CircleCI Server V2.16 Operations Guide Ops

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CircleCI Server v2.16 Operations Guide
Reviewed and Tested Documentation
February 11th, 2019



1 Overview
Build Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Services Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nomad Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GitHub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction to Nomad Cluster Operation with CircleCI
Basic Terminology and Architecture . . . . . . . . .
Basic Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Checking the Jobs Status . . . . . . . . . . .
Checking the Cluster Status . . . . . . . . . .
Checking Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scaling Up the Client Cluster . . . . . . . . . .
Shutting Down a Nomad Client . . . . . . . . .
Scaling Down the Client Cluster . . . . . . . .


















2 Configuration
Server Settings, Auto Scaling, and Monitoring
Advanced System Monitoring . . . . . . . .
Metrics Details . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Supported Platform(s) . . . . . . . . .
Scheduled Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auto Scaling Policy Best Practices . . .
Setting up HTTP Proxies . . . . . . . . . .
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service Machine Proxy Configuration . . . .
Set up Service Machine Proxy Support .
Corporate Proxies . . . . . . . . . . .
Nomad Client Configuration . . . . . .
Nomad Client Proxy Setup . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Persistence . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring LDAP Authentication . . . . . .
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
























Configure LDAP Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the machine Executor and Remote Docker Jobs
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notable Files & Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/etc/circle-installation-customizations properties . .
Other Properties and Env Vars . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using a Custom Root CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting up ELB Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting up TLS/HTTPS on CircleCI Server . . . . .
Enabling Usage Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Detailed Usage Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weekly Account Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weekly Job Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Usage Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Security and Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .















3 Maintenance


System Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Security and Access Control . . . .
System Configuration . . . . . . .
Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Usage Statistics . . . . . . . . . .
Health Checks . . . . . . . . . . .
Health of Service . . . . . . . . . .
Health of Dependencies . . . . . .
Operational Tasks . . . . . . . . .
Leftover VM’s in Your AWS Account
User Management . . . . . . . . . . .













































4 Disaster Recovery

Backing up CircleCI Data .
Backing up the Database .
Backing up Object Storage
Snapshotting on AWS EBS
Restoring From Backup . .
Cleaning up Build Records










5 Security

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sandboxing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Integrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Audit Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Audit Log Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6 Troubleshooting
FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Can I monitor available build containers? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How do I provision admin users? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How can I change my passphrase? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How can I gracefully shutdown Nomad Clients? . . . . . . . . . . .
Why is Test GitHub Authentication failing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How can I use HTTPS to access CircleCI? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why doesn’t terraform destroy every resource? . . . . . . . . . . . .
Do the Nomad Clients store any state? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How do I verify TLS settings are failing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How do I debug the Management Console (Replicated)? . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting Server Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Debugging Queuing Builds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check Dispatcher Logs for Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check Picard-Dispatcher Logs for Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check Picard-Scheduler Logs for Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check Nomad Node Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check Job Processing Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jobs stay in queued status until they fail and never successfully run.







7 Appendix
System Requirements .
Services Machine
Nomad Clients . .
Server Ports . . .



































Chapter 1

CircleCI is a modern continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform installable
inside your private cloud or data center.
CircleCI 2.x provides new infrastructure that includes the following improvements:
• New configuration with any number of jobs and workflows to orchestrate them.
• Custom images for execution on a per-job basis.
• Fine-grained performance with custom caching and per-job CPU or memory allocation.
Refer to the v2.16 Changelog at for what’s new in this release.

Build Environments
CircleCI uses Nomad as the primary job scheduler in CircleCI 2.x. Refer to the Introduction to
Nomad Cluster Operation to learn more about the job scheduler and how to perform basic client
and cluster operations.
By default, CircleCI 2.x Nomad clients automatically provision containers according to the image
configured for each job in your .circleci/config.yml file.

Figure 1.1 illustrates CircleCI core components, build orchestration services, and executors.
The CircleCI API is a full-featured RESTful API that allows you to access all information and
trigger all actions in CircleCI. The Insights page in the CircleCI UI is a dashboard showing the
health of all repositories you are following including median build time, median queue time, last
build time, success rate, and parallelism.



Figure 1.1: CircleCI Services Architecture



CircleCI consists of two primary components: Services and Nomad Clients. Any number of
Nomad Clients execute your jobs and communicate back to the Services. All components must
access GitHub or your hosted instance of GitHub Enterprise on the network as illustrated in the
following architecture diagram.

Figure 1.2: A Diagram of the CircleCI Architecture

Services Instance
The machine on which the Services instance runs must not be restarted and may be backed up
using VM snapshotting. If you must restart the Services machine, do so only as a last resort
because restart will result in downtime. Refer to the Disaster Recovery chapter for instructions.
DNS resolution may point to the IP address of the machine on which the Services are installed.
It is also possible to point to a load balancer, for example an ELB in AWS. The following table
describes the ports used for traffic on the Service instance:



End Users
Builder Boxes
GitHub (Enterprise or .com)

80, 443 , 4434
all traffic / all ports
80, 443

Admin Console
Internal Communication
Incoming Webhooks



Nomad Clients
The Nomad Clients run without storing state, enabling you to increase or decrease the number
of containers as needed.
To ensure that there are enough running to handle all of the builds, track the queued builds and
increase the number of Nomad Client machines as needed to balance the load.
Each machine reserves two CPUs and 4GB of memory for coordinating builds. The remaining
processors and memory create the containers. Larger machines are able to run more containers
and are limited by the number of available cores after two are reserved for coordination.
Note: The maximum machine size for a Nomad client is 128GB RAM/ 64 CPUs, contact your
CircleCI account representative to request use of larger machines for Nomad Clients.

The following table describes the ports used on the Nomad clients:



End Users
Services Machine
Nomad Clients (including itself)

80 or 443
all traffic / all ports
all traffic / all ports

SSH into builds
CCI API Access
Internal Comms
Internal Comms

CircleCI uses GitHub or GitHub Enterprise credentials for authentication which, in turn, may
use LDAP, SAML, or SSH for access. That is, CircleCI will inherit the authentication supported
by your central SSO infrastructure. The following table describes the ports used on machines
running GitHub to communicate with the Services and Builder instances.



Nomad Client
Nomad Client

80, 443
80, 443

Git Access
API Access
Git Access
API Access

Introduction to Nomad Cluster Operation with CircleCI
This document provides conceptual and procedural information for operating, backing up, monitoring, and configuring a CircleCI server installation.



CircleCI uses Nomad as the primary job scheduler in CircleCI 2.0. This chapter provides a basic
introduction to Nomad for understanding how to operate the Nomad Cluster in your CircleCI 2.0

Basic Terminology and Architecture
• Nomad Server: Nomad Servers are the brains of the cluster. It receives and allocates
jobs to Nomad clients. In CircleCI, a Nomad server is running in your service box as a
Docker Container.
• Nomad Client: Nomad Clients execute jobs allocated by Nomad servers. Usually a Nomad client runs on a dedicated machine (often a VM) in order to fully take the advantage
of its machine power. You can have multiple Nomad clients to form a cluster and the
Nomad server allocates jobs to the cluster with its scheduling algorithm.
• Nomad Jobs: Nomad Job is a specification provided by users that declares a workload
for Nomad. In CircleCI 2.0, a Nomad job corresponds to an execution of CircleCI job/build.
If the job/build uses parallelism, say 10 parallelism, then Nomad will run 10 jobs.
• Build Agent: Build Agent is a Go program written by CircleCI that executes steps in a
job and reports the results. Build Agent is executed as the main process inside a Nomad

Basic Operations
This section will give you the basic guide to operating a Nomad cluster in your installation.
The nomad CLI is installed in the Service instance. It is pre-configured to talk to the Nomad
cluster, so it is possible to use the nomad command to run the following commands in this

Checking the Jobs Status
The nomad status command will give you the list of jobs status in your cluster. The Status
is the most important field in the output with the following status type definitions:
• running: The status becomes running when Nomad has started executing the job.
This typically means your job in CircleCI is started.
• pending: The status becomes pending when there are not enough resources available to execute the job inside the cluster.
• dead: The status becomes dead when Nomad finishes executing the job. The status
becomes dead regardless of whether the corresponding CircleCI job/build succeeds or



Checking the Cluster Status
The nomad

node-status command will give you the list of Nomad clients. Note that
nomad node-status command also reports both Nomad clients that are currently serving
(status active) and Nomad clients that were taken out of the cluster (status down). Therefore,
you need to count the number of active Nomad clients to know the current capacity of your
The nomad node-status -self command will give you more information about the client
where you execute the command. Such information includes how many jobs are running on the
client and the resource utilization of the client.

Checking Logs
As noted in the Nomad Jobs section above, a Nomad Job corresponds to an execution of CircleCI job/build. Therefore, checking logs of Nomad Jobs sometimes helps you to understand
the status of CircleCI job/build if there is a problem.
The nomad logs -job -stderr  command will give you the logs
of the job.
Note: Be sure to specify -stderr flag as most of logs from Build Agent appears in the

While the nomad logs -job command is useful, the command is not always accurate
because the -job flag uses a random allocation of the specified job. The term allocation
is a smaller unit in Nomad Job which is out of scope of this document. To learn more, please
see the official document.
Complete the following steps to get logs from the allocation of the specified job:
1. Get the job ID with nomad status command.
2. Get the allocation ID of the job with nomad status  command.
3. Get the logs from the allocation with nomad logs -stderr 

Scaling Up the Client Cluster
Refer to the Scaling section of the Configuration chapter for details about adding Nomad Client
instances to an AWS auto scaling group and using a scaling policy to scale up automatically
according to your requirements.

