Table Of Contents Cades User Guide

User Manual:

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Table of Contents
CADES Support


Table of Contents




Access CADES Externally




CADES Acknowledgement




Quick-Start Guides
Launch a VM Instance: Quick-Start


SHPC Condos: Quick-Start


CADES Cloud User Guide
Getting Started with OpenStack


Request Your Cloud Allocation


Manage Your Cloud Allocation


OpenStack Project Quota


OpenStack Help


Launch a VM Instance


Log In & Name the VM


Configure the VM


Networks & Security


Key Pair Use


Access VM Instances


Access Your VM Instance Using SSH


Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)


Access Your VM Instance Using Horizon


Add More Users to Your VM Instance


Manage Your VM Instances


Delete a VM Instance from Your Project


Delete a Volume from Your Project


Resize a VM Instance


Add a Volume to a VM Instance



Create a Snapshot


OpenStack Security Groups


Modify the Default Security Group

Create a new Security Group

Security Group CIDR Examples

Overview - CADES Cloud Information


Available VM Images & Configurations


Software & Hardware


Network & Storage


Additional OpenStack Resources


Request Firewall Exception


Run a Simple Web Server


SSL - Let's Encrypt


Install CPUID


CPUID Hypervisor Codes

CPUID Instance Codes

SHPC Condos User Guide








Scheduling Jobs


Bash Environment Customization






Condo Workflows


Crystal Workflow


How to Use




Request Access to an Allocation


Access your Allocation


Execute a Job


User Contributed Tutorials
Note: Community contributed content
not officially supported by CADES.


Launch a Docker Container


Launch Shiny within Docker



Eclipse in CADES HPC


Allinea DDT in CADES HPC


Data Transfer & Storage
Moving Data
Graphical Client SFTP
Globus Data Transfer Tool


Globus Endpoints


Globus Transfers & More


Globus Command Line Interface


Scality Object Storage User Guide


Scality Advanced Usage


Scality in a Python Virtual Environment


Contributing to Documentation
Ways to Contribute


Contribute with Git


Git in the Command Line


CADES Authoring Guide


CADES Policies
CADES Cloud User Policy




CADES → User Documentation

CADES User Documentation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) provides an integrated
computing infrastructure to deliver data science solutions and workflows to ORNL personnel. CADES provides dedicated
computing resources through our SHPC (Scalable High Performance Computing) Condo allocations and customizable
Software as a Service (SaaS) through our Birthright Cloud solution.
This diverse computing and data ecosystem is bolstered by a CADES support team that employs experts matrixed from different
ORNL research directives to provide focused, expert support for a user's scientific computing needs.

Features of this Guide
The navigation panel on the left provides you with a birds-eye view of the content of these pages.
GitBook search at the top of the left-hand side allows you to list only content that matches your keywords.

CADES Quick Summary (Cheat Sheet in pdf format)
Download CADES Quick Summary Cheat Sheet


Table of Contents

CADES User Documentation Table of Contents
CADES Support
Table of Contents
Access CADES Externally
CADES Acknowledgement

Quick-Start Guides
Launch a VM Instance: Quick-Start
SHPC Condos: Quick-Start

CADES Cloud User Guide
Getting Started with OpenStack
Request Your Cloud Allocation
Manage Your Cloud Allocation
OpenStack Project Quota
OpenStack Help
Launch a VM Instance
Log In & Name the VM
Configure the VM
Networks & Security
Key Pair Use
Access VM Instances
Access Your VM Instance Using SSH
Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)
Access Your VM Instance Using Horizon
Add More Users to Your VM Instance
Manage Your VM Instances
Delete a VM Instance from Your Project
Delete a Volume from Your Project
Resize a VM Instance
Add a Volume to a VM Instance
Create a Snapshot
OpenStack Security Groups
Modify the Default Security Group
Create a new Security Group
Security Group CIDR Examples
Overview - CADES Cloud Information
Available VM Images & Configurations
Software & Hardware
Network & Storage


Table of Contents

Additional OpenStack Resources
Request Firewall Exception
Run a Simple Web Server
SSL - Let's Encrypt
Install CPUID
CPUID Hypervisor Codes
CPUID Instance Codes

SHPC Condos User Guide
Scheduling Jobs
Bash Environment Customization
Condo Workflows
Crystal Workflow
How to Use
Request Access to an Allocation
Access your Allocation
Execute a Job

User Contributed Tutorials
Note: Community contributed content
not officially supported by CADES.
Launch a Docker Container
Launch Shiny within Docker
Eclipse in CADES HPC
Allinea DDT in CADES HPC

Data Transfer & Storage
Moving Data
Graphical Client SFTP
Globus Data Transfer Tool
Globus Endpoints
Globus Transfers & More
Globus Command Line Interface
Scality Object Storage User Guide
Scality Advanced Usage
Scality in a Python Virtual Environment

Contributing to Documentation

Table of Contents

Ways to Contribute
Contribute with Git
Git in the Command Line
CADES Authoring Guide

CADES Policies
CADES Cloud User Policy

CADES Quick Summary (Cheat Sheet in pdf format)
Download CADES Quick Summary Cheat Sheet



CADES → User Documentation → Support

Getting Help
Within this documentation the CADES team and user community have assembled getting started guides, a glossary, and usercreated tutorials to help you use resources within our environments.
Sometimes, though, docs are not enough. If you have questions not answered here, or would like to open a trouble ticket, please
contact the CADES team directly at
You may also join us at where both CADES operations and community members share tips and can work
more interactively together.

If you would like to add your own tutorials to this site, correct errors, or expand and clarify content, your contributions are
welcome. Please see our contributing guide.


Access CADES Externally

CADES → User Documentation → External Access

Externally Accessing CADES Resources
You may find that you need access to internal resources at ORNL or CADES when you are off-site. This guide is intended to
provide guidance on how to access some of the most common resources that our researchers need.
Note: ORNL VPN service is only available to those using ORNL-owned hardware.
If you need assistance, you can email the CADES team or join our Slack community (available externally).

CADES External Login Node
CADES maintains an external login node


New Users: To log in to this node, you must be granted access via the XCAMS portal.
If you are not sure if you already have a XCAMS account, visit this site and use the "Forgot your username?" and "Forgot your
password?" links to investigate. If you find that you have an account, but need access to the CADES-misc resource, email us.
To login to the external access node use your XCAMS ID to SSH:

From here you can access internal resources, including:
OpenStack Horizon Web Interface
ORNL Internal Websites
User Documentation: a copy of CADES user documentation is regularly saved to


Accessing the OpenStack Horizon Web Interface
To view the OpenStack Horizon Web Interface you may use SSH port forwarding (replace user with your user ID and enter your
password when prompted):
ssh -L

Then view in your browser: http://localhost:9000

Accessing the CADES SHPC Cluster
Open Protection Zone
1. After logging in to the CADES external login node, execute



Replace xcams with the username you registered above.
2. When prompted, enter your XCAMS password.
Moderate Protection Zone
1. After logging in to the CADES external login node, execute



Replace ucams with your ORNL UCAMS ID.


Access CADES Externally

2. When prompted, enter your UCAMS password.

Accessing ORNL Internal Websites
To view internal ORNL websites you may use SSH port forwarding (replace user with your user ID and enter your password
when prompted):
ssh -L

Then view in your browser: http://localhost:9000



CADES → User Documentation → CADES Team

How can we help you?
CADES staff is ready to assist you. Choose one of the two ways:
Send an email to
Join our Slack channel at

We are led by:
CADES Director Arjun Shankar
CADES Leader Brian Zachary


CADES Acknowledgement

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Acknowledgement

Acknowledgments in Scientific Publications and Presentations
Please acknowledge in your publications the role CADES facilities played in your research. Alerting our communications staff
when a paper is accepted is also appreciated.
Sample acknowledgement:
This research used resources of the Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC0500OR22725"
You may use any variation on this theme, calling out specific simulations or portions of the research that used CADES resources,
or citing specific resources used.
However, the crucial elements to include are:
The spelled out center name (it's okay to include the acronym, too): Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES)
Office of Science and U.S. Department of Energy
Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725
We appreciate your conscientiousness in this matter. Acknowledgement and pre-publication notification helps CADES
communicate the importance of its role in science to our sponsors, helping assure the continued availability of this valuable



CADES → User Documentation → Glossary

The definitions below are related to this document and are provided for quick reference. A more complete list of definitions can be
found in the official OpenStack documentation.

A UNIX shell used for entering command-line executions. Included with most Linux distributions and macOS. Includes SSH

A web GUI front end for OpenStack that is accessed via

Also known as a virtual machine monitor, a hypervisor is software/hardware that creates, runs, and manages virtual machines.

A virtual machine set up through OpenStack. See "Virtual Machine".

A cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center.

The base unit of "ownership" in OpenStack. All resources in OpenStack should be owned by a specific project. In OpenStack
Identity, a project must be owned by a specific domain.

A legacy OpenStack term for "Project" that is still used in the Horizon web GUI.

Virtual Machine
An operating system instance that runs on top of a hypervisor. Multiple virtual machines (VM) can run at the same time on the
same physical host.




Launch a VM Instance: Quick-Start

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Launch a VM Instance

Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL’s) Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) provides eligible customers
with an OpenStack cloud computing solution with customizable virtual machines (VM). This resource, called "CADES Cloud,”
enables customers in science and technology directorates to leverage self-service portals to rapidly request these VMs for
production, testing, and development. These CADES cloud services are available at no cost to ORNL researchers.

Launch a VM: Quick-Start
Creating and launching a VM Instance is one of the first steps to utilizing your cloud allocation. When launching a VM, you will
choose a name for your Instance, which network it will utilize (internal or external), which operating system you would like to run
(CentOS or Ubuntu), and which VM flavor (size and specifications) you need for your application.
The following is meant to be used as a minimum-detail quick guide to launching a VM. You may find, at the end of the process,
that the VM you have created isn't quite right for your needs. The great thing about using these OpenStack VMs is that you can
delete it and start over so that you may change the specifications.

Before you begin, have you requested your CADES Cloud allocation?
An activation notice will be dispatched to your ORNL email address when your resources are ready for use.
Navigate to the web interface at
Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
Navigate to

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password


Click the



Launch Instance




button, and fill out each section of the resulting dialog (shown in the next sections).

What follows is a series of tabs (along the left of the Horizon "Launch Instance" dialog screen). Fill out the information as it
pertains to each tab. You may move freely between tabs without losing progress.
Details Tab
Instance Name

– This name can contain up to 15 alphanumeric characters and a hyphen. No special characters are

permitted, and the host names are case sensitive.
Availability Zone

– "nova" is the default zone.

– The number of instances to start up at once. If creating multiple Instances, the Instance names will be

numerated (instance-1, instance-2, instance-3, and so on).
Source Tab
Select Boot Source

– Set this to

Create New Volume

– Two options:



: This creates a virtual disk on CADES's central storage (recommended). This type of storage is referred to as

a "cinder volume."

: A virtual disk is created on a hypervisor; this disk is not persistent when the VM is deleted. This type of

storage is referred to as an "ephemeral volume." The size of the volume can be increased, by migrating the instance
to a larger flavor size, which can be done yourself without CADES assistance.
Delete Volume on Instance Delete
Volume Size

– Set to


if data should persist between Instance restarts.

– Must be greater than or equal to the flavor size and fit within your allocation quota.


Launch a VM Instance: Quick-Start

Increasing the size of a root volume later will require

emailing CADES support.

Note: It is recommended to size the root volume appropriate to your needs, keeping in mind that small root volumes
are typically used. Additional volumes (for data, logs, etc.) can be attached to an instance, detached and attached to a
new VM, etc. A best practice recommendation is for root volumes to contain only the OS.
Device Name

– This should almost always be the default,

Choose from the available options by clicking the




next to the desired image.

Flavor Tab
Choose the flavor which provides the desired CPU and memory and click


to add it to your allocation.

Networks Tab
Choose one of two routable network configurations, and click


to add it to your allocation.

, - Available from outside ORNL. However, outward-facing services

(e.g., SSH, web server) will require ORNL firewall exceptions).

, - Internal to ORNL.

Network Ports Tab
No user input required. Skip this tab.
Security Groups Tab
No user input required for standard SSH access. Skip this tab.
Key Pair Tab
If you skip this step, the instance will not allow you to log in! See

here for more information.

Note: Before deciding between Option 1 or Option 2, you should check your local machine for an existing key pair
Option 1: Create a new key pair for this instance.
Click the

+ Create Key Pair


Enter a name for your new key pair in the resulting dialog.

Create Key Pair

to associate this new key pair to your Instance.

The private key will be downloaded to your local machine as a
On your local machine, place the


file in the




directory (instructions).

Option 2: Use available key pair for this Instance.
Choose the desired key pair, and click


to associate it with your VM Instance.

Configuration Tab
No user input required. Skip this tab.
Metadata Tab
No user input required. Skip this tab.

Launch Instance

when you have completed all required sections.

Congratulations! A new instance will be launched. Once fully provisioned, the status will change to "Running," and you can
access your VM Instance using SSH (instructions).

Getting Help
If at any point you feel stuck and need some help figuring out your next move, please contact the CADES support team at or join our Slack channel at

More Details About Launching a VM
1. Log in to Horizon, name your VM
2. Choose a flavor, image, and boot source
3. Set up a security group


Launch a VM Instance: Quick-Start

4. Configure a key pair for accessing the VM

Related Tutorials
Delete a VM
Accessing a VM Using SSH
Cloud Overview


SHPC Condos: Quick-Start

CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condos User Guide → SHPC Condos: Quick-Start

The CADES Scalable HPC (SHPC) Condos consist of two HPC clusters: one in the ORNL Moderate protection zone (CADES
Mod) and one in the ORNL Open protection zone (CADES Open). The protection zones contain and control both the software
base and the data produced on those systems.
This section outlines the most basic procedures for procuring and using a CADES SHPC Condo allocation.

Step 1: Request Your SHPC Condo Allocation
You can request a CADES SHPC Condo allocation by clicking on the appropriate XCAMS registration link for your group. If you
do not see your group listed, please contact the CADES team.
The XCAMS registration process will ask you to acknowledge the XCAMS User Agreement and register your UCAMS with an
LDAP group or create a new XCAMS user ID and the register it with an LDAP group. Use the steps below to enter your request.
1. Navigate to the appropriate XCAMS registration link for your group.
2. Enter your email address (your ORNL address if available) and click
3. Review the XCAMS user agreement, and select





4. Enter your UCAMS ID (or a new XCAMS user name).
5. Enter your UCAMS password (or a new XCAMS password).
6. Click


to complete the XCAMS request.

When your resources are ready for use, an activation notice will be dispatched to the email address entered above. This
process can take up to 24 hours to complete.

Step 2: Access Your SHPC Condo Allocation
Once your request for resources has been approved, you can access the SHPC Condo login nodes using SSH. Open and Moderate
protection zones each have their own login node. Choose the login node for your protection zone. See below.

Open Protection Zone
1. Open a Bash terminal (or PuTTY for Windows users).
2. Execute



Replace "xcams" with the username you registered above.
3. When prompted, enter your XCAMS password.

Moderate Protection Zone
1. Open a Bash terminal (or PuTTY for Windows users).
2. Execute



Replace "ucams" with your ORNL UCAMS ID.
3. When prompted, enter your UCAMS password.

Step 3: Execute a Job on Your SHPC Allocation


SHPC Condos: Quick-Start

Now that you have access to your allocation through the login node, it is time to do some work. The tutorial linked below,
intended for users who are new to the CADES SHPC Condo environment, outlines the basic steps to setting up and executing a
job on the SHPC Condo compute nodes.
How to:

Execute a Job on Your SHCP Condo Allocation

Note: Do not execute jobs on the login nodes; only use the login nodes to access your compute nodes. Processor-intensive,
memory-intensive, or otherwise disruptive processes running on login nodes will be killed without warning.

Getting Help
If at any point you feel stuck and need some help figuring out your next move, please contact the CADES support team at or join our Slack channel at


Getting Started with OpenStack

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Getting Started

Getting Started with your CADES Cloud Resources
Using CADES OpenStack resources is meant to be as straightforward as possible to get users up and running quickly. This guide
provides walk-throughs guides and detailed information for you to get the most out of these resources.
What is OpenStack? What are the CADES Cloud Resources?
This guide includes several sections that act both as a step-by-step guide and a quick reference.
In this and the following sections, you will discover how to:
1. Request and Manage your Cloud Allocation
2. Launch a Virtual Machine (VM)
3. Access a VM
4. Manage a VM
5. Learn about Additional Resources
Before you begin, be sure you meet the prerequisites below.

To properly utilize your CADES Cloud allocation, you will need a couple of utilities loaded on your local machine. These utilities
are free and widely used for this type of application.
Required: SSH client
Recommended: Bash terminal
Note: CADES does not provide support for getting these utilities up and running on your personal computer.

MacOS and Linux
Both macOS and Linux distributions includes a Bash terminal and an SSH client by default. No additional software should be
required to access your VM Instance.

Windows Users
Click for Details

Next Steps
Before you can use the CADES Cloud resources, you will need to request a cloud allocation. After your request has been
approved, you can manage your resources and launch a VM.

Looking for More Information?
Overview of CADES Cloud Resources


Getting Started with OpenStack


Request Your Cloud Allocation

CADES → User Documentation → Birthright Cloud User Guide → Getting Started → Request Cloud Allocation

Request Your Birthright Cloud Allocation
Any member of a science and technology directorate can request a Birthright Cloud allocation. This is currently an automated
process that takes 1–2 hours to complete. Use the steps below to enter your request.
1. Navigate to ORNL's XCAMS portal. The preceding link will prefill a request for "CADES Birthright Cloud" resources.
2. Ensure your


is selected.

3. Enter a reason for the request (e.g., "I need a Birthright Cloud allocation.").
4. Click


to complete the XCAMS request.

An activation notice will be dispatched to your ORNL email address when your resources are ready for use.

Important Notes for Requesting Your Birthright Cloud Allocation
Owing to resource constraints, we are currently throttling access to Birthright Cloud allocations. If during registration you get
an error that the group is full, please contact the CADES team.
The registration process can take 1–2 hours. If after 2 hours you are unable to log in, please contact the CADES team and
include the following information in your email:
Contact information
Approximate time of your registration attempt


Manage Your Cloud Allocation

CADES → User Documentation → Birthright Cloud User Guide → Getting Started → Manage Cloud Allocation

Manage Your Birthright Cloud Allocation
Once your request for resources has been approved, you can manage your allocation using OpenStack's web-based Horizon GUI.
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Select



UCAMS password

from the top left menu to view available resources.

From here you can easily manage your allocation through a variety of tools that enable you to:
View Your OpenStack Project Quota
Manage VM Instances
Manage OpenStack Security Groups
Configure SSH Access to VM Instances


OpenStack Project Quota

CADES → User Documentation → Birthright Cloud User Guide → Getting Started → Project Quota

Your OpenStack Project Quota
Each CADES Birthright Cloud allocation creates a "Project". Each Project in CADES has a preset resource quota that can be
leveraged at the user's discretion.

Request More Resources
If a user requires more resources for their allocation, he or she can submit a proposal to the CADES Resource Utilization Council
(RUC) to request a quota increase. This proposal should describe the resources desired (RAM, CPUs, storage, etc.) and the
scientific goal and merit of the work being performed using the CADES Birthright Cloud allocation. These requests for increased
resources, subject to review, should be directed to the CADES team.

View Your Project Quota
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Navigate to

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password





In this Overview you can see your resource allocation, including:
Instances – The number of VMs you can run at once.
VCPUS – The number of CPU cores you can use across all of your VMs.
RAM – The total amount of RAM you can use across all of your VMs.
Floating IPs – COMING SOON – IP addresses that you can attach and move between Instances. These addresses are in
addition to the IP(s) already allocated to your Instance.
Security Groups – Blocks of firewall rules that you can attach to an Instance. All groups start with a default Security Group
that contains a basic configuration to get started. You can use this "default" group or you can create your own group. Check
out the Security Groups section for more information.
Volumes – These are the number of block-storage volumes that you can create. You can attach any number of volumes to an
Instance. These are also the preferred method of storage in the Birthright cloud environment.
Volume Storage – This is the total storage available to the volumes in your Project.
Once an Instance is launched, the resource utilization appears at the bottom of Overview screen, under the Usage section.


OpenStack Help

CADES → User Documentation → Birthright Cloud User Guide → Getting Started → Getting Help

Getting Help
In addition to OpenStack's documentation, the CADES team has assembled a list of frequently asked questions, a glossary, and
detailed information to help you get moving on your OpenStack Project.
If you have questions that were not answered in the resources listed here or would like to open a trouble ticket, please contact the
CADES team directly at
If you have questions about getting your SAFER firewall rules in place, email the SAFER team directly at

General OpenStack Usage Questions
The OpenStack community has extensive documentation, a general mailing list, and a mechanism for asking general OpenStack
usage questions. These resources can be indispensable for new users, and the CADES support team recommends that new users
leverage the OpenStack documentation and other support features for general OpenStack questions.



OpenStack maintains significant documentation for general OpenStack usage. The user manuals
cover OpenStack's functionality in depth, although not all of the features listed in their
documentation are available from CADES.

General end-user resource with questions and answers.

mailing list

General questions mailing list, OpenStack operations mailing list, and a developer mailing list.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who can request a CADES Birthright Cloud allocation? Can I have one?
Any member of a science and technology directorate can request a Birthright Cloud allocation. See list of ORNL's
technical organizations.
What kind of user support does CADES provide for Birthright Cloud allocations?
The CADES team can provide support for issues in OpenStack and can help a user get started with their allocation—up
to and including loading and launching a VM Instance from one of the CADES-provided images. Once a user begins
adding software and configuring the operating system on their VM, they are more-or-less responsible for any issues that
might present themselves in the VM.
Does CADES provide backups or support for backing up my VM Instance(s)?
In short, no. CADES does not provide backups of a user's VM Instances and does not currently support this
functionality. There are several methods a user could leverage to back up the operating system running on the VM, but
any such method must comply with ORNL's best practices, and this backup strategy is the user's responsibility and is
beyond the scope of this user guide.
Can I have my instance IPs be sequential?
Owing to the dynamic nature of a cloud environment this is not possible. We recommend using


, Netreg

(DNS), or another mechanism to accomplish host-to-host communication.
How do I get access to Lustre on my instance?


