Traumatic Brain Injury In The United States TB2CI Blue Book
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Traumatic Brain Injury IN THE UNITED STATES Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths 2002–2006 U . S. D e p a rt m e nt of H e a l t h a nd H um a n Se rv ice s C e nt e rs f or D is e a s e C ont rol a nd Pre v e nt ion Traumatic Brain Injury IN THE UNITED STATES Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths 2002–2006 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Injury Prevention and Control MARCH 2010 AuthoRs Mark Faul, PhD, MS National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Division of Injury Response Likang Xu, MD, MS National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Division of Injury Response Marlena M. Wald, MPH, MLS National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Division of Injury Response Victor G. Coronado, MD, MPH National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Division of Injury Response ACkNowleDgmeNts The authors would like to thank Vikas Kapil and Lisa McGuire for their editorial comments, Karen Thomas for her programming assistance and Michael Lionbarger. The authors also offer sincere appreciation to the many advisors to this report, including Kevin Webb and Dionne Williams, for their guidance. Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths 2002–2006 is a publication of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH, Director National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Robin Ikeda, MD, MPA, Acting Director Division of Injury Response Richard C. Hunt, MD, FACEP, Director The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). suggesteD CItAtIoN: Faul M, Xu L, Wald MM, Coronado VG. Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths 2002–2006. Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; 2010. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states the Power of Data THE POWER OF DATA A Message from a TBI Survivor “Society is more likely to take action against the ravages of traumatic brain injury if it understands how pernicious, pervasive, and huge the problem is. This body of work is a vital tool for those who devise the strategies for prevention and treatment. However, a critical dimension will be lost if one sees it only as data, if one does not try to put even a fleeting face behind the numbers. They represent people who — if they survived — have had their lives significantly affected. Through research, we are finding better ways to prevent injury and improve acute care. We who are injured may experience improvement both in function and the quality of our lives when we have access to rehabilitation and support to develop and utilize our remaining strengths and abilities. With so many lives affected, we seek and have the potential for independence, to have the chance to move beyond our disabilities and give back to society. As a survivor, as a disabled physician, I applaud this publication as a step toward making that possible.” CLAUDIA L. OSBORN, DO, FACOI COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 5 Key Findings 7 Background 8 Report Contents and Organization 9 Overview 11 TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group and Sex 27 TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group and Race 28 TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group and External Cause 29 TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group and Motor – Vehicle Cause 30 TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group and Payment Source 31 32 Annual Number of TBIs 13 TBI as a Proportion of All Injuries 14 TBI by Age Group 15 TBI by Sex 16 TBI by External Cause 17 TBI-Related Hospitalizations by Age Group and Disposition Summary of Findings External TBI Causes 21 TBI-Related Hospitalizations by Age Group and Sex 33 Conclusion 21 TBI-Related Hospitalizations by Age Group and Race 34 TBI-Related Hospitalizations by Age Group and External Cause 35 25 TBI-Related Hospitalizations by Age Group and Motor – Vehicle Cause 36 26 TBI-Related Hospitalizations by Age Group and Payment Source 37 Appendix A: Tables Total TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group and Disposition traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 23 table of Contents 3 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states table of Contents Appendix B: Methods and Data Sources Appendix A: Tables continued 45 TBI-Related Deaths by Age Group and Sex 38 Data Sources 49 TBI-Related Deaths by Age Group and Race 39 Identification of TBI Cases 51 TBI-Related Deaths by Age Group and External Cause 40 External Cause of Injury 55 Population Data 57 TBI-Related Deaths by Age Group and Motor – Vehicle Cause 41 Statistical Analysis 59 Annual Estimates of All TBI from 2002–2006 42 Limitations 61 Annual Rate Estimates of Fall-Related TBI Among Children Aged 0 – 14 Years 43 Index of Tables and Figures 63 Annual Rate Estimates of Fall-Related TBI Among Adults Aged 65 Years and Older 43 References 69 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important public health problem in the United States. TBI is frequently referred to as the “silent epidemic” because the complications from TBI, such as changes affecting thinking, sensation, language, or emotions, may not be readily apparent. In addition, awareness about TBI among the general public is limited. Through the TBI Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–166), Congress first charged the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with “determining the incidence and prevalence of traumatic brain injury in all age groups in the general population of the United States.” In response, CDC has produced, Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths 2002–2006. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Population-based data on TBI are critical to understanding the impact of TBI on the American people. This report presents data on TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths for the years 2002 through 2006 and can be used to determine the number of TBIs occurring each year, groups most affected, and the leading causes of TBI. This important information can be used to document the need for TBI prevention, to identify research and education priorities, and to support the need for services among individuals living with a TBI. This report is an update to CDC’s previously published report released in 2004 and is intended as a reference for policymakers, health care and service providers, educators, researchers, advocates, and others interested in knowing more about the impact of TBI in the United States.1 executive summary 5 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 6 KEY FINDINGS IN THIS REPORT TBI in the United States TBI by External Cause ● An estimated 1.7 million people sustain a TBI annually. Of them: ● Falls are the leading cause of TBI. Rates are highest for children aged 0 to 4 years and for adults aged 75 years and older. ● 52,000 die, ● 275,000 are hospitalized, and ● 1.365 million, nearly 80%, are treated and released from an emergency department. ● TBI is a contributing factor to a third (30.5%) of all injury-related deaths in the United States. TBI by Age ● Children aged 0 to 4 years, older adolescents aged 15 to 19 years, and adults aged 65 years and older are most likely to sustain a TBI. ● Almost half a million (473,947) emergency department visits for TBI are made annually by children aged 0 to 14 years. ● Falls result in the greatest number of TBI-related emergency department visits (523,043) and hospitalizations (62,334). ● Motor vehicle–traffic injury is the leading cause of TBI-related death. Rates are highest for adults aged 20 to 24 years. Additional TBI Findings* ● There was an increase in TBI-related emergency department visits (14.4%) and hospitalizations (19.5%) from 2002 to 2006. ● There was a 62% increase in fall-related TBI seen in emergency departments among children aged 14 years and younger from 2002 to 2006. ● Adults aged 75 years and older have the highest rates of TBI-related hospitalization and death. ● There was an increase in fall-related TBIs among adults aged 65 and older; 46% increase in emergency department visits, 34% increase in hospitalizations, and 27% increase in TBI-related deaths from 2002 to 2006. TBI by Sex * Estimates based on one year of data can produce varied results. ● In every age group, TBI rates are higher for males than for females. ● Males aged 0 to 4 years have the highest rates for TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths combined. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states key Findings 7 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states BACKGROUND Each year, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) contribute to substantial number of deaths and cases of permanent disability. A TBI is caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. The severity of a TBI may range from “mild” (a brief change in mental status or consciousness) to “severe” (an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury). Background 8 REPORT CONTENTS AND ORGANIZATION This report presents data about TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States for the years 2002 through 2006. The findings are organized into two main sections of Overview and Appendices. The Overview summarizes and interprets key findings and the Appendices present detailed data tables and a description of the methods and limitations. Average annual numbers of TBIs per year and annual rates are both reported. While the annual numbers show the magnitude of the problem, the rates show how a certain group is affected by TBI by relating the number of TBIs to the size of the population. For example, a relatively small number of TBIs occurring in a small population would result in a higher TBI rate than if the same number of TBIs occurred in a larger population. This report helps to answer a variety of questions, such as: “Do males sustain TBIs more often than females?; Are children more likely to sustain a TBI than adults?; and, Are motor vehicle–traffic injuries a substantial cause of TBI among older adults?” Data in the report include: ● TBI as a Proportion of All Injuries ● TBI by Age ● TBI by Sex ● TBI by Race ● TBI by External Cause ● Additional TBI Findings State-level data on TBI are not presented in this report. CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Injury Response currently funds 30 states to conduct TBI surveillance through the CORE State Injury Program. For TBI-related death and hospitalization data by participating states, download a copy of the State Injury Indicators Report: Fourth Edition—2005 Data at no cost or search the Injury Indicators Web-based Query System, both available at Finally, neither this report nor the State Injury Indicators Report: Fourth Edition—2005 Data include TBIs from federal, military, or Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Report Contents and organization 9 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states FOR MORE INFORMATION CDC’s Division of Injury Response works to reduce injuries and their adverse health effects. For additional information on TBI, including research, programs, and educational initiatives please visit: For questions about this report, please contact or call 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800- 232-4636). For media inquiries, please contact CDC’s Injury Center Press Officer at (770) 488-4902 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm EST. If there is an after-hours emergency, please call (404) 639-2888 for instructions on contacting the on-call press officer. For more Information 10 Overview traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Annual Number of TBIs 13 TBI as a Proportion of All Injuries 14 TBI by Age Group 15 TBI by Sex 16 TBI by External Cause 17 Summary of Findings External TBI Causes 21 Conclusion 21 overview | traumatic Brain Injuries by external Cause 11 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 12 ANNUAL NUMBER OF TBIs FIGURE 1: Estimated Average Annual Number of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, United States, 2002–2006 52,000 Deaths 275,000 An estimated 1.7 million TBIs occur in the United States annually. Hospitalizations 1,365,000 Emergency Department Visits ??? Receiving Other Medical Care or No Care* Of the 1.7 million TBIs occurring each year in the United States, 80.7% were emergency department visits, 16.3% were hospitalizations, and 3.0% were deaths. * Data for this category are not included in this report. See “Limitations” in Appendix B for more information. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states overview | Annual Number of tBIs 13 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states overview | tBI as a Proportion of All Injuries TBI AS A PROPORTION OF ALL INJURIES TABLE A: Estimated Percentage of All Injuries and Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, United States, 2002–2006 All InjurIes TBIs ALL VISITS NUMBER % OF ALL VISITS NUMBER % OF ALL INJURIES % OF ALL VISITS ED Visits* 96,839,411 28,697,028 29.6 1,364,797 4.8 1.4 Hospitalizations# 36,693,646 1,826,548 5.0 275,146 15.1 0.7 2,432,714 169,055 6.9 30.5 2.1 135,965,771 30,692,631 22.6 5.5 1.2 Deaths Total 51,538+ 1,691,481 * Persons who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility were excluded. # In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded. + 128 mortality records (from 2002−2006) were omitted because of missing age information. The estimated annual average number of emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths for all injuries is in Table A. TBIs comprise 4.8% of all injuries seen in emergency department visits and 15.1% of all hospitalizations. Of all the injuryrelated deaths in the United States, TBI was a contributing factor 30.5% of the time. 14 TBI BY AGE GROUP COMPARING THE NUMBERS COMPARING THE RATES TABLE B: Estimated Average Annual Numbers of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Age Group, United States, 2002–2006 FIGURE 2: Estimated Average Annual Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Age Group, United States, 2002–2006 AGE GROUP EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT VISITS HOSPITALIZATIONS DEATHS Children, older adolescents, and adults aged 65 years and older were more likely to sustain a TBI. 1,400 TOTAL 1,200 Children (0−14 years) 473,947 Older Adults ( ≥ 65 years) 141,998 35,136 2,174 emergency Department Visits hospitalizations Deaths 511,257 81,499 14,347 237,844 Per 100,000 1,000 800 600 400 200 The estimated average annual number of TBIs that occur among children aged 0 to 14 years is 511,257. In contrast the number of TBIs in adults aged 65 years and older is 237,844. 0 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 >75 Age group TBI-related emergency department visits accounted for a larger proportion in children (92.7%) than in older adults (59.7%). Very young children aged 0 to 4 years had the highest rate of TBI-related emergency department visits (1,256 per 100,000 population), followed by older adolescents aged 15 to 19 years (757 per 100,000). However, the highest rates of TBI-related hospitalization and death occurred among adults aged 75 years and older (339 per 100,000 and 57 per 100,000, respectively). traumatic Brain Injury in the united states overview | tBI by Age group 15 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states overview | tBI by sex TBI BY SEX COMPARING THE NUMBERS COMPARING THE RATES TABLE C: Estimated Average Annual Numbers of Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Sex, United States, 2002–2006 FIGURE 3: Estimated Average Annual Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Sex, United States, 2002–2006 SEX EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT VISITS HOSPITALIZATIONS DEATHS TOTAL 789,925 170,257 37,994 998,176 Female 574,870 104,890 13,569 693,329 1,200 1,000 Per 100,000 Male An estimated average annual number of 998,176 TBIs occurred among males compared with 693,329 among females. Overall, approximately 1.4 times as many TBIs Among all age groups, TBI rates were higher for males than for females. 1,400 800 600 400 male Female 200 0 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 occurred among males as among females. 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 ≥75 Age group Males aged 0 to 4 years had the highest rates of TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths combined (1,451 per 100,000). Rates were also high for females aged 0 to 4 (1,218 per 100,000), and for both males and females aged 15 to 19 years (896 per 100,000), and 75 years and older (932 per 100,000). 16 TBI BY EXTERNAL CAUSE COMPARING THE NUMBERS COMPARING THE RATES TABLE D: Estimated Average Annual Numbers of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 FIGURE 4: Estimated Average Annual Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 CAUSE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT VISITS HOSPITALIZATIONS DEATHS Falls are the leading cause of TBI. Rates were highest among children aged 0 to 4 and adults aged 75 and older. TOTAL 1,000 Falls 523,043 62,334 9,718 595,095 Struck By/Against 271,713 7,791 378 279,882 800 Falls struck By/Against Motor VehicleTraffic 218,936 56,864 16,402 292,202 Assault 148,471 15,341 5,813 169,625 Other 108,467 27,536 19,252 155,255 94,165 105,282 0 199,447 Unknown Per 100,000 600 motor Vehicle Assault 400 200 0 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 >75 Age group An estimated average annual number of 595,095 are fallrelated TBIs, 292,202 are motor vehicle–traffic TBIs, 279,882 are struck by/against events, and 169,625 are assault-related TBIs. Motor vehicle–traffic resulted in the greatest number of TBIrelated deaths; however, falls resulted in the greatest number of emergency department visits and hospitalizations. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states The rate of fall-related TBI was highest among children aged 0 to 4 years (839 per 100,000) and adults aged 75 years and older (599 per 100,000). The rates for both motor vehicle–traffic and assault-related TBI were highest among adults aged 20 to 24 years (261 per 100,000 and 175 per 100,000, respectively). overview | tBI by external Cause 17 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states overview | tBI by external Cause TBI BY EXTERNAL CAUSE COMPARING THE PERCENTAGES FIGURE 5: Estimated Average Percentage of Annual Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 10% Assault 35.2% 16.5% Falls struck By/Against 21% unknown/other 17.3% motor Vehicle–traffic 18 TBI BY EXTERNAL CAUSE COMPARING THE PERCENTAGES BY AGE GROUPS FIGURE 6: Estimated Average Percentage of Annual Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Children 0 to 14 Years, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 FIGURE 7: Estimated Average Percentage of Annual Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Adults 65 Years and Older, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 2.9% 1% Assault Assault 5.7% struck By/Against 24.8% struck By/Against 24.7% unknown/other 50.2% Falls 60.7% Falls 15.3% unknown/ other 6.8% motor Vehicle–traffic traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 7.9% motor Vehicle–traffic overview | tBI by external Cause 19 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 20 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS BY EXTERNAL TBI CAUSES Falls ● Among all age groups, falls continued to be the leading cause of TBI (35.2%). Falls cause approximately half (50.2%) of the TBIs among children aged 0 to 14 years, compared with 60.7% among adults aged 65 years and older. Motor Vehicle–Traffic ● Among all age groups, motor vehicle–traffic was the second leading cause of TBI (17.3%) and resulted in the largest percentage of TBI-related deaths (31.8%). Struck By/Against Events ● Struck by/against events, which include colliding with a moving or stationary object, were the second leading cause of TBI among children aged 0 to 14 years (24.8%). Assault ● Assaults produced 10% of TBIs in the general population; they accounted for only 2.9% in children aged 0 to 14 years and 1% in adults aged 65 years old and older. CONCLUSION Presenting data on TBI is critical to understanding the impact of this important public health problem in the United States. This information provides the building blocks to inform TBI prevention strategies, identify research and education priorities, and support the need for services among those living with a TBI. An estimated 1.7 million TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths occur each year in the United States. This is an increase from 1.4 million TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths from what was reported in the previous edition of Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths, published by CDC in 2004.1 The increase in TBI-related injury was most apparent when examining emergency department visits. There were large increases in emergency department visits among children and older adults. Other major reasons for the increase were more fall-related TBIs and overall population growth. It is also likely that the public’s awareness of TBI contributed to increased treatment. Further research and education is needed to explore how best to prevent traumatic brain injury. Although this report provides data on a wide range of TBIs occurring in this country, it is not currently possible to capture all cases of TBI. There is no estimate for the number of people with non-fatal TBI seen outside of an emergency department of hospital or who receive no care at all. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states overview | summary of Findings & Conclusion 21 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 22 Appendix A: Tables Total TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths 25 TBI-Related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group and Disposition 26 by Age Group and Sex 27 by Age Group and Race 28 by Age Group and External Cause 29 by Age Group and Motor – Vehicle Cause 30 by Age Group and Payment Source 31 TBI-Related Hospitalizations by Age Group and Disposition 32 by Age Group and Sex 33 by Age Group and Race 34 by Age Group and External Cause 35 by Age Group and Motor – Vehicle Cause 36 by Age Group and Payment Source 37 TBI-Related Deaths by Age Group and Sex 38 by Age Group and Race 39 by Age Group and External Cause 40 by Age Group and Motor – Vehicle Cause 41 Annual Estimates of All TBI from 2002–2006 42 Annual Rate Estimates of Fall-Related TBI traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Among Children Aged 0 – 14 Years 43 Among Adults Aged 65 Years and Older 43 Overview | Summary of Findings & Conclusion 23 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 24 TABLE 1: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Age Group, United States, 2002–2006 DI s p o s I T Ion emergency DepArTmenT VIsITs■ AGE (YRS) ► NUMBER RATE 0-4 251,546 1256.2 5-9 105,015 10-14 ► DeATHs* NUMBER 15,239 76.1 5.7 998 5.0 0.4 267,783 1337.3 532.9 91.9 8,799 44.7 7.7 450 2.3 0.4 114,264 579.9 117,387 559.8 90.8 11,098 52.9 8.6 726 3.5 0.6 129,211 616.2 15-19 157,198 757.0 84.5 24,896 119.9 13.4 3,995 19.2 2.1 186,089 896.2 20-24 136,079 655.8 84.1 20,683 99.7 12.8 5,048 24.3 3.1 161,810 779.8 25-34 174,811 438.3 83.0 28,953 72.6 13.7 6,826 17.1 3.2 210,591 528.0 35-44 123,436 279.9 75.8 32,310 73.3 19.9 6,995 15.9 4.3 162,741 369.1 45-54 99,715 239.7 73.4 29,068 69.9 21.4 7,125 17.1 5.2 135,908 326.7 55-64 57,612 198.2 67.6 22,600 77.7 26.5 5,028 17.3 5.9 85,240 293.2 65-74 46,365 250.2 64.7 20,990 113.3 29.3 4,252 22.9 5.9 71,607 386.4 ≥ 75 95,633 536.2 57.5 60,510 339.3 36.4 10,095 56.6 6.1 166,237 932.0 Total 1,364,797 465.4 80.7 275,146 93.8 16.3 51,538 17.6 3.0 1,691,481 576.8 17.4 ROW % NUMBER RATE► 93.9 93.6 RATE ToTAl RATE 468.0 ROW % ► NUMBER Adjusted ¶ ROW % HospITAlIzATIons◊ 579.0 ■ Persons who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility were excluded. ◊ In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded. * 128 mortality records (2002–2006) were omitted because of missing age information. Average annual rate per 100,000 population. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. ► Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | total tBIs 25 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | emergency Department Visits by Age & Disposition TABLE 2: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Disposition, United States, 2002–2006 TreATeD AnD releAseD AGE (YRS) NUMBER ROW % oTHer* NUMBER † ToTAl ROW % † NUMBER 0-4 251,546 92.9 19,106 7.1 270,652 5-9 105,015 86.1 16,940§ 13.9§ 121,955 10-14 117,387 92.4 9,617§ 7.6§ 127,004 15-19 157,198 88.6 20,131† 11.4† 177,329 20-24 136,079 85.6 22,949† 14.4† 159,028 25-34 174,811 92.1 15,005† 7.9† 189,816 35-44 123,436 83.8 23,936† 16.2† 147,372 45-54 99,715 78.8 26,898† 21.2† 126,613 55-64 57,612 74.6 19,623§ 25.4§ 77,235 65-74 46,365 78.9 12,394§ 21.1§ 58,759 ≥ 75 95,633 66.3 48,681 33.7 144,314 Total 1,364,797 85.3 235,280 14.7 1,600,077 * Includes people who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility. These records were excluded from the remaining emergency department tables. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but it is not considered stable. Numbers subject to rounding error. 26 TABLE 3: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Sex, United States, 2002–2006 mAle ToTAl ROW % NUMBER RATE ROW % NUMBER RATE► 1357.4 55.3 112,545 1150.3 44.7 251,546 1256.2 68,671 681.2 65.4 36,343 377.6 34.6 105,014 532.9 10-14 90,221 840.0 76.9 27,166† 265.6† 23.1† 117,387 559.8 15-19 98,761 926.6 62.8 58,437 578.2 37.2 157,198 757.0 20-24 86,669 812.2 63.7 49,410 490.3 36.3 136,079 655.8 25-34 97,845 483.8 56.0 76,966 391.5 44.0 174,811 438.3 35-44 68,527 311.4 55.5 54,909 248.6 44.5 123,436 279.9 45-54 50,941 249.2 51.1 48,775 230.5 48.9 99,716 239.7 55-64 32,226† 230.2† 55.9† 25,386† 168.4† 44.1† 57,612 198.2 65-74 23,146† 273.7† 49.9† 23,218† 230.5† 50.1† 46,364 250.2 ≥ 75 33,917† 504.4† 35.5† 61,716 555.4 64.5 95,633 536.2 Total 789,925 547.6 57.9 574,871 385.9 42.1 1,364,796 465.4 AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE 0-4 139,001 5-9 Adjusted ¶ ► FemAle ► 543.9 ► 388.6 468.0 Average annual rate per 100,000 population. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. Note: Persons who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | emergency Department Visits by Age & sex 27 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | emergency Department Visits by Age & Race TABLE 4: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Race, United States, 2002–2006 WHITe AGE (YRS) RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER † RATE► † ROW % † oTHer/ unknoWn NUMBER § ToTAl ROW % NUMBER § RATE► 0-4 180,880 1160.8 71.9 56,942 1746.6 22.6 13,576 1148.5 5.4 147 0.1 251,545 1256.2 5-9 76,588 499.5 72.9 22,994† 718.5† 21.9† 5,433§ 463.1§ 5.2§ -- -- 105,015 532.9 10-14 84,096 517.2 71.6 27,156† 775.0† 23.1† 5,509§ 456.5§ 4.7§ 625§ 0.5§ 117,386 559.8 15-19 128,896 793.1 82.0 23,049† 696.5† 14.7† 4,586§ 380.8§ 2.9§ 666§ 0.4§ 157,197 757.0 20-24 105,796 647.4 77.7 27,030† 867.5† 19.9† 3,253§ 251.9§ 2.4§ -- -- 136,079 655.8 25-34 137,732 438.3 78.8 29,968† 542.9† 17.1† 6,445§ 218.9§ 3.7§ 666§ 0.4§ 174,811 438.3 35-44 103,176 289.7 83.6 14,158† 247.0† 11.5† 5,767§ 209.9§ 4.7§ 334§ 0.3§ 123,435 279.9 45-54 76,966 223.4 77.2 20,040† 407.3† 20.1† 2,710§ 121.2§ 2.7§ -- -- 99,716 239.7 55-64 47,644 192.2 82.7 7,385§ 253.7§ 12.8§ 2,584§ 187.9§ 4.5§ -- -- 57,613 198.2 65-74 36,979 230.9 79.8 5,236§ 300.9§ 11.3§ 3,196§ 411.4§ 6.9§ 954§ 2.1§ 46,365 250.2 ≥ 75 88,260 553.4 92.3 4,626§ 342.0§ 4.8§ 2,748§ 512.6§ 2.9§ -- -- 95,634 536.2 Total 1,067,013 448.3 78.2 334.7 4.1 3,392 0.2 1,364,796 465.4 Adjusted ¶ ► NUMBER AmerIcAn InDIAn, AlAskA nATIVe, AsIAn, or pAcIFIc IslAnDer BlAck 238,584 456.6 618.6 568.7 17.5 55,807 345.2 Average annual rate per 100,000 population. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but it is not considered stable. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. -- No data for these cells. Note: Persons who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. 