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Appendix A R R (R Core Team, 2015) is the lingua franca of data analysis and graphics. In this book we will learn the fundamentals of the language and immediately use it for the statistical analysis of data. We will graph both the data and the results of the analyses. We will work with the basic statistical tools (regression, analysis of variance, and contingency tables) and some more specialized tools. Many of our examples use the additional functions we have provided in the HH package (Appendix B) (Heiberger, 2015). The R code for all tables and graphs in the book is included in the HH package. In later appendices we will also look at the Rcmdr menu system (Appendix C), RExcel integration of R with Excel (Appendix D), and the shiny package for integration of R with interactive html web pages (Appendix E). A.1 Installing R—Initial Installation R is an open-source publicly licensed software system. R is free under the GPL (Gnu Public License). R is available for download on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux computer systems. Start at http://www.R-project.org. Click on “download R” in the “Getting Started” box, pick a mirror near you, and download and install the most recent release of R for your operating system. Once R is running, you will download several necessary contributed packages. You get them from a running R session while connected to the internet. This install.packages statement will install all the packages listed and additional packages that these specified packages need. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 699 A R 700 A.1.1 Packages Needed for This Book—Macintosh and Linux Start R, then enter install.packages(c("HH","RcmdrPlugin.HH","RcmdrPlugin.mosaic", "fortunes","ggplot2","shiny","gridExtra", "gridBase","Rmpfr","png","XLConnect", "matrixcalc", "sem", "relimp", "lmtest", "markdown", "knitr", "effects", "aplpack", "RODBC", "TeachingDemos", "gridGraphics", "gridSVG"), dependencies=TRUE) ## ## ## ## ## ## This is the sufficient list (as of 16 August 2015) of packages needed in order to install the HH package. Should additional dependencies be declared by any of these packages after that date, the first use of "library(HH)" after the installation might ask for permission to install some more packages. The install.packages command might tell you that it can’t write in a system directory and will then ask for permission to create a personal library. The question might be in a message box that is behind other windows. Should the installation seem to freeze, find the message box and respond “yes” and accept its recommend directory. It might ask you for a CRAN mirror. Take the mirror from which you downloaded R. A.1.2 Packages and Other Software Needed for This Book—Windows A.1.2.1 RExcel If you are running on a Windows machine and have access to Excel, then we recommend that you also install RExcel. The RExcel software provides a seamless integration of R and Excel. See Appendix D for further information on RExcel, including the download statements and licensing information. See Section A.1.2.2 for information about using Rcmdr with RExcel. A.1 Installing R—Initial Installation 701 A.1.2.2 RExcel Users Need to Install Rcmdr as Administrator Should you choose to install RExcel then you need to install Rcmdr as Administrator. Otherwise you can install Rcmdr as an ordinary user. Start R as Administrator (on Windows 7 and 8 you need to right-click the R icon and click the “Run as administrator” item). In R, run the following commands (again, you must have started R as Administrator to do this) ## Tell Windows that R should have the same access to the ## outside internet that is granted to Internet Explorer. setInternet2() install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE) Close R with q("no"). Answer with n if it asks Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: A.1.2.3 Packages Needed for This Book—Windows The remaining packages can be installed as an ordinary user. Rcmdr is one of the dependencies of RcmdrPlugin.HH, so it will be installed by the following statement (unless it was previously installed). Start R, then enter ## Tell Windows that R should have the same access to the ## outside internet that is granted to Internet Explorer. setInternet2() install.packages(c("HH","RcmdrPlugin.HH","RcmdrPlugin.mosaic", "fortunes","ggplot2","shiny","gridExtra", "gridBase","Rmpfr","png","XLConnect", "matrixcalc", "sem", "relimp", "lmtest", "markdown", "knitr", "effects", "aplpack", "RODBC", "TeachingDemos", "gridGraphics", "gridSVG"), dependencies=TRUE) ## ## ## ## ## ## This is the sufficient list (as of 16 August 2015) of packages needed in order to install the HH package. Should additional dependencies be declared by any of these packages after that date, the first use of "library(HH)" after the installation might ask for permission to install some more packages. 702 A R A.1.2.4 Rtools Rtools provides all the standard Unix utilities (C and Fortran compilers, commandline editing tools such as grep, awk, diff, and many others) that are not included with the Windows operating system. These utilities are needed in two circumstances. 1. Should you decide to collect your R functions and datasets into a package, you will need Rtools to build the package. See Appendix F for more information. 2. Should you need to use the ediff command in Emacs for visual comparison of two different versions of a file (yesterday’s version and today’s after some editing, for example), you will need Rtools. See Section M.1.2 for an example of visual comparison of files. You may download Rtools from the Windows download page at CRAN. Please see the references from that page for more details. A.1.2.5 Windows Potential Complications: Internet, Firewall, and Proxy When install.packages on a Windows machine gives an Error message that includes the phrase “unable to connect”, then you are probably working behind a company firewall. You will need the R statement setInternet2() before the install.packages statement. This statement tells the firewall to give R the same access to the outside internet that is granted to Internet Explorer. When the install.packages gives a Warning message that says you don’t have write access to one directory, but it will install the packages in a different directory, that is normal and the installation is successful. When the install.packages gives an Error message that says you don’t have write access and doesn’t offer an alternative, then you will have to try the package installation as Administrator. Close R, then reopen R by right-clicking the R icon, and selecting “Run as administrator”. If this still doesn’t allow the installation, then 1. Run the R line sessionInfo() 2. Run the install.packages lines. 3. Highlight and pick up the entire contents of the R console and save it in a text file. Screenshots are usually not helpful. 4. Show your text listing to an R expert. A.1 Installing R—Initial Installation 703 A.1.3 Installation Problems—Any Operating System The most likely source of installation problems is settings (no write access to restricted directories on your machine, or system-wide firewalls to protect against offsite internet problems) that your computer administrator has placed on your machine. Check the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) files linked to at http://cran.r-project.org/faqs.html. For Windows, see also Section A.1.2.5. If outside help is needed, then save the contents of the R console window to show to your outside expert. In addition to the lines and results leading to the problem, including ALL messages that R produces, you must include the line (and its results) sessionInfo() in the material you show the expert. Screenshots are not a good way to capture information. The informative way to get the contents of the console window is by highlighting the entire window (including the off-screen part) and saving it in a text file. Show your text listing to an R expert. A.1.4 XLConnect: All Operating Systems The XLConnect package lets you read MS Excel files directly from R on any operating system. You may use an R statement similar to the following library(XLConnect) WB <- ## pathname of file with some additional information loadWorkbook( ## "c:/Users/rmh/MyWorkbook.xlsx" ## rmh pathname in Windows "~/MyWorkbook.xlsx" ## rmh pathname in Macintosh ) mydata <- readWorksheet(WB, sheet="Sheet1", region="A1:D11") If you get an error from library(XLConnect) of the form Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for ’rJava’ then you need to install java on your machine from http://java.com. The java installer will ask you if you want to install ask as your default search provider. You may deselect both checkboxes to retain your preferred search provider. 704 A R A.2 Installing R—Updating R is under constant development with new releases every few months. At this writing (August 2015) the current release is R-3.2.2 (2015-08-14). See the FAQ for general update information, and in addition the Windows FAQ or MacOs X FAQ for those operating systems. Links to all three FAQs are available at http://cran.r-project.org/faqs.html. The FAQ files are included in the documentation placed on your machine during installation. The update.packages mechanism works for packages on CRAN. It does not work for packages downloaded from elsewhere. Specifically, Windows users with RExcel installed will need to update the RExcel packages by reinstalling them as described in Section D.1.2. A.3 Using R A.3.1 Starting the R Console In this book our primary access to the R language is from the command line. On most computer systems clicking the R icon on the desktop will start an R session in a console window. Other options are to begin within an Emacs window with M-x R, to start an R-Studio session, to start R at the Unix or MS-DOS command line prompt, or to start R through one of several other R-aware editors. With any of these, the R offers a prompt “> ”, the user types a command, R responds to the user’s command and then offers another prompt “> ”. A very simple command-line interaction is shown in Table A.1. Table A.1 Very simple command-line interaction. > ## Simple R session > 3 + 4 [1] 7 > pnorm(c(-1.96, -1.645, -0.6745, 0, 0.6745, 1.645, 1.96)) [1] 0.02500 0.04998 0.25000 0.50000 0.75000 0.95002 0.97500 > A.3 Using R 705 A.3.2 Making the Functions in the HH Package Available to the Current Session At the R prompt, enter library(HH) This will load the HH package and several others. All HH functions are now available to you at the command line. A.3.3 Access HH Datasets All HH datasets are accessed with the R data() function. The first six observations are displayed with the head() function, for example data(fat) head(fat) A.3.4 Learning the R Language R is a dialect of the S language. The easiest way to learn it is from the manuals that are distributed with R in the doc/manual directory; you can find the pathname with the R call system.file("../../doc/manual") or WindowsPath(system.file("../../doc/manual")) Open the manual directory with your computer’s tools, and then read the pdf or html files. Start with the R-intro and the R-FAQ files. With the Windows Rgui, you can access the manuals from the menu item Help > Manuals (in PDF). From the Macintosh R.app, you can access the manuals from the menu item R Help. A Note on Notation: Slashes Inside R, on any computer system, pathnames always use only the forward slashes “/”. In Linux and Macintosh, operating system pathnames use only the forward slashes “/”. A R 706 In Windows, operating system pathnames—at the MS-DOS prompt shell CMD, in the Windows icon Properties windows, and in the Windows Explorer filename entry bar—are written with backslashes “\”. The HH package provides a convenience function WindowsPath to convert pathnames from the forward slash notation to the backslash notation. A.3.5 Duplicating All HH Examples Script files containing R code for all examples in the book are available for you to use to duplicate the examples (table and figures) in the book, or to use as templates for your own analyses. You may open these files in an R-aware editor. See the discussion in Section B.2 for more details. A.3.5.1 Linux and Macintosh The script files for the second edition of this book are in the directory HHscriptnames() The script files for the first edition of this book are in the directory HHscriptnames(edition=1) A.3.5.2 Windows. The script files for the second edition of this book are in the directory WindowsPath(HHscriptnames()) The script files for the first edition of this book are in the directory WindowsPath(HHscriptnames(edition=1)) A.3.6 Learning the Functions in R Help on any function is available. For example, to learn about the ancovaplot function, type ?ancovaplot A.3 Using R 707 To see a function in action, you can run the examples on the help page. You can do them one at a time by manually copying the code from the example section of a help page and pasting it into the R console. You can do them all together with the example function, for example example("ancovaplot") Some functions have demonstration scripts available, for example, demo("ancova") The list of demos available for a specific package is available by giving the package name demo(package="HH") The list of all demos available for currently loaded packages is available by demo() See ?demo for more information on the demo function. The demo and example functions have optional arguments ask=FALSE and echo=TRUE. The default value ask=TRUE means the user has to press the ENTER key every time a new picture is ready to be drawn. The default echo=FALSE often has the effect that only the last of a series of lattice or ggplot2 graphs will be displayed. See FAQ 7.22: 7.22 Why do lattice/trellis graphics not work? The most likely reason is that you forgot to tell R to display the graph. lattice functions such as xyplot() create a graph object, but do not display it (the same is true of ggplot2 graphics, and trellis graphics in S-Plus). The print() method for the graph object produces the actual display. When you use these functions interactively at the command line, the result is automatically printed, but in source() or inside your own functions you will need an explicit print() statement. A.3.7 Learning the lattice Functions in R One of the best places to learn the lattice functions is the original trellis documentation: the S-Plus Users Manual (Becker et al., 1996a) and a descriptive paper with examples (Becker et al., 1996b). Both are available for download. A.3.8 Graphs in an Interactive Session We frequently find during an interactive session that we wish to back up and compare our current graph with previous graphs. For R on the Macintosh using the quartz device, the most recent 16 figures are available by Command-leftarrow and Command-rightarrow. A R 708 For R on Windows using the windows device, previous graphs are available if you turn on the graphical history of your device. This can be done with the mouse (by clicking History > Recording on the device menu) or by entering the R command options(graphics.record = TRUE) You can now navigate between graphs with the PgUp and PgDn keys. A.4 S/R Language Style S is a language. R is a dialect of S. Languages have standard styles in which they are written. When a language is displayed without paying attention to the style, it looks unattractive and may be illegible. It may also give valid statements that are not what the author intended. Read what you turn in before turning it in. The basic style conventions are simple. They are also self-evident after they have been pointed out. Look at the examples in the book’s code files in the directory HHscriptnames() and in the R manuals. 1. Use the courier font for computer listings. This is courier. This is Times Roman. Notice that displaying program output in a font other than one for which it was designed destroys the alignment and makes the output illegible. We illustrate the illegibility of improper font choice in Table A.2 by displaying the first few lines of the data(tv) dataset from Chapter 4 in both correct and incorrect fonts. Table A.2 Correct and incorrect alignment of computer listings. The columns in the correct example are properly aligned. The concept of columns isn’t even visible in the incorrect example. Courier (with correct alignment of columns) Times Roman (alignment is lost) > tv[1:5, 1:3] life.exp ppl.per.tv ppl.per.phys Argentina 70.5 4.0 370 Bangladesh 53.5 315.0 6166 Brazil 65.0 4.0 684 Canada 76.5 1.7 449 China 70.0 8.0 643 > tv[1:5, 1:3] life.exp ppl.per.tv ppl.per.phys Argentina 70.5 4.0 370 Bangladesh 53.5 315.0 6166 Brazil 65.0 4.0 684 Canada 76.5 1.7 449 China 70.0 8.0 643 A.4 S/R Language Style 709 2. Use sensible spacing to distinguish the words and symbols visually. This convention allows people to read the program. bad: abc<-def good: abc <- def no space surrounding the <- 3. Use sensible indentation to display the structure of long statements. Additional arguments on continuation lines are most easily parsed by people when they are aligned with the parentheses that define their depth in the set of nested parentheses. bad: names(tv) <- c("life.exp","ppl.per.tv","ppl.per.phys", "fem.life.exp","male.life.exp") good: names(tv) <- c("life.exp", "ppl.per.tv", "ppl.per.phys", "fem.life.exp", "male.life.exp") Use Emacs (or other R-aware editor) to help with indentation. For example, open up a new file tmp.r in Emacs (or another editor) and type the above bad example—in two lines with the indentation exactly as displayed. Emacs in ESS[S] mode and other R-aware editors will automatically indent it correctly. 4. Use a page width in the Commands window that your word processor and printer supports. We recommend options(width=80) if you work with the natural width of 8.5in×11in paper (“letter” paper in the US. The rest of the world uses “A4” paper at 210cm×297cm) with 10-pt type. If you use a word processor that insists on folding lines at some shorter width (72 characters is a common—and inappropriate—default folding width), you must either take control of your word processor, or tell R to use a shorter width. Table A.3 shows a fragment from an anova output with two different width settings for the word processor. A R 710 Table A.3 Legible and illegible printings of the same table. The illegible table was inappropriately folded by an out-of-control word processor. You, the user, must take control of folding widths. Legible: > anova(fat2.lm) Analysis of Variance Table Response: bodyfat Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Sum of Sq Mean Sq F Value Pr(F) abdomin 1 2440.500 2440.500 101.1718 0.00000000 biceps 1 209.317 209.317 8.6773 0.00513392 Residuals 44 1061.382 24.122 Illegible (folded at 31 characters): > anova(fat2.lm) Analysis of Variance Table Response: bodyfat Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Sum of Sq Mean Sq F Value Pr(F) abdomin 1 2440.500 2440.500 101.1718 0.00000000 biceps 1 209.317 209.317 8.6773 0.00513392 Residuals 44 1061.382 24.122 5. Reserved names. R has functions with the single-letter names c, s, and t. R also has many functions whose names are commonly used statistical terms, for example: mean, median, resid, fitted, data. If you inadvertently name an object with one of the names used by the system, your object might mask the system object and strange errors would ensue. Do not use system names for your variables. You can check with the statement conflicts(detail=TRUE) A.5 Getting Help While Learning and Using R 711 A.5 Getting Help While Learning and Using R Although this section is written in terms of the R email list, its recommendations apply to all situations, in particular, to getting help from your instructor while reading this book and learning R. R has an email help list. The archives are available and can be searched. Queries sent to the help list will be forwarded to several thousand people world-wide and will be archived. For basic information on the list, read the note that is appended to the bottom of EVERY email on the R-help list, and follow its links: R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. R-help is a plain text email list. Posting in HTML mangles your code, making it hard to read. Please send your question in plain text and make the code reproducible. There are two helpful sites on reproducible code http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Reproducibility.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/ how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example When outside help is needed, save the contents of the R console window to show to your outside expert. In addition to the lines and results leading to the problem, including ALL messages that R produces, you must include the line (and its results) sessionInfo() in the material you show the expert. Screenshots are not a good way to capture information. The informative way to get the contents of the console window is by highlighting the text of the entire window (including the off-screen part) and saving it in a text file. Show your text listing to an R expert. A R 712 A.6 R Inexplicable Error Messages—Some Debugging Hints In general, weird and inexplicable errors mean that there are masked function names. That’s the easy part. The trick is to find which name. The name conflict is frequently inside a function that has been called by the function that you called directly. The general method, which we usually won’t need, is to trace the action of the function you called, and all the functions it called in turn. See ?trace, ?recover, ?browser, and ?debugger for help on using these functions. One method we will use is to find all occurrences of our names that might mask system functions. R provides two functions that help us. See ?find and ?conflicts for further detail. find: Returns a vector of names, or positions of databases and/or frames that contain an object. • This example is problem because the user has used a standard function name “data” for a different purpose > args(data) function (..., list = character(), package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), envir = .GlobalEnv) NULL > data <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=4:6) > data a b 1 1 4 2 2 5 3 3 6 > args(data) NULL > find("data") [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:utils" > rm(data) > args(data) function (..., list = character(), package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), envir = .GlobalEnv) NULL > conflicts: This function checks a specified portion of the search list for items that appear more than once. A.6 R Inexplicable Error Messages—Some Debugging Hints 713 • The only items we need to worry about are the ones that appear in our working directory. > data <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=4:6) > conflicts(detail=TRUE) $.GlobalEnv [1] "data" $‘package:utils‘ [1] "data" $‘package:methods‘ [1] "body<-" "kronecker" $‘package:base‘ [1] "body<-" "kronecker" > rm(data) Once we have found those names we must assign their value to some other variable name and then remove them from the working directory. In the above example, we have used the system name "data" for one of our variable names. We must assign the value to a name without conflict, and then remove the conflicting name. > data <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=4:6) > find("data") [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:utils" > CountingData <- data > rm(data) > find("data") [1] "package:utils" > Appendix B HH Every graph and table in this book is an example of the types of graphs and analytic tables that readers can produce for their own data using functions in either base R or the HH package (Heiberger, 2015). Please see Section A.1 for details on installing HH and additional packages. When you see a graph or table you need, open the script file for that chapter and use the code there on your data. For example, the MMC plot (Mean–mean Multiple Comparisons plot) is described in Chapter 7, and the first MMC plot in that Chapter is Figure 7.3. Therefore you can enter at the R prompt: HHscriptnames(7) and discover the pathname for the script file. Open that file in your favorite R-aware editor. Start at the top and enter chunks (that is what a set of code lines is called in these files which were created directly from the manuscript using the R function Stangle) from the top until the figure you are looking for appears. That gives the sequence of code you will need to apply to your own data and model. B.1 Contents of the HH Package The HH package contains several types of items. 1. Functions for the types of graphs illustrated in the book. Most of the graphical functions in HH are built on the trellis objects in the lattice package. 2. R scripts for all figures and tables in the book. 3. R data objects for all datasets used in the book that are not part of base R. 4. Additional R functions, some analysis and some utility, that I like to use. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 715 716 B HH B.2 R Scripts for all Figures and Tables in the Book Files containing R scripts for all figures and tables in the book, both Second and First Editions, are included with the HH package. The details of pathnames to the script files differ by computer operating systems, and often by individual computer. To duplicate the figures and tables in the book, open the appropriate script file in an R-aware editor. Highlight and send over to the R console one chunk at a time. Each script file is consistent within itself. Code chunks later in a script will frequently depend on the earlier chunks within the same script having already been executed. Second Edition: The R function HHscriptnames displays the full pathnames of Second Edition script files for your computer. For example, HHscriptnames(7) displays the full pathname for Chapter 7. The pathname for Chapter 7 relative to the HH package is HH/scripts/hh2/mcomp.r. Valid values for the chapternumbers argument for the Second Edition are c(1:18, LETTERS[1:15]). First Edition: First Edition script file pathnames are similar, for example, the relative path for Chapter 7 is HH/scripts/hh1/Ch07-mcomp.r. The full pathnames of First Edition files for your computer are displayed by the R statement HHscriptnames(7, edition=1). Valid values for the chapternumbers argument for the First Edition are c(1:18). The next few subsections show sample full pathnames of Second Edition script filenames for several different operating systems. B.2.1 Macintosh On Macintosh the full pathname will appear as something like > HHscriptnames(7) 7 "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/ library/HH/scripts/hh2/mcomp.R" B.2.2 Linux On Linux, the full pathname will appear something like > HHscriptnames(7) 7 "/home/rmh/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.2/HH/ scripts/hh2/mcomp.R" B.4 HH and S+ 717 B.2.3 Windows On Windows the full pathname will appear as something like > HHscriptnames(7) 7 "C:/Users/rmh/Documents/R/win-library/3.2/HH/scripts/ hh2/mcomp.R" You might prefer it to appear with Windows-style path separators (with the escaped backslash that looks like a double backslash) > WindowsPath(HHscriptnames(7), display=FALSE) 7 "C:\\Users\\rmh\\Documents\\R\\win-library\\3.2\\HH\ \scripts\\hh2\\mcomp.R" or unquoted and with the single backslash > WindowsPath(HHscriptnames(7)) 7 C:\Users\rmh\Documents\R\win-library\3.2\HH\scripts\ hh2\mcomp.R Some of these variants will work with Windows Explorer (depending on which version of Windows) or your favorite editor, and some won’t. B.3 Functions in the HH Package There are many functions in the HH package, and in the rest of R, that you will need to learn about. The easiest way is to use the documentation that is included with R. For example, to learn about the linear regression function lm (for “Linear Model”), just ask R with the simple “?” command: ?lm and a window will open with the description. Try it now. B.4 HH and S+ Package version HH 2.1-29 of 2009-05-27 (Heiberger, 2009) is still available at CSAN. This version of the package is appropriate for the First Edition of the book. It includes very little of the material developed after the publication of the First Edition. Once I started using the features of R’s latticeExtra package it no longer made sense to continue compatibility with S-Plus. HH 2.1-29 doesn’t have data(); instead it has a datasets subdirectory. Appendix C Rcmdr: R Commander The R Commander, released as the package Rcmdr (Fox, 2005; John Fox et al., 2015), is a platform-independent basic-statistics GUI (graphical user interface) for R, based on the tcltk package (part of R). We illustrate how to use it by reconstructing the two panels of Figure 9.5 directly from the Rcmdr menu. We load Rcmdr indirectly by explicitly loading our package RcmdrPlugin.HH (Heiberger and with contributions from Burt Holland, 2015). We then use the menu to bring in the hardness dataset, compute the quadratic model, display the squared residuals for the quadratic model (duplicating the left panel of Figure 9.5), display the squared residuals for the linear model (duplicating the right panel of Figure 9.5). The linear model was fit implicitly and its summary is not automatically printed. We show the summary of the quadratic model. Figures C.1–C.14 illustrate all the steps summarized above. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 719 720 C Rcmdr: R Commander Fig. C.1 From the *R* buffer (or the R Console) enter library(RcmdrPlugin.HH). This also loads HH and Rcmdr and several other packages. It also open the Rcmdr window shown in Figure C.2. C Rcmdr: R Commander 721 Fig. C.2 The Rcmdr window as it appears when first opened. It shows a menu bar, a tool bar, and three subwindows. 722 C Rcmdr: R Commander Fig. C.3 We bring in a dataset by clicking on the Data menu sequence to open Figure C.4. Fig. C.4 In this menu box we click on the HH package and within it, on the hardness data. C Rcmdr: R Commander 723 Fig. C.5 The Data set: item in the tool bar now shows hardness as the active dataset. The R Script subwindow show the R command that was generated by the menu sequence. The Output subwindow shows the transcript of the R session where the command was executed. The Messages subwindow give information on the dataset that was opened. 724 C Rcmdr: R Commander Fig. C.6 From the Statistics menu we open the Linear model menu box in Figure C.7. Fig. C.7 Specify the linear model. The user can enter the model by typing or by clicking on the menu items. C Rcmdr: R Commander 725 Fig. C.8 The Linear model menu item wrote the R commands shown in the R Script subwindow and executed them in the Output window. The model is stored in the R "lm" object named LinearModel.1. The Model: item in the tool bar now shows LinearModel.1 as the active model. 726 C Rcmdr: R Commander Fig. C.9 Use the Graphs menu to get to the Squared Residuals. . . (HH) menu box in Figure C.10. C Rcmdr: R Commander 727 Fig. C.10 Specify the x-variable, the y-variable, and the active model (LinearModel.1) to get Figure C.11. 728 C Rcmdr: R Commander Fig. C.11 This is the squared residuals for the quadratic model (duplicating the right panel of Figure 9.5). C Rcmdr: R Commander 729 Fig. C.12 We repeated Figure C.9 to get the menu box again. This time we took the default linear model to get Figure C.13. 730 C Rcmdr: R Commander Fig. C.13 This is the squared residuals for the linear model (duplicating the left panel of Figure 9.5). C Rcmdr: R Commander 731 Fig. C.14 The Rcmdr window now shows the summary for the quadratic regression and the specifications for the two graphs in Figures C.11 and C.13. Appendix D RExcel: Embedding R inside Excel on Windows If you are running on a Windows machine and have access to MS Excel, then we recommend that you install RExcel (Baier and Neuwirth, 2007; Neuwirth, 2014). RExcel is free of charge for “single user non-commercial use” with 32-bit Excel. Any other use will require a license. Please see the license at rcom.univie.ac.at for details. RExcel seamlessly integrates the entire set of R’s statistical and graphical methods into Excel, allowing students to focus on statistical methods and concepts and minimizing the distraction of learning a new programming language. Data can be transferred between R and Excel “the Excel way” by selecting worksheet ranges and using Excel menus. RExcel has embedded the Rcmdr menu into the Excel ribbon. Thus R’s basic statistical functions and selected advanced methods are available from an Excel menu. Almost all R functions can be used as worksheet functions in Excel. Results of the computations and statistical graphics can be returned back into Excel worksheet ranges. RExcel allows the use of Excel scroll bars and check boxes to create and animate R graphics as an interactive analysis tool. See Heiberger and Neuwirth (2009) for the book R through Excel: A Spreadsheet Interface for Statistics, Data Analysis, and Graphics. This book is designed as a computational supplement for any Statistics course. RExcel works with Excel only on Windows. Excel on the Macintosh uses a completely different interprocess communications system. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 733 734 D RExcel: Embedding R inside Excel on Windows D.1 Installing RExcel for Windows You must have MS Excel (2007, 2010, or 2013) installed on your Windows machine. You need to purchase Excel separately. Excel 2013 is the current version (in early 2015). RExcel is free of charge for “single user non-commercial use” with 32-bit Excel. Any other use will require a license. D.1.1 Install R Begin by installing R and the necessary packages as described in Section A.1. D.1.2 Install Two R Packages Needed by RExcel You will also need two more R packages that must be installed as computer Administrator. Start R as Administrator (on Windows 7 and 8 you need to right-click the R icon and click the “Run as administrator” item). In R, run the following commands (again, you must have started R as Administrator to do this) ## Tell Windows that R should have the same access to the outside ## internet that is granted to Internet Explorer. setInternet2() install.packages(c("rscproxy","rcom"), repos="http://rcom.univie.ac.at/download", type="binary", lib=.Library) library(rcom) comRegisterRegistry() Close R with q("no"). If it asks Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: answer with n. D.1 Installing RExcel for Windows 735 D.1.3 Install RExcel and Related Software Go to http://rcom.univie.ac.at and click on the Download tab. Download and execute the following four files (or newer releases if available) • statconnDCOM3.6-0B2_Noncommercial • RExcel 3.2.15 • RthroughExcelWorkbooksInstaller_1.2-10.exe • SWord 1.0-1B1 Noncommercial SWord (Baier, 2014) is an add-in package for MSword that makes it possible to embed R code in a MSword document. The R code will be automatically executed and the output from the R code will be included within the MSword document. SWord is free for non-commercial use. Any other use will require a license. SWord is a separate program from RExcel and is not required for RExcel. These installer .exe files will ask for administrator approval, as they write in the Program Files directory and write to the Windows registry as part of the installation. Once they are installed, they run in normal user mode. D.1.4 Install Rcmdr to Work with RExcel In order for RExcel to place the Rcmdr menu on the Excel ribbon, it is necessary that Rcmdr be installed in the C:/Program Files/R/R-x.y.z/library directory and not in the C:/Users/rmh/*/R/win-library/x.y directory. If Rcmdr is installed in the user directory, it must be removed before reinstalling it as Administrator. Remove it with the remove.packages function using remove.packages(c("Rcmdr", "RcmdrMisc")) Then see the installation details in Section A.1.2.2. D.1.5 Additional Information on Installing RExcel Additional RExcel installation information is available in the Wiki page at http://rcom.univie.ac.at 736 D RExcel: Embedding R inside Excel on Windows D.2 Using RExcel D.2.1 Automatic Recalculation of an R Function RExcel places R inside the Excel automatic recalculation model. Figure D.1 by Heiberger and Neuwirth was originally presented in Robbins et al. (2009) using Excel 2007. We reproduce it here with Excel 2013. Fig. D.1 Any R function can be used in Excel with the RExcel worksheet function RApply. The formula =RApply("pchisq", B1, B2, B3) computes the value of the noncentral distribution function for the quantile-value, the degrees of freedom, and the noncentrality parameter in cells B1, B2, and B3, respectively, and returns its value into cell B4. When the value of one of the arguments, in this example the noncentrality parameter in cell B3, is changed, the value of the cumulative distribution is automatically updated by Excel to the appropriate new value. D.2 Using RExcel 737 Fig. D.2 Retrieve the StudentData into Excel. From the RExcel Add-In tab, click RthroughExcel Worksheets. This brings up the BookFilesTOC worksheet in Figure D.3. D.2.2 Transferring Data To/From R and Excel Datasets can be transferred in either direction to/from Excel from/to R. In Figures D.2–D.4 we bring in a dataset from an Excel worksheet, transfer it to R, and make it the active dataset for use with Rcmdr. The StudentData was collected by Erich Neuwirth for over ten years from students in his classes at the University of Vienna. The StudentData dataset is included with RExcel. 738 D RExcel: Embedding R inside Excel on Windows Fig. D.3 Click the StudentData button to bring up the StudentData worksheet in Figure D.4. D.2 Using RExcel 739 Fig. D.4 Highlight the entire region containing data A1:Q1126. Right-click for the menu and select Put R DataFrame. Click OK on the “Put dataframe in R” Dialog box. This places the dataset name StudentData into the Rcmdr’s active Dataset box in Figure D.5. 740 D RExcel: Embedding R inside Excel on Windows D.2.3 Control of a lattice Plot from an Excel/Rcmdr Menu The example in Figures D.5–D.8 is originally from Heiberger and Neuwirth (2009) using Excel 2007. We reproduce it here with Excel 2013. We made it the active dataset for Rcmdr in Figures D.2–D.4. Fig. D.5 RExcel has placed the Rcmdr menu onto the Excel ribbon. Click the Graphs tab to get the menu and then click XY conditioning plot. . . (HH) to get the Dialog box in Figure D.6. The (HH) in the menu item means the function was added to the Rcmdr menu by our RcmdrPlugin.HH package (Heiberger and with contributions from Burt Holland, 2015). D.2 Using RExcel 741 Fig. D.6 The user fills in the Dialog box to specify the graph in Figure D.7 and generate the R commands displayed in Figure D.8. 742 D RExcel: Embedding R inside Excel on Windows Fig. D.7 The graph is displayed. Shoesize is the student’s shoe size in Paris points (2/3 cm). Size is the student’s height in cm. SizeFather and SizeMother are the heights of the student’s parents. Fathers of both male and female students have the same height distribution as the male students. Mothers of both male and female students have the same height distribution as the female students. Fig. D.8 The generated R code is displayed. Appendix E Shiny: Web-Based Access to R Functions Shiny (Chang et al., 2015; RStudio, 2015) is an R package that provides an R language interface for writing interactive web applications. Apps built with shiny place the power of R behind an interactive webpage that can be used by nonprogrammers. A full tutorial and gallery are available at the Shiny web site. We have animated several of the graphs in the HH package using shiny. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 743 744 E Shiny: Web-Based Access to R Functions E.1 NTplot The NTplot function shows significance levels and power for the normal or tdistributions. Figure E.1, an interactive version of the top panel of the middle section of Figure 3.20, is specified with NTplot(mean0=8, mean1=8.411, sd=2, n=64, cex.prob=1.3, shiny=TRUE) Fig. E.1 This is an interactive version of Figure 3.20 constructed with the shiny package. Adjusting the n slider at the bottom right can produce all three columns of Figure 3.20. Clicking the button below the slider will dynamically move through all values of n from 1 through 150, including the three that are displayed in Figure 3.20. There are additional controls on the Normal and t, Display Options, and Fonts tabs that will show the power and beta panels. E.2 bivariateNormal 745 E.2 bivariateNormal Figure E.2 is an interactive version of Figure 3.9 showing the bivariate normal density in 3D space with various correlations and various viewpoints. shiny::runApp(system.file("shiny/bivariateNormal", package="HH")) Fig. E.2 This is an interactive version of Figure 3.9 constructed with the shiny package. Adjusting the rho slider changes the correlation between x and y. Adjusting the angle in degrees slider rotates the figure through all the viewpoint angles shown in Figure 3.10. Both sliders can be made dynamic by clicking their buttons. 746 E Shiny: Web-Based Access to R Functions E.3 bivariateNormalScatterplot Figure E.3 is a dynamic version of Figure 3.8 specified with shiny::runApp(system.file("shiny/bivariateNormalScatterplot", package="HH")) Fig. E.3 This is an interactive version of Figure 3.8 constructed with the shiny package. Adjusting the rho slider changes the correlation between x and y. By clicking the button, the figure will transition through the panels of Figure 3.8. E.4 PopulationPyramid 747 E.4 PopulationPyramid Figure E.4 is an interactive version of Figure 15.19 showing the population pyramid for the United States annually for the years 1900–1979 specified with shiny::runApp(system.file("shiny/PopulationPyramid", package="HH")) Fig. E.4 This is an interactive version of Figure 15.19 constructed with the shiny package. Adjusting the Year slider changes the year in the range 1900–1970. By clicking the button, the figure will dynamically transition through the panels of Figure 15.19. Appendix F R Packages The R program as supplied by R-Core on the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) page (CRAN, 2015) consists of the base program and about 30 required and recommended packages. Everything else is a contributed package. There are about 6500 contributed packages (April 2015). Our HH is a contributed package. F.1 What Is a Package? R packages are extensions to R. Each package is a collection of functions and datasets designed to work together for a specific purpose. The HH package is designed to provide computing support for the techniques discussed in this book . The lattice package (a recommended package) is designed to provide xyplot and related graphics functions. Most of the graphics functions in HH are built on the functions in lattice. Packages consist at a minimum of functions written in R, datasets that can be brought into the R working directory, and documentation for all functions and datasets. Some packages include subroutines written in Fortran or C. F.2 Installing and Loading R Packages The base and recommended packages are installed on your computer when you download and install R itself. All other packages must be explicitly installed (downloaded from CRAN and placed into an R-determined location on your computer). © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 749 F R Packages 750 The packages available at CRAN are most easily installed into your computer with a command of the form install.packages("MyPackage") The R GUIs usually have a menu item that constructs this statement for you. The functions in an installed package are not automatically available when you start an R session. It is necessary to load them into the current session, usually with the library function. Most examples in this book require you to enter library(HH) (once per R session) before doing anything else. The HH package loads lattice and several additional packages. The list of R packages installed on your computer is seen with the R command library() The list of R packages loaded into your current R session is seen with the R command search() F.3 Where Are the Packages on Your Computer? Once a package has been installed on your computer it is kept in a directory (called a “library” in R terminology). The base and recommended packages are stored under R itself in directory system.file("..") Files inside the installed packages are in an internal format and cannot be read by an editor directly from the file system. Contributed packages will usually be installed in a directory in your user space. In Windows that might be something like C:/Users/yourloginname/Documents/R/win-library/3.2 or C:/Users/yourloginname/AppData/Roaming/R/win-library/3.2 On Macintosh it will be something like /Users/yourloginname/Library/R/3.2/library You can find out where the installed packages are stored by loading one and then entering searchpaths() (searchpaths() is similar to search() but with the full pathname included in the output, not just the package name). For example, library(HH) searchpaths() F.5 Writing and Building Your Own Package 751 F.4 Structure of an R Package The package developer writes individual source files. The R build system (see the Writing R Extensions manual) has procedures for checking coherency and then for building the source package and the binaries. The packages at CRAN are available in three formats. The source packages (what the package designer wrote and what you should read when you want to read the code) are stored as packagename.tar.gz files. The binary packages for Windows are stored as packagename.zip files. The binary packages for Macintosh are stored as packagename.tgz files. F.5 Writing and Building Your Own Package At some point in your analysis project you will have accumulated several of your own functions that you quite frequently use. At that point it will be time to collect them into a package. We do not say much here about designing and writing functions in this book. Begin with An Introduction to R in file system.file("../../doc/manual/R-intro.pdf") It includes a chapter “Writing your own functions”. Nor do we say much here about building a package. The official reference is the Writing R Extensions manual that also comes with R in file system.file("../../doc/manual/R-exts.pdf") When you are ready, begin by looking at the help file ?package.skeleton to see how the pieces fit together. It will help to have someone work with you the first time you build a package. You build the package with the operating system command R CMD check YourPackageName and then install it on your own machine with the command R CMD INSTALL --build YourPackageName The checking process is very thorough, and gets more thorough at every release of R. Understanding how to respond to the messages from the check is the specific place where it will help to have someone already familiar with package building. 752 F R Packages F.6 Building Your Own Package with Windows The MS Windows operating system does not include many programs that are central to building R packages. You will need to download and install the most recent Rtools from CRAN. See Section A.1.2.4 for download information. You will need to include Rtools in your PATH environment variable to enable the R CMD check packagename command to work. See “Appendix D The Windows toolset” in R Installation and Administration manual at system.file("../../doc/manual/R-admin.pdf") Appendix G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic Computers use floating point arithmetic. The floating point system is not identical to the real-number system that we (teachers and students) know well, having studied it from kindergarten onward. In this section we show several examples to illustrate and emphasize the distinction. The principal characteristic of real numbers is that we can have as many digits as we wish. The principal characteristic of floating point numbers is that we are limited in the number of digits that we can work with. In double-precision IEEE 754 arithmetic, we are limited to exactly 53 binary digits (approximately 16 decimal digits) The consequences of the use of floating point numbers are pervasive, and present even with numbers we normally think of as far from the boundaries. For detailed information please see FAQ 7.31 in file system.file("../../doc/FAQ") The help menus in Rgui in Windows and R.app on Macintosh have direct links to the FAQ file. G.1 Examples Let us start by looking at two simple examples that require basic familiarity with floating point arithmetic. 1. Why is .9 not recognized to be the same as (.3 + .6)? Table G.1 shows that .9 is not perceived to have the same value as .3 + .6, when calculated in floating point (that is, when calculated by a computer). The difference between the two values is not 0, but is instead a number on the order of © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 753 754 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic machine epsilon (the smallest number such that 1 + > 1). In R, the standard mathematical comparison operators recognize the difference. There is a function all.equal which tests for near equality. See ?all.equal for details. Table G.1 Calculations showing that the floating point numbers .9 and .3 + .6 are not stored the same inside the computer. R comparison operators recognize the numbers as different. > c(.9, (.3 + .6)) [1] 0.9 0.9 > .9 == (.3 + .6) [1] FALSE > .9 - (.3 + .6) [1] 1.11e-16 > identical(.9, (.3 + .6)) [1] FALSE > all.equal(.9, (.3 + .6)) [1] TRUE Table G.2 √ 2 2 2 in floating point arithmetic inside the computer. > c(2, sqrt(2)^2) [1] 2 2 > sqrt(2)^2 [1] 2 > 2 == sqrt(2)^2 [1] FALSE > 2 - sqrt(2)^2 [1] -4.441e-16 > identical(2, sqrt(2)^2) [1] FALSE > all.equal(2, sqrt(2)^2) [1] TRUE G.2 Floating Point Numbers in the IEEE 754 Floating-Point Standard 2. Why is 755 √ 2 2 not recognized to be the same as 2? √ 2 Table G.2 shows that the difference between the two values 2 and 2 is not 0, but is instead a number on the order of machine epsilon (the smallest number such that 1 + > 1). We will pursue these examples further in Section G.7, but first we need to introduce floating point numbers—the number system used inside the computer. G.2 Floating Point Numbers in the IEEE 754 Floating-Point Standard The number system we are most familiar with is the infinite-precision base-10 system. Any number can be represented as the infinite sum ± (a0 × 100 + a1 × 10−1 + a2 × 10−2 + . . .) × 10 p where p can be any positive integer, and the values ai are digits selected from decimal digits {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. For example, the decimal number 3.3125 is expressed as 3.3125 = (3 × 100 + 3 × 10−1 + 1 × 10−2 + 2 × 10−3 + 5 × 10−4 ) × 100 = 3.3125 × 1 In this example, there are 4 decimal digits after the radix point. There is no limit to the number of digits that could have been specified. For decimal numbers the term decimal point is usually used in preference to the more general term radix point. Floating point arithmetic in computers uses a finite-precision base-2 (binary) system for representation of numbers. Most computers today use the 53-bit IEEE 754 system, with numbers represented by the finite sum ± (a0 × 20 + a1 × 2−1 + a2 × 2−2 + . . . + a52 × 2− 52) × 2 p where p is an integer in the range −1022 to 1023 (expressed as decimal numbers), the values ai are digits selected from {0, 1}, and the subscripts and powers i are decimal numbers selected from {0, 1, . . . , 52}. The decimal number 3.12510 is 11.01012 in binary. 3.312510 = 11.01012 = (1 × 20 + 1 × 2−1 + 0 × 2−2 + 1 × 2−3 + 0 × 2−4 + 1 × 2−5 ) × 210 = 1.101012 × 210 756 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic This example (in the normalized form 1.101012 × 210 ) has five binary digits (bits) after the radix point (binary point in this case). There is a maximum of 52 binary positions after the binary point. Strings of 0 and 1 are hard for people to read. They are usually collected into units of 4 bits (called a byte). The IEEE 754 standard requires the base β = 2 number system with p = 53 base2 digits. Except for 0, the numbers in internal representation are always normalized with the leading bit always 1. Since it is always 1, there is no need to store it and only 52 bits are actually needed for 53-bit precision. A string of 0 and 1 is difficult for humans to read. Therefore every set of 4 bits is represented as a single hexadecimal digit, from the set {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f}, representing the decimal values {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15}. The 52 stored bits can be displayed with 13 hex digits. Since the base is β = 2, the exponent of an IEEE 754 floating point number must be a power of 2. The double-precision computer numbers contain 64 bits, allocated 52 for the significant, 1 for the sign, and 11 for the exponent. The 11 bits for the exponent can express 211 = 2048 unique values. These are assigned to range from −2−1022 to 21023 , with the remaining 2 exponent values used for special cases (zero and the special quantities NaN and ∞). The number 3.312510 is represented in hexadecimal (base-16) notation as 3.312510 = 3.5016 = (1 × 160 + a16 × 16−1 + 816 × 16−2 ) × 210 = 1.a816 × 210 = 1.101010002 × 210 There are two hex digits after the radix point (binary point, not hex point because the normalization is by powers of 210 not powers of 1610 ). The R function sprintf is used to specify the printed format of numbers. The letter a in format sprintf("%+13.13a", x) tells R to print the numbers in hexadecimal notation. The “13”s say to use 13 hexadecimal digits after the binary point. See ?sprintf for more detail on the formatting specifications used by the sprintf function. Several numbers, simple decimals, and simple multiples of powers of 1/2 are shown in Table G.3 in both decimal and binary notation. G.3 Multiple Precision Floating Point The R package Rmpfr allows the construction and use of arbitrary precision floating point numbers. It was designed, and is usually used, for higher-precision arithmetic—situations where the 53-bit double-precision numbers are not precise G.4 Binary Format 757 Table G.3 Numbers, some simple integers divided by 10, and some fractions constructed as multiples of powers of 1/2. The i/10 decimal numbers are stored as repeating binaries in the hexadecimal notation until they run out of digits. There are only 52 bits (binary digits) after the binary point. For decimal input 0.1 we see that the repeating hex digit is “9” until the last position where it is rounded up to “a”. > nums <- c(0, .0625, .1, .3, .3125, .5, .6, (.3 + .6), .9, 1) > data.frame("decimal-2"=nums, + "decimal-17"=format(nums, digits=17), + hexadecimal=sprintf("%+13.13a", nums)) decimal.2 decimal.17 hexadecimal 1 0.0000 0.00000000000000000 +0x0.0000000000000p+0 2 0.0625 0.06250000000000000 +0x1.0000000000000p-4 3 0.1000 0.10000000000000001 +0x1.999999999999ap-4 4 0.3000 0.29999999999999999 +0x1.3333333333333p-2 5 0.3125 0.31250000000000000 +0x1.4000000000000p-2 6 0.5000 0.50000000000000000 +0x1.0000000000000p-1 7 0.6000 0.59999999999999998 +0x1.3333333333333p-1 8 0.9000 0.89999999999999991 +0x1.cccccccccccccp-1 9 0.9000 0.90000000000000002 +0x1.ccccccccccccdp-1 10 1.0000 1.00000000000000000 +0x1.0000000000000p+0 enough. In this Appendix we use it for lower-precision arithmetic—four or five significant digits. In this way it will be much easier to illustrate how the behavior of floating point numbers differs from the behavior of real numbers. G.4 Binary Format It is often easier to see the details of the numerical behavior when numbers are displayed in binary, not in the hex format of sprintf("%+13.13a", x). The Rmpfr package includes a binary display format for numbers. The formatBin function uses sprintf to construct a hex display format and then modifies it by replacing each hex character with its 4-bit expansion as shown in Table G.4. Optionally (with argument scientific=FALSE), all binary numbers can be formatted to show aligned radix points. There is also a formatHex function which is essentially a wrapper for sprintf. Both functions are used in the examples in this Appendix. Table G.5 illustrates both functions, including the optional scientific argument, with a 4-bit arithmetic example. 758 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic Table G.4 Four-bit expansions for the sixteen hex digits. We show both lowercase [a:f] and uppercase [A:F] for the hex digits. > Rmpfr:::HextoBin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "0000" "0001" "0010" "0011" "0100" "0101" "0110" "0111" 8 9 A B C D E F "1000" "1001" "1010" "1011" "1100" "1101" "1110" "1111" a b c d e f "1010" "1011" "1100" "1101" "1110" "1111" G.5 Round to Even The IEEE 754 standard calls for “rounding ties to even”. The explanation here is from help(mpfr, package="Rmpfr"): The round to nearest ("N") mode, the default here, works as in the IEEE 754 standard: in case the number to be rounded lies exactly in the middle of two representable numbers, it is rounded to the one with the least significant bit set to zero. For example, the number 5/2, which is represented by (10.1) in binary, is rounded to (10.0)=2 with a precision of two bits, and not to (11.0)=3. This rule avoids the drift phenomenon mentioned by Knuth in volume 2 of The Art of Computer Programming (Section 4.2.2). G.6 Base-10, 2-Digit Arithmetic Hex numbers are hard to fathom the first time they are seen. We therefore look at a simple example of finite-precision arithmetic with 2 significant decimal digits. Calculate the sum of squares of three numbers in 2-digit base-10 arithmetic. For concreteness, use the example 22 + 112 + 152 This requires rounding to 2 significant digits at every intermediate step. The steps are easy. Putting your head around the steps is hard. We rewrite the expression as a fully parenthesized algebraic expression, so we don’t need to worry about precedence of operators at this step. ((22 ) + (112 )) + (152 ) Now we can evaluate the parenthesized groups from the inside out. G.6 Base-10, 2-Digit Arithmetic 759 Table G.5 Integers from 0 to 39 stored as 4-bit mpfr numbers. The numbers from 17 to 39 are rounded to four significant bits. All numbers in the “16” and “24” columns are multiples of 2, and all numbers in the “32” columns are multiples of 4. The numbers are displayed in decimal, hex, binary, and binary with aligned radix points. To interpret the aligned binary numbers, replace the “_” placeholder character with a zero. > library(Rmpfr) > FourBits <- mpfr(matrix(0:39, 8, 5), precBits=4) > dimnames(FourBits) <- list(0:7, c(0,8,16,24,32)) > FourBits ’mpfrMatrix’ of dim(.) = (8, 5) of precision 0 8 16 24 32 0 0.00 8.00 16.0 24.0 32.0 1 1.00 9.00 16.0 24.0 32.0 2 2.00 10.0 18.0 26.0 32.0 3 3.00 11.0 20.0 28.0 36.0 4 4.00 12.0 20.0 28.0 36.0 5 5.00 13.0 20.0 28.0 36.0 6 6.00 14.0 22.0 30.0 40.0 7 7.00 15.