OpenStack Help

Lustre access is currently provided on a case-by-case basis. Contact the CADES team if you wish to add Lustre to your
What ORNL file systems can I mount within my Birthright Cloud Instance?
The target file system must be "open science." No moderate/confidential file systems or their respective data can or
should be mounted within your VM Instance.


Launch a VM Instance

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Launch a VM Instance

Launch a VM: At-A-Glance
Creating and launching a VM Instance is one of the first steps to utilizing your CADES Cloud allocation. When launching a VM,
you will choose a name for your Instance, which network it will utilize (internal or external), which operating system you would
like to run (CentOS or Ubuntu), and which VM flavor you need for your application.
Note: When launching a new VM Instance, be aware that your VM Instance name may also serve as your DNS host name. This
name can contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters and a hyphen. No special characters are permitted, and the host names are case
sensitive. For example, good: my-instance-server, no good: my_instance&server. See RFC 952 and RFC 1123 for
more information.
If you would like to have a DNS host name for your instance, please submit a ticket to with the Instance
Name and the OpenStack Project ID.

You will need to have a CADES Cloud allocation before you can launch your VM Instance using the web GUI. The link below
will show you how to request your CADES Cloud allocation.
How to:

Request Your CADES Cloud Allocation

There are three primary steps to complete to have a functioning VM Instance. These steps are outlined below. After each section a
link is provided where you can find more information and in-depth descriptions about the configuration options.
1. Log in to Horizon, name your VM.
2. Choose a flavor, image, and boot source.
3. Set up a security group.
4. Configure a key pair for accessing the VM.


Log In & Name the VM

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Launch a VM Instance → Login & Setup

Launch a VM: Log In & Naming
Once you receive the email notification that your resources are available, you can login to the Horizon web interface and get

Log In to Horizon
Navigate to the web interface at
Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password

You can now launch a new VM Instance from within the web interface.

Launch an Instance
1. Navigate to
2. Click the




Launch Instance




button, and fill out each section of the resulting dialog.

Details Tab – Fill out the required fields for the Details section.
Instance Name

– The instance name can contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters and a hyphen. No special characters are

permitted, and the host names are case sensitive. For example, good: my-instance, no good: my_instance&server.
See RFC 952 and RFC 1123 for more information.
Note: When launching a new VM Instance, be aware that your VM Instance name may also serve as your DNS host name.
If you wish for a DNS record to be created, matching the instance name you create, email the name of the instance to with the subject "Request DNS Name Creation for VM."
Availability Zone

– "nova" is the default zone. Do not change unless instructed to do so by a CADES administrator.

– The number of instances to start up at once. If using multiple Instances, the Instance names will be numerated

(instance-1, instance-2, instance-3, and so on).


Log In & Name the VM

Once finished, click


to proceed to the next tab.


Configure the VM

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Launch a VM → Configure Flavor & Image

Launch a VM Instance: Flavor and Image
On the next two tabs, you will choose the storage type and size, and the operating system image.

Source Tab – Fill out the required fields for the Source tab.
Select Boot Source

– Set this to

Create New Volume

– Two options:



: This creates a virtual disk on CADES's central storage (recommended). This type of storage is referred to as a

"cinder volume."

: A virtual disk is created on a hypervisor; this disk is not persistent when the VM is deleted. This type of storage is

referred to as an "ephemeral volume." The size of the volume can be increased, by migrating the instance to a larger
flavor size, which can be done yourself without CADES assistance.
Delete Volume on Instance Delete
Volume Size

– Set to


if data should persist between Instance restarts.

– Must be greater than or equal to the flavor size and fit within your allocation quota.

Increasing the size of a root volume later will require

emailing CADES support.

Note: It is recommended to size the root volume appropriate to your needs, keeping in mind that small root volumes are
typically used. Additional volumes (for data, logs, etc.) can be attached to an instance, detached and attached to a new VM,
etc. You may also consider attaching shared NFS storage rather than adding large volumes to each VM (email A best practice recommendation is for root volumes to contain only the OS.
Device Name

– This should almost always be the default,



– List of available images. Choose from the available options by clicking the


next to the desired image.

We're choosing the Ubuntu image for this example.

Upon selecting an image, it will move from the Available list to the Allocated list.


Configure the VM

Once finished, click


to proceed to the next section.

Flavor Tab – Choose an image flavor for your VM Instance.


Configure the VM


– List of available images. Choose an image, and click

Note: The


to add it to your allocation.

indicates that your quota has inadequate resources for the image.

Upon selection, the chosen image will move to the Allocated list.


Configure the VM

Once finished, click


to proceed to the next section.


Networks & Security

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Launch a VM Instance → Security

Launch a VM: Networks and Security
Networks Tab – Choose a network for your VM Instance.
Note: Contact the CADES team if you require more than one IP from each Network. Additionally, if your needs are not met by
following this guide, feel free to email the CADES team to discuss options.

– List of available networks. Choose one of two routable network configurations, and click


to add it to your


, - Available from outside ORNL. However, outward-facing services (e.g.,

SSH, web server) will require ORNL firewall exceptions (instructions).

, - Internal to ORNL.

Note: If you wish to run services on your VM Instance that should be available outside of ORNL's network, ensure
that you select the External Network option when setting up your VM Instance and that you also add a rule to your
Security Group for that particular service.
For this example, we will choose the external network (




– Upon selection, the chosen network will move to the Allocated list.


Networks & Security

Once finished, click


to proceed to the next section.

Network Ports Tab – No user input required. Skip this step.
Security Groups Tab - Choose a security group for your VM Instance.
Note: Skipping this step will make your VM Instance unreachable! See additional documentation on Security Groups.


– List of available security groups. Choose the desired Security group, and click



to add it to your allocation.

Security Group, used for this example, has the basic services you need to get started. Users can also create

their own custom Security Groups.


– Upon selection, the chosen Security Group(s) will move to the Allocated list.


Networks & Security

Once finished, click


to proceed to the next section.


Key Pair Use

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Launch a VM Instance → SSH Keys

Launch a VM: Key Pair Use
Key Pair Tab – An SSH key pair is required to access your VM Instance.
You can create a new key pair for this Instance (Option 1) or choose a key pair from the Available list (Option 2).
Note: Before deciding, you should check your local machine for an existing key pair (instructions). If you skip this step, the
instance will not allow you to log in!
See the Access your VM Instance Using SSH documentation for more information.
Option 1: Create a new key pair for this instance.
Click the

+ Create Key Pair


Enter a name for your new key pair in the resulting dialog.

Create Key Pair

to associate this new key pair to your Instance.

The private key will be downloaded to your local machine as a
On your local machine, place the
Once finished, click



file in the




directory (instructions).

to proceed to the next tab.

Option 2: Use available key pair for this Instance.


Key Pair Use




– List of available key pairs that were previously generated or imported. Choose the desired key pair, and

to associate it with your VM Instance.


– Upon selection, the chosen key pair will move to the Allocated list.

Once finished, click


to proceed to the next tab.

Configuration Tab – This section is not required for deployment and is not currently
supported by the CADES team.


Key Pair Use

Metadata Tab – No user input required. Skip this step.


Launch Instance

when you have completed all required sections. Congratulations! A new instance will be launched. Once

fully provisioned, the status will change to "Running," and you can access your VM Instance using SSH (instructions).


Access VM Instances

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Access VM Instances

Access VM Instances Running in OpenStack
There are several ways you can access your VM Instances.
1. The best way to access your VM Instance is through an SSH connection.
If you use Windows: Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY
2. You can also access the VM Instance's terminal using Horizon.
But you must first create a new user for this purpose using SSH.
Note: UCAMS credentials and SSH key pairs are unrelated, unconnected authentication methods. A user will only be prompted
for a UCAMS username and password when he or she logs in to Horizon. All other authentication relies on SSH key pairs or, in
the case of creating your own non-UCAMS users, a generic user-created password.
Note: To use the Horizon console, you must first add a user and password to the Instance's operating system (via SSH) to
enable access to the VM without an SSH key.


Access Your VM Instance Using SSH

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Access Your VM Instance → Access Your VM Instance Using

Access Your VM Instance Using SSH
Once you have created a VM Instance using Horizon, you can access this VM Instance through a secure shell (SSH) using an SSH
key pair. The following tutorial will walk you through connecting to your VM Instance through SSH using Linux or macOS.
If you have several users that require access to a single instance, you may request they extract and provide you with their public
key, which you may add to your instance's


file. Doing so grants access, as the user

to that instance. If desired, you may create specific local accounts, with limited sudo roles, etc. rather than use the





Windows users will have to install an SSH client on their machine, and the CADES team recommends PuTTY for this purpose.
The CADES team has compiled a separate tutorial for Windows/PuTTY users, linked below.
How to:

Access VM Instances Using PuTTY (Windows)

If you would like to access your VM Instance over SSH from outside of the ORNL network, you must first create a firewall
(SAFER) exception. All local (within the ORNL network) SSH connections are permitted by default. Request a SAFER exception
with source 'VISITORS' and your VM(s) as destination.

Table of Contents
Add SSH Keys to an Instance
Check for Existing Key Pairs
Generate a New Key Pair
Import Existing Key
Connect to Your VM Instance Using SSH
Find Your Instance's IP
Connect to Your Instance
Extract Public Key
Related Tutorials

Add SSH Keys to an Instance
The first step to adding a key pair is actually to check for existing key pairs on your local machine. If no key pairs exist, then you
can generate a new key in the Horizon web GUI.
If you do have an existing key pair on your machine, then you can import the public key using the Horizon web GUI.
Alternatively, you can create a new (additional) key for your Instance and use a


file to manage your SSH credentials.

Check for Existing Key Pairs
1. Open a Bash terminal.
2. Execute

ls -al ~/.ssh


3. Check the results of the directory listing.
If the directory listing is empty or the directory is not found, then you do not have an existing SSH key and you should follow the
procedure outlined in Generate a New Key Pair.


Access Your VM Instance Using SSH

If the directory contains one of the files listed below, then you do have an existing SSH key, and you can import the public key
into your Instance using the Horizon Web GUI by following the procedure outlined in Import Existing Key.

Generate a New Key Pair
Generate the keys
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Navigate to

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password




4. In the Key Pairs screen, click the


Access & Security

+ Create New Pair

5. In the resulting dialog, name your Key Pair, and click



, e.g.,



Create Key Pair

6. The private key will be downloaded to your local machine as a
7. Place the downloaded private key in

Key Pairs


when you're finished.

file. The public key will be stored in OpenStack.



8. Secure the private key by setting the permissions to 600 in a Bash terminal.
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/blackmesakey.pem


9. Copy (from Horizon [Option A]) or generate (Bash terminal [Option B]) the public key and place in


, e.g.,


Copy public key from Horizon (Option A)


Access Your VM Instance Using SSH

Navigate to





Access & Security


In the Key Pairs screen, click on the Key Pair you just created (

Key Pairs


In the resulting screen, copy the entire public key (outlined in orange below).

Using a text editor, create a new file (e.g.,
Save/move this new file to


) and paste the public key into this file.


Generate public key using a Bash terminal (Option B)
Open a Bash terminal.
Ensure your private key is in




to generate your public key:

$ ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/blackmesakey.pem > ~/.ssh/

10. Ensure that both your public and your private keys are in




Note: Having completed the procedure above, you can now connect to your Instance via SSH using a long-form login
(instructions) or you can take these newly generated keys and place them in your local system's default files (instructions).

Place keys on local machine
If you prefer to leave the Key Pair as it is—as documented above—you can skip the following steps and use a long-form SSH
login that specifies the public key's location and file name for each log in attempt. Click here for instructions.
However, if you wish to log in without specifying the key location with each authentication attempt, you can put your public and
private keys in their default location on your local system.
Key locations for Linux and macOS:
Private key should be
Public key should be





Note: Since we are generating new keys, these files (and the


directory) may not exist on your local machine.

Place the Private key
1. Create a new file using a text editor.
2. Copy your private key from your


file and paste it into this new file.


Access Your VM Instance Using SSH

3. Save the new file as
Create the



and place it in

directory within

4. Set permissions on this new file using




if necessary.

$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa


Place Public key
1. Create a new file using a text editor.
2. Copy your public key from the Horizon web GUI (instructions).
3. Save the new file as

and place it in



Import Existing Key
If you have an existing key pair that you would like to also use for your OpenStack Project, then you can import the public key
using the Horizon web GUI.
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Navigate to

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password




4. In the Key Pairs screen, click the


Access & Security

Import Key Pair

5. In the resulting dialog, enter a key pair name in the
6. Copy your public key from the file (e.g.,
7. Paste the public key in the
8. Click the

Import Key Pair

Public Key


Key Pairs



Key Pair Name



) on your local machine.

text box.



Access Your VM Instance Using SSH

9. Confirm your newly imported key appears in the Key Pair list.

Connect to Your VM Instance Using SSH
All VM Instances have SSH access enabled by default. Use your key pair and the user name "cades" for authentication. SSH to
your Instance using the Key Pair you configured above.

Find Your Instance's IP
The IP address of your VM instance is shown in the Instances tab in the Horizon web GUI.
1. Navigate to







2. From the Instances screen, you can copy the IP address for the desired VM Instance.

Connect to Your Instance

Access Your VM Instance Using SSH

Once you have determined the IP address of your VM Instance and placed your keys in



, you can connect using a simple SSH command where "cades" is always the user.

Standard login
1. Open a Bash terminal.
2. Execute

ssh cades@



with the IP address of your own Instance.

3. You should now be connected to your VM Instance via SSH.
Use the Bash terminal to install your software-stack and perform work.
You can also add user credentials to your VM Instance to grant access to other users.
Note: In a newly created Instance, "cades" is the only user name that will correctly authenticate over SSH (using an SSH key
pair). A user can add more users, and add public keys for each, once logged in as "cades" (instructions).

Long-form login
If you prefer to specify your key location during login (e.g., you downloaded your key from the Horizon web GUI), you can use a
long-form SSH login.
1. Open a Bash terminal.
2. Execute

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/blackmesakey.pem cades@





with the file path of your key.

with the IP address of your own Instance.

3. You should now be connected to your VM Instance via SSH.
Use the Bash terminal to install your software-stack and perform work.
You can also add user credentials to your VM Instance to grant access to other users.
Note: In a newly created Instance, "cades" is the only user name that will correctly authenticate over SSH (using an SSH key
pair). A user can add more users, and add public keys for each, once logged in as "cades" (instructions).

Extract Public Key
If you have several users, you can share your public key with them. New users must login using the username 'cades' to gain
access to the instance, or you can create another user account for them. Once a user extracts the
with another OpenStack user. The receiving user can add that public key to the instance's


file they can safely share


To extract the public key from the private key:
openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -pubout >

In this way, through exchanging public keys, users can control who has SSH access to their instances.
Users should refrain from insecurely sending someone


files as they contains both public and private keys.

Related Tutorials
Add More Users to VM Instances
Access VM Instances Using PuTTY (Windows)
Access Your VM Instances Using Horizon


Access Your VM Instance Using SSH


Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Access Your VM Instance → Access Your VM Instance Using
PuTTY (Windows)

Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)
Once you have created a VM Instance using Horizon, you can access this VM Instance through a secure shell (SSH) using an SSH
key pair. For Windows users, the CADES team recommends PuTTY. The PuTTY MSI installer also includes PuTTYGen, which
allows you to convert a


private key file to a


PuTTY key file.

If you would like to access your VM Instance over SSH from outside of the ORNL network, you must first create a firewall
(SAFER) exception for this purpose. All local (within the ORNL network) SSH connections are permitted by default.

Table of Contents
Add SSH Keys to a VM Instance
Generate a New Key Pair
Import an Existing Key
Download and Install PuTTY
Connect to Your VM Instance Using PuTTY
Find Your Instance's IP
Connect to Your Instance
Related Tutorials

Add SSH Keys to a VM Instance
If you do not have any existing SSH key pairs, or you wish to generate a new key pair for your VM Instance, then you should use
the Horizon web GUI to generate a new SSH key pair (Option 1). If you do have an existing key pair on your machine, then you
can import the public key using the Horizon web GUI (Option 2).
In either case, you will need to log into the Horizon web GUI to associate your SSH key with your VM Instance(s).

Log in to Horizon
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password

Option 1: Generate a New Key Pair
1. Within Horizon, navigate to


2. In the Key Pairs screen, click the




+ Create New Pair

Access & Security


Key Pairs




Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

3. In the resulting dialog, name your Key Pair, and click

Create Key Pair

when you're finished. We went with

blackmesakey in this example.

4. The private key will be downloaded to your local machine as a


file. The public key will be stored in OpenStack.

5. Place the downloaded private key in a directory of your choosing, e.g.,
Note: The private key is in a


format and has to be converted to a




file using PuTTYGen.

Having completed the procedure above, you can now connect to your Instance using PuTTY.

Option 2: Import an Existing Key
If you have an existing key pair that you would like to also use for your OpenStack Project, then you can import the public key
using the Horizon web GUI.
1. Within Horizon, navigate to


2. In the Key Pairs screen, click the



Import Key Pair

3. In the resulting dialog, enter a key pair name in the


Access & Security


Key Pairs



Key Pair Name


4. On your local machine, locate your public key file and open it with a text editor.
5. Copy the key to your clipboard using the text editor.
6. Back in Horizon, paste the public key into the
7. Click the

Import Key Pair

Public Key

text box.



Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

8. Confirm your newly imported key appears in the Key Pair list.
Having completed the procedure above, you can now connect to your Instance using PuTTY.

Download and Install PuTTY
1. Navitage to the official PuTTY download page.
2. Download the appropriate MSI file for your Windows system (32 bit or 64 bit).
Alternatively, if you don't want to "install" PuTTY on your system, you can download




from the "Alternative binary files" list and execute them as needed.
3. Run the PuTTY MSI installer. Note the destination directory.
4. Confirm installation of PuTTY executables.

Connect to Your VM Instance Using PuTTY
Find Your Instance's IP
The IP address of your VM instance is shown in the Instances tab in the Horizon web GUI.
1. Navigate to







2. From the Instances screen, you can copy the IP address for the desired VM Instance.


Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

Convert Your Private Key to PuTTY Format
If you generated a key in the
1. Locate and execute
2. Click the



file format, then you need to convert that key to the



format using PuTTYGen.



3. In the resulting dialog, navigate to the location of your key file.
4. Select

All Files (*.*)

to show


5. Select the appropriate key file and click

files in the dialog.



Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

6. When prompted by the success message, click

7. Save the loaded key by clicking



Save private key



Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

8. Using the resulting dialog, save the key in an intuitive place (e.g.,
Your key is now saved as a




file that can be loaded directly into PuTTY, and we can now use PuTTY to connect to your VM

Instance, without a password, using the "cades" username.

Connect to Your Instance
First we're going to load the
1. Locate and execute


key file into PuTTY.



2. In PuTTY's navigation pane, go to






3. In the "Options for controlling SSH authentication" screen, click





Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

4. In the resulting dialog, find your


file, and click



Your key file is now loaded into PuTTY. Next, we need to add your host information.
1. In PuTTY's navigation pane, click




Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

2. In the

Host Name (or IP address)

field, enter the IP address of your VM Instance preceded by "cades" (e.g.,

3. Ensure that the
4. Click



radio button is selected and the port is set to



to connect to your VM Instance using SSH.

5. If prompted, you can choose to cache the server's fingerprint (click
session (click


), or to reject the connection outright (click



), not to cache the server's fingerprint for this

). We're going to click




Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

6. You should now have access to your VM Instance's Bash terminal.

Related Tutorials
Add More Users to VM Instances
Access Your VM Instances Using Horizon
Access Your VM Instances Using SSH


Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)


Access Your VM Instance Using Horizon

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Access Your VM Instance → Access Your VM Instance Using

Access Your VM Instance Using Horizon
The Horizon web GUI also has a built-in console from which you can access your VM Instance once you have added a generic
user over SSH. Note that this is not the preferred method, and that the CADES team recommends using the traditional SSH
connection for accessing your VM Instance.

The Horizon console uses a simple username/password authentication model, and cannot leverage SSH key pairs for
authentication. This means that you cannot use the console with the "cades" username or your UCAMS credentials.
As a result, to access your VM Instance using the Horizon console, you must first use SSH to create a non-UCAMS user. More
info on creating users is available here.

Log in to Horizon
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password

We can now use Horizon to access your VM Instances using the Console option.

Launch Console
1. Navigate to







2. Click the drop-down menu of the Instance you would like to access.
3. Select


from the resulting menu.


Access Your VM Instance Using Horizon

4. In the console, input your user credentials.
5. Upon successful login, you can execute commands on your VM Instance.

Note: To use the Horizon console, you must first add a user and password to the Instance's operating system (via SSH) to
enable access to the VM without an SSH key.

Related Tutorials
Add More Users to VM Instances
Access Your VM Instances Using SSH
Access Your VM Instances Using PuTTY (Windows)


Access Your VM Instance Using Horizon


Add More Users to Your VM Instance

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Access Your VM Instance → Add More Users to Your VM

Add More Users to Your VM Instance
Once you have gained SSH access to your Instance (as "cades"), additional users can be created through the Bash terminal. The
CADES OpenStack Instances leverage ORNL's UCAMS system to enable customers to create UCAMS users and home areas on
their Instances. The following procedures will enable you to create a new user on your VM Instance and grant access using SSH
key pairs.

