Bfast 2
User Manual: bfast 2
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Presenting Bfast
only 2wiresareneededforthevideodoorphonesystem
a growing system
Life is beautiful when everything is easy, fast
and without any limits.
Here comes Bfast by Bitron Video, the new
video doorphone system, colour ready, with
two non-polarised wires, having very simple
In fact, by using normal dip switches, the
unit can be programmed easily and in a
very quick and simple way.
The Bitron Video technology, h aving two
non-polarised wires, contains the most advanced
video doorphone solutions and provides
incredible performance.
Its characteristic of simplifying work, both in
the planning phase, and in installation and
programming, reduces to a minimum the time
it takes to make it operational, and also the
amount of stress.
But there are advantages not only for the
i n s t a l l e r, but also for the user: these include
the possibility of use of the simple video door-
phone system, extending it to video surveillan-
ce and intercom facilities, without any increase
in installation costs, and making subsequent
implementations or expansions possible.
A n d t o d a y y o u c a n c h o s e B - f a s t wi t h T- l i n e
Bitron V i d e o ’s brand-new range with a mini-
m a l , elegant design. The video doorphone is
irresistible with its minimum protrusion from
the wall, full-height Plexiglas finish and beau-
t i f u l , e r g o n o m i c h a nd s e t p e r f e c t l y i n t e g r a t e d
into the front of the device.
Both colour and black and white versions are
a v a i l a b l e . T h e d o o r p h o n e i s a p p e a l i n g , wi t h a
c l e a r- c u t , s t re a ml i ne s ty l e t h a t p e r f ec t l y
m atches all types of decor. T-line is a range
to be seen and to be shown off .
T-line has more than just the looks: it is also fun-
c t i o n a l . The additional button module, p e r f e c t ly
i n t e gr ated in the video doorphone and doorpho-
ne devices, m ay be used to add new functions
and an increasing number of intercom stat i o n s :
a very convenient feat u r e . A nd th e B-fas t 200 7
i n n o v a t i o n s d o n o t e n d h e r e .
Systems can now become more rational and
cost-effective thanks to the new doorphone
which may be installed either as a single apar-
tment station or as an extension in systems
with one or more video doorphones.
The new audio unit may be used to install se-
condary entrances also without cameras.

easy to design and install, because
The Bitron Video Bfast system is ideal to solve any installation situation.
In this handy table you can immediately identify the components that you need in order to calculate quickly the estimated cost for
solutions up to 32 users, using the Domular Classic Evolution panel and B/W T-line video doorphones.
Up to 32 users.
2222 2
AVideo door panel
Power supply
Door opening button
Electrical lock
Video doorphone apartment
Single user distributor
Cyclic relay
Special decoder box
Possibility of “in-out” wiring
4 , 6 2 1 , 5 2 4 , 0 3 3 , 6 3 4 , 9 9 , 4 2 3 , 7 3 0 , 8 3 9 , 4 4 6 , 2 1 1 9 5 , 9 2 2 , 6 1 5 2 , 6 9 7 , 2
22 1 111 112
1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 12
1 1 1 1 1 1 14 14 14
111 21161616
2 1 2 1 2 1 18 18 18
2 1 2 1 2 1 20 20 20
2 1 2 1 2 1 22 22 22
21 2 31242424
42211 31262626
4 2 1 1 3 1 30 30 30
U s e K I T AV 4 0 0 5 / T 0 8
U s e K I T AV 4 0 0 5 / T 0 7
10 **
12 **
14 **
16 **
18 **
20 **
22 **
24 **
26 **
28 **
30 **
32 **

many advantages in the panel, because
also in the kit, because The availability of complete and functional kits
exclusively for the Bfast system is proof of the
attention that Bitron Video devotes to simpli-
fying the work of the installer.
Bitron Video offers several kit solutions:
from the non-expandable ones for one-
family villas, to basic expandable kits.
Both versions are available with a CCTV
camera already included in the kit for a
handy video surveillance system that
does not require any extras for assembly.
To further increase the security features,
3 extra cameras may be subsequently
connected by simply adding a cy clic relay.
The panel dedicated to the non-expandable
kits is the small and elegant Video Drin model,
which is ideal for one-family installations.
Bitron Video dedicates the Classic Evolution
panel to the Bfast video doorphone systems,
with new and interesting technical and aesthetic
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s .
The new look has pleasant and sophisti-
cated blue LEDs, an elegant silver frame in
perfect harmony with the modules, w h i c h
is ideal for all applications, even the more
challenging ones. F u r t h e r m o r e , to comple-
te the Bfast performance, the colour ca-
mera is a standard.
The embedding box is modular and interchan-
g e ab l e .
A decisive factor in the success of this
modular panel is the possibility of installing a
system for up to 10 apartments using only 2
Without forgetting that the Bitron Video double
buttons are much larger than av e r age and
guarantee a perfect readability even for very
long names.