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 > formatHex(FourBits) 0 8 0 +0x0.0p+0 +0x1.0p+3 1 +0x1.0p+0 +0x1.2p+3 2 +0x1.0p+1 +0x1.4p+3 3 +0x1.8p+1 +0x1.6p+3 4 +0x1.0p+2 +0x1.8p+3 5 +0x1.4p+2 +0x1.ap+3 6 +0x1.8p+2 +0x1.cp+3 7 +0x1.cp+2 +0x1.ep+3 16 +0x1.0p+4 +0x1.0p+4 +0x1.2p+4 +0x1.4p+4 +0x1.4p+4 +0x1.4p+4 +0x1.6p+4 +0x1.8p+4 > formatBin(FourBits) 0 8 0 +0b0.000p+0 +0b1.000p+3 1 +0b1.000p+0 +0b1.001p+3 2 +0b1.000p+1 +0b1.010p+3 3 +0b1.100p+1 +0b1.011p+3 4 +0b1.000p+2 +0b1.100p+3 5 +0b1.010p+2 +0b1.101p+3 6 +0b1.100p+2 +0b1.110p+3 7 +0b1.110p+2 +0b1.111p+3 24 +0x1.8p+4 +0x1.8p+4 +0x1.ap+4 +0x1.cp+4 +0x1.cp+4 +0x1.cp+4 +0x1.ep+4 +0x1.0p+5 16 +0b1.000p+4 +0b1.000p+4 +0b1.001p+4 +0b1.010p+4 +0b1.010p+4 +0b1.010p+4 +0b1.011p+4 +0b1.100p+4 4 bits 32 +0x1.0p+5 +0x1.0p+5 +0x1.0p+5 +0x1.2p+5 +0x1.2p+5 +0x1.2p+5 +0x1.4p+5 +0x1.4p+5 24 +0b1.100p+4 +0b1.100p+4 +0b1.101p+4 +0b1.110p+4 +0b1.110p+4 +0b1.110p+4 +0b1.111p+4 +0b1.000p+5 > formatBin(FourBits, scientific=FALSE) 0 8 16 0 +0b_____0.000 +0b__1000.___ +0b_1000_.___ 1 +0b_____1.000 +0b__1001.___ +0b_1000_.___ 2 +0b____10.00_ +0b__1010.___ +0b_1001_.___ 3 +0b____11.00_ +0b__1011.___ +0b_1010_.___ 4 +0b___100.0__ +0b__1100.___ +0b_1010_.___ 5 +0b___101.0__ +0b__1101.___ +0b_1010_.___ 6 +0b___110.0__ +0b__1110.___ +0b_1011_.___ 7 +0b___111.0__ +0b__1111.___ +0b_1100_.___ 32 +0b1.000p+5 +0b1.000p+5 +0b1.000p+5 +0b1.001p+5 +0b1.001p+5 +0b1.001p+5 +0b1.010p+5 +0b1.010p+5 24 +0b_1100_.___ +0b_1100_.___ +0b_1101_.___ +0b_1110_.___ +0b_1110_.___ +0b_1110_.___ +0b_1111_.___ +0b1000__.___ 32 +0b1000__.___ +0b1000__.___ +0b1000__.___ +0b1001__.___ +0b1001__.___ +0b1001__.___ +0b1010__.___ +0b1010__.___ 760 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic ( (22 ) + (112 ) ( (4) + (121) ( 4 + 120 ( 124 ( 120 ) ) ) ) ) + + + + + 340 (152 ) (225) 220 220 220 ## parenthesized expression ## square each term ## round each term to two significant decimal digits ## calculate the intermediate sum ## round the intermediate sum to two decimal digits ## sum the terms Compare this to the full precision arithmetic ( (22 ) + (112 ) ) + (152 ) ## parenthesized expression ( 4 + 121 ) + 225 ## square each term ( 125 ) + 225 ## calculate the intermediate sum 350 ## sum the terms We see immediately that two-decimal-digit rounding at each stage gives an answer that is not the same as the one from familiar arithmetic with real numbers. G.7 Why Is .9 Not Recognized to Be the Same as (.3 + .6)? We can now continue with the first example from Section G.1. The floating point binary representation of 0.3 and the floating point representation of 0.6 must be aligned on the binary point before the addition. When the numbers are aligned by shifting the smaller number right one position, the last bit of the smaller number has nowhere to go and is lost. The sum is therefore one bit too small compared to the floating point binary representation of 0.9. Details are in Table G.6. G.8 Why Is √ 2 2 Not Recognized to Be the Same as 2? We continue with the second example from Section G.1. The binary representation √ 2 inside the machine of the two numbers 2 and 2 is not identical. We see in Table G.7 that they differ by one bit in the 53rd binary digit. G.9 zapsmall to Round Small Values to Zero for Display R provides a function that rounds small values (those close to the machine epsilon) to zero. We use this function for printing of many tables where we wish to interpret numbers close to machine epsilon as if they were zero. See Table G.8 for an example. G.9 zapsmall to Round Small Values to Zero for Display 761 Table G.6 Now let’s add 0.3 and 0.6 in hex: 0.3 +0x1.3333333333333p-2 = +0x0.9999999999999p-1 aligned binary (see below) 0.6 +0x1.3333333333333p-1 = +0x1.3333333333333p-1 ---------------------------------------------0.9 add of aligned binary +0x1.cccccccccccccp-1 0.9 convert from decimal +0x1.ccccccccccccdp-1 We need to align binary points for addition. The shift is calculated by converting hex to binary, shifting one bit to the right to get the same p-1 exponent, regrouping four bits into hex characters, and allowing the last bit to fall off: 1.0011 0011 0011 ... 0011 × 2−2 → .1001 1001 1001 ... 1001 | 1/ × 2−1 > nums369 <- c(.3, .6, .3+.6, 9) > nums369df <+ data.frame("decimal-2"=nums369, + "decimal-17"=format(nums369, digits=17), + hexadecimal=sprintf("%+13.13a", nums369)) > nums369df[3,1] <- "0.3 + 0.6" > nums369df decimal.2 1 0.3 2 0.6 3 0.3 + 0.6 4 9 decimal.17 0.29999999999999999 0.59999999999999998 0.89999999999999991 9.00000000000000000 hexadecimal +0x1.3333333333333p-2 +0x1.3333333333333p-1 +0x1.cccccccccccccp-1 +0x1.2000000000000p+3 Table G.7 The binary representation of the two numbers √ 2 2 and 2 is not identical. They differ by one bit in the 53rd binary digit. > sprintf("%+13.13a", c(2, sqrt(2)^2)) [1] "+0x1.0000000000000p+1" "+0x1.0000000000001p+1" Table G.8 We frequently wish to interpret numbers that are very different in magnitude as if the smaller one is effectively zero. The display function zapsmall provides that capability. > c(100, 1e-10) [1] 1e+02 1e-10 > zapsmall(c(100, 1e-10)) [1] 100 0 762 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic G.10 Apparent Violation of Elementary Factoring We show a simple example of disastrous cancellation (loss of high-order digits), where the floating point statement a2 − b2 (a + b) × (a − b) is an inequality, not an equation, for some surprising values of a and b. Table G.9 shows two examples, a decimal example for which the equality holds so we can use our intuition to see what is happening, and a hex example at the boundary of rounding so we can see precisely how the equality fails. Table G.9 Two examples comparing a2 − b2 to (a + b) × (a − b). On the top, the numbers are decimal a = 101 and b=102 and the equality holds on a machine using IEEE 754 floating point arithmetic. On the bottom, the numbers are hexadecimal a = 0x8000001 and b = 0x8000002 and the equality fails to hold on a machine using IEEE 754 floating point arithmetic. The outlined 0 in the decimal column for a^2 with x=+0x8000000 would have been a 1 if we had 54-bit arithmetic. Since we have only 53 bits available to store numbers, the 54th bit was rounded to 0 by the Round to Even rule (see Section G.5). The marker in the hex column for a^2 with x=+0x8000000 shows that one more hex digit would be needed to indicate the squared value precisely. Decimal Hex 100 = +0x64 x a <- x+1 b <- x+2 a^2 b^2 b^2 - a^2 (b+a) * (b-a) 100 101 102 10201 10404 203 203 +0x1.9000000000000p+6 +0x1.9400000000000p+6 +0x1.9800000000000p+6 +0x1.3ec8000000000p+13 +0x1.4520000000000p+13 +0x1.9600000000000p+7 +0x1.9600000000000p+7 Decimal Hex 134217728 = +0x8000000 x 134217728 a <- x+1 134217729 b <- x+2 134217730 a^2 18014398777917440 b^2 18014399046352900 b^2 - a^2 268435460 (b+a) * (b-a) 268435459 +0x1.0000000000000p+27 +0x1.0000002000000p+27 +0x1.0000004000000p+27 +0x1.0000004000000p+54 +0x1.0000008000001p+54 +0x1.0000004000000p+28 +0x1.0000003000000p+28 G.12 Variance Calculations at the Precision Boundary 763 G.11 Variance Calculations Once we understand disastrous cancellation, we can study algorithms for the calculation of variance. Compare the two common formulas for calculating sample variance, the two-pass formula and the disastrous one-pass formula. Two-pass formula ⎞ ⎛ n ⎟ ⎜⎜⎜ ⎜⎜⎝ (xi − x̄)2 ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠ /(n − 1) i=1 One-pass formula ⎞ ⎞ ⎛⎛ n ⎟⎟ ⎟ ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜ 2⎟ 2⎟ ⎟ ⎜⎜⎝⎜⎜⎝ xi ⎟⎠ − n x̄ ⎟⎟⎟⎠ /(n − 1) i=1 Table G.10 shows the calculation of the variance by both formulas. For x = (1, 2, 3), var(x) = 1 by both formulas. For x = (k + 1, k + 2, k + 3), var(x) = 1 by both formulas for k ≤ 107 . For k = 108 , the one-pass formula gives 0. The one-pass formula is often shown in introductory books with the name “machine formula”. The “machine” it is referring to is the desk calculator, not the digital computer. The one-pass formula gives valid answers for numbers with only a few significant figures (about half the number of digits for machine precision), and therefore does not belong in a general algorithm. The name “one-pass” is reflective of the older computation technology where scalars, not the vector, were the fundamental data unit. See Section G.14 where we show the one-pass formula written with an explicit loop on scalars. We can show what is happening in these two algorithms by looking at the binary display of the numbers. We do so in Section G.12 with presentations in Tables G.11 and G.12. Table G.11 shows what happens for double precision arithmetic (53 significant bits, approximately 16 significant decimal digits). Table G.12 shows the same behavior with 5-bit arithmetic (approximately 1.5 significant decimal digits). G.12 Variance Calculations at the Precision Boundary Table G.11 shows the calculation of the sample variance for three sequential numbers at the boundary of precision of 53-bit floating point numbers. The numbers in column “15” fit within 53 bits and their variance is the variance of k + (1, 2, 3) which is 1. The numbers 1016 + (1, 2, 3) in column “16” in Table G.11 require 54 bits for precise representation. They are therefore rounded to 1016 + c(0, 2, 4) to fit within the capabilities of 53-bit floating point numbers. The variance of the numbers in column “16” is calculated as the variance of k + (0, 2, 4) which is 4. When we place the numbers into a 54-bit representation (not possible with the standard 53-bit floating point), the calculated variance is the anticipated 1. Table G.12 shows the calculation of the sample variance for three sequential numbers at the boundary of precision of 5-bit floating point numbers. The numbers {33, 34, 35} on the left side need six significant bits to be represented precisely. 764 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic Table G.10 The one-pass formula fails at x = (108 + 1, 108 + 2, 108 + 3) (about half as many significant digits as machine precision). The two-pass formula is stable to the limit of machine precision. The calculated value at the boundary of machine precision for the two-pass formula is the correctly calculated floating point value. Please see Section G.12 and Tables G.11 and G.12 for the explanation. > varone <- function(x) { + n <- length(x) + xbar <- mean(x) + (sum(x^2) - n*xbar^2) / (n-1) + } > vartwo <- function(x) { + n <- length(x) + xbar <- mean(x) + sum((x-xbar)^2) / (n-1) + } > x <- 1:3 > x <- 1:3 > varone(x) [1] 1 > vartwo(x) [1] 1 > varone(x+10^7) [1] 1 > vartwo(x+10^7) [1] 1 > ## half machine precision > varone(x+10^8) [1] 0 > ## half machine precision > vartwo(x+10^8) [1] 1 > varone(x+10^15) [1] 0 > vartwo(x+10^15) [1] 1 > ## boundary of machine precision > ## > varone(x+10^16) [1] 0 > ## boundary of machine precision > ## See next table. > vartwo(x+10^16) [1] 4 > varone(x+10^17) [1] 0 > vartwo(x+10^17) [1] 0 Following the Round to Even rule, they are rounded to {32, 34, 36} in the fivebit representation on the right side. The easiest way to see the rounding is in the scientific=FALSE binary presentation (the last section on both sides of the Table G.12, repeated in Table G.13). There is also a third formula, with additional protection against cancellation, called the “corrected two-pass algorithm”. y = x − x̄ (y − ȳ)2 /(n − 1) We define a function in Table G.14 and illustrate its use in a very tight boundary case (the 54-bit column “16” of Table G.11) in Table G.15. G.12 Variance Calculations at the Precision Boundary 765 Table G.11 Variance of numbers at the boundary of 53-bit double precision arithmetic. Column “15” fits within 53 bits and the variance is calculated as 1. Column “16” requires 54 bits for precise representation. With 53-bit floating point arithmetic the variance is calculated as 4. With the extended precision to 54 bits, the variance is calculated as 1. > x <- 1:3; p <- 15:16 > xx <- t(outer(10^p, x, ‘+‘)); dimnames(xx) <- list(x, p) > print(xx, digits=17) 15 16 1 1000000000000001 10000000000000000 2 1000000000000002 10000000000000002 3 1000000000000003 10000000000000004 > formatHex(xx) 15 1 +0x1.c6bf526340008p+49 2 +0x1.c6bf526340010p+49 3 +0x1.c6bf526340018p+49 16 +0x1.1c37937e08000p+53 +0x1.1c37937e08001p+53 +0x1.1c37937e08002p+53 > var(xx[,"15"]) [1] 1 > var(xx[,"16"]) [1] 4 > x54 <- mpfr(1:3, 54) > xx54 <- t(outer(10^p, x54, ‘+‘)); dimnames(xx54) <- list(x, p) > xx54 ’mpfrMatrix’ of dim(.) = (3, 2) of precision 15 16 1 1000000000000001.00 10000000000000001.0 2 1000000000000002.00 10000000000000002.0 3 1000000000000003.00 10000000000000003.0 54 bits > vartwo(xx54[,"16"] - mean(xx54[,"16"])) 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision 54 bits [1] 1 > ## hex for 54-bit numbers is not currently available from R. > > ## We manually constructed it here. > formatHex(xx54) ## We manually constructed this 15 16 1 +0x1.c6bf5263400080p+49 +0x1.1c37937e080008p+53 2 +0x1.c6bf5263400100p+49 +0x1.1c37937e080010p+53 3 +0x1.c6bf5263400180p+49 +0x1.1c37937e080018p+53 bits 5 +0b1.00001p+5 +0b1.00010p+5 +0b1.00011p+5 53 > formatBin(yy6, scientific=FALSE) 3 4 5 1 +0b__1001.00 +0b_10001.0_ +0b100001.__ 2 +0b__1010.00 +0b_10010.0_ +0b100010.__ 3 +0b__1011.00 +0b_10011.0_ +0b100011.__ > formatBin(yy6) 3 4 1 +0b1.00100p+3 +0b1.00010p+4 2 +0b1.01000p+3 +0b1.00100p+4 3 +0b1.01100p+3 +0b1.00110p+4 > vartwo(yy6[,"5"]) 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision [1] 1 bits 5 +0b1.0000p+5 +0b1.0001p+5 +0b1.0010p+5 53 > formatBin(yy5, scientific=FALSE) 3 4 5 1 +0b__1001.0 +0b_10001._ +0b10000_._ 2 +0b__1010.0 +0b_10010._ +0b10001_._ 3 +0b__1011.0 +0b_10011._ +0b10010_._ > formatBin(yy5) 3 4 1 +0b1.0010p+3 +0b1.0001p+4 2 +0b1.0100p+3 +0b1.0010p+4 3 +0b1.0110p+3 +0b1.0011p+4 > vartwo(yy5[,"5"]) 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision [1] 4 (3, 3) of precision 5 > yy5 ’mpfrMatrix’ of dim(.) = 3 4 5 1 9.00 17.0 32.0 2 10.0 18.0 34.0 3 11.0 19.0 36.0 bits > yy6 ’mpfrMatrix’ of dim(.) = 3 4 5 1 9.00 17.0 33.0 2 10.0 18.0 34.0 3 11.0 19.0 35.0 6 > yy5 <- mpfr(yy, 5); dimnames(yy5) <- list(y, q) > yy6 <- mpfr(yy, 6); dimnames(yy6) <- list(y, q) (3, 3) of precision > y <- 1:3; q <- 3:5; yy <- t(outer(2^q, y, ‘+‘)) > y <- 1:3; q <- 3:5; yy <- t(outer(2^q, y, ‘+‘)) bits Table G.12 Numbers with six and five significant bits. The six-bit integers 33 and 35 on the left side cannot be expressed precisely with only five significant bits. They are rounded to 32 and 36 in the five-bit representation on the right side. The variance of the numbers {33, 34, 35} is 1. The variance of the numbers {32, 34, 36} is 4. Please see Section G.12 for the discussion of this table. Please see Table G.13 for additional details. 766 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic G.12 Variance Calculations at the Precision Boundary 767 Table G.13 This table focuses on the last displays in Table G.12. The last three bits in the 6bit display of 33 (001) show a 1 in the “1” position. The number is rounded to the nearest even number (000) in the “2” digit (with a 0 in the “1” position) and truncated to (00 ) in the 5-bit display. The last three bits (011) of 35 are rounded to the nearest even number (100) in the “2” digit and truncated to (10 ) In both values, the resulting “2” digit is (0). The last three bits (010) of 34 already have a (0) in the “1” digit and therefore no rounding is needed. The sample variance of {33, 34, 35} is 1. When those numbers are rounded to five-bit binary, they become {32, 34, 36}. The sample variance of {32, 34, 36} is 4. 6-bit binary rounded to 5-bit binary displayed as 6-bit truncated equivalent to 5-bit decimal decimal binary 33 +0b100001. +0b100000. +0b10000 . 32 34 +0b100010. +0b100010. +0b10001 . 34 35 +0b100011. +0b100100. +0b10010 . 36 Table G.14 The corrected two-pass algorithm centers the data by subtracting the mean, and then uses the two-pass algorithm on the centered data. It helps in some boundary conditions, for example the one shown in Table G.15. > vartwoC <- function(x) { + vartwo(x-mean(x)) + } > x <- 1:3 > vartwoC(x) [1] 1 > vartwoC(x+10^7) [1] 1 > ## half machine precision > vartwoC(x+10^8) [1] 1 > vartwoC(x+10^15) [1] 1 > ## boundary of machine precision > ## > vartwoC(x+10^16) [1] 4 > vartwoC(x+10^17) [1] 0 768 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic Table G.15 vartwo doesn’t work for some problems on the boundary, such as this example at the boundary of 54-bit arithmetic. Summing the numbers effectively required one more significant binary digit. Since there are no more digits available, the data was rounded and the variance is not what our real-number intuition led us to expect. vartwoC does work. > vartwo(xx54[,"15"]) 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision [1] 1 54 bits > ## wrong answer. numbers were shifted one binary position. > vartwo(xx54[,"16"]) 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision 54 bits [1] 2.5 > ## vartwoC protects against that problem and gets the right answer. > vartwoC(xx54[,"16"]) 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision 54 bits [1] 1 > sum(xx54[1:2,"16"]) 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision [1] 20000000000000004 54 bits > ## Adding the first two numbers effectively doubled the numbers which > ## means the significant bits were shifted one more place to the left. > ## The first value was rounded up. Looking at just the last three bytes > ## (where the last three bits are guaranteed 0): > ## +0x008p53 + 0x010p53 -> +0x010p53 + 0x010p53 -> +0x020p53 > > sum((xx54)[1:3,"16"]) ## too high 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision 54 bits [1] 30000000000000008 > sum((xx54)[3:1,"16"]) ## too low 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision 54 bits [1] 30000000000000004 > sum((xx54)[c(1,3,2),"16"]) ## just right 1 ’mpfr’ number of precision 54 bits [1] 30000000000000006 G.13 Can the Answer to the Calculation be Represented? 769 G.13 Can the Answer to the Calculation be Represented? Chan et al. (1983) discuss various strategies needed to make sure that the fundamental goal of numerical analysis is achieved: If the input values can be represented by the computer, and if the answer can be represented by the computer, then the calculation should get the right answer. It is very easy to construct an easy sum-of-squares problem for which naive calculations cannot get the right answer. The programmer’s task is to get the right answer. The Pythagorean Theorem tells us that z = x2 + y2 will be an integer for several well known sets of triples {x, y, z}. The triple {3, 4, 5} is probably the best known. The triple {3k, 4k, 5k} for any k is also a triple which works. Table G.16 shows an example of k for which naive calculation fails, and for which Mod (modulus), one of R’s base function, works. The goal is to understand how Mod is written. Table G.16 The naive square-root-of-the-sum-of-squares algorithm gets the right answer in two of the three cases shown here. Mod gets the right answer in all three cases. > x <- 3; y <- 4 > sqrt(x^2 + y^2) [1] 5 > Mod(x + 1i*y) [1] 5 > x <- 3e100; y <- 4e100 > sqrt(x^2 + y^2) [1] 5e+100 > Mod(x + y*1i) [1] 5e+100 > x <- 3e305; y <- 4e305 > sqrt(x^2 + y^2) [1] Inf > Mod(x + y*1i) [1] 5e+305 770 G Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic The problem is that squaring arguments with a large exponent causes floating point overflow, which R interprets as infinite. The repair, shown in the MyMod function in Table G.17, is to rescale the numbers to a smaller exponent and then take the square root of the sum of squares. At the end the exponent is restored. Table G.17 The MyMod function rescales the numbers and gets the right answer in all three cases. Only the third case is shown here. > MyMod <- function(x, y) { + XYmax <- max(abs(c(x, y))) + xx <- x/XYmax + yy <- y/XYmax + + result <- sqrt(xx^2 + yy^2) + + result * XYmax + } > x^2 [1] Inf > y^2 [1] Inf > MyMod(x, y) [1] 5e+305 G.14 Explicit Loops Desk calculator technology had different technical goals than digital computer technology. Entering the data manually multiple times was expensive and to be avoided. Table G.18 shows a scalar version of the one-pass algorithm for calculating sample variance. The explicit loop uses each entered value x[i] twice before going on to the next value. The term one-pass refers to the single entry of the data value for both accumulations (xi ) and (xi2 ) on the scalars in the vector x. Explicit scalar loops are exceedingly slow in R and are normally avoided. When we use vectorized operations (as in statements such as sum(x^2)) the looping is implicit at the user level and is done at machine speeds inside R. We timed the scalar version of the one-pass algorithm along with the vectorized one-pass and two-pass algorithms. The explicitly looped one-pass algorithm varoneScalar is much slower than the vectorized algorithms. The vectorized onepass and twopass algorithms are about equally fast. Only the twopass algorithm gives the correct calculation to the precision of the computer. G.14 Explicit Loops 771 Table G.18 The one-pass formula written as a scalar loop. This made sense for desk calculators because the user keyed in each number exactly once. It is about the most inefficient way to write code for R. In this example it is about 60 times slower than the vectorized algorithms. > varoneScalar <- function(x) { + ## This is a pedagogical example. + ## Do not use this as a model for writing code. + n <- length(x) + sumx <- 0 + sumx2 <- 0 + for (i in 1:n) { + sumx <- sumx + x[i] + sumx2 <- sumx2 + x[i]^2 + } + (sumx2 - (sumx^2)/n) / (n-1) + } > x <- 1:3 > varoneScalar(x) [1] 1 > varoneScalar(x+10^7) [1] 1 > ## half machine precision > varoneScalar(x+10^8) [1] 0 > xx <- rnorm(1000) > ## explicit loops are much slower in R > system.time(for (j in 1:1000) varoneScalar(xx)) user system elapsed 1.249 0.309 1.483 > system.time(for (j in 1:1000) varone(xx)) user system elapsed 0.020 0.002 0.021 > system.time(for (j in 1:1000) vartwo(xx)) user system elapsed 0.021 0.001 0.022 Appendix H Other Statistical Software The statistical analyses described in this book can be calculated with other software than R. Readers are welcome to work the examples and exercises in this book using other software. All datasets used in either the text or exercises are available in ASCII characters in csv (comma-separated-values) format in the zip file http://astro.ocis.temple.edu/~rmh/HH2/HH2datasets.zip The reader must be aware of several issues when using these datasets. 1. All data sets. The first row of the csv file contains variable names. There is one fewer name than columns of data with the convention that the initial unnamed column is the row number or row name. Missing observations are coded NA. Factors are stored as character strings. When converting them back to factors, verify that the factor levels are ordered correctly. Names (row names, column names, level names for factors, and values of character variables) may include blanks and other nonalphanumeric characters. 2. Time Series datasets. co2, elnino, employM16, nottem, ozone are stored one row per year in twelve columns named with the month names. Missing observations are coded NA. When converting this back to a time series in any software system, verify that the months are identified as a factor in the correct calendar order. Factor levels may include blanks and other non-alphanumeric characters. product, tser.mystery.X, tser.mystery.Y, tser.mystery.Z, tsq are stored as a single column named x. Read the problem description for any other information. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 773 774 H Other Statistical Software 3. Very Long character strings. SFF8121 contains very long character strings with embedded newline characters and with embedded commas. It is the only csv file in this set that has been saved with double quotes around all character strings. Appendix I Mathematics Preliminaries A certain degree of mathematical maturity is a prerequisite for understanding the material in this book. Many chapters in this book require a basic understanding of these areas of mathematics: • algebra • differential calculus • matrix algebra, with special attention devoted to quadratic forms, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, transformations of coordinate systems, and ellipsoids in matrix notation • combinations and permutations • floating point arithmetic This appendix provides a brief review of these topics at a level comparable to the book’s exposition of statistics. I.1 Algebra Review We begin with some topics in algebra, focusing on the case of two dimensions. The labels x and y are given to the horizontal and vertical dimensions, respectively. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 775 776 I Mathematics Preliminaries I.1.1 Line The general equation of a straight line is given by y = a + bx, where a and b are constants with b ±∞. The line in Figure I.1 intersects the y-axis at y = a and the x-axis at x = −a/b, and has slope b. 1 y = − 2 + x = a + bx 2 1 + 0 y −1 + −2 1 a 2 −3 −2 0 2 4 x Fig. I.1 Straight line y = 2 + 1/2x with intercepts and slope indicated. I.1.2 Parabola The general equation of a parabola having a vertical axis is the quadratic equation y = ax2 + bx + c for constants a, b, c with a 0. The graph of the parabola opens upward if a > 0 and attains a minimum when x = −b/2a. The graph opens downward if a < 0 and attains a maximum when x = −b/2a. The quantity d = b2 − 4ac is called the discriminant. The parabola intersects the horizontal axis at √ −b ± d (I.1) x= 2a The number of intersections, or real roots, is 2, 1, or 0 according to whether d >, =, < 0. The parabola intersects the y-axis at y = c. Equation (I.1) is referred to as the quadratic formula for solving the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0. We illustrate a parabola opening upward in Figure I.2. I.1 Algebra Review 777 y = (x + 5)(x − 3) = 1x2 + 2x − 15 = ax2 + bx + c root1 root2 minimum 10 5 0 y −5 −10 −15 minimum −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 x Fig. I.2 Parabola with x-roots and minimum indicated. I.1.3 Ellipse The equation x2 y2 + =1 a2 b2 represents an ellipse centered at (0, 0) with major and minor axes parallel to the coordinate system. When a > b, the semimajor axis has length a and the semiminor axis has length b. We graph a sample ellipse, with a = 3 and b = 2, in Figure I.3. An ellipse centered at (μ x , μy ) is obtained by replacing x and y in the above with x−μ x and y−μy , respectively. Ellipses having axes nonparallel to the coordinate system are important in statistics and will be discussed in Section I.4.13 as an example of the use of matrix notation. I.1.4 Simultaneous Equations A common algebraic problem is the determination of the solution to two (or more) simultaneous equations. In the case of two linear equations, the number of solutions may be 0, 1, or ∞. There are no solutions if the equations are contradictory, such as x + y = 8 and x + y = 9; there are an infinite number of solutions if one equation is indistinct from the other, for example x + y = 8 and 2x + 2y = 16. When there is a unique solution, several approaches exist for finding it. One of these is adding a carefully chosen multiple of one equation to the other equation so as to result in an easily solved new linear equation involving just one variable. For example, suppose 778 I Mathematics Preliminaries x2 y2 x2 y2 + = + =1 32 22 a2 b2 a b 2 1 y 0 −1 −2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x 2 Fig. I.3 Ellipse 2 x y + =1 32 22 the two equations are x+y = 8 and 2x−3y = 1. Adding three times the first equation to the second yields 5x + 0y = 25, which implies x = 5 and then y = 3. We illustrate in Figure I.4. I.1.5 Exponential and Logarithm Functions Two additional elementary functions are the exponential function and logarithmic function. The exponential function y = c1 ec2 x (where c1 , c2 are nonzero constants) has the property that the rate of change in y in response to a change in x is proportional to the current value of y. The logarithmic function y = c ln(x), x > 0 is useful in situations when successive changes in x are geometrical (i.e., proportional to the current value of x). The exponential function and the natural (to the base e) logarithm are inverse to each other. We illustrate both in Figure I.5. I.1 Algebra Review 779 x + y = 8, 2x − 3y = 1 4 + (5, 3) 3 2 =1 y = 8 2x 1 y −3 x+ y 0 0 2 4 6 8 x Fig. I.4 Solution of simultaneous equations at the intersection of the two straight lines described by the equations. 6 5 4 3 y= 2 dy dx = ex y 1 0 y = ln(x) ; −1 dy dx = 1 x −2 −3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x Fig. I.5 Exponential and logarithmic functions with derivatives at x=0. 