Add a UCAMS User
Because your Instance can access ORNL's UCAMS system, you can easily add a UCAMS user to your Instance. You can start
with your own UCAMS ID to verify functionality and then move on to adding the UCAMS IDs of your collaborators (using their
public SSH keys that they must provide to you).
1. Open a Bash terminal.
2. Upload a copy of your (or your collaborator's) public key (

~/.ssh/ cades@

. Replace

in this case),

$ scp

with the IP address of your

3. Using SSH, log in to your VM Instance as "cades".
4. Once logged in, become root,

$ sudo -s


5. Create the home directory for the UCAMS ID,
6. Use




$ su - UCAMS

. Replace "UCAMS" with the desired UCAMS ID.

to copy the contents of your public SSH key to



SSH commands for the above procedure are provided below. First:
$ scp ~/.ssh/ cades@

$ ssh cades@
$ sudo -s
$ su - UCAMS
$ cat /home/cades/ >> /home/UCAMS/.ssh/authorized_keys

Properly configured, you can now access your VM Instance over SSH using your UCAMS ID (instead of "cades"). Execute the
command shown below (replace "UCAMS" with your own UCAMS ID).
$ ssh UCAMS@

Note: You will not be prompted for your UCAMS password. This process uses SSH key pairs for authentication.

Add a Non-UCAMS User
In some cases, it may be useful to have a generic user (not affiliated with UCAMS) on your VM Instance. The following
procedure outlines how to create such a user.
1. Open a Bash terminal.
2. Upload a copy of your (or your collaborator's) public key (

~/.ssh/ cades@

. Replace

in this case),

$ scp

with the IP address of your


Add More Users to Your VM Instance

3. Using SSH, log in to your VM Instance as "cades".
4. Once logged in, become root,
5. Add a new user,

$ sudo -s

useradd USERNAME

6. Create a password for this user,





Enter desired password. Reenter password to confirm.
7. Create the home directory for the generic user,
8. Use





. Replace "USERNAME" with the desired user name.

to copy the contents of your public SSH key to


. Replace

"USERNAME" with the desired user name.
SSH commands for the above procedure are provided below. First:
$ scp ~/.ssh/ cades@

Then (replacing "USERNAME" with your desired username):
$ ssh cades@
$ sudo -s
$ useradd USERNAME
$ passwd USERNAME
$ exit
$ sudo -s
$ cat /home/cades/ >> /home/USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys

Properly configured, you can now access your VM Instance over SSH using your newly created username (instead of "cades").
Execute the command shown below (replace "USERNAME" with your new username).

See the Access Your VM Instance documentation for instructions on how to use SSH and Horizon to access your Instance.

Related Tutorials
Access Your VM Instances Using SSH
Access Your VM Instances Using Horizon


Manage Your VM Instances

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage Your VM Instances

Manage Your VM Instances
The Horizon web GUI enables users to view and manage their VM Instances directly from a web browser. Using the following
procedure, users can manage existing instances and create new ones through the Instances management screen.
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Click on the
4. Select the


UCAMS password



5. Finally, click on the

tab on the top left.

sub tab.

sub tab.

From the Instances screen, you can:
Launch a new VM Instance from an Image
Delete old VM Instances
Delete a Volume
Resize a VM
Create a Snapshot
Modify Security Groups


Delete a VM Instance from Your Project

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage VM Instances → Delete a VM Instance

Delete a VM Instance from your Project
At some point you may wish to delete a VM Instance from your project. This can help a user free up space in his or her allocation
or clear out old Instances that have outlived their usefulness. Deleting a VM Instance is a simple process, outlined in the
procedure below.

Log in to Horizon
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password

From here, you can manage your VM Instance(s) from within Horizon.

Delete an Instance
1. Navigate to







2. Click the drop-down menu of the Instance you wish to delete.
3. Select

4. Click

Delete Instance

Delete Instance

from the resulting menu.

in the dialog.

5. Confirm that the Instance is scheduled for deletion.
Note: Deleting a VM Instance does not delete the volume associated with the Instance. To remove both, you must follow the
Delete a VM Instance procedure and the Delete a Volume procedure.


Delete a VM Instance from Your Project

Related Tutorials
Delete a Volume
Launch a VM Instance


Delete a Volume from Your Project

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage VM Instances → Delete a Volume

Delete a Volume from Your Project
If you decide to delete a VM Instance, you may still have its associated Volume left behind (i.e.,

was set to


Delete Volume on Instance

when you launched the Instance). Use the following procedure if you wish to delete a Volume.

Log in to Horizon
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password

From here, you can delete the Volume from your Project.

Delete a Volume
1. Navigate to







2. In the Volumes screen, ensure that the Volume is not in use by any VM Instance.
3. Click the drop-down menu of the volume you wish to delete.
4. Select

5. Click

Delete Volume

Delete Volume

from the resulting menu.

in the resulting dialog.

6. Confirm that the Volume is no longer listed in the Volumes screen.

Related Tutorials
Delete a VM Instance
Launch a VM Instance


Delete a Volume from Your Project


Resize a VM Instance

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage Your VM Instances → Resize a VM Instance

Resize an Existing VM Instance
Sometimes users may wish to add CPU or Memory resources to an existing VM instance. This can be accomplished easily
through the Horizon interface:
1. Navigate to your Instances List at
2. Under


on the right-hand side, select

Resize Instance

for the instance you wish to resize.

3. You will be prompted to select a new Flavor.
4. As long as the new flavor fits in your Allocation, click


in the bottom right corner and your instance will begin

5. Your instance will reboot into the new flavor. Once this is complete, click

Confirm Resize or Migration


At this point, your instance will be up and running at the size you selected.
Increasing the size of a root volume

may require emailing CADES support. This might apply to your volume if you did not

select an ephemeral volume.


Add a Volume to a VM Instance

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage Your VM Instances → Add a Volume to a VM

Add a Volume to an Existing VM Instance
1. Navigate to your Volumes List at
2. At the top right click on


Create Volume

3. Fill in the following fields:
Name :

user choice

Description :
Source :
Type :

optional and can be left blank

(this is default)


Size :

Size you need up to your quota, which is displayed on the right

Availability Zone:
4. Click

(this is default)

No source, empty volume

Create Volume

(this is default)



5. Once created use the drop down ( ) on the right of the volume you just created and choose

Manage Attachments


6. Select the instance from the drop down to which you would like to attach your new volume.
7. Next, the volume will have to be partitioned, formatted, and mounted. To begin, SSH into your VM.
8. Check that the volume was assigned by listing the available disks: type

. You should see a new disk with the allotted


storage amount in the listed output. Example output is shown below.






0 disk

└─vda1 253:1



0 part /




0 disk


In this case, the disk


is the original disk that has a partition named


. You may want to create a partition in



9. Optional: To create partition of the new disk, type

sudo fdisk /dev/vdb

. This command expects you to enter additional

To create a new partition, enter

for primary or




then press



for an extended partition. Usually, you will choose

The next two prompts request space allocations. In typical situations, press



then press



on these two prompts to select the

defaults. If you would like more information about your options, check the "SIZES" section in the fdisk manual by typing
man fdisk




and then press


to write your changes and reboot the system.

You will be returned to your bash prompt.
To check that the partition was created correctly, type


and you should see the new partition labelled



this example case).






0 disk

└─vda1 253:1



0 part /





0 disk

└─vdb1 253:17



0 part

10. Next, the new volume/partition must be formatted. Type
Note: OpenStack and/or


sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1


may impart a default filesystem type on the new volume. In this case, you will be asked

if you would like to proceed with the formatting although an existing partition table exists. If you choose to proceed by


, you will rewrite the partition. DO NOT PROCEED if this partition contains data that you need to keep!

11. To check the formatting, type

lsblk -f

. You should see that the


entry has the

12. To mount the volume for use, you need to create the mountpoint. For example:


filesystem type.

mkdir volume



Add a Volume to a VM Instance

13. Then, to mount the volume to the newly-created mountpoint, type
14. Lastly, to check the mountpoint. type

lsblk -f

sudo mount /dev/vdb1/ ./volume

and you should see



is mounted at the location you chose:


15. To avoid having to mount the volume every time you boot your VM Instance, you may set up automounting by viewing the
contents of



sudo nano /etc/fstab


Check for an existing line of code:






If it is not present, add it. Save your changes.
16. The new storage volume is ready to use.


Create a Snapshot

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage VM Instances → Create a Snapshot

Create a Snapshot of a VM Instance
A VM snapshot is an instantaneous duplicate of an instance. A snapshot of an instance can be used to back-up data, to create a
restore point, or as the basis of an instance and booted up at a later time. A snapshot can be booted as a new VM Instance and
contains an image of the state of the filesystem at the moment that the snapshot is taken.

Log in to Horizon
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password

From here, you can manage your VM Instance(s) from within Horizon.

Create a Snapshot
1. Navigate to
2. Click on




Create Snapshot




for the Instance.

3. In the window that appears, choose a descriptive name for your snapshot and then click

Create Snapshot


4. Once the snapshot is created, a list of snapshot will appear. You can later navigate to this list by navigating to Navigate to

5. From the







screen you can launch, edit, or delete the snapshot.

Related Tutorials
Delete a VM Instance
Launch a VM Instance


OpenStack Security Groups

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage Your VM Instances → OpenStack Security Groups

OpenStack Security Groups
At their core, the OpenStack Security Groups are iptable-based firewalls built around an Instance at the hypervisor level. The
Security Groups can be used in conjunction with the OS-level firewalls (e.g., FirewallD, iptables) but do not overlap with them
(see Important Notes).

Important Notes for OpenStack Security Groups
IPV6 is not currently supported in OpenStack.
Changes to Security Groups take effect immediately.
Unlike normal Linux firewall rules, the rule order does not matter in OpenStack Security Groups.
By default, all Instances within the same Project can communicate with each other.
Using to access ORNL's Check_MK service is allowed but not enabled by default. For monitoring of
uptime and basic metrics, please contact the CADES team for assistance.
No firewall is enabled in the CADES-provided operating system (OS) images. Instead, we rely on the OpenStack Security
Groups. The user is responsible for enabling and configuring extra OS–level firewall rules as desired.
User-added firewall and iptable rules supersede rules set in OpenStack Security Groups. For example, ingress access enabled
by a rule in the OpenStack Security Group that are otherwise blocked at the OS level using the firewall or iptables will be
ineffective, and that traffic will still be blocked.
By default, all newly created Security Groups allow all outbound IPV4 and IPV6 (enabled but not functional). By default, no
inbound traffic is allowed.
The CADES team recommends that users leave existing Security Group rules in place as many of these rules are used by the
CADES support team (e.g., for monitoring and metrics).


Modify the Default Security Group

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage Your VM Instances → OpenStack Security Groups →
Modify Security Groups

Modify the Default Security Group
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Navigate to

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password





Access & Security

4. On this screen, look for the row labeled "default." Click the


Security Groups

Manage Rules



From here you can create a new rule or remove rules.


Modify the Default Security Group

Create a New Rule
You can add a new rule to your Security Group using the built-in rules provided in OpenStack or you can create your own custom

Create a Rule Using the Built-in Rules
1. Navigate to
2. Click the



Add Rule



Access & Security


Security Groups



3. In the resulting dialog, click the drop-down field under



4. Choose a rule from the list that fits your needs (DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.).
5. In the


box directly under

If you selected



, choose either




Security Group

, enter the desired inter-domain range in the


box directly under the


box. See

CIDR examples.
If you select

Security Group

, choose a security group shared by the Instance(s) with which you wish to communicate.

You can also do this via their IP addresses using the



Note: this option only allows access to the Instances within that security group. This differs from CIDR.
6. Click

at the bottom of the dialog box to implement your rule.


7. Confirm the new rule is displayed in the Manage Rules screen.

Create a Custom Rule
1. Navigate to
2. Click the


Add Rule




Access & Security


Security Groups




Modify the Default Security Group

3. In the resulting dialog, click the drop-down field under
4. Choose the rule type from the drop-down list (e.g.,
5. Set the preferred direction in the




Custom TCP|ICMP|UDP Rule


field (i.e., Ingress or Egress).

6. Choose either a single port or a range of ports in the

Open Port


7. Enter the port or port range in the respective field.
8. In the


box, choose either

If you select


If you select

Security Group



Security Group


, enter the desired inter-domain range in the


field. See CIDR examples.

, choose a security group shared by the Instance(s) with which you wish to communicate.

Note: This option only allows access to the Instances within that security group. This differs from CIDR.
9. Click


at the bottom of the dialog box to implement your custom rule.

10. Confirm your new custom rule is displayed in the Manage Rules screen.


Modify the Default Security Group

Remove Rules
Remove an existing rule
1. Navigate to





Access & Security


Security Groups


2. Select the rule that you would like to remove.
3. Click the

Delete Rule

button on the far right of the selected rule.

4. Confirm deletion of the rule.

Remove multiple rules
1. Navigate to





Access & Security


Security Groups


2. Toggle the check box next to each rule you would like to remove.
3. Click the

Delete Rules

button in the top-right corner of the Manage Rules screen.

4. Confirm deletion of the rules.

Rename a Security Group
Note: You cannot rename the default security group.
1. In the Security Groups table, select the drop-down menu on the far right of the row.
2. Select

Edit Security Group


3. In the resulting dialog, you can modify the name and description of the user-added Security Group.
4. Click

Edit Security Group

to save your changes.


Modify the Default Security Group

5. Confirm your changes in the Security Groups table.

Delete a Security Group
1. In the Security Groups table, find the Security Group you wish to delete, and select the drop-down menu on the far right of
its row.
2. Select

3. Click

Delete Security Group

Delete Security Group


in the resulting dialog.


Modify the Default Security Group

4. Confirm deletion of the Security Group.


Create a new Security Group

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage Your VM Instances → OpenStack Security Groups →
Create New Security Groups

Create a New Security Group
Note: By default, all newly created Security Groups allow all outbound IPV4 and IPV6 (enabled but not functional). By
default, no inbound traffic is allowed.
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Click on the

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password


tab on the top left.

4. Select the


5. Select the

Access & Security

6. Select the

Security Groups

7. Click

sub tab.
sub tab.

sub tab to view a table/list of the Security Groups.

Create Security Group

at the top right of the Security Groups table.

8. In the resulting dialog, fill out the
9. Click the

Create Security Group




(optional) fields.

button to complete the creation of the new Security Group.


Create a new Security Group

Your new Security Group should now be available in the Security Groups table.

Note: The Security Group must be added to the Instance to take effect. See below.

Add a Security Group to your Instance
To add the new Security Group to your VM, navigate to






Click on the drop-down () menu to the right of the instance to which you would like to attach the new rule, then select
Edit security groups


On the left side of the resulting window are all of the available security groups. On the right is a list of the security groups
that are attached to your instance. Find the security group on the left that you would like to add to your instance and click




Create a new Security Group




Just as you can with the default Security Group, you can create and manage rules for user-created Security Groups from the
Manage Rules screen.


Security Group CIDR Examples

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Manage Your VM Instances → OpenStack Security Groups →
CIDR Security Examples

Security Group CIDR Examples
When adding a new rule to a Security Group, you can also specify CIDR configurations for each rule. Some examples are
provided below.

– This CIDR configuration leaves traffic open to the world. However, other firewalls between the CIDR and the

remote machine can still block traffic.

– This CIDR configuration only allows access to the selected port(s). The


is used to

specify traffic for only the preceding IP address.

port(s). The


– This CIDR configuration allows all IPs between and access to the selected
is used to specify this traffic range.


Overview - CADES Cloud Information

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide

CADES Cloud User Guide
CADES (Compute and Data Environment for Science) provides eligible customers with an OpenStack-based cloud computing
solution with customizable Virtual Machines (VM). This resource, called "CADES Cloud", enables customers in science and
technology directorates to leverage self-service portals to rapidly request VMs for production, testing, and development. This
documentation will walk you through how to configure and use your CADES Cloud allocation. The CADES Cloud allocations are
intended and configured to be integrated within the ORNL network.

What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing provides an efficient pool of on-demand, self-managed virtual infrastructure, consumed as a service.
As shown in the figure below, classic cloud clients interact with three layers in the cloud environment.

First, the Software as a Service (SaaS) layer that presents software tools and frameworks such as emails, enterprise systems to
users. Second, the Platform as a Service (PaaS) that presents the runtime services such as web servers, programming environment
etc. to user. Third, the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) layer that provides hardware and firmware such as storage, drivers and
load balancers to users.
The CADES Cloud allocations provide:
Self Service – Through the Horizon web interface, users can create, manage, and delete VMs.
Portable – Operations can be performed using any local ORNL system that provides a Bash terminal and SSH functionality.
Elasticity – Users can create VMs on demand and delete them when they are no longer desired.

What is OpenStack?
OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing software framework that allows administrators (the CADES team) to create
individual "Project" allocations for their customers. The customers/users can then fill these Project allocations with their own
VMs without further intervention from CADES administrators—a true self-service implementation.


Overview - CADES Cloud Information


Available VM Images & Configurations

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Available VM Images

Available VM Images and Configurations
The CADES OpenStack allocations can use either CADES-provided images or user-added images for the VM Instances.
However, for full compatibility and best reliability, we strongly recommend that customers use one of the CADES images.

CADES Images
The CADES team currently provides two Linux images for use in OpenStack.
CentOS 7.x
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Features of CADES Images
CADES images have been preconfigured with the following features and modifications.
The default user has been changed to "cades" and given full sudo privileges.
A user named "cades-ops" has been added to ensure that the CADES team has adequate access to provide support.
Limited Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) functionality has been added to enable the use of UCAMS IDs after
the initial key-based authentication as the "cades" user. To add your UCAMS ID, simply execute

sudo su - YOUR_UCAMS_ID

in the terminal.
You will not be prompted for a password.
A local home directory will be created for your user.
Click here for more detailed instructions for adding UCAMS users to your Instance.
Yum/Apt repos and the Network Time Protocol (NTP) have been configured to use local ORNL resources.
The minimum disk size required for each image is 8 GB.

Naming Scheme for CADES Images
The CADES naming scheme is based around a
always a single digit, with a



indicating a production version of an image and a


formatting. The


field is

indicating a development version of the


User Images
While you can run user-provided images in OpenStack, the CADES team strongly recommends that customers use CADESprovided images for best reliability and integration in the ORNL environment. CADES will not provide support for userprovided images. If you still want to run a custom cloud image please contact the CADES team for your request.

Important Notes for Available VM Images
Once an image is launched as a volume, the image is no longer tied to the volume. If the base image is updated, those updates
would not propagate to the Instance and vice versa.

Available VM Instance Flavors


Available VM Images & Configurations

CADES Cloud allocations are available in a variety of sizes to fit your needs. The size options can be viewed during VM setup.
If you see that your needs cannot be met by one of our preset configurations, feel free to email us.


Software & Hardware

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Software & Hardware

Software & Hardware Details
Software Stack
Host operating system: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 9
Available VM operating systems: CentOS 7.x and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Hardware Configuration
RAM Information
Make: Samsung
Model: M393A2G40DB0-CPB
Speed: DDR4 2133
Error correction: Registered ECC

CPU Information
The following CPUs are used in the "nova" and "Lustre-OpenStack" Availability Zones.
Make: Intel
Model: Xeon E5-2698 v3
Speed: 2.30 GHz base clock, 3.60 GHz Turbo Boost clock
Instruction set (VM Instances): CPUID Instance Codes
Instruction set (Hypervisors): CPUID Hypervisor Codes
Detailed CPU information is also available through CPUID.
How to:

Install CPUID

CPU Layout


Software & Hardware


Network & Storage

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Network & Storage

Network and Storage Details
Network Configuration
The CADES Cloud allocations consist of two primary network environments or subnets—an external subnet and an internal
subnet—described below. While either subnet can be used for a VM Instance, only one IP address can be allocated to each
subnet per VM Instance.
Note: If you wish to run services on your VM Instance that should be available outside of ORNL's network, ensure that you
select the External Network option when setting up your VM Instance and that you also add a rule to your Security Group for that
particular service.

External Network
Required for services to be available outside of ORNL's network.
Outward-facing services (e.g., a web server) will require ORNL firewall exceptions (instructions).
Routed to most "open" networks at ORNL.
Outbound access is allowed per existing open research firewall exceptions.

Internal Network
general_intnetwork1 =
Services will not be available outside of ORNL's network.
Outward-facing services (e.g., a web server) will only be available from within ORNL.
Routed to most "open" networks at ORNL.
Outbound access is allowed through existing open research firewall exceptions.

Important Notes for OpenStack Network Design
IPV6 is not currently supported.
In all cases, accessing a VM Instance via SSH from outside of ORNL's network requires a SAFER exception to allow
inbound traffic on port 22 (SSH).
SSH access from an instance to a destination outside of ORNL's network may route through the ORNL SSH proxy service
(instructions), or the user can request an outbound exception using SAFER.
If you wish to run services on your VM Instance that should be available outside of ORNL's network, ensure that you also
select the External Network option when setting up your VM Instance.

Storage Configuration
NFS – CADES Projects use a Network File System (NFS).
Lustre – Lustre allocations are available upon request.
Note: No moderate/confidential data should be mounted or copied to your CADES Cloud VM Instance. CADES Cloud VM
Instances are for open science.


Network & Storage


Additional OpenStack Resources

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Additional Cloud Resources

Additional Resources
There are some topics that are optional and their use is based on how you chose to use your CADES VMs.
In this section you can:
Request Firewall Exception
Run a Simple Web Server
SSL - Let's Encrypt
Install CPUID
CPUID Hypervisor Codes
CPUID Instance Codes
Also, you can peruse the User-Contributed Tutorial section which currently covers the following topics:
Launch a Docker Container
Launch Shiny within Docker
Eclipse in CADES HPC
Allinea DDT in CADES HPC
Note: Content contributed by the community is not supported by CADES.
If there is something missing, please email CADES to let us know. You can also help us by contributing your own content. See the
Contributing section for more information.


Request Firewall Exception

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Additional Cloud Resources → ORNL Firewall Configuration

ORNL Firewall Configuration (SAFER)
In some cases, a customer may want to run a service on their VM Instance that should be available outside of ORNL's network
(e.g., SSH, web server, GitLab service, Docker), which requires an exception in ORNL's firewall. The procedure below will show
how to set up a firewall exception for a service running on your VM Instance.
If you have further questions about getting your ORNL (SAFER) firewall rules in place, e-mail the SAFER team directly at
If you wish to run services on your VM Instance that should be available outside of ORNL's network, ensure that you select the
External Network option when setting up your VM Instance and that you also add a rule to your Security Group for that particular
service. Read more about the CADES Cloud network design here.