468.0 28 TABLE 5: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 moTor VeHIcle– TrAFFIc* FAlls AssAulT sTruck By/AgAInsT oTHer/unknoWn ToTAl AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 12,852§ 64.2§ 5.1§ 161,455 806.3 64.2 362§ 1.8§ 0.1§ 53,922 269.3 21.4 22,954† 114.6† 5-9 7,310§ 37.1§ 7.0§ 42,371 215.0 40.3 1,033§ 5.2§ 1.0§ 35,583† 180.6† 33.9† 18,718† 95.0† 17.8† 105,015 532.9 10-14 6,529§ 31.1§ 5.6§ 42,843† 204.3† 36.5† 11,385§ 54.3§ 9.7§ 34,572 164.9 29.5 22,057† 105.2† 18.8† 117,386 559.8 15-19 40,466 194.9 25.7 32,740† 157.7† 20.8 22,272† 107.3† 14.2† 36,512 175.8 23.2 25,207† 121.4† 16.0† 157,197 757.0 20-24 44,209 213.1 32.5 19,845† 95.6† 14.6† 33,360† 160.8† 24.5† 19,205§ 92.6§ 14.1§ 19,459§ 93.8§ 14.3§ 136,078 655.8 25-34 42,213† 105.8† 24.1† 31,794† 79.7† 18.2† 36,385† 91.2† 20.8† 30,464† 76.4† 17.4† 33,954† 85.1† 19.4† 174,810 438.3 35-44 19,687† 44.6† 15.9† 34,510† 78.3† 28.0† 20,775† 47.1† 16.8† 21,689† 49.2† 17.6† 26,776† 60.7† 21.7† 123,437 279.9 45-54 20,210† 48.6† 20.3† 33,779† 81.2† 33.9† 14,610§ 35.1§ 14.7§ 17,216§ 41.4§ 17.3§ 13,900§ 33.4§ 13.9§ 99,715 239.7 55-64 14,454§ 49.7§ 25.1§ 16,485† 56.7† 28.6† 6,548§ 22.5§ 11.4§ 10,015§ 34.4§ 17.4§ 10,110§ 34.8§ 17.5§ 57,612 198.2 65-74 5,904§ 31.9§ 12.7§ 28,698† 154.9† 61.9† 1,329§ 7.2§ 2.9§ 7,123§ 38.4§ 15.4§ 3,311§ 17.9§ 7.1§ 46,365 250.2 5,102§ 28.6§ 78,523 440.2 411§ 2.3§ 0.4§ 5,412§ 30.3§ 6,185§ 34.7§ 6.5§ 95,633 536.2 38.3 148,470 50.6 ≥ 75 Total Adjusted ¶ 218,936 5.3§ 74.7 16.0 523,043 178.4 74.0 180.2 82.1 50.2 10.9 271,713 5.7§ 92.7 19.9 202,631 69.1 93.9 9.1† 251,545 1256.2 14.8 1,364,793 465.4 69.7 468.0 * Motor vehicle–traffic includes the following external cause of injury: § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also occupant, motorcyclist, pedal cyclist, pedestrian, other and unspecified person involved in a motor vehicle–traffic incident. ► Average annual rate per 100,000 population. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. reported, but it is not considered stable. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. Note: Persons who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | emergency Department Visits by Age & external Cause 29 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | emergency Department Visits by Age & mVt Cause TABLE 6: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Specific Motor Vehicle–Traffic (MVT) External Causes, United States, 2002–2006 mVT-occupAnT mVT- moTorcycle ► AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE ROW % ► NUMBER RATE mVT- peDAl cycle ► ROW % NUMBER RATE mVT- oTHer or unspecIFIeD mVT- peDesTrIAn ► ROW % NUMBER RATE ToTAl ► ROW % NUMBER RATE ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 9,498§ 47.4§ 73.9§ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,355§ 16.8§ 26.1§ 12,853§ 64.2§ 5-9 1,427§ 7.2§ 19.5§ -- -- -- 513§ 2.6§ 7.0§ 514§ 2.6§ 7.0§ 4,856§ 24.6§ 66.4§ 7,310§ 37.1§ 10-14 2,455§ 11.7§ 37.6§ 787§ 3.8§ 12.1§ -- -- -- 15-19 18,828† 90.7† 46.5† 568§ 2.7§ 1.4§ -- -- -- 324§ 20-24 24,985† 120.4† 56.5† 3,110§ 15.0§ 7.0§ 37§ 0.2§ 0.1§ 25-34 18,786§ 47.1§ 44.5§ 4,847§ 12.2§ 11.5§ 563§ 1.4§ 35-44 6,632§ 15.0§ 33.7§ 189§ 0.4§ 1.0§ -- 45-54 12,616§ 30.3§ 62.4§ 304§ 0.7§ 1.5§ 55-64 6,450§ 22.2§ 44.6§ 133§ 0.5§ 65-74 2,689§ 14.5§ 45.6§ -- 5.0§ 6,529§ 31.1§ 1.6§ 0.8§ 20,745§ 99.9§ 51.3§ 40,465 194.9 1,420§ 6.8§ 3.2§ 14,657§ 70.6§ 33.2§ 44,209 213.1 1.3§ -- -- -- 18,017§ 45.2§ 42.7§ 42,213† 105.8† -- -- 307§ 0.7§ 1.6§ 12,559§ 28.5§ 63.8§ 19,687† 44.6† -- -- -- 1,233§ 3.0§ 6.1§ 6,057§ 14.6§ 30.0§ 20,210† 48.6† 0.9§ -- -- -- 169§ 0.6§ 1.2§ 7,701§ 26.5§ 53.3§ 14,453§ 49.7§ -- -- -- -- -- 1,000§ 5.4§ 16.9§ 2,214§ 12.0§ 37.5§ 5,903§ 31.9§ 5,102§ 28.6§ 100.0§ 5,102§ 28.6§ ≥ 75 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Total 104,366 35.6 47.7 9,938§ 3.4§ 4.5§ 1,113§ 0.4§ 0.5§ 7,926§ 2.7§ Adjusted ¶ 35.0 3.3 0.4 Average annual rate per 100,000 population. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but it is not considered stable. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. -- No data for these cells. ► 2,959§ 14.1§ 45.3§ -- 328§ 3.6§ 95,591 2.7 1.6§ 32.6 43.7 218,934 74.7 32.5 Note: Persons who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. 74.0 30 TABLE 7: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Expected Source of Payment, United States, 2002–2006 prIVATe AGE(YRS) NUMBER meDIcAID ROW % NUMBER meDIcAre ROW % NUMBER § Worker’s compensATIon ROW % § NUMBER ROW % oTHer/unknoWn* NUMBER † ToTAl ROW % † NUMBER 0-4 121,610 48.3 87,911 34.9 1,025 0.4 -- -- 40,999 16.3 251,545 5-9 58,430 55.6 23,720† 22.6† 797§ 0.8§ -- -- 22,068† 21.0† 105,015 10-14 74,107 63.1 24,978† 21.3† 670§ 0.6§ -- -- 17,631† 15.0† 117,386 15-19 91,028 57.9 14,309† 9.1† 3,190§ 2.0§ 695§ 0.4§ 47,975 30.5 157,197 20-24 52,094 38.3 5,093§ 3.7§ -- -- 8,737§ 6.4§ 70,154 51.6 136,078 25-34 73,054 41.8 17,148† 9.8† 2,348§ 1.3§ 12,895§ 7.4§ 69,366 39.7 174,811 35-44 54,807 44.4 16,854† 13.7† 7,118§ 5.8§ 7,542§ 6.1§ 37,114 30.1 123,435 45-54 46,457 46.6 12,355§ 12.4§ 4,426§ 4.4§ 6,219§ 6.2§ 30,259† 30.3† 99,716 55-64 24,566† 42.6† 6,412§ 11.1§ 3,802§ 6.6§ 4,201§ 7.3§ 18,631§ 32.3§ 57,612 65-74 6,558§ 14.1§ 3,424§ 7.4§ 29,249† 63.1† 1,773§ 3.8§ 5,361§ 11.6§ 46,365 ≥ 75 5,636§ 5.9§ 10,461§ 10.9§ 70,994 74.2 1,571§ 1.6§ 6,971§ 7.3§ 95,633 Total 608,347 44.6 222,665 16.3 123,619 9.1 43,633 3.2 366,529 26.9 1,364,793 * Includes self pay, no charge, other government, other, and unknown. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but it is not considered stable. -- No data for these cells. Note: Persons who were hospitalized, died, or transferred to another facility were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | emergency Department Visits by Age & Payment source 31 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | hospitalizations by Age & Disposition TABLE 8: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Disposition, United States, 2002–2006 DI s c HAr g e D Al I V e ‡ Home AGE (YRS) TrAnsFerreD* NUMBER ROW % oTHer/unknoWn┼ NUMBER ROW % In-HospITAl DeATHs‡ ToTAl NUMBER ROW % NUMBER ROW % NUMBER 0-4 15,564 87.8 855§ 4.8§ 903† 5.1† 406§ 2.3§ 17,728 5-9 8,996 89.8 283§ 2.8§ 281§ 2.8§ 461§ 4.6§ 10,021 10-14 10,855 89.4 326§ 2.7§ 429† 3.5† 535§ 4.4§ 12,145 15-19 21,971 78.9 2,064† 7.4† 2,459 8.8 1,356† 4.9† 27,850 20-24 18,261 79.8 1,567† 6.9† 1,776 7.8 1,277† 5.6† 22,881 25-34 23,239 75.7 1,976 6.4 4,295 14.0 1,199† 3.9† 30,709 35-44 25,192 73.9 3,154 9.3 4,864 14.3 881† 2.6† 34,091 45-54 23,042 72.4 3,166 9.9 3,782 11.9 1,827 5.7 31,817 55-64 16,359 64.6 4,223 16.7 3,112 12.3 1,617† 6.4† 25,311 65-74 13,331 55.7 5,670 23.7 2,969 12.4 1,983 8.3 23,953 ≥ 75 24,751 34.7 30,302 42.4 9,453 13.2 6,926 9.7 71,432 Total 201,561 65.5 53,586 17.4 34,323 11.1 18,468 6.0 307,938 Includes patients who left against medical advice and who were discharged alive (but no disposition stated), and patients with unknown disposition. * Includes both long- and short-term care facilities. ‡ In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded from the remaining hospitalization tables. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but is not considered stable. ┼ Numbers subject to rounding error. 32 TABLE 9: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Sex, United States, 2002–2006 mAle FemAle ► ToTAl ROW % NUMBER RATE► 63.6 40.8 15,239 76.1 3,503 36.4 39.8 8,799 44.7 66.7 3,691 36.1 33.3 11,098 52.9 161.3 69.0 7,708 76.3 31.0 24,897 119.9 16,341 153.1 79.0 4,343 43.1 21.0 20,684 99.7 25-34 22,438 110.9 77.5 6,516 33.1 22.5 28,954 72.6 35-44 22,417 101.9 69.4 9,893 44.8 30.6 32,310 73.3 45-54 20,085 98.2 69.1 8,983 42.5 30.9 29,068 69.9 55-64 15,269 109.1 67.6 7,331 48.6 32.4 22,600 77.7 65-74 11,437 135.2 54.5 9,553 94.8 45.5 20,990 113.3 ≥ 75 23,360 347.4 38.6 37,150 334.3 61.4 60,510 339.3 Total 170,258 118.0 61.9 104,891 70.4 38.1 275,149 93.8 AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE 0-4 9,019 88.1 59.2 6,220 5-9 5,296 52.5 60.2 10-14 7,407 69.0 15-19 17,189 20-24 Adjusted ¶ ROW % 121.0 NUMBER RATE ► 66.2 93.6 Average annual rate per 100,000 population. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. ► Note: In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | hospitalizations by Age & sex 33 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | hospitalizations by Age & Race TABLE 10: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain InjuryRelated Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Race, United States, 2002–2006 WHITe AGE (YRS) NUMBER ► AmerIcAn InDIAn, AlAskA nATIVe, AsIAn, or pAcIFIc IslAnDer BlAck ► ► oTHer/ unknoWn RATE ROW % NUMBER RATE ROW % NUMBER RATE ROW % NUMBER ToTAl ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 9,361 60.1 61.4 2,075 63.6 13.6 530§ 44.8§ 3.5§ 3,274 21.5 15,240 76.1 5-9 5,412 35.3 61.5 1,126 35.2 12.8 151§ 12.9§ 1.7§ 2,110 24.0 8,799 44.7 10-14 6,278 38.6 56.6 1,669 47.6 15.0 388§ 32.2§ 3.5§ 2,763 24.9 11,098 52.9 15-19 15,243 93.8 61.2 2,413 72.9 9.7 893§ 74.1§ 3.6§ 6,348 25.5 24,897 119.9 20-24 11,676 71.4 56.5 2,272 72.9 11.0 841§ 65.1§ 4.1§ 5,894 28.5 20,683 99.7 25-34 15,981 50.9 55.2 4,044 73.3 14.0 682§ 23.2§ 2.4§ 8,247 28.5 28,954 72.6 35-44 18,916 53.1 58.5 4,456 77.8 13.8 953§ 34.7§ 3.0§ 7,985 24.7 32,310 73.3 45-54 16,648 48.3 57.3 4,369 88.8 15.0 479§ 21.4§ 1.6§ 7,572 26.0 29,068 69.9 55-64 14,064 56.7 62.2 1,829 62.8 8.1 1,165§ 84.7§ 5.2§ 5,543 24.5 22,601 77.7 65-74 13,455 84.0 64.1 1,679 96.5 8.0 899§ 115.7§ 4.3§ 4,957 23.6 20,990 113.3 ≥ 75 42,735 268.0 70.6 2,644 195.5 4.4 1,370† 255.5† 2.3† 13,761 22.7 60,510 339.3 Total 169,769 71.3 61.7 28,576 74.1 10.4 8,351 50.1 3.0 68,454 24.9 275,150 93.8 Adjusted ¶ 69.8 78.7 58.2 Average annual rate per 100,000 population. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but it is not considered stable. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. ► Note: In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. 