6 780 I Mathematics Preliminaries 10 9 8 7 6 y 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x Fig. I.6 Asymptotes of the hyperbola y = 1/x at the horizontal axis as x → ∞ and the vertical axis as x → 0+ . I.1.6 Asymptote An asymptote is a straight line that is gradually approached by a curved line. This concept is used to describe the ultimate behavior of the curved line. For example in Figure I.6, the graph of y = 1x has the horizontal axis as its asymptote as x → ∞ and the vertical axis as its asymptote as x → 0+ . I.2 Elementary Differential Calculus If y = f (x) expresses the functional relationship between x and y, the derivative of y dy or D x y or f (x), is a new function of x. For each value with respect to x, denoted dx of x, f (x) gives the relative amount that y changes in response to a small change in x. For example, if y = f (x) = x2 , then it can be shown that f (x) = 2x. When x = 3, a small increase in x will beget a sixfold increase in y because f (3) = 2(3) = 6. Graphically, f (x0 ) is the slope of the straight line tangent to f (x) at x = x0 . If f (x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + . . . + am xm , an mth -degree polynomial, then f (x) = a1 + 2a2 x + 3a3 x2 + . . . + mam xm−1 . This rule can be used to differentiate (i.e., find the derivative of) many common functions. If f (x) can be expressed as the product of two functions, say f (x) = g(x) h(x), then its derivative is given by the product rule I.3 An Application of Differential Calculus 781 f (x) = g(x) h (x) + g (x) h(x). This can be used, for example, to find the derivative of (3x2 + 4x + 5)(−8x2 + 7x − 6) without first multiplying the quadratics. The most important application of f (x) is in finding relative extrema (i.e., maxima or minima) of f (x). A necessary condition for x0 to be an extremum of f (x) is that f (x0 ) = 0. This follows from the interpretation of the derivative as a tangent slope. Additional investigation is needed to confirm that such an x0 corresponds to either a maximum or minimum, and then to determine which of the two it is. For example, if f (x) = x3 − 3x, then f (x) = 3x2 − 3. Setting f (x) = 0, we find x = ±1. x = 1 corresponds to a local minimum and x = −1 corresponds to a local maximum. As another example, consider f (x) = x3 . While for this function, f (0) = 0, x = 0 is neither a relative minimum nor a relative maximum of f (x). Example of an Optimization Problem A rectangular cardboard poster is to have 150 square inches for printed matter. It is to have a 3-inch margin at the top and bottom and a 2-inch margin on each side. Find the dimensions of the poster so that the amount of cardboard used is minimized. Solution I.1. Let the vertical dimension of the printed matter be x. Then for the printed area to be 150, the horizontal dimension of the printed matter is 150 x . Then allowing for the margins, the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the poster are x + 6 and 150 x + 4. The product of these dimensions is the area of the poster that we seek to minimize: a(x) = 174 + 4x + 900 x . Taking the derivative and setting it equal to zero gives a (x) = 4 − 900x−2 = 0, which leads to the positive solution x = 15. Thus the minimum-sized poster with required printed area is 21 inches high by 14 inches wide, and its printed area is 15 inches high by 10 inches wide. I.3 An Application of Differential Calculus We introduce Newton’s method for solutions of an equation of the form f (x) = 0. A common application is the need to solve f (x) = 0 to find extrema, as discussed in Section I.2. Many equations of this type are readily solvable by successively moving toward isolation of a lone x on one side of the equation, or via a specialized technique such as the quadratic formula. In other situations one must employ one of the number of numerical techniques designed for this purpose, one of which is Newton’s method. Newton’s method has the disadvantage of requiring knowledge of the derivative f (x), but it will often converge to a solution within a small number of iterations. As with all procedures for dealing with this problem, one must start with a first 782 I Mathematics Preliminaries approximation x0 , and if this is “too far” from the solution x∗ , the procedure may fail to converge. The idea behind Newton’s method is not difficult to understand. It is based on the equation of the tangent line to f (x) at x = x0 . If this tangent line intersects the x-axis at x = x1 , then f (x0 ) = f (x0 ) f (x0 ) → x1 = x0 − x0 − x1 f (x0 ) The iteration then proceeds with x2 = x1 − f (x1 ) f (x1 ) and so on. An Illustration of Newton’s Method Consider solving f (x) = x3 − x − 5 = 0, f (x) = 3x2 − 1, and let x0 = 2. You can verify with Figure I.7 the following sequence: i xi 0 2.00000000 1 1.90909091 2 1.90417486 3 1.90416086 f (xi ) 1.00100 4.8810−2 1.3810−4 1.1410−9 I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra We next provide an overview of selected topics from matrix algebra that are useful in applied statistics. Not only do matrices (the plural of matrix) allow for a more concise notation than scalar algebra, but they are an indispensable tool for communicating statistical findings. Additional material on matrix algebra is contained in the appendices of most books dealing with regression analysis, linear models, or multivariate analysis. A matrix is a rectangular array consisting of r rows and c columns. A vector is a special type of matrix, having either r or c equal to 1. Data files are often arranged as a matrix, such that each variable is one column and each observation is one row. Systems of linear equations may be succinctly written in matrix notation. I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 783 4 f(x) = x3 − x − 5 3 y = − 21 + f′(x0)x y 2 x (2, 1) 1 + + x1 = 21 11 x0 = 2 0 −1 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 x Fig. I.7 An illustration of Newton’s Method. Multivariate analysis involves probability distributions of random vectors rather than scalar random variables. Each component of a random vector is a scalar random variable. The variances and covariances of the components of a random vector are arranged in a variance–covariance matrix. (Such a symmetric matrix V, also called covariance matrix or dispersion matrix, has the variances on the main diagonal and the covariance between variables i and j in its row i column j position. See Section 3.3.5.) The multivariate normal distribution of the random k-vector x with mean vector μ and covariance matrix V, with notation x ∼ N(μ, V) (I.2) and probability density function f (x) = 1 −1 e(x−μ) V (x−μ)/2 (2π)k/2 |V|1/2 (I.3) is the most important distribution used in multivariate analysis. We give examples of the bivariate (multivariate with k = 2) normal in Sections 3.3.5 and J.4.2. Matrices may be used to translate from one coordinate system to another. Orthogonal matrices perform rigid rotations in order to facilitate meaningful interpretation of results. 784 I Mathematics Preliminaries I.4.1 Elementary Operations sum: If two matrices are of the same size, their sum is the new matrix of this size comprised of the element-wise sums. The difference of two matrices of the same size is defined similarly. transpose: If A is an r × c matrix, then its transpose, denoted A , is the c × r matrix having columns identical to the rows of A and conversely. inner product: The inner product of two vectors of the same size, say u = (u1 , u2 , . . . , uk ) and v = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk ) , is written u v = v u = ki=1 ui vi , i.e., the sum of the products of the corresponding elements of the two vectors. The inner product of a vector with itself yields the sum of squares of the elements of this vector. A vector u is said to be normalized if u u = 1, i.e., if its (Euclidean) length equals 1. Two vectors u and v are said to be orthogonal if their inner product is zero: u v = 0. matrix product: The matrix product AB of an r × c matrix A with an m × n matrix B is defined when c = m. The element in row i and column j of AB is calculated as the inner product of the ith row of A and the jth column of B. The condition c = m assures that the vectors forming the inner products are of the same size. Matrix addition has the mathematical properties of commutativity and associativity. Matrix multiplication has only associativity. When AB is defined, BA may have different dimensions from AB or even be undefined. Matrix multiplication is used when expressing systems of linear equations in matrix notation. Earlier we considered the system x + y = 8 and 2x − 3y = 1. If we define the 2 × 1 vectors X = yx and c = 81 and the 2 × 2 matrix A = 12 −31 , then this system can be written AX = c. In this context, the matrix A is referred to as the coefficient matrix. transpose: The transpose of the product of two matrices is the product of their transposes in reverse order: (AB) = B A . square: A matrix is said to be square if it has the same number of rows as columns. identity: The n × n identity matrix has ones on its main diagonal positions (those where the row number equals the column number) and zeros everywhere else. Thus, for example, the 3 × 3 identity matrix is ⎛1 ⎜⎜⎜ I3 = ⎜⎜⎜⎝ 0 0 0 1 0 0 ⎞⎟⎟ ⎟ 0 ⎟⎟⎟⎠ 1 The identity matrix plays the same role in matrix notation as does the number 1 in scalar notation: If I denotes an identity matrix such that the indicated multiplication is defined, then AI = A and IA = A. I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra Jn : 785 We define Jn to be the n × n matrix having all entries equal to 1. symmetric: A square matrix A is said to be a symmetric matrix if A = A . This means that row number i corresponds to column number i for all i. Let ai j denote the element in row i and column j of matrix A. Then if A is square, its trace is the sum of its main diagonal elements: trace(A) = i aii . operation count: Numerical analysts count the number of multiplications in an algorithm as an indicator of the costliness of the algorithm. A vector inner product n i=1 ai bi , for example, takes n multiplications to complete. There are other operations (indexing, adding) that must also be performed. Rather than report them explicitly, we say instead that the amount of computation is proportional to the number of multiplications. We indicate the proportionality by saying the operation count is O(n) (read as “big ‘O’ of n”). Similarly, the operation count for matrix multiplication is proportional to n3 and is reported as O(n3 ). determinant: The determinant of a square matrix A, denoted |A|, is a scalar calculated from the elements of A. In the 2 × 2 case where a a12 A = 11 a21 a22 the determinant is |A| = a11 a22 − a21 a12 . If A is a square coefficient matrix of a system of linear equations (thus implying that the system has the same number of equations as unknowns), then the system has a unique solution if and only if |A| 0. The determinant has useful mathematical properties, but is totally impractical from a computational standpoint. It is almost never needed as an intermediate calculation. There is almost always a cheaper way to calculate the final answer. nonsingular: If |A| 0, then A is said to be a nonsingular matrix. There is no vector v other than v = 0 such that Av ≡ 0. inverse: A nonsingular matrix has associated with it a unique inverse, denoted A−1 . The inverse has the property that AA−1 = A−1 A = I. The unique solution to a system of linear equations AX = c is then X = A−1 c. For example, the inverse of 1 a11 a12 a22 −a12 A= is a21 a22 |A| −a21 a11 provided that |A| 0. Note that this is a mathematical identity. It is not to be interpreted as an algorithm for calculation of the inverse. As an algorithm it is very expensive, requiring O(2n3 ) arithmetic operations for an n × n matrix A. An efficient algorithm requires only O(n3 ) operations. singular: If |A| = 0, then A is said to be a singular matrix. There exists at least one vector v other than v = 0 such that Av ≡ 0. A singular matrix does not have an inverse. 786 I Mathematics Preliminaries idempotent: A square matrix A is said to be an idempotent matrix if AA = A, i.e., A equals the product of A with itself. A simple example is .5 −.5 −.5 .5 I.4.2 Linear Independence A matrix X consists of a set of column vectors X n×(1+p) = [1X1 X2 . . . X p ] = [X0 X1 X2 . . . X p ] The columns are numbered 0, 1, . . . , p. The matrix X is said to have linearly dependent columns if there exists a nonzero (1 + p)-vector such that X = 0 or, equivalently, ⎛ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜⎝⎜ j X j ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠ = (0) n×1 j n×1 The matrix X is said to have linearly independent columns if no such vector exists. For example, the matrix ⎛ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎜ 1 1 0 0 0 ⎟⎟⎟ ⎜⎜⎜ 1 0 1 0 0 ⎟⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ (I.4) X = ⎜⎜⎜⎜ ⎜⎜⎝ 1 0 0 1 0 ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠ 4×(1+4) 10001 has linearly dependent columns because there exists a vector = (−1 1 1 1 1) such that X = 0. The matrix ⎛ ⎜⎜⎜ 1 ⎜⎜⎜ 1 X(,−1) = ⎜⎜⎜⎜ ⎜⎜⎝ 1 4×(1+3) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ⎞ 0 ⎟⎟ ⎟ 0 ⎟⎟⎟⎟ ⎟ 0 ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠ 1 (I.5) has linearly independent columns because there exists no nonzero vector such that X = 0. The rank of a matrix is the number of linearly independent columns it contains. Both matrices above, X and X(,−1) in Equations (I.4) and (I.5), have rank 4. For any I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 787 matrix X, rank(X) = rank(X X). A full-rank matrix is one whose rank is equal to the minimum of its row and column dimensions, that is, rank A = min(r, c) r×c I.4.3 Rank The rank of a matrix A is the maximum number of linearly independent rows (equivalently, the maximum number of linearly independent columns) the matrix has. For example, the matrix ⎛1 ⎜⎜⎜ A = ⎜⎜⎜⎝ 1 1 1 2 3 2 ⎞⎟⎟ ⎟ 3 ⎟⎟⎟⎠ 4 has rank 2 since columns 1 and 2 add to column 3, but any two of the columns are linearly independent of one another (i.e., are not proportional to one another). I.4.4 Quadratic Forms A quadratic form is a scalar resulting from the matrix product x Ax, where x is a k × 1 vector and A is a k × k symmetric matrix. The matrix A is termed the matrix of the quadratic form. Complicated sums of squares and products as often occur in an analysis of variance can be written as quadratic forms. If x has a standardized multivariate normal distribution x ∼ N(0, I) [see Equation (I.2)], then x Ax has a χ2 -distribution with ν degrees of freedom if and only if A is an idempotent matrix with rank ν. For example, the numerator of the usual univariate sample variance, n 1 2 i=1 (xi − x̄) , can be written as x Ax where x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) and A = In − n Jn . It can be shown that this matrix A has rank n − 1, the degrees of freedom associated with the sample variance. If x is a random vector with expected value μ and covariance matrix V, then the expected value of the quadratic form x Ax is E(x Ax) = μ Aμ + trace(AV) Result (I.6) does not require that x has a multivariate normal distribution. A square symmetric matrix A is said to be a positive definite (abbreviated p.d.) matrix if x Ax > 0 for all vectors x other than a vector of zeros. The matrix associated with the quadratic form representation of a sum of squares is always p.d. 788 I Mathematics Preliminaries I.4.5 Orthogonal Transformations A matrix M is said to be orthogonal if M M = I. An example is ⎛ √ ⎜⎜⎜ 1/ 3 ⎜⎜⎜ √ M = ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜ 1/ 3 ⎜⎜⎝ √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 2 √ −1/ 2 0 √ ⎞ 1/ 6 ⎟⎟⎟⎟ √ ⎟⎟⎟ 1/ 6 ⎟⎟⎟⎟ √ ⎟⎟⎠ −2/ 6 A transformation based on an orthogonal matrix is called an orthogonal transformation. Such transformations are rotations that preserve relative distances: y = Mx → y y = x M Mx = x x. Orthogonal transformations are frequently encountered in statistics. A common use of them is to transform from a correlated set of random variables x to an uncorrelated set y. The columns of an orthogonal matrix are said to be orthonormal. The columns are orthogonal to each other, that is M,j M, j = 0 for j j . In addition, the columns have been scaled so that M,j M, j = 1. I.4.6 Orthogonal Basis If rank A = p < min(r, c) and c ≤ r, then any set of p linearly independent r×c columns of A constitutes a basis for A. The set of all vectors that can be expressed as a linear combination Xv of the columns of A is called the column space of A, denoted C(A). Therefore, C(A) is completely specified by any basis of A. We say that the columns of the basis span the column space of A. An orthogonal basis for A is a basis for A with the property that any two vectors comprising it are orthogonal. Starting from an arbitrary basis for A, algorithms are available for constructing an orthogonal basis for A. We show one algorithm, the Gram–Schmidt process, in Section I.4.8. A basis set of column vectors for a matrix X is a set of column vectors Ui that span the same linear space as the original columns Xi . An orthogonal basis is a set of column vectors that are mutually orthogonal, that is Ui U j = 0 for i j. An orthonormal basis is an orthogonal basis whose columns have been rescaled to have norm Ui = Ui Ui = 1. I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 789 I.4.7 Matrix Factorization—QR Any rectangular matrix X can be factored into the product of an matrix with orn×m thogonal columns Q and an upper triangular R m×m n×m X = Q n×m R n×m m×m The columns of Q span the same column space as the columns of the original matrix X. This means that any linear combination of the columns of X, say Xv, can be constructed as a linear combination of the columns of Q. Specifically, using the associative law, Xv = (QR)v = Q(Rv). The numerically efficient R function qr is the computational heart of the linear models and analysis of variance functions. The intermediate matrices Q and R are usually not explicitly produced. If you wish to see them, use the qr.Q and qr.R functions. An example showing the QR factorization using the qr function is in Table I.1. An expository R function illustrating the construction of the QR factorization is in Section I.4.8. I.4.8 Modified Gram–Schmidt (MGS) Algorithm There are many algorithms available to construct the matrix factorization. We show one, the Modified Gram–Schmidt (MGS) algorithm Bjork (1967). “Modified” means that the entire presentation is in terms of the columns Qi of the matrix under construction. The MGS algorithm is numerically stable when calculated in finite precision. The original Gram–Schmidt (GS) algorithm, which constructs Q in terms of the columns Xi of the original matrix, is not numerically stable and should not be used for computation. Let Xn×m = [X1 X2 . . . Xm ]. The results of the factorization will be stored in Qn×m and Rm×m . The columns of X and Q and both the rows and columns of R are numbered 1, . . . , m. 790 I Mathematics Preliminaries Table I.1 Illustration of QR algorithm to factor X into the product of an orthogonal matrix and an upper triangular matrix. > X <- matrix(c(1,3,6,4,2,3,8,6,4,5,3,2), 4, 3) > X [1,] [2,] [3,] [4,] [,1] [,2] [,3] 1 2 4 3 3 5 6 8 3 4 6 2 > crossprod(X) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 62 83 45 [2,] 83 113 59 [3,] 45 59 54 > ## use the efficient calculation > X.qr <- qr(X) > qr.Q(X.qr) ## display q [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] -0.127 0.48139 0.8188 [2,] -0.381 -0.73969 0.4755 [3,] -0.762 -0.02348 -0.3038 [4,] -0.508 0.46965 -0.1057 > qr.R(X.qr) ## display r [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] -7.874 -10.541 -5.7150 [2,] 0.000 1.374 -0.9041 [3,] 0.000 0.000 4.5301 > zapsmall(crossprod(qr.Q(X.qr))) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 0 0 [2,] 0 1 0 [3,] 0 0 1 > crossprod(qr.R(X.qr)) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 62 83 45 [2,] 83 113 59 [3,] 45 59 54 > qr.X(X.qr) ## reproduce X [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 2 4 [2,] 3 3 5 [3,] 6 8 3 [4,] 4 6 2 ## identity ## reproduce crossprod(X) I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 791 We will construct Q and R in steps. 1. Initialize R to 0. R←0 2. Initialize Q to X. Q←X 3. Initialize the column counter. i←1 4. Normalize column Qi . ri,i ← Qi Qi Qi ← Qi /ri,i If i = m, we are done. 5. For each of the remaining columns Q j , j = i + 1, . . . , m, find the component of Q j orthogonal to Qi by ri, j ← Qi Q j Q j ← Q j − Qi ri, j 6. Update the column counter. i ← i+1 7. Repeat steps 4–6 until completion. An R version of this expository algorithm is in Table I.2. An example using the expository function is in Table I.3. 792 I Mathematics Preliminaries Table I.2 An expository algorithm for the Modified Gram–Schmidt Algorithm. The function is a direct translation of the pseudo-code in Section I.4.8. ## modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization mgs <- function(x) { ## modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization ## this is an expository algorithm ## this is not an efficient computing algorithm ## q[,j] is the normalized residual from the least squares fit of ## x[,j] on the preceding normalized columns q[,1:(j-1)] n <- nrow(x) m <- ncol(x) q <- x r <- matrix(0, m, m) for (i in 1:m) { r[i,i] <- sqrt(sum(q[,i]^2)) ## length of q[,i] q[,i] <- q[,i] / r[i,i] ## normalize q[,i] if (i < m) { ## if we still have columns to go for (j in (i+1):m) { r[i,j] <- sum(q[,i] * q[,j]) ## length of projection of q[,j] on q[,i] q[,j] <- q[,j] - q[,i] * r[i,j] ## remove projection of q[,j] on q[,i] } } } list(q=q, r=r) } I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 793 Table I.3 Illustration of the expository algorithm for the Modified Gram–Schmidt Algorithm shown in Table I.2. These are the same values (up to multiplication by −1) as calculated by the qr function in Table I.1. X <- matrix(c(1,3,6,4,2,3,8,6,4,5,3,2), 4, 3) X crossprod(X) ## use the expository function defined in the previous chunk X.mgs <- mgs(X) X.mgs ## q is orthogonal, r is upper triangular ## These are identical to the results of qr(X) ## up to the sign of the columns of q and the rows of r. zapsmall(crossprod(X.mgs$q)) ## identity crossprod(X.mgs$r) ## reproduces crossprod(X) X.mgs$q %*% X.mgs$r ## reproduces X I.4.9 Matrix Factorization—Cholesky Any square positive definite matrix S can be factored into the product of an upper m×m triangle matrix R and its transpose n×m S = R R When S has been constructed as the cross product S = X X of a rectangular matrix X , then the upper triangular matrix R is the same matrix we get from the QR n×m factorization. S = X X = (QR) (QR) = R (Q Q)R = R R The numerically efficient R function chol is illustrated in Table I.4. I.4.10 Orthogonal Polynomials Consider the k-vector v = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk ) , where v1 < v2 < . . . < vk . Construct a matrix V = [v0 , v1 , v2 , . . . , vk−1 ], where we use the notation v j = (v1j , v2j , . . . , vkj ) 794 I Mathematics Preliminaries Table I.4 Illustration of Cholesky factorization of a square positive definite matrix into an upper triangular factor and its transpose. > X <- matrix(c(1,3,6,4,2,3,8,6,4,5,3,2), 4, 3) > M <- crossprod(X) > M [1,] [2,] [3,] [,1] [,2] [,3] 62 83 45 83 113 59 45 59 54 > chol(M) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 7.874 10.541 5.7150 [2,] 0.000 1.374 -0.9041 [3,] 0.000 0.000 4.5301 > crossprod(chol(M)) ## reproduce M [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 62 83 45 [2,] 83 113 59 [3,] 45 59 54 An orthogonal basis Q constructed from the matrix V is called a set of orthogonal polynomials. In the analysis of variance and related techniques, we often construct dummy variables for ordered factors from a set of contrasts that are orthogonal polynomials. See Figure 10.4 and the surrounding discussion in Section 10.4 for an illustration. I.4.11 Projection Matrices Given any matrix X = Q n×m R the matrix PX = X(X X)−1 X = QQ is a projection n×m m×m n×n matrix that projects an n-vector y onto the space spanned by the columns of X, that is, the product PX y is in the column space C(X). If X has m columns and rank r ≤ m, then the eigenvalues of PX consist of r 1s and m − r 0s. See Table I.5. I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 795 Table I.5 Projection of a 3-vector onto the space of its first two coordinates. > X <- matrix(c(3,1,0, 1,2,0, 0,0,0), 3, 3) > P <- cbind(qr.Q(qr(X))[, 1:2], 0) > P [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] -0.9487 0.3162 0 [2,] -0.3162 -0.9487 0 [3,] 0.0000 0.0000 0 > crossprod(P) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 0 0 [2,] 0 1 0 [3,] 0 0 0 > y <- matrix(1:3) > y [1,] [2,] [3,] [,1] 1 2 3 > P %*% y [,1] [1,] -0.3162 [2,] -2.2136 [3,] 0.0000 > sqrt(sum(y[1:2,]^2)) [1] 2.236 > sqrt(sum((P %*% y)^2)) [1] 2.236 I.4.12 Geometry of Matrices We provide some details of the application to two-dimensional geometry. Each twodimensional vector represents a point; alternatively, a directed line segment from the origin to this point. A 2 × 2 matrix postmultiplied by a vector transforms this point to another point. Consider the orthogonal matrix cos(θ) sin(θ) M= − sin(θ) cos(θ) 796 I Mathematics Preliminaries 2 v u y 1 θ 0 −1 −2 −2 −1 0 1 2 x Fig. I.8 Rotation of a vector u and its coordinate system into v by angle θ. and let u be a 2 × 1 vector representing a point in two dimensions. Then v = Mu produces a new point v which is where u appears in the new coordinate system formed by rotating the old one θ degrees around the origin. See Figure I.8. If x and y are each √ two-dimensional vectors and θ is the angle between them, then cos(θ) = x y/ x x y y = corr(x, y), the correlation between these two vectors. Note that if the vectors are orthogonal so that x y = 0, then cos(θ) = 0 and θ = 90◦ . I.4.13 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Next we study the concepts of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of an n × n symmetric matrix V. If Vξ = λξ, where ξ is an n × 1 vector and λ is a scalar, then λ is said to be an eigenvalue of V with corresponding eigenvector ξ. Without loss of generality, we can take the eigenvector to be normalized. Geometrically, the matrix V transforms its eigenvectors into multiples of themselves. Any two distinct eigenvectors are orthogonal: ξi ξ j = 0, i j. V can be written as its spectral decomposition V = i λi ξi ξi . V can be written as its eigenvalue factorization V = ΞΛΞ . A matrix is nonsingular if and only if it has only nonzero eigenvalues. A matrix is positive definite if and only if all of its eigenvalues are positive. The eigenvalues of V −1 are the reciprocals of the eigenvalues of V. The determinant of a matrix I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 797 equals the product of its eigenvalues |V| = λi , and calculating the eigenvalues is normally the most efficient way to calculate the determinant. The trace of a matrix equals the sum of its eigenvalues trace(V) = λi . Consider the problem of choosing x to maximize x V x subject to x x = 1. The maximum value is the largest eigenvalue of V and is attained when x is the eigenvector corresponding to this eigenvalue. Similarly, x V x is minimized (subject to x x = 1) at the value of the smallest eigenvalue of V, occurring at the corresponding eigenvector. Here is an example of hand calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Consider the 2 × 2 matrix 2 1 V= 1 1 Its 2 eigenvalues are the 2 scalar solutions λ to the equation |V − λI| = 0. Taking the determinant leads to (2 − λ)(1 − λ) − 1 = 0 =⇒ λ2 − 3λ + 1 = 0 =⇒ λ = (3 ± √ 5)/2, which expands to ≈ 2.618 or ≈ 0.382. (Note that we are explicit about the approximation to 3 decimal digits. Our usual practice is not to round answers.) The corresponding to λ ≈ 2.618 is the solution to the equation Vξ ≈ eigenvector ξ = ξξ11 21 2.618ξ. This implies that 2ξ11 + ξ21 ≈ 2.618ξ11 , and coupled with the normalization 2 2 + ξ21 = 1 we find that ξ11 ≈ .8507 and ξ21 ≈ .5257. The eigenvector restriction ξ11 corresponding to the other eigenvalue is found similarly. As a geometric application of eigenvalues, consider the ellipse having equation (x − μ) V −1 (x − μ) = b. In statistics, this ellipse based on the inverse V −1 is the form of a confidence ellipse for μ. Let λ1 < λ2 be the eigenvalues of V with corresponding ξ12 = , ξ normalized eigenvectors ξ1 = ξξ11 2 ξ22 . Then the semimajor axis of this ellipse 21 √ √ has length λ2 b and the semiminor axis has length λ1 b. The angle between the . extension of the semimajor axis and the horizontal axis is arctan ξξ12 22 2 1 Continuing the example, we calculate the eigenvalues of V = 1 1 in Table I.6 and graph the ellipse x V x = x 21 11 x = 1 in Figure I.9. I.4.14 Singular Value Decomposition Let M be an arbitrary r × c matrix, U the r × r matrix containing the eigenvectors of MM , and W the c × c matrix containing the eigenvectors of M M. Let Δ be the r × c matrix having δi j = 0 (i j). If r ≥ c (the usual case in statistical applications), define δii = the square root of the eigenvalue of M M corresponding to the eigenvector in the ith column of W. If r < c, define δii = the square root of the eigenvalue of MM corresponding to the eigenvector in the ith column of U. Then the singular value decomposition of M is M = UΔW. Note that the number of 798 I Mathematics Preliminaries Table I.6 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of V = 2 1 . 