Request a Firewall Exception
For the purposes of this procedure, we will set up an exception for a web server running on port 80.
1. Navigate to
2. Log in to the SAFER interface using your UCAMS credentials.
3. Click

+ New Request

at the top left of the screen.

4. On the resulting page, choose



5. In the resulting request dialog, we need to fill out the following fields:

– A simple subject will do. We're going with VM web server.
– Set to None.


Change Request Justification

– Provide the reason for your firewall exception.


– Leave this blank to make this exception indefinite. Otherwise, choose a date for the exception to expire.


– The source IP or IP range (with CIDR notation if range) of the server for which you would like to make an

exception. We're going to use the single IP address of our VM Instance,

– For this example, we're going to make the source and the destination the same IP address,

– This can be formatted using the protocol/port (e.g., TCP/80) or you can choose from a list of common

multi-port services in the drop-down menu. We're using TCP/80.
Service Name

– User-defined name of the rule. We're calling ours blackmesa_web.

6. Once filled out, click


to submit your request.


Request Firewall Exception

You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your request. You can also view the status of your exception request at any time by
logging into the SAFER interface.

Related Tutorials
Run a Web Server on Your VM Instance


Run a Simple Web Server

CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Additional Cloud Resources → Run a Simple Web Server

Run a Simple Web Server
The following documentation will show you how to launch an Instance using the default Security Group. Once running, we will
enable a basic HTTP service on port 80 by adding an additional Security Group.

Launch an Instance Using Horizon
1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at
2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials.


User Name:
3. Navigate to
4. Click the

Your three-letter UCAMS ID

Your UCAMS password





Launch Instance



button, and complete the launch instance wizard.

For this exercise use the


security group.

If you have never launched a VM Instance before, check out the tutorial linked below before proceeding.
How to:

Launch a VM Instance from an Image

Add Rule for TCP Traffic
Once we have our VM Instance up and running, we need to make sure that the Instance can receive incoming traffic on port 80.
We'll create a custom Security Group, add the required rule for HTTP traffic to our new (or existing) Security Group, and assign
that Security Group to our VM Instance.
If you require HTTPS support on port 443, see our SSL - Let's Encrypt documentation.

Create Custom Security Group
1. Navigate to
2. Click




+ Create Security Group

3. In the resulting dialog, fill out the


Access & Security


Security Groups


at the top right of the Security Groups table.




(optional) fields.

We're using http-server for this example.


Run a Simple Web Server

4. Click the

Create Security Group


Your new Security Group should now be available in the Security Groups table.
Alternatively, you can modify an existing group using the corresponding

Manage Rules


Add Rule to Custom Security Group
1. Find the newly created

2. Click the

Manage Rules


rule on the

Security Groups



3. On the Manage Rules screen, click the

Add Rule



Run a Simple Web Server

4. In the resulting dialog, click the drop-down field under
5. Choose the




rule template from the drop-down list.

Choosing the HTTP template will automatically set the port to
6. In the


box, choose


(preferred) and leave the field as


and set the direction to



or enter the desired inter-domain range.

See CIDR examples for more information.
7. Click


at the bottom of the dialog box to implement your custom rule.

8. Confirm your new custom rule is displayed in the Manage Rules screen.


Run a Simple Web Server

Add New Security Group to Your VM Instance
1. Navigate to






, and find the Instance on which you would like to run your HTTP server.

2. Click the drop-down menu on your Instance's listing, and select

3. In the resulting window, click


4. Click



to associate your

to add the


Edit Security Groups

from the resulting menu.

security group to your VM Instance.

security group with your Instance.

Connect to Your Instance Using SSH
1. Open a Bash terminal.
2. Execute

$ ssh cades@



Run a Simple Web Server


with the IP address of your own Instance.

3. You should now be connected to your VM Instance via SSH.

For more detailed information on connecting to your VM Instance using SSH, please see the SSH tutorials, linked below.
How to:

Access Your VM Instance Using SSH

For Windows users, we have developed a separate tutorial that walks you through connecting to your VM Instance using PuTTY's
SSH client.
How to:

Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows)

Set up Your Web Server
For the web server, we need to create a web directory and populate it with a basic



1. Execute the following in the VM's Bash terminal.
$ mkdir www
$ cd www

This will create a


directory. Next, we need to open a new file (


) in the VIM text editor and populate it

with some basic HTML markup.
2. In the Bash terminal, execute

$ vim index.html

to create the new file and open it in VIM.

3. Once in VIM, add the following lines to your file.

Hello world!

Hello world!

