: • Dual selects, shared 4-bit data memory interface. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 363 Chapter 12: Quad-SPI Flash Controller • Dual selects, separate 4-bit data memory interface. 4. Configure MIO pin 0 for chip select 1 output. Write 0x0000_1302 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_00 register: a. Route Quad-SPI 1 chip select to pin 0. b. 3-state controlled by Quad-SPI (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Option: Add Second Serial Clock This step is required for the Dual Selects, Separate 4-bit Data Memory Interface: 5. Configure MIO pin 9 for serial clock 1 output. Write 0x0000_0302 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_09 register: a. Route Quad-SPI 1 serial clock to pin 9. b. 3-state controlled by Quad-SPI (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Option: Add 4-bit Data These steps are required for the dual selects, separate 4-bit data memory interface: 6. Configure MIO pins 10 through 13 for I/O. Write 0x0000_0302 to each of the slcr.MIO_PIN_{10:13} registers: a. Route Quad-SPI 1 I/O pins to pin 9 through 13. b. 3-state controlled by Quad-SPI (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS drive edge. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Option: Add Feedback Output Clock The optional feedback clock is used when the I/O interface is operated above 40 MHz. It should only be connected to a pull-up or pull-down resistor for pin strapping resistor for MIO voltage mode, vmode. The feedback clock must also be enabled. 7. Configure MIO pin 8 for feedback clock. Write 0x0000_0302 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_08 register: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 364 Chapter 12: a. Quad-SPI Flash Controller Route Quad-SPI feedback clock output to pin 8. b. 3-state controlled by Quad-SPI (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Diable HSTL receiver. 12.5.3 MIO Signals The Quad-SPI flash memory signals are routed through the MIO multiplexer to the MIO device pins. Each side of the dual controller port can be individually enabled or operate together as an 8-bit I/O interface. The Quad-SPI flash memory signals are routed to the MIO pins as shown in Table 12-9. Table 12-9: Quad SPI Interface Signals Quad-SPI Flash Memory Interface MIO Pin I/O Name Controller Default Input Value I/O Mode for Data Signal 1-Bit Data 2-Bit Data 4-Bit Quad SPI 0 Quad SPI 1 Data Flash Chip Select ~ 1 0 O QSPI{1,0}_SS_B ~ Serial Clock ~ 6 9 O QSPI{1,0}_SCLK ~ Output Feedback Clk ~ O QSPI_SCLK_FB_OUT ~ 8 I/O 0 Master Output I/O 0 I/O 0 I/O 1 Master Input I/O 1 I/O 1 I/O 2 Write Protect Write Protect I/O 2 I/O 3 Hold Hold I/O 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 2 10 IO QSPI{1,0}_IO_0 0 3 11 IO QSPI{1,0}_IO_1 0 4 12 IO QSPI{1,0}_IO_2 0 5 13 IO QSPI{1,0}_IO_3 0 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 365 Chapter 13 SD/SDIO Controller 13.1 Introduction The SD/SDIO controller communicates with SDIO devices, SD memory cards, and MMC cards with up to four data lines. On the SD interface, one (DAT0) or four (DAT0-DAT3) lines can be used for data transfer. The SDIO interface can be routed through the MIO multiplexer to the MIO pins or through the EMIO to SelectIO pin in the PL. The controller can support SD and SDIO applications in a wide range of portable low-power applications such as 802.11 devices, GPS, WiMAX, UWB, and others. The SD/SDIO controller block diagram is shown in Figure 13-1. The SD/SDIO controller is compatible with the standard SD Host Controller Specification Version 2.0 Part A2 with SDMA (single operation DMA), ADMA1 (4 KB boundary limited DMA), and ADMA2 (ADMA2 allows data of any location and any size to be transferred in a 32-bit system memory scatter-gather DMA) support. The core also supports up to seven functions in SD1, SD4, but does not support SPI mode. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC is expected to work with eMMC devices because the protocol is the same as SD, but this has not been extensively verified. Users must be careful to meet all timing requirements as they might or might not comply with eMMC. It does support SD high-speed (SDHS) and SD High Capacity (SDHC) card standards. The user should be familiar with the SD2.0/SDIO 2.0 specifications. These are listed in Appendix A, Additional Resources. The SD/SDIO controller also supports MMC3.31 standard. eMMC flash memories are not primary boot devices for Zynq-7000 family, but can be used as secondary boot devices. For details, refer to UG821, Zynq-7000 Software Developers Guide. The SD/SDIO controller is accessed by the ARM processor via the AHB bus. The controller also includes a DMA unit with an internal FIFO to meet throughput requirements. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 366 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 13-1 SDMA ADMA1 ADMA2 Command Decoder Response Generator AHB Interface AHB SD/SDIO Host Controller SD/SDIO Bus Transmitter/ Receiver CPRM Interrupts Interrupt FIFO UG585_c13_01_020613 Figure 13-1: SD/SDIO Controller Block Diagram 13.1.1 Key Features The two SDIO controllers are controlled and operate independently with the same feature set: • • Host mode controller ° Four I/O signals (MIO or EMIO) ° Command, Clock, CD, WP, Pwr Ctrl (MIO or EMIO) ° LED control, bus voltage (EMIO) ° Interrupt or polling driven AHB master-slave interface operating at the CPU_1x clock rate Master mode for DMA transfers (with 1 KB FIFO) ° • Slave mode for register accesses SDIO Specification 2.0 ° Low-speed, 1 KHz to 400 KHz ° Full-speed, 1 MHz to 50 MHz (25 MB/sec) ° High-speed and high-capacity memory cards Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 367 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.1.2 System Viewpoint Figure 13-2 shows the SD/SDIO controller system viewpoint. X-Ref Target - Figure 13-2 IRQ ID# {56, 79} Interconnect AHB Device Boundary MIO – EMIO Routing SDIO Interface Controller Master port MIO Pins CPU_1x clock SDIO{0, 1} CPU_1x reset Interconnect AHB Control Registers Slave port EMIO Signals PL SDIO{0, 1} Ref Clock UG585_c13_02_031812 Figure 13-2: SD/SDIO Controller System Viewpoint Diagram 13.2 Functional Description 13.2.1 AHB Interface and Interrupt Controller When using programmed I/O for data transfers, software reads and writes the sdio.Buffer_Data_Port register. When using the local DMA unit for data transfers, the DMA unit initiates read or write memory transactions. The SDIO controller cannot be used with the PS DMAC. The controller can generate IRQ interrupt #56 and 79 for SDIO 0 and SDIO 1, respectively. The status and masking of the interrupts are controlled by registers. 13.2.2 SD/SDIO Host Controller The SD/SDIO host controller comprises: • Host-AHB controller • All control registers • Bus monitor • Clock generator • CRC generator and checker (CRC7 and CRC16) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 368 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller The host-AHB controller acts as bridge between the AHB bus and the host controller. The SD/SDIO controller registers are programmed by the processor through the AHB interface. Interrupts are generated based on the values set in the Interrupt Status and Interrupt Enable registers. The bus monitor checks for violations occurring on the SD bus and timeout conditions. The clock generation block generates the SD clock depending on the value programmed in the Clock Control register. The CRC7 and CRC16 generators calculate the CRC for command and data transfers to the SD/SDIO card. The CRC7 and CRC16 checker checks for any CRC errors in the response and data received from the SD/SDIO card. To detect data defects on the card, the host can include error correction codes in the payload data. ECC code is used to store data on the card. This ECC code is used by the application to decode the user data. 13.2.3 Data FIFO The controller uses two 512 byte dual port FIFOs for performing write and read transactions. During a write transaction (data is transferred from the processor to an attached card) data is written by the processor alternatively into the first and second FIFO. When data is transferred to an attached card, alternatively the second and first FIFO is used, providing maximum data throughput. During a read transaction (data is transferred from an attached card to the processor) the data from the card is alternatively written in the two FIFOs. When data from one FIFO is transferred to the processor the second FIFO is filled with data from the card and vice versa, optimizing data throughput. If the controller cannot accept any data from a connected card, it issues a read wait, stopping the data transfer from the card by stopping the clock. 13.2.4 Command and Control Logic The control logic block transmits data on the data lines during a write transaction and receives data during read transaction The command control logic block transmits commands on the command lines and receives the response from the SD2.0 or SDIO2.0. 13.2.5 Bus Monitor The bus monitor checks for violations occurring in the SD bus, and timeout conditions. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 369 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.2.6 Stream Write and Read This functionality applies to both DMA and non-DMA modes. WRITE_DAT_UNTIL_STOP(CMD20) writes a data stream from the host, starting at the given address, until a STOP_TRANSMISSION follows. READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP(CMD11) reads a data stream from the card, starting at the given address, until a STOP_TRANSMISSION follows. The host controller switches to the second FIFO after writing/reading a block of data to/from the first FIFO, but the stream transaction block size is not be programmed by the driver. So for both stream write and stream read transactions, it is recommended that the host driver writes the maximum FIFO size value to the Block Size register. Because the SDIO FIFO slice is set to 512 bytes, the host driver must write 512 bytes to the Block Size register. Therefore FIFO switching occurs after writing/reading the 512 bytes of data. 13.2.7 Clocks The SDIO clock is derived from SDIO reference clock based on the Clock Control register value programmed by the driver and is available when the SD clock enable is set by the driver. The maximum frequency is 50 MHz. The AHB system clock is used for the AHB interface. The host controller supports both full speed and high speed cards. For the high speed card, the host controller should clock out the data at the rising edge of the SDIO clock. For the full speed card, the host controller should clock out the data at the falling edge of the SDIO clock. Refer to Table 24-2, page 681 for the more details about power management. Refer to Chapter 25, Clocks for details about the clocks. Layout and clock termination guidelines are presented in UG933, Zynq-7000 All programmable SoC PCB Design Guide. Note: The SDIO reference clock must be set to more than 100 MHz during the card initialization sequence. This is needed to ensure the SD card interface frequency is no more than 400 kHz as required for initialization. The divisor value is set to 0x80 (256) yielding a 390 kHz clock from the 100 MHz reference. 13.2.8 Soft Resets The host controller supports all soft resets mentioned in the SD2.0/SDIO2.0 Host Controller Specification. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 370 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.2.9 FIFO Overrun and Underrun Conditions This functionality applies to both DMA and non-DMA modes. Write During the write transaction, the host controller transmits data to the card only when a block of data is ready to transmit and the card is not busy. Therefore an under-run condition cannot occur in the SD side. • In DMA mode, the host controller initiates a DMA READ from the ARM processor only if space is available to accept a block of data. • In non-DMA mode, the host controller asserts a buffer write ready interrupt only if space is available to accept a block of data. Read During the read transaction when the FIFO is full (the FIFO does not have enough space to accept a block of data from the card) the host controller stops the clk_sd to the card. Therefore an over-run condition cannot occur in SD side. • In DMA mode the host controller initiates a DMA WRITE to the ARM processor only on reception of a block of data from card. • In non-DMA mode, the host controller asserts a buffer read ready interrupt only on reception of a block of data from card. Limitation The interconnect switch (ARM NIC-301) converts the AXI transaction to AHB transaction going to the SD/SDIO Controller. But it does not handle WSTRB signal propagation from the PL. If the PL master issues a 2 byte wide transaction with AWSIZE=2 (4 bytes), the upper two bytes are undefined. Therefor the recommendation is to use AxSIZE=1 for 2 byte transfers. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 371 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.3 Programming Model 13.3.1 Data Transfer Protocol Overview SD transfers are basically classified into following three types according to how the number of blocks is specified: Single Block Transfer The number of blocks is specified to the host controller before the transfer. The number of blocks specified is always one. Multiple Block Transfer The number of blocks is specified to the host controller before the transfer. The number of blocks specified is one or more. Infinite Block Transfer The number of blocks is not specified to the host controller before the transfer. This transfer is continued until an abort transaction is executed. This abort transaction is performed by CMD12 in the case of an SD memory card and by CMD52 in the case of an SDIO card. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 372 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.3.2 Data Transfers Without DMA Figure 13-3 shows data transfers without using DMA. X-Ref Target - Figure 13-3 Start (1) (5) Set Block Size Reg Set Command Reg (2) (6) Wait for Command Complete Int Set Block Count Reg (3) Command Complete Int Occur (7) Set Argument Reg Clr Command Complete Sts (4) (8) Set Transfer Mode Reg Get Response Data (9) Write Read Write or Read (10-R) (10-W) Wait for Buffer Write Ready Int Wait for Buffer Write Ready Int Buffer Write Ready Int Occur (11-W) Clr Buffer Wr Rdy Sts Clr Buffer Rd Rdy Sts (12-W) (12-R) Set Block Data Get Block Data (13-W) (13-R) More Blocks? More Blocks? Yes Yes No No Single or Multi Block Transfer (14) Infinite Block Transfer Single / Multi / Infinite Block Transfer? (15) (17) Wait for Transfer Complete Int (16) Buffer Read Ready Int Occur (11-R) Abort Transaction Transfer Complete Int Occur Clr Transfer Complete Sts End UG585_c13_03_031812 Figure 13-3: Data Transfer Using DAT Line Sequence (Without Using DMA) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 373 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller The sequence for data transfers without using DMA is as follows: 1. Set the value corresponding to the executed data byte length of one block to the Block Size register. 2. Set the value corresponding to the executed data block count to the Block Count register. 3. Set the value corresponding to the issued command to the Argument register. 4. Set the value to Multi/Single Block Select and Block Count Enable. Set the value corresponding to the issued command to Data Transfer Direction, Auto CMD12 Enable, and DMA Enable. 5. Set the value corresponding to the issued command to the Command register. Note: When writing the upper byte of the command register, the SD command is issued. 6. Wait for the command complete interrupt. 7. Write a 1 to the Command Complete bit in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. 8. Read the Response register and get the necessary information in accordance with the issued command. 9. In the case where this sequence is for writing to a card, go to Step (10-W). In case of read from a card, go to Step (10-R). (10-W). Wait for a buffer write ready interrupt. ° Non-DMA Write Transfer On receiving the buffer write ready interrupt the ARM processor acts as a master and starts transferring the data via the Buffer Data Port register (FIFO_1). The transmitter starts sending the data on the SD bus when a block of data is ready in FIFO_1. While transmitting the data on the SD bus the buffer write ready interrupt is sent to the ARM processor for the second block of data. The ARM processor acts as a master and starts sending the second block of data via the buffer data port register to FIFO_2. The buffer write ready interrupt is asserted only when a FIFO is empty and available to receive a block of data. (11-W). Write a 1 to the Buffer Write Ready bit in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. (12-W). Write a block of data (according to the number of bytes specified in Step (1)) to the Buffer Data Port register. (13-W). Repeat until all blocks are sent and then go to Step (14). ° Non-DMA Read Transfer A buffer read ready interrupt is asserted whenever a block of data is ready in one of the FIFOs. On receiving the buffer read ready interrupt, the ARM processor acts as a master and starts reading the data via the Buffer Data Port register (FIFO_1). The receiver starts reading the data from the SD bus only when a FIFO is empty and available to receive a block of data. When both of the FIFOs are full the host controller stops the data coming from the card by means of a read wait mechanism (if the card supports read wait) or through clock stopping. (10-R). Wait for a buffer read ready interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 374 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller (11-R). Write a 1 to the Buffer Read Ready bit in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. (12-R). Read a block of data (according to the number of bytes specified in Step (1)) from the Buffer Data Port register. (13-R). Repeat until all blocks are received and then go to Step (14). 14. If this sequence is for a single or multiple block transfer, go to Step (15). In case of an infinite block transfer, go to Step (17). 10. Wait for a transfer complete interrupt. 11. Write a 1 to the Transfer Complete bit in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. 12. Perform the sequence for abort transaction. Note: Step (1) and Step (2) can be executed at same time. Step (4) and Step (5) can be executed at same time. 13.3.3 Using DMA Figure 13-4 shows data transfers using DMA. X-Ref Target - Figure 13-4 Start (1) Set System Address Reg (2) (10) Set Block Size Reg Wait For Transfer Complete Int and DMA Int (3) Set Block Count Reg (4) (11) Set Argument Reg Transfer Complete Int Occur Check Interrupt Status (5) (12) Set Transfer Mode Reg Clr DMA Interrupt Status (6) (13) Set Command Reg Get System Address Reg (7) Wait For Command Command Int (8) (14) Command Complete Int Occur Clr Command Complete Status Clr Transfer Complete Status Clr DMA Interrupt Status Get Response Data End (9) UG585_c13_04_031812 Figure 13-4: SDIO Controller Data Transfer Using DMA Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 375 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller Burst types such as an 8-beat incrementing burst or a 4-beat incrementing burst, or a single transfer is used to transfer or receive the data from the system memory mainly to avoid the hold of the AHB bus by the master for a longer time. The sequence for using DMA is as follows: 1. Set the system address for DMA in the System Address register. 2. Set the value corresponding to the executed data byte length of one block in the Block Size register. 3. Set the value corresponding to the executed data block count in the Block Count register. 4. Set the value corresponding to the issued command to the Argument register. 5. Set the value to Multi/Single Block Select and Block Count Enable. Set the value corresponding to the issued command to Data Transfer Direction, Auto CMD12 Enable, and DMA Enable. 6. Set the value corresponding to the issued command to the Command register. Note: When writing to the upper byte of the Command register, the SD command is issued. 7. Wait for the command complete interrupt. 8. Write a 1 to the Command Complete in the Normal Interrupt Status register for clearing this bit. 9. Read the Response register and get the necessary information in accordance with the issued command. ° DMA Write Transfer On receiving the Response End Bit from the card for the write command (data is flowing from the host to the card) the SD host controller acts as the master and requests the AHB bus. After receiving the grant the host controller starts reading a block of data from system memory and fills the first half of the FIFO. Whenever a block of data is ready the transmitter starts sending the data on the SD bus. While transmitting the data on the SD bus the host controller requests the bus to fill the second block in the second half of the FIFO. “Ping Pong” FIFOs are used to increase the throughput. Similarly, the host controller reads a block of data from system memory whenever a FIFO is empty. This continues until all of the blocks are read from system memory. A transfer complete interrupt is set only after transferring all of the blocks of data to the card. ° DMA Read Transfer The block of data received from the card (data is flowing from the card to the host) is stored in the first half of the FIFO. Whenever a block of data is ready the SD host controller acts as the master and request the AHB bus. After receiving the grant the host controller starts writing a block of data into system memory from the first half of the FIFO. While transmitting data into system memory the host controller receives the second block of data and stores it in the second half of the FIFO. Similarly the host controller writes a block of data into system memory whenever data is ready. This continues until all of the blocks are transferred to system memory. A transfer complete interrupt is set only after transferring all of the blocks of data into system memory. Note: The host controller receives a block of data from the card only when it has room to store a block of data in the FIFO. When both FIFOs are full the host controller stops the data coming from the card through a “read wait” mechanism (if the card supports read wait) or through clock stopping. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 376 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 10. Wait for the transfer complete interrupt and DMA interrupt. 11. If Transfer Complete is set to 1, go to Step (14). If DMA Interrupt is set to 1 go to Step (12). Transfer Complete has a higher priority than DMA Interrupt. 12. Write a 1 to the DMA Interrupt bit in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. 13. Set the next system address of the next data position to the System Address register and go to Step (10). 14. Write a 1 to the Transfer Complete and DMA Interrupt in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. Note: Step (2) and Step (3) can be executed at same time. Step (5) and Step (6) can also be executed at same time. For example, if the host wants to transfer 4 KB of data to the card and assuming the maximum block size is 256 bytes, the host driver programs the Block Size register as 256 and Block Count register with the value 16. The AHB master and transmitter residing inside the SD2.0/SDIO2.0 host controller get the information (how much data to transfer) from these registers. Using the above information, the AHB master acts as a master and initiates a data read transaction (to read a block of data — 256 bytes from the system memory). The following types of burst are used mainly to avoid hold of the AHB bus by the master for a longer time. • Single transfer • 4-beat incrementing burst • 8-beat incrementing burst The first block of data is received in the first half of the FIFO and the second block in the second half of the FIFO. Similarly, the remaining blocks are received in alternate FIFOs. Whenever a block of data is ready in FIFO, the transmitter starts transmitting the block of data (256 bytes) onto the SD bus. After transmitting the entire block of data to the card, the transmitter waits for a status response from the card. Transmitter sends the next block of data only when it receives a good status response from the card for the previous block of data, otherwise the transaction is aborted and the host goes for a fresh transaction. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 377 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.3.4 Using ADMA Figure 13-5 shows data transfers using ADMA. X-Ref Target - Figure 13-5 Start (1) Create Descriptor Table (2) (11) Set ADMA System Address Reg Wait For Transfer Complete Int and ADMA Error Int (3) Set Block Size Reg (4) (12) Check Interrupt Status Set Block Count Reg (5) Set Argument Reg Transfer Complete Int. Occurs (14) (13) (6) ADMA Error Int. Occurs Clr Transfer Complete Interrupt Status Set Transfer Mode Reg (7) Clr ADMA Error Interrupt Status (15) Set Command Reg Abort ADMA Operation (8) Wait For Command Complet Int End Command Complete Int Occurs (9) Clr Command Complete Status (10) Get Response Data UG585_c13_05_031812 Figure 13-5: SDIO Controller Data Transfer Using ADMA The sequence for using ADMA is as follows 1. Create a descriptor table for ADMA in system memory. 2. Set the descriptor address for ADMA in the ADMA System Address register. 3. Set the value corresponding to the executed data byte length of one block in the Block Size register. 4. Set the value corresponding to the executed data block count in the Block Count register in accordance with SDIO register map. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 378 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller If the Block Count Enable bit in the Transfer Mode register is set to 1, the total data length can be designated by the Block Count register and the descriptor table. These two parameters shall indicate same data length. However, transfer length is limited by the 16-bit Block Count register. If the Block Count Enable bit in the Transfer Mode register is set to 0, the total data length is designated not by Block Count register, but the descriptor table. In this case, if the ADMA reads more data than the length programmed in the descriptor from the SD card, the operation is aborted asynchronously and the extra read data is discarded when the ADMA is completed. 5. Set the argument value to the Argument register. 6. Set the value to the Transfer Mode register. The host driver determines Multi/Single Block Select, Block Count Enable, Data Transfer Direction, Auto CMD12 Enable and DMA Enable. Multi/Single Block Select and Block Count Enable are determined according to SDIO register map. 7. Set the value to the Command register. Note: When writing to the upper byte [3] of the Command register, the SD command is issued and DMA is started. 8. Wait for the command complete interrupt. 9. Write a 1 to the Command Complete bit in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. 10. Read the Response register and get the necessary information from the issued command. 11. Wait for the transfer complete interrupt and ADMA error interrupt. 12. If the Transfer Complete is set to 1, go to Step (13). If the ADMA Error Interrupt is set to 1, go to Step (14). 13. Write a 1 to the Transfer Complete Status bit in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. 14. Write a 1 to the ADMA Error Interrupt Status bit in the Error Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. 15. Abort ADMA operation. SD card operation should be stopped by issuing an abort command. If necessary, the host driver checks the ADMA Error Status register to detect why the ADMA error is generated. Note: Step (3) and Step (4) can be executed simultaneously. Step (6) and Step (7) can also be executed simultaneously. Note: During ADMA2 operation, the controller will not generate a DMA interrupt if the INT attribute is set along with NOP, RSVD, or LINK attribute. 13.3.5 Abort Transaction An abort transaction is performed using CMD12 for a SD memory card and by using CMD52 for a SDIO card. There are two cases where the HD needs to do an abort transaction: • When the HD stops infinite block transfers. • When the HD stops transfers while a multiple block transfer is executing. There are two ways to issue an abort command. The first is an asynchronous abort. The second is a synchronous abort. In an asynchronous abort sequence, the HD can issue an abort command at anytime unless the Command Inhibit (CMD) bit in the Present State register is set to 1. In a synchronous abort, the HD issues an abort command after the data transfer stopped via the Stop At Block Gap Request bit in the Block Gap Control register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 379 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller Synchronous Abort The following sequence performs a synchronous abort. 1. Set the Stop At Block Gap Request bit in the Block Gap Control register to 1 to stop SD transactions. 2. Wait for a transfer complete interrupt. X-Ref Target - Figure 13-6 Start (1) Set Stop at Block Gap Request Set Software Reset For DAT Line (DR) and CMD Line (CR) (2) Wait For Transfer Complete Int (3) (5) Transfer Complete Int Occur (6) DR=1 or CR=1 Check DR and CR Clr Transfer Complete Status DR=0 and CR=0 (4) End Issue Abort Command UG585_c13_06_031812 Figure 13-6: SDIO Controller Synchronous Abort Sequence 3. Set the Transfer Complete bit to 1 in the Normal Interrupt Status register to clear this bit. 4. Issue an abort command. 5. Set both the Software Reset for DAT Line and Software Reset for CMD Line bits to 1 in the Software Reset register to do a software reset. 6. Check the Software Reset for DAT Line and Software Reset for CMD Line in the Software Reset register. If both Software Reset for DAT Line and Software Reset for CMD Line are 0, go to “END”. If either the Software Reset for DAT Line or the Software Reset for CMD Line is 1, repeat Step (6). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 380 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller 13.3.6 External Interface Usage Example Zynq-7000 devices provide two secure digital (SD) ports that support SD and SDIO devices (see Figure 13-7). X-Ref Target - Figure 13-7 SDx_CLK SDx_CMD SD/SDIO Controller SDx_DAT[3:0] CLK CMD DAT[3:0] SDIO Device Zynq Device UG595_c13_07_031812 Figure 13-7: SDIO Controller Device Wiring Diagram 13.3.7 Supported Configurations The SD/SDIO controller supports operation in several configurations: • Secure digital (SD) memory • Secure digital input/output (SDIO) Some SD card slots provide two additional pins: card detect (CDn) to signal the insertion or presence of a card, and write protect (WP) to report the position of the write protect switch on the memory card. These signals must be externally pulled up. The card normally pulls CDn Low when inserted. If the WP switch is set to protect the card from writes, then the WP signal remains High. The wiring schematic is shown in Figure 13-8. If the card does not function in this manner, then an alternate method is required to signal the insertion or presence of the card. Additional board design information is located in UG933, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC PCB Design Guide. Production versions of the BootROM do not look for CDn to be pulled Low; it assumes the card is installed. Xilinx drivers require that these signals are routed through the MIO and function properly to provide card state to the software. The routing is done using a slcr.SD{1,0}_WP_CD_SEL register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 381 Chapter 13: SD/SDIO Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 13-8 VIO SDx_CLK CLK SDx_CMD CMD SDx_DAT[3:0] DAT[3:0] SD/SDIO Controller SD Memory Card SDx_CDn SDx_WP SD Card Slot Zynq Device UG595_c13_08_100617 Figure 13-8: SDIO Controller SD Card Detect and Write Protect Diagram 13.3.8 Bus Voltage Translation The SDIO power pin SDx_POW can be used to control power to the SDIO slots. Depending on the I/O voltage for the selected MIO bank and the SD/SDIO devices connected to the bus, it might be necessary to use a level translator. 13.4 SDIO Controller Media Interface Signals The SDIO media interface signals are independently routed to the MIO pins or to a set of EMIO interface signals, see Table 13-1. The MIO pins and any restrictions based on device version are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Table 13-1: SDIO Interface Signals SDIO Interface SDIO 0 Clock Default Controller Input Value 0 ~ EMIO Signal(1) MIO Pin Number I/O 16, 28, 40 IO 0 SDIO 0 Command ~ 17, 29, 41 ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com IO Name I/O EMIOSDIO0CLKFB I EMIOSDIO0CLK O EMIOSDIO0CMDI I EMIOSDIO0CMDO O EMIOSDIO0CMDTN O Send Feedback 382 Chapter 13: Table 13-1: SD/SDIO Controller SDIO Interface Signals (Cont’d) SDIO Interface Default Controller Input Value EMIO Signal(1) MIO Pin Number I/O SDIO 0 Data 1 SDIO 0 Data 2 SDIO 0 Data 3 I/O EMIOSDIO0DATAI0 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO0 O ~ EMIOSDIO0DATATN0 O 0 EMIOSDIO0DATAI1 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO1 O ~ EMIOSDIO0DATATN1 O 0 EMIOSDIO0DATAI2 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO2 O ~ EMIOSDIO0DATATN2 O 0 EMIOSDIO0DATAI3 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO3 O EMIOSDIO0DATATN3 O 0 SDIO 0 Data 0 Name ~ 18, 30, 42 ~ 19, 31, 43 ~ 20, 32, 44 ~ 21, 33, 45 IO IO IO IO ~ SDIO 0 Card Detect Any pin except 7 and 8 I EMIOSDIO0CDN I SDIO 0 Write Protect Any pin except 7 and 8 I EMIOSDIO0WP I SDIO 0 Power Control ~ Any even pin O EMIOSDIO0BUSPOW O SDIO 0 LED Control ~ ~ ~ EMIOSDIO0LED O SDIO 0 Bus Voltage ~ ~ ~ EMIOSDIO0BUSVOLT[2:0] O SDIO 1 Clock 0 12, 24, 36, 48 IO EMIOSDIO1CLKFB I EMIOSDIO1CLK O EMIOSDIO1CMDI I EMIOSDIO1CMDO O ~ EMIOSDIO1CMDTN O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI0 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO0 O ~ EMIOSDIO1DATATN0 O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI1 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO1 O ~ EMIOSDIO1DATATN1 O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI2 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO2 O ~ EMIOSDIO1DATATN2 O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI3 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO3 O EMIOSDIO1DATATN3 O ~ 0 SDIO 1 Command SDIO 1 Data 0 SDIO 1 Data 1 SDIO 1 Data 2 SDIO 1 Data 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11, 23, 35, 47 10, 22, 34, 46 13, 25, 37, 49 14. 26, 38, 50 15, 27, 39, 51 ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com IO IO IO IO IO Send Feedback 383 Chapter 13: Table 13-1: SD/SDIO Controller SDIO Interface Signals (Cont’d) SDIO Interface Default Controller Input Value EMIO Signal(1) MIO Pin Number I/O SDIO 0 Data 1 SDIO 0 Data 2 SDIO 0 Data 3 I/O EMIOSDIO0DATAI0 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO0 O ~ EMIOSDIO0DATATN0 O 0 EMIOSDIO0DATAI1 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO1 O ~ EMIOSDIO0DATATN1 O 0 EMIOSDIO0DATAI2 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO2 O ~ EMIOSDIO0DATATN2 O 0 EMIOSDIO0DATAI3 I EMIOSDIO0DATAO3 O EMIOSDIO0DATATN3 O 0 SDIO 0 Data 0 Name ~ 18, 30, 42 ~ 19, 31, 43 ~ 20, 32, 44 ~ 21, 33, 45 IO IO IO IO ~ SDIO 0 Card Detect Any pin except 7 and 8 I EMIOSDIO0CDN I SDIO 0 Write Protect Any pin except 7 and 8 I EMIOSDIO0WP I SDIO 0 Power Control ~ Any even pin O EMIOSDIO0BUSPOW O SDIO 0 LED Control ~ ~ ~ EMIOSDIO0LED O SDIO 0 Bus Voltage ~ ~ ~ EMIOSDIO0BUSVOLT[2:0] O SDIO 1 Clock 0 12, 24, 36, 48 IO EMIOSDIO1CLKFB I EMIOSDIO1CLK O EMIOSDIO1CMDI I EMIOSDIO1CMDO O ~ EMIOSDIO1CMDTN O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI0 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO0 O ~ EMIOSDIO1DATATN0 O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI1 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO1 O ~ EMIOSDIO1DATATN1 O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI2 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO2 O ~ EMIOSDIO1DATATN2 O 0 EMIOSDIO1DATAI3 I EMIOSDIO1DATAO3 O EMIOSDIO1DATATN3 O ~ 0 SDIO 1 Command SDIO 1 Data 0 SDIO 1 Data 1 SDIO 1 Data 2 SDIO 1 Data 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11, 23, 35, 47 10, 22, 34, 46 13, 25, 37, 49 14. 26, 38, 50 15, 27, 39, 51 ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com IO IO IO IO IO Send Feedback 384 Chapter 13: Table 13-1: SD/SDIO Controller SDIO Interface Signals (Cont’d) SDIO Interface Default Controller Input Value EMIO Signal(1) MIO Pin Number I/O Name I/O SDIO 1 Card Detect Any pin except 7 and 8 I EMIOSDIO1CDN I SDIO 1 Write Protect Any pin except 7 and 8 I EMIOSDIO1WP I SDIO 1 Power Control ~ Any odd pin O EMIOSDIO1BUSPOW O SDIO 1 LED Control ~ ~ ~ EMIOSDIO1LED O SDIO 1 Bus Voltage ~ ~ ~ EMIOSDIO1BUSVOLT[2:0] O Notes: 1. In production silicon, the EMIO three-state control signals are inverted by the Processing_System7 wrapper. 13.4.1 SDIO EMIO Considerations The SDIO interfaces are enabled through the MIO as well as the EMIO interface. They are mutually exclusive in that once the interface is routed through the MIO it no longer is available via the EMIO. If the designer chooses to use the EMIO interface for SDIO due to other MIO priorities, the designer should know that the maximum operating frequency for SDIO via EMIO is limited. The PL connectivity should connect the EMIO signals directly to the SelectIO pins. Additionally, it might be necessary to restrict the SDIO to operate in full or low speed modes, refer to the data sheet for frequency and timing values. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 385 Chapter 14 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 14.1 Introduction The general purpose I/O (GPIO) peripheral provides software with observation and control of up to 54 device pins via the MIO module. It also provides access to 64 inputs from the Programmable Logic (PL) and 128 outputs to the PL through the EMIO interface. The GPIO is organized into four banks of registers that group related interface signals. Each GPIO is independently and dynamically programmed as input, output, or interrupt sensing. Software can read all GPIO values within a bank using a single load instruction, or write data to one or more GPIOs (within a range of GPIOs) using a single store instruction. The GPIO control and status registers are memory mapped at base address 0xE000_A000. 14.1.1 Features Key features of the GPIO peripheral are summarized as follows: • 54 GPIO signals for device pins (routed through the MIO multiplexer) ° • Outputs are 3-state capable 192 GPIO signals between the PS and PL via the EMIO interface ° 64 Inputs, 128 outputs (64 true outputs and 64 output enables) • The function of each GPIO can be dynamically programmed on an individual or group basis • Enable, bit or bank data write, output enable and direction controls • Programmable interrupts on individual GPIO basis ° Status read of raw and masked interrupt ° Selectable sensitivity: Level-sensitive (High or Low) or edge-sensitive (positive, negative, or both) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 386 Chapter 14: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 14.1.2 Block Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 14-1 GPIO Bank 0 32b x 54 MIO GPIO Bank 1 22b GPIO Bank 2 32b EMIOGPIOI[31:0], EMIOGPIOO[31:0], EMIOGPIOTN[31:0] EMIO Interface to PL GPIO Bank 3 32b EMIOGPIOI[63:32], EMIOGPIOO[63:32], EMIOGPIOTN[63:32] UG585_c14_01_022212 Figure 14-1: GPIO Block Diagram As shown in Figure 14-1, the GPIO module is divided into four banks: • Bank0: 32-bit bank controlling MIO pins[31:0] • Bank1: 22-bit bank controlling MIO pins[53:32] Note: Bank1 is limited to 22 bits because the MIO has a total of 54 pins. • Bank2: 32-bit bank controlling EMIO signals[31:0] • Bank3: 32-bit bank controlling EMIO signals[63:32] The GPIO is controlled by software through a series of memory-mapped registers. The control for each bank is the same, although there are minor differences between the MIO and EMIO banks due to their differing functionality. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 387 Chapter 14: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 14.1.3 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices reduce the available MIO pins to 32 as shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Thus, in these devices, the only GPIO pins that are available for MIO are 15:0, 39:28, 48, 49, 52, and 53. The other MIO pins are unconnected and should not be used. All EMIO signals are available. MIO Considerations Banks 0 and 1 of the GPIO peripheral module are routed to device pins through the MIO module. Refer to section 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces for a complete description of MIO operation. Primary control of the MIO is achieved through the slcr.MIO_PIN_xx registers. Please note the following: • The user must choose the proper Type of I/O using the IO_Type, PULLUP, DisableRcvr, and Speed fields according to the user’s system. • The user must select the GPIO module through the multiplexor control fields L0_SEL, L1_SEL, L2_SEL, and L3_SEL. Note that each I/O pin can be individually selected. When an MIO pin is used for an IOP device, it is not available as a GPIO. • TRI_ENABLE should be set to 0. This enables the GPIO to control the 3-state mode of the I/O. If TRI_ENABLE is set to 1 in the MIO, then the output driver will be 3-stated regardless of GPIO settings. 14.2 Functional Description 14.2.1 GPIO Control of Device Pins This section describes the operation of Bank0 and Bank1 (see Figure 14-2). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 388 Chapter 14: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) X-Ref Target - Figure 14-2 INT_MASK INT_DIS INT_EN Read INT_STAT Write-1-to-clear Clr INT_TYPE INT_POLARITY Interrupt Detection Logic D IRQ #52 to GIC Q INT State INT_ANY Input DATA_RO MIO DATA Output MASK_DATA_LSW (Banks 0 & 1) GPIO Device Pad or MASK_DATA_MSW EMIO Output Enable DIRM (Banks 2 & 3) MIO Device I/O Buffers and Pins (Banks 0 & 1) OEN UG585_c14_02_022712 Figure 14-2: GPIO Channel Software configures the GPIO as either an output or input. The DATA_RO register always returns the state of the GPIO pin regardless of whether the GPIO is set to input (OE signal false) or output (OE signal true). To generate an output waveform, software repeatedly writes to one or more GPIOs (usually using the MASK_DATA register). Applications might need to switch more than one GPIO at the same time (less a small amount of inherent skew time between two I/O buffers). In this case, all of the GPIOs that need to be switched simultaneously must be from the same 16-bit half-bank (i.e., either the most-significant 16 bits or the least-significant 16 bits) of GPIOs to enable the MASK_DATA register to write to them in one store instruction. GPIO bank control (for Bank0 and Bank1) is summarized as follows: • DATA_RO: This register enables software to observe the value on the device pin. If the GPIO signal is configured as an output, then this would normally reflect the value being driven on the output. Writes to this register are ignored. Note: If the MIO is not configured to enable this pin as a GPIO pin, then DATA_RO is unpredictable because software cannot observe values on non-GPIO pins through the GPIO registers. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 389 Chapter 14: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) • DATA: This register controls the value to be output when the GPIO signal is configured as an output. All 32 bits of this register are written at one time. Reading from this register returns the previous value written to either DATA or MASK_DATA_{LSW,MSW}; it does not return the current value on the device pin. • MASK_DATA_LSW: This register enables more selective changes to the desired output value. Any combination of up to 16 bits can be written. Those bits that are not written are unchanged and hold their previous value. Reading from this register returns the previous value written to either DATA or MASK_DATA_{LSW,MSW}; it does not return the current value on the device pin. This register avoids the need for a read-modify-write sequence for unchanged bits. • MASK_DATA_MSW: This register is the same as MASK_DATA_LSW, except it controls the upper16 bits of the bank. • DIRM: Direction Mode. This controls whether the I/O pin is acting as an input or an output. Since the input logic is always enabled, this effectively enables/disables the output driver. When DIRM[x]==0, the output driver is disabled. • OEN: Output Enable. When the I/O is configured as an output, this controls whether the output is enabled or not. When the output is disabled, the pin is 3-stated. When OEN[x]==0, the output driver is disabled. Note: If MIO TRI_ENABLE is set to 1, enabling 3-state and disabling the driver, then OEN is ignored and the output is 3-stated. 14.2.2 EMIO Signals This section describes the operation of Bank2 and Bank3 (see Figure 14-2). The register interface for the EMIO banks is the same as for the MIO banks described in the previous section. However, the EMIO interface is simply wires between the PS and the PL, so there are a few differences: • The inputs are wires from the PL and are unrelated to the output values or the OEN register. They can be read from the DATA_RO register when DIRM is set to 0, making it an input. • The output wires are not 3-state capable, so they are unaffected by OEN. The value to be output is programmed using the DATA, MASK_DATA_LSW, and MASK_DATA_MSW registers. DIRM must be set to 1, making it an output. • The output enable wires are simply outputs from the PS. These are controlled by the DIRM/OEN registers as follows: EMIOGPIOTN[x] = DIRM[x] & OEN[x] The EMIO I/Os are not connected to the MIO I/Os in any way. The EMIO inputs cannot be connected to the MIO outputs and the MIO inputs cannot be connected to the EMIO outputs. Each bank is independent and can only be used as software observable/controllable signals. 14.2.3 Bank0, Bits[8:7] are Outputs GPIO bits[8:7] of Bank0 correspond to package pins that are used to control the voltage mode of the I/O buffers themselves during reset. These pins are called the VMODE pin straps for the MIO banks (see section Boot Mode Pin Settings, page 165). They must be driven by the external system according to the proper voltage mode. To prevent them from being driven by other system logic, they cannot be used as general purpose inputs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 390 Chapter 14: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) These bits can be used as general purpose outputs since the output driver is disabled at reset. The system can start using these as outputs after the voltage mode has been read during system boot. 14.2.4 Interrupt Function The interrupt detection logic monitors the GPIO input signal. The interrupt trigger can be a positive edge, negative edge, either edge, Low-level or High-level. The trigger sensitivity is programmed using the INT_TYPE, INT_POLARITY and INT_ANY registers. If an interrupt is detected, the GPIO's INT_STAT state is set true by the interrupt detection logic. If the INT_STAT state is enabled (unmasked), then the interrupt propagates through to a large OR function. This function combines all interrupts for all GPIOs in all four banks to one output (IRQ ID#52) to the interrupt controller. If the interrupt is disabled (masked), then the INT_STAT state is maintained until cleared, but it does not propagate to the interrupt controller unless the INT_EN is later written to disable the mask. As all GPIOs share the same interrupt, software must consider both INT_MASK and INT_STAT to determine which GPIO is causing an interrupt. The interrupt mask state is controlled by writing a 1 to the INT_EN and INT_DIS registers. Writing a 1 to the INT_EN register disables the mask allowing an active interrupt to propagate to the interrupt controller. Writing a 1 to the INT_DIS register enables the mask. The state of the interrupt mask can be read using the INT_MASK register. If the GPIO interrupt is edge sensitive, then the INT state is latched by the detection logic. The INT latch is cleared by writing a 1 to the INT_STAT register. For level-sensitive interrupts, the source of the interrupt input to the GPIO must be cleared in order to clear the interrupt signal. Alternatively, software can mask that input using the INT_DIS register. The state of the interrupt signal going to the interrupt controller can be inferred by reading the INT_STAT and INT_MASK registers. This interrupt signal is asserted if INT_STAT=1 and INT_MASK=0. GPIO bank control is summarized as follows: • INT_MASK: This register is read-only and shows which bits are currently masked and which are un-masked/enabled. • INT_EN: Writing a 1 to any bit of this register enables/unmasks that signal for interrupts. Reading from this register returns an unpredictable value. • INT_DIS: Writing a 1 to any bit of this register masks that signal for interrupts. Reading from this register returns an unpredictable value. • INT_STAT: This registers shows if an interrupt event has occurred or not. Writing a 1 to a bit in this register clears the interrupt status for that bit. Writing a 0 to a bit in this register is ignored. • INT_TYPE: This register controls whether the interrupt is edge sensitive or level sensitive. • INT_POLARITY: This register controls whether the interrupt is active-Low or active High (or falling-edge sensitive or rising-edge sensitive). • INT_ON_ANY: If INT_TYPE is set to edge sensitive, then this register enables an interrupt event on both rising and falling edges. This register is ignored if INT_TYPE is set to level sensitive. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 391 Chapter 14: Table 14-1: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) GPIO Interrupt Trigger Settings Type gpio.INT_TYPE_0 gpio.INT_POLARITY_0 gpio.INT_ANY_0 Rising edge-sensitive 1 1 0 Falling edge-sensitive 1 0 0 Both rising- and falling edge-sensitive 1 X 1 Level sensitive, asserted High 0 1 X Level sensitive, asserted Low 0 0 X Limitation The GPIO controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. 14.3 Programming Guide The GPIO Controller has four banks, two each for MIO and EMIO. Each GPIO pin can be programmed individually. Multiple pins can be programmed with a single write as described in section 14.2.1 GPIO Control of Device Pins. 14.3.1 Start-up Sequence Main Example: Start-up Sequence 1. Resets: The reset options are described in section 14.4.2 Resets. 2. Clocks: The clocks are described in section 14.4.1 Clocks. 3. GPIO Pin Configurations: Configure pin as input/output is described in section 14.3.2 GPIO Pin Configurations. 4. Write Data to GPIO Output pin: Refer to example in section 14.3.3 Writing Data to GPIO Output Pins. 5. Read Data from GPIO Input pin: Refer to example in section 14.3.4 Reading Data from GPIO Input Pins . 6. Set GPIO pin as wake-up event: Refer to example in section GPIO as Wake-up Event. 14.3.2 GPIO Pin Configurations Each individual GPIO pin can be configured as input/output. However, bank0 [8:7] pins must be configured as outputs. Refer to section 14.2.3 Bank0, Bits[8:7] are Outputs for further details. Example: Configure MIO pin 10 as an output 1. Set the direction as output: Write 0x0000_0400 to the gpio.DIRM_0 register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 392 Chapter 14: 2. General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Set the output enable: Write 0x0000_0400 to the gpio.OEN_0 register. Note: The output enable has significance only when the GPIO pin is configured as an output. Example: Configure MIO pin 10 as an input 1. Set the direction as input: Write 0x0 to the gpio.DIRM_0 register. This sets gpio.DIRM_0[10] = 0 . 14.3.3 Writing Data to GPIO Output Pins For GPIO pins configured as outputs, there are two options to program the desired value. Option 1: Read, modify, and update the GPIO pin using the gpio.DATA_0 register. Example: Set GPIO output pin 10 using the DATA_0 register. 1. Read the gpio.DATA_0 register: Read gpio.DATA_0 register to the reg_val variable. 2. Modify the value: Set reg_val [10] =1. 3. Write updated value to output pin: Write reg_val to the gpio.DATA_0 register. Option 2: Use the MASK_DATA_x_MSW/LSW registers to update one or more GPIO pins. Example: Set output pins 20, 25, and 30 to 1 using the MASK_DATA_0_MSW register. 1. Generate the mask value for pins 20, 25, and 30: To drive pins 20, 25 and 30, 0xBDEF is the mask value for gpio.MASK_DATA_0_MSW [MASK_0_MSW]. 2. Generate the data value for pins 20, 25, 30: To drive 1 on pins 20, 25, and 30, 0x4210 is the data value for gpio.MASK_DATA_0_MSW [DATA_0_MSW]. 3. Write the mask and data to the MASK_DATA_x_MSW register: Write 0xBDEF_4210 to the gpio.MASK_DATA_0_MSW register. 14.3.4 Reading Data from GPIO Input Pins For GPIO pins configured as inputs, there are two options to monitor the input. Option 1: Use the gpio.DATA_RO_x register of each bank. Example: Read the state of all GPIO input pins in bank 0 using the DATA_RO_0 register. 1. Read Input Bank 0: Read the gpio.DATA_0 register. Option 2: Use interrupt logic on input pins (refer to section 14.2.4 Interrupt Function). Example: Configure MIO pin 12 to be triggered as rising edge. 1. Set the trigger as a rising edge: Write 1 to gpio.INT_TYPE_0 [12]. Write 1 to gpio.INT_POLARITY_0 [12]. Write 0 to gpio.INT_ANY_0 [12]. 2. Enable interrupt: Write 1 to gpio.INT_EN_0 [12]. 3. Status of Input pin: gpio.INT_STAT_0 [12] =1 implies that an interrupt event occurred. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 393 Chapter 14: 4. General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Disable interrupt: Write 1 to gpio.INT_DIS_0 [12]. 14.3.5 GPIO as Wake-up Event The GPIO can be configured as a wake-up device. IMPORTANT: The GIC must be set up correctly. 1. Enable the GPIO interrupt in the GIC. 2. Enable the GPIO interrupt for the wanted pin(s) using the gpio.INT_EN_{0..3} register. Set 1 to gpio.INT_EN_0[10] to enable the GPIO10 interrupt. 3. Do not turn off any GPIO related clocks. 14.3.6 Register Overview An overview of the GPIO registers is shown in Table 14-2 (also refer to section 14.2.1 GPIO Control of Device Pins). Details of registers are provided in Appendix B, Register Details. Table 14-2: GPIO Register Overview Function Data Reads and Data Writes I/O Buffer Control Interrupt Controls Register Name Overview Type gpio.MASK_DATA_{3:0}_{MSW,LSW} Bit masked data output writes. Mixed gpio.DATA_{3:0} 32-bit data output write R/W gpio.DATA_{3:0}_RO 32-bit data read of inputs RO gpio.DIRM_{3:0} Direction R/W gpio.OEN_{3:0} Output Enable R/W gpio.INT_MASK_{3:0} Interrupt Mask RO gpio.INT_EN_{3:0} Interrupt Enable WO gpio.INT_DIS_{3:0} Interrupt Disable WO gpio.INT_STAT_{3:0} Interrupt Status WTC gpio.INT_TYPE_{3:0} Interrupt Type RW gpio.INT_POLARITY_{3:0} Interrupt Polarity RW gpio.INT_ANY_{3:0} Interrupt Any RW 14.4 System Functions The controller clocks and resets are described in this section. All of the interrupts generated in the GPIO controller are routed to IRQ 52. The GPIO I/O signals are routed to either the MIO or EMIO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 394 Chapter 14: General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 14.4.1 Clocks The controller is clocked by the CPU_1x clock from the APB interface. All outputs and input sampling is done using the CPU_1x clock. For power management, clock gating can be employed on the GPIO controller clock using slcr.APER_CLK_CTRL[GPIO_CPU_1XCLKACT]. 14.4.2 Resets The controller is reset by the slcr.GPIO_RST_CTRL [GPIO_CPU1X_RST] bit. Refer to Chapter 26, Reset System, for more information. This reset only affects the bus interface, not the controller logic itself. 14.4.3 Interrupts The controller interrupts are explained in section 14.2.4 Interrupt Function. The controller asserts IRQ # 52 to the GIC. A programming example is described in section 14.3.4 Reading Data from GPIO Input Pins . 14.5 I/O Interface 14.5.1 MIO Programming Bank 0 and Bank 1 pins are routed through the MIO. These pins can be configured as GPIO using the slcr.MIO_PIN_XX register. Example: Configure MIO pin 6 as a GPIO signal 1. Select MIO pin as GPIO: Set L0_SEL, L1_SEL, L2_SEL, L3_SEL =0. 2. Set TRI_ENABLE = 0. 3. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). 4. Slow CMOS edge. 5. Enable internal pull-up resistor. 6. Disable HSTL receiver. Note: If TRI_ENABLE=1, then the output is 3-stated regardless of any GPIO settings. If TRI_ENABLE=0, then 3-state is controlled by the gpio.OEN_x register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 395 Chapter 15 USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.1 Introduction The USB controller is capable of fulfilling a wide range of applications for USB 2.0 implementations as a host, a device, or On-the-Go. Two identical controllers are in the Zynq-7000 device. Each controller is configured and controlled independently. The USB controller I/O uses the ULPI protocol to connect external ULPI PHY via the MIO pins. The ULPI interface provides an 8-bit parallel SDR data path from the controller’s internal UTMI-like bus to the PHY. The ULPI interface minimizes device pin count and is controlled by a 60 MHz clock output from the PHY. USB is a cable bus that supports data exchange between a host device and a wide range of computer peripherals. The attached peripherals share USB bandwidth through a host-scheduled, token-based protocol. The bus allows peripherals to be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals remain operational. The USB controller in USB 2.0 Host compatible with the EHCI specification with some enhancements and minor deviations. The OTG operating mode software switches the controller between Idle and either Device or Host mode as needed by the application using the Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and Session Request Protocol (SRP). The controller is designed to make efficient use of the system resources in an SoC design. The DMA engine is responsible for moving USB transaction data between the Rx/Tx FIFOs and system memory. The FIFOs are used to buffer the high-speed USB data rates with periodic delays associated with the PS Interconnect data transfers. The EHCI-compatible host controller is a schedule driven environment for data transfers of periodic (interrupt and isochronous) and asynchronous (control and bulk) types. Device mode includes a simple pair of descriptors to respond to USB data transfers in a timely manner between the software and USB. The transfer descriptors of the host schedules and device endpoints control the DMA engine to move data between the 32-bit AHB master system bus interface and the Rx and Tx data FIFOs that respond in real-time to the USB. The controller makes strategic use of software for tasks that do not require time-critical responses. This approach reduces the amount of hardware logic. At the same time, the controller includes hardware assistance logic to enable the controller to respond quickly to USB events and simplify the software. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 396 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.1.1 Features The USB controller has the following key features: • USB 2.0 High Speed Host controller (480 Mb/s). ° • USB 2.0 HS and FS Device controller. ° • • • • ° Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP). ° Session Request Protocol (SRP). All USB Transaction types • • Control, Bulk, Interrupt, Isochronous Local DMA Engine. ° AHB Bus Master. ° Transfers data between system memory and controller FIFOs. ° Processes transfer descriptors for Device Endpoints and Host Schedules. Protocol Engine ° Interprets USB packets ° Responds in real-time based on controller status Port/Transceiver Controller ° • Embedded Transaction Translator to support FS/LS in Host mode. On-the-Go, OTG 1.3 supplement. ° • Up to 12 Endpoint: Control Endpoint plus 11 configurable Endpoints USB 1.1 legacy FS/LS. ° • Intel® EHCI software programming model. 8-bit parallel data pass-thru bus ULPI Link Wrapper ° Translates Rx and Tx transfers between ULPI I/O interface and a UTMI-like interface. ° Bridge between the protocol engine and the ULPI interface. ° Rx and Tx commands ULPI I/O interface ° 8-bit SDR data plus clock, direction, next, stop signals. ° 12 ULPI PHY signals via MIO pins. ° Clocked by PHY in Clock-out mode. ° Viewport access to ULPI PHY registers Host port indicator, power select and power fail indicator signals. ° 4 signals per controller via EMIO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 397 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.1.2 Operating Modes The USB controller can operate in the modes shown in Figure 15-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-1 Host Mode Zynq OTG PHY Device or Downstream Hub HS: EHCI FS/LS: TT in EHCI Zynq PHY HNP SRP Device Mode Zynq PHY Host or Upstream Hub Another OTG Device HS, FS UG585_c15_30_030712 Figure 15-1: USB Controller Operating Modes Host mode. In host mode, the software includes driver-layer programming to discover and enumerate the bus, manage PHY operations, and setup the periodic and asynchronous schedules of transfer descriptors. ° EHCI software model except as described in section 15.11 EHCI Implementation. Device mode. In device mode, the controller responds to host commands. Software can include driver-layer programming to respond, as a single- or multi-function device, to the upstream commands. On-the-Go. The OTG software switches between Host and Device modes based on the Host Negotiated Protocol (HNP) and the Session Request Protocol (SRP). Once the controller is in device or host mode, it has all the functionality of the selected mode. 15.1.3 Hardware System Viewpoint The USB controllers are integrated into the PS IOP to bridge between the PS interconnect and an external ULPI PHY. The controller’s registers are memory mapped and the local DMA engine initiates reads and writes to system memory. The ULPI signals flow through the MIO. There are sideband signals (port indicators and power controls) that flow through the EMIO interface where they are normally routed to PL SelectIO pins. The system-level viewpoint is shown in Figure 15-2. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 398 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller MIO ULPI Data, flow control IRQ ID# {53, 76} Interconnect AHB Master port USB Controllers Device Boundary X-Ref Target - Figure 15-2 ULPI Pins USB {0, 1} CPU 1x clock USB {0, 1} CPU 1x reset Interconnect APB Slave port EMIO Control Registers Port Indicator, Power Control PL UG585_c15_31_030713 Figure 15-2: USB Hardware System Block Diagram The two independent USB controllers have individual control and status registers. Each ULPI interface is independently enabled through the MIO. There are separate port indicator and power signals for each controller that are routed through the EMIO. The system functions are further described in section 15.15 System Functions. System Interfaces Each controller is an AHB bus master to the PS interconnect for DMA transfers. The control and status registers are accessed via the controller’s APB slave interface. Each controller has its own reset input from the PS reset module and interrupt output to the interrupt controller, GIC. There is a ULPI clock input for each controller and a CPU_1x clock for the AMBA AHB and APB interfaces. Details are in section 15.15 System Functions. ULPI I/O signals The I/O signals are described in section 15.16 I/O Interfaces. The MIO pin muxing scheme is described, in general terms, in section 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces. I/O Wiring The ULPI interface on the MIO pins is an 8-bit SDR data bus that is augmented with port indicators and power control signals routed through the EMIO interface to the PL. The PS GPIO module, Chapter 14, General Purpose I/O (GPIO), can provide a PHY reset signal to the PHY. An I/O wiring diagram is shown in Figure 15-19 USB I/O Signal and PHY Wiring Diagram, page 481. Here is a summary of the I/O signals: • ULPI via MIO. The controller interfaces to the external ULPI PHY via 12 MIO pins: 8 data I/Os, direction input, control input, clock input and a stop output. • GPIO. A PS GPIO signal can be used to reset the external PHY. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 399 Chapter 15: • USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Port Indicator and Power Pins via EMIO. The USB port indicator outputs, power select output, and power fault input signals are routed through the EMIO to the SelectIO pins in the PL and external board logic. 15.1.4 Controller Block Diagram The controller interfaces to the PS system memory on one side and an external ULPI PHY device on the USB side. A block diagram is shown in Figure 15-3. A detailed functional block is shown in section 15.1.9 Notices. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC USB Controller (Host and Device) MIO System Memory AHB DMA Engine Protocol Engine Rx & Tx FIFOs Context Dual-port RAM Dual-port RAM Port Controller Interface Similar to UTMI+ ULPI Link Wrapper PHY ULPI UG585_c15_32_030713 Figure 15-3: USB Controller Block Diagram System Memory The PS system memory is accessible to the DMA engine that holds transfer descriptors and data buffers. The system memory can be DDR, OCM and memory that is mapped in the PL. The system memory map is shown in section 4.1 Address Map. In this table, the USB controller is one of the “Other Bus Masters,” refer to the table footnotes. DMA, Protocol Engines, Context and FIFOs The DMA engine works with the Protocol engine to process endpoints, periodic elements, queue heads, and other transfer descriptors. Software writes these data structures into the system memory. The DMA engine fetches these data structures and copies them into the controller’s local dual-ported RAM (DPRAM). The controller reads and writes the data structures in the DPRAM as the data structures are processed. The descriptors are written back to memory by the DMA engine when a transfer is complete. In addition to the context information of the data structures, the dual-port RAM is also used by the controller to implement Rx and Tx data FIFOs. These FIFOs decouple the system processor memory bus transfers from the real-time requirements of the USB. The use of the FIFOs differs between host and device mode operation. In Host mode, a single data channel is maintained in each direction through the dual-port RAM. In Device mode, Rx and Tx data FIFO channels are maintained for each of the active device endpoints and these FIFO channels can operate simultaneously and asynchronously. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 400 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Port Transceiver Controller The port transceiver controller provides suspend/resume and, for device mode, chirp control functions. The port transceiver controller is fairly simple because the 8-bit data bus of the protocol engine is passed-through to the 8-bit ULPI and the entire back-end of the USB controller works synchronously to the 60 MHz USB clock from the PHY. ULPI Link Wrapper The protocol engine includes an internal bus that is similar to UTMI+. The ULPI wrapper provides an bridge between this bus similar to UTMI+ and the ULPI interface. This is transparent to the user. The ULPI Link wrapper passes-through packet data and interprets Rx commands as well as send Tx commands. ULPI Rx/Tx Commands The ULPI Rx commands are initiated by the PHY to set status bits to give software visibility to PHY events. The commands set controller status bits. The Tx commands are initiated by register writes by software to control PHY functions. These commands are defined by the ULPI specification. ULPI PHY Viewport The ULPI viewport provides a mechanism for software to read and write PHY registers with explicit control of the address and data using the usb.VIEWPORT register. An interrupt is generated when a transaction is complete, including when the requested read data is available. Programmable Timers There are two independent general-purpose timers that can be used to generate a timeout or to measure time related activities. The programmable timers should not be confused with the controller’s interval timers which are used by the controller to generate frame and microframe intervals and to generate strobes for the host controller scheduler. The programmable timers are described in section 15.2.6 General Purpose Timers. Software Programming Interface In addition to maintaining data and buffer structures in system memory, the software reads and writes the control and status registers. The CPU environment that executes the software is described in Chapter 15, USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller. The controller can generate interrupts cause by the DMA and Protocol engine activities, the PHY, and other controller functions. The interrupts are summarized in Table 15-2 USB Interrupt and Status Register Bits. The system will include either a Host Controller Driver (HCD) or a Device Controller Driver (DCD). There may be additional of software to support the OTG functions. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 401 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Control and Status Registers The control and status registers include constants, configuration and operational/status for EHCI compatibility (Host mode) and non-EHCI functions (Device, OTG and enhanced Host mode). The registers are summarized in section 15.3.4 Register Overview. Clocks The ULPI interface and Protocol engine are clocked by the 60 MHz input on the ULPI interface (PHY clock output). The AHB interface is clocked by the CPU_1x clock. The clock domain crossing between the CPU_1x clock and the 60 MHz ULPI PHY clock for the Protocol engine is at the dual-port RAM. Resets There are several different types of resets associated with the USB controller, these are further discussed in section 15.15.2 Reset Types. • Controller Resets ° PS Reset System (full controller reset), ° usb.USBCMD [RST] bit (partial controller reset useful for OTG). • ULPI PHY reset (output from PS GPIO). • USB Bus Resets ° Auto-Reset feature in OTG mode. ° USB reset control transfer. 15.1.5 Configuration, Control and Status Software manages the controller itself (configuration and control) and a consistent set of data structures and memory buffers for USB transactions. There are two data structure models (host and data) and three controller modes (host, device, and OTG). OTG uses either the host or device mode. The controller registers are outlined in Table 15-1 USB Controller Register Overview. 15.1.6 Data Structures The controller processes descriptors to facilitate FS/LS and HS USB operations. Device and host modes use descriptors in very different ways. The models are illustrated in Figure 15-4. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 402 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 15-4 Endpoint Queue Heads Queue Head List dQH Host Schedules (EHCI) Periodic Frame List Programmable number of elements Frame n Elements Endpoint 11 IN Device Responds to Host Requests Maintain Queue Head List Frame 3 Elements Aysnchronous Queue Heads Insert and Remove QH’s as needed Queue Head a Queue Head b EndPoint 1 OUT Frame 2 Elements Queue Head b EndPoint 0 IN Frame 1 Elements EndPoint 0 OUT Frame 0 Elements FRINDEX pointer is advanced for every USB Frame Round Robin as Bandwidth allows. UG585_c15_33_030713 Figure 15-4: USB Endpoint Descriptors (device mode) and Schedules (host mode) Device Mode As requested by the host, the Device Controller Driver (DCD) sets up descriptors for endpoints and manages the real-time needs of the endpoints. The high-speed data transfers between memory and ULPI are managed by the controller using queue heads and transfer descriptors. The results of each transfer is reviewed by DCD to take appropriate action. Device Endpoints. The device controller includes a simple descriptor model to enable the controller to quickly respond to host requests. Each of the 12 endpoints has two device Queue Heads (dQH); one for IN and the other for OUT transfer types. There are a total of 24 device dQH’s. An endpoint data transfer in defined with one dQH and one or more linked list of device Transfer Descriptors (dTD). An example is shown in Figure 15-13. Host Mode Host Schedules. The Host Controller Driver (HCD) maintains two types of transaction schedules to generate USB traffic: periodic (isochronous/interrupt) and asynchronous (bulk/control). • The Periodic schedule is a list of high to low priority-order periodic transfers. An element in the periodic frame list is executed at the start of every frame (SOF). The list includes elements that indicate when to execute (periodic interval) and what to execute. An example is shown in Figure 15-15. • The asynchronous schedule is a circular loop of Queue Heads that point to transfer descriptors that are processed in a round-robin priority. Within each microframe, the asynchronous schedule is executed after the periodic schedule is finished. An example is shown in Figure 15-16. Link-list Concept The host and device controllers use link-list descriptors to manage transfers to and from memory buffers. The concept is shown in Figure 15-5. The first Transfer Descriptors (TD) is pointed to by a Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 403 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Queue Head (QH). Each dTD can point to another dTD (using next dTD pointer) or terminate the linked list by setting its (T) bit = 1. The controller maintains a local, working copy of the dQH that it overlays with the one or more dTDs as the transaction request is processed. After each dTD transfer is complete, the dTD overlay is written back to the system memory with transfer results (status). While a transfer is in progress, the overlay area of the dQH in controller memory is used as a staging area for the dTDs. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-5 QH First TD Read TD Last TD Write Result T=1 Current TD Completed TD’s TD’s Queued and Ready UG585_c15_34_030713 Figure 15-5: USB Controller Link-list Concept 15.1.7 Implementation Summary There are EHCI enhancements to support the embedded Transaction Translator and hardware assistance features to support OTG. Here is a summary of special features, enhancements, deviations and unsupported features. • EHCI Enhancements and Deviations, section 15.11 EHCI Implementation. • Hardware Assistance Features for OTG, section 15.14.1 Hardware Assistance Features. • Embedded Transaction Translator (no separate companion controller hardware), section 15.11.2 Embedded Transaction Translator. • The AHB interface is a master-only and used by the DMA controller (no PCI registers). • The ULPI Carkit feature is not supported. 15.1.8 Documentation Scope of TRM The Zynq-7000 Technical Reference Manual (TRM) describes hardware functionality and register-level software programming for Host controller mode drivers (HCD) and Device controller mode drivers (DCD). Guidance for the upper software layers, including device classes and applications, are beyond the scope of the TRM. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 404 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Documents and Specifications The reader should be familiar of USB technology and access to the following documents. These documents are mentioned in the text and are listed in Third-Party IP and Standards Documents in Appendix A. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Documents ° TRM for all Zynq-7000 series; UG585. Architecture and register-level programming. ° Data Sheet for 7z010, 7z015, and 7z020 dual core and 7z007s, 7z012s, and 7z014s single core devices; DS187. Electrical specifications. ° Data Sheet for 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices; DS191. Electrical specifications. ° Errata Sheets for all devices; ENxxx (multiple). Related AR list, AR47916. 7-Series FPGA Documents ° Refer to the list in A.3.2 PL Documents – Device and Boards. USB Specifications ° USB 2.0 Specification ° UTMI+ Low Pin Interface (ULPI) Specification ° Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) Specification for Universal Serial Bus Chapter Nomenclature • Refer to the USB 2.0 Specification, Chapter 2 Terms and Abbreviations. • Xilinx Corporate glossary includes general terms. • Chapter-specific terms: ° DCD means device controller driver. This is the device driver software used in device mode. ° HCD means host controller driver. This is the device driver software used in host mode. ° The term Frame applies to FS/LS mode. Microframe applies to HS mode. (Micro)frame applies to FS/LS and HS modes. ° In the USB Controller chapter, DWord means 32 bits. In the rest of the PS, a word is defined to mean 32 bits. ° There are two dual-purpose registers (for host and device mode) listed in Table 15-1. The usb.ASYNCLISTADDR_ENDPOINTLISTADDR register is referred to as usb.ASYNCLISTADDR_ when discussing Host mode and usb._ENDPOINTLISTADDR when discussing Device mode. The usb.PERIODICLISTBASE_DEVICEADDR register is similar. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 405 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.1.9 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins as shown in the MIO table in section MIO-at-a-Glance Table in Chapter 2. Only one USB interface is available in these CLG225 devices. If USB and GigE are required, the GigE I/O signals must interface through the EMIO. 15.1.10 Chapter Overview Functional Descriptions and Programming Guides The USB controller chapter includes multiple sections of introductions, functional descriptions and programming guides. The functional descriptions explain controller functionality and includes register programming information that is related to hardware functions. • • • • Content for All Modes ° 15.1 Introduction ° 15.2 Functional Description ° 15.3 Programming Overview and Reference ° 15.15 System Functions ° 15.16 I/O Interfaces Device Operating Mode ° 15.4 Device Mode Control ° 15.5 Device Endpoint Data Structures ° 15.6 Device Endpoint Packet Operational Model ° 15.7 Device Endpoint Descriptor Reference ° 15.8 Programming Guide for Device Controller ° 15.9 Programming Guide for Device Endpoint Data Structures Host Operating Mode ° 15.10 Host Mode Data Structures ° 15.11 EHCI Implementation ° 15.12 Host Data Structures Reference ° 15.13 Programming Guide for Host Controller OTG Operating Mode ° 15.14 OTG Description and Reference Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 406 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.2 Functional Description This section generally applies to both device and host modes. 15.2.1 Controller Flow Diagram The controller flow diagram in Figure 15-6 shows the USB data transfer flows, the descriptor flows, and the interface to software. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-6 System Memory DMA Engine AHB Master Microprocessor(s) * Bus Interface * Data Movement * Host: Periodic and Async Schedules * Device: Endpoint Queue Head DMA Dual-port RAM Tx and Rx FIFO channels DMA Context (QH and TD data structures) Protocol Engine IRQ to GIC Interrupts APB Slave * Interval Timers * Error Handling * CRC Handling * Bus Handshake Generation Control and Status Registers Port Controller * Port Status and Control * Transceiver Interface Logic ULPI Master ULPI Interface UG585_c15_35_030713 Figure 15-6: USB Controller Flow Diagram 15.2.2 DMA Engine Data Transfers In host mode, the data structures are defined by the EHCI specification and represent queues of periodic and asynchronous transfers to be performed by the host controller including the split transaction requests that allow the controller to direct packets to FS/LS devices that are downstream of an external HS hub or root hub. Host mode uses the queue head (QH), queue element transfer descriptor (qTD), isochronous transfer descriptor (iTD), split transaction isochronous transfer descriptor (siTD) and the periodic frame span transversal node (FSTN) data structures. In device mode, the data structures are simpler and consist of device queue heads (dQH) and device transfer descriptors (dTD) that are used in a linked-list fashion. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 407 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller The DMA engine is a 32-bit bus master on the AHB interface to access the PS system interconnect. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-7 PS Interconnect APB Control and Status Registers Slave DMA Traffic DMA Arbitrator DMA Control * Packet Movement * Host: HS * Device: HS and FS * Burst Movement * Bus State * FIFO Arbitration Host Mode: * EHCI * Scheduler Device Mode: * Prime/Unprime Control * Endpoint Manager Traffic Context Registers PS Interconnect AHB DMA Context Master * Context Storage Dual-port RAM * Byte Count ALU * Update Logic * Address Incrementing Dual-port RAM Protocol Engine Tx FIFO Rx FIFO Port Controller ULPI ULPI Link Wrapper UG585_c15_36_030713 Figure 15-7: USB DMA Controller Block Diagram 15.2.3 Protocol Engine The protocol engine parses the USB tokens, generates response packets and performs error checking functions. Data packets are passed through the transfer buffers, the DMA engine and system memory. The controller does not provide a hardware-based Transaction Translator for Low and Full speed operations. Instead, the DMA and Protocol engines are used to support this functionality as described in section 15.11.2 Embedded Transaction Translator. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-8 APB Control and Status Registers Slave Protocol Engine Data Path Protocol Engine Control * Muxing / Pipelining * FIFO Control * CRC * Handshake Decision Logic * Datapath Control Device: * Prime Endpoint Logic * PID Tracking Tx FIFO Rx FIFO Interval Timers * Bus Timeout * Inter-Packet Delay Host: * SOF Generation * PID Generation Port Controller Timebase Interval Timers AHB Master DMA Controller ULPI Link Wrapper ULPI * Generate Frame/MicroFrame * Generate Scheduler Timing Strobes I/O Interface UG585_c15_37_030713 Figure 15-8: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 USB Protocol Engine Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 408 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller The protocol engine is responsible for all error checking, check field generation, formatting all the handshake, Ping and data response packets on the bus, and for generating signals that are needed based on a USB based time frame. Protocol Engine Functions The protocol engine contains several functions for both host and device mode: • The token state machines track all of the tokens on the bus and filters the traffic based on the address and endpoint information in the token. • The CRC5 and CRC16 CRC generator/checker circuits check and generate the CRC check fields for the token and data packets. • The data and handshake state machines generate any responses required on the USB and move the packet data through the dual port RAM to the DMA controller. • The Interval Timers provide timing strobes that identify important bus timing events: the bus timeout interval, the microframe interval, the start of frame interval, and the bus reset, resume, and suspend intervals. • Reports all transfer status to the DMA engine. 15.2.4 Port Controller The port transceiver controller provides a couple of basic functions: • Suspend/Resume • For device mode, Chirp control. 15.2.5 ULPI Link Wrapper The ULPI Link wrapper passes-through packet data and interprets Rx commands as well as send Tx commands and provide viewport services to the software. The ULPI link wrapper interfaces between the port controller (a bus similar to UTMI+ that connects to the rest of the controller and its registers) and the ULPI interface. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-9 APB Control and Status Registers Slave ULPI Link Wrapper Port Controller Control Protocol Engine * Suspend/Resume Device: * Port State Machine * Chirp Control Similar to UTMI+ Host: * Port State Machine * Transceiver Logic ULPI I/O Interface UG585_c15_38_030713 Figure 15-9: USB Port Controller and ULPI Link Wrapper Block Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 409 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.2.6 General Purpose Timers The two independently programmable timers can be used to generate a timeout or to measure time related activities.The programmable timers should not be confused with the controller’s interval timers which are used by the controller to generate frame and microframe intervals and to generate strobes for the host controller scheduler. A timer is controlled by its control and load registers; usb.GPTIMERxCTRL and usb.GPTIMERxLD. The load register contains the value that is loaded into the timer when a timer reset occurs. The control register contains timer configuration and a data field which can be queried to determine the running count value. The timer has granularity of 1 microsecond and can be programmed to count for a little over 16 seconds. There are two modes for this timer; one-shot and looped count. When the timer counter value transitions to 0, an interrupt is controllable using the usb.USBSTS and usb.USBINTR registers. The one-shot mode, usb.GPTIMERxCTRL [GPTMODE] = 0, selects a single timer countdown where the timer will count down to 0, generate an interrupt and stop until the counter is reset by software. In repeat, looped countdown, the timer will count down to 0, generate an interrupt and automatically reload the counter from the usb.GPTIMERxLD register to begin to count down again. 15.3 Programming Overview and Reference This section includes an overview of the programming model for host and device modes. The programming model details for each mode are separately described in other sections of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual (TRM). Limitation The USB controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 410 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.3.1 Hardware/Software System The physical and virtual data flows for a USB hardware/software system are illustrated in Figure 15-10. These flows form the basis of USB. The TRM is focused on the operations of the bus interface and device layers as a foundation for writing drivers that include the functional layer. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-10 USB Device USB Host Application Software System Software Data pipes Control pipe Host Controller Function Interface USB Logical Device Bus Interface Function Layer Device Layer Bus Interface Layer Endpoints USB Cabling and Hubs Virtual Data Flow Physical Data Flow UG585_c15_39_030713 Figure 15-10: USB System Stack 15.3.2 Operational Mode Control States The controller can be configured for device mode or host mode. In OTG mode, the controller must perform tasks independent of the device and host controller modes to determine what mode to put the controller into. Software can use the usb.USBCMD [RST] reset bit to reset the vast majority of the controller, but preserve register values and controller state to support OTG operations. This reset transitions the controller out of host or device mode and into an idle state as shown in figure Figure 15-11. OTG tasks are performed independent of the [RST] bit reset as well as independent of the controller mode. The software sets the usb.USBMODE [CM] mode bit to select either host or device mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 411 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 15-11 Reset * PS_POR_B reset (all USB registers) * slcr.USB_RST_CTRL [USB_CPU1X_RST] (all USB registers) * usb.USBCMD [RST] (USB registers except those for OTG functionality) Idle usb.USBMODE [CM] = 10 usb.USBMODE [CM] = 11 reset Device Mode Host Mode reset UG585_c15_40_030713 Figure 15-11: USB Controller Mode Diagram 15.3.3 Power Management Stop-Clock The USB controller can be held in reset by the PS reset subsystem and the PHY clock from the PHY can be stopped to reduce power consumption. The clocks and resets are described in section 15.15 System Functions. Suspend and Resume The USB controller supports Suspend/Resume functions for both host and device modes. 15.3.4 Register Overview Each controller includes its own set of independent control and status registers that are memory mapped at 0xE000_2000 for controller 0 and at 0xE000_3000 for controller 1. The register address offsets and brief descriptions are summarized in Table 15-1. The detailed descriptions are in Appendix B. The controller and all registers are reset by the assertion of the USB Ref Reset from the PS. The mechanism is described in Chapter 26, Reset System. The reset value of the controller registers are shown in Appendix B. Software can reset the controller and the non-OTG registers by writing a 1 to the usb.USBCMD [RST] bit. The registers that are reset by usb.USBCMD [RST] are identified in a the last column of Table 15-1. Register Overview Table The controller registers include configuration constants, capability constants and operational registers for EHCI compatibility (Host mode) and non-EHCI functions (Device and OTG modes). The non-EHCI registers support device mode and OTG functions. The EHCI register fields are overlaid into the controller’s register set. • OTG/Mode registers provide control and status for HNP and SRP. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 412 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller • Dev register is used by the device controller driver software (DCD). • Host register is used by the host controller driver software (HCD). • EHCI register includes content from the specification. ‘x’ means partial. ‘ex’ means exclusive. Table 15-1: Offset Address USB Controller Register Overview Register Name Bit Acronym OTG/ Mode Dev Host x x EHCI Type Affected by USBCMD Reset RO no Identification: Configuration Constants. x 0x0000 ID 0x0004 HWGENERAL x x x RO no 0x0008 HWHOST ~ ~ x RO no 0x000C HWDEVICE ~ x ~ RO no 0x0010 HWTXBUF ~ x x RO no 0x0014 HWRXBUF ~ x x RO no GPTIMER{0,1}LD x x x ~ rw yes GPTIMER{0,1}CTRL x x x ~ mixed yes x x x ~ RW yes General Purpose (GP) Timers. 0x0080/88 0x0084/8C AXI Interconnect 0x0090 SBUSCFG Capability: Controller and EHCI Capabilities Constants (IP Configuration Constants). x x x x RO no 0x0100 CAPLENGTH_HCIVERSION 0x0104 HCSPARAMS x ~ x ex RO no 0x0108 HCCPARAMS ~ ~ x ex RO no 0x0120 DCIVERSION x x x RO no DCCPARAMS x x RO no 0x0124 Operational: Interrupts, Schedule Pointers (Host), and Endpoint Pointers (Device). x RW yes x x RW, R/W1C, RO yes, except RO x ex RW, R/W1C, RO yes, except RO x x RW yes ~ x ex RW yes x ~ ~ RW yes ~ ~ x ex RW yes ~ x ~ ~ RW yes ~ ~ x ~ RW, RO yes, except RO x x x ~ RW yes x x 0x0140 USBCMD 0x0144 USBSTS, refer to Table 15-2. x x 0x0148 USBINTR x x 0x014C FRINDEX ~ x PERIODICLISTBASE_ ~ _DEVICEADDR ~ ASYNCLISTADDR_ _ENDPOINTLISTADDR 0x0154 0x0158 x Operational: Transaction Translator. 0x015C TTCTRL Operational: Misc. 0x0160 BURSTSIZE 0x0164 TXFILLTUNING RW, R/W1C yes 0x0168 TXTTFILLTUNING RW, R/W1C yes 0x016C IC_USB x x x ~ RW yes 0x0170 ULPI_VIEWPORT x x x ~ RW, RO yes, except RO Operational: Endpoint Control (Device mode), refer to Figure 15-4 for details. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 413 Chapter 15: Table 15-1: Offset Address USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Controller Register Overview (Cont’d) Register Name Bit Acronym OTG/ Mode Dev Host EHCI Type 0x0178 ENDPTNAK x ~ ~ R/WTC 0x017C ENDPTNAKEN x ~ ~ RW Affected by USBCMD Reset Operational: Host mode (EHCI) and Device mode. 0x0180 0x0184 CONFIGFLAG x x x x RO PORTSC1 x x x x RW, RO, R/W1C partial no [WKDS] [WKCN] [WKOC] [PIC] [PR] no others yes Operational: Mode Control. 0x01A4 OTGSC x ~ ~ ~ RW, RO, R/W1C no 0x01A8 USBMODE x x x ~ RW yes Endpoint Configuration and Control (Device mode), refer to Figure 15-4 for details. 0x01AC ENDPTSETUPSTAT ~ x ~ ~ R/W1C yes 0x01B0 ENDPTPRIME ~ x ~ ~ R/W1S yes 0x01B4 EMDPTFLUSH ~ x ~ ~ R/W1S yes 0x01B8 ENDPTSTAT ~ x ~ ~ RO no 0x01BC ENDPTCOMPLETE ~ x ~ ~ R/W1C yes ENDPTCTRL 0 ~ x ~ ~ RW, RO yes, except RO ENDPTCTRL {1 to 11} ~ x ~ ~ RW, R/W1C yes 0x01C0 0x01C4 to 0x01EC 15.3.5 Interrupt and Status Bits Overview Each controller has a IRQ interrupt signal to the PS interrupt controller that is an accumulation of enable interrupts listed in Table 15-2 except for some Status-only bit that can’t generate an interrupt. • Controller 0: IRQ ID #53 • Controller 1: IRQ ID #76 USBSTS Interrupt, Status and Enable Registers The interrupt and status bits of the usb.USBSTS registers are listed in Table 15-2 USB Interrupt and Status Register Bits. The interrupt bits are maskable using the usb.USBINTR registers. The status bits do not generate an interrupt and are read-only to provide status information to software. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 414 Chapter 15: Table 15-2: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Interrupt and Status Register Bits USBSTS (status) Bit Field Type USBINTR (enable) Bit Field Description Cross Reference Dev Host [TI1] 25 Interrupt 25 Timer 1. x x [TI0] 24 Interrupt 24 Timer 0. x x [UPI] 19 Interrupt 19 Periodic qTD complete. ~ x [UAI] 18 Interrupt 18 Async qTD complete. ~ x [NAKI] 16 Interrupt 16 Device generated NAK. x ~ [AS] 15 Status-only na Async Schedule state. ~ x [PS] 14 Status-only na Periodic Schedule state. ~ x [RCL] 13 Status-only na Host Reclamation status. ~ x [HCH] 12 Status-only na Halt status of Run/Stop. [ULPII] 10 Interrupt 10 ULPI Viewport transfer complete. x x [SLI] 8 Interrupt 8 Device enters Suspend state. x ~ [SRI] 7 Interrupt 7 Start of Frame (SOF) received. x ~ [URI] 6 Interrupt 6 Reset received. x ~ [AAI] 5 Interrupt 5 Async schedule advance. ~ x [SEI] 4 Interrupt 4 System Error response on AHB. x x [FRI] 3 Interrupt 3 Periodic Frame List rollover. ~ x [PCI] 2 Interrupt 2 Port Change Detect. x x [UEI] 1 Interrupt 1 USB Transaction Error. [UI] 0 Interrupt 0 TD complete x 15.2.6 General Purpose Timers Table 15-17 Table 15-17 15.3.6 OTG Status/Interrupt and Control Register The programming model for On-the-Go (OTG) USB is supported by the OTG status and control register (OTGSC). The OTG operation works independently of the host and device modes. In OTG mode, once the controller has determined which mode to operate in, the full features of that mode (host or device) are available to the software. Please refer to 15.14.2 OTG Interrupt and Control Bits. 15.4 Device Mode Control When the controller is in device mode, software enables its control endpoint, prepares descriptors based on the functionality of the device and prepares the necessary endpoints. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 415 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.4.1 Controller State The device mode includes the active physical state of the controller, left side of Figure 15-12, and the suspend state maintained in software, right side of the figure. Power interruptions, resets and USB activity all contribute to the sequencing through these states. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-12 Active State Suspend State Powered Set the Run bit: usb.USBCMD [RS] = 1. Power Interruption Attach When the host resets the device returns to the default state. Reset Bus Inactive Default FS/HS Suspend FS/HS Bus Activity Address Assigned Bus Inactive Suspend FS/HS Address FS/HS Bus Activity Device Device Deconfigured Configured Bus Inactive Suspend FS/HS Configured FS/HS Bus Activity Software Maintained State UG585_c15_12_030413 Figure 15-12: USB Device State Diagram It is the responsibility of software to maintain a state variable to differentiate between the default FS/HS state and the address/configured states. Change of state from default to address and the configured states is part of the enumeration process described in the device framework section of the USB 2.0 Specification. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 416 Chapter 15: Table 15-3: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Device State Information Bits Bit Description Register Bit Interrupt Suspend Mode usb.USBSTS [SLI] Yes USB Reset Received usb.USBSTS [URI] Yes Port Change Detect usb.USBSTS [PCI] Yes High-Speed Port usb.PORTSC1 [PSPD] No As a result of entering the address state, the device address register (usb._DEVICEADDR) must be programmed by the DCD. Entry into the configured state indicates that all endpoints to be used in the operation of the device have been properly initialized by programming the usb.ENDPTCTRLx registers and initializing the associated queue heads. 15.4.2 USB Bus Reset Response A USB bus reset is used by the host to initialize downstream devices. The USB reset is one of several types of resets in the system, refer to section 15.15.2 Reset Types for a list. When a bus reset is detected, the device controller hardware renegotiates its attachment speed, reset the device address to 0 and notify the DCD by interrupt (assuming the USB reset interrupt enable is set). After a reset is received, all endpoints (except EP 0) are disabled and any primed transactions are canceled by the device controller. The concept of priming will be clarified below, but the DCD must perform the following tasks when a reset is received. DCD Actions 1. Clear all setup token semaphores by reading the usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT register and writing the same value back to the usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT register. Clear all the endpoint complete status bits by reading the usb.ENDPTCOMPLETE register and writing the same value back to the usb.ENDPTCOMPLETE register. 2. Cancel all primed status by waiting until all bits in the usb.ENDPTPRIME register are 0 and then writing FFFF_FFFFh to usb.ENDPTFLUSH register. 3. Read the reset bit in the PORTSC1 register and make sure that it is still active. A USB reset occurs for a minimum of 3 ms and software must reach this point in the reset cleanup before end of the reset occurs, otherwise a hardware reset of the device controller is recommended (rare). Device Controller Reset 4. A hardware reset can be performed by writing a 1 to the usb.USBCMD [RST] reset bit. A hardware reset will cause the device to detach from the bus by clearing the run/stop bit. Thus, software must completely re-initialize the device controller after a hardware reset. 5. Free all allocated dTD’s because they will no longer be executed by the device controller. If this is the first time the DCD is processing a USB reset event, then it is likely that no dTD’s have been allocated. At this time, the DCD might release control back to the OS because no further changes to the device controller are permitted until a port change detect is indicated. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 417 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Port Change Detect After a port change detect, the device has reached the default state and the DCD can read the PORTSC1 register to determine if the device is operating in FS or HS mode. At this time, the device controller has reached normal operating mode and the DCD can respond to enumeration according to the USB2.0 specification Chapter 9 - Device Framework. The DCD can use the FS/HS mode information to determine the bandwidth mode of the device. Note: Before resume signaling can be used, the host must be enabled using the Set Feature command defined in device framework of the USB 2.0 Specification. Note: It is necessary for the DCD to use the flush bit(s) to de-prime one or more endpoints when a USB device reset is received. Refer to Example: Flushing/De-priming an Endpoint, page 442. 15.5 Device Endpoint Data Structures The device endpoint data structures consist of link-list endpoint descriptors that must be initialized and managed by software. This consists of programming the endpoint control registers, maintaining a set of descriptors in system memory, and managing system memory buffers. 15.5.1 Link-list Endpoint Descriptors There are two types of descriptors used for the device controller: the device Queue Head (dQH) and the device Transfer Descriptor (dTD). Figure 15-13 shows how these are used in a link-list fashion. The DMA engine uses link-list descriptors to respond to endpoint packet transfer requests from the host. It is necessary for the DCD to maintain head and tail pointers to the linked list of dTD’s for each respective queue head. This is necessary because the dQH only maintains pointers to the current working dTD and the next dTD to be executed. The operations described in next section for managing dTD will assume the DCD can reference the head and tail of the dTD linked list. Note: To conserve memory, the reserved fields at the end of the dQH can be used to store the Head and Tail pointers but it still remains the responsibility of the DCD to maintain the pointers. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 418 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 15-13 0x600 Queue Head List Endpoint 11 IN dTD Pointer dTD 4KB Memory ffer Buffer Bu ter in Po dTD Pointer T=0 dTD 4KB Memory Buffer ffer Bu ter n i Po dTD Pointer T=0 0x5C0 4KB Memory Buffer ffer Bu ter in Po dTD Pointer 0x0B0 Endpoint 1 OUT dTD Pointer dTD T=0 ffer Bu ter in Po 0x080 Endpoint 0 IN dTD Pointer dTD Endpoint 0 OUT ffer Bu ter in Po dTD Pointer Endpoint Queue Heads (dQH) dTD T=1 T=1 4KB Memory Buffer T=1 0x040 dTD 4KB Memory Buffer ffer Bu ter in Po 4KB Memory Buffer After a dTD is processed, the controller will generate an interrupt if its IOC bit is set = 1. Transfer Buffers Transaction Descriptors (dTD) usb.ENDPOINTLISTADDR UG585_c15_41_030713 Figure 15-13: USB Device Link-list Endpoints Example The device controller API software incorporates and abstracts for the application developer all of the information contained in the device operational model. Each Endpoint can be configured for bi-directional transfers (contain both IN and OUT endpoints). Queue Head and Linked Transfer Descriptors: • 15.7.1 Endpoint Queue Head Descriptor (dQH) • 15.7.2 Endpoint Transfer Descriptor (dTD) • 15.7.3 Endpoint Transfer Overlay Area Descriptor and Data Flow The top portion of Figure 15-14 shows the list of queue heads (one for each endpoint) and the list of transfer descriptors that are referenced by the dQH and other dTD descriptors. The low portion of the figure shows data being transferred between memory and the ULPI connection to USB. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 419 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 15-14 System Memory USB Controller dQH 0x600 Endpoint 11 IN 0x5C0 Queue Head List 0x0C0 dQH Read/Write dQH dTD EndPoint 1 OUT Transfer Overlay Area (7 DWords) 0x080 EndPoint 0 IN 31 Transaction Descriptor Processor 0x040 EndPoint 0 OUT 0x000 0 usb.ENDPOINTLISTADDR [31:11] Transfer Descriptors EndPoint dTD Next dTD Pointers dTD Read/Write DMA Engine dTD Memory Buffers DMA Rx and Tx FIFOs Protocol Engine (Latency Buffers) 4KB each Dual-port RAM Port Controller and ULPI Link Wrapper Buffer Pointers ULPI Transfer Buffers UG585_c15_42_030713 Figure 15-14: USB Device Descriptor and Data Flow 15.5.2 Manage Endpoints The USB 2.0 Specification defines an endpoint, also called a device endpoint or an address endpoint as a uniquely addressable portion of a USB device that can source or sink data in a communications channel between the host and the device. The endpoint address is specified by the combination of the endpoint number and the endpoint direction. The channel between the host and an endpoint at a specific device represents a data pipe. Endpoint 0 for a device is always a control type data channel used for device discovery and enumeration. Other types of endpoints support by USB include bulk, interrupt, and isochronous. Each endpoint type has specific behavior related to packet response and error handling. More detail on endpoint operation can be found in the USB 2.0 Specification. The device controller hardware is configured to support up to 12 endpoints. The DCD can enable, disable and configure endpoint type up to the maximum selected during synthesis. Each endpoint direction is essentially independent and can be configured with differing behavior in each direction. For example, the DCD can configure endpoint 1 IN to be a bulk endpoint and endpoint 1 OUT to be an isochronous endpoint. This helps to conserve the total number of endpoints required for device operation. The only exception is that control endpoints must use both directions on a single endpoint number to function as a control endpoint. Endpoint 0, for example, is always a control endpoint and uses the pair of directions. Each endpoint direction requires a queue head allocated in memory. For 12 endpoints, numbers is used, then 24 queue heads are required one for each endpoint direction being used by the device Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 420 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller controller. The operation of an endpoint and use of queue heads are described later in this document. 15.5.3 Endpoint Registers The endpoint registers are listed in Table 15-4 USB Device Endpoint Register Summary. These registers were summarized at the end of Table 15-1, page 413. In general, there is one bit for each endpoint. The lower half of the register bits are for Rx endpoints and the upper half is for Tx endpoints. Exceptions include the ENDPTSETUPSTAT and the endpoint control registers, ENDPTCTRL{11:0}. Endpoint Registers Table 15-4: USB Device Endpoint Register Summary Register Name Description and Register Bit Field Tx Endpoint (11:0) Type Rx Endpoint (11:0) Bit is set when an endpoint sends a NAK to the Host. ENDPTNAK ENDPTNAKEN ENDPTSETUPSTAT ENDPTPRIME ENDPTFLUSH [EPTN], 27:16 (IN token) [EPTNE], 27:16 Read/Write. [EPRNE], 11:0 Bit is set when an endpoint receives a Setup transaction. ~ Read and Write-one-to-clear. [ENDPTSETUPSTAT], 11:0 Software sets a bit to instruct the controller to prepare for a packet transfer. The QH, dTD’s, and endpoint registers are ready. [PETB], 27:16 (IN or Interrupt) Read and Write-one-to-set. [PERB], 11:0 (OUT) Software sets a bit to instruct the controller to flush an endpoint. Note: Flushing an endpoint in the controller also causes the endpoint to be de-primed (the endpoint must be completely re-initialized to continue the transaction). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Read-only. [ERBR], 11:0 Indicates that the controller has completed the transfer that was primed. [ETCE], 27:16 Read and Write-one-to-set. [FERB], 11:0 Indicates that the controller hardware has primed the endpoint as requested by the ENDPTPRIME register. [ETBR], 27:16 ENDPTCOMPLETE [EPRN], 11:0 (OUT or Ping token) Interrupt enable bits for ENDPTNAK bits. [FETB], 27:16 ENDPTSTAT Read and Write-one-to-clear. Read and Write-one-to-clear. [ERCE], 11:0 Send Feedback 421 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Endpoint Configuration Registers Table 15-5: USB Device Endpoint Configuration Register Summary Description and Register Bit Field Register Name Tx Software can control the STALL behavior for Rx and Tx transactions to the control endpoint. Software can read the control endpoint configuration. ENDPTCTRL0 Type Rx [TXS], 16 [RXS], 0 Others: always enabled, Tx and Rx capable. (see below) Read-write. Read-only. Software configuration and control bits for each endpoint. Refer to Table 15-6, page 422. Force controller to send Stall responses. [TXS], 16 [RXS], 0 Always set = 0 (datapath includes FIFOs). [TXS], 17 [RXS], 1 Read-write. Select endpoint type (Control, ISO, Bulk, Interrupt). ENDPTCTRL {11:0} [TXS], 19:18 [RXS], 3:2 Always set = 0 (test mode to ignore data toggling). [TXS], 21 [RXS], 5 Data toggle reset (write 1 to synchronize data PIDs). [TXS], 22 [RXS], 6 Endpoint enable. [TXS], 23 [RXS], 7 Write-one. Read-write. 15.5.4 Endpoint Initialization After hardware reset, all endpoints except endpoint 0 are uninitialized and disabled. The DCD must configure and enable each endpoint by writing to the configuration register usb.ENDPTCTRLx. Each 32-bit usb.ENDPTCTRLx is split into an upper and lower half. The lower half of usb.ENDPTCTRLx register is used to configure the receive or OUT endpoint and the upper half is likewise used to configure the corresponding transmit or IN endpoint. Control endpoints must be configured the same in both the upper and lower half of the usb.ENDPTCTRLx register otherwise the behavior is undefined. Table 15-6 shows how to construct a configuration word for endpoint initialization. Table 15-6: USB Device Endpoint Initialization Field Value Meaning Data Toggle Reset, usb.ENDPTCTRLx [TXR ] 1 Restart transfers with DATA0 PID. Date Toggle Inhibit, usb.ENDPTCTRLx [TXI ] 0 Toggle between DATA0 and DATA1 PIDs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 422 Chapter 15: Table 15-6: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Device Endpoint Initialization (Cont’d) Field Value Endpoint Type, usb.ENDPTCTRLx [TXT ] Depends on the setup request. Endpoint Stall, usb.ENDPTCTRLx [TXS] 0 Meaning 00: 01: 10: 11: Control Isochronous Bulk Interrupt Do not force stall response. Stall There are two occasions where the device controller might need to return a STALL to the host: • Functional Stall: software initiated (non-control endpoints only). • Protocol Stall: hardware initiates (control endpoint). The functional stall, which is a condition set by the DCD as described in the USB 2.0 device framework. A functional stall is only used on non-control endpoints and can be enabled in the device controller by setting the usb.ENDPTCTRLx [TXS] stall bit associated with the given endpoint and the given direction. In a functional stall condition, the device controller will continue to return STALL responses to all transactions occurring on the respective endpoint and direction until the endpoint stall bit is cleared by the DCD. A protocol stall, unlike a function stall, is used on control endpoints and automatically cleared by the device controller at the start of a new control transaction (setup phase). When enabling a protocol stall, the DCD should enable the stall bits (both directions) as a pair. A single write to the usb.ENDPTCTRLx register can ensure that both stall bits are set at the same instant. Note: Any write to the usb.ENDPTCTRLx register during operational mode must preserve the endpoint type field (i.e. perform a read-modify-write of this register and preserve the [TXT] field). Table 15-7: USB Device Packet Mismatch Response USB Packet Type Received Setup IN/OUT/Ping Endpoint Type Stall Bit setting [TXS] Hardware action on Stall bit Bus Response Control x Clears [TXS] ACK Non-Control x None STALL All 0 None ACK/NAK/NYET All 1 None STALL Data Toggle Data toggle is a mechanism to maintain data ordering between the host and device for a given data pipe. For more information on data toggle, refer to the USB 2.0 specification. The DCD can reset the data toggle state bit and cause the data toggle sequence to reset in the device controller by writing a 1 to the data toggle reset bit in the usb.ENDPTCTRLx [TXR] register bit. This should only be necessary when configuring/initializing an endpoint or returning from a STALL condition. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 423 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Data Toggle Inhibit This feature is for test purposes only and should never be used during normal device controller operation. Setting the data toggle inhibit bit active (usb.ENTPTCTRLx [RXI] bit = 1) causes the device controller to ignore the data toggle pattern that is normally sent and accept all incoming data packets regardless of the data toggle state. In normal operation, the device controller checks the DATA0/DATA1 bit against the data toggle to determine if the packet is valid. If Data PID does not match the data toggle state bit maintained by the device controller for that endpoint, the Data toggle is considered not valid. If the data toggle is not valid, the device controller assumes the packet was already received and discards the packet (not reporting it to the DCD). To prevent the host controller from re-sending the same packet, the device controller will respond to the error packet by acknowledging it with either an ACK or NYET response. 15.6 Device Endpoint Packet Operational Model All transactions on the USB bus are initiated by the host and in turn, the device must respond to any request from the host within the turnaround time stated in the USB 2.0 Specification. At USB 1.1 Full or Low Speed rates, this turnaround time was significant and the USB 1.1 device controllers were designed so that the device controller could access main memory or interrupt a host protocol processor in order to respond to the USB 1.1 transaction. The architecture of the USB 2.0 device controller must be different because the same methods will not meet USB 2.0 High-speed turnaround time requirements. A USB host sends requests to the device controller in an order that cannot be precisely predicted as a single pipeline, so it is not possible to prepare a single packet for the device controller to execute. However, the order of packet requests is predictable when the endpoint number and direction is considered. For example, if endpoint 3 (transmit direction) is configured as a bulk pipe, then we can expect the host will send IN requests to that endpoint. Prime and Flush Endpoints This device controller is designed in such a way that it can prepare packets for each endpoint or direction in anticipation of the host request. The process of preparing the device controller to send or receive data in response to host initiated transaction on the bus is referred to as ‘priming’ the endpoint. The term ‘flushing’ is used to describe the action of clearing a packet that was queued for execution. Note: Flushing an endpoint in the controller also causes the endpoint to be de-primed (the endpoint must be completely re-initialized to continue the transaction). 15.6.1 Prime Transmit Endpoints Priming a transmit endpoint will cause the device controller to fetch the dTD for the transaction pointed to by the dQH. After the dTD is fetched, it will be copied in the dQH until the device controller completes the transfer described by the dTD. Copying the dTD in the dQH overlay area Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 424 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller allows the device controller to fetch the operating context needed to handle a request from the host without the need to follow the linked list, starting at the dQH when the host request is received. After the device has loaded the dTD, the leading data in the packet is stored in a FIFO in the device controller. This FIFO is split into virtual channels so that the leading data can be stored for any endpoint up to the maximum number of endpoints configured at device synthesis time. After a priming request is complete, an endpoint state of primed is indicated in the ENDPTSTATUS register. For a primed transmit endpoint, the device controller can respond to an IN request from the host and meet the stringent bus turnaround time of High Speed USB. Since only the leading data is stored in the device controller FIFO, it is necessary for the device controller to begin filling in behind leading data after the transaction starts. The FIFO must be sized to account for the maximum latency that can be incurred by the system memory bus. 15.6.2 Prime Receive Endpoints Priming receive endpoints is identical to priming of transmit endpoints from the point of view of the DCD. At the device controller the major difference in the operational model is that there is no data movement of the leading packet data simply because the data is to be received from the host. Note as part of the architecture, the FIFO for the receive endpoints is not partitioned into multiple channels like the transmit FIFO. Thus, the size of the RxFIFO does not scale with the number of endpoints. 15.6.3 Interrupt and Bulk Endpoint Operational Model The behaviors of the device controller for interrupt and bulk endpoints are identical. All valid IN and OUT transactions to bulk pipes will handshake with a NAK unless the endpoint had been primed. Once the endpoint has been primed, data delivery will commence. A dTD will be retired by the device controller when the packets described in the transfer descriptor have been completed. Each dTD describes N packets to be transferred according to the USB Variable Length transfer protocol. The formula and table on the following page describe how the device controller computes the number and length of the packets to be sent/received by the USB vary according to the total number of bytes and maximum packet length. With Zero Length Termination dTD.ZLT = 0, N = INT(Number of Bytes/Max. Packet Length) + 1 With Zero Length Termination dTD.ZLT = 1, N = MAXINT(Number of Bytes/Max. Packet Length) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 425 Chapter 15: Table 15-8: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Device Variable Length Transfer Protocol Examples dTD.ZLT = 0 Bytes Max. Packet Length dTD dQH N P1 P2 511 256 2 256 256 512 256 3 256 256 512 512 2 512 0 dTD.ZLT = 1 P3 0 N P1 P2 2 256 256 2 256 256 1 512 P3 Note: The dQH.Mult field must be set to 00 for Bulk, Interrupt, and Control endpoints. The dQH.ZLT bit operates as follows on Bulk and Control transfers: dQH.ZLT = 0, the default value The zero length termination is active. With the dQH.ZLT option enabled, when the device is transmitting, the hardware automatically appends a zero length packet when the following conditions are true: • The packet transmitted equals maximum packet length • The dTD has exhausted the field Total Bytes After this the dTD will be retired. When the device is receiving, if the last packet length received equal maximum packet length and the total bytes is 0, it will wait for a zero length packet from the host to retire the current dTD. dQH.ZLT = 1 The zero length termination is inactive. With the dQH.ZLT option disabled, when the device is transmitting, the hardware will not append any zero length packet. When receiving, it will not require a zero length packet to retire a dTD whose last packet was equal to the maximum packet length packet. The dTD is retired as soon as total bytes field goes to 0, or a short packet is received. Each transfer is defined by one dTD, so the zero length termination is for each dTD. In some software application cases, the logic transfer does not fit into just one dTD, so it does not make sense to add a zero length termination packet each time a dTD is consumed. On those cases we recommend to turn off this dQH.ZLT feature and use the DCD to generate the zero length termination. Tx dTD Completes • All packets described in the dTD were successfully transmitted. Total bytes in dTD equals 0 when this occurs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 426 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Rx dTD Completes • All packets described in dTD were successfully received. Total bytes in dTD equals 0 when this occurs. • A short packet (number of bytes < maximum packet length) was received. This is a successful transfer completion; the DCD must check Total Bytes in dTD to determine the number of bytes that are remaining. From the total bytes remaining in the dTD, the DCD can compute the actual bytes received. • A long packet was received (number of bytes > maximum packet size) OR (total bytes received > total bytes specified). This is an error condition. The device controller will discard the remaining packet, and set the Buffer Error bit in the dTD. In addition, the endpoint will be flushed and the USBERR interrupt will become active. On the successful completion of the packet(s) described by the dTD, the active bit in the dTD will be cleared and the next pointer will be followed when the Terminate bit is clear. When the Terminate bit is set, the device controller will flush the endpoint/direction and cease operations for that endpoint/direction. On the unsuccessful completion of a packet (see long packet above), the dQH is left pointing to the dTD that was in error. In order to recover from this error condition, the DCD must properly reinitialize the dQH by clearing the active bit and update the next dTD pointer before attempting to re-prime the endpoint. Note: All packet level errors such as a missing handshake or CRC error are retried automatically by the device controller. There is no required interaction with the DCD for handling such errors. Interrupt and Bulk Endpoint Bus Response The shaded column in Table 15-9 is the normal operating mode. Table 15-9: USB Device Interrupt and Bulk Endpoint Bus Response Packet Identifier Stall Bit [TXS] Endpoint Not Primed Endpoint Primed Buffer Underflow Buffer Overflow Endpoint Not Enabled Setup Ignore Ignore Ignore N/A N/A BTO IN STALL NAK Transmit BS Error N/A BTO OUT STALL NAK Receive and then NYET/ACK N/A NAK BTO Ping STALL NAK ACK N/A N/A BTO Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 427 Chapter 15: Table 15-9: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Device Interrupt and Bulk Endpoint Bus Response (Cont’d) Packet Identifier Stall Bit [TXS] Endpoint Not Primed Endpoint Primed Buffer Underflow Buffer Overflow Endpoint Not Enabled Invalid Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore BTO Notes: 1. BS Error — Force Bit Stuff Error. 2. NYET/ACK — NYET unless the Transfer Descriptor has packets remaining according to the USB variable length protocol then ACK. 3. SYSERR — System error should never occur when the latency FIFOs are correctly sized and the DCD is responsive. 4. BTO — Bus Time Out. 15.6.4 Isochronous Endpoint Operational Model Isochronous endpoints are used for real-time scheduled delivery of data and their operational model is significantly different than the host throttled bulk, interrupt, and control data pipes. Real time delivery by the device controller is accomplished by the following: • Exactly MULT Packets per (micro)frame are transmitted/received. Note: MULT is a two-bit field in the device queue head. The variable length packet protocol is not used on isochronous endpoints. • NAK responses are not used. Instead, zero length packets are sent in response to an IN request to an unprimed endpoints. For unprimed Rx endpoints, the response to an OUT transaction is to ignore the packet within the device controller. • Prime requests always schedule the transfer described in the dTD for the next (micro)frame. If the ISO-dTD is still active after that frame, then the ISO-dTD is held ready until executed or canceled by the DCD. Note: If the MULT field is set to more packets than present in the dTD to be transmitted, the controller sends zero length packets to all extra incoming IN tokens and report fulfillment error (transaction error) in current dTD. If more dTD’s exist in memory, the controller moves to the next dTD to be transmitted in the next (micro)frame. Because of this behavior it is recommended to always use the correct MULT matching the number of packets to be processed for a given dTD. An EHCI compatible host controller uses the periodic frame list to schedule data exchanges to Isochronous endpoints. The operational model for the device controller does not use such a data structure. Instead, the same dTD used for Control/Bulk/Interrupt endpoints is also used for isochronous endpoints. The difference is in the handling of the dTD. The first difference between bulk and iso endpoints is that priming an iso endpoint is a delayed operation such that an endpoint will become primed only after a SOF is received. After the DCD writes the prime bit, the prime bit will be cleared as usual to indicate to the DCD that the device controller completed a priming the dTD for transfer. Internal to the design, the device controller hardware masks that prime start until the next frame boundary. This behavior is hidden from the DCD but occurs so that the device controller can match the dTD to a specific (micro)frame. Another difference with isochronous endpoints is that the transaction must wholly complete in a (micro)frame. Once an isochronous transaction is started in a (micro)frame it will retire the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 428 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller corresponding dTD when MULT transactions occur or the device controller finds a fulfillment condition. The transaction error bit set in the status field indicates a fulfillment error condition. When a fulfillment error occurs, the frame after the transfer failed to complete wholly, the device controller will force retire the iso dTD and move to the next iso dTD. It is important to note that fulfillment errors are only caused due to partially completed packets. If no activity occurs to a primed iso endpoint, the transaction will stay primed indefinitely. This means it is up to the DCD to discard transmit iso dTD’s that pile up from a failure of the host to move the data. Finally, the last difference with iso packets is in the data level error handling. When a CRC error occurs on a received packet, the packet is not retried similar to bulk and control endpoints. Instead, the CRC is noted by setting the Transaction Error bit and the data is stored as usual for the application software to sort out. Tx Isochronous Packet Retired The Tx Packet is retired when: • MULT counter reaches 0. • Fulfillment Error [Transaction Error bit is set] # Packets Occurred > 0 AND # Packets Occurred < MULT Note: For Tx isochronous endpoint, the MULT Counter can be loaded with a lesser value in the dTD Multiplier Override field. If the Multiplier Override is 0, the MULT Counter is initialized to the dQH.Mult field. Rx Isochronous Packet Retired The Rx Packet is retired when: • MULT counter reaches 0. • Non-MDATA Data PID is received • Overflow Error: Packet received is > maximum packet length. [Buffer Error bit is set] Packet received exceeds total bytes allocated in dTD. [Buffer Error bit is set] • Fulfillment Error [Transaction Error bit is set] # Packets Occurred > 0 AND # Packets Occurred < MULT • CRC Error [Transaction Error bit is set] Note: For isochronous transfers, when a dTD is retired, the next dTD is primed for the next frame. For continuous (micro)frame to (micro)frame operation the DCD should ensure that the dTD linked-list is out ahead of the device controller by at least two (micro)frames. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 429 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Isochronous Pipe Synchronization When it is necessary to synchronize an isochronous data pipe to the host, the (micro)frame number (read the FRINDEX register) can be used as a marker. To cause a packet transfer to occur at a specific (micro)frame number [N], the DCD should interrupt on SOF during frame N - 1. When the FRINDEX = N - 1, the DCD must write the prime bit. The device controller primes the isochronous endpoint in (micro)frame N - 1 so that the device controller executes delivery during (micro)frame N. Caution: Priming an endpoint towards the end of (micro)frame N - 1 does not guarantee delivery in (micro)frame N. The delivery might actually occur in (micro)frame N+1 if device controller does not have enough time to complete the prime before the SOF for packet N is received. Isochronous Endpoint Bus Response Table 15-10: USB Device Isochronous Endpoint Bus Response Token Type Stall Bit [TXS] Endpoint Not Primed Endpoint Primed Buffer Underflow Buffer Overflow Endpoint Not Enabled Setup STALL STALL STALL N/A N/A BTO IN NULL Packet NULL Packet Transmit BS Error N/A BTO OUT Ignore Ignore Receive N/A Drop Packet BTO Ping Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore BTO Invalid Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore BTO 15.6.5 Control Endpoint Operational Model All requests to a control endpoint begin with a setup phase followed by an optional data phase and a required status phase. The device controller always accepts the setup phase unless the setup lockout is engaged. Lockout and Tripwire for Setup Packets The setup lockout can be engage so that future setup packets from the host are ignored by the controller while the DCD retrieves the current setup packet. Lockout of setup packets ensures that while the DCD is reading the setup packet stored in the queue head data is not written as it is being read potentially causing an invalid setup packet. The setup lockout mechanism can be disabled and a tripwire type semaphore will ensure that the setup packet payload is extracted from the queue head without being corrupted by an incoming setup packet. This is the preferred behavior because ignoring repeated setup packets due to long software interrupt latency would be a compliance issue. The tripwire semaphore can ensure the proper addition of a new dTD to an active (primed) endpoint’s linked list. The add dTD tripwire bit, usb.USBCMD [ATDTW] can be set and cleared by software. This bit can be cleared by hardware when its state machine is in a hazard region for which adding a dTD to a primed endpoint may go unrecognized. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 430 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Setup Packet Handling using the Tripwire Disable setup lockout by writing 1 to setup lockout mode, usb.USBMODE [SLOM] bit field; once at initialization. Setup lockout is not necessary when using the tripwire as described in the example below. Example: Setup Packet Handing using the Tripwire After receiving an interrupt and inspecting usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT register to determine that a setup packet was received on a particular pipe (i.e., the dQH was written to memory by the hardware): 1. Setup the Tripwire Mechanism: Write 1 to usb.USBCMD [SUTW]. 2. Read the Setup Buffer: Copy the contents of dQH.SetupBuffer into local software byte array. 3. Test to see if another Setup Packet was received. Read the tripwire bit [SUTW] again. a. If [SUTW] = 1 (not received), then continue to step 4 and process the setup buffer. b. If [SUTW] = 0 (another packet received), then go to step 1 and copy that setup buffer, too. 4. Clear the Interrupt: Write 1 to clear corresponding usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT register bit. A poll loop should be used to wait until usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT transitions to 0 and before priming for the status/handshake phases. The time from writing a 1 to usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT register and reading back a 0 is very short (approximately 1 to 2 microsecond) so a poll loop in the DCD should not be harmful in most systems. 5. Clear the Tripwire: Write 0 to clear setup tripwire bit usb.USBCMD [SUTW]. 6. Process setup packet: Use the local software byte array copy and execute status/handshake phases. 7. Check Endpoint status: Before priming for status/handshake phases, ensure that the usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT bit is = 0. Note: After receiving a new setup packet, the status and/or handshake phases might still be pending from a previous control sequence. These should be flushed and deallocated before linking a new status and/or handshake dTD for the most recent setup packet. Data Phase Following the setup phase, the DCD must create a device transfer descriptor for the data phase and prime the transfer. After priming the packet, the DCD must verify a new setup packet has not been received by reading the usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT register immediately verifying that the prime had completed. A prime completes when the associated bit in the usb.ENDPTPRIME register is 0 and the associated bit in the usb.ENDPTSTATUS register is a 1. If a prime fails, i.e., the usb.ENDPTPRIME bit goes to 0 and the usb.ENDPTSTATUS bit is not set, then the prime has failed. This can only be due to improper setup of the dQH, dTD or a setup arriving during the prime operation. If a new setup packet is indicated after the endpoint prime bit is cleared, then the transfer descriptor can be freed and the DCD must reinterpret the setup packet. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 431 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Should a setup arrive after the data stage is primed, the device controller automatically clears the prime status (usb.ENDPTSTATUS) to enforce data ordering with the setup packet. Note: The dQH.Mult field must be set to 00 for bulk, interrupt, and control endpoints. Error handling of data phase packets is the same as bulk packets described previously. Status Phase Similar to the data phase, the DCD must create a transfer descriptor (with byte length equal 0) and prime the endpoint for the status phase. The DCD must also perform the same checks of the usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT as described above in the data phase. Note: The dQH.Mult bit field must be set to 00 for bulk, interrupt, and control endpoints. Error handling of data phase packets is the same as bulk packets described previously. Control Endpoint Bus Response The device controller response to packets on a control endpoint according to the device controller state is shown in Table 15-11. The normal operating mode is shaded. Table 15-11: USB Device Control Endpoint Bus Response Packet Identifier Stall Bit [TXS] Endpoint Not Primed Endpoint Primed Buffer Underflow Buffer Overflow Endpoint Not Enabled Setup ACK ACK ACK N/A SYSERR BTO IN STALL NAK Transmit BS Error N/A BTO N/A OUT STALL NAK Receive and then NYET/ACK N/A NAK BTO N/A Ping STALL NAK ACK N/A N/A BTO N/A Invalid Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore Ignore BTO Ignore Setup Lockout Notes: 1. BS Error — Force Bit Stuff Error. 2. NYET/ACK — NYET unless the Transfer Descriptor has packets remaining according to the USB variable length protocol then ACK. 3. SYSERR — System error should never occur when the latency FIFOs are correctly sized and the DCD is responsive. 4. BTO — Bus Time Out. 15.7 Device Endpoint Descriptor Reference This section contains the definitions of the endpoint descriptors for the device controller. There usages are described in other chapter sections, including section 15.5.1 Link-list Endpoint Descriptors. • 15.7.1 Endpoint Queue Head Descriptor (dQH) • 15.7.2 Endpoint Transfer Descriptor (dTD) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 432 Chapter 15: • USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.7.3 Endpoint Transfer Overlay Area 15.7.1 Endpoint Queue Head Descriptor (dQH) The device Endpoint Queue Head (dQH) is where all device controller transfers are managed. The dQH is a 48-byte data structure, but must be aligned on 64-byte boundaries. During priming of an endpoint, the hardware reads the dQH and the first device transfer descriptor (dTD) from system memory and overlays it onto DWords 2 through 8 of the dQH as shown in Table 15-12. Table 15-12: Reference USB Device Queue Head (dQH) Descriptor Format Type Table 15-13 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Mult ZLT 0 8 IOS Maximum Packet Length 7 6 5 4 Transfer Overlay Area 0 Total Bytes 1 0 DWord 0 0000 IOC C_Page MultO 0 1 T 2 Status 3 Buffer Pointer (Page 0) Current Offset 4 Buffer Pointer (Page 1) reserved 5 Buffer Pointer (Page 2) reserved 6 Buffer Pointer (Page 3) reserved 7 Buffer Pointer (Page 4) reserved Table 15-13 8 reserved 9 Setup Buffer Bytes 3..0 10 Setup Buffer Bytes 7..4 Device Controller Read/Write Table 15-13: 2 0 Current dTD Pointer Current Pointer Next dTD Pointer Table 15-15 3 0 11 Device Controller Read-only USB Device dQH DWords 0 to 11: Descriptor Bit Details Bits Description DWord 0: Endpoint Capabilities/Characteristics 31:30 High-Bandwidth Pipe Multiplier, Mult. This field is used to indicate the number of packets executed per transaction description as given by the following: • 00: Execute N Transactions as demonstrated by the USB variable length packet protocol where N is computed using the Maximum Packet Length (dQH) and the Total Bytes field (dTD). • 01: Execute 1 Transaction. • 10: Execute 2 Transactions. • 11: Execute 3 Transactions. Non-Isochronous endpoints: must set Mult = 00. Isochronous endpoints: must set Mult = 01, 10, or 11 as needed. 29 Zero Length Termination Select, ZLT. This bit is used to indicate when a zero length packet is used to terminate transfers where to total transfer length is a multiple. This bit is not relevant for Isochronous. • 0: Enable zero length packet to terminate transfers equal to a multiple of the Maximum Packet Length. • 1: Disable the zero length packet on transfers that are equal in length to a multiple Maximum Packet Length. 28:27 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 26:16 Maximum Packet Length. This directly corresponds to the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint (wMaxPacketSize). The maximum value this field can contain is 400h (1,024). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 433 Chapter 15: Table 15-13: USB Device dQH DWords 0 to 11: Descriptor Bit Details (Cont’d) Bits 15 14:0 USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Description Interrupt On Setup, IOS. This bit is used on control type endpoints to indicate if USBINT is set in response to a setup being received. Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. DWord 1: Current dTD Pointer 31:5 Current dTD Pointer. Pointer to the dTD that is represented in the transfer overlay area. This field will be modified by the Device Controller to next dTD pointer during endpoint priming or queue advance. The current dTD pointer is used by the device controller to locate the transfer in progress. This word is for the Device Controller hardware’s use only and should not be modified by the DCD. 4:0 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. DWords 2 to 8: Overlay Area, refer to Table 15-15 USB Device Transfer Overlay. DWord 9: reserved. DWord 10: Setup Buffer Bytes 3:0 31:24 24:16 15:8 7:0 Byte Byte Byte Byte 3 2 1 0 15.7.2 Endpoint Transfer Descriptor (dTD) The dTD describes to the device controller the location and quantity of data to be sent/received for given transfer. The DCD should not attempt to modify any field in an active dTD except the Next dTD Pointer. The dTD descriptors are illustrated in Table 15-14. The fields are detailed in Table 15-8 and described in section 15.7.3 Endpoint Transfer Overlay Area. Table 15-14: Reference USB Device Transfer Descriptor (dTD) Format Type 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Table 15-15 Transfer Overlay Area Next dTD Pointer 0 Total Bytes 3 2 0000 IOC C_Page MultO 0 DWord T Status Current Offset Buffer Pointer (Page 0) Buffer Pointer (Page 1) 0 1 R Frame Number 0 1 2 3 Buffer Pointer (Page 2) reserved 4 Buffer Pointer (Page 3) reserved 5 Buffer Pointer (Page 4) reserved 6 Device Controller Read/Write Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Device Controller Read-only Send Feedback 434 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.7.3 Endpoint Transfer Overlay Area The dQH is read from memory by the controller and links to a dTD. The dTD is also read from memory and is written into the overlay area of the dQH as shown in Table 15-15. The seven DWords in the overlay area represent a transaction working space for the device controller. After an endpoint is readied, the dTD will be copied into this dQH overlay area by the device controller. Until a transfer is expired, the DCD must not write the queue head overlay area or the associated transfer descriptor. When the transfer is complete, the device controller will write the dTD back to system memory (with transfer status results added) and advance the queue pointer. If the link list continues, then another dTD is fetched from memory and written into the transfer overlay area of the dQH. After the link list is processed, the dQH is written back to system memory and the endpoint servicing is completed. The Overlay Transaction dQH DWords 2 through 8 are nearly identical to the dTD DWords 0 through 6 as shown in Table 15-15. Transfer Overlay Table The transfer overlay DWords that are used in both dQH and dTD descriptors are listed in Table 15-15 USB Device Transfer Overlay. The descriptions for Total Bytes and Multiplier Override fields are described in the beginning of this section. Table 15-15: USB Device Transfer Overlay Bits Description dTD DWord dQH DWord 0 2 Next dTD Pointer and Terminate. 31:5 Next Transfer Element Pointer, Next dTD Pointer. System memory address [31:5] of the next dTD to be processed. 4:1 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 0 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Next dTD Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Next dTD Pointer field is not valid. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 435 Chapter 15: Table 15-15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Device Transfer Overlay (Cont’d) Bits Description dTD DWord dQH DWord 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 to 6 6 to 8 Total Bytes, MultO, and Status. 31 30:16 15 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. Total Bytes. Total number of bytes to be moved with this transfer descriptor. Refer to section Total Bytes to Transfer Parameter for more info. Interrupt On Complete, IOC. Indicates if USBINT is to be set in response to device controller being finished with this dTD. 14:12 Current Page, C_Page. Reserved in Device mode. 11:10 Multiplier Override, MultO. Used for transmit isochronous packets, refer to text. 9:8 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 7:0 Status. This field is used by the device controller to communicate individual command execution status back to the DCD. This field contains the status of the last transaction performed on this dTD. Bit [7] Active Status. Bit [6] Halted Status. Bit [5] Data Buffer Error Status. Bit [3] Transaction Error Status. Other bits: reserved. Buffer Pointer Page 0 and Current Offset 31:12 Buffer Pointer. 4KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:0 Current Offset. Frame Number and Buffer Pointer Page 1 31:12 11 10:0 Buffer Pointer. 4KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. Reserved, R. Field reserved and should be set to 0. Frame Number. Written by the device controller to indicate the frame number in which a packet finishes. This is typically used to correlate relative completion times of packets on an iso endpoint. Buffer Pointer Pages 2 to 4 31:12 Buffer Pointer. 4KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:0 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. Multiplier Override (MultO) Bit Field The total bytes field is used for both dQH and dTD descriptors and is also used for transmit iso IN endpoints to override the multiplier in the dQH. This field must be 0 for all packet types that are not transmit (IN) iso endpoints. For maximal efficiency, the DCD should compute MultO = greatest integer of (Total Bytes / Max. Packet Size) except for the case when Total Bytes = 0; then MultO should be set = 1. Example 1: Send three packets • If dQH.multiplier = 3; Max packet size = 8; Total Bytes = 15; dQH.Mult = 0 (default), then three packets are sent: Data2 (8) + Data1 (7) + Data0 (0). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 436 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Example 2: Send two packets • If dQH.multiplier = 3; Max packet size = 8; Total Bytes = 15; dQH.Mult = 2, then two packets are sent: Data1 (8) +Data0 (7). Buffer Pointer Pages The buffer pointers are aligned to 4KB boundaries. The total byes and buffer pointers are discussed in section Total Bytes to Transfer Parameter. Total Bytes to Transfer Parameter The Total Bytes bit field specifies the total number of bytes to be moved with the transfer descriptor. This field is decremented by the number of bytes actually moved during the transaction and only on the successful completion of the transaction. This bit field applies to: • qTD for host mode, refer to section 15.12.5 Queue Element Transfer Descriptor (qTD). • dTD for device mode, refer to section 15.7.2 Endpoint Transfer Descriptor (dTD). The maximum value that the DCD may store in the field is 5 times 4 KB (5000h). This is the maximum number of bytes that 5 page pointers can reference. Although it is possible to create a transfer up to 20 KB this assumes the 1st offset into the first page is 0. When the offset cannot be predetermined, crossing past the 5th page can be guaranteed by limiting the total bytes to 16 KB. Therefore, the maximum recommended transfer is 16 KB (4000h). Device Mode Note If the value of the Total Bytes bit field is 0 when the device controller fetches this transfer descriptor (and the active bit is set), the reaction of the device controller depends on the setting of the dQH.ZLT bit. Refer to section 15.6.3 Interrupt and Bulk Endpoint Operational Model. • It is not a requirement for that Total Bytes To Transfer be an even multiple of Maximum Packet Length. If the DCD builds such a transfer descriptor for a transfer, the last transaction will always be less that Maximum Packet Length. 15.8 Programming Guide for Device Controller The function of the device controller is to transfer a request in the memory image to and from the USB. The device controller programs and primes the endpoints based on the application protocol. The controller executes a set of linked list transfer descriptors, pointed to by a queue head that the device controller executes to perform the requested data transfers. The following sections explain the use of the device controller from the DCD point-of-view and further describe how specific USB bus events relate to status changes in the device controller’s registers. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 437 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.8.1 Software Model The USB device controller API software provides a framework of routines to control the USB controller in device applications. The software should be designed to significantly simplify the software tasks required to develop a USB device application. The API software presents a high-level data transfer interface to the user's application code. All the register, interrupt and DMA interactions with the controller are managed by the API. The API also includes routines that handle all the USB device framework commands which are required for all USB devices. 15.8.2 USB Reset After receiving a USB reset from the bus, the port enters the default FS or default HS state in accordance with the reset protocol described in Appendix C.2 of the USB Specification Rev. 2.0. The state diagram shown in Figure 15-12 depicts the state of the controller in device mode. 15.8.3 Register Controlled Reset To reset the controller, the DCD writes a 1 to the usb.USBCMD [RST] bit. When the reset process is completed, the controller hardware sets this bit to 0. Once the reset is started, the controller cannot stop the process. Writing a 0 has no effect. Writing a 1 to the [RST] bit will reset the internal pipelines, timers, counters, and state machines to their initial value. Writing a 1 when the device is in the attached state is not recommended since the effects on an attached host are undefined. In order to ensure that the device is not in an attached state, all primed endpoints should be flushed and the usb.USBCMD [RS] bit should be set to 0. 15.9 Programming Guide for Device Endpoint Data Structures This section describes how to manage the device endpoint data structures. These are images written in system memory that are accessed by the controller to service USB transaction initiated by the host. These structures are the basis for the device controller functions. 15.9.1 Device Controller Initialization Overview After hardware reset, the device is disabled until the Run/Stop bit is set to a 1. In the disabled state, the pull-up on the USB D+ is not active which prevents an attach event from occurring. At a minimum, it is necessary to have the queue heads setup for endpoint 0 before the device attach occurs. Shortly after the device is enabled, a USB reset occurs followed by setup packet arriving at endpoint 0. A Queue head must be prepared so that the device controller can store the incoming setup packet. In order to initialize a device, the DCD should perform the following steps: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 438 Chapter 15: 1. USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Set the controller to device mode. Write 10 to the usb.USBMODE [CM] bit. ° Transitioning from host mode to device mode requires a device controller reset before modifying USBMODE. ° Set usb.OTGSC [OT] bit = 1. 2. Allocate and initialize dQH’s. ° ° ° Minimum: Initialize dQH’s for endpoint 0 for Tx and Rx. All control endpoint queue heads must be initialized before the control endpoint is enabled. Non-control queue heads must be initialized before the endpoint is used and not necessarily before the endpoint is enabled. For information on device queue heads, refer to section 15.7.1 Endpoint Queue Head Descriptor (dQH). 3. Configure the Endpoint List Address. Write the memory address for the Queue Head endpoint list into the usb._ENDPOINTLISTADDR [31:11] bit field. 4. Enable the software interrupt. ° Enable IRQ interrupt signal in GIC (ID#53 for USB 0 and ID#76 for USB 1). ° Enable device interrupts in the usb.USBINTR register: ° 5. - USB interrupt [UI] - USB Error Interrupt [UEI] - Port change detect [PCI] - USB Reset received [URI] - DCSuspend [SLI] For a list of available interrupts refer to Table 15-2 USB Interrupt and Status Register Bits. Enable Run mode. Set Run/Stop bit to Run Mode. ° ° ° After the run bit is set, a device USB reset occurs. The DCD must monitor the reset event and adjust the DCD state as described in the Bus Reset section of the following Port State and Control section below. Endpoint 0 is designed as a control endpoint only and does not need to be configured using ENDPTCTRL0 register. It is also not necessary to initially prime Endpoint 0 because the first packet received will always be a setup packet. The contents of the first setup packet will require a response in accordance with USB device framework (Chapter 9) command set. 15.9.2 Manage Transfer Descriptors The function of the endpoint is to instruct the DMA engine to move data between system memory and the Tx and Rx FIFOs. Each endpoint has two data structures: one for IN and the other for OUT data transfers. The device mode data structures include a device Queue Head (dQH) and one or more device Transfer Descriptors (dTD). The dQH defines the type of data transfer and points to the first dTD. The dTD includes a system address pointer to the memory buffer(s) where data is either stored or read from. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 439 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller The dQH’s are indexed (two for each endpoint) in the 24-element Endpoint Queue Head List. To setup a transfer, software constructs the dQH and dTD(s) for an IN or OUT operation. Software must maintain a consistent set of descriptors, schedules/lists, and data buffers in system memory for the controller. When the endpoint is ready to receive or send the data, software primes the endpoint. When an endpoint is primed, the device controller reads the associated dQH and dTD into the controller’s dual-port RAM for easy access by the DMA and protocol engines. When the DMA for a dTD is done, the controller writes the dTD back to system memory with transfer results (status). If the terminate bit, T = 0 (do not terminate) then the controller fetches and processes the next dTD from system memory. If T = 1, then the controller stops processing the endpoint dQH and writes the dQH back to system memory.In a long link-list the controller will repeatedly cause the controller to read and write dTD’s between system memory the controller’s dual-port RAM. Example: Initialize dQH One pair of device queue heads must be initialized before an endpoint is primed to respond to the host. To initialize a device queue head (dQH): 1. Write the wMaxPacketSize field as required by the USB specification Chapter 9 or application specific protocol. 2. Write the multiplier field to 0 for control, bulk, and interrupt endpoints. For IsoUSB endpoints, set the multiplier to 1, 2, or 3 as required bandwidth and in conjunction with the USB Chapter 9 protocol. Note: In FS mode, the multiplier field can only be 1 for IsoUSB endpoints. 3. To terminate the Transfer: Set T = 1 in the Terminate bit of the next dTD. 4. Write the Active bit in the status field to 0. 5. Write the Halt bit in the status field to 0. Note: The DCD must only modify dQH if the associated endpoint is not primed and there are no outstanding dTD's. Example: Operational Model for Setup Transfers As discussed in 15.6.5 Control Endpoint Operational Model, setup transfer requires special treatment by the DCD. A setup transfer does not use a dTD but instead stores the incoming data from a setup packet in an 8-byte buffer within the dQH. 1. Copy setup buffer contents from dQH - Rx to software buffer. 2. Acknowledge setup packet by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in usb.ENDPTSETUPSTAT. a. The acknowledge must occur before continuing to process the setup packet. b. After the acknowledge has occurred, the DCD must not attempt to access the setup buffer in the dQH - Rx. Only the local software copy should be examined. 3. Check for pending data or status dTD's from previous control transfers and flush if any exist as discussed in section Flushing/De-priming an Endpoint. a. It is possible for the device controller to receive setup packets before previous control transfers complete. Existing control packets in progress must be flushed and the new control packet completed. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 440 Chapter 15: 1. USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Decode setup packet and prepare data phase (optional) and status phase transfer as required by the USB Chapter 9 or application specific protocol. 15.9.3 Manage Transfers with Transfer Descriptors Example: Build a Transfer Descriptor Before a transfer can be executed, a dTD must be built to describe the transfer. Use the following procedure for building dTD’s. To hold the 8-DWord dTD in memory, allocate a 32-Byte block of system memory aligned to a 32-Byte boundary (address [4:0] = 00000). Write the following fields: 1. Initialize first 7 DWords. Write 0 all bits in all DWords. 2. Program the Terminate Bit. If only one dTD or its the last dTD, set the terminate bit to 1. 3. Fill in total bytes with transfer size. 4. Set the interrupt on complete if desired. 5. Initialize the status field with the active bit set to 1 and all remaining status bits set to 0. 6. Fill in buffer pointer page 0 and the current offset to point to the start of the data buffer. 7. Initialize buffer pointer page 1 through page 4 to be one greater than each of the previous buffer pointer. Example: Execute a Transfer Descriptor To safely add a dTD, the DCD must be follow this procedure which will handle the event where the device controller reaches the end of the dTD list at the same time a new dTD is being added to the end of the list. Determine whether the link list is empty:. Check to see if pipe is empty (internal software representation of linked-list should indicate if any packets are outstanding). Case 1: Link list is empty 1. Write dQH next pointer and the dQH terminate bit to 0 as a single DWord operation. 2. Clear active and halt bit in dQH (in case set from a previous error). 3. Prime endpoint by writing 1 to correct bit position in usb.ENDPTPRIME. Case 2: Link list is not empty 1. Add dTD to end of linked list. 2. Read correct prime bit in usb.ENDPTPRIME - if 1 DONE. 3. Set the usb.USBCMD [ATDTW] bit = 1. 4. Read correct status bit in usb.ENDPTSTAT. (store in tmp. variable for later) 5. Read usb.USBCMD [ATDTW] bit. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 441 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller If 0 go to step 3. If 1 continue to step 6. 6. Write usb.USBCMD [ATDTW] bit = 0. 7. If status bit read in (4) is 1 DONE. 8. If status bit read in (4) is 0 then Goto Case 1: step 1. Transfer Completion After a dTD has been initialized and the associated endpoint primed the device controller will execute the transfer upon the host-initiated request. The DCD will be notified with a USB interrupt if the interrupt on complete bit was set or alternately, the DCD can poll the endpoint complete register to find when the dTD had been executed. After a dTD has been executed, the DCD can check the status bits to determine success or failure. Caution: Multiple dTD can be completed in a single endpoint complete notification. After clearing the notification, the DCD must search the dTD linked list and retire all dTD’s that have finished (Active bit cleared). By reading the status fields of the completed dTD’s, the DCD can determine if the transfers completed successfully. Success is determined with the following combination of status bits: Active = 0 Halted = 0 Transaction Error = 0 Data Buffer Error = 0 Should any combination other than the one shown above exist, the DCD must take proper action. Transfer failure mechanisms are indicated in the device error matrix. In addition to checking the status bit, the DCD must read the Transfer Bytes field to determine the actual bytes transferred. When a transfer is complete, the Total Bytes transferred is decremented by the actual bytes transferred. For Transmit packets, a packet is only complete after the actual bytes reach 0, but for receive packets, the host might send fewer bytes in the transfer according the USB variable length packet protocol. Example: Flushing/De-priming an Endpoint It is necessary for the DCD to use the flush bit(s) to de-prime one or more endpoints when a USB device reset is received or when a broken control transfer occurs. There can also be application specific requirements to stop transfers in progress. The following procedure can be used by the DCD to stop a transfer in progress and ensure the transfer has stopped: 1. Write a 1 to the corresponding bit(s) in usb.ENDPTFLUSH. 2. Wait until all bits in usb.ENDPTFLUSH are 0. Software interrupt routine note: This operation can take a large amount of time depending on the USB bus activity. It is not desirable to have this wait loop within an interrupt service routine. 3. Read usb.ENDPTSTAT to ensure that for all endpoints commanded to be flushed, that the corresponding bits are now 0. If the corresponding bits are 1 after step #2 has finished, then the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 442 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller flush failed: in very rare cases, a packet is in progress to the particular endpoint when commanded flush using usb.ENDPTFLUSH. A safeguard is in place to refuse the flush to ensure that the packet in progress completes successfully. The DCD might need to repeatedly flush any endpoints that fail to flush be repeating steps 1–3 until each endpoint is successfully flushed. Note: A time out counter can be programmed to recover from when an endpoint flush fails. Device Errors Table 15-16 summarizes packet errors that are not automatically handled by the device controller. Table 15-16: Error USB Device Errors Direction Data Buffer Transaction Packet Error Bit Error Bit Type (dTD.Status (dTD.Status bit 5) bit 3) Description Overflow Rx Any 1 0 Number of bytes received exceeded max. packet size or total buffer length. This error will also set the Halt bit in the dQH and if there are dTD’s remaining in the linked list for the endpoint, then those will not be executed. Isochronous Packet Rx Iso 0 1 CRC Error on received isochronous packet. Contents not guaranteed to be correct. 1 Host failed to complete the number of packets defined in the dQH.Mult field within the given (micro)frame. For scheduled data delivery the DCD might need to readjust the data queue because a fulfillment error will cause Device Controller to cease data transfers on the pipe for one (micro)frame. During the “dead” (micro)frame, the Device Controller reports error on the pipe and primes for the following frame. Isochronous Fulfillment Both Iso 0 Notice that the device controller handles all errors on Bulk/Control/Interrupt Endpoints except for a data buffer overflow. However, for IsoUSB endpoints, errors packets are not retried and errors are tagged as indicated. 15.9.4 Service Device Mode Interrupts Note: The interrupt service routine must consider that there are high-frequency, low-frequency operations, and error interrupts. It is likely that multiple interrupts will stack up on a call to the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) and then during the execution of the interrupt service routine. The interrupt handling strategy is up to the user. The ISR can poll the high-frequency and then low-frequency interrupts before exiting. If another interrupt is detected and processed, then the ISR would perform another ‘last scan’ of the interrupts before exiting. High-Frequency Interrupts High frequency interrupts , in particular, should be handed in the order shown in Table 15-17. The most important of these are the first two, 1a and 1b. They have equal priority because the software Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 443 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller must acknowledge a setup token in the timeliest manner possible to have the control endpoint and buffer always available for another Setup token. The SOF interrupt is next important. Table 15-17: USB Device High Frequency Interrupt Execution Order Interrupt 1a USB Interrupt ENDPTSETUPSTATUS [UI] Copy contents of setup buffer and acknowledge setup packet. Process setup packet according to USB 2.0 Chapter 9 or application specific protocol. 1b USB Interrupt ENDPTCOMPLETE [UI] Handle completion of dTD. 2 SOF Interrupt [SRI] Action as deemed necessary by application. This interrupt might not have a use in all applications. usb.USBSTS Action Low-Frequency Interrupts The low frequency events include the following interrupts. These interrupt can be handled in any order since they do not occur often in comparison to the high-frequency interrupts. Table 15-18: USB Low-Frequency Interrupt Interrupt usb.USBSTS Action Port Change [PCI] Change the software state information. Suspend [SLI] Change the software state information. Reset Received [URI] Change the software state information. Abort pending transfers. Error Interrupts Error interrupts will be least frequent and should be placed last in the interrupt service routine. Table 15-19: USB Device Error Interrupt Interrupt usb.USBSTS Action USB Error [UEI] This error is redundant because it combines USB Interrupt and an error status in the dTD. The DCD will more aptly handle packet-level errors by checking dTD status field upon receipt of USB Interrupt (with ENDPTCOMPLETE). System Error [SEI] Unrecoverable error. Immediate Reset of controller, free transfers buffers in progress and restart the software. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 444 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.10 Host Mode Data Structures The programming model follows the EHCI specification model and includes additional registers and bits to support a virtual transaction translator that is embedded into the DMA and protocol engines of the high speed host controller. The Rx and Tx data FIFOs must respond to the USB in real-time. Packet sizes can be up to 1024 bytes. The transfer descriptors must have memory bandwidth for accessing descriptors and DMA to/from the FIFOs. The embedded transaction translator uses QH and qTD descriptors for interrupt endpoints and siTD’s for isochronous endpoints. The host controller is a schedule driven environment of periodic (interrupt / isochronous) and asynchronous (control / bulk) data transfers. EHCI Enhancements and Deviations These are listed in section 15.11 EHCI Implementation. Transfer Schedules The structures of the Transfer Schedules are defined in the EHCI specification. Suspend and Resume The programming model for suspend and resume is defined in the EHCI specification. 15.10.1 Host Controller Transfer Schedule Structures The host controller uses two types of schedules to communicate control, status, and data between the HCD and the EHCI-compatible host controller in support of USB functions: periodic and asynchronous. The HCD writes the data structures for these schedules in to system memory (32-bit address space) and the controller hardware reads and modifies these structures as it executes the transaction schedules. The periodic schedule includes the periodic frame list which is the root of all periodic (isochronous and interrupt transfer type) transfers, refer to section 15.10.2 Periodic Schedule. The asynchronous schedule includes the bulk and control queue heads list which is a circular set of pointers which are at the root of all the bulk and control transfer types, refer to section 15.10.3 Asynchronous Schedule. The host controller uses different types of descriptors for the periodic and asynchronous schedules in support of the Isochronous, Interrupt, Control and Bulk transfers as described in section 15.12.1 Descriptor Usage. • Isochronous data streams are managed using isochronous transaction descriptors (iTD). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 445 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller • Isochronous split transaction data streams are managed with split-transaction isochronous transfer descriptors (siTD). • Interrupt, Control, and Bulk data streams are managed via queue heads (QH) and queue element transfer descriptors (qTD). These data structures are optimized to reduce the total memory footprint of the schedule and to reduce (on average) the number of memory accesses needed to execute a USB transaction. 15.10.2 Periodic Schedule The periodic schedule provides interrupt and isochronous transfers by using the Periodic Frame list of elements and transfer descriptors as shown in Figure 15-15. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-15 Programmable number of elements: 8, 16, 32, … 1024. Periodic Frame List (EHCI) Programmed by usb.USBCMD [FS2] [FS0] Isochronous Transfer Descriptors Example Frame 8 Elements Frame 7 Elements Frame 6 Elements Frame 5 Elements Periodic Frame List Element Address (32-bit system address) Frame 4 Elements Frame 3 Elements Frame 2 Elements 000 usb.FRINDEX Frame 1 Elements Frame 0 Elements Interrupt QH executed every Frame Last QH has terminate bit set, T = 1. Link Pointer Interrupt QH executed every 4 Frames Link Pointer Interrupt QH executed every 8 Frames advanced for every USB Frame. usb.PERIODLISTBASE_ [31:12] UG585_c15_43_030713 Figure 15-15: USB Host Periodic Schedule with Example Periodic Frame List The host controller uses the Periodic Frame List to schedule isochronous and interrupt transfers. The periodic frame list is written into memory by the HCD. The host controller hardware reads the elements using the usb.PERIODICLISTBASE_ base address and the FRINDEX index registers. The current element within the periodic frame list is pointed to by the FRINDEX register. The Periodic Frame List implements a sliding window of work over time. Note: The periodic frame list is a 4 KB page-aligned array for pointers to Isochronous and interrupt transfer descriptors. The length of the frame list is programmable: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 elements using the usb.USBCMD [FS2] and [FS0] bit fields. When [FS2] is set = 0, then the EHCI programming model: 256, 512 and 1024 elements can be used in [FS0]. The length of the frame list affects the amount of system memory to allocate and the number of periodic transactions that can be queued. The HCD writes the memory address of the first element in the periodic frame list in the usb.PERIODICLISTBASE_ [PERBASE_] bit field. The controller beings processing the periodic frame list when the (micro)frame time stamp occurs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 446 Chapter 15: Table 15-20: Bits USB Host Periodic Frame List Element Bit Fields Bit Field 31:5 Pointer 4:3 reserved 2:1 TYP 0 USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller T Description Frame List Link Pointer (system memory pointer, 32-byte aligned): The referenced object might be: • an isochronous transfer descriptor (iTD for HS devices), • a split-transaction isochronous transfer descriptor (siTD for FS isochronous endpoints), or • a queue head (QH for FS/LS/HS interrupts). Set = 00. Transaction Descriptor Type, TYP. Refer to section 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field. Terminate Linking, T: 0: Continue linking using Frame List Link Pointer. 1: Terminate transaction (done), host controller ignores the link pointer. Note: The HCD should write only periodic schedule items (QH, iTD, siTD, FSTN) into the periodic schedule. When using QH, it is an interrupt endpoint. 15.10.3 Asynchronous Schedule The asynchronous schedule includes a circular list of queue heads for control and bulk transfers. The host controller executes the data transfers after the periodic schedule is handled. This happens: • after the controller processes the periodic list • the periodic list is disabled, or • the periodic list is empty. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 447 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 15-16 Aysnchronous Queue Heads (Bulk and Control) Round Robin Priority. QHs are processed as Bandwidth allows. Start of List Queue Head 0 Asynchronous QH Address Pointer (32-bit system address) Queue Head 1 Queue Head 2 00000 Insert and Remove QH’s as needed usb.ASYNCLISTADDR_ [31:05] Queue Head n End of List UG585_c15_44_030713 Figure 15-16: USB Host Controller Asynchronous Schedule Organization The asynchronous list is a simple circular list of queue heads that are aligned on 32-byte address boundaries. The usb.ASYNCLISTADDR_ [31:5] bit field is a pointer to the next queue head. This bit field is initialized by software. Hardware uses this field to traverse the Asynchronous schedule. Hardware does not modify this field. The Asynchronous schedule implements a pure round-robin service for the queue heads. Each queue head has one or more transfer descriptors (qTD’s). The number of queue heads in the circular can be added to and reduced. The number of QH’s is not limited by the EHCI specification. 15.11 EHCI Implementation The host controller utilizes the programming mode of the Intel EHCI 1.0 specification. This includes register models and host functionality. 15.11.1 Overview The host controller operational mode is nearly compatible with the EHCI 1.0 specification. There are a few differences and enhancements to handle an FS/LS link: • Embedded Transaction Translator • EHCI Reserved Bits • No PCI registers • SOF Interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 448 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Embedded Transaction Translator The host controller uses the DMA and protocol engines to emulate the transaction translator (TT) for FS/LS devices attached to Zynq. The embedded transaction translator (TT) affects multiple functions in the host controller: ° Discovery Mechanism, refer to section 15.11.3 EHCI Functional Changes for the TT ° FS/LS Data Structures, refer to section 15.11.6 FS/LS Data Structures ° Operational Model of the TT, refer to section 15.11.7 Operational Model of the TT ° Capability and Operational registers/bits, refer to section 15.11.3 EHCI Functional Changes for the TT ° PHY Rx Commands, refer to section 15.11.3 EHCI Functional Changes for the TT The embedded transaction translator is described in section 15.11.2 Embedded Transaction Translator. EHCI Reserved Bits EHCI reserved fields should be set to zero, except those that are assigned to other functions. The register set is summarized in section 15.3.4 Register Overview and detailed in Appendix B. No PCI Bus Registers This controller does not have a PCI Interface and the PCI configuration registers described in the EHCI specification are not applicable (e.g., the frame adjustment register is not supported; the starts of the microframes are timed by the controllers timers to deliver 125-microsecond intervals based on the 60 MHz clock from the ULPI PHY). SOF Interrupt This SOF Interrupt a free running 125-microsecond interrupt for the host controller. EHCI does not specify this interrupt but it has been added for convenience and as a potential an HCD time base. The interrupt is indicated and enabled in the USBSTS and USBINTR registers. Capability Register Bit Fields Added The following additions have been added to the capability registers: • usb.HCSPARAMS [N_TT] • usb.HCSPARAMS [N_PTT} Operational Register and Bit Field Added The following additions have been added to the operational registers: • TTCTRL is a new register. • Addition of two-bit Port Speed: usb.PORTSC1 [PSPD]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 449 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.11.2 Embedded Transaction Translator The host controller emulates one transaction translator (TT) with up to 16 periodic (Iso/Int) contexts and 2 asynchronous (bulk/ctrl) contexts. The TT allows FS/LS devices to be attached directly to the controller in host mode without the need for hardware to implement a companion controller. The transaction translator is modeled as an extension to EHCI specification by making use of the standard data structures and operational models that exist in the EHCI specification. The TT is responsible for: • All error checking • Field generation checking • Formatting of all the necessary handshake actions • Ping and data response packets on the bus For any signal that must be generated based on a USB based time in the host controller, the protocol engine also generates all of the token packets required by the USB protocol. There is no separate transaction translator hardware to handle FS/LS protocols. The transaction translator function implemented within the DMA and the protocol engine blocks to support direct connection to LS and FS devices. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 450 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Functional Block Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 15-17 Embedded Transaction Translator in Host Mode Using EHCI Software Model Traditional Hardware Based Companion Controller In a Hub-based Design EHCI Shared Memory EHCI Software Stack HS USB 2.0 EHCI High Speed Controller High-speed Handler B/C Transfer Iso/Int State & Context Iso/Int Startsplit FIFO (16) Iso/Int State & Context B/C State & Context Iso/Int Compl. Split FIFO B/C In/Out FIFO B/C State & Context Iso/Int Transfer (16) (2) Iso/Int Transfer TT Traffic Management Small Latency FIFOs Latency FIFOs Full/Low Speed Protocol Engine High Speed Protocol Engine B/C In/Out FIFO Port Controller Full/Low Speed Handler FS/LS USB FS/LS USB UG585_c15_11_030413 Figure 15-17: USB Host Embedded Transaction Translator Implementation On the left side of Figure 15-17 is a typical hub implementation with a companion transaction translator controller. It shows two ongoing asynchronous transactions capable of ping-pong access from each end. Periodic traffic is aggregated into a single data stream for each direction while a table of state and context for each pipe is stored within the transaction translator. The right side of Figure 15-17 shows how the same functions have been integrated into the host controller. The advantage of integrating those functions into the host controller is that the changes to the EHCI host controller driver (HCD) are minimal while allowing direct connection of FS and LS devices without the need for a companion controller or external USB 2.0 hub. In addition, the host controller with the transaction translator requires less local data storage than a hub-based transaction translator because the data storage is provided by main memory instead of hardware-based RAM. The host controller supports 16 periodic contexts and 2 asynchronous contexts. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 451 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.11.3 EHCI Functional Changes for the TT This section includes: • Port Reset Timer to off-load software • Port Speed detection In a standard EHCI controller design, the Host controller driver (HCD) detects a full-speed or low-speed device by noting if the port enable bit is set after the port reset operation. The port enable is set after the port reset operation when the host and device negotiate a High-Speed connection (i.e., chirp completes successfully). Because the controller emulates a transaction translator (TT), the port enable is always set after the port reset operation regardless of the result of the host device chirp result. The resulting port speed is indicated by the usb.PORTSC1 [PSPD] bit field. Therefore, a standard EHCI HCD requires alteration to handle direct connection to Full and Low speed devices or hubs. The changes are fundamental and summarized in Table 15-21. Table 15-21: EHCI HCD Alteration Function Standard EHCI Embedded Transaction Translator Hub Speed After port enable bit is set following a connection and reset sequence, the device/hub is assumed to be HS. After port enable bit is set following a connection and reset sequence, the device (hub) speed is noted from PORTSC1. FS/LS devices FS and LS devices are assumed to be downstream from a HS hub thus, all port-level control is performed through the Hub Class to the nearest Hub. FS/LS device can be either downstream from an HS hub or directly attached. When its downstream, then port-level control is done using the Hub Class through the nearest Hub. When a FS/LS device is directly attached, then port-level control is accomplished using PORTSC1. Split Target FS and LS devices are assumed to be downstream from a HS hub with HubAddr=X; where HubAddr > 0 and HubAddr is the address of the Hub where the bus transitions from HS to FS/LS (i.e. Split target hub). FS/LS device can be either downstream from a HS hub with HubAddr = X [HubAddr > 0] or directly attached; where HubAddr = [TTHA]. [TTHA] is programmable and defaults to 0. HubAddr is the address of the Root Hub where the bus transitions from HS to FS/LS (i.e. Split target hub is the root hub). 15.11.4 Port Reset Timer Enhancement The port connect methods specified by EHCI require setting the port reset bit in the PORTSC register for a duration of 10 ms. The controller has timers that can count the 10 ms reset pulse to alleviate the requirement of the HCD to control this timing. The basic connection for the HCD software: Example: Port Reset Timer for Discovery This example show a simple attach event and the step that is made optional because of the Port Reset Timer feature. 1. Wait for device to attach. Receive a port connect change [Port Change Interrupt]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 452 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 2. Reset the device. Writes a 1 to the usb.PORTSC1 [PR] bit. assumes the 3. Optional Step to de-assert Reset. The HCD normally writes a 0 to the [PR] bit to de-assert the reset after 10 ms. This step, which is necessary in a standard EHCI design, can be omitted. Should the EHCI HCD attempt to write a 0 to the reset bit while a reset is in progress, the write is ignored and the reset continues until completion. 4. Wait for device to be operational. Receive the [PCI] interrupt to indicate the Port Enable Change. The device is now operational and at this point the port speed has been determined. 15.11.5 Port Speed Detection Mechanism After the port change interrupt indicates that a port is enabled, the EHCI stack should determine the port speed. Unlike the EHCI implementation which re-assign the port owner for any device that does not connect at High-Speed, this host controller supports direct attach of non High-Speed devices. Therefore, the following differences are important regarding port speed detection: • Port owner is read-only and always reads 0. • A 2-bit port speed indicator (PSPD) has been added to PORTSC1 to provide the current operating speed of the port to the HCD. • A 1-bit High Speed indicator (HSP) has been added to PORTSC1 to signify that the port is in High-Speed vs. Full/Low Speed - This information is redundant with the 2-bit Port Speed indicator above. 15.11.6 FS/LS Data Structures The data structures used by the TT for FS/LS transactions are similar to an HS hub. The hub address and endpoint speed fields should be set for directly attached FS/LS devices and hubs: • QH (FS/LS)- Asynchronous (Bulk and Control endpoints) and Periodic (Interrupt endpoint) ° Hub Address = TTHA (default TTHA = 0) ° Transactions to directly attached device or hub. - ° Transactions to a device downstream from direct attached HS hub. - • QH.EPS = Port Speed (for both FS and LS) QH.EPS = Downstream Device Speed ° Maximum Packet Size must be less than or equal 64 or undefined behavior might result. ° When QH.EPS = 01 (LS) and usb.PORTSC1 [PSPD] = 00 (FS), a LS-pre-PID will be sent before the transmitting LS traffic. siTD (FS) - Periodic (ISO endpoint) ° ° All FS IsoUSB transactions: - Hub Address = (default TTHA = 0) - siTD.EPS = 00 (full speed) Maximum Packet Size must less than or equal to 1023 or undefined behavior might result. Note: FSTN data structures are used for FS and LS devices that are downstream of a high speed hub (not when FS or LS device is connected directly to the host controller.) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 453 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.11.7 Operational Model of the TT The operational models are well defined for the behavior of the transaction translator (see USB 2.0 specification) and for the EHCI controller to move packets between system memory and a USB-HS hub. Since the transaction translator exists within the host controller there is no physical bus between EHCI HCD and the USB FS/LS bus. These sections briefly discuss the operational model for how the EHCI and transaction translator operational models are combined without the physical bus between. The following sections assume the reader is familiar with both the EHCI and USB 2.0 transaction translator operational models. Microframe Pipeline The EHCI operational model uses the concept of H-frames and B-frames to describe the pipeline between the Host (H) and the Bus (B). The embedded transaction translator shall use the same pipeline algorithms specified in the USB 2.0 specification for a Hub-based Transaction Translator. All periodic transfers always begin at B-frame 0 (after SOF) and continue until the stored periodic transfers are complete. As an example of the microframe pipeline implemented in the embedded transaction translator, all periodic transfers that are tagged in EHCI to execute in H-frame 0 will be ready to execute on the bus in B-frame 0. It is important to note that when programming the S-mask and C-masks in the EHCI data structures to schedule periodic transfers for the embedded transaction translator, the EHCI HCD must follow the same rules specified in EHCI for programming the S-mask and C-mask for downstream hub-based transaction translators. Once periodic transfers are exhausted, any stored asynchronous transfer will be moved. Asynchronous transfers are opportunistic in that they shall execute whenever possible and their operation is not tied to Hframe and B-frame boundaries with the exception that an asynchronous transfer cannot babble through the SOF (start of B-frame 0.) Split Transfer State Machines When the controller attaches to a downstream FS/LS device via an HS hub, the controller can initiates split transfers to allow for traffic to other devices to be intertwined. The start and complete split operational model differs from EHCI slightly because there is no bus medium between the EHCI controller and the embedded transaction translator. Where a start or complete-split operation would occur by requesting the split to the HS hub, the start/complete split operation is simple an internal operation to the embedded transaction translator. Table 15-22 summarizes the conditions where handshakes are emulated from internal state instead of actual handshakes to HS split bus traffic. Table 15-22: USB Handshake Emulation Conditions Condition TT Response Start-Split: All asynchronous buffers full. NAK Start-Split: All periodic buffers full. ERR Start-Split: Success for start of async. transaction. ACK Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 454 Chapter 15: Table 15-22: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Handshake Emulation Conditions (Cont’d) Condition TT Response Start-Split: Start periodic transaction. No Handshake (OK) Complete-Split: Failed to find transaction in queue. Bus Time Out Complete-Split: Transaction in queue is busy. NYET Complete-Split: Transaction in queue is complete. Actual Handshake Asynchronous Transaction Scheduling and Buffer Management The following USB 2.0 specification items are implemented in the Transaction Translator: USB 2.0 - 11.17.3Sequencing is provided and a packet length estimator ensures no full-speed/low-speed packet babbles into SOF time. USB 2.0 - 11.17.4Transaction tracking for 2 data pipes. USB 2.0 - 11.17.5Clear_TT_Buffer capability provided through the use of the TTCTRL register. Periodic Transaction Scheduling and Buffer Management The following USB 2.0 specification items are implemented in the transaction translator: USB 2.0 - 11.18.6.[1-2]Abort of pending start-splits - EOF (and not started in microframes 6) - Idle for more than 4 microframes (Abort of pending complete-splits) - EOF - Idle for more than 4 microframes USB 2.0 - 11.18.[7-8]Transaction tracking for up to 16 data pipes. Caution: Limiting the number of tracking pipes in the embedded -TT to four (4) will impose the restriction that no more than four periodic transactions (INTERRUPT/ISOCHRONOUS) can be scheduled through the TT per frame. the number 16 was chosen in the USB specification because it is sufficient to ensure that the high-speed to full-speed periodic pipeline can remain full. keeping the pipeline full puts no constraint on the number of periodic transactions that can be scheduled in a frame and the only limit becomes the flight time of the packets on the bus. Note: There is no data schedule mechanism for these transactions other than the microframe pipeline. The emulated TT assumes the number of packets scheduled in a frame does not exceed the frame duration (1 ms) or else undefined behavior might result. 15.11.8 Port Test Mode Port Test Control mode behaves as described by EHCI. The modes are set using the usb.PORTSC1 [PTC] bit field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 455 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.12 Host Data Structures Reference These descriptor data structures are compatible with the EHCI specification with some differences as noted in section 15.11 EHCI Implementation. The data structures defined in this section are (from the host controller's perspective) a mix of read-only and read/writable fields. The host controller preserves the read-only fields. Section Content • 15.12.1 Descriptor Usage • 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field • 15.12.3 Isochronous (High Speed) Transfer Descriptor (iTD) • 15.12.4 Split Transaction Isochronous Transfer Descriptor (siTD) • 15.12.5 Queue Element Transfer Descriptor (qTD) • 15.12.6 Queue Head (QH) • 15.12.7 Transfer Overlay Area • 15.12.8 Periodic Frame Span Traversal Node (FSTN) 15.12.1 Descriptor Usage Table 15-23: USB Host Descriptor Usage Periodic Frame List Descriptors Isochronous Asynchronous List Interrupt iTD, siTD yes QH, qTD no yes FSTN (Low-, Full-speed) no yes Bulk Control no no yes yes 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field The Transaction Type bit field is defined and used in the situations listed in Table 15-24. Table 15-24: USB Host Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Bit Field Data Structure iTD 00 QH 01 siTD 10 Periodic Frame List X X X X Figure 15-15 USB Host Periodic Schedule with Example X ~ ~ ~ Table 15-25 USB Host Isochronous Transfer Descriptor (iTD) Format ~ X ~ ~ Table 15-29 USB Host Split-Transaction Isochronous Descriptor (siTD) Format iTD siTD Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 FSTN Description 11 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 456 Chapter 15: Table 15-24: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Bit Field (Cont’d) Data Structure QH FSTN iTD 00 QH 01 siTD 10 FSTN Description 11 ~ ~ X ~ Table 15-40 USB Host Queue Head (QH) Descriptor Format ~ ~ ~ X Table 15-45 USB Host Frame Span Traversal Node Descriptor (FSTN) Format 15.12.3 Isochronous (High Speed) Transfer Descriptor (iTD) The format of a high-speed isochronous transfer descriptor is illustrated in Table 15-25. This structure is used only for high-speed isochronous endpoints. The iTD’s must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary. Table 15-25: Reference USB Host Isochronous Transfer Descriptor (iTD) Format Type 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Table 15-27 6 5 4 2 00 1 0 TYP T DWord 0 Transaction 0 Length IOC PG * Transaction 0 Offset * 1 Status Transaction 1 Length IOC PG * Transaction 1 Offset * 2 Status Transaction 2 Length IOC PG * Transaction 2 Offset * 3 Status Transaction 3 Length IOC PG * Transaction 3 Offset * 4 Status Transaction 4 Length IOC PG * Transaction 4 Offset * 5 Status Transaction 5 Length IOC PG * Transaction 5Offset * 6 Status Transaction 6 Length IOC PG * Transaction 6 Offset * 7 Status Transaction 7 Length IOC PG * Transaction 7 Offset * 8 EndPt Buffer Pointer (Page 1) Buffer Pointer List 3 Status Buffer Pointer (Page 0) Table 15-28 7 Next Link Pointer Transaction Status and Control Table 15-26 Next dTD 8 IO Buffer Pointer (Page 2) R Device Address 9 Maximum Packet Size reserved 10 Mult 11 Buffer Pointer (Page 3) reserved 12 Buffer Pointer (Page 4) reserved 13 Buffer Pointer (Page 5) reserved 14 Buffer Pointer (Page 6) reserved 15 Host Controller Read/Write Host Controller Read-only * means these fields may be modified by the Host controller if the IO field indicates an OUT (DWords 1 to 8). iTD DWord 0: Next Link Pointer The first DWord of an iTD is a pointer to the next schedule data structure. Table 15-26: USB Host iTD DWord 0: Next Link Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Next Link Pointer. These bits correspond to memory address signals [31:5], respectively. This field points to another isochronous transaction descriptor (iTD/siTD) or a QH. 4:3 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 457 Chapter 15: Table 15-26: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host iTD DWord 0: Next Link Pointer (Cont’d) Bits Description 2:1 Transaction Descriptor Type, TYP. Set to 00 (iTD type). Refer to section 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field for general information. 0 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Next iTD Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Next iTD Pointer field is not valid. iTD DWords 1 to 8: Transaction Status and Control List DWords 1 through 8 are transaction control and status. Each transaction description includes: • Status results field • Transaction length (bytes to send for OUT transactions and bytes received for IN transactions) • Buffer offset. The PG and Transaction x Offset fields are used with the buffer pointer list to construct the starting buffer address for the transaction The host controller uses the information in each transaction description plus the endpoint information contained in the first three DWords of the Buffer Page Pointer list, to execute a transaction on the USB. Table 15-27: USB Host iTD Dwords 1 to 8: Transaction Status and Control List Bits Description 31:28 Status: Active Status [31]. Set to 1 by the HCD to enable the execution of an isochronous transaction. When the transaction associated with this descriptor is completed, the host controller sets this bit to 0 indicating that a transaction for this element should not be executed when it is next encountered in the schedule. Data Buffer Error Status [30]. Set to a 1 by the host controller during status update to indicate that the host controller is unable to keep up with the reception of incoming data (overrun) or is unable to supply data fast enough during transmission (under run). If an overrun condition occurs, no action is necessary. Babble Detected Status [29]. Set to 1 by the host controller during status update when 'babble' is detected during the transaction generated by this descriptor. Transaction Error Status [28]. Set to 1 by the host controller during status update in the case where the host did not receive a valid response from the device (Timeout, CRC, Bad PID, etc.). This bit can only be set for isochronous IN transactions. 27:16 Transaction {7:0} Length. For an OUT transaction, this field is the number of data bytes the host controller will send during the transaction. The host controller is not required to update this field to reflect the actual number of bytes transferred during the transfer. For an IN transaction, the initial value of the field is the number of bytes the host expects the endpoint to deliver. During the status update, the host controller writes back the field the number of bytes successfully received. • 000h: zero length data. • 001h: one byte. • 002h: two bytes. • ... • C00h: 3072 bytes (maximum). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 458 Chapter 15: Table 15-27: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host iTD Dwords 1 to 8: Transaction Status and Control List (Cont’d) Bits Description 15 Interrupt On Complete, IOC. If this bit is set to 1, it specifies that when this transaction completes, the host controller should issue an interrupt at the next interrupt threshold. 14:12 Page Select, PG. These bits are set by the HCD to indicate which of the buffer page pointers the offset field in this slot should be concatenated to produce the starting memory address for this transaction. The valid range of values for this field is 0 to 6. 11:0 Transaction {7:0} Offset. This field is a value that is an offset, expressed in bytes, from the beginning of a buffer. This field is concatenated onto the buffer page pointer indicated in the adjacent PG field to produce the starting buffer address for this transaction. iTD DWords 9 to 15: Buffer Page Pointer List DWords 9-15 of an isochronous transaction descriptor are nominally page pointers (4 KB aligned) to the data buffer for this transfer descriptor. This data structure requires the associated data buffer to be contiguous, but allows the physical memory pages to be non-contiguous. Seven page pointers are provided to support the expression of eight isochronous transfers. The seven pointers allow for 3 (transactions) * 1,024 (maximum packet size) * 8 (transaction records) (24,576 bytes) to be moved with this data structure, regardless of the alignment offset of the first page. Since each pointer is a 4 KB aligned page pointer, the least significant 12 bits in several of the page pointers are used for other purposes. Table 15-28: USB Host iTD DWords 9 to 15: Buffer Page Pointer List Bits Description DWord 9 31:12 Buffer Pointer (Page 0). 4KB-aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:8 Endpoint Number (EndPt). Select the endpoint for the device serving as the data source or sink. 7 6:0 Reserved. Bit reserved for future use and should be initialized by the HCD to 0. Device Address. Select the specific device serving as the data source or sink. DWord 10 31:12 11 10:0 Buffer Pointer (Page 1). 4KB-aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. Direction (IO). Select the high-speed transaction for an IN or OUT PID. • 0: OUT • 1: IN Maximum Packet Size. This directly corresponds to the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint (wMaxPacketSize). This field is used for high-bandwidth endpoints where more than one transaction is issued per transaction description (e.g., per microframe). This field is used with the Multi field to support high-bandwidth pipes. This field is also used for all IN transfers to detect packet babble. The HCD should not set a value larger than 1,024 (400h). Any value larger yields undefined results. DWord 11 31:12 Buffer Pointer (Page 2). 4KB-aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:2 Reserved. This bit reserved for future use and should be set to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 459 Chapter 15: Table 15-28: USB Host iTD DWords 9 to 15: Buffer Page Pointer List (Cont’d) Bits 1:0 USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Description Mult. Selects the number of transactions to execute per transaction description (e.g. per microframe). • 00: Reserved. A 0 in this field yields undefined results • 01: One transaction to be issued for this endpoint per microframe • 10: Two transactions to be issued for this endpoint per microframe • 11: Three transactions to be issued for this endpoint per microframe DWords 12 to 15 31:12 Buffer Pointer (Pages 3 to 6). 4KB-aligned pointer to memory address bits [31:12]. 11:0 Reserved. This bit reserved for future use and should be set to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 460 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.12.4 Split Transaction Isochronous Transfer Descriptor (siTD) This data structure is used to manage FS isochronous transfers via split transactions to USB 2.0 Hub Transaction Translator. There are additional fields used for addressing the hub and scheduling the protocol transactions (for periodic). Table 15-29: USB Host Split-Transaction Isochronous Descriptor (siTD) Format Reference Type Table 15-30 Next Ptr Table 15-31 Endpt Cap/Char Table 15-32 xfer State Table 15-33 Buffer Page Ptrs Table 15-34 Back Link 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Next Link Pointer IO Port Number R Hub Addr P reserved Total Bytes EndPt 2 R 1 0 TYP T DWord 0 Device Address 1 Microframe C-mask Microframe S-mask 2 Microframe C-prog-mask Status 3 reserved reserved IOC 3 00 Current Offset Buffer Pointer (Page 0) Buffer Pointer (Page 1) 4 TP reserved Back Pointer T-count 5 T 6 0 Host Controller Read/Write Host Controller Read-only siTD DWord 0: Next Link Pointer DWord 0 of a siTD is a pointer to the next schedule data structure. Table 15-30: USB Host siTD DWord 0: Next Link Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Next Link Pointer. This field contains the address of the next data object to be processed in the periodic list and corresponds to memory address signals [31:5], respectively. 2:1 Transaction Descriptor Type, TYP. Set to 10 (siTD type). Refer to section 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field for general information. 0 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Next Link Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Next Link Pointer field is not valid. siTD DWords 1 and 2: Endpoint Capabilities and Characteristics DWords 1 and 2 specify static information about the full-speed endpoint, the addressing of the parent Companion Controller, and microframe scheduling control. Table 15-31: USB Host siTD DWords 1 and 2:Endpoint State Bits Description DWord 1: Endpoint and Transaction Translator Characteristics 31 30:24 23 22:16 Direction, IO. Encodes the FS transaction as an IN or OUT. • 0: OUT • 1: IN Port Number. This field is the port number of the recipient Transaction Translator. Reserved. Bit reserved and should be set to 0. Hub Address, Hub Addr. Device address of the Companion Controller’s hub. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 461 Chapter 15: Table 15-31: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host siTD DWords 1 and 2:Endpoint State (Cont’d) Bits Description 15:12 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 11:8 Endpoint Number, EndPt. 4-bit field selects the endpoint on the device serving as the data source or sink. 7 6:0 Reserved. Bit reserved and should be set to 0. Device Address. Select the specific device serving as the data source or sink. DWord 2: Microframe Schedule Control 31:16 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 15:8 Split Completion Mask, Microframe C-mask. This field (along with the Active and SplitXstate fields in the Status byte) is used to determine during which microframes the host controller should execute complete-split transactions. Refer to the text for details. 7:0 Split Start Mask, Microframe S-mask. This field (along with the Active and SplitX-state fields in the Status byte) is used to determine during which microframes the host controller should execute start-split transactions. Refer to the text for details. Microframe C-mask The split completion mask field, siTD.Microframe C-mask, along with the Active and SplitXstate fields in the Status byte, is used to determine during which microframes the host controller should execute complete-split transactions. This field is a straight bit position field, so if bit [0] is set then the complete-split transaction should occur in the first microframe, if bit [1] is set = 1 then it should occur in the second microframe, and so on. When the criteria for using this field is met, a 0 value has undefined behavior. The host controller uses the value of the three low-order bits of the FRINDEX register to index into this bit field. If the FRINDEX register value indexes to a position where the microframe C-Mask field is a 1, then this siTD is a candidate for transaction execution. There can be more than one bit in this mask set. The C-Mask can be set for multiple micro frames, as it is not known in which microframe the transaction will complete. So the C-Mask can be set for the micro frame after the S-Mask and all subsequent micro fames thereafter. The C-Mask field should not have a bit set to the same microframe as the S-Mask is set to. Microframe S-mask The split start mask field, siTD.Micro S-mask, along with the Active and SplitX-state fields in the Status byte, is used to determine during which microframes the host controller should execute start-split transactions. The host controller uses the value of the three low-order bits of the FRINDEX register to index into this bit field. If the FRINDEX register value indexes to a position where the microframe S-mask field is a 1, then this siTD is a candidate for transaction execution. A 0 value in this field, in combination with existing periodic frame list, has undefined results. This field should have only one bit set to 1 at any given time. Having more than one bit set will result in undefined results. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 462 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller siTD DWord 3: Transfer Status and Control DWord 3 is used to manage the state of the split data transfer. Table 15-32: USB Host siTD DWord 3: Transfer Status and Control Bits Description 31 Interrupt On Complete, IOC. • 0: Do not interrupt when transaction is complete • 1: Do interrupt when transaction is complete When the host controller determines that the split transaction has completed it will assert a hardware interrupt at the next interrupt threshold. 30 Page Select, P. Used to indicate which data page pointer should be concatenated with the Current Offset field to construct a data buffer pointer (0 selects Page 0 pointer and 1 selects Page 1). The host controller is not required to write this field back when the siTD is retired (Active bit transitioned from a 1 to a 0). 29:26 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 25:16 Total Bytes To Transfer, Total Bytes. This field is initialized by the HCD to the total number of bytes expected in this transfer. Maximum value is 1,023 (3FFh). 15:8 Microframe Complete-split Progress Mask, uFrame C prog-mask. This field is used by the host controller to record which split-completes has been executed. 7:0 Status [7:0]. Refer to text. Status bits [7:0] • Active Status [7]. Set to 1 by the HCD to enable the execution of an isochronous split transaction by the Host Controller • ERR Status [6]. Set to a 1 by the host controller when an ERR response is received from the Companion Controller. • Data Buffer Error Status [5]. Set to a 1 by the host controller during status update to indicate that the host controller is unable to keep up with the reception of incoming data (overrun) or is unable to supply data fast enough during transmission (under run). In the case of an under run, the host controller will transmit an incorrect CRC (thus invalidating the data at the endpoint). If an overrun condition occurs, no action is necessary. • Babble Detected Status [4]. Set to 1 by the Host Controller during status update when 'babble' is detected during the transaction generated by this descriptor. • Transaction Error Status [3]. Set to 1 by the host controller during status update in the case where the host did not receive a valid response from the device (Timeout, CRC, Bad PID, etc.). This bit can only be set for isochronous IN transactions. • Missed Microframe Status [2]. The host controller detected that a host-induced holdoff caused the host controller to miss a required complete-split transaction. • Split Transaction State Status [1]. • - 0: Do Start Split. This value directs the host controller to issue a Start split transaction to the endpoint when a match is encountered in the S-mask. - 1: Do Complete Split. This value directs the host controller to issue a Complete split transaction to the endpoint when a match is encountered in the C-mask. Reserved [0]. Bit reserved for future use and should be set to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 463 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller siTD DWords 4 and 5: Buffer Pointer List DWords 4 and 5 are the data buffer page pointers for the transfer. This structure supports one physical page cross. The most significant 20 bits of each DWord in this section are the 4K (page) aligned buffer pointers. The least significant 12 bits of each DWord are used as additional transfer state. Table 15-33: USB Host siTD DWords 4 and 5: Buffer Pointers Bits Description DWord 4 31:12 Buffer Pointer (Page 0). 4 KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:0 Current Offset. The 12 least significant bits of the Page 0 pointer is the current byte offset for the current page pointer (as selected with the page select bit (P field)). The host controller is not required to write this field back when the siTD is retired (Active bit transitioned from a 1 to a 0). DWord 5 31:12 Buffer Pointer (Page 1). 4 KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:5 Reserved. Bit reserved for future use and should be set to 0. 4:3 Transition position, TP. This field is used with T-count to determine whether to send all, first, middle, or last with each outbound transaction payload. The HCD must initialize this field with the appropriate starting value. The host controller must correctly manage this state during the lifetime of the transfer. The bit encodings are: • 00: All. Entire FS transaction data payload is in this transaction (the payload is less than or equal to 188 bytes.) • 01: Begin. First data payload for a FS transaction that is greater than 188 bytes. • 10: Mid. Middle payload for a FS OUT transaction that is greater than 188 bytes. • 11: End. Last payload for a FS OUT transaction that was greater than 188 bytes. 2:0 Transaction count, T-Count. The HCD initializes this field with the number of OUT start-splits this transfer requires. Any value larger than 6 is undefined. siTD DWord 6: Back Link Pointer DWord 6 of a siTD is simply another schedule link pointer. This pointer is either 0 or references an siTD data structure. This pointer cannot reference any other schedule data structure. Table 15-34: USB Host siTD DWord 6: Back Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Back Pointer. Physical memory pointer to a siTD. 4:1 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 0 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Back Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Back Pointer field is not valid. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 464 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.12.5 Queue Element Transfer Descriptor (qTD) This data structure is only used with a queue head. This data structure is used for one or more USB transactions. This data structure is used to transfer up to 20,480 (5 times 4,096) bytes. The structure contains two structure pointers used for queue advancement, a DWord of transfer state, and a five-element array of data buffer pointers. This structure is 32 bytes (or one 32-byte cache line). This data structure must be physically contiguous. The buffer associated with this transfer must be virtually contiguous. The buffer can start on any byte boundary. A separate buffer pointer list element must be used for each physical page in the buffer, regardless of whether the buffer is physically contiguous. Host controller updates (host controller writes) to stand-alone qTD’s only occur during transfer retirement. References in the following bit field definitions of updates to the qTD are to the qTD portion of a queue head. Table 15-35: Type DWord Next qTD Pointer 0000 T 0 Table 15-37 Alternate Next qTD Pointer 0000 T Table 15-38 Table 15-39 Transfer Results 0 Table 15-36 Transfer Overlay Area Reference USB Host Transfer Descriptor (qTD) Format 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 DT Total Bytes IOC C_Page Cerr 8 7 6 5 PID 4 3 2 1 Status 1 2 Buffer Pointer (Page 0) Current Offset 3 Buffer Pointer (Page 1) reserved 4 Buffer Pointer (Page 2) reserved 5 Buffer Pointer (Page 3) reserved 6 reserved 7 Buffer Pointer (Page 4) Host Controller Read/Write Host Controller Read-only qTD DWord 0: Next Pointer The first DWord of an element transfer descriptor is a pointer to another transfer element descriptor. Table 15-36: USB Host qTD DWord 0: Next Element Transfer Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Next Transfer Element Pointer, Next qTD Pointer. This field contains the physical memory address of the next qTD to be processed. The field corresponds to memory address bits [31:5], respectively. 4:1 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 0 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Next qTD Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Next qTD Pointer field is not valid. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 465 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller qTD DWord 1: Alternate Next Element Pointer The second DWord of a queue element transfer descriptor is used to support hardware-only advance of the data stream to the next client buffer on short packet. To be more explicit the host controller will always use this pointer when the current qTD is retired due to short packet. Table 15-37: USB Host qTD DWord 1: Alternate Next Element Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Alternate Next Transfer Element Pointer, Alternate Next qTD Pointer. This field contains the physical memory address of the next qTD to be processed in the event that the current qTD execution encounters a short packet (for an IN transaction). The field corresponds to memory address signals [31:5], respectively. 4:1 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 0 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Alternate Next dTD Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Alternate Next dTD Pointer field is not valid. qTD DWord 2: Token The third DWord of a queue element transfer descriptor contains most of the information the host controller requires to execute a USB transaction (the remaining endpoint-addressing information is specified in the queue head). The status field reflects the last transaction performed on this qTD. Note: The field descriptions forward reference fields defined in the queue head. Where necessary, these forward references are preceded with a QH notation. Table 15-38: USB Host qTD DWord 2: DT, Total Bytes Bits Description 31 Data Toggle, DT. This is the data toggle sequence bit. The use of this bit depends on the setting of the Data Toggle Control bit in the queue head. 30:16 Total Bytes to Transfer, Total Bytes. This field specifies the total number of bytes to be moved with this transfer descriptor. Refer to section Total Bytes to Transfer Parameter for more info. 15 Interrupt On Complete, IOC. If this bit is set to a 1, it specifies that when this qTD is completed, the host controller should issue an interrupt at the next interrupt threshold. 14:12 Current Page, C_Page. This field is used as an index into the qTD buffer pointer list. Valid values are in the range 0 to 4. The host controller is not required to write this field back when the qTD is retired. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 466 Chapter 15: Table 15-38: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host qTD DWord 2: DT, Total Bytes (Cont’d) Bits Description 11:10 Error Counter, Cerr. This field is a 2-bit down counter that keeps track of the number of consecutive Errors detected while executing this qTD. HCD write: • 00: the controller will not count errors for this qTD and there will be no limit on the retries of this qTD. • 01 to 11: the controller decrements this field for each consecutive USB transaction error [UEI] that occurs while processing this qTD. If the counter counts from 01 to 00, the controller marks the qTD inactive, sets the Halted bit = 1, and sets the usb.USBINTR [CERR] error status bit. Transaction Error Stall Babble Detected No Error Data Buffer Error Yes No, No, No, No, see see see see note note note note 1 1 2 3 below. below. below. below. Notes: 1. Detection of Babble or Stall automatically halts the queue head. Thus, count is not decremented 2. If the QH.EPS field indicates a HS device or the queue head is in the Asynchronous Schedule (and PID code indicates an IN or OUT) and a bus transaction completes and the host controller does not detect a transaction error, then the host controller should reset Cerr to extend the total number of errors for this transaction. For example, Cerr should be reset with maximum value (3) on each successful completion of a transaction. The host controller must never reset this field if the value at the start of the transaction is 00b. 3. Data buffer errors are host problems. They don't count against the device's retries. Note: The HCD must not program Cerr to a value of 0 when the QH.EPS field is programmed with a value indicating a FS or LS device. This combination could result in undefined behavior. 9:8 PID Code, PID. This field is an encoding of the token, which should be used for transactions associated with this transfer descriptor. Encodings are: • 00: DUT. Token generates token (E1h) • 01: IN. Token generates token (69h) • 10: Setup. Token generates token (2Dh) (undefined if end-point is an Interrupt transfer type, e.g. microFrame S-mask field in the queue head is non-zero.) • 11: Reserved. 7 Active Status. Set to 1 by the HCD to enable the execution of transactions by the host controller. 6 Halted Status. Set to a 1 by the host controller during status updates to indicate that a serious error has occurred at the device/endpoint addressed by this qTD. This can be caused by babble, the error counter counting down to 0, or reception of the STALL handshake from the device during a transaction. Any time that a transaction results in the Halted bit being set to a 1, the Active bit is also set to 0. 5 Data Buffer Error Status. Set to a 1 by the Host Controller during status update to indicate that the Host Controller is unable to keep up with the reception of incoming data (overrun) or is unable to supply data fast enough during transmission (under run). If an overrun condition occurs, the Host Controller will force a timeout condition on the USB, invalidating the transaction at the source. If the host controller sets this bit to a 1, then it remains a 1 for the duration of the transfer. 4 Babble Detected Status. Set to a 1 by the host controller during status update when “babble” is detected during the transaction. In addition to setting this bit, the host controller also sets the Halted bit to a 1. Since “babble” is considered a fatal error for the transfer, setting the Halted bit to a 1 insures that no more transactions occur because of this descriptor. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 467 Chapter 15: Table 15-38: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host qTD DWord 2: DT, Total Bytes (Cont’d) Bits Description 3 Transaction Error Status. Set to a 1 by the host controller during status update in the case where the host did not receive a valid response from the device (Timeout, CRC, Bad PID, etc.). If the controller sets this bit to a 1, then it remains a 1 for the duration of the transfer. 2 Missed Microframe Status. This bit is ignored unless the QH.EPS field indicates a full- or low-speed endpoint and the queue head is in the periodic list. This bit is set when the host controller detected that a host-induced hold-off caused the controller to miss a required complete-split transaction. If the controller sets this bit to a 1, then it remains a 1 for the duration of the transfer. 1 Split Transaction State Status. This bit is ignored by the host controller unless the QH.EPS field indicates a FS or LS endpoint. When a Full- or Low speed device, the host controller uses this bit to track the state of the split transaction. The functional requirements of the controller for managing this state bit and the split transaction protocol depends on whether the endpoint is in the periodic or asynchronous schedule. • 0: Do Start Split. This value directs the host controller to issue a Start split transaction to the endpoint. • 1: Do Complete Split. This value directs the host controller to issue a Complete split transaction to the endpoint. 0 Ping State/ERR Status. If the QH.EPS field indicates a HS device and the PID indicates an OUT endpoint, then this is the state bit for the Ping protocol. • 0: Do OUT. This value directs the controller to issue an OUT PID to the endpoint. • 1: Do Ping. This value directs the controller to issue a Ping PID to the endpoint. If the QH.EPS field does not indicate a HS device, then this field is used as an error indicator bit. It is set to a 1 by the controller whenever a periodic split-transaction receives an ERR handshake. qTD DWord 3 to 7: Buffer page Pointer List The last five DWords of a queue element transfer descriptor is an array of physical memory address pointers. These pointers reference the individual pages of a data buffer. The HCD initializes current offset field to the starting offset into the current page, where current page is selected via the value in the C_Page field. The field C_Page specifies the current active pointer. When the transfer element descriptor is fetched, the starting buffer address is selected using C_Page (similar to an array index to select an array element). If a transaction spans a 4 KB buffer boundary, the host controller must detect the page-span boundary in the data stream, increment C_Page and advance to the next buffer pointer in the list, and conclude the transaction via the new buffer pointer. Table 15-39: USB Host qTD DWord 3 to 7: Buffer Pointers Bits 31:1 2 11:0 Description DWords 3 to 7: Buffer Pointer. 4KB page-aligned memory address. DWord 3: Current Offset. Byte offset into the active page (as selected by C_Page). The host controller is not required to write this field back when the qTD is retired. DWords 4 to 7: Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 468 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.12.6 Queue Head (QH) The first three DWords of the QH include Static State information about the endpoint. The current qTD pointer is the system memory address pointer for the current qTD and is updated by the hardware when a new qTD is written (overlaid) in the QH’s overlay area. Table 15-40: Reference USB Host Queue Head (QH) Descriptor Format Type Table 15-41 Table 15-42 Static Endpoint State Table 15-43 Current Pointer 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Queue Head Horizontal Link Pointer RL Mult C Maximum Packet Length Port Number * H DTC Hub Addr * 3 00 EPS EndPt I uFrame C-mask * Transfer Results Area Transfer Overlay Area Table 15-44 DWord T 0 0000 IOC 1 2 00000 Alternate Next qTD Pointer NakCnt C_Page Cerr PID Buffer Pointer (Page 0) Status 3 T 4 T 5 P Current Offset Buffer Pointer (Page 1) reserved Buffer Pointer (Page 2) Table 15-45 0 uFrame S-mask Next qTD Pointer Total Bytes 1 TYP Device Address Current qTD Pointer DT 2 S-Bytes * C-prog-mask * Split_Frame_Tag * 6 7 8 9 Buffer Pointer (Page 3) reserved 10 Buffer Pointer (Page 4) reserved 11 Host Controller Read/Write Host Controller Read-only * means these fields are used exclusively to support Split Transactions to USB 2.0 Hubs. QH Horizontal Link Pointer, DWord 0 The first DWord of a Queue Head contains a link pointer to the next data object to be processed after any required processing in this queue has been completed, as well as the control bits defined below. This pointer can reference a queue head or one of the isochronous transfer descriptors. It must not reference a queue element transfer descriptor. Table 15-41: USB Host QH DWord 0: Link Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Queue Head Horizontal Link Pointer. System memory address of the next data object in the periodic list. 4:3 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 2:1 Transaction Descriptor Type, TYP. Set to 01 (QH type). Refer to section 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field for general information. 0 Termination Bit, T. Periodic List Schedule response: 0: link to the next QH; the Queue Head Horizontal Link Pointer field is valid. 1: end of the periodic list processing; the pointer field is invalid. Asynchronous Schedule response: Ignored. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 469 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller QH DWords 1 and 2: Endpoint Capabilities and Characteristics The second and third DWords of a Queue Head specifies static information about the endpoint. This information does not change over the lifetime of the endpoint. The host controller must not modify the bits in these DWords. Table 15-42: USB Host QH DWords 1 and 2: Endpoint Capabilities and Characteristics Bits Description DWord 1: Capabilities and Characteristics. These are the USB endpoint characteristics including addressing, maximum packet size, and endpoint speed. 31:28 NAK Count Reload, RL. This field contains a value, which is used by the host controller to reload the NAK Counter field. 27 Control Endpoint Flag, C. If the QH.EPS field indicates the endpoint is not a high speed device, and the endpoint is a control endpoint, then the HCD must set this bit to a 1. Otherwise, it should always set this bit to a 0. 26:16 Maximum Packet Length. This directly corresponds to the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint (wMaxPacketSize). The maximum value this field can contain is 400h (1,024). 15 Head of Reclamation List Flag, H. This bit is set by the HCD to mark a queue head as being the head of the reclamation list. 14 Data Toggle Control, DTC. This bit specifies where the host controller should get the initial data toggle on an overlay transition. • 0: Ignore DT bit from incoming qTD. Host controller preserves DT bit in the queue head. • 1: Initial data toggle comes from incoming qTD DT bit. Host controller replaces DT bit in the queue head from the DT bit in the qTD. 13:12 Endpoint Speed, EPS. Select speed of the associated endpoint. • 00: Full-Speed (12 Mb/s) • 01: Low-Speed (1.5 Mb/s) • 10: High-Speed (480 Mb/s) • 11: Reserved 11:8 Endpoint Number, EndPt. This 4-bit field selects the particular endpoint number on the device serving as the data source or sink. 7 6:0 Inactivate on Next Transaction, I. The HCD requests that the host controller set the Active status bit to 0. This field is only valid when the QH is in the Periodic Schedule and the QH.EPS field indicates an FS or LS endpoint. Setting this bit to a 1 when the queue head is in the Asynchronous Schedule or the QH.EPS field indicates a high-speed device yields undefined results. Device Address. Select the specific device serving as the data source or sink. DWord 2: Capabilities and Characteristics These are adjustable parameters of the endpoint. They affect how the endpoint data stream is managed by the host controller. 31:30 High-Bandwidth Pipe Multiplier, Mult. This field is a multiplier used to key the host controller as the number of successive packets the host controller can submit to the endpoint in the current execution. The host controller makes the simplifying assumption that the HCD properly initializes this field (regardless of location of queue head in the schedules or other run time parameters). • 00: Reserved. A 0 in this field yields undefined results. • 01: One transaction to be issued for this endpoint per microframe. • 10: Two transactions to be issued for this endpoint per microframe. • 11: Three transactions to be issued for this endpoint per microframe. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 470 Chapter 15: Table 15-42: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host QH DWords 1 and 2: Endpoint Capabilities and Characteristics (Cont’d) Bits Description 29:23 Port Number. This is used in the split-transaction protocol.This field is ignored by the host controller unless the QH.EPS field indicates a full- or low-speed device. The value is the port number identifier on the USB 2.0 Hub (for hub at device address Hub Addr below), below which the full- or low-speed device associated with this endpoint is attached. 22:16 Hub Address, Hub Addr. This field is used in the split-transaction protocol. This field is ignored by the host controller unless the QH.EPS field indicates a full-or low-speed device. The value is the USB device address of the USB 2.0 Hub below which the full- or low-speed device associated with this endpoint is attached. 15:8 Split Completion Mask, uFrame C-Mask. Refer to the text. 7:0 Interrupt Schedule Mask, uFrame S-mask. Refer to the text. uFrame C-Mask The split completion mask field, QH.uFRAME C-Mask, is ignored by the host controller unless the QH.EPS field indicates this device is LS or FS and this QH is in the periodic list. This field (along with the Active and SplitX-state fields) is used to determine which microframes the host controller should execute a complete-split transaction. This field is a straight bit position field, so if bit [0] is set then the complete-split transaction should occur in the first microframe, if bit 1 is set then it should occur in the second microframe, and so on. When the criteria for using this field are met, a 0 value in this field has undefined behavior. This field is used by the host controller to match against the three low-order bits of the FRINDEX register. If the FRINDEX register bits decode to a position where the QH.uFrame C-Mask field is a 1, then this queue head is a candidate for transaction execution. There can be more than one bit in this mask set. The C-Mask can be set for multiple micro frames, as it is not known in which microframe the transaction will complete. So the C-Mask can be set for the micro frame after the S-Mask and all subsequent micro fames thereafter. The C-Mask field should not have a bit set to the same microframe as the S-Mask is set to. uFrame S-mask The interrupt schedule mask field, QH.uFrame S-mask, is used for all endpoint speeds. The HCD should set this field = 0 when the QH is on the asynchronous schedule. A non-zero value in this field indicates an interrupt endpoint. The host controller uses the value of the three low-order bits of the FRINDEX register as an index into a bit position in this bit vector. If the QH.uFrame S-mask field has a 1 at the indexed bit position then this queue head is a candidate for transaction execution. If the QH.EPS field indicates the endpoint is a high-speed endpoint, then the transaction executed is determined by the PID field contained in the execution area. This field is also used to support split transaction types: Interrupt (IN/OUT). This condition is true when this field is non-zero and the QH.EPS field indicates this is either a full- or low-speed device. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 471 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller A 0 value in this field, in combination with existing in the periodic frame list has undefined results. This field should have only one bit set to 1 at any given time. Having more than one bit set will result in undefined results. QH DWord 3: Current qTD Pointer The DWord 3 of a Queue Head contains a pointer to the source qTD currently associated with the overlay. The host controller uses this pointer to write back the overlay area into the source qTD after the transfer is complete. Table 15-43: USB Host QH DWord 3 Bits Description 31:5 Current Element Transaction Descriptor Link Pointer. Current qTD Pointer. This field contains the address Of the current transaction being processed in this queue and corresponds to memory address signals [31:5]. 4:0 Reserved. Write 0. 15.12.7 Transfer Overlay Area The nine DWords in this area represent a transaction working space for the host controller. The general operational model is that the host controller can detect whether the overlay area contains a description of an active transfer. If it does not contain an active transfer, then it follows the Queue Head Horizontal Link Pointer to the next queue head. The host controller will never follow the Next Transfer Queue Element or Alternate Queue Element pointers unless it is actively attempting to advance the queue. For the duration of the transfer, the host controller keeps the incremental status of the transfer in the overlay area. When the transfer is complete, the results are written back to the original queue element. Table 15-44: USB Host Transfer Overlay Descriptors Bits qTD QH DWord DWord Description Next qTD Pointer 31:5 Next qTD Pointer. This field contains the address of the next transaction being processed in this queue and corresponds to memory address signals [31:5], respectively. 4:1 Reserved. Write 0. 0 0 4 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Next qTD Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Next qTD Pointer field is not valid. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 472 Chapter 15: Table 15-44: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host Transfer Overlay Descriptors (Cont’d) Bits qTD QH DWord DWord Description Alternate Next qTD Pointer 31:5 Alternate Next qTD Pointer. 4:1 NAK Counter, NakCnt. This field is a counter the host controller decrements whenever a transaction for the endpoint associated with this queue head results in a Nak or Nyet response. This counter is reloaded from RL before a transaction is executed during the first pass of the reclamation list (relative to an Asynchronous List Restart condition). It is also loaded from RL during an overlay. 0 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 Terminate transfer, T. • 0: link to the Alternate Next qTD Pointer field; the address is valid. • 1: end the transaction, the Alternate Next qTD Pointer field is not valid. Total Bytes 31 30:16 15 Data toggle, DT. The Data Toggle Control controls whether the host controller preserves this bit when an overlay operation is performed. Total Bytes. Refer to section Total Bytes to Transfer Parameter for more info. Interrupt On Complete, IOC. The IOC control bit is always inherited from the source qTD when the overlay operation is performed. 14:12 C_Page. 11:10 Error Counter, Cerr. This two-bit field is copied from the qTD during the overlay and written back during queue advancement. 9:8 Port ID, PID. 7:0 Reserved. Write 0. 0 Ping State, /PERR. If the QH.EPS field indicates a high-speed endpoint, then this field should be preserved during the overlay operation. Buffer Pointer (page 0) 31:12 Buffer Pointer. 4KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:0 Current Offset. Buffer Pointer (page 1) 31:12 Buffer Pointer. 4KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:8 Reserved. 7:0 QH (split transactions only): C-prog-mask. qTD and non-split QH: Reserved. Buffer Pointer (page 2) 31:12 Buffer Pointer. 4KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:5 S-bytes. This field is used to keep track of the number of bytes sent or received during an IN or OUT split transaction. The HCD must ensure that the S-bytes field in a qTD is 0 before activating the qTD. 4:0 Split-transaction Frame Tag, Split_Frame_Tag. This field is used to track the progress of an interrupt split-transaction. This field is initialized to 0 during any overlay. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 473 Chapter 15: Table 15-44: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host Transfer Overlay Descriptors (Cont’d) Bits qTD QH DWord DWord Description Buffer Pointer (pages 3 and 4) 31:12 Buffer Pointer. 4KB aligned pointer to system memory address bits [31:12]. 11:0 Reserved. 6 and 7 10 and 11 15.12.8 Periodic Frame Span Traversal Node (FSTN) This data structure is to be used only for managing Full- and Low-speed transactions that span a Host-frame boundary. The HCD must not use an FSTN in the Asynchronous Schedule. An FSTN in the Asynchronous schedule results in undefined behavior. Table 15-45: Reference USB Host Frame Span Traversal Node Descriptor (FSTN) Format Type 1 0 Table 15-46 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Normal Path Link Pointer 8 7 6 5 4 00 3 2 TYP T DWord 0 Table 15-47 Back Path Link Pointer 00 TYP T 1 Host Controller Read-only FSTN DWord 0: Normal Path Pointer The first DWord of an FSTN contains a link pointer to the next schedule object. This object can be of any valid periodic schedule data type. Table 15-46: USB Host FSTN DWord: Normal Path Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Normal Path Link Pointer. Address of the next data object to be processed in the periodic list and corresponds to memory address bits [31:5], respectively. 4:3 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 2:1 Transaction Descriptor Type, TYP. Set to 11 (FSTN type). Refer to section 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field for general information. 0 Terminate bit, T. • 0: Link Pointer field points to a valid system memory offset from CTRLDSSEGMENT and the FSTN is a Save-Place indicator. • 1: Link Pointer field is invalid and the FSTN is a Restore indicator. FSTN DWord 1: Back Path Link Pointer The second DWord of an FTSN node contains a link pointer to a queue head. If the T-bit in this pointer is a 0, then this FSTN is a Save-Place indicator. Its TYP field must be set by the HCD to indicate the target data structure is a queue head. If the T-bit in this pointer is set to a 1, then this FSTN is the Restore indicator. When the T-bit is a 1, the host controller ignores the TYP field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 474 Chapter 15: Table 15-47: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Host FSTN DWord 1: Back Path Link Pointer Bits Description 31:5 Back Path Link Pointer. This field contains the address of a Queue Head. This field corresponds to memory address signals [31:5], respectively. 4:3 Reserved. Field reserved and should be set to 0. 2:1 Transaction Descriptor Type, TYP. Set to 11 (FSTN type). Refer to section 15.12.2 Transfer Descriptor Type (TYP) Field for general information. 0 Terminate bit, T. • 1: Link Pointer field is invalid and the FSTN is a Restore indicator. • 0: Link Pointer field points to a valid system memory offset from CTRLDSSEGMENT and the FSTN is a Save-Place indicator. 15.13 Programming Guide for Host Controller The host controller driver software (HCD) provides a layered software architecture to control all aspects of a USB bus system. The HCD controls the functions of an embedded EHCI host controller. The USB driver layer provides all the USB driver functions to enumerate, manage and schedule a USB bus system, while the upper layers of the stack support standard USB device class interfaces to the device drives running on the embedded system. 15.13.1 Controller Reset The controller has multiple types of resets, as described in section 15.15.2 Reset Types. 15.13.2 Run/Stop When the HCD sets the usb.USBCMD [RS] bit = 1, the controller proceeds to the execute the periodic and asynchronous schedules. The controller continues execution as long as this bit is set to a 1. When this bit is set to 0, the host controller completes the current transaction on the USB and then halts. When the controller is finished with the transaction and has entered the stopped state, it writes a 1 to the usb.USBSTS [HCH] bit. Software should not write a 1 to the [RS] bit to enable the controller unless the controller is in the Halted state, usb.USBSTS [HCH] bit = 1. 15.14 OTG Description and Reference The register bits that are used for OTG operations are not reset when software writes a 1 to the usb.USBCMD [RST] reset bit. These bits are identified in Table 15-1, page 413. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 475 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.14.1 Hardware Assistance Features The hardware assist mechanisms provide automated response and sequencing that might not be possible using software due to significant interrupt latency response times. The use of this additional circuitry is optional and can be used to assist the three sequences below. • Auto-Reset [HAAR]: Reset after a connect event. • Data-Pulse [HADP]: Generates a 7 ms pulse on the DP signal. • B-Disconnect to A-Connect Event [HABA]. Auto-Reset Option When the usb.OTGSC [HAAR] bit is set to 1, the host controller will automatically start a reset after a connect event. This shortcuts the normal process where the software is notified of the connect event and starts the reset. The software will still receive notification of the connect event but should not write the reset bit when the [HAAR] bit is set = 1. The software will be notified again after the reset is complete via the enable change bit in the PORTSC1 register which cause a port change interrupt. This hardware assistance feature will ensure the OTG parameter TB_ACON_BSE0_MAX = 1 ms is met. Data-Pulse Writing a 1 to usb.OTGSC [HADP] bit will start a data pulse of approximately 7 ms in duration and then automatically cease the data pulsing. During the data pulse, the DP signal will be set and then cleared. This automation relieves the software from accurately controlling the data-pulse duration. During the data pulse, the HCD can poll to see that the [HADP] and [DP] bits have returned low to recognize the completion or simply launch the data pulse and wait to see if a VBUS Valid interrupt occurs when the A-side supplies bus power. This hardware assistance feature will ensure data pulsing meets the OTG requirement of > 5 ms and < 10 ms. B-Disconnect to A-Connect During HNP, the B-Disconnect occurs from the OTG A_suspend state and within 3 ms, the A-device must enable the pull-up on the DP signal in the A-peripheral state. When usb.OTGSC [HABA] is set = 1, the Host Controller port is in suspend mode, and the device disconnects, then this hardware assist begins. 1. Reset the OTG controller. 2. Set the OTG controller into device mode. 3. Write the device run bit to a 1 and enable necessary interrupts including: 4. USB Reset Enable [URE]; enables interrupt on USB bus reset to device 5. Sleep Enable [SLE]; enables interrupt on device suspend 6. Port Change Detect Enable [PCE]; enables interrupt on device connect Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 476 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller When the HCD has enabled this hardware assist, it must not interfere during the transition and should not write any control registers until it gets an interrupt from the device controller signifying that a reset interrupt has occurred or at least first verify that the controller has entered device mode. The HCD must not activate the soft reset at any time since this action is performed by hardware. During the transition, the HCD might see an interrupt from the disconnect and/or other spurious interrupts (i.e., SOF/etc.) that might or might not cascade and can be cleared by the soft reset depending on the HCD response time. After the controller has entered device mode by the hardware assist, the HCD must ensure that the usb.ENDPTLISTADDR is programmed properly before the host sends a setup packet. Since the end of the reset duration, which can be initiated quickly (a few microseconds) after connect, will require at a minimum 50 ms, this is the time for which the HCD must be ready to accept setup packets after having received notification that the reset has been detected or simply that the OTG is in device mode whichever occurs first. In the case where the A-peripheral fails to see a reset after the controller enters device mode and engages the DP-pull-up, the interrupt software signifying that a suspend has occurred. This assist will ensure the parameter TA_BDIS_ACON_MAX = 3 ms is met. 15.14.2 OTG Interrupt and Control Bits The interrupt and control bits are included in one register, the OTGSC register. Changes in the status activity will latched events. The status bits indicate the current activity. Software reads the latched events and status activity bits to determine there was an event and its status. The IRQ interrupt signal to the GIC interrupt controller will be asserted to the GIC interrupt controller when both the interrupt enable bit (controlled by software) and the associated status activity bit (controlled by hardware) are equal to 1. Table 15-48: USB OTG Status/Interrupt and Control Bits in the OTGSC Register Interrupts Control Bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 USB ID A VBus B Session Valid A Session Valid 1 ms • Status Activity • Latched Events • Interrupt Enable B Session End Interrupts: Data Pulse 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 r Enable (R/W) r Latched Event (W1C) r Status (read-only) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HABA HADP IDPU DP OT HAAR VC 0: VD: Vbus Discharge enable (rw) 1: VC: VBus Charge enable (rw) 2: HAAR: Hardware Auto-Reset enable (rw) 3: OT: OTG Device mode DP M pull-down enable (rw) 4: DP: Assert DP pull-up during SRP (rw) 5: IDPU: ID Pull-up enable (rw) 6: HADP: Hardware Assist Data-pulse generator (rw) 7: HABA: Hardware Assist B-disconnect to A-connect (rw) www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 0 VD 477 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.15 System Functions The system functions include clocks, resets, memory interfaces and system interrupts. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-18 Zynq-7000 CPU_1x Clock AHB 60 MHz ULPI Clock Arbitor 32-bit Master Interface Tx FIFO Port Controller and ULPI Link Wrapper Rx FIFO Descriptors DMA Control CPU_1x DMA Engine Protocol Engine 8-bit Data DIR (direction) NXT (control) STP CLK MIO or EMIO Programmable Timers Clock Domains reset External ULPI PHY & Board Logic PS GPIO controller SelectIO Pins 60 MHz ULPI APB GPIO Clock CPU_1x 32-bit Slave Interface Host, Device or OTG 8-bit ULPI 60 MHz Single Data Rate 12 MIO Pins Control and Status Registers PL PS 4 EMIO Signals Interrupt Port Indicator x2 Power Control Power Fault UG585_c15_45_030413 Figure 15-18: USB Detailed System Block Diagram 15.15.1 Clocks The vast majority of the controller logic is driven by the 60 MHz clock from the ULPI PHY. The controller's interconnect is driven by the AHB/APB interface CPU_1x clock which is generated by the PS clock subsystem. CPU_1x Clock Refer to section 25.3 System-wide Clock Frequency Examples, for general clock programming information. The CPU_1x clock runs asynchronous to the 60 MHz PHY Clock. IMPORTANT: The frequency of the CPU_1x clock must be set higher than the 60 MHz ULPI clock from the external PHY. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 478 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 60 MHz PHY Clock The external PHY provides a 60 MHz clock that the ULPI is sync’d to and is used by the a majority of the controller logic. 15.15.2 Reset Types To reset the controller, software writes a 1 to the usb.USBCMD [RST] bit. When the reset process is completed, the controller hardware sets this bit to 0. Once the reset is started, the controller cannot stop the process. Writing a 0 has no effect. When software writes a 1 to this bit, the Controller resets its internal pipelines, timers, counters, and state machines to their initial value. Any transaction currently in progress on USB is immediately terminated. A USB reset is not driven to downstream ports. Software should not set this bit to a 1 when the host controller halt bit, usb.USBSTS [HCH], = 0. Attempting to reset an actively running host controller will result in undefined behavior. Controller Resets • PS Reset System (full controller reset), • usb.USBCMD [RST] bit (partial controller reset useful for OTG). • OTG Mode Auto-Reset ULPI PHY Reset The USB controller does not have a reset output for the ULPI PHY. If the PHY requires a reset, then, a PS or PL GPIO (or other software controlled reset signal) must be connected to the PHY as shown in Figure 15-19, page 481. USB Bus Reset The host controller generates the standard USB reset as described in the EHCI specification. The optional light host reset is not supported. The response by the device controller is described in section 15.4.2 USB Bus Reset Response. Summary of Resets The controller has multiple reset sources and multiple reset domains. These are summarized in Table 15-49 USB Resets Summary List. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 479 Chapter 15: fs Table 15-49: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Resets Summary List Reset Name Controller State Registers IRQ Reference Yes Yes no Chapter 26, Reset System. Reset values: Appendix B, Register Details. Partial no Device and Host Modes no Section 15.14.1 Hardware Assistance Features PS System Reset AMBA (APB/AHB) Interface Reset slcr.USB_RST_CTRL [USBx_CPU1X_RST] usb.USBCMD [RST] (partial controller reset) OTG mode Auto-Reset Hardware Assistance usb.USBOTG [HAAR] PHY reset Output from PS GPIO controller no effect no effect Send USB Reset (Host Mode) no effect Receive USB Reset (Device Mode) no effect no Chapter 15, USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller no effect no Software Example. no effect [URI] Software Example. 15.15.3 System Interrupt Each controller sends its own IRQ interrupt to the GIC interrupt controller and to the EMIO interface based on events within the controller. Controller 0 generates IRQ #53 and controller 1 generates IRQ #76. These are shown in more detail in section 7.2.3 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI). The individual host and device mode interrupts can be read and cleared using the usb.USBSTS register and masked using the usb.USBINTR register. These interrupts are described in section 15.3.5 Interrupt and Status Bits Overview. The individual OTG interrupts are contained in the usb.OTGSC register and described in section 15.14.2 OTG Interrupt and Control Bits. 15.15.4 APB Slave Interface The 32-bit APB slave interface is used by the software to read and write the control and status registers. The interface is AMBA 3.0 compatible. All signals are used except PRESET_N and PSLVERR. 15.15.5 AHB Master Interface The 32-bit AHB master interface is used by the DMA controller to read and write data packets and transfer descriptors. The interface is AMBA 3.0 compatible. Unused Signals All of the AHB interface signals are used except: • PROT[3:0] are tied to 0001 (non-cacheable transactions). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 480 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller 15.16 I/O Interfaces The controller has multiple I/O interfaces including the main ULPI that interfaces via MIO to the external PHY and the port indicator and power signals via EMIO. The routing of the ULPI through the MIO must be programmed. The routing of the signals through the EMIO is always available to logic in the PL that can route these signals to the SelectIO pins. 15.16.1 Wiring Connections The wiring connections for both MIO and EMIO are shown in Figure 15-19. X-Ref Target - Figure 15-19 ULPI PHY Zynq-7000 UTMI PHY Wrapper ULPI ULPI Signals via MIO UTMI Data In CLK DIR NXT STP DATA UTMI Data Out UTMI Clock UTMI Reset 8-bit 60 MHz Single Data Rate PS GPIO USB Signals via EMIO GPIO Host, Device or OTG UTMI PHY USB D+ USB DVBUS VBUS Other UTMI Signals Ex: PHY Reset DP DM USB ID ID Oscillator and PLL Port Indicators Pwr Select Power, Port Signals Pwr Fault Board Components UG585_c15_46_030413 Figure 15-19: USB I/O Signal and PHY Wiring Diagram 15.16.2 MIO-EMIO Programming MIO Pins The ULPI signals from each controller are routed to specific MIO pins. In this chapter, refer to Table 15-50 USB ULPI Signals on MIO. A wiring diagram is shown in Figure 15-19, page 481. The general routing concepts and MIO I/O buffer configurations are explained in section 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces. A summary of the MIO pins is shown in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 481 Chapter 15: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Example: Program I/O for Controller 1 These steps configure the USB controller 1 onto MIO pins 40 to 51. 1. Configure MIO pins 40, 44 - 47 and 49 -51 for data I/O. Write to the associated slcr registers, MIO_PIN_{40, 44-47}: a. Route USB ULPI data signal to I/O buffer. b. 3-state controlled by USB controller (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge. 2. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pins 41, 43, and 48 for input. Write to each of the slcr.MIO_PIN_{48, 43, 41} registers: a. Route USB ULPI input signals DIR to pin 41, STP to pin 43 and CLK to pin 48. b. Disable output (TRI_ENABLE = 1). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS drive edge (benign setting). 3. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pin 42 for output. Write to the slcr.MIO_PIN_42 register: a. Route USB ULPI output signal STP to pin 42. b. 3-state controlled by USB Controller (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. 15.16.3 MIO-EMIO Signals The ULPI interface signals are listed in Table 15-50. The port indicator and power signals are shown in Table 15-51. The 7z010 dual core and 7z007s single core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins. Pin restrictions are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 482 Chapter 15: Table 15-50: USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB ULPI Signals on MIO MIO Pins USB Port Signals USB 0 USB 1 Default Input Value to Controller I/O Name USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA4 ~ Transmit and receive data 4 28 40 IO Data bus direction control 29 41 I USB{0,1}_ULPI_DIR 0 Stop the Transfer (end/interrupt) 30 42 O USB{0,1}_ULPI_STP ~ Data flow control signal 31 43 I USB{0,1}_ULPI_NXT 0 Transmit and receive data 0 32 44 IO USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA0 ~ Transmit and receive data 1 33 45 IO USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA1 ~ Transmit and receive data 2 34 46 IO USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA2 ~ Transmit and receive data 3 35 47 IO USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA3 ~ Transceiver clock for ULPI 36 48 I USB{0,1}_ULPI_CLK 0 Transmit and receive data 5 37 49 IO USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA5 ~ Transmit and receive data 6 38 50 IO USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA6 ~ Transmit and receive data 7 39 51 IO USB{0,1}_ULPI_DATA7 ~ Table 15-51: USB Port Indicator and Power Signals on EMIO EMIO Signals USB Port Signals Name Default Input I/O Value to Controller Port Indicator EMIOUSB{0,1}PORTINDCTL{0,1} O ~ Power Fault EMIOUSB{0,1}VBUSPWRFAULT I 0 Power Select EMIOUSB{0,1}VBUSPWRSELECT O ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 483 Chapter 16 Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.1 Introduction The Gigabit Ethernet Controller (GEM) implements a 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet MAC compatible with the IEEE 802.3-2008 standard capable of operating in either half or full duplex mode at all three speeds. The PS is equipped with two Gigabit Ethernet Controllers. Each controller can be configured independently. To access pins via MIO, each controller uses an RGMII interface (to save pins). Access to the PL is through the EMIO which provides the GMII interface. Other Ethernet communications interfaces can be created in the PL using the GMII available on the EMIO interface. For example, the PL can be used to implement these interfaces: • SGMII and 1000 Base-X, in devices with GTX • RGMII v2.0 for PHY devices with HSTL Class 1 drivers and receivers Registers are used to configure the features of the MAC, select different modes of operation, and enable and monitor network management statistics. The DMA controller connects to memory through an AHB bus interface. It is attached to the controller’s FIFO interface of the MAC to provide a scatter-gather type capability for packet data storage in an embedded processing system. The controllers provide MDIO interfaces for PHY management. The PHYs can be controlled from either of the MDIO interfaces. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 484 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.1.1 Block Diagram A block diagram of one Ethernet controller is shown in Figure 16-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 16-1 Device Boundry AHB Master DMA Controller AHB Interface FIFO MAC Transmitter GMII/MII GMII to RGMII Adapter MAC Receiver PL EMIO APB Slave Register Interface Status and Statistics Registers Frame Filtering Control Registers RGMII MIO Pins User Defined PL Signals EMIO MDC, MDIO MIO Pins UG585_c16_01_042512 Figure 16-1: Ethernet Controller 16.1.2 Features Each Gigabit Ethernet MAC controller has the following features: • IEEE Standard 802.3-2008 compatible, supporting 10/100/1000 Mb/s transfer rates • Full and half duplex operation • RGMII interface with external PHY when using MIO pins • GMII/MII interface to the PL to allow connection of interfaces such as TBI, SGMII, 1000 Base-X and RGMII v2.0 support using soft cores (Note: SGMII and 1000 Base-X interfaces require a gigabit transceiver, MGT) • MDIO interface for physical layer management • 32-bit AHB DMA master, 32-bit APB bus for control registers access • Scatter-gather DMA capability • Interrupt generation to signal receive and transmit completion, or errors and wake-up • Automatic pad and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) generation on transmitted frames • Automatic discard of frames received with errors • Programmable IPG stretch • Full duplex flow control with recognition of incoming pause frames and hardware generation of transmitted pause frames Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 485 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller • Address checking logic for four specific 48-bit addresses, four type ID values, promiscuous mode, hash matching of unicast and multicast destination addresses and Wake-on-LAN • 802.1Q VLAN tagging with recognition of incoming VLAN and priority tagged frames • Supports Ethernet loopback mode • IPv4 and IPv6 transmit and receive IP, TCP and UDP checksum offload • Recognition of 1588 rev. 2 PTP frames • Statistics counter registers for RMON/MIB 16.1.3 System Viewpoint Figure 16-2 shows Zynq system viewpoint for the Gigabit Ethernet controllers. X-Ref Target - Figure 16-2 Device Boundry Ethernet IRQ ID# {54, 77} IRQ ID# {55, 78} Interconnect MIO - EMIO Wakeup AHB Gigabit Ethernet Controllers Master Port GigE {0, 1} CPU 1x Clock GMII Tx, Rx GMII to RGMII Adapter APB GMII Tx, Rx Slave Port Control Registers Time Stamp Unit PTP EMIO GigE {0, 1} Rx Reset GigE {0, 1} Ref Reset MIO Pins Tx, Rx GigE {0, 1} CPU 1x Reset Interconnect RGMII Tx, Rx Management Interface MDC, MDIO PL Tx Clock Rx Clock GigE {0, 1} Ref Clock Internal Clock Source MIO Clock Source EMIO Clock Sources Rx Clock Tx, Rx Clocks UG585_c16_02_071112 Figure 16-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 System Viewpoint www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 486 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.1.4 Clock Domains The Gigabit Ethernet controller has the following clocks: • AHB clock: AHB clock used by DMA block • APB clock: APB clock used by MAC register block • TSU clock: Alternate clock source for the Time Stamp Unit • TX clock: MAC transmit clock used by MAC transmit block in MII/RGMII/GMII mode • Rx clock: MAC receive clock used MAC receive synchronisation in MII/RGMII/GMII mode • Invert TX clock: Inverted Tx clock used in loop back mode Refer to Table 24-2, page 681 for the more details about power management. Refer to Chapter 25, Clocks for details about the clocks. 