Shutting Down a Nomad Client
When you want to shutdown a Nomad client, you must first set the client to drain mode. In
the drain mode, the client will finish already allocated jobs but will not get allocated new jobs.



1. To drain a client, log in to the client and set the client to drain mode with node-drain
command as follows:

nomad node-drain -self -enable
2. Then, make sure the client is in drain mode with node-status command:

nomad node-status -self
Alternatively, you can drain a remote node with nomad node-drain -enable -yes

Scaling Down the Client Cluster
To set up a mechanism for clients to shutdown in drain mode first and wait for all jobs to be
finished before terminating the client, configure an ASG Lifecycle Hook that triggers a script
when scaling down instances.
The script should use the above commands to put the instance in drain mode, monitor running
jobs on the instance, wait for them to finish and then terminate the instance.



Chapter 2

This chapter describes configuration, customizations, and metrics.

Server Settings, Auto Scaling, and Monitoring
This section is for System Administrators who are setting environment variables for installed
Nomad Clients, scaling their cluster, gathering metrics for monitoring their CircleCI installation,
and viewing logs:

Advanced System Monitoring
Enable the ability to forward system and Docker metrics to supported platforms by going
to Replicated Admin > Settings and enabling the provider of your choice, for example

Metrics Details
Services VM Host and Docker metrics are forwarded via Telegraf, a plugin-driven server agent
for collecting and reporting metrics.
Following are the metrics that are enabled:




Nomad Job Metrics

In addition to the metrics above, Nomad job metrics are enabled and emitted by the Nomad
Server agent. Five types of metrics are reported:

circle.nomad.server_agent.poll_failure: Returns 1 if the last poll of the Nomad agent failed, otherwise it returns 0.
Returns the total number of pending jobs across the cluster.
Returns the total number of running jobs across the cluster.
Returns the total number of complete jobs across the cluster.
Returns the total number of dead jobs across the cluster.
When the Nomad Metrics container is running normally, no output will be written to standard
output or standard error. Failures will elicit a message to standard error.

Supported Platform(s)
There are two built-in platforms; AWS CloudWatch and DataDog.

AWS CloudWatch

Click Enable under AWS CloudWatch to begin configuration.

Figure 2.1: AWS CloudWatch


There are two options for configuration:
• Use the IAM Instance Profile of the services box and configure your custom region and


Figure 2.2: Configuration IAM



• Alternatively, you may use your AWS Access Key and Secret Key along with your custom
region and namespace.

Figure 2.3: Configuration Alt
After saving you can verify that metrics are forwarding by going to the AWS CloudWatch console.


Click Enable under DataDog Metrics to begin configuration.




Figure 2.4: DataDog

Enter your DataDog API Key.

Figure 2.5: DataDog
After saving you can verify that metrics are forwarding by going to the DataDog metrics summary.

Custom Metrics

Custom Metrics using Telegraf configuration file may be configured in addition to the predefined
CloudWatch and Datadog metrics described above. Telegraph can also be used instead of
CloudWatch and Datadog for more fine grained control.




Figure 2.6: Custom

Configuration options are based on Telegraf’s documented output plugins. See their documentation here.
For example, if you would like to use the InfluxDB Output Plugin you would need to follow these
steps; 1. SSH into the Servics Machine 2. cd /etc/circleconfig/telegraf/influxdb.conf
3. Adding the desired ouputs, for example

url = ""
database = "testdb"
4. Run docker restart telegraf to restart the container to load or reload any
You may check the logs by running docker logs -f telegraf to confirm your output
provider (e.g. influx) is listed in the configured outputs.
Additionally, if you would like to ensure that all metrics in an installation are tagged against an
environment you could place the following code in your config:

Please see the InfluxDB documentation for default and advanced installation steps.
Note: Any changes to the config will require a restart of the system.



Scheduled Scaling
By default, an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) is created on your AWS account. Go to your EC2
Dashboard and select Auto Scaling Groups from the left side menu. Then, in the Instances
tab, set the Desired and Minimum number to define the number Nomad Clients to spin up and
keep available. Use the Scaling Policy tab of the Auto Scaling page to scale up your group
automatically only at certain times, see below for best practices for defining policies.
Refer to the Shutting Down a Nomad Client section of the Nomad document for instructions on
draining and scaling down the Nomad Clients.

Auto Scaling Policy Best Practices
There is a blog post series wherein CircleCI engineering spent time running simulations of cost
savings for the purpose of developing a general set of best practices for Auto Scaling. Consider
the following best practices when setting up AWS Auto Scaling:
1. In general, size your cluster large enough to avoid queueing builds. That is, less than
one second of queuing for most workloads and less than 10 seconds for workloads run
on expensive hardware or at highest parallellism. Sizing to reduce queuing to zero is
best practice because of the high cost of developer time, it is difficult to create a model
in which developer time is cheap enough for under-provisioning to be cost-effective.
2. Create an Auto Scaling group with a Step Scaling policy that scales up during the normal
working hours of the majority of developers and scales back down at night. Scaling up
during the weekday normal working hours and back down at night is the best practice
to keep queue times down during peak development without over provisioning at night
when traffic is low. Looking at millions of builds over time, a bell curve during normal
working hour emerges for most data sets.
This is in contrast to auto scaling throughout the day based on traffic fluctuations because modeling revealed that boot times are actually too long to prevent queuing in real time. Use Amazon’s
Step Policy instructions to set this up along with Cloudwatch Alarms.

Setting up HTTP Proxies
This document describes how to configure CircleCI to use an HTTP proxy in the following sections:

If you are setting up your proxy through Amazon, read this before proceeding:
Using an HTTP Proxy - AWS Command Line Interface



Avoid proxying internal requests, especially for the Services machine. Run export
NO_PROXY= to add it to the NO_PROXY rules. In an ideal case, traffic to S3 will not be proxied, and instead be bypassed by adding,*
to the NO_PROXY rule.
These instructions assume an unauthenticated HTTP proxy at, a Services
machine at and use of as the GitHub Enterprise host.
Note: The following proxy instructions must be completed before installing CircleCI on fresh
VMs or instances. You must also configure JVM OPTs again as well as described below.

Service Machine Proxy Configuration
The Service machine has many components that need to make network calls, as follows:
• External Network Calls - Replicated is a vendor service that we use for the Management
Console of CircleCI. CircleCI requires Replicated to make an outside call to validate the
license, check for updates, and download upgrades. Replicated also downloads docker,
installs it on the local machine, and uses a Docker container to create and configure S3
buckets. GitHub Enterprise may or may not be behind the proxy, but will need
to go through the proxy.
• Internal Network Calls
– If S3 traffic requires going through an HTTP proxy, CircleCI must pass proxy settings into the container.
– The CircleCI instance on the Services machine runs in a Docker container, so it
must to pass the proxy settings to the container to maintain full functionality.

Set up Service Machine Proxy Support
For a static installation not on AWS, SSH into the Services machine and run the following code
snippet with your proxy address.

echo '{"HttpProxy": "http://"}' |
sudo tee /etc/replicated.conf
(cat <<'EOF'
| sudo tee -a /etc/circle-installation-customizations
sudo service replicated-ui stop; sudo service replicated stop;
sudo service replicated-operator stop; sudo service replicatedui start;
sudo service replicated-operator start; sudo service replicated start



If you run in Amazon’s EC2 service then you’ll need to include EC2
services as shown below.

echo '{"HttpProxy": "http://"}' |
sudo tee /etc/replicated.conf
(cat <<'EOF'
JVM_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=


| sudo tee -a /etc/circle-installation-customizations
sudo service replicated-ui stop; sudo service replicated stop;
sudo service replicated-operator stop; sudo service replicatedui start;
sudo service replicated-operator start; sudo service replicated start
Note: The above is not handled by by our enterprise-setup script and will need to be added to
the user data for the services box startup or done manually.

Corporate Proxies
Also note that when the instructions ask you if you use a proxy, they will also prompt you for
the address. It is very important that you input the proxy in the following format ://:. If you are missing any part of that, then apt-get won’t work
correctly and the packages won’t download.

Nomad Client Configuration
• External Network Calls - CircleCI uses curl and awscli scripts to download initialization scripts, along with jars from Amazon S3. Both curl and awscli respect
environment settings, but if you have whitelisted traffic from Amazon S3 you should not
have any problems.
• Internal Network Calls
– CircleCI JVM:
* Any connections to other Nomad Clients or the Services machine should be
excluded from HTTP proxy
* Connections to GitHub Enterprise should be excluded from HTTP proxy
– The following contains parts that may be impacted due to a proxy configuration:



* Amazon EC2 metadata ( This should not be proxied. If it is, then the
machine will be misconfigured.
* Amazon S3 traffic — note S3 discussion above
* Amazon EC2 API - EC2 API traffic may need to be proxied. You would note
lots of failures (timeout failures) in logs if the proxy setting is misconfigured,
but it will not block CircleCI from functioning.

Nomad Client Proxy Setup
If you are using AWS Terraform install you’ll have to add the below to your Nomad client launch
configuration. These instructions should be added to /etc/environment. If you are using
Docker, refer to the Docker HTTP Proxy Instructions documentation. If using static installation,
add to the server before installation.


(cat <<'EOF'
JVM_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=
-Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=169.254.1
) | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
set -a
. /etc/environment

You’ll also need to follow these instructions: for making
sure that your containers have outbound/proxy access.