With the two non-polarised wire video door-
phone system, the Bfast video doorphone unit
already has an expandability possibility that
o ffers new solutions, ideal for extending the
ap p l i c ati on fi e ld .
In fact, without having to add special
accessories, the system allows a connec-
tion of up to 4 monitors in parallel without
adding wires or power supplies.
This immediately grants two advantages:
the first is that of producing a complete
system with minimum effort; the second,
that of having an integrated intercom
system available.
The versatility of Bfast also allows the creation
of a mixed intercom - i.e. an intercom between
d i fferent apartments or within the same
apartment without adding extra wires.
Obviously, the expandability possibilities of the
Bfast system are open to the continuous te-
c h n o l o gic a l d ev el opm en t a pp li ed b y Bi t ro n
Video in the world of video doorphone systems.
R e lying on two non-polarised wires thus
becomes the most innovative solution for the
i n s t a l l e r, a n d c o n s e q u e n t l y, fo r t h e e n d u s e r.
With the Bfast two non-polarised wire system,
e x p a n d a b i l i t y t o d a y m e a n s m o r e v i d e o
This is an aspect that is becoming more and
more important in the lives of families with
each passing day, as well as in commercial and
entrepreneurial activities.
The possibility of having our residential and
working areas monitored, increases our peace
of mind and quality of life.
With Bfast by Bitron Video, immediately
and without any particular effort, a basic
and expandable video surveillance system
can be obtained.
In fact, starting from the basic configuration, it
is possible to connect a camera with a monito-
ring function, and simply by adding a single
cyclical relay, up to 4 cameras can be connected,
thus creating a truly advanced video surv e i l l a n c e
system without adding wires in the system.
These are new and important opportunities
that the installer can offer to solve the most
varied requests made by the client, without any
problems, quickly and easily.

Two-wire video doorphone system.
via Torino, 21/b - 10044 Pianezza (Torino) Italy
Telefono +39 011.968.46.11 (r.a.) Fax +39 011.968.46.62 e-mail:
code definition
AV4005/001 Video call station including a colour CCD camera, audio unit and 1 button (splittable) on the Classic EVO panel. Without embedding boxes.
AV4005/111 Audio call station for Bfast system including speaker unit and and 1 button (splittable). Can be used for secondary entrances in Bfast systems.Without embedding boxes
AV4005/002 Video power supply for Bfast systems. One unit for each system. Casing suitable for DIN bar mounting (10 modules). 230 Vca, 50 Hz.
AV4005/005 Single user distributor for Bfast systems. Does not require power supply.
AV4005/006 Twisted cable for Bfast systems. External diameter of approximately 6.5mm; contains a pair of 1mm2
AV4005/016 Expansion board for 16 users. To be assembled on the rear of the AV4005/001 calling module.It controls up to 16 calling buttons (MAX 2 units per system).
AV1423/001 4” T-line B/W video doorphone with 2 service buttons and door opener button. Includes status LED and adjustable call volume. White ABS with transparent screen.
Suitable for distances up to 75 m. between power supply and monitor. Wall-mounting bracket not included.
A V 1 4 2 3 / 0 0 2 4" LCD T-line colour video doorphone with 2 service buttons door and door opener button. Includes status LED and adjustable call volume. White ABS with shaded screen.
Suitable for distances of 120 m. between the power supply and the monitor Wall-mounting bracket not included
A V 4 0 0 5 / 1 2 0 Same as 1423/001, but suitable for distances of 120 m. between the power supply and the monitor.
AV1423/011 Wall mounting bracket for connecting T-line monitors to B-fast systems.
AV1407/005* T-line door phone for Bfast system. With door release button and one service button. In white ABS.
AV4005/003 4” B/W Video doorphone mod. MV1002 with door opener button, 3 service buttons. For distances up to 120m.
AV4005/004 4” LCD colour Video doorphone mod. MVC1002 with door opener button, 3 service buttons. For distances up to 120m.
AV4005/075 4” B/W Video doorphone mod. MV1002 with door opener button, 3 service buttons. For distances up to 75m.
AV4005/100 Replacement aluminium front panel without buttons for module AV4005/001
AN4005/017 Cyclic relay switching box for four video inputs. For connecting up to four additional surveillance cameras (B/W or colour) with monitor switch-on and without additional wires
in the system. Wall-mounted.
AN4005/018 Special decoder box for operating loads, such as electrical gates, lights or utilities directly from the user’s monitor.