16.1.5 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins and at most one Ethernet interface through the MIO pins. This is shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. One or both of the Ethernet controllers can interface to logic in the PL. All of these CLG225 device restrictions are listed in section 1.1.3 Notices. Jumbo Frames Jumbo frames are not supported. Half Duplex Gigabit Half Duplex is not supported. IEEE 1588 Time Stamp IEEE 1588 version 2 introduces transparent clocks of which there are two kinds, peer-to-peer (P2P) and end-to-end (E2E). There is no transparent clock support in the time stamp unit. 16.1.6 Application Notes There are two useful application notes, XAPP1026 for standalone/lwip applications and XAPP1082 for Linux. These application notes include benchmark performance values and other helpful information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 487 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.2 Functional Description and Programming Model The controller comprises four main components: • MAC controlling transmit, receive, address checking, and loopback • Control and status registers, statistics registers, and synchronization logic • DMA controlling data transmit and receive through an AHB master interface • Time stamp unit (TSU) for calculating the IEEE 1588 timer values 10/100/1000 Operation The gigabit enable bit in the Network Configuration register selects between 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet operation and 1000 Mb/s mode. The 10/100 Mb/s speed bit in the network configuration register is used to select between 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s. MDIO Interface Both controllers provide MDIO interfaces, however, only one interface is needed to control both of the external PHYs due to the difference in PHY address. 16.2.1 MAC Transmitter The MAC transmitter can operate in either half duplex or full duplex mode, and transmits frames in accordance with the Ethernet IEEE 802.3 standard. In half duplex mode, the CSMA/CD protocol of the IEEE 802.3 specification is followed. Frame assembly starts by adding the preamble and the start frame delimiter. Data is taken from the transmit FIFO a word at a time. When the controller is configured for gigabit operation, the data output to the PHY uses all eight bits of the txd[7:0] output. In 10/100 mode, transmit data to the PHY is nibble wide and least significant nibble first using txd[3:0] with txd[7:4] tied to logic 0. If necessary, padding is added to take the frame length to 60 bytes. CRC is calculated using an order 32 bit polynomial. This is inverted and appended to the end of the frame taking the frame length to a minimum of 64 bytes. If the no-CRC bit is set in the second word of the last buffer descriptor of a transmit frame, neither pad nor CRC are appended. The no-CRC bit can also be set through the FIFO. In full duplex mode (at all data rates), frames are transmitted immediately. Back-to-back frames are transmitted at least 96 bit times apart to guarantee the interframe gap. In half duplex mode, the transmitter checks carrier sense. If asserted, the transmitter waits for the signal to become inactive, and then starts transmission after the interframe gap of 96 bit times. If the collision signal is asserted during transmission, the transmitter transmits a jam sequence of 32 bits taken from the data register and then retries transmission after the back off time has elapsed. If the collision occurs during either the preamble or SFD, then these fields are completed prior to generation of the jam sequence. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 488 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller The back off time is based on an XOR of the 10 least significant bits of the data coming from the transmit FIFO and a 10-bit pseudo random number generator. The number of bits used depends on the number of collisions seen. After the first collision 1 bit is used, then the second 2 bits and so on up to the maximum of 10 bits. All 10 bits are used above ten collisions. An error is indicated and no further attempts are made if 16 consecutive attempts cause a collision. This operation is compatible with the description in Clause of the IEEE 802.3 standard which refers to the truncated binary exponential back off algorithm. In 10/100 mode, both collisions and late collisions are treated identically, and back off and retry are performed up to 16 times. When operating in gigabit mode, late collisions are treated as an exception and transmission is aborted, without retry. This condition is reported in the transmit buffer descriptor word 1 (late collision, bit 26) and also in the Transmit Status register (late collision, bit 7). An interrupt can also be generated (if enabled) when this exception occurs, and bit 5 in the Interrupt Status Register is set. When bit [28] is set in the Network Configuration register the IPG can be stretched beyond 96 bits depending on the length of the previously transmitted frame and the value written to the IPG_STRETCH register. The least significant 8 bits of the IPG_STRETCH register multiply the previous frame length (including preamble) the next significant 8 bits (+1 so as not to get a divide by zero) divide the frame length to generate the IPG. IPG stretch only works in full duplex mode and when bit 28 is set in the Network Configuration register. The IPG_STRETCH register cannot be used to shrink the IPG below 96 bits. If the back pressure bit is set in the Network Control register or if the half_duplex_flow_control_en input is set in 10M or 100M half duplex mode, the transmit block transmits 64 bits of data, which can consist of 16 nibbles of 1011 or in bit rate mode 64 1s, whenever it sees an incoming frame to force a collision. This provides a way of implementing flow control in half duplex mode. 16.2.2 MAC Receiver All processing within the MAC receiver uses 16-bit data paths. The MAC receiver checks for valid preamble, FCS, alignment, and length. It then sends the received frames to the FIFO (to either the DMA controller or external to the IP core) and stores the frames destination address for use by the address checking block. If, during frame reception, the frame is found to be too long, a bad frame indication is sent to the FIFO. The receiver logic ceases to send data to memory as soon as this condition occurs. At end of frame reception the receive block indicates to the DMA block whether the frame is good or bad. The DMA block recovers the current receive buffer if the frame was bad. Ethernet frames are normally stored in DMA memory or to the FIFO complete with the FCS. Setting the FCS remove bit in the network configuration register (bit [17]) causes frames to be stored without their corresponding FCS. The reported frame length field is reduced by four bytes to reflect this operation. The receive block signals to the register block to increment the alignment, CRC (FCS), short frame, long frame, jabber or receive symbol errors when any of these exception conditions occur. If bit [26] is set in the network configuration CRC errors are ignored and frames with CRC errors are not discarded, though the Frame Check Sequence Errors Statistic register is still incremented. Bit[13] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 489 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller of the receiver descriptor word 1 is updated to indicate the FCS validity for the particular frame. This is useful for applications where individual frames with FCS errors must be identified. Received frames can be checked for length field error by setting the length field error frame discard bit of the Network Configuration register (bit [16]). When this bit is set, the receiver compares a frame's measured length with the length field (bytes 13 and 14) extracted from the frame. The frame is discarded if the measured length is shorter. This checking procedure is for received frames between 64 bytes and 1,518 bytes in length. Each discarded frame is counted in the 10-bit length field Error Statistics register. Frames where the length field is greater than or equal to 0x0600 are not checked. 16.2.3 MAC Filtering The MAC filter determines which frames should be written to the AHB interface FIFO and onto the DMA controller. Whether a frame is passed depends on what is enabled in the Network Configuration register, the state of the external matching pins, the contents of the specific address, type, and hash registers and the frame's destination address and type field. If bit [25] of the Network Configuration register is not set, a frame is not copied to memory if the Gigabit Ethernet controller is transmitting in half duplex mode at the time a destination address is received. Ethernet frames are transmitted a byte at a time, least significant bit first. The first six bytes (48 bits) of an Ethernet frame make up the destination address. The first bit of the destination address, which is the LSB of the first byte of the frame, is the group or individual bit. This is one for multicast addresses and zero for unicast. The all-ones address is the broadcast address and a special case of multicast. The Gigabit Ethernet controller supports recognition of four specific addresses. Each specific address requires two registers, Specific Address register bottom and Specific Address register top. Specific address register bottom stores the first four bytes of the destination address and Specific Address register top contains the last two bytes. The addresses stored can be specific, group, local or universal. The destination address of received frames is compared against the data stored in the Specific Address registers once they have been activated. The addresses are deactivated at reset or when their corresponding Specific Address register bottom is written. They are activated when Specific Address register top is written. If a receive frame address matches an active address, the frame is written to the FIFO and on to DMA controller, if used. Frames can be filtered using the type ID field for matching. Four type ID registers exist in the register address space and each can be enabled for matching by writing a one to the MSB (bit [31]) of the respective register. When a frame is received, the matching is implemented as an OR function of the various types of match. The contents of each type ID registers (when enabled) are compared against the length/type ID of the frame being received (e.g., bytes 13 and 14 in non-VLAN and non-SNAP encapsulated frames) and copied to memory if a match is found. The encoded type ID match bits (Word 0, bit [22] and bit Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 490 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller [23]) in the receive buffer descriptor status are set indicating which type ID register generated the match, if the receive checksum offload is disabled. The reset state of the type ID registers is zero, hence each is initially disabled. The Address and Type ID filtering are independent of each other. If both the Specific Address registers and Type ID Match registers are set up, then the received frame will be written into the system memory for either an address match or a ID match. The following example illustrates the use of the address and type ID match registers for a MAC address of 21:43:65:87:A9:CB Preamble SFD DA (Octet 0 - LSB) DA (Octet 1) DA (Octet 2) DA (Octet 3) DA (Octet 4) DA (Octet 5 - MSB) SA (LSB) SA SA SA SA SA (MSB) Type ID (MSB) Type ID (LSB) Note: * 55 D5 21 43 65 87 A9 CB 00* 00* 00* 00* 00* 00* 43 21 – contains the address of the transmitting device. The sequence above shows the beginning of an Ethernet frame. Byte order of transmission is from top to bottom as shown. For a successful match to specific address 1, the following address matching registers must be set up: Specific address 1 bottom (Address 0x088) Specific address 1 top (Address 0x08C) 0x87654321 0x0000CBA9 And for a successful match to the type ID, the following type ID match 1 register must be set up: Type ID Match 1 (Address 0x0A8) 0x80004321 Broadcast Address Frames with the broadcast address of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF are stored to memory only if the 'no broadcast' bit in the Network Configuration register is set to zero. Hash Addressing The Hash Address register is 64 bits long and takes up two locations in the memory map. The least significant bits are stored in Hash register bottom and the most significant bits in Hash register top. The unicast hash enable and the multicast hash enable bits in the Network Configuration register enable the reception of hash matched frames. The destination address is reduced to a 6 bit index into Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 491 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller the 64 bit hash register using the following hash function. The hash function is an XOR of every sixth bit of the destination address. hash_index[05] = da[05]°^°da[11]°^°da[17]°^°da[23]°^°da[29]°^°da[35]°^°da[41]°^°da[47] hash_index[04] = da[04]°^°da[10]°^°da[16]°^°da[22]°^°da[28]°^°da[34]°^°da[40]°^°da[46] hash_index[03] = da[03]°^°da[09]°^°da[15]°^°da[21]°^°da[27]°^°da[33]°^°da[39]°^°da[45] hash_index[02] = da[02]°^°da[08]°^°da[14]°^°da[20]°^°da[26]°^°da[32]°^°da[38]°^°da[44] hash_index[01] = da[01]°^°da[07]°^°da[13]°^°da[19]°^°da[25]°^°da[31]°^°da[37]°^°da[43] hash_index[00] = da[00]°^°da[06]°^°da[12]°^°da[18]°^°da[24]°^°da[30]°^°da[36]°^°da[42] da[0] represents the least significant bit of the first byte received, that is, the multicast/unicast indicator, and da[47] represents the most significant bit of the last byte received. If the hash index points to a bit that is set in the Hash register then the frame is matched according to whether the frame is multicast or unicast. A multicast match is signaled if the multicast hash enable bit is set, da[0] is logic 1 and the hash index points to a bit set in the Hash register. A unicast match is signaled if the unicast hash enable bit is set, da[0] is logic 0 and the hash index points to a bit set in the Hash register. To receive all multicast frames, the Hash register should be set with all ones and the multicast hash enable bit should be set in the Network Configuration register. Copy All Frames (or Promiscuous Mode) If the copy all frames bit is set in the Network Configuration register then all frames (except those that are too long, too short, have FCS errors, or have rx_er asserted during reception) are copied to memory. Frames with FCS errors are copied if bit [26] is set in the Network Configuration register. Disable Copy of Pause Frames Pause frames can be prevented from being written to memory by setting the disable copying of pause frames control bit [23] in the Network Configuration register. When set, pause frames are not copied to memory regardless of the copy all frames bit, whether a hash match is found, a type ID match is identified, or if a destination address match is found. VLAN Support An Ethernet encoded 802.1Q VLAN tag is shown in Table 16-1 Table 16-1: VLAN Tag Control Information TPID (Tag Protocol Identifier) 16 Bits 0x8100 TCI (Tag Control Information) 16 Bits First 3 bits priority, then CFI bit, last 12 bits VID The VLAN tag is inserted at the 13th byte of the frame adding an extra four bytes to the frame. To support these extra four bytes, the Gigabit Ethernet controller can accept frame lengths up to 1,536 bytes by setting bit [8] in the Network Configuration register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 492 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller If the VID (VLAN identifier) is null (0x000) a priority-tagged frame is indicated. The following bits in the receive buffer descriptor status word provide information about VLAN tagged frames: • Bit [21] set if receive frame is VLAN tagged (i.e. type id of 0x8100). • Bit [20] set if receive frame is priority tagged (i.e. type id of 0x8100 and null VID). (If bit [20] is set bit [21] is also set). • Bits [19], [18] and [17] set to priority if bit [21] is set. • Bit [16] set to CFI if bit [21] is set. The controller can be configured to reject all frames except VLAN tagged frames by setting the discard non-VLAN frames bit in the Network Configuration register. 16.2.4 Wake-on-LAN Support The receive block supports Wake-on-LAN by detecting the following events on incoming receive frames: • Magic packet • ARP request to the device IP address • Specific address 1 filter match • Multicast hash filter match If one of these events occurs, Wake-on-LAN detection is indicated by asserting the wake-up interrupt. These events can be individually enabled through bits[19:16] of the Wake-on-LAN register. Also, for Wake-on-LAN detection to occur receive enable must be set in the Network Control register, however a receive buffer does not have to be available. The wake-up interrupt is asserted due to multicast filter events, an ARP request, or a specific address 1 match even in the presence of a frame error. For magic packet events, the frame must be correctly formed and error free. A magic packet event is detected if all of the following are true: • Magic packet events are enabled through bit [16] of the Wake-on-LAN register • The frame's destination address matches specific address 1 • The frame is correctly formed with no errors • The frame contains at least 6 bytes of 0xFF for synchronization • There are 16 repetitions of the contents of Specific Address 1 register immediately following the synchronization An ARP request event is detected if all of the following are true: • ARP request events are enabled through bit [17] of the Wake-on-LAN register • Broadcasts are allowed by bit 5 in the Network Configuration register • The frame has a broadcast destination address (bytes 1 to 6) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 493 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller • The frame has a typeID field of 0x0806 (bytes 13 and 14) • The frame has an ARP operation field of 0x0001 (bytes 21 and 22) • The least significant 16 bits of the frame's ARP target protocol address (bytes 41 and 42) match the value programmed in bits[15:0] of the Wake-on-LAN register The decoding of the ARP fields adjusts automatically if a VLAN tag is detected within the frame. The reserved value of 0x0000 for the Wake-on-LAN target address value does not cause an ARP request event, even if matched by the frame. A specific address 1 filter match event occurs if all of the following are true: • Specific address 1 events are enabled through bit [18] of the Wake-on-LAN register • The frame's destination address matches the value programmed in the Specific Address 1 registers A multicast filter match event occurs if all of the following are true: • Multicast hash events are enabled through bit [19] of the Wake-on-LAN register • Multicast hash filtering is enabled through bit [6] of the Network Configuration register • The frame destination address matches against the multicast hash filter • The frame destination address is not a broadcast 16.2.5 DMA Block The DMA controller is attached to the FIFO to provide a scatter-gather type capability for packet data storage in an embedded processing system. Packet Buffer DMA The controller uses a packet buffer which has the following features • 32 data bus width support • Easier to guarantee maximum line rate due to the ability to store multiple frames in the packet buffer • More efficient use of the AHB interface • Full store and forward • Support for Transmit TCP/IP checksum offload • Support for priority queuing • When a collision on the line occurs during transmission, the packet is automatically replayed directly from the packet buffer memory rather than having to re-fetch through the AHB interface • Received error packets are automatically dropped before any of the packet is presented to the AHB, thus reducing AHB activity • Supports manual RX packet flush capabilities • RX packet flush when there is lack of AHB resource Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 494 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller DMA Controller The DMA uses separate transmit and receive lists of buffer descriptors, with each descriptor describing a buffer area in memory. This allows Ethernet packets to be broken up and scattered around the AHB memory space. The DMA controller performs four types of operation on the AHB bus. In order of priority these are: • Receive buffer manager write/read • Transmit buffer manager write/read • Receive data DMA write • Transmit data DMA read Transfer size is set to 32-bit words using the AHB bus width select bits in the Network Configuration register, and burst size may be programmed to single access or bursts of 4, 8, or 16 words using the DMA Configuration register. Rx Buffers Received frames, optionally including FCS, are written to receive AHB buffers stored in memory. The start location for each receive AHB buffer is stored in memory in a list of receive buffer descriptors at an address location pointed to by the receive-buffer queue pointer. The base address for the receive-buffer queue pointer is configured in software using the Receive Buffer Queue Base Address register. Each list entry consists of two words. The first is the address of the receive AHB buffer and the second the receive status. If the length of a receive frame exceeds the AHB buffer length, the status word for the used buffer is written with zeroes except for the start of frame bit, which is always set for the first buffer in a frame. Bit zero of the address field is written to 1 to show that the buffer has been used. The receive-buffer manager then reads the location of the next receive AHB buffer and fills that with the next part of the received frame data. AHB buffers are filled until the frame is complete and the final buffer descriptor status word contains the complete frame status. Refer to Table 16-2 for details of the receive buffer descriptor list. Each receive AHB buffer start location is a word address. The start of the first AHB buffer in a frame can be offset by up to three bytes depending on the value written to bits [14] and [15] of the Network Configuration register. If the start location of the AHB buffer is offset the available length of the first AHB buffer is reduced by the corresponding number of bytes. Table 16-2: Rx Buffer Descriptor Entry Bit Function Word 0 31:2 Address of beginning of buffer. 1 Wrap - marks last descriptor in receive buffer descriptor list. 0 Ownership - needs to be zero for the controller to write data to the receive buffer. The controller sets this to 1 once it has successfully written a frame to memory. Software must clear this bit before the buffer can be used again. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 495 Chapter 16: Table 16-2: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Rx Buffer Descriptor Entry (Cont’d) Bit Function Word 1 31 Global all ones broadcast address detected. 30 Multicast hash match. 29 Unicast hash match. 28 Reserved. 27 Specific address register match found,. bit 25 and bit 26 indicate which specific address register causes the match. 26:25 Specific address register match. Encoded as follows: 00b: Specific address register 1 match 01b: Specific address register 2 match 10b: Specific address register 3 match 11b: Specific address register 4 match If more than one specific address is matched only one is indicated with priority 4 down to 1. 24 This bit has a different meaning depending on whether RX checksum offloading is enabled. • With RX checksum offloading disabled: (bit [24] clear in Network Configuration) Type ID register match found, bit [22] and bit [23] indicate which type ID register causes the match. • With RX checksum offloading enabled: (bit [24] set in Network Configuration) 0b: The frame was not SNAP encoded and/or had a VLAN tag with the CFI bit set. 1b: The frame was SNAP encoded and had either no VLAN tag or a VLAN tag with the CFI bit not set. 23:22 This bit has a different meaning depending on whether RX checksum offloading is enabled. With RX checksum offloading disabled: (bit [24] clear in Network Configuration) Type ID register match. Encoded as follows: 00b: Type ID register 1 match 01b: Type ID register 2 match 10b: Type ID register 3 match 11b: Type ID register 4 match If more than one Type ID is matched only one is indicated with priority 4 down to 1. With RX checksum offloading enabled: (bit [24] set in Network Configuration) 00b: Neither the IP header checksum nor the TCP/UDP checksum was checked. 01b: The IP header checksum was checked and was correct. Neither the TCP or UDP checksum was checked. 10b: Both the IP header and TCP checksum were checked and were correct. 11b: Both the IP header and UDP checksum were checked and were correct. 21 VLAN tag detected – type ID of 0x8100 . For packets incorporating the stacked VLAN processing feature, this bit is set if the second VLAN tag has a type ID of 0x8100 . 20 Priority tag detected – type ID of 0x8100 and null VLAN identifier. For packets incorporating the stacked VLAN processing feature, this bit is set if the second VLAN tag has a type ID of 0x8100 and a null VLAN identifier. 19:17 VLAN priority – only valid if bit [21] is set. 16 Canonical format indicator (CFI) bit – only valid if bit 21 is set. 15 End of frame – when set the buffer contains the end of a frame. If end of frame is not set, then the only valid status bit is start of frame (bit 14). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 496 Chapter 16: Table 16-2: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Rx Buffer Descriptor Entry (Cont’d) Bit Function 14 Start of frame – when set the buffer contains the start of a frame. If both bits 15 and 14 are set, the buffer contains a whole frame. 13 This bit has a different meaning depending on whether ignore FCS mode are enabled. This bit is zero if ignore FCS mode is disabled. With ignore FCS mode enabled: (bit [26] set in Network Configuration Register). This indicates per frame FCS status as follows: 0b: Frame had good FCS. 1b: Frame had bad FCS, but was copied to memory as ignore FCS enabled. 12:0 These bits represent the length of the received frame which might or might not include FCS depending on whether FCS discard mode is enabled. • With FCS discard mode disabled: (bit [17] clear in Network Configuration Register) Least significant 12-bits for length of frame including FCS. • With FCS discard mode enabled: (bit [17] set in Network Configuration Register) Least significant 12-bits for length of frame excluding FCS. The start location of the receive-buffer descriptor list must be written with the receive-buffer queue base address before reception is enabled (receive enable in the Network Control register). Once reception is enabled, any writes to the Receive-buffer Queue Base Address register are ignored. When read, it returns the current pointer position in the descriptor list, though this is only valid and stable when receive is disabled. If the filter block indicates that a frame should be copied to memory, the receive data DMA operation starts writing data into the receive buffer. If an error occurs, the buffer is recovered. An internal counter represents the receive-buffer queue pointer and it is not visible through the CPU interface. The receive-buffer queue pointer increments by two words after each buffer has been used. It re-initializes to the receive-buffer queue base address if any descriptor has its wrap bit set. As receive AHB buffers are used, the receive AHB buffer manager sets bit zero of the first word of the descriptor to logic one indicating the AHB buffer has been used. Software should search through the “used” bits in the AHB buffer descriptors to find out how many frames have been received, checking the start of frame and end of frame bits. Received frames are written out to the AHB buffers as soon as enough frame data exists in the packet buffer. This might mean that several full AHB buffers are used before some error conditions can be detected. If a receive error is detected the receive buffer currently being written is recovered. Previous buffers are not recovered. For example, when receiving frames with CRC errors or excessive length, it is possible that a frame fragment might be stored in a sequence of AHB receive buffers. Software can detect this by looking for the start of frame bit set in a buffer following a buffer with no end of frame bit set. For a properly working 10/100/1000 Ethernet system there should be no excessive length frames or frames greater than 128 bytes with CRC errors. Collision fragments are less than 128 bytes long, therefore it is a rare occurrence to find a frame fragment in a receive AHB buffer, when using the default value of 128 bytes for the receive buffers size. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 497 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Only good received frames are written out of the DMA, so no fragments exist in the AHB buffers due to MAC receiver errors. There is still the possibility of fragments due to DMA errors, for example used bit read on the second buffer of a multi-buffer frame. If bit zero of the receive buffer descriptor is already set when the receive buffer manager reads the location of the receive AHB buffer, then the buffer has been already used and cannot be used again until software has processed the frame and cleared bit zero. In this case, the “buffer not available” bit in the Receive Status register is set and an interrupt is triggered. The receive resource error statistics register is also incremented. The user can optionally select whether received frames should be automatically discarded when no AHB buffer resource is available. This feature is selected via bit [24] of the DMA Configuration register (by default, the received frames are not automatically discarded). If this feature is off, then received packets remain stored in the packet buffer until an AHB buffer resource next becomes available. This can lead to an eventual packet buffer overflow if packets continue to be received when bit zero (used bit) of the receive-buffer descriptor remains set. Note that after a used bit has been read, the receive-buffer manager re-reads the location of the receive buffer descriptor every time a new packet is received. A receive overrun condition occurs when the receive packet buffer is full, or because hresp was not okay. In all other modes, a receive overrun condition occurs when either the AHB bus was not granted quickly enough, or because hresp was not okay, or because a new frame has been detected by the receive block, but the status update or write back for the previous frame has not yet finished. For a receive overrun condition, the receive overrun interrupt is asserted and the buffer currently being written is recovered. The next frame that is received whose address is recognized reuses the buffer. A write to bit [18] of the Network Control register forces a packet from the receive packet buffer to be flushed. This feature is only acted upon when the RX DMA is not currently writing packet data out to AHB – i.e., it is in an IDLE state. If the RX DMA is active, a write to this bit is ignored. Tx Buffers Frames to transmit are stored in one or more transmit AHB buffers. It should be noted that zero length AHB buffers are allowed and that the maximum number of buffers permitted for each transmit frame is 128. The start location for each transmit AHB buffer is stored in memory in a list of transmit buffer descriptors at a location pointed to by the transmit-buffer queue pointer. The base address for this queue pointer is set in software using the Transmit-buffer Queue Base Address register. Each list entry consists of two words. The first is the byte address of the transmit buffer and the second containing the transmit control and status. For the packet buffer DMA, the start location for each AHB buffer is a byte address, the bottom bits of the address being used to offset the start of the data from the data-word boundary For the FIFO based DMA, the address of the buffer is also a byte address. Frames can be transmitted with or without automatic CRC generation. If CRC is automatically generated, pad will also be automatically generated to take frames to a minimum length of 64 bytes. When CRC is not automatically generated (as defined in word 1 of the transmit buffer descriptor or through the control bus of the FIFO), the frame is assumed to be at least 64 bytes long and pad is not generated. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 498 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller To transmit frames, the buffer descriptors must be initialized by writing an appropriate byte address to bits [31:0] in the first word of each descriptor list entry. The second word of the transmit-buffer descriptor is initialized with control information that indicates the length of the frame, whether or not the MAC is to append CRC, and whether the buffer is the last buffer in the frame. After transmission the status bits are written back to the second word of the first buffer along with the used bit. Bit [31] is the used bit which must be zero when the control word is read if transmission is to take place. It is written to one when the frame has been transmitted. Bits[29:20] indicate various transmit error conditions. Bit [30] is the wrap-bit which can be set for any buffer within a frame. If no wrap bit is encountered the queue pointer continues to increment. The Transmit-buffer Queue Base Address register can only be updated while transmission is disabled or halted; otherwise any attempted write is ignored. When transmission is halted the transmit-buffer queue pointer maintains its value. Therefore, when transmission is restarted the next descriptor read from the queue is from immediately after the last successfully transmitted frame. While transmit is disabled (bit [3] of the network control is set Low), the transmit-buffer queue pointer resets to point to the address indicated by the Transmit-buffer Queue Base Address register. Note that disabling receive does not have the same effect on the receive-buffer queue pointer. When the transmit queue is initialized, transmit is activated by writing to the transmit start bit (bit [9]) of the Network Control register. Transmit is halted when a buffer descriptor with its used bit set is read, a transmit error occurs, or by writing to the transmit halt bit of the Network Control register. Transmission is suspended if a pause frame is received while the pause enable bit is set in the network configuration register. Rewriting the start bit while transmission is active is allowed. This is implemented with a tx_go variable which is readable in the Transmit Status register at bit location 3. The tx_go variable is reset when: • Transmit is disabled • A buffer descriptor with its ownership bit set is read • Bit [10], tx_halt, of the Network Control register is written • There is a transmit error such as too many retries, late collision (gigabit mode only) or a transmit under-run To set tx_go, write to bit [9], tx_start, of the Network Control register. Transmit halt does not take effect until any ongoing transmit finishes. The entire contents of the frame are read into the transmit packet buffer memory, so the retry attempt is replayed directly from the packet buffer memory rather than having to re-fetch through the AHB. If a used bit is read mid way through transmission of a multi buffer frame this is treated as a transmit error. Transmission stops, tx_er is asserted and the FCS is bad. If transmission stops due to a transmit error or a used bit being read, transmission is restarted from the first buffer descriptor of the frame being transmitted when the transmit start bit is rewritten. Refer to Table 16-3 for details of the transmit buffer descriptor list. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 499 Chapter 16: Table 16-3: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Tx Buffer Descriptor Entry Bit Function Word 0 31:0 Byte address of buffer. Word 1 31 Used – must be zero for the controller to read data to the transmit buffer. The controller sets this to one for the first buffer of a frame once it has been successfully transmitted. Software must clear this bit before the buffer can be used again. 30 Wrap – marks last descriptor in transmit buffer descriptor list. This can be set for any buffer within the frame. 29 Retry limit exceeded, transmit error detected. 28 Always set to 0. 27 Transmit frame corruption due to AHB error – set if an error occurs whilst midway through reading transmit frame from the AHB, including HRESP errors and buffers exhausted mid frame (if the buffers run out during transmission of a frame then transmission stops, FCS shall be bad and tx_er asserted). 26 Late collision, transmit error detected. Late collisions only force this status bit to be set in gigabit mode. 25:23 Reserved. 22:20 Transmit IP/TCP/UDP checksum generation offload errors: • 000b: No Error. • 001b: The Packet was identified as a VLAN type, but the header was not fully complete, or had an error in it. • 010b: The Packet was identified as a SNAP type, but the header was not fully complete, or had an error in it. • 011b: The Packet was not of an IP type, or the IP packet was invalidly short, or the IP was not of type IPv4/IPv6. • 100b: The Packet was not identified as VLAN, SNAP or IP. • 101b: Non supported packet fragmentation occurred. For IPv4 packets, the IP checksum was generated and inserted. • 110b: Packet type detected was not TCP or UDP. TCP/UDP checksum was therefore not generated. For IPv4 packets, the IP checksum was generated and inserted. • 111b: A premature end of packet was detected and the TCP/UDP checksum could not be generated. 19:17 Reserved. 16 No CRC to be appended by MAC. When set this implies that the data in the buffers already contains a valid CRC and hence no CRC or padding is to be appended to the current frame by the MAC. This control bit must be set for the first buffer in a frame and is ignored for the subsequent buffers of a frame. Note that this bit must be clear when using the transmit IP/TCP/UDP checksum generation offload, otherwise checksum generation and substitution does not occur. 15 Last buffer, when set this bit indicates that the last buffer in the current frame has been reached. 14 Reserved. 13:0 Length of buffer. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 500 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller DMA Bursting on the AHB The DMA always uses SINGLE, or INCR type AHB accesses for buffer management operations. When performing data transfers, the AHB burst length used can be programmed using bits [4:0] of the DMA Configuration register so that either SINGLE, INCR or fixed length incrementing bursts (INCR4, INCR8 or INCR16) are used where possible. When there is enough space and enough data to be transferred, the programmed fixed length bursts are used. If there is not enough data or space available, for example when at the beginning or the end of a buffer, SINGLE type accesses are used. SINGLE type accesses are also used at 1,024 byte boundaries, so that the 1 KB boundaries are not burst over per AHB requirements. The DMA does terminate a fixed length burst early, unless an error condition occurs on the AHB or if receive or transmit are disabled in the Network Control register. DMA Packet Buffer The DMA uses packet buffers for both transmit and receive paths. This mode allows multiple packets to be buffered in both transmit and receive directions. This allows the DMA to withstand far greater access latencies on the AHB and make more efficient use of the AHB bandwidth. Full packets are buffered which provides the opportunity to: • Discard packets with error on the receive path before they are partially written out of the DMA thus saving AHB bus bandwidth and driver processing overhead • Retry collided transmit frames from the buffer, thus saving AHB bus bandwidth, • Implement transmit IP/TCP/UDP checksum generation offload. With the packet buffers included, the structure of the controller data paths is as shown in Table 16-3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 501 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 16-3 MIO or EMIO Gigabit Ethernet Controller MAC Transmitter TX Packet Buffer DPSRAM TX Packet Buffer Interconnect APB TX DMA Status and Statistic Registers Register Interface Control Registers Interconnect AHB DMA AHB RX DMA MIO or EMIO MDIO TX GMII RX Packet Buffer RX Packet Buffer DPSRAM MIO or EMIO MAC Receive RX GMII Frame Filtering UG585_c16_03_101812 Figure 16-3: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 DMA Packet Buffer www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 502 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller In the transmit direction, the DMA continues to fetch packet data up to a limit of 256 packets, or until the buffer is full. The size of the buffer has a maximum usable size of 4 KB. In the receive direction, if the buffer becomes full, then an overflow occur.s An overflow also occurs if the limit of 256 packets is breached. The size of the external buffer has a maximum usable size of 4 KB. Tx Packet Buffer The transmitter packet buffer continues to attempt to fetch frame data from the AHB system memory until the packet buffer itself is full, at which point it attempts to maintain its full level. To accommodate the status and statistics associated with each frame, three words per packet are reserved at the end of the packet data. If the packet was bad and requires to be dropped, the status and statistics are the only information held on that packet. Storing the status in the DPRAM is required to decouple the DMA interface of the buffer from the MAC interface, to update the MAC status/stats, and to generate interrupts in the order in which the packets that they represent were fetched from the AHB memory. If any errors occur on the AHB while reading the transmit frame, the fetching of packet data from AHB memory is halted. The MAC transmitter continues to fetch packet data, thereby emptying the packet buffer and allowing any good non-errored frames to be transmitted successfully. When these have been fully transmitted, the status/stats for the errored frame is updated and software is informed via an interrupt that an AHB error occurred. This way, the error is reported in the correct packet order. The transmit packet buffer only attempts to read more frame data from the AHB when space is available in the packet buffer memory. If space is not available it must wait until the packet fetched by the MAC completes transmission and is subsequently removed from the packet buffer memory. Note that if full store and forward mode is active, and if a single frame is fetched that is too large for the packet buffer memory, the frame is flushed and the DMA is halted with an error status. This is because a complete frame must be written into the packet buffer before transmission can begin, and therefore the minimum packet buffer memory size should be chosen to satisfy the maximum frame to be transmitted in the application. When the complete transmit frame is written into the packet buffer memory, a trigger is sent across to the MAC transmitter, which then begins reading the frame from the packet buffer memory. Because the whole frame is present and stable in the packet buffer memory, an underflow of the transmitter is not possible. The frame is kept in the packet buffer until notification is received from the MAC that the frame data has either been successfully transmitted or can no longer be re-transmitted (too many retries in half duplex mode). When this notification is received the frame is flushed from memory to make room for a new frame to be fetched from AHB system memory. In half duplex mode, the frame is kept in the packet buffer until notification is received from the MAC that the frame data has either been successfully transmitted or can no longer be re-transmitted (too many retries in half duplex mode). When this notification is received the frame is flushed from memory to make room for a new frame to be fetched from AHB system memory. In full duplex mode, the frame is removed from the packet buffer on-the-fly. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 503 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Other than underflow, the only MAC related errors that can occur are due to collisions during half duplex transmissions. When a collision occurs the frame still exists in the packet buffer memory so it can be retried directly from there. Only when the MAC transmitter has failed to transmit after sixteen attempts is the frame finally flushed from the packet buffer. Rx Packet Buffer The receive packet buffer stores frames from the MAC receiver along with their status and statistics. Frames with errors are flushed from the packet buffer memory, good frames are pushed onto the DMA AHB interface. The receiver packet buffer monitors the FIFO writes from the MAC receiver and translates the FIFO pushes into packet buffer writes. At the end of the received frame the status and statistics are buffered so that the information can be used when the frame is read out. When programmed in full store and forward mode, if the frame has an error the frame data is immediately flushed from the packet buffer memory allowing subsequent frames to utilize the freed up space. The status and statistics for bad frames are still used to update the controller’s registers. Note: To accommodate the status and statistics associated with each frame, three words per packet are reserved at the end of the packet data. If the packet was bad and requires to be dropped, the status and statistics are the only information held on that packet. The receiver packet buffer also detects a full condition such that an overflow condition can be detected. If this occurs, subsequent packets are dropped and an RX overflow interrupt is raised. The DMA only begins packet fetches when the status and statistics for a frame are available. If the frame has a bad status due to a frame error, the status and statistics are passed onto the controller’s registers. If the frame has a good status, the information is used to read the frame from the packet buffer memory and burst onto the AHB using the DMA buffer management protocol. After the last frame data has been transferred to the FIFO, the status and statistics are updated to the controller’s registers. 16.2.6 Checksum Offloading The controller can be programmed to perform IP, TCP, and UDP checksum offloading in both receive and transmit directions, enabled by setting bit [24] in the Network Configuration register for receive, and bit [11] in the DMA Configuration register for transmit. IPv4 packets contain a 16-bit checksum field, which is the 16-bit 1's complement of the 1's complement sum of all 16-bit words in the header. TCP and UDP packets contain a 16-bit checksum field, which is the 16-bit 1's complement of the 1's complement sum of all 16-bit words in the header, the data, and a conceptual IP pseudo header. To calculate these checksums in software requires each byte of the packet to be processed. For TCP and UDP this can use a large amount of processing power. Offloading the checksum calculation to hardware can result in significant performance improvements. For IP, TCP, or UDP checksum offload to be useful, the operating system containing the protocol stack must be aware that this offload is available so that it can make use of the fact that the hardware can either generate or verify the checksum. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 504 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Note: While enabling UDP checksum offloading in hardware, if the checksum fields pointed to by the DMA descriptor are not initialized to 0, the calculated checksum does not provide the proper value. Therefor the checksum fields need to be initialized to 0 for checksum offloading to work properly. Rx Checksum Offload When receive checksum offloading is enabled, the IPv4 header checksum is checked per RFC 791, where the packet meets the following criteria: • If present, the VLAN header must be four octets long and the CFI bit must not be set • Encapsulation must be RFC 894 Ethernet Type encoding or RFC 1042 SNAP encoding • IPv4 packet • IP header is of a valid length The controller also checks the TCP checksum per RFC 793, or the UDP checksum per RFC 768, if the following criteria are met: • IPv4 or IPv6 packet • Good IP header checksum (if IPv4) • No IP fragmentation • TCP or UDP packet When an IP, TCP, or UDP frame is received, the receive buffer descriptor provides an indication if the controller was able to verify the checksums. There is also an indication if the frame had LLC SNAP encapsulation. These indication bits replace the type ID match indication bits when receive checksum offload is enabled. If any of the checksums are verified to be incorrect by the controller, the packet is discarded and the appropriate statistics counter is incremented. Tx Checksum Offload The transmitter checksum offload is only available when the full store and forward mode is enabled. This is because the complete frame to be transmitted must be read into the packet buffer memory before the checksum can be calculated and written back into the headers at the beginning of the frame. Transmitter checksum offload is enabled by setting bit [11] in the DMA Configuration register. When enabled, it monitors the frame as it is written into the transmitter packet buffer memory to automatically detect the protocol of the frame. Protocol support is identical to the receiver checksum offload. For transmit checksum generation and substitution to occur, the protocol of the frame must be recognized and the frame must be provided without the FCS field, by ensuring that bit [16] of the transmit descriptor word 1 is clear. If the frame data already had the FCS field, this would be corrupted by the substitution of the new checksum fields. If these conditions are met, the transmit checksum offload engine calculates the IP, TCP, and UDP checksums as appropriate. When the full packet is completely written into packet buffer memory, the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 505 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller checksums are valid and the relevant DPRAM locations are updated for the new checksum fields as per standard IP/TCP and UDP packet structures. If the transmitter checksum engine is prevented from generating the relevant checksums, bits [22:20] of the transmitter DMA writeback status are updated to identify the reason for the error. Note that the frame is still transmitted but without the checksum substitution, as typically the reason that the substitution did not occur was that the protocol was not recognized. 16.2.7 IEEE 1588 Time Stamp Unit IEEE 1588 is a standard for precision time synchronization in local area networks. It works with the exchange of special precision time protocol (PTP) frames. The PTP messages can be transported over IEEE 802.3/Ethernet, over Internet Protocol Version 4 or over Internet Protocol Version 6 as described in the annex of IEEE P1588.D2.1. The controller detects when the PTP event messages sync, delay_req, pdelay_req and pdelay_resp are transmitted and received. Synchronization between master and slave clocks is a two stage process. • First, the offset between the master and slave clocks is corrected by the master sending a sync frame to the slave with a follow up frame containing the exact time the sync frame was sent. Hardware assist modules at the master and slave side detect exactly when the sync frame was sent by the master and received by the slave. The slave then corrects its clock to match the master clock. • Second, the transmission delay between the master and slave is corrected. The slave sends a delay request frame to the master which sends a delay response frame in reply. Hardware assist modules at the master and slave side detect exactly when the delay request frame was sent by the slave and received by the master. The slave then has enough information to adjust its clock to account for delay. For example, if the slave was assuming zero delay the actual delay is half the difference between the transmit and receive time of the delay request frame (assuming equal transmit and receive times) because the slave clock is lagging the master clock by the delay time already. For hardware assist it is necessary to timestamp when sync and delay_req messages are sent and received. The timestamp is taken when the message timestamp point passes the clock timestamp point. The message timestamp point is the SFD and the clock timestamp point is the MII interface. (The 1588 spec refers to sync and delay_req messages as event messages as these require timestamping. Follow up, delay response and management messages do not require timestamping and are referred to as general messages.) 1588 version 2 defines two additional PTP event messages. These are the peer delay request (Pdelay_Req) and peer delay response (Pdelay_Resp) messages. These messages are used to calculate the delay on a link. Nodes at both ends of a link send both types of frames (regardless of whether they contain a master or slave clock). The Pdelay_Resp message contains the time at which a Pdelay_Req was received and is itself an event message. The time at which a Pdelay_Resp message is received is returned in a Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up message. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 506 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller The controller recognizes four different encapsulations for PTP event messages: • 1588 version 1 (UDP/IPv4 multicast) • 1588 version 2 (UDP/IPv4 multicast) • 1588 version 2 (UDP/IPv6 multicast) • 1588 version 2 (Ethernet multicast) Note: Only multicast packets are supported. The TSU consists of a timer and registers to capture the time at which PTP event frames cross the message timestamp point. These are accessible through the APB interface. An interrupt is issued when a capture register is updated. The MAC provides timestamp registers that capture the departure time (for transmit) or arrival time (for receive) of PTP event packets (sync and delay request) and peer event packets (peer delay request or peer delay response). Interrupts are optionally generated upon timestamp capture. The MAC also provides an option to timestamp all received packets by replacing the packet's FCS word with the nanoseconds portion of the timestamp. This eliminates the need to respond to received timestamp interrupts and to associate the timestamps with the correct received packets. The timestamp unit includes a 62-bit timer counter. The lower 30 bits count nanoseconds and the upper 32 bits count seconds. Every clock cycle the counter is incremented by a programmable number of nanoseconds, and a mechanism is provided to handle fractional values. For example, at 120 MHz, the clock period is 8.333 ns. Every 3 clock cycles the counter is incremented twice by 8 and once by 9, for an average increment of 8.333 ns. The counter is clocked by the CPU 1x which is derived from the CPU clock. There are six additional registers that capture the time at which PTP event frames are transmitted and received. An interrupt is issued when these registers are updated. IEEE 1588 Limitations These topics can be addressed by software, but the added software workload limits the capabilities and accuracy of the IEEE1588 support. In many non-real-time operating systems, the interrupt response time is long, making it more difficult to achieve high accuracy. Time Counter Clock Input The 62-bit time counter is clocked by the CPU_1x clock and there is no option for a separate clock input. Thus the choice of clock frequency and precision is related to the CPU clock frequency. 62-bit Time Counter Accuracy The counter accuracy is limited to 62 bits. The least significant bits are in nanosecond units, and there is no direct support for counting fractions of nanoseconds. A mechanism is provided to allow fractional increments by averaging between two integer values, but its accuracy is limited and it creates jitter of up to ±128 ns. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 507 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Counter Value to the PL The 62-bit counter value is only accessible by reading a register. It is therefore not directly possible to schedule hardware events upon the counter reaching a specific value. One Pulse per Second Output Because there is no hardware access to the counter value, it is not possible to provide a 1 pps signal that is commonly used for lab tests of the synchronization accuracy. Event Scheduling The MAC does not provide event scheduling capability such as generating an interrupt upon the counter reaching a specific value. Synchronizing the Two Ethernet Controllers The two Ethernet cores are completely independent, and there is no hardware mechanism provided for synchronizing the counter values of the two Ethernet cores, or for making the counter of one Ethernet core slave to the other. Single Packet Queue — No Tagging All received packets are written into the same queue (or packet buffer) in memory. Similarly, all transmitted packets are read from the same queue. There is no support for multiple queues. A single queue makes it more difficult for the software to associate (tag) a packet with a timestamp. FIFO Depth The timestamp registers are 1-deep, so new events overwrite old values. This requires the software to have a fast enough response time to avoid event overrun. Designing the Timestamp Unit in the PL Improvement in performance and accuracy of time stamping can be achieved by implementing the timestamp unit in the PL instead of using the built-in timestamp unit in the MAC. Using this approach, the time counter and the timestamp registers are implemented in the PL, and the PTP frame recognition remains in the Ethernet core. The outputs from the controller can be used to implement the timestamp unit in the PL. The EMIO signals for this are listed in Table 16-12, page 535. The following items are not supported: • Support of unicast PTP packets • Support of transparent clocks • Single packet queue – no tagging Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 508 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Designing a PTP Packet Tagging and Capture Module Designing a separate timestamp unit as described above addresses most of the items, but it does not address the hardware mechanism for tagging the PTP packets, i.e., associating the packets with their corresponding timestamp. For example, if along with the timestamp some identifying packet attribute were captured, it would allow software to easily associate the timestamp with the correct PTP event. Examples of useful packet attributes are packet identification or serial number, or the memory address it was read from or written to. It is also possible to capture the entire packet along with its timestamp (for both transmit and receive), and make it available to software, for example via FIFOs or via circular buffers in main memory. Such a function can be implemented in the PL along with the timestamp unit as described above. However, implementation requires access to the packet data stream itself. In order to have access to the packet data stream, the controller needs to be pinned-out through the EMIO using GMII, instead of MIO. By selecting this option, the GMII signals are exposed to the PL and can be used to detect and capture the PTP packets. Note that it is still possible to use the PTP frame recognition in the MAC, or it is possible to design this function in the PL as well (e.g., if support for unicast packets is required). 16.2.8 MAC 802.3 Pause Frame Support Note: See Clause 31, and Annex 31A and 31B of the IEEE standard 802.3 for a full description of pause operation. The start of an 802.3 pause frame is shown in Table 16-4 Table 16-4: Pause Frame Information Destination Address Source Address 0x0180C2000001 6 bytes Type (MAC Control Frame) 0x8808 Pause Opcode Pause Time 0x0001 2 bytes The controller supports both hardware controlled pause of the transmitter upon reception of a pause frame and hardware generated pause frame transmission. 802.3 Pause Frame Reception Bit [13] of the Network Configuration register is the pause enable control for reception. If this bit is set transmission pauses if a non zero pause quantum frame is received. If a valid pause frame is received then the pause time register is updated with the new frame's pause time regardless of whether a previous pause frame is active or not. An interrupt (either bit [12] or bit [13] of the Interrupt Status register) is triggered when a pause frame is received, but only if the interrupt has been enabled (bit [12] and bit [13] of the Interrupt Mask register). Pause frames received with non zero quantum are indicated through the interrupt bit [12] of the Interrupt Status register. Pause frames received with zero quantum are indicated on bit [13] of the Interrupt Status register. When the pause time register is loaded and the frame currently being transmitted has been sent, no new frames are transmitted until the pause time reaches zero. The loading of a new pause time, and Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 509 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller hence the pausing of transmission, only occurs when the controller is configured for full duplex operation. If the controller is configured for half duplex there is no transmission pause, but the pause frame received interrupt is still triggered. A valid pause frame is defined as having a destination address that matches either the address stored in Specific Address register 1 or if it matches the reserved address of 0x0180C2000001. It must also have the MAC control frame type ID of 0x8808 and have the pause opcode of 0x0001. Pause frames that have FCS or other errors are treated as invalid and are discarded. 802.3 Pause frames that are received after priority based flow control (PFC) has been negotiated are also discarded. Valid pause frames received increment the Pause Frames Received Statistic register. The Pause Time register decrements every 512 bit times once transmission has stopped. For test purposes, the retry test bit can be set (bit [12] in the Network Configuration register) which causes the Pause Time register to decrement every tx_clk cycle when transmission has stopped. The interrupt (bit [13] in the Interrupt Status register) is asserted whenever the pause time register decrements to zero (assuming it has been enabled by bit [13] in the Interrupt Mask register). This interrupt is also set when a zero quantum pause frame is received. 802.3 Pause Frame Transmission Automatic transmission of pause frames is supported through the transmit pause frame bits of the Network Control register and from the external input pins tx_pause, tx_pause_zero and tx_pfc_sel. If either bit [11] or bit [12] of the Network Control register is written with logic 1, or if the input signal tx_pause is toggled when tx_pfc_sel is Low, an 802.3 pause frame is transmitted providing full duplex is selected in the Network Configuration register and the transmit block is enabled in the Network Control register. Pause frame transmission occurs immediately if transmit is inactive or if transmit is active between the current frame and the next frame due to be transmitted. Transmitted pause frames comprise of the following: • A destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-01 • A source address taken from Specific Address register 1 • A type ID of 88-08 (MAC control frame) • A pause opcode of 00-01 • A pause quantum register • Fill of 00 to take the frame to minimum frame length • Valid FCS The pause quantum used in the generated frame depends on the trigger source for the frame as follows: • If bit [11] is written with a one, the pause quantum is taken from the Transmit Pause Quantum register. The Transmit Pause Quantum register resets to a value of 0xFFFF giving maximum pause quantum as the default. • If bit [12] is written with a one, the pause quantum is zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 510 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller • If the tx_pause input is toggled, tx_pfc_sel is Low and the tx_pause_zero input is held Low until the next toggle, the pause quantum is taken from the Transmit Pause Quantum register. • If the tx_pause input is toggled, tx_pfc_sel is Low and the tx_pause_zero input is held High until the next toggle, the pause quantum is zero. After transmission, a pause frame transmitted interrupt is generated (bit [14] of the Interrupt Status register) and the only statistics register that is incremented is the Pause Frames Transmitted register. Pause frames can also be transmitted by the MAC using normal frame transmission methods. MAC PFC Priority Based Pause Frame Support Note: Refer to the 802.1Qbb standard for a full description of priority based pause operation. The controller supports PFC priority based pause transmission and reception. Before PFC pause frames can be received, bit 16 of the Network Control register must be set. The start of a PFC pause frame is shown in Table 16-5. Table 16-5: PFC Priority Based Pause Frame Info Destination Address Source Address 0x0180C2000001 6 bytes Type (MAC Control Frame) Pause Opcode Priority Enable Vector Pause Times 0x8808 0x0101 2 bytes 8 * 2 bytes PFC Pause Frame Reception The ability to receive and decode priority based pause frames is enabled by setting bit [16] of the Network Control register. When this bit is set, the controller matches either classic 802.3 pause frames or PFC priority based pause frames. Once a priority based pause frame has been received and matched, then from that moment on the controller only matches on priority based pause frames (this is an 802.1Qbb requirement, known as PFC negotiation). Once priority based pause has been negotiated, any received 802.3x format pause frames are not acted upon. The state of PFC negotiation is identified via the output pfc_negotiate. If a valid priority based pause frame is received then the controller decodes the frame and determines which, if any, of the eight priorities require to be paused. Up to eight Pause Time registers are then updated with the eight pause times extracted from the frame, regardless of whether a previous pause operation is active or not. An interrupt (either bit [12] or bit [13] of the Interrupt Status register) is triggered when a pause frame is received, but only if the interrupt has been enabled (via bit[12] and bit[13] of the Interrupt Mask register). Pause frames received with non zero quantum are indicated through the interrupt bit[12] of the Interrupt Status register. Pause frames received with zero quanta are indicated on bit[13] of the Interrupt Status register. The state of the eight pause time counters are indicated through the outputs rx_pfc_paused. These outputs remain High for the duration of the pause time quanta. The loading of a new pause time only occurs when the controller is configured for full duplex operation. If the controller is configured for half duplex, the pause time counters are not loaded, but the pause frame received interrupt is still triggered. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 511 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller A valid pause frame is defined as having a destination address that matches either the address stored in Specific Address register 1 or if it matches the reserved address of 0x0180C2000001. It must also have the MAC control frame type ID of 0x8808 and have the pause opcode of 0x0101. Pause frames that have FCS or other errors are treated as invalid and are discarded. Valid pause frames received increment the pause Frames Received Statistic register. The Pause Time registers decrement every 512 bit times immediately following the PFC frame reception. For test purposes, the retry test bit can be set (bit [12] in the Network Configuration register) which causes the Pause Time register to decrement every rx_clk cycle once transmission has stopped. The interrupt (bit [13] in the Interrupt Status register) is asserted whenever the Pause Time register decrements to zero (assuming it has been enabled by bit [13] in the Interrupt Mask register). This interrupt is also set when a zero quantum pause frame is received. PFC Pause Frame Transmission Automatic transmission of pause frames is supported through the transmit priority based pause frame bit of the Network Control register and from the external input pins tx_pause, tx_pfc_pause[7:0], tx_pfc_pause_zero[7:0], and tx_pfc_sel. If bit 17 of the Network Control register is written with logic 1, or if the input signal tx_pause is toggled when tx_pfc_sel is High, a PFC pause frame is transmitted providing full duplex is selected in the Network Configuration register and the transmit block is enabled in the Network Control register. When bit 17 of the Network Control register is set, the fields of the priority based pause frame are built using the values stored in the Transmit PFC Pause register. Pause frame transmission occurs immediately if transmit is inactive or if transmit is active between the current frame and the next frame due to be transmitted. Transmitted pause frames comprise of the following: • A destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-01 • A source address taken from Specific Address register 1 • A type ID of 88-08 (MAC control frame) • A pause opcode of 01-01 • A priority enable vector taken from tx_pfc_pause or the Transmit PFC Pause register • Eight pause quantum registers • Fill of 00 to take the frame to minimum frame length • Valid FCS The Pause Quantum registers used in the generated frame depend on the trigger source for the frame as follows: • If bit [17] of the Network Control register is written with a one then the priority enable vector of the priority based pause frame is set equal to the value stored in the Transmit PFC Pause register [7:0]. For each entry equal to zero in the Transmit PFC Pause register[15:8], the pause quantum field of the pause frame associated with that entry is taken from the Transmit Pause Quantum register. For each entry equal to one in the Transmit PFC Pause register[15:8], the pause quantum associated with that entry is zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 512 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller • The Transmit Pause Quantum register resets to a value of 0xFFFF giving maximum pause quantum as default. • If the tx_pause input is toggled and tx_pfc_sel is High then the priority enable vector of the priority based pause frame is set equal to the value in tx_pfc_pause [7:0]. For each entry equal to zero in tx_pfc_pause_zero[7:0], the pause quantum field of the pause frame associated with that entry is taken from the Transmit Pause Quantum register. For each entry equal to one in tx_pfc_pause_zero [7:0], the pause quantum associated with that entry is zero. After transmission, a pause frame transmitted interrupt is generated (bit 14 of the Interrupt Status register) and the only statistics register that is incremented is the Pause Frames Transmitted register. PFC Pause frames can also be transmitted by the MAC using normal frame transmission methods. Limitation The GEM controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. 16.3 Programming Guide The controller functionality is described in detail in section 16.2 Functional Description and Programming Model. All of the controller registers are listed in Table 16-9 and Table 16-10 and are described in detail in Appendix B, Register Details. Example: Programming Steps 1. 16.3.1 Initialize the Controller 2. 16.3.2 Configure the Controller 3. 16.3.3 I/O Configuration 4. 16.3.4 Configure the PHY 5. 16.3.5 Configure the Buffer Descriptors 6. 16.3.6 Configure Interrupts 7. 16.3.7 Enable the Controller 8. 16.3.8 Transmitting Frames 9. 16.3.9 Receiving Frames 10. 16.3.10 Debug Guide For information on building the ethernet system for Zynq, refer to the followings: • XAPP1026, LightWeight IP Application Examples • XAPP1082, PS and PL Ethernet Performance and Jumbo Frame Support with PL Ethernet in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC • Baremetal Drivers and Libraries • OS and Libraries Document Collection • Zynq PL Ethernet Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 513 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.3.1 Initialize the Controller 1. Clear the Network Control register. Write 0x0 to gem.net_ctrl register. 2. Clear the Statistics registers. Write a 1 to gem.net_ctrl[clear_stat_regs]. 3. Clear the Status registers. Write a 1 to the Status registers. gem.rx_status = 0x0F and gem.tx_status = 0xFF. 4. Disable all interrupts. Write 0x7FF_FEFF to the gem.intr_dis register. 5. Clear the buffer queues. Write 0x0 to the gem.rx_qbar and gem.tx_qbar registers. 16.3.2 Configure the Controller The following example describes a typical programming sequence for configuration of the controller. Refer to Appendix B, Register Details for further details on the Controller registers. 1. Program the Network Configuration register (gem.net_cfg). The network configuration register is used to set the mode of operation. Examples: a. Enable Full Duplex. Write a 1 to the gem.net_cfg[full_duplex] register. b. Enable Gigabit mode. Write a 1 to the gem.net_cfg[gige_en] register. c. Enable default speed for 100 Mbps. Write a 1 to the gem.net_cfg[speed] register. Note: The speed bit might have to be re-written after PHY auto-negotiation. d. Enable reception of broadcast or multicast frames. Write a 0 to the gem.net_cfg[no_broadcast] register to enable broadcast frames and write a 1 to the gem.net_cfg[multi_hash_en] register to enable multicast frames. e. Enable promiscuous mode. Write a 1 to the gem.net_cfg[copy_all] register. f. Enable TCP/IP checksum offload feature on receive. Write a 1 to the gem.net_cfg[rx_chksum_offld_en] register. (Refer to section 16.2.6 Checksum Offloading.) g. Enable Pause frames. Write a 1 to gem.net_cfg[pause_en] register. h. Set the MDC clock divisor. Write the appropriate MDC clock divisor to the gem.net_cfg[mdc_clk_div] register. (Refer to section 16.3.4 Configure the PHY.) 2. Set the MAC address. Write to the gem.spec1_addr1_bot and gem.spec1_addr1_top registers. The least significant 32 bits of the MAC address go to gem.spec1_addr1_bot and the most significant 16 bits go to gem.spec1_addr1_top. 3. Program the DMA Configuration register (gem.dma_cfg). a. Set the receive buffer size to 1,600 bytes. Write a value of 0x19 to the gem.dma_cfg[ahb_mem_rx_buf_size] register. b. Set the receiver packet buffer memory size to the full configured addressable space of 8 KB. Write 0x3 to the gem.dma_cfg[rx_pktbuf_memsz_sel] register. c. Set the transmitter packet buffer memory size to the full configured addressable space of 4 KB. Write 0x1 to the gem.dma_cfg[tx_pktbuf_memsz_sel] register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 514 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller d. Enable TCP/IP checksum generation offload on the transmitter. Write 0x1 to the gem.dma_cfg[csum_gen_offload_en] register. 4. e. Configure for Little Endian system. Write 0x0 to the gem.dma_cfg[ahb_endian_swp_pkt_en] register. f. Configure AHB fixed burst length. Write 0x10 to the gem.dma_cfg[ahb_fixed_burst_len] register to use INCR16 AHB burst for higher performance. Program the Network Control Register (gem.net_ctrl). a. Enable MDIO. Write a 1 to the gem.net_ctrl[mgmt_port_en] register. b. Enable the Transmitter. Write a 1 to the gem.net_ctrl[tx_en] register. c. Enable the Receiver. Write a 1 to the gem.net_ctrl[rx_en] register. 16.3.3 I/O Configuration The block diagram in section 16.1.1 Block Diagram describes the connection details of the Gigabit Ethernet Controller to the external network. Gigabit Ethernet Controller using MIO The controller provides an RGMII interface through the MIO. Pins 16-27 are used for Controller 0 and 28-39 for Controller 1. Refer to section 16.6 Signals and I/O Connections for more information on the pin-out. Example: Configuring Controllers for MIO The controllers can be configured to operate in HSTL or CMOS IO standards. Refer to Chapter 2, Signals, Interfaces, and Pins for more information on MIO pin configuration. The following steps illustrate the configuration for Controller 0. 1. Write to the slcr.MIO_PIN{16:21} registers for the transmit signals. This programs the MIO I/O buffers (GPIOB) for the four transmit data signals, transmit clock and transmit control signals. Example: A value of 0x0000_3902 disables the HSTL receiver, specifies HSTL I/O type, enables internal pull-up, disables 3-state control and routes the transmit data, clock, and control signals. 2. Write to the slcr.MIO_PIN{22:27} registers for the receive signals. Example: A value of 0x0000_1903 enables HSTL receiver, specifies HSTL I/O type, enables internal pull-up, disables 3-state control and routes the receive data, clock, and control signals. 3. Write to slcr.MIO_PIN{52:53} registers for the management signals. Example: A value of 0x0000_1280 enables the HSTL receiver, specifies HSTL I/O type, enables internal pull-up, and routes the MDIO clock/data. 4. Write a value of 0x0000_0001 to the slcr.GPIOB register to enable the VREF internal generator. Similarly, replace SLCR.MIO_PIN{16:27} with SLCR.MIO_PIN{28:39} for Controller 1. Note: The clock might have to be reprogrammed after auto-negotiation. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 515 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Gigabit Ethernet Controller using EMIO The EMIO interface allows for derivation of other physical MII interfaces using appropriate shim-logic in the PL. The Controller provides a GMII interface through the EMIO. Example: Configure Controllers for EMIO 1. Unlock the SLCR module. Write a value of 0xDF0D to the slcr.SLCR_UNLOCK register. 2. Enable the level shifters for PS user inputs to FPGA. Write a value of 4'b1010 to bit field slcr.LVL_SHFTR_EN[USER_LVL_SHFTR_EN]. 3. Write a value of 0 to the slcr.FPGA_RST_CTRL register. 4. Perform a software reset. Write 0b1 to bits slcr.FPGA_RST_CTRL[FPGA{0-3}_OUT_RST]. 5. Write a value of 0 to the slcr.FPGA_RST_CTRL register. 6. Lock the SLCR module. Write a value of 0x767B to the slcr.SLCR_LOCK register. Configure Clocks The Gigabit Ethernet Controller clocks are controlled through four registers in the SLCR module. Example: Configuring Clocks for MIO 1. Unlock the SLCR module. Write a value of 0xDF0D to slcr.SLCR_UNLOCK register. 2. Configure the clock by writing to the slcr.GEM0_CLK_CTRL register. Example: A value of 0x0050_0801 enables the Controller0 reference clock, first divisor for the source clock is 8 and second divisor is 5. This gives a default speed of 100 Mb/s if the Ethernet source clock is IO PLL which has a frequency of 1,000 MHz. 3. Enable Controller 0 receive clock control. Write a value of 0x0000_0001 to the slcr.GEM0_RCLK_CTRL register. 4. Lock the SLCR module. Write a value of 0x767B to slcr.SLCR_LOCK register. Similar steps must be followed for Controller 1 by writing to the appropriate registers. 16.3.4 Configure the PHY The PHY connected to the controller is initialized through the available management interface (MDIO) using the PHY maintenance register (gem.phy_maint). Writing to this register starts a shift operation which is signaled as complete when the bit gem.net_status[phy_mgmt_idle] is set. The MDIO interface clock (MDC) for GigE is generated by dividing down the CPU_1x clock. Note: MDC is active only during MDIO read or write operations during which the PHY registers are read or written. The MDC must not exceed 2.5 MHz as defined by the IEEE802.3 standard. The gem.net_cfg[mdc_clk_div] bits are used to set the divisor for the CPU_1x clock. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 516 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Example: Consider a case with the CPU clock set to 666.667 MHz clock and the available CPU_1x clock is 111.11 MHz. The clock divisor, in this case should be set to 48 (0b011) in gem.net_cfg[mdc_clk_div] to set the maximum possible frequency of 2.314 MHz for the MDC. PHY configuration and initialization is unique for every system. Refer to the vendor data sheet for more information and PHY register details. Example: PHY Read/Write Operation 1. Check to see that no MDIO operation is in progress. Read until gem.net_status[phy_mgmt_idle] = 1. 2. Write data to the PHY maintenance register(gem.phy_maint). This initiates the shift operation over MDIO. Refer to Appendix B, Register Details section B.18 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (GEM)for register information. 3. Wait for completion of operation. Read until gem.net_statusp[phy_mgmt_idle] = 1. 4. Read data bits for a read operation. The PHY register data is available in gem.phy_maint[data]. Example: PHY Initialization 1. Detect the PHY address. Read the PHY identifier fields in PHY registers 2 and 3 for all the PHY addresses ranging from 1 to 32. The register contents will be valid for a valid PHY address. 2. Advertise the relevant speed/duplex settings. These bits can be set to suit the system. Refer to the PHY vendor data sheet for more information. 3. Configure the PHY as applicable. This could include options to set PHY mode, timing options in the PHY or others as applicable to the system. Refer to the PHY vendor datasheet for more information. 4. Wait for completion of Auto-negotiation. Read the PHY status register. Refer to the PHY vendor data sheet for more information. 5. Update Controller with auto-negotiated speed and duplex settings. Read the relevant PHY registers to determine the negotiated speed and duplex. Set the speed in gem.net_cfg[gige_en] and gem.net_cfg[speed] bits and the duplex in gem.net_cfg[full_duplex]. Note: The SLCR register must be updated for clock updates (refer to Configure Clocks, page 516). 16.3.5 Configure the Buffer Descriptors Receive Buffer Descriptor List The data received by the controller is written to pre-allocated buffer descriptors in system memory. These buffer descriptor entries are listed in the receive buffer queue. Refer to section 16.2.5 DMA Block and Table 16-2, page 495 for more information on implementation and structure of the Rx Buffer Descriptor. The Receive-buffer Queue Pointer register (gem.rx_qbar) points to this data structure as shown in Figure 16-4. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 517 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 16-4 Rx Descripter List Rx Buffers Rx Buffer Queue Pointer MAC Register List in Main Memory Buffer in Main Memory UG585_c16_04_022712 Figure 16-4: Rx Buffer Queue Structure To create this list of buffers: 1. Allocate a number (N) of buffers of X bytes in system memory, where X is the DMA buffer length programmed in the DMA Configuration register. Example: This controller assumes that the maximum size of an Ethernet packet without jumbo frame support can reach up to 1,536 bytes. So allocate N number of buffers each with a size of 1,536 bytes in system memory. The buffers typically need to be aligned to cache-line boundaries to improve performance. Typical values of N can be 64 or 128. 2. Each buffer descriptor is of 8 bytes length. Hence allocate an area of 8N bytes for the receive buffer descriptor list in system memory. This creates N entries in this list. Note: A single cache line for the Zynq-7000 AP SoC is 32 bytes and can contain 4 buffer descriptors. This means flushing or invalidating a single buffer descriptor entry in the cache memory results in flushing or invalidation of a cache line which in turn affects the adjacent buffer descriptors. This can result in undesirable behavior. It is typical to allocate the buffer descriptor list in an un-cached memory region. 3. Mark all entries in this list as owned by controller. Set bit 0 of word 0 of each buffer descriptor to 0. 4. Mark the last descriptor in the buffer descriptor list with the wrap bit (bit 1 in word 0) set. 5. Write the base address of receive buffer descriptor list to controller register gem.rx_qbar. 6. Fill the addresses of the allocated buffers in the buffer descriptors (bits 31-2, Word 0). 7. Write the base address of this buffer descriptor list to the gem.rx_qbar register. Transmit Buffer Descriptor List The data to be transmitted is read from buffers present in system memory. These buffers are listed in the transmit buffer queue. Refer to section 16.2.5 DMA Block and Table 16-2, page 495 for more information on implementation and structure of the Tx buffer descriptor. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 518 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller The Transmit Buffer Queue Pointer register (gem.tx_qbar) register points to this data structure. To create this list of buffer descriptors with N entries: 1. Each buffer descriptor is 8 bytes in length. Hence allocate an area of 8N bytes for the transmit buffer descriptor list in system memory which creates N entries in this list. It is advisable to use un-cached memory for allocating the complete buffer descriptor list for the reasons already described for the Receive Buffer Descriptor List. 2. Mark all entries in this list as owned by the controller. Set bit[31] of word 1 to 0. 3. Mark the last descriptor in the list with the wrap bit. Set bit[30] in word 1 to 1. 4. Write the base address of transmit buffer descriptor list to Controller register gem.tx_qbar. 16.3.6 Configure Interrupts There are 26 interrupt conditions that are detected within the controller which are OR-ed to generate a single interrupt. Additionally there is a Wake-on-LAN interrupt driven from the Ethernet controller. These two interrupts are then passed to the GIC pl390 interrupt controller. Refer to the description of register, gem.intr_status in Appendix B, Register Details for more information on the list of interrupt conditions identified by the controller. An appropriate handler for the interrupt should be registered with the CPU for processing an interrupt condition. The CPU suspends its normal activity, moves to interrupt processing mode and executes the corresponding handler for an interrupt condition. Example: Configuring Interrupts 1. Register a handler. There are two interrupts generated by the controller - Wake-on-LAN and another interrupt for all other functions. Register the handler for each of these interrupt types with the CPU. Note: In a typical case, a single handler is used for both transmission and reception of packets. Once the control reaches the handler, the software should read the gem.intr_status register to determine the source and perform the relevant function. 2. Enable the necessary interrupt conditions. The relevant bits in the gem.intr_en register must be set. The interrupt conditions necessary are determined by the system architecture. Note: Read the read-only register gem.intr_mask for current the mask state of each interrupt. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 519 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.3.7 Enable the Controller The receiver and transmitter must be enabled after configuration: 1. Enable the Transmitter. Write a 1 to gem.net_ctrl[tx_en]. 2. Enable the Receiver. Write a 1 to gem.net_ctrl[rx_en]. 16.3.8 Transmitting Frames Example: Transmitting a Frame 1. Allocate buffers in system memory to contain the Ethernet frame. GigE supports scatter-gather functionality; hence an Ethernet frame can be split into multiple buffers with each buffer processed by a buffer descriptor. 2. Write the Ethernet frame data in the allocated buffers. These Ethernet frames should have their header fields such as destination MAC address, source MAC address and type/length field set appropriately. Notes: 3. ° The FCS field is added by the MAC in most cases. However if there is a need to append a custom FCS, bit 16 in word 1 of the corresponding buffer descriptor must be set. ° The buffer that contains the Ethernet frame data should be flushed from cache if cached memory is being used. Allocate buffer descriptor(s) for the Ethernet frame buffers. This involves setting bits 0-31 in the buffer descriptor word 0 with the address of the buffer and setting bits 0-13 in word 1 with the length of the buffer to be transmitted. Notes: ° ° For single buffer Ethernet frames, bit 15 (Last buffer bit) of the word 1 must also be set. For Ethernet frames scattered across multiple buffers the buffer descriptors must be allocated serially and the buffer descriptor containing the last buffer should have the bit 15 of word 1 set. Example: For an Ethernet frame of 1,000 bytes split across two buffers with the first buffer containing the Ethernet header (14 bytes) and the next buffer containing the remaining 986 bytes, the buffer descriptor with index N should be allocated for the first buffer and the buffer descriptor with index N+1 should be allocated for the second buffer. Bit 15 of word 1 of the N+1 buffer descriptor must also be set to mark it as the last buffer in the scattered list of Ethernet frames. 4. Clear the used bit (bit 31) in word 1 for all allocated buffer descriptors. However, wait to clear the bit in the first descriptor until after all the others have been cleared. 5. Enable transmission. Write a 1 to gem.net_ctrl[start_tx]. 6. Wait until the transmission is complete. An interrupt is generated by the controller upon successful completion of the transmission. Read and clear the gem.intr_status[tx_complete] bit by writing a 1 to the bit In the interrupt handler. Also read and clear the gem.tx_status register by writing a 1 to gem.tx_status[tx_complete] bit. Clear all bits in the BD except the used and wrap bits. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 520 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.3.9 Receiving Frames When a frame is received with the receive circuits enabled, the controller checks the address and the frame is written to system memory in the following cases: • The destination address matches one of the four specific address registers. This is applicable for cases where the MAC address for the controller is set in thr gem.spec_addr{1:4}_bot and gem.spec_addr{1:4}_top registers. • The received frame's type/length field matches one of the four type ID registers. The available type id registers are gem.type_id_match{1:4}. This is applicable for cases where Ethernet type/length field based filtering is required. • Unicast or Multicast hash is enabled through gem.net_cfg[uni_hash_en] or gem.net_cfg[multi_hash_en] register bits, then the received frame is accepted only if the hash is matched. • The destination address is a broadcast address (0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) and broadcasts are allowed. This option is set using the gem.net_cfg[no_broadcast] register bit. • The controller is configured for promiscuous mode with the gem.net_cfg[copy_all] register bit set. The register gem.rx_qbar points to the next entry in the receive buffer descriptor list and the controller uses this as the address in system memory to write the frame. When the frame has been completely received and written to system memory, the controller then updates the receive buffer descriptor entry with the reason for the address match, marks the area as being owned by software, and sets the receive complete interrupt (gem.intr_status[rx_complete] = 1). Software is then responsible for copying the data to the application area and releasing the buffer. If the controller is unable to write the data at a rate to match the incoming frame, then the receiver overrun interrupt is set (gem.intr_status[rx_overrun] = 1). If there is no receive buffer available, i.e., the next buffer is still owned by software, a receive-buffer not available interrupt is set. If the frame is not successfully received, a Statistic register is incremented and the frame is discarded without informing software. Example: Handling a Received Frame 1. Wait for the controller to receive a frame. The receive complete interrupt, gem.intr_status[rx_complete], is generated when a frame is received. 2. Service the interrupt. Read and clear the gem.intr_status[rx_complete] register bit writing a 1 to the bit in the interrupt handler. Also read and clear the gem.rx_status register by writing a 1 to gem.rx_status[frame_recd] bit. 3. Process the data in the buffer. Scan the buffer descriptor list for the buffer descriptors with the ownership bit (bit 0, Word 0) set. When the DMA receive buffer size programmed to 1,600 bytes (gem.dma_cfg[ahb_mem_rx_buf_size] = 0x19), the packets on the receive side are not scattered and always go into a single buffer. For a buffer descriptor with the ownership bit set, process the buffer allocated in the corresponding buffer descriptor and set the ownership bit to 0. Read other bit fields in the relevant buffer descriptor word 1, take necessary action, and clear them. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 521 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.3.10 Debug Guide The GigE can encounter different kinds of errors while receiving or transmitting Ethernet frames. Refer to Appendix B, Register Details for more information on the transmit and receive error conditions listed in the description for gem.tx_status and gem.rx_status registers, respectively. Some common errors and the action necessary is described in Table 16-6 and Table 16-7. Table 16-6: RX Status Errors Error Condition Necessary Action Hresp not OK This is a condition from which the controller cannot recover easily. Re-initialize the controller and buffer descriptors for receive and transmit paths after clearing the relevant register status bits: gem.rx_status[hresp_not_ok] and gem.intr_status[hresp_not_ok]. Receive overrun This condition implies that the packet is dropped because the packet buffer is full and occurs occasionally when the controller is unable to process the packets when they arrive very fast. In most conditions, no action for error recovery needs to be taken. Ensure that the packet buffer is configured for 8 KB (see section 16.3.2 Configure the Controller) and clear bits gem.rx_status[rx_overrun] and gem.intr_status[rx_overrun]. Buffer not available This condition implies that the controller could not get a buffer descriptor with the ownership bit set to 0. It can also mean that the software is unable to keep pace with the incoming packet rate. Clear bits gem.rx_status[buffer_not_avail] and gem.intr_status[rx_used_read] in the interrupt handler. Attempt increasing the number of buffer descriptors on the receive path to allocate more number of buffers. The software processing can be optimized further to accelerate processing of received frames. Table 16-7: TX Status Errors Error Condition Necessary Action Hresp not OK This is a condition from which the controller cannot recover easily. Re-initialize the controller and buffer descriptors for receive and transmit paths after clearing the relevant register status bits: gem.tx_status[hresp_not_ok] and gem.intr_status[hresp_not_ok]. Transmit underrun This implies a severe error condition on the transmit side in processing of the transmit buffers and buffer descriptors. For effective error recovery, the software must disable the transmitter by writing a 0 to the gem.net_ctrl[tx_en] bit, then re-initialize the buffer descriptors on the transmit side and enable the transmitter by writing a 1 to the gem.net_ctrl[tx_en] bit. The bit gem.tx_status[tx_under_run] must be cleared in the interrupt handler. Transmit buffer exhausted This is a severe error condition on the transmit side. For effective error recovery, the software must disable the transmitter by writing a a 0 to the gem.net_ctrl[tx_en] bit, then re-initialize the transmit buffer descriptors and transmitter. The register bits gem.tx_status[tx_corr_ahb_err] and gem.intr_status[tx_corrupt_ahb_err] must be cleared in the interrupt handler. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 522 Chapter 16: Table 16-7: Gigabit Ethernet Controller TX Status Errors (Cont’d) Error Condition Necessary Action Retry limit exceeded This implies there are a series of collisions for which an Ethernet frame could not be sent out even with a number of retries in half-duplex communication. This Ethernet frames are dropped at the transmitter. The bits gem.tx_status[retry_limit_exceeded] and gem.intr_status[retry_ex_late_collisn]must be cleared in the interrupt handler. No drastic measures need to be taken for this error. However it could also mean that there is a duplex setting mismatch. Collisions This error indicates that there are collisions for half duplex communication. Some collisions are expected in half duplex mode and can be ignored. When a collision occurs, the frame is retransmitted after a while and the frame is not dropped. The register bit gem.tx_status[collision] must be cleared in the interrupt handler. 16.4 IEEE 1588 Time Stamping 16.4.1 Overview Refer to the IEEE 1588 standard specification for more information on the protocol and section 16.2.7 IEEE 1588 Time Stamp Unit for more information on the implementation of the Timestamp Unit. The following section briefly reviews the essential terms prior to discussion of the programming model. The PTP system deals with the following different entities: • A grandmaster clock. This is typically the IEEE1588 master clock which is the ultimate source of time on the network. • A boundary clock. It is a multi-port switch containing one port that is a PTP slave to a master clock, while the other ports are masters to downstream slave clocks. • A transparent clock. This is a PTP enhanced switch which modifies the precise time stamps within relevant PTP packets to account for transmit and receive delays within the individual switch itself. • An ordinary clock. This is the typical PTP client. For more information on different types of PTP clocks refer to the IEEE1588-2008 standard specification. Synchronization and management of a PTP system is achieved through the exchange of messages across the network. PTP uses the following message types: • Sync, Delay_Req, Follow_up, and Delay_Resp messages are used by ordinary and boundary clocks. They are used to communicate timing information for clock synchronization. • Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, and Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up are used to measure path delays across the communication medium so that they can be compensated for by the system. These are extensively used by transparent clocks and are available only in PTPv2. • Announce messages are used by best master clock algorithm (BMCA) to build a clock hierarchy and select the grandmaster clock. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 523 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller • Management messages are used for network monitoring and management. • Signaling frames are used for non -time critical communication across clocks. Refer to IEEE1588-2008 Clause 13 for more information on message types and formats. PTP Message Format All PTP messages contain a header, body and suffix. The PTP message header is 34 bytes long. Please refer to IEEE1588-2008 Clause 13 for more information on message formats. The important fields in the message header are described briefly as follows: • Each clock port is identified by Source Port Identity (sourcePortIdentity) which is a 10 byte address. The sourcePortIdentity is common for all PTP messages. • Each PTP message is identified with a message Type which is a 4 bit field in the PTP message header. Message Types are identified in Table 16-8 Table 16-8: Message Types PTP Frames Message Type Sync 0x0 Delay_Req 0x1 PDelay_Req 0x2 PDelay_Resp 0x3 Follow_up 0x8 Delay_Resp 0x9 PDelay_Resp_Follow_Up 0xA Announce 0xB Management 0xC Signaling 0xD • The versionPTP field signifies which PTP version is being used – PTPv1 or PTPv2. • The messageLength field signifies the total length of the PTP message. It is different for different PTP messages. • The flag field is used for various purposes and can carry different values for different types of frames. An example of use for this field as a twoStepFlag in Sync and PDelay_Req frames is to distinguish one-step and two-step time stamping. If the sending master clock can perform one-step time stamping, the twoStepFlag carries a value of 0. Note: The Zynq-7000 AP SoC supports two-step timestamping – the twoStepFlag should always be 1. • The correctionField is generally significant for transparent clocks. The transparent clocks update the correctionField to specify the slave regarding the exact time the PTP frames took to traverse through the transparent clocks. If transparent clocks are not present in the path of a PTP message, the correctionField can have a zero value. • The sequenceId field is extensively used in the PTP messages. The originator of certain PTP frames message Types assigns a sequence ID to the corresponding message through the sequenceId field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 524 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller • The controlField is provided to maintain backward compatibility with PTPv1 based hardware designs. It contains different values for different types of PTP frames. • The logMessageInterval field is provided to represent the mean time interval between successive PTP messages. The steps to develop a simple and typical non-OS standalone example which can be used to synchronize PTP clocks between two Zynq-7000 AP SoC systems are described in the following sections. This information should be used for reference purpose only and is not meant to provide the best possible implementation for accuracy. Please refer to the IEEE1588 standard specification for more information. The IEEE1588 implementation involves the following. 1. Controller initialization 2. Best master clock algorithm (BMCA) 3. PTP packet handling at the master port 4. PTP packet handling at the slave port Notes: 1. The following sections do not describe the handling of management and signaling frames because they are not integral to the implementation of the core PTP functionality. 2. The illustrations in these sections do not describe an implementation-specific mechanism to change clock attributes dynamically. 3. The PTP packets processed here are simple Ethernet multicast packets. The scope of the following sections do not include UDP based multicast packets. The explanation refers to non-OS based standalone implementation which does not implement a TCP/IP stack. 16.4.2 Controller Initialization The controller must be initialized with the interrupts, timer and PTP. 1. Initialize the controller with interrupts and timers. Refer to section 16.3 Programming Guide. 2. Enable the PTP interrupts. Refer to section 16.3.6 Configure Interrupts 3. Setup a timer with interrupts and appropriate interrupt handlers to enable periodic transmission of packets. TTC timers or CPU private timers can be used for this purpose. For a typical case, interrupts can be generated every 500 ms. 4. Setup the UART to monitor debug messages from the application. Refer to Chapter 19, UART Controller to program the UART. The following steps are specifically for the PTP functionality: 1. Initialize the seconds and nanoseconds timers. Write appropriate values to the gem.timer_s and gem.timer_ns registers, respectively. 2. Program the timer increment value in the gem.timer_incr register. Example: For a CPU clock that runs at 666.67 MHz and PTP clocked with CPU_1x clock of 111.11 MHz, 1 PTP clock cycle corresponds to 9 ns. The gem.timer_incr[ns_delta] register bit in this case should be set to 9. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 525 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller As another example, consider a CPU_1x clock of 120 MHz, 1 PTP clock cycle corresponds to 8.33 ns. In this case, the counter should increment by 8 ns for 2 clock cycles and 9 ns for 1 clock cycle to average 8.33 ns in 3 clock cycles. For such a setting, register bit gem.timer_incr[ns_delta] is set to 8, gem.timer_incr[alt_ct_ns_delta] is set to 9, and gem.timer_incr[incr_b4_alt] is set to 2. 3. Initialize the common fields of data structures used for various PTP packets. All PTP packets have a common message header. Timer Interrupt Handler A timer is initialized to generate interrupts at pre-defined intervals. The operation of the interrupt handler at the master and slave clock ports are briefly illustrated. Example: Master Clock Port 1. Initiate a transmission of Sync and Announce frames at pre-defined intervals. 2. Initiate a transmission of PDelay_Req frames at regular intervals. Example: Slave Clock Port 1. Initiate a transmission of PDelay_Req frames at regular intervals. 2. Wait for Sync frame for a predefined interval of time. If a Sync timeout occurs, change to become a PTP master. 3. Wait for an Announce frame for a pre-defined interval of time. If an Announce timeout occurs, change to become a PTP master. If a PDelay_Req frame is not received for a predefined period of time, or no Pdelay_resp and PDelay_resp_Follow_Up were received for a PDelay_Req packet, then there is a grave error. As part of error handling, the whole PTP state machine can be stopped (for both PTP master and slave) and no clock synchronization done (if it is a slave port). The intervals as mandated by the protocol range from 2-128 to 2 127 seconds. The interval is decided by the system specification. Since the same timer is used for Sync, Announce and PDelay_Req frames, the timer expiry duration is decided by the minimum time interval for all these frames. In a typical use case, the Sync frames can be sent out every 125 milliseconds, Announce frames and PDelay_Req frames every 1 second. Similarly, typical Announce frame timeouts can be 2-3 seconds and PDelay_Req, PDelay_Resp, PDelay_Resp_Follow_up timeouts can be 3-5 seconds. 16.4.3 Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) The BMCA performs a distributed selection of the best candidate clock (which becomes the grandmaster clock) based on different clock properties for the available clocks in the network: • Priority1 • Clock class • Clock accuracy • Clock variance (offset scaled log variance) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 526 Chapter 16: • Priority2 • Clock identity (to break the tie) Gigabit Ethernet Controller Refer to the IEEE 1588 Standard Specification for more information on clock attributes and BMCA. In a typical implementation, each clock port can be identified with a structure which has fields for the above clock properties. Other than these properties, the BMCA clock port can also be identified with the steps removed field. For more information regarding this field refer to the IEEE1588 specifications. When a slave receives Announce frames from multiple master hosts, the steps removed field can become significant in deciding the master clock. The implementation should maintain an identical structure to identify the current grandmaster clock properties. The BMCA is invoked when an Announce frame is received by the slave. Example: BMCA 1. Compare the fields of the Announce frame received with that of the current grandmaster starting with Priority1, progressing to the next field in the event of a tie. 2. The one with a higher priority becomes the new grandmaster. 16.4.4 PTP Packet Handling at the Master Refer to IEEE 1588 Standard Specification for more information on packet formats and protocol. 1. Form and send Sync frames at regular intervals. For two-step clocks (as in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC) the originTimestamp field should be zero. The sequenceId should be 1 greater than the sequenceId of the last Sync frame transmitted from the same master port. Refer to section 16.4.1 Overview for some examples on setting header fields. 2. Read and store exact time stamp for the transmitted Sync frame. The Controller generates an interrupt on successful transmission of a Sync frame. The registers gem.ptp_tx_s and gem.ptp_tx_ns are read and stored to represent the exact time stamp for the transmitted Sync frame in the interrupt handler. 3. Form and send the Follow_Up frame immediately after the successful transmission of the Sync frame. The sequenceId should be the same as that of the just transmitted Sync frame. The 10 byte preciseOriginTimestamp field should be created using the stored seconds and nanoseconds timestamp for the Sync frame. The Follow_Up frame is transmitted and since it is not an event message, it is not time stamped by the hardware. Note: The clock time stamp point for the AP SoC’s GigE is the MII interface. Since the Sync frame travels through the external PHY after this time stamp point, the hardware observed time stamp does not take care of the delay introduced by the external PHY. Users should determine the typical external PHY latencies for their systems and add the same to the preciseOriginTimestamp field. 4. Form and send Announce frames at regular intervals. The Announce frame should be set with the clock attributes for the PTP master clock. The Announce frame is transmitted and since it is not an event message, it is not time stamped by the hardware. 5. Send PDelay_Req frames at regular intervals. The master, acting as a peer for the PDelay measurement state machine must send PDelay_Req frames at regular intervals. The sequenceId field is assigned with a value of 1 greater than the last sent PDelay_Req frame. The field originTimestamp can typically be filled up with a zero value along with the reserved field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 527 Chapter 16: 6. Gigabit Ethernet Controller Read and store the exact time stamp for the transmitted PDelay_Req frame. The controller generates an interrupt on successful transmission of the PDelay_Req frame. The registers gem.ptp_peer_tx_s and gem.ptp_peer_tx_ns are read and stored to represent the time stamp of the transmitted PDelay_Req frame in the interrupt handler. Let this time stamp be t1. Note: Since the clock time stamp point is the MII interface and the PDelay_Req frame travels through the external PHY after this point, the exact time stamp should be created by adding the introduced delays by the external PHY. 7. Store the time stamp for the received PDelay_Resp frame. The Master receives a PDelay_Resp frame from the peer clock. The controller generates a PDelay_Resp received interrupt. The master reads the registers gem.ptp_peer_rx_s and gem.ptp_peer_rx_ns registers and stores them as the received timestamp for the PDelay_Resp frame. Let this timestamp be t4. Note: Since the PTP message first travels through the external PHY before being time stamped at the MII interface by the hardware, for calculating the exact time stamp for the received packet, the delay introduced by the external PHY must be subtracted from the hardware reported time stamp to reach at the exact time stamp. 8. Read the time stamp for the PDelay_Req frame received at the slave (peer). The master validates the received PDelay_Resp for correct sequenceId which should be the same as that for the PDelay_Req frame sent by the master. Similarly the master validates the PTP message body field requestingPortIdentity for the correct value which should be same as the sourcePortIdentity of the master. The master reads the PTP message body field requestReceiptTimestamp and stores it. This is the timestamp when the slave (peer) received the PDelay_Req packet. Let this time stamp be t2. 9. Process the received PDelay_Resp_Follow_Up frame. The Master receives a PDelay_Resp_Follow_Up frame from the slave (peer) clock port. This is a general PTP message and hence no PTP event interrupt is generated. The master validates for sequenceId and requestingPortIdentity fields as described above. The master reads the PTP message body field responseOriginTimestamp to get the exact timestamp when the last received PDelay_Resp message was transmitted from the slave (peer). Let the time stamp be t3. 10. Calculate the peer delay. The master calculates the peer delay as (t4-t1) - (t3-t2). The calculated peer delay is not used by the master; however every node on a PTP network should maintain peer delays with other PTP peers on the network. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 528 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 16-5 Port-1 Time t1 Port-2 Time Pdelay_Req tms t2 t3 Pdelay_Resp tsm T4 Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up UG585_c16_08_100512 Figure 16-5: Link Delay Measurement 16.4.5 PTP Packet Handling at the Slave Refer to IEEE 1588 Standard Specification for more information on packet formats and protocol. 1. Calculate the peer delay as described in steps 5-9 in section 16.4.4 PTP Packet Handling at the Master. Note: When the slave sends timestamps, the delays introduced by the external PHY at the slave clock port should be taken care of. 2. Read and store timestamp for the received Sync frame. The controller generates an interrupt for PTP Sync frame received. The slave reads the gem.ptp_rx_s and gem.ptp_rx_ns registers and stores them. Let this time stamp be t5. 3. Process the Follow_Up frame received. The controller does not generate a PTP event interrupt for a received Follow_Up frame. The Slave does a validation for the sequenceId field which should match with that for the previously received Sync frame. The slave extracts the preciseOriginTimestamp field from the Follow_up frame and stores it. This is the time at which the Sync frame left the master. The slave then adds the peer delay calculated in step (1) with this time to take care of the path delay of the PTP frame from master to slave. Let this time be t6. 4. Calculate the final clock offset. This is the difference between t6 and t5 and is typically represented in nanoseconds. 5. Adjust the PTP clock. The slave adjusts the PTP clock by writing to the gem.timer_adjust register. If t6 is greater than t5, the gem.timer_adjust[add_subn] is written as 0, otherwise it is written as 1. The actual nanosecond difference is written in the gem.timer_adjust[ns_delta] register bits. 6. Become the master in the event of a Sync or Announce timeout. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 529 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.5 Register Overview 16.5.1 Control Registers Control registers drive the management data input/output (MDIO) interface, set-up DMA activity, start frame transmission, and select the different modes of operation such as full duplex, half duplex and 10/100/1000 Mb/s operation. (See Table 16-9.) Table 16-9: Ethernet Control Register Overview Function Register Name Description MAC Configuration net_{cfg,ctrl,status} tx_pauseq rx_pauseq tx_pfc_pause ipg_stretch stacked_vlan Network control, configuration and status. Rx, Tx Pause clocks. IPG stretch. DMA Unit tx_status rx_status tx_qbar rx_qbar dma_cfg Control. Receive, Transmit Status. Receive, Transmit Queue Base Address Control. intr_{status,en,dis, mask} Interrupt status, enable/disable, and mask Interrupts intr_dis_pq{1:7} intr_en_pq{1:7} intr_mask_pq{1:7} wake_on_lan isr_pq{1:7} PHY Maintenance phy_maint PHY maintenance MAC Address Filtering and ID Match hash_{top,bot} spec_addr{1:4}_{bot,top} spec_addr1_mask_{bot,top} type_id_match{1:4} Hash address, Specific {4:1} addresses High/Low. Match Type. timer_{s,ns} timer_{adjust,incr} timer_strobe_{s,ns} IEEE 1588 second, nanosecond counter and adjustment, increment. ptp_tx_{s,ns} ptp_peer_tx_{s,ns} IEEE 1588 Tx normal/peer second, nanosecond counter. ptp_rx_{s,ns} ptp_peer_rx_{s,ns} IEEE 1588 Rx normal/peer second, nanosecond counter. IEEE 1588 – Precision Time Protocol Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 530 Chapter 16: Table 16-9: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Ethernet Control Register Overview (Cont’d) Function Clocks and Reset I/O Signal Routing Register Name slcr.GEM{1,0}_CLK_CTRL slcr.GEM{1,0}_RCLK_CTRL slcr.GEM{1,0}_CPU_1XCLKACT slcr.GEM_RST_CTRL slcr.MIO_PIN_{xxx} Description Refer to Chapter 25, Clocks and Chapter 26, Reset System for more information. Refer to IOP Interface Connections, page 48 for MIO pin programming information. 16.5.2 Status and Statistics Registers The statistics registers hold counts for various types of events associated with transmit and receive operations. These registers, along with the status words stored in the receive buffer list, enable software to generate network management statistics compatible with IEEE 802.3. (See Table 16-10). Table 16-10: Ethernet Status and Statistics Register Overview Function Frame Tx Statistics Hardware Register Name Description frames_tx broadcast_frames_tx multi_frames_tx Error-free Tx frame, pause frame counts and bytes counts. frames_64b_tx frames_65to127b_tx frames_128to255b_tx frames_256to511b_tx frames_512to1023b_tx frames_1024to1518b_tx Error-free frames transmitted: totals by size. octets_tx_{top,bot} Octets transmitted. deferred_tx_frames Frame Tx Statistics for Half Duplex Transmission pause_frames_tx tx_under_runs Frames received High/Low, Under-run error count. {multi,single}_collisn_frames excessive_collisns late_collisns carrier_sense_errs Single/multiple frame, excessive/late collisions, deferred Tx frames, Tx carrier sense error counters. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 531 Chapter 16: Table 16-10: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Ethernet Status and Statistics Register Overview (Cont’d) Function Frame Rx Statistics Hardware Register Name Description frames_rx bdcast_fames_rx multi_frames_rx Error-free frames received: normal, broadcast, multicast, pause. frames_64b_rx frames_65to127b_rx frames_128to255b_rx frames_256to511b_rx frames_512to1023b_rx frames_1024to1518b_rx Error-free frames received: totals by size. {undersz,oversz,jab}_rx Undersize, oversize and jabber frames. fcs_errors length_field_errors Frame sequence, length, symbol, alignment error counters. octets_rx_{top,bot} rx_symbol_errors align_errors rx_resource_errors rx_overrun_errors Frame Rx Checksum Error Statistics ip_hdr_csum_errors tcp_csum_errors udp_csum_errors Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Rx resource, overrun and last statistic clearing offset for clearing. Checksum error counters: IP Header, TCP, UDP www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 532 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.6 Signals and I/O Connections 16.6.1 MIO–EMIO Interface Routing The I/O interface is routed to the MIO for RGMII, and to the EMIO for GMII/MII connectivity. The PL can modify the GMII/MII interface from the MAC to construct other Ethernet interfaces that connect to external devices via PL pins. The routing of the Ethernet communications signals are shown in Figure 16-6. The Ethernet communications ports are independently routed to the MIO pins (as RGMII) or to a set of EMIO interface signals (as GMII). When using the EMIO interface both the TX and RX clocks are inputs to the PS. X-Ref Target - Figure 16-6 RGMII (MIO) GMII / RGMII Adapter GMII Tx MAC GMII / MII (EMIO) GMII Rx Ethernet Controller slcr.GEM{1:0}_RCLK_CTRL[SRC_SEL] UG585_c16_05_013013 Figure 16-6: Interface Select Multiplexer 16.6.2 Precision Time Protocol The PTP signals connected to the Ethernet controller provide the capability to handle IEEE-1588 precision time protocol (PTP) signaling. 16.6.3 Programmable Logic (PL) Implementations There are options to provide further external interface standard support by linking the GMII signals on the EMIO interface to the PL. Users can design and connect logic to generate other interface standards on the PL pins. TBI support can be provided by connecting the GMII to a TBI compatible logic core in the PL which provides the PCS functions required for ten-bit interfacing to an external PHY via the PL pins. SGMII or 1000 Base-X support can be provided by connecting the GMII to an SGMII or 1000 Base-X compatible logic core which provides the required PCS functions and signal adaptation and drives an MGT for serial interfacing to an external PHY. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 533 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.6.4 RGMII Interface via MIO An example Ethernet communications wiring connection is shown in Figure 16-7 X-Ref Target - Figure 16-7 ENET_RGMII_TX_CLK ENET_RGMII_TXD[3:0] MDI 0 P/N ENET_RGMII_TX_CTL RGMII MDI 1 P/N ENET_RGMII_RX_CLK Ethernet Controller MIO Multiplexer External PHY Device ENET_RGMII_RXD[3:0] MD RJ-45 Conn. MDI 2 P/N ENET_RGMII_RX_CTL MDI 3 P/N ENET_MDC ENET_MDIO Zynq Device Boundary UG585_c16_06_022712 Figure 16-7: Ethernet Communications Wiring Connections All Ethernet I/O pins routed through the MIO are on MIO Bank 1 (see Table 16-11).The MIO pins and restrictions based on device version are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Table 16-11: Ethernet RGMII Interface Signals via MIO Pins Controller Signal MIO Pins Default Controller Input Value GigE 0 GigE 1 Tx clock to PHY ~ 16 28 RGMII_TX_CLK O Tx control to PHY ~ 21 33 RGMII_TX_CTL O Tx data 0 to PHY ~ 17 29 RGMII_TX_D0 O Tx data 1 to PHY ~ 18 30 RGMII_TX_D1 O Tx data 2 to PHY ~ 19 31 RGMII_TX_D2 O Tx data 3 to PHY ~ 20 32 RGMII_TX_D3 O Rx clock from PHY 0 22 34 RGMII_RX_CLK I Rx control from PHY 0 27 39 RGMII_RX_CTL I Rx data 0 from PHY 0 23 35 RGMII_RX_D0 I Rx data 1 from PHY 0 24 36 RGMII_RX_D1 I Signal Description Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Name I/O Send Feedback 534 Chapter 16: Table 16-11: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Ethernet RGMII Interface Signals via MIO Pins (Cont’d) Controller Signal MIO Pins Default Controller Input Value GigE 0 GigE 1 Rx data 2 from PHY 0 25 37 RGMII_RX_D2 I Rx data 3 from PHY 0 26 38 RGMII_RX_D3 I Signal Description Name I/O 16.6.5 GMII/MII Interface via EMIO An example illustrating the GMII interface connections through the PL to the PL pins is shown in Figure 16-8. Ethernet GMII/MII interface signals routed through the EMIO are identified in Table 16-12. X-Ref Target - Figure 16-8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Device PS PL GMII: Tx Signals Without Tx Clock GMII: Rx Signals MAC EMIOENETxMDIO{I, O, TN} MDIO 2.5 or 25 MHz Clock 0 EMIOENETxGMIITXCLK Ethernet Tx Clock Optional PS7 Wrapper TX clock 125 MHz Clock 1 PHY Auto-negotiated Speed Detection Logic MDIO EMIOENETxMDIOMDC MDC IRQF2Px GIC MDIO INTERRUPT UG585_c16_07_100212 Figure 16-8: Table 16-12: GMII Interface via EMIO Connections Ethernet GMII/MII Interface Signals via EMIO Interface Interface Signal Reference Clock Default Controller Input Value EMIO Interface Signals Name I/O Carrier sense ~ EMIOENET[1,0]GMIICRS I Collision detect ~ EMIOENET[1,0]GMIICOL I Controller interrupt wake-up ~ EMIOENET[1,0]IRQF2P [5, 13] I ~ EMIOENET[1,0]GMIITXCLK I EMIOENET[1,0]GMIITXD[7:0] O Tx Signals Tx Clock Tx Data (7:0) Tx Clk Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 ~ www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 535 Chapter 16: Table 16-12: Gigabit Ethernet Controller Ethernet GMII/MII Interface Signals via EMIO Interface (Cont’d) EMIO Interface Signals Reference Clock Default Controller Input Value Tx Enable Tx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]GMIITXEN O Tx Error Tx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]GMIITXER O Tx Start-of-Frame Tx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]SOFTX O Tx PTP delay req frame detected Tx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]PTPDELAYREQTX O Tx PTP peer delay frame detect Tx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]PTPPDELAYREQTX O Tx PTP pear delay response frame detected Tx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]PTPPDELAYRESPTX O Tx PTP sync frame detected Tx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]PTPSYNCFRAMETX O EMIOENET[1,0]GMIIRXCLK I Interface Signal Name I/O Tx Timestamp Signals Rx Signals Rx Clock ~ Rx Data (7:0) Rx Clk EMIOENET[1,0]GMIIRXD[7:0] I Rx Data valid Rx Clk EMIOENET[1,0]GMIIRXDV I Rx Error Rx Clk EMIOENET[1,0]GMIIRXER I Rx Timestamp Signals Rx Start of Frame Rx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]GMIISOFRX O Rx PTP delay req frame detected Rx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]PTPDELAYREQRX O Rx PTP peer delay frame detected Rx Clk ~ EMIOENET[1,0]PTPPDELAYREQRX O Rx PTP peer delay response frame detected Rx Clk ~ EMIOENET{0.1}PTPPDELAYRESPRX O Rx PTP sync frame detected Rx Clk ~ EMIOENET{0.1}PTPSYNCFRAMERX O Notes: 1. If using MII connect the RX[7:4] bits to logic zero. 16.6.6 MDIO Interface Signals via MIO and EMIO MDIO interface signals routed through the MIO and EMIO are identified in Table 16-13. Table 16-13: MDIO Interface Signals via MIO and EMIO Default Controller Input Value GigE 0 MD clock output ~ 52 MD data output ~ MD data 3-state ~ MD data input 0 MDIO Interface MIO Pins 53 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 GigE 1 I/O Name 52 53 O IO MDIO_CLK MDIO_IO www.xilinx.com EMIO Interface Signals I/O Name EMIOENET[1:0]MDIOMDC O EMIOENET[1:0]MDIOO O EMIOENET[1:0]MDIOTN O EMIOENET[1:0]MDIOI I Send Feedback 536 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller 16.6.7 MIO Pin Considerations LVCMOS33 is not supported for the RGMII interface. Recommendation is to use 1.8/2.5V I/O standards. 16.7 Known Issues 1. On TX, GigE needs multiple descriptors with the last descriptor in the BD ring having the used bit set. It is needed to ensure the GigE does not wrap and attempt to transmit the same frames more than once. On RX, there is no hard requirement to have multiple buffer descriptors, although it is a very sensible thing to minimize the chance of getting buffer resource errors (where the hardware has a frame to write to memory, but there is no free buffer(s) to write to). Extreme overflow conditions in general are more likely when these buffer resource errors occur. Workaround: Configure at least two buffer descriptors for both Tx/Rx data paths. 2. It is possible to have the last frame(s) stuck in the RX FIFO with the software having no way to get the last frame(s) out of there. The GEM only initiates a descriptor request when it receives another frame. Therefore, when a frame is in the FIFO and a descriptor only becomes available at a later time and no new frames arrive, there is no way to get that frame out or even know that it exists. This issue does not occur under typical operating conditions. Typical operating conditions are when the system always has incoming Ethernet frames. The above mentioned issue occurs when the MAC stops receiving the Ethernet frames. Workaround: There is no workaround in the software except to ensure a continual flow of Ethernet frames. 3. When discarding a frame or detecting an error, the GEM stores a status packet in the receive FIFO (write side) indicating the erroneous condition. Once that status packet reaches the front of the FIFO (read side) the error counter is incremented. When the FIFO is full no additional status packets can be written into the FIFO and any further errors are discarded. For example, there could be thousands of overflow errors but the overflow error counter only registers the first few. This problem applies to all errors for which stats are maintained. As a secondary problem the errors are only visible once they reach the front of the FIFO. If there is a packet at the beginning of the FIFO that cannot be written to memory because of unavailability of a RX DMA descriptor, many errors could occur that are not visible to software. The error counters stay at zero because all the error status packets are backed up behind the data packet. Workaround: There is no workaround in the software. 4. GigE has an issue with the Rx packet buffer DMA design. The issue occurs under extreme Rx traffic conditions with not enough DMA bandwidth. This results in the Rx packet buffer filling up, leading to an overflow. The packet buffer overflow causes an overflow status word to be written into the packet buffer for reporting. If the extreme traffic condition persists for a long time, this Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 537 Chapter 16: Gigabit Ethernet Controller results in a large number of such overflow status words being written into the packet buffer. This eventually overflows an 8-bit internal counter in the GigE Rx module used to track the number of packets in the Rx buffer needing a "read out." Once the 8-bit counter overflows, it leads to corruption of local fill level counters in the GigE, which results in a deadlock on the Rx path. The chances of running into this issue is very high if GigE is subjected to a heavy Rx traffic condition with small-sized packets. A typical example could be small-sized UDP packets. Workaround: Once a deadlock is hit on the Rx path, reset the Rx path by first writing a 0 to the gem.net_ctrl[rx_en] bit and then a writing a 1 to the same bit. The software can have a timer mechanism to perform this task. In a typical example, the software can create a timer which expires every 100 milliseconds. In the timer handler the software can monitor the register gem.frames_rx, which stores the number of received error-free frames. If the SW finds out that the GigE has stopped receiving error-free frames in two successive invocation of the timer handler, it resets the Rx path by writing a 0 and then a 1 to the gem.net_ctrl[rx_en] bit. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 538 Chapter 17 SPI Controller 17.1 Introduction The SPI bus controller enables communications with a variety of peripherals such as memories, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, analog converters, real-time clocks, displays, and any SD card with serial mode support. The SPI controller can function in master mode, slave mode or multi-master mode. The Zynq-7000 devices include two SPI controllers. The controller is based on the Cadence SPI core. In master mode, the controller drives the serial clock and slave selects with an option to support SPI’s multi-master mode. The serial clock is derived from the PS clock subsystem. The controller initiates messages using up to 3 individual slave select (SS) output signals that can be externally expanded. The controller reads and writes to slave devices by writing bytes to the 32-bit read/write data port register. In multi-master mode, the controller three-states its output signals when the controller is not active and can detect contention errors when enabled. The outputs are three-stated immediately by resetting the SPI enable bit. An Interrupt Status register indicates a mode fault. In slave mode, the controller receives the serial clock from the external device and uses the SPI_Ref_Clk to synchronize data capture. The slave mode includes a programmable start detection mechanism when the controller is enabled while the SS is asserted. The read and write FIFOs provide buffering between the SPI I/O interface and the software servicing the controller via the APB slave interface. The FIFO are used for both slave and master I/O modes. This chapter is organized into the following sections: • 17.1 Introduction • 17.2 Functional Description • 17.3 Programming Guide • 17.4 System Functions • 17.5 I/O Interfaces Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 539 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.1.1 Features Each SPI controller is configured and controlled independently, They include the following features: • Four wire bus – MOSI, MISO, SCLK, and SS ° up to 3 slave selects for master mode • Full-duplex operation offers simultaneous receive and transmit • 32-bit register programming via APB slave interface • Memory mapped read/write data ports for Rx/Tx FIFOs (byte-wide) • • ° 128-byte read and 128-byte write FIFOs ° Programmable FIFO thresholds status and interrupts Master I/O mode ° Manual and auto start transmission of data ° Manual and auto slave select (SS) mode ° Slave select signals can be connected directly to slave devices or expanded externally ° Programmable SS and MOSI delays Slave I/O mode ° • • Programmable start detection mode Multi-master I/O Capable ° Drives I/O buffers into 3-state if controller is not enabled ° Generates a Mode Failure interrupt when another master is detected 50 MHz SCLK clock frequency when I/O signals are routed to the MIO pins ° 25 MHz SCLK when the I/O signals are routed via the EMIO interface to the PL pins • Programmable clock phase and polarity (CPHA, CPOL) • Programmable interrupt-driven device or poll status Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 540 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.1.2 System Viewpoint The system viewpoint diagram of the SPI controller is shown in Figure 17-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 17-1 MIO – EMIO Routing IRQ ID# {58, 81} Interconnect APB SPI Interface Controller Slave port CPU_1x clock SPI{0, 1} CPU_1x reset Device Boundary Control Registers SPI REF reset SPI REF clock MIO Pins EMIO Signals PL Clocking UG585_c17_01_030212 Figure 17-1: SPI System Block Diagram SPI Interface Controller There are two independent SPI interface controllers (SPIx; where x = 0 or 1). The I/O signals of each independent controller can be routed to MIO pins or the EMIO interface. Each controller also has individual interrupts signals to the PS interrupt controller and a separate reset signal. Each controller has its own set of control and status registers. Clocking The PS clock subsystem provides a reference clock to the SPI controller. The SPI_Ref_Clk clock is used for the controller logic and by the baud rate generator to create the SCLK clock for master mode. MIO-EMIO The SPI I/O signals can be routed to the MIO pins or the EMIO interface to the PL, as explained in 17.5 I/O Interfaces. The general routing of signals is explained in Chapter 2, Signals, Interfaces, and Pins. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 541 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.1.3 Block Diagram A functional block diagram of the SPI controller is shown in Figure 17-2. X-Ref Target - Figure 17-2 MO TxFIFO Transmit SO SPI Master APB APB Interface SPI CTRL SPI Slave SS[2:0] SPI Interface Pins SCLK MOSI SCLK SCLK SS SS MISO RxFIFO Interrupts Receive Slave Sync SI MI Interrupts UG585_c17_02_072512 Figure 17-2: SPI Peripheral Block Diagram APB Slave Interface The 32-bit APB slave interface responds to register reads and writes, including data ports for reading and writing commands and data from and to the FIFOs. All registers transactions are 32 bits. The data ports use bits [7:0] of these ports. The configuration and status registers are listed in Appendix B, Register Details. SPI Master Mode When the controller operates in master mode, it drives the SCLK clock and up to 3 slave select output signals.The SS and start of transmission on MOSI can be manually controlled by software or automatically controlled by the hardware. SPI Slave Mode When the controller operates in slave mode, it uses a single slave select input (SS 0). The SPI signals are shown in Figure 17-2 and listed in section 17.5 I/O Interfaces. The SCLK is synchronized to the controller reference clock (SPI_Ref_Clk). Refer to section 17.2.3 Slave Mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 542 Chapter 17: SPI Controller Tx and Rx FIFOs Each FIFO is 128 bytes. Software reads and writes these FIFOs using the register mapped data port registers. FIFO management for master mode is described in 17.3.3 Master Mode Data Transfer and for slave mode in 17.3.4 Slave Mode Data Transfer. The FIFOs bridge two clock domains; APB interface and the controller’s SPI_Ref_Clk. Software writes to the TxFIFO in the APB clock domain and the controller reads the TxFIFO in the SPI_Ref_Clk domain. The controller fills the RxFIFO in the SPI_Ref_Clk domain and software reads the RxFIFO in the APB clock domain. 17.1.4 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins (not 54). This is shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. These devices restrict the available MIO pins so connections through the EMIO should be considered. All of these CLG225 device restrictions are listed in section 1.1.3 Notices. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 543 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.2 Functional Description • 17.2.1 Master Mode • 17.2.2 Multi-Master Capability • 17.2.3 Slave Mode • 17.2.4 FIFOs • 17.2.5 FIFO Interrupts • 17.2.6 Interrupt Register Bits, Logic Flow • 17.2.7 SPI-to-SPI Connection 17.2.1 Master Mode In master mode, the SPI I/O interface can transmit data to a slave or initiate a transfer to receive data from a slave. The controller selects one slave device at the time using one of the three slave select lines. If more than three slave devices need to be connected to the master, it is possible to add an external peripheral select 3-to-8 decode on the board. Data Transfer The SCLK clock and MOSI signals are under control of the master. Data to be transmitted is written into the TxFIFO by software using register writes and then unloaded for transmission by the controller hardware in a manual or automatic start sequence. Data is driven onto the master output (MOSI) data pin. Transmission is continuous while there is data in the TxFIFO. Data is received serially on the MISO data pin and is loaded 8 bits at a time into the RxFIFO. Software reads the RxFIFO using register reads. For every “n” bytes written to the TxFIFO, there will be “n” bytes stored in RxFIFO that must be read by software before starting the next transfer. Auto/Manual SS and Start Data transfers on the I/O interface can be manually started using software or automatically started by the controller hardware. In addition, the slave select assertion/de-assertion can be done by the controller hardware or from software. These four combinations are shown in Table 17-1. Table 17-1: SPI Master Mode SS and Start Modes Slave Select Control Data Transfer Start Control Manual Start Manual SS (software) Auto Start Manual Manual Start Slave Enable & Select Command 1 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Operation 1 Software controls the slave select and must issue the start command to serialize data. 0 Software controls the slave select, but the controller hardware automatically starts to serialize data when there is data in the TxFIFO. Recommended for general use. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 544 Chapter 17: Table 17-1: SPI Controller SPI Master Mode SS and Start Modes (Cont’d) Slave Select Control Auto SS (controller) Data Transfer Start Control Manual Manual Start Slave Enable & Select Command Operation Manual Start 0 1 Controller hardware controls the slave select, but the software must issue the start command to serialize data in the TxFIFO. This mode is applicable for specific use cases such as sending small chunks of data that fit into the SPI controller FIFO. Auto Start 0 0 Controller hardware controls the slave select and serializes data when there is data in the TxFIFO. Manual SS Software selects the manual slave select method by setting the spi.Config_reg0 [Manual_CS] bit = 1. In this mode, software must explicitly control the slave select assertion/de-assertion. When the [Manual_CS] bit = 0, the controller hardware automatically asserts the slave select during a data transfer. Automatic SS Software selects the auto slave select method by programming the spi.Config_reg0 [Manual_CS] bit = 0. The SPI controller asserts/de-asserts the slave select for each transfer of TxFIFO content on to the MOSI signal. Software writes data to the TxFIFO and the controller asserts the slave select automatically, transmits the data in the TxFIFO and then de-asserts the slave select. The slave select gets de-asserted after all the data in the Tx FIFO is transmitted. This is the end of the transfer. Software ensures the following in automatic slave select mode. • Software continuously fills the TxFIFO with the data bytes to be transmitted, without the TxFIFO becoming empty, to maintain an asserted slave select. • Software continuously reads data bytes received in the RxFIFO to avoid overflow. Software uses the TxFIFO and RxFIFO threshold levels to avoid FIFO under- and over-flows. The TxFIFO Not Full condition is flagged when the number of bytes in TxFIFO is less than the TxFIFO threshold level. The RxFIFO full condition is flagged when the number of bytes in RxFIFO is equal to 128. Manual Start Enable Software selects the manual transfer method by setting the spi.Config_reg0 [Man_start_en] bit = 1. In this mode, software must explicitly start the data transfer using manual start command mechanism. When the [Man_start_en] bit = 0, the controller hardware automatically starts the data transfer when there is data available in the TxFIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 545 Chapter 17: SPI Controller Command Software starts a manual transfer by writing a 1 to the spi.Config_reg0 [Man_start_com] bit. When the software writes the 1, the controller hardware starts the data transfer and transfers all the data bytes present in the TxFIFO. The [Man_start_com] bit is self-clearing. Writing a 1 to this bit is ignored if [Man_start_en] = 0. Writing a 0 to [Man_start_com] has no effect, regardless of mode. 17.2.2 Multi-Master Capability For Multi-master mode, the controller is programmed for master mode [MODE_SEL] and can initiate transfers on any of the slave selects. When the software is ready to initiate a transfer, it enables the controller using the [SPI_EN] bit. When the transaction is done, the software disables the controller. The controller cannot be selected by an external master when the controller is in Master Mode. The controller detects another master on the bus by monitoring the open-drain slave select signal (active Low). The detection mechanism is enabled by the [Modefail_gen_en]. When the controller detects another master, it sets the spi.Intr_status_reg0 [MODE_FAIL] interrupt status bit and clears the spi.En_reg0 [SPI_EN] control bit. The software can receive the [MODE_FAIL] interrupt so it can abort the transfer, reset the controller, and re-send the transfer. 17.2.3 Slave Mode In slave mode, the controller receives messages from the external master and outputs a simultaneous reply. The controller enters slave mode when spi.Config_reg0 [MODE_SEL] = 0 and spi.En_reg0 [SPI_EN] = 1. The SCLK latches data on the MOSI input. If the slave select input signal is High (inactive), the controller ignores the MOSI input. When the slave select is asserted, it must be held active for the duration of the transfer. If SS de-asserts during the transfer, the controller sets the spi.Intr_status_reg0 [MODE_FAIL] interrupt bit. The software receives the [MODE_FAIL] interrupt so it can abort the transfer, reset the controller, and re-send the transfer. The error mechanism is enabled by the [Modefail_gen_en] bit. Data to be sent to the master is written into the TxFIFO by software and then serialized onto the master input (MISO) signal by the controller. Transmission continues while there is still data in the TxFIFO and the slave select signal remains asserted (active Low). Clocking The slave select input pin must be driven synchronously to the SCLK input. The controller operates in the SPI_Ref_Clk clock domain. The input signals are synchronized and analyzed in the SPI_Ref_Clk domain. Word Detection The start of a word is detected in th SPI_Ref_Clk clock domain. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 546 Chapter 17: SPI Controller • Detection when Controller is enabled: If the controller is enabled (from a disabled state) at a time when SS is Low (active), the controller will ignore the data and wait for the SCLK to be inactive (a word boundary) before capturing data. The controller counts SCLK inactivity in the SPI_Ref_Clk domain. A new word is assumed when the SCLK idle count reaches the value programmed into the [Slave_Idle_coun] bit field. • Detection when SS asserts: With the controller enabled and SS is detected High (inactive), the controller will assume the start of the word occurs on the next active edge of SCLK after SS transitions Low (active). Note: The start condition must be held active for at least four SPI_Ref_Clk cycles to be detected. If slave mode is enabled at a time when the external master is very close to starting a data transfer, there is a small probability that false synchronization will occur, causing packet corruption. This issue can be avoided by any of the following means: • Ensure that the external master does not initiate data transfer until at least ten SPI_Ref_Clk cycles have passed after slave mode has been enabled. • Ensure that slave mode is enabled before the external master is enabled. • Ensure that the slave select input signal is not active when the slave is enabled. 17.2.4 FIFOs The Rx and Tx FIFOs are each 128 bytes deep. RxFIFO If the controller attempts to push data into a full RxFIFO then the content is lost and the sticky overflow flag is set. No data is added to a full RxFIFO. Software writes a 1 to the bit to clear the [RX_OVERFLOW] bit. TxFIFO If the TxFIFO is full, [TX_FIFO_full] = 1, then do not write more data. The TX_FIFO_Full bit remains asserted until the TxFIFO level is less than the [TxFIFO_Not_Full] threshold level. Data written to a full TxFIFO may be lost without any indication. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 547 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.2.5 FIFO Interrupts The Rx and Tx FIFO interrupts are illustrated in Figure 17-3. X-Ref Target - Figure 17-3 RxFIFO (128 bytes) TxFIFO (128 bytes) Overflow Interrupt Full Interrupt [RX_OVERFLOW] [TX_FIFO_full] Full Interrupt [RX_FIFO_full] Not Full = 0 (full) TxFIFO Threshold spi.TX_thres_reg0 Not Full Interrupt [TX_FIFO_not_full] Not Empty = 1 Not Full = 1 Not Empty Interrupt [RX_FIFO_not_empty] RxFIFO Threshold spi.RX_thres_reg0 Not Empty = 0 (empty) Underflow Interrupt [TX_FIFO_underflow] UG585_c17_03_022613 Figure 17-3: SPI Rx and Tx FIFO Interrupts 17.2.6 Interrupt Register Bits, Logic Flow The interrupt status bits (sticky and dynamic) are filtered by the mask register and then sent to the system interrupt controller. The mask register is controlled by the en/dis interrupt control registers (see Figure 17-4). X-Ref Target - Figure 17-4 Interrupts: spi.Intrpt_status_reg0 spi.Intrpt_mask_reg0 Bit 6: [TX_FIFO_underflow] (sticky) Bit 5: [RX_FIFO_full] Bit 4: [RX_FIFO_not_empty] Bit 3: [TX_FIFO_full] Bit 2: [TX_FIFO_not_full] Bit 1: [MODE_FAIL] (sticky) Bit 0: [RX_OVERFLOW] (sticky) 0: masked 1: enabled PS Interrupt IRQ ID #58 / #81 Mask Enable spi.Intrpt_en_reg0 1 1 spi.Intrpt_dis_reg0 0 0 UG585_c17_04_121113 Figure 17-4: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 SPI Interrupt Register Bits, Logic Flow www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 548 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.2.7 SPI-to-SPI Connection The I/O signals of the two SPI controller in the PC are connected together signals when the slcr.MIO_LOOPBACK [SPI_LOOP_SPI1] bit is set = 1. In this mode, the clock, slave select, MISO, and MOSI signals from one controller are connected to the other controller’s clock, slave, MISO, and MOSI signals. respectively. Limitation The SPI controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. 17.3 Programming Guide • 17.3.1 Start-up Sequence • 17.3.2 Controller Configuration • 17.3.3 Master Mode Data Transfer • 17.3.4 Slave Mode Data Transfer • 17.3.5 Interrupt Service Routine • 17.3.6 Register Overview 17.3.1 Start-up Sequence Example: Start-up Sequence 1. Reset controller: Assert and de-assert the Ref and CPU_1x resets, refer to section 17.4.1 Resets. 2. Program clocks: Program the SPI_Ref_Clk, refer to section 17.4.2 Clocks. 3. Tx/Rx signal routing: Refer to section 17.5 I/O Interfaces. 4. Controller configuration: Refer to section 17.3.2 Controller Configuration. 5. Interrupt configuration: Configure the ISR to handle the interrupt conditions. The simplest ISR reads data from the RxFIFO and writes content to the TxFIFO. The PS interrupt controller is described in Chapter 7, Interrupts. The interrupt mechanism for the SPI controller is described in section 17.3.5 Interrupt Service Routine. 6. Start data transfers: ° Master Mode operation select: Manual/Auto start and SS, refer to section 17.3.3 Master Mode Data Transfer. ° Slave Mode operation, refer to section 17.3.4 Slave Mode Data Transfer. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 549 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.3.2 Controller Configuration Set controller parameters by writing to the spi.Config_reg register: • Set baud rate [BAUD_RATE_DIV]. • Set clock phase [CLK_PH] and Polarity [CLK_POL]. • Select Master/Slave mode [MODE_SEL]. • Set Mode fail generation, [Modefail_gen_en], for multi-master mode systems. • Set SS to 0b1111 to de-assert all the slave selects before the start of transfers. Example: SPI 0 Configuration for Master Mode This example uses a single chip select, a baud rate of 12.5 Mb/s, a clock phase set to inactive, and a clock polarity of quiescent High. 1. Configure the controller: Write 0x0002_FC0F to the spi.Config_reg register. a. De-assert all chip selects (for now): [CS] = 1111. b. No external 3-to-8 chip select decoder. [PERI_SEL] = 0. c. Set baud rate to 12.5 Mbps. [BAUD_RATE_DIV] = 1. This example assumes a 50 MHz SPI_Ref_Clk. Baud rate generator description is in section 17.3.3 Master Mode Data Transfer. d. Set clock phase, [CLK_PH] and Polarity, [CLK_POL] to 1. These parameters are discussed in section 17.5.1 Protocol. e. Select Master mode: [MODE_SEL] = 1. f. Look for bus collisions: [Modefail_gen_en] = 1. g. Do not initiate a transmission. [Man_start_com] = 0. 17.3.3 Master Mode Data Transfer The four combinations of master operating mode are described in section 17.2.1 Master Mode. The examples below illustrate the programming steps for each mode. Example: Master Mode – Manual SS and Manual Start 1. Enable manual SS: Write 1 to spi.Config_reg [Manual_CS]. 2. Select manual start: Write 1 to spi.Config_reg [Man_start_en]. 3. Assert slave select: Set spi.Config_reg [CS] = 1101 to assert slave select 1. 4. Enable the controller: Write 1 to spi.EN_reg0 [SPI_EN]. 5. Write bytes to the TxFIFO: a. Write the data to the TxFIFO using the register spi.Tx_data_reg. b. Continue to write data to the TxFIFO to its full depth or until no further data is needed to be written. c. Increment the data byte counter in the driver software after each byte is written to the TxFIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 550 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 6. Enable the interrupts: Write 0x27 to spi.Intrpt_en_reg to enableRxFIFO full, RxFIFO overflow, TXFIFO empty, and fault conditions. 7. Start the data transfer: Set spi.Config_reg0 [Man_start_com] = 1. 8. Wait for interrupts. 9. Interrupt handler: Transfer any additional data to the slave the required data to SPI slave using the interrupt handler. 10. Disable interrupts: Write 0x27 to the spi.Intrpt_dis_reg to disable RxFIFO full, RxFIFO overlflow, TxFIFO empty, and fault conditions. 11. Disable the controller: Set spi.En_reg0 [SPI_EN] = 0. 12. De-assert slave select: Set spi.Config_reg0 [CS] = 1111. Example: Master Mode – Manual SS and Auto Start 1. Enable manual SS: Write 1 to spi.Config_reg [Manual_CS]. 2. Assert slave select: Set spi.Config_reg [CS] = 1101 to use slave select 1. 3. Enable the controller: Write 1 to spi.EN_reg0 [SPI_EN]. 4. Write bytes to the TxFIFO: a. Write the data to the TxFIFO using the register spi.Tx_data_reg. b. Continue to write data to the TxFIFO to its full depth or until no further data is needed to be written. c. Increment the data byte counter in the driver software after each byte is written to the TxFIFO. 5. Enable the interrupts: Write 0x27 to spi.Intrpt_en_reg to enable RxFIFO full, RxFIFO overflow, TxFIFO empty, and fault conditions. 6. Wait for interrupts. 7. Interrupt handler: Transfer any additional data to the slave the required data to SPI slave using the interrupt handler. 8. Disable interrupts: Write 0x27 to the spi.Intrpt_dis_reg to disable RxFIFO full, RxFIFO overlflow, TxFIFO empty and fault conditions. 9. Disable the controller: Set spi.En_reg0 [SPI_EN] = 0. 10. De-assert slave select: Set spi.Config_reg0 [CS] = 1111. Example: Master Mode – Auto SS and Manual Start 1. Select manual start: Write 1 to spi.Config_reg0 [Man_start_en]. 2. Assert slave select: Set spi.Config_reg0 [CS] = 1101 to use slave select 1. 3. Enable the controller: Write 1 to spi.EN_reg0 [SPI_EN]. 4. Write bytes to the TxFIFO: a. Write the data to the TxFIFO using the register spi.Tx_data_reg. b. Continue to write data to the TxFIFO to its full depth or until no further data is needed to be written. c. Increment the data byte counter in the driver software after each byte is written to the TxFIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 551 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 5. Set the FIFO threshold levels: Set spi.TX_thres_reg0 and spi.RX_thres_reg0 threshold levels. Refer to the description at “automatic mode of operation” section. 6. Enable the interrupts: Write 0x27 to spi.Intrpt_en_reg to enable RxFIFO full, RxFIFO overflow, TxFIFO empty, and fault conditions. 7. Start the data transfer: Set spi.Config_reg0 [Man_start_com] = 1. 8. Interrupt handler: Transfer any additional data to the slave the required data to SPI slave using the interrupt handler. 9. Disable interrupts: Write 0x27 to the spi.Intrpt_dis_reg to disable RxFIFO full, RxFIFO overlflow, TxFIFO empty, and fault conditions. 10. Disable the controller: Set spi.En_reg0 [SPI_EN] = 0. 11. De-assert slave select: Set spi.Config_reg0 [CS] = 1111. 17.3.4 Slave Mode Data Transfer Example: Slave Mode - Interrupt Driven Ensure that the controller configuration is done and then: 1. Slave configuration: Write 0 to spi_Config_reg0. 2. Enable the interrupts: Write 0x37 to spi.Intrpt_en_reg to enable RxFIFO Not empty, RxFIFO full, RxFIFO overflow, TxFIFO empty, and fault conditions. 3. Enable the controller: Write 1 to spi.En_reg [SPI_EN]. 4. Interrupt Handler: Receive data from master using the interrupt handler. 5. Disable the interrupts: Write 0x37 to spi.Intrpt_DIS_reg to disable RxFIFO Not empty, RxFIFO full, RxFIFO overflow, TxFIFO empty, and fault conditions. 6. Disable the controller: Write 0 to spi_En_reg0 [SPI_EN]. Note: In SPI slave mode operation, it is recommended to set RxFIFO threshold to 1 by setting spi.RX_Thres_reg0[Threshold_of_RX_FIFO] to 1. 17.3.5 Interrupt Service Routine Example: Interrupt Service Routine This example handles RxFIFO overflow/underflow, multi-master collision (mode fail) and handles Rx and Tx data transfers. 1. Disable all interrupts except TxFIFO Full and RxFIFO Not Empty: Write 0x027 to spi.Intr_dis_REG. 2. Determine the source of the interrupt: Read the interrupt status register spi.Intr_status_reg0. 3. Clear the interrupts: Write 1s to the interrupt status register spi.Intr_status_reg0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 552 Chapter 17: 4. SPI Controller Check for Mode fail Interrupt: (multi-master operation). On mode fail, abort the current transfer: a. Reset the controller b. Re-configure the controller c. 5. Empty the RxFIFO: Read spi.Intr_status_reg0 [RX_FIFO_full] bits: a. 6. Re-send the data. Read data from the spi.Rx_Data_reg register. Continue to receive bytes using the data byte counter. Fill the TxFIFO: More data can be written to the TxFIFO, if needed: a. Write data to the spi.Tx_Data_reg0 register. b. Continue to fill data until FIFO depth is reached or there is no further data. c. Increment the data byte counter after each byte is pushed. 7. Check for overflow or underflow: Read the [TX_FIFO_underflow] or [RX_OVERFLOW] status bits. Handle the overflow and underflow conditions accordingly. 8. Enable the interrupts: If more data need to be transmitted or received, set spi.Intrpt_en_reg0 [TX_FIFO_not_full] and [RX_FIFO_full] both = 1. 9. If there is data to be transferred (Sent/Received), then start the data transfer: ° When in master mode, and data transfer is done using manual start (for both manual/auto SS), set spi.Config_reg [Man_start_en] = 1. 17.3.6 Register Overview The SPI registers are detailed Appendix B, Register Details. The register overview is provided in Table 17-2. Table 17-2: SPI Register Overview Type Register Name Description Controller Configuration Config_reg0 Configuration Controller enable En_reg0 SPI controller enable Intr_status_reg0 Interrupt status (Rx full, not empty and Tx full, not full) Intrpt_en_reg0 Interrupt enable Intrpt_dis_reg0 Interrupt disable Intrpt_mask_reg0 Interrupt mask/enable TX_thres_reg0 TxFIFO threshold level for not full RX_thres_reg0 RxFIFO Threshold level for not empty Delay_reg0 SS delays and separation counts in master mode Tx_data_reg0 Transmit data (TxFIFO) Rx_data_reg0 Receive data (RxFIFO) Slave_Idle_count_reg0 Slave idle count detects inactive SCLK Interrupt FIFO thresholds Master mode FIFO data ports Slave mode Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 553 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.4 System Functions • 17.4.1 Resets • 17.4.2 Clocks 17.4.1 Resets The controller has two reset domains: the APB interface and the controller itself. The reset for the two domain must be used together. The effects for each reset type are summarized in Table 17-3. Table 17-3: SPI Reset Effects APB Interface TxFIFO and RxFIFO Protocol Engine Registers ABP Interface Reset slcr.SPI_RST_CTRL [SPIx_CPU1X_RST] Yes Yes No Yes PS Reset Subsystem slcr.SPI_RST_CTRL [SPIx_REF_RST] No Yes Yes No Name Example: Reset the APB Interface and SPI 0 Controller 1. Write to the slcr reset register for SPI. Write a 1, and after some delay write a 0 to the slcr.SPI_RST_CTRL [SPI0_REF_RST] and [SPI0_CPU1X_RST] bit fields. 17.4.2 Clocks The core of each SPI controller is driven by the same reference clock (SPI_Ref_Clk) that is generated by the PS clock subsystem, Chapter 25, Clocks. The APB interface is clocked by the CPU_1x clock. The CPU_1x clock runs asynchronous to the reference clock. The operating frequency specifications for the controller clocks are defined in the data sheet. The I/O signals are clocked synchronously by the SCLK. Note: Clock gating is used as power management feature for SPI. Please refer section 24.3.2 Peripherals for more details. CPU_1x The CPU_1x clock part of the CPU clock domain, refer section 25.2 CPU Clock. SPI_Ref_Clk The clock enable, PLL select and divisor settings are programmed using the slcr.SPI_CLK_CTRL register as described in section 25.6.3 SDIO, SMC, SPI, Quad-SPI and UART Clocks. Frequency Restriction Note: The SPI_Ref_Clk must be always be set to a higher frequency than the CPU_1x clock frequency. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 554 Chapter 17: SPI Controller Master Mode SCLK The SCLK is driven by the controller in master mode. It is generated by the a divided-down SPI_Ref_Clk using the spi.Config_reg0 [BAUD_RATE_DIV] bit field. Frequency Ratio Note: The range of the baud rate divider is from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 256 in binary steps (i.e., divide by 4, 8, 16,... 256). Example: SCLK for Master Mode This example shows how to program the SPI_Ref_Clk to 100 MHz and the SCLK to 25 MHz. The example assumes the I/O PLL is at 1,000 MHz. The CPU_1x clock frequency must be less than 100 MHz. 1. Program SPI_Ref_Clk: Select PLL source, divisors and enable: Write 0x0000_0A01 to the slcr.SPI_CLK_CTRL register. a. Select the I/O PLL: [SRCSEL] = 00. b. Divide the I/O PLL clock by 10: [DIVISOR] = 0x0A. c. 2. Enable the SPI 0 reference clock: [CLKACT0] = 1. Program the Baud Rate Generator: Write 001 to the spi.Contro_reg0 [BAUD_RATE_DIV] when configuring the controller, refer to section 17.3.2 Controller Configuration. Slave Mode SCLK The controller clocks the MOSI and SS signals with the SCLK from the external master. These signals are synchronized to the SPI_Ref_Clk and processed by the controller. Frequency Ratio Note: The SPI_Ref_Clk frequency should be at least 2x the SCLK frequency in order for the controller to properly detect the start of the word transfer on the SPI bus. 17.5 I/O Interfaces 17.5.1 Protocol 17.5.2 Back-to-Back Transfers 17.5.3 MIO/EMIO Routing 17.5.4 Wiring Connections 17.5.5 MIO/EMIO Signal Tables Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 555 Chapter 17: SPI Controller 17.5.1 Protocol Master Mode The controller supports various I/O signaling relationships for master mode. There are four combinations for setting the phase and polarity control bits, spi.Config_reg0 [CLK_PH] and [CLK_POL]. These parameters affect the active edge of the serial clock, the assertion of the slave select and the idle state of the SCLK. The clock phase parameter defines the state of the SS between words and the state of SCLK when the controller is not transmitting bits. The phase and polarity parameters are summarized in Table 17-4 and illustrated in Figure 17-5. Table 17-4: SPI Clock Phase and Polarity Controls CLK_PH = 0 CLK_PH = 1 CLK_POL = 0 CLK_POL = 1 CLK_POL = 0 CLK_POL = 1 Driving Edge negative positive positive negative Sampling Edge positive negative negative positive SS State between Words SCLK State outside of Word inactive active active inactive Clock Phase Setting, CPHA (CLK_PH) In master mode, the value of the clock phase bit, spi.Config_reg0 [CLK_PH] affects the I/O protocol using parameters in the spi.Delay_reg0 register as follows (see Figure 17-5): CLK_PH = 0 • SS Activity: The master automatically drives the SS outputs inactive (High) for a the time programmed into the spi.Delay_reg0 [d_nss] bit field: Time = (1 + [d_nss]) * SPI_Ref_Clk clock period. The minimum time is 2 SPI_Ref_Clk clock periods. • Delay between Words: The delay between the last bit period of the current word and the first bit period on the next word: Time = (2 + [d_btwn]) * SPI_Ref_Clk clock period. The minimum time is 3 SPI_Ref_Clk clock periods. This delay enables the TxFIFO to be unloaded and ready for the next parallel-to-serial conversion and to toggle slave select inactive High. CLK_PH = 1 • SS Activity: The SS output signals are not driven inactive between words. • Delay between Words: The minimum delay between the last bit period of the current word and the first bit period on the next word is, by default, one SPI_Ref_Clk cycles (configurable by the spi.Delay_reg0 register). This allows the TxFIFO to be unloaded and ready for the next parallel-to serial-conversion. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 556 Chapter 17: SPI Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 17-5 Figure 17-5: SPI I/O Signal Waveforms for Clock Phase and Polarity 17.5.2 Back-to-Back Transfers (See Figure 17-6.) Slave Mode Requirements In slave mode, the controller can accept back-to-back transfers. Master Mode Options • Auto SS, auto start (order these four starting with importance and include cross-reference for each) • Auto SS, manual start • Manual SS, auto start • Manual SS, manual start Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 557 Chapter 17: SPI Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 17-6 CLK_PH = 0 MOSI MISO Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 SS CLK_PH = 1 MOSI MISO SS UG585_c17_06_022613 Figure 17-6: SPI Back-to-Back Transfers 17.5.3 MIO/EMIO Routing The SPI interface signals can be routed either through the MIO pins or the EMIO interface. When the system is reset (e.g., PS_POR_B, PS_SRST_B and other methods), all of the I/O signals are routed to the EMIO interface by default. The SPI bus can operate up to 50 MHz when the bus signals are routed via the MIO. When the signals are routed via EMIO to the PL pins, the nominal clock rate is 25 MHz. Refer to the frequency specifications that are defined in the data sheet. To use the EMIO interface, the user must create logic in the PL to directly connect the SPI EMIO interface to PL I/O buffers attached to PL pins. The EMIO route supports up to 25 MHz I/O clocking. The SPI signals can be routed to specific MIO pins. Wiring diagrams are shown in section 17.5.4 Wiring Connections. The general routing concepts and MIO I/O buffer configurations are explained in section 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces. Example: Program the I/O for SPI 0 on to MIO pins 16 to 21 This example enables Master SPI 0 onto pins 16 to 21 using up to three slave selects. 1. Configure MIO pin 16 for clock output. Write 0x0000_22A0 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_16 register. a. Route SPI 0 clock to pin 16. b. Enable output, [TRI_ENABLE] = 0. c. LVCMOS18: [IO_TYPE] = 001 d. Slow CMOS drive edge. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 558 Chapter 17: 2. SPI Controller Configure MIO pins 17 for MISO input. Write 0x0000_02A0 to each of the slcr.MIO_PIN_17 register. a. Route SPI 0 MISO to pin 17. b. Disable output. [TRI_ENABLE] = 1. c. LVCMOS18: [IO_TYPE] = 001. d. Slow CMOS drive edge. 3. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pin 18, 19 and/or 20 for Slave Select outputs. Write 0x0000_32A0 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_18, 19 and/or 20 registers. The internal pull-up is enabled. a. Route SPI 0 slave selects signal(s) to pins 18, 19 and/or 20. Any and all of the slave selects can be activated for master mode. In slave mode, SS 0 must be used. b. 3-state controlled by SPI: [TRI_ENABLE] = 0. c. LVCMOS18: [IO_TYPE] = 001. d. Slow CMOS drive edge. 4. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pins 21 for MOSI. Write 0x0000_22A0 to each of the slcr.MIO_PIN_21 register: a. Route SPI 0 MOSI to pin 21. b. 3-state controlled by SPI [TRI_ENABLE] = 0. c. LVCMOS18: [IO_TYPE] = 001. d. Slow CMOS drive edge. e. Disable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. 17.5.4 Wiring Connections The user can connect the each SPI controller to external SPI slaves or an SPI master via the MIO pins or the EMIO interface to PL pins. Wiring examples: • Master Mode via MIO, Figure 17-7 • Master Mode via EMIO, Figure 17-8 • Slave Mode via MIO, Figure 17-9 The I/O signals of the two SPI controllers in the PS can be connected together as described in section 17.2.7 SPI-to-SPI Connection. IMPORTANT: In master mode, connect SS0 to V CC if SS0 is not used. This is important because the controller snoops this signal in master mode to detect a multi-master mode situation; if SS0 is a logic Low, then the controller assumes multi-master mode and waits for SS0 to de-assert before issuing a transaction. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 559 Chapter 17: SPI Controller Master Mode via MIO X-Ref Target - Figure 17-7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC External Devices MIO SCLK MOSI SPI Master Controller SCLK MOSI MISO Slave 0 MISO SS0 SS0 SS1 SS2 Slave 1 Connect up to 3 slave devices (directly). For one slave device, connect it to any of the slave selects. SS1 Slave 2 SS2 Device Boundary UG585_c17_07_102214 Figure 17-7: SPI Master Mode Wiring Diagram via MIO IMPORTANT: When using MIO pins always use SS0. For existing designs that do not use SS0, refer to Xilinx AR58294. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 560 Chapter 17: SPI Controller Master Mode via EMIO X-Ref Target - Figure 17-8 I/O Select PL EMIO EMIO SPI x SCLKO SCLK EMIO SPI x SCLKTN PS IOP EMIO SPI x SCLKI EMIO SPI x MO MOSI EMIO SPI x MOTN SPI Master Controller EMIO SPI x SI EMIO SPI x MI EMIO SPI x SOTN EMIO SPI x SO MISO nc nc EMIO SPI x SSNTN EMIO SPI x SSON 0 SS 0 EMIO SPI x SSON 1 SS 1 EMIO SPI x SSON 2 SS 2 EMIO SPI x SSIN Device Boundary UG585_c17_08_022613 Figure 17-8: SPI Master Mode Wiring Diagram via EMIO IMPORTANT: When using EMIO pins, tie SSIN High in the PL bitstream. Ensure that the PS–PL voltage level shifters are enabled, and that the PL is powered and configured. Otherwise the SPI controller will not function properly. For more information about enabling the voltage shift registers, refer to PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables, page 46. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 561 Chapter 17: SPI Controller Slave Mode via MIO X-Ref Target - Figure 17-9 Zynq-7000 AP SoC External Master Device MIO SCLK SCLK MOSI SPI Slave Controller MOSI MISO SCLK MOSI MISO MISO SS 0 SS a SS b SS c SS d SS 0 SS 1 nc SS 2 nc Other External Slave Devices Device Boundary UG585_c17_09_022613 Figure 17-9: SPI Slave Mode Wiring Diagram via MIO 17.5.5 MIO/EMIO Signal Tables The SPI I/O interface signals routing has some options. The routing options include multiple positions in the MIO pins. The options are illustrated in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table and in Table 17-5. Default Input Signal Routing: If the I/O signals are not routed to a set of MIO pins (MIO_PIN_xx register programming), then the EMIO interface input signals are enabled. MIO Pin Limitation Small Package Note: The MIO pin restrictions based on device version are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Each SPI I/O interface is selected as a group. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 562 Chapter 17: Table 17-5: SPI Controller SPI MIO Pins Slave or Master Mode SPI Signals SPI Interface I/O Master Mode Clock MOSI MISO SS 0 SS 1 SS 2 Signal Type IO IO IO IO O O Controller Default Input Value 0 0 0 1 ~ ~ SPI 0, choice 1 16 21 17 18 19 20 SPI 0, choice 2 28 33 29 30 31 32 SPI 0, choice 3 40 45 41 42 43 44 SPI 1, choice 1 12 10 11 13 14 15 SPI 1, choice 2 24 22 23 25 26 27 SPI 1, choice 3 36 34 35 37 38 39 SPI 1, choice 4 48 46 47 49 50 51 EMIO Signals The SPI I/O interface signals available on the EMIO interface are identified in Table 17-6. Table 17-6: SPI EMIO Signals SPI Interface Controller Default Input Value EMIO Signals Input Name (I) Output Name (O) 3-state Name (O) SPI 0 Clock 0 EMIOSPI0SCLKI EMIOSPI0SCLKO EMIOSPI0SCLKTN SPI 0 MOSI 0 EMIOSPI0SI EMIOSPI0MO EMIOSPI0MOTN SPI 0 MISO 0 EMIOSPI0MI EMIOSPI0SO EMIOSPI0STN SPI 0 Slave Select 0 1 EMIOSPI0SSIN EMIOSPI0SSON0 SPI 0 Slave Select 1 ~ EMIOSPI0SSON1 SPI 0 Slave Select 2 ~ EMIOSPI0SSON2 SPI 0 SS 3-state ~ SPI 1 Clock 0 EMIOSPI1SCLKI EMIOSPI1SCLKO EMIOSPI1SCLKTN SPI 1 MOSI 0 EMIOSPI1SI EMIOSPI1MO EMIOSPI1MOTN SPI 1 MISO 0 EMIOSPI1MI EMIOSPI1SO EMIOSPI1STN SPI 1 Slave Select 0 1 EMIOSPI1SSIN EMIOSPI1SSON0 SPI 1 Slave Select 1 ~ EMIOSPI1SSON1 SPI 1 Slave Select 2 ~ EMIOSPI1SSON2 SPI 1 SS 3-state ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 EMIOSPI0SSNTN EMIOSPI1SSNTN www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 563 Chapter 18 CAN Controller 18.1 Introduction This chapter describes the architecture and features of the CAN controllers and the functions of the various registers in the design. There are two nearly identical CAN controllers in the PS that are independently operable. Defining the CAN protocol is outside the scope of this document, and knowledge of the specifications is assumed. 18.1.1 Features CAN Controller features are summarized as follows: • Compatible with the ISO 11898 -1, CAN 2.0A, and CAN 2.0B standards • Standard (11-bit identifier) and extended (29-bit identifier) frames • Bit rates up to 1 Mb/s • Transmit message FIFO (TxFIFO) with a depth of 64 messages • Transmit prioritization through one high-priority transmit buffer (TxHPB) • Watermark interrupts for TxFIFO and RxFIFO • Automatic re-transmission on errors or arbitration loss in normal mode • Receive message FIFO (RxFIFO) with a depth of 64 messages • Four Rx acceptance filters with enables, masks and IDs • Loopback and snoop modes for diagnostic applications • Maskable error and status interrupts • 16-Bit time stamping for receive messages • Readable Rx/Tx error counters Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 564 Chapter 18: CAN Controller 18.1.2 System Viewpoint The system viewpoint of the CAN controller is shown in Figure 18-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 18-1 MIO – EMIO Routing IRQ ID# {60, 83} Interconnect CAN Controllers Slave port APB Tx, Rx Tx, Rx EMIO PL Tx, Rx CAN{0, 1} CPU_1x clock CAN{0, 1} CPU_1x reset Control Registers MIO Pins Clock CAN{0, 1} REF clock External Clock Source Clocking Device Boundary UG585_c18_01_071612 Figure 18-1: CAN Controller System Viewpoint 18.1.3 Block Diagram The high-level architecture of the CAN core is shown in Figure 18-2. The sub-modules are described in subsequent sections. X-Ref Target - Figure 18-2 Object Layer - Data Buffer and Filtering APB Interface Data Write TX Storage Transfer Layer - Protocol Engine TX Priority Logic Tx FIFO Bit Stream Processor Tx HPB CAN Tx Register R/W Configuration Registers CAN Rx Bit Timing Logic Data Read Rx FIFO Acceptance Filter UG585_c18_02_021213 Figure 18-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 CAN Controller Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 565 Chapter 18: CAN Controller Configuration Registers The CAN Controller Configuration register defines the configuration registers. This module allows for read and write access to the registers through the APB interface. An overview of the CAN controller registers are shown in section 18.3.8 Register Overview. Transmit and Receive Messages Separate storage buffers exist for transmit (TxFIFO) and receive (RxFIFO) messages through a FIFO structure. Each buffer can store up to 64 messages. Once a message is written into the TxFIFO it takes a total delay of 2*(Tx Driver delay + Propagation delay + Rx Driver delay) to transmit over the CAN bus. Tx High Priority Buffer Each controller also has a transfer high priority buffer (TxHPB) provides storage for one transmit message. Messages written on this buffer have maximum transmit priority. They are queued for transmission immediately after the current transmission is complete, preempting any message in the TxFIFO. Acceptance Filters Acceptance filters sort incoming messages with the user-defined acceptance mask and ID registers to determine whether to store messages in the RxFIFO, or to acknowledge and discard them. Messages passed through acceptance filters are stored in the RxFIFO. 18.1.4 Notices Restrictions There is a single PS clock generator for both controllers. When the internal clock is used, it will be of the same clock frequency, but the clock to each controller can be individually enabled using the slcr register, see section The Quad-SPI clock is divided down by at least two using the Quad-SPI baud rate divider, see section 12.4.1 Clocks. In master mode, the SPI clock is divided down by at least four using the SPI baud rate divider, see section 17.4.2 Clocks.. Also, either or both controllers can be clocked from an external source via an MIO pin, see section 18.4.1 Clocks. RECOMMENDED: For all clocking sources, set the can.BRPR register to a value of 2 or greater and a prescaler value of at least 3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 566 Chapter 18: CAN Controller 18.2 Functional Description Each controller is independently configured and controlled. There are two CAN controllers (CANx; where x = 0 or 1). The register name preface for the CAN registers is 'can' (e.g., can.MSR register). 18.2.1 Controller Modes The CAN controller supports the following modes of operation: • Configuration • Normal • Sleep • Loop Back • Snoop mode Configuration Mode The CAN controller enters the Configuration mode when any of the following actions are performed, regardless of the operation mode: • Writing a 0 to the CEN bit in the SRR register. • Writing a 1 to the SRST bit in the SRR register. The core enters the Configuration mode immediately following the software reset. • Driving a 0 on the reset input. The core continues to be in reset as long as reset is 0. The core enters Configuration mode after reset is negated to 1. Normal Mode Normal mode transmits and receives messages on the Tx and Rx I/O signals as defined by the Bosch and IEEE specifications. Sleep Mode Sleep mode can be used to save a small amount of power during idle times. When in sleep mode, the controller can transition to normal mode or configuration mode. In sleep mode: • When another node transmits a message, the controller receives the message and exits sleep mode. • If there is a new Tx request then the hardware switches the controller to normal mode and the controller services the request(s). • An interrupt can be generated when the controller enters sleep mode. • An interrupt can be generated when the controller wakes up. Sleep mode is exited by the hardware when there is CAN bus activity or a request in either TxFIFO or Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 567 Chapter 18: CAN Controller TxHPB. When the controller exits sleep mode, can.MSR[SLEEP] is set to 0 by the hardware and an interrupt can be generated. The CAN controller enters Sleep mode from Configuration mode when the LBACK bit in MSR is 0, the SLEEP bit in MSR is 1, and the CEN bit in SRR is 1. The CAN controller enters Sleep mode only when there are no pending transmission requests from either the TX FIFO or the TX High Priority Buffer. The CAN controller enters Sleep mode from Normal mode only when the SLEEP bit is 1, the CAN bus is idle, and there are no pending transmission requests from either the TX FIFO or TX High Priority Buffer. When another node transmits a message, the CAN controller receives the transmitted message and exits Sleep mode. When the controller is in Sleep mode, if there are new transmission requests from either the TX FIFO or the TX High Priority Buffer, these requests are serviced, and the CAN controller exits Sleep mode. Interrupts are generated when the CAN controller enters Sleep mode or wakes up from Sleep mode. From sleep mode, the CAN controller can enter either the Configuration or Normal modes. Loop Back Mode (Diagnostics) Loop back mode is used for diagnostic purposes. When in loop back mode, the controller must only be programmed to enter configuration mode or issue reset. In loop back mode: • The controller transmits a recessive bitstream onto the CAN_TX bus signal. • Tx messages are internally looped back to the Rx line and are acknowledged. • Tx messages are not sent on the CAN_TX bus signal. • The controller receives all message that it transmits. • The controller does not receive any messages transmitted by other CAN nodes. Snoop Mode (Diagnostics) Snoop mode is used for diagnostic purposes. When in snoop mode, the controller must only be programmed to enter configuration mode or be held in reset. In snoop mode: • The controller transmits a recessive bitstream onto the CAN bus. • The controller does not participate in normal bus communication. • The controller receives messages that are transmitted by other CAN nodes. • Software can program acceptance filters to dynamically enable/disable and change criteria. Error counters are disabled and cleared to 0. Reads to error counter registers return 0. Mode Transitions The supported mode transitions are shown in Figure 18-3. The transitions are primarily controlled by the resets, the CEN bit, the MSR register settings, and a hardware wake-up mechanism. To enter normal mode from configuration mode: • Clear can.MSR[LBACK, SNOOP, SLEEP] = 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 568 Chapter 18: • CAN Controller Set can.SRR[CEN] = 1 To enter sleep mode from normal mode (interrupt generated): • Set can.MSR[SLEEP] = 1 Events that cause the controller to exit sleep mode (interrupt generated): • Rx signal activity (hardware sets can.MSR[SLEEP] = 0) • TxFIFO or TxHPB activity (hardware sets can.MSR[SLEEP] = 0) • Software writes 0 to can.MSR[SLEEP] X-Ref Target - Figure 18-3 Reset: slcr.CAN_RST_CTRL[CANx_CPU1x_RST] =1 OR can.SRR[SRST] = 1 (Self-clearing) Hardware Forces can.SRR[CEN] = 0 Reset Reset slcr.CAN_RST_CTRL[CANx_CPU1x_RST] = 0 Configuration can.SRR[CEN] = 0 Snoop Normal Loop Back Sleep Diagnostics UG585_c18_05_021113 Figure 18-3: CAN Operating Mode Transitions Mode Settings Table 18-1 defines the CAN controller modes of operation and corresponding control and status bits. . Table 18-1: CAN Controller Modes of Operation Software Reset Mode Select Register Status Register (SR) CAN Register (can.SRR) (MSR) (Read/Write bits) (Read Only bits) CPU_1x SRST CEN PS Reset (CAN (CAN LBACK SLEEP SNOOP CONFIG LBACK SLEEP NORMAL SNOOP (slcr) Reset) Enable) Operational Mode 1 X X X X X 1 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 1 X X X X 1 0 0 0 0 Reset Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 569 Chapter 18: Table 18-1: CAN Controller CAN Controller Modes of Operation (Cont’d) Software Reset Mode Select Register Status Register (SR) CAN Register (can.SRR) (MSR) (Read/Write bits) (Read Only bits) CPU_1x SRST CEN PS Reset (CAN (CAN LBACK SLEEP SNOOP CONFIG LBACK SLEEP NORMAL SNOOP (slcr) Reset) Enable) Operational Mode 0 0 0 X X X 1 0 0 0 0 Configuration 0 0 1 1 X X 0 1 0 0 0 Loop back 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Sleep 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Snoop 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Normal 18.2.2 Message Format The same message format is used for RxFIFO and Tx (FIFO and HPB). Each message includes four words (16 bytes). Software must read and write all four words regardless of the actual number of data bytes and valid fields in the message. The message words, fields and structure are shown in Table 18-2. The details of each field are in Table 18-3. CAN Message Format Data Length Code [DLCR] ID[28:18] DLC[3:0] Reserved ID[17:0] RTR Message Identifier [IDR} STR/RTR IDE 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Table 18-2: Time Stamp (Rx only, Reserved for Tx) Data Word 1 [DW1R] DB0[7:0] DB1[7:0] DB2[7:0] DB3[7:0] Data Word 2 [DW2R] DB4[7:0] DB5[7:0] DB6[7:0] DB7[7:0] Bit Field Details Writes If a bit field or data byte is not required, then write zeros. Software should write the default values shown in Table 18-3 for unused functions. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 570 Chapter 18: CAN Controller Reads Data starts at byte 0 and continues for the number of counts in DLC. Software should read both data words, but the only valid bytes are determined by DLC. Table 18-3 provides bit descriptions for the identifier word bits, the DLC word bits, and data word 1 and data word 2 bits. Table 18-3: CAN Message Word Register Bit Fields Bits Name Default Value Description 0 Standard Message ID The identifier portion for a standard frame is 11 bits. These bits indicate the standard frame ID. This field is valid for both standard and extended frames. 0 Substitute Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for standard frames. For extended frames this bit is 1. 1: Indicates that the message frame is a Remote Frame. 0: Indicates that the message frame is a Data Frame. 0 Identifier Extension This bit differentiates between frames using the Standard Identifier and those using the Extended Identifier. Valid for both Standard and Extended Frames. 1: Indicates the use of an extended message identifier. 0: Indicates the use of a standard message identifier. 0 Extended Message ID This field indicates the extended identifier. Valid only for extended frames. For standard frames, reads from this field return 0s. For Standard frames, writes to this field should be 0s. 0 Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for extended frames. 1: Indicates the message object is a remote frame. 0: Indicates the message object is a data frame. For standard frames, reads from this bit returns 0. For standard frames, writes to this bit should be 0. 0 Data Length Code This is the data length portion of the control field of the CAN frame. This indicates the number valid data bytes (0 to 8) that are in the Data Word 1 and Data Word 2 registers. Identifier Word 31:21 20 19 18:1 0 ID[28:18] SRR/RTR IDE ID[17:0] RTR DLC Word 31-28 DLC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 571 Chapter 18: Table 18-3: CAN Controller CAN Message Word Register Bit Fields (Cont’d) Bits Name Default Value 27-0 Reserved 0 Reads from this field return 0s. Writes to this field should be 0s. DW1R[31:24] DB0[7:0] 0 Data Byte 0 DW1R[23:16] DB1[7:0] 0 Data Byte 1 DW1R[15:8] DB2[7:0] 0 Data Byte 2 DW1R[7:0] DB3[7:0] 0 Data Byte 3 DW2R[31:24] DB4[7:0] 0 Data Byte 4 DW2R[23:16] DB5[7:0] 0 Data Byte 5 DW2R[15:8] D6[7:0] 0 Data Byte 6 DW2R[7:0] DB7[7:0] 0 Data Byte 7 Description Data Word 1 Data Word 2 18.2.3 Message Buffering Rx Messages The RxFIFO can store up to 64 Rx CAN messages that are received and optionally filtered. Rx messages that pass any of the acceptance filters are stored in the RxFIFO. When no acceptance filter has been selected, all received messages are stored in the RxFIFO. Software reads these messages as described in 18.3.7 Read Messages from RxFIFO. A timestamp is added to each successfully stored Rx message. A free running 16-bit counter is clocked using the CAN bit time clock. The rules for time stamping an Rx message are: • The counter rolls over. There is no status bit to indicate that the roll over condition occurred. • The timestamp included when a Rx message is successfully collected. The sampling of the counter takes place at the last bit of EOF. • The counter is cleared when CEN=0 or by software writing a 1 to the can.TCR register. Software must read all four registers of an Rx message in the RxFIFO, regardless of how many data bytes are in the message. The first word is read using the RXFIFO_ID register and contains the identifier of the received message (IDR). The second word is read using the RXFIFO_DLC register and contains the 16-bit timestamp and data length code (DLC) field. The third and fourth words contain data word 1 (DW1R) and data word 2 (DW2R). Writes to the RxFIFO registers are ignored. Read data from an empty RxFIFO are invalid and might generate an interrupt. The messages in the RxFIFO are retained even if the CAN controller enters Bus off state or Configuration mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 572 Chapter 18: CAN Controller Tx Messages The controller has a configurable TxFIFO that software can use buffer up to 64 Tx CAN messages. The controller also has a high priority transmit buffer (Tx HPB), with storage for one message. When a higher priority message needs to be sent, software writes the message to the high priority transmit buffer when it is available. The message in the TxHPB has higher priority over messages in the TxFIFO. When arbitration loss or errors occur during the transmission of a message, the controller tries to retransmit the message. No subsequent message, even a newer, higher priority message is transmitted until the original message is transmitted without errors or arbitration loss. The controller transmits the message starting with bit 31 of the IDR word. After the identifier word is transmitted, the DLCR word is transmitted. This is followed by the data bytes in this order: DB0, DB1, ... DB7. The last bit in the data portion of the message is DB7, bit 0. See Table 18-2, page 570. The status bit, can.ISR[TXOK] is set = 1 after the controller successfully transmits a message from either the TxFIFO or TxHPB. The messages in the TxFIFO and TxHPB are retained even if the CAN controller enters Bus off state or Configuration mode. The message format is described in 18.2.2 Message Format. Reads from RxFIFO All 16 bytes must be read from the RxFIFO to receive the complete message. The first word read (4 bytes) returns the identifier of the received message (IDR). The second read returns the 16-bit receive time stamp and data length code (DLC) field of the received message (DLCR). The third read returns data word 1 (DW1R), and the fourth read returns data word 2 (DW2R). A free running 16-bit counter provides a time stamp relative to the time the message was successfully received. All four words must be read for each message, even if the message contains less than eight data bytes. Write transactions to the RxFIFO are ignored. Reads from an empty RxFIFO return invalid data and generates an Rx Underflow interrupt. Rx and Tx Error Counters When an Rx or Tx error occurs, the associated error counters in the protocol engine (see section 18.2.6 Protocol Engine) are incremented. The two error counters are 8 bits wide and are read using the read-only can.ECR register, bit fields REC and TEC. The Rx and Tx counters are reset when any the these situations occur: • After a 1 is written to can.SRR[SRST] field = 1. This bit write is self-clearing. • Anytime can.SRR[CEN] = 0 (configuration mode). • When the controller enters Bus Off state. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 573 Chapter 18: CAN Controller 18.2.4 Interrupts Each CAN controller has a single interrupt signal to the GIC interrupt controller. CAN 0 connects to IRQ ID#60 and CAN 1 connects to ID #83. The source of an interrupt can be grouped into one of the following: • TxFIFO and TxHPB • RxFIFO • Message passing and arbitration • Sleep mode and bus off Enable and disable interrupts using the can.IER register. Check the raw status of the interrupt using can.ISR. Clear interrupts by writing a 1 to can.ICR. Some interrupt sources have an additional method to clear the interrupt as shown in Table 18-4. List of Interrupts All of the CAN interrupts are sticky; that is, once the hardware sets them they stay set until cleared by software. CAN status and interrupts are identified in Table 18-4. Table 18-4: List of CAN Status and Interrupts Bit Number Additional Method to Clear Interrupt TxFIFO Watermark 13 none Operational threshold. TxFIFO Empty 14 none Empty indicator. TxFIFO Full 2 none Full indicator. TxHPB Full 3 none This status indicates if the buffer is in-use and should not be written. RxFIFO Watermark 12 none Operational threshold. RxFIFO Not Empty 7 none One or more messages can be read. RxFIFO overflow 6 Write 0 to can.SRR[CEN] RxFIFO underflow 5 none Message Rx 4 Write 0 to can.SRR[CEN] Message Tx 1 Write 0 to can.SRR[CEN] Message Error 8 Write 0 to can.SRR[CEN] Arbitration Lost 0 none Enter Sleep Mode 10 Write 0 to can.SRR[CEN] Name Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Usage FIFO was full and message(s) likely lost. Programming error, message read from RxFIFO when no messages were there. Any of the five CAN errors in the Error Status register. Send Feedback 574 Chapter 18: Table 18-4: CAN Controller List of CAN Status and Interrupts Name Bit Number Additional Method to Clear Interrupt Exit Sleep Mode 11 Write 0 to can.SRR[CEN] Bus Off 9 Write 0 to can.SRR[CEN] Usage Controller can go to normal or configuration mode. RxFIFO and TxFIFO Interrupts The FIFO watermark levels and all the FIFO interrupts are illustrated in Figure 18-4, CAN RxFIFO and TxFIFO Watermark Interrupts. X-Ref Target - Figure 18-4 RxFIFO (64 messages) TxFIFO (64 messages) FIFO is Filling FIFO is Emptying Overflow Interrupt can.ISR[6] Full Interrupt can.ISR[2] Watermark Interrupt can.ISR[12] Interrupt bit RXFWMFLL is asserted when the number of messages in RxFIFO exceeds the can.WIR[FW, bits 5:0] threshold. Not Empty Interrupt can.ISR[7] Underflow Interrupt can.ISR[5] Watermark Interrupt can.ISR[13] Empty Interrupt can.ISR[14] Interrupt bit TXFWMEMP is asserted when the number of messages in TxFIFO is less than the can.WIR[EW, bits 13:8] threshold. UG585_c18_06_071012 Figure 18-4: CAN RxFIFO and TxFIFO Watermark Interrupts Example: Program RxFIFO Watermark Interrupt (12) The following steps can be used to setup and control the RxFIFO watermark interrupt. See Figure 18-4. The watermark status and control interrupts are described in Protocol Engine, page 579. 1. Disable RxFIFO watermark interrupt. Write a 0 to can.IER[12]. 2. Program RxFIFO full watermark level. Write to can.WIR[FW]. 3. Clear RxFIFO watermark interrupt. Write a 1 to can.ICR[12]. 4. Read RxFIFO watermark status. Read can.ISR[12]. 5. Enable RxFIFO watermark interrupt. Write a 1 to can.IER[12]. Example: Program TxFIFO Watermark Interrupt (13) The following steps can be used to setup and control the TxFIFO watermark interrupt. See Figure 18-4. The watermark status and control interrupts are described in Protocol Engine, page 579. 1. Disable TxFIFO watermark interrupt. Write a 0 to can.IER[13]. 2. Program TxFIFO empty watermark level. Write to can.WIR[EW]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 575 Chapter 18: 3. Clear TxFIFO watermark interrupt. Write a 1 to can.ICR[13]. 4. Read TxFIFO watermark status. Read can.ISR[13]. 5. Enable TxFIFO watermark interrupt. Write a 1 to can.IER[13]. CAN Controller Example: Program TxFIFO Empty Interrupt (14) The following steps can be used to control the TxFIFO empty interrupt: 1. Disable TxFIFO empty interrupt. Write a 1 to can.IER[14]. 2. Clear TxFIFO empty interrupt. Write a 1 to can.ICR[14]. 3. Enable TxFIFO empty interrupt. Write a 1 to can.IER[14]. 4. Read TxFIFO empty status. Read can.ISR[14]. It indicates the status whether TxFIFO is empty or not. 18.2.5 Rx Message Filtering To filter Rx messages, configure and enable up to four acceptance filters with acceptance mask and ID registers to determine whether to store messages in the RxFIFO, or to acknowledge and discard them. Acceptance filtering is performed in the following sequence: 1. The incoming identifier is masked with the bits in the Acceptance Filter Mask register. 2. The Acceptance Filter ID register is also masked with the bits in the Acceptance Filter Mask register. 3. Both resulting values are compared. 4. If both these values are equal, then the message is stored in the RxFIFO. 5. Acceptance filtering is processed by each of the defined filters. If the incoming identifier passes through any acceptance filter, then the message is stored in the RxFIFO. Acceptance Filter Enable The Acceptance Filter register (AFR) defines which acceptance filters to use. It includes four enable bits that correspond to the four acceptance filters. Each Acceptance Filter ID register (AFIR) and Acceptance Filter Mask register (AFMR) pair is associated with a use acceptance filter (UAF) bit. When the UAF bit is 1, the corresponding acceptance filter pair is used for acceptance filtering. When the UAF bit is 0, the corresponding acceptance filter pair is not used for acceptance filtering. To modify an acceptance filter pair in normal mode, the corresponding UAF bit in this register must first be set to 0. After the acceptance filter is modified, the corresponding UAF bit must be set to 1 for the filter to be enabled. The UAF bits in the can.AFR register enable the Rx acceptance filters: • If all UAF bits are set to 0, then all received messages are stored in the RxFIFO. • If the UAF bits are changed from a 1 to 0 during reception of a CAN message, the message will not be stored in the RxFIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 576 Chapter 18: CAN Controller If any of the enabled filters (up to four) satisfy this equation, then the Rx message is stored in the RxFIFO: If (AFMR & Message_ID) == (AFMR & AFIR) then Capture Message Each acceptance filter is independently enabled. The filters are selected by the can.AFR register. • Set can.AFR[UAF4] = 1 to enable AFMR4 and AFID4. • Set can.AFR[UAF3] = 1 to enable AFMR3 and AFID3. • Set can.AFR[UAF2] = 1 to enable AFMR2 and AFID2. • Set can.AFR[UAF1] = 1 to enable AFMR1 and AFID1. If all can.AFR[UAFx] bits are set = 0, then all received messages are stored in the RxFIFO. The UAF bits are sampled by the hardware at the start of an incoming message. Acceptance Filter Mask The Acceptance Filter Mask registers (AFMR) contain mask bits used for acceptance filtering. The incoming message identifier portion of a message frame is compared with the message identifier stored in the Acceptance Filter ID register. The mask bits define which identifier bits stored in the Acceptance Filter ID register are compared to the incoming message identifier. There are four AFMRs. These registers are stored in a memory. Reads from AFMRs return 'X's if the memory is uninitialized. Asserting a software reset or hardware reset does not clear register contents. These registers can be read from and written to. These registers are written to only when the corresponding UAF bits in the can.AFR register are 0 and the ACFBSY bit in the can.SR register is 0. The following conditions govern AFMRs: Extended Frames All bit fields (AMID [28:18], AMSRR, AMIDE, AMID [17:0] and AMRTR) need to be defined. Standard Frames Only AMID [28:18], AMSRR and AMIDE need to be defined. AMID [17:0] and AMRTR should be written as 0. Acceptance Filter Identifier The Acceptance Filter ID registers (AFIR) contain Identifier bits, which are used for acceptance filtering. There are four Acceptance Filter ID registers. These registers can be read from and written to. These registers should be written to only when the corresponding UAF bits in the SR are 0 and the ACFBSY bit in the SR is 0. The following conditions govern the use of the AFIRs: Extended Frames All the bit fields (AIID [28..18], AISRR, AIIDE, AIID [17:0] and AIRTR) must be defined. Standard Frames Only AIID [28:18], AISRR and AIIDE need to be defined. AIID [17:0] and AIRTR should be written with 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 577 Chapter 18: CAN Controller The user must ensure proper programming of the IDE bit for standard and extended frames. If the user sets the IDE bit in AMIR to 0, then it is considered to be a standard frame ID check only. Example: Program Acceptance Filter Each acceptance filter has its own mask, can.AFMR{1,2,3,4}, and ID register, can.AFIR{1,2,3,4}. 1. Disable acceptance filters. Write 0 to the can.AFR register. 2. Wait for filter to be not busy. Poll on can.SR[ACFBSY] for 0. 3. Write a filter mask and ID. Write to a pair of AFMR and AFIR registers (refer to the example below). 4. Write additional filter masks and IDs. Go to step 2. 5. Enable one or more Filters. To enable all filters, write 0x0000_000F to the can.AFR register. Program the AFMR and AFIR Registers The valid fields for sending Tx messages to the controller are summarized in Table 18-5. These fields are described in section 18.2.2 Message Format. Table 18-5: CAN Message Identifier Register (IDR) Fields ID[28:18] STR/RTR IDE ID[17:0] RTR Standard Frame Valid Valid Valid Ignored Ignored Extended Frame Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid In the AFMR mask register, enable (unmask) the compare functions for each field for the incoming Rx CAN message by writing a 1 to the bit field. In the AFIR register, write the values that are to be compared to the in-coming Tx CAN message. Example: Program the AFMR and AFIR for Standard Frames This example sets up the acceptance filter for standard frames. The frame ID number is shown to be 0x5DF, but could be set to desired value for the application. 1. Configure filter mask for standard frames. Write 0xFFF8_0000 to the can.AFMR register: a. Enable the compare for the standard message ID, [AMIDE] = 1. b. Compare all bits in the standard message ID, [AMIDH] = 0x7FF. c. Enable the compare for substitute remote transmission request, [AMSRR] = 1. d. Zero-out the extended frame bits, [AMIDL, AMRTR] = 0. 2. Configure filter ID for standard frames. Write 0xABC0_0000 to the can.AFIR register: a. Select the standard frame message mode, [AIIDE] = 0. b. Program the standard message ID, [AIIDH] = 0x55E. c. Disable substitute remote transmission request, [AISRR] = 0. d. Zero-out extended frame bits, [AIIDL, AIRTR] = 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 578 Chapter 18: CAN Controller Example: Program the AFMR and AFIR for Extended Frames This example setups up the acceptance filter for extended frames. The Frame ID number is shown to be 0x5DF, but could be set to desired value for the application. 1. Configure filter mask for extended frames. Write 0xFFFF_FFFF to the can.AFMR register: a. Enable the substitute remote transmission request mask for frame, [AMSRR] = 1. b. Compare all bits in the compare for the standard message ID, [AMIDH] = 0x7FF. c. Enable the extended frame, [AMIDE] = 1. d. Extended ID, [AMIDL] = 0x3FFFF e. 2. Remote transmission request bit for extended frame, [AMRTR] = 1. Configure filter ID for extended frames. Write 0xABDF_9BDE to the can.AFIR register: a. Standard ID, [AIIDH] = 0x55E. b. Remote transmission request bit for standard frame, [AISRR] = 1. c. Select standard/extended frame, [AIIDE] = 1. d. Extended ID, [AIIDL] = 3CDEF. e. Remote transmission request bit for extended frame, [AIRTR] = 0 18.2.6 Protocol Engine The CAN protocol engine consists primarily of the bit timing logic (BTL) and the bitstream processor (BSP) modules. Figure 18-5 shows a block diagram of the CAN protocol engine. X-Ref Target - Figure 18-5 Protocol Engine - Data Layer Buffer and Filter TX Message Control Control / Status Physical Layer TX Bit Bit Timing Logic TX PHY Bitstream Processor CAN BUS RX RX Bit Sampling Clock Device Boundary RX Message Clock Prescalar Reference Clock UG585_c18_03_101012 Figure 18-5: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 CAN Protocol Engine www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 579 Chapter 18: CAN Controller Rx/Tx Bit Timing Logic The primary functions of the bit timing logic (BTL) module include: • Generate the Rx sampling clock for the bitstream processor (BSP) • Synchronize the CAN controller to CAN traffic on the bus • Sample the bus and extracting the data stream from the bus during reception • Insert the transmit bit stream onto the bus during transmission The nominal length of the bit time clock period is based on the CAN_REF_CLK clock frequency, the baud rate generator divider (can.BRPR register) and the segment lengths (can.BTR register). The bit timing logic module manages the re-synchronization function for CAN using the sync width parameter in the can.BTR[SJW] bit field. The CAN bit timing is shown in Figure 18-6. X-Ref Target - Figure 18-6 Nominal Bit Time TS1 Sync Segment TS2 Propagation Segment Phase Segment 1 . . Phase Segment 2 . . . . Sample Point Time Quanta Clock (TQ_CLK) UG585_c18_04_073012 Figure 18-6: CAN Bit Time Sync Segment count always equals one time quanta period. The TS 1 and TS 2 period counts are programmable using the can.BTR[TS1, TS2] bit fields. These registers are written when the controller is in Configuration mode. The width of the propagation segment (PROP_SEG) must be less than the actual propagation delay. Time Quanta Clock The time quanta clock (TQ_CLK) is derived from the controller reference clock (CAN_REF_CLK) divided by the baud rate prescaler (BRP). tTQ_CLK = tCAN_REF_CLK * (can.BRPR[BRP] + 1) freqTQ_CLK = freqCAN_REF_CLK / (can.BRPR[BRP] + 1) tSYNC_SEGMENT = 1 * tTQ_CLK tTIME_SEGMENT1 = tTQ_CLK * (can.BTR[TS1] + 1) tTIME_SEGMENT2 = tTQ_CLK * (can.BTR[TS2] + 1) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 580 Chapter 18: CAN Controller tBIT_RATE = tSYNC_SEGMENT + tTIME_SEGMENT1 + tTIME_SEGMENT2 freqBIT_RATE = freqCAN_REF_CLK / ((can.BRPR[BRP] + 1) * (3 + can.BTR[TS1] + can.BTR[TS2])) TIP: A given bit-rate can be achieved with several bit-time configurations, but values should be selected after careful consideration of oscillator tolerances and CAN propagation delays. For more information on CAN bit-time register settings, refer to the CAN 2.0A, CAN 2.0B, and ISO 11898-1 specifications. Bitstream Processor The bitstream processor (BSP) module performs several functions while sending and receiving CAN messages. The BSP obtains a message for transmission from either the TxFIFO or the TxHPB and performs the following functions before passing the bitstream to the BTL. • Serializing the message • Inserting stuff bits, CRC bits, and other protocol defined fields during transmission During transmission the BSP simultaneously monitors Rx data and performs bus arbitration tasks. It then transmits the complete frame when arbitration is won, and retrying when arbitration is lost. During reception the BSP removes stuff bits, CRC bits, and other protocol fields from the received bitstream. The BSP state machine also analyses bus traffic during transmission and reception for Form, CRC, ACK, Stuff, and Bit violations. The state machine then performs error signaling and error confinement tasks. The CAN controller does not voluntarily generate overload frames but does respond to overload flags detected on the bus. This module determines the error state of the CAN controller: error active, error passive or bus-off. When Tx or Rx errors are observed on the bus, the BSP updates the transmit and receive error counters according to the rules defined in the CAN 2.0 A, CAN 2.0 B and ISO 11898-1 standards. Based on the values of these counters, the error state of the CAN controller is updated by the BSP. 18.2.7 CAN0-to-CAN1 Connection The I/O signals of the two CAN controllers in the PS can be connected together. In this mode, the RX signal of one CAN controller is connected to the TX signal of the other controller. These connections are enabled using the slcr.MIO_LOOPBACK [CAN0_LOOP_CAN1] bit. Limitation The CAN controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 581 Chapter 18: CAN Controller 18.3 Programming Guide 18.3.1 Overview The controller has several operating modes and different ways to receive and transmit messages. The low-level functions were described in 18.2 Functional Description. The system-level operations are described in section 18.4 System Functions. All the controller registers are listed in Table 18-6 and are described in detail in Appendix B, Register Details. 18.3.2 Configuration Mode State The CAN controller enters configuration mode, irrespective of the operation mode, when any of these actions are performed: • Writing a 0 to the CEN bit in the SRR register. • Writing a 1 to the SRST bit in the SRR register. The controller enters Configuration mode immediately following the software reset. • Driving a 1 on the Reset input controlled via SLCR. The controller continues to be in reset as long as Reset is 1. The controller enters configuration mode after Reset is negated to 0. In configuration mode the following apply: • The CAN controller loses synchronization with the CAN bus and drives a constant recessive bit on the bus line. • The Error Count register (ECR) is reset. • The Error Status register (ESR) is reset. • The Bit Timing register (BTR) and Baud Rate Prescaler register (BRPR) can be modified. • The CAN controller does not receive any new messages. • The CAN controller does not transmit any messages. Messages in the TxFIFO and the TxHPB are appended. These packets are sent when normal operation is resumed. • Reads from the RxFIFO can be performed. • Writes to the TxFIFO and TxHPB can be performed (provided the SNOOP bit is not set). • Interrupt Status register bits ARBLST, TXOK, RXOK, RXOFLW, ERROR, BSOFF, SLP, and WKUP are be cleared. • Interrupt Status register bits RXNEMP and RXUFLW can be set due to read operations to the RxFIFO. • Interrupt Status register bits TXBFLL and TXFLL, and Status register bits TXBFLL and TXFLL can be set due to write operations to the TX HPB and TX FIFO, respectively. • Interrupts are generated if the corresponding bits in the Interrupt Enable register (IER) are 1. • All Configuration registers are accessible. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 582 Chapter 18: CAN Controller When in configuration mode, the CAN controller stays in this mode until the CEN bit in the SRR register is set to 1. After the CEN bit is set to 1 the CAN controller waits for a sequence of 11 recessive bits before exiting configuration mode. The CAN controller enters normal, loop back, snoop, or sleep modes from configuration mode, depending on the LBACK, SNOOP, and SLEEP bits in the MSR register. 18.3.3 Start-up Controller The controller can operate in Normal, Sleep, Snoop and Loop Back modes. Refer to Figure 18-3 for supported transitions. On start-up the controller clocks and configuration bits are programmed. Then the operating mode is selected and enabled. Example: Start-up Sequence 1. Configure clocks. Refer to section 18.4.1 Clocks. 2. Configure Tx/Rx signals. Refer to section 18.5.1 MIO Programming. 3. Wait for configuration mode. Read can.SR[CONFIG] until it equals 1. 4. Reset the controller. The controller comes up in Configuration mode. Refer to section 18.4.2 Resets. 5. Program the bit sampling clock. Refer to section Rx/Tx Bit Timing Logic. 6. Program the interrupts, as needed. Refer to section 18.2.4 Interrupts. 7. Program the acceptance filters. Refer to section 18.2.5 Rx Message Filtering. 8. Select operating mode. Normal, Sleep, Snoop or LoopBack. Refer to section 18.3.4 Change Operating Mode. 9. Enable the controller. Write a 1 to can.SRR[CEN]. 18.3.4 Change Operating Mode Example: Normal to Sleep Mode Sleep mode is entered from Normal Mode when the following conditions are met: 1. Select Sleep Mode. Write 1 to can.MSR[SLEEP]. 2. Wait for CAN bus to go idle. 3. Wait for all TxFIFO and TxHPB messages to be transmitted. Note: In normal mode, can.MSR[LBACK] = 0 and can.SSR[CEN] = 1. Also, can.MSR[SNOOP] = don't care. Example: Configuration to Sleep Mode Sleep mode is entered from Configuration Mode when the following conditions are met: 1. Select Sleep Mode. Write 1 to can.MSR[SLEEP] and write 0 to can.MSR[LBACK]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 583 Chapter 18: 2. Enable the controller. Write 1 to can.SSR[CEN]. 3. Wait for TxFIFO or TxHPB to empty. CAN Controller Note: In configuration mode, can.MSR[SNOOP] = don't care. Sleep mode is exited when I/O bus activity is detected or when software writes a message to either the TxFIFO or the TxHPB. When the controller exits sleep mode, can.MSR[SLEEP] is set to 0 by the hardware and an interrupt can be generated. 18.3.5 Write Messages to TxFIFO With either option, can.SR[TXFLL] can be polled before writing a message. All messages written to the TxFIFO should follow the format defined in Message Structure. Example: Write Message to TxFIFO Using Polling Method 1. Poll the TxFIFO status. Read can.SR[TXFLL] for 0 and can.SR[TXFEMP] for 1 and then message can be written into the TxFIFO. 2. Write message to TxFIFO. Write to all four data registers (can.TXFIFO_ID, can.TXFIFO_DLC, can.TXFIFO_DATA1, and can.TXFIFO_DATA2). Example: Write Message to TxFIFO Using Interrupt Method In interrupt mode, writes can continue until can.ISR[TXFLL] generates an interrupt. Messages can be continuously written to the TxFIFO until the TxFIFO is full. When the TxFIFO is full the can.ISR[TXFLL] and can.SR[TXFLL] are set to 1. When the TxFIFO is empty, can.ISR[TXFEMP] is set to 1. 18.3.6 Write Messages to TxHPB All messages written to the TxHPB use the polling method. The format should follow section 18.2.2 Message Format. Example: Write Message to TxHPB 1. Poll the TxHPB status. Read can.SR[TXBFLL] until it equals 0 and then write the message into the TxHPB. 2. Write message to TxHPB. Write to all four data registers (can.TXHPB_ID, can.TXHPB_DLC, can.TXHPB_DATA1, and can.TXHPB_DATA2). 18.3.7 Read Messages from RxFIFO Whenever a new message is received and put into the RxFIFO, the can.ISR[RXNEMP] and can.ISR[RXOK] bits are set to 1. If the RxFIFO is empty when the message is read, then the can.ISR[RXUFLW] is also set to 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 584 Chapter 18: CAN Controller Example: Read Message from RxFIFO Using Polling Method 1. Poll the RxFIFO status. Read can.ISR[RXOK] or can.ISR[RXNEMP] register until a message is received. Proceed to step 2 when a bit is set. 2. Read message from the RxFIFO. Read all four of the registers (can.RXFIFO_ID, can.RXFIFO_DLC, can.RXFIFO_DATA1, can.RXFIFO_DATA2). 3. Determine if more messages are in the RxFIFO. Read can.ISR[RXNEMP]. Example: Read Message from RxFIFO Using Interrupt Method The can.ISR[RXOK] and/or can.ISR[RXNEMP] bit fields can generate the interrupt. 1. Program RxFIFO watermark level interrupt. Write to can.WIR[FW] to set watermark can.ISR[RXFWMFLL] interrupt. 2. Proceed to step 3 when an interrupt is received. 3. Wait until a message is received. Read can.ISR[RXOK] or can.ISR[RXFWMFLL]. 4. Read message from the RxFIFO. Read all four of the registers (can.RXFIFO_ID, can.RXFIFO_DLC, can.RXFIFO_DATA1, can.RXFIFO_DATA2). 5. Determine if RxFIFO is not empty. Read can.ISR[RXNEMP]. 6. Repeat until the RxFIFO is empty. 7. Clear the interrupt. 18.3.8 Register Overview The control and status registers are listed in see Table 18-6. Each of these registers is 32-bits wide. Any read operations to reserved bits or bits that are not used return 0. A 0 should be written to reserved bits and bit fields not used. Writes to reserved locations are ignored. Table 18-6: CAN Register Overview Function Register Names (CAN registers, except where noted) Overview Configuration and Control SRR MSR BRPR BTR ECR TCR Enable/disable and reset the controller. Setup baud rate and timing. Clear timestamp counter. Interrupt Processing ISR IER ICR WIR Enable/disable the interrupt detection, mark interrupt sent to the interrupt controller, read raw interrupt status. Status ECR ESR SR Inform about the status of the controller. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 585 Chapter 18: Table 18-6: CAN Controller CAN Register Overview (Cont’d) Function Register Names (CAN registers, except where noted) Overview Transmit FIFO TXFIFO_ID TXFIFO_DLC TXFIFO_DATA1 TXFIFO_DATA2 Write message to be transmitted. Transmit High Priority Buffer TXHPB_ID TXHPB_DLC TXHPB_DATA1 TXHPB_DATA2 Store one high priority transmit message. Receive FIFO RXFIFO_ID RXFIFO_DLC RXFIFO_DATA1 RXFIFO_DATA2 Read received message. Acceptance Filter AFR AFMR[4:1] AFIR[4:1] Configure and control the four acceptance filters. System level slcr.CAN_CLK_CTRL slcr.CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL slcr.CAN_RST_CTRL A controller reset and clock control. 18.4 System Functions 18.4.1 Clocks The controller and I/O interface are driven by the reference clock (CANx_REF_CLK). The controller's interconnect also requires an APB interface clock. The APB interconnect clock (CPU_1x) always comes from the PS clock subsystem. The reference clock normally comes from the PS clock subsystem, but it can alternatively be driven by an external clock source via any available MIO pin. The reference clock is used by the protocol engine, the baud rate generator, and the datapath. The controllers share the same reference clock frequency from the PS clock subsystem. If the reference clock is from an MIO pin, then the frequencies can be different. CPU_1x Clock Refer to Chapter 25, Clocks, for general clock programming information. The CPU_1x clock runs asynchronous to the CAN reference clock. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 586 Chapter 18: CAN Controller Reference Clock CAN_REF_CLK is normally sourced from the PS clock subsystem, but it can alternatively be driven by an external clock source via an MIO pin. Internally, the PS has three PLLs and two clock divider pairs. The clock source choice, PS clock subsystem or external MIO pin, is controlled by the CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL register. The CAN clocks in the PS are controlled by slcr.CAN_CLK_CTRL. The generation of the CAN reference clock by the PS is described in section The Quad-SPI clock is divided down by at least two using the Quad-SPI baud rate divider, see section 12.4.1 Clocks. In master mode, the SPI clock is divided down by at least four using the SPI baud rate divider, see section 17.4.2 Clocks.. There is one clock generator in the PS for both CAN controllers. If an MIO pins is used instead, the selected MIO_PIN Mux register is programmed as an input. Example: Configure and Route Internal Clock for Reference Clock Configure the clock and disable MIO path. Assume the PLL is operating at 1000 MHz and the required CAN reference clock is 24 MHz (23.8095 MHz). 1. Program the clock subsystem. Write 0x0030_0E03 to the slcr.CAN_CLK_CTRL register: a. Enable both CAN reference clocks. b. Divide the I/O PLL clock by 42 (0x02A): DIVISOR0= 0x0E and DIVISOR1=0x03 used by both controllers. 2. Disable the MIO path. Write 0x0000_0000 to the slcr.CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL register to select the clock from the internal clock subsystem/PLL for both controllers. Example: Source Controller Clock from MIO Pin This example uses MIO pin 45 as a controller clock reference. 1. Configure MIO device pin. Write 0x0000_1200 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_45 register: a. Route MIO pin 45 to the GPIO controller (this is overridden in the next step). b. Disable the output driver (TRI_ENABLE = 1). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). 2. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Enable MIO path. Write to the slcr.CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL register to override the MIO PIN register setting that was written in the previous step. Write a 1 to slcr.CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL[CANx__REF_SEL] and write the desired MIO pin number into the slcr.CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL[CANx_MUX] bit field to match the pin in the previous step. 18.4.2 Resets The effects for each reset type are summarized in Table 18-7. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 587 Chapter 18: Table 18-7: CAN Controller CAN Reset Effects Name APB Rx and Tx Protocol Interface FIFOs Engine Control and Acceptance Filters Status (ID and Mask) Registers Local CAN Reset can.SRR[SRST] Yes Yes Yes Yes No PS Reset Subsystem slcr.CAN_RST_CTRL[CANx_CPU1X_RST] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Example: Reset using Local CAN Reset 1. Write to the Local CAN reset register. Write a 1 to can.SRR[SRST] bit field. This bit is self-clearing. Example: Reset using Reset Subsystem 1. Write to the slcr reset register for CAN. Write a 1 then a 0 to the slcr.CAN_RST_CTRL[CANx_CPU1X_RST] bit field. 18.5 I/O Interface 18.5.1 MIO Programming Each set of controller Rx/Tx signals is connected to either MIO pins or the EMIO interface, refer to Table 18-8, page 589. The general routing concepts and MIO I/O buffer configurations are explained in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. The MIO routing to use an external reference clock (CAN_REF_CLK) is described in section 18.4.1 Clocks. Example: Configure Rx/Tx Signals to MIO Pins 1. Configure MIO pin 46 for the Rx signal. Write 0x0000_1221 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_46 register: a. Route CAN0 Rx signal to pin 46. b. Output disabled (set TRI_ENABLE = 1). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). 2. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Diable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pin 47 for the Tx signal. Write 0x0000_1220 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_47 register: a. Route CAN0 Tx signal to pin 47. b. 3-state controlled by CAN (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS drive edge. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 588 Chapter 18: e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. CAN Controller 18.5.2 MIO-EMIO Signals The CAN I/O Signals are identified in Table 18-8. Refer to section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables for routing details. The MIO pins and any restrictions based on device versions are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Table 18-8: CAN MIO Pins and EMIO Signals Default Controller Input Value Numbers I/O Name I/O CAN 0 Rx 0 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50 I EMIOCAN0PHYRX I CAN 0 Tx ~ 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51 O EMIOCAN0PHYTX O CAN 0 CLK ~ Any MIO pin I ~ ~ CAN 1 Rx 0 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53 I EMIOCAN1PHYRX I CAN 1 Tx ~ 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 O EMIOCAN1PHYTX O CAN 1 CLK ~ Any MIO pin I ~ ~ CAN Interface MIO Pins Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com EMIO Signals Send Feedback 589 Chapter 19 UART Controller 19.1 Introduction The UART controller is a full-duplex asynchronous receiver and transmitter that supports a wide range of programmable baud rates and I/O signal formats. The controller can accommodate automatic parity generation and multi-master detection mode. The UART operations are controlled by the configuration and mode registers. The state of the FIFOs, modem signals and other controller functions are read using the status, interrupt status and modem status registers. The controller is structured with separate Rx and Tx data paths. Each path includes a 64-byte FIFO. The controller serializes and de-serializes data in the Tx and Rx FIFOs and includes a mode switch to support various loopback configurations for the RxD and TxD signals. The FIFO interrupt status bits support a polling or interrupt driven handler. Software reads and writes data bytes using the Rx and Tx data port registers. When the UART is being used in a modem-like application, the modem control module detects and generates the modem handshake signals and also controls the receiver and transmitter paths according to the handshaking protocol. 19.1.1 Features Each UART controller (UART 0 and UART 1) has the following features: • Programmable baud rate generator • 64-byte receive and transmit FIFOs • Programmable protocol: ° 6, 7, or 8 data bits ° 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits ° Odd, even, space, mark, or no parity • Parity, framing and overrun error detection • Line-break generation • Interrupts generation • RxD and TxD modes: Normal/echo and diagnostic loopbacks using the mode switch Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 590 Chapter 19: UART Controller • Loop UART 0 with UART 1 option • Modem control signals: CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, RI and DCD are available only on the EMIO interface 19.1.2 System Viewpoint The system viewpoint diagram for the UART controllers is shown in Figure 19-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 19-1 IRQ ID# {59, 82} UART Interface Controller UART REF_RST UART REF_CLK PS Slave APB Interconnect CPU_1x clock UART{0, 1} CPU1X_RST MIO – EMIO Routing Tx, Rx MIO Pins Slave ports Control And Status Registers Tx, Rx, CTSN, DCDN, DSRN, RIN, DTRN, RTSN EMIO Signals PL UG585_c19_01_010112 Figure 19-1: UART System Viewpoint The slcr register set (refer to section 4.3 SLCR Registers) includes control bits for the UART clocks, resets and MIO-EMIO signal mapping. Software accesses the UART controller registers using the APB 32-bit slave interface attached to the PS AXI interconnect. The IRQ from each controller is connected to the PS interrupt controller and routed to the PL. 19.1.3 Notices Reference Clock Operating Restrictions There is a single PS clock generator for both UART controllers. The reference clocks (UART_Ref_Clk) going to the baud rate generator of each UART controller are of the same clock frequency, but are individually enabled, refer to section 25.6.3 SDIO, SMC, SPI, Quad-SPI and UART Clocks. The controllers are always clocked by the internal, PS clock generator. Note: There are no frequency restrictions in the relationship between the CPU_1x and UART_Ref_clk clocks. 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins as shown in the MIO-at-a-Glance Table, page 52. This restricts the availability of the UART signals on the MIO pins. If needed, the TxD and RxD UART signals can be routed through the EMIO interface and passed-through to the PL pins. All of the CLG225 device restrictions are listed in section 1.1.3 Notices. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 591 Chapter 19: UART Controller 19.2 Functional Description 19.2.1 Block Diagram The block diagram for the UART module is shown in Figure 19-2 X-Ref Target - Figure 19-2 PS AXI Interconnect APB Slave Interface TxFIFO Transmitter RxFIFO Receiver CTS, RTS, DSR, DCD, RI, DTR Control and Status Registers Interrupt Controller (GIC) UART Ref Clock UART TxD Mode Switch UART RxD MIO/EMIO EMIO Interrupts Optional Divide by 8 Baud Rate Generator UG585_c19_02_020613 Figure 19-2: UART Block Diagram 19.2.2 Control Logic The control logic contains the Control register and the Mode register, which are used to select the various operating modes of the UART. The Control register enables, disables, and issues soft resets to the receiver and transmitter modules. In addition, it restarts the receiver timeout period, and controls the transmitter break logic. Receive line break detection must be implemented in Software. It will be indicated by a Frame Error followed by one or more zero bytes in the RxFIFO. The Mode register selects the clock used by the baud rate generator. It also selects the bit length, parity bit and stop bit to be used by transmitted and received data. In addition, it selects the mode of operation of the UART, switching between normal UART mode, automatic echo, local loopback, or remote loopback, as required. 19.2.3 Baud Rate Generator The baud rate generator furnishes the bit period clock, or baud rate clock, for both the receiver and the transmitter. The baud rate clock is implemented by distributing the base clock uart_clk and a single cycle clock enable to achieve the effect of clocking at the appropriate frequency division. The effective logic for the baud rate generation is shown in Figure 19-3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 592 Chapter 19: UART Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 19-3 uart.mode_reg0[0] UART Ref clock Divide by 8 uart.Baud_rate_divider_reg0[7:0] uart.Baud_rate_gen_reg0[15:0] 0 Sel Clk sel_clk 1 CD Programmable Divider BDIV Programmable Divider Rx and Tx Baud rate Baud Sample UG585_c19_03_071912 Figure 19-3: UART Board Rate Generator The baud rate generator can use either the master clock signal, uart_ref_clk, or the master clock divided by eight, uart_ref_clk/8. The clock signal used is selected according to the value of the CLKS bit in the Mode register (uart.mode_reg0). The resulting selected clock is termed sel_clk in the following description. The sel_clk clock is divided down to generate three other clocks: baud_sample, baud_tx_rate, and baud_rx_rate. The baud_tx_rate is the target baud rate used for transmitting data. The baud_rx_rate is nominally at the same rate, but gets resynchronised to the incoming received data. The baud_sample runs at a multiple ([BDIV] + 1) of baud_rx_rate and baud_tx_rate and is used to over-sample the received data. The sel_clk clock frequency is divided by the CD field value in the Baud Rate Generator register to generate the baud_sample clock enable. This register can be programmed with a value between 1 and 65535. The baud_sample clock is divided by [BDIV] plus 1. BDIV is a programmable field in the Baud Rate Divider register and can be programmed with a value between 4 and 255. It has a reset value of 15, inferring a default ratio of 16 baud_sample clocks per baud_tx_clock / baud_rx_rate. Thus the frequency of the baud_sample clock enable is shown in Equation 19-1. sel_clk baud_sample = -------------CD Equation 19-1 The frequency of the baud_rx_rate and baud_tx_rate clock enables is show in Equation 19-2. sel_clk baud_rate = ----------------------------------CD × ( BDIV + 1 ) Equation 19-2 IMPORTANT: It is essential to disable the transmitter and receiver before writing to the Baud Rate Generator register (uart.Baud_rate_gen_reg0), or the baud rate divider register (uart.Baud_rate_divider_reg0). A soft reset must be issued to both the transmitter and receiver before they are re-enabled. Some examples of the relationship between the uart_ref_clk clock, baud rate, clock divisors (CD and BDIV), and the rate of error are shown in Table 19-1. The highlighted entry shows the default reset Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 593 Chapter 19: UART Controller values for CD and BDIV. For these examples, a system clock rate of UART_Ref_Clk = 50 MHz and Uart_ref_clk/8 = 6.25 MHz is assumed. The frequency of the UART reference clock can be changed to get a more accurate Baud rate frequency, refer to Chapter 25, Clocks for details to program the UART_Ref_Clk. Table 19-1: UART Parameter Value Examples Clock UART Ref clock Baud Rate Calculated CD Actual CD BDIV Actual Baud Rate Error (BPS) % Error 600 10416.667 10417 7 599.980 0.020 -0.003 UART Ref clock /8 9,600 81.380 81 7 9,645.061 45.061 0.469 UART Ref clock 9,600 651.041 651 7 9,600.614 0.614 0.006 UART Ref clock 28,800 347.222 347 4 28,818.44 18.44 0.064 UART Ref clock 115,200 62.004 62 6 115,207.37 7.373 0.0064 UART Ref clock 230,400 31.002 31 6 230,414.75 14.75 0.006 UART Ref clock 460,800 27.127 9 11 462,962.96 2,162.96 0.469 UART Ref clock 921,600 9.042 9 5 925,925.92 4,325.93 0.469 19.2.4 Transmit FIFO The transmit FIFO (TxFIFO) stores data written from the APB interface until it is removed by the transmit module and loaded into its shift register. The TxFIFO’s maximum data width is eight bits. Data is loaded into the TxFIFO by writing to the TxFIFO register. When data is loaded into the TxFIFO, the TxFIFO empty flag is cleared and remains in this Low state until the last word in the TxFIFO has been removed and loaded into the transmitter shift register. This means that host software has another full serial word time until the next data is needed, allowing it to react to the empty flag being set and write another word in the TxFIFO without loss in transmission time. The TxFIFO full interrupt status (TFULL) indicates that the TxFIFO is completely full and prevents any further data from being loaded into the TxFIFO. If another APB write to the TxFIFO is performed, an overflow is triggered and the write data is not loaded into the TxFIFO. The transmit FIFO nearly full flag (TNFULL) indicates that there is not enough free space in the FIFO for one more write of the programmed size, as controlled by the WSIZE bits of the Mode register. The TxFIFO nearly-full flag (TNFULL) indicates that there is only byte free in the TxFIFO. A threshold trigger (TTRIG) can be setup on the TxFIFO fill level. The Transmitter Trigger register can be used to setup this value, such that the trigger is set when the TxFIFO fill level reaches this programmed value. 19.2.5 Transmitter Data Stream The transmit module removes parallel data from the TxFIFO and loads it into the transmitter shift register so that it can be serialized. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 594 Chapter 19: UART Controller The transmit module shifts out the start bit, data bits, parity bit, and stop bits as a serial data stream. Data is transmitted, least significant bit first, on the falling edge of the transmit baud clock enable (baud_tx_rate). A typical transmitted data stream is illustrated in Figure 19-4. X-Ref Target - Figure 19-4 baud_tx_rate D0 TXD D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 PA S STOP START UG585_c19_04_020613 Figure 19-4: Transmitted Data Stream The uart.mode_reg0[CHRL] register bit selects the character length, in terms of the number of data bits. The uart.mode_reg0[NBSTOP] register bit selects the number of stop bits to transmit. 19.2.6 Receiver FIFO The RxFIFO stores data that is received by the receiver serial shift register. The RxFIFO’s maximum data width is eight bits. When data is loaded into the RxFIFO, the RxFIFO empty flag is cleared and this state remains Low until all data in the RxFIFO has been transferred through the APB interface. Reading from an empty RxFIFO returns zero. The RxFIFO full status (Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [RFUL] and Channel_sts_reg0 [RFUL] bits) indicates that the RxFIFO is full and prevents any further data from being loaded into the RxFIFO. When a space becomes available in the RxFIFO, any character stored in the receiver will be loaded. A threshold trigger (RTRIG) can be setup on the RxFIFO fill level. The Receiver Trigger Level register (Rcvr_FIFO_trigger_level0) can be used to setup this value, such that the trigger is set when the RxFIFO fill level transitions this programmed value. The Range is 1 to 63. 19.2.7 Receiver Data Capture The UART continuously over-samples the UARTx_RxD signal using UARTx REF_CLK and the clock enable (baud_sample). When the samples detect a transition to a Low level, it can indicate the beginning of a start bit. When the UART senses a Low level at the UART_RxD input, it waits for a count of half of BDIV baud rate clock cycles, and then samples three more times. If all three bits still indicate a Low level, the receiver considers this to be a valid start bit, as illustrated in Figure 19-5 for the default BDIV of 15. X-Ref Target - Figure 19-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 baud_sample Data (LSB) rxd Start Bit UG585_c19_05_022612 Figure 19-5: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Default BDIV Receiver Data Stream www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 595 Chapter 19: UART Controller When a valid start bit is identified, the receiver baud rate clock enable (baud_rx_rate) is re-synchronised so that further sampling of the incoming UART RxD signal occurs around the theoretical mid-point of each bit, as illustrated in Figure 19-6. X-Ref Target - Figure 19-6 baud_rx_rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 baud_sample Data Bit rxd UG585_c19_06_022612 Figure 19-6: Re-synchronized Receiver Data Stream When the re-synchronised baud_rx_rate is High, the last three sampled bits are compared. The logic value is determined by majority voting; two samples having the same value define the value of the data bit. When the value of a serial data bit has been determined, it is shifted to the receive shift register. When a complete character has been assembled, the contents of the register are then pushed to the RxFIFO. Receiver Parity Error Each time a character is received, the receiver calculates the parity of the received data bits in accordance with the uart.mode_reg0 [PAR] bit field. It then compares the result with the received parity bit. If a difference is detected, the parity error bit is set = 1, uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [PARE]. An interrupt is generated, if enabled. Receiver Framing Error When the receiver fails to receive a valid stop bit at the end of a frame, the frame error bit is set =1, uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [FRAME]. An interrupt is generated, if enabled. Receiver Overflow Error When a character is received, the controller checks to see if the RxFIFO has room. If it does, then the character is written into the RxFIFO. If the RxFIFO is full, then the controller waits. If a subsequent start bit on RxD is detected and the RxFIFO is still full, then data is lost and the controller sets the Rx overflow interrupt bit, uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [ROVR] = 1. An interrupt is generated, if enabled. Receiver Timeout Mechanism The receiver timeout mechanism enables the receiver to detect an inactive RxD signal (a persistent High level). The timeout period is programmed by writing to the uart.Rcvr_timeout_reg0 [RTO] bit field. The timeout mechanism uses a 10-bit decrementing counter. The counter is reloaded and starts counting down whenever a new start bit is received on the RxD signal, or whenever software writes a 1 to uart.Control_reg0 [RSTTO] (regardless of the previous [RSTTO] value). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 596 Chapter 19: UART Controller If no start bit or reset timeout occurs for 1,023 bit periods, a timeout occurs. The Receiver timeout error bit [TIMEOUT] will be set in the interrupt status register, and the [RSTTO] bit in the Control register should be written with a 1 to restart the timeout counter, which loads the newly programmed timeout value. The upper 8 bits of the counter are reloaded from the value in the [RTO] bit field and the lower 2 bits are initialized to zero. The counter is clocked by the UART bit clock. As an example, if [RTO] = 0xFF, then the timeout period is 1,023 bit clocks (256 x 4 minus 1). If 0 is written into the [RTO] bit, the timeout mechanism is disabled. When the decrementing counter reaches 0, the receiver timeout occurs and the controller sets the timeout interrupt status bit uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [TIMEOUT] = 1. If the interrupt is enabled (uart.Intrpt_mask_reg0 [TIMEOUT] = 1), then the IRQ signal to the PS interrupt controller is asserted. Whenever the timeout interrupt occurs, it is cleared with a write back of 1 to the Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [TIMEOUT] bit. Software must set uart.Control_reg0 [RSTTO] = 1 to generate further receive timeout interrupts. 19.2.8 I/O Mode Switch The mode switch controls the routing of the RxD and TxD signals within the controller as shown in Figure 19-7. The loopback using the mode switch occurs regardless of the MIO-EMIO routing of the UARTx TxD/RxD I/O signals. There are four operating modes as shown in Figure 19-7. The mode is controlled by the uart.mode_reg0 [CHMODE] register bit field: normal, automatic echo, local loopback and remote loopback. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 597 Chapter 19: UART Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 19-7 TxFIFO Transmit UARTx TxD Mode Switch RxFIFO TxFIFO Transmit Receive UARTx TxD UARTx RxD TxFIFO Transmit Mode Switch RxFIFO Receive UARTx RxD Normal Mode TxFIFO Transmit RxFIFO Receive UARTx TxD Receive UARTx RxD Automatic Echo Mode TxFIFO Transmit Mode Switch RxFIFO UARTx TxD Mode Switch UARTx TxD Mode Switch UARTx RxD RxFIFO Receive UARTx RxD Remote Loopback Mode Local Loopback Mode UG585_c19_13_100512 Figure 19-7: UART Mode Switch for TxD and RxD Normal Mode Normal mode is used for standard UART operations. Automatic Echo Mode Echo mode receives data on RxD and the mode switch routes the data to both the receiver and the TxD pin. Data from the transmitter cannot be sent out from the controller. Local Loopback Mode Local loopback mode does not connect to the RxD or TxD pins. Instead, the transmitted data is looped back around to the receiver. Remote Loopback Mode Remote loopback mode connects the RxD signal to the TxD signal. In this mode, the controller cannot send anything on TxD and the controller does not receive anything on RxD. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 598 Chapter 19: UART Controller 19.2.9 UART0-to-UART1 Connection The I/O signals of the two UART controllers in the PS can be connected together. In this mode, the RxD and CTS input signals from one controller are connected to the TxD and RTS output signals of the other UART controller by setting the slcr.LOOP [UA0_LOOP_UA1] bit = 1. The other flow control signals are not connected. This UART-to-UART connection occurs regardless of the MIO-EMIO programming. 19.2.10 Status and Interrupts Interrupt and Status Registers There are two status registers that can be read by software. Both show raw status. The Chnl_int_sts_reg0 register can be read for status and generate an interrupt. The Channel_sts_reg0 register can only be read for status. The Chnl_int_sts_reg0 register is sticky; once a bit is set, the bit stays set until software clears it. Write a 1 to clear a bit. This register is bit-wise AND'ed with the Intrpt_mask_reg0 mask register. If any of the bit-wise AND functions have a result = 1, then the UART interrupt is asserted to the PS interrupt controller. • Channel_sts_reg0: Read-only raw status. Writes are ignored. The various FIFO and system indicators are routed to the uart.Channel_sts_reg0 register and/or the uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 register as shown in Figure 19-8. X-Ref Target - Figure 19-8 Status FIFO and other System Indicators uart.Channel_sts_reg0[14:10, 4:0] (all bits are dynamic) uart.Intrpt_mask_reg0 Interrupts uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0[12:0] (all bits are sticky) 0: Masked 1: Enabled PS Interrupt IRQ ID #59 / #82 Mask Enable 0 1 uart.Intrpt_en_reg0 1 0 Figure 19-8: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 uart.Intrpt_dis_reg0 UG585_c19_03_010613 Interrupts and Status Signals www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 599 Chapter 19: UART Controller The interrupt registers and bit fields are summarized in Table 19-2. Table 19-2: UART Interrupt Status Bits Interrupt Register Names and Bit Assignments 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TNFUL TTRIG DMSI TIME OUT PARE FRAME ROVR TFUL TEMPTY RFUL REMPTY RTRIG TACTIVE RACTIVE X X X X X TFUL TEMPTY RFUL REMPTY RTRIG uart.Intrpt_en_reg0 uart.Intrpt_dis_reg0 uart.Intrpt_mask_reg0 uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 x x TOVR uart.Channel_sts_reg0 TNFUL TTRIG FDELT Interrupt Mask Register Intrpt_mask_reg0 is a read-only interrupt mask/enable register that is used to mask individual raw interrupts in the Chnl_int_sts_reg0 register: • If the mask bit = 0, the interrupt is masked. • If the mask bit = 1, the interrupt is enabled. This mask is controlled by the write-only Intrpt_en_reg0 and Intrpt_dis_reg0 registers. Each associated enable/disable interrupt bit should be set mutually exclusive (e.g., to enable an interrupt, write 1 to Intrpt_en_reg0[x] and write 0 to Intrpt_dis_reg0[x]). Channel Status These status bits are in the Channel_sts_reg0 register. • TACTIVE: Transmitter state machine active status. If in an active state, the transmitter is currently shifting out a character. • RACTIVE: Receiver state machine active status. If in an active state, the receiver is has detected a start bit and is currently shifting in a character. • FDELT: Receiver flow delay trigger continuous status. The FDELT status bit is used to monitor the RxFIFO level in comparison with the flow delay trigger level. Non-FIFO Interrupts These interrupt status bits are in the Chnl_int_sts_reg0 register. • TIMEOUT: Receiver Timeout Error interrupt status. This event is triggered whenever the receiver timeout counter has expired due to a long idle condition. • PARE: Receiver Parity Error interrupt status. This event is triggered whenever the received parity bit does not match the expected value. • FRAME: Receiver Framing Error interrupt status. This event is triggered whenever the receiver fails to detect a valid stop bit. Refer to section 19.2.7 Receiver Data Capture. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 600 Chapter 19: • UART Controller DMSI: indicates a change of logic level on the DCD, DSR, RI or CTS modem flow control signals. This includes High-to-Low and Low-to-High logic transitions on any of these signals. FIFO Interrupts The status bits for the FIFO interrupts listed in Table 19-2 are illustrated in Figure 19-9. These interrupt status bits are in the Channel Status (uart.Channel_sts_reg0) and Channel Interrupt Status (uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0) registers with the exception that the [TOVR] and [ROVR] bits are not part of the uart.Channel_sts_reg0 register. X-Ref Target - Figure 19-9 RxFIFO (64 bytes) TxFIFO (64 bytes) Overflow Interrupt [ROVR] Full Interrupt [RFUL] Full Interrupt [TFUL] Overflow Interrupt [TOVR] Nearly Full Interrupt [TNFUL] Trigger Interrupt [RTRIG] Trigger Interrupt [TTRIG] uart.Rcvr_FIFO_trigger_level0 uart.Tx_FIFO_trigger_level0 Empty Interrupt [REMPTY] Empty Interrupt [TEMPTY] UG585_c19_12_102912 Figure 19-9: UART RxFIFO and TxFIFO Interrupt The FIFO trigger levels are controlled by these bit fields: • uart.Rcvr_FIFO_trigger_level0[RTRIG], a 6-bit field • uart.Tx_FIFO_trigger_level0[TTRIG], a 6-bit field 19.2.11 Modem Control The modem control module facilitates the control of communication between a modem and the UART. It contains the Modem Status register, the Modem Control register, the DMSI bit in interrupt status register, and FDELT in the channel status register. This event is triggered whenever the DCTS, DDSR, TERI, or DDCD in the modem status register are being set. The read-only Modem Status register is used to read the values of the clear to send (CTS), data carrier detect (DCD), data set ready, (DSR) and ring indicator (RI) modem inputs. It also reports changes in any of these inputs and indicates whether automatic flow control mode is currently enabled. The bits in the Modem Status register are cleared by writing a 1 to the particular bit. The read/write only Modem Control register is used to set the data terminal ready (DTR) and request to send (RTS) outputs, and to enable the Automatic Flow Control Mode register. By default, the automatic flow control mode is disabled, meaning that the modem inputs and outputs work completely under software control. When the automatic flow control mode is enabled by setting the FCM bit in the Modem Control register, the UART transmission and reception status is automatically controlled using the modem handshake inputs and outputs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 601 Chapter 19: UART Controller In automatic flow control mode the request to send output is asserted and de-asserted based on the current fill level of the receiver FIFO, which results in the far-end transmitter pausing transmission and preventing an overflow of the UART receiver FIFO. The FDEL field in the Flow Delay register (Flow_delay_reg0) is used to setup a trigger level on the Receiver FIFO which causes the de-assertion of the request to send. It remains Low until the FIFO level has dropped to below four less than FDEL. Additionally in automatic flow control mode, the UART only transmits while the clear to send input is asserted. When the clear to send is de-asserted, the UART pauses transmission at the next character boundary. If flow control is selected as automatic, then Flow Delay register must be programmed in order to have a control on the inflow of data, which is done by de-asserting RTS signal. The value corresponds to the RxFIFO level at which RTS signal will be de-asserted. It will be re-asserted when the RxFIFO level drops to four below the value programmed in the Flow Delay register. The uart.Channel_sts_reg0 [FDELT] register bit is used to monitor the RxFIFO level in comparison with the flow delay trigger level. The [FDELT] bit is set whenever the RxFIFO level is greater than or equal to trigger the level programmed in the Flow Delay register. The trigger level programmed in the Flow Delay register has no dependency on the Rx Trigger Level register. This is to only control the inflow of data using the RTS modem signal. The CPU will be interrupted by receive data only on receipt of an Rx Trigger interrupt. Data is retrieved based on the trigger level programmed in the Rx Trigger Level register. Programmable Parameters The UART flow control signals, DTR and RTS are generated by the UART controller. • The RTS flow control signal is used to signal for Rx (ready to send signal to the attached terminal). • The DTR flow control signal indicates the status of the UART controller (data terminal ready). The DTR and RTS can be controlled manually by software or automatically by the controller. • In automatic mode, the modem control unit asserts and de-asserts the RTS and DTR signals. • In manual mode, software controls the RTS and DTR signals using uart.Modem_ctrl_reg0. uart.Modem_ctrl_reg0: • [DTR]: Data Terminal Ready output signal • [RTS]: Request to Send output signal • [FCM]: Select Automatic or Manual flow control. uart.Modem_sts_reg0: • [DCTS]: Delta Clear To Send (input) status • [DDSR]: Delta Data Set Ready (input) status • [TERI]: Trailing-edge Ring Indicator (input) status • [DDCD]: Delta Data Carrier Detect (input) status Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 602 Chapter 19: UART Controller Select one of the following operating options: Example: Automatic Flow Control 1. Set RTS trigger level. Write to the uart.Flow_Delay_reg0 register. This is the trigger level to de-assert modem signal RTS. 2. Select automatic flow control. Write a 1 to uart.Modem_ctrl_reg0 [FCM]. 3. Verify the mode change to automatic. Read uart.Modem_sts_reg0 [FCMS] until it equals 1. When software writes a 1 to uart.Modem_ctrl_reg0 [FCM], the modem changes to automatic mode. The change of mode from manual to automatic is verified by reading the status bit FCMS in the Modem Status register. Example: Manual Flow Control 1. Select manual flow control. Write a 0 to uart.Modem_ctrl_reg0 [FCM]. Option a. Control the DTR output signal using uart.Modem_ctrl_reg0 [DTR]. Option b. Control the RTS output signal using uart.Modem_ctrl_reg0 [RTS]. Example: Monitor for a Change in the DCD DSR RI CTS Flow Control Signals A logic level change to the DCD DSR RI CTS flow control signals is detected by the controller. When a logic level change is detected, the hardware sets the uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [DMSI] bit. This change, or channel status can optionally generate an interrupt. 1. Check flow control signal status. uart.Modem_sts_reg0 register reports the modem status. In interrupt mode, the ISR can run when the DMSI interrupt occurs when there is a change of status on modem lines. Limitation The UART controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. 19.3 Programming Guide 19.3.1 Start-up Sequence Main Example: Start-up Sequence 1. Reset controller: The reset programming model is described in section 19.4.2 Resets. 2. Configure I/O signal routing: Rx/Tx can be routed to either MIO or EMIO. The modem control signals are only available on the EMIO interface. Refer to section 19.5.1 MIO Programming. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 603 Chapter 19: UART Controller 3. Configure UART_Ref_Clk: The UART clock architecture and programming model are described in section 19.4.1 Clocks. 4. Configure controller functions: Program the I/O signal characteristics and controller functions using the uart.Control_reg0 and uart.mode_reg0 registers. Examples are shown in section 19.3.2 Configure Controller Functions. 5. Configure interrupts: Interrupts are used to manage the Rx/Tx FIFOs in all modes. Refer to section 19.2.10 Status and Interrupts and the program example in section 19.3.5 RxFIFO Trigger Level Interrupt. 6. Configure modem controls (optional): Polling and interrupt driven options. Refer to section 19.2.11 Modem Control. 7. Manage transmit and receive data: Polling and interrupt driven handlers are supportable. Refer to sections 19.3.3 Transmit Data and 19.3.4 Receive Data. 19.3.2 Configure Controller Functions Example: Configure Controller Functions This example configures the character frame, the baud rate, the FIFO trigger levels, the Rx timeout mechanism, and enables the controller. All of these steps are necessary after a reset, but not necessary between enabling and disabling the controller. 1. Configure UART character frame. Write 0x0000_0020 into the uart.mode_reg0: a. Disables clock pre-divider, UART_REF_CLK/8: [CLKS] = 0 b. Selects 8-bit character length: [CHRL] = 00 c. Selects no parity: [PAR] = 100 d. Selects 1 stop bit: [NBSTOP] = 00 e. 2. Selects normal channel mode (Mode Switch): [CHMODE] = 00 Configure the Baud Rate. Write to three registers: uart.Control_reg0, uart.Baud_rate_gen_reg0, and uart.Baud_rate_divider_reg0. Examples for the calculated CD and BDIV values are shown in table Table 19-1, page 594. The baud rate generator is described in section 19.2.3 Baud Rate Generator. a. Disable the Rx path: set uart.Control_reg0 [RXEN] = 0 and [RXDIS] = 1. b. Disable the Txpath: set uart.Control_reg0 [TXEN] = 0 and [TXDIS] = 1. c. Write the calculated CD value into the uart.Baud_rate_gen_reg0 [CD] bit field. d. Write the calculated BDIV value into the uart.Baud_rate_divider_reg0 [BDIV] bit value. e. Reset Tx and Rx paths: uart.Control_reg0 [TXRST] and [RXRST] = 1. These bits are self-clearing. f. Enable the Rx path: Set [RXEN] = 1 and [RXDIS] = 0. g. Enable the Tx path: Set [TXEN] = 1 and [TXDIS] = 0. 3. Set the level of the RxFIFO trigger level. Write the trigger level into the uart.Rcvr_FIFO_trigger_level0 register. ° Option a: Enable the Rx trigger level: Write a value of 1 to 63 into the [RTRIG] bit field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 604 Chapter 19: ° 4. UART Controller Option b: Disable the Rx trigger level: Write 0 into the [RTRIG] bit field. Enable the Controller. Write 0x0000_0117 into the uart.Control_reg0 register. a. Reset Tx and Rx paths: uart.Control_reg0 [TXRST] and [RXRST] = 1. These bits are self-clearing. b. Enables the Rx path: [RXEN] = 1 and [RXDIS] = 0. c. Enables the Tx path: [TXEN] = 1 and [TXDIS] = 0. d. Restarts the Receiver Timeout Counter: [RSTTO] = 1. 5. e. Does not start to transmit a break: [STTBRK] = 0. f. Stop Break transmitter: [STPBRK] = 1 Program the Receiver Timeout Mechanism. Write the timeout value into the uart.Rcvr_timeout_reg0 register. Refer to Receiver Timeout Mechanism, page 596. a. To enable the timeout mechanism, write a value of 1 to 255 into the [RSTTO] bit field. b. To disable the timeout mechanism, write a 0 into the [RSTTO] bit field. 19.3.3 Transmit Data Software can used polling or interrupts to control the flow of data to the TxFIFO and RxFIFO. Note: When the TxFIFO Empty status is true, software can write 64 bytes (the size of the TxFIFO) without checking the TxFIFO status. In reality, software can write more than 64 bytes when the transmitter is active because while the software is writing data to the TxFIFO, the controller is removing data and serializing it onto the TxD signal. Example: Transmit Data using the Polling Method In this example, the software can choose to fill the TxFIFO until the Full status bit is set or wait for the TxFIFO to be empty (and write up to 64 bytes). The software can always write a byte when the TxFIFO is nearly full. 1. Check to see if the TxFIFO is empty. Wait until uart.Channel_sts_reg0[TEMPTY] = 1. 2. Fill the TxFIFO with data. Write 64 bytes of data to the uart.TX_RX_FIFO0 register. 3. Write more data to the TxFIFO. There are two methods: Option A: Check to see if the TxFIFO has room to another byte of data (i.e., the TxFIFO is not full): Read uart.Channel_sts_reg0 [TFUL] until it equals 0. When [TFUL] = 0, write a single byte of data into the TxFIFO and then read [TFUL] again. Option B: Wait until the TxFIFO goes empty. Read uart.Channel_sts_reg0 [TEMPTY] until it equals 1, then go to step 2 to fill the TxFIFO with 64 bytes of data. Example: Transmit Data using the Interrupt Method This example initially fills the TxFIFO in a similar way as the polling method. Then, software enables the TxFIFO Empty interrupt to alert the software to fill-up the TxFIFO again. 1. Disable the TxFIFO Empty interrupt. Write a 1 to uart.Intrpt_dis_reg0 [TEMPTY]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 605 Chapter 19: UART Controller 2. Fill the TxFIFO with data. Write 64 bytes of data to the uart.TX_RX_FIFO0 register. 3. Check to see if the TxFIFO has room to another byte of data (i.e., the TxFIFO is not full): read uart.Channel_sts_reg0 [TFUL] until it equals 0. When [TFUL] = 0, write a single byte of data into the TxFIFO and then read [TFUL] again. 4. Repeat step 2 and 3. Repeat until uart.Channel_sts_reg0 [TFUL] is not set. 5. Enable the interrupt. Enable the interrupt with a write of 1 to uart.Intrpt_en_reg0 [TEMPTY]. 6. Wait until the TxFIFO is empty. Repeat from step 1 when uart.Channel_int_sts_reg0 [TEMPTY] is set to 1. 19.3.4 Receive Data Example: Receive Data using the Polling Method 1. Wait until the RxFIFO is filled up to the trigger level. Check to see if uart.Channel_sts_reg0[RTRIG] = 1 or uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [TIMEOUT] = 1. 2. Read data from the RxFIFO. Read data from the uart.TX_RX_FIFO0 register. 3. Repeat step 2 until FIFO is empty. Check that uart.Channel_sts_reg0 [REMPTY] = 1. 4. Clear if Rx timeout interrupt status bit is set. Write 1 to Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [TIMEOUT]. Example: Receive Data using the Interrupt Method 1. Enable interrupts. Write a 1 to uart.Intrpt_en_reg0 [TIMEOUT] and uart.Intrpt_en_reg0[RTRIG]. 2. Wait until the RxFIFO is filled up to the trigger level or Rx timeout. Check that uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [RTRIG] = 1 or uart.Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [TIMEOUT] = 1. 3. Read data from the RxFIFO. Read data from the uart.TX_RX_FIFO0 register. 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until the FIFO is empty. Check that uart.Channel_sts_reg0 [REMPTY] = 1. 5. Clear the interrupt status bits if set. Write a 1 to Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [TIMEOUT] or Chnl_int_sts_reg0 [RTRIG]. 19.3.5 RxFIFO Trigger Level Interrupt Example: Set the RxFIFO Trigger Level and Enable the Interrupt The Intrpt_en_reg0 register has bits to enable the interrupt mask and Intrpt_dis_reg0 has bits to forcefully disable the interrupts. Each pair of bits should be set mutually exclusive (i.e., one register has a 1 for the bit and the other register has a 0): • Intrpt_en_reg0: Write-only. Enable interrupt bit(s). • Intrpt_dis_reg0: Write-only. Force disable of interrupt bit(s). 1. Program the Trigger Level. Write to the 6-bit field, uart.Rcvr_FIFO_trigger_level0[RTRIG]. 