1 1 > V <- matrix(c(2, 1, 1, 1), 2, 2) > V [1,] [2,] [,1] [,2] 2 1 1 1 > eV <- eigen(V) > eV $values [1] 2.618 0.382 $vectors [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.8507 0.5257 [2,] -0.5257 -0.8507 > sqrt(eV$val) ## semimajor and semiminor axis lengths [1] 1.618 0.618 > ## angle of axes in radians > atan(c(eV$vec[2,1]/eV$vec[1,1], eV$vec[2,2]/eV$vec[1,2])) [1] 0.5536 -1.0172 > ## = -pi/2 ## right angle > diff(atan(c(eV$vec[2,1]/eV$vec[1,1], eV$vec[2,2]/eV$vec[1,2]))) [1] -1.571 nonzero diagonal values in Δ is min(r, c). We show a numerical example in standard mathematical notation in Table I.7. We show the same example calculated with the svd function in Tables I.8 and I.9. I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 799 1.0 0.5 y 0.0 λ2 λ1 −0.5 ξ1 ξ2 −1.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 x 2 1 x = 1. We show the unit circle with the normalized eigenvectors, Fig. I.9 Ellipse x V x = x 1 1 the ellipse, and the semimajor and semiminor axes whose lengths are the eigenvalues multiplied by the square root of the eigenvectors. Table I.7 Matrix multiplication of the components of the Singular Value Decomposition of the matrix M in Table I.9). ⎡ ⎤ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ 1 2 4 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢⎢ M = UΔV = ⎢⎢ 3 3 5 ⎥⎥⎥⎥ = ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ 6 8 3 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 462 ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎤⎡ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎡ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ −0.2561 0.6098 −0.6935 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ 14.481 0.000 0.000 ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ −0.5383 −0.7246 −0.4302 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ −0.4102 0.6334 0.5907 ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0.000 4.324 0.000 ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ −0.2099 −0.3791 0.9012 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎢⎢⎢ −0.7125 −0.3674 0.1755 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢⎣ ⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎦⎥ ⎦ ⎥⎦ 0.000 0.000 0.783 ⎢⎣ 0.8162 −0.5755 −0.0520 −0.5084 −0.3034 −0.3733 800 I Mathematics Preliminaries Table I.8 Illustration of singular value decomposition, part I (to be continued in Table I.9). > M <- matrix(c(1,3,6,4,2,3,8,6,4,5,3,2), 4, 3) > M [1,] [2,] [3,] [4,] [,1] [,2] [,3] 1 2 4 3 3 5 6 8 3 4 6 2 > M.svd <- svd(M) > M.svd $d [1] 14.4806 4.3243 0.7825 $u [1,] [2,] [3,] [4,] [,1] [,2] [,3] -0.2561 0.6098 -0.6935 -0.4102 0.6334 0.5907 -0.7125 -0.3674 0.1755 -0.5084 -0.3034 -0.3733 $v [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] -0.5383 -0.2099 0.81617 [2,] -0.7246 -0.3791 -0.57547 [3,] -0.4302 0.9012 -0.05198 > zapsmall(crossprod(M.svd$u)) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 0 0 [2,] 0 1 0 [3,] 0 0 1 > zapsmall(crossprod(M.svd$v)) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 0 0 [2,] 0 1 0 [3,] 0 0 1 > M.svd$u %*% diag(M.svd$d) %*% t(M.svd$v) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 2 4 [2,] 3 3 5 [3,] 6 8 3 [4,] 4 6 2 I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 801 Table I.9 Illustration of singular value decomposition, part II (continued from Table I.8). Relation between singular value decomposition and Eigenvalue decomposition. > eigen(tcrossprod(M)) $values [1] 2.097e+02 1.870e+01 6.123e-01 -5.978e-15 $vectors [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -0.2561 0.6098 0.6935 -0.2857 [2,] -0.4102 0.6334 -0.5907 0.2857 [3,] -0.7125 -0.3674 -0.1755 -0.5714 [4,] -0.5084 -0.3034 0.3733 0.7143 > eigen(crossprod(M)) $values [1] 209.6877 18.7000 0.6123 $vectors [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] -0.5383 -0.2099 0.81617 [2,] -0.7246 -0.3791 -0.57547 [3,] -0.4302 0.9012 -0.05198 > M.svd$d^2 [1] 209.6877 18.7000 0.6123 I.4.15 Generalized Inverse For any rectangular matrix X = UΔW , the Moore–Penrose generalized inverse is n×m defined as X − = WΔ−1 U Since Δ = diag(δi ) is a diagonal matrix, its inverse is Δ−1 = diag(δ−1 i ). The definition is extended to the situation when rank(X) < min(n, m) by using 0−1 = 0. See Table I.10 for an example. When rank(X) = m = n, hence the inverse exists, the generalized inverse is equal to the inverse. 802 I Mathematics Preliminaries Table I.10 Illustration of the generalized inverse. > M <- matrix(c(1,3,6,4,2,3,8,6,4,5,3,2), 4, 3) > M [1,] [2,] [3,] [4,] [,1] [,2] [,3] 1 2 4 3 3 5 6 8 3 4 6 2 > library(MASS) > Mi <- ginv(M) > Mi [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -0.7434 0.6006 0.22741 -0.35569 [2,] 0.4694 -0.4694 -0.06122 0.32653 [3,] 0.1808 0.1050 -0.06706 -0.02332 > zapsmall(eigen(M %*% Mi)$value) [1] 1 1 1 0 > zapsmall(Mi %*% M) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 0 0 [2,] 0 1 0 [3,] 0 0 1 > M.svd$v %*% diag(1/M.svd$d) %*% t(M.svd$u) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -0.7434 0.6006 0.22741 -0.35569 [2,] 0.4694 -0.4694 -0.06122 0.32653 [3,] 0.1808 0.1050 -0.06706 -0.02332 I.4 Topics in Matrix Algebra 803 I.4.16 Solving Linear Equations There are three cases. I.4.16.1 n = m = rank(X) Given a matrix X and an n-vector y, the solution β of the linear equation n×m y = Xβ is uniquely defined by β = X −1 y when X is invertible, that is when n = m = rank(X). I.4.16.2 n > m = rank(X) When n > m = rank(X), the linear equation is said to be overdetermined. Some form of arbitrary constraint is needed to find a solution. The most frequently used technique is least-squares, a technique in which β̂ is chosen to minimize the norm of the residual vector. ⎛ ⎞2 n ⎜ m ⎟⎟⎟ ⎜⎜⎜ 2 ⎜⎝⎜yi − min y − Xβ = xi j β j ⎟⎟⎠⎟ β i=1 j=1 The solution β̂ is found by solving the related linear equations X y = X X β̂ The solution is often expressed as β̂ = (X X)−1 (X y) = X − y This is a definition, not an efficient computing algorithm. The primary efficient algorithm in R is the QR algorithm as defined in qr and related functions, including lm. 804 I Mathematics Preliminaries I.4.16.3 m > p = rank(X) When m > p = rank(X), there are an infinite number of solutions to the linear equation. The singular value decomposition X = UΔW will have m − p zero values along the diagonal of Δ. Let β0 be one solution. Then 0 βγ = β0 + W γ where 0 is a vector of p zeros and γ is any vector of length m − p, is also a solution. I.5 Combinations and Permutations I.5.1 Factorial For a positive integer n, the notation n!, read “n factorial”, is used to indicate the product of all the integers from 1 through n: n! = n × (n − 1) × . . . × 1 = n × (n − 1)! The factorial of zero, 0!, is separately defined to equal 1. Thus n 0 1 2 3 4 5 .. . n 0 1 2 3 4 5 .. . = n = 1 = 1 = 2 = 6 = 24 = 120 .. . = = = = = = = = = n((n − 1)!) 1 1×1 2×1 3×2 4×6 5 × 24 .. . I.5.2 Permutations The notation n P p , read “n permute p”, indicates the number of ways to select p distinct items from n possible items where two different orderings of the same p items are considered to be distinct. Equivalently, n P p is the number of distinct ways of arranging p items from n possible items: I.6 Exercises 805 n Pp = n! (n − p)! For example, 5 P3 = 5×4×3×2×1 5! = = 5 × 4 × 3 = 60 (5 − 3)! 2×1 I.5.3 Combinations The notation nC p or np , read “n choose p”, indicates the number of ways to select p distinct items from n possible items, where two different orderings of the same p items are considered to be the same selection. Equivalently, nC p is the number of distinct ways of choosing p items from n possible items: n n! n Pp = =n C p = p p ! × (n − p)! p! For example, 5 5! 5×4×3×2×1 5×4 5C3 = = = = 10 = 3 2! 3!(5 − 3)! (3 × 2 × 1)(2 × 1) 2 × 1 I.6 Exercises Exercise I.1. Start from the matrix in Equation (I.6) ⎛1 ⎜⎜⎜ A = ⎜⎜⎜⎝ 1 1 1 2 3 2 ⎞⎟⎟ ⎟ 3 ⎟⎟⎟⎠ 4 Give an example of a basis for A. Then give an example of a vector in C(A) and also a vector not in C(A). Give an example of an orthogonal basis of A, demonstrating that it is orthogonal. Verify that Equation (I.6) defines a family of solutions to the set of linear equations with p = rank(X) < m. Appendix J Probability Distributions We list, with some discussion, several common probability distributions. We illustrate 21 distributions, 20 distributions in the R stats package and one in the HH package, for which all three functions (d* for density, p* for probability, and q* for quantile) are available. We also include the Studentized Range distribution for which only the p* and q* functions are available, and the discrete multinomial and continuous multivariate normal. The d* functions give the density f (x) for continuous distributions or the discrete density f (i) for discrete distributions. The p* functions give the cumulative distribution, the probability that an observation is less than or equal to the value x ⎧ x ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ f (x) dx for continuous distributions ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ −∞ F(x) = P(X ≤ x) = ⎪ x ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ f (i) for discrete distributions ⎪ ⎩ i=−∞ The q* functions give the quantiles F −1 (p), that is the inverse of the probability function F(x). In the example illustrations all three functions (d*, p*, and q*) are shown and evaluated at sample X and for specific values of the parameters. For distributions with finite support, the entire domain of x is shown. For distributions with infinite support, the domain of x showing most of the probability is shown. For the continuous distributions, we show the plot of the density function. The darker color shows the probability (area) to the left of x, and the lighter color shows the probability (area) to the right of x. d*(X) gives the height of the density function at X, p*(X) gives the probability (area) to the left of X, and q*(p) recovers X from the probability p. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 807 808 J Probability Distributions For the discrete distributions, we show the plot of the discrete density function. The darkest color shows the probability at X, the intermediate color shows the probability strictly left of X, and the lightest color shows the probability to the right of X. d*(X) gives the probability at X, p*(X) gives the probability to the left of and including X, and q*(p) recovers X from the probability p. We list the continuous central distributions in Section J.1, the continuous noncentral distributions in Section J.2, and the discrete distributions in Section J.3. Within each section the distributions are ordered alphabetically. J.1 Continuous Central Distributions J.1.1 Beta dbeta(x, shape1 = 85.5, shape2 = 15.5) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x > dbeta(.85, shape1=85.5, shape2=15.5) [1] 11.22 > pbeta(.85, shape1=85.5, shape2=15.5) [1] 0.5131 > qbeta(0.5131489, shape1=85.5, shape2=15.5) [1] 0.85 This two-parameter distribution is often used to model phenomena restricted to the range (0, 1), for example sample proportions. It is used in Section 5.1.2 to construct alternative one-sided confidence intervals on a population proportion. J.1 Continuous Central Distributions 809 J.1.2 Cauchy dcauchy(x) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 −20 −10 0 10 20 x > dcauchy(1.96) [1] 0.06574 > pcauchy(1.96) [1] 0.8498 > qcauchy(0.8498286) [1] 1.96 The Cauchy distribution is the same as the t-distribution with 1 degree of freedom. It’s special feature is that it does not have a finite population mean. J.1.3 Chi-Square dchisq(x, df = 10) 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 5 10 15 x > dchisq(18.31, df=10) [1] 0.01547 > pchisq(18.31, df=10) [1] 0.95 > qchisq(0.9500458, df=10) [1] 18.31 20 25 810 J Probability Distributions The central χ2 distribution with k degrees of freedom is the distribution of the sum of squares of k independent standard normal r.v.’s. If k > 2, a χ2 r.v. has a unimodal, positively skewed PDF starting at zero and asymptotically tapering to the horizontal axis for large values. The mean of this distribution is k, and k is also approximately its median if k is large. The r.v. [(n−1)s2 ]/σ2 , where s2 is the variance of a normal sample, has a χ2 distribution with n − 1 degrees of freedom. This distribution is used in inferences about the variance (or s.d.) of a single population and as the approximate distribution of many nonparametric test statistics, including goodness-of-it tests and tests for association in contingency tables. J.1.4 Exponential dexp(x, rate = 0.6) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 x > dexp(1, rate=.6) [1] 0.3293 > pexp(1, rate=.6) [1] 0.4512 > qexp(0.4511884, rate=.6) [1] 1 μ is both the mean and standard deviation of this distribution. R parameterizes the exponential distribution with the rate 1/μ, the reciprocal of the mean μ. Times between successive Poisson events with mean rate of occurrence μ have the exponential distribution. The exponential distribution is the only distribution with the “lack of memory” or “lack of deterioration” property, which states that the probability that an exponential random variable exceeds t1 + t2 given that it exceeds t1 equals the probability that it exceeds t2 . J.1 Continuous Central Distributions 811 J.1.5 F df(x, df1 = 4, df2 = 20) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x > df(3, df1=4, df2=20) [1] 0.0469 > pf(3, df1=4, df2=20) [1] 0.9568 > qf(0.956799, df1=4, df2=20) [1] 3 The F distribution is related to the χ2 distribution. If Ui , for i = {1, 2}, is a χ2 r.v. with νi degrees of freedom, and if U1 and U2 are independent, then F = U1 /U2 has an F distribution with ν1 and ν2 df. This distribution is extensively used in problems involving the comparison of variances of two normal populations or comparisons of means of two or more normal populations. J.1.6 Gamma dgamma(x, shape = 3) 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 2 4 6 x 8 812 J Probability Distributions > dgamma(6, shape=3) [1] 0.04462 > pgamma(6, shape=3) [1] 0.938 > qgamma(0.9380312, shape=3) [1] 6 From ?dgamma: The Gamma distribution with parameters ’shape’ = a and ’scale’ = s has density f (x) = 1/(sa Γ(a))x(a−1) e−(x/s) for x ≥ 0, a > 0 and s > 0. (Here Γ(a) is the function implemented by R’s gamma() and defined in its help. Note that a = 0 corresponds to the trivial distribution with all mass at point 0.) The mean and variance are E(X) = a × s and Var(X) = a × s2 . The special case of the gamma distribution with shape=1 is the exponential distribution. J.1.7 Log Normal dlnorm(x) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 x > dlnorm(5) [1] 0.02185 > plnorm(5) [1] 0.9462 > qlnorm(0.9462397) [1] 5 J.1 Continuous Central Distributions 813 A r.v. X is said to have a lognormal distribution with parameters μ and σ if Y = ln(X) is N(μ, σ2 ); i.e., if Y is normal, then eY is lognormal. This is a positively skewed unimodal distribution defined for x > 0. It is commonly used as a good approximation for positively skewed data, such as a distribution of income. J.1.8 Logistic dlogis(x) 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 −4 −2 0 2 4 x > dlogis(2) [1] 0.105 > plogis(2) [1] 0.8808 > qlogis(0.8807971) [1] 2 From ?dlogis: The Logistic distribution with location=m and scale=s has distribution function F(x) = 1/ 1 + exp (−(x − m)/s) and density f (x) = (1/s) exp ((x − m)/s) 1 + exp ((x − m)/s) −2 . It is a long-tailed distribution with mean m and variance (π2 /3)s2 . qlogis(p) is the same as the well known logit function, logit(p) = log(p/(1 − p)), the log odds function, and plogis(x) has consequently been called the inverse logit. The distribution function is a rescaled hyperbolic tangent, plogis(x) = (1 + tanh(x/2)) /2, and it is called a sigmoid function in contexts such as neural networks. 814 J Probability Distributions J.1.9 Normal dnorm(x, m = 0, s = 1) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 −2 −1 0 1 2 x > dnorm(1.645, m=0, s=1) [1] 0.1031 > pnorm(1.645, m=0, s=1) [1] 0.95 > qnorm(0.95, m=0, s=1) [1] 1.645 This distribution was introduced in Section 3.4.2. If Z is standard normal N(0, 1), the standard normal density φ and cumulative distribution Φ functions are 2 z 1 φ(z) = √ exp 2 2π Z φ(z) dz Φ(Z) = −∞ The general density, for random variable x with mean μ and variance σ2 , is x − μ (x − μ)2 1 1 exp f (x | μ, σ2 ) = φ = √ σ σ 2σ2 2πσ2 The term probit is an alternate notation for the inverse function Φ−1 . q = Φ−1 (p) = probit(P) is the inverse function such that p = Φ(q). J.1 Continuous Central Distributions 815 J.1.10 Studentized Range Distribution ptukey(x, nmeans=4, df=12) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x > ptukey(4.199, nmeans=4, df=12) [1] 0.95 > qtukey(0.95, nmeans=4, df=12) [1] 4.199 This distribution is used in the Tukey multiple comparisons procedure discussed of in Section 6.3. Let ȳ(1) and ȳ(a) denote the smallest and largest means of samples √ size n drawn from a populations having a common variance σ2 , and let s = MSRes be the estimate of σ calculated from the ANOVA table, for example, Table 6.2. Then the random variable Q= ȳ(a) − ȳ(1) √ s/ n has a Studentized range distribution with parameters a and dfRes = a(n − 1). The Studentized range distribution is defined on the domain 0 ≤ q < ∞. R provides the ptukey and qtukey functions, but not the density function dtukey. We therefore show the cumulative probability function instead of the density for the Studentized range distribution. 816 J Probability Distributions J.1.11 (Student’s) T dt(x, df = 4) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 −4 −2 0 2 4 x > dt(2, df=4) [1] 0.06629 > pt(2, df=4) [1] 0.9419 > qt(0.9419417, df=4) [1] 2 This distribution was introduced in Section 3.4.3. J.1.12 Uniform dunif(x) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x > dunif(.7) [1] 1 > punif(.7) [1] 0.7 > qunif(.7) [1] 0.7 All real numbers between a and b are equally likely. The standard case has a = 0 and b = 1. Hypothesis tests work by mapping an appropriate null distribution to the uniform (with the appropriate p* function in R). J.2 Noncentral Continuous Probability Distributions 817 J.1.13 Weibull dweibull(x, shape = 4) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 x > dweibull(1.3, shape=4) [1] 0.5052 > pweibull(1.3, shape=4) [1] 0.9425 > qweibull(0.9425075, shape=4) [1] 1.3 From dweibull: The Weibull distribution with ’shape’ parameter a and ’scale’ parameter b has density given by f (x) = (a/b) (x/b)(a−1) exp(−(x/b)a ) for x > 0. The cumulative distribution function is F(x) = 1 − exp(−(x/b)a ) on x > 0, the mean is E(X) = bΓ(1 + 1/a), and the Var(X) = b2 Γ(1 + 2/a) − (Γ(1 + 1/a))2 . J.2 Noncentral Continuous Probability Distributions In hypothesis testing, except in special cases such as testing with the normal distribution, one deals with a central distribution when the null hypothesis is true and an analogous noncentral distribution when the null hypothesis is false. Thus calculations of probabilities under the alternative hypothesis, as are required when doing Type II error analysis and when constructing O.C. (beta curves) and power curves, necessitate the use of noncentral distributions. The forms of the t, chi-square, and F distributions we’ve considered thus far have all been central distributions. For example, if X̄ is the mean and s the standard deviation of a random sample of size n from a normal population with mean μ, then √ t = ( x̄ − μ)/(s/ n) has a central t distribution with n − 1 df. Suppose, however, that the population mean is instead μ1 , different from μ. Then t above is said to have a noncentral t distribution with n − 1 df and a noncentrality parameter proportional to 818 J Probability Distributions ((μ − μ1 )/σ)2 . (If μ = μ1 , so that the noncentrality parameter is zero, the noncentral t distribution reduces to the central t distribution.) A noncentral chi-square (χ2 ) r.v. is a sum of squares of independent normal r.v.’s each with s.d. 1 but at least some of which have a nonzero mean. A noncentral F r.v. is the ratio of a noncentral chi-square r.v. to a central chi-square r.v., where the two chi-squares are independent. For tests using the t, chi-square, or F distribution, the power of the test (protection against Type II errors) is an increasing function of the noncentrality parameter. Noncentral distributions are specified with one more parameter than their corresponding central distribution. Consequently, tabulations of their cumulative distribution function appear much less frequently than those for central distributions. Fewer statistical software packages include them. There is no noncentral normal distribution. The distribution under the alternative hypothesis is just an ordinary normal distribution with a shifted mean. The R functions for noncentral t, chi-square, and F CDFs are the same as those for the corresponding central distribution with the addition of an argument for the noncentrality parameter ncp. The noncentrality parameter defaults to zero (hence to a central distribution) if it is not specified. The figures in Sections J.2.1, J.2.2, and J.2.3 show the noncentral distribution along with the corresponding central distribution. This way it is possible to see that a positive noncentrality parameter shifts the mode to the right. J.2 Noncentral Continuous Probability Distributions 819 J.2.1 Chi-Square: Noncentral dchisq(x, df = 10, ncp = 4) 0.10 non−central central 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 10 20 30 x > dchisq(18.31, df=10, ncp=4) [1] 0.0408 > pchisq(18.31, df=10, ncp=4) [1] 0.7852 > qchisq(0.7852264, df=10, ncp=4) [1] 18.31 See discussion in Section 14.8.2 and example in Figure D.1. J.2.2 T: Noncentral dt(x, df = 4, ncp = 2) non−central central 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 −2 0 2 4 x > dt(2, df=4, ncp=2) [1] 0.3082 > pt(2, df=4, ncp=2) [1] 0.4557 > qt(0.455672, df=4, ncp=2) [1] 2 See examples in Figures 3.24, 5.2, and 5.10. 6 8 820 J Probability Distributions J.2.3 F: Noncentral df(x, df1 = 4, df2 = 20, ncp = 2) non−central central 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 2 4 6 x > df(3, df1=4, df2=20, ncp=2) [1] 0.1062 > pf(3, df1=4, df2=20, ncp=2) [1] 0.871 > qf(0.8710256, df1=4, df2=20, ncp=2) [1] 3 See example in Section 6.5 and discussion in Section 14.8.2. J.3 Discrete Distributions Discrete distributions are defined to have nonzero values on a set of integers. F(x) = P(X ≤ x) = x f (i) i=−∞ The inverse functions (the q* functions in R) are sensitive to the precision of the numerical representation. Computers use finite precision floating point arithmetic, precise to 53 significant binary digits (bits)—approximately 17 decimal digits. They do not use the real number system that we are familiar with. Simple decimal repeating fractions such as these are not stored precisely with finite precision machine arithmetic. All of the individual values in this example are automatically rounded to 53 bits when they are entered into the computer. None of them are exactly represented inside the computer. See Appendix G for more on the floating point arithmetic used in computers. In several of the discrete distribution examples here, it has been necessary to display the p values to 17 decimal digits in order to get the desired answer from the q* functions. J.3 Discrete Distributions 821 Here is a simple example, the 6-level discrete uniform (one fair die), to illustrate the problem. In this example, rounding produces several results from the qdiscunif function that are one unit off (either too large or too small). F(i) rounded to i f (i) fraction 4 decimal digits 1 1/6 1/6 0.1667 2 1/6 2/6 0.3333 3 1/6 3/6 0.5000 4 1/6 4/6 0.6667 5 1/6 5/6 0.8333 6 1/6 6/6 1.0000 machine precision, rounded to 53 bits, ≈ 17 decimal digits 0.16666666666666666 0.33333333333333331 0.50000000000000000 0.66666666666666663 0.83333333333333337 1.00000000000000000 > ## this is printing precision, not internal representation > old.digits <- options(digits=7) > ddiscunif(1:6, 6) [1] 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 0.1666667 > pdiscunif(1:6, 6) [1] 0.1666667 0.3333333 0.5000000 0.6666667 0.8333333 1.0000000 > qdiscunif(pdiscunif(1:6, 6), 6) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 > round(pdiscunif(1:6, 6), 4) ## rounded to four decimal digits [1] 0.1667 0.3333 0.5000 0.6667 0.8333 1.0000 > ## inverse after rounding to four decimal digits > qdiscunif(round(pdiscunif(1:6, 6), 4), 6) [1] 1 1 3 4 4 6 > options(old.digits) 822 J Probability Distributions J.3.1 Discrete Uniform ddiscunif(x, size = 12) 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x > ddiscunif(6, size=12) [1] 0.08333 > pdiscunif(6, size=12) [1] 0.5 > qdiscunif(.5, size=12) [1] 6 In the discrete uniform distribution, the integers from 1 to n are equally likely. The population mean is (n + 1)/2. The population variance is (n2 − 1)/12. The distribution function is J.3.2 Binomial dbinom(x, size = 15, prob = 0.4) 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J.3 Discrete Distributions 823 > ## probability of exactly 6 Heads > dbinom(6, size=15, prob=.4) [1] 0.2066 > ## probability of 6 or fewer Heads > ## extra precision is needed > print(pbinom(6, size=15, prob=.4), digits=17) [1] 0.60981315570892769 > ## q, the number for which the probability of seeing > ## q or fewer Heads is 0.60981315570892769 > qbinom(0.60981315570892769, size=15, prob=.4) [1] 6 The binomial distribution was introduced in Section 3.4.1. If X has a binomial distribution with parameters n (n=size, number of coins tossed simultaneously) and p (p=prob, probability of one coin landing Heads on one toss), then the binomial distribution gives the probability of observing exactly X heads. J.3.3 Geometric dgeom(x, prob = 0.5) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x > dgeom(3, prob=.5) [1] 0.0625 > pgeom(3, prob=.5) [1] 0.9375 > qgeom(0.9375, prob=.5) [1] 3 6 7 8 9 824 J Probability Distributions From ?dgeom: The geometric distribution with ’prob’ = p has density p(x) = p(1 − p) x for x = 0, 1, 2, ..., 0 < p ≤ 1. The quantile is defined as the smallest value x such that F(x) ≥ p, where F is the distribution function. J.3.4 Hypergeometric dhyper(x, m = 5, n = 6, k = 7) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x > dhyper(3, m=5, n=6, k=7) [1] 0.4545 > print(phyper(3, m=5, n=6, k=7), digits=17) [1] 0.65151515151515149 > qhyper(0.65151515151515149, m=5, n=6, k=7) [1] 3 The hypergeometric distribution is used in Chapter 15. We sample n items without replacement from a population of N items comprised of M successes and N − M failures. Then the number of successes X observed in the population is said to have a hypergeometric distribution with parameters N, M, and n. J.3 Discrete Distributions 825 J.3.5 Negative Binomial dnbinom(x, size = 8.5, prob = 0.4) 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 x > dnbinom(17, size=8.5, prob=.4) [1] 0.04338 > print(pnbinom(17, size=8.5, prob=.4), digits=17) [1] 0.81209497223034977 > qnbinom(0.81209497223034977, size=8.5, prob=.4) [1] 17 The negative binomial distribution with size = n and prob = p has density Γ(x + n) n p (1 − p) x Γ(n) x! for x = 0, 1, 2, . . ., n > 0, and 0 < p ≤ 1. This represents the number of failures which occur in a sequence of Bernoulli trials before a target number of successes is reached. The mean is μ = n(1 − p)/p and variance is n(1 − p)/p2 . J.3.6 Poisson dpois(x, lambda = 4) 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 2 4 6 x 8 10 12 826 J Probability Distributions > dpois(7, lambda=4) [1] 0.05954 > print(ppois(7, lambda=4), digits=17) [1] 0.94886638420715264 > qpois(0.94886638420715264, lambda=4) [1] 7 Let the random variable X be the number of occurrences of some event that are observed in a unit of time, volume, area, etc., and let λ be the mean number of occurrences of the event per unit, assumed to be constant throughout the process that generates the occurrences. Suppose that the occurrence(s) of the event in any one unit are independent of the occurrence(s) of the event in any other nonoverlapping unit. Then X has a Poisson distribution with parameter λ. J.3.7 Signed Rank dsignrank(x, n = 5) 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x > dsignrank(11, n=5) [1] 0.0625 > psignrank(11, n=5) [1] 0.8438 > qsignrank(0.84375, n=5) [1] 11 See the discussion in Section 16.3.2. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J.4 Multivariate Distributions 827 J.3.8 Wilcoxon dwilcox(x, m = 4, n = 12) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 x > dwilcox(35, m=4, n=12) [1] 0.02088 > print(pwilcox(35, m=4, n=12), digits=17) [1] 0.9148351648351648 > qwilcox(0.9148351648351648, m=4, n=12) [1] 35 See Table 16.7 for an example of a rank sum test. 40 45 50 828 J Probability Distributions J.4 Multivariate Distributions J.4.1 Multinomial dmultinom(x, prob = c(1,2,5)) 300 0.029 201 102 003 0.146 0.244 0.002 210 111 0.293 012 0.012 0.117 120 021 0.023 0.117 030 0.016 > ## This example is based on ?dmultinom in R > ## all possible outcomes of Multinom(N = 3, K = 3) > X <- t(as.matrix(expand.grid(0:3, 0:3))) > X <- X[, colSums(X) <= 3] > X <- rbind(X, 3:3 - colSums(X)) > dimnames(X) <- list(letters[1:3], apply(X, 2, paste, collapse="")) > Y <- round(apply(X, 2, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = c(1,2,5))), 3) > rbind(X, Y) 003 102 a 0.000 1.000 b 0.000 0.000 c 3.000 2.000 Y 0.244 0.146 201 2.000 0.000 1.000 0.029 300 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 012 0.000 1.000 2.000 0.293 111 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.117 210 2.000 1.000 0.000 0.012 021 0.000 2.000 1.000 0.117 120 1.000 2.000 0.000 0.023 030 0.000 3.000 0.000 0.016 The (discrete) multinomial distribution is a generalization of the binomial distribution to the case of k > 2 categories. Suppose there are n independent trials, each of which can result in just one of k possible categories such that p j is the probability of resulting in the jth of these k categories. (Hence p1 + p2 + . . . + pk = 1.) Let X j be the number of occurrences in category j. Then the vector (X1 , X2 , ..., Xk ) is said to have a multinomial distribution with parameters n, p1 , p2 , . . . , pk . Its PMF is J.4 Multivariate Distributions 829 P(X j = x j | j = 1, . . . , k) = n!p1x1 p2x2 . . . pkxk , x1 + x2 + . . . xk = n x1 !x2 ! . . . xk ! If a proportion p j of a population of customers prefers product number j, j = 1, . . . , k, among k products, then the multinomial distribution provides the probability of observing any particular configuration of preferences among a random sample of n customers. J.4.2 Multivariate Normal Bivariate Normal: dmvnorm(c(−1, −1)) z column row > dmvnorm(c(-1, -1)) [1] 0.05855 > pmvnorm(upper=c(-1, -1))[1] [1] 0.02517 > qmvnorm(0.02517, mean=c(0,0))$quantile [1] -1 See Sections 3.3.5 and I.4 for examples. Appendix K Working Style Working style in a computer environment depends on two interrelated concepts: which programs you use and how you use them. For statistical analysis we are recommending R as the primary computational tool. There are other very good programs, and it is imperative that you develop a working understanding of several of them. See Appendix H for information on how to use the datasets discussed in this book with other software. An excellent text editor is an indispensable tool for the statistical analyst. The editor is the single program in which we spend most of our time. We use it for looking at raw data, for writing commands in the statistical languages we use, for reading the output tables produced by our statistical programs, for writing reports, and for reading and writing correspondence about our studies to our clients, consultants, supervisors, and subordinates. We discuss our requirements for a text editor in Section K.1. Our personal choice of editor is Emacs (Free Software Foundation, 2015), which we discuss in Appendix M. There are other excellent editors which satisfy our requirements. We discuss in Section K.2 the types of interaction that are possible with R. We recommend in Section K.3 working with files of R commands. We discuss in Section K.4 our recommendations for organization of the files within the operating system’s directory structure. K.1 Text Editor As we indicated in the Preface on page ix, our goal in teaching statistical languages is to make the student aware of the capabilities of the language for describing data and their analyses. The language is approached through the text editor. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 831 832 K Working Style We distinguish between the concepts of text editing (discussed in this Appendix) and word processing (discussed in Appendix O). Text editing is moving characters around on the screen with the expectation that they will stay where you put them. This is critical when writing computer programs where the physical placement of lines and characters on the page is part of what the computer program interprets. In the R language the two layouts of the same characters in Table K.1 have completely different interpretations. Word processing is moving sentences, paragraphs, sections, figures, and crossreferences around. A word processor can be used as a text editor by manually turning off many of the word processing features. Table K.1 Two different interpretations of the same characters {“3”, “+”, “4”} that depend on their placement on separate lines. If the first set of input lines were reformatted according to English language paragraph formatting rules it would be interpreted as if it were the second set, which has a completely different meaning. This is the simplest possible example of why we make a distinction between text editing and word processing. R Input Two lines One line 3 + 4 3 + 4 R Output > 3 [1] 3 > + 4 [1] 4 > 3 + 4 [1] 7 K.1.1 Requirements for an Editor These are the requirements we place on any text editor that is to be used for interacting with a computing language: 1. Permit easy modification of computing instructions and facilitate their resubmission for processing 2. Be able to operate on output as well as input 3. Be able to cut, paste, and rearrange text; to search documents for strings of text; to work with rectangular regions of text 4. Be aware of the language, for example, to illustrate the syntax with appropriate indentation and with color and font highlighting, to detect syntactic errors in input code, and to check the spelling of statistical keywords K.2 Types of interaction with R 833 5. Handle multiple files simultaneously 6. Interact cleanly with the presentation documents (reports and correspondence) based on the statistical results 7. Check spelling of words in natural languages 8. Permit placement of graphics within text. 9. Permit placement of mathematical expressions in the text. 10. Work with Unicode to give access to all character sets in all human languages. K.1.2 Choice of Editor Our preference for an editor is Emacs with ESS, which we discuss in Appendix M. In Section M.5 we show how Emacs satisfies the requirements in Section K.1.1. There are many other options for an editor, usually within the context of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build-automation tools, and a debugger. For more information on IDEs see Wikipedia (2015). For an annotated list, with links to their webpages, of other editors and IDEs that work with R, see Grosjean (2012). We discuss word processors such as MS Word (Microsoft, 2015) in Section O.1. In Section O.1.1 we show how MS Word satisfies some of the requirements in Section K.1. K.2 Types of interaction with R 1. CLI Command Line Interface: The user types R statements and the system responds with requested output. Examples: R in a shell/terminal/CMD window, R in the *R* buffer in Emacs, R in the Console window in the Rgui.exe for Windows, the R.app for Macintosh, and the JGR package on all operating systems. 2. Menu or Dialog Box: Dropdown lists of command names, often with default settings for arguments. This allows point and click access to many R functions with standard settings of options. The Rcmdr (R Commander) package described in Appendix C is such a system. 834 K Working Style 3. Spreadsheet. The RExcel system described in Appendix D allows access to all R functions from within the automatic recalculation mode of Excel for Windows. The Rcmdr interface is incorporated into the Excel menu ribbon. 4. Web-based interface. Technology for embedding R applications within an html page to provide interactive access to R functions for non-programmers. See Appendix E for a discussion of the shiny system. 5. Document based interface. The end user writes a document (book, paper, report) in a standard document writing system (LATEX or Word, for example) with embedded R code. Three examples are Sweave (Leisch and R-core, 2014), knitr (Xie, 2015), and SWord (Baier, 2014). The second edition of HH is written using Sweave (see help(Sweave, package="utils")). All R code, leading to all graphs and tables in the book, is included in the LATEX source files for the chapters. The code files for the HH package, located with the HHscriptnames() function, were pulled from the LATEX files by the Stangle function which is part of the Sweave framework. 6. GUI Graphical User Interface: anything other than the command line interface. K.3 Script File Our personal working style (and the one we recommend to our readers) is to write a file of commands (a script file with extension .R or .r) that specify the analysis, run the commands and review the graphs and tables so produced, and then correct and augment the analysis specifications. We construct the command file interactively. Initially we write the code to read the data into the program and to prepare several graphs and the initial tables. If there are errors (in typing or in programming logic), we correct them in the file and rerun the commands. As we progress and gain insight into what the data say, we add to the code to produce additional graphs and tables. When we have finished, we have a file of commands that could be run as a batch job to produce the complete output. We also have a collection of graphs and tables that can be stored in additional files. K.4 Directory Structure When we have many files, we need to organize them within the directory structure of our computer’s operating system. K.4 Directory Structure 835 K.4.1 Directory Structure of This Book This book is written in LATEX (Lamport, 1994). Our organizational structure uses the directory structure provided by the computer’s operating systems. For this book we have a main directory (hh2) and subdirectories for code (containing .R files), transcripts (.Rout) files, and figures (.pdf) files. The main directory contains all the .tex files (one per chapter plus a master file), our LATEX style file (hh2.sty), and several other support files. We have a work directory parallel to the hh2 directory for experiments with R code, for correspondence with our publisher, and for correspondence with the people who were kind enough to read and comment on drafts of this book. The R functions that we developed for the book, and all datasets used in the book, are collected into the HH package (Heiberger, 2015) distributed through CRAN. The master copy of the R scripts for all figures and tables in the second edition is included in the *.tex source files for the individual chapters. We use the Sweave functions included in R to execute the code directly from the *.tex files. When we are ready to distribute the code, we pull the R code from the *.tex files with the Stangle function (part of R’s Sweave system) and place them into the HH package. The script files in the HH package for the book can be located by the package user with the HHscriptnames() function. We hope that readers of our book, and more generally users of R, design and collect their own functions into a personal package (it doesn’t have to be distributed through CRAN). Once you have more than a few functions that are part of your working pattern, maintaining them in a package is much simpler than inventing your own idiosyncratic way of keeping track of what you have. We say a few words about building a package in Appendix F and refer you to the R document system.file("../../doc/manual/R-exts.pdf") for complete information. K.4.2 Directory Structure for Users of This Book It is critical to realize that your work is yours. Your work is not part of the computer’s operating system, nor of the installed software. The operating system, the editor, R, and other software are kept in system directories. In order to protect the integrity of the system you will usually not have write access to those locations. You need a home directory, the one where you keep all your personal subdirectories and files. Your operating system automatically creates a HOME directory for you. R can find its name with the command Sys.getenv("HOME"). Everything you do should be in a subdirectory of your home directory. 836 K Working Style For example, each time we teach a course, we create a directory for that course. For last year’s course based on this book, we used the directory 8003.f14 directly under the HOME directory. We have a subdirectory of the course directory for the syllabus, for each class session, and for student records. We keep handouts, R scripts, and transcripts of the class R session as files within each class session’s directory. K.4.3 Other User Directories We recommend a separate directory for each project. It will make your life much easier a year from now when you try to find something. Appendix L Writing Style Reports, including homework exercises, based on computer printout must be typed correctly. We recommend LATEX (the standard required by many statistics and mathematics journals, and the typesetting package with which we wrote this book). We do accept other word processing software. Whichever software you use, you must use it correctly. We discuss in this appendix some of the fundamentals about good technical writing. L.1 Typographic Style Specific style issues that you must be aware of are 1. Fonts: Computer listings in R (and S-Plus and SAS and many other statistical software systems) are designed for monowidth fonts (such as Courier) where all characters (including spaces) are equally wide. These listings are unreadable in Times Roman or any other proportional font. English text looks best in a proportional font (where, for example, the letter “M” is wider than the letter “i”) such as Times Roman. Table L.1 shows the difference with simple alphabetic text. Table L.2 shows an example of the issue for computer listings. The Courier rendition is consistent with the design of the output by the program designer. The Times Roman is exactly the same text dropped into an environment that is incorrectly attempting to space it in accordance with English language typesetting rules. In our classes, we return UNREAD any papers that use a proportional font for computer listings. 2. Alignment: Numbers in a column are to be aligned on decimal points. Alignment makes it possible to visually compare printed numbers in columns. There are two © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 837 838 L Writing Style Table L.1 We placed a vertical rule after four characters on each line in both Courier and Times Roman. The Courier rules are aligned because all characters in Courier are exactly the same width. The Times Roman rules are not aligned because each character in Times Roman has its own width. Courier Times Roman Wide and narrow. Letters in each row align Wide and narrow. Letters in each row do not align with letters in the previous row. with letters in the previous row. Table L.2 R output displayed correctly in a monowidth font, and incorrectly in a proportional font. The same text, the output from an R summary.data.frame call, is displayed in both fonts. The unequal width of the characters in the Times Roman font destroys the vertical alignment that is necessary for interpretation of this listing. Courier (correct spacing) > summary(ex0221) weight code Min.:23.20 1:35 1st Qu.:24.75 2:24 Median:25.70 Mean:25.79 3rd Qu.:26.50 Max.:31.10 Times Roman (incorrect spacing) > summary(ex0221) weight code Min.:23.20 1:35 1st Qu.:24.75 2:24 Median:25.70 Mean:25.79 3rd Qu.:26.50 Max.:31.10 Table L.3 Alignment of decimal points in the numbers on the left makes it easy to compare the magnitudes of the numbers. Centering of the numbers on the right, and therefore non-alignment of decimal points, makes it difficult to compare the magnitudes of the numbers. Correct 123.45 12.34 −4.32 0.12 Wrong 123.45 12.34 −4.32 0.12 reasons for getting it wrong. One is carelessness. The other is blind copying from a source that gets it wrong. We show an example of both alignments in Table L.3. 3. Minus signs and dashes: There are four distinct concepts that have four different typographical symbols in well-designed fonts. On typewriters all four are L.1 Typographic Style 839 usually displayed with the symbol “-” that appears on the hyphen key (next to the number 0). You are expected to know the difference and to use the symbols correctly. Table L.4 shows an example of the correct usage of all four symbols and the keys in LATEX and MS Word. Table L.4 Correct usage of all four dash-like symbols (- – − —) and the keys to generate them in LATEX and MS Word. – − — Symbol Use Example LATEX MS Word hyphen en dash minus em dash compound word range negation apposition t-test 100–120 −12 punctuation—like this -$-$ --- ctrl-num Insert-menu/symbol. . . / − alt-ctrl-num - The misuse of dashes that touches my (rmh) hot button the most is misuse of hyphen when minus is meant, for example correct +12.2 −12.2 WRONG +12.2 -12.2 In this wrong usage, the “+” and “-” are not aligned and consequently the decimal point is not aligned. 4. Right margins and folding: Table L.5 intentionally misuses formatting to illustrate how bad it can look. This usually occurs when the R window width is wider than your word processor is willing to work with. Verify that you picked an options()$width consistent with your word processor. You can make the width narrower in R by using the R command options(width=72) 5. Quotation marks: Quotation marks in Times Roman are directional. This is “Times Roman correct” (with a left-sided symbol on the left and a right-sided symbol on the right). This is ”Times Roman incorrect” (with the right-sided symbol on both sides). In the typewriter font recognized by R, quotation marks are vertical, not directional. and are the same on both sides. In typewriter font, this is "typewriter correct" (same non-directional symbol on both sides). 840 L Writing Style Table L.5 Intentional misuse of formatting. Never turn in anything that looks like these bad examples. The top section has lines of text that extend beyond the right margin of the page. The middle section is an R table that has been arbitrarily folded at 49 mono-spaced letter widths. The bottom section retains the lines, but places them in a proportional font and ignores the alignment of columns. Do not allow the right margins of your work to run off the edge of the page. It is hard to read text that isn’t visible. Do not allow lines to be arbitrarily folded in a way that destroys the formatting. This is particularly a problem if you copy output from the R Console window to an editor in a word-processing mode. Word processors (as distinct from text editors) by default enforce English-language conventions (such as maximum line length and proportional font) on code and output text that is designed for column alignment and a fixed-width font. Use an editor, such as Emacs with ESS, that is aware of the R formatting conventions. Most word processors do have an option to set sections in fixed-width Courier font and to give the write control of margins. ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ Folding ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ makes ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ this table ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ impossible to ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ read. ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ Column alignment ignored. Table is unreadable. ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ Sum of Squares Source re F Value DF Pr > F Model 65 54.92 Error 28 Corrected Total 2 2649.816730 <.0001 44 1061.382419 46 3711.199149 Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 2649.816730 1324.908365 54.92 <.0001 Error 44 1061.382419 24.122328 Corrected Total 46 3711.199149 Mean Squa 1324.9083 24.1223 L.2 Graphical Presentation Style 841 L.2 Graphical Presentation Style Graphs designed for someone to read must be legible. Legibility includes the items listed in this section and in Chapter 4 (some of which are repeated here). L.2.1 Resolution Figure L.1 shows the same graph drawn on a vector graphics device (pdf() in this example) and a bitmap device (png() in this example). Vector graphics devices define objects to be drawn in terms of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygons. Vector graphics can be magnified without pixalation. Current vector graphics formats are pdf, ps, and wmf. By contrast bitmap (or raster) graphics devices define objects in terms of the set of pixels used in one specific magnification. Further magnification gives larger discrete dots and not smooth objects. Current bitmap formats are png, bmp, tif, and gif. Figure L.1 panels a and c are drawn with a vector graphics device. They are clear and crisp at any magnification (two magnifications are shown here). Figure L.1 panels b and d are drawn with a bitmapped graphics device. Panel b is not clear, and the magified version in panel d is granular and fuzzy. L.2.2 Aspect Ratio The graphs are initially drawn for the device size they see at the time they are drawn. The aspect ratio (the ratio of the width to height in graphic units) is set at that time. Plotting symbols and text are positioned to look right at that initial magnification with that size device. The graphs in Figure L.1 honor the aspect ratio. Both the x and y dimensions are scaled identically in those panels. Changing the aspect ratio after the graph has been drawn interferes with the message of the graph. It is most evident when both axes use the same units, but is visible even when the units are different. The graph in Figure L.2 does not honor the aspect ratio, and the graph becomes very hard to read. The width is stretched to twice its initial size and the height is left at the original height. As a consequence, the circles used as plotting symbols are stretched to ellipses. The font used for the labels is stretched to visually change the shapes of the letters. About half of the zero characters look like circles. The 842 L Writing Style a. PDF (vector) device b. PNG (bitmap) device 80 life.exp 75 70 65 60 55 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 ppl.per.tv c. PDF (vector) device magnified d. PNG (bitmap) device magnified 60 55 0 100 200 pp Fig. L.1 Panels a and b were drawn with the same command addressed to different devices. Panel a uses the pdf vector device and panel b uses the png bitmap device. Even at low magnification the difference between the two images is clear. The circle glyphs, the text, and the lines are crisp on the vector device. The circle glyphs, the text, and the lines are granular on the bitmap device. Panels c and d are the lower left corners of panels a and b magnified by a scale of 2. The vector display is just as crisp at this magnification. The bitmap display is more granular and fuzzy. Not even the straight lines are clear in panel d. L.2 Graphical Presentation Style 843 PNG (bitmap) device stretched Fig. L.2 The figure here is the same plot shown in Figure L.1 panel b, this time with its xdimension stretched. The circular glyphs are now ellipses. The thin numeral “0” are now circles. The vertical straight lines are even fuzzier than before. other half look different because the pixel break points are placed differently on the underlying letter shapes. It is possible to damage the aspect ratio even with a good typographic system (I intentionally did so in Figure L.2 using LATEX). Under normal circumstances in LATEX the aspect ratio is retained. It is too easy to damage the aspect ratio with a drag-and-drop editing system by stretching an image at the top, bottom, or sides of an image. It is also easy to maintain the aspect ratio when controlling the size of an image, by stretching only at the corners, and never stretching the top, bottom, or sides of an image. L.2.3 Other Features Other features to be aware of were discussed and illustrated in Chapter 4 and are summarized here. 1. In scatterplot matrices, a NW–SE main diagonal has a consequence of multiple axes of symmetry that interfere with easy reading. The (SW–NE) main diagonal (the defaul in splom has a single axis of symmetry both within and between panels. See the examples and discussion in Section 4.7 for more detail. 2. The panels in a scatterplot matrix should be square to emphasize the equivalence of rows and columns. The intention of the scatterplot matrix is the comparison of 844 L Writing Style y ~ x with x ~ y, and maintaining the same scale in both orientations facilitates the comparison of reflected panels. Compare Figures 4.10 and 4.11. 3. Choice of plotting symbols, open circles, closed circles, other symbols (triangles, squares, etc), letters. See the itemized discussion in Section 4.1. 4. Choice of colors. See Section 4.10 for discussion of color vision. 5. Location of ticks and labels inside or outside the panels. In scatterplot matrices, placing ticks and labels inside the main diagonal makes the frees more surface area for the panels themselves. Compare Figures 4.10 and 4.11. 6. Space between panels. Compare Figures 4.10 and 4.11. L.3 English Writing Style 1. Check spelling • Select the right homophone (words that sound alike): brake vs break. Both spellings will be accepted by a spell-checking program. • Learn to spell technical words correctly. The following words seem to be particularly liable to misspelling: – separate: The fourth letter is “a”. – correlation: The letter “r” is doubled. – collinear: The letter “l” is doubled. – stationary: not moving – stationery: writing paper and envelopes – symmetric: The letter “m” is doubled. – asymmetric: The letter “s” is single. – Tukey: John W. Tukey – turkey: a bird • “p-value” is preferred (with p in math italic). “P-value” is not OK (with “P” in uppercase roman). • Spell people’s names correctly and with proper capitalization (John W. Tukey, Dennis Cook). 2. Punctuation. “.” “:” “,” “;” always touch the preceding character. They always have a space after them. L.4 Programming Style and Common Errors 845 L.4 Programming Style and Common Errors 1. Data entry: Use real variable names. The default variable names “X1 ” and “X2 ” carry no information. Variable names like “height” and “weight” carry information. 2. Data entry: probably you don’t need to do that step. Don’t reenter by hand the numbers that you already have in machine-readable form. 3. Use dump("varname","") to get ASCII versions of R variables that can be read back into R with no loss (of digits, labeling, attributes). The output from the dump can be copied into email and copied back from email. The output from the simpler print commands will frequently get garbled in email. See Table L.6 for an illustration where the original class of two of the columns is lost when we neglected to use the dump function. 4. The R function splom() for scatterplot matrices by default gives easy-to-read plots with a single axis of symmetry over the entire set of square panels. The R pairs() function (for all pairwise two-variable graphs) by default gives many conflicting axes of symmetry and rectangular panels. See Figure 4.12 and the accompanying discussion. 5. Analyze the experiment given you. Don’t ignore the block factor. Usually the block sum of squares is removed first, before looking at the treatment effects. In R, this is done by placing the block factor first in the model formula, for example, in Section 12.9 we use aov(plasma ~ id + time) so the sequential analysis of variance table will read id time Residuals This way, in non-balanced designs, the sequential sum of squares for the treatment factor (time in this example) is properly adjusted for the blocking factor id. 6. We normally recommend the use of the R command language, not a menu system, when you are learning the techniques. You will get • much better-looking output • more control • the ability to reproduce what you did 7. When GUI point-and-click operations have been used to construct preliminary graphical (or tabular) views of the data, the commands corresponding to these operations are frequently displayed. Rcmdr for example displays the generated commands in its R Script window (see Figure C.14 for an example). These commands can then be used as components in the construction of more complex commands needed to produce highly customized graphs. 