93.6 34 TABLE 11: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain InjuryRelated Hospitalizations, by Age Group and External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 moTor VeHIcle– TrAFFIc* FAlls AssAulT sTruck By/AgAInsT oTHer/unknoWn ToTAl AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 2,182 10.9 14.3 6,458 32.2 42.4 893† 4.5† 5.9† 867† 4.3† 5.7† 4,840 24.2 31.8 15,240 76.1 5-9 2,566 13.0 29.2 1,733 8.8 19.7 10§ 0.1§ 0.1§ 543† 2.8† 6.2† 3,946 20.0 44.8 8,798 44.7 10-14 2,111 10.1 19.0 1,892 9.0 17.0 520§ 2.5§ 4.7§ 1,244† 5.9† 11.2† 5,331 25.4 48.0 11,098 52.9 15-19 9,598 46.2 38.6 2,119 10.2 8.5 1,622† 7.8† 6.5† 1,069† 5.1† 4.3† 10,488 50.5 42.1 24,896 119.9 20-24 7,571 36.5 36.6 1,251† 6.0† 6.1† 1,998 9.6 9.7 237§ 1.1§ 1.1§ 9,626 46.4 46.5 20,683 99.7 25-34 9,208 23.1 31.8 3,391 8.5 11.7 3,496 8.8 12.1 888§ 2.2§ 3.1§ 11,970 30.0 41.3 28,953 72.6 35-44 7,744 17.6 24.0 4,738 10.7 14.7 3,529 8.0 10.9 996† 2.3† 3.1† 15,303 34.7 47.4 32,310 73.3 45-54 6,712 16.1 23.1 5,332 12.8 18.3 1,736 4.2 6.0 459§ 1.1§ 1.6§ 14,829 35.6 51.0 29,068 69.9 55-64 3,217 11.1 14.2 5,559 19.1 24.6 1,134§ 3.9§ 5.0§ 515§ 1.8§ 2.3§ 12,176 41.9 53.9 22,601 77.7 65-74 1,918 10.3 9.1 7,392 39.9 35.2 68§ 0.4§ 0.3§ 467§ 2.5§ 2.2§ 11,145 60.1 53.1 20,990 113.3 ≥ 75 4,038 22.6 6.7 22,468 126.0 37.1 334§ 1.9§ 0.6§ 504§ 2.8§ 0.8§ 33,164 185.9 54.8 60,508 339.3 Total 56,865 19.4 20.7 62,333 22.7 15,340 5.2 5.6 7,789 2.7 2.8 132,818 Adjusted ¶ 19.4 21.2 21.2 5.2 2.7 45.3 48.3 275,145 93.8 45.1 93.6 * Motor vehicle–traffic includes the following external cause of injury: § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also occupant, motorcyclist, pedal cyclist, pedestrian, other and unspecified person involved in a motor vehicle–traffic incident. ► Average annual rate per 100,000 population. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. reported, but it is not considered stable. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. Note: In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | hospitalizations by Age & external Cause 35 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | hospitalizations by Age & mVt Cause TABLE 12: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain InjuryRelated Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Specific Motor Vehicle–Traffic (MVT) External Causes, United States, 2002–2006 mVT-occupAnT ► AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE ► ROW % NUMBER RATE mVT- peDAl cycle ► ROW % NUMBER RATE mVT- oTHer or unspecIFIeD mVT- peDesTrIAn ► ROW % NUMBER RATE ► ROW % NUMBER RATE ROW % ToTAl NUMBER RATE► 0-4 1,426† 7.1† 65.3† -- -- -- -- -- -- 744§ 3.7§ 34.1§ 12§ 0.1§ 0.6§ 2,182 10.9 5-9 1,487† 7.5† 57.9† 100§ 0.5§ 3.9§ 147§ 0.7§ 5.7§ 677† 3.4† 26.4† 156§ 0.8§ 6.1§ 2,567 13.0 10-14 984† 4.7† 46.6† 91§ 0.4§ 4.3§ 360† 1.7† 17.0† 650† 3.1† 30.8† 26§ 0.1§ 1.2§ 2,111 10.1 15-19 6,802 32.8 70.9 1,182§ 5.7§ 12.3§ 243§ 1.2§ 2.5§ 650§ 3.1§ 6.8§ 722§ 3.5§ 7.5§ 9,599 46.2 20-24 5,567 26.8 73.5 614§ 3.0§ 8.1§ 143§ 0.7§ 1.9§ 703§ 3.4§ 9.3§ 543§ 2.6§ 7.2§ 7,570 36.5 25-34 6,048 15.2 65.7 1,428† 3.6† 15.5† 357§ 0.9§ 3.9§ 792† 2.0† 8.6† 583§ 1.5§ 6.3§ 9,208 23.1 35-44 5,216 11.8 67.4 1,299† 2.9† 16.8† 66§ 0.1§ 0.8§ 852§ 1.9§ 11.0§ 311§ 0.7§ 4.0§ 7,744 17.6 45-54 4,263 10.2 63.5 1,114† 2.7† 16.6† 131§ 0.3§ 1.9§ 697§ 1.7§ 10.4§ 506§ 1.2§ 7.5§ 6,711 16.1 55-64 1,872 6.4 58.2 434§ 1.5§ 13.5§ 49§ 0.2§ 1.5§ 498§ 1.7§ 15.5§ 364§ 1.3§ 11.3§ 3,217 11.1 65-74 1,374 7.4 71.6 88§ 0.5§ 4.6§ 28§ 0.2§ 1.5§ 212§ 1.1§ 11.1§ 215§ 1.2§ 11.2§ 1,917 10.3 ≥ 75 3,009 16.9 74.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 741§ 4.2§ 18.3§ 289§ 1.6§ 7.2§ 4,039 22.6 Total 38,048 13.0 66.9 6,350 2.2 11.2 1,524 0.5 2.7 7,216 56,865 19.4 Adjusted ¶ ► mVT- moTorcycle 12.9 2.2 0.5 2.5 12.7 3,727 2.5 Average annual rate per 100,000 population. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but it is not considered stable. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. -- No data for these cells. Note: In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. 1.3 1.3 6.6 19.4 36 TABLE 13: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Expected Source of Payment, United States, 2002–2006 prIVATe AGE(YRS) NUMBER meDIcAID ROW % NUMBER meDIcAre ROW % NUMBER § Worker’s compensATIon ROW % § NUMBER ROW % oTHer/unknoWn* NUMBER ROW % ToTAl NUMBER 0-4 7,029 46.1 6,339 41.6 54 0.4 -- -- 1,818 11.9 15,240 5-9 4,823 54.8 2,659 30.2 -- -- -- -- 1,317 15.0 8,799 10-14 6,690 60.3 3,031 27.3 -- -- -- -- 1,376 12.4 11,097 15-19 14,619 58.7 4,863 19.5 193§ 0.8§ 331§ 1.3§ 4,891 19.6 24,897 20-24 9,097 44.0 3,319 16.0 407§ 2.0§ 861† 4.2† 6,998 33.8 20,682 25-34 12,715 43.9 4,479 15.5 848§ 2.9§ 1,337 4.6 9,574 33.1 28,953 35-44 13,062 40.4 4,051 12.5 2,495 7.7 1,899 5.9 10,804 33.4 32,311 45-54 13,743 47.3 3,516 12.1 2,702 9.3 1,648† 5.7† 7,459 25.7 29,068 55-64 11,306 50.0 2,795 12.4 3,893 17.2 1,188† 5.3† 3,419 15.1 22,601 65-74 3,847 18.3 728† 3.5† 14,735 70.2 400§ 1.9§ 1,279† 6.1† 20,989 ≥ 75 7,045 11.6 500§ 0.8§ 51,278 84.7 23§ 0.0§ 1,663 2.7 60,509 Total 103,976 37.8 36,280 13.2 76,605 27.8 7,687 2.8 50,598 18.4 275,147 * Includes self pay, no charge, other government, other, and unknown. † Sample size is 30−59; the value of the estimate was reported but may not be stable. § Sample size is less than 30; the value of the estimate was also reported, but it is not considered stable. -- No data for these cells. Note: In-hospital deaths and patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded. Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | hospitalizations by Age & Payment source 37 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | Deaths by Age & sex TABLE 14: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and Sex, United States, 2002–2006 mAle AGE (YRS) NUMBER FemAle RATE► ROW % NUMBER ToTAl* RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 574 5.6 57.5 424 4.3 42.5 998 5.0 5-9 259 2.6 57.6 191 2.0 42.4 450 2.3 10-14 477 4.4 65.7 249 2.4 34.3 726 3.5 15-19 2,977 27.9 74.5 1,018 10.1 25.5 3,995 19.2 20-24 4,140 38.8 82.0 908 9.0 18.0 5,048 24.3 25-34 5,551 27.4 81.3 1,275 6.5 18.7 6,826 17.1 35-44 5,428 24.7 77.6 1,567 7.1 22.4 6,995 15.9 45-54 5,592 27.4 78.5 1,533 7.2 21.5 7,125 17.1 55-64 3,913 28.0 77.8 1,115 7.4 22.2 5,028 17.3 65-74 3,125 36.9 73.5 1,128 11.2 26.5 4,253 22.9 ≥ 75 5,935 88.3 58.8 4,160 37.4 41.2 10,095 56.6 Total 37,971 26.3 73.7 13,568 9.1 26.3 51,539 17.6 Adjusted ¶ 27.1 8.6 * 128 mortality records (2002−2006) were omitted because of missing age information. Average annual rate per 100,000 population. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. ► Numbers subject to rounding error. 17.4 38 TABLE 15: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and Race, United States, 2002–2006 WHITe AGE (YRS) NUMBER AmerIcAn InDIAn, AlAskA nATIVe, AsIAn, or pAcIFIc IslAnDer BlAck RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % ToTAl* NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 693 4.4 69.4 253 7.8 25.3 52 4.4 5.2 998 5.0 5-9 336 2.2 74.6 90 2.8 20.1 24 2.0 5.3 450 2.3 10-14 568 3.5 78.2 129 3.7 17.8 29 2.4 4.0 726 3.5 15-19 3,179 19.6 79.6 653 19.7 16.4 163 13.5 4.1 3,995 19.2 20-24 3,841 23.5 76.1 1,000 32.1 19.8 207 16.0 4.1 5,048 24.3 25-34 5,202 16.6 76.2 1,366 24.7 20.0 259 8.8 3.8 6,827 17.1 35-44 5,795 16.3 82.8 976 17.0 13.9 224 8.2 3.2 6,995 15.9 45-54 6,108 17.7 85.7 813 16.5 11.4 204 9.1 2.9 7,125 17.1 55-64 4,440 17.9 88.3 444 15.3 8.8 144 10.5 2.9 5,028 17.3 65-74 3,830 23.9 90.1 301 17.3 7.1 122 15.7 2.9 4,253 22.9 ≥ 75 9,409 59.0 93.2 431 31.9 4.3 255 47.5 2.5 10,095 56.6 Total 43,401 18.2 84.2 6,456 16.7 12.5 1,683 10.1 3.3 51,540 17.6 Adjusted ¶ 17.7 17.3 11.2 17.4 * 128 mortality records (2002−2006) were omitted because of missing age information. Average annual rate per 100,000 population. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. ► Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | Deaths by Age & Race 39 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | Deaths by Age & external Cause TABLE 16: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 moTor VeHIcle– TrAFFIc* FAlls AssAulT sTruck By/AgAInsT oTHer/unknoWn ToTAl┼ AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 395 2.0 39.6 37 0.2 3.7 364 1.8 36.4 22 0.1 2.2 180 0.9 18.1 998 5.0 5-9 303 1.5 67.5 10 0.0 2.1 48 0.2 10.7 12 0.1 2.7 76 0.4 17.0 449 2.3 10-14 436 2.1 60.0 15 0.1 2.0 86 0.4 11.9 10 0.0 1.3 180 0.9 24.8 727 3.5 15-19 2,344 11.3 58.7 52 0.3 1.3 634 3.1 15.9 14 0.1 0.4 951 4.6 23.8 3,995 19.2 20-24 2,444 11.8 48.4 95 0.5 1.9 979 4.7 19.4 22 0.1 0.4 1,509 7.3 29.9 5,049 24.3 25-34 2,740 6.9 40.1 182 0.5 2.7 1,315 3.3 19.3 46 0.1 0.7 2,543 6.4 37.3 6,826 17.1 35-44 2,458 5.6 35.1 414 0.9 5.9 982 2.2 14.0 59 0.1 0.8 3,083 7.0 44.1 6,996 15.9 45-54 2,110 5.1 29.6 760 1.8 10.7 712 1.7 10.0 67 0.2 0.9 3,476 8.4 48.8 7,125 17.1 55-64 1,281 4.4 25.5 896 3.1 17.8 349 1.2 6.9 49 0.2 1.0 2,454 8.4 48.8 5,029 17.3 65-74 832 4.5 19.6 1,375 7.4 32.3 169 0.9 4.0 37 0.2 0.9 1,839 9.9 43.2 4,252 22.9 ≥ 75 1,053 5.9 10.4 5,882 33.0 58.3 164 0.9 1.6 40 0.2 0.4 2,956 16.6 29.3 10,095 56.6 Total 16,396 5.6 31.8 9,718 3.3 18.9 5,802 2.0 11.3 378 0.1 0.7 19,247 6.6 37.3 51,541 17.6 Adjusted ¶ 5.6 3.3 2.0 0.1 6.5 * Motor vehicle–traffic includes the following external cause of injury: occupant, motorcyclist, pedal cyclist, pedestrian, other and unspecified person involved in a motor vehicle–traffic incident. 128 mortality records (2002−2006) were omitted because of missing age information. ► Average annual rate per 100,000 population. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. ┼ Numbers subject to rounding error. 17.4 40 TABLE 17: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and Specific Motor Vehicle–Traffic (MVT) External Causes, United States, 2002–2006 mVT-occupAnT mVT- moTorcycle mVT- peDAl cycle mVT- peDesTrIAn mVT- oTHer or unspecIFIeD ToTAl* AGE (YRS) NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► ROW % NUMBER RATE► 0-4 174 0.9 43.9 0 ‡ 0.1 2 ‡ 0.6 97 0.5 24.6 122 0.6 30.8 395 2.0 5-9 131 0.7 43.2 3 ‡ 0.9 21 0.1 7.1 60 0.3 19.6 89 0.4 29.2 304 1.5 10-14 200 1.0 45.9 14 0.1 3.1 38 0.2 8.7 76 0.4 17.3 109 0.5 25.0 437 2.1 15-19 1,300 6.3 55.5 87 0.4 3.7 26 0.1 1.1 119 0.6 5.1 812 3.9 34.7 2,344 11.3 20-24 1,245 6.0 50.9 219 1.1 9.0 17 0.1 0.7 132 0.6 5.4 832 4.0 34.1 2,445 11.8 25-34 1,268 3.2 46.3 345 0.9 12.6 34 0.1 1.2 208 0.5 7.6 885 2.2 32.3 2,740 6.9 35-44 1,044 2.4 42.5 373 0.8 15.2 54 0.1 2.2 262 0.6 10.7 726 1.6 29.5 2,459 5.6 45-54 856 2.1 40.6 353 0.8 16.7 56 0.1 2.7 263 0.6 12.5 582 1.4 27.6 2,110 5.1 55-64 530 1.8 41.4 162 0.6 12.6 33 0.1 2.6 181 0.6 14.2 375 1.3 29.2 1,281 4.4 65-74 369 2.0 44.3 45 0.2 5.5 18 0.1 2.2 139 0.8 16.7 260 1.4 31.3 831 4.5 ≥ 75 464 2.6 44.1 13 0.1 1.3 13 0.1 1.3 202 1.1 19.2 360 2.0 34.2 1,052 5.9 Total 7,581 2.6 46.2 1,614 0.5 9.8 312 0.1 1.9 1,739 0.6 10.6 5,152 1.7 31.4 16,398 5.6 Adjusted ¶ 2.6 0.5 0.1 0.6 1.7 5.6 * 33 mortality records (2002−2006) were omitted because of missing age information. Average annual rate per 100,000 population. ¶ Age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. ‡ Sample size was less than 20 for the 5 years combined, so the rate was suppressed. ► Numbers subject to rounding error. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | Deaths by Age & mVt Cause 41 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | Annual tBI estimates 2002–2006 FIGURE 8: Annual Estimates of All Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, United States, 2002–2006 1,500,000 From 2002 to 2006, there was an increase in TBI-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations. Number of Visits 1,250,000 1,000,000 750,000 500,000 250,000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 emergency Department Visits 1,248,660 1,228,731 1,424,548 1,492,879 1,429,159 hospitalizations 246,381 274,596 285,778 274,426 294,556 Deaths 50,566 50,736 51,164 52,860 52,365 During the period 2002 through 2006, TBI-related emergency department visits increased by 14.4%, hospitalizations increased by 19.5%, and deaths increased by 3.5%. The estimated population in the United States increased by 3.8% during the same period. 42 FIGURE 9: Annual Rate Estimates of Fall–Related Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Children Aged 0–14, United States, 2002–2006 FIGURE 10: Annual Rate Estimates of Fall–Related Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Adults Aged 65 and older, United States, 2002–2006 From 2002 to 2006, there was an increase in fallrelated TBIs in emergency department visits among adults aged 65 years and older. From 2002 to 2006, there was an increase in fallrelated TBIs in emergency department visits among children aged 14 years and younger. 400 350 500 Per 100,000 Per 100,000 300 400 300 200 250 200 150 100 100 50 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 290 335.2 434.9 501.2 470.5 emergency Department Visits hospitalizations 24.3 13.6 14.3 14 16.9 Deaths 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2002 emergency Department Visits 263.7 hospitalizations 67.6 Deaths 17.3 2003 2004 2005 2006 235.9 217.4 367.6 385.2 87.9 87.6 76.2 90.7 18.5 20.5 21.5 21.9 From 2002 to 2006, there was a 62% increase in fall-related From 2002 to 2006, fall-related TBI rates increased in the older TBIs in emergency department visits among children aged 14 adult population. There were large increases in emergency years and younger. Hospitalizations decreased by 30% and department visits (46%), hospitalizations (34%), and deaths deaths remained the same. (27%) among this age group. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix A | Annual Fall-Related tBI estimates By Age 43 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 44 Appendix B: Methods and Data Sources traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Data Sources 49 Identification of TBI Cases 51 External Cause of Injury 55 Population Data 57 Statistical Analysis 59 Limitations 61 overview | traumatic Brain Injuries by external Cause 45 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 46 APPENDIX B: METHODS AND DATA SOURCES The data presented in this report were based on three different national data sources: the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) and the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). These data sources were selected because national estimates for traumatic brain injuries can be calculated using visits to emergency departments, hospitalizations, and deaths. Data for the years of 2002 to 2006 were used to obtain the most recent estimates of the burden of traumatic brain injuries and to increase the stability of the estimated numbers and rates for hospitalizations and emergency department visits. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | methods & Data sources 47 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 48 DATA SOURCES Emergency Department Visits The National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), conducted by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), was used to characterize TBIs treated in emergency departments in the United States. The target population of the NHAMCS was in-person visits made in the United States to emergency departments and outpatient departments of nonfederal, short-stay hospitals (hospitals with an average stay of less than 30 days), hospitals that specialize in general medicine or surgical procedures, and children’s hospitals. Of the NHAMCS data, only emergency department visits were included in this report. The NHAMCS used a four-stage probability design with the stages being primary sampling units (PSUs), hospitals within PSUs, clinics or emergency departments within hospitals, and patient visits within clinics or emergency departments. Hospital staff were asked to complete patient record forms for a systematic random sample of patient visits occurring during a randomly assigned four-week reporting period. Each visit was assigned a sample weight based on the inverse probability of selection with adjustments for nonresponse. The individual sample weights were summed to produce national estimates of TBI-related emergency department visits. For age, sex, and race, missing values were imputed by randomly assigning a value from a record with similar emergency department volume, geographic region, traumatic Brain Injury in the united states immediacy with which the patient should be seen, and primary diagnosis. Additional information about the NHAMCS emergency department component is available elsewhere.2 For this report, TBI-related cases were selected if one of the three diagnosis fields contained an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for TBI6 (see Table 18). The external cause of injury (E-code) was assigned based on the first E-code field. Emergency department patients who died in the emergency department, who were later hospitalized or transferred to another facility were excluded from the analysis of emergency department visits. During 2002 to 2006, the number of hospitals that participated in the survey ranged from 352 to 406 (more than 91% of eligible, sampled hospitals each year), with the total number of unweighted emergency department visits ranged from 33,605 to 40,253. The annual number of unweighted TBIrelated emergency department visits identified in the sample ranged from 412 to 460 for a total of 2,198 TBI-related emergency department visits sampled during 2002 to 2006. Hospitalizations The National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) of the NCHS was used to estimate annual number and rates of TBI-related hospitalizations. The NHDS provided data on discharges from nonfederal, short-stay hospitals (those with an average length of stay for all patients of less than 30 days), general (medical or Appendix B | Data sources 49 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states surgical) hospitals, or children’s general hospitals in the United States. The NHDS used a modified, three-stage probability designed to select records, with the stages being PSUs, hospitals within the PSUs, and discharges within the hospitals. The modification of the design involved selection with certainty of the largest PSUs and hospitals. Demographic and medical data were collected for the selected discharges, and weights were assigned based on the inverse probability of selection with adjustments for non-response. The individual record weights were summed to produce estimates of TBI-related hospitalizations each year for the total United States population. Additional information about the NHDS data is available elsewhere.7 For this report, TBI-related cases were selected if one of the diagnosis fields contained an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for TBI3 (see Table 18). External Cause codes, or E-codes, were contained within the seven diagnosis fields, and the external cause of injury was classified using the first E-code that appeared in the list of codes. Hospitalized patients who died during hospitalization or were transferred to another hospital were excluded from the analysis. During 2002 to 2006, the number of hospitals that provided data for the survey ranged from 426 to 445 (88.9% to 93.9% of eligible, sampled hospitals), and the total number of Appendix B | Data sources unweighted discharges ranged from 319,530 to 376,328. The annual number of unweighted TBI-related hospitalizations identified in the sample ranged from 2,104 to 2,583 for a total of 11,880 unweighted TBI-related discharges sampled during 2002 to 2006. Deaths Multiple cause-of-death data from the mortality files of the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) were used to describe TBI-related deaths. In the United States, state laws require completion of death certificates for all deaths; federal law mandates national collection and publication of deaths and other vital statistics. The NVSS, the federal compilation of these data, is the result of cooperation between NCHS and the states to provide access to statistical information from death certificates. Additional information about these data is available elsewhere.4 For this report, TBI-related cases were selected if an ICD-10 diagnosis code5 (see Table 19) for TBI appeared in Part I of the death certificate. The E-code was obtained from the underlying cause of death field. 