2. Enable the RTRIG interrupt. Set the enable bit, clear the disable bit, and verify the mask value: a. Set uart.Intrpt_en_reg0[RTRIG] = 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 606 Chapter 19: UART Controller b. Clear uart.Intrpt_dis_reg0[RTRIG] = 0. c. 3. The uart.intrpt_mask_reg0[RTRIG] read back = 1 (enabled interrupt). Disable the RTRIG interrupt. Set the disable bit, clear the enable bit, and verify the mask value: a. Set uart.Intrpt_dis_reg0[RTRIG] =1. b. Clear uart.Intrp_en_reg0[RTRIG] = 0. c. 4. The uart.intrpt_mask_reg0[RTRIG] read back = 0 (disabled interrupt). Clear the RTRIG interrupt. Write a one to the uart.Intrpt_dis_reg0[RTRIG] bit field. When both the enable and disable bits are set for an interrupt, the interrupt is disabled. The state of the interrupt enable/disable mechamism can be determined by reading the uart.Intrpt_mask_reg0 register. If the mask bit = 1, then the interrupt is enabled. 19.3.6 Register Overview An overview of the UART registers is shown in Table 19-3. Details are provided in Appendix B, Register Details. Table 19-3: UART Register Overview Function uart. Register Names Overview Configuration Control_reg0 mode_reg0 Baud_rate_gen_reg0 Baud_rate_divider_reg0 Configure mode and baud rate. Interrupt processing Intrpt_en_reg0 Intrpt_dis_reg0 Intrpt_mask_reg0 Chnl_int_sts_reg0 Channel_sts_reg0 Enable/disable interrupt mask, channel interrupt status, channel status Rx and Tx Data TX_RX_FIFO0 Read data Received. Write data to be Transmitted. Receiver Rcvr_timeout_reg0 Rcvr_FIFO_trigger_level0 Configure receiver timeout and RxFIFO trigger level value. Transmitter Tx_FIFO_trigger_level0 Configure TxFIFO trigger level value. Modem Modem_ctrl_reg0 Modem_sts_reg0 Flow_delay_reg0 Configure modem-like application. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 607 Chapter 19: UART Controller 19.4 System Functions 19.4.1 Clocks The controller and I/O interface are driven by the reference clock (UART_REF_CLK). The controller's interconnect also requires an APB interface clock (CPU_1x). Both of these clocks always come from the PS clock subsystem. CPU_1x Clock Refer to section 25.2 CPU Clock, for general clock programming information. The CPU_1x clock runs asynchronous to the UART reference clock. Reference Clock The generation of the reference clock in the PS clock subsystem is controlled by the slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL register. This register can select the PLL that the clock is derived from and sets the divider frequency. This register also controls the clock enables for each UART controller. The generation of the UART reference clock is described in section 25.6.3 SDIO, SMC, SPI, Quad-SPI and UART Clocks. Operating Restrictions Note: The clock operating restrictions are described in section 19.1.3 Notices. Example: Configure Reference Clock The clock can be based on any of the PLLs in the PS clock subsystem. In this example, the I/O PLL is used with a 1,000 MHz clock and the clock divisor is 0x14 to generate a 50 MHz clock for the UART controllers. 1. Program the UART Reference clock. Write 0x0000_1401 to the slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL register. a. Clock divisor, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL[DIVISOR] = 0x14. b. Select the IO PLL, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL[SRCSEL] = 0. c. Enable the UART 0 Reference clock, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL [CLKACT0] = 1. d. Disable UART 1 Reference clock, slcr.UART_CLK_CTRL [CLKACT1] bit = 0. 19.4.2 Resets The controller reset bits are generated by the PS, see Chapter 26, Reset System. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 608 Chapter 19: UART Controller Example: Controller Reset Option 1. Assert Controller Reset: Set both slcr.UART_RST_CTRL[UARTx_REF_RST, UARTx_CPU1X_RST] bits = 1. Option 2. De-assert Controller Reset: Clear both slcr.UART_RST_CTRL[UARTx_REF_RST, UARTx_CPU1X_RST] bits = 0. 19.5 I/O Interface 19.5.1 MIO Programming The UART RxD and TxD signals can be routed to one of many sets of MIO pins or to the EMIO interface. All of the modem flow control signals are always routed to the EMIO interface and are not available on the MIO pins. All of the UART signals are listed in Table 19-4. The routing of the RxD and TxD signals are described in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. Example: Route UART 0 RxD/TxD Signals to MIO Pins 46, 47 In this example, the UART 0 RxD and TxD signals are routed through MIO pins 46 and 47. Many other pin options are possible. 1. Configure MIO pin 46 for the RxD signal. Write 0x0000_12E1 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_46 register: a. Route UART 0 RxD signal to pin 46. b. Output disabled (set TRI_ENABLE = 1). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). 2. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pin 47 for the TxD signal. Write 0x0000_12E0 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_47 register: a. Route UART 0 TxD signal to pin 47. b. 3-state controlled by the UART (TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS drive edge. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 609 Chapter 19: UART Controller 19.5.2 MIO – EMIO Signals The UART I/O signals are identified in Table 19-4. The MIO pins and any restrictions based on device versions are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Table 19-4: UART MIO Pins and EMIO Signals UART Interface Signal UART 0 Transmit Default Controller Input Value Numbers ~ MIO Pins EMIO Signals I/O Name I/O 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51 O EMIOUART0TX O 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50 I EMIOUART0RX I ~ ~ EMIOUART0CTSN I ~ ~ EMIOUART0RTSN O UART 0 Data Set Ready ~ ~ EMIOUART0DSRN I UART 0 Data Carrier Detect ~ ~ EMIOUART0DCDN I UART 0 Ring Indicator ~ ~ EMIOUART0RIN I UART 0 Receive UART 0 Clear to Send UART 0 Ready to Send ~ UART 0 Data Terminal Ready ~ ~ ~ EMIOUART0DTRN O UART 1 Transmit ~ 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 O EMIOUART1TX O 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53 I EMIOUART1RX I ~ ~ EMIOUART1CTSN I ~ ~ EMIOUART1RTSN O UART 1 Data Set Ready ~ ~ EMIOUART1DSRN I UART 1 Data Carrier Detect ~ ~ EMIOUART1DCDN I UART 1 Ring Indicator ~ ~ EMIOUART1RIN I ~ ~ EMIOUART1DTRN O UART 1 Receive UART 1 Clear to Send UART 1 Ready to Send UART 1 Data Terminal Ready ~ ~ Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 610 Chapter 20 I2C Controller 20.1 Introduction This I2C module is a bus controller that can function as a master or a slave in a multi-master design. It supports an extremely wide clock frequency range from DC (almost) up to 400 Kb/s. In master mode, a transfer can only be initiated by the processor writing the slave address into the I2C address register. The processor is notified of any available received data by a data interrupt or a transfer complete interrupt. If the HOLD bit is set, the I2C interface holds the SCL line Low after the data is transmitted to support slow processor service. The master can be programmed to use both normal (7-bit) addressing and extended (10-bit) addressing modes. In slave monitor mode, the I2C interface is set up as a master and continues to attempt a transfer to a particular slave until the slave device responds with an ACK. The HOLD bit can be set to prevent the master from continuing with the transfer, preventing an overflow condition in the slave. A common feature between master mode and slave mode is the timeout (TO) interrupt flag. If at any point the SCL line is held Low by the master or the accessed slave for more than the period specified in the Timeout register, a timeout (TO) interrupt is generated to avoid stall conditions. 20.1.1 Features The PS supports two I2C devices with these key features: • I2C bus specification version 2 • Supports 16-byte FIFO • Programmable normal and fast bus data rates • Master mode • ° Write transfer ° Read transfer ° Extended address support ° Support HOLD for slow processor service ° Supports TO interrupt flag to avoid stall condition Slave monitor mode Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 611 Chapter 20: I2C Controller • Slave mode ° Slave transmitter ° Slave receiver ° Fully programmable slave response address ° Supports HOLD to prevent overflow condition ° Supports TO interrupt flag to avoid stall condition • Software can poll for status or function as interrupt-driven device • Programmable interrupt generation 20.1.2 System Block Diagram The system viewpoint diagram for the I2C module is shown in Figure 20-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 20-1 IRQ ID# {57, 80} Interconnect APB Device Boundary MIO – EMIO Routing I2C Controllers Slave port I2C{0, 1} CPU1x reset I2C{0, 1} CPU_1x clock SCL, SDA MIO Pins SCL, SDA, SCL_T Control Registers EMIO PL Clocking UG585_c20_01_030612 Figure 20-1: I2C System Block Diagram 20.1.3 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins as shown in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. This restricts the availability of the I2C signals on the MIO pins. As needed, I2C signals can be routed through the EMIO interface and passed-through to the PL pins. All CLG225 device restrictions are listed in section 1.1.3 Notices. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 612 Chapter 20: I2C Controller 20.2 Functional Description 20.2.1 Block Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 20-2 Clock Enable Generator Control Register APB APB Interface TX Data Register RX Data Register Interrupts Control FSM SCL/SDA Interface Status Register Interrupts RX Shift Register UG585_c20_02_030612 Figure 20-2: I2C Peripheral Block Diagram 20.2.2 Master Mode An I2C transfer can only be initiated by the APB host, and two types of transfers can be performed: • Write transfer, where the I2C becomes master transmitter • Read transfer, where the I2C becomes master receiver Write Transfer To accomplish an I2C write transfer, the host must perform these steps: 1. Write to the control register to set up SCL speed and addressing mode. 2. Set the MS, ACKEN, and CLR_FIFO bits and clear the RW bit in the Control register. 3. If required, set the HOLD bit. Otherwise write the first byte of data to the I2C Data register. 4. Write the slave address into the I2C address register. This initiates the I2C transfer. 5. Continue to load the remaining data to be sent to the slave by writing to the I2C Data register. The data is pushed in the FIFO each time the host writes to the I2C Data register. When all data is transferred successfully, the COMP bit is set in the interrupt status register. A data interrupt is generated whenever there are only two bytes left for transmission in the FIFO. When all data is transferred successfully, If the HOLD bit is not set, the I2C interface generates a STOP condition and terminates the transfer. If the HOLD bit is set, the I2C interface holds the SCL line Low Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 613 Chapter 20: I2C Controller after the data is transmitted. The host is notified of this event by a transfer complete interrupt (COMP bit set) and the TXDV bit in the status register is cleared. At this point, the host can proceed in three ways: 1. Clear the HOLD bit. This causes the I2C interface to generate a STOP condition. 2. Supply more data by writing to the I2C address register. This causes the I2C interface to continue with the transfer, writing more data to the slave. If at any point the slave responds with a NACK, the transfer automatically terminates and a transfer NACK interrupt is generated (the NACK bit set). When a NACK is received the Transfer Size register indicates the number of bytes that still need to be sent minus one. Unless the very last byte written by the host into the FIFO was a NACK byte, TXDV remains High. In this case, the host must clear the FIFO by setting the CLR_FIFO bit in the Control register. If at any point the SCL line is held Low by the master or the accessed slave for more than the period specified in the Timeout register, a TO interrupt is generated and the outstanding amount of data minus one is then read from the Transfer Size register. Read Transfer To accomplish an I2C read transfer, the host must perform these steps: 1. Write to the Control register to set up the SCL speed and addressing mode. 2. Set the MS, ACKEN, CLR_FIFO bits, and the RW bit in the Control register. 3. If the host wants to hold the bus after the data is received, it must also set the HOLD bit. 4. Write the number of requested bytes in the Transfer Size register. 5. Write the slave address in the I2C Address register. This initiates the I2C transfer. The host is notified of any available received data in two ways: 1. If an outstanding transfer size is equal to or greater than the FIFO size -2, a data interrupt is generated (DATA bit set) when there are two free locations available in the FIFO. 2. If an outstanding transfer size is less than FIFO size -2, a transfer complete interrupt is generated (COMP bit set) when the outstanding transfer size bytes are received. In both cases, the RXDV bit in the status register is set. The I2C interface automatically returns a NACK after receiving the last expected byte and terminates the transfer by generating a STOP condition. If the HOLD bit is set during a master read transfer, the I2C interface drives the SCL line Low. If at any point the slave responds with NACK while the master transmits a slave address for a master read transfer, the transfer automatically terminates and a transfer NACK interrupt is generated (NACK bit is set). The outstanding amount of data can be read from the Transfer Size register. If at any point the SCL line is held Low by the master or the accessed slave for more than the period specified in the Timeout register, a TO interrupt is generated. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 614 Chapter 20: I2C Controller 20.2.3 Slave Monitor Mode This mode is meaningful only when the module is in master mode and bit SLVMON in the control register is set. The host must set the MS and SLVMON bits and clear the RW bit in the Control register. Also, it must initialize the Slave Monitor Pause register. The master attempts a transfer to a particular slave whenever the host writes to the I2C Address register. If the slave returns a NACK when it receives the address, the master waits for the time interval established by the Slave Monitor Pause register and attempts to address the slave again. The master continues this cycle until the slave responds with an ACK to its address or until the host clears the SLVMON bit in the Control register. If the addressed slave responds with an ACK, the I2C interface terminates the transfer by generating a STOP condition and a SLV_RDY interrupt. 20.2.4 Slave Mode The I2C interface is set up as a slave by clearing the MS bit in the Control register. The I2C slave must be given a unique identifying address by writing to the I2C address register. The SCL speed must also be set up at least as fast as the fastest SCL frequency expected to be seen. When in slave mode, the I2C interface operates as either a slave transmitter or a slave receiver. Slave Transmitter The slave becomes a transmitter after recognizing the entire slave address sent by the master and when the R/W field in the last address byte sent is High. This means that the slave has been requested to send data over the I2C bus and the host is notified of this through an interrupt through an interrupt to the GIC (refer to Figure 20-1, page 612). At the same time, the SCL line is held Low to allow the host to supply data to the I2C slave before the I2C master starts sampling the SDA line. The host is notified of this event by setting the DATA interrupt flag. At the same time, the SCL line is held Low to allow the host to supply data to the I2C slave before the I2C master starts sampling the SDA line. The host must supply data for transmission through the I2C data register so that the SCL line is released and transfer continues. If it does not write to the I2C data register before the timeout period expires, an interrupt is generated and a TO interrupt flag is set. After the host writes to the I2C data register, the transfer continues by loading data in the FIFO while the transfer is in progress. The amount of data loaded in the FIFO might be a known system parameter or communicated in advance through a higher level protocol using the I2C bus. When there are only two valid bytes left in the FIFO for transmission, an interrupt is generated and the DATA interrupt flag is set. If the I2C master returns a NACK on the last byte transmitted from the FIFO, an interrupt is generated, and the COMP interrupt flag is set as soon as the I2C master generates a STOP condition. The transfer must continue if the master acknowledges on the last byte sent out from the FIFO. At that moment, the DATA interrupt flag is set. The TXDV flag in the Status register is cleared because the FIFO is empty. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 615 Chapter 20: I2C Controller If the I2C master terminates the transfer before all of the data in the FIFO is sent by the slave, the host is notified, and the NACK interrupt flag is set while TXDV remains set and the Transfer Size register indicates the remaining bytes in the FIFO. The host must set the CLR_FIFO bit in the Control register to clear the FIFO and the TXDV bit. Slave Receiver The slave becomes a receiver after recognizing the entire slave address sent by the master and when the R/W bit in the first address byte is Low. This means that the master is about to send one or more data bytes to the slave over the I2C bus. After a byte is acknowledged by the I2C slave, the RXDV bit in the Status register is set, indicating that new data has been received. The host reads the received data through the I2C Data register. An interrupt is generated and the DATA interrupt flag is set when there are only two free locations left in the FIFO. Whenever the I2C master generates a STOP condition, an interrupt is generated and the COMP interrupt flag is set. The Transfer Size register then contains the number of bytes received that are available in the FIFO. This number is decremented by the host on each read of the I2C Data register. If the FIFO is full when one or more bytes are received by the I2C interface, an interrupt is generated and the RX_OVF interrupt flag is set. The last byte received is not acknowledged and the data in the FIFO is kept intact. The HOLD bit can be set in the Control register to avoid overflow conditions when it is impossible to respond to interrupts in a reasonable time. If the HOLD bit is set, the I2C interface keeps the SCL line Low until the host clears resources for data reception. This prevents the master from continuing with the transfer, causing an overflow condition in the slave. The host clears resources for data reception by reading the data register. If the HOLD bit is set and the I2C interface keeps the SCL line Low for longer than the timeout period, an interrupt is generated and the TO interrupt flag is set. 20.2.5 I2C Speed The main clock used within the I2C interface is the clock enable signal (see Figure 20-3). • In slave mode, the clock enable is used to extract synchronization information for correct sampling of the SDA line. • In master mode, the clock enable is used to establish a time base for generating the desired SCL frequency. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 616 Chapter 20: I2C Controller X-Ref Target - Figure 20-3 divisor_a divisor_b 1 to 4 divider 1 to 64 divider Clock_Enable CPU_1x Clock UG585_c20_03_022912 Figure 20-3: I2C Clock Generator The frequency of the clock_enable signal is defined by the frequency of the CPU_1x clock and the values of divisor_a and divisor_b using Equation 20-1 FreqCPU_1x FreqClock_Enable = ----------------------------------------------------------------------( divisor_a + 1 ) × ( divisor_b + 1 ) Equation 20-1 Note: As seen from the above calculation, the SCL clock frequency range is limited by the cpu_1x clock. This means that for some cpu_1x clock rates there will be some SCL frequencies that are not possible. See I2C register map in Appendix B, Register Details for details of register fields. Table 20-1 lists the calculated values for standard and high speed SCL clock values. A programming example is provided in Section 20.3.2. I2C SCL Clock = CPU_1X_Clock / (22 * (divisor_a + 1) * (divisor_b + 1)) Table 20-1: Calculated Values for Standard and High Speed SCL Clock Values I2C SCL Clock CPU_1X_Clock divisor_a divisor_b 100 KHz 111 MHz 2 16 400 KHz 111 MHz 0 12 100 KHz 133 MHz 0 60 400 KHz 133 MHz 2 4 100 KHz 166 MHz 3 16 20.2.6 Multi-Master Operation In I2C multi master mode, the bus is shared with other masters. In this mode, the I2C clock (I2C_SCL)is driven by the device that acts as the master. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 617 Chapter 20: I2C Controller 20.2.7 I2C0-to-I2C1 Connection The I/O signals of the two I2C controllers in the PS are connected together when the slcr.MIO_LOOPBACK [I2C0_LOOP_I2C1] bit is set = 1. In this mode, the serial clocks are connected together and the serial data signals are connected together. 20.2.8 Status and Interrupts The registers i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0, i2c.Intrpt_mask_reg0, i2c.Intrpt_enable_reg0 and i2c.Intrpt_disable_reg0 provide interrupt capability. See Table 20-2 for Interrupt and Status register names and bit assignments. Table 20-2: Interrupt and Status Register Names and Bit Assignments 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 i2c.Intrpt_mask_reg0 i2c.Intrpt_enable_reg0 i2c.Intrpt_disable_reg0 X X X X X X ARB_LOST X RX_UNF TX_OVF RX_OVF SLV_RDY TO NACK DATA COMP X X X BA RXOVF TXDV RXDV X RX_RW X X X i2c.Status_reg0 X X X X Interrupt Mask Register Intrpt_mask_reg0 is a read-only interrupt mask register used to enable/disable individual interrupts in the i2c.interrupt_status_reg0 register: • If the mask bit = 0, the interrupt is enabled. • If the mask bit = 1, the interrupt is disabled. This mask is controlled by the write-only Intrpt_enable_reg0 and Intrpt_disable_reg0 registers. Each associated enable/disable interrupt bit should be set mutually exclusive (e.g., to enable an interrupt, write 1 to Intrpt_enable_reg0[x] and write 0 to Intrpt_disable_reg0[x]). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 618 Chapter 20: I2C Controller Interrupt Status Register All the bits are sticky. • Read: Reads interrupt status. • Write: Write 1 to clear Status Register All bits present the raw status of the interface. Bits in this register dynamically change based on FIFO and other conditions. Limitation The I2C controller registers require single 32-bit read/write accesses, do not use byte, halfword, or double word references. 20.3 Programmer’s Guide 20.3.1 Start-up Sequence 1. Reset controller: Programming resets is described in section 20.4.2 Reset Controller. 2. Configure I/O signal routing: I2C signals SCL and SDA can be routed to either MIO or EMIO. Refer to Table 20-4. Example of I2C SCL and SDA signal routed to MIO is provided in section 20.5.1 Pin Programming. 3. Configure Clocks: The I2C clock architecture is described in section 20.4.1 Clocks. 4. Controller Configuration: Program I2C transfer parameters using i2c.Control_reg0 etc. Refer to section 20.4.2 Reset Controller. 5. Configure Interrupts: Interrupts help to control data in FIFO. Refer to section 20.2.8 Status and Interrupts and programming example in section 20.3.3 Configure Interrupts. 6. Data Transfers: Transfers in master mode and slave monitor mode can be referred in section 20.3.4 Data Transfers. 20.3.2 Controller Configuration The user should choose interface mode, addressing mode, direction of transfer, timeout, and program the I2C bus speed before initiating an I2C transfer. Optionally, the user can clear FIFOs and hold the bus if required, in case of large data or combined transfers. Example: Master Write Transfer 1. Configure the Control parameters. Write 0x0000_324E to the i2c.Control_reg0 register: a. Select Master mode: Set i2c.Control_reg0[MS] = 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 619 Chapter 20: I2C Controller b. Set Direction of transfer as Master Transmitter: Set i2c.Control_reg0[RW] = 0. c. Select Normal Addressing [7-bit] mode: Set i2c.Control_reg0[NEA] = 1. d. Enable the transmission of ACK: Set i2c.Control_reg0[ACKEN] = 1. e. Clear the FIFOs: Set i2c.Control_reg0[CLR_FIFO] = 1. f. Program the clock divisors: - Set i2c.Control_reg0[divisor_a] = 0. - Set i2c.Control_reg0[divisor_b] = 50. These divisors generate an I2C SCL of 99 KHz using the CPU_1X clock of 111 MHz. For further details refer to section 20.2.5 I2C Speed. 2. Configure Timeout. Write 0x0000_00FF to the i2c.Time_out_reg0 register. Wait 255 SCL cycles when the SCL is held Low, before generating a timeout interrupt. 20.3.3 Configure Interrupts The interrupts are described in section 20.2.8 Status and Interrupts . The i2c.Intrpt_enable_reg0 register has bits to enable the interrupt mask and i2c.Intrpt_disable_reg0 has bits to forcefully disable the interrupts. Each pair of bits should be set mutually exclusive: Example: Program Example to Configure Completion Interrupt 1. Enable the completion interrupt. Set the enable bit, clear the disable bit, and verify the mask value: a. Set i2c.Intrpt_enable_reg0[COMP] = 1. b. Clear i2c.Intrpt_disable_reg0[COMP] = 0. c. 2. i2c.intrpt_mask_reg0[COMP] reads back = 1. Disable the completion interrupt. Set the enable bit, clear the disable bit, and verify the mask value: a. Set i2c.Intrpt_disable_reg0[COMP] = 1. b. Clear i2c.Intrpt_enable_reg0[COMP] = 0. c. 3. Monitor completion interrupt. I2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 provides status of completion interrupt.: a. 4. i2c.Intrpt_mask_reg0[COMP] reads back = 0. Read i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [COMP]. 1 indicates that an interrupt occurred. Clear completion interrupt. Write 1 to the i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0[COMP] bit field. 20.3.4 Data Transfers Transfers can be achieved in polled mode or interrupt driven mode. Limitation on data count while performing a master read transfer is 255 bytes. Below are examples of read and write transfer in Master mode and example for Slave Monitor mode. Refer to section 20.2.3 Slave Monitor Mode for details. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 620 Chapter 20: I2C Controller Example: Master Read Using Polled Method 1. Set direction of transfer as read and clear the FIFOs. Write 0x41 to i2c.Control_reg0. 2. Clear interrupts. Read and write back the read value to i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0. 3. Write read data count to transfer size register and hold bus if required. Write read data count value to i2c.Transfer_size_reg0. If read data count greater than FIFO depth, set i2c.Control_reg0 [HOLD] = 1. 4. Write the slave address. Write the address to the i2c.I2C_address_reg0 register. 5. Wait for data to be received into the FIFO. Poll on i2c.Status_reg0 [RXDV] = 1. a. If i2c.Status_reg0 [RXDV] = 0, and any of i2c.Interrupt_status_register [NACK], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [ARB_LOST], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [RX_OVF], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [RX_UNF] interrupts are set, then stop the transfer and report the error, otherwise continue to poll on i2c.Status_reg0 [RXDV]. b. If i2c.Status_reg0 [RXDV] = 1, and if any of i2c.Interrupt_status_register [NACK], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [ARB_LOST], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [RX_OVF], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [RX_UNF] interrupts are set, then stop the transfer and report the error. Otherwise, go to step 6. 6. Read data and update count. Read data from FIFO until i2c.Status_reg0[RXDV] = 1. Decrement the read data count and if it is less than or equal to the FIFO depth, clear i2c.Control_reg0[HOLD]. 7. Check for Completion of transfer. If total read count reaches zero, poll on i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [COMP] = 1. Otherwise continue from step 5. Example: Master Write Using Polled Method 1. Set Direction of transfer as write and Clear the FIFO’s. Write 0x40 to i2c.Control_reg0. 2. Clear Interrupts. Read and write back the read value to i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0. 3. Calculate the space available in FIFO. Subtract i2c.Transfer_size_reg0 value from FIFO depth. 4. Fill the data into FIFO. Write the data to i2c.I2C_data_reg0 based on the count obtained in step 3. 5. Write the Slave Address. Write the address to i2c.I2C_address_reg0 register. 6. Wait for TX FIFO to be empty. Poll on i2c.Status_reg0 [TXDV] = 0. a. If i2c.Status_reg0 [TXDV] = 1, any of i2c.Interrupt_status_register [NACK], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [ARB_LOST], i2c.Interrupt_status_register [RX_OVF], i2c.Status_register [TX_OVF] are set, then stop the transfer and report the error otherwise continue to poll. b. If i2c.Status_reg0 [TXDV] = 0, repeat step 3, 4 and 6 until there is no further data. 7. Wait for completion of transfer. Check for i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [COMP] = 1. Example: Master Read Using Interrupt Method 1. Set direction of transfer as read and clear the FIFO’s. Write 0x41 to i2c.Control_reg0. 2. Clear interrupts. Read and write back the read value to i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0. 3. Enable Timeout, NACK, Rx overflow, Arbitration lost, DATA, Completion interrupts. Write 0x22F to i2c.Intrpt_en_reg0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 621 Chapter 20: I2C Controller 4. Write read data count to transfer size register and hold bus if required. Write read data count value to i2c.Transfer_size_reg0. If read data count greater than FIFO depth, set i2c.Control_reg0 [HOLD]. 5. Write the slave address. Write the address to the i2c.I2C_address_reg0 register. 6. Wait for data to be received into FIFO. a. If read data count is equal to or greater than FIFO depth, wait for i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [DATA] = 1. Read 14 bytes from FIFO. Decrement the read data count by 14 and if it is less than or equal to the FIFO depth, clear i2c.Control_reg0[HOLD] b. Otherwise, wait for i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [COMP] = 1 and read data from the FIFO based on the read data count. 7. Check for completion of transfer. Check if read count reaches zero. Otherwise repeat from step 6. Example: Master Write Using Interrupt Method 1. Set direction of transfer as write and clear the FIFO’s. Write 0x40 to i2c.Control_reg0. 2. Clear Interrupts. Read and write back the read value to i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0. 3. Enable Timeout, NACK, Tx Overflow, Arbitration lost, DATA, Completion interrupts. Write 0x24F to the i2c.Intrpt_en_reg0 register. 4. Enable bus HOLD logic. Set i2c.Control_reg0 [HOLD] if the write data count is greater than the FIFO depth. 5. Calculate the space available in FIFO. Subtract the i2c.Transfer_size_reg0 value from the FIFO depth. 6. Fill the data into FIFO. Write the data to i2c.I2C_data_reg0 based on the count obtained in step 5. 7. Write the slave address. Write the address to the i2c.I2C_address_reg0 register. 8. Wait for data to be sent. Check for i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [COMP] to be set. a. If further data is to be written, repeat steps 5, 6 and 8. b. If there is no further data, set i2c.Control_reg0 [HOLD] = 0. 9. Wait for completion of transfer. Check for i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [COMP] to be set. Example: Slave Monitor Mode Slave monitor mode helps to monitor when the slave is in the busy state. The slave ready interrupt occurs only when slave is not busy. This can be done only in master mode: 1. Select slave monitor mode and clear the FIFOs. Write 0x60 to i2c.Control_reg0. 2. Clear interrupts. Read and write back the read value to i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0. 3. Enable Interrupts. Set i2c.Intrpt_en_reg0 [SLV_RDY] = 1. 4. Set slave monitor delay. Set i2c.Slave_mon_pause_reg0 with 0xF. 5. Write the Slave Address. Write the address to the i2c.I2C_address_reg0 register. 6. Wait for slave to be ready. Poll on i2c.Interrupt_status_reg0 [SLV_RDY] = 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 622 Chapter 20: I2C Controller 20.3.5 Register Overview An overview of the I2C registers is provided in Table 20-3. Table 20-3: I2C Register Overview Function Register Names Overview Configuration Control_reg0 Configure the operating mode Data I2C_address_reg0 I2C_data_reg0 Transfer_size_register0 Slave_mon_pause_reg0 Time_out_reg0 Staus_reg0 Transfer data and monitors status. Interrupt Processing Interrupt_status_reg0 Interrupt_mask_reg0 Interrupt_enable_reg0 Interrupt_disable_reg0 Enable/disable interrupt detection, mask interrupt set to the interrupt controller, read raw interrupt status. 20.4 System Functions 20.4.1 Clocks The controller, I/O interface and APB interconnect are driven by CPU_1X clock. This clock comes from the PS clock subsystem. PS Clock Subsystem CPU_1x Clock Refer to section 25.2 CPU Clock, for general clock programming information. Operating Restrictions The clock operating restrictions are described in section 20.1.3 Notices. 20.4.2 Reset Controller The controller reset bits are generated by the PS, see Chapter 26, Reset System. Example: Controller Reset 1. Assert Controller Reset: Set slcr.I2C_RST_CTRL[I2Cx_CPU1X_RST] bit = 1. 2. De-assert Controller Reset: Clear slcr.I2C_RST_CTRL[I2Cx_CPU1X_RST] bit = 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 623 Chapter 20: I2C Controller 20.5 I/O Interface 20.5.1 Pin Programming The I2C SCL and SDA signals can be routed to one of many sets of MIO pins or to the EMIO interface. All of the I2C signals are listed in Table 20-2. The routing of the SCL and SDA signals are described in section 2.5 PS-PL MIO-EMIO Signals and Interfaces. Example: Route I2C 0 SCL and SDA Signals to MIO Pins 50, 51 In this example, the I2C 0 SCL and SDA signals are routed through MIO pins 50 and 51. Many other pin options are possible. 1. Configure MIO pin 50 for the SCL signal. Write 0x0000_1240 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_50 register: a. Route I2C 0 SCL signal to pin 50. b. 3-state controlled by I2C (set TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS edge (benign setting). 2. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. Configure MIO pin 51 for the SDA signal. Write 0x0000_1240 to the slcr.MIO_PIN_51 register: a. Route I2C 0 SDA signal to pin 51. b. 3-state controlled by the I2C (set TRI_ENABLE = 0). c. LVCMOS18 (refer to the register definition for other voltage options). d. Slow CMOS drive edge. e. Enable internal pull-up resistor. f. Disable HSTL receiver. 20.5.2 MIO-EMIO Interfaces Table 20-4 identifies the interface signals to the I2C controller. The MIO pins and any restrictions based on device version are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Table 20-4: I2C MIO Pins and EMIO Signals I2C Interface I2C 0, Serial Clock Default Controller Input Value Numbers 0 MIO Pins 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com EMIO Signals I/O Name IO I/O EMIOI2C0SCLI I EMIOI2C0SCLO O EMIOI2C0SCLTN O Send Feedback 624 Chapter 20: I2C Controller Table 20-4: I2C MIO Pins and EMIO Signals (Cont’d) I2C Interface I2C 0, Serial Data I2C 1, Serial Clock I2C 1, Serial Data Default Controller Input Value Numbers ~ 0 ~ MIO Pins 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com EMIO Signals I/O Name IO IO IO I/O EMIOI2C0SDAI I EMIOI2C0SDAO O EMIOI2C0SDATN O EMIOI2C1SCLI I EMIOI2C1SCLO O EMIOI2C1SCLTN O EMIOI2C1SDAI I EMIOI2C1SDAO O EMIOI2C1SDATN O Send Feedback 625 Chapter 21 Programmable Logic Description 21.1 Introduction The Zynq®-7000 AP SoC devices integrates a feature-rich dual/single core ARM® Cortex™-A9 MPCore™ based processing system (PS) and Xilinx programmable logic (PL) in a single device. Each Zynq-7000 device contains the same PS while the PL and I/O resources vary between the devices. The PL of the six smallest devices, the 7z010/7z015/7z020 (dual core) and the 7z007s/7z012s/7z014s (single core) is based on Artix®-7 FPGA logic. The three biggest devices, the 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 are based on Kintex®-7 FPGA logic. For documentation resources, refer to DS190, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Overview. The PS and PL can be tightly or loosely coupled using multiple interfaces and other signals that have a combined total of over 3,000 connections. This enables the designer to effectively integrate user-created hardware accelerators and other functions in the PL logic that are accessible to the processors and can also access memory resources in the PS. Zynq customers are able to differentiate their product in hardware by customizing their applications using PL. The processors in the PS always boot first, allowing a software centric approach for PL configuration. The PL can be configured as part of the boot process or configured at some point in the future. Additionally, the PL can be completely reconfigured or used with partial, dynamic reconfiguration (PR). PR allows configuration of a portion of the PL. This enables optional design changes such as updating coefficients or time-multiplex the PL resources by swapping in new algorithms as needed. This latter capability is analogous to the dynamic loading and unloading of software modules. The PL configuration data is referred to as a bitstream. The PL can be on a separate power domain from the PS. This enables users to save power by completely shutting down the PL. In this mode, the PL consumes no static or dynamic power, thus significantly reducing the power consumption of the device. The PL must be reconfigured when coming out of this mode. Users need to take into account the re-configuration time of the PL for their particular application as this varies depending on the size of the bitstream for their application. 21.1.1 Features The PL provides a rich architecture of user-configurable capabilities. The key features are: • Configurable logic blocks (CLB) ° 6-input look-up tables (LUTs) ° Memory capability within the LUT Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 626 Chapter 21: • • • • • • ° Register and shift register functionality ° Cascadable adders Programmable Logic Description 36 KB block RAM ° Dual port ° Up to 72 bit-wide ° Configurable as dual 18 KB ° Programmable FIFO logic ° Built-in error correction circuitry Digital signal processing – DSP48E1 Slice ° 25 × 18 two's complement multiplier/accumulator high-resolution 48-bit multiplier/accumulator ° Power saving 25-bit pre-adder to optimize symmetrical filter applications ° Advanced features: optional pipelining, optional ALU, and dedicated buses for cascading Clock management ° High-speed buffers and routing for low-skew clock distribution ° Frequency synthesis and phase shifting ° Low-jitter clock generation and jitter filtering Configurable I/Os ° High-performance SelectIO technology ° High-frequency decoupling capacitors within the package for enhanced signal integrity ° Digitally controlled impedance that can be 3-stated for lowest power, high-speed I/O operation ° High-range (HR) I/O supporting 1.2V to 3.3V ° High performance (HP) I/Os support 1.2V to 1.8V (7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices) Low-power serial transceivers (7z012s, 7z015, 7z030, 7z035, 7z045 and 7z100 devices) ° High-performance transceivers capable of up to 12.5 Gb/s (GTX) in 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices. ° High-performance transceivers capable of up to 6.25 Gb/s (GTP) in 7z012s and 7z015 devices. ° Low-power mode optimized for chip-to-chip interfaces ° Advanced transmit pre and post emphasis, and receiver linear (CTLE) and decision feedback equalization (DFE), including adaptive equalization for additional margin Integrated interface block for PCI Express designs ° Compatible with the PCI Express Base Specification 2.1 with Endpoint and Root Port capability ° Supports Gen2 (5.0 Gb/s) ° Advanced configuration options, advanced error reporting (AER), and end-to-end CRC (ECRC) advanced error reporting and ECRC features Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 627 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description 21.1.2 PL Resources by Device Type The PL resources on a per-device type are summarized in Table 21-1. Table 21-1: PL Resources by Device Type Resource 7z007s 7z012s 7z014s 7z010 7z015 7z020 7z030 7z035 7z045 7z100 3,600(1) 8,600 (1) 10,150(1) 4,400 11,550 13,300 19,650 42,975 54,650 69,350 Type L 1,100 5,000 5,800 2,900 7,950 8,950 13,000 25,375 37,050 42,300 Type M 1,500 3,600 4,350 1,500 3,600 4,350 6,650 17,600 17,600 27,050 Total 14,400 34,400 40,600 17,600 46,200 53,200 78,600 171,900 218,600 277,400 Flip-flops 28,800 68,800 81,200 35,200 92,400 106,400 157,200 343,800 437,200 554,800 Logic cells 23,000 55,000 65,000 28,160 73,920 85,120 125,760 275,040 349,760 443,840 LUTRAM Kb 375 900 1,088 375 900 1,088 1,663 4,400 4,400 6,763 SRL Kb 188 450 544 188 450 544 831 2,200 2,200 3,381 Block RAM count 50(2) 72 (2) 107 (2) 60 95 140 265 500 545 755 Kb 1,800 2,590 3,850 2,160 3,420 5,040 9,540 18,000 19,620 27,180 KB 220 320 480 240 380 560 1,060 2,250 2,180 3,020 Columns per device 5 5 6 5 5 6 8 9 9 12 Block RAMs per column Varies, usually 20 Varies, usually 30 Varies, usually 30 Varies, usually 20 Varies, usually 30 Varies, usually 30 Varies, usually 40 Varies, usually 70 Varies, usually 70 Varies, usually 70 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 8 8 8 66(2) 120 (2) 170 (2) 80 160 220 400 900 900 2,020 4 4 5 4 4 5 6 7 7 15 Varies, usually 40 Varies, usually 60 Varies, usually 60 Varies, usually 40 Varies, usually 60 Varies, usually 60 Varies, usually 80 Varies, usually 140 Varies, usually 140 Varies, usually 140 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Logic Slices Total LUTs Memory Resources Clocking MMCM/ PLL count DSPs (DSP48E1) Count Columns per device DSPs per column Gigabit Transceivers(3) GTP GTX PCIe capable 0 8 or 16 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 no yes no no yes no yes yes yes yes 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 8 8 8 8 or 16(3) 16 Select I/O(4) Bank count Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 628 Chapter 21: Table 21-1: Resource Programmable Logic Description PL Resources by Device Type (Cont’d) 7z007s 7z012s 7z014s 7z010 7z015 7z020 7z030 7z035 7z045 7z100 HR 100 150 200 100 150 200 100 250 250 250 HP 100 150 200 000 150 200 100 250 250 250 Notes: 1. Number of slices corresponding to the number of flip-flops and LUTRAM supported in the device. 2. The total count is limited by tools. 3. The number of transceivers in the 7z035 and 7z045 devices depends on the package type. Refer to the Serial Transceiver Channels by Device/Package table in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Packaging Guide (UG865) for exact counts. 4. This table shows the maximum I/Os that are available for each device type. The package size might restrict the SelectIO pin counts, refer to the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Packaging Guide (UG865). 21.1.3 Notices XADC Analog Mixed Signal Module (AMS) The XADC is physically located in the PL and is powered by the PL. To use the XADC module, the PL must be powered up, but the PL does not need to be configured. The XADC is explained in Chapter 30, XADC Interface. Device Configuration (DevC) The device configuration module (with option to use AES/HMAC decryption) is physically located in the PL and is powered by the PL. To use the device configuration module, the PL must be powered up but does not need to be configured. Device configuration is explained in section 6.4 Device Boot and PL Configuration. 21.2 PL Components 21.2.1 CLBs, Slices, and LUTs A CLB element contains a pair of slices, and each slice is composed of four 6-input Look Up Tables (LUTs) and eight storage elements. • SLICE(0) - slice at the bottom of the CLB and in the left column. • SLICE(1) - slice at the top of the CLB and in the right column. These two slices do not have direct connections to each other, and each slice is organized as a column. Each slice in a column has an independent carry chain. The LUTs have the following features: • Single 6 input LUT with one output, or two 5 input LUTs. • Memory capability within the LUT. • Register and shift register functionality. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 629 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Between 25–50% of all slices can use their LUTs as distributed 64-bit RAM, as 32-bit shift register (SRL32), or as two 16-bit shift registers (SRL16). Modern synthesis tools take advantage of these highly efficient logic, arithmetic, and memory features. For more details on Configuration Logic Blocks, see UG474, 7 Series FPGAs Configurable Logic Block User Guide. 21.2.2 Clock Management Some of the key highlights of the clock management architecture include: • High-speed buffers and routing for low-skew clock distribution • Frequency synthesis and phase shifting • Low-jitter clock generation and jitter filtering Each Zynq-7000 AP SoC device has up to eight clock management tiles (CMTs), each consisting of one mixed-mode clock manager (MMCM) and one phase-locked loop (PLL). Mixed-Mode Clock Manager and Phase-Locked Loop The mixed-mode clock manager (MMCM) and the phase-locked loop (PLL) share many characteristics. Both can serve as a frequency synthesizer for a wide range of frequencies and as a jitter filter for incoming clocks. At the center of both components is a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), which speeds up and slows down depending on the input voltage it receives from the phase frequency detector (PFD). There are three sets of programmable frequency dividers: D, M, and O. The pre-divider D (programmable by configuration and afterwards via Dynamic Configuration Port (DRP)) reduces the input frequency and feeds one input of the traditional PLL phase/frequency comparator. The feedback divider M (programmable by configuration and afterwards via DRP) acts as a multiplier because it divides the VCO output frequency before feeding the other input of the phase comparator. The values of D and M must be chosen appropriately to keep the VCO within its specified frequency range. The VCO has eight equally-spaced output phases (0°,45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270°, and 315°). Each can be selected to drive one of the output dividers (six for the PLL, O0 to O5, and seven for the MMCM, O0 to O6), each programmable by configuration to divide by any integer from 1 to 128. The MMCM and PLL have three input-jitter filter options: Low-bandwidth mode which has the best jitter attenuation; high-bandwidth mode, which has the best phase offset; and optimized mode, which allows the tools to find the best setting. MMCM Additional Programmable Features The MMCM can have a fractional counter in either the feedback path (acting as a multiplier) or in one output path. Fractional counters allow non-integer increments of 1/8 and can thus increase frequency synthesis capabilities by a factor of eight. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 630 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description The MMCM can also provide fixed or dynamic phase shift in small increments that depend on the VCO frequency. At 1,600 MHz, the phase-shift timing increment is 11.2 ps. Clock Distribution Each Zynq-7000 AP SoC device provides six different types of clock lines (BUFG, BUFR, BUFIO, BUFH, BUFMR, and the high-performance clock) to address the different clocking requirements of high fanout, short propagation delay, and extremely low skew. Global Clock Lines In each Zynq-7000 AP SoC device, 32 global clock lines have the highest fanout and can reach every flip-flop clock, clock enable, and set/reset as well as many logic inputs. There are 12 global clock lines within any clock region driven by the horizontal clock buffers (BUFH). Each BUFH can be independently enabled/disabled, allowing for clocks to be turned off within a region, thereby offering fine-grain control over which clock regions consume power. Global clock lines can be driven by global clock buffers, which can also perform glitchless clock multiplexing and clock enable functions. Global clocks are often driven from the CMT, which can completely eliminate the basic clock distribution delay. Regional Clocks Regional clocks can drive all clock destinations in their region. A region is defined as any area that is 50 I/O and 50 CLB high and half the device wide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices have between eight and twenty-four regions. There are four regional clock tracks in every region. Each regional clock buffer can be driven from either of four clock-capable input pins, and its frequency can optionally be divided by any integer from 1 to 8. I/O Clocks I/O clocks are especially fast and serve only I/O logic and serializer/deserializer (SerDes) circuits, as described in Input/Output. Direct connection from the MMCM to the I/O is provided for low-jitter, high-performance interfaces. For more details on clocking resources, see UG472, Series FPGAs Clocking Resources User Guide. 21.2.3 Block RAM Some of the key features of the block RAM include: • Dual-port 36 KB block RAM with port widths of up to 72 • Programmable FIFO logic • Built-in optional error correction circuitry Every Zynq-7000 AP SoC device has between 60 and 465 dual-port block RAMs, each storing 36 Kb. Each block RAM has two completely independent ports that share nothing but the stored data. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 631 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Synchronous Operation Each memory access, read or write, is controlled by the clock. All inputs, data, address, clock enables, and write enables are registered. The input address is always clocked, retaining data until the next operation. An optional output data pipeline register allows higher clock rates at the cost of an extra cycle of latency. During a write operation, the data output can reflect either the previously stored data, the newly written data, or can remain unchanged. Programmable Data Width Each port can be configured as 32K ×1, 16K ×2, 8K ×4, 4K ×9 (or x8), 2K ×18 (or x16), 1K ×36 (or 32), or 512 ×72 (or x64). The two ports can have different widths without any constraints. Each block RAM can be divided into two completely independent 18 Kb block RAMs that can each be configured to any aspect ratio from 16K × 1 to 512 × 36. Everything described previously for the full 36 Kb block RAM also applies to each of the smaller 18 Kb block RAMs. Only in simple dual-port (SDP) mode can data widths of greater than 18 bits (18 Kb RAM) or 36 bits (36 Kb RAM) be accessed. In this mode, one port is dedicated to read operations, the other to write operations. In SDP mode, one side (read or write) can be variable, while the other is fixed to 32/36 or 64/72. Both sides of the dual-port 36 Kb RAM can be of variable width. Two adjacent 36 Kb block RAMs can be configured as one 64K × 1 dual-port RAM without any additional logic. Error Detection and Correction Each 64-bit-wide block RAM can generate, store, and utilize eight additional Hamming code bits and perform single-bit error correction and double-bit error detection (ECC) during the read process. The ECC logic can also be used when writing to or reading from external 64- to 72-bit-wide memories. FIFO Controller The built-in FIFO controller for single-clock (synchronous) or dual-clock (asynchronous or multirate) operation increments the internal addresses and provides four handshaking flags: full, empty, almost full, and almost empty. The almost full and almost empty flags are freely programmable. Similar to the block RAM, the FIFO width and depth are programmable, but the write and read ports always have identical width. First word fall-through mode presents the first-written word on the data output even before the first read operation. After the first word has been read, there is no difference between this mode and the standard mode. For more details on Block RAM, see UG473, 7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources User Guide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 632 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description 21.2.4 Digital Signal Processing — DSP Slice Some highlights of the DSP functionality include: • 25 × 18 two's complement multiplier/accumulator high-resolution (48 bit) signal processor • Power saving pre-adder to optimize symmetrical filter applications • Advanced features: optional pipelining, optional ALU, and dedicated buses for cascading DSP applications use many binary multipliers and accumulators, best implemented in dedicated DSP slices. All Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices have many dedicated, full custom, low-power DSP slices, combining high speed with small size while retaining system design flexibility. Each DSP slice fundamentally consists of a dedicated 25 × 18 bit two's complement multiplier and a 48-bit accumulator. The multiplier can be dynamically bypassed, and two 48-bit inputs can feed a single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD) arithmetic unit (dual 24-bit or quad 12-bit adder/subtracter/accumulator), or a logic unit that can generate any one of ten different logic functions of the two operands. The DSP includes an additional pre-adder, typically used in symmetrical filters. This pre-adder improves performance in densely packed designs and reduces the DSP slice count by up to 50%. The DSP also includes a 48-bit-wide pattern detector that can be used for convergent or symmetric rounding. The pattern detector is also capable of implementing 96-bit-wide logic functions when used in conjunction with the logic unit. The DSP slice provides extensive pipelining and extension capabilities that enhance the speed and efficiency of many applications beyond digital signal processing, such as wide dynamic bus shifters, memory address generators, wide bus multiplexers, and memory-mapped I/O register files. The accumulator can also be used as a synchronous up/down counter. For more details on DSP slices, see UG479, 7 Series FPGAs DSP48E1 User Guide. 21.3 Input/Output 21.3.1 PS-PL Interfaces The PS-PL interface contains all the signals available to the PL designer for integrating the PL-based functions and the PS. There are two types of interfaces between the PL and the PS: 1. Functional interfaces – available for connecting with user-designed IP blocks in the PL a. AXI interconnect b. Extended MIO interfaces for most of the I/O Peripherals c. Interrupts d. DMA flow control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 633 Chapter 21: 2. e. Clocks f. Debug interfaces Programmable Logic Description Configuration interface – connected to fixed logic within the PL configuration block, providing PS control a. PCAP b. Configuration status c. SEU d. Program/Done/Init For details on PS-PL interfaces refer to Chapter 2, Signals, Interfaces, and Pins. Voltage Level Shifters All of the signals between the PS and PL pass through voltage level shifters. The programming of these level shifters is explained in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. 21.3.2 SelectIO Some highlights of the input/output functionality include: • High-performance SelectIO technology with support for 1,866 Mb/s DDR3 • High-frequency decoupling capacitors within the package for enhanced signal integrity • Digitally controlled impedance that can be 3-stated for lowest power, high-speed I/O operation The number of I/O pins varies depending on device and package size. Each I/O is configurable and can comply with a large number of I/O standards. With the exception of the supply pins and a few dedicated configuration pins, all other PL pins have the same I/O capabilities, constrained only by certain banking rules. The SelectIO resources in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices are classed as either high range (HR) or high performance (HP). The HR I/Os offer the widest range of voltage support, from 1.2V to 3.3V. The HP I/Os are optimized for highest performance operation, from 1.2V to 1.8V. All I/O pins are organized in banks, with 50 pins per bank. Each bank has one common V CCO output supply, which also powers certain input buffers. Some single-ended input buffers require an internally generated or an externally applied reference voltage (VREF). There are two VREF pins per bank (except configuration bank 0). A single bank can have only one V REF voltage value. Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices use a variety of package types to suit the needs of the user, including small form factor wire-bond packages for lowest cost; conventional, high performance flip-chip packages; and lidless flip-chip packages that balance smaller form factor with high performance. In the flip-chip packages, the silicon device is attached to the package substrate using a high-performance flip-chip process. Controlled ESR discrete decoupling capacitors are mounted on the package substrate to optimize signal integrity under simultaneous switching of outputs (SSO) conditions. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 634 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description I/O Electrical Characteristics Single-ended outputs use a conventional CMOS push/pull output structure driving High towards V CCO or Low towards ground, and can be put into a high-Z state. The system designer can specify the slew rate and the output strength. The input is always active but is usually ignored while the output is active. Each pin can optionally have a weak pull-up or a weak pull-down resistor. Most signal pin pairs can be configured as differential input pairs or output pairs. Differential input pin pairs can optionally be terminated with a 100Ω internal resistor. All Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices support differential standards beyond LVDS: HT, RSDS, BLVDS, differential SSTL, and differential HSTL. Each of the I/Os supports memory I/O standards, such as single-ended and differential HSTL as well as single-ended SSTL and differential SSTL. The SSTL I/O standard can support data rates of up to 1,866 Mb/s for DDR3 interfacing applications. 3-State Digitally Controlled Impedance and Low-Power I/O Features The 3-state digitally controlled impedance (T_DCI) can control the output drive impedance (series termination) or can provide parallel termination of an input signal to V CCO or split (Thevenin) termination to V CCO/2. This allows users to eliminate off-chip termination for signals using T_DCI. In addition to board space savings, the termination automatically turns off when in output mode or when 3-stated, saving considerable power compared to off-chip termination. The I/Os also have low-power modes for IBUF and IDELAY to provide further power savings, especially when used to implement memory interfaces. I/O Logic Input and Output Delay All inputs and outputs can be configured as either combinatorial or registered. Double data rate (DDR) is supported by all inputs and outputs. Any input and some outputs can be individually delayed by up to 32 increments of 78 ps or 52 ps each. Such delays are implemented as IDELAY and ODELAY. The number of delay steps can be set by configuration and can also be incremented or decremented while in use. ODELAY is only available for HP Select I/O. It is not available for HR select I/Os. HP Select I/O pins are available in the 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices, refer to Table 21-1. ISERDES and OSERDES Many applications combine high-speed, bit-serial I/O with slower parallel operation inside the device. This requires a serializer and deserializer (SerDes) inside the I/O structure. Each I/O pin possesses an 8-bit IOSERDES (ISERDES and OSERDES) capable of performing serial-to-parallel or parallel-to-serial conversions with programmable widths of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits. By cascading two IOSERDES from two adjacent pins (default from differential I/O), wider width conversions of 10 and 14 bits can also be supported. The ISERDES has a special oversampling mode capable of asynchronous data recovery for applications like a 1.25 Gb/s LVDS I/O-based SGMII interface. For more details on Select I/Os, see UG471, 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 635 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description 21.3.3 GTX Low-Power Serial Transceivers GTX low-power serial gigabit transceivers are available in the 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices except where noted in the Serial Transceiver Channels by Device/Package table in UG865, Zynq-7000 AP SoC Packaging Guide. The 7z030 has 0 or 4 GTX transceivers, the 7z035/7z045 has 8 or 16, and the 7z100 device has 16 GTX transceivers. Refer to the packaging guide to get the transceiver count for each package type. The 7z012s and 7z015 devices includes 4 GTP low-power serial transceivers. The GTP transceivers are discussed in section 21.3.4 GTP Low-Power Serial Transceivers. Some highlights of the GTX low-power gigabit transceivers include: • High-performance transceivers capable of up to 12.5 Gb/s line rates with flipchip packages and up to 6.6Gb/s with bare-die flipchip packages. • Low-power mode optimized for chip-to-chip interfaces. • Advanced Transmit pre and post emphasis, and receiver linear (CTLE) and decision feedback equalization (DFE), including adaptive equalization for additional margin Ultra-fast serial data transmission to optical modules, between ICs on the same PCB, over the backplane, or over longer distances is becoming increasingly popular and important to enable customer line cards to scale to 200 Gb/s. It requires specialized dedicated on-chip circuitry and differential I/O capable of coping with the signal integrity issues at these high data rates. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices transceiver counts range from 0 to 16 transceiver circuits. Each serial transceiver is a combined transmitter and receiver. The various Zynq-7000 serial transceivers can use a combination of ring oscillators and LC tank architecture to allow the ideal blend of flexibility and performance while enabling IP portability across the family members. Lower data rates can be achieved using logic-based oversampling of PL. The serial transmitter and receiver are independent circuits that use an advanced PLL architecture to multiply the reference frequency input by certain programmable numbers between 4 and 25 to become the bit-serial data clock. Each transceiver has a large number of user-definable features and parameters. All of these can be defined during device configuration, and many can also be modified during operation. Transmitter The transmitter is fundamentally a parallel-to-serial converter with a conversion ratio of 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, or 80. This allows the designer to trade-off datapath width for timing margin in high-performance designs. These transmitter outputs drive the PC board with a single-channel differential output signal. TXOUTCLK is the appropriately divided serial data clock and can be used directly to register the parallel data coming from the internal logic. The incoming parallel data is fed through an optional FIFO and has additional hardware support for the 8B/10B, 64B/66B, or 64B/67B encoding schemes to provide a sufficient number of transitions. The bit-serial output signal drives two package pins with differential signals. This output signal pair has programmable signal swing as well as programmable pre- and post-emphasis to compensate for PC board losses and other interconnect characteristics. For shorter channels, the swing can be reduced to reduce power consumption. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 636 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Receiver The receiver is fundamentally a serial-to-parallel converter, changing the incoming bit-serial differential signal into a parallel stream of words, each 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, or 80 bits. This allows the designers to trade-off internal datapath width versus logic timing margin. The receiver takes the incoming differential data stream, feeds it through programmable linear and decision feedback equalizers (to compensate for PC board and other interconnect characteristics), and uses the reference clock input to initiate clock recognition. There is no need for a separate clock line. The data pattern uses non-return-to-zero (NRZ) encoding and optionally guarantees sufficient data transitions by using the selected encoding scheme. Parallel data is then transferred into the PL using the RXUSRCLK clock. For short channels, the transceivers offers a special low power mode (LPM) for additional power reduction. Out-of-Band Signaling The transceivers provide out-of-band (OOB) signaling, often used to send low-speed signals from the transmitter to the receiver while high-speed serial data transmission is not active. This is typically done when the link is in a powered-down state or has not yet been initialized. This benefits PCI Express and SATA/SAS applications. For more details on GTX Transceivers, see UG476, 7 Series FPGAs GTX Transceiver User Guide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 637 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Placement Information by Device/Package This section provides position information for available device and package combinations along with the pad numbers for the signals associated with each GTX serial transceiver channel. XC7Z30-FBG484 Package Placement Diagram Figure 21-1 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z30-FBG484 device. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-1 MGT_BANK_112 XC7Z30-FBG484: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 XC7Z30-FBG484: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 XC7Z30-FBG484: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z30-FBG484: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 XC7Z30-FBG484: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 AA5 MGTXRXN0_112 AA6 MGTXRXP0_112 AB3 AB4 MGTXTXN0_112 MGTXTXP0_112 Y3 MGTXRXN1_112 Y4 MGTXRXP1_112 AA1 AA2 MGTXTXN1_112 MGTXTXP1_112 U5 MGTREFCLK0N_112 U6 MGTREFCLK0P_112 W5 W6 MGTREFCLK1N_112 MGTREFCLK1P_112 V3 MGTXRXN2_112 V4 MGTXRXP2_112 W1 MGTXTXN2_112 W2 MGTXTXP2_112 T3 MGTXRXN3_112 T4 MGTXRXP3_112 U1 U2 MGTXTXN3_112 MGTXTXP3_112 UG585_C21_01_090914 Figure 21-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 XC7Z30-FBG484 Package Placement Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 638 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description XC7Z30-FBG676/FFG676 Package Placement Diagram Figure 21-2 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z30-FBG676/FFG676 device. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-2 MGT_BANK_112 XC7Z30-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 AB3 MGTXRXN0_112 AB4 MGTXRXP0_112 XC7Z30-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 AA1 AA2 MGTXTXN0_112 MGTXTXP0_112 XC7Z30-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 Y3 MGTXRXN1_112 Y4 MGTXRXP1_112 XC7Z30-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 W1 W2 MGTXTXN1_112 MGTXTXP1_112 XC7Z30-FBG676: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 R5 MGTREFCLK0N_112 R6 MGTREFCLK0P_112 XC7Z30-FFG676: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 U5 U6 MGTREFCLK1N_112 MGTREFCLK1P_112 XC7Z30-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 V3 MGTXRXN2_112 V4 MGTXRXP2_112 XC7Z30-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 U1 MGTXTXN2_112 U2 MGTXTXP2_112 XC7Z30-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 T3 MGTXRXN3_112 T4 MGTXRXP3_112 XC7Z30-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 R1 R2 MGTXTXN3_112 MGTXTXP3_112 UG585_C21_02_090914 Figure 21-2: XC7Z30-FBG676/FFG676 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 639 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description XC7Z30-SBG485 Package Placement Diagram Figure 21-3 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z30-SBG485 device. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-3 MGT_BANK_112 XC7Z30-SBG485: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 XC7Z30-SBG485: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 XC7Z30-SBG485: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z30-SBG485: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 XC7Z30-SBG485: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 AB7 MGTXRXN0_112 AA7 MGTXRXP0_112 AB3 AA3 MGTXTXN0_112 MGTXTXP0_112 Y8 MGTXRXN1_112 W8 MGTXRXP1_112 Y4 W4 MGTXTXN1_112 MGTXTXP1_112 V9 MGTREFCLK0N_112 U9 MGTREFCLK0P_112 V5 U5 MGTREFCLK1N_112 MGTREFCLK1P_112 AB9 MGTXRXN2_112 AA9 MGTXRXP2_112 AB5 MGTXTXN2_112 AA5 MGTXTXP2_112 Y6 MGTXRXN3_112 W6 MGTXRXP3_112 Y2 W2 MGTXTXN3_112 MGTXTXP3_112 UG585_C21_03_090914 Figure 21-3: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 XC7Z30-SBG485 Package Placement Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 640 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description XC7Z35-FBG676/FFG676 and XC7Z45-FBG676/FFG676 Package Placement Diagrams Figure 21-4 shows the placement diagrams for the XC7Z35-FBG676/FFG676 and XC7Z45-FBG676/FFG676 devices, MGT Bank 111. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-4 MGT_BANK_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y8 AD7 MGTXRXN0_111 AD8 MGTXRXP0_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y8 AF7 AF8 MGTXTXN0_111 MGTXTXP0_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y9 AE5 MGTXRXN1_111 AE6 MGTXRXP1_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y9 AF3 AF4 MGTXTXN1_111 MGTXTXP1_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y2 W5 MGTREFCLK0N_111 W6 MGTREFCLK0P_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y2 AA5 AA6 MGTREFCLK1N_111 MGTREFCLK1P_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y10 AC5 MGTXRXN2_111 AC6 MGTXRXP2_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y10 AE1 MGTXTXN2_111 AE2 MGTXTXP2_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y11 AD3 MGTXRXN3_111 AD4 MGTXRXP3_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y11 AC1 AC2 MGTXTXN3_111 MGTXTXP3_111 UG585_C21_04_100917 Figure 21-4: XC7Z35-FBG676/FFG676 and XC7Z45-FBG676/FFG676 MGT Bank 111 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 641 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Figure 21-5 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z35-FBG676/FFG676 and XC7Z45-FBG676/FFG676 devices, MGT Bank 112. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-5 MGT_BANK_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y12 AB3 MGTXRXN0_112 AB4 MGTXRXP0_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y12 AA1 AA2 MGTXTXN0_112 MGTXTXP0_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y13 Y3 MGTXRXN1_112 Y4 MGTXRXP1_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y13 W1 W2 MGTXTXN1_112 MGTXTXP1_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y3 R5 MGTREFCLK0N_112 R6 MGTREFCLK0P_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y3 U5 U6 MGTREFCLK1N_112 MGTREFCLK1P_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y14 V3 MGTXRXN2_112 V4 MGTXRXP2_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y14 U1 MGTXTXN2_112 U2 MGTXTXP2_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FBG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y15 T3 MGTXRXN3_112 T4 MGTXRXP3_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45-FFG676: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y15 R1 R2 MGTXTXN3_112 MGTXTXP3_112 UG585_C21_05_100917 Figure 21-5: XC7Z35-FBG676/FFG676 and XC7Z45-FBG676/FFG676 MGT Bank 112 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 642 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900 Package Placement Diagram Figure 21-6 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900 devices, MGT Bank 109. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-6 MGT_BANK_109 AH9 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 MGTXRXN0_109 AH10 MGTXRXP0_109 AK9 MGTXTXN0_109 AK10 MGTXTXP0_109 AJ7 MGTXRXN1_109 AJ8 MGTXRXP1_109 AK5 AK6 MGTXTXN1_109 MGTXTXP1_109 AD9 MGTREFCLK0N_109 AD10 MGTREFCLK0P_109 AF9 MGTREFCLK1N_109 AF10 MGTREFCLK1P_109 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 AG7 MGTXRXN2_109 AG8 MGTXRXP2_109 AJ3 MGTXTXN2_109 AJ4 MGTXTXP2_109 AE7 MGTXRXN3_109 AE8 MGTXRXP3_109 AK1 AK2 MGTXTXN3_109 MGTXTXP3_109 UG585_C21_06_110514 Figure 21-6: XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900, MGT Bank 109 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 643 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Figure 21-7 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900 devices, MGT Bank 110. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-7 MGT_BANK_110 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y4 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y5 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y6 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y7 AH5 MGTXRXN0_110 AH6 MGTXRXP0_110 AH1 AH2 MGTXTXN0_110 MGTXTXP0_110 AG3 MGTXRXN1_110 AG4 MGTXRXP1_110 AF1 AF2 MGTXTXN1_110 MGTXTXP1_110 AA7 MGTREFCLK0N_110 AA8 MGTREFCLK0P_110 AC7 AC8 MGTREFCLK1N_110 MGTREFCLK1P_110 AF5 MGTXRXN2_110 AF6 MGTXRXP2_110 AE3 MGTXTXN2_110 AE4 MGTXTXP2_110 AD5 MGTXRXN3_110 AD6 MGTXRXP3_110 AD1 AD2 MGTXTXN3_110 MGTXTXP3_110 UG585_C21_07_110514 Figure 21-7: XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900, MGT Bank 110 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 644 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Figure 21-8 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900 devices, MGT Bank 111. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-8 MGT_BANK_111 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y8 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y9 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y10 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y11 AC3 MGTXRXN0_111 AC4 MGTXRXP0_111 AB1 AB2 MGTXTXN0_111 MGTXTXP0_111 AB5 MGTXRXN1_111 AB6 MGTXRXP1_111 Y1 Y2 MGTXTXN1_111 MGTXTXP1_111 U7 MGTREFCLK0N_111 U8 MGTREFCLK0P_111 W7 W8 MGTREFCLK1N_111 MGTREFCLK1P_111 Y5 MGTXRXN2_111 Y6 MGTXRXP2_111 W3 MGTXTXN2_111 W4 MGTXTXP2_111 AA3 MGTXRXN3_111 AA4 MGTXRXP3_111 V1 V2 MGTXTXN3_111 MGTXTXP3_111 UG585_C21_08_110514 Figure 21-8: XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900, MGT Bank 111 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 645 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Figure 21-9 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900 devices, MGT Bank 112. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-9 MGT_BANK_112 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y12 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y13 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y14 XC7Z35/XC7Z45/XC7Z100-FFG900: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y15 V5 MGTXRXN0_112 V6 MGTXRXP0_112 T1 T2 MGTXTXN0_112 MGTXTXP0_112 U3 MGTXRXN1_112 U4 MGTXRXP1_112 R3 R4 MGTXTXN1_112 MGTXTXP1_112 N7 MGTREFCLK0N_112 N8 MGTREFCLK0P_112 R7 R8 MGTREFCLK1N_112 MGTREFCLK1P_112 T5 MGTXRXN2_112 T6 MGTXRXP2_112 P1 MGTXTXN2_112 P2 MGTXTXP2_112 P5 MGTXRXN3_112 P6 MGTXRXP3_112 N3 N4 MGTXTXN3_112 MGTXTXP3_112 UG585_C21_09_110514 Figure 21-9: XC7Z35-FFG900, XC7Z45-FFG900, and XC7Z100-FFG900, MGT Bank 112 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 646 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description XC7Z100-FFG1156 Package Placement Diagram Figure 21-10 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z100-FFG1156 device, MGT Bank 109. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-10 MGT_BANK_109 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 AN7 MGTXRXN0_109 AN8 MGTXRXP0_109 AP1 AP2 MGTXTXN0_109 MGTXTXP0_109 AP5 MGTXRXN1_109 AP6 MGTXRXP1_109 AM1 AM2 MGTXTXN1_109 MGTXTXP1_109 AJ7 MGTREFCLK0N_109 AJ8 MGTREFCLK0P_109 AL7 AL8 MGTREFCLK1N_109 MGTREFCLK1P_109 AM5 MGTXRXN2_109 AM6 MGTXRXP2_109 AL3 MGTXTXN2_109 AL4 MGTXTXP2_109 AN3 MGTXRXN3_109 AN4 MGTXRXP3_109 AK1 AK2 MGTXTXN3_109 MGTXTXP3_109 UG585_C21_10_090914 Figure 21-10: XC7Z100-FFG1156, MGT Bank 109 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 647 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Figure 21-11 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z100-FFG1156 device, MGT Bank 110. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-11 MGT_BANK_110 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y4 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y5 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y6 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y7 AK5 MGTXRXN0_110 AK6 MGTXRXP0_110 AH1 AH2 MGTXTXN0_110 MGTXTXP0_110 AJ3 MGTXRXN1_110 AJ4 MGTXRXP1_110 AG3 AG4 MGTXTXN1_110 MGTXTXP1_110 AE7 MGTREFCLK0N_110 AE8 MGTREFCLK0P_110 AG7 AG8 MGTREFCLK1N_110 MGTREFCLK1P_110 AH5 MGTXRXN2_110 AH6 MGTXRXP2_110 AF1 MGTXTXN2_110 AF2 MGTXTXP2_110 AF5 MGTXRXN3_110 AF6 MGTXRXP3_110 AE3 AE4 MGTXTXN3_110 MGTXTXP3_110 UG585_C21_11_090914 Figure 21-11: XC7Z100-FFG1156, MGT Bank 110 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 648 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Figure 21-12 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z100-FFG1156 device, MGT Bank 111. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-12 MGT_BANK_111 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y8 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y9 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y10 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y11 AD5 MGTXRXN0_111 AD6 MGTXRXP0_111 AD1 AD2 MGTXTXN0_111 MGTXTXP0_111 AC3 MGTXRXN1_111 AC4 MGTXRXP1_111 AB1 AB2 MGTXTXN1_111 MGTXTXP1_111 Y7 MGTREFCLK0N_111 Y8 MGTREFCLK0P_111 AC7 AC8 MGTREFCLK1N_111 MGTREFCLK1P_111 AB5 MGTXRXN2_111 AB6 MGTXRXP2_111 AA3 MGTXTXN2_111 AA4 MGTXTXP2_111 Y5 MGTXRXN3_111 Y6 MGTXRXP3_111 Y1 Y2 MGTXTXN3_111 MGTXTXP3_111 UG585_C21_12_090914 Figure 21-12: XC7Z100-FFG1156, MGT Bank 111 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 649 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description Figure 21-13 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z100-FFG1156 device, MGT Bank 112. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-13 MGT_BANK_112 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y12 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y13 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y14 XC7Z100-FFG1156: GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y15 W3 MGTXRXN0_112 W4 MGTXRXP0_112 V1 V2 MGTXTXN0_112 MGTXTXP0_112 V5 MGTXRXN1_112 V6 MGTXRXP1_112 T1 T2 MGTXTXN1_112 MGTXTXP1_112 R7 MGTREFCLK0N_112 R8 MGTREFCLK0P_112 U7 U8 MGTREFCLK1N_112 MGTREFCLK1P_112 U3 MGTXRXN2_112 U4 MGTXRXP2_112 R3 MGTXTXN2_112 R4 MGTXTXP2_112 T5 MGTXRXN3_112 T6 MGTXRXP3_112 P1 P2 MGTXTXN3_112 MGTXTXP3_112 UG585_C21_13_090914 Figure 21-13: XC7Z100-FFG1156, MGT Bank 112 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 650 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description 21.3.4 GTP Low-Power Serial Transceivers The 7z012s and 7z015 devices provides four GTP low-power serial transceivers that can operate up to 6.25 Mb/s per transceiver. The GTX and the GTP transceivers are similar to each other except as noted in UG482, 7 Series FPGAs GTP Transceivers User Guide. Table 1-1 (in UG482) includes a summary of differences; the GTP transceivers include a 2-byte internal datapath (but not a 4-byte path), two shared ring oscillator PLLs, and does not include the decision feedback equalization (DFE). Placement Information by Device/Package This section provides position information for available device and package combinations along with the pad numbers for the signals associated with each GTP serial transceiver channel. XC7Z012-CLG485 and XC7Z015-CLG485 Package Placement Diagram Figure 21-14 shows the placement diagram for the XC7Z012s-CLG485 single core and XC7Z015-CLG485 dual core devices. X-Ref Target - Figure 21-14 MGT_BANK_112 XC7Z15-CLG485: GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 XC7Z15-CLG485: GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 XC7Z15-CLG485: GTPE2_COMMON_X0Y0 XC7Z15-CLG485: GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 XC7Z15-CLG485: GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 AB7 MGTPRXN0_112 AA7 MGTPRXP0_112 AB3 AA3 MGTPTXN0_112 MGTPTXP0_112 Y8 MGTPRXN1_112 W8 MGTPRXP1_112 Y4 W4 MGTPTXN1_112 MGTPTXP1_112 V9 MGTREFCLK0N_112 U9 MGTREFCLK0P_112 V5 U5 MGTREFCLK1N_112 MGTREFCLK1P_112 AB9 MGTPRXN2_112 AA9 MGTPRXP2_112 AB5 MGTPTXN2_112 AA5 MGTPTXP2_112 Y6 MGTPRXN3_112 W6 MGTPRXP3_112 Y2 W2 MGTPTXN3_112 MGTPTXP3_112 UG585_C21_14_090914 Figure 21-14: XC7Z012S-CLG485and XC7Z015-CLG485 Package Placement Diagram Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 651 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description 21.3.5 Integrated I/O Block for PCIe The integrated PCI Express I/O block is only supported in the 7z012s, 7z015, 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 devices. Highlights of the integrated blocks for PCI Express include: • Compatible with the PCI Express Base Specification 2.1 with Endpoint and Root Port capability • Supports Gen1 (2.5 Gb/s) and Gen2 (5 Gb/s) • Advanced configuration options, advanced error reporting (AER), and end-to-end CRC (ECRC) advanced error reporting and ECRC features in the integrated block depending on family All Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices with transceivers include an integrated block for PCI Express technology that can be configured as an Endpoint or Root Port, compatible with the PCI Express Base Specification Revision 2.1. The Root Port can be used to build the basis for a compatible Root Complex, to allow custom communication between the Zynq-7000 AP SoC device and other devices via the PCI Express protocol, and to attach ASSP Endpoint devices, such as Ethernet controllers or fibre channel HBAs, to the Zynq-7000 devices. This block is highly configurable to system design requirements and can operate 1, 2, 4, or 8 lanes at the 2.5 Gb/s and 5.0 Gb/s data rates. For high-performance applications, advanced buffering techniques of the block offer a flexible maximum payload size of up to 1,024 bytes. The integrated block interfaces to the integrated high-speed transceivers for serial connectivity and to block RAMs for data buffering. Combined, these elements implement the physical layer, data link layer, and transaction layer of the PCI Express protocol. Xilinx provides a light-weight, configurable, easy-to-use LogiCORE™ IP wrapper that ties the various building blocks (the integrated block for PCI Express, the transceivers, block RAM, and clocking resources) into an Endpoint or Root Port solution. The system designer has control over many configurable parameters: lane width, maximum payload size, programmable logic interface speeds, reference clock frequency, and base address register decoding and filtering. Xilinx offers AXI4 memory mapped wrapper for the integrated block. AXI4 (memory mapped) is designed for Vivado/EDK design flow and MicroBlaze™ processor based designs. For more details on PCIe, see PG054, 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 652 Chapter 21: Programmable Logic Description 21.4 Configuration Zynq-7000 AP SoC device stores its customized PL configuration store their customized configuration in SRAM-type internal latches. The number of configuration bits is between 17 Mb and 140 Mb, depending on device size and user-design implementation options. The configuration storage is volatile and must be reloaded after the PL is power cycled. The PS software or the Xilinx JTAG TAP controller can reload the configuration at any time. For details about different boot and configuration modes refer to Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration. Uncompressed/unencrypted PL bitstream lengths are provided in Table 21-2. Table 21-2: Uncompressed/Unencrypted PL Bitstream Lengths Zynq 7000 AP SoC Device Length (bits) Length, rounded up (MB) Single Core Devices 7z007s 16,669,920 2 7z012s 28,085,344 3.5 7z014s 32,364,512 3.9 Dual Core Devices 7z010 16,669,920 2 7z015 28,085,344 3.5 7z020 32,364,512 3.9 7z030 47,839,328 5.8 7z035 106,571,232 12.8 7z045 106,571,232 12.8 7z100 139,330,784 16.7 In all devices, the PL bitstream, which contains sensitive customer IP, can be protected with 256-bit AES encryption and HMAC/SHA-256 authentication to prevent unauthorized copying of the design. The PL performs decryption on the fly during configuration using an internally stored 256-bit key. This key can reside in battery-backed RAM or in nonvolatile eFUSE bits. Most configuration data can be read back without affecting the system's operation. Typically, configuration is an all-or-nothing operation, the device also supports partial reconfiguration. This is an extremely powerful and flexible feature that allows the user to change portions of the logic in the PL while other portions remain static. Users can time-slice these portions to fit more IP into smaller devices, saving cost and power. Where applicable in certain designs, partial reconfiguration can greatly improve the versatility of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC device. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 653 Chapter 22 Programmable Logic Design Guide 22.1 Introduction This chapter covers the following topics: • Programmable Logic for Software Offload is intended to introduce the user to high-level concepts of using the Programmable Logic (PL) to offload CPU functions. • PL and Memory System Performance Overview discusses various performance-related behaviors of memory paths through the PS. • Choosing a Programmable Logic Interface contrasts different PL interfaces available and shows typical uses. 22.2 Programmable Logic for Software Offload Zynq devices have the unique capability of mapping software algorithms directly to programmable logic. Benefits might include reduced execution time, reduced operating power per function, reduced memory traffic and predictable low latency. This section describes these benefits from a general perspective. Later sections describe specific performance and potential programmable logic topologies. 22.2.1 Benefits of Using PL to Implement Software Algorithms Performance Algorithms implemented in programmable logic can often be scaled to a full parallel implementation delivering maximum throughput, or to an intermediate throughput level at lower area cost. This allows the performance of an algorithm to be scaled well beyond what is achievable on the A9 or NEON units. For example, consider an algorithm which requires 100 basic operations roughly equivalent to 100 instructions or lines of C code on the A9. A fully parallel programmable logic implementation might implement these operations using CLBs, DSP slices, and block RAMs. If the PL executes these 100 operations in parallel and is clocked at ¼ the rate of the ARM clock, this function would have a potential speedup of 25x. This assumes that the PL implementation is not limited by I/O or resources. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 654 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide Power An additional benefit of moving operations to the programmable logic is a reduction in power. Depending on the operations, programmable logic can reduce power per OP by 10-100x. Thus it might be useful to implement algorithms in the PL solely to reduce system power. One issue to be aware of is that if the algorithm requires access to external memory, the energy cost of accessing the external memory could dominate the energy budget making a reduction in the operation power irrelevant. Latency Parallel logic in the PL has a low predictable delay, and cannot be interrupted. For this reason algorithms which are used to respond to real time events originating the in PL might best be serviced by algorithms in the programmable logic. This approach can reduce response time from thousands of clocks to tens of clocks. 22.2.2 Designing PL Accelerators Programmable logic accelerators are typically created in the RTL languages Verilog or VHDL. Experienced RTL engineers can use C-code as a golden model to create an efficient hardware implementation of the algorithm in programmable logic. For software programmers who are more comfortable with the C language, C-to-Gates compilers exist which can allow a user to build HW accelerators using the C language. Keeping in mind that C is a sequential language, automated compiler methods can be used to map the sequential code to parallel hardware without user intervention. For instance, a FOR loop such as “for(i=0; i<10; i++){ x[i]=a[i]+b[i]; }” can be unrolled to create 10 individual adders all operating in parallel. For video and DSP algorithms, tools such as Matlab Simulink and Xilinx System Generator can be used to directly create logic from algorithmic flowgraphs. A primary advantage of using Matlab Simulink is the rich library of functions which can be used to model, simulate and verify the hardware implementation. Dataflow Regardless of how an accelerator or offload engine is designed, once implemented it requires efficient dataflow to and from the accelerator. In many cases, scheduling the dataflow between the accelerator and DRAM can be more of a design challenge than implementing the actual algorithm. The word dataflow is used to reference the motion of data between system memories and PL functional units using AXI interconnect and local interconnect. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 655 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide 22.2.3 PL Acceleration Limits The achievable speedup of an accelerator can be limited by I/O, resource, and latency requirements. I/O Rate Limits A key observation is that processing cannot proceed faster than the speed of the data transfers to and from the functional unit. For functions with a high ratio of operations to I/O the data rates are not a limiting factor, however for operations with a low ratio of operations to I/O, dataflow limits the maximum performance attainable. For example, assume 12 bytes of input data is being read from DDR and 4 bytes of results are written back to DDR. DDR3 at 32-bits, 1,066 Mb/s and 75% utilization is limited to roughly 3,200 Mb/s. If 16 bytes are required per operation, the dataflow limits the performance to 3,200/16, or 200M function/sec. Note that this is independent of the complexity of the function. Even a simple 3 input adder is limited by the DDR bandwidth to 200M operations/sec and is not likely to be faster than an ARM A9 CPU. If however, the function consists of several thousands of operations all of which can proceed in parallel, or in a pipelined fashion, then the PL can often achieve speedups of a 10-100x. Resource Limits While potential speedup can be quite high, the amount of logic in the PL can limit the achievable speedup. For instance, an application which requires 100 DSP slices to achieve a speedup of 24x might be limited to a 12x speedup if only 50 DSP slices are available. Latency Limits The examples above assume that the PL can effectively proceed without intervention by the ARM processor. This is the case in situations where the PL implements a predetermined algorithm and dataflow using pre-allocated buffers and data is not resident in caches. In cases where the processor is creating data for the PL accelerator, additional CPU tasks might be required before the PL can begin working on the data. The CPU might need to allocate buffers and pass physical buffer addresses to the PL, or data might be flushed from cache to DDR or OCM or signal the PL to start processing. These additional steps add delays (called latency) to the total processing time. If these delays are significant, the potential acceleration is reduced. Typically it takes 100-200 clocks for the ARM processor to write a few words of data to a PL function. In general, CPU to PL calling latency is not a significant impact for applications processing more than 4 KB of data. 22.2.4 Power Offload The PL can be used to implement individual functions at lower energy cost than when executed on the ARM A9 application processors. Less energy per operation is required because when a function is implemented in the PL, data is transferred from operator to operator in a local assembly line fashion using short, low capacitance local connections. The same function implemented on a processor requires an instruction and data fetch from local caches or external memory and a result to be written back to registers or the memory system over longer, higher capacitance interfaces. When functions require data to be stored in memory, block Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 656 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide RAM can be used at lower energy cost than processor caches. Table 22-1 summarizes the approximate energy cost for various functions implemented on both the A9 processor and the 7 series programmable logic. Table 22-1: Estimated Energy Costs for Common Operations PL Resource ARM A9 Resource PL energy/OP (pico Joules op mW/GOP/sec) Logical Op of 2 var LUT/FF ALU 1.3 32-bit ADD LUT/FF ALU 1.3 16x16 Mult DSP ALU 8.0 LUTRAM L1 1.4 32-bit Read/Write AXI register LUT/FF AXI 30 32-bit Read/Write local RAM BRAM L2 23.7/17.2 32-bit Read/Write OCM AXI/OCM CPU/OCM 44 32-bit Read/Write DDR3 AXI/DDR CPU/DDR 541/211 Operation 32-bit Read/Write register Notes: 1. PL Energy costs for custom programmable logic functions are estimated using the Xilinx XPE power estimator http://www.xilinx.com/ise/power_tools/license_7series.htm. Typically, the energy cost to read or write external DDR memory is roughly the same and much larger than the operation cost. As a consequence the energy required by functions which require even a small percentage of external access is dominated by the energy cost of the external access and the total cost will be the same in both PL and CPU implementations. Thus a key to minimizing energy cost is to localize data movement to the PL. If space allows, rather than storing data structures off chip, store them in OCM, BRAM, LUTRAM or flip-flops and avoid the use of unnecessary storage. This approach might require code to be restructured to avoid the use of unnecessary buffers. 22.2.5 Real Time Offload The ARM A9 CPUs are optimized for application processing rather than real-time response and are often running an operating system such as Linux. The PL can be used augment the A9s with excellent real time response. MicroBlaze Assisted Real Time Processing One or more MicroBlaze processors can be used to as microcontrollers to manage reatime events. MicroBlaze offers excellent real-time response and can be dedicated to particular tasks. MicroBlaze controllers can typically use a few block RAMs, approximately 2,000 LUTs, and run at 100-200 MHz. Interrupt response times are in the 10s of clocks. Alternately the MicroBlaze can poll for events which can be serviced in just a few clocks. Code can be written in C or for ultimate real time control in assembly. Unlike the Cortex-A9 CPUs, MicroBlaze has a fixed execution pipeline and offers predictable response times. For many applications a PicoBlaze processor might be adequate and uses just a few hundred LUTs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 657 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide PL Interrupt Servicing PS interrupts are routed to the PL and can be serviced by a MicroBlaze processor or by hardware state machines. HW State Machines When programmable response times from a MicroBlaze or PicoBlaze CPU are not sufficient, hardware state machines can be created to respond to events. These state machines are generally created in RTL, but can also be generated using MATLAB Simulink and Labview graphical design languages. 22.2.6 Reconfigurable Computing The programmable logic in each Zynq device can be reconfigured as needed to provide new hardware accelerators. Either the entire device can be reconfigured, or a selected portion of the PL can be reconfigured. This allows for a library of accelerator functions to be stored on disk, flash memory, or DRAM and downloaded on demand. The PS can be used to orchestrate this reconfiguration over the PCAP interface and manage the allocation of PL resources. Programmable Engines Typically programmable logic based accelerators implement a specific data flow graph which directly converts input data to output data. An example would be a matrix multiply which pushes data from an input buffer through an array of multipliers and adders and stores the result in a result buffer. An alternative approach might be to build a programmable engine with multipliers and adder instructions to implement the algorithms and general purpose memories to store the data. While not generally as efficient as fixed function flowgraphs, programmable engines have the advantage of being reprogrammable to implement alternate algorithms. An additional advantage is that they can be used to implement complex functions as the number of operations is limited only by the instruction memory or the bandwidth required to fetch instructions from DRAM. Also a programmable engine might more easily match the required computational rate than a fixed function flowgraph. In general, programmable engines require access to local memories for code and data storage and can require significantly more memory than fixed function flowgraphs as well as additional logic for address generation and instruction decoding. OpenCL has been used as a programming language for these types of engines, but assembly code is also viable. These engines are an area of active research and some IP is now commercially available. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 658 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide 22.3 PL and Memory System Performance Overview This section provides a comparison of various performance-related behaviors of memory paths through the PS. It is intended to familiarize the designer with the performance-related behaviors of the PL and PS memory system. 22.3.1 Theoretical Bandwidth Table 22-2 and Table 22-3 provide a basic introduction of relative performance capabilities between various programmable interfaces, DMA, and memory controllers. The bandwidth are calculated as the interface width multiplied by a typical clock rate, not including any protocol overhead. Table 22-2: Theoretical Bandwidth of PS-PL and PS Memory Interfaces Type Bus Width (bits) IF Clock (MHz) General Purpose AXI PS Slave 32 150 600 600 1,200 2 2,400 General Purpose AXI PS Master 32 150 600 600 1,200 2 2,400 High Performance (AFI) AXI_HP PS Slave 64 150 1,200 1,200 2,400 4 9,600 AXI _ACP PS Slave 64 150 1,200 1,200 2,400 1 2,400 DDR External Memory 32 1,066 4,264 4,264 4,264 1 4,264 OCM Internal Memory 64 222 1,779 1,779 3,557 1 3,557 Interface Table 22-3: Read Total Write R+W of Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Number Interfaces (MB/s) (MB/s) (MB/s) (MB/s) Theoretical Bandwidth of PS DMA Controllers Type IF Width (Bits) IF Clock (MHz) Read BW (MB/s) Write BW (MB/s) R+W BW (MB/s) Number of Interfaces Total Bandwidth (MB/s) ARM PL310 64 222 1,776 1,776 3,552 1 3,552 Gigabit Ethernet PS Master 4 250 125 125 250 2 500 USB PS Master 8 60 60 60 60 2 120 SD PS Master 4 50 25 25 25 2 50 DMA DMAC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 659 Chapter 22: Table 22-4: Programmable Logic Design Guide Theoretical Bandwidth of PS Interconnect Interconnect Clock IF Width IF Clock Read BW Read BW R+W BW Domain (Bits) (MHz) (MB/S) (MB/S) (MB/s) Central Interconnect CPU_2x 64 222 1,776 1,776 3,552 Masters CPU_1x 32 111 444 444 888 Slaves CPU_1x 32 111 444 444 888 Master Interconnect CPU_2x 32 222 888 888 1,776 Slave Interconnect CPU_2x 32 222 888 888 1,776 Memory Interconnect DDR_2x 64 355 2,840 2,840 5,680 A few performance insights can be inferred from these relative throughputs. • The OCM or DDR memories are not able to be fully utilized by a single master, except if a low DDR clock rate is used. For example, DDR read bandwidth is limited to 2,840 MB/s on a particular port by the memory interconnect. • The interconnect generally provides enough bandwidth to sustain access to the memory devices. 22.3.2 DDR Efficiency One design consideration when using the PL to access external memory is the total amount of DDR memory bandwidth that is available. One useful metric of DDR bandwidth is the efficiency of the controller. Efficiency is the total data passed through the controller versus its theoretical throughput during a test period. Table 22-5 and Table 22-6 lists the efficiency the DDR controller under various access types. The system is configured according to Table 22-7. Table 22-5: DDR Efficiency (System #1, 4 HP/AFI masters, AXI Burst Length of 16) Access Type Address Pattern Efficiency (%) Reads Sequential 97 Reads Random 92 Writes Sequential 90 Writes Random 87 Reads and Writes Sequential 87 Reads and Writes Random 79 From a design planning perspective, accesses tested in Table 22-5 could be described as optimistic to near-typical values. The random read/write pattern is not worst case as the DDR controller optimization features are still able to improve efficiency; there might be other more pessimistic access patterns. Overall, the DDR controller was designed to have a maximum efficiency of approximately 75%. Table 22-6 lists a DDR efficiency versus burst length example. It illustrates that moderate length bursts do not result in significant DDR efficiency loss. These moderate burst lengths can be useful in latency-sensitive environments where longer bursts can increase latency for higher-priority masters in the system. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 660 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide Table 22-6: DDR Efficiency versus AXI Burst Length (System #1, 4 HP/AFI masters, Sequential Read/Writes) Table 22-7: Burst Length DDR Efficiency (%) 4 87 8 87 16 87 Latency Example Measurement Systems System PL AXI Clock (MHz) CPU_6x4x (MHz) CPU_2x (MHz) DDR_3x (MHz) DDR_2x (MHz) DRAM DRAM (Mb/s) #1 150 675 225 525 350 DDR3 1,050 22.3.3 OCM Efficiency A similar efficiency test to the DDR example above using four high-performance ports to OCM show a maximum efficiency of 80%. 22.3.4 Interconnect Throughput Bottlenecks At typical high-performance clock ratios, the PS interconnect is not typically the limiting factor in a high-performance system. One exception to this is when using two high-performance (HP/AFI) ports to DDR. Since ports 0/1 and 2/3 are arbitrated before the DDR controller, it is beneficial in the two port case to use one port each from these pairs, such as port 0 and 2. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 661 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide 22.4 Choosing a Programmable Logic Interface This section discusses various options to connecting Programmable Logic (PL) to the Processing System (PS). The main emphasis is on data movement tasks such as direct memory access (DMA). 22.4.1 PL Interface Comparison Summary Table 22-8 presents a qualitative overview of data transfer use cases. The estimated throughput column reflects suggested maximum throughput in a single direction (read/write). Table 22-8: Data Movement Method Comparison Summary Method Benefits Drawbacks Suggested Uses Estimated Throughput CPU Programmed I/O • Simple Software • Least PL Resources • Simple PL Slaves • Lowest Throughput • Control Functions <25 MB/s PS DMAC • • • • • Somewhat complex DMA programming • Limited PL Resource DMAs 600 MB/s PL AXI_HP DMA • Highest Throughput • Multiple Interfaces • Command/Data FIFOs • OCM/DDR access only • More complex PL Master design • High Performance DMA for large datasets 1,200 MB/s (per interface) PL AXI_ACP DMA • Highest Throughput • Lowest Latency • Optional Cache Coherency • Large burst might cause cache thrashing • Shares CPU Interconnect bandwidth • More complex PL Master design • High Performance DMA for smaller, coherent datasets • Medium granularity CPU offload 1,200 MB/s PL AXI_GP DMA • Medium Throughput • More complex PL Master design • PL to PS Control Functions • PS I/O Peripheral Access 600 MB/s Least PL Resources Medium Throughput Multiple Channels Simple PL Slaves 22.4.2 Cortex-A9 CPU via General Purpose Masters The least intrusive method from a software perspective is to use the Cortex-A9 to move data between the PS and PL (see Figure 22-1). Data flow is directly moved by a CPU, removing the need to handle events from a separate DMA. Access to the PL is provided through the two M_AXI_GP master ports, which each have a memory address range to originate PL AXI transactions. The PL design is also simplified since as little as a single AXI slave can be implemented to service the CPU requests. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 662 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide Drawbacks of using a CPU to move data is that a sophisticated CPU is spending cycles performing simple data movement instead of complex control and computation tasks, and the limited throughput available. Transfer rates less than 25 MB/s are reasonable with this method. X-Ref Target - Figure 22-1 SLCR Quad-SPI 1,2,4,8-bit Parallel 8-bit NOR/SRAM System Level Control Registers NEON NEON SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP NAND 8,16-bit GigE DMA DMA DMA GigE SD DMA DMA SD DMA USB USB MIO Pins APB Register Access ARM A9 ARM A9 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache SCU – Snoop Control Unit IRQ GPIO x54, x64 L2 OCM UART Cache Memory 512 KB On Chip Memory 256 KB UART I2C PS_POR_B Reset PS_SRST_B CLK / PLL ARM, I/O, DDR DDR DDR DAP DMA 8 channel TTC/SWDT PS_CLK Memory Controller Central Interconnect I2C SPI SPI CAN CAN Processing System (PS) Mem Switch 16-bit 32-bit 16-bit w/ECC PJTAG CoreSight EMIO Trace In Trace Out Cross Trigger M_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Master S_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Slave S_AXI_ACP AXI Coherent 64-bit Slave S_AXI_HP x 4 AXI Data 32/64-bit Slave PCAP Processor Config Access Port XADC 16 ch ADC NOTE: GigaBit Transceiver and PCIe functionality are not available in all device versions and packages. GTX or GTP Block RAM User IP Config I/O Interface PCIe Programmable Logic (PL) Security UG585_c22_03_102414 Figure 22-1: Example Cortex-A9 PL Data Movement Topology 22.4.3 PS DMA Controller (DMAC) via General Purpose Masters The PS DMA controller (DMAC) provides a flexible DMA engine that can provide moderate levels of throughput with little PL logic resource usage (see Figure 22-2). The DMAC resides in the PS and must be programmed via DMA instructions residing in memory, typically prepared by a CPU. With support for up to eight channels, multiple DMA fabric cores can potentially be served in the single DMAC. However, the flexible programmable model might increase software complexity relative to CPU transfer or specialized PL DMA. The DMAC interface to the PL is through the general purpose AXI master interfaces, whose 32-bit width along with the centralized DMA nature (a read and write transaction for each movement) of the DMAC to limit the DMAC from highest throughput. A peripheral request interface also allows PL slaves to provide status to the DMAC on buffer state, to prevent transactions involving a stalled PL peripheral from unnecessarily also stalling interconnect and DMAC bandwidth. See Chapter 9, DMA Controller for more information on the DMAC controller. More information on the M_AXI_GP interfaces can be found in Chapter 5, Interconnect. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 663 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide X-Ref Target - Figure 22-2 SLCR Quad-SPI 1,2,4,8-bit Parallel 8-bit NOR/SRAM System Level Control Registers NEON NEON SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP NAND 8,16-bit APB GigE DMA DMA DMA GigE SD DMA DMA SD DMA USB USB MIO Pins Register Access ARM A9 ARM A9 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache GPIO x54, x64 L2 OCM UART Cache Memory 512 KB On Chip Memory 256 KB PS_POR_B Reset PS_SRST_B CLK / PLL SCU – Snoop Control Unit IRQ UART I2C Processing System (PS) ARM, I/O, DDR DDR Memory Controller Central Interconnect I2C SPI PS_CLK DDR SPI CAN CAN DAP DMA 8 channel TTC/SWDT 16-bit 32-bit 16-bit w/ECC Mem Switch PJTAG CoreSight EMIO Trace In Trace Out Cross Trigger M_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Master S_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Slave S_AXI_ACP AXI Coherent 64-bit Slave S_AXI_HP x 4 AXI Data 32/64-bit Slave PCAP Processor Config Access Port XADC 16 ch ADC NOTE: GigaBit Transceiver and PCIe functionality are not available in all device versions and packages. GTX or GTP Control Block RAM User IP Config I/O Interface PCIe Programmable Logic (PL) Security UG585_c22_04_102414 Figure 22-2: Example DMAC DMA Topology 22.4.4 PL DMA via AXI High-Performance (HP) Interface The high-performance (S_AXI_HP) PL interfaces provide high-bandwidth PL slave interfaces to OCM and DDR memories. The AXI_HP ports are unable to access any other slaves. With four, 64-bit wide interfaces, the AXI_HP provide the greatest aggregate interface bandwidth. The multiple interfaces also save PL resources by reducing the need to a PL AXI interconnect. Each AXI_HP contains control and data FIFOs to provide buffering of transactions for larger sets of bursts, making it ideal for workloads such as video frame buffering in DDR. This additional logic and arbitration does result in higher minimum latency than other interfaces. The user IP logic residing in the PL will generally consist of a low-speed control interface and higher performance burst interface, as shown in Figure 22-3. If control flow is orchestrated by the Cortex-A9 CPU, the general purpose M_AXI_GP port can be used for tasks such as configuring the memory addresses the User IP should access and transaction status. Transaction status can also be conveyed via PL to PS interrupts. Higher performance devices connected to AXI_HP should be able to issue multiple outstanding transactions to take advantage of the AXI_HP FIFOs. The PL design complexity of multiple AXI interfaces along with the associated PL utilization are the primary drawbacks of implementing a DMA engine in the PL for both S_AXI_HP and S_AXI_ACP interfaces. See Chapter 5, Interconnect for more information on the AXI_HP interface. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 664 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide X-Ref Target - Figure 22-3 SLCR Quad-SPI 1,2,4,8-bit Parallel 8-bit NOR/SRAM System Level Control Registers NEON NEON SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP NAND 8,16-bit APB GigE DMA DMA DMA GigE SD DMA DMA SD DMA USB USB MIO Pins Register Access ARM A9 ARM A9 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache SCU – Snoop Control Unit IRQ GPIO x54, x64 L2 OCM UART Cache Memory 512 KB On Chip Memory 256 KB UART I2C Processing System (PS) PS_POR_B Reset PS_SRST_B CLK / PLL ARM, I/O, DDR DDR Memory Controller Central Interconnect I2C SPI PS_CLK DDR SPI CAN CAN DAP DMA 8 channel TTC/SWDT Mem Switch 16-bit 32-bit 16-bit w/ECC PJTAG CoreSight EMIO M_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Master Trace In Trace Out Cross Trigger PCIe S_AXI_ACP AXI Coherent 64-bit Slave S_AXI_HP x 4 AXI Data 32/64-bit Slave PCAP Processor Config Access Port XADC 16 ch ADC NOTE: GigaBit Transceiver and PCIe functionality are not available in all device versions and packages. Programmable GTX or GTP S_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Slave DMA Control Block RAM Logic (PL) User IP Config Security I/O Interface UG585_c22_05_102414 Figure 22-3: Example High-Performance (HP) DMA Topology 22.4.5 PL DMA via AXI ACP The AXI ACP interface (S_AXI_ACP) provides a similar user IP topology as the high performance S_AXI_HP interfaces. Also 64 bits wide, the ACP also provides highest throughput capability for a single AXI interface. As shown in Figure 22-4, the User IP topology is likely often similar to the S_AXI_HP example in the previous section. The ACP differs from the HP performance ports due to its connectivity inside of the PS. The ACP connects to the snoop control unit (SCU) which is also connected to the CPU L1 and the L2 cache. This connectivity allows ACP transactions to interact with the cache subsystems, potentially decreasing total latency for data to be consumed by a CPU. These optionally cache-coherent operations can prevent the need to invalidate and flush cache lines. The ACP also has the lowest memory latency to memory of the PL interfaces. The connectivity of the ACP is similar to that of the CPUs. The drawbacks from using the ACP besides those shared with the S_AXI_HP interfaces also stem from the locality to the cache and CPUs. Memory accesses through the ACP utilize the same interconnect paths as the APU, potentially decreasing CPU performance. Large, coherent ACP transfers can cause thrashing of the cache. Thus ACP coherent transfers are best suited for less than the largest data-sets. The ACP low-latency access allows opportunity for algorithm acceleration of medium granularity. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 665 Chapter 22: Programmable Logic Design Guide For more information on S_ACI_ACP, see Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. See Chapter 29, On-Chip Memory (OCM) when using ACP with OCM. X-Ref Target - Figure 22-4 SLCR Quad-SPI 1,2,4,8-bit Parallel 8-bit NOR/SRAM System Level Control Registers NEON NEON SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP SP, DP FPU 128-bit Vector DSP NAND 8,16-bit APB GigE DMA DMA DMA GigE SD DMA DMA SD DMA USB USB MIO Pins Register Access ARM A9 ARM A9 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache 32 KB I-Cache 32 KB D-Cache GPIO x54, x64 L2 OCM UART Cache Memory 512 KB On Chip Memory 256 KB PS_POR_B Reset PS_SRST_B CLK / PLL SCU – Snoop Control Unit IRQ UART I2C Processing System (PS) ARM, I/O, DDR DDR Memory Controller Central Interconnect I2C SPI PS_CLK DDR SPI CAN CAN DAP DMA 8 channel TTC/SWDT 16-bit 32-bit 16-bit w/ECC Mem Switch PJTAG Coresight EMIO Trace In Trace Out Cross Trigger M_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Master DMA Control Block RAM Logic (PL) PCIe S_AXI_ACP AXI Coherent 64-bit Slave S_AXI_HP x 4 AXI Data 32/64-bit Slave PCAP Processor Config Access Port XADC 16 ch ADC NOTE: GigaBit Transceiver and PCIe functionality are not available in all device versions Programmable and packages. GTX or GTP S_AXI_GP x 2 General Purpose 32-bit AXI Slave Config User IP Security I/O Interface UG585_c22_06_102414 Figure 22-4: Example ACP DMA Topology 22.4.6 PL DMA via General Purpose AXI Slave (GP) While the general purpose AXI Slave (S_AXI_GP) has reasonably low latency to OCM and DDR, its narrow 32-bit interface limits its utility as a DMA interface. The two S_AXI_GP interfaces are more likely to be used for lower-performance control access to the PS memories, registers and peripherals. More information on the S_AXI_GP interfaces can be found in Chapter 5, Interconnect. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 666 Chapter 23 Programmable Logic Test and Debug 23.1 Introduction Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices provides extensive debug capability for accessing the PS debug structure (see Chapter 28, System Test and Debug) from the PL. This allows for integrated test and debug on both PS and PL simultaneously. Xilinx provides the fabric trace monitor (FTM) for programmable logic test and debug. It is based on the ARM CoreSight architecture, and is a component of the trace source class (see Chapter 28, System Test and Debug) in the CoreSight system within Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices. The FTM receives trace data from the PL and formats it into trace packets to be combined with the trace packets from other trace source components such as PTM and ITM. With this capability, PL events can easily be traced simultaneously with PS events. The FTM also supports cross-triggering between the PS and PL, except for the trace dumping feature. In addition, the FTM provides general-purpose debug signals between the PS and PL. 23.1.1 Features The key features of the PL test and debug are as follows: • ARM CoreSight compliant • 32-bit trace data from the PL • 4-bit trace ID from the PL • Clock domain crossing between the PL and PS • FIFO buffering for trace packets to absorb bursts of trace data from the PL • Indication of FIFO overflow via generation of an overflow packet • Trace packets are compatible with ARM trace port software and hardware • Trigger signals to/from the PL • General-purpose I/Os to/from the PL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 667 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug 23.1.2 Block Diagram A block diagram of the FTM is shown in Figure 23-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 23-1 APB APB Interface FTM Registers PL Debug FTMTP2FDEBUG[31:0] FTMTF2PDEBUG[31:0] FTMTP2FTRIGACK[3:0] FTMTP2FTRIG[3:0] FTMTF2PTRIGACK[3:0] FTMTF2PTRIG[3:0] Cross Trigger Interface CTI ATB Interface ATB FTMTF2PTRIG[0] PL Trace FTMDTRACEINDATA[31:0] FTMDTRACEINATID[3:0] Packet Formatter FIFO Clock Domain Crossing FTMDTRACEINVALID Cycle Count Generator FTMDTRACEINCLOCK FPGA Clock Domain Debug APB Clock Domain ATB Clock Domain UG585_c23_01_030312 Figure 23-1: FTM Block Diagram As shown in Figure 23-1, the following functional blocks comprise the FTM: • APB Interface ° • FTM Registers ° • These are programmable registers. Clock Domain Crossing ° • This is the interface to the CoreSight debug APB, through which CPUs and JTAG can interact with the FTM. This block synchronizes signals between the PL clock domain and the PS clock domain. PL Debug Ports ° This block provides: - General purpose I/Os, 32 bits to the PL and 32 bits from the PL. These are accessed through reads and writes to registers. - Trigger signals, 4 pairs to the PL and 4 pairs from the PL. Each pair consists of a trigger signal and an acknowledge signal, and follows ARM standard CTI handshake protocol. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 668 Chapter 23: • - 32-bit, free-running, clocked by CPU_2x - Pre-scaled by 2^CYCOUNTPRE (range:1 to 32,768) - Reset by POR, FTMGLBCTRL[FTMENABLE]==0, CoreSight reset request through JTAG The FIFO is used to buffer packets before they are sent to the ATB. The FIFO has these properties: - 64-packets deep - When the FIFO overflows, it signals the packet formatter to generate an overflow packet. In this case, some trace data is lost. ATB Interface ° • This block is used to provide a binary count value for time stamping packets. This is achieved by a counter, which is: FIFO ° • This block is responsible for gathering trace data and formatting the data into trace packets. In addition to trace packets, the packet formatter can also generate various other types of packets to convey additional information to the CoreSight system within the PS. Cycle Count Generator ° • Trigger input 0 (FTMTF2PTRIG[0]) can be used to generate trigger packets. Packet Formatter ° • Programmable Logic Test and Debug This is the interface to the CoreSight ATB, over which packets are sent. Cross Trigger Interface ° This block is the interface to the CoreSight ECT system (see Chapter 28, System Test and Debug). 23.1.3 System Viewpoint For details on how the FTM is connected to, and interacts with, the rest of the CoreSight system within the PS, see Chapter 28, System Test and Debug. 23.2 Functional Description 23.2.1 Basic Operation The PL trace module captures the trace data from the PL. The user supplies the trace data, trace ID, valid, and clock signals to the FTM at the PL-PS boundary. All data, ID, and valid signals must be stable on the rising edge of the FTMDTRACEINCLOCK signal for the FTM to correctly sample them. When FTMDTRACEINVALID is asserted, the PL trace signals are available to the clock domain crossing interface, which synchronizes the data and ID, and sends them to the packet formatter. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 669 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug The packet formatter generates packets and submits them to the FIFO. The packet formatter can generate the following types of packets: • Trace packets: These packets are generated when valid trace data is available from the PL. • Trigger packets: These trigger packets can only be generated by the FTMTF2PTRIG[0] signal. • Cycle count packets: These packets provide continuous timestamps that are used to reconstruct a real-time trace. • Overflow packets: These packets are generated when the FIFO overflows. • Synchronization packets: These packets are for packet analysis tools to re-align to packet boundaries. The cross trigger interface communicates with the CoreSight ECT structure. This interface passes re-synchronized trigger signals between the PL and the ECT. This provides the capability of cross-triggering each other between the PS and PL. 23.2.2 Packet Generation The following are some common scenarios that illustrate packet generation by the FTM. Typical Case – Trace Enabled, Cycle Count Enabled When a valid PL trace (FTMDTRACEINVALID is asserted) is captured, a trace packet and a cycle count packet are generated and sent to the ATB. When a trigger occurs (via the FTMTF2PTRIG[0] signal), a trigger packet and a cycle count packet are generated and sent to the ATB. X-Ref Target - Figure 23-2 Trigger Time PL Activity PL Trace Valid Packets Generated PL Trace Valid PL Trace Valid Trace Packet Cycle Count Packet Trace Packet Cycle Count Packet Trigger Packet Cycle Count Packet Trace Packet Cycle Count Packet UG585_c23_02_030312 Figure 23-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Packet Generation, Typical Case www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 670 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug No Cycle Count Case – Trace Enabled, Cycle Count Disabled This is similar to the preceding case, except that cycle count packets are not generated. X-Ref Target - Figure 23-3 Trigger Time PL Activity Packets Generated PL Trace Valid PL Trace Valid PL Trace Valid Trace Packet Trace Packet Trigger Packet Trace Packet UG585_c23_03_030312 Figure 23-3: Packet Generation, No Cycle Count Case FIFO Overflow Case – Lost Trace In this scenario, trace packets are not generated until the FIFO is no longer in an overflow condition. An overflow packet is generated to indicate that there was an overflow condition and some trace packets are lost. At least 8 clock cycles of FTMDTRACEINCLOCK are needed between FTMDTRACEINDATA packets to avoid a FIFO overflow condition. X-Ref Target - Figure 23-4 Time PL Activity PL Trace Valid Packets Generated PL Trace Valid Trace Packet PL Trace Valid (lost) PL Trace Valid Cycle Count Packet Trace Packet PL Trace Valid (lost) Cycle Count Packet PL Trace Valid (lost) PL Trace Valid Overflow Packet PL Trace Valid Trace Packet PL Trace Valid Cycle Count Packet UG585_c23_04_030712 Figure 23-4: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Packet Generation, FIFO Overflow Case www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 671 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug Synchronization Case This scenario illustrates how a synchronization packet is generated amid other types of packets. The FTMSYNCRELOAD register sets the number of packets for which a synchronization packet must be generated. X-Ref Target - Figure 23-5 Trigger Sync Time PL Activity PL Trace Valid PL Trace Valid PL Trace Valid Packets Generated Cycle Count Packet Trace Packet Cycle Count Packet Trace Packet Cycle Count Packet Trace Packet Sync Packet Trace Packet Cycle Count Packet UG585_c23_05_030712 Figure 23-5: Packet Generation, Synchronization Case 23.2.3 Packet Format General Format A packet consists of a number of bytes. Table 23-1 shows the basic format of a packet. Except for the synchronization packet and the cycle count packet, the first and the last bytes of a packet have their MSB set to 0 to signify the start/stop of the packet; all bytes between the first and the last bytes have their MSB set to 1. Table 23-1: General Packet Format Byte [7] [6:0] 0 0 type 1 1 data … 1 data n 0 data Table 23-2 shows the encoding values for the “type” byte. Table 23-2: “Type” Byte Encoding Type [7] [6:3] [2:0] Trace packet 0 trace[3:0] 101 Trigger packet 0 0100 000 Cycle count packer 1 count[3:0] 100 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 672 Chapter 23: Table 23-2: Programmable Logic Test and Debug “Type” Byte Encoding (Cont’d) Type [7] [6:3] [2:0] FIFO overflow packet 0 1101 000 Synchronization packet 0 0000 000 Trace Packet A trace packet contains the 32-bit value from each captured FTMDTRACEINDATA[31:0] from the PL. The MSB of the last byte is determined by the presence of an immediately following cycle count packet. If a cycle count packet follows, the MSB is 1, otherwise it is 0. Table 23-3: Trace Packet Format Byte [7] [6:0] 0 0 data[3:0], 101 1 1 data[10:4] 2 1 data[17:11] 3 1 data[24:18] 4 count data[31:25] Trigger Packet A trigger packet is generated for each acknowledged trigger input [0] from the PL, i.e., when both FTMTF2PTRIG[0] and FTMTF2PTRIGACK[0] are High. Table 23-4: Trigger Packet Format Byte [7:0] 0 0x20 1 0xA0 2 0xA0 3 0x20 or 0xA0 Cycle Count Packet A cycle count packet is generated when FTMCONTROL[CYCEN] is set, and a trace packet or a trigger packet is generated. It contains a binary count value taken from the current value of the internal 32-bit free-running counter. It is always a continuation of an immediately preceding trace packet or trigger packet. Table 23-5: Cycle Count Packet Format Byte [7] [6:0] 0 1 count[3:0], 100 1 1 count[10:4] 2 1 count[17:11] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 673 Chapter 23: Table 23-5: Programmable Logic Test and Debug Cycle Count Packet Format (Cont’d) Byte [7] [6:0] 3 1 count[24:18] 4 0 count[31:25] FIFO Overflow Packet A FIFO overflow packet is generated when a FIFO overflow occurs. Table 23-6: Overflow Packet Format Byte [7:0] 0 0x68 1 0xE8 2 0xE8 3 0x68 First Packet After Enable The trace buffer might include a packet with the value 0x28A8A828 after the FTM is enabled. Synchronization Packet A synchronization packet allows the packet analysis tools to periodically re-align to correct packet boundaries, because the packet formatter does not maintain 32-bit word boundaries for packets. The synchronization packet follows the same format as other CoreSight components. Table 23-7: Synchronization Packet Format Byte [7:0] 0-7 0x00 8 0x80 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 674 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug 23.3 Signals The FTM control signals are described in the following sections. 23.3.1 General-Purpose Debug Signals Table 23-8: General-Purpose Debug Signals Group General purpose debug output General purpose debug input PS-PL Signal IO Description FTMTP2FDEBUG[7:0] O The FTMP2FDBG0 register controls its value. FTMTP2FDEBUG[15:8] O The FTMP2FDBG1 register controls its value. FTMTP2FDEBUG[23:16] O The FTMP2FDBG2 register controls its value. FTMTP2FDEBUG[31:24] O The FTMP2FDBG3 register controls its value. FTMTF2PDEBUG[7:0] I The FTMF2PDBG0 register shows its value. FTMTF2PDEBUG[15:8] I The FTMF2PDBG1 register shows its value. FTMTF2PDEBUG[23:16] I The FTMF2PDBG2 register shows its value. FTMTF2PDEBUG[31:24] I The FTMF2PDBG3 register shows its value. 23.3.2 Trigger Signals Table 23-9: Trigger Signals Group Trigger from PS to PL Trigger from PL to PS PS-PL Signal IO Description FTMTP2FTRIG[3:0] O Each bit is an asynchronous trigger signal from the CoreSight ECT structure in the PS to the PL. Users must program the CTI connected to the FTM to enable these trigger output signals. FTMTP2FTRIGACK[3:0] I Each bit is the asynchronous acknowledge signal for the corresponding FTMTP2FTRIG signal. FTMTF2PTRIG[3:0] I Each bit is an asynchronous trigger signal from the PL to the CoreSight ECT structure in the PS. Users must program the CTI connected to FTM to enable these trigger input signals. FTMTF2PTRIGACK[3:0] O Each bit is the asynchronous acknowledge signal for the corresponding FTMTF2PTRIG signal. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 675 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug 23.3.3 Trace Signals Table 23-10: Trace Signals Group PS-PL Signal Trace from PL to PS IO Description FTMDTRACEINCLOCK I Clock signal for the trace data interface. Asynchronous to the PS. FTMDTRACEINVALID I When this signal is sampled High by the PS using FTMDTRACEINCLOCK, the values on TRMDTRACEINDATA and FTMDTRACEINATID are valid. FTMDTRACEINDATA[31:0] I Trace data. All 32 bits must be provided. FTMDTRACEINATID[3:0] I Trace ID to be carried over to the ATB. All 4 bits must be provided. 23.4 Register Overview Table 23-11: Register Overview Function Name Control FTMGLBCTRL FTMCONTROL Status FTMSTATUS Idle status, security signal values, FIFO full/empty. General debug FTMP2FDBG FTMF2PDGB Set the values of the signals presented to the PL. Read the values of the signals from the PL. Cycle counter prescaler FTMCYCCOUNTPRE Synchronization counter FTMSYNCRELOAD FTMSYNCCOUNT Configuration FTMDTRACEINATID CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Authentication Integration test Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Overview Enable FTM, enable cycle count packets, enable trace packets. Set the prescaler value for the cycle counter. Set how often synchronization packets should be generated. Set the ATID value to the ATB bus. These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 676 Chapter 23: Programmable Logic Test and Debug 23.5 Programming Model 23.5.1 FTM Security FTM security is controlled through the use of the standard CoreSight mechanisms, the SPNIDEN, SPIDEN, NIDEN, and DBGEN signals from the DevC module. The following actions are taken by the FTM when the corresponding signals are asserted: • SPNIDEN: FTM trace operations can be enabled. • SPIDEN: The FTMP2FDBG registers can be modified. • NIDEN: No effect. • DBGEN: No effect. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 677 Chapter 24 Power Management 24.1 Introduction Power optimization can start with selecting the right Zynq-7000 AP SoC device. For low-power applications, choose either the 7z010 or 7z020 dual core device or the 7z007s, 7z012s, or 7z014s single core device. Power can dramatically be reduced by shutting-down the PL side of the device. I/O voltage and termination choice also affects power consumption. The clocks to individual PS subsystems can be stopped. The functionality of the PS is the same for all Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices except that the 7z007S and 7z010 devices have a reduced MIO pin count which impacts the availability of the Ethernet, USB and other controllers. The two Zynq data sheets describe the clock frequency differences. The PL resource differences for each device type are shown in section 21.1.2 PL Resources by Device Type. Detailed device level power estimates for the PS and PL can be obtained using the XPE power estimator spreadsheet. Power specifications are found in the Zynq-7000 AP SoC device datasheets (see Appendix A, Additional Resources for a list of related documents). 24.1.1 Features Key system power management features are as follows. • Choose between device technology: ° 7z010 and 7z020 dual core or 7z007s, 7z012s, or 7z014s single core (derived from Artix AP FPGA technology) ° 7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100 (derived from Kintex AP FPGA technology) • PL power-off • Cortex A9 processor standby mode • Clock gating for most PS subsystems • Three PLLs can be programmed to minimize power consumption • Subsystem clocks can be programmed for optional clock frequency • Programmable voltage for I/O Banks: • ° MIO: HSTL 1.8V, LVCMOS 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V ° DDR: DDR2 1.8V, DDR3 1.5V and LPDDR2 1.2V DDR3 and LPDDR2 low power mode Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 678 Chapter 24: • DDR 16 or 32-bit data I/O • Internal and external voltage measurements using XADC Power Management 24.2 System Design Considerations The section includes these system design considerations: • 24.2.1 Device Technology Choice • 24.2.2 PL Power-down Control • 24.2.3 APU Maximum Frequency • 24.2.4 DDR Memory Clock Frequency • 24.2.5 DDR Memory Controller Modes and Configurations • 24.2.6 Boot Interface Options • 24.2.7 PS Clock Gating 24.2.1 Device Technology Choice There is a power and performance distinction between the low power devices (7z010/7z020 dual core and 7z007s/7z012s/7z014s single core) and the high performance devices (7z030, 7z035, 7z045, and 7z100). The low power devices are derived from the 7 series Artix AP FPGAs. The larger and higher performance devices are derived from the Kintex AP FPGAs. Within the PS and PL, multiple power supplies are used to power core logic, I/Os, and auxiliary circuits. Independent I/O banks allow a mix of 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V I/O standards. The PS also contains a DDR interface supporting DDR2, DDR3, and LPDDR2 which operate at 1.8V, 1.5V and 1.2V, respectively. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC family supports voltage and temperature monitoring by utilizing the sensors in the Xilinx ADC (XADC) subsystem (refer to Chapter 30, XADC Interface). The XADC provides real-time monitoring of voltage and temperature levels within the device. 24.2.2 PL Power-down Control In case the PL is not used, it can be completely shut down to save power. This requires independently connected power supplies for the PS and PL. Furthermore, some restrictions apply during boot and power off. Refer to DS187 and DS191, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC DC and AC Switching Characteristics for more details. An example sequence to power-down the PL is provided in section 2.4 PS–PL Voltage Level Shifter Enables. The PL power system can be controlled via GPIOs, the I2C controller, or an external processor. When the PL is powered off all PS to PL signals, including EMIO, PL AXI, should not be accessed. The PL loses its configuration when powered down and must be reconfigured when it is powered on again. Software should determine when it is safe to power down the PL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 679 Chapter 24: Power Management 24.2.3 APU Maximum Frequency For applications which do not require the maximum amount of processing performance, the APU maximum frequency can be reduced to meet application needs. A lower clock frequency can significantly reduce the operating power when compared to operating at a higher frequency. 24.2.4 DDR Memory Clock Frequency For applications which do not require the maximum amount of DDR bandwidth, the DDR bandwidth can be reduced to meet application needs. This can reduce operating power significantly compared operating at a higher frequency, but more importantly, allows the use of lower power DDR standards and configurations. 24.2.5 DDR Memory Controller Modes and Configurations The DDR2, DDR3, and LPDDR2 DDR standards are supported in both 16- and 32-bit data operation. DDR power can be a significant percentage of total power, so minimizing DDR power is an important means of reducing system power. The following features impact DDR power: • The highest power DDR standard is a DDR2 due to the 1.8V operating voltage and the termination requirements. • The highest speed DDR standard is DDR3 operating up to 1,066 Mb/s in -1 devices. • The lowest power interface DDR standard is LPDDR2 due to the 1.2V operating voltage and the unterminated I/Os, however rates are limited compared to DDR3. • DDR width can be set to 16 or 32 bits. Note that, for ECC, use a 32-bit bus width (16-bit data, 10-bit ECC). • The total number of DDR devices in the system impacts system power. For example, four 8-bit DDR devices have a higher system power than two 16-bit devices. • 32-bit DDR devices are available only for LPDDR2. • Termination strength: If possible use the highest possible termination value. A termination value of 40Ω is 50% more termination power than 60Ω. 24.2.6 Boot Interface Options The PS supports boot from Quad-SPI, NAND, and NOR devices. Boot devices do not impact system level dynamic power as the boot process only occurs once at device power up. Lower voltage 1.8V devices are of lower static power than higher 3.3V devices. 24.2.7 PS Clock Gating The PS supports many clock domains, each with independent clock gating control. When the system is in run mode, the user is allowed to shut down the clock domains that are not used and reduce the dynamic power dissipation. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 680 Chapter 24: Power Management 24.3 Programming Guides 24.3.1 System Modules The power management features of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC's system modules are described in detail in their respective chapter. Please refer to Table 24-4 for an overview and further references. Table 24-1: Power Management for System Modules System Module Clocked in Standby Mode Description APU Yes See Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. SCU (with GIC) Yes See Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. L2-Cache Yes See Chapter 3, Application Processing Unit. Interconnect Yes Clocks are stopped automatically if enabled, refer to Chapter 25, Clocks. Peripherals Depends Peripheral used as a wake-up source must be clocked, refer to Table 24-2. 24.3.2 Peripherals The primary peripheral power management mechanisms are clock scaling and gating. Chapter 25, Clocks describes the system clocks and how they can be controlled through dividers, gates, and multiplexers. Table 24-2 gives a brief overview of the power management capabilities for the device subsystems. Every peripheral includes clock gating and, in some cases, low-power states. With all these pieces working together, the system-level sleep mode is defined. (Refer to section 24.4 Sleep Mode.) In sleep mode the whole chip enters a low-power state, waiting for a wake-up event to continue operation. Peripheral Clock Gating For peripherals with an independent clock domain for the interconnect, disable the device's interconnect clock last and enable it first to avoid accesses to inaccessible register areas. See Chapter 25, Clocks and the respective chapter for a peripheral for additional details. Table 24-2: Power Management for Peripheral Controls Peripheral Wake-up Source Clock Gating Low-Power Mode Other Low-Power Modes No No None Yes Chapter 8, Timers Yes Chapter 25, Clocks None No Yes Section 9.6 System Functions None PCAP Timers DMA Controller Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 681 Chapter 24: Table 24-2: Power Management Power Management for Peripheral Controls (Cont’d) Peripheral Wake-up Source Clock Gating Low-Power Mode Other Low-Power Modes Yes Section 10.9 Operational Programming Model DDR Controller No Static Memory Controller No Yes 11.2.2 Clocks None Quad-SPI Controller No Yes Section 12.4 System Functions None SDIO Controller No Yes Chapter 25, Clocks None GPIO Controller Yes Section 14.4 System Functions Yes Section 14.4 System Functions None Yes Chapter 15, USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller Suspened/Resume Chapter 15, USB Host, Device, and OTG Controller USB Controller Yes Chapter 25, Clocks Ethernet Controller No SPI Controller Yes 18.4 System Functions CAN Controller Yes 19.3.5 RxFIFO Trigger Level Interrupt UART Controller No I2C Controller Programmable Logic Yes 18.4 System Functions Sleep Mode 18.2.1 Controller Modes Yes 19.4 System Functions None Yes 20.4 System Functions None Yes Chapter 25, Clocks User Defined 24.3.3 I/O Buffers Power management for I/O buffer controls are shown in Table 24-3. Table 24-3: Power Management for I/O Buffer Controls I/O Buffer Signal Voltage DDR 1.8V/1.5V/1.2V MIO0 and MIO1 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Termination and Mode See section 10.6.3 DDR IOB Configuration www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 682 Chapter 24: Power Management 24.4 Sleep Mode Sleep mode is defined at the system level to include the APU in standby mode and multiple controllers being held in reset without a clock. Going into sleep mode can greatly reduce power consumption. In sleep mode, most function clock groups are turned off or powered off. The only required active devices are one CPU, the snoop control unit (SCU), and a wake-up device. Ideally, the only devices causing dynamic power consumption should be the SCU and the wake-up peripheral device. The wake-up device can be UART, GPIO, or any device that can generate an interrupt. If the wake-up device is an AXI bus master, which can start transactions targeting the DRAM, additional limitations apply. Because the whole interconnect and the DDR memory are in low power modes and inaccessible, it must be assured that the CPU goes through the full wake-up process before any transactions to the DRAM take place. This guarantees that potential transactions targeting the DRAM are served correctly. 24.4.1 Setup Wake-up Events Every interrupt signaled to the PS can be used as a wake-up event. To make this happen, the wanted interrupt must be enabled in the peripheral and the GIC. A wake-up device must be able to generate the interrupt in sleep mode, which means, that its clocks might not be gated off. See GPIO as Wake-up Event, page 394 for more information. Refer to the respective chapter for information about available interrupts and how to configure the peripherals to generate them. 24.4.2 Programming Guide The following shows the preliminary steps to enter PS sleep mode from normal running mode and exit from it. In sleep mode, the master CPU is responsible for shutting down all non-wake up devices, including all other masters in the system and the PL, if possible. Since clock frequencies change when clock dividers and PLL configurations are changed, configuring a wake-up device might not only mean activating the wanted wake-up interrupt, but also changing the peripheral configuration to be able to cope with the modified clock frequency. If both CPUs are running, the master CPU should shut down the secondary CPU first before proceeding with the steps described below. It is user’s choice, which CPU acts as master CPU. Furthermore, precautions must be taken to keep code which is executed while the DDR clocks are disabled accessible in this period e.g., by placing those code-segments in OCM, or locking the L2 cache and TLB. Depending on the actual implementation this can, amongst others, apply to: • Code executed when DDR is not available • Routine for entering and exiting standby mode • Translation table • Stacks Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 683 Chapter 24: Power Management The location of the currently used translation table(s) and stacks are controllable through the TTBR and SP registers, respectively. This allows switching between different structures for normal running mode and standby mode if needed. During the standby sequence interrupts are disabled in the CPUs. This way execution cannot be interrupted while entering standby mode and once the wake-up event occurs execution resumes right after the wfi instruction instead of jumping to a vector table. The wake-up interrupt must be enabled in the corresponding wake-up device and in the GIC interrupt controller to cause a qualified wake-up event. Once interrupts are re-enabled after waking up, the wake-up interrupt is still pending and causes the CPU to jump to its interrupt handler, as usual. Enter Sleep Mode A CPU must execute the following steps to enter sleep mode from normal run mode: 1. Disable interrupts. Execute cpsid if. 2. Configure wake-up device. 3. Enable L2 cache dynamic clock gating. Set l2cpl310.reg15_power_ctrl[dynamic_clk_gating_en] = 1. 4. Enable SCU standby mode. Set mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER[SCU_standby_enable] = 1. 5. Enable topswitch clock stop. Set slcr.TOPSW_CLK_CTRL[CLK_DIS] = 1. 6. Enable Cortex-A9 dynamic clock gating. Set cp15.power_control_register[dynamic_clock_gating] = 1. 7. Put the external DDR memory into self-refresh mode. Refer to section 10.9.6 DDR Power Reduction. 8. Put the PLLs into bypass mode. Set slcr.{ARM, DDR, IO}_PLL_CTRL[PLL_BYPASS_FORCE] = 1. 9. Shut down the PLLs. Set slcr.{ARM, DDR, IO}_PLL_CTRL[PLL_PWRDWN] = 1. 10. Increase the clock divisor to slow down the CPU clock. Set slcr.ARM_CLK_CTRL[DIVISOR] = 0x3f. 11. Execute the wfi instruction to enter WFI mode. Exit Sleep Mode Exiting sleep mode is triggered by the configured interrupt occurring. The interrupt wakes up the CPU which resumes execution. The newly starting activity also triggers the topswitch, SCU, and L2 cache controller to leave their idle states and continue normal operation. The procedure for waking up is outlined below. To exit from sleep mode: 1. Restore CPU clock divisor setting. Set slcr.ARM_CLK_CTRL[DIVISOR] = . 2. Power on the PLLs. Set slcr.{ARM, DDR, IO}_PLL_CTRL[PLL_PWRDWN] = 0. 3. Wait for PLL power-on and lock. Wait for slcr.PLL_STATUS[{ARM, DDR, IO}_PLL_LOCK] == 1. 4. Disable PLL bypass mode. Set slcr.{ARM, DDR, IO}_PLL_CTRL[PLL_BYPASS_FORCE] = 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 684 Chapter 24: Power Management 5. Disable L2 cache dynamic clock gating. Set l2cpl310.reg15_power_ctrl[dynamic_clk_gating_en] = 0. 6. Disable SCU standby mode. Set mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER[SCU_standby_enable] = 0. 7. Disable Interconnect clock stop. Set slcr.TOPSW_CLK_CTRL[CLK_DIS] = 0. 8. Disable Cortex-A9 dynamic clock gating. Set cp15.power_control_register[dynamic_clock_gating] = 0. 9. Enable all required peripheral devices, including DDR controller clocks. 10. Re-enable and serve interrupts. Execute cpsie if. IMPORTANT: Bypassing the PLLs and modifying clock dividers change the clock frequencies in the system. Proper care must be taken clocking the wake-up device, and watchdog timers (if used), etc., under these conditions. 24.5 Register Overview Table 24-4 provides an overview of the power management registers. Table 24-4: Power Management Register Overview Register Description Comment APU cp15.Power Control register cp15.TTBR Control APU power management features Translation Table Base register mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER l2cpl310.reg15_power_ctrl Enable/disable SCU standby mode Power Control register DDR ddrc.ctrl_reg1 DDRC control register (1) Set DDRC operating mode (e.g. self-refresh) ddrc.DRAM_param_reg3 DRAM parameters (3) Enable/disable clock stop ddrc.mode_sts_reg Controller operation mode status PS Clock Module slcr.{ARM, DDR, IO}_PLL_CFG Program PLL clock generators slcr.xxx_CLK_CTRL Enable CPU_1x and reference clocks slcr.PLL_STATUS PLL stable/lock status Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 685 Chapter 25 Clocks 25.1 Introduction All of the clocks generated by the PS clock subsystem are derived from one of three programmable PLLs: CPU, DDR and I/O. Each of these PLLs is loosely associated with the clocks in the CPU, DDR and peripheral subsystems. 25.1.1 System Block Diagram The major components of the clock subsystem are shown in Figure 25-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-1 PLLs PS_CLK ARM PLL en Mux I/O PLL en 6-bit Programmable Divider Glitch-Free 6-bit Programmable Divider Glitch-Free Gate cpu_6x4x CPU, SCU, OCM cpu_3x2x Clock Ratio Generator Sync cpu_2x AXI cpu_1x Interconnect Glitch-Free DDR PLL en Boot Mode Pin PLL Bypass POR Latch Bypass Control Bypass Control Registers: ARM_PLL_CTRL DDR_PLL_CTRL IO_PLL_CTRL 6-bit Programmable Divider ddr_3x Gate Async ddr_2x Gate Glitch-Free Async Glitch-Free Mux 6-bit Programmable Divider (s) I/O Peripherals (IOP) Ethernet SDIO, SMC, SPI, QSPI, UART CAN, I2C PL PL Clocks UG585_c25_01_102414 Figure 25-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 PS Clock System Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 686 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.1.2 Clock Generation During normal operation, the PLLs are enabled, driven by the PS_CLK clock pin. In bypass mode, the clock signal on the PS_CLK pin provides the source for the various clock generators instead of the PLLs. (Refer to the applicable Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet for PS_CLK characteristics.) When the PS_POR reset signal deasserts, the PLL bypass boot mode pin is sampled and selects between PLL bypass and PLL enabled for all three PLLs. The bypass mode runs the system significantly slower than normal mode, but is useful for low-power applications and debug. After the boot process and when the user code executes, the bypass mode and output frequency of each PLL can be individually controlled by software. The clock generation paths include glitch-free multiplexers and glitch-free clock gates to support dynamic clock control. Three Programmable PLLs • Single external reference clock input for all three PLLs ° ARM PLL: Recommended clock source for the CPUs and the interconnect ° DDR PLL: Recommended clock for the DDR DRAM controller and AXI_HP interfaces ° I/O PLL: Recommended clock for I/O peripherals • Individual PLL bypass control and frequency programming • Shared bandgap reference voltage circuit for VCOs Clock Branches • Six-bit programmable frequency dividers • Dynamic switching on most clock circuits • Four clock generators for the PL Reset The clock subsystem is an integral part of the PS and is only reset when the entire system is reset. When this occurs, all of the registers that control the clocking module return to their reset values. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 687 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.1.3 System Viewpoint Figure 25-1 shows the clock network and related domains from a system viewpoint. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-2 A9 MP Core A9 MP Core 32K I-Cache 32L D-Cache 32K I-Cache 32L D-Cache M0 M1 M0 I-AXI D-AXI S0 TAG S1 DDR 3X CLK M1 I-AXI D-AXI Coherent M1 M0 S0 S0 DS ACP AXI 512 KB Cache M0 AS M1 FPGA CLKs EVENT ACP EVT S0 AS OCM Interconnect 64-bit CPU_2x 256 KB OCM RAM DDR 2X CLK Peripheral + PL Interrupts M0 L-2 Cache Controller AS: Async Domain US: Up Sync DS: Down Sync UZ: Up Size DZ: Down Size Coherent GIC Snoop Control Unit (SCU) TAG CTRL CPU CLK (CPU_6x, CPU_2x, and CPU_1x) S3 M2 S2 M1 US S1 S0 M0 US s1 AFI AFI AFI AFI AXI_HP 64/32 DVC Async QoS S0 US Master Interconnect S1 AS 32-Bit S2 AS CPU_2x M0 DMAC M0 IOP 32-Bit CPU_1x S0 Central Interconnect (3x3) 64-Bit CPU_2x S2 QoS S0 QoS US/UZ M2 AS S1 UZ M1 DS/DZ S1 DS/DZ M0 AS S1 M1 AS S0 Async Bridge M3 M2 M0 M3 Event M1 S3 US S0 M1 M0 M0 Slave Interconnect M2 DS 32-Bit CPU_2x Top Bus Switch Async Bridge M0 DAP PL Peripheral Interrupts Async Bridge Peripheral APB S0 S1 S2 S3 DDR Controller UG585_c25_02_021213 Figure 25-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 System Clock Domains www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 688 Chapter 25: Clocks A version of the CPU clock is used for most of the internal clocking. The asynchronous DMA peripheral request interfaces between the DMAC and the PL are not shown in Figure 25-2. In addition, PL AXI channels (AXI_HP, AXI_ACP and AXI_GP) have asynchronous interfaces between the PS and PL. The synchronization, where the clock domain crossing occurs, is located inside the PS. Therefore, the PL provides the interface clock to the PS. Each of the aforementioned interfaces could use unique clocks in the PL. 25.1.4 Power Management The overall approach to power management is described in Chapter 24, Power Management. The clock generation subsystem facilitates clock disabling and frequency control which affects power consumption. The PLL power consumption is directly related to the PLL output frequency. The power consumption can be reduced by using a lower PLL output frequency. Power can also be reduced if one or two of the PLLs are not required. For example, if all of the clock generators can be driven by the DDR PLL, then the ARM and I/O PLLs can be disabled to reduce power consumption. The DDR PLL is the only unit that can drive all of the clock generators. Each clock can be individually disabled when not in use. In some cases, individual subsystems contain additional clock disabling and other power reduction features. Central Interconnect Clock Disable The CPU clocks for the central interconnect (CPU_2x and CPU_1x) can be stopped by setting the TOPSW_CLK_CTRL [0] bit to a 1. When this bit is set, the clock controller waits for the AXI interfaces to the L2-cache and SCU to become idle and for the FPGAIDLEN signal from the PL to assert before shutting off the clock to the central interconnect. For the other interfaces, the system software must ensure that the interfaces are idle before disabling the interconnect clock. As soon as the PS detects traffic on the L2-cache or the SCU, or the FPGAIDLEN is deasserted, the clocks will be re-enabled. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 689 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.2 CPU Clock Figure 25-3 shows the clock generation network in the CPU clock domains. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-3 ARM_CLK_CTRL [24] CPU_PERICLKACT CLK_621_TRUE [0] CPU_6x4x 1 ARM_CLK_CTRL [25] GlitchFree GlitchFree ARM PLL DDR PLL Clock Ratio Generator 6-bit Programmable Divider 0 1 IO PLL CPU_3x2x 2:1 0 GlitchFree Glitch-Free ARM_CLK_CTRL [26] 1 CPU_2x 2:1 or 3:1 ARM_CLK_CTRL [27] [4] [5] ARM_CLK_CTRL Closely Coupled, Always 2:1 Ratio [13:8] ARM_CLK_CTRL Closely Coupled, Always 2:1 Ratio CPU_1x 6:1 or 4:1 UG585_c25_03_100917 Figure 25-3: CPU Clock Generation and Domains Ratio Examples The CPU clock domain operates in two modes 6:2:1 and 4:2:1. Table 25-1 shows example frequencies for these modes and modules operating in each clock domain. (See the applicable Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet for the specific allowed frequencies for each clock.) Table 25-1: CPU Clock CPU Clock Frequency Ratio Examples 6:2:1 4:2:1 Clock Domain Modules CPU_6x4x 800 MHz (6 times faster than CPU_1x) 600 MHz (4 times faster than CPU_1x) CPU clock frequency, SCU, and OCM arbitration, NEON, L2 cache memory CPU_3x2x 400 MHz (3 times faster than CPU_1x) 300 MHz (2 times faster than CPU_1x) APU timers CPU_2x 266 MHz (2 times faster than CPU_1x) 300 MHz (2 times faster than CPU_1x) I/O peripherals, central interconnect, master interconnect, slave interconnect, and OCM RAM CPU_1x 133 MHz 150 MHz I/O peripherals AHB and APB interface busses CPU Clock Divisor Restriction To improve the quality of the high speed clocks going to the CPU and DDR, there is a requirement that they get divided by an even number in the slcr.ARM_CLK_CTRL [DIVISOR] bit field. For the slcr.ARM_CLK_CTRL [DIVISOR], software must program it to be equal or greater than 2. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 690 Chapter 25: Clocks Clock Usage During normal usage, most system clocks will be derived by taking the input clock PS_CLK, sending it through the PLL, and finally dividing it down to be used within the PS. While the PS generates many different clocks, as shown in Figure 25-1, there are three clock domains that have the largest interaction and importance in the system: These are the DDR_3x domain, the DDR_2x domain, and the CPU clock domain. The DDR_3x clock domain includes the DDR memory controller. The DDR_2x domain is primarily used for the high performance AXI interfaces to the PL (AXI_HP{0:3}) and the interconnect. The CPU clock domain controls the ARM processors along with many of the CPU peripherals. The CPU clock domain is composed of four separate clocks: CPU_6x4x, CPU_3x2x, CPU_2x, and CPU_1x. These four clocks are named according to their frequencies, which are related by one of two ratios: 6:3:2:1 or 4:2:2:1 (abbreviated 6:2:1 and 4:2:1). The operating clock ratio is determined by the CLK_621_TRUE [0] bit value. In the 6:2:1 mode, the frequency of the CPU_6x4x clock is 6 times as fast as the CPU_1x clock. Table 25-1, page 690 shows examples of how these clocks are related. Refer to the applicable Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet for the maximum clock frequency of each clock domain. All the CPU clocks are synchronous to each other; while the DDR clocks are independent of each other and the CPU clocks. The I/O peripheral clocks, such as CAN reference clocks and SDIO reference clocks, are all generated by a similar method, starting from the PS_CLK pin, through a PLL, then a divider, and finally to the peripheral destination. Each peripheral clock is completely asynchronous to all other clocks. Interconnect Clock Domains The individual clock domains are shown in Figure 25-2. The central interconnect has two main clock domains: the DDR_2x and the CPU_2x. For the five sub-switches, four clocks are in the CPU_2x clock domain, while the memory interconnect clock is in the DDR_2x clock domain. The direct path between the CPU (via the L2 cache) and DDR controller is in the DDR_3x clock domain, ensuring maximum throughput.The direct path between CPU and OCM is in the CPU_6x4x clock domain. The direct path between the SCU ACP and the PL is in the CPU_6x4x clock domain (clock domain crossing between the PL clock domain and the CPU clock domain is done in an asynchronous AXI bridge in the PS. CPU Clock Stop Each CPU clock can be individually stopped using slcr.A9_CPU_RST_CTRL.A9_CLKSTOP{0,1}. PS Peripheral AMBA Clocks Every peripheral within the PS is supplied with its own independently gated version of the CPU clock for its AMBA bus connection to the control and status registers and sometimes to the controller logic itself. This clock can be disabled when it is guaranteed that the peripheral is not addressed. This gating is applied with a glitch-free clock gate as shown in Table 25-2. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 691 Chapter 25: Table 25-2: Clocks PS Peripheral Clock Control AMBA Bus Peripheral Base Clock Control Bits in APER_CLK_CTRL 0: Disable 1: Enable DMAC CPU_2x DMA_CPU_2XCLKACT [0] USB 0 CPU_1x USB0_CPU_1XCLKACT [2] USB 1 CPU_1x USB1_CPU_1XCLKACT [3] GigE 0 CPU_1x GEM0_CPU_1XCLKACT [6] GigE 1 CPU_1x GEM1_CPU_1XCLKACT [7] SDIO 0 CPU_1x SDI0_CPU_1XCLKACT [10] SDIO 1 CPU_1x SDI1_CPU_1XCLKACT [11] SPI 0 CPU_1x SPI0_CPU_1XCLKACT [14] SPI 1 CPU_1x SPI1_CPU_1XCLKACT [15] CAN 0 CPU_1x CAN0_CPU_1XCLKACT [16] CAN 1 CPU_1x CAN1_CPU_1XCLKACT [17] I2C 0 CPU_1x I2C0_CPU_1XCLKACT [18] I2C 1 CPU_1x I2C1_CPU_1XCLKACT [19] UART 0 CPU_1x UART0_CPU_1XCLKACT [20] UART 1 CPU_1x UART1_CPU_1XCLKACT [21] GPIO CPU_1x GPIO_CPU_1XCLKACT [22] Quad-SPI CPU_1x LQSPI_CPU_1XCLKACT [23] SMC CPU_1x SMC_CPU_1XCLKACT [24] System Performance The clock frequencies of the different clock domains of the PS help dictate total system performance. In many cases, the highest frequency CPU clock results in the highest performance. However, some users will find that the CPU is not the critical performer in the system and that bandwidth across the interconnect is the bottleneck. In that case, it might be useful to switch the ratio from 6:2:1 to 4:2:1 mode. Depending on the device speed grade, the frequency of the CPU clocks might be limited by the cpu_6x while in 6:2:1 mode and might be limited by the cpu_2x clock while in 4:2:1 mode. Therefore, it is suggested that for those applications that might exchange some CPU performance for interconnect performance, check the appropriate data sheet to determine the optimal frequencies. 25.3 System-wide Clock Frequency Examples There are two clock configuration examples for 6:2:1 mode in Table 25-3. The first example is when the input PS_ CLK is at 33.33 MHz and the second example is when the input frequency is at 50 MHz. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 692 Chapter 25: Clocks The PLL output frequency is determined by the frequency of the input clock PS_CLK multiplied by the PLL feedback divider value (M value). The example below assumes the ARM PLL feedback divider value is 40, which generates an ARM PLL output frequency of 33.33 MHz * 40 = 1.33 GHz. For each of the clocks listed in the lower half of the table, the clock frequency equals the sourced PLL frequency divided by the divisor value. For some of the peripheral clocks, such as CAN, Ethernet, and the PL, there are two cascaded dividers. Table 25-3: Clock Frequency Setting Examples for 6:2:1 Mode PS_CLK Example 1 Example 2 33.33 MHz 50 MHz PLL PLL Feedback Divider Value PLL Output Frequency (MHz) PLL Feedback Divider value PLL Output Frequency (MHz) ARM PLL 40 1333 20 1000 DDR PLL 32 1067 16 800 I/O PLL 30 1000 20 1000 Divisor 0 Divisor 1 Clock Frequency (MHz) Divisor 0 ~(1) 667 ~ 333 ~ 222 ~ 111 Clock No. PLL Source Divisor 1 Clock Frequency (MHz) cpu_6x4x 1 ARM PLL ~ 500 cpu_3x2x 1 ARM PLL ~ 250 cpu_2x 1 ARM PLL ~ 167 cpu_1x 1 ARM PLL ~ 83 ddr_3x 1 DDR PLL 2 ~ 533 2 ~ 400 ddr_2x 1 DDR PLL 3 ~ 356 3 ~ 267 DDR DCI 1 DDR PLL 7 15 10 7 15 8 SMC 1 IO PLL 10 ~ 100 12 ~ 83 QSPI (2) 1 IO PLL 5 ~ 200 6 ~ 167 GigE 2 IO PLL 8 1 125 8 1 125 SDIO 2 IO PLL 10 ~ 100 10 ~ 100 UART 1 IO PLL 40 ~ 25 40 ~ 25 SPI (3) 2 IO PLL 5 ~ 200 8 ~ 125 CAN 2 IO PLL 10 1 100 12 1 83 PCAP_2x (4) 1 IO PLL 5 ~ 200 6 ~ 167 trace_clk(5) 1 IO PLL 10 ~ 100 15 ~ 67 PLL FCLKs 4 IO PLL 20 1 50 20 1 50 2 2 Notes: 1. "~" in the table indicates that there is no second divider (not applicable). 2. The QSPI clock is divided down by at least 2 using the Quad-SPI baud rate divider, see section 12.4.1 Clocks. 3. In master mode, the SPI clock is divided down by at least 4 using the SPI baud rate divider, see section 17.4.2 Clocks. 4. The PCAP_2x clock is always twice the frequency of the PCAP clock. 5. The trace_clk is always twice the frequency of the TPIU clock. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 693 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.4 Clock Generator Design There are several different components to each clock generation circuit. This section describes a generic template that is used to explain the pieces used for all of the following I/O peripheral clocks. The most basic types include: • 2-to-1 multiplexers for selecting a clock source • Programmable divider(s) • Glitch-free clock activation gate These features are shown in Figure 25-4. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-4 Basic Clock Generator Design I/O PLL ARM PLL GlitchFree GlitchFree DDR PLL DIVISOR_0 DIVISOR_1 Exists for some Clock Generators Activate Bit 6-bit Programmable Divider 0 6-bit Programmable Divider 1 Clock Gate Glitch-Free Glitch-Free Glitch-Free _ REF_CLK Not GlitchFree Select Bit I/O Peripheral Alternative Clock Signal (from MIO or PL) Select Bit Exists for some Clock Generators Select Bit UG585_c25_04_021213 Figure 25-4: Basic Clock Branch Design PLL The PLL uses a feedback divider to create an output clock that is equal to the input reference clock multiplied by the PLL_FDIV value supplied by the SLCR. Glitch-Free Clock Multiplexers When a dynamic selection is required between two clock sources, the glitch-free multiplexers (GFMs) change the clock selection on the low phase of the clock before starting the newly selected clock at the beginning of its low phase. The GFM operates properly only if both input clocks are active. Switching while either of the clocks is inactive causes the switching operation to fail. Glitch-Free Divider The glitch-free dividers take an input clock and divide it based on the divisor. When the divisor is changed, the output smoothly transitions to the new clock frequency without any glitches. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 694 Chapter 25: Clocks Glitch-Free Clock Gate The glitch-free clock gate is used when a dynamic gating is required to enable and disable a clock source. The gate ensures that the clock is terminated and re-enabled cleanly on its low phase. Clock Select Multiplexers The clock source multiplexers select between the local clock generated by a clock generator and another source that is external to the clock generator. The clock source multiplexer is not glitch free. 25.5 DDR Clocks There are two independent DDR clock domains: DDR_2x and DDR_3x. The DDR AXI interface, core, and PHY are all clocked by DDR_3x (see Figure 25-5). The AXI_HP ports and the AXI_HP interconnect paths from the AXI_HP to the DDR Interconnect module are clocked by DDR_2x. These clocks are asynchronous to each other and can have a wide range of frequency ratios between them. The DIVISOR (DDR_CLK_CTRL[25:20]) for the DDR_3XCLK must be an even value. The DIVISOR for DDR_2X can be any value. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-5 DDR_CLK_ CTRL [31:26] 6-bit Programmable Divider DDR_CLK_CTRL [1] en Glitch-Free Output Glitch-Free Clock Gate Glitch-Free Output DDR_2x Glitch-Free DDR PLL DDR_CLK_ CTRL [25:20] 6-bit Programmable Divider DDR_CLK_CTRL [0] Note: The DDR_2x and DDR_3x clocks are independent and asynchronous to each other. en Glitch-Free Output Glitch-Free Clock Gate Glitch-Free Output DDR_3x Glitch-Free UG585_c25_05_022912 Figure 25-5: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 DDR Clock Generation www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 695 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.6 IOP Module Clocks The IOP module clock (used for the internal controller logic) can be generated by the clock subsystem or, in some cases, the IOP's external interface. In all cases, the IOP's control and status registers are clocked by its AMBA interface clock (CPU_1x). Sometimes the CPU_1x clock is the only clock used by the IOP. Each clock is discussed in more detail in the following sections and in the system functions section of each chapter. • USB: ULPI PHY interface clock input on MIO. • Ethernet: Clock generator or EMIO. For Rx, can be clocked by RGMII clock input on MIO. • SDIO: Clock generator. • SMC: Clock generator. • SPI: Clock generator. • Quad-SPI: clock generator. • UART: Clock generator. • CAN: Clock generator or MIO pin. • GPIO: AMBA APB CPU_1x clock. • I2C: AMBA APB CPU_1x clock and SCL interface clock. 25.6.1 USB Clocks The USB controller module clock is generated externally and input on the ULPI PHY interface on MIO as shown in Figure 25-6. USB clocks are described in section 15.15.1 Clocks. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-6 USB Controller USB PHY Interface Input Clock (from MIO) UG585_c25_06_102414 Figure 25-6: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 USB Clocks www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 696 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.6.2 Ethernet Clocks The Ethernet Clocks generation network is shown in Figure 25-7. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-7 GEM{0,1}_RCLK_CTRL [4] Not Glitch-Free MIO_ENET{0,1}_RX_CLK [0] NET_CTRL [LOOPBACK_LOCAL, 1] 0 Not Glitch-Free 0 EMIO_ENET{0,1}_RX_CLK Ethernet Controller (Rx) Clock Gate 1 Glitch-Free 1 ENET{0,1}_RX_CLK I/O PLL ARM PLL DDR PLL 0 6-bit Programmable Divider 0 Divider 1 1 Glitch-Free Glitch-Free [13:8] [25:20] 0 6-bit Programmable ENET{0,1}_REF_CLK GlitchFree 1 [5] GlitchFree [4] 0 GEM{0,1}_CLK_CTRL EMIO_ENET{0,1}_TX_CLK (signal from PL) Ethernet Controller (Tx) Clock Gate Glitch-Free 1 Not Glitch-Free ENET{0,1}_TX_CLK [0] [6] GEM{0,1}_CLK_CTRL UG585_C25_07_022912 Figure 25-7: Ethernet Clock Generation Ethernet Receiver Clocks There are two Ethernet receiver clocks. In normal functional mode, these are either sourced from an external Ethernet PHY via the MIO or an extended MIO (EMIO). For MAC internal loopback mode, these clocks are sourced from the internal Ethernet reference clocks. They are also gated with an enable that can be used for power saving control. These are used to clock the receiver side of the Gigabit Ethernet MAC IP. The source selection multiplexer and the loopback selection multiplexer are not glitch free because the source clocks might not be present. It is recommended that the clock be disabled before the multiplexers are changed. To support loopback mode, enet0_rx_clk and enet1_rx_clk are supplied with enet0_ref_clk and enet1_ref_clk. Ethernet Transmit Clocks Two Ethernet clocks are required to be generated: enet0_tx_clk and enet1_tx_clk. These are used to clock the transmit side of the Ethernet MACs and as a source synchronous output clock for the RGMII Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 697 Chapter 25: Clocks interface. They are also used to provide a stable reference clock to the Ethernet receive paths when internal loopback mode is selected. These clocks can also be sourced from the EMIO. In this case, the associated RGMII interface is disabled and the MAC connects to the PL through an MII or GMII interface. In this case, the Ethernet reference clock must be provided by the PL. This is regardless of MII or GMII, where normally tx_clk is an input in MII and an output in GMII. When operating in MII or GMII mode, its reference clock is provided by the PL through the eth*_emio_tx_clk. The EMIO source multiplexer is not glitch free because the EMIO source clock cannot be relied upon to be present. It is anticipated that this source selection is a static configuration or that the generated clock be gated before changing to the EMIO source. To support loopback mode, gem0_rx_clk and gem1_rx_clk are supplied with gem0_ref_clk and gem1_ref_clk. 25.6.3 SDIO, SMC, SPI, Quad-SPI and UART Clocks The SDIO, SMC, Quad SPI, and UART peripheral clocks all have the same programming model (see Figure 25-8. The PLL source and divider values are shared for each I/O peripheral controller. The clocks for each SDIO, SPI and the UART controller can be individually enabled/disabled. There is a single clock, each, for the SMC and Quad SPI controllers. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-8 SDIO SMC SPI Quad SPI UART I/O PLL 0 ARM PLL 0 6-bit Programmable Divider Clock Gate Glitch-Free Glitch-Free 1 GlitchFree DDR PLL 1 GlitchFree I/O Peripheral SDIO 0 SDIO 1 SMC SPI 0 SPI 1 Quad-SPI UART 0 UART 1 Control Register Mux Ctrl Field Mux Ctrl Field Divider Ctrl Field SDIO_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR, 13:8 SMC_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR, 13:8 SPI_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR, 13:8 LQSPI_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR, 13:8 UART_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR, 13:8 I/O Peripheral Reference Clocks Clock Enable Field CLKACT0, 0 SDIO0_REF_CLK CLKACT1, 1 SDIO1_REF_CLK CLKACT, 0 SMC_REF_CLK CLKACT0, 0 SPI0_REF_CLK CLKACT1, 1 SPI1_REF_CLK CLKACT, 0 QSPI_REF_CLK CLKACT0, 0 UART0_REF_CLK CLKACT1, 1 UART1_REF_CLK UG585_c25_08_100917 Figure 25-8: SDIO, SMC, SPI, Quad SPI and UART Reference Clocks The Quad-SPI clock is divided down by at least two using the Quad-SPI baud rate divider, see section 12.4.1 Clocks. In master mode, the SPI clock is divided down by at least four using the SPI baud rate divider, see section 17.4.2 Clocks. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 698 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.6.4 CAN Clocks There are two controller area network (CAN) reference clocks: CAN0_REF_CLK and CAN1_REF_CLK. Both clocks share the same PLL source selection and dividers as shown in Figure 25-9. Each clock has independent alternate source selection (MIO pin or the clock generator), and independent clock gates. These clocks are used for the I/O interface side of the CAN peripherals. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-9 CAN_CLK_CTRL I/O PLL ARM PLL 0 GlitchFree 0 GlitchFree DDR PLL [13:8] [25:20] [0], [1] 6-bit Programmable Divisor 0 6-bit Programmable Divisor 1 Clock Gate Glitch-Free Glitch-Free Glitch-Free CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL [6], [22] 1 1 0 [4] [5] 0 CAN Reference Clock from MIO pin CAN_CLK_CTRL Not GlitchFree 1 CAN Controller 53 CAN{0, 1}_REF_CLK [5:0], [21:16] CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL UG585_c25_09_022912 Figure 25-9: CAN Clock Generation 25.6.5 GPIO and I2C Clocks The GPIO and I2C peripherals are clocked by the CPU_1x APB bus interface clock provided by the interconnect (refer to section 25.2 CPU Clock). 25.7 PL Clocks The PL has its own clock management generation and distribution features and also receives four clock signals from the clock generator in the PS (see Figure 25-10). For the details of the PL clocking structures, see the 7 series FPGAs clocking documentation. The four clocks that are generated by the PS are completely asynchronous to each other with no relationship to other PL clocks. The four clocks are derived from individually selected PLLs in the PS. Each of the PL clocks are independent output signals that produce suitable clock waveforms for PL use. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 699 Chapter 25: Clocks X-Ref Target - Figure 25-10 IO PLL 0 ARM PLL GlitchFree 0 GlitchFree DDR PLL 6-bit Programmable Divisor 0 6-bit Programmable Divisor 1 Glitch-Free Glitch-Free 1 1 Four Independent PL Clocks PL FCLK Clock Control Register Mux Ctrl Field Mux Ctrl Field Divider 0 Ctrl Field Divider 1 Ctrl Field PL FCLK 0 FPGA0_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR 0, 13:8 DIVISOR 1, 25:20 FCLKCLK0 PL FCLK 1 FPGA1_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR 0, 13:8 DIVISOR 1, 25:20 FCLKCLK1 PL FCLK 2 FPGA2_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR 0, 13:8 DIVISOR 1, 25:20 FCLKCLK2 PL FCLK 3 FPGA3_CLK_CTRL SRCSEL, 4 SRCSEL, 5 DIVISOR 0, 13:8 DIVISOR 1, 25:20 FCLKCLK3 UG585_c25_10_041612 Figure 25-10: PL Clock Generation 25.7.1 Clock Throttle Each of the four PL clocks includes logic to start and stop the clock and to assist with PL design debug and co-simulation. The clock throttle behavior is controlled by software and the trigger input signal from the PL. The clock throttle functions include: • Start/stop clock under software control • Run clock for a pre-programmed number of pulses • Run clock and use PL logic to pause the clock pulses Each clock throttle has a 16-bit counter that is programmed for the number of clock pulses to generate. For a continuous clock output, write a 0 to the counter, which is the default value. The current count can be read by software. The counting and clock pulses can be paused by the PL logic using the FCLKCLKTRIGxN input signal from the PL. The software can re-start the clocking by writing to the PL clock control register. Table 25-4: PL Clock Throttle Input Signal Signal Name FCLKCLKTRIGxN I/O Description I The PL clock trigger signal is an input from the PL logic and is used to halt (pause) the PL clock when counting a programmed number of clock pulses. The halt mode is entered by the rising edge (logic 0 to logic 1) of the FCLKCLKTRIGxN signal. This signal can be asserted asynchronously to the FCLK and all other signals. This pin has no affect when the clock is running continuously, [LAST_CNT] = 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 700 Chapter 25: Clocks Clock Controller States The clock controller states are illustrated in Figure 25-11. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-11 Software: Rising edge of [CPU_START] Software RUN decrement [CURR_VAL] Hardware: [CURR_VAL] =0 PL signal driven 0 to 1: FCLKCLKTRIGxN Software: Rising edge of CPU_[START] HALT Clock stopped & halt [CURR_VAL] UG585_c25_11_102912 Figure 25-11: PL Clock Throttle States 25.7.2 Clock Throttle Programming Example: Stop/Start Clock This example illustrates a simple method to stop and start a PL clock (FCLKCLKx) using writes to the last count field in the throttle count register, slcr.FPGAx_THR_CNT [LAST_CNT]. The example assumes the slcr.FPGAx_THR_CTRL register is kept in its default state of 0x0000_0000. 1. 2. Stop Clock: Write 0x0000_0001 to slcr.FPGAx_THR_CTRL to immediately stop the clock. ° [LAST_CNT] = 1 ° [Reserved] = 0 Start Clock: Write 0x0000_0000 to slcr.FPGAx_THR_CTRL to resume a continuous clock. ° [LAST_CNT] = 0 ° [Reserved] = 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 701 Chapter 25: Clocks Example: Run the PL Clock for 592 Pulses and Stop In this example, there will be 592 clock pulses and stops. The slcr.FPGAx_THR_CTRL [CPU_START] bit is positive edge triggered to start the clock. 1. 2. 3. Prime the Start Clock bit: write 0x0000_0004 to the control register, slcr.FPGAx_THR_CTRL. ° [CPU_START] = 0 ° [CNT_RST] = 0 ° [Reserved] = 0x001 Program a count of 592: write 0x0000_0250 to the count register, slcr.FPGAx_THR_CNT. ° [LAST_CNT] = 0x0250 ° [Reserved] = 0 Assert the Start Clock bit: write 0x0000_0005 to the control register, slcr.FPGAx_THR_CTRL. ° [CPU_START] = 1 ° [CNT_RST] = 0 ° [Reserved] = 0x001 Example: Program 592 Pulses and Interact with the PL Trigger Input In this example, there will be 592 clock pulses that are paused by the clock trigger signal (FCLKCLKTRIGxN) and re-started by software. The slcr.FPGAx_THR_CTRL [CPU_START] bit is positive edge triggered to start the clock. 1. Prime the Start Clock bit: See previous example. 2. Program a count of 592: See previous example. 3. Assert the Start Clock bit: See previous example. 4. PL Logic Pauses the Clock (HALT state): the logic asserts FCLKCLKTRIGxN input to stop the clock. 5. Prime the Start Clock bit: See previous example. Assert the Start Clock bit: See previous example. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 702 Chapter 25: Clocks 25.8 Trace Port Clock The trace port clock is used to clock the TPIU and trace buffer when the MIO interface is chosen and must be twice the frequency of the desired TPIU clock. The TPIU clock frequency must be chosen to be fast enough to allow the trace port to keep up with the amount of data being traced, but slow enough to meet the dynamic characteristics of the data output buffers of the TPIU. To allow some flexibility, the trace clock is generated from a divided PLL output for MIO. When the trace port is routed through EMIO, the EMIOTRACECLK input is used to clock the TPIU as shown in Figure 25-12. X-Ref Target - Figure 25-12 EMIOTRACECLK IO PLL ARM PLL GlitchFree 0 GlitchFree DDR PLL 6-bit Programmable Divider 0 1 1 Not GlitchFree 0 Glitch-Free [6] [0] Clock Gate Debug Subsystem Glitch-Free 1 [6] [5] [13:8] DBG_CLK_CTRL Register Bit Fields Figure 25-12: UG585_c25_11_072512 Trace Port Clock Generation 25.9 Register Overview An overview of the PS clock subsystem registers is shown in Table 25-5. Table 25-5: Clock Generation Register Overview Register Description Comments PLL PLL_STATUS PLL status ARM_PLL_CTRL CPU PLL control ARM_PLL_CFG CPU PLL configuration DDR_PLL_CTRL DDR PLL control DDR_PLL_CFG DDR PLL configuration IO_PLL_CTRL I/O PLL control IO_PLL_CFG I/O PLL configuration • Control registers include: • Reset, power-down, bypass • Divisor(s) • Configuration registers include: • PLL control parameters (see Table 25-6) CPU, DDR and Interconnect ARM_CKL_CTRL CPU clock control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 703 Chapter 25: Table 25-5: Clocks Clock Generation Register Overview (Cont’d) Register Description CLK_621_TRUE Select CPU clock frequency ratio DDR_CLK_CTRL DDR clock control APER_CLK_CTRL AMBA peripheral clock control TOPSW_CLK_CTRL Top-level switch clock control Comments 6:2:1 or 4:2:1 PL Clocks FPGA{3:0}_CLK_CTRL PS to PL output clock control FPGA{3:0}_THR_{CTRL, CNT, STA} PS to PL output clock throttle control, count and status I/O Peripheral Clocks GEM{1, 0}_RCLK_CTRL Gigabit Ethernet Rx clock control GEM{1, 0}_CLK_CTRL Gigabit Ethernet ref clock control SMC_CLK_CTRL SMC ref clock control LQSPI_CLK_CTRL Quad-SPI ref clock control SDIO_CLK_CTRL SDIO ref clock control UART_CLK_CTRL UART ref clock control SPI_CLK_CTRL SPI ref clock control CAN_CLK_CTRL CAN ref clock control CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL CAN comm port clock control • DIVISOR bit field (one or two parameters, depending on the peripheral) • Clock enable active control System Debug Clocks DBG_CLK_CTRL CoreSight SoC trace clk control PCAP_CLK_CTRL PCAP clock control This controls the frequency and enable of the PCAP_2X clock for the DevC module. 25.10 Programming Model 25.10.1 Branch Clock Generator Each clock generator has a clock control register _CLK_CTRL. Within the clock control register, the SRCSEL field selects a clock source and the DIVISOR field is the amount the source clock is divided down to produce the desired clock frequency. Some clock generators have two cascaded dividers. To prevent the clock generator from exceeding the maximum frequency of the attached subsystem, program the SRCSEL and the DIVISOR values in three separate steps: 1. Increase the value of the DIVISOR, as needed, so that the two PLL clock sources will not cause the clock generator to exceed the maximum clock frequency of the subsystem. 2. Set the SRCSEL to the desired source. 3. Update the DIVISOR to the desired value. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 704 Chapter 25: Clocks 6-bit Programmable Divider The 6-bit divider provides a divide range of 1 to 63, supports both even and odd divide values producing a close to 50% duty cycle, and is glitchless (divide values can be modified dynamically). The two exceptions to this rule: the DDR_3X divider can only be programmed to divide by an even divisor, and the ARM_CLK_CTRL[DIVISOR] must be programmed with a value of 3 or greater when the PLL is being used. Some reference clocks have one divider and some have two dividers. 25.10.2 DDR Clocks IMPORTANT: It is a requirement that the DDR_3x clock must always be programmed to an even divisor. RECOMMENDED: Changing the divider frequency does not produce glitches on the clock, however the DDR controller will not necessarily operate correctly if the frequency is changed without modifying its timing parameters. Therefore, it is suggested to first idle the DDR controller when the DDR clock is to be reprogrammed. 25.10.3 Digitally Controlled Impedance (DCI) Clock The digitally controlled impedance (DCI) clock is required by the DDR PHY for calibration. The DCI clock is a low frequency clock, normally set to 10 MHz. 25.10.4 PLLs The three PLLs share the clock input signal, PS_ CLK. Each PLL can be bypassed individually under software control. As part of the power-on reset sequence, all PLLs can be bypassed using the pll_bypass boot mode pin straps. (Refer to the boot mode section of Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration.) The PLL configuration and control registers are in the SLCR. The PLL frequency control registers include the M (feedback divide ratio also known as PLL_FDIV), LOCK_CNT, PLL_CP, and PLL_RES control fields. For each divide ratio M, the PLL_CP, PLL_RES, and LOCK_CNT fields must always be written with the values shown in Table 25-6; the reset default values are not supported. After being enabled, the PLL with take some time to lock. The length of time is specified by the tLOCK_PSPLL data sheet parameter. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 705 Chapter 25: Clocks Enable PLL Mode when PLL Bypass Mode Pin is Tied High After the system boots in bypass mode, the following sequence can be used to enable a PLL. Each PLL can be individually enabled. This example shows how to enable the ARM PLL: 1. Program the ARM_PLL CTRL[PLL_FDIV] value and the PLL configuration register, ARM_PLL_CFG[LOCK_CNT, PLL_CP, PLL_RES], to their required values. 2. Force the PLL into bypass mode by writing a 1 to ARM_PLL_CTRL [PLL_BYPASS_FORCE, 4] and setting the ARM_PLL_CTRL [PLL_BYPASS_QUAL, 3] bit to a 0. This de-asserts the reset to the ARM PLL. 3. Assert and de-assert the PLL reset by writing a 1 and then a 0 to ARM_PLL_CTRL [PLL_RESET, 0]. 4. Verify that the PLL is locked by reading PLL_STATUS [ARM_PLL_LOCK, 3]. 5. Disable the PLL bypass mode by writing a 0 to ARM_PLL_CTRL [4]. The DDR and I/O PLLs are programmed in a similar fashion. Software-Controlled PLL Update The following steps are required for software to update the PLL clock frequency. This example is for the I/O PLL. Table 25-6 shows the possible multiplier values and the required settings for each of those multiplier values. 1. Program the IO_PLL_CTRL[PLL_FDIV] value and the PLL configuration register, IO_PLL_CFG [LOCK_CNT, PLL_CP, PLL_RES]. 2. Force the PLL into bypass mode by writing a 1 to IO_PLL_CTRL [PLL_BYPASS_FORCE, 4]. (When the PLL goes into reset in the next step, its output will be undefined.) 3. Assert and de-assert the PLL reset by writing 1 and then a 0 to IO_PLL_CTRL [PLL_RESET, 0]. (This is when the new values from step one are actually consumed by the PLL.) 4. Verify that the PLL is locked by reading PLL_STATUS [IO_PLL_LOCK, 2]. 5. Disable the PLL bypass mode by writing a 0 to IO_PLL_CTRL [4]. Table 25-6: PLL Frequency Control Settings Required PLL Control and Configuration Bit Fields Desired PLL Multiplier PLL_FDIV PLL CP PLL RES LOCK CNT 13 13 2 6 750 14 14 2 6 700 15 15 2 6 650 16 16 2 10 625 17 17 2 10 575 18 18 2 10 550 19 19 2 10 525 20 20 2 12 500 21 21 2 12 475 22 22 2 12 450 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 706 Chapter 25: Table 25-6: Clocks PLL Frequency Control Settings (Cont’d) Required PLL Control and Configuration Bit Fields Desired PLL Multiplier PLL_FDIV PLL CP PLL RES LOCK CNT 23 23 2 12 425 24 ~ 25 24 ~ 25 2 12 400 26 26 2 12 375 27 ~ 28 27 ~ 28 2 12 350 29 ~ 30 29 ~ 30 2 12 325 31 ~ 33 31 ~ 33 2 2 300 34 ~ 36 34 ~ 36 2 2 275 37 ~ 40 37 ~ 40 2 2 250 41 ~ 47 41 ~ 47 3 12 250 48 ~ 66 48 ~ 66 2 4 250 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 707 Chapter 26 Reset System 26.1 Introduction The reset system includes resets generated by hardware, watchdog timers, the JTAG controller, and software. Every module and system in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices includes a reset that is driven by the reset system. Hardware resets are driven by the power-on reset signal (PS_POR_B) and the system reset signal (PS_SRST_B). There are three watchdog timers in the PS that can generate resets. The JTAG controller can generate a reset that only resets the debug portion of the PS and a system-level reset. Software can generate individual sub-module resets or a system-level reset. Resets are caused by many different sources and go to many different destinations. This chapter identifies all of the resets and either explains their functionality or provides a pointer to another chapter or another document. 26.1.1 Features The key features of the reset system: • Collects resets from hardware, watchdog timers, the JTAG controller and software • Drives the reset of every module and subsystem • Is an integral part of the device security system • Executes a three-stage sequence: power-on, memory clear, and system enabling 26.1.2 Block Diagram Figure 26-1 illustrates the logical dependencies of the main types of generated resets upon these reset triggers. This block diagram is intended to highlight dependencies, and does not accurately depict implementation detail or sequence timing. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 708 Chapter 26: Reset System X-Ref Target - Figure 26-1 MODE_PINS MIO Pin Boot Mode Register PS_POR_B Dedicated Pin POR Reset Signal Filter PS Clock Generator Clear Security Lockdown Reset PLL Locked Bypass Detect & Hold Reset Persistent Registers Reset Deassertion Delay SoC Debug Domain Debug Reset CPU Processors Internal Registers Watchdog Timer SLCR & Dev Config Registers System Watchdog Timer Resets PS_SRST_B Dedicated Pin Peripheral Resets SLCR Soft Reset Peripheral Reset Control Registers Debug System Reset UG585_c26_01_052813 Figure 26-1: Resets Block Diagram 26.1.3 Reset Hierarchy There are many different types of resets within the PS, from power-on reset that resets the entire system, to a peripheral reset which resets a single subsystem under software control. Figure 26-2 shows the relationships between all major reset signals within the PS. Reset signals flow from the top downwards. The rectangles at the end of the diagram represent the blocks that are reset. For example, power-on reset (POR) resets all logic within the PS, but system reset only resets the functions indicated in the diagram. This diagram presents the reset hierarchy of operation rather than the reset signal routing shown in Figure 26-1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 709 Chapter 26: Reset System X-Ref Target - Figure 26-2 Power-on Reset Legend Control Logic Debug Reset Security Lock Down External System Reset System Software Reset Watchdog Timer Resets Debug System Reset SCU SoC Debug L-2 Cache CPU 0 Software Reset AWDT 0 Reset CPU 1 Software Reset AWDT 1 Reset IOP Software Resets PL Software Resets SLCR Interconnect CPU 0 w/ NEON CPU 1 w/ NEON I/O Peripherals Programmable Logic UG585_c26_02_101812 Figure 26-2: Reset Hierarchy Diagram 26.1.4 Boot Flow The complete reset sequence is shown as in Figure 26-3. The first two steps are controlled by the external system and PS logic only starts to respond when power on reset (POR) is de-asserted. When the PS is operational, any type of reset can occur after POR. Those resets would insert into the flow chart, at their respective locations. The POR signal can be asserted or de-asserted asynchronously. When the POR signal is de-asserted, it is conditioned to allow it to propagate cleanly to the clock module input logic and, if enabled, to the PLL clock circuits. There is a BOOT_MODE strapping pin to select between all PLLs enabled and all PLLs disabled (bypassed). When the PLL is bypassed, the boot process takes longer. After POR_N is released, the eFUSE controller comes out of reset. It automatically applies some data to the PLL and provides redundancy information to some of the RAMs in the PS. This activity is not visible to the user and cannot be affected by the user. This activity requires from 50 us to 100 us of time to complete. If the PLLs are enabled, then the POR signal is delayed at this point until the PLL clocks have locked. If PLL bypass mode is selected, the POR signal is not delayed. Before the BootROM starts executing, the internal RAMs are cleared by hardware writing zeros into all addresses. For a listing of the times it takes to go through these steps, see section 6.3.3 BootROM Performance in Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 710 Chapter 26: Reset System X-Ref Target - Figure 26-3 Stable Voltage User Visible Stable PS_CLK clock User Visible Release PS_POR_B User Visible Sample Bootstrap Pins User Config Apply eFUSE bits PLL BYPASS? Yes (BOOT_MODE) No Wait for PLLs to Lock Power-on Reset Sequence De-assert DBGRESET System Resets Software SRST_B Watchdog Timers Security Reset RAM Memory Clear De-assert all Resets for CPUs and peripherals BootROM starts to execute Process Boot Image Header User Code UG585_c26_03_121113 Figure 26-3: Power-On Reset Flow Diagram 26.2 Reset Sources 26.2.1 Power-on Reset (PS_POR_B) The PS supports external power-on reset signals. The power-on reset is the master reset of the entire chip. This signal resets every register in the device capable of being reset. While PS_POR_B is held Low, all PS I/Os are held in 3-state and a weak pull-up is enabled on most MIO pins. The pull-up for each MIO pin is independently controlled by the MIO_PIN_xx [PULLUP] bit. The reset value of bit 12 can be read in the SLCR register summary table. The PS_POR_B reset pin is held Low until all PS power supplies are at their required voltage levels and PS_CLK is active. It can be asynchronously asserted and is internally synchronized and filtered. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 711 Chapter 26: Reset System filter prevents High-going glitches from entering the PS while the signal is intended to be held Low. It does not filter Low-going glitches when the signal is intended to be held high. Any Low-going glitch that is detected causes an immediate reset of the device. The PS_POR_B signal is often connected to the power-good signal from the power supply. When PS_POR_B is de-asserted, the system samples the boot strap mode pins and begins its internal initialization process. 26.2.2 External System Reset (PS_SRST_B) Power-on reset erases all debug configurations. The external system reset allows the user to reset all of the functional logic within the device without disturbing the debug environment. For example, the previous break points set by the user remain valid after the external system reset. While PS_SRST_B is held Low, all PS I/Os are held in 3-state. Due to security concerns, system reset erases all memory content within the PS, including the OCM. The PL is also reset in system reset. System reset does not re-sample the boot mode strapping pins. If this pin is not used in the system, it should be tied high. 26.2.3 System Software Reset The user can reset the entire system by asserting a software reset. By asserting PSS_RST_CTRL[SOFT_RST], the entire system is reset with the same end result as the user pressing the PS_SRST_B pin (other than the REBOOT_STATUS register value being different). Just like the other system resets, all of the RAMs are cleared and the PL is reset as well. 26.2.4 Watchdog Timer Resets The watchdog timer resets are internally generated by the watchdog timers when they are enabled and the timer expires. There are three different watchdog timers in the PS: one system-level timer (SWDT) and one private timer in each of the two ARM cores (AWDT0 and AWDT1). The system-level timer reset signal always resets the entire system, while the private watchdog timers can either reset just the ARM core where it is housed, or the entire system. 26.2.5 Secure Violation Lock Down When a security violation is detected, the entire PS is reset and locked down. After a security lock down occurs, the PS only becomes active again by asserting and de-asserting the PS_POR_B reset pin. Refer to Chapter 32, Device Secure Boot for details of how and when this signal is asserted. 26.2.6 Debug Resets There are two types of debug resets that originate from the debug access port (DAP) controller; debug system reset and debug reset. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 712 Chapter 26: Reset System Debug system reset is a command from the ARM DAP which is controlled by JTAG. This causes the system to reset, just like the external system reset. Debug reset resets certain portions of the SoC debug block including the JTAG logic. The PS does not support the external TRST, although it does support assertion of a reset sequence using TMS. The JTAG logic is only reset at power-on reset or assertion of CDBGRSTREQ from the ARM debug access port (DAP) Controller (JTAG). All of the logic in the JTAG TCK clock domain is reset by this signal. 26.3 Reset Effects The effects of various resets are described in Table 26-1. Table 26-1: Reset Effects Reset Name Power-On Reset (PS_POR_B) Security Lock Down (requires a power-on reset to recover) External System Reset (PS_SRST_B) Source Device pin DevC Portion of System that is RAMs Cleared Reset Entire chip, including debug (All) The PL must be re-programmed. Device pin slcr.REBOOT_STATUS Bits set = 1 All [POR] All N/A All [SRST_RST] All [SLC_RST] All [DBG_RST] All [SWDT_RST] All [AWDT{1,0}_RST] System Software SLCR System Debug Reset JTAG System Watchdog Timer SWDT CPU0 and CPU1 Watchdog Timers (when slcr.RS_AWDT_CTRL{1,0} = 0) AWDT CPU0 and CPU1 Watchdog Timers (when slcr.RS_AWDT_CTRL{1,0} = 1) AWDT CPU (s) only. None N/A Debug Reset JTAG Debug logic. None N/A SLCR Selected peripherals or CPUs. None N/A Peripherals All except debug and persistent registers. The PL must be re-programmed. 26.3.1 Peripherals All PS peripherals are reset when the PS is reset. In addition, individual peripheral resets might also be asserted under software control, through programmable bits within the SLCR. Most peripherals have the ability to reset each of the clock domains within that peripheral. For instance, the Ethernet controller can reset the RX side, TX side, or the interconnect side. Each clock domain can be reset separately. Individual peripherals might have their own resets defined within those blocks. Peripheral resets do not result in the RAM memory clear logic being activated to clear all memories within the design. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 713 Chapter 26: Reset System 26.4 PL Resets 26.4.1 PL General Purpose User Resets There are four separate reset signals, FCLKRESETN[3:0], routed to the PL which could be used as general purpose reset signals for PL logic. These reset signals are not removed until the PS is out of its boot sequence and user code de-asserts them. They are controllable by the slcr.FPGA_RST_CTRL register. SLCR.FPGA_RST_CTRL. PL logic connecting to the PS must not be reset when active bus transactions exist, since uncompleted transactions could be left pending in the PS. The reset signal is loosely associated with the FCLK of the same number, however, the timing is such that it must be considered an asynchronous reset to the PL. If the user requires a synchronized reset, the user must synchronize it themselves in the PL. (The FCLK needs to be toggling for the reset to propagate out of the PS.) 26.5 Register Overview The following sections provide an overview of the reset control registers. 26.5.1 Persistent Registers All registers are reset when the PS_POR_B reset signal is asserted. There are several registers and register bits that persist through a non-POR reset (PS_SRST, watchdog, etc.). The persistent registers are listed in Table 26-2. Note: POR required to unlock slcr.SCL [LOCK] register bit, affecting: SCL, PSS_RST_CTRL, APU_CTRL, and WDT_CLK_SEL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 714 Chapter 26: Table 26-2: Reset System Persistent Register and Register Bits Type Name Registers devcfg.LOCK devcfg.MULTIBOOT_ADDR (1) devcfg.UNLOCK scu.Watchdog_Reset_Status_Register slcr.REBOOT_STATUS Register bits devcfg.CTRL [PCFG_AES_EN] devcfg.CTRL [PCFG_AES_FUSE] devcfg.CTRL [SEC_EN] devcfg.CTRL [SEU_EN] devcfg.STATUS [ILLEGAL_APB_ACCESS] devcfg.STATUS [SECURE_RST] slcr.APU_CTRL [CFGSDISABLE] slcr.APU_CTRL [CP15SDISABLE] slcr.ARM_CLK_CTRL [SRCSEL] Notes: 1. The upper 16 bits of the devcfg.MULTIBOOT_ADDR register, [31:16], are available to store data that remain persistent through a non-POR reset. 26.5.2 System Reset Control System Reset registers are identified in Table 26-3. Table 26-3: System Reset Control Name Systems Affected System Software Reset All HW Register Name slcr.PSS_RST_CTRL 26.5.3 Peripheral Reset Control The reset domains and register bits are identified in Table 26-4. Resetting the AXI interconnect causes the system to no longer be accessible. Resetting other parts of the system might cause undesirable results. Reset a peripheral only when that part of the system is quiescent. Table 26-4: Peripheral Reset Control Registers Overview Peripheral Name Description HW Register AXI Interconnect Central, Master, Slave, and OCM Switches slcr.TOPSW_RST_CTRL CPU 0 CPU 0 slcr.A9_CPU_RST_CTRL [A9_RST0] CPU 1 CPU 1 slcr.A9_CPU_RST_CTRL [A9_RST1] CPU Peripherals AWDT/Timers/GIC slcr.A9_CPU_RST_CTRL [PER_RST] SCU, L2-cache Snoop Control, L2-cache System reset (POR or non-POR) OCM On chip memory slcr.OCM_RST_CTRL CAN CPU 1x slcr.CAN_RST_CTRL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 715 Chapter 26: Table 26-4: Reset System Peripheral Reset Control Registers Overview (Cont’d) Peripheral Name Description HW Register DDR DDR PHY/controller/control registers slcr.DDR_RST_CTRL DMA DMA interface slcr.DMAC_RST_CTRL Ethernet Ref, Rx and CPU 1x slcr.GEM_RST_CTRL PS–PL General purpose PL resets slcr.FPGA_RST_CTRL GPIO CPU 1x slcr.GPIO_RST_CTRL I2C CPU 1x slcr.I2C_RST_CTRL Quad-SPI Ref and CPU 1x slcr.LQSPI_RST_CTRL SDIO Ref and CPU 1x slcr.SDIO_RST_CTRL SPI Ref and CPU 1x slcr.SPI_RST_CTRL SMC Ref and CPU 1x slcr.SMC_RST_CTRL UART Ref and CPU 1x slcr.UART_RST_CTRL USB ULPI and CPU 1x slcr.USB_RST_CTRL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 716 Chapter 27 JTAG and DAP Subsystem 27.1 Introduction The Zynq-7000 family of AP SoC devices provides debug access via a standard JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) debug interface. Internally, the AP SoC device implements both an ARM debug access port (DAP) inside the Processing System (PS) as well as a standard JTAG test access port (TAP) controller inside the Programmable Logic (PL). The ARM DAP as part of ARM CoreSight debug architecture allows the user to leverage industry standard third-party debug tools. In addition to the standard JTAG functionality, the Xilinx TAP controller supports a number of PL features including PL Debug, eFuse/BBRAM programming, on-chip XADC access, etc. Most importantly, it also allows debugging of ARM software through the DAP and PL hardware by using the TAP simultaneously with a trace buffer and cross triggering interface between the PS and PL. Another important debug feature the Zynq-7000 AP SoC includes is debug trace support. This feature allows the user to capture both the PS and PL trace into a common trace buffer that is either read out through JTAG, described below, or sent out through the trace port interface unit (TPIU), described in Chapter 28, System Test and Debug. 27.1.1 Block Diagram Figure 27-1 shows the top level DAP/TAP architecture. As soon as the BootROM passes control to user software, the JTAG chain is enabled automatically, assuming a non-secure boot process. This allows debugging from the user software entry point. JTAG supports two different modes: cascaded JTAG mode (also referred to as single chain mode) and independent JTAG mode (also referred to as split chain mode). The mode is determined through the mode input when the system comes out of reset. In cascaded JTAG chain mode, both the TAP and DAP are visible from external JTAG debug tools or a JTAG tester. With dedicated PL_TDO/TMS/TCK/TDI I/O at the PL side, only one JTAG cable can be connected, though it has access both to PS and PL features concurrently. To debug ARM software and the PL design simultaneously with separate cables, the user must switch to independent JTAG mode. In this mode, JTAG cables only see the Xilinx TAP controller from the dedicated PL_TDO/TMS/TCK/TDI pins. To debug ARM software, the user can route the ARM DAP signals (PJTAG) through the MIO or through the EMIO and to PL SelectIO pins. It is important to note that both the PS and PL must be powered on to use JTAG debug. Due to security reasons, the JTAG chain is protected with triple redundancy gating logic to prevent Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 717 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem accidental debug enablement under the security environment due to a single event upset (SEU). Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices also provide JTAG disable lock-down to prevent debug enablement due to software errors. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC provides for permanently disabling JTAG, by using one eFuse bit to record. Care should be used when selecting this option because the eFuse JTAG disable is not reversible. Figure 27-2 shows the debug trace architecture. The user can enable debug trace source, PTM, ITM, and FTM using either the JTAG/DAP interface or software through the debug APB bus. X-Ref Target - Figure 27-1 PS Domain PL Domain Hard Logic Hard Logic ARM DAP (Debug Access Port) * 4-bit instructions * ARM CPU Debug * PS AXI Master Xilinx PL TAP * 6-bit instructions * ICAP Dedicated Pins in PL Domain TDI, TCK, TMS TDO TDI, TCK, TMS TDO PL JTAG Xilinx Platform Cable Programmable Logic Configurable MIO Pins MIO PJTAG PL SelectIO Pins TDO TDI, TCK, TMS Passthrough EMIO PJTAG ARM ICE UG585_c27_01_011713 Figure 27-1: JTAG System Block Diagram This section focuses on the trace port interface unit, which is one of the trace sink modules used to dump real-time trace to an external trace capture module. Both TPIU and ETB receive exact same copies of aggregated trace from multiple trace sources. Although ETB is able to support high trace bandwidth, the 4 KB limit only allows capturing the trace in a small time window. To monitor trace information over a longer period of time, the user must enable the TPIU to dump either through MIO or EMIO so the trace is captured by external trace capture equipment such as an HP logic analyzer, Lauterbach Trace32, ARM DStream, etc. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 718 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem X-Ref Target - Figure 27-2 PTM ITM FTM Debug APB Trace ATB Funnel (CSTF) PS 4K ETB TPIU EMIO Soft IP Trace Port MIO Trace Port UG585_c27_02_050212 Figure 27-2: Debug Trace Port 27.1.2 Features Key features of the JTAG debug interface are: • JTAG 1149.1 boundary scan support • Two 1149.1 compliance TAP controllers: One JTAG TAP controller and one ARM DAP • Single unique IDCODE from the Xilinx TAP for each of the Zynq 7000 family of devices • IEEE 1532 programming in-system-configurable (ISC) devices support ° eFuse programming ° BBRAM programming ° XADC access • On-board flash programming • Xilinx chipscope debug support • ARM CoreSight debug center control using ARM DAP • Indirect PS address space access through DAP-AP port • External trace capture using MIO in PS, or EMIO in PL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 719 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem 27.2 Functional Description Figure 27-3 shows the ARM DAP and JTAG TAP controllers connected in daisy-chain order with the ARM DAP at the front of chain. The two JTAG controllers belong to two different power domains. The ARM DAP is in the PS power domain while the TAP is in the PL power domain. JTAG I/O pads are located in the PL power domain to take advantage of existing JTAG I/O pads in the PL. Although the PS supports PL power down mode, both power domains must be powered on to support all JTAG related features. The ARM DAP controller has a 4-bit IR length and the TAP controller has a 6-bit IR length. The two controllers operate completely independently. The user can access the TAP and ARM DAP controller simultaneously in independent mode. Due to security reasons, the ARM DAP controller is bypassed when the PS is out of reset. The Xilinx TAP controller within the PL can be disabled through the eFuse or the control register within the PL configuration logic. All debug components within the PS are under direct control of the debug tools, such as ARM RVDS or Xilinx XDK, through ARM DAP. All debug components (including DAP) within the PS are designed and integrated following ARM CoreSight architecture. Although there is no CoreSight component within the PL, FTM components within the PS allows a PL trace to be dumped into the ETB. CTI/CTM supports cross triggering between the PS and PL. As shown in Figure 27-3, all PS debug components are tied to the debug APB bus with the DAP as the only bus master. External debug tools connected to the ARM DAP through JTAG uses the debug APB bus to configure all debug components including CPU, CTI/CTM, PTM, ITM, and FTM. Debug APB is also used to extract trace data from the ETB. It is a complicated process to configure all of the debug components properly to support user debug needs. Fortunately, most of the work is automatically handled by the debug tools. However, understanding Zynq debug architecture is necessary to better utilize the full system debug capability. Other than debug control, the ARM DAP also acts as master device within the system interconnect. In previous debug systems, it was required to halt the CPU in order to probe system address space. This new arrangement allows the user to access system address space without halting the CPU. (See Chapter 28, System Test and Debug for more information). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 720 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem The PL Xilinx TAP controller serves four key purposes: boundary scan test, eFuse programming, BBRAM programming, and PL debug chipscope. X-Ref Target - Figure 27-3 AHB-AP PL Top Switch AHBAXI Time Stamp ARM DAP ROM CPU Debug APB-AP CTM CTM CTI CTI CTI JTAG-DP TDI TDO PTM CPU PTM CPU CTI Cross Trig(8) FTM Trace Debug JTAG Interface (Chipscope) ITM PL Logic Debug APB Trace ATB Funnel (CSTF) PL_Pad PS PS_Pad TPIU 4K ETB TDI TDO TDO Trace Port TDI Xilinx Custom Design XILINX TAP Trace Bus(ATB) Time Stamp Debug APB Cross Triggering eFuse BBRAM UG585_c27_03_021313 Figure 27-3: Debug System Architecture The TPIU provides the mechanism to capture trace over long periods of time. There is no internal time limit to how long a trace can be dumped so the only practical limit is the Zynq-7000 bandwidth. If doing a trace dump using PS I/O through MIO, the maximum trace bandwidth depends on how many MIO trace I/Os could be allocated. Another alternative is trace dump through EMIO. PL soft logic connects the EMIO trace signal to the PL SelectIO. There are other potential innovative ways to handle EMIO trace. For example, users could loopback EMIO trace data back to the PS and store it in DDR memory or export trace via gigabit Ethernet to enable remote debug or monitor. In typical debug flow, the user enables minimum trace source dumping capability to fit trace data into allocated TPIU throughput. After a small time window when debug occurs as determined through trace monitoring, the user could enable full trace dumping capability if required, and store short periods of data into the ETB for the next level of debug. Other than debugging, trace port also brings significant value for software profiling. Soft profiling helps the user to identify those software routines that consume the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 721 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem most CPU power. Based on that, the user could decide to either perform software optimization or offload the process to the PL. 27.3 I/O Signals In cascaded JTAG mode, only PL_TDO/TMS/TCK/TDI at the PL side are meaningful to users. Through them, users can access both the ARM DAP and Xilinx TAP. In independent JTAG mode, users can only access the Xilinx TAP, through PL_TDO/TMS/TCK/TDI. To access the ARM DAP, users must use PJTAG signals, as shown in Table 27-1. There are two choices to route PJTAG signals to chip pinouts: via EMIO to the PL SelectIO, or via MIO. The MIO pins and any restrictions based on device version are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Table 27-1: Signal Name PJTAG Signals via EMIO Signal via MIO I/O Pin I/O TCK EMIOPJTAGTCK I MIO 12, 24, 36 or 48 I TMS EMIOPJTAGTMS I MIO 13, 25, 37 or 49 I TDI EMIOPJTAGTDI I MIO 10, 22, 34 or 46 I TDO EMIOPJTAGTDO O TDO 3-state EMIOPJTAGTDTN O MIO 11, 23, 35 or 47 O The TPIU output, as shown at the bottom of Figure 27-3, can be routed to either EMIO or MIO (but not both). The TPIU signals are listed in section 28.3 I/O Signals. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 722 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem 27.4 Programming Model 27.4.1 Use Case I: Software Debug with Trace Port Enabled This is the normal debug case for most applications. Figure 27-4 shows ARM tool chain solution. It is also possible to replace ARM Real View ICE with a Xilinx or Lauterbach debug tool. In this case, there is no PL programming required and the user is able to start on software debug as soon as chip power is on. In this use case, the DAP is active to support software debug needs but the TAP is put into bypass mode. Trace port is also enabled through the MIO pin. Although bandwidth might be limited due to limited MIO availability in some cases, the user could enable a trace dump without depending on PL configuration in this configuration. The major challenge for most users is to allocate MIO pins for the Trace port. X-Ref Target - Figure 27-4 PL PS JTAG DAP ARM Real View ICE SS TAP TPIU SRST SS ARM DStream UG585_c27_04_031812 Figure 27-4: User Case I: Software Debug with Trace Port Enabled 27.4.2 Use Case II: PS and PL Debug with Trace Port Enabled The second use case shows how to enable PS software and PL hardware at the same time with two separate debug tools. The tool connected to the Xilinx TAP is typically a Xilinx debug tool. The tools connected to the PS DAP could be Xilinx or any third-party debug tools from ARM or Lauterbach. To support this mode, PL configuration is required to bring the DAP JTAG signals to the PL SelectIOs. Figure 27-5 shows trace port access through the PL SelectIO, but the user could use the MIO trace port as in the previous use case if there is way to manage to fit the trace port into the limited MIO pin multiplexing. Trace port access through SelectIO could support up to 32-bit trace data and gives users enough trace port throughput to address most debug need. As with the JTAG DAP access, the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 723 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem PL must be configured to route the trace signal from the EMIO at the PS/PL boundary to the PL SelectIO. X-Ref Target - Figure 27-5 PL PS JTAG DAP SS TAP Xilinx Platform Cable ARM Review ICE Soft Core JTAG TPIU Soft Core SS SS ARM DStream SRST UG585_c27_05_031812 Figure 27-5: User Case II: PS and PL Debug with Trace Port Enabled 27.5 ARM DAP Controller The debug access port (DAP) is an implementation of an ARM debug interface standard comprising a number of components supplied in a single configuration. All of the supplied components fit into the various architectural components for debug ports (DPs) which are used to access the DAP from an external debugger, and access ports (APs) to access on-chip system resources. With the JTAG-DP, IEEE 1149.1 scan chains are used to read or write register information. A pair of scan chain registers is used to access the main control and access registers within the debug port: • DPACC used for debug port (DP) accesses • APACC used for access port (AP) accesses An APACC might access a register of a debug component of the system to which the interface is connected. The scan chain model implemented by a JTAG-DP has the concepts of capturing the current value of APACC or DPACC, and of updating APACC or DPACC with a new value. An update might cause a read or write access to a DAP register that might then cause a read or write access to a debug register of a connected debug component. Table 27-2 shows four Tap ARM DAP IR Instructions. All other IR Instructions are implemented as BYPASS. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 724 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem Table 27-2: ARM DAP IR Instruction IR Instruction Binary Code[3:0] DR Width Description ABORT 1000 35 JTAG-DP abort register DPACC 1010 35 JTAG DP access register APACC 1011 35 JTAG-AP access Register ARM_IDCODE 1110 32 IDCODE for ARM DAP IP BYPASS 1111 1 The ARM DAP is composed of one debug port (DP) and up to three access ports (APs). Among the three APs, Zynq-7000 devices only implement APB-AP as the bus master to access all debug components and AHB-AP to access system memory space directly. Table 27-3 lists all registers within the DP. Table 27-3: DP Registers Summary DP Register Access Description CTRL/STAT IR=DPACC/ADDRESS = 0x4 DP Control and Status register SELECT IR=DPACC/ADDRESS = 0x8 Its main purpose is to select the current access port and the active four-word register window in that access port Table 27-4 shows AHB-AP and APB-AP registers in the DAP. For each AP, there is a unique set of registers associated with each AP port. Although the DAP allows JTAG-AP, Zynq devices do not support this feature. Table 27-4: AP Registers Summary AP Register Access Description CSW IR=APACC/ADDRESS = 0x0 Control and status word TAR IR=APACC/ADDRESS = 0x4 Transfer address, TAR DRW IR=APACC/ADDRESS = 0xC Data read/write BD0-3 IR=APACC/ADDRESS = 0x10 to 0x1C Band data 0 to 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 725 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem 27.6 Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) Table 27-5 shows all registers within the TPIU. Table 27-5: TPIU Registers Summary TPIU Register Offset Description SUPPORT_PORT_SIZE 0x0 32-bit register with each bit indicating whether a single port size is allowed CURRENT_PORT_SIZE 0x4 Indicates current trace port size with only 1 of 32-bits that could be set TRIG_MODE 0x100 Indicates trigger mode support TRG_COUNT 0x104 8-bit register to enable delaying the indication of triggers to the external trace capture device TRIG_MULT 0x108 Trigger counter multiplier TEST_PATTERN 0x200-0x208 Configures a test pattern to generate a known bit sequence that could be capture by external capture device FORMAT_SYNC 0x300-0x308 Control generation of stop, trigger, and flush events 27.7 Xilinx TAP Controller The Xilinx TAP contains four mandatory dedicated pins as specified by the protocol and typical JTAG architecture. Table 27-6 shows Xilinx TAP IR commands. Refer to UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide for more details about the IR commands. Table 27-6: JTAG Commands Boundary Scan Command Binary Code[5:0] Description EXTEST 000000 Enables boundary-scan EXTEST operation SAMPLE 000001 Enables boundary-scan SAMPLE operation USER1 000010 Access user-defined register 1 USER2 000011 Access user-defined register 2 USER3 100010 Access user-defined register 3 USER4 100011 Access user-defined register 4 CFG_OUT 000100 Access the configuration bus for readback CFG_IN 000101 Access the configuration bus for configuration USERCODE 001000 Enables shifting out user code IDCODE 001001 Enables shifting out of ID code ISC_ENABLE 010000 Marks the beginning of ISC configuration; full shutdown is executed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 726 Chapter 27: JTAG and DAP Subsystem Table 27-6: JTAG Commands (Cont’d) Boundary Scan Command Binary Code[5:0] Description ISC_PROGRAM 010001 Enables in-system programming ISC_PROGRAM_SECURITY 010010 Change security status from secure to non-secure mode and vice versa ISC_NOOP 010100 No operation ISC_READ 101011 Used to read back BBR ISC_DISABLE 010111 Completes ISC configuration. Startup sequence is executed BYPASS 111111 Enables bypass Note: VRP and VRN pins are special pins that needs to be excluded from the boundary scan test. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 727 Chapter 28 System Test and Debug 28.1 Introduction The PS and PL can be debugged together as a complete system using intrusive and non-intrusive debug techniques. In addition to software code debug, there are key hardware points in the PS and user-selected key hardware points in the PL that can capture system activity to help with the debug process. The test and debug capability is based on the ARM CoreSight v1.0 Architecture Specification and consists mostly of ARM-supplied components, but also includes one Xilinx-supplied component (the fabric trace module (FTM), see Chapter 23, Programmable Logic Test and Debug). ARM CoreSight architecture defines four classes of CoreSight components: access and control, trace source, trace link, and trace sink. Components of the access and control class provide a user interface to access the debug infrastructure through JTAG or memory-mapped locations. This class of components also coordinates the operation of separate CoreSight components with a trigger signal distribution network. Components of the trace source class capture debug information, like instruction addresses, bus transaction addresses, and generate trace packets. These trace packets are routed to components of the trace link class where trace packets can be combined or replicated. Components of the trace sink class receive trace packets and dump them into an on-chip trace buffer, or output them to chip pinouts (via the MIO) or to the PL (via the EMIO). CoreSight components are connected together via three major types of buses/signals; programming, trigger, and trace. The programming bus is the path for the access and control class to convey programming information from the JTAG or from processors to other CoreSight components. The trigger signals are used by all classes of components to receive and send triggers from/to each other to coordinate their operation. The trace bus is the main pathway for trace packets to flow, connecting trace source, trace links, and trace sinks. 28.1.1 Features The CoreSight components provide the following capabilities for the system-wide trace: • Debug and trace visibility of whole systems with a single debugger connection • Cross triggering support between SoC subsystems • Multi-source trace in a single stream • Higher data compression than previous solutions Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 728 Chapter 28: • Standard programmer's models for standard tools support • Automatic discovery of topology • Open interfaces for third party soft cores • Low pin count options System Test and Debug 28.1.2 Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices support 32 MIO pins as shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. The width of the TPIU in these CLG225 devices is restricted to 1, 2 or 4-bits via the MIO pins. All 32 data signals are available on the EMIO interface. All of the CLG225 device restrictions are listed in section 1.1.3 Notices. 28.2 Functional Description The block diagram for the CoreSight system is shown in Figure 28-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 28-1 Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) Write Packet Registers Trigger Register ITM Trigger Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB) Fabric Trace Monitor (FTM) Embedded Cross Trigger (ECT) FTM Trigger Read Packet Registers Packetizer Detector Trace/Packet Output (TPIU) PL Fabric Replicator PTM Triggers (x2) CPUs MIO/ EMIO Funnel Program Trace Macrocell (PTM) Detector Packetizer CPU 0 CPU 1 UG585_c28_01_022612 Figure 28-1: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 CoreSight System Block Diagram www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 729 Chapter 28: System Test and Debug Figure 28-1 shows the four classes of CoreSight components: • Access and control: DAP, ECT • Trace source: PTM, FTM, ITM • Trace link: Funnel, Replicator • Trace sink: ETB, TPIU The components are connected by three types of buses/signals: • Programming • Trigger • Trace The CoreSight system interacts with: • CPUs through PTM for debug and trace • CPUs through ITM for trace • PL through FTM for debug and trace • CPUs through ETB for dumping trace • EMIO/MIO through TPIU for dumping trace • CPUs/JTAG through DAP for programming CoreSight components 28.2.1 Debug Access Port (DAP) The DAP is the front-end for user access to the Zynq-7000s AP SoC system test and debug functionalities. It is a CoreSight component of the access and control class, and connects to other components using the programming bus. DAP provides the user, with two interfaces to access the CoreSight infrastructure: • External: JTAG, from chip pinout • Internal: APB slave, from the slave interconnect A debugger can use JTAG to communicate with the CoreSight infrastructure, while software running on a CPU uses APB through memory-mapped addresses assigned to the CoreSight infrastructure. The DAP forwards access requests arriving via either interface to the requested CoreSight component. In addition, the DAP also has another interface to access subsystems other than CoreSight, on the PS: • Internal: AHB master, to the master interconnect With AHB, the DAP can forward access requests from JTAG to other subsystems in the PS, subject to authentication requirements. For example, a debugger can query the value of a location in DDR or the value of a coprocessor register. The DAP follows the access model described in ARM Debug Interface v5 Architecture Specification and ARM Debug Interface v5.1 Architecture Supplement, where JTAG indirectly accesses debug components and resources by way of registers in the DAP. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 730 Chapter 28: System Test and Debug The DAP block is an ARM-supplied IP with the following configuration: • JTAG is the only external interface on chip pinout. Serial wire interface (SW-DP) is not present. • APB slave and AHB master are the two internal interfaces. JTAG at the DAP's internal side (JTAG-AP) is present, but only the nSRSTOUT[0] output is connected to the system reset controller. • Power-down is not supported. Note: When JTAG-AP nSRSTOUT[0] is used to assert system reset, DAP is removed from the JTAG chain. The same sequence for bringing DAP into the chain must be followed again. 28.2.2 Embedded Cross Trigger (ECT) ECT is the cross-triggering mechanism. Through ECT, a CoreSight component can interact with other components by sending and receiving triggers. ECT is implemented with two components: • CTM: Cross Trigger Matrix • CTI: Cross Trigger Interface One or more CTMs form an event broadcasting network with multiple channels. A CTI listens to one or more channels for an event, maps a received event into a trigger, and sends the trigger to one or more CoreSight components connected to the CTI. A CTI also combines and maps the triggers from the connected CoreSight components and broadcasts them as events on one or more channels. Both CTM and CTI are CoreSight components of the control and access class. ECT is configured with: • Four broadcast channels • Four CTIs • Power-down is not supported. Table 28-1 lists the connections of trigger inputs and outputs of the CTIs. Table 28-1: CTI Trigger Inputs and Outputs CTI Trigger Port Signal CTI (connected to ETB, TPIU) Trigger input 2 ETB full Trigger input 3 ETB acquisition complete Trigger input 4 ITM trigger Trigger output 0 ETB flush Trigger output 1 ETB trigger Trigger output 2 TPIU flush Trigger output 3 TPIU trigger CTI (connected to FTM) Trigger input 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 FTM trigger www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 731 Chapter 28: Table 28-1: System Test and Debug CTI Trigger Inputs and Outputs (Cont’d) CTI Trigger Port Signal Trigger input 1 FTM trigger Trigger input 2 FTM trigger Trigger input 3 FTM trigger Trigger output 0 FTM trigger Trigger output 1 FTM trigger Trigger output 2 FTM trigger Trigger output 3 FTM trigger CTI (connected to CPU0) Trigger input 0 CPU0 DBGACK Trigger input 1 CPU0 PMU IRQ Trigger input 2 PTM0 EXT Trigger input 3 PTM0 EXT Trigger input 4 CPU0 COMMTX Trigger input 5 CPU0 COMMRX Trigger input 6 PTM0 TRIGGER Trigger output 0 CPU0 debug request Trigger output 1 PTM0 EXT Trigger output 2 PTM0 EXT Trigger output 3 PTM0 EXT Trigger output 4 PTM0 EXT Trigger output 7 CPU0 restart request CTI (connected to CPU1) Trigger input 0 CPU1 DBGACK Trigger input 1 CPU1 PMU IRQ Trigger input 2 PTM1 EXT Trigger input 3 PTM1 EXT Trigger input 4 CPU1 COMMTX Trigger input 5 CPU1 COMMRX Trigger input 6 PTM1 TRIGGER Trigger output 0 CPU1 debug request Trigger output 1 PTM1 EXT Trigger output 2 PTM1 EXT Trigger output 3 PTM1 EXT Trigger output 4 PTM1 EXT Trigger output 7 CPU1 restart request Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 732 Chapter 28: System Test and Debug Note: For details on the two CTIs connected to CPU0 and CPU1, refer to the CoreSight PTM-A9 Technical Reference Manual, r1p0, DDI0401C, section 1.3.6. 28.2.3 Program Trace Macrocell (PTM) The PTM is the block for tracing processor execution flow. It is based on the ARM program flow trace (PFT) architecture, and is a CoreSight component of the trace source class. The PTM generates information that trace tools use to reconstruct the execution of a program, by tracing only certain points in program execution called waypoints. This reduces the amount of trace data. Timestamps are supported for correlating multiple trace streams and coarse grain code profiling. The PTM provides some general resources, such as address/ID comparators, counter, sequencers, for setting up user-defined event triggering conditions. This enhances the base functions of tracing program execution. The PTM block in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices is the standard ARM-supplied IP, with the no custom configuration. 28.2.4 Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) The ITM is the block for software to generate a trace. It is a CoreSight component of the trace source class. Triggering and coarse-grained time stamping are also supported. The main uses include: • printf style debugging • Trace OS and application events • Emit diagnostic system information The ITM block in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices is the standard ARM-supplied IP, with the no custom configuration. 28.2.5 Funnel The funnel is the block for merging trace data from multiple sources into a single stream. It is a CoreSight component of the trace link class. Users select the sources to be merged and assign priorities to them. The funnel in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices is the standard ARM-supplied IP, with the no custom configuration. Table 28-2 lists the connections of the input ports of the Funnel. [ Table 28-2: Funnel Input Port List Port Trace Source 0 PTM0 1 PTM1 2 FTM Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 733 Chapter 28: Table 28-2: System Test and Debug Funnel Input Port List (Cont’d) Port 3 Trace Source ITM 4-7 unused 28.2.6 Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB) The ETB is the on-chip storage of trace data. It is a CoreSight component of the trace sink class. The ETB provides real-time full-speed storing capability, but is limited in size. Triggering is supported for events such as buffer full and acquisition complete. The ETB block in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices is an ARM-supplied IP, with the following configuration: • RAM size: 4 KB 28.2.7 Trace Packet Output (TPIU) The TPIU is the block for outputting trace data to the PL or to chip pinout. It is a CoreSight component of the trace sink class. The TPIU provides unlimited trace data output, but is limited in bandwidth. Triggering and flushing are both supported. The TPIU block is an ARM-supplied IP, with the following configuration: • Max data width: 32 Table 28-3 shows the two operating modes of TPIU. Table 28-3: Operating Modes of TPIU slcr.DBG_CLK_CTRL[6], MIO_PIN_xx (Details in Table 28-4) 1 0 Active interface EMIO MIO Clock source to operate the TPIU EMIOTRACECLK PS clock controller Output clock present? No Yes Clock edge(s) to sample trace data and control Rising Rising and falling Supported data widths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 Application Note Since PL supplies the clock to TPIU, PL can use the same clock to sample. External device should delay the trace clock output by approximately half clock period, and use the delayed clock to sample. Figure 28-2 shows the waveforms of TPIU I/O signals in the two modes. In EMIO mode, the PL supplies the trace clock signal to TPIU; PL can use the same clock to sample the trace data and control signals from PS. In MIO mode, all signals, including data, control, and clock, are aligned at the selected MIO pins; therefore, the external device should delay the trace clock output by approximately half the clock period to successfully sample the trace data and control signals. Before Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 734 Chapter 28: System Test and Debug changing the active interface to EMIO, ensure that EMIOTRACELCK is running. Changing the clock input source to a non-running clock results in an APB access hang. X-Ref Target - Figure 28-2 EMIOTRACEDATA EMIOTRACECTL EMIOTRACECLK TPIU Signals on EMIO trace data, control output on selected MIO pins trace clock output on selected MIO pins trace clock delayed by approximately half period TPIU Signals on MIO UG585_c28_02_022612 Figure 28-2: TPIU Operating Mode Waveforms 28.3 I/O Signals Table 28-4 identifies the TPIU port signals. The TPIU port data can be routed to either an MIO or EMIO interface, but not both. EMIO supports 32-bit data at a single data rate clock that is sourced from the PL as an EMIO input. MIO supports 16-bit data at a double data rate clock sourced by the clock generator and driven out on MIO. Pin restrictions based on device version are explained in section 28.1.2 Notices. Table 28-4 identifies the system test and debug I/O signals. The MIO pins and any restrictions based on device version are shown in the MIO table in section 2.5.4 MIO-at-a-Glance Table. Sammie!161 Table 28-4: TPIU Signals List TPIU Signal Default Input Value Number MIO Pins EMIO Signals I/O Pin Name Signal Name I/O EMIO trace clock 0 ~ ~ ~ EMIOTRACECLK I MIO Trace Clock ~ 12 or 24 O TRACE_CLK ~ ~ Trace control ~ 13 or 25 O TRACE_CTL EMIOTRACECTL O Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 735 Chapter 28: Table 28-4: System Test and Debug TPIU Signals List (Cont’d) TPIU Signal Trace data Default Input Value Number MIO Pins I/O Pin Name 1-bit 14 or 26 2-bit 15, 14 or 27, 26 4-bit 11, 10, 15, 14 or 23, 22, 27, 26 ~ EMIO Signals 8-bit 11, 10, 15, 14 or 23, 22, 27, 26 16-bit 9-2,19-16,11,10,15,14 O TRACE_DATA[15:0] Signal Name EMIOTRACEDATA[31:0] I/O O 28.4 Register Overview 28.4.1 Memory Map Per the CoreSight specification, each CoreSight component has 4 kB address space. Table 28-5 lists the base address of each CoreSight component. Table 28-5: Memory Map Component Base Address DAP ROM 0xF880_0000 ETB 0xF880_1000 CTI (connected to ETB, TPIU) 0xF880_2000 TPIU 0xF880_3000 Funnel 0xF880_4000 ITM 0xF880_5000 CTI (connected to FTM) 0xF880_9000 FTM 0xF880_B000 Cortex-A9 ROM 0xF888_0000 CPU0 debug logic 0xF889_0000 CPU0 PMU 0xF889_1000 CPU1 debug logic 0xF889_2000 CPU1 PMU 0xF889_3000 CTI (connected to CPU0, PTM0) 0xF889_8000 CTI (connected to CPU1, PTM1) 0xF889_9000 PTM0 (for CPU0) 0xF889_C000 PTM1 (for CPU1) 0xF889_D000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 736 Chapter 28: System Test and Debug Note: CPU0 debug logic and CPU1 debug logic can also be accessed through CP14 coprocessor instructions. See the Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual for details. 28.4.2 Functionality Table 28-6 summarizes the registers in each CoreSight component. Table 28-6: CoreSight Component Register Summary Function Name Overview DAP ROM Pointers Entry0-9 Pointers to other CoreSight components CoreSight management Peripheral ID0-7 Component ID0-3 These registers provide identification information Control CTL Enable/disable capture Status STS Status on pipeline, acquisition, trigger, full/empty RAM depth RDP Depth of RAM in words RAM read RRD, RRP Read pointer and data RAM write RWD, RWP Write pointer and data Trigger counter TRG Sets the number of words to be stored after a trigger event Formatter and flush FFCR, FFSR Stop events, trigger mark, flush start, formatting control CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Claim, lock, authentication Integration test These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test Control CONTROL Enable/disable CTI Acknowledge INTACK Provide for SW to acknowledge TRIGOUT when no hardware acknowledge is supplied Channel event generation APPSET, APPCLR, APPPULSE Raise/clear/pulse channel events, used with GATE register to create local events Channel event gating GATE Prevent the channel events from propagating to other CTI's in the system Forwarding control INEN, OUTEN Enable the forwarding of events between the trigger interface and the channel interface Trigger/Channel interface status TRIGINSTATUS, TRIGOUTSTATUS, CHINSTATUS, CHOUTSTATUS Provide the current status of the trigger and channel interfaces ETB CTI Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 737 Chapter 28: Table 28-6: System Test and Debug CoreSight Component Register Summary (Cont’d) Function CoreSight management Name Overview Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Claim, lock, authentication Integration test These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test TPIU Supported feature Show maximum and current values of supported port size, test patterns, etc. Trigger Set Trigger counter, multiplier Testing Set test pattern, modes and repeat count Format and finish Control and status of formatter and flush CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Claim, lock, authentication Integration test These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test Control Control, Priority Enable slave ports, set hold time, and priority CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Claim, lock, authentication Integration test These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test Control CR, SCR Enable ITM, configure features like timestamp, sync packets, sync count, etc. Stimulus SPR Cause the write data to be inserted into the FIFO for packets Trace TER, TTR Enable trace and trigger CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Claim, lock, authentication Integration test These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test Pointers Entry Pointers to other CoreSight components for A9 CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID These registers provide identification information Funnel ITM FTM Cortex-A9 Integration ROM CPU debug Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 738 Chapter 28: Table 28-6: System Test and Debug CoreSight Component Register Summary (Cont’d) Function Name Overview Control DBGDSCCR Controls cache behavior while the CPU is in debug state Breakpoints BVR BCR Set breakpoint values, and control breakpoints. A breakpoint can be set on an Instruction Virtual Address (IVA) or/and a Context ID Watchpoints WVR WCR Set watchpoint values, and control watchpoints. A watchpoint can be set on a Data Virtual Address (DVA) or with a Context ID CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Claim, lock, authentication Integration test These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test Control PMCR Performance monitor control Status PMOVSR Overflow flag status Counter PMCNTENSET PMCNTENCLR PMSELR PMCCNTR Counter enable set/clear, software increment, cycle count Event counters PMXEVTYPER PMXEVCNTR Counters to gather statistics on the operation of the processor and memory system User enable PMUSERENR User enable Interrupt Enable PMINTENSET PMINTENCLR Interrupt enable set/clear Configuration ETMCR, ETMCCR, ETMTRIGGER, ETMSR, ETMSCR Main control registers, configuration, set trigger events, and status Trace Enable control ETMSSSCR, ETMTEEVR, ETMTECR1 Trace enable start/stop, Trace enable event, Trace enable control Address comparators ETMACVR, ETMACTR Address comparator values, types Counters ETMCNTRLDVR, ETMCNTENR, ETMCNTVR Counter reload values, enable events, reload events, current values Sequencers ETMSQMNEVR, ETMSQR Sequencer state transition events, sequencer current state External output event ETMEXTOUTEVER Set events that control the corresponding external output Context ID comparators ETMCIDCVR1, ETMCIDCMR Context ID comparator value, mask Sync frequency, ID General control ETMSYNCFR, ETMIDR Sync frequency, ID CPU PMU PTM Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 739 Chapter 28: Table 28-6: System Test and Debug CoreSight Component Register Summary (Cont’d) Function Name Overview Misc. ETMCCER, ETMEXTINSELR, ETMTSEVR, ETMAUXCR, ETMTRACEIDR, ETMOSLSR Configuration code, external input selection, timestamp, auxiliary control, CoreSight trace ID, OS lock, power-down CoreSight management Peripheral ID Component ID Device ID, type Claim, lock, authentication Integration test These registers provide: • Identification information • Authentication and access control • Integration test 28.5 Programming Model 28.5.1 Authentication Requirements ARM CoreSight infrastructure uses four signals to control authentication: • DBGEN Invasive debug enable • NIDEN Non-invasive debug enable • SPIDEN Secure invasive debug enable • SPNIDEN Secure non-invasive debug enable Table 28-7 lists the Zynq-7000 AP SoC device authentication requirements for the CoreSight components. Table 28-7: CoreSight Authentication Requirements by Component DBGEN NIDEN SPIDEN SPNIDEN Non-secure access 1 x 0 x Secure access 1 x 1 x Enable all trigger inputs x x x x Enable all trigger outputs x x x x Enable trigger input 0 x 1 x x Enable trigger input 1 x 1 x x Enable trigger input 2 x 1 x x Enable trigger input 3 x 1 x x Enable trigger input 4 x 1 x x Requirement DAP AHB master CTI (connected to ETB, TPIU) CTI (connected to FTM) CTI (connected to CPU0) CTI (connected to CPU1) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 740 Chapter 28: Table 28-7: System Test and Debug CoreSight Authentication Requirements by Component (Cont’d) DBGEN NIDEN SPIDEN SPNIDEN Enable trigger input 5 x 1 x x Enable trigger input 6 x 1 x x Trigger output 0 1 x x x Trigger output 1 x x x x Trigger output 2 x x x x Trigger output 3 x x x x Trigger output 4 x x x x Trigger output 6 1 x x x Trigger output 7 x x x x x x x x Disable stimulus registers 0-15 0 0 0 0 Disable stimulus registers 16-31 x x 0 0 Non-secure invasive debug 1 x x x Non-secure non-invasive debug 1 x x x 0 1 x x Secure invasive debug 1 x 1 x Secure non-invasive debug 1 x 1 x 1 x x 1 x 1 1 x x 1 x 1 Requirement Funnel TPIU ETB (no authentication is required) ITM CPU debug CPU PMU PTM Prohibited regions of trace Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Use the following to determine: if (~NIDEN & ~DBGEN) Prohibited = 1 else if (security level == non-secure) Prohibited = 0 else if ((privilege level == user) & (SUNIDEN)) Prohibited = 0 else if (SPIDEN || SPNIDEN) Prohibited = 0 else Prohibited = 1 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 741 Chapter 29 On-Chip Memory (OCM) 29.1 Introduction The on-chip memory (OCM) module contains 256 KB of RAM and 128 KB of ROM (BootROM). It supports two 64-bit AXI slave interface ports, one dedicated for CPU/ACP access via the APU snoop control unit (SCU), and the other shared by all other bus masters within the processing system (PS) and programmable logic (PL). The BootROM memory is used exclusively by the boot process and is not visible to the user. OCM supports high AXI read and write throughput for RAM access by implementing the RAM as a double-wide memory (128 bits). To take advantage of the high RAM access throughput, the user application must use even AXI burst sizes and 128-bit aligned addresses. The TrustZone feature is supported at 4-KB memory granularity. The entire 256 KB of RAM can be divided into sixty four 4-KB blocks, and assigned security attributes independently. See Programming ARM TrustZone Architecture on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC (UG1019). As shown in Figure 29-1, there are 10 AXI channels associated with the OCM, five for the CPU/ACP (SCU) port and five for the other PS/PL masters (OCM switch port). Arbitration between the read and write channels of the SCU and OCM switch ports is performed within the OCM module. Parity generation and checking is performed on RAM accesses only. Other main interfaces are an interrupt signal (IRQ ID #35) as well as a register access APB port. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 742 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) 29.1.1 Block Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 29-1 4-port Mem Controller SCU AXI64 RdCmd SCU AXI64 RdData SCU AXI64 WrCmd 256 KB RAM SCU AXI64 Bresp SCU AXI64 WrData Parity Generation & Checking OCM Switch AXI64 RdCmd OCM Switch AXI64 WrCmd OCM Switch AXI64 RdData OCM Switch AXI64 WrData OCM Switch AXI64 Bresp Arbiter APB I/F Registers IRQ UG585_c29_01_042512 Figure 29-1: OCM Block Diagram 29.1.2 Features Key features of the OCM include: • On-chip 256 KB RAM • On-chip 128 KB BootROM (not user visible) • Two AXI 3.0, 64-bit slave interfaces • Low latency path for CPU/ACP reads to OCM (CPU at 667 MHz – minimum 23 cycles) • Round-robin pre-arbitration between read and write AXI channels on OCM-interconnect port (non-CPU port) • Fixed priority arbitration between the CPU/ACP (via SCU) and OCM-interconnect AXI ports • Supports full AXI 64-bit bandwidth of simultaneous read and write commands (with optimal alignment restrictions) on the OCM interconnect port • Random access supported to RAM from AXI masters Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 743 Chapter 29: • TrustZone support for on-chip RAM with 4 KB page granularity • Flexible address mapping capability • RAM byte-wise parity generation, checking, and interrupt support • Support for the following non-AXI features on the CPU (SCU) port: ° Zero line fill ° Pre-fetch hint ° Early BRESP ° Speculative line pre-fetch On-Chip Memory (OCM) 29.1.3 System Viewpoint A system viewpoint of the OCM is illustrated in Figure 29-2. X-Ref Target - Figure 29-2 All other Masters CPUs AXI_ACP AXI_HP Via Central Interconnect S0 S1 S0 S1 Snoop Control Unit M0 OCM Interconnect M1 M DDR S0 S1 On-chip RAM 256 kB UG585_c29_02_022212 Figure 29-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 OCM System Viewpoint www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 744 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) 29.2 Functional Description 29.2.1 Overview The OCM module is mainly composed of a RAM memory block. The OCM module also contains arbitration, framing, parity, and interrupt logic in addition to the RAM array. 29.2.2 Optimal Transfer Alignment The RAM is implemented as a single-ported, double-width (128-bit) module that can emulate a dual-ported memory under specific conditions. This emulation of dual-ported operation occurs automatically when 128-bit aligned, even burst multiples of AXI commands are used to access the 64-bit wide OCM AXI interfaces. Optimized bursts are theoretically able to achieve 100% throughput of the RAM. If bursts are not aligned to 128 bits or burst lengths are odd multiples of 64-bits, the control logic automatically realigns transfers inside the module — start and end addresses can be presented to the RAM as 64-bit operations instead of more optimal 128-bit operations. Configuring OCM memory as device memory in the MMU or using narrow, non-modifiable accesses through the ACP port is not recommended. In this mode, pipelined 32-bit accesses are generated on the SCU port. This type of traffic pattern does not take advantage the double-width memory and effectively reduces OCM efficiency to 25%. 29.2.3 Clocking The OCM module is clocked by the CPU_6x4x clock. However, the RAM array itself is an exception, and is clocked by CPU_2x, though its 128-bit width is double that of any of the incoming 64-bit wide AXI channels. The OCM switch feeding the OCM module is clocked by CPU_2x, and the SCU is clocked by CPU_6x4x. 29.2.4 Arbitration Scheme Apart from the CPUs and ACP, all other AXI bus masters are assumed to not have a strong latency requirement. Therefore, the OCM uses a fixed arbitration scheme (on a data beat basis) between the two AXI slave interfaces. The default order of decreasing priorities is: 1. SCU-Rd 2. SCU-Wr 3. OCM-Switch Using the ocm.OCM_CONTROL.ScuWrPriorityLo register setting (see Appendix B, Register Details), the decreasing priority arbitration can be modified to: 1. SCU-Rd 2. OCM-Switch 3. SCU-Wr Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 745 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) Arbitration is implemented as shown in Figure 29-3. X-Ref Target - Figure 29-3 SCU AXI64 RdCmd SCU AXI64 WrCmd SCU AXI64 WrData OCM Switch AXI64 RdCmd OCM Switch AXI64 WrCmd OCM Switch AXI64 WrData Break Burst Into Individual Addresses Or Address Pairs (128-bit aligned) Addr/Cmd Break Burst Into Individual Addresses Or Address Pairs (128-bit aligned) Addr/Cmd/Data Break Burst Into Individual Addresses Or Address Pairs (128-bit aligned) Break Burst Into Individual Addresses Or Address Pairs (128-bit aligned) Hi Priority Req Med Priority Req Fixed Priority Arbiter 128 256 KB RAM Addr/Cmd Req Req OCM Switch RoundRobin Arbiter Req Low Priority Addr/Cmd/Data Gnt[1:0] Gnt[2:0] UG585_c29_03_042512 Figure 29-3: Default (ScuWrPriorityLo=0) OCM Arbitration There is an additional round-robin pre-arbitration process that selects between a read or write transaction on a per data-beat basis for the OCM-switch port traffic. Note: Arbitration is performed on a transfer (data beat or clock cycle) basis, not on an AXI command basis. The in-coming AXI read and write commands are split into individual addresses (or 128-bit address pairs for aligned bursts) before arbitration. Note: Each individual write address beat will not request access to the memory array until the write data associated with it is available inside the OCM module — this prevents the scenario of a write request being stalled due to write data not being available. Starvation Scenarios System constraints on the OCM are: • The RAM array and OCM Switch port are clocked with CPU_2x which runs at one third or one half the CPU clock. • The SCU (CPU/ACP) port is clocked at full the CPU clock rate. • Each of the four incoming AXI data channels are 64-bits wide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 746 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) • The RAM array is 128-bits wide. • The OCM switch port has separate read and write channels that can be simultaneously active. • The SCU (CPU/ACP) port has separate read and write channels that can be simultaneously active. • The SCU (CPU/ACP) port channels have a fixed arbitration priority higher than the OCM switch port by default. As a result of these constraints, saturation of the RAM can occur by the SCU CPUs or ACP interfaces, starving the OCM switch and the masters it serves. However, if the CPU(s) are running with caches on, the rate at which they produce new commands to this module is sufficiently low to allow the OCM switch port to share the RAM. The arbitration priority of the OCM switch can also be raised above the priority of the SCU write channels. Configuring OCM memory as Device Memory in the MMU or using narrow, non-modifiable accesses through the ACP can also contribute to OCM switch port starvation; see section 29.2.2 Optimal Transfer Alignment. In general, the guidelines of ACP usage detailed under the ACP chapter should be followed, as this port effectively produces commands on the SCU port to the OCM, which might cause starvation to the OCM switch. 29.2.5 Address Mapping The address range assigned to the OCM can be modified to exist in the first or last 256 KB of the address map, to flexibly handle the ARM low or high exception vector modes. In addition, the CPU and ACP AXI interfaces can have their lowest 1 MB address range accesses diverted to DDR, using the SCU address filtering feature. This section describes these features through a series of example address configurations. Mapping Summary (See Appendix B, Register Details for detailed register information.) When addressing the OCM the following details should be considered: • The 256 KB RAM array can be mapped to either a low address range (0x0000_0000 to 0x0003_FFFF) or a high address range (0xFFFC_0000 to 0xFFFF_FFFF) in a granularity of four independent 64 KB sections via the 4-bit slcr.OCM_CFG[RAM_HI]. • The SCU address filtering (mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER[Address_filtering_enable]) field is set by hardware on any form of reset and should not be disabled by the user. Address filtering on non-OCM addresses is necessary to correctly route transactions between the two downstream SCU ports.The address filtering range has a 1 MB granularity. • The SCU address filtering feature is able to redirect accesses from its CPU and ACP masters targeting the range (0x0000_0000 to 0x000F_FFFF) which includes the OCM's low address range, to the PS DDR DRAM, independent of the RAM address settings. • For each 64 KB section mapped to the high OCM address range via slcr.OCM_CFG[RAM_HI] which is not also part of the SCU address filtering range will be aliased for CPU and ACP masters at a range of 0x000C_0000-0x000F_FFFF. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 747 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) • All other masters that do not pass through the SCU are always unable to access the lower 512 KB of DDR in the OCM's low address range (0x0000_0000 to 0x0007_FFFF). • Accesses to addresses which the RAM array is not currently mapped to are given an error response. Initial View Upon entering user mode, the BootROM is no longer accessible, and the RAM space is split. Note that one 64 KB range resides at the high OCM address, and the other 192 KB resides at the lower address range. Table 29-1 and Table 29-2 identify the initial OCM/DDR address map and register settings, respectively. Attempted accesses to reserved areas return all zeroes along with a SLVERR bus response. Table 29-1: Initial OCM/DDR Address Map Address Range (Hex) Size CPUs/ACP Other Masters 0000_0000 - 0000_FFFF 64 KB OCM OCM 0001_0000 - 0001_FFFF 64 KB OCM OCM 0002_0000 - 0002_FFFF 64 KB OCM OCM 0003_0000 - 0003_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved 0004_0000 - 0007_FFFF 256 KB Reserved Reserved 0008_0000 - 000B_FFFF 256 KB Reserved DDR 000C_0000 - 000C_FFFF 64 KB Reserved DDR 000D_0000 - 000D_FFFF 64 KB Reserved DDR 000E_0000 - 000E_FFFF 64 KB Reserved DDR 000F_0000 - 000F_FFFF 64 KB OCM3 (alias) DDR 0010_0000 - 3FFF_FFFF 1,023 MB DDR DDR FFFC_0000 - FFFC_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved FFFD_0000 - FFFD_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved FFFE_0000 - FFFE_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved FFFF_0000 - FFFF_FFFF 64 KB OCM3 OCM3 Table 29-2: Initial Register Settings Register Value slcr.OCM_CFG[RAM_HI] 1000 mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER[Address_filtering_enable] 1 mpcore.Filtering_Start_Address_Register 0x0010_0000 mpcore.Filtering_End_Address_Register 0xFFE0_0000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 748 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) OCM Relocation For a contiguous RAM address range, RAM located at address 0x0000_0000 to 0x0002_FFFF can be relocated to base address 0xFFFC_0000 by programming the SLCR registers. Each bit of slcr.OCM_CFG[RAM_HI] corresponds to a 64 KB range, with the MSB corresponding to the highest address offset range. For more register programming details, refer to the SLCR information in the system level control registers section of Appendix B, Register Details. Table 29-3 and Table 29-4 identify an example OCM relocation address map and OCM relocation register settings, respectively. Table 29-3: Example OCM Relocation Address Map Address Range (Hex) Size CPUs/ACP Other Masters 0000_0000 - 0000_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved 0001_0000 - 0001_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved 0002_0000 - 0002_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved 0003_0000 - 0003_FFFF 64 KB Reserved Reserved 0004_0000 - 0007_FFFF 256 KB Reserved Reserved 000C_0000 - 000C_FFFF 64 KB OCM0 (alias) DDR 000D_0000 - 000D_FFFF 64 KB OCM1 (alias) DDR 000E_0000 - 000E_FFFF 64 KB OCM2 (alias) DDR 000F_0000 - 000F_FFFF 64 KB OCM3 (alias) DDR 0010_0000 - 3FFF_FFFF 1,023 MB DDR DDR FFFC_0000 - FFFC_FFFF 64 KB OCM0 OCM0 FFFD_0000 - FFFD_FFFF 64 KB OCM1 OCM1 FFFE_0000 - FFFE_FFFF 64 KB OCM2 OCM2 FFFF_0000 - FFFF_FFFF 64 KB OCM3 OCM3 Table 29-4: Example OCM Relocation Register Settings Register Value slcr.OCM_CFG[RAM_HI] 1111 mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER[Address_filtering_enable] 1 mpcore.Filtering_Start_Address_Register 0x0010_0000 mpcore.Filtering_End_Address_Register 0xFFE0_0000 SCU Address Filtering The view of the OCM as seen by the CPUs and ACP via the SCU port relative to other masters via the OCM switch is potentially different. The SCU uses its own dedicated address filtering mechanism to address slaves other than the OCM while the other bus masters in the system are routed via a fixed address decode scheme built into the system interconnects. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 749 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) These other bus masters always see the OCM with accesses (from address 0x0000_0000 to 0x0007_FFFF and address 0xFFFC_0000 to 0xFFFF_FFFF) going to OCM space. Depending on how the SLCR OCM registers are configured, these accesses either terminate at the RAM array or to a default reserved address, resulting in an AXI SLVERR error. These other masters potentially see gaps in the RAM address maps. The CPU/ACP view, however, can be different using the SCU address filtering. For example, if the CPU wants DDR DRAM to be located at address 0x0000_0000, it can configure the address filtering and SLCR OCM registers so that the address map shown in Table 29-5 is seen. In Table 29-5, note that the CPU/ACP masters are able to address the entire DDR address range, while all other masters cannot address the lower 512 KB of DDR. Table 29-6 identifies example of OCM relocation register settings. Table 29-5: Example SCU Address Filtering Address Map Address Range (Hex) Size CPUs/ACP Other Masters 0000_0000 - 0007_FFFF 512 KB DDR Reserved 0008_0000 - 000F_FFFF 512 KB DDR DDR 0010_0000 - 3FFF_FFFF 1,023 MB DDR DDR FFFC_0000 - FFFC_FFFF 64 KB OCM0 OCM0 FFFD_0000 - FFFD_FFFF 64 KB OCM1 OCM1 FFFE_0000 - FFFE_FFFF 64 KB OCM2 OCM2 FFFF_0000 - FFFF_FFFF 64 KB OCM3 OCM3 Table 29-6: Example OCM Relocation Register Settings Register Value slcr.OCM_CFG[RAM_HI] 1111 mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER[Address_filtering_enable] 1 mpcore.Filtering_Start_Address_Register 0x0000_0000 mpcore.Filtering_End_Address_Register 0xFFE0_0000 29.2.6 Interrupts The OCM module is able to assert an interrupt signal to the APU under the following circumstances: • Single-bit Parity Error • Multiple-bit Parity Error • Unsupported LOCK Request All interrupts are enabled via the OCM.OCM_PARITY_CTRL register. Individual interrupt status is accessed via the OCM.OCM_IRQ_STS register, and cleared with a write of 1 to each bit location. Parity on the RAM array is performed when the OCM.OCM_PARITY_CTRL[ParityCheckDis] is not asserted. When parity checking is enabled, a single- or multi-bit parity error sets the appropriate interrupt status, and triggers an external interrupt if the associated enable bit is set. The address offset of the first parity error is stored in the OCM.OCM_PARITY_ERRADDRESS register. For reads, a Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 750 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) SLVERR response can also be issued to the requesting master for devices that are unable to or prefer not to handle interrupts. 29.3 Register Overview A partial list of registers related to the OCM is listed in Table 29-7. (See Appendix B, Register Details for the complete list.) Table 29-7: On-Chip Memory Register Overview Module OCM slcr mpcore Register Name Overview OCM_PARITY_ERRADDRESS Returns RAM parity error address OCM_PARITY_CTRL Set interrupt enables, AXI read response error enable, parity enable, odd parity generation OCM_IRQ_STS Read raw interrupt status, clear interrupts OCM_CONTROL Change pre-arbitration priority SLCR_LOCK SLCR register write disable SLCR_UNLOCK SLCR register write enable OCM_RST_CTRL OCM subsystem reset TZ_OCM_RAM0/1 OCM TrustZone OCM_CFG Configures RAM address mapping SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER SCU address filtering enable Filtering_Start_Address_Register SCU address filtering base address Filtering_End_Address_Register SCU address filtering end address 29.4 Programming Model 29.4.1 Changing Address Mapping A method for reorganizing the OCM address space and performing DDR remapping is as follows: 1. Complete all outstanding transactions by issuing data (DSB) and instruction (ISB) synchronization barrier commands. 2. Since the changing the address map may prevent the fetching of the nearby instructions, enable L1 instruction cache, and prefetch cache lines for the remainder of the function, typically with PLI instructions. 3. To facilitate prefetching, consider aligning the instructions to be prefetched to start at a cacheline boundary. 4. Ensure that the instruction prefetching has completed by issuing an ISB instruction. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 751 Chapter 29: On-Chip Memory (OCM) 5. Unlock the SLCR by writing the unlock key value to the slcr.SLCR_unlock register. 6. Modify the slcr.OCM_CFG register to change the address ranges that the RAM responds to. 7. Re-lock the SLCR by writing the lock key value to the slcr.SLCR_lock register, if desired. 8. Modify the mpcore.Filtering_Start_Address_Register to the desired start address of transactions that should be filtered away from the OCM for SCU masters. Typical settings are 0x0010_0000 (default, do not redirect lower 1 MB), and 0x0000_0000 (start redirect at lowest address to DDR RAM). 9. Modify the mpcore.Filtering_End_Address_Register to the desired end address of transactions that should be filtered away from the OCM for SCU masters. A typical setting is 0xFFE0_0000. 10. Set mpcore.SCU_CONTROL_REGISTER[Address_filtering_enable] to enable address filtering. 11. Ensure that the access has completed to the SLCR by issuing a data memory barrier (DMB) instruction. This allows subsequent accesses to rely on the new address mapping. 29.4.2 AXI Responses The OCM module produces the following AXI responses: OKAY Generated for exclusive access transactions, indicating exclusive access failure. (OCM does not support exclusive access transactions). Also generated for all other successful transactions. DECERR Generated for TrustZone (TZ) violations when accessing RAM/BootROM. A TZ violation occurs when a non-secure AXI access (AxPROT[1] = 1) is attempted to a secure 4 KB region of RAM/BootROM (TZ operations occur at a 4 KB page granularity). SLVERR Generated for attempted access to reserved locations. SLVERR also generated for parity errors detected on RAM read access, if enabled. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 752 Chapter 30 XADC Interface 30.1 Introduction The Xilinx analog mixed signal module, referred to as the XADC, is a hard macro. It has JTAG and DRP interfaces for accessing the XADC’s status and control registers in the 7-series FPGAs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices add a third interface, the PS-XADC interface for the PS software to control the XADC. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices combine a flexible analog-to-digital converter with programmable logic to address a broad range of analog data acquisition and monitoring requirements. The XADC is part of a larger analog mixed signal (AMS) topic that is a combination of analog and digital circuits. The XADC has two 12-bit 1 mega samples per second (MSPS) ADCs with separate track and hold amplifiers, an analog multiplexer (up to 17 external analog input channels), and on-chip thermal and on-chip voltage sensors. The two ADCs can be configured to simultaneously sample two external-input analog channels. The track and hold amplifiers support a range of analog input signal types, including unipolar, bipolar, and differential. The analog inputs can support signal bandwidth of 500 KHz at sample rate of 1 MSPS. An external analog multiplexer can be used to increase the number of external channels supported without the cost of additional package pins. The XADC optionally uses an on-chip reference circuit, thereby eliminating the need for external active components for basic on-chip monitoring of temperature and power supply rails. To achieve the full 12-bit performance of the ADCs, an external 1.25V reference IC is recommended. The most recent measurement results (together with maximum and minimum readings) are stored in dedicated registers. User-defined alarm thresholds can automatically indicate over-temperature events and unacceptable power supply variation. A user-specified limit (for example, 100°C) can be used to initiate a software-controlled system power-down. Control Interfaces Software running in the PS can communicate with the XADC in one of two ways: • PS-XADC Interface: a 32-bit APB slave interface on the PS interconnect that is FIFO’d and serialized. • PS to PL AXI master could also be used to control the XADC via the AXI XADC core logic. Development tools can connect to the PL-JTAG pins and control many parts of the AP SoC including the XADC. The interface is described in Chapter 27, JTAG and DAP Subsystem. The PL-JTAG interface and the internal PS-XADC interface cannot be used at the same time. The selection between the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 753 Chapter 30: XADC Interface these interfaces is controlled by the devcfg.XADCIF_CFG[ENABLE] bit. However, the XADC arbitrates between the selected interface (PL-JTAG or PS-XADC) and the DRP interface. System Considerations For high-performance ADC applications managed by the PS, use the IP core Core Logic connected to an M_AXI_GP interface. This is a parallel data path. When using the PS-XADC interface, FIFOs are used for commands and read data to allow software to quickly queue-up commands without having to wait for serialization, but on the back end the data is serialized to the XADC much like the PL-JTAG interface. This is the serial datapath and is much slower. 30.1.1 Features Analog-to-Digital Converters • Dual 12-bit 1 MSPS analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) • Up to 17 flexible and user-configurable analog inputs • On-chip or external reference option • On-chip temperature and power supply sensors • JTAG access to ADC measurements PS-XADC Interface • Read and write XADC registers • Serial data transfers to/from XADC • Buffered read-write data operations • 15-word by 32-bit command FIFO • 15-word by 32-bit • Read Data FIFO • Programmable FIFO-level interrupts • Programmable alarm interrupts • Configured interface operations (using devcfg registers) • When the PS-XADC interface is used, the PL-JTAG interface is disabled DRP Parallel Interface • Highest interface bandwidth • 16-bit sample data PL-JTAG Interface • Access the XADC when the PL is not programmed but is powered-up Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 754 Chapter 30: • Uses the JTAG TAP controller to access the XADC registers • Enables JTAG access to all XADC registers including ADC measurements XADC Interface 30.1.2 System Viewpoint The XADC is a implemented in hard logic and resides in the PL power domain. The PS-XADC interface is part of the PS and can be accessed by the PS APU without the PL being programmed. The PL must be powered up to configure the PS-XADC interface, use the PL-JTAG or DRP interfaces, and to operate the XADC. A system level block diagram is shown in Figure 30-1. X-Ref Target - Figure 30-1 Dedicated pins in PL JTAG Zynq-7000 AP SoC Device devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [31] PL PL-JTAG Interface 0 Serial 32-bit APB Slave (from Master Interconnect) 1 PS-XADC DevC (devcfg) DRP Interrupt Status Internal Temperature Arbitor Serial Internal Voltages 16-bit data Security 32-bit AXI (M_AXI_GP) XADC PCAP Alarm and OT Signals PS External Voltages Dual purpose PL pins. LogiCORE IP AXI XADC Core Logic Misc. Signals Configured by Bitstream or via DRP commands. Refer to the PG019 Product Specification UG585_c30_10_021913 Figure 30-1: XADC Module System Viewpoint Note: The XADC arbitrates between the DRP interface and either the PS-XADC or the PL-JTAG interface. PS-XADC Interface The PS-XADC interface description consumes the majority of this chapter. Software running in the PS configures the interface using the devcfg registers. Software writes commands to the interface that are pushed into the Command FIFO. These 32-bit writes, consisting of DRP command, address and data, are serialized and sent to the XADC in a loopback path that fills the returning Read Data FIFO that is read by the software. The interface is configured by the devcfg registers, refer to Appendix B, Register Details. DRP Interface The DRP interface is a parallel 16-bit bidirectional interface that can connect to a PL bus master via the LogiCORE IP AXI XADC PL logic using an AXI4-Lite interface to enable the PS or a MicroBlaze Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 755 Chapter 30: XADC Interface processor to control the XADC. The IP core receives 16 bits of data with each AXI4-Lite read/write transaction. The interface is described in DS790, Product Specification. The PL-AXI interface provides the highest performance. This interface uses the PL-AXI interface protocol and provides flexibility of integrating additional signal processing IPs in the data path of XADC’s samples. For example, a FIR filter can be instantiated in the PL-AXI data path between the XADC and the M_AXI_GP interface of PS (or other logic in the PL). PL JTAG Interface The JTAG interface features and functions are described in UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. This interface connects to the development tools. The Chipscope™ application can use the PL JTAG interface to read and write to the XADC status and control registers respectively. Note: The PL-JTAG interface is disabled, including control by Chipscope, when the PS-XADC interface is selected. Alarms The seven alarm and over temperature signals are routed to the PS-XADC interface and made available to the PL. For the PS-XADC interface, these are described in section 30.3 PS-XADC Interface Description. Their use by the LogiCORE IP is described in PG091, LogiCORE IP XADC Wizard Product Guide. 30.1.3 PS-XADC Interface Block Diagram The block diagram for the PS-XADC interface is shown in Figure 30-2. The PS-XADC interface is normally controlled by software executing in the APU. The software writes 32-bit commands and NOPs to the command FIFO. The command FIFO output is serialized by the Serial Communications Channel in 32-bit packets for the XADC. There is a programmable idle gap (IGAP) time between packets to allow time for the XADC to load read data in response to the previous packet. For every word shift out from the command FIFO, a corresponding word is shifted in to the Read Data FIFO. In the case of a DRP read command, as it is shifted out of the command FIFO, the old content of XADC_DRP’s DR register is shifted out. After IGAP time, the result of the current DRP read is available in XADC DRP’s DR register. When the next command from TXFIFO is shifted out, the result of the current read which is in the DR register, is shifted into the RDFIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 756 Chapter 30: XADC Interface X-Ref Target - Figure 30-2 PS Interconnect APB 3.0 Interface 32 32 32 15-deep Command FIFO Configuration, Control, and Status Registers 15-deep Read Data FIFO 32 32 Serial-to-parallel Converter 1 XADC_PS_TDO XADC_PS_TDI XADC_PS_TCK XADC_PS_RESET XADC_PS_EN 1 XADC_PS_ALARM[6:0] XADC_PS_OT Parallel-to-serial Converter Word in XADC UG585_c31_01_021913 Figure 30-2: XADC PS-XADC Interface Block Diagram 30.1.4 Programming Guide PS-XADC Interface The programming model for the PS-XADC interface is described in 30.3 PS-XADC Interface Description. DRP Interface The programming model for the DRP interface is described in UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. This interface can connect to the LogiCORE IP AXI XADC interface to provide an AXI4-lite interface as described in the AXI XADC Interface product specification. PL-JTAG Interface The programming model for the PL-JTAG interface is described in UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 757 Chapter 30: XADC Interface Notices 7z007s and 7z010 CLG225 Devices The 7z007s single core and 7z010 dual core CLG225 devices provide four external ADC signal pairs (differential inputs). All other Zynq-7000 devices provide 12 external ADC signal pairs. The hardware pin information is provided in UG865, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Packaging and Pinout product Specification. 30.2 Functional Description The system level block diagram is shown in Figure 30-2, page 757. A block diagram of the XADC is provided in UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. This section includes functionally that is common to more than one of the interfaces that can control the XADC. This content is not necessarily available in other documents: • 30.2.1 Interface Arbiter (PL-JTAG and PS-XADC) • 30.2.2 Serial Communication Channel (PL-JTAG and PS-XADC) • 30.2.3 Analog-to-Digital Converter (All) • 30.2.4 Sensor Alarms (PS-XADC and DRP) 30.2.1 Interface Arbiter (PL-JTAG and PS-XADC) The XADC actively arbitrates requests between two of the three XADC interfaces. One of the interfaces is always the DRP interface that is optionally connected to the LogiCORE XADC bridge. The interfaces that are arbitrated depend on the setting of the devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [ENABLE] bit. • [ENABLE] = 0: DRP and PL-JTAG (reset default) • [ENABLE] = 1: DRP and PS-XADC If a JTAG transaction is in progress when a DRP request occurs, the LogiCORE XADC bridge can buffer the request until the JTAG transaction is complete. The XADC asserts the JTAGBUSY signal to indicate an ongoing JTAG transaction. A JTAG transaction can start, but the DRP transaction in progress is allowed to complete before the JTAG operation. For more details on the arbitration, refer to UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 758 Chapter 30: XADC Interface 30.2.2 Serial Communication Channel (PL-JTAG and PS-XADC) The serial communication channel connects the XADC to the PS-XADC or PL-JTAG interface, depending on the devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [ENABLE] bit setting. The channel is a full duplex synchronous bit-serial link with dedicated control signals using a JTAG protocol. By default, after reset, the connection between the PS and XADC (PS-XADC interface) is disabled. PS software can write a 1 to the devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [ENABLE] bit to control the source and switch the communication channel from the PL-JTAG interface to the PS-XADC interface. When the PS-XADC interface is enabled to control the XADC, the XADC is no longer accessible by the PL-JTAG interface. The inverse is true, when XADC is accessible by PL-JTAG, it can not be accessed by the PS-XADC. The PS-XADC interface interacts with the PS via an APB 3.0 interface on the PS interconnect. This interface is part of the DevC module and is described in section 6.4 Device Boot and PL Configuration. 30.2.3 Analog-to-Digital Converter (All) The functions and features of the XADC are described in UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. 30.2.4 Sensor Alarms (PS-XADC and DRP) The XADC can generate an alarm signal when an internal sensor measurement exceeds the value programmed into the XADC threshold register. The alarm thresholds are stored in the XADC Control registers, refer to UG480 for their descriptions. PS-XADC Interface The alarm signals are routed directly from the XADC block into the PS_XADC interface block, thus allowing alarm status to be reflected directly in the PS XADC’s interface registers and enabling alarms to trigger interrupts. Individual alarm interrupts can be disabled using the devcfg.XADCIF_INT_MASK register. The alarm signals are sent to the PS-XADC Interface Status register. This register is masked and the masked interrupts are OR’d together to generate the IRQ ID #39 interrupt to the PS interrupt controller. When an alarm goes active, it triggers a maskable interrupt. The alarm signals get latched in the PS-XADC interface devcfg.XADCIF_INT_STS register and it can be used to determine which alarm was activated. Writing a 1 to the active alarm bit in the devcfg.XADCIF_INT_STS register clears the interrupt. The unmasked status of the alarm signals can be read using the devcfg.XADCIF_MSTS register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 759 Chapter 30: XADC Interface DRP Interface The alarms and OT signals are available on the DRP interface. They are actively connected to and used by the LogiCORE AXI_XADC bridge, refer to PG019, LogiCORE IP AXI XADC Product Guide. Functional Description When the measured value on a voltage sensor is greater than the maximum thresholds or less than the minimum threshold values, then the output alarm signal goes active. The alarm is reset (inactive) when a subsequent measurement value falls between the upper and lower threshold values. This operation differs for the temperature sensor alarm, The temperature alarm goes active when the measured temperature exceeds the high threshold. The temperature alarm is reset (inactive) when the temperature falls below the lower threshold value. The alarm signals are summarized in Table 30-1. Table 30-1: Alarm XADC Alarm Signals Upper/Lower Threshold Control and Maximum/Minimum Status Registers Description ALM[0] Programmable Temperature sensor alarm ALM[1] VCCINT sensor alarm (PL internal voltage) ALM[2] VCCAUX sensor alarm (PL auxiliary voltage) ALM[3] VCCBRAM sensor alarm (PL BRAM voltage) ALM[4] VCCPINT sensor alarm (PS internal voltage) ALM[5] VCCPAUX sensor alarm (PS auxiliary voltage) ALM[6] VCCO_DDR sensor alarm (PS DDR I/O voltage) OT Over-temperature Alarm Refer to the LogiCORE User Guide sections: • Maximum and Minimum Status Registers • Automatic Alarms 30.3 PS-XADC Interface Description The main function of the PS-XADC interface is to serialize commands written by software before sending them to the XADC, and to perform a serial-to-parallel conversion when serial data is received from the XADC for the software to read. 30.3.1 Serial Channel Clock Frequency The serial communications channel between the PS-XADC interface and the XADC should not be clocked faster than 50 MHz. The serial clock is derived from the PCAP_2x clock generated by the PS clock subsystem (refer to Chapter 25, Clocks). This clock has a nominal frequency of 200 MHz. A configurable clock divider is controlled by the devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [TCLK_RATE] bit field to reduce the PCAP_2x clock frequency to no more than 50 MHz. XADC serial clock = PCAP_2x clock / [TCLK_RATE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 760 Chapter 30: XADC Interface The XADC serial clock drives the DCLK that is described in the LogiCORE User Guide. 30.3.2 Command and Data Packets The PS-XADC interface buffers the 32-bit reads and writes to minimize the effects of the slow serial transfer process on PS system throughput. The PS-XADC interface buffers up to 15 commands. Each command is serialized and communicated to the XADC. For every command that is written to the PS-XADC interface, a data word is received in the Read Data FIFO. The Read Data FIFO can store 15 data words. Up to 15 commands at a time to be written and up to 15 read data words can be in FIFOs. After a read command has been written, the corresponding read data is available after the next command is serialized to the XADC, see Figure 30-3. Therefore, if the last command in CMD FIFO is a read command, one additional NOP command is always needed to push out the last read data. The XADC commands are listed in the LogiCORE user guide and in UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. All control commands, read requests, write requests, and NOPs shift data into the Read Data FIFO that can be read using the devcfg.XADCIF_RDFIFO register. The software controlling the PS-XADC interface should account for this and should read and discard data not generated by a read command. XADC read data is 32-bits but only the 16 LSBs of the 32-bit word contain ADC data. PS-XADC Event Timing • Command register write • Serialized to XADC (control and data) • Programmable idle gap width, devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [IGAP] X-Ref Target - Figure 30-3 Write Sequence to the Command FIFO First Command Second Command Dummy Data n n+1 n+2 Idle Gap Time 32-bit PS_TDO Signal (commands) 32 bits Command is processed by the XADC. Command is processed by the XADC. PS_TDI Signal (results) 32-bit Reads from Data Read FIFO n-1 n n +1 Dummy Data or Previous Command Result Result from First Command Result from Second Command UG585_c30_11_022513 Figure 30-3: XADC PS-XADC Interface Event Timing Diagram The status of the command and Read Data FIFOs can be monitored using the devcfg.XADCIF_MSTS Interface Miscellaneous Status register. Software can also setup interrupts using the devcfg.XADCIF_INT_STS Interrupt Status register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 761 Chapter 30: XADC Interface Note: Reading from an empty Read Data FIFO causes an APB slave bus error. One packet remains in the XADC when the Command FIFO is emptied. To retrieve the packet, write a dummy command. 30.3.3 Command Format Figure 30-4 shows the data format of the PS-XADC interface commands. The first 16 LSBs of the XADCIF_CMD_FIFO contain the DRP register data. For both read and write operations, the address bits, XADCIF_CMD_FIFO [25:16], hold the DRP target register address. The command bits, XADCIF_CMD_FIFO [29:26], specify a read, write, or no operation (see Table 30-2). X-Ref Target - Figure 30-4 31 30 29 26 25 0 16 15 X X CMD [3:0] DRP Address [9:0] DRP Data [15:0] UG585_c30_12_021913 Figure 30-4: Table 30-2: PS-XADC Interface Command Register PS-XADC Interface DRP Command Format CMD [3:0] Operation 0 0 0 0 No operation 0 0 0 1 DRP read 0 0 1 0 DRP Write Others Not defined DPR Address and DRP Data The full list of XADC DRP registers and instructions on how to configure them can be found in the UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. 30.3.4 Read Data Format The XADC data is returned in the lower 16 bits of the devcfg.XADCIF_RDFIFO register read. The interpretation of the DRP data can be found in the UG480 LogiCORE User Guide. X-Ref Target - Figure 30-5 31 0 16 15 0 DRP Data [15:0] UG585_c30_13_021913 Figure 30-5: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 PS-XADC Interface Read Data Format www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 762 Chapter 30: XADC Interface 30.3.5 Min/Max Voltage Thresholds The XADC tracks the minimum and maximum values recorded for the internal supply sensors since the last power-up or the last reset of the XADC control logic. The maximum and minimum values recorded are stored in the DRP Status registers. On power-up or after reset, all Minimum registers are set to FFFFh and all Maximum registers are set to 0000h. Each new measurement generated for an on-chip sensor is compared to the contents of its Maximum and Minimum register. If the measured value is greater than the contents of it Maximum register, the measured value is written to the Maximum register. Similarly, for the Minimum register, if the measured value is less than the contents of its Minimum register, the measured value is written to the Minimum register. This check is carried out each time a measurement result is written to the Status register. 30.3.6 Critical Over-temperature Alarm Note: This feature sends an interrupt status to the PS and causes an automatic shutdown feature for the PL side of the Zynq-7000 device if enabled. The PL shutdown is enabled via the bitstream and the PL will only come out of power-down if the over-temperature alarm goes inactive or a reconfiguration occurs. The on-chip temperature measurement is used for critical temperature warnings. The default over temperature threshold is 125°C. This threshold is used when the contents of the OT Upper Alarm register (listed in UG480) have not been configured. When the die temperature exceeds the threshold set in the XADC’s Control register, the over-temperature alarm (OT) becomes active. The OT signal resets when the die temperature has fallen below set threshold. The OT alarm can also be used to automatically power down the PL upon activation. The OT alarm can be disabled by writing a 1 to the OT bit in the XADC’s Configuration register. Note: these registers are in the XADC and are accessible using the DRP. The XADC OT alarm signal is sent to the PS via the dedicated PS-XADC interface. When the OT alarm goes active it triggers a maskable interrupt. The OT bit of the XADCIF_INT_STS register needs to be cleared by writing a 1 to the bit location. The real time value of the OT alarm signal can be found on the XADCIF_MSTS register. 30.4 Programming Guide for the PS-XADC Interface The following sequence describes how to configure and interact with the PS-XADC interface to read an internal VCC auxiliary PS voltage (VCCPAUX) and raise an Alarm interrupt when VCCPAUX value does not fall between higher and lower thresholds. The PS-XADC interface specifies commands to be sent in a specific format as described in section 30.3.3 Command Format. Refer to detailed examples in section 30.4.3 Command Preparation. Example: Initialization of XADC via the PS-XADC Interface This example resets the communications channel and the XADC. It also flushes the FIFOs; leaving a NOOP (dummy) word in the XADC. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 763 Chapter 30: XADC Interface 1. Reset the serial communication channel. Write a 1 and then a 0 to devcfg.XADCIF_MCTL [RESET]. 2. Reset the XADC. Write any 16-bit value to DRP address 0x03 (reset register). Write 08030000h to the devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO register. 3. Flush the FIFOs. There is no reset signal, instead write 15 NOOPs to the FIFO: a. Wait for the Command FIFO to empty. The last command should be a NOOP (dummy write). b. Read the Read Data FIFO until empty. Example: Start-up Sequence via the PS-XADC Interface This example sets various interface parameters and includes steps for interrupts and data transfers. It assumes the interface and the XADC are already initialized. 1. Configure the PS-XADC interface: Program the configuration register. Write 80001114h into the devcfg.XADCIF_CFG register: a. Use default Minimum idle gap, [IGAP] = 14h (20 serial clocks). b. Use default XADC serial clock frequency to 1/4 of PCAP_2x clock frequency, [TCKRATE] = 01. c. Use default FIFO serial read capture edge (rising), [REDGE] = 1. d. Use default FIFO serial write launch edge (falling), [WEDGE] = 0. e. Use default Read Data FIFO threshold level, [DFIFOTH] = 0x0. f. Use default Command FIFO threshold level, [CFIFOTH] = 0. g. Enable the PS access of XADC. Write 0x1 to devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [ENABLE]. 2. Configure the interrupts: Interrupts are used to manage the alarms from the XADC and Command/Read Data FIFOs. Refer to the program example in section 30.5.3 Interrupts. 3. Data transfers to the XADC: Refer to section 30.5.2 Read and Write FIFOs. 30.4.1 Read and Write to the FIFOs This example configures the devcfg.XADCIF_CFG register for the FIFOs and communications channel. This register controls the command and Read Data FIFO thresholds, the clock rate of the XADC_PS_TCK, the clocking edges for the serial bus and the idle gap between serial packets. After power on Command and Read Data FIFOs of the PS-XADC interface are empty, but must be flushed after an XADC interface reset. Commands for writing to or reading from XADC registers are sent to the XADC using the Command FIFO, and data returned from the XADC is collected in the Read Data FIFO. Example: Write Command to the XADC This example writes to the XADC V CCPAUX Alarm Upper threshold register. 1. Prepare command. Prepare the command as described in section 30.4.3 Command Preparation for writing to the XADC VCCPAUX Alarm Upper threshold register (0x5A) with required threshold. 2. Fill the Command FIFO with data. Write the data formatted in step 1 to the devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 764 Chapter 30: 3. XADC Interface Wait until the Command FIFO becomes empty. Wait until devcfg.XADCIF_MSTS [CFIFOE] = 1. Note: For every write to the devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO register, data is shifted into the devcfg.XADCIF_RDFIFO register (Read Data FIFO). Example: Read the VCCPAUX value from the XADC This example reads the current VCCPAUX value from the XADC VCCPAUX status register. 1. Prepare command. Prepare the command as described in section 30.4.3 Command Preparation for reading the XADC V CCPAUX Status register (0x0E). 2. Write data to Command FIFO. Write data formatted in step 1 to the devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO register. 3. Wait until the Command FIFO becomes empty. Wait until devcfg.XADCIF_MSTS [CFIFOE] = 1. 4. Read dummy data from the Read Data FIFO. Read the devcfg.XADCIF_RDFIFO register. 5. Format data. Prepare Command for No operation as described in 30.4.3 Command Preparation. 6. Write data to the Command FIFO. Write the formatted data in step 5 to the devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO register. 7. Read the Read Data FIFO. Read the devcfg.XADCIF_RDFIFO register. Note: After a read command has been sent to the XADC, the corresponding read data will be available during the next shift period. Therefore, one dummy command write (as shown in step 5) is always needed to push out the last read data. 30.4.2 Interrupts Example: Configure and Manage Alarm 5 (VCCPAUX) This example configures the XADC registers to set alarm thresholds, operating mode, and enables the Alarm 5 (VCCPAUX) interrupt in the PS-XADC interface. The XADC hard macro has to be operated in Independent mode because alarms are not enabled in Default mode (refer to the XADC Operating Modes section of UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. 1. Prepare commands. Prepare commands as described in section 30.4.3 Command Preparation for writing to the XADC hard macro alarm threshold registers (VCCPAUX Upper-0x5A and V CCPAUX Lower-0x5E) with the required thresholds and XADC Config_Reg1 (0x41) to set the XADC in Independent mode. 2. Write commands to the Command FIFO. Write the commands prepared in step 1 to the devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO register. 3. Enable the Alarm 5 interrupt in the PS-XADC interface. Write devcfg.XADCIF_INT_MASK [M_ALM] =7Eh. 4. Check if Alarm 5 is triggered. Poll for devcfg.XADCIF_INT_STS [M_ALM] = 1. 5. Clear the Alarm 5 interrupt. Write devcfg.XADCIF_INT_STS [M_ALM] = 1. 6. Disable the Alarm 0 interrupt. Write devcfg.XADCIF_INT_MASK [M_ALM] = 7Fh Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 765 Chapter 30: XADC Interface 30.4.3 Command Preparation Example: Prepare Data for Writing to the XADC Register This example formats data for writing to XADC Configuration Register 1 to set the XADC in Independent mode. Refer to Table 30-2, page 762. 1. DRP data. Data to set the XADC in independent mode is 8000h. Refer to the XADC Register Interface section of UG480. 2. DRP address. The address of the XADC Configuration Register 1 is 0x41. 3. Write command. The command for a write operation is 0010b. The command to write 8000h in XADC Configuration Register 1 (0x41) is 08418000h. Example: Prepare Data for Reading from the XADC Register This example formats data for reading the XADC V CCPAUX Status register, 0x0E. 1. DRP data. Data can be any arbitrary data for the read operation (0). 2. DRP address. The address of the XADC V CCPAUX Status register is 0x0E. 3. Write command. The command for a read operation is 0001b. The command to read the XADC VCCPAUX Status register, 0x0E, is 040E0000h. 30.4.4 Register Overview An overview of the PS-XADC Interface control registers is shown in Table 30-3. Register bit details are provided in Appendix B, Register Details. Refer to the XADC Register Interface section of UG480 LogiCORE User Guide for register details of the XADC. Note: After power-up (refer to the Zynq-7000 AP SoC data sheet for the proper voltage sequencing), PS-to-PL voltage shifters are automatically enabled. The PL must be powered-up to access the PS-XADC interface registers, but the PL does not need to be configured to access the registers. Table 30-3 shows an overview of XADC Interface registers. Table 30-3: Register Overview Function Mnemonic Type devcfg.XADCIF_CFG Configuration: Enable, FIFO threshold, frequency ratio, and launch edge. Read/Write devcfg.XADCIF_MCTL XADC Interface Misc. Control register Read/Write devcfg.XADCIF_INT_STS XADC Interface Interrupt Status register Read, Write 1 to clear devcfg.XADCIF_INT_MASK XADC Interface Interrupt Mask register Read/Write devcfg.XADCIF_MSTS XADC Interface Misc. Status register Configuration Interrupts Description Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Read Send Feedback 766 Chapter 30: Table 30-3: XADC Interface Register Overview (Cont’d) Function Mnemonic Command and Read Data FIFOs Description Type devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO XADC Interface Command FIFO Write devcfg.XADCIF_RDFIFO XADC Interface Read Data FIFO Read 30.5 Programming Guide for the DRP Interface The XADC can also be accessed by instantiating a LogiCORE AXI XADC bridge in the PL. This method provides more powerful features and easy access to all XADC registers and signals using a register read/write programming model for microprocessors. 30.6 Programming Guide for the PL-JTAG Interface The PS-XADC interface commands are similar to the JTAG DRP commands. Refer to the JTAG DRP commands shown in UG480, 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide. Note: PL-JTAG cannot access the XADC if the PS-XADC interface is accessing the XADC (i.e., devcfg.XADCIF_CFG [ENABLE] = 1). 30.7 System Functions 30.7.1 Clocks Clocking is determined by the interface choice. PS-XADC Interface Clocks 1. The PS-XADC interface uses FIFOs to cross between the PS system clock and the XADCIF clock. 2. PS system interface clock is the CPU_1x clock. 3. The XADCIF clock frequency is the PCAP_2x clock / [TCLKRATE]. a. The XADCIF clock maximum frequency is 50 MHz. b. The PCAP_2x clock frequency is nominally 200 MHz. c. The [TCLKRATE] bit: divide 2, 4 (default), 8, or 16. See Chapter 25, Clocks for more information about the PS clocks. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 767 Chapter 30: XADC Interface DRP Interface Clocks The PL-AXI interface is a soft core instantiated within the PL and uses a clock from one of the PL’s PLLs. PL-JTAG Interface Clocks PL-JTAG uses the JTAG port to interface with the XADC and uses the JTAG clock, TCK. 30.7.2 Resets There are several resets in the XADC module. PS-XADC Interface Reset The PS-XADC interface and its serial communication channel to the XADC are reset using devcfg.XADCIF_MCTL [RESET]. Note: The PS-XADC FIFOs are not cleared by the interface reset. XADC Reset The XADC is reset by writing to the reset register using a DRP address of 03h. Write 0x08030000 to the devcfg.XADCIF_CMDFIFO register. The data that is included is ignored by the XADC. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 768 Chapter 31 PCI Express 31.1 Introduction The Zynq-7000 7z012s, 7z015, 7z030, 7z035, Zynq-7z045, and Zynq-7z100 AP SoC devices include the Xilinx 7 series Integrated block for PCI Express core which is a reliable, high-bandwidth, third-generation I/O solution. The PCI Express solution for these Zynq AP SoC devices supports x1, x2, x4, and x8 lane Root Port and Endpoint configurations at up to 5 Gb/s (Gen2) speed. Attention must be paid to system level bandwidth if full Gen 2 – x8 throughput is needed. This might include either inline processing of the data in PL before storing it to the PS DDR memory or using a wider DDR3 memory interface in the PL. The Root Port configuration can be used to build a Root Complex solution. These configurations are compatible with the PCI Express Base Specification, Rev 2.1. The PCI Express module supports the AXI4-stream interface for the user interface at both 64-bit and 128-bit widths. For more detailed information regarding the 7 Series FPGAs Integrated block for PCI Express core, refer to these documents on the Xilinx website: • PG054, 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide • PG055, AXI Memory Mapped to PCI Express (PCIe)Gen2 LogiCORE IP Product Guide Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 769 Chapter 31: PCI Express 31.2 Block Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 31-1 LogiCORE IP 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express Core TX Block RAM User Logic Physical Layer Control and Status Host Interface User Logic RX Block RAM Transaction (AXI-ST) Physical (PL) 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express (PCIE_2_1) PCI Express Logic PCI Express (PCI_EXP) Transceivers Configuration (CFG) Optional Debug Optional Debug (DRP) System (SYS) User Logic Clock and Reset UG585_c32_01_021313 Figure 31-1: PCI Express Block Diagram For additional information regarding the different interfaces to the Integrated block for PCI Express core, refer to PG054, 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide. 31.3 Features The PCI Express core provides these key features: • High-performance, highly flexible, scalable, and reliable, general-purpose I/O core ° Compatible with the PCI Express Base Specification, rev. 2.1 ° Compatible with conventional PCI software model • Incorporates Xilinx® Smart-IP™ technology to guarantee critical timing • Uses GTXE2 transceivers for 7 Series FPGA families ° 2.5 Gb/s and 5.0 Gb/s line speed ° Supports 1-lane, 2-lane, 4-lane, and 8-lane operation ° Elastic buffers and clock compensation ° Automatic clock data recovery Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 770 Chapter 31: PCI Express • Supports Endpoint and Root Port configurations • 8B/10B encode and decode • Supports lane reversal and lane polarity inversion per PCI Express specification requirements • Standardized user interface ° Supports AXI4-stream interface ° Easy-to-use packet-based protocol ° Full-duplex communication ° Back-to-back transactions enable greater link bandwidth utilization ° Supports flow control of data and discontinuation of an in-process transaction in transmit direction • Supports flow control of data in receive direction • Compatible with PCI/PCI Express power management functions • Supports a maximum transaction payload of up to 1,024 bytes • Supports multi-vector MSI for up to 32 vectors and MSI-X • Up-configure capability enables application-driven bandwidth scalability • Compatible with PCI Express transaction ordering rules 31.4 Endpoint Use Case For an example of a Zynq Endpoint use case, refer to UG963, ZC706 PCIe Targeted Reference Design User Guide. 31.5 Root Complex Use Case A Zynq PCIe Root Complex design can be implemented in a number of different ways. Figure 31-2 shows an example of a basic design using the AXI PCIe bridge described in PG055, LogiCORE IP AXI Bridge for PCI Express. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 771 Chapter 31: PCI Express X-Ref Target - Figure 31-2 PS PL FCLK_RESET0_N ext_reset_in interconnect_reset Proc_sys_reset_0 FCLK_0 slow_sync_clk ACLK peripheral_aresetn pcie_a_perst_n ARESETN Axi_interconnect_0 S_AXI_HP0 M S REFCLK 100 / 250MHz M_AXI S_AXI AXI PCIe bridge ARESETN M_AXI_GP0 S M0 pci_exp_rxn/p S_AXI_CTRL pci_exp_txn/p Axi_interconnect_1 ACLK M1 UG585_c31_02_052413 Figure 31-2: Example Zynq PCIe Root Complex Note: The AXI PCIe bridge master and slave ports are connected to separate AXI interconnects to avoid potential deadlock scenarios. The compiled Linux kernel already has the required AXI PCIe bridge driver enabled, so no additional configuration is needed. Software drivers for the connected endpoint device might need to be installed. For information on building the Linux kernel for Zynq, refer to the Xilinx Zynq Linux Wiki. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 772 Chapter 32 Device Secure Boot 32.1 Introduction Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices support the ability to perform a secure boot to load authenticated and encrypted PS images and PL bitstreams. Note: The BootROM Header is referred to as the Boot Image Header in UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide. They both refer to the same table of parameters provided in Table 6-5. 32.1.1 Block Diagram Figure 32-1 is a block diagram showing the different systems involved in a secure boot. 32.1.2 Features Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices provide the following secure boot features: • • Advanced Encryption Standard ° AES-CBC with 256-bit key (FIPS197) ° Encryption key stored on-chip in either eFuse or Battery-backed RAM (BBRAM) Keyed-hashed message authentication code (HMAC, FIPS198-1) ° • SHA-256 authentication engine (FIPS180-4) RSA public key authentication (FIPS186-3) ° 2048-bit public key Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 773 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot X-Ref Target - Figure 32-1 Mode_Mode MIO pins Zynq-7000 AP SoC ROM Processing System CPU0 CPU1 Step 1 On-Chip RAM DAP AXI Top Switch MDDR Configuration File 1 NAND NOR QSPI Secure FSBL IOP DDR Memory Controller Step 3 RSA authenticated, AES encrypted with SHA-256 HMAC) Step 4 AXI Secure Vault Common Boot Path PS Boot Path PL Configuration Path FIFO FIFO eFuse/BBRAM Security Secure Boot Process Device Configuration Block PCAP Step 1: Power applied, BootROM begins execution Step 2: (Optional) RSA authentication performed on encrypted FSBL Step 3: FSBL decryption (AES) and authentication (HMAC) Device Key AES Step 4: Decrypted, authenticated FSBL stored in OCM Step 5: (Optional) PL configuration HMAC JTAG Step 5 PL Programmable Logic UG585_c33_01_052913 Figure 32-1: Secure Boot Block Diagram A device secure boot involves several systems contained within the AP SoC device. The secure boot process is always initiated by the BootROM. If RSA authentication has been enabled the BootROM will use the public key to authenticate the first stage boot loader (FSBL) before it is decrypted or executed. If the boot image header indicates a secure boot, the BootROM enables the AES and HMAC engines which reside in the PL. The encrypted FSBL is then sent by the BootROM to the AES and HMAC, a hardened core within the PL, via the processor configuration access port (PCAP). The FSBL image is decrypted and sent back to the PS via the PCAP where it is loaded into the on-chip RAM (OCM) for execution. The PS is then able to securely configure the PL by sending an encrypted bitstream through the PCAP to the AES/HMAC for decryption, authentication, and distribution to the PL memory cells. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 774 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot 32.2 Functional Description 32.2.1 Master Secure Boot Master secure boot is the only secure boot mode supported in Zynq-7000 AP SoC devices. It uses the hardened AES decryption engine and the hardened HMAC authentication engine within the PL to decrypt PS images and PL bitstreams. If RSA authentication is enabled, the BootROM authenticates the encrypted FSBL using the public key prior to decryption (see Table 32-3). The boot process for the master secure boot mode is shown in Figure 32-2. IMPORTANT: The master secure boot mode uses the AES decr yption and HMAC authentication engines within the PL, therefore the PL must be powered on during the secure boot process. The BootROM ensures that the PL is powered before reading the encrypted image from the external boot device. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the PL is powered on before trying to decrypt any new configuration files. Power on Reset After the power-on and reset sequences have completed, the on-chip BootROM begins to execute. An optional eFuse setting can be used to perform a full 128 KB CRC on the BootROM for a small boot time penalty (around 25 ms at default boot settings). After the integrity check the BootROM reads the boot mode setting specified by the bootstrap pins. The BootROM code then reads the BootROM header from the specified external memory. RSA Authentication Performed on FSBL If RSA authentication is enabled the BootROM loads the boot image header (including the Register Initialization parameters) and the FSBL into the first 192 KB of the OCM. Next the public key is loaded from the boot image (see section 32.2.3 Secure Boot Image) and validated by calculating a SHA-256 signature and comparing it to the hash value stored in eFuse. If the values match, the BootROM calculates the signature for the FSBL and authenticates it with the public key. If the public key signature does not match the hash value stored in eFuse or the authentication fails on the FSBL, the BootROM performs a fallback and searches for a new FSBL if the boot device is NAND, NOR, or QSPI. If the fallback fails or the boot device is SD, the BootROM enters either an error state and enables JTAG or enters a secure lockdown if the boot image was encrypted. If the authentication of the FSBL passes, the BootROM continues the boot process. For more details see section 32.2.5 RSA Authentication. Secure FSBL Decryption If a secure boot is specif ied in the boot image header, the BootROM starts by checking the power-on status of the PL. Since the AES and HMAC engines reside within the PL, the PL must be powered up to perform a secure boot. The BootROM waits until the PL is powered up before continuing the secure boot sequence. After the power-on status of the PL is conf irmed, the BootROM begins to load the encrypted FSBL into the AES engine via the PCAP. The PL sends the decrypted FSBL back to the PS via the PCAP. The decrypted image is then loaded into the OCM. The BootROM also monitors the HMAC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 775 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot authentication status of the FSBL and if an authentication error occurs, the BootROM puts the PS into a secure lockdown state. Handoff to FSBL Once the FSBL has been successfully loaded and authenticated, control is turned over to the decrypted FSBL which now resides in the OCM. Based on the user application, the FSBL could then start processing, configure the PL, load additional software, or wait for further instruction from an external source. X-Ref Target - Figure 32-2 Power On Reset (Debug access with JTAG disabled) Internal memory hardware clean process (Optional BootROM CRC) RSA enabled RSA authentication performed on FSBL Load boot image header Secure boot Non-secure boot AES decryption of FSBL Disable and LOCK all security features (AES and HMAC) (Decrypted FSBL loaded to internal RAM) HMAC authentication of FSBL Load FSBL into internal RAM or external DDR memory Disable BootROM memory Disable BootROM memory Pass control to FSBL Enable JTAG Pass Control to FSBL UG585_c33_02_100917 Figure 32-2: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 PS Boot Flow www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 776 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot 32.2.2 External Boot Devices Secure boot mode is restricted to NOR, NAND, SDIO, or Quad-SPI flash as the external boot device. A secure boot from JTAG or any other external interface is not allowed. 32.2.3 Secure Boot Image The secure boot image format is shown in Figure 32-3 The secure boot image consists of a boot image header (required), a FSBL partition (required), a FSBL RSA authentication certificate (optional), and any number, including zero, of succeeding partitions. Boot Image Header The boot image header identifies the image as secure or non-secure at offset 0x028. The value stored in the boot image header at offset 0x028 determines the AES key source (see Table 32-1). More information regarding the boot image header can be found in Chapter 6, Boot and Configuration. Table 32-1: BootROM Header Summary BootROM Header Value at 0x028 Description 0xA5C3C5A3 Encrypted image using eFuse key 0x3A5C3C5A Encrypted image using BBRAM key All others Non-encrypted image The boot image header is never encrypted. Note: The two terms, BootROM header and BootROM image header are synonymous and both refer to the same table of parameters, Table 6-5. Partition Data Partition data is signed and encrypted. The partition data is decrypted and authenticated by the AES and HMAC engines within the PL. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 777 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot X-Ref Target - Figure 32-3 Boot Image Header AES Encrypted Image HMAC Authenticated Image Encrypted FSBL (AES & HMAC) FSBL HMAC Signature FSBL RSA authentication certificate (optional) Partition Partition RSA authentication certificate (optional) AES Encrypted Image HMAC Authenticated Image Partition PS Image or PL Bitstream HMAC Signature Partition RSA authentication certificate (optional) Expansion Space Partition Partition RSA authentication certificate (optional) . . . UG585_c33_03_022513 Figure 32-3: Secure Boot Image Format RSA Authentication Certificate Format The RSA authentication certificate consists of three major components; the authentication header, the PPK and SPK, and the SPK and FSBL signatures (see Figure 32-4). The authentication header is 32-bits with the following value 0x00000101, padded to a 512-bit boundary. Each public key consists of three parts, a 2,048-bit modulus, a 2,048-bit modulus extension to speed up calculations, and a 32-bit public exponent which gets padded to 512 bits. The other component is the 2,048-bit SPK and FSBL signatures. Since SHA-256 is used as the secure hash algorithm, the FSBL, partition, and authentication certificates must be padded to a 512-bit boundary. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 778 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot X-Ref Target - Figure 32-4 Authentication Header Authentication Header Padding PPK 32 bits Padding to 512-bit boundary Modulus (n) 2,048 bits Modulus Extension 2,048 bits Public Exponent 32 bits, padded to 512-bit boundary Modulus (n) 2,048 bits Modulus Extension 2,048 bits SPK Public Exponent 32 bits, padded to 512-bit boundary SPK Signature 2,048 bits FSBL Signature 2,048 bits UG585_c33_04_022513 Figure 32-4: RSA Authentication Certificate Format Note: The FSBL signature includes the FSBL image and the boot image header. 32.2.4 eFUSE Settings PL eFUSE Settings The secure boot features can also be controlled via three PL eFuse bits that are described in Table 32-2. Table 32-2: PL eFuse Settings Summary eFUSE Parameters XSK_EFUSEPL_FORCE_USE_AES_ONLY (eFUSE Control Register (FUSE_CNTL), Bit Position 8.) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description eFuse Secure Boot. The AP SoC device must boot securely and use the eFuse key as the AES key source. Non-secure boot of the device is not allowed. If the boot image header does not match this setting, a security lockdown occurs. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 779 Chapter 32: Table 32-2: Device Secure Boot PL eFuse Settings Summary (Cont’d) eFUSE Parameters Description XSK_EFUSEPL_BBRAM_KEY_DISABLE (FUSE_CNTL[10]) BBRAM Key Disable. If the AP SoC device is booted in secure mode, then the eFuse key must be selected. Non-secure boot of the device is allowed. If the boot image header does not match this setting, a security lockdown occurs. XSK_EFUSEPL_DISABLE_JTAG_CHAIN (FUSE_CNTL[9]) JTAG Chain Disable. The ARM DAP and PL TAP are permanently disabled. Any attempt to active the ARM DAP or the PL TAP controllers causes a security lockdown. Note: This is because of security implications. If devci.ctrl[JTAG_CHAIN_DIS]=0, it would cause a secure lockdown driving a 0 on TDO and devci.ctrl[JTAG_CHAIN_DIS]=1 essentially means PL TAP is also not accessible (no secure lockdown case). Additional information on Zynq-7000 user-configurable PL eFUSE parameters can be found in UG643, OS and Libraries Document Collection. PS and PL eFUSE summary and correlation with Xilinx Documents are explained in AR# 65110. PS eFUSE Settings The PS also has an eFuse array. The primary purpose is to store the memory built in self repair information and the RSA public key hash. The PS eFuse also has a number of fuses that can be used to control the security boot flow of the device. (see Table 32-3). Table 32-3: PS eFUSE Setting Summary eFUSE Parameters Description eFuse Write Protection (2 fuses) Blow both of these fuses to permanently disable all writes to the PS eFuse array. BootROM 128KB CRC Enable Enables a full 128 KB CRC on the ROM prior to loading the FSBL. RSA Authentication Enable Enables RSA authentication for NAND, NOR, SD, or QSPI. DFT JTAG Disable The ARM DAP and PL TAP are disabled when the device is booted in DFT mode, any attempt to activate the ARM DAP or the PL TAP causes a security lockdown. DFT Mode Disable The DFT boot mode is permanently disabled. Booting in DFT mode immediately triggers a security lockdown. RSA PPK Hash (310 fuses) SHA-256 signature for the RSA primary public key including extra ECC bits. IMPORTANT: The Zynq-7000 AP SoC Design for Test (DFT) mode is a Xilinx internal test feature and represents a potential threat to design security as it bypasses the BootROM code. When enabled, the internal memory and configuration are completely cleared, and the device is placed in an unsecure mode, disabling all security features. This is a valuable feature for device test and for debugging problems. While Zynq-7000 AP SoCs have been designed to ensure these test features do not pose vulnerability, the user can permanently disable them. When debug capabilities are no longer needed and device security is paramount, the user can blow redundant eFUSEs to permanently disable the device's test capabilities. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 780 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot CAUTION! If any of the eFuse bits identified in Table 32-4 are programmed to 1, return material authorization (RMA) returns cannot be accepted: Table 32-4: List of eFuses that prevent the RMA Returns PL eFUSE XSK_EFUSEPL_FORCE_USE_AES_ONLY XSK_EFUSEPL_DISABLE_JTAG_CHAIN PS eFUSE DFT JTAG disable DFT Mode disable See A.3.3 Additional Zynq-7000 AP SoC Documents for more information on BBRAM and eFUSE Programming. 32.2.5 RSA Authentication The BootROM has the ability to authenticate a secure FSBL prior to decryption or a non-secure FSBL prior to execution using RSA public key authentication. This feature is enabled by blowing the RSA Authentication Enable fuse in the PS eFuse array. When RSA authentication is enabled, the BootROM starts by loading the FSBL into the OCM. Then the Primary Public Key (PPK) is loaded and a SHA-256 signature is calculated. This calculated signature is compared to the PPK Hash value stored in the PS eFuse. If the PPK signature matches the PPK Hash value, then the boot continues. The BootROM then loads the Secondary Public Key (SPK) from the boot image and the SPK signature. The SPK is authenticated using the PPK. Failure to authenticate the PPK or SPK triggers a fallback mode by the BootROM. If a new FSBL is not found, the device enters a secure lockdown. Once the SPK has been authenticated, the BootROM calculates the SHA-256 hash value for the FSBL stored in OCM. The FSBL is authenticated using the SPK. If the authentication passes, a secure FSBL is then decrypted using the AES or a non-secure FSBL will start execution. 32.2.6 Boot Image and Bitstream Encryption Boot images are assembled and encrypted using software provided by Xilinx, bootgen. A FSBL and any additional PS images or PL bitstreams along with the encryption key and authentication signature must be supplied to bootgen. The correct headers are generated automatically when bootgen builds the boot image. 32.2.7 Boot Image and Bitstream Decryption and Authentication For PS image and PL bitstream decryption, Xilinx uses the advanced encryption standard (AES) in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode with a 256-bit key. PS images and PL bitstreams are authenticated with a keyed-hashed message authentication code (HMAC) using the SHA-256 hash algorithm. When the BootROM detects that the FSBL image is encrypted, it enables the decryption and authentication engines within the PL. Both are enabled or disabled in tandem and cannot be separated. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 781 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot Subsequent PS images do not have to be encrypted. Once an encrypted FSBL has been loaded, it is “trusted” and can then load a non-encrypted second stage boot loader or application directly to OCM. Loading of non-encrypted PS images after a secure boot is not recommended and should only be done after fully evaluating the system-level security. 32.2.8 HMAC Signature HMAC authentication is performed whenever the AES is used. When creating an encrypted boot image, the HMAC key must be provided to the bootgen software. The HMAC key and signature are then encrypted with the boot file. Unlike the AES key, the HMAC key and signature are part of the encrypted image. During the on-chip decryption process, the HMAC signature is extracted from the image and used by the authentication algorithm. No on-chip storage for the HMAC key is required. 32.2.9 AES Key Management The AES encryption key is stored on-chip within the PL. It can be loaded into either volatile battery-backed RAM (BBRAM) or in non-volatile eFuse storage. The keys are loaded into the PL via the JTAG interface. (See UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide for more information.) 32.3 Secure Boot Features 32.3.1 Non-Secure Boot State The non-secure state is entered when the BootROM detects that the FSBL is not encrypted. In this state the AES decryption and HMAC authentication engines are disabled and locked requiring a power-on reset (POR) to re-enable. RSA authentication is still available in non-secure boots. All subsequent PS images, PL configuration bitstreams, and PL partial re-configuration bitstreams must be non-encrypted. There is no mechanism to move from the non-secure state to the secure state, aside from power-on reset. Any attempt to load encrypted data after non-encrypted data results in a security violation and security lockdown. 32.3.2 Secure Boot State The Zynq AP SoC always powers up in the secure state, only switching to the non-secure state when the BootROM detects that the FSBL is not encrypted. In the secure state the encrypted FSBL is loaded into the PS. The first configuration bitstream loaded into the PL must also be encrypted. Since the encrypted FSBL loaded in a secure boot is “trusted”, it is possible to load additional non-encrypted PS images. PL partial re-configuration bitstreams can be loaded via the PCAP or ICAP interfaces as encrypted or non-encrypted. Subsequent PS images or PL bitstreams must use the same key source as the FSBL, key switching is not allowed. Loading of non-encrypted images or bitstreams after a secure boot is not recommended. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 782 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot 32.3.3 Security Lockdown The PS's device configuration interface contains a security policy block that is used to monitor the system security. When conflicting status is detected either from the PS or the PL that could indicate inconsistent system configuration or tampering, a security lockdown is triggered. In a security lockdown the on-chip RAM is cleared along with all the system caches. The PL is reset and the PS enters a lockdown mode that can only be cleared by issuing a power-on reset. The following conditions cause a security lockdown: • Non-secure boot specified in the boot image header and secure boot only eFuse is set • Enabling the JTAG chain or the ARM DAP with the JTAG chain disable eFuse set • SEU error tracking has been enabled in the PS and the PL reports an SEU error • A discrepancy in the redundant AES enable logic • Software sets the FORCE_RST bit of the Device Configuration Control register 32.3.4 Boot Partition Search The BootROM supports the capability to fall-back and reload a different FSBL if there is a problem with the initial FSBL. In a secure boot, this feature is only supported if the RSA authentication fails, regardless of the encryption status of the FSBL. The new FSBL being loaded must also be signed. If the decryption or HMAC authentication of the FSBL fails, then the device enters secure lockdown. See section 6.3.10 BootROM Header Search for more information. 32.3.5 JTAG and Debug Considerations Whenever the BootROM is running, the PS DAP and the PL TAP controllers are disabled, eliminating any JTAG access to the AP SoC device. In non-secure boot modes JTAG access is restored once the BootROM has completed execution. In secure boot modes JTAG access can be restored by the FSBL or subsequent PS images as these applications are considered trusted. Access to the DAP enable registers can be locked out using the Device Configuration Interface LOCK register. The PS DAP and PL TAP controllers can be permanently disabled using the JTAG CHAIN DISABLE eFuse. The JTAG access to the PL can also be disabled by setting the DISABLE_JTAG configuration option when creating the PL bitstream. (see UG628, Command Line Tools User Guide for more information. 32.3.6 Readback Whenever an encrypted bitstream is loaded into the PL, readback of the internal configuration memory cannot be performed by any of the external interfaces, including JTAG. The only readback access to the configuration memory after an encrypted bitstream load is via PCAP or ICAP. The PCAP and ICAP interfaces are trusted channels since access to these interfaces are from an authenticated PS image or an authenticated PL bitstream. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 783 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot 32.3.7 Secure Boot Modes of Operation Zynq RSA authentication and AES encryption features can be used in a number of combinations to deliver a flexible secure boot solution. Table 32-5 through Table 32-7 show the possible authentication and encryption options available for a Zynq secure boot. The following three points must be taken into consideration when using secure boot: 1. The FSBL must be encrypted if any other PS images or PL bitstreams are required to be encrypted. 2. The BootROM only provides authentication for the FSBL. If any other PS images or PL bitstreams require authentication, the RSA algorithm must be provided as user software. 3. In the secure boot scenario, with the AES key stored in eFUSE, the SRST causes secure lockdown. Table 32-5: RSA Authentication Options in Non-secure Mode BootROM RSA User SW RSA AES / HMAC FSBL Yes No No PL Bitstream No User Option No u-Boot No User Option No Linux No User Option No Applications No User Option No Table 32-6: Secure Boot Options without RSA Authentication Enabled BootROM RSA User SW RSA AES / HMAC FSBL No No Yes PL Bitstream No User Option User Option u-Boot No User Option User Option Linux No User Option User Option Applications No User Option User Option Table 32-7: Secure Boot Options with RSA Authentication Enabled BootROM RSA User SW RSA AES / HMAC FSBL Yes No Yes PL Bitstream No User Option User Option u-Boot No User Option User Option Linux No User Option User Option Applications No User Option User Option Note: The AES engine requires secure mode. In non-secure boot mode, the AES engine cannot be used to load an encrypted bitstream. If a non-encrypted bitstream is loaded in secure mode, the AES engine is turned off. Therefore, when a non-encrypted bitstream is loaded, an encrypted application will not work. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 784 Chapter 32: Device Secure Boot Secure Fallback Flow with eFUSE In the secure boot scenario, with the AES key stored in eFUSE, the Fallback scenario is handled by FSBL without going through a soft reset and is different than the other flows (see the Secure Fallback Flow with eFUSE section in UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide for more information). In this scenario the Multiboot must be handled by the user without going through a soft reset (the SRST causes secure lockdown). The only reset that can be used to successfully re-boot the system is PS_POR_B. You need to configure the Watchdog timers for Interrupt and not SRST. You can route the Watchdog Interrupt to perform the POR through a GPIO. 32.4 Programming Considerations Although most of the secure boot process is handled by the BootROM, it is possible to decrypt PS images or PL bitstreams after the initial boot. To decrypt secure images the PL must be powered on. The PL is powered on and ready to accept new encrypted data if the PCFG_INIT bit of the Device Configuration Interface (DevC) Status register is set. To send encrypted data to the PL for decryption, the PCAP_MODE and PCAP_PR bits of the DevC Control register must be set to 1. Because the AES engine decrypts data one byte at a time, the QUARTER_PCAP_RATE_EN bit on the DevC Control register must also be set to 1. To disable the AES and HMAC engines, the three PCFG_AES_EN bits of the DevC Control register must be set to 0. All three bits must be set with the same register write or a security violation occurs, resulting in a security lockdown of the device. Once the AES and HMAC engines have been disabled, they cannot be enabled again without a power-on-reset. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 785 Appendix A Additional Resources A.1 Xilinx Resources Product Support and Documentation • For support resources such as Answers, Documentation, Downloads, and Forums, see the Xilinx Support website. • For continual updates, add the Answer Record to your myAlerts. Device User Guides http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.htm Zynq-7000 AP SoC Product Page http://www.xilinx.com/products/silicon-devices/soc/zynq-7000/index.htm Xilinx Design Tools: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/design_tools.html Xilinx Forums and Wiki Links ° http://forums.xilinx.com ° http://wiki.xilinx.com ° http://wiki.xilinx.com/zynq-linux ° http://wiki.xilinx.com/zynq-uboot Xilinx git Websites https://github.com/xilinx Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 786 Appendix A: Additional Resources A.2 Solution Centers See the Xilinx Solution Centers for support on devices, software tools, and intellectual property at all stages of the design cycle. Topics include design assistance, advisories, and troubleshooting tips. A.3 References A.3.1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Documents Refer to the following Zynq-7000 AP SoC documents for further reference: ° DS190, Zynq-7000 AP SoC Product Overview ° DS187, Zynq-7000 AP SoC (7z007s, 7z012s, 7z014s, 7z010, 7z015, and 7z020): AC and DC Switching Characteristics Data Sheet ° DS191, Zynq-7000 AP SoC (7z030, 7z045, and 7z100): AC and DC Switching Characteristics Data Sheet ° UG865, Zynq-7000 AP SoC Packaging and Pinout Specifications ° UG821, Zynq-7000 AP SoC Software Developers Guide ° UG933, Zynq-7000 AP SoC PCB Design and Pin Planning Guide These user guides and additional relevant information can be found on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 AP SoC product page: http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/silicon_devices/soc/zy nq-7000.html A.3.2 PL Documents – Device and Boards To learn more about the PL resources, refer to the following 7 Series FPGA User Guides: ° DS821, Xilinx LogiCORE IP 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express Product Specification ° UG471, Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide ° UG472, Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Clocking Resources User Guide ° UG473, Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources User Guide ° UG474, Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Configurable Logic Block User Guide ° UG476, Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs GTX Transceiver User Guide ° PG054, 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide ° UG479, Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs DSP48E1 User Guide ° UG480, Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs XADC User Guide ° UG483, Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs PCB and Pin Planning Guide Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 787 Appendix A: Additional Resources These user guides and additional relevant information can be found on the Xilinx 7 Series product page: http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/silicon_devices/fpga/n um-7-series.html A.3.3 Additional Zynq-7000 AP SoC Documents • UG761, AXI Reference Guide • UG761, AXI Reference Guide • UG1046, UltraFast Embedded Design Methodology Guide A.3.4 Software Programming Documents • UG821, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Software Developers Guide • UG873, Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques (CTT) • UG908, Vivado Design Suite Programming and Debugging User Guide • UG643, OS and Libraries Document Collection • XAPP1175, Secure Boot of Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC • XAPP1223, Changing the Cryptographic Key in Zynq-7000 AP SoC • XAPP1278, eFUSE Programming on a Device Programmer The source drivers for stand alone and FSBL are provided as part of the Xilinx IDE Design Suite Embedded Edition. The Linux drivers are provided via the Xilinx Open Source Wiki at: http://wiki.xilinx.com Xilinx Alliance Program partners provide system software solutions for IP, middleware, operation sys tems, etc. For the latest information refer to the Zynq-7000 landing page at: http://www.xilinx.com/products/silicon-devices/soc/zynq-7000 A.3.5 git Information ° http://git-scm.com ° http://git-scm.com/documentation ° http://git-scm.com/download A.3.6 Design Tool Resources Xilinx Vivado Design Suite http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/design_tools.html Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 788 Appendix A: Additional Resources Xilinx ISE Design Suite http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/design_tools/ise_desi gn_suite.html Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/design_tools/embedd ed_development_kit__edk.html ChipScope Pro Documentation http://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/design_tools/chipscop e_pro.html A.3.7 Xilinx Problem Solvers http://www.xilinx.com/support/troubleshoot.htm A.3.8 Third-Party IP and Standards Documents To learn about functional details related to vendor IP cores contained in Zynq-7000 devices or related international interface standards, refer the following documents: Note: ARM documents can be found at: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp ° ARM AMBA Level 2 Cache Controller (L2C-310) TRM (also called PL310) ° ARM AMBA Specification Revision 2.0, 1999 (IHI 0011A) ° ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv7-A) (DDI0406C) ° ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer's Guide ° ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual, Revision r3p0 ° ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore Technical Reference Manual, Revision r3p0 (DDI0407F) – includes descriptions for accelerator coherency port (ACP), CPU private timers and watchdog timers (AWDT), event bus, general interrupt controller (GIC), and snoop control unit (SCU) ° ARM Cortex-A9 NEON Media Processing Engine Technical Reference Manual, Revision r3p0 ° ARM Cortex-A9 Floating-Point Unit Technical Reference Manual, Revision r3p0 ° ARM CoreSight v1.0 Architecture Specification – includes descriptions for ATB Bus, and Authentication ° ARM CoreSight Program Flow Trace Architecture Specification ° ARM Debug Interface v5.1 Architecture Specification ° ARM Debug Interface v5.1 Architecture Specification Supplement ° ARM CoreSight Components TRM – includes descriptions for embedded cross trigger (ECT), embedded trace buffer (ETB), instrumentation trace macrocell (ITM), debug access port (DAP), and trace port interface unit (TPIU) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 789 Appendix A: Additional Resources ° ARM CoreSight PTM-A9 TRM ° ARM CoreSight Trace Memory Controller Technical Reference Manual ° ARM Generic Interrupt Controller v1.0 Architecture Specification (IHI 0048B) ° ARM Generic Interrupt Controller PL390 Technical Reference Manual (DDI0416B) ° ARM PrimeCell DMA Controller (PL330) Technical Reference Manual ° ARM Application Note 239: Example programs for CoreLink DMA Controller DMA-330 ° ARM PrimeCell Static Memory Controller (PL350 series) Technical Reference Manual, Revision r2p1, 12 October 2007 (ARM DDI 0380G) • BOSCH, CAN Specification Version 2.0 PART A and PART B, 1991 • Cadence, Watchdog Timer (SWDT) Specification • IEEE 802.3-2008 - IEEE Standard for Information technology-Specific requirements - Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications, 2008 • Universal Serial Bus (USB) Specification, Revision 2.0 • UTMI+ Low Pin Interface (ULPI) Specification, Revision 1.1 • Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) Specification for USB, Revision 1.0 • SD Association, Part A2 SD Host Controller Standard Specification Ver2.00 Final 070130 • SD Association, Part E1 SDIO Specification Ver2.00 Final 070130 • SD Group, Part 1 Physical Layer Specification Ver2.00 Final 060509 • Cadence Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) Data Sheet Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 790 Appendix B Register Details B.1 Overview This appendix provides details of all the memory-mapped registers in the Zynq®-7000 AP SoC. Throughout this manual, the names of registers and register bit fields used match those given in the hardware. They are called the hardware names. C header files are delivered with this product which define register and bit field names for easy use in software code. In some cases, the software names are different from the hardware names. This appendix includes software names where they differ from hardware names: • Software Module Name: This is included in the module introduction section and is named Software Name. • Software Register Name: This is included in the detailed register description and is also named Software Name. • Software Bit field Name: These are included in the register bit field tables in the Field Name column. These names follow the hardware field name and are contained in parentheses. Note: If a software name does not exist in the C header files or if it exists but is the same as the hardware name, it is not included in this appendix and the above fields are not present. The software register name will be: _ _ . One common suffix used for register names is “OFFSET”, which would give the OFFSET address of that register from the base address for the module. The software bit field name will be: _ _ _ . One common suffix used for bit field names is “MASK”, which would be useful when extracting the bit field of interest from the full register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 791 Appendix B: Register Details B.2 Acronyms The following acronyms are used for many of the registers. Access Type Description clronrd Readable, clears value on read clronwr Readable, clears value on write nsnsro During non-secure access, if thread is non-secure, it is read only nsnsrw During non-secure access, if thread is non-secure, it is read write nsnswo During non-secure access, if thread is non-secure, it is write only nssraz During non-secure access, if thread is secure, it is read as zero raz Read as zero ro Read-only rud Read undefined rw Normal read/write rwso Read/write, set only sro During secure access, it is read only srw During secure access, it is read write swo During secure access, it is write only waz Write as zero wo Write-only wtc Readable, write a one to clear z Access (read or write) as zero Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 792 Appendix B: Register Details B.3 Module Summary Module Name Module Type Base Address Description axi_hp0 axi_hp 0xF8008000 AXI_HP Interface (AFI), Interface 0 axi_hp1 axi_hp 0xF8009000 AXI_HP Interface (AFI), Interface 1 axi_hp2 axi_hp 0xF800A000 AXI_HP Interface (AFI), Interface 2 axi_hp3 axi_hp 0xF800B000 AXI_HP Interface (AFI), Interface 3 can0 can 0xE0008000 Controller Area Network can1 can 0xE0009000 Controller Area Network ddrc ddrc 0xF8006000 DDR memory controller debug_cpu_cti 0 cti 0xF8898000 Cross Trigger Interface, CPU 0 debug_cpu_cti 1 cti 0xF8899000 Cross Trigger Interface, CPU 1 debug_cpu_p mu0 cortexa9_pmu 0xF8891000 Cortex A9 Performance Monitoring Unit, CPU 0 debug_cpu_p mu1 cortexa9_pmu 0xF8893000 Cortex A9 Performance Monitoring Unit, CPU 1 debug_cpu_pt m0 ptm 0xF889C000 CoreSight PTM-A9, CPU 0 debug_cpu_pt m1 ptm 0xF889D000 CoreSight PTM-A9, CPU 1 debug_cti_etb _tpiu cti 0xF8802000 Cross Trigger Interface, ETB and TPIU debug_cti_ftm cti 0xF8809000 Cross Trigger Interface, FTM debug_dap_ro m dap 0xF8800000 Debug Access Port ROM Table debug_etb etb 0xF8801000 Embedded Trace Buffer debug_ftm ftm 0xF880B000 Fabric Trace Macrocell debug_funnel funnel 0xF8804000 CoreSight Trace Funnel debug_itm itm 0xF8805000 Instrumentation Trace Macrocell debug_tpiu tpiu 0xF8803000 Trace Port Interface Unit devcfg devcfg 0xF8007000 Device configuraion Interface dmac0_ns dmac 0xF8004000 Direct Memory Access Controller, PL330, Non-Secure Mode dmac0_s dmac 0xF8003000 Direct Memory Access Controller, PL330, Secure Mode gem0 GEM 0xE000B000 Gigabit Ethernet Controller gem1 GEM 0xE000C000 Gigabit Ethernet Controller gpio gpio 0xE000A000 General Purpose Input / Output Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 793 Appendix B: Module Name Module Type Base Address Register Details Description gpv_qos301_c pu qos301 0xF8946000 AMBA Network Interconnect Advanced Quality of Service (QoS-301), CPU-to-DDR gpv_qos301_d mac qos301 0xF8947000 AMBA Network Interconnect Advanced Quality of Service (QoS-301), DMAC gpv_qos301_io u qos301 0xF8948000 AMBA Network Interconnect Advanced Quality of Service (QoS-301), IOU gpv_trustzone nic301_addr_r egion_ctrl_regi sters 0xF8900000 AMBA NIC301 TrustZone. i2c0 IIC 0xE0004000 Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) i2c1 IIC 0xE0005000 Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) l2cache L2Cpl310 0xF8F02000 L2 cache PL310 mpcore mpcore 0xF8F00000 Mpcore - SCU, Interrupt controller, Counters and Timers ocm ocm 0xF800C000 On-Chip Memory Registers qspi qspi 0xE000D000 LQSPI module Registers sd0 sdio 0xE0100000 SD2.0/ SDIO2.0/ MMC3.31 AHB Host ControllerRegisters sd1 sdio 0xE0101000 SD2.0/ SDIO2.0/ MMC3.31 AHB Host ControllerRegisters slcr slcr 0xF8000000 System Level Control Registers smcc pl353 0xE000E000 Shared memory controller spi0 SPI 0xE0006000 Serial Peripheral Interface spi1 SPI 0xE0007000 Serial Peripheral Interface swdt swdt 0xF8005000 System Watchdog Timer Registers ttc0 ttc 0xF8001000 Triple Timer Counter ttc1 ttc 0xF8002000 Triple Timer Counter uart0 UART 0xE0000000 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter uart1 UART 0xE0001000 Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter usb0 usb 0xE0002000 USB controller registers usb1 usb 0xE0003000 USB controller registers 50 modules, 2040 registers. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 794 Appendix B: Register Details B.4 AXI_HP Interface (AFI) (axi_hp) Module Name AXI_HP Interface (AFI) (axi_hp) Base Address 0xF8008000 axi_hp0 0xF8009000 axi_hp1 0xF800A000 axi_hp2 0xF800B000 axi_hp3 Description AXI_HP Interface (AFI) Vendor Info Xilinx S_AXI_HP Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description AFI_RDCHAN_CTRL 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x00000000 Read Channel Control Register AFI_RDCHAN_ISSUING CAP 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000007 Read Issuing Capability Register AFI_RDQOS 0x00000008 32 mixed 0x00000000 QOS Read Channel Register AFI_RDDATAFIFO_LEVE L 0x0000000C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Read Data FIFO Level Register AFI_RDDEBUG 0x00000010 32 mixed 0x00000000 Read Channel Debug Register AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL 0x00000014 32 mixed 0x00000F00 Write Channel Control Register AFI_WRCHAN_ISSUING CAP 0x00000018 32 mixed 0x00000007 Write Issuing Capability Register AFI_WRQOS 0x0000001C 32 mixed 0x00000000 QOS Write Channel Register AFI_WRDATAFIFO_LEVE L 0x00000020 32 mixed 0x00000000 Write Data FIFO Level Register AFI_WRDEBUG 0x00000024 32 mixed 0x00000000 Write Channel Debug Register Register (axi_hp) AFI_RDCHAN_CTRL Name AFI_RDCHAN_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Read Channel Control Register 0xF8008000 0xF8009000 0xF800A000 0xF800B000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 795 Appendix B: Register Details Register AFI_RDCHAN_CTRL Details Control fields for Read Channel operation. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read QosHeadOfCmdQEn 3 rw 0x0 When set, allows the priority of a transaction at the head of the RdCmdQ to be promoted if higher priority transactions are backed up behind it. The entire RdCmdQ will therefore be promoted when the fabric RdQos signal is promoted. When disabled, only the new read commands issued will receive the promotion. FabricOutCmdEn 2 rw 0x0 Enable control of outstanding read commands from the fabric 0: The maximum number of outstanding read commands is always taken from APB register field, rdIssueCap0 1: The maximum outstanding number of read commands is selected from the fabric input, axds_rdissuecap1_en, as follows: IF (axds_rdissuecap1_en) Max Outstanding Read Commands = rdIssueCap1 ELSE Max Outstanding Read Commands = rdIssueCap0 FabricQosEn 1 rw 0x0 Enable control of qos from the fabric 0: The qos bits are derived from APB register, AFI_RDQOS.staticQos 1: The qos bits are dynamically driven from the fabric input, axds_arqos[3:0] 32BitEn 0 rw 0x0 Configures the Read Channel as a 32-bit interface. 1: 32-bit enabled 0: 64-bit enabled Register (axi_hp) AFI_RDCHAN_ISSUINGCAP Name AFI_RDCHAN_ISSUINGCAP Relative Address 0x00000004 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 796 Appendix B: Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000007 Description Read Issuing Capability Register Register Details 0xF8008004 0xF8009004 0xF800A004 0xF800B004 Register AFI_RDCHAN_ISSUINGCAP Details Sets the maximum number of Outstanding Read Commands allowed (Issuing Capability). Refers to the commands that can be outstanding from the AXI_HP to the SAM switch and back. Fields are selected by the 'axds_rdissuecap1_en' input. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read rdIssueCap1 6:4 rw 0x0 Max number of outstanding read commands (Read Issuing Capability) field 1: 3'b000: 1 command 3'b001: 2 commands' ' '3'b111: 8 commands reserved 3 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read rdIssueCap0 2:0 rw 0x7 Max number of outstanding read commands (Read Issuing Capability) field 0: 3'b000: 1 command 3'b001: 2 commands' ' '3'b111: 8 commands Register (axi_hp) AFI_RDQOS Name AFI_RDQOS Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description QOS Read Channel Register 0xF8008008 0xF8009008 0xF800A008 0xF800B008 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 797 Appendix B: Register Details Register AFI_RDQOS Details Sets the static Qos value to be used for the read channel. If APB register field, 'FabricQosEn' is 0 or ('FabricQosEn' is 1 and 'QosHeadOfCmdQEn' is 1), this static Qos value will be applied to all read commands enqueued into the RdCmdQ. If ('FabricQosEn' is 1 and 'QosHeadOfCmdQEn' is 0), this static Qos field will be ignored. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read staticQos 3:0 rw 0x0 Sets the level of the Qos field to be used for the read channel 4'b0000: Lowest Priority' ' '4'b1111: Highest Priority Register (axi_hp) AFI_RDDATAFIFO_LEVEL Name AFI_RDDATAFIFO_LEVEL Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Read Data FIFO Level Register 0xF800800C 0xF800900C 0xF800A00C 0xF800B00C Register AFI_RDDATAFIFO_LEVEL Details Returns the Level of the Read Data FIFO in Qwords. Note that this register should only be read if a valid HP port clock is actively running. If no clock is running the APB access will hang. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read FifoLevel 7:0 ro 0x0 Returns the level measured in Dwords (64-bits) of the Read Data FIFO 8'h00: 0 Entries 8'h01: 1 Entry' ' '8'h8F: 128 Entries Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 798 Appendix B: Register Details Register (axi_hp) AFI_RDDEBUG Name AFI_RDDEBUG Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Read Channel Debug Register 0xF8008010 0xF8009010 0xF800A010 0xF800B010 Register AFI_RDDEBUG Details Miscellaneous debug fields for the Read channel. Not to be used for functional purposes. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read OutRdCmds 4:1 ro 0x0 Returns the number of read commands in flight between the AXI_HP and the SAM switch 4'h0: 0 4'h1: 1 etc RdDataFifoOverflow 0 ro 0x0 Bit is set if the RdDataFIFO overflows Register (axi_hp) AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL Name AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000F00 Description Write Channel Control Register 0xF8008014 0xF8009014 0xF800A014 0xF800B014 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 799 Appendix B: Register Details Register AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL Details Control fields for Write Channel operation. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read WrDataThreshold 11:8 rw 0xF Sets the threshold at which to send the write command. Note that this is measured in data beats, and is therefore dependent on the '32bitEn' field. 4'b0000: Send Write Command When 1 data beat is pushed into the Write Data FIFO 4'b0001: Send Write Command When 2 data beats are pushed into the Write Data FIFO' ' '4'b1111: Send Write Command When 16 data beats are pushed into the Write Data FIFO Note: If this field is programmed to be less than the actual burst length of the write command, the 'Wlast' will take priority. For example, if 'WrDataThreshold' is set to 4'b1111 (indicates 16 beats), and a Wlast is received after 8 beats, the write command is sent. reserved 7:6 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read WrCmdReleaseMode 5:4 rw 0x0 Mode of Write Command Release. 2'b00: Release Wr Command on 'Wlast' enqueue into Write Data FIFO 2'b01: Release Wr Command on a particular threshold being reached on the enqueue into Write Data FIFO. The 'WrDataThreshold' field is used to program the actual threshold. 2'b10: Reserved 2'b11: Reserved QosHeadOfCmdQEn 3 rw 0x0 When set, allows the priority of a transaction at the head of the WrCmdQ to be promoted if higher priority transactions are backed up behind it. The entire WrCmdQ will therefore be 'promoted' when the fabric 'WrQos' signal is promoted. When disabled, only the new write commands issued will receive the 'promotion'. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 800 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description FabricOutCmdEn 2 rw 0x0 Enable control of outstanding write commands from the fabric 0: The maximum number of outstanding write commands is always taken from APB register field, 'wrIssueCap0'1: The maximum outstanding number of write commands is selected from the fabric input, 'axds_wrissuecap1_en', as follows: IF (axds_wrissuecap1_en) Max Outstanding Write Commands = wrIssueCap1 ELSE Max Outstanding Write Commands = wrIssueCap0 FabricQosEn 1 rw 0x0 Enable control of qos from the fabric 0: The qos bits are derived from APB register, 'AFI_WRQOS.staticQos'1: The qos bits are dynamically driven from the fabric input, 'axds_awqos[3:0]' 32BitEn 0 rw 0x0 Configures the Write Channel as a 32-bit interface. 1: 32-bit enabled 0: 64-bit enabled Register (axi_hp) AFI_WRCHAN_ISSUINGCAP Name AFI_WRCHAN_ISSUINGCAP Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000007 Description Write Issuing Capability Register 0xF8008018 0xF8009018 0xF800A018 0xF800B018 Register AFI_WRCHAN_ISSUINGCAP Details Sets the maximum number of Outstanding Write Commands (Issuing Capability) allowed. Refers to the commands that can be outstanding from the AXI_HP to the SAM switch and back. Fields are selected by the 'axds_wrissuecap1_en' input. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 801 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:7 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read wrIssueCap1 6:4 rw 0x0 Max number of outstanding write commands (Write Issuing Capability) field 1: 3'b000: 1 command 3'b001: 2 commands' ' '3'b111: 8 commands reserved 3 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read wrIssueCap0 2:0 rw 0x7 Max number of outstanding write commands (Write Issuing Capability) field 0: 3'b000: 1 command 3'b001: 2 commands' ' '3'b111: 8 commands Register (axi_hp) AFI_WRQOS Name AFI_WRQOS Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description QOS Write Channel Register 0xF800801C 0xF800901C 0xF800A01C 0xF800B01C Register AFI_WRQOS Details Sets the static Qos value to be used for the write channel. If APB register field, 'FabricQosEn' is 0 or ('FabricQosEn' is 1 and 'QosHeadOfCmdQEn' is 1), this static Qos value will be applied to all write commands enqueued into the WrCmdQ. If ('FabricQosEn' is 1 and 'QosHeadOfCmdQEn' is 0), this static Qos field will be ignored. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read staticQos 3:0 rw 0x0 Sets the level of the Qos field to be used for the write channel 4'b0000: Lowest Priority' ' '4'b1111: Highest Priority Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 802 Appendix B: Register Details Register (axi_hp) AFI_WRDATAFIFO_LEVEL Name AFI_WRDATAFIFO_LEVEL Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Write Data FIFO Level Register 0xF8008020 0xF8009020 0xF800A020 0xF800B020 Register AFI_WRDATAFIFO_LEVEL Details Returns the Level of the Write Data FIFO in Dwords. Note that this register should only be read if a valid HP port clock is actively running. If no clock is present, the APB access will hang. The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read FifoLevel 7:0 ro 0x0 Returns the level measured in Dwords (64-bits) of the Write Data FIFO 8'h00: 0 Entries 8'h01: 1 Entry' ' '8'h8F: 128 Entries Register (axi_hp) AFI_WRDEBUG Name AFI_WRDEBUG Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address axi_hp0: axi_hp1: axi_hp2: axi_hp3: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Write Channel Debug Register 0xF8008024 0xF8009024 0xF800A024 0xF800B024 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 803 Appendix B: Register Details Register AFI_WRDEBUG Details The associated "FPGA_RST_CTRL.FPGA_AXDSN_RST" register field must be written with "0" before accessing this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 raz 0x0 Return 0 when read OutWrCmds 4:1 ro 0x0 Returns the number of write commands in flight between the AXI_HP and the SAM switch 4'h0: 0 4'h1: 1 etc WrDataFifoOverflow 0 ro 0x0 Bit is set if the WrDataFIFO overflows Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 804 Appendix B: Register Details B.5 CAN Controller (can) Module Name CAN Controller (can) Software Name XCANPS Base Address 0xE0008000 can0 0xE0009000 can1 Description Controller Area Network Vendor Info Xilinx CAN Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_SRR_OFFSET 0x00000000 32 rw 0x00000000 Software Reset Register XCANPS_MSR_OFFSET 0x00000004 32 rw 0x00000000 Mode Select Register XCANPS_BRPR_OFFSET 0x00000008 32 rw 0x00000000 Baud Rate Prescaler Register XCANPS_BTR_OFFSET 0x0000000C 32 rw 0x00000000 Bit Timing Register XCANPS_ECR_OFFSET 0x00000010 32 ro 0x00000000 Error Counter Register XCANPS_ESR_OFFSET 0x00000014 32 mixed 0x00000000 Error Status Register XCANPS_SR_OFFSET 0x00000018 32 mixed 0x00000001 Status Register XCANPS_ISR_OFFSET 0x0000001C 32 mixed 0x00006000 Interrupt Status Register XCANPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000020 32 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable Register XCANPS_ICR_OFFSET 0x00000024 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Clear Register XCANPS_TCR_OFFSET 0x00000028 32 mixed 0x00000000 Timestamp Control Register XCANPS_WIR_OFFSET 0x0000002C 32 rw 0x00003F3F Watermark Interrupt Register XCANPS_TXFIFO_ID_OF FSET 0x00000030 32 wo 0x00000000 transmit message fifo message identifier XCANPS_TXFIFO_DLC_ OFFSET 0x00000034 32 rw 0x00000000 transmit message fifo data length code XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW1_ OFFSET 0x00000038 32 rw 0x00000000 transmit message fifo data word 1 XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW2_ OFFSET 0x0000003C 32 rw 0x00000000 transmit message fifo data word 2 XCANPS_TXHPB_ID_OF FSET 0x00000040 32 wo 0x00000000 transmit high priority buffer message identifier XCANPS_TXHPB_DLC_O FFSET 0x00000044 32 rw 0x00000000 transmit high priority buffer data length code XCANPS_TXHPB_DW1_ OFFSET 0x00000048 32 rw 0x00000000 transmit high priority buffer data word 1 XCANPS_TXHPB_DW2_ OFFSET 0x0000004C 32 rw 0x00000000 transmit high priority buffer data word 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 805 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_RXFIFO_ID_OF FSET 0x00000050 32 ro x receive message fifo message identifier XCANPS_RXFIFO_DLC_ OFFSET 0x00000054 32 rw x receive message fifo data length code XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW1_ OFFSET 0x00000058 32 rw x receive message fifo data word 1 XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW2_ OFFSET 0x0000005C 32 rw x receive message fifo data word 2 XCANPS_AFR_OFFSET 0x00000060 32 rw 0x00000000 Acceptance Filter Register XCANPS_AFMR1_OFFSE T 0x00000064 32 rw x Acceptance Filter Mask Register 1 XCANPS_AFIR1_OFFSET 0x00000068 32 rw x Acceptance Filter ID Register 1 XCANPS_AFMR2_OFFSE T 0x0000006C 32 rw x Acceptance Filter Mask Register 2 XCANPS_AFIR2_OFFSET 0x00000070 32 rw x Acceptance Filter ID Register 2 XCANPS_AFMR3_OFFSE T 0x00000074 32 rw x Acceptance Filter Mask Register 3 XCANPS_AFIR3_OFFSET 0x00000078 32 rw x Acceptance Filter ID Register 3 XCANPS_AFMR4_OFFSE T 0x0000007C 32 rw x Acceptance Filter Mask Register 4 XCANPS_AFIR4_OFFSET 0x00000080 32 rw x Acceptance Filter ID Register 4 Register (can) XCANPS_SRR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_SRR_OFFSET Software Name SRR Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008000 can1: 0xE0009000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Software Reset Register Register XCANPS_SRR_OFFSET Details Writing to the Software Reset Register (SRR) places the CAN controller in Configuration mode. Once in Configuration mode, the CAN controller drives recessive on the bus line and does not transmit or receive messages. During power-up, CEN and SRST bits are '0' and CONFIG bit in the Status Register (SR) is '1.' The Transfer Layer Configuration Registers can be changed only when CEN bit in the SRR Register is '0.' If the CEN bit is changed during core operation, it is recommended to reset the core so that operations start afresh. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 806 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. XCANPS_SRR_CEN_MA SK (CEN) 1 rw 0x0 Can Enable The Enable bit for the CAN controller. 1: The CAN controller is in Loop Back, Sleep or Normal mode depending on the LBACK and SLEEP bits in the MSR. 0: The CAN controller is in the Configuration mode. If the CEN bit is changed during core operation, it is recommended to reset the core so that operations start afresh. XCANPS_SRR_SRST_MA SK (SRST) 0 rw 0x0 Reset The Software reset bit for the CAN controller. 1: CAN controller is reset. If a 1 is written to this bit, all the CAN controller configuration registers (including the SRR) are reset. Reads to this bit always return a 0. Register (can) XCANPS_MSR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_MSR_OFFSET Software Name MSR Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008004 can1: 0xE0009004 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Mode Select Register Register XCANPS_MSR_OFFSET Details Writing to the Mode Select Register (MSR) enables the CAN controller to enter Snoop, Sleep, Loop Back, or Normal modes. In Normal mode, the CAN controller participates in normal bus communication. If the SLEEP bit is set to '1,' the CAN controller enters Sleep mode. If the LBACK bit is set to '1,' the CAN controller enters Loop Back mode. If the SNOOP mode is set to '1', the CAN controller enters Snoop mode and does not participate in bus communication but only receives messages. The LBACK and SLEEP bits should never be set to '1' at the same time. At any given point the CAN controller can be either in Loop Back mode or Sleep mode, but not both simultaneously. If both bits are set, then LBACK Mode takes priority. SNOOP Mode has least priority. In order for core to enter SNOOP mode LBACK and SLEEP modes should be set to '0'. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 807 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:3 rw 0x0 Reserved. XCANPS_MSR_SNOOP_ MASK (SNOOP) 2 rw 0x0 Snoop Mode Select The Snoop Mode Select bit. 1: CAN controller is in Snoop mode. 0: CAN controller is in Normal, Loop Back, Configuration, or Sleep mode. This bit can be written to only when CEN bit in SRR is 0. XCANPS_MSR_LBACK_ MASK (LBACK) 1 rw 0x0 Loop Back Mode Select The Loop Back Mode Select bit. 1: CAN controller is in Loop Back mode. 0: CAN controller is in Normal, Snoop, Configuration, or Sleep mode. This bit can be written to only when CEN bit in SRR is 0. XCANPS_MSR_SLEEP_M ASK (SLEEP) 0 rw 0x0 Sleep Mode Select The Sleep Mode select bit. 1: CAN controller is in Sleep mode. 0: CAN controller is in Normal, Snoop, Configuration or Loop Back mode. This bit is cleared when the CAN controller wakes up from the Sleep mode. Register (can) XCANPS_BRPR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_BRPR_OFFSET Software Name BRPR Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008008 can1: 0xE0009008 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Baud Rate Prescaler Register Register XCANPS_BRPR_OFFSET Details The BRPR can be programmed to any value in the range 0-255. The actual value is 1 more than the value written into the register. Please refer to the CAN chapter for more details. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 808 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 Reserved XCANPS_BRPR_BRP_M ASK (BRP) 7:0 rw 0x0 Baud Rate Prescaler These bits indicate the prescaler value. The actual value ranges from 1 to 256. Register (can) XCANPS_BTR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_BTR_OFFSET Software Name BTR Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000800C can1: 0xE000900C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Bit Timing Register Register XCANPS_BTR_OFFSET Details The Bit Timing Register (BTR) specifies the bits needed to configure bit time. Specifically, the Propagation Segment, Phase segment 1, Phase segment 2, and Synchronization Jump Width (as defined in CAN 2.0A, CAN 2.0B and ISO 11891-1) are written to the BTR. The actual value of each of these fields is one more than the value written to this register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:9 rw 0x0 Reserved XCANPS_BTR_SJW_MAS K (SJW) 8:7 rw 0x0 Synchronization Jump Width Indicates the Synchronization Jump Width as specified in the CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B standard. The actual value is one more than the value written to the register. XCANPS_BTR_TS2_MAS K (TS2) 6:4 rw 0x0 Time Segment 2 Indicates Phase Segment 2 as specified in the CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B standard. The actual value is one more than the value written to the register. XCANPS_BTR_TS1_MAS K (TS1) 3:0 rw 0x0 Time Segment 1 Indicates the Sum of Propagation Segment and Phase Segment 1 as specified in the CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B standard. The actual value is one more than the value written to the register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 809 Appendix B: Register Details Register (can) XCANPS_ECR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_ECR_OFFSET Software Name ECR Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008010 can1: 0xE0009010 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Error Counter Register Register XCANPS_ECR_OFFSET Details The ECR is a read-only register. Writes to the ECR have no effect. The value of the error counters in the register reflect the values of the transmit and receive error counters in the CAN Protocol Engine Module (see Figure 1). The following conditions reset the Transmit and Receive Error counters: * When '1' is written to the SRST bit in the SRR * When '0' is written to the CEN bit in the SRR * When the CAN controller enters Bus Off state * During Bus Off recovery when the CAN controller enters Error Active state after 128 occurrences of 11 consecutive recessive bits When in Bus Off recovery, the Receive Error counter is advanced by 1 when a sequence of 11 consecutive recessive bits is seen. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved XCANPS_ECR_REC_MAS K (REC) 15:8 ro 0x0 Receive Error Counter Indicates the Value of the Receive Error Counter. XCANPS_ECR_TEC_MAS K (TEC) 7:0 ro 0x0 Transmit Error Counter Indicates the Value of the Transmit Error Counter. Register (can) XCANPS_ESR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_ESR_OFFSET Software Name ESR Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 810 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008014 can1: 0xE0009014 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Error Status Register Register Details Register XCANPS_ESR_OFFSET Details The Error Status Register (ESR) indicates the type of error that has occurred on the bus. If more than one error occurs, all relevant error flag bits are set in this register. The ESR is a write-to-clear register. Writes to this register will not set any bits, but will clear the bits that are set. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved XCANPS_ESR_ACKER_M ASK (ACKER) 4 wtc 0x0 ACK Error Indicates an acknowledgment error. 1: Indicates an acknowledgment error has occurred. 0: Indicates an acknowledgment error has not occurred on the bus since the last write to this register. If this bit is set, writing a 1 clears it. XCANPS_ESR_BERR_MA SK (BERR) 3 wtc 0x0 Bit Error Indicates the received bit is not the same as the transmitted bit during bus communication. 1: Indicates a bit error has occurred. 0: Indicates a bit error has not occurred on the bus since the last write to this register. If this bit is set, writing a 1 clears it. XCANPS_ESR_STER_MA SK (STER) 2 wtc 0x0 Stuff Error Indicates an error if there is a stuffing violation. 1: Indicates a stuff error has occurred. 0: Indicates a stuff error has not occurred on the bus since the last write to this register. If this bit is set, writing a 1 clears it. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 811 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_ESR_FMER_M ASK (FMER) 1 wtc 0x0 Form Error Indicates an error in one of the fixed form fields in the message frame. 1: Indicates a form error has occurred. 0: Indicates a form error has not occurred on the bus since the last write to this register. If this bit is set, writing a 1 clears it. XCANPS_ESR_CRCER_M ASK (CRCER) 0 wtc 0x0 CRC Error Indicates a CRC error has occurred. 1: Indicates a CRC error has occurred. 0: Indicates a CRC error has not occurred on the bus since the last write to this register. If this bit is set, writing a 1 clears it. In case of a CRC Error and a CRC delimiter corruption, only the FMER bit is set. Register (can) XCANPS_SR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_SR_OFFSET Software Name SR Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008018 can1: 0xE0009018 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Status Register Register XCANPS_SR_OFFSET Details The CAN Status Register provides a status of all conditions of the Core. Specifically, FIFO status, Error State, Bus State and Configuration mode are reported. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 rw 0x0 Reserved XCANPS_SR_SNOOP_M ASK (SNOOP) 12 ro 0x0 Snoop Mode Indicates the CAN controller is in Snoop Mode. 1: Indicates the CAN controller is in Snoop Mode. 0: Indicates the CAN controller is not in Snoop mode. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 812 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_SR_ACFBSY_M ASK (ACFBSY) 11 ro 0x0 Acceptance Filter Busy indicator. Indicates write-ablity of the Mask and ID registers, read-only: 0: writable 1: not writable. This bit reads 1 when a 0 is written to any of the valid UAF bits in an Acceptance Filter Register. XCANPS_SR_TXFLL_MA SK (TXFLL) 10 ro 0x0 Transmit FIFO Full Indicates that the TX FIFO is full. 1: Indicates the TX FIFO is full. 0: Indicates the TX FIFO is not full. XCANPS_SR_TXBFLL_M ASK (TXBFLL) 9 ro 0x0 High Priority Transmit Buffer Full Indicates the High Priority Transmit Buffer is full. 1: Indicates the High Priority Transmit Buffer is full. 0: Indicates the High Priority Transmit Buffer is not full. XCANPS_SR_ESTAT_MA SK (ESTAT) 8:7 ro 0x0 Error Status Indicates the error status of the CAN controller. 00: Indicates Configuration Mode (CONFIG = 1). Error State is undefined. 01: Indicates Error Active State. 11: Indicates Error Passive State. 10: Indicates Bus Off State. XCANPS_SR_ERRWRN_ MASK (ERRWRN) 6 ro 0x0 Error Warning Indicates that either the Transmit Error counter or the Receive Error counter has exceeded a value of 96. 1: One or more error counters have a value greater than or equal to 96. 0: Neither of the error counters has a value greater than or equal to 96. XCANPS_SR_BBSY_MAS K (BBSY) 5 ro 0x0 Bus Busy Indicates the CAN bus status. 1: Indicates that the CAN controller is either receiving a message or transmitting a message. 0: Indicates that the CAN controller is either in Configuration mode or the bus is idle. XCANPS_SR_BIDLE_MA SK (BIDLE) 4 ro 0x0 Bus Idle Indicates the CAN bus status. 1: Indicates no bus communication is taking place. 0: Indicates the CAN controller is either in Configuration mode or the bus is busy. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 813 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_SR_ACFBSY_M ASK (ACFBSY) 11 ro 0x0 Acceptance Filter Busy indicator. Indicates write-ablity of the Mask and ID registers, read-only: 0: writable 1: not writable. This bit reads 1 when a 0 is written to any of the valid UAF bits in an Acceptance Filter Register. XCANPS_SR_TXFLL_MA SK (TXFLL) 10 ro 0x0 Transmit FIFO Full Indicates that the TX FIFO is full. 1: Indicates the TX FIFO is full. 0: Indicates the TX FIFO is not full. XCANPS_SR_TXBFLL_M ASK (TXBFLL) 9 ro 0x0 High Priority Transmit Buffer Full Indicates the High Priority Transmit Buffer is full. 1: Indicates the High Priority Transmit Buffer is full. 0: Indicates the High Priority Transmit Buffer is not full. XCANPS_SR_ESTAT_MA SK (ESTAT) 8:7 ro 0x0 Error Status Indicates the error status of the CAN controller. 00: Indicates Configuration Mode (CONFIG = 1). Error State is undefined. 01: Indicates Error Active State. 11: Indicates Error Passive State. 10: Indicates Bus Off State. XCANPS_SR_ERRWRN_ MASK (ERRWRN) 6 ro 0x0 Error Warning Indicates that either the Transmit Error counter or the Receive Error counter has exceeded a value of 96. 1: One or more error counters have a value greater than or equal to 96. 0: Neither of the error counters has a value greater than or equal to 96. XCANPS_SR_BBSY_MAS K (BBSY) 5 ro 0x0 Bus Busy Indicates the CAN bus status. 1: Indicates that the CAN controller is either receiving a message or transmitting a message. 0: Indicates that the CAN controller is either in Configuration mode or the bus is idle. XCANPS_SR_BIDLE_MA SK (BIDLE) 4 ro 0x0 Bus Idle Indicates the CAN bus status. 1: Indicates no bus communication is taking place. 0: Indicates the CAN controller is either in Configuration mode or the bus is busy. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 814 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_SR_NORMAL_ MASK (NORMAL) 3 ro 0x0 Normal Mode Indicates the CAN controller is in Normal Mode. 1: Indicates the CAN controller is in Normal Mode. 0: Indicates the CAN controller is not in Normal mode. XCANPS_SR_SLEEP_MA SK (SLEEP) 2 ro 0x0 Sleep Mode Indicates the CAN controller is in Sleep mode. 1: Indicates the CAN controller is in Sleep mode. 0: Indicates the CAN controller is not in Sleep mode. XCANPS_SR_LBACK_MA SK (LBACK) 1 ro 0x0 Loop Back Mode Indicates the CAN controller is in Loop Back mode. 1: Indicates the CAN controller is in Loop Back mode. 0: Indicates the CAN controller is not in Loop Back mode. XCANPS_SR_CONFIG_ MASK (CONFIG) 0 ro 0x1 Configuration Mode Indicator Indicates the CAN controller is in Configuration mode. 1: Indicates the CAN controller is in Configuration mode. 0: Indicates the CAN controller is not in Configuration mode. Register (can) XCANPS_ISR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_ISR_OFFSET Software Name ISR Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000801C can1: 0xE000901C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00006000 Description Interrupt Status Register Register XCANPS_ISR_OFFSET Details The Interrupt Status Register (ISR) contains bits that are set when a particular interrupt condition occurs. If the corresponding mask bit in the Interrupt Enable Register is set, an interrupt is generated. Interrupt bits in the ISR can be cleared by writing to the Interrupt Clear Register. For all bits in the ISR, a set condition takes priority over the clear condition and the bit continues to remain '1.' Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 815 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:15 rw 0x0 reserved XCANPS_IXR_TXFEMP_ MASK (IXR_TXFEMP) 14 ro 0x1 Transmit FIFO EmptyInterrupt A 1 indicates that the Transmit FIFO is empty. The interrupt continues to assert as long as the TX FIFO is empty. This bit can be cleared only by writing to the ICR. XCANPS_IXR_TXFWME MP_MASK (IXR_TXFWMEMP) 13 ro 0x1 Transmit FIFO Watermark Empty Interrupt A 1 indicates that the TX FIFO is empty based on watermark programming. The interrupt continues to assert as long as the number of empty spaces in the TX FIFO is greater than TX FIFO empty watermark. This bit can be cleared only by writing to the Interrupt Clear Register. XCANPS_IXR_RXFWMFL L_MASK (IXR_RXFWMFLL) 12 ro 0x0 Receive FIFO Watermark Full Interrupt A 1 indicates that the RX FIFO is full based on watermark programming. The interrupt continues to assert as long as the RX FIFO count is above RX FIFO Full watermark. This bit can be cleared only by writing to the Interrupt Clear Register. XCANPS_IXR_WKUP_M ASK (IXR_WKUP) 11 ro 0x0 Wake up Interrupt A 1 indicates that the CAN controller entered Normal mode from Sleep Mode. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. XCANPS_IXR_SLP_MAS K (IXR_SLP) 10 ro 0x0 Sleep Interrupt A 1 indicates that the CAN controller entered Sleep mode. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. XCANPS_IXR_BSOFF_M ASK (IXR_BSOFF) 9 ro 0x0 Bus Off Interrupt A 1 indicates that the CAN controller entered the Bus Off state. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. XCANPS_IXR_ERROR_M ASK (IXR_ERROR) 8 ro 0x0 Error Interrupt A 1 indicates that an error occurred during message transmission or reception. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 816 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_IXR_RXNEMP_ MASK (IXR_RXNEMP) 7 ro 0x0 Receive FIFO Not Empty Interrupt A 1 indicates that the Receive FIFO is not empty. This bit can be cleared only by writing to the ICR. XCANPS_IXR_RXOFLW_ MASK (IXR_RXOFLW) 6 ro 0x0 RX FIFO Overflow Interrupt A 1 indicates that a message has been lost. This condition occurs when a new message is being received and the Receive FIFO is Full. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. XCANPS_IXR_RXUFLW_ MASK (IXR_RXUFLW) 5 ro 0x0 RX FIFO Underflow Interrupt A 1 indicates that a read operation was attempted on an empty RX FIFO. This bit can be cleared only by writing to the ICR. XCANPS_IXR_RXOK_MA SK (IXR_RXOK) 4 ro 0x0 New Message Received Interrupt A 1 indicates that a message was received successfully and stored into the RX FIFO. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. XCANPS_IXR_TXBFLL_M ASK (IXR_TXBFLL) 3 ro 0x0 High Priority Transmit Buffer Full Interrupt A 1 indicates that the High Priority Transmit Buffer is full. The status of the bit is unaffected if write transactions occur on the High Priority Transmit Buffer when it is already full. This bit can be cleared only by writing to the ICR. XCANPS_IXR_TXFLL_M ASK (IXR_TXFLL) 2 ro 0x0 Transmit FIFO Full Interrupt A 1 indicates that the TX FIFO is full. The status of the bit is unaffected if write transactions occur on the Transmit FIFO when it is already full. This bit can be cleared only by writing to the Interrupt Clear Register. XCANPS_IXR_TXOK_MA SK (IXR_TXOK) 1 ro 0x0 Transmission Successful Interrupt A 1 indicates that a message was transmitted successfully. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. In Loop Back mode, both TXOK and RXOK bits are set. The RXOK bit is set before the TXOK bit. XCANPS_IXR_ARBLST_ MASK (IXR_ARBLST) 0 ro 0x0 Arbitration Lost Interrupt A 1 indicates that arbitration was lost during message transmission. This bit can be cleared by writing to the ICR. This bit is also cleared when a 0 is written to the CEN bit in the SRR. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 817 Appendix B: Register Details Register (can) XCANPS_IER_OFFSET Name XCANPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name IER Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008020 can1: 0xE0009020 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable Register Register XCANPS_IER_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:15 rw 0x0 Reserved XCANPS_IXR_TXFEMP_ MASK (IXR_TXFEMP) 14 rw 0x0 Enable TXFIFO Empty Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the TXFEMP bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if TXFEMP bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if TXFEMP bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_TXFWME MP_MASK (IXR_TXFWMEMP) 13 rw 0x0 Enable TXFIFO watermark Empty Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the TXFWMEMP bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if TXFWMEMP bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if TXFWMEMP bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_RXFWMFL L_MASK (IXR_RXFWMFLL) 12 rw 0x0 Enable RXFIFO watermark Full Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the RXFLL bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if RXFWMFLL bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if RXFWMFLL bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_WKUP_M ASK (IXR_WKUP) 11 rw 0x0 Enable Wake up Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the WKUP bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if WKUP bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if WKUP bit in ISR is set. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 818 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_IXR_SLP_MAS K (IXR_SLP) 10 rw 0x0 Enable Sleep Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the SLP bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if SLP bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if SLP bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_BSOFF_M ASK (IXR_BSOFF) 9 rw 0x0 Enable Bus OFF Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the BSOFF bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if BSOFF bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if BSOFF bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_ERROR_M ASK (IXR_ERROR) 8 rw 0x0 Enable Error Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the ERROR bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if ERROR bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if ERROR bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_RXNEMP_ MASK (IXR_RXNEMP) 7 rw 0x0 Enable Receive FIFO Not Empty Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the RXNEMP bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if RXNEMP bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if RXNEMP bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_RXOFLW_ MASK (IXR_RXOFLW) 6 rw 0x0 Enable RX FIFO Overflow Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the RXOFLW bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if RXOFLW bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if RXOFLW bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_RXUFLW_ MASK (IXR_RXUFLW) 5 rw 0x0 Enable RX FIFO Underflow Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the RXUFLW bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if RXUFLW bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if RXUFLW bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_RXOK_MA SK (IXR_RXOK) 4 rw 0x0 Enable New Message Received Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the RXOK bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if RXOK bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if RXOK bit in ISR is set. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 819 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_IXR_TXBFLL_M ASK (IXR_TXBFLL) 3 rw 0x0 Enable High Priority Transmit Buffer Full Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the TXBFLL bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if TXBFLL bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if TXBFLL bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_TXFLL_M ASK (IXR_TXFLL) 2 rw 0x0 Enable Transmit FIFO Full Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when TXFLL bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if TXFLL bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if TXFLL bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_TXOK_MA SK (IXR_TXOK) 1 rw 0x0 Enable Transmission Successful Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the TXOK bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if TXOK bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if TXOK bit in ISR is set. XCANPS_IXR_ARBLST_ MASK (IXR_ARBLST) 0 rw 0x0 Enable Arbitration Lost Interrupt Writes to this bit enable or disable interrupts when the ARBLST bit in the ISR is set. 1: Enable interrupt generation if ARBLST bit in ISR is set. 0: Disable interrupt generation if ARBLST bit in ISR is set. Register (can) XCANPS_ICR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_ICR_OFFSET Software Name ICR Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008024 can1: 0xE0009024 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Clear Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 820 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_ICR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:15 rw 0x0 Reserved XCANPS_IXR_TXFEMP_ MASK (IXR_TXFEMP) 14 wo 0x0 Clear TXFIFO Empty Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the TXFEMP bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_TXFWME MP_MASK (IXR_TXFWMEMP) 13 wo 0x0 Clear TXFIFO Watermark Empty Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the TXFWMEMP bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_RXFWMFL L_MASK (IXR_RXFWMFLL) 12 wo 0x0 Clear RXFIFO Watermark Full Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the RXFWMFLL bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_WKUP_M ASK (IXR_WKUP) 11 wo 0x0 Clear Wake up Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the WKUP bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_SLP_MAS K (IXR_SLP) 10 wo 0x0 Clear Sleep Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the SLP bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_BSOFF_M ASK (IXR_BSOFF) 9 wo 0x0 Clear Bus Off Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the BSOFF bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_ERROR_M ASK (IXR_ERROR) 8 wo 0x0 Clear Error Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the ERROR bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_RXNEMP_ MASK (IXR_RXNEMP) 7 wo 0x0 Clear Receive FIFO Not Empty Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the RXNEMP bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_RXOFLW_ MASK (IXR_RXOFLW) 6 wo 0x0 Clear RX FIFO Overflow Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the RXOFLW bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_RXUFLW_ MASK (IXR_RXUFLW) 5 wo 0x0 Clear RX FIFO Underflow Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the RXUFLW bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_RXOK_MA SK (IXR_RXOK) 4 wo 0x0 Clear New Message Received Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the RXOK bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_TXBFLL_M ASK (IXR_TXBFLL) 3 wo 0x0 Clear High Priority Transmit Buffer Full Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the TXBFLL bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_TXFLL_M ASK (IXR_TXFLL) 2 wo 0x0 Clear Transmit FIFO Full Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the TXFLL bit in the ISR. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 821 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_IXR_TXOK_MA SK (IXR_TXOK) 1 wo 0x0 Clear Transmission Successful Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the CTXOK bit in the ISR. XCANPS_IXR_ARBLST_ MASK (IXR_ARBLST) 0 wo 0x0 Clear Arbitration Lost Interrupt Writing a 1 to this bit clears the ARBLST bit in the ISR. Register (can) XCANPS_TCR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TCR_OFFSET Software Name TCR Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008028 can1: 0xE0009028 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Timestamp Control Register Register XCANPS_TCR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 reserved XCANPS_TCR_CTS_MAS K (CTS) 0 wo 0x0 Clear Timestamp Internal free running counter is cleared to 0 when CTS=1. This bit only needs to be written once with a 1 to clear the counter. The bit will automatically return to 0. Register (can) XCANPS_WIR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_WIR_OFFSET Software Name WIR Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000802C can1: 0xE000902C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00003F3F Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 822 Appendix B: Description Register Details Watermark Interrupt Register Register XCANPS_WIR_OFFSET Details The TXFIFO Empty watermark (EW) programmed in this register will be applied to TX FIFO only. The RXFIFO Full watermark (FW) programmed in this register will be applied to RX FIFO only. The watermark register is allowed to program only when CEN=0 in SRR register. The TXFIFO Watermark EMPTY interrupt (TXFWMEMP) will continue to assert as long as the number of empty spaces in the TX FIFO is greater than the TXFIFO Empty watermark (EW). The RXFLL interrupt will continue to assert as long as the RX FIFO count remains above the RXFIFO Full watermark (FW). Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 rw 0x0 reserved XCANPS_WIR_EW_MAS K (EW) 15:8 rw 0x3F TXFIFO Empty watermark TXFIFO generates an EMPTY interrupt based on the value programmed in this field. The valid range is (1-63). No protection is given for illegal programming in this field. This field can be written to only when CEN bit in SRR is 0. XCANPS_WIR_FW_MAS K (FW) 7:0 rw 0x3F RXFIFO Full watermark RXFIFO generates FULL interrupt based on the value programmed in this field. The valid range is (1-63). No protection is given for illegal programming in this field. This field can be written to only when CEN bit in SRR is 0. Register (can) XCANPS_TXFIFO_ID_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXFIFO_ID_OFFSET Software Name TXFIFO_ID Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008030 can1: 0xE0009030 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit message fifo message identifier Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 823 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_TXFIFO_ID_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_IDR_ID1_MAS K (IDR_ID1) 31:21 wo 0x0 Standard Message ID The Identifier portion for a Standard Frame is 11 bits. These bits indicate the Standard Frame ID. This field is valid for both Standard and Extended Frames. XCANPS_IDR_SRR_MAS K (IDR_SRR) 20 wo 0x0 Substitute Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for Standard Frames. For Extended frames, if writing '1' it sends '1' and if writing '0' it sends '0'. 1: Indicates that the message frame is a Remote Frame. 0: Indicates that the message frame is a Data Frame. XCANPS_IDR_IDE_MAS K (IDR_IDE) 19 wo 0x0 Identifier Extension This bit differentiates between frames using the Standard Identifier and those using the Extended Identifier. Valid for both Standard and Extended Frames. 1: Indicates the use of an Extended Message Identifier. 0: Indicates the use of a Standard Message Identifier. XCANPS_IDR_ID2_MAS K (IDR_ID2) 18:1 wo 0x0 Extended Message ID This field indicates the Extended Identifier. Valid only for Extended Frames. For Standard Frames, reads from this field return 0s. For Standard Frames, writes to this field should be 0s. XCANPS_IDR_RTR_MAS K (IDR_RTR) 0 wo 0x0 Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for Extended Frames. 1: Indicates the message object is a Remote Frame 0: Indicates the message object is a Data Frame For Standard Frames, reads from this bit returns 0 For Standard Frames, writes to this bit should be 0 Register (can) XCANPS_TXFIFO_DLC_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXFIFO_DLC_OFFSET Software Name TXFIFO_DLC Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008034 can1: 0xE0009034 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 824 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit message fifo data length code Register Details Register XCANPS_TXFIFO_DLC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_DLCR_DLC_M ASK (DLCR_DLC) 31:28 rw 0x0 Data Length Code This is the data length portion of the control field of the CAN frame. This indicates the number valid data bytes in Data Word 1 and Data Word 2 registers. reserved 27:0 rw 0x0 reserved Register (can) XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW1_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW1_OFFSET Software Name TXFIFO_DW1 Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008038 can1: 0xE0009038 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit message fifo data word 1 Register XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XCANPS_DW1R_DB0_M ASK (DW1R_DB0) 31:24 rw 0x0 Data Byte 0 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has no data. XCANPS_DW1R_DB1_M ASK (DW1R_DB1) 23:16 rw 0x0 Data Byte 1 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 1 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW1R_DB2_M ASK (DW1R_DB2) 15:8 rw 0x0 Data Byte 2 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 2 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW1R_DB3_M ASK (DW1R_DB3) 7:0 rw 0x0 Data Byte 3 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 3 byte of data or fewer Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 825 Appendix B: Register Details Register (can) XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW2_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW2_OFFSET Software Name TXFIFO_DW2 Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000803C can1: 0xE000903C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit message fifo data word 2 Register XCANPS_TXFIFO_DW2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_DW2R_DB4_M ASK (DW2R_DB4) 31:24 rw 0x0 Data Byte 4 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 4 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB5_M ASK (DW2R_DB5) 23:16 rw 0x0 Data Byte 5 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 5 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB6_M ASK (DW2R_DB6) 15:8 rw 0x0 Data Byte 6 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 6 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB7_M ASK (DW2R_DB7) 7:0 rw 0x0 Data Byte 7 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has 7 byte of data or fewer Register (can) XCANPS_TXHPB_ID_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXHPB_ID_OFFSET Software Name TXHPB_ID Relative Address 0x00000040 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008040 can1: 0xE0009040 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit high priority buffer message identifier Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 826 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_TXHPB_ID_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_IDR_ID1_MAS K (IDR_ID1) 31:21 wo 0x0 Standard Message ID The Identifier portion for a Standard Frame is 11 bits. These bits indicate the Standard Frame ID. This field is valid for both Standard and Extended Frames. XCANPS_IDR_SRR_MAS K (IDR_SRR) 20 wo 0x0 Substitute Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for Standard Frames. For Extended frames, if writing '1' it sends '1' and if writing '0' it sends '0'. 1: Indicates that the message frame is a Remote Frame. 0: Indicates that the message frame is a Data Frame. XCANPS_IDR_IDE_MAS K (IDR_IDE) 19 wo 0x0 Identifier Extension This bit differentiates between frames using the Standard Identifier and those using the Extended Identifier. Valid for both Standard and Extended Frames. 1: Indicates the use of an Extended Message Identifier. 0: Indicates the use of a Standard Message Identifier. XCANPS_IDR_ID2_MAS K (IDR_ID2) 18:1 wo 0x0 Extended Message ID This field indicates the Extended Identifier. Valid only for Extended Frames. For Standard Frames, reads from this field return 0s. For Standard Frames, writes to this field should be 0s. XCANPS_IDR_RTR_MAS K (IDR_RTR) 0 wo 0x0 Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for Extended Frames. 1: Indicates the message object is a Remote Frame 0: Indicates the message object is a Data Frame For Standard Frames, reads from this bit returns 0 For Standard Frames, writes to this bit should be 0 Register (can) XCANPS_TXHPB_DLC_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXHPB_DLC_OFFSET Software Name TXHPB_DLC Relative Address 0x00000044 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008044 can1: 0xE0009044 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 827 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit high priority buffer data length code Register Details Register XCANPS_TXHPB_DLC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_DLCR_DLC_M ASK (DLCR_DLC) 31:28 rw 0x0 Data Length Code This is the data length portion of the control field of the CAN frame. This indicates the number valid data bytes in Data Word 1 and Data Word 2 registers. reserved 27:0 rw 0x0 reserved Register (can) XCANPS_TXHPB_DW1_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXHPB_DW1_OFFSET Software Name TXHPB_DW1 Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008048 can1: 0xE0009048 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit high priority buffer data word 1 Register XCANPS_TXHPB_DW1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XCANPS_DW1R_DB0_M ASK (DW1R_DB0) 31:24 rw 0x0 Data Byte 0 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has no data. XCANPS_DW1R_DB1_M ASK (DW1R_DB1) 23:16 rw 0x0 Data Byte 1 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 1 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW1R_DB2_M ASK (DW1R_DB2) 15:8 rw 0x0 Data Byte 2 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 2 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW1R_DB3_M ASK (DW1R_DB3) 7:0 rw 0x0 Data Byte 3 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 3 byte of data or fewer Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 828 Appendix B: Register Details Register (can) XCANPS_TXHPB_DW2_OFFSET Name XCANPS_TXHPB_DW2_OFFSET Software Name TXHPB_DW2 Relative Address 0x0000004C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000804C can1: 0xE000904C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description transmit high priority buffer data word 2 Register XCANPS_TXHPB_DW2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_DW2R_DB4_M ASK (DW2R_DB4) 31:24 rw 0x0 Data Byte 4 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 4 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB5_M ASK (DW2R_DB5) 23:16 rw 0x0 Data Byte 5 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 5 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB6_M ASK (DW2R_DB6) 15:8 rw 0x0 Data Byte 6 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 6 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB7_M ASK (DW2R_DB7) 7:0 rw 0x0 Data Byte 7 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has 7 byte of data or fewer Register (can) XCANPS_RXFIFO_ID_OFFSET Name XCANPS_RXFIFO_ID_OFFSET Software Name RXFIFO_ID Relative Address 0x00000050 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008050 can1: 0xE0009050 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description receive message fifo message identifier Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 829 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_RXFIFO_ID_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_IDR_ID1_MAS K (IDR_ID1) 31:21 ro x Standard Message ID The Identifier portion for a Standard Frame is 11 bits. These bits indicate the Standard Frame ID. This field is valid for both Standard and Extended Frames. XCANPS_IDR_SRR_MAS K (IDR_SRR) 20 ro x Substitute Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for Standard Frames. For Extended frames this bit is 1. 1: Indicates that the message frame is a Remote Frame. 0: Indicates that the message frame is a Data Frame. XCANPS_IDR_IDE_MAS K (IDR_IDE) 19 ro x Identifier Extension This bit differentiates between frames using the Standard Identifier and those using the Extended Identifier. Valid for both Standard and Extended Frames. 1: Indicates the use of an Extended Message Identifier. 0: Indicates the use of a Standard Message Identifier. XCANPS_IDR_ID2_MAS K (IDR_ID2) 18:1 ro x Extended Message ID This field indicates the Extended Identifier. Valid only for Extended Frames. For Standard Frames, reads from this field return 0s For Standard Frames, writes to this field should be 0s XCANPS_IDR_RTR_MAS K (IDR_RTR) 0 ro x Remote Transmission Request This bit differentiates between data frames and remote frames. Valid only for Extended Frames. 1: Indicates the message object is a Remote Frame 0: Indicates the message object is a Data Frame For Standard Frames, reads from this bit returns 0 For Standard Frames, writes to this bit should be 0 Register (can) XCANPS_RXFIFO_DLC_OFFSET Name XCANPS_RXFIFO_DLC_OFFSET Software Name RXFIFO_DLC Relative Address 0x00000054 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 830 Appendix B: Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008054 can1: 0xE0009054 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description receive message fifo data length code Register Details Register XCANPS_RXFIFO_DLC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_DLCR_DLC_M ASK (DLCR_DLC) 31:28 rw x Data Length Code This is the data length portion of the control field of the CAN frame. This indicates the number valid data bytes in Data Word 1 and Data Word 2 registers. reserved 27:16 rw x reserved RXT 15:0 rw x RX Timestamp Register (can) XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW1_OFFSET Name XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW1_OFFSET Software Name RXFIFO_DW1 Relative Address 0x00000058 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008058 can1: 0xE0009058 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description receive message fifo data word 1 Register XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XCANPS_DW1R_DB0_M ASK (DW1R_DB0) 31:24 rw x Data Byte 0 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has no data. XCANPS_DW1R_DB1_M ASK (DW1R_DB1) 23:16 rw x Data Byte 1 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 1 byte of data or fewer Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 831 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_DW1R_DB2_M ASK (DW1R_DB2) 15:8 rw x Data Byte 2 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 2 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW1R_DB3_M ASK (DW1R_DB3) 7:0 rw x Data Byte 3 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 3 byte of data or fewer Register (can) XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW2_OFFSET Name XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW2_OFFSET Software Name RXFIFO_DW2 Relative Address 0x0000005C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000805C can1: 0xE000905C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description receive message fifo data word 2 Register XCANPS_RXFIFO_DW2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XCANPS_DW2R_DB4_M ASK (DW2R_DB4) 31:24 rw x Data Byte 4 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 4 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB5_M ASK (DW2R_DB5) 23:16 rw x Data Byte 5 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 5 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB6_M ASK (DW2R_DB6) 15:8 rw x Data Byte 6 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has only 6 byte of data or fewer XCANPS_DW2R_DB7_M ASK (DW2R_DB7) 7:0 rw x Data Byte 7 Reads from this field return invalid data if the message has 7 byte of data or fewer Register (can) XCANPS_AFR_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFR_OFFSET Software Name AFR Relative Address 0x00000060 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 832 Appendix B: Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008060 can1: 0xE0009060 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Acceptance Filter Register Register Details Register XCANPS_AFR_OFFSET Details The Acceptance Filter Register (AFR) defines which acceptance filters to use. Each Acceptance Filter ID Register (AFIR) and Acceptance Filter Mask Register (AFMR) pair is associated with a UAF bit. When the UAF bit is '1,' the corresponding acceptance filter pair is used for acceptance filtering. When the UAF bit is '0,' the corresponding acceptance filter pair is not used for acceptance filtering. To modify an acceptance filter pair in Normal mode, the corresponding UAF bit in this register must be set to '0.'After the acceptance filter is modified, the corresponding UAF bit must be set to '1.'The following conditions govern the number of UAF bits that can exist in the. * If all UAF bits are set to '0,' then all received messages are stored in the RX FIFO * If the UAF bits are changed from a '1' to '0' during reception of a CAN message, the message may not be stored in the RX FIFO. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 reserved XCANPS_AFR_UAF4_M ASK (UAF4) 3 rw 0x0 Use Acceptance Filter Number 4 Enables the use of acceptance filter pair 4. 1: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 4 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 4 are used for acceptance filtering. 0: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 4 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 4 are not used for acceptance filtering. XCANPS_AFR_UAF3_M ASK (UAF3) 2 rw 0x0 Use Acceptance Filter Number 3 Enables the use of acceptance filter pair 3. 1: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 3 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 3 are used for acceptance filtering. 0: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 3 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 3 are not used for acceptance filtering. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 833 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XCANPS_AFR_UAF2_M ASK (UAF2) 1 rw 0x0 Use Acceptance Filter Number 2 Enables the use of acceptance filter pair 2. 1: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 2 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 2 are used for acceptance filtering. 0: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 2 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 2 are not used for acceptance filtering. XCANPS_AFR_UAF1_M ASK (UAF1) 0 rw 0x0 Use Acceptance Filter Number 1. Enables the use of acceptance filter pair 1. 1: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 1 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 1 are used for acceptance filtering. 0: Indicates Acceptance Filter Mask Register 1 and Acceptance Filter ID Register 1 are not used for acceptance filtering. Register (can) XCANPS_AFMR1_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFMR1_OFFSET Software Name AFMR1 Relative Address 0x00000064 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008064 can1: 0xE0009064 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter Mask Register 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 834 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_AFMR1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AMIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMSRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Mask This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Mask Used for masking the IDE bit in CAN frames. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 0, this mask is applicable to only Standard frames. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 1, this mask is applicable to only extended frames. If AMIDE = 0 this mask is applicable to both standard and extended frames. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 835 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AMIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask. This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. Register (can) XCANPS_AFIR1_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFIR1_OFFSET Software Name AFIR1 Relative Address 0x00000068 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008068 can1: 0xE0009068 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter ID Register 1 Register XCANPS_AFIR1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AIIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Standard Identifier AISRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Indicates the Remote Transmission Request bit for Standard frames AIIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Differentiates between Standard and Extended frames Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 836 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AIIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask Extended Identifier AIRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask RTR bit for Extended frames. Register (can) XCANPS_AFMR2_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFMR2_OFFSET Software Name AFMR2 Relative Address 0x0000006C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000806C can1: 0xE000906C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter Mask Register 2 Register XCANPS_AFMR2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AMIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMSRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Mask This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 837 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AMIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Mask Used for masking the IDE bit in CAN frames. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 0, this mask is applicable to only Standard frames. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 1, this mask is applicable to only extended frames. If AMIDE = 0 this mask is applicable to both standard and extended frames. AMIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask. This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. Register (can) XCANPS_AFIR2_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFIR2_OFFSET Software Name AFIR2 Relative Address 0x00000070 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008070 can1: 0xE0009070 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter ID Register 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 838 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_AFIR2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AIIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Standard Identifier AISRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Indicates the Remote Transmission Request bit for Standard frames AIIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Differentiates between Standard and Extended frames AIIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask Extended Identifier AIRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask RTR bit for Extended frames. Register (can) XCANPS_AFMR3_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFMR3_OFFSET Software Name AFMR3 Relative Address 0x00000074 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008074 can1: 0xE0009074 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter Mask Register 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 839 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_AFMR3_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AMIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMSRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Mask This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Mask Used for masking the IDE bit in CAN frames. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 0, this mask is applicable to only Standard frames. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 1, this mask is applicable to only extended frames. If AMIDE = 0 this mask is applicable to both standard and extended frames. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 840 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AMIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask. This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. Register (can) XCANPS_AFIR3_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFIR3_OFFSET Software Name AFIR3 Relative Address 0x00000078 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008078 can1: 0xE0009078 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter ID Register 3 Register XCANPS_AFIR3_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AIIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Standard Identifier AISRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Indicates the Remote Transmission Request bit for Standard frames AIIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Differentiates between Standard and Extended frames Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 841 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AIIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask Extended Identifier AIRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask RTR bit for Extended frames. Register (can) XCANPS_AFMR4_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFMR4_OFFSET Software Name AFMR4 Relative Address 0x0000007C Absolute Address can0: 0xE000807C can1: 0xE000907C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter Mask Register 4 Register XCANPS_AFMR4_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AMIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMSRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Mask This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in a Standard Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 842 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AMIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Mask Used for masking the IDE bit in CAN frames. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 0, this mask is applicable to only Standard frames. If AMIDE = 1 and the AIIDE bit in the corresponding Acceptance ID register is 1, this mask is applicable to only extended frames. If AMIDE = 0 this mask is applicable to both standard and extended frames. AMIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask These bits are used for masking the Identifier in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. AMRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask. This bit is used for masking the RTR bit in an Extended Frame. 1: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is used when comparing the incoming message identifier. 0: Indicates the corresponding bit in Acceptance Mask ID Register is not used when comparing the incoming message identifier. Register (can) XCANPS_AFIR4_OFFSET Name XCANPS_AFIR4_OFFSET Software Name AFIR4 Relative Address 0x00000080 Absolute Address can0: 0xE0008080 can1: 0xE0009080 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Acceptance Filter ID Register 4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 843 Appendix B: Register Details Register XCANPS_AFIR4_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AIIDH 31:21 rw x Standard Message ID Standard Identifier AISRR 20 rw x Substitute Remote Transmission Request Indicates the Remote Transmission Request bit for Standard frames AIIDE 19 rw x Identifier Extension Differentiates between Standard and Extended frames AIIDL 18:1 rw x Extended Message ID Mask Extended Identifier AIRTR 0 rw x Remote Transmission Request Mask RTR bit for Extended frames. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 844 Appendix B: Register Details B.6 DDR Memory Controller (ddrc) Module Name DDR Memory Controller (ddrc) Base Address 0xF8006000 ddrc Description DDR memory controller Vendor Info Virage Logic/Synopsys Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description ddrc_ctrl 0x00000000 32 rw 0x00000200 DDRC Control Two_rank_cfg 0x00000004 29 rw 0x000C1076 Two Rank Configuration HPR_reg 0x00000008 26 rw 0x03C0780F HPR Queue control LPR_reg 0x0000000C 26 rw 0x03C0780F LPR Queue control WR_reg 0x00000010 26 rw 0x0007F80F WR Queue control DRAM_param_reg0 0x00000014 21 rw 0x00041016 DRAM Parameters 0 DRAM_param_reg1 0x00000018 32 rw 0x351B48D9 DRAM Parameters 1 DRAM_param_reg2 0x0000001C 32 rw 0x83015904 DRAM Parameters 2 DRAM_param_reg3 0x00000020 32 mixed 0x250882D0 DRAM Parameters 3 DRAM_param_reg4 0x00000024 28 mixed 0x0000003C DRAM Parameters 4 DRAM_init_param 0x00000028 14 rw 0x00002007 DRAM Initialization Parameters DRAM_EMR_reg 0x0000002C 32 rw 0x00000008 DRAM EMR2, EMR3 access DRAM_EMR_MR_reg 0x00000030 32 rw 0x00000940 DRAM EMR, MR access DRAM_burst8_rdwr 0x00000034 29 mixed 0x00020034 DRAM Burst 8 read/write DRAM_disable_DQ 0x00000038 13 mixed 0x00000000 DRAM Disable DQ DRAM_addr_map_bank 0x0000003C 20 rw 0x00000F77 Row/Column address bits DRAM_addr_map_col 0x00000040 32 rw 0xFFF00000 Column address bits DRAM_addr_map_row 0x00000044 28 rw 0x0FF55555 Select DRAM row address bits DRAM_ODT_reg 0x00000048 30 rw 0x00000249 DRAM ODT control phy_dbg_reg 0x0000004C 20 ro 0x00000000 PHY debug phy_cmd_timeout_rdda ta_cpt 0x00000050 32 mixed 0x00010200 PHY command time out and read data capture FIFO mode_sts_reg 0x00000054 21 ro 0x00000000 Controller operation mode status DLL_calib 0x00000058 17 rw 0x00000101 DLL calibration ODT_delay_hold 0x0000005C 16 rw 0x00000023 ODT delay and ODT hold ctrl_reg1 0x00000060 13 mixed 0x0000003E Controller 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 845 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description ctrl_reg2 0x00000064 18 mixed 0x00020000 Controller 2 ctrl_reg3 0x00000068 26 rw 0x00284027 Controller 3 ctrl_reg4 0x0000006C 16 rw 0x00001610 Controller 4 ctrl_reg5 0x00000078 32 mixed 0x00455111 Controller register 5 ctrl_reg6 0x0000007C 32 mixed 0x00032222 Controller register 6 CHE_REFRESH_TIMER0 1 0x000000A0 24 rw 0x00008000 CHE_REFRESH_TIMER01 CHE_T_ZQ 0x000000A4 32 rw 0x10300802 ZQ parameters CHE_T_ZQ_Short_Interv al_Reg 0x000000A8 28 rw 0x0020003A Misc parameters deep_pwrdwn_reg 0x000000AC 9 rw 0x00000000 Deep powerdown (LPDDR2) reg_2c 0x000000B0 29 mixed 0x00000000 Training control reg_2d 0x000000B4 11 rw 0x00000200 Misc Debug dfi_timing 0x000000B8 25 rw 0x00200067 DFI timing CHE_ECC_CONTROL_RE G_OFFSET 0x000000C4 2 rw 0x00000000 ECC error clear CHE_CORR_ECC_LOG_R EG_OFFSET 0x000000C8 8 mixed 0x00000000 ECC error correction CHE_CORR_ECC_ADDR_ REG_OFFSET 0x000000CC 31 ro 0x00000000 ECC error correction address log CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_ 31_0_REG_OFFSET 0x000000D0 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC error correction data log low CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_ 63_32_REG_OFFSET 0x000000D4 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC error correction data log mid CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_ 71_64_REG_OFFSET 0x000000D8 8 ro 0x00000000 ECC error correction data log high CHE_UNCORR_ECC_LO G_REG_OFFSET 0x000000DC 1 clron wr 0x00000000 ECC unrecoverable error status CHE_UNCORR_ECC_AD DR_REG_OFFSET 0x000000E0 31 ro 0x00000000 ECC unrecoverable error address CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DA TA_31_0_REG_OFFSET 0x000000E4 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC unrecoverable error data low CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DA TA_63_32_REG_OFFSET 0x000000E8 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC unrecoverable error data middle CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DA TA_71_64_REG_OFFSET 0x000000EC 8 ro 0x00000000 ECC unrecoverable error data high CHE_ECC_STATS_REG_O FFSET 0x000000F0 16 clron wr 0x00000000 ECC error count ECC_scrub 0x000000F4 4 rw 0x00000008 ECC mode/scrub CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_M ASK_31_0_REG_OFFSET 0x000000F8 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC data mask low Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 846 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_M ASK_63_32_REG_OFFSE T 0x000000FC 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC data mask high phy_rcvr_enable 0x00000114 8 rw 0x00000000 Phy receiver enable register PHY_Config0 0x00000118 31 rw 0x40000001 PHY configuration register for data slice 0. PHY_Config1 0x0000011C 31 rw 0x40000001 PHY configuration register for data slice 1. PHY_Config2 0x00000120 31 rw 0x40000001 PHY configuration register for data slice 2. PHY_Config3 0x00000124 31 rw 0x40000001 PHY configuration register for data slice 3. phy_init_ratio0 0x0000012C 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY init ratio register for data slice 0. phy_init_ratio1 0x00000130 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY init ratio register for data slice 1. phy_init_ratio2 0x00000134 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY init ratio register for data slice 2. phy_init_ratio3 0x00000138 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY init ratio register for data slice 3. phy_rd_dqs_cfg0 0x00000140 20 rw 0x00000040 PHY read DQS configuration register for data slice 0. phy_rd_dqs_cfg1 0x00000144 20 rw 0x00000040 PHY read DQS configuration register for data slice 1. phy_rd_dqs_cfg2 0x00000148 20 rw 0x00000040 PHY read DQS configuration register for data slice 2. phy_rd_dqs_cfg3 0x0000014C 20 rw 0x00000040 PHY read DQS configuration register for data slice 3. phy_wr_dqs_cfg0 0x00000154 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY write DQS configuration register for data slice 0. phy_wr_dqs_cfg1 0x00000158 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY write DQS configuration register for data slice 1. phy_wr_dqs_cfg2 0x0000015C 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY write DQS configuration register for data slice 2. phy_wr_dqs_cfg3 0x00000160 20 rw 0x00000000 PHY write DQS configuration register for data slice 3. phy_we_cfg0 0x00000168 21 rw 0x00000040 PHY FIFO write enable configuration for data slice 0. phy_we_cfg1 0x0000016C 21 rw 0x00000040 PHY FIFO write enable configuration for data slice 1. phy_we_cfg2 0x00000170 21 rw 0x00000040 PHY FIFO write enable configuration for data slice 2. phy_we_cfg3 0x00000174 21 rw 0x00000040 PHY FIFO write enable configuration for data slice 3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 847 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description wr_data_slv0 0x0000017C 20 rw 0x00000080 PHY write data slave ratio config for data slice 0. wr_data_slv1 0x00000180 20 rw 0x00000080 PHY write data slave ratio config for data slice 1. wr_data_slv2 0x00000184 20 rw 0x00000080 PHY write data slave ratio config for data slice 2. wr_data_slv3 0x00000188 20 rw 0x00000080 PHY write data slave ratio config for data slice 3. reg_64 0x00000190 32 rw 0x10020000 Training control 2 reg_65 0x00000194 20 rw 0x00000000 Training control 3 reg69_6a0 0x000001A4 29 ro 0x00070000 Training results for data slice 0. reg69_6a1 0x000001A8 29 ro 0x00060200 Training results for data slice 1. reg6c_6d2 0x000001B0 28 ro 0x00040600 Training results for data slice 2. reg6c_6d3 0x000001B4 28 ro 0x00000E00 Training results for data slice 3. reg6e_710 0x000001B8 30 ro x Training results (2) for data slice 0. reg6e_711 0x000001BC 30 ro x Training results (2) for data slice 1. reg6e_712 0x000001C0 30 ro x Training results (2) for data slice 2. reg6e_713 0x000001C4 30 ro x Training results (2) for data slice 3. phy_dll_sts0 0x000001CC 27 ro 0x00000000 Slave DLL results for data slice 0. phy_dll_sts1 0x000001D0 27 ro 0x00000000 Slave DLL results for data slice 1. phy_dll_sts2 0x000001D4 27 ro 0x00000000 Slave DLL results for data slice 2. phy_dll_sts3 0x000001D8 27 ro 0x00000000 Slave DLL results for data slice 3. dll_lock_sts 0x000001E0 24 ro 0x00F00000 DLL Lock Status, read phy_ctrl_sts 0x000001E4 30 ro x PHY Control status, read phy_ctrl_sts_reg2 0x000001E8 27 ro 0x00000013 PHY Control status (2), read axi_id 0x00000200 26 ro 0x00153042 ID and revision information page_mask 0x00000204 32 rw 0x00000000 Page mask axi_priority_wr_port0 0x00000208 20 mixed 0x000803FF AXI Priority control for write port 0. axi_priority_wr_port1 0x0000020C 20 mixed 0x000803FF AXI Priority control for write port 1. axi_priority_wr_port2 0x00000210 20 mixed 0x000803FF AXI Priority control for write port 2. axi_priority_wr_port3 0x00000214 20 mixed 0x000803FF AXI Priority control for write port 3. axi_priority_rd_port0 0x00000218 20 mixed 0x000003FF AXI Priority control for read port 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 848 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description axi_priority_rd_port1 0x0000021C 20 mixed 0x000003FF AXI Priority control for read port 1. axi_priority_rd_port2 0x00000220 20 mixed 0x000003FF AXI Priority control for read port 2. axi_priority_rd_port3 0x00000224 20 mixed 0x000003FF AXI Priority control for read port 3. excl_access_cfg0 0x00000294 18 rw 0x00000000 Exclusive access configuration for port 0. excl_access_cfg1 0x00000298 18 rw 0x00000000 Exclusive access configuration for port 1. excl_access_cfg2 0x0000029C 18 rw 0x00000000 Exclusive access configuration for port 2. excl_access_cfg3 0x000002A0 18 rw 0x00000000 Exclusive access configuration for port 3. mode_reg_read 0x000002A4 32 ro 0x00000000 Mode register read data lpddr_ctrl0 0x000002A8 12 rw 0x00000000 LPDDR2 Control 0 lpddr_ctrl1 0x000002AC 32 rw 0x00000000 LPDDR2 Control 1 lpddr_ctrl2 0x000002B0 22 rw 0x003C0015 LPDDR2 Control 2 lpddr_ctrl3 0x000002B4 18 rw 0x00000601 LPDDR2 Control 3 Register (ddrc) ddrc_ctrl Name ddrc_ctrl Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8006000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000200 Description DDRC Control Register ddrc_ctrl Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:17 rw 0x0 reserved reg_ddrc_dis_auto_refr esh 16 rw 0x0 Disable auto-refresh. 0: do not disable auto-refresh. 1: disable auto-refresh. Dynamic Bit Field. Note: When this transitions from 0 to 1, any pending refreshes will be immediately scheduled by the controller. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 849 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_dis_act_bypas s 15 rw 0x0 Only present in designs supporting activate bypass. For Debug only. 0: Do not disable bypass path for high priority read activates. 1: disable bypass path for high priority read activates. reg_ddrc_dis_rd_bypass 14 rw 0x0 Only present in designs supporting read bypass. For Debug only. 0: Do not disable bypass path for high priority read page hits. 1: disable bypass path for high priority read page hits. reg_ddrc_rdwr_idle_ga p 13:7 rw 0x4 When the preferred transaction store is empty for this many clock cycles, switch to the alternate transaction store if it is non-empty. The read transaction store (both high and low priority) is the default preferred transaction store and the write transaction store is the alternate store. When 'Prefer write over read' is set this is reversed. reg_ddrc_burst8_refres h 6:4 rw 0x0 Refresh timeout. Programmed value plus one will be the number of refresh timeouts that will be allowed to accumulate before traffic is blocked and the refreshes are forced to execute. Closing pages to perform a refresh is a one-time penalty that must be paid for each group of refreshes; therefore, performing refreshes in a burst reduces the per-refresh penalty of these page closings. Higher numbers for burst_of_N_refresh slightly increases DRAM utilization; lower numbers decreases the worst-case latency associated with refreshes. 0: single refresh 1: burst-of-2 ... 7: burst-of-8 refresh reg_ddrc_data_bus_wid th 3:2 rw 0x0 DDR bus width control 00: 32-bit 01: 16-bit 1x: reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 850 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_powerdown_e n 1 rw 0x0 Controller power down control. Update during normal operation. Enable the controller to powerdown after it becomes idle. Dynamic Bit Field. 0: disable 1: enable reg_ddrc_soft_rstb 0 rw 0x0 Active low soft reset. Update during normal operation. 0: Resets the controller 1: Takes the controller out of reset. Dynamic Bit Field. Note: Software changes DRAM controller register values only when the controller is in the reset state, except for bit fields that can be dymanically updated. Register (ddrc) Two_rank_cfg Name Two_rank_cfg Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8006004 Width 29 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000C1076 Description Two Rank Configuration Register Two_rank_cfg Details Most of this register only applies to a dual rank DRAM system Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 28 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 27 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 21 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 20:19 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_ddrc_addrmap_cs_ bit0 18:14 rw 0x10 Must be manually set to 0x0 reserved 13:12 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_ddrc_t_rfc_nom_x3 2 11:0 rw 0x76 tREFI - Average time between refreshes. Unit: in multiples of 32 clocks. DRAM related. Default value is set for DDR3. Dynamic Bit Field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 851 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) HPR_reg Name HPR_reg Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF8006008 Width 26 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x03C0780F Description HPR Queue control Register HPR_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_hpr_xact_run_ length 25:22 rw 0xF Number of transactions that will be serviced once the HPR queue goes critical is the smaller of this number and the number of transactions available. reg_ddrc_hpr_max_star ve_x32 21:11 rw 0xF Number of clocks that the HPR queue can be starved before it goes critical. Unit: 32 clocks reg_ddrc_hpr_min_non _critical_x32 10:0 rw 0xF Number of counts that the HPR queue is guaranteed to be non-critical (1 count = 32 DDR clocks). Register (ddrc) LPR_reg Name LPR_reg Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF800600C Width 26 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x03C0780F Description LPR Queue control Register LPR_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reg_ddrc_lpr_xact_run_l ength 25:22 rw 0xF Number of transactions that will be serviced once the LPR queue goes critical is the smaller of this number and the number of transactions available reg_ddrc_lpr_max_starv e_x32 21:11 rw 0xF Number of clocks that the LPR queue can be starved before it goes critical. Unit: 32 clocks reg_ddrc_lpr_min_non_ critical_x32 10:0 rw 0xF Number of clocks that the LPR queue is guaranteed to be non-critical. Unit: 32 clocks Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 852 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) WR_reg Name WR_reg Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xF8006010 Width 26 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0007F80F Description WR Queue control Register WR_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_w_max_starve _x32 25:15 rw 0xF Number of clocks that the Write queue can be starved before it goes critical. Unit: 32 clocks. FOR PERFORMANCE ONLY. reg_ddrc_w_xact_run_le ngth 14:11 rw 0xF Number of transactions that will be serviced once the WR queue goes critical is the smaller of this number and the number of transactions available reg_ddrc_w_min_non_c ritical_x32 10:0 rw 0xF Number of clock cycles that the WR queue is guaranteed to be non-critical. Register (ddrc) DRAM_param_reg0 Name DRAM_param_reg0 Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xF8006014 Width 21 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00041016 Description DRAM Parameters 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 853 Appendix B: Register Details Register DRAM_param_reg0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_post_selfref_g ap_x32 20:14 rw 0x10 Minimum time to wait after coming out of self refresh before doing anything. This must be bigger than all the constraints that exist. (spec: Maximum of tXSNR and tXSRD and tXSDLL which is 512 clocks). Unit: in multiples of 32 clocks. DRAM Related reg_ddrc_t_rfc_min 13:6 rw 0x40 tRFC(min) - Minimum time (units = clk cycles) from refresh to refresh or activate. DRAM Related. Default value is set for DDR3. Dynamic Bit Field. reg_ddrc_t_rc 5:0 rw 0x16 tRC - Min time between activates to same bank. DRAM Related. Default value is set for DDR3. Register (ddrc) DRAM_param_reg1 Name DRAM_param_reg1 Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xF8006018 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x351B48D9 Description DRAM Parameters 1 Register DRAM_param_reg1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_t_cke 31:28 rw 0x3 Minimum number of cycles of CKE HIGH/LOW during power down and self refresh. DDR2 and DDR3: Set this to tCKE value. LPDDR2: Set this to the larger of tCKE or tCKESR. Unit: clocks. reg_ddrc_t_ras_min 26:22 rw 0x14 tRAS(min) - Minimum time between activate and precharge to the same bank. Unit: clocks DRAM related. Default value is set for DDR3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 854 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_t_ras_max 21:16 rw 0x1B tRAS(max) - Maximum time between activate and precharge to same bank. Maximum time that a page can be kept open (spec is 70 us). If this is zero then the page is closed after each transaction. Unit: Multiples of 1024 clocks DRAM related. reg_ddrc_t_faw 15:10 rw 0x12 tFAW - At most 4 banks must be activated in a rolling window of tFAW cycles. Unit: clocks. DRAM Related. reg_ddrc_powerdown_t o_x32 9:5 rw 0x6 After this many clocks of NOP or DESELECT the controller will put the DRAM into power down. This must be enabled in the Master Control Register. Unit: Multiples of 32 clocks. reg_ddrc_wr2pre 4:0 rw 0x19 Minimum time between write and precharge to same bank DDR and DDR3: WL + BL/2 + tWR LPDDR2: WL + BL/2 + tWR + 1 Unit: Clocks Where, WL: write latency. BL: burst length. This must match the value programmed in the BL bit of the mode register to the DRAM. BST is not supported at present. tWR: write recovery time. This comes directly from the DRAM specs. Register (ddrc) DRAM_param_reg2 Name DRAM_param_reg2 Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xF800601C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x83015904 Description DRAM Parameters 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 855 Appendix B: Register Details Register DRAM_param_reg2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_t_rcd 31:28 rw 0x8 tRCD - AL Minimum time from activate to read or write command to same bank. Min value for this is 1. AL = Additive Latency. DRAM Related. reg_ddrc_rd2pre 27:23 rw 0x6 Minimum time from read to precharge of same bank DDR2: AL + BL/2 + max(tRTP, 2) - 2 DDR3: AL + max (tRTP, 4) LPDDR2: BL/2 + tRTP - 1 AL: Additive Latency; BL: DRAM Burst Length; tRTP: value from spec. DRAM related. reg_ddrc_pad_pd 22:20 rw 0x0 If pads have a power-saving mode, this is the greater of the time for the pads to enter power down or the time for the pads to exit power down. Used only in non-DFI designs. Unit: clocks. reg_ddrc_t_xp 19:15 rw 0x2 tXP: Minimum time after power down exit to any operation. DRAM related. reg_ddrc_wr2rd 14:10 rw 0x16 Minimum time from write command to read command. Includes time for bus turnaround and recovery times and all per-bank, per-rank, and global constraints. DDR2 and DDR3: WL + tWTR + BL/2 LPDDR2: WL + tWTR + BL/2 + 1 Unit: clocks. Where, WL: Write latency. BL: burst length. This must match the value programmed in the BL bit of the mode register to the DRAM. tWTR: internal WRITE to READ command delay. This comes directly from the DRAM specs. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 856 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_rd2wr 9:5 rw 0x8 Minimum time from read command to write command. Include time for bus turnaround and all per-bank, per-rank, and global constraints. DDR2 and DDR3: RL + BL/2 + 2 - WL LPDDR2: RL + BL/2 + RU (tDQSCKmax / tCK) + 1 WL Write Pre-amble and DQ/DQS jitter timer is included in the above equation. DRAM RELATED. reg_ddrc_write_latency 4:0 rw 0x4 Time from write command to write data on DDRC to PHY Interface. (PHY adds an extra flop delay on the write data path; hence this value is one less than the write latency of the DRAM device itself). DDR2 and DDR3: WL -1 LPDDR2: WL Where, WL: Write Latency of DRAM DRAM related. In non-LPDDR mode, the minimum DRAM Write Latency (DDR2) supported is 3. In LPDDR mode, the required DRAM Write Latency of 1 is supported. Since write latency (CWL) min is 3, and DDR2 CWL is CL-1, the min (DDR2) CL supported is 4 Register (ddrc) DRAM_param_reg3 Name DRAM_param_reg3 Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xF8006020 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x250882D0 Description DRAM Parameters 3 Register DRAM_param_reg3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_ddrc_dis_pad_pd 30 rw 0x0 1: disable the pad power down feature 0: Enable the pad power down feature. reg_phy_mode_ddr1_d dr2 29 rw 0x1 unused Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 857 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_read_latency 28:24 rw 0x5 Non-LPDDR2: not used. DDR2 and DDR3: Set to Read Latency, RL. Time from Read command to Read data on DRAM interface. It is used to calculate when DRAM clock may be stopped. Unit: DDR clock. reg_ddrc_en_dfi_dram_ clk_disable 23 rw 0x0 Enables the assertion of ddrc_dfi_dram_clk_disable. In DDR2/DDR3, only asserted in Self Refresh. In mDDR/LPDDR2, can be asserted in following: - during normal operation (Clock Stop), - in Power Down - in Self Refresh - In Deep Power Down reg_ddrc_mobile 22 rw 0x0 0: DDR2 or DDR3 device. 1: LPDDR2 device. reg_ddrc_sdram 21 rw 0x0 Must be set = 0. reg_ddrc_refresh_to_x3 2 20:16 rw 0x8 If the refresh timer (tRFC_nom, as known as tREFI) has expired at least once, but it has not expired burst_of_N_refresh times yet, then a 'speculative refresh' may be performed. A speculative refresh is a refresh performed at a time when refresh would be useful, but before it is absolutely required. When the DRAM bus is idle for a period of time determined by this refresh idle timeout and the refresh timer has expired at least once since the last refresh, then a 'speculative refresh' will be performed. Speculative refreshes will continue successively until there are no refreshes pending or until new reads or writes are issued to the controller. Dynamic Bit Field. reg_ddrc_t_rp 15:12 rw 0x8 tRP - Minimum time from precharge to activate of same bank. DRAM RELATED reg_ddrc_refresh_margi n 11:8 rw 0x2 Issue critical refresh or page close this many cycles before the critical refresh or page timer expires. It is recommended that this not be changed from the default value. reg_ddrc_t_rrd 7:5 rw 0x6 tRRD - Minimum time between activates from bank A to bank B. (spec: 10ns or less) DRAM RELATED reg_ddrc_t_ccd 4:2 rw 0x4 tCCD - Minimum time between two reads or two writes (from bank a to bank b). DRAM related. reserved 1:0 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 858 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) DRAM_param_reg4 Name DRAM_param_reg4 Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xF8006024 Width 28 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x0000003C Description DRAM Parameters 4 Register DRAM_param_reg4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_mr_rdata_vali d 27 clronr d 0x0 This bit indicates whether the Mode Register Read Data present at address 0xA9 is valid or not. This bit is 0 by default. This bit will be cleared (0), whenever a Mode Register Read command is issued. This bit will be set to 1, when the Mode Register Read Data is written to register 0xA9. reg_ddrc_mr_type 26 rw 0x0 Indicates whether the Mode register operation is read or write 0: write 1: read ddrc_reg_mr_wr_busy 25 ro 0x0 Core must initiate a MR write / read operation only if this signal is low. This signal goes high in the clock after the controller accepts the write / read request. It goes low when (i) MR write command has been issued to the DRAM (ii) MR Read data has been returned to Controller. Any MR write / read command that is received when 'ddrc_reg_mr_wr_busy' is high is not accepted. 0: Indicates that the core can initiate a mode register write / read operation. 1: Indicates that mode register write / read operation is in progress. reg_ddrc_mr_data 24:9 rw 0x0 DDR2 and DDR3: Mode register write data. LPDDR2: The 16 bits are interpreted for reads and writes: Reads: MR Addr[7:0], Don't Care[7:0]. Writes: MR Addr[7:0], MR Data[7:0]. reg_ddrc_mr_addr 8:7 rw 0x0 DDR2 and DDR3: Mode register address. LPDDR2: not used. 00: MR0 01: MR1 10: MR2 11: MR3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 859 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_mr_wr 6 wo 0x0 A low to high signal on this signal will do a mode register write or read. Controller will accept this command, if this signal is detected high and "ddrc_reg_mr_wr_busy" is detected low. reserved 5:2 rw 0xF Reserved. Do not modify. reg_ddrc_prefer_write 1 rw 0x0 0: Bank selector prefers reads over writes 1: Bank selector prefers writes over reads reg_ddrc_en_2t_timing_ mode 0 rw 0x0 1: DDRC will use 2T timing 0: DDRC will use 1T timing Register (ddrc) DRAM_init_param Name DRAM_init_param Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address 0xF8006028 Width 14 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00002007 Description DRAM Initialization Parameters Register DRAM_init_param Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_t_mrd 13:11 rw 0x4 tMRD - Cycles between Load Mode commands. DRAM related. Default value is set for DDR3. reg_ddrc_pre_ocd_x32 10:7 rw 0x0 Wait period before driving the 'OCD Complete' command to DRAM. Units are in counts of a global timer that pulses every 32 clock cycles. There is no known spec requirement for this. It may be set to zero. reg_ddrc_final_wait_x3 2 6:0 rw 0x7 Cycles to wait after completing the DRAM init sequence before starting the dynamic scheduler. Units are in counts of a global timer that pulses every 32 clock cycles. Default value is set for DDR3. Register (ddrc) DRAM_EMR_reg Name DRAM_EMR_reg Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address 0xF800602C Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 860 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000008 Description DRAM EMR2, EMR3 access Register Details Register DRAM_EMR_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_emr3 31:16 rw 0x0 DDR2: Value loaded into EMR3 register DDR3: Value loaded into MR3 register. Set Bit[2:0] to 3'b000. These bits are set appropriately by the Controller during Read Data eye training and Read DQS gate leveling. LPDDR2: Unused reg_ddrc_emr2 15:0 rw 0x8 DDR2: Value loaded into EMR2 register DDR3: Value loaded into MR2 register LPDDR2: Value loaded into MR3 register Register (ddrc) DRAM_EMR_MR_reg Name DRAM_EMR_MR_reg Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address 0xF8006030 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000940 Description DRAM EMR, MR access Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 861 Appendix B: Register Details Register DRAM_EMR_MR_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_emr 31:16 rw 0x0 DDR2: Value loaded into EMR1 register. (Bits[9:7] are for OCD and the setting in this reg is ignored. Controller sets this bits appropriately during initialization DDR3: Value loaded into MR1 register. Set Bit[7] to 0. This bit is set appropriately by the Controller during Write Leveling LPDDR2: Value loaded into MR2 register reg_ddrc_mr 15:0 rw 0x940 DDR2: Value loaded into MR register. (Bit[8] is for DLL and the setting here is ignored. Controller sets this bit appropriately DDR3: Value loaded into MR0 register. LPDDR2: Value loaded into MR1 register Register (ddrc) DRAM_burst8_rdwr Name DRAM_burst8_rdwr Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address 0xF8006034 Width 29 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00020034 Description DRAM Burst 8 read/write Register DRAM_burst8_rdwr Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_burstchop 28 rw 0x0 Feature not supported. When 1, Controller is out in burstchop mode. reserved 27:26 ro 0x0 Reserved reg_ddrc_post_cke_x10 24 25:16 rw 0x2 Clock cycles to wait after driving CKE high to start the DRAM initialization sequence. Units: 1024 clocks. DDR2 typically require a 400 ns delay, requiring this value to be programmed to 2 at all clock speeds. LPDDR2 - Typically require this to be programmed for a delay of 200 us. reserved 15:14 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 862 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_pre_cke_x102 4 13:4 rw 0x3 Clock cycles to wait after a DDR software reset before driving CKE high to start the DRAM initialization sequence. Units: 1024 clock cycles. DDR2 Specifications typically require this to be programmed for a delay of >= 200 uS. LPDDR2 - tINIT0 of 20 mS (max) + tINIT1 of 100 nS (min) reg_ddrc_burst_rdwr 3:0 rw 0x4 Controls the burst size used to access the DRAM. This must match the BL mode register setting in the DRAM. 0010: Burst length of 4 0100: Burst length of 8 1000: Burst length of 16 (LPDDR2 with 16-bit data) All other values are reserved Register (ddrc) DRAM_disable_DQ Name DRAM_disable_DQ Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address 0xF8006038 Width 13 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DRAM Disable DQ Register DRAM_disable_DQ Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 12:9 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 5:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 863 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_dis_dq 1 rw 0x0 When 1, DDRC will not de-queue any transactions from the CAM. Bypass will also be disabled. All transactions will be queued in the CAM. This is for debug only; no reads or writes are issued to DRAM as long as this is asserted. Dynamic Bit Field. reg_ddrc_force_low_pri _n 0 rw 0x0 Read Transaction Priority disable. 0: read transactions forced to low priority (turns off Bypass). 1: HPR reads allowed if enabled in the AXI priority read registers. Register (ddrc) DRAM_addr_map_bank Name DRAM_addr_map_bank Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address 0xF800603C Width 20 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000F77 Description Row/Column address bits Register DRAM_addr_map_bank Details Note: address bits are relative to a byte address. For example, the value 0x777 in bits[11:0] selects byte address bits [14:12] as bank address bits. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b6 19:16 rw 0x0 Full bus width mode: Selects the address bits used as column address bits 7. Half bus width mode: Selects the address bits used as column address bits 8. Valid range is 0-7. Internal Base 9. The selected address bit for each of the column address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b5 15:12 rw 0x0 Full bus width mode: Selects the address bits used as column address bits 6. Half bus width mode: Selects the address bits used as column address bits 7. Valid range is 0-7. Internal Base 8. The selected address bit for each of the column address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 864 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_addrmap_ban k_b2 11:8 rw 0xF Selects the AXI address bit used as bank address bit 2. Valid range 0 to 14, and 15. Internal Base: 7. The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, bank address bit 2 is set to 0. reg_ddrc_addrmap_ban k_b1 7:4 rw 0x7 Selects the address bits used as bank address bit 1. Valid Range: 0 to 14; Internal Base: 6. The selected address bit for each of the bank address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. reg_ddrc_addrmap_ban k_b0 3:0 rw 0x7 Selects the address bits used as bank address bit 0. Valid Range: 0 to 14. Internal Base: 5. The selected address bit for each of the bank address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. Register (ddrc) DRAM_addr_map_col Name DRAM_addr_map_col Relative Address 0x00000040 Absolute Address 0xF8006040 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFF00000 Description Column address bits Register DRAM_addr_map_col Details Selects the address bits used as DRAM column address bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 865 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b11 31:28 rw 0xF Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 13. (Column address bit 12 in LPDDR2 mode) Half bus width mode: Unused. To make it unused, this should be set to 15. (Column address bit 13 in LPDDR2 mode) Valid Range: 0 to 7, and 15. Internal Base: 14. The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, this column address bit is set to 0. Note: Per JEDEC DDR2 spec, column address bit 10 is reserved for indicating auto-precharge, and hence no source address bit can be mapped to column address bit 10. In LPDDR2, there is a dedicated bit for auto-precharge in the CA bus, and hence column bit 10 is used. reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b10 27:24 rw 0xF Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 12. (Column address bit 11 in LPDDR2 mode) Half bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 13. (Column address bit 12 in LPDDR2 mode) Valid Range: 0 to 7, and 15. Internal Base: 13 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, this column address bit is set to 0. Note: Per JEDEC DDR2 spec, column address bit 10 is reserved for indicating auto-precharge, and hence no source address bit can be mapped to column address bit 10. In LPDDR2, there is a dedicated bit for auto-precharge in the CA bus, and hence column bit 10 is used. reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b9 23:20 rw 0xF Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 11. (Column address bit 10 in LPDDR2 mode) Half bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 12. (Column address bit 11 in LPDDR2 mode) Valid Range: 0 to 7, and 15 Internal Base: 12 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, this column address bit is set to 0. Note: Per JEDEC DDR2 spec, column address bit 10 is reserved for indicating auto-precharge, and hence no source address bit can be mapped to column address bit 10. In LPDDR2, there is a dedicated bit for auto-precharge in the CA bus, and hence column bit 10 is used. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 866 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b8 19:16 rw 0x0 Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 9. Half bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 11. (Column address bit 10 in LPDDR2 mode) Valid Range: 0 to 7, and 15 Internal Base: 11 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, this column address bit is set to 0. Note: Per JEDEC spec, column address bit 10 is reserved for indicating auto-precharge, and hence no source address bit can be mapped to column address bit 10. In LPDDR2, there is a dedicated bit for auto-precharge in the CA bus, and hence column bit 10 is used. reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b7 15:12 rw 0x0 Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 8. Half bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 9. Valid Range: 0 to 7, and 15. Internal Base: 10. The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, this column address bit is set to 0. Note: Per JEDEC spec, column address bit 10 is reserved for indicating auto-precharge, and hence no source address bit can be mapped to column address bit 10.In LPDDR2, there is a dedicated bit for auto-precharge in the CA bus, and hence column bit 10 is used. reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b4 11:8 rw 0x0 Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 5. Half bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 6. Valid Range: 0 to 7. Internal Base: 7. The selected address bit for each of the column address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 867 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b3 7:4 rw 0x0 Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 4. Half bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 5. Valid Range: 0 to 7 Internal Base: 6 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. reg_ddrc_addrmap_col_ b2 3:0 rw 0x0 Full bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 3. Half bus width mode: Selects the address bit used as column address bit 4. Valid Range: 0 to 7. Internal Base: 5 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. Register (ddrc) DRAM_addr_map_row Name DRAM_addr_map_row Relative Address 0x00000044 Absolute Address 0xF8006044 Width 28 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0FF55555 Description Select DRAM row address bits Register DRAM_addr_map_row Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reg_ddrc_addrmap_row _b15 27:24 rw 0xF Selects the AXI address bit used as row address bit 15. Valid Range: 0 to 5, Internal Base: 24 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, row address bit 15 is set to 0. reg_ddrc_addrmap_row _b14 23:20 rw 0xF Selects the AXI address bit used as row address bit 14. Valid Range: 0 to 6, Internal Base: 23 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, row address bit 14 is set to 0. reg_ddrc_addrmap_row _b13 19:16 rw 0x5 Selects the AXI address bit used as row address bit 13. Valid Range: 0 to 7, Internal Base: 22 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, row address bit 13 is set to 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 868 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Description reg_ddrc_addrmap_row _b12 15:12 rw 0x5 Selects the AXI address bit used as row address bit 12. Valid Range: 0 to 8, Internal Base: 21 The selected address bit is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. If set to 15, row address bit 12 is set to 0. reg_ddrc_addrmap_row _b2_11 11:8 rw 0x5 Selects the AXI address bits used as row address bits 2 to 11. Valid Range: 0 to 11. Internal Base: 11 (for row address bit 2) to 20 (for row address bit 11) The selected address bit for each of the row address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. reg_ddrc_addrmap_row _b1 7:4 rw 0x5 Selects the AXI address bits used as row address bit 1. Valid Range: 0 to 11. Internal Base: 10 The selected address bit for each of the row address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field. reg_ddrc_addrmap_row _b0 3:0 rw 0x5 Selects the AXI address bits used as row address bit 0. Valid Range: 0 to 11. Internal Base: 9 The selected address bit for each of the row address bits is determined by adding the Internal Base to the value of this field Note: address bits are relative to a byte address. For example, the value 0x0FFF6666 selects byte address bits [29:15] as row ddress bits in a 32-bit bus width configuration. Register (ddrc) DRAM_ODT_reg Name DRAM_ODT_reg Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address 0xF8006048 Width 30 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000249 Description DRAM ODT control Register DRAM_ODT_reg Details Parts of this register are unused. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 29:27 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26:24 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 23:21 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 20:18 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 869 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Description reg_phy_idle_local_odt 17:16 rw 0x0 Value to drive on the 2-bit local_odt PHY outputs when output enable is not asserted and a read is not in progress. Typically this is the value required to disable termination to save power when idle. reg_phy_wr_local_odt 15:14 rw 0x0 Value to drive on the 2-bit local_odt PHY outputs when write levelling is enabled for DQS. reg_phy_rd_local_odt 13:12 rw 0x0 Value to drive on the 2-bit local_odt PHY outputs when output enable is not asserted and a read is in progress (where 'in progress' is defined as after a read command is issued and until all read data has been returned all the way to the controller.) Typically this is set to the value required to enable termination at the desired strength for read usage. reserved 11:9 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 8:6 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_ddrc_rank0_wr_odt 5:3 rw 0x1 [1:0] - Indicates which remote ODT's must be turned on during a write to rank 0. Each of the 2 ranks has a remote ODT (in the DRAM) which can be turned on by setting the appropriate bit here. Rank 0 is controlled by the LSB; Rank 1 is controlled by bit next to the LSB. For each rank, set its bit to 1 to enable its ODT. [2]: If 1 then local ODT is enabled during writes to rank 0. reg_ddrc_rank0_rd_odt 2:0 rw 0x1 Unused. [1:0] - Indicates which remote ODTs must be turned ON during a read to rank 0. Each of the 2 ranks has a remote ODT (in the DRAM) which can be turned on by setting the appropriate bit here. Rank 0 is controlled by the LSB; Rank 1 is controlled by bit next to the LSB. For each rank, set its bit to 1 to enable its ODT. [2]: If 1 then local ODT is enabled during reads to rank 0. Register (ddrc) phy_dbg_reg Name phy_dbg_reg Relative Address 0x0000004C Absolute Address 0xF800604C Width 20 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PHY debug Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 870 Appendix B: Register Details Register phy_dbg_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description phy_reg_bc_fifo_re3 19 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO read enable for data slice 3. phy_reg_bc_fifo_we3 18 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO write enable, for data slice 3. phy_reg_bc_dqs_oe3 17 ro 0x0 Debug DQS output enable for data slice 3. phy_reg_bc_dq_oe3 16 ro 0x0 Debug DQ output enable for data slice 3. phy_reg_bc_fifo_re2 15 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO read enable for data slice 2. phy_reg_bc_fifo_we2 14 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO write enable, for data slice 2. phy_reg_bc_dqs_oe2 13 ro 0x0 Debug DQS output enable for data slice 2. phy_reg_bc_dq_oe2 12 ro 0x0 Debug DQ output enable for data slice 2. phy_reg_bc_fifo_re1 11 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO read enable for data slice 1. phy_reg_bc_fifo_we1 10 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO write enable, for data slice 1. phy_reg_bc_dqs_oe1 9 ro 0x0 Debug DQS output enable for data slice 1. phy_reg_bc_dq_oe1 8 ro 0x0 Debug DQ output enable for data slice 1. phy_reg_bc_fifo_re0 7 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO read enable for data slice 0. phy_reg_bc_fifo_we0 6 ro 0x0 Debug read capture FIFO write enable, for data slice 0. phy_reg_bc_dqs_oe0 5 ro 0x0 Debug DQS output enable for data slice 0. phy_reg_bc_dq_oe0 4 ro 0x0 Debug DQ output enable for data slice 0. phy_reg_rdc_fifo_rst_er r_cnt 3:0 ro 0x0 Counter for counting how many times the pointers of read capture FIFO differ when they are reset by dll_calib. Register (ddrc) phy_cmd_timeout_rddata_cpt Name phy_cmd_timeout_rddata_cpt Relative Address 0x00000050 Absolute Address 0xF8006050 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00010200 Description PHY command time out and read data capture FIFO Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 871 Appendix B: Register Details Register phy_cmd_timeout_rddata_cpt Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reg_phy_wrlvl_num_of_ dq0 31:28 rw 0x0 This register value determines the number of samples used for each ratio increment during Write Leveling. Num_of_iteration = reg_phy_wrlvl_num_of_dq0 + 1 The recommended value for this register is 8. Accuracy is better with higher value, but this will cause leveling to run longer. reg_phy_gatelvl_num_o f_dq0 27:24 rw 0x0 This register value determines register determines the number of samples used for each ratio increment during Gate Training. Num_of_iteration = reg_phy_gatelvl_num_of_dq0 +1 The recommended value for this register is 8. Accuracy is better with higher value, but this will cause leveling to run longer. reserved 23:20 ro 0x0 Reserved reg_phy_clk_stall_level 19 rw 0x0 1: stall clock, for DLL aging control reg_phy_dis_phy_ctrl_rs tn 18 rw 0x0 Disable the reset from Phy Ctrl macro. 1: PHY Ctrl macro reset port is always HIGH 0: PHY Ctrl macro gets power on reset. reg_phy_rdc_fifo_rst_er r_cnt_clr 17 rw 0x0 Clear/reset for counter rdc_fifo_rst_err_cnt[3:0]. 0: no clear 1: clear Note: This is a synchronous dynamic signal that must have timing closed. reg_phy_use_fixed_re 16 rw 0x1 When 1: PHY generates FIFO read enable after fixed number of clock cycles as defined by reg_phy_rdc_we_to_re_delay[3:0]. When 0: PHY uses the not_empty method to do the read enable generation. Note: This port must be set HIGH during training/leveling process i.e. when ddrc_dfi_wrlvl_en/ ddrc_dfi_rdlvl_en/ ddrc_dfi_rdlvl_gate_en port is set HIGH. reg_phy_rdc_fifo_rst_di sable 15 rw 0x0 When 1, disable counting the number of times the Read Data Capture FIFO has been reset when the FIFO was not empty. reserved 14:12 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 872 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_phy_rdc_we_to_re_ delay 11:8 rw 0x2 This register value + 1 give the number of clock cycles between writing into the Read Capture FIFO and the read operation. The setting of this register determines the read data timing and depends upon total delay in the system for read operation which include fly-by delays, trace delay, clkout_invert etc. This is used only if reg_phy_use_fixed_re=1. reg_phy_wr_cmd_to_da ta 7:4 rw 0x0 Not used in DFI PHY. reg_phy_rd_cmd_to_dat a 3:0 rw 0x0 Not used in DFI PHY. Register (ddrc) mode_sts_reg Name mode_sts_reg Relative Address 0x00000054 Absolute Address 0xF8006054 Width 21 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Controller operation mode status Register mode_sts_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value ddrc_reg_dbg_hpr_q_d epth 20:16 ro 0x0 Indicates the number of entries currently in the High Priority Read (HPR) CAM. ddrc_reg_dbg_lpr_q_de pth 15:10 ro 0x0 Indicates the number of entries currently in the Low Priority Read (LPR) CAM. ddrc_reg_dbg_wr_q_de pth 9:4 ro 0x0 Indicates the number of entries currently in the Write CAM. ddrc_reg_dbg_stall 3 ro 0x0 0: commands are being accepted. 1: no commands are accepted by the controller. ddrc_reg_operating_m ode 2:0 ro 0x0 Gives the status of the controller. 0: DDRC Init 1: Normal operation 2: Powerdown mode 3: Self-refresh mode 4 and above: deep power down mode (LPDDR2 only) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 873 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) DLL_calib Name DLL_calib Relative Address 0x00000058 Absolute Address 0xF8006058 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000101 Description DLL calibration Register DLL_calib Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_dis_dll_calib 16 rw 0x0 When 1, disable dll_calib generated by the controller. The core should issue the dll_calib signal using co_gs_dll_calib input. This input is changeable on the fly. When 0, controller will issue dll_calib periodically reserved 15:8 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7:0 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (ddrc) ODT_delay_hold Name ODT_delay_hold Relative Address 0x0000005C Absolute Address 0xF800605C Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000023 Description ODT delay and ODT hold Register ODT_delay_hold Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_wr_odt_hold 15:12 rw 0x0 Cycles to hold ODT for a Write Command. When 0x0, ODT signal is ON for 1 cycle. When 0x1, it is ON for 2 cycles, etc. The values to program in different modes are : DRAM Burst of 4 -2: 4-2 => 2 DRAM Burst of 8 -4: 8-4 => 4 reg_ddrc_rd_odt_hold 11:8 rw 0x0 Unused Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 874 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_wr_odt_delay 7:4 rw 0x2 The delay, in clock cycles, from issuing a write command to setting ODT values associated with that command. ODT setting should remain constant for the entire time that DQS is driven by the controller. The suggested value for DDR2 is WL - 5 and for DDR3 is 0. WL is Write latency. DDR2 ODT has a 2-cycle on-time delay and a 2.5-cycle off-time delay. ODT is not applicable to LPDDR2. reg_ddrc_rd_odt_delay 3:0 rw 0x3 UNUSED Register (ddrc) ctrl_reg1 Name ctrl_reg1 Relative Address 0x00000060 Absolute Address 0xF8006060 Width 13 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x0000003E Description Controller 1 Register ctrl_reg1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_selfref_en 12 rw 0x0 If 1, then the controller will put the DRAM into self refresh when the transaction store is empty. Dynamic Bit Field. reserved 11 ro 0x0 Always keep this set to 0x0 reg_ddrc_dis_collision_ page_opt 10 rw 0x0 When this is set to 0, auto-precharge will be disabled for the flushed command in a collision case. Collision cases are write followed by read to same address, read followed by write to same address, or write followed by write to same address with DIS_WC bit = 1 (where 'same address' comparisons exclude the two address bits representing critical word). reg_ddrc_dis_wc 9 rw 0x0 Disable Write Combine: 0: enable 1: disable reg_ddrc_refresh_updat e_level 8 rw 0x0 Toggle this signal to indicate that refresh register(s) have been updated. The value will be automatically updated when exiting soft reset. So it does not need to be toggled initially. Dynamic Bit Field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 875 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_auto_pre_en 7 rw 0x0 When set, most reads and writes will be issued with auto-precharge. (Exceptions can be made for collision cases.) reg_ddrc_lpr_num_entri es 6:1 rw 0x1F Number of entries in the low priority transaction store is this value plus 1. In this design, by default all read ports are treated as low priority and hence the value of 0x1F. The hpr_num_entries is 32 minus this value. Bit [6] is ignored. reg_ddrc_pageclose 0 rw 0x0 If true, bank will be closed and kept closed if no transactions are available for it. If false, bank will remain open until there is a need to close it (to open a different page, or for page timeout or refresh timeout.) This does not apply when auto-refresh is used. Register (ddrc) ctrl_reg2 Name ctrl_reg2 Relative Address 0x00000064 Absolute Address 0xF8006064 Width 18 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00020000 Description Controller 2 Register ctrl_reg2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_arb_go2critical_en 17 rw 0x1 0: Keep reg_ddrc_go2critical_wr and reg_ddrc_go2critical_rd signals going to DDRC at 0. 1: Set reg_ddrc_go2critical_wr and reg_ddrc_go2critical_rd signals going to DDRC based on Urgent input coming from AXI master. reserved 16:13 ro 0x0 Reserved reg_ddrc_go2critical_hy steresis 12:5 rw 0x0 Describes the number of cycles that co_gs_go2critical_rd or co_gs_go2critical_wr must be asserted before the corresponding queue moves to the 'critical' state in the DDRC. The arbiter controls the co_gs_go2critical_* signals; it is designed for use with this hysteresis field set to 0. reserved 4:0 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 876 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) ctrl_reg3 Name ctrl_reg3 Relative Address 0x00000068 Absolute Address 0xF8006068 Width 26 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00284027 Description Controller 3 Register ctrl_reg3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_dfi_t_wlmrd 25:16 rw 0x28 DDR2 and LPDDR2: not applicable. DDR3: First DQS/DQS# rising edge after write leveling mode is programmed. This is same as the tMLRD value from the DRAM spec. reg_ddrc_rdlvl_rr 15:8 rw 0x40 DDR2 and LPDDR2: not applicable. DDR3: Read leveling read-to-read delay. Specifies the minimum number of clock cycles from the assertion of a read command to the next read command. Only applicable when connecting to PHYs operating in PHY RdLvl Evaluation mode. reg_ddrc_wrlvl_ww 7:0 rw 0x27 DDR2: not applicable. LPDDR2 and DDR3: Write leveling write-to-write delay. Specifies the minimum number of clock cycles from the assertion of a ddrc_dfi_wrlvl_strobe signal to the next ddrc_dfi_wrlvl_strobe signal. Only applicable when connecting to PHYs operating in PHY RdLvl Evaluation mode. Recommended value is: (RL + reg_phy_rdc_we_to_re_delay + 50) Register (ddrc) ctrl_reg4 Name ctrl_reg4 Relative Address 0x0000006C Absolute Address 0xF800606C Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001610 Description Controller 4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 877 Appendix B: Register Details Register ctrl_reg4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description dfi_t_ctrlupd_interval_ max_x1024 15:8 rw 0x16 This is the maximum amount of time between Controller initiated DFI update requests. This timer resets with each update request; when the timer expires, traffic is blocked for a few cycles. PHY can use this idle time to recalibrate the delay lines to the DLLs. The DLL calibration is also used to reset PHY FIFO pointers in case of data capture errors. Updates are required to maintain calibration over PVT, but frequent updates may impact performance. Units: 1024 clocks dfi_t_ctrlupd_interval_ min_x1024 7:0 rw 0x10 This is the minimum amount of time between Controller initiated DFI update requests (which will be executed whenever the controller is idle). Set this number higher to reduce the frequency of update requests, which can have a small impact on the latency of the first read request when the controller is idle. Units: 1024 clocks Register (ddrc) ctrl_reg5 Name ctrl_reg5 Relative Address 0x00000078 Absolute Address 0xF8006078 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00455111 Description Controller register 5 Register ctrl_reg5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 ro 0x0 Reserved reg_ddrc_t_ckesr 25:20 rw 0x4 Minimum CKE low width for Self Refresh entry to exit Timing in memory clock cycles. Recommended settings: LPDDR2: tCKESR DDR2: tCKE DDR3: tCKE+1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 878 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_t_cksrx 19:16 rw 0x5 This is the time before Self Refresh Exit that CK is maintained as a valid clock before issuing SRX. Specifies the clock stable time before SRX. Recommended settings: LPDDR2: 2 DDR2: 1 DDR3: tCKSRX reg_ddrc_t_cksre 15:12 rw 0x5 This is the time after Self Refresh Entry that CK is maintained as a valid clock. Specifies the clock disable delay after SRE. Recommended settings: LPDDR2: 2 DDR2: 1 DDR3: tCKSRE reg_ddrc_dfi_t_dram_cl k_enable 11:8 rw 0x1 Specifies the number of DFI clock cycles from the de-assertion of the ddrc_dfi_dram_clk_disable signal on the DFI until the first valid rising edge of the clock to the DRAM memory devices at the PHY-DRAM boundary. If the DFI clock and the memory clock are not phase aligned, this timing parameter should be rounded up to the next integer value. reg_ddrc_dfi_t_dram_cl k_disable 7:4 rw 0x1 Specifies the number of DFI clock cycles from the assertion of the ddrc_dfi_dram_clk_disable signal on the DFI until the clock to the DRAM memory devices, at the PHY-DRAM boundary, maintains a low value. If the DFI clock and the memory clock are not phase aligned, this timing parameter should be rounded up to the next integer value. reg_ddrc_dfi_t_ctrl_dela y 3:0 rw 0x1 Specifies the number of DFI clock cycles after an assertion or deassertion of the DFI control signals that the control signals at the PHY-DRAM interface reflect the assertion or de-assertion. If the DFI clock and the memory clock are not phase-aligned, this timing parameter should be rounded up to the next integer value. Register (ddrc) ctrl_reg6 Name ctrl_reg6 Relative Address 0x0000007C Absolute Address 0xF800607C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00032222 Description Controller register 6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 879 Appendix B: Register Details Register ctrl_reg6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:20 ro 0x0 Reserved reg_ddrc_t_ckcsx 19:16 rw 0x3 This is the time before Clock Stop Exit that CK is maintained as a valid clock before issuing DPDX. Specifies the clock stable time before next command after Clock Stop Exit. Recommended setting for LPDDR2: tXP + 2. reg_ddrc_t_ckdpdx 15:12 rw 0x2 This is the time before Deep Power Down Exit that CK is maintained as a valid clock before issuing DPDX. Specifies the clock stable time before DPDX. Recommended setting for LPDDR2: 2. reg_ddrc_t_ckdpde 11:8 rw 0x2 This is the time after Deep Power Down Entry that CK is maintained as a valid clock. Specifies the clock disable delay after DPDE. Recommended setting for LPDDR2: 2. reg_ddrc_t_ckpdx 7:4 rw 0x2 This is the time before Power Down Exit that CK is maintained as a valid clock before issuing PDX. Specifies the clock stable time before PDX. Recommended setting for LPDDR2: 2. reg_ddrc_t_ckpde 3:0 rw 0x2 This is the time after Power Down Entry that CK is maintained as a valid clock. Specifies the clock disable delay after PDE. Recommended setting for LPDDR2: 2. Register (ddrc) CHE_REFRESH_TIMER01 Name CHE_REFRESH_TIMER01 Relative Address 0x000000A0 Absolute Address 0xF80060A0 Width 24 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00008000 Description CHE_REFRESH_TIMER01 Register CHE_REFRESH_TIMER01 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 23:12 rw 0x8 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 880 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) CHE_T_ZQ Name CHE_T_ZQ Relative Address 0x000000A4 Absolute Address 0xF80060A4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x10300802 Description ZQ parameters Register CHE_T_ZQ Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_t_zq_short_no p 31:22 rw 0x40 DDR2: not applicable. LPDDR2 and DDR3: Number of cycles of NOP required after a ZQCS (ZQ calibration short) command is issued to DRAM. Units: Clock cycles. reg_ddrc_t_zq_long_no p 21:12 rw 0x300 DDR2: not applicable. LPDDR2 and DDR3: Number of cycles of NOP required after a ZQCL (ZQ calibration long) command is issued to DRAM. Units: Clock cycles. reg_ddrc_t_mod 11:2 rw 0x200 Mode register set command update delay (minimum d'128) reg_ddrc_ddr3 1 rw 0x1 Indicates operating in DDR2/DDR3 mode. Default value is set for DDR3. reg_ddrc_dis_auto_zq 0 rw 0x0 1=disable controller generation of ZQCS command. Co_gs_zq_calib_short can be used instead to control ZQ calibration commands. 0=internally generate ZQCS commands based on reg_ddrc_t_zq_short_interval_x1024. This is only present for implementations supporting DDR3 and LPDDR2 devices. Register (ddrc) CHE_T_ZQ_Short_Interval_Reg Name CHE_T_ZQ_Short_Interval_Reg Relative Address 0x000000A8 Absolute Address 0xF80060A8 Width 28 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0020003A Description Misc parameters Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 881 Appendix B: Register Details Register CHE_T_ZQ_Short_Interval_Reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description dram_rstn_x1024 27:20 rw 0x2 Number of cycles to assert DRAM reset signal during init sequence. Units: 1024 Clock cycles. Applicable for DDR3 only. t_zq_short_interval_x10 24 19:0 rw 0x3A DDR2: not used. LPDDR2 and DDR3: Average interval to wait between automatically issuing ZQCS (ZQ calibration short) commands to DDR3 devices. Meaningless if reg_ddrc_dis_auto_zq=1. Units: 1024 Clock cycles. Register (ddrc) deep_pwrdwn_reg Name deep_pwrdwn_reg Relative Address 0x000000AC Absolute Address 0xF80060AC Width 9 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Deep powerdown (LPDDR2) Register deep_pwrdwn_reg Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description deeppowerdown_to_x1 024 8:1 rw 0x0 DDR2 and DDR3: not sued. LPDDR2: Minimum deep power down time. DDR exits from deep power down mode immediately after reg_ddrc_deeppowerdown_en is deasserted. Value from the spec is 500us. Units are in 1024 clock cycles. For performance only. deeppowerdown_en 0 rw 0x0 DDR2 and DDR3: not used. LPDDR2: 0: Brings Controller out of Deep Powerdown mode. 1: Puts DRAM into Deep Powerdown mode when the transaction store is empty. For performance only. Dynamic Bit Field. Register (ddrc) reg_2c Name reg_2c Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 882 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x000000B0 Absolute Address 0xF80060B0 Width 29 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Training control Register Details Register reg_2c Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_dfi_rd_data_e ye_train 28 rw 0x0 DDR2: not applicable. LPDDR2 and DDR3: 0: Read Data Eye training is disabled 1: Read Data Eye training mode has been enabled as part of init sequence. reg_ddrc_dfi_rd_dqs_ga te_level 27 rw 0x0 0: Read DQS gate leveling is disabled. 1: Read DQS Gate Leveling mode has been enabled as part of init sequence; Valid only for DDR3 DFI designs reg_ddrc_dfi_wr_level_e n 26 rw 0x0 0: Write leveling disabled. 1: Write leveling mode has been enabled as part of init sequence; Valid only for DDR3 DFI designs ddrc_reg_trdlvl_max_er ror 25 clron wr 0x0 DDR2: not applicable. LPDDR2 and DDR3: When '1' indicates that the reg_ddrc_dfi_rdrlvl_max_x1024 timer has timed out. This is a Clear-on-Write register. If read leveling or gate training timed out, an error is indicated by the DDRC and this bit gets set. The value is held at that value until it is cleared. Clearing is done by writing a '0' to this register. ddrc_reg_twrlvl_max_er ror 24 clron wr 0x0 When '1' indicates that the reg_ddrc_dfi_wrlvl_max_x1024 timer has timed out. This is a Clear-on-Write register. If write leveling timed out, an error is indicated by the DDRC and this bit gets set. The value is held until it is cleared. Clearing is done by writing a '0' to this register. Only present in designs that support DDR3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 883 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description dfi_rdlvl_max_x1024 23:12 rw 0x0 Read leveling maximum time. Specifies the maximum number of clock cycles that the controller will wait for a response (phy_dfi_rdlvl_resp) to a read leveling enable signal (ddrc_dfi_rdlvl_en or ddrc_dfi_rdlvl_gate_en). Only applicable when connecting to PHY's operating in 'PHY RdLvl Evaluation' mode. Typical value 0xFFF Units 1024 clocks dfi_wrlvl_max_x1024 11:0 rw 0x0 Write leveling maximum time. Specifies the maximum number of clock cycles that the controller will wait for a response (phy_dfi_wrlvl_resp) to a write leveling enable signal (ddrc_dfi_wrlvl_en). Only applicable when connecting to PHY's operating in 'PHY WrLvl Evaluation' mode. Typical value 0xFFF Units 1024 clocks Register (ddrc) reg_2d Name reg_2d Relative Address 0x000000B4 Absolute Address 0xF80060B4 Width 11 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000200 Description Misc Debug Register reg_2d Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 10 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_ddrc_skip_ocd 9 rw 0x1 This register must be kept at 1'b1. 1'b0 is NOT supported. 1: Indicates the controller to skip OCD adjustment step during DDR2 initialization. OCD_Default and OCD_Exit are performed instead. 0: Not supported. reserved 8:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (ddrc) dfi_timing Name dfi_timing Relative Address 0x000000B8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 884 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF80060B8 Width 25 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00200067 Description DFI timing Register Details Register dfi_timing Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_dfi_t_ctrlup_ max 24:15 rw 0x40 Specifies the maximum number of clock cycles that the ddrc_dfi_ctrlupd_req signal can assert. reg_ddrc_dfi_t_ctrlup_ min 14:5 rw 0x3 Specifies the minimum number of clock cycles that the ddrc_dfi_ctrlupd_req signal must be asserted. reg_ddrc_dfi_t_rddata_ en 4:0 rw 0x7 Time from the assertion of a READ command on the DFI interface to the assertion of the phy_dfi_rddata_en signal. DDR2 and DDR3: RL - 1 LPDDR: RL Where RL is read latency of DRAM. Register (ddrc) CHE_ECC_CONTROL_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_ECC_CONTROL_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000C4 Absolute Address 0xF80060C4 Width 2 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC error clear Register CHE_ECC_CONTROL_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Clear_Correctable_DRA M_ECC_error 1 rw 0x0 Writing 1 to this bit will clear the correctable log valid bit and the correctable error counters. Write 0 to this bit will start capturing incoming correctable error count. Clear_Uncorrectable_D RAM_ECC_error 0 rw 0x0 Writing 1 to this bit will clear the uncorrectable log valid bit and the uncorrectable error counters. Write 0 to this bit will start capturing incoming uncorrectable error count. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 885 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) CHE_CORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_CORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000C8 Absolute Address 0xF80060C8 Width 8 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC error correction Register CHE_CORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ECC_CORRECTED_BIT_ NUM 7:1 clron wr 0x0 Indicator of the bit number syndrome in error for single-bit errors. The field is 7-bit wide to handle 72-bits of data. There are only 13-valid bits going to an ECC lane (8-data + 5-ECC). Only 4-bits are needed to encode a max value of d'13. Bit[7] of this register is used to indicate the exact byte lane. When a error happens, if CORR_ECC_LOG_COL[0] from register 0xF80060CC is 1'b0, then the error happened in Lane 0 or 1. If CORR_ECC_LOG_COL[0] is 1'b1, then the error happened in Lane 2 or 3. Bit[7] of this register indicates whether the error is from upper or lower byte lane. If it is 0, then it is lower byte lane and if it is 1, then it is upper byte lane. Together with CORR_ECC_LOG_COL[0] and bit[7] of this register, the exact byte lane with correctable error can be determined. CORR_ECC_LOG_VALID 0 ro 0x0 Set to 1 when a correctable ECC error is captured. As long as this is 1 no further ECC errors will be captured. This is cleared when a 1 is written to register bit[1] of ECC control register, 0xF80060C4. Register (ddrc) CHE_CORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_CORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000CC Absolute Address 0xF80060CC Width 31 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC error correction address log Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 886 Appendix B: Register Details Register CHE_CORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description CORR_ECC_LOG_BANK 30:28 ro 0x0 Bank [2:0] CORR_ECC_LOG_ROW 27:12 ro 0x0 Row [15:0] CORR_ECC_LOG_COL 11:0 ro 0x0 Column [11:0] Register (ddrc) CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_31_0_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_31_0_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000D0 Absolute Address 0xF80060D0 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC error correction data log low Register CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_31_0_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name CORR_ECC_LOG_DAT_3 1_0 Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Bits [31:0] of the data that caused the captured correctable ECC error. (Data associated with the first ECC error if multiple errors occurred since CORR_ECC_LOG_VALID was cleared). Since each ECC engine handles 8-bits of data, only the lower 8-bits of this register have valid data. The upper 24-bits will always be 0. Register (ddrc) CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_63_32_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_63_32_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000D4 Absolute Address 0xF80060D4 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC error correction data log mid Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 887 Appendix B: Register Details Register CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_63_32_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name CORR_ECC_LOG_DAT_6 3_32 Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Bits [63:32] of the data that caused the captured correctable ECC error. (Data associated with the first ECC error if multiple errors occurred since CORR_ECC_LOG_VALID was cleared) Since each ECC engine handles 8-bits of data and that is logged in register 0x34, all the 32-bits of this register will always be 0. Register (ddrc) CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_71_64_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_71_64_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000D8 Absolute Address 0xF80060D8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC error correction data log high Register CHE_CORR_ECC_DATA_71_64_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name CORR_ECC_LOG_DAT_7 1_64 Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Bits [71:64] of the data that caused the captured correctable ECC error. (Data associated with the first ECC error if multiple errors occurred since CORR_ECC_LOG_VALID was cleared) 5-bits of ECC are calculated over 8-bits of data. Bits[68:64] carries these 5-bits. Bits[71:69] are always 0. Register (ddrc) CHE_UNCORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_UNCORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000DC Absolute Address 0xF80060DC Width 1 bits Access Type clronwr Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC unrecoverable error status Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 888 Appendix B: Register Details Register CHE_UNCORR_ECC_LOG_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name UNCORR_ECC_LOG_VA LID Bits 0 Type clron wr Reset Value 0x0 Description Set to 1 when an uncorrectable ECC error is captured. As long as this is a 1, no further ECC errors will be captured. This is cleared when a 1 is written to register bit[0] of ECC CONTROL REGISTER (0x31). Register (ddrc) CHE_UNCORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_UNCORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000E0 Absolute Address 0xF80060E0 Width 31 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC unrecoverable error address Register CHE_UNCORR_ECC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description UNCORR_ECC_LOG_BA NK 30:28 ro 0x0 Bank [2:0] UNCORR_ECC_LOG_RO W 27:12 ro 0x0 Row [15:0] UNCORR_ECC_LOG_CO L 11:0 ro 0x0 Column [11:0] Register (ddrc) CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_31_0_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_31_0_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000E4 Absolute Address 0xF80060E4 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC unrecoverable error data low Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 889 Appendix B: Register Details Register CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_31_0_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name UNCORR_ECC_LOG_DA T_31_0 Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description bits [31:0] of the data that caused the captured uncorrectable ECC error. (Data associated with the first ECC error if multiple errors occurred since UNCORR_ECC_LOG_VALID was cleared). Since each ECC engine handles 8-bits of data, only the lower 8-bits of this register have valid data. The upper 24-bits will always be 0. Register (ddrc) CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_63_32_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_63_32_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000E8 Absolute Address 0xF80060E8 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC unrecoverable error data middle Register CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_63_32_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name UNCORR_ECC_LOG_DA T_63_32 Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description bits [63:32] of the data that caused the captured uncorrectable ECC error. (Data associated with the first ECC error if multiple errors occurred since CORR_ECC_LOG_VALID was cleared) Since each ECC engine handles 8-bits of data and that is logged in register 0x34, all the 32-bits of this register will always be 0. Register (ddrc) CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_71_64_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_71_64_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000EC Absolute Address 0xF80060EC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC unrecoverable error data high Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 890 Appendix B: Register Details Register CHE_UNCORR_ECC_DATA_71_64_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name UNCORR_ECC_LOG_DA T_71_64 Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description bits [71:64] of the data that caused the captured uncorrectable ECC error. (Data associated with the first ECC error if multiple errors occurred since UNCORR_ECC_LOG_VALID was cleared) 5-bits of ECC are calculated over 8-bits of data. Bits[68:64] carries these 5-bits. Bits[71:69] are always 0. Register (ddrc) CHE_ECC_STATS_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_ECC_STATS_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000F0 Absolute Address 0xF80060F0 Width 16 bits Access Type clronwr Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC error count Register CHE_ECC_STATS_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description STAT_NUM_CORR_ERR 15:8 clron wr 0x0 Returns the number of correctable ECC errors seen since the last read. Counter saturates at max value. This is cleared when a 1 is written to register bit[1] of ECC control regsiter 0xF80060C4. STAT_NUM_UNCORR_E RR 7:0 clron wr 0x0 Returns the number of uncorrectable errors since the last read. Counter saturates at max value. This is cleared when a 1 is written to register bit[0] of ECC control regsiter 0xF80060C4. Register (ddrc) ECC_scrub Name ECC_scrub Relative Address 0x000000F4 Absolute Address 0xF80060F4 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000008 Description ECC mode/scrub Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 891 Appendix B: Register Details Register ECC_scrub Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_dis_scrub 3 rw 0x1 0: Enable ECC scrubs (valid only when reg_ddrc_ecc_mode = 100). 1: Disable ECC scrubs reg_ddrc_ecc_mode 2:0 rw 0x0 DRAM ECC Mode. To run the design in ECC mode, set reg_ddrc_data_bus_width to 2'b01 (Half bus width) and reg_ddrc_ecc_mode to 100. In this mode, there will be 16-data bits plus 10-bit ECC on the DRAM bus. Controller must NOT be put in full bus width mode, when ECC is turned On. 000 : No ECC. 100: SEC/DED over 1-beat others: reserve Register (ddrc) CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_MASK_31_0_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_MASK_31_0_REG_OFFSET Relative Address 0x000000F8 Absolute Address 0xF80060F8 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC data mask low Register CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_MASK_31_0_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name ddrc_reg_ecc_corr_bit_ mask Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Bits [31:0] of ddrc_reg_ecc_corr_bit_mask register. Indicates the mask of the corrected data. 1: on any bit indicates that the bit has been corrected by the DRAM ECC logic 0: on any bit indicates that the bit has NOT been corrected by the DRAM ECC logic. Valid when 'STAT_NUM_CORR_ERR' is more than 0. This mask doesn't indicate any correction that has been made in the ECC check bits. If there are errors in multiple lanes, then this signal will have the mask for the lowest lane. Each ECC engine works on 8-bits of data. Hence only the lower 8-bits carry valid information. Upper 24-bits are always 0. Register (ddrc) CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_MASK_63_32_REG_OFFSET Name CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_MASK_63_32_REG_OFFSET Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 892 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x000000FC Absolute Address 0xF80060FC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC data mask high Register Details Register CHE_ECC_CORR_BIT_MASK_63_32_REG_OFFSET Details Field Name ddrc_reg_ecc_corr_bit_ mask Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Bits [63:32] of ddrc_reg_ecc_corr_bit_mask register. Indicates the mask of the corrected data. 1: on any bit indicates that the bit has been corrected by the DRAM ECC logic 0: on any bit indicates that the bit has NOT been corrected by the DRAM ECC logic. Valid when 'STAT_NUM_CORR_ERR' is more than 0. This mask doesn't indicate any correction that has been made in the ECC check bits. If there are errors in multiple lanes, then this signal will have the mask for the lowest lane. Each ECC engine works on 8-bits of data and this is reported in register 0x3E. All 32-bits of this register are 0 always. Register (ddrc) phy_rcvr_enable Name phy_rcvr_enable Relative Address 0x00000114 Absolute Address 0xF8006114 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Phy receiver enable register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 893 Appendix B: Register Details Register phy_rcvr_enable Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_phy_dif_off 7:4 rw 0x0 Value to drive to IO receiver enable pins when turning it OFF. When in powerdown or self-refresh (CKE=0) this value will be sent to the IOs to control receiver on/off. IOD is the size specified by the IO_DIFEN_SIZE parameter. Depending on the IO, one of these signals dif_on or dif_off can be used. reg_phy_dif_on 3:0 rw 0x0 Value to drive to IO receiver enable pins when turning it ON. When NOT in powerdown or self-refresh (when CKE=1) this value will be sent to the IOs to control receiver on/off. IOD is the size specified by the IO_DIFEN_SIZE parameter. Register (ddrc) PHY_Config0 Name PHY_Config0 Relative Address 0x00000118 Absolute Address 0xF8006118 Width 31 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x40000001 Description PHY configuration register for data slice 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address PHY_Config0 0xf8006118 PHY_Config1 0xf800611c PHY_Config2 0xf8006120 PHY_Config3 0xf8006124 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 894 Appendix B: Register Details Register PHY_Config0 to PHY_Config3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_phy_dq_offset 30:24 rw 0x40 Offset value from DQS to DQ. Default value: 0x40 (for 90 degree shift). This is only used when reg_phy_use_wr_level=1. #Note: When a port width (W) is multiple of N instances of Ranks or Slices, each instance will get W/N bits. Instance n will get (n+1)*(W/N) -1: n (W/N) bits where n (0, 1, to N-1) is the instance number of Rank or Slice. reserved 23:15 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 14:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_phy_wrlvl_inc_mod e 3 rw 0x0 reserved reg_phy_gatelvl_inc_m ode 2 rw 0x0 reserved reg_phy_rdlvl_inc_mod e 1 rw 0x0 reserved reg_phy_data_slice_in_ use 0 rw 0x1 Data bus width selection for Read FIFO RE generation. One bit for each data slice. 0: read data responses are ignored. 1: data slice is valid. Note: The Phy Data Slice 0 must always be enabled. Register (ddrc) phy_init_ratio0 Name phy_init_ratio0 Relative Address 0x0000012C Absolute Address 0xF800612C Width 20 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PHY init ratio register for data slice 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address phy_init_ratio0 0xf800612c phy_init_ratio1 0xf8006130 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 895 Appendix B: Name Register Details Address phy_init_ratio2 0xf8006134 phy_init_ratio3 0xf8006138 Register phy_init_ratio0 to phy_init_ratio3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_phy_gatelvl_init_rat io 19:10 rw 0x0 The user programmable init ratio used Gate Leveling FSM reg_phy_wrlvl_init_ratio 9:0 rw 0x0 The user programmable init ratio used by Write Leveling FSM Register (ddrc) phy_rd_dqs_cfg0 Name phy_rd_dqs_cfg0 Relative Address 0x00000140 Absolute Address 0xF8006140 Width 20 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000040 Description PHY read DQS configuration register for data slice 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address phy_rd_dqs_cfg0 0xf8006140 phy_rd_dqs_cfg1 0xf8006144 phy_rd_dqs_cfg2 0xf8006148 phy_rd_dqs_cfg3 0xf800614c Register phy_rd_dqs_cfg0 to phy_rd_dqs_cfg3 Details Field Name Bits reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_ delay 19:11 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description If reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_force is 1, replace delay/tap value for read DQS slave DLL with this value. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 896 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_f orce 10 rw 0x0 0: Use reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_ratio for the read DQS slave DLL 1: overwrite the delay/tap value for read DQS slave DLL with the value of the reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_delay bus. reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_r atio 9:0 rw 0x40 Ratio value for read DQS slave DLL. This is the fraction of a clock cycle represented by the shift to be applied to the read DQS in units of 256ths. In other words, the full-cycle tap value from the master DLL will be scaled by this number over 256 to get the delay value for the slave delay line. Provide a default value of 0x40 for most applications Register (ddrc) phy_wr_dqs_cfg0 Name phy_wr_dqs_cfg0 Relative Address 0x00000154 Absolute Address 0xF8006154 Width 20 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PHY write DQS configuration register for data slice 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address phy_wr_dqs_cfg0 0xf8006154 phy_wr_dqs_cfg1 0xf8006158 phy_wr_dqs_cfg2 0xf800615c phy_wr_dqs_cfg3 0xf8006160 Register phy_wr_dqs_cfg0 to phy_wr_dqs_cfg3 Details Field Name Bits reg_phy_wr_dqs_slave_ delay 19:11 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description If reg_phy_wr_dqs_slave_force is 1, replace delay/tap value for write DQS slave DLL with this value. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 897 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_phy_wr_dqs_slave_f orce 10 rw 0x0 0: Use reg_phy_wr_dqs_slave_ratio for the write DQS slave DLL 1: overwrite the delay/tap value for write DQS slave DLL with the value of the reg_phy_wr_dqs_slave_delay bus. reg_phy_wr_dqs_slave_r atio 9:0 rw 0x0 Ratio value for write DQS slave DLL. This is the fraction of a clock cycle represented by the shift to be applied to the write DQS in units of 256ths. In other words, the full-cycle tap value from the master DLL will be scaled by this number over 256 to get the delay value for the slave delay line. (Used to program the manual training ratio value) Register (ddrc) phy_we_cfg0 Name phy_we_cfg0 Relative Address 0x00000168 Absolute Address 0xF8006168 Width 21 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000040 Description PHY FIFO write enable configuration for data slice 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address phy_we_cfg0 0xf8006168 phy_we_cfg1 0xf800616c phy_we_cfg2 0xf8006170 phy_we_cfg3 0xf8006174 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 898 Appendix B: Register Details Register phy_we_cfg0 to phy_we_cfg3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_phy_fifo_we_in_del ay 20:12 rw 0x0 Delay value to be used when reg_phy_fifo_we_in_force is set to 1. reg_phy_fifo_we_in_for ce 11 rw 0x0 0: Use reg_phy_fifo_we_slave_ratio as ratio value for fifo_we_X slave DLL 1: overwrite the delay/tap value for fifo_we_X slave DLL with the value of the reg_phy_fifo_we_in_delay bus. i.e. The 'force' bit selects between specifying the delay in 'ratio' units or tap delay units reg_phy_fifo_we_slave_ ratio 10:0 rw 0x40 Ratio value to be used when reg_phy_fifo_we_in_force is set to 0. Register (ddrc) wr_data_slv0 Name wr_data_slv0 Relative Address 0x0000017C Absolute Address 0xF800617C Width 20 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000080 Description PHY write data slave ratio config for data slice 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address wr_data_slv0 0xf800617c wr_data_slv1 0xf8006180 wr_data_slv2 0xf8006184 wr_data_slv3 0xf8006188 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 899 Appendix B: Register Details Register wr_data_slv0 to wr_data_slv3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_phy_wr_data_slave_ delay 19:11 rw 0x0 If reg_phy_wr_data_slave_force is 1, replace delay/tap value for write data slave DLL with this value. reg_phy_wr_data_slave_ force 10 rw 0x0 0: Selects reg_phy_wr_data_slave_ratio for write data slave DLL 1: overwrite the delay/tap value for write data slave DLL with the value of the reg_phy_wr_data_slave_force bus. reg_phy_wr_data_slave_ ratio 9:0 rw 0x80 Ratio value for write data slave DLL. This is the fraction of a clock cycle represented by the shift to be applied to the write DQ muxes in units of 256ths. In other words, the full-cycle tap value from the master DLL will be scaled by this number over 256 to get the delay value for the slave delay line. Register (ddrc) reg_64 Name reg_64 Relative Address 0x00000190 Absolute Address 0xF8006190 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x10020000 Description Training control 2 Register reg_64 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_phy_cmd_latency 30 rw 0x0 If set to 1, command comes to phy_ctrl through a flop. reg_phy_lpddr 29 rw 0x0 0: LPDDR2, DDR2 or DDR3 1: reserved reserved 28 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_phy_ctrl_slave_dela y 27:21 rw 0x0 If reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_force is 1, replace delay/tap value for address/command timing slave DLL with this value. This is a bit value, the remaining 2 bits are in register 0x65 bits[19:18]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 900 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_phy_ctrl_slave_forc e 20 rw 0x0 0: Use reg_phy_ctrl_slave_ratio for address/command timing slave DLL 1: overwrite the delay/tap value for address/command timing slave DLL with the value of the reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_delay bus. reg_phy_ctrl_slave_rati o 19:10 rw 0x80 Ratio value for address/command launch timing in phy_ctrl macro. This is the fraction of a clock cycle represented by the shift to be applied to the read DQS in units of 256ths. In other words, the full cycle tap value from the master DLL will be scaled by this number over 256 to get the delay value for the slave delay line. reg_phy_sel_logic 9 rw 0x0 Selects one of the two read leveling algorithms.'b0: Select algorithm # 1'b1: Select algorithm # 2 Please refer to Read Data Eye Training section in PHY User Guide for details about the Read Leveling algorithms reserved 8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_phy_invert_clkout 7 rw 0x0 Inverts the polarity of DRAM clock. 0: core clock is passed on to DRAM 1: inverted core clock is passed on to DRAM. Use this when CLK can arrive at a DRAM device ahead of DQS or coincidence with DQS based on board topology. This effectively delays the CLK to the DRAM device by half -cycle, providing a CLK edge that DQS can align to during leveling. reserved 6:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_phy_bl2 1 rw 0x0 Reserved for future Use. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (ddrc) reg_65 Name reg_65 Relative Address 0x00000194 Absolute Address 0xF8006194 Width 20 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Training control 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 901 Appendix B: Register Details Register reg_65 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reg_phy_ctrl_slave_dela y 19:18 rw 0x0 If reg_phy_rd_dqs_slave_force is 1, replace delay/tap value for address/command timing slave DLL with this value reg_phy_dis_calib_rst 17 rw 0x0 Disable the dll_calib (internally generated) signal from resetting the Read Capture FIFO pointers and portions of phy_data. Note: dll_calib is (i) generated by dfi_ctrl_upd_req or (ii) by the PHY when it detects that the clock frequency variation has exceeded the bounds set by reg_phy_dll_lock_diff or (iii) periodically throughout the leveling process. dll_calib will update the slave DL with PVT-compensated values according to master DLL outputs reg_phy_use_rd_data_e ye_level 16 rw 0x0 Read Data Eye training control. 0: Use register programmed ratio values 1: Use ratio for delay line calculated by data eye leveling Note: This is a Synchronous dynamic signal that requires timing closure reg_phy_use_rd_dqs_ga te_level 15 rw 0x0 Read DQS Gate training control. 0: Use register programmed ratio values 1: Use ratio for delay line calculated by DQS gate leveling Note: This is a Synchronous dynamic signal that requires timing closure. reg_phy_use_wr_level 14 rw 0x0 Write Leveling training control. 0: Use register programmed ratio values 1: Use ratio for delay line calculated by write leveling Note: This is a Synchronous dynamic signal that requires timing closure. reg_phy_dll_lock_diff 13:10 rw 0x0 The Maximum number of delay line taps variation allowed while maintaining the master DLL lock. When the PHY is in locked state and the variation on the clock exceeds the variation indicated by the register, the lock signal is deasserted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 902 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_phy_rd_rl_delay 9:5 rw 0x0 This delay determines when to select the active rank's ratio logic delay for Read Data and Read DQS slave delay lines after PHY receives a read command at Control Interface. The programmed value must be (Read Latency 3) with a minimum value of 1. reg_phy_wr_rl_delay 4:0 rw 0x0 This delay determines when to select the active rank's ratio logic delay for Write Data and Write DQS slave delay lines after PHY receives a write command at Control Interface. The programmed value must be (Write Latency 4) with a minimum value of 1. The fifo_we_slave ratios for each slice(0 through 3) must be interpreted by software in the following way: Slice 0: fifo_we_ratio_slice_0[10:0] = {reg69_6a1[9],reg69_6a0[18:9]} Slice1: fifo_we_ratio_slice_1[10:0] = {reg6c_6d2[10:9],reg69_6a1[18:10]} Slice2: fifo_we_ratio_slice_2[10:0] = {reg6c_6d3[11:9],reg6c_6d2[18:11]} Slice3: fifo_we_ratio_slice_3[10:0] = {phy_reg_rdlvl_fifowein_ratio_slice3_msb,reg6c_6d3[18:12]} Register (ddrc) reg69_6a0 Name reg69_6a0 Relative Address 0x000001A4 Absolute Address 0xF80061A4 Width 29 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00070000 Description Training results for data slice 0. Register reg69_6a0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value phy_reg_status_fifo_we _slave_dll_value 27:19 ro 0x0 Delay value applied to FIFO WE slave DLL. phy_reg_rdlvl_fifowein_ ratio 18:9 ro 0x380 Ratio value generated by Read Gate training FSM. reserved 8:0 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 903 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) reg69_6a1 Name reg69_6a1 Relative Address 0x000001A8 Absolute Address 0xF80061A8 Width 29 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00060200 Description Training results for data slice 1. Register reg69_6a1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description phy_reg_status_fifo_we _slave_dll_value 27:19 ro 0x0 Delay value applied to FIFO WE slave DLL. phy_reg_rdlvl_fifowein_ ratio 18:9 ro 0x301 Ratio value generated by Read Gate training FSM. reserved 8:0 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (ddrc) reg6c_6d2 Name reg6c_6d2 Relative Address 0x000001B0 Absolute Address 0xF80061B0 Width 28 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00040600 Description Training results for data slice 2. Register reg6c_6d2 Details Field Name Bits phy_reg_status_fifo_we _slave_dll_value 27:19 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Delay value applied to FIFO WE slave DLL. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 904 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description phy_reg_rdlvl_fifowein_ ratio 18:9 ro 0x203 Ratio value generated by Read Gate training FSM. phy_reg_bist_err 8:0 ro 0x0 Mismatch error flag from the BIST Checker. 1 bit per data slice. 1'b1: Pattern mismatch error 1'b0: All patterns matched This is a sticky flag. In order to clear this bit, port reg_phy_bist_err_clr must be set HIGH. Note that reg6b is unused. Register (ddrc) reg6c_6d3 Name reg6c_6d3 Relative Address 0x000001B4 Absolute Address 0xF80061B4 Width 28 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000E00 Description Training results for data slice 3. Register reg6c_6d3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description phy_reg_status_fifo_we _slave_dll_value 27:19 ro 0x0 Delay value applied to FIFO WE slave DLL. phy_reg_rdlvl_fifowein_ ratio 18:9 ro 0x7 Ratio value generated by Read Gate training FSM. phy_reg_bist_err 8:0 ro 0x0 Mismatch error flag from the BIST Checker. 1 bit per data slice. 1'b1: Pattern mismatch error 1'b0: All patterns matched This is a sticky flag. In order to clear this bit, port reg_phy_bist_err_clr must be set HIGH. Note that reg6b is unused. Register (ddrc) reg6e_710 Name reg6e_710 Relative Address 0x000001B8 Absolute Address 0xF80061B8 Width 30 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Training results (2) for data slice 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 905 Appendix B: Register Details Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address reg6e_710 0xf80061b8 reg6e_711 0xf80061bc reg6e_712 0xf80061c0 reg6e_713 0xf80061c4 Register reg6e_710 to reg6e_713 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description phy_reg_rdlvl_dqs_ratio 29:20 ro x Ratio value generated by Read Data Eye training FSM. phy_reg_wrlvl_dq_ratio 19:10 ro x Ratio value generated by the write leveling FSM for Write Data. phy_reg_wrlvl_dqs_rati o 9:0 ro x Ratio value generated by the write leveling FSM for Write DQS. Register (ddrc) phy_dll_sts0 Name phy_dll_sts0 Relative Address 0x000001CC Absolute Address 0xF80061CC Width 27 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Slave DLL results for data slice 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address phy_dll_sts0 0xf80061cc phy_dll_sts1 0xf80061d0 phy_dll_sts2 0xf80061d4 phy_dll_sts3 0xf80061d8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 906 Appendix B: Register Details Register phy_dll_sts0 to phy_dll_sts3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description phy_reg_status_wr_dqs _slave_dll_value 26:18 ro 0x0 Delay value applied to write DQS slave DLL phy_reg_status_wr_data _slave_dll_value 17:9 ro 0x0 Delay value applied to write data slave DLL phy_reg_status_rd_dqs_ slave_dll_value 8:0 ro 0x0 Delay value applied to read data slave DLL Register (ddrc) dll_lock_sts Name dll_lock_sts Relative Address 0x000001E0 Absolute Address 0xF80061E0 Width 24 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00F00000 Description DLL Lock Status, read Register dll_lock_sts Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value phy_reg_rdlvl_fifowein_ ratio_slice3_msb 23:20 ro 0xF Used as 4-msbits of slice3's ratio value generated by Read Gate training FSM. Refer to description of reg69_6a[1:0], fifo_we_slave ratio, for more details phy_reg_status_dll_slav e_value_1 19:11 ro 0x0 Shows the current Coarse and Fine delay values going to all the Slave DLLs [1:0] - Fine value (For Master DLL 1) [8:2] - Coarse value (For Master DLL 1) phy_reg_status_dll_slav e_value_0 10:2 ro 0x0 Shows the current Coarse and Fine delay values going to all the Slave DLLs [1:0] - Fine value (For Master DLL 0) [8:2] - Coarse value (For Master DLL 0) phy_reg_status_dll_lock _1 1 ro 0x0 Status Master DLL 1 signal: 0: not locked 1: locked phy_reg_status_dll_lock _0 0 ro 0x0 Master DLL 0 Status signal: 0: not locked 1: locked Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 907 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ddrc) phy_ctrl_sts Name phy_ctrl_sts Relative Address 0x000001E4 Absolute Address 0xF80061E4 Width 30 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description PHY Control status, read Register phy_ctrl_sts Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description phy_reg_status_phy_ctr l_of_in_lock_state 29:28 ro 0x0 Lock status from Master DLL Output Filter. 0: not locked, 1: locked. Bit 28: Fine delay line. Bit 29: Coarse delay line. phy_reg_status_phy_ctr l_dll_slave_value 27:20 ro 0x0 Values applied to the PHY_CTRL Slave DLL: Bit field 21:20 is the Fine value Bit field 27:22 is the Course value phy_reg_status_phy_ctr l_dll_lock 19 ro 0x0 PHY Control Master DLL Status: 0: not locked, 1: locked phy_reg_status_of_out_ delay_value 18:10 ro x Values from Master DDL Output Filter (no default value). Bit field 11:10 is the Fine value Bit field 18:12 is the Coarse value phy_reg_status_of_in_d elay_value 9:0 ro x Values applied to Master DDL Output Filter (no default value): Bit field 1:0 is the Fine value Bit field 9:2 is the Coarse value Register (ddrc) phy_ctrl_sts_reg2 Name phy_ctrl_sts_reg2 Relative Address 0x000001E8 Absolute Address 0xF80061E8 Width 27 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000013 Description PHY Control status (2), read Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 908 Appendix B: Register Details Register phy_ctrl_sts_reg2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description phy_reg_status_phy_ctr l_slave_dll_value 26:18 ro 0x0 Delay value applied to read DQS slave DLL. reserved 17:9 ro 0x0 reserved phy_reg_status_phy_ctr l_of_in_delay_value 8:0 ro 0x13 Values applied to Master DLL Output Filter: Bit field 1:0 is the Fine value Bit field 8:2 is the Coarse value Register (ddrc) axi_id Name axi_id Relative Address 0x00000200 Absolute Address 0xF8006200 Width 26 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00153042 Description ID and revision information Register axi_id Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_arb_rev_num 25:20 ro 0x1 Revision Number reg_arb_prov_num 19:12 ro 0x53 Prov number reg_arb_part_num 11:0 ro 0x42 Part Number Register (ddrc) page_mask Name page_mask Relative Address 0x00000204 Absolute Address 0xF8006204 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Page mask Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 909 Appendix B: Register Details Register page_mask Details Field Name reg_arb_page_addr_ma sk Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Set this register based on the value programmed on the reg_ddrc_addrmap_* registers. Set the Column address bits to 0. Set the Page and Bank address bits to 1. This is used for calculating page_match inside the slave modules in Arbiter. The page_match is considered during the arbitration process. This mask applies to 64-bit address and not byte address. Setting this value to 0 disables transaction prioritization based on page/bank match. Register (ddrc) axi_priority_wr_port0 Name axi_priority_wr_port0 Relative Address 0x00000208 Absolute Address 0xF8006208 Width 20 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x000803FF Description AXI Priority control for write port 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address axi_priority_wr_port0 0xf8006208 axi_priority_wr_port1 0xf800620c axi_priority_wr_port2 0xf8006210 axi_priority_wr_port3 0xf8006214 Register axi_priority_wr_port0 to axi_priority_wr_port3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 19 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_arb_dis_page_matc h_wr_portn 18 rw 0x0 Disable the page match feature. reg_arb_disable_urgent _wr_portn 17 rw 0x0 Disable urgent for this Write Port. reg_arb_disable_aging_ wr_portn 16 rw 0x0 Disable aging for this Write Port. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 910 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved reg_arb_pri_wr_portn 9:0 rw 0x3FF Priority of this Write Port n. Value in this register used to load the aging counters (when respective port request is asserted and grant is generated to that port). These register can be reprogrammed to set priority of each port. Lower the value more will be priority given to the port. For example if 0x82 (port 0) value is set to 'h3FF, and 0x83 (port 1) is set to 'h0FF, and both port0 and port1 have requests, in this case port1 will get high priority and grant will be given to port1. Note that the minimum write priority should be set to 0x4. Register (ddrc) axi_priority_rd_port0 Name axi_priority_rd_port0 Relative Address 0x00000218 Absolute Address 0xF8006218 Width 20 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x000003FF Description AXI Priority control for read port 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address axi_priority_rd_port0 0xf8006218 axi_priority_rd_port1 0xf800621c axi_priority_rd_port2 0xf8006220 axi_priority_rd_port3 0xf8006224 Register axi_priority_rd_port0 to axi_priority_rd_port3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_arb_set_hpr_rd_por tn 19 rw 0x0 Enable reads to be generated as HPR for this Read Port. reg_arb_dis_page_matc h_rd_portn 18 rw 0x0 Disable the page match feature. reg_arb_disable_urgent _rd_portn 17 rw 0x0 Disable urgent for this Read Port. reg_arb_disable_aging_ rd_portn 16 rw 0x0 Disable aging for this Read Port. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 911 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reg_arb_pri_rd_portn 9:0 rw 0x3FF Priority of this Read Port n. Value in this register used to load the aging counters (when respective port request is asserted and grant is generated to that port). These register can be reprogrammed to set priority of each port. Lower the value more will be priority given to the port. For example if 0x82 (port 0) value is set to 'h3FF, and 0x83 (port 1) is set to 'h0FF, and both port0 and port1 have requests, in this case port1 will get high priority and grant will be given to port1. Register (ddrc) excl_access_cfg0 Name excl_access_cfg0 Relative Address 0x00000294 Absolute Address 0xF8006294 Width 18 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Exclusive access configuration for port 0. Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address excl_access_cfg0 0xf8006294 excl_access_cfg1 0xf8006298 excl_access_cfg2 0xf800629c excl_access_cfg3 0xf80062a0 Register excl_access_cfg0 to excl_access_cfg3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_excl_acc_id1_port 17:9 rw 0x0 Reserved reg_excl_acc_id0_port 8:0 rw 0x0 Reserved Register (ddrc) mode_reg_read Name mode_reg_read Relative Address 0x000002A4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 912 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF80062A4 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Mode register read data Register Details Register mode_reg_read Details This registers is applicable only when LPDDR2 is selected. Field Name ddrc_reg_rd_mrr_data Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Mode register read Data. Valid when ddrc_co_rd_mrr_data_valid is high. Bits[7:0] carry the 8-bit MRR value. Valid for LPDDR2 only. Register (ddrc) lpddr_ctrl0 Name lpddr_ctrl0 Relative Address 0x000002A8 Absolute Address 0xF80062A8 Width 12 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description LPDDR2 Control 0 Register lpddr_ctrl0 Details This registers is applicable only when LPDDR2 is selected. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_mr4_margin 11:4 rw 0x0 UNUSED reserved 3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Datasheet does not mention this field reg_ddrc_derate_enabl e 2 rw 0x0 0: Timing parameter derating is disabled. 1: Timing parameter derating is enabled using MR4 read value. This feature should only be enabled after LPDDR2 initialization is completed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 913 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg_ddrc_per_bank_refr esh 1 rw 0x0 0:All bank refresh Per bank refresh allows traffic to flow to other banks. 