98 Run a Simple Web Server 4. Save your new file: press the Esc key, type :x, and then hit the Return key. Now that we have our files in place, we can start a simple web server using Python. 1. Ensure that you are still in the 2. Execute www directory where you placed your $ sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 index.html file. in your VM's Bash terminal. A message will confirm that the server is running. Test the Web Server You should now be able to access your "hello world" page from a web browser by entering the IP address of your instance as the URL. 99 Run a Simple Web Server Troubleshooting If you get an error when attempting to navigate to your Instance's IP using a browser, ensure that: You used the external network option when you configured your Instance. You are within the ORNL network or you have added a SAFER firewall exception for your VM Instance's IP address on Port 80 (or whatever port you specified in the Python command). You have a Rule in your Security Group that grants access to your VM Instance on Port 80 (or whatever port you specified in the Python command). Your Python server is active on your VM Instance. Do You Need HTTPS? SSL - Let's Encrypt Related Tutorials Launch a VM Instance Access VM Instance Using SSH 100 SSL - Let's Encrypt CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Additional Cloud Resources → SSL - Let's Encrypt Adding a Security Certificate to Your Website Obtaining a security certificate from a Certificate Authority enables you to use https on your website hosted by CADES. Utilizing https maintains the confidentiality of the transferred information by using a set of encryption keys. Additionally, this document will cover requirements for Firewall exceptions, cipher specifications, and HSTS preloading conditions. Caveat: Auto SSL Creation for CADES VMs In order to expedite ORNL's required compliance with DHS BOD 18-01 as many sites as possible were automatically adjusted to defaulting to HTTPS with a Let's Encrypt certificate. Directive Overview Pursuant to DHS BOD 18-01 all federal websites must be migrated to HTTPS. The prescribed implementation pattern is as follows Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS via 301 Moved Permanently HTTPS should be configured with a trusted TLS certificate All of the following should be disallowed: SSL v2 SSL v3 RC4, DES, and 3DES ciphers HSTS header set with max-age equal to 1 year. Table of Contents Prerequisites Part 1: Modifying the OpenStack Horizon Security Group Add Rule for Secured TCP Traffic Include new rule in your Instance's Security Group Part 2: Obtaining the Security Certificate for your Site Accessing your VM via SSH Using Certbot's automated client (Ubuntu or CentOS) Setting Up Autorenewal Part 3: Updating Firewall Exception Requesting new firewall exception Part 4: Configuring your Webserver Part 5: Certificate Auto-Renewal 101 SSL - Let's Encrypt Prerequisites A website hosted by CADES resources Bash access to the VM hosting the site Enable virtual hosts in your apache config file and ensure the default site is served as a virtual host. CentOS Apache Virtual Host Configuration Ubuntu Apache Virtual Host Configuration Part 1: Modifying the OpenStack Horizon Security Group View the Instance Using Horizon 1. Navigate to the Horizon web interface at 2. Log in with your UCAMS credentials. Domain: ornl User Name: Password: 3. Navigate to Your three-letter UCAMS ID Your UCAMS password Project → Compute → Instances . 4. Click on the existing instance that hosts your web server if you'd like to review the settings. If you have never launched a VM Instance before, check out the tutorial linked below before proceeding. How to: Launch a VM Instance Add Rule for Secured TCP Traffic When you originally set up your web server, the settings allowed incoming traffic on port 80. Now we need to allow secure traffic. Then we'll make sure the rule is properly assigned to your Instance. 1. Navigate to Project → Compute → Access & Security → Security Groups 2. Find the existing Security Group that contains your http access rules and click 3. In the resulting window, click + Add Rule HTTPS Rule . rule template from the drop-down list. Choosing the HTTPS template will automatically set the port to 6. In the Remote on the right side of the screen. . 4. In the resulting dialog, click the drop-down field under 5. Choose the . Manage Rules box, choose CIDR (preferred) and leave the field as 443 and set the direction to Ingress . or enter the desired inter-domain range. See CIDR examples for more information. 7. Click at the bottom of the dialog box to implement your custom rule. Add 8. Confirm your new custom rule is displayed in the Manage Rules screen. More info: Security Groups Add Rule to the Instance's Security Group 1. Navigate to Project → Compute → Instances 2. On the right, click the down arrow () next to 3. Select Manage Security Groups 4. Click the + . Create Snapshot . . next to your new HTTPS rule to add it to your Instance. 102 SSL - Let's Encrypt Part 2: Obtaining the Security Certificate for your Site The process of obtaining the SSL certificate is automated via the command line using Let's Encrypt and Certbot. Access your VM via ssh. 1. Open a Bash terminal. 2. Execute ssh cades@ Replace . with the IP address of your own Instance. 3. You should now be connected to your VM Instance via SSH. For more detailed information on connecting to your VM Instance using SSH, please see the SSH tutorials, linked below. How to: Access Your VM Instance Using SSH For Windows users, we have developed a separate tutorial that walks you through connecting to your VM Instance using PuTTY's SSH client. How to: Access Your VM Instance Using PuTTY (Windows) Installing Certbot for Ubuntu (see below for CentOS) Certbot is an automated client that obtains and implements SSL certificates for your website. 1. Obtain the necessary Certbot packages. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache 2. Use Certbot's Apache plugins to automate the certificate process. There are two options. Option A should be used if cannot stop and restart your web server. Option B should be used if you can start and stop your web server. If you are not sure, choose Option A. Option A sudo certbot --authenticator webroot --installer apache Option B sudo certbot --authenticator standalone --installer apache --pre-hook "apachectl -k stop" --post-hook 103 SSL - Let's Encrypt "apachectl -k start" You will be asked to enter your domain name (e.g. website lives, e.g. www ) and your webroot (the folder where your ). Installing Certbot for CentOS (see above for Ubuntu) Certbot is an automated client that obtains and implements SSL certificates for your website. 1. Obtain the necessary Certbot packages. wget chmod a+x certbot-auto 2. Use Certbot's plugins to automate the certificate process. (Fill in the /path/to/ with your specific path.) sudo ./path/to/certbot-auto certonly Select 2 when prompted to place Certbot's files in the webroot directory. Please also provide your email address and your domain name, e.g. . Next, you'll be asked to provide the webroot for your domain (the folder where your website lives), e.g. www . The next command will stop and restart your server. Please be aware of the temporary service interruption. sudo certbot --authenticator standalone --installer apache --pre-hook "apachectl -k stop" --post-hook "apachectl -k start" Part 3: Updating Firewall Exception (for External-Facing Sites) 1. Navigate to 2. Log in to the SAFER interface using your UCAMS credentials. User Name: Password: 3. Click Your three-letter UCAMS ID Your UCAMS password + New Request at the top left of the screen. 4. On the resulting page, choose ORNL SAFER Request . 5. In the resulting request dialog, we need to fill out the following fields: Subject – A simple subject will do. We're going with VM web server. Authorization – Set to None. Change Request Justification – Provide the reason for your firewall exception. 104 SSL - Let's Encrypt Expires – Leave this blank to make this exception indefinite. Otherwise, choose a date for the exception to expire. Source – The source IP or IP range (with CIDR notation if range) of the server for which you would like to make an exception. We're going to use the single IP address of our VM Instance, Destination – For this example, we're going to make the source and the destination the same IP address, Service – This can be formatted using the protocol/port (e.g., TCP/443) or you can choose from a list of common multi-port services in the drop-down menu. Please use TCP/443 as the secure traffic port. Service Name – User-defined name of the rule. We're calling ours blackmesa_web. 6. Once filled out, click Next to submit your request. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your request. You can also view the status of your exception request at any time by logging into the SAFER interface. Part 4: Webserver configuration Your webserver will need to be configured to do the following: Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS Set up the HSTS header and preloading for external-facing sites (see ORNL documentation) Use the TLS certificate designated for your site Allow only approved ciphers (see ORNL documentation) The exact details will vary between different web and application servers, but Mozilla provides a simple interactive tool that can help you get started: Part 5: Certificate Auto-Renewal 105 SSL - Let's Encrypt Using a simple script we can automate the certificate renewal process. Although this certificate lasts for 90 days, running this cron job often will ensure your certificate stays up to date. @weekly python -c 'import random; import time; time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' && certbot renew If you find that you need more guidance setting up automatic renewal, you can visit this site. 106 Install CPUID CADES → User Documentation → CADES Cloud User Guide → Additional Cloud Resources → Install CPUID Install CPUID Installing CPUID on your VM Instance is a fairly simple task. Once connected to your Instance using SSH, use the Bash terminal to install and run CPUID. Below you will find a procedure for each CADES-provided operating system. Prerequisites To install CPUID on your VM Instance, you must first have access to your Instance through SSH (instructions). Ubuntu 1. Update Ubuntu. $ sudo apt-get update 2. Install CPUID using the package manager. $ sudo apt-get install cpuid 3. CPUID is now installed. To run CPUID, execute the following. $ cpuid CentOS 1. Update CentOS. $ sudo yum check-update 2. Install CPUID using the package manager. $ sudo yum install cpuid 3. When prompted, confirm that you wish to install CPUID. $ Is this ok [y/d/N]: y 4. CPUID is now installed. To run CPUID, execute the following. $ cpuid 107 CPUID Hypervisor Codes Supported CPUID Codes CPUID Codes supported by Hypervisor CPU (Not all in Birthright) fpu: Onboard FPU (floating point support) eagerfpu: Non lazy FPU restore vme: Virtual 8086 mode enhancements de: Debugging Extensions (CR4.DE) smx: Safer mode: TXT (TPM support) pse: Page Size Extensions (4MB memory pages) tsc: Time Stamp Counter (RDTSC) constant_tsc: TSC ticks at a constant rate nonstop_tsc: TSC does not stop in C states ptsc: performance time-stamp counter msr: Model-Specific Registers (RDMSR, WRMSR) nodeid_msr: NodeId MSR pae: Physical Address Extensions (support for more than 4GB of RAM) mce: Machine Check Exception cx8: CMPXCHG8 instruction (64-bit compare-and-swap) apic: Onboard APIC x2apic: x2APIC extapic: Extended APIC space sep: SYSENTER/SYSEXIT mtrr: Memory Type Range Registers k6_mtrr: AMD K6 nonstandard MTRRs pge: Page Global Enable (global bit in PDEs and PTEs) mca: Machine Check Architecture smca: Scalable MCA cmov: CMOV instructions (conditional move) (also FCMOV) pat: Page Attribute Table pse36: 36-bit PSEs (huge pages) clflush: Cache Line Flush instruction dts: Debug Store (buffer for debugging and profiling instructions) acpi: ACPI via MSR (temperature monitoring and clock speed modulation) mmx: Multimedia Extensions cxmmx: Cyrix MMX extensions fxsr: FXSAVE/FXRSTOR, CR4.OSFXSR sse: Intel SSE vector instructions misalignsse: indicates if a general-protection exception (#GP) is generated when some legacy SSE instructions operate on unaligned data. Also depends on CR0 and Alignment Checking bit sse2: SSE2 ss: CPU self snoop ht: Hyper-Threading tm: Automatic clock control (Thermal Monitor) rtm: Restricted Transactional Memory pbe: Pending Break Enable (PBE# pin) wakeup support syscall: SYSCALL (Fast System Call) and SYSRET (Return From Fast System Call) nx: Execute Disable pdpe1gb: One GB pages (allows hugepagesz=1G) rdtscp: Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID 108 CPUID Hypervisor Codes lm: Long Mode (x86-64: amd64, also known as Intel 64, i.e. 64-bit capable) lahf_lm: Load AH from Flags (LAHF) and Store AH into Flags (SAHF) in long mode constant_tsc: TSC ticks at a constant rate arch_perfmon: Intel Architectural PerfMon pebs: Precise-Event Based Sampling bts: Branch Trace Store rep_good: rep microcode works well nopl: The NOPL (0F 1F) instructions xtopology: cpu topology enum extensions nonstop_tsc: TSC does not stop in C states aperfmperf: APERFMPERF eagerfpu: Non lazy FPU restore pni: SSE-3 (“Prescott New Instructions”) pclmulqdq: Perform a Carry-Less Multiplication of Quadword instruction — accelerator for GCM) dtes64: 64-bit Debug Store monitor: Monitor/Mwait support (Intel SSE3 supplements) ds_cpl: CPL Qual. Debug Store vmx: Hardware virtualization: Intel VMX smx: Safer mode: TXT (TPM support) est: Enhanced SpeedStep tm2: Thermal Monitor 2 ssse3: Supplemental SSE-3 fma: Fused multiply-add cx16: CMPXCHG16B xtpr: Send Task Priority Messages pdcm: Performance Capabilities pcid: Process Context Identifiers invpcid: Invalidate Processor Context ID dca: Direct Cache Access sse4_1: SSE-4.1 sse4_2: SSE-4.2 x2apic: x2APIC movbe: Move Data After Swapping Bytes instruction popcnt: Return the Count of Number of Bits Set to 1 instruction (Hamming weight, i.e. bit count) tsc_deadline_timer: Tsc deadline timer xsave: Save Processor Extended States: also provides XGETBY,XRSTOR,XSETBY avx: Advanced Vector Extensions f16c: 16-bit fp conversions (CVT16) rdrand: Read Random Number from hardware random number generator instruction lahf_lm: Load AH from Flags (LAHF) and Store AH into Flags (SAHF) in long mode abm: Advanced Bit Manipulation ida: Intel Dynamic Acceleration arat: Always Running APIC Timer epb: IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS support pln: Intel Power Limit Notification pts: Intel Package Thermal Status tpr_shadow: Intel TPR Shadow vnmi: Intel Virtual NMI flexpriority: Intel FlexPriority ept: Intel Extended Page Table vpid: Intel Virtual Processor ID 109 CPUID Hypervisor Codes fsgsbase: {RD/WR}{FS/GS}BASE instructions tsc_adjust: TSC adjustment MSR bmi1: 1st group bit manipulation extensions avx2: AVX2 instructions smep: Supervisor Mode Execution Protection bmi2: 2nd group bit manipulation extensions erms: Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB invpcid: Invalidate Processor Context ID cqm: Cache QoS Monitoring xsaveopt: Optimized XSAVE cqm_llc: LLC QoS cqm_occup_llc: LLC occupancy monitoring 110 CPUID Instance Codes Supported CPUID Instruction Set Codes CPUID Instruction Set Codes Supported by VM Instances fpu: Onboard FPU (floating point support) eagerfpu: Non lazy FPU restore vme: Virtual 8086 mode enhancements de: Debugging Extensions (CR4.DE) smx: Safer mode: TXT (TPM support) pse: Page Size Extensions (4MB memory pages) tsc: Time Stamp Counter (RDTSC) constant_tsc: TSC ticks at a constant rate nonstop_tsc: TSC does not stop in C states ptsc: performance time-stamp counter msr: Model-Specific Registers (RDMSR, WRMSR) nodeid_msr: NodeId MSR pae: Physical Address Extensions (support for more than 4GB of RAM) mce: Machine Check Exception cx8: CMPXCHG8 instruction (64-bit compare-and-swap) apic: Onboard APIC x2apic: x2APIC extapic: Extended APIC space sep: SYSENTER/SYSEXIT mtrr: Memory Type Range Registers k6_mtrr: AMD K6 nonstandard MTRRs pge: Page Global Enable (global bit in PDEs and PTEs) mca: Machine Check Architecture smca: Scalable MCA cmov: CMOV instructions (conditional move) (also FCMOV) pat: Page Attribute Table pse36: 36-bit PSEs (huge pages) clflush: Cache Line Flush instruction mmx: Multimedia Extensions cxmmx: Cyrix MMX extensions fxsr: FXSAVE/FXRSTOR, CR4.OSFXSR sse: Intel SSE vector instructions misalignsse: indicates if a general-protection exception (#GP) is generated when some legacy SSE instructions operate on unaligned data. Also depends on CR0 and Alignment Checking bit sse2: SSE2 ss: CPU self snoop syscall: SYSCALL (Fast System Call) and SYSRET (Return From Fast System Call) nx: Execute Disable pdpe1gb: One GB pages (allows hugepagesz=1G) rdtscp: Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID lm: Long Mode (x86-64: amd64, also known as Intel 64, i.e. 64-bit capable) lahf_lm: Load AH from Flags (LAHF) and Store AH into Flags (SAHF) in long mode constant_tsc: TSC ticks at a constant rate rep_good: rep microcode works well nopl: The NOPL (0F 1F) instructions eagerfpu: Non lazy FPU restore 111 CPUID Instance Codes pni: SSE-3 (“Prescott New Instructions”) pclmulqdq: Perform a Carry-Less Multiplication of Quadword instruction — accelerator for GCM) ssse3: Supplemental SSE-3 fma: Fused multiply-add cx16: CMPXCHG16B pcid: Process Context Identifiers invpcid: Invalidate Processor Context ID sse4_1: SSE-4.1 sse4_2: SSE-4.2 x2apic: x2APIC movbe: Move Data After Swapping Bytes instruction popcnt: Return the Count of Number of Bits Set to 1 instruction (Hamming weight, i.e. bit count) tsc_deadline_timer: Tsc deadline timer xsave: Save Processor Extended States: also provides XGETBY,XRSTOR,XSETBY avx: Advanced Vector Extensions f16c: 16-bit fp conversions (CVT16) rdrand: Read Random Number from hardware random number generator instruction hypervisor: Running on a hypervisor lahf_lm: Load AH from Flags (LAHF) and Store AH into Flags (SAHF) in long mode abm: Advanced Bit Manipulation fsgsbase: {RD/WR}{FS/GS}BASE instructions bmi1: 1st group bit manipulation extensions avx2: AVX2 instructions smep: Supervisor Mode Execution Protection bmi2: 2nd group bit manipulation extensions erms: Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB invpcid: Invalidate Processor Context ID xsaveopt: Optimized XSAVE 112 Overview CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Overview Overview of SHPC Condos The CADES Scalable HPC (SHPC) Condos consist of two HPC clusters: one in the ORNL Moderate protection zone (CADES Mod) and one in the ORNL Open protection zone (CADES Open). To get started using the SHPC Condo, check first to see if you are ready by looking over the prerequisites. Then, learn how to request access. Finally, you are ready to access your Condo allocation. The list of current groups according to divisions at ORNL can be found here. 113 Hardware CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Hardware Configuration SHPC Condo Hardware Configuration The SHPC is a commodity cluster that contains a set of MPPs (Massive Parallel Processors). A processor in this cluster is commonly referred to as a node and has its own CPU, memory, and I/O subsystem and is capable of communicating with other nodes. Node Information Make: Cray Model: CS400 RAM Information Speed: DDR4 2133 Error correction: Registered ECC Capacity: 128–256 GB per node (GPU nodes and high memory nodes have 256 GB of RAM) CPU Information Make: Intel Model: Xeon E5-2698 v3 Speed: 2.30 GHz base clock, 3.60 GHz Turbo Boost clock Capacity: 2 CPUs per node CPU layout: Click to see image. GPU Information Make: NVIDIA Model: Tesla K80 (2 GK210 GPUs on each K80) Speed: 560 MHz base clock VRAM: 24 GB of GDDR5 Error correction: Registered ECC Capacity: 2 Tesla K80s per node, 2 GK210 GPUs per K80 (4 total GK210 GPUs per node) 114 Storage CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Storage Configuration SHPC Condo Storage Configuration Lustre Lustre is an on-premises, high performance, parallel file system that utilize technologies such as key, value, and set of attributes to compute data in the following environments: Open Lustre: 1.7 PB of temporary computational storage Your temporary local storage is located at: Replace group with your group name, and /lustre/or-hydra/group/xcams xcams with your XCAMS/UCAMS ID. Moderate Lustre: 400 TB of temporary computational storage Your temporary local storage is located at: Replace group with your group name, and /lustre/hydra/group/ucams ucams with your XCAMS/UCAMS ID. Note: All data is automatically purged every 2 weeks. NFS NFS (Network File System) is a service that allows shared directories and files with others over a network. Home, software, and project directories have been set up on NFS and are permanently available through the network. Open NFS: Each user is automatically given 20 GB of permanent NFS storage. Moderate NFS: Each user is automatically given 20 GB of permanent NFS storage. Note: If your needs differ from what is listed here, be sure to contact us to discuss options. 115 Software CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Software SHPC Condo Software Configuration In this section, we discuss the SHPC Condos software configuration. Our software environment uses Linux environment modules to perform this configuration. The software modules available to users also contain preconfigured compiler toolchains, or programming environments which include parallel compiler wrappers and associated MPI stacks. There are also workflow tools that may help with your applications as well. Job Scheduler SHPC utilizes Torque/Moab as a resource manager to schedule jobs, where Moab is used as an external scheduler for the PBS resource management system including job queues and the compute resources. The job scheduler supports a maximum walltime of 48 hours. If you need more time to run a job, please contact us. Modules SHPC has more than one hundred software packages installed. Our software environment uses Linux (CentOS 7.x) environment modules to manage versions and dependencies of software packages. When you load a module, it sets the environment variables necessary for running your program. Modules: Local repository By default the local repository is used as a source of software installations. To list available modules, type load a module, use module load module_name . Similarly, unload modules by typing module avail module unload module_name . To . Modules: CVMFS-based repository A CVMFS (Cern Virtual File System)-based repository is available for use that has several software packages available for use. To use the CVMFS-based repository run the following commands from your login node: source /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400/modulefiles/ switch_modules oasis After entering the above commands the new repository should be active and the command below will list the software available for use: module avail Similarly switch_modules local will bring back the local modules to use. Additional information on SHPC modules may be found here. Compiler ToolChains Depending on the application/code you are working on, you might choose a specific compiler to achieve the best performance of your programs. Compiler toolchains such as GNU, Intel, PGI and NAG are already installed to work with other libraries. See here for more information on SHPC compilers 116 Software Workflow Tools Workflow tools orchestrate multi-stage computations. Several workflow tools are available on SHPC. 117 Scheduling Jobs CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Software → Scheduling Jobs Scheduling Jobs SHPC utilizes Torque/Moab to manage jobs that users submit to various queues on a computer system. Each queue represents a group of resources with attributes necessary for the queue's jobs. You can see the list of queues that SHPC has by typing q qstat - . batch is the default queue. Note: Do not run jobs on the login nodes. All jobs launched from those nodes will be terminated without notice. Listing jobs To list all jobs: qstat To refine the list of jobs to only those submitted by a user: qstat -u UID To further refine the list of jobs, the following command will list jobs submitted by a user and which are running. qstat -u UID -s -r To obtain the status of a job, run the following command using the job's ID number (this is provided at time of job submission). qstat -f job_ID You can also use checkjob job_ID to show the current status of the job. Submitting a job To submit a job, use the qsub command, followed by the name of your submission file. A Job ID will be provided. You may want to make note of the ID for later use. qsub your_script Deleting a job Note: Be aware that deleting a job cannot be undone. Double check the job ID before deleting a job. Users can delete their jobs by typing the following command. qdel job_ID To delete all the jobs of a user: qdel $(qselect -u UID) 118 Scheduling Jobs Related Information Execute a Job 119 Bash Environment Customization CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Software → Environment Customization Customizing Your Environment in SHPC The SHPC environment may be customized to suit your needs. Project-Specific Environment Variables Some projects have environment modules that will prepare the environment with the specific needs of the project. To list the available project modules, type module avail environment modules begin with env/ . At the top of the output is a section titled /software/tools/modules . The . To load one of these environments: module load env/cades-bsd 120 Modules CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Software → Modules Modules Modules are a utility which allow users to load and manage applications and their versions. The modules of software packages allow you to dynamically modify your user environment by using “modulefiles.” Each modulefile contains the information needed to configure the shell for an application. After the module software package is initialized, the environment can be modified on a per-module basis using the module command, which interprets modulefiles. Typically, modulefiles instruct the module command to change or set shell environment variables such as PATH , MANPATH , and others. The modulefiles can be shared by many users on a system. Note: Some modules cannot be used simultaneously, such as an Intel compiler and a GNU compiler (information on compilers). If you attempt to load a module that is incompatible with a currently-loaded module, you will be prompted of the conflict. To avoid the error, you may have to unload or switch modules. Summary of Module Commands Command Description module list Lists modules currently loaded in a user's environment. A module is considered loaded when its associated modulefile has been executed and the user's environment contains the changes from the modulefile. module avail Lists all available modules on a system. module show Shows environment changes that will be made by loading a given module. module load Loads a module. module unload Unloads a module. module help Shows help for a module. module swap Swaps a currently loaded module for an unloaded module. Available Modules To see a list of available modules, type module avail Note: If you need a module that is not available, please contact us. You can check for the existence of a module and its versions using module avail . $ module avail cuda ----------------- /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400/modulefiles ----------------cuda/6.5 cuda/7.5(default) cuda/8.0 Working with Modules When you load a module, your environment is modified to use a specific software package. To load a module: 121 Modules module load vmd To verify your module has loaded, you can type module list . To display information about the attributes of the module such as the size of the module, the compiler or the source from which the module was created, etc., use the following command: module display your_module Removing and Switching Modules Unloading a module will avoid conflict and/or messages of failure due to different versions or dependencies. module unload PE-gnu/1.0 Switching between different module versions can accomplish the task of having to load, unload and load modules in multiple steps. In the following example, cuda/8.0 cuda/7.5 is currently loaded. After running the command, cuda/7.5 is unloaded and is loaded. module switch cuda/7.5 cuda/8.0 You can unload all the modules on your environment, by executing the module purge command: module purge Related Information Environment Customization 122 Compilers CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Software → Compilers Compiler Toolchains on SHPC Condos SHPC supports four programming environment (PE) modules to easily switch between compilers. Each programming environment contains the full set of compatible compilers and libraries. These compilers are: GNU Collection Compiler (GCC), the Intel compiler, The Portland Group (PGI), and the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG). Note: You cannot use more than one PE-module at the same time. For example, if you are working with GNU and then you decide to work with the Intel compiler, first unload the PE-gnu module and then load PE-intel . The GNU Compiler Suite To load the GNU module: module load PE-gnu You can check which modules are loaded in your system by typing: $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) gcc/5.3.0 2) openmpi/1.10.3 3) xalt/0.7.5 4) PE-gnu/1.0 To display information about the module, such as the size, the compiler, or the source from which the module was created, etc., use the following command: $ module display PE-gnu ------------------------------------------------------------------/software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400/modulefiles/PE-gnu/1.0: module-whatis PE-gnu defines the environment needed to build applications using GNU compiler suites on this system. conflict PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi setenv PE_NAME GNU setenv PE_CC mpicc setenv PE_CXX mpic++ setenv PE_FORTRAN mpif90 prepend-path module PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin load xalt ------------------------------------------------------------------- You can switch between the two versions of PE-gnu v1.0 and PE-gnu v2.0: $ module switch PE-gnu/1.0 PE-gnu/2.0 $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) gcc/5.3.0 2) openmpi/2.1.1 3) PE-gnu/2.0 4) xalt/0.7.5 The Intel Compiler Suite If you are working with another module, first you need to unload it. 123 Compilers module load PE-intel You can see what the module provides with the commands module list and module display . $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) intel/16.0.1 2) openmpi/1.10.3 3) xalt/0.7.5 4) PE-intel/1.0 module display PE-intel ------------------------------------------------------------------/software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400/modulefiles/PE-intel/1.0: module-whatis PE-intel defines the environment needed to build applications using Intel compiler suites on this system. conflict PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi setenv PE_NAME INTEL setenv PE_CC mpicc setenv PE_CXX mpic++ setenv PE_FORTRAN mpif90 prepend-path PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin module load xalt ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Portland Group Compiler Suite If you are working with another module, first you need to unload it. module load PE-pgi You can see what does the module provides with the commands module list and module display . $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) pgi/15.7.0 2) openmpi/1.10.3 3) xalt/0.7.5 4) PE-pgi/1.0 $ module display PE-pgi ------------------------------------------------------------------/software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400/modulefiles/PE-pgi/1.0: module-whatis PE-pgi defines the environment needed to build applications using PGI compiler suites on this system. conflict PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi setenv PE_NAME PGI setenv PE_CC mpicc setenv PE_CXX mpic++ setenv PE_FORTRAN mpif90 prepend-path module PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin load xalt ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Numerical Algorithm Group Compiler Suite If you are working with another module, first you need to unload it. 124 Compilers module load PE-nag You can see what the module provides with the commands module list and module display . $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) nag/6.0 2) mpich/3.2 3) xalt/0.7.5 4) PE-nag/1.0 $ module display PE-nag ------------------------------------------------------------------/software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400/modulefiles/PE-nag/1.0: module-whatis PE-nag defines the environment needed to build applications using NAG Fortran compiler on this system. conflict PE-gnu PE-intel PE-pgi setenv PE_NAME NAG setenv PE_CC mpicc setenv PE_CXX mpic++ setenv PE_FORTRAN mpif90 prepend-path module PATH /software/dev_tools/swtree/cs400_centos7.2_pe2016-08/PE/1.0/noarch/bin load xalt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Information Environment Customization Modules 125 Condo Workflows CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Software → Condo Workflows Running Scientific Computational Workflows Overview Workflows offer benefits of automation and efficient orchestration (eg. data parallel execution) of multi-stage computation. Furthermore, they are powerful reproducibility and portability tools for science and engineering applications. Typically, a workflow is written in a high level language that is offered and understood by a workflow management software or simply a workflow tool. Workflow tools available on Condos We currently offer support for the following workflow tools on SHPC: 1. Nextflow 2. Makeflow 3. Swift A brief description about each of the aforementioned workflow tools is provided below: Nextflow Nextflow is a favored workflow tool among Singularity container users. Similarly, it is popular among users from the Biosciences domain. Makeflow The Makeflow workflow system uses a Makefile like language to define workflows that may be deployed and executed over clusters and clouds. Swift Swift uses a C-like syntax to define workflows. Swift is capable of stitching computational steps defined in the workflow as a true HPC workflow that uses the Message Passing Paradigm of parallel computation using the MPI libraries and its own load balancer. Note: While Nextflow and Makeflow require additional configuration if you wish to run them on compute nodes, Swift can run directly on compute nodes by simply plugging it into a job definition script just like any other MPI application. Example Workflows Hello World Nextflow #!