AV1407/051 Add- on unit with 6 addidtional buttons, one switch and 2 service led. Can be mounted with T-line monitors and doorphones for additional services and expanding the intercom possibilities
A V 4 0 0 5 / T 0 7 One-family black and white Bfast expandable video doorphone kit. Includes: 2 AN 6009 embedding boxes, 1 Classic EVO video unit with Bfast colour CCD and integrated speaker
unit with 1 AV4005/001 button, 1 AN6173/L blank module, 1 frame for two AN6025/L modules, 1 Bfast power supply 230Vac AV4005/002, 1 B/W T-line AV4005/120 monitor,
1 AV1423/011 bracket.
A V 4 0 0 5 / T 0 8 Two-family black and white Bfast expandable video doorphone kit. Includes: 2 AN 6009 embedding boxes, 1 Classic EVO video unit with Bfast colour CCD and integrated speaker unit
with 1 splitable AV4005/001 button, 1 AN6173/L blank module, 1 frame for two AN6025/L modules, 1 Bfast power supply 230Vac AV4005/002, 2 B/W T-line AV4005/120 monitors,
2 AV1423/011 brackets.
A V 4 0 0 5 / T 0 9 One-family Bfast colour expandable video doorphone kit. Includes: 2 AN 6009 embedding boxes, 1 Classic EVO video unit with Bfast colour CCD and integrated speaker unit with
1 AV4005/001 button, 1 AN6173/L blank module, 1 frame for two AN6025/L modules, 1 Bfast power supply 230Vac AV4005/002, 1 T-line AV1423/002 LCD colour monitor,
1 AV1423/011 bracket.
A V 4 0 0 5 / T 1 0 Two-family Bfast colour expandable video doorphone kit. Includes: 2 AN 6009 embedding boxes, 1 Classic EVO video unit with Bfast colour CCD and integrated speaker unit with 1 splitable
AV4005/001 button, 1 AN6173/L blank module, 1 frame for two AN6025/L modules, 1 Bfast power supply 230Vac AV4005/002, 2 T-line AV4005/120 LCD colour monitors,
2 AV1423/011 brackets.
A V 4 0 0 5 / T 1 1 One-family black and white Bfast expandable video doorphone kit with surveillance camera. Includes: 2 AN 6009 embedding boxes, 1 Classic EVO video unit with Bfast colour
CCD and integrated speaker unit with 1 AV4005/001 button, 1 AN6173/L blank module, 1 frame for two AN6025/L modules, 1 Bfast power supply 230Vac AV4005/002,
1 B/W T-line AV4005/120 monitor, 1 AV1423/011 bracket, 1 outdoor B/W CCD camera, 1 230Vac/12Vdc AN7429 power supply for camera.
A V 4 0 0 5 / T 1 2 One-family colour Bfast expandable video doorphone kit with surveillance camera. Includes: 2 AN 6009 embedding boxes, 1 Classic EVO video unit with Bfast colour CCD and integrate
speaker unit with 1 AV4005/001 button, 1 AN6173/L blank module, 1 frame for two AN6025/L modules, 1 Bfast power supply 230Vac AV4005/002, 1 colour LCD T-line AV1423/002
monitor, 1 AV1423/011 bracket, 1 outdoor colour CCD camera, 1 230Vac/12Vdc AN7429 power supply for camera.
AV4005/007 One-family b/w Bfast expandable video doorphone kit. As AV4005/T07, with 1 B/W MV1002 AV4005/003 monitor.
AV4005/008 One-family b/w Bfast expandable video doorphone kit. As AV4005/T08, with 2 B/W MV1002 AV 4005/003 monitors.
AV4005/009 One-family colour Bfast expandable video doorphone kit As AV4005/T09, with 1 colour LCD MVC1002 AV 4005/004 monitor.
AV4005/010 One-family colour bfast expandable video doorphone kit. As AV4005/T10, with 2 colour LCD MVC1002 AV 4005/004 monitors.
AV4005/011 One-family b/w Bfast expandable video doorphone kit with surveillance camera. As A005/T11 with 1 B/W MV1002 AV 4005/003 monitors.
AV4005/012 O n e - f a m i ly colour Bfast expandable video doorphone kit with surveillance camera. As AV 4 0 0 5 / T 1 2 , with 1 colour LCD MVC1002 AV 4005/004 monitor.
A V 4 0 0 5 / 0 1 3 Single family B/W video doorphone kits DRIN series, with Bfast technology. Includes: 1 DRIN video series panel suitable for surface mounting with B/W CCD camera, integrated audio
unit and 1 calling button,1 230Vca video power supply, 1 4" B/W flat monitor Series MV1002.
A V 4 0 0 5 / 0 1 4 Single family colour video kit, DRIN series, with Bfast technology. As AV4005/13 but in colour.
A V 4 0 0 5 / 0 1 5 As kit AV4005/013 but includes a video surveillance system with 1 B/W CCD camera for outdoor use, including its own power supply.
A V 4 0 0 5 / 0 1 9 As kit AV4005/014 but includes a video surveillance system with 1 colour CCD camera for outdoor use,including its own power supply.
* Availability 2007, 2nd quarter.