1:Per bank refresh Recommended setting is 0. If per bank refresh is required, please follow recommended procedure outlined in Errata. reg_ddrc_lpddr2 0 rw 0x0 0: DDR2 or DDR3 in use. 1: LPDDR2 in Use. Register (ddrc) lpddr_ctrl1 Name lpddr_ctrl1 Relative Address 0x000002AC Absolute Address 0xF80062AC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description LPDDR2 Control 1 Register lpddr_ctrl1 Details Field Name reg_ddrc_mr4_read_int erval Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Interval between two MR4 reads, USED to derate the timing parameters. Register (ddrc) lpddr_ctrl2 Name lpddr_ctrl2 Relative Address 0x000002B0 Absolute Address 0xF80062B0 Width 22 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x003C0015 Description LPDDR2 Control 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 914 Appendix B: Register Details Register lpddr_ctrl2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_t_mrw 21:12 rw 0x3C0 Time to wait during load mode register writes. Present only in designs configured to support LPDDR2. LPDDR2 typically requires value of 5. reg_ddrc_idle_after_res et_x32 11:4 rw 0x1 Idle time after the reset command, tINIT4. Units: 32 clock cycles. reg_ddrc_min_stable_cl ock_x1 3:0 rw 0x5 Time to wait after the first CKE high, tINIT2. Units: 1 clock cycle. LPDDR2 typically requires 5 x tCK delay. Register (ddrc) lpddr_ctrl3 Name lpddr_ctrl3 Relative Address 0x000002B4 Absolute Address 0xF80062B4 Width 18 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000601 Description LPDDR2 Control 3 Register lpddr_ctrl3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reg_ddrc_dev_zqinit_x3 2 17:8 rw 0x6 ZQ initial calibration, tZQINIT. Units: 32 clock cycles. LPDDR2 typically requires 1 us. reg_ddrc_max_auto_init _x1024 7:0 rw 0x1 Maximum duration of the auto initialization, tINIT5. Units: 1024 clock cycles. LPDDR2 typically requires 10 us. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 915 Appendix B: Register Details B.7 CoreSight Cross Trigger Interface (cti) Module Name CoreSight Cross Trigger Interface (cti) Base Address 0xF8898000 0xF8899000 0xF8802000 0xF8809000 Description Cross Trigger Interface debug_cpu_cti0 debug_cpu_cti1 debug_cti_etb_tpiu debug_cti_ftm Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description CTICONTROL 0x00000000 1 rw 0x00000000 CTI Control Register CTIINTACK 0x00000010 8 wo 0x00000000 CTI Interrupt Acknowledge Register CTIAPPSET 0x00000014 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Application Trigger Set Register CTIAPPCLEAR 0x00000018 4 wo 0x00000000 CTI Application Trigger Clear Register CTIAPPPULSE 0x0000001C 4 wo 0x00000000 CTI Application Pulse Register CTIINEN0 0x00000020 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 0 Register CTIINEN1 0x00000024 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 1 Register CTIINEN2 0x00000028 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 2 Register CTIINEN3 0x0000002C 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 3 Register CTIINEN4 0x00000030 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 4 Register CTIINEN5 0x00000034 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 5 Register CTIINEN6 0x00000038 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 6 Register CTIINEN7 0x0000003C 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 7 Register CTIOUTEN0 0x000000A0 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 0 Register CTIOUTEN1 0x000000A4 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 1 Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 916 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description CTIOUTEN2 0x000000A8 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 2 Register CTIOUTEN3 0x000000AC 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 3 Register CTIOUTEN4 0x000000B0 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 4 Register CTIOUTEN5 0x000000B4 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 5 Register CTIOUTEN6 0x000000B8 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 6 Register CTIOUTEN7 0x000000BC 4 rw 0x00000000 CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 7 Register CTITRIGINSTATUS 0x00000130 8 ro x CTI Trigger In Status Register CTITRIGOUTSTATUS 0x00000134 8 ro 0x00000000 CTI Trigger Out Status Register CTICHINSTATUS 0x00000138 4 ro x CTI Channel In Status Register CTICHOUTSTATUS 0x0000013C 4 ro 0x00000000 CTI Channel Out Status Register CTIGATE 0x00000140 4 rw 0x0000000F Enable CTI Channel Gate Register ASICCTL 0x00000144 8 rw 0x00000000 External Multiplexor Control Register ITCHINACK 0x00000EDC 4 wo 0x00000000 ITCHINACK Register ITTRIGINACK 0x00000EE0 8 wo 0x00000000 ITTRIGINACK Register ITCHOUT 0x00000EE4 4 wo 0x00000000 ITCHOUT Register ITTRIGOUT 0x00000EE8 8 wo 0x00000000 ITTRIGOUT Register ITCHOUTACK 0x00000EEC 4 ro 0x00000000 ITCHOUTACK Register ITTRIGOUTACK 0x00000EF0 8 ro 0x00000000 ITTRIGOUTACK Register ITCHIN 0x00000EF4 4 ro 0x00000000 ITCHIN Register ITTRIGIN 0x00000EF8 8 ro 0x00000000 ITTRIGIN Register ITCTRL 0x00000F00 1 rw 0x00000000 IT Control Register CTSR 0x00000FA0 4 rw 0x0000000F Claim Tag Set Register CTCR 0x00000FA4 4 rw 0x00000000 Claim Tag Clear Register LAR 0x00000FB0 32 wo 0x00000000 Lock Access Register LSR 0x00000FB4 3 ro 0x00000003 Lock Status Register ASR 0x00000FB8 4 ro x Authentication Status Register DEVID 0x00000FC8 20 ro 0x00040800 Device ID DTIR 0x00000FCC 8 ro 0x00000014 Device Type Identifier Register PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000004 Peripheral ID4 PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 917 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x00000006 Peripheral ID0 PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x000000B9 Peripheral ID1 PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x0000002B Peripheral ID2 PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID3 COMPID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 COMPID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000090 Component ID1 COMPID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 COMPID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (cti) CTICONTROL Name CTICONTROL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898000 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899000 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802000 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809000 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Control Register Register CTICONTROL Details Field Name GLBEN Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables or disables the ECT. When disabled, all cross triggering mapping logic functionality is disabled for this processor. Register (cti) CTIINTACK Name CTIINTACK Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898010 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899010 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802010 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809010 Width 8 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 918 Appendix B: Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Interrupt Acknowledge Register Register Details Register CTIINTACK Details Field Name INTACK Bits 7:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Acknowledges the corresponding CTITRIGOUT output: 1 = CTITRIGOUT is acknowledged and is cleared when MAPTRIGOUT is LOW. 0 = no effect There is one bit of the register for each CTITRIGOUT output. Register (cti) CTIAPPSET Name CTIAPPSET Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898014 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899014 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802014 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809014 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Application Trigger Set Register Register CTIAPPSET Details Field Name APPSET Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Setting a bit HIGH generates a channel event for the selected channel. Read: 0 = application trigger inactive (reset) 1 = application trigger active. Write: 0 = no effect 1 = generate channel event. There is one bit of the register for each channel. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 919 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) CTIAPPCLEAR Name CTIAPPCLEAR Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898018 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899018 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802018 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809018 Width 4 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Application Trigger Clear Register Register CTIAPPCLEAR Details Field Name APPCLEAR Bits 3:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Clears corresponding bits in the CTIAPPSET register. 1 = application trigger disabled in the CTIAPPSET register 0 = no effect. There is one bit of the register for each channel. Register (cti) CTIAPPPULSE Name CTIAPPPULSE Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF889801C debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF889901C debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF880201C debug_cti_ftm: 0xF880901C Width 4 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Application Pulse Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 920 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTIAPPPULSE Details Field Name APPULSE Bits 3:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Setting a bit HIGH generates a channel event pulse for the selected channel. Write: 1 = channel event pulse generated for one CTICLK period 0 = no effect. There is one bit of the register for each channel. Register (cti) CTIINEN0 Name CTIINEN0 Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898020 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899020 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802020 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809020 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 0 Register Register CTIINEN0 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. Register (cti) CTIINEN1 Name CTIINEN1 Relative Address 0x00000024 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 921 Appendix B: Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898024 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899024 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802024 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809024 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 1 Register Register Details Register CTIINEN1 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. Register (cti) CTIINEN2 Name CTIINEN2 Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898028 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899028 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802028 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809028 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 2 Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 922 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTIINEN2 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. Register (cti) CTIINEN3 Name CTIINEN3 Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF889802C debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF889902C debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF880202C debug_cti_ftm: 0xF880902C Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 3 Register Register CTIINEN3 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 923 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) CTIINEN4 Name CTIINEN4 Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898030 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899030 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802030 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809030 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 4 Register Register CTIINEN4 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. Register (cti) CTIINEN5 Name CTIINEN5 Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898034 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899034 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802034 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809034 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 5 Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 924 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTIINEN5 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. Register (cti) CTIINEN6 Name CTIINEN6 Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898038 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899038 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802038 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809038 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 6 Register Register CTIINEN6 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 925 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) CTIINEN7 Name CTIINEN7 Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF889803C debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF889903C debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF880203C debug_cti_ftm: 0xF880903C Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger to Channel Enable 7 Register Register CTIINEN7 Details Field Name TRIGINEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables a cross trigger event to the corresponding channel when an CTITRIGIN is activated. 1 = enables the CTITRIGIN signal to generate an event on the respective channel of the CTM. There is one bit of the register for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIINEN0, TRIGINEN[0] set to 1 enables CTITRIGIN onto channel 0. 0 = disables the CTITRIGIN signal from generating an event on the respective channel of the CTM. Register (cti) CTIOUTEN0 Name CTIOUTEN0 Relative Address 0x000000A0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980A0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990A0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020A0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090A0 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 0 Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 926 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTIOUTEN0 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. Register (cti) CTIOUTEN1 Name CTIOUTEN1 Relative Address 0x000000A4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980A4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990A4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020A4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090A4 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 1 Register Register CTIOUTEN1 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 927 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) CTIOUTEN2 Name CTIOUTEN2 Relative Address 0x000000A8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980A8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990A8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020A8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090A8 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 2 Register Register CTIOUTEN2 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. Register (cti) CTIOUTEN3 Name CTIOUTEN3 Relative Address 0x000000AC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980AC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990AC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020AC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090AC Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 3 Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 928 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTIOUTEN3 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. Register (cti) CTIOUTEN4 Name CTIOUTEN4 Relative Address 0x000000B0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980B0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990B0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020B0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090B0 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 4 Register Register CTIOUTEN4 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 929 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) CTIOUTEN5 Name CTIOUTEN5 Relative Address 0x000000B4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980B4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990B4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020B4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090B4 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 5 Register Register CTIOUTEN5 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. Register (cti) CTIOUTEN6 Name CTIOUTEN6 Relative Address 0x000000B8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980B8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990B8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020B8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090B8 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 6 Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 930 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTIOUTEN6 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. Register (cti) CTIOUTEN7 Name CTIOUTEN7 Relative Address 0x000000BC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF88980BC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF88990BC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF88020BC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF88090BC Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel to Trigger Enable 7 Register Register CTIOUTEN7 Details Field Name TRIGOUTEN Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Changing the value of this bit from a 0 to a 1 enables a channel event for the corresponding channel to generate an CTITRIGOUT output: 0 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is not routed to the CTITRIGOUT output 1 = the channel input (CTICHIN) from the CTM is routed to the CTITRIGOUT output. There is one bit for each of the four channels. For example in register CTIOUTEN0, enabling bit 0 enables CTICHIN[0] to cause a trigger event on the CTITRIGOUT[0] output. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 931 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) CTITRIGINSTATUS Name CTITRIGINSTATUS Relative Address 0x00000130 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898130 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899130 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802130 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809130 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description CTI Trigger In Status Register Register CTITRIGINSTATUS Details Field Name TRIGINSTATUS Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value x Description Shows the status of the CTITRIGIN inputs: 1 = CTITRIGIN is active 0 = CTITRIGIN is inactive. Because the register provides a view of the raw CTITRIGIN inputs, the reset value is unknown. There is one bit of the register for each trigger input. Register (cti) CTITRIGOUTSTATUS Name CTITRIGOUTSTATUS Relative Address 0x00000134 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898134 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899134 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802134 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809134 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Trigger Out Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 932 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTITRIGOUTSTATUS Details Field Name TRIGOUTSTATUS Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Shows the status of the CTITRIGOUT outputs. 1 = CTITRIGOUT is active 0 = CTITRIGOUT is inactive (reset). There is one bit of the register for each trigger output. Register (cti) CTICHINSTATUS Name CTICHINSTATUS Relative Address 0x00000138 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898138 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899138 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802138 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809138 Width 4 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description CTI Channel In Status Register Register CTICHINSTATUS Details Field Name CTCHINSTATUS Bits 3:0 Type ro Reset Value x Description Shows the status of the CTICHIN inputs: 1 = CTICHIN is active 0 = CTICHIN is inactive. Because the register provides a view of the raw CTICHIN inputs from the CTM, the reset value is unknown. There is one bit of the register for each channel input. Register (cti) CTICHOUTSTATUS Name CTICHOUTSTATUS Relative Address 0x0000013C Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF889813C debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF889913C debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF880213C debug_cti_ftm: 0xF880913C Width 4 bits Access Type ro Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 933 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CTI Channel Out Status Register Register Details Register CTICHOUTSTATUS Details Field Name CTCHOUTSTATUS Bits 3:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Shows the status of the CTICHOUT outputs. 1 = CTICHOUT is active 0 = CTICHOUT is inactive (reset). There is one bit of the register for each channel output. Register (cti) CTIGATE Name CTIGATE Relative Address 0x00000140 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898140 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899140 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802140 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809140 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000000F Description Enable CTI Channel Gate Register Register CTIGATE Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description CTIGATEEN3 3 rw 0x1 Enable CTICHOUT3. CTIGATEEN2 2 rw 0x1 Enable CTICHOUT2. CTIGATEEN1 1 rw 0x1 Enable CTICHOUT1. CTIGATEEN0 0 rw 0x1 Enable CTICHOUT0. Register (cti) ASICCTL Name ASICCTL Relative Address 0x00000144 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898144 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899144 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802144 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809144 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 934 Appendix B: Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description External Multiplexor Control Register Register Details Register ASICCTL Details Field Name ASICCTL Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Implementation defined ASIC control, value written to the register is output on ASICCTL[7:0]. Register (cti) ITCHINACK Name ITCHINACK Relative Address 0x00000EDC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EDC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EDC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EDC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EDC Width 4 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ITCHINACK Register Register ITCHINACK Details Field Name CTCHINACK Bits 3:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the value of the CTCHINACK outputs Register (cti) ITTRIGINACK Name ITTRIGINACK Relative Address 0x00000EE0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EE0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EE0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EE0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EE0 Width 8 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 935 Appendix B: Description Register Details ITTRIGINACK Register Register ITTRIGINACK Details Field Name CTTRIGINACK Bits 7:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the value of the CTTRIGINACK outputs Register (cti) ITCHOUT Name ITCHOUT Relative Address 0x00000EE4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EE4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EE4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EE4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EE4 Width 4 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ITCHOUT Register Register ITCHOUT Details Field Name CTCHOUT Bits 3:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the value of the CTCHOUT outputs Register (cti) ITTRIGOUT Name ITTRIGOUT Relative Address 0x00000EE8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EE8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EE8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EE8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EE8 Width 8 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ITTRIGOUT Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 936 Appendix B: Register Details Register ITTRIGOUT Details Field Name CTTRIGOUT Bits 7:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the value of the CTTRIGOUT outputs Register (cti) ITCHOUTACK Name ITCHOUTACK Relative Address 0x00000EEC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EEC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EEC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EEC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EEC Width 4 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ITCHOUTACK Register Register ITCHOUTACK Details Field Name CTCHOUTACK Bits 3:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Read the values of the CTCHOUTACK inputs Register (cti) ITTRIGOUTACK Name ITTRIGOUTACK Relative Address 0x00000EF0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EF0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EF0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EF0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ITTRIGOUTACK Register Register ITTRIGOUTACK Details Field Name CTTRIGOUTACK Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Read the values of the CTTRIGOUTACK inputs www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 937 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) ITCHIN Name ITCHIN Relative Address 0x00000EF4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EF4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EF4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EF4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EF4 Width 4 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ITCHIN Register Register ITCHIN Details Field Name CTCHIN Bits 3:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Read the values of the CTCHIN inputs Register (cti) ITTRIGIN Name ITTRIGIN Relative Address 0x00000EF8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898EF8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899EF8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802EF8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809EF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ITTRIGIN Register Register ITTRIGIN Details Field Name CTTRIGIN Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Read the values of the CTTRIGIN inputs Register (cti) ITCTRL Name ITCTRL Relative Address 0x00000F00 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 938 Appendix B: Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898F00 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899F00 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802F00 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809F00 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description IT Control Register Register Details Register ITCTRL Details Field Name Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enable IT Registers Register (cti) CTSR Name CTSR Relative Address 0x00000FA0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FA0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FA0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FA0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FA0 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000000F Description Claim Tag Set Register Register CTSR Details Field Name SET Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xF Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: 1= Claim tag is implemented, 0 = Claim tag is not implemented Write: 1= Set claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (cti) CTCR Name CTCR Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 939 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000FA4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FA4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FA4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FA4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FA4 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Claim Tag Clear Register Register Details Register CTCR Details Field Name CLEAR Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: Current value of claim tag. Write: 1= Clear claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (cti) LAR Name LAR Relative Address 0x00000FB0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FB0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FB0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FB0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FB0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lock Access Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 940 Appendix B: Register Details Register LAR Details Field Name KEY Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Write Access Code. Write behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): After reset (via PRESETDBGn), CTI is locked, i.e., writes to all other registers using lower 2GB addresses are ignored. To unlock, 0xC5ACCE55 must be written this register. After the required registers are written, to lock again, write a value other than 0xC5ACCE55 to this register. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): CTI is unlocked when upper 2GB addresses are used to write to all the registers. However, write to this register is ignored using a upper 2GB address! Note: read from this register always returns 0, regardless of PADDRDBG31. Register (cti) LSR Name LSR Relative Address 0x00000FB4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FB4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FB4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FB4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FB4 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Lock Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 941 Appendix B: Register Details Register LSR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 8BIT 2 ro 0x0 Set to 0 since CTI implements a 32-bit lock access register STATUS 1 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): When a lower 2GB address is used to read this register, this bit indicates whether CTI is in locked state (1= locked, 0= unlocked). - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0. IMP 0 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): always returns 1, meaning lock mechanism are implemented. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0, meaning lock mechanism is NOT implemented. Register (cti) ASR Name ASR Relative Address 0x00000FB8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FB8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FB8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FB8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FB8 Width 4 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Authentication Status Register Register ASR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description NIDEN 3 ro x Current value of noninvasive debug enable signals NIDEN_CTL 2 ro 0x1 Non-invasive debug controlled IDEN 1 ro x Current value of invasive debug enable signals IDEN_CTL 0 ro 0x1 Invasive debug controlled Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 942 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) DEVID Name DEVID Relative Address 0x00000FC8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FC8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FC8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FC8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FC8 Width 20 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00040800 Description Device ID Register DEVID Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description NumChan 19:16 ro 0x4 Number of channels available NumTrig 15:8 ro 0x8 Number of triggers available res 7:5 ro 0x0 reserved ExtMux 4:0 ro 0x0 no external muxing Register (cti) DTIR Name DTIR Relative Address 0x00000FCC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FCC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FCC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FCC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FCC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000014 Description Device Type Identifier Register Register DTIR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x14 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description major type is a debug control logic component, sub-type is cross trigger www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 943 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) PERIPHID4 Name PERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FD0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FD0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FD0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000004 Description Peripheral ID4 Register PERIPHID4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 4KB_count 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count, set to 0 JEP106ID 3:0 ro 0x4 JEP106 continuation code Register (cti) PERIPHID5 Name PERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FD4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FD4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FD4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register PERIPHID5 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (cti) PERIPHID6 Name PERIPHID6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 944 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FD8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FD8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FD8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register Details Register PERIPHID6 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (cti) PERIPHID7 Name PERIPHID7 Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FDC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FDC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FDC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register PERIPHID7 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (cti) PERIPHID0 Name PERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FE0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FE0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FE0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FE0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 945 Appendix B: Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000006 Description Peripheral ID0 Register Details Register PERIPHID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x6 Description PartNumber0 Register (cti) PERIPHID1 Name PERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FE4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FE4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FE4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B9 Description Peripheral ID1 Register PERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106ID 7:4 ro 0xB JEP106 Identity Code [3:0] PartNumber1 3:0 ro 0x9 PartNumber1 Register (cti) PERIPHID2 Name PERIPHID2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FE8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FE8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FE8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000002B Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 946 Appendix B: Description Register Details Peripheral ID2 Register PERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevNum 7:4 ro 0x2 Revision number of Peripheral JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 Indicates that a JEDEC assigned value is used JEP106ID 2:0 ro 0x3 JEP106 Identity Code [6:4] Register (cti) PERIPHID3 Name PERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FEC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FEC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FEC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register PERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd, at top level CustMod 3:0 ro 0x0 Customer Modified Register (cti) COMPID0 Name COMPID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FF0 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FF0 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FF0 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 947 Appendix B: Register Details Register COMPID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Description Preamble Register (cti) COMPID1 Name COMPID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FF4 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FF4 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FF4 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Component ID1 Register COMPID1 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x90 Description Preamble Register (cti) COMPID2 Name COMPID2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FF8 debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FF8 debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FF8 debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Register COMPID2 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 948 Appendix B: Register Details Register (cti) COMPID3 Name COMPID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address debug_cpu_cti0: 0xF8898FFC debug_cpu_cti1: 0xF8899FFC debug_cti_etb_tpiu: 0xF8802FFC debug_cti_ftm: 0xF8809FFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register COMPID3 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 949 Appendix B: Register Details B.8 Performance Monitor Unit (cortexa9_pmu) Module Name Performance Monitor Unit (cortexa9_pmu) Base Address 0xF8891000 debug_cpu_pmu0 0xF8893000 debug_cpu_pmu1 Description Cortex A9 Performance Monitoring Unit Vendor Info ARM Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description PMXEVCNTR0 0x00000000 32 rw x PMU event counter 0 PMXEVCNTR1 0x00000004 32 rw x PMU event counter 1 PMXEVCNTR2 0x00000008 32 rw x PMU event counter 2 PMXEVCNTR3 0x0000000C 32 rw x PMU event counter 3 PMXEVCNTR4 0x00000010 32 rw x PMU event counter 4 PMXEVCNTR5 0x00000014 32 rw x PMU event counter 5 PMCCNTR 0x0000007C 32 rw x pmccntr PMXEVTYPER0 0x00000400 32 rw x pmevtyper0 PMXEVTYPER1 0x00000404 32 rw x pmevtyper1 PMXEVTYPER2 0x00000408 32 rw x pmevtyper2 PMXEVTYPER3 0x0000040C 32 rw x pmevtyper3 PMXEVTYPER4 0x00000410 32 rw x pmevtyper4 PMXEVTYPER5 0x00000414 32 rw x pmevtyper5 PMCNTENSET 0x00000C00 32 rw 0x00000000 pmcntenset PMCNTENCLR 0x00000C20 32 rw 0x00000000 pmcntenclr PMINTENSET 0x00000C40 32 rw 0x00000000 pmintenset PMINTENCLR 0x00000C60 32 rw 0x00000000 pmintenclr PMOVSR 0x00000C80 32 rw x pmovsr PMSWINC 0x00000CA0 32 wo x pmswinc PMCR 0x00000E04 32 rw 0x41093000 pmcr PMUSERENR 0x00000E08 32 rw 0x00000000 pmuserenr Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVCNTR0 Name PMXEVCNTR0 Relative Address 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 950 Appendix B: Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891000 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 0 Register Details Register PMXEVCNTR0 Details Field Name PMXEVCNTR0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 0 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVCNTR1 Name PMXEVCNTR1 Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891004 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893004 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 1 Register PMXEVCNTR1 Details Field Name PMXEVCNTR1 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 1 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVCNTR2 Name PMXEVCNTR2 Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891008 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893008 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 951 Appendix B: Register Details Register PMXEVCNTR2 Details Field Name PMXEVCNTR2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 2 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVCNTR3 Name PMXEVCNTR3 Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF889100C debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF889300C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 3 Register PMXEVCNTR3 Details Field Name PMXEVCNTR3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 3 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVCNTR4 Name PMXEVCNTR4 Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891010 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893010 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 4 Register PMXEVCNTR4 Details Field Name PMXEVCNTR4 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 4 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVCNTR5 Name PMXEVCNTR5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 952 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891014 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893014 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 5 Register Details Register PMXEVCNTR5 Details Field Name PMXEVCNTR5 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description PMU event counter 5 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMCCNTR Name PMCCNTR Relative Address 0x0000007C Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF889107C debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF889307C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmccntr Register PMCCNTR Details Field Name PMCCNTR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmccntr Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVTYPER0 Name PMXEVTYPER0 Relative Address 0x00000400 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891400 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893400 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 953 Appendix B: Register Details Register PMXEVTYPER0 Details Field Name PMXEVTYPER0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper0 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVTYPER1 Name PMXEVTYPER1 Relative Address 0x00000404 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891404 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893404 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper1 Register PMXEVTYPER1 Details Field Name PMXEVTYPER1 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper1 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVTYPER2 Name PMXEVTYPER2 Relative Address 0x00000408 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891408 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893408 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper2 Register PMXEVTYPER2 Details Field Name PMXEVTYPER2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper2 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVTYPER3 Name PMXEVTYPER3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 954 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x0000040C Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF889140C debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF889340C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper3 Register Details Register PMXEVTYPER3 Details Field Name PMXEVTYPER3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper3 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVTYPER4 Name PMXEVTYPER4 Relative Address 0x00000410 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891410 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893410 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper4 Register PMXEVTYPER4 Details Field Name PMXEVTYPER4 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper4 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMXEVTYPER5 Name PMXEVTYPER5 Relative Address 0x00000414 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891414 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893414 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 955 Appendix B: Register Details Register PMXEVTYPER5 Details Field Name PMXEVTYPER5 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmevtyper5 Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMCNTENSET Name PMCNTENSET Relative Address 0x00000C00 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891C00 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893C00 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pmcntenset Register PMCNTENSET Details Field Name PMCNTENSET Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description pmcntenset Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMCNTENCLR Name PMCNTENCLR Relative Address 0x00000C20 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891C20 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893C20 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pmcntenclr Register PMCNTENCLR Details Field Name PMCNTENCLR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description pmcntenclr Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMINTENSET Name PMINTENSET Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 956 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000C40 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891C40 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893C40 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pmintenset Register Details Register PMINTENSET Details Field Name PMINTENSET Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description pmintenset Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMINTENCLR Name PMINTENCLR Relative Address 0x00000C60 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891C60 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893C60 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pmintenclr Register PMINTENCLR Details Field Name PMINTENCLR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description pmintenclr Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMOVSR Name PMOVSR Relative Address 0x00000C80 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891C80 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893C80 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description pmovsr Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 957 Appendix B: Register Details Register PMOVSR Details Field Name PMOVSR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description pmovsr Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMSWINC Name PMSWINC Relative Address 0x00000CA0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891CA0 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893CA0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description pmswinc Register PMSWINC Details Field Name PMSWINC Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value x Description pmswinc Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMCR Name PMCR Relative Address 0x00000E04 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891E04 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893E04 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x41093000 Description pmcr Register PMCR Details Field Name PMCR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x41093000 Description pmcr Register (cortexa9_pmu) PMUSERENR Name PMUSERENR Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 958 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000E08 Absolute Address debug_cpu_pmu0: 0xF8891E08 debug_cpu_pmu1: 0xF8893E08 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pmuserenr Register Details Register PMUSERENR Details Field Name PMUSERENR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description pmuserenr This register is read-only in user mode. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 959 Appendix B: Register Details B.9 CoreSight Program Trace Macrocell (ptm) Module Name CoreSight Program Trace Macrocell (ptm) Base Address 0xF889C000 debug_cpu_ptm0 0xF889D000 debug_cpu_ptm1 Description CoreSight PTM-A9 Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description ETMCR 0x00000000 30 rw 0x00000401 Main Control Register ETMCCR 0x00000004 32 ro 0x8D294004 Configuration Code Register ETMTRIGGER 0x00000008 17 rw 0x00000000 Trigger Event Register ETMSR 0x00000010 4 mixed 0x00000002 Status Register ETMSCR 0x00000014 15 ro 0x00000000 System Configuration Register ETMTSSCR 0x00000018 24 rw 0x00000000 TraceEnable Start/Stop Control Register ETMTEEVR 0x00000020 32 rw 0x00000000 TraceEnable Event ETMTECR1 0x00000024 26 rw 0x00000000 TraceEnable Control Register 1 ETMACVR1 0x00000040 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 1 ETMACVR2 0x00000044 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 2 ETMACVR3 0x00000048 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 3 ETMACVR4 0x0000004C 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 4 ETMACVR5 0x00000050 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 5 ETMACVR6 0x00000054 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 6 ETMACVR7 0x00000058 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 7 ETMACVR8 0x0000005C 32 rw 0x00000000 Address Comparator Value Register 8 ETMACTR1 0x00000080 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 1 ETMACTR2 0x00000084 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 960 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description ETMACTR3 0x00000088 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 3 ETMACTR4 0x0000008C 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 4 ETMACTR5 0x00000090 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 5 ETMACTR6 0x00000094 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 6 ETMACTR7 0x00000098 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 7 ETMACTR8 0x0000009C 12 mixed 0x00000001 Address Comparator Access Type Register 8 ETMCNTRLDVR1 0x00000140 16 rw 0x00000000 Counter Reload Value Register 1 ETMCNTRLDVR2 0x00000144 16 rw 0x00000000 Counter Reload Value Register 2 ETMCNTENR1 0x00000150 18 mixed 0x00020000 Counter Enable Event Register 1 ETMCNTENR2 0x00000154 18 mixed 0x00020000 Counter Enable Event Register 2 ETMCNTRLDEVR1 0x00000160 17 rw 0x00000000 Counter Reload Event Register 1 ETMCNTRLDEVR2 0x00000164 17 rw 0x00000000 Counter Reload Event Register 2 ETMCNTVR1 0x00000170 16 rw 0x00000000 Counter Value Register 1 ETMCNTVR2 0x00000174 16 rw 0x00000000 Counter Value Register 2 ETMSQ12EVR 0x00000180 17 rw 0x00000000 Sequencer State Transition Event Register 12 ETMSQ21EVR 0x00000184 17 rw 0x00000000 Sequencer State Transition Event Register 21 ETMSQ23EVR 0x00000188 17 rw 0x00000000 Sequencer State Transition Event Register 23 ETMSQ31EVR 0x0000018C 17 rw 0x00000000 Sequencer State Transition Event Register 31 ETMSQ32EVR 0x00000190 17 rw 0x00000000 Sequencer State Transition Event Register 32 ETMSQ13EVR 0x00000194 17 rw 0x00000000 Sequencer State Transition Event Register 13 ETMSQR 0x0000019C 2 rw 0x00000000 Current Sequencer State Register ETMEXTOUTEVR1 0x000001A0 17 rw 0x00000000 External Output Event Register 1 ETMEXTOUTEVR2 0x000001A4 17 rw 0x00000000 External Output Event Register 2 ETMCIDCVR1 0x000001B0 32 rw 0x00000000 Context ID Comparator Value Register ETMCIDCMR 0x000001BC 32 rw 0x00000000 Context ID Comparator Mask Register ETMSYNCFR 0x000001E0 12 mixed 0x00000400 Synchronization Frequency Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 961 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description ETMIDR 0x000001E4 32 ro 0x411CF301 ID Register ETMCCER 0x000001E8 26 ro 0x000008EA Configuration Code Extension Register ETMEXTINSELR 0x000001EC 14 rw 0x00000000 Extended External Input Selection Register ETMTSEVR 0x000001F8 32 rw 0x00000000 Timestamp Event ETMAUXCR 0x000001FC 4 rw 0x00000000 Auxiliary Control Register ETMTRACEIDR 0x00000200 7 rw 0x00000000 CoreSight Trace ID Register OSLSR 0x00000304 32 ro 0x00000000 OS Lock Status Register ETMPDSR 0x00000314 32 ro 0x00000001 Device Powerdown Status Register ITMISCOUT 0x00000EDC 10 wo 0x00000000 Miscellaneous Outputs Register ITMISCIN 0x00000EE0 7 ro x Miscellaneous Inputs Register ITTRIGGER 0x00000EE8 1 wo 0x00000000 Trigger Register ITATBDATA0 0x00000EEC 5 wo 0x00000000 ATB Data 0 Register ITATBCTR2 0x00000EF0 2 ro x ATB Control 2 Register ITATBID 0x00000EF4 7 wo 0x00000000 ATB Identification Register ITATBCTR0 0x00000EF8 10 wo 0x00000000 ATB Control 0 Register ETMITCTRL 0x00000F00 1 rw 0x00000000 Integration Mode Control Register CTSR 0x00000FA0 8 rw 0x000000FF Claim Tag Set Register CTCR 0x00000FA4 8 rw 0x00000000 Claim Tag Clear Register LAR 0x00000FB0 32 wo 0x00000000 Lock Access Register LSR 0x00000FB4 3 ro 0x00000003 Lock Status Register ASR 0x00000FB8 8 ro x Authentication Status Register DEVID 0x00000FC8 32 ro 0x00000000 Device ID DTIR 0x00000FCC 32 ro 0x00000013 Device Type Identifier (ETMDEVTYPE) PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000004 Peripheral ID4 PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x00000050 Peripheral ID0 PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x000000B9 Peripheral ID1 PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x0000001B Peripheral ID2 PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID3 COMPID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 COMPID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000090 Component ID1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 962 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description COMPID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 COMPID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (ptm) ETMCR Name ETMCR Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C000 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D000 Width 30 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000401 Description Main Control Register Register ETMCR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ReturnStackEn 29 rw 0x0 Return stack enable TimestampEn 28 rw 0x0 Timestamp enable ProcSelect 27:25 rw 0x0 Select for external multiplexor if PTM is shared between multiple processors. reserved 24:16 rw 0x0 Reserved ContexIDSize 15:14 rw 0x0 Context ID Size Enumerated Value List: NONE=0. 8BIT=1. 16BIT=2. 32BIT=3. reserved 13 rw 0x0 Reserved CycleAccurate 12 rw 0x0 Enables cycle counting reserved 11 rw 0x0 Reserved ProgBit 10 rw 0x1 This bit must be set to b1 when the PTM is being programmed. DebugReqCtrl 9 rw 0x0 Debug Request Control When set to b1 and the trigger event occurs, the PTMDBGRQ output is asserted until PTMDBGACK is observed. This enables a debugger to force the processor into Debug state. BranchOutput 8 rw 0x0 When this bit is set to b1, addresses are output for all executed branches, both direct and indirect. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 963 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 7:1 rw 0x0 Reserved PowerDown 0 rw 0x1 This bit enables external control of the PTM. This bit must be cleared by the trace software tools at the beginning of a debug session. When this bit is set to b0, both the PTM and the trace interface in the processor are enabled. To avoid corruption of trace data, this bit must not be set before the Programming Status bit in the PTM Status Register has been read as 1. Register (ptm) ETMCCR Name ETMCCR Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C004 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D004 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x8D294004 Description Configuration Code Register Register ETMCCR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description IDRegPresent 31 ro 0x1 Indicates that the ID Register is present. reserved 30:28 ro 0x0 Reserved SoftwareAccess 27 ro 0x1 Indicates that software access is supported. TraceSSB 26 ro 0x1 Indicates that the trace start/stop block is present. NumCntxtIDComp 25:24 ro 0x1 Specifies the number of Context ID comparators, one. FIFOFULLLogic 23 ro 0x0 Indicates that it is not possible to stall the processor to prevent FIFO overflow. NumExtOut 22:20 ro 0x2 Specifies the number of external outputs, two. NumExtIn 19:17 ro 0x4 Specifies the number of external inputs, four. Sequencer 16 ro 0x1 Indicates that the sequencer is present. NumCounters 15:13 ro 0x2 Specifies the number of counters, two. reserved 12:4 ro 0x0 Reserved NumAddrComp 3:0 ro 0x4 Specifies the number of address comparator pairs, four. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 964 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ptm) ETMTRIGGER Name ETMTRIGGER Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C008 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D008 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trigger Event Register Register ETMTRIGGER Details Field Name TrigEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Trigger event. Subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMSR Name ETMSR Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C010 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D010 Width 4 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000002 Description Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 965 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMSR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description TrigFlag 3 rw 0x0 Trigger bit. Set when the trigger occurs and prevents the trigger from being output until the PTM is next programmed. TSSRStat 2 rw 0x0 Holds the current status of the trace start/stop resource. If set to 1, indicates that a trace start address has been matched, without a corresponding trace stop address match. ProgBit 1 ro 0x1 Effective state of the Programming bit. You must wait for this bit to go to b1 before starting to program the PTM. Overflow 0 ro 0x0 If set to 1, there is an overflow that has not yet been traced. Register (ptm) ETMSCR Name ETMSCR Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C014 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D014 Width 15 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description System Configuration Register Register ETMSCR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description NumProcs 14:12 ro 0x0 Number of supported processors minus 1. reserved 11:9 ro 0x0 Reserved FIFOFULL 8 ro 0x0 FIFOFULL not supported reserved 7:0 ro 0x0 Reserved Register (ptm) ETMTSSCR Name ETMTSSCR Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C018 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D018 Width 24 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 966 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TraceEnable Start/Stop Control Register Register Details Register ETMTSSCR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description StopAddrSel 23:16 rw 0x0 When a bit is set to 1, it selects a single address comparator (8-1) as a stop address for the TraceEnable Start/Stop block. For example, if you set bit [16] to 1 it selects single address comparator 1 as a stop address. reserved 15:8 rw 0x0 Reserved StartAddrSel 7:0 rw 0x0 When a bit is set to 1, it selects a single address comparator (8-1) as a start address for the TraceEnable Start/Stop block. For example, if you set bit [0] to 1 it selects single address comparator 1 as a start address. Register (ptm) ETMTEEVR Name ETMTEEVR Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C020 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D020 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TraceEnable Event Register ETMTEEVR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:17 rw 0x0 reserved Function 16:14 rw 0x0 Specifies the logical operation that combines the two resources that define the event. ResourceB 13:7 rw 0x0 See [ResourceA] bit decription. ResourceA 6:0 rw 0x0 Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 967 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ptm) ETMTECR1 Name ETMTECR1 Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C024 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D024 Width 26 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TraceEnable Control Register 1 Register ETMTECR1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description TraceSSEn 25 rw 0x0 Trace start/stop control enable. The possible values of this bit are: 0 Tracing is unaffected by the trace start/stop logic. 1 Tracing is controlled by the trace on and off addresses configured for the trace start/stop logic. The trace start/stop resource is not affected by the value of this bit. ExcIncFlag 24 rw 0x0 Exclude/include flag. The possible values of this bit are: 0 Include. The specified address range comparators indicate the regions where tracing can occur. No tracing occurs outside this region. 1 Exclude. The specified address range comparators indicate regions to be excluded from the trace. When outside an exclude region, tracing can occur. reserved 23:4 rw 0x0 Reserved AddrCompSel 3:0 rw 0x0 When a bit is set to 1, it selects an address range comparator, 4-1, for include/exclude control. For example, bit [0] set to 1 selects address range comparator 1. Register (ptm) ETMACVR1 Name ETMACVR1 Relative Address 0x00000040 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 968 Appendix B: Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C040 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D040 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 1 Register Details Register ETMACVR1 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACVR2 Name ETMACVR2 Relative Address 0x00000044 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C044 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D044 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 2 Register ETMACVR2 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACVR3 Name ETMACVR3 Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C048 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D048 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 969 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMACVR3 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACVR4 Name ETMACVR4 Relative Address 0x0000004C Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C04C debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D04C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 4 Register ETMACVR4 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACVR5 Name ETMACVR5 Relative Address 0x00000050 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C050 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D050 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 5 Register ETMACVR5 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACVR6 Name ETMACVR6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 970 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000054 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C054 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D054 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 6 Register Details Register ETMACVR6 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACVR7 Name ETMACVR7 Relative Address 0x00000058 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C058 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D058 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 7 Register ETMACVR7 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACVR8 Name ETMACVR8 Relative Address 0x0000005C Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C05C debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D05C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Address Comparator Value Register 8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 971 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMACVR8 Details Field Name Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Address for comparison Register (ptm) ETMACTR1 Name ETMACTR1 Relative Address 0x00000080 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C080 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D080 Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 1 Register ETMACTR1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMACTR2 Name ETMACTR2 Relative Address 0x00000084 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C084 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D084 Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 972 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 2 Register Details Register ETMACTR2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMACTR3 Name ETMACTR3 Relative Address 0x00000088 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C088 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D088 Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 973 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMACTR3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMACTR4 Name ETMACTR4 Relative Address 0x0000008C Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C08C debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D08C Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 4 Register ETMACTR4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 974 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMACTR5 Name ETMACTR5 Relative Address 0x00000090 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C090 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D090 Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 5 Register ETMACTR5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMACTR6 Name ETMACTR6 Relative Address 0x00000094 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C094 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D094 Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 975 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 6 Register Details Register ETMACTR6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMACTR7 Name ETMACTR7 Relative Address 0x00000098 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C098 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D098 Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 976 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMACTR7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMACTR8 Name ETMACTR8 Relative Address 0x0000009C Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C09C debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D09C Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Address Comparator Access Type Register 8 Register ETMACTR8 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SecLevelCtrl 11:10 rw 0x0 Security level control Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. NONSEC=1. SECURE=2. ContextIDCompCtrl 9:8 rw 0x0 Context ID comparator control. Enumerated Value List: IGNORE=0. MATCH1=1. MATCH2=2. MATCH3=3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 977 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 7:3 rw 0x0 Reserved AccessType 2:0 ro 0x1 Access type. Returns the value: Instruction execute. Register (ptm) ETMCNTRLDVR1 Name ETMCNTRLDVR1 Relative Address 0x00000140 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C140 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D140 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter Reload Value Register 1 Register ETMCNTRLDVR1 Details Field Name InitValue Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Counter initial value Register (ptm) ETMCNTRLDVR2 Name ETMCNTRLDVR2 Relative Address 0x00000144 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C144 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D144 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter Reload Value Register 2 Register ETMCNTRLDVR2 Details Field Name InitValue Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Counter initial value Register (ptm) ETMCNTENR1 Name ETMCNTENR1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 978 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000150 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C150 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D150 Width 18 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00020000 Description Counter Enable Event Register 1 Register Details Register ETMCNTENR1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Reserved_1 17 ro 0x1 Reserved, RAO/WI ExtOutEvent 16:0 rw 0x0 Count enable event. Subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMCNTENR2 Name ETMCNTENR2 Relative Address 0x00000154 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C154 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D154 Width 18 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00020000 Description Counter Enable Event Register 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 979 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMCNTENR2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Reserved_1 17 ro 0x1 Reserved, RAO/WI ExtOutEvent 16:0 rw 0x0 Count enable event. Subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMCNTRLDEVR1 Name ETMCNTRLDEVR1 Relative Address 0x00000160 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C160 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D160 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter Reload Event Register 1 Register ETMCNTRLDEVR1 Details Field Name CntReloadEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Count reload event. Subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMCNTRLDEVR2 Name ETMCNTRLDEVR2 Relative Address 0x00000164 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C164 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D164 Width 17 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 980 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter Reload Event Register 2 Register Details Register ETMCNTRLDEVR2 Details Field Name CntReloadEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Count reload event. Subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMCNTVR1 Name ETMCNTVR1 Relative Address 0x00000170 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C170 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D170 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter Value Register 1 Register ETMCNTVR1 Details Field Name CurrCount Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Current counter value. Register (ptm) ETMCNTVR2 Name ETMCNTVR2 Relative Address 0x00000174 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C174 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D174 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 981 Appendix B: Description Register Details Counter Value Register 2 Register ETMCNTVR2 Details Field Name CurrCount Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Current counter value. Register (ptm) ETMSQ12EVR Name ETMSQ12EVR Relative Address 0x00000180 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C180 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D180 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Sequencer State Transition Event Register 12 Register ETMSQ12EVR Details Field Name TransEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description A Sequencer State Transition Event Register, ETMSQmnEVR, defines the evnet that causes the sequencer state transition from state m to state n. The format is subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMSQ21EVR Name ETMSQ21EVR Relative Address 0x00000184 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C184 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D184 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 982 Appendix B: Description Register Details Sequencer State Transition Event Register 21 Register ETMSQ21EVR Details Field Name TransEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description A Sequencer State Transition Event Register, ETMSQmnEVR, defines the evnet that causes the sequencer state transition from state m to state n. The format is subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMSQ23EVR Name ETMSQ23EVR Relative Address 0x00000188 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C188 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D188 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Sequencer State Transition Event Register 23 Register ETMSQ23EVR Details Field Name TransEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description A Sequencer State Transition Event Register, ETMSQmnEVR, defines the evnet that causes the sequencer state transition from state m to state n. The format is subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 983 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ptm) ETMSQ31EVR Name ETMSQ31EVR Relative Address 0x0000018C Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C18C debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D18C Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Sequencer State Transition Event Register 31 Register ETMSQ31EVR Details Field Name TransEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description A Sequencer State Transition Event Register, ETMSQmnEVR, defines the evnet that causes the sequencer state transition from state m to state n. The format is subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMSQ32EVR Name ETMSQ32EVR Relative Address 0x00000190 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C190 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D190 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Sequencer State Transition Event Register 32 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 984 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMSQ32EVR Details Field Name TransEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description A Sequencer State Transition Event Register, ETMSQmnEVR, defines the evnet that causes the sequencer state transition from state m to state n. The format is subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMSQ13EVR Name ETMSQ13EVR Relative Address 0x00000194 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C194 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D194 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Sequencer State Transition Event Register 13 Register ETMSQ13EVR Details Field Name TransEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description A Sequencer State Transition Event Register, ETMSQmnEVR, defines the evnet that causes the sequencer state transition from state m to state n. The format is subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMSQR Name ETMSQR Relative Address 0x0000019C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 985 Appendix B: Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C19C debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D19C Width 2 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Current Sequencer State Register Register Details Register ETMSQR Details Field Name CurrentSeqState Bits 1:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Indicates the current sequencer state Register (ptm) ETMEXTOUTEVR1 Name ETMEXTOUTEVR1 Relative Address 0x000001A0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1A0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1A0 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description External Output Event Register 1 Register ETMEXTOUTEVR1 Details Field Name ExtOutputEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description External output event. Subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMEXTOUTEVR2 Name ETMEXTOUTEVR2 Relative Address 0x000001A4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1A4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1A4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 986 Appendix B: Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description External Output Event Register 2 Register Details Register ETMEXTOUTEVR2 Details Field Name ExtOutputEvent Bits 16:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description External output event. Subdivided as: Function, bits [16:14] Specifies the function that combines the two resources that define the event. Resource B, bits [13:7] and Resource A, bits [6:0] Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMCIDCVR1 Name ETMCIDCVR1 Relative Address 0x000001B0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1B0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1B0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Context ID Comparator Value Register Register ETMCIDCVR1 Details Field Name ContextID Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Holds a 32-bit Context ID value Register (ptm) ETMCIDCMR Name ETMCIDCMR Relative Address 0x000001BC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1BC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1BC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 987 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Context ID Comparator Mask Register Register Details Register ETMCIDCMR Details Field Name ContextMask Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Holds a 32-bit Context ID mask Register (ptm) ETMSYNCFR Name ETMSYNCFR Relative Address 0x000001E0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1E0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1E0 Width 12 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000400 Description Synchronization Frequency Register Register ETMSYNCFR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SyncFreq 11:2 rw 0x100 Synchronization frequency reserved 1:0 ro 0x0 Reserved Register (ptm) ETMIDR Name ETMIDR Relative Address 0x000001E4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1E4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1E4 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x411CF301 Description ID Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 988 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMIDR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ImplCode 31:24 ro 0x41 Implementor code. The field reads 0x41, ASCII code for A, indicating ARM Limited. reserved 23:21 ro 0x0 Reserved reserved 20 ro 0x1 Reserved, RAO SecExtSupp 19 ro 0x1 Support for security extensions. Thumb32Supp 18 ro 0x1 Support for 32-bit Thumb instructions. reserved 17:16 ro 0x0 Reserved Reserved_F 15:12 ro 0xF Reserved, 0b1111 MajorVer 11:8 ro 0x3 Major architecture version number, 0b0011 MinorVer 7:4 ro 0x0 Minor architecture version number, 0b0000 ImplRev 3:0 ro 0x1 Implementation revision. Register (ptm) ETMCCER Name ETMCCER Relative Address 0x000001E8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1E8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1E8 Width 26 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000008EA Description Configuration Code Extension Register Register ETMCCER Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description BarrTS 25 ro 0x0 Timestamps are not generated for DMB/DSB BarrWP 24 ro 0x0 DMB/DSB instructions are not treated as waypoints. RetStack 23 ro 0x0 Return stack implemented. Timestamp 22 ro 0x0 Timestamping implemented. reserved 21:16 ro 0x0 Reserved InstrumRes 15:13 ro 0x0 Specifies the number of instrumentation resources. Reserved_1 12 ro 0x0 Reserved, RAO RegReads 11 ro 0x1 Indicates that all registers, except some Integration Test Registers, are readable. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 989 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ExtInSize 10:3 ro 0x1D Specifies the size of the extended external input bus, 29. ExtInSel 2:0 ro 0x2 Specifies the number of extended external input selectors, 2. Register (ptm) ETMEXTINSELR Name ETMEXTINSELR Relative Address 0x000001EC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1EC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1EC Width 14 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Extended External Input Selection Register Register ETMEXTINSELR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ExtInSel2 13:8 rw 0x0 Second extended external input selector reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved ExtInSel1 5:0 rw 0x0 First extended external input selector Register (ptm) ETMTSEVR Name ETMTSEVR Relative Address 0x000001F8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1F8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1F8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Timestamp Event Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 990 Appendix B: Register Details Register ETMTSEVR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:17 rw 0x0 reserved Function 16:14 rw 0x0 Specifies the logical operation that combines the two resources that define the event. ResourceB 13:7 rw 0x0 See [ResourceA] bit decription. ResourceA 6:0 rw 0x0 Specify the two resources that are combined by the logical operation specified by the Function field. Register (ptm) ETMAUXCR Name ETMAUXCR Relative Address 0x000001FC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C1FC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D1FC Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Auxiliary Control Register Register ETMAUXCR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ForceSyncInsert 3 rw 0x0 Force insertion of synchronization packets, regardless of current trace activity. Possible values for this bit are: b0 = Synchronization packets delayed when trace activity is high. This is the reset value. b1 = Synchronization packets inserted regardless of trace activity. This bit might be set if synchronization packets occur too far apart. Setting this bit might cause the trace FIFO to overflow more frequently when trace activity is high. DisableWPUpdate 2 rw 0x0 Specifies whether the PTM issues waypoint update packets if there are more than 4096 bytes between waypoints. Possible values for this bit are: b0 = PTM always issues update packets if there are more than 4096 bytes between waypoints. This is the reset value. b1 = PTM does not issue waypoint update packets unless required to do so as the result of an exception or debug entry. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 991 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description DisableTSOnBarr 1 rw 0x0 Specifies whether the PTM issues a timestamp on a barrier instruction. Possible values for this bit are: b0 = PTM issues timestamps on barrier instructions. This is the reset value. b1 = PTM does not issue timestamps on barriers DisableForcedOF 0 rw 0x0 Specifies whether the PTM enters overflow state when synchronization is requested, and the previous synchronization sequence has not yet completed. This does not affect entry to overflow state when the FIFO becomes full. Possible values for this bit are: b0 = Forced overflow enabled. This is the reset value. b1 = Forced overflow disabled. Register (ptm) ETMTRACEIDR Name ETMTRACEIDR Relative Address 0x00000200 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C200 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D200 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CoreSight Trace ID Register Register ETMTRACEIDR Details Field Name TraceID Bits 6:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Before trace is generated, you must program this register with a non-reserved value. Reserved values are 0x00 and any value in the range 0x70-0x7F. The reset value of this register is 0x00. Register (ptm) OSLSR Name OSLSR Relative Address 0x00000304 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C304 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D304 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 992 Appendix B: Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description OS Lock Status Register Register Details Register OSLSR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Shows that OS Locking is not implemented. Register (ptm) ETMPDSR Name ETMPDSR Relative Address 0x00000314 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889C314 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889D314 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Device Powerdown Status Register Register ETMPDSR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x1 Description Indicates that the PTM Trace Registers can be accessed. Register (ptm) ITMISCOUT Name ITMISCOUT Relative Address 0x00000EDC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CEDC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DEDC Width 10 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Miscellaneous Outputs Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 993 Appendix B: Register Details Register ITMISCOUT Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PTMEXTOUT 9:8 wo 0x0 Drives the PTMEXTOUT[1:0] outputs reserved 7:6 wo 0x0 Reserved PTMIDLEACK 5 wo 0x0 Drives the PTMIDLEACK output PTMDBGREQ 4 wo 0x0 Drives the PTMDBGREQ output reserved 3:0 wo 0x0 Reserved Register (ptm) ITMISCIN Name ITMISCIN Relative Address 0x00000EE0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CEE0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DEE0 Width 7 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Miscellaneous Inputs Register Register ITMISCIN Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description STANDBYWFI 6 ro x Returns the value of the STANDBYWFI input reserved 5 ro 0x0 Reserved PTMDBGACK 4 ro x Returns the value of the PTMDBGACK input EXTIN 3:0 ro x Returns the value of the EXTIN[3:0] inputs Register (ptm) ITTRIGGER Name ITTRIGGER Relative Address 0x00000EE8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CEE8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DEE8 Width 1 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trigger Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 994 Appendix B: Register Details Register ITTRIGGER Details Field Name PTMTRIGGER Bits 0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Drives the PTMTRIGGER output Register (ptm) ITATBDATA0 Name ITATBDATA0 Relative Address 0x00000EEC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CEEC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DEEC Width 5 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ATB Data 0 Register Register ITATBDATA0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATDATAM31 4 wo 0x0 Drives the ATDATAM[31] output ATDATAM23 3 wo 0x0 Drives the ATDATAM[23] output ATDATAM15 2 wo 0x0 Drives the ATDATAM[15] output ATDATAM7 1 wo 0x0 Drives the ATDATAM[7] output ATDATAM0 0 wo 0x0 Drives the ATDATAM[0] output Register (ptm) ITATBCTR2 Name ITATBCTR2 Relative Address 0x00000EF0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CEF0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DEF0 Width 2 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description ATB Control 2 Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 995 Appendix B: Register Details Register ITATBCTR2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AFVALIDM 1 ro x Returns the value of the AFVALIDM input ATREADYM 0 ro x Returns the value of the ATREADYM input Register (ptm) ITATBID Name ITATBID Relative Address 0x00000EF4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CEF4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DEF4 Width 7 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ATB Identification Register Register ITATBID Details Field Name ATIDM Bits 6:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Drives the ATIDM[6:0] outputs Register (ptm) ITATBCTR0 Name ITATBCTR0 Relative Address 0x00000EF8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CEF8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DEF8 Width 10 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ATB Control 0 Register Register ITATBCTR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATBYTESM 9:8 wo 0x0 Drives the ATBYTESM[9:8] outputs reserved 7:2 wo 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 996 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AFREADYM 1 wo 0x0 Drives the AFREADYM output ATVALIDM 0 wo 0x0 Drives the ATVALIDM output Register (ptm) ETMITCTRL Name ETMITCTRL Relative Address 0x00000F00 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CF00 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DF00 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Mode Control Register Register ETMITCTRL Details Field Name Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enable Integration Test registers. Before entering integration mode, the PTM must be powered up and in programming mode. THis means bit 0 of the Main Control Register is set to 0, and bit 10 of the Main Control Register ist set 1. After leaving integration mode, the PTM must be reset before attempting to perform tracing. Register (ptm) CTSR Name CTSR Relative Address 0x00000FA0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFA0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFA0 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000000FF Description Claim Tag Set Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 997 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTSR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFF Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: 1= Claim tag is implemented, 0 = Claim tag is not implemented Write: 1= Set claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (ptm) CTCR Name CTCR Relative Address 0x00000FA4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFA4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFA4 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Claim Tag Clear Register Register CTCR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: Current value of claim tag. Write: 1= Clear claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (ptm) LAR Name LAR Relative Address 0x00000FB0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFB0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFB0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lock Access Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 998 Appendix B: Register Details Register LAR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Write Access Code. Write behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): After reset (via PRESETDBGn), PTM is locked, i.e., writes to all other registers using lower 2GB addresses are ignored. To unlock, 0xC5ACCE55 must be written this register. After the required registers are written, to lock again, write a value other than 0xC5ACCE55 to this register. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): PTM is unlocked when upper 2GB addresses are used to write to all the registers. However, write to this register is ignored using a upper 2GB address! Note: read from this register always returns 0, regardless of PADDRDBG31. Register (ptm) LSR Name LSR Relative Address 0x00000FB4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFB4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFB4 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Lock Status Register Register LSR Details Field Name 8BIT Bits 2 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Set to 0 since PTM implements a 32-bit lock access register www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 999 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description STATUS 1 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): When a lower 2GB address is used to read this register, this bit indicates whether PTM is in locked state (1= locked, 0= unlocked). - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0. IMP 0 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): always returns 1, meaning lock mechanism are implemented. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0, meaning lock mechanism is NOT implemented. Register (ptm) ASR Name ASR Relative Address 0x00000FB8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFB8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFB8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Authentication Status Register Register ASR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SNI 7:6 ro 0x0 Secure non-invasive debug Always 2'b00,. This functionality is not implemented SI 5:4 ro 0x0 Secure invasive debug Always 2'b00. This functionality is not implemented. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1000 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description NSNI 3:2 ro x Non-secure non-invasive debug IF NIDEN or DBGEN is 1, this field is 2'b11, indicating the functionality is implemented and enabled. Otherwise, this field is 2'b10 (implemented but disabled) NSI 1:0 ro 0x0 Non-secure invasive debug Always 2'b00. This functionality is not implemented. Register (ptm) DEVID Name DEVID Relative Address 0x00000FC8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFC8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFC8 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Device ID Register DEVID Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Component capability Register (ptm) DTIR Name DTIR Relative Address 0x00000FCC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFCC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFCC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000013 Description Device Type Identifier (ETMDEVTYPE) Register DTIR Details See CoreSight PTM-A9 Technical Reference Manual and CoreSight Program Flow Trace Architecture Specification for more information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1001 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description TRACE 31:8 ro 0x0 A trace source and processor trace SUBTYPE 7:4 ro 0x1 Sub type, 0x1, processor trace MAINTYPE 3:0 ro 0x3 Main type, 0x3, trace source Register (ptm) PERIPHID4 Name PERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFD0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000004 Description Peripheral ID4 Register PERIPHID4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 4KB_count 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count, set to 0 JEP106ID 3:0 ro 0x4 JEP106 continuation code Register (ptm) PERIPHID5 Name PERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFD4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register PERIPHID5 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description reserved www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1002 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ptm) PERIPHID6 Name PERIPHID6 Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFD8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register PERIPHID6 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (ptm) PERIPHID7 Name PERIPHID7 Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFDC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register PERIPHID7 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (ptm) PERIPHID0 Name PERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFE0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFE0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1003 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000050 Description Peripheral ID0 Register Details Register PERIPHID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x50 Description PartNumber0 Register (ptm) PERIPHID1 Name PERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFE4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B9 Description Peripheral ID1 Register PERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106ID 7:4 ro 0xB JEP106 Identity Code [3:0] PartNumber1 3:0 ro 0x9 PartNumber1 Register (ptm) PERIPHID2 Name PERIPHID2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFE8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000001B Description Peripheral ID2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1004 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevNum 7:4 ro 0x1 Revision number of Peripheral JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 Indicates that a JEDEC assigned value is used JEP106ID 2:0 ro 0x3 JEP106 Identity Code [6:4] Register (ptm) PERIPHID3 Name PERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFEC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register PERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd, at top level CustMod 3:0 ro 0x0 Customer Modified Register (ptm) COMPID0 Name COMPID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFF0 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Register COMPID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1005 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ptm) COMPID1 Name COMPID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFF4 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Component ID1 Register COMPID1 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x90 Description Preamble Register (ptm) COMPID2 Name COMPID2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFF8 debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Register COMPID2 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Description Preamble Register (ptm) COMPID3 Name COMPID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address debug_cpu_ptm0: 0xF889CFFC debug_cpu_ptm1: 0xF889DFFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1006 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register Details Register COMPID3 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1007 Appendix B: Register Details B.10 Debug Access Port (dap) Module Name Debug Access Port (dap) Base Address 0xF8800000 debug_dap_rom Description Debug Access Port ROM Table Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description ROMENTRY00 0x00000000 32 ro 0x00001003 ROM entry 00 ROMENTRY01 0x00000004 32 ro 0x00002003 ROM entry 01 ROMENTRY02 0x00000008 32 ro 0x00003003 ROM entry 02 ROMENTRY03 0x0000000C 32 ro 0x00004003 ROM entry 03 ROMENTRY04 0x00000010 32 ro 0x00005003 ROM entry 04 ROMENTRY05 0x00000014 32 ro 0x00009003 ROM entry 05 ROMENTRY06 0x00000018 32 ro 0x0000A003 ROM entry 06 ROMENTRY07 0x0000001C 32 ro 0x0000B003 ROM entry 07 ROMENTRY08 0x00000020 32 ro 0x0000C003 ROM entry 08 ROMENTRY09 0x00000024 32 ro 0x00080003 ROM entry 09 ROMENTRY10 0x00000028 32 rw 0x00000000 ROM entry 10 ROMENTRY11 0x0000002C 32 rw 0x00000000 ROM entry 11 ROMENTRY12 0x00000030 32 rw 0x00000000 ROM entry 12 ROMENTRY13 0x00000034 32 rw 0x00000000 ROM entry 13 ROMENTRY14 0x00000038 32 rw 0x00000000 ROM entry 14 ROMENTRY15 0x0000003C 32 rw 0x00000000 ROM entry 15 PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000003 Peripheral ID4 PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x000000B2 Peripheral ID0 PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x00000093 Peripheral ID1 PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x00000028 Peripheral ID2 PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000007 Peripheral ID3 COMPID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 COMPID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000010 Component ID1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1008 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description COMPID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 COMPID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (dap) ROMENTRY00 Name ROMENTRY00 Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8800000 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00001003 Description ROM entry 00 Register ROMENTRY00 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0x1 Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Register (dap) ROMENTRY01 Name ROMENTRY01 Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8800004 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00002003 Description ROM entry 01 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1009 Appendix B: Register Details Register ROMENTRY01 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0x2 Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Register (dap) ROMENTRY02 Name ROMENTRY02 Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF8800008 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00003003 Description ROM entry 02 Register ROMENTRY02 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0x3 Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1010 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dap) ROMENTRY03 Name ROMENTRY03 Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF880000C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00004003 Description ROM entry 03 Register ROMENTRY03 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0x4 Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Register (dap) ROMENTRY04 Name ROMENTRY04 Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xF8800010 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00005003 Description ROM entry 04 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1011 Appendix B: Register Details Register ROMENTRY04 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0x5 Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Register (dap) ROMENTRY05 Name ROMENTRY05 Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xF8800014 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00009003 Description ROM entry 05 Register ROMENTRY05 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0x9 Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1012 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dap) ROMENTRY06 Name ROMENTRY06 Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xF8800018 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000A003 Description ROM entry 06 Register ROMENTRY06 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0xA Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Register (dap) ROMENTRY07 Name ROMENTRY07 Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xF880001C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000B003 Description ROM entry 07 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1013 Appendix B: Register Details Register ROMENTRY07 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0xB Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Register (dap) ROMENTRY08 Name ROMENTRY08 Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xF8800020 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000C003 Description ROM entry 08 Register ROMENTRY08 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0xC Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1014 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dap) ROMENTRY09 Name ROMENTRY09 Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xF8800024 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00080003 Description ROM entry 09 Register ROMENTRY09 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AddressOffset 31:12 ro 0x80 Base address of the component, relative to the ROM address. Negative values are permitted using two's complement. ComponentAddress = ROMAddress + (AddressOffset SHL 12) reserved 11:2 ro 0x0 Reserved Format 1 ro 0x1 Format of ROM entry Enumerated Value List: 32BIT=1. 8BIT=0. EntryPresent 0 ro 0x1 Set HIGH to indicate an entry is present. Register (dap) ROMENTRY10 Name ROMENTRY10 Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address 0xF8800028 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ROM entry 10 Register ROMENTRY10 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Invalid entry www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1015 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dap) ROMENTRY11 Name ROMENTRY11 Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address 0xF880002C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ROM entry 11 Register ROMENTRY11 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Invalid entry Register (dap) ROMENTRY12 Name ROMENTRY12 Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address 0xF8800030 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ROM entry 12 Register ROMENTRY12 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Invalid entry Register (dap) ROMENTRY13 Name ROMENTRY13 Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address 0xF8800034 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ROM entry 13 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1016 Appendix B: Register Details Register ROMENTRY13 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Invalid entry Register (dap) ROMENTRY14 Name ROMENTRY14 Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address 0xF8800038 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ROM entry 14 Register ROMENTRY14 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Invalid entry Register (dap) ROMENTRY15 Name ROMENTRY15 Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address 0xF880003C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ROM entry 15 Register ROMENTRY15 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Invalid entry Register (dap) PERIPHID4 Name PERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1017 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8800FD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Peripheral ID4 Register Details Register PERIPHID4 Details Field Name 4KB_count Bits Type Reset Value Description 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count, set to 0 3:0 ro 0x3 JEP106 continuation code Register (dap) PERIPHID5 Name PERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address 0xF8800FD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register PERIPHID5 Details Field Name reserved Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (dap) PERIPHID6 Name PERIPHID6 Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address 0xF8800FD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1018 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID6 Details Field Name reserved Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (dap) PERIPHID7 Name PERIPHID7 Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address 0xF8800FDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register PERIPHID7 Details Field Name reserved Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (dap) PERIPHID0 Name PERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address 0xF8800FE0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B2 Description Peripheral ID0 Register PERIPHID0 Details Field Name PartNumber0 Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB2 Description PartNumber0 Register (dap) PERIPHID1 Name PERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1019 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8800FE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000093 Description Peripheral ID1 Register Details Register PERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106ID 7:4 ro 0x9 JEP106 Identity Code [3:0] PartNumber1 3:0 ro 0x3 PartNumber1 Register (dap) PERIPHID2 Name PERIPHID2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address 0xF8800FE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000028 Description Peripheral ID2 Register PERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevNum 7:4 ro 0x2 Revision number of Peripheral JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 Indicates that a JEDEC assigned value is used JEP106ID 2:0 ro 0x0 JEP106 Identity Code [6:4] Register (dap) PERIPHID3 Name PERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address 0xF8800FEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000007 Description Peripheral ID3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1020 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd, at top level CustMod 3:0 ro 0x7 Customer Modified Register (dap) COMPID0 Name COMPID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address 0xF8800FF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Register COMPID0 Details Field Name Preamble Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Description Preamble Register (dap) COMPID1 Name COMPID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address 0xF8800FF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000010 Description Component ID1 Register COMPID1 Details Field Name Preamble Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x10 Description Preamble Register (dap) COMPID2 Name COMPID2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1021 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address 0xF8800FF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Register Details Register COMPID2 Details Field Name Preamble Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Description Preamble Register (dap) COMPID3 Name COMPID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address 0xF8800FFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register COMPID3 Details Field Name Preamble Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1022 Appendix B: Register Details B.11 CoreSight Embedded Trace Buffer (etb) Module Name CoreSight Embedded Trace Buffer (etb) Base Address 0xF8801000 debug_etb Description Embedded Trace Buffer Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description RDP 0x00000004 32 ro 0x00000400 RAM Depth Register STS 0x0000000C 4 ro 0x00000000 Status Register RRD 0x00000010 32 ro 0x00000000 RAM Read Data Register RRP 0x00000014 10 rw 0x00000000 RAM Read Pointer Register RWP 0x00000018 10 rw 0x00000000 RAM Write Pointer Register TRG 0x0000001C 10 rw 0x00000000 Trigger Counter Register CTL 0x00000020 1 rw 0x00000000 Control Register RWD 0x00000024 32 rw 0x00000000 RAM Write Data Register FFSR 0x00000300 2 ro 0x00000002 Formatter and Flush Status Register FFCR 0x00000304 14 mixed 0x00000200 Formatter and Flush Control Register ITMISCOP0 0x00000EE0 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test Miscellaneous Output Register 0 ITTRFLINACK 0x00000EE4 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Acknowledge Register ITTRFLIN 0x00000EE8 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Register ITATBDATA0 0x00000EEC 5 ro 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Data Register ITATBCTR2 0x00000EF0 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control Register 2 ITATBCTR1 0x00000EF4 7 ro 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control Register 1 ITATBCTR0 0x00000EF8 10 ro 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control Register 0 IMCR 0x00000F00 1 rw 0x00000000 Integration Mode Control Register CTSR 0x00000FA0 4 rw 0x0000000F Claim Tag Set Register CTCR 0x00000FA4 4 rw 0x00000000 Claim Tag Clear Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1023 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description LAR 0x00000FB0 32 wo 0x00000000 Lock Access Register LSR 0x00000FB4 3 ro 0x00000003 Lock Status Register ASR 0x00000FB8 8 ro 0x00000000 Authentication Status Register DEVID 0x00000FC8 6 ro 0x00000000 Device ID DTIR 0x00000FCC 8 ro 0x00000021 Device Type Identifier Register PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000004 Peripheral ID4 PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x00000007 Peripheral ID0 PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x000000B9 Peripheral ID1 PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x0000003B Peripheral ID2 PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID3 COMPID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 COMPID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000090 Component ID1 COMPID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 COMPID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (etb) RDP Name RDP Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8801004 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000400 Description RAM Depth Register Register RDP Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x400 Description Defines the depth, in words, of the trace RAM. Register (etb) STS Name STS Relative Address 0x0000000C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1024 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF880100C Width 4 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Status Register Register Details Register STS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FtEmpty 3 ro 0x0 Formatter pipeline empty. All data stored to RAM. AcqComp 2 ro 0x0 Acquisition complete. The acquisition complete flag indicates that capture has been completed when the formatter stops because of any of the methods defined in the Formatter and Flush Control Register, or TraceCaptEn = 0. This also results in FtStopped in the Formatter and Flush Status Register going HIGH. Triggered 1 ro 0x0 The Triggered bit is set when a trigger has been observed. This does not indicate that a trigger has been embedded in the trace data by the formatter, but is determined by the programming of the Formatter and Flush Control Register. Full 0 ro 0x0 RAM Full. The flag indicates when the RAM write pointer has wrapped around. Register (etb) RRD Name RRD Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xF8801010 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description RAM Read Data Register Register RRD Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Data read from the ETB Trace RAM. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1025 Appendix B: Register Details Register (etb) RRP Name RRP Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xF8801014 Width 10 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description RAM Read Pointer Register Register RRP Details Field Name Bits 9:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Sets the read pointer used to read entries from the Trace RAM over the APB interface. Register (etb) RWP Name RWP Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xF8801018 Width 10 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description RAM Write Pointer Register Register RWP Details Field Name Bits 9:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Sets the write pointer used to write entries from the CoreSight bus into the Trace RAM Register (etb) TRG Name TRG Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xF880101C Width 10 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1026 Appendix B: Description Register Details Trigger Counter Register Register TRG Details Field Name Bits 9:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The counter is used as follows: - Trace after The counter is set to a large value, slightly less than the number of entries in the RAM. - Trace before The counter is set to a small value. - Trace about The counter is set to half the depth of the Trace RAM. This register must not be written to when trace capture is enabled (FtStopped=0, TraceCaptEn=1). If a write is attempted, the register is not updated. A read access is permitted with trace capture enabled. Register (etb) CTL Name CTL Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xF8801020 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Control Register Register CTL Details Field Name TraceCaptEn Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description ETB Trace Capture Enable. 1 = enable trace capture 0 = disable trace capture. This is the master enable bit forcing FtStopped HIGH when TraceCaptEn is LOW. When capture is disabled, any remaining data in the ATB formatter is stored to RAM. When all data is stored the formatter outputs FtStopped. Capture is fully disabled, or complete, when FtStopped goes HIGH. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1027 Appendix B: Register Details Register (etb) RWD Name RWD Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xF8801024 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description RAM Write Data Register Register RWD Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Data written to the ETB Trace RAM. When trace capture is disabled, the contents of this register are placed into the ETB Trace RAM when this register is written to. Writing to this register increments the RAM Write Pointer Register. If trace capture is enabled, and this register is accessed, then a read from this register outputs 0xFFFFFFFF. Reads of this register never increment the RAM Write Pointer Register. A constant stream of 1s being output corresponds to a synchronization output from the ETB. If a write access is attempted, the data is not written into Trace RAM. Register (etb) FFSR Name FFSR Relative Address 0x00000300 Absolute Address 0xF8801300 Width 2 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000002 Description Formatter and Flush Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1028 Appendix B: Register Details Register FFSR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FtStopped 1 ro 0x1 Formatter stopped. The formatter has received a stop request signal and all trace data and post-amble has been output. Any more trace data on the ATB interface is ignored and ATREADYS goes HIGH. FlInProg 0 ro 0x0 Flush In Progress. This is an indication of the current state of AFVALIDS. Register (etb) FFCR Name FFCR Relative Address 0x00000304 Absolute Address 0xF8801304 Width 14 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000200 Description Formatter and Flush Control Register Register FFCR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description StopTrig 13 rw 0x0 Stop the formatter when a Trigger Event has been observed. StopFl 12 rw 0x0 Stop the formatter when a flush has completed (return of AFREADYS). This forces the FIFO to drain off any part-completed packets. Setting this bit enables this function but this is clear on reset (disabled). reserved 11 ro 0x0 Reserved TrigFl 10 rw 0x0 Indicate a trigger on Flush completion (AFREADYS being returned). TrigEvt 9 rw 0x1 Indicate a trigger on a Trigger Event. TrigIn 8 rw 0x0 Indicate a trigger on TRIGIN being asserted. reserved 7 ro 0x0 Reserved FOnMan 6 rw 0x0 Manually generate a flush of the system. Setting this bit causes a flush to be generated. This is cleared when the flush has been serviced. This bit is clear on reset. FOnTrig 5 rw 0x0 Generate flush using Trigger event. Set this bit to cause a flush of data in the system when a Trigger Event occurs. This bit is clear on reset. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1029 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description FOnFlIn 4 rw 0x0 Generate flush using the FLUSHIN interface. Set this bit to enable use of the FLUSHIN connection. This bit is clear on reset. reserved 3:2 ro 0x0 Reserved EnFCont 1 rw 0x0 Continuous Formatting. Continuous mode in the ETB corresponds to normal mode with the embedding of triggers. Can only be changed when FtStopped is HIGH. This bit is clear on reset. EnFTC 0 rw 0x0 Enable Formatting. Do not embed Triggers into the formatted stream. Trace disable cycles and triggers are indicated by TRACECTL, where fitted. Can only be changed when FtStopped is HIGH. This bit is clear on reset. Register (etb) ITMISCOP0 Name ITMISCOP0 Relative Address 0x00000EE0 Absolute Address 0xF8801EE0 Width 2 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test Miscellaneous Output Register 0 Register ITMISCOP0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FULL 1 wo 0x0 Set the value of FULL ACQCOMP 0 wo 0x0 Set the value of ACQCOMP Register (etb) ITTRFLINACK Name ITTRFLINACK Relative Address 0x00000EE4 Absolute Address 0xF8801EE4 Width 2 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Acknowledge Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1030 Appendix B: Register Details Register ITTRFLINACK Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FLUSHINACK 1 wo 0x0 Set the value of FLUSHINACK TRIGINACK 0 wo 0x0 Set the value of TRIGINACK Register (etb) ITTRFLIN Name ITTRFLIN Relative Address 0x00000EE8 Absolute Address 0xF8801EE8 Width 2 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Register Register ITTRFLIN Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FLUSHIN 1 wo 0x0 Read the value of FLUSHIN TRIGIN 0 wo 0x0 Read the value of TRIGIN Register (etb) ITATBDATA0 Name ITATBDATA0 Relative Address 0x00000EEC Absolute Address 0xF8801EEC Width 5 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Data Register Register ITATBDATA0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATDATA31 4 ro 0x0 Read the value of ATDATA[31] ATDATA23 3 ro 0x0 Read the value of ATDATA[23] ATDATA15 2 ro 0x0 Read the value of ATDATA[15] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1031 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ATDATA7 1 ro 0x0 Read the value of ATDATA[7] ATDATA0 0 ro 0x0 Read the value of ATDATA[0] Register (etb) ITATBCTR2 Name ITATBCTR2 Relative Address 0x00000EF0 Absolute Address 0xF8801EF0 Width 2 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 2 Register ITATBCTR2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AFVALIDS 1 wo 0x0 Set the value of AFVALIDS ATREADYS 0 wo 0x0 Set the value of ATREADYS Register (etb) ITATBCTR1 Name ITATBCTR1 Relative Address 0x00000EF4 Absolute Address 0xF8801EF4 Width 7 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 1 Register ITATBCTR1 Details Field Name ATID Bits 6:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Read the value of ATIDS Register (etb) ITATBCTR0 Name ITATBCTR0 Relative Address 0x00000EF8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1032 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8801EF8 Width 10 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 0 Register Details Register ITATBCTR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATBYTES 9:8 ro 0x0 Read the value of ATBYTES reserved 7:2 ro 0x0 Reserved AFREADY 1 ro 0x0 Read the value of AFREADYS ATVALID 0 ro 0x0 Read the value of ATVALIDS Register (etb) IMCR Name IMCR Relative Address 0x00000F00 Absolute Address 0xF8801F00 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Mode Control Register Register IMCR Details Field Name Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enable Integration Test registers. Register (etb) CTSR Name CTSR Relative Address 0x00000FA0 Absolute Address 0xF8801FA0 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000000F Description Claim Tag Set Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1033 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTSR Details Field Name Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xF Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: 1= Claim tag is implemented, 0 = Claim tag is not implemented Write: 1= Set claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (etb) CTCR Name CTCR Relative Address 0x00000FA4 Absolute Address 0xF8801FA4 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Claim Tag Clear Register Register CTCR Details Field Name Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: Current value of claim tag. Write: 1= Clear claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (etb) LAR Name LAR Relative Address 0x00000FB0 Absolute Address 0xF8801FB0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lock Access Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1034 Appendix B: Register Details Register LAR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Write Access Code. Write behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): After reset (via PRESETDBGn), ETB is locked, i.e., writes to all other registers using lower 2GB addresses are ignored. To unlock, 0xC5ACCE55 must be written this register. After the required registers are written, to lock again, write a value other than 0xC5ACCE55 to this register. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): ETB is unlocked when upper 2GB addresses are used to write to all the registers. However, write to this register is ignored using a upper 2GB address! Note: read from this register always returns 0, regardless of PADDRDBG31. Register (etb) LSR Name LSR Relative Address 0x00000FB4 Absolute Address 0xF8801FB4 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Lock Status Register Register LSR Details Field Name 8BIT Bits 2 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Set to 0 since ETB implements a 32-bit lock access register www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1035 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description STATUS 1 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): When a lower 2GB address is used to read this register, this bit indicates whether ETB is in locked state (1= locked, 0= unlocked). - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0. IMP 0 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): always returns 1, meaning lock mechanism are implemented. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0, meaning lock mechanism is NOT implemented. Register (etb) ASR Name ASR Relative Address 0x00000FB8 Absolute Address 0xF8801FB8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Authentication Status Register Register ASR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Indicates functionality not implemented Register (etb) DEVID Name DEVID Relative Address 0x00000FC8 Absolute Address 0xF8801FC8 Width 6 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Device ID Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1036 Appendix B: Register Details Register DEVID Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SyncATCLK 5 ro 0x0 ETB RAM is synchronous to ATCLK InputMux 4:0 ro 0x0 no input multiplexing Register (etb) DTIR Name DTIR Relative Address 0x00000FCC Absolute Address 0xF8801FCC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000021 Description Device Type Identifier Register Register DTIR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x21 Description A trace sink and specifically an ETB Register (etb) PERIPHID4 Name PERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Absolute Address 0xF8801FD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000004 Description Peripheral ID4 Register PERIPHID4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 4KB_count 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count, set to 0 JEP106ID 3:0 ro 0x4 JEP106 continuation code Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1037 Appendix B: Register Details Register (etb) PERIPHID5 Name PERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address 0xF8801FD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register PERIPHID5 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (etb) PERIPHID6 Name PERIPHID6 Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address 0xF8801FD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register PERIPHID6 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (etb) PERIPHID7 Name PERIPHID7 Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address 0xF8801FDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1038 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID7 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (etb) PERIPHID0 Name PERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address 0xF8801FE0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000007 Description Peripheral ID0 Register PERIPHID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x7 Description PartNumber0 Register (etb) PERIPHID1 Name PERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address 0xF8801FE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B9 Description Peripheral ID1 Register PERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106ID 7:4 ro 0xB JEP106 Identity Code [3:0] PartNumber1 3:0 ro 0x9 PartNumber1 Register (etb) PERIPHID2 Name PERIPHID2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1039 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address 0xF8801FE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000003B Description Peripheral ID2 Register Details Register PERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevNum 7:4 ro 0x3 Revision number of Peripheral JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 Indicates that a JEDEC assigned value is used JEP106ID 2:0 ro 0x3 JEP106 Identity Code [6:4] Register (etb) PERIPHID3 Name PERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address 0xF8801FEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register PERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd, at top level CustMod 3:0 ro 0x0 Customer Modified Register (etb) COMPID0 Name COMPID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address 0xF8801FF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1040 Appendix B: Register Details Register COMPID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Description Preamble Register (etb) COMPID1 Name COMPID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address 0xF8801FF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Component ID1 Register COMPID1 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x90 Description Preamble Register (etb) COMPID2 Name COMPID2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address 0xF8801FF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Register COMPID2 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Description Preamble Register (etb) COMPID3 Name COMPID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1041 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8801FFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register Details Register COMPID3 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1042 Appendix B: Register Details B.12 PL Fabric Trace Monitor (ftm) Module Name PL Fabric Trace Monitor (ftm) Base Address 0xF880B000 debug_ftm Description Fabric Trace Macrocell Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description FTMGLBCTRL 0x00000000 1 rw 0x00000000 FTM Global Control. FTMSTATUS 0x00000004 8 ro 0x00000082 FTM Status Register FTMCONTROL 0x00000008 3 rw 0x00000000 FTM Configuration FTMP2FDBG0 0x0000000C 8 rw 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register P2F0 FTMP2FDBG1 0x00000010 8 rw 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register P2F1 FTMP2FDBG2 0x00000014 8 rw 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register P2F2 FTMP2FDBG3 0x00000018 8 rw 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register P2F3 FTMF2PDBG0 0x0000001C 8 ro 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register F2P0 FTMF2PDBG1 0x00000020 8 ro 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register F2P1 FTMF2PDBG2 0x00000024 8 ro 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register F2P2 FTMF2PDBG3 0x00000028 8 ro 0x00000000 FPGA Debug Register F2P3 CYCOUNTPRE 0x0000002C 4 rw 0x00000000 AXI Cycle Count clock pre-scaler FTMSYNCRELOAD 0x00000030 12 rw 0x00000000 FTM Synchronization Counter reload value FTMSYNCCOUT 0x00000034 12 ro 0x00000000 FTM Synchronization Counter value FTMATID 0x00000400 7 rw 0x00000000 FTM ATID Value Register FTMITTRIGOUTACK 0x00000ED0 4 ro 0x00000000 Trigger Output Acknowledge Integration Test Register FTMITTRIGGER 0x00000ED4 4 wo 0x00000000 Trigger Output Integration Test Register FTMITTRACEDIS 0x00000ED8 1 ro 0x00000000 External Trace Disable Integration Test Register FTMITCYCCOUNT 0x00000EDC 32 rw 0x00000001 Cycle Counter Test Register FTMITATBDATA0 0x00000EEC 5 wo 0x00000000 ATB Data Integration Test Register 0 FTMITATBCTR2 0x00000EF0 2 ro 0x00000001 ATB Control Integration Test Register 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1043 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description FTMITATBCTR1 0x00000EF4 7 rw 0x00000000 ATB Control Integration Test Register 1 FTMITATBCTR0 0x00000EF8 10 wo 0x00000000 ATB Control Integration Test Register 0 FTMITCR 0x00000F00 1 rw 0x00000000 FTM Test Control Register CLAIMTAGSET 0x00000FA0 8 rw 0x000000FF Claim Tag Set Register CLAIMTAGCLR 0x00000FA4 8 rw 0x00000000 Claim Tag Clear Register LOCK_ACCESS 0x00000FB0 32 wo 0x00000000 Lock Access Register LOCK_STATUS 0x00000FB4 3 ro 0x00000003 Lock Status Register FTMAUTHSTATUS 0x00000FB8 8 ro 0x00000088 Authentication Status Register FTMDEVID 0x00000FC8 1 ro 0x00000000 Device Configuration Register FTMDEV_TYPE 0x00000FCC 8 ro 0x00000033 Device Type Identification Register FTMPERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID4 FTMPERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 FTMPERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 FTMPERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 FTMPERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x00000001 Peripheral ID0 FTMPERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x00000090 Peripheral ID1 FTMPERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x0000000C Peripheral ID2 FTMPERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID3 FTMCOMPONID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 FTMCOMPONID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000090 Component ID1 FTMCOMPONID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 FTMCOMPONID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (ftm) FTMGLBCTRL Name FTMGLBCTRL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF880B000 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FTM Global Control. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1044 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMGLBCTRL Details Field Name FTMENABLE Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enable FTM Register (ftm) FTMSTATUS Name FTMSTATUS Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF880B004 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000082 Description FTM Status Register Register FTMSTATUS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description IDLE 7 ro 0x1 FTM IDLE Status SPIDEN 6 ro 0x0 Trustzone SPIDEN signal status DBGEN 5 ro 0x0 Trustzone DBGEN signal status SPNIDEN 4 ro 0x0 Trustzone SPNIDEN signal status NIDEN 3 ro 0x0 Trustzone NIDEN signal status FIFOFULL 2 ro 0x0 1 = FIFO is full FIFOEMPTY 1 ro 0x1 1 = FIFO is empty LOCKED 0 ro 0x0 Always read as zero Register (ftm) FTMCONTROL Name FTMCONTROL Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF880B008 Width 3 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FTM Configuration Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1045 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMCONTROL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description CYCEN 2 rw 0x0 Enable Cycle Count packets TRACEN 1 rw 0x0 Enable Trace packets PROG 0 rw 0x0 Not used Register (ftm) FTMP2FDBG0 Name FTMP2FDBG0 Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF880B00C Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register P2F0 Register FTMP2FDBG0 Details Field Name PSS2FPGA Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Signals presented to the fabric. These signals do not affect the FTM, they are provided for user specific debug. To modify the contents of this register, the SPIDEN pin must be asserted. Register (ftm) FTMP2FDBG1 Name FTMP2FDBG1 Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xF880B010 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register P2F1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1046 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMP2FDBG1 Details Field Name PSS2FPGA Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Signals presented to the fabric. These signals do not affect the FTM, they are provided for user specific debug. To modify the contents of this register, the SPIDEN pin must be asserted. Register (ftm) FTMP2FDBG2 Name FTMP2FDBG2 Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xF880B014 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register P2F2 Register FTMP2FDBG2 Details Field Name PSS2FPGA Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Signals presented to the fabric. These signals do not affect the FTM, they are provided for user specific debug. To modify the contents of this register, the SPIDEN pin must be asserted. Register (ftm) FTMP2FDBG3 Name FTMP2FDBG3 Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xF880B018 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register P2F3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1047 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMP2FDBG3 Details Field Name PSS2FPGA Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Signals presented to the fabric. These signals do not affect the FTM, they are provided for user specific debug. To modify the contents of this register, the SPIDEN pin must be asserted. Register (ftm) FTMF2PDBG0 Name FTMF2PDBG0 Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xF880B01C Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register F2P0 Register FTMF2PDBG0 Details Field Name FPGA2PSS Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Signals that are presented to the PS from the Fabric. Register (ftm) FTMF2PDBG1 Name FTMF2PDBG1 Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xF880B020 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register F2P1 Register FTMF2PDBG1 Details Field Name FPGA2PSS Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Signals that are presented to the PS from the Fabric. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1048 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ftm) FTMF2PDBG2 Name FTMF2PDBG2 Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xF880B024 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register F2P2 Register FTMF2PDBG2 Details Field Name FPGA2PSS Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Signals that are presented to the PS from the Fabric. Register (ftm) FTMF2PDBG3 Name FTMF2PDBG3 Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address 0xF880B028 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FPGA Debug Register F2P3 Register FTMF2PDBG3 Details Field Name FPGA2PSS Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Signals that are presented to the PS from the Fabric. Register (ftm) CYCOUNTPRE Name CYCOUNTPRE Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address 0xF880B02C Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1049 Appendix B: Description Register Details AXI Cycle Count clock pre-scaler Register CYCOUNTPRE Details Field Name PRESCALE Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The incoming clock is divided by 2^ PRESCALE. For example: PRESCALE = 15 indicates that the Cycle Counter runs at the AXI clock divided by 2^15 = 32,768 (PRESCALE = 0 indicates no clock scaling) Register (ftm) FTMSYNCRELOAD Name FTMSYNCRELOAD Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address 0xF880B030 Width 12 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FTM Synchronization Counter reload value Register FTMSYNCRELOAD Details Field Name SYNCCOUNTTERM Bits 11:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Reset FTM Synchronization packet counter when this number of packets has been transmitted. The minimum value is 12. Register (ftm) FTMSYNCCOUT Name FTMSYNCCOUT Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address 0xF880B034 Width 12 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FTM Synchronization Counter value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1050 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMSYNCCOUT Details Field Name SYNCCOUT Bits 11:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Current value of the Synchronization packet counter. The initial value is zero. The counter value increments every time a packet is issued by the FTM. When the counter reaches SYNCCOUNTTERM, a Synchronization packet is emitted. Register (ftm) FTMATID Name FTMATID Relative Address 0x00000400 Absolute Address 0xF880B400 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FTM ATID Value Register Register FTMATID Details Field Name ATID Bits 6:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description ATID value supplied to ATB bus. The upper three bits, ATID[6:4], are directly driven from this register. The lower four bits, ATID[3:0], are OR-ed with the FTMDTRACEINATID[3:0] pins. Register (ftm) FTMITTRIGOUTACK Name FTMITTRIGOUTACK Relative Address 0x00000ED0 Absolute Address 0xF880BED0 Width 4 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trigger Output Acknowledge Integration Test Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1051 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMITTRIGOUTACK Details Field Name TRIGACK Bits 3:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Read the current value of the FTMTP2FTRIGACK[3:0] inputs Register (ftm) FTMITTRIGGER Name FTMITTRIGGER Relative Address 0x00000ED4 Absolute Address 0xF880BED4 Width 4 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trigger Output Integration Test Register Register FTMITTRIGGER Details Field Name TRIGGER Bits 3:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description When ITEN is 1, this field determines the FTMTP2FTRIG[3:0] Register (ftm) FTMITTRACEDIS Name FTMITTRACEDIS Relative Address 0x00000ED8 Absolute Address 0xF880BED8 Width 1 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description External Trace Disable Integration Test Register Register FTMITTRACEDIS Details Field Name TRACEDIS Bits 0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Always read as zero. Register (ftm) FTMITCYCCOUNT Name FTMITCYCCOUNT Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1052 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000EDC Absolute Address 0xF880BEDC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Cycle Counter Test Register Register Details Register FTMITCYCCOUNT Details Field Name FTMCYCCOUNT Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1 Description Read/write the value of the cycle counter Register (ftm) FTMITATBDATA0 Name FTMITATBDATA0 Relative Address 0x00000EEC Absolute Address 0xF880BEEC Width 5 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ATB Data Integration Test Register 0 Register FTMITATBDATA0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATDATA31 4 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATDATAM[31] output ATDATA23 3 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATDATAM[23] output ATDATA15 2 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATDATAM[15] output ATDATA7 1 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATDATAM[7] output ATDATA0 0 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATDATAM[0] output Register (ftm) FTMITATBCTR2 Name FTMITATBCTR2 Relative Address 0x00000EF0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1053 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF880BEF0 Width 2 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description ATB Control Integration Test Register 2 Register Details Register FTMITATBCTR2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AFVALID 1 ro 0x0 Read the current value of the AFVALIDM input ATREADY 0 ro 0x1 Read the current value of the ATREADYM input Register (ftm) FTMITATBCTR1 Name FTMITATBCTR1 Relative Address 0x00000EF4 Absolute Address 0xF880BEF4 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ATB Control Integration Test Register 1 Register FTMITATBCTR1 Details Field Name ATID_test Bits 6:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATID output Register (ftm) FTMITATBCTR0 Name FTMITATBCTR0 Relative Address 0x00000EF8 Absolute Address 0xF880BEF8 Width 10 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ATB Control Integration Test Register 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1054 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMITATBCTR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATBYTES 9:8 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATBYTESM[1:0] output reserved 7:2 wo 0x0 Reserved AFREADY 1 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the AFREADY output ATVALID 0 wo 0x0 When ITEN is 1, this value determines the ATVALID output Register (ftm) FTMITCR Name FTMITCR Relative Address 0x00000F00 Absolute Address 0xF880BF00 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description FTM Test Control Register Register FTMITCR Details Field Name ITEN Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Integration Test Enable Register (ftm) CLAIMTAGSET Name CLAIMTAGSET Relative Address 0x00000FA0 Absolute Address 0xF880BFA0 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000000FF Description Claim Tag Set Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1055 Appendix B: Register Details Register CLAIMTAGSET Details Field Name CLAIMTAGSETVAL Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFF Description Read: 1 = Claim tag implemented, 0 = not implemented Write: 1 = Set claim tag bit, 0 = no effect Register (ftm) CLAIMTAGCLR Name CLAIMTAGCLR Relative Address 0x00000FA4 Absolute Address 0xF880BFA4 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Claim Tag Clear Register Register CLAIMTAGCLR Details Field Name CLAIMTAGCLRVAL Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Read: value of CLAIMTAGSETVAL Write: 1 = Clear claim tag bit, 0 = no effect Register (ftm) LOCK_ACCESS Name LOCK_ACCESS Relative Address 0x00000FB0 Absolute Address 0xF880BFB0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lock Access Register Register LOCK_ACCESS Details Field Name LOCKACCESS Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description A value of 0xC5ACCE55 allows write access to FTM, any other value blocks write access www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1056 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ftm) LOCK_STATUS Name LOCK_STATUS Relative Address 0x00000FB4 Absolute Address 0xF880BFB4 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Lock Status Register Register LOCK_STATUS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 8BITACCESS 2 ro 0x0 8-bit lock access is not used LOCKSTATUS 1 ro 0x1 1:Access Locked, 0:Access OK LOCKIMP 0 ro 0x1 1:Lock exists if PADDRDBG31 is low, else 0 Register (ftm) FTMAUTHSTATUS Name FTMAUTHSTATUS Relative Address 0x00000FB8 Absolute Address 0xF880BFB8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000088 Description Authentication Status Register Register FTMAUTHSTATUS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AUTH_SPNIDEN 7:6 ro 0x2 Secure Non-Invasive Debug reserved 5:4 ro 0x0 Secure Invasive Debug AUTH_NIDEN 3:2 ro 0x2 Non-Secure Non-Invasive Debug reserved 1:0 ro 0x0 Non-Secure Invasive Debug Register (ftm) FTMDEVID Name FTMDEVID Relative Address 0x00000FC8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1057 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF880BFC8 Width 1 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Device Configuration Register Register Details Register FTMDEVID Details Field Name reserved Bits 0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (ftm) FTMDEV_TYPE Name FTMDEV_TYPE Relative Address 0x00000FCC Absolute Address 0xF880BFCC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000033 Description Device Type Identification Register Register FTMDEV_TYPE Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SubType 7:4 ro 0x3 Sub Type: Associated with a Data Engine or Co-processor MajorType 3:0 ro 0x3 Major Type: Trace Source Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID4 Name FTMPERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Absolute Address 0xF880BFD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1058 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMPERIPHID4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 4KBCount 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count JEP106 3:0 ro 0x0 JEP106 Continuation Code Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID5 Name FTMPERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address 0xF880BFD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register FTMPERIPHID5 Details Field Name reserved Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID6 Name FTMPERIPHID6 Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address 0xF880BFD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register FTMPERIPHID6 Details Field Name reserved Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID7 Name FTMPERIPHID7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1059 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address 0xF880BFDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register Details Register FTMPERIPHID7 Details Field Name reserved Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID0 Name FTMPERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address 0xF880BFE0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Peripheral ID0 Register FTMPERIPHID0 Details Field Name PARTNUMLOWER Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x1 Description Part Number Lower Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID1 Name FTMPERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address 0xF880BFE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Peripheral ID1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1060 Appendix B: Register Details Register FTMPERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106 7:4 ro 0x9 JEP106 identity bits [3:0] PARTNUMUPPER 3:0 ro 0x0 Part Number Upper [11:8] Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID2 Name FTMPERIPHID2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address 0xF880BFE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000C Description Peripheral ID2 Register FTMPERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description REVISION 7:4 ro 0x0 Revision JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 JEDEC used JEP106 2:0 ro 0x4 JEP106 Identity [6:4] Register (ftm) FTMPERIPHID3 Name FTMPERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address 0xF880BFEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register FTMPERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd CustMod 3:0 ro 0x0 Customer Modified Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1061 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ftm) FTMCOMPONID0 Name FTMCOMPONID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address 0xF880BFF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Register FTMCOMPONID0 Details Field Name Preamble Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Description Preamble Register (ftm) FTMCOMPONID1 Name FTMCOMPONID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address 0xF880BFF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Component ID1 Register FTMCOMPONID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description CompClass 7:4 ro 0x9 Component Class :CoreSight Component Preamble 3:0 ro 0x0 Preamble Register (ftm) FTMCOMPONID2 Name FTMCOMPONID2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address 0xF880BFF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1062 Appendix B: Description Register Details Component ID2 Register FTMCOMPONID2 Details Field Name Preamble Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Description Preamble Register (ftm) FTMCOMPONID3 Name FTMCOMPONID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address 0xF880BFFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register FTMCOMPONID3 Details Field Name Preamble Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1063 Appendix B: Register Details B.13 CoreSight Trace Funnel (funnel) Module Name CoreSight Trace Funnel (funnel) Base Address 0xF8804000 debug_funnel Description CoreSight Trace Funnel Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description Control 0x00000000 12 rw 0x00000300 CSTF Control Register PriControl 0x00000004 24 rw 0x00FAC688 CSTF Priority Control Register ITATBDATA0 0x00000EEC 5 rw 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Data 0 Register ITATBCTR2 0x00000EF0 2 rw 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control 2 Register ITATBCTR1 0x00000EF4 7 rw 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control 1 Register ITATBCTR0 0x00000EF8 10 mixed 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control 0 Register IMCR 0x00000F00 1 rw 0x00000000 Integration Mode Control Register CTSR 0x00000FA0 4 rw 0x0000000F Claim Tag Set Register CTCR 0x00000FA4 4 rw 0x00000000 Claim Tag Clear Register LAR 0x00000FB0 32 wo 0x00000000 Lock Access Register LSR 0x00000FB4 3 ro 0x00000003 Lock Status Register ASR 0x00000FB8 8 ro 0x00000000 Authentication Status Register DEVID 0x00000FC8 8 ro 0x00000028 Device ID DTIR 0x00000FCC 8 ro 0x00000012 Device Type Identifier Register PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000004 Peripheral ID4 PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x00000008 Peripheral ID0 PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x000000B9 Peripheral ID1 PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x0000001B Peripheral ID2 PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID3 COMPID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1064 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description COMPID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000090 Component ID1 COMPID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 COMPID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (funnel) Control Name Control Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8804000 Width 12 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000300 Description CSTF Control Register Register Control Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description MinHoldTime 11:8 rw 0x3 The formatting scheme can easily become inefficient if fast switching occurs, so, where possible, this must be minimized. If a source has nothing to transmit, then another source is selected irrespective of the minimum number of cycles. Reset is 0x3. The CSTF holds for the minimum hold time and one additional cycle. The mFunnelum value that can be entered is 0xE and this equates to 15 cycles. 0xF is reserved. EnableSlave7 7 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. EnableSlave6 6 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. EnableSlave5 5 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. EnableSlave4 4 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. EnableSlave3 3 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1065 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description EnableSlave2 2 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. EnableSlave1 1 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. EnableSlave0 0 rw 0x0 Setting this bit enables this slave port. If the bit is not set then this has the effect of excluding the port from the priority selection scheme. Register (funnel) PriControl Name PriControl Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8804004 Width 24 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00FAC688 Description CSTF Priority Control Register Register PriControl Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PriPort7 23:21 rw 0x7 8th port priority value. PriPort6 20:18 rw 0x6 7th port priority value. PriPort5 17:15 rw 0x5 6th port priority value. PriPort4 14:12 rw 0x4 5th port priority value. PriPort3 11:9 rw 0x3 4th port priority value. PriPort2 8:6 rw 0x2 3rd port priority value. PriPort1 5:3 rw 0x1 2nd port priority value. PriPort0 2:0 rw 0x0 1st port priority value. Register (funnel) ITATBDATA0 Name ITATBDATA0 Relative Address 0x00000EEC Absolute Address 0xF8804EEC Width 5 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1066 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Data 0 Register Register Details Register ITATBDATA0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATDATA31 4 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATDATAS[31], set the value of ATDATAM[31] ATDATA23 3 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATDATAS[23], set the value of ATDATAM[23] ATDATA15 2 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATDATAS[15], set the value of ATDATAM[15] ATDATA7 1 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATDATAS[7], set the value of ATDATAM[7] ATDATA0 0 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATDATAS[0], set the value of ATDATAM[0] Register (funnel) ITATBCTR2 Name ITATBCTR2 Relative Address 0x00000EF0 Absolute Address 0xF8804EF0 Width 2 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control 2 Register Register ITATBCTR2 Details Field Name AFREADY Bits Type Reset Value Description 1 rw 0x0 Read the value of AFVALIDM. Set the value of AFVALIDS , where is defined by the status of the CSTF Control Register. 0 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATREADYM. Set the value of ATREADYS , where is defined by the status of the CSTF Control Register. Register (funnel) ITATBCTR1 Name ITATBCTR1 Relative Address 0x00000EF4 Absolute Address 0xF8804EF4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1067 Appendix B: Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control 1 Register Register Details Register ITATBCTR1 Details Field Name ATID Bits 6:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Read the value of ATIDS. Set the value of ATIDM. Register (funnel) ITATBCTR0 Name ITATBCTR0 Relative Address 0x00000EF8 Absolute Address 0xF8804EF8 Width 10 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control 0 Register Register ITATBCTR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATBYTES 9:8 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATBYTESS . Set the value of ATBYTESM. reserved 7:2 ro 0x0 Reserved AFREADY 1 rw 0x0 Read the value of AFREADYS . Set the value of AFREADYM. ATVALID 0 rw 0x0 Read the value of ATVALIDS . Set the value of ATVALIDM. Register (funnel) IMCR Name IMCR Relative Address 0x00000F00 Absolute Address 0xF8804F00 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Mode Control Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1068 Appendix B: Register Details Register IMCR Details Field Name Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enable Integration Test registers. Register (funnel) CTSR Name CTSR Relative Address 0x00000FA0 Absolute Address 0xF8804FA0 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000000F Description Claim Tag Set Register Register CTSR Details Field Name Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xF Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: 1= Claim tag is implemented, 0 = Claim tag is not implemented Write: 1= Set claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (funnel) CTCR Name CTCR Relative Address 0x00000FA4 Absolute Address 0xF8804FA4 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Claim Tag Clear Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1069 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTCR Details Field Name Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: Current value of claim tag. Write: 1= Clear claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (funnel) LAR Name LAR Relative Address 0x00000FB0 Absolute Address 0xF8804FB0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lock Access Register Register LAR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Write Access Code. Write behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): After reset (via PRESETDBGn), Funnel is locked, i.e., writes to all other registers using lower 2GB addresses are ignored. To unlock, 0xC5ACCE55 must be written this register. After the required registers are written, to lock again, write a value other than 0xC5ACCE55 to this register. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): Funnel is unlocked when upper 2GB addresses are used to write to all the registers. However, write to this register is ignored using a upper 2GB address! Note: read from this register always returns 0, regardless of PADDRDBG31. Register (funnel) LSR Name LSR Relative Address 0x00000FB4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1070 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8804FB4 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Lock Status Register Register Details Register LSR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 8BIT 2 ro 0x0 Set to 0 since Funnel implements a 32-bit lock access register STATUS 1 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): When a lower 2GB address is used to read this register, this bit indicates whether Funnel is in locked state (1= locked, 0= unlocked). - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0. IMP 0 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): always returns 1, meaning lock mechanism are implemented. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0, meaning lock mechanism is NOT implemented. Register (funnel) ASR Name ASR Relative Address 0x00000FB8 Absolute Address 0xF8804FB8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Authentication Status Register Register ASR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Indicates functionality not implemented www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1071 Appendix B: Register Details Register (funnel) DEVID Name DEVID Relative Address 0x00000FC8 Absolute Address 0xF8804FC8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000028 Description Device ID Register DEVID Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description StaticPrio 7:4 ro 0x2 CSTF implements a static priority scheme NumInPorts 3:0 ro 0x8 Number of input ports Register (funnel) DTIR Name DTIR Relative Address 0x00000FCC Absolute Address 0xF8804FCC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000012 Description Device Type Identifier Register Register DTIR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x12 Description a trace link and specifically a funnel/router Register (funnel) PERIPHID4 Name PERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Absolute Address 0xF8804FD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000004 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1072 Appendix B: Description Register Details Peripheral ID4 Register PERIPHID4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 4KB_count 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count, set to 0 JEP106ID 3:0 ro 0x4 JEP106 continuation code Register (funnel) PERIPHID5 Name PERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address 0xF8804FD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register PERIPHID5 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (funnel) PERIPHID6 Name PERIPHID6 Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address 0xF8804FD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register PERIPHID6 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description reserved www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1073 Appendix B: Register Details Register (funnel) PERIPHID7 Name PERIPHID7 Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address 0xF8804FDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register PERIPHID7 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (funnel) PERIPHID0 Name PERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address 0xF8804FE0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000008 Description Peripheral ID0 Register PERIPHID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x8 Description PartNumber0 Register (funnel) PERIPHID1 Name PERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address 0xF8804FE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B9 Description Peripheral ID1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1074 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106ID 7:4 ro 0xB JEP106 Identity Code [3:0] PartNumber1 3:0 ro 0x9 PartNumber1 Register (funnel) PERIPHID2 Name PERIPHID2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address 0xF8804FE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000001B Description Peripheral ID2 Register PERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevNum 7:4 ro 0x1 Revision number of Peripheral JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 Indicates that a JEDEC assigned value is used JEP106ID 2:0 ro 0x3 JEP106 Identity Code [6:4] Register (funnel) PERIPHID3 Name PERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address 0xF8804FEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register PERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd, at top level CustMod 3:0 ro 0x0 Customer Modified Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1075 Appendix B: Register Details Register (funnel) COMPID0 Name COMPID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address 0xF8804FF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Register COMPID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Description Preamble Register (funnel) COMPID1 Name COMPID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address 0xF8804FF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Component ID1 Register COMPID1 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x90 Description Preamble Register (funnel) COMPID2 Name COMPID2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address 0xF8804FF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1076 Appendix B: Register Details Register COMPID2 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Description Preamble Register (funnel) COMPID3 Name COMPID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address 0xF8804FFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register COMPID3 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1077 Appendix B: Register Details B.14 CoreSight Intstrumentation Trace Macrocell (itm) Module Name CoreSight Intstrumentation Trace Macrocell (itm) Base Address 0xF8805000 debug_itm Description Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description StimPort00 0x00000000 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 0 StimPort01 0x00000004 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 1 StimPort02 0x00000008 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 2 StimPort03 0x0000000C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 3 StimPort04 0x00000010 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 4 StimPort05 0x00000014 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 5 StimPort06 0x00000018 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 6 StimPort07 0x0000001C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 7 StimPort08 0x00000020 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 8 StimPort09 0x00000024 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 9 StimPort10 0x00000028 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 10 StimPort11 0x0000002C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 11 StimPort12 0x00000030 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 12 StimPort13 0x00000034 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 13 StimPort14 0x00000038 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 14 StimPort15 0x0000003C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 15 StimPort16 0x00000040 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 16 StimPort17 0x00000044 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 17 StimPort18 0x00000048 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 18 StimPort19 0x0000004C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 19 StimPort20 0x00000050 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 20 StimPort21 0x00000054 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 21 StimPort22 0x00000058 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 22 StimPort23 0x0000005C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 23 StimPort24 0x00000060 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 24 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1078 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description StimPort25 0x00000064 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 25 StimPort26 0x00000068 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 26 StimPort27 0x0000006C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 27 StimPort28 0x00000070 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 28 StimPort29 0x00000074 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 29 StimPort30 0x00000078 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 30 StimPort31 0x0000007C 32 rw 0x00000000 Stimulus Port Register 31 TER 0x00000E00 32 rw 0x00000000 Trace Enable Register TTR 0x00000E20 32 rw 0x00000000 Trace Trigger Register CR 0x00000E80 24 mixed 0x00000004 Control Register SCR 0x00000E90 12 rw 0x00000400 Synchronization Control Register ITTRIGOUTACK 0x00000EE4 1 ro 0x00000000 Integration Test Trigger Out Acknowledge Register ITTRIGOUT 0x00000EE8 1 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test Trigger Out Register ITATBDATA0 0x00000EEC 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Data Register 0 ITATBCTR2 0x00000EF0 1 ro 0x00000001 Integration Test ATB Control Register 2 ITATABCTR1 0x00000EF4 7 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control Register 1 ITATBCTR0 0x00000EF8 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control Register 0 IMCR 0x00000F00 1 rw 0x00000000 Integration Mode Control Register CTSR 0x00000FA0 8 rw 0x000000FF Claim Tag Set Register CTCR 0x00000FA4 8 rw 0x00000000 Claim Tag Clear Register LAR 0x00000FB0 32 wo 0x00000000 Lock Access Register LSR 0x00000FB4 3 ro 0x00000003 Lock Status Register ASR 0x00000FB8 8 ro 0x00000088 Authentication Status Register DEVID 0x00000FC8 13 ro 0x00000020 Device ID DTIR 0x00000FCC 8 ro 0x00000043 Device Type Identifier Register PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000004 Peripheral ID4 PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x00000013 Peripheral ID0 PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x000000B9 Peripheral ID1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1079 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x0000002B Peripheral ID2 PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID3 COMPID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 COMPID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000090 Component ID1 COMPID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 COMPID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (itm) StimPort00 Name StimPort00 Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8805000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 0 Register StimPort00 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1080 Appendix B: Register Details Register (itm) StimPort01 Name StimPort01 Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8805004 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 1 Register StimPort01 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort02 Name StimPort02 Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF8805008 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1081 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort02 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort03 Name StimPort03 Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF880500C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1082 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort03 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort04 Name StimPort04 Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xF8805010 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1083 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort04 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort05 Name StimPort05 Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xF8805014 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1084 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort05 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort06 Name StimPort06 Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xF8805018 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1085 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort06 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort07 Name StimPort07 Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xF880501C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1086 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort07 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort08 Name StimPort08 Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xF8805020 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1087 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort08 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort09 Name StimPort09 Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xF8805024 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 9 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1088 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort09 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort10 Name StimPort10 Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address 0xF8805028 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 10 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1089 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort10 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort11 Name StimPort11 Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address 0xF880502C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 11 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1090 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort11 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort12 Name StimPort12 Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address 0xF8805030 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 12 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1091 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort12 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort13 Name StimPort13 Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address 0xF8805034 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 13 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1092 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort13 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort14 Name StimPort14 Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address 0xF8805038 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 14 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1093 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort14 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort15 Name StimPort15 Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address 0xF880503C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 15 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1094 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort15 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort16 Name StimPort16 Relative Address 0x00000040 Absolute Address 0xF8805040 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 16 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1095 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort16 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort17 Name StimPort17 Relative Address 0x00000044 Absolute Address 0xF8805044 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 17 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1096 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort17 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort18 Name StimPort18 Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address 0xF8805048 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 18 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1097 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort18 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort19 Name StimPort19 Relative Address 0x0000004C Absolute Address 0xF880504C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 19 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1098 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort19 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort20 Name StimPort20 Relative Address 0x00000050 Absolute Address 0xF8805050 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 20 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1099 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort20 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort21 Name StimPort21 Relative Address 0x00000054 Absolute Address 0xF8805054 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 21 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1100 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort21 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort22 Name StimPort22 Relative Address 0x00000058 Absolute Address 0xF8805058 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 22 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1101 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort22 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort23 Name StimPort23 Relative Address 0x0000005C Absolute Address 0xF880505C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 23 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1102 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort23 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort24 Name StimPort24 Relative Address 0x00000060 Absolute Address 0xF8805060 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 24 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1103 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort24 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort25 Name StimPort25 Relative Address 0x00000064 Absolute Address 0xF8805064 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 25 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1104 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort25 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort26 Name StimPort26 Relative Address 0x00000068 Absolute Address 0xF8805068 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 26 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1105 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort26 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort27 Name StimPort27 Relative Address 0x0000006C Absolute Address 0xF880506C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 27 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1106 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort27 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort28 Name StimPort28 Relative Address 0x00000070 Absolute Address 0xF8805070 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 28 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1107 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort28 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort29 Name StimPort29 Relative Address 0x00000074 Absolute Address 0xF8805074 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 29 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1108 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort29 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort30 Name StimPort30 Relative Address 0x00000078 Absolute Address 0xF8805078 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 30 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1109 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort30 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) StimPort31 Name StimPort31 Relative Address 0x0000007C Absolute Address 0xF880507C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stimulus Port Register 31 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1110 Appendix B: Register Details Register StimPort31 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Each of the 32 stimulus ports is represented by a virtual address, creating 32 stimulus registers. A write to one of these locations causes data to be written into the FIFO if the corresponding bit in the Trace Enable Register is set and ITM is enabled. Reading from any of the stimulus ports returns the FIFO status (notFull(1) / Full(0)) only if the ITM is enabled. This enables more efficient core register allocation because the stimulus address has already been generated. The ITM transmits SWIT packets using leading zero compression. Packets can be 8, 16, or 32 bits. The bank of 32 registers is split into a low-16 (0 to 15) and a high-16 (16 to 31). Writes to the high-16 are discarded by the ITM whenever secure non-invasive trace is disabled, regardless of how the Trace Enable Register bits [31:16] are set. Both the high-16 and low-16 are be disabled when non-invasive trace is disabled. When an input is disabled it must not alter the interface response and must always return an OK without stalling. Register (itm) TER Name TER Relative Address 0x00000E00 Absolute Address 0xF8805E00 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trace Enable Register Register TER Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Bit mask to enable tracing on ITM stimulus ports. Register (itm) TTR Name TTR Relative Address 0x00000E20 Absolute Address 0xF8805E20 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1111 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trace Trigger Register Register Details Register TTR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Bit mask to enable trigger generation, TRIGOUT, on selected writes to the Stimulus Registers. Register (itm) CR Name CR Relative Address 0x00000E80 Absolute Address 0xF8805E80 Width 24 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000004 Description Control Register Register CR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ITMBusy 23 rw 0x0 ITM is transmitting trace and FIFO is not empty TraceID 22:16 rw 0x0 ATIDM[6:0] value reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved TSPrescale 9:8 rw 0x0 Timestamp Prescaler Enumerated Value List: DIVBY1=0. DIVBY4=1. DIVBY16=2. DIVBY64=3. reserved 7:4 ro 0x0 Reserved DWTEn 3 ro 0x0 Enable DWT input port SYNCEn 2 ro 0x1 Enable sync packets TSSEn 1 rw 0x0 Enable timestamps, delta ITMEn 0 rw 0x0 Enable ITM Stimulus, also acts as a global enable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1112 Appendix B: Register Details Register (itm) SCR Name SCR Relative Address 0x00000E90 Absolute Address 0xF8805E90 Width 12 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000400 Description Synchronization Control Register Register SCR Details Field Name SyncCount Bits 11:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x400 Description Counter value for time between synchronization markers Register (itm) ITTRIGOUTACK Name ITTRIGOUTACK Relative Address 0x00000EE4 Absolute Address 0xF8805EE4 Width 1 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test Trigger Out Acknowledge Register Register ITTRIGOUTACK Details Field Name ITTRIGOUTACK Bits 0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Read the value of TRIGOUTACK Register (itm) ITTRIGOUT Name ITTRIGOUT Relative Address 0x00000EE8 Absolute Address 0xF8805EE8 Width 1 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1113 Appendix B: Description Register Details Integration Test Trigger Out Register Register ITTRIGOUT Details Field Name ITTRIGOUT Bits 0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the value of TRIGOUT Register (itm) ITATBDATA0 Name ITATBDATA0 Relative Address 0x00000EEC Absolute Address 0xF8805EEC Width 2 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Data Register 0 Register ITATBDATA0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ITATDATAM7 1 wo 0x0 Set the value of ATDATAM[7] ITATDATAM0 0 wo 0x0 Set the value of ATDATAM[0] Register (itm) ITATBCTR2 Name ITATBCTR2 Relative Address 0x00000EF0 Absolute Address 0xF8805EF0 Width 1 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 2 Register ITATBCTR2 Details Field Name ITATREADYM Bits 0 Type ro Reset Value 0x1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Read the value of ATREADYM www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1114 Appendix B: Register Details Register (itm) ITATABCTR1 Name ITATABCTR1 Relative Address 0x00000EF4 Absolute Address 0xF8805EF4 Width 7 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 1 Register ITATABCTR1 Details Field Name ITATIDM Bits 6:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the value of ATIDM[6:0] Register (itm) ITATBCTR0 Name ITATBCTR0 Relative Address 0x00000EF8 Absolute Address 0xF8805EF8 Width 2 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 0 Register ITATBCTR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ITAFREADYM 1 wo 0x0 Set the value of AFREADYM ITATVALIDM 0 wo 0x0 Set the value of ATVALIDM Register (itm) IMCR Name IMCR Relative Address 0x00000F00 Absolute Address 0xF8805F00 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1115 Appendix B: Description Register Details Integration Mode Control Register Register IMCR Details Field Name Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enable Integration Test registers. Register (itm) CTSR Name CTSR Relative Address 0x00000FA0 Absolute Address 0xF8805FA0 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000000FF Description Claim Tag Set Register Register CTSR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFF Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: 1= Claim tag is implemented, 0 = Claim tag is not implemented Write: 1= Set claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (itm) CTCR Name CTCR Relative Address 0x00000FA4 Absolute Address 0xF8805FA4 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Claim Tag Clear Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1116 Appendix B: Register Details Register CTCR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: Current value of claim tag. Write: 1= Clear claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (itm) LAR Name LAR Relative Address 0x00000FB0 Absolute Address 0xF8805FB0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lock Access Register Register LAR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Write Access Code. Write behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): After reset (via PRESETDBGn), ITM is locked, i.e., writes to all other registers using lower 2GB addresses are ignored. To unlock, 0xC5ACCE55 must be written this register. After the required registers are written, to lock again, write a value other than 0xC5ACCE55 to this register. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): ITM is unlocked when upper 2GB addresses are used to write to all the registers. However, write to this register is ignored using a upper 2GB address! Note: read from this register always returns 0, regardless of PADDRDBG31. Register (itm) LSR Name LSR Relative Address 0x00000FB4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1117 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8805FB4 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Lock Status Register Register Details Register LSR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 8BIT 2 ro 0x0 Set to 0 since ITM implements a 32-bit lock access register STATUS 1 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): When a lower 2GB address is used to read this register, this bit indicates whether ITM is in locked state (1= locked, 0= unlocked). - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0. IMP 0 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): always returns 1, meaning lock mechanism are implemented. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0, meaning lock mechanism is NOT implemented. Register (itm) ASR Name ASR Relative Address 0x00000FB8 Absolute Address 0xF8805FB8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000088 Description Authentication Status Register Register ASR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x88 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Value is 0b1S001N00 where S is secure non-invasive debug state and N is non-secure, non-invasive debug. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1118 Appendix B: Register Details Register (itm) DEVID Name DEVID Relative Address 0x00000FC8 Absolute Address 0xF8805FC8 Width 13 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000020 Description Device ID Register DEVID Details Field Name NumStimRegs Bits 12:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x20 Description Number of stimulus registers Register (itm) DTIR Name DTIR Relative Address 0x00000FCC Absolute Address 0xF8805FCC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000043 Description Device Type Identifier Register Register DTIR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x43 Description Indicates a Trace Source and the stimulus is devifed from bus activity Register (itm) PERIPHID4 Name PERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Absolute Address 0xF8805FD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000004 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1119 Appendix B: Description Register Details Peripheral ID4 Register PERIPHID4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 4KB_count 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count, set to 0 JEP106ID 3:0 ro 0x4 JEP106 continuation code Register (itm) PERIPHID5 Name PERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address 0xF8805FD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register PERIPHID5 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (itm) PERIPHID6 Name PERIPHID6 Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address 0xF8805FD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register PERIPHID6 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description reserved www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1120 Appendix B: Register Details Register (itm) PERIPHID7 Name PERIPHID7 Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address 0xF8805FDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register PERIPHID7 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (itm) PERIPHID0 Name PERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address 0xF8805FE0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000013 Description Peripheral ID0 Register PERIPHID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x13 Description PartNumber0 Register (itm) PERIPHID1 Name PERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address 0xF8805FE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B9 Description Peripheral ID1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1121 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106ID 7:4 ro 0xB JEP106 Identity Code [3:0] PartNumber1 3:0 ro 0x9 PartNumber1 Register (itm) PERIPHID2 Name PERIPHID2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address 0xF8805FE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000002B Description Peripheral ID2 Register PERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevNum 7:4 ro 0x2 Revision number of Peripheral JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 Indicates that a JEDEC assigned value is used JEP106ID 2:0 ro 0x3 JEP106 Identity Code [6:4] Register (itm) PERIPHID3 Name PERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address 0xF8805FEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register PERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd, at top level CustMod 3:0 ro 0x0 Customer Modified Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1122 Appendix B: Register Details Register (itm) COMPID0 Name COMPID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address 0xF8805FF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Register COMPID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Description Preamble Register (itm) COMPID1 Name COMPID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address 0xF8805FF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Component ID1 Register COMPID1 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x90 Description Preamble Register (itm) COMPID2 Name COMPID2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address 0xF8805FF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1123 Appendix B: Register Details Register COMPID2 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Description Preamble Register (itm) COMPID3 Name COMPID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address 0xF8805FFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register COMPID3 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1124 Appendix B: Register Details B.15 CoreSight Trace Packet Output (tpiu) Module Name CoreSight Trace Packet Output (tpiu) Base Address 0xF8803000 debug_tpiu Description Trace Port Interface Unit Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description SuppSize 0x00000000 32 rw 0xFFFFFFFF Supported Port Size Register CurrentSize 0x00000004 32 rw 0x00000001 Current Port Size Register SuppTrigMode 0x00000100 18 ro 0x0000011F Supported Trigger Modes Register TrigCount 0x00000104 8 rw 0x00000000 Trigger Counter Register TrigMult 0x00000108 5 rw 0x00000000 Trigger Multiplier Register SuppTest 0x00000200 18 ro 0x0003000F Supported Test Patterns/Modes Register CurrentTest 0x00000204 18 mixed 0x00000000 Current Test Patterns/Modes Register TestRepeatCount 0x00000208 8 rw 0x00000000 TPIU Test Pattern Repeat Counter Register FFSR 0x00000300 3 ro 0x00000006 Formatter and Flush Status Register FFCR 0x00000304 14 mixed 0x00000000 Formatter and Flush Control Register FormatSyncCount 0x00000308 12 rw 0x00000040 Formatter Synchronization Counter Register EXTCTLIn 0x00000400 8 ro 0x00000000 EXTCTL In Port EXTCTLOut 0x00000404 8 rw 0x00000000 EXTCTL Out Port ITTRFLINACK 0x00000EE4 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Acknowledge Register ITTRFLIN 0x00000EE8 2 ro x Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Register ITATBDATA0 0x00000EEC 5 ro x Integration Test ATB Data Register 0 ITATBCTR2 0x00000EF0 2 wo 0x00000000 Integration Test ATB Control Register 2 ITATBCTR1 0x00000EF4 7 ro x Integration Test ATB Control Register 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1125 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description ITATBCTR0 0x00000EF8 10 ro x Integration Test ATB Control Register 0 IMCR 0x00000F00 1 rw 0x00000000 Integration Mode Control Register CTSR 0x00000FA0 4 rw 0x0000000F Claim Tag Set Register CTCR 0x00000FA4 4 rw 0x00000000 Claim Tag Clear Register LAR 0x00000FB0 32 wo 0x00000000 Lock Access Register LSR 0x00000FB4 3 ro 0x00000003 Lock Status Register ASR 0x00000FB8 8 ro 0x00000000 Authentication Status Register DEVID 0x00000FC8 12 ro 0x000000A0 Device ID DTIR 0x00000FCC 8 ro 0x00000011 Device Type Identifier Register PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 8 ro 0x00000004 Peripheral ID4 PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID5 PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID6 PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID7 PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 8 ro 0x00000012 Peripheral ID0 PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 8 ro 0x000000B9 Peripheral ID1 PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 8 ro 0x0000004B Peripheral ID2 PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC 8 ro 0x00000000 Peripheral ID3 COMPID0 0x00000FF0 8 ro 0x0000000D Component ID0 COMPID1 0x00000FF4 8 ro 0x00000090 Component ID1 COMPID2 0x00000FF8 8 ro 0x00000005 Component ID2 COMPID3 0x00000FFC 8 ro 0x000000B1 Component ID3 Register (tpiu) SuppSize Name SuppSize Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8803000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Supported Port Size Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1126 Appendix B: Register Details Register SuppSize Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Each bit location represents a single port size that is supported on the device, that is, 32-1 in bit locations [31:0]. Register (tpiu) CurrentSize Name CurrentSize Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8803004 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Current Port Size Register Register CurrentSize Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1 Description The Current Port Size Register has the same format as the Supported Port Sizes register but only one bit is set, and all others must be zero. Writing values with more than one bit set or setting a bit that is not indicated as supported is not supported and causes unpredictable behavior. Register (tpiu) SuppTrigMode Name SuppTrigMode Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address 0xF8803100 Width 18 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000011F Description Supported Trigger Modes Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1127 Appendix B: Register Details Register SuppTrigMode Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description TrgRun 17 ro 0x0 Trigger Counter running. A trigger has occurred but the counter is not at zero. Triggered 16 ro 0x0 A trigger has occurred and the counter has reached zero. reserved 15:9 ro 0x0 Reserved TCount8 8 ro 0x1 8-bit wide counter register implemented. reserved 7:5 ro 0x0 Reserved Mult64k 4 ro 0x1 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 65536 supported. Mult256 3 ro 0x1 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 256 supported. Mult16 2 ro 0x1 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 16 supported. Mult4 1 ro 0x1 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 4 supported. Mult2 0 ro 0x1 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 2 supported. Register (tpiu) TrigCount Name TrigCount Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address 0xF8803104 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trigger Counter Register Register TrigCount Details Field Name TrigCount Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description 8-bit counter value for the number of words to be output from the formatter before a trigger is inserted. Register (tpiu) TrigMult Name TrigMult Relative Address 0x00000108 Absolute Address 0xF8803108 Width 5 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1128 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Trigger Multiplier Register Register Details Register TrigMult Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Mult64k 4 rw 0x0 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 65536. Mult256 3 rw 0x0 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 256. Mult16 2 rw 0x0 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 16. Mult4 1 rw 0x0 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 4. Mult2 0 rw 0x0 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 2. Register (tpiu) SuppTest Name SuppTest Relative Address 0x00000200 Absolute Address 0xF8803200 Width 18 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0003000F Description Supported Test Patterns/Modes Register Register SuppTest Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PContEn 17 ro 0x1 Continuous mode. PTimeEn 16 ro 0x1 Timed mode. reserved 15:4 ro 0x0 Reserved PatF0 3 ro 0x1 FF/00 Pattern PatA5 2 ro 0x1 AA/55 Pattern PatW0 1 ro 0x1 Walking 0s Pattern PatW1 0 ro 0x1 Walking 1s Pattern Register (tpiu) CurrentTest Name CurrentTest Relative Address 0x00000204 Absolute Address 0xF8803204 Width 18 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1129 Appendix B: Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Current Test Patterns/Modes Register Register Details Register CurrentTest Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PContEn 17 rw 0x0 Continuous mode. PTimeEn 16 rw 0x0 Timed mode. reserved 15:4 ro 0x0 Reserved PatF0 3 rw 0x0 FF/00 Pattern PatA5 2 rw 0x0 AA/55 Pattern PatW0 1 rw 0x0 Walking 0s Pattern PatW1 0 rw 0x0 Walking 1s Pattern Register (tpiu) TestRepeatCount Name TestRepeatCount Relative Address 0x00000208 Absolute Address 0xF8803208 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TPIU Test Pattern Repeat Counter Register Register TestRepeatCount Details Field Name PattCount Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description 8-bit counter value to indicate the number of TRACECLKIN cycles that a pattern runs for before switching to the next pattern. Register (tpiu) FFSR Name FFSR Relative Address 0x00000300 Absolute Address 0xF8803300 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1130 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000006 Description Formatter and Flush Status Register Register Details Register FFSR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description TCPresent 2 ro 0x1 If this bit is set then TRACECTL is present. FtStopped 1 ro 0x1 Formatter stopped. The formatter has received a stop request signal and all trace data and post-amble has been output. Any more trace data on the ATB interface is ignored and ATREADYS goes HIGH. FlInProg 0 ro 0x0 Flush In Progress. This is an indication of the current state of AFVALIDS. Register (tpiu) FFCR Name FFCR Relative Address 0x00000304 Absolute Address 0xF8803304 Width 14 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Formatter and Flush Control Register Register FFCR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description StopTrig 13 rw 0x0 Stop the formatter after a Trigger Event is observed. StopFl 12 rw 0x0 Stop the formatter after a flush completes (return of AFREADYS). This forces the FIFO to drain off any part-completed packets. reserved 11 ro 0x0 Reserved TrigFl 10 rw 0x0 Indicates a trigger on Flush completion on AFREADYS being returned. TrigEvt 9 rw 0x0 Indicates a trigger on a Trigger Event. TrigIn 8 rw 0x0 Indicates a trigger on TRIGIN being asserted. reserved 7 ro 0x0 Reserved FOnMan 6 rw 0x0 Manually generate a flush of the system. Setting this bit causes a flush to be generated. This is cleared when this flush has been serviced. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1131 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description FOnTrig 5 rw 0x0 Generate a flush using Trigger event. Set this bit to cause a flush of data in the system when a Trigger Event occurs. FOnFlIn 4 rw 0x0 Generate flush using the FLUSHIN interface. Set this bit to enable use of the FLUSHIN connection. reserved 3:2 ro 0x0 Reserved EnFCont 1 rw 0x0 Continuous Formatting, no TRACECTL. Embed in trigger packets and indicate null cycles using Sync packets. Can only be changed when FtStopped is HIGH. EnFTC 0 rw 0x0 Enable Formatting. Do not embed Triggers into the formatted stream. Trace disable cycles and triggers are indicated by TRACECTL, where fitted. Can only be changed when FtStopped is HIGH. Register (tpiu) FormatSyncCount Name FormatSyncCount Relative Address 0x00000308 Absolute Address 0xF8803308 Width 12 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000040 Description Formatter Synchronization Counter Register Register FormatSyncCount Details Field Name CycCount Bits 11:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x40 Description 12-bit counter value to indicate the number of complete frames between full synchronization packets. Register (tpiu) EXTCTLIn Name EXTCTLIn Relative Address 0x00000400 Absolute Address 0xF8803400 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description EXTCTL In Port Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1132 Appendix B: Register Details Register EXTCTLIn Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Tied to 0 Register (tpiu) EXTCTLOut Name EXTCTLOut Relative Address 0x00000404 Absolute Address 0xF8803404 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description EXTCTL Out Port Register EXTCTLOut Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Output not connected Register (tpiu) ITTRFLINACK Name ITTRFLINACK Relative Address 0x00000EE4 Absolute Address 0xF8803EE4 Width 2 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Acknowledge Register Register ITTRFLINACK Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FLUSHINACK 1 wo 0x0 Set the value of FLUSHINACK TRIGINACK 0 wo 0x0 Set the value of TRIGINACK Register (tpiu) ITTRFLIN Name ITTRFLIN Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1133 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000EE8 Absolute Address 0xF8803EE8 Width 2 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Integration Test Trigger In and Flush In Register Register Details Register ITTRFLIN Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FLUSHIN 1 ro x Read the value of FLUSHIN TRIGIN 0 ro x Read the value of TRIGIN Register (tpiu) ITATBDATA0 Name ITATBDATA0 Relative Address 0x00000EEC Absolute Address 0xF8803EEC Width 5 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Integration Test ATB Data Register 0 Register ITATBDATA0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATDATA31 4 ro x Read the value of ATDATAS[31] ATDATA23 3 ro x Read the value of ATDATAS[23] ATDATA15 2 ro x Read the value of ATDATAS[15] ATDATA7 1 ro x Read the value of ATDATAS[7] ATDATA0 0 ro x Read the value of ATDATAS[0] Register (tpiu) ITATBCTR2 Name ITATBCTR2 Relative Address 0x00000EF0 Absolute Address 0xF8803EF0 Width 2 bits Access Type wo Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1134 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 2 Register Details Register ITATBCTR2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description AFVALID 1 wo 0x0 Set the value of AFVALIDS ATREADY 0 wo 0x0 Set the value of ATREADYS Register (tpiu) ITATBCTR1 Name ITATBCTR1 Relative Address 0x00000EF4 Absolute Address 0xF8803EF4 Width 7 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 1 Register ITATBCTR1 Details Field Name ATID Bits 6:0 Type ro Reset Value x Description Read the value of ATIDS Register (tpiu) ITATBCTR0 Name ITATBCTR0 Relative Address 0x00000EF8 Absolute Address 0xF8803EF8 Width 10 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Integration Test ATB Control Register 0 Register ITATBCTR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ATBYTES 9:8 ro x Read the value of ATBYTESS reserved 7:2 ro x Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1135 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AFREADY 1 ro x Read the value of AFREADYS ATVALID 0 ro x Read the value of ATVALIDS Register (tpiu) IMCR Name IMCR Relative Address 0x00000F00 Absolute Address 0xF8803F00 Width 1 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Integration Mode Control Register Register IMCR Details Field Name Bits 0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enable Integration Test registers Register (tpiu) CTSR Name CTSR Relative Address 0x00000FA0 Absolute Address 0xF8803FA0 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000000F Description Claim Tag Set Register Register CTSR Details Field Name Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xF Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: 1= Claim tag is implemented, 0 = Claim tag is not implemented Write: 1= Set claim tag bit, 0= No effect www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1136 Appendix B: Register Details Register (tpiu) CTCR Name CTCR Relative Address 0x00000FA4 Absolute Address 0xF8803FA4 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Claim Tag Clear Register Register CTCR Details Field Name Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The claim tag register is used for any interrogating tools to determine if the device is being programmed or has been programmed. Read: Current value of claim tag. Write: 1= Clear claim tag bit, 0= No effect Register (tpiu) LAR Name LAR Relative Address 0x00000FB0 Absolute Address 0xF8803FB0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lock Access Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1137 Appendix B: Register Details Register LAR Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Write Access Code. Write behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): After reset (via PRESETDBGn), TPIU is locked, i.e., writes to all other registers using lower 2GB addresses are ignored. To unlock, 0xC5ACCE55 must be written this register. After the required registers are written, to lock again, write a value other than 0xC5ACCE55 to this register. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): TPIU is unlocked when upper 2GB addresses are used to write to all the registers. However, write to this register is ignored using a upper 2GB address! Note: read from this register always returns 0, regardless of PADDRDBG31. Register (tpiu) LSR Name LSR Relative Address 0x00000FB4 Absolute Address 0xF8803FB4 Width 3 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Lock Status Register Register LSR Details Field Name 8BIT Bits 2 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Set to 0 since TPIU implements a 32-bit lock access register www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1138 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description STATUS 1 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): When a lower 2GB address is used to read this register, this bit indicates whether TPIU is in locked state (1= locked, 0= unlocked). - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0. IMP 0 ro 0x1 Read behavior depends on PADDRDBG31 pin: - PADDRDBG31=0 (lower 2GB): always returns 1, meaning lock mechanism are implemented. - PADDRDBG31=1 (upper 2GB): always returns 0, meaning lock mechanism is NOT implemented. Register (tpiu) ASR Name ASR Relative Address 0x00000FB8 Absolute Address 0xF8803FB8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Authentication Status Register Register ASR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Indicates functionality not implemented Register (tpiu) DEVID Name DEVID Relative Address 0x00000FC8 Absolute Address 0xF8803FC8 Width 12 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000A0 Description Device ID Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1139 Appendix B: Register Details Register DEVID Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description UartNRZ 11 ro 0x0 UART/NRZ not supported Manchester 10 ro 0x0 Manchester not support ClockData 9 ro 0x0 Trace clock + data is supported FifoSize 8:6 ro 0x2 FIFO size is 4 AsyncClock 5 ro 0x1 ATCLK and TRACECLKIN is asynchronous InputMux 4:0 ro 0x0 No input multiplexing Register (tpiu) DTIR Name DTIR Relative Address 0x00000FCC Absolute Address 0xF8803FCC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000011 Description Device Type Identifier Register Register DTIR Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x11 Description A trace sink and specifically a TPIU Register (tpiu) PERIPHID4 Name PERIPHID4 Relative Address 0x00000FD0 Absolute Address 0xF8803FD0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000004 Description Peripheral ID4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1140 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 4KB_count 7:4 ro 0x0 4KB Count, set to 0 JEP106ID 3:0 ro 0x4 JEP106 continuation code Register (tpiu) PERIPHID5 Name PERIPHID5 Relative Address 0x00000FD4 Absolute Address 0xF8803FD4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Register PERIPHID5 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (tpiu) PERIPHID6 Name PERIPHID6 Relative Address 0x00000FD8 Absolute Address 0xF8803FD8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register PERIPHID6 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (tpiu) PERIPHID7 Name PERIPHID7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1141 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000FDC Absolute Address 0xF8803FDC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register Details Register PERIPHID7 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description reserved Register (tpiu) PERIPHID0 Name PERIPHID0 Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address 0xF8803FE0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000012 Description Peripheral ID0 Register PERIPHID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x12 Description PartNumber0 Register (tpiu) PERIPHID1 Name PERIPHID1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address 0xF8803FE4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B9 Description Peripheral ID1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1142 Appendix B: Register Details Register PERIPHID1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description JEP106ID 7:4 ro 0xB JEP106 Identity Code [3:0] PartNumber1 3:0 ro 0x9 PartNumber1 Register (tpiu) PERIPHID2 Name PERIPHID2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address 0xF8803FE8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000004B Description Peripheral ID2 Register PERIPHID2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevNum 7:4 ro 0x4 Revision number of Peripheral JEDEC 3 ro 0x1 Indicates that a JEDEC assigned value is used JEP106ID 2:0 ro 0x3 JEP106 Identity Code [6:4] Register (tpiu) PERIPHID3 Name PERIPHID3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address 0xF8803FEC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register PERIPHID3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RevAnd 7:4 ro 0x0 RevAnd, at top level CustMod 3:0 ro 0x0 Customer Modified Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1143 Appendix B: Register Details Register (tpiu) COMPID0 Name COMPID0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address 0xF8803FF0 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Register COMPID0 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xD Description Preamble Register (tpiu) COMPID1 Name COMPID1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address 0xF8803FF4 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Component ID1 Register COMPID1 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x90 Description Preamble Register (tpiu) COMPID2 Name COMPID2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address 0xF8803FF8 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1144 Appendix B: Register Details Register COMPID2 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x5 Description Preamble Register (tpiu) COMPID3 Name COMPID3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address 0xF8803FFC Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register COMPID3 Details Field Name Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Preamble www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1145 Appendix B: Register Details B.16 Device Configuration Interface (devcfg) Module Name Device Configuration Interface (devcfg) Software Name XDCFG Base Address 0xF8007000 devcfg Description Device configuraion Interface Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XDCFG_CTRL_OFFSET 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x0C006000 Control Register XDCFG_LOCK_OFFSET 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000000 Locks for the Control Register. XDCFG_CFG_OFFSET 0x00000008 32 rw 0x00000508 Configuration Register : This register contains configuration information for the AXI transfers, and other general setup. XDCFG_INT_STS_OFFSE T 0x0000000C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Status XDCFG_INT_MASK_OFF SET 0x00000010 32 rw 0xFFFFFFFF Interrupt Mask. XDCFG_STATUS_OFFSE T 0x00000014 32 mixed 0x40000820 Miscellaneous Status. XDCFG_DMA_SRC_ADD R_OFFSET 0x00000018 32 rw 0x00000000 DMA Source Address. XDCFG_DMA_DEST_AD DR_OFFSET 0x0000001C 32 rw 0x00000000 DMA Destination Address. XDCFG_DMA_SRC_LEN_ OFFSET 0x00000020 32 rw 0x00000000 DMA Source Transfer Length. XDCFG_DMA_DEST_LE N_OFFSET 0x00000024 32 rw 0x00000000 DMA Destination Transfer Length. XDCFG_MULTIBOOT_A DDR_OFFSET 0x0000002C 13 rw 0x00000000 Multi-Boot Address Pointer. XDCFG_UNLOCK_OFFS ET 0x00000034 32 rw 0x00000000 Unlock Control. XDCFG_MCTRL_OFFSET 0x00000080 32 mixed x Miscellaneous Control. XADCIF_CFG 0x00000100 32 rw 0x00001114 XADC Interface Configuration. XADCIF_INT_STS 0x00000104 32 mixed 0x00000200 XADC Interface Interrupt Status. XADCIF_INT_MASK 0x00000108 32 rw 0xFFFFFFFF XADC Interface Interrupt Mask. XADCIF_MSTS 0x0000010C 32 ro 0x00000500 XADC Interface Miscellaneous Status. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1146 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XADCIF_CMDFIFO 0x00000110 32 wo 0x00000000 XADC Interface Command FIFO Data Port XADCIF_RDFIFO 0x00000114 32 ro 0x00000000 XADC Interface Data FIFO Data Port XADCIF_MCTL 0x00000118 32 rw 0x00000010 XADC Interface Miscellaneous Control. Register (devcfg) XDCFG_CTRL_OFFSET Name XDCFG_CTRL_OFFSET Software Name CTRL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8007000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x0C006000 Description Control Register Register XDCFG_CTRL_OFFSET Details Some of the register bits can be locked by control bits in the LOCK Register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XDCFG_CTRL_FORCE_R ST_MASK (FORCE_RST) 31 rw 0x0 Force the PS into secure lockdown. The secure lockdown state can only be cleared by issuing a PS_POR_B reset XDCFG_CTRL_PCFG_PR OG_B_MASK (PCFG_PROG_B) 30 rw 0x0 Program Signal used to reset the PL. It acts as the PROG_B signal in the PL. PCFG_POR_CNT_4K 29 rw 0x0 This register controls which POR timer the PL will use for power-up. 0 - Use 64k timer 1 - Use 4k timer reserved 28 rw 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1147 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDCFG_CTRL_PCAP_PR _MASK (PCAP_PR) 27 rw 0x1 After the initial configuration of the PL, a partial reconfiguration can be performed using either the ICAP or PCAP interface. These interfaces are mutually exclusive and cannot be used simultaneously. Switching between ICAP and PCAP is possible but users should ensure that no commands or data are being transmitted or received before changing interfaces. Failure to do this could lead to unexpected behavior. This bit selects between ICAP and PCAP for PL reconfiguration. 0 - ICAP is selected for reconfiguration 1 - PCAP is selected for reconfiguration XDCFG_CTRL_PCAP_M ODE_MASK (PCAP_MODE) 26 rw 0x1 This bit enables the PCAP interface XDCFG_CTRL_PCAP_RA TE_EN_MASK (PCAP_RATE_EN) 25 rw 0x0 This bit is used to reduce the PCAP data transmission to once every 4 clock cycles. This bit MUST be set when the AES engine is being used to decrypt configuration data for either the PS or PL. Setting this bit for non-encrypted PCAP data transmission is allowed but not recommended. 0 - PCAP data transmitted every clock cycle 1 - PCAP data transmitted every 4th clock cycle (must be used for encrypted data) XDCFG_CTRL_MULTIBO OT_EN_MASK (MULTIBOOT_EN) 24 rw 0x0 This bit enables multi-boot out of reset. This bit is only cleared by a PS_POR_B reset, 0 - Boot from default boot image base address 1 - Boot from multi-boot offset address XDCFG_CTRL_JTAG_CH AIN_DIS_MASK (JTAG_CHAIN_DIS) 23 rw 0x0 This bit is used to disable the JTAG scan chain. The primary purpose is to protect the PL from unwanted JTAG accesses. The JTAG connection to the PS DAP and PL TAP will be disabled when this bit is set. reserved 22:16 rw 0x0 Reserved reserved 15 wo 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 14 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 1 reserved 13 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1148 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PCFG_AES_FUSE 12 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 4) This bit is used to select the AES key source 0 - BBRAM key 1 - eFuse key User access to this bit is restricted. The boot ROM will make the key selection and lock this bit during the initial boot sequence. This bit is only cleared by PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_CTRL_PCFG_AE S_EN_MASK (PCFG_AES_EN) 11:9 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 3) This bit enables the AES engine within the PL. The three bits need to be either all 0's or 1's, any inconsistency will lead to security lockdown. 000 - Disable AES engine 111 - Enable AES engine All others - Secure lockdown User access to this bit is restricted. The boot ROM will enable the AES engine for secure boot and will always lock this bit before passing control to user code. This bit is only cleared by PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_CTRL_SEU_EN_ MASK (SEU_EN) 8 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 2) This bit enables an automatic lockdown of the PS when a PL SEU is detected. 0 - Ignore SEU signal from PL 1 - Initiate secure lockdown when SEU signal received from PL This bit is sticky, once set it can only be cleared with a PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_CTRL_SEC_EN_ MASK (SEC_EN) 7 ro 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 1) This bit is used to indicate if the PS has been booted securely. 0 - PS was not booted securely 1 - PS was booted securely User access to this bit is restricted. The boot ROM will set this bit when a secure boot is initiated and will always lock the bit before passing control to user code. This bit is only cleared by PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_CTRL_SPNIDEN _MASK (SPNIDEN) 6 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 0) Secure Non-Invasive Debug Enable 0 - Disable 1 - Enable XDCFG_CTRL_SPIDEN_ MASK (SPIDEN) 5 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 0) Secure Invasive Debug Enable 0 - Disable 1 - Enable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1149 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDCFG_CTRL_NIDEN_M ASK (NIDEN) 4 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 0) Non-Invasive Debug Enable 0 - Disable 1 - Enable XDCFG_CTRL_DBGEN_ MASK (DBGEN) 3 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 0) Invasive Debug Enable 0 - Disable 1 - Enable XDCFG_CTRL_DAP_EN_ MASK (DAP_EN) 2:0 rw 0x0 (Lockable, see 0x004, bit 0) These bits will enable the ARM DAP. 111 - ARM DAP Enabled Others - ARM DAP will be bypassed Register (devcfg) XDCFG_LOCK_OFFSET Name XDCFG_LOCK_OFFSET Software Name LOCK Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8007004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Locks for the Control Register. Register XDCFG_LOCK_OFFSET Details This register defines LOCK register used to lock changes in the Control Register 0x000 after configuration. All those LOCK register is set only register. The only way to clear those registers is power on reset signal. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved AES_FUSE_LOCK 4 rwso 0x0 This bit locks the PCFG_AES_FUSE bit (CTRL[12]). 0 - Open 1 - Locked User access to this bit is restricted, the boot ROM will always set this bit prior to handing control over to user code. This bit is only cleared by a PS_POR_B reset. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1150 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDCFG_LOCK_AES_EN_ MASK (AES_EN) 3 rwso 0x0 This bit locks the PCFG_AES_EN bits (CTRL[11:9]). 0 - Open 1 - Locked User access to this bit is restricted, the boot ROM will always set this bit prior to handing control over to user code. This bit is only cleared by a PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_LOCK_SEU_MA SK (SEU) 2 rwso 0x0 This bit locks the SEU_EN bit (CTRL[8]). 0 - Open 1 - Locked This bit is only cleared by a PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_LOCK_SEC_MAS K (SEC) 1 rwso 0x0 This bit locks the SEC_EN bit (CTRL[7]). 0 - Open 1 - Locked User access to this bit is restricted, the boot ROM will always set this bit prior to handing control over to user code. This bit is only cleared by a PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_LOCK_DBG_MA SK (DBG) 0 rwso 0x0 This bit locks the debug enable bits, SPNIDEN, SPIDEN, NIDEN, DBGEN, DAP_EN (CTRL[6:0]). 0 - Open 1 - Locked DBG_LOCK should only be used to prevent the debug access from being enabled. If DBG_LOCK is set and a soft-reset is issued, then the DAP_EN bits in the CTRL register (0x000) cannot be enabled until a power-on-reset is performed. This bit is only cleared by a PS_POR_B reset. Register (devcfg) XDCFG_CFG_OFFSET Name XDCFG_CFG_OFFSET Software Name CFG Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF8007008 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000508 Description Configuration Register : This register contains configuration information for the AXI transfers, and other general setup. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1151 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDCFG_CFG_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_CFG_RFIFO_TH_ MASK (RFIFO_TH) 11:10 rw 0x1 These two bits define Rx FIFO level that sets interrupt flag 00 - One fourth full for read 01 - Half full for read 10 - Three fourth full for read 11 - Full for read(User could use this signal to trigger interrupt when read FIFO overflow) XDCFG_CFG_WFIFO_TH _MASK (WFIFO_TH) 9:8 rw 0x1 These two bits define Tx FIFO level that sets interrupt flag 00 - One fourth empty for write 01 - Half empty for write 10 - Three fourth empty for write 11 - Empty for write XDCFG_CFG_RCLK_EDG E_MASK (RCLK_EDGE) 7 rw 0x0 Read data active clock edge 0 - Falling edge 1 - Rising edge XDCFG_CFG_WCLK_ED GE_MASK (WCLK_EDGE) 6 rw 0x0 Write data active clock edge 0 - Falling edge 1 - Rising edge XDCFG_CFG_DISABLE_S RC_INC_MASK (DISABLE_SRC_INC) 5 rw 0x0 Disable automatic DMA AXI source address increment, if set, to allow AXI read from a keyhole address XDCFG_CFG_DISABLE_ DST_INC_MASK (DISABLE_DST_INC) 4 rw 0x0 Disable automatic DMA AXI destination address increment, if set, to allow AXI read from a keyhole address reserved 3 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (devcfg) XDCFG_INT_STS_OFFSET Name XDCFG_INT_STS_OFFSET Software Name INT_STS Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF800700C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1152 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Status Register Details Register XDCFG_INT_STS_OFFSET Details Interrupt Status Register : This register contains interrupt status flags. All register bits are clear on write by writing 1s to those bits, however the register bits will only be cleared if the condition that sets the interrupt flag is no longer true. Note that individual status bits will be set if the corresponding condition is satisfied regardless of whether the interrupt mask bit in 0x010 is set. However, external interrupt will only be generated if an interrupt status flag is set and the corresponding mask bit is not set Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PSS_GTS_USR_B_INT 31 wtc 0x0 Tri-state PL IO during HIZ, both edges PSS_FST_CFG_B_INT 30 wtc 0x0 First configuration done, both edges PSS_GPWRDWN_B_INT 29 wtc 0x0 Global power down, both edges PSS_GTS_CFG_B_INT 28 wtc 0x0 Tri-state PL IO during configuration, both edges PSS_CFG_RESET_B_INT 27 wtc 0x0 PL configuration reset, both edges reserved 26:24 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_IXR_AXI_WTO_ MASK (IXR_AXI_WTO) 23 wtc 0x0 AXI write address, data or response time out. AXI write is taking longer than expected (> 6144 cpu_1x clock cycles), this can be an indication of starvation XDCFG_IXR_AXI_WERR_ MASK (IXR_AXI_WERR) 22 wtc 0x0 AXI write response error XDCFG_IXR_AXI_RTO_M ASK (IXR_AXI_RTO) 21 wtc 0x0 AXI read address or response time out. AXI read is taking longer than expected (> 2048 cpu_1x clock cycles), this can be an indication of starvation XDCFG_IXR_AXI_RERR_ MASK (IXR_AXI_RERR) 20 wtc 0x0 AXI read response error reserved 19 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_IXR_RX_FIFO_O V_MASK (IXR_RX_FIFO_OV) 18 wtc 0x0 This bit is used to indicate that RX FIFO overflows. Incoming read data from PCAP will be dropped and the DEVCI DMA may enter an unrecoverable state . XDCFG_IXR_WR_FIFO_L VL_MASK (IXR_WR_FIFO_LVL) 17 wtc 0x0 Tx FIFO level < threshold, see reg 0x008 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1153 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDCFG_IXR_RD_FIFO_L VL_MASK (IXR_RD_FIFO_LVL) 16 wtc 0x0 Rx FIFO level >= threshold, see reg 0x008 XDCFG_IXR_DMA_CMD _ERR_MASK (IXR_DMA_CMD_ERR) 15 wtc 0x0 Illegal DMA command XDCFG_IXR_DMA_Q_O V_MASK (IXR_DMA_Q_OV) 14 wtc 0x0 DMA command queue overflows XDCFG_IXR_DMA_DON E_MASK (IXR_DMA_DONE) 13 wtc 0x0 This bit is used to indicate a DMA command is done. The bit is set either as soon as DMA is done (PCAP may not be finished) or both DMA and PCAP are done. XDCFG_IXR_D_P_DONE _MASK (IXR_D_P_DONE) 12 wtc 0x0 Both DMA and PCAP transfers are done for intermediate and final transfers. XDCFG_IXR_P2D_LEN_E RR_MASK (IXR_P2D_LEN_ERR) 11 wtc 0x0 Inconsistent PCAP to DMA transfer length error reserved 10:7 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_HMA C_ERR_MASK (IXR_PCFG_HMAC_ERR) 6 wtc 0x0 Triggers when an HMAC error is received from the PL XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_SEU_ ERR_MASK (IXR_PCFG_SEU_ERR) 5 wtc 0x0 Triggers when PL detects POST_CRC or ECC error. XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_POR _B_MASK (IXR_PCFG_POR_B) 4 wtc 0x0 Triggers if the PL loses power, PL POR_B signal goes low XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_CFG_ RST_MASK (IXR_PCFG_CFG_RST) 3 wtc 0x0 Triggers if the PL configuration controller is under reset XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_DON E_MASK (IXR_PCFG_DONE) 2 wtc 0x0 DONE signal from PL indicating that programming is complete and PL is in user mode. XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_INIT_ PE_MASK (IXR_PCFG_INIT_PE) 1 wtc 0x0 Triggered on the positive edge of the PL INIT signal XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_INIT_ NE_MASK (IXR_PCFG_INIT_NE) 0 wtc 0x0 Triggered on the negative edge of the PL INIT signal Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1154 Appendix B: Register Details Register (devcfg) XDCFG_INT_MASK_OFFSET Name XDCFG_INT_MASK_OFFSET Software Name INT_MASK Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xF8007010 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Interrupt Mask. Register XDCFG_INT_MASK_OFFSET Details Interrupt Mask Register: This register contains interrupt mask information. Set a bit to 1 to mask the interrupt generation from the corresponding interrupting source in Interrupt Status Register 0x00C. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description M_PSS_GTS_USR_B_INT 31 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for tri-state IO during HIZ, both edges M_PSS_FST_CFG_B_INT 30 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for first config done, both edges M_PSS_GPWRDWN_B_I NT 29 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for global power down, both edges M_PSS_GTS_CFG_B_INT 28 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for tri-state IO in config, both edges M_PSS_CFG_RESET_B_I NT 27 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for config reset, both edges reserved 26:24 rw 0x7 Reserved XDCFG_IXR_AXI_WTO_ MASK (IXR_AXI_WTO) 23 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for AXI write time out interrupt XDCFG_IXR_AXI_WERR_ MASK (IXR_AXI_WERR) 22 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for AXI write response error interrupt XDCFG_IXR_AXI_RTO_M ASK (IXR_AXI_RTO) 21 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for AXI read time out interrupt XDCFG_IXR_AXI_RERR_ MASK (IXR_AXI_RERR) 20 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for AXI read response error interrupt reserved 19 rw 0x1 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1155 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDCFG_IXR_RX_FIFO_O V_MASK (IXR_RX_FIFO_OV) 18 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for Rx FIFO overflow interrupt XDCFG_IXR_WR_FIFO_L VL_MASK (IXR_WR_FIFO_LVL) 17 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for Tx FIFO level < threshold interrupt XDCFG_IXR_RD_FIFO_L VL_MASK (IXR_RD_FIFO_LVL) 16 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for Rx FIFO level > threshold interrupt XDCFG_IXR_DMA_CMD _ERR_MASK (IXR_DMA_CMD_ERR) 15 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for illegal DMA command interrupt XDCFG_IXR_DMA_Q_O V_MASK (IXR_DMA_Q_OV) 14 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for DMA command FIFO overflows XDCFG_IXR_DMA_DON E_MASK (IXR_DMA_DONE) 13 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for DMA command done interrupt XDCFG_IXR_D_P_DONE _MASK (IXR_D_P_DONE) 12 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for DMA and PCAP done interrupt XDCFG_IXR_P2D_LEN_E RR_MASK (IXR_P2D_LEN_ERR) 11 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask Inconsistent xfer length error interrupt reserved 10:7 rw 0xF Reserved XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_HMA C_ERR_MASK (IXR_PCFG_HMAC_ERR) 6 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for HMAC error XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_SEU_ ERR_MASK (IXR_PCFG_SEU_ERR) 5 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for PCFG_SEU_ERR interrupt XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_POR _B_MASK (IXR_PCFG_POR_B) 4 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for PCFG_POR_B Interrupt XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_CFG_ RST_MASK (IXR_PCFG_CFG_RST) 3 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for PCFG_CFG_RESET interrupt XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_DON E_MASK (IXR_PCFG_DONE) 2 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for PCFG_DONE interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1156 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_INIT_ PE_MASK (IXR_PCFG_INIT_PE) 1 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for PCFG_INIT_PE interrupt XDCFG_IXR_PCFG_INIT_ NE_MASK (IXR_PCFG_INIT_NE) 0 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for PCFG_INIT_NE interrupt Register (devcfg) XDCFG_STATUS_OFFSET Name XDCFG_STATUS_OFFSET Software Name STATUS Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xF8007014 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x40000820 Description Miscellaneous Status. Register XDCFG_STATUS_OFFSET Details This register contains miscellaneous status. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XDCFG_STATUS_DMA_ CMD_Q_F_MASK (DMA_CMD_Q_F) 31 ro 0x0 DMA command queue full, if set XDCFG_STATUS_DMA_ CMD_Q_E_MASK (DMA_CMD_Q_E) 30 ro 0x1 DMA command queue empty, if set XDCFG_STATUS_DMA_ DONE_CNT_MASK (DMA_DONE_CNT) 29:28 clron wr 0x0 Number of completed DMA transfers that have not been acknowledged by software: 00 - all finished transfers have been acknowledged 01 - one finished transfer outstanding 10 - two finished transfers outstanding 11 - three or more finished transfers outstanding A finished transfer is acknowledged by clearing the DMA_DONE_INT interrupt status flag of the interrupt status register 0x00C. This count is cleared by writing a 1 to either bit location. reserved 27:25 rw 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1157 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits XDCFG_STATUS_RX_FIF O_LVL_MASK (RX_FIFO_LVL) 24:20 ro 0x0 This register is used to indicate how many valid 32-Bit words in the Rx FIFO, max. is 31 reserved 19 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_STATUS_TX_FIF O_LVL_MASK (TX_FIFO_LVL) 18:12 ro 0x0 This register is used to indicate how many valid 32-Bit words in the Tx FIFO, max. is 127 PSS_GTS_USR_B 11 ro 0x1 Tri-state IO during HIZ, active low PSS_FST_CFG_B 10 ro 0x0 First PL configuration done, active low. PSS_GPWRDWN_B 9 ro 0x0 Global power down, active low PSS_GTS_CFG_B 8 ro 0x0 Tri-state IO during config, active low. This signal will only be low when the PL CFG block is being used to configure the PL. 0 - IO are tri-stated by CFG block XDCFG_STATUS_SECUR E_RST_MASK (SECURE_RST) 7 ro 0x0 This bit is used to indicate a secure lockdown. Can only be cleared by a PS_POR_B reset. XDCFG_STATUS_ILLEGA L_APB_ACCESS_MASK (ILLEGAL_APB_ACCESS) 6 ro 0x0 Indicates the UNLOCK register was not written with the correct unlock word. If set all secure boot features will be disabled, the DAP will be disabled and writing to the DEVCI registers will be disabled. The illegal access mode can only be cleared with a PS_POR_B reset. PSS_CFG_RESET_B 5 ro 0x1 PL configuration reset, active low. XDCFG_STATUS_PCFG_I NIT_MASK (PCFG_INIT) 4 ro 0x0 PL INIT signal, indicates when housecleaning is done and the PL is ready to receive PCAP data. Positive and negative edges of the signal generate maskable interrupts in 0x00C. XDCFG_STATUS_EFUSE_ SW_RESERVE_MASK (EFUSE_SW_RESERVE) 3 ro 0x0 When this eFuse is blown, the BBRAM AES key is disabled. If the device is booted securely, the eFuse key must be used. XDCFG_STATUS_EFUSE_ SEC_EN_MASK (EFUSE_SEC_EN) 2 ro 0x0 When this eFuse is blown, the Zynq device must boot securely and use the eFuse as the AES key source. Non-secure boot will cause a security lockdown. XDCFG_STATUS_EFUSE_ JTAG_DIS_MASK (EFUSE_JTAG_DIS) 1 ro 0x0 When this eFuse is blown, the ARM DAP controller is permanently set in bypass mode. Any attempt to activate the DAP will cause a security lockdown. reserved 0 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1158 Appendix B: Register Details Register (devcfg) XDCFG_DMA_SRC_ADDR_OFFSET Name XDCFG_DMA_SRC_ADDR_OFFSET Software Name DMA_SRC_ADDR Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xF8007018 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Source Address. Register XDCFG_DMA_SRC_ADDR_OFFSET Details DMA Source address Register: This register contains the source address for DMA transfer. A DMA command consists of source address, destination address, source transfer length, and destination transfer length. It is important that the parameters are programmed in the exact sequence as described Field Name SRC_ADDR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Source address for DMA transfer of AXI read. Setting SRC_ADDR[1:0] and DST_ADDR[1:0] to 2'b01 will cause the DMA engine to hold the DMA DONE interrupt until both the AXI and PCAP interfaces are done with the data transfer. Otherwise the interrupt will trigger as soon as the AXI interface is done. Register (devcfg) XDCFG_DMA_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET Name XDCFG_DMA_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET Software Name DMA_DEST_ADDR Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xF800701C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Destination Address. Register XDCFG_DMA_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET Details DMA Destination address Register: This register contains the destination address for DMA transfer. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1159 Appendix B: Register Details A DMA command consists of source address, destination address, source transfer length, and destination transfer length. It is important that the parameters are programmed in the exact sequence as described. Field Name DST_ADDR Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination address for DMA transfer of AXI write. Setting SRC_ADDR[1:0] and DST_ADDR[1:0] to 2'b01 will cause the DMA engine to hold the DMA DONE interrupt until both the AXI and PCAP interfaces are done with the data transfer. Otherwise the interrupt will trigger as soon as the AXI interface is done. Register (devcfg) XDCFG_DMA_SRC_LEN_OFFSET Name XDCFG_DMA_SRC_LEN_OFFSET Software Name DMA_SRC_LEN Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xF8007020 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Source Transfer Length. Register XDCFG_DMA_SRC_LEN_OFFSET Details DMA Source transfer Length Register: This register contains the DMA source transfer length in unit of 4-byte word. A DMA command that consists of source address, destination address, source transfer length, and destination transfer length. It is important that the parameters are programmed in the exact sequence as described. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_DMA_LEN_MAS K (DMA_LEN) 26:0 rw 0x0 Up to 512MB data Register (devcfg) XDCFG_DMA_DEST_LEN_OFFSET Name XDCFG_DMA_DEST_LEN_OFFSET Software Name DMA_DEST_LEN Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1160 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xF8007024 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Destination Transfer Length. Register Details Register XDCFG_DMA_DEST_LEN_OFFSET Details DMA Destination transfer Length Register: This register contains the DMA destination transfer length in unit of 4-byte word. A DMA command that consists of source address, destination address, source transfer length, and destination transfer length is accepted when this register is written to. It is important that the parameters are programmed in the exact sequence as described. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_DMA_LEN_MAS K (DMA_LEN) 26:0 rw 0x0 Up to 512MB data Register (devcfg) XDCFG_MULTIBOOT_ADDR_OFFSET Name XDCFG_MULTIBOOT_ADDR_OFFSET Software Name MULTIBOOT_ADDR Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address 0xF800702C Width 13 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Multi-Boot Address Pointer. Register XDCFG_MULTIBOOT_ADDR_OFFSET Details MULTI Boot Addr Pointer Register: This register defines multi-boot address pointer. This register is power on reset only used to remember multi-boot address pointer set by previous boot. Field Name MULTIBOOT_ADDR Bits 12:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Multi-Boot offset address www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1161 Appendix B: Register Details Register (devcfg) XDCFG_UNLOCK_OFFSET Name XDCFG_UNLOCK_OFFSET Software Name UNLOCK Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address 0xF8007034 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Unlock Control. Register XDCFG_UNLOCK_OFFSET Details Unlock Register: This register is used to protect the DEVCI configuration registers from ROM code corruption. The boot ROM will unlock the DEVCI by writing 0x757BDF0D to this register. Writing anything other than the unlock word to this register will cause an illegal access state and make the DEVCI inaccessible until a system reset occurs. Field Name UNLOCK Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Unlock value. Register (devcfg) XDCFG_MCTRL_OFFSET Name XDCFG_MCTRL_OFFSET Software Name MCTRL Relative Address 0x00000080 Absolute Address 0xF8007080 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Miscellaneous Control. Register XDCFG_MCTRL_OFFSET Details Miscellaneous control Register: This register contains miscellaneous controls. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1162 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PS_VERSION 31:28 ro x Version ID for silicon 0x0 = 1.0 Silicon 0x1 = 2.0 Silicon 0x2 = 3.0 Silicon 0x3 = 3.1 Silicon reserved 27 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 25 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 24 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 23 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 1 reserved 22:14 rw 0x0 Reserved reserved 13 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11:9 rw 0x0 Reserved PCFG_POR_B 8 ro 0x0 PL POR_B signal used to determine power-up status of PL. reserved 7:5 rw 0x0 Reserved XDCFG_MCTRL_PCAP_L PBK_MASK (PCAP_LPBK) 4 rw 0x0 Internal PCAP loopback, if set reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved reserved 1 rw 0x0 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved - always write with 0 Register (devcfg) XADCIF_CFG Name XADCIF_CFG Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address 0xF8007100 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001114 Description XADC Interface Configuration. Register XADCIF_CFG Details XADC Interface Configuration Register : This register configures the XADC Interface operation Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1163 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ENABLE 31 rw 0x0 Enable PS access of the XADC, if set reserved 30:24 rw 0x0 Reserved CFIFOTH 23:20 rw 0x0 Command FIFO level threshold. Interrupt status flag is set if the FIFO level is less than or equal to the threshold DFIFOTH 19:16 rw 0x0 Data FIFO level threshold. Interrupt status flag is set if FIFO level is greater than the threshold reserved 15:14 rw 0x0 Reserved WEDGE 13 rw 0x0 Write launch edge : 0 - Falling edge 1 - Rising edge REDGE 12 rw 0x1 Read capture edge : 0 - Falling edge 1 - Rising edge reserved 11:10 rw 0x0 Reserved TCKRATE 9:8 rw 0x1 XADC clock frequency control. The base frequency is pcap_2x clock which has a nominal frequency of 200 MHz. 00 - 1/2 of pcap_2x clock frequency 01 - 1/4 of pcap_2x clock frequency 10 - 1/8 of pcap_2x clock frequency 11 - 1/16 of pcap_2x clock frequency reserved 7:5 rw 0x0 Reserved IGAP 4:0 rw 0x14 Minimum idle gap between successive commands. Default is 20 cycles, the minimum required by the XADC is 10. Register (devcfg) XADCIF_INT_STS Name XADCIF_INT_STS Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address 0xF8007104 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000200 Description XADC Interface Interrupt Status. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1164 Appendix B: Register Details Register XADCIF_INT_STS Details XADC Interface Interrupt Status Register : This register contains the interrupt status flags of the XADC interface block. All register bits are clear on write by writing 1s to those bits, however the register bits will only be cleared if the condition that sets the interrupt flag is no longer true. Note that individual status bits will be set if the corresponding condition is satisfied regardless of whether the interrupt mask bit in 0x108 is set. However, external interrupt will only be generated if an interrupt status flag is set and the corresponding mask bit is not set Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 rw 0x0 Reserved CFIFO_LTH 9 wtc 0x1 Command FIFO level less than or equal to the threshold (see register 0x100). DFIFO_GTH 8 wtc 0x0 Data FIFO level greater than threshold (see register 0x100). OT 7 wtc 0x0 Over temperature alarm from XADC. This is a latched version of the raw signal which is also available in register 0x10C ALM 6:0 wtc 0x0 Alarm signals from XADC. These are latched version of the raw input alarm signals which are also available in register 0x10C Register (devcfg) XADCIF_INT_MASK Name XADCIF_INT_MASK Relative Address 0x00000108 Absolute Address 0xF8007108 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description XADC Interface Interrupt Mask. Register XADCIF_INT_MASK Details XADC Interface Interrupt Mask Register : This register contains the interrupt mask information. Set a bit to 1 to mask the interrupt generation from the corresponding interrupting source in 0x104 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1165 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:10 rw 0x3FFFFF Reserved M_CFIFO_LTH 9 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for command FIFO level threshold interrupt. M_DFIFO_GTH 8 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask Data FIFO level greater than threshold interrupt. M_OT 7 rw 0x1 Interrupt mask for over temperature alarm interrupt M_ALM 6:0 rw 0x7F Interrupt mask for alarm signals from XADC. Register (devcfg) XADCIF_MSTS Name XADCIF_MSTS Relative Address 0x0000010C Absolute Address 0xF800710C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000500 Description XADC Interface Miscellaneous Status. Register XADCIF_MSTS Details XADC Interface miscellaneous Status Register : This register contains miscellaneous status of the XADC Interface Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:20 ro 0x0 Reserved CFIFO_LVL 19:16 ro 0x0 Command FIFO level. DFIFO_LVL 15:12 ro 0x0 Data FIFO level. CFIFOF 11 ro 0x0 Command FIFO full. CFIFOE 10 ro 0x1 Command FIFO empty. DFIFOF 9 ro 0x0 Data FIFO full. DFIFOE 8 ro 0x1 Data FIFO empty. OT 7 ro 0x0 Raw over temperature alarm from the XADC. Latched version of the signal is available in the interrupt status register. ALM 6:0 ro 0x0 Raw alarm signals from the XADC. Latched version of the signals are available in the interrupt status register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1166 Appendix B: Register Details Register (devcfg) XADCIF_CMDFIFO Name XADCIF_CMDFIFO Relative Address 0x00000110 Absolute Address 0xF8007110 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description XADC Interface Command FIFO Data Port Register XADCIF_CMDFIFO Details XADC Interface Command FIFO Register : This address is the entry point to the command FIFO. Commands get push into the FIFO when there is a write to this address Field Name CMD Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description 32-bit command. Register (devcfg) XADCIF_RDFIFO Name XADCIF_RDFIFO Relative Address 0x00000114 Absolute Address 0xF8007114 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description XADC Interface Data FIFO Data Port Register XADCIF_RDFIFO Details XADC Interface Data FIFO Register : This address is the exit point of the read data FIFO. Read data is returned when there is a read from this address Field Name RDDATA Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 32-bit read data. Register (devcfg) XADCIF_MCTL Name XADCIF_MCTL Relative Address 0x00000118 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1167 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8007118 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000010 Description XADC Interface Miscellaneous Control. Register Details Register XADCIF_MCTL Details XADC Interface Miscellaneous Control Register : This register provides miscellaneous control of the XADC Interface. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved RESET 4 rw 0x1 This bit will reset the communication channel between the PS and XADC. If set, the PS-XADC communication channel will remain in reset until a 0 is written to this bit. reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved - always write with 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1168 Appendix B: Register Details B.17 DMA Controller (dmac) Module Name DMA Controller (dmac) Software Name XDMAPS Base Address 0xF8004000 dmac0_ns 0xF8003000 dmac0_s Description Direct Memory Access Controller, PL330 Vendor Info ARM PL330 Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XDMAPS_DS_OFFSET 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x00000000 DMA Manager Status XDMAPS_DPC_OFFSET 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000000 DMA Program Counter XDMAPS_INTEN_OFFSE T 0x00000020 32 mixed 0x00000000 DMASEV Instruction Response Control XDMAPS_ES_OFFSET 0x00000024 32 mixed 0x00000000 Event Interrupt Raw Status XDMAPS_INTSTATUS_O FFSET 0x00000028 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Status XDMAPS_INTCLR_OFFS ET 0x0000002C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Clear XDMAPS_FSM_OFFSET 0x00000030 32 mixed 0x00000000 Fault Status DMA Manager XDMAPS_FSC_OFFSET 0x00000034 32 mixed 0x00000000 Fault Status DMA Channel XDMAPS_FTM_OFFSET 0x00000038 32 mixed 0x00000000 Fault Type DMA Manager XDMAPS_FTC0_OFFSET 0x00000040 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 0 XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_ 1 0x00000044 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 1 XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_ 2 0x00000048 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_ 3 0x0000004C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_ 4 0x00000050 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_ 5 0x00000054 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 5 XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_ 6 0x00000058 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_ 7 0x0000005C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Default Type DMA Channel 7 XDMAPS_CS0_OFFSET 0x00000100 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1169 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDMAPS_CPC0_OFFSET 0x00000104 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 0 XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_1 0x00000108 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 1 XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET _1 0x0000010C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 1 XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_2 0x00000110 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET _2 0x00000114 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_3 0x00000118 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET _3 0x0000011C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_4 0x00000120 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET _4 0x00000124 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_5 0x00000128 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 5 XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET _5 0x0000012C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 5 XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_6 0x00000130 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET _6 0x00000134 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_7 0x00000138 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel Status DMA Channel 7 XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET _7 0x0000013C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Channel PC for DMA Channel 7 XDMAPS_SA_0_OFFSET 0x00000400 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source Address DMA Channel 0 XDMAPS_DA_0_OFFSET 0x00000404 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 0 XDMAPS_CC_0_OFFSET 0x00000408 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 0 XDMAPS_LC0_0_OFFSE T 0x0000040C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 0 XDMAPS_LC1_0_OFFSE T 0x00000410 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 0 XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_ 1 0x00000420 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source address DMA Channel 1 XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET _1 0x00000424 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 1 XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_ 1 0x00000428 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 1 XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET _1 0x0000042C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1170 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET _1 0x00000430 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 1 XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_ 2 0x00000440 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source Address DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET _2 0x00000444 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_ 2 0x00000448 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET _2 0x0000044C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET _2 0x00000450 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 2 XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_ 3 0x00000460 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source Address DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET _3 0x00000464 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_ 3 0x00000468 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET _3 0x0000046C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET _3 0x00000470 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 3 XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_ 4 0x00000480 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source Address DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET _4 0x00000484 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_ 4 0x00000488 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET _4 0x0000048C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET _4 0x00000490 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 4 XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_ 5 0x000004A0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source Address DMA Channel 5 XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET _5 0x000004A4 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 5 XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_ 5 0x000004A8 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1171 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET _5 0x000004AC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 5 XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET _5 0x000004B0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 5 XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_ 6 0x000004C0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source Address DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET _6 0x000004C4 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_ 6 0x000004C8 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET _6 0x000004CC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET _6 0x000004D0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 6 XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_ 7 0x000004E0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Source Address DMA Channel 7 XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET _7 0x000004E4 32 mixed 0x00000000 Destination Addr DMA Channel 7 XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_ 7 0x000004E8 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Channel Control DMA Channel 7 XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET _7 0x000004EC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 7 XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET _7 0x000004F0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 7 XDMAPS_DBGSTATUS_ OFFSET 0x00000D00 32 mixed 0x00000000 DMA Manager Execution Status XDMAPS_DBGCMD_OF FSET 0x00000D04 32 mixed 0x00000000 DMA Manager Instr. Command XDMAPS_DBGINST0_O FFSET 0x00000D08 32 mixed 0x00000000 DMA Manager Instruction Part A XDMAPS_DBGINST1_O FFSET 0x00000D0C 32 mixed 0x00000000 DMA Manager Instruction Part B XDMAPS_CR0_OFFSET 0x00000E00 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x001E3071 Config. 0: Events, Peripheral Interfaces, PC, Mode XDMAPS_CR1_OFFSET 0x00000E04 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000074 Config. 1: Instruction Cache XDMAPS_CR2_OFFSET 0x00000E08 32 mixed 0x00000000 Config. 2: DMA Mgr Boot Addr Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1172 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XDMAPS_CR3_OFFSET 0x00000E0C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Config. 