/usr/bin/env nextflow params.str = 'Hello world!' process splitLetters { output: file 'chunk_*' into letters mode flatten """ 126 Condo Workflows printf '${params.str}' | split -b 6 - chunk_ """ } process convertToUpper { input: file x from letters output: stdout result """ cat $x | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' """ } result.subscribe { println it.trim() } Save the above code in a file, eg. . To run the workflow on open condo login node, do the following: $ module purge $ module load PE-gnu $ module load java/1.8.0_131 $ module load nextflow $ nextflow run You should see output similar to the following: N E X T F L O W ~ version 0.27.6 Launching `` [insane_meucci] - revision: 5319db7b93 [warm up] executor > local [f9/cb98ba] Submitted process > splitLetters [94/6ed3f3] Submitted process > convertToUpper (1) [cb/506a85] Submitted process > convertToUpper (2) HELLO WORLD! Makeflow A "Hello World" in Makeflow would look something like so: ECHO=/bin/echo hello.txt: $ECHO 'Hello World!' > hello.txt Save the above code in a file, say hello.mkf and run it on the open condo like so: $ module load PE-gnu $ module load cctools/6.2.7 $ makeflow hello.mkf If all goes well, the output should look like so: parsing hello.mkf... local resources: 32 cores, 128833 MB memory, 6893119 MB disk max running local jobs: 32 127 Condo Workflows checking hello.mkf for consistency... hello.mkf has 1 rules. recovering from log file hello.mkf.makeflowlog... makeflow: hello.txt is reported as existing, but does not exist. starting workflow.... submitting job: /bin/echo ''Hello World!'' > hello.txt submitted job 123822 job 123822 completed nothing left to do. And you should see a new file called hello.txt in your current working directory. Swift A Swift Hello World workflow looks like so: import io; printf("Hello world"); Swift uses two steps to workflow execution: compile and run. Load the swift module on condo like so: $ module purge $ module load PE-gnu $ module load java/1.8.0_131 mpich/3.2 $ module load swift Compile and run the workflow like so: $ stc hello.swift The above step will produce a TCL file called hello.tic . Run the TCL file like so: turbine -n 2 hello.tic If all goes well, you should see the following output: Hello world General remarks 1. Note that the above workflows will run on login nodes. In order for them to run over compute nodes, more configuration is needed. 2. Note that Nextflow expects absolute paths for data and executables since it works in its own temp directory. Please adjust the paths to where you choose to run the workflow. Where to go from here? Use the Crystal Workflow with these workflow tools. Come talk to us at CADES if you think one or more of your applications will benefit with the help of the aforementioned workflow tools. 128 Condo Workflows 129 Crystal Workflow CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Software → Condo Workflows → Crystal Workflows Crystal Workflow CrystalFlow is a hypothetical workflow with low-medium complexity that adequately illustrates the benefits and characteristics of scientific computational workflows. Note: The code, executables, and test data for the crystal workflow is available on ORNL's public GitLab. About the Crystal Workflow The workflow is a crystal shaped graph as shown in the figure below. In the above workflow, each of the boxes represent process and arrows represent the dependency between connected processes. For example, process P1 produces a data file that is consumed by processes P2 and P3 . Each of the 6 processes of this workflow are implemented in C and bash. Either may be used in the workflows shown below. The initial input file is pre-prepared. The code and data for these workflows are available on open SHPC condo at A Makefile will build the C executables found in the directory named c /software/T/B/D . . The following sections show how this workflow may be orchestrated using each of the three workflow management tools. Nextflow The following code snippet shows how the above workflow would be expressed in Nextflow. 130 Crystal Workflow #!/usr/bin/env nextflow in1 = file('/home/km0/crystalworkflow/shell/inputs/in1.txt') process p1 { input: file in1 output: file 'out1.txt' into out1 """ ~/crystalworkflow/shell/p1/ $in1 'out1.txt' """ } process p2 { input: file out1 output: file 'out2.txt' into out2 """ ~/crystalworkflow/shell/p2/ $out1 'out2.txt' """ } process p3 { input: file out1 output: file 'out3.txt' into out3 """ ~/crystalworkflow/shell/p3/ $out1 'out3.txt' """ } process p4 { input: file out2 output: file 'out4.txt' into out4 """ ~/crystalworkflow/shell/p4/ $out2 'out4.txt' """ } process p5 { input: file out3 output: file 'out5.txt' into out5 """ ~/crystalworkflow/shell/p5/ $out3 'out5.txt' """ } process p6 { input: file out4 file out5 output: file 'out6.txt' into out6 """ ~/crystalworkflow/shell/p6/ $out4 $out5 'out6.txt' """ } Assuming the above workflow is saved in a file named , it could be run as follows: $ module purge $ module load PE-gnu 131 Crystal Workflow $ module load java/1.8.0_131 $ module load nextflow $ $ nextflow run N E X T F L O W ~ version 0.27.6 Launching `` [thirsty_allen] - revision: e3b42d107d [warm up] executor > local [db/d513da] Submitted process > p1 [89/e16494] Submitted process > p2 [c3/9d4ddd] Submitted process > p3 [0d/5406b9] Submitted process > p4 [cf/4b94bb] Submitted process > p5 [c2/3bae00] Submitted process > p6 Makeflow The following code snippet shows how the crystal workflow would be implemented using Makeflow. P1=../shell/p1/ P2=../shell/p2/ P3=../shell/p3/ P4=../shell/p4/ P5=../shell/p5/ P6=../shell/p6/ ../shell/p1/out1.txt: $P1 ../shell/inputs/in1.txt ../shell/p1/out1.txt ../shell/p2/out2.txt: $P2 ../shell/p1/out1.txt ../shell/p2/out2.txt ../shell/p3/out3.txt: $P3 ../shell/p1/out1.txt ../shell/p3/out3.txt ../shell/p4/out4.txt: $P4 ../shell/p2/out2.txt ../shell/p4/out4.txt ../shell/p5/out5.txt: $P5 ../shell/p3/out3.txt ../shell/p5/out5.txt ../shell/outputs/out6.txt: $P6 ../shell/p4/out4.txt ../shell/p5/out5.txt ../shell/outputs/out6.txt Assuming the above workflow is saved in a file named crystal.mkf , it could be executed like so: $ module purge $ module load PE-gnu $ module load cctools/6.2.7 $ makeflow crystal.mkf parsing crystal.mkf... local resources: 32 cores, 128833 MB memory, 6593404 MB disk max running local jobs: 32 checking crystal.mkf for consistency... crystal.mkf has 6 rules. starting workflow.... submitting job: ../shell/p6/ ../shell/p4/out4.txt ../shell/p5/out5.txt ../shell/outputs/out6.txt submitted job 37132 submitting job: ../shell/p5/ ../shell/p3/out3.txt ../shell/p5/out5.txt submitted job 37133 submitting job: ../shell/p4/ ../shell/p2/out2.txt ../shell/p4/out4.txt submitted job 37134 submitting job: ../shell/p3/ ../shell/p1/out1.txt ../shell/p3/out3.txt submitted job 37135 submitting job: ../shell/p2/ ../shell/p1/out1.txt ../shell/p2/out2.txt submitted job 37136 submitting job: ../shell/p1/ ../shell/inputs/in1.txt ../shell/p1/out1.txt submitted job 37137 cat: ../shell/p3/out3.txt: No such file or directory p3 completed. 132 Crystal Workflow p5 completed. p4 completed. job 37135 completed p1 completed. p2 completed. job 37134 completed job 37133 completed job 37136 completed job 37137 completed p6 completed. job 37132 completed nothing left to do. Swift The following code snippet shows the Swift implementation of the crystal workflow. Note that the Swift implementation invokes the C version of executables but it can equally invoke the bash version. import io; app (file out) p1 (file inp){ "../c/p1/p1" inp out } app (file out) p2 (file inp){ "../c/p2/p2" inp out } app (file out) p3 (file inp){ "../c/p3/p3" inp out } app (file out) p4 (file inp){ "../c/p4/p4" inp out } app (file out) p5 (file inp){ "../c/p5/p5" inp out } app (file out) p6 (file inp1, file inp2){ "../c/p6/p6" inp1 inp2 out } file in1 = input("../c/inputs/in1.txt"); file out1 <"../c/p1/out1.txt"> = p1(in1); file out2 <"../c/p2/out2.txt"> = p2(out1); file out3 <"../c/p3/out3.txt"> = p3(out1); file out4 <"../c/p4/out4.txt"> = p4(out2); file out5 <"../c/p5/out5.txt"> = p5(out3); file out6 <"../c/outputs/out6.txt"> = p6(out4,out5); Assuming the above program is saved in a file called crystal.swift , it may be run on Open SHPC like so: $ module purge $ module load PE-gnu $ module load java/1.8.0_131 mpich/3.2 $ module load swift $ stc crystal.swift $ turbine -n 2 crystal.tic ../c/p1/out1.txt ../c/p3/out3.txt ../c/p2/out2.txt ../c/p5/out5.txt ../c/p4/out4.txt ../c/outputs/out6.txt 133 Crystal Workflow 134 How to Use CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → How to Use How to Use the SHPC Condo This section will walk you through the primary steps that are required to get you started using the SHPC resources. If, at any time, you have trouble, do not hesitate to reach out to us via email. Prerequisites Request Credentials for an Allocation Access to your Allocation Execute a Job on an Allocation 135 Prerequisites CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → How to Use → Prerequisites Prerequisites To properly utilize SHPC Condos, you will need a couple of utilities loaded on your local machine. These utilities are free and widely used for this type of application. Required: SSH client Recommended: Bash terminal Note: CADES does not provide support for getting these utilities up and running on your personal computer. MacOS and Linux Both macOS and Linux distributions includes a Bash terminal and an SSH client by default. No additional software should be required to access SHPC Condos. Windows Users Windows does not have a native SSH client or a native Bash terminal. A few solutions are linked below. Option 1: PuTTY - SSH client and Bash environment for Windows. Option 2: Git Bash – Part of the Git for Windows environment includes Git Bash, which provides a light weight ssh client. Option 3: Cygwin – If you wish to have Bash-style functions on your Windows machine, then you should consider installing Cygwin, which ports the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) system calls and environment to Windows. 136 Request Access to an Allocation CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → How to Use → Request Access to an Allocation Request Access for SHPC Condo Allocation You can self-request access with the procedure below. If you are unsure which group to request, or otherwise need assistance, please contact us. 1. Use the appropriate group link below and enter your email address (your ORNL address, if available) and click Continue . 2. Review the XCAMS user agreement, and select Agree . 3. Enter your UCAMS ID (or a new XCAMS user name). 4. Enter your UCAMS password (or a new XCAMS password). 5. Click Submit to complete the XCAMS request. 6. The activation notice will be dispatched to the email address entered above. This process can take up to 24 hours to complete. SHPC Condo Groups To access SHPC Condos, users will need to be added into an appropriate group. Find your group in the table below, and click on the respective UCAMS/XCAMS registration URL, as outlined in the instructions above. NSED access exists in the Moderate Protection Zone. Division Name Division Approver PBS Directives Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate (CCSD) Jayson Hines ( #PBS -W group_list=cades-ccsd #PBS -A ccsd Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) A.J. (Timmy) Ramirez-Cuesta ( #PBS -W group_list=cades-virtues #PBS -A sns Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) Bobby Sumpter ( #PBS -W group_list=cades-cnms #PBS -A cnms Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI) Dali Wang ( #PBS -W group_list=cades-ccsi #PBS -A ccsi Energy Dissipation to Defect Evolution (EDDE) Malcolm Stocks ( #PBS -W group_list=cades-edde #PBS -A edde Biosciences Division (BSD) Bob Cottingham ( #PBS -W group_list=cades-bsd #PBS -A bsd Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate (NSED) Also, please send an email to notify the CADES team. Jeff Banta ( #PBS -W group_list=cades-nsed #PBS -A nsed Note: If you do not see your group listed, please contact the CADES team and include: Subject: Help with SHPC Condo Registration Email body: UCAMS ID or XCAMS ID, contact information, reason for requesting an SHPC Condo allocation, and the name of your directorate and division. 137 Access your Allocation CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → How to Use → Access Your Allocation Access Your SHPC Condo Allocation After your access request has been approved and you have installed the prerequisites, you can log in to the Open Protection Zone or the Moderate Protection Zone. Open Protection Zone 1. Open a Bash terminal (or see here if you need more help). 2. Execute ssh . Replace ucams with your UCAMS/XCAMS ID. 3. When prompted, enter your password. Moderate Protection Zone 1. Open a Bash terminal (or see here if you need more help). 2. Execute ssh . Replace ucams with your UCAMS/XCAMS ID. 3. When prompted, enter your password. By default, /home directories should be automatically created for you when logging into SHPC Condos. You can run the following command on your terminal to see your files: # ls -lhtr /home/user total 20K drwxr-xr-x 2 user users 4 Apr 6 12:11 Test1 -rw-r--r-- 1 user users 982 Apr 6 12:11 -rw-r--r-- 1 user users 1.5K Apr 6 12:11 readme.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 user users 77 Apr 6 12:11 Replace the word The user with your UCAMS/XCAMS ID. ls -lhtr /home/user command will show the whole list and details of the files that a user has. 138 Execute a Job CADES → User Documentation → SHPC Condo User Guide → Execute a Job Execute a Job on Your SHCP Condo Allocation The tutorial below shows you how to run Wes Kendall's basic "hello world" program, written in C, using the message passing interface (MPI) to scale across the SHPC Condo compute nodes [1]. This tutorial is intended for users who are new to the SHPC Condo environment and leverages a portable batch system (PBS) script and a C source code. Note: Do not execute jobs on the login nodes; only use the login nodes to access your compute nodes. Processor-intensive, memory-intensive, or otherwise disruptive processes running on login nodes will be killed without warning. Prerequisites Access to the login node (XCAMS/UCAMS authorization). A PBS script that specifies your conditions/variables and calls the binary/script you would like to execute on the compute nodes. A Binary file, source, or script for the problem that you would like to run on the compute nodes. Files The steps below walk you through building a PBS script and compiling a C binary from source. However, if you wish to download the files used in this to tutorial files directly, you can do so using the links below. hello-world.pbs MyMPIhw.c – PBS script used for the hello world batch job – hello world C source code hello-world – hello world C binary (already compiled) Step 1: Connect to Your Allocation Open and Moderate protection zones each have their own login node. Choose the login node for your protection zone. Note: The Open protection zone can be accessed either using either XCAMS or UCAMS credentials. However, the Moderate protection zone requires an ORNL UCAMS ID. Open Protection Zone 1. Open a Bash terminal (or PuTTY for Windows users). 2. Execute ssh . Replace "xcams" with your XCAMS or UCAMS ID. 3. When prompted, enter your XCAMS or UCAMS password. Moderate Protection Zone 1. Open a Bash terminal (or PuTTY for Windows users). 2. Execute ssh . Replace "ucams" with your UCAMS ID. 139 Execute a Job 3. When prompted, enter your UCAMS password. Once you have connected to the login node, you can proceed to Step 2 and begin assembling your PBS script. Step 2: Create Your PBS Script Below is the PBS script we are using to run an MPI "hello world" program as a batch job. PBS scripts use variables to specify things like the number of nodes/cores used to execute your job, estimated wall time for your job, and which compute resources to use (e.g., GPU vs. CPU). The sections below feature an example PBS script for SHPC Condo resources, show you how to create/save your own PBS script, and show you how store the PBS script on an SHPC Condo file system. Check out the official Torque documentation for a complete list of PBS variables. Example PBS script Here is an example PBS script for running a batch job on a SHPC Condo allocation. We break down each command in the section below. #!/bin/bash #PBS -N MyMPIhw #PBS -M #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16 #PBS -l walltime=0:00:2:0 #PBS -W group_list=cades-birthright #PBS -A birthright #PBS -l qos=std #PBS -q gpu module purge module load PE-gnu module list cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR pwd mpirun hello-world Download this script (with explanatory comments) here. PBS Script Breakdown Here, we break down the essential elements of the above PBS script. First, we're going to set the script type: Bash. #!/bin/bash Next, you need to set the job name. Make it short and simple because your output files will share this name. We're going with MyMPIhw. #PBS -N MyMPIhw You can add your email address if you would like errors to be emailed to you directly. #PBS -M 140 Execute a Job Set your node spec, including the number of nodes and processors per node that you want to use to run your job. In this case, we're using one node and 16 cores per node. #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16 Tell PBS the anticipated runtime for your job, where walltime=HH:MM:S . The example below has the walltime set to 2 minutes. #PBS -l walltime=0:00:2:0 Specify your LDAP group. The full list of SHPC Condo LDAP groups is here. We're using cades-birthright in this case. #PBS -W group_list=cades-birthright You also need to specify your account type. We're also using birthright in this case. #PBS -A birthright Now we can set the quality of service (QOS). We can set this to burst or std. Burst jobs allow a user to leverage more nodes/cores/GPUs than may be in their formal allocation. However, in exchange for this "resource burst" flexibility, your burst job may be preempted if the rightful owner of those resources needs them to complete his or her own jobs. In most cases, a user will simply run a job with the QOS set to std. #PBS -l qos=std All SHPC Condo nodes have GPUs. Since this example uses a SHPC allocation, we're going to specify the use of GPUs. #PBS -q gpu Next we need to load the modules required for executing our batch job. First thing we'll do is clear any modules currently loaded that might result in a conflict. module purge With a clean slate, we can now load our programming environment using module load . For this particular example, all we need is the PE-gnu module, which loads OpenMPI, GCC, and XALT. module load PE-gnu The next line confirms the modules that were loaded. module list With our environment loaded, the PBS script now sets the working path. In this example, our binary will be launched from the same directory as our PBS script. The results from the binary will also be placed here. cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR Confirms current working directory. 141 Execute a Job pwd Finally, the last line of the PBS script calls MPI to run our hello-world binary. You can replace "hello-world" with the file name of whatever binary you wish to execute on the compute nodes. mpirun hello-world Procedure Now that we've covered the basics of a PBS script in the context of an SHPC Condo, let's talk about actually creating and using the script on your allocation. When creating and editing your PBS script, you have two basic options. Option 1: Create and edit your PBS script on your local machine and upload it to the Lustre path using secure copy ( scp ). Option 2: Create and edit your PBS script directly on the compute node (from Lustre storage) using Vi. Option 1: Create PBS Locally and Upload to Lustre Storage 1. Using your favorite text editor, create your PBS script on your local machine or download the pre-made example script. 2. Use the scp command to copy your PBS script from the source machine to the SHPC file system (Lustre storage in the Open protection zone in this case). scp /path/to/hello-world.pbs rld.pbs Replace "/path/to/hello-world.pbs" with the path of your script, and replace "xcams" with your XCAMS/UCAMS ID. You may be prompted for your XCAMS/UCAMS password if you have not copied your public SSH key to the login node. With the PBS script in place, you can now move on to compiling your hello world C code. Option 2: Create Your PBS Script Directly on the Compute Node 1. From the login node, change your working directory to the desired file system. We're going to use our Lustre allocation for this example. cd /lustre/or-hydra/cades-birthright/ucams Replace "ucams" with your own UCAMS/XCAMS user ID. 2. Use Vi to create and edit your PBS script. vi hello-world.pbs 3. Create your PBS script within Vi or paste the contents of your PBS script into Vi. 4. When finished, hit Esc on your keyboard to exit the input mode. 5. Enter :x! into Vi's command line, and press Return to save your file and return to the Bash shell. With the PBS script in place, you can now move on to compiling your hello world C code. 142 Execute a Job Step 3: Compile the C Program from Source Below is Wes Kendall's simple "hello world" C program that utilizes MPI to run the job in parallel [1]. We will need to compile this source code on one of the compute nodes (you can also download the compiled binary below if you prefer). MPI Hello World Source Code #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize the MPI environment. MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); // Get the number of processes. int world_size; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size); // Get the rank of the process. int world_rank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank); // Get the name of the processor. char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; int name_len; MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len); // Print off a hello world message. printf("Hello world from processor %s, rank %d" " out of %d processors\n", processor_name, world_rank, world_size); // Finalize the MPI environment. MPI_Finalize(); } Download this source here. Download the compiled binary here. Procedure When creating and editing your hello-world.c source code, you have two basic options. Option 1: Create and edit your source code on your local machine and upload it to the Lustre path using secure copy ( scp ). Compile the binary on the compute node. Option 2: Create and edit your source code directly on the compute node (from Lustre storage) using Vi. Compile the binary on the compute node. Option 1: Create Source Code Locally and Upload to Lustre Storage 1. Using your favorite text editor, create and edit your hello-world.c source code on your local machine or download the pre- made source here. 2. Use the scp command to copy your hello-world.c source code from your local machine to the SHPC file system (Lustre storage in the Open protection zone in this case). scp /path/to/hello-world.c d.c` Replace "/path/to/hello-world.c" with the path of your source code, and replace "xcams" with your XCAMS/UCAMS ID. You may be prompted for your XCAMS/UCAMS password if you have not copied your public SSH key to the login node. 3. Load the MPI compiler using the PE-gnu module. 143 Execute a Job module load PE-gnu 4. Compile the C source into a binary. mpicc -o hello-world hello-world.c 5. Use to verify the presence of the ls -al With the C code compiled into a binary ( hello-world hello-world binary in your working directory. ), we can now schedule and run the job on our compute nodes. Option 2: Create and Edit Source Code Directly on Compute Node 1. Ensure that you are still in your working directory ( 2. Use Vi ( /lustre/or-hydra/cades-birthright/ucams ) using pwd . ) to create your C source file within your working directory. vi vi hello-world.c 3. Paste the hello world C code into Vi. Hit Esc on your keyboard to exit the input mode. Enter :set paste into Vi's command line, and press Return to enter paste mode. Paste the C code into Vi. 4. When finished, hit Esc on your keyboard to exit the paste/input mode. 5. Enter :x! into Vi's command line, and press Return to save your file and return to the Bash shell. You now have a C source file that you can compile. 6. Load the MPI compiler using the PE-gnu module. module load PE-gnu 7. Compile the C source into a binary. mpicc -o hello-world hello-world.c 8. Use ls -al to verify the presence of the With the C code compiled into a binary ( hello-world hello-world binary in your working directory. ), we can now schedule and run the job on our compute nodes. Step 4: Run the Job 1. Before proceeding, ensure that you are still in your working directory (using module loaded (using module list pwd ) and that you still have the PE-gnu ). We need to be in the same path/directory as our PBS script and our C binary. Use PE-gnu also loads OpenMPI, GCC, and XALT. Use load PE-gnu 2. Use qsub module list ls -al to confirm their presence. to confirm their presence. If necessary, use module to reload the module(s). to schedule your batch job in the queue. qsub hello-world.pbs This command will automatically queue your job using Torque and produce a six-digit job number (shown below). 144 Execute a Job 143295.or-condo-pbs01 You can check the status of your job at any time with the checkjob command. checkjob 143295 You can also stop your job at any time with the qdel command. qdel 143295 3. View your results. Once your job completes, Torque will produce two output/data files. These output/data files, unless otherwise specified in the PBS script, are placed in the same path as your binary. One file ( myscript.ojobnumber ) contains the results of the binary you just executed, and the other ( myscript.ejobnumber ) contains any errors that occurred during execution. Replace "myscript" with the name of your script and "jobnumber" with your job number. You can view the contents of these files using the more command followed by the file name. more MyMPIhw.o143295 Your output should look something like this, with one line per processor core (16 in this case): Hello world from processor, rank 3 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 4 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 6 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 11 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 7 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 14 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 2 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 5 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 8 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 9 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 10 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 12 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 13 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 15 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 0 out of 16 processors Hello world from processor, rank 1 out of 16 processors 4. Download your results (using the scp command or an SFTP client) or move them to persistent storage. Works Cited 1. Wes Kendall, "MPI Hello World," MPI Tutorial, accessed June 14, 2017, 145 Launch a Docker Container CADES → User Documentation → User-Provided Tutorials for CADES Cloud → Launch a Docker Container Tutorial contributed by Drew Schmidt. Note: User-provided tutorials are not supported by CADES. Background Docker is a container architecture and ecosystem. A article nicely summarizes Docker as follows: Docker is a tool that can package an application and its dependencies in a virtual container that can run on any Linux server. This helps enable flexibility and portability on where the application can run, whether on premises, public cloud, private cloud, bare metal, etc. Containers have somewhat similar goals to a virtual machine (vm). However, a Docker container is not a vm. You are probably aware that vm's have some performance overhead compared to running things natively. However, it is worth noting that the applications that run inside of Docker containers actually run natively. Your Docker containers share the kernel with their host operating system. So there is no double overhead in running a container inside our vm. However, we still suffer some performance penalty by having virtualized in the first place. Many of the applications you will be interested in deploying are already configured for very easy use with Docker. You can find public repositories of many of your favorite applications set up on Docker Hub. First Steps We will assume that you are already reasonably familiar with the CADES Cloud system. If not, consider reading the user documentation. Make sure you read the section titled: Launch a VM Instance from an Image However, you get there, launch an Ubuntu 16.04 vm. For now, you can keep the setup very basic, just following the instructions outlined in the "Launch a VM Instance" page linked above. You may eventually be interested in more complicated configurations. For example, you may need to modify the security group details (say, for example, you want to run a docker container that runs a web server). For now, we will ignore those details. However, we provide a more complicated example in our Shiny tutorial. Install Docker Next, you need to ssh to your new vm. I named my instance show cades@whatever-you-named-your-vm t1 , so when I login, it shows me as cades@t1 . Your promt will . 