The Biblatex Package Manual
User Manual:
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- List of Tables
- Introduction
- Database Guide
- Entry Types
- Entry Fields
- Data Types
- Data Fields
- abstract
- addendum
- afterword
- annotation
- annotator
- author
- authortype
- bookauthor
- bookpagination
- booksubtitle
- booktitle
- booktitleaddon
- chapter
- commentator
- date
- doi
- edition
- editor
- editora
- editorb
- editorc
- editortype
- editoratype
- editorbtype
- editorctype
- eid
- entrysubtype
- eprint
- eprintclass
- eprinttype
- eventdate
- eventtitle
- eventtitleaddon
- file
- foreword
- holder
- howpublished
- indextitle
- institution
- introduction
- isan
- isbn
- ismn
- isrn
- issn
- issue
- issuesubtitle
- issuetitle
- iswc
- journalsubtitle
- journaltitle
- label
- language
- library
- location
- mainsubtitle
- maintitle
- maintitleaddon
- month
- nameaddon
- note
- number
- organization
- origdate
- origlanguage
- origlocation
- origpublisher
- origtitle
- pages
- pagetotal
- pagination
- part
- publisher
- pubstate
- reprinttitle
- series
- shortauthor
- shorteditor
- shorthand
- shorthandintro
- shortjournal
- shortseries
- shorttitle
- subtitle
- title
- titleaddon
- translator
- type
- url
- urldate
- venue
- version
- volume
- volumes
- year
- Special Fields
- Custom Fields
- Field Aliases
- Usage Notes
- Hints and Caveats
- User Guide
- Package Options
- Load-time Options
- Preamble Options
- General
- sorting
- sortcase
- sortupper
- sortlocale
- sortlos
- related
- sortcites
- maxnames
- minnames
- maxbibnames
- minbibnames
- maxcitenames
- mincitenames
- maxitems
- minitems
- autocite
- autopunct
- language
- clearlang
- autolang
- block
- notetype
- hyperref
- backref
- backrefstyle
- backrefsetstyle
- indexing
- loadfiles
- refsection
- refsegment
- citereset
- abbreviate
- date
- datelabel
- origdate
- eventdate
- urldate
- alldates
- datezeros
- dateabbrev
- defernumbers
- punctfont
- arxiv
- texencoding
- bibencoding
- safeinputenc
- bibwarn
- mincrossrefs
- Style-specific
- Internal
- General
- Entry Options
- Legacy Options
- Global Customization
- Standard Styles
- Related Entries
- Sorting Options
- Bibliography Commands
- Citation Commands
- Standard Commands
- Style-specific Commands
- Qualified Citation Lists
- Style-independent Commands
- Text Commands
- Special Commands
- \nocite
- \fullcite
- \footfullcite
- \volcite
- \Volcite
- \volcites
- \Volcites
- \pvolcite
- \Pvolcite
- \pvolcites
- \Pvolcites
- \fvolcite
- \ftvolcite
- \fvolcites
- \Fvolcites
- \svolcite
- \Svolcite
- \svolcites
- \Svolcites
- \tvolcite
- \Tvolcite
- \tvolcites
- \Tvolcites
- \avolcite
- \Avolcite
- \avolcites
- \Avolcites
- \notecite
- \Notecite
- \pnotecite
- \Pnotecite
- \fnotecite
- Low-level Commands
- Miscellaneous Commands
- natbib Compatibility Commands
- mcite-like Citation Commands
- Localization Commands
- Formatting Commands
- Generic Commands and Hooks
- \bibsetup
- \bibfont
- \citesetup
- \newblockpunct
- \newunitpunct
- \finentrypunct
- \entrysetpunct
- \bibnamedelima
- \bibnamedelimb
- \bibnamedelimc
- \bibnamedelimd
- \bibnamedelimi