3: Security state of IRQs XDMAPS_CR4_OFFSET 0x00000E10 32 mixed 0x00000000 Config 4, Security of Periph Interfaces XDMAPS_CRDN_OFFSE T 0x00000E14 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x07FF7F73 DMA configuration WD 0x00000E80 32 mixed 0x00000000 Watchdog Timer XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_0_ OFFSET 0x00000FE0 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000030 Peripheral Idenfication register 0 XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_1_ OFFSET 0x00000FE4 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000013 Peripheral Idenfication register 1 XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_2_ OFFSET 0x00000FE8 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000024 Peripheral Idenfication register 2 XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_3_ OFFSET 0x00000FEC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Peripheral Idenfication register 3 XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_0_ OFFSET 0x00000FF0 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x0000000D Compontent Idenfication register 0 XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_1_ OFFSET 0x00000FF4 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x000000F0 Compontent Idenfication register 1 XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_2_ OFFSET 0x00000FF8 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000005 Compontent Idenfication register 2 XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_3_ OFFSET 0x00000FFC 32 mixed dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x000000B1 Compontent Idenfication register 3 Register (dmac) XDMAPS_DS_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_DS_OFFSET Software Name DS Relative Address 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1173 Appendix B: Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004000 dmac0_s: 0xF8003000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Manager Status Register Details Register XDMAPS_DS_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 rud 0x0 Reserved, read undefined DNS 9 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the security status of the DMA manager thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state Wakeup_event 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA manager executes a DMAWFE instruction, it is waiting for one of the following events to occur from any of the DMA channel treads: 0 0000: event[0] 0 0001: event[1] ... 0 1111: event[15] 1 xxxx: reserved DMA_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The current operating state of the DMA manager: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101 to 1110: reserved 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_DPC_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_DPC_OFFSET Software Name DPC Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004004 dmac0_s: 0xF8003004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1174 Appendix B: Description Register Details DMA Program Counter Register XDMAPS_DPC_OFFSET Details Field Name pc_mgr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter for the DMA manager thread Register (dmac) XDMAPS_INTEN_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_INTEN_OFFSET Software Name INTEN Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004020 dmac0_s: 0xF8003020 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMASEV Instruction Response Control Register XDMAPS_INTEN_OFFSET Details Field Name event_irq_select Bits 31:0 Type srw,ns sraz,n snsrw Reset Value 0x0 Description Control the respond of a DMA channel thread when it executes a DMASEV instruction. The channel thread will either signal the same DMASEV instruction to the other threads, or assert its interrupt signal. Bits [7:0] correspond to channels [7:0]. 0: The channel tread signals a DMASEV to the other threads (this typically selected when interrupts are not used) 1: Assert the channel's interrupt signal to the PS interrupt controller. Reserved Register (dmac) XDMAPS_ES_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_ES_OFFSET Software Name ES Relative Address 0x00000024 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1175 Appendix B: Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004024 dmac0_s: 0xF8003024 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Event Interrupt Raw Status Register Details Register XDMAPS_ES_OFFSET Details Field Name DMASEV_active Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Raw status of the event or interrupt state. There are sixteen possible event settings [15:0] and eight possible interrupts [7:0]: 0: Inactive 1: Active Note: When the DMAC executes a DMASEV N instruction to send event N, the INTEN Register controls whether the DMAC: signals an interrupt using the appropriate irq sends the event to all of the threads. Reserved Register (dmac) XDMAPS_INTSTATUS_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_INTSTATUS_OFFSET Software Name INTSTATUS Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004028 dmac0_s: 0xF8003028 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Status Register XDMAPS_INTSTATUS_OFFSET Details Field Name irq_status Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Interrupt signal state for DMA channel [7:0]: 0: inactive (IRQ signals is Low). 1: active (IRQ signals is HIgh). Reserved www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1176 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_INTCLR_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_INTCLR_OFFSET Software Name INTCLR Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800402C dmac0_s: 0xF800302C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Clear Register XDMAPS_INTCLR_OFFSET Details Field Name irq_clr Bits 31:0 Type swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o Reset Value 0x0 Description Clear interrupt(s) for DMA channel [7:0]: 0: no affect 1: clear the interrupt Reserved Register (dmac) XDMAPS_FSM_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_FSM_OFFSET Software Name FSM Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004030 dmac0_s: 0xF8003030 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Fault Status DMA Manager Register XDMAPS_FSM_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined fs_mgr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the fault status of the DMA manager: 0: Not in the Faulting state 1: Faulting state Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1177 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_FSC_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_FSC_OFFSET Software Name FSC Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004034 dmac0_s: 0xF8003034 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Fault Status DMA Channel Register XDMAPS_FSC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined fault_status 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Each bit provides the fault status of the corresponding DMA channel, Bits [7:0]: 0: No fault present 1: Fault or Fault completing state Register (dmac) XDMAPS_FTM_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_FTM_OFFSET Software Name FTM Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004038 dmac0_s: 0xF8003038 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Fault Type DMA Manager Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1178 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_FTM_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 read undefined dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA manager aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface reserved 29:17 rud 0x0 read undefined instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA manager performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response reserved 15:6 rud 0x0 read undefined mgr_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA manager was attempting to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: the DMA manager has appropriate security to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV 1: a DMA manager thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: DMAWFE to wait for a secure event H18DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. dmago_err 4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA manager was attempting to execute DMAGO with inappropriate security permissions: 0: appropriate security to execute DMAGO 1: Non-secure state attempted to execute DMAGO to create a DMA channel thread operating in the Secure state reserved 3:2 rud 0x0 read undefined operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA manager was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA manager was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1179 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_FTC0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_FTC0_OFFSET Software Name FTC0 Relative Address 0x00000040 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004040 dmac0_s: 0xF8003040 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 0 Register XDMAPS_FTC0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1180 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1181 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x00000044 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004044 dmac0_s: 0xF8003044 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1182 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1183 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1184 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004048 dmac0_s: 0xF8003048 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 2 Register XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1185 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1186 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1187 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x0000004C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800404C dmac0_s: 0xF800304C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 3 Register Details Register XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1188 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1189 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x00000050 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004050 dmac0_s: 0xF8003050 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1190 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1191 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1192 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x00000054 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004054 dmac0_s: 0xF8003054 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 5 Register XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1193 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1194 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1195 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000058 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004058 dmac0_s: 0xF8003058 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 6 Register Details Register XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1196 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1197 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x0000005C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800405C dmac0_s: 0xF800305C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Default Type DMA Channel 7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1198 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_FTCn_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description lockup_err 31 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread has locked-up because of resource starvation: 0: DMA channel has adequate resources 1: DMA channel has locked-up because of insufficient resources. This fault is an imprecise abort. dbg_instr 30 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 If the DMA channel aborts, this bit indicates whether the erroneous instruction was read from the system memory or from the debug interface: 0: system memory 1: debug interface. reserved 29:19 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined data_read_err 18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data read: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. data_write_err 17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the BRESP bus, after the DMA channel thread performs a data write: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is an imprecise abort. instr_fetch_err 16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the AXI response that the DMAC receives on the RRESP bus after the DMA channel thread performs an instruction fetch: 0: OKAY response 1: EXOKAY, SLVERR, or DECERR response. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 15:14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined st_data_unavailable 13 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO did not contain the data to enable the DMAC to perform the DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains all the data to enable the DMAST to complete 1: previous DMALDs have not put enough data in the MFIFO to enable the DMAST to complete. This fault is a precise abort. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1199 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description mfifo_err 12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the MFIFO prevented the DMA channel thread from executing DMALD or DMAST: DMALD: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient space 1: MFIFO is too small to hold the data that DMALD requires. DMAST: 0: MFIFO contains sufficient data 1: MFIFO is too small to store the data to enable DMAST to complete. This fault is an imprecise abort. reserved 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined ch_rdwr_err 7 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to program the CCR registers to perform a secure read or secure write: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to perform a secure read or secure write. This fault is a precise abort. ch_periph_err 6 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether a DMA channel thread, in the Non-secure state, attempts to execute DMAWFP, DMALDP, DMASTP, or DMAFLUSHP with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFP to wait for a secure peripheral, b) DMALDP or DMASTP to notify a secure peripheral, or c) DMAFLUSHP to flush a secure peripheral. This fault is a precise abort. ch_evnt_err 5 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread attempts to execute DMAWFE or DMASEV with inappropriate security permissions: 0: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state is not violating the security permissions 1: a DMA channel thread in the Non-secure state attempted to execute either: a) DMAWFE to wait for a secure event, or b) DMASEV to create a secure event or secure interrupt. This fault is a precise abort. reserved 4:2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1200 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description operand_invalid 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an instruction operand that was not valid for the configuration of the DMAC: 0: valid operand 1: invalid operand. This fault is a precise abort. undef_instr 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates whether the DMA channel thread was attempting to execute an undefined instruction: 0: defined instruction 1: undefined instruction. This fault is a precise abort. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CS0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CS0_OFFSET Software Name CS0 Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004100 dmac0_s: 0xF8003100 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 0 Register XDMAPS_CS0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1201 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CPC0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CPC0_OFFSET Software Name CPC0 Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004104 dmac0_s: 0xF8003104 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1202 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 0 Register Details Register XDMAPS_CPC0_OFFSET Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x00000108 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004108 dmac0_s: 0xF8003108 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 1 Register XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1203 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x0000010C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800410C dmac0_s: 0xF800310C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1204 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x00000110 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004110 dmac0_s: 0xF8003110 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 2 Register XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1205 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x00000114 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004114 dmac0_s: 0xF8003114 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1206 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_3 Relative Address 0x00000118 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004118 dmac0_s: 0xF8003118 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 3 Register XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1207 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_3 Relative Address 0x0000011C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800411C dmac0_s: 0xF800311C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1208 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x00000120 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004120 dmac0_s: 0xF8003120 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 4 Register XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1209 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x00000124 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004124 dmac0_s: 0xF8003124 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1210 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x00000128 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004128 dmac0_s: 0xF8003128 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 5 Register XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1211 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x0000012C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800412C dmac0_s: 0xF800312C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1212 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_6 Relative Address 0x00000130 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004130 dmac0_s: 0xF8003130 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 6 Register XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1213 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_6 Relative Address 0x00000134 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004134 dmac0_s: 0xF8003134 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1214 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x00000138 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004138 dmac0_s: 0xF8003138 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status DMA Channel 7 Register XDmaPs_CSn_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined CNS 21 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Security status of the DMA channel thread: 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state. reserved 20:16 rud 0x0 reserved,read undefined dmawfp_periph 15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the periph operand is set: 0: periph operand not set 1: periph operand set. Note: the status only applies when the channel is connected to one of the four peripheral request interfaces. dmawfp_b_ns 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes DMAWFP, this bit indicates whether the burst or single operand were set: 0: single operand set 1: burst operand set reserved 13:9 rud 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1215 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description wakeup_num 8:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When the DMA channel thread executes a WFE or WFP instruction, these bits indicate the event or peripheral number that the channel is waiting for: Waiting for Event (WFE): 0 0000: waiting for event 0 0 0001: waiting for event 1 ... 0 1111: waiting for event 15 1 xxxx: reserved Waiting for Peripheral (WFP): 0 0000: waiting for peripheral 0 0 0001: waiting for peripheral 1 0 0010: waiting for peripheral 2 0 0011: waiting for peripheral 3 1 11xx: reserved channel_status 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The channel status encoding is: 0000: Stopped 0001: Executing 0010: Cache miss 0011: Updating PC 0100: Waiting for event 0101: At barrier 0110: reserved 0111: Waiting for peripheral 1000: Killing 1001: Completing 1010 to 1101: reserved 1110: Faulting completing 1111: Faulting. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x0000013C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800413C dmac0_s: 0xF800313C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel PC for DMA Channel 7 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1216 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CPCn_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name pc_chnl Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Program counter (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_SA_0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_SA_0_OFFSET Software Name SA_0 Relative Address 0x00000400 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004400 dmac0_s: 0xF8003400 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source Address DMA Channel 0 Register XDMAPS_SA_0_OFFSET Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_DA_0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_DA_0_OFFSET Software Name DA_0 Relative Address 0x00000404 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004404 dmac0_s: 0xF8003404 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1217 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_DA_0_OFFSET Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CC_0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CC_0_OFFSET Software Name CC_0 Relative Address 0x00000408 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004408 dmac0_s: 0xF8003408 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 0 Register XDMAPS_CC_0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1218 Appendix B: Field Name Register Details Bits Type Reset Value Description dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1219 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1220 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_LC0_0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_LC0_0_OFFSET Software Name LC0_0 Relative Address 0x0000040C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800440C dmac0_s: 0xF800340C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 0 Register XDMAPS_LC0_0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_LC1_0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_LC1_0_OFFSET Software Name LC1_0 Relative Address 0x00000410 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004410 dmac0_s: 0xF8003410 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1221 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_LC1_0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x00000420 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004420 dmac0_s: 0xF8003420 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source address DMA Channel 1 Register XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x00000424 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004424 dmac0_s: 0xF8003424 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1222 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x00000428 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004428 dmac0_s: 0xF8003428 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 1 Register XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1223 Appendix B: Field Name Register Details Bits Type Reset Value Description dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1224 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1225 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x0000042C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800442C dmac0_s: 0xF800342C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 1 Register XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_1 Name XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_1 Relative Address 0x00000430 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004430 dmac0_s: 0xF8003430 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 1 Register XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1226 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x00000440 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004440 dmac0_s: 0xF8003440 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source Address DMA Channel 2 Register XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x00000444 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004444 dmac0_s: 0xF8003444 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 2 Register XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x00000448 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1227 Appendix B: Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004448 dmac0_s: 0xF8003448 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 2 Register Details Register XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1228 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1229 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x0000044C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800444C dmac0_s: 0xF800344C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1230 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_2 Name XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_2 Relative Address 0x00000450 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004450 dmac0_s: 0xF8003450 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 2 Register XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_3 Relative Address 0x00000460 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004460 dmac0_s: 0xF8003460 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source Address DMA Channel 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1231 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_3 Relative Address 0x00000464 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004464 dmac0_s: 0xF8003464 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 3 Register XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_3 Relative Address 0x00000468 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004468 dmac0_s: 0xF8003468 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1232 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1233 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1234 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_3 Relative Address 0x0000046C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800446C dmac0_s: 0xF800346C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 3 Register XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1235 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_3 Name XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_3 Relative Address 0x00000470 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004470 dmac0_s: 0xF8003470 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 3 Register XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x00000480 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004480 dmac0_s: 0xF8003480 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source Address DMA Channel 4 Register XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1236 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x00000484 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004484 dmac0_s: 0xF8003484 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 4 Register XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x00000488 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004488 dmac0_s: 0xF8003488 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 4 Register XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1237 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1238 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1239 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x0000048C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF800448C dmac0_s: 0xF800348C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 4 Register XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1240 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_4 Name XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_4 Relative Address 0x00000490 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004490 dmac0_s: 0xF8003490 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 4 Register XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x000004A0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044A0 dmac0_s: 0xF80034A0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source Address DMA Channel 5 Register XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1241 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x000004A4 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044A4 dmac0_s: 0xF80034A4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 5 Register XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x000004A8 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044A8 dmac0_s: 0xF80034A8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 5 Register XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1242 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1243 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1244 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x000004AC Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044AC dmac0_s: 0xF80034AC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 5 Register XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1245 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_5 Name XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_5 Relative Address 0x000004B0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044B0 dmac0_s: 0xF80034B0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 5 Register XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_6 Relative Address 0x000004C0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044C0 dmac0_s: 0xF80034C0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source Address DMA Channel 6 Register XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1246 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_6 Relative Address 0x000004C4 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044C4 dmac0_s: 0xF80034C4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 6 Register XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_6 Relative Address 0x000004C8 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044C8 dmac0_s: 0xF80034C8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 6 Register XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1247 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1248 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1249 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_6 Relative Address 0x000004CC Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044CC dmac0_s: 0xF80034CC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 6 Register XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1250 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_6 Name XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_6 Relative Address 0x000004D0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044D0 dmac0_s: 0xF80034D0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 6 Register XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x000004E0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044E0 dmac0_s: 0xF80034E0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Source Address DMA Channel 7 Register XDmaPs_SA_n_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name src_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Source data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1251 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x000004E4 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044E4 dmac0_s: 0xF80034E4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Destination Addr DMA Channel 7 Register XDmaPs_DA_n_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name dest_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Destination data address (physical memory address) for DMA channel thread. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x000004E8 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044E8 dmac0_s: 0xF80034E8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00800200 Description Channel Control DMA Channel 7 Register XDmaPs_CC_n_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined endian_swap_size 30:28 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Data swap: little-endian and byte-invariant big-endian (BE-8) formats. 000: No swap, 8-bit data 001: Swap bytes within 16-bit data 010: Swap bytes within 32-bit data 011: Swap bytes within 64-bit data 100: Swap bytes within 128-bit data 101 to 111: Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1252 Appendix B: Field Name Reset Value Register Details Bits Type dst_cache_ctrl 27:25 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI AWCACHE signals that are used when the DMAC writes to the destination (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [27] programs AWCACHE[3] Hardwired Low to AWCACHE[2] Bit [26] programs AWCACHE[1] Bit [25] programs AWCACHE[0] Note: Setting AWCACHE[3,1]=b10 violates the AXI protocol. dst_prot_ctrl 24:22 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AWPROT signals that are used when the DMAC writes the destination data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [24] programs AWPROT[2] Bit [23] programs AWPROT[1] Bit [22] programs AWPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program AWPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set AWPROT[1] Low, then the DMA channel aborts. dst_burst_len 21:18 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers 0010: 3 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWLEN[3:0]. dst_burst_size 17:15 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC writes to the destination: 000: writes 1 byte per beat 001: writes 2 bytes per beat 010: writes 4 bytes per beat 011: writes 8 bytes per beat 100: writes 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC writes out of the MFIFO when it executes a DMAST instruction is the product of dst_burst_len and dst_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of AWSIZE[2:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1253 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description dst_inc 14 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it writes the destination data: 0: Fixed-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst. The DMAC signals AWBURST[0] HIgh. src_cache_ctrl 13:11 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the AXI ARCACHE signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [13] programs ARCACHE[2] Bit [12] programs ARCACHE[1] Bit [11] programs ARCACHE[0] Note: The DMAC ties ARCACHE[3] Low. Setting ARCACHE[2:1]= b10 violates the AXI protocol. src_prot_ctrl 10:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 Programs the AXI ARPROT signals that are used for DMA reads of the source data (0: Low, 1: High): Bit [10] programs ARPROT[2] Bit [9] programs ARPROT[1] Bit [8] programs ARPROT[0] Note: Only DMA channels in the Secure state can program ARPROT[1] Low, that is, a secure access. If a DMA channel in the Non-secure state attempts to set ARPROT[1] Low, the DMA channel aborts. src_burst_len 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each burst, these bits program the number of data transfers that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0000: 1 data transfer 0001: 2 data transfers ... 1111: 16 data transfers. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARLEN[3:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1254 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description src_burst_size 3:1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 For each beat within a burst, it programs the number of bytes that the DMAC reads from the source: 000: reads 1 byte per beat 001: reads 2 bytes per beat 010: reads 4 bytes per beat 011: reads 8 bytes per beat 100: reads 16 bytes per beat 101 to 111: reserved. The total number of bytes that the DMAC reads into the MFIFO when it executes a DMALD instruction is the product of src_burst_len and src_burst_size. Note: These bits control the state of ARSIZE[2:0]. src_inc 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Programs the burst type that the DMAC performs when it reads the source data: 0: Fixed-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven Low. 1: Incrementing-address burst, DMAC signal ARBURST[0] driven High. Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x000004EC Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044EC dmac0_s: 0xF80034EC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 0 DMA Channel 7 Register XDmaPs_LC0_n_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter zero for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1255 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_7 Name XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_7 Relative Address 0x000004F0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF80044F0 dmac0_s: 0xF80034F0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loop Counter 1 DMA Channel 7 Register XDmaPs_LC1_n_OFFSET_7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined loop_counter_iteration 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Provides the status of loop counter one for the DMA channel thread. The DMAC updates this register when it executes DMALPEND[S|B], and the DMA channel thread is programmed to use loop counter one. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_DBGSTATUS_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_DBGSTATUS_OFFSET Software Name DBGSTATUS Relative Address 0x00000D00 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004D00 dmac0_s: 0xF8003D00 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Manager Execution Status Register XDMAPS_DBGSTATUS_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined dbgstatus 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The DMA manager Execution/Debug status: 0: Idle 1: Busy. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1256 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_DBGCMD_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_DBGCMD_OFFSET Software Name DBGCMD Relative Address 0x00000D04 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004D04 dmac0_s: 0xF8003D04 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Manager Instr. Command Register XDMAPS_DBGCMD_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:2 rud 0x0 reserved, read undefined dbgcmd 1:0 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 Command the DMA manager to execute the instruction defined in the two DBGINST registers. 00: execute the instruction. others: reserved. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_DBGINST0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_DBGINST0_OFFSET Software Name DBGINST0 Relative Address 0x00000D08 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004D08 dmac0_s: 0xF8003D08 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Manager Instruction Part A Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1257 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_DBGINST0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description instruction_byte1 31:24 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 instruction byte 1 instruction_byte0 23:16 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 instruction byte 0 reserved 15:11 waz 0x0 reserved, write as 0 channel_num 10:8 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 DMA channel number: 000: DMA channel 0 001: DMA channel 1 010: DMA channel 2 ... 111: DMA channel 7 reserved 7:1 waz 0x0 reserved, write as 0 debug_thread 0 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 The debug thread encoding is as folLows: 0: DMA manager thread 1: DMA channel. Note: When set to 1, the Channel number field selects the DMA channel to debug. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_DBGINST1_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_DBGINST1_OFFSET Software Name DBGINST1 Relative Address 0x00000D0C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004D0C dmac0_s: 0xF8003D0C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMA Manager Instruction Part B Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1258 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_DBGINST1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description instruction_byte5 31:24 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 instruction byte 5 instruction_byte4 23:16 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 instruction byte 4 instruction_byte3 15:8 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 instruction byte 3 instruction_byte2 7:0 swo,n ssraz, nsnsw o 0x0 instruction byte 2 Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CR0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CR0_OFFSET Software Name CR0 Relative Address 0x00000E00 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004E00 dmac0_s: 0xF8003E00 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x001E3071 Description Config. 0: Events, Peripheral Interfaces, PC, Mode Register XDMAPS_CR0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rud 0x0 read undefined num_events 21:17 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0xF The DMA Controller supports 16 events. This register always reads 01111 (15d). num_periph_req 16:12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x3 The DMA Controller supports four peripheral interfaces. This register always reads 00011 (3d). reserved 11:7 rud 0x0 read undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1259 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description num_chnls 6:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x7 The DMA Controller supports eight channel threads. This register always reads 00111 (7d). reserved 3 rud 0x0 read undefined mgr_ns_at_rst 2 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the status of the slcr.TZ_DMA_NS bit when the DMAC exits from reset: 0: TZ_DMA_NS was Low 1: TZ_DMA_NS was HIgh boot_en 1 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 Indicates the status of the boot_from_pc signal when the DMAC exited from reset: 0 = boot_from_pc was LOW 1 = boot_from_pc was HIGH. periph_req 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x1 The DMAC provides the peripheral request interfaces. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CR1_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CR1_OFFSET Software Name CR1 Relative Address 0x00000E04 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004E04 dmac0_s: 0xF8003E04 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000074 Description Config. 1: Instruction Cache Register XDMAPS_CR1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined num_icache_lines 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x7 The DMAC iCache has eight lines. reserved 3 rud 0x0 read undefined icache_len 2:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x4 The length of an i-cache line is sixteen bytes. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1260 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CR2_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CR2_OFFSET Software Name CR2 Relative Address 0x00000E08 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004E08 dmac0_s: 0xF8003E08 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Config. 2: DMA Mgr Boot Addr Register XDMAPS_CR2_OFFSET Details Field Name boot_addr Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description The boot address for the DMAC manager is hardwired to 0. This is a system memory address. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CR3_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CR3_OFFSET Software Name CR3 Relative Address 0x00000E0C Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004E0C dmac0_s: 0xF8003E0C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Config. 3: Security state of IRQs Register XDMAPS_CR3_OFFSET Details Field Name INS Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description The value of the slcr.TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS bits (boot_irq_ns signals) when the DMAC reset deasserts. Reserved www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1261 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CR4_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CR4_OFFSET Software Name CR4 Relative Address 0x00000E10 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004E10 dmac0_s: 0xF8003E10 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Config 4, Security of Periph Interfaces Register XDMAPS_CR4_OFFSET Details Field Name PNS Bits 31:0 Type sro,ns sraz,n snsro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reflects the slcr.TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS register values for the four peripheral request interfaces when the DMAC is unreset. 0: Secure state 1: Non-secure state Reserved Register (dmac) XDMAPS_CRDN_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_CRDN_OFFSET Software Name CRDN Relative Address 0x00000E14 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004E14 dmac0_s: 0xF8003E14 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x07FF7F73 Description DMA configuration Register XDMAPS_CRDN_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 rud 0x0 read undefined data_buffer_dep 29:20 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x7F The MFIFO dept is 128 double words (64-bit). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1262 Appendix B: Field Name Register Details Bits Type Reset Value Description rd_q_dep 19:16 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0xF The depth of the Read Queue is hardwired at 16 lines. reserved 15 rud 0x0 read undefined rd_cap 14:12 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x7 The number of possible outstanding Read Transactions is hardwired at 8. wr_q_dep 11:8 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0xF The depth of the Write Queue is hardwired at 16 lines. reserved 7 rud 0x0 read undefined wr_cap 6:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x7 The number of outstanding Write Transactions is is hardwired at 8. reserved 3 rud 0x0 read undefined data_width 2:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x3 The data width of the AXI master interface 64 bits. Register (dmac) WD Name WD Relative Address 0x00000E80 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004E80 dmac0_s: 0xF8003E80 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Watchdog Timer Register WD Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rud 0x0 read undefined wd_irq_only 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 When a lock-up is detected, the DMAC aborts the DMA channel thread and asserts the Abort interrupt. Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_0_OFFSET Software Name PERIPH_ID_0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1263 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000FE0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FE0 dmac0_s: 0xF8003FE0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000030 Description Peripheral Idenfication register 0 Register Details Register XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined part_number_0 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x30 returns 0x30 Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_1_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_1_OFFSET Software Name PERIPH_ID_1 Relative Address 0x00000FE4 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FE4 dmac0_s: 0xF8003FE4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000013 Description Peripheral Idenfication register 1 Register XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined designer_0 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x1 returns 0x1 part_number_1 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x3 returns 0x3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1264 Appendix B: Register Details Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_2_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_2_OFFSET Software Name PERIPH_ID_2 Relative Address 0x00000FE8 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FE8 dmac0_s: 0xF8003FE8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000024 Description Peripheral Idenfication register 2 Register XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined revision 7:4 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x2 DMAC IP revision is r1p1. designer_1 3:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x4 returns 0x4 Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_3_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_3_OFFSET Software Name PERIPH_ID_3 Relative Address 0x00000FEC Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FEC dmac0_s: 0xF8003FEC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral Idenfication register 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1265 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_PERIPH_ID_3_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rud 0x0 read undefined integration_cfg 0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro 0x0 The DMAC does not contain integration test logic Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_0_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_0_OFFSET Software Name PCELL_ID_0 Relative Address 0x00000FF0 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FF0 dmac0_s: 0xF8003FF0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x0000000D Description Compontent Idenfication register 0 Register XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_0_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined pcell_id_0 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0xD returnx 0x0D Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_1_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_1_OFFSET Software Name PCELL_ID_1 Relative Address 0x00000FF4 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FF4 dmac0_s: 0xF8003FF4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x000000F0 Description Compontent Idenfication register 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1266 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined pcell_id_1 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0xF0 returns 0xF0 Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_2_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_2_OFFSET Software Name PCELL_ID_2 Relative Address 0x00000FF8 Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FF8 dmac0_s: 0xF8003FF8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x00000005 Description Compontent Idenfication register 2 Register XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined pcell_id_2 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0x5 returns 0x05 Register (dmac) XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_3_OFFSET Name XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_3_OFFSET Software Name PCELL_ID_3 Relative Address 0x00000FFC Absolute Address dmac0_ns: 0xF8004FFC dmac0_s: 0xF8003FFC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value dmac0_ns: 0x00000000 dmac0_s: 0x000000B1 Description Compontent Idenfication register 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1267 Appendix B: Register Details Register XDMAPS_PCELL_ID_3_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rud 0x0 read undefined pcell_id_3 7:0 sro,ns sraz,n snsro dmac0_ns: 0x0 dmac0_s: 0xB1 returns 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1268 Appendix B: Register Details B.18 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (GEM) Module Name Gigabit Ethernet Controller (GEM) Base Address 0xE000B000 gem0 0xE000C000 gem1 Description Gigabit Ethernet Controller Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OF FSET 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x00000000 Network Control XEMACPS_NWCFG_OFF SET 0x00000004 32 rw 0x00080000 Network Configuration XEMACPS_NWSR_OFFS ET 0x00000008 32 ro x Network Status XEMACPS_DMACR_OFF SET 0x00000010 32 mixed 0x00020784 DMA Configuration XEMACPS_TXSR_OFFSE T 0x00000014 32 mixed 0x00000000 Transmit Status XEMACPS_RXQBASE_O FFSET 0x00000018 32 mixed 0x00000000 Receive Buffer Queue Base Address XEMACPS_TXQBASE_O FFSET 0x0000001C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Transmit Buffer Queue Base Address XEMACPS_RXSR_OFFSE T 0x00000020 32 mixed 0x00000000 Receive Status XEMACPS_ISR_OFFSET 0x00000024 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Status XEMACPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000028 32 wo x Interrupt Enable XEMACPS_IDR_OFFSET 0x0000002C 32 wo x Interrupt Disable XEMACPS_IMR_OFFSET 0x00000030 32 mixed x Interrupt Mask Status XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC _OFFSET 0x00000034 32 rw 0x00000000 PHY Maintenance XEMACPS_RXPAUSE_OF FSET 0x00000038 32 ro 0x00000000 Received Pause Quantum XEMACPS_TXPAUSE_OF FSET 0x0000003C 32 rw 0x0000FFFF Transmit Pause Quantum XEMACPS_HASHL_OFF SET 0x00000080 32 rw 0x00000000 Hash Register Bottom [31:0] XEMACPS_HASHH_OFF SET 0x00000084 32 rw 0x00000000 Hash Register Top [63:32] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1269 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_LADDR1L_O FFSET 0x00000088 32 rw 0x00000000 Specific Address 1 Bottom [31:0] XEMACPS_LADDR1H_O FFSET 0x0000008C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Specific Address 1 Top [47:32] XEMACPS_LADDR2L_O FFSET 0x00000090 32 rw 0x00000000 Specific Address 2 Bottom [31:0] XEMACPS_LADDR2H_O FFSET 0x00000094 32 mixed 0x00000000 Specific Address 2 Top [47:32] XEMACPS_LADDR3L_O FFSET 0x00000098 32 rw 0x00000000 Specific Address 3 Bottom [31:0] XEMACPS_LADDR3H_O FFSET 0x0000009C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Specific Address 3 Top [47:32] XEMACPS_LADDR4L_O FFSET 0x000000A0 32 rw 0x00000000 Specific Address 4 Bottom [31:0] XEMACPS_LADDR4H_O FFSET 0x000000A4 32 mixed 0x00000000 Specific Address 4 Top [47:32] XEMACPS_MATCH1_OF FSET 0x000000A8 32 mixed 0x00000000 Type ID Match 1 XEMACPS_MATCH2_OF FSET 0x000000AC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Type ID Match 2 XEMACPS_MATCH3_OF FSET 0x000000B0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Type ID Match 3 XEMACPS_MATCH4_OF FSET 0x000000B4 32 mixed 0x00000000 Type ID Match 4 wake_on_lan 0x000000B8 32 mixed 0x00000000 Wake on LAN Register XEMACPS_STRETCH_OF FSET 0x000000BC 32 mixed 0x00000000 IPG stretch register stacked_vlan 0x000000C0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Stacked VLAN Register tx_pfc_pause 0x000000C4 32 mixed 0x00000000 Transmit PFC Pause Register spec_addr1_mask_bot 0x000000C8 32 rw 0x00000000 Specific Address Mask 1 Bottom [31:0] spec_addr1_mask_top 0x000000CC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Specific Address Mask 1 Top [47:32] module_id 0x000000FC 32 ro 0x00020118 Module ID XEMACPS_OCTTXL_OFF SET 0x00000100 32 ro 0x00000000 Octets transmitted [31:0] (in frames without error) XEMACPS_OCTTXH_OF FSET 0x00000104 32 ro 0x00000000 Octets transmitted [47:32] (in frames without error) XEMACPS_TXCNT_OFFS ET 0x00000108 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Transmitted XEMACPS_TXBCCNT_O FFSET 0x0000010C 32 ro 0x00000000 Broadcast frames Tx XEMACPS_TXMCCNT_O FFSET 0x00000110 32 ro 0x00000000 Multicast frames Tx Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1270 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_TXPAUSECN T_OFFSET 0x00000114 32 ro 0x00000000 Pause frames Tx XEMACPS_TX64CNT_O FFSET 0x00000118 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Tx, 64-byte length XEMACPS_TX65CNT_O FFSET 0x0000011C 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Tx, 65 to 127-byte length XEMACPS_TX128CNT_ OFFSET 0x00000120 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Tx, 128 to 255-byte length XEMACPS_TX256CNT_ OFFSET 0x00000124 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Tx, 256 to 511-byte length XEMACPS_TX512CNT_ OFFSET 0x00000128 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Tx, 512 to 1023-byte length XEMACPS_TX1024CNT_ OFFSET 0x0000012C 32 ro 0x00000000 Frame Tx, 1024 to 1518-byte length XEMACPS_TXURUNCNT _OFFSET 0x00000134 32 ro 0x00000000 Transmit under runs XEMACPS_SNGLCOLLC NT_OFFSET 0x00000138 32 ro 0x00000000 Single Collision Frames XEMACPS_MULTICOLLC NT_OFFSET 0x0000013C 32 ro 0x00000000 Multiple Collision Frames XEMACPS_EXCESSCOLL CNT_OFFSET 0x00000140 32 ro 0x00000000 Excessive Collisions XEMACPS_LATECOLLC NT_OFFSET 0x00000144 32 ro 0x00000000 Late Collisions XEMACPS_TXDEFERCN T_OFFSET 0x00000148 32 ro 0x00000000 Deferred Transmission Frames XEMACPS_TXCSENSEC NT_OFFSET 0x0000014C 32 ro 0x00000000 Carrier Sense Errors. XEMACPS_OCTRXL_OFF SET 0x00000150 32 ro 0x00000000 Octets Received [31:0] XEMACPS_OCTRXH_OF FSET 0x00000154 32 ro 0x00000000 Octets Received [47:32] XEMACPS_RXCNT_OFF SET 0x00000158 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Received XEMACPS_RXBROADC NT_OFFSET 0x0000015C 32 ro 0x00000000 Broadcast Frames Rx XEMACPS_RXMULTICN T_OFFSET 0x00000160 32 ro 0x00000000 Multicast Frames Rx XEMACPS_RXPAUSECN T_OFFSET 0x00000164 32 ro 0x00000000 Pause Frames Rx XEMACPS_RX64CNT_O FFSET 0x00000168 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Rx, 64-byte length XEMACPS_RX65CNT_O FFSET 0x0000016C 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Rx, 65 to 127-byte length Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1271 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_RX128CNT_ OFFSET 0x00000170 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Rx, 128 to 255-byte length XEMACPS_RX256CNT_ OFFSET 0x00000174 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Rx, 256 to 511-byte length XEMACPS_RX512CNT_ OFFSET 0x00000178 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Rx, 512 to 1023-byte length XEMACPS_RX1024CNT_ OFFSET 0x0000017C 32 ro 0x00000000 Frames Rx, 1024 to 1518-byte length XEMACPS_RXUNDRCN T_OFFSET 0x00000184 32 ro 0x00000000 Undersize frames received XEMACPS_RXOVRCNT_ OFFSET 0x00000188 32 ro 0x00000000 Oversize frames received XEMACPS_RXJABCNT_ OFFSET 0x0000018C 32 ro 0x00000000 Jabbers received XEMACPS_RXFCSCNT_ OFFSET 0x00000190 32 ro 0x00000000 Frame check sequence errors XEMACPS_RXLENGTHC NT_OFFSET 0x00000194 32 ro 0x00000000 Length field frame errors XEMACPS_RXSYMBCNT _OFFSET 0x00000198 32 ro 0x00000000 Receive symbol errors XEMACPS_RXALIGNCN T_OFFSET 0x0000019C 32 ro 0x00000000 Alignment errors XEMACPS_RXRESERRC NT_OFFSET 0x000001A0 32 ro 0x00000000 Receive resource errors XEMACPS_RXORCNT_O FFSET 0x000001A4 32 ro 0x00000000 Receive overrun errors XEMACPS_RXIPCCNT_O FFSET 0x000001A8 32 ro 0x00000000 IP header checksum errors XEMACPS_RXTCPCCNT _OFFSET 0x000001AC 32 ro 0x00000000 TCP checksum errors XEMACPS_RXUDPCCNT _OFFSET 0x000001B0 32 ro 0x00000000 UDP checksum error timer_strobe_s 0x000001C8 32 rw 0x00000000 1588 timer sync strobe seconds timer_strobe_ns 0x000001CC 32 mixed 0x00000000 1588 timer sync strobe nanoseconds XEMACPS_1588_SEC_O FFSET 0x000001D0 32 rw 0x00000000 1588 timer seconds XEMACPS_1588_NANO SEC_OFFSET 0x000001D4 32 mixed 0x00000000 1588 timer nanoseconds XEMACPS_1588_ADJ_O FFSET 0x000001D8 32 mixed 0x00000000 1588 timer adjust XEMACPS_1588_INC_O FFSET 0x000001DC 32 mixed 0x00000000 1588 timer increment Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1272 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_PTP_TXSEC_ OFFSET 0x000001E0 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP event frame transmitted seconds XEMACPS_PTP_TXNAN OSEC_OFFSET 0x000001E4 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP event frame transmitted nanoseconds XEMACPS_PTP_RXSEC_ OFFSET 0x000001E8 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP event frame received seconds XEMACPS_PTP_RXNAN OSEC_OFFSET 0x000001EC 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP event frame received nanoseconds. XEMACPS_PTPP_TXSEC _OFFSET 0x000001F0 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP peer event frame transmitted seconds XEMACPS_PTPP_TXNA NOSEC_OFFSET 0x000001F4 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP peer event frame transmitted nanoseconds XEMACPS_PTPP_RXSEC _OFFSET 0x000001F8 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP peer event frame received seconds XEMACPS_PTPP_RXNA NOSEC_OFFSET 0x000001FC 32 ro 0x00000000 PTP peer event frame received nanoseconds. design_cfg2 0x00000284 32 ro x Design Configuration 2 design_cfg3 0x00000288 32 ro 0x00000000 Design Configuration 3 design_cfg4 0x0000028C 32 ro 0x00000000 Design Configuration 4 design_cfg5 0x00000290 32 ro x Design Configuration 5 Register (GEM) XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_NWCTRL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B000 gem1: 0xE000C000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Network Control Register XEMACPS_NWCTRL_OFFSET Details The network control register contains general MAC control functions for both receiver and transmitter. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1273 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:19 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. flush_next_rx_dpram_p kt 18 wo 0x0 Flush the next packet from the external RX DPRAM. Writing one to this bit will only have an effect if the DMA is not currently writing a packet already stored in the DPRAM to memory. tx_pfc_pri_pri_pause_fr ame 17 wo 0x0 Transmit PFC Priority Based Pause Frame. Takes the values stored in the Transmit PFC Pause Register en_pfc_pri_pause_rx 16 wo 0x0 Enable PFC Priority Based Pause Reception capabilities. Setting this bit will enable PFC negotiation and recognition of priority based pause frames. str_rx_timestamp 15 rw 0x0 Store receive time stamp to memory. Setting this bit to one will cause the CRC of every received frame to be replaced with the value of the nanoseconds field of the 1588 timer that was captured as the receive frame passed the message time stamp point. Set to zero for normal operation. reserved 14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 13 wo 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_ZE ROPAUSETX_MASK (ZEROPAUSETX) 12 wo 0x0 Transmit zero quantum pause frame. Writing one to this bit causes a pause frame with zero quantum to be transmitted. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_PA USETX_MASK (PAUSETX) 11 wo 0x0 Transmit pause frame - writing one to this bit causes a pause frame to be transmitted. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_HA LTTX_MASK (HALTTX) 10 wo 0x0 Transmit halt - writing one to this bit halts transmission as soon as any ongoing frame transmission ends. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_ST ARTTX_MASK (STARTTX) 9 wo 0x0 Start transmission - writing one to this bit starts transmission. back_pressure 8 rw 0x0 Back pressure - if set in 10M or 100M half duplex mode will force collisions on all received frames. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_ST ATWEN_MASK (STATWEN) 7 rw 0x0 Write enable for statistics registers - setting this bit to one means the statistics registers can be written for functional test purposes. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_ST ATINC_MASK (STATINC) 6 wo 0x0 Incremental statistics registers - this bit is write only. Writing a one increments all the statistics registers by one for test purposes. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_ST ATCLR_MASK (STATCLR) 5 wo 0x0 Clear statistics registers - this bit is write only. Writing a one clears the statistics registers. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1274 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_NWCTRL_M DEN_MASK (MDEN) 4 rw 0x0 Management port enable - set to one to enable the management port. When zero forces mdio to high impedance state and mdc low. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_TX EN_MASK (TXEN) 3 rw 0x0 Transmit enable - when set, it enables the GEM transmitter to send data. When reset transmission will stop immediately, the transmit pipeline and control registers will be cleared and the transmit queue pointer register will reset to point to the start of the transmit descriptor list. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_RX EN_MASK (RXEN) 2 rw 0x0 Receive enable - when set, it enables the GEM to receive data. When reset frame reception will stop immediately and the receive pipeline will be cleared. The receive queue pointer register is unaffected. XEMACPS_NWCTRL_LO OPEN_MASK (LOOPEN) 1 rw 0x0 Loop back local - asserts the loopback_local signal to the system clock generator. Also connects txd to rxd, tx_en to rx_dv and forces full duplex mode. Bit 11 of the network configuration register must be set low to disable TBI mode when in internal loopback. rx_clk and tx_clk may malfunction as the GEM is switched into and out of internal loop back. It is important that receive and transmit circuits have already been disabled when making the switch into and out of internal loop back. Local loopback functionality isn't available in the EP107 Zynq Emulation Platform, because the clocking doesn't map well into an FPGA. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_NWCFG_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_NWCFG_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_NWCFG Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B004 gem1: 0xE000C004 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00080000 Description Network Configuration Register XEMACPS_NWCFG_OFFSET Details The network configuration register contains functions for setting the mode of operation for the Gigabit Ethernet MAC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1275 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description unidir_en 31 rw 0x0 NA. ignore_ipg_rx_er 30 rw 0x0 Ignore IPG rx_er. When set rx_er has no effect on the GEM's operation when rx_dv is low. Set this when using the RGMII wrapper in half-duplex mode. XEMACPS_NWCFG_BA DPREAMBEN_MASK (BADPREAMBEN) 29 rw 0x0 Receive bad preamble. When set frames with non-standard preamble are not rejected. XEMACPS_NWCFG_IPD STRETCH_MASK (IPDSTRETCH) 28 rw 0x0 IPG stretch enable - when set the transmit IPG can be increased above 96 bit times depending on the previous frame length using the IPG stretch register. sgmii_en 27 rw 0x0 SGMII mode enable - changes behavior of the auto-negotiation advertisement and link partner ability registers to meet the requirements of SGMII and reduces the duration of the link timer from 10 ms to 1.6 ms XEMACPS_NWCFG_FCS IGNORE_MASK (FCSIGNORE) 26 rw 0x0 Ignore RX FCS - when set frames with FCS/CRC errors will not be rejected. FCS error statistics will still be collected for frames with bad FCS and FCS status will be recorded in frame's DMA descriptor. For normal operation this bit must be set to zero. XEMACPS_NWCFG_HD RXEN_MASK (HDRXEN) 25 rw 0x0 Enable frames to be received in half-duplex mode while transmitting. XEMACPS_NWCFG_RXC HKSUMEN_MASK (RXCHKSUMEN) 24 rw 0x0 Receive checksum offload enable - when set, the receive checksum engine is enabled. Frames with bad IP, TCP or UDP checksums are discarded. XEMACPS_NWCFG_PAU SECOPYDI_MASK (PAUSECOPYDI) 23 rw 0x0 Disable copy of pause frames - set to one to prevent valid pause frames being copied to memory. When set, pause frames are not copied to memory regardless of the state of the copy all frames bit; whether a hash match is found or whether a type ID match is identified. If a destination address match is found the pause frame will be copied to memory. Note that valid pause frames received will still increment pause statistics and pause the transmission of frames as required. dbus_width 22:21 rw 0x0 Data bus width. Only valid bus widths may be written if the system is configured to a maximum width less than 128-bits. Zynq defines gem_dma_bus_width_def as 2'b00. 00: 32 bit AMBA AHB data bus width 01: 64 bit AMBA AHB data bus width 10: 128 bit AMBA AHB data bus width 11: 128 bit AMBA AHB data bus width Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1276 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits XEMACPS_NWCFG_MD CCLKDIV_MASK (MDCCLKDIV) 20:18 rw 0x2 MDC clock division - set according to cpu_1xclk speed. These three bits determine the number cpu_1xclk will be divided by to generate MDC. For conformance with the 802.3 specification, MDC must not exceed 2.5 MHz (MDC is only active during MDIO read and write operations). 000: divide cpu_1xclk by 8 (cpu_1xclk up to 20 MHz) 001: divide cpu_1xclk by 16 (cpu_1xclk up to 40 MHz) 010: divide cpu_1xclk by 32 (cpu_1xclk up to 80 MHz) 011: divide cpu_1xclk by 48 (cpu_1xclk up to 120MHz) 100: divide cpu_1xclk by 64 (cpu_1xclk up to 160 MHz) 101: divide cpu_1xclk by 96 (cpu_1xclk up to 240 MHz) 110: divide cpu_1xclk by 128 (cpu_1xclk up to 320 MHz) 111: divide cpu_1xclk by 224 (cpu_1xclk up to 540 MHz) XEMACPS_NWCFG_FCS REM_MASK (FCSREM) 17 rw 0x0 FCS remove - setting this bit will cause received frames to be written to memory without their frame check sequence (last 4 bytes). The frame length indicated will be reduced by four bytes in this mode. XEMACPS_NWCFG_LEN GTHERRDSCRD_MASK (LENGTHERRDSCRD) 16 rw 0x0 Length field error frame discard - setting this bit causes frames with a measured length shorter than the extracted length field (as indicated by bytes 13 and 14 in a non-VLAN tagged frame) to be discarded. This only applies to frames with a length field less than 0x0600. XEMACPS_NWCFG_RX OFFS_MASK (RXOFFS) 15:14 rw 0x0 Receive buffer offset - indicates the number of bytes by which the received data is offset from the start of the receive buffer. XEMACPS_NWCFG_PAU SEEN_MASK (PAUSEEN) 13 rw 0x0 Pause enable - when set, transmission will pause if a non zero 802.3 classic pause frame is received and PFC has not been negotiated. XEMACPS_NWCFG_RET RYTESTEN_MASK (RETRYTESTEN) 12 rw 0x0 Retry test - must be set to zero for normal operation. If set to one the backoff between collisions will always be one slot time. Setting this bit to one helps test the too many retries condition. Also used in the pause frame tests to reduce the pause counter's decrement time from 512 bit times, to every rx_clk cycle. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1277 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description pcs_sel 11 rw 0x0 NA 0: GMII/MII interface enabled, TBI disabled 1: TBI enabled, GMII/MII disabled XEMACPS_NWCFG_100 0_MASK (1000) 10 rw 0x0 Gigabit mode enable - setting this bit configures the GEM for 1000 Mbps operation. 0: 10/100 operation using MII or TBI interface 1: Gigabit operation using GMII or TBI interface XEMACPS_NWCFG_EXT ADDRMATCHEN_MASK (EXTADDRMATCHEN) 9 rw 0x0 External address match enable - when set the external address match interface can be used to copy frames to memory. XEMACPS_NWCFG_153 6RXEN_MASK (1536RXEN) 8 rw 0x0 Receive 1536 byte frames - setting this bit means the GEM will accept frames up to 1536 bytes in length. Normally the GEM would reject any frame above 1518 bytes. XEMACPS_NWCFG_UC ASTHASHEN_MASK (UCASTHASHEN) 7 rw 0x0 Unicast hash enable - when set, unicast frames will be accepted when the 6 bit hash function of the destination address points to a bit that is set in the hash register. XEMACPS_NWCFG_MC ASTHASHEN_MASK (MCASTHASHEN) 6 rw 0x0 Multicast hash enable - when set, multicast frames will be accepted when the 6 bit hash function of the destination address points to a bit that is set in the hash register. XEMACPS_NWCFG_BCA STDI_MASK (BCASTDI) 5 rw 0x0 No broadcast - when set to logic one, frames addressed to the broadcast address of all ones will not be accepted. XEMACPS_NWCFG_CO PYALLEN_MASK (COPYALLEN) 4 rw 0x0 Copy all frames - when set to logic one, all valid frames will be accepted. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XEMACPS_NWCFG_NVL ANDISC_MASK (NVLANDISC) 2 rw 0x0 Discard non-VLAN frames - when set only VLAN tagged frames will be passed to the address matching logic. XEMACPS_NWCFG_FDE N_MASK (FDEN) 1 rw 0x0 Full duplex - if set to logic one, the transmit block ignores the state of collision and carrier sense and allows receive while transmitting. Also controls the half-duplex pin. XEMACPS_NWCFG_100 _MASK (100) 0 rw 0x0 Speed - set to logic one to indicate 100Mbps operation, logic zero for 10Mbps. The value of this pin is reflected on the speed_mode[0] output pin. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_NWSR_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_NWSR_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_NWSR Relative Address 0x00000008 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1278 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B008 gem1: 0xE000C008 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Network Status Register Details Register XEMACPS_NWSR_OFFSET Details The network status register returns status information with respect to the PHY management interface. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. pfc_pri_pause_neg 6 ro 0x0 Set when PFC Priority Based Pause has been negotiated. pcs_autoneg_pause_tx_ res 5 ro 0x0 NA pcs_autoneg_pause_rx_ res 4 ro 0x0 NA pcs_autoneg_dup_res 3 ro 0x0 NA phy_mgmt_idle 2 ro 0x1 The PHY management logic is idle (i.e. has completed). XEMACPS_NWSR_MDI O_MASK (MDIO) 1 ro x Returns status of the mdio_in pin pcs_link_state 0 ro 0x0 NA Register (GEM) XEMACPS_DMACR_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_DMACR_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_DMACR Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B010 gem1: 0xE000C010 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00020784 Description DMA Configuration Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1279 Appendix B: Register Details Register XEMACPS_DMACR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:25 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. disc_when_no_ahb 24 rw 0x0 When set, the GEM DMA will automatically discard receive packets from the receiver packet buffer memory when no AHB resource is available. When low, then received packets will remain to be stored in the SRAM based packet buffer until AHB buffer resource next becomes available. XEMACPS_DMACR_RXB UF_MASK (RXBUF) 23:16 rw 0x2 DMA receive buffer size in AHB system memory. The value defined by these bits determines the size of buffer to use in main AHB system memory when writing received data. The value is defined in multiples of 64 bytes such that a value of 0x01 corresponds to buffers of 64 bytes, 0x02 corresponds to 128 bytes etc. For example: 0x02: 128 byte 0x18: 1536 byte (1*max length frame/buffer) 0xA0: 10240 byte (1*10k jumbo frame/buffer) Note that this value should never be written as zero. reserved 15:12 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XEMACPS_DMACR_TCP CKSUM_MASK (TCPCKSUM) 11 rw 0x0 Transmitter IP, TCP and UDP checksum generation offload enable. When set, the transmitter checksum generation engine is enabled, to calculate and substitute checksums for transmit frames. When clear, frame data is unaffected. If the GEM is not configured to use the DMA packet buffer, this bit is not implemented and will be treated as reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. Zynq uses packet buffer. XEMACPS_DMACR_TXS IZE_MASK (TXSIZE) 10 rw 0x1 Transmitter packet buffer memory size select Having this bit at zero halves the amount of memory used for the transmit packet buffer. This reduces the amount of memory used by the GEM. It is important to set this bit to one if the full configured physical memory is available. The value in brackets below represents the size that would result for the default maximum configured memory size of 4 kB. 1: Use full configured addressable space (4 kB) 0: Do not use top address bit (2 kB) If the GEM is not configured to use the DMA packet buffer, this bit is not implemented and will be treated as reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. Zynq uses packet buffer. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1280 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_DMACR_RXS IZE_MASK (RXSIZE) 9:8 rw 0x3 Receiver packet buffer memory size select Having these bits at less than 11 reduces the amount of memory used for the receive packet buffer. This reduces the amount of memory used by the GEM. It is important to set these bits both to one if the full configured physical memory is available. The value in brackets below represents the size that would result for the default maximum configured memory size of 8 kBs. 00: Do not use top three address bits (1 kB) 01: Do not use top two address bits (2 kB) 10: Do not use top address bit (4 kB) 11: Use full configured addressable space (8 kB) If the controller is not configured to use the DMA packet buffer, these bits are not implemented and will be treated as reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. Zynq uses packet buffer. XEMACPS_DMACR_EN DIAN_MASK (ENDIAN) 7 rw 0x1 AHB endian swap mode enable for packet data accesses - When set, selects swapped endianism for AHB transfers. When clear, selects little endian mode. ahb_endian_swp_mgmt _en 6 rw 0x0 AHB endian swap mode enable for management descriptor accesses - When set, selects swapped endianism for AHB transfers. When clear, selects little endian mode. reserved 5 rw 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write XEMACPS_DMACR_BLE NGTH_MASK (BLENGTH) 4:0 rw 0x4 AHB fixed burst length for DMA data operations Selects the burst length to attempt to use on the AHB when transferring frame data. Not used for DMA management operations and only used where space and data size allow. Otherwise SINGLE type AHB transfers are used. Upper bits become non-writeable if the configured DMA TX and RX FIFO sizes are smaller than required to support the selected burst size. One-hot priority encoding enforced automatically on register writes as follows, where 'x' represents don't care: 00001: Always use SINGLE AHB bursts 0001x: Always use SINGLE AHB bursts 001xx: Attempt to use INCR4 AHB bursts (default) 01xxx: Attempt to use INCR8 AHB bursts 1xxxx: Attempt to use INCR16 AHB bursts others: reserved Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXSR_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXSR_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXSR Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1281 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B014 gem1: 0xE000C014 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit Status Register Details Register XEMACPS_TXSR_OFFSET Details This register, when read, provides details of the status of a transmit. Once read, individual bits may be cleared by writing 1 to them. It is not possible to set a bit to 1 by writing to the register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:9 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XEMACPS_TXSR_HRESP NOK_MASK (HRESPNOK) 8 wtc 0x0 Hresp not OK - set when the DMA block sees hresp not OK. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. late_collision 7 wtc 0x0 Late collision occurred - only set if the condition occurs in gigabit mode, as retry is not attempted. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. XEMACPS_TXSR_URUN _MASK (URUN) 6 wtc 0x0 Transmit under run - this bit is set if the transmitter was forced to terminate a frame that it had already began transmitting due to further data being unavailable. This bit is set if a transmitter status write back has not completed when another status write back is attempted. When using the DMA interface configured for internal FIFO mode, this bit is also set when the transmit DMA has written the SOP data into the FIFO and either the AHB bus was not granted in time for further data, or because an AHB not OK response was returned, or because a used bit was read. When using the DMA interface configured for packet buffer mode, this bit will never be set. When using the external FIFO interface, this bit is also set when the tx_r_underflow input is asserted during a frame transfer. Cleared by writing a 1. XEMACPS_TXSR_TXCO MPL_MASK (TXCOMPL) 5 wtc 0x0 Transmit complete - set when a frame has been transmitted. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1282 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_TXSR_BUFEX H_MASK (BUFEXH) 4 wtc 0x0 Transmit frame corruption due to AHB error - set if an error occurs whilst midway through reading transmit frame from the AHB, including HRESP errors and buffers exhausted mid frame (if the buffers run out during transmission of a frame then transmission stops, FCS shall be bad and tx_er asserted). Also set in DMA packet buffer mode if single frame is too large for configured packet buffer memory size. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. XEMACPS_TXSR_TXGO_ MASK (TXGO) 3 ro 0x0 Transmit go - if high transmit is active. When using the exposed FIFO interface, this bit represents bit 3 of the network control register. When using the DMA interface this bit represents the tx_go variable as specified in the transmit buffer description. XEMACPS_TXSR_RXOV R_MASK (RXOVR) 2 wtc 0x0 Retry limit exceeded - cleared by writing a one to this bit. XEMACPS_TXSR_FRAM ERX_MASK (FRAMERX) 1 wtc 0x0 Collision occurred - set by the assertion of collision. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. When operating in 10/100 mode, this status indicates either a collision or a late collision. In gigabit mode, this status is not set for a late collision. XEMACPS_TXSR_USEDR EAD_MASK (USEDREAD) 0 wtc 0x0 Used bit read - set when a transmit buffer descriptor is read with its used bit set. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXQBASE_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXQBASE_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXQBASE Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B018 gem1: 0xE000C018 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receive Buffer Queue Base Address Register XEMACPS_RXQBASE_OFFSET Details This register holds the start address of the receive buffer queue (receive buffers descriptor list). The receive buffer queue base address must be initialized before receive is enabled through bit 2 of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1283 Appendix B: Register Details network control register. Once reception is enabled, any write to the receive buffer queue base address register is ignored. Reading this register returns the location of the descriptor currently being accessed. This value increments as buffers are used. Software should not use this register for determining where to remove received frames from the queue as it constantly changes as new frames are received. Software should instead work its way through the buffer descriptor queue checking the 'used' bits. The descriptors should be aligned at 32-bit boundaries and the descriptors are written to using two individual non sequential accesses. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description rx_q_baseaddr 31:2 rw 0x0 Receive buffer queue base address - written with the address of the start of the receive queue. reserved 1:0 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXQBASE_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXQBASE_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXQBASE Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B01C gem1: 0xE000C01C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit Buffer Queue Base Address Register XEMACPS_TXQBASE_OFFSET Details This register holds the start address of the transmit buffer queue (transmit buffers descriptor list). The transmit buffer queue base address register must be initialized before transmit is started through bit 9 of the network control register. Once transmission has started, any write to the transmit buffer queue base address register is illegal and therefore ignored. Note that due to clock boundary synchronization, it takes a maximum of four pclk cycles from the writing of the transmit start bit before the transmitter is active. Writing to the transmit buffer queue base address register during this time may produce unpredictable results. Reading this register returns the location of the descriptor currently being accessed. Since the DMA handles two frames at once, this may not necessarily be pointing to the current frame being transmitted. The descriptors should be aligned at 32-bit boundaries and the descriptors are read from memory using two individual non sequential accesses. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1284 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description tx_q_base_addr 31:2 rw 0x0 Transmit buffer queue base address - written with the address of the start of the transmit queue. reserved 1:0 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXSR_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXSR_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXSR Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B020 gem1: 0xE000C020 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receive Status Register XEMACPS_RXSR_OFFSET Details When read provides details of the status of a receive. Once read, individual bits may be cleared by writing 1 to them. It is not possible to set a bit to 1 by writing to the register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. XEMACPS_RXSR_HRESP NOK_MASK (HRESPNOK) 3 wtc 0x0 Hresp not OK - set when the DMA block sees hresp not OK. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. XEMACPS_RXSR_RXOV R_MASK (RXOVR) 2 wtc 0x0 Receive overrun - this bit is set if either the gem_dma RX FIFO or external RX FIFO were unable to store the receive frame due to a FIFO overflow, or if the receive status, reported by the gem_rx module to the gem_dma was not taken at end of frame. This bit is also set in DMA packet buffer mode if the packet buffer overflows. For DMA operation the buffer will be recovered if an overrun occurs. This bit is cleared by writing a one to it. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1285 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_RXSR_FRAM ERX_MASK (FRAMERX) 1 wtc 0x0 Frame received - one or more frames have been received and placed in memory. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. XEMACPS_RXSR_BUFFN A_MASK (BUFFNA) 0 wtc 0x0 Buffer not available - an attempt was made to get a new buffer and the pointer indicated that it was owned by the processor. The DMA will reread the pointer each time an end of frame is received until a valid pointer is found. This bit is set following each descriptor read attempt that fails, even if consecutive pointers are unsuccessful and software has in the mean time cleared the status flag. Cleared by writing a one to this bit. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_ISR_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_ISR_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_ISR Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B024 gem1: 0xE000C024 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Status Register XEMACPS_ISR_OFFSET Details Indicates an interrupt is asserted by the controller and is enabled (unmasked). 0: not asserted 1: asserted (if any bit reads as a 1, then the ethernet_int signal will be asserted to the interrupt controller) Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. tsu_sec_incr 26 wtc 0x0 TSU seconds register increment - indicates the register has incremented. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X) 25 wtc 0x0 PTP pdelay_resp frame transmitted - indicates a PTP pdelay_resp frame has been transmitted. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1286 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX) 24 wtc 0x0 PTP pdelay_req frame transmitted - indicates a PTP pdelay_req frame has been transmitted. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX ) 23 wtc 0x0 PTP pdelay_resp frame received - indicates a PTP pdelay_resp frame has been received. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X) 22 wtc 0x0 PTP pdelay_req frame received - indicates a PTP pdelay_req frame has been received. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X) 21 wtc 0x0 PTP sync frame transmitted - indicates a PTP sync frame has been transmitted. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX) 20 wtc 0x0 PTP delay_req frame transmitted - indicates a PTP delay_req frame has been transmitted. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX ) 19 wtc 0x0 PTP sync frame received - indicates a PTP sync frame has been received. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDR RX) 18 wtc 0x0 PTP delay_req frame received - indicates a PTP delay_req frame has been received. partner_pg_rx 17 wtc 0x0 NA autoneg_complete 16 wtc 0x0 NA ext_intr 15 wtc 0x0 External interrupt - set when a rising edge has been detected on the ext_interrupt_in input pin. XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X) 14 wtc 0x0 Pause frame transmitted - indicates a pause frame has been successfully transmitted after being initiated from the network control register or from the tx_pause control pin. XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO) 13 wtc 0x0 Pause time zero - set when either the pause time register at address 0x38 decrements to zero, or when a valid pause frame is received with a zero pause quantum field. XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEN ZERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSE NZERO) 12 wtc 0x0 Pause frame with non-zero pause quantum received - indicates a valid pause has been received that has a non-zero pause quantum field. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1287 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_IXR_HRESPN OK_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_HRESP NOK) 11 wtc 0x0 Hresp not OK - set when the DMA block sees hresp not OK. XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR) 10 wtc 0x0 Receive overrun - set when the receive overrun status bit gets set. link_chng 9 wtc 0x0 NA reserved 8 ro 0x0 Reserved XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL) 7 wtc 0x0 Transmit complete - set when a frame has been transmitted. XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH) 6 clronr d 0x0 Transmit frame corruption due to AHB error - set if an error occurs while midway through reading transmit frame from the AHB, including HRESP errors and buffers exhausted mid frame (if the buffers run out during transmission of a frame then transmission stops, FCS shall be bad and tx_er asserted). Also set in DMA packet buffer mode if single frame is too large for configured packet buffer memory size. Cleared on a read. XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY) 5 wtc 0x0 Retry limit exceeded or late collision - transmit error. Late collision will only cause this status bit to be set in gigabit mode (as a retry is not attempted). reserved 4 wtc 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSE D) 3 wtc 0x0 TX used bit read - set when a transmit buffer descriptor is read with its used bit set. XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSE D) 2 wtc 0x0 RX used bit read - set when a receive buffer descriptor is read with its used bit set. XEMACPS_IXR_FRAMER X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_FRAME RX) 1 wtc 0x0 Receive complete - a frame has been stored in memory. XEMACPS_IXR_MGMNT _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_MGMN T) 0 wtc 0x0 Management frame sent - the PHY maintenance register has completed its operation. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1288 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_IER_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_IER Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B028 gem1: 0xE000C028 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description Interrupt Enable Register XEMACPS_IER_OFFSET Details Enable interrupts by writing a 1 to one or more bits. Write a 1 to enable (unmask) the interrupt. Writing 0 has no affect on the mask bit. When read, this register returns zero. To control interrupt masks and read status, use the interrupt status, enable, disable and mask registers together. At reset, all interrupts are disabled (masked). Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 wo x Reserved tsu_sec_incr 26 wo x Enable TSU seconds register increment interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X) 25 wo x Enable PTP pdelay_resp frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX) 24 wo x Enable PTP pdelay_req frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX ) 23 wo x Enable PTP pdelay_resp frame received interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X) 22 wo x Enable PTP pdelay_req frame received interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X) 21 wo x Enable PTP sync frame transmitted interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1289 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX) 20 wo x Enable PTP delay_req frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX ) 19 wo x Enable PTP sync frame received interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDR RX) 18 wo x Enable PTP delay_req frame received interrupt partner_pg_rx 17 wo x NA autoneg_complete 16 wo x NA ext_intr 15 wo x Enable external interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X) 14 wo x Enable pause frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO) 13 wo x Enable pause time zero interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEN ZERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSE NZERO) 12 wo x Enable pause frame with non-zero pause quantum interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_HRESPN OK_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_HRESP NOK) 11 wo x Enable hresp not OK interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR) 10 wo x Enable receive overrun interrupt link_chng 9 wo x Enable link change interrupt reserved 8 wo x Not used XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL) 7 wo x Enable transmit complete interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH) 6 wo x Enable transmit frame corruption due to AHB error interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY) 5 wo x Enable retry limit exceeded or late collision interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1290 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_IXR_URUN_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_URUN) 4 wo x Enable transmit buffer under run interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSE D) 3 wo x Enable transmit used bit read interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSE D) 2 wo x Enable receive used bit read interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_FRAMER X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_FRAME RX) 1 wo x Enable receive complete interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_MGMNT _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_MGMN T) 0 wo x Enable management done interrupt Register (GEM) XEMACPS_IDR_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_IDR_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_IDR Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B02C gem1: 0xE000C02C Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description Interrupt Disable Register XEMACPS_IDR_OFFSET Details Disable interrupts by applying a mask to one or more bits. Write 1 to disable (mask) the interrupt. Writing 0 has no affect on the mask bit. When read, this register returns zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1291 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:27 wo x Reserved tsu_sec_incr 26 wo x Disable TSU seconds register increment interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X) 25 wo x Disable PTP pdelay_resp frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX) 24 wo x Disable PTP pdelay_req frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX ) 23 wo x Disable PTP pdelay_resp frame received interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X) 22 wo x Disable PTP pdelay_req frame received interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X) 21 wo x Disable PTP sync frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX) 20 wo x Disable PTP delay_req frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX ) 19 wo x Disable PTP sync frame received interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDR RX) 18 wo x Disable PTP delay_req frame received interrupt partner_pg_rx 17 wo x NA autoneg_complete 16 wo x NA ext_intr 15 wo x Disable external interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X) 14 wo x Disable pause frame transmitted interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO) 13 wo x Disable pause time zero interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1292 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEN ZERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSE NZERO) 12 wo x Disable pause frame with non-zero pause quantum interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_HRESPN OK_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_HRESP NOK) 11 wo x Disable hresp not OK interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR) 10 wo x Disable receive overrun interrupt link_chng 9 wo x Disable link change interrupt reserved 8 wo x Not used XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL) 7 wo x Disable transmit complete interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH) 6 wo x Disable transmit frame corruption due to AHB error interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY) 5 wo x Disable retry limit exceeded or late collision interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_URUN_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_URUN) 4 wo x Disable transmit buffer under run interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSE D) 3 wo x Disable transmit used bit read interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSE D) 2 wo x Disable receive used bit read interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_FRAMER X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_FRAME RX) 1 wo x Disable receive complete interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_MGMNT _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_MGMN T) 0 wo x Disable management done interrupt Register (GEM) XEMACPS_IMR_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_IMR_OFFSET Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1293 Appendix B: Software Name XEMACPS_IMR Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B030 gem1: 0xE000C030 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Interrupt Mask Status Register Details Register XEMACPS_IMR_OFFSET Details Indicates the mask state of each interrupt. 0: interrupt non masked (enabled) 1: interrupt masked (disabled), reset default All interrupts are disabled after a module reset. The interrupt masks are individually controlled using the write-only interrupt enable and disable registers. For test purposes there is a write-only function to the interrupt mask register that allows the bits in the interrupt status register to be set or cleared, regardless of the state of the mask register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 ro 0x0 Reserved XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPST X) 25 ro,wo x PTP pdelay_resp frame transmitted mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR TX) 24 ro,wo x PTP pdelay_req frame transmitted mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSTX ) 23 ro,wo x PTP pdelay_resp frame received mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRT X) 22 ro,wo x PTP pdelay_req frame received mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPSR X) 21 ro,wo x PTP sync frame transmitted mask. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1294 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPPDR RX) 20 ro,wo x PTP delay_req frame transmitted mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPSRX ) 19 ro,wo x PTP sync frame received mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDRR X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PTPDR RX) 18 ro,wo x PTP delay_req frame received mask. partner_pg_rx 17 ro,wo x NA autoneg_complete 16 ro,wo 0x1 NA ext_intr 15 ro,wo 0x1 External interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSET X) 14 ro,wo 0x1 Pause frame transmitted interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEZ ERO) 13 ro,wo 0x1 Pause time zero interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSEN ZERO_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_PAUSE NZERO) 12 ro,wo 0x1 Pause frame with non-zero pause quantum interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_HRESPN OK_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_HRESP NOK) 11 ro,wo 0x1 Hresp not OK interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXOVR) 10 ro,wo 0x1 Receive overrun interrupt mask. link_chng 9 ro,wo 0x1 Link change interrupt mask. reserved 8 ro,wo 0x1 Not used XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXCOM PL) 7 ro,wo 0x1 Transmit complete interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXEXH) 6 ro,wo 0x1 Transmit frame corruption due to AHB error interrupt XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RETRY) 5 ro,wo 0x1 Retry limit exceeded or late collision (gigabit mode only) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1295 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XEMACPS_IXR_URUN_ MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_URUN) 4 ro,wo 0x1 Transmit buffer under run interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_TXUSE D) 3 ro,wo 0x1 Transmit used bit read interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSED _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_RXUSE D) 2 ro,wo 0x1 Receive used bit read interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_FRAMER X_MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_FRAME RX) 1 ro,wo 0x1 Receive complete interrupt mask. XEMACPS_IXR_MGMNT _MASK (XEMACPS_IXR_MGMN T) 0 ro,wo 0x1 Management done interrupt mask. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B034 gem1: 0xE000C034 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PHY Maintenance Register XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC_OFFSET Details The PHY maintenance register is implemented as a shift register. Writing to the register starts a shift operation, which is signaled as complete when bit-2 is set in the network status register. It takes about 2000 pclk cycles to complete, when MDC is set for pclk divide by 32 in the network configuration register. An interrupt is generated upon completion. During this time, the MSB of the register is output on the MDIO pin and the LSB updated from the MDIO pin with each MDC cycle. This causes transmission of a PHY management frame on MDIO. See Section of the IEEE 802.3 standard. Reading during the shift operation will return the current contents of the shift register. At the end of management operation, the bits will have shifted back to their original locations. For a read operation, the data bits will be updated with data read from the PHY. It is important to write the correct values to the register to ensure a valid PHY management frame is produced. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1296 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31 rw 0x0 Must be written with 0. clause_22 30 rw 0x0 Must be written to 1 for Clause 22 operation. Check your PHY's spec to see if it is clause 22 or clause 45 compliant. XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC _OP_MASK (OP) 29:28 rw 0x0 Operation. 10 is read. 01 is write. XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC _ADDR_MASK (ADDR) 27:23 rw 0x0 PHY address. XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC _REG_MASK (REG) 22:18 rw 0x0 Register address - specifies the register in the PHY to access. must_10 17:16 rw 0x0 Must be written to 10. XEMACPS_PHYMNTNC _DATA_MASK (DATA) 15:0 rw 0x0 For a write operation this is written with the data to be written to the PHY. After a read operation this contains the data read from the PHY. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXPAUSE_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXPAUSE_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXPAUSE Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B038 gem1: 0xE000C038 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Received Pause Quantum Register XEMACPS_RXPAUSE_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. rx_pauseq 15:0 ro 0x0 Received pause quantum - stores the current value of the received pause quantum register which is decremented every 512 bit times. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXPAUSE_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXPAUSE_OFFSET Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1297 Appendix B: Software Name XEMACPS_TXPAUSE Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B03C gem1: 0xE000C03C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000FFFF Description Transmit Pause Quantum Register Details Register XEMACPS_TXPAUSE_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 rw 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. tx_pauseq 15:0 rw 0xFFFF Transmit pause quantum - written with the pause quantum value for pause frame transmission. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_HASHL_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_HASHL_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_HASHL Relative Address 0x00000080 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B080 gem1: 0xE000C080 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Hash Register Bottom [31:0] Register XEMACPS_HASHL_OFFSET Details The unicast hash enable and the multicast hash enable bits in the network configuration register enable the reception of hash matched frames. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The first 32 bits of the hash address register. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_HASHH_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_HASHH_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_HASHH Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1298 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000084 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B084 gem1: 0xE000C084 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Hash Register Top [63:32] Register Details Register XEMACPS_HASHH_OFFSET Details The unicast hash enable and the multicast hash enable bits in the network configuration register enable the reception of hash matched frames. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The remaining 32 bits of the hash address register. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR1L_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR1L_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR1L Relative Address 0x00000088 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B088 gem1: 0xE000C088 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 1 Bottom [31:0] Register XEMACPS_LADDR1L_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Least significant 32 bits of the destination address, that is bits 31:0. Bit zero indicates whether the address is multicast or unicast and corresponds to the least significant bit of the first byte received. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR1H_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR1H_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR1H Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1299 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x0000008C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B08C gem1: 0xE000C08C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 1 Top [47:32] Register Details Register XEMACPS_LADDR1H_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write addr_msbs 15:0 rw 0x0 Specific address 1. The most significant bits of the destination address, that is bits 47:32. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR2L_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR2L_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR2L Relative Address 0x00000090 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B090 gem1: 0xE000C090 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 2 Bottom [31:0] Register XEMACPS_LADDR2L_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Least significant 32 bits of the destination address, that is bits 31:0. Bit zero indicates whether the address is multicast or unicast and corresponds to the least significant bit of the first byte received. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR2H_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR2H_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR2H Relative Address 0x00000094 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1300 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B094 gem1: 0xE000C094 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 2 Top [47:32] Register Details Register XEMACPS_LADDR2H_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write addr_msbs 15:0 rw 0x0 Specific address 2. The most significant bits of the destination address, that is bits 47:32. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR3L_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR3L_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR3L Relative Address 0x00000098 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B098 gem1: 0xE000C098 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 3 Bottom [31:0] Register XEMACPS_LADDR3L_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Least significant 32 bits of the destination address, that is bits 31:0. Bit zero indicates whether the address is multicast or unicast and corresponds to the least significant bit of the first byte received. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR3H_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR3H_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR3H Relative Address 0x0000009C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1301 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B09C gem1: 0xE000C09C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 3 Top [47:32] Register Details Register XEMACPS_LADDR3H_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write addr_msbs 15:0 rw 0x0 Specific address 3. The most significant bits of the destination address, that is bits 47:32. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR4L_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR4L_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR4L Relative Address 0x000000A0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0A0 gem1: 0xE000C0A0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 4 Bottom [31:0] Register XEMACPS_LADDR4L_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Least significant 32 bits of the destination address, that is bits 31:0. Bit zero indicates whether the address is multicast or unicast and corresponds to the least significant bit of the first byte received. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LADDR4H_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LADDR4H_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LADDR4H Relative Address 0x000000A4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1302 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0A4 gem1: 0xE000C0A4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address 4 Top [47:32] Register Details Register XEMACPS_LADDR4H_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write addr_msbs 15:0 rw 0x0 Specific address 4. The most significant bits of the destination address, that is bits 47:32. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_MATCH1_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_MATCH1_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_MATCH1 Relative Address 0x000000A8 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0A8 gem1: 0xE000C0A8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Type ID Match 1 Register XEMACPS_MATCH1_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description copy_en 31 rw 0x0 Enable copying of type ID match 1 matched frames reserved 30:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write type_id_match1 15:0 rw 0x0 Type ID match 1. For use in comparisons with received frames type ID/length field. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_MATCH2_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_MATCH2_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_MATCH2 Relative Address 0x000000AC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1303 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0AC gem1: 0xE000C0AC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Type ID Match 2 Register Details Register XEMACPS_MATCH2_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description copy_en 31 rw 0x0 Enable copying of type ID match 2 matched frames reserved 30:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write type_id_match2 15:0 rw 0x0 Type ID match 2. For use in comparisons with received frames type ID/length field. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_MATCH3_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_MATCH3_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_MATCH3 Relative Address 0x000000B0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0B0 gem1: 0xE000C0B0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Type ID Match 3 Register XEMACPS_MATCH3_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description copy_en 31 rw 0x0 Enable copying of type ID match 3 matched frames reserved 30:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write type_id_match3 15:0 rw 0x0 Type ID match 3. For use in comparisons with received frames type ID/length field. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_MATCH4_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_MATCH4_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_MATCH4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1304 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x000000B4 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0B4 gem1: 0xE000C0B4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Type ID Match 4 Register Details Register XEMACPS_MATCH4_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description copy_en 31 rw 0x0 Enable copying of type ID match 4 matched frames reserved 30:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write type_id_match4 15:0 rw 0x0 Type ID match 4. For use in comparisons with received frames type ID/length field. Register (GEM) wake_on_lan Name wake_on_lan Relative Address 0x000000B8 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0B8 gem1: 0xE000C0B8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Wake on LAN Register Register wake_on_lan Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:20 ro 0x0 Reserved - read 0, ignored when written multi_hash_en 19 rw 0x0 Wake on LAN multicast hash event enable. When set multicast hash events will cause the wol output to be asserted. spec_addr_reg1_en 18 rw 0x0 Wake on LAN specific address register 1 event enable. When set specific address 1 events will cause the wol output to be asserted. arp_req_en 17 rw 0x0 Wake on LAN ARP request event enable. When set ARP request events will cause the wol output to be asserted. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1305 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description magic_pkt_en 16 rw 0x0 Wake on LAN magic packet event enable. When set magic packet events will cause the wol output to be asserted. arp_req_ip_addr 15:0 rw 0x0 Wake on LAN ARP request IP address. Written to define the least significant 16 bits of the target IP address that is matched to generate a Wake on LAN event. A value of zero will not generate an event, even if this is matched by the received frame. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_STRETCH_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_STRETCH_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_STRETCH Relative Address 0x000000BC Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0BC gem1: 0xE000C0BC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description IPG stretch register Register XEMACPS_STRETCH_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. ipg_stretch 15:0 rw 0x0 Bits 7:0 are multiplied with the previously transmitted frame length (including preamble) bits 15:8 +1 divide the frame length. If the resulting number is greater than 96 and bit 28 is set in the network configuration register then the resulting number is used for the transmit inter-packet-gap. 1 is added to bits 15:8 to prevent a divide by zero. Register (GEM) stacked_vlan Name stacked_vlan Relative Address 0x000000C0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0C0 gem1: 0xE000C0C0 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1306 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stacked VLAN Register Register Details Register stacked_vlan Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description stacked_vlan_en 31 rw 0x0 Enable Stacked VLAN processing mode reserved 30:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. user_def_vlan_type 15:0 rw 0x0 User defined VLAN_TYPE field. When Stacked VLAN is enabled, the first VLAN tag in a received frame will only be accepted if the VLAN type field is equal to this user defined VLAN_TYPE OR equal to the standard VLAN type (0x8100). Note that the second VLAN tag of a Stacked VLAN packet will only be matched correctly if its VLAN_TYPE field equals 0x8100. Register (GEM) tx_pfc_pause Name tx_pfc_pause Relative Address 0x000000C4 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0C4 gem1: 0xE000C0C4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit PFC Pause Register Register tx_pfc_pause Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. pauseq_sel 15:8 rw 0x0 If bit 17 of the network control register is written with a one then for each entry equal to zero in the Transmit PFC Pause Register[15:8], the PFC pause frame's pause quantum field associated with that entry will be taken from the transmit pause quantum register. For each entry equal to one in the Transmit PFC Pause Register [15:8], the pause quantum associated with that entry will be zero. pri_en_vec_val 7:0 rw 0x0 If bit 17 of the network control register is written with a one then the priority enable vector of the PFC priority based pause frame will be set equal to the value stored in this register [7:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1307 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) spec_addr1_mask_bot Name spec_addr1_mask_bot Relative Address 0x000000C8 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0C8 gem1: 0xE000C0C8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address Mask 1 Bottom [31:0] Register spec_addr1_mask_bot Details Field Name mask_bits_bot Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Setting a bit to one masks the corresponding bit in the specific address 1 register Register (GEM) spec_addr1_mask_top Name spec_addr1_mask_top Relative Address 0x000000CC Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0CC gem1: 0xE000C0CC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Specific Address Mask 1 Top [47:32] Register spec_addr1_mask_top Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. mask_bits_top 15:0 rw 0x0 Setting a bit to one masks the corresponding bit in the specific address 1 register Register (GEM) module_id Name module_id Relative Address 0x000000FC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1308 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B0FC gem1: 0xE000C0FC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00020118 Description Module ID Register Details Register module_id Details This register indicates a Cadence module identification number and module revision. The value of this register is read only as defined by `gem_revision_reg_value. With GEM p23, it is 0x00020118. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description module_id 31:16 ro 0x2 Module identification number - for the GEM, this value is fixed at 0x0002. module_rev 15:0 ro 0x118 Module revision - fixed byte value specific to the revision of the design which is incremented after each release of the IP. Corresponds to Zynq having GEM p23. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_OCTTXL_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_OCTTXL_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_OCTTXL Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B100 gem1: 0xE000C100 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Octets transmitted [31:0] (in frames without error) Register XEMACPS_OCTTXL_OFFSET Details Bits 31:0 should be read prior to bits 47:32 to ensure reliable operation. In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and stick at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1309 Appendix B: Field Name octets_tx_bot Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Transmitted octets in frame without errors [31:0]. The number of octets transmitted in valid frames of any type. This counter is 48-bits, and is read through two registers. This count does not include octets from automatically generated pause frames. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_OCTTXH_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_OCTTXH_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_OCTTXH Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B104 gem1: 0xE000C104 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Octets transmitted [47:32] (in frames without error) Register XEMACPS_OCTTXH_OFFSET Details Bits 31:0 should be read prior to bits 47:32 to ensure reliable operation. In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and stick at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. octets_tx_top 15:0 ro 0x0 Transmitted octets in frame without errors [47:32]. The number of octets transmitted in valid frames of any type. This counter is 48-bits, and is read through two registers. This count does not include octets from automatically generated pause frames. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXCNT Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1310 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000108 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B108 gem1: 0xE000C108 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Transmitted Register Details Register XEMACPS_TXCNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Frames transmitted without an error and exclude pause frames. NOTES for ALL Statistical registers for Frames Transferred: The a statistical counter is read by software, it is cleared to zero by the hardware. When a counter reaches its maximum value, it stops counting and is read with all 1s. The statistical counters must be read frequently enough if data loss is to be prevented. For test purposes, all of the statistical counters may be written to (not just read) by setting bit 7 (wren_stat_regs) in the network control register. Also for test purposes, all of the statistical counters can be incremented (by one) by writing a 1 to bit 6 (incr_stat_regs) of the network control register. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of frames successfully transmitted, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Excludes pause frames. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXBCCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXBCCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXBCCNT Relative Address 0x0000010C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B10C gem1: 0xE000C10C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Broadcast frames Tx Register XEMACPS_TXBCCNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Broadcast Frames transmitted without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1311 Appendix B: Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Broadcast frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of broadcast frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Excludes pause frames. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXMCCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXMCCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXMCCNT Relative Address 0x00000110 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B110 gem1: 0xE000C110 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Multicast frames Tx Register XEMACPS_TXMCCNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Multicast Frames transmitted without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Multicast frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of multicast frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Excludes pause frames. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXPAUSECNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXPAUSECNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXPAUSECNT Relative Address 0x00000114 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B114 gem1: 0xE000C114 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Pause frames Tx Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1312 Appendix B: Register Details Register XEMACPS_TXPAUSECNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Pause Frames transmitted without an error and not sent through the FIFO interface. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. pause_frames_tx 15:0 ro 0x0 Transmitted pause frames - a 16 bit register counting the number of pause frames transmitted. Only pause frames triggered by the register interface or through the external pause pins are counted as pause frames. Pause frames received through the external FIFO interface are counted in the frames transmitted counter. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TX64CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TX64CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TX64CNT Relative Address 0x00000118 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B118 gem1: 0xE000C118 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Tx, 64-byte length Register XEMACPS_TX64CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter of frames of 64 bytes that are transmitted without error. Does not include pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 64 byte frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 64 byte frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Excludes pause frames. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TX65CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TX65CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TX65CNT Relative Address 0x0000011C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1313 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B11C gem1: 0xE000C11C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Tx, 65 to 127-byte length Register Details Register XEMACPS_TX65CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter of frames of 65 to 127 bytes that are transmitted without error. Does not include pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 65 to127 byte frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 65 to127 byte frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TX128CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TX128CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TX128CNT Relative Address 0x00000120 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B120 gem1: 0xE000C120 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Tx, 128 to 255-byte length Register XEMACPS_TX128CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter of frames of 128 to 255 bytes that are transmitted without error. Does not include pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description 128 to 255 byte frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 128 to 255 byte frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1314 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TX256CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TX256CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TX256CNT Relative Address 0x00000124 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B124 gem1: 0xE000C124 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Tx, 256 to 511-byte length Register XEMACPS_TX256CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter of frames of 256 to 511 bytes that are transmitted without error. Does not include pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 256 to 511 byte frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 256 to 511 byte frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TX512CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TX512CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TX512CNT Relative Address 0x00000128 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B128 gem1: 0xE000C128 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Tx, 512 to 1023-byte length Register XEMACPS_TX512CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter of frames of 512 to 1023 bytes that are transmitted without error. Does not include pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1315 Appendix B: Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description 512 to 1023 byte frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 512 to 1023 byte frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TX1024CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TX1024CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TX1024CNT Relative Address 0x0000012C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B12C gem1: 0xE000C12C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frame Tx, 1024 to 1518-byte length Register XEMACPS_TX1024CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter of frames of1024 to 1518 bytes that are transmitted without error. Does not include pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_TX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 1024 to 1518 byte frames transmitted without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 1024 to 1518 byte frames successfully transmitted without error, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXURUNCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXURUNCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXURUNCNT Relative Address 0x00000134 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B134 gem1: 0xE000C134 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit under runs Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1316 Appendix B: Register Details Register XEMACPS_TXURUNCNT_OFFSET Details In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and stick at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. tx_under_runs 9:0 ro 0x0 Transmit under runs - a 10 bit register counting the number of frames not transmitted due to a transmit under run. If this register is incremented then no other statistics register is incremented. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_SNGLCOLLCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_SNGLCOLLCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_SNGLCOLLCNT Relative Address 0x00000138 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B138 gem1: 0xE000C138 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Single Collision Frames Register XEMACPS_SNGLCOLLCNT_OFFSET Details In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and sticks at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1317 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:18 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. single_collisn 17:0 ro 0x0 Single collision frames - an 18 bit register counting the number of frames experiencing a single collision before being successfully transmitted, i.e. no under run. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_MULTICOLLCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_MULTICOLLCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_MULTICOLLCNT Relative Address 0x0000013C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B13C gem1: 0xE000C13C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Multiple Collision Frames Register XEMACPS_MULTICOLLCNT_OFFSET Details In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and sticks at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:18 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. multi_collisn 17:0 ro 0x0 Multiple collision frames - an 18 bit register counting the number of frames experiencing between two and fifteen collisions prior to being successfully transmitted, i.e., no under run and not too many retries. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_EXCESSCOLLCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_EXCESSCOLLCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_EXCESSCOLLCNT Relative Address 0x00000140 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1318 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B140 gem1: 0xE000C140 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Excessive Collisions Register Details Register XEMACPS_EXCESSCOLLCNT_OFFSET Details In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and sticks at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. excessive_collisns 9:0 ro 0x0 Excessive collisions - a 10 bit register counting the number of frames that failed to be transmitted because they experienced 16 collisions. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_LATECOLLCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_LATECOLLCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_LATECOLLCNT Relative Address 0x00000144 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B144 gem1: 0xE000C144 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Late Collisions Register XEMACPS_LATECOLLCNT_OFFSET Details In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and sticks at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1319 Appendix B: Register Details Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. late_collisns 9:0 ro 0x0 Late collisions - a 10 bit register counting the number of late collision occurring after the slot time (512 bits) has expired. In 10/100 mode, late collisions are counted twice i.e., both as a collision and a late collision. In gigabit mode, a late collision causes the transmission to be aborted, thus the single and multi collision registers are not updated. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXDEFERCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXDEFERCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXDEFERCNT Relative Address 0x00000148 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B148 gem1: 0xE000C148 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Deferred Transmission Frames Register XEMACPS_TXDEFERCNT_OFFSET Details In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and stick at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:18 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. deferred_tx 17:0 ro 0x0 Deferred transmission frames - an 18 bit register counting the number of frames experiencing deferral due to carrier sense being active on their first attempt at transmission. Frames involved in any collision are not counted nor are frames that experienced a transmit under run. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1320 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_TXCSENSECNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_TXCSENSECNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_TXCSENSECNT Relative Address 0x0000014C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B14C gem1: 0xE000C14C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Carrier Sense Errors. Register XEMACPS_TXCSENSECNT_OFFSET Details In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and sticks at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. carrier_sense_errs 9:0 ro 0x0 Carrier sense errors - a 10 bit register counting the number of frames transmitted where carrier sense was not seen during transmission or where carrier sense was deasserted after being asserted in a transmit frame without collision (no under run). Only incremented in half duplex mode. The only effect of a carrier sense error is to increment this register. The behavior of the other statistics registers is unaffected by the detection of a carrier sense error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_OCTRXL_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_OCTRXL_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_OCTRXL Relative Address 0x00000150 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B150 gem1: 0xE000C150 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1321 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Octets Received [31:0] Register Details Register XEMACPS_OCTRXL_OFFSET Details Bits 31:0 should be read prior to bits 47:32 to ensure reliable operation. In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and sticks at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Field Name octets_rx_bot Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Received octets in frame without errors [31:0]. The number of octets received in valid frames of any type. This counter is 48-bits and is read through two registers. This count does not include octets from pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_OCTRXH_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_OCTRXH_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_OCTRXH Relative Address 0x00000154 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B154 gem1: 0xE000C154 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Octets Received [47:32] Register XEMACPS_OCTRXH_OFFSET Details Bits 31:0 should be read prior to bits 47:32 to ensure reliable operation. In statistics register block. Is reset to zero on a read and sticks at all ones when it counts to its maximum value. It should be read frequently enough to prevent loss of data. For test purposes, it may be written by setting bit 7 (Write Enable) in the network control register. Setting bit 6 (increment statistics) in the network control register causes all the statistics registers to increment by one, again for test purposes. Once a statistics register has been read, it is automatically cleared. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1322 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. octets_rx_top 15:0 ro 0x0 Received octets in frame without errors [47:32]. The number of octets received in valid frames of any type. This counter is 48-bits and is read through two registers. This count does not include octets from pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXCNT Relative Address 0x00000158 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B158 gem1: 0xE000C158 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Received Register XEMACPS_RXCNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Frames received without an error and exclude pause frames. NOTES for ALL Statistical registers for Frames Transferred: The a statistical counter is read by software, it is cleared to zero by the hardware. When a counter reaches its maximum value, it stops counting and is read with all 1s. The statistical counters must be read frequently enough if data loss is to be prevented. For test purposes, all of the statistical counters may be written to (not just read) by setting bit 7 (wren_stat_regs) in the network control register. Also for test purposes, all of the statistical counters can be incremented (by one) by writing a 1 to bit 6 (incr_stat_regs) of the network control register. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of frames successfully received. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1323 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXBROADCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXBROADCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXBROADCNT Relative Address 0x0000015C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B15C gem1: 0xE000C15C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Broadcast Frames Rx Register XEMACPS_RXBROADCNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Broadcast Frames received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Broadcast frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of broadcast frames successfully received without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXMULTICNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXMULTICNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXMULTICNT Relative Address 0x00000160 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B160 gem1: 0xE000C160 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Multicast Frames Rx Register XEMACPS_RXMULTICNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Multicast Frames received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1324 Appendix B: Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Multicast frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of multicast frames successfully received without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXPAUSECNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXPAUSECNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXPAUSECNT Relative Address 0x00000164 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B164 gem1: 0xE000C164 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Pause Frames Rx Register XEMACPS_RXPAUSECNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for Pause Frames received without an error. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. pause_rx 15:0 ro 0x0 Received pause frames - a 16 bit register counting the number of pause frames received without error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RX64CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RX64CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RX64CNT Relative Address 0x00000168 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B168 gem1: 0xE000C168 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Rx, 64-byte length Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1325 Appendix B: Register Details Register XEMACPS_RX64CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for frames of 64 bytes in length that are received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 64 byte frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 64 byte frames successfully received without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RX65CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RX65CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RX65CNT Relative Address 0x0000016C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B16C gem1: 0xE000C16C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Rx, 65 to 127-byte length Register XEMACPS_RX65CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for frames of 65 to 127 bytes in length that are received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 65 to 127 byte frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 65 to 127 byte frames successfully received without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RX128CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RX128CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RX128CNT Relative Address 0x00000170 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1326 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B170 gem1: 0xE000C170 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Rx, 128 to 255-byte length Register Details Register XEMACPS_RX128CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for frames of 128 to 255 bytes in length that are received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 128 to 255 byte frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 128 to 255 byte frames successfully received without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RX256CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RX256CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RX256CNT Relative Address 0x00000174 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B174 gem1: 0xE000C174 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Rx, 256 to 511-byte length Register XEMACPS_RX256CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for frames of 256 to 511 bytes in length that are received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description 256 to 511 byte frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 256 to 511 byte frames successfully transmitted without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1327 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RX512CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RX512CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RX512CNT Relative Address 0x00000178 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B178 gem1: 0xE000C178 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Rx, 512 to 1023-byte length Register XEMACPS_RX512CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for frames of 512 to 1023 bytes in length that are received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description 512 to 1023 byte frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 512 to 1023 byte frames successfully received without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RX1024CNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RX1024CNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RX1024CNT Relative Address 0x0000017C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B17C gem1: 0xE000C17C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frames Rx, 1024 to 1518-byte length Register XEMACPS_RX1024CNT_OFFSET Details Statistical counter for frames of 1024 to 1518 bytes in length that are received without an error and exclude pause frames. Refer to the FRAMES_RX register for additional information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1328 Appendix B: Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description 1024 to 1518 byte frames received without error. A 32 bit register counting the number of 1024 to 1518 byte frames successfully received without error. Excludes pause frames, and is only incremented if the frame is successfully filtered and copied to memory. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXUNDRCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXUNDRCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXUNDRCNT Relative Address 0x00000184 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B184 gem1: 0xE000C184 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Undersize frames received Register XEMACPS_RXUNDRCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. undersz_rx 9:0 ro 0x0 Undersize frames received - a 10 bit register counting the number of frames received less than 64 bytes in length (10/100 mode or gigabit mode, full duplex) that do not have either a CRC error or an alignment error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXOVRCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXOVRCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXOVRCNT Relative Address 0x00000188 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B188 gem1: 0xE000C188 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Oversize frames received Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1329 Appendix B: Register Details Register XEMACPS_RXOVRCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. oversz_rx 9:0 ro 0x0 Oversize frames received - a 10 bit register counting the number of frames received exceeding 1518 bytes (1536 bytes if bit 8 is set in network configuration register) in length but do not have either a CRC error, an alignment error nor a receive symbol error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXJABCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXJABCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXJABCNT Relative Address 0x0000018C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B18C gem1: 0xE000C18C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Jabbers received Register XEMACPS_RXJABCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. jab_rx 9:0 ro 0x0 Jabbers received - a 10 bit register counting the number of frames received exceeding 1518 bytes (1536 if bit 8 set in network configuration register) in length and have either a CRC error, an alignment error or a receive symbol error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXFCSCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXFCSCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXFCSCNT Relative Address 0x00000190 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B190 gem1: 0xE000C190 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1330 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frame check sequence errors Register Details Register XEMACPS_RXFCSCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. fcs_errors 9:0 ro 0x0 Frame check sequence errors - a 10 bit register counting frames that are an integral number of bytes, have bad CRC and are between 64 and 1518 bytes in length. This register is also incremented if a symbol error is detected and the frame is of valid length and has an integral number of bytes. This register is incremented for a frame with bad FCS, regardless of whether it is copied to memory due to ignore FCS mode being enabled in bit 26 of the network configuration register.H524 Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXLENGTHCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXLENGTHCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXLENGTHCNT Relative Address 0x00000194 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B194 gem1: 0xE000C194 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Length field frame errors Register XEMACPS_RXLENGTHCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. length_field_errors 9:0 ro 0x0 Length field frame errors - this 10-bit register counts the number of frames received that have a measured length shorter than that extracted from the length field (bytes 13 and 14). This condition is only counted if the value of the length field is less than 0x0600, the frame is not of excessive length and checking is enabled through bit 16 of the network configuration register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1331 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXSYMBCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXSYMBCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXSYMBCNT Relative Address 0x00000198 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B198 gem1: 0xE000C198 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receive symbol errors Register XEMACPS_RXSYMBCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. rx_symbol_errors 9:0 ro 0x0 Receive symbol errors - a 10-bit register counting the number of frames that had rx_er asserted during reception. For 10/100 mode symbol errors are counted regardless of frame length checks. For gigabit mode the frame must satisfy slot time requirements in order to count a symbol error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXALIGNCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXALIGNCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXALIGNCNT Relative Address 0x0000019C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B19C gem1: 0xE000C19C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Alignment errors Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1332 Appendix B: Register Details Register XEMACPS_RXALIGNCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. align_errors 9:0 ro 0x0 Alignment errors - a 10 bit register counting frames that are not an integral number of bytes long and have bad CRC when their length is truncated to an integral number of bytes and are between 64 and 1518 bytes in length. This register is also incremented if a symbol error is detected and the frame is of valid length and does not have an integral number of bytes. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXRESERRCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXRESERRCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXRESERRCNT Relative Address 0x000001A0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1A0 gem1: 0xE000C1A0 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receive resource errors Register XEMACPS_RXRESERRCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:18 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. rx_resource_errors 17:0 ro 0x0 Receive resource errors - an 18 bit register counting the number of frames that were successfully received by the MAC (correct address matched frame and adequate slot time) but could not be copied to memory because no receive buffer was available. This will be either because the AHB bus was not granted in time or because a hresp not OK was returned. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXORCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXORCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXORCNT Relative Address 0x000001A4 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1333 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1A4 gem1: 0xE000C1A4 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receive overrun errors Register Details Register XEMACPS_RXORCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. rx_overrun_errors 9:0 ro 0x0 Receive overruns - a 10 bit register counting the number of frames that are address recognized but were not copied to memory due to a receive overrun. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXIPCCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXIPCCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXIPCCNT Relative Address 0x000001A8 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1A8 gem1: 0xE000C1A8 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description IP header checksum errors Register XEMACPS_RXIPCCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. ip_hdr_csum_errors 7:0 ro 0x0 0 IP header checksum errors - an 8-bit register counting the number of frames discarded due to an incorrect IP header checksum, but are between 64 and 1518 bytes and do not have a CRC error, an alignment error, nor a symbol error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXTCPCCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXTCPCCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXTCPCCNT Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1334 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x000001AC Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1AC gem1: 0xE000C1AC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TCP checksum errors Register Details Register XEMACPS_RXTCPCCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. tcp_csum_errors 7:0 ro 0x0 TCP checksum errors - an 8-bit register counting the number of frames discarded due to an incorrect TCP checksum, but are between 64 and 1518 bytes and do not have a CRC error, an alignment error, nor a symbol error. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_RXUDPCCNT_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_RXUDPCCNT_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_RXUDPCCNT Relative Address 0x000001B0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1B0 gem1: 0xE000C1B0 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description UDP checksum error Register XEMACPS_RXUDPCCNT_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. udp_csum_errors 7:0 ro 0x0 UDP checksum errors - an 8-bit register counting the number of frames discarded due to an incorrect UDP checksum, but are between 64 and 1518 bytes and do not have a CRC error, an alignment error, nor a symbol error. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1335 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) timer_strobe_s Name timer_strobe_s Relative Address 0x000001C8 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1C8 gem1: 0xE000C1C8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description 1588 timer sync strobe seconds Register timer_strobe_s Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The value of the Timer Seconds register Register (GEM) timer_strobe_ns Name timer_strobe_ns Relative Address 0x000001CC Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1CC gem1: 0xE000C1CC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description 1588 timer sync strobe nanoseconds Register timer_strobe_ns Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write ns_reg_val 29:0 rw 0x0 The value of the Timer Nanoseconds register Register (GEM) XEMACPS_1588_SEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_1588_SEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_1588_SEC Relative Address 0x000001D0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1D0 gem1: 0xE000C1D0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1336 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description 1588 timer seconds Register Details Register XEMACPS_1588_SEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Timer count in seconds. This register is writeable. It increments by one when the 1588 nanoseconds counter counts to one second. It may also be incremented when the timer adjust register is written. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_1588_NANOSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_1588_NANOSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_1588_NANOSEC Relative Address 0x000001D4 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1D4 gem1: 0xE000C1D4 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description 1588 timer nanoseconds Register XEMACPS_1588_NANOSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. timer_ct_ns 29:0 rw 0x0 Timer count in nanoseconds. This register is writeable. It can also be adjusted by writes to the 1588 timer adjust register. It increments by the value of the 1588 timer increment register each clock cycle. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_1588_ADJ_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_1588_ADJ_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_1588_ADJ Relative Address 0x000001D8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1337 Appendix B: Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1D8 gem1: 0xE000C1D8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description 1588 timer adjust Register Details Register XEMACPS_1588_ADJ_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description add_subn 31 wo 0x0 Write as one to subtract from the 1588 timer. Write as zero to add to it. reserved 30 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. ns_delta 29:0 wo 0x0 The number of nanoseconds to increment or decrement the 1588 timer nanoseconds register. If necessary, the 1588 seconds register will be incremented or decremented. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_1588_INC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_1588_INC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_1588_INC Relative Address 0x000001DC Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1DC gem1: 0xE000C1DC Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description 1588 timer increment Register XEMACPS_1588_INC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:24 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. incr_b4_alt 23:16 rw 0x0 The number of increments after which the alternative increment is used. alt_ct_ns_delta 15:8 rw 0x0 Alternative count of nanoseconds by which the 1588 timer nanoseconds register will be incremented each clock cycle. ns_delta 7:0 rw 0x0 A count of nanoseconds by which the 1588 timer nanoseconds register will be incremented each clock cycle. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1338 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTP_TXSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTP_TXSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTP_TXSEC Relative Address 0x000001E0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1E0 gem1: 0xE000C1E0 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP event frame transmitted seconds Register XEMACPS_PTP_TXSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer seconds register held when the SFD of a PTP transmit primary event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP sync or delay_req frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTP_TXNANOSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTP_TXNANOSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTP_TXNANOSEC Relative Address 0x000001E4 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1E4 gem1: 0xE000C1E4 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP event frame transmitted nanoseconds Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1339 Appendix B: Register Details Register XEMACPS_PTP_TXNANOSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. ns_reg_val 29:0 ro 0x0 The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer nanoseconds register held when the SFD of a PTP transmit primary event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP sync or delay_req frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTP_RXSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTP_RXSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTP_RXSEC Relative Address 0x000001E8 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1E8 gem1: 0xE000C1E8 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP event frame received seconds Register XEMACPS_PTP_RXSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer seconds register held when the SFD of a PTP receive primary event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP sync or delay_req frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTP_RXNANOSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTP_RXNANOSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTP_RXNANOSEC Relative Address 0x000001EC Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1EC gem1: 0xE000C1EC Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1340 Appendix B: Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP event frame received nanoseconds. Register Details Register XEMACPS_PTP_RXNANOSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. ns_reg_val 29:0 ro 0x0 The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer nanoseconds register held when the SFD of a PTP receive primary event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP sync or delay_req frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTPP_TXSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTPP_TXSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTPP_TXSEC Relative Address 0x000001F0 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1F0 gem1: 0xE000C1F0 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP peer event frame transmitted seconds Register XEMACPS_PTPP_TXSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer seconds register held when the SFD of a PTP transmit peer event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP pdealy_req or pdelay_resp frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTPP_TXNANOSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTPP_TXNANOSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTPP_TXNANOSEC Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1341 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x000001F4 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1F4 gem1: 0xE000C1F4 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP peer event frame transmitted nanoseconds Register Details Register XEMACPS_PTPP_TXNANOSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. ns_reg_val 29:0 ro 0x0 The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer nanoseconds register held when the SFD of a PTP transmit peer event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP pdelay_req or pdelay_resp frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTPP_RXSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTPP_RXSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTPP_RXSEC Relative Address 0x000001F8 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1F8 gem1: 0xE000C1F8 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP peer event frame received seconds Register XEMACPS_PTPP_RXSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer seconds register held when the SFD of a PTP receive peer event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP pdelay_req or pdelay_resp frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1342 Appendix B: Register Details Register (GEM) XEMACPS_PTPP_RXNANOSEC_OFFSET Name XEMACPS_PTPP_RXNANOSEC_OFFSET Software Name XEMACPS_PTPP_RXNANOSEC Relative Address 0x000001FC Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B1FC gem1: 0xE000C1FC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PTP peer event frame received nanoseconds. Register XEMACPS_PTPP_RXNANOSEC_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as 0, ignored on write. ns_reg_val 29:0 ro 0x0 The register is updated with the value that the 1588 timer nanoseconds register held when the SFD of a PTP receive peer event crosses the MII interface. The actual update occurs when the GEM recognizes the frame as a PTP pdelay_req or pdelay_resp frame. An interrupt is issued when the register is updated. Register (GEM) design_cfg2 Name design_cfg2 Relative Address 0x00000284 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B284 gem1: 0xE000C284 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Design Configuration 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1343 Appendix B: Register Details Register design_cfg2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro x Reserved. Set to zero. gem_tx_pbuf_addr 29:26 ro 0xA Takes the value of the `gem_tx_pbuf_addr DEFINE. Max address bits for Tx packet buffer (10-bits for maximum 4 kB buffer). Buffer size for Tx packet buffer mode will be 4kB. This will allow one standard packet to be received while another is transferred to system memory by the DMA interface. gem_rx_pbuf_addr 25:22 ro 0xA Takes the value of the `gem_rx_pbuf_addr DEFINE. Max address bits for Rx packet buffer (10-bits for maximum 4 kB buffer). Buffer size for Rx packet buffer mode will be 4kB. This will allow one standard packet to be received while another is transferred to system memory by the DMA interface. gem_tx_pkt_buffer 21 ro x Takes the value of the `gem_tx_pkt_buffer DEFINE. Defined for Zynq. Includes the transmitter packet buffer gem_rx_pkt_buffer 20 ro x Takes the value of the `gem_rx_pkt_buffer DEFINE. Defined for Zynq. Includes the receiver packet buffer. gem_hprot_value 19:16 ro 0x1 Takes the value of the `gem_hprot_value DEFINE. For Zynq, set the fixed AHB HPROT value used during transfers. gem_jumbo_max_lengt h 15:0 ro 0x3FFF Takes the value of the `gem_jumbo_max_length DEFINE. Maximum length of jumbo frames accepted by receiver. This is set to the size of the smallest of the two packet buffer, minus a margin for packet headers. However, Zynq will not support jumbo frames. Register (GEM) design_cfg3 Name design_cfg3 Relative Address 0x00000288 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B288 gem1: 0xE000C288 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Design Configuration 3 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1344 Appendix B: Register Details Register design_cfg3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description gem_rx_base2_fifo_size 31:16 ro 0x0 Takes the value of the `gem_rx_base2_fifo_size DEFINE. Base-2 equivalent of `gem_rx_fifo_size gem_rx_fifo_size 15:0 ro 0x0 Takes the value of the `gem_rx_fifo_size DEFINE. Set the size of the small Rx FIFO for grant latency. Extended to 16 deep to allow buffering of 64 byte maximum AHB burst size in Zynq. Register (GEM) design_cfg4 Name design_cfg4 Relative Address 0x0000028C Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B28C gem1: 0xE000C28C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Design Configuration 4 Register design_cfg4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description gem_tx_base2_fifo_size 31:16 ro 0x0 Takes the value of the `gem_tx_base2_fifo_size DEFINE. Base-2 equivalent of `gem_tx_fifo_size. gem_tx_fifo_size 15:0 ro 0x0 Takes the value of the `gem_tx_fifo_size DEFINE. Set the size of the small TX FIFO for grant latency Register (GEM) design_cfg5 Name design_cfg5 Relative Address 0x00000290 Absolute Address gem0: 0xE000B290 gem1: 0xE000C290 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Design Configuration 5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1345 Appendix B: Register Details Register design_cfg5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:29 ro x Reserved. Set to zero. gem_tsu_clk 28 ro x Takes the value of the `gem_tsu_clk DEFINE. Undefined in Zynq. 1588 Time Stamp Unit clock sourced from pclk rather than independent tsu_clk. gem_rx_buffer_length_ def 27:20 ro 0x2 Takes the value of the `gem_rx_buffer_length_def DEFINE. Set the default buffer length used by Rx DMA to 128 bytes. gem_tx_pbuf_size_def 19 ro 0x1 Takes the value of the `gem_tx_pbuf_size_def DEFINE. Full 4 kB Tx packet buffer size - dedicated memory resource in Zynq. gem_rx_pbuf_size_def 18:17 ro 0x3 Takes the value of the `gem_rx_pbuf_size_def DEFINE. Full 4 kB Rx packet buffer size - dedicated memory resource in Zynq. gem_endian_swap_def 16:15 ro 0x2 Takes the value of the `gem_endian_swap_def DEFINE. Set to big endian data, little endian management descriptors in Zynq. gem_mdc_clock_div 14:12 ro 0x2 Takes the value of the `gem_mdc_clock_div DEFINE. Set default MDC clock divisor (can still be programmed) in Zynq. gem_dma_bus_width 11:10 ro 0x0 Takes the value of the `gem_dma_bus_width_def DEFINE. Limit to 32-bit AHB bus in Zynq. gem_phy_ident 9 ro x Takes the value of the `gem_phy_ident DEFINE. Undefined in Zynq. Only used in PCS. gem_tsu 8 ro x Takes the value of the `gem_tsu DEFINE. Defined in Zynq. Include support for 1588 Time Stamp Unit. gem_tx_fifo_cnt_width 7:4 ro 0x4 Takes the value of the `gem_tx_fifo_cnt_width DEFINE. Width for `gem_tx_fifo_size gem_rx_fifo_cnt_width 3:0 ro 0x5 Takes the value of the `gem_rx_fifo_cnt_width DEFINE. Width for `gem_rx_fifo_size. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1346 Appendix B: Register Details B.19 General Purpose I/O (gpio) Module Name General Purpose I/O (gpio) Software Name XGPIOPS Base Address 0xE000A000 gpio Description General Purpose Input / Output Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_O FFSET 0x00000000 32 mixed x Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO, Lower 16bits) XGPIOPS_DATA_MSW_ OFFSET 0x00000004 32 mixed x Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO, Upper 16bits) MASK_DATA_1_LSW 0x00000008 32 mixed x Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO, Lower 16bits) MASK_DATA_1_MSW 0x0000000C 22 mixed x Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO, Upper 6bits) MASK_DATA_2_LSW 0x00000010 32 mixed 0x00000000 Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO, Lower 16bits) MASK_DATA_2_MSW 0x00000014 32 mixed 0x00000000 Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO, Upper 16bits) MASK_DATA_3_LSW 0x00000018 32 mixed 0x00000000 Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO, Lower 16bits) MASK_DATA_3_MSW 0x0000001C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO, Upper 16bits) XGPIOPS_DATA_OFFSET 0x00000040 32 rw x Output Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO) DATA_1 0x00000044 22 rw x Output Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO) DATA_2 0x00000048 32 rw 0x00000000 Output Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) DATA_3 0x0000004C 32 rw 0x00000000 Output Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) DATA_0_RO 0x00000060 32 ro x Input Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO) DATA_1_RO 0x00000064 22 ro x Input Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO) DATA_2_RO 0x00000068 32 ro 0x00000000 Input Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) DATA_3_RO 0x0000006C 32 ro 0x00000000 Input Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSE T 0x00000204 32 rw 0x00000000 Direction mode (GPIO Bank0, MIO) XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFS ET 0x00000208 32 rw 0x00000000 Output enable (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1347 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OF FSET 0x0000020C 32 ro 0x00000000 Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank0, MIO) XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSE T 0x00000210 32 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank0, MIO) XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFS ET 0x00000214 32 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank0, MIO) XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFS ET 0x00000218 32 wtc 0x00000000 Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank0, MIO) XGPIOPS_INTTYPE_OFF SET 0x0000021C 32 rw 0xFFFFFFFF Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank0, MIO) XGPIOPS_INTPOL_OFFS ET 0x00000220 32 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank0, MIO) XGPIOPS_INTANY_OFFS ET 0x00000224 32 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank0, MIO) DIRM_1 0x00000244 22 rw 0x00000000 Direction mode (GPIO Bank1, MIO) OEN_1 0x00000248 22 rw 0x00000000 Output enable (GPIO Bank1, MIO) INT_MASK_1 0x0000024C 22 ro 0x00000000 Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank1, MIO) INT_EN_1 0x00000250 22 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank1, MIO) INT_DIS_1 0x00000254 22 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank1, MIO) INT_STAT_1 0x00000258 22 wtc 0x00000000 Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank1, MIO) INT_TYPE_1 0x0000025C 22 rw 0x003FFFFF Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank1, MIO) INT_POLARITY_1 0x00000260 22 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank1, MIO) INT_ANY_1 0x00000264 22 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank1, MIO) DIRM_2 0x00000284 32 rw 0x00000000 Direction mode (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) OEN_2 0x00000288 32 rw 0x00000000 Output enable (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) INT_MASK_2 0x0000028C 32 ro 0x00000000 Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) INT_EN_2 0x00000290 32 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) INT_DIS_2 0x00000294 32 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) INT_STAT_2 0x00000298 32 wtc 0x00000000 Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1348 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description INT_TYPE_2 0x0000029C 32 rw 0xFFFFFFFF Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) INT_POLARITY_2 0x000002A0 32 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) INT_ANY_2 0x000002A4 32 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) DIRM_3 0x000002C4 32 rw 0x00000000 Direction mode (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) OEN_3 0x000002C8 32 rw 0x00000000 Output enable (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) INT_MASK_3 0x000002CC 32 ro 0x00000000 Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) INT_EN_3 0x000002D0 32 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) INT_DIS_3 0x000002D4 32 wo 0x00000000 Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) INT_STAT_3 0x000002D8 32 wtc 0x00000000 Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) INT_TYPE_3 0x000002DC 32 rw 0xFFFFFFFF Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) INT_POLARITY_3 0x000002E0 32 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) INT_ANY_3 0x000002E4 32 rw 0x00000000 Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_OFFSET Software Name DATA_LSW Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xE000A000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO, Lower 16bits) Register XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_OFFSET Details This register enables software to change the value being output on up to 16bits at one time selectively. Only data values with a corresponding deasserted mask bit will be changed. Output data values are unchanged and hold their previous value for bits which are masked. This register avoids the need for a read-modify-write sequence for unchanged bits. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1349 Appendix B: Register Details NOTE: This register does not affect the enabling of the output driver. See the DIRM_0 and OEN_0 registers. This register controls the output values for the lower 16bits of bank0, which corresponds to MIO[15:0]. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description MASK_0_LSW 31:16 wo 0x0 On a write, only bits with a corresponding deasserted mask will change the output value. 0: pin value is updated 1: pin is masked Each bit controls the corresponding pin within the 16-bit half-bank. Reads return 0's. DATA_0_LSW 15:0 rw x On a write, these are the data values for the corresponding GPIO output bits. Each bit controls the corresponding pin within the 16-bit half-bank. Reads return the previous value written to this register or DATA_0[15:0]. Reads do not return the value on the GPIO pin. Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_DATA_MSW_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_DATA_MSW_OFFSET Software Name DATA_MSW Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xE000A004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO, Upper 16bits) Register XGPIOPS_DATA_MSW_OFFSET Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as MASK_DATA_0_LSW, except that it controls the upper 16bits of bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:16]. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description MASK_0_MSW 31:16 wo 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[MASK_0_LSW] DATA_0_MSW 15:0 rw x Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[DATA_0_LSW] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1350 Appendix B: Register Details Register (gpio) MASK_DATA_1_LSW Name MASK_DATA_1_LSW Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xE000A008 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO, Lower 16bits) Register MASK_DATA_1_LSW Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as MASK_DATA_0_LSW, except that it controls the lower 16bits of bank1, which corresponds to MIO[47:32]. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description MASK_1_LSW 31:16 wo 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[MASK_0_LSW] DATA_1_LSW 15:0 rw x Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[DATA_0_LSW] Register (gpio) MASK_DATA_1_MSW Name MASK_DATA_1_MSW Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xE000A00C Width 22 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO, Upper 6bits) Register MASK_DATA_1_MSW Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as MASK_DATA_0_LSW, except that it controls the upper 6bits of bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:48]. NOTE: This register does not control a full 16bits because the MIO unit itself is limited to 54 pins. Field Name MASK_1_MSW Bits 21:16 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[MASK_0_LSW] www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1351 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 15:6 rw 0x0 Not used, read back as zero DATA_1_MSW 5:0 rw x Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[DATA_0_LSW] Register (gpio) MASK_DATA_2_LSW Name MASK_DATA_2_LSW Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xE000A010 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO, Lower 16bits) Register MASK_DATA_2_LSW Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as MASK_DATA_0_LSW, except that it controls the lower 16bits of bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[15:0]. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description MASK_2_LSW 31:16 wo 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[MASK_0_LSW] DATA_2_LSW 15:0 rw 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[DATA_0_LSW] Register (gpio) MASK_DATA_2_MSW Name MASK_DATA_2_MSW Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xE000A014 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO, Upper 16bits) Register MASK_DATA_2_MSW Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as MASK_DATA_0_LSW, except that it controls the upper 16bits of bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:16]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1352 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description MASK_2_MSW 31:16 wo 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[MASK_0_LSW] DATA_2_MSW 15:0 rw 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[DATA_0_LSW] Register (gpio) MASK_DATA_3_LSW Name MASK_DATA_3_LSW Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xE000A018 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO, Lower 16bits) Register MASK_DATA_3_LSW Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as MASK_DATA_0_LSW, except that it controls the lower 16bits of bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[47:32]. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description MASK_3_LSW 31:16 wo 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[MASK_0_LSW] DATA_3_LSW 15:0 rw 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[DATA_0_LSW] Register (gpio) MASK_DATA_3_MSW Name MASK_DATA_3_MSW Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xE000A01C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Maskable Output Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO, Upper 16bits) Register MASK_DATA_3_MSW Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as MASK_DATA_0_LSW, except that it controls the upper 16bits of bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:48]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1353 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description MASK_3_MSW 31:16 wo 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[MASK_0_LSW] DATA_3_MSW 15:0 rw 0x0 Operation is the same as MASK_DATA_0_LSW[DATA_0_LSW] Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_DATA_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_DATA_OFFSET Software Name DATA Relative Address 0x00000040 Absolute Address 0xE000A040 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Output Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_DATA_OFFSET Details This register controls the value being output when the GPIO signal is configured as an output. All 32bits of this register are written at one time. Reading from this register returns the previous value written to either DATA or MASK_DATA_{LSW,MSW}; it does not return the value on the device pin. NOTE: This register does not affect the enabling of the output driver. See the DIRM_0 and OEN_0 registers. This register controls the output values for bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name DATA_0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description Output Data Register (gpio) DATA_1 Name DATA_1 Relative Address 0x00000044 Absolute Address 0xE000A044 Width 22 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Output Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1354 Appendix B: Register Details Register DATA_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DATA_0, except that it controls bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name DATA_1 Bits 21:0 Type rw Reset Value x Description Output Data Register (gpio) DATA_2 Name DATA_2 Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address 0xE000A048 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Output Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register DATA_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DATA_0, except that it controls bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name DATA_2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Output Data Register (gpio) DATA_3 Name DATA_3 Relative Address 0x0000004C Absolute Address 0xE000A04C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Output Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register DATA_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DATA_0, except that it controls bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1355 Appendix B: Field Name DATA_3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Output Data Register (gpio) DATA_0_RO Name DATA_0_RO Relative Address 0x00000060 Absolute Address 0xE000A060 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Input Data (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register DATA_0_RO Details This register enables software to observe the value on the device pin. If the GPIO signal is configured as an output, then this would normally reflect the value being driven on the output. Writes to this register are ignored. This register reflects the input values for bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. NOTE: If the MIO is not configured to enable this pin as a GPIO pin, then DATA_RO is unpredictable. In other words, software cannot observe values on non-GPIO pins through the GPIO registers. Field Name DATA_0_RO Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value x Description Input Data NOTE: bits[8:7] of bank0 cannot be used as inputs and will always return 0 when read. See the GPIO chapter for more information. Register (gpio) DATA_1_RO Name DATA_1_RO Relative Address 0x00000064 Absolute Address 0xE000A064 Width 22 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description Input Data (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1356 Appendix B: Register Details Register DATA_1_RO Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DATA_0_RO, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name DATA_1_RO Bits 21:0 Type ro Reset Value x Description Input Data Register (gpio) DATA_2_RO Name DATA_2_RO Relative Address 0x00000068 Absolute Address 0xE000A068 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Input Data (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register DATA_2_RO Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DATA_0_RO, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name DATA_2_RO Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Input Data Register (gpio) DATA_3_RO Name DATA_3_RO Relative Address 0x0000006C Absolute Address 0xE000A06C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Input Data (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register DATA_3_RO Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DATA_0_RO, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1357 Appendix B: Field Name DATA_3_RO Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Input Data Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET Software Name DIRM Relative Address 0x00000204 Absolute Address 0xE000A204 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Direction mode (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET Details This register controls whether the IO pin is acting as an input or an output. Since the input logic is always enabled, this effectively enables/disables the output driver. Each bit of the bank is independently controlled. This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name DIRECTION_0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Direction mode 0: input 1: output Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank NOTE: bits[8:7] of bank0 cannot be used as inputs. The DIRM bits can be set to 0, but reading DATA_RO does not reflect the input value. See the GPIO chapter for more information. Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET Software Name OUTEN Relative Address 0x00000208 Absolute Address 0xE000A208 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1358 Appendix B: Description Register Details Output enable (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET Details When the IO is configured as an output, this controls whether the output is enabled or not. When the output is disabled, the pin is tri-stated. NOTE: The MIO driver setting (slcr.MIO_PIN_xx.TRI_ENABLE field) must be disabled (i.e. set to 0) for this field to be operational. When the MIO tri-state is enabled, the driver is disabled regardless of this GPIO setting. This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name OP_ENABLE_0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Output enables 0: disabled 1: enabled Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OFFSET Software Name INTMASK Relative Address 0x0000020C Absolute Address 0xE000A20C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OFFSET Details This register shows which bits are currently masked and which are un-masked/enabled. This register is read only, so masks cannot be changed here. Use INT_EN and INT_DIS to change the mask value. This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_MASK_0 Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Interrupt mask 0: interrupt source enabled 1: interrupt source masked Each bit reports the status for the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1359 Appendix B: Register Details Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSET Software Name INTEN Relative Address 0x00000210 Absolute Address 0xE000A210 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSET Details This register is used to enable or unmask a GPIO input for use as an interrupt source. Writing a 1 to any bit of this register enables/unmasks that signal for interrupts. Reading from this register returns an unpredictable value. This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_ENABLE_0 Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Interrupt enable 0: no change 1: clear interrupt mask Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET Software Name INTDIS Relative Address 0x00000214 Absolute Address 0xE000A214 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET Details This register is used to disable or mask a GPIO input for use as an interrupt source. Writing a 1 to any bit of this register disables/masks that signal for interrupts. Reading from this register returns an unpredictable value. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1360 Appendix B: Register Details This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_DISABLE_0 Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Interrupt disable 0: no change 1: set interrupt mask Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET Software Name INTSTS Relative Address 0x00000218 Absolute Address 0xE000A218 Width 32 bits Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET Details This registers shows if an interrupt event has occurred or not. Writing a 1 to a bit in this register clears the interrupt status for that bit. Writing a 0 to a bit in this register is ignored. This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_STATUS_0 Bits 31:0 Type wtc Reset Value 0x0 Description Interrupt status Upon read: 0: no interrupt 1: interrupt event has occurred Upon write: 0: no action 1: clear interrupt status bit Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_INTTYPE_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_INTTYPE_OFFSET Software Name INTTYPE Relative Address 0x0000021C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1361 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xE000A21C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register Details Register XGPIOPS_INTTYPE_OFFSET Details This register controls whether the interrupt is edge sensitive or level sensitive. This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_TYPE_0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Interrupt type 0: level-sensitive 1: edge-sensitive Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_INTPOL_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_INTPOL_OFFSET Software Name INTPOL Relative Address 0x00000220 Absolute Address 0xE000A220 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_INTPOL_OFFSET Details This register controls whether the interrupt is active-low or active high (or falling-edge sensitive or rising-edge sensitive). This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_POL_0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Interrupt polarity 0: active low or falling edge 1: active high or rising edge Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1362 Appendix B: Register Details Register (gpio) XGPIOPS_INTANY_OFFSET Name XGPIOPS_INTANY_OFFSET Software Name INTANY Relative Address 0x00000224 Absolute Address 0xE000A224 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank0, MIO) Register XGPIOPS_INTANY_OFFSET Details If INT_TYPE is set to edge sensitive, then this register enables an interrupt event on both rising and falling edges. This register is ignored if INT_TYPE is set to level sensitive. This register controls bank0, which corresponds to MIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_ON_ANY_0 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Interrupt edge triggering mode 0: trigger on single edge, using configured interrupt polarity 1: trigger on both edges Each bit configures the corresponding pin within the 32-bit bank Register (gpio) DIRM_1 Name DIRM_1 Relative Address 0x00000244 Absolute Address 0xE000A244 Width 22 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Direction mode (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register DIRM_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DIRM_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name DIRECTION_1 Bits 21:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Operation is the same as DIRM_0[DIRECTION_0] www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1363 Appendix B: Register Details Register (gpio) OEN_1 Name OEN_1 Relative Address 0x00000248 Absolute Address 0xE000A248 Width 22 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Output enable (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register OEN_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as OEN_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name OP_ENABLE_1 Bits 21:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as OEN_0[OP_ENABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_MASK_1 Name INT_MASK_1 Relative Address 0x0000024C Absolute Address 0xE000A24C Width 22 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register INT_MASK_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_MASK_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name INT_MASK_1 Bits 21:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_MASK_0[INT_MASK_0] Register (gpio) INT_EN_1 Name INT_EN_1 Relative Address 0x00000250 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1364 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xE000A250 Width 22 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register Details Register INT_EN_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_EN_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name INT_ENABLE_1 Bits 21:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_EN_0[INT_ENABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_DIS_1 Name INT_DIS_1 Relative Address 0x00000254 Absolute Address 0xE000A254 Width 22 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register INT_DIS_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_DIS_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name INT_DISABLE_1 Bits 21:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_DIS_0[INT_DISABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_STAT_1 Name INT_STAT_1 Relative Address 0x00000258 Absolute Address 0xE000A258 Width 22 bits Access Type wtc Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1365 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register Details Register INT_STAT_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_STAT_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name INT_STATUS_1 Bits 21:0 Type wtc Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_STAT_0[INT_STATUS_0] Register (gpio) INT_TYPE_1 Name INT_TYPE_1 Relative Address 0x0000025C Absolute Address 0xE000A25C Width 22 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x003FFFFF Description Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register INT_TYPE_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_TYPE_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name INT_TYPE_1 Bits 21:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x3FFFFF Description Operation is the same as INT_TYPE_0[INT_TYPE_0] Register (gpio) INT_POLARITY_1 Name INT_POLARITY_1 Relative Address 0x00000260 Absolute Address 0xE000A260 Width 22 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1366 Appendix B: Register Details Register INT_POLARITY_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_POLARITY_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name INT_POL_1 Bits 21:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_POLARITY_0[INT_POL_0] Register (gpio) INT_ANY_1 Name INT_ANY_1 Relative Address 0x00000264 Absolute Address 0xE000A264 Width 22 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank1, MIO) Register INT_ANY_1 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_ANY_0, except that it reflects bank1, which corresponds to MIO[53:32]. Field Name INT_ON_ANY_1 Bits 21:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_ANY_0[INT_ON_ANY_0] Register (gpio) DIRM_2 Name DIRM_2 Relative Address 0x00000284 Absolute Address 0xE000A284 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Direction mode (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register DIRM_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DIRM_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1367 Appendix B: Field Name DIRECTION_2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Operation is the same as DIRM_0[DIRECTION_0] Register (gpio) OEN_2 Name OEN_2 Relative Address 0x00000288 Absolute Address 0xE000A288 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Output enable (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register OEN_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as OEN_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name OP_ENABLE_2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as OEN_0[OP_ENABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_MASK_2 Name INT_MASK_2 Relative Address 0x0000028C Absolute Address 0xE000A28C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register INT_MASK_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_MASK_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_MASK_2 Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Operation is the same as INT_MASK_0[INT_MASK_0] www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1368 Appendix B: Register Details Register (gpio) INT_EN_2 Name INT_EN_2 Relative Address 0x00000290 Absolute Address 0xE000A290 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register INT_EN_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_EN_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_ENABLE_2 Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_EN_0[INT_ENABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_DIS_2 Name INT_DIS_2 Relative Address 0x00000294 Absolute Address 0xE000A294 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register INT_DIS_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_DIS_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_DISABLE_2 Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_DIS_0[INT_DISABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_STAT_2 Name INT_STAT_2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1369 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000298 Absolute Address 0xE000A298 Width 32 bits Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register Details Register INT_STAT_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_STAT_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_STATUS_2 Bits 31:0 Type wtc Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_STAT_0[INT_STATUS_0] Register (gpio) INT_TYPE_2 Name INT_TYPE_2 Relative Address 0x0000029C Absolute Address 0xE000A29C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register INT_TYPE_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_TYPE_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_TYPE_2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Operation is the same as INT_TYPE_0[INT_TYPE_0] Register (gpio) INT_POLARITY_2 Name INT_POLARITY_2 Relative Address 0x000002A0 Absolute Address 0xE000A2A0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1370 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register Details Register INT_POLARITY_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_POLARITY_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_POL_2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_POLARITY_0[INT_POL_0] Register (gpio) INT_ANY_2 Name INT_ANY_2 Relative Address 0x000002A4 Absolute Address 0xE000A2A4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank2, EMIO) Register INT_ANY_2 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_ANY_0, except that it reflects bank2, which corresponds to EMIO[31:0]. Field Name INT_ON_ANY_2 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_ANY_0[INT_ON_ANY_0] Register (gpio) DIRM_3 Name DIRM_3 Relative Address 0x000002C4 Absolute Address 0xE000A2C4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Direction mode (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1371 Appendix B: Register Details Register DIRM_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as DIRM_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name DIRECTION_3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as DIRM_0[DIRECTION_0] Register (gpio) OEN_3 Name OEN_3 Relative Address 0x000002C8 Absolute Address 0xE000A2C8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Output enable (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register OEN_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as OEN_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name OP_ENABLE_3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as OEN_0[OP_ENABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_MASK_3 Name INT_MASK_3 Relative Address 0x000002CC Absolute Address 0xE000A2CC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Mask Status (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register INT_MASK_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_MASK_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1372 Appendix B: Field Name INT_MASK_3 Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Operation is the same as INT_MASK_0[INT_MASK_0] Register (gpio) INT_EN_3 Name INT_EN_3 Relative Address 0x000002D0 Absolute Address 0xE000A2D0 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable/Unmask (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register INT_EN_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_EN_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name INT_ENABLE_3 Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_EN_0[INT_ENABLE_0] Register (gpio) INT_DIS_3 Name INT_DIS_3 Relative Address 0x000002D4 Absolute Address 0xE000A2D4 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Disable/Mask (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register INT_DIS_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_DIS_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name INT_DISABLE_3 Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Operation is the same as INT_DIS_0[INT_DISABLE_0] www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1373 Appendix B: Register Details Register (gpio) INT_STAT_3 Name INT_STAT_3 Relative Address 0x000002D8 Absolute Address 0xE000A2D8 Width 32 bits Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Status (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register INT_STAT_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_STAT_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name INT_STATUS_3 Bits 31:0 Type wtc Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_STAT_0[INT_STATUS_0] Register (gpio) INT_TYPE_3 Name INT_TYPE_3 Relative Address 0x000002DC Absolute Address 0xE000A2DC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Interrupt Type (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register INT_TYPE_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_TYPE_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name INT_TYPE_3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description Operation is the same as INT_TYPE_0[INT_TYPE_0] Register (gpio) INT_POLARITY_3 Name INT_POLARITY_3 Relative Address 0x000002E0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1374 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xE000A2E0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Polarity (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register Details Register INT_POLARITY_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_POLARITY_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name INT_POL_3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Operation is the same as INT_POLARITY_0[INT_POL_0] Register (gpio) INT_ANY_3 Name INT_ANY_3 Relative Address 0x000002E4 Absolute Address 0xE000A2E4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Any Edge Sensitive (GPIO Bank3, EMIO) Register INT_ANY_3 Details This register operates in exactly the same manner as INT_ANY_0, except that it reflects bank3, which corresponds to EMIO[63:32]. Field Name INT_ON_ANY_3 Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Operation is the same as INT_ANY_0[INT_ON_ANY_0] www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1375 Appendix B: Register Details B.20 Interconnect QoS (qos301) Module Name Interconnect QoS (qos301) Base Address 0xF8946000 gpv_qos301_cpu 0xF8947000 gpv_qos301_dmac 0xF8948000 gpv_qos301_iou Description AMBA Network Interconnect Advanced Quality of Service (QoS-301) Vendor Info ARM QoS-301 Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description qos_cntl 0x0000010C 32 rw 0x00000000 The QoS control register contains the enable bits for all the regulators. max_ot 0x00000110 32 rw 0x00000000 Maximum number of outstanding transactions max_comb_ot 0x00000114 32 rw 0x00000000 Maximum number of combined outstanding transactions aw_p 0x00000118 32 rw 0x00000000 AW channel peak rate aw_b 0x0000011C 32 rw 0x00000000 AW channel burstiness allowance aw_r 0x00000120 32 rw 0x00000000 AW channel average rate ar_p 0x00000124 32 rw 0x00000000 AR channel peak rate ar_b 0x00000128 32 rw 0x00000000 AR channel burstiness allowance ar_r 0x0000012C 32 rw 0x00000000 AR channel average rate Register (qos301) qos_cntl Name qos_cntl Relative Address 0x0000010C Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF894610C gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF894710C gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF894810C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description The QoS control register contains the enable bits for all the regulators. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1376 Appendix B: Register Details Register qos_cntl Details By default, all of the bits are set to 0, and no regulation is enabled. Regulation only takes place when both the enable bit is set, and its corresponding regulation value is non-zero. The QoS regulators are reset whenever they are re-enabled. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description en_awar_ot 7 rw 0x0 Enable combined regulation of outstanding transactions. en_ar_ot 6 rw 0x0 Enable regulation of outstanding read transactions. en_aw_ot 5 rw 0x0 Enable regulation of outstanding write transactions. reserved 4:3 rw 0x0 Reserved en_awar_rate 2 rw 0x0 Enable combined AW/AR rate regulation. en_ar_rate 1 rw 0x0 Enable AR rate regulation. en_aw_rate 0 rw 0x0 Enable AW rate regulation. Register (qos301) max_ot Name max_ot Relative Address 0x00000110 Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF8946110 gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF8947110 gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF8948110 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Maximum number of outstanding transactions Register max_ot Details The maximum number of outstanding transactions register enables you to program the maximum number of address requests for the AR and AW channels. The outstanding transaction limits have an integer part and a fractional part. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ar_max_oti 29:24 rw 0x0 Integer part of max outstanding AR addresses. ar_max_otf 23:16 rw 0x0 Fraction part of max outstanding AR addresses. aw_max_oti 13:8 rw 0x0 Integer part of max outstanding AW addresses. aw_max_otf 7:0 rw 0x0 Fraction part of max outstanding AW addresses. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1377 Appendix B: Register Details A value of 0 for both the integer and fractional parts disables the programmable regulation so that the NIC-301 base product configuration limits apply. A value of 0 for the fractional part programs disables the regulation of fractional outstanding transactions. The AW and AR outstanding transaction limits are enabled when you set the corresponding en_aw_ot or en_ar_ot control bits of the QoS control register. Register (qos301) max_comb_ot Name max_comb_ot Relative Address 0x00000114 Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF8946114 gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF8947114 gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF8948114 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Maximum number of combined outstanding transactions Register max_comb_ot Details The maximum combined outstanding transactions register enables you to program the maximum number of address requests for the AR and AW channels. The combined limit is applied after any individual channel limits. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description awar_max_oti 14:8 rw 0x0 Integer part of max combined outstanding AW/AR addresses. awar_max_otf 7:0 rw 0x0 Fraction part of max combined outstanding AW/AR addresses. A value of 0 for both the integer and fractional parts disables the programmable regulation so that the configuration limits apply. A value of 0 for the fractional part programs disables the regulation of fractional outstanding transactions. The regulation of the combined outstanding transaction limit also requires that you set the en_awar_ot control bit of the QoS control register. Register (qos301) aw_p Name aw_p Relative Address 0x00000118 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1378 Appendix B: Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF8946118 gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF8947118 gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF8948118 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description AW channel peak rate Register Details Register aw_p Details Field Name Bits 31:24 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description channel peak rate. 8-bit fraction of the number of transfers per cycle. A value of 0x80 (decimal 0.5) sets a rate of one transaction every 2 cycles. A value of 0x40 sets a rate of one transaction every 4 cycles, etc. Register (qos301) aw_b Name aw_b Relative Address 0x0000011C Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF894611C gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF894711C gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF894811C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description AW channel burstiness allowance Register aw_b Details Field Name Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description channel burstiness (integer number of transfers) Register (qos301) aw_r Name aw_r Relative Address 0x00000120 Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF8946120 gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF8947120 gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF8948120 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1379 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description AW channel average rate Register Details Register aw_r Details Field Name Bits 31:20 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description channel average rate. 12-bit fraction of the number of transfers per cycle. A value of 0x800 (decimal 0.5) sets a rate of one transaction every 2 cycles. A value of 0x400 sets a rate of one transaction every 4 cycles, etc. Register (qos301) ar_p Name ar_p Relative Address 0x00000124 Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF8946124 gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF8947124 gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF8948124 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description AR channel peak rate Register ar_p Details Field Name Bits 31:24 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description channel peak rate. 8-bit fraction of the number of transfers per cycle. A value of 0x80 (decimal 0.5) sets a rate of one transaction every 2 cycles. A value of 0x40 sets a rate of one transaction every 4 cycles, etc. Register (qos301) ar_b Name ar_b Relative Address 0x00000128 Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF8946128 gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF8947128 gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF8948128 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1380 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description AR channel burstiness allowance Register Details Register ar_b Details Field Name Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description channel burstiness (integer number of transfers) Register (qos301) ar_r Name ar_r Relative Address 0x0000012C Absolute Address gpv_qos301_cpu: 0xF894612C gpv_qos301_dmac: 0xF894712C gpv_qos301_iou: 0xF894812C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description AR channel average rate Register ar_r Details Field Name Bits 31:20 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description channel average rate. 12-bit fraction of the number of transfers per cycle. A value of 0x800 (decimal 0.5) sets a rate of one transaction every 2 cycles. A value of 0x400 sets a rate of one transaction every 4 cycles, etc. Usage Example: • Peak = 2 (or 1 in 128) • Burstiness = 5 • Average = 10 (or 1 in 409) This allows an issuing rate of 1 in 128 until the burstiness allowance of 5 outstanding transactions is reached. Then the average issuing rate of 1 in 409 takes effect until the number of outstanding transactions drops below 5. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1381 Appendix B: Register Details B.21 NIC301 Address Region Control (nic301_addr_region_ctrl_registers) Module Name NIC301 Address Region Control (nic301_addr_region_ctrl_registers) Software Name XARC Base Address 0xF8900000 gpv_trustzone Description AMBA NIC301 TrustZone. Vendor Info ARM Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description security_gp0_axi 0x0000001C 1 wo 0x00000000 M_AXI_GP0 security setting security_gp1_axi 0x00000020 1 wo 0x00000000 M_AXI_GP1 security setting Register (nic301_addr_region_ctrl_registers) security_gp0_axi Name security_gp0_axi Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xF890001C Width 1 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description M_AXI_GP0 security setting Register security_gp0_axi Details Field Name gp0_axi Bits 0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Controls the transactions from M_AXI_GP0 to PL: 0 - Always secure 1 - Always non-secure. Register (nic301_addr_region_ctrl_registers) security_gp1_axi Name security_gp1_axi Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xF8900020 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1382 Appendix B: Width 1 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description M_AXI_GP1 security setting Register Details Register security_gp1_axi Details Field Name gp1_axi Bits 0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Controls the transactions from M_AXI_GP1 to PL: 0 - Always secure 1 - Always non-secure. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1383 Appendix B: Register Details B.22 I2C Controller (IIC) Module Name I2C Controller (IIC) Software Name XIICPS Base Address 0xE0004000 i2c0 0xE0005000 i2c1 Description Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) Vendor Info Cadence IIC Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XIICPS_CR_OFFSET 0x00000000 16 mixed 0x00000000 Control Register XIICPS_SR_OFFSET 0x00000004 16 ro 0x00000000 Status register XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET 0x00000008 16 mixed 0x00000000 IIC Address register XIICPS_DATA_OFFSET 0x0000000C 16 mixed 0x00000000 IIC data register XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET 0x00000010 16 mixed 0x00000000 IIC interrupt status register XIICPS_TRANS_SIZE_OF FSET 0x00000014 8 rw 0x00000000 Transfer Size Register XIICPS_SLV_PAUSE_OFF SET 0x00000018 8 mixed 0x00000000 Slave Monitor Pause Register XIICPS_TIME_OUT_OFF SET 0x0000001C 8 rw 0x0000001F Time out register XIICPS_IMR_OFFSET 0x00000020 16 ro 0x000002FF Interrupt mask register XIICPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000024 16 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable Register XIICPS_IDR_OFFSET 0x00000028 16 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Disable Register Register (IIC) XIICPS_CR_OFFSET Name XIICPS_CR_OFFSET Software Name CR Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004000 i2c1: 0xE0005000 Width 16 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Control Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1384 Appendix B: Register Details Register XIICPS_CR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XIICPS_CR_DIV_A_MAS K (DIV_A) 15:14 rw 0x0 Divisor for stage A clock divider. 0 - 3: Divides the input pclk frequency by divisor_a + 1. XIICPS_CR_DIV_B_MAS K (DIV_B) 13:8 rw 0x0 Divisor for stage B clock divider. 0 - 63 : Divides the output frequency from divisor_a by divisor_b + 1. reserved 7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_CR_CLR_FIFO_M ASK (CLR_FIFO) 6 rw 0x0 1 - initializes the FIFO to all zeros and clears the transfer size register except in master receive mode. Automatically gets cleared on the next APB clock after being set. XIICPS_CR_SLVMON_M ASK (SLVMON) 5 rw 0x0 Slave monitor mode 1 - monitor mode. 0 - normal operation. XIICPS_CR_HOLD_MAS K (HOLD) 4 rw 0x0 hold_bus 1 - when no more data is available for transmit or no more data can be received, hold the sclk line low until serviced by the host. 0 - allow the transfer to terminate as soon as all the data has been transmitted or received. XIICPS_CR_ACKEN_MA SK (ACKEN) 3 rw 0x0 This bit needs to be set to 1 1 - acknowledge enabled, ACK transmitted 0 - acknowledge disabled, NACK transmitted. XIICPS_CR_NEA_MASK (NEA) 2 rw 0x0 Addressing mode: This bit is used in master mode only. 1 - normal (7-bit) address 0 - reserved XIICPS_CR_MS_MASK (MS) 1 rw 0x0 Overall interface mode: 1 - master 0 - slave XIICPS_CR_RD_WR_MA SK (RD_WR) 0 rw 0x0 Direction of transfer: This bit is used in master mode only. 1 - master receiver 0 - master transmitter. Register (IIC) XIICPS_SR_OFFSET Name XIICPS_SR_OFFSET Software Name SR Relative Address 0x00000004 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1385 Appendix B: Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004004 i2c1: 0xE0005004 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Status register Register Details Register XIICPS_SR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 15:9 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_SR_BA_MASK (BA) 8 ro 0x0 Bus Active 1 - ongoing transfer on the I2C bus. XIICPS_SR_RXOVF_MAS K (RXOVF) 7 ro 0x0 Receiver Overflow 1 - This bit is set whenever FIFO is full and a new byte is received. The new byte is not acknowledged and contents of the FIFO remains unchanged. XIICPS_SR_TXDV_MASK (TXDV) 6 ro 0x0 Transmit Data Valid - SW should not use this to determine data completion, it is the RAW value on the interface. Please use COMP in the ISR. 1 - still a byte of data to be transmitted by the interface. XIICPS_SR_RXDV_MASK (RXDV) 5 ro 0x0 Receiver Data Valid 1 -valid, new data to be read from the interface. reserved 4 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_SR_RXRW_MAS K (RXRW) 3 ro 0x0 RX read_write 1 - mode of the transmission received from a master. reserved 2:0 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. Register (IIC) XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET Name XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET Software Name ADDR Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004008 i2c1: 0xE0005008 Width 16 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1386 Appendix B: Description Register Details IIC Address register Register XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_ADDR_MASK (MASK) 9:0 rw 0x0 Address 0 - 1024: Normal addressing mode uses add[6:0]. Extended addressing mode uses add[9:0]. Register (IIC) XIICPS_DATA_OFFSET Name XIICPS_DATA_OFFSET Software Name DATA Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE000400C i2c1: 0xE000500C Width 16 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description IIC data register Register XIICPS_DATA_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reserved 15:8 ro 0x0 XIICPS_DATA_MASK (MASK) 7:0 rw 0x0 Description data 0 -255: When written to, the data register sets data to transmit. When read from, the data register reads the last received byte of data. Register (IIC) XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET Name XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET Software Name ISR Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004010 i2c1: 0xE0005010 Width 16 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1387 Appendix B: Description Register Details IIC interrupt status register Register XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_ARB_LOST_ MASK (IXR_ARB_LOST) 9 wtc 0x0 arbitration lost 1 = master loses bus ownership during a transfer due to ongoing arbitration reserved 8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_RX_UNF_M ASK (IXR_RX_UNF) 7 wtc 0x0 FIFO receive underflow 1 = host attempts to read from the I2C data register more times than the value of the transfer size register plus one XIICPS_IXR_TX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_TX_OVR) 6 wtc 0x0 FIFO transmit overflow 1 = host attempts to write to the I2C data register more times than the FIFO depth XIICPS_IXR_RX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_RX_OVR) 5 wtc 0x0 Receive overflow 1 = This bit is set whenever FIFO is full and a new byte is received. The new byte is not acknowledged and contents of the FIFO remains unchanged. XIICPS_IXR_SLV_RDY_M ASK (IXR_SLV_RDY) 4 wtc 0x0 Monitored slave ready 1= addressed slave returns ACK. XIICPS_IXR_TO_MASK (IXR_TO) 3 wtc 0x0 Transfer time out 1= I2C sclk line is kept low for longer time XIICPS_IXR_NACK_MAS K (IXR_NACK) 2 wtc 0x0 Transfer not acknowledged 1 = slave responds with a NACK or master terminates the transfer before all data is supplied XIICPS_IXR_DATA_MAS K (IXR_DATA) 1 wtc 0x0 More data 1= Data being sent or received XIICPS_IXR_COMP_MAS K (IXR_COMP) 0 wtc 0x0 Transfer complete 1= transfer is complete Register (IIC) XIICPS_TRANS_SIZE_OFFSET Name XIICPS_TRANS_SIZE_OFFSET Software Name TRANS_SIZE Relative Address 0x00000014 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1388 Appendix B: Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004014 i2c1: 0xE0005014 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transfer Size Register Register Details Register XIICPS_TRANS_SIZE_OFFSET Details This register's meaning varies according to the operating mode as follows: * Master transmitter mode: number of data bytes still not transmitted minus one * Master receiver mode: number of data bytes that are still expected to be received * Slave transmitter mode: number of bytes remaining in the FIFO after the master terminates the transfer * Slave receiver mode: number of valid data bytes in the FIFO This register is cleared if CLR_FIFO bit in the control register is set. Field Name XIICPS_TRANS_SIZE_M ASK (MASK) Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Transfer Size 0-255 Register (IIC) XIICPS_SLV_PAUSE_OFFSET Name XIICPS_SLV_PAUSE_OFFSET Software Name SLV_PAUSE Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004018 i2c1: 0xE0005018 Width 8 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Slave Monitor Pause Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1389 Appendix B: Register Details Register XIICPS_SLV_PAUSE_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 7:4 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_SLV_PAUSE_MA SK (MASK) 3:0 rw 0x0 pause interval 0 - 7: pause interval Register (IIC) XIICPS_TIME_OUT_OFFSET Name XIICPS_TIME_OUT_OFFSET Software Name TIME_OUT Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE000401C i2c1: 0xE000501C Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000001F Description Time out register Register XIICPS_TIME_OUT_OFFSET Details Field Name XIICPS_TIME_OUT_MAS K (MASK) Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1F Description Time Out 255 - 31 : value of time out register Register (IIC) XIICPS_IMR_OFFSET Name XIICPS_IMR_OFFSET Software Name IMR Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004020 i2c1: 0xE0005020 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x000002FF Description Interrupt mask register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1390 Appendix B: Register Details Register XIICPS_IMR_OFFSET Details Each bit in this register corresponds to a bit in the interrupt status register. If bit i in the interrupt mask register is set, the corresponding bit in the interrupt status register is ignored. Otherwise, an interrupt is generated whenever bit i in the interrupt status register is set. Bits in this register are set through a write to the interrupt disable register and are cleared through a write to the interrupt enable register. All mask bits are set and all interrupts are disabled after reset. Interrupt mask register has the same format as the interrupt status register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_ARB_LOST_ MASK (IXR_ARB_LOST) 9 ro 0x1 arbitration lost 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt reserved 8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_RX_UNF_M ASK (IXR_RX_UNF) 7 ro 0x1 FIFO receive underflow 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_TX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_TX_OVR) 6 ro 0x1 FIFO transmit overflow 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_RX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_RX_OVR) 5 ro 0x1 Receive overflow 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_SLV_RDY_M ASK (IXR_SLV_RDY) 4 ro 0x1 Monitored slave ready 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_TO_MASK (IXR_TO) 3 ro 0x1 Transfer time out 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_NACK_MAS K (IXR_NACK) 2 ro 0x1 Transfer not acknowledged 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_DATA_MAS K (IXR_DATA) 1 ro 0x1 More data 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_COMP_MAS K (IXR_COMP) 0 ro 0x1 Transfer complete 1 = Mask this interrupt 0 = unmask this interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1391 Appendix B: Register Details Register (IIC) XIICPS_IER_OFFSET Name XIICPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name IER Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004024 i2c1: 0xE0005024 Width 16 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable Register Register XIICPS_IER_OFFSET Details This register has the same format as the interrupt status register. Setting a bit in the interrupt enable register clears the corresponding mask bit in the interrupt mask register, effectively enabling corresponding interrupt to be generated. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_ARB_LOST_ MASK (IXR_ARB_LOST) 9 wo 0x0 arbitration lost 1 = enable this interrupt reserved 8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_RX_UNF_M ASK (IXR_RX_UNF) 7 wo 0x0 FIFO receive underflow 1 = enable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_TX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_TX_OVR) 6 wo 0x0 FIFO transmit overflow 1 = enable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_RX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_RX_OVR) 5 wo 0x0 Receive overflow 1 = enable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_SLV_RDY_M ASK (IXR_SLV_RDY) 4 wo 0x0 Monitored slave ready 1 = enable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_TO_MASK (IXR_TO) 3 wo 0x0 Transfer time out 1 = enable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_NACK_MAS K (IXR_NACK) 2 wo 0x0 Transfer not acknowledged 1 = enable this interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1392 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XIICPS_IXR_DATA_MAS K (IXR_DATA) 1 wo 0x0 More data 1 = enable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_COMP_MAS K (IXR_COMP) 0 wo 0x0 Transfer complete Will be set when transfer is complete 1 = enable this interrupt Register (IIC) XIICPS_IDR_OFFSET Name XIICPS_IDR_OFFSET Software Name IDR Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address i2c0: 0xE0004028 i2c1: 0xE0005028 Width 16 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Disable Register Register XIICPS_IDR_OFFSET Details This register has the same format as the interrupt status register. Setting a bit in the interrupt disable register sets the corresponding mask bit in the interrupt mask register, effectively disabling corresponding interrupt to be generated. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 15:10 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_ARB_LOST_ MASK (IXR_ARB_LOST) 9 wo 0x0 arbitration lost 1 = disable this interrupt reserved 8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XIICPS_IXR_RX_UNF_M ASK (IXR_RX_UNF) 7 wo 0x0 FIFO receive underflow 1 = disable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_TX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_TX_OVR) 6 wo 0x0 FIFO transmit overflow 1 = disable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_RX_OVR_M ASK (IXR_RX_OVR) 5 wo 0x0 Receive overflow 1 = disable this interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1393 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XIICPS_IXR_SLV_RDY_M ASK (IXR_SLV_RDY) 4 wo 0x0 Monitored slave ready 1 = disable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_TO_MASK (IXR_TO) 3 wo 0x0 Transfer time out 1 = disable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_NACK_MAS K (IXR_NACK) 2 wo 0x0 Transfer not acknowledged 1 = disable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_DATA_MAS K (IXR_DATA) 1 wo 0x0 Master Write or Slave Transmitter Master Read or Slave Receiver 1 = disable this interrupt XIICPS_IXR_COMP_MAS K (IXR_COMP) 0 wo 0x0 Transfer complete Will be set when transfer is complete 1 = disable this interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Register Details www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1394 Appendix B: Register Details B.23 L2 Cache (L2Cpl310) Module Name L2 Cache (L2Cpl310) Base Address 0xF8F02000 l2cache Description L2 cache PL310 Vendor Info ARM Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description reg0_cache_id 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x410000C8 cache ID register, Returns the 32-bit device ID code it reads off the CACHEID input bus. The value is specified by the system integrator. Reset value: 0x410000c8 reg0_cache_type 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x9E300300 cache type register, Returns the 32-bit cache type. Reset value: 0x1c100100 reg1_control 0x00000100 32 mixed 0x00000000 control register, reset value: 0x0 reg1_aux_control 0x00000104 32 mixed 0x02060000 auxilary control register, reset value: 0x02020000 reg1_tag_ram_control 0x00000108 32 mixed 0x00000777 Configures Tag RAM latencies reg1_data_ram_control 0x0000010C 32 mixed 0x00000777 configures data RAM latencies reg2_ev_counter_ctrl 0x00000200 32 mixed 0x00000000 Permits the event counters to be enabled and reset. reg2_ev_counter1_cfg 0x00000204 32 mixed 0x00000000 Enables event counter 1 to be driven by a specific event. Counter 1 increments when the event occurs. reg2_ev_counter0_cfg 0x00000208 32 mixed 0x00000000 Enables event counter 0 to be driven by a specific event. Counter 0 increments when the event occurs. reg2_ev_counter1 0x0000020C 32 rw 0x00000000 Enable the programmer to read off the counter value. The counter counts an event as specified by the Counter Configuration Registers. The counter can be preloaded if counting is disabled and reset by the Event Counter Control Register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1395 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg2_ev_counter0 0x00000210 32 rw 0x00000000 Enable the programmer to read off the counter value. The counter counts an event as specified by the Counter Configuration Registers. The counter can be preloaded if counting is disabled and reset by the Event Counter Control Register. reg2_int_mask 0x00000214 32 mixed 0x00000000 This register enables or masks interrupts from being triggered on the external pins of the cache controller. Figure 3-8 on page 3-17 shows the register bit assignments. The bit assignments enables the masking of the interrupts on both their individual outputs and the combined L2CCINTR line. Clearing a bit by writing a 0, disables the interrupt triggering on that pin. All bits are cleared by a reset. You must write to the register bits with a 1 to enable the generation of interrupts. 1 = Enabled. 0 = Masked. This is the default. reg2_int_mask_status 0x00000218 32 mixed 0x00000000 This register is a read-only.It returns the masked interrupt status. This register can be accessed by secure and non-secure operations. The register gives an AND function of the raw interrupt status with the values of the interrupt mask register. All the bits are cleared by a reset. A write to this register is ignored. Bits read can be HIGH or LOW: HIGH If the bits read HIGH, they reflect the status of the input lines triggering an interrupt. LOW If the bits read LOW, either no interrupt has been generated, or the interrupt is masked. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1396 Appendix B: Width Register Name Address reg2_int_raw_status 0x0000021C 32 mixed 0x00000000 The Raw Interrupt Status Register enables the interrupt status that excludes the masking logic. Bits read can be HIGH or LOW: HIGH If the bits read HIGH, they reflect the status of the input lines triggering an interrupt. LOW If the bits read LOW, no interrupt has been generated. reg2_int_clear 0x00000220 32 mixed 0x00000000 Clears the Raw Interrupt Status Register bits. When a bit is written as 1, it clears the corresponding bit in the Raw Interrupt Status Register. When a bit is written as 0, it has no effect reg7_cache_sync 0x00000730 32 mixed 0x00000000 Drain the STB. Operation complete when all buffers, LRB, LFB, STB, and EB, are empty reg7_inv_pa 0x00000770 32 mixed 0x00000000 Invalidate Line by PA: Specific L2 cache line is marked as not valid reg7_inv_way 0x0000077C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Invalidate by Way Invalidate all data in specified ways, including dirty data. An Invalidate by way while selecting all cache ways is equivalent to invalidating all cache entries. Completes as a background task with the way, or ways, locked, preventing allocation. reg7_clean_pa 0x000007B0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Clean Line by PA Write the specific L2 cache line to L3 main memory if the line is marked as valid and dirty. The line is marked as not dirty. The valid bit is unchanged reg7_clean_index 0x000007B8 32 mixed 0x00000000 Clean Line by Set/Way Write the specific L2 cache line within the specified way to L3 main memory if the line is marked as valid and dirty. The line is marked as not dirty. The valid bit is unchanged Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Type Reset Value Register Details www.xilinx.com Description Send Feedback 1397 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg7_clean_way 0x000007BC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Clean by Way Writes each line of the specified L2 cache ways to L3 main memory if the line is marked as valid and dirty. The lines are marked as not dirty. The valid bits are unchanged. Completes as a background task with the way, or ways, locked, preventing allocation. reg7_clean_inv_pa 0x000007F0 32 mixed 0x00000000 Clean and Invalidate Line by PA Write the specific L2 cache line to L3 main memory if the line is marked as valid and dirty. The line is marked as not valid reg7_clean_inv_index 0x000007F8 32 mixed 0x00000000 Clean and Invalidate Line by Set/Way Write the specific L2 cache line within the specified way to L3 main memory if the line is marked as valid and dirty. The line is marked as not valid reg7_clean_inv_way 0x000007FC 32 mixed 0x00000000 Clean and Invalidate by Way Writes each line of the specified L2 cache ways to L3 main memory if the line is marked as valid and dirty. The lines are marked as not valid. Completes as a background task with the way, or ways, locked, preventing allocation. reg9_d_lockdown0 0x00000900 32 mixed 0x00000000 All reg9 registers can prevent new addresses from being allocated and can also prevent data from being evicted out of the L2 cache. Each register pair (reg9_d_lockdown , reg9_i_lockdown ) is for accesses coming from a particular master. Each bit of each register sets lockdown for a corresponding way, i.e. bit 0 for way 0, bit 1 for way 1, etc. 0 allocation can occur in the corresponding way. 1 there is no allocation in the corresponding way. reg9_i_lockdown0 0x00000904 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 0 reg9_d_lockdown1 0x00000908 32 mixed 0x00000000 data lock down 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1398 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description reg9_i_lockdown1 0x0000090C 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 1 reg9_d_lockdown2 0x00000910 32 mixed 0x00000000 data lock down 2 reg9_i_lockdown2 0x00000914 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 2 reg9_d_lockdown3 0x00000918 32 mixed 0x00000000 data lock down 3 reg9_i_lockdown3 0x0000091C 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 3 reg9_d_lockdown4 0x00000920 32 mixed 0x00000000 data lock down 4 reg9_i_lockdown4 0x00000924 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 4 reg9_d_lockdown5 0x00000928 32 mixed 0x00000000 data lock down 5 reg9_i_lockdown5 0x0000092C 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 5 reg9_d_lockdown6 0x00000930 32 mixed 0x00000000 data lock down 6 reg9_i_lockdown6 0x00000934 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 6 reg9_d_lockdown7 0x00000938 32 mixed 0x00000000 data lock down 7 reg9_i_lockdown7 0x0000093C 32 mixed 0x00000000 instruction lock down 7 reg9_lock_line_en 0x00000950 32 mixed 0x00000000 Lockdown by Line Enable Register. reg9_unlock_way 0x00000954 32 mixed 0x00000000 Cache lockdown by way To control the cache lockdown by way and the cache lockdown by master mechanisms see the tables from Table 3-20 to Table 3-35 on page 3-31. For these tables each bit has the following meaning: 0 allocation can occur in the corresponding way. 1 there is no allocation in the corresponding way. reg12_addr_filtering_st art 0x00000C00 32 mixed 0x40000001 When two masters are implemented, you can redirect a whole address range to master 1 (M1). When address_filtering_enable is set, all accesses with address >= address_filtering_start and = address_filtering_start and , reg9_i_lockdown ) is for accesses coming from a particular master. Each bit of each register sets lockdown for a corresponding way, i.e. bit 0 for way 0, bit 1 for way 1, etc. 0 allocation can occur in the corresponding way. 1 there is no allocation in the corresponding way. Register reg9_d_lockdown0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved DATALOCK000 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for master CPU0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1419 Appendix B: Register Details Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown0 Name reg9_i_lockdown0 Relative Address 0x00000904 Absolute Address 0xF8F02904 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 0 Register reg9_i_lockdown0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved INSTRLOCK000 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for master CPU0 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_d_lockdown1 Name reg9_d_lockdown1 Relative Address 0x00000908 Absolute Address 0xF8F02908 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description data lock down 1 Register reg9_d_lockdown1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved DATALOCK001 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for master CPU1 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown1 Name reg9_i_lockdown1 Relative Address 0x0000090C Absolute Address 0xF8F0290C Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1420 Appendix B: Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 1 Register Details Register reg9_i_lockdown1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved INSTRLOCK001 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for master CPU1 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_d_lockdown2 Name reg9_d_lockdown2 Relative Address 0x00000910 Absolute Address 0xF8F02910 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description data lock down 2 Register reg9_d_lockdown2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved reserved 15:0 rw 0x0 reserved Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown2 Name reg9_i_lockdown2 Relative Address 0x00000914 Absolute Address 0xF8F02914 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1421 Appendix B: Register Details Register reg9_i_lockdown2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved reserved 15:0 rw 0x0 reserved Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_d_lockdown3 Name reg9_d_lockdown3 Relative Address 0x00000918 Absolute Address 0xF8F02918 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description data lock down 3 Register reg9_d_lockdown3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved reserved 15:0 rw 0x0 reserved Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown3 Name reg9_i_lockdown3 Relative Address 0x0000091C Absolute Address 0xF8F0291C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 3 Register reg9_i_lockdown3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved reserved 15:0 rw 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1422 Appendix B: Register Details Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_d_lockdown4 Name reg9_d_lockdown4 Relative Address 0x00000920 Absolute Address 0xF8F02920 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description data lock down 4 Register reg9_d_lockdown4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved DATALOCK100 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=00 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown4 Name reg9_i_lockdown4 Relative Address 0x00000924 Absolute Address 0xF8F02924 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 4 Register reg9_i_lockdown4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved INSTRLOCK100 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=00 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_d_lockdown5 Name reg9_d_lockdown5 Relative Address 0x00000928 Absolute Address 0xF8F02928 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1423 Appendix B: Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description data lock down 5 Register Details Register reg9_d_lockdown5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved DATALOCK101 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=01 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown5 Name reg9_i_lockdown5 Relative Address 0x0000092C Absolute Address 0xF8F0292C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 5 Register reg9_i_lockdown5 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved INSTRLOCK101 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=01 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_d_lockdown6 Name reg9_d_lockdown6 Relative Address 0x00000930 Absolute Address 0xF8F02930 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description data lock down 6 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1424 Appendix B: Register Details Register reg9_d_lockdown6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved DATALOCK110 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=10 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown6 Name reg9_i_lockdown6 Relative Address 0x00000934 Absolute Address 0xF8F02934 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 6 Register reg9_i_lockdown6 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved INSTRLOCK110 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=10 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_d_lockdown7 Name reg9_d_lockdown7 Relative Address 0x00000938 Absolute Address 0xF8F02938 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description data lock down 7 Register reg9_d_lockdown7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved DATALOCK111 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=11 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1425 Appendix B: Register Details Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_i_lockdown7 Name reg9_i_lockdown7 Relative Address 0x0000093C Absolute Address 0xF8F0293C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description instruction lock down 7 Register reg9_i_lockdown7 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved INSTRLOCK111 15:0 rw 0x0 Use for ACP master with SAXIACPAxID[2:1]=11 Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_lock_line_en Name reg9_lock_line_en Relative Address 0x00000950 Absolute Address 0xF8F02950 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Lockdown by Line Enable Register. Register reg9_lock_line_en Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 waz,r az 0x0 reserved lock_down_by_line_ena ble 0 rw 0x0 0 = Lockdown by line disabled. This is the default. 1 = Lockdown by line enabled. Register (L2Cpl310) reg9_unlock_way Name reg9_unlock_way Relative Address 0x00000954 Absolute Address 0xF8F02954 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1426 Appendix B: Register Details Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Cache lockdown by way To control the cache lockdown by way and the cache lockdown by master mechanisms see the tables from Table 3-20 to Table 3-35 on page 3-31. For these tables each bit has the following meaning: 0 allocation can occur in the corresponding way. 1 there is no allocation in the corresponding way. Register reg9_unlock_way Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 waz,r az 0x0 reserved unlock_all_lines_by_wa y_operation 15:0 rw 0x0 For all bits: 0 = Unlock all lines disabled. This is the default. 1 = Unlock all lines operation in progress for the corresponding way. Register (L2Cpl310) reg12_addr_filtering_start Name reg12_addr_filtering_start Relative Address 0x00000C00 Absolute Address 0xF8F02C00 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x40000001 Description When two masters are implemented, you can redirect a whole address range to master 1 (M1). When address_filtering_enable is set, all accesses with address >= address_filtering_start and = address_filtering_start and . * is 3 for bit[11] * is 2 for bit[10] * is 1 for bit[9] * is 0 for bit[8]. 0 = Secure accesses only. This is the default value. 1 = Secure accesses and Non-Secure accesses. Private_timers_for_CPU 3 7 ro 0x0 same as above Private_timers_for_CPU 2 6 ro 0x0 same as above Private_timers_for_CPU 1 5 ro 0x0 same as above Private_timers_for_CPU 0 4 ro 0x0 Non-secure access to the private timer and watchdog for CPU . * is 3 for bit[7] * is 2 for bit[6]] * is 1 for bit[5] * is 0 for bit[4]. 0 = Secure accesses only. Non-secure reads return 0. This is the default value. 1 = Secure accesses and Non-secure accesses. Component_access_for _CPU3 3 ro 0x0 same as above Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1443 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Component_access_for _CPU2 2 ro 0x0 same as above Component_access_for _CPU1 1 ro 0x0 same as above Component_access_for _CPU0 0 ro 0x0 Non-secure access to the components for CPU . * is 3 for bit[3] * is 2 for bit[2]] * is 1 for bit[1] * is 0 for bit[0]. 0 = CPU cannot write the components 1 = CPU can access the components. Register (mpcore) ICCICR Name ICCICR Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address 0xF8F00100 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CPU Interface Control Register Register ICCICR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 reserved SBPR 4 rw 0x0 Controls whether the CPU interface uses the Secure or Non-secure Binary Point Register for preemption. 0: use the Secure Binary Point Register for Secure interrupts, and use the Non-secure Binary Point Register for Non-secure interrupts. 1: use the Secure Binary Point Register for both Secure and Non-secure interrupts. FIQEn 3 rw 0x0 Controls whether the GIC signals Secure interrupts to a target processor using the FIQ or the IRQ signal. 0: using IRQ, 1: using FIQ. The GIC always signals Non-secure interrupts using IRQ. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1444 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description AckCtl 2 rw 0x0 Controls whether a Secure read of the ICCIAR, when the highest priority pending interrupt is Non-secure, causes the CPU interface to acknowledge the interrupt. EnableNS 1 rw 0x0 An alias of the Enable bit in the Non-secure ICCICR. This alias bit means Secure software can enable the signal of Non-secure interrupts. EnableS 0 rw 0x0 Global enable for the signaling of Secure interrupts by the CPU interfaces to the connected processors. Register (mpcore) ICCPMR Name ICCPMR Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address 0xF8F00104 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Priority Mask Register Register ICCPMR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 reserved Priority 7:0 rw 0x0 The priority mask level for the CPU interface. If the priority of an interrupt is higher than the value indicated by this field, the interface signals the interrupt to the processor. Register (mpcore) ICCBPR Name ICCBPR Relative Address 0x00000108 Absolute Address 0xF8F00108 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000002 Description Binary Point Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1445 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICCBPR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:3 rw 0x0 reserved Binary_point 2:0 rw 0x2 The value of this field controls the 8-bit interrupt priority field is split into a group priority field, used to determine interrupt preemption, and a subpriority field. Register (mpcore) ICCIAR Name ICCIAR Relative Address 0x0000010C Absolute Address 0xF8F0010C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000003FF Description Interrupt Acknowledge Register Register ICCIAR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 rw 0x0 reserved CPUID 12:10 rw 0x0 Identifies the processor that requested the interrupt. Returns the number of the CPU interface that made the request. ACKINTID 9:0 rw 0x3FF The interrupt ID. This read acts as an acknowledge for the interrupt. Register (mpcore) ICCEOIR Name ICCEOIR Relative Address 0x00000110 Absolute Address 0xF8F00110 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description End Of Interrupt Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1446 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICCEOIR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 rw 0x0 reserved CPUID 12:10 rw 0x0 On completion of the processing of an SGI, this field contains the CPUID value from the corresponding ICCIAR access. EOIINTID 9:0 rw 0x0 The ACKINTID value from the corresponding ICCIAR access. Register (mpcore) ICCRPR Name ICCRPR Relative Address 0x00000114 Absolute Address 0xF8F00114 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000000FF Description Running Priority Register Register ICCRPR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 reserved Priority 7:0 rw 0xFF The priority value of the highest priority interrupt that is active on the CPU interface. Register (mpcore) ICCHPIR Name ICCHPIR Relative Address 0x00000118 Absolute Address 0xF8F00118 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000003FF Description Highest Pending Interrupt Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1447 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICCHPIR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 rw 0x0 reserved CPUID 12:10 rw 0x0 If the PENDINTID field returns the ID of an SGI, this field contains the CPUID value for that interrupt. The identifies the processor that generated the interrupt. PENDINTID 9:0 rw 0x3FF The interrupt ID of the highest priority pending interrupt. Register (mpcore) ICCABPR Name ICCABPR Relative Address 0x0000011C Absolute Address 0xF8F0011C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000003 Description Aliased Non-secure Binary Point Register Register ICCABPR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:3 rw 0x0 reserved Binary_point 2:0 rw 0x3 Provides an alias of the Non-secure ICCBPR. Register (mpcore) ICCIDR Name ICCIDR Relative Address 0x000001FC Absolute Address 0xF8F001FC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x3901243B Description CPU Interface Implementer Identification Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1448 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICCIDR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Part_number 31:20 ro 0x390 Identifies the peripheral Architecture_version 19:16 ro 0x1 Identifies the architecture version Revision_number 15:12 ro 0x2 Returns the revision number of the Interrupt Controller. The implementer defines the format of this field. Implementer 11:0 ro 0x43B Returns the JEP106 code of the company that implemented the Cortex-A9 processor interface RTL. It uses the following construct: [11:8] the JEP106 continuation code of the implementer [7] 0 [6:0] the JEP106 code [6:0] of the implementer Register (mpcore) Global_Timer_Counter_Register0 Name Global_Timer_Counter_Register0 Relative Address 0x00000200 Absolute Address 0xF8F00200 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Global Timer Counter Register 0 Note: This register is the first in an array of 2 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address Global_Timer_Counter_ Register0 0xf8f00200 Global_Timer_Counter_ Register1 0xf8f00204 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1449 Appendix B: Register Details Register Global_Timer_Counter_Register0 to Global_Timer_Counter_Register1 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description There are two timer counter registers. They are the lower 32-bit timer counter at offset 0x00 and the upper 32-bit timer counter at offset 0x04. You must access these registers with 32-bit accesses. You cannot use STRD/LDRD. To modify the register proceed as follows: 1. Clear the timer enable bit in the Global Timer Control Register 2. Write the lower 32-bit timer counter register 3. Write the upper 32-bit timer counter register 4. Set the timer enable bit. To get the value from the Global Timer Counter register proceed as follows: 1. Read the upper 32-bit timer counter register 2. Read the lower 32-bit timer counter register 3. Read the upper 32-bit timer counter register again. If the value is different to the 32-bit upper value read previously, go back to step 2. Otherwise the 64-bit timer counter value is correct. Register (mpcore) Global_Timer_Control_Register Name Global_Timer_Control_Register Relative Address 0x00000208 Absolute Address 0xF8F00208 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Global Timer Control Register Register Global_Timer_Control_Register Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 rw 0x0 Reserved Prescaler 15:8 rw 0x0 The prescaler modifies the clock period for the decrementing event for the Counter Register. The timer interval is calculated using the following equation: (PRESCALER_value+1)*(Load_value+1)*(CPU_3x2x PERIOD) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1450 Appendix B: Field Name reserved Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description 7:4 rw 0x0 Reserved 3 rw 0x0 This bit is banked per Cortex-A9 processor. 