146 Launch a Docker Container Having logged in, it's time to install Docker. The official Docker documentation provides a lot of useful information to this end. Below we summarize only the steps outlined in that article. If you wish to understand an individual step or if something goes wrong, please refer to the article. Otherwise, run: sudo apt-get install \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ software-properties-common curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y docker And if all is well, you should have Docker installed on your vm. Run a Test Container While still ssh'd to your CADES Cloud vm, you can test that your setup is working correctly by running: sudo docker pull hello-world sudo docker run hello-world If all goes well, you will have a small "hello world"-like output and return to your terminal, and should look something like this: 147 Launch a Docker Container That's it! 148 Launch Shiny within Docker CADES → User Documentation → User-Provided Tutorials for Birthright Cloud → Launch Shiny within Docker Tutorial contributed by Drew Schmidt. Note: User-provided tutorials are not supported by CADES. Background Shiny is a web app framework for the statistical programming language R. And while that might sound crazy, it actually works very well! Shiny is generally pretty easy to develop locally, but deploying it in Shiny Server can be a bit of a headache if you go about it the wrong way. This guide should help make the process as painless as possible. First Steps For simplicity, we will be using Shiny inside of a Docker container. Since shiny is a web app, that might lead you to think this process is going to be considerably more complicated than running it natively. However, I can assure you that this is not the case, particularly since the Rocker Project has handled most of the configuration details for us. They provide a shiny container already set up for business. However, if you wish to install Shiny server natively for some reason, then you will find some useful details in their Dockerfile. So the first step is to set up an Ubuntu 16.04 vm on the Birthright Cloud with Docker configured. See the Docker tutorial to learn how to set up Docker. Open Port(s) Since Shiny is a web app, we need to open some ports on the vm so that we can access it from a laptop. We also have to do something similar for the Docker container so it can communicate with the vm, but that is actually much easier (and explained in the next section). We will be using port 80. If you need to open another port, you can, but it's not as simple because port 80 is a pre-configured rule set for you. The Run a Simple Web Server guide from the official Birthright Cloud documentation is quite helpful here. The condensed version is you want to navigate to Access & Security and: 1. click Create Security Group and give it a name (I called mine shiny ) 2. click Manage Rules 3. click Add Rule 4. select http (this will open port 80; if you want another port, set up a custom tcp rule) 5. navigate to your instance (under the Instances tab) 6. click the triangle button next to Create Snapshot, select Edit Security Groups 7. add your new security group by clicking the blue "plus" button That may sound like a lot or feel a bit overwhelming, but it's not so bad. Give it a try! Run an Existing Shiny Container Example 1: k-means Demo 149 Launch Shiny within Docker Ok, we're finally ready to start talking Shiny. Assuming you've got your vm with Docker running, we'll first run some example (already configured and built) apps. The first is a simple demonstration of k-means, and is an official Shiny Gallery example. It is already set up on Docker Hub, so standing this up is a breeze. Simply ssh to your vm and run: sudo docker pull wrathematics/shinykmeans sudo docker run -i -t -p 80:3838 wrathematics/shinykmeans If you chose a port other than 80 when setting up the security groups, then you will need to change the 80 above accordingly. Now just point your web browser to the IP of your vm, which you can find from the Compute -> Instance tab on the Birthright Cloud dashboard. Example screenshot below (with actual IP addresses masked) So if your ip is need to append a colon , then you just need to go to : . If you chose to use a port other than 80, then you will and that port to the end of your ip address. So if you chose port 5555 , then you would go to . Example 2: Plot Builder Something that shows off the power of R and Shiny a bit more is the app "ggplotwithyourdata". For your convenience, this too has been set up on Docker Hub, and is similarly easy to use: sudo docker pull wrathematics/ggplotwithyourdata-docker sudo docker run -i -t -p 80:3838 wrathematics/ggplotwithyourdata-docker As before, just point your web browser to your vm's url and you're good to go. Deploying Your Own Shiny App Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your perspective), this is the most tricky part. In truth, this goes a bit beyond the scope of this document. Only you really know the dependencies of your app, so we can't tell you exactly what to do. But we can give some general advice: 1. You will need to create your own Dockerfile. This guide is also not the right place to learn all about the various options of Dockerfiles; this is. However, generally speaking, a Dockerfile is not that far removed from a shell script. So knowing how to build the app natively is important (and really, no different) in understanding how to get it to build in the container. 150 Launch Shiny within Docker 2. See how things are done on existing Dockerfile configurations. The k-means configuration is available here and the plot one here. These have been deliberately kept fairly simple. 3. Installing R packages from source is often much harder and always much more time consuming than installing binary packages. When you run install.packages() or devtools::install_github() package. However, there are many binary packages available in should check what is available before going the apt or the like, you are installing a source . These packages all have the prefix install.packages() route. However, sometimes the r-cran- r-cran- , so you packages are out of date, so check before you install. 4. You can run multiple apps in the same Docker container. You just place each one in its own subdirectory of server . So if you have apps foo and dependencies), you would put them in at and bar /srv/shiny- that you want to host in the same container (say they have very similar /srv/shiny-server/foo/ and /srv/shiny-server/bar . Then you would view them (replace the fake ip with your real one of course!). 5. For troubleshooting Shiny Server problems, see the Shiny Server Open Source Administrator's Guide. 151 Eclipse in CADES HPC CADES → User Documentation → User-Provided Tutorials for Birthright Cloud → Using Eclipse IDE Tutorial contributed by Fengming Yuan. Note: User-provided tutorials are not supported by CADES. Using the Eclipse IDE NOTE: Here is an example of create new fortran project, e.g. PFLOTRAN STEP 1. Log into CADES by X-windows from your local terminal (e.g. XQuartz on Mac OSX, or Cygwin-X on Windows OS). ssh -X (input ucams/xcams id and pwd) STEP 2. START eclipse (note: you may create a link, such as optional command in the following, or add eclipse=/software/user_tools/current/cades-ccsi/eclipse in .bashrc export ) $ export eclipse=/software/user_tools/current/cades-ccsi/eclipse (note: this is optional, otherwise, you can directly start the program) $eclipse #(this will start ECLIPSE in GUI shown in your desktop/laptop) 152 Eclipse in CADES HPC STEP 3. Create a project WELCOME page (if first time) & FILE DROP-DOWN menu: NEW ... PROJECT configuration: GENERIC Interface/windows of ECLIPSE: (note on how to add/create source codes) 153 Eclipse in CADES HPC MORE on windows... STEP 4. Build project 4.1 Project Properties Editing Right-click on the Project in 'Project Explorer' window ... 154 Eclipse in CADES HPC 4.2 Building settings Editing as what you NEEDED ... e.g. Build Directory (NOTE: you may browse your file system) 155 Eclipse in CADES HPC 4.3 Building behavior editing AGAIN, as NEEDED. 4.4 Clean up (previous) build (OPTIONAL) IF you would like to, clean previous build of project, by Right-click project, followed by clicking on 'Clean Project' 156 Eclipse in CADES HPC 4.5 Build your project Right-click on your project, then click on 'Build Project' 157 Eclipse in CADES HPC Building progress ...... 158 Eclipse in CADES HPC After Building Successfully. IF NOT, clicking the 'error' code file and editing in the 'editor window' STEP 5. Run project (NOTE: it's NOT allowed to directly run a program from the login node on CADES!) Run your executables in terminal, OR, include your built library (as USUALLY you do) 159 Eclipse in CADES HPC 160 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC CADES → User Documentation → User-Provided Tutorials for CADES Cloud → Using Allinea DDT Tutorial contributed by Fengming Yuan. Note: User-provided tutorials are not supported by CADES. Allinea Forge/DDT Client I. Allinea DDT Client The Client software is free from: The version for matching with CADES’ server-end is 6.0.6 (Currently). II. Configuration of Remote Server Currently, CADES has 2 versions of Allinea DDT/Forge, the following is tested with v.6.0.6 II-1. Start Allinea Forge Client locally Allinea Forge/DDT Client application installed ...... On your screen ....... 161 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC II-2. Configure Remote Launching Drop-down configure ...... Add or Modify ...... 162 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC Remote Launch Settings...... AND, ...... 163 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC II-3. DDT template on CADES You have to configure a DDT template file, to be used by Allinea Forge Client, as following: e.g., here a file named as ddt_template.qtf , which MUST be put in your home directory. # # Name: Generic Torque # # WARNING: If you install a new version of Allinea Forge to the same # directory as this installation, then this file will be overwritten. # If you customize this script at all, please rename it. # # submit: qsub # display: qstat # job regexp: (.+) # cancel: qdel JOB_ID_TAG # show num_nodes: yes # # WALL_CLOCK_LIMIT_TAG: {type=text,label="Wall Clock Limit",default="00:30:00",mask="09:09:09"} # QUEUE_TAG: {type=text,label="Queue",default=debug} ## Allinea Forge will generate a submission script from this by ## replacing these tags: ## TAG NAME | DESCRIPTION | EXAMPLE ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------## PROGRAM_TAG | target path and filename | /users/ned/a.out ## PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS_TAG | arguments to target program | -myarg myval ## NUM_PROCS_TAG | total number of processes | 16 ## NUM_NODES_TAG | number of compute nodes | 8 ## PROCS_PER_NODE_TAG | processes per node | 2 ## NUM_THREADS_TAG | OpenMP threads per proc | 4 ## DDT_DEBUGGER_ARGUMENTS_TAG | arguments to be passed to ddt-debugger ## MPIRUN_TAG | name of mpirun executable | mpirun ## AUTO_MPI_ARGUMENTS_TAG | mpirun arguments | -np 4 ## EXTRA_MPI_ARGUMENTS_TAG | extra mpirun arguments | -x FAST=1 #!/bin/bash #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -m ae #PBS -j oe #PBS -M #PBS -N acme_debug 164 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC #####PBS -q QUEUE_TAG #PBS -q batch #PBS -l nodes=NUM_NODES_TAG:ppn=PROCS_PER_NODE_TAG #PBS -l walltime=WALL_CLOCK_LIMIT_TAG #PBS -W group_list=cades-ccsi #PBS -A ccsi #PBS -l qos=std #PBS -l naccesspolicy=singlejob export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 #PBS -V #PBS -o PROGRAM_TAG-ddt.output #PBS -e PROGRAM_TAG-ddt.error ## The following line will use exactly the same default settings that ## Allinea Forge uses to launch without the queue. module load env/cades-ccsi module load vasp AUTO_LAUNCH_TAG ## Replace the above for more complex situations - such as for passing unusual ## parameters to mpirun, like machine files or processes per node -- below is ## an example. ## ## if test "MPI_TAG" = "mpich 1 standard" ; then ## MPIRUN_TAG -tv -np NUM_PROCS_TAG PROGRAM_TAG PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS_TAG ## else ## if test DEBUG_STARTER_TAG -eq 1 ; then ## ## DDT_CLIENT_TAG MPIRUN_TAG -np NUM_PROCS_TAG -machinefile $PBS_NODELIST PROGRAM_TAG PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS_TAG else ## ## MPIRUN_TAG -np NUM_PROCS_TAG -machinefile $PBS_NODELIST DDT_DEBUGGER_TAG PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS_TAG fi ## fi NOTE: (1)Please modify user information and others as NEEDED; (2) TIP: # or ## implies comments, EXCEPT for #PBS III. Step-by-Step Instruction on Debugging III-1. Start 'Run and debug a program' While 'Remote Launch: cades' is chosen, click "Run and debug a program" under "RUN" ...... 165 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC input your pwd, and ENTER ...... III-2. Configure Allinea DDT job-submission to CADES After successfully connecting to CADES, the following will pop up. THEN, you may add or edit a job-submission configuration IMPORTANT: if this is your first time to access CADES for submitting a job to run & debug, you MUST Click 'Configure...' under 'Submit to Queque'. And then add the above template *.qtf file (in your home directory) and other settings, AS Following: ....... 166 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC NOTE: This 'configuration' Window also can be used to configure other settings, as SHOWN. You may want to have some inspections by clicking each one* III-3. Submit job and Run AFTER clicking 'SUBMIT' button ...... ONCE your job status is as "R", WINDOW will be switching and showing as ......(OTHERWISE, the above window would be hanging on) 167 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC WHEN all requested Processes (e.g. here 64/64) connected and ready, the window will be changing into the run/debug views as FOLLOWING, and PAUSE at the main program entry point (usually)...... III-4. Debug The Program PAUSE at Breakpoint(s) 168 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC CHECK variables: current line or locals for current subroutine, OR do what you want ...... HIT a BUG, ......(NOT SO FUN?) 169 Allinea DDT in CADES HPC 170 Moving Data CADES → User Documentation → Moving Data Moving Data CADES Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) allow for speedy movement of large data sets into and out of ORNL's network. There are several transfer tool/protocol options to choose from to fit your needs. 1. Globus has a web interface or command line tools that you can use to transfer data between your personal endpoints or securely share access to your data. This is the preferred method of transfer for CADES. 2. Secure copy (scp) via the command line to and from storage locations, including local computers. scp 3. Secure (or SSH) file transfer protocol (SFTP) can be used to transfer files between two remote storage locations (similar to scp) but also allows the user to list directories and see content. You can use SFTP as long as you have SSH access to that host. sftp username@remote_hostname_or_IP 4. Graphical clients (SFTP) will allow you to use a graphical user interface with drag-and-drop capabilities. CADES maintains documentation for CyberDuck and WinSCP. For Linux users, there is no clear recommendation for SFTP clients. No one free client supports all of CADES storage services and behaves consistently. However, Cloud Explorer supports all of CADES services and typically behaves predictably on Linux systems. See here for a how-to guide using CloudExplorer and Scality. 5. rsync or rclone (supports s3) are other command line utilities that may suit your data transfer needs. At this time, CADES does not offer support for these tools. 171 Graphical Client SFTP CADES → User Documentation → Graphical Client File Transfer (SFTP) Transferring Files (SFTP) with a Graphical Client Graphical file transfer clients can be used to move data between your local machine and remote storage locations. Once you install the client on your computer and set up the remote connection, you may move folders and files between your computer and the remote storage using a drag-and-drop method. Note: It is impractical to maintain documentation on every storage system that CADES offers. These examples are chosen to be representative of our services. If you need help connecting to a different storage service, please email CADES. CyberDuck (macOS and Windows) Download Cyberduck here and run the installation. AWS S3 - Scality To set up a new connection, click on the Open Connection In the dropdown menu of the resulting window, select For Scality, change the server field to button in the top left of the window. Amazon S3 . . Paste your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key that was generated when you signed up for the AWS S3 service. Click Connect . OpenStack Virtual Machine To set up a new connection, click on the Open Connection In the dropdown menu of the resulting window, select button in the top left of the window. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) . Server: the IP address of your virtual machine Username: cades Password: leave blank Select your SSH key from the dropdown menu. Be sure to choose the SSH key that allows you to access your OpenStack virtual machine. Click Connect . 172 Graphical Client SFTP CADES OR Condo SHPC, NFS, and Lustre To set up a new connection, click on the Open Connection In the dropdown menu of the resulting window, select Server: button in the top left of the window. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) . Username: your UCAMS ID (UID) Password: your UCAMS password Select your SSH key from the dropdown menu. Be sure to choose the SSH key that allows you to access the CADES OR SHPC Condo login node. Click Connect . NFS user home directory path: Lustre storage path: ~/home/UID/ ~/lustre/or-hydra/ WinSCP (Windows) Download WinSCP here and run the installation. :bangbang: In cases where an SSH key is required for access, you must store the path to the key in WinSCP for each connection. To store the key, enter the connection information that you will find in the steps below. Then, click the Advanced... button. 173 Graphical Client SFTP Provide the path to your SSH private key. AWS S3 - Scality To set up a new connection, click on In the File protocol Host name: New Site in the top left of the window. dropdown menu on the right, select Amazon S3 . Paste your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key that was generated when you signed up for the AWS S3 service. Click Login . 174 Graphical Client SFTP OpenStack Virtual Machine To set up a new connection, click on In the File protocol New Site in the top left of the window. dropdown menu on the right, select SFTP . Host name: the IP address of your virtual machine User name: cades Password: leave blank Click Login . CADES OR Condo SHPC, NFS, and Lustre To set up a new connection, click on In the File protocol New Site in the top left of the window. dropdown menu on the right, select SFTP . Host name: the IP address of your virtual machine 175 Graphical Client SFTP Username: your UCAMS ID (UID) Password: your UCAMS password Click Login . NFS user home directory path: Lustre storage path: ~/home/UID/ ~/lustre/or-hydra/ Related Tutorials Scality Object Storage User Guide Globus Data Transfer Tool Access VM Instances 176 Globus Data Transfer Tool CADES → User Documentation → Globus Overview Globus Overview Globus is a powerful data transfer tool that has a wide range of support for popular storage systems and a simple graphical user interface. Using Globus is as easy as 1, 2, 3: 1. Set-up your Globus Account 2. Find or Set-up Endpoints 3. Transfer your Files & More Getting Started and Signing In Globus is primarily used via its web interface, though it is possible to download a personal client or use command line tools. 1. Navigate to the Globus website ( and click Log in . 2. Select your organization Oak Ridge National Laboratories from the drop-down menu and select Continue . 3. Use your UCAMS username and password to log in. If you have an existing Globus account, you may choose to link them at this time, or skip to the next step, by clicking No thanks, continue . 4. Accept the user agreement and Continue . The next screen with ask you to Allow permissions. For a list of common Endpoints or if you'd like to learn how to use Globus Endpoints, click here for our guide. Note: If you can not login to the DTN, but can to other CADES systems (like the login nodes), your account may have been temporarily blocked on the DTN. This occurs, for example, upon too many failed password attempts. If so, email CADES. 177 Globus Endpoints CADES → User Documentation → Globus Overview → Globus Endpoints Globus Endpoints Globus Endpoints are storage systems to which you have access. Once an Endpoint is located or created Globus saves the location for you so you do not need to repeatedly search type paths. Endpoint Search Term(s) Storage System Path Description CADES OR NFS /~/ CADES open research, user home directory CADES OR NFS /data/ CADES open research, NFS project directories CADES OR Lustre /lustre/or-hydra/ CADES open research, project directories. Highperformance, temporary storage. NCCS Open DTN Lustre See here Requires NCCS Open (XCAMS) account OLCF ATLAS OLCF DTN /path/to/project/file/data OLCF-managed NFS and Lustre storage system. Note: If you're having trouble finding an existing Endpoint, email the CADES team. Setting Up Endpoints Note: AWS S3 Scality storage is not yet supported on Globus, but will be in the future. 1. Click in the Endpoint box on the left side and search for CADES-OR (CADES Open Research). 2. You will be redirected to enter your UCAMS credentials. Authenticating the Endpoint with your credentials is known as Endpoint Activation and can be done when adding and using an Endpoint for the first time, or can be completed by navigating to the "Manage Endpoints" screen as shown in the following image ( Endpoints → Endpoint List → activate ). 178 Globus Endpoints 3. Once the endpoint is set you can modify the path to point to your file/data. In this example, we will connect to Lustre storage: lustre/or-hydra/cades-ops/proj-shared 4. On the right side, set the endpoint. We will use OLCF Titan's file system. Search for OLCF ATLAS . 5. Again, you may adjust the path. Your home directory is default. Creating an Endpoint on your Personal or Work Computer It is easy to use your personal or work computer as a Globus Endpoint. Follow the instructions below. Note: You may need to create a firewall exception for the Globus Personal Client. For configuration instructions, please consult the details on the Globus site. 1. Choose a descriptive name for your endpoint and click Generate Setup Key . 2. Copy the Setup Key. You will paste this into the software during setup. 3. Navigate to the Globus Personal Connect webpage to download the client onto your personal (or ORNL-owned) computer. 4. Click on the name of your operating system to obtain detailed instructions for installing the client and setting up the Endpoint. 5. Once the client is installed, launch the program. You will be prompted to paste your setup key. Note: The Globus Personal Endpoint Client may produce errors if you are connected to the ORNL network via VPN. 6. Now you may use the Globus web interface or the command line interface to search for your new endpoint using the name you provided in step 1. 179 Globus Endpoints 180 Globus Transfers & More CADES → User Documentation → Globus Overview → Globus Endpoints Globus Transfers & More Globus File Transfers 1. Find the endpoints (on the left and right of the screen) you wish to use according to the endpoints instructions. 2. Modify the paths to the data you wish to transfer. For this example, we will move a file from CADES Lustre storage to OLCF Atlas. 3. Click and drag files/folders between the two halves of the screen. Additional Features Create a Folder: Globus also supports the creation of folders from within the browser interface. Sharing Endpoints: You can share endpoints with anyone who has a Globus account. If you are sharing from a managed endpoint (i.e. CADES OR) he or she will also need to have the proper credentials to access that resource. Note: Shared endpoints can only be created on personal endpoints if you have a subscription service through Globus. On CADES resources, shared endpoints may be requested by emailing CADES. Sharing a personal endpoint: Navigate to the endpoint list that is administered by yourself: here. Click on the endpoint you would like to manage. On the resulting screen, click the My Shares tab. Then click + Add Shared Endpoint . Fill out the required information, as shown below. 181 Globus Transfers & More Follow the instructions for configuring the shared endpoint. For additional information of sharing files and endpoints, see the Globus documentation. 182 Globus Command Line Interface CADES → User Documentation → Globus Overview → Globus Command Line Interface Globus Command Line Interface (CLI) If you wish to utilize the Globus transfer tools from the command line, you can download the Globus Command Line Interface (CLI). It is available as a Python package. Installing the Required Tools Since the tool is a Python package, you will need Python installed, as well as the pip installer. Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python sudo apt-get install python-pip export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" echo 'export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> "$HOME/.bashrc" CentOS: sudo yum install python sudo yum install python-pip export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" echo 'export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> "$HOME/.bashrc" macOS: sudo easy_install python sudo easy_install pip export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" echo 'export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> "$HOME/.bashrc" Some versions of Python will not be installed in ~/.local . If you have trouble getting globus commands to execute, try the following commands to change the path: GLOBUS_CLI_INSTALL_DIR="$(python -c 'import site; print(site.USER_BASE)')/bin" echo "GLOBUS_CLI_INSTALL_DIR=$GLOBUS_CLI_INSTALL_DIR" export PATH="$GLOBUS_CLI_INSTALL_DIR:$PATH" echo 'export PATH="'"$GLOBUS_CLI_INSTALL_DIR"':$PATH"' >> "$HOME/.bashrc" Windows: The Windows package manager "Chocolatey" is recommended for installation. See here for Chocolatey installation instructions. To install Python and pip , see here. All Operating Systems: To install the Globus CLI, use the following command: pip install --upgrade --user globus-cli . Optional: if you wish to use the Globus CLI from within a python virtual environment, see instructions here. Otherwise, you may continue using this guide. To start, you will need to log in to Globus: globus login appear. To make sure that your login was successful, type look something like this: . Follow the instructions to get logged in. A browser window may globus get-identities '' c698d42e-d274-11e5-bf75-1fc5bf53bb56 . A successful output will . 183 Globus Command Line Interface Globus CLI Basics Endpoint Search $ globus endpoint search 'CADES OR' ID | Owner | Display Name ------------------------------------ | --------------------- | -------------57230a10-7ba2-11e7-8c3b-22000b9923ef | | CADES-OR Endpoint Management Use variables for endpoint IDs: Endpoint IDs are cumbersome. You cannot rename them, but you can store them as variables. For example: epCADESOR=57230a10-7ba2-11e7-8c3b-22000b9923ef Now you can use the variable to display information and manage files (with truncated output): $ globus endpoint show $epCADESOR Display Name: CADES-OR ID: 57230a10-7ba2-11e7-8c3b-22000b9923ef Owner: Activated: True Shareable: True Department: CADES Organization: Oak Ridge National Lab Department: CADES Visibility: True Default Directory: /~/ Force Encryption: False Managed Endpoint: True Make a directory: globus mkdir $epCADESOR:~/example_dir List the contents of a directory: $ globus ls $epCADESOR:~/ example_dir/ cades-user-guide.pdf hello-world.c hello-world.pbs File transfer between endpoints: First, search for a second endpoint. Then set that endpoint as a Bash variable. $ globus endpoint search 'OLCF ATLAS' ID | Owner | Display Name ------------------------------------ | ----------------- | -----------ef1a9560-7ca1-11e5-992c-22000b96db58 | | OLCF ATLAS $ epATLAS=ef1a9560-7ca1-11e5-992c-22000b96db58 Make a single file transfer. globus transfer $epCADESOR:/cades-user-guide.pdf $epATLAS:~/cades-user-guide.pdf \ --label "user-guide" Make a batch transfer. $ globus transfer $epCADESOR:/example_dir/ $epATLAS:~/ \ --batch --label "CADES Batch" < in.txt 184 Globus Command Line Interface Related Tutorials Globus Endpoints Graphical SFTP 185 Scality Object Storage User Guide CADES → User Documentation → Scality Storage Scality User Guide Glossary AWS - Amazon Web Service S3 - Simple Storage Service. Amazon's object storage service and, more generally, the protocol it uses. Scality - An on-premises, object storage as a service, data archiving solution available to CADES users. This environment uses the same aws commands and S3 protocol as interacting with Amazon's S3 service. The mechanics of storing and retrieving data into either Amazon or Scality are functionally quite similar. Table of Contents 1. Getting Started 2. Basic Operations 3. Moving Files with a Graphical SFTP Client 1. Getting Started Requesting Access Internal ORNL (UCAMS) users may self-request access to the object storage resource here. Requests are normally approved within 24 hours after which you may log in to receive your access token. External (XCAMS) users without an existing account may create one here. Outside users who already have an XCAMS account should email and request access to the object storage resource. Users who have forgotten their XCAMS user ID or password may recover them here. Required software The AWS Command Line tool is used for interaction with the storage service, and can be scripted for automated workflows. Installing the AWS CLI is summarized below, and you may consult the official AWS CLI install guide. CADES SHPC Users The aws client is provided via a software module, though you may install a local version in your home directory if you wish. From the SPHC login nodes: -bash-4.2$module load python/3.6.1 -bash-4.2$aws --version aws-cli/1.14.14 Python/3.6.1 Linux/3.10.0-327.4.4.el7.x86_64 botocore/1.8.18 Windows Users Download from OSX Users See AWS macOS instructions. 