50 IDENTIFICATION OF TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY CASES For all data sources, TBI cases were identified using CDC’s case definition.6,7 All NHDS and NHAMCS records that contained in one or more of the diagnosis data fields the ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes in the appropriate range, as shown in Table 18, were identified as a TBI emergency department visit or hospitalization. All records that contained in Part I of the death certificate the ICD-10 diagnosis codes (for years 2002–2006) in the appropriate range, as shown in Table 19, were identified as a TBI death. A record was counted only once regardless of the number of diagnosis codes that met the criteria for TBI. The increased use of 959.015 was accompanied by a corresponding drop in the use of 854.3 Thus, to avoid underestimating TBIs, cases coded as 959.01 were included. This is consistent with a previous CDC publication on TBI8 and the current CDC TBI case definition.6,7 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | Identification of tBI Cases 51 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 52 TABLE 18: ICD-9-CM Codes for Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations (2002–2006) DesCRIPtIoN ICD-9-Cm (emeRgeNCy DePARtmeNt VIsIts AND hosPItAlIzAtIoNs) Fracture of the vault or base of the skull 800.0−801.9 Other and unqualified multiple fractures of the skull 803.0−804.9 Intracranial injury, including concussion, contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage 850.0−854.1 Injury to optic nerve and pathways 950.1−950.3 Shaken baby syndrome 995.55 Head injury, unspecified 959.01 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | Identification of tBI Cases 53 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | Identification of tBI Cases TABLE 19: ICD-10 Codes for Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths (2002–2006) DesCRIPtIoN Open wound of the head Fracture of the skull and facial bones Injury to optic nerve and pathways Intracranial injury Crushing injury of head Other unspecified injuries of head ICD-10 (DeAths) S01.0−S01.9 S02.0, S02.1, S02.3, S02.7−S02.9 S04.0 S06.0−S06.9 S07.0, S07.1, S07.8, S07.9 S09.7−S09.9 Open wounds involving head with neck T01.0 Fractures involving head with neck T02.0 Crushing injuries involving head with neck T04.0 Injuries of brain and cranial nerves with injuries of nerves and spinal cord at neck level T06.0 Sequelae of injuries of head T90.1, T90.2, T90.4, T90.5, T90.8, T90.9 54 EXTERNAL CAUSE OF INJURY External cause of injury categorization was based on E-codes and classified using categories adapted from CDC’s recommended frameworks for presenting injury data.9,10 The categories used are presented in Table 20. Several changes occurred in the classification of external cause of injury between ICD-9 and ICD-10, including the prefixes used to distinguish external cause (from E-codes for ICD-9 to codes beginning with V, W, X, Y, and *U [terrorism] for ICD-10) and the organization of transport incident codes (based on type of vehicle in ICD-9 and characteristics of the injured person in ICD-10). For this report, the external cause of injury categories were motor vehicle–traffic, unintentional falls, assaults, and struck by/against. Struck by/against events are those in which a person was struck unintentionally by another person or an object, such as falling debris or objects, struck against an object, such as a wall or another person. For this report, only unintentional and undetermined struck by/ against events were included. Struck by/against events related to assaults were in the assault category. Struck by/against events were reported for all age groups, even though sometimes small sample sizes produced estimates that were not considered stable. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | external Cause of Injury 55 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | external Cause of Injury TABLE 20: External Cause of Injury Categorization for ICD-9-CM Codes (Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations, 2002–2006) and ICD-10 Codes (Deaths, 2002–2006) DesCRIPtIoN Motor vehicle traffic−related (unintentional) ICD-9-Cm E810−E819 ICD-10 V02−V04 (.1, .9), V09.2, V12−V14 (.3−.9), V19 (.4−.6), V20−V28 (.3−.9), V29 (.4−.9), V30−V79 (.4−.9), V80 (.3−.5), V81.1, V82.1, V83−V86 (.0−.3), V87 (.0−.8), V89.2 Occupant E810−E819 (.0, .1) V30−V79 (.4−.9), V81.1, V82.1, V83−V86 (.0−.3) Motorcycle E810−E819 (.2, .3) V20−V28 (.3−.9), V29 (.4−.9) Pedal cycle E810−E819 (.6) V12−V14 (.3−.9), V19 (.4−.6) Pedestrian E810−E819 (.7) V02−V04 (.1, .9), V09.2 Other and unspecified E810−E819 (.4, .5, .8, .9) V80 (.3−.5), V87 (.0−.8), V89.2 Falls (unintentional and undetermined) E880−E886, E888, E987 W00−W19, Y30 Assault (includes firearm and other) E960−E969 X85−Y09, Y87.1 Struck by and against E916, E917 W20−W22, W50−W52, Y29 Other and unspecified All other E-codes All other cause codes 56 POPULATION DATA This report uses the United States’ Census bridged race population estimates from 2002 to 2006 obtained from NCHS.11 The average annual population, derived by dividing the total population by five, is presented in Table 21. The 2000 standard population from the U.S. Bureau of the Census was used to calculate the age-adjusted rates by using the direct method.12 The weights applied to the average annual population from the 2000 standard population are also presented in Table 21. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | Population Data 57 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | Population Data TABLE 21: Estimated Average Annual 2002–2006 Population by Age Group, Sex, and Race; Weights for 2000 Standard Population by Age Group sex Age (yrs) r Ac e mAle FemAle WHITe BlAck AmerIcAn InDIAn, AlAskA nATIVe, AsIAn, pAcIFIc IslAnDer ToTAl WeIgHTs* 0-4 10,240,416 9,784,061 15,582,248 3,260,109 1,182,120 20,024,477 0.0691356496 5-9 10,081,063 9,624,631 15,332,058 3,200,397 1,173,239 19,705,694 0.0725328983 10-14 10,740,169 10,229,818 16,259,412 3,503,737 1,206,837 20,969,987 0.0730317441 15-19 10,658,609 10,106,668 16,251,474 3,309,403 1,204,400 20,765,277 0.0721687774 20-24 10,671,421 10,077,694 16,341,821 3,115,714 1,291,580 20,749,115 0.0664775665 25-34 20,226,113 19,659,025 31,421,296 5,519,693 2,944,149 39,885,138 0.1355731628 35-44 22,007,839 22,085,520 35,614,403 5,731,205 2,747,751 44,093,359 0.1626127865 45-54 20,443,508 21,159,542 34,445,963 4,920,675 2,236,412 41,603,050 0.1348339972 55-64 13,997,124 15,075,707 24,786,789 2,911,295 1,374,746 29,072,831 0.0872470269 65-74 8,458,345 10,072,055 16,013,437 1,740,204 776,758 18,530,399 0.0660369801 ≥ 75 6,724,189 11,112,062 15,947,766 1,352,384 536,101 17,836,250 0.0603494104 Total 144,248,796 148,986,783 237,996,667 38,564,816 16,674,093 293,235,577 * Based on the 2000 standard population. Numbers subject to rounding error. 58 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SAS software13 was used to calculate average annual numbers, rates, row percentages, age-adjusted rates, and total numbers. Average annual numbers were calculated by adding the numbers for all five years and dividing the totals by 5. Average annual rates were calculated by dividing the total number for all five years by the total population for all five years. Row percentages were calculated by dividing each number by the total number for all five years. Because numbers, rates, and row percentages were all calculated before rounding and were based on the totals for all five years and not the annual average, some results may not be consistent across tables. An age adjustment rate was made using the direct method to eliminate differences in observed rates that result from age differences in the population distribution. This adjustment was done to allow more accurate comparisons of two or more populations at one point in time or a single population at two or more points in time. Age adjustment by the direct method requires use of a standard age distribution; in this report, the year 2000 standard population was selected (see Table 21). Based on the complex sample design of the NHDS and the NHAMCS, estimates of the number and rate of TBIs requiring emergency department treatment or hospitalization were reported based on the NCHS guidelines below: 2 ● If the sample size was less than 30, the value of the estimates was reported, but it was not considered stable. ● If the sample size was 30 to 59, the value of the estimate was reported, but it may not be stable. For the death data, if the sample size was less than 20 for the 5 years combined, the rates were suppressed because the data were not considered stable.12 Age-adjusted rates were calculated by the direct method as follows: n ∑( r x w ) i i i=1 Where ri = age-specific rates for the population of interest, Wi = age-specific weight based on the 2000 U.S. standard population, and n = total number of age groups over the age range of the age-adjusted rate. traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | statistical Analysis 59 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 60 LIMITATIONS ● Three different data sources were used. Results should be interpreted with caution because differences in study methods may have influenced the findings. The NHDS and NHAMCS were based on a sample of inpatients who were discharged from nonfederal short-stay hospitals (NHDS) and emergency department visits (NHAMCS), while multiple cause-of-death data (NVSS) included all deaths. ● The potential for sampling bias exists with any survey. NHDS and NHAMCS procedures assure this possibility is reduced by using stratified sampling of hospitals, random selection of discharges within hospitals and visits within emergency