1'b0: single shot mode. When the counter reaches the comparator value, sets the event flag. It is the responsibility of software to update the comparator value to get further events. 1'b1: auto increment mode. Each time the counter reaches the comparator value, the comparator register is incremented with the auto-increment register, so that further events can be set periodically without any software updates. IRQ_Enable 2 rw 0x0 This bit is banked per Cortex-A9 processor. If set, the interrupt ID 27 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor when the event flag is set in the Timer Status Register. Comp_Enablea 1 rw 0x0 This bit is banked per Cortex-A9 processor. If set, it allows the comparison between the 64-bit Timer Counter and the related 64-bit Comparator Register. Timer_Enable 0 rw 0x0 Timer enable 1'b0 = Timer is disabled and the counter does not increment. All registers can still be read and written 1'b1 = Timer is enabled and the counter increments normally Register (mpcore) Global_Timer_Interrupt_Status_Register Name Global_Timer_Interrupt_Status_Register Relative Address 0x0000020C Absolute Address 0xF8F0020C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Global Timer Interrupt Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1451 Appendix B: Register Details Register Global_Timer_Interrupt_Status_Register Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 UNK/SBZP Event_flag 0 rw 0x0 This is a banked register for all Cortex-A9 processors present. The event flag is a sticky bit that is automatically set when the Counter Register reaches the Comparator Register value. If the timer interrupt is enabled, Interrupt ID 27 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor after the event flag is set. The event flag is cleared when written to 1. Figure 4-7 shows the Global Timer Interrupt Status Register bit assignment. Register (mpcore) Comparator_Value_Register0 Name Comparator_Value_Register0 Relative Address 0x00000210 Absolute Address 0xF8F00210 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Comparator Value Register_0 Note: This register is the first in an array of 2 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address Comparator_Value_Reg ister0 0xf8f00210 Comparator_Value_Reg ister1 0xf8f00214 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1452 Appendix B: Register Details Register Comparator_Value_Register0 to Comparator_Value_Register1 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description There are two 32-bit registers, the lower 32-bit comparator value register at offset 0x10 and the upper 32-bit comparator value register at offset 0x14. You must access these registers with 32-bit accesses. You cannot use STRD/LDRD. There is a Comparator Value Register for each Cortex-A9 processor. To ensure that updates to this register do not set the Interrupt Status Register proceed as follows: 1. Clear the Comp Enable bit in the Timer Control Register. 2. Write the lower 32-bit Comparator Value Register. 3. Write the upper 32-bit Comparator Value Register. 4. Set the Comp Enable bit and, if necessary, the IRQ enable bit. Register (mpcore) Auto_increment_Register Name Auto_increment_Register Relative Address 0x00000218 Absolute Address 0xF8F00218 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Auto-increment Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1453 Appendix B: Register Details Register Auto_increment_Register Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Auto-increment Register This 32-bit register gives the increment value of the Comparator Register when the Auto-increment bit is set in the Timer Control Register. Each Cortex-A9 processor present has its own Auto-increment Register If the comp enable and auto-increment bits are set when the global counter reaches the Comparator Register value, the comparator is incremented by the auto-increment value, so that a new event can be set periodically. The global timer is not affected and goes on incrementing Register (mpcore) Private_Timer_Load_Register Name Private_Timer_Load_Register Relative Address 0x00000600 Absolute Address 0xF8F00600 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Private Timer Load Register Register Private_Timer_Load_Register Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The Timer Load Register contains the value copied to the Timer Counter Register when it decrements down to zero with auto reload mode enabled. Writing to the Timer Load Register means that you also write to the Timer Counter Register. Register (mpcore) Private_Timer_Counter_Register Name Private_Timer_Counter_Register Relative Address 0x00000604 Absolute Address 0xF8F00604 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1454 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Private Timer Counter Register Register Details Register Private_Timer_Counter_Register Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The Timer Counter Register is a decrementing counter. The Timer Counter Register decrements if the timer is enabled using the timer enable bit in the Timer Control Register. If a Cortex-A9 processor timer is in debug state, the counter only decrements when the Cortex-A9 processor returns to non debug state. When the Timer Counter Register reaches zero and auto reload mode is enabled, it reloads the value in the Timer Load Register and then decrements from that value. If auto reload mode is not enabled, the Timer Counter Register decrements down to zero and stops. When the Timer Counter Register reaches zero, the timer interrupt status event flag is set and the interrupt ID 29 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor, if interrupt generation is enabled in the Timer Control Register. Writing to the Timer Counter Register or Timer Load Register forces the Timer Counter Register to decrement from the newly written value. Register (mpcore) Private_Timer_Control_Register Name Private_Timer_Control_Register Relative Address 0x00000608 Absolute Address 0xF8F00608 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Private Timer Control Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1455 Appendix B: Register Details Register Private_Timer_Control_Register Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SBZP 31:16 rw 0x0 UNK/SBZP. Prescaler 15:8 rw 0x0 The prescaler modifies the clock period for the decrementing event for the Counter Register. See Calculating timer intervals on page 4-2 for the equation.\ UNK_SBZP 7:3 rw 0x0 UNK/SBZP. IRQ_Enable 2 rw 0x0 If set, the interrupt ID 29 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor when the event flag is set in the Timer Status Register. Auto_reload 1 rw 0x0 1'b0 = Single shot mode. Counter decrements down to zero, sets the event flag and stops. 1'b1 = Auto-reload mode. Each time the Counter Register reaches zero, it is reloaded with the value contained in the Timer Load Register. Timer_Enable 0 rw 0x0 Timer enable 1'b0 = Timer is disabled and the counter does not decrement. All registers can still be read and written 1'b1 = Timer is enabled and the counter decrements normally Register (mpcore) Private_Timer_Interrupt_Status_Register Name Private_Timer_Interrupt_Status_Register Relative Address 0x0000060C Absolute Address 0xF8F0060C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Private Timer Interrupt Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1456 Appendix B: Register Details Register Private_Timer_Interrupt_Status_Register Details Field Name UNK_SBZP Bits Type Reset Value Description 31:1 rw 0x0 UNK/SBZP 0 rw 0x0 This is a banked register for all Cortex-A9 processors present. The event flag is a sticky bit that is automatically set when the Counter Register reaches zero. If the timer interrupt is enabled, Interrupt ID 29 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor after the event flag is set. The event flag is cleared when written to 1. Register (mpcore) Watchdog_Load_Register Name Watchdog_Load_Register Relative Address 0x00000620 Absolute Address 0xF8F00620 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Watchdog Load Register Register Watchdog_Load_Register Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Watchdog Load Register The Watchdog Load Register contains the value copied to the Watchdog Counter Register when it decrements down to zero with auto reload mode enabled, in Timer mode. Writing to the Watchdog Load Register means that you also write to the Watchdog Counter Register Register (mpcore) Watchdog_Counter_Register Name Watchdog_Counter_Register Relative Address 0x00000624 Absolute Address 0xF8F00624 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1457 Appendix B: Description Register Details Watchdog Counter Register Register Watchdog_Counter_Register Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Watchdog Counter Register The Watchdog Counter Register is a down counter. It decrements if the Watchdog is enabled using the Watchdog enable bit in the Watchdog Control Register. If the Cortex-A9 processor associated with the Watchdog is in debug state, the counter does not decrement until the Cortex-A9 processor returns to non debug state. When the Watchdog Counter Register reaches zero and auto reload mode is enabled, and in timer mode, it reloads the value in the Watchdog Load Register and then decrements from that value. If auto reload mode is not enabled or the watchdog is not in timer mode, the Watchdog Counter Register decrements down to zero and stops. When in watchdog mode the only way to update the Watchdog Counter Register is to write to the Watchdog Load Register. When in timer mode the Watchdog Counter Register is write accessible. The behavior of the watchdog when the Watchdog Counter Register reaches zero depends on its current mode: Timer mode When the Watchdog Counter Register reaches zero, the watchdog interrupt status event flag is set and the interrupt ID 30 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor, if interrupt generation is enabled in the Watchdog Control Register. Watchdog mode If a software failure prevents the Watchdog Counter Register from being refreshed, the Watchdog Counter Register reaches zero, the Watchdog reset status flag is set and the associated WDRESETREQ reset request output pin is asserted. The external reset source is then responsible for resetting all or part of the Cortex-A9 MPCore design. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1458 Appendix B: Register Details Register (mpcore) Watchdog_Control_Register Name Watchdog_Control_Register Relative Address 0x00000628 Absolute Address 0xF8F00628 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Watchdog Control Register Register Watchdog_Control_Register Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Prescaler 15:8 rw 0x0 The prescaler modifies the clock period for the decrementing event for the Counter Register. 7:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Watchdog_mode 3 rw 0x0 0: Timer mode, default Writing a zero to this bit has no effect. You must use the Watchdog Disable Register to put the watchdog into timer mode. See Watchdog Disable Register. 1: Watchdog mode. IT_Enable 2 rw 0x0 If set, the interrupt ID 30 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor when the event flag is set in the watchdog Status Register. In watchdog mode this bit is ignored Auto_reload 1 rw 0x0 1'b0 = Single shot mode. Counter decrements down to zero, sets the event flag and stops. 1'b1 = Auto-reload mode. Each time the Counter Register reaches zero, it is reloaded with the value contained in the Load Register and then continues decrementing. Watchdog_Enable 0 rw 0x0 Global watchdog enable 1'b0 = Watchdog is disabled and the counter does not decrement. All registers can still be read and /or written 1'b1 = Watchdog is enabled and the counter decrements normally. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1459 Appendix B: Register Details Register (mpcore) Watchdog_Interrupt_Status_Register Name Watchdog_Interrupt_Status_Register Relative Address 0x0000062C Absolute Address 0xF8F0062C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Watchdog Interrupt Status Register Register Watchdog_Interrupt_Status_Register Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved Event_flag 0 rw 0x0 The event flag is a sticky bit that is automatically set when the Counter Register reaches zero in timer mode. If the watchdog interrupt is enabled, Interrupt ID 30 is set as pending in the Interrupt Distributor after the event flag is set. The event flag is cleared when written with a value of 1. Trying to write a zero to the event flag or a one when it is not set has no effect. Register (mpcore) Watchdog_Reset_Status_Register Name Watchdog_Reset_Status_Register Relative Address 0x00000630 Absolute Address 0xF8F00630 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Watchdog Reset Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1460 Appendix B: Register Details Register Watchdog_Reset_Status_Register Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is always zero. Reset_flag 0 rw 0x0 The reset flag is a sticky bit that is automatically set when the Counter Register reaches zero and a reset request is sent accordingly. (In watchdog mode) The reset flag is cleared when written with a value of 1. Trying to write a zero to the reset flag or a one when it is not set has no effect. This flag is not reset by normal Cortex-A9 processor resets but has its own reset line, nWDRESET. nWDRESET must not be asserted when the Cortex-A9 processor reset assertion is the result of a watchdog reset request with WDRESETREQ. This distinction enables software to differentiate between a normal boot sequence, reset flag is zero, and one caused by a previous watchdog time-out, reset flag set to one. Register (mpcore) Watchdog_Disable_Register Name Watchdog_Disable_Register Relative Address 0x00000634 Absolute Address 0xF8F00634 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Watchdog Disable Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1461 Appendix B: Register Details Register Watchdog_Disable_Register Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Watchdog Disable Register Use the Watchdog Disable Register to switch from watchdog to timer mode. The software must write 0x12345678 then 0x87654321 successively to the Watchdog Disable Register so that the watchdog mode bit in the Watchdog Control Register is set to zero. If one of the values written to the Watchdog Disable Register is incorrect or if any other write occurs in between the two word writes, the watchdog remains in its current state. To reactivate the Watchdog, the software must write 1 to the watchdog mode bit of the Watchdog Control Register. Register (mpcore) ICDDCR Name ICDDCR Relative Address 0x00001000 Absolute Address 0xF8F01000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Distributor Control Register Register ICDDCR Details Field Name reserved Bits 31:2 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is always zero. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1462 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Enable_Non_secure 1 rw 0x0 0 = disables all Non-secure interrupts control bits in the distributor from changing state because of any external stimulus change that occurs on the corresponding SPI or PPI signals 1 = enables the distributor to update register locations for Non-secure interrupts FOR: ICDDCR_for_Non_secure_mode 31,1 --> Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is always zero. Enable_secure 0 rw 0x0 0 = disables all Secure interrupt control bits in the distributor from changing state because of any external stimulus change that occurs on the corresponding SPI or PPI signals. 1 = enables the distributor to update register locations for Secure interrupts. FOR: ICDDCR_for_Non_secure_mode 0 --> Enable_Non_secure --> 0 = disables all Non-secure interrupts control bits in the distributor from changing state because of any external stimulus change that occurs on the corresponding SPI or PPI signals 1 = enables the distributor to update register locations for Non-secure interrupts Register (mpcore) ICDICTR Name ICDICTR Relative Address 0x00001004 Absolute Address 0xF8F01004 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000FC22 Description Interrupt Controller Type Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1463 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICDICTR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:29 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is always zero. LSPI 15:11 ro 0x1F Returns the number of Lockable Shared Peripheral Interrupts (LSPIs) that the controller contains. The encoding is: b11111 = 31 LSPIs, which are the interrupts of IDs 32-62. When CFGSDISABLE is HIGH then the interrupt controller prevents writes to any register locations that control the operating state of an LSPI. SecurityExtn 10 ro 0x1 Returns the number of security domains that the controller contains: 1 = the controller contains two security domains. This bit always returns the value one. SBZ 9:8 ro 0x0 Reserved CPU_Number 7:5 ro 0x1 The encoding is: b000 the Cortex-A9 MPCore configuration contains one Cortex-A9 processor. b001 the Cortex-A9 MPCore configuration contains two Cortex-A9 processors. b010 the Cortex-A9 MPCore configuration contains three Cortex-A9 processors. b011 the Cortex-A9 MPCore configuration contains four Cortex-A9 processors. b1xx: Unused values. IT_Lines_Number 4:0 ro 0x2 The encoding is: b00000 = the distributor provides 32 interrupts, no external interrupt lines. b00001 = the distributor provides 64 interrupts, 32 external interrupt lines. b00010 = the distributor provides 96 interrupts, 64 external interrupt lines. b00011 = the distributor provide 128 interrupts, 96 external interrupt lines. b00100 = the distributor provides 160 interrupts, 128 external interrupt lines. b00101 = the distributor provides 192 interrupts, 160 external interrupt lines. b00110 = the distributor provides 224 interrupts, 192 external interrupt lines. b00111 = the distributor provides 256 interrupts, 224 external interrupt lines. All other values not used. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1464 Appendix B: Register Details Register (mpcore) ICDIIDR Name ICDIIDR Relative Address 0x00001008 Absolute Address 0xF8F01008 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0102043B Description Distributor Implementer Identification Register Register ICDIIDR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Implementation_Versio n 31:24 ro 0x1 Gives implementation version number Revision_Number 23:12 ro 0x20 Return the revision number of the controller Implementer 11:0 ro 0x43B Implementer Number Register (mpcore) ICDISR0 Name ICDISR0 Relative Address 0x00001080 Absolute Address 0xF8F01080 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Security Register_0 Note: This register is the first in an array of 3 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address ICDISR0 0xf8f01080 ICDISR1 0xf8f01084 ICDISR2 0xf8f01088 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1465 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICDISR0 to ICDISR2 Details Field Name Security_Status Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDISRn provide a Security status bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Each bit controls the security status of the corresponding interrupt. Accessible by Secure accesses only. The register addresses are RAZ/WI to Non-secure accesses. ICDISR0 is banked for each connected processor. Register (mpcore) ICDISER0 Name ICDISER0 Relative Address 0x00001100 Absolute Address 0xF8F01100 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000FFFF Description Interrupt Set-enable Register 0 Register ICDISER0 Details Field Name Set Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFF Description The ICDISERs provide a Set-enable bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Set-enable bit enables forwarding of the corresponding interrupt to the CPU interfaces. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure access. ICDISER0 is banked for each connected processor. Register (mpcore) ICDISER1 Name ICDISER1 Relative Address 0x00001104 Absolute Address 0xF8F01104 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Set-enable Register 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1466 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICDISER1 Details Field Name Set Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDISERs provide a Set-enable bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Set-enable bit enables forwarding of the corresponding interrupt to the CPU interfaces. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure access. Register (mpcore) ICDISER2 Name ICDISER2 Relative Address 0x00001108 Absolute Address 0xF8F01108 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Set-enable Register 2 Register ICDISER2 Details Field Name Set Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDISERs provide a Set-enable bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Set-enable bit enables forwarding of the corresponding interrupt to the CPU interfaces. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure access. Register (mpcore) ICDICER0 Name ICDICER0 Relative Address 0x00001180 Absolute Address 0xF8F01180 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000FFFF Description Interrupt Clear-Enable Register 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1467 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICDICER0 Details Field Name Clear Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFF Description The ICDICERs provide a Clear-enable bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Clear-enable bit disables forwarding of the corresponding interrupt to the CPU interfaces. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure accesses. ICDICER0 is banked for each connected processor. Register (mpcore) ICDICER1 Name ICDICER1 Relative Address 0x00001184 Absolute Address 0xF8F01184 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Clear-Enable Register 1 Register ICDICER1 Details Field Name Clear Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDICERs provide a Clear-enable bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Clear-enable bit disables forwarding of the corresponding interrupt to the CPU interfaces. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure accesses. Register (mpcore) ICDICER2 Name ICDICER2 Relative Address 0x00001188 Absolute Address 0xF8F01188 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Clear-Enable Register 2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1468 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICDICER2 Details Field Name Clear Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDICERs provide a Clear-enable bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Clear-enable bit disables forwarding of the corresponding interrupt to the CPU interfaces. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure accesses. Register (mpcore) ICDISPR0 Name ICDISPR0 Relative Address 0x00001200 Absolute Address 0xF8F01200 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Set-pending Register_0 Note: This register is the first in an array of 3 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address ICDISPR0 0xf8f01200 ICDISPR1 0xf8f01204 ICDISPR2 0xf8f01208 Register ICDISPR0 to ICDISPR2 Details Field Name Set Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDISPRs provide a Set-pending bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Set-pending bit sets the status of the corresponding peripheral interrupt to pending. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure accesses. ICDISPR0 is banked for each connected processor. Register (mpcore) ICDICPR0 Name ICDICPR0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1469 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00001280 Absolute Address 0xF8F01280 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Clear-Pending Register_0 Register Details Note: This register is the first in an array of 3 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address ICDICPR0 0xf8f01280 ICDICPR1 0xf8f01284 ICDICPR2 0xf8f01288 Register ICDICPR0 to ICDICPR2 Details Field Name Clear Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDICPRs provide a Clear-pending bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. Writing 1 to a Clear-pending bit clears the status of the corresponding peripheral interrupt to pending. A register bit that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure accesses. ICDICPR0 is banked for each connected processor. Register (mpcore) ICDABR0 Name ICDABR0 Relative Address 0x00001300 Absolute Address 0xF8F01300 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Active Bit register_0 Note: This register is the first in an array of 3 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1470 Appendix B: Name Register Details Address ICDABR0 0xf8f01300 ICDABR1 0xf8f01304 ICDABR2 0xf8f01308 Register ICDABR0 to ICDABR2 Details Field Name Active Bits Type 31:0 rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDABRs provide an Active bit for each interrupt supported by the GIC. The bit reads as one if the status of the interrupt is active or active and pending. Read the ICDSPR or ICDCPR to find the pending status of the interrupt. ICDABR0 is banked for each connected processor. Register (mpcore) ICDIPR0 Name ICDIPR0 Relative Address 0x00001400 Absolute Address 0xF8F01400 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Priority Register_0 Note: This register is the first in an array of 24 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address ICDIPR0 0xf8f01400 ICDIPR1 0xf8f01404 ICDIPR2 0xf8f01408 ICDIPR3 0xf8f0140c ICDIPR4 0xf8f01410 ICDIPR5 0xf8f01414 ICDIPR6 0xf8f01418 ICDIPR7 0xf8f0141c ICDIPR8 0xf8f01420 ICDIPR9 0xf8f01424 ICDIPR10 0xf8f01428 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1471 Appendix B: Name Register Details Address ICDIPR11 0xf8f0142c ICDIPR12 0xf8f01430 ICDIPR13 0xf8f01434 ICDIPR14 0xf8f01438 ICDIPR15 0xf8f0143c ICDIPR16 0xf8f01440 ICDIPR17 0xf8f01444 ICDIPR18 0xf8f01448 ICDIPR19 0xf8f0144c ICDIPR20 0xf8f01450 ICDIPR21 0xf8f01454 ICDIPR22 0xf8f01458 ICDIPR23 0xf8f0145c Register ICDIPR0 to ICDIPR23 Details Field Name Priority Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The ICDIPRs provide an 8-bit Priority field for each interrupt supported by the GIC; only the upper 5 bits of each 8-bit field are writable; the lower bits are always 0. There are 32 priority levels, all even values. These registers are byte accessible. A register field that corresponds to a Secure interrupt is RAZ/WI to Non-secure accesses. ICDIPR0 to ICDIPR7 are banked for each connected processor Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR0 Name ICDIPTR0 Relative Address 0x00001800 Absolute Address 0xF8F01800 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01010101 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 0 Register ICDIPTR0 Details The ICDIPTR0 register is used to indicate the targets of interrupts ID#0-ID#3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1472 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_3 25:24 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#3 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_2 17:16 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#2 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_1 9:8 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#1 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_0 1:0 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#0 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR1 Name ICDIPTR1 Relative Address 0x00001804 Absolute Address 0xF8F01804 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01010101 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 1 Register ICDIPTR1 Details The ICDIPTR1 register is used to indicate the targets of interrupts ID#4-ID#7. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_7 25:24 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#7 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_6 17:16 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#6 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_5 9:8 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#5 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_4 1:0 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#4 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1473 Appendix B: Register Details Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR2 Name ICDIPTR2 Relative Address 0x00001808 Absolute Address 0xF8F01808 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01010101 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 2 Register ICDIPTR2 Details The ICDIPTR2 register is used to indicate the targets of interrupts ID#8-ID#11. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_11 25:24 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#11 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_10 17:16 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#10 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_9 9:8 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#9 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_8 1:0 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#8 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR3 Name ICDIPTR3 Relative Address 0x0000180C Absolute Address 0xF8F0180C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01010101 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 3 Register ICDIPTR3 Details The ICDIPTR3 register is used to indicate the targets of interrupts ID#12-ID#15. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1474 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_15 25:24 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#15 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_14 17:16 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#14 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_13 9:8 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#13 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) target_12 1:0 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#12 01: CPU 0 targeted (CPU 0 always reads this value) 10: CPU 1 targeted (CPU 1 always reads this value) Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR4 Name ICDIPTR4 Relative Address 0x00001810 Absolute Address 0xF8F01810 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 4 Register ICDIPTR4 Details The ICDIPTR4 register always returns 0. Field Name reserved Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR5 Name ICDIPTR5 Relative Address 0x00001814 Absolute Address 0xF8F01814 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1475 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICDIPTR5 Details The ICDIPTR5 register always returns 0. Field Name reserved Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR6 Name ICDIPTR6 Relative Address 0x00001818 Absolute Address 0xF8F01818 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 6 Register ICDIPTR6 Details The ICDIPTR6 register is used to indicate the target of interrupt ID#27. Field Name target_27 Bits 25:24 Type ro Reset Value 0x1 Description Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#27 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR7 Name ICDIPTR7 Relative Address 0x0000181C Absolute Address 0xF8F0181C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01010101 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 7 Register ICDIPTR7 Details The ICDIPTR7 register is used to indicate the targets of interrupts ID#28-ID#31. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1476 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_31 25:24 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#31 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted target_30 17:16 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#30 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted target_29 9:8 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#29 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted target_28 1:0 ro 0x1 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#28 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR8 Name ICDIPTR8 Relative Address 0x00001820 Absolute Address 0xF8F01820 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 8 Register ICDIPTR8 Details The ICDIPTR8 register is used to target the interrupts ID#32-ID#35 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_35 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#35 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_34 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#34 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1477 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_33 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#33 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_32 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#32 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR9 Name ICDIPTR9 Relative Address 0x00001824 Absolute Address 0xF8F01824 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 9 Register ICDIPTR9 Details The ICDIPTR9 register is used to target the interrupts ID#36-ID#39 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_39 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#39 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_38 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#38 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1478 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_37 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#37 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_36 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#36 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR10 Name ICDIPTR10 Relative Address 0x00001828 Absolute Address 0xF8F01828 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 10 Register ICDIPTR10 Details The ICDIPTR10 register is used to target the interrupts ID#40-ID#43 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_43 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#43 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_42 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#42 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1479 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_41 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#41 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_40 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#40 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR11 Name ICDIPTR11 Relative Address 0x0000182C Absolute Address 0xF8F0182C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 11 Register ICDIPTR11 Details The ICDIPTR11 register is used to target the interrupts ID#44-ID#47 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_47 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#47 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_46 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#46 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1480 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_45 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#45 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_44 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#44 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR12 Name ICDIPTR12 Relative Address 0x00001830 Absolute Address 0xF8F01830 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 12 Register ICDIPTR12 Details The ICDIPTR12 register is used to target the interrupts ID#48-ID#51 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_51 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#51 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_50 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#50 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1481 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_49 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#49 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_48 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#48 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR13 Name ICDIPTR13 Relative Address 0x00001834 Absolute Address 0xF8F01834 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 13 Register ICDIPTR13 Details The ICDIPTR13 register is used to target the interrupts ID#52-ID#55 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_55 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#55 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_54 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#54 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1482 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_53 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#53 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_52 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#52 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR14 Name ICDIPTR14 Relative Address 0x00001838 Absolute Address 0xF8F01838 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 14 Register ICDIPTR14 Details The ICDIPTR14 register is used to target the interrupts ID#56-ID#59 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_59 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#59 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_58 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#58 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1483 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_57 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#57 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_56 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#56 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR15 Name ICDIPTR15 Relative Address 0x0000183C Absolute Address 0xF8F0183C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 15 Register ICDIPTR15 Details The ICDIPTR15 register is used to target the interrupts ID#60-ID#63 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_63 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#63 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_62 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#62 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1484 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_61 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#61 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_60 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#60 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR16 Name ICDIPTR16 Relative Address 0x00001840 Absolute Address 0xF8F01840 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 16 Register ICDIPTR16 Details The ICDIPTR16 register is used to target the interrupts ID#64-ID#67 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_67 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#67 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_66 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#66 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1485 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_65 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#65 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_64 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#64 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR17 Name ICDIPTR17 Relative Address 0x00001844 Absolute Address 0xF8F01844 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 17 Register ICDIPTR17 Details The ICDIPTR17 register is used to target the interrupts ID#68-ID#71 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_71 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#71 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_70 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#70 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1486 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_69 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#69 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_68 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#68 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR18 Name ICDIPTR18 Relative Address 0x00001848 Absolute Address 0xF8F01848 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 18 Register ICDIPTR18 Details The ICDIPTR18 register is used to target the interrupts ID#72-ID#75 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_75 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#75 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_74 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#74 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1487 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_73 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#73 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_72 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#72 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR19 Name ICDIPTR19 Relative Address 0x0000184C Absolute Address 0xF8F0184C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 19 Register ICDIPTR19 Details The ICDIPTR19 register is used to target the interrupts ID#76-ID#79 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_79 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#79 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_78 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#78 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1488 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_77 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#77 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_76 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#76 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR20 Name ICDIPTR20 Relative Address 0x00001850 Absolute Address 0xF8F01850 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 20 Register ICDIPTR20 Details The ICDIPTR20 register is used to target the interrupts ID#80-ID#83 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_83 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#83 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_82 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#82 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1489 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_81 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#81 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_80 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#80 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR21 Name ICDIPTR21 Relative Address 0x00001854 Absolute Address 0xF8F01854 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 21 Register ICDIPTR21 Details The ICDIPTR21 register is used to target the interrupts ID#84-ID#87 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_87 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#87 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_86 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#86 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1490 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_85 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#85 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_84 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#84 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR22 Name ICDIPTR22 Relative Address 0x00001858 Absolute Address 0xF8F01858 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 22 Register ICDIPTR22 Details The ICDIPTR22 register is used to target the interrupts ID#88-ID#91 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_91 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#91 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_90 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#90 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1491 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_89 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#89 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_88 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#88 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDIPTR23 Name ICDIPTR23 Relative Address 0x0000185C Absolute Address 0xF8F0185C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Processor Targets Register 23 Register ICDIPTR23 Details The ICDIPTR23 register is used to target the interrupts ID#92-ID#95 to none, CPU 0, CPU 1, or both CPUs. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description target_95 25:24 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#95 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_94 17:16 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#94 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1492 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description target_93 9:8 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#93 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted target_92 1:0 rw 0x0 Targeted CPU(s) for interrupt ID#92 00: no CPU targeted 01: CPU 0 targeted 10: CPU 1 targeted 11: CPU 0 and CPU 1 are both targeted Register (mpcore) ICDICFR0 Name ICDICFR0 Relative Address 0x00001C00 Absolute Address 0xF8F01C00 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0xAAAAAAAA Description Interrupt Configuration Register 0 Register ICDICFR0 Details The ICD ICFR 0 register controls the interrupt sensitivity of the 16 Software Generated Interrupts (SGI), IRQ ID #0 to ID #15. This read-only register has two bits per interrupt that always indicate each SGI interrupt is edge sensitive and must be handled by all of the targeted CPUs as indicated in the ICD IPTR [3:0] registers. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description config_15 31:30 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#15 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_14 29:28 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#14 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_13 27:26 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#13 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_12 25:24 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#12 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1493 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description config_11 23:22 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#11 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_10 21:20 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#10 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_9 19:18 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#9 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_8 17:16 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#8 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_7 15:14 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#7 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_6 13:12 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#6 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_5 11:10 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#5 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_4 9:8 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#4 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_3 7:6 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#3 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_2 5:4 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#2 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_1 3:2 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#1 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). config_0 1:0 ro 0x2 Configuration for interrupt ID#0 10: edge sensitive and must be handeled by the targeted CPU(s). Register (mpcore) ICDICFR1 Name ICDICFR1 Relative Address 0x00001C04 Absolute Address 0xF8F01C04 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1494 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x7DC00000 Description Interrupt Configuration Register 1 Register Details Register ICDICFR1 Details The ICD ICFR 1 register controls the interrupt sensitivity of the CPU Private Peripheral Interrupts (PPI), IRQ ID #27 to ID #31. This read-only register has two bits per interrupt. This two bit field is either equal to 01 (low-level active) or equal to 11 (edge sensitive). The LSB is always 1 because only the local CPU handles its own PPI interrupts. Note: There are two instances of this register at the same address. One register is accessible by CPU 0 and the other register is accessible by CPU 1. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description config_31 31:30 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#31 (nIRQ) 01: low-level active config_30 29:28 rw 0x3 Configuration for interrupt ID#30 (CPU watchdog timer) 11: edge sensitive config_29 27:26 rw 0x3 Configuration for interrupt ID#29 (CPU private timer) 11: edge sensitive config_28 25:24 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#28 (nFIQ) 01: low-level active config_27 23:22 rw 0x3 Configuration for interrupt ID#27 (global timer) 11: edge sensitive reserved 21:0 rw 0x0 Reserved Register (mpcore) ICDICFR2 Name ICDICFR2 Relative Address 0x00001C08 Absolute Address 0xF8F01C08 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x55555555 Description Interrupt Configuration Register 2 Register ICDICFR2 Details The ICDICFR 2 register control the interrupt sensitivity of the Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI), IRQ ID #32 to ID #47 (IRQ 36 is reserved). This register has two bits per interrupt. This two bit field is either equal to 01 (high-level active) or equal to 11 (rising-edge sensitive). The LSB is always 1 because only one CPU will handle a SPI interrupt, regardless of the number of CPUs targeted. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1495 Appendix B: Register Details Refer to UG585 TRM Section 7.2.3 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) for the required sensitivity type for the SPI interrupts. The SPI interrupts must match the expected sensitivity. Interrupts from the PL may be high-level or rising edge sensitive; this must be coordinated with the PL hardware and software. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description config_47 31:30 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#47 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_46 29:28 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#46 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_45 27:26 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#45 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_44 25:24 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#44 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_43 23:22 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#43 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_42 21:20 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#42 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_41 19:18 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#41 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_40 17:16 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#40 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_39 15:14 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#39 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_38 13:12 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#38 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1496 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description config_37 11:10 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#37 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_36 9:8 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#36 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_35 7:6 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#35 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_34 5:4 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#34 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_33 3:2 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#33 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_32 1:0 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#32 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Register (mpcore) ICDICFR3 Name ICDICFR3 Relative Address 0x00001C0C Absolute Address 0xF8F01C0C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x55555555 Description Interrupt Configuration Register 3 Register ICDICFR3 Details The ICDICFR 3 register control the interrupt sensitivity of the Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI), IRQ ID #48 to ID #63. This register has two bits per interrupt. This two bit field is either equal to 01 (high-level active) or equal to 11 (rising-edge sensitive). The LSB is always 1 because only one CPU will handle a SPI interrupt, regardless of the number of CPUs targeted. Refer to UG585 TRM Section 7.2.3 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) for the required sensitivity type for the SPI interrupts. The SPI interrupts must match the expected sensitivity. Interrupts from the PL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1497 Appendix B: Register Details may be high-level or rising edge sensitive; this must be coordinated with the PL hardware and software. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description config_63 31:30 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#63 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_62 29:28 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#62 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_61 27:26 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#61 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_60 25:24 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#60 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_59 23:22 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#59 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_58 21:20 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#58 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_57 19:18 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#57 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_56 17:16 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#56 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_55 15:14 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#55 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_54 13:12 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#54 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1498 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description config_53 11:10 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#53 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_52 9:8 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#52 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_51 7:6 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#51 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_50 5:4 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#50 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_49 3:2 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#49 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_48 1:0 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#48 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Register (mpcore) ICDICFR4 Name ICDICFR4 Relative Address 0x00001C10 Absolute Address 0xF8F01C10 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x55555555 Description Interrupt Configuration Register 4 Register ICDICFR4 Details The ICDICFR 4 register control the interrupt sensitivity of the Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI), IRQ ID #64 to ID #79. This register has two bits per interrupt. This two bit field is either equal to 01 (high-level active) or equal to 11 (rising-edge sensitive). The LSB is always 1 because only one CPU will handle a SPI interrupt, regardless of the number of CPUs targeted. Refer to UG585 TRM Section 7.2.3 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) for the required sensitivity type for the SPI interrupts. The SPI interrupts must match the expected sensitivity. Interrupts from the PL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1499 Appendix B: Register Details may be high-level or rising edge sensitive; this must be coordinated with the PL hardware and software. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description config_79 31:30 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#79 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_78 29:28 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#78 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_77 27:26 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#77 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_76 25:24 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#76 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_75 23:22 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#75 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_74 21:20 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#74 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_73 19:18 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#73 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_72 17:16 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#72 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_71 15:14 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#71 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_70 13:12 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#70 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1500 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description config_69 11:10 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#69 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_68 9:8 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#68 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_67 7:6 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#67 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_66 5:4 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#66 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_65 3:2 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#65 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_64 1:0 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#64 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Register (mpcore) ICDICFR5 Name ICDICFR5 Relative Address 0x00001C14 Absolute Address 0xF8F01C14 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x55555555 Description Interrupt Configuration Register 5 Register ICDICFR5 Details The ICDICFR 5 register control the interrupt sensitivity of the Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI), IRQ ID #80 to ID #95 (reserved: 93, 94, 95). This register has two bits per interrupt. This two bit field is either equal to 01 (high-level active) or equal to 11 (rising-edge sensitive). The LSB is always 1 because only one CPU will handle a SPI interrupt, regardless of the number of CPUs targeted. Refer to UG585 TRM Section 7.2.3 Shared Peripheral Interrupts (SPI) for the required sensitivity type for the SPI interrupts. The SPI interrupts must match the expected sensitivity. Interrupts from the PL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1501 Appendix B: Register Details may be high-level or rising edge sensitive; this must be coordinated with the PL hardware and software. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description config_95 31:30 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#95 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_94 29:28 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#94 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_93 27:26 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#93 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_92 25:24 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#92 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_91 23:22 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#91 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_90 21:20 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#90 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_89 19:18 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#89 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_88 17:16 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#88 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_87 15:14 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#87 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_86 13:12 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#86 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1502 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description config_85 11:10 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#85 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_84 9:8 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#84 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_83 7:6 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#83 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_82 5:4 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#82 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_81 3:2 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#81 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. config_80 1:0 rw 0x1 Configuration for interrupt ID#80 01: high-level active 11: rising-edge The lower bit is read-only and is always 1. Register (mpcore) ppi_status Name ppi_status Relative Address 0x00001D00 Absolute Address 0xF8F01D00 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PPI Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1503 Appendix B: Register Details Register ppi_status Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is always zero ppi_status 15:11 ro 0x0 Returns the status of the PPI(4:0) inputs on the distributor: * PPI[4] is nIRQ * PPI[3] is the private watchdog * PPI[2] is the private timer * PPI[1] is nFIQ * PPI[0] is the global timer. PPI[1] and PPI[4] are active LOW PPI[0], PPI[2] and PPI[3] are active HIGH. Note These bits return the actual status of the PPI(4:0) signals. The ICDISPRn and ICDICPRn registers can also provide the PPI(4:0) status but because you can write to these registers then they might not contain the actual status of the PPI(4:0) signals. SBZ 10:0 ro 0x0 SBZ Register (mpcore) spi_status_0 Name spi_status_0 Relative Address 0x00001D04 Absolute Address 0xF8F01D04 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SPI Status Register 0 Register spi_status_0 Details Field Name spi_status Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Returns the status of the IRQ ID32 to ID63 inputs on the distributor. These bits return the actual status of the IRQ signals. Note: The ICDISPR1 and ICDICPR1 registers can also provide the IRQ status but because you can write to these registers then they might not contain the actual status of the IRQ signals. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1504 Appendix B: Register Details Register (mpcore) spi_status_1 Name spi_status_1 Relative Address 0x00001D08 Absolute Address 0xF8F01D08 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SPI Status Register 1 Register spi_status_1 Details Field Name spi_status Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Returns the status of the IRQ ID64 to ID95 inputs on the distributor. These bits return the actual status of the IRQ signals. Note: The ICDISPR2 and ICDICPR2 registers can also provide the IRQ status but because you can write to these registers then they might not contain the actual status of the IRQ signals. Register (mpcore) ICDSGIR Name ICDSGIR Relative Address 0x00001F00 Absolute Address 0xF8F01F00 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Software Generated Interrupt Register Register ICDSGIR Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 reserved TargetListFilter 25:24 rw 0x0 0b00: send the interrupt to the CPU interfaces specified in the CPUTargetList field 0b01: send the interrupt to all CPU interfaces except the CPU interface that requested the interrupt 0b10: send the interrupt on only to the CPU interface that requested the interrupt 0b11: reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1505 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description CPUTargetList 23:16 rw 0x0 When TargetListFilter is 0b00, defines the CPU interfaces the Distributor must send the interrupt to. Each bit refers to the corresponding CPU interface. SATT 15 rw 0x0 Determines the condition for sending the SGI specified in the SGIINTID field to a specified CPU interfaces: 0: only if the SGI is configured as Secure on that interface. 1: only if the SGI is configured as Non-secure on that interface. SBZ 14:4 rw 0x0 SBZ SGIINTID 3:0 rw 0x0 The Interrupt ID of the SGI to send to the specified CPU interfaces. Register (mpcore) ICPIDR4 Name ICPIDR4 Relative Address 0x00001FD0 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FD0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000004 Description Peripheral ID4 Register ICPIDR4 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 reserved ContinuationCode 3:0 rw 0x4 ARM-defined ContinuationCode field Register (mpcore) ICPIDR5 Name ICPIDR5 Relative Address 0x00001FD4 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FD4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1506 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICPIDR5 Details Field Name reserved Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (mpcore) ICPIDR6 Name ICPIDR6 Relative Address 0x00001FD8 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FD8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID6 Register ICPIDR6 Details Field Name reserved Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (mpcore) ICPIDR7 Name ICPIDR7 Relative Address 0x00001FDC Absolute Address 0xF8F01FDC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID7 Register ICPIDR7 Details Field Name reserved Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Reserved Register (mpcore) ICPIDR0 Name ICPIDR0 Relative Address 0x00001FE0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1507 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8F01FE0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000090 Description Peripheral ID0 Register Details Register ICPIDR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 reserved DevID_low 7:0 rw 0x90 ARM-defined DevID[7:0] field Register (mpcore) ICPIDR1 Name ICPIDR1 Relative Address 0x00001FE4 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FE4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000000B3 Description Peripheral ID1 Register ICPIDR1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 reserved ARchID_low 7:4 rw 0xB ARM-defined ArchID[3:0] field DevID_high 3:0 rw 0x3 ARM-defined DevID[11:8] field Register (mpcore) ICPIDR2 Name ICPIDR2 Relative Address 0x00001FE8 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FE8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000001B Description Peripheral ID2 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1508 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICPIDR2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 reserved ArchRev 7:4 rw 0x1 ARM-defined ArchRev field UsesJEPcode 3 rw 0x1 ARM-defined ContinuationCode field ArchID_high 2:0 rw 0x3 ARM-defined ArchID[6:4] field Register (mpcore) ICPIDR3 Name ICPIDR3 Relative Address 0x00001FEC Absolute Address 0xF8F01FEC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Peripheral ID3 Register ICPIDR3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 reserved Revision 7:4 rw 0x0 ARM-defined Revision field reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 reserved Register (mpcore) ICCIDR0 Name ICCIDR0 Relative Address 0x00001FF0 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FF0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000000D Description Component ID0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1509 Appendix B: Register Details Register ICCIDR0 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xD Description ARM-defined fixed values for the preamble for component discovery Register (mpcore) ICCIDR1 Name ICCIDR1 Relative Address 0x00001FF4 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FF4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000000F0 Description Component ID1 Register ICCIDR1 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xF0 Description ARM-defined fixed values for the preamble for component discovery Register (mpcore) ICCIDR2 Name ICCIDR2 Relative Address 0x00001FF8 Absolute Address 0xF8F01FF8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000005 Description Component ID2 Register ICCIDR2 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x5 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description ARM-defined fixed values for the preamble for component discovery www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1510 Appendix B: Register Details Register (mpcore) ICCIDR3 Name ICCIDR3 Relative Address 0x00001FFC Absolute Address 0xF8F01FFC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x000000B1 Description Component ID3 Register ICCIDR3 Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0xB1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description ARM-defined fixed values for the preamble for component discovery www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1511 Appendix B: Register Details B.25 On-Chip Memory (ocm) Module Name On-Chip Memory (ocm) Base Address 0xF800C000 ocm Description On-Chip Memory Registers Vendor Info Xilinx Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description OCM_PARITY_CTRL 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x00000000 Control fields for RAM parity operation OCM_PARITY_ERRADD RESS 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000000 Stores the first parity error access address. This register is sticky and will retain its value unless explicitly cleared (written with 1's) with an APB write access. The physical RAM address is logged. OCM_IRQ_STS 0x00000008 32 mixed 0x00000000 Status of OCM Interrupt OCM_CONTROL 0x0000000C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Control fields for OCM Register (ocm) OCM_PARITY_CTRL Name OCM_PARITY_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF800C000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Control fields for RAM parity operation Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1512 Appendix B: Register Details Register OCM_PARITY_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:21 ro 0x0 Returns 0 when read OddParityEn 20:5 rw 0x0 Enable RAM Odd Parity Generation. The default computed parity is even but this can be changed to odd parity via this APB register field. Note that, on reads, parity is always computed as even parity. The odd parity generation option is useful for verification purposes, enabling parity errors to be injected. One control bit per data byte (OddParity[0] controls Data[7:0] e.t.c) 0: Even Parity generated 1: Odd Parity generated LockFailErrIrqEn 4 rw 0x0 Enable interrupt when an AXI LOCK ("locked access") command is detected. MultipleParityErrIrqEn 3 rw 0x0 Same as SingleParityErrIrqEn, but enables IRQ on multiple parity errors detected. 0: IRQ is not generated when parity error detected and ParityCheckDis=0 1: IRQ is generated when parity error detected and ParityCheckDis=0. SingleParityErrIrqEn 2 rw 0x0 Enable interrupt when a single parity error is detected. Note that even if this field is 0, the OCM_IRQ_STS register will still log the error if ParityCheckDis=0. This allows software the option of polling if an error occurred. 0: IRQ is not generated when parity error detected and ParityCheckDis=0 1: IRQ is generated when parity error detected and ParityCheckDis=0. RdRespParityErrEn 1 rw 0x0 Enable AXI read 'SLVERR' response for parity error detection. 0: Error will not be sent on AXI read channel when parity error detected 1: Error will be sent on AXI read channel when parity error detected and ParityCheckDis=0 ParityCheckDis 0 rw 0x0 Disable RAM Parity Checking. No checking or logging of status will occur when 1. 0: RAM Parity checking is enabled 1: RAM Parity checking is disabled Register (ocm) OCM_PARITY_ERRADDRESS Name OCM_PARITY_ERRADDRESS Relative Address 0x00000004 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1513 Appendix B: Register Details Absolute Address 0xF800C004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Stores the first parity error access address. This register is sticky and will retain its value unless explicitly cleared (written with 1's) with an APB write access. The physical RAM address is logged. Register OCM_PARITY_ERRADDRESS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 ro 0x0 Return 0 when read ParityErrAddress 13:0 wtc 0x0 When a parity Error occurs, the access address associated with the error is logged here. The first error address will be held if multiple parity errors occur. Need an explicit write of all '1's' to reset/clear this field. Register (ocm) OCM_IRQ_STS Name OCM_IRQ_STS Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF800C008 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Status of OCM Interrupt Register OCM_IRQ_STS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:3 ro 0x0 Return 0 when read LockFailErr 2 wtc 0x0 When set (1), indicates that an AXI LOCK has been attempted (not supported by OCM). This is a sticky bit. Once set it can only be cleared by explicitly writing a 1 to this field. This field drives the interrupt pin. (Associated irq enable bit must be set) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1514 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description MultipleParityErr 1 wtc 0x0 Status of OCM multiple parity error. This is a sticky bit. Once set it can only be cleared by explicitly writing a 1 to this field. This field drives the interrupt pin. (Associated irq enable bit must be set) 0: Multiple OCM parity Errors have not occurred 1: Multiple OCM parity Errors have occurred SingleParityErr 0 wtc 0x0 Status of OCM single parity error. This is a sticky bit. Once set it can only be cleared by explicitly writing a 1 to this field. This field drives the interrupt pin (Associated irq enable bit must be set) 0: Single OCM parity Error has not occurred 1: Single OCM parity Error has occurred Register (ocm) OCM_CONTROL Name OCM_CONTROL Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF800C00C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Control fields for OCM Register OCM_CONTROL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:3 ro 0x0 Return 0 when read ArbShareTopSwScuWrD Is 2 rw 0x0 Controls the arbitration to memory between the topswitch port and the scuwr port. 0: The topsw and the scuWr porst share the memory bandwith - 50% each. 1: The scuWr takes higher priority over the topswitch port (unless the ScuWrPriorityLo bit is set) reserved 1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. ScuWrPriorityLo 0 rw 0x0 When set (1), changes the priority of the SCU write port to LOW from Medium Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1515 Appendix B: Register Details B.26 Quad-SPI Flash Controller (qspi) Module Name Quad-SPI Flash Controller (qspi) Software Name XQSPIPS Base Address 0xE000D000 qspi Description LQSPI module Registers Vendor Info Xilinx lqspi Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x80020000 QSPI configuration register XQSPIPS_SR_OFFSET 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000004 QSPI interrupt status register XQSPIPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000008 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable register. XQSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET 0x0000000C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt disable register. XQSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET 0x00000010 32 ro 0x00000000 Interrupt mask register XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET 0x00000014 32 mixed 0x00000000 SPI_Enable Register XQSPIPS_DR_OFFSET 0x00000018 32 rw 0x00000000 Delay Register XQSPIPS_TXD_00_OFFS ET 0x0000001C 32 wo 0x00000000 Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. See also TXD1-3. XQSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET 0x00000020 32 ro 0x00000000 Receive Data Register XQSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET 0x00000024 32 mixed 0x000000FF Slave Idle Count Register XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSE T 0x00000028 32 rw 0x00000001 TX_FIFO Threshold Register RX_thres_REG 0x0000002C 32 rw 0x00000001 RX FIFO Threshold Register GPIO 0x00000030 32 rw 0x00000001 General Purpose Inputs and Outputs Register for the Quad-SPI Controller core LPBK_DLY_ADJ 0x00000038 32 rw 0x0000002D Loopback Master Clock Delay Adjustment Register XQSPIPS_TXD_01_OFFS ET 0x00000080 32 wo 0x00000000 Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. XQSPIPS_TXD_10_OFFS ET 0x00000084 32 wo 0x00000000 Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. XQSPIPS_TXD_11_OFFS ET 0x00000088 32 wo 0x00000000 Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1516 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_OF FSET 0x000000A0 32 rw x Configuration Register specifically for the Linear Quad-SPI Controller XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_OF FSET 0x000000A4 9 rw 0x00000000 Status Register specifically for the Linear Quad-SPI Controller MOD_ID 0x000000FC 32 rw 0x01090101 Module Identification register Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET Software Name CR Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xE000D000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x80020000 Description QSPI configuration register Register XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XQSPIPS_CR_IFMODE_ MASK (IFMODE) 31 rw 0x1 Flash memory interface mode control: 0: legacy SPI mode 1: Flash memory interface mode This control is required to enable or disable automatic recognition of instruction bytes in the first byte of a transfer. If this mode is disabled, the core will operate in standard SPI mode, with no dual- or quad-bit input or output capability; the extended bits will be configured as inputs to prevent any driver contention on these pins. If enabled, flash memory interface instructions are automatically recognized and the I/O configured accordingly. reserved 30:27 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_CR_ENDIAN_ MASK (ENDIAN) 26 rw 0x0 0 for little endian format when writing to the transmit data register 0x1C or reading from the receive data register 0x20. 1 for big endian format when writing to the transmit data register 0x1C or reading from the receive data register 0x20. reserved 25:20 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1517 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Holdb_dr 19 rw 0x0 If set, Holdb and WPn pins are actively driven by the qspi controller in 1-bit and 2-bit modes . If not set, then external pull up is required on HOLDb and WPn pins . Note that this bit doesn't affect the quad(4-bit) mode as Controller always drives these pins in quad mode. It is highly recommended to set this bit always(irrespective of mode of operation) while using QSPI reserved 18 rw 0x0 Reserved reserved 17 rw 0x1 Reserved XQSPIPS_CR_MANSTRT _MASK (MANSTRT) 16 wo 0x0 Manual Start Command 1: start transmission of data 0: don't care XQSPIPS_CR_MANSTRT EN_MASK (MANSTRTEN) 15 rw 0x0 Manual Start Enable 1: enables manual start 0: auto mode XQSPIPS_CR_SSFORCE_ MASK (SSFORCE) 14 rw 0x0 Manual CS 1: manual CS mode 0: auto mode reserved 13:11 rw 0x0 Reserved PCS 10 rw 0x0 Peripheral chip select line, directly drive n_ss_out if Manual_C is set reserved 9 rw 0x0 Reserved REF_CLK 8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Must be 0 FIFO_WIDTH 7:6 rw 0x0 FIFO width Must be set to 2'b11 (32bits). All other settings are not supported. BAUD_RATE_DIV 5:3 rw 0x0 Master mode baud rate divisor 000: divide by 2. This is the only baud rate setting that can be used if the loopback clock is enabled (USE_LPBK). This setting also works in non-loopback mode. 001: divide by 4 010: divide by 8 011: divide by 16 100: divide by 32 101: divide by 64 110: divide by 128 111: divide by 256 XQSPIPS_CR_CPHA_MA SK (CPHA) 2 rw 0x0 Clock phase 1: the QSPI clock is inactive outside the word 0: the QSPI clock is active outside the word Note : For {CLK_PH, CLK_POL}, only 2'b11 and 2'b00 are supported. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1518 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XQSPIPS_CR_CPOL_MA SK (CPOL) 1 rw 0x0 Clock polarity outside QSPI word 1: The QSPI clock is quiescent high 0: The QSPI clock is quiescent low Note : For {CLK_PH, CLK_POL}, only 2'b11 and 2'b00 are supported. XQSPIPS_CR_MSTREN_ MASK (MSTREN) 0 rw 0x0 Mode select 1: The QSPI is in master mode 0: RESERVED In QSPI boot mode, ROM code will set this bit. In other boot modes, this bit must be set before using QSPI. Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_SR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_SR_OFFSET Software Name SR Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xE000D004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000004 Description QSPI interrupt status register Register XQSPIPS_SR_OFFSET Details This register is set when the described event occurs. Interrupt mask value does not affect interrupt status register. Mask value is only used to mask interrupt output. Bit 0 and 6 are write to clear. All other bits are read only. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MA SK (IXR_TXUF) 6 wtc 0x0 TX FIFO underflow, write one to this bit location to clear. 1: underflow is detected 0: no underflow has been detected Write 1 to this bit location to clear XQSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_ MASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 ro 0x0 RX FIFO full (current FIFO status) 1: FIFO is full 0: FIFO is not full Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1519 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XQSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMP TY_MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 ro 0x0 RX FIFO not empty (current FIFO status) 1: FIFO has more than or equal to THRESHOLD entries 0: FIFO has less than RX THRESHOLD entries XQSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_ MASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 ro 0x0 TX FIFO full (current FIFO status) 1: FIFO is full 0: FIFO is not full XQSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_M ASK (IXR_TXOW) 2 ro 0x1 TX FIFO not full (current FIFO status) 1: FIFO has less than THRESHOLD entries 0: FIFO has more than or equal toTHRESHOLD entries reserved 1 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wtc 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt, write one to this bit location to clear. 1: overflow occurred 0: no overflow occurred Write 1 to this bit location to clear Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_IER_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name IER Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xE000D008 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable register. Register XQSPIPS_IER_OFFSET Details Writing a 1 to this register sets the corresponding bits of the interrupt mask register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MA SK (IXR_TXUF) 6 wo 0x0 TX FIFO underflow enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1520 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XQSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_ MASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 wo 0x0 RX FIFO full enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XQSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMP TY_MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 wo 0x0 RX FIFO not empty enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XQSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_ MASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 wo 0x0 TX FIFO full enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XQSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_M ASK (IXR_TXOW) 2 wo 0x0 TX FIFO not full enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect reserved 1 wo 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wo 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET Software Name IDR Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xE000D00C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt disable register. Register XQSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MA SK (IXR_TXUF) 6 wo 0x0 TX FIFO underflow enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1521 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XQSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_ MASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 wo 0x0 RX FIFO full enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XQSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMP TY_MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 wo 0x0 RX FIFO not empty enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XQSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_ MASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 wo 0x0 TX FIFO full enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XQSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_M ASK (IXR_TXOW) 2 wo 0x0 TX FIFO not full enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect reserved 1 wo 0x0 Reserved XQSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wo 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET Software Name IMR Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xE000D010 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt mask register Register XQSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MA SK (IXR_TXUF) 6 ro 0x0 TX FIFO underflow enable 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1522 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XQSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_ MASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 ro 0x0 RX FIFO full enable 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XQSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMP TY_MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 ro 0x0 RX FIFO not empty enable 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XQSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_ MASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 ro 0x0 TX FIFO full enable 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XQSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_M ASK (IXR_TXOW) 2 ro 0x0 TX FIFO not full enable 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled reserved 1 ro 0x0 Reserved XQSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_ MASK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 ro 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt enable 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET Software Name ER Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xE000D014 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SPI_Enable Register Register XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_ER_ENABLE_ MASK (ENABLE) 0 rw 0x0 SPI_Enable 1: enable the SPI 0: disable the SPI Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1523 Appendix B: Register Details Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_DR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_DR_OFFSET Software Name DR Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xE000D018 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Delay Register Register XQSPIPS_DR_OFFSET Details This register is only used in master mode to introduce relative delays into the generation of the master output signals. All timings are defined in cycles of the SPI REFERENCE CLOCK/ext_clk, defined in this table as SPI master ref clock. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description d_nss 31:24 rw 0x0 Delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles for the length that the master mode chip select outputs are de-asserted between words when cpha=0. XQSPIPS_DR_BTWN_M ASK (BTWN) 23:16 rw 0x0 Delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles between one chip select being de-activated and the activation of another XQSPIPS_DR_AFTER_M ASK (AFTER) 15:8 rw 0x0 Delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles between last bit of current word and the first bit of the next word. XQSPIPS_DR_INIT_MAS K (INIT) 7:0 rw 0x0 Added delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles between setting n_ss_out low and first bit transfer. Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_TXD_00_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_TXD_00_OFFSET Software Name TXD_00 Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address 0xE000D01C Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. See also TXD1-3. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1524 Appendix B: Register Details Register XQSPIPS_TXD_00_OFFSET Details Field Name TXD Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Data to TX FIFO, for 4-byte instruction for normal read/write data transfer. Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET Software Name RXD Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xE000D020 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receive Data Register Register XQSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET Details Field Name RX_FIFO_data Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Data from TX FIFO Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET Software Name SICR Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xE000D024 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x000000FF Description Slave Idle Count Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1525 Appendix B: Register Details Register XQSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XQSPIPS_SICR_MASK (MASK) 7:0 rw 0xFF SPI in slave mode detects a start only when the external SPI master serial clock (sclk_in) is stable (quiescent state) for SPI REFERENCE CLOCK cycles specified by slave idle count register or when the SPI is deselected. Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET Software Name TXWR Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address 0xE000D028 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description TX_FIFO Threshold Register Register XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET Details Field Name Threshold_of_TX_FIFO Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1 Description Defines the level at which the TX FIFO not full interrupt is generated Register (qspi) RX_thres_REG Name RX_thres_REG Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address 0xE000D02C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description RX FIFO Threshold Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1526 Appendix B: Register Details Register RX_thres_REG Details Field Name Threshold_of_RX_FIFO Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1 Description Defines the level at which the RX FIFO not empty interrupt is generated Register (qspi) GPIO Name GPIO Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address 0xE000D030 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description General Purpose Inputs and Outputs Register for the Quad-SPI Controller core Register GPIO Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved for future GPIO. WP_N 0 rw 0x1 Write Protect. Write Protect output for flash devices supporting this function. Active low (may be inverted externally to the core if required for flash devices requiring active high write protect signal.) Register (qspi) LPBK_DLY_ADJ Name LPBK_DLY_ADJ Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address 0xE000D038 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0000002D Description Loopback Master Clock Delay Adjustment Register Register LPBK_DLY_ADJ Details Register for enabling the internal loopback for high-speed read data capturing (>40MHz). This feature is only active if bit 5 is set AND if the baud rate divisor is programmed to 2 (i.e., 000). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1527 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:6 rw 0x0 Reserved USE_LPBK 5 rw 0x1 Use internal loopback master clock for read data capturing when baud rate divisor (reg 0x00) is 2 reserved 4:0 rw 0xD Reserved Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_TXD_01_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_TXD_01_OFFSET Software Name TXD_01 Relative Address 0x00000080 Absolute Address 0xE000D080 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. Register XQSPIPS_TXD_01_OFFSET Details Field Name TXD Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Data to TX FIFO, for 1-byte instruction, not for normal data transfer. In little endian mode (default), only bits 7:0 are valid, bits 31:8 are ignored. In big endian mode, only the 8 MS bits are valid. Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_TXD_10_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_TXD_10_OFFSET Software Name TXD_10 Relative Address 0x00000084 Absolute Address 0xE000D084 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1528 Appendix B: Register Details Register XQSPIPS_TXD_10_OFFSET Details Field Name TXD Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Data to TX FIFO, for 2-byte instruction, not for normal data transfer. In little endian mode (default), only bits 15:0 are valid, bits 31:16 are ignored. In big endian mode, only the 16 MS bits are valid. Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_TXD_11_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_TXD_11_OFFSET Software Name TXD_11 Relative Address 0x00000088 Absolute Address 0xE000D088 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit Data Register. Keyhole addresses for the Transmit data FIFO. Register XQSPIPS_TXD_11_OFFSET Details Field Name TXD Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Data to TX FIFO, for 3-byte instruction, not for normal data transfer. In little endian mode (default), only bits 23:0 are valid, bits 31:24 are ignored. In big endian mode, only the 24 MS bits are valid. Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_OFFSET Software Name LQSPI_CR Relative Address 0x000000A0 Absolute Address 0xE000D0A0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value x Description Configuration Register specifically for the Linear Quad-SPI Controller Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1529 Appendix B: Register Details Register XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_LIN EAR_MASK (LINEAR) 31 rw 0x0 Linear quad SPI mode, if set, else quad SPI mode XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_TW O_MEM_MASK (TWO_MEM) 30 rw 0x0 Both upper and lower memories are active, if set XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_SEP _BUS_MASK (SEP_BUS) 29 rw 0x0 Separate memory bus, if set. Only has meaning if bit 30 is set XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_U_ PAGE_MASK (U_PAGE) 28 rw 0x0 Upper memory page, if set. Only has meaning if bit 30 is set AND bit 29 is clear AND bit 31 is clear. In LQSPI mode, address bit 25 will indicate lower (0) or upper (1) page. In IO mode, this bit is used to select the lower or upper memory for configuration or read/write operations. reserved 27 rw 0x0 Reserved reserved 26 rw 0x1 This field should be set to 1'b0. XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_MO DE_EN_MASK (MODE_EN) 25 rw 0x1 Enable MODE_BITS[23:16] to be sent, if set. This bit MUST BE SET for dual I/O or quad I/O read (specified through [7:0]). This bit MUST BE CLEAR for all other read modes as they do not have mode bits. If this bit is 0, bits 24, and [23:16] are ignored. Here is a summary of how bits 25, 24 and 23:16 are related: if ( [ Bit25 == 0 ] && [ Bit24 == x ] ) then [ Bits23:16 = x ] if ( [ Bit25 == 1 ] && [ Bit24 == 0 ] ) then [ Bits23:16 = ~(8'bxx10xxxx) ] if ( [ Bit25 == 1 ] && [ Bit24 == 1 ] ) then [ Bits23:16 = 8'bxx10xxxx ] XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_MO DE_ON_MASK (MODE_ON) 24 rw 0x1 This bit is only relevant if bit 25 is set, else it is ignored. If this bit is set, instruction code is only sent for the very first read transfer. If this bit is clear, instruction code will be sent for all read transfers. This bit is configured in association with the MODE_BITS. For Winbond devices, this bit MUST BE SET if the MODE_BITS are 8'bxx10xxxx, else this bit MUST BE CLEAR. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1530 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Description XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_MO DE_BITS_MASK (MODE_BITS) 23:16 rw 0xA0 These bits are only relevant if bit 25 is set, else it is ignored. If bit 25 is set, this value is required for both dual I/O read and quad I/O read. See vendor's datasheet for more information. For Winbond's device, the continuous read mode value is 8'bxx10xxxx to skip the instruction code for the next read transfer, else instruction code is sent for all read transfers. Bit 24 has to be configured accordingly with this value. reserved 15:11 rw x Reserved, value is undefined when read. XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_DU MMY_MASK (DUMMY) 10:8 rw 0x2 Number of dummy bytes between address and return read data XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_INS T_MASK (INST) 7:0 rw 0xEB Read instruction code. The known read instruction codes are: 8'h03 - Read 8'h0B - Fast read 8'h3B - Fast read dual output 8'h6B - Fast read quad output 8'hBB - Fast read dual I/O 8'hEB - Fast read quad I/O Register (qspi) XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_OFFSET Name XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_OFFSET Software Name LQSPI_SR Relative Address 0x000000A4 Absolute Address 0xE000D0A4 Width 9 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Status Register specifically for the Linear Quad-SPI Controller Register XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 8:3 rw 0x0 Reserved XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_FB_ RECVD_MASK (FB_RECVD) 2 rw 0x0 Data FSM error, if set Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1531 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_WR _RECVD_MASK (WR_RECVD) 1 rw 0x0 AXI write command received, if set reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved Register (qspi) MOD_ID Name MOD_ID Relative Address 0x000000FC Absolute Address 0xE000D0FC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x01090101 Description Module Identification register Register MOD_ID Details Field Name Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1090101 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Module ID value. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1532 Appendix B: Register Details B.27 SD Controller (sdio) Module Name SD Controller (sdio) Base Address 0xE0100000 sd0 0xE0101000 sd1 Description SD2.0/ SDIO2.0/ MMC3.31 AHB Host ControllerRegisters Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description SDMA_system_address _register 0x00000000 32 rw 0x00000000 System DMA Address Register Block_Size_Block_Coun t 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000000 Block size register Block count register Argument 0x00000008 32 rw 0x00000000 Argument register Transfer_Mode_Comma nd 0x0000000C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Transfer mode register Command register Response0 0x00000010 32 ro 0x00000000 Response register Response1 0x00000014 32 ro 0x00000000 Response register Response2 0x00000018 32 ro 0x00000000 Response register Response3 0x0000001C 32 ro 0x00000000 Response register Buffer_Data_Port 0x00000020 32 rw 0x00000000 Buffer data port register Present_State 0x00000024 25 ro 0x01F20000 Present State register Host_control_Power_co ntrol_Block_Gap_Contr ol_Wakeup_control 0x00000028 32 mixed 0x00000000 Host control register Power control register Block gap control register Wake-up control register Clock_Control_Timeout _control_Software_rese t 0x0000002C 27 mixed 0x00000000 Clock Control register Timeout control register Software reset register Normal_interrupt_statu s_Error_interrupt_status 0x00000030 30 mixed 0x00000000 Normal interrupt status register Error interrupt status register Normal_interrupt_statu s_enable_Error_interrup t_status_enable 0x00000034 30 mixed 0x00000000 Normal interrupt status enable register Error interrupt status enable register Normal_interrupt_signa l_enable_Error_interrup t_signal_enable 0x00000038 30 mixed 0x00000000 Normal interrupt signal enable register Error interrupt signal enable register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1533 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description Auto_CMD12_error_sta tus 0x0000003C 8 ro 0x00000000 Auto CMD12 error status register Capabilities 0x00000040 31 ro 0x69EC0080 Capabilities register Maximum_current_cap abilities 0x00000048 24 ro 0x00000001 Maximum current capabilities register Force_event_for_AutoC md12_Error_Status_For ce_event_register_for_e rror_interrupt_status 0x00000050 32 mixed 0x00000000 Force event register for Auto CMD12 error status register Force event register for error interrupt status ADMA_error_status 0x00000054 3 mixed 0x00000000 ADMA error status register ADMA_system_address 0x00000058 32 rw 0x00000000 ADMA system address register Boot_Timeout_control 0x00000060 32 rw 0x00000000 Boot Timeout control register Debug_Selection 0x00000064 1 wo 0x00000000 Debug Selection Register SPI_interrupt_support 0x000000F0 8 rw 0x00000000 SPI interrupt support register Slot_interrupt_status_H ost_controller_version 0x000000FC 32 ro 0x89010000 Slot interrupt status register and Host controller version register Register (sdio) SDMA_system_address_register Name SDMA_system_address_register Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100000 sd1: 0xE0101000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description System DMA Address Register Register SDMA_system_address_register Details This register contains the system memory address for a DMA transfer. When the Host Controller (HC) stops a DMA transfer, this register shall point to the system address of the next contiguous data position. It can be accessed only if no transaction is executing (i.e. after a transaction has stopped). Read operations during transfer return an invalid value. The Host Driver (HD) shall initialize this register before starting a DMA transaction. After DMA has stopped, the next system address of the next contiguous data position can be read from this register. The DMA transfer waits at every boundary specified by the Host DMA Buffer Size in the Block Size register. The Host Controller generates DMA Interrupt to request to update this register. The HD sets the next system address of the next data position to this register. When most upper byte of this register (003h) is written, the HC restart the DMA transfer. When restarting DMA by the resume command or by setting Continue Request in the Block Gap Control register, the HC shall start at the next contiguous address stored here in the System Address register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1534 Appendix B: Field Name SDMA_System_Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description Watchdog enable - if set, the watchdog is enabled and can generate any signals that are enabled. Register (sdio) Block_Size_Block_Count Name Block_Size_Block_Count Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100004 sd1: 0xE0101004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Block size register Block count register Register Block_Size_Block_Count Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Blocks_Count_for_Curre nt_Transfer 31:16 rw 0x0 This register is enabled when Block Count Enable in the Transfer Mode register is set to 1 and is valid only for multiple block transfers. The HC decrements the block count after each block transfer and stops when the count reaches zero. It can be accessed only if no transaction is executing (i.e. after a transaction has stopped). Read operations during transfer return an invalid value and write operations shall be ignored. When saving transfer context as a result of Suspend command, the number of blocks yet to be transferred can be determined by reading this register. When restoring transfer context prior to issuing a Resume command, the HD shall restore the previously save block count. 0000h - Stop Count 0001h - 1 block 0002h - 2 blocks --- --FFFFh - 65535 blocks reserved 15 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1535 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Description Host_SDMA_Buffer_Siz e 14:12 rw 0x0 To perform long DMA transfer, the System Address register shall be updated at every system boundary during a DMA transfer. These bits specify the size of contiguous buffer in the system memory. The DMA transfer shall wait at every boundary specified by these fields and the HC generates the DMA Interrupt to request the HD to update the System Address register. These bits shall support when the DMA Support in the Capabilities register is set to 1 and this function is active when the DMA Enable in the Transfer Mode register is set to 1. 000b - 4KB(Detects A11 Carry out) 001b - 8KB(Detects A12 Carry out) 010b - 16KB(Detects A13 Carry out) 011b - 32KB(Detects A14 Carry out) 100b - 64KB(Detects A15 Carry out) 101b -128KB(Detects A16 Carry out) 110b - 256KB(Detects A17 Carry out) 111b - 512KB(Detects A18 Carry out) Transfer_Block_Size 11:0 rw 0x0 This register specifies the block size for block data transfers for CMD17, CMD18, CMD24, CMD25, and CMD53. It can be accessed only if no transaction is executing (i.e. after a transaction has stopped). Read operations during transfer return an invalid value and write operations shall be ignored. 0000h - No Data Transfer 0001h - 1 Byte 0002h - 2 Bytes 0003h - 3 Bytes 0004h - 4 Bytes --- --01FFh - 511 Bytes 0200h - 512 Bytes --- --0800h - 2048 Bytes Register (sdio) Argument Name Argument Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100008 sd1: 0xE0101008 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1536 Appendix B: Description Register Details Argument register Register Argument Details Field Name Command_Argument Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The SD Command Argument is specified as bit 39-8 of Command-Format. Register (sdio) Transfer_Mode_Command Name Transfer_Mode_Command Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address sd0: 0xE010000C sd1: 0xE010100C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transfer mode register Command register Register Transfer_Mode_Command Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:30 ro 0x0 Reserved Command_Index 29:24 rw 0x0 This bit shall be set to the command number (CMD0-63, ACMD0-63). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1537 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Command_Type 23:22 rw 0x0 There are three types of special commands. Suspend, Resume and Abort. These bits shall bet set to 00b for all other commands. Suspend Command If the Suspend command succeeds, the HC shall assume the SD Bus has been released and that it is possible to issue the next command which uses the DAT line. The HC shall de-assert Read Wait for read transactions and stop checking busy for write transactions. The Interrupt cycle shall start, in 4-bit mode. If the Suspend command fails, the HC shall maintain its current state. and the HD shall restart the transfer by setting Continue Request in the Block Gap Control Register. Resume Command The HD re-starts the data transfer by restoring the registers in the range of 000-00Dh. The HC shall check for busy before starting write transfers. Abort Command If this command is set when executing a read transfer, the HC shall stop reads to the buffer. If this command is set when executing a write transfer, the HC shall stop driving the DAT line. After issuing the Abort command, the HD should issue a software reset 00b - Normal 01b - Suspend 10b - Resume 11b - Abort Data_Present_Select 21 rw 0x0 This bit is set to 1 to indicate that data is present and shall be transferred using the DAT line. If is set to 0 for the following: 1. Commands using only CMD line (ex. CMD52) 2. Commands with no data transfer but using busy signal on DAT[0] line (R1b or R5b ex. CMD38) 3. Resume Command 0 - No Data Present 1 - Data Present Command_Index_Chec k_Enable 20 rw 0x0 If this bit is set to 1, the HC shall check the index field in the response to see if it has the same value as the command index. If it is not, it is reported as a Command Index Error. If this bit is set to 0, the Index field is not checked. 0 - Disable 1 - Enable Command_CRC_Check_ Enable 19 rw 0x0 If this bit is set to 1, the HC shall check the CRC field in the response. If an error is detected, it is reported as a Command CRC Error. If this bit is set to 0, the CRC field is not checked. 0 - Disable 1 - Enable reserved 18 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1538 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Response_Type_Select 17:16 rw 0x0 Response Type Select 00 - No Response 01 - Response length 136 10 - Response length 48 11 - Response length 48 check Busy after response reserved 15:6 ro 0x0 Reserved Multi_Single_Block_Sel ect 5 rw 0x0 This bit enables multiple block DAT line data transfers. 0 - Single Block 1 - Multiple Block Data_Transfer_Directio n_Select 4 rw 0x0 This bit defines the direction of DAT line data transfers. 0 - Write (Host to Card) 1 - Read (Card to Host) reserved 3 ro 0x0 Reserved Auto_CMD12_Enable 2 rw 0x0 Multiple block transfers for memory require CMD12 to stop the transaction. When this bit is set to 1, the HC shall issue CMD12 automatically when last block transfer is completed. The HD shall not set this bit to issue commands that do not require CMD12 to stop data transfer. 0 - Disable 1 - Enable Block_Count_Enable 1 rw 0x0 This bit is used to enable the Block count register, which is only relevant for multiple block transfers. When this bit is 0, the Block Count register is disabled, which is useful in executing an infinite transfer. 0 - Disable 1 - Enable DMA_Enable 0 rw 0x0 DMA can be enabled only if DMA Support bit in the Capabilities register is set. If this bit is set to 1, a DMA operation shall begin when the HD writes to the upper byte of Command register (00Fh). 0 - Disable 1 - Enable Register (sdio) Response0 Name Response0 Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100010 sd1: 0xE0101010 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1539 Appendix B: Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Response register Register Details Note: This register is the first in an array of 4 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address Response0 0xe0100010 Response1 0xe0100014 Response2 0xe0100018 Response3 0xe010001c Register Response0 to Response3 Details Field Name Command_Response Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description command responses registers Register (sdio) Buffer_Data_Port Name Buffer_Data_Port Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100020 sd1: 0xE0101020 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Buffer data port register Register Buffer_Data_Port Details Field Name Buffer_Data Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description The Host Controller Buffer can be accessed through this 32-bit Data Port Register. Register (sdio) Present_State Name Present_State Relative Address 0x00000024 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1540 Appendix B: Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100024 sd1: 0xE0101024 Width 25 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01F20000 Description Present State register Register Details Register Present_State Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description CMD_Line_Signal_Level 24 ro 0x1 This status is used to check CMD line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. DAT_Bit3_Bit0_Line_Sig nal_Level 23:20 ro 0xF This status is used to check DAT line level to recover from errors, and for debugging. This is especially useful in detecting the busy signal level from DAT[0]. D23 - DAT[3] D22 - DAT[2] D21 - DAT[1] D20 - DAT[0] Write_Protect_Switch_P in_Level 19 ro 0x0 The Write Protect Switch is supported for memory and combo cards. This bit reflects the inversion of the SDx_WP pin. 0 - Write protected (SDx_WP pin = High) 1 - Write enabled (SDx_WP pin = Low) Card_Detect_Pin_Level 18 ro 0x0 This bit reflects the inverse value of the SDx_CDn pin. 0 - No Card present (SDx_CDn = High) 1 - Card present (SDx_CDn = Low) Card_State_Stable 17 ro 0x1 This bit is used for testing. If it is 0, the Card Detect Pin Level is not stable. If this bit is set to 1, it means the Card Detect Pin Level is stable. The Software Reset For All in the Software Reset Register shall not affect this bit. 0 - Reset of Debouncing 1 - No Card or Inserted Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1541 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Card_Inserted 16 ro 0x0 This bit indicates whether a card has been inserted. Changing from 0 to 1 generates a Card Insertion interrupt in the Normal Interrupt Status register and changing from 1 to 0 generates a Card Removal Interrupt in the Normal Interrupt Status register. The Software Reset For All in the Software Reset register shall not affect this bit. If a Card is removed while its power is on and its clock is oscillating, the HC shall clear SD Bus Power in the Power Control register and SD Clock Enable in the Clock control register. In addition the HD should clear the HC by the Software Reset For All in Software register. The card detect is active regardless of the SD Bus Power. 0 - Reset or Debouncing or No Card 1 - Card Inserted reserved 15:12 ro 0x0 Reserved Buffer_Read_Enable 11 ro 0x0 This status is used for non-DMA read transfers. This read only flag indicates that valid data exists in the host side buffer status. If this bit is 1, readable data exists in the buffer. A change of this bit from 1 to 0 occurs when all the block data is read from the buffer. A change of this bit from 0 to 1 occurs when all the block data is ready in the buffer and generates the Buffer Read Ready Interrupt. 0 - Read Disable 1 - Read Enable. Buffer_Write_Enable 10 ro 0x0 This status is used for non-DMA write transfers. This read only flag indicates if space is available for write data. If this bit is 1, data can be written to the buffer. A change of this bit from 1 to 0 occurs when all the block data is written to the buffer. A change of this bit from 0 to 1 occurs when top of block data can be written to the buffer and generates the Buffer Write Ready Interrupt. 0 - Write Disable 1 - Write Enable. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1542 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Read_Transfer_Active 9 ro 0x0 This status is used for detecting completion of a read transfer. This bit is set to 1 for either of the following conditions: 1. After the end bit of the read command 2. When writing a 1 to continue Request in the Block Gap Control register to restart a read transfer This bit is cleared to 0 for either of the following conditions: 1. When the last data block as specified by block length is transferred to the system. 2. When all valid data blocks have been transferred to the system and no current block transfers are being sent as a result of the Stop At Block Gap Request set to 1. A transfer complete interrupt is generated when this bit changes to 0. 1 - Transferring data 0 - No valid data Write_Transfer_Active 8 ro 0x0 This status indicates a write transfer is active. If this bit is 0, it means no valid write data exists in the HC. This bit is set in either of the following cases: 1. After the end bit of the write command. 2. When writing a 1 to Continue Request in the Block Gap Control register to restart a write transfer. This bit is cleared in either of the following cases: 1. After getting the CRC status of the last data block as specified by the transfer count (Single or Multiple) 2. After getting a CRC status of any block where data transmission is about to be stopped by a Stop At Block Gap Request. During a write transaction, a Block Gap Event interrupt is generated when this bit is changed to 0, as a result of the Stop At Block Gap Request being set. This status is useful for the HD in determining when to issue commands during write busy. 1 - transferring data 0 - No valid data reserved 7:3 ro 0x0 Reserved DAT_Line_Active 2 ro 0x0 This bit indicates whether one of the DAT line on SD bus is in use. 1 - DAT line active 0 - DAT line inactive Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1543 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Command_Inhibit_DAT 1 ro 0x0 This status bit is generated if either the DAT Line Active or the Read transfer Active is set to 1. If this bit is 0, it indicates the HC can issue the next SD command. Commands with busy signal belong to Command Inhibit (DAT) (ex. R1b, R5b type). Changing from 1 to 0 generates a Transfer Complete interrupt in the Normal interrupt status register. Note: The SD Host Driver can save registers in the range of 000-00Dh for a suspend transaction after this bit has changed from 1 to 0. 1 - cannot issue command which uses the DAT line 0 - Can issue command which uses the DAT line Command_Inhibit_CM D 0 ro 0x0 If this bit is 0, it indicates the CMD line is not in use and the HC can issue a SD command using the CMD line. This bit is set immediately after the Command register (00Fh) is written. This bit is cleared when the command response is received. Even if the Command Inhibit (DAT) is set to 1, Commands using only the CMD line can be issued if this bit is 0. Changing from 1 to 0 generates a Command complete interrupt in the Normal Interrupt Status register. If the HC cannot issue the command because of a command conflict error or because of Command Not Issued By Auto CMD12 Error, this bit shall remain 1 and the Command Complete is not set. Status issuing Auto CMD12 is not read from this bit. Note: The SD host controller requires couple of clocks to update this register bit after the command is posted to command register. Register (sdio) Host_control_Power_control_Block_Gap_Control_Wakeup_control Name Host_control_Power_control_Block_Gap_Control_Wakeup_control Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100028 sd1: 0xE0101028 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Host control register Power control register Block gap control register Wake-up control register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1544 Appendix B: Register Details Register Host_control_Power_control_Block_Gap_Control_Wakeup_control Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 ro 0x0 Reserved Wakeup_Event_Enable_ On_SD_Card_Removal 26 rw 0x0 This bit enables wakeup event via Card Removal assertion in the Normal Interrupt Status register. FN_WUS (Wake up Support) in CIS does not affect this bit. 1 - Enable 0 - Disable Wakeup_Event_Enable_ On_SD_Card_Insertion 25 rw 0x0 This bit enables wakeup event via Card Insertion assertion in the Normal Interrupt Status register. FN_WUS (Wake up Support) in CIS does not affect this bit. 1 - Enable 0 - Disable Wakeup_Event_Enable_ On_Card_Interrupt 24 rw 0x0 This bit enables wakeup event via Card Interrupt assertion in the Normal Interrupt Status register. This bit can be set to 1 if FN_WUS (Wake Up Support) in CIS is set to 1. 1 - Enable 0 - Disable reserved 23:20 ro 0x0 Reserved Interrupt_At_Block_Gap 19 rw 0x0 This bit is valid only in 4-bit mode of the SDIO card and selects a sample point in the interrupt cycle. Setting to 1 enables interrupt detection at the block gap for a multiple block transfer. If the SD card cannot signal an interrupt during a multiple block transfer, this bit should be set to 0. When the HD detects an SD card insertion, it shall set this bit according to the CCCR of the SDIO card. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1545 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Read_Wait_Control 18 rw 0x0 The read wait function is optional for SDIO cards. If the card supports read wait, set this bit to enable use of the read wait protocol to stop read data using DAT[2] line. Otherwise the HC has to stop the SD clock to hold read data, which restricts commands generation. When the HD detects an SD card insertion, it shall set this bit according to the CCCR of the SDIO card. If the card does not support read wait, this bit shall never be set to 1 otherwise DAT line conflict may occur. If this bit is set to 0, Suspend / Resume cannot be supported 1 - Enable Read Wait Control 0 - Disable Read Wait Control Continue_Request 17 rw 0x0 This bit is used to restart a transaction which was stopped using the Stop At Block Gap Request. To cancel stop at the block gap, set Stop At block Gap Request to 0 and set this bit to restart the transfer. The HC automatically clears this bit in either of the following cases: 1) In the case of a read transaction, the DAT Line Active changes from 0 to 1 as a read transaction restarts. 2) In the case of a write transaction, the Write transfer active changes from 0 to 1 as the write transaction restarts. Therefore it is not necessary for Host driver to set this bit to 0. If Stop At Block Gap Request is set to 1, any write to this bit is ignored. 1 - Restart 0 - Ignored Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1546 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Stop_At_Block_Gap_Req uest 16 rw 0x0 This bit is used to stop executing a transaction at the next block gap for non- DMA,SDMA and ADMA transfers. Until the transfer complete is set to 1, indicating a transfer completion the HD shall leave this bit set to 1. Clearing both the Stop At Block Gap Request and Continue Request shall not cause the transaction to restart. Read Wait is used to stop the read transaction at the block gap. The HC shall honor Stop At Block Gap Request for write transfers, but for read transfers it requires that the SD card support Read Wait. Therefore the HD shall not set this bit during read transfers unless the SD card supports Read Wait and has set Read Wait Control to 1. In case of write transfers in which the HD writes data to the Buffer Data Port register, the HD shall set this bit after all block data is written. If this bit is set to 1, the HD shall not write data to Buffer data port register. This bit affects Read Transfer Active, Write Transfer Active, DAT line active and Command Inhibit (DAT) in the Present State register. 1 - Stop 0 - Transfer reserved 15:12 ro 0x0 Reserved SD_Bus_Voltage_Select 11:9 rw 0x0 By setting these bits, the HD selects the voltage level for the SD card. Before setting this register, the HD shall check the voltage support bits in the capabilities register. If an unsupported voltage is selected, the Host System shall not supply SD bus voltage 111b - 3.3 Flattop.) 110b - 3.0 V(Typ.) 101b - 1.8 V(Typ.) 100b - 000b - Reserved SD_Bus_Power 8 rw 0x0 Before setting this bit, the SD host driver shall set SD Bus Voltage Select. If the HC detects the No Card State, this bit shall be cleared. 1 - Power on 0 - Power off Card_detect_signal_det etction 7 rw 0x0 This bit selects source for card detection. 1- The card detect test level is selected 0 -SDCD# is selected (for normal use) Card_Detect_Test_Level 6 rw 0x0 This bit is enabled while the Card Detect Signal Selection is set to 1 and it indicates card inserted or not. Generates (card ins or card removal) interrupt when the normal int sts enable bit is set. 1 - Card Inserted 0 - No Card Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1547 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 5 ro 0x0 Reserved DMA_Select 4:3 rw 0x0 One of supported DMA modes can be selected. The host driver shall check support of DMA modes by referring the Capabilities register. 00 - SDMA is selected 01 - 32-bit Address ADMA1 is selected 10 -32-bit Address ADMA2 is selected 11 - 64-bit Address ADMA2 is selected High_Speed_Enable 2 rw 0x0 This bit is optional. Before setting this bit, the HD shall check the High Speed Support in the capabilities register. If this bit is set to 0 (default), the HC outputs CMD line and DAT lines at the falling edge of the SD clock (up to 25 MHz/20 MHz for MMC). If this bit is set to 1, the HC outputs CMD line and DAT lines at the rising edge of the SD clock (up to 50 MHz for SD/52 MHz for MMC) 1 - High Speed Mode 0 - Normal Speed Mode Data_Transfer_Width_S D1_or_SD4 1 rw 0x0 This bit selects the data width of the HC. The HD shall select it to match the data width of the SD card. 1 - 4 bit mode 0 - 1 bit mode LED_Control 0 rw 0x0 This bit is used to caution the user not to remove the card while the SD card is being accessed. If the software is going to issue multiple SD commands, this bit can be set during all transactions. It is not necessary to change for each transaction. 1 - LED on 0 - LED off Register (sdio) Clock_Control_Timeout_control_Software_reset Name Clock_Control_Timeout_control_Software_reset Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address sd0: 0xE010002C sd1: 0xE010102C Width 27 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Clock Control register Timeout control register Software reset register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1548 Appendix B: Register Details Register Clock_Control_Timeout_control_Software_reset Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Software_Reset_for_DA T_Line 26 rw 0x0 Only part of data circuit is reset. The following registers and bits are cleared by this bit: Buffer Data Port Register Buffer is cleared and Initialized. Present State register Buffer read Enable Buffer write Enable Read Transfer Active Write Transfer Active DAT Line Active Command Inhibit (DAT) Block Gap Control register Continue Request Stop At Block Gap Request Normal Interrupt Status register Buffer Read Ready Buffer Write Ready Block Gap Event Transfer Complete 1 - Reset 0 - Work Software_Reset_for_CM D_Line 25 rw 0x0 Only part of command circuit is reset. The following registers and bits are cleared by this bit: Present State register Command Inhibit (CMD) Normal Interrupt Status register Command Complete 1 - Reset 0 - Work Software_Reset_for_All 24 rw 0x0 This reset affects the entire HC except for the card detection circuit. Register bits of type ROC, RW, RW1C, RWAC are cleared to 0. During its initialization, the HD shall set this bit to 1 to reset the HC. The HC shall reset this bit to 0 when capabilities registers are valid and the HD can read them. Additional use of Software Reset For All may not affect the value of the Capabilities registers. If this bit is set to 1, the SD card shall reset itself and must be re initialized by the HD. 1 - Reset 0 - Work reserved 23:20 ro 0x0 Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1549 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Data_Timeout_Counter _Value_ 19:16 rw 0x0 This value determines the interval by which DAT line time-outs are detected. Refer to the Data Timeout Error in the Error Interrupt Status register for information on factors that dictate Timeout generation. Timeout clock frequency will be generated by dividing the sdclockTMCLK by this value. When setting this register, prevent inadvertent Timeout events by clearing the Data Time-out Error Status Enable (in the Error Interrupt Status Enable register) 1111 - Reserved 1110 - TMCLK * 2^27 ----------------------------------------------------------0001 - TMCLK * 2^14 0000 - TMCLK * 2^13 SDCLK_Frequency_Sele ct 15:8 rw 0x0 This register is used to select the frequency of the SDCLK pin. The frequency is not programmed directly; rather this register holds the divisor of the Base Clock Frequency For SD clock in the capabilities register. Only the following settings are allowed. 80h - base clock divided by 256 40h - base clock divided by 128 20h - base clock divided by 64 10h - base clock divided by 32 08h - base clock divided by 16 04h - base clock divided by 8 02h - base clock divided by 4 01h - base clock divided by 2 00h - base clock(10MHz-63MHz) Setting 00h specifies the highest frequency of the SD Clock. When setting multiple bits, the most significant bit is used as the divisor. But multiple bits should not be set. The two default divider values can be calculated by the frequency that is defined by the Base Clock Frequency For SD Clock in the Capabilities register. 1) 25 MHz divider value 2) 400 KHz divider value The frequency of the SDCLK is set by the following formula: Clock Frequency = (Baseclock) / divisor. Thus choose the smallest possible divisor which results in a clock frequency that is less than or equal to the target frequency. Maximum Frequency for SD = 50Mhz (base clock) Maximum Frequency for MMC = 52Mhz (base clock) Minimum Frequency = 195.3125Khz (50Mhz / 256), same calc for MMC also Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1550 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 7:3 ro 0x0 Reserved SD_Clock_Enable 2 rw 0x0 The HC shall stop SDCLK when writing this bit to 0. SDCLK frequency Select can be changed when this bit is 0. Then, the HC shall maintain the same clock frequency until SDCLK is stopped (Stop at SDCLK = 0). If the HC detects the No Card state, this bit shall be cleared. 1 - Enable 0 - Disable Internal_Clock_Stable 1 ro 0x0 This bit is set to 1 when SD clock is stable after writing to Internal Clock Enable in this register to 1. The SD Host Driver shall wait to set SD Clock Enable until this bit is set to 1. Note: This is useful when using PLL for a clock oscillator that requires setup time. 1 - Ready 0 - Not Ready Internal_Clock_Enable 0 rw 0x0 This bit is set to 0 when the HD is not using the HC or the HC awaits a wakeup event. The HC should stop its internal clock to go very low power state. Still, registers shall be able to be read and written. Clock starts to oscillate when this bit is set to 1. When clock oscillation is stable, the HC shall set Internal Clock Stable in this register to 1. This bit shall not affect card detection. 1 - Oscillate 0 - Stop Register (sdio) Normal_interrupt_status_Error_interrupt_status Name Normal_interrupt_status_Error_interrupt_status Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100030 sd1: 0xE0101030 Width 30 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Normal interrupt status register Error interrupt status register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1551 Appendix B: Register Details Register Normal_interrupt_status_Error_interrupt_status Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Ceata_Error_Status 29 wtc 0x0 Occurs when ATA command termination has occurred due to an error condition the device has encountered. 0 - no error 1 - error Target_Response_error 28 wtc 0x0 Occurs when detecting ERROR in m_hresp(dma transaction) 0 - no error 1 - error reserved 27:26 ro 0x0 Reserved ADMA_Error 25 wtc 0x0 This bit is set when the Host Controller detects errors during ADMA based data transfer. The state of the ADMA at an error occurrence is saved in the ADMA Error Status Register. 1- Error 0 -No error Auto_CMD12_Error 24 wtc 0x0 Occurs when detecting that one of the bits in Auto CMD12 Error Status register has changed from 0 to 1. This bit is set to 1 also when Auto CMD12 is not executed due to the previous command error. 0 - No Error 1 - Error Current_Limit_Error 23 wtc 0x0 By setting the SD Bus Power bit in the Power Control Register, the HC is requested to supply power for the SD Bus. If the HC supports the Current Limit Function, it can be protected from an Illegal card by stopping power supply to the card in which case this bit indicates a failure status. Reading 1 means the HC is not supplying power to SD card due to some failure. Reading 0 means that the HC is supplying power and no error has occurred. This bit shall always set to be 0, if the HC does not support this function. 0 - No Error 1 - Power Fail Data_End_Bit_Error 22 wtc 0x0 Occurs when detecting 0 at the end bit position of read data which uses the DAT line or the end bit position of the CRC status. 0 - No Error 1 - Error Data_CRC_Error 21 wtc 0x0 Occurs when detecting CRC error when transferring read data which uses the DAT line or when detecting the Write CRC Status having a value of other than '010'. 0 - No Error 1 - Error Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1552 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Data_Timeout_Error 20 wtc 0x0 Occurs when detecting one of following timeout conditions. 1. Busy Timeout for R1b, R5b type. 2. Busy Timeout after Write CRC status 3. Write CRC status Timeout 4. Read Data Timeout 0 - No Error 1 - Timeout Command_Index_Error 19 wtc 0x0 Occurs if a Command Index error occurs in the Command Response. 0 - No Error 1 - Error Command_End_Bit_Err or 18 wtc 0x0 Occurs when detecting that the end bit of a command response is 0. 0 - No Error 1 - End Bit Error Generated Command_CRC_Error 17 wtc 0x0 Command CRC Error is generated in two cases. 1. If a response is returned and the Command Timeout Error is set to 0, this bit is set to 1 when detecting a CRT error in the command response 2. The HC detects a CMD line conflict by monitoring the CMD line when a command is issued. If the HC drives the CMD line to 1 level, but detects 0 level on the CMD line at the next SDCLK edge, then the HC shall abort the command (Stop driving CMD line) and set this bit to 1. The Command Timeout Error shall also be set to 1 to distinguish CMD line conflict. 0 - No Error 1 - CRC Error Generated Command_Timeout_Err or 16 wtc 0x0 Occurs only if the no response is returned within 64 SDCLK cycles from the end bit of the command. If the HC detects a CMD line conflict, in which case Command CRC Error shall also be set. This bit shall be set without waiting for 64 SDCLK cycles because the command will be aborted by the HC. 0 - No Error 1 - Timeout Error_Interrupt 15 ro 0x0 If any of the bits in the Error Interrupt Status Register are set, then this bit is set. Therefore the HD can test for an error by checking this bit first. 0 - No Error. 1 - Error. reserved 14:11 ro 0x0 Reserved Boot_terminate_Interru pt 10 wtc 0x0 This status is set if the boot operation get terminated 0 - Boot operation is not terminated. 1 - Boot operation is terminated Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1553 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Boot_ack_rcv 9 wtc 0x0 This status is set if the boot acknowledge is received from device. 0 - Boot ack is not received. 1 - Boot ack is received. Card_Interrupt 8 ro 0x0 Writing this bit to 1 does not clear this bit. It is cleared by resetting the SD card interrupt factor. In 1-bit mode, the HC shall detect the Card Interrupt without SD Clock to support wakeup. In 4-bit mode, the card interrupt signal is sampled during the interrupt cycle, so there are some sample delays between the interrupt signal from the card and the interrupt to the Host system. when this status has been set and the HD needs to start this interrupt service, Card Interrupt Status Enable in the Normal Interrupt Status register shall be set to 0 in order to clear the card interrupt statuses latched in the HC and stop driving the Host System. After completion of the card interrupt service (the reset factor in the SD card and the interrupt signal may not be asserted), set Card Interrupt Status Enable to 1 and start sampling the interrupt signal again. 0 - No Card Interrupt 1 - Generate Card Interrupt Card_Removal 7 wtc 0x0 This status is set if the Card Inserted in the Present State register changes from 1 to 0. When the HD writes this bit to 1 to clear this status the status of the Card Inserted in the Present State register should be confirmed. Because the card detect may possibly be changed when the HD clear this bit an Interrupt event may not be generated. 0 - Card State Stable or Debouncing 1 - Card Removed Card_Insertion 6 wtc 0x0 This status is set if the Card Inserted in the Present State register changes from 0 to 1. When the HD writes this bit to 1 to clear this status the status of the Card Inserted in the Present State register should be confirmed. Because the card detect may possibly be changed when the HD clear this bit an Interrupt event may not be generated. 0 - Card State Stable or Debouncing 1 - Card Inserted Buffer_Read_Ready 5 wtc 0x0 This status is set if the Buffer Read Enable changes from 0 to 1. 0 - Not Ready to read Buffer. 1 - Ready to read Buffer. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1554 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Buffer_Write_Ready 4 wtc 0x0 This status is set if the Buffer Write Enable changes from 0 to 1. 0 - Not Ready to Write Buffer. 1 - Ready to Write Buffer. DMA_Interrupt 3 wtc 0x0 This status is set if the HC detects the Host DMA Buffer Boundary in the Block Size register. 0 - No DMA Interrupt 1 - DMA Interrupt is Generated Block_Gap_Event 2 wtc 0x0 If the Stop At Block Gap Request in the Block Gap Control Register is set, this bit is set. Read Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of the DAT Line Active Status (When the transaction is stopped at SD Bus timing. The Read Wait must be supported in order to use this function). Write Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of Write Transfer Active Status (After getting CRC status at SD Bus timing). 0 - No Block Gap Event 1 - Transaction stopped at Block Gap Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1555 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Transfer_Complete 1 wtc 0x0 This bit is set when a read / write transaction is completed. Read Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of Read Transfer Active Status. There are two cases in which the Interrupt is generated. The first is when a data transfer is completed as specified by data length (After the last data has been read to the Host System). The second is when data has stopped at the block gap and completed the data transfer by setting the Stop At Block Gap Request in the Block Gap Control Register (After valid data has been read to the Host System). Write Transaction: This bit is set at the falling edge of the DAT Line Active Status. There are two cases in which the Interrupt is generated. The first is when the last data is written to the card as specified by data length and Busy signal is released. The second is when data transfers are stopped at the block gap by setting Stop At Block Gap Request in the Block Gap Control Register and data transfers completed. (After valid data is written to the SD card and the busy signal is released). Note: Transfer Complete has higher priority than Data Timeout Error. If both bits are set to 1, the data transfer can be considered complete 0 - No Data Transfer Complete 1 - Data Transfer Complete Command_Complete 0 wtc 0x0 This bit is set when get the end bit of the command response (Except Auto CMD12). Note: Command Timeout Error has higher priority than Command Complete. If both are set to 1, it can be considered that the response was not received correctly. 0 - No Command Complete 1 - Command Complete Register (sdio) Normal_interrupt_status_enable_Error_interrupt_status_enable Name Normal_interrupt_status_enable_Error_interrupt_status_enable Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100034 sd1: 0xE0101034 Width 30 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1556 Appendix B: Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Normal interrupt status enable register Error interrupt status enable register Register Details Register Normal_interrupt_status_enable_Error_interrupt_status_enable Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Ceata_Error_Status_Ena ble 29 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Target_Response_Error_ Status_Enable 28 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled reserved 27:26 ro 0x0 Reserved ADMA_Error_Status_En able 25 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Auto_CMD12_Error_Sta tus_Enable 24 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Current_Limit_Error_Sta tus_Enable 23 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Data_End_Bit_Error_Stat us_Enable 22 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Data_CRC_Error_Status_ Enable 21 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Data_Timeout_Error_St atus_Enable 20 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_Index_Error_ Status_Enable 19 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_End_Bit_Err or_Status_Enable 18 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_CRC_Error_S tatus_Enable 17 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_Timeout_Err or_Status_Enable 16 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Fixed_to_0 15 ro 0x0 The HC shall control error Interrupts using the Error Interrupt Status Enable register. reserved 14:11 ro 0x0 Reserved Boot_terminate_Interru pt_enable 10 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Boot_ack_rcv_enable 9 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1557 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Card_Interrupt_Status_ Enable 8 rw 0x0 If this bit is set to 0, the HC shall clear Interrupt request to the System. The Card Interrupt detection is stopped when this bit is cleared and restarted when this bit is set to 1. The HD should clear the Card Interrupt Status Enable before servicing the Card Interrupt and should set this bit again after all Interrupt requests from the card are cleared to prevent inadvertent Interrupts. 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Card_Removal_Status_E nable 7 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Card_Insertion_Status_ Enable 6 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Buffer_Read_Ready_Sta tus_Enable 5 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Buffer_Write_Ready_Sta tus_Enable 4 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled DMA_Interrupt_Status_ Enable 3 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Block_Gap_Event_Status _Enable 2 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Transfer_Complete_Stat us_Enable 1 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_Complete_S tatus_Enable 0 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Register (sdio) Normal_interrupt_signal_enable_Error_interrupt_signal_enable Name Normal_interrupt_signal_enable_Error_interrupt_signal_enable Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100038 sd1: 0xE0101038 Width 30 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Normal interrupt signal enable register Error interrupt signal enable register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1558 Appendix B: Register Details Register Normal_interrupt_signal_enable_Error_interrupt_signal_enable Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Ceata_Error_Signal_Ena ble 29 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Target_Response_Error_ Signal_Enable 28 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled reserved 27:26 ro 0x0 Reserved ADMA_Error_Signal_En able 25 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Auto_CMD12_Error_Sig nal_Enable 24 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Current_Limit_Error_Sig nal_Enable 23 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Data_End_Bit_Error_Sig nal_Enable 22 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Data_CRC_Error_Signal_ Enable 21 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Data_Timeout_Error_Si gnal_Enable 20 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_Index_Error_ Signal_Enable 19 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_End_Bit_Err or_Signal_Enable 18 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_CRC_Error_S ignal_Enable 17 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_Timeout_Err or_Signal_Enable 16 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Fixed_to_0 15 ro 0x0 The HD shall control error Interrupts using the Error Interrupt Signal Enable register. reserved 14:11 ro 0x0 Reserved Boot_terminate_Interru pt_signal_enable 10 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Boot_ack_rcv_signal_en able 9 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Card_Interrupt_Signal_ Enable 8 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Card_Removal_Signal_E nable 7 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Card_Insertion_Signal_ Enable 6 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1559 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Buffer_Read_Ready_Sig nal_Enable 5 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Buffer_Write_Ready_Sig nal_Enable 4 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled DMA_Interrupt_Signal_ Enable 3 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Block_Gap_Event_Signa l_Enable 2 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Transfer_Complete_Sig nal_Enable 1 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Command_Complete_S ignal_Enable 0 rw 0x0 0 - Masked 1 - Enabled Register (sdio) Auto_CMD12_error_status Name Auto_CMD12_error_status Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address sd0: 0xE010003C sd1: 0xE010103C Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Auto CMD12 error status register Register Auto_CMD12_error_status Details When Auto CMD12 Error Status is set, the HD shall check this register to identify what kind of error Auto CMD12 indicated. This register is valid only when the Auto CMD12 Error is set. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Command_Not_Issued_ By_Auto_CMD12_Error 7 ro 0x0 Setting this bit to 1 means CMD_wo_DAT is not executed due to an Auto CMD12 error (D04 - D01) in this register. 0 - No Error 1 - Not Issued reserved 6:5 ro 0x0 Reserved Auto_CMD12_Index_Err or 4 ro 0x0 Occurs if the Command Index error occurs in response to a command. 0 - No Error 1 - Error Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1560 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Auto_CMD12_End_Bit_E rror 3 ro 0x0 Occurs when detecting that the end bit of command response is 0. 0 - No Error 1 - End Bit Error Generated Auto_CMD12_CRC_Erro r 2 ro 0x0 Occurs when detecting a CRC error in the command response. 0 - No Error 1 - CRC Error Generated Auto_CMD12_Timeout_ Error 1 ro 0x0 Occurs if the no response is returned within 64 SDCLK cycles from the end bit of the command. If this bit is set to 1, the other error status bits (D04 - D02) are meaningless. 0 - No Error 1 - Timeout Auto_CMD12_not_Exec uted 0 ro 0x0 If memory multiple block data transfer is not started due to command error, this bit is not set because it is not necessary to issue Auto CMD12. Setting this bit to 1 means the HC cannot issue Auto CMD12 to stop memory multiple block transfer due to some error. If this bit is set to 1, other error status bits (D04 - D01) are meaningless. 0 - Executed 1 - Not Executed Register (sdio) Capabilities Name Capabilities Relative Address 0x00000040 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100040 sd1: 0xE0101040 Width 31 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x69EC0080 Description Capabilities register Register Capabilities Details This register provides the HD with information specific to the HC implementation. The HC may implement these values as fixed or loaded from flash memory during power on initialization. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1561 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Spi_block_mode 30 ro 0x1 Spi block mode 0 - Not Supported 1 - Supported Spi_mode 29 ro 0x1 Spi mode 0 - Not Supported 1 - Supported 64_bit_System_Bus_Sup port 28 ro 0x0 1 - supports 64 bit system address 0 - Does not support 64 bit system address Interrupt_mode 27 ro 0x1 Interrupt mode 0 - Not Supported 1 - Supported Voltage_Support_1_8_V 26 ro 0x0 0 - 1.8 V Not Supported 1 - 1.8 V Supported Voltage_Support_3_0_V 25 ro 0x0 0 - 3.0 V Not Supported 1 - 3.0 V Supported Voltage_Support_3_3_V 24 ro 0x1 0 - 3.3 V Not Supported 1 - 3.3 V Supported Suspend_Resume_Supp ort 23 ro 0x1 This bit indicates whether the HC supports Suspend / Resume functionality. If this bit is 0, the Suspend and Resume mechanism are not supported and the HD shall not issue either Suspend / Resume commands. 0 - Not Supported 1 - Supported SDMA_Support 22 ro 0x1 This bit indicates whether the HC is capable of using DMA to transfer data between system memory and the HC directly. 0 - SDMA Not Supported 1 - SDMA Supported. High_Speed_Support 21 ro 0x1 This bit indicates whether the HC and the Host System support High Speed mode and they can supply SD Clock frequency from 25Mhz to 50 MHz (for SD)/ 20MHz to 52MHz (for MMC). 0 - High Speed Not Supported 1 - High Speed Supported reserved 20 ro 0x0 Reserved ADMA2_Support 19 ro 0x1 1 - ADMA2 support. 0 - ADMA2 not support Extended_Media_Bus_S upport 18 ro 0x1 This bit indicates whether the Host Controller is capable bus. 1 - Extended Media Bus Supported 0 - Extended Media Bus not Supported Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1562 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Max_Block_Length 17:16 ro 0x0 This value indicates the maximum block size that the HD can read and write to the buffer in the HC. The buffer shall transfer this block size without wait cycles. Three sizes can be defined as indicated below. 00 - 512 byte 01 - 1024 byte 10 - 2048 byte 11 - 4096 byte reserved 15:14 ro 0x0 Reserved reserved 13:8 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Timeout_Clock_Unit 7 ro 0x1 This bit shows the unit of base clock frequency used to detect Data Timeout Error. 0 - KHz 1 - MHz reserved 6 ro 0x0 Reserved reserved 5:0 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (sdio) Maximum_current_capabilities Name Maximum_current_capabilities Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100048 sd1: 0xE0101048 Width 24 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Maximum current capabilities register Register Maximum_current_capabilities Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Maximum_Current_for_ 1_8V 23:16 ro 0x0 Maximum Current for 1.8V Maximum_Current_for_ 3_0V 15:8 ro 0x0 Maximum Current for 3.0V Maximum_Current_for_ 3_3V 7:0 ro 0x1 Maximum Current for 3.3V Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1563 Appendix B: Register Details Register (sdio) Force_event_for_AutoCmd12_Error_Status_Force_event_register_for_error_ interrupt_status Name Force_event_for_AutoCmd12_Error_Status_Force_event_register_for_error_interrupt_ status Relative Address 0x00000050 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100050 sd1: 0xE0101050 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Force event register for Auto CMD12 error status register Force event register for error interrupt status Register Force_event_for_AutoCmd12_Error_Status_Force_event_register_for_error_interrupt_st atus Details The Force Event Register is not a physically implemented register. Rather, it is an address at which the Auto CMD12 Error Status Register can be written. Writing 1:set each bit of the Auto CMD12 Error Status Register Writing 0:no effect. The Force Event Register is not a physically implemented register. Rather, it is an address at which the Error Interrupt Status register can be written. The effect of a write to this address will be reflected in the Error Interrupt Status Register if the corresponding bit of the Error Interrupt Status Enable Register is set. Writing 1:set each bit of the Error Interrupt Status Register Writing 0:no effect Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Force_Event_for_Vendo r_Specific_Error_Status 31:30 wo 0x0 Additional status bits can be defined in this register by the vendor. 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Ceata_ error 29 wo 0x0 Force Event for Ceata Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_event_for_Target _Response_error 28 wo 0x0 Force Event for Target Response Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1564 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 27:26 ro 0x0 Reserved Force_Event_for_ADMA _Error 25 wo 0x0 Force Event for ADMA Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Auto_ CMD12_Error 24 wo 0x0 Force Event for Auto CMD12 Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Curren t_Limit_Error 23 wo 0x0 Force Event for Current Limit Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Data_E nd_Bit_Error 22 wo 0x0 Force Event for Data End Bit Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Data_ CRC_Error 21 wo 0x0 Force Event for Data CRC Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Data__ Timeout_Error 20 wo 0x0 Force Event for Data Timeout Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Comm and_Index_Error 19 wo 0x0 Force Event for Command Index Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Comm and_End_Bit_Error 18 wo 0x0 Force Event for Command End Bit Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Comm and_CRC_Error 17 wo 0x0 Force Event for Command CRC Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt Force_Event_for_Comm and_Timeout_Error 16 wo 0x0 Force Event for Command Timeout Error 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - No interrupt reserved 15:8 ro 0x0 Reserved Force_Event_for_comm and_not_issued_by_Aut o_CMD12_Error 7 wo 0x0 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - no interrupt reserved 6:5 ro 0x0 Reserved Force_Event_for_Auto_ CMD12_Index_Error 4 wo 0x0 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - no interrupt Force_Event_for_Auto_ CMD12_End_bit_Error 3 wo 0x0 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - no interrupt Force_Event_for_Auto_ CMD12_CRC_Error 2 wo 0x0 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - no interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Register Details www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1565 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Force_Event_for_Auto_ CMD12_timeout_Error 1 wo 0x0 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - no interrupt Force_Event_for_Auto_ CMD12_NOT_Executed 0 wo 0x0 1 - Interrupt is generated 0 - no interrupt Register (sdio) ADMA_error_status Name ADMA_error_status Relative Address 0x00000054 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100054 sd1: 0xE0101054 Width 3 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ADMA error status register Register ADMA_error_status Details When ADMA Error Interrupt occurs, the ADMA Error States field in this register holds the ADMA state and the ADMA System Address Register holds the address around the error descriptor. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1566 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description ADMA_Length_Mismat ch_Error 2 wtc 0x0 This error occurs in the following 2 cases. 1. While Block Count Enable being set, the total data length specified by the Descriptor table is different from that specified by the Block Count and Block Length. 2. Total data length can not be divided by the block length. 1 - Error 0 - No error ADMA_Error_State 1:0 ro 0x0 This field indicates the state of ADMA when error is occurred during ADMA data transfer. This field never indicates "10" because ADMA never stops in this state. D01 - D00 : ADMA Error State when error is occurred Contents of SYS_SDR register 00 - ST_STOP (Stop DMA) Points next of the error descriptor 01 - ST_FDS (Fetch Descriptor) Points the error descriptor 10 - Never set this state (Not used) 11 - ST_TFR (Transfer Data) Points the next of the error descriptor Register (sdio) ADMA_system_address Name ADMA_system_address Relative Address 0x00000058 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100058 sd1: 0xE0101058 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ADMA system address register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1567 Appendix B: Register Details Register ADMA_system_address Details Field Name ADMA_System_Address Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description This register holds byte address of executing command of the Descriptor table. 32-bit Address Descriptor uses lower 32bit of this register. At the start of ADMA, the Host Driver shall set start address of the Descriptor table. The ADMA increments this register address, which points to next line, when every fetching a Descriptor line. When the ADMA Error Interrupt is generated, this register shall hold valid Descriptor address depending on the ADMA state. The Host Driver shall program Descriptor Table on 32-bit boundary and set 32-bit boundary address to this register. ADMA2 ignores lower 2-bit of this register and assumes it to be 00b. 32-bit Address ADMA Register Value 32bit System Address 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000004 0x00000004 to 0xFFFFFFFC 0xFFFFFFFC Register (sdio) Boot_Timeout_control Name Boot_Timeout_control Relative Address 0x00000060 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100060 sd1: 0xE0101060 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Boot Timeout control register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1568 Appendix B: Register Details Register Boot_Timeout_control Details Field Name Boot_Data_Timeout_Co unter_Value Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description This value determines the interval by which DAT line time-outs are detected during boot operation for MMC3.31 card. The value is in number of sd clock. Register (sdio) Debug_Selection Name Debug_Selection Relative Address 0x00000064 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE0100064 sd1: 0xE0101064 Width 1 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Debug Selection Register Register Debug_Selection Details Field Name Debug_sel Bits 0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description 1- cmd register, Interrupt status, transmitter module, ahb_iface module and clk sdcard signals are probed out. 0 - receiver module and fifo_ctrl module signals are probed out Register (sdio) SPI_interrupt_support Name SPI_interrupt_support Relative Address 0x000000F0 Absolute Address sd0: 0xE01000F0 sd1: 0xE01010F0 Width 8 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SPI interrupt support register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1569 Appendix B: Register Details Register SPI_interrupt_support Details Field Name SPI_INT_SUPPORT Bits 7:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description This bit is set to indicate the assertion of interrupts in the SPI mode at any time, irrespective of the status of the card select (CS) line. If this bit is zero, then SDIO card can only assert the interrupt line in the SPI mode when the CS line is asserted. Register (sdio) Slot_interrupt_status_Host_controller_version Name Slot_interrupt_status_Host_controller_version Relative Address 0x000000FC Absolute Address sd0: 0xE01000FC sd1: 0xE01010FC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x89010000 Description Slot interrupt status register and Host controller version register Register Slot_interrupt_status_Host_controller_version Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Vendor_Version_Numb er 31:24 ro 0x89 This status is reserved for the vendor version number. The HD should not use this status. Specification_Version_ Number 23:16 ro 0x1 This status indicates the Host Controller Spec. Version. The upper and lower 4-bits indicate the version. 00 - SD Host Specification version 1.0 01 - SD Host Specification version 2.00 including only the feature of the Test Register others - Reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1570 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 15:8 ro 0x0 Reserved Interrupt_Signal_for_Ea ch_Slot 7:0 ro 0x0 These status bit indicate the logical OR of Interrupt signal and Wakeup signal for each slot. A maximum of 8 slots can be defined. If one interrupt signal is associated with multiple slots. the HD can know which interrupt is generated by reading these status bits. By a power on reset or by Software Reset For All, the Interrupt signal shall be de asserted and this status shall read 00h. Bit 00 - Slot 1 Bit 01 - Slot 2 Bit 02 - Slot 3 ----- ----Bit 07 - Slot 8 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1571 Appendix B: Register Details B.28 System Level Control Registers (slcr) Module Name System Level Control Registers (slcr) Base Address 0xF8000000 slcr Description System Level Control Registers Vendor Info Xilinx Zynq slcr Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description SCL 0x00000000 32 rw 0x00000000 Secure Configuration Lock SLCR_LOCK 0x00000004 32 wo 0x00000000 SLCR Write Protection Lock SLCR_UNLOCK 0x00000008 32 wo 0x00000000 SLCR Write Protection Unlock SLCR_LOCKSTA 0x0000000C 32 ro 0x00000001 SLCR Write Protection Status ARM_PLL_CTRL 0x00000100 32 rw 0x0001A008 ARM PLL Control DDR_PLL_CTRL 0x00000104 32 rw 0x0001A008 DDR PLL Control IO_PLL_CTRL 0x00000108 32 rw 0x0001A008 IO PLL Control PLL_STATUS 0x0000010C 32 ro 0x0000003F PLL Status ARM_PLL_CFG 0x00000110 32 rw 0x00177EA0 ARM PLL Configuration DDR_PLL_CFG 0x00000114 32 rw 0x00177EA0 DDR PLL Configuration IO_PLL_CFG 0x00000118 32 rw 0x00177EA0 IO PLL Configuration ARM_CLK_CTRL 0x00000120 32 rw 0x1F000400 CPU Clock Control DDR_CLK_CTRL 0x00000124 32 rw 0x18400003 DDR Clock Control DCI_CLK_CTRL 0x00000128 32 rw 0x01E03201 DCI clock control APER_CLK_CTRL 0x0000012C 32 rw 0x01FFCCCD AMBA Peripheral Clock Control USB0_CLK_CTRL 0x00000130 32 rw 0x00101941 USB 0 ULPI Clock Control USB1_CLK_CTRL 0x00000134 32 rw 0x00101941 USB 1 ULPI Clock Control GEM0_RCLK_CTRL 0x00000138 32 rw 0x00000001 GigE 0 Rx Clock and Rx Signals Select GEM1_RCLK_CTRL 0x0000013C 32 rw 0x00000001 GigE 1 Rx Clock and Rx Signals Select GEM0_CLK_CTRL 0x00000140 32 rw 0x00003C01 GigE 0 Ref Clock Control GEM1_CLK_CTRL 0x00000144 32 rw 0x00003C01 GigE 1 Ref Clock Control SMC_CLK_CTRL 0x00000148 32 rw 0x00003C21 SMC Ref Clock Control LQSPI_CLK_CTRL 0x0000014C 32 rw 0x00002821 Quad SPI Ref Clock Control SDIO_CLK_CTRL 0x00000150 32 rw 0x00001E03 SDIO Ref Clock Control UART_CLK_CTRL 0x00000154 32 rw 0x00003F03 UART Ref Clock Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1572 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description SPI_CLK_CTRL 0x00000158 32 rw 0x00003F03 SPI Ref Clock Control CAN_CLK_CTRL 0x0000015C 32 rw 0x00501903 CAN Ref Clock Control CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL 0x00000160 32 rw 0x00000000 CAN MIO Clock Control DBG_CLK_CTRL 0x00000164 32 rw 0x00000F03 SoC Debug Clock Control PCAP_CLK_CTRL 0x00000168 32 rw 0x00000F01 PCAP Clock Control TOPSW_CLK_CTRL 0x0000016C 32 rw 0x00000000 Central Interconnect Clock Control FPGA0_CLK_CTRL 0x00000170 32 rw 0x00101800 PL Clock 0 Output control FPGA0_THR_CTRL 0x00000174 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 0 Throttle control FPGA0_THR_CNT 0x00000178 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 0 Throttle Count control FPGA0_THR_STA 0x0000017C 32 ro 0x00010000 PL Clock 0 Throttle Status read FPGA1_CLK_CTRL 0x00000180 32 rw 0x00101800 PL Clock 1 Output control FPGA1_THR_CTRL 0x00000184 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 1 Throttle control FPGA1_THR_CNT 0x00000188 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 1 Throttle Count FPGA1_THR_STA 0x0000018C 32 ro 0x00010000 PL Clock 1 Throttle Status control FPGA2_CLK_CTRL 0x00000190 32 rw 0x00101800 PL Clock 2 output control FPGA2_THR_CTRL 0x00000194 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 2 Throttle Control FPGA2_THR_CNT 0x00000198 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 2 Throttle Count FPGA2_THR_STA 0x0000019C 32 ro 0x00010000 PL Clock 2 Throttle Status FPGA3_CLK_CTRL 0x000001A0 32 rw 0x00101800 PL Clock 3 output control FPGA3_THR_CTRL 0x000001A4 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 3 Throttle Control FPGA3_THR_CNT 0x000001A8 32 rw 0x00000000 PL Clock 3 Throttle Count FPGA3_THR_STA 0x000001AC 32 ro 0x00010000 PL Clock 3 Throttle Status CLK_621_TRUE 0x000001C4 32 rw 0x00000001 CPU Clock Ratio Mode select PSS_RST_CTRL 0x00000200 32 rw 0x00000000 PS Software Reset Control DDR_RST_CTRL 0x00000204 32 rw 0x00000000 DDR Software Reset Control TOPSW_RST_CTRL 0x00000208 32 rw 0x00000000 Central Interconnect Reset Control DMAC_RST_CTRL 0x0000020C 32 rw 0x00000000 DMAC Software Reset Control USB_RST_CTRL 0x00000210 32 rw 0x00000000 USB Software Reset Control GEM_RST_CTRL 0x00000214 32 rw 0x00000000 Gigabit Ethernet SW Reset Control SDIO_RST_CTRL 0x00000218 32 rw 0x00000000 SDIO Software Reset Control SPI_RST_CTRL 0x0000021C 32 rw 0x00000000 SPI Software Reset Control CAN_RST_CTRL 0x00000220 32 rw 0x00000000 CAN Software Reset Control I2C_RST_CTRL 0x00000224 32 rw 0x00000000 I2C Software Reset Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1573 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description UART_RST_CTRL 0x00000228 32 rw 0x00000000 UART Software Reset Control GPIO_RST_CTRL 0x0000022C 32 rw 0x00000000 GPIO Software Reset Control LQSPI_RST_CTRL 0x00000230 32 rw 0x00000000 Quad SPI Software Reset Control SMC_RST_CTRL 0x00000234 32 rw 0x00000000 SMC Software Reset Control OCM_RST_CTRL 0x00000238 32 rw 0x00000000 OCM Software Reset Control FPGA_RST_CTRL 0x00000240 32 rw 0x01F33F0F FPGA Software Reset Control A9_CPU_RST_CTRL 0x00000244 32 rw 0x00000000 CPU Reset and Clock control RS_AWDT_CTRL 0x0000024C 32 rw 0x00000000 Watchdog Timer Reset Control REBOOT_STATUS 0x00000258 32 rw 0x00400000 Reboot Status, persistent BOOT_MODE 0x0000025C 32 mixed x Boot Mode Strapping Pins APU_CTRL 0x00000300 32 rw 0x00000000 APU Control WDT_CLK_SEL 0x00000304 32 rw 0x00000000 SWDT clock source select TZ_DMA_NS 0x00000440 32 rw 0x00000000 DMAC TrustZone Config TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS 0x00000444 32 rw 0x00000000 DMAC TrustZone Config for Interrupts TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS 0x00000448 32 rw 0x00000000 DMAC TrustZone Config for Peripherals PSS_IDCODE 0x00000530 32 ro x PS IDCODE DDR_URGENT 0x00000600 32 rw 0x00000000 DDR Urgent Control DDR_CAL_START 0x0000060C 32 mixed 0x00000000 DDR Calibration Start Triggers DDR_REF_START 0x00000614 32 mixed 0x00000000 DDR Refresh Start Triggers DDR_CMD_STA 0x00000618 32 mixed 0x00000000 DDR Command Store Status DDR_URGENT_SEL 0x0000061C 32 rw 0x00000000 DDR Urgent Select DDR_DFI_STATUS 0x00000620 32 mixed 0x00000000 DDR DFI status MIO_PIN_00 0x00000700 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 0 Control MIO_PIN_01 0x00000704 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 1 Control MIO_PIN_02 0x00000708 32 rw 0x00000601 MIO Pin 2 Control MIO_PIN_03 0x0000070C 32 rw 0x00000601 MIO Pin 3 Control MIO_PIN_04 0x00000710 32 rw 0x00000601 MIO Pin 4 Control MIO_PIN_05 0x00000714 32 rw 0x00000601 MIO Pin 5 Control MIO_PIN_06 0x00000718 32 rw 0x00000601 MIO Pin 6 Control MIO_PIN_07 0x0000071C 32 rw 0x00000601 MIO Pin 7 Control MIO_PIN_08 0x00000720 32 rw 0x00000601 MIO Pin 8 Control MIO_PIN_09 0x00000724 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 9 Control MIO_PIN_10 0x00000728 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 10 Control MIO_PIN_11 0x0000072C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 11 Control MIO_PIN_12 0x00000730 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 12 Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1574 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description MIO_PIN_13 0x00000734 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 13 Control MIO_PIN_14 0x00000738 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 14 Control MIO_PIN_15 0x0000073C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 15 Control MIO_PIN_16 0x00000740 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 16 Control MIO_PIN_17 0x00000744 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 17 Control MIO_PIN_18 0x00000748 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 18 Control MIO_PIN_19 0x0000074C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 19 Control MIO_PIN_20 0x00000750 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 20 Control MIO_PIN_21 0x00000754 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 21 Control MIO_PIN_22 0x00000758 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 22 Control MIO_PIN_23 0x0000075C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 23 Control MIO_PIN_24 0x00000760 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 24 Control MIO_PIN_25 0x00000764 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 25 Control MIO_PIN_26 0x00000768 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 26 Control MIO_PIN_27 0x0000076C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 27 Control MIO_PIN_28 0x00000770 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 28 Control MIO_PIN_29 0x00000774 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 29 Control MIO_PIN_30 0x00000778 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 30 Control MIO_PIN_31 0x0000077C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 31 Control MIO_PIN_32 0x00000780 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 32 Control MIO_PIN_33 0x00000784 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 33 Control MIO_PIN_34 0x00000788 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 34 Control MIO_PIN_35 0x0000078C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 35 Control MIO_PIN_36 0x00000790 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 36 Control MIO_PIN_37 0x00000794 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 37 Control MIO_PIN_38 0x00000798 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 38 Control MIO_PIN_39 0x0000079C 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 39 Control MIO_PIN_40 0x000007A0 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 40 Control MIO_PIN_41 0x000007A4 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 41 Control MIO_PIN_42 0x000007A8 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 42 Control MIO_PIN_43 0x000007AC 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 43 Control MIO_PIN_44 0x000007B0 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 44 Control MIO_PIN_45 0x000007B4 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 45 Control MIO_PIN_46 0x000007B8 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 46 Control MIO_PIN_47 0x000007BC 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 47 Control MIO_PIN_48 0x000007C0 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 48 Control MIO_PIN_49 0x000007C4 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 49 Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Register Details Send Feedback 1575 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description MIO_PIN_50 0x000007C8 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 50 Control MIO_PIN_51 0x000007CC 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 51 Control MIO_PIN_52 0x000007D0 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 52 Control MIO_PIN_53 0x000007D4 32 rw 0x00001601 MIO Pin 53 Control MIO_LOOPBACK 0x00000804 32 rw 0x00000000 Loopback function within MIO MIO_MST_TRI0 0x0000080C 32 rw 0xFFFFFFFF MIO pin Tri-state Enables, 31:0 MIO_MST_TRI1 0x00000810 32 rw 0x003FFFFF MIO pin Tri-state Enables, 53:32 SD0_WP_CD_SEL 0x00000830 32 rw 0x00000000 SDIO 0 WP CD select SD1_WP_CD_SEL 0x00000834 32 rw 0x00000000 SDIO 1 WP CD select LVL_SHFTR_EN 0x00000900 32 rw 0x00000000 Level Shifters Enable OCM_CFG 0x00000910 32 rw 0x00000000 OCM Address Mapping Reserved 0x00000A1C 32 rw 0x00010101 Reserved GPIOB_CTRL 0x00000B00 32 rw 0x00000000 PS IO Buffer Control GPIOB_CFG_CMOS18 0x00000B04 32 rw 0x00000000 MIO GPIOB CMOS 1.8V config GPIOB_CFG_CMOS25 0x00000B08 32 rw 0x00000000 MIO GPIOB CMOS 2.5V config GPIOB_CFG_CMOS33 0x00000B0C 32 rw 0x00000000 MIO GPIOB CMOS 3.3V config GPIOB_CFG_HSTL 0x00000B14 32 rw 0x00000000 MIO GPIOB HSTL config GPIOB_DRVR_BIAS_CTR L 0x00000B18 32 mixed 0x00000000 MIO GPIOB Driver Bias Control DDRIOB_ADDR0 0x00000B40 32 rw 0x00000800 DDR IOB Config for A[14:0], CKE and DRST_B DDRIOB_ADDR1 0x00000B44 32 rw 0x00000800 DDR IOB Config for BA[2:0], ODT, CS_B, WE_B, RAS_B and CAS_B DDRIOB_DATA0 0x00000B48 32 rw 0x00000800 DDR IOB Config for Data 15:0 DDRIOB_DATA1 0x00000B4C 32 rw 0x00000800 DDR IOB Config for Data 31:16 DDRIOB_DIFF0 0x00000B50 32 rw 0x00000800 DDR IOB Config for DQS 1:0 DDRIOB_DIFF1 0x00000B54 32 rw 0x00000800 DDR IOB Config for DQS 3:2 DDRIOB_CLOCK 0x00000B58 32 rw 0x00000800 DDR IOB Config for Clock Output DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ ADDR 0x00000B5C 32 rw 0x00000000 Drive and Slew controls for Address and Command pins of the DDR Interface DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ DATA 0x00000B60 32 rw 0x00000000 Drive and Slew controls for DQ pins of the DDR Interface DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ DIFF 0x00000B64 32 rw 0x00000000 Drive and Slew controls for DQS pins of the DDR Interface DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ CLOCK 0x00000B68 32 rw 0x00000000 Drive and Slew controls for Clock pins of the DDR Interface DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL 0x00000B6C 32 rw 0x00000000 DDR IOB Buffer Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1576 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL 0x00000B70 32 rw 0x00000020 DDR IOB DCI Config DDRIOB_DCI_STATUS 0x00000B74 32 mixed 0x00000000 DDR IO Buffer DCI Status Register (slcr) SCL Name SCL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8000000 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Secure Configuration Lock Register SCL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. LOCK 0 rw 0x0 Secure configuration lock for these slcr registers: SCL, PSS_RST_CTRL, APU_CTRL, and WDT_CLK_SEL. Read: 0: unlocked, Secure writes to secure configuration registers are enabled. 1: locked, all writes to secure configuration registers are ignored. Write: 0: noaffect. 1: lock the secure configuration registers. Once the secure registers are locked, they remain locked until a power-on reset cycle (PS_POR_B). Register (slcr) SLCR_LOCK Name SLCR_LOCK Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8000004 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SLCR Write Protection Lock Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1577 Appendix B: Register Details Register SLCR_LOCK Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 wo 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. LOCK_KEY 15:0 wo 0x0 Write the lock key, 0x767B, to write protect the slcr registers: all slcr registers, 0xF800_0000 to 0xF800_0B74, are write protected until the unlock key is written to the SLCR_UNLOCK register. A read of this register returns zero. Register (slcr) SLCR_UNLOCK Name SLCR_UNLOCK Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF8000008 Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SLCR Write Protection Unlock Register SLCR_UNLOCK Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 wo 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. UNLOCK_KEY 15:0 wo 0x0 Write the unlock key, 0xDF0D, to enable writes to the slcr registers. All slcr registers, 0xF800_0000 to 0xF800_0B74, are writeable until locked using the SLCR_LOCK register. A read of this register returns zero. Register (slcr) SLCR_LOCKSTA Name SLCR_LOCKSTA Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF800000C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description SLCR Write Protection Status Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1578 Appendix B: Register Details Register SLCR_LOCKSTA Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. LOCK_STATUS 0 ro 0x1 Current state of write protection mode of SLCR: 0: Registers are writeable. Use the slcr.SLCR_LOCK register to lock the slcr registers. 1: Registers are not writeable. Any attempt to write to an slcr register is ignored, but reads will return valid register values. Use the slcr.SLCR_UNLOCK register to unlock the slcr registers. Register (slcr) ARM_PLL_CTRL Name ARM_PLL_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address 0xF8000100 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0001A008 Description ARM PLL Control Register ARM_PLL_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_FDIV 18:12 rw 0x1A Provide the feedback divisor for the PLL. Note: Before changing this value, the PLL must first be bypassed and then put into reset mode. Refer to the Zynq-7000 TRM, UG585, Clocks chapter for CP/RES/CNT values for the PLL. reserved 11:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_BYPASS_FORCE 4 rw 0x0 ARM PLL Bypass override control: PLL_BYPASS_QUAL = 0: 0: enabled, not bypassed. 1: bypassed. PLL_BYPASS_QUAL = 1 (QUAL bit default value): 0: PLL mode is set based on pin strap setting. 1: PLL bypassed regardless of the pin strapping. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1579 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PLL_BYPASS_QUAL 3 rw 0x1 Select the source for the ARM PLL Bypass Control: 0: controlled by the PLL_BYPASS_FORCE bit, bit 4. 1: controlled by the value of the sampled BOOT_MODE pin strapping resistor PLL_BYPASS. This can be read using the BOOT_MODE[4] bit. reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_PWRDWN 1 rw 0x0 PLL Power-down control: 0: PLL powered up 1: PLL powered down PLL_RESET 0 rw 0x0 PLL reset control: 0: de-assert (PLL operating) 1: assert (PLL held in reset) Register (slcr) DDR_PLL_CTRL Name DDR_PLL_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address 0xF8000104 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0001A008 Description DDR PLL Control Register DDR_PLL_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_FDIV 18:12 rw 0x1A Provide the feedback divisor for the PLL. Note: Before changing this value, the PLL must first be bypassed and then put into reset mode. Refer to the Zynq-7000 TRM, UG585, Clocks chapter for CP/RES/CNT values for the PLL. reserved 11:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_BYPASS_FORCE 4 rw 0x0 DDR PLL Bypass override control: PLL_BYPASS_QUAL = 0 0: enabled, not bypassed. 1: bypassed. PLL_BYPASS_QUAL = 1 (QUAL bit default value) 0: PLL mode is set based on pin strap setting. 1: PLL bypass is enabled regardless of the pin strapping. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1580 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PLL_BYPASS_QUAL 3 rw 0x1 Select the source for the DDR PLL Bypass: 0: controlled by the PLL_BYPASS_FORCE bit. 1: controlled by the value of the sampled BOOT_MODE pin strapping resistor PLL_BYPASS. This can be read using the slcr.BOOT_MODE[4] bit. reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_PWRDWN 1 rw 0x0 PLL Power-down control: 0: PLL powered up 1: PLL powered down PLL_RESET 0 rw 0x0 PLL reset control: 0: de-assert (PLL operating) 1: assert (PLL held in reset) Register (slcr) IO_PLL_CTRL Name IO_PLL_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000108 Absolute Address 0xF8000108 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x0001A008 Description IO PLL Control Register IO_PLL_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_FDIV 18:12 rw 0x1A Provide the feedback divisor for the PLL. Note: Before changing this value, the PLL must first be bypassed and then put into reset mode. Refer to the Zynq-7000 TRM, UG585, Clocks chapter for CP/RES/CNT values for programming the PLL. reserved 11:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_BYPASS_FORCE 4 rw 0x0 IO PLL Bypass override control: PLL_BYPASS_QUAL = 0 0: enabled, not bypassed. 1: bypassed. PLL_BYPASS_QUAL = 1 (QUAL bit default value) 0: PLL mode is set based on pin strap setting. 1: PLL bypass is enabled regardless of the pin strapping. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1581 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PLL_BYPASS_QUAL 3 rw 0x1 Select the source for the IO PLL Bypass: 0: controlled by the PLL_BYPASS_FORCE bit. 1: controlled by the value of the sampled BOOT_MODE pin strapping resistor PLL_BYPASS. This can be read using the slcr.BOOT_MODE[4] bit. reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_PWRDWN 1 rw 0x0 PLL Power-down control: 0: PLL powered up 1: PLL powered down PLL_RESET 0 rw 0x0 PLL Reset control: 0: de-assert (PLL operating) 1: assert (PLL held in reset) Register (slcr) PLL_STATUS Name PLL_STATUS Relative Address 0x0000010C Absolute Address 0xF800010C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000003F Description PLL Status Register PLL_STATUS Details Note: Reset condition is actually 0, but will read a 1 by the time this register can be read by software if PLLs are enabled by BOOT_MODE. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:6 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. IO_PLL_STABLE 5 ro 0x1 IO PLL clock stable status: 0: not locked and not in bypass 1: locked or bypassed DDR_PLL_STABLE 4 ro 0x1 DDR PLL clock stable status: 0: not locked and not in bypass 1: locked or bypassed ARM_PLL_STABLE 3 ro 0x1 ARM PLL clock stable status: 0: not locked and not in bypass 1: locked or bypassed IO_PLL_LOCK 2 ro 0x1 IO PLL lock status: 0: not locked, 1: locked Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1582 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description DDR_PLL_LOCK 1 ro 0x1 DDR PLL lock status: 0: not locked, 1: locked ARM_PLL_LOCK 0 ro 0x1 ARM PLL lock status: 0: not locked, 1: locked Register (slcr) ARM_PLL_CFG Name ARM_PLL_CFG Relative Address 0x00000110 Absolute Address 0xF8000110 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00177EA0 Description ARM PLL Configuration Register ARM_PLL_CFG Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. LOCK_CNT 21:12 rw 0x177 Drive the LOCK_CNT[9:0] input of the PLL to set the number of clock cycles the PLL needs to have clkref and clkfb aligned with a certain window before syaing locked. PLL_CP 11:8 rw 0xE Drive the PLL_CP[3:0] input of the PLL to set the PLL charge pump control PLL_RES 7:4 rw 0xA Drive the PLL_RES[3:0] input of the PLL to set the PLL loop filter resistor control reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Register (slcr) DDR_PLL_CFG Name DDR_PLL_CFG Relative Address 0x00000114 Absolute Address 0xF8000114 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00177EA0 Description DDR PLL Configuration Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1583 Appendix B: Register Details Register DDR_PLL_CFG Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. LOCK_CNT 21:12 rw 0x177 Drive the LOCK_CNT[9:0] input of the PLL to set the number of clock cycles the PLL needs to have clkref and clkfb aligned with a certain window before staying locked. PLL_CP 11:8 rw 0xE Drive the PLL_CP[3:0] input of the PLL to set the PLL charge pump control. PLL_RES 7:4 rw 0xA Drive the PLL_RES[3:0] input of the PLL to set the PLL loop filter resistor control. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Register (slcr) IO_PLL_CFG Name IO_PLL_CFG Relative Address 0x00000118 Absolute Address 0xF8000118 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00177EA0 Description IO PLL Configuration Register IO_PLL_CFG Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. LOCK_CNT 21:12 rw 0x177 Drive the LOCK_CNT[9:0] input of the PLL to set the number of clock cycles the PLL needs to have clkref and clkfb aligned with a certain window before staying locked. PLL_CP 11:8 rw 0xE Drive the PLL_CP[3:0] input of the PLL to set the PLL charge pump control. PLL_RES 7:4 rw 0xA Drive the PLL_RES[3:0] input of the PLL to set the PLL loop filter resistor control. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Register (slcr) ARM_CLK_CTRL Name ARM_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000120 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1584 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8000120 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x1F000400 Description CPU Clock Control Register Details Register ARM_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:29 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CPU_PERI_CLKACT 28 rw 0x1 Clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled CPU_1XCLKACT 27 rw 0x1 CPU_1x Clock control: 0: disable, 1: enable CPU_2XCLKACT 26 rw 0x1 CPU_2x Clock control: 0: disable, 1: enable CPU_3OR2XCLKACT 25 rw 0x1 CPU_3x2x Clock control: 0: disable, 1: enable CPU_6OR4XCLKACT 24 rw 0x1 CPU_6x4x Clock control: 0: disable, 1: enable reserved 23:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x4 Frequency divisor for the CPU clock source. 0, 1: do not use. 2: divide by 2. 3: divide by 3. ... 3Fh: divide by 63. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the CPU clock: 0x: ARM PLL 10: DDR PLL 11: IO PLL This field is reset by POR only. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Register (slcr) DDR_CLK_CTRL Name DDR_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000124 Absolute Address 0xF8000124 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1585 Appendix B: Access Type rw Reset Value 0x18400003 Description DDR Clock Control Register Details Register DDR_CLK_CTRL Details Note: the DDR_3x and DDR_2x clocks are asynchronous to each other and without a fixed frequency ratio. The frequency of each DDR clock is independently programed. Generally, the DDR_3x clock runs faster than the DDR2x clock. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description DDR_2XCLK_DIVISOR 31:26 rw 0x6 Frequency divisor for the ddr_2x clock DDR_3XCLK_DIVISOR 25:20 rw 0x4 Frequency divisor for the ddr_3x clock. (Only even divisors are allowed) reserved 19:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DDR_2XCLKACT 1 rw 0x1 DDR_2x Clock control: 0: disable, 1: enable DDR_3XCLKACT 0 rw 0x1 DDR_3x Clock control: 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) DCI_CLK_CTRL Name DCI_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000128 Absolute Address 0xF8000128 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x01E03201 Description DCI clock control Register DCI_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x1E Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. Second cascade divider reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR0 13:8 rw 0x32 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1586 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 7:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 DCI clock control 0: Disable 1: Enable Register (slcr) APER_CLK_CTRL Name APER_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000012C Absolute Address 0xF800012C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x01FFCCCD Description AMBA Peripheral Clock Control Register APER_CLK_CTRL Details Please note that these clocks must be enabled if you want to read from the peripheral register space. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:25 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SMC_CPU_1XCLKACT 24 rw 0x1 SMC AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable LQSPI_CPU_1XCLKACT 23 rw 0x1 Quad SPI AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable GPIO_CPU_1XCLKACT 22 rw 0x1 GPIO AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable UART1_CPU_1XCLKACT 21 rw 0x1 UART 1 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable UART0_CPU_1XCLKACT 20 rw 0x1 UART 0 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable I2C1_CPU_1XCLKACT 19 rw 0x1 I2C 1 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable I2C0_CPU_1XCLKACT 18 rw 0x1 I2C 0 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable CAN1_CPU_1XCLKACT 17 rw 0x1 CAN 1 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable CAN0_CPU_1XCLKACT 16 rw 0x1 CAN 0 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable SPI1_CPU_1XCLKACT 15 rw 0x1 SPI 1 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1587 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description SPI0_CPU_1XCLKACT 14 rw 0x1 SPI 0 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable reserved 13 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SDI1_CPU_1XCLKACT 11 rw 0x1 SDIO controller 1 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable SDI0_CPU_1XCLKACT 10 rw 0x1 SDIO controller 0 AMBA Clock 0: disable, 1: enable reserved 9 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. GEM1_CPU_1XCLKACT 7 rw 0x1 Gigabit Ethernet 1 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable GEM0_CPU_1XCLKACT 6 rw 0x1 Gigabit Ethernet 0 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable reserved 5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. USB1_CPU_1XCLKACT 3 rw 0x1 USB controller 1 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable USB0_CPU_1XCLKACT 2 rw 0x1 USB controller 0 AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable reserved 1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DMA_CPU_2XCLKACT 0 rw 0x1 DMA controller AMBA Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) USB0_CLK_CTRL Name USB0_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000130 Absolute Address 0xF8000130 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00101941 Description USB 0 ULPI Clock Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1588 Appendix B: Register Details Register USB0_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 25:20 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 13:8 rw 0x19 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 6:4 rw 0x4 Select the source to generate USB controller 0 ULPI clock: 1xx: USB 0 MIO ULPI clock (top level MIO ULPI clock is an input) reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 0 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) USB1_CLK_CTRL Name USB1_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000134 Absolute Address 0xF8000134 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00101941 Description USB 1 ULPI Clock Control Register USB1_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 25:20 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 13:8 rw 0x19 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 6:4 rw 0x4 Select the source to generate USB controller 1 ULPI clock: 1xx: USB 1 MIO ULPI clock (top level MIO ULPI clock is an input) reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 0 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1589 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) GEM0_RCLK_CTRL Name GEM0_RCLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000138 Absolute Address 0xF8000138 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description GigE 0 Rx Clock and Rx Signals Select Register GEM0_RCLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 4 rw 0x0 Select the source of the Rx clock, control and data signals: 0: MIO 1: EMIO reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 Ethernet Controler 0 Rx Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) GEM1_RCLK_CTRL Name GEM1_RCLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000013C Absolute Address 0xF800013C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description GigE 1 Rx Clock and Rx Signals Select Register GEM1_RCLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 4 rw 0x0 Select the source of the Rx clock, control and data signals: 0: MIO 1: EMIO Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1590 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 Ethernet Controller 1 Rx Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) GEM0_CLK_CTRL Name GEM0_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000140 Absolute Address 0xF8000140 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00003C01 Description GigE 0 Ref Clock Control Register GEM0_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x0 Second divisor for Ethernet controller 0 source clock. reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x3C First divisor for Ethernet controller 0 source clock. reserved 7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 6:4 rw 0x0 Selects the source to generate the reference clock 00x: IO PLL. 010: ARM PLL. 011: DDR PLL 1xx: Ethernet controller 0 EMIO clock reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 Ethernet Controller 0 Reference Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) GEM1_CLK_CTRL Name GEM1_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000144 Absolute Address 0xF8000144 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1591 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00003C01 Description GigE 1 Ref Clock Control Register Details Register GEM1_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x0 Second divisor for Ethernet controller 1 source clock. reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x3C First divisor for Ethernet controller 1 source clock. reserved 7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 6:4 rw 0x0 Selects the source to generate the reference clock 00x: IO PLL. 010: ARM PLL. 011: DDR PLL 1xx: Ethernet controller 1 EMIO clock reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 Ethernet Controller 1 Reference Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) SMC_CLK_CTRL Name SMC_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000148 Absolute Address 0xF8000148 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00003C21 Description SMC Ref Clock Control Register SMC_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x3C Divisor for SMC source clock. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x2 Select clock source generate SMC clock: 0x: IO PLL, 10: ARM PLL, 11: DDR PLL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1592 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 SMC Reference Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) LQSPI_CLK_CTRL Name LQSPI_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000014C Absolute Address 0xF800014C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00002821 Description Quad SPI Ref Clock Control Register LQSPI_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x28 Divisor for Quad SPI Controller source clock. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x2 Select clock source generate Quad SPI clock: 0x: IO PLL, 10: ARM PLL, 11: DDR PLL reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 Quad SPI Controller Reference Clock control 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) SDIO_CLK_CTRL Name SDIO_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000150 Absolute Address 0xF8000150 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001E03 Description SDIO Ref Clock Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1593 Appendix B: Register Details Register SDIO_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x1E Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock. 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT1 1 rw 0x1 SDIO Controller 1 Clock control. 0: disable, 1: enable CLKACT0 0 rw 0x1 SDIO Controller 0 Clock control. 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) UART_CLK_CTRL Name UART_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000154 Absolute Address 0xF8000154 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00003F03 Description UART Ref Clock Control Register UART_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x3F Divisor for UART Controller source clock. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Selects the PLL source to generate the clock. 0x: IO PLL 10: ARM PLL 11: DDR PLL reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1594 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description CLKACT1 1 rw 0x1 UART 1 reference clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled CLKACT0 0 rw 0x1 UART 0 Reference clock control. 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) SPI_CLK_CTRL Name SPI_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000158 Absolute Address 0xF8000158 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00003F03 Description SPI Ref Clock Control Register SPI_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0x3F Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT1 1 rw 0x1 SPI 1 reference clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled CLKACT0 0 rw 0x1 SPI 0 reference clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled Register (slcr) CAN_CLK_CTRL Name CAN_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000015C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1595 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF800015C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00501903 Description CAN Ref Clock Control Register Details Register CAN_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x5 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. Second cascade divider. reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR0 13:8 rw 0x19 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. First cascade divider reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT1 1 rw 0x1 CAN 1 Reference Clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled CLKACT0 0 rw 0x1 CAN 0 Reference Clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled Register (slcr) CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL Name CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000160 Absolute Address 0xF8000160 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CAN MIO Clock Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1596 Appendix B: Register Details Register CAN_MIOCLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:23 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CAN1_REF_SEL 22 rw 0x0 CAN 1 Reference Clock selection: 0: From internal PLL. 1: From MIO based on the next field CAN1_MUX 21:16 rw 0x0 CAN 1 mux selection for MIO. Setting this to zero will select MIO[0] as the clock source. Only values 0-53 are valid. reserved 15:7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CAN0_REF_SEL 6 rw 0x0 CAN 0 Reference Clock selection: 0: From internal PLL 1: From MIO based on the next field CAN0_MUX 5:0 rw 0x0 CAN 0 mux selection for MIO. Setting this to zero will select MIO[0] as the clock source. Only values 0-53 are valid. Register (slcr) DBG_CLK_CTRL Name DBG_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000164 Absolute Address 0xF8000164 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000F03 Description SoC Debug Clock Control Register DBG_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0xF Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated debug trace clock frequency. reserved 7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 6:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 1xx: Source for generated clock EMIO trace clock 00x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL 010: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL 011: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1597 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CPU_1XCLKACT 1 rw 0x1 Debug CPU 1x Clock active. 0 - Clocks are disabled. 1 Clocks are enabled CLKACT_TRC 0 rw 0x1 Debug Trace Clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled Register (slcr) PCAP_CLK_CTRL Name PCAP_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000168 Absolute Address 0xF8000168 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000F01 Description PCAP Clock Control Register PCAP_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR 13:8 rw 0xF Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLKACT 0 rw 0x1 Clock active: 0: Clock is disabled 1: Clock is enabled Register (slcr) TOPSW_CLK_CTRL Name TOPSW_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000016C Absolute Address 0xF800016C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1598 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Central Interconnect Clock Control Register Details Register TOPSW_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLK_DIS 0 rw 0x0 Clock disable control: 0: Clock is not disabled 1: Clock can be disabled Register (slcr) FPGA0_CLK_CTRL Name FPGA0_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000170 Absolute Address 0xF8000170 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00101800 Description PL Clock 0 Output control Register FPGA0_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x1 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. Second cascade divide reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR0 13:8 rw 0x18 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. First cascade divider. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1599 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) FPGA0_THR_CTRL Name FPGA0_THR_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000174 Absolute Address 0xF8000174 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 0 Throttle control Register FPGA0_THR_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b0 to use this feature reserved 2 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b1 to use this feature CNT_RST 1 rw 0x0 Reset clock throttle counter when in halt state: 0: No effect 1: Causes counter to be reset once HALT state is entered CPU_START 0 rw 0x0 Start or restart count on detection of 0 to 1 transition in the value of this bit. A read will return the written value. (Reminder that bits 2&3 must be programmed according to description.) 0: No effect 1: Start count or restart count if previous value was 0 Register (slcr) FPGA0_THR_CNT Name FPGA0_THR_CNT Relative Address 0x00000178 Absolute Address 0xF8000178 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 0 Throttle Count control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1600 Appendix B: Register Details Register FPGA0_THR_CNT Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:20 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 19:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. LAST_CNT 15:0 rw 0x0 Last count value. Specifies the total number of clocks output in debug mode by the clock throttle logic. Register (slcr) FPGA0_THR_STA Name FPGA0_THR_STA Relative Address 0x0000017C Absolute Address 0xF800017C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00010000 Description PL Clock 0 Throttle Status read Register FPGA0_THR_STA Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:17 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. RUNNING 16 ro 0x1 Current running status of FPGA clock output: 0: Clock is stopped or in normal mode (OK to change configuration). 1: Clock is running in debug mode (Keep configuration static). CURR_VAL 15:0 ro 0x0 Current clock throttle counter value, which indicates the number of clock pulses output so far (only accurate when halted). Register (slcr) FPGA1_CLK_CTRL Name FPGA1_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000180 Absolute Address 0xF8000180 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00101800 Description PL Clock 1 Output control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1601 Appendix B: Register Details Register FPGA1_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x1 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. Second cascade divide reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR0 13:8 rw 0x18 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. First cascade divider. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Register (slcr) FPGA1_THR_CTRL Name FPGA1_THR_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000184 Absolute Address 0xF8000184 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 1 Throttle control Register FPGA1_THR_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b0 to use this feature reserved 2 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b1 to use this feature Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1602 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description CNT_RST 1 rw 0x0 Reset clock throttle counter when in halt state: 0: No effect 1: Causes counter to be reset once HALT state is entered CPU_START 0 rw 0x0 Start or restart count on detection of 0 to 1 transition in the value of this bit. A read will return the written value. (Reminder that bits 2&3 must be programmed according to description.) 0: No effect 1: Start count or restart count if previous value was 0 Register (slcr) FPGA1_THR_CNT Name FPGA1_THR_CNT Relative Address 0x00000188 Absolute Address 0xF8000188 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 1 Throttle Count Register FPGA1_THR_CNT Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:20 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 19:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. LAST_CNT 15:0 rw 0x0 Last count value. Specifies the total number of clocks output in debug mode by the clock throttle logic. Register (slcr) FPGA1_THR_STA Name FPGA1_THR_STA Relative Address 0x0000018C Absolute Address 0xF800018C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00010000 Description PL Clock 1 Throttle Status control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1603 Appendix B: Register Details Register FPGA1_THR_STA Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:17 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. RUNNING 16 ro 0x1 Current running status of FPGA clock output: 0: Clock is stopped or in normal mode (OK to change configuration). 1: Clock is running in debug mode (Keep configuration static). CURR_VAL 15:0 ro 0x0 Current clock throttle counter value, which indicates the number of clock pulses output so far (only accurate when halted). Register (slcr) FPGA2_CLK_CTRL Name FPGA2_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000190 Absolute Address 0xF8000190 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00101800 Description PL Clock 2 output control Register FPGA2_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x1 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. Second cascade divide reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR0 13:8 rw 0x18 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. First cascade divider. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1604 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) FPGA2_THR_CTRL Name FPGA2_THR_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000194 Absolute Address 0xF8000194 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 2 Throttle Control Register FPGA2_THR_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b0 to use this feature reserved 2 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b1 to use this feature CNT_RST 1 rw 0x0 Reset clock throttle counter when in halt state: 0: No effect 1: Causes counter to be reset once HALT state is entered CPU_START 0 rw 0x0 Start or restart count on detection of 0 to 1 transition in the value of this bit. A read will return the written value. (Reminder that bits 2&3 must be programmed according to description.) 0: No effect 1: Start count or restart count if previous value was 0 Register (slcr) FPGA2_THR_CNT Name FPGA2_THR_CNT Relative Address 0x00000198 Absolute Address 0xF8000198 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 2 Throttle Count Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1605 Appendix B: Register Details Register FPGA2_THR_CNT Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:20 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 19:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. LAST_CNT 15:0 rw 0x0 Last count value. Specifies the total number of clocks output in debug mode by the clock throttle logic. Register (slcr) FPGA2_THR_STA Name FPGA2_THR_STA Relative Address 0x0000019C Absolute Address 0xF800019C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00010000 Description PL Clock 2 Throttle Status Register FPGA2_THR_STA Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:17 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. RUNNING 16 ro 0x1 Current running status of FPGA clock output: 0: Clock is stopped or in normal mode (OK to change configuration). 1: Clock is running in debug mode (Keep configuration static). CURR_VAL 15:0 ro 0x0 Current clock throttle counter value, which indicates the number of clock pulses output so far (only accurate when halted). Register (slcr) FPGA3_CLK_CTRL Name FPGA3_CLK_CTRL Relative Address 0x000001A0 Absolute Address 0xF80001A0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00101800 Description PL Clock 3 output control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1606 Appendix B: Register Details Register FPGA3_CLK_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR1 25:20 rw 0x1 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. Second cascade divide reserved 19:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DIVISOR0 13:8 rw 0x18 Provides the divisor used to divide the source clock to generate the required generated clock frequency. First cascade divider. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SRCSEL 5:4 rw 0x0 Select the source used to generate the clock: 0x: Source for generated clock is IO PLL. 10: Source for generated clock is ARM PLL. 11: Source for generated clock is DDR PLL. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Register (slcr) FPGA3_THR_CTRL Name FPGA3_THR_CTRL Relative Address 0x000001A4 Absolute Address 0xF80001A4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 3 Throttle Control Register FPGA3_THR_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b0 to use this feature reserved 2 rw 0x0 Must be set to 1'b1 to use this feature Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1607 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description CNT_RST 1 rw 0x0 Reset clock throttle counter when in halt state: 0: No effect 1: Causes counter to be reset once HALT state is entered CPU_START 0 rw 0x0 Start or restart count on detection of 0 to 1 transition in the value of this bit. A read will return the written value. (Reminder that bits 2&3 must be programmed according to description.) 0: No effect 1: Start count or restart count if previous value was 0 Register (slcr) FPGA3_THR_CNT Name FPGA3_THR_CNT Relative Address 0x000001A8 Absolute Address 0xF80001A8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PL Clock 3 Throttle Count Register FPGA3_THR_CNT Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:20 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 19:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. LAST_CNT 15:0 rw 0x0 Last count value. Specifies the total number of clocks output in debug mode by the clock throttle logic. Register (slcr) FPGA3_THR_STA Name FPGA3_THR_STA Relative Address 0x000001AC Absolute Address 0xF80001AC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00010000 Description PL Clock 3 Throttle Status Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1608 Appendix B: Register Details Register FPGA3_THR_STA Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:17 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. RUNNING 16 ro 0x1 Current running status of FPGA clock output: 0: Clock is stopped or in normal mode (OK to change configuration). 1: Clock is running in debug mode (Keep configuration static). CURR_VAL 15:0 ro 0x0 Current clock throttle counter value, which indicates the number of clock pulses output so far (only accurate when halted). Register (slcr) CLK_621_TRUE Name CLK_621_TRUE Relative Address 0x000001C4 Absolute Address 0xF80001C4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description CPU Clock Ratio Mode select Register CLK_621_TRUE Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CLK_621_TRUE 0 rw 0x1 Select the CPU clock ratio: (When this register changes, no access are allowed to OCM.) 0: 4:2:1 1: 6:2:1 Register (slcr) PSS_RST_CTRL Name PSS_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000200 Absolute Address 0xF8000200 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1609 Appendix B: Description Register Details PS Software Reset Control Register PSS_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SOFT_RST 0 rw 0x0 Processing System software reset control signal. 0: no affect 1: asserts PS software reset pulse (entire system except clock generator) There is no need to write a 0, the hardware generates a pulse everytime a 1 is written. Register (slcr) DDR_RST_CTRL Name DDR_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000204 Absolute Address 0xF8000204 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR Software Reset Control Register DDR_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DDR_RST 0 rw 0x0 DDR software reset control signal 0: disable, 1: enable Register (slcr) TOPSW_RST_CTRL Name TOPSW_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000208 Absolute Address 0xF8000208 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Central Interconnect Reset Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1610 Appendix B: Register Details Register TOPSW_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. TOPSW_RST 0 rw 0x0 Central Interconnect Reset Control: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert Care must be taken to ensure that the AXI interconnect does not have outstanding transactions and the bus is idle. Register (slcr) DMAC_RST_CTRL Name DMAC_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000020C Absolute Address 0xF800020C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMAC Software Reset Control Register DMAC_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DMAC_RST 0 rw 0x0 DMA Controller software reset signal. 0: de-assert (DMA controller TrustZone register is read only) 1: assert (DMA controller TrustZone register is writeable) Register (slcr) USB_RST_CTRL Name USB_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000210 Absolute Address 0xF8000210 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description USB Software Reset Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1611 Appendix B: Register Details Register USB_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. USB1_CPU1X_RST 1 rw 0x0 USB 1 master and slave AMBA interfaces software reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) USB0_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 USB 0 master and slave AMBA interfaces software reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) Register (slcr) GEM_RST_CTRL Name GEM_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000214 Absolute Address 0xF8000214 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Gigabit Ethernet SW Reset Control Register GEM_RST_CTRL Details Each Gigabit Ethernet controller has 3 clock domains and each clock domain has a reset control: * Reference clock domain reset * RxClock domain reset * CPU_1x clock domain reset Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. GEM1_REF_RST 7 rw 0x0 Gigabit Ethernet 1 reference clock reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (interfaces are held in reset) GEM0_REF_RST 6 rw 0x0 Gigabit Ethernet 0 reference clock domain reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (controller is held in reset) GEM1_RX_RST 5 rw 0x0 Gigabit Ethernet 1 Rx clock domain reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1612 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description GEM0_RX_RST 4 rw 0x0 Gigabit Ethernet 0 Rx clock domain reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. GEM1_CPU1X_RST 1 rw 0x0 Gigabit Ethernet 1 CPU_1x clock domain reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) GEM0_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 Gigabit Ethernet 0 CPU_1x clock domain reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) Register (slcr) SDIO_RST_CTRL Name SDIO_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000218 Absolute Address 0xF8000218 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SDIO Software Reset Control Register SDIO_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SDIO1_REF_RST 5 rw 0x0 SDIO 1 reference clock domain reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (controller is held in reset) SDIO0_REF_RST 4 rw 0x0 SDIO 0 reference clock domain reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (controller is held in reset) reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SDIO1_CPU1X_RST 1 rw 0x0 SDIO 1 master and slave AMBA interfaces reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) SDIO0_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 SDIO 0 master and slave AMBA interfaces reset: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1613 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) SPI_RST_CTRL Name SPI_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000021C Absolute Address 0xF800021C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SPI Software Reset Control Register SPI_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SPI1_REF_RST 3 rw 0x0 SPI 1 Reference software reset. On assertion of this reset, the Reference clock portion of the SPI 1 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: Reference clock portion of SPI 1 subsytem held in reset SPI0_REF_RST 2 rw 0x0 SPI 0 Reference software reset. On assertion of this reset, the Reference clock portion of the SPI 0 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: Reference clock portion of SPI 0 subsytem held in reset SPI1_CPU1X_RST 1 rw 0x0 SPI 1 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the SPI 1 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of SPI 1 subsytem held in reset SPI0_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 SPI 0 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the SPI 0 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of SPI 0 subsytem held in reset Register (slcr) CAN_RST_CTRL Name CAN_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000220 Absolute Address 0xF8000220 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1614 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CAN Software Reset Control Register Details Register CAN_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes will maintain value reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes will maintain value CAN1_CPU1X_RST 1 rw 0x0 CAN 1 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the CAN 1 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of CAN 1 subsytem held in reset CAN0_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 CAN 0 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the CAN 0 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of CAN 0 subsytem held in reset Register (slcr) I2C_RST_CTRL Name I2C_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000224 Absolute Address 0xF8000224 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description I2C Software Reset Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1615 Appendix B: Register Details Register I2C_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. I2C1_CPU1X_RST 1 rw 0x0 I2C 1 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the I2C 1 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of I2C 1 subsytem held in reset I2C0_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 I2C 0 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the I2C 0 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of I2C 0 subsytem held in reset Register (slcr) UART_RST_CTRL Name UART_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000228 Absolute Address 0xF8000228 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description UART Software Reset Control Register UART_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. UART1_REF_RST 3 rw 0x0 UART 1 Reference software reset. 0: deassert soft reset 1: assert soft reset UART0_REF_RST 2 rw 0x0 UART 0 Reference software reset. 0: deassert soft reset 1: assert soft reset Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1616 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description UART1_CPU1X_RST 1 rw 0x0 UART 1 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the UART 1 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of UART 1 subsytem held in reset UART0_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 UART 0 AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the UART 0 subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of UART 0 subsytem held in reset Register (slcr) GPIO_RST_CTRL Name GPIO_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000022C Absolute Address 0xF800022C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description GPIO Software Reset Control Register GPIO_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. GPIO_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 GPIO AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the GPIO subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of GPIO subsytem held in reset Register (slcr) LQSPI_RST_CTRL Name LQSPI_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000230 Absolute Address 0xF8000230 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1617 Appendix B: Description Register Details Quad SPI Software Reset Control Register LQSPI_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. QSPI_REF_RST 1 rw 0x0 Quad SPI Reference software reset. On assertion of this reset, the Reference clock portion of the QSPI subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset. 1: Reference clock portion of QSPI subsytem held in reset. LQSPI_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 Quad SPI AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the LQSPI subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of QSPI subsytem held in reset Register (slcr) SMC_RST_CTRL Name SMC_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000234 Absolute Address 0xF8000234 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SMC Software Reset Control Register SMC_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SMC_REF_RST 1 rw 0x0 SMC Reference software reset. On assertion of this reset, the Reference clock portion of the SMC subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: Reference clock portion of SMC subsytem held in reset SMC_CPU1X_RST 0 rw 0x0 SMC AMBA software reset. On assertion of this reset, the AMBA clock portion of the SMC subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: AMBA clock portion of SMC subsytem held in reset Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1618 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) OCM_RST_CTRL Name OCM_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000238 Absolute Address 0xF8000238 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description OCM Software Reset Control Register OCM_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. OCM_RST 0 rw 0x0 OCM software reset. On assertion of this reset, the OCM subsystem will be reset. 0: No reset 1: OCM subsytem held in reset Register (slcr) FPGA_RST_CTRL Name FPGA_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000240 Absolute Address 0xF8000240 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x01F33F0F Description FPGA Software Reset Control Register FPGA_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:25 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 24 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 23 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 22 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 21 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 20 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 19:18 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1619 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 17 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 16 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 15:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 13 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 12 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 11 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 10 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 9 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 8 rw 0x1 Reserved - always write with 0 reserved 7:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. FPGA3_OUT_RST 3 rw 0x1 PL Reset 3 (FCLKRESETN3 output signal). Refer to the PS7 wrapper in EDK for possible signal inversion. Logic level on the FCLKRESETN3 signal: 0: De-assert reset (High logic level). 1: Assert Reset (Low logic state) FPGA2_OUT_RST 2 rw 0x1 PL Reset 2 (FCLKRESETN2 output signal). Refer to the PS7 wrapper in EDK for possible signal inversion. Logic level on the FCLKRESETN2 signal: 0: De-assert reset (High logic level). 1: Assert Reset (Low logic state) FPGA1_OUT_RST 1 rw 0x1 PL Reset 1 (FCLKRESETN1 output signal). Refer to the PS7 wrapper in EDK for possible signal inversion. Logic level on the FCLKRESETN1 signal: 0: De-assert reset (High logic level). 1: Assert Reset (Low logic state) FPGA0_OUT_RST 0 rw 0x1 PL Reset 0 (FCLKRESETN0 output signal). Refer to the PS7 wrapper in EDK for possible signal inversion. Logic level on the FCLKRESETN0 signal: 0: De-assert reset (High logic level). 1: Assert Reset (Low logic state) Register (slcr) A9_CPU_RST_CTRL Name A9_CPU_RST_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000244 Absolute Address 0xF8000244 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description CPU Reset and Clock control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1620 Appendix B: Register Details Register A9_CPU_RST_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:9 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PERI_RST 8 rw 0x0 CPU peripheral soft reset. 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. A9_CLKSTOP1 5 rw 0x0 CPU 1 clock stop control: 0: no stop (CPU runs) 1: clock stopped A9_CLKSTOP0 4 rw 0x0 CPU 0 clock stop control: 0: no stop (CPU runs) 1: clock stopped reserved 3:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. A9_RST1 1 rw 0x0 CPU 1 software reset control: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) A9_RST0 0 rw 0x0 CPU 0 software reset control: 0: de-assert (no reset) 1: assert (held in reset) Register (slcr) RS_AWDT_CTRL Name RS_AWDT_CTRL Relative Address 0x0000024C Absolute Address 0xF800024C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Watchdog Timer Reset Control Register RS_AWDT_CTRL Details Field Name reserved Bits 31:2 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1621 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description CTRL1 1 rw 0x0 Select the target for the APU watchdog timer 1 reset signal. Route the WDT reset to: 0: the same system level as PS_SRST_B 1: the CPU associated with the watchdog timer CTRL0 0 rw 0x0 Select the target for the APU watchdog timer 0 reset signal. Route the WDT reset to: 0: the same system level as PS_SRST_B 1: the CPU associated with the watchdog timer Register (slcr) REBOOT_STATUS Name REBOOT_STATUS Relative Address 0x00000258 Absolute Address 0xF8000258 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00400000 Description Reboot Status, persistent Register REBOOT_STATUS Details The Reboot Status persistent through all resets except Power-on reset. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description REBOOT_STATE 31:24 rw 0x0 General 32-bit R/W field to allow software to store information that persists through all resets except power-on reset. This field is reset by POR only. The ROM will put the last known reset reason into this register. reserved 23 rw 0x0 Reserved. POR 22 rw 0x1 Last reset was due to POR (power on reset), if set. This field is written by ROM code. SRST_B 21 rw 0x0 Last reset was due to SRST_B (soft reset), if set. This field is written by ROM code. DBG_RST 20 rw 0x0 Last reset was due to debug system reset, if set. This field is written by ROM code. SLC_RST 19 rw 0x0 Last reset was due to SLC soft reset, if set. This field is written by ROM code. AWDT1_RST 18 rw 0x0 Last reset was due to APU watchdog timer 1, if set. This field is written by ROM code. AWDT0_RST 17 rw 0x0 Last reset was due to APU watchdog timer 0, if set. This field is written by ROM code Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1622 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description SWDT_RST 16 rw 0x0 Last reset was due to system watchdog timeout, if set (see watchdog status for more details). This field is written by ROM code BOOTROM_ERROR_CO DE 15:0 rw 0x0 This field is written by the BootROM to describe errors that occur during the boot proceess. Refer to the BootROM debug status section in the Zynq-7000 Technical Reference Manual, UG585. Register (slcr) BOOT_MODE Name BOOT_MODE Relative Address 0x0000025C Absolute Address 0xF800025C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Boot Mode Strapping Pins Register BOOT_MODE Details Boot mode strapping pins are sampled when Power-on Reset deasserts. The logic levels are stored in this register. The explanation of these boot mode pin settings are explained in the boot mode section of the Zynq Technical Reference Manual. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. PLL_BYPASS 4 ro 0x0 Boot mode pins are sampled when Power-on Reset deasserts. The logic levels are stored in this register. The PLL_BYPASS pin sets the initial operating mode of all three PLL clocks (ARM, IO and DDR): 0: PLLs are enabled and their outputs are routed to the clock generators 1: PLLs are disabled and bypassed BOOT_MODE 3:0 ro x Boot mode pins are sampled when Power-on Reset deasserts. The logic levels are stored in this register. The interpretation of these boot mode values are explained in the boot mode section of the Zynq Technical Reference Manual. Register (slcr) APU_CTRL Name APU_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000300 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1623 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8000300 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description APU Control Register Details Register APU_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CFGSDISABLE 2 rw 0x0 Disable write access to some system control processor registers, and some GIC registers. Set only. Once set, individual core reset cannot reset this value. This field is reset by POR only. CP15SDISABLE 1:0 rw 0x0 Disable write access to some system control processor (CP15) registers, in each processor. Set only. Once set, individual core reset cannot reset this value. This field is reset by POR only. Register (slcr) WDT_CLK_SEL Name WDT_CLK_SEL Relative Address 0x00000304 Absolute Address 0xF8000304 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SWDT clock source select Register WDT_CLK_SEL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SEL 0 rw 0x0 System watchdog timer clock source selection: 0: internal clock CPU_1x 1: external clock from PL via EMIO, or from pinout via MIO Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1624 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) TZ_DMA_NS Name TZ_DMA_NS Relative Address 0x00000440 Absolute Address 0xF8000440 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMAC TrustZone Config Register TZ_DMA_NS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Should Be Zero DMAC_NS 0 rw 0x0 TZ security (connected to boot_manager_ns on DMAC): 0: secure, DMAC operates in the secure state. 1: non-secure, DMAC operates in the non-secure state. Register (slcr) TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS Name TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS Relative Address 0x00000444 Absolute Address 0xF8000444 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMAC TrustZone Config for Interrupts Register TZ_DMA_IRQ_NS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 rw 0x0 Should Be Zero DMA_IRQ_NS 15:0 rw 0x0 TZ security (connected to boot_irq_ns on DMAC): 0: secure, DMAC operates in the secure state. 1: non-secure, DMAC interrupt/event bit is in the non-secure state. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1625 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS Name TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS Relative Address 0x00000448 Absolute Address 0xF8000448 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DMAC TrustZone Config for Peripherals Register TZ_DMA_PERIPH_NS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 Should Be Zero DMAC_PERIPH_NS 3:0 rw 0x0 TZ security (connected to boot_periph_ns on DMAC): 0: secure, DMAC operates in the secure state. 1: non-secure, reset value: DMAC peripheral i/f is in the non-secure state. Register (slcr) PSS_IDCODE Name PSS_IDCODE Relative Address 0x00000530 Absolute Address 0xF8000530 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value x Description PS IDCODE Register PSS_IDCODE Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description REVISION 31:28 ro x Revision code FAMILY 27:21 ro 0x1B Family code SUBFAMILY 20:17 ro 0x9 Subfamily code Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1626 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description DEVICE 16:12 ro x Device code 7z010: 0x02 7z015: 0x1b 7z020: 0x07 7z030: 0x0c 7z045: 0x11 MANUFACTURER_ID 11:1 ro 0x49 Manufacturer ID reserved 0 ro 0x1 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is one. Register (slcr) DDR_URGENT Name DDR_URGENT Relative Address 0x00000600 Absolute Address 0xF8000600 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR Urgent Control Register DDR_URGENT Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 rw 0x0 Reserved S3_ARURGENT 7 rw 0x0 Set Read port 3 prioritization. S2_ARURGENT 6 rw 0x0 Set Read port 3 prioritization. S1_ARURGENT 5 rw 0x0 Set Read port 2 prioritization. S0_ARURGENT 4 rw 0x0 Set Read port 0 prioritization. S3_AWURGENT 3 rw 0x0 Set Write port 3 prioritization. S2_AWURGENT 2 rw 0x0 Set Write port 2 prioritization. S1_AWURGENT 1 rw 0x0 Set Write port 1 prioritization. S0_AWURGENT 0 rw 0x0 Set Write port 0 prioritization. Register (slcr) DDR_CAL_START Name DDR_CAL_START Relative Address 0x0000060C Absolute Address 0xF800060C Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1627 Appendix B: Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR Calibration Start Triggers Register Details Register DDR_CAL_START Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. START_CAL_DLL 1 wo 0x0 This register creates a pulse that is first synchronised into the ddr_clk domain and then directly drives the co_gs_dll_calib input into the DDR controller. This signal is a command that indicates to the controller to issue a dll_calib to the DRAM. This signal should pulse for 1 ddrc_core_clk clock cycle to request a dll_calib to be issued. This is only required if the DDR controller register reg_ddrc_dis_dll_calib is 1. If reg_ddrc_dis_dll_calib is 0, the controller will automatically issue DLL Calibs. 0: Do nothing. 1: Start DLL calibration command. A read of this register returns zero. START_CAL_SHORT 0 wo 0x0 This register creates a pulse that is first synchronized into the ddr_clk domain and then directly drives the co_gs_zq_calib_short input into the DDR controller. This is required to pulse for 1 clock to issue ZQ Calibration Short Command to the DDR. There should be a minimum of 512 clks gap between 2 ZQ Calib Short commands from the core. If DDR controller register reg_ddrc_dis_auto_zq=0, asserting co_gs_zq_calib_short is not required, as this will be done automatically. If reg_ddrc_dis_auto_zq=1, then the core logic is required to assert co_gs_zq_calib_short periodically to update DDR3 ZQ calibration. 0: Do nothing. 1: Start ZQ calibration short command. A read of this register returns zero. Register (slcr) DDR_REF_START Name DDR_REF_START Relative Address 0x00000614 Absolute Address 0xF8000614 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1628 Appendix B: Description Register Details DDR Refresh Start Triggers Register DDR_REF_START Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. START_REF 0 wo 0x0 This register creates a pulse that is first synchronized into the ddr_clk domain and then directly drives the co_gs_rank_refresh input into the DDR controller. This register must be used with the Virage DRAM controller register bit reg_ddrc_dis_auto_refresh. This signal is a command that indicates to the controller to issue a refresh to the DRAM. One bit per rank. This signal should pulse for 1 ddrc_core_clk clock cycle to request a refresh to be issued. 0: Do nothing. 1: Start refresh. A read of this register returns zero. Register (slcr) DDR_CMD_STA Name DDR_CMD_STA Relative Address 0x00000618 Absolute Address 0xF8000618 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR Command Store Status Register DDR_CMD_STA Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. CMD_Q_NEMPTY 0 ro 0x0 DDR controller command store fill status. 0: indicates DDRC command store is empty. 1: indicates there are commands pending in DDRC command store. This register is a continuous monitor of the ddrc_co_q_not_empty output from the DDR controller, which is first synchronised from ddr_clk into amba1x_clk. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1629 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) DDR_URGENT_SEL Name DDR_URGENT_SEL Relative Address 0x0000061C Absolute Address 0xF800061C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR Urgent Select Register DDR_URGENT_SEL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. S3_ARQOS_MODE 15:14 rw 0x0 Selects between the AXI port s3_awqos[3], fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: DDRC s3_awurgent bit is driven from the 'S3_AWURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. 01: DDRC s3_awurgent bit is driven from the s3_awqos bit. 10: DDRC s3_awurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[3] input. 11: undefined S2_ARQOS_MODE 13:12 rw 0x0 Selects between the AXI port s2_arqos[3], fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: DDRC s2_arurgent bit is driven from the 'S2_ARURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. 01: DDRC s2_arurgent bit is driven from the s2_arqos bit. 10: DDRC s2_arurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[2] input. 11: undefined S1_ARQOS_MODE 11:10 rw 0x0 Selects between the AXI port s1_arqos[3], fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: DDRC s1_arurgent bit is driven from the 'S1_ARURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. 01: DDRC s1_arurgent bit is driven from the s1_arqos bit. 10: DDRC s1_arurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[1] input. 11: undefined. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1630 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description S0_ARQOS_MODE 9:8 rw 0x0 Selects between the fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: DDRC s0_arurgent bit is driven from the 'S0_ARURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. x1: undefined 10: DDRC s0_arurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[0] input. 11: undefined S3_AWQOS_MODE 7:6 rw 0x0 Selects between the AXI port s3_awqos[3], fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: DDRC s3_awurgent bit is driven from the 'S3_AWURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. 01: DDRC s3_awurgent bit is driven from the s3_awqos bit. 10: DDRC s3_awurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[3] input. 11: undefined S2_AWQOS_MODE 5:4 rw 0x0 Selects between the AXI port s2_awqos[3], fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: DDRC s2_awurgent bit is driven from the 'S2_AWURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. 01: DDRC s2_awurgent bit is driven from the s2_awqos bit. 10: DDRC s2_awurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[2] input. 11: undefined Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1631 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description S1_AWQOS_MODE 3:2 rw 0x0 Selects between the AXI port s1_awqos[3], fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: DDRC s1_awurgent bit is driven from the 'S1_AWURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. 01: DDRC s1_awurgent bit is driven from the s1_awqos bit. 10: DDRC s1_awurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[1] input. 11: undefined S0_AWQOS_MODE 1:0 rw 0x0 Selects between the fabric signal or static register to drive the DDRC urgent bit. 00: The DDRC s0_awurgent bit is driven from the 'S0_AWURGENT' field of the DDR_URGENT_VAL register. x1: undefined 10: The DDRC s0_awurgent bit is driven from the fabric ddr_arb[0] input. 11: undefined Register (slcr) DDR_DFI_STATUS Name DDR_DFI_STATUS Relative Address 0x00000620 Absolute Address 0xF8000620 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR DFI status Register DDR_DFI_STATUS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DFI_CAL_ST 0 ro 0x0 This signal is intended to allow a calibration of the IOB's at a time when the DDR controller is in its calibration mode, i.e. during an idle period. Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_00 Name MIO_PIN_00 Relative Address 0x00000700 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1632 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF8000700 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 0 Control Register Details Register MIO_PIN_00 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Disable HSTL Input Buffer to save power when it is an output-only (IO_Type must be HSTL). 0: enable 1: disable PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Enables Pullup on IO Buffer pin 0: disable 1: enable IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Select the IO Buffer Type. 000: Reserved 001: LVCMOS18 010: LVCMOS25 011: LVCMOS33 100: HSTL 101: Reserved 110: Reserved 111: Reserved Speed 8 rw 0x0 Select IO Buffer Edge Rate, applicable when IO_Type is LVCMOS18, LVCMOS25 or LVCMOS33. 