If you cannot access the page of the CircleCI Replicated management console, but the
services machine seems to be running, try to SSH tunnel into the machine doing the following: ssh -L 8800:
:8800 ubuntu@. DATA PERSISTENCE 25 Data Persistence Refer to the following documents for instructions to configure your installation for data persistence: • Adding External Databases and Vault Hosts to CircleCI v2.15 • Adding External Redis, Rabbitmq, Slanger, and Nomad Services to CircleCI v2.16 Configuring LDAP Authentication This document describes how to enable, configure, and test CircleCI to authenticate users with OpenLDAP or Active Directory credentials. Prerequisites • Install and configure your LDAP server and Active Directory. • GitHub Enterprise must be configured and is the source of organizations and projects to which users have access. • Install a new instance of CircleCI 2.0 with no existing users using the Installing CircleCI 2.0 on Amazon Web Services with Terraform document. Note: LDAP is not supported with existing installations, only clean installations may use LDAP. • Contact CircleCI support and file a feature request for CircleCI installed on your own servers. Note: After completing this configuration, all users must log in to CircleCI with their LDAP credentials. After logging in to CircleCI, each user will then click the Connect button on the Accounts page to connect and authenticate their GitHub account. Configure LDAP Authentication This section provides the steps to configure LDAP in the management console (Replicated). 1. Verifying access over the LDAP/AD ports to your LDAP/AD servers. 2. Log in to the management console for a newly installed CircleCI 2.0 instance as the admin user. 3. Check the LDAP button on the Settings page. Select OpenLDAP or Active Directory. 26 CHAPTER 2. CONFIGURATION 4. Fill in your LDAP instance Hostname and port number. 5. Select the encryption type (plain text is not recommended). 6. Fill in the Search user field with the LDAP admin username using the format cn=,dc=,dc= replacing admin, example, and org with appropriate values for your datacenter. 7. Fill in the Search password field with the LDAP admin password. 8. Fill in the User search DN field with an approrpiate value using the format ou= replacing users with the value used in your LDAP instance. 9. Fill in the Username field with an approriate unique identifier used for your users, for example, mail. 10. Fill in the Group Membership field with an appropriate value. By default, the value is uniqueMember for OpenLDAP and member for Active Directory. This field will list member dn for a group. 11. Fill in the Group Object Class field with an approrpiate value. By default, the value is TROUBLESHOOTING 27 groupOfUniqueNames for OpenLDAP and group for Active Directory. The value of the objectClass field indicates a dn is a group. 12. (Optional) Fill in the Test username and Test password fields with a test email and password for an LDAP user you want to test. 13. Save the settings. A user who logs in will be redirected to the Accounts page of the CircleCI application with a Connect button that they must use to connect their GitHub account. After they click Connect, an LDAP section with their user information (for example, their email) on the page will appear and they will be directed to authenticate their GitHub account. After authenticating their GitHub account users are directed to the Job page to use CircleCI. Note: A user who has authenticated with LDAP and is then removed from LDAP/AD will be able to access CircleCI as long as they stay logged in (because of cookies). As soon as the user logs out or the cookie expires, they will not be able to log back in. A users’ ability to see projects or to run builds is defined by their GitHub permissions. Therefore, if GitHub permissions are synced with LDAP/AD permissions, a removed LDAP/AD user will automatically lose authorization to view or access CircleCI as well. Troubleshooting Troubleshoot LDAP server settings with LDAP search as follows: ldapsearch -x LLL -h Using the machine Executor and Remote Docker Jobs This document outlines how to set up VM service for your CircleCI installation for machine executor and remote Docker jobs, as well as how customize your own VM service images. Note: This configuration is only available for installations on AWS, please contact your CircleCI account representative to request this configuration for static. Overview VM service enables users of CircleCI installed on AWS to run jobs using the Remote Docker Environment and the machine executor. Configuration To configure VM service, it is best practice to select the AWS EC2 option in the Replicated Management Console, which will allow CircleCI to run remote Docker and machine executor jobs using dedicated EC2 instances. 28 CHAPTER 2. CONFIGURATION Figure 2.7: Configuring VM Service on CircleCI Server CUSTOMIZATIONS 29 If you do not provide a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for VM service, machine executor and remote Docker jobs on Server will run using the same machine image that we provide by default on Cloud: an Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 image with Docker version 17.03.0-ce and docker-compose version 1.9.0, along with a selection of common languages, tools, and frameworks. See the picard-vm-image branch of our image-builder repository for details. Customization It may be beneficial to customize the VM service image for your installation of CircleCI; it will allow you to specify other versions of Docker and docker-compose, as well as install any additional dependencies that may be part of your CI/CD pipeline. Without doing so, you will likely need to run these additional install and update steps on every commit as part of your config.yml file. To build custom VM service images, use the following repository branch: circleci/image-builder/tree/picard-vm-image. Run the packer build aws-vm.json command after filling in the required groups in aws-vm.json. It requires an access key and secret key to upload. Handle the key and secret process according to the your requirements, but consider restricting the ami_groups to only within your organization. Refer to for more information and see for details about settings. You will need to associate the circleci user with the image you want to use as shown in the following example: user_data. Customizations This section is a brief summary of key files and variables that impact Server behavior. Notable Files & Folders Need Path General Config /etc/circle-installationSee table below for values customizations /etc/circleconfig/XXXX/customizations Adjust heap size for Supports: frontend, test_results individual containers with JVM_HEAP_SIZE /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ JVM Heap Sizes Custom CA Certs More info 30 CHAPTER 2. CONFIGURATION Need Path Container Customizations /etc/circleconfig/XXX/customizationsUsed lots of places in replicated /etc/hosts Respected by several containers including frontend, copied to container’s /etc/hosts /etc/environment Respected by all containers /etc/hosts /etc/environment More info /etc/circle-installation-customizations properties Note: Every property should be in format export ENV_VAR="value" Property Impact More info CIRCLE_URL Override the scheme and host that CircleCI uses Set JVM heap size for all containers reading this property Use container specific settings when possible (see files above) JVM_HEAP_SIZE Other Properties and Env Vars Property Impact HTTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY Proxy for replicated and other services outside CircleCI containers to use More info Setting Up Certificates This document provides a script for using a custom Root Certificate Authority and the process for using an Elastic Load Balancing certificate in the following sections: SETTING UP CERTIFICATES 31 Using a Custom Root CA Any valid certificates added to the following path will be trusted by CircleCI services: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ The following example openssl command is one way of placing the certificate. It is also possible to pull a certificate from a vault/PKI solution within your company. Some installation environments use internal Root Certificate Authorities for encrypting and establishing trust between servers. If you are using a customer Root certificate, you will need to import and mark it as a trusted certificate at CircleCI GitHub Enterprise instances. CircleCI will respect such trust when communicating with GitHub and webhook API calls. CA Certificates must be in a format understood by Java Keystore, and include the entire chain. The following script provides the necessary steps. # Grab the CA chain from your GitHub Enterprise deployment. openssl s_client -connect ${GHE_DOMAIN}:443 -showcerts < /dev/null | sed ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /usr/local/share/cacertificates/ghe.crt Then, navigate to the system console at port 8800 and change the protocol to upgraded. You can change the protocol to “HTTPS (TLS/SSLEnabled)” setting and restart the services. When trying “Test GitHub Authentication” you should get Success now rather than x509 related error. Setting up ELB Certificates CircleCI requires the following steps to get ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) certificates working as your primary certs. The steps to accomplish this are below. You will need certificates for the ELB and CircleCI Server as described in the following sections. Note: Opening the port for HTTP requests will allow CircleCI to return a HTTPS redirect. 1. Open the following ports on your ELB: Load Balancer Load BalancerProtocolPort Instance Protocol Instance Port Cipher SSL Certificate HTTP SSL SSL HTTPS SSL SSL HTTP SSL SSL HTTPS SSL SSL 80 443 3000 8800 8081 8082 N/A Change Change Change Change Change N/A your-cert your-cert your-cert your-cert your-cert 80 443 3000 8800 8081 8082 32 CHAPTER 2. CONFIGURATION {: class=“table table-striped”} 2. Add the following security group on your ELB: Note: The sources below are left open so that anybody can access the instance over these port ranges. If that is not what you want, then feel free to restrict them. Users will experience reduced functionality if your stakeholders are using IP addresses outside of the Source Range. Type Protocol Port Range Source SSH HTTPS Custom TCP Rule Custom TCP Rule TCP TCP TCP TCP 22 443 8800 64535-65535 3. Next, in the management console for CircleCI, upload a valid certificate and key file to the Privacy Section. These don’t need to be externally signed or even current certs as the actual cert management is done at the ELB. But, to use HTTPS requests, CircleCI requires a certificate and key in which the “Common Name (FQDN)” matches the hostname configured in the admin console. 4. It is now possible to set your Github Authorization Callback to https rather than http. Using Self-Signed Certificates Because the ELB does not require a current certificate, you may choose to generate a selfsigned certificate with an arbitrary duration. 1. Generate the certificate and key using openssl command openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 1 -out certificate.pem 2. Provide the appropriate information to the prompts. NOTE: The Common Name provided must match the host configured in CircleCI. 