186 Scality Object Storage User Guide Linux/OpenStack Users You may encounter issues if awscli distribution's package manager ( apt and the or awscli-plugin-endpoint ) and one from yum pip are installed from different sources e.g. one from your . Installing both via pip usually allows them to work together well. Note: It is recommended to install the components in a Python virtual environment, the instructions for which are available here. If you wish to install system-wide (as root) you may do so with pip via: sudo pip install awscli sudo pip install awscli-plugin-endpoint # Endpoint Plugin sudo pip install awscli-plugin-endpoint # or # pip install awscli-plugin-endpoint --user Logging In Log in to the Scality authentication endpoint here. A dropdown presents options for each CADES group of which you are a member For personal access: Choose scalityiamuser For project (shared) access: Choose the appropriate group Auth Tokens You must log in and acquire an authentication token to interact with the storage environment. The token may be used for interactive or automated workflows until it expires, at which point it must be renewed. You may have several active tokens, for accessing buckets owned by different projects, etc. and switch between them via the profile -- option (below). Retrieving the token and placing it into your environment currently requires a few steps. Progress is being made on a scripted method to automate these steps. Edit your ~/.aws/credentials file (or run aws configure and paste the appropriate values into the prompts) to create: [default] aws_access_key_id = aws_secret_access_key = Default region name = Default output format = Re-authenticating / Token Expiry Your AWS-CLI (command line interface) tool should be able to connect to the local Scality S3 instance until the expiration time listed in the JSON string. When the access keys have expired the again and run aws configure aws commands will produce an error message similar to the one below. Simply log in again. An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the ListBuckets operation: The AWS access key Id you provid ed does not exist in our records. 187 Scality Object Storage User Guide Initial Profile Configuration The commands need to know which endpoint to go to. By default the external Amazon S3 service is assumed, so we will aws change this to use the on-premises storage instead. Set the default endpoint by running the below command for the configuration profile that you are going to use, which is typically default . aws configure set plugins.endpoint awscli_plugin_endpoint aws configure --profile default set s3.endpoint_url aws configure --profile default set s3api.endpoint_url Note: The first command enables the "endpoint" plugin, which allows easy switching between interacting with multiple internal (Scality) identities or external (AWS) accounts by passing a ~/.aws/credentials --profile argument. Your ~/.aws/config and must have profiles and credentials defined for each identity. Further information on configuring multiple named profiles: 2. Basic Operations Integrated User Manual The AWS-CLI tool has help text integrated into it. To invoke this, use build your command line and post-pend help aws help . To get detailed help about supported features, to the command. As an example if you want help with the S3 copy command, type: aws s3 cp help General Format As we are dealing with the S3 service we will almost always be specifying one of two commands to run: aws s3 or aws s3api . Create a New Bucket Buckets are storage areas similar to Unix volumes or Windows drives. With every s3 command a bucket must be specified. Create a new bucket for yourself or shared project. Do not use special characters, other than dashes or underscores. Note: To provide shared access to other members of specific CADES groups, ensure you create the bucket using the authentication token appropriate for that group. To create a user-private bucket use the authentication token provided when selecting scalityiamuser . See section 1 for information on obtaining multiple tokens. aws s3 mb s3://myproject Listing S3 Buckets Use the s3api command with list-buckets to display buckets visible to you: aws s3api list-buckets 188 Scality Object Storage User Guide Example output: In this example the important string to note is the association with Buckets → Name: { "Buckets": [ { "Name": "eos", "CreationDate": "2017-08-23T21:58:17.405Z" } ], "Owner": { "DisplayName": "", "ID": "463e4bdd134ec2543672faef1066710cc90be348a18af455456518ec1dfd0818" } } Copying Files Into and Out of S3 Copying files into S3 is very similar to copying files on the Unix command line or SCP. The aws command is used, along with the endpoint specification, both common to all operations. We specify the S3 service and that we want to copy files. The direction can either be local → S3 or S3 → local file system, simply by reversing the order. aws s3 cp s3:/// Example: aws s3 cp largefile s3://cades-8d73a078-94c6-4a73-a668-345fc6ee8618/largefile Optionally adding --profile may be used to specify the named profile and matching credentials to be used. Syncing Files The S3 service provides a capability similar to that of the synchronization can be either to S3 or from S3. The rsync command. Similar to the copy command the direction of can be relative or absolute. This is significantly faster if you have a moderate number of files. aws s3 sync s3:///directory Example: aws --quiet s3 sync /home/xok/project/S3/scality_s3/benchmark/large s3://cades-8d73a078-94c6-4a73-a668-345fc6ee 8618/large When the quiet sync operation is used a line is updated with the current command statistics. Above we see the optional parameter -- . This suppresses the update statistics output. This is useful when capturing command output as the progress bar normally fills log files with a large amount of unintelligible output. Removing Files Removing a single file: aws s3 rm s3:/// 189 Scality Object Storage User Guide Example: aws s3 rm s3://cades-8d73a078-94c6-4a73-a668-345fc6ee8618/largefile Removing a directory With the addition of the --recursive option an entire directory can be removed. Example: aws s3 rm --recursive s3://cades-8d73a078-94c6-4a73-a668-345fc6ee8618/large_directory List Files To list the files in a bucket, type: aws s3 ls Example: aws s3 ls cades-8d73a078-94c6-4a73-a668-345fc6ee8618 3. Moving Files with a Graphical SFTP Client CADES maintains documentation for CyberDuck and WinSCP clients. See here. 190 Scality Advanced Usage CADES → User Documentation → Scality Storage → Scality Advanced Usage Advanced Scality Operations & FAQ 1. Advanced Operations Writing Data Directly From an Application If your application would be sped up by skipping writing data to disk and instead writing directly to S3 this is possible in a sizable number of programming languages. Of relevance to scientific computing are the C++, Python, and Java SDKs. For a complete list please see the AWS Tools page ( We have tested the Python interface and have found it to be highly performant. Example Python script that puts the contents of the data string into a file called ‘test.txt’. This works for serializable objects. #!/usr/bin/env python import boto3 s3 = boto3.resource('s3') data = 'This is some test data in a string for S3' s3.Bucket('cades-8d73a078-94c6-4a73-a668-345fc6ee8618').put_object(Key='test.txt', Body=data) 2. FAQ Connection Hangs Check that either the default s3 url has been set (see Getting Started section) or that the below option is added to the command aws : --endpoint-url= Example: aws --endpoint-url= s3 ls cades-8d73a078-94c6-4a73-a668-345fc6ee8618 InvalidAccessKeyId Error If your command or program exits with the below error, it means that it is either time to update your credentials or that they were not added to the ~/.aws/credentials file correctly. An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the PutObject operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. awscli_plugin_endpoint If you see the error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'awscli_plugin_endpoint' You need to run the following command: 191 Scality Advanced Usage module load python 192 Scality in a Python Virtual Environment CADES → User Documentation → Scality Storage → Scality in a Python Virtual Environment Setting up a Python Virtual Environment Virtual environments are primarily useful for moments when you need to reconfigure or install software but need to be mindful of the influence on other programs and settings. 1. Install the virtual environment: sudo apt-get python-virtualenv 2. Tell your system where to store the environment: 3. Activate the environment: or sudo yum python-virtualenv virtualenv $HOME/myEnv source $HOME/myEnv/bin/activate Use your environment as you normally would use your system. When you are done, type exit to close the environment. 193 Ways to Contribute CADES → User Documentation → Contributing Ways to Contribute Would you like to make things better? There are a few ways you can contribute to improving our documentation and adding usercreated tutorials or content. 1. Email your suggestions to the team 2. Join our community on Slack! It's friendly. 3. Want to change things? Feeling adventurous? Want to git savvy? See instructions for our git workflow to branch our documentation repository and hack away. You got this. 4. We've made note of a few things to keep in mind while creating user content. You can find them in our authoring guide. 194 Contribute with Git CADES → User Documentation → Contributing → Git Workflow Recommended Workflow for Git and Atom GitLab is a popular platform to share code, store software solutions, and host documentation. ORNL provides two GitLab servers and, the later being accessible only inside of ORNL. Access to GitLab repositories is controlled by project owners. You may login and create your own projects and repositories, and share them with others. While there are many text editors to choose from, Atom is recommended due to its ability to be customized and integrated with GitLab/Git. Install Atom: Would you prefer not to use Atom? Here is git documentation for git in the command line. CADES User Documentation Documentation published to CADES users is available within Gitlab at and users are encouraged to contribute to improving the material, or providing user created tutorials to share with the community. Configuring Atom and Git Atom has several packages which enhance the user experience and some of them you'll need for the workflow. The packages can be installed by entering the Settings screen and choosing Install . There are thousands of packages, so try some out and have fun. 1. Necessary Packages: git-plus (integrates Git) todo-show (provides visuals for TODO and FIXME tags) 2. Optional but Recommended Packages: linter (aids in code validation, will also need linter package for each language) minimap (displays thumbnail version of document along with your location within it) git-checkout (allows checking out remote branches within Atom) 3. Now that Atom is set-up, you'll need to make sure Git knows who you are. You'll only need to complete this step if you've never used Git on your machine before. 4. Open a terminal window. 5. If you need to install Git, see here for detailed instructions for popular operating systems. 6. To configure Git, input your user name and email as below: git config --global "ab1" (3-letter UCAMS username) git config --global "" (ORNL email) Connecting Atom to a Repository 1. Navigate to the GitLab repository in your web browser. For this example, we'll use the user-documentation repository. Copy the SSH address to your machine's clipboard. 195 Contribute with Git 2. Now, back inside Atom, open the control 3. Type + shift git clone + p Command Palette . On Mac, press shift + command + p . In Windows/Linux, press . and press enter . 4. Paste the ssh address in the resulting window. You may also modify the location of the local folder. 5. Wait for the repository to clone. 6. Now you can see the files have populated into the folder you specified. These files represent a local copy, to which you will make changes. 7. Before you leave GitLab's webpage, consider adding your ssh key to your profile so you will not be prompted for credentials after every commit. To add your public ssh key to GitLab: Click on your user image in the top-right of the GitLab window. Select Settings On the left, click . ssh keys . Paste your public ssh key in the box, provide a title, and save by clicking Add key . Note: You have now checked out the master branch of the remote repository. You may lack permission to push your changes to master, or may wish not to do so. Working from Branches At this point you likely either want to create a new branch and add your contributions there, or checkout a different branch you or someone else has already created. Each of these options are shown next. Unless you have reason otherwise you should choose one of these, rather than attempting to work from the master branch. Create a New Branch 1. Create a git branch by clicking on the master button on the bottom-right of the Atom window. Name the branch something descriptive. Checkout an Existing Branch We will need the name of the remote branch we wish to work on 1. The GitLab project page displays a droplist with the name of available branches. 196 Contribute with Git 2. Open the Atom command palette and search for git checkout checkout (requires git checkout plugin having been installed). You may also open the checkout dialog directly using the hotkeys ctrl + opt + shift + c ctrl + alt + shift + c (or on Mac). The checkout dialog is a list of branches to checkout or switch to. Using the arrow keys, highlight the custom entry and hit enter. Now type in the name of the remote branch name. You may find this in GitLab. A notice will display if the checkout was successful. You may then switch between branches using the branch selector in the bottom-right toolbar. Note: If checking out a remote branch within Atom using the 'git checkout' plugin, ensure you read the directions carefully. Do not click on the 'custom' branch, use the arrow keys and hit enter and then supply the name of the remote branch you wish to checkout. Lastly, if you make a mistake while typing in the branch name, you will end up creating a new branch with the typo. Be 197 Contribute with Git sure to correctly type the branch name. Command Line Branching Rather than using using the checkout dialogs in Atom, you may also list and checkout remote branches using the git command line tools. List remote branches: $ git branch -r origin/GettingStartedWork origin/HEAD -> origin/master origin/master origin/wendi-5 origin/user-contributions Checkout a remote branch from the command line. git checkout --track origin/wendi-5 after which you may select the branch within Atom. GitLab GUI Editing You don't have to use Atom for editing. You can hit the edit button in GitLab and edit directly, and preview before committing. Note that only repository owners can edit directly this way - otherwise you can create a branch and edit your branch directly. Uploading Your Changes 1. Make changes to the files as needed. 2. You can open the Git window by pressing Unstaged Staged ^ + ( . Here you view unstaged and staged changes. means the files are not ready to be committed. means the files are ready to be committed. 3. Stage all of the files that you'd like to commit to the branch. This is accomplished by selecting the file. Alternatively, on the top-right of the Git window, there is a Stage All 4. Commit your changes either within the Git window, or by entering git commit symbol next to each in Atom's command palette. Enter a commit message that will help you and others understand what changes were made. Then click 5. Push changes to GitLab by typing + button. Commit . git push in the command palette, or using Atom's up/down Git arrows located on the git push that says "No upstream branch" open your terminal and navigate to the local bottom-right of the window. Note: If you get an error after typing copy of the repository. Then type the command palette to type git push --set-upstream origin name_of_branch git push . From then on you should be able to use or use the up/down arrows on the bottom-right of the window. Creating a Merge Request Merging your branch into the master branch, thereby makes your changes appear in the final version of the files. You can send a merge request using the GitLab GUI. 1. From the left menu panel in Gitlab, select Merge Request then the green New merge request button. 2. Select your branch in the "Source Branch" side. Target branch will be master Click compare branches . 3. On the next screen the only thing needed is simply: Assign to: < Project Owner, etc. > 198 Contribute with Git Click Submit merge request Previewing Changes When you push a branch, your changes will get built in a "Review Environment" at and will allow you to click on the name of your branch. A link to this review environment will be available on the Pull Request page that is created for your branch. This will allow us to take a quick glance at changes before we merge them into production. Note: Preview sites are a prototype in the workflow. This feature may not always work and is offered as an unsupported convenience. 199 Git in the Command Line CADES → User Documentation → Contributing → Git in the Command Line Git Workflow from the Command Line There are many reasons one would prefer to work from the command line. Regardless of your reasons, here is how to contribute to the CADES documentation using only command line tools. This guide is adapted from GitLab's documentation. It is assumed that users of this guide understand basic git/version control principles. To read more, visit this page. Install Git and Set-up 1. First, check to see if git is installed. git --version To install and/or update git using your package manager: CentOS, RedHat: sudo yum install git sudo yum update git Debian, Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get update git MacOS, use Homebrew: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew install git brew upgrade git Windows: download Git for Windows and install it. 2. Set-up git with your access credentials to GitLab with the following commands: git config --global "your_username" git config --global "" You can review the information that you entered during set-up: git config --global --list 3. (Optional) Prior to cloning the repository, consider adding your ssh key to your GitLab profile so you will not be prompted for credentials after every commit. To add your public ssh key to GitLab: Click on your user image in the top-right of the GitLab window. Select Settings On the left, click . ssh keys . Paste your public ssh key in the box, provide a title, and save by clicking Add key . Using Repositories and Branches 1. Clone an existing repository. git clone 200 Git in the Command Line If you have already cloned the repository but are returning to your local version after a while, you'll want to make sure your local files are up to date with the branch. You can pull updates from master or from branch_name. git pull origin branch_name 2. You're ready to make edits using your favorite text editor. You will need to create a new branch or checkout an existing branch that will later be merged into the master branch. When naming branches, try to chose something descriptive. To create a branch: git checkout -b branch_name To list existing branches: git branch -r To checkout an existing branch: git checkout --track origin/branch_name or git checkout branch_name Note: You may only have one branch checked out at a time. 3. When you are satisfied with your changes, commit them to your branch by adding and committing the changes. git add --all git commit -m "descriptive text about your changes" 4. After committing the edits, you'll want to push the changes to GitLab. If the following produces an error, see below the code snippet for common solutions. The structure of this command is git push . git push Upstream error: git push --set-upstream origin branch_name or git push -u origin branch_name Creating a Merge Request At this time, GitLab does not natively support submissions for merge requests via the command line. You can send a merge request using the GitLab GUI. 1. From the left menu panel in Gitlab, select Merge Request then the green New merge request button. 2. Select your branch in the "Source Branch" side. Target branch will be master Click compare branches . 3. On the next screen the only thing needed is simply: Assign to: < Project Owner, etc. > Click Submit merge request 201 CADES Authoring Guide CADES → User Documentation → Contribute → Authoring Guide Authoring Guide for CADES Perhaps you've got some how-to documents tucked away in folders that you'd like to share with the CADES community. Or maybe you've discovered a way of doing things that would benefit other users. You can submit your user guides for publication within the CADES documentation site! See the contributing page for instructions. We've assembled here the fundamental authoring guidelines for CADES user documentation. Document and Content Preferences Documents should be created using markdown. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) uses the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) as a basic style guide. Define the first instance of every acronym in each document. Ensure that the long form is not repeated after it is defined. Buttons and links that the user should "click" should go in Put 📝 Use ▾ code . For example, "Next, click the Manage Rules button." in front of NOTES. Renders: for those "carrot" drop-down menus. Renders: For headings: only use title case for the first three heading levels, # , ## , and ### . The remaining header levels should be sentence case. Pictures and Images Screenshots and images cannot be resized using markdown. Therefore, we embed .html that will be rendered when we publish the tutorial to the documentation site. Images and screenshots are stored in a folder ./screenshots/ . Files should be named descriptively. For example, use names such as adding-IP-address.png To remain consistent with other images in tutorials, please use the following .html instead of image03.png . code to resize, add a border, and open in a new browser tab when clicked. Note that you'll need to change the file name twice in the following code. Other Considerations Have you redacted sensitive information from text and images? Have you removed information that is protected by copyright? Are you using a specific version of your software and have you included in the documentation? Related Topics Using a Git Workflow for creating user content. 202 CADES Authoring Guide 203 CADES Cloud User Policy CADES → User Documentation → Birthright Cloud User Policy Birthright Cloud User Policy Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) now provides eligible customers with an OpenStack cloud computing solution with customizable virtual machines (VM). This new resource, called "Birthright Cloud," enables customers in science and technology directorates to leverage self-service portals to rapidly request these VMs for production, testing, and development. Cloud computing provides an efficient pooling of on-demand, self-managed virtual infrastructure, consumed as a service. The OpenStack platform used here is an open-source cloud computing software solution that allows the creation of individual "Project" allocations for each user. Users can then fill these Project allocations with their own VMs without further intervention from CADES administrators—a true self-service implementation. The CADES OpenStack Birthright Cloud allocations provide: Self Service – Through the Horizon web interface, users can create, manage, and delete VMs. Portability – Operations can be performed using any local system that provides a Bash terminal and SSH functionality. Elasticity – Users can create VMs on demand and delete them when they are no longer needed. Disclaimers If a concept or feature is not explicitly described within this policy, then it is not explicitly supported by the CADES team. The only official copy of this document is this online electronic version found on This policy is subject to change. Acceptable Use Computers, software, and communications systems provided by CADES are to be used for work associated with, and within the scope of, an approved project. The use of CADES resources for personal or non-work-related activities is strictly prohibited. All computers, networks, email, and storage systems are property of the US Government. Any misuse or unauthorized access is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties. CADES systems are provided to users without any warranty. CADES will not be held liable in the event of any system failure or data loss or corruption for any reason, including, but not limited to: negligence, malicious action, accidental loss, software errors, hardware failures, network losses, or inadequate configuration of any computing resource or ancillary system. User Responsibilities All Birthright Cloud users must comply with ORNL security rules and with the following: All operating system patches must be applied according to ORNL patching requirements. If user-sourced software images are uploaded, the user is responsible for keeping a copy of the image in case of accidental deletion or corruption. No moderate/confidential data should be mounted or copied to the VMs. Open science only. VMs should be removed from your OpenStack Project when they are no longer needed. VM operating systems must be updated or migrated before they reach an end-of-life development status. 204 CADES Cloud User Policy Application for Resources Birthright Cloud allocations are available to ORNL research and technical staff, by request, through CADES. The request is made through the ORNL XCAMS portal and requires your UCAMS ID. An activation notice will be sent when your resources are ready for use. CADES reserves the right to throttle access to Birthright Cloud allocations as resource constraints require. How to: Request Your CADES Birthright Cloud Allocation Authentication and Authorization Users can access their Birthright Cloud allocation using a web-based GUI called "Horizon.” See the Birthright Cloud user guide for details. How to: Manage Your OpenStack Project in Horizon Users are prohibited from changing or circumventing access controls to allow themselves or others to perform actions outside of their authorized privileges. In the event that an account is compromised, users must notify the CADES support team ( immediately. Users should also promptly inform the CADES support team ( of any changes in their contact information (email, phone, affiliation, etc.). The CADES team reserves the right to terminate accounts if any terms of this policy are violated. Note: DO NOT share your credentials, passwords, private keys, or certificates, with anyone. Account Access Maintenance ORNL staff who have been granted a Birthright Cloud allocation have indefinite access to these resources for the duration of their time at ORNL and/or for as long as these resources are made available through CADES. As underlying technologies and platforms change, users may be required to perform account access maintenance as needed. Access at the End of a Project When a user leaves ORNL, their Birthright Cloud allocation will close out, which results in the termination of account access and deletion of any remaining VMs running in their allocation. The user should move or save any data that he or she wishes to keep before leaving ORNL. Computing Policy CADES provides public VM images for Birthright Cloud customers. These images have been customized for better integration into both the ORNL environment as well as the user's scientific workflow, and are the only images fully supported by CADES. CADES will not provide support for user-provided images. If you still want to run a custom cloud image, or if you would like to inquire about migrating an image from an existing VM resource, please contact the CADES support team ( for your request. Because of the highly heterogeneous hardware architecture of CADES resources (in terms of processors, network interconnects, and disk technologies), and the fact that some of these resources are shared or may be overcommitted, CADES provides no guaranteed minimum performance level. However, if your application requires a certain level of performance that you have not 205 CADES Cloud User Policy been able to obtain using your Birthright Cloud allocation, please contact the CADES support team ( for assistance. Storage Policy The Birthright Cloud allocations, like other cloud solutions available on the market, provide a fungible resource that is subject to certain reliability constraints. Valuable data should be stored on a secondary storage solution, not exclusively on a user’s Birthright Cloud VM Instance. No moderate/confidential data should be mounted or copied to your Birthright Cloud VM Instance. Birthright Cloud VM Instances are for open science. Storage Allocation From inception, each Birthright Cloud allocation has a set storage quota. CADES reserves the right to change this storage quota at any time. See the Birthright Cloud User Documentation for details. If a user requires more storage for their allocation, he or she can submit a proposal to the CADES Resource Utilization Council to request a storage quota increase. This proposal should describe the amount of storage desired and the scientific goal and merit of the work being performed using the CADES Birthright Cloud allocation. These requests will be reviewed by the council on a case-by-case basis. Data Retention When a project ends and a Birthright Cloud allocation is closed out, account access is terminated, and any remaining VMs and their associated data are deleted. Users are responsible for moving or saving any data that they would like to keep before their project ends and their allocation is closed out. Backups The Birthright Cloud allocations, like other cloud solutions available on the market, provide a fungible resource that is subject to certain reliability constraints. Valuable data should be stored on a secondary storage solution, not exclusively on a user’s Birthright Cloud VM Instance. At this time, there are no CADES-supported provisions for automatic backups of the VMs or their data. The user is responsible for backing up data and instances to their desired secondary storage solution. Purge Policy or Quota From inception, each Birthright Cloud allocation has a set quota, and CADES reserves the right to change this storage quota at any time. See the Birthright Cloud user documentation for details. How to: View your OpenStack Project Quota If a user requires more resources for their allocation, he or she can submit a proposal to the CADES Resource Utilization Council to request a quota increase. This proposal should describe the resources desired (RAM, CPUs, storage) and the scientific goal and merit of the work being performed using the CADES Birthright Cloud allocation. These requests will be reviewed on a case-bycase basis. 206 CADES Cloud User Policy Special Requests and Policy Exemptions Users can request policy exemptions by contacting the CADES support team ( Requests are subject to review by the CADES Resource Utilization Council. Acknowledging CADES The following acknowledgment should be included in publications and presentations that contain work performed using CADES resources. This research used resources of the Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC0500OR22725. 207

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