- \bibinitperiod
- \bibinitdelim
- \bibinithyphendelim
- \bibindexnamedelima
- \bibindexnamedelimb
- \bibindexnamedelimc
- \bibindexnamedelimd
- \bibindexnamedelimi
- \bibindexinitperiod
- \bibindexinitdelim
- \bibindexinithyphendelim
- \revsdnamepunct
- \bibnamedash
- \labelnamepunct
- \subtitlepunct
- \intitlepunct
- \bibpagespunct
- \bibpagerefpunct
- \multinamedelim
- \finalnamedelim
- \revsdnamedelim
- \andothersdelim
- \multilistdelim
- \finallistdelim
- \andmoredelim
- \multicitedelim
- \supercitedelim
- \compcitedelim
- \textcitedelim
- \nametitledelim
- \nameyeardelim
- \labelalphaothers
- \sortalphaothers
- \prenotedelim
- \postnotedelim
- \mkbibnamelast
- \mkbibnamefirst
- \mkbibnameprefix
- \mkbibnameaffix
- \relatedpunct
- \relateddelim
- Language-specific Commands
- Lengths and Counters
- All-purpose Commands
- Generic Commands and Hooks
- Language notes
- Usage Notes
- Hints and Caveats
- Package Options
- Author Guide
- Overview
- Bibliography Styles
- Citation Styles
- Data Interface
- Customization
- Auxiliary Commands
- Data Commands
- Stand-alone Tests
- \iffieldundef
- \iflistundef
- \ifnameundef
- \iffieldsequal
- \iflistsequal
- \ifnamesequal
- \iffieldequals
- \iflistequals
- \ifnameequals
- \iffieldequalcs
- \iflistequalcs
- \ifnameequalcs
- \iffieldequalstr
- \iffieldxref
- \iflistxref
- \ifnamexref
- \ifcurrentfield
- \ifcurrentlist
- \ifcurrentname
- \ifuseprefix
- \ifuseauthor
- \ifuseeditor
- \ifusetranslator
- \ifsingletitle
- \ifandothers
- \ifmorenames
- \ifmoreitems
- \iffirstinits
- \ifterseinits
- \ifentrytype
- \ifkeyword
- \ifentrykeyword
- \ifcategory
- \ifentrycategory
- \ifciteseen
- \ifentryseen
- \ifentryinbib
- \iffirstcitekey
- \iflastcitekey
- \ifciteibid
- \ifciteidem
- \ifopcit
- \ifloccit
- \iffirstonpage
- \ifsamepage
- \ifinteger
- \ifnumeral
- \ifnumerals
- \ifpages
- \iffieldint
- \iffieldnum
- \iffieldnums
- \iffieldpages
- \ifbibstring
- \ifbibxstring
- \iffieldbibstring
- \ifdriver
- \ifcapital
- \ifcitation
- \ifbibliography
- \ifnatbibmode
- \ifciteindex
- \ifbibindex
- \iffootnote
- citecounter
- uniquename
- uniquelist
- parenlevel
- Tests with \ifboolexpr and \ifthenelse
- Miscellaneous Commands
- \newbibmacro
- \renewbibmacro
- \providebibmacro
- \usebibmacro
- \savecommand
- \restorecommand
- \savebibmacro
- \restorebibmacro
- \savefieldformat
- \restorefieldformat
- \savelistformat
- \restorelistformat
- \savenameformat
- \restorenameformat
- \ifbibmacroundef
- \iffieldformatundef
- \iflistformatundef
- \ifnameformatundef
- \usedriver
- \bibhypertarget
- \bibhyperlink
- \bibhyperref
- \ifhyperref
- \docsvfield
- \forcsvfield
- \MakeCapital
- \MakeSentenceCase
- \mkpageprefix
- \mkpagetotal
- \mkcomprange
- \mkfirstpage
- \rangelen
- \DeclareNumChars
- \DeclareRangeChars
- \DeclareRangeCommands
- \DeclarePageCommands
- \NumCheckSetup
- \DeclareCaseLangs
- \BibliographyWarning
- \RequireBiber
- Punctuation
- Localization Strings
- Localization Modules
- Localization Commands
- Localization Keys
- Headings
- Roles, Expressed as Functions
- Concatenated Editor Roles, Expressed as Functions