3. Save the certificate.pem and key.pem file locally. Setting up TLS/HTTPS on CircleCI Server You may use various solutions to generate valid SSL certificate and key file. Two solutions are provided below. Using Certbot This section describes setting up TLS/HTTPS on your Server install using Certbot by manually adding a DNS record set to the Services machine. Certbot generally relies on verifying the DNS SETTING UP CERTIFICATES 33 record via either port 80 or 443, however this is not supported on CircleCI Server installations as of 2.2.0 because of port conflicts. 1. Stop the Service from within the Replicated console (hostname:8800). 2. SSH into the Services machine. 3. Install Certbot and generate certificates using the following commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install certbot certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns 4. You’ll be instructed to add a DNS TXT record. 5. After the record is successfully generated, save fullchain.pem and privkey.pem locally. If you’re using Route 53 for your DNS records, adding a TXT record is straightforward. When you’re creating a new record set, be sure to select type -> TXT and provide the appropriate value enclosed in quotes. Adding the certificate to CircleCI Server Once you have a valid certificate and key file in pem format, you must upload it to CircleCI Server. 1. To do so, navigate to hostname:8800/console/settings. 2. Under “Privacy” section, check the box for “SSL only (Recommened)” 3. Upload your newly generated certificate and key. 4. Click “Verify TLS Settings” to ensure everything is working. 5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the settings page and restart when prompted. Reference: Ensure the hostname is properly configured in the Replicated/management console ~ (hostname:8800/settings) and that the hostname used matches the DNS records associated with the TLS certificates. Make sure the Auth Callback URL in Github/Github Enterprise matches the domain name pointing to the services box, including the protocol used, for example 34 CHAPTER 2. CONFIGURATION Enabling Usage Statistics This chapter is for System Administrators who want to automatically send some aggregate usage statistics to CircleCI. Usage statistics data enhances visibility into CircleCI installations and is used to better support you and ensure a smooth transition from CircleCI 1.0 to CircleCI 2.0. Opt-In to this feature by going to Settings > Usage Statistics on the management console in Replicated. Then, enable the radio button labeled Automatically send some usage statistics to CircleCI as shown in the following screenshot. Detailed Usage Statistics The following sections provide information about the usage statistics CircleCI will gather when this setting is enabled. Weekly Account Usage Name Type Purpose account_id UUID usage_current_macos minutes Uniquely identifies each vcs account For each account, track weekly builds performed in minutes. usage_legacy_macos minutes ENABLING USAGE STATISTICS 35 Name Type usage_current_linux usage_legacy_linux minutes minutes Purpose Weekly Job Activity Name Type Purpose utc_week date usage_oss_macos_legacy minutes Identifies which week the data below applies to Track builds performed by week usage_oss_macos_current usage_oss_linux_legacy usage_oss_linux_current usage_private_macos_legacy usage_private_macos_current usage_private_linux_legacy usage_private_linux_current new_projects_oss_macos_legacy minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes sum new_projects_oss_macos_current sum new_projects_oss_linux_legacy sum new_projects_oss_linux_current sum new_projects_private_macos_legacy sum new_projects_private_macos_current sum new_projects_private_linux_legacy sum new_projects_private_linux_currentsum projects_oss_macos_legacy sum projects_oss_macos_current projects_oss_linux_legacy projects_oss_linux_current projects_private_macos_legacy projects_private_macos_current projects_private_linux_legacy projects_private_linux_current sum sum sum sum sum sum sum Captures new Builds performed on 1.0. Observe if users are starting new projects on 1.0. Captures Builds performed on 1.0 and 2.0. Observe if users are moving towards 2.0 or staying with 1.0. 36 CHAPTER 2. CONFIGURATION Accessing Usage Data If you would like programatic access to this data in order to better understand your users you may run this command from the Services VM. docker exec usage-stats /src/builds/extract Security and Privacy Please reference exhibit C within your terms of contract and our standard license agreement for our complete security and privacy disclosures. Chapter 3 Maintenance This chapter describes system checks and the basics of user management. System Checks Question: When are executor instances created and destroyed? Answer: CircleCI creates a new instance for each job. The instance will be destroyed at the end of the job. However, given that cloud instance creation may take significant time (~1 to 3 minutes), CircleCI offers a pre-scale option, where a set number of instances will be created in anticipation of demand. These will be killed at the end of the job. The number of pre-scaled instances is configured in the settings section of the Management Console. At any given time, CircleCI expects to have a base of pre-scaled instances and the required instances to service current job load. Question: When are executor instances reused? Answer: Machine executor VMs never get reused for multiple jobs. EBS Volumes are reused for multiple jobs, but only get shared among jobs within the same project. Question: How are EBS volumes managed? Answer: Since docker layers can be large (GBs), CircleCI prefers caching by using attached EBS volumes to using an object storage (for example, S3). Volumes are created when a job is configured to use docker layer caching (for example, set docker_layer_caching: true in config). Note: For docker layer caching to work, you cannot use preallocated instances. You must set the remote docker and/or machine executor (depending on which one you want to use DLC, or both) to 0 in the replicated settings for “on-demand” instances. Otherwise, DLC will not work. CircleCI reuses any existing available volume for that job project. If there is none (or all existing volumes are busy), CircleCI creates a new volume for the project. Volumes are associated with 37 38 CHAPTER 3. MAINTENANCE a project. No two project jobs can share an EBS volume for security reasons. CircleCI deletes EBS volumes in few circumstances (for example, when there is a risk of running out of disk space). Question: Can the amount of EBS volumes and EC2 instances be bounded? Answer: Not at this time. You may utilize the metrics provided to alert when reaching a specific threshold. Question: How do you prevent executors from existing indefinitely? Answer: A process runs that periodically detects and stops any leaked VMs (for example, a task completed but it’s VM is running for over N hours). You may also manually inspect instances that have been running for over 24 hours (CircleCI currently does this as well). You may also utilize the metrics provided to alert when stale VMs are detected. Question: Where can I find the audit log(s)? Answer: The Audit logs are found at the root of your object storage installation under /auditlogs/audit_log/v1. Audit Log Service (as of CircleCI v2.13) handles the storage of audit log events. Services running within a cluster may fire audit events that are then captured by this service and persisted to the provisioned Storage mechanism for AWS S3 and On-Host. Question: What do the audit log files contain? Answer: A JSON representation of event(s) for the period of time since the last file created (each file starts with a timestamp and is generally an hourly period). For example; { "id":"27aa77e3-0255-4464-93ad-f8236533ab53", "version":1, "action":"workflow.job.finish", "success":true, "payload":{ "job":{ "id":"e8cef7c4-60d4-429b-8c94-09c05f309408", "contexts":[ ], "job_name":"remote_docker", "job_status":"success" }, "workflow":{ "id":"c022ca3c-5f6f-41ba-a6ca-05977f6a336a", "vcs_branch":"master" } }, "target":{ "id":"3c4886e1-b810-4765-a1a2-d588e6e4b9cb", "type":"project" }, "request":{ SYSTEM CHECKS 39 "id":"" }, "actor":{ "id":"27075c88-9ba4-47d7-8523-fa576e839bfd", "type":"user" }, "scope":{ "id":"3c4886e1-b810-4765-a1a2-d588e6e4b9cb", "type":"project" } } Question: What action types are there? Answer: context.create context.delete context.env_var.delete project.add project.follow project.settings.update project.stop_building project.unfollow user.create user.logged_in user.logged_out user.suspended workflow.error workflow.job.context.request workflow.job.finish workflow.job.scheduled workflow.job.start workflow.retry workflow.start Question: How can I access the files and do something with them? Answer: 1. Set up the awscli and jq or another JSON processor for your OS. 2. In this example, grep for all workflow.job.start events. #!/bin/bashBUCKET=YOUR-BUCKET-NAME for key in `aws s3api list-objects --bucket -prefix audit-logs/audit_log/v1/ --output json r '.Contents[].Key'`; do echo $key; BUCKET | jq - 40 CHAPTER 3. MAINTENANCE aws s3 cp --quiet s3://BUCKET/$key - | grep workflow.job.start; done Question: How do I ensure proper injection of Internal CA Certificate? Answer: If using an internal CA, or self-signed certificate, you must ensure the signing certificate is trusted by the domain service to properly connect to GitHub Enterprise. 1. The Domain Service uses a Java Truststore, loaded with Keytool. Must match the formats supported by that tool. 2. You need the full CA chain, not just root/intermediate certificates. 3. The CA certificate chain should be saved in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ Security and Access Control CircleCI conducts ongoing security checks, for example, CircleCI containers are scanned by TwistLock prior to being published. CircleCI does not conduct ongoing security checks of your environment. Password and PII Security Question: What kind of security is in place for passwords and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Are the passwords hashed with a strong hash function and salted? Answer: Passwords are hashed with a 10-character salt and SHA265, refer to the Security chapter for more details. Ongoing Security Checks Question: How will the Host and Nomad clients be monitored for security issues? Answer: Your internal security teams are responsible for monitoring the Host and Nomad clients installed in your private datacenter or cloud. CircleCI containers are scanned by TwistLock prior to being published. System Configuration Question: How is configuration managed for the system? Answer: Replicated Management Console handles all of the post-installation configuration. Installation-specific configuration is managed by Terraform or Shell scripts. Question: How are configuration secrets managed? Answer: Configuration secrets are stored in plain-text on the host. SYSTEM CHECKS 41 Metrics Question: What significant metrics will be generated? Answer: Refer to the Configuration Chapter for details about monitoring and metrics. Question: How do I find out how many builds per day are running? Answer: use var coll = db.builds var items = coll.find({ "start_time": { $gte: ISODate("2018-03-15T00:00:00.000Z"), $lt: ISODate("2018-03-16T00:00:00.000Z") } }) items.count() Usage Statistics Question: How do I find the usage statistics? Answer: docker exec server-usage-stats /src/builds/extract Health Checks Question: How is the health of dependencies (components and systems) assessed? How does the system report its own health? Answer: Ready Agent can be used to determine the health of the system. Replicated looks to the server-ready-agent API for a 200 response. server-ready-agent waits to receive