846 L Writing Style Table L.6 We construct a data.frame and then display it twice, once by typing the variable name, the second time by using the dump function. When we re-enter the typed text back to R, we lose the structure of the data.frame. When we re-enter the dumped structure, we retain the original structure. > tmp <- data.frame(aa=1:3, bb=factor(4:6), cc=letters[7:9], + dd=factor(LETTERS[10:12]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) > str(tmp) ’data.frame’: 3 obs. of 4 variables: $ aa: int 1 2 3 $ bb: Factor w/ 3 levels "4","5","6": 1 2 3 $ cc: chr "g" "h" "i" $ dd: Factor w/ 3 levels "J","K","L": 1 2 3 > tmp aa bb cc dd 1 1 4 g J 2 2 5 h K 3 3 6 i L > dump("tmp", "") tmp+ + + + + tmp <- read.table(text=" aa bb cc dd 1 1 4 g J 2 2 5 h K 3 3 6 i L ", header=TRUE) > sapply(tmp, class) aa bb cc "integer" "integer" "factor" > + + + + + dd "factor" tmp sapply(tmp, class) aa bb cc "integer" "factor" "character" dd "factor" L.5 Presentation of Results 847 8. Store results of an R function call in a variable to permit easy extraction of various displays from the results. For example, mydata <- data.frame(x=1:6, y=c(1,4,2,3,6,2)) my.lm <- lm( y ~ x , data=mydata) summary(my.lm) ## summary() method on lm argument old.mfrow <- par(mfrow=c(2,2)) ## four panels on the graphics device plot(my.lm) ## plot() method on lm argument par(old.mfrow) ## restore previous arrangement coef(my.lm) ## coef() method on lm argument anova(my.lm) ## anova() method on lm argument resid(my.lm) ## resid() method on lm argument predict(my.lm) ## predict() method on lm argument 9. Analysis of Variance requires that the classification factor be declared as a factor. Otherwise you will get a nonsense analysis. The wrong degrees of freedom for a treatment effect is usually the indicator that you forgot the factor(treatment) command in R. 10. The degrees of freedom for a problem always comes from the Residual or ERROR line of the ANOVA table. In multiple-stratum models, the Residual line in each stratum provides the comparison value (denominator Mean Square and degrees of freedom) for effects in that stratum. 11. Please use par(mfrow=c(2,2)) (as illustrated above in item 8) for plotting the results of an lm() or aov(). That way the plot uses only one piece of paper, not four. 12. All comparable graphs must be on the same scale—on the same axes is often better. See Section 17.6.2, especially Figure 17.19, for an example of comparable scaling in the top panels and noncomparable scaling in the bottom panels. See Figure 4.9 for comparable scaling in Panels a and b and noncomparable scaling in Panels c, d, and e. L.5 Presentation of Results This list is designed for our classroom setting. It is more generally applicable. 1. Use the minus sign “−4” in numbers. We do not accept hyphens “-4”. See Table L.4. 848 L Writing Style Normal Q−Q 0.0 −1.0 −2.0 Standardized residuals 1.0 2 4 6 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Theoretical Quantiles lm(y ~ x) Fig. L.3 qqplot of a regression of noise. The usual three “largest” residuals are labeled, and none of the labeled residuals are big. 2. For multiple comparisons we can use the MMC (Section 7.2) default of Tukey pairwise comparisons. The mmc and mmcplot functions in the HH package are built on the glht function in the multcomp package. 3. We don’t do multiple comparisons of blocks. We know there are differences. That is why we chose to use that factor as a block, not as a treatment. See Section 12.6. 4. Write an experiment description that tells the reader how to reproduce the experiment. 5. Distinguish between “bigger than the others” and “big”. The plot.lm() labels the three biggest points. It doesn’t care if they are significantly big. In Figure L.3, for example, the qqplot of a regression of random noise, the usual three “largest” residuals are labeled, and none of the labeled residuals are big. 6. summary.lm(...) doesn’t usually provide interesting information in designed experiments. summary.aov(..., split=list()) is frequently interesting. The ANOVA table in Table 12.13, for example, shows the partition of the 10-df “strain nested within combination” into two easily interpretable 5-df sums of squares, “strain within clover” and “strain within clover+alfalfa”. It is easy to interpret these partitioned sums of squares along with the interaction means at the bottom of Table 12.12 and in the upper-left panel of Figure 12.12. Had we used summary.lm we would have gotten information in Table 12.15 on the regression coefficients for the dummy variables, and we would need to see the dummy variables in Table 12.14 for the coefficients themselves to make any sense. 7. Always state the conclusions in the context of the problem. L.5 Presentation of Results 849 8. Please do not turn in impossible or illegal formatting. For example, the line breaks in the middle of words or character strings in Table L.7 are unacceptable. Table L.7 Impossible formatting in R output. ## line break in the middle of a word Residual standard error: 0.4811 on 10 degrees of fre dom ## wrong: line break in string plot(y ~ x, main="abc def") plot(y ~ x, main="abc def") ### correct 9. Do not turn in lists or tables of data values in homework assignments. We know the data values. In the classroom situation we gave them to you. You may show a few observations to verify that you have read the data correctly. For example: data(gunload) head(gunload) 10. On the other hand, plots of the data are very interesting. We usually expect to see appropriate plots of the data (scatterplot matrix, interaction plots, sets of boxplots) and of the analysis. 11. We do not want a cover page for homework. This is our personal style. A classfull of essentially empty cover pages weighs too much and wastes paper. 12. Use spacing for legibility, for example: abc<--5+3 abc <- -5 + 3 is hard to read. is easy to read. 13. When you copy output, particularly by mouse from a document in a monowidth font to one with a default proportionally spaced font, make sure you keep the original spacing and indentation. 14. Short, complete answers are best. Appendix M Accessing R Through a Powerful Editor —With Emacs and ESS as the Example This Appendix is a discussion of the use of a powerful editor and programming environment. We use Emacs terminology and examples because we are most familiar with it—we use Emacs with ESS as our primary editing environment. One of us (RMH) is a coauthor of ESS. Much of the discussion applies with only small changes to use of many of the other high-quality editors. See Grosjean (2012) for an annotated list (with links) of other editors that are used in programming R. Emacs (Stallman, 2015) is a mature, powerful, and easily extensible text editing system freely available under the GNU General Public License for a large number of platforms, including Linux, Macintosh, and Windows. Emacs shares some features with word processors and, more importantly, shares many characteristics with operating systems. Most importantly, Emacs can interact with and control other programs either as subprocesses or as cooperating processes. The name “Emacs” was originally chosen as an acronym for Editor MACroS. Richard M. Stallman got a MacArthur genius award in 1990 for the development of Emacs. Emacs comes from the Free Software Foundation, also known as the GNU project (GNU is Not Unix). Emacs provides facilities that go beyond simple insertion and deletion: viewing two or more files at once (see Figures M.1 and M.2); editing formatted text; visual comparison of two similar files (Figure M.1); and navigation in units of characters, words, lines, sentences, paragraphs, and pages. Emacs knows the syntax of each programming language. It can provide automatic indentation of programs. It can highlight with fonts or colors specified syntactic characteristics. Emacs is extensible using a dialect of Lisp (Chassell, 1999; Graham, 1996). This means that new functions, with user interaction, can be written for common and repeated text editing tasks. ESS (Mächler et al., 2015; Rossini et al., 2004) extends Emacs to provide a functional, easily extensible, and uniform interface for multiple statistical packages. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 851 852 M Accessing R Through a Powerful Editor—With Emacs and ESS as the Example One of us (RMH) is a coauthor of ESS. Several of the other coauthors are members of R-Core, the primary authors of R itself. Currently ESS works with R, S+, SAS, Stata, OpenBUGS/JAGS, and Julia. The online documentation includes an introduction in file ESS/ess/doc/intro.pdf (an early version of Rossini et al. (2004)). Online help is available from within Emacs and ESS. M.1 Emacs Features M.1.1 Text Editing Most programming and documentation tasks fall under the realm of text editing. This work is enhanced by features such as contextual highlighting and recognition of special reserved words appropriate to the programming language in use. In addition, editor behaviors such as folding, outlining, and bookmarks can assist with maneuvering around a file. We discuss in Appendix K the set of capabilities we expect a text editing program to have. Emacs automatically detects mismatched parentheses and other types of common syntax and typing mistakes. Typesetting and word processing, which focus on the presentation of a document, are tasks that are not pure text editing. Emacs shares many features with word processing programs and cooperates with document preparation systems such as LATEX (discussed in Section N) and html (discussed in Appendix E). We strongly recommend that students in our graduate statistics classes use Emacs as their primary text editor. The primary reason for this recommendation is that Emacs is the first general editor we know of that fully understands the syntax and formatting rules for the statistical language R that we use in our courses. Other editing systems designed to work with R are described and linked to in the webpage provided by Grosjean (2012). Emacs has many other advantages (listed above), as evidenced by Richard Stallman having won a MacArthur award in 1992 for developing Emacs. M.1.2 File Comparison Visual file comparisons are one of the most powerful capabilities provided by Emacs. Emacs’ ediff function builds on the standard Unix diff command and is therefore immediately available for Linux and Macintosh users. Windows users must first install Rtools and place Rtools in the PATH (see Section F.6). M.1 Emacs Features 853 Fig. M.1 ediff of two similar files. All mismatches between the two files are detected and highlighted. The ediff control frame shows that we are currently in the third of three detected differences between the two files. The matching sections of the third chunk are highlighted in light pink in the top buffer and light green in the bottom buffer. The mismatching sections of the third chunk are highlighted in darker pink in the top buffer and darker green in the bottom buffer. For a simple example, let us compare the current version of our R script for a homework exercise with the first version we started yesterday. Figure M.1 shows the comparison. M.1.3 Buffers Emacs can work with many multiple files simultaneously. It brings each into a buffer. A buffer is copy of a file within the Emacs editor. Any editing changes made to the contents of a buffer are temporary until the buffer is saved back into the file system. A buffer can hold a file, a directory listing, an interactive session with the operating system, or an interactive instance of another running program. Emacs allows you to open and edit an unlimited number of files and login sessions simultaneously, running each in its own buffer. The files or login sessions can be local or on another computer, anywhere in the world. You can run simultaneous multiple sessions. The size of a buffer is limited only by the size of the computer. One of us (RMH) normally has several buffers visible and frequently has hundreds of open buffers (several chapters, their code files, their transcript files, the console buffer for R, help files, directory listings on remote computers, handouts for classes, and a listing of the currently open buffers). 854 M Accessing R Through a Powerful Editor—With Emacs and ESS as the Example M.1.4 Shell Mode Emacs includes a shell mode in which a terminal interaction runs inside an Emacs buffer. The Unix terminology for the program that runs an interactive command line session is a “shell”. There are several commonly used shell programs: sh is the original and most fundamental shell program. Other Unix shell programs are csh and bash. The MS-DOS prompt window (c:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe) is the native shell program in MS Windows. We usually use the sh included in Rtools as our shell under MS Windows. A terminal interaction running inside an Emacs buffer is much more powerful than one run in an ordinary terminal emulator window. The entire live login session inside an Emacs buffer is just another editable buffer (with full search capability). The only distinction is that both you and the computer program you are working with can write to the buffer. This is exceedingly important because it means nothing ever rolls off the top of the screen and gets lost. Just roll it back. The session can be saved to a file and then is subject to automatic backup to protect you from system crash or loss of connection to a remote machine. M.1.5 Controlling Other Programs A shell running in an Emacs buffer is normally used to run another program (R for example). Frequently we can drop the intermediate step and have Emacs run the other program directly. ESS provides that capability for R. The advantage of running R directly through Emacs is that it becomes possible to design the interactivity that allows a buffer containing R code to send that code directly to the running R process. ESS (see Section M.2) builds on shell mode to provide modes for interacting with statistical processes. The terminal interaction can be local (on the same computer on which Emacs is running) or remote (anywhere else). M.2 ESS Figure M.2 is a screenshot showing an interactive Emacs session. Emacs is a powerful program, hence the figure is quite dense. We discuss many of its components in the following subsections. The discussion here is based on Rossini et al. (2004). ESS provides: Fig. M.2 Interaction with R process through Emacs with ESS. An Emacs frame with three buffers is shown on the left. The top buffer shows the R file emacsDemo.R that we are executing one line at a time. The cursor is at the end of the line anova(fat.lm), with the closing right paren and its matching left paren highlighted together. The middle buffer *R* shows the R process with the printed result from the anova(fat.lm) command. The down arrow in the left margin shows the beginning of the output from the most recently executed line. The bottom buffer *help[R](lm)* shows the help file from the R command ?lm. In the center is the ESS menu. On the right is the graph drawn by the plot(fat.lm, 2) statement. More detail on this figure is presented in Section M.2. M.2 ESS 855 → 856 M Accessing R Through a Powerful Editor—With Emacs and ESS as the Example M.2.1 Syntactic Indentation and Color/Font-Based Source Code Highlighting The ESS interface includes a description of the syntax and grammar of each statistical language it knows about. This gives ESS the ability to edit the programming language code, often more smoothly than with editors distributed with the languages. The process of programming code is enhanced as ESS provides the user with a clear presentation of the code with syntax highlighting to denote assignment, reserved words, strings, and comments. The upper-left buffer (labeled emacsDemo.R) in Figure M.2 contains an R script file. The mode-line for the buffer is in the “modeline” face indicating that this is the active buffer. The mode-lines for the other, inactive, buffers in this figure are in the lighter-colored “mode-line-inactive” face. We can tell from the ** in the mode-line that the file is still under construction. Those two symbols would be replaced by -- once the file is saved. In order to illustrate syntactic indentation, we show the statement fat.lm character after the comma, Emacs automatically indented the second line of the statement and placed the cursor aligned with the first character after the open paren. The assignment arrow, a keyword in the language, is detected and colored in the “constant” face. Comments indicated by “##” are colored in the “comment” face. The cursor, represented by a blinking “|”, is redundantly located by the (11,13) (indicating row and column in the file) in the mode-line. In this snapshot the cursor immediately follows a closing paren “)”, hence both the closing paren and its matching opening paren “(” are highlighted in the paren-match face. Mismatched parens, as in Figure M.3, are shown in the paren-mismatch face. Fig. M.3 Mismatched parens are shown in a glaring color to help protect the user from many types of typographical errors. M.2.2 Partial Code Evaluation Emacs/ESS can send individual lines, entire function definitions, marked regions, and whole edited buffers from the window in which the code is displayed for editing to the statistical language/program for execution. Emacs/ESS sends the code directly to the running program and receives the printed output back from the program M.2 ESS 857 in an editable Emacs buffer (the *R* buffer). This is a major improvement over cutand-paste as it does not require switching buffers or windows. We show this twice in Figure M.2. The dropdown menu is set to show the various options on which subset of the buffer will be sent over. The menu also shows the key-stroke combinations that can be typed directly and thereby avoid using the menu at all. The cursor is on the line anova(fat.lm) and that line was sent over by this command. → The *R* buffer has just received the command (the hooked down arrow in the left margin shows the beginning of the output from the most recently executed line). The command and its output are displayed. In addition to receiving and executing lines sent over from the script file, the *R* buffer is also an ordinary R console and the user can type directly into the *R* buffer. ESS facilitates the editing of files of R scripts by providing a means for loading and error-checking of small sections of code (as illustrated in Figure M.2). This allows for source-level debugging of batch files. M.2.3 Object Name Completion In addition, for languages in the S family (S developed at Bell Labs, S+ from TIBCO, and R) ESS provides object-name completion of user- and system-defined functions and data, and filename completion for files in the computer. M.2.4 Process Interaction ESS builds on Emacs’s facilities to interface directly with the running R process. The output of the package goes directly to the editable *R* text buffer in Emacs. Emacs has historically referred to processes under its control as “inferior”, accounting for the name inferior ESS (iESS) shown in the mode-line of the *R* buffer in Figure M.2. This mode allows for command-line editing and for recalling and searching the history of previously entered commands. Filename completion, and object-name and function-name completion are available. Transcripts are easily recorded and can be edited into an ideal activity log, which can then be saved. ESS intercepts calls to the internal help system for R and displays the help files inside an Emacs buffer (see the bottom left buffer in Figure M.2). 858 M Accessing R Through a Powerful Editor—With Emacs and ESS as the Example M.2.5 Interacting with Statistical Programs on Remote Computers ESS provides the facility to edit and run programs on remote machines in the same session and with the same simplicity as if they were running on the local machine. M.2.6 Transcript Editing and Reuse Once a transcript log is generated, perhaps by saving an iESS buffer, transcript mode assists with reuse of part or all of the entered commands. It permits editing and re-evaluating the commands directly from the saved transcript. This is useful for demonstration of techniques as well as for reconstruction of data analyses. There currently exist functions within ESS for “cleaning” transcripts from the R, S+, and SAS languages back to source code by finding all input lines and isolating them into an input file. By default transcript files (files with extensions *.Rout *.rt *.Sout *.st) open into read-only buffers. The intent is to protect the history of your analysis sequence. If you need to make them writable, use C-x C-q. M.2.7 Help File Editing (R) ESS also provides an interface for writing help files for R functions and packages (see Appendix F). It provides the ability to view and execute embedded R source code directly from the help file in the same manner as ESS normally handles code from a source file. ESS Help mode provides syntax highlighting and the ability to submit code from the help file to a running R process. M.3 Learning Emacs There are several ways to learn Emacs. Whichever you choose, it will give you access to the most comprehensive editing system. M.3 Learning Emacs 859 M.3.1 GUI (Graphical User Interface) Emacs provides a GUI (graphical user interface) with dropdown menus (shown in Figure M.2) or with toolbar icons (not shown here). An excellent guide to menubased Emacs usage, with the delightful title “Emacs has no learning curve: Emacs and ESS”, is available in Johnson (2015). Detailed help on Emacs is available from the Help dropdown menu item. M.3.2 Keyboard Interface Emacs, in its present incarnation, goes back to 1984. A precursor goes back to 1976. One of us (RMH) started using Emacs about 1990. Emacs was originally designed in a keyboard-only environment, long before mice and multi-windowed “desktop” environments. We still prefer the keyboard as it is faster (once learned) and has more capabilities than the menu-based GUI options. The dropdown menus themselves show the keyboard equivalents. For keyboard-based usage use one or more of 1. Tutorial. Enter “C-h t”. Then read the file and follow the instructions. You are working with your own private copy of the TUTORIAL file, so you can practice the keystrokes as suggested. 2. Manual. The manual is online in the hyperlinked Info system. It can be accessed from the menu or by entering “C-h i” to bring up the Info: buffer. 3. Help. You can search within the dropdown Help menu. Or, to find help apropos a topic, for example to answer the question “How do I save my current editing buffer to a file?”, enter “C-h a save RET” and get a list of all commands with save as part of their name. You probably want the command save-buffer and will see that you can use that command by typing “C-x C-s” or by using the files pull-down menu. 4. Reference Card to Emacs keystroke commands. The Emacs reference card is in the directory accessed by “C-h r C-x d ../etc/refcards”. The English card is in file refcard.pdf. Several other languages are also available as files with names **-refcard.pdf. Reference cards for other Free Software Foundation programs are also in the same directory. 860 M Accessing R Through a Powerful Editor—With Emacs and ESS as the Example M.4 Nuisances with Windows and Emacs When R has been started by an ordinary user, as opposed to Administrator, then installed packages are placed into a personal library. The R GUI under Windows uses the directory "C:/Users/loginname/Documents/R/win-library/x.y" as the location of your personal library. The *R* buffer inside Emacs uses "C:/Users/loginname/AppData/Roaming/R/win-library/x.y" as the location of your personal library. The notation x.y must be replaced by the first two digits of your current version of R. For example, with R-3.3.0, "x.y" would become "3.3". Neither will automatically see packages that were installed into the directory used by the other. You must tell it about the other directory. You can tell the R GUI to use the additional directory with the statement .libPaths( "C:/Users/loginname/AppData/Roaming/R/win-library/x.y") You can tell *R* to use the additional directory with the statement .libPaths( "C:/Users/loginname/Documents/R/win-library/x.y") M.5 Requirements Emacs satisfies the requirements detailed in Section K.1.1. 1. ESS provides full interaction between the commands file, the statistical process, and the transcript. 2. The statistical process runs in an Emacs buffer and is therefore fully searchable and editable. 3. Cut and paste is standard. 4. Emacs comes with modes specialized for all standard computing languages (C, C++, Fortran, VBA). ESS provides the modes for R and S+ (and for SAS and several others). Each mode by default highlights all keywords in its language, is aware of recommended indentation patterns and other formatting issues, and has communication with its associated running program. 5. Emacs handles multiple files as part of its basic design. 6. Emacs has a LATEX mode, and therefore provides editing access to the best mathematical typesetting system currently available anywhere. 7. Emacs has several text modes. 8. Several spell-check programs works with Emacs; we use ispell. M.5 Requirements 861 9. Emacs permits embedding of graphics directly into the Emacs buffer. 10. Graphics in PDF, PostScript, and bitmap formats can be embedded into LATEX documents. 11. Emacs includes encoding (Unicode) for all human languages. Enter C-H h to display the HELLO file, which lists many languages and characters. Appendix N LATEX We used LATEX (Lamport, 1994) as the document preparation system for writing this book. LATEX knows all the intricacies of mathematical typesetting and makes it very easy to include figures and tables into the manuscript. LATEX is the standard required by many statistics and mathematics journals. LATEX can adapt to any standard style, such as those used by book publishers and journals, or you can write your own. The LATEX document preparation system is written as a collection of macros for Donald Knuth’s TEX program (Knuth, 1984). LATEX adds to TEX a collection of commands that simplify typesetting by letting the user concentrate on the structure of the text. TEX is a sophisticated program designed to produce high-quality typesetting, especially for mathematical text. The TEX system was developed by Donald E. Knuth at Stanford University. It is now maintained by CTAN, the Comprehensive TEX Archiving Network (Comprehensive TEX Archiving Network, 2002). There are several distributions available. We use MikTEX (Schenk, 2001) on Windows and MacTEX (The TeX Users Group (TUG), 2014) on Macintosh. The latex function in R (Heiberger and Harrell, 1994; Frank E Harrell et al., 2014) may be used to prepare formatted typeset tables for a LATEX document. Several tables in this book (8.1, 9.1, 12.4, 15.5, and 15.8) were prepared in this way. N.1 Organization Using LATEX There are several ways to approach LATEX. The way we used for this book was to write each chapter in its own file, and then combine them into book using the style file provided by our publisher Springer. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 863 864 N LATEX N.2 Setting Equations This is equation 8.1 as we typed it: \begin{eqnarray*} y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i \dots,n$} \end{eqnarray*} + \epsilon_i \cond{for $i=1, This is how it appears when typeset: yi = β0 + β1 xi + i for i = 1, . . . , n N.3 Coordination with R The Second Edition of this book was written using the Sweave and Stangle functions from the utils package. All R code is included within the LATEX source for the book. Stangle reads the LATEX input files, isolates from the input files the actual code that produced the tables and figures, and collects the code into the script files that are included with the HH package. See help(Sweave, package="utils") for details on writing using Sweave. N.4 Global Changes: Specification of Fonts In LATEX, it is very easy to make global changes to a document style. For example, placing programs and transcripts into a verbatim environment takes care of the font. Should we later decide that we would like a different monowidth font, say “Adobe Courier” instead of the default “Computer Modern Typewriter”, we include the single statement \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} and then immediately ALL instances of the typewriter font will change. We illustrate in Table N.1. Compare this simple change of a single specification in LATEX to the more laborintensive way of accomplishing the same task in a visual formatting systems (MS Word, for example). In a visual formatting system, programs and transcripts must be individually highlighted and then explicitly placed into Courier. Changing ALL instances of the typewriter font requires manually highlighting and changing EACH of them individually, one at a time. N.4 Global Changes: Specification of Fonts 865 Table N.1 Switching the typewriter font (LATEX command \tt) in LATEX from the default “Computer Modern Typewriter” to “Adobe Courier” and back. This is the default Computer Modern Typewriter font. %% switch to Adobe Courier \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} This is Adobe Courier font. %% return to Computer Modern Typewriter \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{cmtt} And back to the Computer Modern Typewriter font. Appendix O Word Processors and Spreadsheets Word processing is moving sentences, paragraphs, sections, figures, and crossreferences around. Most word processors can be used as a text editor by manually turning off many of the word processing features. Spreadsheet software is used to operate on tables of numbers. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel are the most prevalent word processor and spreadsheet software systems. Most of what we say here applies to all such systems. O.1 Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is probably the most prevalent text editor and word processor today. MS Word is configured by default as a word processor. It can be used as a text editor by changing those default settings. The most critical features are the font and the paragraph reflow. Courier (or another monowidth font in which all letters are equally wide) should be used for program writing or for summary reports in which your displayed output from R is included. The software output from R is designed to look right (alignment and spacing) with monowidth fonts. It looks terrible, to the point of illegibility, in proportional fonts. See examples in Section A.4 and Appendix L. Other word processor features to turn off are spell checking and syntax checking, both of which are designed to make sense with English (or another natural language) but not with programming languages. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 867 868 O Word Processors and Spreadsheets If you are using an editor that thinks it knows more than you, be very sure that the *.r, *.Rout, and *.rt files are displayed in Courier and fit within the margin settings of the word processor. O.1.1 Editing Requirements MS Word satisfies some of the requirements detailed in Section K.1.1. 1. MS Word can edit the commands file. It does not interact directly with the running statistical process; manual cut-and-paste is required. 2. The output from the statistical process is in a window independent of MS Word. The output can be picked up and pasted into an MS Word window. 3. Cut and paste is standard. 4. When checking is on, MS Word will by default inappropriately check computer programs for English syntax and spelling. 5. MS Word handles multiple files as part of its basic design. 6. Reports can be written and output text can be embedded into them; 7. MS Word has syntax and spell-checking facilities limited to the natural language (English in our case). 8. Graphics can be pasted directly into an MS Word document. 9. Mathematical formulas can be entered in an MS Word document. 10. SWord and other connections between R and MS Word. 11. MS Word works with Unicode, providing access to all character sets in all human languages. On the Insert tab, click Symbols and then More Symbols. In the font box, find Arial Unicode MS. O.1.2 SWord SWord (Baier, 2014) is an add-in package for MS Word that makes it possible to embed R code in an MS Word document. The R code will be automatically executed and the output from the R code will be included within the MS Word document. SWord is free for non-commercial use. Any other use will require a license. Please see Section D.1.3 for installation information. O.2 Microsoft Excel 869 O.2 Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel is probably the most prevalent spreadsheet program today. We believe MS Excel is well suited for two tasks: as a small-scale database management system and as a way of organizing calculations. We do not recommend Excel for the actual calculations. O.2.1 Database Management R (and S+ and SAS) can read and write Excel files. Since many people within an organization collect and distribute their data in Excel spreadsheets, this is a very important feature. O.2.2 Organizing Calculations R can be connected directly to Excel on Windows via RExcel (Baier and Neuwirth, 2007) using DCOM, Microsoft’s protocol for exchanging information across programs. See Appendix D for further details and for download information. Used in this way, Excel can be used similarly to the ways that Emacs and MS Word are used. Excel can be used to control R, for example by putting R commands inside Excel cells and making them subject to automatic recalculation. Or R can be in control, and use Excel as one of its subroutines. O.2.3 Excel as a Statistical Calculator We believe Excel is usually a poor choice for statistical computations because: 1. As of this writing (Excel 2013 for Windows and Excel 2011 for Macintosh) at least some of the built-in statistical functions do not include even basic numerical protection. Table O.1 and Figure O.1 show the calculation of the variance of three numbers by R’s var function and Excel’s VAR function. Figure O.1 shows a simple set of variance calculations where Excel reveals an algorithmic error. We show the erroneous number as a hex number in Table O.2. For comparison, Table O.1 shows the correct calculations by R. 870 O Word Processors and Spreadsheets Fig. O.1 Calculation of the variance by Excel for the sequence (10k ) + 1, (10k ) + 1, (10k ) + 1 for several values of k. The real-valued result for all values of k is exactly 1. The 2.833 × 1022 value shown for k = 27 is the indication of an erroneous algorithm in Excel. We see this for Excel 2013 on Windows and Excel 2011 on Macintosh. The floating point result for k = 0 : 15 is exactly 1 as shown. The correct floating point result for all k >= 17 is exactly 0. The floating point value 4 for k = 16 is correct. We illustrate the correct floating point behavior in Section G.12. Table O.2 shows the hexadecimal display for the erroneous value. Table O.1 Calculation of the variance by R for the sequence (10k ) + 1, (10k ) + 1, (10k ) + 1 for several values of k. The real-valued result for all values of k is exactly 1. R gets the correct floating point variance for all values of k. The floating point result for k = 0 : 15 is exactly 1. The floating point value 4 for k = 16 is correct. The floating point result for k >= 17 is exactly 0. We illustrate the correct floating point behavior in Section G.12. > k <- c(0, 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28) > cbind(k=k, var=apply(cbind(10^k + 1, 10^k + 2, 10^k + 3), 1, var)) k var [1,] 0 1 [2,] 1 1 [3,] 2 1 [4,] 15 1 [5,] 16 4 [6,] 17 0 [7,] 26 0 [8,] 27 0 [9,] 28 0 O.2 Microsoft Excel 871 Table O.2 The first statement shows the hex display of the number Excel shows in Figure O.1 as the result of var(1027 + 1, 1027 + 2, 1027 + 3). It is very close to a pretty hex number suggesting that there is a numeric overflow somewhere in the algorithm. The second statement shows the hex display of the three input numbers. They are all identical to machine precision. > sprintf("%+13.13a", 28334198897217900000000) [1] "+0x1.8000000000007p+74" > as.matrix(sprintf("%+13.13a", c(10^27 + 1, 10^27 + 2, 10^27 + 3))) [,1] [1,] "+0x1.9d971e4fe8402p+89" [2,] "+0x1.9d971e4fe8402p+89" [3,] "+0x1.9d971e4fe8402p+89" Earlier versions of MS Excel got different wrong answers for the variance of three numbers. Most notably MS Excel 2002 gets the right answer for 107 and the wrong answer for 108 , suggesting that it was using the numerically unstable one-pass algorithm. Later releases got different sets of wrong answers. 2. Most add-in packages are not standard and are not powerful. If add-ins are used along with an introductory textbook, they will most likely be limited in capability to the level of the text. They are unlikely to be available on computers in a work situation. RExcel is an exception. It uses R from the Excel interface and therefore has all the power and generality of R. References A.A. Adish, S.A. 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Yates, The Design and Analysis of Factorial Experiments (Imperial Bureau of Soil Science, Harpenden, 1937) Index of Datasets A abc 456 abrasion 310 acacia 573 animal 423 anneal 535 apple 502 B balance 587 barleyp 421 batch 177 bean 535 blood 191 blyth 548 breast 260 budworm 605 byss 628 C c3c4 232 catalystm 167, 189, 225 cc176 427 cereals 83 chimp 536 circuit 495 concord 110, 373 crash 524 crime 573 D darwin 591 diamond 261 display 377 distress 592 draft70mn 83, 108, 191 drunk 539 E eggs 472 elnino 643 employM16 692 esr 627 F fabricwear 325, 344 fat 237, 263, 264, 285, 470 feed 418 filmcoat 441 filter 472 furnace 424 G girlht 261 gunload 448 H har1 164, 582, 583, 586 har2 165 hardness 110, 277, 373 heartvalve 472 hooppine 424 hospital 373 hotdog 332 houseprice 273, 274 hpErie 312, 343, 375 htwt 316 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 887 888 Index of Datasets I icu 625, 627 income 261 intubate 575 ironpot 424 J jury K kidney 575 373 L lake 260 leukemia 627 lifeins 374 longley 287 lymph 610 M manhours 313 market 476 mice 192 mileage 374 mortality 573 mpg 424 muscle 260 N njgolf 88 notch 191 O oats 482 operator 189 oral 575 ozone 688 P patient 190 political 575 potency 191 pox 591 product 674 psycho 628 pulmonary 229 pulse 189, 590 R radioact 536 rent 345 retard 422 rhiz.alfalfa 421 rhiz.clover 421, 468 S salary 83 salinity 189 salk 563 seeding 591 selfexam 573 shipment 313 sickle 190 skateslc 422 spacshu 595, 598 spindle 476 sprint 313 surface 477 T tablet1 191, 592 teachers 140 testing 421 tires 437, 474 tongue 625 tser.mystery.X 662 tser.mystery.Y 666 tser.mystery.Z 670 tsq 684 turkey 178, 179, 207, 450, 480 tv 39, 93, 708 U usair 109, 306 uscrime 109, 313 V vocab 130, 578, 579 vulcan 473 W washday 475 water 110, 343 weightloss 201 weld 474 wheat 536 wool 472 workstation 397 Index Symbols Φ 51 Φ 70 α 60, 63 β 63 ∩ 29–30 χ2 38 ∪ 29–30 285 ε 632 η 37 μ 36, 44 ⊥ X 38 ρ 44 P (uppercase ρ) 45 σ 36, 44 σ2 36, 268 t distribution 816 X + 268 = 271 ˜ 271 A absolute-sum-2 scaling 187, 222 accuracy 763 ACF see autocorrelation acid phosphatase 610 ACM ix added residual plots 305 added variable plots 301–304, 306, 356, 359 AEdotplot 120 Agresti 126 AIC see Akaike information criterion Akaike information criterion 298, 309, 639 Akaike, Hirotugu 298 algebra 272, 775 algorithm 785 alias 479, 481, 494 alignment 15, 708, 837 time series 633 alternative hypothesis) 203 analysis of covariance see ANCOVA analysis of deviance table 605 analysis of variance see ANOVA, 171 analysis of variance table see ANOVA table analysis with concomitant variables see ANCOVA ANCOVA 113, 330–343, 428, 429, 434, 479, 501–512, 516, 520, 521 ancova 503 ANCOVA dummy variables 538 ANCOVA plot 353, 355, 428, 433, 513 ANOVA 167–193, 332, 377–425 computation 425 ANOVA table 168–172, 240, 347, 349, 351, 352, 354, 355, 386 antilogit 593, 594 ARIMA 632, 635 arithmetic 272 ARMA 636 ASCII format 17, 21 aspect ratio 841 asymmetry 104 autocorrelation 636 autoregression (AR) 633 B backshift operator 632 backslash 705, 706 barchart 567 barplot 525, 532 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 R.M. Heiberger, B. Holland, Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Springer Texts in Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2122-5 889 890 baseline 570 batch 834 Bell Labs ix bell-shaped curve 49 Bernoulli distribution 604 beta curve 64, 65, 69, 817 beta distribution 808 bias 59, 79 binary format 757 binomial distribution 48, 578–579, 822 binomial test 579 binomial, normal approximation 48 bitmap graphics 841 bivariate discrete distribution 539 bivariate normal distribution 45, 46 block 387 blocking factor 387, 388 bmp 841 Bonferroni inequality 200 Bonferroni method 200–201 Box, George E. P. 632 Box–Cox transformations 102, 472, 530 Box–Jenkins method 632 boxplot 42–44, 114, 333, 401, 449, 478 with control of position 114 Brown–Forsyth test 189–190 browser 712 build a package 751, 752 bunching 305 bwplot 437 byssinosis 628 C Caffo 126 calculus 780, 781 cancellation 762, 763 cancer 609 carryover effect 497 Cartesian product 111–114, 121, 385 case 345, 558 case-control study 558 categorical variable 539 Cauchy distribution 809 cell 383, 539 cell means 383 Central Limit Theorem 54 central limit theorem 55, 56 Chambers, John M. ix changeover design 497 chi-square analysis 539–545 chi-square distribution 543, 809 Cholesky Factorization 793 class variable 13 Index cluster random sampling 77 Cochran option 135 Cochran, William G. 562 code 20 coded data 421 coding 13, 207, 315–316, 321, 325, 342, 421 coefficient of determination 241, 242, 244, 256, 257, 298, 309 cohort study 559 collinearity 287–292, 373 color choice 113 color deficient vision 107 color palette 570 color vision 107 ColorBrewer 113 column space 324 combinations 805 command file 834 command language ix common scaling 621 comparison value 527–529 computational precision 753 computing note 203 concomitant variable 330, 331 concomitant variables, analysis of see ANCOVA conditional probability 30 conditional sums of squares 466 conditional tests 464–470 confidence bands 251, 254, 259 logistic regression 598 confidence coefficient 60 confidence interval 58–63 matched pairs of means 139–141 one-sided 61 population mean 123, 129–130 population proportion 126–127 population variance 131 two means 134–136 two proportions 133–134 variance ratio 138 conflicts 712 conflicts, names 712 confounding 479–495, 559 conservative 200 consistency 60 console 704 contingency table 8 contingency tables 539–575 continuity 49 contrast matrix 224, 322 contrast vector 186 Index contrasts 179, 183–188, 222, 223, 225, 315, 316, 322–327, 419, 420, 451, 622 arbitrary 222–224 orthogonal 181–182, 224–228, 489, 490 controls 558 Cook’s distance 360, 362, 366–368, 372 Cook, R. Dennis 362, 366 correction for continuity 49 correlation 44–47 correlation coefficient 243 Courier 837 court system 66 covariance 44–47 covariance adjustment 331, 336, 338, 511 covariance matrix 44, 45 covariance, analysis of see ANCOVA covariate 330–332, 335, 336, 343 C p 297–299, 309 C p plot 299, 310 CRAN 749 cross-product ratio 552 crossing 272, 425, 451, 453, 482 crossover design 479, 497–501 cumulative distribution 34, 35 D Daniel, Cuthbert 297 data categorical 13 continuous 14 count 13 discrete 14 importing 16 interval 13, 14, 578 missing 17, 21, 317 multivariate 14 ordered 13, 14, 578, 590 ratio 13, 14, 578 rearrangement 18 types of 13 data display 2, 239 data snooping 173 database management system 17 datasets 16 datasets for HH 19–20 debugger 712 debugging 712 dedication v degrees of freedom 52, 277 deleted predicted value 360 deleted regression coefficients 360 deleted standard deviation 360, 364 deviance 605 DFBETAS 360 891 DFBETAS 362, 369–370 DFFITS 360 DFFITS 362, 367–368 diagnostic logistic regression 619 diagnostic plot 528, 529 time series 646, 678 diagnostics time series 638, 652 dichotomous 54, 273, 593, 623, 627 dichotomous response variable 622 differencing 635 direct effect 497 directory structure 834 disastrous cancellation 762, 763 discrete distribution 539 discrete uniform distribution 822 discretization 327 distribution see the name of the particular distribution diverging stacked barchart 115, 567 dotplot 522 dummy variable 315–321, 325, 336, 343, 456, 461–465, 534, 537 dummy variables 224 Dunnett procedure 201–206, 513–515 E ECDF 256 ecological correlation 87, 441, 552 editors 831 efficiency 71, 385, 504 eigenvalues 796 elementary operations 783 Emacs 709, 851–861 buffer 853 shell mode 853 EmacsRot 855 Empirical CDF 256 empirical cumulative distribution plot 257, 258 EMS see expected mean squares, 488 epsilon, machine 754 error see residuals ESS 851–861 estimate 57 estimation 55–62, 638 estimator 57 point 58–60 exact test 580 Excel, Microsoft 17, 869–871 expectation 36–37 expectation of sum 37, 269 expected mean squares 393 892 expected mean squares 175–176, 192, 386, 393, 448, 450, 451, 488 experimental units 481, 492 exponential distribution 810 externally standardized residuals see Studentized deleted residuals extra sum of squares 276 F F 35 F-distribution 811 F-test 134, 139, 168, 171, 175–177, 186, 188, 240, 242, 590 factor 13, 167, 539 factorial 804 family (of related inferences) 199 familywise error rate 172, 199, 200 FAQ 7.22 707 FAQ 7.31 15, 753 figure 20 find 712 firewall 702 Fisher’s exact test 545–548, 564, 573 Fisher, Ronald A. 545 fitting constants 466, 467 fixed effects 167, 169, 388 fixed factor 169 fixed-width font 840 floating-point arithmetic 753 folding 710, 839 font 708, 837 forecasting 641, 661 foreign 17 formatting 840 forward slash 705, 706 fractional factorial design 479–481, 492–496 fractional replicate 481, 492 full model 274 FWE see familywise error rate G Gaussian elimination 268 generalized inverse 268, 801 generalized linear model 595, 604 geometric distribution 823 geometry 270 geometry of matrices 795 gif 841 glm see generalized linear model Gnu Public License 699 GOF see goodness-of-fit goodness-of-fit test 148–153, 158–160, 544, 578 portmanteau 639 Index GPL 699 Gram–Schmidt algorithm 789 grand mean 384 granularity 305 graph 401 graphical design 2, 9, 18, 116–121, 213, 620–622 ACF plot 695 ANCOVA plot 119, 332, 341, 342 ARIMA-trellis plot 119 barplot 525 boxplot 401, 456, 478 common scaling 621 construction 695 interaction plot 119, 385 logistic regression plot 117 MMC plot 119, 212–231 odds-ratio CI plot 121, 557, 558 ODOFFNA plot 119, 529, 530 regression diagnostic plots 350, 354, 371, 372 seasonal time series 650 squared residual plot 120 time series 642–645, 692–696 time series plot 694 graphical display logistic regression 596–599 graphical user interface 116 graphics 841 GUI see graphical user interface H Haenszel, William 559 hat matrix 268–270, 363, 375 Heiberger, Mary Morris v Helmert contrasts 323 hexadecimal notation 756, 871 HH 16, 715 HH package 705 hhcapture 20 hhpdf 20 HHscriptnames 706, 715, 716 HHscriptnames 20 hierarchical factorial relationship 397 high leverage point 269 higher way designs 427–477 histogram 39–40 Hochberg procedure 201 Holland, Andrew v Holland, Ben v Holland, Irene v Holland, Margaret v homogeneity of variance 114 hov see variance, homogeneity of Index 893 Hsu, Jason 217 hypergeometric distribution 48, 545–547, 824 hypothesis test matched pairs of means 139–141 one-sided 68 population mean 124–126 population proportion 127–129 population variance 131 two means 135–136 two variances 138 two-sided 68 hypothesis testing 62–67, 73, 74 I identification 637 ill-conditioned data 287 imputation 17–18 indentation 709 independence 30, 33, 35, 542–544 indicator variable see dummy variable inductive inference 2 inexplicable error messages 712 inexplicable messages 712 influence 350, 351, 367, 372 install 749 install.packages 699 integer scaling 188 interaction 5, 181, 330, 350, 378–385 models without 417–420 interaction plot 379, 385, 394, 409, 410, 420, 422–424, 430, 432, 444, 473, 474, 487, 495, 499, 526, 530, 531 internally standardized residuals see standardized residuals internet 702 intersection see ∩ isomeans grid 219 J Jenkins, Gwilym M. jitter 598 judicial system 66 632 K Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 148 Kruskal–Wallis test 590–591 L l’Hôpital’s rule 104 ladder of powers 104, 530, 532 ladder-of-powers plot 114 lag 632 language command ix LATEX 837, 863 LATEX 20 Latin square design 435–440, 474, 481, 492, 497, 498, 500, 504 lattice 517 lattice 707 latticeExtra 115 latticeExtra x, 156, 717 latticeExtra 118 LD50 605 least squares 236, 238, 239, 267, 314 least-squares geometry 263 least-squares plane 264 level 13, 167 leverage 250, 269, 270, 360, 362–364, 366 library, personal 700, 860 likelihood ratio 161 likelihood ratio test 162 likert 567 Likert scale 567 line width 839 linear dependence 322 linear equations 803 linear Identity 193, 194 linear identity 248 linear independence 786 linearly independent 316 link 593 link function 594, 603, 604 Linux 700 lmatPairwise 225 load 749 logistic distribution 813 logistic regression 114, 593–629 logistic regression plot 609 logit 593, 601, 813 logit scale 601 lognormal distribution 812 LogXact 624 longitudinal study 516 Loops 770 lung 628 lymph nodes 609 M machine epsilon 760 machine epsilon 754 Macintosh 700 MAD 1, 190 main effect 384, 480 Mallows, Colin 297, 298 894 Mann–Whitney test 586–590 Mantel, Nathan 559 Mantel–Haenszel test 559–565, 575 marginal means 383 marginal panels 113 marginality 466 margins 839 matrix geometry 795 matrix algebra 783 matrix factorization 788 maximum likelihood 161, 236 maximum likelihood estimation 161–162 mean polish 528 mean square error see mean square, residual residual 242–244, 247, 248 mean square, residual 297 mean–mean display see MMC plot median 37, 60 median polish 528 method of fitting constants 466 microplot 430, 431 microplots 120 Microsoft 867 Minitab 773 minus sign 838, 847 missing data 17, 21, see data, missing missing values 17, 21 mixed model 393–394 MMC 431 MMC plot 175, 187, 206, 210–231, 381, 405, 408, 412–414, 435, 440, 443, 515 MMC, split plot 486, 489, 491 model 57 model formula 271 model specification 271–272, 450, 451, 456–462, 622 mono-width font 840 monowidth font 837 Moore–Penrose generalized inverse 268, 801 mosaic plot 114 moving average (MA) 634 mpfr 756 MSE see mean square, residual multicollinearity see collinearity multinomial distribution 828 multiple comparison procedures 172–175, 199–232, 513 multiple precision floating point 756 multiplicity 200, 207–208 multivariate distribution 44, 45 multivariate normal distribution 46, 783, 829 Index N NA 21 name conflict 712 name conflicts 712 negative binomial distribution 825 Nelder, John A. 466 nested factorial experiment 448–453 nesting 272, 397–398, 411, 412, 448–453 new observation 247–252 New Zealand 572 Newton’s method 782 NID 169, 235, 356, 383 no-intercept models 261, 281 nominal variable 13 nonadditivity 527 noncentral 71, 74 noncentral chi-square distribution 818, 819 noncentral distribution 817–818 noncentral F distribution 818, 820 noncentral t distribution 817–819 noncentrality parameter 817, 818 nonparametric methods 577–591 nonparametric procedures 169 normal approximation to the binomial 48, 49 normal distribution 49–50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 62–64, 69, 70, 72, 74, 144, 814 normal equations 239, 268 normal probability plot 152–157, 255, 357, 358 normalized scaling 187 notch 43 numerical stability 763 O O(n) 785 O.C. curve see operating characteristic curve Object Oriented Programming 196, 197 odds 552–557, 593, 601 odds ratio 552–557, 559, 575, 624 odds scale 601 ODOFFNA 119 odoffna see one degree of freedom for nonadditivity one degree of freedom for nonadditivity 524–536 online files 16 OOP 196, 197 operating characteristic curve 63–65, 69, 73, 74, 817 operator symbols 272 optimization 781 order statistics 37 ordered categorical scale 567 ordered factor 326 Index orientation 478 origin, regression through 261, 281 orthogonal basis set 406 orthogonal basis set 408, 413, 788 orthogonal contrasts see contrasts, orthogonal, 405, 408, 412, 413 orthogonal matrix 783 orthogonal polynomials 325–330, 342, 793 orthogonal transformation 787 OSX 700 outlier 365, 577–579, 581, 582, 587 P p-value 67 PACF see autocorrelation package 749 paired t-test 136, 581 pairwise 225 parameter 2 parameterization 323 parsimony 287, 292 partial F-tests 274–277 partial correlation 303 partial residual plots 301–306, 357, 359 partial residuals 301, 303, 305 pdf 841 permutations 804 personal library 700, 860 Peruggia, Mario 217 placebo 139, 558, 559 plots 481 p.m.f. see probability mass function png 841 point cloud 264, 270 point estimator 58 Poisson distribution 165, 825 polynomial 325 polynomial contrasts 323, 325–330, 344, 489 polynomial function 632 polynomial model 277–281, 292 pooling 134, 417 population 2 population pyramid 573 portmanteau goodness-of-fit test 639 position 114 power 63, 142, 176, 200, 577, 818 power curve 63–65, 69, 73, 74, 817 power transformations 102 powers, ladder of 104 precision 15–16, 60, 328, 756, 758, 763 precision, computational 753 prediction 285–286 895 prediction bands 251, 254, 259 logistic regression 597, 598, 601 prediction interval 250–253, 260, 285–286 predictor matrix 270 predictor variable 263, 264, 273, 315, 316, 327 Preface vii presentation of results 847 principle of marginality 466 probability 29–31 probability distribution see the name of the particular distribution probability distributions 30–54 probability mass function 33 probability scale 601 probit regression 595 programming style 845 projection matrix 268, 794 proportion 624 proportional font 840 prospective study 558–559 proxy 702 ps 841 psychometric scale 567 Q QR decomposition 508, 788 quadratic form 787 quadratic identity 193, 194, 248 quadratic model 278–280 quantile plot 152–157, 164 quartiles 42, 43 questionnaire 567 quotation marks 839 R R 2, 112, 699 R Development Core Team x R language 708 R2 see coefficient of determination adjusted 241, 242, 298, 309 r-f spread plot 256 random effcts 383 random effects 167, 173, 175, 382, 386, 388, 393–394, 448 random factor 173 random sample 2 random sampling 75 random shock 632 random variable 29–38 random vector 44, 783 randomization 75 randomization test 580 896 Index randomized complete block design 388–390, 504 rank 14, 578, 582–591, 787 raster graphics 841 rating scale 567 RCBD see randomized complete block design Rcmdr 701, 719 recover 712 reduced model 274 regression analysis diagnostics 345–375 multiple linear regression 263–310 simple linear regression 235–260 using dummy variables 315–341 regression coefficients 236, 238, 241, 243, 247, 249, 250, 266–268, 275, 311, 315, 321, 324, 325, 347, 349, 351 regression diagnostics 117, 254–257 relative risk 552–557 repeated measures design 497 reshape data 18 residual effect 497 residual effects design 497–501 residual mean square see mean square, residual residual plot 197, 254–256, 353, 356–357, 371, 372, 848 residual sum of squares see sum of squares, residual residuals 238, 247, 268 Resolution 493 resolution 841 response surface 421 response surface methodology 489 retrospective study 558–559, 573 RExcel 17, 700, 701, 733 rhizobium 400 risk factor 558 Rmpfr 756 root mean square error 240 round to even 758 rounding 15–16, 758 Rtools 702 r.v. see random variable S S+ x S-Plus x, 112 sample 2 sample proportion 593 models 623 sample size 63 sample size determination 142–148 sampling 74–78 sampling distribution 54 SAS 372, 773 Satterthwaite option 136 scaled deviation 543 scaling 222 scatterplot 88–89, 114 scatterplot matrix 89–92, 95–100, 108, 116–117, 237, 259, 270, 273, 274, 276, 293, 307, 308, 317, 346, 348, 350, 356, 385, 518, 519, 609, 615, 617, 618 Scheffé procedure 206–209, 211 screenshots 702, 703, 711 script file 706, 834 s.d. see standard deviation seasonal models 648–649 semantics 272 sequential sums of squares 466 sequential tests 464–470 setInternet2 702 Shapiro–Wilk test 154, 357 shiny 9, 45, 47, 50, 63, 65, 73, 146, 699, 743–747 sign test 578–582 signed rank distribution 826 significant 67 significant digits 763 simple effects 384, 410–416, 441–447, 474 simple random sampling 75 Simpson’s paradox 441, 548–552, 575 simultaneous confidence intervals 172–173 singular value decomposition 797 skewness 38–39 slash 705, 706 small multiples 114 space shuttle 595 spelling 833 split plot design 479, 481–490 splom see scatterplot matrix spreadsheet 867 sprintf 756 Minitab 773 squared residual plot 239, 265 stacked barchart 567 standard deviation 36 standard error 54, 240, 245, 251 standard error of estimate 240, 269 standard error of sample mean 78–79 standardized residuals 360, 365–366 Stangle 20, 835 start value 102 stationarity 631 statistic 2 Index statistical model 57, 169, 267, 311, 382–383, 448, 481 statistically significant 67 statistics 2 statistics profession 3 stem-and-leaf display 41, 317, 318, 579, 581 stepwise regression 292, 293, 297–298 all subsets 297 backward elimination 297 forward selection 297 stochastic process 632 stratified random sampling 76–77 strip label 92 Student’s t distribution 50–52, 816, 817 Studentized deleted residuals 360, 362, 365–367 Studentized Range Distribution 396 Studentized range distribution 172, 396, 815 subplot 481 sufficiency 60 sum contrasts 323, 456–463 sum of random variables 37, 46 sum of squares 268 regression 241, 242 residual 240–242, 244 total 241, 242, 244 sum, expectation of 37 sums of squares 469 surveys 5 Sweave 20, 835 SWord 868 symmetry 98, 100 syntax 272 syntax highlighting 832 systematic random sampling 78 T t distribution 148 t distribution 50–52 t-test 140, 141, 253, 254, 581, 586 text editors 852, 867 tif 841 time series analysis 631–697 Times Roman 837 total sum of squares see sum of squares, total trace 712 trace factor 385 transcript 20 transformation 39, 100–106, 169, 306, 356, 577, 593 treatment 387 897 treatment combinations 383, 492 trellis 707 Trellis paradigm 111–113 Tukey procedure 172–173, 201, 211–212, 216, 338, 378, 380, 381, 395, 403–405, 408, 414, 431, 435, 437–440, 443 Tukey, John 38, 42, 524 Type I error 63–69 Type I Sum of Squares 272, 466–471 Type II error 63–66, 69, 817, 818 Type II Sum of Squares 466–467 Type III Sum of Squares 466 Type III Sum of Squares 380, 382, 466–471 Type IV Sum of Squares 467 typography 837 U unbalanced design 468 unbalanced sampling 398 unbiased 59 Unicode 833 uniform distribution 816 union see ∪ V values missing 17, 21 variable selection 292–301 variance 36–37, 60, 870, 871 accuracy 763 homogeneity of 169, 188–190 variance function 603 variance inflation factor 291–293, 373 variance of median 60 variance stabilization 101, 530 variance, analysis of see ANOVA variance-covariance matrix see covariance matrix vector graphics 841 Venables, William N. 466 VIF see variance inflation factor vision, color 107 W weibull distribution 817 weighted squares of means 466, 467 Welch two-sample t-test 136 whole plot 479, 481 whole plot error 482 Wilcoxon distribution 827 Wilcoxon signed-ranks test 582–586 Wilcoxon, Frank 582, 586 Wilk–Shapiro test 154, 357 898 Windows 700, 701, 733, 860 WindowsPath 706 wmf 841 word processing 840 word processing software 710 word processor 867 Word, Microsoft 867, 868 working style 831 write a function 751, 752 writing style 837, 844, 847 Index X X + 268 x-factor 385 XLConnect 17, 703 xyplot 117 Y Yates, Frank Z zapsmall 466 760
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