- Concatenated Translator Roles, Expressed as Functions
- Roles, Expressed as Actions
- Concatenated Editor Roles, Expressed as Actions
- Concatenated Translator Roles, Expressed as Actions
- Roles, Expressed as Objects
- Supplementary Material
- Publication Details
- Publication State
- Pagination
- Types
- Miscellaneous
- Labels
- Citations
- Month Names
- Language Names
- Country Names
- Patents and Patent Requests
- Formatting Commands
- User-definable Commands and Hooks
- \bibnamedelima
- \bibnamedelimb
- \bibnamedelimc
- \bibnamedelimd
- \bibnamedelimi
- \bibinitperiod
- \bibinitdelim
- \bibinithyphendelim
- \bibindexnamedelima
- \bibindexnamedelimb
- \bibindexnamedelimc
- \bibindexnamedelimd
- \bibindexnamedelimi
- \bibindexinitperiod
- \bibindexinitdelim
- \bibindexinithyphendelim
- \revsdnamepunct
- \bibnamedash
- \labelnamepunct
- \subtitlepunct
- \intitlepunct
- \bibpagespunct
- \bibpagerefpunct
- \multinamedelim
- \finalnamedelim
- \revsdnamedelim
- \andothersdelim
- \multilistdelim
- \finallistdelim
- \andmoredelim
- \multicitedelim
- \supercitedelim
- \compcitedelim
- \textcitedelim
- \nametitledelim
- \nameyeardelim
- \volcitedelim
- \prenotedelim
- \postnotedelim
- \mkbibnamelast
- \mkbibnamefirst
- \mkbibnameprefix
- \mkbibnameaffix
- \relatedpunct
- \relateddelim
- Language-specific Commands
- User-definable Lengths and Counters
- Auxiliary Commands and Hooks
- \mkbibemph
- \mkbibitalic
- \mkbibbold
- \mkbibquote
- \mkbibparens
- \mkbibbrackets
- \bibopenparen
- \bibopenbracket
- \mkbibfootnote
- \mkbibfootnotetext
- \mkbibendnote
- \mkbibendnotetext
- \bibfootnotewrapper
- \bibendnotewrapper
- \mkbibsuperscript
- \mkbibmonth
- \mkdatezeros
- \stripzeros
- shorthandwidth
- "labelfield"width
- labelnumberwidth
- labelalphawidth
- bibhyperref
- bibhyperlink
- bibhypertarget
- volcitepages
- volcitevolume
- date
- datelabel
- urldate
- origdate
- eventdate
- Auxiliary Lengths, Counters, and Other Features
- General Purpose Hooks
- \AtBeginBibliography
- \AtBeginShorthands
- \AtBeginBiblist
- \AtEveryBibitem
- \AtEveryLositem
- \AtEveryBiblistitem
- \AtNextBibliography
- \AtEveryCite
- \AtEveryCitekey
- \AtEveryMultiCite
- \AtNextCite
- \AtNextCitekey
- \AtNextMultiCite
- \AtDataInput
- \UseBibitemHook
- \UseEveryCiteHook
- \UseEveryCitekeyHook
- \UseEveryMultiCiteHook
- \UseNextCiteHook
- \UseNextCitekeyHook
- \UseNextMultiCiteHook
- \DeferNextCitekeyHook
- User-definable Commands and Hooks
- Hints and Caveats
- Appendix
- Default Driver Source Mappings
- Default Inheritance Setup
- Default Sorting Schemes
- Option Scope
- Revision History
- 2.9a (2014)
- 2.9 (2014-02-25)
- 2.8a (2013-11-25)
- 2.8 (2013-10-21)
- 2.7a (2013-07-14)
- 2.7 (2013-07-07)
- 2.6 (2013-04-30)
- 2.5 (2013-01-10)
- 2.4 (2012-11-28)
- 2.3 (2012-11-01)
- 2.2 (2012-08-17)
- 2.1 (2012-08-01)
- 2.0 (2012-07-01)
- 1.7 (2011-11-13)
- 1.6 (2011-07-29)
- 1.5a (2011-06-17)
- 1.5 (2011-06-08)
- 1.4c (2011-05-12)
- 1.4b (2011-04-12)
- 1.4a (2011-04-06)
- 1.4 (2011-03-31)
- 1.3a (2011-03-18)
- 1.3 (2011-03-14)
- 1.2a (2011-02-13)
- 1.2 (2011-02-12)
- 1.1b (2011-02-04)
- 1.1a (2011-01-08)
- 1.1 (2011-01-05)
- 1.0 (2010-11-19)