a 200 from all listed services, reporting a 5XX until all services come online and then it reports a 200. You can tail the logs to determine current and final state as follows: docker logs -f ready-agent Health of Service Each documented service provides /health-check, /healthcheck, /status HTTP endpoint: 200 indicates basic health, 500 indicates bad configuration. To determine the health of individual services you must ssh into your Services VM (where all the containers are running) and make the request. The current list of services that expose a check are listed below: 42 CHAPTER 3. MAINTENANCE • Frontend localhost:80/health-check • API Service localhost:8082/status • Workflows Conductor localhost:9999/healthcheck • Federations Service localhost:8090/status • Permissions Service localhost:3013/status • Context Service localhost:3011/status • Domain Service localhost:3014/status • Cron Service localhost:4261/status • VM Service localhost:3001/status if enabled As an example, following is how you would determine if the frontend is healthy: curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}\n" Health of Dependencies Use /health HTTP endpoint for internal components that expose it. Other systems and external endpoints: typically use HTTP 200 except some synthetic checks for some services. Operational Tasks • Deployment Question: How is the software deployed? How does rollback happen? Answer: CircleCI uses Enterprise-Setup Terraform or Static bash scripts for deployments, Replicated is installed and orchestrates pulling all containers into your VPC. Rollbacks can only occur by reloading a previous backup and are not possible through Replicated. • Scaling Events Question: What kind of scaling events take place? Answer: Vertically scaling Service and Nomad clients is possible with downtime, Horizontally scaling Nomad Clients is possible without downtime. Refer to the Monitoring section of the Configuration chapter for details. • Routine and sanity checks Question: What kind of checks need to happen on a regular basis? Answer: All /health endpoints should be checked every 60 seconds including the Replicated endpoint. SYSTEM CHECKS 43 • Troubleshooting Question: How should troubleshooting happen? What tools are available? Answer: It is worth noting two things. First is that the REPL is a extremely powerful tool that can cause irreparable damage to your system when used improperly. We cannot guarantee that any of the repl commands outside of this guide are safe to run, and do not support custom repl being run in our shell. The second thing is that in order to run any of our commands you’ll need to run the following commands below: 1. ssh into services box 2. run circleci dev-console If the above does not bring you into a REPL that mentions it is the CircleCI Dev-Console you can run the alternative command. 1. Ssh into the services box 2. Run sudo docker exec -it frontend bash 3. Run lein repl :connect 6005 Once you are in the repl, you can copy and paste any of the commands below, and making the necessary substitutions in order to make the command work. • User/Admin Problems: Question: How do I view all users? Answer: (circle.model.user/where { :$and [{:sign_in_count {:$gte 0}}, {:login {:$ne nil}}]} :only [:login]) Question: How do I delete a user? Answer: (circle.http.api.admin-commands.user/delete-by-loginvcs-type! "Sirparthington" :github) Question: How do I make a user an admin? Answer: (circle.model.user/set-fields! (circle.model.user/findone-by-github-login "your-github-username-here") {:admin "all"}) Question: How do I get user statistics? Answer: If a if you need some basic statistics (name, email, sign in history) for your users, run the following REPL commands. All Time circleci dev-console (circle.model.user/where {} :only [:name :login :emails :admin :dev_admin :activated :sign_in_ Last Month (circle.model.user/where {:last_sign_in_at {:$gt (clj-time.core/minus (clj-time.core/now) (cljtime.core/months 1))}} :only [:name :login :emails :admin :dev_admin :activated :sign_in_count :current_sign_in_at :curre 44 CHAPTER 3. MAINTENANCE Question: How do I create a new admin? Answer: By default, the first user to access the CCIE instance after it is started becomes the admin. Options for designating additional admin users are found under the Users page in the Admin section at https://[domain-to-your-installation]/admin/users. In the event the admin is unknown, or has left the company without creating a new admin, you can promote a user in the following way: • SSH into the services box • Open the CircleCI dev console with the command circleci dev-console • Run this command (replacing with the GitHub username of the person you want to promote: (-> (circle.model.user/find-one-by-login "") (circle.model.user/setfields! {:admin "write-settings"})) Question: How do I reset the Management Console password? Answer: password/ 1. SSH into the services box 2. Use the following command: replicated auth reset to remove the password 3. Visit https://:8800/create-password to create a new password or connect LDAP. Leftover VM’s in Your AWS Account Question: How do I resolve the case of VM spin-up / spin-down issues? Answer: Make sure no builds are running that require the remote Docker environment or the machine executor, and make sure to terminate any running preallocated/remote VM EC2 instances first. Then, complete the following: 1. SSH into the services box 2. Log into the VM service database in the Postgres container: sudo docker exec -it postgres psql -U circle vms delete from vms.tasks; vms.volumes; delete from vms.vms; 3. Delete these records: delete from 4. Configure the settings in the management console to on-demand instancing (for example, set to 0 to prevent preallocated instances from being used) 5. Terminate all existing vm ec2 instances that are currently running. 6. Run circleci dev-console to REPL in. You should now be able to run the below commands to check queues. 7. After checking queues with the commands below, change the setting back to their original values. SYSTEM CHECKS 45 • Queues Queues may become an issues for you if you are running version 2.10 or earlier. As 1.0 builds pile up and block any builds from running, run the commands below to get a feeling for how long the queues are. Then, you can promote builds from the usage-queue to the run-queue or just cancel them from the run queue. • Checking Usage Queue (in-ns ' (->> (all-builds) count) # Will give you the count for how many builds are in the queue (->> (all-builds) (take 3) (map deref) (map circle.http.paths/buildurl)) # If you want to check the top three builds at the top of the queue. (->> (all-builds) reverse (take 3) (map circle.http.paths/buildurl)) # If you want to check the builds at the end of the queue. # If you want to promote builds from the usage queue to the run queue you can do the following: (let [builds (->> (all-builds) (take 3) (map circle.http.paths/build-url) (map] (doseq [b builds] ( b))) Its safe to do this by the 100's, but do not put the entire queue in. • Checking Run Queue ( # returns how many are in the queue (->> ( (take 3) (map circle.http.paths/buildurl)) # Check the top three builds in the run-queue # In case builds are jammed run the following. You can cancel in batches of 100. (->> ( (take 100) (map Note: Remember to set values back to original in your settings after checking queues. • Daylight-saving time changes Question: Is the software affected by daylight-saving time changes (both client and server)? Answer: No. All date/time data converted to UTC with offset before processing. • Data cleardown Question: Which data needs to be cleared down? How often? Which tools or scripts control cleardown? Answer: If using On-Host storage and Static, all storage should be mounted. 46 CHAPTER 3. MAINTENANCE • Log rotation Question: Is log rotation needed? How is it controlled? Answer: Docker automatically rotates the logs automatically. • Replicated Failover and Recovery procedures Question: What needs to happen when parts of the system are failed over to standby systems? What needs to happen during recovery? Answer: Refer to the Backup and Troubleshooting sections of this document for details. User Management Question: How do I provision admin users? Answer: The first user who logs in to the CircleCI application will automatically be designated an admin user. Options for designating additional admin users are found under the Users page in the Admin section at https://[domain-to-yourinstallation]/admin/users. Chapter 4 Disaster Recovery This chapter describes failover or replacement the services machine. Refer to the Backup section below for information about possible backup strategies and procedures for implementing a regular backup image or snapshot of the services machine. Specify a spare machine, in an alternate location, with the same specs for disaster recovery of the services machine. Having a hot spare regularly imaged with the backup snapshot in a failure scenario is best practice. At the very least, provide systems administrators of the CircleCI installation with the hostname and location (even if co-located) of an equivalent server on which to install a replacement server with the latest snapshot of the services machine configuration. To complete recovery, use the Installation procedure, replacing the image from that procedure with your backup image. Backing up CircleCI Data This document describes how to back up your CircleCI application so that you can recover from accidental or unexpected loss of CircleCI data attached to the Services machine: Note: If you are running CircleCI in an HA configuration, you must use standard backup mechanisms for the external datastores. See the High Availability document for more information. Backing up the Database If you have not configured CircleCI for external services, the best practice for backing up your CircleCI data is to use VM snapshots of the virtual disk acting as the root volume for the Services machine. Backups may be performed without downtime as long the underlying virtual disk supports such an operation as is true with AWS EBS. There is a small risk, that varies by filesystem 47 48 CHAPTER 4. DISASTER RECOVERY and distribution, that snapshots taken without a reboot may have some data corruption, but this is rare in practice. Note: “Snapshots Disabled” refers to Replicated’s built-in snapshot feature that is turned off by default. Backing up Object Storage Build artifacts, output, and caches are generally stored in object storage services like AWS S3. These services are considered highly redundant and are unlikely to require separate backup. An exception is if your instance is setup to store large objects locally on the Services machine, either directly on-disk or on an NFS volume. In this case, you must separately back these files up and ensure they are mounted back to the same location on restore. Snapshotting on AWS EBS There are a few features of AWS EBS snapshots that make the backup process quite easy: 1. To take a manual backup, choose the instance in the EC2 console and select Actions > Image > Create Image. 