Bfast 2

User Manual: bfast 2

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Presenting Bfastonly 2wiresareneededforthevideodoorphonesystema growing systemLife is beautiful when everything is easy, fastand without any limits.Here comes Bfast by Bitron Video, the newvideo doorphone system, colour ready, withtwo non-polarised wires, having very simplewiringthatcanbeusedinanytypeofinstallation.In fact, by using normal dip switches, theunit can be programmed easily and in avery quick and simple way.The Bitron Video technology, h aving twonon-polarised wires, contains the most advancedvideo doorphone solutions and providesincredible performance.Its characteristic of simplifying work, both inthe planning phase, and in installation andprogramming, reduces to a minimum the timeit takes to make it operational, and also theamount of stress.But there are advantages not only for thei n s t a l l e r, but  also  for  the  user: these includethe possibility of use of the simple video door-phone system, extending it to video surveillan-ce and intercom facilities, without any increasein installation costs, and making subsequentimplementations or expansions possible.A n d t o d a y y o u c a n c h o s e B - f a s t wi t h T- l i n eBitron V i d e o ’s brand-new range with a mini-m a l , elegant design. The video doorphone isirresistible with its minimum protrusion fromthe wall, full-height Plexiglas finish and beau-t i f u l , e r g o n o m i c h a nd s e t p e r f e c t l y i n t e g r a t e dinto the front of the device.Both colour and black and white versions area v a i l a b l e . T h e   d o o r p h o n e   i s a p p e a l i n g , wi t h   ac l e a r- c u t , s t re a ml i ne s ty l e t h a t p e r f ec t l ym atches all types of decor. T-line is a rangeto be seen and to be shown off .T-line has more than just the looks: it is also fun-c t i o n a l . The additional button module, p e r f e c t lyi n t e gr ated  in  the video  doorphone and  doorpho-ne devices, m ay be used to add new functionsand an increasing number of intercom stat i o n s :a very convenient feat u r e . A nd th e B-fas t 200 7i n n o v a t i o n s d o   n o t e n d h e r e .Systems can now become more rational andcost-effective thanks to the new doorphonewhich may be installed either as a single apar-tment station or as an extension in systemswith one or more video doorphones.The new audio unit may be used to install se-condary entrances also without cameras.

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