departments, and even distribution of sampling throughout the year. ● The overall burden of TBI in the United States was underestimated. An estimated 439,000 TBIs treated by physicians during office visits and 89,000 treated in outpatient settings were not included in this report.14 In addition, TBIs with no medical advice sought, an estimated 25% of all mild and moderate TBIs, were not included.15 ● This report does not include TBIs from federal, military, or Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals. ● The lack of external cause of injury coding (E-coding) was potentially problematic. For the NHDS data, one third of cases were missing an E-code. Increased E-code reporting could traumatic Brain Injury in the united states increase the rates by external cause. Only data by external cause for the leading causes of TBI (falls, struck by/against, motor– vehicle/traffic and assault) for the three data sets combined were reported. The actual leading causes varied among emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths. Causes beyond those were combined as other/unknown due to limitations in sample size and consistency among all three data sources. As a result, some causes were not included individually, such as firearm injuries, which is a factor in some TBI deaths.16,17 These types of injuries were included in the “other” category. ● E-codes may not capture all of the injuries attributable to a particular cause or intent, especially controversial ones such as assault. Among children, 25% of all injuries resulting from assaults may not be accounted for by E-codes.18 Assaults may not be clinically recognized, especially in vulnerable populations, such as children19 and older adults.20 ● Injury severity was not included in this report for two reasons. First, a measure of severity could not be uniformly applied to all three data sets. ICDMAP-90,21 a computer algorithm that converts ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes to a 6-level score approximating the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), was only applicable to NHDS and NHAMCS data. Second, the ICDMAP- 90 has not been updated to include the ICD code 959.01, which is now part of the TBI ICD coded definition. Appendix B | limitations 61 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Appendix B | limitations FIGURE 11: Sources of Potential Case Duplication When Combining Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Deaths IN-hosPItAl DeAths In-hospital deaths (and deaths occurring in the emergency department) were deleted. hosPItAl ReADmIssIoNs hospital readmission rates are estimated at 4% of hospital admissions based on south Carolina tBI surveillance data. hospitalizations tRANsFeR BetweeN hosPItAls transfers from another hospital were deleted. hosPItAlIzeD emeRgeNCy DePARtmeNt PAtIeNts emergency department visits for patients admitted to the hospital or transferred to different hospital were deleted. emergency Department Visits emeRgeNCy DePARtmeNt ReADmIssIoNs emergency department readmission rates were estimated at 5% to 6% of emergency department admissions based on south Carolina tBI surveillance data. ● The NHDS and NHAMCS data are based on hospitalizations and visits to emergency departments — not on individual persons. It is not possible to unduplicate cases in which individuals were hospitalized or treated in emergency departments more than once for the same injury. This limitation precludes calculating the true incidence of TBI; however, the effects on the data are assumed to be quite small. Specifically, data from a population-based follow-up study in South Carolina indicated a readmission rate to the hospital of approximately 4% and a readmission rate to the emergency department of 5% to 6%.22 Patients who transferred from another hospital were excluded in the hospitalization tables. Patients who have been hospitalized and later died from their injuries could be another source of over-counting. However, deaths that occurred among patients hospitalized or treated at emergency departments were excluded based on information available in the hospital discharge and emergency department data sets. Patients who were seen in the emergency department and later hospitalized could also be double counted; however, documented hospitalizations were excluded from those counted as seen in the emergency department. Emergency department patients reported to have been transferred were also excluded to help limit double counting. Because none of these data sets are mutually exclusive, the combined number or rate of TBI might be overestimated because some cases could still be double counted (see Figure 11). 62 Index of Tables and Figures overview | traumatic Brain Injuries by external Cause 63 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states 64 INDEX OF TABLES AND FIGURES Overview 11 Figure 1: Estimated Average Annual Number of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, United States, 2002–2006 13 Table A: Estimated Percentage of All Injuries and Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, United States, 2002–2006 14 Table B: Estimated Average Annual Numbers of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Age Group, United States, 2002–2006 15 Figure 2: Estimated Average Annual Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Age Group, United States, 2002–2006 15 Table C: Estimated Average Annual Numbers of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Sex, United States, 2002–2006 16 Figure 3: Estimated Average Annual Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Sex, United States, 2002–2006 16 Table D: Estimated Average Annual Numbers of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 17 Figure 4: Estimated Average Annual Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 17 Figure 5: Estimated Average Percentage of Annual Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 18 Figure 6: Estimated Average Percentage of Annual Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Children 0 to 14 Years, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 19 Figure 7: Estimated Average Percentage of Annual Traumatic Brain Injury-Combined Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Adults 65 Years and Older, by External Cause, United States, 2002–2006 19 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Index of tables and Figures 65 traumatic Brain Injury in the united states Index of tables and Figures Appendix A: Tables 23 Table 1: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, by Age Group, United States, 2002 – 2006 25 Table 2: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Disposition, United States, 2002 – 2006 26 Table 3: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Sex, United States, 2002 – 2006 27 Table 4: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Race, United States, 2002 – 2006 28 Table 5: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and External Cause, United States, 2002 – 2006 29 Table 6: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Specific Motor Vehicle – Traffic (MVT) External Causes, United States, 2002 – 2006 30 Table 7: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, by Age Group and Expected Source of Payment, United States, 2002 – 2006 31 Table 8: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Disposition, United States, 2002 – 2006 32 Table 9: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Sex, United States, 2002 – 2006 33 Table 10: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Race, United States, 2002 – 2006 34 Table 11: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and External Cause, United States, 2002 – 2006 35 Table 12: Estimated Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Specific Motor Vehicle – Traffic (MVT) External Causes , United States, 2002 – 2006 36 Table 13: Estimated Average Annual Numbers and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations, by Age Group and Expected Source of Payment, United States, 2002 – 2006 37 66 Appendix A: Tables continued Table 14: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and Sex, United States, 2002 – 2006 38 Table 15: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and Race, United States, 2002 – 2006 39 Table 16: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and External Cause, United States, 2002 – 2006 40 Table 17: Average Annual Numbers, Rates, and Percentages of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths, by Age Group and Specific Motor Vehicle – Traffic (MVT) External Causes , United States, 2002 – 2006 41 Figure 8: Annual Estimates of All Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths, United States, 2002 – 2006 42 Figure 9: Annual Rate Estimates of Fall-Related Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Children Aged 0 – 14, United States, 2002 – 2006 43 Figure 10: Annual Rate Estimates of Fall-Related Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among Adults Aged 65 and Older, United States, 2002 – 2006 43 Appendix B: Methods and Data Sources 45 Table 18: ICD-9-CM Codes for Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations (2002 – 2006) 53 Table 19: ICD-10 Codes for Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths (2002 – 2006) 54 Table 20: External Cause of Injury Categorization for ICD-9-CM Codes (Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations, 2002 – 2006) and ICD-10 (Deaths, 2002 – 2006) 56 Table 21: Estimated Average Annual 2002 – 2006 Population by Age Group, Sex, and Race; Weights for 2000 Standard Population by Age Group 58 Figure 11: Sources of Potential Case Duplication When Combining Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths 62 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