2. Select the No reboot option if you want to avoid downtime. An AMI that can be readily launched as a new EC2 instance for restore purposes is created. It is also possible to automate this process with the AWS API. Subsequent AMIs/snapshots are only as large as the difference (changed blocks) since the last snapshot, such that storage costs are not necessarily larger for more frequent snapshots, see Amazon’s EBS snapshot billing document for details. Restoring From Backup When restoring test backups or performing a restore in production, you may need to make a couple of changes on the newly launched instance if its public or private IP addresses have changed: 1. Launch a fresh EC2 instance using the newly generated AMI from the previous steps 2. Stop the app in the Management Console (at port 8800) if it is already running 3. Ensure that the hostname configured in the Management Console at port 8800 reflects the correct address. If this hostname has changed, you will also need to change it in the corresponding GitHub OAuth application settings or create a new OAuth app to test the recovery and log in to the application. CLEANING UP BUILD RECORDS 49 4. Update any references to the backed-up instance’s public and private IP addresses in /etc/default/replicated and /etc/default/replicatedoperator on Debian/Ubuntu or /etc/sysconfig/* in RHEL/CentOS to the new IP addresses. 5. From the root directory of the Services box, run sudo rm -rf /opt/nomad. State is saved in the /opt/nomad folder that can interfere with builds running when an installation is restored from a backup. The folder and its contents will be regenerated by Nomad when it starts. 6. Restart the app in the Management Console at port 8800. Cleaning up Build Records While filesystem-level data integrity issues are rare and preventable, there will likely be some data anomalies in a point-in-time backup taken while builds are running on the system. For example, a build that is only half-way finished at backup time may result in missing the latter half of its command output, and it may permanently show that it is in Running state in the application. If you want to clean up any abnormal build records in your database after a recovery, you can delete them by running the following commands on the Services machine replacing the example build URL with an actual URL from your CircleCI application: $ circleci dev-console # Wait for console to load user=> (admin/delete-build "") 50 CHAPTER 4. DISASTER RECOVERY Chapter 5 Security This document outlines security features built into CircleCI and related integrations. Overview Security is our top priority at CircleCI, we are proactive and we act on security issues immediately. Report security issues to with an encrypted message using our security team’s GPG key (ID: 0x4013DDA7, fingerprint: 3CD2 A48F 2071 61C0 B9B7 1AE2 6170 15B8 4013 DDA7). Encryption CircleCI uses HTTPS or SSH for all networking in and out of our service including from the browser to our services application, from the services application to your builder fleet, from our builder fleet to your source control system, and all other points of communication. In short, none of your code or data travels to or from CircleCI without being encrypted unless you have code in your builds that does so at your discretion. Operators may also choose to go around our SSL configuration or not use TLS for communicating with underlying systems. The nature of CircleCI is that our software has access to your code and whatever data that code interacts with. All jobs on CircleCI run in a sandbox (specifically, a Docker container or an ephemeral VM) that stands alone from all other builds and is not accessible from the Internet or from your own network. The build agent pulls code via git over SSH. Your particular test suite or job configurations may call out to external services or integration points within your network, and the response from such calls will be pulled into your jobs and used by your code at your discretion. After a job is complete, the container that ran the job is destroyed and rebuilt. All environment variables are encrypted using Hashicorp Vault. Environment variables are encrypted using AES256-GCM96 and are unavailable to CircleCI employees. 51 52 CHAPTER 5. SECURITY Sandboxing With CircleCI you control the resources allocated to run the builds of your code. This will be done through instances of our builder boxes that set up the containers in which your builds will run. By their nature, build containers will pull down source code and run whatever test and deployment scripts are part of the code base or your configuration. The containers are sandboxed, each created and destroyed for one build only (or one slice of a parallel build), and they are not available from outside themselves. The CircleCI service provides the ability to SSH directly to a particular build container. When doing this a user will have complete access to any files or processes being run inside that build container, so provide access to CircleCI only to those also trusted with your source code. Integrations A few different external services and technology integration points touch CircleCI. The following list enumerates those integration points. • Web Sockets We use Pusher client libraries for WebSocket communication between the server and the browser, though for installs we use an internal server called slanger, so Pusher servers have no access to your instance of CircleCI nor your source control system. This is how we, for instance, update the builds list dynamically or show the output of a build line-by-line as it occurs. We send build status and lines of your build output through the web socket server (which unless you have configured your installation to run without SSL is done using the same certs over SSL), so it is encrypted in transit. • Replicated We use Replicated to manage the installation wizard, licensing keys, system audit logs, software updates, and other maintenance and systems tasks for CircleCI. Your instance of CircleCI communicates with Replicated servers to send license key information and version information to check for updates. Replicated does not have access to your data or other systems, and we do not send any of your data to Replicated. • Source Control Systems To use CircleCI you will set up a direct connection with your instance of GitHub Enterprise or When you set up CircleCI you authorize the system to check out your private repositories. You may revoke this permission at any time through your GitHub application settings page and by removing Circle’s Deploy Keys and Service Hooks from your repositories’ Admin pages. While CircleCI allows you to selectively build your projects, GitHub’s permissions model is “all or nothing” — CircleCI gets permission to access all of a user’s repositories or none of them. Your instance of CircleCI will have access to anything hosted in those git repositories and will create webhooks for a variety of events (eg: when code is pushed, when a user is added, etc.) that will call back to CircleCI, triggering one or more git commands that will pull down code to your build fleet. • Dependency and Source Caches Most CircleCI customers use S3 or equivalent cloudbased storage inside their private cloud infrastructure (Amazon VPC, etc) to store their dependency and source caches. These storage servers are subject to the normal security 53 parameters of anything stored on such services, meaning in most cases our customers prevent any outside access. • Artifacts It is common to use S3 or similar hosted storage for artifacts. Assuming these resources are secured per your normal policies they are as safe from any outside intrusion as any other data you store there. • iOS Builds If you are paying to run iOS builds on CircleCI hardware your source code will be downloaded to a build box on our macOS fleet where it will be compiled and any tests will be run. Similar to our primary build containers that you control, the iOS builds we run are sandboxed such that they cannot be accessed. Audit Logs The Audit Log feature is only available for CircleCI installed on your servers or private cloud. CircleCI logs important events in the system for audit and forensic analysis purposes. Audit logs are separarate from system logs that track performance and network metrics. Complete Audit logs may be downloaded from the Audit Log page within the Admin section of the application as a CSV file. Audit log fields with nested data contain JSON blobs. Note: In some situations, the internal machinery may generate duplicate events in the audit logs. The id field of the downloaded logs is unique per event and can be used to identify duplicate entries. Audit Log Events Following are the system events that are logged. See action in the Field section below for the definition and format. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • context.create context.delete context.env_var.delete project.env_var.create project.env_var.delete project.settings.update user.create user.logged_in user.logged_out workflow.job.approve workflow.job.finish workflow.job.scheduled workflow.job.start 54 CHAPTER 5. SECURITY Audit Log Fields • action: The action taken that created the event. The format is ASCII lowercase words separated by dots, with the entity acted upon first and the action taken last. In some cases entities are nested, for example, workflow.job.start. • actor: The actor who performed this event. In most cases this will be a CircleCI user. This data is a JSON blob that will always contain id and and type and will likely contain name. • target: The entity instance acted upon for this event, for example, a project, an org, an account, or a build. This data is a JSON blob that will always contain id and and type and will likely contain name. • payload: A JSON blob of action-specific information. The schema of the payload is expected to be consistent for all events with the same action and version. • occurred_at: When the event occurred in UTC expressed in ISO-8601 format with up to nine digits of fractional precision, for example ‘2017-12-21T13:50:54.474Z’. • metadata: A set of key/value pairs that can be attached to any event. All keys and values are strings. This can be used to add additional information to certain types of events. • id: A UUID that uniquely identifies this event. This is intended to allow consumers of events to identify duplicate deliveries. • version: Version of the event schema. Currently the value will always be 1. Later versions may have different values to accommodate schema changes. • scope: If the target is owned by an Account in the CircleCI domain model, the account field should be filled in with the Account name and ID. This data is a JSON blob that will always contain id and type and will likely contain name. • success: A flag to indicate if the action was successful. • request: If this event was triggered by an external request this data will be populated and may be used to connect events that originate from the same external request. The format is a JSON blob containing id (the request ID assigned to this request by CircleCI), ip_address (the original IP address in IPV4 dotted notation from which the request was made, eg., and client_trace_id (the client trace ID header, if present, from the ‘X-Client-Trace-Id’ HTTP header of the original request). Chapter 6 Troubleshooting This chapter answers frequently asked questions and provides installation troubleshooting tips. FAQ Can I monitor available build containers? Yes, refer to the Introduction to Nomad Cluster Operation document for details. Refer to the Administrative Variables, Monitoring, and Logging section for how to enable additional container monitoring for AWS. How do I provision admin users? The first user who logs in to the CircleCI application will automatically be designated an admin user. Options for designating additional admin users are found under the Users page in the Admin section at https://[domain-to-your-installation]/admin/users. How can I change my passphrase? 