0: Slow CMOS edge 1: Fast CMOS edge L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 0 (bank 0), Input/Output others: reserved L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Chip Select 0, Output 10: NAND Flash Chip Select, Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1633 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 1 chip select, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Tri-state enable, active high. 0: disable 1: enable Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_01 Name MIO_PIN_01 Relative Address 0x00000704 Absolute Address 0xF8000704 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 1 Control Register MIO_PIN_01 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 1 (bank 0), Input/Output others: reserved L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM Address Bit 25, Output 10: SRAM/NOR Chip Select 1, Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: reserved L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 0 Chip Select, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1634 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_02 Name MIO_PIN_02 Relative Address 0x00000708 Absolute Address 0xF8000708 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000601 Description MIO Pin 2 Control Register MIO_PIN_02 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 2 (bank 0), Input/Output others: reserved L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: NAND Flash ALEn, Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 8, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 0 IO Bit 0, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_03 Name MIO_PIN_03 Relative Address 0x0000070C Absolute Address 0xF800070C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1635 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000601 Description MIO Pin 3 Control Register Details Register MIO_PIN_03 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 3 (bank 0), Input/Output others: reserved L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data bit 0, Input/Output 10: NAND WE_B, Output 11: SDIO 1 Card Power, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 9, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 0 IO Bit 1, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_04 Name MIO_PIN_04 Relative Address 0x00000710 Absolute Address 0xF8000710 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000601 Description MIO Pin 4 Control Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1636 Appendix B: Register Details Register MIO_PIN_04 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 4 (bank 0), Input/Output others: reserved L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data Bit 1, Input/Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 2, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 10, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 0 IO Bit 2, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_05 Name MIO_PIN_05 Relative Address 0x00000714 Absolute Address 0xF8000714 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000601 Description MIO Pin 5 Control Register MIO_PIN_05 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1637 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 5 (bank 0), Input/Output others: reserved L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data Bit 2, Input/Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 0, Input/Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 11, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 0 IO Bit 3, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_06 Name MIO_PIN_06 Relative Address 0x00000718 Absolute Address 0xF8000718 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000601 Description MIO Pin 6 Control Register MIO_PIN_06 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 6 (bank 0), Input/Output others: reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1638 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data Bit 3, Input/Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 1, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 12, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 0 Clock, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_07 Name MIO_PIN_07 Relative Address 0x0000071C Absolute Address 0xF800071C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000601 Description MIO Pin 7 Control Register MIO_PIN_07 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 7 (bank 0), Output-only others: reserved L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR OE_B, Output 10: NAND Flash CLE_B, Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1639 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 13, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_08 Name MIO_PIN_08 Relative Address 0x00000720 Absolute Address 0xF8000720 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000601 Description MIO Pin 8 Control Register MIO_PIN_08 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 8 (bank 0), Output-only 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: SRAM/NOR BLS_B, Output 011 to 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: NAND Flash RD_B, Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 14, Output Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1640 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI Feedback Clock, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_09 Name MIO_PIN_09 Relative Address 0x00000724 Absolute Address 0xF8000724 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 9 Control Register MIO_PIN_09 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 9 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010 to 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data Bit 6, Input/Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 4, Input/Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 15, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 1 Flash Memory Clock, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1641 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_10 Name MIO_PIN_10 Relative Address 0x00000728 Absolute Address 0xF8000728 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 10 Control Register MIO_PIN_10 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 10 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: PJTAG TDI, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 0, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MOSI, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data Bit 7, Input/Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 5, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 2, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 1 IO Bit 0, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1642 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_11 Name MIO_PIN_11 Relative Address 0x0000072C Absolute Address 0xF800072C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 11 Control Register MIO_PIN_11 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 11 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TDO, Output 100: SDIO 1 Command, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MISO, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data Bit 4, Input/Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 6, Input/Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 3, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 1 IO Bit 1, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1643 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_12 Name MIO_PIN_12 Relative Address 0x00000730 Absolute Address 0xF8000730 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 12 Control Register MIO_PIN_12 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 12 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TCK, Input 100: SDIO 1 Clock, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 7, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Clock, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 1 IO Bit 2, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1644 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_13 Name MIO_PIN_13 Relative Address 0x00000734 Absolute Address 0xF8000734 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 13 Control Register MIO_PIN_13 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 13 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TMS, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 1, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 0, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Data Bit 5, Input/Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 3, Input/Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Control Signal, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Quad SPI 1 IO Bit 3, Input/Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1645 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_14 Name MIO_PIN_14 Relative Address 0x00000738 Absolute Address 0xF8000738 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 14 Control Register MIO_PIN_14 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 14 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: SWDT Clock, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 2, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 slave select 1, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: NAND Flash Busy, Input 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 0, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1= Not Used TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1646 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_15 Name MIO_PIN_15 Relative Address 0x0000073C Absolute Address 0xF800073C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 15 Control Register MIO_PIN_15 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 15 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: SWDT Reset, Output 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 3, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 2, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 0, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 1, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1= Not Used TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1647 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_16 Name MIO_PIN_16 Relative Address 0x00000740 Absolute Address 0xF8000740 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 16 Control Register MIO_PIN_16 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 16 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 Clock, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Serial Clock, Input/Output 110: TTC 1 Wave, Output 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 1, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 8, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 4, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII Tx Clock, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1648 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_17 Name MIO_PIN_17 Relative Address 0x00000744 Absolute Address 0xF8000744 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 17 Control Register MIO_PIN_17 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 17 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 Command, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 MISO, Input/Output 110 TTC 1 Clock, Input 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 2, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 9, Input/Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 5, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII TxD Bit 0, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1649 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_18 Name MIO_PIN_18 Relative Address 0x00000748 Absolute Address 0xF8000748 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 18 Control Register MIO_PIN_18 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 18 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 0, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 0, Input/Output 110: TTC 0 Wave, Output 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 3, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 10, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 6, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII TxD Bit 1, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1650 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_19 Name MIO_PIN_19 Relative Address 0x0000074C Absolute Address 0xF800074C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 19 Control Register MIO_PIN_19 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 19 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 1, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 1, Output 110: TTC 0 Clock, Input 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 4, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 11, Input/Output 111: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 7, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII TxD Bit 2, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1651 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_20 Name MIO_PIN_20 Relative Address 0x00000750 Absolute Address 0xF8000750 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 20 Control Register MIO_PIN_20 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 20 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 2, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 2, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 5, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 12, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: reserved L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII TxD Bit 3, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1652 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_21 Name MIO_PIN_21 Relative Address 0x00000754 Absolute Address 0xF8000754 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 21 Control Register MIO_PIN_21 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 21 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 3, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 MOSI, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 6, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 13, Input/Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: reserved L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII Tx Control, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1653 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_22 Name MIO_PIN_22 Relative Address 0x00000758 Absolute Address 0xF8000758 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 22 Control Register MIO_PIN_22 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 22 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: PJTAG TDI, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 0, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MOSI, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 7, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 14, Input/Output 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 2, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII Rx Clock, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1654 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_23 Name MIO_PIN_23 Relative Address 0x0000075C Absolute Address 0xF800075C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 23 Control Register MIO_PIN_23 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 23 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TDO, Output 100: SDIO 1 Command, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MISO, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 8, Output 10: NAND Flash IO Bit 15, Input/Output 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 3, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII RxD 0, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1655 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_24 Name MIO_PIN_24 Relative Address 0x00000760 Absolute Address 0xF8000760 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 24 Control Register MIO_PIN_24 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 24 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TCK, Input 100: SDIO 1 Clock, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 9, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Clock output, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII RxD Bit 1, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1656 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_25 Name MIO_PIN_25 Relative Address 0x00000764 Absolute Address 0xF8000764 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 25 Control Register MIO_PIN_25 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 25 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TMS, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 1, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 0, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 10, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Control Signal, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII RxD Bit2, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1657 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_26 Name MIO_PIN_26 Relative Address 0x00000768 Absolute Address 0xF8000768 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 26 Control Register MIO_PIN_26 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 26 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: SWDT Clock, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 2, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 1, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 11, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 0, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII RxD Bit 3, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1658 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_27 Name MIO_PIN_27 Relative Address 0x0000076C Absolute Address 0xF800076C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 27 Control Register MIO_PIN_27 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 27 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: SWDT Reset, Output 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 3, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 2, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 12, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: Trace Port Data Bit 1, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 0 RGMII Rx Control, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1659 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_28 Name MIO_PIN_28 Relative Address 0x00000770 Absolute Address 0xF8000770 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 28 Control Register MIO_PIN_28 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 28 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 Clock, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Serial Clock, Input/Output 110: TTC 1 Wave, Output 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 13, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 4, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII Tx Clock, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1660 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_29 Name MIO_PIN_29 Relative Address 0x00000774 Absolute Address 0xF8000774 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 29 Control Register MIO_PIN_29 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 29 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 Command, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 MISO, Input/Output 110: TTC 1 Clock, Input 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 14, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Direction, Input L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII TxD Bit 0, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1661 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_30 Name MIO_PIN_30 Relative Address 0x00000778 Absolute Address 0xF8000778 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 30 Control Register MIO_PIN_30 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 30 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 0, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 0, Input/Output 110: TTC 0 Wave, Output 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 15, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Stop, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII TxD Bit 1, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1662 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_31 Name MIO_PIN_31 Relative Address 0x0000077C Absolute Address 0xF800077C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 31 Control Register MIO_PIN_31 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 31 (bank 0), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 1, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 1, Output 110: TTC 0 Clock, Input 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 16, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Next, Input L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII TxD Bit 2, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1663 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_32 Name MIO_PIN_32 Relative Address 0x00000780 Absolute Address 0xF8000780 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 32 Control Register MIO_PIN_32 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 32 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 2, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 2, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 17, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 0, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII TxD Bit 3, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1664 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_33 Name MIO_PIN_33 Relative Address 0x00000784 Absolute Address 0xF8000784 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 33 Control Register MIO_PIN_33 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 33 (Bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 3, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 MOSI, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 18, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 1, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII Tx Control, Output TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1665 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_34 Name MIO_PIN_34 Relative Address 0x00000788 Absolute Address 0xF8000788 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 34 Control Register MIO_PIN_34 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 34 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: PJTAG TDI, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 0, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MOSI, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 19, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 2, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII Rx Clock, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1666 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_35 Name MIO_PIN_35 Relative Address 0x0000078C Absolute Address 0xF800078C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 35 Control Register MIO_PIN_35 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 35 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TDO, Output 100: SDIO 1 Command, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MISO, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 20, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 3, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII RxD data Bit 0, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1667 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_36 Name MIO_PIN_36 Relative Address 0x00000790 Absolute Address 0xF8000790 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 36 Control Register MIO_PIN_36 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 36 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TCK, Input 100: SDIO 1 Clock, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Clock, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 21, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Clock, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII Data Bit 1 TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1668 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_37 Name MIO_PIN_37 Relative Address 0x00000794 Absolute Address 0xF8000794 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 37 Control Register MIO_PIN_37 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 37 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TMS, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 1, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 0, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 22, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 5, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII RxD Data Bit 2, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1669 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_38 Name MIO_PIN_38 Relative Address 0x00000798 Absolute Address 0xF8000798 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 38 Control Register MIO_PIN_38 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 38 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: SWDT Clock, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 2, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 1, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 23, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 6, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII RxD Data Bit 3, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1670 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_39 Name MIO_PIN_39 Relative Address 0x0000079C Absolute Address 0xF800079C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 39 Control Register MIO_PIN_39 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 39 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: SWDT Reset, Output 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 3, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 2, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: SRAM/NOR Address Bit 24, Output 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 0 ULPI Data Bit 7, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: Ethernet 1 RGMII Rx Control, Input TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1671 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_40 Name MIO_PIN_40 Relative Address 0x000007A0 Absolute Address 0xF80007A0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 40 Control Register MIO_PIN_40 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 40 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 Clock, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Serial Clock, Input/Output 110: TTC 1 Wave, Output 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 4, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1672 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_41 Name MIO_PIN_41 Relative Address 0x000007A4 Absolute Address 0xF80007A4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 41 Control Register MIO_PIN_41 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 41 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 Command, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 MISO, Input/Output 110: TTC 1 Clock, Input 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Direction, Input L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1673 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_42 Name MIO_PIN_42 Relative Address 0x000007A8 Absolute Address 0xF80007A8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 42 Control Register MIO_PIN_42 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 42 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 0, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 0, Input/Output 110: TTC 0 Wave, Output 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Stop, Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1= Not Used TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1674 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_43 Name MIO_PIN_43 Relative Address 0x000007AC Absolute Address 0xF80007AC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 43 Control Register MIO_PIN_43 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 43 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 1, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 1, Output 110: TTC 0 Clock, Input 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Next, Input L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1675 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_44 Name MIO_PIN_44 Relative Address 0x000007B0 Absolute Address 0xF80007B0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 44 Control Register MIO_PIN_44 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 44 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 2, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 Slave Select 2, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 0, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1676 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_45 Name MIO_PIN_45 Relative Address 0x000007B4 Absolute Address 0xF80007B4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 45 Control Register MIO_PIN_45 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 45 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: reserved 100: SDIO 0 IO Bit 3, Input/Output 101: SPI 0 MOSI, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 1, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1677 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_46 Name MIO_PIN_46 Relative Address 0x000007B8 Absolute Address 0xF80007B8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 46 Control Register MIO_PIN_46 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 46 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: PJTAG TDI, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 0, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MOSI, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 2, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1678 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_47 Name MIO_PIN_47 Relative Address 0x000007BC Absolute Address 0xF80007BC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 47 Control Register MIO_PIN_47 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 47 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TDO, Output 100: SDIO 1 Command, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 MISO, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 3, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1679 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_48 Name MIO_PIN_48 Relative Address 0x000007C0 Absolute Address 0xF80007C0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 48 Control Register MIO_PIN_48 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 48 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TCK, Input 100: SDIO 1 Clock, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Clock, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1680 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_49 Name MIO_PIN_49 Relative Address 0x000007C4 Absolute Address 0xF80007C4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 49 Control Register MIO_PIN_49 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 49 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: PJTAG TMS, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 1, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Select 0, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 5, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1681 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_50 Name MIO_PIN_50 Relative Address 0x000007C8 Absolute Address 0xF80007C8 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 50 Control Register MIO_PIN_50 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 50 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Rx, Input 010: I2C 0 Serial Clock, Input/Ouput 011: SWDT Clock, Input 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 2, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 1, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 6, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1682 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_51 Name MIO_PIN_51 Relative Address 0x000007CC Absolute Address 0xF80007CC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 51 Control Register MIO_PIN_51 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 51 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 0 Tx, Output 010: I2C 0 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: SWDT Reset, Output 100: SDIO 1 IO Bit 3, Input/Output 101: SPI 1 Slave Select 2, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 0 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: USB 1 ULPI Data Bit 7, Input/Output L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1683 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_52 Name MIO_PIN_52 Relative Address 0x000007D0 Absolute Address 0xF80007D0 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 52 Control Register MIO_PIN_52 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 52 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Tx, Output 010: I2C 1 Serial Clock, Input/Output 011: SWDT Clock, Input 100: MDIO 0 Clock, Output 101: MDIO 1 Clock, Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 TxD, Output L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 0 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: reserved L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1684 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_PIN_53 Name MIO_PIN_53 Relative Address 0x000007D4 Absolute Address 0xF80007D4 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001601 Description MIO Pin 53 Control Register MIO_PIN_53 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 rw 0x0 reserved DisableRcvr 13 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[DisableRcvr] PULLUP 12 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[PULLUP] IO_Type 11:9 rw 0x3 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[IO_Type] Speed 8 rw 0x0 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[Speed] L3_SEL 7:5 rw 0x0 Level 3 Mux Select 000: GPIO 53 (bank 1), Input/Output 001: CAN 1 Rx, Input 010: I2C 1 Serial Data, Input/Output 011: SWDT Reset, Output 100: MDIO 0 Data, Input/Output 101: MDIO 1 Data, Input/Output 110: reserved 111: UART 1 RxD, Input L2_SEL 4:3 rw 0x0 Level 2 Mux Select 00: Level 3 Mux 01: reserved 10: reserved 11: SDIO 1 Power Control, Output L1_SEL 2 rw 0x0 Level 1 Mux Select 0: Level 2 Mux 1: reserved L0_SEL 1 rw 0x0 Level 0 Mux Select 0: Level 1 Mux 1: reserved TRI_ENABLE 0 rw 0x1 Operates the same as MIO_PIN_00[TRI_ENABLE] Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1685 Appendix B: Register Details Register (slcr) MIO_LOOPBACK Name MIO_LOOPBACK Relative Address 0x00000804 Absolute Address 0xF8000804 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Loopback function within MIO Register MIO_LOOPBACK Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:4 rw 0x0 reserved I2C0_LOOP_I2C1 3 rw 0x0 I2C Loopback Control. 0 = Connect I2C inputs according to MIO mapping. 1 = Loop I2C 0 outputs to I2C 1 inputs, and I2C 1 outputs to I2C 0 inputs. CAN0_LOOP_CAN1 2 rw 0x0 CAN Loopback Control. 0 = Connect CAN inputs according to MIO mapping. 1 = Loop CAN 0 Tx to CAN 1 Rx, and CAN 1 Tx to CAN 0 Rx. UA0_LOOP_UA1 1 rw 0x0 UART Loopback Control. 0 = Connect UART inputs according to MIO mapping. 1 = Loop UART 0 outputs to UART 1 inputs, and UART 1 outputs to UART 0 inputs. RXD/TXD cross-connected. RTS/CTS cross-connected. DSR, DTR, DCD and RI not used. SPI0_LOOP_SPI1 0 rw 0x0 SPI Loopback Control. 0 = Connect SPI inputs according to MIO mapping. 1 = Loop SPI 0 outputs to SPI 1 inputs, and SPI 1 outputs to SPI 0 inputs. The other SPI core will appear on the LS Slave Select. Register (slcr) MIO_MST_TRI0 Name MIO_MST_TRI0 Relative Address 0x0000080C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1686 Appendix B: Absolute Address 0xF800080C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0xFFFFFFFF Description MIO pin Tri-state Enables, 31:0 Register Details Register MIO_MST_TRI0 Details Parallel access to the master tri-state enables for MIO pins Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PIN_31_TRI 31 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 31, active high PIN_30_TRI 30 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 30, active high PIN_29_TRI 29 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 29, active high PIN_28_TRI 28 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 28, active high PIN_27_TRI 27 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 27, active high PIN_26_TRI 26 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 26, active high PIN_25_TRI 25 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 25, active high PIN_24_TRI 24 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 24, active high PIN_23_TRI 23 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 23, active high PIN_22_TRI 22 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 22, active high PIN_21_TRI 21 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 21, active high PIN_20_TRI 20 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 20, active high PIN_19_TRI 19 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 19, active high PIN_18_TRI 18 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 18, active high PIN_17_TRI 17 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 17, active high PIN_16_TRI 16 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 16, active high PIN_15_TRI 15 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 15, active high PIN_14_TRI 14 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 14, active high PIN_13_TRI 13 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 13, active high PIN_12_TRI 12 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 12, active high PIN_11_TRI 11 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 11, active high PIN_10_TRI 10 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 10, active high PIN_09_TRI 9 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 9, active high PIN_08_TRI 8 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 8, active high PIN_07_TRI 7 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 7, active high PIN_06_TRI 6 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 6, active high PIN_05_TRI 5 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 5, active high PIN_04_TRI 4 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 4, active high Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1687 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PIN_03_TRI 3 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 3, active high PIN_02_TRI 2 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 2, active high PIN_01_TRI 1 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 1, active high PIN_00_TRI 0 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 0, active high Register (slcr) MIO_MST_TRI1 Name MIO_MST_TRI1 Relative Address 0x00000810 Absolute Address 0xF8000810 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x003FFFFF Description MIO pin Tri-state Enables, 53:32 Register MIO_MST_TRI1 Details Parallel access to the master tri-state enables for MIO pins Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rw 0x0 reserved PIN_53_TRI 21 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 53, active high PIN_52_TRI 20 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 52, active high PIN_51_TRI 19 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 51, active high PIN_50_TRI 18 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 50, active high PIN_49_TRI 17 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 49, active high PIN_48_TRI 16 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 48, active high PIN_47_TRI 15 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 47, active high PIN_46_TRI 14 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 46, active high PIN_45_TRI 13 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 45, active high PIN_44_TRI 12 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 44, active high PIN_43_TRI 11 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 43, active high PIN_42_TRI 10 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 42, active high PIN_41_TRI 9 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 41, active high PIN_40_TRI 8 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 40, active high PIN_39_TRI 7 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 39, active high PIN_38_TRI 6 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 38, active high PIN_37_TRI 5 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 37, active high Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1688 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PIN_36_TRI 4 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 36, active high PIN_35_TRI 3 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 35, active high PIN_34_TRI 2 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 34, active high PIN_33_TRI 1 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 33, active high PIN_32_TRI 0 rw 0x1 Master Tri-state Enable for pin 32, active high Register (slcr) SD0_WP_CD_SEL Name SD0_WP_CD_SEL Relative Address 0x00000830 Absolute Address 0xF8000830 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SDIO 0 WP CD select Register SD0_WP_CD_SEL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rw 0x0 reserved SDIO0_CD_SEL 21:16 rw 0x0 SDIO 0 CD Select. Values 53:0 select MIO input (any pin except bits 7 and 8) Values 63:54 select EMIO input reserved 15:6 rw 0x0 reserved SDIO0_WP_SEL 5:0 rw 0x0 SDIO 0 WP Select. Values 53:0 select MIO input (any pin except 7 and 8) Values 63:54 select EMIO input Register (slcr) SD1_WP_CD_SEL Name SD1_WP_CD_SEL Relative Address 0x00000834 Absolute Address 0xF8000834 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SDIO 1 WP CD select Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1689 Appendix B: Register Details Register SD1_WP_CD_SEL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:22 rw 0x0 reserved SDIO1_CD_SEL 21:16 rw 0x0 SDIO 1 CD Select. Values 53:0 select MIO input (any pin except bits 7 and 8) Values 63:54 select EMIO input reserved 15:6 rw 0x0 reserved SDIO1_WP_SEL 5:0 rw 0x0 SDIO 1 WP Select. Values 53:0 select MIO input (any pin except 7 and 8) Values 63:54 select EMIO input Register (slcr) LVL_SHFTR_EN Name LVL_SHFTR_EN Relative Address 0x00000900 Absolute Address 0xF8000900 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Level Shifters Enable Register LVL_SHFTR_EN Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. USER_LVL_SHFTR_EN 3:0 rw 0x0 Level shifter enable to drive signals between PS and PL. 0x0 = disable all level shifters 0xA = enable PS-to-PL level shifters 0xF = enable all level shifters All other = reserved Register (slcr) OCM_CFG Name OCM_CFG Relative Address 0x00000910 Absolute Address 0xF8000910 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1690 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description OCM Address Mapping Register Details Register OCM_CFG Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. SWAP 4 rw 0x0 Always write the value that is read. RAM_HI 3:0 rw 0x0 Maps the OCM RAM (in 64 KB sections) to the high or low address space: 0: low address. 1: high address. RAM_HI [0] is first 64 KB RAM_HI [1] is second 64 KB RAM_HI [2] is third 64 KB RAM_HI [3] is fourth 64 KB Refer to the OCM chapter for more details. Register (slcr) Reserved Name Reserved Relative Address 0x00000A1C Absolute Address 0xF8000A1C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00010101 Description Reserved Register Reserved Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 23:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 21 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 20:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:16 rw 0x1 Must be set to 2. Any other value including the reset value may lead to undefined behavior. reserved 15:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 13 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1691 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 12:11 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 10:8 rw 0x1 Must be set to 2. Any other value including the reset value may lead to undefined behavior. reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 5 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 4:3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 2:0 rw 0x1 Must be set to 2. Any other value including the reset value may lead to undefined behavior. Register (slcr) GPIOB_CTRL Name GPIOB_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000B00 Absolute Address 0xF8000B00 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description PS IO Buffer Control Register GPIOB_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. VREF_SW_EN 11 rw 0x0 Enables the VREF switch 0: internal 1: external reserved 10 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 9 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. VREF_SEL 6:4 rw 0x0 Specifies GPIO VREF Selection 000: VREF = Disabled 001: VREF = 0.9V Other values reserved reserved 3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1692 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 1 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. VREF_EN 0 rw 0x0 Enables VREF internal generator Register (slcr) GPIOB_CFG_CMOS18 Name GPIOB_CFG_CMOS18 Relative Address 0x00000B04 Absolute Address 0xF8000B04 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description MIO GPIOB CMOS 1.8V config Register GPIOB_CFG_CMOS18 Details The only allowed values for this register are 0x00000000 (reset value) and 0x0C301166 (normal operation) Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:28 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 27:25 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 24:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 21:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 15:12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11:8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) GPIOB_CFG_CMOS25 Name GPIOB_CFG_CMOS25 Relative Address 0x00000B08 Absolute Address 0xF8000B08 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description MIO GPIOB CMOS 2.5V config Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1693 Appendix B: Register Details Register GPIOB_CFG_CMOS25 Details The only allowed values for this register are 0x00000000 (reset value) and 0x0C301100 (normal operation) Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:28 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 27:25 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 24:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 21:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 15:12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11:8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) GPIOB_CFG_CMOS33 Name GPIOB_CFG_CMOS33 Relative Address 0x00000B0C Absolute Address 0xF8000B0C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description MIO GPIOB CMOS 3.3V config Register GPIOB_CFG_CMOS33 Details The only allowed values for this register are 0x00000000 (reset value) and 0x0C301166 (normal operation) Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:28 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 27:25 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 24:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 21:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 15:12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11:8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1694 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 7:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) GPIOB_CFG_HSTL Name GPIOB_CFG_HSTL Relative Address 0x00000B14 Absolute Address 0xF8000B14 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description MIO GPIOB HSTL config Register GPIOB_CFG_HSTL Details The only allowed values for this register are 0x00000000 (reset value) and 0x0C750077 (normal operation). You must provide a VREF or use the internal VREF generator. When setting the input to HSTL, you must ensure that VCCO_MIO is below 1.8V. If not, this will lead to long term damage to the IO. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:28 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 27:25 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 24:22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 21:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:16 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 15:12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11:8 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7:4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 3:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) GPIOB_DRVR_BIAS_CTRL Name GPIOB_DRVR_BIAS_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000B18 Absolute Address 0xF8000B18 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1695 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description MIO GPIOB Driver Bias Control Register Details Register GPIOB_DRVR_BIAS_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description RB_VCFG 31 ro 0x0 Right Bank (Bank 1 and Bank 501) VCFG (Read Only) RB_DRVR_BIAS 30:16 rw 0x0 Right Bank driver bias control LB_VCFG 15 ro 0x0 Left Bank (Bank 0 and Bank 500) VCFG (Read Only) LB_DRVR_BIAS 14:0 rw 0x0 Left Bank driver bias control Register (slcr) DDRIOB_ADDR0 Name DDRIOB_ADDR0 Relative Address 0x00000B40 Absolute Address 0xF8000B40 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000800 Description DDR IOB Config for A[14:0], CKE and DRST_B Register DDRIOB_ADDR0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved PULLUP_EN 11 rw 0x1 enables pullup on output 0: no pullup 1: pullup enabled OUTPUT_EN 10:9 rw 0x0 Enables output mode to enable output ties to 00: ibuf 01 and 10: reserved 11: obuf Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1696 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description TERM_DISABLE_MODE 8 rw 0x0 Termination is used during read transactions and may be disabled (automatically by hardware) when there are no reads taking place through the DDR Interface. Disabling termination reduces power consumption. 0: termination always enabled 1: use 'dynamic_dci_ts' to disable termination when not in use NOTE: This bit must be 0 during DRAM init/training. It may be set to 1 after init/training completes. IBUF_DISABLE_MODE 7 rw 0x0 Use ibuf_disable_into control ibuf 0: ibuf is enabled 1: use ibuf_disable_in_to control enable NOTE: This must be 0 during DRAM init/training and can only be set to 1 after init/training completes. DCI_TYPE 6:5 rw 0x0 DCI Mode Selection: 00: DCI Disabled (DDR2/3L ADDR and CLOCK) 01: DCI Drive (LPDDR2) 10: reserved 11: DCI Termination (DDR2/3/3L DATA and DIFF) TERM_EN 4 rw 0x0 Tri State Termination Enable: 0: disable 1: enable DCI_UPDATE_B 3 rw 0x0 DCI Update Enable: 0: disable 1: enable INP_TYPE 2:1 rw 0x0 Input buffer control: 00: Input off (input signal to selected controller is driven Low). 01: Vref based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL. 10: Differential input receiver. 11: LVCMOS receiver. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_ADDR1 Name DDRIOB_ADDR1 Relative Address 0x00000B44 Absolute Address 0xF8000B44 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000800 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1697 Appendix B: Description Register Details DDR IOB Config for BA[2:0], ODT, CS_B, WE_B, RAS_B and CAS_B Register DDRIOB_ADDR1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved PULLUP_EN 11 rw 0x1 enables pullup on output 0: no pullup 1: pullup enabled OUTPUT_EN 10:9 rw 0x0 Enables output mode to enable output ties to 00: ibuf 01 and 10: reserved 11: obuf TERM_DISABLE_MODE 8 rw 0x0 Termination is used during read transactions and may be disabled (automatically by hardware) when there are no reads taking place through the DDR Interface. Disabling termination reduces power consumption. 0: termination always enabled 1: use 'dynamic_dci_ts' to disable termination when not in use NOTE: This bit must be 0 during DRAM init/training. It may be set to 1 after init/training completes. IBUF_DISABLE_MODE 7 rw 0x0 Use ibuf_disable_into control ibuf 0: ibuf is enabled 1: use ibuf_disable_in_to control enable NOTE: This must be 0 during DRAM init/training and can only be set to 1 after init/training completes. DCI_TYPE 6:5 rw 0x0 DCI Mode Selection: 00: DCI Disabled (DDR2/3L ADDR and CLOCK) 01: DCI Drive (LPDDR2) 10: reserved 11: DCI Termination (DDR2/3/3L DATA and DIFF) TERM_EN 4 rw 0x0 Tri State Termination Enable: 0: disable 1: enable DCI_UPDATE_B 3 rw 0x0 DCI Update Enable: 0: disable 1: enable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1698 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description INP_TYPE 2:1 rw 0x0 Input buffer control: 00: Input off (input signal to selected controller is driven Low). 01: Vref based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL. 10: Differential input receiver. 11: LVCMOS receiver. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DATA0 Name DDRIOB_DATA0 Relative Address 0x00000B48 Absolute Address 0xF8000B48 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000800 Description DDR IOB Config for Data 15:0 Register DDRIOB_DATA0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved PULLUP_EN 11 rw 0x1 enables pullup on output 0: no pullup 1: pullup enabled OUTPUT_EN 10:9 rw 0x0 Enables output mode to enable output ties to 00: ibuf 01 and 10: reserved 11: obuf TERM_DISABLE_MODE 8 rw 0x0 Termination is used during read transactions and may be disabled (automatically by hardware) when there are no reads taking place through the DDR Interface. Disabling termination reduces power consumption. 0: termination always enabled 1: use 'dynamic_dci_ts' to disable termination when not in use NOTE: This bit must be 0 during DRAM init/training. It may be set to 1 after init/training completes. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1699 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description IBUF_DISABLE_MODE 7 rw 0x0 Use ibuf_disable_into control ibuf 0: ibuf is enabled 1: use ibuf_disable_in_to control enable NOTE: This must be 0 during DRAM init/training and can only be set to 1 after init/training completes. DCI_TYPE 6:5 rw 0x0 DCI Mode Selection: 00: DCI Disabled (DDR2/3L ADDR and CLOCK) 01: DCI Drive (LPDDR2) 10: reserved 11: DCI Termination (DDR2/3/3L DATA and DIFF) TERM_EN 4 rw 0x0 Tri State Termination Enable: 0: disable 1: enable DCI_UPDATE_B 3 rw 0x0 DCI Update Enable: 0: disable 1: enable INP_TYPE 2:1 rw 0x0 Input buffer control: 00: Input off (input signal to selected controller is driven Low). 01: Vref based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL. 10: Differential input receiver. 11: LVCMOS receiver. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DATA1 Name DDRIOB_DATA1 Relative Address 0x00000B4C Absolute Address 0xF8000B4C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000800 Description DDR IOB Config for Data 31:16 Register DDRIOB_DATA1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved PULLUP_EN 11 rw 0x1 enables pullup on output 0: no pullup 1: pullup enabled Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1700 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description OUTPUT_EN 10:9 rw 0x0 Enables output mode to enable output ties to 00: ibuf 01 and 10: reserved 11: obuf TERM_DISABLE_MODE 8 rw 0x0 Termination is used during read transactions and may be disabled (automatically by hardware) when there are no reads taking place through the DDR Interface. Disabling termination reduces power consumption. 0: termination always enabled 1: use 'dynamic_dci_ts' to disable termination when not in use NOTE: This bit must be 0 during DRAM init/training. It may be set to 1 after init/training completes. IBUF_DISABLE_MODE 7 rw 0x0 Use ibuf_disable_into control ibuf 0: ibuf is enabled 1: use ibuf_disable_in_to control enable NOTE: This must be 0 during DRAM init/training and can only be set to 1 after init/training completes. DCI_TYPE 6:5 rw 0x0 DCI Mode Selection: 00: DCI Disabled (DDR2/3L ADDR and CLOCK) 01: DCI Drive (LPDDR2) 10: reserved 11: DCI Termination (DDR2/3/3L DATA and DIFF) TERM_EN 4 rw 0x0 Tri State Termination Enable: 0: disable 1: enable DCI_UPDATE_B 3 rw 0x0 DCI Update Enable: 0: disable 1: enable INP_TYPE 2:1 rw 0x0 Input buffer control: 00: Input off (input signal to selected controller is driven Low). 01: Vref based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL. 10: Differential input receiver. 11: LVCMOS receiver. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DIFF0 Name DDRIOB_DIFF0 Relative Address 0x00000B50 Absolute Address 0xF8000B50 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1701 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000800 Description DDR IOB Config for DQS 1:0 Register Details Register DDRIOB_DIFF0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved PULLUP_EN 11 rw 0x1 enables pullup on output 0: no pullup 1: pullup enabled OUTPUT_EN 10:9 rw 0x0 Enables output mode to enable output ties to 00: ibuf 01 and 10: reserved 11: obuf TERM_DISABLE_MODE 8 rw 0x0 Termination is used during read transactions and may be disabled (automatically by hardware) when there are no reads taking place through the DDR Interface. Disabling termination reduces power consumption. 0: termination always enabled 1: use 'dynamic_dci_ts' to disable termination when not in use NOTE: This bit must be 0 during DRAM init/training. It may be set to 1 after init/training completes. IBUF_DISABLE_MODE 7 rw 0x0 Use ibuf_disable_into control ibuf 0: ibuf is enabled 1: use ibuf_disable_in_to control enable NOTE: This must be 0 during DRAM init/training and can only be set to 1 after init/training completes. DCI_TYPE 6:5 rw 0x0 DCI Mode Selection: 00: DCI Disabled (DDR2/3L ADDR and CLOCK) 01: DCI Drive (LPDDR2) 10: reserved 11: DCI Termination (DDR2/3/3L DATA and DIFF) TERM_EN 4 rw 0x0 Tri State Termination Enable: 0: disable 1: enable DCI_UPDATE_B 3 rw 0x0 DCI Update Enable: 0: disable 1: enable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1702 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description INP_TYPE 2:1 rw 0x0 Input buffer control: 00: Input off (input signal to selected controller is driven Low). 01: Vref based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL. 10: Differential input receiver. 11: LVCMOS receiver. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DIFF1 Name DDRIOB_DIFF1 Relative Address 0x00000B54 Absolute Address 0xF8000B54 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000800 Description DDR IOB Config for DQS 3:2 Register DDRIOB_DIFF1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved PULLUP_EN 11 rw 0x1 enables pullup on output 0: no pullup 1: pullup enabled OUTPUT_EN 10:9 rw 0x0 Enables output mode to enable output ties to 00: ibuf 01 and 10: reserved 11: obuf TERM_DISABLE_MODE 8 rw 0x0 Termination is used during read transactions and may be disabled (automatically by hardware) when there are no reads taking place through the DDR Interface. Disabling termination reduces power consumption. 0: termination always enabled 1: use 'dynamic_dci_ts' to disable termination when not in use NOTE: This bit must be 0 during DRAM init/training. It may be set to 1 after init/training completes. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1703 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description IBUF_DISABLE_MODE 7 rw 0x0 Use ibuf_disable_into control ibuf 0: ibuf is enabled 1: use ibuf_disable_in_to control enable NOTE: This must be 0 during DRAM init/training and can only be set to 1 after init/training completes. DCI_TYPE 6:5 rw 0x0 DCI Mode Selection: 00: DCI Disabled (DDR2/3L ADDR and CLOCK) 01: DCI Drive (LPDDR2) 10: reserved 11: DCI Termination (DDR2/3/3L DATA and DIFF) TERM_EN 4 rw 0x0 Tri State Termination Enable: 0: disable 1: enable DCI_UPDATE_B 3 rw 0x0 DCI Update Enable: 0: disable 1: enable INP_TYPE 2:1 rw 0x0 Input buffer control: 00: Input off (input signal to selected controller is driven Low). 01: Vref based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL. 10: Differential input receiver. 11: LVCMOS receiver. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_CLOCK Name DDRIOB_CLOCK Relative Address 0x00000B58 Absolute Address 0xF8000B58 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000800 Description DDR IOB Config for Clock Output Register DDRIOB_CLOCK Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 rw 0x0 Reserved PULLUP_EN 11 rw 0x1 enables pullup on output 0: no pullup 1: pullup enabled Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1704 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description OUTPUT_EN 10:9 rw 0x0 Enables output mode to enable output ties to 00: ibuf 01 and 10: reserved 11: obuf TERM_DISABLE_MODE 8 rw 0x0 Termination is used during read transactions and may be disabled (automatically by hardware) when there are no reads taking place through the DDR Interface. Disabling termination reduces power consumption. 0: termination always enabled 1: use 'dynamic_dci_ts' to disable termination when not in use NOTE: This bit must be 0 during DRAM init/training. It may be set to 1 after init/training completes. IBUF_DISABLE_MODE 7 rw 0x0 Use ibuf_disable_into control ibuf 0: ibuf is enabled 1: use ibuf_disable_in_to control enable NOTE: This must be 0 during DRAM init/training and can only be set to 1 after init/training completes. DCI_TYPE 6:5 rw 0x0 DCI Mode Selection: 00: DCI Disabled (DDR2/3L ADDR and CLOCK) 01: DCI Drive (LPDDR2) 10: reserved 11: DCI Termination (DDR2/3/3L DATA and DIFF) TERM_EN 4 rw 0x0 Tri State Termination Enable: 0: disable 1: enable DCI_UPDATE_B 3 rw 0x0 DCI Update Enable: 0: disable 1: enable INP_TYPE 2:1 rw 0x0 Input buffer control: 00: Input off (input signal to selected controller is driven Low). 01: Vref based differential receiver for SSTL, HSTL. 10: Differential input receiver. 11: LVCMOS receiver. reserved 0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ADDR Name DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ADDR Relative Address 0x00000B5C Absolute Address 0xF8000B5C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1705 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Drive and Slew controls for Address and Command pins of the DDR Interface Register Details Register DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_ADDR Details Value of this register is computed by EDK after taking into account the Silicon Revision and DDR Standard and can be found in the initialization TCL file or FSBL code. Values other than the one computed by EDK are not supported Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26:24 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 23:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 13:7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DATA Name DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DATA Relative Address 0x00000B60 Absolute Address 0xF8000B60 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Drive and Slew controls for DQ pins of the DDR Interface Register DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DATA Details Value of this register is computed by EDK after taking into account the Silicon Revision and DDR Standard and can be found in the initialization TCL file or FSBL code. Values other than the one computed by EDK are not supported Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26:24 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 23:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1706 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 13:7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DIFF Name DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DIFF Relative Address 0x00000B64 Absolute Address 0xF8000B64 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Drive and Slew controls for DQS pins of the DDR Interface Register DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_DIFF Details Value of this register is computed by EDK after taking into account the Silicon Revision and DDR Standard and can be found in the initialization TCL file or FSBL code. Values other than the one computed by EDK are not supported Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26:24 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 23:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 13:7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_CLOCK Name DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_CLOCK Relative Address 0x00000B68 Absolute Address 0xF8000B68 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Drive and Slew controls for Clock pins of the DDR Interface Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1707 Appendix B: Register Details Register DDRIOB_DRIVE_SLEW_CLOCK Details Value of this register is computed by EDK after taking into account the Silicon Revision and DDR Standard and can be found in the initialization TCL file or FSBL code. Values other than the one computed by EDK are not supported Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:27 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26:24 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 23:19 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 18:14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 13:7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6:0 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL Name DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000B6C Absolute Address 0xF8000B6C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR IOB Buffer Control Register DDRIOB_DDR_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:15 rw 0x0 reserved reserved 14 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 13 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11:10 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. REFIO_EN 9 rw 0x0 Enables VRP,VRN 0: VRP/VRN not used 1: VRP/VRN used as refio reserved 8:7 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. VREF_EXT_EN 6:5 rw 0x0 Enables External VREF input x0: Disable External VREF for lower 16 bits x1: Enable External VREF for lower 16 bits 0x: Disable External VREF for upper 16 bits 1x: Enable External VREF for upper 16 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1708 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description VREF_SEL 4:1 rw 0x0 Specifies DDR IOB Vref generator output: 0001: VREF = 0.6V for LPDDR2 with 1.2V IO 0010: VREF = 0.675V for DDR3L with 1.35V IO 0100: VREF = 0.75V for DDR3 with 1.5V IO 1000: VREF = 0.90V for DDR2 with 1.8V IO VREF_INT_EN 0 rw 0x0 Enables VREF internal generator Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL Name DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL Relative Address 0x00000B70 Absolute Address 0xF8000B70 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000020 Description DDR IOB DCI Config Register DDRIOB_DCI_CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:28 rw 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. reserved 27 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 26 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 25 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 24 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 23 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 22 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 21 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. UPDATE_CONTROL 20 rw 0x0 DCI Update Mode. Use the values in the Calibration Table. PREF_OPT2 19:17 rw 0x0 DCI Calibration. Use the values in the Calibration Table. reserved 16 rw 0x0 Reserved PREF_OPT1 15:14 rw 0x0 DCI Calibration. Use the values in the Calibration Table. NREF_OPT4 13:11 rw 0x0 DCI Calibration. Use the values in the Calibration Table. NREF_OPT2 10:8 rw 0x0 DCI Calibration. Use the values in the Calibration Table. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1709 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description NREF_OPT1 7:6 rw 0x0 DCI Calibration. Use the values in the Calibration Table. reserved 5 rw 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 4 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 3 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 2 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. ENABLE 1 rw 0x0 DCI System Enable. Set to 1 if any IOs in DDR IO Bank use DCI Termination. DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L and LPDDR2 (Silicon Revision 2.0+) configurations require this bit set to 1 RESET 0 rw 0x0 At least toggle once to initialize flops in DCI system Register (slcr) DDRIOB_DCI_STATUS Name DDRIOB_DCI_STATUS Relative Address 0x00000B74 Absolute Address 0xF8000B74 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description DDR IO Buffer DCI Status Register DDRIOB_DCI_STATUS Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:14 ro 0x0 Reserved. Writes are ignored, read data is zero. DONE 13 rw 0x0 DCI done signal reserved 12 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 10 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 9 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 8 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 5 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 4:3 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 2 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1710 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 1 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. LOCK 0 ro 0x0 DCI Status input Read Only Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Register Details www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1711 Appendix B: Register Details B.29 Static Memory Controller (pl353) Module Name Static Memory Controller (pl353) Software Name XNANDPS Base Address 0xE000E000 smcc Description Shared memory controller Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_OFFSET 0x00000000 13 ro 0x00000000 Operating and Interrupt Status XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_OFFSET 0x00000004 18 ro 0x00011205 SMC configuration information XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_ CONFIG_OFFSET 0x00000008 7 wo x Enable interrupts and lower power state XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_ CONFIG_OFFSET 0x0000000C 7 wo x Disable interrupts and exit from low-power state XNANDPS_DIRECT_CM D_OFFSET 0x00000010 26 wo x Issue mem commands and register updates XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _OFFSET 0x00000014 24 wo x Stage a write to a Cycle register XNANDPS_SET_OPMO DE_OFFSET 0x00000018 16 mixed x Stage a write to an OpMode register XNANDPS_REFRESH_PE RIOD_0_OFFSET 0x00000020 4 rw 0x00000000 Idle cycles between read/write bursts XNANDPS_REFRESH_PE RIOD_1_OFFSET 0x00000024 4 rw 0x00000000 Insert idle cycles between bursts XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_0_ CONFIG_OFFSET 0x00000100 21 ro 0x0002B3CC SRAM/NOR chip select 0 timing, active XNANDPS_OPMODE 0x00000104 32 ro 0xE2FE0800 SRAM/NOR chip select 0 OpCode, active XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_1_ CONFIG_OFFSET 0x00000120 21 ro 0x0002B3CC SRAM/NOR chip select 1 timing, active opmode0_1 0x00000124 32 ro 0xE4FE0800 SRAM/NOR chip select 1 OpCode, active XNANDPS_IF1_CHIP_0_ CONFIG_OFFSET 0x00000180 24 ro 0x0024ABCC NAND Flash timing, active opmode1_0 0x00000184 32 ro 0xE1FF0001 NAND Flash OpCode, active XNANDPS_USER_STATU S_OFFSET 0x00000200 8 ro 0x00000000 User Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1712 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_USER_CONF IG_OFFSET 0x00000204 8 wo x User Configuration Register XNANDPS_IF1_ECC_OF FSET 0x00000400 30 ro 0x00000000 ECC Status and Clear Register 1 ecc_memcfg_1 0x00000404 13 rw 0x00000043 ECC Memory Configuation Register 1 ecc_memcommand1_1 0x00000408 25 rw 0x01300080 ECC Memory Command 1 Register 1 ecc_memcommand2_1 0x0000040C 25 rw 0x01E00585 ECC Memory Command 2 Register 1 ecc_addr0_1 0x00000410 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC Address 0 Register 1 ecc_addr1_1 0x00000414 24 ro 0x00000000 ECC Address 1 Register 1 ecc_value0_1 0x00000418 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC Value 0 Register 1 ecc_value1_1 0x0000041C 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC Value 1 Register 1 ecc_value2_1 0x00000420 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC Value 2 Register 1 ecc_value3_1 0x00000424 32 ro 0x00000000 ECC Value 3 Register 1 Register (pl353) XNANDPS_MEMC_STATUS_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_MEMC_STATUS_OFFSET Software Name MEMC_STATUS Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xE000E000 Width 13 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Operating and Interrupt Status Register XNANDPS_MEMC_STATUS_OFFSET Details The read-only memc_status Register provides information on the configuration of the SMC and also the current state of the SMC. You cannot read this register in the Reset state Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_RAW_ECC_INT1_MA SK (RAW_ECC_INT1) 12 ro 0x0 NAND Flash ECC interrupt raw status: 0: Not asserted 1: Asserted reserved 11 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1713 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_ECC_INT1_MASK (ECC_INT1) 10 ro 0x0 NAND Flash ECC interrupt status after mask/enable: 0: Not asserted 1: Asserted reserved 9 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_ECC_INT_EN1_MAS K (ECC_INT_EN1) 8 ro 0x0 NAND Flash ECC interrupt enable setting: 0: Masked 1: Enabled reserved 7 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_RAW_INT_STATUS1_ MASK (RAW_INT_STATUS1) 6 ro 0x0 NAND Flash raw interrupt status before mask/enable: 0: Not asserted 1: Asserted XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_RAW_INT_STATUS0_ MASK (RAW_INT_STATUS0) 5 ro 0x0 SRAM/NOR raw interrupt raw status before the mask/enable: 0: Not asserted 1: Asserted XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_INT_STATUS1_MAS K (INT_STATUS1) 4 ro 0x0 NAND Flash interrupt status after the mask/enable: 0: Not asserted 1: Asserted XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_INT_STATUS0_MAS K (INT_STATUS0) 3 ro 0x0 SRAM/NOR interrupt status after the mask/enable : 0: Not asserted 1: Asserted XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_INT_EN1_MASK (INT_EN1) 2 ro 0x0 NAND Flash interrupt enable status: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_INT_EN0_MASK (INT_EN0) 1 ro 0x0 SRAM/NOR interface interrupt enable setting: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled XNANDPS_MEMC_STAT US_STATE_MASK (STATE) 0 ro 0x0 SMC operating state: 0: Normal 1: Low-power state Register (pl353) XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_CONFIG_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_CONFIG_OFFSET Software Name MEMC_IF_CONFIG Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xE000E004 Width 18 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1714 Appendix B: Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00011205 Description SMC configuration information Register Details Register XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_CONFIG_OFFSET Details Provides information on the configuration of the memory interface. You cannot read this register in the Reset state. The state of this register cannot be changed. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_EX_MONITORS_ MASK (EX_MONITORS) 17:16 ro 0x1 Return the number of exclusive access monitor resources that are implemented in the SMC. B00: 0 monitors b01: 1 monitor b10: 2 monitors b11: 4 monitors reserved 15 ro 0x0 Reserved XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_REMAP1_MASK (REMAP1) 14 ro 0x0 Return the value of the remap_1 input. XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_MEMORY_WIDT H1_MASK (MEMORY_WIDTH1) 13:12 ro 0x1 The width of the NAND Flash interface can be 8 or 16 bits. 00: 8 Bit Interface 01: 16 Bit Interface XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_MEMORY_CHIP S1_MASK (MEMORY_CHIPS1) 11:10 ro 0x0 The NAND Flash interface provides one chip select. XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_MEMORY_TYPE 1_MASK (MEMORY_TYPE1) 9:8 ro 0x2 SMC controller 1 supports the NAND Flash interface with hardware assisted ECC. reserved 7 ro 0x0 Reserved XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_REMAP0_MASK (REMAP0) 6 ro 0x0 Return the value of the remap_0 input XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_MEMORY_WIDT H0_MASK (MEMORY_WIDTH0) 5:4 ro 0x0 The width of the SRAM/NOR interface is 8 bits. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1715 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_MEMORY_CHIP S0_MASK (MEMORY_CHIPS0) 3:2 ro 0x1 The SRAM/NOR interface provides two chip selects. Reads as {0,1} XNANDPS_MEMC_IF_C ONFIG_MEMORY_TYPE 0_MASK (MEMORY_TYPE0) 1:0 ro 0x1 SMC controller 0 supports the SRAM/NOR interface. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_CONFIG_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_CONFIG_OFFSET Software Name MEMC_SET_CONFIG Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xE000E008 Width 7 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description Enable interrupts and lower power state Register XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_CONFIG_OFFSET Details The write-only memc_cfg_set enables the SMC to be changed to low-power state, and interrupts enabled. You cannot write to this register in the Reset state. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_ CONFIG_ECC_INT_ENA BLE1_MASK (ECC_INT_ENABLE1) 6 wo x NAND Flash ECC interrupt enable: 0: No change 1: Enable reserved 5 wo x Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 4:3 wo x Reserved, write as zero. XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_ CONFIG_LOW_POWER_ REQ_MASK (LOW_POWER_REQ) 2 wo x Put SMC into low-power mode when memory interface goes idle: 0: No change 1: Enable low-power state Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1716 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_ CONFIG_INT_ENABLE1_ MASK (INT_ENABLE1) 1 wo x NAND Flash interrupt enable: 0: No change 1: Enable XNANDPS_MEMC_SET_ CONFIG_INT_ENABLE0_ MASK (INT_ENABLE0) 0 wo x SRAM/NOR interrupt enable: 0: No change 1: Enable Register (pl353) XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_CONFIG_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_CONFIG_OFFSET Software Name MEMC_CLR_CONFIG Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xE000E00C Width 7 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description Disable interrupts and exit from low-power state Register XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_CONFIG_OFFSET Details The write-only memc_cfg_clr enables the SMC to be moved out of the low-power state, and the interrupts disabled. You cannot write to this register in the Reset state. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_ CONFIG_ECC_INT_DISA BLE1_MASK (ECC_INT_DISABLE1) 6 wo x NAND Flash ECC interrupt disable: 0: No change 1: Disable reserved 5 wo x Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_ CONFIG_INT_CLR1_MA SK (INT_CLR1) 4 wo x 0: No effect 1: Clear SMC Interrupt 1 as an alternative to an AXI read XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_ CONFIG_INT_CLR0_MA SK (INT_CLR0) 3 wo x 0: No effect 1: Clear SMC Interrupt 0 as an alternative to an AXI read XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_ CONFIG_LOW_POWER_ EXIT_MASK (LOW_POWER_EXIT) 2 wo x Exit low-power mode. The affect takes place when memory interface goes idle: 0: No change 1: Exit from low-power state Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1717 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_ CONFIG_INT_DISABLE1 _MASK (INT_DISABLE1) 1 wo x NAND Flash interrupt disable: 0: No change 1: disable (apply mask) XNANDPS_MEMC_CLR_ CONFIG_INT_DISABLE0 _MASK (INT_DISABLE0) 0 wo x SRAM/NOR interrupt disable: 0: No change 1: disable (apply mask) Register (pl353) XNANDPS_DIRECT_CMD_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_DIRECT_CMD_OFFSET Software Name DIRECT_CMD Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address 0xE000E010 Width 26 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description Issue mem commands and register updates Register XNANDPS_DIRECT_CMD_OFFSET Details The write-only direct_cmd passes commands to the external memory, and controls the updating of the chip configuration registers with values held in the set_cycles Register and set_opmode Register. You cannot write to this register in either the Reset or low-power states. Note: ARM's PL353 documentation has different timing naming convention (used in SET_CYCLES register) than ONFI Specification 1.0. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XNANDPS_DIRECT_CM D_CHIP_SELECT_MASK (CHIP_SELECT) 25:23 wo x Select register bank to update and enable chip mode register access based on CMD_TYPE: 000: SRAM/NOR chip select 0. 001: SRAM/NOR chip select 1. 100: NAND Flash. others: reserved. XNANDPS_DIRECT_CM D_TYPE_MASK (TYPE) 22:21 wo x Select the command type: 00: UpdateRegs and AXI 01: ModeReg 10: UpdateRegs 11: ModeReg and UpdateRegs Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1718 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 20 wo x Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_DIRECT_CM D_ADDR_MASK (ADDR) 19:0 wo x When cmd_type = UpdateRegs and AXI then: Bits [15:0] are used to match wdata[15:0] Bits [19:16] are reserved. Write as zero. When cmd_type = ModeReg or ModeReg and UpdateRegs, these bits map to the external memory address bits [19:0]. When cmd_type = UpdateRegs, these bits are reserved. Write as zero. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES_OFFSET Software Name SET_CYCLES Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address 0xE000E014 Width 24 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description Stage a write to a Cycle register Register XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES_OFFSET Details This write-only register contains values that are written to the sram_cycles register or nand_cycles when the SMC receives a write to the Direct Command Register. You cannot write to this register in either the Reset or low-power states. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _SET_T6_MASK (SET_T6) 23:20 wo x Timing parameter for SRAM/NOR, bit 20 only (other bits are ignored): o For asynchronous multiplexed transfers this bit controls when the SMC asserts we_n: 0: assert we_n two mclk cycles after asserting cs_n. 1: assert we_n and cs_n together. Timing parameter for NAND Flash, bits 23:20: o Busy to RE timing (t_rr), minimum permitted value = 0. XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _SET_T5_MASK (SET_T5) 19:17 wo x Timing parameter for SRAM/NOR: o Turnaround time (t_ta), minimum value = 1. Timing parameter for NAND Flash: o ID read time (t_ar), mnimum value = 0. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1719 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Description XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _SET_T4_MASK (SET_T4) 16:14 wo x Timing o Page Timing o Page XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _SET_T3_MASK (SET_T3) 13:11 wo x Timing parameter for SRAM/NOR: o Write Enable (t_wp) assertion delay, minimum value = 1. Timing parameter for NAND Flash: o Write Enable (t_wp) deassertion delay, minimum value = 1. XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _SET_T2_MASK (SET_T2) 10:8 wo x Timing parameter for SRAM/NOR: o Output Enable (t_ceoe) assertion delay, minimum value = 1. Timing parameter for NAND Flash: o REA (t_rea) assertion delay, minimum value = 1. XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _SET_T1_MASK (SET_T1) 7:4 wo x Timing parameter for SRAM/NOR and NAND Flash: Write cycle time, minimum value = 2. XNANDPS_SET_CYCLES _SET_T0_MASK (SET_T0) 3:0 wo x Timing parameter for SRAM/NOR and NAND Flash: Read cycle time, minimum value = 2. parameter for SRAM/NOR: cycle time (t_pc), minimum value = 1. parameter for NAND Flash: cycle time (t_clr), minimum value = 1. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_SET_OPMODE_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_SET_OPMODE_OFFSET Software Name SET_OPMODE Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address 0xE000E018 Width 16 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Stage a write to an OpMode register Register XNANDPS_SET_OPMODE_OFFSET Details This write-only register is the holding register for the opmode _ Registers. You cannot write to it in either the Reset or low-power states. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1720 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 15:13 wo x Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_SET_OPMO DE_SET_BLS_MASK (SET_BLS) 12 wo x NAND Flash: reserved, write zero. SRAM/NOR: Value written to the byte lane strobe (bls) bit. This bit affects the assertion of the byte-lane strobe outputs. 0: bls timing equals chip select timing. This is the default setting. 1: bls timing equals we_n timing. This setting is used for eight memories that have no bls_n inputs. In this case, the bls_n output of the SMC is connected to the we_n memory input. XNANDPS_SET_OPMO DE_SET_ADV_MASK (SET_ADV) 11 wo x Contains the value to be written to the specific SRAM chip opmode Register address valid (adv) bit. The memory uses the address advance signal adv_n when set. For a NAND memory interface this bit is reserved, and written as zero. XNANDPS_SET_OPMO DE_SET_BAA_MASK (SET_BAA) 10 rw x NAND Flash: reserved, write zero. SRAM/NOR: Value written burst address advance (baa) bit. The memory uses the baa_n signal when set. XNANDPS_SET_OPMO DE_SET_WR_BL_MASK (SET_WR_BL) 9:7 wo x NAND Flash: reserved, write zero. SRAM/NORE: Value written for wr_bl : 000: 1 beat 001: 4 beats 010: 8 beats 011: 16 beats 100: 32 beats 101: continuous others: reserved. reserved 6 wo x Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_SET_OPMO DE_SET_RD_BL_MASK (SET_RD_BL) 5:3 wo x NAND Flash: reserved, write zero. SRAM/NOR: value written to opmode (rd_bl field). Memory Burst Length: 000: 1 beat 001: 4 beats 010: 8 beats 011: 16 beats 100: 32 beats 101: continuous others: reserved reserved 2 wo x Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_SET_OPMO DE_SET_MW_MASK (SET_MW) 1:0 wo x SRAM/NOR: mw= 00 (8-bit) NAND Flash: mw= 00 (8-bit) or 01 (16-bit) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1721 Appendix B: Register Details Register (pl353) XNANDPS_REFRESH_PERIOD_0_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_REFRESH_PERIOD_0_OFFSET Software Name REFRESH_PERIOD_0 Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address 0xE000E020 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Idle cycles between read/write bursts Register XNANDPS_REFRESH_PERIOD_0_OFFSET Details The read/write refresh_period_0 enables the SMC to insert idle cycles during consecutive bursts, that enables the PSRAM devices on memory interface 0, to initiate a refresh cycle. You cannot access this register in either the Reset or low-power states. Note: You can only access this register when you are using an SRAM memory interface. Field Name XNANDPS_REFRESH_PE RIOD_0_MASK (MASK) Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the number of consecutive memory bursts that are permitted, prior to the SMC deasserting chip select to enable the PSRAM to initiate a refresh cycle. The options are: b0000: disable the insertion of idle cycles between consecutive bursts b0001: an idle cycle occurs after each burst b0010: an idle cycle occurs after 2 consecutive bursts b0011: an idle cycle occurs after 3 consecutive bursts b0100: an idle cycle occurs after 4 consecutive bursts ... b1111: an idle cycle occurs after 15 consecutive bursts. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_REFRESH_PERIOD_1_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_REFRESH_PERIOD_1_OFFSET Software Name REFRESH_PERIOD_1 Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address 0xE000E024 Width 4 bits Access Type rw Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1722 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Insert idle cycles between bursts Register Details Register XNANDPS_REFRESH_PERIOD_1_OFFSET Details The read/write refresh_period_1 Register enables the SMC to insert idle cycles during consecutive bursts, that enables the PSRAM devices on memory interface 1, to initiate a refresh cycle Field Name XNANDPS_REFRESH_PE RIOD_0_MASK (REFRESH_PERIOD_0) Bits 3:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Set the number of consecutive memory bursts that are permitted, prior to the SMC deasserting chip select to enable the PSRAM to initiate a refresh cycle. The options are: b0000: disable the insertion of idle cycles between consecutive bursts b0001: an idle cycle occurs after each burst b0010: an idle cycle occurs after 2 consecutive bursts b0011: an idle cycle occurs after 3 consecutive bursts b0100: an idle cycle occurs after 4 consecutive bursts ... b1111: an idle cycle occurs after 15 consecutive bursts. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_0_CONFIG_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_0_CONFIG_OFFSET Software Name IF0_CHIP_0_CONFIG Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address 0xE000E100 Width 21 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0002B3CC Description SRAM/NOR chip select 0 timing, active Register XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_0_CONFIG_OFFSET Details There is an instance of this register for each SRAM chip supported. You cannot read the read-only sram_cycles Register in the Reset state Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1723 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description we_time 20 ro 0x0 Asynchronous assertion, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_tr 19:17 ro 0x1 Turnaround time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_pc 16:14 ro 0x2 Page cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_wp 13:11 ro 0x6 WE assertion delay, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_ceoe 10:8 ro 0x3 OE assertion delay, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_wc 7:4 ro 0xC Write cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_rc 3:0 ro 0xC Read cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_OPMODE Name XNANDPS_OPMODE Software Name OPMODE Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address 0xE000E104 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0xE2FE0800 Description SRAM/NOR chip select 0 OpCode, active Register XNANDPS_OPMODE Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XNANDPS_OPMODE_A DDRESS_MATCH_MASK (ADDRESS_MATCH) 31:24 ro 0xE2 Return the value of this tie-off. This is the comparison value for address bits [31:24] to determine the chip that is selected. XNANDPS_OPMODE_A DDRESS_MASK (ADDRESS) 23:16 ro 0xFE Return the value of this tie-off. This is the mask for address bits[31:24] to determine the chip that must be selected. A logic 1 indicates the bit is used for comparison. reserved 15:13 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 12 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11 ro 0x1 Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_OPMODE_B AA_MASK (BAA) 10 ro 0x0 The memory uses the burst address advance signal, baa_n, when set. For a NAND memory interface, this bit is reserved. XNANDPS_OPMODE_W R_BL_MASK (WR_BL) 9:7 ro 0x0 Selects the write burst lengths, see SET_OPMODE register. reserved 6 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1724 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_OPMODE_R D_BL_MASK (RD_BL) 5:3 ro 0x0 Select memory burst lengths, see SET_OPMODE Register. reserved 2 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_OPMODE_M W_MASK (MW) 1:0 ro 0x0 Select data bus width (8 or 16), see SET_OPMODE register. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_1_CONFIG_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_1_CONFIG_OFFSET Software Name IF0_CHIP_1_CONFIG Relative Address 0x00000120 Absolute Address 0xE000E120 Width 21 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0002B3CC Description SRAM/NOR chip select 1 timing, active Register XNANDPS_IF0_CHIP_1_CONFIG_OFFSET Details There is an instance of this register for each SRAM chip supported. You cannot read the read-only sram_cycles Register in the Reset state Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description we_time 20 ro 0x0 Asynchronous assertion, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_tr 19:17 ro 0x1 Turnaround time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_pc 16:14 ro 0x2 Page cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_wp 13:11 ro 0x6 WE assertion delay, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_ceoe 10:8 ro 0x3 OE assertion delay, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_wc 7:4 ro 0xC Write cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_rc 3:0 ro 0xC Read cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. Register (pl353) opmode0_1 Name opmode0_1 Relative Address 0x00000124 Absolute Address 0xE000E124 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1725 Appendix B: Access Type ro Reset Value 0xE4FE0800 Description SRAM/NOR chip select 1 OpCode, active Register Details Register opmode0_1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XNANDPS_OPMODE_A DDRESS_MATCH_MASK (OPMODE_ADDRESS_M ATCH) 31:24 ro 0xE4 see 0x120 XNANDPS_OPMODE_A DDRESS_MASK (OPMODE_ADDRESS) 23:16 ro 0xFE see 0x120 XNANDPS_OPMODE_B URST_ALIGN_MASK (OPMODE_BURST_ALIG N) 15:13 ro 0x0 reserved XNANDPS_OPMODE_B LS_MASK (OPMODE_BLS) 12 ro 0x0 reserved XNANDPS_OPMODE_A DV_MASK (OPMODE_ADV) 11 ro 0x1 reserved XNANDPS_OPMODE_B AA_MASK (OPMODE_BAA) 10 ro 0x0 The memory uses the burst address advance signal, baa_n, when set. For a NAND memory interface, this bit is reserved. XNANDPS_OPMODE_W R_BL_MASK (OPMODE_WR_BL) 9:7 ro 0x0 Selects the write burst lengths, see SET_OPMODE register. XNANDPS_OPMODE_W R_SYNC_MASK (OPMODE_WR_SYNC) 6 ro 0x0 SRAM/NOR interface operates in asynchronous mode XNANDPS_OPMODE_R D_BL_MASK (OPMODE_RD_BL) 5:3 ro 0x0 Select memory burst lengths, see SET_OPMODE Register. XNANDPS_OPMODE_R D_SYNC_MASK (OPMODE_RD_SYNC) 2 ro 0x0 reserved XNANDPS_OPMODE_M W_MASK (OPMODE_MW) 1:0 ro 0x0 Data bus width (8 or 16), see SET_OPMODE register. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1726 Appendix B: Register Details Register (pl353) XNANDPS_IF1_CHIP_0_CONFIG_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_IF1_CHIP_0_CONFIG_OFFSET Software Name IF1_CHIP_0_CONFIG Relative Address 0x00000180 Absolute Address 0xE000E180 Width 24 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0024ABCC Description NAND Flash timing, active Register XNANDPS_IF1_CHIP_0_CONFIG_OFFSET Details There is an instance of this register for each NAND chip supported. You cannot read the read-only nand_cycles Register in the Reset state Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description t_rr 23:20 ro 0x2 BUSY to RE, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_ar 19:17 ro 0x2 ID read time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_clr 16:14 ro 0x2 Page cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. Status read time for NAND chip configurations.Minimum permitted value = 0. t_wp 13:11 ro 0x5 WE deassertion delay, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_rea 10:8 ro 0x3 RE assertion delay, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_wc 7:4 ro 0xC Write cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. t_rc 3:0 ro 0xC Read cycle time, refer to SET_CYCLES register. Register (pl353) opmode1_0 Name opmode1_0 Relative Address 0x00000184 Absolute Address 0xE000E184 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0xE1FF0001 Description NAND Flash OpCode, active Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1727 Appendix B: Register Details Register opmode1_0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_OPMODE_A DDRESS_MATCH_MASK (OPMODE_ADDRESS_M ATCH) 31:24 ro 0xE1 Return the value of this tie-off. This is the comparison value for address bits [31:24] to determine the chip that is selected. XNANDPS_OPMODE_A DDRESS_MASK (OPMODE_ADDRESS) 23:16 ro 0xFF Return the value of this tie-off. This is the mask for address bits[31:24] to determine the chip that must be selected. A logic 1 indicates the bit is used for comparison. reserved 15:13 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 12 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 11 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 10 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 9:7 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 5:3 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 2 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XNANDPS_OPMODE_M W_MASK (OPMODE_MW) 1:0 ro 0x1 Data bus width is 8 bits, see SET_OPMODE register. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_USER_STATUS_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_USER_STATUS_OFFSET Software Name USER_STATUS Relative Address 0x00000200 Absolute Address 0xE000E200 Width 8 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description User Status Register Register XNANDPS_USER_STATUS_OFFSET Details The user_status is read-only and returns the value of the user_status[7:0] signals. You can read this register in all operating states. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1728 Appendix B: Field Name XNANDPS_USER_STATU S_MASK (MASK) Bits 7:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Register Details Description This value returns the state of the user_status[7:0] inputs. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_USER_CONFIG_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_USER_CONFIG_OFFSET Software Name USER_CONFIG Relative Address 0x00000204 Absolute Address 0xE000E204 Width 8 bits Access Type wo Reset Value x Description User Configuration Register Register XNANDPS_USER_CONFIG_OFFSET Details The user_config is write-only and controls the status of the user_config[7:0] signals. You can write to this register in all operating states. Field Name XNANDPS_USER_CONF IG_MASK (MASK) Bits 7:0 Type wo Reset Value x Description This value sets the state of the user_config[7:0] outputs. Register (pl353) XNANDPS_IF1_ECC_OFFSET Name XNANDPS_IF1_ECC_OFFSET Software Name IF1_ECC Relative Address 0x00000400 Absolute Address 0xE000E400 Width 30 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC Status and Clear Register 1 Register XNANDPS_IF1_ECC_OFFSET Details The ecc_status Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1729 Appendix B: Register Details is read-only and contains status information for the ECC. Although this is a read-only register, the bottom five bits can be written to clear the corresponding interrupts.To clear the interrupt, you must write a 1 to the appropriate bit. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XNANDPS_ECC_READ_ MASK (ECC_READ) 29:25 ro 0x0 Read flags for ECC blocks. Indicate whether the stored ECC value for each block has been read from memory: 0: not read 1: read Bit [29] Extra block (if used). Bit [28] Block 3. Bit [27] Block 2. Bit [26] Block 1. Bit [25] Block 0. XNANDPS_ECC_CAN_C ORRECT_MASK (ECC_CAN_CORRECT) 24:20 ro 0x0 Correctable flag for each ECC block: 0: not correctable error 1: correctable error Bit [24] Extra block (if used). Bit [23] Block 3. Bit [22] Block 2. Bit [21] Block 1. Bit [20] Block 0. XNANDPS_ECC_FAIL_M ASK (ECC_FAIL) 19:15 ro 0x0 Pass/fail flag for each ECC block XNANDPS_ECC_VALID_ MASK (ECC_VALID) 14:10 ro 0x0 Valid flag for each ECC block. XNANDPS_ECC_READ_ NOT_WRITE_MASK (ECC_READ_NOT_WRIT E) 9 ro 0x0 ECC calcuation type: 0: write 1: read XNANDPS_ECC_LAST_ MASK (ECC_LAST) 8:7 ro 0x0 Last ECC result is updated after completing the ECC calculation: 00: Completed successfully. 01: Unaligned Address, or out-of-range. 10: Data stop after incomplete block. 11: Data stopped but values not read/written because of ecc_jump value. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1730 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_ECC_STATUS _MASK (ECC_STATUS) 6 ro 0x0 Status of the ECC block: 0: idle 1: busy XNANDPS_ECC_STATUS _RAW_INT_STATUS_MA SK (ECC_STATUS_RAW_INT _STATUS) 5:0 ro 0x0 The interrupts are: Bit [5] Abort. Bit [4] Extra block (if used). Bit [3] Block 3. Bit [2] Block 2. Bit [1] Block 1. Bit [0] Block 0. To clear the interrupt, write a 1 to the bit. Register (pl353) ecc_memcfg_1 Name ecc_memcfg_1 Relative Address 0x00000404 Absolute Address 0xE000E404 Width 13 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000043 Description ECC Memory Configuation Register 1 Register ecc_memcfg_1 Details The ecc_memcfg Register is read-write and contains information about the structure of the memory. Note; You must not write to this register while the ECC block is busy. You can read the current ECC block status from the ECC Status Register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_ECC_EXTRA_BLOCK_S IZE_MASK (ECC_MEMCFG_ECC_EX TRA_BLOCK_SIZE) 12:11 rw 0x0 The size of the extra block in memory after the last 512 block: 00: 4 bytes 01: 8 bytes 10: 16 bytes 11: 32 bytes Note: These bits are only present if you configure the SMC to use the ECC Extra Block Enable option. XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_ECC_EXTRA_BLOCK_ MASK (ECC_MEMCFG_ECC_EX TRA_BLOCK) 10 rw 0x0 If configured, this enables a small block for extra information after the last 512 bytes block in the page. Note: These bits are only present if the ECC Extra Block Enable option is configured. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1731 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_ECC_INT_ABORT_MA SK (ECC_MEMCFG_ECC_IN T_ABORT) 9 rw 0x0 Interrupt on ECC abort: 0: don't assert 1: assert XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_ECC_INT_PASS_MAS K (ECC_MEMCFG_ECC_IN T_PASS) 8 rw 0x0 Interrupt when a correct ECC value is read from memory: 0: don't assert 1: assert XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_IGNORE_ADD8_MAS K (ECC_MEMCFG_IGNOR E_ADD8) 7 rw 0x0 Use to indicate if A8 is output with the address, required to find the aligned start of blocks: 0: A8 is output 1: A8 is not output XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_ECC_JUMP_MASK (ECC_MEMCFG_ECC_JU MP) 6:5 rw 0x2 Indicate that the memory supports column change address commands: 00: no jumping, reads and writes only occur at end of page 01: jump using column change commands 10: jump using full command 11: reserved XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_ECC_READ_END_MA SK (ECC_MEMCFG_ECC_RE AD_END) 4 rw 0x0 Indicate when ECC values are read from memory: 0: ECC value for a block must be read immediately after the block. Data access must stop on a 512 byte boundary. 1: ECC values for all blocks are read at the end of the page. XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_ECC_MODE_MASK (ECC_MEMCFG_ECC_M ODE) 3:2 rw 0x0 Specify the mode of the ECC block: 00: bypassed 01: ECC values are calculated and made available on the APB interface. But they are not read to or written from memory. 10: ECC values and calculated and read/written to memory. For a read, the ECC value is checked and the result of the check is made available on the APB interface. 11: reserved XNANDPS_ECC_MEMCF G_PAGE_SIZE_MASK (ECC_MEMCFG_PAGE_S IZE) 1:0 rw 0x3 The number of 512 byte blocks in a page: 00: No 512 byte blocks. Reserved if an ecc_extra_block is not configured and enabled. 01: One 512 byte block. 10: Two 512 byte blocks. 11: Four 512 byte blocks. Register (pl353) ecc_memcommand1_1 Name ecc_memcommand1_1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1732 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000408 Absolute Address 0xE000E408 Width 25 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x01300080 Description ECC Memory Command 1 Register 1 Register Details Register ecc_memcommand1_1 Details The ecc_memcommand1 is read-write and contains the commands that the ECC block uses to detect the start of an ECC operation. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND1_RD_CMD_E ND_VALID_MASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND1 _RD_CMD_END_VALID) 24 rw 0x1 Use the end command XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND1_RD_CMD_E ND_MASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND1 _RD_CMD_END) 23:16 rw 0x30 Use the NAND command to initiate a write (0x30). XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND1_RD_CMD_ MASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND1 _RD_CMD) 15:8 rw 0x0 Use the NAND command used to initiate a read (0x00). XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND1_WR_CMD_ MASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND1 _WR_CMD) 7:0 rw 0x80 Use the NAND command to initiate a write (0x80). Register (pl353) ecc_memcommand2_1 Name ecc_memcommand2_1 Relative Address 0x0000040C Absolute Address 0xE000E40C Width 25 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x01E00585 Description ECC Memory Command 2 Register 1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1733 Appendix B: Register Details Register ecc_memcommand2_1 Details The ecc_memcommand2 Register is read-write and contains the commands that the ECC block uses to access different parts of a NAND page. The reset value is suitable for ONFI 1.0 compliant devices Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND2_RD_COL_C HANGE_END_VALID_M ASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND2 _RD_COL_CHANGE_EN D_VALID) 24 rw 0x1 Use the end command XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND2_RD_COL_C HANGE_END_MASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND2 _RD_COL_CHANGE_EN D) 23:16 rw 0xE0 Use the NAND command to initiate a write. XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND2_RD_COL_C HANGE_MASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND2 _RD_COL_CHANGE) 15:8 rw 0x5 Use the NAND command to initiate a read or Spare bits pointer command. XNANDPS_ECC_MEMC OMMAND2_WR_COL_C HANGE_MASK (ECC_MEMCOMMAND2 _WR_COL_CHANGE) 7:0 rw 0x85 The NAND command used to initiate a write Register (pl353) ecc_addr0_1 Name ecc_addr0_1 Relative Address 0x00000410 Absolute Address 0xE000E410 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC Address 0 Register 1 Register ecc_addr0_1 Details The ecc_addr0 Register is read-only and contains the lower 32 bits of the ECC address Field Name ecc_addr Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Address bits 31 to 0 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1734 Appendix B: Register Details Register (pl353) ecc_addr1_1 Name ecc_addr1_1 Relative Address 0x00000414 Absolute Address 0xE000E414 Width 24 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC Address 1 Register 1 Register ecc_addr1_1 Details The ecc_addr1 Register is read-only and contains the upper 24 bits of the ECC address. Field Name ecc_addr Bits 23:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Address bits 55 to 32 Register (pl353) ecc_value0_1 Name ecc_value0_1 Relative Address 0x00000418 Absolute Address 0xE000E418 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC Value 0 Register 1 Register ecc_value0_1 Details The five ecc_value Registers are read-only and contain block information for the ECC. Note: Writing any value to an ecc_value Register clears the ecc_int bit. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ INT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_INT) 31 ro 0x0 Interrupt flag for this value XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ VALID_MASK (ECC_VALUE_VALID) 30 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value is valid XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ READ_MASK (ECC_VALUE_READ) 29 ro 0x0 Indicate if the ECC value has been read from memory Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1735 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ FAIL_MASK (ECC_VALUE_FAIL) 28 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value has failed XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ CORRECT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_CORRECT) 27 ro 0x0 Indicate if this block is correctable reserved 26:24 ro 0x0 Reserved, read undefined XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ MASK (ECC_VALUE) 23:0 ro 0x0 ECC value of check result for block, depending on ECC configuration Register (pl353) ecc_value1_1 Name ecc_value1_1 Relative Address 0x0000041C Absolute Address 0xE000E41C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC Value 1 Register 1 Register ecc_value1_1 Details The five ecc_value Registers are read-only and contain block information for the ECC. Note: writing any value to an ecc_value Register clears the ecc_int bit. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ INT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_INT) 31 ro 0x0 Interrupt flag for this value XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ VALID_MASK (ECC_VALUE_VALID) 30 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value is valid XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ READ_MASK (ECC_VALUE_READ) 29 ro 0x0 Indicate if the ECC value has been read from memory XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ FAIL_MASK (ECC_VALUE_FAIL) 28 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value has failed XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ CORRECT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_CORRECT) 27 ro 0x0 Indicate if this block is correctable Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1736 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 26:24 ro 0x0 Reserved, read undefined XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ MASK (ECC_VALUE) 23:0 ro 0x0 ECC value of check result for block, depending on ECC configuration Register (pl353) ecc_value2_1 Name ecc_value2_1 Relative Address 0x00000420 Absolute Address 0xE000E420 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC Value 2 Register 1 Register ecc_value2_1 Details The five ecc_value Registers are read-only and contain block information for the ECC. Note: writing any value to an ecc_value Register clears the ecc_int bit. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ INT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_INT) 31 ro 0x0 Interrupt flag for this value XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ VALID_MASK (ECC_VALUE_VALID) 30 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value is valid XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ READ_MASK (ECC_VALUE_READ) 29 ro 0x0 Indicate if the ECC value has been read from memory XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ FAIL_MASK (ECC_VALUE_FAIL) 28 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value has failed XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ CORRECT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_CORRECT) 27 ro 0x0 Indicate if this block is correctable reserved 26:24 ro 0x0 Reserved, read undefined XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ MASK (ECC_VALUE) 23:0 ro 0x0 ECC value of check result for block, depending on ECC configuration Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1737 Appendix B: Register Details Register (pl353) ecc_value3_1 Name ecc_value3_1 Relative Address 0x00000424 Absolute Address 0xE000E424 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ECC Value 3 Register 1 Register ecc_value3_1 Details The five ecc_value Registers are read-only and contain block information for the ECC. Note: writing any value to an ecc_value Register clears the ecc_int bit. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ INT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_INT) 31 ro 0x0 Interrupt flag for this value XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ VALID_MASK (ECC_VALUE_VALID) 30 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value is valid XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ READ_MASK (ECC_VALUE_READ) 29 ro 0x0 Indicate if the ECC value has been read from memory XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ FAIL_MASK (ECC_VALUE_FAIL) 28 ro 0x0 Indicate if this value has failed XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ CORRECT_MASK (ECC_VALUE_CORRECT) 27 ro 0x0 Indicate if this block is correctable reserved 26:24 ro 0x0 Reserved, read undefined XNANDPS_ECC_VALUE_ MASK (ECC_VALUE) 23:0 ro 0x0 ECC value of check result for block, depending on ECC configuration Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1738 Appendix B: Register Details B.30 SPI Controller (SPI) Module Name SPI Controller (SPI) Software Name XSPIPS Base Address 0xE0006000 spi0 0xE0007000 spi1 Description Serial Peripheral Interface Vendor Info Cadence SPI Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XSPIPS_CR_OFFSET 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x00020000 SPI Configuration. XSPIPS_SR_OFFSET 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000004 SPI Interrupt Status XSPIPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000008 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable. XSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET 0x0000000C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt disable. XSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET 0x00000010 32 ro 0x00000000 Interrupt mask. XSPIPS_ER_OFFSET 0x00000014 32 mixed 0x00000000 SPI Controller Enable. XSPIPS_DR_OFFSET 0x00000018 32 rw 0x00000000 Delay Control XSPIPS_TXD_OFFSET 0x0000001C 32 wo 0x00000000 Transmit Data. XSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET 0x00000020 32 ro 0x00000000 Receive Data. XSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET 0x00000024 32 mixed 0x000000FF Slave Idle Count. XSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET 0x00000028 32 rw 0x00000001 TX_FIFO Threshold. RX_thres_reg0 0x0000002C 32 rw 0x00000001 RX FIFO Threshold. Mod_id_reg0 0x000000FC 32 ro 0x00090106 Module ID. Register (SPI) XSPIPS_CR_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_CR_OFFSET Software Name CR Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006000 spi1: 0xE0007000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00020000 Description SPI Configuration. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1739 Appendix B: Register Details Register XSPIPS_CR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:18 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. Modefail_gen_en 17 rw 0x1 ModeFail Generation Enable 1: enable 0: disable XSPIPS_CR_MANSTRT_ MASK (MANSTRT) 16 wo 0x0 Manual Start Command 1: start transmission of data 0: don't care Man_start_en 15 rw 0x0 Manual Start Enable 1: enables manual start 0: auto mode Manual_CS 14 rw 0x0 Manual CS 1: manual CS mode 0: auto mode CS 13:10 rw 0x0 Peripheral chip select lines: xxx0 - slave 0 selected xx01 - slave 1 selected x011 - slave 2 selected 0111 - reserved 1111 - No slave selected PERI_SEL 9 rw 0x0 Peripheral select decode 1: allow external 3-to-8 decode 0: only 1 of 3 selects REF_CLK 8 rw 0x0 Master reference clock select 1: not supported 0: use SPI REFERENCE CLOCK reserved 7:6 rw 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, write with 00 BAUD_RATE_DIV 5:3 rw 0x0 Master mode baud rate divisor controls the amount the spi_ref_clk is divided inside the SPI block 000: not supported 001: divide by 4 010: divide by 8 011: divide by 16 100: divide by 32 101: divide by 64 110: divide by 128 111: divide by 256 XSPIPS_CR_CPHA_MAS K (CPHA) 2 rw 0x0 Clock phase 1: the SPI clock is inactive outside the word 0: the SPI clock is active outside the word Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1740 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XSPIPS_CR_CPOL_MAS K (CPOL) 1 rw 0x0 Clock polarity outside SPI word 1: the SPI clock is quiescent high 0: the SPI clock is quiescent low XSPIPS_CR_MSTREN_M ASK (MSTREN) 0 rw 0x0 Mode select 1: the SPI is in master mode 0: the SPI is in slave mode Register (SPI) XSPIPS_SR_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_SR_OFFSET Software Name SR Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006004 spi1: 0xE0007004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000004 Description SPI Interrupt Status Register XSPIPS_SR_OFFSET Details This register is set when the described event occurs and the interrupt is enabled in the mask register. When any of these bits are set the interrupt output is asserted high, but may be masked by Intrpt_Mask_reg0 before generating the IRQ interrupt. Bit writes: Write 1: clear individual bit. Write 0: ignored. Read: see bit descriptions. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MAS K (IXR_TXUF) 6 wtc 0x0 TX FIFO underflow, write one to this bit location to clear. 1: underflow is detected 0: no underflow has been detected XSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_M ASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 wtc 0x0 RX FIFO full 1: FIFO is full 0: FIFO is not full Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1741 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMPTY _MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 wtc 0x0 RX FIFO not empty 1: FIFO has more than or equal to THRESHOLD entries 0: FIFO has less than RX THRESHOLD entries XSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_M ASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 wtc 0x0 TX FIFO full 1: FIFO is full 0: FIFO is not full XSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_MA SK (IXR_TXOW) 2 wtc 0x1 TX FIFO not full 1: FIFO has less than THRESHOLD entries 0: FIFO has more than or equal toTHRESHOLD entries XSPIPS_IXR_MODF_MA SK (IXR_MODF) 1 wtc 0x0 Indicates the voltage on pin n_ss_in is inconsistent with the SPI mode. Set =1 if n_ss_in is low in master mode (multi-master contention) or n_ss_in goes high during a transmission in slave mode. These conditions will clear the spi_enable bit and disable the SPI. This bit is reset only by a system reset and cleared only when this register is read. ModeFail interrupt, write one to this bit location to clear. 1: a mode fault has occurred 0: no mode fault has been detected XSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_MA SK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wtc 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt, write one to this bit location to clear. 1: overflow occured 0: no overflow occurred Register (SPI) XSPIPS_IER_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name IER Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006008 spi1: 0xE0007008 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1742 Appendix B: Register Details Register XSPIPS_IER_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MAS K (IXR_TXUF) 6 wo 0x0 TX FIFO underflow enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_M ASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 wo 0x0 RX FIFO full enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMPTY _MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 wo 0x0 RX FIFO not empty enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_M ASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 wo 0x0 TX FIFO full enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_MA SK (IXR_TXOW) 2 wo 0x0 TX FIFO not full enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_MODF_MA SK (IXR_MODF) 1 wo 0x0 ModeFail interrupt enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_MA SK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wo 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt enable 1: enable the interrupt 0: no effect Register (SPI) XSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET Software Name IDR Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address spi0: 0xE000600C spi1: 0xE000700C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt disable. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1743 Appendix B: Register Details Register XSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MAS K (IXR_TXUF) 6 wo 0x0 TX FIFO underflow enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_M ASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 wo 0x0 RX FIFO full enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMPTY _MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 wo 0x0 RX FIFO not empty enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_M ASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 wo 0x0 TX FIFO full enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_MA SK (IXR_TXOW) 2 wo 0x0 TX FIFO not full enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_MODF_MA SK (IXR_MODF) 1 wo 0x0 ModeFail interrupt enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect XSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_MA SK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wo 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt enable 1: disables the interrupt 0: no effect Register (SPI) XSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET Software Name IMR Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006010 spi1: 0xE0007010 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt mask. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1744 Appendix B: Register Details Register XSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:7 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MAS K (IXR_TXUF) 6 ro 0x0 TX FIFO underflow enable 1: interrupt is disabled 0: interrupt is enabled XSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_M ASK (IXR_RXFULL) 5 ro 0x0 RX FIFO full enable 1: interrupt is disabled 0: interrupt is enabled XSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMPTY _MASK (IXR_RXNEMPTY) 4 ro 0x0 RX FIFO not empty enable 1: interrupt is disabled 0: interrupt is enabled XSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_M ASK (IXR_TXFULL) 3 ro 0x0 TX FIFO full enable 1: interrupt is disabled 0: interrupt is enabled XSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_MA SK (IXR_TXOW) 2 ro 0x0 TX FIFO not full enable 1: interrupt is disabled 0: interrupt is enabled XSPIPS_IXR_MODF_MA SK (IXR_MODF) 1 ro 0x0 ModeFail interrupt enable 1: interrupt is disabled 0: interrupt is enabled XSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_MA SK (IXR_RXOVR) 0 ro 0x0 Receive Overflow interrupt enable 1: interrupt is disabled 0: interrupt is enabled Register (SPI) XSPIPS_ER_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_ER_OFFSET Software Name ER Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006014 spi1: 0xE0007014 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description SPI Controller Enable. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1745 Appendix B: Register Details Register XSPIPS_ER_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:1 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XSPIPS_ER_ENABLE_MA SK (ENABLE) 0 rw 0x0 SPI_Enable 1: enable the SPI 0: disable the SPI Register (SPI) XSPIPS_DR_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_DR_OFFSET Software Name DR Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006018 spi1: 0xE0007018 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Delay Control Register XSPIPS_DR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description d_nss 31:24 rw 0x0 Delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles for the length that the master mode chip select outputs are de-asserted between words when cpha=0. XSPIPS_DR_BTWN_MAS K (BTWN) 23:16 rw 0x0 Delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles between one chip select being de-activated and the activation of another XSPIPS_DR_AFTER_MAS K (AFTER) 15:8 rw 0x0 Delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles between last bit of current word and the first bit of the next word. XSPIPS_DR_INIT_MASK (INIT) 7:0 rw 0x0 Added delay in SPI REFERENCE CLOCK or ext_clk cycles between setting n_ss_out low and first bit transfer. Register (SPI) XSPIPS_TXD_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_TXD_OFFSET Software Name TXD Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1746 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address spi0: 0xE000601C spi1: 0xE000701C Width 32 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit Data. Register Details Register XSPIPS_TXD_OFFSET Details Field Name TX_FIFO_data Bits 31:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Data to TX FIFO. Valid data bits are [7:0]. Register (SPI) XSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET Software Name RXD Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006020 spi1: 0xE0007020 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receive Data. Register XSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET Details Field Name RX_FIFO_data Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description Data from RX FIFO. Valid data bits are [7:0]. Register (SPI) XSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET Software Name SICR Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006024 spi1: 0xE0007024 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1747 Appendix B: Reset Value 0x000000FF Description Slave Idle Count. Register Details Register XSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. Slave_Idle_coun 7:0 rw 0xFF SPI in slave mode detects a start only when the external SPI master serial clock (sclk_in) is stable (quiescent state) for SPI REFERENCE CLOCK cycles specified by slave idle count register or when the SPI is deselected. Register (SPI) XSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET Name XSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET Software Name TXWR Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address spi0: 0xE0006028 spi1: 0xE0007028 Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Description TX_FIFO Threshold. Register XSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET Details Field Name Threshold_of_TX_FIFO Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1 Description Defines the level at which the TX FIFO not full interrupt is generated Register (SPI) RX_thres_reg0 Name RX_thres_reg0 Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address spi0: 0xE000602C spi1: 0xE000702C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000001 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1748 Appendix B: Description Register Details RX FIFO Threshold. Register RX_thres_reg0 Details Field Name Threshold_of_RX_FIFO Bits 31:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x1 Description Defines the level at which the RX FIFO not empty interrupt is generated Register (SPI) Mod_id_reg0 Name Mod_id_reg0 Relative Address 0x000000FC Absolute Address spi0: 0xE00060FC spi1: 0xE00070FC Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00090106 Description Module ID. Register Mod_id_reg0 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:25 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. module_ID 24:0 ro 0x90106 Module ID number Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1749 Appendix B: Register Details B.31 System Watchdog Timer (swdt) Module Name System Watchdog Timer (swdt) Software Name XWDTPS Base Address 0xF8005000 swdt Description System Watchdog Timer Registers Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XWDTPS_ZMR_OFFSET 0x00000000 24 mixed 0x000001C0 WD zero mode register XWDTPS_CCR_OFFSET 0x00000004 26 mixed 0x00003FFC Counter Control Register XWDTPS_RESTART_OFF SET 0x00000008 16 wo 0x00000000 Restart key register - this not a real register as no data is stored XWDTPS_SR_OFFSET 0x0000000C 1 ro 0x00000000 Status Register Register (swdt) XWDTPS_ZMR_OFFSET Name XWDTPS_ZMR_OFFSET Software Name ZMR Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address 0xF8005000 Width 24 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x000001C0 Description WD zero mode register Register XWDTPS_ZMR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XWDTPS_ZMR_ZKEY_M ASK (ZKEY) 23:12 wo 0x0 Zero access key - writes to the zero mode register are only valid if this field is set to 0xABC; this field is write only. reserved 11:9 waz 0x0 Should be zero (sbz) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1750 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XWDTPS_ZMR_IRQLN_ MASK (IRQLN) 8:7 rw 0x3 Interrupt request length - selects the number of pclk cycles during which an interrupt request is held active after it is invoked: 00 = 4 01 = 8 10 = 16 11 = 32 reserved 6:4 rw 0x4 Reserved, set to 0x4. reserved 3 waz 0x0 Should be zero (sbz) XWDTPS_ZMR_IRQEN_ MASK (IRQEN) 2 rw 0x0 Interrupt request enable - if set, the watchdog will issue an interrupt request when the counter reaches zero, if WDEN = 1. XWDTPS_ZMR_RSTEN_ MASK (RSTEN) 1 rw 0x0 Reset enable - if set, the watchdog will issue an internal reset when the counter reaches zero, if WDEN = 1. XWDTPS_ZMR_WDEN_ MASK (WDEN) 0 rw 0x0 Watchdog enable - if set, the watchdog is enabled and can generate any signals that are enabled. Register (swdt) XWDTPS_CCR_OFFSET Name XWDTPS_CCR_OFFSET Software Name CCR Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address 0xF8005004 Width 26 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00003FFC Description Counter Control Register Register XWDTPS_CCR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits XWDTPS_CCR_CKEY_M ASK (CKEY) 25:14 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Counter access key - writes to the control register are only valid if this field is set to 0x248; this field is write only. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1751 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XWDTPS_CCR_CRV_MA SK (CRV) 13:2 rw 0xFFF Counter restart value - the counter is restarted with the value 0xNNNFFF, where NNN is the value of this field. XWDTPS_CCR_CLKSEL_ MASK (CLKSEL) 1:0 rw 0x0 Counter clock prescale - selects the prescaler division ratio: 00 = pclk divided by 8 01 = pclk divided by 64 10 = pclk divided by 512 11 = pclk divided by 4096 Note: If a restart signal is received the prescaler should be reset. Register (swdt) XWDTPS_RESTART_OFFSET Name XWDTPS_RESTART_OFFSET Software Name RESTART Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address 0xF8005008 Width 16 bits Access Type wo Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Restart key register - this not a real register as no data is stored Register XWDTPS_RESTART_OFFSET Details Field Name XWDTPS_RESTART_KEY _VAL (KEY_VAL) Bits 15:0 Type wo Reset Value 0x0 Description Restart key - the watchdog is restarted if this field is set to the value 0x1999 Register (swdt) XWDTPS_SR_OFFSET Name XWDTPS_SR_OFFSET Software Name SR Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address 0xF800500C Width 1 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Status Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1752 Appendix B: Register Details Register XWDTPS_SR_OFFSET Details Field Name XWDTPS_SR_WDZ_MAS K (WDZ) Bits 0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description set when the watchdog reaches zero count www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1753 Appendix B: Register Details B.32 Triple Timer Counter (ttc) Module Name Triple Timer Counter (ttc) Software Name XTTCPS Base Address 0xF8001000 ttc0 0xF8002000 ttc1 Description Triple Timer Counter Vendor Info Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_O FFSET 0x00000000 7 rw 0x00000000 Clock Control register Clock_Control_2 0x00000004 7 rw 0x00000000 Clock Control register Clock_Control_3 0x00000008 7 rw 0x00000000 Clock Control register XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_O FFSET 0x0000000C 7 rw 0x00000021 Operational mode and reset Counter_Control_2 0x00000010 7 rw 0x00000021 Operational mode and reset Counter_Control_3 0x00000014 7 rw 0x00000021 Operational mode and reset XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE _OFFSET 0x00000018 16 ro 0x00000000 Current counter value Counter_Value_2 0x0000001C 16 ro 0x00000000 Current counter value Counter_Value_3 0x00000020 16 ro 0x00000000 Current counter value XTTCPS_INTERVAL_VAL _OFFSET 0x00000024 16 rw 0x00000000 Interval value Interval_Counter_2 0x00000028 16 rw 0x00000000 Interval value Interval_Counter_3 0x0000002C 16 rw 0x00000000 Interval value XTTCPS_MATCH_0_OFF SET 0x00000030 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value Match_1_Counter_2 0x00000034 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value Match_1_Counter_3 0x00000038 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value XTTCPS_MATCH_1_OFF SET 0x0000003C 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value Match_2_Counter_2 0x00000040 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value Match_2_Counter_3 0x00000044 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value XTTCPS_MATCH_2_OFF SET 0x00000048 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value Match_3_Counter_2 0x0000004C 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1754 Appendix B: Width Type Reset Value Register Details Register Name Address Description Match_3_Counter_3 0x00000050 16 rw 0x00000000 Match value XTTCPS_ISR_OFFSET 0x00000054 6 clronr d 0x00000000 Counter 1 Interval, Match, Overflow and Event interrupts Interrupt_Register_2 0x00000058 6 clronr d 0x00000000 Counter 2 Interval, Match, Overflow and Event interrupts Interrupt_Register_3 0x0000005C 6 clronr d 0x00000000 Counter 3 Interval, Match, Overflow and Event interrupts XTTCPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000060 6 rw 0x00000000 ANDed with corresponding Interrupt Register Interrupt_Enable_2 0x00000064 6 rw 0x00000000 ANDed with corresponding Interrupt Register Interrupt_Enable_3 0x00000068 6 rw 0x00000000 ANDed with corresponding Interrupt Register Event_Control_Timer_1 0x0000006C 3 rw 0x00000000 Enable, pulse and overflow Event_Control_Timer_2 0x00000070 3 rw 0x00000000 Enable, pulse and overflow Event_Control_Timer_3 0x00000074 3 rw 0x00000000 Enable, pulse and overflow Event_Register_1 0x00000078 16 ro 0x00000000 pclk cycle count for event Event_Register_2 0x0000007C 16 ro 0x00000000 pclk cycle count for event Event_Register_3 0x00000080 16 ro 0x00000000 pclk cycle count for event Register (ttc) XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_OFFSET Software Name CLK_CNTRL Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001000 ttc1: 0xF8002000 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Clock Control register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1755 Appendix B: Register Details Register XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_EX T_EDGE_MASK (EXT_EDGE) 6 rw 0x0 External Clock Edge: when this bit is set and the extend clock is selected, the counter clocks on the negative going edge of the external clock input. XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_SR C_MASK (SRC) 5 rw 0x0 Clock Source: when this bit is set the counter uses the external clock input, ext_clk; the default clock source is pclk. XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_PS _VAL_MASK (PS_VAL) 4:1 rw 0x0 Prescale value (N): if prescale is enabled, the count rate is divided by 2^(N+1) XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_PS _EN_MASK (PS_EN) 0 rw 0x0 Prescale enable: when this bit is set the counter, clock source is prescaled; the default clock source is that defined by C_Src.the default Register (ttc) Clock_Control_2 Name Clock_Control_2 Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001004 ttc1: 0xF8002004 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Clock Control register Register Clock_Control_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_EX T_EDGE_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_EXT_EDGE ) 6 rw 0x0 External Clock Edge: when this bit is set and the extend clock is selected, the counter clocks on the negative going edge of the external clock input. XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_SR C_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_SRC) 5 rw 0x0 Clock Source: when this bit is set the counter uses the external clock input, ext_clk; the default clock source is pclk. XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_PS _VAL_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_PS_VAL) 4:1 rw 0x0 Prescale value (N): if prescale is enabled, the count rate is divided by 2^(N+1) XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_PS _EN_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_PS_EN) 0 rw 0x0 Prescale enable: when this bit is set the counter, clock source is prescaled; the default clock source is that defined by C_Src.the default Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1756 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ttc) Clock_Control_3 Name Clock_Control_3 Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001008 ttc1: 0xF8002008 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Clock Control register Register Clock_Control_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_EX T_EDGE_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_EXT_EDGE ) 6 rw 0x0 External Clock Edge: when this bit is set and the extend clock is selected, the counter clocks on the negative going edge of the external clock input. XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_SR C_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_SRC) 5 rw 0x0 Clock Source: when this bit is set the counter uses the external clock input, ext_clk; the default clock source is pclk. XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_PS _VAL_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_PS_VAL) 4:1 rw 0x0 Prescale value (N): if prescale is enabled, the count rate is divided by 2^(N+1) XTTCPS_CLK_CNTRL_PS _EN_MASK (CLK_CNTRL_PS_EN) 0 rw 0x0 Prescale enable: when this bit is set the counter, clock source is prescaled; the default clock source is that defined by C_Src.the default Register (ttc) XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_OFFSET Software Name CNT_CNTRL Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800100C ttc1: 0xF800200C Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000021 Description Operational mode and reset Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1757 Appendix B: Register Details Register XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_P OL_WAVE_MASK (POL_WAVE) 6 rw 0x0 Waveform polarity: When this bit is high, the waveform output goes from high to low on Match_1 interrupt and returns high on overflow or interval interrupt; when low, the waveform goes from low to high on Match_1 interrupt and returns low on overflow or interval interrupt. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_E N_WAVE_MASK (EN_WAVE) 5 rw 0x1 Output waveform enable, active low. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_R ST_MASK (RST) 4 rw 0x0 Setting this bit high resets the counter value and restarts counting; the RST bit is automatically cleared on restart. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_M ATCH_MASK (MATCH) 3 rw 0x0 Register Match mode: when Match is set, an interrupt is generated when the count value matches one of the three match registers and the corresponding bit is set in the Interrupt Enable register. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_D ECR_MASK (DECR) 2 rw 0x0 Decrement: when this bit is high the counter counts down. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_I NT_MASK (INT) 1 rw 0x0 When this bit is high, the timer is in Interval Mode, and the counter generates interrupts at regular intervals; when low, the timer is in overflow mode. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_DI S_MASK (DIS) 0 rw 0x1 Disable counter: when this bit is high, the counter is stopped, holding its last value until reset, restarted or enabled again. Register (ttc) Counter_Control_2 Name Counter_Control_2 Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001010 ttc1: 0xF8002010 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000021 Description Operational mode and reset Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1758 Appendix B: Register Details Register Counter_Control_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_P OL_WAVE_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_POL_WAV E) 6 rw 0x0 Waveform polarity: When this bit is high, the waveform output goes from high to low on Match_1 interrupt and returns high on overflow or interval interrupt; when low, the waveform goes from low to high on Match_1 interrupt and returns low on overflow or interval interrupt. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_E N_WAVE_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_EN_WAVE ) 5 rw 0x1 Output waveform enable, active low. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_R ST_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_RST) 4 rw 0x0 Setting this bit high resets the counter value and restarts counting; the RST bit is automatically cleared on restart. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_M ATCH_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_MATCH) 3 rw 0x0 Register Match mode: when Match is set, an interrupt is generated when the count value matches one of the three match registers and the corresponding bit is set in the Interrupt Enable register. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_D ECR_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_DECR) 2 rw 0x0 Decrement: when this bit is high the counter counts down. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_I NT_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_INT) 1 rw 0x0 When this bit is high, the timer is in Interval Mode, and the counter generates interrupts at regular intervals; when low, the timer is in overflow mode. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_DI S_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_DIS) 0 rw 0x1 Disable counter: when this bit is high, the counter is stopped, holding its last value until reset, restarted or enabled again. Register (ttc) Counter_Control_3 Name Counter_Control_3 Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001014 ttc1: 0xF8002014 Width 7 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000021 Description Operational mode and reset Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1759 Appendix B: Register Details Register Counter_Control_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_P OL_WAVE_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_POL_WAV E) 6 rw 0x0 Waveform polarity: When this bit is high, the waveform output goes from high to low on Match_1 interrupt and returns high on overflow or interval interrupt; when low, the waveform goes from low to high on Match_1 interrupt and returns low on overflow or interval interrupt. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_E N_WAVE_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_EN_WAVE ) 5 rw 0x1 Output waveform enable, active low. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_R ST_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_RST) 4 rw 0x0 Setting this bit high resets the counter value and restarts counting; the RST bit is automatically cleared on restart. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_M ATCH_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_MATCH) 3 rw 0x0 Register Match mode: when Match is set, an interrupt is generated when the count value matches one of the three match registers and the corresponding bit is set in the Interrupt Enable register. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_D ECR_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_DECR) 2 rw 0x0 Decrement: when this bit is high the counter counts down. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_I NT_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_INT) 1 rw 0x0 When this bit is high, the timer is in Interval Mode, and the counter generates interrupts at regular intervals; when low, the timer is in overflow mode. XTTCPS_CNT_CNTRL_DI S_MASK (CNT_CNTRL_DIS) 0 rw 0x1 Disable counter: when this bit is high, the counter is stopped, holding its last value until reset, restarted or enabled again. Register (ttc) XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE_OFFSET Software Name COUNT_VALUE Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001018 ttc1: 0xF8002018 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Current counter value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1760 Appendix B: Register Details Register XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE_OFFSET Details Field Name XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE _MASK (MASK) Bits 15:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description At any time, a Timer Counter's count value can be read from its Counter Value Register. Register (ttc) Counter_Value_2 Name Counter_Value_2 Relative Address 0x0000001C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800101C ttc1: 0xF800201C Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Current counter value Register Counter_Value_2 Details Field Name XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE _MASK (COUNT_VALUE) Bits 15:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description At any time, a Timer Counter's count value can be read from its Counter Value Register. Register (ttc) Counter_Value_3 Name Counter_Value_3 Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001020 ttc1: 0xF8002020 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Current counter value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1761 Appendix B: Register Details Register Counter_Value_3 Details Field Name XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE _MASK (COUNT_VALUE) Bits 15:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description At any time, a Timer Counter's count value can be read from its Counter Value Register. Register (ttc) XTTCPS_INTERVAL_VAL_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_INTERVAL_VAL_OFFSET Software Name INTERVAL_VAL Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001024 ttc1: 0xF8002024 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interval value Register XTTCPS_INTERVAL_VAL_OFFSET Details Field Name XTTCPS_COUNT_VALUE _MASK (COUNT_VALUE) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description If interval is enabled, this is the maximum value that the counter will count up to or down from. Register (ttc) Interval_Counter_2 Name Interval_Counter_2 Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001028 ttc1: 0xF8002028 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interval value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1762 Appendix B: Register Details Register Interval_Counter_2 Details Field Name XTTCPS_INTERVAL_VAL _MASK (INTERVAL_VAL) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description If interval is enabled, this is the maximum value that the counter will count up to or down from. Register (ttc) Interval_Counter_3 Name Interval_Counter_3 Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800102C ttc1: 0xF800202C Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interval value Register Interval_Counter_3 Details Field Name XTTCPS_INTERVAL_VAL _MASK (INTERVAL_VAL) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description If interval is enabled, this is the maximum value that the counter will count up to or down from. Register (ttc) XTTCPS_MATCH_0_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_MATCH_0_OFFSET Software Name MATCH_0 Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001030 ttc1: 0xF8002030 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1763 Appendix B: Register Details Register XTTCPS_MATCH_0_OFFSET Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) Match_1_Counter_2 Name Match_1_Counter_2 Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001034 ttc1: 0xF8002034 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Register Match_1_Counter_2 Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) Match_1_Counter_3 Name Match_1_Counter_3 Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001038 ttc1: 0xF8002038 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1764 Appendix B: Register Details Register Match_1_Counter_3 Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) XTTCPS_MATCH_1_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_MATCH_1_OFFSET Software Name MATCH_1 Relative Address 0x0000003C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800103C ttc1: 0xF800203C Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Register XTTCPS_MATCH_1_OFFSET Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) Match_2_Counter_2 Name Match_2_Counter_2 Relative Address 0x00000040 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001040 ttc1: 0xF8002040 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1765 Appendix B: Register Details Register Match_2_Counter_2 Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) Match_2_Counter_3 Name Match_2_Counter_3 Relative Address 0x00000044 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001044 ttc1: 0xF8002044 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Register Match_2_Counter_3 Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) XTTCPS_MATCH_2_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_MATCH_2_OFFSET Software Name MATCH_2 Relative Address 0x00000048 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001048 ttc1: 0xF8002048 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1766 Appendix B: Register Details Register XTTCPS_MATCH_2_OFFSET Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) Match_3_Counter_2 Name Match_3_Counter_2 Relative Address 0x0000004C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800104C ttc1: 0xF800204C Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Register Match_3_Counter_2 Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) Match_3_Counter_3 Name Match_3_Counter_3 Relative Address 0x00000050 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001050 ttc1: 0xF8002050 Width 16 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Match value Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1767 Appendix B: Register Details Register Match_3_Counter_3 Details Field Name XTTCPS_MATCH_MASK (MATCH) Bits 15:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description When a counter has the same value as is stored in one of its match registers and match mode is enabled, a match interrupt is generated. Each counter has three match registers. Register (ttc) XTTCPS_ISR_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_ISR_OFFSET Software Name ISR Relative Address 0x00000054 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001054 ttc1: 0xF8002054 Width 6 bits Access Type clronrd Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter 1 Interval, Match, Overflow and Event interrupts Register XTTCPS_ISR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Ev 5 clronr d 0x0 Event timer overflow interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_CNT_OVR_ MASK (IXR_CNT_OVR) 4 clronr d 0x0 Counter overflow XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_2_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_2) 3 clronr d 0x0 Match 3 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_1_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_1) 2 clronr d 0x0 Match 2 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_0_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_0) 1 clronr d 0x0 Match 1 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_ MASK (IXR_INTERVAL) 0 clronr d 0x0 Interval interrupt Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1768 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ttc) Interrupt_Register_2 Name Interrupt_Register_2 Relative Address 0x00000058 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001058 ttc1: 0xF8002058 Width 6 bits Access Type clronrd Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter 2 Interval, Match, Overflow and Event interrupts Register Interrupt_Register_2 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Ev 5 clronr d 0x0 Event timer overflow interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_CNT_OVR_ MASK (IXR_CNT_OVR) 4 clronr d 0x0 Counter overflow XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_2_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_2) 3 clronr d 0x0 Match 3 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_1_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_1) 2 clronr d 0x0 Match 2 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_0_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_0) 1 clronr d 0x0 Match 1 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_ MASK (IXR_INTERVAL) 0 clronr d 0x0 Interval interrupt Register (ttc) Interrupt_Register_3 Name Interrupt_Register_3 Relative Address 0x0000005C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800105C ttc1: 0xF800205C Width 6 bits Access Type clronrd Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Counter 3 Interval, Match, Overflow and Event interrupts Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1769 Appendix B: Register Details Register Interrupt_Register_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description Ev 5 clronr d 0x0 Event timer overflow interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_CNT_OVR_ MASK (IXR_CNT_OVR) 4 clronr d 0x0 Counter overflow XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_2_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_2) 3 clronr d 0x0 Match 3 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_1_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_1) 2 clronr d 0x0 Match 2 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_MATCH_0_ MASK (IXR_MATCH_0) 1 clronr d 0x0 Match 1 interrupt XTTCPS_IXR_INTERVAL_ MASK (IXR_INTERVAL) 0 clronr d 0x0 Interval interrupt Register (ttc) XTTCPS_IER_OFFSET Name XTTCPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name IER Relative Address 0x00000060 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001060 ttc1: 0xF8002060 Width 6 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ANDed with corresponding Interrupt Register Register XTTCPS_IER_OFFSET Details Field Name IEN Bits 5:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Enables for bits 05:00 in Interrupt Register: corresponding bits must be set to enable the interrupt. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1770 Appendix B: Register Details Register (ttc) Interrupt_Enable_2 Name Interrupt_Enable_2 Relative Address 0x00000064 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001064 ttc1: 0xF8002064 Width 6 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ANDed with corresponding Interrupt Register Register Interrupt_Enable_2 Details Field Name IEN Bits 5:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables for bits 05:00 in Interrupt Register: corresponding bits must be set to enable the interrupt. Register (ttc) Interrupt_Enable_3 Name Interrupt_Enable_3 Relative Address 0x00000068 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001068 ttc1: 0xF8002068 Width 6 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description ANDed with corresponding Interrupt Register Register Interrupt_Enable_3 Details Field Name IEN Bits 5:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Enables for bits 05:00 in Interrupt Register: corresponding bits must be set to enable the interrupt. Register (ttc) Event_Control_Timer_1 Name Event_Control_Timer_1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1771 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x0000006C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800106C ttc1: 0xF800206C Width 3 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Enable, pulse and overflow Register Details Register Event_Control_Timer_1 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description E_Ov 2 rw 0x0 When this bit is low, the event timer is disabled and set to zero when an Event Timer Register overflow occurs; when set high, the timer continues counting on overflow. E_Lo 1 rw 0x0 When this bit is high, the timer counts pclk cycles during the low level duration of ext_clk; when low, the event timer counts the high level duration of ext_clk. E_En 0 rw 0x0 Enable timer: when this bit is high, the event timer is enabled. Register (ttc) Event_Control_Timer_2 Name Event_Control_Timer_2 Relative Address 0x00000070 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001070 ttc1: 0xF8002070 Width 3 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Enable, pulse and overflow Register Event_Control_Timer_2 Details Field Name E_Ov Bits 2 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description When this bit is low, the event timer is disabled and set to zero when an Event Timer Register overflow occurs; when set high, the timer continues counting on overflow. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1772 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description E_Lo 1 rw 0x0 When this bit is high, the timer counts pclk cycles during the low level duration of ext_clk; when low, the event timer counts the high level duration of ext_clk. E_En 0 rw 0x0 Enable timer: when this bit is high, the event timer is enabled. Register (ttc) Event_Control_Timer_3 Name Event_Control_Timer_3 Relative Address 0x00000074 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001074 ttc1: 0xF8002074 Width 3 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Enable, pulse and overflow Register Event_Control_Timer_3 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description E_Ov 2 rw 0x0 When this bit is low, the event timer is disabled and set to zero when an Event Timer Register overflow occurs; when set high, the timer continues counting on overflow. E_Lo 1 rw 0x0 When this bit is high, the timer counts pclk cycles during the low level duration of ext_clk; when low, the event timer counts the high level duration of ext_clk. E_En 0 rw 0x0 Enable timer: when this bit is high, the event timer is enabled. Register (ttc) Event_Register_1 Name Event_Register_1 Relative Address 0x00000078 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001078 ttc1: 0xF8002078 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pclk cycle count for event Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1773 Appendix B: Register Details Register Event_Register_1 Details Field Name Event Bits 15:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description This register stores the result of the pclk count during the ext_clk high or low pulse. Register (ttc) Event_Register_2 Name Event_Register_2 Relative Address 0x0000007C Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF800107C ttc1: 0xF800207C Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pclk cycle count for event Register Event_Register_2 Details Field Name Event Bits 15:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Description This register stores the result of the pclk count during the ext_clk high or low pulse. Register (ttc) Event_Register_3 Name Event_Register_3 Relative Address 0x00000080 Absolute Address ttc0: 0xF8001080 ttc1: 0xF8002080 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description pclk cycle count for event Register Event_Register_3 Details Field Name Event Bits 15:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description This register stores the result of the pclk count during the ext_clk high or low pulse. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1774 Appendix B: Register Details B.33 UART Controller (UART) Module Name UART Controller (UART) Software Name XUARTPS Base Address 0xE0000000 uart0 0xE0001000 uart1 Description Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Vendor Info Cadence UART Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET 0x00000000 32 mixed 0x00000128 UART Control Register XUARTPS_MR_OFFSET 0x00000004 32 mixed 0x00000000 UART Mode Register XUARTPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000008 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable Register XUARTPS_IDR_OFFSET 0x0000000C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt Disable Register XUARTPS_IMR_OFFSET 0x00000010 32 ro 0x00000000 Interrupt Mask Register XUARTPS_ISR_OFFSET 0x00000014 32 wtc 0x00000000 Channel Interrupt Status Register XUARTPS_BAUDGEN_O FFSET 0x00000018 32 mixed 0x0000028B Baud Rate Generator Register. XUARTPS_RXTOUT_OFF SET 0x0000001C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Receiver Timeout Register XUARTPS_RXWM_OFFS ET 0x00000020 32 mixed 0x00000020 Receiver FIFO Trigger Level Register XUARTPS_MODEMCR_ OFFSET 0x00000024 32 mixed 0x00000000 Modem Control Register XUARTPS_MODEMSR_ OFFSET 0x00000028 32 mixed x Modem Status Register XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET 0x0000002C 32 ro 0x00000000 Channel Status Register XUARTPS_FIFO_OFFSET 0x00000030 32 mixed 0x00000000 Transmit and Receive FIFO Baud_rate_divider_reg0 0x00000034 32 mixed 0x0000000F Baud Rate Divider Register Flow_delay_reg0 0x00000038 32 mixed 0x00000000 Flow Control Delay Register Tx_FIFO_trigger_level0 0x00000044 32 mixed 0x00000020 Transmitter FIFO Trigger Level Register Register (UART) XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1775 Appendix B: Software Name CR Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000000 uart1: 0xE0001000 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000128 Description UART Control Register Register Details Register XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET Details The UART Control register is used to enable and reset the transmitter and receiver blocks. It also controls the receiver timeout and the transmission of breaks. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:9 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XUARTPS_CR_STOPBRK (STOPBRK) 8 rw 0x1 Stop transmitter break: 0: no affect 1: stop transmission of the break after a minimum of one character length and transmit a high level during 12 bit periods. It can be set regardless of the value of STTBRK. XUARTPS_CR_STARTBR K (STARTBRK) 7 rw 0x0 Start transmitter break: 0: no affect 1: start to transmit a break after the characters currently present in the FIFO and the transmit shift register have been transmitted. It can only be set if STPBRK (Stop transmitter break) is not high. XUARTPS_CR_TORST (TORST) 6 rw 0x0 Restart receiver timeout counter: 1: receiver timeout counter is restarted. This bit is self clearing once the restart has completed. XUARTPS_CR_TX_DIS (TX_DIS) 5 rw 0x1 Transmit disable: 0: enable transmitter 1: disable transmitter XUARTPS_CR_TX_EN (TX_EN) 4 rw 0x0 Transmit enable: 0: disable transmitter 1: enable transmitter, provided the TXDIS field is set to 0. XUARTPS_CR_RX_DIS (RX_DIS) 3 rw 0x1 Receive disable: 0: enable 1: disable, regardless of the value of RXEN Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1776 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUARTPS_CR_RX_EN (RX_EN) 2 rw 0x0 Receive enable: 0: disable 1: enable When set to one, the receiver logic is enabled, provided the RXDIS field is set to zero. XUARTPS_CR_TXRST (TXRST) 1 rw 0x0 Software reset for Tx data path: 0: no affect 1: transmitter logic is reset and all pending transmitter data is discarded This bit is self clearing once the reset has completed. XUARTPS_CR_RXRST (RXRST) 0 rw 0x0 Software reset for Rx data path: 0: no affect 1: receiver logic is reset and all pending receiver data is discarded. This bit is self clearing once the reset has completed. Register (UART) XUARTPS_MR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_MR_OFFSET Software Name MR Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000004 uart1: 0xE0001004 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description UART Mode Register Register XUARTPS_MR_OFFSET Details The UART Mode register defines the setup of the data format to be transmitted or received. If this register is modified during transmission or reception, data validity cannot be guaranteed. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:12 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. reserved 11 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 10 rw 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1777 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description CHMODE 9:8 rw 0x0 Channel mode: Defines the mode of operation of the UART. 00: normal 01: automatic echo 10: local loopback 11: remote loopback NBSTOP 7:6 rw 0x0 Number of stop bits: Defines the number of stop bits to detect on receive and to generate on transmit. 00: 1 stop bit 01: 1.5 stop bits 10: 2 stop bits 11: reserved PAR 5:3 rw 0x0 Parity type select: Defines the expected parity to check on receive and the parity to generate on transmit. 000: even parity 001: odd parity 010: forced to 0 parity (space) 011: forced to 1 parity (mark) 1xx: no parity CHRL 2:1 rw 0x0 Character length select: Defines the number of bits in each character. 11: 6 bits 10: 7 bits 0x: 8 bits XUARTPS_MR_CLKSEL (CLKSEL) 0 rw 0x0 Clock source select: This field defines whether a pre-scalar of 8 is applied to the baud rate generator input clock. 0: clock source is uart_ref_clk 1: clock source is uart_ref_clk/8 Register (UART) XUARTPS_IER_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name IER Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000008 uart1: 0xE0001008 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Enable Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1778 Appendix B: Register Details Register XUARTPS_IER_OFFSET Details This write only register is used to enable interrupts. When any bit is written high, the corresponding interrupt is enabled. Writing a low to any bit has no effect. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. TOVR 12 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Overflow interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) TNFUL 11 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Nearly Full interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) TTRIG 10 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Trigger interrupt: 0: disable 1: enable XUARTPS_IXR_DMS (IXR_DMS) 9 wo 0x0 Delta Modem Status Indicator interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) XUARTPS_IXR_TOUT (IXR_TOUT) 8 wo 0x0 Receiver Timeout Error interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) XUARTPS_IXR_PARITY (IXR_PARITY) 7 wo 0x0 Receiver Parity Error interrupt: 0: disable 1: enable XUARTPS_IXR_FRAMIN G (IXR_FRAMING) 6 wo 0x0 Receiver Framing Error interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) XUARTPS_IXR_OVER (IXR_OVER) 5 wo 0x0 Receiver Overflow Error interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) XUARTPS_IXR_TXFULL (IXR_TXFULL) 4 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Full interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) XUARTPS_IXR_TXEMPT Y (IXR_TXEMPTY) 3 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Empty interrupt: 0: disable 1: enable XUARTPS_IXR_RXFULL (IXR_RXFULL) 2 wo 0x0 Receiver FIFO Full interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) XUARTPS_IXR_RXEMPT Y (IXR_RXEMPTY) 1 wo 0x0 Receiver FIFO Empty interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) XUARTPS_IXR_RXOVR (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wo 0x0 Receiver FIFO Trigger interrupt: 0: no affect 1: enable (clears mask = 0) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1779 Appendix B: Register Details Register (UART) XUARTPS_IDR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_IDR_OFFSET Software Name IDR Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address uart0: 0xE000000C uart1: 0xE000100C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Disable Register Register XUARTPS_IDR_OFFSET Details This write only register is used to disable interrupts. When any bit is written high, the corresponding interrupt is disabled. Writing a low to any bit has no effect. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. TOVR 12 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Overflow interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) TNFUL 11 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Nearly Full interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) TTRIG 10 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Trigger interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_DMS (IXR_DMS) 9 wo 0x0 Delta Modem Status Indicator interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_TOUT (IXR_TOUT) 8 wo 0x0 Receiver Timeout Error interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_PARITY (IXR_PARITY) 7 wo 0x0 Receiver Parity Error interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_FRAMIN G (IXR_FRAMING) 6 wo 0x0 Receiver Framing Error interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_OVER (IXR_OVER) 5 wo 0x0 Receiver Overflow Error interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1780 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUARTPS_IXR_TXFULL (IXR_TXFULL) 4 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Full interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_TXEMPT Y (IXR_TXEMPTY) 3 wo 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Empty interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_RXFULL (IXR_RXFULL) 2 wo 0x0 Receiver FIFO Full interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_RXEMPT Y (IXR_RXEMPTY) 1 wo 0x0 Receiver FIFO Empty interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) XUARTPS_IXR_RXOVR (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wo 0x0 Receiver FIFO Trigger interrupt: 0: no affect 1: disable (sets mask = 1) Register (UART) XUARTPS_IMR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_IMR_OFFSET Software Name IMR Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000010 uart1: 0xE0001010 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt Mask Register Register XUARTPS_IMR_OFFSET Details This read only register, indicates the current state of the interrupts mask. A high value indicates the interrupt is unmasked and therefore is enabled to generate an interrupt. A low value indicates the interrupt is masked and therefore is disabled from generating an interrupt. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. TOVR 12 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Overflow interrupt status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled TNFUL 11 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Nearly Full interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1781 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description TTRIG 10 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Trigger interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_DMS (IXR_DMS) 9 ro 0x0 Delta Modem Status Indicator interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_TOUT (IXR_TOUT) 8 ro 0x0 Receiver Timeout Error interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_PARITY (IXR_PARITY) 7 ro 0x0 Receiver Parity Error interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_FRAMIN G (IXR_FRAMING) 6 ro 0x0 Receiver Framing Error interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_OVER (IXR_OVER) 5 ro 0x0 Receiver Overflow Error interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_TXFULL (IXR_TXFULL) 4 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Full interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_TXEMPT Y (IXR_TXEMPTY) 3 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Empty interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_RXFULL (IXR_RXFULL) 2 ro 0x0 Receiver FIFO Full interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_RXEMPT Y (IXR_RXEMPTY) 1 ro 0x0 Receiver FIFO Empty interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is disabled 1: interrupt is enabled XUARTPS_IXR_RXOVR (IXR_RXOVR) 0 ro 0x0 Receiver FIFO Trigger interrupt mask status: 0: interrupt is enabled 1: interrupt is enabled Register (UART) XUARTPS_ISR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_ISR_OFFSET Software Name ISR Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000014 uart1: 0xE0001014 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1782 Appendix B: Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Interrupt Status Register Register Details Register XUARTPS_ISR_OFFSET Details The Channel Interrupt Status register indicates any interrupt events that have occurred since this register was last cleared. The bits in this register are compared with the interrupt mask and used to assert the interrupt output. This register indicated the unmasked status, allowing software to implement a polling method of interrupt handling. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:13 wtc 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. TOVR 12 wtc 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Overflow interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever a new word is pushed into the transmit FIFO when there is not enough room for all of the data. This will be set as a result of any write when the TFUL flag in Channel_sts_reg0 is already set, or a double byte write when the TNFUL flag in Channel_sts_reg0 is already set. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred TNFUL 11 wtc 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Nearly Full interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever a new word is pushed into the transmit FIFO causing the fill level to be such that there is not enough space for a further write of the number of bytes currently specified in the WSIZE bits in the Mode register. If this further write were currently attempted it would cause an overflow. Note that when WSIZE is 00, this assumes that a two byte write would be attempted and hence a single byte write is still possible without overflow by driving byte_sel low for the write. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred TTRIG 10 wtc 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Trigger interrupt mask status. This event is triggered whenever a new word is pushed into the transmit FIFO causing the fill level to become equal to the value defined by TTRIG. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1783 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUARTPS_IXR_DMS (IXR_DMS) 9 wtc 0x0 Delta Modem Status Indicator interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever the DCTS, DDSR, TERI, or DDCD in the modem status register are being set. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_TOUT (IXR_TOUT) 8 wtc 0x0 Receiver Timeout Error interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever the receiver timeout counter has expired due to a long idle condition. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_PARITY (IXR_PARITY) 7 wtc 0x0 Receiver Parity Error interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever the received parity bit does not match the expected value. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_FRAMIN G (IXR_FRAMING) 6 wtc 0x0 Receiver Framing Error interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever the receiver fails to detect a valid stop bit. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_OVER (IXR_OVER) 5 wtc 0x0 Receiver Overflow Error interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever the contents of the receiver shift register have not yet been transferred to the receiver FIFO and a new start bit is detected. This may be due to the FIFO being full, or due to excessive clock boundary delays. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_TXFULL (IXR_TXFULL) 4 wtc 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Full interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever a new word is inserted into the transmit FIFO causing it to go from a non-full condition to a full condition. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_TXEMPT Y (IXR_TXEMPTY) 3 wtc 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Empty interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever the final word is removed from the transmit FIFO. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_RXFULL (IXR_RXFULL) 2 wtc 0x0 Receiver FIFO Full interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever a new word is inserted into the receive FIFO causing it to go from a non-full condition to a full condition. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1784 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUARTPS_IXR_RXEMPT Y (IXR_RXEMPTY) 1 wtc 0x0 Receiver FIFO Empty interrupt mask status: This event is triggered upon exit of the final word from the receive FIFO. 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred XUARTPS_IXR_RXOVR (IXR_RXOVR) 0 wtc 0x0 Receiver FIFO Trigger interrupt mask status: This event is triggered whenever a new word is inserted into the receive FIFO . 0: no interrupt occurred 1: interrupt occurred Register (UART) XUARTPS_BAUDGEN_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_BAUDGEN_OFFSET Software Name BAUDGEN Relative Address 0x00000018 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000018 uart1: 0xE0001018 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x0000028B Description Baud Rate Generator Register. Register XUARTPS_BAUDGEN_OFFSET Details The read/write baud rate generator control register controls the amount by which to divide sel_clk to generate the bit rate clock enable, baud_sample. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:16 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. CD 15:0 rw 0x28B Baud Rate Clock Divisor Value: 0: Disables baud_sample 1: Clock divisor bypass (baud_sample = sel_clk) 2 - 65535: baud_sample Register (UART) XUARTPS_RXTOUT_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_RXTOUT_OFFSET Software Name RXTOUT Relative Address 0x0000001C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1785 Appendix B: Absolute Address uart0: 0xE000001C uart1: 0xE000101C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Receiver Timeout Register Register Details Register XUARTPS_RXTOUT_OFFSET Details The read/write Receiver Timeout register is used to enable the UART to detect an idle condition on the receiver data line. The timeout value (RTO) indicates the maximum delay for which the UART should wait for a new character to arrive before issuing a timeout interrupt. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. RTO 7:0 rw 0x0 Receiver timeout value: 0: Disables receiver timeout counter 1 - 255: Receiver timeout in number of baud_sample clocks. Register (UART) XUARTPS_RXWM_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_RXWM_OFFSET Software Name RXWM Relative Address 0x00000020 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000020 uart1: 0xE0001020 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000020 Description Receiver FIFO Trigger Level Register Register XUARTPS_RXWM_OFFSET Details The read/write Receiver FIFO Trigger Level Register is used to set the value at which the receiver FIFO triggers an interrupt event. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:6 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. RTRIG 5:0 rw 0x20 Receiver FIFO trigger level value: 0: Disables receiver FIFO trigger level function 1 - 63:Trigger set when receiver FIFO fills to RTRIG bytes Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1786 Appendix B: Register Details Register (UART) XUARTPS_MODEMCR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_MODEMCR_OFFSET Software Name MODEMCR Relative Address 0x00000024 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000024 uart1: 0xE0001024 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Modem Control Register Register XUARTPS_MODEMCR_OFFSET Details The read/write Modem Control register controls the interface with the modem or data set, or a peripheral device emulating a modem. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:6 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XUARTPS_MODEMCR_F CM (FCM) 5 rw 0x0 Automatic flow control mode: 0: disable Transmission is continuous regardless of the value of the EMIOUARTxCTSN input, and the EMIOUARTxRTSN output is driven completely under software control. 1: enable Transmission will only occur when the EMIOUARTxCTSN input is asserted low, and the EMIOUARTxRTSN output is driven using a compare of the RX FIFO fill level to the programmed FDEL value. reserved 4:2 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XUARTPS_MODEMCR_R TS (RTS) 1 rw 0x0 Request to send output control: This bit is ignored if automatic flow control mode is enabled by FCM being high. If FCM is low, the value of this bit is inverted when applied to the EMIOUARTxRTSN output. 0: EMIOUARTxRTSN output forced to logic 1 1: EMIOUARTxRTSN output forced to logic 0 XUARTPS_MODEMCR_ DTR (DTR) 0 rw 0x0 Data Terminal Ready: The value of this bit is inverted when applied to the EMIOUARTxDTRN output. 0: EMIOUARTxDTRN output forced to logic 1 1: EMIOUARTxDTRN output forced to logic 0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1787 Appendix B: Register Details Register (UART) XUARTPS_MODEMSR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_MODEMSR_OFFSET Software Name MODEMSR Relative Address 0x00000028 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000028 uart1: 0xE0001028 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value x Description Modem Status Register Register XUARTPS_MODEMSR_OFFSET Details The Modem Status register indicates the current state of the control lines from the modem, or peripheral device, to the CPU. In addition, four bits of the modem status register provide change of state or delta information. These bits are set to logic 1 whenever a control input from the modem changes state. In the default configuration, these delta bits are all cleared simultaneously when this register is read. This may be parameterised at compile time such that a one must be written to a bit in order to clear it and a read has no effect. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:9 ro x Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. XUARTPS_MODEMSR_F CMS (FCMS) 8 rw x Flow Control Mode: 0: disabled 1: enabled XUARTPS_MODEMSR_ DCD (DCD) 7 ro x Data Carrier Detect (DCD) input signal from PL (EMIOUARTxDCDN) status: 0: input is high 1: input is low XUARTPS_MODEMSR_R I (RI) 6 ro x Ring Indicator (RI) input signal from PL (EMIOUARTxRIN) status: 0: input is high 1: input is low XUARTPS_MODEMSR_ DSR (DSR) 5 ro x Data Set Ready (DSR) input signal from PL (EMIOUARTxDSRN) status: 0: input is high 1: input is low XUARTPS_MODEMSR_C TS (CTS) 4 ro x Clear to Send (CTS) input signal from PL (EMIOUARTxCTSN) status: 0: input is high 1: input is low Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1788 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUARTPS_MEDEMSR_D CDX (MEDEMSR_DCDX) 3 wtc x Delta Data Carrier Detect status: Indicates a change in state of the EMIOUARTxDCDN input since this bit was last cleared. 0: No change has occurred 1: Change has occurred XUARTPS_MEDEMSR_RI X (MEDEMSR_RIX) 2 wtc x Trailing Edge Ring Indicator status: Indicates that the EMIOUARTxRIN input has change from high to low state since this bit was last cleared. 0: No trailing edge has occurred 1: Trailing edge has occurred XUARTPS_MEDEMSR_D SRX (MEDEMSR_DSRX) 1 wtc x Delta Data Set Ready status: Indicates a change in state of the EMIOUARTxDSRN input since this bit was last cleared. 0: No change has occurred 1: Change has occurred XUARTPS_MEDEMSR_C TSX (MEDEMSR_CTSX) 0 wtc x Delta Clear To Send status: Indicates a change in state of the EMIOUARTxCTSN input since this bit was last cleared. 0: No change has occurred 1: Change has occurred Register (UART) XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET Software Name SR Relative Address 0x0000002C Absolute Address uart0: 0xE000002C uart1: 0xE000102C Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Channel Status Register Register XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET Details The read only Channel Status register is provided to enable the continuous monitoring of the raw unmasked status information of the UART design. Bits [4:0] and [14:10] are not latched and provide raw status of the FIFO flags, such that if the FIFO level changes these bits are updated immediately. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1789 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 31:15 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. TNFUL 14 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Nearly Full continuous status: This indicates that there is not enough space for the number of bytes currently specified in the WSIZE bits in the Mode register. If a write were currently attempted it would cause an overflow. Note that when WSIZE is 00, this assumes that a two byte write would be attempted and hence a single byte write is still possible without overflow by driving byte_sel low for the write. 0: More than one byte is unused in the Tx FIFO 1: Only one byte is free in the Tx FIFO TTRIG 13 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Trigger continuous status: 0: Tx FIFO fill level is less than TTRIG 1: Tx FIFO fill level is greater than or equal to TTRIG XUARTPS_SR_FLOWDEL (FLOWDEL) 12 ro 0x0 Receiver flow delay trigger continuous status: 0: Rx FIFO fill level is less than FDEL 1: Rx FIFO fill level is greater than or equal to FDEL XUARTPS_SR_TACTIVE (TACTIVE) 11 ro 0x0 Transmitter state machine active status: 0: inactive state 1: active state XUARTPS_SR_RACTIVE (RACTIVE) 10 ro 0x0 Receiver state machine active status: 0: inactive state 1: active state reserved 9 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 8 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 7 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 6 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. reserved 5 ro 0x0 Reserved. Do not modify. XUARTPS_SR_TXFULL (TXFULL) 4 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Full continuous status: 0: Tx FIFO is not full 1: Tx FIFO is full XUARTPS_SR_TXEMPTY (TXEMPTY) 3 ro 0x0 Transmitter FIFO Empty continuous status: 0: Tx FIFO is not empty 1: Tx FIFO is empty XUARTPS_SR_RXFULL (RXFULL) 2 ro 0x0 Receiver FIFO Full continuous status: 1: Rx FIFO is full 0: Rx FIFO is not full Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1790 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUARTPS_SR_RXEMPTY (RXEMPTY) 1 ro 0x0 Receiver FIFO Full continuous status: 0: Rx FIFO is not empty 1: Rx FIFO is empty XUARTPS_SR_RXOVR (RXOVR) 0 ro 0x0 Receiver FIFO Trigger continuous status: 0: Rx FIFO fill level is less than RTRIG 1: Rx FIFO fill level is greater than or equal to RTRIG Register (UART) XUARTPS_FIFO_OFFSET Name XUARTPS_FIFO_OFFSET Software Name FIFO Relative Address 0x00000030 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000030 uart1: 0xE0001030 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Transmit and Receive FIFO Register XUARTPS_FIFO_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. FIFO 7:0 rw 0x0 Operates as Tx FIFO and Rx FIFO. Register (UART) Baud_rate_divider_reg0 Name Baud_rate_divider_reg0 Relative Address 0x00000034 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000034 uart1: 0xE0001034 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x0000000F Description Baud Rate Divider Register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1791 Appendix B: Register Details Register Baud_rate_divider_reg0 Details The baud rate divider register controls how much baud_sample is divided by to generate the baud rate clock enables, baud_rx_rate and baud_tx_rate. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:8 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. BDIV 7:0 rw 0xF Baud rate divider value: 0 - 3: ignored 4 - 255: Baud rate Register (UART) Flow_delay_reg0 Name Flow_delay_reg0 Relative Address 0x00000038 Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000038 uart1: 0xE0001038 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Flow Control Delay Register Register Flow_delay_reg0 Details The Flow Control Delay register is only used if automatic flow control mode is enabled in the FCM field in the Modem Control register. When automatic flow control mode is enabled, this register specifies the receiver FIFO level at which the EMIOUARTxRTSN output is de-asserted. The EMIOUARTxRTSN output is only asserted again once the fill level drops to below four less than FDEL. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:6 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. FDEL 5:0 rw 0x0 RxFIFO trigger level for Ready To Send (RTS) output signal (EMIOUARTxRTSN) de-assertion: 0 - 3: Flow delay triggering is disabled, since minimum 4 word hysteresis cannot be satisfied. 4 to 65535: EMIOUARTxRTSN is driven high when Rx FIFO fill level equals FDEL Register (UART) Tx_FIFO_trigger_level0 Name Tx_FIFO_trigger_level0 Relative Address 0x00000044 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1792 Appendix B: Absolute Address uart0: 0xE0000044 uart1: 0xE0001044 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000020 Description Transmitter FIFO Trigger Level Register Register Details Register Tx_FIFO_trigger_level0 Details The read/write Transmitter FIFO Trigger Level Register is used to set the value at which the transmitter FIFO triggers an interrupt event. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31:6 ro 0x0 Reserved, read as zero, ignored on write. TTRIG 5:0 rw 0x20 Transmitter FIFO trigger level: 0: Disables transmitter FIFO trigger level function 1 - 63: Trigger set when transmitter FIFO fills to TTRIG bytes Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1793 Appendix B: Register Details B.34 USB Controller (usb) Module Name USB Controller (usb) Software Name XUSBPS Base Address 0xE0002000 usb0 0xE0003000 usb1 Description USB controller registers Vendor Info Synopsys Register Summary Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description ID 0x00000000 32 ro 0xE441FA05 IP version and revision, read-only HWGENERAL 0x00000004 12 ro 0x00000083 Misc IP config constants, read-only HWHOST 0x00000008 32 ro 0x10020001 Host Mode IP config constants, read-only HWDEVICE 0x0000000C 6 ro 0x00000019 Device Mode IP config constants, read-only HWTXBUF 0x00000010 32 ro 0x80060A10 TxBuffer IP config constants, read-only HWRXBUF 0x00000014 32 ro 0x00000A10 IP constants, RX buffer constants, read-only GPTIMER0LD 0x00000080 24 rw 0x00000000 GP Timer 0 Load Value. GPTIMER0CTRL 0x00000084 32 mixed 0x00000000 GP Timer 1 Control. GPTIMER1LD 0x00000088 24 rw 0x00000000 GP Timer 1 Load Value GPTIMER1CTRL 0x0000008C 32 mixed 0x00000000 GP Timer 1 Control SBUSCFG 0x00000090 3 rw 0x00000003 DMA Master AHB Burst Mode CAPLENGTH_HCIVERSI ON 0x00000100 32 ro 0x01000040 EHCI Addr Space and HCI constants, read-only HCSPARAMS 0x00000104 28 ro 0x00010011 TT counts and EHCI HCS constants, read-only HCCPARAMS 0x00000108 16 ro 0x00000006 EHCI Host Configuration Constants. DCIVERSION 0x00000120 16 ro 0x00000001 Device Controller Interface Version. DCCPARAMS 0x00000124 9 ro 0x0000018C EHCI, Device, and Endpoint Capabilities. XUSBPS_CMD_OFFSET 0x00000140 24 mixed 0x00080000 USB Commands (EHCI extended) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1794 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_ISR_OFFSET 0x00000144 26 mixed 0x00000000 Interrupt/Raw Status (EHCI extended) (Host/Device) XUSBPS_IER_OFFSET 0x00000148 26 mixed 0x00000000 Interrrupts and Enables XUSBPS_FRAME_OFFSE T 0x0000014C 14 rw 0x00000000 Frame List Index XUSBPS_LISTBASE_OFF SET 0x00000154 32 mixed 0x00000000 Host/Device Address dual-use XUSBPS_ASYNCLISTAD DR_OFFSET 0x00000158 32 mixed 0x00000000 Host/Device dual-use XUSBPS_TTCTRL_OFFSE T 0x0000015C 32 mixed 0x00000000 TT Control XUSBPS_BURSTSIZE_OF FSET 0x00000160 17 rw 0x00001010 Burst Size XUSBPS_TXFILL_OFFSET 0x00000164 22 mixed 0x00000000 TxFIFO Fill Tuning TXTTFILLTUNING 0x00000168 13 mixed 0x00000000 TT TX latency FIFO IC_USB 0x0000016C 32 mixed 0x00000000 Low and Fast Speed Control constants XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_OFF SET 0x00000170 32 mixed 0x08000000 ULPI Viewport XUSBPS_EPNAKISR_OF FSET 0x00000178 32 wtc 0x00000000 Endpoint NAK (Device mode) XUSBPS_EPNAKIER_OFF SET 0x0000017C 32 rw 0x00000000 Endpoint NAK (Device mode) CONFIGFLAG 0x00000180 32 ro 0x00000001 reserved XUSBPS_PORTSCR1_OF FSET 0x00000184 32 mixed 0x8C000004 Port Status & Control XUSBPS_OTGCSR_OFFS ET 0x000001A4 32 mixed 0x00001020 OTG Status and Control XUSBPS_MODE_OFFSET 0x000001A8 32 mixed 0x00000000 USB Mode Selection XUSBPS_EPSTAT_OFFSE T 0x000001AC 16 wtc 0x00000000 Endpoint Status Setup (Device mode) XUSBPS_EPPRIME_OFFS ET 0x000001B0 32 wtc 0x00000000 Endpoint Primer (Device mode) XUSBPS_EPFLUSH_OFF SET 0x000001B4 32 wtc 0x00000000 Endpoint Flush (Device mode) XUSBPS_EPRDY_OFFSE T 0x000001B8 32 ro 0x00000000 Endpoint Buffer Ready Status (Device mode), RO XUSBPS_EPCOMPL_OFF SET 0x000001BC 32 rw 0x00000000 Endpoint Tx Complete (Device mode) XUSBPS_EPCR0_OFFSET 0x000001C0 24 mixed 0x00800080 Endpoint 0 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL1 0x000001C4 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL2 0x000001C8 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL3 0x000001CC 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1795 Appendix B: Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Register Details Description ENDPTCTRL4 0x000001D0 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL5 0x000001D4 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL6 0x000001D8 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL7 0x000001DC 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL8 0x000001E0 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL9 0x000001E4 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL10 0x000001E8 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) ENDPTCTRL11 0x000001EC 24 mixed 0x00000000 Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) Register (usb) ID Name ID Relative Address 0x00000000 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002000 usb1: 0xE0003000 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0xE441FA05 Description IP version and revision, read-only Register ID Details IP supplier controller identification (revision and synthesized configuration). Hardwired (constant value). Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description CIVERSION 31:29 ro 0x7 Reserved, reads 111. VERSION 28:25 ro 0x2 IP entire version code: [VERSION].[REVISION][TAG] refers to IP version 2.20a. REVISION 24:21 ro 0x2 Refer to [VERSION]. TAG 20:16 ro 0x1 Refer to [VERSION]. reserved 15:14 ro 0x3 reserved, writes ignored. NID 13:8 ro 0x3A Controller ID: Ones complement of [ID]. reserved 7:6 ro 0x0 reserved, writes ignored. ID 5:0 ro 0x5 Controller ID: USB controller supports HS, On-the-Go, and FS/LS. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1796 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) HWGENERAL Name HWGENERAL Relative Address 0x00000004 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002004 usb1: 0xE0003004 Width 12 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000083 Description Misc IP config constants, read-only Register HWGENERAL Details General hardware parameters provided by the IP supplier and defined by Xilinx for synthesis. Hardwired (constant value). Bits [31:12] are reserved. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SM 11:10 ro 0x0 VUSB_HS_PHY_SERIAL constant. 0: Parallel I/O Port interface. Note: VUSB_HS_PHY_UTMI = 0 (UTMI not used) and VUSB_HS_PHY_ULPI = 1 (ULPI implemented). PHYM 9:6 ro 0x2 VUSB_HS_PHY_TYPE constant. 0010: 8-bit ULPI single data rate I/O interface. PHYW 5:4 ro 0x0 VUSB_HS_PHY16_8 constant. 0: 8-bit data bus BWT 3 ro 0x0 reserved CLKC 2:1 ro 0x1 VUSB_HS_CLOCK_CONFIGURATION constant. 1: CPU_1x clock must have a higher frequency than the UTMI clock (60 MHz). RT 0 ro 0x1 VUSB_HS_RESET_TYPE constant. 1: Asynchronous Reset Register (usb) HWHOST Name HWHOST Relative Address 0x00000008 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002008 usb1: 0xE0003008 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x10020001 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1797 Appendix B: Description Register Details Host Mode IP config constants, read-only Register HWHOST Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description TTPER 31:24 ro 0x10 VUSB_HS_TT_PERIODIC_CONTEXTS constant. 0x010: Sixteen periodic contexts in TT. TTASY 23:16 ro 0x2 VUSB_HS_TT_ASYNC_CONTEXTS constant. 0x02: Two asynchronous contexts in TT. 15:4 ro 0x0 reserved NPORT 3:1 ro 0x0 VUSB_HS_NUM_PORT constant. 000: one downstream port supported. HC 0 ro 0x1 VUSB_HS_HOST constant. 1: Host mode supported. Register (usb) HWDEVICE Name HWDEVICE Relative Address 0x0000000C Absolute Address usb0: 0xE000200C usb1: 0xE000300C Width 6 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000019 Description Device Mode IP config constants, read-only Register HWDEVICE Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description DEVEP 5:1 ro 0xC VUSB_HS_DEV_EP constant. 0x0C: Twelve endpoints supported (EP 0 to 11). DC 0 ro 0x1 Controller supports Device Mode. Register (usb) HWTXBUF Name HWTXBUF Relative Address 0x00000010 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002010 usb1: 0xE0003010 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1798 Appendix B: Access Type ro Reset Value 0x80060A10 Description TxBuffer IP config constants, read-only Register Details Register HWTXBUF Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 ro 0x1 reserved reserved 30:24 ro 0x0 reserved TXCHANADD 23:16 ro 0x6 VUSB_HS_TX_CHAN_ADD constant. 0x06: Six address bits for each 64-byte endpoint TxBuffer (VBUS_HS_TX_CHAN = 64). TXADD 15:8 ro 0xA VUSB_HS_TX_ADD constant. 0x0A0: 10-bit address. TxBuffer size is 768. TXBURST 7:0 ro 0x10 VUSB_HS_TX_BURST constant. 0x010: 16-byte bursts on AHB by DMA engine. Register (usb) HWRXBUF Name HWRXBUF Relative Address 0x00000014 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002014 usb1: 0xE0003014 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000A10 Description IP constants, RX buffer constants, read-only Register HWRXBUF Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description 31:24 ro 0x0 reserved RXADD 15:8 ro 0xA VUSB_HS_RX_ADD constant. 0x0A0: 10-bit address. RxBuffer address size is 1024. RXBURST 7:0 ro 0x10 VUSB_HS_RX_BURST constant. 0x010: 16-byte bursts on AHB by DMA engine. Register (usb) GPTIMER0LD Name GPTIMER0LD Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1799 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x00000080 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002080 usb1: 0xE0003080 Width 24 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description GP Timer 0 Load Value. Register Details Register GPTIMER0LD Details Field Name GPTLD Bits 23:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description General Purpose Timer Load Value. This field is loaded into the usb.GPTIMERxCTRL [GPTCNT] countdown timer. The value represents the time in microseconds minus 1 for the timer duration. Example: for a one millisecond timer, load 1000 - 1 = 999 (0x0003E7). Note: Maximum value is 0xFF_FFFF (16.777215 seconds). Register (usb) GPTIMER0CTRL Name GPTIMER0CTRL Relative Address 0x00000084 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002084 usb1: 0xE0003084 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description GP Timer 1 Control. Register GPTIMER0CTRL Details This register contains the control for the timer and a data field, which can be queried to determine the running count value. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1800 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description GPTRUN 31 rw 0x0 General Purpose Timer Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable. The setting of [GPTRUN] will not have an effect on the [GPTCNT] counter value. GPTRST 30 wo 0x0 General Purpose Timer Reset. Write 1 to reload. 0: no affect. 1: Reload the [GPTCNT] with the value in [GPTLD]. 29:25 ro 0x0 reserved GPTMODE 24 rw 0x0 Select Countdown Timer mode. 0: One Shot (single timer countdown). The timer will count down to zero, generate an interrupt and stop until the counter is reset by software. 1: Repeat (looped countdown). The timer will count down to zero, generate an interrupt and automatically reload the counter to begin again. GPTCNT 23:0 rw 0x0 General Purpose Countdown Timer. Value of the running timer. Register (usb) GPTIMER1LD Name GPTIMER1LD Relative Address 0x00000088 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002088 usb1: 0xE0003088 Width 24 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description GP Timer 1 Load Value Register GPTIMER1LD Details Field Name GPTLD Bits 23:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Refer to description for GPTIMER0LD [GPTLD]. Register (usb) GPTIMER1CTRL Name GPTIMER1CTRL Relative Address 0x0000008C Absolute Address usb0: 0xE000208C usb1: 0xE000308C Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1801 Appendix B: Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description GP Timer 1 Control Register Details Register GPTIMER1CTRL Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description GPTRUN 31 rw 0x0 Refer to GPTIMER0CTRL [GPTRUN]. GPTRST 30 wo 0x0 Refer to GPTIMER0CTRL [GPTRST]. 29:25 ro 0x0 reserved GPTMODE 24 rw 0x0 Refer to GPTIMER0CTRL [GPTMODE]. GPTCNT 23:0 rw 0x0 Refer to GPTIMER0CTRL [GPTCNT]. Register (usb) SBUSCFG Name SBUSCFG Relative Address 0x00000090 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002090 usb1: 0xE0003090 Width 3 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000003 Description DMA Master AHB Burst Mode Register SBUSCFG Details Field Name AHBBRST Bits 2:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x3 Description VUSB_HS_AHBBRST constant. ABH burst size: INCR16. Non-multiple transfers of INCR16 will be decomposed into INCR8, INCR4 and single transfers. Register (usb) CAPLENGTH_HCIVERSION Name CAPLENGTH_HCIVERSION Relative Address 0x00000100 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002100 usb1: 0xE0003100 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1802 Appendix B: Access Type ro Reset Value 0x01000040 Description EHCI Addr Space and HCI constants, read-only Register Details Register CAPLENGTH_HCIVERSION Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description HCIVERSION 31:16 ro 0x100 VUSB_HS_HCIVERSION constant. Host Mode (EHCI). Read-only. CAPLENGTH 15:0 ro 0x40 Address space taken by the Capability registers. Host Mode (EHCI). Read-only. 0x100: add this offset to the address of the first Capability register to get the address of the first Operational register. Register (usb) HCSPARAMS Name HCSPARAMS Relative Address 0x00000104 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002104 usb1: 0xE0003104 Width 28 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00010011 Description TT counts and EHCI HCS constants, read-only Register HCSPARAMS Details Port steering logic capabilities are confined to the single host port implementation.. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description N_TT 27:24 ro 0x0 Transaction Translators (TT), read-only. 0: none. N_PTT 23:20 ro 0x0 Number of ports per TT, read-only. 0: single host port. reserved 19:17 ro 0x0 reserved. PI 16 ro 0x1 Port Indicator (EHCI contant), read-only. 1: indicator available via EMIO, controlled by usb.PORTSC1 [PIC]. N_CC 15:12 ro 0x0 Companion controller hardware (EHCI constant). 0: no companion controller hardware, refer to the embeded Transaction Translator (TT). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1803 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description N_PCC 11:8 ro 0x0 Ports supported by each Companion Controller (EHCI constant). 0: no companion controller hardware refer to the embeded Transaction Translator (TT). reserved 7:5 ro 0x0 reserved PPC 4 ro 0x1 VBUS Power Control (EHCI constant). 1: signal avaiable via EMIO, see PORTSC1 [PP]. N_PORTS 3:0 ro 0x1 Downstream ports (EHCI constant). 1: one downstream port. Register (usb) HCCPARAMS Name HCCPARAMS Relative Address 0x00000108 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002108 usb1: 0xE0003108 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000006 Description EHCI Host Configuration Constants. Register HCCPARAMS Details This register identifies multiple mode control (time-base bit functionality) addressing capability Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description EECP 15:8 ro 0x0 EHCI IST 7:4 ro 0x0 Isochronous Scheduling Threshold. This field indicates, relative to the current position of the executing host controller, where software can reliably update the isochronous schedule. 3 ro 0x0 reserved ASP 2 ro 0x1 Park mode capability. Read-only. Enables the controller to execute a QH transactions successively before traversing to next QH. PFL 1 ro 0x1 Programmable Frame List sizes (Host mode). Software can specify the size of the frame list for the periodic schedule. Configure the size using the usb.USBCMD [FS2] [FS0] Frame List Size field: 8, 16, 32, .... 512, 1024. ADC 0 ro 0x0 0: 32-bit system memory address. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1804 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) DCIVERSION Name DCIVERSION Relative Address 0x00000120 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002120 usb1: 0xE0003120 Width 16 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description Device Controller Interface Version. Register DCIVERSION Details Field Name DCIVERSION Bits 15:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x1 Description DCIVERSION is a BCD encoded two-byte register for Device Controller Interface Version. The upper byte indicates a major revision and the lower byte is the minor revision. Register (usb) DCCPARAMS Name DCCPARAMS Relative Address 0x00000124 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002124 usb1: 0xE0003124 Width 9 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x0000018C Description EHCI, Device, and Endpoint Capabilities. Register DCCPARAMS Details Host and device mode capability. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description HC 8 ro 0x1 1: the controller supports EHCI compatible mode. DC 7 ro 0x1 1: the controller supports Device mode. 6:5 ro 0x0 reserved 4:0 ro 0xC Number of endpoints supported in Device mode. 1100: 12 endpoints; control EP0 plus EP {11:1}. DEN Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1805 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) XUSBPS_CMD_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_CMD_OFFSET Software Name CMD Relative Address 0x00000140 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002140 usb1: 0xE0003140 Width 24 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00080000 Description USB Commands (EHCI extended) Register XUSBPS_CMD_OFFSET Details The serial bus host/device controller executes the command indicated in this register Field Name Bits Type Reset Value XUSBPS_CMD_ITC_MAS K (ITC) 23:16 rw 0x8 Interrupt Threshold Control (EHCI) (Host and mode). Program the maximum rate at which the host controller will issue an interrupt. 0x00: Immediate 0x01: 1 micro-frame. 0x02: 2 micro-frames. 0x04: 4 micro-frames. 0x08: 8 micro-frames. (1 ms) 0x10: 16 micro-frames. 0x20: 32 micro-frames. 0x40: 64 micro-frames. others: reserved. XUSBPS_CMD_FS2_MA SK (FS2) 15 rw 0x0 MSB bit of Frame List Size. Refer to [FS0] bit field for description. XUSBPS_CMD_ATDTW_ MASK (ATDTW) 14 rw 0x0 Add dTD TripWire (Host extended). This bit is used as a semaphore to ensure the proper addition of a new dTD to an active (primed) endpoint's linked list. XUSBPS_CMD_SUTW_ MASK (SUTW) 13 rw 0x0 Setup TripWire (Device mode). This semaphore is between the DCD and the hardware for extracting setup data from QH with out any corruption. Refer to the chapter text for usage. reserved 12 ro 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1806 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_CMD_ASPE_M ASK (ASPE) 11 rw 0x0 Asynchronous Schedule Park Mode Enable (EHCI). This bit enables/disables the Asynchronous Schedule Park Mode if Asynchronous Park Capability bit in HCCPARAMS is one. Otherwise this bit is zero and Park Mode is disabled. reserved 10 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_CMD_ASP_MA SK (ASP) 9:8 rw 0x0 Asynchronous Schudule Park Capability is supported (EHCI). The default is 3. Use any value between 1 and 3. The value 3 gives the maximum throughput in terms of number endpoint transactions compared to 1 or 2. LR 7 ro 0x0 Light Host/Device Controller Reset (EHCI). 0: not supported. XUSBPS_CMD_IAA_MA SK (IAA) 6 rw 0x0 Interrupt on Async Schedule Advance Doorbell (EHCI). 0: no affect 1: ring the doorbell when the controller advances the asynchronous schedule. XUSBPS_CMD_ASE_MA SK (ASE) 5 rw 0x0 Asyncronous Schedule Enable (EHCI) (Host mode). 0: disable Async Schedule processing (the current DMA transactions finishes). 1: enable Async Schedule processing (the memory address for the async schedule is programmed into usb.ASYNCLISTADDR). XUSBPS_CMD_PSE_MA SK (PSE) 4 rw 0x0 Periodic Schedule Enable (EHCI) (Host mode). 0: disable Periodic Schedule processing 1: enable Periodic Schedule Note: The memory address for the periodic schedule is programmed into usb.PERIODICLISTBASE. XUSBPS_CMD_FS01_M ASK (FS01) 3:2 rw 0x0 Frame List Size (EHCI extended). usb.USBCMD [15] [3] [2] bits: 000: 1024 elements (4096 bytes) 001: 512 elements (2048 bytes) ... 111: 8 elements (32 bytes) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1807 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_CMD_RST_MA SK (RST) 1 rw 0x0 Controller Reset and Status (ECHI) (Host and Device mode). XUSBPS_CMD_RS_MAS K (RS) 0 rw 0x0 Run/Stop (ECHI) (Host and Device modes). Device Mode: 0: the controller halts activity after the current packet transfer is complete. 1: the controller proceeds to execute the periodic and async schedules. Host Mode: 0: TBD 1: TBD Register (usb) XUSBPS_ISR_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_ISR_OFFSET Software Name ISR Relative Address 0x00000144 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002144 usb1: 0xE0003144 Width 26 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrupt/Raw Status (EHCI extended) (Host/Device) Register XUSBPS_ISR_OFFSET Details Various USB bus and port interrupts, controller state status, controller event and general purpose timer interrupts. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XUSBPS_IXR_TI1_MASK (IXR_TI1) 25 rw 0x0 GP timer 1 raw interrupt (Host/Device). Refer to [TI0] bit description. XUSBPS_IXR_TI0_MASK (IXR_TI0) 24 rw 0x0 GP timer 0 raw interrupt status (Host/Device). Read -0: inactive. 1: active. Hardware sets this bit = 1 when the counter in the GPTIMER0CTRL register transitions to zero. Write -0: no effect. 1: clear this bit to 0. reserved 23:20 ro 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1808 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_IXR_UP_MASK (IXR_UP) 19 rw 0x0 Host Periodic raw interrupt status. (Host mode) Read -0: inactive. 1: active. Note: Hardware sets this bit = 1 when a periodic TD is completed with IOC = 1. Write -0: no effect. 1: clear the interrupt bit to 0. XUSBPS_IXR_UA_MASK (IXR_UA) 18 rw 0x0 Host Async Schedule raw interrupt status. (Host mode) Read -0: inactive. 1: active. Note: Hardware sets this bit = 1 when an async TD is completed with IOC = 1. Write -0: no effect. 1: clear the interrupt bit to 0. reserved 17 ro 0x0 RESERVED XUSBPS_IXR_NAK_MAS K (IXR_NAK) 16 ro 0x0 NAK Interrupt (Device mode), read-only. Read -0: inactive. 1: active. Note: Hardware sets this bit = 1 when the endpoint sends a NAK response and NAK bit is set. Write -0: no effect. 1: clear the interrupt bit to 0. XUSBPS_IXR_AS_MASK (IXR_AS) 15 ro 0x0 Async Schedule Processing Status (EHCI) (Host mode), read-only. 0: inactive. 1: active, async schedule is enabled. Note: This status bit is used with the usb.USBCMD [ASE] enable bit. When the software sets usb.USBCMD [ASE], this bit reflects when HW really enabled processing async schedule. XUSBPS_IXR_PS_MASK (IXR_PS) 14 ro 0x0 Periodic Schedule Processing Status (EHCI) (Host mode), read-only. 0: inactive. 1: active, periodic schedule is enabled. Note: This status bit is used with the usb.USBCMD [PSE] enable bit. When the software sets usb.USBCMD [PSE], this bit reflects when HW really enabled processing periodic schedule. XUSBPS_IXR_RCL_MAS K (IXR_RCL) 13 ro 0x0 Reclamation (EHCI) (Host mode), read-only. 0: unprocessed async transactions. 1: empty async schedule. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1809 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_IXR_HCH_MAS K (IXR_HCH) 12 ro 0x0 HCHaIted (EHCI) (Host mode). This bit is a zero whenever the Run/Stop bit is a one. The Controller sets this bit to one after it has stopped executing because of the Run/Stop bit being set to 0, either by software or by the Controller hardware (e.g. internal error). reserved 11 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_IXR_ULPI_MAS K (IXR_ULPI) 10 rw 0x0 ULPI Event Completion Interrupt (Host and Device mode). 0: not completed. 1: completed (write 1 to clear). reserved 9 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_IXR_SLE_MASK (IXR_SLE) 8 rw 0x0 DCSuspend (Device mode). Write-to-clear. When the controller enters a suspend state from an active state, this bit will be set to a one. This bit is only cleared by software writing a 1 to it. XUSBPS_IXR_SR_MASK (IXR_SR) 7 rw 0x0 SOF Received (Device and Host mode). Indicates start-of-frame detected. 0: not detected 1: SOF detected by hardware (write 1 to clear) Device mode -When the controller detects an SOF on the ULPI bus, this bit is set. This normally occurs at 1 ms or 125 us intervals. Host mode -The controller sets this bit every 125 us. Host software can use this tic for a time base. XUSBPS_IXR_UR_MASK (IXR_UR) 6 rw 0x0 USB Reset Received (Device mode). Indicates a USB reset detected by hardware on ULPI bus. 0: not detected 1: reset detected by hardware (write 1 to clear) XUSBPS_IXR_AA_MASK (IXR_AA) 5 rw 0x0 Async Schedule Advance (EHCI) (Host mode). The async advance interrupt can be generated when the controller advances the async schedule. 0: no change 1: controller advanced (write 1 to clear) This event is primed using the async advance doorbell bit, usb.USBCMD [6]. SEI 4 rw 0x0 System Error (EHCI). AHB interconnect. 0: no error detected. 1: AHB error received (write 1 to clear) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1810 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_IXR_FRE_MASK (IXR_FRE) 3 rw 0x0 Frame List Rollover (EHCI?). Write-to-clear. Read: 0: no rollover. 1: roll over to frame element 0. Write: 0: no effect. 1: clear bit to 0. XUSBPS_IXR_PC_MASK (IXR_PC) 2 rw 0x0 Port Change Detect. The Controller in host mode sets this bit to a one when on any port a Connect Status occurs, a Port Enable/Disable Change occurs, or the Force Port Resume bit is set as the result of a J-K transition on the suspended port. The Controller in device mode sets this bit to a one when it detects resume signaling or the port controller enters the full or high-speed operational state. When the port controller exits the full or high-speed operation states due to Reset or Suspend events, the notification mechanisms are the USB Reset Received bit and the DCSuspend bits respectively. XUSBPS_IXR_UE_MASK (IXR_UE) 1 rw 0x0 USB Error Interrupt. When completion of a USB transaction results in an error condition, this bit is set by the Controller XUSBPS_IXR_UI_MASK (IXR_UI) 0 rw 0x0 USB Packet Interrupt on Completion (IOC). Write-to-clear. This bit is set by the hardware in situations: * after a transaction descriptor (TD or dTD) is finished and it's interrupt on complete (IOC) bit set. * a short packet is detected. A short packet is when the actual number of bytes received was less than expected. Register (usb) XUSBPS_IER_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_IER_OFFSET Software Name IER Relative Address 0x00000148 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002148 usb1: 0xE0003148 Width 26 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Interrrupts and Enables Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1811 Appendix B: Register Details Register XUSBPS_IER_OFFSET Details The to software are enabled with this register. An interrupt is generated when a bit is set and the corresponding interrupt is active. The USB Status register (USBSTS) still shows interrupt sources even if they are disabled by the USBINTR register, allowing polling of interrupt events by the software. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XUSBPS_IXR_TI1_MASK (IXR_TI1) 25 rw 0x0 GP Timer 1 Interrupt Enable (Host/Device). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [TI1]. XUSBPS_IXR_TI0_MASK (IXR_TI0) 24 rw 0x0 GP Timer 0 Interrupt Enable (Host/Device). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [TI0]. reserved 23:20 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_IXR_UP_MASK (IXR_UP) 19 rw 0x0 Host Periodic Interrupt Enable (Host mode). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [UPI]. XUSBPS_IXR_UA_MASK (IXR_UA) 18 rw 0x0 Host Async Interrupt Enable (Host mode). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [UAE]. reserved 17 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_IXR_NAK_MAS K (IXR_NAK) 16 ro 0x0 NAK Interrupt Enable (Device mode). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [NAKI]. reserved 11 ro 0x0 reserved [15:11] XUSBPS_IXR_ULPI_MAS K (IXR_ULPI) 10 rw 0x0 ULPI Interrupt Enable (Host/Device). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [ULPII]. reserved 9 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_IXR_SLE_MASK (IXR_SLE) 8 rw 0x0 DCSuspend Interrupt Enable (Device mode). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [SLI]. XUSBPS_IXR_SR_MASK (IXR_SR) 7 rw 0x0 SOF Received Interrupt Enable (Device?). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [SRI]. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1812 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_IXR_UR_MASK (IXR_UR) 6 rw 0x0 USB Reset Received Interrupt Enable (Device mode). 0: disable. 1: enable interrupt on receiving USB reset. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [URI]. XUSBPS_IXR_AA_MASK (IXR_AA) 5 rw 0x0 Async Advance Interrupt Enable (EHCI). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [AAI]. SEE 4 rw 0x0 System Error Interrupt Enable (EHCI). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [SEI]. XUSBPS_IXR_FRE_MASK (IXR_FRE) 3 rw 0x0 Frame List Rollover Interrupt Enable (EHCI). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [FRI]. XUSBPS_IXR_PC_MASK (IXR_PC) 2 rw 0x0 Port Change Detect Interrupt Enable (EHCI). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [PCI]. XUSBPS_IXR_UE_MASK (IXR_UE) 1 wtc 0x0 USB Error Interrupt Enable (EHCI). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [UEI]. XUSBPS_IXR_UI_MASK (IXR_UI) 0 rw 0x0 USB Interrupt Enable (EHCI). 0: disable. 1: enable. Refer to raw interrupt status: USBSTS [UI]. Register (usb) XUSBPS_FRAME_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_FRAME_OFFSET Software Name FRAME Relative Address 0x0000014C Absolute Address usb0: 0xE000214C usb1: 0xE000314C Width 14 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Frame List Index Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1813 Appendix B: Register Details Register XUSBPS_FRAME_OFFSET Details This register is used by the host controller to index the periodic frame list. The register updates every 125 us (once each micro-frame). Field Name FRINDEX Bits 13:0 Type rw Reset Value 0x0 Description Frame Index (EHCI) (Host and Device mode). Host mode -Read: current frame index value. Write: set the frame index value. Device mode -Read-only: frame index from received packet. Register (usb) XUSBPS_LISTBASE_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_LISTBASE_OFFSET Software Name LISTBASE Relative Address 0x00000154 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002154 usb1: 0xE0003154 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Host/Device Address dual-use Register XUSBPS_LISTBASE_OFFSET Details Host mode: PERIODICLISTBASE. Device mode: Device Address Advance and Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1814 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description PERBASE_USBADRA 31:25 rw 0x0 Host mode ---- Periodic List Base Address. Memory address bits [31:25]. Device Mode ---- Device Address Advance. When this bit is '0b', any writes to USBADR are instantaneous. When this bit is written to a '1' at the same time or before USBADR is written, the write to the USBADR field is staged and held in a hidden register. After an IN occurs on endpoint 0 and is ACKed, USBADR will be loaded from the hidden register. Hardware will automatically clear this bit on the following conditions: 1) IN is ACKed to endpoint 0. (USBADR is updated from hidden register). 2) OUT/SETUP occur to endpoint 0. (USBADR is not updated). 3) Device Reset occurs (USBADR is reset to 0). PERBASE_USBADR 24 rw 0x0 Host mode ---- Periodic List Base Address. Memory address bits [24]. Device Mode ---- PERBASE_Reserved 23:12 rw 0x0 Host mode ---- Periodic List Base Address. Memory address bits [23:12]. Device Mode ---Reserved. reserved 11:0 ro 0x0 reserved Register (usb) XUSBPS_ASYNCLISTADDR_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_ASYNCLISTADDR_OFFSET Software Name ASYNCLISTADDR Relative Address 0x00000158 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002158 usb1: 0xE0003158 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Host/Device dual-use Register XUSBPS_ASYNCLISTADDR_OFFSET Details Host mode: ASYNCLISTADDR. Device mode: ENDPOINTLISTADDR. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1815 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Description ASYBASE_EPBASE 31:11 rw 0x0 Host mode -- Async List Base Address. Memory address bits [31:11] point to the Queue Heads (QH) . Refer to [ASYBASE} bit field for [10:5] address bits. Device Mode -- Endpoint List Base Address. Memory address bits [31:11] point to the Queue Heads (QH). There are unused memory locations. The stride for the base address is for a 16-endpoint model using both IN and OUT functions. However, twelve endpoints are implemented. ASYBASE 10:5 rw 0x0 Host mode ---- Asynchronous List Base Address. Memory address bits [10:5]. Device Mode ---- Reserved. reserved 4:0 ro 0x0 reserved Register (usb) XUSBPS_TTCTRL_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_TTCTRL_OFFSET Software Name TTCTRL Relative Address 0x0000015C Absolute Address usb0: 0xE000215C usb1: 0xE000315C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TT Control Register XUSBPS_TTCTRL_OFFSET Details This register contains parameters needed for internal TT operations. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_TTCTRL_HUBA DDR_MASK (HUBADDR) 30:24 rw 0x0 Internal TT Hub Address Representation. This field is used to match against the Hub Address field in QH & siTD to determine if the packet is routed to the internal TT for directly attached FS/LS devices. If the Hub Address in the QH or siTD does not match this address then the packet will be broadcast on the High Speed ports destined for a downstream High Speed hub with the address in the QH/siTD. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1816 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description reserved 23:2 ro 0x0 reserved TTAS 1 rw 0x0 Embedded TT Asynchronous Buffers Clear. This field will clear all pending transactions in the embedded TT Asynchronous Buffer(s). The clear will take as much time as necessary to clear buffer without interfering with a transaction in progress. TTAC will return to zero after being set by software only after the actual clear occurs. The TT supports up to two contexts. TTAC 0 ro 0x0 Embedded TT Async Buffers Status. This read only bit will be '1' if one or more transactions are being held in the embedded TT Asynchronous Buffers. When this bit is a zero, then all outstanding transactions in the embedded TT have been flushed. Register (usb) XUSBPS_BURSTSIZE_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_BURSTSIZE_OFFSET Software Name BURSTSIZE Relative Address 0x00000160 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002160 usb1: 0xE0003160 Width 17 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00001010 Description Burst Size Register XUSBPS_BURSTSIZE_OFFSET Details This register controls the burst size used during data movement on the initiator/master interface. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1817 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_BURSTSIZE_TX _MASK (TX) 16:8 rw 0x10 Programmable TX Burst Length. Default is the constant VUSB_HS_TX_BURST. This register represents the maximum length of a burst in 32-bit words while moving data from system memory to the USB bus. If field AHBBRST of register SBUSCFG is different from zero, this field TXPBURST will return the value of the INCRx length. Supported values are integer values from 4 to 128. It is recommended to set this value to a integer sub-multiple of VUSB_HS_TX_CHAN. Different values will not use all the available buffer space, preventing proper TX endpoint priming in stream disable mode (SDIS bit of USBMODE register set to '1'). XUSBPS_BURSTSIZE_RX _MASK (RX) 7:0 rw 0x10 Programmable RX Burst Length. Default is the constant VUSB_HS_RX_BURST. This register represents the maximum length of a burst in 32-bit words while moving data from the USB bus to system memory. If field AHBBRST of register SBUSCFG is different from zero, this field RXPBRUST will return the value of the INCRx length. The supported values are integer values from 4 to 128. It is recommended to set this value to a integer sub-multiple of VUSB_HS_RX_DEPTH. Register (usb) XUSBPS_TXFILL_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_TXFILL_OFFSET Software Name TXFILL Relative Address 0x00000164 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002164 usb1: 0xE0003164 Width 22 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TxFIFO Fill Tuning Register XUSBPS_TXFILL_OFFSET Details The fields in this register control performance tuning associated with how the Controller posts data to the TX latency FIFO before moving the data onto the USB bus. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1818 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits Description XUSBPS_TXFILL_BURST _MASK (BURST) 21:16 rw 0x0 FIFO Burst Threshold: This register controls the number of data bursts that are posted to the TX latency FIFO in host mode before the packet begins on to the bus. The minimum value is 2 and this value should be a low as possible to maximize USB performance. A higher value can be used in systems with unpredictable latency and/or insufficient bandwidth, where the FIFO may under run because the data transferred from the latency FIFO to USB occurs before it can be replenished from system memory. This value is ignored if the Stream Disable bit in USBMODE register is set (SDIS). reserved 15:13 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_TXFILL_HEALT H_MASK (HEALTH) 12:8 rw 0x0 Scheduler Health Counter. This register increments when the Controller fails to fill the TX latency FIFO to the level programmed by TXFIFOTHRES before running out of time to send the packet before the next Start-Of-Frame. This health counter measures the number of times this occurs to provide feedback to selecting a proper TXSCHOH. Writing to this register will clear the counter. This counter will max. at 31. reserved 7 ro 0x0 RESERVED XUSBPS_TXFILL_OVERH EAD_MASK (OVERHEAD) 6:0 rw 0x0 Scheduler Overhead. This register adds an additional fixed offset to the schedule time estimator described above as Tff. As an approximation, the value chosen for this register should limit the number of back-off events captured in the TXSCHHEALTH to less than 10 per second in a highly utilized bus. Choosing a value that is too high for this register is not desired as it can needlessly reduce USB utilization. The time unit represented in this register is 1.267us when a device is connected in High-Speed Mode for OTG(on the go) & SPH(single port host) implementations. The time unit represented in this register is 6.333us when a device is connected in Low/Full Speed Mode for OTG & SPH implementations. The time unit represented in this register is always 1.267us for the MPH implementation Register (usb) TXTTFILLTUNING Name TXTTFILLTUNING Relative Address 0x00000168 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1819 Appendix B: Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002168 usb1: 0xE0003168 Width 13 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description TT TX latency FIFO Register Details Register TXTTFILLTUNING Details This register provides a function similar to TXFILLTUNING except there is no equivalent to TXFIFOTHRES because the TT TX latency FIFO is always loaded in a single burst. Even Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description TXTTSCHHEALTH 12:8 rw 0x0 TT Scheduler Health Counter Same description as TXSCHHEALTH reserved 7:5 ro 0x0 reserved TXTTSCHOH 4:0 rw 0x0 TT Scheduler Overhead Same description as TXSCHOH. The time unit represented in this register is 6.333us. Register (usb) IC_USB Name IC_USB Relative Address 0x0000016C Absolute Address usb0: 0xE000216C usb1: 0xE000316C Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Low and Fast Speed Control constants Register IC_USB Details This register enable and controls the IC_USB FS/LS transceiver. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1820 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description IC8 31 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 8. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC8. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. IC_VDD8 30:28 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 8 It selects which voltage is being supplied to the peripheral through each port This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of device mode operation. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of Single port host controller. IC7 27 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 7. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC7. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. IC_VDD7 26:24 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 7 It selects which voltage is being supplied to the peripheral through each port This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of device mode operation. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of Single port host controller. IC6 23 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 6. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC6. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. IC_VDD6 22:20 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 6 It selects which voltage is being supplied to the peripheral through each port This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of device mode operation. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of Single port host controller. IC5 19 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 5. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC5. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1821 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description IC_VDD5 18:16 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 5 It selects which voltage is being supplied to the peripheral through each port This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of device mode operation. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of Single port host controller. IC4 15 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 4. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC4. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. IC_VDD4 14:12 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 4 It selects which voltage is being supplied to the peripheral through each port This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of device mode operation. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of Single port host controller. IC3 11 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 3. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC3. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. IC_VDD3 10:8 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 3 It selects which voltage is being supplied to the peripheral through each port. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of device mode operation. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of Single port host controller. IC2 7 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 2. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC2. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. IC_VDD2 6:4 ro 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 2 It selects which voltage is being supplied to the peripheral through each port. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of device mode operation. This field is read-only and set to '000b' in case of Single port host controller. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1822 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description IC1 3 rw 0x0 Inter-Chip transceiver enable 1. These bits enables the Inter-Chip transceiver for each port (for the MPH case). To enable the interface, the bits PTS must be set to '011b' in the PORTSC1. Writing a '1' to each bit selects the IC_USB interface for that port. If the Controller is not a MPH implementation, IC8 to IC2 will be '0' and Read-Only. IC_VDD1 2:0 rw 0x0 Inter-Chip voltage selection 1 -- Host mode. Select the voltage being supplied to the peripheral: 000: No voltage 001: 1.0V 010: 1.2V 011: 1.5V 100: 1.8V 101: 3.0V 110, 111: reserved The voltage negotiation should happen between enabling port power (PP) in PORTSC1 register and asserting the run/stop bit in USBCMD register. Device Mode: Read-only and equals 000. Register (usb) XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_OFFSET Software Name ULPIVIEW Relative Address 0x00000170 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002170 usb1: 0xE0003170 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x08000000 Description ULPI Viewport Register XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_OFFSET Details The register provides indirect access to the ULPI PHY register set. Although the core performs access to the ULPI PHY register set, there may be extraordinary circumstances where software may need direct access. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1823 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_WU _MASK (WU) 31 rw 0x0 ULPI Wake Up Operation. Write: 0: no affect. 1: execute the Wake Up operation (no undoing). Read: 0: operation complete. 1: operation in-progress. Note: Do not issue a ULPI Wake Up and ULPI Read/Write (via Viewport operation) with the same register write. XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_RU N_MASK (RUN) 30 rw 0x0 ULPI Viewport Transaction. Write: 0: no affect. 1: execute the ULPI viewport transaction (no undoing). Read: 0: transaction complete. 1: transaction in-progress. Note: Do not issue a ULPI Wake Up and Viewport operations with the same register write. XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_RW _MASK (RW) 29 rw 0x0 ULPI Viewport Read/Write Select. 0: read operation. 1: write operation. reserved 28 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_SS_ MASK (SS) 27 ro 0x1 ULPI Synchronous State 0: In another state (i.e. carkit, serial, low power). 1: Normal synchronous state. This bit represents the state of the ULPI interface. Before reading this bit, the ULPIPORT field should be set accordingly if used in a MPH implementation. ULPIPORT 26:24 rw 0x0 Reserved, always write 0. XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_AD DR_MASK (ADDR) 23:16 rw 0x0 ULPI Data Address. When a read or write operation is commanded, the address of the operation is written to this field. XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_DAT RD_MASK (DATRD) 15:8 ro 0x0 ULPI Data Read. After a read operation completes, the result is placed in this field. XUSBPS_ULPIVIEW_DAT WR_MASK (DATWR) 7:0 rw 0x0 ULPI Data Write. When a write operation is commanded, the data to be sent is written to this field Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPNAKISR_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPNAKISR_OFFSET Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1824 Appendix B: Software Name EPNAKISR Relative Address 0x00000178 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002178 usb1: 0xE0003178 Width 32 bits Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoint NAK (Device mode) Register Details Register XUSBPS_EPNAKISR_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description EPTN 31:16 wtc 0x0 TX Endpoint NAK (Device mode). The Endpoint bit is set = 1 when the device controller sends a NAK handshake on a received IN token for the corresponding endpoint. Bit[16]: Endpoint 0. Bit[17]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[28]: Endpoint 12. Bits[31:29]: reserved. EPRN 15:0 wtc 0x0 RX Endpoint NAK (Device mode). The bit is set = 1 when the Controller sends a NAK handshake on a received OUT or PING token for the corresponding endpoint. Bit[0]: Endpoint 0. Bit[1]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[12]: Endpoint 12. Bits[15:13]: reserved. Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPNAKIER_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPNAKIER_OFFSET Software Name EPNAKIER Relative Address 0x0000017C Absolute Address usb0: 0xE000217C usb1: 0xE000317C Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoint NAK (Device mode) Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1825 Appendix B: Register Details Register XUSBPS_EPNAKIER_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description EPTNE 31:16 rw 0x0 TX Endpoint NAK Enable (Device mode). 0: disable. 1: enable. Each bit is an enable bit for the corresponding TX Endpoint NAK. If NAK is enabled and the corresponding TX Endpoint NAK bit is set, then the NAK Interrupt bit is set. Bit[16]: Endpoint 0. Bit[17]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[28]: Endpoint 12. Bits[31:29]: reserved. EPRNE 15:0 rw 0x0 RX Endpoint NAK Enable (Device mode). 0: disable. 1: enable. Each bit is an enable bit for the corresponding RX Endpoint NAK. If NAK is enabled and the corresponding RX Endpoint NAK bit is set, then the NAK Interrupt bit is set. Bit[0]: Endpoint 0. Bit[1]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[12]: Endpoint 12. Bits[15:13]: reserved. Register (usb) CONFIGFLAG Name CONFIGFLAG Relative Address 0x00000180 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002180 usb1: 0xE0003180 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000001 Description reserved Register CONFIGFLAG Details Field Name reserved Bits 31:0 Type ro Reset Value 0x1 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description reserved www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1826 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) XUSBPS_PORTSCR1_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_PORTSCR1_OFFSET Software Name PORTSCR1 Relative Address 0x00000184 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE0002184 usb1: 0xE0003184 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x8C000004 Description Port Status & Control Register XUSBPS_PORTSCR1_OFFSET Details The Controller implement one The number of port registers implemented by a particular instantiation is documented in the HCSPARAM register. Software uses this information as an input parameter to determine how many ports need service. This implement contains only 1 host port. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PTS 31:30 rw 0x2 PHY Type Status constant (Host/Device). [PTS2] + [PTS] bit fields: 010: ULPI interface. STS 29 ro 0x0 Serial Transceiver Select constant (Host/Device). VUSB_HS_PHY_SERIAL = 0. Serial interface engine (SIE) not implemented. PTW 28 ro 0x0 Parallel Transceiver Width constant (Host/Device). 0: 8-bit (60MHz) UTMI+ interface to ULPI. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PSP D_MASK (PORTSCR_PSPD) 27:26 rw 0x3 Port Speed operating mode (Host/Device). 00: Full Speed 01: Low Speed 10: High Speed 11: Not connected (default) PTS2 25 rw 0x0 Parallel Transceiver Select MSB (Host/Device). Refer to the [PTS] bit field for a description. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PFS C_MASK (PORTSCR_PFSC) 24 rw 0x0 Port Force Full Speed Connect -- Debug. 0: ???? (default) 1: write a 1 to force the port to only connect at Full Speed. Writing a 1 disables the chirp sequence that allows the port to identify itself as High Speed. This is useful for testing FS configurations with a HS host, hub or device. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1827 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PHC D_MASK (PORTSCR_PHCD) 23 ro 0x0 PHY Low Power Clock Disable - RW. Default = 0b. Writing this bit to a '1b' will disable the PHY clock. Writing a '0b' enables it. Reading this bit will indicate the status of the PHY clock. NOTE: The PHY clock cannot be disabled if it is being used as the system clock. In device mode, the PHY can be put into Low Power Clock Disable when the device is not running (USBCMD RS=0b) or the host has signaled suspend (PORTSCx SUSP=1b). Low Power Clock Disable will be cleared automatically when the host has signaled resume. Before forcing a resume from the device, the Controller driver must clear this bit. In host mode, the PHY can be put into Low Power Suspend Clock Disable when the downstream device has been put into suspend mode or when no downstream device is connected. Low Power Clock Disable is completely under the control of software. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_WK OC_MASK (PORTSCR_WKOC) 22 ro 0x0 Wake on Over-current Enable Writing '1' to this bit enables the port to be sensitive to over-current conditions as wakeup events. This field is zero if Port Power (PP) is '0' or in device mode. This bit is output from the controller as signal pwrctl_wake_ovrcurr_en for use by an external power control circuit. Only used in host mode. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_WK DS_MASK (PORTSCR_WKDS) 21 rw 0x0 Wake on Disconnect Enable (Host mode). 0: disable 1: enable In device mode, always set = 0. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_WK CN_MASK (PORTSCR_WKCN) 20 rw 0x0 Wake on Connect Enable (Host mode). 0: disable 1: enable In device mode, always set = 0. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PTC _MASK (PORTSCR_PTC) 19:16 rw 0x0 Port Test Control. 0000: Normal operation. All others are test modes: 0001: J_STATE 0010: K_STATE 0011: SE0 (host) / NAK (device) 0100: Packet 0101: FORCE_ENABLE_HS 0110: FORCE_ENABLE_FS 0111: FORCE_ENABLE_LS Others: reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1828 Appendix B: Type Reset Value Register Details Field Name Bits XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PIC_ MASK (PORTSCR_PIC) 15:14 rw 0x0 Port Indicator Control outputs (EHCI) (Host mode). 00: Port indicators are off. 01: Amber (PL output signal EMIOUSBxPORTINDCTL0 is driven High). 10: Green (PL output signal EMIOUSBxPORTINDCTL1 is driven High). 11: undefined. Refer to the USB Specification Revision 2.0 for a description on how these bits are to be used. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PO_ MASK (PORTSCR_PO) 13 ro 0x0 Port Owner hand off is not implemented. Hardwired to 0. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PP_ MASK (PORTSCR_PP) 12 rw 0x0 Port Power enable (ECHI) (Host mode). Controls the PL output signal EMIOUSBxVBUSPWRSELECT. 0: disable, driven Low. 1: enable, driven High. This bit represents the current setting of the switch ('0'=off, '1'=on). When power is not available on a port (i.e. [PP] equals to '0'), the port is non-functional and will not report attaches, detaches, etc. When an over-current condition is detected on a powered port and [PPC] is a one, the [PP] bit in each affected port may be transitioned by the controller driver from '1' to '0'(removing power from the port). XUSBPS_PORTSCR_LS_ MASK (PORTSCR_LS) 11:10 ro 0x0 Line State: 00: SE0 01: J-state 10: K-state 11: undefined. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_HSP _MASK (PORTSCR_HSP) 9 ro 0x0 High-Speed Port status (Host and Device mode). 0: LS or FS mode 1: HS mode Note: [HSP] is redundant with [PSPD]. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PR_ MASK (PORTSCR_PR) 8 rw 0x0 Port Reset - RW. Default = 0b. This field is zero if Port Power(PP) is '0'. Host mode: 1=Port is in Reset. 0=Port is not in Reset. Device Mode: This bit is a read only status bit. Device reset from the USB bus is also indicated in the USBSTS register Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1829 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_PORTSCR_SUS P_MASK (PORTSCR_SUSP) 7 rw 0x0 Suspend Host mode: 1=Port in suspend state. 0=Port not in suspend state. Port Enabled bit and Suspend bit of this register define the port states as follows: Bits [Port Enabled, Suspend] Port State 0x Disable 10 Enable 11 Suspend Device mode: Read Only. 1=Port in suspend state. 0=Port not in suspend state. In device mode this bit is a read only status bit. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_FPR _MASK (PORTSCR_FPR) 6 rw 0x0 Force Port Resume 1= Resume detected/driven on port. 0=No resume (K-state) detected/driven on port. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_OCC _MASK (PORTSCR_OCC) 5 rw 0x0 Over-current Change This bit gets set to '1' when there is a change to Over-current Active. Software clears this bit by writing a '1' to this bit position. When in host mode implementations the user can provide over-current detection to the vbus_pwr_fault input for this condition. For device mode this bit shall always be '0'. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_OCA _MASK (PORTSCR_OCA) 4 ro 0x0 Over-current Active Value Meaning'1b' -> This port currently has an over-current condition.'0b' -> This port does not have an over-current condition. This bit will automatically transition from '1' to '0' when the over current condition is removed. For host mode implementations the user can provide over-current detection to the vbus_pwr_fault input for this condition. For device mode implementations this bit shall always be '0'. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PEC _MASK (PORTSCR_PEC) 3 wtc 0x0 Port Enabled Change If set to '1' indicates a Port Enabled/Disabled status change. Host mode: For the root hub, this bit gets set to a '1' only when a port is disabled due to disconnect on the port or due to the appropriate conditions existing at the EOF2 point (See Chapter 11 of the USB Specification). Software clears this by writing a '1' to it. This field is '0' if Port Power(PP) is '0'. Device mode: The device port is always enabled. (This bit will be '0'). Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1830 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_PORTSCR_PE_ MASK (PORTSCR_PE) 2 wtc 0x1 Port Enabled 1 -> Enable 0-> Disable Host mode: Ports can only be enabled by Controller as a part of the reset and enable. Software cannot enable a port by writing a '1' to this field. Ports can be disabled by either a fault condition (disconnect event or other fault condition) or by the software. This field is '0' if Port Power(PP) is '0' in host mode. Device mode: The device port is always enabled. (This bit will be always '1'). XUSBPS_PORTSCR_CSC _MASK (PORTSCR_CSC) 1 wtc 0x0 Connect Status Change If set to '1' indicates a change in Current Connect Status (CCS). Host mode: Indicates a change has occurred in the port's Current Connect Status. The Controller sets this bit for all changes to the port device connect status, even if system software has not cleared an existing connect status change. For example, the insertion status changes twice before system software has cleared the changed condition, hub hardware will be 'setting' an already-set bit (i.e., the bit will remain set). Software clears this bit by writing a '1' to it. This field is '0' if Port Power(PP) is '0' in host mode. Device mode: This bit is undefined in device mode. XUSBPS_PORTSCR_CCS _MASK (PORTSCR_CCS) 0 ro 0x0 Current Connect Status. Host mode: 1 -> Device is present on port. 0 -> No device is present. Device mode: 1 -> Attached. 0 -> Not Attached. Register (usb) XUSBPS_OTGCSR_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_OTGCSR_OFFSET Software Name OTGCSR Relative Address 0x000001A4 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021A4 usb1: 0xE00031A4 Width 32 bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1831 Appendix B: Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00001020 Description OTG Status and Control Register Details Register XUSBPS_OTGCSR_OFFSET Details The OTGSC register has four sections: * OTG Interrupt enables (Read/Write) * OTG Interrupt status (Read/Write to Clear) * OTG Status inputs (Read Only) * OTG Controls (Read/Write) IP Config Note: The Controller implements one On-The-Go (OTG) Status and Control register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description reserved 31 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_OTGSC_DPIE_ MASK (OTGSC_DPIE) 30 rw 0x0 Data Pulse Interrupt Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable usb.OTGSC [DPIS] interrupt. XUSBPS_OTGSC_1MSE_ MASK (OTGSC_1MSE) 29 rw 0x0 1 ms Timer Interrupt Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable usb.OTGSC [1msS] interrupt. XUSBPS_OTGSC_BSEE_ MASK (OTGSC_BSEE) 28 rw 0x0 B Session End Interrupt Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable usb.OTGSC [BSEIS] interrupt. XUSBPS_OTGSC_BSVIE_ MASK (OTGSC_BSVIE) 27 rw 0x0 B Session Valid Interrupt Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable usb.OTGSC [BSVIS] interrupt. XUSBPS_OTGSC_ASVIE_ MASK (OTGSC_ASVIE) 26 rw 0x0 A Session Valid Interrupt Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable usb.OTGSC [ASVIS] interrupt. XUSBPS_OTGSC_AVVIE_ MASK (OTGSC_AVVIE) 25 rw 0x0 Interrupt Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable usb.OTGSC [AVVIS] interrupt. XUSBPS_OTGSC_IDIE_M ASK (OTGSC_IDIE) 24 rw 0x0 USB ID Interrupt Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable usb.OTGSC [IDIS] interrupt. reserved 23 ro 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1832 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_OTGSC_DPIS_ MASK (OTGSC_DPIS) 22 wtc 0x0 Data Pulse Interrupt Status. 0: no pulses detected. 1: pulses detected. Write 1 to clear bit. The pulses being detected can be on DP or DM. Data bus pulsing is only detected when usb.USBMODE [CM] = 11 (Host mode) and usb.PORTSC0 [PP] = 0 (off). Non-latched status can be read using the [DPS] bit. XUSBPS_OTGSC_1MSS_ MASK (OTGSC_1MSS) 21 wtc 0x0 1 millisecond Timer Interrupt Status. 0: no timer alert. 1: timer alert. Write 1 to clear bit. The hardware sets this bit every 1 milliseconds (based on a timer using 60 MHz ULPI). XUSBPS_OTGSC_BSEIS_ MASK (OTGSC_BSEIS) 20 wtc 0x0 B Session End Interrupt Status. 0: no event detected. 1: event detected. Write 1 to clear bit. This bit is set when VBus has fallen below the B session end threshold. XUSBPS_OTGSC_BSVIS_ MASK (OTGSC_BSVIS) 19 wtc 0x0 B Session Valid Interrupt Status. 0: no event detected. 1: event detected. Write 1 to clear bit. This bit is set when VBus has either risen above or fallen below the B session valid threshold (0.8 VDC). XUSBPS_OTGSC_ASVIS_ MASK (OTGSC_ASVIS) 18 wtc 0x0 A Session Valid Interrupt Status. 0: no event detected. 1: event detected. Write 1 to clear bit. This bit is set when VBus has either risen above or fallen below the B session valid threshold (0.8 VDC). XUSBPS_OTGSC_AVVIS_ MASK (OTGSC_AVVIS) 17 wtc 0x0 A Session End Interrupt Status. 0: no event detected. 1: event detected. Write 1 to clear bit. This bit is set when VBus has either risen above or fallen below the VBus valid threshold (4.4 VDC) on an A device. XUSBPS_OTGSC_IDIS_M ASK (OTGSC_IDIS) 16 wtc 0x0 USB ID Interrupt Status. 0: no interrupt latched 1: interrupt detected. Write 1 to clear this bit. This bit is set when a change on the ID input has been detected. reserved 15 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_OTGSC_DPS_M ASK (OTGSC_DPS) 14 ro 0x0 Data Bus Pulsing Status, read-only. 0: no pulses being detected. 1: pulses are being detected. Note: refer to the [DPSI] bit for more information. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1833 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_OTGSC_1MST_ MASK (OTGSC_1MST) 13 ro 0x0 1 ms Timer High-Low Toggle, read-only. Software will usually read a 0. This bit toggles high-low every millisecond to set the [1msS] bit. XUSBPS_OTGSC_BSE_M ASK (OTGSC_BSE) 12 ro 0x1 B Session End Status, read-only. 0: Vbus not below threshold. 1: Vbus below threshold. XUSBPS_OTGSC_BSV_M ASK (OTGSC_BSV) 11 ro 0x0 B Session Valid Indicates VBus is above the B session valid threshold. XUSBPS_OTGSC_ASV_M ASK (OTGSC_ASV) 10 ro 0x0 A Session Valid Indicates VBus is above the A session valid threshold. XUSBPS_OTGSC_AVV_M ASK (OTGSC_AVV) 9 ro 0x0 A VBus Valid. Indicates VBus is above the A VBus valid threshold. XUSBPS_OTGSC_ID_MA SK (OTGSC_ID) 8 ro 0x0 USB ID'0' = A device, '1' = B device. XUSBPS_OTGSC_HABA_ MASK (OTGSC_HABA) 7 rw 0x0 Hardware assisted B-Disconnect to A-connect. 0: disabled. 1: enable automatic B-Disconnect to A-Connect sequence. XUSBPS_OTGSC_HADP_ MASK (OTGSC_HADP) 6 rw 0x0 Hardware assisted Data-Pulse 0: disable 1: hardware assisted data pulsing sequence starts. XUSBPS_OTGSC_IDPU_ MASK (OTGSC_IDPU) 5 rw 0x1 ID Pullup. Control the ID Pullup resistor. 0: off (the ID input will not be sampled). 1: on. XUSBPS_OTGSC_DP_M ASK (OTGSC_DP) 4 rw 0x0 Data Pulsing enable. 0: 1: pullup on DP is asserted for data pulsing during SRP. XUSBPS_OTGSC_OT_M ASK (OTGSC_OT) 3 rw 0x0 OTG Termination 0: 1: This bit must be set when the Controller is in device mode. It controls the pulldown on DM. XUSBPS_OTGSC_HAAR_ MASK (OTGSC_HAAR) 2 rw 0x0 Hardware Assist Auto-Reset'0' = Disabled, '1' = Enable automatic reset after connect on host port. XUSBPS_OTGSC_VC_M ASK (OTGSC_VC) 1 rw 0x0 VBUS Charge Setting this bit causes the VBus line to be charged. This is used for VBus pulsing during SRP. XUSBPS_OTGSC_VD_M ASK (OTGSC_VD) 0 rw 0x0 VBUS Discharge. Setting this bit causes VBus to discharge through a resistor. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1834 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) XUSBPS_MODE_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_MODE_OFFSET Software Name MODE Relative Address 0x000001A8 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021A8 usb1: 0xE00031A8 Width 32 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description USB Mode Selection Register XUSBPS_MODE_OFFSET Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description SRT 15 rw 0x0 Reseverd, set = 0. (Shorten Reset Time) reserved 14:6 ro 0x0 reserved VBPS 5 rw 0x0 Vbus Power Select'0' -> Output is '0''1' -> Output is '1'This bit is connected to the vbus_pwr_select output and can be used for any generic control but is named to be used by logic that selects between an on-chip Vbus power source (charge pump) and an off-chip source in systems when both are available. Only used in host mode. XUSBPS_MODE_SDIS_ MASK (SDIS) 4 rw 0x0 Stream Disable Mode'0' -> Inactive'1' -> Active Device mode: Setting to a '1' disables double priming on both RX and TX for low bandwidth systems. Host Mode: Setting to a '1' ensures that overruns/under runs of the latency FIFO are eliminated for low bandwidth systems where the RX and TX buffers are sufficient to contain the entire packet. XUSBPS_MODE_SLOM_ MASK (SLOM) 3 rw 0x0 Setup Lockout Mode This bit controls behavior of the setup lock mechanism.'0' -> Setup Lockouts On.'1' -> Setup Lockouts Off (DCD requires use of Setup Data Buffer Tripwire in USBCMD). Only used in device mode Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1835 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_MODE_ES_MA SK (ES) 2 ro 0x0 Reseverd, set = 0. (Endian Select) XUSBPS_MODE_CM_M ASK (CM) 1:0 rw 0x0 Controller Mode is defaulted to the proper mode for host only and device only implementations. For those designs that contain both host & device capability (OTG), the Controller will default to an idle state and will need to be initialized to the desired operating mode after reset. For combination host/device controllers, this register can only be written once after reset. If it is necessary to switch modes, software must reset the controller by writing to the RST bit in the USBCMD register before reprogramming this register.'00b' -> Idle (Default for combination host/device).'01b' -> Reserved.'10b' -> Controller in device mode (Default for device only controller).'11b' -> Controller in host mode (Default for host only controller). Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPSTAT_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPSTAT_OFFSET Software Name EPSTAT Relative Address 0x000001AC Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021AC usb1: 0xE00031AC Width 16 bits Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoint Status Setup (Device mode) Register XUSBPS_EPSTAT_OFFSET Details Field Name ENDPTSETUPSTAT Bits 15:0 Type wtc Reset Value 0x0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 Description Setup Endpoint Status (Device mode). When a Setup transaction is received, the corresponding bit is set = 1. Software reads the setup data from the Queue Head and then writes a 1 to clear the status bit. Bit[0]: Endpoint 0. Bit[1]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[12]: Endpoint 12. Other bits: reserved. www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1836 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPPRIME_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPPRIME_OFFSET Software Name EPPRIME Relative Address 0x000001B0 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021B0 usb1: 0xE00031B0 Width 32 bits Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoint Primer (Device mode) Register XUSBPS_EPPRIME_OFFSET Details For each endpoint a corresponding bit is used to request that a buffer be prepared for an operation in order to respond to a USB transaction. Software writes a 1 to the corresponding bit when posting a new transfer descriptor to an endpoint. Hardware will automatically use this bit to begin parsing for the new transfer descriptor. Hardware clears this bit when the associated endpoint(s) is (are) successfully primed. Note: These bits will be momentarily set by hardware during hardware re-priming operations when a dTD is retired, and the dQH is updated. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description PETB 31:16 wtc 0x0 Prime Endpoint TxBuffer (Device mode). Write a 1 to the corresponding bit to request TxBuffer to respond to a USB IN/INTERRUPT transaction. Bit[16]: Endpoint 0. Bit[17]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[28]: Endpoint 12. Bits[31:29]: reserved. PERB 15:0 wtc 0x0 Prime Endpoint RxBuffer (Device mode). Write a 1 to the corresponding bit to request RxBuffer to respond to a USB OUT transaction. Bit[0]: Endpoint 0. Bit[1]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[12]: Endpoint 12. Bits[15:13]: reserved. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1837 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPFLUSH_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPFLUSH_OFFSET Software Name EPFLUSH Relative Address 0x000001B4 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021B4 usb1: 0xE00031B4 Width 32 bits Access Type wtc Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoint Flush (Device mode) Register XUSBPS_EPFLUSH_OFFSET Details The Flush operation of an endpoint will clear the usb.ENDPTSTAT bit and reset the RX/TX data buffer. Ready status of that endpoint and re-align the Latency Buffer pointers, but not clear the actual data that resides in the Latency Buffers. Write a 1 to a bit(s) to cause the associated endpoint(s) to clear any primed buffers. If a packet is in progress for one of the associated endpoints, then that transfer will continue until completion. Hardware will clear this register after the endpoint flush operation is successful. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description FETB 31:16 wtc 0x0 Flush Endpoint TxBuffer (Device mode). Write a 1 to the corresponding bit to flush the TxBuffer. Bit[16]: Endpoint 0. Bit[17]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[28]: Endpoint 12. Bits[31:29]: reserved. FERB 15:0 wtc 0x0 Flush Endpoint RxBuffer (Device mode). Write a 1 to the corresponding bit to flush the RxBuffer. Bit[0]: Endpoint 0. Bit[1]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[12]: Endpoint 12. Bits[15:13]: reserved. Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPRDY_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPRDY_OFFSET Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1838 Appendix B: Software Name EPRDY Relative Address 0x000001B8 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021B8 usb1: 0xE00031B8 Width 32 bits Access Type ro Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoint Buffer Ready Status (Device mode), RO Register Details Register XUSBPS_EPRDY_OFFSET Details For each endpoint, there is one buffer ready status (ENDPTSTAT) bit for the TX buffer and one bit for RX buffer. An ENDPTSTAT bit is set to a 1 by the hardware in a response to receiving an EP prime command (write 1 to usb.ENDPTPRIME regsiter). There will always be a delay between writing a 1 to a usb.ENDPTPRIME register bit and the ENDPTSTAT bit asserting to indicate ready. This delay time varies based upon the current USB traffic and the number of bits in the usb.ENDPTPRIME register that transition from 0 to 1. An ENDPTSTAT bit is cleared in one of three ways: by a USB reset, by the DMA engine hardware, or by a flush command using the usb.ENDPTFLUSH register. Note: The ENDPTSTAT bit will be momentarily read = 0 during the time the hardware is retiring a dTD and updating the dQH transfer descriptors. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ETBR 31:16 ro 0x0 TxBuffer ready status (Device mode), read-only. 0: cleared by reset, DMA, or ENDPTFLUSH. 1: ENDPTPRIME command received. Bit[16]: Endpoint 0. Bit[17]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[28]: Endpoint 12. Bits[31:29]: reserved. ERBR 15:0 ro 0x0 RxBuffer ready status (Device mode), read-only. 0: cleared by reset, DMA, or ENDPTFLUSH. 1: ENDPTPRIME command received. Bit[0]: Endpoint 0. Bit[1]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[12]: Endpoint 12. Bits[15:13]: reserved. Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1839 Appendix B: Register Details Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPCOMPL_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPCOMPL_OFFSET Software Name EPCOMPL Relative Address 0x000001BC Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021BC usb1: 0xE00031BC Width 32 bits Access Type rw Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoint Tx Complete (Device mode) Register XUSBPS_EPCOMPL_OFFSET Details Each bit indicates an event (Transmit/Receive) occurred and software should read the corresponding endpoint queue to determine the endpoint status. If the corresponding IOC bit is set in the Transfer Descriptor, then this bit will be set simultaneously with the USBINT. Writing a 1 will clear the corresponding bit in this register. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description ETCE 31:16 rw 0x0 Endpoint Transmit Complete Event (Device mode), read-only. 0: not completed. 1: completed. Write a 1 to clear. Bit[16]: Endpoint 0. Bit[17]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[28]: Endpoint 12. Bits[31:29]: reserved. ERCE 15:0 rw 0x0 Endpoint Receive Complete Event (Device mode), read-only. 0: not completed. 1: completed. Write a 1 to clear. Bit[0]: Endpoint 0. Bit[1]: Endpoint 1. ... Bit[12]: Endpoint 12. Bits[15:13]: reserved. Register (usb) XUSBPS_EPCR0_OFFSET Name XUSBPS_EPCR0_OFFSET Software Name EPCR0 Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1840 Appendix B: Relative Address 0x000001C0 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021C0 usb1: 0xE00031C0 Width 24 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00800080 Description Endpoint 0 (Device mode) Register Details Register XUSBPS_EPCR0_OFFSET Details Every device controller implements Endpoint 0 as a control endpoint. Rx and Tx Endpoint Stall bits [0] and [16]: Software can write a one to a stall bit to force the endpoint to return a STALL handshake to the Host. The device controller will continue returning STALL until the bit is cleared by software or it will automatically be cleared upon receipt of a new SETUP request. After receiving a SETUP request, the stall bit will continue to be cleared by hardware until the associated ENDPTSETUPSTAT bit is cleared. Note: There is a slight delay (50 clocks max.) between the ENDPTSETUPSTAT being cleared and hardware continuing to clear this bit. In most systems it is unlikely the software will observe this delay. However, should the software observe that the stall bit is not set after writing a 1 to it then follow this procedure: continually write this stall bit until it is set or until a new SETUP has been received by checking the associated ENDPTSETUPSTAT bit. Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description XUSBPS_EPCR_TXE_MA SK (EPCR_TXE) 23 ro 0x1 Transmit Endpoint Enable, read-only. 1: EP 0 is always enabled. reserved 22:20 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_EPCR_TXT_INT R_MASK (EPCR_TXT_INTR) 19:18 ro 0x0 TX Endpoint Type, read-only. 00: EP 0 is always a control endpoint. reserved 17 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_EPCR_TXS_MA SK (EPCR_TXS) 16 rw 0x0 TX Endpoint Stall, read-only. 0: Normal operation. 1: Force Stall handshake. Note: refer to the register description for more description. reserved 15:8 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_EPCR_RXE_MA SK (EPCR_RXE) 7 ro 0x1 RX Endpoint Enable, read-only. 1: EP 0 is always enabled. reserved 6:4 ro 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1841 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description XUSBPS_EPCR_RXT_INT R_MASK (EPCR_RXT_INTR) 3:2 ro 0x0 RX Endpoint Type, read-only. 00: EP0 is always a control endpoint. reserved 1 ro 0x0 reserved XUSBPS_EPCR_RXS_MA SK (EPCR_RXS) 0 rw 0x0 RX Endpoint Stall. 0: Normal operation. 1: Force Stall handshake. Note: refer to the register description for more description. Register (usb) ENDPTCTRL1 Name ENDPTCTRL1 Relative Address 0x000001C4 Absolute Address usb0: 0xE00021C4 usb1: 0xE00031C4 Width 24 bits Access Type mixed Reset Value 0x00000000 Description Endpoints 1 to 11 (Device mode) Note: This register is the first in an array of 11 identical registers listed in the table below. The details provided in this section apply to the entire array. Name Address ENDPTCTRL1 0xe00021c4 ENDPTCTRL2 0xe00021c8 ENDPTCTRL3 0xe00021cc ENDPTCTRL4 0xe00021d0 ENDPTCTRL5 0xe00021d4 ENDPTCTRL6 0xe00021d8 ENDPTCTRL7 0xe00021dc ENDPTCTRL8 0xe00021e0 ENDPTCTRL9 0xe00021e4 ENDPTCTRL10 0xe00021e8 ENDPTCTRL11 0xe00021ec Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1842 Appendix B: Register Details Register ENDPTCTRL1 to ENDPTCTRL11 Details Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description TXE 23 rw 0x0 TX Endpoint Enable. 0: disable. 1: enable. Enable an Endpoing after it has been configured. TXR 22 rw 0x0 TX Data Toggle Reset. Write '1' will reset the PID sequence. Whenever a configuration event is received for this Endpoint, software must write a one to this bit in order to synchronize the data PID's between the host and device. TXI 21 ro 0x0 TX Data Toggle Inhibit. (testing) 0: PID Sequencing enabled 1: PID Sequencing disabled reserved 20 ro 0x0 reserved TXT 19:18 rw 0x0 TX Endpoint Type control. 00: Control 01: Isochronous 10: Bulk 11: Interrupt TXD 17 rw 0x0 TX Endpoint Data datapath. 0: dual-port memory buffer with a DMA Engine. Always write a 0. TXS 16 rw 0x0 TX Endpoint Stall. 0: Normal operation. 1: Force Stall handshake. Note: refer to the ENDPTCTRL 0 register description for more description. reserved 15:8 ro 0x0 reserved RXE 7 rw 0x0 RX Endpoint Enable 0: Disable 1: Enable Enable an Endpoing after it has been configured. RXR 6 rw 0x0 RX Data Toggle Reset. Write '1' will reset the PID sequence. Whenever a configuration event is received for this Endpoint, software must write a one to this bit in order to synchronize the data PID's between the host and device. RXI 5 rw 0x0 RX Data Toggle Inhibit. 0: PID Sequencing enabled 1: PID Sequencing disabled reserved 4 rw 0x0 reserved Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1843 Appendix B: Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Register Details Description RXT 3:2 rw 0x0 RX Endpoint Type. 00: Control 01: Isochronous 10: Bulk 11: Interrupt RXD 1 rw 0x0 RX Endpoint Data datapath. 0: dual-port memory buffer with a DMA Engine. Always write a 0. RXS 0 rw 0x0 RX Endpoint Stall. 0: Normal operation. 1: Force Stall handshake. Note: refer to the ENDPTCTRL 0 register description for more description. Access Types Legend Access Type Description clronrd Readable, clears value on read clronwr Readable, clears value on write nsnsro During non-secure access, if thread is non-secure, it is read only nsnsrw During non-secure access, if thread is non-secure, it is read write nsnswo During non-secure access, if thread is non-secure, it is write only nssraz During non-secure access, if thread is secure, it is read as zero raz Read as zero ro Read-only rs w: no effect, r: sets all bits rud Read undefined rw Normal read/write rwso Read/write, set only sro During secure access, it is read only srw During secure access, it is read write swo During secure access, it is write only w0c w: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, r: no effect w0crs w: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, r: sets all bits w0s w: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, r: no effect w0src w: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, r: clears all bits w0t w: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, r: no effect w1 w: first one after ~hard~ reset is as-is, other w have no effects, r: no effect w1crs w: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, r: sets all bits Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1844 Appendix B: Access Type Register Details Description w1src w: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, r: clears all bits w1t w: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, r: no effect waz Write as zero wcrs w: clears all bits, r: sets all bits wo Write-only wo1 w: first one after ~hard~ reset is as-is, other w have no effects, r: error woc w: clears all bits, r: error wos w: sets all bits, r: error wrc w: as-is, r: clears all bits wrs w: as-is, r: sets all bits ws w: sets all bits, r: no effect wsrc w: sets all bits, r: clears all bits wtc Readable, write a 1 to clear z Access (read or write) as zero Zynq-7000 AP SoC Technical Reference Manual UG585 (v1.12.1) December 6, 2017 www.xilinx.com Send Feedback 1845
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