1. Change your passphrase on the system console (services box port 8800) settings page. 2. Restart the application. 3. Update CIRCLE_SECRET_PASSPHRASE in the init script that you use to add Nomad Clients to your fleet. 55 56 CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING New Nomad Clients joining the fleet will use the new passphrase. Existing Nomad Clients with the old passphrase will also continue functioning. But, it is best practice to restart these boxes as soon as you can to use the consistent passphrase across your fleet. How can I gracefully shutdown Nomad Clients? Refer to the Introduction to Nomad Cluster Operation chapter for details. Why is Test GitHub Authentication failing? This means that the GitHub Enterprise server is not returning the intermediate SSL certificates. Check your GitHub Enterprise instance with - it may report some missing intermediate certs. You can use commands like openssl to get the full certificate chain for your server. In some cases authentication fails when returning to the configuration page after it was successfully set up once. This is because the secret is encrypted, so when returning checking it will fail. How can I use HTTPS to access CircleCI? While CircleCI creates a self-signed cert when starting up, that certificate only applies to the management console and not the CircleCI product itself. If you want to use HTTPS, you’ll have to provide certificates to use under the Privacy section of the settings in the management console. Why doesn’t terraform destroy every resource? CircleCI sets the services box to have termination protection in AWS and also writes to an s3 bucket. If you want terraform to destroy every resource, you’ll have to either manually delete the instance, or turn off termination protection in the file. You’ll also need to empty the s3 bucket that was created as part of the terraform install. Do the Nomad Clients store any state? They can be torn down without worry as they don’t persist any data. How do I verify TLS settings are failing? Make sure that your keys are in unencrypted PEM format, and that the certificate includes the entire chain of trust as follows: FAQ 57 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----your_domain_name.crt -----END CERTIFICATE---------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----intermediate 1 -----END CERTIFICATE---------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----intermediate 2 -----END CERTIFICATE----... How do I debug the Management Console (Replicated)? If you’re experiencing any issues with Replicated, here are a few ways to debug it. Check the current version of Replicated installed First, make sure you have the CLI tool for Replicated installed: replicated -version Restart Replicated and the CircleCI app Try restarting Replicated services. You can do this by running the following commands on the service box for Ubuntu 14.04: sudo restart replicated-ui sudo restart replicated sudo restart replicated-agent For Ubuntu 16.04, run the following commands: sudo systemctl restart replicated-ui sudo systemctl restart replicated sudo systemctl restart replicated-operator Then, go to your services box admin (for example, https://YOUR-CCIE-INSTALL:8800) and try restarting with “Stop Now” and “Start Now”. Try to log into Replicated Try to log in to Replicated. You can do this by running the following commands on the service box. You will only be asked to enter password, which is the same one used to unlock the admin (i.e.: https://YOUR-CCIE-INSTALL:8800). replicated login 58 CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING If you could login, then please run the following command too and give us the output. sudo replicated apps You are getting Error: request returned Unauthorized for API route.. error probably because you are not logged into Replicated, so please check if you are still getting the error after successful login. Check Replicated logs You can find Replicated logs under /var/log/replicated. Check output of docker ps Replicated starts many Docker containers to run CCIE, so it may be useful to check what containers are running. You should see something similar to this output: sudo docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE eb2970306859 "circleci-service-run" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>3000/tcp,>6010/tcp,>8585/tcp service COMMAND api- 01d26714f5f5 "/service/docker-ent…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>9998/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>3000/tcp,>8585/tcp conductor 0cc6e4248cfb "/service/docker-ent…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>3000/tcp permissions-service workflows- FAQ 59 9e6efc98b7d6 service:0.1.680-1fcd8d2 26 hours ago Up 26 hours"circleci-service-run">4261/tcp cronservice 8c40bd1cecf6 "/service/docker-ent…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>3145/tcp,>8010/tcp,>8090/tcp federationsservice 71c71941684f "./docker-entrypoint…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>2718/tcp,>3011/tcp,>8091/tcp contexts-service 71ffeb230a90 "/service/docker-ent…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours service>3000/tcp domain- eb22d3c10dd8 "circleci-service-run" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours audit-log-service 243d9082e35c "/docker-entrypoint.…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>4434/tcp frontend af34ca3346a7 "circleci-service-run" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours picard-dispatcher 60 CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING fb0ee1b02d48 service:0.1.1370-ad05648"vm-service-service-…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>3000/tcp vm-service 3708dc80c63e "/scaler-entrypoint.…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours 77bc9d0b4ac9 ad05648>5432/tcp vm-scaler"docker-entrypoint.s…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>5432/tcp vm-gc 4b02f202a05d "output-processor-se…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>8585/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp picard-output-processor b8f982d32989 "/docker-entrypoint.…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>4434/tcp dispatcher 601c363a0c38 "/docker-entrypoint.…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>4434/tcp legacynotifier f2190c5f3aa9 "/" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>27017/tcp 3cbbd959f42e entrypoin…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>8125/udp,>8092/udp,>8094/tcp mongo "/tele FAQ 61 telegraf 15b090e8cc02 "circleci-service-run" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours picard-scheduler fb967bd3bca0 "/" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>4646-4648/tcp nomad 7e0743ee2bfc "circleci-service-run" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>2719/tcp,>3012/tcp test-results 0a95802c87dc "/docker-entrypoint.…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>4567/tcp,>8080/tcp slanger ca445870a057 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>5432/tcp postgres a563a228a93a "/server-ready-agent" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>8000/tcp ready-agent d6f9aaae5cf2 "bash -c /src/entryp…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours usage-stats 086a53d9a1a5 "/usr/bin/supervisor…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>2443/tcp,>8125/udp replicated-statsd cc5e062844be "/usr/local/bin/pyth…" 62 CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING 26 hours ago Up 26 hours musing_volhard 9609f04c2203 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>5672/tcp,>15672/tcp,>4369/tcp,>5671/tcp,>15671/tcp,>25672/tcp rabbitmq 2bc0cfe43639 f" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours hardcore_cray 79aa857e23b4 "./docker-entrypoint…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>8200-8201/tcp vault-cci b3e317c9d62f entrypoint.s…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>6379/tcp redis f2d3f77891f0 "/usr/local/bin/dock…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours nomad-metrics 1947a7038f24 entrypoint.s…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>6379/tcp slanger-redis 3899237a5782 "/docker-entrypoint.…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>25/tcp exim 97ebdb831a7e aud…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours 3000/tcp retracedprocessor "cro "docker "docker "/ FAQ 63 a0b806f3fad2 aud…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>3000/tcp retraced-api 19dec5045f6e c '/usr/lo…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours 3000/tcp retraced-cron 7b83a3a193da "docker-entrypoint.s…" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours 5432/tcp retracedpostgres 029e8f454890 "/bin/sh -c nsqd" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours 4150-4151/tcp, 4160-4161/tcp, 41704171/tcp retraced-nsqd 500619f53e80 26 hours ago Up 26 hours replicatedoperator e1c752b4bd6c d" 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>9874-9879/tcp replicated 1668846c1c7a 26 hours ago Up 26 hours>8800/tcp replicated-ui f958cf3e8762 3 weeks ago Up 26 hours >2443/tcp 80/tcp, 443/tcp, 2080/tcp, premkit Providing support with the output of sudo docker ps in service box will be helpful in diagnosing the problem. "/src/repli "/bin/sh - "/usr/bin/r " "/usr/bin/rep "/usr/bin/pr 64 CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting Server Installations This document describes an initial set of troubleshooting steps to take if you are having problems with your CircleCI installation on your private server. If your issue is not addressed below, please generate a support bundle and contact our Support Engineers by opening a support ticket. Debugging Queuing Builds If your Services component is fine, but builds are not running or all builds are queueing, follow the steps below. Check Dispatcher Logs for Errors 1. Run sudo docker logs dispatcher, if you see log output that is free of errors you may continue on the next step. If the logs dispatcher container does not exist or is down, start it by running the sudo docker start command and monitor the progress. The following output indicates that the logs dispatcher is up and running correctly: Jan 4 22:38:38.589:+0000 INFO dispatcher mode is on - no need for run-queue Jan 4 22:38:38.589:+0000 INFO queue 5a4ea0047d560d00011682dc: GERey/realitycheck/37 -> forwarded to run-queue Jan 4 22:38:38.589:+0000 INFO 5a4ea0047d560d00011682dc: publishing :usage-changed (:recur) event Jan 4 22:38:39.069:+0000 INFO queue got usage-queue event for 5a4ea0047d560d00011682dc (finished-build) If you see errors or do not see the above output, investigate the stack traces because they indicate that there is an issue with routing builds from 1.0 to 2.0. If there are errors in the output, then you may have a problem with routing builds to 1.0 or 2.0 builds. If you can run 1.0 builds, but not 2.0 builds, or if you can only run 2.0 builds and the log dispatcher is up and running, continue on to the next steps. TROUBLESHOOTING SERVER INSTALLATIONS 65 Check Picard-Dispatcher Logs for Errors 1. Run the sudo docker logs picard-dispatcher command. A healthy picarddispatcher should output the following: Jan Jan Jan Jan 9 19:32:33 INFO picard-dispatcher.init Still running... 9 19:34:33 INFO picard-dispatcher.init Still running... 9 19:34:44 INFO picard-dispatcher.core taking build=GERey/realitycheck/38 9 19:34:45 INFO circle.http.builds project GERey/realitycheck at revision 2c6179654541ee3d succcessfully fetched and parsed .circleci/config.yml picard-dispatcher.tasks build GERey/realitycheck/38 is using resource class {:cpu 2.0, :ram 4096, :class :medium} picard-dispatcher.tasks Computed tasks for build=GERey/realitycheck/38, stage=:write_artifacts, parallel=1 Jan 9 19:34:45 INFO picard-dispatcher.tasks build has matching jobs: build=GERey/realitycheck/38 parsed=:write_artifacts passed=:write_artifacts The output should be filled with the above messages. If it is a slow day and builds are not happening very often, the output will appear as follows: Jan 9 19:32:33.629:+0000 INFO picard-dispatcher.init Still running... As soon as you run a build, you should see the above message to indicate that it has been dispatched to the scheduler. If you do not see the above output or you have a stack trace in the picard-dispatcher container, contact CircleCI support. If you run a 2.0 build and do not see a message in the picard-dispatcher log output, it often indicates that a job is getting lost between the dispatcher and the picard dispatcher. 2. Stop and restart the CircleCI app in the Management Console at port 8800 to re-establish the connection between the two containers. Check Picard-Scheduler Logs for Errors 1. Run sudo docker logs picard-scheduler . The picard-scheduler schedules jobs and sends them to nomad through a direct connection. It does not actually handle queuing of the jobs in CircleCI. Check Nomad Node Status 1. Check to see if there are any nomad nodes by running the nomad node-status -allocs command and viewing the following output: 66 CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING ID DC Name Class ec2727c5 us-east-1 ip-127-0-0-1 Drain Status Running Allocs linux-64bit false ready 0 If you do not see any nomad clients listed, please consult our nomad guide for more detailed information on managing and troubleshooting the nomad server. Note: DC in the output stands for datacenter and will always print us-east-1 and should be left as such. It doesn’t affect or break anything. The things that are the most important are the Drain, Status, and Allocs columns. • Drain - If Drain is true then CircleCI will not route jobs to that nomad client. It is possible to change this value by running the following command nomad node-drain [options] . If you set Drain to true, it will finish the jobs that were currently running and then stop accepting builds. After the number of allocations reaches 0, it is safe to terminate instance. If Drain is set to false it means the node is accepting connections and should be getting builds. • Status - If Status is ready then it is ready to accept builds and should be wired up correctly. If it is not wired up correctly it will not show ready and it should be investigated because a node that is not showing ready in the Status will not accept builds. • Allocs - Allocs is a term used to refer to builds. So, the number of Running Allocs is the number of builds running on a single node. This number inidicates whether builds are routing. If all of the Builders have Running Allocs, but your job is still queued, that means you do not have enough capacity and you need to add more Builders to your fleet. If you see output like the above, but your builds are still queued, then continue to the next step. Check Job Processing Status 1. Run the sudo docker exec -it nomad nomad status command to view the jobs that are currently being processed. It should list the status of each job as well as the ID of the job, as follows: ID Type Priority 5a4ea06b7d560d000116830f-0-build-GERey-realitycheck-1 5a4ea0c9fa4f8c0001b6401b-0-build-GERey-realitycheck-2 5a4ea0cafa4f8c0001b6401c-0-build-GERey-realitycheck-3 Status batch 50 batch 50 batch 50 After a job has completed, the Status shows dead. This is a regular state for jobs. If the status shows running, the job is currently running. This should appear in the CircleCI app builds dashboard. If it is not appearing in the app, there may be a problem with the output-processor. Run the docker logs picard-output-processor command and check the logs for any obvious stack traces. 1. If the job is in a constant pending state with no allocations being made, run the sudo docker exec -it nomad nomad status JOB_ID command to see where Nomad is stuck and then refer to standard Nomad Cluster error documentation for information. dead dead dead TROUBLESHOOTING SERVER INSTALLATIONS 67 2. If the job is running/dead but the CircelCI app shows nothing: • Check the Nomad job logs by running the sudo docker exec -it nomad nomad logs --stderr --job JOB_ID command. Note: The use of --stderr is to print the specific error if one exists. • Run the picard-output-processor command to check those logs for specific errors. Jobs stay in queued status until they fail and never successfully run. • Check port 8585 if the nomad client logs contain the following type of error message: {"error":"rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = grpc: the connection is unavailable","level":"warning","msg":"error fetching config, retrying","time":"2018-04-17T18:47:01Z"} 68 CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING Chapter 7 Appendix System Requirements This section defines the system requirements for installing CircleCI v2.16. Services Machine The Services machine hosts the core of the Server product, including the user-facing website, API engine, datastores, and Nomad job scheduler. It is best practice to use an isolated machine. The following table defines the Services machine CPU, RAM, and disk space requirements: Number of daily active CircleCI users CPU RAM Disk space NIC speed <50 50-250 251-1000 1001-5000 5000+ 8 cores 12 cores 16 cores 20 cores 24 cores 32GB 64GB 128GB 256GB 512GB 100GB 200GB 500GB 1TB 2TB 1Gbps 1Gbps 10Gbps 10Gbps 10Gbps Nomad Clients Nomad client machines run the CircleCI jobs that were scheduled by the Services machine. Following are the Minimum CPU, RAM, and disk space requirements per client: • • • • CPU: 4 cores RAM: 16GB Disk space: 100GB NIC speed: 1Gbps 69 70 CHAPTER 7. APPENDIX The following table defines the number of Nomad clients to make available as a best practice. Scale up and down according to demand on your system: Number of daily active CircleCI users Number of Nomad client machines <50 50-250 250-1000 5000+ 1-5 5-10 10-15 15+ Server Ports Following is the list of ports for machines in a CircleCI 2.0 installation: Machine type Port number Protocol Direction Source / destination Services Machine 80 TCP Inbound End users 443 TCP Inbound 7171 TCP Inbound 8081 TCP Inbound 22 8800 TCP TCP Inbound Inbound 8125 UDP Inbound 8125 UDP Inbound 8125 UDP Inbound Use HTTP web app traffic End users HTTPS web app traffic End users Artifacts access End users Artifacts access AdministratorsSSH AdministratorsAdmin console Nomad Metrics Clients Metrics Nomad Servers All Database Servers Metrics Notes Only if using externalised Nomad Servers Only if using externalised databases SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 71 Machine type Port number Protocol Direction Services Machine 4647 TCP 8585 TCP 7171 TCP 3001 TCP 80 TCP Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional 443 TCP Bidirectional 80 TCP Outbound 443 TCP Outbound 5432 TCP Outbound Source / destination Nomad Clients Nomad Clients Nomad Clients Nomad Clients GitHub Enterprise / (whichever applies) GitHub Enterprise / (whichever applies) AWS API endpoints Use Notes Internal communication Internal communication Internal communication Internal communication Webhooks / API access Webhooks / API access API access Only if running on AWS AWS API API access Only if endpoints running on AWS PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Only if using exServers database ternalised connection databases. Port is userdefined, assuming the default PostgreSQL port. 72 CHAPTER 7. APPENDIX Machine type Port number Protocol Direction Services Machine 27017 TCP Outbound 5672 TCP 6379 Source / destination Use Notes MongoDB Servers MongoDB database connection Outbound RabbitMQ Servers RabbitMQ connection TCP Outbound Redis Servers Redis connection 4647 TCP Outbound Nomad Servers Nomad Server connection 443 TCP Outbound CloudWatch Endpoints Metrics Only if using externalised databases. Port is userdefined, assuming the default MongoDB port. Only if using externalised RabbitMQ Only if using externalised Redis Only if using externalised Nomad Servers Only if using AWS CloudWatch Protocol Direction Source / destination 6453565535 TCP Inbound End users 80 TCP Inbound 443 TCP Inbound 22 TCP Inbound Machine type Port number Nomad Clients Use SSH into builds feature AdministratorsCircleCI Admin API access AdministratorsCircleCI Admin API access AdministratorsSSH Notes SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Machine type Machine type 73 Port number Protocol Direction 22 TCP Outbound 4647 TCP 8585 TCP 7171 TCP 3001 TCP 443 TCP Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Bidirectional Outbound 53 UDP Outbound Port number GitHub 22 Enterprise / (whichever applies) Protocol Direction TCP Inbound Source / destination GitHub Enterprise / (whichever applies) Services Machine Services Machine Services Machine Services Machine Cloud Storage Provider Internal DNS Server Source / destination Services Machine Use Notes Download Code From Github. Internal communication Internal communication Internal communication Internal communication Artifacts Only if storage using external artifacts storage DNS This is to resolution make sure that your jobs can resolve all DNS names that are needed for their correct operation Use Git access Notes 74 Machine type Machine type CHAPTER 7. APPENDIX Source / destination Port number Protocol Direction 22 TCP Inbound 80 TCP Inbound 443 TCP Inbound 80 TCP Bidirectional Nomad Clients Nomad Clients Nomad Clients Services Machine 443 TCP Bidirectional Services Machine Protocol Direction Source / destination Use Notes TCP Bidirectional PostgreSQL Servers PostgreSQL replication Only if using externalised databases. Port is userdefined, assuming the default PostgreSQL port. Port number PostgreSQL 5432 Servers Use Notes Git access API access API access Webhooks / API access Webhooks / API access SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 75 Direction Source / destination Use Notes Bidirectional MongoDB Servers MongoDB replication Only if using externalised databases. Port is userdefined, assuming the default MongoDB port. Protocol Direction Source / destination Use Notes 5672 TCP Inbound Services Machine RabbitMQ connection 5672 TCP Bidirectional RabbitMQ Servers RabbitMQ mirroring Only if using externalised RabbitMQ Only if using externalised RabbitMQ Source / destination Use Notes Only if using externalised Redis Only if using externalised Redis and using Redis replication (optional) Machine type Port number Protocol MongoDB Servers 27017 TCP Machine type Port number RabbitMQ Servers Machine type Port number Protocol Direction Redis Servers 6379 TCP Inbound Services Machine Redis connection 6379 TCP Bidirectional Redis Servers Redis replication 76 CHAPTER 7. APPENDIX Source / destination Machine type Port number Protocol Direction Nomad Servers 4646 TCP Inbound Services Machine 4647 TCP Inbound Services Machine 4648 TCP Bidirectional Nomad Servers Use Nomad Server connection Notes Only if using externalised Nomad Servers Nomad Only if Server using exconnection ternalised Nomad Servers Nomad Only if Servers using exinternal ternalised communicationNomad Servers

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Title                           : CircleCI Server v2.16 Operations Guide
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